[libfox95] 01/01: Imported Upstream version 4.1.2

Yann Pouillon pouillon-guest at alioth.debian.org
Tue Oct 15 17:29:46 UTC 2013

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

pouillon-guest pushed a commit to branch master
in repository libfox95.

commit cf8855e7bbbd885d69cb6f27c2a3af7471bc8b25
Author: Yann Pouillon <yann.pouillon at gmail.com>
Date:   Tue Oct 15 19:26:10 2013 +0200

    Imported Upstream version 4.1.2
 .gitignore                                         |   55 +
 CMakeLists.txt                                     |  107 +
 Changelog                                          |   94 +
 DoX/AttributeDictionaries.html                     |  206 +
 DoX/AttributeDictionaries.md                       |  152 +
 DoX/Compilation.html                               |  129 +
 DoX/Compilation.md                                 |  102 +
 DoX/Debugging.html                                 |   73 +
 DoX/Debugging.md                                   |   58 +
 DoX/DoX.css                                        |   53 +
 DoX/Embedding.html                                 |  131 +
 DoX/Embedding.md                                   |  111 +
 DoX/FoX.html                                       |   97 +
 DoX/FoX.md                                         |   73 +
 DoX/FoX_DoX.html                                   | 3740 +
 DoX/FoX_common.html                                |   46 +
 DoX/FoX_common.md                                  |   29 +
 DoX/FoX_dom.html                                   |  735 +
 DoX/FoX_dom.md                                     |  651 +
 DoX/FoX_sax.html                                   |  575 +
 DoX/FoX_sax.md                                     |  492 +
 DoX/FoX_utils.html                                 |  155 +
 DoX/FoX_utils.md                                   |  143 +
 DoX/FoX_wcml.html                                  |  447 +
 DoX/FoX_wcml.md                                    |  374 +
 DoX/FoX_wkml.html                                  |  441 +
 DoX/FoX_wkml.md                                    |  384 +
 DoX/FoX_wxml.html                                  |  453 +
 DoX/FoX_wxml.md                                    |  383 +
 DoX/Information.html                               |   24 +
 DoX/Information.md                                 |   12 +
 DoX/Licensing.html                                 |   82 +
 DoX/Licensing.md                                   |   72 +
 DoX/Standards.html                                 |   47 +
 DoX/Standards.md                                   |   35 +
 DoX/StringConversion.html                          |   89 +
 DoX/StringConversion.md                            |   72 +
 DoX/StringFormatting.html                          |  141 +
 DoX/StringFormatting.md                            |  121 +
 DoX/Versioning.html                                |   37 +
 DoX/Versioning.md                                  |   27 +
 DoX/head                                           |    9 +
 DoX/index.html                                     |    1 +
 DoX/makefile                                       |   21 +
 DoX/tail                                           |    3 +
 FoX-config.in                                      |  130 +
 LICENSE                                            |   71 +
 Makefile                                           |  174 +
 README.FoX.txt                                     |   13 +
 RELEASE                                            |   18 +
 arch.make.in                                       |   43 +
 cmake/CMakeLists.txt                               |   43 +
 cmake/CheckAbortIntrinsic.cmake                    |   64 +
 cmake/CheckAssociatedBug.cmake                     |   16 +
 cmake/CheckFlushIntrinsic.cmake                    |   64 +
 cmake/DetermineEOL.cmake                           |   22 +
 cmake/Fortran_Have_Flush.cmake                     |    7 +
 cmake/abort_bare.f90                               |    4 +
 cmake/abort_intel.f90                              |    4 +
 cmake/abort_nag.f90                                |    5 +
 cmake/abort_xlf.f90                                |    4 +
 cmake/associated_bug.f90                           |    6 +
 cmake/flush_bare.f90                               |    5 +
 cmake/flush_nag.f90                                |    6 +
 cmake/flush_xlf.f90                                |    5 +
 cmake/output_eol.f90                               |   52 +
 common/CMakeLists.txt                              |   38 +
 common/FoX_common.F90                              |   55 +
 common/m_common_attrs.F90                          | 1081 +
 common/m_common_buffer.F90                         |  261 +
 common/m_common_charset.F90                        |  447 +
 common/m_common_content_model.F90                  |  490 +
 common/m_common_element.F90                        | 1645 +
 common/m_common_elstack.F90                        |  236 +
 common/m_common_entities.F90                       |  475 +
 common/m_common_entity_expand.F90                  |   86 +
 common/m_common_error.F90                          |  211 +
 common/m_common_io.F90                             |  102 +
 common/m_common_namecheck.F90                      |  501 +
 common/m_common_namespaces.F90                     |  830 +
 common/m_common_notations.F90                      |  120 +
 common/m_common_struct.F90                         |  121 +
 common/makefile                                    |   59 +
 common/test/Makefile                               |   12 +
 common/test/run_tests.sh                           |  325 +
 common/test/test.sh                                |   68 +
 common/test/test_common_namecheck.sh               |    7 +
 common/test/test_input.f90                         |  846 +
 common/test/test_input.out                         |   86 +
 common/test/test_str.f90.in                        |   11 +
 common/test/test_str.sh                            |   24 +
 common/test/test_xml_namecheck.sh                  |    7 +
 common/test/test_xml_namecheck_1.f90               |   24 +
 common/test/test_xml_namecheck_1.out               |   10 +
 common/test/test_xml_namecheck_10.f90              |   42 +
 common/test/test_xml_namecheck_10.out              |   28 +
 common/test/test_xml_namecheck_2.f90               |   24 +
 common/test/test_xml_namecheck_2.out               |   10 +
 common/test/test_xml_namecheck_3.f90.fix           |   20 +
 common/test/test_xml_namecheck_3.out               |   10 +
 common/test/test_xml_namecheck_4.f90               |   15 +
 common/test/test_xml_namecheck_4.out               |    6 +
 common/test/test_xml_namecheck_5.f90               |   28 +
 common/test/test_xml_namecheck_5.out               |   14 +
 common/test/test_xml_namecheck_6.f90               |   15 +
 common/test/test_xml_namecheck_6.out               |    4 +
 common/test/test_xml_namecheck_7.f90               |   16 +
 common/test/test_xml_namecheck_7.out               |    5 +
 common/test/test_xml_namecheck_8.f90               |   62 +
 common/test/test_xml_namecheck_8.out               |   48 +
 common/test/test_xml_namecheck_9.f90               |   40 +
 common/test/test_xml_namecheck_9.out               |   22 +
 config/aclocal.m4                                  | 4916 +
 config/config.guess                                | 1510 +
 config/config.sub                                  | 1619 +
 config/configure.ac                                |  210 +
 config/install-sh                                  |  507 +
 config/m4/TW_CHECK_ASSOCIATED_BUG.m4               |   81 +
 config/m4/TW_CHECK_FC_90.m4                        |   94 +
 config/m4/TW_CHECK_FC_95.m4                        |  115 +
 config/m4/TW_CHECK_FC_FPP.m4                       |   84 +
 config/m4/TW_CHECK_FC_FPP_90.m4                    |   89 +
 config/m4/TW_CHECK_FC_TR15580.m4                   |   82 +
 config/m4/TW_CHECK_FC_TR15581.m4                   |   94 +
 config/m4/TW_FC_CHECK_ABORT.m4                     |  134 +
 config/m4/TW_FC_CHECK_EOL.m4                       |  184 +
 config/m4/TW_FC_CHECK_FLUSH.m4                     |  113 +
 config/m4/TW_FC_ID.m4                              |  134 +
 config/m4/TW_FC_ID_FLAGS.m4                        |  115 +
 config/m4/TW_FC_KINDS.m4                           |  225 +
 config/m4/TW_PATH_NETCDF.m4                        |   90 +
 config/m4/TW_PROG_CYGPATH_W.m4                     |   59 +
 config/m4/fortran.m4                               | 3134 +
 config/m4/lang.m4                                  |   90 +
 config/makefile                                    |   17 +
 configure                                          | 7442 +
 dom/CMakeLists.txt                                 |  109 +
 dom/FoX_dom.f90                                    |  261 +
 dom/m_dom_attribute.m4                             |   79 +
 dom/m_dom_character_data.m4                        |  243 +
 dom/m_dom_common.m4                                |   71 +
 dom/m_dom_configuration.m4                         |  295 +
 dom/m_dom_document.m4                              | 1421 +
 dom/m_dom_document_type.m4                         |   90 +
 dom/m_dom_dom.F90                                  |12321 ++
 dom/m_dom_dom.m4                                   |   68 +
 dom/m_dom_element.m4                               |  606 +
 dom/m_dom_entity.m4                                |   22 +
 dom/m_dom_error.f90                                |  211 +
 dom/m_dom_exception.m4                             |   96 +
 dom/m_dom_extras.F90                               | 2376 +
 dom/m_dom_extras.m4                                |  188 +
 dom/m_dom_implementation.m4                        |  213 +
 dom/m_dom_namednodemap.m4                          |  439 +
 dom/m_dom_namespaces.m4                            |  375 +
 dom/m_dom_node.m4                                  | 1722 +
 dom/m_dom_nodelist.m4                              |  197 +
 dom/m_dom_object.m4                                |  141 +
 dom/m_dom_parse.f90                                |  577 +
 dom/m_dom_parse.m4                                 |  570 +
 dom/m_dom_processing_instruction.m4                |   11 +
 dom/m_dom_text.m4                                  |   69 +
 dom/m_dom_treewalk.m4                              |  159 +
 dom/m_dom_types.m4                                 |  287 +
 dom/m_dom_utils.f90                                |  433 +
 dom/m_dom_utils.m4                                 |  330 +
 dom/makefile                                       |   49 +
 examples/CMakeLists.txt                            |   63 +
 examples/Makefile                                  |   47 +
 examples/dom_canonicalize.ns.no.f90                |   36 +
 examples/dom_canonicalize.ns.yes.f90               |   41 +
 examples/dom_configuration.f90                     |   72 +
 examples/dom_example_2.f90                         |   45 +
 examples/dom_example_3.f90                         |   26 +
 examples/h2o.xml                                   |  899 +
 examples/sax_example.f90                           |  298 +
 examples/sax_example_2.f90                         |  135 +
 examples/staffNS.dtd                               |   45 +
 examples/staffNS.xml                               |   59 +
 examples/wcml_example.f90                          |  105 +
 examples/wkml_example.f90                          |   34 +
 examples/wkml_example_input.txt                    |   10 +
 examples/wxml_example.f90                          |   84 +
 examples/xml_output_module.f90                     |   57 +
 examples/xml_output_program.f90                    |   15 +
 fsys/CMakeLists.txt                                |   32 +
 fsys/fox_m_fsys_abort_flush.F90                    |  119 +
 fsys/fox_m_fsys_array_str.F90                      |   90 +
 fsys/fox_m_fsys_count_parse_input.F90              |  561 +
 fsys/fox_m_fsys_count_parse_input.m4               |  440 +
 fsys/fox_m_fsys_format.F90                         | 2250 +
 fsys/fox_m_fsys_parse_input.F90                    | 2204 +
 fsys/fox_m_fsys_parse_input.m4                     |  927 +
 fsys/fox_m_fsys_realtypes.f90                      |   12 +
 fsys/fox_m_fsys_string.F90                         |   35 +
 fsys/fox_m_fsys_string_list.F90                    |  191 +
 fsys/m_ieee.f90                                    |   17 +
 fsys/makefile                                      |   37 +
 m4/common.m4                                       |   30 +
 m4/datatypes.m4                                    |   21 +
 m4/foreach.m4                                      |   11 +
 m4/quantity.m4                                     |  106 +
 release.sh                                         |   49 +
 sax/CMakeLists.txt                                 |   33 +
 sax/ChangeLog                                      |  161 +
 sax/FoX_sax.f90                                    |   34 +
 sax/m_sax_operate.F90                              |  313 +
 sax/m_sax_parser.F90                               | 3027 +
 sax/m_sax_reader.F90                               |  402 +
 sax/m_sax_tokenizer.F90                            | 1185 +
 sax/m_sax_types.F90                                |  161 +
 sax/m_sax_xml_source.F90                           |  438 +
 sax/makefile                                       |   34 +
 sax/test/Makefile                                  |   21 +
 sax/test/SAX_test.xml                              |   51 +
 sax/test/input_1.xml                               |   51 +
 sax/test/input_2.xml                               |   53 +
 sax/test/input_3.xml                               |   53 +
 sax/test/m_canonicalize.f90                        |  120 +
 sax/test/m_handlers.f90                            |  120 +
 sax/test/passed.sh                                 |   11 +
 sax/test/run_tests.sh                              |   21 +
 sax/test/sax_valid.ns.no.f90                       |   56 +
 sax/test/sax_valid.ns.yes.f90                      |   56 +
 sax/test/sax_well_formed.ns.no.f90                 |   55 +
 sax/test/sax_well_formed.ns.yes.f90                |   55 +
 sax/test/test.sh                                   |    1 +
 sax/test/test2.xml                                 |    2 +
 sax/test/test_sax_fsm_1.in                         |    2 +
 sax/test/test_sax_parser.sh                        |    7 +
 sax/test/test_sax_parser_1.f90                     |   26 +
 sax/test/test_sax_parser_1.out                     |    3 +
 sax/test/test_sax_parser_2.f90                     |   24 +
 sax/test/test_sax_parser_2.out                     |   19 +
 sax/test/test_sax_parser_3.f90                     |   23 +
 sax/test/test_sax_parser_3.out                     |   27 +
 sax/test/test_sax_reader.sh                        |    7 +
 sax/test/test_sax_reader_1.f90                     |   18 +
 sax/test/test_sax_reader_1.in                      |    1 +
 sax/test/test_sax_reader_1.out                     |    2 +
 sax/test/test_sax_reader_10.f90                    |   26 +
 sax/test/test_sax_reader_10.in                     |   51 +
 sax/test/test_sax_reader_10.out                    |    6 +
 sax/test/test_sax_reader_11.f90.fix                |   39 +
 sax/test/test_sax_reader_11.out                    |    7 +
 sax/test/test_sax_reader_11a.in                    |    8 +
 sax/test/test_sax_reader_11b.in                    |   53 +
 sax/test/test_sax_reader_12.f90.fix                |   46 +
 sax/test/test_sax_reader_12.out                    |    8 +
 sax/test/test_sax_reader_12a.in                    |   51 +
 sax/test/test_sax_reader_12b.in                    |   53 +
 sax/test/test_sax_reader_13.f90.fix                |   33 +
 sax/test/test_sax_reader_13.in                     |    1 +
 sax/test/test_sax_reader_13.out                    |    6 +
 sax/test/test_sax_reader_13b.in                    |    2 +
 sax/test/test_sax_reader_14.f90.fix                |   32 +
 sax/test/test_sax_reader_14.in                     |    1 +
 sax/test/test_sax_reader_14.out                    |    6 +
 sax/test/test_sax_reader_14b.in                    |    2 +
 sax/test/test_sax_reader_15.f90.fix                |   31 +
 sax/test/test_sax_reader_2.f90                     |   18 +
 sax/test/test_sax_reader_2.in                      |    1 +
 sax/test/test_sax_reader_2.out                     |    2 +
 sax/test/test_sax_reader_3.f90                     |   25 +
 sax/test/test_sax_reader_3.in                      |    1 +
 sax/test/test_sax_reader_3.out                     |    3 +
 sax/test/test_sax_reader_4.f90                     |   20 +
 sax/test/test_sax_reader_4.in                      |    1 +
 sax/test/test_sax_reader_4.out                     |    2 +
 sax/test/test_sax_reader_5.f90                     |   20 +
 sax/test/test_sax_reader_5.in                      |    1 +
 sax/test/test_sax_reader_5.out                     |    2 +
 sax/test/testin.xml                                |   60 +
 utils/CMakeLists.txt                               |   25 +
 utils/FoX_utils.f90                                |   22 +
 utils/fox_m_utils_mtprng.F90                       |  360 +
 utils/fox_m_utils_uri.F90                          | 1013 +
 utils/fox_m_utils_uuid.F90                         |  247 +
 utils/makefile                                     |   28 +
 utils/test/Makefile                                |   12 +
 utils/test/run_tests.sh                            |   20 +
 utils/test/test.sh                                 |   68 +
 utils/test/test_URI.f90                            |   25 +
 utils/test/test_URI.out                            |   13 +
 utils/test/test_UUID.f90                           |   89 +
 utils/test/test_UUID.out                           |   12 +
 utils/test/test_baseURI.f90                        |   58 +
 utils/test/test_baseURI.out                        |  171 +
 utils/test/test_nullURI.f90                        |   61 +
 utils/test/test_nullURI.out                        |  129 +
 utils/test/test_rfc2396.f90                        |  139 +
 utils/test/test_rfc2396.out                        |   42 +
 utils/test/test_rfc2396b.f90                       |  131 +
 utils/test/test_rfc2396b.out                       |   40 +
 wcml/CMakeLists.txt                                |  111 +
 wcml/FoX_wcml.f90                                  |   75 +
 wcml/m_wcml_coma.F90                               |  674 +
 wcml/m_wcml_coma.m4                                |  344 +
 wcml/m_wcml_core.F90                               |  127 +
 wcml/m_wcml_geometry.F90                           |  156 +
 wcml/m_wcml_geometry.m4                            |  102 +
 wcml/m_wcml_lattice.F90                            |  242 +
 wcml/m_wcml_lattice.m4                             |  148 +
 wcml/m_wcml_lists.F90                              |  282 +
 wcml/m_wcml_lists.m4                               |  115 +
 wcml/m_wcml_metadata.F90                           |   38 +
 wcml/m_wcml_molecule.F90                           | 1644 +
 wcml/m_wcml_molecule.m4                            |  786 +
 wcml/m_wcml_parameter.F90                          | 1262 +
 wcml/m_wcml_parameter.m4                           |    5 +
 wcml/m_wcml_property.F90                           | 1122 +
 wcml/m_wcml_property.m4                            |    4 +
 wcml/m_wcml_stml.F90                               | 1001 +
 wcml/m_wcml_stml.m4                                |  144 +
 wcml/makefile                                      |   47 +
 wcml/test/Makefile                                 |   12 +
 wcml/test/passed.sh                                |   11 +
 wcml/test/run_tests.sh                             |   18 +
 wcml/test/test.sh                                  |    1 +
 wcml/test/test_cml.sh                              |    7 +
 wcml/test/test_cmlAddBandList.sh                   |    1 +
 wcml/test/test_cmlAddBandList_1.f90                |   14 +
 wcml/test/test_cmlAddBandList_1.xml                |    8 +
 wcml/test/test_cmlAddBandList_2.f90                |   14 +
 wcml/test/test_cmlAddBandList_2.xml                |    8 +
 wcml/test/test_cmlAddBandList_3.f90                |   14 +
 wcml/test/test_cmlAddBandList_3.xml                |    8 +
 wcml/test/test_cmlAddBandList_4.f90                |   14 +
 wcml/test/test_cmlAddBandList_4.xml                |    8 +
 wcml/test/test_cmlAddCrystal.sh                    |    1 +
 wcml/test/test_cmlAddCrystal_1.f90                 |   22 +
 wcml/test/test_cmlAddCrystal_1.xml                 |    7 +
 wcml/test/test_cmlAddCrystal_2.f90                 |   22 +
 wcml/test/test_cmlAddCrystal_2.xml                 |    7 +
 wcml/test/test_cmlAddEigenValue.sh                 |    1 +
 wcml/test/test_cmlAddEigenValueVector.sh           |    1 +
 wcml/test/test_cmlAddEigenValueVector_1.f90        |   17 +
 wcml/test/test_cmlAddEigenValueVector_1.xml        |    9 +
 wcml/test/test_cmlAddEigenValueVector_2.f90        |   17 +
 wcml/test/test_cmlAddEigenValueVector_2.xml        |    9 +
 wcml/test/test_cmlAddEigenValueVector_3.f90        |   17 +
 wcml/test/test_cmlAddEigenValueVector_3.xml        |    9 +
 wcml/test/test_cmlAddEigenValueVector_4.f90        |   17 +
 wcml/test/test_cmlAddEigenValueVector_4.xml        |    9 +
 wcml/test/test_cmlAddEigenValue_1.f90              |   16 +
 wcml/test/test_cmlAddEigenValue_1.xml              |    8 +
 wcml/test/test_cmlAddEigenValue_2.f90              |   16 +
 wcml/test/test_cmlAddEigenValue_2.xml              |    8 +
 wcml/test/test_cmlAddKpoint.sh                     |    1 +
 wcml/test/test_cmlAddKpoint_1.f90                  |   14 +
 wcml/test/test_cmlAddKpoint_1.xml                  |    4 +
 wcml/test/test_cmlAddKpoint_2.f90                  |   14 +
 wcml/test/test_cmlAddKpoint_2.xml                  |    4 +
 wcml/test/test_cmlAddKpoint_3.f90                  |   14 +
 wcml/test/test_cmlAddKpoint_3.xml                  |    4 +
 wcml/test/test_cmlAddKpoint_4.f90                  |   14 +
 wcml/test/test_cmlAddKpoint_4.xml                  |    4 +
 wcml/test/test_cmlAddLattice.sh                    |    1 +
 wcml/test/test_cmlAddLattice_1.f90                 |   23 +
 wcml/test/test_cmlAddLattice_1.xml                 |    8 +
 wcml/test/test_cmlAddLattice_2.f90                 |   23 +
 wcml/test/test_cmlAddLattice_2.xml                 |    8 +
 wcml/test/test_cmlAddMetadata.sh                   |    1 +
 wcml/test/test_cmlAddMetadata_1.f90                |   15 +
 wcml/test/test_cmlAddMetadata_1.xml                |    4 +
 wcml/test/test_cmlAddMolecule.sh                   |    1 +
 wcml/test/test_cmlAddMolecule_1.f90                |   27 +
 wcml/test/test_cmlAddMolecule_1.xml                |   11 +
 wcml/test/test_cmlAddMolecule_10.f90               |   30 +
 wcml/test/test_cmlAddMolecule_10.xml               |   16 +
 wcml/test/test_cmlAddMolecule_11.f90               |   30 +
 wcml/test/test_cmlAddMolecule_11.out               |    2 +
 wcml/test/test_cmlAddMolecule_12.f90               |   29 +
 wcml/test/test_cmlAddMolecule_12.out               |    2 +
 wcml/test/test_cmlAddMolecule_13.f90               |   29 +
 wcml/test/test_cmlAddMolecule_13.out               |    2 +
 wcml/test/test_cmlAddMolecule_2.f90                |   27 +
 wcml/test/test_cmlAddMolecule_2.xml                |   11 +
 wcml/test/test_cmlAddMolecule_3.f90                |   27 +
 wcml/test/test_cmlAddMolecule_3.xml                |   23 +
 wcml/test/test_cmlAddMolecule_4.f90                |   27 +
 wcml/test/test_cmlAddMolecule_4.xml                |   11 +
 wcml/test/test_cmlAddMolecule_5.f90                |   27 +
 wcml/test/test_cmlAddMolecule_5.xml                |   11 +
 wcml/test/test_cmlAddMolecule_6.f90                |   27 +
 wcml/test/test_cmlAddMolecule_6.xml                |   23 +
 wcml/test/test_cmlAddMolecule_7.f90                |   29 +
 wcml/test/test_cmlAddMolecule_7.xml                |   11 +
 wcml/test/test_cmlAddMolecule_8.f90                |   30 +
 wcml/test/test_cmlAddMolecule_8.xml                |   17 +
 wcml/test/test_cmlAddMolecule_9.f90                |   29 +
 wcml/test/test_cmlAddMolecule_9.xml                |   16 +
 wcml/test/test_cmlAddNamespace.sh                  |    1 +
 wcml/test/test_cmlAddNamespace_0.f90               |   11 +
 wcml/test/test_cmlAddNamespace_0.out               |    2 +
 wcml/test/test_cmlAddNamespace_1.f90               |   13 +
 wcml/test/test_cmlAddNamespace_1.out               |    3 +
 wcml/test/test_cmlAddNamespace_2.f90               |   14 +
 wcml/test/test_cmlAddNamespace_2.xml               |    3 +
 wcml/test/test_cmlAddNamespace_3.f90               |   14 +
 wcml/test/test_cmlAddNamespace_3.out               |    2 +
 wcml/test/test_cmlAddParameter.sh                  |    1 +
 wcml/test/test_cmlAddParameter_1.f90               |   15 +
 wcml/test/test_cmlAddParameter_1.xml               |    6 +
 wcml/test/test_cmlAddParameter_10.f90              |   15 +
 wcml/test/test_cmlAddParameter_10.xml              |    6 +
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 wxml/test/test_xml_AddParameterEntity_3.f90        |   16 +
 wxml/test/test_xml_AddParameterEntity_3.out        |    2 +
 wxml/test/test_xml_AddParameterEntity_4.f90        |   16 +
 wxml/test/test_xml_AddParameterEntity_4.out        |    2 +
 wxml/test/test_xml_AddParameterEntity_5.f90        |   16 +
 wxml/test/test_xml_AddParameterEntity_5.out        |    2 +
 wxml/test/test_xml_AddParameterEntity_6.f90        |   16 +
 wxml/test/test_xml_AddParameterEntity_6.xml        |    5 +
 wxml/test/test_xml_AddParameterEntity_7.f90        |   16 +
 wxml/test/test_xml_AddParameterEntity_7.xml        |    5 +
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 wxml/test/test_xml_AddPseudoAttribute_3.out        |    3 +
 wxml/test/test_xml_AddPseudoAttribute_4.f90        |   15 +
 wxml/test/test_xml_AddPseudoAttribute_4.out        |    2 +
 wxml/test/test_xml_AddPseudoAttribute_5.f90        |   15 +
 wxml/test/test_xml_AddPseudoAttribute_5.out        |    3 +
 .../test_xml_AddPseudoAttribute_overload_1.f90     |   15 +
 .../test_xml_AddPseudoAttribute_overload_1.xml     |    3 +
 .../test_xml_AddPseudoAttribute_overload_10.f90    |   15 +
 .../test_xml_AddPseudoAttribute_overload_10.xml    |    3 +
 .../test_xml_AddPseudoAttribute_overload_11.f90    |   15 +
 .../test_xml_AddPseudoAttribute_overload_11.xml    |    3 +
 .../test_xml_AddPseudoAttribute_overload_12.f90    |   15 +
 .../test_xml_AddPseudoAttribute_overload_12.xml    |    3 +
 .../test_xml_AddPseudoAttribute_overload_13.f90    |   15 +
 .../test_xml_AddPseudoAttribute_overload_13.xml    |    3 +
 .../test_xml_AddPseudoAttribute_overload_14.f90    |   18 +
 .../test_xml_AddPseudoAttribute_overload_14.xml    |    3 +
 .../test_xml_AddPseudoAttribute_overload_15.f90    |   18 +
 .../test_xml_AddPseudoAttribute_overload_15.xml    |    3 +
 .../test_xml_AddPseudoAttribute_overload_16.f90    |   18 +
 .../test_xml_AddPseudoAttribute_overload_16.xml    |    3 +
 .../test_xml_AddPseudoAttribute_overload_17.f90    |   18 +
 .../test_xml_AddPseudoAttribute_overload_17.xml    |    3 +
 .../test_xml_AddPseudoAttribute_overload_18.f90    |   18 +
 .../test_xml_AddPseudoAttribute_overload_18.xml    |    3 +
 .../test_xml_AddPseudoAttribute_overload_19.f90    |   18 +
 .../test_xml_AddPseudoAttribute_overload_19.xml    |    3 +
 .../test_xml_AddPseudoAttribute_overload_2.f90     |   15 +
 .../test_xml_AddPseudoAttribute_overload_2.xml     |    3 +
 .../test_xml_AddPseudoAttribute_overload_20.f90    |   18 +
 .../test_xml_AddPseudoAttribute_overload_20.xml    |    3 +
 .../test_xml_AddPseudoAttribute_overload_3.f90     |   15 +
 .../test_xml_AddPseudoAttribute_overload_3.xml     |    3 +
 .../test_xml_AddPseudoAttribute_overload_4.f90     |   15 +
 .../test_xml_AddPseudoAttribute_overload_4.xml     |    3 +
 .../test_xml_AddPseudoAttribute_overload_5.f90     |   15 +
 .../test_xml_AddPseudoAttribute_overload_5.xml     |    3 +
 .../test_xml_AddPseudoAttribute_overload_6.f90     |   15 +
 .../test_xml_AddPseudoAttribute_overload_6.xml     |    3 +
 .../test_xml_AddPseudoAttribute_overload_7.f90     |   15 +
 .../test_xml_AddPseudoAttribute_overload_7.xml     |    3 +
 .../test_xml_AddPseudoAttribute_overload_8.f90     |   15 +
 .../test_xml_AddPseudoAttribute_overload_8.xml     |    3 +
 .../test_xml_AddPseudoAttribute_overload_9.f90     |   15 +
 .../test_xml_AddPseudoAttribute_overload_9.xml     |    3 +
 wxml/test/test_xml_AddXMLDeclaration.sh            |    1 +
 wxml/test/test_xml_AddXMLDeclaration_0.f90         |   12 +
 wxml/test/test_xml_AddXMLDeclaration_0.out         |    2 +
 wxml/test/test_xml_AddXMLDeclaration_1.f90         |   14 +
 wxml/test/test_xml_AddXMLDeclaration_1.xml         |    2 +
 wxml/test/test_xml_AddXMLDeclaration_2.f90         |   14 +
 wxml/test/test_xml_AddXMLDeclaration_2.xml         |    2 +
 wxml/test/test_xml_AddXMLDeclaration_3.f90         |   14 +
 wxml/test/test_xml_AddXMLDeclaration_3.xml         |    2 +
 wxml/test/test_xml_AddXMLDeclaration_4.f90         |   14 +
 wxml/test/test_xml_AddXMLDeclaration_4.xml         |    2 +
 wxml/test/test_xml_AddXMLDeclaration_5.f90         |   14 +
 wxml/test/test_xml_AddXMLDeclaration_5.out         |    2 +
 wxml/test/test_xml_AddXMLPI.sh                     |    1 +
 wxml/test/test_xml_AddXMLPI_0.f90                  |   11 +
 wxml/test/test_xml_AddXMLPI_0.out                  |    2 +
 wxml/test/test_xml_AddXMLPI_1.f90                  |   14 +
 wxml/test/test_xml_AddXMLPI_1.xml                  |    3 +
 wxml/test/test_xml_AddXMLPI_2.f90                  |   15 +
 wxml/test/test_xml_AddXMLPI_2.xml                  |    3 +
 wxml/test/test_xml_AddXMLPI_3.f90                  |   14 +
 wxml/test/test_xml_AddXMLPI_3.xml                  |    3 +
 wxml/test/test_xml_AddXMLPI_4.f90                  |   13 +
 wxml/test/test_xml_AddXMLPI_4.out                  |    3 +
 wxml/test/test_xml_AddXMLPI_5.f90                  |   13 +
 wxml/test/test_xml_AddXMLPI_5.out                  |    3 +
 wxml/test/test_xml_AddXMLStylesheet.sh             |    1 +
 wxml/test/test_xml_AddXMLStylesheet_0.f90          |   11 +
 wxml/test/test_xml_AddXMLStylesheet_0.out          |    2 +
 wxml/test/test_xml_AddXMLStylesheet_1.f90          |   14 +
 wxml/test/test_xml_AddXMLStylesheet_1.xml          |    3 +
 wxml/test/test_xml_AddXMLStylesheet_2.f90          |   14 +
 wxml/test/test_xml_AddXMLStylesheet_2.xml          |    3 +
 wxml/test/test_xml_AddXMLStylesheet_3.f90          |   14 +
 wxml/test/test_xml_AddXMLStylesheet_3.xml          |    3 +
 wxml/test/test_xml_AddXMLStylesheet_4.f90          |   14 +
 wxml/test/test_xml_AddXMLStylesheet_4.xml          |    3 +
 wxml/test/test_xml_AddXMLStylesheet_5.f90          |   14 +
 wxml/test/test_xml_AddXMLStylesheet_5.xml          |    3 +
 wxml/test/test_xml_Close.sh                        |    1 +
 wxml/test/test_xml_Close_1.f90                     |   12 +
 wxml/test/test_xml_Close_1.out                     |    3 +
 wxml/test/test_xml_Close_2.f90                     |   14 +
 wxml/test/test_xml_Close_2.out                     |    2 +
 wxml/test/test_xml_Close_3.f90                     |   11 +
 wxml/test/test_xml_Close_3.out                     |    2 +
 wxml/test/test_xml_Close_4.f90                     |   14 +
 wxml/test/test_xml_Close_4.out                     |    3 +
 wxml/test/test_xml_Close_5.f90                     |   16 +
 wxml/test/test_xml_Close_5.xml                     |    6 +
 wxml/test/test_xml_EndElement.sh                   |    1 +
 wxml/test/test_xml_EndElement_0.f90                |   12 +
 wxml/test/test_xml_EndElement_0.out                |    2 +
 wxml/test/test_xml_EndElement_1.f90                |   14 +
 wxml/test/test_xml_EndElement_1.out                |    3 +
 wxml/test/test_xml_EndElement_2.f90                |   15 +
 wxml/test/test_xml_EndElement_2.xml                |    2 +
 wxml/test/test_xml_EndElement_3.f90                |   15 +
 wxml/test/test_xml_EndElement_3.out                |    3 +
 wxml/test/test_xml_EndElement_4.f90                |   16 +
 wxml/test/test_xml_EndElement_4.xml                |    4 +
 wxml/test/test_xml_EndElement_5.f90                |   16 +
 wxml/test/test_xml_EndElement_5.xml                |    4 +
 wxml/test/test_xml_Namespaces.sh                   |    1 +
 wxml/test/test_xml_Namespaces_0.f90                |   12 +
 wxml/test/test_xml_Namespaces_0.out                |    2 +
 wxml/test/test_xml_Namespaces_1.f90                |   15 +
 wxml/test/test_xml_Namespaces_1.xml                |    2 +
 wxml/test/test_xml_Namespaces_10.f90               |   20 +
 wxml/test/test_xml_Namespaces_10.out               |    2 +
 wxml/test/test_xml_Namespaces_11.f90               |   22 +
 wxml/test/test_xml_Namespaces_11.out               |    3 +
 wxml/test/test_xml_Namespaces_12.f90               |   21 +
 wxml/test/test_xml_Namespaces_12.out               |    2 +
 wxml/test/test_xml_Namespaces_13.f90               |   36 +
 wxml/test/test_xml_Namespaces_13.xml               |   22 +
 wxml/test/test_xml_Namespaces_2.f90                |   15 +
 wxml/test/test_xml_Namespaces_2.xml                |    2 +
 wxml/test/test_xml_Namespaces_3.f90                |   17 +
 wxml/test/test_xml_Namespaces_3.xml                |    2 +
 wxml/test/test_xml_Namespaces_4.f90                |   21 +
 wxml/test/test_xml_Namespaces_4.out                |    3 +
 wxml/test/test_xml_Namespaces_5.f90                |   20 +
 wxml/test/test_xml_Namespaces_5.out                |    3 +
 wxml/test/test_xml_Namespaces_6.f90                |   18 +
 wxml/test/test_xml_Namespaces_6.xml                |    4 +
 wxml/test/test_xml_Namespaces_7.f90                |   20 +
 wxml/test/test_xml_Namespaces_7.xml                |    6 +
 wxml/test/test_xml_Namespaces_8.f90                |   21 +
 wxml/test/test_xml_Namespaces_8.out                |    2 +
 wxml/test/test_xml_Namespaces_9.f90                |   20 +
 wxml/test/test_xml_Namespaces_9.out                |    2 +
 wxml/test/test_xml_NewElement.sh                   |    1 +
 wxml/test/test_xml_NewElement_0.f90                |   12 +
 wxml/test/test_xml_NewElement_0.out                |    2 +
 wxml/test/test_xml_NewElement_1.f90                |   14 +
 wxml/test/test_xml_NewElement_1.xml                |    2 +
 wxml/test/test_xml_NewElement_2.f90                |   14 +
 wxml/test/test_xml_NewElement_2.out                |    2 +
 wxml/test/test_xml_NewElement_3.f90                |   16 +
 wxml/test/test_xml_NewElement_3.out                |    3 +
 wxml/test/test_xml_NewElement_4.f90                |   14 +
 wxml/test/test_xml_NewElement_4.out                |    3 +
 wxml/test/test_xml_NewElement_5.f90                |   15 +
 wxml/test/test_xml_NewElement_5.out                |    3 +
 wxml/test/test_xml_NewElement_6.f90                |   16 +
 wxml/test/test_xml_NewElement_6.out                |    3 +
 wxml/test/test_xml_NewElement_7.f90                |   18 +
 wxml/test/test_xml_NewElement_7.out                |    4 +
 wxml/test/test_xml_Openfile.sh                     |   74 +
 wxml/test/test_xml_Openfile_1.f90                  |   14 +
 wxml/test/test_xml_Openfile_2.f90                  |   14 +
 wxml/test/test_xml_Openfile_3.f90                  |   13 +
 wxml/test/test_xml_Openfile_4.f90                  |   14 +
 wxml/test/test_xml_Openfile_4.out                  |    2 +
 1278 files changed, 548036 insertions(+)

diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..29315dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
diff --git a/CMakeLists.txt b/CMakeLists.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..85e1016
--- /dev/null
+++ b/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+PROJECT(fox Fortran)
+# set another compiler #
+# to set another compiler than the default, 
+# do the usual from within the build directory:
+# $ FC=g95 
+# $ rm -rf * && cmake ../
+# $ make 
+# verbose make output #
+# to see out all commands used during building,
+# do as follows:
+# $ rm -rf * && cmake ../
+# $ make VERBOSE=1
+# speed up compilation #
+# to speed up compilation by using multiple cores/processors,
+# do the following:
+# $ rm -rf * && cmake ../
+# $ make -j
+# get the machine architecture #
+MESSAGE(STATUS "determining operating system and architecture:")
+MESSAGE("   -> your operating system is : ${OS}")
+MESSAGE("   -> your architecture is     : ${MACHINE_ARCH}")
+# check if m4 is available #
+MESSAGE(STATUS "Searching for m4 scripting language")
+  MESSAGE("   -> WARNING : could not find m4, cannot generate fortran files from m4 sources")
+  MESSAGE("   -> ${M4_PROGRAM}")
+# set some other definitions #
+# file name extensions
+SET(m4_ext .m4)
+SET(f90pp_ext .F90)
+SET(f90_ext .f90)
+### determine some preprocessor flags ###
+# determine end-of-line character based on operating system #
+# determine if and how FLUSH intrinsic works #
+# check for 'associated in restricted expression' bug #
+# determine if and how ABORT intrinsic works #
diff --git a/Changelog b/Changelog
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..73ce672
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Changelog
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+2012-01-05: version 4.1.2
+        Fix --enable-dummy bug that stopped compilation
+        Reorder generic procedures used in specification-parts
+        to allow strict Fortran 2008 compilers to build FoX
+        Work around minor issue with Cray compiler. FoX will now 
+        build and run with the Cray Fortran compiler.
+2011-12-05: version 4.1.1
+        Add new 'countrts' function to common
+        Add capability for wcml to handle bonds
+        Fix bug to allow 'empty' DOCTYPE names in SAX parser
+        Trap and report file name errors in SAX and DOM
+        Fix procedure name length and use statments in wkml
+2010-02-09: version 4.1.0
+        Add wkml, a KML output module
+        Add invalid-pretty-print dom extension option
+        Add FoX_[set|get]_fatal_[errors|warnings] to common
+        Makefile modified to allow -j flag to work
+        Portability workarounds for the Portland Group compiler (pgf90)
+        Assorted bugfixes
+2009-06-16: version 4.0.4
+        Assorted bugfixes
+        Added CMake files
+        Added URI tests
+2008-08-26: version 4.0.3
+        Portability workarounds for the Portland Group compiler (pgf90)
+	Minor bug fixes
+2008-07-23: version 4.0.2
+        Fix crashes in the SAX parser
+        Allow extended 8-bit chars where appropriate
+        Support VPATH compilation
+        Minor bug fixes
+2008-03-30: version 4.0.1
+        Portability fixes for ifort
+2008-03-28: version 4.0
+        Fully validating SAX parser
+        Support for xml:id and xml:base
+        Additional DOM Level 3 functions
+2008-03-19: version 3.2.0
+        New eigen- and symmetry output functions for WCML
+        Portability workarounds for Cygwin/ifort, gfortran, XLF, and Pathscale
+2008-01-19: version 3.1.2
+        Add iostat argument for DOM parseFile
+        Return correct value for getAttribute on nonexistent attribute
+        Fix misparsing in common_parse_input
+        Permit creation of cut-down libraries
+2007-01-04: version 3.1.1
+        Fix to ensure DUMMY library works correctly
+2007-12-22: version 3.1
+	Portability improvements
+	DUMMY library for wxml/wcml
+	Extended DOM 3 implementation
+2007-10-19: version 3.0
+        Release DOM interface
+        Improved configuration infrastructure
+        Bugfixes
+2007-05-23: version 2.1.1
+        UUID generation
+        Developer control over error handling
+        Minor bugfixes
+2007-01-07: version 2.1.0
+        Introduce fully-rewritten SAX interface
+        Full WCML testsuite
+        Complex number output for WXML & WCML
+        Assorted minor bugfixes
+2006-10-05: version 2.0.2
+        Fix crash on printing matrices
+        Assorted documentation fixes.
+        Several testsuite fixes/improvements
+        Require unit number for cmlBeginFile
+2006-08-14: Version 2.0.1
+	Several documentation fixes
+	Workaround for Pathscale bug - also confirmed working on Lahey & gfortran-2.0
+	Remove some unwanted references to SAX/DOM modules.
+	Destroying a resized attribute list caused a crash - now fixed.
+2006-08-09: Version 2.0:
+	First public release.
+	Only wxml & wcml included.
diff --git a/DoX/AttributeDictionaries.html b/DoX/AttributeDictionaries.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..92b25a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/DoX/AttributeDictionaries.html
@@ -0,0 +1,206 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">
+<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
+  <title>AttributeDictionaries</title>
+  <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="DoX.css"/>
+  <div class="DoX">
+<h1>Attributes dictionaries.</h1>
+<p>When parsing XML using the FoX SAX module, attributes are returned contained within a dictionary object.</p>
+<p>This dictionary object implements all the methods described by the SAX interfaces Attributes and Attributes2. Full documentation is available from the SAX Javadoc, but is reproduced here for ease of reference.</p>
+<p>All of the attribute dictionary objects and functions are exported through FoX_sax - you must USE the module to enable them. The dictionary API is described here.</p>
+<p>An attribute dictionary consists of a list of entries, one for each attribute. The entries all have the following pieces of data:</p>
+<li>qName - the attribute's full name  </li>
+<li>value - the attribute's value</li>
+<p>and for namespaced attributes:</p>
+<li>uri - the namespace URI (if any) of the attribute  </li>
+<li>localName - the local name of the attribute</li>
+<p>In addition, the following pieces of data will be picked up from a DTD if present:</p>
+<li>declared - is the attribute declared in the DTD?  </li>
+<li>specified - is this instance of the attribute specified in the XML document, or is it a default from the DTD?  </li>
+<li>type - the type of the attribute (if declared)</li>
+<hr />
+<h2>Derived types</h2>
+<p>There is one derived type of interest, <code>dictionary_t</code>.</p>
+<p>It is opaque - that is, it should only be manipulated through the functions described here.</p>
+<h3>Inspecting the dictionary</h3>
+<li><code>getLength <br />
+type(dictionary_t), intent(in) :: dict</code></li>
+<p>Returns an integer with the length of the dictionary, <em>ie</em> the number of dictionary entries.</p>
+<li><code>hasKey <br />
+type(dictionary_t), intent(in) :: dict <br />
+character(len=*), intent(in) :: key</code></li>
+<p>Returns a logical value according to whether the dictionary contains an attribute named <code>key</code> or not.</p>
+<li><code>hasKey <br />
+type(dictionary_t), intent(in) :: dict <br />
+character(len=*), intent(in) :: uri <br />
+character(len=*), intent(in) :: localname</code></li>
+<p>Returns a logical value according to whether the dictionary contains an attribute with the correct <code>URI</code> and <code>localname</code>.</p>
+<h3>Retrieving data from the dictionary</h3>
+<li><code>getQName <br />
+type(dictionary_t), intent(in) :: dict <br />
+integer, intent(in) :: i</code></li>
+<p>Return the full name of the <code>i</code>th dictionary entry.</p>
+<li><code>getValue <br />
+type(dictionary_t), intent(in) <br />
+integer, intent(in) :: i</code></li>
+<p>If an integer is passed in - the value of the <code>i</code>th attribute. </p>
+<li><code>getValue <br />
+type(dictionary_t), intent(in) <br />
+character(len=*), intent(in) :: qName</code></li>
+<p>If a single string is passed in, the value of the attribute with that name.</p>
+<li><code>getValue <br />
+type(dictionary_t), intent(in) <br />
+character(len=*), intent(in) :: uri, localname</code></li>
+<p>If two strings are passed in, the value of the attribute with that uri and localname.</p>
+<li><code>getURI <br />
+type(dictionary_t), intent(in) <br />
+integer, intent(in) :: i</code></li>
+<p>Returns a string containing the nsURI of the <code>i</code>th attribute.</p>
+<li><code>getlocalName <br />
+type(dictionary_t), intent(in) <br />
+integer, intent(in) :: i</code></li>
+<p>Returns a string containing the localName of the <code>i</code>th attribute.</p>
+<h3>DTD-driven functions</h3>
+<p>The following functions are only of interest if you are using DTDs.</p>
+type(dictionary_t), intent(in) <br />
+integer, intent(in), optional :: i</code></li>
+<p>If an integer is passed in, returns the type of the <code>i</code>th attribute.</p>
+<li><code>getType <br />
+type(dictionary_t), intent(in) <br />
+character(len=*), intent(in) :: qName</code></li>
+<p>If a single string is passed in, returns the type of the attribute with that QName.</p>
+<li><code>getType <br />
+type(dictionary_t), intent(in) <br />
+character(len=*), intent(in) :: uri <br />
+character(len=*), intent(in) :: localName</code></li>
+<p>If a single string is passed in, returnsthe type of the attribute with that {uri,localName}.</p>
+<li><code>isDeclared <br />
+type(dictionary_t), intent(in) <br />
+integer, intent(in), optional :: i</code></li>
+<p>If an integer is passed in, returns false unless the <code>i</code>th attribute is declared in the DTD.</p>
+type(dictionary_t), intent(in) <br />
+character(len=*), intent(in) :: qName</code></li>
+<p>If a single string is passed in, returns false unless the attribute with that QName is declared in the DTD.</p>
+<li><code>isDeclared <br />
+type(dictionary_t), intent(in) <br />
+character(len=*), intent(in) :: uri <br />
+character(len=*), intent(in) :: localName</code></li>
+<p>If a single string is passed in, returns false unless the attribute with that {uri,localName} is declared in the DTD.</p>
+<li><code>isSpecified <br />
+type(dictionary_t), intent(in) <br />
+integer, intent(in), optional :: i</code></li>
+<p>If an integer is passed in, returns true unless the <code>i</code>th attribute is a default value from the DTD.</p>
+type(dictionary_t), intent(in) <br />
+character(len=*), intent(in) :: qName</code></li>
+<p>If a single string is passed in, returns true unless the attribute with that QName is a default value from the DTD.</p>
+<li><code>isSpecified <br />
+type(dictionary_t), intent(in) <br />
+character(len=*), intent(in) :: uri <br />
+character(len=*), intent(in) :: localName</code></li>
+<p>If a single string is passed in, returns true unless the attribute with that {uri,localName} is a default value from the DTD.</p>
diff --git a/DoX/AttributeDictionaries.md b/DoX/AttributeDictionaries.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c60488a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/DoX/AttributeDictionaries.md
@@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
+# Attributes dictionaries.
+When parsing XML using the FoX SAX module, attributes are returned contained within a dictionary object.
+This dictionary object implements all the methods described by the SAX interfaces Attributes and Attributes2. Full documentation is available from the SAX Javadoc, but is reproduced here for ease of reference.
+All of the attribute dictionary objects and functions are exported through FoX\_sax - you must USE the module to enable them. The dictionary API is described here.
+An attribute dictionary consists of a list of entries, one for each attribute. The entries all have the following pieces of data:
+* qName - the attribute's full name  
+* value - the attribute's value
+and for namespaced attributes:
+* uri - the namespace URI (if any) of the attribute  
+* localName - the local name of the attribute
+In addition, the following pieces of data will be picked up from a DTD if present:
+* declared - is the attribute declared in the DTD?  
+* specified - is this instance of the attribute specified in the XML document, or is it a default from the DTD?  
+* type - the type of the attribute (if declared)
+## Derived types
+There is one derived type of interest, `dictionary_t`.
+It is opaque - that is, it should only be manipulated through the functions described here.
+## Functions
+### Inspecting the dictionary
+* `getLength  
+   type(dictionary_t), intent(in) :: dict`
+Returns an integer with the length of the dictionary, _ie_ the number of dictionary entries.
+* `hasKey  
+    type(dictionary_t), intent(in) :: dict  
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: key`
+Returns a logical value according to whether the dictionary contains an attribute named `key` or not.
+* `hasKey  
+    type(dictionary_t), intent(in) :: dict  
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: uri  
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: localname`
+Returns a logical value according to whether the dictionary contains an attribute with the correct `URI` and `localname`.
+### Retrieving data from the dictionary
+* `getQName  
+    type(dictionary_t), intent(in) :: dict   
+    integer, intent(in) :: i`
+Return the full name of the `i`th dictionary entry.
+* `getValue  
+    type(dictionary_t), intent(in)  
+    integer, intent(in) :: i`
+If an integer is passed in - the value of the `i`th attribute. 
+* `getValue  
+    type(dictionary_t), intent(in)  
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: qName`
+If a single string is passed in, the value of the attribute with that name.
+* `getValue  
+    type(dictionary_t), intent(in)  
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: uri, localname`
+If two strings are passed in, the value of the attribute with that uri and localname.
+* `getURI  
+    type(dictionary_t), intent(in)  
+    integer, intent(in) :: i`
+Returns a string containing the nsURI of the `i`th attribute.
+* `getlocalName  
+    type(dictionary_t), intent(in)  
+    integer, intent(in) :: i`
+Returns a string containing the localName of the `i`th attribute.
+### DTD-driven functions
+The following functions are only of interest if you are using DTDs.
+* `getType 
+    type(dictionary_t), intent(in)  
+    integer, intent(in), optional :: i`
+If an integer is passed in, returns the type of the `i`th attribute.
+* `getType  
+    type(dictionary_t), intent(in)  
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: qName`
+If a single string is passed in, returns the type of the attribute with that QName.
+* `getType  
+    type(dictionary_t), intent(in)  
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: uri  
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: localName`
+If a single string is passed in, returnsthe type of the attribute with that {uri,localName}.
+* `isDeclared  
+    type(dictionary_t), intent(in)  
+    integer, intent(in), optional :: i`
+If an integer is passed in, returns false unless the `i`th attribute is declared in the DTD.
+* `isDeclared 
+    type(dictionary_t), intent(in)  
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: qName`
+If a single string is passed in, returns false unless the attribute with that QName is declared in the DTD.
+* `isDeclared  
+    type(dictionary_t), intent(in)  
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: uri  
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: localName`
+If a single string is passed in, returns false unless the attribute with that {uri,localName} is declared in the DTD.
+* `isSpecified  
+    type(dictionary_t), intent(in)  
+    integer, intent(in), optional :: i`
+If an integer is passed in, returns true unless the `i`th attribute is a default value from the DTD.
+* `isSpecified 
+    type(dictionary_t), intent(in)  
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: qName`
+If a single string is passed in, returns true unless the attribute with that QName is a default value from the DTD.
+* `isSpecified  
+    type(dictionary_t), intent(in)  
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: uri  
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: localName`
+If a single string is passed in, returns true unless the attribute with that {uri,localName} is a default value from the DTD.
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0edebc7
--- /dev/null
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+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">
+<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
+  <title>Compilation</title>
+  <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="DoX.css"/>
+  <div class="DoX">
+<h1>Configuration and compilation</h1>
+<p>You will have received the FoX source code as a tar.gz file.</p>
+<p>Unpack it as normal, and change directory into the top-level directory, FoX-$VERSION.</p>
+<h3>Requirements for use</h3>
+<p>FoX requires a Fortran 95 compiler - not just Fortran 90. All currently available versions of Fortran compilers claim to support F95. If your favoured compiler is not listed as working, I recommend the use of <a href="www.g95.org">g95</a>, which is free to download and use. And in such a case, please send a bug report to your compiler vendor.</p>
+<p>In the event that you need to write a code targetted at multiple compilers, including some which have bugs preventing FoX compilation, please note the possibility of producing a <a href="#dummy_library">dummy library</a>.</p>
+<li><p>In order to generate the Makefile, make sure that you have a Fortran compiler in your <code>PATH</code>, and do:</p>
+<p>This should suffice for most installations. However:</p>
+<li><p>You may not be interested in all of the modules that FoX supplies. For example, you may only be interested in output, not input. If so, you can select which modules you want using <code>--enable-MODULENAME</code> where MODULENAME is one of <code>wxml</code>, <code>wcml</code>, <code>wkml</code>, <code>sax</code>, <code>dom</code>. If none are explicitly enabled, then all will be built. (Alternatively, you can exclude modules one at a time with <code>--disable-MODULENAME</code>) Th [...]
+<li><p>If you have more than one Fortran compiler available, or it is not on your <code>PATH</code>, you can force the choice by doing:</p>
+<p><code>./configure FC=/path/to/compiler/of/choice</code></p></li>
+<li><p>It is possible that the configuration fails. In this case</p>
+<li>please tell me about it so I can fix it</li>
+<li>all relevant compiler details are placed in the file arch.make; you may be able to edit that file to allow compilation. Again, if so, please let me know what you need to do.</li>
+<li><p>By default the resultant files are installed under the objs directory. If you wish them to be installed elsewhere, you may do</p>
+<p><code>./configure --prefix=/path/to/installation</code></p></li>
+<p>Note that the configure process encodes the current directory location in several
+places.  If you move the FoX directory later on, you will need to re-run configure.</p>
+<li><p>You may be interested in <a href="#dummy_library">dummy compilation</a>. This is activated with the <code>--enable-dummy</code> switch (but only works for wxml/wcml currently).</p>
+<p><code>./configure --enable-wcml --enable-dummy</code></p></li>
+<p>In order to compile the full library, now simply do:</p>
+<p>This will build all the requested FoX modules, and the relevant examples</p>
+<p>In the full version of the FoX library, there are several testsuites included.</p>
+<p>To run them all, simply run <code>make check</code> from the top-level directory. This will run the individual testsuites, and collate their results.</p>
+<p>If any failures occur (unrelated to known compiler issues, see the <a href="http://github.com/andreww/fox/issues">up-to-date list</a>), please send a message to the mailing list (<a href="&#x6D;ail&#x74;&#x6F;:f&#x6F;x&#x2D;&#x64;isc&#x75;s&#x73;@go&#x6F;&#x67;&#x6C;e&#x67;rou&#x70;s&#x2E;&#x63;&#x6F;&#x6D;">f&#x6F;x&#x2D;&#x64;isc&#x75;s&#x73;@go&#x6F;&#x67;&#x6C;e&#x67;ro&#1 [...]
+<p>The testsuites for the SAX and DOM libraries are very extensive, and are somewhat fragile, so are not distributed with FoX. Please contact the author for details.</p>
+<h2>Linking to an existing program</h2>
+<li>The files all having been compiled and installed, you need to link them into your program.</li>
+<p>A script is provided which will provide the appropriate compiler and linker flags for you; this will be created after configuration, in the top-level directory, and is called <code>FoX-config</code>. It may be taken from there and placed anywhere.</p>
+<p>FoX-config takes the following arguments:</p>
+<li><code>--fcflags</code>: return flags for compilation</li>
+<li><code>--libs</code>: return flags for linking</li>
+<li><code>--wxml</code>: return flags for compiling/linking against wxml</li>
+<li><code>--wcml</code>: return flags for compiling/linking against wcml</li>
+<li><code>--sax</code>: return flags for compiling/linking against sax</li>
+<p>If it is called with no arguments, it will expand to compile & link flags, thusly:</p>
+<pre><code>   f95 -o program program.f90 `FoX-config`
+<p>For compiling only against FoX, do the following:</p>
+<pre><code>f95 -c `FoX-config --fcflags` sourcefile.f90
+<p>For linking only to the FoX library, do:</p>
+<pre><code>f95 -o program `FoX-config --libs` *.o
+<p>or similar, according to your compilation scheme. </p>
+<p>Note that by default, <code>FoX-config</code> assumes you are using all modules of the library. If you are only using part, then this can be specified by also passing the name of each module required, like so:</p>
+<pre><code>FoX-config --fcflags --wcml
+<h2>Compiling a dummy library</h2>
+<p><a name="dummy_library"/></p>
+<p>Because of the shortcomings in some compilers, it is not possible to compile FoX everywhere. Equally, sometimes it is useful to be able to compile a code both with and without support for FoX (perhaps to reduce executable size). Especially where FoX is being used only for additional output, it is useful to be able to run the code and perform computations even without the possibility of XML output.</p>
+<p>For this reason, it is possible to compile a dummy version of FoX. This includes all public interfaces, so that your code will compile and link correctly - however none of the subroutines do anything, so you can retain the same version of your code without having to comment out all FoX calls.</p>
+<p>Because this dummy version of FoX contains nothing except empty subroutines, it compiles and links with all known Fortran 95 compilers, regardless of compiler bugs.</p>
+<p>To compile the dummy code, use the <code>--enable-dummy</code> switch. Note that currently the dummy mode is not yet available for the DOM module.</p>
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..00cca5b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/DoX/Compilation.md
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+#Configuration and compilation
+You will have received the FoX source code as a tar.gz file.
+Unpack it as normal, and change directory into the top-level directory, FoX-$VERSION.
+### Requirements for use
+FoX requires a Fortran 95 compiler - not just Fortran 90. All currently available versions of Fortran compilers claim to support F95. If your favoured compiler is not listed as working, I recommend the use of [g95](www.g95.org), which is free to download and use. And in such a case, please send a bug report to your compiler vendor.
+In the event that you need to write a code targetted at multiple compilers, including some which have bugs preventing FoX compilation, please note the possibility of producing a [dummy library](#dummy_library).
+* In order to generate the Makefile, make sure that you have a Fortran compiler in your `PATH`, and do:
+    `./configure`
+This should suffice for most installations. However:
+1. You may not be interested in all of the modules that FoX supplies. For example, you may only be interested in output, not input. If so, you can select which modules you want using `--enable-MODULENAME` where MODULENAME is one of `wxml`, `wcml`, `wkml`, `sax`, `dom`. If none are explicitly enabled, then all will be built. (Alternatively, you can exclude modules one at a time with `--disable-MODULENAME`) Thus, for example, if you only care about CML output, and not anything else: `./con [...]
+2. If you have more than one Fortran compiler available, or it is not on your `PATH`, you can force the choice by doing:
+   `./configure FC=/path/to/compiler/of/choice`
+3. It is possible that the configuration fails. In this case
+	* please tell me about it so I can fix it
+  	* all relevant compiler details are placed in the file arch.make; you may be able to edit that file to allow compilation. Again, if so, please let me know what you need to do.
+4. By default the resultant files are installed under the objs directory. If you wish them to be installed elsewhere, you may do
+    `./configure --prefix=/path/to/installation`
+Note that the configure process encodes the current directory location in several
+places.  If you move the FoX directory later on, you will need to re-run configure.
+* You may be interested in [dummy compilation](#dummy_library). This is activated with the `--enable-dummy` switch (but only works for wxml/wcml currently).
+    `./configure --enable-wcml --enable-dummy`
+In order to compile the full library, now simply do:
+    make
+This will build all the requested FoX modules, and the relevant examples
+In the full version of the FoX library, there are several testsuites included.
+To run them all, simply run `make check` from the top-level directory. This will run the individual testsuites, and collate their results.
+If any failures occur (unrelated to known compiler issues, see the [up-to-date list](http://github.com/andreww/fox/issues)), please send a message to the mailing list (<fox-discuss at googlegroups.com>) with details of compiler, hardware platform, and the nature of the failure.
+The testsuites for the SAX and DOM libraries are very extensive, and are somewhat fragile, so are not distributed with FoX. Please contact the author for details.
+##Linking to an existing program
+* The files all having been compiled and installed, you need to link them into your program.
+A script is provided which will provide the appropriate compiler and linker flags for you; this will be created after configuration, in the top-level directory, and is called `FoX-config`. It may be taken from there and placed anywhere.
+FoX-config takes the following arguments:
+* `--fcflags`: return flags for compilation
+* `--libs`: return flags for linking
+* `--wxml`: return flags for compiling/linking against wxml
+* `--wcml`: return flags for compiling/linking against wcml
+* `--sax`: return flags for compiling/linking against sax
+If it is called with no arguments, it will expand to compile & link flags, thusly:
+       f95 -o program program.f90 `FoX-config`
+For compiling only against FoX, do the following:
+ 	f95 -c `FoX-config --fcflags` sourcefile.f90
+For linking only to the FoX library, do:
+  	f95 -o program `FoX-config --libs` *.o
+or similar, according to your compilation scheme. 
+Note that by default, `FoX-config` assumes you are using all modules of the library. If you are only using part, then this can be specified by also passing the name of each module required, like so:
+	FoX-config --fcflags --wcml
+## Compiling a dummy library
+<a name="dummy_library"/>
+Because of the shortcomings in some compilers, it is not possible to compile FoX everywhere. Equally, sometimes it is useful to be able to compile a code both with and without support for FoX (perhaps to reduce executable size). Especially where FoX is being used only for additional output, it is useful to be able to run the code and perform computations even without the possibility of XML output.
+For this reason, it is possible to compile a dummy version of FoX. This includes all public interfaces, so that your code will compile and link correctly - however none of the subroutines do anything, so you can retain the same version of your code without having to comment out all FoX calls.
+Because this dummy version of FoX contains nothing except empty subroutines, it compiles and links with all known Fortran 95 compilers, regardless of compiler bugs.
+To compile the dummy code, use the `--enable-dummy` switch. Note that currently the dummy mode is not yet available for the DOM module.
diff --git a/DoX/Debugging.html b/DoX/Debugging.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cb2dfb7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/DoX/Debugging.html
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">
+<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
+  <title>Debugging</title>
+  <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="DoX.css"/>
+  <div class="DoX">
+<h1>Debugging with FoX.</h1>
+<p>Following experience integrating <code>FoX_wxml</code> into several codes, here are a few tips for debugging any problems you may encounter.</p>
+<h2>Compilation problems</h2>
+<p>You may encounter problems at the compiling or linking stage, with error messages along the lines of:
+     'No Specific Function can be found for this Generic Function'
+(exact phrasing depending on compiler, of course.)</p>
+<p>If this is the case, it is possible that you have accidentally got the arguments to the offending out of order. If so, then use the keyword form of the argument to ensure correctness; that is, instead of doing:</p>
+<pre><code>call cmlAddProperty(file, name, value)
+<pre><code>call cmlAddProperty(xf=file, name=name, value=value)
+<p>This will prevent argument mismatches, and is recommended practise in any case.</p>
+<h2>Runtime problems</h2>
+<p>You may encounter run-time issues. FoX performs many run-time checks to ensure the validity of the resultant XML code. In so far as it is possible, FoX will either issue warnings about potential problems, or try and safely handle any errors it encounters. In both cases, warning will be output on stderr, which will hopefully help diagnose the problem.</p>
+<p>Sometimes, however, FoX will encounter a problem it can do nothing about, and must stop. In all cases, it will try and write out an error message highlighting the reason, and generate a backtrace pointing to the offending line. Occasionally though, the compiler will not generate this information, and the error message will be lost.</p>
+<p>If this is the case, you can either investigate the coredump to find the problem, or (if you are on a Mac) look in ~/Library/Logs/CrashReporter to find a human-readable log.</p>
+<p>If this is not enlightening, or you cannot find the problem, then some of the most common issues we have encountered are listed below. Many of them are general Fortran problems, but sometimes are not easily spotted in the context of FoX.</p>
+<h3>Incorrect formatting.</h3>
+<p>Make sure, whenever you are writing out a real number through one of FoX's routines, and specifying a format, that the format is correct according to <a href="StringFormatting.html">StringFormatting</a>. Fortran-style formats are <strong>not</strong> permitted, and will cause crashes at runtime.</p>
+<h3>Array overruns</h3>
+<p>If you are outputting arrays or matrices, and are doing so in the traditional Fortran style - by passing both the array and its length to the routine, like so:</p>
+<pre><code> call xml_AddAttribute(xf=file, name=name, value=array, nvalue=n)
+<p>then if <code>n</code> is wrong, you may end up with an array overrun, and cause a crash.</p>
+<p>We highly recommend wherever possible using the Fortran-90 style, like so:</p>
+<pre><code> call xml_AddAttribute(xf=file, name=name, value=array)
+<p>where the array length will be passed automatically.</p>
+<h3>Uninitialized variables</h3>
+<p>If you are passing variables to FoX which have not been initialized, you may well cause a crash. This is especially true, and easy to cause if you are passing in an array which (due to a bug elsewhere) has been partly but not entirely initialized. To diagnose this, try printing out suspect variables just before passing them to FoX, and look for suspiciously wrong values.</p>
+<h3>Invalid floating point numbers.</h3>
+<p>If during the course of your calculation you accidentally generate Infinities, or NaNs, then passing them to any Fortran subroutine can result in a crash - therefore trying to pass them to FoX for output may result in a crash.</p>
+<p>If you suspect this is happening, try printing out suspect variables before calling FoX. </p>
diff --git a/DoX/Debugging.md b/DoX/Debugging.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bab7afc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/DoX/Debugging.md
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+#Debugging with FoX.
+Following experience integrating `FoX_wxml` into several codes, here are a few tips for debugging any problems you may encounter.
+## Compilation problems
+You may encounter problems at the compiling or linking stage, with error messages along the lines of:
+     'No Specific Function can be found for this Generic Function'
+(exact phrasing depending on compiler, of course.)
+If this is the case, it is possible that you have accidentally got the arguments to the offending out of order. If so, then use the keyword form of the argument to ensure correctness; that is, instead of doing:
+    call cmlAddProperty(file, name, value)
+    call cmlAddProperty(xf=file, name=name, value=value)
+This will prevent argument mismatches, and is recommended practise in any case.
+## Runtime problems
+You may encounter run-time issues. FoX performs many run-time checks to ensure the validity of the resultant XML code. In so far as it is possible, FoX will either issue warnings about potential problems, or try and safely handle any errors it encounters. In both cases, warning will be output on stderr, which will hopefully help diagnose the problem.
+Sometimes, however, FoX will encounter a problem it can do nothing about, and must stop. In all cases, it will try and write out an error message highlighting the reason, and generate a backtrace pointing to the offending line. Occasionally though, the compiler will not generate this information, and the error message will be lost.
+If this is the case, you can either investigate the coredump to find the problem, or (if you are on a Mac) look in ~/Library/Logs/CrashReporter to find a human-readable log.
+If this is not enlightening, or you cannot find the problem, then some of the most common issues we have encountered are listed below. Many of them are general Fortran problems, but sometimes are not easily spotted in the context of FoX.
+### Incorrect formatting.
+Make sure, whenever you are writing out a real number through one of FoX's routines, and specifying a format, that the format is correct according to [StringFormatting](|StringFormatting|). Fortran-style formats are **not** permitted, and will cause crashes at runtime.
+### Array overruns
+If you are outputting arrays or matrices, and are doing so in the traditional Fortran style - by passing both the array and its length to the routine, like so:
+     call xml_AddAttribute(xf=file, name=name, value=array, nvalue=n)
+then if `n` is wrong, you may end up with an array overrun, and cause a crash.
+We highly recommend wherever possible using the Fortran-90 style, like so:
+     call xml_AddAttribute(xf=file, name=name, value=array)
+where the array length will be passed automatically.
+### Uninitialized variables
+If you are passing variables to FoX which have not been initialized, you may well cause a crash. This is especially true, and easy to cause if you are passing in an array which (due to a bug elsewhere) has been partly but not entirely initialized. To diagnose this, try printing out suspect variables just before passing them to FoX, and look for suspiciously wrong values.
+### Invalid floating point numbers.
+If during the course of your calculation you accidentally generate Infinities, or NaNs, then passing them to any Fortran subroutine can result in a crash - therefore trying to pass them to FoX for output may result in a crash.
+If you suspect this is happening, try printing out suspect variables before calling FoX. 
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..42ba25c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/DoX/DoX.css
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+body {
+        background:#3D828D;
+.DoX {
+        background:#BDC8D4;
+        clear:both;
+        font-family: "Gill Sans", sans-serif;
+        padding: 1ex;
+.DoX h1 {
+        height:1.5em;
+        background:#5EAEAE;
+        padding-left: 0.5ex;
+        border-top:1px solid #BDCCA3;
+        border-bottom:1px solid #386496;
+        font-style: italic;
+        font-size: 200%;
+        font-weight: normal;
+.DoX  h2 {
+        height:1.5em;
+        background:#F49761;
+        padding-left: 0.5ex;
+        margin: 1ex;
+        border-top:1px solid #BDCCA3;
+        border-bottom:1px solid #386496;
+        font-style: italic;
+        font-size: 150%;
+        font-weight: normal;
+.DoX h3 {
+        height:1.5em;
+        background:#F49761;
+        padding-left: 0.5ex;
+        margin: 3ex;
+        border-top:1px solid #BDCCA3;
+        border-bottom:1px solid #386496;
+        font-size: 100%;
+        font-weight: bold;
+.format {
+        font-family: "Courier", monospace;
+        border:solid 1px black;
+        margin-left: 10%
+table.format td {
+        border:solid 1px black;
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new file mode 100644
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+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">
+<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
+  <title>Embedding</title>
+  <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="DoX.css"/>
+  <div class="DoX">
+<h1>Using FoX in your own project.</h1>
+<p>The recommended way to use FoX is to embed the full source code as a subdirectory, into an existing project.</p>
+<p>In order to do this, you need to do something like the following:</p>
+<li>Put the full source code as a top-level subdirectory of the tree, called FoX.</li>
+<li>Incorporate calls to FoX into the program.</li>
+<li>Incorporate building FoX into your build process.</li>
+<h2>To incorporate into the program</h2>
+<p>It is probably best to isolate use of XML facilities to a small part of the program. This is easily accomplished for XML input,
+which will generally happen in only one or two places.</p>
+<p>For XML output, this can be more complex. The easiest, and least intrusive way is probably to create a F90 module for your program, looking something like <code>example_xml_module.f90</code></p>
+<p>Then you must somewhere (probably in your main program), use this module, and call <code>initialize_xml_output()</code> at the start; and then <code>end_xml_output()</code> at the end of the program.</p>
+<p>In any of the subroutines where you want to output data to the xml file, you should then insert <code>use example_xml_module</code> at the beginning of the subroutine. You can then use any of the xml output routines with no further worries, as shown in the examples.</p>
+<p>It is easy to make the use of FoX optional, by the use of preprocessor defines. This can be done simply by wrapping each call to your XML wrapper routines in <code>#ifdef XML</code>, or similar. Alternatively, the use of the dummy FoX interfaces allows you to switch FoX on and off at compile time - see <a href="Compilation.html">Compilation</a>.</p>
+<h2>To incorporate into the build process:</h2>
+<p>First, FoX must be configured, to ensure that it is set up correctly for your compiler.
+(See <a href="Compilation.html">Compilation</a>)
+If your main code has a <code>configure</code> step, then run FoX's <code>configure</code> as part of it.</p>
+<p>If your code doesn't have its own configure step, then the first thing that "make" does
+should be to configure FoX, if it's not already configured. But that should only happen
+once; every time you make your code thereafter, you don't need to re-configure FoX,
+because nothing has changed. To do that, put a target like the following in your 
+        (cd FoX; ./configure FC=$(FC))
+<p>(Assuming that your <code>Makefile</code> already has a variable <code>FC</code> which sets the Fortran compiler)</p>
+<p>When FoX configure completes, it "touch"es a file called <code>FoX/.config</code>. That means that
+whenever you re-run your own make, it checks to see if <code>FoX/.config</code> exists - if it does,
+then it knows FoX doesn't need to be re-configured, so it doesn't bother.</p>
+<h3>Compilation of FoX</h3>
+<p>Then, FoX needs to be compiled before your code (because your modules will depend
+on FoX's modules.) But again, it only needs to be compiled once. You won't be changing
+FoX, you'll only be changing your own code, so recompiling your code doesn't require
+recompiling FoX.</p>
+<p>So, add another target like the following;</p>
+<pre><code>FoX/.FoX: FoX/.config
+        (cd FoX; $(MAKE))
+<p>This has a dependency on the <code>configure</code> script as I showed above, but it will only run it 
+if the <code>configure</code> script hasn't already been run.</p>
+<p>When FoX is successfully compiled, the last thing its <code>Makefile</code> does is "touch" the file called
+<code>FoX/.FoX</code>. So the above target checks to see if that file exists; and if it does, then it doesn't
+bother recompiling FoX, because it's already compiled. On the very first time you compile
+your code, it will <code>cd</code> into the FoX directory and compile it - but then never again.</p>
+<p>You then need to have that rule be a dependency of your main target; like so:</p>
+<pre><code>  MyExecutable: FoX/.FoX
+<p>(or whatever your default <code>Makefile</code> rule is).</p>
+<p>which will ensure that before <code>MyExecutable</code> is compiled, <code>make</code> will check to see that FoX
+has been compiled (which most of the time it will be, so nothing further will happen).
+But the first time you compile your code, it will call the FoX target, and FoX will be
+configured & compiled.</p>
+<h3>Compiling/linking your code</h3>
+<p>You should add this to your <code>FFLAGS</code> (or equivalent - the variable that holds
+flags for compile-time use.</p>
+<pre><code>FFLAGS=-g -O2 -whatever-else $$(FoX/FoX-config --fcflags)
+<p>to make sure that you get the path to your modules. (Different compilers have different flags for specifying module
+paths; some use <code>-I</code>, some use <code>-M</code>, <em>etc</em>, if you use the above
+construction it will pick the right one automatically for your compiler.)</p>
+<p>Similarly, for linking, add the following to your <code>LDFLAGS</code> (or equivalent - the variable
+that holds flags for link-time use.)</p>
+<pre><code>LDFLAGS=-lwhatever $$(FoX/FoX-config --libs)
+<p>(For full details of the <code>FoX-config</code> script, see <a href="Compilation.html">Compilation</a>)</p>
+<h3>Cleaning up</h3>
+<p>Finally - you probably have a <code>clean</code> target in your makefile. Don't tie FoX into this
+target - most of the time when you <code>make clean</code>, you don't want to <code>make clean</code> with 
+FoX as well, because there's no need - FoX won't have changed and
+it'll take a couple of minutes to recompile.</p>
+<p>However, you can add a <code>distclean</code> (or something) target, which you use before
+moving your code to another machine, that looks like:</p>
+<pre><code>distclean: clean
+        (cd FoX; $(MAKE) distclean)
+<p>and that will ensure that when you do <code>make distclean</code>, even FoX's object files are
+cleaned up. But of course that will mean that you have to reconfigure & recompile
+FoX next time you compile your code</p>
diff --git a/DoX/Embedding.md b/DoX/Embedding.md
new file mode 100644
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+#Using FoX in your own project.
+The recommended way to use FoX is to embed the full source code as a subdirectory, into an existing project.
+In order to do this, you need to do something like the following:
+1. Put the full source code as a top-level subdirectory of the tree, called FoX.
+2. Incorporate calls to FoX into the program.
+3. Incorporate building FoX into your build process.
+##To incorporate into the program
+It is probably best to isolate use of XML facilities to a small part of the program. This is easily accomplished for XML input,
+which will generally happen in only one or two places.
+For XML output, this can be more complex. The easiest, and least intrusive way is probably to create a F90 module for your program, looking something like `example_xml_module.f90`
+Then you must somewhere (probably in your main program), use this module, and call `initialize_xml_output()` at the start; and then `end_xml_output()` at the end of the program.
+In any of the subroutines where you want to output data to the xml file, you should then insert `use example_xml_module` at the beginning of the subroutine. You can then use any of the xml output routines with no further worries, as shown in the examples.
+It is easy to make the use of FoX optional, by the use of preprocessor defines. This can be done simply by wrapping each call to your XML wrapper routines in `#ifdef XML`, or similar. Alternatively, the use of the dummy FoX interfaces allows you to switch FoX on and off at compile time - see [Compilation](|Compilation|).
+##To incorporate into the build process:
+First, FoX must be configured, to ensure that it is set up correctly for your compiler.
+(See [Compilation](|Compilation|))
+If your main code has a `configure` step, then run FoX's `configure` as part of it.
+If your code doesn't have its own configure step, then the first thing that "make" does
+should be to configure FoX, if it's not already configured. But that should only happen
+once; every time you make your code thereafter, you don't need to re-configure FoX,
+because nothing has changed. To do that, put a target like the following in your 
+    FoX/.config:
+        	(cd FoX; ./configure FC=$(FC))
+(Assuming that your `Makefile` already has a variable `FC` which sets the Fortran compiler)
+When FoX configure completes, it "touch"es a file called `FoX/.config`. That means that
+whenever you re-run your own make, it checks to see if `FoX/.config` exists - if it does,
+then it knows FoX doesn't need to be re-configured, so it doesn't bother.
+###Compilation of FoX
+Then, FoX needs to be compiled before your code (because your modules will depend
+on FoX's modules.) But again, it only needs to be compiled once. You won't be changing
+FoX, you'll only be changing your own code, so recompiling your code doesn't require
+recompiling FoX.
+So, add another target like the following;
+    FoX/.FoX: FoX/.config
+        	(cd FoX; $(MAKE))
+This has a dependency on the `configure` script as I showed above, but it will only run it 
+if the `configure` script hasn't already been run.
+When FoX is successfully compiled, the last thing its `Makefile` does is "touch" the file called
+`FoX/.FoX`. So the above target checks to see if that file exists; and if it does, then it doesn't
+bother recompiling FoX, because it's already compiled. On the very first time you compile
+your code, it will `cd` into the FoX directory and compile it - but then never again.
+You then need to have that rule be a dependency of your main target; like so:
+      MyExecutable: FoX/.FoX
+(or whatever your default `Makefile` rule is).
+which will ensure that before `MyExecutable` is compiled, `make` will check to see that FoX
+has been compiled (which most of the time it will be, so nothing further will happen).
+But the first time you compile your code, it will call the FoX target, and FoX will be
+configured & compiled.
+###Compiling/linking your code
+You should add this to your `FFLAGS` (or equivalent - the variable that holds
+flags for compile-time use.
+    FFLAGS=-g -O2 -whatever-else $$(FoX/FoX-config --fcflags)
+to make sure that you get the path to your modules. (Different compilers have different flags for specifying module
+paths; some use `-I`, some use `-M`, _etc_, if you use the above
+construction it will pick the right one automatically for your compiler.)
+Similarly, for linking, add the following to your `LDFLAGS` (or equivalent - the variable
+that holds flags for link-time use.)
+    LDFLAGS=-lwhatever $$(FoX/FoX-config --libs)
+(For full details of the `FoX-config` script, see [Compilation](|Compilation|))
+###Cleaning up
+Finally - you probably have a `clean` target in your makefile. Don't tie FoX into this
+target - most of the time when you `make clean`, you don't want to `make clean` with 
+FoX as well, because there's no need - FoX won't have changed and
+it'll take a couple of minutes to recompile.
+However, you can add a `distclean` (or something) target, which you use before
+moving your code to another machine, that looks like:
+    distclean: clean
+        	(cd FoX; $(MAKE) distclean)
+and that will ensure that when you do `make distclean`, even FoX's object files are
+cleaned up. But of course that will mean that you have to reconfigure & recompile
+FoX next time you compile your code
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new file mode 100644
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+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">
+<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
+  <title>FoX</title>
+  <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="DoX.css"/>
+  <div class="DoX">
+<h1>FoX documentation.</h1>
+<p><a href="FoX_DoX.html">All in one page</a></p>
+<p><a href="FoX.html">Separate pages</a></p>
+<p>This document is the primary documentation for FoX, the Fortan/XML library. See below for <a href="#otherdoc">other sources of documentation</a>. It consists of:</p>
+<p>Reference information on <a href="Versioning.html">versions</a>, 
+<a href="Standards.html">standards compliance</a>,
+and <a href="Licensing.html">licensing</a>.</p>
+<p>Information about how to <a href="Compilation.html">get up and running with FoX</a>
+and how to <a href="Embedding.html">use FoX in an existing project</a>.</p>
+<p>Finally, there is <a href="#apidoc">full API reference documentation</a>.</p>
+<h2>Other documentation</h2>
+<p><a name="otherdoc"/></p>
+<p>This documentation is largely reference in nature. For new users it is best to start elsewhere:</p>
+<h3>iFaX workshops</h3>
+<p>Two workshops, entitled iFaX (Integrating Fortran and XML) have been run teaching the use of FoX, <a href="http://www.niees.ac.uk/events/ifax/index.shtml">one in January 2007</a>, and <a href="http://www.nesc.ac.uk/esi/events/841/">one in January 2008</a>. The full documentation and lectures from these may be found at:</p>
+<li><a href="http://buffalo.niees.group.cam.ac.uk/archive2.php?event_details=ifax">iFaX I</a></li>
+<li><a href="http://www.nesc.ac.uk/action/esi/contribution.cfm?Title=841">iFaX II</a></li>
+<p>Out of the above workshops, some <a href="http://www1.gly.bris.ac.uk/~walker/FoX/iFaX">tutorial material</a> has been written, focussing on different use cases. Currently two are available:</p>
+<li><a href="http://www1.gly.bris.ac.uk/~walker/FoX/iFaX/iFaX.4/iFaX.4.html">SAX input</a></li>
+<li><a href="http://www1.gly.bris.ac.uk/~walker/FoX/iFaX/iFaX.5/iFaX.5.html">DOM input</a></li>
+<p>There is also tutorial information on the use of WKML <a href="http://web.me.com/dove_family/xml/kml.html">here</a>.</p>
+<h2>API documentation</h2>
+<p><a name="apidoc"/></p>
+<li>FoX has seven sets of publically exported interfaces. These are documented here:</li>
+<h3>COMMON interfaces</h3>
+<li><a href="FoX_common.html">FoX_common</a></li>
+<li><a href="FoX_utils.html">FoX_utils</a></li>
+<h3>OUTPUT interfaces</h3>
+<li><a href="FoX_wxml.html">FoX_wxml</a></li>
+<li><a href="FoX_wcml.html">FoX_wcml</a></li>
+<li><a href="FoX_wkml.html">FoX_wkml</a></li>
+<h3>INPUT interface</h3>
+<li><a href="FoX_sax.html">FoX_sax</a></li>
+<li><a href="FoX_dom.html">FoX_dom</a></li>
+<p>These documents describe all publically usable APIs.</p>
+<p>Worked examples of the use of some of these APIs may be found in the <code>examples/</code> subdirectory, and tutorial-style documentaion is available from the links <a href="#otherdoc">above</a>.</p>
+<h2>Other things</h2>
+<li><p><a href="Debugging.html">Hints for debugging</a></p></li>
+<li><p><a href="Information.html">Further information</a></p></li>
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+#FoX documentation.
+[All in one page](FoX_DoX.html)
+[Separate pages](FoX.html)
+## Introduction
+This document is the primary documentation for FoX, the Fortan/XML library. See below for [other sources of documentation](#otherdoc). It consists of:
+Reference information on [versions](|Versioning|), 
+[standards compliance](|Standards|),
+and [licensing](|Licensing|).
+Information about how to [get up and running with FoX](|Compilation|)
+and how to [use FoX in an existing project](|Embedding|).
+Finally, there is [full API reference documentation](#apidoc).
+## Other documentation
+<a name="otherdoc"/>
+This documentation is largely reference in nature. For new users it is best to start elsewhere:
+### iFaX workshops
+Two workshops, entitled iFaX (Integrating Fortran and XML) have been run teaching the use of FoX, [one in January 2007](http://www.niees.ac.uk/events/ifax/index.shtml), and [one in January 2008](http://www.nesc.ac.uk/esi/events/841/). The full documentation and lectures from these may be found at:
+* [iFaX I](http://buffalo.niees.group.cam.ac.uk/archive2.php?event_details=ifax)
+* [iFaX II](http://www.nesc.ac.uk/action/esi/contribution.cfm?Title=841)
+### Tutorials
+Out of the above workshops, some [tutorial material](http://www1.gly.bris.ac.uk/~walker/FoX/iFaX) has been written, focussing on different use cases. Currently two are available:
+* [SAX input](http://www1.gly.bris.ac.uk/~walker/FoX/iFaX/iFaX.4/iFaX.4.html)
+* [DOM input](http://www1.gly.bris.ac.uk/~walker/FoX/iFaX/iFaX.5/iFaX.5.html)
+There is also tutorial information on the use of WKML [here](http://web.me.com/dove_family/xml/kml.html).
+## API documentation
+<a name="apidoc"/>
+* FoX has seven sets of publically exported interfaces. These are documented here:
+### COMMON interfaces
+* [FoX_common](|FoX_common|)
+* [FoX_utils](|FoX_utils|)
+### OUTPUT interfaces
+* [FoX_wxml](|FoX_wxml|)
+* [FoX_wcml](|FoX_wcml|)
+* [FoX_wkml](|FoX_wkml|)
+### INPUT interface
+* [FoX_sax](|FoX_sax|)
+* [FoX_dom](|FoX_dom|)
+These documents describe all publically usable APIs.
+Worked examples of the use of some of these APIs may be found in the `examples/` subdirectory, and tutorial-style documentaion is available from the links [above](#otherdoc).
+## Other things
+* [Hints for debugging](|Debugging|)
+* [Further information](|Information|)
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+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">
+<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
+  <title>FoX_DoX</title>
+  <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="DoX.css"/>
+  <div class="DoX">
+<a name="FoX"/>
+<h1>FoX documentation.</h1>
+<p><a href="FoX_DoX.html">All in one page</a></p>
+<p><a href="FoX.html">Separate pages</a></p>
+<p>This document is the primary documentation for FoX, the Fortan/XML library. See below for <a href="#otherdoc">other sources of documentation</a>. It consists of:</p>
+<p>Reference information on <a href="#Versioning">versions</a>, 
+<a href="#Standards">standards compliance</a>,
+and <a href="#Licensing">licensing</a>.</p>
+<p>Information about how to <a href="#Compilation">get up and running with FoX</a>
+and how to <a href="#Embedding">use FoX in an existing project</a>.</p>
+<p>Finally, there is <a href="#apidoc">full API reference documentation</a>.</p>
+<h2>Other documentation</h2>
+<p><a name="otherdoc"/></p>
+<p>This documentation is largely reference in nature. For new users it is best to start elsewhere:</p>
+<h3>iFaX workshops</h3>
+<p>Two workshops, entitled iFaX (Integrating Fortran and XML) have been run teaching the use of FoX, <a href="http://www.niees.ac.uk/events/ifax/index.shtml">one in January 2007</a>, and <a href="http://www.nesc.ac.uk/esi/events/841/">one in January 2008</a>. The full documentation and lectures from these may be found at:</p>
+<li><a href="http://buffalo.niees.group.cam.ac.uk/archive2.php?event_details=ifax">iFaX I</a></li>
+<li><a href="http://www.nesc.ac.uk/action/esi/contribution.cfm?Title=841">iFaX II</a></li>
+<p>Out of the above workshops, some <a href="http://www1.gly.bris.ac.uk/~walker/FoX/iFaX">tutorial material</a> has been written, focussing on different use cases. Currently two are available:</p>
+<li><a href="http://www1.gly.bris.ac.uk/~walker/FoX/iFaX/iFaX.4/iFaX.4.html">SAX input</a></li>
+<li><a href="http://www1.gly.bris.ac.uk/~walker/FoX/iFaX/iFaX.5/iFaX.5.html">DOM input</a></li>
+<p>There is also tutorial information on the use of WKML <a href="http://web.me.com/dove_family/xml/kml.html">here</a>.</p>
+<h2>API documentation</h2>
+<p><a name="apidoc"/></p>
+<li>FoX has seven sets of publically exported interfaces. These are documented here:</li>
+<h3>COMMON interfaces</h3>
+<li><a href="#FoX_common">FoX_common</a></li>
+<li><a href="#FoX_utils">FoX_utils</a></li>
+<h3>OUTPUT interfaces</h3>
+<li><a href="#FoX_wxml">FoX_wxml</a></li>
+<li><a href="#FoX_wcml">FoX_wcml</a></li>
+<li><a href="#FoX_wkml">FoX_wkml</a></li>
+<h3>INPUT interface</h3>
+<li><a href="#FoX_sax">FoX_sax</a></li>
+<li><a href="#FoX_dom">FoX_dom</a></li>
+<p>These documents describe all publically usable APIs.</p>
+<p>Worked examples of the use of some of these APIs may be found in the <code>examples/</code> subdirectory, and tutorial-style documentaion is available from the links <a href="#otherdoc">above</a>.</p>
+<h2>Other things</h2>
+<li><p><a href="#Debugging">Hints for debugging</a></p></li>
+<li><p><a href="#Information">Further information</a></p></li>
+</div><hr/><div class="DoX">
+<a name="Versioning"/>
+<h1>FoX versioning</h1>
+<p>This documentation describes version 4.1 of the FoX library.</p>
+<p>This version includes output modules for general XML, and for CML; and a fully validating XML parser, exposed through a Fortran version of the SAX2 input parser and a Fortran mapping of the W3C DOM interface.</p>
+<p>This is a stable branch, which will be maintained with important bugfixes.</p>
+<p><a name="Changes"/></p>
+<h2>FoX Changes</h2>
+<p>As of FoX-3.0, there is one user-visible change that should be noted.</p>
+<p>In previous versions of FoX, the configure script was accessible as <code>config/configure</code>. Version 3.0 now follows common practice by placing the script in the main directory, so it is now called as <code>./configure</code>.</p>
+<p>Previous versions of FoX made it quite hard to compile only portions of the library (eg only the CML output portion; or just the SAX input). This is now possible by specifying arguments to the configuration script. For example,</p>
+<p><code>./configure --enable-wcml</code></p>
+<p>will cause the generated Makefile to only compile the CML writing module and its dependencies.</p>
+<p>See <a href="#Compilation">Compilation</a> for further details.</p>
+</div><hr/><div class="DoX">
+<a name="Compilation"/>
+<h1>Configuration and compilation</h1>
+<p>You will have received the FoX source code as a tar.gz file.</p>
+<p>Unpack it as normal, and change directory into the top-level directory, FoX-$VERSION.</p>
+<h3>Requirements for use</h3>
+<p>FoX requires a Fortran 95 compiler - not just Fortran 90. All currently available versions of Fortran compilers claim to support F95. If your favoured compiler is not listed as working, I recommend the use of <a href="www.g95.org">g95</a>, which is free to download and use. And in such a case, please send a bug report to your compiler vendor.</p>
+<p>In the event that you need to write a code targetted at multiple compilers, including some which have bugs preventing FoX compilation, please note the possibility of producing a <a href="#dummy_library">dummy library</a>.</p>
+<li><p>In order to generate the Makefile, make sure that you have a Fortran compiler in your <code>PATH</code>, and do:</p>
+<p>This should suffice for most installations. However:</p>
+<li><p>You may not be interested in all of the modules that FoX supplies. For example, you may only be interested in output, not input. If so, you can select which modules you want using <code>--enable-MODULENAME</code> where MODULENAME is one of <code>wxml</code>, <code>wcml</code>, <code>wkml</code>, <code>sax</code>, <code>dom</code>. If none are explicitly enabled, then all will be built. (Alternatively, you can exclude modules one at a time with <code>--disable-MODULENAME</code>) Th [...]
+<li><p>If you have more than one Fortran compiler available, or it is not on your <code>PATH</code>, you can force the choice by doing:</p>
+<p><code>./configure FC=/path/to/compiler/of/choice</code></p></li>
+<li><p>It is possible that the configuration fails. In this case</p>
+<li>please tell me about it so I can fix it</li>
+<li>all relevant compiler details are placed in the file arch.make; you may be able to edit that file to allow compilation. Again, if so, please let me know what you need to do.</li>
+<li><p>By default the resultant files are installed under the objs directory. If you wish them to be installed elsewhere, you may do</p>
+<p><code>./configure --prefix=/path/to/installation</code></p></li>
+<p>Note that the configure process encodes the current directory location in several
+places.  If you move the FoX directory later on, you will need to re-run configure.</p>
+<li><p>You may be interested in <a href="#dummy_library">dummy compilation</a>. This is activated with the <code>--enable-dummy</code> switch (but only works for wxml/wcml currently).</p>
+<p><code>./configure --enable-wcml --enable-dummy</code></p></li>
+<p>In order to compile the full library, now simply do:</p>
+<p>This will build all the requested FoX modules, and the relevant examples</p>
+<p>In the full version of the FoX library, there are several testsuites included.</p>
+<p>To run them all, simply run <code>make check</code> from the top-level directory. This will run the individual testsuites, and collate their results.</p>
+<p>If any failures occur (unrelated to known compiler issues, see the <a href="http://github.com/andreww/fox/issues">up-to-date list</a>), please send a message to the mailing list (<a href="mai&#x6C;to:f&#x6F;&#x78;-&#x64;i&#x73;&#x63;&#x75;ss@&#x67;oo&#x67;&#x6C;e&#x67;r&#x6F;u&#x70;&#x73;&#x2E;&#x63;om">f&#x6F;&#x78;-&#x64;i&#x73;&#x63;&#x75;ss@&#x67;oo&#x67;&#x6C;e&#x67;&#114 [...]
+<p>The testsuites for the SAX and DOM libraries are very extensive, and are somewhat fragile, so are not distributed with FoX. Please contact the author for details.</p>
+<h2>Linking to an existing program</h2>
+<li>The files all having been compiled and installed, you need to link them into your program.</li>
+<p>A script is provided which will provide the appropriate compiler and linker flags for you; this will be created after configuration, in the top-level directory, and is called <code>FoX-config</code>. It may be taken from there and placed anywhere.</p>
+<p>FoX-config takes the following arguments:</p>
+<li><code>--fcflags</code>: return flags for compilation</li>
+<li><code>--libs</code>: return flags for linking</li>
+<li><code>--wxml</code>: return flags for compiling/linking against wxml</li>
+<li><code>--wcml</code>: return flags for compiling/linking against wcml</li>
+<li><code>--sax</code>: return flags for compiling/linking against sax</li>
+<p>If it is called with no arguments, it will expand to compile & link flags, thusly:</p>
+<pre><code>   f95 -o program program.f90 `FoX-config`
+<p>For compiling only against FoX, do the following:</p>
+<pre><code>f95 -c `FoX-config --fcflags` sourcefile.f90
+<p>For linking only to the FoX library, do:</p>
+<pre><code>f95 -o program `FoX-config --libs` *.o
+<p>or similar, according to your compilation scheme. </p>
+<p>Note that by default, <code>FoX-config</code> assumes you are using all modules of the library. If you are only using part, then this can be specified by also passing the name of each module required, like so:</p>
+<pre><code>FoX-config --fcflags --wcml
+<h2>Compiling a dummy library</h2>
+<p><a name="dummy_library"/></p>
+<p>Because of the shortcomings in some compilers, it is not possible to compile FoX everywhere. Equally, sometimes it is useful to be able to compile a code both with and without support for FoX (perhaps to reduce executable size). Especially where FoX is being used only for additional output, it is useful to be able to run the code and perform computations even without the possibility of XML output.</p>
+<p>For this reason, it is possible to compile a dummy version of FoX. This includes all public interfaces, so that your code will compile and link correctly - however none of the subroutines do anything, so you can retain the same version of your code without having to comment out all FoX calls.</p>
+<p>Because this dummy version of FoX contains nothing except empty subroutines, it compiles and links with all known Fortran 95 compilers, regardless of compiler bugs.</p>
+<p>To compile the dummy code, use the <code>--enable-dummy</code> switch. Note that currently the dummy mode is not yet available for the DOM module.</p>
+</div><hr/><div class="DoX">
+<a name="Embedding"/>
+<h1>Using FoX in your own project.</h1>
+<p>The recommended way to use FoX is to embed the full source code as a subdirectory, into an existing project.</p>
+<p>In order to do this, you need to do something like the following:</p>
+<li>Put the full source code as a top-level subdirectory of the tree, called FoX.</li>
+<li>Incorporate calls to FoX into the program.</li>
+<li>Incorporate building FoX into your build process.</li>
+<h2>To incorporate into the program</h2>
+<p>It is probably best to isolate use of XML facilities to a small part of the program. This is easily accomplished for XML input,
+which will generally happen in only one or two places.</p>
+<p>For XML output, this can be more complex. The easiest, and least intrusive way is probably to create a F90 module for your program, looking something like <code>example_xml_module.f90</code></p>
+<p>Then you must somewhere (probably in your main program), use this module, and call <code>initialize_xml_output()</code> at the start; and then <code>end_xml_output()</code> at the end of the program.</p>
+<p>In any of the subroutines where you want to output data to the xml file, you should then insert <code>use example_xml_module</code> at the beginning of the subroutine. You can then use any of the xml output routines with no further worries, as shown in the examples.</p>
+<p>It is easy to make the use of FoX optional, by the use of preprocessor defines. This can be done simply by wrapping each call to your XML wrapper routines in <code>#ifdef XML</code>, or similar. Alternatively, the use of the dummy FoX interfaces allows you to switch FoX on and off at compile time - see <a href="#Compilation">Compilation</a>.</p>
+<h2>To incorporate into the build process:</h2>
+<p>First, FoX must be configured, to ensure that it is set up correctly for your compiler.
+(See <a href="#Compilation">Compilation</a>)
+If your main code has a <code>configure</code> step, then run FoX's <code>configure</code> as part of it.</p>
+<p>If your code doesn't have its own configure step, then the first thing that "make" does
+should be to configure FoX, if it's not already configured. But that should only happen
+once; every time you make your code thereafter, you don't need to re-configure FoX,
+because nothing has changed. To do that, put a target like the following in your 
+        (cd FoX; ./configure FC=$(FC))
+<p>(Assuming that your <code>Makefile</code> already has a variable <code>FC</code> which sets the Fortran compiler)</p>
+<p>When FoX configure completes, it "touch"es a file called <code>FoX/.config</code>. That means that
+whenever you re-run your own make, it checks to see if <code>FoX/.config</code> exists - if it does,
+then it knows FoX doesn't need to be re-configured, so it doesn't bother.</p>
+<h3>Compilation of FoX</h3>
+<p>Then, FoX needs to be compiled before your code (because your modules will depend
+on FoX's modules.) But again, it only needs to be compiled once. You won't be changing
+FoX, you'll only be changing your own code, so recompiling your code doesn't require
+recompiling FoX.</p>
+<p>So, add another target like the following;</p>
+<pre><code>FoX/.FoX: FoX/.config
+        (cd FoX; $(MAKE))
+<p>This has a dependency on the <code>configure</code> script as I showed above, but it will only run it 
+if the <code>configure</code> script hasn't already been run.</p>
+<p>When FoX is successfully compiled, the last thing its <code>Makefile</code> does is "touch" the file called
+<code>FoX/.FoX</code>. So the above target checks to see if that file exists; and if it does, then it doesn't
+bother recompiling FoX, because it's already compiled. On the very first time you compile
+your code, it will <code>cd</code> into the FoX directory and compile it - but then never again.</p>
+<p>You then need to have that rule be a dependency of your main target; like so:</p>
+<pre><code>  MyExecutable: FoX/.FoX
+<p>(or whatever your default <code>Makefile</code> rule is).</p>
+<p>which will ensure that before <code>MyExecutable</code> is compiled, <code>make</code> will check to see that FoX
+has been compiled (which most of the time it will be, so nothing further will happen).
+But the first time you compile your code, it will call the FoX target, and FoX will be
+configured & compiled.</p>
+<h3>Compiling/linking your code</h3>
+<p>You should add this to your <code>FFLAGS</code> (or equivalent - the variable that holds
+flags for compile-time use.</p>
+<pre><code>FFLAGS=-g -O2 -whatever-else $$(FoX/FoX-config --fcflags)
+<p>to make sure that you get the path to your modules. (Different compilers have different flags for specifying module
+paths; some use <code>-I</code>, some use <code>-M</code>, <em>etc</em>, if you use the above
+construction it will pick the right one automatically for your compiler.)</p>
+<p>Similarly, for linking, add the following to your <code>LDFLAGS</code> (or equivalent - the variable
+that holds flags for link-time use.)</p>
+<pre><code>LDFLAGS=-lwhatever $$(FoX/FoX-config --libs)
+<p>(For full details of the <code>FoX-config</code> script, see <a href="#Compilation">Compilation</a>)</p>
+<h3>Cleaning up</h3>
+<p>Finally - you probably have a <code>clean</code> target in your makefile. Don't tie FoX into this
+target - most of the time when you <code>make clean</code>, you don't want to <code>make clean</code> with 
+FoX as well, because there's no need - FoX won't have changed and
+it'll take a couple of minutes to recompile.</p>
+<p>However, you can add a <code>distclean</code> (or something) target, which you use before
+moving your code to another machine, that looks like:</p>
+<pre><code>distclean: clean
+        (cd FoX; $(MAKE) distclean)
+<p>and that will ensure that when you do <code>make distclean</code>, even FoX's object files are
+cleaned up. But of course that will mean that you have to reconfigure & recompile
+FoX next time you compile your code</p>
+</div><hr/><div class="DoX">
+<a name="Standards"/>
+<h1>Standards compliance</h1>
+<p>FoX is written with reference to the following standards:</p>
+<p>[XML10]: <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml/">http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml/</a></p>
+<p>[XML11]: <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/xml11">http://www.w3.org/TR/xml11</a></p>
+<p>[Namespaces10]: <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/xml-names">http://www.w3.org/TR/xml-names</a></p>
+<p>[Namespaces11]: <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/xml-names11">http://www.w3.org/TR/xml-names11</a></p>
+<p>[xml:id]: <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/xml-id/">http://www.w3.org/TR/xml-id/</a></p>
+<p>[xml:base]: <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/xmlbase/">http://www.w3.org/TR/xmlbase/</a></p>
+<p>[CanonicalXML]: <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/xml-c14n">http://www.w3.org/TR/xml-c14n</a></p>
+<p>[SAX2]: <a href="http://saxproject.org">http://saxproject.org</a></p>
+<p>[DOM1]:  <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-DOM-Level-1/level-one-core.html">http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-DOM-Level-1/level-one-core.html</a></p>
+<p>[DOM2]:  <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Core/">http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Core/</a></p>
+<p>[DOM3]:  <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-3-Core/">http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-3-Core/</a></p>
+<p>In particular:</p>
+<li><p><code>FoX_wxml</code> knows about [XML10], [XML11], [Namespaces10], [Namespaces11], [CanonicalXML]</p></li>
+<li><p><code>FoX_sax</code> knows about  [XML10], [XML11], [Namespaces10], [Namespaces11], [xml:id], [xml:base], [SAX2]</p></li>
+<li><p><code>FoX_dom</code> knows about [XML10], [XML11], [Namespaces10], [Namespaces11], [xml:id], [xml:base], [DOM1], [DOM2], [DOM3], [CanonicalXML]</p></li>
+<p>For exceptions, please see the relevant parts of the FoX documentation.</p>
+</div><hr/><div class="DoX">
+<a name="FoX_common"/>
+<p>FoX_common is a module exporting interfaces to a set of convenience functions common to all of the FoX modules, which are of more general use.</p>
+<p>Currently, there are three publically available functions and four subroutines:</p>
+<li>The subroutine <code>str</code> converts primitive datatypes into strings in a consistent fashion, conformant with the expectations of XML processors.</li>
+<p>It is fully described in <a href="#StringFormatting">StringFormatting</a></p>
+<li><p>The subroutine <code>rts</code> performs the reverse function, taking a string (obtained from an XML document) and converts it into a primitive Fortran datatype.</p></li>
+<li><p>The function <code>countrts</code> examinies a string and determines the size of array requiered to hold all its data, once converted to a primitive Fortran datatype.</p></li>
+<p>It is fully described in <a href="#StringConversion">StringConversion</a></p>
+<p>The final four procedures change the way that errors and warnings are handled when encounterd by any FoX modules. Using these procedures it is possible to convert non-fatal warnings and fatal errors to calls to the internal about routine. This generally has the effect of generating a stack trace or core dump of the program before temination. This is a global setting for all XML documents being manipulated. Two subroutines take a single logical argument to turn on (true) and off (false [...]
+<li><p><code>FoX_set_fatal_warnings</code> for warnings </p></li>
+<li><p><code>FoX_set_fatal_errors</code> for errors</p></li>
+<p>and two functions (without arguments) allow the state to be checked:</p>
+<li><p><code>FoX_get_fatal_warnings</code> for warnings</p></li>
+<li><p><code>FoX_get_fatal_errors</code> for errors</p></li>
+<p>Both fatal warnings and errors are off by default. This corresponds to the previous behaviour. </p>
+</div><hr/><div class="DoX">
+<a name="StringFormatting"/>
+<h1>String handling in FoX</h1>
+<p>Many of the routines in wxml, and indeed in wcml which is built on top of wxml, are overloaded so that data may be passed to the same routine as string, integer, logical, real, or complex data.</p>
+<p>In such cases, a few notes on the conversion of non-textual data to text is in order. The
+standard Fortran I/O formatting routines do not offer the control required for useful XML output, so FoX performs all its own formatting.</p>
+<p>This formatting is done internally through a function which is also available publically to the user, <code>str</code>.</p>
+<p>To use this in your program, import it via:</p>
+<pre><code>use FoX_common, only; str
+<p>and use it like so:</p>
+<pre><code> print*, str(data)
+<p>In addition, for ease of use, the <code>//</code> concatenation operator is overloaded, such that strings can easily be formed by concatenation of strings to other datatypes. To use this you must import it via:</p>
+<pre><code> use FoX_common, only: operator(//)
+<p>and use it like so:</p>
+<pre><code> integer :: data
+ print*, "This is a number "//data
+<p>This will work for all native Fortran data types - but no floating point formatting is available as described below with concatenation, only with str()</p>
+<p>You may pass data of the following primitive types to <code>str</code>:</p>
+<h2>Scalar data</h2>
+<h3>Character (default kind)</h3>
+<p>Character data is returned unchanged.</p>
+<h3>Logical (default kind)</h3>
+<p>Logical data is output such that True values are converted to the string 'true', and False to the string 'false'.</p>
+<h3>Integer (default kind)</h3>
+<p>Integer data is converted to the standard decimal representation.</p>
+<h3>Real numbers (single and double precision)</h3>
+<p>Real numbers, both single and double precision, are converted to strings in one of two ways, with some control offered to the user. The output will conform to the real number formats specified by XML Schema Datatypes.</p>
+<p>This may be done in one of two ways:</p>
+<li><p>Exponential notation, with variable number of significant figures. Format strings of the form "<code>s</code><strong>n</strong>"  are accepted, where <strong>n</strong> is the number of significant figures.</p>
+<p>Thus the number <code>111</code>, when output with various formats, will produce the following output:</p></li>
+<table class="format">
+  <td class="format"> s1 </td><td> 1e2 </td>
+  <td> s2 </td><td> 1.1e2 </td>
+  <td> s3 </td><td> 1.11e2 </td>
+  <td> s4 </td><td> 1.110e2 </td>
+<p>The number of significant figures should lie between 1 and the number of digits precision provided by the real kind. If a larger or smaller number is specified, output will be truncated accordingly. If unspecified, then a sensible default will be chosen.</p>
+<p>This format is not permitted by XML Schema Datatypes 1.0, though it is in 2.0</p>
+<li><p>Non-exponential notation, with variable number of digits after the decimal point. Format strings of the form "<code>r</code><strong>n</strong>", where <strong>n</strong> is the number of digits after the decimal point.</p>
+<p>Thus the number <code>3.14159</code>, when output with various formats, will produce the following output:</p></li>
+<table class="format">
+  <td> r0 </td><td> 3 </td>
+  <td> r1 </td><td> 3.1</td>
+  <td> r2 </td><td> 3.14</td>
+  <td> r3 </td><td> 3.142 </td>
+<p>The number of decimal places must lie between 0 and whatever would output the maximum digits precision for that real kind.  If a larger or smaller number is specified, output will be truncated accorsingly. If unspecified, then a sensible default will be chosen.</p>
+<p>This format is the only one permitted by XML Schema Datatypes 1.0</p>
+<p>If no format is specified, then a default of exponential notation will be used.</p>
+<p>If a format is specified not conforming to either of the two forms above, a run-time error will be generated.</p>
+<p><strong>NB</strong> Since by using FoX or str, you are passing real numbers through various functions, this means that
+       they must be valid real numbers. A corollary of this is that if you pass in +/-Infinity, or NaN, then
+       the behaviour of FoX is unpredictable, and may well result in a crash. This is a consequence of the
+       Fortran standard, which strictly disallows doing anything at all with such numbers, including even
+       just passing them to a subroutine.</p>
+<h2>Complex numbers (single and double precision)</h2>
+<p>Complex numbers will be output as pairs of real numbers, in the following way:</p>
+<p>where the two halves can be formatted in the way described for 'Real numbers' above; only one format may be specified, and it will apply to both.</p>
+<p>All the caveats described above apply for complex number as well; that is, output of complex numbers either of whose components are infinite or NaN is illegal in Fortran, and more than likely will cause a crash in FoX.</p>
+<h2>Arrays and matrices</h2>
+<p>All of the above types of data may be passed in as arrays and matrices as well. In this case, a string containing all the individual elements will be returned, ordered as they would be in memory, each element separated by a single space.</p>
+<p>If the data is character data, then there is an additional option to str, <code>delimiter</code> which may be any single-character string, and will replace a space as the delimiter.</p>
+<h2>wxml/wcml wrappers.</h2>
+<p>All functions in wxml which can accept arbitrary data (roughly, wherever you put anything that is not an XML name; attribute values, pseudo-attribute values, character data) will take scalars, arrays, and matrices of any of the above data types, with <code>fmt=</code> and <code>delimiter=</code> optional arguments where appropriate.</p>
+<p>Similarly, wcml functions which can accept varied data will behave similarly.</p>
+</div><hr/><div class="DoX">
+<a name="StringConversion"/>
+<h1>String conversion</h1>
+<p>Two procedures are provided to simplify reading data retreved from XML documents into Fortran variables. The subroutine <code>rts</code> performs the data conversion step and the function <code>countrts</code> can be used to allocate an array of the correct size for the incomming data. </p>
+<h2><code>rts</code> subroutine</h2>
+<p>The <code>rts</code> subroutine can be imported from <code>FoX_common</code>. In its simplest form, it is called in this fashion:</p>
+<pre><code>call rts(string, data)
+<p><code>string</code> is a simple Fortran string (probably retrieved from an XML file.)</p>
+<p><code>data</code> is any native Fortran datatype: <code>logical</code>, <code>character</code>, <code>integer</code>, <code>real</code>, <code>double precision</code>, <code>complex</code>, <code>double complex</code>, and may be a scalar, 1D or 2D array.</p>
+<p><code>rts</code> will attempt to parse the contents of <code>string</code> into the appropriate datatype, and return the value in <code>data</code>.</p>
+<p>Additional information or error handling is accomplished with the following optional arguments:</p>
+<p><code>num</code> is an integer; on returning from the function it indicates the number of data items read before either:</p>
+<li>an error occurred</li>
+<li>the string was exhausted of data items  </li>
+<li><code>data</code> was filled.</li>
+<p><code>iostat</code> is an integer, which on return from the function has the values:</p>
+<li><code>0</code> for no problems</li>
+<li><code>-1</code> if too few elements were found in <code>string</code> to fill up <code>data</code></li>
+<li><code>1</code> if <code>data</code> was filled, but there were still data items left in <code>string</code></li>
+<li><code>2</code> if the characters found in <code>string</code> could not be converted to the appropriate type for <code>data</code>.</li>
+<p>NB if <code>iostat</code> is not specified, and a non-zero value is returned, then the program will stop with an error message.</p>
+<h2>String formatting</h2>
+<p>When <code>string</code> is expected to be an array of strings, the following options are used to break <code>string</code> into its constituent elements:</p>
+<li><p>By default it is assumed that the elements are separated by whitespace, and that multiple whitespace characters are not significant. No zero-length elements are possible, nor are elements containing whitespace.</p></li>
+<li><p>An optional argument, <code>separator</code> may be specified, which is a single character. In this case, each element consists of all characters between subsequent occurences of the <code>separator</code>. Zero-length elements are possible, but no escaping mechanism is possible.</p></li>
+<li><p>Alternatively, an optional logical argument <code>csv</code> may be specified. In this case, the value of <code>delimiter</code> is ignored, and the string is parsed as a Comma-Separated-Value string, according to <a href="http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4180">RFC 4180</a>.</p></li>
+<h2>Numerical formatting.</h2>
+<p>Numbers are expected to be formatted according to the usual conventions for Fortran input.</p>
+<h2>Complex number formatting.</h2>
+<p>Complex numbers may be formatted according to either normal Fortran conventions (comma-separated pairs) or <a href="http://cmlcomp.org/t/wiki/FpxStandard">CMLComp conventions</a></p>
+<h2>Logical variable formatting.</h2>
+<p>Logical variables must be encoded according to the conventions of <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/xmlschema-2/#boolean">XML Schema Datatypes</a>  - that is, True may be written as "true" or "1", and False may be written as "false" or "0".</p>
+<h2><code>countrts</code> function</h2>
+<p>The <code>countrts</code> function can also be imported from <code>FoX_common</code>. In its simplest form, it is called in this fashion:</p>
+<pre><code>countrts(string, datatype)
+<p><code>string</code> is a simple Fortran string (probably retrived from an XML file)</p>
+<p><code>datatype</code> is a scalar argument of any native Fortran datatype (<code>logical</code>, <code>character</code>, <code>integer</code>, <code>real</code>, <code>double precision</code>, <code>complex</code> or <code>double complex</code>).</p>
+<p>The function returns a default integer equal to the number of elements that rts would
+return if called with a sufficently large array of the same type as <code>datatype</code>. <code>countrts</code> returns 0 to indicate that characters were found in the string that could not be converted. If datatype is a character, the optional arguments <code>seperator</code> and <code>csv</code> are avalable as described in "string formatting" above. The <code>countrts</code> function is pure and can be used as a specification function.</p>
+</div><hr/><div class="DoX">
+<a name="FoX_wxml"/>
+<p><code>wxml</code> is a general Fortran XML output library. It offers a Fortran interface, in the form of a number of subroutines,  to generate well-formed XML documents. Almost all of the XML features described in <a href="#XML11">XML11</a>  and <a href="#Namespaces">Namespaces</a> are available, and <code>wxml</code> will diagnose almost all attempts to produce an invalid document. <a href="#Exceptions">Exceptions</a> below describes where <code>wxml</code> falls short of these aims.</p>
+<p>First, <a href="#Conventions">Conventions</a> describes the conventions use in this document.</p>
+<p>Then, <a href="#Functions">Functions</a> lists all of <code>wxml</code>'s publically exported functions, in three sections:</p>
+<li><a href="#simple">Firstly</a>, the very few functions necessary to create the simplest XML document, containing only elements, attributes, and text. </li>
+<li><a href="#NSfunctions">Secondly</a>, those functions concerned with XML Namespaces, and how Namespaces affect the behaviour of the first tranche of functions.  </li>
+<li><a href="#obscure">Thirdly</a>, a set of more rarely used functions required to access some of the more esoteric corners of the XML specification.</li>
+<p>Please note that where the documentation below is not clear, it may be useful to look at some of the example files. There is a very simple example in the <code>examples/</code> subdirectory, but which nevertheless shows the use of most of the features you will use.</p>
+<p>A more elaborate example, using almost all of the XML features found here, is available in the top-level directory as <code>wxml_example.f90</code>. It will be automatically compiled as part of the build porcess.</p>
+<p><a name="Conventions"/></p>
+<h2>Conventions and notes:</h2>
+<h4>Conventions used below.</h4>
+<li>Function names are in <code>monospace</code></li>
+<li>argument names are in <strong>bold</strong></li>
+<li>optional argument names are in (<strong>parenthesized bold</strong>)</li>
+<li>argument types are in <em>italic</em> and may consist of:</li>
+<li><em>string</em>: string of arbitrary (unless otherwise specified) length</li>
+<li><em>integer</em>: default integer</li>
+<li><em>real(sp)</em>: single precision real number</li>
+<li><em>real(dp)</em>: double precision real number</li>
+<li><em>logical</em>: default logical </li>
+<li><em>real</em>: either of <em>real(sp)</em> or <em>real(dp)</em></li>
+<li><em>anytype</em>: any of <em>logical</em>, <em>integer</em>, <em>real(sp)</em>, <em>real(dp)</em>, <em>string</em></li>
+<p>Note that where <em>strings</em> are passed in, they will be passed through entirely unchanged to the output file - no truncation of whitespace will occur.</p>
+<p>It is strongly recommended that the functions be used with keyword arguments rather than replying on implicit ordering.</p>
+<h4>Derived type: <code>xmlf_t</code></h4>
+<p>This is an opaque type representing the XML file handle. Each function requires this as an argument, so it knows which file to operate on. (And it is an output of the xml_OpenFile subroutine) Since all subroutines require it, it is not mentioned below.</p>
+<p><a name="Functions"/></p>
+<h2>Function listing</h2>
+<p><a name="simple"/></p>
+<h3>Frequently used functions</h3>
+<li><code>xml_OpenFile</code> <br />
+<strong>filename</strong>: <em>string</em>: Filename to be opened <br />
+<strong>xf</strong>: <em>xmlf_t</em>: XML File handle <br />
+(<strong>channel</strong>): <em>integer</em>: What Fortran file handle should the XML file be attached to? 
+<em>default: picked by the library at runtime</em> <br />
+(<strong>pretty_print</strong>): <em>logical</em>: Should the XML output be formatted to look pretty? (This implies that whitespace is not significant) 
+<em>default: false</em> <br />
+(<strong>replace</strong>): <em>logical</em>: Should the file be replaced if it already exists? 
+<em>default: no, stop at runtime if file already exists</em> <br />
+(<strong>addDecl</strong>): <em>logical</em>: Should an XML declaration be added at the start of the file? 
+<em>default: yes</em> <br />
+(<strong>namespace</strong>): <em>logical</em>: Should wxml prevent the output of namespace-ill-formed documents? 
+<em>default: yes</em> <br />
+(<strong>validate</strong>): <em>logical</em>: Should wxml carry out any checks on the optional VC constraints specified by XML? 
+<em>default: no</em> <br />
+(<strong>warning</strong>): <em>logical</em>: Should wxml emit warnings when it is unable to guarantee well-formedness? 
+<em>default: no</em>  </li>
+<p>Open a file for writing XML</p>
+<p>By default, the XML will have no extraneous text nodes. This can have the effect of it
+looking slightly ugly, since there will be no newlines inserted between tags.</p>
+<p>This behaviour can be changed to produce slightly nicer looking XML, by switching
+on pretty_print. This will insert newlines and spaces between some tags where
+they are unlikely to carry semantics. Note, though, that this does result in 
+the XML produced being not quite what was asked for, since extra characters and
+text nodes have been inserted.</p>
+<p>NB: The <strong>replace</strong> option should be noted. By default, xml_OpenFile will fail with a runtime error if you try and write to an existing file. If you are sure you want to continue on in such a case, then you can specify <code>**replace**=.true.</code> and any existing files will be overwritten. If finer granularity is required over how to proceed in such cases, use the Fortran <code>inquire</code> statement in your code. There is no 'append' functionality by design - any X [...]
+<li><code>xml_Close</code> <br />
+<strong>xf</strong>: <em>xmlf_t</em>: XML File handle
+(<strong>empty</strong>): Can the file be empty? <em>default: .false.</em></li>
+<p>Close an opened XML file, closing all still-opened tags so that it is well-formed.</p>
+<p>In the normal run of event, trying to close an XML file with no root element will cause an error, since this is not well-formed. However, an optional argument, <strong>empty</strong> is provided in case it is desirable to close files which may be empty. In this case, a warning will still be emitted, but no fatal error generated.</p>
+<li><code>xml_NewElement</code> <br />
+<strong>name</strong>: <em>string</em>:
+Name of tag (for namespaced output, you need to include the prefix)</li>
+<p>Open a new element tag</p>
+<li><code>xml_EndElement</code> <br />
+<strong>name</strong>: <em>string</em>: 
+Name of tag to be closed (if it doesn't match currently open tag, you'll get an error)</li>
+<p>Close an open tag</p>
+<li><code>xml_AddAttribute</code> <br />
+<strong>name</strong>: <em>string</em>: Name of attribute <br />
+<strong>value</strong>: <em>anytype</em>: Value of attribute <br />
+(<strong>escape</strong>): <em>logical</em>: if the attribute value is a string, should the attribute value be escaped?
+<em>default: true</em> <br />
+(<strong>type</strong>): <em>string</em>: the type of the attribute. This must be one of <code>CDATA</code>, <code>ID</code>, <code>IDREF</code>, <code>IDREFS</code>, <code>NMTOKEN</code>, <code>NMTOKENS</code>, <code>ENTITY</code>, <code>ENTITIES</code>, or <code>NOTATION</code> (always upper case). If specified, this must match any attribute declarations that have been previously declared in the DTD. If unspecified this (as the XML standard requires) defaults to <code>CDATA</code>.</li>
+<p>Add an attribute to the currently open tag.</p>
+<p>By default, if the attribute value contains markup characters, they will be escaped automatically by
+wxml before output.</p>
+<p>However, in rare cases you may not wish this to happen - if you wish to output Unicode
+characters, or entity references. In this case, you should set <code>escape=.false.</code> for the relevant
+subroutine call. Note that if you do this, no checking on the validity of the output string iis performed; the onus is on you to ensure well-formedness</p>
+<p>The value to be added may be of any type; it will be converted to text according to FoX's <a href="str.html">formatting rules</a>,
+and if it is a 1- or 2-dimensional array, the elements will all be output, separated by spaces (except if it is a character array, in which
+case the delimiter may be changed to any other single character using an optional argument).</p>
+<p>NB The <strong>type</strong> option is only provided so that in the case of an external DTD which FoX is unaware of, the attribute type can be specified (which gives FoX more information to ensure well-formedness and validity). Specifying the type incorrectly may result in spurious error messages)</p>
+<li><code>xml_AddCharacters</code> <br />
+<strong>chars</strong> <em>anytype</em>:
+The text to be output <br />
+(<strong>parsed</strong>): <em>logical</em>: Should the output characters be parsed (ie should the library replace '&' with '&' etc?) or unparsed (in which case
+the characters will be surrounded by CDATA tags.
+<em>default: yes</em> <br />
+(<strong>delimiter</strong>): <em>character(1)</em>: If <strong>data</strong> is a character array, what should the delimiter between elements be on output?
+<em>default: a single space</em> <br />
+(<strong>ws_significant</strong>): <em>logical</em>: Is any whitespace in the string significant? <em>default: unknown</em></li>
+<p>Add text data. The data to be added may be of any type; they will be converted to text according to FoX's <a href="str.html">formatting rules</a>,
+and if they are a 1- or 2-dimensional array, the elements will all be output, separated by spaces (except if it is a character array, in which
+case the delimiter may be changed to any other single character using an optional argument).</p>
+<p>Within the context of character output, add a (system-dependent) newline character. This function can only
+be called wherever <code>xml_AddCharacters</code> can be called. (Newlines outside of character context are under
+FoX's control, and cannot be manipulated by the user.)</p>
+<p><a name="NSfunctions"/></p>
+<h3>Namespace-aware functions:</h3>
+<li><code>xml_DeclareNamespace</code> <br />
+<strong>nsURI</strong> <em>string</em>: The URI of the namespace <br />
+(<strong>prefix</strong>) <em>string</em>: The namespace prefix to be used in the document. If absent, then the default namespace is affected.</li>
+<p>Add an XML Namespace declaration. This function may be called at any time, and its precise effect depends on when it is called; see below</p>
+<li><code>xml_UndeclareNamespace</code> <br />
+(<strong>prefix</strong>) <em>string</em>: The namespace prefix to be used in the document. If absent, then the default namespace is affected.</li>
+<p>Undeclare an XML namespace. This is equivalent to declaring an namespace with an empty URI, and renders the namespace ineffective for the scope of the declaration. For explanation of its scope, see below.</p>
+<p><strong>NB</strong> Use of <code>xml_UndeclareNamespace</code> implies that the resultant document will be compliant with XML Namespaces 1.1, but not 1.0; wxml will issue an error when trying to undeclare namespaces under XML 1.0.</p>
+<h4>Scope of namespace functions</h4>
+<p>If  <code>xml_[Un]declareNamespace</code> is called immediately prior to an <code>xml_NewElement</code> call, then the namespace will be declared in that next element, and will therefore take effect in all child elements.</p>
+<p>If it is called prior to an <code>xml_NewElement</code> call, but that element has namespaced attributes </p>
+<p>To explain by means of example: In order to generate the following XML output:</p>
+<pre><code> <cml:cml xmlns:cml="http://www.xml-cml.org/schema"/>
+<p>then the following two calls are necessary, in the prescribed order:</p>
+<pre><code>  xml_DeclareNamespace(xf, 'cml', 'http://www.xml-cml.org')
+  xml_NewElement(xf, 'cml:cml')
+<p>However, to generate XML input like so:
+      <cml xhtml:class="symbol" xmlns:xhtml="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"/>
+that is, where the namespace refers to an attribute at the same level,
+then as long as the <code>xml_DeclareNamespace</code> call is made before the element tag is closed (either by <code>xml_EndElement</code>, or by a new element tag being opened, or some text being added etc.) the correct XML will be generated.</p>
+<p>Two previously mentioned functions are affected when used in a namespace-aware fashion.</p>
+<li><code>xml_NewElement</code>, <code>xml_AddAttribute</code></li>
+<p>The element or attribute name is checked, and if it is a QName (ie if it is of the form prefix:tagName) then wxml will check that prefix is a
+registered namespace prefix, and generate an error if not.</p>
+<p><a name="obscure"/></p>
+<h3>More rarely used functions:</h3>
+<p>If you don't know the purpose of any of these, then you don't need to. </p>
+<li><code>xml_AddXMLDeclaration</code> <br />
+(<strong>version</strong>) <em>string</em>: XML version to be used.
+<em>default: 1.0</em> <br />
+(<strong>encoding</strong>) <em>string</em>: character encoding of the document
+<em>default: absent</em> <br />
+(<strong>standalone</strong>) <em>logical</em>: is this document standalone?
+<em>default: absent</em>  </li>
+<p>Add XML declaration to the first line of output. If used, then the file must have been opened with <code>addDecl = .false.</code>, and this must be the first wxml call to the document.o</p>
+<p>NB The only XML versions available are 1.0 and 1.1. Attempting to specify anything else will result in an error. Specifying version 1.0 results in additional output checks to ensure the resultant document is XML-1.0-conformant.</p>
+<p>NB Note that if the encoding is specified, and is specified to not be UTF-8, then if the specified encoding does not match that supported by the Fortran processor, you may end up with output you do not expect.</p>
+<li><code>xml_AddDOCTYPE</code> <br />
+<strong>name</strong> <em>string</em>: DOCTYPE name <br />
+(<strong>system</strong>) <em>string</em>: DOCTYPE SYSTEM ID <br />
+(<strong>public</strong>) <em>string</em>: DOCTYPE PUBLIC ID  </li>
+<p>Add an XML document type declaration. If used, this must be used prior to first <code>xml_NewElement</code> call, and only one such call must be made.</p>
+<li><code>xml_AddInternalEntity</code> <br />
+<strong>name</strong> <em>string</em>: name of internal entity <br />
+<strong>value</strong> <em>string</em>: value of internal entity  </li>
+<p>Define an internal entity for the document. If used, this call must be made after <code>xml_AddDOCTYPE</code> and before the first <code>xml_NewElement</code> call.</p>
+<li><code>xml_AddExternalEntity</code> <br />
+<strong>name</strong> <em>string</em>: name of external entity <br />
+<strong>system</strong> <em>string</em>: SYSTEM ID of external entity <br />
+(<strong>public</strong>) <em>string</em>: PUBLIC ID of external entity
+<em>default: absent</em> <br />
+(<strong>notation</strong>) <em>string</em>: notation for external entity
+<em>default: absent</em>  </li>
+<p>Define an external entity for the document. If used, this call must be made after <code>xml_AddDOCTYPE</code> and before the first <code>xml_NewElement</code> call.</p>
+<li><code>xml_AddParameterEntity</code> <br />
+<strong>name</strong> <em>string</em>: name of parameter entity <br />
+(<strong>PEdef</strong>) <em>string</em>: definition of parameter entity
+<em>default: absent</em> <br />
+(<strong>system</strong>) <em>string</em>: SYSTEM ID of parameter entity
+<em>default: absent</em> <br />
+(<strong>public</strong>) <em>string</em>: PUBLIC ID of parameter entity
+<em>default: absent</em>  </li>
+<p>Define a parameter entity for the document. If used, this call must be made after <code>xml_AddDOCTYPE</code> and before the first <code>xml_NewElement</code> call.</p>
+<li><code>xml_AddNotation</code> <br />
+<strong>name</strong> <em>string</em>: name of notation <br />
+(<strong>system</strong>) <em>string</em>: SYSTEM ID of notation
+<em>default: absent</em> <br />
+(<strong>public</strong>) <em>string</em>: PUBLIC ID of notation
+<em>default: absent</em>  </li>
+<p>Define a notation for the document. If used, this call must be made after <code>xml_AddDOCTYPE</code> and before the first <code>xml_NewElement</code> call.</p>
+<li><code>xml_AddElementToDTD</code> <br />
+<strong>name</strong> <em>string</em>: name of element <br />
+<strong>declaration</strong> <em>string</em>: declaration of element  </li>
+<p>Add an ELEMENT declaration to the DTD. The syntax of the declaration is not checked in any way, nor does this affect how elements may be added in the content of the XML document.</p>
+<p>If used, this call must be made after <code>xml_AddDOCTYPE</code> and before the first <code>xml_NewElement</code> call.</p>
+<li><code>xml_AddAttlistToDTD</code> <br />
+<strong>name</strong> <em>string</em>: name of element <br />
+<strong>declaration</strong> <em>string</em>: declaration of element  </li>
+<p>Add an ATTLIST declaration to the DTD. The syntax of the declaration is not checked in any way, nor does this affect how attributes may be added in the content of the XML document.</p>
+<p>If used, this call must be made after <code>xml_AddDOCTYPE</code> and before the first <code>xml_NewElement</code> call.</p>
+<li><code>xml_AddPEreferenceToDTD</code> <br />
+<strong>name</strong> <em>string</em>: name of PEreference</li>
+<p>Add a reference to a Parameter Entity in the DTD. No check is made according to whether the PE exists, has been declared, or may legally be used.</p>
+<p>If used, this call must be made after <code>xml_AddDOCTYPE</code> and before the first <code>xml_NewElement</code> call.</p>
+<li><code>xml_AddXMLStylesheet</code> <br />
+<strong>href</strong> :<em>string</em>: 
+address of stylesheet <br />
+<strong>type</strong>: <em>string</em>:
+type of stylesheet (generally "text/xsl") <br />
+(<strong>title</strong>): <em>string</em>:
+title of stylesheet
+<em>default: none</em> <br />
+(<strong>media</strong>): <em>string:</em>
+output media type
+<em>default: none</em> <br />
+(<strong>charset</strong>): <em>string</em>
+charset of media type
+<em>default:none</em> <br />
+(<strong>alternate</strong>): <em>string</em>:
+<em>default:none</em>  </li>
+<p>Add XML stylesheet processing instruction, as described in [Stylesheets]. If used, this call must be made before the first <code>xml_NewElement</code> call.</p>
+<li><code>xml_AddXMLPI</code> <br />
+<strong>name</strong>: <em>string</em>:
+name of PI <br />
+(<strong>data</strong>): <em>string</em>:
+data for PI <br />
+(<strong>xml</strong>): <em>logical</em>: (see below)
+<em>default: false</em> <br />
+(<strong>ws_significant</strong>): <em>logical</em>: if this is a PI containing only <strong>data</strong>, then is any whitespace in the data significant? <em>default: unknown</em></li>
+<p>Add an XML Processing Instruction.</p>
+<p>If data is present, nothing further can be added to the PI. If it is <em>not</em> present, then pseudoattributes may be added using the call below.
+Normally, the <strong>name</strong> is checked to ensure that it is XML-compliant. This requires that PI targets not start with <code>[Xx][Mm][Ll]</code>, because such names are reserved. However, some are defined by later W3 specificataions. If you wish to use such PI targets, then set <code>xml=.true.</code> when outputting them.</p>
+<p>The output PI will look like:
+<code><?name data?></code></p>
+<li><code>xml_AddPseudoAttribute</code> <br />
+<strong>name</strong>: <em>string</em>:
+Name of pseudoattribute <br />
+<strong>value</strong>: <em>anytype</em>:
+Value of pseudoattribute
+(<strong>ws_significant</strong>): <em>logical</em>: If there is any whitespace in the value of this pseudoattribute, is is significant?</li>
+<p>Add a pseudoattribute to the currently open PI.</p>
+<li><code>xml_AddComment</code> <br />
+<strong>comment</strong>: <em>string</em>
+Contents of comment <br />
+(<strong>ws_significant</strong>): <em>logical</em>: is any whitespace in the comment string significant? <em>default: unknown</em></li>
+<p>Add an XML comment.</p>
+<li><code>xml_AddEntityReference</code> <br />
+<strong>entityref</strong>: Entity reference.</li>
+<p>This may be used anywhere that <code>xml_AddCharacters</code> may be, and will insert an entity reference into the contents of the XML document at that point. Note that if the entity inserted is a character entity, its validity well be checked according to the rules of XML-1.1, not 1.0.</p>
+<p>If the entity reference is not a character entity, then no check is made of its validity, and a warning will be issued</p>
+<h3>Functions to query XML file objects</h3>
+<p>These functions may be of use in building wrapper libraries:</p>
+<li><code>xmlf_Name</code> result(<em>string</em>)</li>
+<p>Return the filename of an open XML file</p>
+<li><code>xmlf_OpenTag</code> result(<em>string</em>)</li>
+<p>Return the currently open tag of the current XML file (or the empty string if none is open)</p>
+<li><code>xmlf_GetPretty_print</code> result(<em>logical</em>)</li>
+<p>Return the current value of pretty_print.</p>
+<strong>NewValue</strong>: <em>logical</em></li>
+<p>Set the current value of pretty_print to the NewValue. This may be useful in a mixed namespace
+document where pretty printing the output may change the meaning under one of the namespaces.</p>
+<p><a name="Exceptions"/></p>
+<p>Below are explained areas where wxml fails to implement the whole of XML 1.0/1.1. These are divided into two lists; where wxml <strong>does not</strong> permit the generation of a particular well-formed XML document, and where it <strong>does</strong> permit the generation of a particular non-well-formed document.</p>
+<p>Ways in which wxml renders it impossible to produce a certain sort of well-formed XML document:</p>
+<li>Unicode support is limited. Due to the limitations of Fortran, wxml is unable to manipulate characters outwith 7-bit US-ASCII. wxml will ensure that characters corresponding to those in 7-bit ASCII are output correctly within the constraints of the version of XML in use, for a UTF-8 encoding. Attempts to directly output any other characters will have undefined effects.  Output of other unicode characters is possible through the use of character entities.</li>
+<li>Due to the constraints of the Fortran IO specification, it is impossible to output arbitrary long strings without carriage returns. The size of the limit varies between processors, but may be as low as 1024 characters. To avoid overrunning this limit, wxml will by default insert carriage returns before every new element, and if an unbroken string of attribute or text data is requested greater than 1024 characters, then carriage returns will be inserted as appropriate; within whitespa [...]
+<p>wxml will try very hard to ensure that output is well-formed. However, it is possible to fool wxml into producing ill-formed XML documents. Avoid doing so if possible; for completeness these ways are listed here. In all cases where ill-formedness is a possibility, a warning can be issued. These warnings can be verbose, so are off by default, but if they are desired, they can be switched on by manipulating the <code>warning</code> argument to <code>xml_OpenFile</code>.</p>
+<li>If you specify a non-default text encoding, and then run FoX on a platform which does not use this encoding, then the result will be nonsense, and more than likely ill-formed. FoX will issue a warning in this case.</li>
+<li>When adding any text, if any characters are passed in (regardless of character set) which do not have equivalants within 7-bit ASCII, then the results are processor-dependent, and may result in an invalid document on output. A warning will be issued if this occurs. If you need a guarantee that such characters will be passed correctly, use character entities.</li>
+<li>If any parameter entities are referenced, no checks are made that the document after parameter-entity-expansion is well-formed. A warning will be issued. </li>
+<h3>Validity constraints</h3>
+<p>Finally, note that constraints on XML documents are divided into two sets - well-formedness constraints (WFC) and validity constraints (VC). The above only applies to WFC checks. wxml can make some minimal checks on VCs, but this is by no means complete, nor is it intended to be. These checks are off by default, but may be switched on by manipulating the <code>validate</code> argument to <code>xml_OpenFile</code>.</p>
+</div><hr/><div class="DoX">
+<a name="FoX_wcml"/>
+<p>WCML is a library for outputting <a href="http://www.xml-cml.org">CML</a> data. It wraps all the necessary XML calls, such that you should never need to touch any <a href="#FoX_wxml">WXML</a> calls when outputting CML.</p>
+<p>The CML output is conformant to version 2.4 of the CML schema.</p>
+<p>The available functions and their intended use are listed below. Quite deliberately, no reference is made to the actual CML output by each function. </p>
+<p>Wcml is <em>not</em> intended to be a generalized Fortran CML output layer. rather it is intended to be a library which allows the output of a limited set of well-defined syntactical fragments.</p>
+<p>Further information on these fragments, and on the style of CML generated here, is available at <a href="http://www.uszla.me.uk/specs/subset.html">http://www.uszla.me.uk/specs/subset.html</a>.</p>
+<p>This section of the manual will detail the available CML output subroutines.</p>
+<h2>Use of WCML</h2>
+<p>wcml subroutines can be accessed from within a module or subroutine by inserting</p>
+<pre><code> use FoX_wcml
+<p>at the start. This will import all of the subroutines described below, plus the derived type <code>xmlf_t</code> needed to manipulate a CML file.</p>
+<p><em>No</em> other entities will be imported; public/private Fortran namespaces are very carefully  controlled within the library.</p>
+<p>The use of dictionaries with WCML is strongly encouraged. (For those not conversant with dictionaries, a fairly detailed explanation is available at <a href="http://www.xml-cml.org/information/dictionaries">http://www.xml-cml.org/information/dictionaries</a>)</p>
+<p>In brief, dictionaries are used in two ways.</p>
+<p>Firstly, to identify and disambiguate output data. Every output function below takes an optional argument, <code>dictRef=""</code>. It is intended that every piece of data output is tagged with a dictionary reference, which will look something like <code>nameOfCode:nameOfThing</code>. </p>
+<p>So, for example, in SIESTA, all the energies are output with different dictRefs, looking like: <code>siesta:KohnShamEnergy</code>, or <code>siesta:kineticEnergy</code>, etc. By doing this, we can ensure that later on all these numbers can be usefully identified.</p>
+<p>We hope that ultimately, dictionaries can be written for codes, which will explain what some of these names might mean. However, it is not in any way necessary that this be done - and using <code>dictRef</code> attributes will help merely by giving the ability to disambiguate otherwise indistinguishable quantities.</p>
+<p>We strongly recommend this course of action - if you choose to do follow our recommendation, then you should add a suitable Namespace to your code. That is, immediately <em>after</em> <code>cmlBeginFile</code> and <em>before</em> <code>cmlStartCml</code>, you should add something like:</p>
+<pre><code>call cmlAddNamespace(xf=xf, 'nameOfCode', 'WebPageOfCode')
+<p>Again, for SIESTA, we add:</p>
+<pre><code>call cmlAddNamespace(xf, 'siesta, 'http://www.uam.es/siesta')
+<p>If you don't have a webpage for your code, don't worry; the address is only used as an identifier, so anything that looks like a URL, and which nobody else is using, will suffice.</p>
+<p>Secondly, we use dictionaries for units. This is compulsory (unlike <code>dictRef</code>s above). Any numerical quantity that is output through cmlAddProperty or cmlAddParameter is <em>required</em> to carry units. These are added with the <code>units=""</code> argument to the function. In addition, every other function below which will take numerical arguments also will take optional units, although default will be used if no units are supplied.</p>
+<p>Further details are supplied in section <a href="#Units">Units</a> below.</p>
+<h3>General naming conventions for functions.</h3>
+<p>Functions are named in the following way:</p>
+<li><p>All functions begin 
+<li><p>To begin and end a section of the CML file,
+a pair of functions will exist:</p>
+<li><p>To output a given quantity/property/concept etc. a function will exist
+<h3>Conventions used below.</h3>
+<li>Function names are in <code>monospace</code></li>
+<li>argument names are in <strong>bold</strong></li>
+<li>optional argument names are in (<strong>parenthesized bold</strong>)</li>
+<li>argument types are in <em>italic</em> and may consist of:</li>
+<li><em>string</em>: string of arbitrary (unless otherwise specified) length</li>
+<li><em>integer</em>: default integer</li>
+<li><em>real(sp)</em>: single precision real number</li>
+<li><em>real(dp)</em>: double precision real number</li>
+<li><em>logical</em>: default logical </li>
+<li><em>real</em>: either of <em>real(sp)</em> or <em>real(dp)</em></li>
+<li><em>anytype</em>: any of <em>logical</em>, <em>integer</em>, <em>real(sp)</em>, <em>real(dp)</em>, <em>string</em></li>
+<p>Note that where <em>strings</em> are passed in, they will be passed through entirely unchanged to the output file - no truncation of whitespace will occur.</p>
+<p>Also note that wherever a <em>real</em> number can be passed in (including through <em>anytype</em>) then the formatting can be specified using the conventions described in <a href="#StringFormatting">StringFormatting</a></p>
+<li><em>scalar</em>: single item</li>
+<li><em>array</em>: one-dimensional array of items</li>
+<li><em>matrix</em>: two-dimensional array of items</li>
+<li><em>anydim</em>: any of <em>scalar</em>, <em>array</em>, <em>matrix</em></li>
+<p>Where an <em>array</em> is passed in, it may be passed either as an assumed-shape array; that is, as an F90-style array with no necessity for specifying bounds; thusly:</p>
+<pre><code>integer :: array(50)
+call cmlAddProperty(xf, 'coords', array)
+<p>or as an assumed-size array; that is, an F77-style array, in which case the length must be passed as an additional parameter:</p>
+<pre><code>integer :: array(*)
+call cmlAddProperty(xf, 'coords', array, nitems=50)
+<p>Similarly, when a <em>matrix</em> is passed in, it may be passed in both fashions:</p>
+<pre><code>integer :: matrix(50, 50)
+call cmlAddProperty(xf, 'coords', matrix)
+<p>or </p>
+<pre><code>integer :: array(3, *)
+call cmlAddProperty(xf, 'coords', matrix, nrows=3, ncols=50)
+<p>All functions take as their first argument an XML file object, whose keyword is always <code>xf</code>. This file object is initialized by a <code>cmlBeginFile</code> function.</p>
+<p>It is <em>highly</em> recommended that subroutines be called with keywords specified rather than relying on the implicit ordering of arguments. This is robust against changes in the library calling convention; and also stepsides a significant cause of errors when using subroutines with large numbers of arguments.</p>
+<p><a name="Units"/></p>
+<p>Note below that the functions <code>cmlAddParameter</code> and <code>cmlAddProperty</code> both <em>require</em> that units be specified for any numerical quantities output.</p>
+<p>If you are trying to output a quantity that is genuinely dimensionless, then you should specify <code>units="units:dimensionless"</code>; or if you are trying to output a countable quantity (eg number of CPUs) then you may specify <code>units="units:countable"</code>.</p>
+<p>For other properties, all units should be specified as namespaced quantities. If you are using
+a very few common units, it may be easiest to borrow definitions from the provided dictionaries;</p>
+<p>(These links do not resolve yet.)</p>
+<p><code>cmlUnits: http://www.xml-cml.org/units/units</code> <br />
+<code>siUnits: http://www.xml-cml.org/units/siUnits</code> <br />
+<code>atomicUnits: http://www.xml-cml.org/units/atomic</code>  </p>
+<p>A default units dictionary, containing only the very basic units that wcml needs to know about, which has a namespace of: <code>http://www.uszla.me.uk/FoX/units</code>, and wcml assigns it automatically to the prefix <code>units</code>.</p>
+<p>This is added <em>automatically</em>, so attempts to add it manually will fail.</p>
+<p>The contents of all of these dictionaries, plus the wcml dictionary, may be viewed at:
+<a href="http://www.uszla.me.uk/unitsviz/units.cgi">http://www.uszla.me.uk/unitsviz/units.cgi</a>.</p>
+<p>Otherwise, you should feel at liberty to construct your own namespace;
+declare it using <code>cmlAddNamespace</code>, and markup all your units as:</p>
+<pre><code> units="myNamespace:myunit"
+<h2>Functions for manipulating the CML file:</h2>
+<li><code>cmlBeginFile</code> <br />
+<strong>filename</strong>: <em>string</em> <em>scalar</em>: Filename to be opened. <br />
+<strong>unit</strong>: <em>integer</em> <em>scalar</em>: what unit number should the file be opened on? If you don't
+care, you may specify <code>-1</code> as the unit number, in which case wcml will make a guess <br />
+(<strong>replace</strong>): <em>logical</em> <em>scalar</em>: should the file be replaced if it already exists? <em>default: yes</em></li>
+<p>This takes care of all calls to open a CML output file.</p>
+<p>This takes care of all calls to close an open CML output file, once you have finished with it. It is compulsory to call this - if your program finished without calling this, then your CML file will be invalid.</p>
+<li><code>cmlAddNamespace</code> <br />
+<strong>prefix</strong> <em>string</em> <em>scalar</em>: prefix to be used <br />
+<strong>nsURI</strong> <em>string</em> <em>scalar</em>: namespace URI to be used  </li>
+<p>This adds a namespace to a CML file. <br />
+NB This may only ever be called immediately after a <code>cmlBeginFile</code> call, before any
+output has been performed.
+Attempts to do otherwise will result in a runtime error.</p>
+<p>This will be needed if you are adding dictionary references to your output. Thus for siesta, we do:</p>
+<pre><code>call cmlAddNamespace(xf, 'siesta', 'http://www.uam.es/siesta')
+<p>and then output all our properties and parameters with <code>dictRef="siesta:something"</code>.</p>
+<li><p><code>cmlStartCml</code> <br />
+(<strong>fileId</strong>) <em>string</em> <em>scalar</em>: name of originating file.  (default: current filename) <br />
+(<strong>version</strong>) <em>string</em> <em>scalar</em>: version of CML in use.  (default: 2.4)</p></li>
+<p>This pair of functions begin and end the CML output to an existing CML file. It takes care of namespaces.</p>
+<p>Note that unless specified otherwise, there will be a <code>convention</code> attribute added to the <code>cml</code> tag specifying <code>FoX_wcml-2.0</code> as the convention. (see <a href="http://www.uszla.me.uk/FoX">http://www.uszla.me.uk/FoX</a> for details)</p>
+<h2>Start/End sections</h2>
+<li><p><code>cmlStartMetadataList</code> <br />
+(<strong>name</strong>) <em>string</em> <em>scalar</em>: name for the metadata list <br />
+(<strong>role</strong>) <em>string</em> <em>scalar</em> role which the element plays </p></li>
+<p>This pair of functions open & close a metadataList, which is a wrapper for metadata items.</p>
+<li><p><code>cmlStartParameterList</code> <br />
+(<strong>ref</strong>) <em>string</em> <em>scalar</em>: Reference an <code>id</code> attribute of another element (generally deprecated) <br />
+(<strong>role</strong>) <em>string</em> <em>scalar</em> role which the element plays </p></li>
+<p>This pair of functions open & close a parameterList, which is a wrapper for input parameters.</p>
+<li><p><code>cmlStartPropertyList</code> <br />
+(<strong>ref</strong>) <em>string</em> <em>scalar</em>: Reference an <code>id</code> attribute of another element (generally deprecated) <br />
+(<strong>role</strong>) <em>string</em> <em>scalar</em> role which the element plays </p></li>
+<p>This pair of functions open & close a propertyList, which is a wrapper for output properties.</p>
+<p>Start/end a list of k-points (added using <code>cmlAddKpoint</code> below)</p>
+<li><code>cmlStartModule</code> <br />
+(<strong>serial</strong>) <em>string</em> <em>scalar</em>: serial id for the module <br />
+(<strong>role</strong>) <em>string</em> <em>scalar</em> role which the element plays </li>
+<p>Note that in most cases where you might want to use a serial number, you should probably be using the <code>cmlStartStep</code> subroutine below.</p>
+<p>This pair of functions open & close a module of a computation which is unordered, or loosely-ordered. For example, METADISE uses one module for each surface examined.</p>
+<li><p><code>cmlStartStep</code> <br />
+(<strong>index</strong>) <em>integer</em> <em>scalar</em>: index number for the step. In the absence of an index, steps will be assumed to be consecutively numbered. Specifying this is useful if you wish to output <em>eg</em> every hundredth step. <br />
+(<strong>type</strong>) <em>string</em> <em>scalar</em>: what sort of step is this? This should be a namespaced string, for example: <code>siesta:CG</code> is a Conjugate Gradient step in siesta.</p></li>
+<p>This pair of functions open and close a module of a computation which is strongly ordered. For example, DLPOLY uses steps for each step of the simulation.</p>
+<h2>Adding items.</h2>
+<li><code>cmlAddMetadata</code> <br />
+<strong>name</strong>: <em>string</em> <em>scalar</em>: Identifying string for metadata <br />
+<strong>content</strong>: <em>character</em> <em>scalar</em>: Content of metadata  </li>
+<p>This adds a single item of metadata. Metadata vocabulary is completely uncontrolled within WCML. This means that metadata values may <em>only</em> be strings of characters. If you need your values to contain numbers, then you need to define the representation yourself, and construct your own strings.</p>
+<li><code>cmlAddParameter</code> <br />
+<strong>name</strong>: <em>string</em> <em>scalar</em>: Identifying title for parameter <br />
+<strong>value</strong>:<em>anytype</em> <em>anydim</em>: value of parameter <br />
+<strong>units</strong>: <em>string</em> <em>scalar</em>: units of parameter value  (optional for logical/character <strong>value</strong>s, compulsory otherwise; see note above) <br />
+(<strong>constraint</strong>) <em>string</em> <em>scalar</em>: Constraint under which the parameter is set (this can be an arbitrary string) <br />
+(<strong>ref</strong>) <em>string</em> <em>scalar</em>: Reference an <code>id</code> attribute of another element (generally deprecated) <br />
+(<strong>role</strong>) <em>string</em> <em>scalar</em> role which the element plays </li>
+<p>This function adds a tag representing an input parameter</p>
+<li><code>cmlAddProperty</code> <br />
+<strong>title</strong>: <em>string</em> <em>scalar</em> <br />
+<strong>value</strong>: <em>any</em> <em>anydim</em> <br />
+<strong>units</strong>: <em>string</em> <em>scalar</em> units of property value  (optional for logical/character <strong>value</strong>s, compulsory otherwise; see note above) <br />
+(<strong>ref</strong>) <em>string</em> <em>scalar</em>: Reference an <code>id</code> attribute of another element (generally deprecated) <br />
+(<strong>role</strong>) <em>string</em> <em>scalar</em> role which the element plays </li>
+<p>This function adds a tag representing an output property</p>
+<h2>Adding geometry information</h2>
+<li><code>cmlAddMolecule</code> <br />
+<strong>coords</strong>: <em>real</em>: a 3xn matrix of real numbers representing atomic coordinates (either fractional or Cartesian) . These <em>must</em> be specified in Angstrom or fractional units (see <strong>style</strong> below.) <br />
+<strong>OR</strong> <br />
+<strong>x</strong>, <strong>y</strong>, <strong>z</strong>: <em>real</em>: 3 one-dimensional arrays containing the <em>x</em>, <em>y</em>, and <em>z</em> coordinates of the atoms in the molecule.  These <em>must</em> be specified in Angstrom or fractional units (see <strong>style</strong> below.) <br />
+<strong>elements</strong>: <em>string</em> <em>array</em>: a length-n array of length-2 strings containing IUPAC chemical symbols for the atoms <br />
+(<strong>natoms</strong>) <em>integer</em> <em>scalar</em>: number of atoms in molecule (default: picked up from length of <strong>coords</strong> array) <br />
+(<strong>occupancies</strong>): <em>real</em> <em>array</em> : a length-n array of the occupancies of each atom. <br />
+(<strong>atomRefs</strong>): <em>string</em> <em>array</em>: a length-n array of strings containing references which may point to IDs elsewhere of, for example, pseudopotentials or basis sets defining the element's behaviour. <br />
+(<strong>atomIds</strong>): <em>string</em> <em>array</em>: a length-n array of strings containing IDs for the atoms. <br />
+(<strong>style</strong>): <em>string</em> <em>scalar</em>: <code>cartesian</code> - the coordinates are Cartesian, or <code>fractional</code> - the coordinates are fractional. The default is Cartesian. <br />
+(<strong>ref</strong>) <em>string</em> <em>scalar</em>: Reference an <code>id</code> attribute of another element (generally deprecated) <br />
+(<strong>formula</strong>) <em>string</em> <em>scalar</em>: An IUPAC chemical formula <br />
+(<strong>chirality</strong>) <em>string</em> <em>scalar</em>: The chirality of the molecule. No defined vocabulary. <br />
+(<strong>role</strong>) <em>string</em> <em>scalar</em>: Role of molecule. No defined vocabulary. <br />
+(<strong>bondAtom1Refs</strong>) <em>string</em> <em>array</em>: Length-m array of references to atomIds at one "end" of a list of bonds. <br />
+(<strong>bondAtom2Refs</strong>) <em>string</em> <em>array</em>: Length-m array of references to atomIds at another "end" of a list of bonds. <br />
+(<strong>bondOrders</strong>) <em>string</em> <em>array</em>: Length-m array of bond orders. See below. <br />
+(<strong>bondIds</strong>) <em>string</em> <em>array</em>: Length-m array of strings containing IDs for bonds. <br />
+(<strong>nobondcheck</strong>) <em>logical</em> <em>scalar</em>: Enable (.true., the default) of dissable (.false.) bond validition.   </li>
+<p>Outputs an atomic configuration. Bonds may be added using the optional arguments <strong>bondAtom1Refs</strong>, <strong>bondAtom2Refs</strong> and <strong>bondOrders</strong>. All these arrays must be the same lenght and all must be present if bonds are to be added. Optionally, <strong>bondIds</strong> can be used to add Ids to the bond elements. Some valididity constraints are imposed (atomsRefs in the bonds must be defined, bonds cannot be added twice). The meaning of the terms "mo [...]
+<li><code>cmlAddLattice</code> <br />
+<strong>cell</strong>: <em>real</em> <em>matrix</em> a 3x3 matrix of the unit cell <br />
+(<strong>spaceType</strong>): <em>string</em> <em>scalar</em>: <code>real</code> or <code>reciprocal</code> space. <br />
+(<strong>latticeType</strong>): <em>string</em> <em>scalar</em> Space group of the lattice. No defined vocabulary <br />
+(<strong>units</strong>): <em>string</em> <em>scalar</em> units of (reciprocal) distance that cell vectors is given in;
+<em>default: Angstrom</em></li>
+<p>Outputs information about a unit cell, in lattice-vector form</p>
+<li><code>cmlAddCrystal</code> <br />
+<strong>a</strong>: <em>real</em> <em>scalar</em> the 'a' parameter (must be in Angstrom) <br />
+<strong>b</strong>: <em>real</em> <em>scalar</em> the 'b' parameter <br />
+<strong>c</strong>: <em>real</em> <em>scalar</em> the 'c' parameter <br />
+<strong>alpha</strong>: <em>real</em> <em>scalar</em> the 'alpha' parameter <br />
+<strong>beta</strong>: <em>real</em> <em>scalar</em> the 'beta' parameter <br />
+<strong>gamma</strong>: <em>real</em> <em>scalar</em> the 'gamma' parameter <br />
+(<strong>z</strong>): <em>integer</em> <em>scalar</em> the 'z' parameter: number of molecules per unit cell. <br />
+(<strong>lenunits</strong>): <em>string</em> <em>scalar</em>: Units of length: default is <code>units:angstrom</code> <br />
+(<strong>angunits</strong>): <em>string</em> <em>scalar</em>: Units of angle: default is <code>units:degrees</code> <br />
+(<strong>lenfmt</strong>): <em>string</em> <em>scalar</em>: format for crystal lengths <br />
+(<strong>angfmt</strong>): <em>string</em> <em>scalar</em>: format for crystal angles <br />
+(<strong>spaceGroup</strong>): <em>string</em> <em>scalar</em> Space group of the crystal. No defined vocabulary.</li>
+<p>Outputs information about a unit cell, in crystallographic form</p>
+<h2>Adding eigen-information</h2>
+<li><code>cmlStartKPoint</code> <br />
+<strong>kpoint</strong>: <em>real</em> <em>array-3</em> the reciprocal-space coordinates of the k-point <br />
+(<strong>weight</strong>): <em>real</em> <em>scalar</em> the weight of the kpoint <br />
+(<strong>kptfmt</strong>): <em>string</em> <em>scalar</em> numerical formatting for the k-point <br />
+(<strong>wtfmt</strong>): <em>string</em> <em>scalar</em> numerical formatting for the weight</li>
+<p>Start a kpoint section.</p>
+<li><code>cmlEndKPoint</code>  </li>
+<p>End a kpoint section.</p>
+<li><code>cmlAddKPoint</code> <br />
+<strong>kpoint</strong>: <em>real</em> <em>array-3</em> the reciprocal-space coordinates of the k-point <br />
+(<strong>weight</strong>): <em>real</em> <em>scalar</em> the weight of the kpoint <br />
+(<strong>kptfmt</strong>): <em>string</em> <em>scalar</em> numerical formatting for the k-point <br />
+(<strong>wtfmt</strong>): <em>string</em> <em>scalar</em> numerical formatting for the weight</li>
+<p>Add an empty kpoint section.</p>
+<li><code>cmlStartBand</code> <br />
+(<strong>spin</strong>): <em>string</em> <em>scalar</em> the spin of this band. Must be either "up" or "down" <br />
+(<strong>label</strong>): the label of this band.</li>
+<p>Start a section describing one band.</p>
+<p>End a section describing one band.</p>
+<li><code>cmlAddEigenValue</code> <br />
+<strong>value</strong>: <em>real</em> <em>scalar</em> the eigenvalue <br />
+<strong>units</strong>: <em>QName</em> <em>scalar</em> the units of the eigenvalue</li>
+<p>Add a single eigenvalue to a band.</p>
+<li><code>cmlAddBandList</code> <br />
+<strong>values</strong>: <em>real</em> <em>array</em> the eigenvalues <br />
+<strong>spin</strong>: <em>string</em> <em>scalar</em> the spin orientation ("up" or "down") <br />
+<strong>units</strong>: <em>QName</em> <em>scalar</em> the units of the eigenvalue</li>
+<p>Add a list of eigenvalues for a kpoint</p>
+<strong>value</strong>: <em>real</em> <em>scalar</em> the eigenvalue for this band <br />
+<strong>units</strong>: <em>QName</em> <em>scalar</em> the units of the eigenvalue <br />
+<strong>vector</strong>: <em>real/complex</em> <em>3xN matrix</em> the eigenvectors for this band <br />
+(<strong>valfmt</strong>): <em>string</em> <em>scalar</em> numerical formatting for the eigenvalue <br />
+(<strong>vecfmt</strong>): <em>string</em> <em>scalar</em> numerical formatting for the eigenvector</li>
+<p>Add a phononic eigenpoint to the band - which has a single energy, and a 3xN matrix representing the eigenvector.</p>
+<h2>Common arguments</h2>
+<p>All <code>cmlAdd</code> and <code>cmlStart</code> routines take the following set of optional arguments:</p>
+<li><code>id</code>: Unique identifying string for element. (Uniqueness is not enforced, though duplicated ids on output are usually an error and may cause later problems)  </li>
+<li><code>title</code>: Human-readable title of element for display purposes  </li>
+<li><code>dictRef</code>: reference to disambiguate element. Should be a QName; a namespaced string. An actual dictionary entry may or may not exist. It is not an error for it not to.  </li>
+<li><code>convention</code>: convention by which the element is to be read. <br />
+(The wording of the definitions for <code>convention</code> is deliberately loose.)</li>
+</div><hr/><div class="DoX">
+<a name="FoX_wkml"/>
+<p>WKML is a library for creating <a href="http://www.opengeospatial.org/standards/kml/">KML</a> 
+documents. These documents are intended to be used for "expressing geographic 
+annotation and visualization" for maps and Earth browsers such as 
+<a href="http://earth.google.co.uk/">Google Earth</a> or <a href="http://edu.kde.org/marble/">Marble</a>.
+WKML wraps all the necessary XML calls, such that you should never need to touch any
+<a href="#FoX_wxml">WXML</a> calls when outputting KML from a Fortran application.</p>
+<p>WKML is intended to produce XML documents that conform to version 2.2 of the Open
+Geospatial Consortium's <a href="http://schemas.opengis.net/kml/2.2.0/ogckml22.xsd">schema</a>.
+However, the library offers no guarantee that documents produced will be valid as 
+only a small subset of the constraints are enforced. The API is designed to minimize 
+the possibilty of producing invalid KML in common use cases, and well-formdness is
+maintained by the underlying WXML library.</p>
+<p>The available functions and their intended use are listed below. One useful reference to
+the use of KML is Google's <a href="http://code.google.com/apis/kml/documentation/">KML documentation</a>.</p>
+<h2>Use of WKML</h2>
+<p>wkml subroutines can be accessed from within a module or subroutine by inserting</p>
+<pre><code> use FoX_wkml
+<p>at the start. This will import all of the subroutines described below, plus the derived type <code>xmlf_t</code> needed to manipulate a KML file.</p>
+<p><em>No</em> other entities will be imported; public/private Fortran namespaces are very carefully controlled within the library.</p>
+<h3>Conventions used below.</h3>
+<li>Function names are in <code>monospace</code></li>
+<li>argument names are in <strong>bold</strong></li>
+<li>optional argument names are in (<strong>parenthesized bold</strong>)  </li>
+<li>argument types are in <em>italic</em> and may consist of:  </li>
+<li><em>string</em>: string of arbitrary (unless otherwise specified) length</li>
+<li><em>integer</em>: default integer</li>
+<li><em>real(sp)</em>: single precision real number</li>
+<li><em>real(dp)</em>: double precision real number</li>
+<li><em>logical</em>: default logical</li>
+<li><em>real</em>: either of <em>real(sp)</em> or <em>real(dp)</em></li>
+<li>arguments may be:</li>
+<li><em>scalar</em>: single item</li>
+<li><em>array</em>: one-dimensional array of items</li>
+<li><em>matrix</em>: two-dimensional array of items</li>
+<li><em>anydim</em>: any of <em>scalar</em>, <em>array</em>, <em>matrix</em></li>
+<p>All functions take as their first argument an XML file object, whose
+keyword is always <code>xf</code>. This file object is initialized by a <code>kmlBeginFile</code> function.</p>
+<p>It is <em>highly</em> recommended that subroutines be called with keywords
+specified rather than relying on the implicit ordering of arguments.
+This is robust against changes in the library calling convention; and 
+also stepsides a significant cause of errors when using subroutines
+with large numbers of arguments.</p>
+<h2>Functions for manipulating the KML file:</h2>
+<li><code>kmlBeginFile</code> <br />
+<strong>fx</strong>: <em>xmlf_t</em>: An XML file object <br />
+<strong>filename</strong>: <em>string</em> <em>scalar</em>: Filename to be opened. <br />
+<strong>unit</strong>: <em>integer</em> <em>scalar</em>: what unit number should the file be opened on? If you don't
+care, you may specify <code>-1</code> as the unit number, in which case wkml will make a guess <br />
+(<strong>replace</strong>): <em>logical</em> <em>scalar</em>: should the file be replaced if it already exists? <em>default: yes</em> <br />
+(<strong>docName</strong>): <em>string</em> <em>scalar</em>: an optional name for the outermost document element. If absent, "WKML output" will be used</li>
+<p>This takes care of all calls to open a KML output file.</p>
+<li><code>kmlFinishFile</code> <br />
+<strong>fx</strong>: <em>xmlf_t</em>: An XML file object </li>
+<p>This takes care of all calls to close an open KML output file, once
+you have finished with it. It is compulsory to call this - if your
+program finished without calling this, then your KML file will be
+<li><code>kmlOpenFolder</code> <br />
+<strong>fx</strong>: <em>xmlf_t</em>: An XML file object <br />
+(<strong>name</strong>): <em>string</em> <em>scalar</em>: an optional name for the new folder. <br />
+(<strong>id</strong>): <em>string</em> <em>scalar</em>: an optional xml id for the new folder. </li>
+<p>This starts a new folder. Folders are used in KML to organize other
+objects into groups, the visability of these groups can be changed 
+in one operation within Google Earth. Folders can be nested.</p>
+<li><code>kmlCloseFolder</code> <br />
+<strong>fx</strong>: <em>xmlf_t</em>: An XML file object </li>
+<p>This closes the current folder. </p>
+<li><code>kmlOpenDocument</code> <br />
+<strong>fx</strong>: <em>xmlf_t</em>: An XML file object <br />
+<strong>name</strong>: <em>string</em> <em>scalar</em>: a name for the new document element. <br />
+(<strong>id</strong>): <em>string</em> <em>scalar</em>: an optional xml id for the new document element. </li>
+<p>This starts a new document element at this point in the output. Note that no
+checks are currently performed to ensure that this is permitted, for example
+only one document is permitted to be a child of the kml root element. Most
+users should not need to use this subroutine.</p>
+<li><code>kmlCloseDocument</code> <br />
+<strong>fx</strong>: <em>xmlf_t</em>: An XML file object </li>
+<p>This closes the current document element. Do not close the outermose document 
+element created with <code>kmlBeginFile</code>, this must be closed with <code>kmlFinishFile</code>.
+Most users should not need to use this subroutine.</p>
+<h2>Functions for producing geometrical objects:</h2>
+<li><code>kmlCreatePoints</code> <br />
+<strong>fx</strong>: <em>xmlf_t</em>: An XML file object <br />
+(<strong>extrude</strong>): <em>logical</em> <em>scalar</em>: If altitude is non-zero, should the point be connected to the ground? <br />
+(<strong>altitudeMode</strong>): <em>logical</em> <em>scalar</em>: If altitude is specified, is it relativeToGround or absolute? <br />
+(<strong>name</strong>): <em>string</em> <em>scalar</em>: A name for the collection of points <br />
+(<strong>color</strong>): <em>color_t</em>: Line colour as a kml color type (See Colours) <br />
+(<strong>colorname</strong>): <em>string</em> <em>scalar</em>: Line colour as a name (See Colours) <br />
+(<strong>colorhex</strong>): <em>string(len=8)</em> <em>scalar</em>: Line colour in hex (See Colours) <br />
+(<strong>scale</strong>): <em>real</em> <em>scalar</em>: Scaling size for the point icon. <br />
+(<strong>description</strong>): <em>string</em> <em>array</em>: A description for each point. <br />
+(<strong>description_numbers</strong>): <em>real</em> <em>array</em>: Numeric description for each point. <br />
+(<strong>styleURL</strong>): <em>string</em> <em>scalar</em>: Location of style specification (see Style Handling) <br />
+<em>and:</em> <br />
+<strong>longitude</strong>: <em>real</em> <em>array</em>: longitude of each point in degrees <br />
+<strong>latitude</strong>: <em>real</em> <em>array</em>: latitude of each point in degrees <br />
+(<strong>altitude</strong>): <em>real</em> <em>array</em>: altitude of each point in metres <br />
+<em>or:</em> <br />
+<strong>location</strong>: <em>real</em> <em>matrix</em>: rank-two 2xN array with the longitude of each point in the first row, and the latitude in the second row. In degrees. <br />
+(<strong>altitude</strong>): <em>real</em> <em>array</em>: altitude of each point in metres <br />
+<em>or:</em> <br />
+<strong>location</strong>: <em>real</em> <em>matrix</em>: rank-two 3xN array with the longitude of each point in the first row, the latitude in the second row, and the altitude in the third row. Longitude and latitude in degrees and altitude in metres.  </li>
+<p>A single function, kmlCreatePoints accepts various combinations of arguments, and will generate a series of individual points to be visualized in Google Earth. In fact, the KML produced will consist of a Folder, containing Placemarks, one for each point. The list of points may be provided in any of the three ways specified above.</p>
+<li><code>kmlCreateLine</code> <br />
+<strong>fx</strong>: <em>xmlf_t</em>: An XML file object <br />
+(<strong>closed</strong>): <em>logicl</em> <em>scalar</em>: Should the last point be joined to the first point? <br />
+(<strong>extrude</strong>): <em>logical</em> <em>scalar</em>: If altitude is non-zero, should the point be connected to the ground? <br />
+(<strong>tessellate</strong>): <em>logical</em> <em>scalar</em>: If altitude is not specified, should the line produced follow the altitude of the ground below it? <br />
+(<strong>altitudeMode</strong>): <em>logical</em> <em>scalar</em>: If altitude is specified, is it relativeToGround or absolute? <br />
+(<strong>name</strong>): <em>string</em> <em>scalar</em>: A name for the collection of points <br />
+(<strong>color</strong>): <em>color_t</em>: Line colour as a kml color type (See Colours) <br />
+(<strong>colorname</strong>): <em>string</em> <em>scalar</em>: Line colour as a name (See Colours) <br />
+(<strong>colorhex</strong>): <em>string(len=8)</em> <em>scalar</em>: Line colour in hex (See Colours) <br />
+(<strong>width</strong>): <em>integer</em> <em>scalar</em>: Width of the lines. <br />
+(<strong>scale</strong>): <em>real</em> <em>scalar</em>: Scaling size for the point icon. <br />
+(<strong>description</strong>): <em>string</em> <em>array</em>: A description for each point. <br />
+(<strong>styleURL</strong>): <em>string</em> <em>scalar</em>: Location of style specification (see Style Handling) <br />
+<em>and:</em> <br />
+<strong>longitude</strong>: <em>real</em> <em>array</em>: longitude of each point in degrees <br />
+<strong>latitude</strong>: <em>real</em> <em>array</em>: latitude of each point in degrees <br />
+(<strong>altitude</strong>): <em>real</em> <em>array</em>: altitude of each point in metres <br />
+<em>or:</em> <br />
+<strong>location</strong>: <em>real</em> <em>matrix</em>: rank-two 2xN array with the longitude of each point in the first row, and the latitude in the second row. In degrees. <br />
+(<strong>altitude</strong>): <em>real</em> <em>array</em>: altitude of each point in metres <br />
+<em>or:</em> <br />
+<strong>location</strong>: <em>real</em> <em>matrix</em>: rank-two 3xN array with the longitude of each point in the first row, the latitude in the second row, and the altitude in the third row. Longitude and latitude in degrees and altitude in metres.  </li>
+<p>A single function, kmlCreateLine accepts various combinations of arguments, and will generate a series of individual points to be visualized as a (closed or open) path in Google Earth. In fact, the KML produced will consist of a LineString, or LinearRing, containing a list of coordinates. The list of points may be provided in any of the three ways specified above.</p>
+<li><code>kmlStartRegion</code> <br />
+<strong>fx</strong>: <em>xmlf_t</em>: An XML file object <br />
+(<strong>extrude</strong>): <em>logical</em> <em>scalar</em>: If altitude is non-zero, should the point be connected to the ground? <br />
+(<strong>tessellate</strong>): <em>logical</em> <em>scalar</em>: If altitude is not specified, should the line produced follow the altitude of the ground below it? <br />
+(<strong>altitudeMode</strong>): <em>logical</em> <em>scalar</em>: If altitude is specified, is it relativeToGround or absolute? <br />
+(<strong>name</strong>): <em>string</em> <em>scalar</em>: A name for the region <br />
+(<strong>fillcolor</strong>): <em>color_t</em>: Region colour as a kml color type (See Colours) <br />
+(<strong>fillcolorname</strong>): <em>string</em> <em>scalar</em>: Region  colour as a name (See Colours) <br />
+(<strong>fillcolorhex</strong>): <em>string(len=8)</em> <em>scalar</em>: Region colour in hex (See Colours) <br />
+(<strong>linecolor</strong>): <em>color_t</em>: Line colour as a kml color type (See Colours) <br />
+(<strong>linecolorname</strong>): <em>string</em> <em>scalar</em>: Line colour as a name (See Colours) <br />
+(<strong>linecolorhex</strong>): <em>string(len=8)</em> <em>scalar</em>: Line colour in hex (See Colours) <br />
+(<strong>linewidth</strong>): <em>integer</em> <em>scalar</em>: Width of the line. <br />
+(<strong>description</strong>): <em>string</em> <em>scalar</em>: A description for the region. <br />
+(<strong>styleURL</strong>): <em>string</em> <em>scalar</em>: Location of style specification (see Style Handling) <br />
+<em>and:</em> <br />
+<strong>longitude</strong>: <em>real</em> <em>array</em>: longitude of each point in degrees <br />
+<strong>latitude</strong>: <em>real</em> <em>array</em>: latitude of each point in degrees <br />
+(<strong>altitude</strong>): <em>real</em> <em>array</em>: altitude of each point in metres <br />
+<em>or:</em> <br />
+<strong>location</strong>: <em>real</em> <em>matrix</em>: rank-two 2xN array with the longitude of each point in the first row, and the latitude in the second row. In degrees. <br />
+(<strong>altitude</strong>): <em>real</em> <em>array</em>: altitude of each point in metres <br />
+<em>or:</em> <br />
+<strong>location</strong>: <em>real</em> <em>matrix</em>: rank-two 3xN array with the longitude of each point in the first row, the latitude in the second row, and the altitude in the third row. Longitude and latitude in degrees and altitude in metres.  </li>
+<p>Creates a filled region with the outer boundary described by the list of points. May be followed by one or more calls to <code>kmlAddInnerBoundary</code> and these must be followed by a call to <code>kmlAddInnerBoundary</code>.</p>
+<li><code>kmlEndRegion</code> <br />
+<strong>fx</strong>: <em>xmlf_t</em>: An XML file object  </li>
+<p>Ends the specification of a region with or without inner boundaries.</p>
+<li><code>kmlAddInnerBoundary</code> <br />
+<strong>fx</strong>: <em>xmlf_t</em>: An XML file object <br />
+<em>and:</em> <br />
+<strong>longitude</strong>: <em>real</em> <em>array</em>: longitude of each point in degrees <br />
+<strong>latitude</strong>: <em>real</em> <em>array</em>: latitude of each point in degrees <br />
+(<strong>altitude</strong>): <em>real</em> <em>array</em>: altitude of each point in metres <br />
+<em>or:</em> <br />
+<strong>location</strong>: <em>real</em> <em>matrix</em>: rank-two 2xN array with the longitude of each point in the first row, and the latitude in the second row. In degrees. <br />
+(<strong>altitude</strong>): <em>real</em> <em>array</em>: altitude of each point in metres <br />
+<em>or:</em> <br />
+<strong>location</strong>: <em>real</em> <em>matrix</em>: rank-two 3xN array with the longitude of each point in the first row, the latitude in the second row, and the altitude in the third row. Longitude and latitude in degrees and altitude in metres.  </li>
+<p>Introduces an internal area that is to be excluded from the enclosing region.</p>
+<h2>2D fields</h2>
+<p>WKML also contains two subroutines to allow scalar fields to be plotted over a geographical 
+region. Data is presented to WKML as a collection of values and coordinates and this data 
+can be displayed as a set of coloured cells, or as isocontours.</p>
+<h3>Data input</h3>
+<p>For all 2-D field subroutines both position and value of the data must be specified. The data values
+must always be specified as a rank-2 array, <em>values(:,:)</em>. The grid can be specified in three ways 
+depending on grid type.</p>
+<li>Regular rectangular grid: Specify north, south, east, west. These specify the four corners of the grid (which must be aligned with lines of longitude and latitude).  </li>
+<li>Irregularly spaced rectangular grid. Specify two rank-one arrays, longitude(:) and latitude(:). The grid must be aligned with lines of longitude and latitude so that: <code>Grid-point (i, j) = (longitude(i), latitude(j))</code>  </li>
+<li>Entirely irregular (topologically rectangular) grid. Specify two rank-two arrays, <code>longitude(:,:)</code> and <code>latitude(:,:)</code>. The grid may be of any form, aligned with no other projection: <code>Grid-point (i, j)</code> is taken as <code>(longitude(i, j), latitude(i, j))</code>  </li>
+<p>In all cases, single or double precision data may be used so long as all data is consistent in precision within one call. </p>
+<h3>Control over the third dimension</h3>
+<p>The third dimension of the data can be visualized in two (not mutually-exclusive) ways; 
+firstly by assigning colours according to the value of the tird dimension, and secondly 
+by using the altitude of the points as a (suitable scaled) proxy for the third dimension. 
+The following optional arguments control this aspect of the visualization (both for cells and for contours)</p>
+<li>type(color) :: colormap(:): an array of colours (see Colours) which will be used for painting the various layers  </li>
+<li>real, contour_values(:): an array of values which will be used to divide each layer of the third dimension. Single/double precision according to context.  </li>
+<li>integer :: num<em>values: where contour</em>values is not specified, this provides that the range of the values by divided into equal sized layers such that there are this many divisors.  </li>
+<li>real :: height: where this is specified, the generated visualization will vary in height as well as colour. The value of this variable will be used to as a multiplicative prefactor to scale the data before visualization.  </li>
+<p>Where no colormap is provided, one will be autogenerated with the appropriate number of levels
+as calculated from the provided contour<em>values. Where no contour</em>values are provided, they are 
+calculated based on the size of the colormap provided. Where neither colormap nor contour_values 
+are provided, a default of 5 levels with an autogenerated colormap will be used. </p>
+<li><code>kmlCreateCells</code> <br />
+<strong>fx</strong>: <em>xmlf_t</em>: An XML file object <br />
+<em>and:</em> <br />
+<strong>east</strong>: <em>real</em> <em>scalar</em>: east edge of data set. <br />
+<strong>west</strong>: <em>real</em> <em>scalar</em>: west edge of data set. <br />
+<strong>south</strong>: <em>real</em> <em>scalar</em>: south edge of data set. <br />
+<strong>north</strong>: <em>real</em> <em>scalar</em>: north edge of data set. <br />
+<em>or:</em> <br />
+<strong>longitude</strong>: <em>real</em> <em>array</em>: points in north-south direction where grid lines cross lines of longitude. <br />
+<strong>latitude</strong>: <em>real</em> <em>array</em>: points in east-west direction where grid lines cross lines of latitude. <br />
+<em>or:</em> <br />
+<strong>longitude</strong>: <em>real</em> <em>matrix</em>: longitude of each point in values matrix. <br />
+<strong>latitude</strong>: <em>real</em> <em>matrix</em>: latitude of each point in values matrix. <br />
+<em>and:</em> <br />
+<strong>values</strong>: <em>real</em> <em>matrix</em>: data values. <br />
+(<strong>colormap</strong>): <em>color_t</em> <em>array</em>: colours used to describe values. <br />
+(<strong>height</strong>): <em>real(sp)</em> <em>scalar</em>: where this is specified, the generated visualization will vary in height as well as colour. The value of this variable will be used to as a multiplicative prefactor to scale the data before visualization. <br />
+(<strong>contour<em>values</strong>): *real(sp)* *array*: values used to contour data. <br />
+(<strong>num</em>levels</strong>): <em>integer</em> <em>scalar</em>: number of data values to show. <br />
+(<strong>name</strong>): <em>string</em> <em>scalar</em>: name describing the cells.  </li>
+<p>This subroutine generates a set of filled pixels over a region of the earth. </p>
+<li><code>kmlCreateContours</code> <br />
+<strong>fx</strong>: <em>xmlf_t</em>: An XML file object <br />
+<em>and:</em> <br />
+<strong>east</strong>: <em>real</em> <em>scalar</em>: east edge of data set. <br />
+<strong>west</strong>: <em>real</em> <em>scalar</em>: west edge of data set. <br />
+<strong>south</strong>: <em>real</em> <em>scalar</em>: south edge of data set. <br />
+<strong>north</strong>: <em>real</em> <em>scalar</em>: north edge of data set. <br />
+<em>or:</em> <br />
+<strong>longitude</strong>: <em>real</em> <em>array</em>: points in north-south direction where grid lines cross lines of longitude. <br />
+<strong>latitude</strong>: <em>real</em> <em>array</em>: points in east-west direction where grid lines cross lines of latitude. <br />
+<em>or:</em> <br />
+<strong>longitude</strong>: <em>real</em> <em>matrix</em>: longitude of each point in values matrix. <br />
+<strong>latitude</strong>: <em>real</em> <em>matrix</em>: latitude of each point in values matrix. <br />
+<em>and:</em> <br />
+<strong>values</strong>: <em>real</em> <em>matrix</em>: data values. <br />
+(<strong>colormap</strong>): <em>color_t</em> <em>array</em>: colours used to describe values. <br />
+(<strong>height</strong>): <em>real(sp)</em> <em>scalar</em>: where this is specified, the generated visualization will vary in height as well as colour. The value of this variable will be used to as a multiplicative prefactor to scale the data before visualization. <br />
+(<strong>contour<em>values</strong>): *real(sp)* *array*: values used to contour data. <br />
+(<strong>num</em>levels</strong>): <em>integer</em> <em>scalar</em>: number of data values to show. <br />
+(<strong>name</strong>): <em>string</em> <em>scalar</em>: name describing the cells. <br />
+(<strong>lines</strong>): <em>logical</em> <em>scalar</em>: should contour lines be shown. <br />
+(<strong>regions</strong>): <em>logical</em> <em>scalar</em>: should contour regions be shown.  </li>
+<p>This subroutine creates a set of contour lines.</p>
+<p>KML natively handles all colours as 32-bit values, expressed as 8-digit 
+hexadecimal numbers in ABGR (alpha-blue-green-red) channel order. However, 
+this is not very friendly. WKML provides a nicer interface to this, and all 
+WKML functions which accept colour arguments will accept them in three ways:</p>
+<li>(<strong>*color</strong>) <em>color_t</em>: the colour is passed as a wkml color_t derived type. This type is opaque and is created as described below.   </li>
+<li>(<strong>*colorname</strong>) <em>string</em>: a free-text string describing a colour. WKML understands any of the approximately <a href="http://www.mcfedries.com/books/cightml/x11color.htm">700 colour names used by X11</a>.   </li>
+<li>(<strong>*colorhex</strong>) <em>string(len=8)</em>: an 8-digit ABGR hexadecimal number <a href="http://code.google.com/apis/kml/documentation/kmlreference.html#color">as understood by Google Earth</a>.   </li>
+<p>A function and a subroutine are provided to maniputate the <em>color_t</em> derived type:</p>
+<li><code>kmlGetCustomColor</code>  </li>
+<p>This function takes a single argument of type <em>integer</em> or <em>string</em> and returns a <em>color_t</em> derived type. If the argument is a string the
+colour is taken from the set of X11 colours, if it is an integer, i, the ith colour is selected from the X11 list.</p>
+<li><code>kmlSetCustomColor</code> <br />
+<strong>myCI</strong> <em>color_t</em>: This intent(out) variable is set to the chosen colour. <br />
+<strong>colorhex</strong> *string(len=8): an 8-digit ABGR hexadecimal number.  </li>
+<p>This functon takes a single argument of type <em>string(len=8)</em> representing an 8-digit AVGR hexadecimal number and returns a <em>color_t</em> derived type representing that colour.</p>
+<p>Several features of wkml make use of "colour maps", arrays of the <em>color_t</em> derived type, which are used to relate numerical values to colours when showing fields of data. These are 
+created and used thus:</p>
+<pre><code>program colours
+  use FoX_wkml
+  type(color_t) :: colourmap(10)
+  ! Use X11 colours from 101 to 110:
+  colourmap(1:10) = kmlGetCustomColor(101:110)
+  ! Except for number 5 which should be red:
+  colourmap(5) = kmlGetCustomColor("indian red")
+  ! And for number 6 which should be black
+  call kmlSetCustomColor(colourmp(6), "00000000")
+end program colours
+<p>Controling styling in KML can be quite complex. Most of the 
+subroutines in WKML allow some control of the generated style
+but they do not ptovide access to the full KML vocabulary which
+allows more complex styling. In order to access the more complex
+styles in KML it is necessary to create KML style maps - objects
+that are defined, named with a styleURL. The styleURL is then used
+to reference to the style defined by the map.</p>
+<p>Styles can be created using the following three subroutines. In each 
+case one argument is necessary: <em>id</em>, which must be a string (starting 
+with an alphabetic letter, and containing no spaces or punctuation 
+marks) which is used later on to reference the style. All other 
+arguments are optional.</p>
+<li><code>kmlCreatePointStyle</code> <br />
+<strong>fx</strong>: <em>xmlf_t</em>: An XML file object <br />
+<strong>id</strong>: <em>string</em> <em>scalar</em>: A URL for the style <br />
+(<strong>scale</strong>): <em>real</em> or <em>integer</em> <em>scalar</em>: A scale factor to set the size of the image displayed at the point (note, if both are present, <strong>scale</strong> and <strong>heading</strong> must be of the same type). <br />
+(<strong>color</strong>): <em>color_t</em>: Point colour as a kml color type (See Colours) <br />
+(<strong>colorname</strong>): <em>string</em> <em>scalar</em>: Point colour as a name (See Colours) <br />
+(<strong>colorhex</strong>): <em>string(len=8)</em> <em>scalar</em>: Point colour in hex (See Colours) <br />
+(<strong>colormode</strong>): <em>string(len=6)</em> <em>scalar</em>: A string, either normal or random - if random, the colour will be randomly changed. See the <a href="http://code.google.com/apis/kml/documentation/kmlreference.html#color">KML documentation</a> <br />
+(<strong>heading</strong>): <em>real</em> or <em>integer</em> <em>scalar</em>: direction to "point" the point icon in (between 0 and 360 degreesnote, if both are present, <strong>scale</strong> and <strong>heading</strong> must be of the same type). <br />
+(<strong>iconhref</strong>): <em>string</em> <em>scalar</em>: URL of an icon used to draw the point (e.g. from an http server).  </li>
+<p>Creates a style that can be used for points.</p>
+<li><code>kmlCreateLineStyle</code> <br />
+<strong>fx</strong>: <em>xmlf_t</em>: An XML file object <br />
+<strong>id</strong>: <em>string</em> <em>scalar</em>: A URL for the style <br />
+(<strong>width</strong>): <em>integer</em> <em>scalar</em>: width of the line in pixels. <br />
+(<strong>color</strong>): <em>color_t</em>: Point colour as a kml color type (See Colours) <br />
+(<strong>colorname</strong>): <em>string</em> <em>scalar</em>: Line colour as a name (See Colours) <br />
+(<strong>colorhex</strong>): <em>string(len=8)</em> <em>scalar</em>: Line colour in hex (See Colours) <br />
+(<strong>colormode</strong>): <em>string(len=6)</em> <em>scalar</em>: A string, either normal or random - if random, the colour will be randomly changed. See the <a href="http://code.google.com/apis/kml/documentation/kmlreference.html#color">KML documentation</a>  </li>
+<p>Creates a style that can be used for lines.</p>
+<li><code>kmlCreatePolygonStyle</code> <br />
+<strong>fx</strong>: <em>xmlf_t</em>: An XML file object <br />
+<strong>id</strong>: <em>string</em> <em>scalar</em>: A URL for the style <br />
+(<strong>fill</strong>): <em>logical</em> <em>scalar</em>: Should the polygon be filled? <br />
+(<strong>outline</strong>): <em>logical</em> <em>scalar</em>: Should the polygon have an outline? <br />
+(<strong>color</strong>): <em>color_t</em>: Point colour as a kml color type (See Colours) <br />
+(<strong>colorname</strong>): <em>string</em> <em>scalar</em>: Line colour as a name (See Colours) <br />
+(<strong>colorhex</strong>): <em>string(len=8)</em> <em>scalar</em>: Line colour in hex (See Colours) <br />
+(<strong>colormode</strong>): <em>string(len=6)</em> <em>scalar</em>: A string, either normal or random - if random, the colour will be randomly changed. See the <a href="http://code.google.com/apis/kml/documentation/kmlreference.html#color">KML documentation</a>  </li>
+<p>Creates a style that can be used for a polygon.</p>
+<h3> </h3>
+</div><hr/><div class="DoX">
+<a name="Debugging"/>
+<h1>Debugging with FoX.</h1>
+<p>Following experience integrating <code>FoX_wxml</code> into several codes, here are a few tips for debugging any problems you may encounter.</p>
+<h2>Compilation problems</h2>
+<p>You may encounter problems at the compiling or linking stage, with error messages along the lines of:
+     'No Specific Function can be found for this Generic Function'
+(exact phrasing depending on compiler, of course.)</p>
+<p>If this is the case, it is possible that you have accidentally got the arguments to the offending out of order. If so, then use the keyword form of the argument to ensure correctness; that is, instead of doing:</p>
+<pre><code>call cmlAddProperty(file, name, value)
+<pre><code>call cmlAddProperty(xf=file, name=name, value=value)
+<p>This will prevent argument mismatches, and is recommended practise in any case.</p>
+<h2>Runtime problems</h2>
+<p>You may encounter run-time issues. FoX performs many run-time checks to ensure the validity of the resultant XML code. In so far as it is possible, FoX will either issue warnings about potential problems, or try and safely handle any errors it encounters. In both cases, warning will be output on stderr, which will hopefully help diagnose the problem.</p>
+<p>Sometimes, however, FoX will encounter a problem it can do nothing about, and must stop. In all cases, it will try and write out an error message highlighting the reason, and generate a backtrace pointing to the offending line. Occasionally though, the compiler will not generate this information, and the error message will be lost.</p>
+<p>If this is the case, you can either investigate the coredump to find the problem, or (if you are on a Mac) look in ~/Library/Logs/CrashReporter to find a human-readable log.</p>
+<p>If this is not enlightening, or you cannot find the problem, then some of the most common issues we have encountered are listed below. Many of them are general Fortran problems, but sometimes are not easily spotted in the context of FoX.</p>
+<h3>Incorrect formatting.</h3>
+<p>Make sure, whenever you are writing out a real number through one of FoX's routines, and specifying a format, that the format is correct according to <a href="#StringFormatting">StringFormatting</a>. Fortran-style formats are <strong>not</strong> permitted, and will cause crashes at runtime.</p>
+<h3>Array overruns</h3>
+<p>If you are outputting arrays or matrices, and are doing so in the traditional Fortran style - by passing both the array and its length to the routine, like so:</p>
+<pre><code> call xml_AddAttribute(xf=file, name=name, value=array, nvalue=n)
+<p>then if <code>n</code> is wrong, you may end up with an array overrun, and cause a crash.</p>
+<p>We highly recommend wherever possible using the Fortran-90 style, like so:</p>
+<pre><code> call xml_AddAttribute(xf=file, name=name, value=array)
+<p>where the array length will be passed automatically.</p>
+<h3>Uninitialized variables</h3>
+<p>If you are passing variables to FoX which have not been initialized, you may well cause a crash. This is especially true, and easy to cause if you are passing in an array which (due to a bug elsewhere) has been partly but not entirely initialized. To diagnose this, try printing out suspect variables just before passing them to FoX, and look for suspiciously wrong values.</p>
+<h3>Invalid floating point numbers.</h3>
+<p>If during the course of your calculation you accidentally generate Infinities, or NaNs, then passing them to any Fortran subroutine can result in a crash - therefore trying to pass them to FoX for output may result in a crash.</p>
+<p>If you suspect this is happening, try printing out suspect variables before calling FoX. </p>
+</div><hr/><div class="DoX">
+<a name="FoX_sax"/>
+<p>SAX stands for Simple API for XML, and was originally a Java API for reading XML. (Full details at <a href="http://saxproject.org">http://saxproject.org</a>). SAX implementations exist for most common modern computer languages.</p>
+<p>FoX includes a SAX implementation, which translates most of the Java API into Fortran, and makes it accessible to Fortran programs, enabling them to read in XML documents in a fashion as close and familiar as possible to other languages.</p>
+<p>SAX is a stream-based, event callback API. Conceptually, running a SAX parser over a document results in the parser generating events as it encounters different XML components, and sends the events to the main program, which can read them and take suitable action.</p>
+<p>Events are generated when the parser encounters, for example, an element opening tag, or some text, and most events carry some data with them - the name of the tag, or the contents of the text.</p>
+<p>The full list of events is quite extensive, and may be seen below. For most purposes, though, it is unlikely that most users will need more than the 5 most common events, documented here.</p>
+<li><code>startDocument</code> - generated when the parser starts reading the document. No accompanying data.</li>
+<li><code>endDocument</code> - generated when the parser reaches the end of the document. No accompanying data.</li>
+<li><code>startElement</code> - generated by an element opening tag. Accompanied by tag name, namespace information, and a list of attributes</li>
+<li><code>endElement</code> - generated by an element closing tag. Accompanied by tag name, and namespace information.</li>
+<li><code>characters</code> - generated by text between tags. Accompanied by contents of text.</li>
+<p>Given these events and accompanying information, a program can extract data from an XML document.</p>
+<h3>Invoking the parser.</h3>
+<p>Any program using the FoX SAX parser must a) use the FoX module, and b) declare a derived type variable to hold the parser, like so:</p>
+<pre><code>   use FoX_sax
+   type(xml_t) :: xp
+<p>The FoX SAX parser then works by requiring the programmer to write a module containing subroutines to receive any of the events they are interested in, and passing these subroutines to the parser.</p>
+<p>Firstly, the parser must be initialized, by passing it XML data. This can be done either by giving a filename, which the parser will manipulate, or by passing a string containing an XML document. Thus:</p>
+<pre><code>  call open_xml_file(xp, "input.xml", iostat)
+<p>The <code>iostat</code> variable will report back any errors in opening the file.</p>
+<p>Alternatively, </p>
+<pre><code>  call open_xml_string(xp, XMLstring)
+<p>where <code>XMLstring</code> is a character variable.</p>
+<p>To now run the parser over the file, you simply do:</p>
+<pre><code> call parse(xp, list_of_event_handlers)
+<p>And once you're finished, you can close the file, and clean up the parser, with:</p>
+<pre><code> call close_xml_t(xp)
+<h4>Options to parser</h4>
+<p>It is unlikely that most users will need to operate any of these options, but the following are available for use; all are optional boolean arguments to <code>parse</code>.</p>
+<li><p><code>namespaces</code> <br />
+Does namespace processing occur? Default is <code>.true.</code>, and if on, then any non-namespace-well-formed documents will be rejected, and namespace URI resolution will be performed according to the version of XML in question. If off, then documents will be processed without regard for namespace well-formedness, and no namespace URI resolution will be performed.</p></li>
+Are <code>xmlns</code> attributes reported through the SAX parser? Default is <code>.false.</code>; all such attributes are removed by the parser, and transparent namespace URI resolution is performed. If on, then such attributes will be reported, and treated according to the value of <code>xmlns-uris</code> below. (If <code>namespaces</code> is false, this flag has no effect)</p></li>
+Should validation be performed? Default is <code>.false.</code>, no validation checks are made, and the influence of the DTD on the XML Infoset is ignored. (Ill-formed DTD's will still cause fatal errors, of course.) If <code>.true.</code>, then validation will be performed, and the Infoset modified accordingly.</p></li>
+Should <code>xmlns</code> attributes have a namespace of <code>http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/</code>? Default is <code>.false.</code>. If such attributes are reported, they have no namespace. If <code>.true.</code> then they are supplied with the appropriate namespace. (if <code>namespaces</code> or <code>namespace-prefixes</code> are <code>.false.</code>, then this flag has no effect.)</p></li>
+<h3>Receiving events</h3>
+<p>To receive events, you must construct a module containing event handling subroutines. These are subroutines of a prescribed form - the input & output is predetermined by the requirements of the SAX interface, but the body of the subroutine is up to you.</p>
+<p>The required forms are shown in the API documentation below, but here are some simple examples.</p>
+<p>To receive notification of character events, you must write a subroutine which takes as input one string, which will contain the characters received. So:</p>
+<pre><code>module event_handling
+  use FoX_sax
+  subroutine characters_handler(chars)
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: chars
+    print*, chars
+  end subroutine
+end module
+<p>That does very little - it simply prints out the data it receives. However, since the subroutine is in a module, you can save the data to a module variable, and manipulate it elsewhere; alternatively you can choose to call other subroutines based on the input.</p>
+<p>So, a complete program which reads in all the text from an XML document looks like this:</p>
+<pre><code>module event_handling
+  use FoX_sax
+  subroutine characters_handler(chars)
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: chars
+    print*, chars
+  end subroutine
+end module
+program XMLreader
+  use FoX_sax
+  use event_handling
+  type(xml_t) :: xp
+  call open_xml_file(xp, 'input.xml')
+  call parse(xp, characters_handler=characters_handler)
+  call close_xml_t(xp)
+end program
+<h3>Attribute dictionaries.</h3>
+<p>The other likely most common event is the startElement event. Handling this involves writing a subroutine which takes as input three strings (which are the local name, namespace URI, and fully qualified name of the tag) and a dictionary of attributes. </p>
+<p>An attribute dictionary is essentially a set of key:value pairs - where the key is the attributes name, and the value is its value. (When considering namespaces, each attribute also has a URI and localName.)</p>
+<p>Full details of all the dictionary-manipulation routines are given in <a href="#AttributeDictionaries">AttributeDictionaries</a>, but here we shall show the most common.</p>
+<li><p><code>getLength(dictionary)</code> - returns the number of entries in the dictionary (the number of attributes declared)</p></li>
+<li><p><code>hasKey(dictionary, qName)</code> (where <code>qName</code> is a string) returns <code>.true.</code> or <code>.false.</code> depending on whether an attribute named <code>qName</code> is present.</p></li>
+<li><p><code>hasKey(dictionary, URI, localname)</code> (where <code>URI</code> and <code>localname</code> are strings) returns <code>.true.</code> or <code>.false.</code> depending on whether an attribute with the appropriate <code>URI</code> and <code>localname</code> is present.</p></li>
+<li><p><code>getQName(dictionary, i)</code> (where <code>i</code> is an integer) returns a string containing the key of the <code>i</code>th dictionary entry (ie, the name of the <code>i</code>th attribute.</p></li>
+<li><p><code>getValue(dictionary, i)</code> (where <code>i</code> is an integer) returns a string containing the value of the <code>i</code>th dictionary entry (ie the value of the <code>i</code>th attribute.</p></li>
+<li><p><code>getValue(dictionary, URI, localname)</code> (where <code>URI</code> and <code>localname</code> are strings) returns a string containing the value of the attribute with the appropriate <code>URI</code> and <code>localname</code> (if it is present)</p></li>
+<p>So, a simple subroutine to receive a startElement event would look like:</p>
+<pre><code>module event_handling
+ subroutine startElement_handler(URI, localname, name,attributes)
+   character(len=*), intent(in)   :: URI  
+   character(len=*), intent(in)   :: localname
+   character(len=*), intent(in)   :: name 
+   type(dictionary_t), intent(in) :: attributes
+   integer :: i
+   print*, name
+   do i = 1, getLength(attributes)
+      print*, getQName(attributes, i), '=', getValue(attributes, i)
+   enddo
+  end subroutine startElement_handler
+end module
+program XMLreader
+ use FoX_sax
+ use event_handling
+ type(xml_t) :: xp
+ call open_xml_file(xp, 'input.xml')
+ call parse(xp, startElement_handler=startElement_handler)
+ call close_xml_t(xp)
+end program
+<p>Again, this does nothing but print out the name of the element, and the names and values of all of its attributes. However, by using module variables, or calling other subroutines, the data could be manipulated further.</p>
+<h3>Error handling</h3>
+<p>The SAX parser detects all XML well-formedness errors (and optionally validation errors). By default, when it encounters an error, it will simply halt the program with a suitable error message. However, it is possible to pass in an error handling subroutine if some other behaviour is desired - for example it may be nice to report the error to the user, finish parsing, and carry on with some other task.</p>
+<p>In any case, once an error is encountered, the parser will finish. There is no way to continue reading past an error. (This means that all errors are treated as fatal errors, in the terminology of the XML standard).</p>
+<p>An error handling subroutine works in the same way as any other event handler, with the event data being an error message. Thus, you could write:</p>
+<pre><code>subroutine fatalError_handler(msg)
+  character(len=*), intent(in) :: msg
+  print*, "The SAX parser encountered an error:"
+  print*, msg
+  print*, "Never mind, carrying on with the rest of the calcaulation."
+end subroutine
+<h3>Stopping the parser.</h3>
+<p>The parser can be stopped at any time. Simply do (from within one of the callback functions).</p>
+<pre><code>call stop_parser(xp)
+<p>(where <code>xp</code> is the XML parser object). The current callback function will be completed, then the parser will be stopped, and control will return to the main program, the parser having finished.</p>
+<hr />
+<h2>Full API</h2>
+<h3>Derived types</h3>
+<p>There is one derived type, <code>xml_t</code>. This is entirely opaque, and is used as a handle for the parser.</p>
+<p>There are four subroutines:</p>
+<li><code>open_xml_file <br />
+type(xml_t), intent(inout) :: xp <br />
+character(len=*), intent(in) :: string <br />
+integer, intent(out), optional :: iostat</code></li>
+<p>This opens a file. <code>xp</code> is initialized, and prepared for parsing. <code>string</code> must contain the name of the file to be opened. <code>iostat</code> reports on the success of opening the file. A value of <code>0</code> indicates success.</p>
+<li><p><code>open_xml_string <br />
+type(xml_t), intent(inout) :: xpi <br />
+character(len=*), intent(in) :: string</code></p>
+<p>This prepares to parse a string containing XML data. <code>xp</code> is initialized. <code>string</code> must contain the XML data.</p></li>
+<li><p><code>close_xml_t <br />
+type(xml_t), intent(inout) :: xp</code></p></li>
+<p>This closes down the parser (and closes the file, if input was coming from a file.) <code>xp</code> is left uninitialized, ready to be used again if necessary.</p>
+<li><p><code>parse <br />
+type(xml_t), intent(inout) :: xp <br />
+external :: list of event handlers <br />
+logical, optional, intent(in) :: validate</code></p>
+<p>This tells <code>xp</code> to start parsing its document. </p></li>
+<p>(<em>Advanced: See above for the list of options that the <code>parse</code> subroutine may take.</em>)</p>
+<p>The full list of event handlers is in the next section. To use them, the interface must be placed in a module, and the body of the subroutine filled in as desired; then it should be specified as an argument to <code>parse</code> as: <br />
+  <code>name_of_event_handler = name_of_user_written_subroutine</code> <br />
+Thus a typical call to <code>parse</code> might look something like:</p>
+<pre><code>  call parse(xp, startElement_handler = mystartelement, endElement_handler = myendelement, characters_handler = mychars)
+<p>where <code>mystartelement</code>, <code>myendelement</code>, and <code>mychars</code> are all  subroutines written by you according to the interfaces listed below.</p>
+<hr />
+<p>All of the callbacks specified by SAX 2 are implemented. Documentation of the SAX 2 interfaces is available in the JavaDoc at <a href="http://sax_project.org">http://saxproject.org</a>, but as the interfaces needed adjustment for Fortran, they are listed here.</p>
+<p>For documentation on the meaning of the callbacks and of their arguments, please refer to the Java SAX documentation.</p>
+<li><code>characters_handler <br />
+  subroutine characters_handler(chunk) <br />
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: chunk <br />
+  end subroutine characters_handler</code></li>
+<p>Triggered when some character data is read from between tags. </p>
+<p>NB Note that <em>all</em> character data is reported, including whitespace. Thus you will probably get a lot of empty <code>characters</code> events in a typical XML document.</p>
+<p>NB Note also that it is not required that a single chunk of character data all come as one event - it may come as multiple consecutive events. You should concatenate the results of subsequent character events before processing.</p>
+<li><code>endDocument_handler <br />
+  subroutine endDocument_handler() <br />
+  end subroutine endDocument_handler</code></li>
+<p>Triggered when the parser reaches the end of the document.</p>
+<li><code>endElement_handler <br />
+  subroutine endElement_handler(namespaceURI, localName, name) <br />
+    character(len=*), intent(in)     :: namespaceURI <br />
+    character(len=*), intent(in)     :: localName <br />
+    character(len=*), intent(in)     :: name <br />
+  end subroutine endElement_handler</code></li>
+<p>Triggered by a closing tag.</p>
+<li><code>endPrefixMapping_handler <br />
+  subroutine endPrefixMapping_handler(prefix) <br />
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: prefix <br />
+  end subroutine endPrefixMapping_handler</code></li>
+<p>Triggered when a namespace prefix mapping goes out of scope.</p>
+<li><code>ignorableWhitespace <br />
+  subroutine ignorableWhitespace_handler(chars) <br />
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: chars <br />
+  end subroutine ignorableWhitespace_handler</code></li>
+<p>Triggered when whitespace is encountered within an element declared as having no PCDATA. (Only active in validating mode.)</p>
+<li><code>processingInstruction_handler <br />
+  subroutine processingInstruction_handler(name, content) <br />
+    character(len=*), intent(in)     :: name <br />
+    character(len=*), intent(in)     :: content <br />
+  end subroutine processingInstruction_handler</code></li>
+<p>Triggered by a Processing Instruction</p>
+<li><code>skippedEntity_handler <br />
+  subroutine skippedEntity_handler(name) <br />
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: name <br />
+  end subroutine skippedEntity_handler</code></li>
+<p>Triggered when either an external entity, or an undeclared entity, is skipped.</p>
+<li><code>startDocument_handler <br />
+  subroutine startDocument_handler() <br />
+  end subroutine startDocument_handler</code></li>
+<p>Triggered when the parser starts reading the document.</p>
+<li><code>startElement_handler <br />
+  subroutine startElement_handler(namespaceURI, localName, name, attributes) <br />
+    character(len=*), intent(in)     :: namespaceUri <br />
+    character(len=*), intent(in)     :: localName <br />
+    character(len=*), intent(in)     :: name <br />
+    type(dictionary_t), intent(in)   :: attributes <br />
+  end subroutine startElement_handler</code></li>
+<p>Triggered when an opening tag is encountered. (see LINK for documentation on handling attribute dictionaries.</p>
+<li><code>startPrefixMapping_handler <br />
+  subroutine startPrefixMapping_handler(namespaceURI, prefix) <br />
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: namespaceURI <br />
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: prefix <br />
+  end subroutine startPrefixMapping_handler</code></li>
+<p>Triggered when a namespace prefix mapping start.</p>
+<li><code>notationDecl_handler <br />
+  subroutine notationDecl_handler(name, publicId, systemId) <br />
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: name <br />
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: publicId <br />
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: systemId <br />
+  end subroutine notationDecl_handler</code></li>
+<p>Triggered when a NOTATION declaration is made in the DTD</p>
+<li><code>unparsedEntityDecl_handler <br />
+  subroutine unparsedEntityDecl_handler(name, publicId, systemId, notation) <br />
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: name <br />
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: publicId <br />
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: systemId <br />
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: notation <br />
+  end subroutine unparsedEntityDecl_handler</code></li>
+<p>Triggered when an unparsed entity is declared</p>
+<li><code>error_handler <br />
+  subroutine error_handler(msg) <br />
+    character(len=*), intent(in)     :: msg <br />
+  end subroutine error_handler</code></li>
+<p>Triggered when a <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml/#dt-error">error</a> is encountered in parsing. Parsing will continue after this event.</p>
+<li><code>fatalError_handler <br />
+  subroutine fatalError_handler(msg) <br />
+    character(len=*), intent(in)     :: msg <br />
+  end subroutine fatalError_handler</code></li>
+<p>Triggered when a <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml/#dt-fatal">fatal error</a> is encountered in parsing. Parsing will cease after this event.</p>
+<li><code>warning_handler <br />
+  subroutine warning_handler(msg) <br />
+    character(len=*), intent(in)     :: msg <br />
+  end subroutine warning_handler</code></li>
+<p>Triggered when a parser warning is generated. Parsing will continue after this event.</p>
+<li><code>attributeDecl_handler <br />
+  subroutine attributeDecl_handler(eName, aName, type, mode, value) <br />
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: eName <br />
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: aName <br />
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: type <br />
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: mode <br />
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: value <br />
+  end subroutine attributeDecl_handler</code></li>
+<p>Triggered when an attribute declaration is encountered in the DTD.</p>
+<li><code>elementDecl_handler <br />
+  subroutine elementDecl_handler(name, model) <br />
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: name <br />
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: model <br />
+  end subroutine elementDecl_handler</code></li>
+<p>Triggered when an element declaration is enountered in the DTD.</p>
+<li><code>externalEntityDecl_handler <br />
+  subroutine externalEntityDecl_handler(name, publicId, systemId) <br />
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: name <br />
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: publicId <br />
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: systemId <br />
+  end subroutine externalEntityDecl_handler</code></li>
+<p>Triggered when a parsed external entity is declared in the DTD.</p>
+<li><code>internalEntityDecl_handler <br />
+  subroutine internalEntityDecl_handler(name, value) <br />
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: name <br />
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: value <br />
+  end subroutine internalEntityDecl_handler</code></li>
+<p>Triggered when an internal entity is declared in the DTD.</p>
+<li><code>comment_handler <br />
+  subroutine comment_handler(comment) <br />
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: comment <br />
+  end subroutine comment_handler</code></li>
+<p>Triggered when a comment is encountered.</p>
+<li><code>endCdata_handler <br />
+  subroutine endCdata_handler() <br />
+  end subroutine endCdata_handler</code></li>
+<p>Triggered by the end of a CData section.</p>
+<li><code>endDTD_handler <br />
+  subroutine endDTD_handler() <br />
+  end subroutine endDTD_handler</code></li>
+<p>Triggered by the end of a DTD.</p>
+<li><code>endEntity_handler <br />
+  subroutine endEntity_handler(name) <br />
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: name <br />
+  end subroutine endEntity_handler</code></li>
+<p>Triggered at the end of entity expansion.</p>
+<li><code>startCdata_handler <br />
+  subroutine startCdata_handler() <br />
+  end subroutine startCdata_handler</code></li>
+<p>Triggered by the start of a CData section.</p>
+<li><code>startDTD_handler <br />
+  subroutine startDTD_handler(name, publicId, systemId) <br />
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: name <br />
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: publicId <br />
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: systemId <br />
+  end subroutine startDTD_handler</code></li>
+<p>Triggered by the start of a DTD section.</p>
+<li><code>startEntity_handler <br />
+  subroutine startEntity_handler(name) <br />
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: name <br />
+  end subroutine startEntity_handler</code></li>
+<p>Triggered by the start of entity expansion.</p>
+<hr />
+<p>The FoX SAX implementation implements all of XML 1.0 and 1.1; all of XML Namespaces 1.0 and 1.1; xml:id and xml:base.</p>
+<p>Although FoX tries very hard to  work to the letter of the XML and SAX standards, it falls short in a few areas.</p>
+<li><p>FoX will only process documents consisting of nothing but US-ASCII data. It will accept documents labelled with any single byte character set which is identical to US-ASCII in its lower 7 bits (for example, any of the ISO-8859 charsets, or UTF-8) but an error will be generated as soon as any character outside US-ASCII is encountered. (This includes non-ASCII characters present only be character entity reference)</p></li>
+<li><p>As a corollary, UTF-16 documents of any endianness will also be rejected.</p></li>
+<p>(It is impossible to implement IO of non-ASCII documents in a portable fashion using standard Fortran 95, and it is impossible to handle non-ASCII data internally using standard Fortran strings. A fully unicode-capable FoX version is under development, but requires Fortran 2003. Please enquire for further details if you're interested.)</p>
+<li>FoX has no network capabilities. Therefore, when external entities are referenced, any entities not available on the local filesystem will not be accessed (specifically, any entities whose URI reference includes a scheme component, where that scheme is not <code>file</code>, will be skipped)</li>
+<p>Beyond this, any aspects of the listed XML standards to which FoX fails to do justice to are bugs.</p>
+<hr />
+<h3>What of Java SAX 2 is not included in FoX?</h3>
+<p>The difference betweek Java & Fortran means that none of the SAX APIs can be copied directly. However, FoX offers data types, subroutines, and interfaces covering most of the facilities offered by SAX. Where it does not, this is mentioned here.</p>
+<li>Querying/setting of feature flags/property values for the XML parser. The effect of a subset of these may be accessed by options to the <code>parse</code> subroutine.</li>
+<li>XML filters - Java SAX makes it possible to write filters to intercept the
+flow of events. FoX does not support this.  </li>
+<li>Entity resolution - SAX 2 exports an interface to the application for entity resolution, but FoX does not - all entities are resolved within the parser.</li>
+<li>Locator - SAX 2 offers an interface to export information regarding object locations within the document, FoX does not.  </li>
+<li>XMLReader - FoX only offers the parse() method - no other methods really make sense in Fortran.  </li>
+<li>AttributeList/DocumentHandler/Parser - FoX only offers namespace aware attributes, not the pre-namespace SAX-1 versions.  </li>
+<li>EntityResolver2 - not implemented  </li>
+<li>Locator2 - not implemented  </li>
+<li>None of these helper methods are implemented.</li>
+</div><hr/><div class="DoX">
+<a name="AttributeDictionaries"/>
+<h1>Attributes dictionaries.</h1>
+<p>When parsing XML using the FoX SAX module, attributes are returned contained within a dictionary object.</p>
+<p>This dictionary object implements all the methods described by the SAX interfaces Attributes and Attributes2. Full documentation is available from the SAX Javadoc, but is reproduced here for ease of reference.</p>
+<p>All of the attribute dictionary objects and functions are exported through FoX_sax - you must USE the module to enable them. The dictionary API is described here.</p>
+<p>An attribute dictionary consists of a list of entries, one for each attribute. The entries all have the following pieces of data:</p>
+<li>qName - the attribute's full name  </li>
+<li>value - the attribute's value</li>
+<p>and for namespaced attributes:</p>
+<li>uri - the namespace URI (if any) of the attribute  </li>
+<li>localName - the local name of the attribute</li>
+<p>In addition, the following pieces of data will be picked up from a DTD if present:</p>
+<li>declared - is the attribute declared in the DTD?  </li>
+<li>specified - is this instance of the attribute specified in the XML document, or is it a default from the DTD?  </li>
+<li>type - the type of the attribute (if declared)</li>
+<hr />
+<h2>Derived types</h2>
+<p>There is one derived type of interest, <code>dictionary_t</code>.</p>
+<p>It is opaque - that is, it should only be manipulated through the functions described here.</p>
+<h3>Inspecting the dictionary</h3>
+<li><code>getLength <br />
+type(dictionary_t), intent(in) :: dict</code></li>
+<p>Returns an integer with the length of the dictionary, <em>ie</em> the number of dictionary entries.</p>
+<li><code>hasKey <br />
+type(dictionary_t), intent(in) :: dict <br />
+character(len=*), intent(in) :: key</code></li>
+<p>Returns a logical value according to whether the dictionary contains an attribute named <code>key</code> or not.</p>
+<li><code>hasKey <br />
+type(dictionary_t), intent(in) :: dict <br />
+character(len=*), intent(in) :: uri <br />
+character(len=*), intent(in) :: localname</code></li>
+<p>Returns a logical value according to whether the dictionary contains an attribute with the correct <code>URI</code> and <code>localname</code>.</p>
+<h3>Retrieving data from the dictionary</h3>
+<li><code>getQName <br />
+type(dictionary_t), intent(in) :: dict <br />
+integer, intent(in) :: i</code></li>
+<p>Return the full name of the <code>i</code>th dictionary entry.</p>
+<li><code>getValue <br />
+type(dictionary_t), intent(in) <br />
+integer, intent(in) :: i</code></li>
+<p>If an integer is passed in - the value of the <code>i</code>th attribute. </p>
+<li><code>getValue <br />
+type(dictionary_t), intent(in) <br />
+character(len=*), intent(in) :: qName</code></li>
+<p>If a single string is passed in, the value of the attribute with that name.</p>
+<li><code>getValue <br />
+type(dictionary_t), intent(in) <br />
+character(len=*), intent(in) :: uri, localname</code></li>
+<p>If two strings are passed in, the value of the attribute with that uri and localname.</p>
+<li><code>getURI <br />
+type(dictionary_t), intent(in) <br />
+integer, intent(in) :: i</code></li>
+<p>Returns a string containing the nsURI of the <code>i</code>th attribute.</p>
+<li><code>getlocalName <br />
+type(dictionary_t), intent(in) <br />
+integer, intent(in) :: i</code></li>
+<p>Returns a string containing the localName of the <code>i</code>th attribute.</p>
+<h3>DTD-driven functions</h3>
+<p>The following functions are only of interest if you are using DTDs.</p>
+type(dictionary_t), intent(in) <br />
+integer, intent(in), optional :: i</code></li>
+<p>If an integer is passed in, returns the type of the <code>i</code>th attribute.</p>
+<li><code>getType <br />
+type(dictionary_t), intent(in) <br />
+character(len=*), intent(in) :: qName</code></li>
+<p>If a single string is passed in, returns the type of the attribute with that QName.</p>
+<li><code>getType <br />
+type(dictionary_t), intent(in) <br />
+character(len=*), intent(in) :: uri <br />
+character(len=*), intent(in) :: localName</code></li>
+<p>If a single string is passed in, returnsthe type of the attribute with that {uri,localName}.</p>
+<li><code>isDeclared <br />
+type(dictionary_t), intent(in) <br />
+integer, intent(in), optional :: i</code></li>
+<p>If an integer is passed in, returns false unless the <code>i</code>th attribute is declared in the DTD.</p>
+type(dictionary_t), intent(in) <br />
+character(len=*), intent(in) :: qName</code></li>
+<p>If a single string is passed in, returns false unless the attribute with that QName is declared in the DTD.</p>
+<li><code>isDeclared <br />
+type(dictionary_t), intent(in) <br />
+character(len=*), intent(in) :: uri <br />
+character(len=*), intent(in) :: localName</code></li>
+<p>If a single string is passed in, returns false unless the attribute with that {uri,localName} is declared in the DTD.</p>
+<li><code>isSpecified <br />
+type(dictionary_t), intent(in) <br />
+integer, intent(in), optional :: i</code></li>
+<p>If an integer is passed in, returns true unless the <code>i</code>th attribute is a default value from the DTD.</p>
+type(dictionary_t), intent(in) <br />
+character(len=*), intent(in) :: qName</code></li>
+<p>If a single string is passed in, returns true unless the attribute with that QName is a default value from the DTD.</p>
+<li><code>isSpecified <br />
+type(dictionary_t), intent(in) <br />
+character(len=*), intent(in) :: uri <br />
+character(len=*), intent(in) :: localName</code></li>
+<p>If a single string is passed in, returns true unless the attribute with that {uri,localName} is a default value from the DTD.</p>
+</div><hr/><div class="DoX">
+<a name="FoX_dom"/>
+<p>The FoX DOM interface exposes an API as specified by the W3C DOM Working group.</p>
+<p>FoX implements essentially all of DOM Core Levels 1 and 2, (there are a number of minor exceptions which are listed below) and a substantial portion of DOM Core Level 3.</p>
+<li><a href="#DomQuickOverview">Quick overview of how to map the DOM interface to Fortran</a>  </li>
+<li><a href="#DomDetailedInterface">More detailed explanation of Fortran interface</a>  </li>
+<li><a href="#DomUtilityFunctions">Additional (non-DOM) utility functions</a>  </li>
+<li><a href="#DomString">String handling</a>  </li>
+<li><a href="#DomException">Exception handling</a>  </li>
+<li><a href="#DomLiveNodelists">Live nodelists</a>  </li>
+<li><a href="#DomConfiguration">DOM Configuration</a>  </li>
+<li><a href="#DomMiscellanea">Miscellanea</a></li>
+<h2>Interface Mapping</h2>
+<p><a name="DomQuickOverview"/></p>
+<p>FoX implements all objects and methods mandated in DOM Core Level 1 and 2. (A listing of supported DOM Core Level 3 interfaces is given below.)</p>
+<p>In all cases, the mapping from DOM interface to Fortran implementation is as follows:</p>
+<li>All DOM objects are available as Fortran types, and should be referenced only as pointers (though see 7 and 8 below). Thus, to use a Node, it must be declared first as: <br />
+<code>type(Node), pointer :: aNode</code></li>
+<li>A flat (non-inheriting) object hierarchy is used. All DOM objects which inherit from Node are represented as Node types.   </li>
+<li>All object method calls are modelled as functions or subroutines with the same name, whose first argument is the object. Thus: <br />
+<code>aNodelist = aNode.getElementsByTagName(tagName)</code> <br />
+should be converted to Fortran as: <br />
+<code>aNodelist => getElementsByTagName(aNode, tagName)</code>  </li>
+<li>All object method calls whose return type is void are modelled as subroutines. Thus: <br />
+<code>aNode.normalize()</code> <br />
+<code>call normalize(aNode)</code>   </li>
+<li>All object attributes are modelled as a pair of get/set calls (or only get where the attribute is readonly), with the naming convention being merely to prepend get or set to the attribute name. Thus: <br />
+<code>name = node.nodeName</code> <br />
+<code>node.nodeValue = string</code> <br />
+should be converted to Fortran as <br />
+<code>name = getnodeName(node)</code> <br />
+<code>call setnodeValue(string)</code>  </li>
+<li>Where an object method or attribute getter returns a DOM object, the relevant Fortran function must always be used as a pointer function. Thus: <br />
+<code>aNodelist => getElementsByTagName(aNode, tagName)</code>  </li>
+<li>No special DOMString object is used - all string operations are done on the standard Fortran character strings, and all functions that return DOMStrings return Fortran character strings.</li>
+<li>Exceptions are modelled by every DOM subroutine/function allowing an optional additional argument, of type DOMException. For further information see (#DOM Exceptions) below. </li>
+<h3>String handling</h3>
+<p><a name="DomString"/></p>
+<p>The W3C DOM requires that a <code>DOMString</code> object exist, capable of holding Unicode strings; and that all DOM functions accept and emit DOMString objects when string data is to be transferred.</p>
+<p>FoX does not follow this model. Since (as mentioned elsewhere) it is impossible to perform Unicode I/O in standard Fortran, it would be obtuse to require users to manipulate additional objects merely to transfer strings. Therefore, wherever the DOM mandates use of a <code>DOMString</code>, FoX merely uses standard Fortran character strings.</p>
+<p>All functions or subroutines which expect DOMString input arguments should be used with normal character strings. <br />
+All functions which should return DOMString objects will return Fortran character strings.</p>
+<h3>Using the FoX DOM library.</h3>
+<p>All functions are exposed through the module <code>FoX_DOM</code>. <code>USE</code> this in your program:</p>
+<pre><code>program dom_example
+  use FoX_DOM
+  type(Node) :: myDoc
+  myDoc => parseFile("fileIn.xml")
+  call serialize(myDoc, "fileOut.xml")
+end program dom_example
+<h2>Documenting DOM functions</h2>
+<p><a name="DomDetailedInterface"/></p>
+<p>This manual will not exhaustively document the functions available through the <code>Fox_DOM</code> interface. Primary documentation may be found in the W3C DOM specifications:`</p>
+<li><a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-DOM-Level-1/">DOM Core Level 1</a></li>
+<li><a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Core/">DOM Core Level 2</a></li>
+<li><a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-3-Core/">DOM Core Level 3</a></li>
+<p>The systematic rules for translating the DOM interfaces to Fortran are given in the previous section. For completeness, though, there is a list here. The W3C specifications should be consulted for the use of each.</p>
+<p>DOMImplementation: <br />
+<code>type(DOMImplementation), pointer</code></p>
+<li><code>hasFeature(impl, feature, version)</code>  </li>
+<li><code>createDocumentType(impl, qualifiedName, publicId, systemId)</code>  </li>
+<li><code>createDocument(impl, qualifiedName, publicId, systemId)</code>  </li>
+<code>type(Node), pointer</code></p>
+<li><code>getImplementation(doc)</code>    </li>
+<li><code>getDocumentElement(doc)</code>    </li>
+<li><code>createElement(doc, tagname)</code>    </li>
+<li><code>createDocumentFragment(doc)</code>    </li>
+<li><code>createTextNode(doc, data)</code>    </li>
+<li><code>createComment(doc, data)</code>    </li>
+<li><code>createCDataSection(doc, data)</code>    </li>
+<li><code>createProcessingInstruction(doc, target, data)</code>    </li>
+<li><code>createAttribute(doc, name)</code>    </li>
+<li><code>createEntityReference(doc, name)</code>    </li>
+<li><code>getElementsByTagName(doc, tagname)</code>    </li>
+<li><code>importNode(doc, importedNode, deep)</code>    </li>
+<li><code>createElementNS(doc, namespaceURI, qualifiedName)</code>    </li>
+<li><code>createAttributeNS(doc, namespaceURI, qualifiedName)</code>    </li>
+<li><code>getElementsByTagNameNS(doc, namespaceURI, qualifiedName)</code>    </li>
+<li><code>getElementById(doc, elementId)</code></li></li>
+<p>Node: <br />
+<code>type(Node), pointer</code></p>
+<li><code>getNodeName(arg)</code>    </li>
+<li><code>getNodeValue(arg)</code>    </li>
+<li><code>setNodeValue(arg, value)</code>    </li>
+<li><code>getNodeType(arg)</code>    </li>
+<li><code>getParentNode(arg)</code>    </li>
+<li><code>getChildNodes(arg)</code>    </li>
+<li><code>getFirstChild(arg)</code>    </li>
+<li><code>getLastChild(arg)</code>    </li>
+<li><code>getPreviousSibling(arg)</code>    </li>
+<li><code>getNextSibling(arg)</code>    </li>
+<li><code>getAttributes(arg)</code>    </li>
+<li><code>getOwnerDocument(arg)</code>    </li>
+<li><code>insertBefore(arg, newChild, refChild)</code>    </li>
+<li><code>replaceChild(arg, newChild, refChild)</code>    </li>
+<li><code>removeChild(arg, oldChild)</code>    </li>
+<li><code>appendChild(arg, newChild)</code>    </li>
+<li><code>hasChildNodes(arg)</code>  </li>
+<li><code>cloneNode(arg, deep)</code>  </li>
+<li><code>normalize</code>    </li>
+<li><code>isSupported(arg, feature, version)</code>    </li>
+<li><code>getNamespaceURI(arg)</code>    </li>
+<li><code>getPrefix(arg)</code>    </li>
+<li><code>setPrefix(arg, prefix)</code>  </li>
+<li><code>getLocalName(arg)</code>    </li>
+<li><code>hasAttributes(arg)</code> <br />
+<p>NodeList: <br />
+<code>type(NodeList), pointer</code></p>
+<li><code>item(arg, index)</code>    </li>
+<li><code>getLength(arg)</code>  </li>
+<p>NamedNodeMap: <br />
+<code>type(NamedNodeMap), pointer</code></p>
+<li><code>getNamedItem(map, name)</code>    </li>
+<li><code>setNamedItem(map, arg)</code>    </li>
+<li><code>removeNamedItem(map, name)</code>    </li>
+<li><code>item(map, index)</code>    </li>
+<li><code>getLength(map)</code>    </li>
+<li><code>getNamedItemNS(map, namespaceURI, qualifiedName)</code>    </li>
+<li><code>setNamedItemNS(map, arg)</code>    </li>
+<li><code>removeNamedItemNS(map, namespaceURI, qualifiedName)</code>    </li>
+<p>CharacterData: <br />
+<code>type(Node), pointer</code></p>
+<li><code>getData(np)</code>    </li>
+<li><code>setData(np, data)</code>    </li>
+<li><code>getLength(np)</code>    </li>
+<li><code>substringData(np, offset, count)</code>    </li>
+<li><code>appendData(np, arg)</code>    </li>
+<li><code>deleteData(np, offset, count)</code>    </li>
+<li><code>replaceData(np, offset, count, arg)</code></li>
+<p>Attr: <br />
+<code>type(Node), pointer</code></p>
+<li><code>getName(np)</code>    </li>
+<li><code>getSpecified(np)</code>    </li>
+<li><code>getValue(np)</code>    </li>
+<li><code>setValue(np, value)</code>    </li>
+<p>Element: <br />
+<code>type(Node), pointer</code></p>
+<li><code>getTagName(np)</code>    </li>
+<li><code>getAttribute(np, name)</code>    </li>
+<li><code>setAttribute(np, name, value)</code>    </li>
+<li><code>removeAttribute(np, name)</code>    </li>
+<li><code>getAttributeNode(np, name)</code>    </li>
+<li><code>setAttributeNode(np, newAttr)</code>    </li>
+<li><code>removeAttributeNode(np, oldAttr)</code>    </li>
+<li><code>getElementsByTagName(np, name)</code>  </li>
+<li><code>getAttributeNS(np, namespaceURI, qualifiedName)</code>    </li>
+<li><code>setAttributeNS(np, namespaceURI, qualifiedName, value)</code>    </li>
+<li><code>removeAttributeNS(np, namespaceURI, qualifiedName)</code>    </li>
+<li><code>getAttributeNode(np, namespaceURI, qualifiedName)</code>    </li>
+<li><code>setAttributeNode(np, newAttr)</code>    </li>
+<li><code>removeAttributeNode(np, oldAttr)</code>    </li>
+<li><code>getElementsByTagNameNS(np, namespaceURI, qualifiedName)</code>    </li>
+<li><code>hasAttribute(np, name)</code>    </li>
+<li><code>hasAttributeNS(np, namespaceURI, qualifiedName)</code>  </li>
+<p>Text: <br />
+<code>type(Node), pointer</code></p>
+<li><code>splitText(np, offset)</code>    </li>
+<p>DocumentType: <br />
+<code>type(Node), pointer</code></p>
+<li><code>getName(np)</code>    </li>
+<li><code>getEntites(np)</code>    </li>
+<li><code>getNotations(np)</code>    </li>
+<li><code>getPublicId(np)</code>    </li>
+<li><code>getSystemId(np)</code>    </li>
+<li><code>getInternalSubset(np)</code>    </li>
+<p>Notation: <br />
+<code>type(Node), pointer</code> </p>
+<li><code>getPublicId(np)</code>    </li>
+<li><code>getSystemId(np)</code>    </li>
+<p>Entity: <br />
+<code>type(Node), pointer</code></p>
+<li><code>getPublicId(np)</code>    </li>
+<li><code>getSystemId(np)</code>  </li>
+<li><code>getNotationName(np)</code>    </li>
+<p>ProcessingInstruction: <br />
+<code>type(Node), pointer</code></p>
+<li><code>getTarget(np)</code>    </li>
+<li><code>getData(np)</code>    </li>
+<li><code>setData(np, data)</code> </li>
+<p>In addition, the following DOM Core Level 3 functions are available:</p>
+<li><code>getDocumentURI(np)</code>  </li>
+<li><code>setDocumentURI(np, documentURI)</code>  </li>
+<li><code>getDomConfig(np)</code>  </li>
+<li><code>getInputEncoding(np)</code>  </li>
+<li><code>getStrictErrorChecking(np)</code>  </li>
+<li><code>setStrictErrorChecking(np, strictErrorChecking)</code>  </li>
+<li><code>getXmlEncoding(np)</code>  </li>
+<li><code>getXmlStandalone(np)</code>  </li>
+<li><code>setXmlStandalone(np, xmlStandalone)</code>  </li>
+<li><code>getXmlVersion(np)</code>  </li>
+<li><code>setXmlVersion(np, xmlVersion)</code>  </li>
+<li><code>adoptNode(np, source)</code>   </li>
+<li><code>normalizeDocument(np)</code>  </li>
+<li><code>renameNode(np, namespaceURI, qualifiedName)</code>  </li>
+<li><code>getBaseURI(np)</code>  </li>
+<li><code>getTextContent(np)</code>  </li>
+<li><code>setTextContent(np, textContent)</code>  </li>
+<li><code>isEqualNode(np, other)</code></li>
+<li><code>isSameNode(np)</code>  </li>
+<li><code>isDefaultNamespace(np, namespaceURI)</code>  </li>
+<li><code>lookupPrefix(np, namespaceURI)</code>  </li>
+<li><code>lookupNamespaceURI(np, prefix)</code>  </li>
+<p>Entity:  </p>
+<li><code>getInputEncoding(np)</code>  </li>
+<li><code>getXmlVersion(np)</code>  </li>
+<li><code>getXmlEncoding(np)</code>  </li>
+<li><code>getIsElementContentWhitespace(np)</code>  </li>
+<p>DOMConfiguration: <br />
+<li><code>canSetParameter(arg, name, value)</code>  </li>
+<li><code>getParameter(arg, name)</code> </li>
+<li><code>getParameterNames(arg)</code>  </li>
+<li><code>setParameter(arg, name)</code>  </li>
+<p><em>NB For details on DOMConfiguration, see <a href="#DomConfiguration">below</a></em></p>
+<h3>Object Model</h3>
+<p>The DOM is written in terms of an object model involving inheritance, but also permits a flattened model. FoX implements this flattened model - all objects descending from the Node are of the opaque type <code>Node</code>. Nodes carry their own type, and attempts to call functions defined on the wrong nodetype (for example, getting the <code>target</code> of a node which is not a PI) will result in a <code>FoX_INVALID_NODE</code> exception.</p>
+<p>The other types available through the FoX DOM are:</p>
+<li><code>DOMConfiguration</code>  </li>
+<li><code>DOMException</code>   </li>
+<li><code>DOMImplementation</code>  </li>
+<li><code>NodeList</code>  </li>
+<h3>FoX DOM and pointers</h3>
+<p>All DOM objects exposed to the user may only be manipulated through pointers. Attempts to access them directly will result in compile-time or run-time failures according to your environment.</p>
+<p>This should have little effect on the structure of your programs, except that you must always remember, when calling a DOM function, to perform pointer assignment, not direct assignment, thus: <br />
+<code>child => getFirstChild(parent)</code> <br />
+and <em>not</em> <br />
+<code>child = getFirstChild(parent)</code>  </p>
+<h3>Memory handling</h3>
+<p>Fortran offers no garbage collection facility, so unfortunately a small degree of memory
+handling is necessarily exposed to the user.</p>
+<p>However, this has been kept to a minimum. FoX keeps track of all memory allocated and used when calling DOM routines, and keeps references to all DOM objects created.</p>
+<p>The only memory handling that the user needs to take care of is destroying any
+DOM Documents (whether created manually, or by the <code>parse()</code> routine.) All other nodes or node structures created will be destroyed automatically by the relevant <code>destroy()</code> call.</p>
+<p>As a consequence of this, all DOM objects which are part of a given document will become inaccessible after the document object is destroyed.</p>
+<h2>Additional functions.</h2>
+<p><a name="DomUtilityFunctions"/></p>
+<p>Several additional utility functions are provided by FoX.</p>
+<h3>Input and output of XML data</h3>
+<p>Firstly, to construct a DOM tree, from either a file or a string containing XML data.</p>
+<li><code>parseFile</code> <br />
+<strong>filename</strong>: <em>string</em> <br />
+(<strong>configuration</strong>): <em>DOMConfiguration</em> <br />
+(<strong>ex</strong>): <em>DOMException</em>  </li>
+<p><strong>filename</strong> should be an XML document. It will be opened and parsed into a DOM tree. The parsing is performed by the FoX SAX parser; if the XML document is not well-formed, a <code>PARSE_ERR</code> exception will be raised. <strong>configuration</strong> is an optional argument - see <a href="#DomConfiguration">DOMConfiguration</a> for its meaning.</p>
+<li><code>parseString</code> <br />
+<strong>XMLstring</strong>: <em>string</em> <br />
+(<strong>configuration</strong>): <em>DOMConfiguration</em> <br />
+(<strong>ex</strong>): <em>DOMException</em></li>
+<p><strong>XMLstring</strong> should be a string containing XML data. It will be parsed into a DOM tree. The parsing is performed by the FoX SAX parser; if the XML document is not well-formed, a <code>PARSE_ERR</code> exception will be raised. <strong>configuration</strong> is an optional argument - see <a href="#DomConfiguration">DOMConfiguration</a> for its meaning.</p>
+<p>Both <code>parseFile</code> and <code>parseString</code> return a pointer to a <code>Node</code> object containing the Document Node.`</p>
+<p>Secondly, to output an XML document:</p>
+<li><code>serialize</code> <br />
+<strong>arg</strong>: <em>Node, pointer</em>
+<strong>fileName</strong>: <em>string</em> </li>
+<p>This will open <code>fileName</code> and serialize the DOM tree by writing into the file. If <code>fileName</code> already exists, it will be overwritten. If an problem arises in serializing the document, then a fatal error will result.</p>
+<p>(Control over serialization options is done through the configuration of the <strong>arg</strong>'s ownerDocument, see <a href="#DomConfiguration">below</a>.)</p>
+<p>Finally, to clean up all memory associated with the DOM, it is necessary to call:</p>
+<li><code>destroy</code> <br />
+<strong>np</strong>: <em>Node, pointer</em></li>
+<p>This will clear up all memory usage associated with the document (or documentType) node passed in.</p>
+<h3>Extraction of data from an XML file.</h3>
+<p><a name="dataExtraction"/></p>
+<p>The standard DOM functions only deal with string data. When dealing with numerical (or logical) data,
+the following functions may be of use.</p>
+<li><code>extractDataContent</code>  </li>
+<li><code>extractDataAttribute</code>  </li>
+<p>These extract data from, respectively, the text content of an element, from one of its attributes, or from one of its namespaced attributes.
+They are used like so:</p>
+<p>(where <code>p</code> is an element which has been selected by means of the other DOM functions)</p>
+<pre><code>call extractDataContent(p, data)
+<p>The subroutine will look at the text contents of the element, and interpret according to the type of <code>data</code>. That is, if <code>data</code> has been declared as an <code>integer</code>, then the contents of <code>p</code> will be read as such an placed into <code>data</code>.</p>
+<p><code>data</code> may be a <code>string</code>, <code>logical</code>, <code>integer</code>, <code>real</code>, <code>double precision</code>, <code>complex</code> or <code>double complex</code> variable.</p>
+<p>In addition, if <code>data</code> is supplied as a rank-1 or rank-2 variable (ie an array or a matrix) then the data will be read in assuming it to be a space- or comma-separated list of such data items.</p>
+<p>Thus, the array of integers within the XML document:</p>
+<pre><code><element> 1 2 3 4 5 6 </element>
+<p>could be extracted by the following Fortran program:</p>
+<pre><code>type(Node), pointer :: doc, p
+integer :: i_array(6)
+doc => parseFile(filename)
+p => item(getElementsByTagName(doc, "element"), 0)
+call extractDataContent(p, i_array)
+<h4>Contents and Attributes</h4>
+<p>For extracting data from text content, the example above suffices. For data in a non-namespaced attribute (in this case, a 2x2 matrix of real numbers)</p>
+<pre><code><element att="0.1, 2.3 7.56e23, 93"> Some uninteresting text </element>
+<p>then use a Fortran program like:</p>
+<pre><code>type(Node), pointer :: doc, p
+real :: r_matrix(2,2)
+doc => parseFile(filename)
+p => item(getElementsByTagName(doc, "element"), 0)
+call extractDataAttribute(p, "att", r_matrix)
+<p>or for extracting from a namespaced attribute (in this case, a length-2 array of complex numbers):</p>
+<pre><code><myml xmlns:ns="http://www.example.org">
+  <element ns:att="0.1,2.3  3.4e2,5.34"> Some uninteresting text </element>
+<p>then use a Fortran program like:</p>
+<pre><code>type(Node), pointer :: doc, p
+complex :: c_array(2)
+doc => parseFile(filename)
+p => item(getElementsByTagName(doc, "element"), 0)
+call extractDataAttributeNS(p, &
+     namespaceURI="http://www.example.org", localName="att", &
+     data=c_array)
+<h4>Error handling</h4>
+<p>The extraction may fail of course, if the data is not of the sort specified, or if there are not enough elements to fill the array or matrix. In such a case, this can be detected by the optional arguments <code>num</code> and <code>iostat</code>. </p>
+<p><code>num</code> will hold the number of items successfully read. Hopefully this should be equal to the expected number of items; but it may be less if reading failed for some reason, or if there were less items than expected in the element.</p>
+<p><code>iostat</code> will hold an integer - this will be <code>0</code> if the extraction went ok; <code>-1</code> if too few elements were found, <code>1</code> if although the read went ok, there were still some elements left over, or <code>2</code> if the extraction failed due to either a badly formatted number, or due to the wrong data type being found.</p>
+<h4>String arrays</h4>
+<p>For all data types apart from strings, arrays and matrices are specified by space- or comma-separated lists. For strings, some additional options are available. By default, arrays will be extracted assuming that separators are spaces (and multiple spaces are ignored). So:</p>
+<pre><code><element> one two     three </element>
+<p>will result in the string array <code>(/"one", "two", "three"/)</code>.</p>
+<p>However, you may specify an optional argument <code>separator</code>, which specifies another single-character separator to use (and does not ignore multiple spaces). So:</p>
+<pre><code><element>one, two, three </element>
+<p>will result in the string array <code>(/"one", " two", " three "/)</code>. (note the leading and trailing spaces).</p>
+<p>Finally, you can also specify an optional logical argument, <code>csv</code>. In this case, the <code>separator</code> is ignored, and the extraction proceeds assuming that the data is a list of comma-separated values. (see: <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comma-separated_values">CSV</a>)</p>
+<h3>Other utility functions</h3>
+<li><code>setFoX_checks</code> <br />
+<strong>FoX_checks</strong>: <em>logical</em></li>
+<p>This affects whether additional FoX-only checks are made (see <a href="#DomException">DomExceptions</a> below). </p>
+<li><code>getFoX_checks</code> <br />
+<strong>arg</strong>: <em>DOMImplementation, pointer</em>  </li>
+<p>Retrieves the current setting of FoX_checks.</p>
+<p>Note that FoX_checks can only be turned on and off globally, not on a per-document basis.</p>
+<li><code>setLiveNodeLists</code> <br />
+<strong>arg</strong>: <em>Node, pointer</em> <br />
+<strong>liveNodeLists</strong>: <em>logical</em></li>
+<p><strong>arg</strong> must be a Document Node. Calling this function affects whether any nodelists active on the document are treated as live - ie whether updates to the documents are reflected in the contents of nodelists (see <a href="#DomLiveNodelists">DomLiveNodelists</a> below).</p>
+<li><code>getLiveNodeLists</code> <br />
+<strong>arg</strong>: <em>Node, pointer</em></li>
+<p>Retrieves the current setting of liveNodeLists.</p>
+<p>Note that the live-ness of nodelists is a per-document setting.</p>
+<h3>Exception handling</h3>
+<p><a name="DomException"/></p>
+<p>Exception handling is important to the DOM. The W3C DOM standards provide not only interfaces to the DOM, but also specify the error handling that should take place when invalid calls are made.</p>
+<p>The DOM specifies these in terms of a <code>DOMException</code> object, which carries a numeric code whose value reports the kind of error generated. Depending upon the features available in a particular computer language, this DOMException object should be generated and thrown, to be caught by the end-user application.</p>
+<p>Fortran of course has no mechanism for throwing and catching exceptions. However, the behaviour of an exception can be modelled using Fortran features.</p>
+<p>FoX defines an opaque <code>DOMException</code> object.
+Every DOM subroutine and function implemented by FoX will take an optional argument, 'ex', of type <code>DOMException</code>. </p>
+<p>If the optional argument is not supplied, any errors within the DOM will cause an immediate abort, with a suitable error message. However, if the optional argument <em>is</em> supplied, then the error will be captured within the <code>DOMException</code> object, and returned to the caller for inspection. It is then up to the application to decide how to proceed.</p>
+<p>Functions for inspecting and manipulating the <code>DOMException</code> object are described below:</p>
+<li><code>inException</code>: <br />
+<strong>ex</strong>: <em>DOMException</em></li>
+<p>A function returning a logical value, according to whether <code>ex</code> is in exception - that is, whether the last DOM function or subroutine, from which <code>ex</code> returned, caused an error. Note that this will not change the status of the exception.</p>
+<li><code>getExceptionCode</code> <br />
+<strong>ex</strong>: <em>DOMException</em></li>
+<p>A function returning an integer value, describing the nature of the exception reported in <code>ex</code>. If the integer is 0, then <code>ex</code> does not hold an exception. If the integer is less than 200, then the error encountered was of a type specified by the DOM standard; for a full list, see below, and for explanations, see the various DOM standards. If the integer is 200 or greater, then the code represents a FoX-specific error. See the list below.</p>
+<p>Note that calling <code>getExceptionCode</code> will clean up all memory associated with the DOMException object, and reset the object such that it is no longer in exception.</p>
+<h4>Exception handling and memory usage.</h4>
+<p>Note that when an Exception is thrown, memory is allocated within the DOMException object. Calling <code>getExceptionCode</code> on a DOMEXception will clean up this memory. If you use the exception-handling interfaces of FoX, then you must check every exception, and ensure you check its code, otherwise your program will leak memory.</p>
+<h4>FoX exceptions.</h4>
+<p>The W3C DOM interface allows the creation of unserializable XML document in various ways. For example, it permits characters to be added to a text node which would be invalid XML. FoX performs multiple additional checks on all DOM calls to prevent the creation of unserializable trees. These are reported through the DOMException mechanisms noted above, using additional exception codes. However, if for some reason, you want to create such trees, then it is possible to switch off all FoX [...]
+<p>Note that FoX does not yet currently check for all ways that a tree may be made non-serializable.</p>
+<h3>Live nodelists</h3>
+<p><a name="DomLiveNodelists"/></p>
+<p>The DOM specification requires that all NodeList objects are <em>live</em> - that is, that any change in the document structure is immediately reflected in the contents of any nodelists.</p>
+<p>For example, any nodelists returned by getElementsByTagName or getElementsByTagNameNS must be updated whenever nodes are added to or removed from the document; and the order of nodes in the nodelists must be changed if the document structure changes.</p>
+<p>Though FoX does keep all nodelists live, this can impose a significant performance penalty when manipulating large documents. Therefore, FoX can be instructed to inly use 'dead' nodelists - that is, nodelists which reflect a snapshot of the document structure at the point they were created. To do this, call <code>setLiveNodeLists</code> (see API documentation).</p>
+<p>However, note that the nodes within the nodelist remain live - any changes made to the nodes will be reflected in accessing them through the nodelist.</p>
+<p>Furthermore, since the nodelists are still associated with the document, they and their contents will be rendered inaccessible when the document is destroyed.</p>
+<h2>DOM Configuration</h2>
+<p><a name="DomConfiguration"/></p>
+<p>Multiple valid DOM trees may be produced from a single document. When parsing input, some of these choices are made available to the user.</p>
+<p>By default, the DOM tree presented to the user will be produced according to the following criteria:</p>
+<li>there will be no adjacent text nodes  </li>
+<li>Cdata nodes will appear as such in the DOM tree  </li>
+<li>EntityReference nodes will appear in the DOM tree.</li>
+<p>However, if another tree is desired, the user may change this. For example, very often you would rather be working with the fully canonicalized tree, with all cdata sections replaced by text nodes and merged, and all entity references replaced with their contents.</p>
+<p>The mechanism for doing this is the optional <code>configuration</code> argument to <code>parseFile</code> and <code>parseString</code>. <code>configuration</code> is a <code>DOMConfiguration</code> object, which may be manipulated by <code>setParameter</code> calls.</p>
+<p>Note that FoX's implementation of <code>DOMConfiguration</code> does not follow the specification precisely. One <code>DOMConfiguration</code> object controls all of parsing, normalization and serialization. It can be used like so:</p>
+<pre><code>use FoX_dom
+implicit none
+type(Node), pointer :: doc
+! Declare a new configuration object
+type(DOMConfiguration), pointer :: config
+! Request full canonicalization
+! ie convert CDATA sections to text sections, remove all entity references etc.
+config => newDOMConfig()
+call setParameter(config, "canonical-form", .true.)
+! Turn on validation
+call setParameter(config, "validate", .true.)
+! parse the document
+doc => parseFile("doc.xml", config)
+! Do a whole lot of DOM processing ...
+! change the configuration to allow cdata-sections to be preserved.
+call setParameter(getDomConfig(doc), "cdata-sections", .true.)
+! normalize the document again 
+call normalizeDocument(doc)
+! change the configuration to influence the output - make sure there is an XML declaration
+call setParameter(getDomConfig(doc), "xml-declaration", .true.)
+! and write the document out.
+call serialize(doc)
+! once everything is done, destroy the doc and config
+call destroy(doc)
+call destroy(config)
+<p>The available configuration options are fully explained in:</p>
+<li><a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-3-Core/core.html#DOMConfiguration">DOM Core 3</a>  </li>
+<li><a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/2004/REC-DOM-Level-3-LS-20040407/load-save.html#LS-LSParser">DOM Core LSParser</a>  </li>
+<li><a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/2004/REC-DOM-Level-3-LS-20040407/load-save.html#LS-LSSerializer">DOM Core LSSerializer</a>  </li>
+<p>and are all implemented, with the exceptions of: <code>error-handler</code>, <code>schema-location</code>, and <code>schema-type</code>. <br />
+In total there are 24 implemented configuration options (<code>schema-location</code> and <code>schema-type</code> are not
+implemented). The options known by FoX are as follows:</p>
+<li><code>canonical-form</code> default: false, can be set to true. See note below.</li>
+<li><code>cdata-sections</code> default: true, can be changed.</li>
+<li><code>check-character-normalization</code> default: false, cannot be changed.</li>
+<li><code>comments</code> default: true, can be changed.</li>
+<li><code>datatype-normalization</code> default: false, cannot be changed.</li>
+<li><code>element-content-whitespace</code> default: true, can be changed.</li>
+<li><code>entities</code> default: true, can be changed.</li>
+<li><code>error-handler</code> default: false, cannot be changed. This is a breach of the DOM specification.</li>
+<li><code>namespaces</code> default: true, can be changed.</li>
+<li><code>namespace-declarations</code> default: true, can be changed.</li>
+<li><code>normalize-characters</code> default: false, cannot be changed.</li>
+<li><code>split-cdata-sections</code> default: true, can be changed.</li>
+<li><code>validate</code> default: false, can be changed. See note below.</li>
+<li><code>validate-if-schema</code> default: false, can be changed.</li>
+<li><code>well-formed</code> default true, cannot be changed.</li>
+<li><code>charset-overrides-xml-encoding</code> default false, cannot be changed.</li>
+<li><code>disallow-doctype</code> default false, cannot be changed.</li>
+<li><code>ignore-unknown-character-denormalizations</code> default true, cannot be changed.</li>
+<li><code>resource-resolver</code> default false, cannot be changed.</li>
+<li><code>supported-media-types-only</code> default false, cannot be changed.</li>
+<li><code>discard-default-content</code> default: true, can be changed.</li>
+<li><code>format-pretty-print</code> default: false, cannot be changed.</li>
+<li><code>xml-declaration</code> default: true, can be changed.</li>
+<li><code>invalid-pretty-print</code> default: false, can be changed. This is a FoX specific extension which works like <code>format-pretty-print</code> but does not preseve the validity of the document.</li>
+<p>Setting <code>canonical-form</code> changes the value of <code>entities</code>, <code>cdata-sections</code>, <code>discard-default-content</code>, <code>invalid-pretty-print</code>, and <code>xml-declaration</code>to false and changes <code>namespaces</code>, <code>namespace-declarations</code>, and <code>element-content-whitespace</code> to true. Unsetting <code>canonical-form</code> causes these options to revert to the defalt settings. Changing the values of any of these options ha [...]
+<h2>DOM Miscellanea</h2>
+<p><a name="DomMiscellanea"/></p>
+<p>Other issues</p>
+<li>As mentioned in the documentation for WXML, it is impossible within Fortran to reliably output lines longer than 1024 characters. While text nodes containing such lines may be created in the DOM, on serialization newlines will be inserted as described in the documentation for WXML.</li>
+<li>All caveats with regard to the FoX SAX processor apply to reading documents through the DOM interface. In particular, note that documents containing characters beyond the US-ASCII set will not be readable.</li>
+<p>It was decided to implement W3C DOM interfaces primarily because they are specified in a language-agnostic fashion, and thus made Fortran implementation possible. A number of criticisms have been levelled at the W3C DOM, but many apply only from the perspective of Java developers. However, more importantly, the W3C DOM suffers from a lack of sufficient error checking so it is very easy to create a DOM tree, or manipulate an existing DOM tree into a state, that cannot be serialized int [...]
+<p>(Although the Level 3 DOM specifications finally addressed this issue, they did so in a fashion that was neither very useful, nor easily translatable into a Fortran API.)</p>
+<p>Therefore, FoX will by default produce errors about many attempts to manipulate the DOM in such a way as would result in invalid XML. These errors can be switched off if standards-compliant behaviour is wanted. Although extensive, these checks are not complete.
+In particular, the way the W3C DOM mandates namespace handling makes it trivial to produce namespace non-well-formed document trees, and very difficult for the processor to automatically detect the non-well-formedness. Thus a fully well-formed tree is only guaranteed after a suitable <code>normalizeDocument</code> call.</p>
+</div><hr/><div class="DoX">
+<a name="FoX_utils"/>
+<p><code>FoX_utils</code> is a collection of general utility functions that the rest of FoX depends on, but which may be of independent use. They are documented here.</p>
+<p>All functions are accessible from the <code>FoX_utils</code> module. </p>
+<p>NB Unlike the APIs of WXML, WCML, and SAX, the UTILS APIs may not remain constant between FoX versions. While some effort will be expended to ensure they don't change unnecessarily, no guarantees are made.</p>
+<p>For any end-users interested in the code who are worried about interface changes, it is recommended that the  relevant code (all found in the <code>utils/</code> directory be lifted directly and imported into other projects, rather than accessed through the FoX interfaces.</p>
+<p>Two sets of utility functions are provided; one concerned with <a href="#UUID">UUID</a>s, and a set concerned with <a href="#URI">URI</a>s.</p>
+<p><a name="UUID"/></p>
+<p>UUIDs (see <a href="http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4122">RFC 4122</a>) are  Universally Unique IDentifiers. They are a 128-bit number, represented as a 36-character string. For example:</p>
+<pre><code> f81d4fae-7dec-11d0-a765-00a0c91e6bf6
+<p>The intention of UUIDs is to enable distributed systems to uniquely identify information without significant central coordination. Thus, anyone can create a UUID and use it to identify something with reasonable confidence that the identifier will never be unintentionally used by anyone for anything else.</p>
+<p>This property also makes them useful as Uniform Resource Names, to refer to a given document without requiring a position in a particular URI scheme. Thus the above UUID could be referred to as</p>
+<p>UUIDs are used by WCML to ensure that every document generated has a unique ID. This enables users to go back later on and have confidence that they are examining the same document, regardless of where it might have ended up in file-system hierarchies or databases.</p>
+<p>In addition, UUIDs come in several flavours, one of which stores the time of creation to 100-nanosecond accuracy. This can later be extracted (see, for example <a href="http://www.famkruithof.net/uuid/uuidgen?typeReq=-1">this service</a>) to verify creation time.</p>
+<p>This may well be useful for other XML document types, or indeed in non-XML applications. Thus, UUIDs may be generated by the following function, with one optional argument.</p>
+<li><code>generate_UUID</code> <br />
+<strong>version</strong>: <em>integer</em></li>
+<p>This function returns a 36-character string containing the UUID.</p>
+<p><strong>version</strong> identifies the version of UUID to be used (see section 4.1.3 of the RFC). Only versions 0, 1, and 4 are supported. Version 0 generates a nil UUID; version 1 a time-based UUID, and version 4 a pseudo-randomly-generated UUID.</p>
+<p>Version 1 is the default, and is recommended.</p>
+<p>(Note: all pseudo-random-numbers are generated using the high-quality Mersenne Twister algorithm, using the Fortran implementation of <a href="http://www.coyotegulch.com">Scott Robert Ladd</a>.)</p>
+<p><a name="URI"/></p>
+<p>URIs (see <a href="http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2396">RFC 2396</a>) are  Universal Resource Identifiers. A URI is a string, containing several components, which identifies a resource. Very often, this resource is a file, and the URI represents the local or network path to this file.</p>
+<p>For example:</p>
+<p>is a URI pointing to the FoX documentation.</p>
+<p>Equally, however:</p>
+<p>is a URI reference pointing to the FoX configure script (relative to the current directory, or <code>base URI</code>).</p>
+<p>A string which is a URI reference contains several components, some of which are optional.</p>
+<li><code>scheme</code> - eg, <code>http</code></li>
+<li><code>authority</code> - eg, <code>www.uszla.me.uk</code></li>
+<li><code>path</code> - eg, <code>/FoX/DoX/index.html</code></li>
+<p>In addition, a URI reference may contain <code>userinfo</code>, <code>host</code>, <code>port</code>, <code>query</code>, and <code>fragment</code> information. (see the <a href="http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2396">RFC</a> for full details.)</p>
+<p>The FoX URI library provides the following features:</p>
+This is an opaque Fortran type which is used to hold URI information. The functions described below use this type.</p></li>
+This takes one argument, a URI reference, and returns a pointer to a newly-allocated URI object.</p></li>
+<p>If the string provided is not a valid URI reference, then a null pointer is returned; thus this function can be used to check whether a URI is valid.</p>
+This takes one argument, a URI object, and returns the (fully-escaped) string representing that URI.</p></li>
+This takes two arguments, both URI objects, and returns a pointer to a third URI object. It calculates the location of the second URI with reference to the first.</p></li>
+<p>Thus, if the first URI were <code>/FoX/DoX</code>, and the second <code>../DoX2/index.html</code>, then the resulting URI would be <code>/FoX/DoX2/index.html</code></p>
+This takes one argument, a pointer to a URI object, and clears up all memory associated with it.</li>
+<p>For each component a URI might have (<code>scheme</code>, <code>authority</code>, <code>userinfo</code>, <code>host</code>, <code>port</code>, <code>path</code>, <code>query</code>, <code>fragment</code>) there are two functions for extracting the component:</p>
+<li><p><code>hasXXX</code> will return a logical variable according to whether the component is defined. (except for <code>path</code> which is always defined, but may be empty)</p></li>
+<li><p><code>getXXX</code> will return a string containing the value of the component. (except for <code>port</code> which is returned as an integer.</p></li>
+<p>Thus, listing these functions in full:</p>
+Is there a scheme associated with the URI?</p></li>
+Return the value of the scheme</p></li>
+Is there an authority associated with the URI?</p></li>
+Return the value of the authority</p></li>
+Is there userinfo associated with the URI?</p></li>
+Return the value of the userinfo</p></li>
+Is there a host associated with the URI?</p></li>
+Return the value of the host</p></li>
+Is there a port associated with the URI?</p></li>
+Return the value of the port</p></li>
+Return the value of the path</p></li>
+Is there a query associated with the URI?</p></li>
+Return the value of the query</p></li>
+Is there a fragment associated with the URI?</p></li>
+Return the value of the fragment</p></li>
+</div><hr/><div class="DoX">
+<a name="Information"/>
+<h1>Further information</h1>
+<p>FoX evolved from the initial codebase of <a href="http://lcdx00.wm.lc.ehu.es/ag/xml/">xmlf90</a>,
+which was written largely by Alberto Garcia <<a href="mai&#x6C;&#x74;&#x6F;:&#x61;l&#x62;er&#x74;&#x6F;g@&#x69;cmab&#x2E;e&#x73;">&#x61;l&#x62;er&#x74;&#x6F;g@&#x69;cmab&#x2E;e&#x73;</a>> and Jon Wakelin <<a href="m&#x61;&#x69;&#x6C;to:jo&#x6E;&#x2E;&#x77;akeli&#x6E;@&#x62;r&#x69;&#x73;tol.&#x61;&#x63;.u&#x6B;">&#10 [...]
+<p>FoX is the work of Toby White <<a href="&#x6D;a&#x69;lto:to&#x77;@uszla.&#x6D;e.&#x75;k">to&#x77;@uszla.&#x6D;e.&#x75;k</a>>, and all bug reports/complaints/bouquets of roses should be sent to him. Andrew Walker <<a href="m&#x61;i&#x6C;t&#x6F;:andr&#x65;w.w&#x61;&#x6C;ke&#x72;@br&#x69;&#x73;tol&#46 [...]
+<p>There is a FoX website at <a href="http://www1.gly.bris.ac.uk/~walker/FoX/">http://www1.gly.bris.ac.uk/~walker/FoX/</a>.</p>
+<p>There is also a mailing list for announcements/queries/bug reports. Information on how to subscribe may be found at <a href="http://groups.google.com/group/fox-discuss/">http://groups.google.com/group/fox-discuss/</a>. The archive of an older mailing list can be found at <a href="http://www.uszla.me.uk/pipermail/fox/">http://www.uszla.me.uk/pipermail/fox/</a>.</p>
+<p>This manual is © Toby White 2006-2008 with additional modifications by Andrew Walker 2008-2010.</p>
+</div><hr/><div class="DoX">
+<a name="Licensing"/>
+<p>FoX is licensed under the agreement below. This is intended to make it as freely available as possible, subject only to retaining copyright notices and acknowledgements.</p>
+<p>If for any reason this license causes issues with your intended use of the code, please contect the author.</p>
+<p>The license can also be found within the distributed source, in the file FoX/LICENSE</p>
+<p>Copyright: <br />
+© 2003, 2004, Alberto Garcia, Jon Wakelin <br />
+© 2005-2008, Toby White <br />
+© 2007-2009, Gen-Tao Chiang
+© 2008-2012, Andrew Walker
+All rights reserved.</p>
+<p>Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without 
+modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
+<li><p>Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, 
+this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.</p></li>
+<li><p>Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
+notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
+documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.</p></li>
+<li><p>Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its
+contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
+this software without specific prior written permission.</p></li>
+<h3>Third-party code.</h3>
+<p>In addition, FoX includes a random number library, written by <a href="http://www.coyotegulch.com">Scott Robert Ladd</a>, which is licensed as follows:</p>
+<p>!  This computer program source file is supplied "AS IS". Scott Robert <br />
+!  Ladd (hereinafter referred to as "Author") disclaims all warranties, <br />
+!  expressed or implied, including, without limitation, the warranties <br />
+!  of merchantability and of fitness for any purpose. The Author <br />
+!  assumes no liability for direct, indirect, incidental, special, <br />
+!  exemplary, or consequential damages, which may result from the use <br />
+!  of this software, even if advised of the possibility of such damage. <br />
+! <br />
+!  The Author hereby grants anyone permission to use, copy, modify, and <br />
+!  distribute this source code, or portions hereof, for any purpose, <br />
+!  without fee, subject to the following restrictions: <br />
+! <br />
+!      1. The origin of this source code must not be misrepresented. <br />
+! <br />
+!      2. Altered versions must be plainly marked as such and must not <br />
+!         be misrepresented as being the original source. <br />
+! <br />
+!      3. This Copyright notice may not be removed or altered from any <br />
+!         source or altered source distribution. <br />
+! <br />
+!  The Author specifically permits (without fee) and encourages the use <br />
+!  of this source code for entertainment, education, or decoration. If <br />
+!  you use this source code in a product, acknowledgment is not required <br />
+!  but would be appreciated.  </p>
+</div><hr/><div class="DoX">
diff --git a/DoX/FoX_common.html b/DoX/FoX_common.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d36ac9d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/DoX/FoX_common.html
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">
+<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
+  <title>FoX_common</title>
+  <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="DoX.css"/>
+  <div class="DoX">
+<p>FoX_common is a module exporting interfaces to a set of convenience functions common to all of the FoX modules, which are of more general use.</p>
+<p>Currently, there are three publically available functions and four subroutines:</p>
+<li>The subroutine <code>str</code> converts primitive datatypes into strings in a consistent fashion, conformant with the expectations of XML processors.</li>
+<p>It is fully described in <a href="StringFormatting.html">StringFormatting</a></p>
+<li><p>The subroutine <code>rts</code> performs the reverse function, taking a string (obtained from an XML document) and converts it into a primitive Fortran datatype.</p></li>
+<li><p>The function <code>countrts</code> examinies a string and determines the size of array requiered to hold all its data, once converted to a primitive Fortran datatype.</p></li>
+<p>It is fully described in <a href="StringConversion.html">StringConversion</a></p>
+<p>The final four procedures change the way that errors and warnings are handled when encounterd by any FoX modules. Using these procedures it is possible to convert non-fatal warnings and fatal errors to calls to the internal about routine. This generally has the effect of generating a stack trace or core dump of the program before temination. This is a global setting for all XML documents being manipulated. Two subroutines take a single logical argument to turn on (true) and off (false [...]
+<li><p><code>FoX_set_fatal_warnings</code> for warnings </p></li>
+<li><p><code>FoX_set_fatal_errors</code> for errors</p></li>
+<p>and two functions (without arguments) allow the state to be checked:</p>
+<li><p><code>FoX_get_fatal_warnings</code> for warnings</p></li>
+<li><p><code>FoX_get_fatal_errors</code> for errors</p></li>
+<p>Both fatal warnings and errors are off by default. This corresponds to the previous behaviour. </p>
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6641c0e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/DoX/FoX_common.md
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+# FoX_common
+FoX_common is a module exporting interfaces to a set of convenience functions common to all of the FoX modules, which are of more general use.
+Currently, there are three publically available functions and four subroutines:
+*  The subroutine `str` converts primitive datatypes into strings in a consistent fashion, conformant with the expectations of XML processors.
+It is fully described in [StringFormatting](|StringFormatting|)
+* The subroutine `rts` performs the reverse function, taking a string (obtained from an XML document) and converts it into a primitive Fortran datatype.
+* The function `countrts` examinies a string and determines the size of array requiered to hold all its data, once converted to a primitive Fortran datatype.
+It is fully described in [StringConversion](|StringConversion|)
+The final four procedures change the way that errors and warnings are handled when encounterd by any FoX modules. Using these procedures it is possible to convert non-fatal warnings and fatal errors to calls to the internal about routine. This generally has the effect of generating a stack trace or core dump of the program before temination. This is a global setting for all XML documents being manipulated. Two subroutines take a single logical argument to turn on (true) and off (false) t [...]
+* `FoX_set_fatal_warnings` for warnings 
+* `FoX_set_fatal_errors` for errors
+and two functions (without arguments) allow the state to be checked:
+* `FoX_get_fatal_warnings` for warnings
+* `FoX_get_fatal_errors` for errors
+Both fatal warnings and errors are off by default. This corresponds to the previous behaviour. 
diff --git a/DoX/FoX_dom.html b/DoX/FoX_dom.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3584737
--- /dev/null
+++ b/DoX/FoX_dom.html
@@ -0,0 +1,735 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">
+<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
+  <title>FoX_dom</title>
+  <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="DoX.css"/>
+  <div class="DoX">
+<p>The FoX DOM interface exposes an API as specified by the W3C DOM Working group.</p>
+<p>FoX implements essentially all of DOM Core Levels 1 and 2, (there are a number of minor exceptions which are listed below) and a substantial portion of DOM Core Level 3.</p>
+<li><a href="#DomQuickOverview">Quick overview of how to map the DOM interface to Fortran</a>  </li>
+<li><a href="#DomDetailedInterface">More detailed explanation of Fortran interface</a>  </li>
+<li><a href="#DomUtilityFunctions">Additional (non-DOM) utility functions</a>  </li>
+<li><a href="#DomString">String handling</a>  </li>
+<li><a href="#DomException">Exception handling</a>  </li>
+<li><a href="#DomLiveNodelists">Live nodelists</a>  </li>
+<li><a href="#DomConfiguration">DOM Configuration</a>  </li>
+<li><a href="#DomMiscellanea">Miscellanea</a></li>
+<h2>Interface Mapping</h2>
+<p><a name="DomQuickOverview"/></p>
+<p>FoX implements all objects and methods mandated in DOM Core Level 1 and 2. (A listing of supported DOM Core Level 3 interfaces is given below.)</p>
+<p>In all cases, the mapping from DOM interface to Fortran implementation is as follows:</p>
+<li>All DOM objects are available as Fortran types, and should be referenced only as pointers (though see 7 and 8 below). Thus, to use a Node, it must be declared first as: <br />
+<code>type(Node), pointer :: aNode</code></li>
+<li>A flat (non-inheriting) object hierarchy is used. All DOM objects which inherit from Node are represented as Node types.   </li>
+<li>All object method calls are modelled as functions or subroutines with the same name, whose first argument is the object. Thus: <br />
+<code>aNodelist = aNode.getElementsByTagName(tagName)</code> <br />
+should be converted to Fortran as: <br />
+<code>aNodelist => getElementsByTagName(aNode, tagName)</code>  </li>
+<li>All object method calls whose return type is void are modelled as subroutines. Thus: <br />
+<code>aNode.normalize()</code> <br />
+<code>call normalize(aNode)</code>   </li>
+<li>All object attributes are modelled as a pair of get/set calls (or only get where the attribute is readonly), with the naming convention being merely to prepend get or set to the attribute name. Thus: <br />
+<code>name = node.nodeName</code> <br />
+<code>node.nodeValue = string</code> <br />
+should be converted to Fortran as <br />
+<code>name = getnodeName(node)</code> <br />
+<code>call setnodeValue(string)</code>  </li>
+<li>Where an object method or attribute getter returns a DOM object, the relevant Fortran function must always be used as a pointer function. Thus: <br />
+<code>aNodelist => getElementsByTagName(aNode, tagName)</code>  </li>
+<li>No special DOMString object is used - all string operations are done on the standard Fortran character strings, and all functions that return DOMStrings return Fortran character strings.</li>
+<li>Exceptions are modelled by every DOM subroutine/function allowing an optional additional argument, of type DOMException. For further information see (DOM Exceptions.html) below. </li>
+<h3>String handling</h3>
+<p><a name="DomString"/></p>
+<p>The W3C DOM requires that a <code>DOMString</code> object exist, capable of holding Unicode strings; and that all DOM functions accept and emit DOMString objects when string data is to be transferred.</p>
+<p>FoX does not follow this model. Since (as mentioned elsewhere) it is impossible to perform Unicode I/O in standard Fortran, it would be obtuse to require users to manipulate additional objects merely to transfer strings. Therefore, wherever the DOM mandates use of a <code>DOMString</code>, FoX merely uses standard Fortran character strings.</p>
+<p>All functions or subroutines which expect DOMString input arguments should be used with normal character strings. <br />
+All functions which should return DOMString objects will return Fortran character strings.</p>
+<h3>Using the FoX DOM library.</h3>
+<p>All functions are exposed through the module <code>FoX_DOM</code>. <code>USE</code> this in your program:</p>
+<pre><code>program dom_example
+  use FoX_DOM
+  type(Node) :: myDoc
+  myDoc => parseFile("fileIn.xml")
+  call serialize(myDoc, "fileOut.xml")
+end program dom_example
+<h2>Documenting DOM functions</h2>
+<p><a name="DomDetailedInterface"/></p>
+<p>This manual will not exhaustively document the functions available through the <code>Fox_DOM</code> interface. Primary documentation may be found in the W3C DOM specifications:`</p>
+<li><a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-DOM-Level-1/">DOM Core Level 1</a></li>
+<li><a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Core/">DOM Core Level 2</a></li>
+<li><a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-3-Core/">DOM Core Level 3</a></li>
+<p>The systematic rules for translating the DOM interfaces to Fortran are given in the previous section. For completeness, though, there is a list here. The W3C specifications should be consulted for the use of each.</p>
+<p>DOMImplementation: <br />
+<code>type(DOMImplementation), pointer</code></p>
+<li><code>hasFeature(impl, feature, version)</code>  </li>
+<li><code>createDocumentType(impl, qualifiedName, publicId, systemId)</code>  </li>
+<li><code>createDocument(impl, qualifiedName, publicId, systemId)</code>  </li>
+<code>type(Node), pointer</code></p>
+<li><code>getImplementation(doc)</code>    </li>
+<li><code>getDocumentElement(doc)</code>    </li>
+<li><code>createElement(doc, tagname)</code>    </li>
+<li><code>createDocumentFragment(doc)</code>    </li>
+<li><code>createTextNode(doc, data)</code>    </li>
+<li><code>createComment(doc, data)</code>    </li>
+<li><code>createCDataSection(doc, data)</code>    </li>
+<li><code>createProcessingInstruction(doc, target, data)</code>    </li>
+<li><code>createAttribute(doc, name)</code>    </li>
+<li><code>createEntityReference(doc, name)</code>    </li>
+<li><code>getElementsByTagName(doc, tagname)</code>    </li>
+<li><code>importNode(doc, importedNode, deep)</code>    </li>
+<li><code>createElementNS(doc, namespaceURI, qualifiedName)</code>    </li>
+<li><code>createAttributeNS(doc, namespaceURI, qualifiedName)</code>    </li>
+<li><code>getElementsByTagNameNS(doc, namespaceURI, qualifiedName)</code>    </li>
+<li><code>getElementById(doc, elementId)</code></li></li>
+<p>Node: <br />
+<code>type(Node), pointer</code></p>
+<li><code>getNodeName(arg)</code>    </li>
+<li><code>getNodeValue(arg)</code>    </li>
+<li><code>setNodeValue(arg, value)</code>    </li>
+<li><code>getNodeType(arg)</code>    </li>
+<li><code>getParentNode(arg)</code>    </li>
+<li><code>getChildNodes(arg)</code>    </li>
+<li><code>getFirstChild(arg)</code>    </li>
+<li><code>getLastChild(arg)</code>    </li>
+<li><code>getPreviousSibling(arg)</code>    </li>
+<li><code>getNextSibling(arg)</code>    </li>
+<li><code>getAttributes(arg)</code>    </li>
+<li><code>getOwnerDocument(arg)</code>    </li>
+<li><code>insertBefore(arg, newChild, refChild)</code>    </li>
+<li><code>replaceChild(arg, newChild, refChild)</code>    </li>
+<li><code>removeChild(arg, oldChild)</code>    </li>
+<li><code>appendChild(arg, newChild)</code>    </li>
+<li><code>hasChildNodes(arg)</code>  </li>
+<li><code>cloneNode(arg, deep)</code>  </li>
+<li><code>normalize</code>    </li>
+<li><code>isSupported(arg, feature, version)</code>    </li>
+<li><code>getNamespaceURI(arg)</code>    </li>
+<li><code>getPrefix(arg)</code>    </li>
+<li><code>setPrefix(arg, prefix)</code>  </li>
+<li><code>getLocalName(arg)</code>    </li>
+<li><code>hasAttributes(arg)</code> <br />
+<p>NodeList: <br />
+<code>type(NodeList), pointer</code></p>
+<li><code>item(arg, index)</code>    </li>
+<li><code>getLength(arg)</code>  </li>
+<p>NamedNodeMap: <br />
+<code>type(NamedNodeMap), pointer</code></p>
+<li><code>getNamedItem(map, name)</code>    </li>
+<li><code>setNamedItem(map, arg)</code>    </li>
+<li><code>removeNamedItem(map, name)</code>    </li>
+<li><code>item(map, index)</code>    </li>
+<li><code>getLength(map)</code>    </li>
+<li><code>getNamedItemNS(map, namespaceURI, qualifiedName)</code>    </li>
+<li><code>setNamedItemNS(map, arg)</code>    </li>
+<li><code>removeNamedItemNS(map, namespaceURI, qualifiedName)</code>    </li>
+<p>CharacterData: <br />
+<code>type(Node), pointer</code></p>
+<li><code>getData(np)</code>    </li>
+<li><code>setData(np, data)</code>    </li>
+<li><code>getLength(np)</code>    </li>
+<li><code>substringData(np, offset, count)</code>    </li>
+<li><code>appendData(np, arg)</code>    </li>
+<li><code>deleteData(np, offset, count)</code>    </li>
+<li><code>replaceData(np, offset, count, arg)</code></li>
+<p>Attr: <br />
+<code>type(Node), pointer</code></p>
+<li><code>getName(np)</code>    </li>
+<li><code>getSpecified(np)</code>    </li>
+<li><code>getValue(np)</code>    </li>
+<li><code>setValue(np, value)</code>    </li>
+<p>Element: <br />
+<code>type(Node), pointer</code></p>
+<li><code>getTagName(np)</code>    </li>
+<li><code>getAttribute(np, name)</code>    </li>
+<li><code>setAttribute(np, name, value)</code>    </li>
+<li><code>removeAttribute(np, name)</code>    </li>
+<li><code>getAttributeNode(np, name)</code>    </li>
+<li><code>setAttributeNode(np, newAttr)</code>    </li>
+<li><code>removeAttributeNode(np, oldAttr)</code>    </li>
+<li><code>getElementsByTagName(np, name)</code>  </li>
+<li><code>getAttributeNS(np, namespaceURI, qualifiedName)</code>    </li>
+<li><code>setAttributeNS(np, namespaceURI, qualifiedName, value)</code>    </li>
+<li><code>removeAttributeNS(np, namespaceURI, qualifiedName)</code>    </li>
+<li><code>getAttributeNode(np, namespaceURI, qualifiedName)</code>    </li>
+<li><code>setAttributeNode(np, newAttr)</code>    </li>
+<li><code>removeAttributeNode(np, oldAttr)</code>    </li>
+<li><code>getElementsByTagNameNS(np, namespaceURI, qualifiedName)</code>    </li>
+<li><code>hasAttribute(np, name)</code>    </li>
+<li><code>hasAttributeNS(np, namespaceURI, qualifiedName)</code>  </li>
+<p>Text: <br />
+<code>type(Node), pointer</code></p>
+<li><code>splitText(np, offset)</code>    </li>
+<p>DocumentType: <br />
+<code>type(Node), pointer</code></p>
+<li><code>getName(np)</code>    </li>
+<li><code>getEntites(np)</code>    </li>
+<li><code>getNotations(np)</code>    </li>
+<li><code>getPublicId(np)</code>    </li>
+<li><code>getSystemId(np)</code>    </li>
+<li><code>getInternalSubset(np)</code>    </li>
+<p>Notation: <br />
+<code>type(Node), pointer</code> </p>
+<li><code>getPublicId(np)</code>    </li>
+<li><code>getSystemId(np)</code>    </li>
+<p>Entity: <br />
+<code>type(Node), pointer</code></p>
+<li><code>getPublicId(np)</code>    </li>
+<li><code>getSystemId(np)</code>  </li>
+<li><code>getNotationName(np)</code>    </li>
+<p>ProcessingInstruction: <br />
+<code>type(Node), pointer</code></p>
+<li><code>getTarget(np)</code>    </li>
+<li><code>getData(np)</code>    </li>
+<li><code>setData(np, data)</code> </li>
+<p>In addition, the following DOM Core Level 3 functions are available:</p>
+<li><code>getDocumentURI(np)</code>  </li>
+<li><code>setDocumentURI(np, documentURI)</code>  </li>
+<li><code>getDomConfig(np)</code>  </li>
+<li><code>getInputEncoding(np)</code>  </li>
+<li><code>getStrictErrorChecking(np)</code>  </li>
+<li><code>setStrictErrorChecking(np, strictErrorChecking)</code>  </li>
+<li><code>getXmlEncoding(np)</code>  </li>
+<li><code>getXmlStandalone(np)</code>  </li>
+<li><code>setXmlStandalone(np, xmlStandalone)</code>  </li>
+<li><code>getXmlVersion(np)</code>  </li>
+<li><code>setXmlVersion(np, xmlVersion)</code>  </li>
+<li><code>adoptNode(np, source)</code>   </li>
+<li><code>normalizeDocument(np)</code>  </li>
+<li><code>renameNode(np, namespaceURI, qualifiedName)</code>  </li>
+<li><code>getBaseURI(np)</code>  </li>
+<li><code>getTextContent(np)</code>  </li>
+<li><code>setTextContent(np, textContent)</code>  </li>
+<li><code>isEqualNode(np, other)</code></li>
+<li><code>isSameNode(np)</code>  </li>
+<li><code>isDefaultNamespace(np, namespaceURI)</code>  </li>
+<li><code>lookupPrefix(np, namespaceURI)</code>  </li>
+<li><code>lookupNamespaceURI(np, prefix)</code>  </li>
+<p>Entity:  </p>
+<li><code>getInputEncoding(np)</code>  </li>
+<li><code>getXmlVersion(np)</code>  </li>
+<li><code>getXmlEncoding(np)</code>  </li>
+<li><code>getIsElementContentWhitespace(np)</code>  </li>
+<p>DOMConfiguration: <br />
+<li><code>canSetParameter(arg, name, value)</code>  </li>
+<li><code>getParameter(arg, name)</code> </li>
+<li><code>getParameterNames(arg)</code>  </li>
+<li><code>setParameter(arg, name)</code>  </li>
+<p><em>NB For details on DOMConfiguration, see <a href="#DomConfiguration">below</a></em></p>
+<h3>Object Model</h3>
+<p>The DOM is written in terms of an object model involving inheritance, but also permits a flattened model. FoX implements this flattened model - all objects descending from the Node are of the opaque type <code>Node</code>. Nodes carry their own type, and attempts to call functions defined on the wrong nodetype (for example, getting the <code>target</code> of a node which is not a PI) will result in a <code>FoX_INVALID_NODE</code> exception.</p>
+<p>The other types available through the FoX DOM are:</p>
+<li><code>DOMConfiguration</code>  </li>
+<li><code>DOMException</code>   </li>
+<li><code>DOMImplementation</code>  </li>
+<li><code>NodeList</code>  </li>
+<h3>FoX DOM and pointers</h3>
+<p>All DOM objects exposed to the user may only be manipulated through pointers. Attempts to access them directly will result in compile-time or run-time failures according to your environment.</p>
+<p>This should have little effect on the structure of your programs, except that you must always remember, when calling a DOM function, to perform pointer assignment, not direct assignment, thus: <br />
+<code>child => getFirstChild(parent)</code> <br />
+and <em>not</em> <br />
+<code>child = getFirstChild(parent)</code>  </p>
+<h3>Memory handling</h3>
+<p>Fortran offers no garbage collection facility, so unfortunately a small degree of memory
+handling is necessarily exposed to the user.</p>
+<p>However, this has been kept to a minimum. FoX keeps track of all memory allocated and used when calling DOM routines, and keeps references to all DOM objects created.</p>
+<p>The only memory handling that the user needs to take care of is destroying any
+DOM Documents (whether created manually, or by the <code>parse()</code> routine.) All other nodes or node structures created will be destroyed automatically by the relevant <code>destroy()</code> call.</p>
+<p>As a consequence of this, all DOM objects which are part of a given document will become inaccessible after the document object is destroyed.</p>
+<h2>Additional functions.</h2>
+<p><a name="DomUtilityFunctions"/></p>
+<p>Several additional utility functions are provided by FoX.</p>
+<h3>Input and output of XML data</h3>
+<p>Firstly, to construct a DOM tree, from either a file or a string containing XML data.</p>
+<li><code>parseFile</code> <br />
+<strong>filename</strong>: <em>string</em> <br />
+(<strong>configuration</strong>): <em>DOMConfiguration</em> <br />
+(<strong>ex</strong>): <em>DOMException</em>  </li>
+<p><strong>filename</strong> should be an XML document. It will be opened and parsed into a DOM tree. The parsing is performed by the FoX SAX parser; if the XML document is not well-formed, a <code>PARSE_ERR</code> exception will be raised. <strong>configuration</strong> is an optional argument - see <a href="#DomConfiguration">DOMConfiguration</a> for its meaning.</p>
+<li><code>parseString</code> <br />
+<strong>XMLstring</strong>: <em>string</em> <br />
+(<strong>configuration</strong>): <em>DOMConfiguration</em> <br />
+(<strong>ex</strong>): <em>DOMException</em></li>
+<p><strong>XMLstring</strong> should be a string containing XML data. It will be parsed into a DOM tree. The parsing is performed by the FoX SAX parser; if the XML document is not well-formed, a <code>PARSE_ERR</code> exception will be raised. <strong>configuration</strong> is an optional argument - see <a href="#DomConfiguration">DOMConfiguration</a> for its meaning.</p>
+<p>Both <code>parseFile</code> and <code>parseString</code> return a pointer to a <code>Node</code> object containing the Document Node.`</p>
+<p>Secondly, to output an XML document:</p>
+<li><code>serialize</code> <br />
+<strong>arg</strong>: <em>Node, pointer</em>
+<strong>fileName</strong>: <em>string</em> </li>
+<p>This will open <code>fileName</code> and serialize the DOM tree by writing into the file. If <code>fileName</code> already exists, it will be overwritten. If an problem arises in serializing the document, then a fatal error will result.</p>
+<p>(Control over serialization options is done through the configuration of the <strong>arg</strong>'s ownerDocument, see <a href="#DomConfiguration">below</a>.)</p>
+<p>Finally, to clean up all memory associated with the DOM, it is necessary to call:</p>
+<li><code>destroy</code> <br />
+<strong>np</strong>: <em>Node, pointer</em></li>
+<p>This will clear up all memory usage associated with the document (or documentType) node passed in.</p>
+<h3>Extraction of data from an XML file.</h3>
+<p><a name="dataExtraction"/></p>
+<p>The standard DOM functions only deal with string data. When dealing with numerical (or logical) data,
+the following functions may be of use.</p>
+<li><code>extractDataContent</code>  </li>
+<li><code>extractDataAttribute</code>  </li>
+<p>These extract data from, respectively, the text content of an element, from one of its attributes, or from one of its namespaced attributes.
+They are used like so:</p>
+<p>(where <code>p</code> is an element which has been selected by means of the other DOM functions)</p>
+<pre><code>call extractDataContent(p, data)
+<p>The subroutine will look at the text contents of the element, and interpret according to the type of <code>data</code>. That is, if <code>data</code> has been declared as an <code>integer</code>, then the contents of <code>p</code> will be read as such an placed into <code>data</code>.</p>
+<p><code>data</code> may be a <code>string</code>, <code>logical</code>, <code>integer</code>, <code>real</code>, <code>double precision</code>, <code>complex</code> or <code>double complex</code> variable.</p>
+<p>In addition, if <code>data</code> is supplied as a rank-1 or rank-2 variable (ie an array or a matrix) then the data will be read in assuming it to be a space- or comma-separated list of such data items.</p>
+<p>Thus, the array of integers within the XML document:</p>
+<pre><code><element> 1 2 3 4 5 6 </element>
+<p>could be extracted by the following Fortran program:</p>
+<pre><code>type(Node), pointer :: doc, p
+integer :: i_array(6)
+doc => parseFile(filename)
+p => item(getElementsByTagName(doc, "element"), 0)
+call extractDataContent(p, i_array)
+<h4>Contents and Attributes</h4>
+<p>For extracting data from text content, the example above suffices. For data in a non-namespaced attribute (in this case, a 2x2 matrix of real numbers)</p>
+<pre><code><element att="0.1, 2.3 7.56e23, 93"> Some uninteresting text </element>
+<p>then use a Fortran program like:</p>
+<pre><code>type(Node), pointer :: doc, p
+real :: r_matrix(2,2)
+doc => parseFile(filename)
+p => item(getElementsByTagName(doc, "element"), 0)
+call extractDataAttribute(p, "att", r_matrix)
+<p>or for extracting from a namespaced attribute (in this case, a length-2 array of complex numbers):</p>
+<pre><code><myml xmlns:ns="http://www.example.org">
+  <element ns:att="0.1,2.3  3.4e2,5.34"> Some uninteresting text </element>
+<p>then use a Fortran program like:</p>
+<pre><code>type(Node), pointer :: doc, p
+complex :: c_array(2)
+doc => parseFile(filename)
+p => item(getElementsByTagName(doc, "element"), 0)
+call extractDataAttributeNS(p, &
+     namespaceURI="http://www.example.org", localName="att", &
+     data=c_array)
+<h4>Error handling</h4>
+<p>The extraction may fail of course, if the data is not of the sort specified, or if there are not enough elements to fill the array or matrix. In such a case, this can be detected by the optional arguments <code>num</code> and <code>iostat</code>. </p>
+<p><code>num</code> will hold the number of items successfully read. Hopefully this should be equal to the expected number of items; but it may be less if reading failed for some reason, or if there were less items than expected in the element.</p>
+<p><code>iostat</code> will hold an integer - this will be <code>0</code> if the extraction went ok; <code>-1</code> if too few elements were found, <code>1</code> if although the read went ok, there were still some elements left over, or <code>2</code> if the extraction failed due to either a badly formatted number, or due to the wrong data type being found.</p>
+<h4>String arrays</h4>
+<p>For all data types apart from strings, arrays and matrices are specified by space- or comma-separated lists. For strings, some additional options are available. By default, arrays will be extracted assuming that separators are spaces (and multiple spaces are ignored). So:</p>
+<pre><code><element> one two     three </element>
+<p>will result in the string array <code>(/"one", "two", "three"/)</code>.</p>
+<p>However, you may specify an optional argument <code>separator</code>, which specifies another single-character separator to use (and does not ignore multiple spaces). So:</p>
+<pre><code><element>one, two, three </element>
+<p>will result in the string array <code>(/"one", " two", " three "/)</code>. (note the leading and trailing spaces).</p>
+<p>Finally, you can also specify an optional logical argument, <code>csv</code>. In this case, the <code>separator</code> is ignored, and the extraction proceeds assuming that the data is a list of comma-separated values. (see: <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comma-separated_values">CSV</a>)</p>
+<h3>Other utility functions</h3>
+<li><code>setFoX_checks</code> <br />
+<strong>FoX_checks</strong>: <em>logical</em></li>
+<p>This affects whether additional FoX-only checks are made (see <a href="#DomException">DomExceptions</a> below). </p>
+<li><code>getFoX_checks</code> <br />
+<strong>arg</strong>: <em>DOMImplementation, pointer</em>  </li>
+<p>Retrieves the current setting of FoX_checks.</p>
+<p>Note that FoX_checks can only be turned on and off globally, not on a per-document basis.</p>
+<li><code>setLiveNodeLists</code> <br />
+<strong>arg</strong>: <em>Node, pointer</em> <br />
+<strong>liveNodeLists</strong>: <em>logical</em></li>
+<p><strong>arg</strong> must be a Document Node. Calling this function affects whether any nodelists active on the document are treated as live - ie whether updates to the documents are reflected in the contents of nodelists (see <a href="#DomLiveNodelists">DomLiveNodelists</a> below).</p>
+<li><code>getLiveNodeLists</code> <br />
+<strong>arg</strong>: <em>Node, pointer</em></li>
+<p>Retrieves the current setting of liveNodeLists.</p>
+<p>Note that the live-ness of nodelists is a per-document setting.</p>
+<h3>Exception handling</h3>
+<p><a name="DomException"/></p>
+<p>Exception handling is important to the DOM. The W3C DOM standards provide not only interfaces to the DOM, but also specify the error handling that should take place when invalid calls are made.</p>
+<p>The DOM specifies these in terms of a <code>DOMException</code> object, which carries a numeric code whose value reports the kind of error generated. Depending upon the features available in a particular computer language, this DOMException object should be generated and thrown, to be caught by the end-user application.</p>
+<p>Fortran of course has no mechanism for throwing and catching exceptions. However, the behaviour of an exception can be modelled using Fortran features.</p>
+<p>FoX defines an opaque <code>DOMException</code> object.
+Every DOM subroutine and function implemented by FoX will take an optional argument, 'ex', of type <code>DOMException</code>. </p>
+<p>If the optional argument is not supplied, any errors within the DOM will cause an immediate abort, with a suitable error message. However, if the optional argument <em>is</em> supplied, then the error will be captured within the <code>DOMException</code> object, and returned to the caller for inspection. It is then up to the application to decide how to proceed.</p>
+<p>Functions for inspecting and manipulating the <code>DOMException</code> object are described below:</p>
+<li><code>inException</code>: <br />
+<strong>ex</strong>: <em>DOMException</em></li>
+<p>A function returning a logical value, according to whether <code>ex</code> is in exception - that is, whether the last DOM function or subroutine, from which <code>ex</code> returned, caused an error. Note that this will not change the status of the exception.</p>
+<li><code>getExceptionCode</code> <br />
+<strong>ex</strong>: <em>DOMException</em></li>
+<p>A function returning an integer value, describing the nature of the exception reported in <code>ex</code>. If the integer is 0, then <code>ex</code> does not hold an exception. If the integer is less than 200, then the error encountered was of a type specified by the DOM standard; for a full list, see below, and for explanations, see the various DOM standards. If the integer is 200 or greater, then the code represents a FoX-specific error. See the list below.</p>
+<p>Note that calling <code>getExceptionCode</code> will clean up all memory associated with the DOMException object, and reset the object such that it is no longer in exception.</p>
+<h4>Exception handling and memory usage.</h4>
+<p>Note that when an Exception is thrown, memory is allocated within the DOMException object. Calling <code>getExceptionCode</code> on a DOMEXception will clean up this memory. If you use the exception-handling interfaces of FoX, then you must check every exception, and ensure you check its code, otherwise your program will leak memory.</p>
+<h4>FoX exceptions.</h4>
+<p>The W3C DOM interface allows the creation of unserializable XML document in various ways. For example, it permits characters to be added to a text node which would be invalid XML. FoX performs multiple additional checks on all DOM calls to prevent the creation of unserializable trees. These are reported through the DOMException mechanisms noted above, using additional exception codes. However, if for some reason, you want to create such trees, then it is possible to switch off all FoX [...]
+<p>Note that FoX does not yet currently check for all ways that a tree may be made non-serializable.</p>
+<h3>Live nodelists</h3>
+<p><a name="DomLiveNodelists"/></p>
+<p>The DOM specification requires that all NodeList objects are <em>live</em> - that is, that any change in the document structure is immediately reflected in the contents of any nodelists.</p>
+<p>For example, any nodelists returned by getElementsByTagName or getElementsByTagNameNS must be updated whenever nodes are added to or removed from the document; and the order of nodes in the nodelists must be changed if the document structure changes.</p>
+<p>Though FoX does keep all nodelists live, this can impose a significant performance penalty when manipulating large documents. Therefore, FoX can be instructed to inly use 'dead' nodelists - that is, nodelists which reflect a snapshot of the document structure at the point they were created. To do this, call <code>setLiveNodeLists</code> (see API documentation).</p>
+<p>However, note that the nodes within the nodelist remain live - any changes made to the nodes will be reflected in accessing them through the nodelist.</p>
+<p>Furthermore, since the nodelists are still associated with the document, they and their contents will be rendered inaccessible when the document is destroyed.</p>
+<h2>DOM Configuration</h2>
+<p><a name="DomConfiguration"/></p>
+<p>Multiple valid DOM trees may be produced from a single document. When parsing input, some of these choices are made available to the user.</p>
+<p>By default, the DOM tree presented to the user will be produced according to the following criteria:</p>
+<li>there will be no adjacent text nodes  </li>
+<li>Cdata nodes will appear as such in the DOM tree  </li>
+<li>EntityReference nodes will appear in the DOM tree.</li>
+<p>However, if another tree is desired, the user may change this. For example, very often you would rather be working with the fully canonicalized tree, with all cdata sections replaced by text nodes and merged, and all entity references replaced with their contents.</p>
+<p>The mechanism for doing this is the optional <code>configuration</code> argument to <code>parseFile</code> and <code>parseString</code>. <code>configuration</code> is a <code>DOMConfiguration</code> object, which may be manipulated by <code>setParameter</code> calls.</p>
+<p>Note that FoX's implementation of <code>DOMConfiguration</code> does not follow the specification precisely. One <code>DOMConfiguration</code> object controls all of parsing, normalization and serialization. It can be used like so:</p>
+<pre><code>use FoX_dom
+implicit none
+type(Node), pointer :: doc
+! Declare a new configuration object
+type(DOMConfiguration), pointer :: config
+! Request full canonicalization
+! ie convert CDATA sections to text sections, remove all entity references etc.
+config => newDOMConfig()
+call setParameter(config, "canonical-form", .true.)
+! Turn on validation
+call setParameter(config, "validate", .true.)
+! parse the document
+doc => parseFile("doc.xml", config)
+! Do a whole lot of DOM processing ...
+! change the configuration to allow cdata-sections to be preserved.
+call setParameter(getDomConfig(doc), "cdata-sections", .true.)
+! normalize the document again 
+call normalizeDocument(doc)
+! change the configuration to influence the output - make sure there is an XML declaration
+call setParameter(getDomConfig(doc), "xml-declaration", .true.)
+! and write the document out.
+call serialize(doc)
+! once everything is done, destroy the doc and config
+call destroy(doc)
+call destroy(config)
+<p>The available configuration options are fully explained in:</p>
+<li><a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-3-Core/core.html#DOMConfiguration">DOM Core 3</a>  </li>
+<li><a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/2004/REC-DOM-Level-3-LS-20040407/load-save.html#LS-LSParser">DOM Core LSParser</a>  </li>
+<li><a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/2004/REC-DOM-Level-3-LS-20040407/load-save.html#LS-LSSerializer">DOM Core LSSerializer</a>  </li>
+<p>and are all implemented, with the exceptions of: <code>error-handler</code>, <code>schema-location</code>, and <code>schema-type</code>. <br />
+In total there are 24 implemented configuration options (<code>schema-location</code> and <code>schema-type</code> are not
+implemented). The options known by FoX are as follows:</p>
+<li><code>canonical-form</code> default: false, can be set to true. See note below.</li>
+<li><code>cdata-sections</code> default: true, can be changed.</li>
+<li><code>check-character-normalization</code> default: false, cannot be changed.</li>
+<li><code>comments</code> default: true, can be changed.</li>
+<li><code>datatype-normalization</code> default: false, cannot be changed.</li>
+<li><code>element-content-whitespace</code> default: true, can be changed.</li>
+<li><code>entities</code> default: true, can be changed.</li>
+<li><code>error-handler</code> default: false, cannot be changed. This is a breach of the DOM specification.</li>
+<li><code>namespaces</code> default: true, can be changed.</li>
+<li><code>namespace-declarations</code> default: true, can be changed.</li>
+<li><code>normalize-characters</code> default: false, cannot be changed.</li>
+<li><code>split-cdata-sections</code> default: true, can be changed.</li>
+<li><code>validate</code> default: false, can be changed. See note below.</li>
+<li><code>validate-if-schema</code> default: false, can be changed.</li>
+<li><code>well-formed</code> default true, cannot be changed.</li>
+<li><code>charset-overrides-xml-encoding</code> default false, cannot be changed.</li>
+<li><code>disallow-doctype</code> default false, cannot be changed.</li>
+<li><code>ignore-unknown-character-denormalizations</code> default true, cannot be changed.</li>
+<li><code>resource-resolver</code> default false, cannot be changed.</li>
+<li><code>supported-media-types-only</code> default false, cannot be changed.</li>
+<li><code>discard-default-content</code> default: true, can be changed.</li>
+<li><code>format-pretty-print</code> default: false, cannot be changed.</li>
+<li><code>xml-declaration</code> default: true, can be changed.</li>
+<li><code>invalid-pretty-print</code> default: false, can be changed. This is a FoX specific extension which works like <code>format-pretty-print</code> but does not preseve the validity of the document.</li>
+<p>Setting <code>canonical-form</code> changes the value of <code>entities</code>, <code>cdata-sections</code>, <code>discard-default-content</code>, <code>invalid-pretty-print</code>, and <code>xml-declaration</code>to false and changes <code>namespaces</code>, <code>namespace-declarations</code>, and <code>element-content-whitespace</code> to true. Unsetting <code>canonical-form</code> causes these options to revert to the defalt settings. Changing the values of any of these options ha [...]
+<h2>DOM Miscellanea</h2>
+<p><a name="DomMiscellanea"/></p>
+<p>Other issues</p>
+<li>As mentioned in the documentation for WXML, it is impossible within Fortran to reliably output lines longer than 1024 characters. While text nodes containing such lines may be created in the DOM, on serialization newlines will be inserted as described in the documentation for WXML.</li>
+<li>All caveats with regard to the FoX SAX processor apply to reading documents through the DOM interface. In particular, note that documents containing characters beyond the US-ASCII set will not be readable.</li>
+<p>It was decided to implement W3C DOM interfaces primarily because they are specified in a language-agnostic fashion, and thus made Fortran implementation possible. A number of criticisms have been levelled at the W3C DOM, but many apply only from the perspective of Java developers. However, more importantly, the W3C DOM suffers from a lack of sufficient error checking so it is very easy to create a DOM tree, or manipulate an existing DOM tree into a state, that cannot be serialized int [...]
+<p>(Although the Level 3 DOM specifications finally addressed this issue, they did so in a fashion that was neither very useful, nor easily translatable into a Fortran API.)</p>
+<p>Therefore, FoX will by default produce errors about many attempts to manipulate the DOM in such a way as would result in invalid XML. These errors can be switched off if standards-compliant behaviour is wanted. Although extensive, these checks are not complete.
+In particular, the way the W3C DOM mandates namespace handling makes it trivial to produce namespace non-well-formed document trees, and very difficult for the processor to automatically detect the non-well-formedness. Thus a fully well-formed tree is only guaranteed after a suitable <code>normalizeDocument</code> call.</p>
diff --git a/DoX/FoX_dom.md b/DoX/FoX_dom.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ef84967
--- /dev/null
+++ b/DoX/FoX_dom.md
@@ -0,0 +1,651 @@
+# DOM
+## Overview
+The FoX DOM interface exposes an API as specified by the W3C DOM Working group.
+FoX implements essentially all of DOM Core Levels 1 and 2, (there are a number of minor exceptions which are listed below) and a substantial portion of DOM Core Level 3.
+* [Quick overview of how to map the DOM interface to Fortran](#DomQuickOverview)  
+* [More detailed explanation of Fortran interface](#DomDetailedInterface)  
+* [Additional (non-DOM) utility functions](#DomUtilityFunctions)  
+* [String handling](#DomString)  
+* [Exception handling](#DomException)  
+* [Live nodelists](#DomLiveNodelists)  
+* [DOM Configuration](#DomConfiguration)  
+* [Miscellanea](#DomMiscellanea)
+## Interface Mapping
+<a name="DomQuickOverview"/>
+FoX implements all objects and methods mandated in DOM Core Level 1 and 2. (A listing of supported DOM Core Level 3 interfaces is given below.)
+In all cases, the mapping from DOM interface to Fortran implementation is as follows:
+1. All DOM objects are available as Fortran types, and should be referenced only as pointers (though see 7 and 8 below). Thus, to use a Node, it must be declared first as:    
+`type(Node), pointer :: aNode`
+2. A flat (non-inheriting) object hierarchy is used. All DOM objects which inherit from Node are represented as Node types.   
+3. All object method calls are modelled as functions or subroutines with the same name, whose first argument is the object. Thus:  
+`aNodelist = aNode.getElementsByTagName(tagName)`  
+should be converted to Fortran as:  
+`aNodelist => getElementsByTagName(aNode, tagName)`  
+4. All object method calls whose return type is void are modelled as subroutines. Thus:   
+`call normalize(aNode)`   
+5. All object attributes are modelled as a pair of get/set calls (or only get where the attribute is readonly), with the naming convention being merely to prepend get or set to the attribute name. Thus:   
+`name = node.nodeName`  
+`node.nodeValue = string`  
+should be converted to Fortran as    
+`name = getnodeName(node)`  
+`call setnodeValue(string)`  
+6. Where an object method or attribute getter returns a DOM object, the relevant Fortran function must always be used as a pointer function. Thus:  
+`aNodelist => getElementsByTagName(aNode, tagName)`  
+7. No special DOMString object is used - all string operations are done on the standard Fortran character strings, and all functions that return DOMStrings return Fortran character strings.
+8. Exceptions are modelled by every DOM subroutine/function allowing an optional additional argument, of type DOMException. For further information see (|DOM Exceptions|) below. 
+### String handling
+<a name="DomString"/>
+The W3C DOM requires that a `DOMString` object exist, capable of holding Unicode strings; and that all DOM functions accept and emit DOMString objects when string data is to be transferred.
+FoX does not follow this model. Since (as mentioned elsewhere) it is impossible to perform Unicode I/O in standard Fortran, it would be obtuse to require users to manipulate additional objects merely to transfer strings. Therefore, wherever the DOM mandates use of a `DOMString`, FoX merely uses standard Fortran character strings.
+All functions or subroutines which expect DOMString input arguments should be used with normal character strings.  
+All functions which should return DOMString objects will return Fortran character strings.
+### Using the FoX DOM library.
+All functions are exposed through the module `FoX_DOM`. `USE` this in your program:
+    program dom_example
+      use FoX_DOM
+      type(Node) :: myDoc
+      myDoc => parseFile("fileIn.xml")
+      call serialize(myDoc, "fileOut.xml")
+    end program dom_example
+## Documenting DOM functions
+<a name="DomDetailedInterface"/>
+This manual will not exhaustively document the functions available through the `Fox_DOM` interface. Primary documentation may be found in the W3C DOM specifications:`
+* [DOM Core Level 1](http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-DOM-Level-1/)
+* [DOM Core Level 2](http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Core/)
+* [DOM Core Level 3](http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-3-Core/)
+The systematic rules for translating the DOM interfaces to Fortran are given in the previous section. For completeness, though, there is a list here. The W3C specifications should be consulted for the use of each.
+`type(DOMImplementation), pointer`
+* `hasFeature(impl, feature, version)`  
+* `createDocumentType(impl, qualifiedName, publicId, systemId)`  
+* `createDocument(impl, qualifiedName, publicId, systemId)`  
+`type(Node), pointer`
+* `getDocType(doc)`
+* `getImplementation(doc)`    
+* `getDocumentElement(doc)`    
+* `createElement(doc, tagname)`    
+* `createDocumentFragment(doc)`    
+* `createTextNode(doc, data)`    
+* `createComment(doc, data)`    
+* `createCDataSection(doc, data)`    
+* `createProcessingInstruction(doc, target, data)`    
+* `createAttribute(doc, name)`    
+* `createEntityReference(doc, name)`    
+* `getElementsByTagName(doc, tagname)`    
+* `importNode(doc, importedNode, deep)`    
+* `createElementNS(doc, namespaceURI, qualifiedName)`    
+* `createAttributeNS(doc, namespaceURI, qualifiedName)`    
+* `getElementsByTagNameNS(doc, namespaceURI, qualifiedName)`    
+* `getElementById(doc, elementId)`</li>
+`type(Node), pointer`
+* `getNodeName(arg)`    
+* `getNodeValue(arg)`    
+* `setNodeValue(arg, value)`    
+* `getNodeType(arg)`    
+* `getParentNode(arg)`    
+* `getChildNodes(arg)`    
+* `getFirstChild(arg)`    
+* `getLastChild(arg)`    
+* `getPreviousSibling(arg)`    
+* `getNextSibling(arg)`    
+* `getAttributes(arg)`    
+* `getOwnerDocument(arg)`    
+* `insertBefore(arg, newChild, refChild)`    
+* `replaceChild(arg, newChild, refChild)`    
+* `removeChild(arg, oldChild)`    
+* `appendChild(arg, newChild)`    
+* `hasChildNodes(arg)`  
+* `cloneNode(arg, deep)`  
+* `normalize`    
+* `isSupported(arg, feature, version)`    
+* `getNamespaceURI(arg)`    
+* `getPrefix(arg)`    
+* `setPrefix(arg, prefix)`  
+* `getLocalName(arg)`    
+* `hasAttributes(arg)`    
+`type(NodeList), pointer`
+* `item(arg, index)`    
+* `getLength(arg)`  
+`type(NamedNodeMap), pointer`
+* `getNamedItem(map, name)`    
+* `setNamedItem(map, arg)`    
+* `removeNamedItem(map, name)`    
+* `item(map, index)`    
+* `getLength(map)`    
+* `getNamedItemNS(map, namespaceURI, qualifiedName)`    
+* `setNamedItemNS(map, arg)`    
+* `removeNamedItemNS(map, namespaceURI, qualifiedName)`    
+`type(Node), pointer`
+* `getData(np)`    
+* `setData(np, data)`    
+* `getLength(np)`    
+* `substringData(np, offset, count)`    
+* `appendData(np, arg)`    
+* `deleteData(np, offset, count)`    
+* `replaceData(np, offset, count, arg)`
+`type(Node), pointer`
+* `getName(np)`    
+* `getSpecified(np)`    
+* `getValue(np)`    
+* `setValue(np, value)`    
+* `getOwnerElement(np)`
+`type(Node), pointer`
+* `getTagName(np)`    
+* `getAttribute(np, name)`    
+* `setAttribute(np, name, value)`    
+* `removeAttribute(np, name)`    
+* `getAttributeNode(np, name)`    
+* `setAttributeNode(np, newAttr)`    
+* `removeAttributeNode(np, oldAttr)`    
+* `getElementsByTagName(np, name)`  
+* `getAttributeNS(np, namespaceURI, qualifiedName)`    
+* `setAttributeNS(np, namespaceURI, qualifiedName, value)`    
+* `removeAttributeNS(np, namespaceURI, qualifiedName)`    
+* `getAttributeNode(np, namespaceURI, qualifiedName)`    
+* `setAttributeNode(np, newAttr)`    
+* `removeAttributeNode(np, oldAttr)`    
+* `getElementsByTagNameNS(np, namespaceURI, qualifiedName)`    
+* `hasAttribute(np, name)`    
+* `hasAttributeNS(np, namespaceURI, qualifiedName)`  
+`type(Node), pointer`
+* `splitText(np, offset)`    
+`type(Node), pointer`
+* `getName(np)`    
+* `getEntites(np)`    
+* `getNotations(np)`    
+* `getPublicId(np)`    
+* `getSystemId(np)`    
+* `getInternalSubset(np)`    
+`type(Node), pointer` 
+* `getPublicId(np)`    
+* `getSystemId(np)`    
+`type(Node), pointer`
+* `getPublicId(np)`    
+* `getSystemId(np)`  
+* `getNotationName(np)`    
+`type(Node), pointer`
+* `getTarget(np)`    
+* `getData(np)`    
+* `setData(np, data)` 
+In addition, the following DOM Core Level 3 functions are available:
+* `getDocumentURI(np)`  
+* `setDocumentURI(np, documentURI)`  
+* `getDomConfig(np)`  
+* `getInputEncoding(np)`  
+* `getStrictErrorChecking(np)`  
+* `setStrictErrorChecking(np, strictErrorChecking)`  
+* `getXmlEncoding(np)`  
+* `getXmlStandalone(np)`  
+* `setXmlStandalone(np, xmlStandalone)`  
+* `getXmlVersion(np)`  
+* `setXmlVersion(np, xmlVersion)`  
+* `adoptNode(np, source)`   
+* `normalizeDocument(np)`  
+* `renameNode(np, namespaceURI, qualifiedName)`  
+* `getBaseURI(np)`  
+* `getTextContent(np)`  
+* `setTextContent(np, textContent)`  
+* `isEqualNode(np, other)`
+* `isSameNode(np)`  
+* `isDefaultNamespace(np, namespaceURI)`  
+* `lookupPrefix(np, namespaceURI)`  
+* `lookupNamespaceURI(np, prefix)`  
+* `getIsId(np)`
+* `getInputEncoding(np)`  
+* `getXmlVersion(np)`  
+* `getXmlEncoding(np)`  
+* `getIsElementContentWhitespace(np)`  
+* `canSetParameter(arg, name, value)`  
+* `getParameter(arg, name)` 
+* `getParameterNames(arg)`  
+* `setParameter(arg, name)`  
+*NB For details on DOMConfiguration, see [below](#DomConfiguration)*
+### Object Model
+The DOM is written in terms of an object model involving inheritance, but also permits a flattened model. FoX implements this flattened model - all objects descending from the Node are of the opaque type `Node`. Nodes carry their own type, and attempts to call functions defined on the wrong nodetype (for example, getting the `target` of a node which is not a PI) will result in a `FoX_INVALID_NODE` exception.
+The other types available through the FoX DOM are:
+* `DOMConfiguration`  
+* `DOMException`   
+* `DOMImplementation`  
+* `NodeList`  
+* `NamedNodeMap`
+### FoX DOM and pointers 
+All DOM objects exposed to the user may only be manipulated through pointers. Attempts to access them directly will result in compile-time or run-time failures according to your environment.
+This should have little effect on the structure of your programs, except that you must always remember, when calling a DOM function, to perform pointer assignment, not direct assignment, thus:  
+`child => getFirstChild(parent)`  
+and _not_  
+`child = getFirstChild(parent)`  
+### Memory handling
+Fortran offers no garbage collection facility, so unfortunately a small degree of memory
+handling is necessarily exposed to the user.
+However, this has been kept to a minimum. FoX keeps track of all memory allocated and used when calling DOM routines, and keeps references to all DOM objects created.
+The only memory handling that the user needs to take care of is destroying any
+DOM Documents (whether created manually, or by the `parse()` routine.) All other nodes or node structures created will be destroyed automatically by the relevant `destroy()` call.
+As a consequence of this, all DOM objects which are part of a given document will become inaccessible after the document object is destroyed.
+## Additional functions.
+<a name="DomUtilityFunctions"/>
+Several additional utility functions are provided by FoX.
+### Input and output of XML data
+Firstly, to construct a DOM tree, from either a file or a string containing XML data.
+* `parseFile`  
+**filename**: *string*  
+(**configuration**): *DOMConfiguration*  
+(**ex**): *DOMException*  
+**filename** should be an XML document. It will be opened and parsed into a DOM tree. The parsing is performed by the FoX SAX parser; if the XML document is not well-formed, a `PARSE_ERR` exception will be raised. **configuration** is an optional argument - see [DOMConfiguration](#DomConfiguration) for its meaning.
+* `parseString`  
+**XMLstring**: *string*  
+(**configuration**): *DOMConfiguration*  
+(**ex**): *DOMException*
+**XMLstring** should be a string containing XML data. It will be parsed into a DOM tree. The parsing is performed by the FoX SAX parser; if the XML document is not well-formed, a `PARSE_ERR` exception will be raised. **configuration** is an optional argument - see [DOMConfiguration](#DomConfiguration) for its meaning.
+Both `parseFile` and `parseString` return a pointer to a `Node` object containing the Document Node.`
+Secondly, to output an XML document:
+* `serialize`  
+**arg**: *Node, pointer*
+**fileName**: *string* 
+This will open `fileName` and serialize the DOM tree by writing into the file. If `fileName` already exists, it will be overwritten. If an problem arises in serializing the document, then a fatal error will result.
+(Control over serialization options is done through the configuration of the **arg**'s ownerDocument, see [below](#DomConfiguration).)
+Finally, to clean up all memory associated with the DOM, it is necessary to call:
+* `destroy`  
+**np**: *Node, pointer*
+This will clear up all memory usage associated with the document (or documentType) node passed in.
+### Extraction of data from an XML file.
+<a name="dataExtraction"/>
+The standard DOM functions only deal with string data. When dealing with numerical (or logical) data,
+the following functions may be of use.
+* `extractDataContent`  
+* `extractDataAttribute`  
+* `extractDataAttributeNS`
+These extract data from, respectively, the text content of an element, from one of its attributes, or from one of its namespaced attributes.
+They are used like so:
+(where `p` is an element which has been selected by means of the other DOM functions)
+    call extractDataContent(p, data)
+The subroutine will look at the text contents of the element, and interpret according to the type of `data`. That is, if `data` has been declared as an `integer`, then the contents of `p` will be read as such an placed into `data`.
+`data` may be a `string`, `logical`, `integer`, `real`, `double precision`, `complex` or `double complex` variable.
+In addition, if `data` is supplied as a rank-1 or rank-2 variable (ie an array or a matrix) then the data will be read in assuming it to be a space- or comma-separated list of such data items.
+Thus, the array of integers within the XML document:
+    <element> 1 2 3 4 5 6 </element>
+could be extracted by the following Fortran program:
+    type(Node), pointer :: doc, p
+    integer :: i_array(6)
+    doc => parseFile(filename)
+    p => item(getElementsByTagName(doc, "element"), 0)
+    call extractDataContent(p, i_array)
+#### Contents and Attributes
+For extracting data from text content, the example above suffices. For data in a non-namespaced attribute (in this case, a 2x2 matrix of real numbers)
+    <element att="0.1, 2.3 7.56e23, 93"> Some uninteresting text </element>
+then use a Fortran program like:
+    type(Node), pointer :: doc, p
+    real :: r_matrix(2,2)
+    doc => parseFile(filename)
+    p => item(getElementsByTagName(doc, "element"), 0)
+    call extractDataAttribute(p, "att", r_matrix)
+or for extracting from a namespaced attribute (in this case, a length-2 array of complex numbers):
+    <myml xmlns:ns="http://www.example.org">
+      <element ns:att="0.1,2.3  3.4e2,5.34"> Some uninteresting text </element>
+    </myml>
+then use a Fortran program like:
+    type(Node), pointer :: doc, p
+    complex :: c_array(2)
+    doc => parseFile(filename)
+    p => item(getElementsByTagName(doc, "element"), 0)
+    call extractDataAttributeNS(p, &
+         namespaceURI="http://www.example.org", localName="att", &
+         data=c_array)
+#### Error handling
+The extraction may fail of course, if the data is not of the sort specified, or if there are not enough elements to fill the array or matrix. In such a case, this can be detected by the optional arguments `num` and `iostat`. 
+`num` will hold the number of items successfully read. Hopefully this should be equal to the expected number of items; but it may be less if reading failed for some reason, or if there were less items than expected in the element.
+`iostat` will hold an integer - this will be `0` if the extraction went ok; `-1` if too few elements were found, `1` if although the read went ok, there were still some elements left over, or `2` if the extraction failed due to either a badly formatted number, or due to the wrong data type being found.
+#### String arrays
+For all data types apart from strings, arrays and matrices are specified by space- or comma-separated lists. For strings, some additional options are available. By default, arrays will be extracted assuming that separators are spaces (and multiple spaces are ignored). So:
+    <element> one two     three </element>
+will result in the string array `(/"one", "two", "three"/)`.
+However, you may specify an optional argument `separator`, which specifies another single-character separator to use (and does not ignore multiple spaces). So:
+    <element>one, two, three </element>
+will result in the string array `(/"one", " two", " three "/)`. (note the leading and trailing spaces).
+Finally, you can also specify an optional logical argument, `csv`. In this case, the `separator` is ignored, and the extraction proceeds assuming that the data is a list of comma-separated values. (see: [CSV](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comma-separated_values))
+### Other utility functions
+* `setFoX_checks`  
+**FoX_checks**: *logical*
+This affects whether additional FoX-only checks are made (see [DomExceptions](#DomException) below). 
+* `getFoX_checks`  
+**arg**: *DOMImplementation, pointer*  
+Retrieves the current setting of FoX_checks.
+Note that FoX_checks can only be turned on and off globally, not on a per-document basis.
+* `setLiveNodeLists`  
+**arg**: *Node, pointer*  
+**liveNodeLists**: *logical*
+**arg** must be a Document Node. Calling this function affects whether any nodelists active on the document are treated as live - ie whether updates to the documents are reflected in the contents of nodelists (see [DomLiveNodelists](#DomLiveNodelists) below).
+* `getLiveNodeLists`  
+**arg**: *Node, pointer*
+Retrieves the current setting of liveNodeLists.
+Note that the live-ness of nodelists is a per-document setting.
+### Exception handling
+<a name="DomException"/>
+Exception handling is important to the DOM. The W3C DOM standards provide not only interfaces to the DOM, but also specify the error handling that should take place when invalid calls are made.
+The DOM specifies these in terms of a `DOMException` object, which carries a numeric code whose value reports the kind of error generated. Depending upon the features available in a particular computer language, this DOMException object should be generated and thrown, to be caught by the end-user application.
+Fortran of course has no mechanism for throwing and catching exceptions. However, the behaviour of an exception can be modelled using Fortran features.
+FoX defines an opaque `DOMException` object.
+Every DOM subroutine and function implemented by FoX will take an optional argument, 'ex', of type `DOMException`. 
+If the optional argument is not supplied, any errors within the DOM will cause an immediate abort, with a suitable error message. However, if the optional argument *is* supplied, then the error will be captured within the `DOMException` object, and returned to the caller for inspection. It is then up to the application to decide how to proceed.
+Functions for inspecting and manipulating the `DOMException` object are described below:
+* `inException`:   
+**ex**: *DOMException*
+A function returning a logical value, according to whether `ex` is in exception - that is, whether the last DOM function or subroutine, from which `ex` returned, caused an error. Note that this will not change the status of the exception.
+* `getExceptionCode`   
+**ex**: *DOMException*
+A function returning an integer value, describing the nature of the exception reported in `ex`. If the integer is 0, then `ex` does not hold an exception. If the integer is less than 200, then the error encountered was of a type specified by the DOM standard; for a full list, see below, and for explanations, see the various DOM standards. If the integer is 200 or greater, then the code represents a FoX-specific error. See the list below.
+Note that calling `getExceptionCode` will clean up all memory associated with the DOMException object, and reset the object such that it is no longer in exception.
+#### Exception handling and memory usage.
+Note that when an Exception is thrown, memory is allocated within the DOMException object. Calling `getExceptionCode` on a DOMEXception will clean up this memory. If you use the exception-handling interfaces of FoX, then you must check every exception, and ensure you check its code, otherwise your program will leak memory.
+#### FoX exceptions.
+The W3C DOM interface allows the creation of unserializable XML document in various ways. For example, it permits characters to be added to a text node which would be invalid XML. FoX performs multiple additional checks on all DOM calls to prevent the creation of unserializable trees. These are reported through the DOMException mechanisms noted above, using additional exception codes. However, if for some reason, you want to create such trees, then it is possible to switch off all FoX-on [...]
+Note that FoX does not yet currently check for all ways that a tree may be made non-serializable.
+### Live nodelists
+<a name="DomLiveNodelists"/>
+The DOM specification requires that all NodeList objects are <em>live</em> - that is, that any change in the document structure is immediately reflected in the contents of any nodelists.
+For example, any nodelists returned by getElementsByTagName or getElementsByTagNameNS must be updated whenever nodes are added to or removed from the document; and the order of nodes in the nodelists must be changed if the document structure changes.
+Though FoX does keep all nodelists live, this can impose a significant performance penalty when manipulating large documents. Therefore, FoX can be instructed to inly use 'dead' nodelists - that is, nodelists which reflect a snapshot of the document structure at the point they were created. To do this, call `setLiveNodeLists` (see API documentation).
+However, note that the nodes within the nodelist remain live - any changes made to the nodes will be reflected in accessing them through the nodelist.
+Furthermore, since the nodelists are still associated with the document, they and their contents will be rendered inaccessible when the document is destroyed.
+## DOM Configuration
+<a name="DomConfiguration"/>
+Multiple valid DOM trees may be produced from a single document. When parsing input, some of these choices are made available to the user.
+By default, the DOM tree presented to the user will be produced according to the following criteria:
+* there will be no adjacent text nodes  
+* Cdata nodes will appear as such in the DOM tree  
+* EntityReference nodes will appear in the DOM tree.
+However, if another tree is desired, the user may change this. For example, very often you would rather be working with the fully canonicalized tree, with all cdata sections replaced by text nodes and merged, and all entity references replaced with their contents.
+The mechanism for doing this is the optional `configuration` argument to `parseFile` and `parseString`. `configuration` is a `DOMConfiguration` object, which may be manipulated by `setParameter` calls.
+Note that FoX's implementation of `DOMConfiguration` does not follow the specification precisely. One `DOMConfiguration` object controls all of parsing, normalization and serialization. It can be used like so:
+    use FoX_dom
+    implicit none
+    type(Node), pointer :: doc
+    ! Declare a new configuration object
+    type(DOMConfiguration), pointer :: config
+    ! Request full canonicalization
+    ! ie convert CDATA sections to text sections, remove all entity references etc.
+    config => newDOMConfig()
+    call setParameter(config, "canonical-form", .true.)
+    ! Turn on validation
+    call setParameter(config, "validate", .true.)
+    ! parse the document
+    doc => parseFile("doc.xml", config)
+    ! Do a whole lot of DOM processing ...
+    ! change the configuration to allow cdata-sections to be preserved.
+    call setParameter(getDomConfig(doc), "cdata-sections", .true.)
+    ! normalize the document again 
+    call normalizeDocument(doc)
+    ! change the configuration to influence the output - make sure there is an XML declaration
+    call setParameter(getDomConfig(doc), "xml-declaration", .true.)
+    ! and write the document out.
+    call serialize(doc)
+    ! once everything is done, destroy the doc and config
+    call destroy(doc)
+    call destroy(config)
+The available configuration options are fully explained in:
+* [DOM Core 3](http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-3-Core/core.html#DOMConfiguration)  
+* [DOM Core LSParser](http://www.w3.org/TR/2004/REC-DOM-Level-3-LS-20040407/load-save.html#LS-LSParser)  
+* [DOM Core LSSerializer](http://www.w3.org/TR/2004/REC-DOM-Level-3-LS-20040407/load-save.html#LS-LSSerializer)  
+and are all implemented, with the exceptions of: `error-handler`, `schema-location`, and `schema-type`.   
+In total there are 24 implemented configuration options (`schema-location` and `schema-type` are not
+implemented). The options known by FoX are as follows:
+* `canonical-form` default: false, can be set to true. See note below.
+* `cdata-sections` default: true, can be changed.
+* `check-character-normalization` default: false, cannot be changed.
+* `comments` default: true, can be changed.
+* `datatype-normalization` default: false, cannot be changed.
+* `element-content-whitespace` default: true, can be changed.
+* `entities` default: true, can be changed.
+* `error-handler` default: false, cannot be changed. This is a breach of the DOM specification.
+* `namespaces` default: true, can be changed.
+* `namespace-declarations` default: true, can be changed.
+* `normalize-characters` default: false, cannot be changed.
+* `split-cdata-sections` default: true, can be changed.
+* `validate` default: false, can be changed. See note below.
+* `validate-if-schema` default: false, can be changed.
+* `well-formed` default true, cannot be changed.
+* `charset-overrides-xml-encoding` default false, cannot be changed.
+* `disallow-doctype` default false, cannot be changed.
+* `ignore-unknown-character-denormalizations` default true, cannot be changed.
+* `resource-resolver` default false, cannot be changed.
+* `supported-media-types-only` default false, cannot be changed.
+* `discard-default-content` default: true, can be changed.
+* `format-pretty-print` default: false, cannot be changed.
+* `xml-declaration` default: true, can be changed.
+* `invalid-pretty-print` default: false, can be changed. This is a FoX specific extension which works like `format-pretty-print` but does not preseve the validity of the document.
+Setting `canonical-form` changes the value of `entities`, `cdata-sections`, `discard-default-content`, `invalid-pretty-print`, and `xml-declaration`to false and changes `namespaces`, `namespace-declarations`, and `element-content-whitespace` to true. Unsetting `canonical-form` causes these options to revert to the defalt settings. Changing the values of any of these options has the side effect of unsetting `canonical-form` (but does not cause the other options to be reset). Setting `vali [...]
+## DOM Miscellanea
+<a name="DomMiscellanea"/>
+Other issues
+* As mentioned in the documentation for WXML, it is impossible within Fortran to reliably output lines longer than 1024 characters. While text nodes containing such lines may be created in the DOM, on serialization newlines will be inserted as described in the documentation for WXML.
+* All caveats with regard to the FoX SAX processor apply to reading documents through the DOM interface. In particular, note that documents containing characters beyond the US-ASCII set will not be readable.
+It was decided to implement W3C DOM interfaces primarily because they are specified in a language-agnostic fashion, and thus made Fortran implementation possible. A number of criticisms have been levelled at the W3C DOM, but many apply only from the perspective of Java developers. However, more importantly, the W3C DOM suffers from a lack of sufficient error checking so it is very easy to create a DOM tree, or manipulate an existing DOM tree into a state, that cannot be serialized into a [...]
+(Although the Level 3 DOM specifications finally addressed this issue, they did so in a fashion that was neither very useful, nor easily translatable into a Fortran API.)
+Therefore, FoX will by default produce errors about many attempts to manipulate the DOM in such a way as would result in invalid XML. These errors can be switched off if standards-compliant behaviour is wanted. Although extensive, these checks are not complete.
+In particular, the way the W3C DOM mandates namespace handling makes it trivial to produce namespace non-well-formed document trees, and very difficult for the processor to automatically detect the non-well-formedness. Thus a fully well-formed tree is only guaranteed after a suitable `normalizeDocument` call.
diff --git a/DoX/FoX_sax.html b/DoX/FoX_sax.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..00e9c28
--- /dev/null
+++ b/DoX/FoX_sax.html
@@ -0,0 +1,575 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">
+<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
+  <title>FoX_sax</title>
+  <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="DoX.css"/>
+  <div class="DoX">
+<p>SAX stands for Simple API for XML, and was originally a Java API for reading XML. (Full details at <a href="http://saxproject.org">http://saxproject.org</a>). SAX implementations exist for most common modern computer languages.</p>
+<p>FoX includes a SAX implementation, which translates most of the Java API into Fortran, and makes it accessible to Fortran programs, enabling them to read in XML documents in a fashion as close and familiar as possible to other languages.</p>
+<p>SAX is a stream-based, event callback API. Conceptually, running a SAX parser over a document results in the parser generating events as it encounters different XML components, and sends the events to the main program, which can read them and take suitable action.</p>
+<p>Events are generated when the parser encounters, for example, an element opening tag, or some text, and most events carry some data with them - the name of the tag, or the contents of the text.</p>
+<p>The full list of events is quite extensive, and may be seen below. For most purposes, though, it is unlikely that most users will need more than the 5 most common events, documented here.</p>
+<li><code>startDocument</code> - generated when the parser starts reading the document. No accompanying data.</li>
+<li><code>endDocument</code> - generated when the parser reaches the end of the document. No accompanying data.</li>
+<li><code>startElement</code> - generated by an element opening tag. Accompanied by tag name, namespace information, and a list of attributes</li>
+<li><code>endElement</code> - generated by an element closing tag. Accompanied by tag name, and namespace information.</li>
+<li><code>characters</code> - generated by text between tags. Accompanied by contents of text.</li>
+<p>Given these events and accompanying information, a program can extract data from an XML document.</p>
+<h3>Invoking the parser.</h3>
+<p>Any program using the FoX SAX parser must a) use the FoX module, and b) declare a derived type variable to hold the parser, like so:</p>
+<pre><code>   use FoX_sax
+   type(xml_t) :: xp
+<p>The FoX SAX parser then works by requiring the programmer to write a module containing subroutines to receive any of the events they are interested in, and passing these subroutines to the parser.</p>
+<p>Firstly, the parser must be initialized, by passing it XML data. This can be done either by giving a filename, which the parser will manipulate, or by passing a string containing an XML document. Thus:</p>
+<pre><code>  call open_xml_file(xp, "input.xml", iostat)
+<p>The <code>iostat</code> variable will report back any errors in opening the file.</p>
+<p>Alternatively, </p>
+<pre><code>  call open_xml_string(xp, XMLstring)
+<p>where <code>XMLstring</code> is a character variable.</p>
+<p>To now run the parser over the file, you simply do:</p>
+<pre><code> call parse(xp, list_of_event_handlers)
+<p>And once you're finished, you can close the file, and clean up the parser, with:</p>
+<pre><code> call close_xml_t(xp)
+<h4>Options to parser</h4>
+<p>It is unlikely that most users will need to operate any of these options, but the following are available for use; all are optional boolean arguments to <code>parse</code>.</p>
+<li><p><code>namespaces</code> <br />
+Does namespace processing occur? Default is <code>.true.</code>, and if on, then any non-namespace-well-formed documents will be rejected, and namespace URI resolution will be performed according to the version of XML in question. If off, then documents will be processed without regard for namespace well-formedness, and no namespace URI resolution will be performed.</p></li>
+Are <code>xmlns</code> attributes reported through the SAX parser? Default is <code>.false.</code>; all such attributes are removed by the parser, and transparent namespace URI resolution is performed. If on, then such attributes will be reported, and treated according to the value of <code>xmlns-uris</code> below. (If <code>namespaces</code> is false, this flag has no effect)</p></li>
+Should validation be performed? Default is <code>.false.</code>, no validation checks are made, and the influence of the DTD on the XML Infoset is ignored. (Ill-formed DTD's will still cause fatal errors, of course.) If <code>.true.</code>, then validation will be performed, and the Infoset modified accordingly.</p></li>
+Should <code>xmlns</code> attributes have a namespace of <code>http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/</code>? Default is <code>.false.</code>. If such attributes are reported, they have no namespace. If <code>.true.</code> then they are supplied with the appropriate namespace. (if <code>namespaces</code> or <code>namespace-prefixes</code> are <code>.false.</code>, then this flag has no effect.)</p></li>
+<h3>Receiving events</h3>
+<p>To receive events, you must construct a module containing event handling subroutines. These are subroutines of a prescribed form - the input & output is predetermined by the requirements of the SAX interface, but the body of the subroutine is up to you.</p>
+<p>The required forms are shown in the API documentation below, but here are some simple examples.</p>
+<p>To receive notification of character events, you must write a subroutine which takes as input one string, which will contain the characters received. So:</p>
+<pre><code>module event_handling
+  use FoX_sax
+  subroutine characters_handler(chars)
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: chars
+    print*, chars
+  end subroutine
+end module
+<p>That does very little - it simply prints out the data it receives. However, since the subroutine is in a module, you can save the data to a module variable, and manipulate it elsewhere; alternatively you can choose to call other subroutines based on the input.</p>
+<p>So, a complete program which reads in all the text from an XML document looks like this:</p>
+<pre><code>module event_handling
+  use FoX_sax
+  subroutine characters_handler(chars)
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: chars
+    print*, chars
+  end subroutine
+end module
+program XMLreader
+  use FoX_sax
+  use event_handling
+  type(xml_t) :: xp
+  call open_xml_file(xp, 'input.xml')
+  call parse(xp, characters_handler=characters_handler)
+  call close_xml_t(xp)
+end program
+<h3>Attribute dictionaries.</h3>
+<p>The other likely most common event is the startElement event. Handling this involves writing a subroutine which takes as input three strings (which are the local name, namespace URI, and fully qualified name of the tag) and a dictionary of attributes. </p>
+<p>An attribute dictionary is essentially a set of key:value pairs - where the key is the attributes name, and the value is its value. (When considering namespaces, each attribute also has a URI and localName.)</p>
+<p>Full details of all the dictionary-manipulation routines are given in <a href="AttributeDictionaries.html">AttributeDictionaries</a>, but here we shall show the most common.</p>
+<li><p><code>getLength(dictionary)</code> - returns the number of entries in the dictionary (the number of attributes declared)</p></li>
+<li><p><code>hasKey(dictionary, qName)</code> (where <code>qName</code> is a string) returns <code>.true.</code> or <code>.false.</code> depending on whether an attribute named <code>qName</code> is present.</p></li>
+<li><p><code>hasKey(dictionary, URI, localname)</code> (where <code>URI</code> and <code>localname</code> are strings) returns <code>.true.</code> or <code>.false.</code> depending on whether an attribute with the appropriate <code>URI</code> and <code>localname</code> is present.</p></li>
+<li><p><code>getQName(dictionary, i)</code> (where <code>i</code> is an integer) returns a string containing the key of the <code>i</code>th dictionary entry (ie, the name of the <code>i</code>th attribute.</p></li>
+<li><p><code>getValue(dictionary, i)</code> (where <code>i</code> is an integer) returns a string containing the value of the <code>i</code>th dictionary entry (ie the value of the <code>i</code>th attribute.</p></li>
+<li><p><code>getValue(dictionary, URI, localname)</code> (where <code>URI</code> and <code>localname</code> are strings) returns a string containing the value of the attribute with the appropriate <code>URI</code> and <code>localname</code> (if it is present)</p></li>
+<p>So, a simple subroutine to receive a startElement event would look like:</p>
+<pre><code>module event_handling
+ subroutine startElement_handler(URI, localname, name,attributes)
+   character(len=*), intent(in)   :: URI  
+   character(len=*), intent(in)   :: localname
+   character(len=*), intent(in)   :: name 
+   type(dictionary_t), intent(in) :: attributes
+   integer :: i
+   print*, name
+   do i = 1, getLength(attributes)
+      print*, getQName(attributes, i), '=', getValue(attributes, i)
+   enddo
+  end subroutine startElement_handler
+end module
+program XMLreader
+ use FoX_sax
+ use event_handling
+ type(xml_t) :: xp
+ call open_xml_file(xp, 'input.xml')
+ call parse(xp, startElement_handler=startElement_handler)
+ call close_xml_t(xp)
+end program
+<p>Again, this does nothing but print out the name of the element, and the names and values of all of its attributes. However, by using module variables, or calling other subroutines, the data could be manipulated further.</p>
+<h3>Error handling</h3>
+<p>The SAX parser detects all XML well-formedness errors (and optionally validation errors). By default, when it encounters an error, it will simply halt the program with a suitable error message. However, it is possible to pass in an error handling subroutine if some other behaviour is desired - for example it may be nice to report the error to the user, finish parsing, and carry on with some other task.</p>
+<p>In any case, once an error is encountered, the parser will finish. There is no way to continue reading past an error. (This means that all errors are treated as fatal errors, in the terminology of the XML standard).</p>
+<p>An error handling subroutine works in the same way as any other event handler, with the event data being an error message. Thus, you could write:</p>
+<pre><code>subroutine fatalError_handler(msg)
+  character(len=*), intent(in) :: msg
+  print*, "The SAX parser encountered an error:"
+  print*, msg
+  print*, "Never mind, carrying on with the rest of the calcaulation."
+end subroutine
+<h3>Stopping the parser.</h3>
+<p>The parser can be stopped at any time. Simply do (from within one of the callback functions).</p>
+<pre><code>call stop_parser(xp)
+<p>(where <code>xp</code> is the XML parser object). The current callback function will be completed, then the parser will be stopped, and control will return to the main program, the parser having finished.</p>
+<hr />
+<h2>Full API</h2>
+<h3>Derived types</h3>
+<p>There is one derived type, <code>xml_t</code>. This is entirely opaque, and is used as a handle for the parser.</p>
+<p>There are four subroutines:</p>
+<li><code>open_xml_file <br />
+type(xml_t), intent(inout) :: xp <br />
+character(len=*), intent(in) :: string <br />
+integer, intent(out), optional :: iostat</code></li>
+<p>This opens a file. <code>xp</code> is initialized, and prepared for parsing. <code>string</code> must contain the name of the file to be opened. <code>iostat</code> reports on the success of opening the file. A value of <code>0</code> indicates success.</p>
+<li><p><code>open_xml_string <br />
+type(xml_t), intent(inout) :: xpi <br />
+character(len=*), intent(in) :: string</code></p>
+<p>This prepares to parse a string containing XML data. <code>xp</code> is initialized. <code>string</code> must contain the XML data.</p></li>
+<li><p><code>close_xml_t <br />
+type(xml_t), intent(inout) :: xp</code></p></li>
+<p>This closes down the parser (and closes the file, if input was coming from a file.) <code>xp</code> is left uninitialized, ready to be used again if necessary.</p>
+<li><p><code>parse <br />
+type(xml_t), intent(inout) :: xp <br />
+external :: list of event handlers <br />
+logical, optional, intent(in) :: validate</code></p>
+<p>This tells <code>xp</code> to start parsing its document. </p></li>
+<p>(<em>Advanced: See above for the list of options that the <code>parse</code> subroutine may take.</em>)</p>
+<p>The full list of event handlers is in the next section. To use them, the interface must be placed in a module, and the body of the subroutine filled in as desired; then it should be specified as an argument to <code>parse</code> as: <br />
+  <code>name_of_event_handler = name_of_user_written_subroutine</code> <br />
+Thus a typical call to <code>parse</code> might look something like:</p>
+<pre><code>  call parse(xp, startElement_handler = mystartelement, endElement_handler = myendelement, characters_handler = mychars)
+<p>where <code>mystartelement</code>, <code>myendelement</code>, and <code>mychars</code> are all  subroutines written by you according to the interfaces listed below.</p>
+<hr />
+<p>All of the callbacks specified by SAX 2 are implemented. Documentation of the SAX 2 interfaces is available in the JavaDoc at <a href="http://sax_project.org">http://saxproject.org</a>, but as the interfaces needed adjustment for Fortran, they are listed here.</p>
+<p>For documentation on the meaning of the callbacks and of their arguments, please refer to the Java SAX documentation.</p>
+<li><code>characters_handler <br />
+  subroutine characters_handler(chunk) <br />
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: chunk <br />
+  end subroutine characters_handler</code></li>
+<p>Triggered when some character data is read from between tags. </p>
+<p>NB Note that <em>all</em> character data is reported, including whitespace. Thus you will probably get a lot of empty <code>characters</code> events in a typical XML document.</p>
+<p>NB Note also that it is not required that a single chunk of character data all come as one event - it may come as multiple consecutive events. You should concatenate the results of subsequent character events before processing.</p>
+<li><code>endDocument_handler <br />
+  subroutine endDocument_handler() <br />
+  end subroutine endDocument_handler</code></li>
+<p>Triggered when the parser reaches the end of the document.</p>
+<li><code>endElement_handler <br />
+  subroutine endElement_handler(namespaceURI, localName, name) <br />
+    character(len=*), intent(in)     :: namespaceURI <br />
+    character(len=*), intent(in)     :: localName <br />
+    character(len=*), intent(in)     :: name <br />
+  end subroutine endElement_handler</code></li>
+<p>Triggered by a closing tag.</p>
+<li><code>endPrefixMapping_handler <br />
+  subroutine endPrefixMapping_handler(prefix) <br />
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: prefix <br />
+  end subroutine endPrefixMapping_handler</code></li>
+<p>Triggered when a namespace prefix mapping goes out of scope.</p>
+<li><code>ignorableWhitespace <br />
+  subroutine ignorableWhitespace_handler(chars) <br />
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: chars <br />
+  end subroutine ignorableWhitespace_handler</code></li>
+<p>Triggered when whitespace is encountered within an element declared as having no PCDATA. (Only active in validating mode.)</p>
+<li><code>processingInstruction_handler <br />
+  subroutine processingInstruction_handler(name, content) <br />
+    character(len=*), intent(in)     :: name <br />
+    character(len=*), intent(in)     :: content <br />
+  end subroutine processingInstruction_handler</code></li>
+<p>Triggered by a Processing Instruction</p>
+<li><code>skippedEntity_handler <br />
+  subroutine skippedEntity_handler(name) <br />
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: name <br />
+  end subroutine skippedEntity_handler</code></li>
+<p>Triggered when either an external entity, or an undeclared entity, is skipped.</p>
+<li><code>startDocument_handler <br />
+  subroutine startDocument_handler() <br />
+  end subroutine startDocument_handler</code></li>
+<p>Triggered when the parser starts reading the document.</p>
+<li><code>startElement_handler <br />
+  subroutine startElement_handler(namespaceURI, localName, name, attributes) <br />
+    character(len=*), intent(in)     :: namespaceUri <br />
+    character(len=*), intent(in)     :: localName <br />
+    character(len=*), intent(in)     :: name <br />
+    type(dictionary_t), intent(in)   :: attributes <br />
+  end subroutine startElement_handler</code></li>
+<p>Triggered when an opening tag is encountered. (see LINK for documentation on handling attribute dictionaries.</p>
+<li><code>startPrefixMapping_handler <br />
+  subroutine startPrefixMapping_handler(namespaceURI, prefix) <br />
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: namespaceURI <br />
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: prefix <br />
+  end subroutine startPrefixMapping_handler</code></li>
+<p>Triggered when a namespace prefix mapping start.</p>
+<li><code>notationDecl_handler <br />
+  subroutine notationDecl_handler(name, publicId, systemId) <br />
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: name <br />
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: publicId <br />
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: systemId <br />
+  end subroutine notationDecl_handler</code></li>
+<p>Triggered when a NOTATION declaration is made in the DTD</p>
+<li><code>unparsedEntityDecl_handler <br />
+  subroutine unparsedEntityDecl_handler(name, publicId, systemId, notation) <br />
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: name <br />
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: publicId <br />
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: systemId <br />
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: notation <br />
+  end subroutine unparsedEntityDecl_handler</code></li>
+<p>Triggered when an unparsed entity is declared</p>
+<li><code>error_handler <br />
+  subroutine error_handler(msg) <br />
+    character(len=*), intent(in)     :: msg <br />
+  end subroutine error_handler</code></li>
+<p>Triggered when a <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml/#dt-error">error</a> is encountered in parsing. Parsing will continue after this event.</p>
+<li><code>fatalError_handler <br />
+  subroutine fatalError_handler(msg) <br />
+    character(len=*), intent(in)     :: msg <br />
+  end subroutine fatalError_handler</code></li>
+<p>Triggered when a <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml/#dt-fatal">fatal error</a> is encountered in parsing. Parsing will cease after this event.</p>
+<li><code>warning_handler <br />
+  subroutine warning_handler(msg) <br />
+    character(len=*), intent(in)     :: msg <br />
+  end subroutine warning_handler</code></li>
+<p>Triggered when a parser warning is generated. Parsing will continue after this event.</p>
+<li><code>attributeDecl_handler <br />
+  subroutine attributeDecl_handler(eName, aName, type, mode, value) <br />
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: eName <br />
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: aName <br />
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: type <br />
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: mode <br />
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: value <br />
+  end subroutine attributeDecl_handler</code></li>
+<p>Triggered when an attribute declaration is encountered in the DTD.</p>
+<li><code>elementDecl_handler <br />
+  subroutine elementDecl_handler(name, model) <br />
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: name <br />
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: model <br />
+  end subroutine elementDecl_handler</code></li>
+<p>Triggered when an element declaration is enountered in the DTD.</p>
+<li><code>externalEntityDecl_handler <br />
+  subroutine externalEntityDecl_handler(name, publicId, systemId) <br />
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: name <br />
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: publicId <br />
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: systemId <br />
+  end subroutine externalEntityDecl_handler</code></li>
+<p>Triggered when a parsed external entity is declared in the DTD.</p>
+<li><code>internalEntityDecl_handler <br />
+  subroutine internalEntityDecl_handler(name, value) <br />
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: name <br />
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: value <br />
+  end subroutine internalEntityDecl_handler</code></li>
+<p>Triggered when an internal entity is declared in the DTD.</p>
+<li><code>comment_handler <br />
+  subroutine comment_handler(comment) <br />
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: comment <br />
+  end subroutine comment_handler</code></li>
+<p>Triggered when a comment is encountered.</p>
+<li><code>endCdata_handler <br />
+  subroutine endCdata_handler() <br />
+  end subroutine endCdata_handler</code></li>
+<p>Triggered by the end of a CData section.</p>
+<li><code>endDTD_handler <br />
+  subroutine endDTD_handler() <br />
+  end subroutine endDTD_handler</code></li>
+<p>Triggered by the end of a DTD.</p>
+<li><code>endEntity_handler <br />
+  subroutine endEntity_handler(name) <br />
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: name <br />
+  end subroutine endEntity_handler</code></li>
+<p>Triggered at the end of entity expansion.</p>
+<li><code>startCdata_handler <br />
+  subroutine startCdata_handler() <br />
+  end subroutine startCdata_handler</code></li>
+<p>Triggered by the start of a CData section.</p>
+<li><code>startDTD_handler <br />
+  subroutine startDTD_handler(name, publicId, systemId) <br />
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: name <br />
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: publicId <br />
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: systemId <br />
+  end subroutine startDTD_handler</code></li>
+<p>Triggered by the start of a DTD section.</p>
+<li><code>startEntity_handler <br />
+  subroutine startEntity_handler(name) <br />
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: name <br />
+  end subroutine startEntity_handler</code></li>
+<p>Triggered by the start of entity expansion.</p>
+<hr />
+<p>The FoX SAX implementation implements all of XML 1.0 and 1.1; all of XML Namespaces 1.0 and 1.1; xml:id and xml:base.</p>
+<p>Although FoX tries very hard to  work to the letter of the XML and SAX standards, it falls short in a few areas.</p>
+<li><p>FoX will only process documents consisting of nothing but US-ASCII data. It will accept documents labelled with any single byte character set which is identical to US-ASCII in its lower 7 bits (for example, any of the ISO-8859 charsets, or UTF-8) but an error will be generated as soon as any character outside US-ASCII is encountered. (This includes non-ASCII characters present only be character entity reference)</p></li>
+<li><p>As a corollary, UTF-16 documents of any endianness will also be rejected.</p></li>
+<p>(It is impossible to implement IO of non-ASCII documents in a portable fashion using standard Fortran 95, and it is impossible to handle non-ASCII data internally using standard Fortran strings. A fully unicode-capable FoX version is under development, but requires Fortran 2003. Please enquire for further details if you're interested.)</p>
+<li>FoX has no network capabilities. Therefore, when external entities are referenced, any entities not available on the local filesystem will not be accessed (specifically, any entities whose URI reference includes a scheme component, where that scheme is not <code>file</code>, will be skipped)</li>
+<p>Beyond this, any aspects of the listed XML standards to which FoX fails to do justice to are bugs.</p>
+<hr />
+<h3>What of Java SAX 2 is not included in FoX?</h3>
+<p>The difference betweek Java & Fortran means that none of the SAX APIs can be copied directly. However, FoX offers data types, subroutines, and interfaces covering most of the facilities offered by SAX. Where it does not, this is mentioned here.</p>
+<li>Querying/setting of feature flags/property values for the XML parser. The effect of a subset of these may be accessed by options to the <code>parse</code> subroutine.</li>
+<li>XML filters - Java SAX makes it possible to write filters to intercept the
+flow of events. FoX does not support this.  </li>
+<li>Entity resolution - SAX 2 exports an interface to the application for entity resolution, but FoX does not - all entities are resolved within the parser.</li>
+<li>Locator - SAX 2 offers an interface to export information regarding object locations within the document, FoX does not.  </li>
+<li>XMLReader - FoX only offers the parse() method - no other methods really make sense in Fortran.  </li>
+<li>AttributeList/DocumentHandler/Parser - FoX only offers namespace aware attributes, not the pre-namespace SAX-1 versions.  </li>
+<li>EntityResolver2 - not implemented  </li>
+<li>Locator2 - not implemented  </li>
+<li>None of these helper methods are implemented.</li>
diff --git a/DoX/FoX_sax.md b/DoX/FoX_sax.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..95d2aa5
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+# SAX
+SAX stands for Simple API for XML, and was originally a Java API for reading XML. (Full details at [http://saxproject.org](http://saxproject.org)). SAX implementations exist for most common modern computer languages.
+FoX includes a SAX implementation, which translates most of the Java API into Fortran, and makes it accessible to Fortran programs, enabling them to read in XML documents in a fashion as close and familiar as possible to other languages.
+SAX is a stream-based, event callback API. Conceptually, running a SAX parser over a document results in the parser generating events as it encounters different XML components, and sends the events to the main program, which can read them and take suitable action.
+### Events
+Events are generated when the parser encounters, for example, an element opening tag, or some text, and most events carry some data with them - the name of the tag, or the contents of the text.
+The full list of events is quite extensive, and may be seen below. For most purposes, though, it is unlikely that most users will need more than the 5 most common events, documented here.
+* `startDocument` - generated when the parser starts reading the document. No accompanying data.
+* `endDocument` - generated when the parser reaches the end of the document. No accompanying data.
+* `startElement` - generated by an element opening tag. Accompanied by tag name, namespace information, and a list of attributes
+* `endElement` - generated by an element closing tag. Accompanied by tag name, and namespace information.
+* `characters` - generated by text between tags. Accompanied by contents of text.
+Given these events and accompanying information, a program can extract data from an XML document.
+### Invoking the parser.
+Any program using the FoX SAX parser must a) use the FoX module, and b) declare a derived type variable to hold the parser, like so:
+       use FoX_sax
+       type(xml_t) :: xp
+The FoX SAX parser then works by requiring the programmer to write a module containing subroutines to receive any of the events they are interested in, and passing these subroutines to the parser.
+Firstly, the parser must be initialized, by passing it XML data. This can be done either by giving a filename, which the parser will manipulate, or by passing a string containing an XML document. Thus:
+      call open_xml_file(xp, "input.xml", iostat)
+The `iostat` variable will report back any errors in opening the file.
+      call open_xml_string(xp, XMLstring)
+where `XMLstring` is a character variable.
+To now run the parser over the file, you simply do:
+     call parse(xp, list_of_event_handlers)
+And once you're finished, you can close the file, and clean up the parser, with:
+     call close_xml_t(xp)
+#### Options to parser
+It is unlikely that most users will need to operate any of these options, but the following are available for use; all are optional boolean arguments to `parse`.
+* `namespaces`  
+Does namespace processing occur? Default is `.true.`, and if on, then any non-namespace-well-formed documents will be rejected, and namespace URI resolution will be performed according to the version of XML in question. If off, then documents will be processed without regard for namespace well-formedness, and no namespace URI resolution will be performed.
+* `namespace_prefixes`
+Are `xmlns` attributes reported through the SAX parser? Default is `.false.`; all such attributes are removed by the parser, and transparent namespace URI resolution is performed. If on, then such attributes will be reported, and treated according to the value of `xmlns-uris` below. (If `namespaces` is false, this flag has no effect)
+* `validate`
+Should validation be performed? Default is `.false.`, no validation checks are made, and the influence of the DTD on the XML Infoset is ignored. (Ill-formed DTD's will still cause fatal errors, of course.) If `.true.`, then validation will be performed, and the Infoset modified accordingly.
+* `xmlns_uris`
+Should `xmlns` attributes have a namespace of `http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/`? Default is `.false.`. If such attributes are reported, they have no namespace. If `.true.` then they are supplied with the appropriate namespace. (if `namespaces` or `namespace-prefixes` are `.false.`, then this flag has no effect.)
+### Receiving events
+To receive events, you must construct a module containing event handling subroutines. These are subroutines of a prescribed form - the input & output is predetermined by the requirements of the SAX interface, but the body of the subroutine is up to you.
+The required forms are shown in the API documentation below, but here are some simple examples.
+To receive notification of character events, you must write a subroutine which takes as input one string, which will contain the characters received. So:
+    module event_handling
+      use FoX_sax
+    contains
+      subroutine characters_handler(chars)
+        character(len=*), intent(in) :: chars
+        print*, chars
+      end subroutine
+    end module
+ That does very little - it simply prints out the data it receives. However, since the subroutine is in a module, you can save the data to a module variable, and manipulate it elsewhere; alternatively you can choose to call other subroutines based on the input.
+So, a complete program which reads in all the text from an XML document looks like this:
+    module event_handling
+      use FoX_sax
+    contains
+      subroutine characters_handler(chars)
+        character(len=*), intent(in) :: chars
+        print*, chars
+      end subroutine
+    end module
+    program XMLreader
+      use FoX_sax
+      use event_handling
+      type(xml_t) :: xp
+      call open_xml_file(xp, 'input.xml')
+      call parse(xp, characters_handler=characters_handler)
+      call close_xml_t(xp)
+    end program
+### Attribute dictionaries.
+The other likely most common event is the startElement event. Handling this involves writing a subroutine which takes as input three strings (which are the local name, namespace URI, and fully qualified name of the tag) and a dictionary of attributes. 
+An attribute dictionary is essentially a set of key:value pairs - where the key is the attributes name, and the value is its value. (When considering namespaces, each attribute also has a URI and localName.)
+Full details of all the dictionary-manipulation routines are given in [AttributeDictionaries](|AttributeDictionaries|), but here we shall show the most common.
+* `getLength(dictionary)` - returns the number of entries in the dictionary (the number of attributes declared)
+* `hasKey(dictionary, qName)` (where `qName` is a string) returns `.true.` or `.false.` depending on whether an attribute named `qName` is present.
+* `hasKey(dictionary, URI, localname)` (where `URI` and `localname` are strings) returns `.true.` or `.false.` depending on whether an attribute with the appropriate `URI` and `localname` is present.
+* `getQName(dictionary, i)` (where `i` is an integer) returns a string containing the key of the `i`th dictionary entry (ie, the name of the `i`th attribute.
+* `getValue(dictionary, i)` (where `i` is an integer) returns a string containing the value of the `i`th dictionary entry (ie the value of the `i`th attribute.
+* `getValue(dictionary, URI, localname)` (where `URI` and `localname` are strings) returns a string containing the value of the attribute with the appropriate `URI` and `localname` (if it is present)
+So, a simple subroutine to receive a startElement event would look like:
+    module event_handling
+    contains
+     subroutine startElement_handler(URI, localname, name,attributes)
+       character(len=*), intent(in)   :: URI  
+       character(len=*), intent(in)   :: localname
+       character(len=*), intent(in)   :: name 
+       type(dictionary_t), intent(in) :: attributes
+       integer :: i
+       print*, name
+       do i = 1, getLength(attributes)
+          print*, getQName(attributes, i), '=', getValue(attributes, i)
+       enddo
+      end subroutine startElement_handler
+    end module
+    program XMLreader
+     use FoX_sax
+     use event_handling
+     type(xml_t) :: xp
+     call open_xml_file(xp, 'input.xml')
+     call parse(xp, startElement_handler=startElement_handler)
+     call close_xml_t(xp)
+    end program
+Again, this does nothing but print out the name of the element, and the names and values of all of its attributes. However, by using module variables, or calling other subroutines, the data could be manipulated further.
+### Error handling
+The SAX parser detects all XML well-formedness errors (and optionally validation errors). By default, when it encounters an error, it will simply halt the program with a suitable error message. However, it is possible to pass in an error handling subroutine if some other behaviour is desired - for example it may be nice to report the error to the user, finish parsing, and carry on with some other task.
+In any case, once an error is encountered, the parser will finish. There is no way to continue reading past an error. (This means that all errors are treated as fatal errors, in the terminology of the XML standard).
+An error handling subroutine works in the same way as any other event handler, with the event data being an error message. Thus, you could write:
+    subroutine fatalError_handler(msg)
+      character(len=*), intent(in) :: msg
+      print*, "The SAX parser encountered an error:"
+      print*, msg
+      print*, "Never mind, carrying on with the rest of the calcaulation."
+    end subroutine
+### Stopping the parser.
+The parser can be stopped at any time. Simply do (from within one of the callback functions).
+    call stop_parser(xp)
+(where `xp` is the XML parser object). The current callback function will be completed, then the parser will be stopped, and control will return to the main program, the parser having finished.
+## Full API
+### Derived types
+There is one derived type, `xml_t`. This is entirely opaque, and is used as a handle for the parser.
+### Subroutines
+There are four subroutines:
+* `open_xml_file  
+  type(xml_t), intent(inout) :: xp  
+  character(len=*), intent(in) :: string  
+  integer, intent(out), optional :: iostat`
+This opens a file. `xp` is initialized, and prepared for parsing. `string` must contain the name of the file to be opened. `iostat` reports on the success of opening the file. A value of `0` indicates success.
+* `open_xml_string  
+   type(xml_t), intent(inout) :: xpi  
+   character(len=*), intent(in) :: string`
+ This prepares to parse a string containing XML data. `xp` is initialized. `string` must contain the XML data.
+* `close_xml_t  
+   type(xml_t), intent(inout) :: xp`
+This closes down the parser (and closes the file, if input was coming from a file.) `xp` is left uninitialized, ready to be used again if necessary.
+* `parse  
+  type(xml_t), intent(inout) :: xp  
+  external :: list of event handlers  
+  logical, optional, intent(in) :: validate`
+  This tells `xp` to start parsing its document. 
+(*Advanced: See above for the list of options that the `parse` subroutine may take.*)
+The full list of event handlers is in the next section. To use them, the interface must be placed in a module, and the body of the subroutine filled in as desired; then it should be specified as an argument to `parse` as:   
+  `name_of_event_handler = name_of_user_written_subroutine`  
+Thus a typical call to `parse` might look something like:
+      call parse(xp, startElement_handler = mystartelement, endElement_handler = myendelement, characters_handler = mychars)
+where `mystartelement`, `myendelement`, and `mychars` are all  subroutines written by you according to the interfaces listed below.
+## Callbacks.
+All of the callbacks specified by SAX 2 are implemented. Documentation of the SAX 2 interfaces is available in the JavaDoc at [http://saxproject.org](http://sax_project.org), but as the interfaces needed adjustment for Fortran, they are listed here.
+For documentation on the meaning of the callbacks and of their arguments, please refer to the Java SAX documentation.
+* `characters_handler  
+      subroutine characters_handler(chunk)  
+        character(len=*), intent(in) :: chunk  
+      end subroutine characters_handler`
+Triggered when some character data is read from between tags. 
+NB Note that *all* character data is reported, including whitespace. Thus you will probably get a lot of empty `characters` events in a typical XML document.
+NB Note also that it is not required that a single chunk of character data all come as one event - it may come as multiple consecutive events. You should concatenate the results of subsequent character events before processing.
+* `endDocument_handler   
+      subroutine endDocument_handler()      
+      end subroutine endDocument_handler`
+Triggered when the parser reaches the end of the document.
+* `endElement_handler  
+      subroutine endElement_handler(namespaceURI, localName, name)  
+        character(len=*), intent(in)     :: namespaceURI  
+        character(len=*), intent(in)     :: localName  
+        character(len=*), intent(in)     :: name   
+      end subroutine endElement_handler`
+Triggered by a closing tag.
+* `endPrefixMapping_handler  
+      subroutine endPrefixMapping_handler(prefix)  
+        character(len=*), intent(in) :: prefix  
+      end subroutine endPrefixMapping_handler`
+Triggered when a namespace prefix mapping goes out of scope.
+* `ignorableWhitespace  
+      subroutine ignorableWhitespace_handler(chars)  
+        character(len=*), intent(in) :: chars  
+      end subroutine ignorableWhitespace_handler`
+Triggered when whitespace is encountered within an element declared as having no PCDATA. (Only active in validating mode.)
+* `processingInstruction_handler  
+      subroutine processingInstruction_handler(name, content)  
+        character(len=*), intent(in)     :: name  
+        character(len=*), intent(in)     :: content  
+      end subroutine processingInstruction_handler`
+Triggered by a Processing Instruction
+* `skippedEntity_handler  
+      subroutine skippedEntity_handler(name)  
+        character(len=*), intent(in) :: name  
+      end subroutine skippedEntity_handler`
+Triggered when either an external entity, or an undeclared entity, is skipped.
+* `startDocument_handler  
+      subroutine startDocument_handler()  
+      end subroutine startDocument_handler`
+Triggered when the parser starts reading the document.
+* `startElement_handler  
+      subroutine startElement_handler(namespaceURI, localName, name, attributes)  
+        character(len=*), intent(in)     :: namespaceUri  
+        character(len=*), intent(in)     :: localName  
+        character(len=*), intent(in)     :: name  
+        type(dictionary_t), intent(in)   :: attributes  
+      end subroutine startElement_handler`
+Triggered when an opening tag is encountered. (see LINK for documentation on handling attribute dictionaries.
+* `startPrefixMapping_handler  
+      subroutine startPrefixMapping_handler(namespaceURI, prefix)  
+        character(len=*), intent(in) :: namespaceURI  
+        character(len=*), intent(in) :: prefix  
+      end subroutine startPrefixMapping_handler`
+Triggered when a namespace prefix mapping start.
+* `notationDecl_handler  
+      subroutine notationDecl_handler(name, publicId, systemId)  
+        character(len=*), intent(in) :: name  
+        character(len=*), intent(in) :: publicId  
+        character(len=*), intent(in) :: systemId  
+      end subroutine notationDecl_handler`
+Triggered when a NOTATION declaration is made in the DTD
+* `unparsedEntityDecl_handler  
+      subroutine unparsedEntityDecl_handler(name, publicId, systemId, notation)  
+        character(len=*), intent(in) :: name  
+        character(len=*), intent(in) :: publicId  
+        character(len=*), intent(in) :: systemId  
+        character(len=*), intent(in) :: notation  
+      end subroutine unparsedEntityDecl_handler`
+Triggered when an unparsed entity is declared
+* `error_handler  
+      subroutine error_handler(msg)  
+        character(len=*), intent(in)     :: msg  
+      end subroutine error_handler`
+Triggered when a [error](http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml/#dt-error) is encountered in parsing. Parsing will continue after this event.
+* `fatalError_handler  
+      subroutine fatalError_handler(msg)  
+        character(len=*), intent(in)     :: msg  
+      end subroutine fatalError_handler`
+Triggered when a [fatal error](http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml/#dt-fatal) is encountered in parsing. Parsing will cease after this event.
+* `warning_handler  
+      subroutine warning_handler(msg)  
+        character(len=*), intent(in)     :: msg  
+      end subroutine warning_handler`
+Triggered when a parser warning is generated. Parsing will continue after this event.
+* `attributeDecl_handler  
+      subroutine attributeDecl_handler(eName, aName, type, mode, value)  
+        character(len=*), intent(in) :: eName  
+        character(len=*), intent(in) :: aName  
+        character(len=*), intent(in) :: type  
+        character(len=*), intent(in) :: mode  
+        character(len=*), intent(in) :: value  
+      end subroutine attributeDecl_handler`
+Triggered when an attribute declaration is encountered in the DTD.
+* `elementDecl_handler  
+      subroutine elementDecl_handler(name, model)  
+        character(len=*), intent(in) :: name  
+        character(len=*), intent(in) :: model  
+      end subroutine elementDecl_handler`
+Triggered when an element declaration is enountered in the DTD.
+* `externalEntityDecl_handler  
+      subroutine externalEntityDecl_handler(name, publicId, systemId)  
+        character(len=*), intent(in) :: name  
+        character(len=*), intent(in) :: publicId  
+        character(len=*), intent(in) :: systemId  
+      end subroutine externalEntityDecl_handler`
+Triggered when a parsed external entity is declared in the DTD.
+* `internalEntityDecl_handler  
+      subroutine internalEntityDecl_handler(name, value)   
+        character(len=*), intent(in) :: name  
+        character(len=*), intent(in) :: value  
+      end subroutine internalEntityDecl_handler`
+Triggered when an internal entity is declared in the DTD.
+* `comment_handler  
+      subroutine comment_handler(comment)  
+        character(len=*), intent(in) :: comment  
+      end subroutine comment_handler`
+Triggered when a comment is encountered.
+*  `endCdata_handler  
+      subroutine endCdata_handler()  
+      end subroutine endCdata_handler`
+Triggered by the end of a CData section.
+* `endDTD_handler  
+      subroutine endDTD_handler()  
+      end subroutine endDTD_handler`
+Triggered by the end of a DTD.
+* `endEntity_handler  
+      subroutine endEntity_handler(name)  
+        character(len=*), intent(in) :: name  
+      end subroutine endEntity_handler`
+Triggered at the end of entity expansion.
+* `startCdata_handler  
+      subroutine startCdata_handler()  
+      end subroutine startCdata_handler`
+Triggered by the start of a CData section.
+* `startDTD_handler  
+      subroutine startDTD_handler(name, publicId, systemId)  
+        character(len=*), intent(in) :: name  
+        character(len=*), intent(in) :: publicId  
+        character(len=*), intent(in) :: systemId   
+      end subroutine startDTD_handler`
+Triggered by the start of a DTD section.
+* `startEntity_handler  
+      subroutine startEntity_handler(name)  
+        character(len=*), intent(in) :: name  
+      end subroutine startEntity_handler`
+Triggered by the start of entity expansion.
+### Exceptions.
+The FoX SAX implementation implements all of XML 1.0 and 1.1; all of XML Namespaces 1.0 and 1.1; xml:id and xml:base.
+Although FoX tries very hard to  work to the letter of the XML and SAX standards, it falls short in a few areas.
+* FoX will only process documents consisting of nothing but US-ASCII data. It will accept documents labelled with any single byte character set which is identical to US-ASCII in its lower 7 bits (for example, any of the ISO-8859 charsets, or UTF-8) but an error will be generated as soon as any character outside US-ASCII is encountered. (This includes non-ASCII characters present only be character entity reference)
+* As a corollary, UTF-16 documents of any endianness will also be rejected.
+(It is impossible to implement IO of non-ASCII documents in a portable fashion using standard Fortran 95, and it is impossible to handle non-ASCII data internally using standard Fortran strings. A fully unicode-capable FoX version is under development, but requires Fortran 2003. Please enquire for further details if you're interested.)
+* FoX has no network capabilities. Therefore, when external entities are referenced, any entities not available on the local filesystem will not be accessed (specifically, any entities whose URI reference includes a scheme component, where that scheme is not `file`, will be skipped)
+Beyond this, any aspects of the listed XML standards to which FoX fails to do justice to are bugs.
+### What of Java SAX 2 is not included in FoX?
+The difference betweek Java & Fortran means that none of the SAX APIs can be copied directly. However, FoX offers data types, subroutines, and interfaces covering most of the facilities offered by SAX. Where it does not, this is mentioned here.
+* Querying/setting of feature flags/property values for the XML parser. The effect of a subset of these may be accessed by options to the `parse` subroutine.
+* XML filters - Java SAX makes it possible to write filters to intercept the
+flow of events. FoX does not support this.  
+* Entity resolution - SAX 2 exports an interface to the application for entity resolution, but FoX does not - all entities are resolved within the parser.
+* Locator - SAX 2 offers an interface to export information regarding object locations within the document, FoX does not.  
+* XMLReader - FoX only offers the parse() method - no other methods really make sense in Fortran.  
+* AttributeList/DocumentHandler/Parser - FoX only offers namespace aware attributes, not the pre-namespace SAX-1 versions.  
+* EntityResolver2 - not implemented  
+* Locator2 - not implemented  
+* None of these helper methods are implemented.
diff --git a/DoX/FoX_utils.html b/DoX/FoX_utils.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..045e01d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/DoX/FoX_utils.html
@@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">
+<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
+  <title>FoX_utils</title>
+  <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="DoX.css"/>
+  <div class="DoX">
+<p><code>FoX_utils</code> is a collection of general utility functions that the rest of FoX depends on, but which may be of independent use. They are documented here.</p>
+<p>All functions are accessible from the <code>FoX_utils</code> module. </p>
+<p>NB Unlike the APIs of WXML, WCML, and SAX, the UTILS APIs may not remain constant between FoX versions. While some effort will be expended to ensure they don't change unnecessarily, no guarantees are made.</p>
+<p>For any end-users interested in the code who are worried about interface changes, it is recommended that the  relevant code (all found in the <code>utils/</code> directory be lifted directly and imported into other projects, rather than accessed through the FoX interfaces.</p>
+<p>Two sets of utility functions are provided; one concerned with <a href="#UUID">UUID</a>s, and a set concerned with <a href="#URI">URI</a>s.</p>
+<p><a name="UUID"/></p>
+<p>UUIDs (see <a href="http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4122">RFC 4122</a>) are  Universally Unique IDentifiers. They are a 128-bit number, represented as a 36-character string. For example:</p>
+<pre><code> f81d4fae-7dec-11d0-a765-00a0c91e6bf6
+<p>The intention of UUIDs is to enable distributed systems to uniquely identify information without significant central coordination. Thus, anyone can create a UUID and use it to identify something with reasonable confidence that the identifier will never be unintentionally used by anyone for anything else.</p>
+<p>This property also makes them useful as Uniform Resource Names, to refer to a given document without requiring a position in a particular URI scheme. Thus the above UUID could be referred to as</p>
+<p>UUIDs are used by WCML to ensure that every document generated has a unique ID. This enables users to go back later on and have confidence that they are examining the same document, regardless of where it might have ended up in file-system hierarchies or databases.</p>
+<p>In addition, UUIDs come in several flavours, one of which stores the time of creation to 100-nanosecond accuracy. This can later be extracted (see, for example <a href="http://www.famkruithof.net/uuid/uuidgen?typeReq=-1">this service</a>) to verify creation time.</p>
+<p>This may well be useful for other XML document types, or indeed in non-XML applications. Thus, UUIDs may be generated by the following function, with one optional argument.</p>
+<li><code>generate_UUID</code> <br />
+<strong>version</strong>: <em>integer</em></li>
+<p>This function returns a 36-character string containing the UUID.</p>
+<p><strong>version</strong> identifies the version of UUID to be used (see section 4.1.3 of the RFC). Only versions 0, 1, and 4 are supported. Version 0 generates a nil UUID; version 1 a time-based UUID, and version 4 a pseudo-randomly-generated UUID.</p>
+<p>Version 1 is the default, and is recommended.</p>
+<p>(Note: all pseudo-random-numbers are generated using the high-quality Mersenne Twister algorithm, using the Fortran implementation of <a href="http://www.coyotegulch.com">Scott Robert Ladd</a>.)</p>
+<p><a name="URI"/></p>
+<p>URIs (see <a href="http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2396">RFC 2396</a>) are  Universal Resource Identifiers. A URI is a string, containing several components, which identifies a resource. Very often, this resource is a file, and the URI represents the local or network path to this file.</p>
+<p>For example:</p>
+<p>is a URI pointing to the FoX documentation.</p>
+<p>Equally, however:</p>
+<p>is a URI reference pointing to the FoX configure script (relative to the current directory, or <code>base URI</code>).</p>
+<p>A string which is a URI reference contains several components, some of which are optional.</p>
+<li><code>scheme</code> - eg, <code>http</code></li>
+<li><code>authority</code> - eg, <code>www.uszla.me.uk</code></li>
+<li><code>path</code> - eg, <code>/FoX/DoX/index.html</code></li>
+<p>In addition, a URI reference may contain <code>userinfo</code>, <code>host</code>, <code>port</code>, <code>query</code>, and <code>fragment</code> information. (see the <a href="http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2396">RFC</a> for full details.)</p>
+<p>The FoX URI library provides the following features:</p>
+This is an opaque Fortran type which is used to hold URI information. The functions described below use this type.</p></li>
+This takes one argument, a URI reference, and returns a pointer to a newly-allocated URI object.</p></li>
+<p>If the string provided is not a valid URI reference, then a null pointer is returned; thus this function can be used to check whether a URI is valid.</p>
+This takes one argument, a URI object, and returns the (fully-escaped) string representing that URI.</p></li>
+This takes two arguments, both URI objects, and returns a pointer to a third URI object. It calculates the location of the second URI with reference to the first.</p></li>
+<p>Thus, if the first URI were <code>/FoX/DoX</code>, and the second <code>../DoX2/index.html</code>, then the resulting URI would be <code>/FoX/DoX2/index.html</code></p>
+This takes one argument, a pointer to a URI object, and clears up all memory associated with it.</li>
+<p>For each component a URI might have (<code>scheme</code>, <code>authority</code>, <code>userinfo</code>, <code>host</code>, <code>port</code>, <code>path</code>, <code>query</code>, <code>fragment</code>) there are two functions for extracting the component:</p>
+<li><p><code>hasXXX</code> will return a logical variable according to whether the component is defined. (except for <code>path</code> which is always defined, but may be empty)</p></li>
+<li><p><code>getXXX</code> will return a string containing the value of the component. (except for <code>port</code> which is returned as an integer.</p></li>
+<p>Thus, listing these functions in full:</p>
+Is there a scheme associated with the URI?</p></li>
+Return the value of the scheme</p></li>
+Is there an authority associated with the URI?</p></li>
+Return the value of the authority</p></li>
+Is there userinfo associated with the URI?</p></li>
+Return the value of the userinfo</p></li>
+Is there a host associated with the URI?</p></li>
+Return the value of the host</p></li>
+Is there a port associated with the URI?</p></li>
+Return the value of the port</p></li>
+Return the value of the path</p></li>
+Is there a query associated with the URI?</p></li>
+Return the value of the query</p></li>
+Is there a fragment associated with the URI?</p></li>
+Return the value of the fragment</p></li>
diff --git a/DoX/FoX_utils.md b/DoX/FoX_utils.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f192578
--- /dev/null
+++ b/DoX/FoX_utils.md
@@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
+`FoX_utils` is a collection of general utility functions that the rest of FoX depends on, but which may be of independent use. They are documented here.
+All functions are accessible from the `FoX_utils` module. 
+NB Unlike the APIs of WXML, WCML, and SAX, the UTILS APIs may not remain constant between FoX versions. While some effort will be expended to ensure they don't change unnecessarily, no guarantees are made.
+For any end-users interested in the code who are worried about interface changes, it is recommended that the  relevant code (all found in the `utils/` directory be lifted directly and imported into other projects, rather than accessed through the FoX interfaces.
+Two sets of utility functions are provided; one concerned with [UUID](#UUID)s, and a set concerned with [URI](#URI)s.
+<a name="UUID"/>
+## UUID
+UUIDs (see [RFC 4122](http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4122)) are  Universally Unique IDentifiers. They are a 128-bit number, represented as a 36-character string. For example:
+     f81d4fae-7dec-11d0-a765-00a0c91e6bf6
+The intention of UUIDs is to enable distributed systems to uniquely identify information without significant central coordination. Thus, anyone can create a UUID and use it to identify something with reasonable confidence that the identifier will never be unintentionally used by anyone for anything else.
+This property also makes them useful as Uniform Resource Names, to refer to a given document without requiring a position in a particular URI scheme. Thus the above UUID could be referred to as
+    urn:uuid:f81d4fae-7dec-11d0-a765-00a0c91e6bf6
+UUIDs are used by WCML to ensure that every document generated has a unique ID. This enables users to go back later on and have confidence that they are examining the same document, regardless of where it might have ended up in file-system hierarchies or databases.
+In addition, UUIDs come in several flavours, one of which stores the time of creation to 100-nanosecond accuracy. This can later be extracted (see, for example [this service](http://www.famkruithof.net/uuid/uuidgen?typeReq=-1)) to verify creation time.
+This may well be useful for other XML document types, or indeed in non-XML applications. Thus, UUIDs may be generated by the following function, with one optional argument.
+* `generate_UUID`  
+**version**: *integer*
+This function returns a 36-character string containing the UUID.
+**version** identifies the version of UUID to be used (see section 4.1.3 of the RFC). Only versions 0, 1, and 4 are supported. Version 0 generates a nil UUID; version 1 a time-based UUID, and version 4 a pseudo-randomly-generated UUID.
+Version 1 is the default, and is recommended.
+(Note: all pseudo-random-numbers are generated using the high-quality Mersenne Twister algorithm, using the Fortran implementation of [Scott Robert Ladd](http://www.coyotegulch.com).)
+<a name="URI"/>
+## URI
+URIs (see [RFC 2396](http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2396)) are  Universal Resource Identifiers. A URI is a string, containing several components, which identifies a resource. Very often, this resource is a file, and the URI represents the local or network path to this file.
+For example:
+    http://www.uszla.me.uk/FoX/DoX/index.html
+is a URI pointing to the FoX documentation.
+Equally, however:
+    FoX/configure
+is a URI reference pointing to the FoX configure script (relative to the current directory, or `base URI`).
+A string which is a URI reference contains several components, some of which are optional.
+* `scheme` - eg, `http`
+* `authority` - eg, `www.uszla.me.uk`
+* `path` - eg, `/FoX/DoX/index.html`
+In addition, a URI reference may contain `userinfo`, `host`, `port`, `query`, and `fragment` information. (see the [RFC](http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2396) for full details.)
+The FoX URI library provides the following features:
+* `type(URI)`
+This is an opaque Fortran type which is used to hold URI information. The functions described below use this type.
+* `parseURI`
+This takes one argument, a URI reference, and returns a pointer to a newly-allocated URI object.
+If the string provided is not a valid URI reference, then a null pointer is returned; thus this function can be used to check whether a URI is valid.
+* `expressURI`
+This takes one argument, a URI object, and returns the (fully-escaped) string representing that URI.
+* `rebaseURI`
+This takes two arguments, both URI objects, and returns a pointer to a third URI object. It calculates the location of the second URI with reference to the first.
+Thus, if the first URI were `/FoX/DoX`, and the second `../DoX2/index.html`, then the resulting URI would be `/FoX/DoX2/index.html`
+* `destroyURI`
+This takes one argument, a pointer to a URI object, and clears up all memory associated with it.
+For each component a URI might have (`scheme`, `authority`, `userinfo`, `host`, `port`, `path`, `query`, `fragment`) there are two functions for extracting the component:
+* `hasXXX` will return a logical variable according to whether the component is defined. (except for `path` which is always defined, but may be empty)
+* `getXXX` will return a string containing the value of the component. (except for `port` which is returned as an integer.
+Thus, listing these functions in full:
+* `hasScheme`
+Is there a scheme associated with the URI?
+* `getScheme`
+Return the value of the scheme
+* `hasAuthority`
+Is there an authority associated with the URI?
+* `getAuthority`
+Return the value of the authority
+* `hasUserinfo`
+Is there userinfo associated with the URI?
+* `getUserinfo`
+Return the value of the userinfo
+* `hasHost`
+Is there a host associated with the URI?
+* `getHost`
+Return the value of the host
+* `hasPort`
+Is there a port associated with the URI?
+* `getPort`
+Return the value of the port
+* `getPath`
+Return the value of the path
+* `hasQuery`
+Is there a query associated with the URI?
+* `getQuery`
+Return the value of the query
+* `hasFragment`
+Is there a fragment associated with the URI?
+* `getFragment`
+Return the value of the fragment
diff --git a/DoX/FoX_wcml.html b/DoX/FoX_wcml.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a32285a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/DoX/FoX_wcml.html
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+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
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+  <title>FoX_wcml</title>
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+<p>WCML is a library for outputting <a href="http://www.xml-cml.org">CML</a> data. It wraps all the necessary XML calls, such that you should never need to touch any <a href="FoX_wxml.html">WXML</a> calls when outputting CML.</p>
+<p>The CML output is conformant to version 2.4 of the CML schema.</p>
+<p>The available functions and their intended use are listed below. Quite deliberately, no reference is made to the actual CML output by each function. </p>
+<p>Wcml is <em>not</em> intended to be a generalized Fortran CML output layer. rather it is intended to be a library which allows the output of a limited set of well-defined syntactical fragments.</p>
+<p>Further information on these fragments, and on the style of CML generated here, is available at <a href="http://www.uszla.me.uk/specs/subset.html">http://www.uszla.me.uk/specs/subset.html</a>.</p>
+<p>This section of the manual will detail the available CML output subroutines.</p>
+<h2>Use of WCML</h2>
+<p>wcml subroutines can be accessed from within a module or subroutine by inserting</p>
+<pre><code> use FoX_wcml
+<p>at the start. This will import all of the subroutines described below, plus the derived type <code>xmlf_t</code> needed to manipulate a CML file.</p>
+<p><em>No</em> other entities will be imported; public/private Fortran namespaces are very carefully  controlled within the library.</p>
+<p>The use of dictionaries with WCML is strongly encouraged. (For those not conversant with dictionaries, a fairly detailed explanation is available at <a href="http://www.xml-cml.org/information/dictionaries">http://www.xml-cml.org/information/dictionaries</a>)</p>
+<p>In brief, dictionaries are used in two ways.</p>
+<p>Firstly, to identify and disambiguate output data. Every output function below takes an optional argument, <code>dictRef=""</code>. It is intended that every piece of data output is tagged with a dictionary reference, which will look something like <code>nameOfCode:nameOfThing</code>. </p>
+<p>So, for example, in SIESTA, all the energies are output with different dictRefs, looking like: <code>siesta:KohnShamEnergy</code>, or <code>siesta:kineticEnergy</code>, etc. By doing this, we can ensure that later on all these numbers can be usefully identified.</p>
+<p>We hope that ultimately, dictionaries can be written for codes, which will explain what some of these names might mean. However, it is not in any way necessary that this be done - and using <code>dictRef</code> attributes will help merely by giving the ability to disambiguate otherwise indistinguishable quantities.</p>
+<p>We strongly recommend this course of action - if you choose to do follow our recommendation, then you should add a suitable Namespace to your code. That is, immediately <em>after</em> <code>cmlBeginFile</code> and <em>before</em> <code>cmlStartCml</code>, you should add something like:</p>
+<pre><code>call cmlAddNamespace(xf=xf, 'nameOfCode', 'WebPageOfCode')
+<p>Again, for SIESTA, we add:</p>
+<pre><code>call cmlAddNamespace(xf, 'siesta, 'http://www.uam.es/siesta')
+<p>If you don't have a webpage for your code, don't worry; the address is only used as an identifier, so anything that looks like a URL, and which nobody else is using, will suffice.</p>
+<p>Secondly, we use dictionaries for units. This is compulsory (unlike <code>dictRef</code>s above). Any numerical quantity that is output through cmlAddProperty or cmlAddParameter is <em>required</em> to carry units. These are added with the <code>units=""</code> argument to the function. In addition, every other function below which will take numerical arguments also will take optional units, although default will be used if no units are supplied.</p>
+<p>Further details are supplied in section <a href="#Units">Units</a> below.</p>
+<h3>General naming conventions for functions.</h3>
+<p>Functions are named in the following way:</p>
+<li><p>All functions begin 
+<li><p>To begin and end a section of the CML file,
+a pair of functions will exist:</p>
+<li><p>To output a given quantity/property/concept etc. a function will exist
+<h3>Conventions used below.</h3>
+<li>Function names are in <code>monospace</code></li>
+<li>argument names are in <strong>bold</strong></li>
+<li>optional argument names are in (<strong>parenthesized bold</strong>)</li>
+<li>argument types are in <em>italic</em> and may consist of:</li>
+<li><em>string</em>: string of arbitrary (unless otherwise specified) length</li>
+<li><em>integer</em>: default integer</li>
+<li><em>real(sp)</em>: single precision real number</li>
+<li><em>real(dp)</em>: double precision real number</li>
+<li><em>logical</em>: default logical </li>
+<li><em>real</em>: either of <em>real(sp)</em> or <em>real(dp)</em></li>
+<li><em>anytype</em>: any of <em>logical</em>, <em>integer</em>, <em>real(sp)</em>, <em>real(dp)</em>, <em>string</em></li>
+<p>Note that where <em>strings</em> are passed in, they will be passed through entirely unchanged to the output file - no truncation of whitespace will occur.</p>
+<p>Also note that wherever a <em>real</em> number can be passed in (including through <em>anytype</em>) then the formatting can be specified using the conventions described in <a href="StringFormatting.html">StringFormatting</a></p>
+<li><em>scalar</em>: single item</li>
+<li><em>array</em>: one-dimensional array of items</li>
+<li><em>matrix</em>: two-dimensional array of items</li>
+<li><em>anydim</em>: any of <em>scalar</em>, <em>array</em>, <em>matrix</em></li>
+<p>Where an <em>array</em> is passed in, it may be passed either as an assumed-shape array; that is, as an F90-style array with no necessity for specifying bounds; thusly:</p>
+<pre><code>integer :: array(50)
+call cmlAddProperty(xf, 'coords', array)
+<p>or as an assumed-size array; that is, an F77-style array, in which case the length must be passed as an additional parameter:</p>
+<pre><code>integer :: array(*)
+call cmlAddProperty(xf, 'coords', array, nitems=50)
+<p>Similarly, when a <em>matrix</em> is passed in, it may be passed in both fashions:</p>
+<pre><code>integer :: matrix(50, 50)
+call cmlAddProperty(xf, 'coords', matrix)
+<p>or </p>
+<pre><code>integer :: array(3, *)
+call cmlAddProperty(xf, 'coords', matrix, nrows=3, ncols=50)
+<p>All functions take as their first argument an XML file object, whose keyword is always <code>xf</code>. This file object is initialized by a <code>cmlBeginFile</code> function.</p>
+<p>It is <em>highly</em> recommended that subroutines be called with keywords specified rather than relying on the implicit ordering of arguments. This is robust against changes in the library calling convention; and also stepsides a significant cause of errors when using subroutines with large numbers of arguments.</p>
+<p><a name="Units"/></p>
+<p>Note below that the functions <code>cmlAddParameter</code> and <code>cmlAddProperty</code> both <em>require</em> that units be specified for any numerical quantities output.</p>
+<p>If you are trying to output a quantity that is genuinely dimensionless, then you should specify <code>units="units:dimensionless"</code>; or if you are trying to output a countable quantity (eg number of CPUs) then you may specify <code>units="units:countable"</code>.</p>
+<p>For other properties, all units should be specified as namespaced quantities. If you are using
+a very few common units, it may be easiest to borrow definitions from the provided dictionaries;</p>
+<p>(These links do not resolve yet.)</p>
+<p><code>cmlUnits: http://www.xml-cml.org/units/units</code> <br />
+<code>siUnits: http://www.xml-cml.org/units/siUnits</code> <br />
+<code>atomicUnits: http://www.xml-cml.org/units/atomic</code>  </p>
+<p>A default units dictionary, containing only the very basic units that wcml needs to know about, which has a namespace of: <code>http://www.uszla.me.uk/FoX/units</code>, and wcml assigns it automatically to the prefix <code>units</code>.</p>
+<p>This is added <em>automatically</em>, so attempts to add it manually will fail.</p>
+<p>The contents of all of these dictionaries, plus the wcml dictionary, may be viewed at:
+<a href="http://www.uszla.me.uk/unitsviz/units.cgi">http://www.uszla.me.uk/unitsviz/units.cgi</a>.</p>
+<p>Otherwise, you should feel at liberty to construct your own namespace;
+declare it using <code>cmlAddNamespace</code>, and markup all your units as:</p>
+<pre><code> units="myNamespace:myunit"
+<h2>Functions for manipulating the CML file:</h2>
+<li><code>cmlBeginFile</code> <br />
+<strong>filename</strong>: <em>string</em> <em>scalar</em>: Filename to be opened. <br />
+<strong>unit</strong>: <em>integer</em> <em>scalar</em>: what unit number should the file be opened on? If you don't
+care, you may specify <code>-1</code> as the unit number, in which case wcml will make a guess <br />
+(<strong>replace</strong>): <em>logical</em> <em>scalar</em>: should the file be replaced if it already exists? <em>default: yes</em></li>
+<p>This takes care of all calls to open a CML output file.</p>
+<p>This takes care of all calls to close an open CML output file, once you have finished with it. It is compulsory to call this - if your program finished without calling this, then your CML file will be invalid.</p>
+<li><code>cmlAddNamespace</code> <br />
+<strong>prefix</strong> <em>string</em> <em>scalar</em>: prefix to be used <br />
+<strong>nsURI</strong> <em>string</em> <em>scalar</em>: namespace URI to be used  </li>
+<p>This adds a namespace to a CML file. <br />
+NB This may only ever be called immediately after a <code>cmlBeginFile</code> call, before any
+output has been performed.
+Attempts to do otherwise will result in a runtime error.</p>
+<p>This will be needed if you are adding dictionary references to your output. Thus for siesta, we do:</p>
+<pre><code>call cmlAddNamespace(xf, 'siesta', 'http://www.uam.es/siesta')
+<p>and then output all our properties and parameters with <code>dictRef="siesta:something"</code>.</p>
+<li><p><code>cmlStartCml</code> <br />
+(<strong>fileId</strong>) <em>string</em> <em>scalar</em>: name of originating file.  (default: current filename) <br />
+(<strong>version</strong>) <em>string</em> <em>scalar</em>: version of CML in use.  (default: 2.4)</p></li>
+<p>This pair of functions begin and end the CML output to an existing CML file. It takes care of namespaces.</p>
+<p>Note that unless specified otherwise, there will be a <code>convention</code> attribute added to the <code>cml</code> tag specifying <code>FoX_wcml-2.0</code> as the convention. (see <a href="http://www.uszla.me.uk/FoX">http://www.uszla.me.uk/FoX</a> for details)</p>
+<h2>Start/End sections</h2>
+<li><p><code>cmlStartMetadataList</code> <br />
+(<strong>name</strong>) <em>string</em> <em>scalar</em>: name for the metadata list <br />
+(<strong>role</strong>) <em>string</em> <em>scalar</em> role which the element plays </p></li>
+<p>This pair of functions open & close a metadataList, which is a wrapper for metadata items.</p>
+<li><p><code>cmlStartParameterList</code> <br />
+(<strong>ref</strong>) <em>string</em> <em>scalar</em>: Reference an <code>id</code> attribute of another element (generally deprecated) <br />
+(<strong>role</strong>) <em>string</em> <em>scalar</em> role which the element plays </p></li>
+<p>This pair of functions open & close a parameterList, which is a wrapper for input parameters.</p>
+<li><p><code>cmlStartPropertyList</code> <br />
+(<strong>ref</strong>) <em>string</em> <em>scalar</em>: Reference an <code>id</code> attribute of another element (generally deprecated) <br />
+(<strong>role</strong>) <em>string</em> <em>scalar</em> role which the element plays </p></li>
+<p>This pair of functions open & close a propertyList, which is a wrapper for output properties.</p>
+<p>Start/end a list of k-points (added using <code>cmlAddKpoint</code> below)</p>
+<li><code>cmlStartModule</code> <br />
+(<strong>serial</strong>) <em>string</em> <em>scalar</em>: serial id for the module <br />
+(<strong>role</strong>) <em>string</em> <em>scalar</em> role which the element plays </li>
+<p>Note that in most cases where you might want to use a serial number, you should probably be using the <code>cmlStartStep</code> subroutine below.</p>
+<p>This pair of functions open & close a module of a computation which is unordered, or loosely-ordered. For example, METADISE uses one module for each surface examined.</p>
+<li><p><code>cmlStartStep</code> <br />
+(<strong>index</strong>) <em>integer</em> <em>scalar</em>: index number for the step. In the absence of an index, steps will be assumed to be consecutively numbered. Specifying this is useful if you wish to output <em>eg</em> every hundredth step. <br />
+(<strong>type</strong>) <em>string</em> <em>scalar</em>: what sort of step is this? This should be a namespaced string, for example: <code>siesta:CG</code> is a Conjugate Gradient step in siesta.</p></li>
+<p>This pair of functions open and close a module of a computation which is strongly ordered. For example, DLPOLY uses steps for each step of the simulation.</p>
+<h2>Adding items.</h2>
+<li><code>cmlAddMetadata</code> <br />
+<strong>name</strong>: <em>string</em> <em>scalar</em>: Identifying string for metadata <br />
+<strong>content</strong>: <em>character</em> <em>scalar</em>: Content of metadata  </li>
+<p>This adds a single item of metadata. Metadata vocabulary is completely uncontrolled within WCML. This means that metadata values may <em>only</em> be strings of characters. If you need your values to contain numbers, then you need to define the representation yourself, and construct your own strings.</p>
+<li><code>cmlAddParameter</code> <br />
+<strong>name</strong>: <em>string</em> <em>scalar</em>: Identifying title for parameter <br />
+<strong>value</strong>:<em>anytype</em> <em>anydim</em>: value of parameter <br />
+<strong>units</strong>: <em>string</em> <em>scalar</em>: units of parameter value  (optional for logical/character <strong>value</strong>s, compulsory otherwise; see note above) <br />
+(<strong>constraint</strong>) <em>string</em> <em>scalar</em>: Constraint under which the parameter is set (this can be an arbitrary string) <br />
+(<strong>ref</strong>) <em>string</em> <em>scalar</em>: Reference an <code>id</code> attribute of another element (generally deprecated) <br />
+(<strong>role</strong>) <em>string</em> <em>scalar</em> role which the element plays </li>
+<p>This function adds a tag representing an input parameter</p>
+<li><code>cmlAddProperty</code> <br />
+<strong>title</strong>: <em>string</em> <em>scalar</em> <br />
+<strong>value</strong>: <em>any</em> <em>anydim</em> <br />
+<strong>units</strong>: <em>string</em> <em>scalar</em> units of property value  (optional for logical/character <strong>value</strong>s, compulsory otherwise; see note above) <br />
+(<strong>ref</strong>) <em>string</em> <em>scalar</em>: Reference an <code>id</code> attribute of another element (generally deprecated) <br />
+(<strong>role</strong>) <em>string</em> <em>scalar</em> role which the element plays </li>
+<p>This function adds a tag representing an output property</p>
+<h2>Adding geometry information</h2>
+<li><code>cmlAddMolecule</code> <br />
+<strong>coords</strong>: <em>real</em>: a 3xn matrix of real numbers representing atomic coordinates (either fractional or Cartesian) . These <em>must</em> be specified in Angstrom or fractional units (see <strong>style</strong> below.) <br />
+<strong>OR</strong> <br />
+<strong>x</strong>, <strong>y</strong>, <strong>z</strong>: <em>real</em>: 3 one-dimensional arrays containing the <em>x</em>, <em>y</em>, and <em>z</em> coordinates of the atoms in the molecule.  These <em>must</em> be specified in Angstrom or fractional units (see <strong>style</strong> below.) <br />
+<strong>elements</strong>: <em>string</em> <em>array</em>: a length-n array of length-2 strings containing IUPAC chemical symbols for the atoms <br />
+(<strong>natoms</strong>) <em>integer</em> <em>scalar</em>: number of atoms in molecule (default: picked up from length of <strong>coords</strong> array) <br />
+(<strong>occupancies</strong>): <em>real</em> <em>array</em> : a length-n array of the occupancies of each atom. <br />
+(<strong>atomRefs</strong>): <em>string</em> <em>array</em>: a length-n array of strings containing references which may point to IDs elsewhere of, for example, pseudopotentials or basis sets defining the element's behaviour. <br />
+(<strong>atomIds</strong>): <em>string</em> <em>array</em>: a length-n array of strings containing IDs for the atoms. <br />
+(<strong>style</strong>): <em>string</em> <em>scalar</em>: <code>cartesian</code> - the coordinates are Cartesian, or <code>fractional</code> - the coordinates are fractional. The default is Cartesian. <br />
+(<strong>ref</strong>) <em>string</em> <em>scalar</em>: Reference an <code>id</code> attribute of another element (generally deprecated) <br />
+(<strong>formula</strong>) <em>string</em> <em>scalar</em>: An IUPAC chemical formula <br />
+(<strong>chirality</strong>) <em>string</em> <em>scalar</em>: The chirality of the molecule. No defined vocabulary. <br />
+(<strong>role</strong>) <em>string</em> <em>scalar</em>: Role of molecule. No defined vocabulary. <br />
+(<strong>bondAtom1Refs</strong>) <em>string</em> <em>array</em>: Length-m array of references to atomIds at one "end" of a list of bonds. <br />
+(<strong>bondAtom2Refs</strong>) <em>string</em> <em>array</em>: Length-m array of references to atomIds at another "end" of a list of bonds. <br />
+(<strong>bondOrders</strong>) <em>string</em> <em>array</em>: Length-m array of bond orders. See below. <br />
+(<strong>bondIds</strong>) <em>string</em> <em>array</em>: Length-m array of strings containing IDs for bonds. <br />
+(<strong>nobondcheck</strong>) <em>logical</em> <em>scalar</em>: Enable (.true., the default) of dissable (.false.) bond validition.   </li>
+<p>Outputs an atomic configuration. Bonds may be added using the optional arguments <strong>bondAtom1Refs</strong>, <strong>bondAtom2Refs</strong> and <strong>bondOrders</strong>. All these arrays must be the same lenght and all must be present if bonds are to be added. Optionally, <strong>bondIds</strong> can be used to add Ids to the bond elements. Some valididity constraints are imposed (atomsRefs in the bonds must be defined, bonds cannot be added twice). The meaning of the terms "mo [...]
+<li><code>cmlAddLattice</code> <br />
+<strong>cell</strong>: <em>real</em> <em>matrix</em> a 3x3 matrix of the unit cell <br />
+(<strong>spaceType</strong>): <em>string</em> <em>scalar</em>: <code>real</code> or <code>reciprocal</code> space. <br />
+(<strong>latticeType</strong>): <em>string</em> <em>scalar</em> Space group of the lattice. No defined vocabulary <br />
+(<strong>units</strong>): <em>string</em> <em>scalar</em> units of (reciprocal) distance that cell vectors is given in;
+<em>default: Angstrom</em></li>
+<p>Outputs information about a unit cell, in lattice-vector form</p>
+<li><code>cmlAddCrystal</code> <br />
+<strong>a</strong>: <em>real</em> <em>scalar</em> the 'a' parameter (must be in Angstrom) <br />
+<strong>b</strong>: <em>real</em> <em>scalar</em> the 'b' parameter <br />
+<strong>c</strong>: <em>real</em> <em>scalar</em> the 'c' parameter <br />
+<strong>alpha</strong>: <em>real</em> <em>scalar</em> the 'alpha' parameter <br />
+<strong>beta</strong>: <em>real</em> <em>scalar</em> the 'beta' parameter <br />
+<strong>gamma</strong>: <em>real</em> <em>scalar</em> the 'gamma' parameter <br />
+(<strong>z</strong>): <em>integer</em> <em>scalar</em> the 'z' parameter: number of molecules per unit cell. <br />
+(<strong>lenunits</strong>): <em>string</em> <em>scalar</em>: Units of length: default is <code>units:angstrom</code> <br />
+(<strong>angunits</strong>): <em>string</em> <em>scalar</em>: Units of angle: default is <code>units:degrees</code> <br />
+(<strong>lenfmt</strong>): <em>string</em> <em>scalar</em>: format for crystal lengths <br />
+(<strong>angfmt</strong>): <em>string</em> <em>scalar</em>: format for crystal angles <br />
+(<strong>spaceGroup</strong>): <em>string</em> <em>scalar</em> Space group of the crystal. No defined vocabulary.</li>
+<p>Outputs information about a unit cell, in crystallographic form</p>
+<h2>Adding eigen-information</h2>
+<li><code>cmlStartKPoint</code> <br />
+<strong>kpoint</strong>: <em>real</em> <em>array-3</em> the reciprocal-space coordinates of the k-point <br />
+(<strong>weight</strong>): <em>real</em> <em>scalar</em> the weight of the kpoint <br />
+(<strong>kptfmt</strong>): <em>string</em> <em>scalar</em> numerical formatting for the k-point <br />
+(<strong>wtfmt</strong>): <em>string</em> <em>scalar</em> numerical formatting for the weight</li>
+<p>Start a kpoint section.</p>
+<li><code>cmlEndKPoint</code>  </li>
+<p>End a kpoint section.</p>
+<li><code>cmlAddKPoint</code> <br />
+<strong>kpoint</strong>: <em>real</em> <em>array-3</em> the reciprocal-space coordinates of the k-point <br />
+(<strong>weight</strong>): <em>real</em> <em>scalar</em> the weight of the kpoint <br />
+(<strong>kptfmt</strong>): <em>string</em> <em>scalar</em> numerical formatting for the k-point <br />
+(<strong>wtfmt</strong>): <em>string</em> <em>scalar</em> numerical formatting for the weight</li>
+<p>Add an empty kpoint section.</p>
+<li><code>cmlStartBand</code> <br />
+(<strong>spin</strong>): <em>string</em> <em>scalar</em> the spin of this band. Must be either "up" or "down" <br />
+(<strong>label</strong>): the label of this band.</li>
+<p>Start a section describing one band.</p>
+<p>End a section describing one band.</p>
+<li><code>cmlAddEigenValue</code> <br />
+<strong>value</strong>: <em>real</em> <em>scalar</em> the eigenvalue <br />
+<strong>units</strong>: <em>QName</em> <em>scalar</em> the units of the eigenvalue</li>
+<p>Add a single eigenvalue to a band.</p>
+<li><code>cmlAddBandList</code> <br />
+<strong>values</strong>: <em>real</em> <em>array</em> the eigenvalues <br />
+<strong>spin</strong>: <em>string</em> <em>scalar</em> the spin orientation ("up" or "down") <br />
+<strong>units</strong>: <em>QName</em> <em>scalar</em> the units of the eigenvalue</li>
+<p>Add a list of eigenvalues for a kpoint</p>
+<strong>value</strong>: <em>real</em> <em>scalar</em> the eigenvalue for this band <br />
+<strong>units</strong>: <em>QName</em> <em>scalar</em> the units of the eigenvalue <br />
+<strong>vector</strong>: <em>real/complex</em> <em>3xN matrix</em> the eigenvectors for this band <br />
+(<strong>valfmt</strong>): <em>string</em> <em>scalar</em> numerical formatting for the eigenvalue <br />
+(<strong>vecfmt</strong>): <em>string</em> <em>scalar</em> numerical formatting for the eigenvector</li>
+<p>Add a phononic eigenpoint to the band - which has a single energy, and a 3xN matrix representing the eigenvector.</p>
+<h2>Common arguments</h2>
+<p>All <code>cmlAdd</code> and <code>cmlStart</code> routines take the following set of optional arguments:</p>
+<li><code>id</code>: Unique identifying string for element. (Uniqueness is not enforced, though duplicated ids on output are usually an error and may cause later problems)  </li>
+<li><code>title</code>: Human-readable title of element for display purposes  </li>
+<li><code>dictRef</code>: reference to disambiguate element. Should be a QName; a namespaced string. An actual dictionary entry may or may not exist. It is not an error for it not to.  </li>
+<li><code>convention</code>: convention by which the element is to be read. <br />
+(The wording of the definitions for <code>convention</code> is deliberately loose.)</li>
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+WCML is a library for outputting [CML](http://www.xml-cml.org) data. It wraps all the necessary XML calls, such that you should never need to touch any [WXML](|FoX_wxml|) calls when outputting CML.
+The CML output is conformant to version 2.4 of the CML schema.
+The available functions and their intended use are listed below. Quite deliberately, no reference is made to the actual CML output by each function. 
+Wcml is *not* intended to be a generalized Fortran CML output layer. rather it is intended to be a library which allows the output of a limited set of well-defined syntactical fragments.
+Further information on these fragments, and on the style of CML generated here, is available at <http://www.uszla.me.uk/specs/subset.html>.
+This section of the manual will detail the available CML output subroutines.
+## Use of WCML
+wcml subroutines can be accessed from within a module or subroutine by inserting
+     use FoX_wcml
+at the start. This will import all of the subroutines described below, plus the derived type `xmlf_t` needed to manipulate a CML file.
+*No* other entities will be imported; public/private Fortran namespaces are very carefully  controlled within the library.
+## Dictionaries.
+The use of dictionaries with WCML is strongly encouraged. (For those not conversant with dictionaries, a fairly detailed explanation is available at <http://www.xml-cml.org/information/dictionaries>)
+In brief, dictionaries are used in two ways.
+### Identification
+Firstly, to identify and disambiguate output data. Every output function below takes an optional argument, `dictRef=""`. It is intended that every piece of data output is tagged with a dictionary reference, which will look something like `nameOfCode:nameOfThing`. 
+So, for example, in SIESTA, all the energies are output with different dictRefs, looking like: `siesta:KohnShamEnergy`, or `siesta:kineticEnergy`, etc. By doing this, we can ensure that later on all these numbers can be usefully identified.
+We hope that ultimately, dictionaries can be written for codes, which will explain what some of these names might mean. However, it is not in any way necessary that this be done - and using `dictRef` attributes will help merely by giving the ability to disambiguate otherwise indistinguishable quantities.
+We strongly recommend this course of action - if you choose to do follow our recommendation, then you should add a suitable Namespace to your code. That is, immediately *after* `cmlBeginFile` and *before* `cmlStartCml`, you should add something like:
+    call cmlAddNamespace(xf=xf, 'nameOfCode', 'WebPageOfCode')
+Again, for SIESTA, we add:
+    call cmlAddNamespace(xf, 'siesta, 'http://www.uam.es/siesta')
+If you don't have a webpage for your code, don't worry; the address is only used as an identifier, so anything that looks like a URL, and which nobody else is using, will suffice.
+Secondly, we use dictionaries for units. This is compulsory (unlike `dictRef`s above). Any numerical quantity that is output through cmlAddProperty or cmlAddParameter is *required* to carry units. These are added with the `units=""` argument to the function. In addition, every other function below which will take numerical arguments also will take optional units, although default will be used if no units are supplied.
+Further details are supplied in section [Units](#Units) below.
+### General naming conventions for functions.
+Functions are named in the following way:
+* All functions begin 
+* To begin and end a section of the CML file,
+a pair of functions will exist:
+	* `cmlStart`something
+	* `cmlEnd`something
+* To output a given quantity/property/concept etc. a function will exist
+###Conventions used below.
+* Function names are in `monospace`
+* argument names are in **bold**
+* optional argument names are in (**parenthesized bold**)
+* argument types are in *italic* and may consist of:
+* *string*: string of arbitrary (unless otherwise specified) length
+* *integer*: default integer
+* *real(sp)*: single precision real number
+* *real(dp)*: double precision real number
+* *logical*: default logical 
+* *real*: either of *real(sp)* or *real(dp)*
+* *anytype*: any of *logical*, *integer*, *real(sp)*, *real(dp)*, *string*
+Note that where *strings* are passed in, they will be passed through entirely unchanged to the output file - no truncation of whitespace will occur.
+Also note that wherever a *real* number can be passed in (including through *anytype*) then the formatting can be specified using the conventions described in [StringFormatting](|StringFormatting|)
+* *scalar*: single item
+* *array*: one-dimensional array of items
+* *matrix*: two-dimensional array of items
+* *anydim*: any of *scalar*, *array*, *matrix*
+Where an *array* is passed in, it may be passed either as an assumed-shape array; that is, as an F90-style array with no necessity for specifying bounds; thusly:
+	integer :: array(50)
+	call cmlAddProperty(xf, 'coords', array)
+or as an assumed-size array; that is, an F77-style array, in which case the length must be passed as an additional parameter:
+	integer :: array(*)
+	call cmlAddProperty(xf, 'coords', array, nitems=50)
+Similarly, when a *matrix* is passed in, it may be passed in both fashions:
+	integer :: matrix(50, 50)
+	call cmlAddProperty(xf, 'coords', matrix)
+	integer :: array(3, *)
+	call cmlAddProperty(xf, 'coords', matrix, nrows=3, ncols=50)
+All functions take as their first argument an XML file object, whose keyword is always `xf`. This file object is initialized by a `cmlBeginFile` function.
+It is *highly* recommended that subroutines be called with keywords specified rather than relying on the implicit ordering of arguments. This is robust against changes in the library calling convention; and also stepsides a significant cause of errors when using subroutines with large numbers of arguments.
+<a name="Units"/>
+### Units
+Note below that the functions `cmlAddParameter` and `cmlAddProperty` both *require* that units be specified for any numerical quantities output.
+If you are trying to output a quantity that is genuinely dimensionless, then you should specify `units="units:dimensionless"`; or if you are trying to output a countable quantity (eg number of CPUs) then you may specify `units="units:countable"`.
+For other properties, all units should be specified as namespaced quantities. If you are using
+a very few common units, it may be easiest to borrow definitions from the provided dictionaries;
+(These links do not resolve yet.)
+`cmlUnits: http://www.xml-cml.org/units/units`  
+`siUnits: http://www.xml-cml.org/units/siUnits`  
+`atomicUnits: http://www.xml-cml.org/units/atomic`  
+A default units dictionary, containing only the very basic units that wcml needs to know about, which has a namespace of: `http://www.uszla.me.uk/FoX/units`, and wcml assigns it automatically to the prefix `units`.
+This is added *automatically*, so attempts to add it manually will fail.
+The contents of all of these dictionaries, plus the wcml dictionary, may be viewed at:
+Otherwise, you should feel at liberty to construct your own namespace;
+declare it using `cmlAddNamespace`, and markup all your units as:
+     units="myNamespace:myunit"
+## Functions for manipulating the CML file:
+* `cmlBeginFile`   
+**filename**: *string* *scalar*: Filename to be opened.  
+**unit**: *integer* *scalar*: what unit number should the file be opened on? If you don't
+care, you may specify `-1` as the unit number, in which case wcml will make a guess  
+(**replace**): *logical* *scalar*: should the file be replaced if it already exists? *default: yes*
+This takes care of all calls to open a CML output file.
+* `cmlFinishFile`
+This takes care of all calls to close an open CML output file, once you have finished with it. It is compulsory to call this - if your program finished without calling this, then your CML file will be invalid.
+* `cmlAddNamespace`  
+**prefix** *string* *scalar*: prefix to be used  
+**nsURI** *string* *scalar*: namespace URI to be used  
+This adds a namespace to a CML file.  
+NB This may only ever be called immediately after a `cmlBeginFile` call, before any
+output has been performed.
+Attempts to do otherwise will result in a runtime error.
+This will be needed if you are adding dictionary references to your output. Thus for siesta, we do:
+    call cmlAddNamespace(xf, 'siesta', 'http://www.uam.es/siesta')
+and then output all our properties and parameters with `dictRef="siesta:something"`.
+* `cmlStartCml`  
+(**fileId**) *string* *scalar*: name of originating file.  (default: current filename)  
+(**version**) *string* *scalar*: version of CML in use.  (default: 2.4)
+* `cmlEndCml`
+This pair of functions begin and end the CML output to an existing CML file. It takes care of namespaces.
+Note that unless specified otherwise, there will be a `convention` attribute added to the `cml` tag specifying `FoX_wcml-2.0` as the convention. (see <http://www.uszla.me.uk/FoX> for details)
+## Start/End sections
+* `cmlStartMetadataList`  
+(**name**) *string* *scalar*: name for the metadata list    
+(**role**) *string* *scalar* role which the element plays 
+* `cmlEndMetadataList`
+This pair of functions open & close a metadataList, which is a wrapper for metadata items.
+* `cmlStartParameterList`  
+(**ref**) *string* *scalar*: Reference an `id` attribute of another element (generally deprecated)  
+(**role**) *string* *scalar* role which the element plays 
+* `cmlEndParameterList`
+This pair of functions open & close a parameterList, which is a wrapper for input parameters.
+* `cmlStartPropertyList`  
+(**ref**) *string* *scalar*: Reference an `id` attribute of another element (generally deprecated)  
+(**role**) *string* *scalar* role which the element plays 
+* `cmlEndPropertyList`
+This pair of functions open & close a propertyList, which is a wrapper for output properties.
+* `cmlStartKpointList`
+* `cmlEndKpointList`
+Start/end a list of k-points (added using `cmlAddKpoint` below)
+* `cmlStartModule`  
+(**serial**) *string* *scalar*: serial id for the module  
+(**role**) *string* *scalar* role which the element plays 
+Note that in most cases where you might want to use a serial number, you should probably be using the `cmlStartStep` subroutine below.
+* `cmlEndModule`
+This pair of functions open & close a module of a computation which is unordered, or loosely-ordered. For example, METADISE uses one module for each surface examined.
+* `cmlStartStep`  
+(**index**) *integer* *scalar*: index number for the step. In the absence of an index, steps will be assumed to be consecutively numbered. Specifying this is useful if you wish to output *eg* every hundredth step.   
+(**type**) *string* *scalar*: what sort of step is this? This should be a namespaced string, for example: `siesta:CG` is a Conjugate Gradient step in siesta.
+* `cmlEndStep`
+This pair of functions open and close a module of a computation which is strongly ordered. For example, DLPOLY uses steps for each step of the simulation.
+## Adding items.
+* `cmlAddMetadata`  
+**name**: *string* *scalar*: Identifying string for metadata  
+**content**: *character* *scalar*: Content of metadata  
+This adds a single item of metadata. Metadata vocabulary is completely uncontrolled within WCML. This means that metadata values may *only* be strings of characters. If you need your values to contain numbers, then you need to define the representation yourself, and construct your own strings.
+* `cmlAddParameter`  
+**name**: *string* *scalar*: Identifying title for parameter  
+**value**:*anytype* *anydim*: value of parameter  
+**units**: *string* *scalar*: units of parameter value  (optional for logical/character **value**s, compulsory otherwise; see note above)  
+(**constraint**) *string* *scalar*: Constraint under which the parameter is set (this can be an arbitrary string)  
+(**ref**) *string* *scalar*: Reference an `id` attribute of another element (generally deprecated)  
+(**role**) *string* *scalar* role which the element plays 
+This function adds a tag representing an input parameter
+* `cmlAddProperty`  
+**title**: *string* *scalar*  
+**value**: *any* *anydim*  
+**units**: *string* *scalar* units of property value  (optional for logical/character **value**s, compulsory otherwise; see note above)  
+(**ref**) *string* *scalar*: Reference an `id` attribute of another element (generally deprecated)  
+(**role**) *string* *scalar* role which the element plays 
+This function adds a tag representing an output property
+## Adding geometry information
+* `cmlAddMolecule`  
+**coords**: *real*: a 3xn matrix of real numbers representing atomic coordinates (either fractional or Cartesian) . These *must* be specified in Angstrom or fractional units (see **style** below.)  
+**x**, **y**, **z**: *real*: 3 one-dimensional arrays containing the *x*, *y*, and *z* coordinates of the atoms in the molecule.  These *must* be specified in Angstrom or fractional units (see **style** below.)  
+**elements**: *string* *array*: a length-n array of length-2 strings containing IUPAC chemical symbols for the atoms    
+(**natoms**) *integer* *scalar*: number of atoms in molecule (default: picked up from length of **coords** array)  
+(**occupancies**): *real* *array* : a length-n array of the occupancies of each atom.  
+(**atomRefs**): *string* *array*: a length-n array of strings containing references which may point to IDs elsewhere of, for example, pseudopotentials or basis sets defining the element's behaviour.  
+(**atomIds**): *string* *array*: a length-n array of strings containing IDs for the atoms.  
+(**style**): *string* *scalar*: `cartesian` - the coordinates are Cartesian, or `fractional` - the coordinates are fractional. The default is Cartesian.  
+(**ref**) *string* *scalar*: Reference an `id` attribute of another element (generally deprecated)  
+(**formula**) *string* *scalar*: An IUPAC chemical formula  
+(**chirality**) *string* *scalar*: The chirality of the molecule. No defined vocabulary.  
+(**role**) *string* *scalar*: Role of molecule. No defined vocabulary.   
+(**bondAtom1Refs**) *string* *array*: Length-m array of references to atomIds at one "end" of a list of bonds.   
+(**bondAtom2Refs**) *string* *array*: Length-m array of references to atomIds at another "end" of a list of bonds.   
+(**bondOrders**) *string* *array*: Length-m array of bond orders. See below.   
+(**bondIds**) *string* *array*: Length-m array of strings containing IDs for bonds.   
+(**nobondcheck**) *logical* *scalar*: Enable (.true., the default) of dissable (.false.) bond validition.   
+Outputs an atomic configuration. Bonds may be added using the optional arguments **bondAtom1Refs**, **bondAtom2Refs** and **bondOrders**. All these arrays must be the same lenght and all must be present if bonds are to be added. Optionally, **bondIds** can be used to add Ids to the bond elements. Some valididity constraints are imposed (atomsRefs in the bonds must be defined, bonds cannot be added twice). The meaning of the terms "molecule", "bond" and "bond order" is left loosly defined.
+* `cmlAddLattice`   
+**cell**: *real* *matrix* a 3x3 matrix of the unit cell  
+(**spaceType**): *string* *scalar*: `real` or `reciprocal` space.  
+(**latticeType**): *string* *scalar* Space group of the lattice. No defined vocabulary  
+(**units**): *string* *scalar* units of (reciprocal) distance that cell vectors is given in;
+*default: Angstrom*
+Outputs information about a unit cell, in lattice-vector form
+* `cmlAddCrystal`  
+**a**: *real* *scalar* the 'a' parameter (must be in Angstrom)  
+**b**: *real* *scalar* the 'b' parameter  
+**c**: *real* *scalar* the 'c' parameter  
+**alpha**: *real* *scalar* the 'alpha' parameter  
+**beta**: *real* *scalar* the 'beta' parameter  
+**gamma**: *real* *scalar* the 'gamma' parameter  
+(**z**): *integer* *scalar* the 'z' parameter: number of molecules per unit cell.  
+(**lenunits**): *string* *scalar*: Units of length: default is `units:angstrom`    
+(**angunits**): *string* *scalar*: Units of angle: default is `units:degrees`   
+(**lenfmt**): *string* *scalar*: format for crystal lengths  
+(**angfmt**): *string* *scalar*: format for crystal angles  
+(**spaceGroup**): *string* *scalar* Space group of the crystal. No defined vocabulary.
+Outputs information about a unit cell, in crystallographic form
+## Adding eigen-information
+* `cmlStartKPoint`  
+**kpoint**: *real* *array-3* the reciprocal-space coordinates of the k-point  
+(**weight**): *real* *scalar* the weight of the kpoint  
+(**kptfmt**): *string* *scalar* numerical formatting for the k-point  
+(**wtfmt**): *string* *scalar* numerical formatting for the weight
+Start a kpoint section.
+* `cmlEndKPoint`  
+End a kpoint section.
+* `cmlAddKPoint`  
+**kpoint**: *real* *array-3* the reciprocal-space coordinates of the k-point  
+(**weight**): *real* *scalar* the weight of the kpoint  
+(**kptfmt**): *string* *scalar* numerical formatting for the k-point  
+(**wtfmt**): *string* *scalar* numerical formatting for the weight
+Add an empty kpoint section.
+* `cmlStartBand`  
+(**spin**): *string* *scalar* the spin of this band. Must be either "up" or "down"  
+(**label**): the label of this band.
+Start a section describing one band.
+* `cmlEndBand`
+End a section describing one band.
+* `cmlAddEigenValue`  
+**value**: *real* *scalar* the eigenvalue  
+**units**: *QName* *scalar* the units of the eigenvalue
+Add a single eigenvalue to a band.
+* `cmlAddBandList`  
+**values**: *real* *array* the eigenvalues  
+**spin**: *string* *scalar* the spin orientation ("up" or "down")  
+**units**: *QName* *scalar* the units of the eigenvalue
+Add a list of eigenvalues for a kpoint
+* `cmlAddEigenValueVector`
+**value**: *real* *scalar* the eigenvalue for this band  
+**units**: *QName* *scalar* the units of the eigenvalue  
+**vector**: *real/complex* *3xN matrix* the eigenvectors for this band  
+(**valfmt**): *string* *scalar* numerical formatting for the eigenvalue  
+(**vecfmt**): *string* *scalar* numerical formatting for the eigenvector
+Add a phononic eigenpoint to the band - which has a single energy, and a 3xN matrix representing the eigenvector.
+##Common arguments
+All `cmlAdd` and `cmlStart` routines take the following set of optional arguments:
+* `id`: Unique identifying string for element. (Uniqueness is not enforced, though duplicated ids on output are usually an error and may cause later problems)  
+* `title`: Human-readable title of element for display purposes  
+* `dictRef`: reference to disambiguate element. Should be a QName; a namespaced string. An actual dictionary entry may or may not exist. It is not an error for it not to.  
+* `convention`: convention by which the element is to be read.  
+(The wording of the definitions for `convention` is deliberately loose.)
diff --git a/DoX/FoX_wkml.html b/DoX/FoX_wkml.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7e89702
--- /dev/null
+++ b/DoX/FoX_wkml.html
@@ -0,0 +1,441 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">
+<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
+  <title>FoX_wkml</title>
+  <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="DoX.css"/>
+  <div class="DoX">
+<p>WKML is a library for creating <a href="http://www.opengeospatial.org/standards/kml/">KML</a> 
+documents. These documents are intended to be used for "expressing geographic 
+annotation and visualization" for maps and Earth browsers such as 
+<a href="http://earth.google.co.uk/">Google Earth</a> or <a href="http://edu.kde.org/marble/">Marble</a>.
+WKML wraps all the necessary XML calls, such that you should never need to touch any
+<a href="FoX_wxml.html">WXML</a> calls when outputting KML from a Fortran application.</p>
+<p>WKML is intended to produce XML documents that conform to version 2.2 of the Open
+Geospatial Consortium's <a href="http://schemas.opengis.net/kml/2.2.0/ogckml22.xsd">schema</a>.
+However, the library offers no guarantee that documents produced will be valid as 
+only a small subset of the constraints are enforced. The API is designed to minimize 
+the possibilty of producing invalid KML in common use cases, and well-formdness is
+maintained by the underlying WXML library.</p>
+<p>The available functions and their intended use are listed below. One useful reference to
+the use of KML is Google's <a href="http://code.google.com/apis/kml/documentation/">KML documentation</a>.</p>
+<h2>Use of WKML</h2>
+<p>wkml subroutines can be accessed from within a module or subroutine by inserting</p>
+<pre><code> use FoX_wkml
+<p>at the start. This will import all of the subroutines described below, plus the derived type <code>xmlf_t</code> needed to manipulate a KML file.</p>
+<p><em>No</em> other entities will be imported; public/private Fortran namespaces are very carefully controlled within the library.</p>
+<h3>Conventions used below.</h3>
+<li>Function names are in <code>monospace</code></li>
+<li>argument names are in <strong>bold</strong></li>
+<li>optional argument names are in (<strong>parenthesized bold</strong>)  </li>
+<li>argument types are in <em>italic</em> and may consist of:  </li>
+<li><em>string</em>: string of arbitrary (unless otherwise specified) length</li>
+<li><em>integer</em>: default integer</li>
+<li><em>real(sp)</em>: single precision real number</li>
+<li><em>real(dp)</em>: double precision real number</li>
+<li><em>logical</em>: default logical</li>
+<li><em>real</em>: either of <em>real(sp)</em> or <em>real(dp)</em></li>
+<li>arguments may be:</li>
+<li><em>scalar</em>: single item</li>
+<li><em>array</em>: one-dimensional array of items</li>
+<li><em>matrix</em>: two-dimensional array of items</li>
+<li><em>anydim</em>: any of <em>scalar</em>, <em>array</em>, <em>matrix</em></li>
+<p>All functions take as their first argument an XML file object, whose
+keyword is always <code>xf</code>. This file object is initialized by a <code>kmlBeginFile</code> function.</p>
+<p>It is <em>highly</em> recommended that subroutines be called with keywords
+specified rather than relying on the implicit ordering of arguments.
+This is robust against changes in the library calling convention; and 
+also stepsides a significant cause of errors when using subroutines
+with large numbers of arguments.</p>
+<h2>Functions for manipulating the KML file:</h2>
+<li><code>kmlBeginFile</code> <br />
+<strong>fx</strong>: <em>xmlf_t</em>: An XML file object <br />
+<strong>filename</strong>: <em>string</em> <em>scalar</em>: Filename to be opened. <br />
+<strong>unit</strong>: <em>integer</em> <em>scalar</em>: what unit number should the file be opened on? If you don't
+care, you may specify <code>-1</code> as the unit number, in which case wkml will make a guess <br />
+(<strong>replace</strong>): <em>logical</em> <em>scalar</em>: should the file be replaced if it already exists? <em>default: yes</em> <br />
+(<strong>docName</strong>): <em>string</em> <em>scalar</em>: an optional name for the outermost document element. If absent, "WKML output" will be used</li>
+<p>This takes care of all calls to open a KML output file.</p>
+<li><code>kmlFinishFile</code> <br />
+<strong>fx</strong>: <em>xmlf_t</em>: An XML file object </li>
+<p>This takes care of all calls to close an open KML output file, once
+you have finished with it. It is compulsory to call this - if your
+program finished without calling this, then your KML file will be
+<li><code>kmlOpenFolder</code> <br />
+<strong>fx</strong>: <em>xmlf_t</em>: An XML file object <br />
+(<strong>name</strong>): <em>string</em> <em>scalar</em>: an optional name for the new folder. <br />
+(<strong>id</strong>): <em>string</em> <em>scalar</em>: an optional xml id for the new folder. </li>
+<p>This starts a new folder. Folders are used in KML to organize other
+objects into groups, the visability of these groups can be changed 
+in one operation within Google Earth. Folders can be nested.</p>
+<li><code>kmlCloseFolder</code> <br />
+<strong>fx</strong>: <em>xmlf_t</em>: An XML file object </li>
+<p>This closes the current folder. </p>
+<li><code>kmlOpenDocument</code> <br />
+<strong>fx</strong>: <em>xmlf_t</em>: An XML file object <br />
+<strong>name</strong>: <em>string</em> <em>scalar</em>: a name for the new document element. <br />
+(<strong>id</strong>): <em>string</em> <em>scalar</em>: an optional xml id for the new document element. </li>
+<p>This starts a new document element at this point in the output. Note that no
+checks are currently performed to ensure that this is permitted, for example
+only one document is permitted to be a child of the kml root element. Most
+users should not need to use this subroutine.</p>
+<li><code>kmlCloseDocument</code> <br />
+<strong>fx</strong>: <em>xmlf_t</em>: An XML file object </li>
+<p>This closes the current document element. Do not close the outermose document 
+element created with <code>kmlBeginFile</code>, this must be closed with <code>kmlFinishFile</code>.
+Most users should not need to use this subroutine.</p>
+<h2>Functions for producing geometrical objects:</h2>
+<li><code>kmlCreatePoints</code> <br />
+<strong>fx</strong>: <em>xmlf_t</em>: An XML file object <br />
+(<strong>extrude</strong>): <em>logical</em> <em>scalar</em>: If altitude is non-zero, should the point be connected to the ground? <br />
+(<strong>altitudeMode</strong>): <em>logical</em> <em>scalar</em>: If altitude is specified, is it relativeToGround or absolute? <br />
+(<strong>name</strong>): <em>string</em> <em>scalar</em>: A name for the collection of points <br />
+(<strong>color</strong>): <em>color_t</em>: Line colour as a kml color type (See Colours) <br />
+(<strong>colorname</strong>): <em>string</em> <em>scalar</em>: Line colour as a name (See Colours) <br />
+(<strong>colorhex</strong>): <em>string(len=8)</em> <em>scalar</em>: Line colour in hex (See Colours) <br />
+(<strong>scale</strong>): <em>real</em> <em>scalar</em>: Scaling size for the point icon. <br />
+(<strong>description</strong>): <em>string</em> <em>array</em>: A description for each point. <br />
+(<strong>description_numbers</strong>): <em>real</em> <em>array</em>: Numeric description for each point. <br />
+(<strong>styleURL</strong>): <em>string</em> <em>scalar</em>: Location of style specification (see Style Handling) <br />
+<em>and:</em> <br />
+<strong>longitude</strong>: <em>real</em> <em>array</em>: longitude of each point in degrees <br />
+<strong>latitude</strong>: <em>real</em> <em>array</em>: latitude of each point in degrees <br />
+(<strong>altitude</strong>): <em>real</em> <em>array</em>: altitude of each point in metres <br />
+<em>or:</em> <br />
+<strong>location</strong>: <em>real</em> <em>matrix</em>: rank-two 2xN array with the longitude of each point in the first row, and the latitude in the second row. In degrees. <br />
+(<strong>altitude</strong>): <em>real</em> <em>array</em>: altitude of each point in metres <br />
+<em>or:</em> <br />
+<strong>location</strong>: <em>real</em> <em>matrix</em>: rank-two 3xN array with the longitude of each point in the first row, the latitude in the second row, and the altitude in the third row. Longitude and latitude in degrees and altitude in metres.  </li>
+<p>A single function, kmlCreatePoints accepts various combinations of arguments, and will generate a series of individual points to be visualized in Google Earth. In fact, the KML produced will consist of a Folder, containing Placemarks, one for each point. The list of points may be provided in any of the three ways specified above.</p>
+<li><code>kmlCreateLine</code> <br />
+<strong>fx</strong>: <em>xmlf_t</em>: An XML file object <br />
+(<strong>closed</strong>): <em>logicl</em> <em>scalar</em>: Should the last point be joined to the first point? <br />
+(<strong>extrude</strong>): <em>logical</em> <em>scalar</em>: If altitude is non-zero, should the point be connected to the ground? <br />
+(<strong>tessellate</strong>): <em>logical</em> <em>scalar</em>: If altitude is not specified, should the line produced follow the altitude of the ground below it? <br />
+(<strong>altitudeMode</strong>): <em>logical</em> <em>scalar</em>: If altitude is specified, is it relativeToGround or absolute? <br />
+(<strong>name</strong>): <em>string</em> <em>scalar</em>: A name for the collection of points <br />
+(<strong>color</strong>): <em>color_t</em>: Line colour as a kml color type (See Colours) <br />
+(<strong>colorname</strong>): <em>string</em> <em>scalar</em>: Line colour as a name (See Colours) <br />
+(<strong>colorhex</strong>): <em>string(len=8)</em> <em>scalar</em>: Line colour in hex (See Colours) <br />
+(<strong>width</strong>): <em>integer</em> <em>scalar</em>: Width of the lines. <br />
+(<strong>scale</strong>): <em>real</em> <em>scalar</em>: Scaling size for the point icon. <br />
+(<strong>description</strong>): <em>string</em> <em>array</em>: A description for each point. <br />
+(<strong>styleURL</strong>): <em>string</em> <em>scalar</em>: Location of style specification (see Style Handling) <br />
+<em>and:</em> <br />
+<strong>longitude</strong>: <em>real</em> <em>array</em>: longitude of each point in degrees <br />
+<strong>latitude</strong>: <em>real</em> <em>array</em>: latitude of each point in degrees <br />
+(<strong>altitude</strong>): <em>real</em> <em>array</em>: altitude of each point in metres <br />
+<em>or:</em> <br />
+<strong>location</strong>: <em>real</em> <em>matrix</em>: rank-two 2xN array with the longitude of each point in the first row, and the latitude in the second row. In degrees. <br />
+(<strong>altitude</strong>): <em>real</em> <em>array</em>: altitude of each point in metres <br />
+<em>or:</em> <br />
+<strong>location</strong>: <em>real</em> <em>matrix</em>: rank-two 3xN array with the longitude of each point in the first row, the latitude in the second row, and the altitude in the third row. Longitude and latitude in degrees and altitude in metres.  </li>
+<p>A single function, kmlCreateLine accepts various combinations of arguments, and will generate a series of individual points to be visualized as a (closed or open) path in Google Earth. In fact, the KML produced will consist of a LineString, or LinearRing, containing a list of coordinates. The list of points may be provided in any of the three ways specified above.</p>
+<li><code>kmlStartRegion</code> <br />
+<strong>fx</strong>: <em>xmlf_t</em>: An XML file object <br />
+(<strong>extrude</strong>): <em>logical</em> <em>scalar</em>: If altitude is non-zero, should the point be connected to the ground? <br />
+(<strong>tessellate</strong>): <em>logical</em> <em>scalar</em>: If altitude is not specified, should the line produced follow the altitude of the ground below it? <br />
+(<strong>altitudeMode</strong>): <em>logical</em> <em>scalar</em>: If altitude is specified, is it relativeToGround or absolute? <br />
+(<strong>name</strong>): <em>string</em> <em>scalar</em>: A name for the region <br />
+(<strong>fillcolor</strong>): <em>color_t</em>: Region colour as a kml color type (See Colours) <br />
+(<strong>fillcolorname</strong>): <em>string</em> <em>scalar</em>: Region  colour as a name (See Colours) <br />
+(<strong>fillcolorhex</strong>): <em>string(len=8)</em> <em>scalar</em>: Region colour in hex (See Colours) <br />
+(<strong>linecolor</strong>): <em>color_t</em>: Line colour as a kml color type (See Colours) <br />
+(<strong>linecolorname</strong>): <em>string</em> <em>scalar</em>: Line colour as a name (See Colours) <br />
+(<strong>linecolorhex</strong>): <em>string(len=8)</em> <em>scalar</em>: Line colour in hex (See Colours) <br />
+(<strong>linewidth</strong>): <em>integer</em> <em>scalar</em>: Width of the line. <br />
+(<strong>description</strong>): <em>string</em> <em>scalar</em>: A description for the region. <br />
+(<strong>styleURL</strong>): <em>string</em> <em>scalar</em>: Location of style specification (see Style Handling) <br />
+<em>and:</em> <br />
+<strong>longitude</strong>: <em>real</em> <em>array</em>: longitude of each point in degrees <br />
+<strong>latitude</strong>: <em>real</em> <em>array</em>: latitude of each point in degrees <br />
+(<strong>altitude</strong>): <em>real</em> <em>array</em>: altitude of each point in metres <br />
+<em>or:</em> <br />
+<strong>location</strong>: <em>real</em> <em>matrix</em>: rank-two 2xN array with the longitude of each point in the first row, and the latitude in the second row. In degrees. <br />
+(<strong>altitude</strong>): <em>real</em> <em>array</em>: altitude of each point in metres <br />
+<em>or:</em> <br />
+<strong>location</strong>: <em>real</em> <em>matrix</em>: rank-two 3xN array with the longitude of each point in the first row, the latitude in the second row, and the altitude in the third row. Longitude and latitude in degrees and altitude in metres.  </li>
+<p>Creates a filled region with the outer boundary described by the list of points. May be followed by one or more calls to <code>kmlAddInnerBoundary</code> and these must be followed by a call to <code>kmlAddInnerBoundary</code>.</p>
+<li><code>kmlEndRegion</code> <br />
+<strong>fx</strong>: <em>xmlf_t</em>: An XML file object  </li>
+<p>Ends the specification of a region with or without inner boundaries.</p>
+<li><code>kmlAddInnerBoundary</code> <br />
+<strong>fx</strong>: <em>xmlf_t</em>: An XML file object <br />
+<em>and:</em> <br />
+<strong>longitude</strong>: <em>real</em> <em>array</em>: longitude of each point in degrees <br />
+<strong>latitude</strong>: <em>real</em> <em>array</em>: latitude of each point in degrees <br />
+(<strong>altitude</strong>): <em>real</em> <em>array</em>: altitude of each point in metres <br />
+<em>or:</em> <br />
+<strong>location</strong>: <em>real</em> <em>matrix</em>: rank-two 2xN array with the longitude of each point in the first row, and the latitude in the second row. In degrees. <br />
+(<strong>altitude</strong>): <em>real</em> <em>array</em>: altitude of each point in metres <br />
+<em>or:</em> <br />
+<strong>location</strong>: <em>real</em> <em>matrix</em>: rank-two 3xN array with the longitude of each point in the first row, the latitude in the second row, and the altitude in the third row. Longitude and latitude in degrees and altitude in metres.  </li>
+<p>Introduces an internal area that is to be excluded from the enclosing region.</p>
+<h2>2D fields</h2>
+<p>WKML also contains two subroutines to allow scalar fields to be plotted over a geographical 
+region. Data is presented to WKML as a collection of values and coordinates and this data 
+can be displayed as a set of coloured cells, or as isocontours.</p>
+<h3>Data input</h3>
+<p>For all 2-D field subroutines both position and value of the data must be specified. The data values
+must always be specified as a rank-2 array, <em>values(:,:)</em>. The grid can be specified in three ways 
+depending on grid type.</p>
+<li>Regular rectangular grid: Specify north, south, east, west. These specify the four corners of the grid (which must be aligned with lines of longitude and latitude).  </li>
+<li>Irregularly spaced rectangular grid. Specify two rank-one arrays, longitude(:) and latitude(:). The grid must be aligned with lines of longitude and latitude so that: <code>Grid-point (i, j) = (longitude(i), latitude(j))</code>  </li>
+<li>Entirely irregular (topologically rectangular) grid. Specify two rank-two arrays, <code>longitude(:,:)</code> and <code>latitude(:,:)</code>. The grid may be of any form, aligned with no other projection: <code>Grid-point (i, j)</code> is taken as <code>(longitude(i, j), latitude(i, j))</code>  </li>
+<p>In all cases, single or double precision data may be used so long as all data is consistent in precision within one call. </p>
+<h3>Control over the third dimension</h3>
+<p>The third dimension of the data can be visualized in two (not mutually-exclusive) ways; 
+firstly by assigning colours according to the value of the tird dimension, and secondly 
+by using the altitude of the points as a (suitable scaled) proxy for the third dimension. 
+The following optional arguments control this aspect of the visualization (both for cells and for contours)</p>
+<li>type(color) :: colormap(:): an array of colours (see Colours) which will be used for painting the various layers  </li>
+<li>real, contour_values(:): an array of values which will be used to divide each layer of the third dimension. Single/double precision according to context.  </li>
+<li>integer :: num<em>values: where contour</em>values is not specified, this provides that the range of the values by divided into equal sized layers such that there are this many divisors.  </li>
+<li>real :: height: where this is specified, the generated visualization will vary in height as well as colour. The value of this variable will be used to as a multiplicative prefactor to scale the data before visualization.  </li>
+<p>Where no colormap is provided, one will be autogenerated with the appropriate number of levels
+as calculated from the provided contour<em>values. Where no contour</em>values are provided, they are 
+calculated based on the size of the colormap provided. Where neither colormap nor contour_values 
+are provided, a default of 5 levels with an autogenerated colormap will be used. </p>
+<li><code>kmlCreateCells</code> <br />
+<strong>fx</strong>: <em>xmlf_t</em>: An XML file object <br />
+<em>and:</em> <br />
+<strong>east</strong>: <em>real</em> <em>scalar</em>: east edge of data set. <br />
+<strong>west</strong>: <em>real</em> <em>scalar</em>: west edge of data set. <br />
+<strong>south</strong>: <em>real</em> <em>scalar</em>: south edge of data set. <br />
+<strong>north</strong>: <em>real</em> <em>scalar</em>: north edge of data set. <br />
+<em>or:</em> <br />
+<strong>longitude</strong>: <em>real</em> <em>array</em>: points in north-south direction where grid lines cross lines of longitude. <br />
+<strong>latitude</strong>: <em>real</em> <em>array</em>: points in east-west direction where grid lines cross lines of latitude. <br />
+<em>or:</em> <br />
+<strong>longitude</strong>: <em>real</em> <em>matrix</em>: longitude of each point in values matrix. <br />
+<strong>latitude</strong>: <em>real</em> <em>matrix</em>: latitude of each point in values matrix. <br />
+<em>and:</em> <br />
+<strong>values</strong>: <em>real</em> <em>matrix</em>: data values. <br />
+(<strong>colormap</strong>): <em>color_t</em> <em>array</em>: colours used to describe values. <br />
+(<strong>height</strong>): <em>real(sp)</em> <em>scalar</em>: where this is specified, the generated visualization will vary in height as well as colour. The value of this variable will be used to as a multiplicative prefactor to scale the data before visualization. <br />
+(<strong>contour<em>values</strong>): *real(sp)* *array*: values used to contour data. <br />
+(<strong>num</em>levels</strong>): <em>integer</em> <em>scalar</em>: number of data values to show. <br />
+(<strong>name</strong>): <em>string</em> <em>scalar</em>: name describing the cells.  </li>
+<p>This subroutine generates a set of filled pixels over a region of the earth. </p>
+<li><code>kmlCreateContours</code> <br />
+<strong>fx</strong>: <em>xmlf_t</em>: An XML file object <br />
+<em>and:</em> <br />
+<strong>east</strong>: <em>real</em> <em>scalar</em>: east edge of data set. <br />
+<strong>west</strong>: <em>real</em> <em>scalar</em>: west edge of data set. <br />
+<strong>south</strong>: <em>real</em> <em>scalar</em>: south edge of data set. <br />
+<strong>north</strong>: <em>real</em> <em>scalar</em>: north edge of data set. <br />
+<em>or:</em> <br />
+<strong>longitude</strong>: <em>real</em> <em>array</em>: points in north-south direction where grid lines cross lines of longitude. <br />
+<strong>latitude</strong>: <em>real</em> <em>array</em>: points in east-west direction where grid lines cross lines of latitude. <br />
+<em>or:</em> <br />
+<strong>longitude</strong>: <em>real</em> <em>matrix</em>: longitude of each point in values matrix. <br />
+<strong>latitude</strong>: <em>real</em> <em>matrix</em>: latitude of each point in values matrix. <br />
+<em>and:</em> <br />
+<strong>values</strong>: <em>real</em> <em>matrix</em>: data values. <br />
+(<strong>colormap</strong>): <em>color_t</em> <em>array</em>: colours used to describe values. <br />
+(<strong>height</strong>): <em>real(sp)</em> <em>scalar</em>: where this is specified, the generated visualization will vary in height as well as colour. The value of this variable will be used to as a multiplicative prefactor to scale the data before visualization. <br />
+(<strong>contour<em>values</strong>): *real(sp)* *array*: values used to contour data. <br />
+(<strong>num</em>levels</strong>): <em>integer</em> <em>scalar</em>: number of data values to show. <br />
+(<strong>name</strong>): <em>string</em> <em>scalar</em>: name describing the cells. <br />
+(<strong>lines</strong>): <em>logical</em> <em>scalar</em>: should contour lines be shown. <br />
+(<strong>regions</strong>): <em>logical</em> <em>scalar</em>: should contour regions be shown.  </li>
+<p>This subroutine creates a set of contour lines.</p>
+<p>KML natively handles all colours as 32-bit values, expressed as 8-digit 
+hexadecimal numbers in ABGR (alpha-blue-green-red) channel order. However, 
+this is not very friendly. WKML provides a nicer interface to this, and all 
+WKML functions which accept colour arguments will accept them in three ways:</p>
+<li>(<strong>*color</strong>) <em>color_t</em>: the colour is passed as a wkml color_t derived type. This type is opaque and is created as described below.   </li>
+<li>(<strong>*colorname</strong>) <em>string</em>: a free-text string describing a colour. WKML understands any of the approximately <a href="http://www.mcfedries.com/books/cightml/x11color.htm">700 colour names used by X11</a>.   </li>
+<li>(<strong>*colorhex</strong>) <em>string(len=8)</em>: an 8-digit ABGR hexadecimal number <a href="http://code.google.com/apis/kml/documentation/kmlreference.html#color">as understood by Google Earth</a>.   </li>
+<p>A function and a subroutine are provided to maniputate the <em>color_t</em> derived type:</p>
+<li><code>kmlGetCustomColor</code>  </li>
+<p>This function takes a single argument of type <em>integer</em> or <em>string</em> and returns a <em>color_t</em> derived type. If the argument is a string the
+colour is taken from the set of X11 colours, if it is an integer, i, the ith colour is selected from the X11 list.</p>
+<li><code>kmlSetCustomColor</code> <br />
+<strong>myCI</strong> <em>color_t</em>: This intent(out) variable is set to the chosen colour. <br />
+<strong>colorhex</strong> *string(len=8): an 8-digit ABGR hexadecimal number.  </li>
+<p>This functon takes a single argument of type <em>string(len=8)</em> representing an 8-digit AVGR hexadecimal number and returns a <em>color_t</em> derived type representing that colour.</p>
+<p>Several features of wkml make use of "colour maps", arrays of the <em>color_t</em> derived type, which are used to relate numerical values to colours when showing fields of data. These are 
+created and used thus:</p>
+<pre><code>program colours
+  use FoX_wkml
+  type(color_t) :: colourmap(10)
+  ! Use X11 colours from 101 to 110:
+  colourmap(1:10) = kmlGetCustomColor(101:110)
+  ! Except for number 5 which should be red:
+  colourmap(5) = kmlGetCustomColor("indian red")
+  ! And for number 6 which should be black
+  call kmlSetCustomColor(colourmp(6), "00000000")
+end program colours
+<p>Controling styling in KML can be quite complex. Most of the 
+subroutines in WKML allow some control of the generated style
+but they do not ptovide access to the full KML vocabulary which
+allows more complex styling. In order to access the more complex
+styles in KML it is necessary to create KML style maps - objects
+that are defined, named with a styleURL. The styleURL is then used
+to reference to the style defined by the map.</p>
+<p>Styles can be created using the following three subroutines. In each 
+case one argument is necessary: <em>id</em>, which must be a string (starting 
+with an alphabetic letter, and containing no spaces or punctuation 
+marks) which is used later on to reference the style. All other 
+arguments are optional.</p>
+<li><code>kmlCreatePointStyle</code> <br />
+<strong>fx</strong>: <em>xmlf_t</em>: An XML file object <br />
+<strong>id</strong>: <em>string</em> <em>scalar</em>: A URL for the style <br />
+(<strong>scale</strong>): <em>real</em> or <em>integer</em> <em>scalar</em>: A scale factor to set the size of the image displayed at the point (note, if both are present, <strong>scale</strong> and <strong>heading</strong> must be of the same type). <br />
+(<strong>color</strong>): <em>color_t</em>: Point colour as a kml color type (See Colours) <br />
+(<strong>colorname</strong>): <em>string</em> <em>scalar</em>: Point colour as a name (See Colours) <br />
+(<strong>colorhex</strong>): <em>string(len=8)</em> <em>scalar</em>: Point colour in hex (See Colours) <br />
+(<strong>colormode</strong>): <em>string(len=6)</em> <em>scalar</em>: A string, either normal or random - if random, the colour will be randomly changed. See the <a href="http://code.google.com/apis/kml/documentation/kmlreference.html#color">KML documentation</a> <br />
+(<strong>heading</strong>): <em>real</em> or <em>integer</em> <em>scalar</em>: direction to "point" the point icon in (between 0 and 360 degreesnote, if both are present, <strong>scale</strong> and <strong>heading</strong> must be of the same type). <br />
+(<strong>iconhref</strong>): <em>string</em> <em>scalar</em>: URL of an icon used to draw the point (e.g. from an http server).  </li>
+<p>Creates a style that can be used for points.</p>
+<li><code>kmlCreateLineStyle</code> <br />
+<strong>fx</strong>: <em>xmlf_t</em>: An XML file object <br />
+<strong>id</strong>: <em>string</em> <em>scalar</em>: A URL for the style <br />
+(<strong>width</strong>): <em>integer</em> <em>scalar</em>: width of the line in pixels. <br />
+(<strong>color</strong>): <em>color_t</em>: Point colour as a kml color type (See Colours) <br />
+(<strong>colorname</strong>): <em>string</em> <em>scalar</em>: Line colour as a name (See Colours) <br />
+(<strong>colorhex</strong>): <em>string(len=8)</em> <em>scalar</em>: Line colour in hex (See Colours) <br />
+(<strong>colormode</strong>): <em>string(len=6)</em> <em>scalar</em>: A string, either normal or random - if random, the colour will be randomly changed. See the <a href="http://code.google.com/apis/kml/documentation/kmlreference.html#color">KML documentation</a>  </li>
+<p>Creates a style that can be used for lines.</p>
+<li><code>kmlCreatePolygonStyle</code> <br />
+<strong>fx</strong>: <em>xmlf_t</em>: An XML file object <br />
+<strong>id</strong>: <em>string</em> <em>scalar</em>: A URL for the style <br />
+(<strong>fill</strong>): <em>logical</em> <em>scalar</em>: Should the polygon be filled? <br />
+(<strong>outline</strong>): <em>logical</em> <em>scalar</em>: Should the polygon have an outline? <br />
+(<strong>color</strong>): <em>color_t</em>: Point colour as a kml color type (See Colours) <br />
+(<strong>colorname</strong>): <em>string</em> <em>scalar</em>: Line colour as a name (See Colours) <br />
+(<strong>colorhex</strong>): <em>string(len=8)</em> <em>scalar</em>: Line colour in hex (See Colours) <br />
+(<strong>colormode</strong>): <em>string(len=6)</em> <em>scalar</em>: A string, either normal or random - if random, the colour will be randomly changed. See the <a href="http://code.google.com/apis/kml/documentation/kmlreference.html#color">KML documentation</a>  </li>
+<p>Creates a style that can be used for a polygon.</p>
+<h3> </h3>
diff --git a/DoX/FoX_wkml.md b/DoX/FoX_wkml.md
new file mode 100644
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+WKML is a library for creating [KML](http://www.opengeospatial.org/standards/kml/) 
+documents. These documents are intended to be used for "expressing geographic 
+annotation and visualization" for maps and Earth browsers such as 
+[Google Earth](http://earth.google.co.uk/) or [Marble](http://edu.kde.org/marble/).
+WKML wraps all the necessary XML calls, such that you should never need to touch any
+[WXML](|FoX_wxml|) calls when outputting KML from a Fortran application.
+WKML is intended to produce XML documents that conform to version 2.2 of the Open
+Geospatial Consortium's [schema](http://schemas.opengis.net/kml/2.2.0/ogckml22.xsd).
+However, the library offers no guarantee that documents produced will be valid as 
+only a small subset of the constraints are enforced. The API is designed to minimize 
+the possibilty of producing invalid KML in common use cases, and well-formdness is
+maintained by the underlying WXML library.
+The available functions and their intended use are listed below. One useful reference to
+the use of KML is Google's [KML documentation](http://code.google.com/apis/kml/documentation/).
+## Use of WKML
+wkml subroutines can be accessed from within a module or subroutine by inserting
+     use FoX_wkml
+at the start. This will import all of the subroutines described below, plus the derived type `xmlf_t` needed to manipulate a KML file.
+*No* other entities will be imported; public/private Fortran namespaces are very carefully controlled within the library.
+###Conventions used below.
+* Function names are in `monospace`
+* argument names are in **bold**
+* optional argument names are in (**parenthesized bold**)  
+* argument types are in *italic* and may consist of:  
+* *string*: string of arbitrary (unless otherwise specified) length
+* *integer*: default integer
+* *real(sp)*: single precision real number
+* *real(dp)*: double precision real number
+* *logical*: default logical
+* *real*: either of *real(sp)* or *real(dp)*
+* arguments may be:
+* *scalar*: single item
+* *array*: one-dimensional array of items
+* *matrix*: two-dimensional array of items
+* *anydim*: any of *scalar*, *array*, *matrix*
+All functions take as their first argument an XML file object, whose
+keyword is always `xf`. This file object is initialized by a `kmlBeginFile` function.
+It is *highly* recommended that subroutines be called with keywords
+specified rather than relying on the implicit ordering of arguments.
+This is robust against changes in the library calling convention; and 
+also stepsides a significant cause of errors when using subroutines
+with large numbers of arguments.
+## Functions for manipulating the KML file:
+* `kmlBeginFile`   
+**fx**: *xmlf_t*: An XML file object  
+**filename**: *string* *scalar*: Filename to be opened.   
+**unit**: *integer* *scalar*: what unit number should the file be opened on? If you don't
+care, you may specify `-1` as the unit number, in which case wkml will make a guess  
+(**replace**): *logical* *scalar*: should the file be replaced if it already exists? *default: yes*  
+(**docName**): *string* *scalar*: an optional name for the outermost document element. If absent, "WKML output" will be used
+This takes care of all calls to open a KML output file.
+* `kmlFinishFile`  
+**fx**: *xmlf_t*: An XML file object 
+This takes care of all calls to close an open KML output file, once
+you have finished with it. It is compulsory to call this - if your
+program finished without calling this, then your KML file will be
+* `kmlOpenFolder`  
+**fx**: *xmlf_t*: An XML file object  
+(**name**): *string* *scalar*: an optional name for the new folder.  
+(**id**): *string* *scalar*: an optional xml id for the new folder. 
+This starts a new folder. Folders are used in KML to organize other
+objects into groups, the visability of these groups can be changed 
+in one operation within Google Earth. Folders can be nested.
+* `kmlCloseFolder`  
+**fx**: *xmlf_t*: An XML file object 
+This closes the current folder. 
+* `kmlOpenDocument`  
+**fx**: *xmlf_t*: An XML file object  
+**name**: *string* *scalar*: a name for the new document element.  
+(**id**): *string* *scalar*: an optional xml id for the new document element. 
+This starts a new document element at this point in the output. Note that no
+checks are currently performed to ensure that this is permitted, for example
+only one document is permitted to be a child of the kml root element. Most
+users should not need to use this subroutine.
+* `kmlCloseDocument`  
+**fx**: *xmlf_t*: An XML file object 
+This closes the current document element. Do not close the outermose document 
+element created with `kmlBeginFile`, this must be closed with `kmlFinishFile`.
+Most users should not need to use this subroutine.
+## Functions for producing geometrical objects:
+* `kmlCreatePoints`  
+**fx**: *xmlf_t*: An XML file object  
+(**extrude**): *logical* *scalar*: If altitude is non-zero, should the point be connected to the ground?  
+(**altitudeMode**): *logical* *scalar*: If altitude is specified, is it relativeToGround or absolute?  
+(**name**): *string* *scalar*: A name for the collection of points  
+(**color**): *color_t*: Line colour as a kml color type (See Colours)  
+(**colorname**): *string* *scalar*: Line colour as a name (See Colours)  
+(**colorhex**): *string(len=8)* *scalar*: Line colour in hex (See Colours)  
+(**scale**): *real* *scalar*: Scaling size for the point icon.    
+(**description**): *string* *array*: A description for each point.  
+(**description_numbers**): *real* *array*: Numeric description for each point.  
+(**styleURL**): *string* *scalar*: Location of style specification (see Style Handling)  
+**longitude**: *real* *array*: longitude of each point in degrees  
+**latitude**: *real* *array*: latitude of each point in degrees  
+(**altitude**): *real* *array*: altitude of each point in metres  
+**location**: *real* *matrix*: rank-two 2xN array with the longitude of each point in the first row, and the latitude in the second row. In degrees.  
+(**altitude**): *real* *array*: altitude of each point in metres  
+**location**: *real* *matrix*: rank-two 3xN array with the longitude of each point in the first row, the latitude in the second row, and the altitude in the third row. Longitude and latitude in degrees and altitude in metres.  
+A single function, kmlCreatePoints accepts various combinations of arguments, and will generate a series of individual points to be visualized in Google Earth. In fact, the KML produced will consist of a Folder, containing Placemarks, one for each point. The list of points may be provided in any of the three ways specified above.
+* `kmlCreateLine`  
+**fx**: *xmlf_t*: An XML file object  
+(**closed**): *logicl* *scalar*: Should the last point be joined to the first point?  
+(**extrude**): *logical* *scalar*: If altitude is non-zero, should the point be connected to the ground?    
+(**tessellate**): *logical* *scalar*: If altitude is not specified, should the line produced follow the altitude of the ground below it?   
+(**altitudeMode**): *logical* *scalar*: If altitude is specified, is it relativeToGround or absolute?    
+(**name**): *string* *scalar*: A name for the collection of points    
+(**color**): *color_t*: Line colour as a kml color type (See Colours)  
+(**colorname**): *string* *scalar*: Line colour as a name (See Colours)  
+(**colorhex**): *string(len=8)* *scalar*: Line colour in hex (See Colours)   
+(**width**): *integer* *scalar*: Width of the lines.  
+(**scale**): *real* *scalar*: Scaling size for the point icon.    
+(**description**): *string* *array*: A description for each point.  
+(**styleURL**): *string* *scalar*: Location of style specification (see Style Handling)  
+**longitude**: *real* *array*: longitude of each point in degrees  
+**latitude**: *real* *array*: latitude of each point in degrees  
+(**altitude**): *real* *array*: altitude of each point in metres  
+**location**: *real* *matrix*: rank-two 2xN array with the longitude of each point in the first row, and the latitude in the second row. In degrees.  
+(**altitude**): *real* *array*: altitude of each point in metres  
+**location**: *real* *matrix*: rank-two 3xN array with the longitude of each point in the first row, the latitude in the second row, and the altitude in the third row. Longitude and latitude in degrees and altitude in metres.  
+A single function, kmlCreateLine accepts various combinations of arguments, and will generate a series of individual points to be visualized as a (closed or open) path in Google Earth. In fact, the KML produced will consist of a LineString, or LinearRing, containing a list of coordinates. The list of points may be provided in any of the three ways specified above.
+* `kmlStartRegion`  
+**fx**: *xmlf_t*: An XML file object  
+(**extrude**): *logical* *scalar*: If altitude is non-zero, should the point be connected to the ground?    
+(**tessellate**): *logical* *scalar*: If altitude is not specified, should the line produced follow the altitude of the ground below it?   
+(**altitudeMode**): *logical* *scalar*: If altitude is specified, is it relativeToGround or absolute?    
+(**name**): *string* *scalar*: A name for the region  
+(**fillcolor**): *color_t*: Region colour as a kml color type (See Colours)  
+(**fillcolorname**): *string* *scalar*: Region  colour as a name (See Colours)  
+(**fillcolorhex**): *string(len=8)* *scalar*: Region colour in hex (See Colours)  
+(**linecolor**): *color_t*: Line colour as a kml color type (See Colours)  
+(**linecolorname**): *string* *scalar*: Line colour as a name (See Colours)  
+(**linecolorhex**): *string(len=8)* *scalar*: Line colour in hex (See Colours)  
+(**linewidth**): *integer* *scalar*: Width of the line.  
+(**description**): *string* *scalar*: A description for the region.  
+(**styleURL**): *string* *scalar*: Location of style specification (see Style Handling)  
+**longitude**: *real* *array*: longitude of each point in degrees  
+**latitude**: *real* *array*: latitude of each point in degrees  
+(**altitude**): *real* *array*: altitude of each point in metres  
+**location**: *real* *matrix*: rank-two 2xN array with the longitude of each point in the first row, and the latitude in the second row. In degrees.  
+(**altitude**): *real* *array*: altitude of each point in metres  
+**location**: *real* *matrix*: rank-two 3xN array with the longitude of each point in the first row, the latitude in the second row, and the altitude in the third row. Longitude and latitude in degrees and altitude in metres.  
+Creates a filled region with the outer boundary described by the list of points. May be followed by one or more calls to `kmlAddInnerBoundary` and these must be followed by a call to `kmlAddInnerBoundary`.
+* `kmlEndRegion`  
+**fx**: *xmlf_t*: An XML file object  
+Ends the specification of a region with or without inner boundaries.
+* `kmlAddInnerBoundary`  
+**fx**: *xmlf_t*: An XML file object  
+**longitude**: *real* *array*: longitude of each point in degrees  
+**latitude**: *real* *array*: latitude of each point in degrees  
+(**altitude**): *real* *array*: altitude of each point in metres  
+**location**: *real* *matrix*: rank-two 2xN array with the longitude of each point in the first row, and the latitude in the second row. In degrees.  
+(**altitude**): *real* *array*: altitude of each point in metres  
+**location**: *real* *matrix*: rank-two 3xN array with the longitude of each point in the first row, the latitude in the second row, and the altitude in the third row. Longitude and latitude in degrees and altitude in metres.  
+Introduces an internal area that is to be excluded from the enclosing region.
+## 2D fields
+WKML also contains two subroutines to allow scalar fields to be plotted over a geographical 
+region. Data is presented to WKML as a collection of values and coordinates and this data 
+can be displayed as a set of coloured cells, or as isocontours.
+###Data input
+For all 2-D field subroutines both position and value of the data must be specified. The data values
+must always be specified as a rank-2 array, *values(:,:)*. The grid can be specified in three ways 
+depending on grid type.
+* Regular rectangular grid: Specify north, south, east, west. These specify the four corners of the grid (which must be aligned with lines of longitude and latitude).  
+* Irregularly spaced rectangular grid. Specify two rank-one arrays, longitude(:) and latitude(:). The grid must be aligned with lines of longitude and latitude so that: `Grid-point (i, j) = (longitude(i), latitude(j))`  
+* Entirely irregular (topologically rectangular) grid. Specify two rank-two arrays, `longitude(:,:)` and `latitude(:,:)`. The grid may be of any form, aligned with no other projection: `Grid-point (i, j)` is taken as `(longitude(i, j), latitude(i, j))`  
+In all cases, single or double precision data may be used so long as all data is consistent in precision within one call. 
+### Control over the third dimension
+The third dimension of the data can be visualized in two (not mutually-exclusive) ways; 
+firstly by assigning colours according to the value of the tird dimension, and secondly 
+by using the altitude of the points as a (suitable scaled) proxy for the third dimension. 
+The following optional arguments control this aspect of the visualization (both for cells and for contours)
+* type(color) :: colormap(:): an array of colours (see Colours) which will be used for painting the various layers  
+* real, contour_values(:): an array of values which will be used to divide each layer of the third dimension. Single/double precision according to context.  
+* integer :: num_values: where contour_values is not specified, this provides that the range of the values by divided into equal sized layers such that there are this many divisors.  
+* real :: height: where this is specified, the generated visualization will vary in height as well as colour. The value of this variable will be used to as a multiplicative prefactor to scale the data before visualization.  
+Where no colormap is provided, one will be autogenerated with the appropriate number of levels
+as calculated from the provided contour_values. Where no contour_values are provided, they are 
+calculated based on the size of the colormap provided. Where neither colormap nor contour_values 
+are provided, a default of 5 levels with an autogenerated colormap will be used. 
+### Subroutines 
+* `kmlCreateCells`  
+**fx**: *xmlf_t*: An XML file object  
+**east**: *real* *scalar*: east edge of data set.  
+**west**: *real* *scalar*: west edge of data set.  
+**south**: *real* *scalar*: south edge of data set.  
+**north**: *real* *scalar*: north edge of data set.  
+**longitude**: *real* *array*: points in north-south direction where grid lines cross lines of longitude.  
+**latitude**: *real* *array*: points in east-west direction where grid lines cross lines of latitude.  
+**longitude**: *real* *matrix*: longitude of each point in values matrix.  
+**latitude**: *real* *matrix*: latitude of each point in values matrix.   
+**values**: *real* *matrix*: data values.  
+(**colormap**): *color_t* *array*: colours used to describe values.  
+(**height**): *real(sp)* *scalar*: where this is specified, the generated visualization will vary in height as well as colour. The value of this variable will be used to as a multiplicative prefactor to scale the data before visualization.  
+(**contour_values**): *real(sp)* *array*: values used to contour data.  
+(**num_levels**): *integer* *scalar*: number of data values to show.    
+(**name**): *string* *scalar*: name describing the cells.  
+This subroutine generates a set of filled pixels over a region of the earth. 
+* `kmlCreateContours`  
+**fx**: *xmlf_t*: An XML file object  
+**east**: *real* *scalar*: east edge of data set.  
+**west**: *real* *scalar*: west edge of data set.  
+**south**: *real* *scalar*: south edge of data set.  
+**north**: *real* *scalar*: north edge of data set.  
+**longitude**: *real* *array*: points in north-south direction where grid lines cross lines of longitude.  
+**latitude**: *real* *array*: points in east-west direction where grid lines cross lines of latitude.  
+**longitude**: *real* *matrix*: longitude of each point in values matrix.  
+**latitude**: *real* *matrix*: latitude of each point in values matrix.   
+**values**: *real* *matrix*: data values.  
+(**colormap**): *color_t* *array*: colours used to describe values.  
+(**height**): *real(sp)* *scalar*: where this is specified, the generated visualization will vary in height as well as colour. The value of this variable will be used to as a multiplicative prefactor to scale the data before visualization.  
+(**contour_values**): *real(sp)* *array*: values used to contour data.  
+(**num_levels**): *integer* *scalar*: number of data values to show.    
+(**name**): *string* *scalar*: name describing the cells.  
+(**lines**): *logical* *scalar*: should contour lines be shown.  
+(**regions**): *logical* *scalar*: should contour regions be shown.  
+This subroutine creates a set of contour lines.
+## Colours
+KML natively handles all colours as 32-bit values, expressed as 8-digit 
+hexadecimal numbers in ABGR (alpha-blue-green-red) channel order. However, 
+this is not very friendly. WKML provides a nicer interface to this, and all 
+WKML functions which accept colour arguments will accept them in three ways:
+* (**\*color**) *color_t*: the colour is passed as a wkml color_t derived type. This type is opaque and is created as described below.   
+* (**\*colorname**) *string*: a free-text string describing a colour. WKML understands any of the approximately [700 colour names used by X11](http://www.mcfedries.com/books/cightml/x11color.htm).   
+* (**\*colorhex**) *string(len=8)*: an 8-digit ABGR hexadecimal number [as understood by Google Earth](http://code.google.com/apis/kml/documentation/kmlreference.html#color).   
+A function and a subroutine are provided to maniputate the *color_t* derived type:
+* `kmlGetCustomColor`  
+This function takes a single argument of type *integer* or *string* and returns a *color_t* derived type. If the argument is a string the
+colour is taken from the set of X11 colours, if it is an integer, i, the ith colour is selected from the X11 list.
+* `kmlSetCustomColor`   
+**myCI** *color_t*: This intent(out) variable is set to the chosen colour.   
+**colorhex** *string(len=8): an 8-digit ABGR hexadecimal number.  
+This functon takes a single argument of type *string(len=8)* representing an 8-digit AVGR hexadecimal number and returns a *color_t* derived type representing that colour.
+Several features of wkml make use of "colour maps", arrays of the *color_t* derived type, which are used to relate numerical values to colours when showing fields of data. These are 
+created and used thus:
+    program colours
+      use FoX_wkml
+      type(color_t) :: colourmap(10)
+      ! Use X11 colours from 101 to 110:
+      colourmap(1:10) = kmlGetCustomColor(101:110)
+      ! Except for number 5 which should be red:
+      colourmap(5) = kmlGetCustomColor("indian red")
+      ! And for number 6 which should be black
+      call kmlSetCustomColor(colourmp(6), "00000000")
+    end program colours
+## Styles
+Controling styling in KML can be quite complex. Most of the 
+subroutines in WKML allow some control of the generated style
+but they do not ptovide access to the full KML vocabulary which
+allows more complex styling. In order to access the more complex
+styles in KML it is necessary to create KML style maps - objects
+that are defined, named with a styleURL. The styleURL is then used
+to reference to the style defined by the map.
+Styles can be created using the following three subroutines. In each 
+case one argument is necessary: *id*, which must be a string (starting 
+with an alphabetic letter, and containing no spaces or punctuation 
+marks) which is used later on to reference the style. All other 
+arguments are optional.
+* `kmlCreatePointStyle`  
+**fx**: *xmlf_t*: An XML file object  
+**id**: *string* *scalar*: A URL for the style  
+(**scale**): *real* or *integer* *scalar*: A scale factor to set the size of the image displayed at the point (note, if both are present, **scale** and **heading** must be of the same type).    
+(**color**): *color_t*: Point colour as a kml color type (See Colours)  
+(**colorname**): *string* *scalar*: Point colour as a name (See Colours)  
+(**colorhex**): *string(len=8)* *scalar*: Point colour in hex (See Colours)  
+(**colormode**): *string(len=6)* *scalar*: A string, either normal or random - if random, the colour will be randomly changed. See the [KML documentation](http://code.google.com/apis/kml/documentation/kmlreference.html#color)  
+(**heading**): *real* or *integer* *scalar*: direction to "point" the point icon in (between 0 and 360 degreesnote, if both are present, **scale** and **heading** must be of the same type).  
+(**iconhref**): *string* *scalar*: URL of an icon used to draw the point (e.g. from an http server).  
+Creates a style that can be used for points.
+* `kmlCreateLineStyle`  
+**fx**: *xmlf_t*: An XML file object  
+**id**: *string* *scalar*: A URL for the style  
+(**width**): *integer* *scalar*: width of the line in pixels.  
+(**color**): *color_t*: Point colour as a kml color type (See Colours)  
+(**colorname**): *string* *scalar*: Line colour as a name (See Colours)  
+(**colorhex**): *string(len=8)* *scalar*: Line colour in hex (See Colours)  
+(**colormode**): *string(len=6)* *scalar*: A string, either normal or random - if random, the colour will be randomly changed. See the [KML documentation](http://code.google.com/apis/kml/documentation/kmlreference.html#color)  
+Creates a style that can be used for lines.
+* `kmlCreatePolygonStyle`  
+**fx**: *xmlf_t*: An XML file object  
+**id**: *string* *scalar*: A URL for the style  
+(**fill**): *logical* *scalar*: Should the polygon be filled?    
+(**outline**): *logical* *scalar*: Should the polygon have an outline?   
+(**color**): *color_t*: Point colour as a kml color type (See Colours)  
+(**colorname**): *string* *scalar*: Line colour as a name (See Colours)  
+(**colorhex**): *string(len=8)* *scalar*: Line colour in hex (See Colours)  
+(**colormode**): *string(len=6)* *scalar*: A string, either normal or random - if random, the colour will be randomly changed. See the [KML documentation](http://code.google.com/apis/kml/documentation/kmlreference.html#color)  
+Creates a style that can be used for a polygon.
diff --git a/DoX/FoX_wxml.html b/DoX/FoX_wxml.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9c5753b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/DoX/FoX_wxml.html
@@ -0,0 +1,453 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">
+<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
+  <title>FoX_wxml</title>
+  <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="DoX.css"/>
+  <div class="DoX">
+<p><code>wxml</code> is a general Fortran XML output library. It offers a Fortran interface, in the form of a number of subroutines,  to generate well-formed XML documents. Almost all of the XML features described in <a href="#XML11">XML11</a>  and <a href="#Namespaces">Namespaces</a> are available, and <code>wxml</code> will diagnose almost all attempts to produce an invalid document. <a href="#Exceptions">Exceptions</a> below describes where <code>wxml</code> falls short of these aims.</p>
+<p>First, <a href="#Conventions">Conventions</a> describes the conventions use in this document.</p>
+<p>Then, <a href="#Functions">Functions</a> lists all of <code>wxml</code>'s publically exported functions, in three sections:</p>
+<li><a href="#simple">Firstly</a>, the very few functions necessary to create the simplest XML document, containing only elements, attributes, and text. </li>
+<li><a href="#NSfunctions">Secondly</a>, those functions concerned with XML Namespaces, and how Namespaces affect the behaviour of the first tranche of functions.  </li>
+<li><a href="#obscure">Thirdly</a>, a set of more rarely used functions required to access some of the more esoteric corners of the XML specification.</li>
+<p>Please note that where the documentation below is not clear, it may be useful to look at some of the example files. There is a very simple example in the <code>examples/</code> subdirectory, but which nevertheless shows the use of most of the features you will use.</p>
+<p>A more elaborate example, using almost all of the XML features found here, is available in the top-level directory as <code>wxml_example.f90</code>. It will be automatically compiled as part of the build porcess.</p>
+<p><a name="Conventions"/></p>
+<h2>Conventions and notes:</h2>
+<h4>Conventions used below.</h4>
+<li>Function names are in <code>monospace</code></li>
+<li>argument names are in <strong>bold</strong></li>
+<li>optional argument names are in (<strong>parenthesized bold</strong>)</li>
+<li>argument types are in <em>italic</em> and may consist of:</li>
+<li><em>string</em>: string of arbitrary (unless otherwise specified) length</li>
+<li><em>integer</em>: default integer</li>
+<li><em>real(sp)</em>: single precision real number</li>
+<li><em>real(dp)</em>: double precision real number</li>
+<li><em>logical</em>: default logical </li>
+<li><em>real</em>: either of <em>real(sp)</em> or <em>real(dp)</em></li>
+<li><em>anytype</em>: any of <em>logical</em>, <em>integer</em>, <em>real(sp)</em>, <em>real(dp)</em>, <em>string</em></li>
+<p>Note that where <em>strings</em> are passed in, they will be passed through entirely unchanged to the output file - no truncation of whitespace will occur.</p>
+<p>It is strongly recommended that the functions be used with keyword arguments rather than replying on implicit ordering.</p>
+<h4>Derived type: <code>xmlf_t</code></h4>
+<p>This is an opaque type representing the XML file handle. Each function requires this as an argument, so it knows which file to operate on. (And it is an output of the xml_OpenFile subroutine) Since all subroutines require it, it is not mentioned below.</p>
+<p><a name="Functions"/></p>
+<h2>Function listing</h2>
+<p><a name="simple"/></p>
+<h3>Frequently used functions</h3>
+<li><code>xml_OpenFile</code> <br />
+<strong>filename</strong>: <em>string</em>: Filename to be opened <br />
+<strong>xf</strong>: <em>xmlf_t</em>: XML File handle <br />
+(<strong>channel</strong>): <em>integer</em>: What Fortran file handle should the XML file be attached to? 
+<em>default: picked by the library at runtime</em> <br />
+(<strong>pretty_print</strong>): <em>logical</em>: Should the XML output be formatted to look pretty? (This implies that whitespace is not significant) 
+<em>default: false</em> <br />
+(<strong>replace</strong>): <em>logical</em>: Should the file be replaced if it already exists? 
+<em>default: no, stop at runtime if file already exists</em> <br />
+(<strong>addDecl</strong>): <em>logical</em>: Should an XML declaration be added at the start of the file? 
+<em>default: yes</em> <br />
+(<strong>namespace</strong>): <em>logical</em>: Should wxml prevent the output of namespace-ill-formed documents? 
+<em>default: yes</em> <br />
+(<strong>validate</strong>): <em>logical</em>: Should wxml carry out any checks on the optional VC constraints specified by XML? 
+<em>default: no</em> <br />
+(<strong>warning</strong>): <em>logical</em>: Should wxml emit warnings when it is unable to guarantee well-formedness? 
+<em>default: no</em>  </li>
+<p>Open a file for writing XML</p>
+<p>By default, the XML will have no extraneous text nodes. This can have the effect of it
+looking slightly ugly, since there will be no newlines inserted between tags.</p>
+<p>This behaviour can be changed to produce slightly nicer looking XML, by switching
+on pretty_print. This will insert newlines and spaces between some tags where
+they are unlikely to carry semantics. Note, though, that this does result in 
+the XML produced being not quite what was asked for, since extra characters and
+text nodes have been inserted.</p>
+<p>NB: The <strong>replace</strong> option should be noted. By default, xml_OpenFile will fail with a runtime error if you try and write to an existing file. If you are sure you want to continue on in such a case, then you can specify <code>**replace**=.true.</code> and any existing files will be overwritten. If finer granularity is required over how to proceed in such cases, use the Fortran <code>inquire</code> statement in your code. There is no 'append' functionality by design - any X [...]
+<li><code>xml_Close</code> <br />
+<strong>xf</strong>: <em>xmlf_t</em>: XML File handle
+(<strong>empty</strong>): Can the file be empty? <em>default: .false.</em></li>
+<p>Close an opened XML file, closing all still-opened tags so that it is well-formed.</p>
+<p>In the normal run of event, trying to close an XML file with no root element will cause an error, since this is not well-formed. However, an optional argument, <strong>empty</strong> is provided in case it is desirable to close files which may be empty. In this case, a warning will still be emitted, but no fatal error generated.</p>
+<li><code>xml_NewElement</code> <br />
+<strong>name</strong>: <em>string</em>:
+Name of tag (for namespaced output, you need to include the prefix)</li>
+<p>Open a new element tag</p>
+<li><code>xml_EndElement</code> <br />
+<strong>name</strong>: <em>string</em>: 
+Name of tag to be closed (if it doesn't match currently open tag, you'll get an error)</li>
+<p>Close an open tag</p>
+<li><code>xml_AddAttribute</code> <br />
+<strong>name</strong>: <em>string</em>: Name of attribute <br />
+<strong>value</strong>: <em>anytype</em>: Value of attribute <br />
+(<strong>escape</strong>): <em>logical</em>: if the attribute value is a string, should the attribute value be escaped?
+<em>default: true</em> <br />
+(<strong>type</strong>): <em>string</em>: the type of the attribute. This must be one of <code>CDATA</code>, <code>ID</code>, <code>IDREF</code>, <code>IDREFS</code>, <code>NMTOKEN</code>, <code>NMTOKENS</code>, <code>ENTITY</code>, <code>ENTITIES</code>, or <code>NOTATION</code> (always upper case). If specified, this must match any attribute declarations that have been previously declared in the DTD. If unspecified this (as the XML standard requires) defaults to <code>CDATA</code>.</li>
+<p>Add an attribute to the currently open tag.</p>
+<p>By default, if the attribute value contains markup characters, they will be escaped automatically by
+wxml before output.</p>
+<p>However, in rare cases you may not wish this to happen - if you wish to output Unicode
+characters, or entity references. In this case, you should set <code>escape=.false.</code> for the relevant
+subroutine call. Note that if you do this, no checking on the validity of the output string iis performed; the onus is on you to ensure well-formedness</p>
+<p>The value to be added may be of any type; it will be converted to text according to FoX's <a href="str.html">formatting rules</a>,
+and if it is a 1- or 2-dimensional array, the elements will all be output, separated by spaces (except if it is a character array, in which
+case the delimiter may be changed to any other single character using an optional argument).</p>
+<p>NB The <strong>type</strong> option is only provided so that in the case of an external DTD which FoX is unaware of, the attribute type can be specified (which gives FoX more information to ensure well-formedness and validity). Specifying the type incorrectly may result in spurious error messages)</p>
+<li><code>xml_AddCharacters</code> <br />
+<strong>chars</strong> <em>anytype</em>:
+The text to be output <br />
+(<strong>parsed</strong>): <em>logical</em>: Should the output characters be parsed (ie should the library replace '&' with '&' etc?) or unparsed (in which case
+the characters will be surrounded by CDATA tags.
+<em>default: yes</em> <br />
+(<strong>delimiter</strong>): <em>character(1)</em>: If <strong>data</strong> is a character array, what should the delimiter between elements be on output?
+<em>default: a single space</em> <br />
+(<strong>ws_significant</strong>): <em>logical</em>: Is any whitespace in the string significant? <em>default: unknown</em></li>
+<p>Add text data. The data to be added may be of any type; they will be converted to text according to FoX's <a href="str.html">formatting rules</a>,
+and if they are a 1- or 2-dimensional array, the elements will all be output, separated by spaces (except if it is a character array, in which
+case the delimiter may be changed to any other single character using an optional argument).</p>
+<p>Within the context of character output, add a (system-dependent) newline character. This function can only
+be called wherever <code>xml_AddCharacters</code> can be called. (Newlines outside of character context are under
+FoX's control, and cannot be manipulated by the user.)</p>
+<p><a name="NSfunctions"/></p>
+<h3>Namespace-aware functions:</h3>
+<li><code>xml_DeclareNamespace</code> <br />
+<strong>nsURI</strong> <em>string</em>: The URI of the namespace <br />
+(<strong>prefix</strong>) <em>string</em>: The namespace prefix to be used in the document. If absent, then the default namespace is affected.</li>
+<p>Add an XML Namespace declaration. This function may be called at any time, and its precise effect depends on when it is called; see below</p>
+<li><code>xml_UndeclareNamespace</code> <br />
+(<strong>prefix</strong>) <em>string</em>: The namespace prefix to be used in the document. If absent, then the default namespace is affected.</li>
+<p>Undeclare an XML namespace. This is equivalent to declaring an namespace with an empty URI, and renders the namespace ineffective for the scope of the declaration. For explanation of its scope, see below.</p>
+<p><strong>NB</strong> Use of <code>xml_UndeclareNamespace</code> implies that the resultant document will be compliant with XML Namespaces 1.1, but not 1.0; wxml will issue an error when trying to undeclare namespaces under XML 1.0.</p>
+<h4>Scope of namespace functions</h4>
+<p>If  <code>xml_[Un]declareNamespace</code> is called immediately prior to an <code>xml_NewElement</code> call, then the namespace will be declared in that next element, and will therefore take effect in all child elements.</p>
+<p>If it is called prior to an <code>xml_NewElement</code> call, but that element has namespaced attributes </p>
+<p>To explain by means of example: In order to generate the following XML output:</p>
+<pre><code> <cml:cml xmlns:cml="http://www.xml-cml.org/schema"/>
+<p>then the following two calls are necessary, in the prescribed order:</p>
+<pre><code>  xml_DeclareNamespace(xf, 'cml', 'http://www.xml-cml.org')
+  xml_NewElement(xf, 'cml:cml')
+<p>However, to generate XML input like so:
+      <cml xhtml:class="symbol" xmlns:xhtml="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"/>
+that is, where the namespace refers to an attribute at the same level,
+then as long as the <code>xml_DeclareNamespace</code> call is made before the element tag is closed (either by <code>xml_EndElement</code>, or by a new element tag being opened, or some text being added etc.) the correct XML will be generated.</p>
+<p>Two previously mentioned functions are affected when used in a namespace-aware fashion.</p>
+<li><code>xml_NewElement</code>, <code>xml_AddAttribute</code></li>
+<p>The element or attribute name is checked, and if it is a QName (ie if it is of the form prefix:tagName) then wxml will check that prefix is a
+registered namespace prefix, and generate an error if not.</p>
+<p><a name="obscure"/></p>
+<h3>More rarely used functions:</h3>
+<p>If you don't know the purpose of any of these, then you don't need to. </p>
+<li><code>xml_AddXMLDeclaration</code> <br />
+(<strong>version</strong>) <em>string</em>: XML version to be used.
+<em>default: 1.0</em> <br />
+(<strong>encoding</strong>) <em>string</em>: character encoding of the document
+<em>default: absent</em> <br />
+(<strong>standalone</strong>) <em>logical</em>: is this document standalone?
+<em>default: absent</em>  </li>
+<p>Add XML declaration to the first line of output. If used, then the file must have been opened with <code>addDecl = .false.</code>, and this must be the first wxml call to the document.o</p>
+<p>NB The only XML versions available are 1.0 and 1.1. Attempting to specify anything else will result in an error. Specifying version 1.0 results in additional output checks to ensure the resultant document is XML-1.0-conformant.</p>
+<p>NB Note that if the encoding is specified, and is specified to not be UTF-8, then if the specified encoding does not match that supported by the Fortran processor, you may end up with output you do not expect.</p>
+<li><code>xml_AddDOCTYPE</code> <br />
+<strong>name</strong> <em>string</em>: DOCTYPE name <br />
+(<strong>system</strong>) <em>string</em>: DOCTYPE SYSTEM ID <br />
+(<strong>public</strong>) <em>string</em>: DOCTYPE PUBLIC ID  </li>
+<p>Add an XML document type declaration. If used, this must be used prior to first <code>xml_NewElement</code> call, and only one such call must be made.</p>
+<li><code>xml_AddInternalEntity</code> <br />
+<strong>name</strong> <em>string</em>: name of internal entity <br />
+<strong>value</strong> <em>string</em>: value of internal entity  </li>
+<p>Define an internal entity for the document. If used, this call must be made after <code>xml_AddDOCTYPE</code> and before the first <code>xml_NewElement</code> call.</p>
+<li><code>xml_AddExternalEntity</code> <br />
+<strong>name</strong> <em>string</em>: name of external entity <br />
+<strong>system</strong> <em>string</em>: SYSTEM ID of external entity <br />
+(<strong>public</strong>) <em>string</em>: PUBLIC ID of external entity
+<em>default: absent</em> <br />
+(<strong>notation</strong>) <em>string</em>: notation for external entity
+<em>default: absent</em>  </li>
+<p>Define an external entity for the document. If used, this call must be made after <code>xml_AddDOCTYPE</code> and before the first <code>xml_NewElement</code> call.</p>
+<li><code>xml_AddParameterEntity</code> <br />
+<strong>name</strong> <em>string</em>: name of parameter entity <br />
+(<strong>PEdef</strong>) <em>string</em>: definition of parameter entity
+<em>default: absent</em> <br />
+(<strong>system</strong>) <em>string</em>: SYSTEM ID of parameter entity
+<em>default: absent</em> <br />
+(<strong>public</strong>) <em>string</em>: PUBLIC ID of parameter entity
+<em>default: absent</em>  </li>
+<p>Define a parameter entity for the document. If used, this call must be made after <code>xml_AddDOCTYPE</code> and before the first <code>xml_NewElement</code> call.</p>
+<li><code>xml_AddNotation</code> <br />
+<strong>name</strong> <em>string</em>: name of notation <br />
+(<strong>system</strong>) <em>string</em>: SYSTEM ID of notation
+<em>default: absent</em> <br />
+(<strong>public</strong>) <em>string</em>: PUBLIC ID of notation
+<em>default: absent</em>  </li>
+<p>Define a notation for the document. If used, this call must be made after <code>xml_AddDOCTYPE</code> and before the first <code>xml_NewElement</code> call.</p>
+<li><code>xml_AddElementToDTD</code> <br />
+<strong>name</strong> <em>string</em>: name of element <br />
+<strong>declaration</strong> <em>string</em>: declaration of element  </li>
+<p>Add an ELEMENT declaration to the DTD. The syntax of the declaration is not checked in any way, nor does this affect how elements may be added in the content of the XML document.</p>
+<p>If used, this call must be made after <code>xml_AddDOCTYPE</code> and before the first <code>xml_NewElement</code> call.</p>
+<li><code>xml_AddAttlistToDTD</code> <br />
+<strong>name</strong> <em>string</em>: name of element <br />
+<strong>declaration</strong> <em>string</em>: declaration of element  </li>
+<p>Add an ATTLIST declaration to the DTD. The syntax of the declaration is not checked in any way, nor does this affect how attributes may be added in the content of the XML document.</p>
+<p>If used, this call must be made after <code>xml_AddDOCTYPE</code> and before the first <code>xml_NewElement</code> call.</p>
+<li><code>xml_AddPEreferenceToDTD</code> <br />
+<strong>name</strong> <em>string</em>: name of PEreference</li>
+<p>Add a reference to a Parameter Entity in the DTD. No check is made according to whether the PE exists, has been declared, or may legally be used.</p>
+<p>If used, this call must be made after <code>xml_AddDOCTYPE</code> and before the first <code>xml_NewElement</code> call.</p>
+<li><code>xml_AddXMLStylesheet</code> <br />
+<strong>href</strong> :<em>string</em>: 
+address of stylesheet <br />
+<strong>type</strong>: <em>string</em>:
+type of stylesheet (generally "text/xsl") <br />
+(<strong>title</strong>): <em>string</em>:
+title of stylesheet
+<em>default: none</em> <br />
+(<strong>media</strong>): <em>string:</em>
+output media type
+<em>default: none</em> <br />
+(<strong>charset</strong>): <em>string</em>
+charset of media type
+<em>default:none</em> <br />
+(<strong>alternate</strong>): <em>string</em>:
+<em>default:none</em>  </li>
+<p>Add XML stylesheet processing instruction, as described in [Stylesheets]. If used, this call must be made before the first <code>xml_NewElement</code> call.</p>
+<li><code>xml_AddXMLPI</code> <br />
+<strong>name</strong>: <em>string</em>:
+name of PI <br />
+(<strong>data</strong>): <em>string</em>:
+data for PI <br />
+(<strong>xml</strong>): <em>logical</em>: (see below)
+<em>default: false</em> <br />
+(<strong>ws_significant</strong>): <em>logical</em>: if this is a PI containing only <strong>data</strong>, then is any whitespace in the data significant? <em>default: unknown</em></li>
+<p>Add an XML Processing Instruction.</p>
+<p>If data is present, nothing further can be added to the PI. If it is <em>not</em> present, then pseudoattributes may be added using the call below.
+Normally, the <strong>name</strong> is checked to ensure that it is XML-compliant. This requires that PI targets not start with <code>[Xx][Mm][Ll]</code>, because such names are reserved. However, some are defined by later W3 specificataions. If you wish to use such PI targets, then set <code>xml=.true.</code> when outputting them.</p>
+<p>The output PI will look like:
+<code><?name data?></code></p>
+<li><code>xml_AddPseudoAttribute</code> <br />
+<strong>name</strong>: <em>string</em>:
+Name of pseudoattribute <br />
+<strong>value</strong>: <em>anytype</em>:
+Value of pseudoattribute
+(<strong>ws_significant</strong>): <em>logical</em>: If there is any whitespace in the value of this pseudoattribute, is is significant?</li>
+<p>Add a pseudoattribute to the currently open PI.</p>
+<li><code>xml_AddComment</code> <br />
+<strong>comment</strong>: <em>string</em>
+Contents of comment <br />
+(<strong>ws_significant</strong>): <em>logical</em>: is any whitespace in the comment string significant? <em>default: unknown</em></li>
+<p>Add an XML comment.</p>
+<li><code>xml_AddEntityReference</code> <br />
+<strong>entityref</strong>: Entity reference.</li>
+<p>This may be used anywhere that <code>xml_AddCharacters</code> may be, and will insert an entity reference into the contents of the XML document at that point. Note that if the entity inserted is a character entity, its validity well be checked according to the rules of XML-1.1, not 1.0.</p>
+<p>If the entity reference is not a character entity, then no check is made of its validity, and a warning will be issued</p>
+<h3>Functions to query XML file objects</h3>
+<p>These functions may be of use in building wrapper libraries:</p>
+<li><code>xmlf_Name</code> result(<em>string</em>)</li>
+<p>Return the filename of an open XML file</p>
+<li><code>xmlf_OpenTag</code> result(<em>string</em>)</li>
+<p>Return the currently open tag of the current XML file (or the empty string if none is open)</p>
+<li><code>xmlf_GetPretty_print</code> result(<em>logical</em>)</li>
+<p>Return the current value of pretty_print.</p>
+<strong>NewValue</strong>: <em>logical</em></li>
+<p>Set the current value of pretty_print to the NewValue. This may be useful in a mixed namespace
+document where pretty printing the output may change the meaning under one of the namespaces.</p>
+<p><a name="Exceptions"/></p>
+<p>Below are explained areas where wxml fails to implement the whole of XML 1.0/1.1. These are divided into two lists; where wxml <strong>does not</strong> permit the generation of a particular well-formed XML document, and where it <strong>does</strong> permit the generation of a particular non-well-formed document.</p>
+<p>Ways in which wxml renders it impossible to produce a certain sort of well-formed XML document:</p>
+<li>Unicode support is limited. Due to the limitations of Fortran, wxml is unable to manipulate characters outwith 7-bit US-ASCII. wxml will ensure that characters corresponding to those in 7-bit ASCII are output correctly within the constraints of the version of XML in use, for a UTF-8 encoding. Attempts to directly output any other characters will have undefined effects.  Output of other unicode characters is possible through the use of character entities.</li>
+<li>Due to the constraints of the Fortran IO specification, it is impossible to output arbitrary long strings without carriage returns. The size of the limit varies between processors, but may be as low as 1024 characters. To avoid overrunning this limit, wxml will by default insert carriage returns before every new element, and if an unbroken string of attribute or text data is requested greater than 1024 characters, then carriage returns will be inserted as appropriate; within whitespa [...]
+<p>wxml will try very hard to ensure that output is well-formed. However, it is possible to fool wxml into producing ill-formed XML documents. Avoid doing so if possible; for completeness these ways are listed here. In all cases where ill-formedness is a possibility, a warning can be issued. These warnings can be verbose, so are off by default, but if they are desired, they can be switched on by manipulating the <code>warning</code> argument to <code>xml_OpenFile</code>.</p>
+<li>If you specify a non-default text encoding, and then run FoX on a platform which does not use this encoding, then the result will be nonsense, and more than likely ill-formed. FoX will issue a warning in this case.</li>
+<li>When adding any text, if any characters are passed in (regardless of character set) which do not have equivalants within 7-bit ASCII, then the results are processor-dependent, and may result in an invalid document on output. A warning will be issued if this occurs. If you need a guarantee that such characters will be passed correctly, use character entities.</li>
+<li>If any parameter entities are referenced, no checks are made that the document after parameter-entity-expansion is well-formed. A warning will be issued. </li>
+<h3>Validity constraints</h3>
+<p>Finally, note that constraints on XML documents are divided into two sets - well-formedness constraints (WFC) and validity constraints (VC). The above only applies to WFC checks. wxml can make some minimal checks on VCs, but this is by no means complete, nor is it intended to be. These checks are off by default, but may be switched on by manipulating the <code>validate</code> argument to <code>xml_OpenFile</code>.</p>
diff --git a/DoX/FoX_wxml.md b/DoX/FoX_wxml.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..209ce62
--- /dev/null
+++ b/DoX/FoX_wxml.md
@@ -0,0 +1,383 @@
+`wxml` is a general Fortran XML output library. It offers a Fortran interface, in the form of a number of subroutines,  to generate well-formed XML documents. Almost all of the XML features described in [XML11](#XML11)  and [Namespaces](#Namespaces) are available, and `wxml` will diagnose almost all attempts to produce an invalid document. [Exceptions](#Exceptions) below describes where `wxml` falls short of these aims.
+First, [Conventions](#Conventions) describes the conventions use in this document.
+Then, [Functions](#Functions) lists all of `wxml`'s publically exported functions, in three sections:
+1. [Firstly](#simple), the very few functions necessary to create the simplest XML document, containing only elements, attributes, and text. 
+2. [Secondly](#NSfunctions), those functions concerned with XML Namespaces, and how Namespaces affect the behaviour of the first tranche of functions.  
+3. [Thirdly](#obscure), a set of more rarely used functions required to access some of the more esoteric corners of the XML specification.
+Please note that where the documentation below is not clear, it may be useful to look at some of the example files. There is a very simple example in the `examples/` subdirectory, but which nevertheless shows the use of most of the features you will use.
+A more elaborate example, using almost all of the XML features found here, is available in the top-level directory as `wxml_example.f90`. It will be automatically compiled as part of the build porcess.
+<a name="Conventions"/>
+##Conventions and notes:
+####Conventions used below.
+* Function names are in `monospace`
+* argument names are in **bold**
+* optional argument names are in (**parenthesized bold**)
+* argument types are in *italic* and may consist of:
+* *string*: string of arbitrary (unless otherwise specified) length
+* *integer*: default integer
+* *real(sp)*: single precision real number
+* *real(dp)*: double precision real number
+* *logical*: default logical 
+* *real*: either of *real(sp)* or *real(dp)*
+* *anytype*: any of *logical*, *integer*, *real(sp)*, *real(dp)*, *string*
+Note that where *strings* are passed in, they will be passed through entirely unchanged to the output file - no truncation of whitespace will occur.
+It is strongly recommended that the functions be used with keyword arguments rather than replying on implicit ordering.
+####Derived type: `xmlf_t`
+This is an opaque type representing the XML file handle. Each function requires this as an argument, so it knows which file to operate on. (And it is an output of the xml_OpenFile subroutine) Since all subroutines require it, it is not mentioned below.
+<a name="Functions"/>
+## Function listing
+<a name="simple"/>
+### Frequently used functions
+* `xml_OpenFile`  
+**filename**: *string*: Filename to be opened  
+**xf**: *xmlf_t*: XML File handle  
+(**channel**): *integer*: What Fortran file handle should the XML file be attached to? 
+  *default: picked by the library at runtime*  
+(**pretty_print**): *logical*: Should the XML output be formatted to look pretty? (This implies that whitespace is not significant) 
+  *default: false*  
+(**replace**): *logical*: Should the file be replaced if it already exists? 
+  *default: no, stop at runtime if file already exists*  
+(**addDecl**): *logical*: Should an XML declaration be added at the start of the file? 
+  *default: yes*  
+(**namespace**): *logical*: Should wxml prevent the output of namespace-ill-formed documents? 
+ *default: yes*  
+(**validate**): *logical*: Should wxml carry out any checks on the optional VC constraints specified by XML? 
+ *default: no*  
+(**warning**): *logical*: Should wxml emit warnings when it is unable to guarantee well-formedness? 
+ *default: no*  
+Open a file for writing XML
+By default, the XML will have no extraneous text nodes. This can have the effect of it
+looking slightly ugly, since there will be no newlines inserted between tags.
+This behaviour can be changed to produce slightly nicer looking XML, by switching
+on pretty_print. This will insert newlines and spaces between some tags where
+they are unlikely to carry semantics. Note, though, that this does result in 
+the XML produced being not quite what was asked for, since extra characters and
+text nodes have been inserted.
+NB: The **replace** option should be noted. By default, xml_OpenFile will fail with a runtime error if you try and write to an existing file. If you are sure you want to continue on in such a case, then you can specify `**replace**=.true.` and any existing files will be overwritten. If finer granularity is required over how to proceed in such cases, use the Fortran `inquire` statement in your code. There is no 'append' functionality by design - any XML file created by appending to an exi [...]
+* `xml_Close`   
+**xf**: *xmlf_t*: XML File handle
+(**empty**): Can the file be empty? *default: .false.*
+Close an opened XML file, closing all still-opened tags so that it is well-formed.
+In the normal run of event, trying to close an XML file with no root element will cause an error, since this is not well-formed. However, an optional argument, **empty** is provided in case it is desirable to close files which may be empty. In this case, a warning will still be emitted, but no fatal error generated.
+* `xml_NewElement`  
+**name**: *string*:
+ Name of tag (for namespaced output, you need to include the prefix)
+Open a new element tag
+* `xml_EndElement`  
+**name**: *string*: 
+ Name of tag to be closed (if it doesn't match currently open tag, you'll get an error)
+Close an open tag
+* `xml_AddAttribute`  
+**name**: *string*: Name of attribute  
+**value**: *anytype*: Value of attribute  
+(**escape**): *logical*: if the attribute value is a string, should the attribute value be escaped?
+  *default: true*  
+(**type**): *string*: the type of the attribute. This must be one of `CDATA`, `ID`, `IDREF`, `IDREFS`, `NMTOKEN`, `NMTOKENS`, `ENTITY`, `ENTITIES`, or `NOTATION` (always upper case). If specified, this must match any attribute declarations that have been previously declared in the DTD. If unspecified this (as the XML standard requires) defaults to `CDATA`.
+Add an attribute to the currently open tag.
+By default, if the attribute value contains markup characters, they will be escaped automatically by
+wxml before output.
+However, in rare cases you may not wish this to happen - if you wish to output Unicode
+characters, or entity references. In this case, you should set `escape=.false.` for the relevant
+subroutine call. Note that if you do this, no checking on the validity of the output string iis performed; the onus is on you to ensure well-formedness
+The value to be added may be of any type; it will be converted to text according to FoX's [formatting rules](str.html),
+and if it is a 1- or 2-dimensional array, the elements will all be output, separated by spaces (except if it is a character array, in which
+case the delimiter may be changed to any other single character using an optional argument).
+NB The **type** option is only provided so that in the case of an external DTD which FoX is unaware of, the attribute type can be specified (which gives FoX more information to ensure well-formedness and validity). Specifying the type incorrectly may result in spurious error messages)
+* `xml_AddCharacters`  
+**chars** *anytype*:
+ The text to be output  
+(**parsed**): *logical*: Should the output characters be parsed (ie should the library replace '&' with '&' etc?) or unparsed (in which case
+the characters will be surrounded by CDATA tags.
+ *default: yes*  
+(**delimiter**): *character(1)*: If **data** is a character array, what should the delimiter between elements be on output?
+ *default: a single space*  
+(**ws_significant**): *logical*: Is any whitespace in the string significant? *default: unknown*
+Add text data. The data to be added may be of any type; they will be converted to text according to FoX's [formatting rules](str.html),
+and if they are a 1- or 2-dimensional array, the elements will all be output, separated by spaces (except if it is a character array, in which
+case the delimiter may be changed to any other single character using an optional argument).
+* `xml_AddNewline`
+Within the context of character output, add a (system-dependent) newline character. This function can only
+be called wherever `xml_AddCharacters` can be called. (Newlines outside of character context are under
+FoX's control, and cannot be manipulated by the user.)
+<a name="NSfunctions"/>
+### Namespace-aware functions:
+* `xml_DeclareNamespace`  
+**nsURI** *string*: The URI of the namespace   
+(**prefix**) *string*: The namespace prefix to be used in the document. If absent, then the default namespace is affected.
+Add an XML Namespace declaration. This function may be called at any time, and its precise effect depends on when it is called; see below
+* `xml_UndeclareNamespace`  
+(**prefix**) *string*: The namespace prefix to be used in the document. If absent, then the default namespace is affected.
+Undeclare an XML namespace. This is equivalent to declaring an namespace with an empty URI, and renders the namespace ineffective for the scope of the declaration. For explanation of its scope, see below.
+**NB** Use of `xml_UndeclareNamespace` implies that the resultant document will be compliant with XML Namespaces 1.1, but not 1.0; wxml will issue an error when trying to undeclare namespaces under XML 1.0.
+#### Scope of namespace functions
+If  `xml_[Un]declareNamespace` is called immediately prior to an `xml_NewElement` call, then the namespace will be declared in that next element, and will therefore take effect in all child elements.
+If it is called prior to an `xml_NewElement` call, but that element has namespaced attributes 
+To explain by means of example: In order to generate the following XML output:
+     <cml:cml xmlns:cml="http://www.xml-cml.org/schema"/>
+then the following two calls are necessary, in the prescribed order:
+      xml_DeclareNamespace(xf, 'cml', 'http://www.xml-cml.org')
+      xml_NewElement(xf, 'cml:cml')
+However, to generate XML input like so:
+      <cml xhtml:class="symbol" xmlns:xhtml="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"/>
+that is, where the namespace refers to an attribute at the same level,
+then as long as the `xml_DeclareNamespace` call is made before the element tag is closed (either by `xml_EndElement`, or by a new element tag being opened, or some text being added etc.) the correct XML will be generated.
+Two previously mentioned functions are affected when used in a namespace-aware fashion.
+* `xml_NewElement`, `xml_AddAttribute`
+The element or attribute name is checked, and if it is a QName (ie if it is of the form prefix:tagName) then wxml will check that prefix is a
+registered namespace prefix, and generate an error if not.
+<a name="obscure"/>
+### More rarely used functions:
+If you don't know the purpose of any of these, then you don't need to. 
+* `xml_AddXMLDeclaration`  
+(**version**) *string*: XML version to be used.
+ *default: 1.0*  
+(**encoding**) *string*: character encoding of the document
+  *default: absent*  
+(**standalone**) *logical*: is this document standalone?
+  *default: absent*  
+Add XML declaration to the first line of output. If used, then the file must have been opened with `addDecl = .false.`, and this must be the first wxml call to the document.o
+NB The only XML versions available are 1.0 and 1.1. Attempting to specify anything else will result in an error. Specifying version 1.0 results in additional output checks to ensure the resultant document is XML-1.0-conformant.
+NB Note that if the encoding is specified, and is specified to not be UTF-8, then if the specified encoding does not match that supported by the Fortran processor, you may end up with output you do not expect.
+* `xml_AddDOCTYPE`  
+**name** *string*: DOCTYPE name  
+(**system**) *string*: DOCTYPE SYSTEM ID  
+(**public**) *string*: DOCTYPE PUBLIC ID  
+Add an XML document type declaration. If used, this must be used prior to first `xml_NewElement` call, and only one such call must be made.
+* `xml_AddInternalEntity`  
+**name** *string*: name of internal entity  
+**value** *string*: value of internal entity  
+Define an internal entity for the document. If used, this call must be made after `xml_AddDOCTYPE` and before the first `xml_NewElement` call.
+* `xml_AddExternalEntity`  
+**name** *string*: name of external entity  
+**system** *string*: SYSTEM ID of external entity  
+(**public**) *string*: PUBLIC ID of external entity
+  *default: absent*  
+(**notation**) *string*: notation for external entity
+  *default: absent*  
+Define an external entity for the document. If used, this call must be made after `xml_AddDOCTYPE` and before the first `xml_NewElement` call.
+* `xml_AddParameterEntity`  
+**name** *string*: name of parameter entity  
+(**PEdef**) *string*: definition of parameter entity
+  *default: absent*  
+(**system**) *string*: SYSTEM ID of parameter entity
+  *default: absent*  
+(**public**) *string*: PUBLIC ID of parameter entity
+  *default: absent*  
+Define a parameter entity for the document. If used, this call must be made after `xml_AddDOCTYPE` and before the first `xml_NewElement` call.
+* `xml_AddNotation`  
+**name** *string*: name of notation  
+(**system**) *string*: SYSTEM ID of notation
+  *default: absent*  
+(**public**) *string*: PUBLIC ID of notation
+  *default: absent*  
+Define a notation for the document. If used, this call must be made after `xml_AddDOCTYPE` and before the first `xml_NewElement` call.
+* `xml_AddElementToDTD`  
+**name** *string*: name of element  
+**declaration** *string*: declaration of element  
+Add an ELEMENT declaration to the DTD. The syntax of the declaration is not checked in any way, nor does this affect how elements may be added in the content of the XML document.
+If used, this call must be made after `xml_AddDOCTYPE` and before the first `xml_NewElement` call.
+* `xml_AddAttlistToDTD`  
+**name** *string*: name of element  
+**declaration** *string*: declaration of element  
+Add an ATTLIST declaration to the DTD. The syntax of the declaration is not checked in any way, nor does this affect how attributes may be added in the content of the XML document.
+If used, this call must be made after `xml_AddDOCTYPE` and before the first `xml_NewElement` call.
+* `xml_AddPEreferenceToDTD`  
+**name** *string*: name of PEreference
+Add a reference to a Parameter Entity in the DTD. No check is made according to whether the PE exists, has been declared, or may legally be used.
+If used, this call must be made after `xml_AddDOCTYPE` and before the first `xml_NewElement` call.
+* `xml_AddXMLStylesheet`  
+**href** :*string*: 
+ address of stylesheet    
+**type**: *string*:
+ type of stylesheet (generally "text/xsl")  
+(**title**): *string*:
+ title of stylesheet
+  *default: none*  
+(**media**): *string:*
+ output media type
+*default: none*  
+(**charset**): *string*
+ charset of media type
+ *default:none*  
+ (**alternate**): *string*:
+ alternate
+Add XML stylesheet processing instruction, as described in [Stylesheets]. If used, this call must be made before the first `xml_NewElement` call.
+* `xml_AddXMLPI`   
+**name**: *string*:
+name of PI    
+(**data**): *string*:
+data for PI   
+(**xml**): *logical*: (see below)
+  *default: false*  
+(**ws_significant**): *logical*: if this is a PI containing only **data**, then is any whitespace in the data significant? *default: unknown*
+Add an XML Processing Instruction.
+If data is present, nothing further can be added to the PI. If it is *not* present, then pseudoattributes may be added using the call below.
+Normally, the **name** is checked to ensure that it is XML-compliant. This requires that PI targets not start with `[Xx][Mm][Ll]`, because such names are reserved. However, some are defined by later W3 specificataions. If you wish to use such PI targets, then set `xml=.true.` when outputting them.
+The output PI will look like:
+`<?name data?>`
+* `xml_AddPseudoAttribute`  
+**name**: *string*:
+ Name of pseudoattribute  
+**value**: *anytype*:
+ Value of pseudoattribute
+(**ws_significant**): *logical*: If there is any whitespace in the value of this pseudoattribute, is is significant?
+Add a pseudoattribute to the currently open PI.
+* `xml_AddComment`  
+**comment**: *string*
+ Contents of comment  
+(**ws_significant**): *logical*: is any whitespace in the comment string significant? *default: unknown*
+Add an XML comment.
+* `xml_AddEntityReference`  
+**entityref**: Entity reference.
+This may be used anywhere that `xml_AddCharacters` may be, and will insert an entity reference into the contents of the XML document at that point. Note that if the entity inserted is a character entity, its validity well be checked according to the rules of XML-1.1, not 1.0.
+If the entity reference is not a character entity, then no check is made of its validity, and a warning will be issued
+### Functions to query XML file objects
+These functions may be of use in building wrapper libraries:
+* `xmlf_Name` result(*string*)
+Return the filename of an open XML file
+* `xmlf_OpenTag` result(*string*)
+Return the currently open tag of the current XML file (or the empty string if none is open)
+* `xmlf_GetPretty_print` result(*logical*)
+Return the current value of pretty_print.
+* `xmlf_SetPretty_print`
+**NewValue**: *logical*
+Set the current value of pretty_print to the NewValue. This may be useful in a mixed namespace
+document where pretty printing the output may change the meaning under one of the namespaces.
+<a name="Exceptions"/>
+Below are explained areas where wxml fails to implement the whole of XML 1.0/1.1. These are divided into two lists; where wxml **does not** permit the generation of a particular well-formed XML document, and where it **does** permit the generation of a particular non-well-formed document.
+Ways in which wxml renders it impossible to produce a certain sort of well-formed XML document:
+ 1. Unicode support is limited. Due to the limitations of Fortran, wxml is unable to manipulate characters outwith 7-bit US-ASCII. wxml will ensure that characters corresponding to those in 7-bit ASCII are output correctly within the constraints of the version of XML in use, for a UTF-8 encoding. Attempts to directly output any other characters will have undefined effects.  Output of other unicode characters is possible through the use of character entities.
+ 1. Due to the constraints of the Fortran IO specification, it is impossible to output arbitrary long strings without carriage returns. The size of the limit varies between processors, but may be as low as 1024 characters. To avoid overrunning this limit, wxml will by default insert carriage returns before every new element, and if an unbroken string of attribute or text data is requested greater than 1024 characters, then carriage returns will be inserted as appropriate; within whitespa [...]
+wxml will try very hard to ensure that output is well-formed. However, it is possible to fool wxml into producing ill-formed XML documents. Avoid doing so if possible; for completeness these ways are listed here. In all cases where ill-formedness is a possibility, a warning can be issued. These warnings can be verbose, so are off by default, but if they are desired, they can be switched on by manipulating the `warning` argument to `xml_OpenFile`.
+ 1. If you specify a non-default text encoding, and then run FoX on a platform which does not use this encoding, then the result will be nonsense, and more than likely ill-formed. FoX will issue a warning in this case.
+ 4. When adding any text, if any characters are passed in (regardless of character set) which do not have equivalants within 7-bit ASCII, then the results are processor-dependent, and may result in an invalid document on output. A warning will be issued if this occurs. If you need a guarantee that such characters will be passed correctly, use character entities.
+ 2. If any parameter entities are referenced, no checks are made that the document after parameter-entity-expansion is well-formed. A warning will be issued. 
+###Validity constraints
+Finally, note that constraints on XML documents are divided into two sets - well-formedness constraints (WFC) and validity constraints (VC). The above only applies to WFC checks. wxml can make some minimal checks on VCs, but this is by no means complete, nor is it intended to be. These checks are off by default, but may be switched on by manipulating the `validate` argument to `xml_OpenFile`.
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+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">
+<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
+  <title>Information</title>
+  <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="DoX.css"/>
+  <div class="DoX">
+<h1>Further information</h1>
+<p>FoX evolved from the initial codebase of <a href="http://lcdx00.wm.lc.ehu.es/ag/xml/">xmlf90</a>,
+which was written largely by Alberto Garcia <<a href="ma&#x69;&#x6C;&#x74;o:&#x61;&#x6C;b&#x65;rtog@i&#x63;m&#x61;&#x62;&#x2E;e&#x73;">&#x61;&#x6C;b&#x65;rtog@i&#x63;m&#x61;&#x62;&#x2E;e&#x73;</a>> and Jon Wakelin <<a href="&#x6D;&#x61;ilto:j&#x6F;n&#x2E;wak&#x65;&#x6C;&#x69;n@b&#x72;i&#x73;t&#x6F;l&#x2E;ac.&#x75;k">j&#x6F;n&#x2E; [...]
+<p>FoX is the work of Toby White <<a href="m&#x61;&#x69;l&#x74;&#x6F;:to&#x77;@u&#x73;zla.&#x6D;e.&#x75;k">to&#x77;@u&#x73;zla.&#x6D;e.&#x75;k</a>>, and all bug reports/complaints/bouquets of roses should be sent to him. Andrew Walker <<a href="m&#x61;i&#x6C;t&#x6F;:&#x61;&#x6E;d&#x72;e&#x77;&#x2E;w&#x61;lk&#x65;r@&#x62;&#x72;is&#x74;&#11 [...]
+<p>There is a FoX website at <a href="http://www1.gly.bris.ac.uk/~walker/FoX/">http://www1.gly.bris.ac.uk/~walker/FoX/</a>.</p>
+<p>There is also a mailing list for announcements/queries/bug reports. Information on how to subscribe may be found at <a href="http://groups.google.com/group/fox-discuss/">http://groups.google.com/group/fox-discuss/</a>. The archive of an older mailing list can be found at <a href="http://www.uszla.me.uk/pipermail/fox/">http://www.uszla.me.uk/pipermail/fox/</a>.</p>
+<p>This manual is © Toby White 2006-2008 with additional modifications by Andrew Walker 2008-2010.</p>
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+#Further information
+FoX evolved from the initial codebase of [xmlf90](http://lcdx00.wm.lc.ehu.es/ag/xml/),
+which was written largely by Alberto Garcia <<albertog at icmab.es>> and Jon Wakelin <<jon.wakelin at bristol.ac.uk>>.
+FoX is the work of Toby White <<tow at uszla.me.uk>>, and all bug reports/complaints/bouquets of roses should be sent to him. Andrew Walker <<andrew.walker at bristol.ac.uk>> currently looks after maintenance of FoX.
+There is a FoX website at <http://www1.gly.bris.ac.uk/~walker/FoX/>.
+There is also a mailing list for announcements/queries/bug reports. Information on how to subscribe may be found at <http://groups.google.com/group/fox-discuss/>. The archive of an older mailing list can be found at <http://www.uszla.me.uk/pipermail/fox/>.
+This manual is © Toby White 2006-2008 with additional modifications by Andrew Walker 2008-2010.
diff --git a/DoX/Licensing.html b/DoX/Licensing.html
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+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">
+<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
+  <title>Licensing</title>
+  <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="DoX.css"/>
+  <div class="DoX">
+<p>FoX is licensed under the agreement below. This is intended to make it as freely available as possible, subject only to retaining copyright notices and acknowledgements.</p>
+<p>If for any reason this license causes issues with your intended use of the code, please contect the author.</p>
+<p>The license can also be found within the distributed source, in the file FoX/LICENSE</p>
+<p>Copyright: <br />
+© 2003, 2004, Alberto Garcia, Jon Wakelin <br />
+© 2005-2008, Toby White <br />
+© 2007-2009, Gen-Tao Chiang
+© 2008-2012, Andrew Walker
+All rights reserved.</p>
+<p>Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without 
+modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
+<li><p>Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, 
+this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.</p></li>
+<li><p>Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
+notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
+documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.</p></li>
+<li><p>Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its
+contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
+this software without specific prior written permission.</p></li>
+<h3>Third-party code.</h3>
+<p>In addition, FoX includes a random number library, written by <a href="http://www.coyotegulch.com">Scott Robert Ladd</a>, which is licensed as follows:</p>
+<p>!  This computer program source file is supplied "AS IS". Scott Robert <br />
+!  Ladd (hereinafter referred to as "Author") disclaims all warranties, <br />
+!  expressed or implied, including, without limitation, the warranties <br />
+!  of merchantability and of fitness for any purpose. The Author <br />
+!  assumes no liability for direct, indirect, incidental, special, <br />
+!  exemplary, or consequential damages, which may result from the use <br />
+!  of this software, even if advised of the possibility of such damage. <br />
+! <br />
+!  The Author hereby grants anyone permission to use, copy, modify, and <br />
+!  distribute this source code, or portions hereof, for any purpose, <br />
+!  without fee, subject to the following restrictions: <br />
+! <br />
+!      1. The origin of this source code must not be misrepresented. <br />
+! <br />
+!      2. Altered versions must be plainly marked as such and must not <br />
+!         be misrepresented as being the original source. <br />
+! <br />
+!      3. This Copyright notice may not be removed or altered from any <br />
+!         source or altered source distribution. <br />
+! <br />
+!  The Author specifically permits (without fee) and encourages the use <br />
+!  of this source code for entertainment, education, or decoration. If <br />
+!  you use this source code in a product, acknowledgment is not required <br />
+!  but would be appreciated.  </p>
diff --git a/DoX/Licensing.md b/DoX/Licensing.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..935c3c2
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+++ b/DoX/Licensing.md
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+FoX is licensed under the agreement below. This is intended to make it as freely available as possible, subject only to retaining copyright notices and acknowledgements.
+If for any reason this license causes issues with your intended use of the code, please contect the author.
+The license can also be found within the distributed source, in the file FoX/LICENSE
+© 2003, 2004, Alberto Garcia, Jon Wakelin   
+© 2005-2008, Toby White  
+© 2007-2009, Gen-Tao Chiang
+© 2008-2012, Andrew Walker
+All rights reserved.
+Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without 
+modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
+* Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, 
+this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+* Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
+notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
+documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+* Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its
+contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
+this software without specific prior written permission.
+### Third-party code.
+In addition, FoX includes a random number library, written by [Scott Robert Ladd](http://www.coyotegulch.com), which is licensed as follows:
+!  This computer program source file is supplied "AS IS". Scott Robert  
+!  Ladd (hereinafter referred to as "Author") disclaims all warranties,  
+!  expressed or implied, including, without limitation, the warranties  
+!  of merchantability and of fitness for any purpose. The Author  
+!  assumes no liability for direct, indirect, incidental, special,  
+!  exemplary, or consequential damages, which may result from the use   
+!  of this software, even if advised of the possibility of such damage.   
+!  The Author hereby grants anyone permission to use, copy, modify, and  
+!  distribute this source code, or portions hereof, for any purpose,  
+!  without fee, subject to the following restrictions:  
+!      1. The origin of this source code must not be misrepresented.  
+!      2. Altered versions must be plainly marked as such and must not  
+!         be misrepresented as being the original source.   
+!      3. This Copyright notice may not be removed or altered from any  
+!         source or altered source distribution.  
+!  The Author specifically permits (without fee) and encourages the use   
+!  of this source code for entertainment, education, or decoration. If  
+!  you use this source code in a product, acknowledgment is not required  
+!  but would be appreciated.  
diff --git a/DoX/Standards.html b/DoX/Standards.html
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+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">
+<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
+  <title>Standards</title>
+  <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="DoX.css"/>
+  <div class="DoX">
+<h1>Standards compliance</h1>
+<p>FoX is written with reference to the following standards:</p>
+<p>[XML10]: <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml/">http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml/</a></p>
+<p>[XML11]: <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/xml11">http://www.w3.org/TR/xml11</a></p>
+<p>[Namespaces10]: <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/xml-names">http://www.w3.org/TR/xml-names</a></p>
+<p>[Namespaces11]: <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/xml-names11">http://www.w3.org/TR/xml-names11</a></p>
+<p>[xml:id]: <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/xml-id/">http://www.w3.org/TR/xml-id/</a></p>
+<p>[xml:base]: <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/xmlbase/">http://www.w3.org/TR/xmlbase/</a></p>
+<p>[CanonicalXML]: <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/xml-c14n">http://www.w3.org/TR/xml-c14n</a></p>
+<p>[SAX2]: <a href="http://saxproject.org">http://saxproject.org</a></p>
+<p>[DOM1]:  <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-DOM-Level-1/level-one-core.html">http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-DOM-Level-1/level-one-core.html</a></p>
+<p>[DOM2]:  <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Core/">http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Core/</a></p>
+<p>[DOM3]:  <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-3-Core/">http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-3-Core/</a></p>
+<p>In particular:</p>
+<li><p><code>FoX_wxml</code> knows about [XML10], [XML11], [Namespaces10], [Namespaces11], [CanonicalXML]</p></li>
+<li><p><code>FoX_sax</code> knows about  [XML10], [XML11], [Namespaces10], [Namespaces11], [xml:id], [xml:base], [SAX2]</p></li>
+<li><p><code>FoX_dom</code> knows about [XML10], [XML11], [Namespaces10], [Namespaces11], [xml:id], [xml:base], [DOM1], [DOM2], [DOM3], [CanonicalXML]</p></li>
+<p>For exceptions, please see the relevant parts of the FoX documentation.</p>
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+++ b/DoX/Standards.md
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+#Standards compliance
+FoX is written with reference to the following standards:
+\[XML10]: <http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml/>
+\[XML11]: <http://www.w3.org/TR/xml11>
+\[Namespaces10]: <http://www.w3.org/TR/xml-names>
+\[Namespaces11]: <http://www.w3.org/TR/xml-names11>
+\[xml:id]: <http://www.w3.org/TR/xml-id/>
+\[xml:base]: <http://www.w3.org/TR/xmlbase/>
+\[CanonicalXML]: <http://www.w3.org/TR/xml-c14n>
+\[SAX2]: <http://saxproject.org>
+\[DOM1]:  <http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-DOM-Level-1/level-one-core.html>
+\[DOM2]:  <http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Core/>
+\[DOM3]:  <http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-3-Core/>
+In particular:
+* `FoX_wxml` knows about [XML10], [XML11], [Namespaces10], [Namespaces11], [CanonicalXML]
+* `FoX_sax` knows about  [XML10], [XML11], [Namespaces10], [Namespaces11], [xml:id], [xml:base], [SAX2]
+* `FoX_dom` knows about [XML10], [XML11], [Namespaces10], [Namespaces11], [xml:id], [xml:base], [DOM1], [DOM2], [DOM3], [CanonicalXML]
+For exceptions, please see the relevant parts of the FoX documentation.
diff --git a/DoX/StringConversion.html b/DoX/StringConversion.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..655f799
--- /dev/null
+++ b/DoX/StringConversion.html
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">
+<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
+  <title>StringConversion</title>
+  <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="DoX.css"/>
+  <div class="DoX">
+<h1>String conversion</h1>
+<p>Two procedures are provided to simplify reading data retreved from XML documents into Fortran variables. The subroutine <code>rts</code> performs the data conversion step and the function <code>countrts</code> can be used to allocate an array of the correct size for the incomming data. </p>
+<h2><code>rts</code> subroutine</h2>
+<p>The <code>rts</code> subroutine can be imported from <code>FoX_common</code>. In its simplest form, it is called in this fashion:</p>
+<pre><code>call rts(string, data)
+<p><code>string</code> is a simple Fortran string (probably retrieved from an XML file.)</p>
+<p><code>data</code> is any native Fortran datatype: <code>logical</code>, <code>character</code>, <code>integer</code>, <code>real</code>, <code>double precision</code>, <code>complex</code>, <code>double complex</code>, and may be a scalar, 1D or 2D array.</p>
+<p><code>rts</code> will attempt to parse the contents of <code>string</code> into the appropriate datatype, and return the value in <code>data</code>.</p>
+<p>Additional information or error handling is accomplished with the following optional arguments:</p>
+<p><code>num</code> is an integer; on returning from the function it indicates the number of data items read before either:</p>
+<li>an error occurred</li>
+<li>the string was exhausted of data items  </li>
+<li><code>data</code> was filled.</li>
+<p><code>iostat</code> is an integer, which on return from the function has the values:</p>
+<li><code>0</code> for no problems</li>
+<li><code>-1</code> if too few elements were found in <code>string</code> to fill up <code>data</code></li>
+<li><code>1</code> if <code>data</code> was filled, but there were still data items left in <code>string</code></li>
+<li><code>2</code> if the characters found in <code>string</code> could not be converted to the appropriate type for <code>data</code>.</li>
+<p>NB if <code>iostat</code> is not specified, and a non-zero value is returned, then the program will stop with an error message.</p>
+<h2>String formatting</h2>
+<p>When <code>string</code> is expected to be an array of strings, the following options are used to break <code>string</code> into its constituent elements:</p>
+<li><p>By default it is assumed that the elements are separated by whitespace, and that multiple whitespace characters are not significant. No zero-length elements are possible, nor are elements containing whitespace.</p></li>
+<li><p>An optional argument, <code>separator</code> may be specified, which is a single character. In this case, each element consists of all characters between subsequent occurences of the <code>separator</code>. Zero-length elements are possible, but no escaping mechanism is possible.</p></li>
+<li><p>Alternatively, an optional logical argument <code>csv</code> may be specified. In this case, the value of <code>delimiter</code> is ignored, and the string is parsed as a Comma-Separated-Value string, according to <a href="http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4180">RFC 4180</a>.</p></li>
+<h2>Numerical formatting.</h2>
+<p>Numbers are expected to be formatted according to the usual conventions for Fortran input.</p>
+<h2>Complex number formatting.</h2>
+<p>Complex numbers may be formatted according to either normal Fortran conventions (comma-separated pairs) or <a href="http://cmlcomp.org/t/wiki/FpxStandard">CMLComp conventions</a></p>
+<h2>Logical variable formatting.</h2>
+<p>Logical variables must be encoded according to the conventions of <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/xmlschema-2/#boolean">XML Schema Datatypes</a>  - that is, True may be written as "true" or "1", and False may be written as "false" or "0".</p>
+<h2><code>countrts</code> function</h2>
+<p>The <code>countrts</code> function can also be imported from <code>FoX_common</code>. In its simplest form, it is called in this fashion:</p>
+<pre><code>countrts(string, datatype)
+<p><code>string</code> is a simple Fortran string (probably retrived from an XML file)</p>
+<p><code>datatype</code> is a scalar argument of any native Fortran datatype (<code>logical</code>, <code>character</code>, <code>integer</code>, <code>real</code>, <code>double precision</code>, <code>complex</code> or <code>double complex</code>).</p>
+<p>The function returns a default integer equal to the number of elements that rts would
+return if called with a sufficently large array of the same type as <code>datatype</code>. <code>countrts</code> returns 0 to indicate that characters were found in the string that could not be converted. If datatype is a character, the optional arguments <code>seperator</code> and <code>csv</code> are avalable as described in "string formatting" above. The <code>countrts</code> function is pure and can be used as a specification function.</p>
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+# String conversion
+Two procedures are provided to simplify reading data retreved from XML documents into Fortran variables. The subroutine `rts` performs the data conversion step and the function `countrts` can be used to allocate an array of the correct size for the incomming data. 
+## `rts` subroutine
+The `rts` subroutine can be imported from `FoX_common`. In its simplest form, it is called in this fashion:
+    call rts(string, data)
+`string` is a simple Fortran string (probably retrieved from an XML file.)
+`data` is any native Fortran datatype: `logical`, `character`, `integer`, `real`, `double precision`, `complex`, `double complex`, and may be a scalar, 1D or 2D array.
+`rts` will attempt to parse the contents of `string` into the appropriate datatype, and return the value in `data`.
+Additional information or error handling is accomplished with the following optional arguments:
+### `num`
+`num` is an integer; on returning from the function it indicates the number of data items read before either:
+* an error occurred
+* the string was exhausted of data items  
+* `data` was filled.
+### `iostat`
+`iostat` is an integer, which on return from the function has the values:
+* `0` for no problems
+* `-1` if too few elements were found in `string` to fill up `data`
+* `1` if `data` was filled, but there were still data items left in `string`
+* `2` if the characters found in `string` could not be converted to the appropriate type for `data`.
+NB if `iostat` is not specified, and a non-zero value is returned, then the program will stop with an error message.
+## String formatting
+When `string` is expected to be an array of strings, the following options are used to break `string` into its constituent elements:
+* By default it is assumed that the elements are separated by whitespace, and that multiple whitespace characters are not significant. No zero-length elements are possible, nor are elements containing whitespace.
+* An optional argument, `separator` may be specified, which is a single character. In this case, each element consists of all characters between subsequent occurences of the `separator`. Zero-length elements are possible, but no escaping mechanism is possible.
+* Alternatively, an optional logical argument `csv` may be specified. In this case, the value of `delimiter` is ignored, and the string is parsed as a Comma-Separated-Value string, according to [RFC 4180](http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4180).
+## Numerical formatting.
+Numbers are expected to be formatted according to the usual conventions for Fortran input.
+## Complex number formatting.
+Complex numbers may be formatted according to either normal Fortran conventions (comma-separated pairs) or [CMLComp conventions](http://cmlcomp.org/t/wiki/FpxStandard)
+## Logical variable formatting.
+Logical variables must be encoded according to the conventions of [XML Schema Datatypes](http://www.w3.org/TR/xmlschema-2/#boolean)  - that is, True may be written as "true" or "1", and False may be written as "false" or "0".
+## `countrts` function
+The `countrts` function can also be imported from `FoX_common`. In its simplest form, it is called in this fashion:
+    countrts(string, datatype)
+`string` is a simple Fortran string (probably retrived from an XML file)
+`datatype` is a scalar argument of any native Fortran datatype (`logical`, `character`, `integer`, `real`, `double precision`, `complex` or `double complex`).
+The function returns a default integer equal to the number of elements that rts would
+return if called with a sufficently large array of the same type as `datatype`. `countrts` returns 0 to indicate that characters were found in the string that could not be converted. If datatype is a character, the optional arguments `seperator` and `csv` are avalable as described in "string formatting" above. The `countrts` function is pure and can be used as a specification function.
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1b63d48
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+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">
+<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
+  <title>StringFormatting</title>
+  <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="DoX.css"/>
+  <div class="DoX">
+<h1>String handling in FoX</h1>
+<p>Many of the routines in wxml, and indeed in wcml which is built on top of wxml, are overloaded so that data may be passed to the same routine as string, integer, logical, real, or complex data.</p>
+<p>In such cases, a few notes on the conversion of non-textual data to text is in order. The
+standard Fortran I/O formatting routines do not offer the control required for useful XML output, so FoX performs all its own formatting.</p>
+<p>This formatting is done internally through a function which is also available publically to the user, <code>str</code>.</p>
+<p>To use this in your program, import it via:</p>
+<pre><code>use FoX_common, only; str
+<p>and use it like so:</p>
+<pre><code> print*, str(data)
+<p>In addition, for ease of use, the <code>//</code> concatenation operator is overloaded, such that strings can easily be formed by concatenation of strings to other datatypes. To use this you must import it via:</p>
+<pre><code> use FoX_common, only: operator(//)
+<p>and use it like so:</p>
+<pre><code> integer :: data
+ print*, "This is a number "//data
+<p>This will work for all native Fortran data types - but no floating point formatting is available as described below with concatenation, only with str()</p>
+<p>You may pass data of the following primitive types to <code>str</code>:</p>
+<h2>Scalar data</h2>
+<h3>Character (default kind)</h3>
+<p>Character data is returned unchanged.</p>
+<h3>Logical (default kind)</h3>
+<p>Logical data is output such that True values are converted to the string 'true', and False to the string 'false'.</p>
+<h3>Integer (default kind)</h3>
+<p>Integer data is converted to the standard decimal representation.</p>
+<h3>Real numbers (single and double precision)</h3>
+<p>Real numbers, both single and double precision, are converted to strings in one of two ways, with some control offered to the user. The output will conform to the real number formats specified by XML Schema Datatypes.</p>
+<p>This may be done in one of two ways:</p>
+<li><p>Exponential notation, with variable number of significant figures. Format strings of the form "<code>s</code><strong>n</strong>"  are accepted, where <strong>n</strong> is the number of significant figures.</p>
+<p>Thus the number <code>111</code>, when output with various formats, will produce the following output:</p></li>
+<table class="format">
+  <td class="format"> s1 </td><td> 1e2 </td>
+  <td> s2 </td><td> 1.1e2 </td>
+  <td> s3 </td><td> 1.11e2 </td>
+  <td> s4 </td><td> 1.110e2 </td>
+<p>The number of significant figures should lie between 1 and the number of digits precision provided by the real kind. If a larger or smaller number is specified, output will be truncated accordingly. If unspecified, then a sensible default will be chosen.</p>
+<p>This format is not permitted by XML Schema Datatypes 1.0, though it is in 2.0</p>
+<li><p>Non-exponential notation, with variable number of digits after the decimal point. Format strings of the form "<code>r</code><strong>n</strong>", where <strong>n</strong> is the number of digits after the decimal point.</p>
+<p>Thus the number <code>3.14159</code>, when output with various formats, will produce the following output:</p></li>
+<table class="format">
+  <td> r0 </td><td> 3 </td>
+  <td> r1 </td><td> 3.1</td>
+  <td> r2 </td><td> 3.14</td>
+  <td> r3 </td><td> 3.142 </td>
+<p>The number of decimal places must lie between 0 and whatever would output the maximum digits precision for that real kind.  If a larger or smaller number is specified, output will be truncated accorsingly. If unspecified, then a sensible default will be chosen.</p>
+<p>This format is the only one permitted by XML Schema Datatypes 1.0</p>
+<p>If no format is specified, then a default of exponential notation will be used.</p>
+<p>If a format is specified not conforming to either of the two forms above, a run-time error will be generated.</p>
+<p><strong>NB</strong> Since by using FoX or str, you are passing real numbers through various functions, this means that
+       they must be valid real numbers. A corollary of this is that if you pass in +/-Infinity, or NaN, then
+       the behaviour of FoX is unpredictable, and may well result in a crash. This is a consequence of the
+       Fortran standard, which strictly disallows doing anything at all with such numbers, including even
+       just passing them to a subroutine.</p>
+<h2>Complex numbers (single and double precision)</h2>
+<p>Complex numbers will be output as pairs of real numbers, in the following way:</p>
+<p>where the two halves can be formatted in the way described for 'Real numbers' above; only one format may be specified, and it will apply to both.</p>
+<p>All the caveats described above apply for complex number as well; that is, output of complex numbers either of whose components are infinite or NaN is illegal in Fortran, and more than likely will cause a crash in FoX.</p>
+<h2>Arrays and matrices</h2>
+<p>All of the above types of data may be passed in as arrays and matrices as well. In this case, a string containing all the individual elements will be returned, ordered as they would be in memory, each element separated by a single space.</p>
+<p>If the data is character data, then there is an additional option to str, <code>delimiter</code> which may be any single-character string, and will replace a space as the delimiter.</p>
+<h2>wxml/wcml wrappers.</h2>
+<p>All functions in wxml which can accept arbitrary data (roughly, wherever you put anything that is not an XML name; attribute values, pseudo-attribute values, character data) will take scalars, arrays, and matrices of any of the above data types, with <code>fmt=</code> and <code>delimiter=</code> optional arguments where appropriate.</p>
+<p>Similarly, wcml functions which can accept varied data will behave similarly.</p>
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@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+# String handling in FoX
+Many of the routines in wxml, and indeed in wcml which is built on top of wxml, are overloaded so that data may be passed to the same routine as string, integer, logical, real, or complex data.
+In such cases, a few notes on the conversion of non-textual data to text is in order. The
+standard Fortran I/O formatting routines do not offer the control required for useful XML output, so FoX performs all its own formatting.
+This formatting is done internally through a function which is also available publically to the user, `str`.
+To use this in your program, import it via:
+    use FoX_common, only; str
+and use it like so:
+     print*, str(data)
+In addition, for ease of use, the `//` concatenation operator is overloaded, such that strings can easily be formed by concatenation of strings to other datatypes. To use this you must import it via:
+     use FoX_common, only: operator(//)
+and use it like so:
+     integer :: data
+     print*, "This is a number "//data
+This will work for all native Fortran data types - but no floating point formatting is available as described below with concatenation, only with str()
+You may pass data of the following primitive types to `str`:
+## Scalar data
+### Character (default kind)
+Character data is returned unchanged.
+### Logical (default kind)
+Logical data is output such that True values are converted to the string 'true', and False to the string 'false'.
+### Integer (default kind)
+Integer data is converted to the standard decimal representation.
+### Real numbers (single and double precision)
+Real numbers, both single and double precision, are converted to strings in one of two ways, with some control offered to the user. The output will conform to the real number formats specified by XML Schema Datatypes.
+This may be done in one of two ways:
+ 1. Exponential notation, with variable number of significant figures. Format strings of the form "`s`**n**"  are accepted, where **n** is the number of significant figures.
+ Thus the number `111`, when output with various formats, will produce the following output:
+<table class="format">
+  <td class="format"> s1 </td><td> 1e2 </td>
+  <td> s2 </td><td> 1.1e2 </td>
+  <td> s3 </td><td> 1.11e2 </td>
+  <td> s4 </td><td> 1.110e2 </td>
+ The number of significant figures should lie between 1 and the number of digits precision provided by the real kind. If a larger or smaller number is specified, output will be truncated accordingly. If unspecified, then a sensible default will be chosen.
+  This format is not permitted by XML Schema Datatypes 1.0, though it is in 2.0
+ 2. Non-exponential notation, with variable number of digits after the decimal point. Format strings of the form "`r`**n**", where **n** is the number of digits after the decimal point.
+ Thus the number `3.14159`, when output with various formats, will produce the following output:
+<table class="format">
+  <td> r0 </td><td> 3 </td>
+  <td> r1 </td><td> 3.1</td>
+  <td> r2 </td><td> 3.14</td>
+  <td> r3 </td><td> 3.142 </td>
+ The number of decimal places must lie between 0 and whatever would output the maximum digits precision for that real kind.  If a larger or smaller number is specified, output will be truncated accorsingly. If unspecified, then a sensible default will be chosen.
+ This format is the only one permitted by XML Schema Datatypes 1.0
+ If no format is specified, then a default of exponential notation will be used.
+ If a format is specified not conforming to either of the two forms above, a run-time error will be generated.
+**NB** Since by using FoX or str, you are passing real numbers through various functions, this means that
+       they must be valid real numbers. A corollary of this is that if you pass in +/-Infinity, or NaN, then
+       the behaviour of FoX is unpredictable, and may well result in a crash. This is a consequence of the
+       Fortran standard, which strictly disallows doing anything at all with such numbers, including even
+       just passing them to a subroutine.
+## Complex numbers (single and double precision)
+Complex numbers will be output as pairs of real numbers, in the following way:
+where the two halves can be formatted in the way described for 'Real numbers' above; only one format may be specified, and it will apply to both.
+All the caveats described above apply for complex number as well; that is, output of complex numbers either of whose components are infinite or NaN is illegal in Fortran, and more than likely will cause a crash in FoX.
+## Arrays and matrices
+All of the above types of data may be passed in as arrays and matrices as well. In this case, a string containing all the individual elements will be returned, ordered as they would be in memory, each element separated by a single space.
+If the data is character data, then there is an additional option to str, `delimiter` which may be any single-character string, and will replace a space as the delimiter.
+## wxml/wcml wrappers.
+All functions in wxml which can accept arbitrary data (roughly, wherever you put anything that is not an XML name; attribute values, pseudo-attribute values, character data) will take scalars, arrays, and matrices of any of the above data types, with `fmt=` and `delimiter=` optional arguments where appropriate.
+Similarly, wcml functions which can accept varied data will behave similarly.
diff --git a/DoX/Versioning.html b/DoX/Versioning.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..86bcadd
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+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">
+<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
+  <title>Versioning</title>
+  <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="DoX.css"/>
+  <div class="DoX">
+<h1>FoX versioning</h1>
+<p>This documentation describes version 4.1 of the FoX library.</p>
+<p>This version includes output modules for general XML, and for CML; and a fully validating XML parser, exposed through a Fortran version of the SAX2 input parser and a Fortran mapping of the W3C DOM interface.</p>
+<p>This is a stable branch, which will be maintained with important bugfixes.</p>
+<p><a name="Changes"/></p>
+<h2>FoX Changes</h2>
+<p>As of FoX-3.0, there is one user-visible change that should be noted.</p>
+<p>In previous versions of FoX, the configure script was accessible as <code>config/configure</code>. Version 3.0 now follows common practice by placing the script in the main directory, so it is now called as <code>./configure</code>.</p>
+<p>Previous versions of FoX made it quite hard to compile only portions of the library (eg only the CML output portion; or just the SAX input). This is now possible by specifying arguments to the configuration script. For example,</p>
+<p><code>./configure --enable-wcml</code></p>
+<p>will cause the generated Makefile to only compile the CML writing module and its dependencies.</p>
+<p>See <a href="Compilation.html">Compilation</a> for further details.</p>
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+# FoX versioning
+This documentation describes version 4.1 of the FoX library.
+This version includes output modules for general XML, and for CML; and a fully validating XML parser, exposed through a Fortran version of the SAX2 input parser and a Fortran mapping of the W3C DOM interface.
+This is a stable branch, which will be maintained with important bugfixes.
+<a name="Changes"/>
+## FoX Changes
+As of FoX-3.0, there is one user-visible change that should be noted.
+### Configuration/compilation
+In previous versions of FoX, the configure script was accessible as `config/configure`. Version 3.0 now follows common practice by placing the script in the main directory, so it is now called as `./configure`.
+Previous versions of FoX made it quite hard to compile only portions of the library (eg only the CML output portion; or just the SAX input). This is now possible by specifying arguments to the configuration script. For example,
+`./configure --enable-wcml`
+will cause the generated Makefile to only compile the CML writing module and its dependencies.
+See [Compilation](|Compilation|) for further details.
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+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">
+<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
+  <title>TITLE</title>
+  <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="DoX.css"/>
+  <div class="DoX">
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new file mode 120000
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\ No newline at end of file
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+.SUFFIXES: .html .md
+OBJECTS = FoX.html Versioning.html Compilation.html Embedding.html Standards.html FoX_common.html StringFormatting.html StringConversion.html FoX_wxml.html FoX_wcml.html FoX_wkml.html Debugging.html FoX_sax.html AttributeDictionaries.html FoX_dom.html FoX_utils.html Information.html Licensing.html 
+default: FoX_DoX.html
+	ln -sf FoX.html index.html
+.md.html: head tail
+	sed -e 's/TITLE/$*/' head > $@; sed -e 's/|\(.*\)|/\1.html/g' $< | markdown >> $@; cat tail >> $@
+FoX_DoX.html: $(OBJECTS)
+	sed -e 's/TITLE/$*/' head > "$@"
+	for i in $(OBJECTS); do echo '<a name="'$${i%.html}'"/>' >> $@; sed -e 's/|\(.*\)|/#\1/g' $${i%.html}.md | markdown >> $@; echo '</div><hr/><div class="DoX">' >> $@; done
+	cat tail >> $@
+	rm *.html
diff --git a/DoX/tail b/DoX/tail
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9943ff0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/DoX/tail
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
diff --git a/FoX-config.in b/FoX-config.in
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..040fffc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FoX-config.in
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
+moddir=`@CYGPATH_W@ $comp_prefix/finclude`
+libdir=`@CYGPATH_W@ $comp_prefix/lib`
+    cat <<EOF
+Usage: FoX-config [OPTION]
+Known values for OPTION are:
+  --libs		print library linking information
+  --fcflags		print pre-processor and compiler flags
+  --help		display this help and exit
+  --version		display version information
+    exit $1
+while test $# -gt 0; do
+    case "$1" in
+    -*=*) optarg=`echo "$1" | sed 's/[-_a-zA-Z0-9]*=//'` ;;
+    *) optarg= ;;
+    esac
+    case "$1" in
+    --version)
+	echo ${version}
+	exit 0
+	;;
+    --help)
+	usage 0
+	;;
+    --fcflags)
+        FLAGS=FC
+       	;;
+    --libs)
+        FLAGS=LD
+       	;;
+    --common)
+        MODULES="$MODULES common utils fsys"
+        ;;
+    --utils)
+        MODULES="$MODULES utils fsys"
+        ;;
+    --wxml)
+        MODULES="$MODULES wxml common utils fsys"
+        ;;
+    --wcml)
+        MODULES="$MODULES wcml wxml common utils fsys"
+        ;;
+    --sax)
+        MODULES="$MODULES sax common utils fsys"
+        ;;
+    --dom)
+        MODULES="$MODULES dom sax wxml common utils fsys"
+        ;;
+    --wkml)
+        MODULES="$MODULES wkml wxml common utils fsys"
+        ;;
+    *)
+	usage
+	exit 1
+	;;
+    esac
+    shift
+if [ "x$MODULES" = x ]; then
+#  MODULES="dom sax wcml wxml common utils fsys"
+  MODULES="dom sax wkml wcml wxml common utils fsys"
+case $MODULES in *fsys*)
+  LIBS=$libdir/libFoX_fsys. at LIBEXT@
+  ;;
+case $MODULES in *utils*)
+  LIBS="$libdir/libFoX_utils. at LIBEXT@ $LIBS"
+  ;;
+case $MODULES in *common*)
+  LIBS="$libdir/libFoX_common. at LIBEXT@ $LIBS"
+  ;;
+case $MODULES in *wxml*)
+  LIBS="$libdir/libFoX_wxml. at LIBEXT@ $LIBS"
+  ;;
+case $MODULES in *wcml*)
+  LIBS="$libdir/libFoX_wcml. at LIBEXT@ $LIBS"
+  ;;
+case $MODULES in *sax*)
+  LIBS="$libdir/libFoX_sax. at LIBEXT@ $LIBS"
+  ;;
+case $MODULES in *dom*)
+  LIBS="$libdir/libFoX_dom. at LIBEXT@ $LIBS"
+  ;;
+case $MODULES in *wkml*)
+  LIBS="$libdir/libFoX_wkml. at LIBEXT@ $LIBS"
+  ;;
+case $FLAGS in
+  FC)
+    echo @FC_MOD_FLAG@"$moddir"
+    ;;
+  LD)
+    echo $LIBS
+    ;;
+  both)
+    echo @FC_MOD_FLAG@"$moddir" $LIBS
+exit 0
diff --git a/LICENSE b/LICENSE
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..53df032
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+FoX - Fortran XML library
+FoX was originally derived from the xmlf90 codebase,
+(c) Alberto Garcia & Jon Wakelin, 2003-2004.
+FoX also includes externally-written code from 
+Scott Ladd <scott.ladd at coyotegulch.com>, which is licensed 
+as shown in the file utils/fox_m_utils_mtprng.f90
+This version of FoX is:
+(c) 2005-2009 Toby White <tow at uszla.me.uk>
+(c) 2007-2009 Gen-Tao Chiang <gtc25 at cam.ac.uk>
+(c) 2008-2012 Andrew Walker <a.walker at ucl.ac.uk>
+All rights reserved.
+* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
+* Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
+this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+* Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
+notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
+documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+* Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its
+contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
+this software without specific prior written permission.
+This distribution also includes code wrtten by Scott Ladd 
+!  This computer program source file is supplied "AS IS". Scott Robert <br />
+!  Ladd (hereinafter referred to as "Author") disclaims all warranties, <br />
+!  expressed or implied, including, without limitation, the warranties <br />
+!  of merchantability and of fitness for any purpose. The Author <br />
+!  assumes no liability for direct, indirect, incidental, special, <br />
+!  exemplary, or consequential damages, which may result from the use <br />
+!  of this software, even if advised of the possibility of such damage. <br />
+! <br />
+!  The Author hereby grants anyone permission to use, copy, modify, and <br />
+!  distribute this source code, or portions hereof, for any purpose, <br />
+!  without fee, subject to the following restrictions: <br />
+! <br />
+!      1. The origin of this source code must not be misrepresented. <br />
+! <br />
+!      2. Altered versions must be plainly marked as such and must not <br />
+!         be misrepresented as being the original source. <br />
+! <br />
+!      3. This Copyright notice may not be removed or altered from any <br />
+!         source or altered source distribution. <br />
+! <br />
+!  The Author specifically permits (without fee) and encourages the use <br />
+!  of this source code for entertainment, education, or decoration. If <br />
+!  you use this source code in a product, acknowledgment is not required <br />
+!  but would be appreciated. 
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7c85d21
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,174 @@
+include arch.make
+default: objsdir $(BUILD_TARGETS) examples_build
+	@if [ -z "$(BUILD_TARGETS)" ]; then echo "FoX is not configured!"; else touch .FoX; fi
+	mkdir -p objs/lib objs/finclude
+install: objsdir $(BUILD_TARGETS)
+	$(MKDIR_P) $(install_prefix)/lib $(install_prefix)/finclude $(install_prefix)/bin
+	$(INSTALL) objs/lib/* $(install_prefix)/lib
+	$(INSTALL) -m 644 objs/finclude/* $(install_prefix)/finclude
+	$(INSTALL) FoX-config $(install_prefix)/bin
+examples_build: $(BUILD_TARGETS)
+	if test -d examples; then (cd examples; $(MAKE) VPATH=$(VPATH)/examples) fi
+# Recursive make for each module
+dom_lib: objsdir sax_lib wxml_lib
+	(cd dom; $(MAKE) VPATH=$(VPATH)/dom)
+	if test -d dom; then (cd dom; $(MAKE) VPATH=$(VPATH)/dom clean) fi
+dom_lib_check: $(BUILD_TARGETS) common_lib utils_lib
+	if test -d examples && ! grep DUMMYLIB arch.make > /dev/null ; \
+	then \
+	    rm -f dom_lib_check ; \
+	    rm -f dom_lib_check.out ; \
+	    (cd dom; $(MAKE) VPATH=$(VPATH)/dom check) ; \
+	    touch dom_lib_check ; \
+	    touch dom_lib_check.out ; \
+	fi
+sax_lib: objsdir common_lib utils_lib fsys_lib
+	(cd sax; $(MAKE) VPATH=$(VPATH)/sax)
+	if test -d sax; then (cd sax; $(MAKE) VPATH=$(VPATH)/sax clean) fi
+sax_lib_check: $(BUILD_TARGETS) common_lib utils_lib
+	if test -d examples && ! grep DUMMYLIB arch.make > /dev/null ; \
+	then \
+	    rm -f sax_lib_check ; \
+	    rm -f sax_lib_check.out ; \
+	    (cd sax; $(MAKE) VPATH=$(VPATH)/sax check) ; \
+	    touch sax_lib_check ; \
+	    touch sax_lib_check.out ; \
+	fi
+wxml_lib: objsdir common_lib fsys_lib 
+	(cd wxml; $(MAKE) VPATH=$(VPATH)/wxml)
+	if test -d wxml; then (cd wxml; $(MAKE) VPATH=$(VPATH)/wxml clean) fi
+wxml_lib_check: $(BUILD_TARGETS) common_lib utils_lib
+	if test -d examples && ! grep DUMMYLIB arch.make > /dev/null ; \
+	then \
+	    rm -f wxml_lib_check ; \
+	    rm -f wxml_lib_check.out ; \
+	    (cd wxml; $(MAKE) VPATH=$(VPATH)/wxml check) ; \
+	    touch wxml_lib_check ; \
+	    touch wxml_lib_check.out ; \
+	fi
+wcml_lib: objsdir utils_lib wxml_lib
+	(cd wcml; $(MAKE) VPATH=$(VPATH)/wcml)
+	if test -d wcml; then (cd wcml; $(MAKE) VPATH=$(VPATH)/wcml clean) fi
+wcml_lib_check: $(BUILD_TARGETS) common_lib utils_lib
+	if test -d examples && ! grep DUMMYLIB arch.make > /dev/null ; \
+	then \
+	    rm -f wcml_lib_check ; \
+	    rm -f wcml_lib_check.out ; \
+	    (cd wcml; $(MAKE) VPATH=$(VPATH)/wcml check) ; \
+	    touch wcml_lib_check ; \
+	    touch wcml_lib_check.out ; \
+	fi
+wkml_lib: objsdir utils_lib wxml_lib
+	(cd wkml; $(MAKE) VPATH=$(VPATH)/wkml)
+	if test -d wkml; then (cd wkml; $(MAKE) VPATH=$(VPATH)/wkml clean) fi
+wkml_lib_check: wkml_lib
+	if test -d examples && ! grep DUMMYLIB arch.make > /dev/null ; \
+	then \
+	    rm -f wkml_lib_check ; \
+	    rm -f wkml_lib_check.out ; \
+	    (cd wkml; $(MAKE) VPATH=$(VPATH)/wkml check) ; \
+	    touch wkml_lib_check ; \
+	    touch wkml_lib_check.out ; \
+	fi
+common_lib: objsdir fsys_lib utils_lib
+	(cd common; $(MAKE) VPATH=$(VPATH)/common)
+	if test -d common; then (cd common; $(MAKE) VPATH=$(VPATH)/common clean) fi
+common_lib_check: $(BUILD_TARGETS) common_lib utils_lib
+	if test -d examples && ! grep DUMMYLIB arch.make > /dev/null ; \
+	then \
+	    rm -f common_lib_check ; \
+	    rm -f common_lib_check.out ; \
+	    (cd common; $(MAKE) VPATH=$(VPATH)/common check) ; \
+	    touch common_lib_check ; \
+	    touch common_lib_check.out ; \
+	fi
+utils_lib: objsdir fsys_lib
+	(cd utils; $(MAKE) VPATH=$(VPATH)/utils)
+	if test -d utils; then (cd utils; $(MAKE) VPATH=$(VPATH)/utils clean) fi
+utils_lib_check: $(BUILD_TARGETS) common_lib utils_lib
+	if test -d examples && ! grep DUMMYLIB arch.make > /dev/null ; \
+	then \
+	    rm -f utils_lib_check ; \
+	    rm -f utils_lib_check.out ; \
+	    (cd utils; $(MAKE) VPATH=$(VPATH)/utils check) ; \
+	    touch utils_lib_check ; \
+	    touch utils_lib_check.out ; \
+	fi
+fsys_lib: objsdir
+	(cd fsys; $(MAKE) VPATH=$(VPATH)/fsys)
+	if test -d fsys; then (cd fsys; $(MAKE) VPATH=$(VPATH)/fsys clean) fi
+check: $(foreach target,$(BUILD_TARGETS) common_lib utils_lib,$(target)_check)
+	@if ! test -d examples; then echo "You need to download the full version of FoX to run the testsuite"; \
+	elif grep DUMMYLIB arch.make > /dev/null; then echo "You cannot run the testsuite on the dummy library"; \
+	else \
+	rm -f check.out; \
+	touch check.out; \
+	for i in $(BUILD_TARGETS) common_lib utils_lib; do cat $$i''_check.out >> check.out ; rm -f $$i''_check.out ; done; \
+	grep RESULT check.out; \
+	fi
+	(cd DoX; $(MAKE) VPATH=$(VPATH)/DoX)
+	rm -rf .gitignore DoX/ config/aclocal.m4 config/autom4te.cache config/configure.ac config/m4/ config/makefile examples/ m4/ */test/ */*.m4 Changelog RELEASE release.sh
+	rm -rf cmake/
+	rm -rf CMakeLists.txt */CMakeLists.txt
+	for i in */makefile ; \
+	do sed -e /m4/d $$i'' > $$i''.tmp ; \
+	mv $$i''.tmp $$i'' ; \
+	done
+cutdown-wxml: cutdown
+	rm -rf wcml/ wkml/ sax/ dom/
+cutdown-wcml: cutdown
+	rm -rf wkml/ sax/ dom/
+cutdown-wkml: cutdown
+	rm -rf sax/ dom/ wcml/
+cutdown-sax: cutdown
+	rm -rf wxml/ wcml/ wkml/ dom/
+cutdown-dom: cutdown
+	rm -rf wkml/ wcml/
+#clean: wxml_lib_clean wcml_lib_clean common_lib_clean fsys_lib_clean sax_lib_clean dom_lib_clean utils_lib_clean
+clean: wkml_lib_clean wxml_lib_clean wcml_lib_clean common_lib_clean fsys_lib_clean sax_lib_clean dom_lib_clean utils_lib_clean
+	if test -d examples; then (cd examples; $(MAKE) VPATH=$(VPATH)/examples clean) fi
+	rm -rf objs .FoX check.out *_check *_check.out
+distclean: clean
+	rm -f FoX-config arch.make config.log config.status .config check.out
+	touch arch.make
diff --git a/README.FoX.txt b/README.FoX.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6708cf0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/README.FoX.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+FoX package
+Quick start:
+1. Type "./configure" to generate appropriate compiler-dependent information for the Makefile.
+2. Type "make"
+3. Type "make check"
+Full documentation is in DoX/index.html
diff --git a/RELEASE b/RELEASE
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8e8b882
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+Check compilation with & without --enable-dummy
+Check version number in:
+& on the webpage
+Regenerate configure script - make in config/
+Check dates in license
+Update Changelog
+Commit state to SCM system
diff --git a/arch.make b/arch.make
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
diff --git a/arch.make.in b/arch.make.in
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..217f8a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/arch.make.in
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+.SUFFIXES: . at OBJEXT@ .a .f90 .F90 .m4 .exe .xml
+#INCFLAGS must be set by the user makefile
+#Dependency rules are created by autoconf according to whether
+#discrete preprocessing is necessary or not.
+.F90. at OBJEXT@:
+	@F90_RULE@
+.f90. at OBJEXT@:
+	$(FC) -c $(FFLAGS) $(INCFLAGS) $(FCFLAGS_free_f90)  $<
diff --git a/cmake/CMakeLists.txt b/cmake/CMakeLists.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4dc611a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cmake/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+project(fox_config Fortran)
+  associated_bug.f90
+  expr_bug
+# abort: bare
+  abort_bare.f90
+  abort_bare
+# abort: nag
+  abort_nag.f90
+  abort_nag
+# abort: xlf
+  abort_xlf.f90
+  abort_xlf
diff --git a/cmake/CheckAbortIntrinsic.cmake b/cmake/CheckAbortIntrinsic.cmake
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2be27bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cmake/CheckAbortIntrinsic.cmake
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+# determine if and how ABORT intrinsic works #
+MESSAGE(STATUS "Determining method to call abort intrinsic")
+# intel abort
+  TRY_COMPILE(TEST_ABORT_INTEL ${fox_BINARY_DIR}/abort_intel ${fox_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake
+    fox_config abort_intel
+  )
+    MESSAGE(" abort : intel works")
+    SET(ABORT_METHOD "with argument")
+# xlf abort
+  TRY_COMPILE(TEST_ABORT_XLF ${fox_BINARY_DIR}/abort_xlf ${fox_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake
+    fox_config abort_xlf
+  )
+    MESSAGE(" abort : xlf works")
+    SET(ABORT_METHOD "with underscore")
+# bare abort
+  TRY_COMPILE(TEST_ABORT_BARE ${fox_BINARY_DIR}/abort_bare ${fox_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake
+    fox_config abort_bare
+  )
+    MESSAGE(" abort : bare works")
+    SET(ABORT_METHOD "default")
+# nag abort
+  TRY_COMPILE(TEST_ABORT_NAG ${fox_BINARY_DIR}/abort_nag ${fox_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake
+    fox_config abort_nag
+  )
+    MESSAGE(" abort : nag works")
+    SET(ABORT_METHOD "with f90_unix_proc")
diff --git a/cmake/CheckAssociatedBug.cmake b/cmake/CheckAssociatedBug.cmake
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7037d27
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cmake/CheckAssociatedBug.cmake
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+# check for 'associated in restricted expression' bug #
+MESSAGE(STATUS "Checking for 'associated in restricted expression' bug")
+  fox_config expr_bug
+  MESSAGE("   -> yes")
diff --git a/cmake/CheckFlushIntrinsic.cmake b/cmake/CheckFlushIntrinsic.cmake
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ae0b3ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cmake/CheckFlushIntrinsic.cmake
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+# determine if and how FLUSH intrinsic works #
+MESSAGE(STATUS "Determining method to call flush intrinsic")
+# try standard (bare) flush call
+  TRY_COMPILE(TEST_FLUSH_OK ${fox_BINARY_DIR} ${fox_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/flush_bare.f90
+  )
+    SET(FLUSH "bare")
+    SET(FLUSH_METHOD "default")
+# try standard flush with -Vaxlib as command line option
+  TRY_COMPILE(TEST_FLUSH_OK ${fox_BINARY_DIR} ${fox_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/flush_bare.f90
+  )
+    SET(FLUSH_METHOD "with -Vaxlib")
+    SET(LDFLAGS "${LD_FLAGS} -Vaxlib")
+# NAG flush call
+  TRY_COMPILE(TEST_FLUSH_OK ${fox_BINARY_DIR} ${fox_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/flush_nag.f90
+  )
+    SET(FLUSH_METHOD "with f90_unix_io")
+# XLF flush call
+  TRY_COMPILE(TEST_FLUSH_OK ${fox_BINARY_DIR} ${fox_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/flush_xlf.f90
+  )
+    SET(FLUSH "xlf")
+    SET(FLUSH_METHOD "with underscore")
+  MESSAGE("   -> flush intrinsic method is ${FLUSH_METHOD}")
+  MESSAGE(FATAL_ERROR "   -> ERROR : could not determine how to call FLUSH intrinsic")
diff --git a/cmake/DetermineEOL.cmake b/cmake/DetermineEOL.cmake
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a03dee5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cmake/DetermineEOL.cmake
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+# determine end-of-line character based on operating system #
+MESSAGE(STATUS "Determining end-of-line character by the host name")
+  MESSAGE(STATUS "warning: could not determine host system: not unix, not win32 and not mac")
+MESSAGE("   -> end-of-line character is ${EOLCHAR}")
diff --git a/cmake/Fortran_Have_Flush.cmake b/cmake/Fortran_Have_Flush.cmake
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7362952
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cmake/Fortran_Have_Flush.cmake
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+# does the compiler have a flush statement #
diff --git a/cmake/abort_bare.f90 b/cmake/abort_bare.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..260fdd5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cmake/abort_bare.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+program abort_bare
+  call abort
+end program abort_bare
diff --git a/cmake/abort_intel.f90 b/cmake/abort_intel.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6351319
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cmake/abort_intel.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+program abort_intel
+  call abort("")
+end program abort_intel
diff --git a/cmake/abort_nag.f90 b/cmake/abort_nag.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e6a4eb2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cmake/abort_nag.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+program abort_nag
+  use f90_unix_proc, only: abort
+  call abort
+end program abort_nag
diff --git a/cmake/abort_xlf.f90 b/cmake/abort_xlf.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e184882
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cmake/abort_xlf.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+program abort_xlf
+  call abort_
+end program abort_xlf
diff --git a/cmake/associated_bug.f90 b/cmake/associated_bug.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..faddbba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cmake/associated_bug.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+function associated_bug(a) result(b)
+  integer , pointer :: a
+  integer , dimension(merge(1,2,associated(a))) :: b
+  b = 0
+end function associated_bug
diff --git a/cmake/flush_bare.f90 b/cmake/flush_bare.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b621670
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cmake/flush_bare.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+program flush_bare
+  print*
+  call flush(5)
+end program flush_bare
diff --git a/cmake/flush_nag.f90 b/cmake/flush_nag.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2594492
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cmake/flush_nag.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+program flush_nag
+  use f90_unix_io, only: flush
+  print*
+  call flush(5)
+end program flush_nag
diff --git a/cmake/flush_xlf.f90 b/cmake/flush_xlf.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5ffffa0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cmake/flush_xlf.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+program flush_xlf
+  print*
+  call flush_(5)
+end program flush_xlf
diff --git a/cmake/output_eol.f90 b/cmake/output_eol.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..041db9e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cmake/output_eol.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+program output_eol
+  character(len=1)  :: single_char = "a"
+  integer           :: ios
+  integer(kind=1)   :: n1,n2,n3
+  n1 = 0
+  n2 = 0
+  n3 = 0
+  ! open a file, write a single character and close it again
+  open(unit=10,file="eol.out",status="unknown")
+  write(10,"(a)") single_char
+  close(10)
+  ! open the file unformatted, stream
+  open(unit=11,file="eol.out",status="old",form="unformatted",access="stream",iostat=ios)
+  ! read first character (should be an a)
+  read(11,iostat=ios) n1 ! should be 97 (ascii a)
+  if ( ios < 0 ) then
+    !print *, "end of file reached after 0 characters"
+  else
+    ! read second character, should be lf (ascii 10) on dos and unix,
+    ! and cr on mac (ascii 13)
+    read(11,iostat=ios) n2
+    if ( ios < 0 ) then
+      ! this should not happen now, there are at least 2 characters in the file
+      !print *, "end of file reached after 1 character"
+    else
+      ! read third character if we're on dos
+      read(11,iostat=ios) n3
+      if ( ios < 0 ) then
+        !print *, "end of file reached after 2 characters"
+      end if
+    end if
+  end if
+  ! analyse n2 and n3
+  if ( n2 == 10 .and. n3 == 0 ) then
+    print *, "LF"
+  elseif ( n2 == 13 .and. n3 == 10 ) then
+    print *, "CRLF"
+  elseif ( n2 == 13 .and. n3 == 0 ) then
+    print *, "CR"
+  else
+    print *, "could not determine line-ending convention"
+  end if
+  close(11)
+end program
diff --git a/common/CMakeLists.txt b/common/CMakeLists.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4cb3dc5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+  FoX_common.F90
+  m_common_attrs.F90
+  m_common_buffer.F90
+  m_common_charset.F90
+  m_common_content_model.F90
+  m_common_element.F90
+  m_common_elstack.F90
+  m_common_entities.F90
+  m_common_entity_expand.F90
+  m_common_error.F90
+  m_common_io.F90
+  m_common_namecheck.F90
+  m_common_namespaces.F90
+  m_common_notations.F90
+  m_common_struct.F90
+  fox_common STATIC
+  ${fox_common_srcs}
+  ${fox_common_srcs_pp}
+  fox_common
+  fox_utils
+  fox_fsys
+  ${fox_BINARY_DIR}/fsys
+  ${fox_BINARY_DIR}/utils
diff --git a/common/FoX_common.F90 b/common/FoX_common.F90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eaa7e68
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/FoX_common.F90
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+module FoX_common
+  use fox_m_fsys_array_str
+  use fox_m_fsys_format
+  use fox_m_fsys_parse_input
+  use fox_m_fsys_count_parse_input
+  use m_common_attrs
+  use m_common_error
+  implicit none
+  private
+#ifdef DUMMYLIB
+  character(len=*), parameter :: FoX_version = '4.1.2-dummy'
+  character(len=*), parameter :: FoX_version = '4.1.2'
+  public :: FoX_version
+  public :: rts
+  public :: countrts
+  public :: str
+  public :: operator(//)
+  public :: FoX_set_fatal_errors
+  public :: FoX_get_fatal_errors
+  public :: FoX_set_fatal_warnings
+  public :: FoX_get_fatal_warnings
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+  public :: str_vs
+  public :: vs_str
+  public :: alloc
+  public :: concat
+!These are all exported through SAX now
+  public :: dictionary_t
+!SAX functions
+  public :: getIndex 
+  public :: getLength
+  public :: getLocalName
+  public :: getQName
+  public :: getURI
+  public :: getValue
+  public :: getType
+  public :: isSpecified
+  public :: isDeclared
+  public :: setSpecified
+  public :: setDeclared
+!For convenience
+  public :: hasKey
+end module FoX_common
diff --git a/common/m_common_attrs.F90 b/common/m_common_attrs.F90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..33a2cdb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/m_common_attrs.F90
@@ -0,0 +1,1081 @@
+module m_common_attrs
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+  use fox_m_fsys_array_str, only : str_vs, vs_str_alloc
+  use m_common_element, only: get_att_type_enum, ATT_CDATA, ATT_CDAMB, ATT_TYPES
+  use m_common_error, only : FoX_error, FoX_fatal
+  implicit none
+  private
+  !Initial length of dictionary
+  integer, parameter :: DICT_INIT_LEN = 10 
+  !Multiplier if we need to extend it.
+  real, parameter :: DICT_LEN_MULT = 1.5
+  type dict_item
+    character(len=1), pointer, dimension(:) :: nsURI => null()
+    character(len=1), pointer, dimension(:) :: localName => null()
+    character(len=1), pointer, dimension(:) :: prefix => null()
+    character(len=1), pointer, dimension(:) :: key => null()
+    character(len=1), pointer, dimension(:) :: value => null()
+    logical :: specified = .true.
+    logical :: declared = .false.
+    logical :: isId = .false.
+    integer :: type = 11
+  end type dict_item
+  type dict_item_ptr
+    type(dict_item), pointer :: d => null()
+  end type dict_item_ptr
+  type dictionary_t
+    private
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    type(dict_item_ptr), dimension(:), pointer :: list => null()
+    character, dimension(:), pointer           :: base => null()
+    integer :: i
+  end type dictionary_t
+  public :: dictionary_t
+  ! Building procedures
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+  public :: init_dict
+  public :: reset_dict
+  public :: add_item_to_dict
+  public :: destroy_dict
+  ! Query and extraction procedures
+  ! SAX names:
+  public :: getIndex
+  public :: getLength
+  public :: getLocalName
+  public :: getQName
+  public :: getURI
+  public :: getValue
+  public :: getType
+  public :: isSpecified
+  public :: setSpecified
+  public :: isDeclared
+  public :: setDeclared
+  public :: hasKey
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+  public :: len
+  public :: get_key 
+  public :: get_value
+  public :: remove_key
+  public :: has_key
+  public :: print_dict
+  ! Namespaces
+  public :: get_prefix
+  public :: get_localName
+  public :: set_nsURI
+  public :: set_prefix
+  public :: set_localName
+  ! For internal FoX use only:
+  public :: get_att_index_pointer
+  public :: getWhitespaceHandling
+  public :: setIsId
+  public :: getIsId
+  public :: setBase
+  public :: getBase
+  public :: sortAttrs
+  interface len
+    module procedure getLength
+  end interface
+  interface hasKey
+    module procedure has_key, has_key_ns
+  end interface
+  interface getIndex
+    module procedure get_key_index, get_key_index_ns
+  end interface
+  interface getQName
+    module procedure get_key
+  end interface
+  interface getValue
+    module procedure get_value_by_key, get_value_by_index, get_value_by_key_ns
+  end interface
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+  interface get_value
+    module procedure get_value_by_key, get_value_by_index
+  end interface
+  interface remove_key
+    module procedure remove_key_by_index
+  end interface
+  interface getURI
+    module procedure get_nsURI_by_index
+  end interface
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+  interface get_prefix
+    module procedure get_prefix_by_index
+  end interface
+  interface getLocalName
+    module procedure get_localName_by_index
+  end interface
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+  interface get_localName
+    module procedure get_localName_by_index
+  end interface
+  interface set_nsURI
+    module procedure set_nsURI_by_index
+  end interface
+  interface set_prefix
+    module procedure set_prefix_by_index
+  end interface
+  interface set_localName
+    module procedure set_localName_by_index_s
+    module procedure set_localName_by_index_vs
+  end interface
+  interface getType
+    module procedure getType_by_index
+    module procedure getType_by_keyname
+  end interface
+  interface isSpecified
+    module procedure isSpecified_by_index
+    module procedure isSpecified_by_key
+    module procedure isSpecified_by_keyNS
+  end interface
+  interface isDeclared
+    module procedure isDeclared_by_index
+    module procedure isDeclared_by_key
+    module procedure isDeclared_by_keyNS
+  end interface
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+  interface getIsId
+    module procedure getIsId_by_index
+  end interface
+  interface setIsId
+    module procedure setIsId_by_index
+  end interface
+  interface destroy
+    module procedure destroy_dict_item
+    module procedure destroy_dict
+  end interface
+  pure function getLength(dict) result(n)
+    type(dictionary_t), intent(in) :: dict
+    integer :: n
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    n = ubound(dict%list, 1)
+    n = 0
+  end function getLength
+  function has_key(dict, key) result(found)
+    type(dictionary_t), intent(in) :: dict
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: key
+    logical :: found
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    integer :: i
+    do i = 1, ubound(dict%list, 1)
+      if (key==str_vs(dict%list(i)%d%key)) then
+        found = .true.
+        return
+      endif
+    enddo
+    found = .false.
+    found = .false.
+  end function has_key
+  function has_key_ns(dict, uri, localname) result(found)
+    type(dictionary_t), intent(in) :: dict
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: uri, localname
+    logical :: found
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    integer  ::  i
+    found = .false.
+    do i = 1, ubound(dict%list, 1)
+      ! FIXME xlf 10.01 segfaults if the below is done as
+      ! an AND rather than two separate ifs. This is
+      ! probably due to the Heisenbug
+      if (uri==str_vs(dict%list(i)%d%nsURI)) then
+        if (localname==str_vs(dict%list(i)%d%localname)) then
+          found = .true.
+          exit
+        endif
+      endif
+    enddo
+    found = .false.
+  end function has_key_ns
+  pure function get_key_index(dict, key) result(ind)
+    type(dictionary_t), intent(in) :: dict
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: key
+    integer :: ind
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    integer  ::  i
+    do i = 1, ubound(dict%list, 1)
+      if (key == str_vs(dict%list(i)%d%key)) then
+        ind = i
+        return
+      endif
+    enddo
+    ind = 0
+    ind = 0
+  end function get_key_index
+  pure function get_key_index_ns(dict, uri, localname) result(ind)
+    type(dictionary_t), intent(in) :: dict
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: uri, localname
+    integer :: ind
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    integer  ::  i
+    ind = -1
+    do  i = 1, ubound(dict%list, 1)
+      if (uri==str_vs(dict%list(i)%d%nsURI) &
+        .and. localname==str_vs(dict%list(i)%d%localname)) then
+        ind = i
+        exit
+      endif
+    enddo
+    ind = 0
+  end function get_key_index_ns
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+  pure function get_value_by_key_len(dict, key) result(n)
+    type(dictionary_t), intent(in) :: dict
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: key
+    integer :: n
+    integer :: i
+    do i = 1, ubound(dict%list, 1)
+      if (key == str_vs(dict%list(i)%d%key)) then
+        n = size(dict%list(i)%d%value)
+        return
+      endif
+    enddo
+    n = 0
+  end function get_value_by_key_len
+  function get_value_by_key(dict, key) result(value)
+    type(dictionary_t), intent(in) :: dict
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: key
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    character(len=get_value_by_key_len(dict,key)) :: value
+    integer :: i
+    do i = 1, ubound(dict%list, 1)
+      if (key == str_vs(dict%list(i)%d%key)) then
+        value = str_vs(dict%list(i)%d%value)
+        return
+      endif
+    enddo
+    value = ""
+    character(len=1) :: value
+    value = ""
+  end function get_value_by_key
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+  pure function get_value_by_key_ns_len(dict, nsUri, localname) result(n)
+    type(dictionary_t), intent(in) :: dict
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: nsUri
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: localname
+    integer :: n
+    integer :: i
+    do i = 1, ubound(dict%list, 1)
+      if (nsUri==str_vs(dict%list(i)%d%nsURI) &
+        .and.localname==str_vs(dict%list(i)%d%localname)) then
+        n = size(dict%list(i)%d%value)
+        return
+      endif
+    enddo
+    n = 0
+  end function get_value_by_key_ns_len
+  function get_value_by_key_ns(dict, nsUri, localname) result(value)
+    type(dictionary_t), intent(in) :: dict
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: nsUri
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: localname
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    character(len=get_value_by_key_ns_len(dict, nsURI, localname)) :: value
+    integer :: i
+    do i = 1, ubound(dict%list, 1)
+      if (nsUri==str_vs(dict%list(i)%d%nsURI) &
+        .and.localname==str_vs(dict%list(i)%d%localname)) then
+        value = str_vs(dict%list(i)%d%value)
+        return
+      endif
+    enddo
+    value = ""
+    character(len=1) :: value
+    value = ""
+  end function get_value_by_key_ns
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+  subroutine get_att_index_pointer(dict, key, i, value)
+    type(dictionary_t), intent(in) :: dict
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: key
+    integer, intent(out) :: i
+    character, pointer :: value(:)
+    value => null()
+    do i = 1, ubound(dict%list, 1)
+      if (key == str_vs(dict%list(i)%d%key)) then
+        value => dict%list(i)%d%value
+        return
+      endif
+    enddo
+    i = 0
+  end subroutine get_att_index_pointer
+  subroutine remove_key_by_index(dict, ind)
+    type(dictionary_t), intent(inout) :: dict
+    integer, intent(in) :: ind
+    integer :: i, n
+    type(dict_item_ptr), pointer :: tempList(:)
+    n = ubound(dict%list, 1)
+    if (ind<=0.or.ind>n) return
+    allocate(tempList(0:n-1))
+    do i = 0, ind-1
+      tempList(i)%d => dict%list(i)%d
+    enddo
+    call destroy(dict%list(ind)%d)
+    do i = ind+1, n
+      tempList(i-1)%d => dict%list(i)%d
+    enddo
+    deallocate(dict%list)
+    dict%list => tempList
+  end subroutine remove_key_by_index
+  pure function get_value_by_index_len(dict, i) result(n)
+    type(dictionary_t), intent(in) :: dict
+    integer, intent(in) :: i
+    integer :: n
+#ifdef DUMMYLIB
+    n = 1
+    if (i>0.and.i<=ubound(dict%list, 1)) then
+      n = size(dict%list(i)%d%value)
+    else
+      n = 0
+    endif
+  end function get_value_by_index_len
+  function get_value_by_index(dict, i) result(value)
+    type(dictionary_t), intent(in) :: dict
+    integer, intent(in) :: i
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    character(len=get_value_by_index_len(dict, i)) :: value
+    if (i>0.and.i<=ubound(dict%list, 1)) then
+      value = str_vs(dict%list(i)%d%value)
+    else
+      value = ""
+    endif
+    character(len=1) :: value
+    value = ""
+  end function get_value_by_index
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+  pure function get_key_len(dict, i) result(n)
+    type(dictionary_t), intent(in) :: dict
+    integer, intent(in) :: i
+    integer :: n
+    if (i>0.and.i<=ubound(dict%list, 1)) then
+      n = size(dict%list(i)%d%key)
+    else
+      n = 0
+    endif
+  end function get_key_len
+  function get_key(dict, i) result(key)
+    type(dictionary_t), intent(in) :: dict
+    integer, intent(in) :: i
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    character(len=get_key_len(dict,i)) :: key
+    if (i>0.and.i<=ubound(dict%list, 1)) then
+      key = str_vs(dict%list(i)%d%key)
+    else
+      key = ""
+    endif
+    character(len=1) :: key
+    key = ""
+  end function get_key
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+  subroutine add_item_to_dict(dict, key, value, prefix, nsURI, type, itype, specified, declared)
+    type(dictionary_t), intent(inout) :: dict
+    character(len=*), intent(in)           :: key
+    character(len=*), intent(in)           :: value
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: prefix
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: nsURI
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: type
+    integer, intent(in), optional :: itype
+    logical, intent(in), optional :: specified
+    logical, intent(in), optional :: declared
+    type(dict_item_ptr), pointer :: tempList(:)
+    integer :: i, n
+    if (present(prefix) .eqv. .not.present(nsURI)) &
+      call FoX_Error('Namespace improperly specified')
+    n = ubound(dict%list, 1)
+    allocate(tempList(0:n+1))
+    do i = 0, n
+      tempList(i)%d => dict%list(i)%d
+    enddo
+    n = n + 1
+    allocate(tempList(n)%d)
+    tempList(n)%d%value => vs_str_alloc(value)
+    if (present(prefix)) then
+      tempList(n)%d%key => vs_str_alloc(prefix//":"//key)
+      tempList(n)%d%localname => vs_str_alloc(key)
+      tempList(n)%d%prefix => vs_str_alloc(prefix)
+      tempList(n)%d%nsURI => vs_str_alloc(nsURI)
+    else
+      tempList(n)%d%key => vs_str_alloc(key)
+      tempList(n)%d%localname => vs_str_alloc(key)
+      allocate(tempList(n)%d%prefix(0))
+      allocate(tempList(n)%d%nsURI(0))
+    endif
+    if (present(type)) then
+      if (present(itype)) &
+        call FoX_fatal("internal library error in add_item_to_dict")
+      tempList(n)%d%type = get_att_type_enum(type)
+    elseif (present(itype)) then
+      tempList(n)%d%type = itype
+    else
+      tempList(n)%d%type = ATT_CDAMB
+    endif
+    if (present(specified)) then
+      tempList(n)%d%specified = specified
+    else
+      tempList(n)%d%specified = .true.
+    endif
+    if (present(declared)) then
+      tempList(n)%d%declared = declared
+    else
+      tempList(n)%d%declared = .false.
+    endif
+    deallocate(dict%list)
+    dict%list => tempList
+  end subroutine add_item_to_dict
+  subroutine set_nsURI_by_index(dict, i, nsURI)
+    type(dictionary_t), intent(inout) :: dict
+    integer, intent(in) :: i
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: nsURI
+    if (associated(dict%list(i)%d%nsURI)) &
+      deallocate(dict%list(i)%d%nsURI)
+    dict%list(i)%d%nsURI => vs_str_alloc(nsURI)
+  end subroutine set_nsURI_by_index
+  subroutine set_prefix_by_index(dict, i, prefix)
+    type(dictionary_t), intent(inout) :: dict
+    integer, intent(in) :: i
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: prefix
+    if (associated(dict%list(i)%d%prefix)) &
+      deallocate(dict%list(i)%d%prefix)
+    dict%list(i)%d%prefix => vs_str_alloc(prefix)
+  end subroutine set_prefix_by_index
+  subroutine set_localName_by_index_s(dict, i, localName)
+    type(dictionary_t), intent(inout) :: dict
+    integer, intent(in) :: i
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: localName
+    if (associated(dict%list(i)%d%localName)) &
+      deallocate(dict%list(i)%d%localName)
+    dict%list(i)%d%localName => vs_str_alloc(localName)
+  end subroutine set_localName_by_index_s
+  subroutine set_localName_by_index_vs(dict, i, localName)
+    type(dictionary_t), intent(inout) :: dict
+    integer, intent(in) :: i
+    character(len=1), dimension(:), intent(in) :: localName
+    if (associated(dict%list(i)%d%localName)) &
+      deallocate(dict%list(i)%d%localName)
+    allocate(dict%list(i)%d%localName(size(localName)))
+    dict%list(i)%d%localName = localName
+  end subroutine set_localName_by_index_vs
+  pure function get_nsURI_by_index(dict, i) result(nsURI)
+    type(dictionary_t), intent(in) :: dict
+    integer, intent(in) :: i
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    character(len=size(dict%list(i)%d%nsURI)) :: nsURI
+    nsURI = str_vs(dict%list(i)%d%nsURI)
+    character(len=1) :: nsURI
+    nsURI = ""
+  end function get_nsURI_by_index
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+  pure function get_prefix_by_index(dict, i) result(prefix)
+    type(dictionary_t), intent(in) :: dict
+    integer, intent(in) :: i
+    character(len=size(dict%list(i)%d%prefix)) :: prefix
+    prefix = str_vs(dict%list(i)%d%prefix)
+  end function get_prefix_by_index
+  pure function get_localName_by_index(dict, i) result(localName)
+    type(dictionary_t), intent(in) :: dict
+    integer, intent(in) :: i
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    character(len=size(dict%list(i)%d%localName)) :: localName
+    localName = str_vs(dict%list(i)%d%localName)
+    character(len=1) :: localName
+    localName = ""
+  end function get_localName_by_index
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+  pure function get_nsURI_by_keyname_len(dict, keyname) result(n)
+    type(dictionary_t), intent(in) :: dict
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: keyname
+    integer :: n
+    integer :: i
+    i = get_key_index(dict, keyname)
+    n = size(dict%list(i)%d%nsURI)
+  end function get_nsURI_by_keyname_len
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+  pure function get_nsURI_by_keyname(dict, keyname) result(nsURI)
+    type(dictionary_t), intent(in) :: dict
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: keyname
+    character(len=get_nsURI_by_keyname_len(dict, keyname)) :: nsURI
+    integer :: i
+    i = get_key_index(dict, keyname)
+    nsURI = str_vs(dict%list(i)%d%nsURI)
+  end function get_nsURI_by_keyname
+  pure function get_prefix_by_keyname_len(dict, keyname) result(n)
+    type(dictionary_t), intent(in) :: dict
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: keyname
+    integer :: n
+    integer :: i
+    i = get_key_index(dict, keyname)
+    n = size(dict%list(i)%d%prefix)
+  end function get_prefix_by_keyname_len
+  pure function get_prefix_by_keyname(dict, keyname) result(prefix)
+    type(dictionary_t), intent(in) :: dict
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: keyname
+    character(len=get_prefix_by_keyname_len(dict,keyname)) :: prefix
+    integer :: i
+    i = get_key_index(dict, keyname)
+    prefix = str_vs(dict%list(i)%d%prefix)
+  end function get_prefix_by_keyname
+  pure function get_localname_by_keyname_len(dict, keyname) result(n)
+    type(dictionary_t), intent(in) :: dict
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: keyname
+    integer :: n
+    integer :: i
+    i = get_key_index(dict, keyname)
+    n = size(dict%list(i)%d%localName)
+  end function get_localname_by_keyname_len
+  pure function get_localName_by_keyname(dict, keyname) result(localName)
+    type(dictionary_t), intent(in) :: dict
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: keyname
+    character(get_localname_by_keyname_len(dict, keyname)) :: localname
+    integer :: i
+    i=get_key_index(dict, keyname)
+    localName = str_vs(dict%list(i)%d%localName)
+  end function get_localName_by_keyname
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+  pure function getType_by_index_len(dict, i) result(n)
+    type(dictionary_t), intent(in) :: dict
+    integer, intent(in) :: i
+    integer :: n
+    if (i>0.and.i<=ubound(dict%list, 1)) then
+      n = len_trim(ATT_TYPES(dict%list(i)%d%type))
+    else
+      n = 0
+    endif
+  end function getType_by_index_len
+  function getType_by_index(dict, i) result(type)
+    type(dictionary_t), intent(in) :: dict
+    integer, intent(in) :: i
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    character(len=getType_by_index_len(dict, i)) :: type
+    if (i>0.and.i<=ubound(dict%list, 1)) then
+      type = ATT_TYPES(dict%list(i)%d%type)
+    else
+      type = ""
+    endif
+    character(len=1) :: type
+    type = ""
+  end function getType_by_index
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+  pure function getType_by_keyname_len(dict, keyname) result(n)
+    type(dictionary_t), intent(in) :: dict
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: keyname
+    integer :: n
+    integer :: i
+    i = get_key_index(dict, keyname)
+    if (i>0) then
+      n = len_trim(ATT_TYPES(i))
+    else
+      n = 0
+    endif
+  end function getType_by_keyname_len
+  function getType_by_keyname(dict, keyname) result(type)
+    type(dictionary_t), intent(in) :: dict
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: keyname
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    character(len=getType_by_keyname_len(dict, keyname)) :: type
+    integer :: i
+    i = get_key_index(dict, keyname)
+    if (i>0) then
+      type = ATT_TYPES(dict%list(i)%d%type)
+    else
+      type = ""
+    endif
+    character(len=1) :: type
+    type = ""
+  end function getType_by_keyname
+  function isSpecified_by_index(dict, i) result(p)
+    type(dictionary_t), intent(in) :: dict
+    integer, intent(in) :: i
+    logical :: p
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    if (i>0.and.i<=ubound(dict%list, 1)) then
+      p = dict%list(i)%d%specified
+    else
+      p = .false.
+    endif
+    p = .false.
+  end function isSpecified_by_index
+  function isSpecified_by_key(dict, qName) result(p)
+    type(dictionary_t), intent(in) :: dict
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: qName
+    logical :: p
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    integer :: i
+    i = getIndex(dict, qName)
+    if (i>0.and.i<=ubound(dict%list, 1)) then
+      p = dict%list(i)%d%specified
+    else
+      p = .false.
+    endif
+    p = .false.
+  end function isSpecified_by_key
+  subroutine setSpecified(dict, i, p)
+    type(dictionary_t), intent(inout) :: dict
+    integer, intent(in) :: i
+    logical, intent(in) :: p
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    if (i>0.and.i<=ubound(dict%list, 1)) then
+      dict%list(i)%d%specified = p
+    endif
+  end subroutine setSpecified
+  function isSpecified_by_keyNS(dict, uri, localName) result(p)
+    type(dictionary_t), intent(in) :: dict
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: uri
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: localName
+    logical :: p
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    integer :: i
+    i = getIndex(dict, uri, localName)
+    if (i>0.and.i<=ubound(dict%list, 1)) then
+      p = dict%list(i)%d%specified
+    else
+      p = .false.
+    endif
+    p = .false.
+  end function isSpecified_by_keyNS
+  function isDeclared_by_index(dict, i) result(p)
+    type(dictionary_t), intent(in) :: dict
+    integer, intent(in) :: i
+    logical :: p
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    if (i>0.and.i<=ubound(dict%list, 1)) then
+      p = dict%list(i)%d%declared
+    else
+      p = .false.
+    endif
+    p = .false.
+  end function isDeclared_by_index
+  function isDeclared_by_key(dict, qName) result(p)
+    type(dictionary_t), intent(in) :: dict
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: qName
+    logical :: p
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    integer :: i
+    i = getIndex(dict, qName)
+    if (i>0.and.i<=ubound(dict%list, 1)) then
+      p = dict%list(i)%d%declared
+    else
+      p = .false.
+    endif
+    p = .false.
+  end function isDeclared_by_key
+  function isDeclared_by_keyNS(dict, uri, localName) result(p)
+    type(dictionary_t), intent(in) :: dict
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: uri
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: localName
+    logical :: p
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    integer :: i
+    i = getIndex(dict, uri, localName)
+    if (i>0.and.i<=ubound(dict%list, 1)) then
+      p = dict%list(i)%d%declared
+    else
+      p = .false.
+    endif
+    p = .false.
+  end function isDeclared_by_keyNS
+  subroutine setDeclared(dict, i, p)
+    type(dictionary_t), intent(inout) :: dict
+    integer, intent(in) :: i
+    logical, intent(in) :: p
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    if (i>0.and.i<=ubound(dict%list, 1)) then
+      dict%list(i)%d%declared = p
+    endif
+  end subroutine setDeclared
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+  function getIsId_by_index(dict, i) result(p)
+    type(dictionary_t), intent(in) :: dict
+    integer, intent(in) :: i
+    logical :: p
+    if (i>0.and.i<=ubound(dict%list, 1)) then
+      p = dict%list(i)%d%isId
+    else
+      p = .false.
+    endif
+  end function getIsId_by_index
+  subroutine setIsId_by_index(dict, i, p)
+    type(dictionary_t), intent(inout) :: dict
+    integer, intent(in) :: i
+    logical, intent(in) :: p
+    if (i>0.and.i<=ubound(dict%list, 1)) then
+      dict%list(i)%d%isId = p
+    endif
+  end subroutine setIsId_by_index
+  function getWhitespaceHandling(dict, i) result(j)
+    type(dictionary_t), intent(in) :: dict
+    integer, intent(in) :: i
+    integer :: j
+    if (i<=ubound(dict%list, 1)) then
+      select case(dict%list(i)%d%type)
+      case (ATT_CDATA)
+        j = 0 !
+      case (ATT_CDAMB)
+        j = 1
+      case default
+        j = 2
+      end select
+    else
+      j = 2
+    endif
+  end function getWhitespaceHandling
+  subroutine setBase(dict, base)
+    type(dictionary_t), intent(inout) :: dict
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: base
+    if (associated(dict%base)) deallocate(dict%base)
+    dict%base => vs_str_alloc(base)
+  end subroutine setBase
+  pure function getBase_len(dict) result(n)
+    type(dictionary_t), intent(in) :: dict
+    integer :: n
+    if (associated(dict%base)) then
+      n = size(dict%base)
+    else
+      n = 0
+    endif
+  end function getBase_len
+  function getBase(dict) result(base)
+    type(dictionary_t), intent(in) :: dict
+    character(len=getBase_len(dict)) :: base
+    if (associated(dict%base)) then
+      base = str_vs(dict%base)
+    else
+      base = ""
+    endif
+  end function getBase
+  subroutine destroy_dict_item(d)
+    type(dict_item), pointer :: d
+    if (associated(d)) then
+      deallocate(d%key)
+      deallocate(d%value)
+      deallocate(d%nsURI)
+      deallocate(d%prefix)
+      deallocate(d%localName)
+      deallocate(d)
+    endif
+  end subroutine destroy_dict_item
+  subroutine init_dict(dict)
+    type(dictionary_t), intent(out) :: dict
+    allocate(dict%list(0:0))
+    allocate(dict%list(0)%d)
+    allocate(dict%list(0)%d%key(0))
+  end subroutine init_dict
+  subroutine destroy_dict(dict)
+    type(dictionary_t), intent(inout) :: dict
+    integer :: i
+    if (associated(dict%list)) then
+      deallocate(dict%list(0)%d%key)
+      deallocate(dict%list(0)%d)
+      do i = 1, ubound(dict%list, 1)
+        call destroy(dict%list(i)%d)
+      enddo
+      deallocate(dict%list)
+    endif
+    if (associated(dict%base)) deallocate(dict%base)
+  end subroutine destroy_dict
+  subroutine reset_dict(dict)
+    type(dictionary_t), intent(inout) :: dict
+    call destroy_dict(dict)
+    call init_dict(dict)
+  end subroutine reset_dict
+  subroutine sortAttrs(dict)
+    type(dictionary_t), intent(inout) :: dict
+    logical :: done(ubound(dict%list, 1))
+    type(dict_item_ptr), dimension(:), pointer :: list => null()
+    integer :: i, j, n, firstIndex
+    character, pointer :: firstKey(:)
+    !Ridiculously naive sort algorithm. We are unlikely
+    !to ever be sorting more then ten or so attributes though
+    n = ubound(dict%list, 1)
+    allocate(list(0:n))
+    list(0)%d => dict%list(0)%d
+    j = 1
+    done = .false.
+    firstIndex = 1
+    do while (firstIndex/=0)
+      firstIndex = 0
+      firstKey => null()
+      do i = 1, n
+        if (.not.done(i).and.str_vs(dict%list(i)%d%key)=="xmlns" &
+          .or. str_vs(dict%list(i)%d%prefix)=="xmlns") then
+          firstIndex = i
+          if (associated(firstKey)) then
+            if (llt(str_vs(dict%list(i)%d%key),str_vs(firstKey))) then
+              firstIndex = i
+              firstKey => dict%list(i)%d%key
+            endif
+          else
+            firstIndex = i
+            firstKey => dict%list(i)%d%key
+          endif
+        endif
+      enddo
+      if (firstIndex/=0) then
+        done(firstIndex) = .true.
+        list(j)%d => dict%list(firstIndex)%d
+        j = j + 1
+      endif
+    enddo
+    do while (any(.not.done))
+      firstIndex = 0
+      firstKey => null()
+      do i = 1, n
+        if (.not.done(i)) then
+          if (associated(firstKey)) then
+            if (llt(str_vs(dict%list(i)%d%key),str_vs(firstKey))) then
+              firstIndex = i
+              firstKey => dict%list(i)%d%key
+            endif
+          else
+            firstIndex = i
+            firstKey => dict%list(i)%d%key
+          endif
+        endif
+      enddo
+      done(firstIndex) = .true.
+      list(j)%d => dict%list(firstIndex)%d
+      j = j + 1
+    enddo
+    deallocate(dict%list)
+    dict%list => list
+  end subroutine sortAttrs
+  subroutine print_dict(dict)
+    type(dictionary_t), intent(in) :: dict
+    integer  :: i
+    do i = 1, ubound(dict%list, 1)
+      write(*,'(7a)') str_vs(dict%list(i)%d%key), " [ {", str_vs(dict%list(i)%d%nsURI), &
+        "}", str_vs(dict%list(i)%d%localName), " ]  = ", str_vs(dict%list(i)%d%value)
+    enddo
+  end subroutine print_dict
+end module m_common_attrs
diff --git a/common/m_common_buffer.F90 b/common/m_common_buffer.F90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0bf5183
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/m_common_buffer.F90
@@ -0,0 +1,261 @@
+module m_common_buffer
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+  use fox_m_fsys_format, only: str
+  use m_common_charset, only: XML1_0
+  use m_common_error, only: FoX_error, FoX_warning
+  implicit none
+  private
+  ! At this point we use a fixed-size buffer. 
+  ! Note however that buffer overflows will only be
+  ! triggered by overly long *unbroken* pcdata values, or
+  ! by overly long attribute values. Hopefully
+  ! element or attribute names are "short enough".
+  !
+  ! In a forthcoming implementation it could be made dynamical...
+  ! MAX_BUFF_SIZE cannot be bigger than the maximum available
+  ! record length for a compiler. In practice, this means
+  ! 1024 seems to be the biggest available size.
+  integer, parameter :: MAX_BUFF_SIZE  = 1024
+  type buffer_t
+    private
+    integer                       :: size
+    character(len=MAX_BUFF_SIZE)  :: str
+    integer                       :: unit
+    integer                       :: xml_version
+  end type buffer_t
+  public :: buffer_t
+  public :: add_to_buffer
+  public :: print_buffer, str, char, len
+  public :: buffer_to_chararray
+  public :: reset_buffer
+  public :: dump_buffer
+  interface str
+    module procedure buffer_to_str
+  end interface
+  interface char
+    module procedure buffer_to_str
+  end interface
+  interface len
+    module procedure buffer_length
+  end interface
+  subroutine reset_buffer(buffer, unit, xml_version)
+    type(buffer_t), intent(inout)  :: buffer
+    integer, intent(in), optional :: unit
+    integer, intent(in) :: xml_version
+    buffer%size = 0
+    if (present(unit)) then
+      buffer%unit = unit
+    else 
+      buffer%unit = 6
+    endif
+    buffer%xml_version = xml_version
+  end subroutine reset_buffer
+  subroutine print_buffer(buffer)
+    type(buffer_t), intent(in)  :: buffer
+    write(unit=6,fmt="(a)") buffer%str(:buffer%size)
+  end subroutine print_buffer
+  function buffer_to_str(buffer) result(str)
+    type(buffer_t), intent(in)          :: buffer
+    character(len=buffer%size)          :: str
+    str = buffer%str(:buffer%size)
+  end function buffer_to_str
+  function buffer_to_chararray(buffer) result(str)
+    type(buffer_t), intent(in)               :: buffer
+    character(len=1), dimension(buffer%size) :: str
+    integer :: i
+    do i = 1, buffer%size
+      str(i) = buffer%str(i:i)
+    enddo
+  end function buffer_to_chararray
+  function buffer_length(buffer) result(length)
+    type(buffer_t), intent(in)          :: buffer
+    integer                             :: length
+    length = buffer%size 
+  end function buffer_length
+  subroutine dump_buffer(buffer, lf)
+    type(buffer_t), intent(inout) :: buffer
+    logical, intent(in), optional :: lf
+    integer :: i, n
+    logical :: lf_
+    if (present(lf)) then
+      lf_ = lf
+    else
+      lf_ = .true.
+    endif
+    i = scan(buffer%str(:buffer%size), achar(10)//achar(13))
+    n = 1
+    do while (i>0)
+      write(buffer%unit, '(a)', advance="yes") buffer%str(n:n+i-2)
+      n = n + i
+      if (n>buffer%size) exit
+      i = scan(buffer%str(n:), achar(10)//achar(13))
+    enddo
+    if (n<=buffer%size) then
+      if (lf_) then
+        write(buffer%unit, '(a)', advance="yes") buffer%str(n:buffer%size)
+      else
+        write(buffer%unit, '(a)', advance="no") buffer%str(n:buffer%size)
+      endif
+    endif
+    buffer%size = 0
+  end subroutine dump_buffer
+  subroutine check_buffer(s, version)
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: s
+    integer, intent(in) :: version
+    integer :: i
+!FIXME this is almost a duplicate of logic in wxml/m_wxml_escape.f90
+    ! We have to do it this way (with achar etc) in case the native
+    ! platform encoding is not ASCII
+    do i = 1, len(s)
+      select case (iachar(s(i:i)))
+      case (0)
+        call FoX_error("Tried to output a NUL character")
+      case (1:8,11:12,14:31)
+        if (version==XML1_0) then
+          call FoX_error("Tried to output a character invalid under XML 1.0: &#"//str(iachar(s(i:i)))//";")
+        endif
+      case (128:)
+        !TOHW we should maybe just disallow this ...
+        call FoX_warning("emitting non-ASCII character. Platform-dependent result!")
+      end select
+    enddo 
+  end subroutine check_buffer
+  subroutine add_to_buffer(s, buffer, ws_significant)
+    character(len=*), intent(in)   :: s
+    type(buffer_t), intent(inout)  :: buffer
+    logical, intent(in), optional :: ws_significant
+    character(len=(buffer%size+len(s))) :: s2
+    integer :: i, n, len_b
+    logical :: warning, ws_
+    ! Is whitespace significant in this context?
+    ! We have to assume so unless told otherwise.
+    if (present(ws_significant)) then
+      ws_ = ws_significant
+    else
+      ws_ = .true.
+    endif
+    ! FIXME The algorithm below unilaterally forces all
+    ! line feeds and carriage returns to native EOL, regardless
+    ! of input document. Thus it is impossible to output a
+    ! document containing a literal non-native newline character
+    ! Ideally we would put this under the control of the user.
+    ! We check if whitespace is significant. If not, we can
+    ! adjust the buffer without worrying about it.
+    ! But if we are not told, we warn about it.
+    ! And if we are told it definitely is - then we error out.
+    ! If we overreach our buffer size, we will be unable to
+    ! output any more characters without a newline.
+    ! Go through new string, insert newlines
+    ! at spaces just before MAX_BUFF_SIZE chars
+    ! until we have less than MAX_BUFF_SIZE left to go,
+    ! then put that in the buffer.
+    ! If no whitespace is found in the newly-added string, then
+    ! insert a new line immediately before it (at the end of the
+    ! current buffer)
+    call check_buffer(s, buffer%xml_version)
+    s2 = buffer%str(:buffer%size)//s
+    ! output as much of this using existing newlines as possible.
+    warning = .false.
+    n = 1
+    do while (n<=len(s2))
+      ! Note this is an XML-1.0 only definition of newline
+      i = scan(s2(n:), achar(10)//achar(13))
+      if (i>0) then
+        ! turn that newline into an output newline ...
+        write(buffer%unit, '(a)') s2(n:n+i-2)
+        n = n + i
+      elseif (n<=len(s2)-MAX_BUFF_SIZE) then
+        ! We need to insert a newline, or we'll overrun the buffer
+        ! No suitable newline, so convert a space or tab into a newline.
+        i = scan(s2(n:n+MAX_BUFF_SIZE-1), achar(9)//achar(32), back=.true.)
+        ! If no space or tab is present, we fail.
+        if (i>0.and..not.present(ws_significant)) then
+          ! We can insert a newline, but we don't know whether it is    significant. Warn:
+          if (.not.warning) then
+            ! We only output this warning once.
+            call FoX_warning( &
+            "Fortran made FoX insert a newline. "// &
+            "If whitespace might be significant, check your output.")
+            warning = .true.
+          endif
+        elseif (i==0) then
+          call FoX_error( &
+            "Fortran made FoX insert a newline but it can't. Stopping now.")
+        elseif (ws_) then
+          call FoX_error( &
+            "Fortran made FoX insert a newline but whitespace is  significant. Stopping now.")
+        else
+          continue ! without error or warning, because whitespace is not significant
+        endif
+        write(buffer%unit, '(a)') s2(n:n+i-1)
+        n = n + i
+      else
+        ! We don't need to do anything, just add the remainder to the buffer.
+        exit
+      endif
+    enddo
+    len_b = len(s2) - n + 1
+    buffer%str(:len_b) = s2(n:)
+    buffer%size = len_b
+  end subroutine add_to_buffer
+end module m_common_buffer
diff --git a/common/m_common_charset.F90 b/common/m_common_charset.F90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d46a95e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/m_common_charset.F90
@@ -0,0 +1,447 @@
+module m_common_charset
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+  ! Written to use ASCII charset only. Full UNICODE would
+  ! take much more work and need a proper unicode library.
+  use fox_m_fsys_string, only: toLower
+  implicit none
+  private
+!!$  character(len=1), parameter :: ASCII = &
+  character(len=1), parameter :: SPACE           = achar(32)
+  character(len=1), parameter :: NEWLINE         = achar(10)
+  character(len=1), parameter :: CARRIAGE_RETURN = achar(13)
+  character(len=1), parameter :: TAB             = achar(9)
+  character(len=*), parameter :: whitespace = SPACE//NEWLINE//CARRIAGE_RETURN//TAB
+  character(len=*), parameter :: lowerCase = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
+  character(len=*), parameter :: upperCase = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"
+  character(len=*), parameter :: digits = "0123456789"
+  character(len=*), parameter :: hexdigits = "0123456789abcdefABCDEF"
+  character(len=*), parameter :: InitialNCNameChars = lowerCase//upperCase//"_"
+  character(len=*), parameter :: NCNameChars = InitialNCNameChars//digits//".-"
+  character(len=*), parameter :: InitialNameChars = InitialNCNameChars//":"
+  character(len=*), parameter :: NameChars = NCNameChars//":"
+  character(len=*), parameter :: PubIdChars = NameChars//whitespace//"'()+,/=?;!*#@$%"
+  character(len=*), parameter :: validchars = &
+    whitespace//"!""#$%&'()*+,-./"//digits// &
+    ":;<=>?@"//upperCase//"[\]^_`"//lowerCase//"{|}~"
+  ! these are all the standard ASCII printable characters: whitespace + (33-126)
+  ! which are the only characters we can guarantee to know how to handle properly.
+  integer, parameter :: XML1_0 = 10      ! NB 0x7F was legal in XML-1.0, but illegal in XML-1.1
+  integer, parameter :: XML1_1 = 11
+  character(len=*), parameter :: XML1_0_ILLEGALCHARS = achar(0)
+  character(len=*), parameter :: XML1_1_ILLEGALCHARS = NameChars
+  character(len=*), parameter :: XML1_0_INITIALNAMECHARS = InitialNameChars
+  character(len=*), parameter :: XML1_1_INITIALNAMECHARS = InitialNameChars
+  character(len=*), parameter :: XML1_0_NAMECHARS = NameChars
+  character(len=*), parameter :: XML1_1_NAMECHARS = NameChars
+  character(len=*), parameter :: XML1_0_INITIALNCNAMECHARS = InitialNCNameChars
+  character(len=*), parameter :: XML1_1_INITIALNCNAMECHARS = InitialNCNameChars
+  character(len=*), parameter :: XML1_0_NCNAMECHARS = NCNameChars
+  character(len=*), parameter :: XML1_1_NCNAMECHARS = NCNameChars
+  character(len=*), parameter :: XML_WHITESPACE = whitespace
+  character(len=*), parameter :: XML_INITIALENCODINGCHARS = lowerCase//upperCase
+  character(len=*), parameter :: XML_ENCODINGCHARS = lowerCase//upperCase//digits//'._-'
+  public :: validchars
+  public :: whitespace
+  public :: uppercase
+  public :: digits
+  public :: hexdigits
+  public :: XML1_0
+  public :: XML1_1
+  public :: XML1_0_NAMECHARS
+  public :: XML1_1_NAMECHARS
+  public :: XML_WHITESPACE
+  public :: isLegalChar
+  public :: isLegalCharRef
+  public :: isRepCharRef
+  public :: isInitialNameChar
+  public :: isNameChar
+  public :: isInitialNCNameChar
+  public :: isNCNameChar
+  public :: isXML1_0_NameChar
+  public :: isXML1_1_NameChar
+  public :: checkChars
+  public :: isUSASCII
+  public :: allowed_encoding
+  pure function isLegalChar(c, ascii_p, xml_version) result(p)
+    character, intent(in) :: c
+    ! really we should check the encoding here & be more intelligent
+    ! for now we worry only about is it ascii or not.
+    logical, intent(in) :: ascii_p
+    integer, intent(in) :: xml_version
+    logical :: p 
+    ! Is this character legal as a source character in the document?
+    integer :: i
+    i = iachar(c)
+    if (i<0) then
+      p = .false.
+      return
+    elseif (i>127) then
+      p = .not.ascii_p
+      return
+      ! ie if we are ASCII, then >127 is definitely illegal.
+      ! otherwise maybe it's ok
+    endif
+    select case(xml_version)
+    case (XML1_0)
+      p = (i==9.or.i==10.or.i==13.or.(i>31.and.i<128))
+    case (XML1_1)
+      p = (i==9.or.i==10.or.i==13.or.(i>31.and.i<127))
+      ! NB 0x7F was legal in XML-1.0, but illegal in XML-1.1
+    end select
+  end function isLegalChar
+  pure function isLegalCharRef(i, xml_version) result(p)
+    integer, intent(in) :: i
+    integer, intent(in) :: xml_version
+    logical :: p 
+    ! Is Unicode character #i legal as a character reference?
+    if (xml_version==XML1_0) then
+      p = (i==9).or.(i==10).or.(i==13).or.(i>31.and.i<55296).or.(i>57343.and.i<65534).or.(i>65535.and.i<1114112)
+    elseif (xml_version==XML1_1) then
+      p = (i>0.and.i<55296).or.(i>57343.and.i<65534).or.(i>65535.and.i<1114112)
+      ! XML 1.1 made all control characters legal as character references.
+    end if
+  end function isLegalCharRef
+  pure function isRepCharRef(i, xml_version) result(p)
+    integer, intent(in) :: i
+    integer, intent(in) :: xml_version
+    logical :: p 
+    ! Is Unicode character #i legal and representable here?
+    if (xml_version==XML1_0) then
+      p = (i==9).or.(i==10).or.(i==13).or.(i>31.and.i<128)
+    elseif (xml_version==XML1_1) then
+      p = (i>0.and.i<128)
+      ! XML 1.1 made all control characters legal as character references.
+    end if
+  end function isRepCharRef
+  pure function isInitialNameChar(c, xml_version) result(p)
+    character, intent(in) :: c
+    integer, intent(in) :: xml_version
+    logical :: p
+    select case(xml_version)
+    case (XML1_0)
+      p = (verify(c, XML1_0_INITIALNAMECHARS)==0)
+    case (XML1_1)
+      p = (verify(c, XML1_1_INITIALNAMECHARS)==0)
+    end select
+  end function isInitialNameChar
+  pure function isNameChar(c, xml_version) result(p)
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: c
+    integer, intent(in) :: xml_version
+    logical :: p
+    select case(xml_version)
+    case (XML1_0)
+      p = (verify(c, XML1_0_NAMECHARS)==0)
+    case (XML1_1)
+      p = (verify(c, XML1_1_NAMECHARS)==0)
+    end select
+  end function isNameChar
+  pure function isInitialNCNameChar(c, xml_version) result(p)
+    character, intent(in) :: c
+    integer, intent(in) :: xml_version
+    logical :: p
+    select case(xml_version)
+    case (XML1_0)
+      p = (verify(c, XML1_0_INITIALNCNAMECHARS)==0)
+    case (XML1_1)
+      p = (verify(c, XML1_1_INITIALNCNAMECHARS)==0)
+    end select
+  end function isInitialNCNameChar
+  pure function isNCNameChar(c, xml_version) result(p)
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: c
+    integer, intent(in) :: xml_version
+    logical :: p
+    select case(xml_version)
+    case (XML1_0)
+      p = (verify(c, XML1_0_NCNAMECHARS)==0)
+    case (XML1_1)
+      p = (verify(c, XML1_1_NCNAMECHARS)==0)
+    end select
+  end function isNCNameChar
+  function isXML1_0_NameChar(c) result(p)
+    character, intent(in) :: c
+    logical :: p
+    p = (verify(c, XML1_0_NAMECHARS)==0)
+  end function isXML1_0_NameChar
+  function isXML1_1_NameChar(c) result(p)
+    character, intent(in) :: c
+    logical :: p
+    p = (verify(c, XML1_1_NAMECHARS)==0)
+  end function isXML1_1_NameChar
+  pure function checkChars(value, xv) result(p)
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: value
+    integer, intent(in) :: xv
+    logical :: p
+    ! This checks if value only contains values
+    ! legal to appear (escaped or unescaped) 
+    ! according to whichever XML version is in force.
+    integer :: i
+    p = .true.
+    do i = 1, len(value)
+      if (xv == XML1_0) then
+        select case(iachar(value(i:i)))
+        case (0,8)
+          p = .false.
+        case (11,12)
+          p = .false.
+        end select
+      else
+        if (iachar(value(i:i))==0) p =.false.
+      endif
+    enddo
+  end function checkChars
+  function isUSASCII(encoding) result(p)
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: encoding
+    logical :: p
+    character(len=len(encoding)) :: enc
+    enc = toLower(encoding)
+    p = (enc=="ansi_x3.4-1968" &
+      .or. enc=="ansi_x3.4-1986" &
+      .or. enc=="iso_646.irv:1991" &
+      .or. enc=="ascii" &
+      .or. enc=="iso646-us" &
+      .or. enc=="us-ascii" &
+      .or. enc=="us" &
+      .or. enc=="ibm367" &
+      .or. enc=="cp367" &
+      .or. enc=="csascii")
+  end function isUSASCII
+  function allowed_encoding(encoding) result(p)
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: encoding
+    logical :: p
+    character(len=len(encoding)) :: enc
+    logical :: utf8, usascii, iso88591, iso88592, iso88593, iso88594, &
+      iso88595, iso88596, iso88597, iso88598, iso88599, iso885910,  &
+      iso885913, iso885914, iso885915, iso885916
+    enc = toLower(encoding)
+    ! From http://www.iana.org/assignments/character-sets
+    ! We can only reliably do US-ASCII (the below is mostly
+    ! a list of synonyms for US-ASCII) but we also accept
+    ! UTF-8 as a practicality. We bail out if any non-ASCII
+    ! characters are used later on.
+    utf8 = (enc=="utf-8")
+    usascii = (enc=="ansi_x3.4-1968" &
+      .or. enc=="ansi_x3.4-1986" &
+      .or. enc=="iso_646.irv:1991" &
+      .or. enc=="ascii" &
+      .or. enc=="iso646-us" &
+      .or. enc=="us-ascii" &
+      .or. enc=="us" &
+      .or. enc=="ibm367" &
+      .or. enc=="cp367" &
+      .or. enc=="csascii")
+! As of FoX 4.0, we accept ISO-8859-??, also as practicality
+! since we know it is identical to ASCII as far as 0x7F
+    iso88591 = (enc =="iso_8859-1:1987" &
+      .or. enc=="iso-ir-100" &
+      .or. enc=="iso_8859-1" &
+      .or. enc=="iso-8859-1" &
+      .or. enc=="latin1" &
+      .or. enc=="l1" &
+      .or. enc=="ibm819" &
+      .or. enc=="cp819" &
+      .or. enc=="csisolatin1")
+    iso88592 = (enc=="iso_8859-2:1987" &
+      .or. enc=="iso-ir-101" &
+      .or. enc=="iso_8859-2" &
+      .or. enc=="iso-8859-2" &
+      .or. enc=="latin2" &
+      .or. enc=="l2" &
+      .or. enc=="csisolatin2")
+    iso88593 = (enc=="iso_8859-3:1988" &
+      .or. enc=="iso-ir-109" &
+      .or. enc=="iso_8859-3" &
+      .or. enc=="iso-8859-3" &
+      .or. enc=="latin3" &
+      .or. enc=="l3" &
+      .or. enc=="csisolatin3")
+    iso88594 = (enc=="iso_8859-4:1988" &
+      .or. enc=="iso-ir-110" &
+      .or. enc=="iso_8859-4" &
+      .or. enc=="iso-8859-4" &
+      .or. enc=="latin4" &
+      .or. enc=="l4" &
+      .or. enc=="csisolatin4")
+    iso88595 = (enc=="iso_8859-5:1988" &
+      .or. enc=="iso-ir-144" &
+      .or. enc=="iso_8859-5" &
+      .or. enc=="iso-8859-5" &
+      .or. enc=="cyrillic" &
+      .or. enc=="csisolatincyrillic")
+    iso88596 = (enc=="iso_8859-6:1987" &
+      .or. enc=="iso-ir-127" &
+      .or. enc=="iso_8859-6" &
+      .or. enc=="iso-8859-6" &
+      .or. enc=="ecma-114" &
+      .or. enc=="asmo-708" &
+      .or. enc=="arabic" &
+      .or. enc=="csisolatinarabic")
+    iso88597 = (enc=="iso_8859-7:1987" &
+      .or. enc=="iso-ir-126" &
+      .or. enc=="iso_8859-7" &
+      .or. enc=="iso-8859-7" &
+      .or. enc=="elot_928" &
+      .or. enc=="ecma-118" &
+      .or. enc=="greek" &
+      .or. enc=="greek8" &
+      .or. enc=="csisolatingreek")
+    iso88598 = (enc=="iso_8859-8:1988" &
+      .or. enc=="iso-ir-138" &
+      .or. enc=="iso_8859-8" &
+      .or. enc=="iso-8859-8" &
+      .or. enc=="hebrew" &
+      .or. enc=="csisolatinhebrew")
+    iso88599 = (enc=="iso_8859-9:1989" &
+      .or. enc=="iso-ir-148" &
+      .or. enc=="iso_8859-9" &
+      .or. enc=="iso-8859-9" &
+      .or. enc=="latin5" &
+      .or. enc=="l5" &
+      .or. enc=="csisolatin5")
+    iso885910 = (enc=="iso-8859-10" &
+      .or. enc=="iso-ir-157" &
+      .or. enc=="l6" &
+      .or. enc=="iso_8859-10:1992" &
+      .or. enc=="csisolatin6" &
+      .or. enc=="latin6")
+! ISO 6937 replaces $ sign with currency sign.
+! JIS-X0201 has Yen instead of backslash, macron instead of tilde
+! 16, 17, 18, 19 - Japanese encoding we can't use.
+! BS 4730 replaces hash with UK pound sign, and tilde to macron
+! 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26 - other variants of iso646, similar but not identical
+!      iso10646utf1 = (enc=="iso-10646-utf-1") ! FIXME check
+!      iso656basic1983 = (enc=="iso_646.basic:1983" &
+!        .or. enc=="csiso646basic1983") ! FIXME check
+! INVARIANT - almost but not quite a subset of ASCII
+!      iso646irv = (enc=="iso_646.irv:1983" &
+!        .or. enc=="iso-ir-2" &
+!        .or. enc=="irv")
+! 31, 32, 33, 34 - NATS scandinavian, different from ASCII
+! 35 - another iso646 variant
+! 36, 37, 38 Korean shifted/multibyte
+! 39, 40 Japanese shifted/multibyte
+! 41, 42, JIS (iso646inv 7 bits)
+! 43 another iso646 variantt
+! 44, 45 greek variants
+! 46 another iso646 variant
+! 47 greek
+! 48 cyrillic ascii relationship unknown
+! 49 JIS again
+! 50 similar not identical
+! 51, 52, 53 not identical
+! 54 see 48
+! 55 see 47
+! 56 another iso646 variant
+! 57 chinese
+! ... to be continued
+      iso885913 = (enc=="iso-8859-13")
+      iso885914 = (enc=="iso-8859-14" &
+      .or. enc=="iso-ir-199" &
+      .or. enc=="iso_8859-14:1998" &
+      .or. enc=="iso_8849-14" &
+      .or. enc=="iso_latin8" &
+      .or. enc=="iso-celtic" &
+      .or. enc=="l8")
+      iso885915 = (enc=="iso-8859-15" &
+        .or. enc=="iso-8859-15" &
+        .or. enc=="latin-9")
+      iso885916 = (enc=="iso-8859-16" &
+        .or. enc=="iso-ir226" &
+        .or. enc=="iso_8859-16:2001" &
+        .or. enc=="iso_8859-16" &
+        .or. enc=="latin10" &
+        .or. enc=="l10")
+      p = utf8.or.usascii.or.iso88591.or.iso88592.or.iso88593 &
+        .or.iso88594.or.iso88595.or.iso88596.or.iso88597 &
+        .or.iso88598.or.iso88599.or.iso885910.or.iso885913 &
+        .or.iso885914.or.iso885915.or.iso885916
+  end function allowed_encoding
+end module m_common_charset
diff --git a/common/m_common_content_model.F90 b/common/m_common_content_model.F90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1b5df70
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/m_common_content_model.F90
@@ -0,0 +1,490 @@
+module m_common_content_model
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+  ! Allow validating the content model of an XML document
+  use fox_m_fsys_array_str, only: str_vs, vs_str_alloc, vs_vs_alloc
+  implicit none
+  private
+  integer, parameter :: OP_NULL = 0
+  integer, parameter :: OP_EMPTY = 1
+  integer, parameter :: OP_ANY = 2
+  integer, parameter :: OP_MIXED = 3
+  integer, parameter :: OP_NAME = 4
+  integer, parameter :: OP_CHOICE = 5
+  integer, parameter :: OP_SEQ = 6
+  integer, parameter :: REP_NULL = 0
+  integer, parameter :: REP_ONCE = 1
+  integer, parameter :: REP_QUESTION_MARK = 2
+  integer, parameter :: REP_ASTERISK = 3
+  type content_particle_t
+    character, pointer :: name(:) => null()
+    integer :: operator = OP_NULL
+    integer :: repeater = REP_NULL
+    type(content_particle_t), pointer :: nextSibling => null()
+    type(content_particle_t), pointer :: parent => null()
+    type(content_particle_t), pointer :: firstChild => null()
+  end type content_particle_t
+  public :: content_particle_t
+  public :: newCP
+  public :: transformCPPlus
+  public :: checkCP
+  public :: checkCPToEnd
+  public :: elementContentCP
+  public :: emptyContentCP
+  public :: destroyCPtree
+  public :: dumpCPtree
+  function newCP(empty, any, name, repeat) result(cp)
+    logical, intent(in), optional :: empty
+    logical, intent(in), optional :: any
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: name
+    character, intent(in), optional :: repeat
+    type(content_particle_t), pointer :: cp
+    allocate(cp)
+    if (present(empty)) then
+      cp%operator = OP_EMPTY
+    elseif (present(any)) then
+      cp%operator = OP_ANY
+    elseif (present(name)) then
+      cp%operator = OP_NAME
+      cp%name => vs_str_alloc(name)
+    else
+      cp%operator = OP_SEQ
+    endif
+    if (present(repeat)) then
+      select case (repeat)
+      case("?")
+        cp%repeater = REP_QUESTION_MARK
+      case("*")
+        cp%repeater = REP_ASTERISK
+      end select
+    endif
+  end function newCP
+  function copyCP(cp) result(cp_out)
+    type(content_particle_t), pointer :: cp
+    type(content_particle_t), pointer :: cp_out
+    allocate(cp_out)
+    if (associated(cp%name)) cp_out%name => vs_vs_alloc(cp%name)
+    cp_out%operator = cp%operator
+    cp_out%repeater = cp%repeater
+  end function copyCP
+  function copyCPtree(cp) result(cp_out)
+    type(content_particle_t), pointer :: cp
+    type(content_particle_t), pointer :: cp_out
+    type(content_particle_t), pointer :: tcp, tcp_out, tcpn_out, tcpp_out
+    logical :: done
+    tcp => cp
+    cp_out => copyCP(cp)
+    tcp_out => cp_out
+    done = .false.
+    do while (associated(tcp_out))
+      if (.not.done) then
+        do while (associated(tcp%firstChild))
+          tcp => tcp%firstChild
+          tcpn_out => copyCP(tcp)
+          tcp_out%firstChild => tcpn_out
+          tcpn_out%parent => tcp_out
+          tcp_out => tcpn_out
+        enddo
+      endif
+      tcpp_out => tcp_out%parent
+      if (associated(tcp%nextSibling)) then
+        done = .false.
+        tcp => tcp%nextSibling
+        tcpn_out => copyCP(tcp)
+        tcp_out%nextSibling => tcpn_out
+        tcpn_out%parent => tcpp_out
+        tcp_out => tcpn_out
+      else
+        done = .true.
+        tcp => tcp%parent
+        tcp_out => tcp_out%parent
+      endif
+    enddo
+  end function copyCPtree
+  subroutine transformCPPlus(cp)
+    type(content_particle_t), pointer :: cp
+    type(content_particle_t), pointer :: tcp, cp_new
+    ! Make copy of cp, and graft children on
+    cp_new => copyCP(cp)
+    cp_new%firstChild => cp%firstChild
+    ! Reset children's parents ...
+    tcp => cp%firstChild
+    do while (associated(tcp))
+      tcp%parent => cp_new
+      tcp => tcp%nextSibling
+    enddo
+    ! Clear cp & make it an SEQ
+    if (associated(cp%name)) deallocate(cp%name)
+    cp%operator = OP_SEQ
+    ! Append our copied cp to the now-an-SEQ
+    cp%firstChild => cp_new
+    cp_new%parent => cp
+    ! Copy it for a sibling, and make the sibling a *
+    cp_new%nextSibling => copyCPtree(cp_new)
+    cp_new%nextSibling%parent => cp
+    cp_new%nextSibling%repeater = REP_ASTERISK
+  end subroutine transformCPPlus
+  function checkCP(cp, name) result(p)
+    type(content_particle_t), pointer :: cp
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
+    logical :: p
+    type(content_particle_t), pointer :: tcp
+    ! for EMPTY, ANY or MIXED, cp never moves.
+    ! for element content, we move the pointer as we
+    ! move through the regex.
+    ! If the regex includes ambiguous content, we are
+    ! a bit screwed. But the document is in error if so.
+    ! (and we are not required to diagnose errors.)
+    p = .false.
+    if (.not.associated(cp)) return
+    select case(cp%operator)
+    case (OP_EMPTY)
+      continue ! anything fails
+    case (OP_ANY)
+      p = .true.
+    case (OP_MIXED)
+      tcp => cp%firstChild
+      do while (associated(tcp))
+        if (name==str_vs(tcp%name)) then
+          p = .true.
+          exit
+        endif
+        tcp => tcp%nextSibling
+      enddo
+    case default
+      do
+        if (.not.associated(cp)) exit
+        select case (cp%operator)
+        case (OP_NAME)
+          p = (name==str_vs(cp%name))
+          if (p) then
+            tcp => nextCPAfterMatch(cp)
+            cp => tcp
+            exit
+          else
+            tcp => nextCPAfterFail(cp)
+            cp => tcp
+          endif
+        case (OP_CHOICE, OP_SEQ)
+          cp => cp%firstChild
+        end select
+      end do
+    end select
+  end function checkCP
+  function nextCPaftermatch(cp) result(cp_next)
+    type (content_particle_t), pointer :: cp
+    type (content_particle_t), pointer :: cp_next
+    type (content_particle_t), pointer :: tcp
+    cp_next => cp
+    do
+      if (cp_next%repeater==REP_ASTERISK) exit
+      tcp => cp_next%parent
+      if (associated(tcp)) then
+        if (tcp%operator==OP_CHOICE) then
+          ! siblings are uninteresting, we've matched this CHOICE
+          cp_next => tcp
+          ! Move up & try the whole thing again on the parent CHOICE
+        elseif (tcp%operator==OP_SEQ) then
+          ! we do care about siblings, move onto next one
+          if (associated(cp_next%nextSibling)) then
+            cp_next => cp_next%nextSibling
+            ! thatll do, itll be the next thing to try
+            exit
+          else
+            ! No sibling, move up a level
+            cp_next => tcp
+            ! and try again
+          endif
+        endif
+      else
+        ! We've got to the top already.
+        cp_next => tcp
+        exit
+      endif
+    enddo
+  end function nextCPaftermatch
+  function nextCPafterfail(cp) result(cp_next)
+    type(content_particle_t), pointer :: cp
+    type(content_particle_t), pointer :: cp_next
+    type(content_particle_t), pointer :: tcp
+    logical :: match
+    match = .false.
+    cp_next => cp
+    do
+      tcp => cp_next%parent
+      if (associated(tcp)) then
+        if (tcp%operator==OP_CHOICE) then
+          ! we care about siblings, lets try the next one
+          if (associated(cp_next%nextSibling)) then
+            cp_next => cp_next%nextSibling
+            ! super, lets go back and try that
+            exit
+          else ! weve failed to match any cp in this CHOICE ...
+            cp_next => tcp
+            ! go up a level and see if theres another legitimate choice
+          endif
+        elseif (tcp%operator==OP_SEQ) then
+          if ((match.or.cp_next%repeater/=REP_NULL) &
+            .and.associated(cp_next%nextSibling)) then
+            ! we were allowed to fail to match, try sibling
+            cp_next => cp_next%nextSibling
+            exit
+          elseif (cp_next%repeater/=REP_NULL) then
+            match = .true.
+            ! The last item was optional, so weve matched at this level
+            cp_next => tcp
+          elseif (associated(tcp%firstChild, cp_next)) then
+            ! we havent matched - but we hadnt started, Maybe it was ok
+            ! not to match because we are nested inside an optional thingy
+            cp_next => tcp
+          else
+            ! We were not allowed to fail there,
+            ! there is no legitimate next choice.
+            cp_next => null()
+            exit
+          endif
+        endif
+      else
+        ! weve got all the way to the top without
+        ! finding a new cp to try. But if this top-level
+        ! cp is ASTERISK'ed we can try it agin
+        cp_next => null()
+        exit
+      endif
+    enddo
+  end function nextCPafterfail
+  function checkCPToEnd(cp) result(p)
+    type(content_particle_t), pointer :: cp
+    logical :: p
+    type(content_particle_t), pointer :: tcp
+    if (associated(cp)) then
+      select case(cp%operator)
+      case (OP_EMPTY, OP_ANY, OP_MIXED)
+        p = .true.
+      case default
+        tcp => nextCPMustMatch(cp)
+        p = .not.associated(tcp)
+      end select
+    else
+      p = .true.
+    endif
+  end function checkCPToEnd
+  function nextCPMustMatch(cp) result(cp_next)
+    type(content_particle_t), pointer :: cp
+    type(content_particle_t), pointer :: cp_next
+    type(content_particle_t), pointer :: tcp
+    if (.not.associated(cp)) return
+    if (.not.associated(cp%parent)) then
+      ! we havent started exploring this one.
+      ! get the first starting position
+      cp_next => cp
+      do while (cp_next%repeater==REP_NULL)
+        if (associated(cp_next%firstChild)) then
+          cp_next => cp_next%firstChild
+        else
+          exit
+        endif
+      enddo
+    else
+      cp_next => cp
+    endif
+    if (cp_next%repeater==REP_NULL) return
+    do
+      tcp => cp_next%parent
+      if (associated(tcp)) then
+        if (tcp%operator==OP_CHOICE) then
+          ! its matched by the optional one we are on, go up a level
+          cp_next => tcp
+        elseif (tcp%operator==OP_SEQ) then
+          ! check all siblings for any compulsory ones
+          do while (associated(cp_next%nextSibling))
+            cp_next => cp_next%nextSibling
+            if (cp_next%repeater==REP_NULL) return
+          enddo
+          ! all were optional, go up a level
+          cp_next => tcp
+        endif
+      else
+        ! weve got all the way to the top without
+        ! finding a new cp to try
+        cp_next => tcp
+        exit
+      endif
+    enddo
+  end function nextCPMustMatch
+  function elementContentCP(cp) result(p)
+    type(content_particle_t), pointer :: cp
+    logical :: p
+    if (associated(cp)) then
+      select case (cp%operator)
+      case (OP_EMPTY, OP_ANY, OP_MIXED)
+        p = .false.
+      case default
+        p = .true.
+      end select
+    else
+      p = .true.
+    endif
+  end function elementContentCP
+  function emptyContentCP(cp) result(p)
+    type(content_particle_t), pointer :: cp
+    logical :: p
+    if (associated(cp)) then
+      p = cp%operator==OP_EMPTY
+    else
+      p = .false.
+    endif
+  end function emptyContentCP
+  subroutine destroyCP(cp)
+    type(content_particle_t), pointer :: cp
+    if (associated(cp%name)) deallocate(cp%name)
+    deallocate(cp)
+  end subroutine destroyCP
+  subroutine destroyCPtree(cp)
+    type(content_particle_t), pointer :: cp
+    type(content_particle_t), pointer :: current, tcp
+    current => cp
+    do
+      do while (associated(current%firstChild))
+        current => current%firstChild
+      enddo
+      if (associated(current, cp)) exit
+      tcp => current
+      if (associated(current%nextSibling)) then
+        current => current%nextSibling
+        call destroyCP(tcp)
+      else
+        current => current%parent
+        call destroyCP(tcp)
+        current%firstChild => null()
+      endif
+    enddo
+    call destroyCP(cp)
+  end subroutine destroyCPtree
+  subroutine dumpCP(cp)
+    type(content_particle_t), pointer :: cp
+    select case(cp%operator)
+    case (OP_EMPTY)
+      write(*,'(a)', advance="no") "EMPTY"
+    case (OP_ANY)
+      write(*,'(a)', advance="no") "ANY"
+    case (OP_MIXED)
+      write(*,'(a)', advance="no") "MIXED"
+    case (OP_NAME)
+      write(*,'(a)', advance="no") str_vs(cp%name)
+    case (OP_CHOICE)
+      write(*,'(a)', advance="no") "CHOICE"
+    case (OP_SEQ)
+      write(*,'(a)', advance="no") "SEQ"
+    end select
+    select case(cp%repeater)
+      write(*,'(a)', advance="no") "?"
+    case (REP_ASTERISK)
+      write(*,'(a)', advance="no") "*"
+    end select
+    write(*,*)
+  end subroutine dumpCP
+  subroutine dumpCPtree(cp)
+    type(content_particle_t), pointer :: cp
+    type(content_particle_t), pointer :: current
+    integer :: i
+    logical :: done
+    i = 0
+    current => cp
+    done = .false.
+    call dumpCP(current)
+    do
+      if (.not.done) then
+        do while (associated(current%firstChild))
+          i = i + 2
+          current => current%firstChild
+          write(*,'(a)', advance="no") repeat(" ",i)
+          call dumpCP(current)
+        enddo
+      endif
+      if (associated(current, cp)) exit
+      if (associated(current%nextSibling)) then
+        done = .false.
+        current => current%nextSibling
+        write(*,'(a)', advance="no") repeat(" ",i)
+        call dumpCP(current)
+      else
+        done = .true.
+        i = i - 2
+        current => current%parent
+      endif
+    enddo
+  end subroutine dumpCPtree
+end module m_common_content_model
diff --git a/common/m_common_element.F90 b/common/m_common_element.F90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5eecbbf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/m_common_element.F90
@@ -0,0 +1,1645 @@
+module m_common_element
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+  ! Structure and manipulation of element specification
+  use fox_m_fsys_array_str, only: str_vs, vs_str_alloc, vs_vs_alloc
+  use fox_m_fsys_string_list, only: string_list, init_string_list, &
+    destroy_string_list, add_string, tokenize_to_string_list, &
+    registered_string
+  use m_common_charset, only: isInitialNameChar, isNameChar, &
+    upperCase, XML_WHITESPACE
+  use m_common_content_model, only: content_particle_t, newCP, destroyCPtree, &
+    transformCPPlus ! , dumpCPtree ! For debugging - see below.
+  use m_common_error, only: error_stack, add_error, in_error
+  use m_common_namecheck, only: checkName, checkNames, checkNCName, &
+    checkNCNames, checkQName, checkNmtoken, checkNmtokens
+  implicit none
+  private
+  integer, parameter :: ST_START               = 0
+  integer, parameter :: ST_EMPTYANY            = 1
+  integer, parameter :: ST_FIRSTCHILD          = 2
+  integer, parameter :: ST_END                 = 3
+  integer, parameter :: ST_PCDATA              = 4
+  integer, parameter :: ST_NAME                = 5
+  integer, parameter :: ST_CHILD               = 6
+  integer, parameter :: ST_AFTERBRACKET        = 7
+  integer, parameter :: ST_AFTERLASTBRACKET    = 8
+  integer, parameter :: ST_SEPARATOR           = 9
+  integer, parameter :: ST_AFTERNAME           = 10
+  integer, parameter :: ST_ATTTYPE             = 11
+  integer, parameter :: ST_AFTER_NOTATION      = 12
+  integer, parameter :: ST_NOTATION_LIST       = 13
+  integer, parameter :: ST_ENUMERATION         = 14
+  integer, parameter :: ST_ENUM_NAME           = 15
+  integer, parameter :: ST_AFTER_ATTTYPE_SPACE = 16
+  integer, parameter :: ST_AFTER_ATTTYPE       = 17
+  integer, parameter :: ST_DEFAULT_DECL        = 18
+  integer, parameter :: ST_AFTERDEFAULTDECL    = 19
+  integer, parameter :: ST_DEFAULTVALUE        = 20
+  integer, parameter :: ATT_NULL = 0
+  integer, parameter :: ATT_CDATA = 1
+  integer, parameter :: ATT_ID = 2
+  integer, parameter :: ATT_IDREF = 3
+  integer, parameter :: ATT_IDREFS = 4
+  integer, parameter :: ATT_ENTITY = 5
+  integer, parameter :: ATT_ENTITIES = 6
+  integer, parameter :: ATT_NMTOKEN = 7
+  integer, parameter :: ATT_NMTOKENS = 8
+  integer, parameter :: ATT_NOTATION = 9
+  integer, parameter :: ATT_ENUM = 10
+  integer, parameter :: ATT_CDANO = 11
+  integer, parameter :: ATT_CDAMB = 12
+  character(len=8), parameter :: ATT_TYPES(12) = (/ &
+    "CDATA   ", &
+    "ID      ", &
+    "IDREF   ", &
+    "IDREFS  ", &
+    "ENTITY  ", &
+    "ENTITIES", &
+    "NMTOKEN ", &
+    "NMTOKENS", &
+    "NOTATION", &
+    "ENUM    ", &
+    "CDANO   ", &
+    "CDAMB   "/)
+  integer, parameter :: ATT_REQUIRED = 1
+  integer, parameter :: ATT_IMPLIED = 2
+  integer, parameter :: ATT_DEFAULT = 4
+  integer, parameter :: ATT_FIXED = 3
+  type attribute_t
+    character, pointer :: name(:) => null()
+    integer :: attType = ATT_NULL 
+    integer :: attDefault = ATT_NULL
+    type(string_list) :: enumerations
+    character, pointer :: default(:) => null()
+    logical :: internal = .true.
+  end type attribute_t
+  type attribute_list
+    type(attribute_t), pointer :: list(:) => null()
+  end type attribute_list
+  type element_t
+    character, pointer :: name(:) => null()
+    logical :: empty = .false.
+    logical :: any = .false.
+    logical :: mixed = .false.
+    logical :: id_declared = .false.
+    logical :: internal = .true.
+    type (content_particle_t), pointer :: cp => null()
+    character, pointer :: model(:) => null()
+    type(attribute_list) :: attlist
+  end type element_t
+  type element_list
+    type(element_t), pointer :: list(:) => null()
+  end type element_list
+  public :: element_t
+  public :: element_list
+  public :: attribute_t
+  public :: attribute_list
+  public :: init_element_list
+  public :: destroy_element_list
+  public :: existing_element
+  public :: declared_element
+  public :: get_element
+  public :: add_element
+  public :: parse_dtd_element
+  public :: init_attribute_list
+  public :: destroy_attribute_list
+  public :: parse_dtd_attlist
+  public :: report_declarations
+  public :: attribute_has_default
+  public :: get_attlist_size
+  public :: get_attribute_declaration
+  public :: express_attribute_declaration
+  public :: att_value_normalize
+  public :: get_att_type_enum
+  public :: ATT_NULL
+  public :: ATT_CDATA
+  public :: ATT_ID 
+  public :: ATT_IDREF
+  public :: ATT_IDREFS
+  public :: ATT_ENTITY
+  public :: ATT_ENTITIES
+  public :: ATT_NMTOKEN
+  public :: ATT_NMTOKENS
+  public :: ATT_NOTATION
+  public :: ATT_ENUM
+  public :: ATT_CDANO
+  public :: ATT_CDAMB
+  public :: ATT_REQUIRED
+  public :: ATT_IMPLIED
+  public :: ATT_DEFAULT
+  public :: ATT_FIXED
+  public :: ATT_TYPES
+  interface get_attribute_declaration
+    module procedure get_attdecl_by_index
+    module procedure get_attdecl_by_name
+  end interface
+  subroutine init_element_list(e_list)
+    type(element_list), intent(inout) :: e_list
+    allocate(e_list%list(0))
+  end subroutine init_element_list
+  subroutine destroy_element_list(e_list)
+    type(element_list), intent(inout) :: e_list
+    integer :: i
+    do i = 1, size(e_list%list)
+      deallocate(e_list%list(i)%name)
+      if (associated(e_list%list(i)%cp)) call destroyCPtree(e_list%list(i)%cp)
+      if (associated(e_list%list(i)%model)) deallocate(e_list%list(i)%model)
+      call destroy_attribute_list(e_list%list(i)%attlist)
+    enddo
+    deallocate(e_list%list)
+  end subroutine destroy_element_list
+  function existing_element(e_list, name) result(p)
+    type(element_list), intent(in) :: e_list
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
+    logical :: p
+    integer :: i
+    p = .false.
+    do i = 1, size(e_list%list)
+      if (str_vs(e_list%list(i)%name)==name) then
+        p = .true.
+        exit
+      endif
+    enddo
+  end function existing_element
+  function declared_element(e_list, name) result(p)
+    type(element_list), intent(in) :: e_list
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
+    logical :: p
+    integer :: i
+    p = .false.
+    do i = 1, size(e_list%list)
+      if (str_vs(e_list%list(i)%name)==name) then
+        p = associated(e_list%list(i)%model)
+        exit
+      endif
+    enddo
+  end function declared_element
+  function get_element(e_list, name) result(e)
+    type(element_list), intent(in) :: e_list
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
+    type(element_t), pointer :: e
+    integer :: i
+    do i = 1, size(e_list%list)
+      if (str_vs(e_list%list(i)%name)==name) then
+        e => e_list%list(i)
+        return
+      endif
+    enddo
+    e => null()
+  end function get_element
+  function add_element(e_list, name) result(e)
+    type(element_list), intent(inout) :: e_list
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
+    type(element_t), pointer :: e
+    type(element_t), pointer :: temp(:)
+    integer :: i
+    temp => e_list%list
+    allocate(e_list%list(size(temp)+1))
+    do i = 1, size(temp)
+      e_list%list(i)%name => temp(i)%name
+      e_list%list(i)%model => temp(i)%model
+      e_list%list(i)%empty = temp(i)%empty
+      e_list%list(i)%any = temp(i)%any
+      e_list%list(i)%mixed = temp(i)%mixed
+      e_list%list(i)%cp => temp(i)%cp
+      e_list%list(i)%id_declared = temp(i)%id_declared
+      e_list%list(i)%internal = temp(i)%internal
+      e_list%list(i)%attlist%list => temp(i)%attlist%list
+    enddo
+    deallocate(temp)
+    e => e_list%list(i)
+    e%name => vs_str_alloc(name)
+    call init_attribute_list(e%attlist)
+  end function add_element
+  subroutine parse_dtd_element(contents, xv, stack, element, internal)
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: contents
+    integer, intent(in) :: xv
+    type(error_stack), intent(inout) :: stack
+    type(element_t), pointer :: element
+    logical, intent(in) :: internal
+    integer :: state
+    integer :: i, nbrackets
+    logical :: mixed, empty, any
+    character :: c
+    character, pointer :: order(:), name(:), temp(:)
+    type(content_particle_t), pointer :: top, current, tcp
+    logical :: mixed_additional, firstChild
+    ! FIXME should we check namespaces here (for element names)
+    ! checking duplicates - valid or wf? - and only for MIXED?
+    order => null()
+    name => null()
+    temp => null()
+    any = .false.
+    empty = .false.
+    mixed = .false.
+    nbrackets = 0
+    mixed_additional = .false.
+    firstChild = .true.
+    state = ST_START
+    top => null()
+    do i = 1, len(contents) + 1
+      if (i<=len(contents)) then
+        c = contents(i:i)
+      else
+        c = ' '
+      endif
+      if (state==ST_START) then
+        !write(*,*)'ST_START'
+        if (verify(c, XML_WHITESPACE)==0) then
+          continue
+        elseif (verify(c, 'EMPTYANY')==0) then
+          name => vs_str_alloc(c)
+          state = ST_EMPTYANY
+        elseif (c=='(') then
+          order => vs_str_alloc(" ")
+          nbrackets = 1
+          top => newCP()
+          current => top
+          state = ST_FIRSTCHILD
+        else
+          call add_error(stack, &
+            'Unexpected character "'//c//'" at start of ELEMENT specification')
+          goto 100
+        endif
+      elseif (state==ST_EMPTYANY) then
+        !write(*,*)'ST_EMPTYANY'
+        if (verify(c, upperCase)==0) then
+          temp => name
+          name => vs_str_alloc(str_vs(temp)//c)
+          deallocate(temp)
+        elseif (verify(c, XML_WHITESPACE)==0) then
+          if (str_vs(name)=='EMPTY') then
+            empty = .true.
+            top => newCP(empty=.true.)
+            current => top
+          elseif (str_vs(name)=='ANY') then
+            any = .true.
+            top => newCP(any=.true.)
+            current => top
+          else
+            call add_error(stack, &
+              'Unexpected ELEMENT specification; expecting EMPTY or ANY')
+            goto 100
+          endif
+          deallocate(name)
+          state = ST_END
+        else
+          call add_error(stack, &
+            'Unexpected ELEMENT specification; expecting EMPTY or ANY')
+          goto 100
+        endif
+      elseif (state==ST_FIRSTCHILD) then
+        !write(*,*)'ST_FIRSTCHILD'
+        if (verify(c, XML_WHITESPACE)==0) cycle
+        if (c=='#') then
+          mixed = .true.
+          state = ST_PCDATA
+          name => vs_str_alloc("")
+        elseif (isInitialNameChar(c, xv)) then
+          allocate(name(1))
+          name(1) = c
+          state = ST_NAME
+        elseif (c=='(') then
+          nbrackets = nbrackets + 1
+          deallocate(order)
+          tcp => newCP()
+          current%firstChild => tcp
+          tcp%parent => current
+          current => tcp
+          order => vs_str_alloc("  ")
+          state = ST_CHILD
+        else
+          call add_error(stack, &
+            'Unexpected character in ELEMENT specification')
+          goto 100
+        endif
+      elseif (state==ST_PCDATA) then
+        !write(*,*)'ST_PCDATA'
+        if (verify(c, 'PCDATA')==0) then
+          temp => name
+          name => vs_str_alloc(str_vs(temp)//c)
+          deallocate(temp)
+        elseif (verify(c, XML_WHITESPACE)==0) then
+          if (str_vs(name)=='PCDATA') then
+            deallocate(name)
+          else
+            call add_error(stack, &
+              'Unexpected token after #')
+            goto 100
+          endif
+          ! Must be first child
+          current%operator = OP_MIXED
+          tcp => newCP(name="#PCDATA")
+          current%firstChild => tcp
+          tcp%parent => current
+          current => tcp
+          firstChild = .false.
+          state = ST_SEPARATOR
+        elseif (c==')') then
+          if (str_vs(name)=='PCDATA') then
+            deallocate(name)
+            nbrackets = 0
+            state = ST_AFTERLASTBRACKET
+            deallocate(order)
+          else
+            call add_error(stack, &
+              'Unexpected token after #')
+            goto 100
+          endif
+          ! Must be first child
+          current%operator = OP_MIXED
+          tcp => newCP(name="#PCDATA")
+          current%firstChild => tcp
+          tcp%parent => current
+          firstChild = .false.
+        elseif (c=='|') then
+          if (str_vs(name)=='PCDATA') then
+            firstChild = .false.
+            deallocate(name)
+          else
+            call add_error(stack, &
+              'Unexpected token after #')
+            goto 100
+          endif
+          ! Must be first child
+          current%operator = OP_MIXED
+          tcp => newCP(name="#PCDATA")
+          current%firstChild => tcp
+          tcp%parent => current
+          current => tcp
+          firstChild = .false.
+          order(1) = '|'
+          state = ST_CHILD
+        elseif (c==',') then
+          call add_error(stack, &
+            'Ordered specification not allowed for Mixed elements')
+          goto 100
+        else
+          call add_error(stack, &
+            'Unexpected character in ELEMENT specification')
+          goto 100
+        endif
+      elseif (state==ST_NAME) then
+        !write(*,*)'ST_NAME'
+        if (isNameChar(c, xv)) then
+          temp => name
+          name => vs_str_alloc(str_vs(temp)//c)
+          deallocate(temp)
+        elseif (scan(c, "?+*")>0) then
+          if (mixed) then
+            call add_error(stack, &
+              'Repeat operators forbidden for Mixed elements')
+            goto 100
+          endif
+          tcp => newCP(name=str_vs(name), repeat=c)
+          deallocate(name)
+          if (firstChild) then
+            current%firstChild => tcp
+            tcp%parent => current
+            firstChild = .false.
+          else
+            current%nextSibling => tcp
+            tcp%parent => current%parent
+          endif
+          current => tcp
+          if (c=="+") call transformCPPlus(current)
+          state = ST_SEPARATOR
+        elseif (verify(c, XML_WHITESPACE)==0) then
+          if (mixed) mixed_additional = .true.
+          tcp => newCP(name=str_vs(name))
+          deallocate(name)
+          if (firstChild) then
+            current%firstChild => tcp
+            tcp%parent => current
+            firstChild = .false.
+          else
+            current%nextSibling => tcp
+            tcp%parent => current%parent
+          endif
+          current => tcp
+          state = ST_SEPARATOR
+        elseif (scan(c,',|')>0) then
+          if (order(nbrackets)=='') then
+            order(nbrackets)=c
+          elseif (order(nbrackets)/=c) then
+            call add_error(stack, &
+              'Cannot mix ordered and unordered elements')
+            goto 100
+          endif
+          if (mixed) mixed_additional = .true.
+          tcp => newCP(name=str_vs(name))
+          deallocate(name)
+          if (firstChild) then
+            current%firstChild => tcp
+            tcp%parent => current
+            firstChild = .false.
+          else
+            current%nextSibling => tcp
+            tcp%parent => current%parent
+          endif
+          current => tcp
+          if (c=="|".and.current%parent%operator/=OP_MIXED) &
+            current%parent%operator = OP_CHOICE
+          state = ST_CHILD
+        elseif (c==')') then
+          if (mixed) mixed_additional = .true.
+          nbrackets = nbrackets - 1
+          if (nbrackets==0) then
+            state = ST_AFTERLASTBRACKET
+            deallocate(order)
+          else
+            temp => order
+            allocate(order(nbrackets))
+            order = temp(:size(order))
+            deallocate(temp)
+            state = ST_AFTERBRACKET
+          endif
+          tcp => newCP(name=str_vs(name))
+          deallocate(name)
+          if (firstChild) then
+            current%firstChild => tcp
+            tcp%parent => current
+            firstChild = .false.
+          else
+            current%nextSibling => tcp
+            tcp%parent => current%parent
+            current => current%parent
+            if (.not.check_duplicates(current)) &
+              goto 100
+          endif
+        else
+          call add_error(stack, &
+            'Unexpected character found after element name')
+          goto 100
+        endif
+      elseif (state==ST_CHILD) then
+        !write(*,*)'ST_CHILD'
+        if (verify(c, XML_WHITESPACE)==0) cycle
+        if (c=='#') then
+          call add_error(stack, &
+            '# forbidden except as first child element')
+          goto 100
+        elseif (isInitialNameChar(c, xv)) then
+          name => vs_str_alloc(c)
+          state = ST_NAME
+        elseif (c=='(') then
+          if (mixed) then
+            call add_error(stack, &
+              'Nested brackets forbidden for Mixed content')
+            goto 100
+          endif
+          tcp => newCP()
+          if (firstChild) then
+            current%firstChild => tcp
+            tcp%parent => current
+          else
+            current%nextSibling => tcp
+            tcp%parent => current%parent
+            firstChild = .true.
+          endif
+          current => tcp
+          nbrackets = nbrackets + 1
+          temp => order
+          order => vs_str_alloc(str_vs(temp)//" ")
+          deallocate(temp)
+        else
+          call add_error(stack, &
+            'Unexpected character "'//c//'" found after (')
+          goto 100
+        endif
+      elseif (state==ST_SEPARATOR) then
+        !write(*,*)'ST_SEPARATOR'
+        if (verify(c, XML_WHITESPACE)==0) cycle
+        if (c=='#') then
+          call add_error(stack, &
+            '#PCDATA must be first in list')
+          goto 100
+        elseif (scan(c,'|,')>0) then
+          if (order(nbrackets)=='') then
+            order(nbrackets) = c
+          elseif (order(nbrackets)/=c) then
+            call add_error(stack, &
+              'Cannot mix ordered and unordered elements')
+            goto 100
+          endif
+          if (c=="|".and.current%parent%operator/=OP_MIXED) &
+            current%parent%operator = OP_CHOICE
+          state = ST_CHILD
+        elseif (c==')') then
+          nbrackets = nbrackets - 1
+          if (nbrackets==0) then
+            state = ST_AFTERLASTBRACKET
+            deallocate(order)
+          else
+            temp => order
+            allocate(order(nbrackets))
+            order = temp(:size(order))
+            deallocate(temp)
+            state = ST_AFTERBRACKET
+          endif
+          current => current%parent
+          if (.not.check_duplicates(current)) &
+            goto 100
+        else
+          call add_error(stack, &
+            'Unexpected character found in element declaration.')
+          goto 100
+        endif
+      elseif (state==ST_AFTERBRACKET) then
+        !write(*,*)'ST_AFTERBRACKET'
+        if (c=='*') then
+          current%repeater = REP_ASTERISK
+          state = ST_SEPARATOR
+        elseif (c=='+') then
+          call transformCPPlus(current)
+          state = ST_SEPARATOR
+        elseif (c=='?') then
+          current%repeater = REP_QUESTION_MARK
+          state = ST_SEPARATOR
+        elseif (verify(c, XML_WHITESPACE)==0) then
+          state = ST_SEPARATOR
+        elseif (scan(c,'|,')>0) then
+          if (order(nbrackets)=='') then
+            order(nbrackets) = c
+          elseif (order(nbrackets)/=c) then
+            call add_error(stack, &
+              'Cannot mix ordered and unordered elements')
+            goto 100
+          endif
+          if (c=="|".and.current%parent%operator/=OP_MIXED) &
+            current%parent%operator = OP_CHOICE
+          state = ST_CHILD
+        elseif (c==')') then
+          nbrackets = nbrackets - 1
+          if (nbrackets==0) then
+            deallocate(order)
+            state = ST_AFTERLASTBRACKET
+          else
+            temp => order
+            allocate(order(nbrackets))
+            order = temp(:size(order))
+            deallocate(temp)
+            state = ST_AFTERBRACKET
+          endif
+          current => current%parent
+          if (.not.check_duplicates(current)) &
+            goto 100
+        else
+          call add_error(stack, &
+            'Unexpected character "'//c//'"found after ")"')
+          goto 100
+        endif
+      elseif (state==ST_AFTERLASTBRACKET) then
+        !write(*,*)'ST_AFTERLASTBRACKET'
+        if (c=='*') then
+          state = ST_END
+          current%repeater = REP_ASTERISK
+        elseif (c=='+') then
+          if (mixed) then
+            call add_error(stack, &
+              '+ operator disallowed for Mixed elements')
+            goto 100
+          endif
+          call transformCPPlus(current)
+          state = ST_END
+        elseif (c=='?') then
+          if (mixed) then
+            call add_error(stack, &
+              '? operator disallowed for Mixed elements')
+            goto 100
+          endif
+          current%repeater = REP_QUESTION_MARK
+          state = ST_END
+        elseif (verify(c, XML_WHITESPACE)==0) then
+          if (mixed) then
+            if (mixed_additional) then
+              call add_error(stack, &
+                'Missing "*" at end of Mixed element specification')
+              goto 100
+            endif
+          endif
+          state = ST_END
+        else
+          call add_error(stack, &
+            'Unexpected character "'//c//'" found after final ")"')
+          goto 100
+        endif
+      elseif (state==ST_END) then
+        !write(*,*)'ST_END'
+        if (verify(c, XML_WHITESPACE)==0) then
+          continue
+        else
+          call add_error(stack, &
+            'Unexpected token found after end of element specification')
+          goto 100
+        endif
+      endif
+    enddo
+    if (state/=ST_END) then
+      call add_error(stack, "Error in parsing contents of element declaration")
+      goto 100
+    endif
+    if (associated(element)) then
+      element%any = any
+      element%empty = empty
+      element%mixed = mixed
+      element%model => vs_str_alloc(trim(strip_spaces(contents)))
+      element%cp => top
+      element%internal = internal
+! For debugging it may be useful to dump the result here...
+! Also need to use the subroutine.
+!      call dumpCPtree(top)
+    else
+      if (associated(top)) call destroyCPtree(top)
+    endif
+    return
+100 if (associated(order)) deallocate(order)
+    if (associated(name)) deallocate(name)
+    if (associated(top)) call destroyCPtree(top)
+    contains
+      function strip_spaces(s1) result(s2)
+        character(len=*) :: s1
+        character(len=len(s1)) :: s2
+        integer :: i, i2
+        i2 = 1
+        do i = 1, len(s1)
+          if (verify(s1(i:i), XML_WHITESPACE)==0) cycle
+          s2(i2:i2) = s1(i:i)
+          i2 = i2 + 1
+        end do
+        s2(i2:) = ''
+      end function strip_spaces
+      function check_duplicates(cp) result(p)
+        type(content_particle_t), pointer :: cp
+        logical :: p
+        type(string_list) :: sl
+        type(content_particle_t), pointer :: tcp
+        if (cp%operator==OP_SEQ) then
+          p = .true.
+          return
+        endif
+        call init_string_list(sl)
+        tcp => cp%firstChild
+        p = .false.
+        do while (associated(tcp))
+          if (tcp%operator==OP_NAME) then
+            if (registered_string(sl, str_vs(tcp%name))) then
+              call destroy_string_list(sl)
+              if (cp%operator==OP_MIXED) then
+                call add_error(stack, &
+                  "Duplicate element names found in MIXED")
+              elseif (cp%operator==OP_CHOICE) then
+                call add_error(stack, &
+                  "Duplicate element names found in CHOICE")
+              endif
+              return
+            else
+              call add_string(sl, str_vs(tcp%name))
+            endif
+          endif
+          tcp => tcp%nextSibling
+        enddo
+        p = .true.
+        call destroy_string_list(sl)
+      end function check_duplicates
+  end subroutine parse_dtd_element
+  subroutine init_attribute_list(a_list)
+    type(attribute_list), intent(inout) :: a_list
+    allocate(a_list%list(0))
+  end subroutine init_attribute_list
+  subroutine destroy_attribute_t(a)
+    type(attribute_t), pointer :: a 
+    if (associated(a%name)) deallocate(a%name)
+    if (associated(a%default)) deallocate(a%default)
+    call destroy_string_list(a%enumerations)
+    deallocate(a)
+  end subroutine destroy_attribute_t
+  subroutine destroy_attribute_list(a_list)
+    type(attribute_list), intent(inout) :: a_list
+    integer :: i
+    do i = 1, size(a_list%list)
+      deallocate(a_list%list(i)%name)
+      if (associated(a_list%list(i)%default)) deallocate(a_list%list(i)%default)
+      call destroy_string_list(a_list%list(i)%enumerations)
+    enddo
+    deallocate(a_list%list)
+  end subroutine destroy_attribute_list
+  function existing_attribute(a_list, name) result(p)
+    type(attribute_list), intent(inout) :: a_list
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
+    logical :: p
+    integer :: i
+    p = .false.
+    do i = 1, size(a_list%list)
+      p = (str_vs(a_list%list(i)%name)==name)
+      if (p) exit
+    enddo
+  end function existing_attribute
+  function add_attribute(a_list, name, internal) result(a)
+    type(attribute_list), intent(inout) :: a_list
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
+    logical, intent(in) :: internal
+    type(attribute_t), pointer :: a
+    integer :: i
+    type(attribute_t), pointer :: temp(:)
+    temp => a_list%list
+    allocate(a_list%list(size(temp)+1))
+    do i = 1, size(temp)
+      a_list%list(i)%name => temp(i)%name
+      a_list%list(i)%atttype = temp(i)%atttype
+      a_list%list(i)%attdefault = temp(i)%attdefault
+      a_list%list(i)%default => temp(i)%default
+      a_list%list(i)%enumerations%list => temp(i)%enumerations%list
+      a_list%list(i)%internal = temp(i)%internal
+    enddo
+    deallocate(temp)
+    a => a_list%list(i)
+    a%name => vs_str_alloc(name)
+    call init_string_list(a%enumerations)
+    a%internal = internal
+  end function add_attribute
+  function get_attribute(a_list, name) result(a)
+    type(attribute_list), intent(inout) :: a_list
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
+    type(attribute_t), pointer :: a
+    integer :: i
+    do i = 1, size(a_list%list)
+      if (str_vs(a_list%list(i)%name)==name) then
+        a => a_list%list(i)
+        exit
+      endif
+    enddo
+  end function get_attribute
+  subroutine parse_dtd_attlist(contents, xv, namespaces, validCheck, stack, elem, internal)
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: contents
+    integer, intent(in) :: xv
+    logical, intent(in) :: validCheck
+    logical, intent(in) :: namespaces
+    type(error_stack), intent(inout) :: stack
+    type(element_t), pointer :: elem
+    logical, intent(in) :: internal
+    integer :: i
+    integer :: state
+    character :: c, q
+    character, pointer :: name(:), attType(:), default(:), value(:), temp(:)
+    type(attribute_t), pointer :: ca
+    type(attribute_t), pointer :: ignore_att
+    ignore_att => null()
+    ! We need ignore_att to process but not take account of duplicate attributes
+    ! elem is optional so we can not record declarations if necessary.
+    ca => null()
+    name => null()
+    attType => null()
+    default => null()
+    value => null()
+    temp => null()
+    state = ST_START
+    do i = 1, len(contents) + 1
+      if (in_error(stack)) exit
+      if (i<=len(contents)) then
+        c = contents(i:i)
+      else
+        c = " "
+      endif
+      if (state==ST_START) then
+        !write(*,*)'ST_START'
+        if (verify(c, XML_WHITESPACE)==0) cycle
+        if (isInitialNameChar(c, xv)) then
+          name => vs_str_alloc(c)
+          state = ST_NAME
+        else
+          call add_error(stack, &
+            'Unexpected character in Attlist')
+        endif
+      elseif (state==ST_NAME) then
+        !write(*,*)'ST_NAME'
+        if (isNameChar(c, xv)) then
+          temp => vs_str_alloc(str_vs(name)//c)
+          deallocate(name)
+          name => temp
+        elseif (verify(c, XML_WHITESPACE)==0) then
+          if (namespaces.and..not.checkQName(str_vs(name), xv)) then
+            call add_error(stack, &
+              "Attribute name in ATTLIST must be QName")
+          elseif (associated(elem)) then
+            if (existing_attribute(elem%attlist, str_vs(name))) then
+              if (associated(ignore_att)) call destroy_attribute_t(ignore_att)
+              allocate(ignore_att)
+              call init_string_list(ignore_att%enumerations)
+              ignore_att%name => vs_vs_alloc(name)
+              ca => ignore_att
+            else
+              ca => add_attribute(elem%attlist, str_vs(name), internal)
+            endif
+          else
+            if (associated(ignore_att)) call destroy_attribute_t(ignore_att)
+            allocate(ignore_att)
+            call init_string_list(ignore_att%enumerations)
+            ignore_att%name => vs_vs_alloc(name)
+            ca => ignore_att
+          endif
+          deallocate(name)
+          state = ST_AFTERNAME
+        else
+          call add_error(stack, &
+            'Unexpected character in Attlist Name')
+        endif
+      elseif (state==ST_AFTERNAME) then
+        !write(*,*)'ST_AFTERNAME'
+        if (verify(c, XML_WHITESPACE)==0) cycle
+        if (verify(c, upperCase)==0) then
+          attType => vs_str_alloc(c)
+          state = ST_ATTTYPE
+        elseif (c=='(') then
+          allocate(value(0))
+          ca%attType = ATT_ENUM
+          state = ST_ENUMERATION
+        else
+          call add_error(stack, &
+            'Unexpected error after Attlist Name')
+        endif
+      elseif (state==ST_ATTTYPE) then
+        !write(*,*)'ST_ATTTYPE'
+        if (verify(c, upperCase)==0) then
+          temp => attType
+          attType => vs_str_alloc(str_vs(temp)//c)
+          deallocate(temp)
+        elseif (verify(c, XML_WHITESPACE)==0) then
+          ! xml:id constraint
+          if (str_vs(ca%name)=="xml:id" &
+            .and..not.str_vs(attType)=="ID") then
+            call add_error(stack, &
+              "xml:id attribute must be declared as type ID")
+          elseif (str_vs(attType)=='CDATA') then
+            ca%attType = ATT_CDATA
+            state = ST_AFTER_ATTTYPE
+          elseif (str_vs(attType)=='ID') then
+            if (validCheck) then
+              ! Validity Constraint: One ID per Element Type
+              if (associated(elem)) then
+                if (elem%id_declared) then
+                  call add_error(stack, &
+                    "Cannot have two declared attributes of type ID on one element type.")
+                else
+                  elem%id_declared = .true.
+                endif
+              endif
+            endif
+            ca%attType = ATT_ID
+            state = ST_AFTER_ATTTYPE
+          elseif (str_vs(attType)=='IDREF') then
+            ca%attType = ATT_IDREF
+            state = ST_AFTER_ATTTYPE
+          elseif (str_vs(attType)=='IDREFS') then
+            ca%attType = ATT_IDREFS
+            state = ST_AFTER_ATTTYPE
+          elseif (str_vs(attType)=='ENTITY') then
+            ca%attType = ATT_ENTITY
+            state = ST_AFTER_ATTTYPE
+          elseif (str_vs(attType)=='ENTITIES') then
+            ca%attType = ATT_ENTITIES
+            state = ST_AFTER_ATTTYPE
+          elseif (str_vs(attType)=='NMTOKEN') then
+            ca%attType = ATT_NMTOKEN
+            state = ST_AFTER_ATTTYPE
+          elseif (str_vs(attType)=='NMTOKENS') then
+            ca%attType = ATT_NMTOKENS
+            state = ST_AFTER_ATTTYPE
+          elseif (str_vs(attType)=='NOTATION') then
+            ca%attType = ATT_NOTATION
+            state = ST_AFTER_NOTATION
+          else
+            call add_error(stack, &
+              'Unknown AttType')
+          endif
+          deallocate(attType)
+        else
+          call add_error(stack, &
+            'Unexpected character in AttType')
+        endif
+      elseif (state==ST_AFTER_NOTATION) then
+        !write(*,*)'ST_AFTER_NOTATION'
+        if (verify(c, XML_WHITESPACE)==0) cycle
+        if (c=='(') then
+          state = ST_NOTATION_LIST
+        else
+          call add_error(stack, &
+            'Unexpected character after Notation')
+        endif
+      elseif (state==ST_NOTATION_LIST) then
+        !write(*,*)'ST_NOTATION_LIST'
+        if (verify(c, XML_WHITESPACE)==0) cycle
+        if (isInitialNameChar(c, xv)) then
+          value => vs_str_alloc(c)
+          state = ST_ENUM_NAME
+        else
+          call add_error(stack, &
+            'Unexpected character in Notation list')
+        endif
+      elseif (state==ST_ENUMERATION) then
+        !write(*,*)'ST_ENUMERATION'
+        if (verify(c, XML_WHITESPACE)==0) cycle
+        if (isNameChar(c, xv)) then
+          temp => vs_str_alloc(str_vs(value)//c)
+          deallocate(value)
+          value => temp
+          state = ST_ENUM_NAME
+        elseif (c=='|') then
+          call add_error(stack, &
+            "Missing token in Enumeration")
+        elseif (c==')') then
+          call add_error(stack, &
+            "Missing tokens in Enumeration")
+        else
+          call add_error(stack, &
+            'Unexpected character in attlist enumeration')
+        endif
+      elseif (state==ST_ENUM_NAME) then
+        !write(*,*)'ST_ENUM_NAME'
+        if (isNameChar(c, xv)) then
+          temp => vs_str_alloc(str_vs(value)//c)
+          deallocate(value)
+          value => temp
+        elseif (verify(c, XML_WHITESPACE)==0) then
+          if (validCheck.and.registered_string(ca%enumerations, str_vs(value))) then
+            call add_error(stack, &
+              "Duplicate enumeration value in ATTLIST")
+          elseif (namespaces.and.ca%attType==ATT_NOTATION &
+            .and..not.checkNCName(str_vs(value), xv)) then
+            call add_error(stack, &
+              "Notation name must be NCName")
+          else
+            call add_string(ca%enumerations, str_vs(value))
+          endif
+          deallocate(value)
+          state = ST_SEPARATOR
+        elseif (c=='|') then
+          if (validCheck.and.registered_string(ca%enumerations, str_vs(value))) then
+            call add_error(stack, &
+              "Duplicate enumeration value in ATTLIST")
+          elseif (namespaces.and.ca%attType==ATT_NOTATION &
+            .and..not.checkNCName(str_vs(value), xv)) then
+            call add_error(stack, &
+              "Notation name must be NCName")
+          else
+            call add_string(ca%enumerations, str_vs(value))
+          endif
+          deallocate(value)
+          if (ca%attType==ATT_NOTATION) then
+            state = ST_NOTATION_LIST
+          else
+            allocate(value(0))
+            state = ST_ENUMERATION
+          endif
+        elseif (c==')') then
+          if (size(value)==0) then
+            call add_error(stack, &
+              'Missing token in Enumeration list')
+          endif
+          if (validCheck.and.registered_string(ca%enumerations, str_vs(value))) then
+            call add_error(stack, &
+              "Duplicate enumeration value in ATTLIST")
+          elseif (namespaces.and.ca%attType==ATT_NOTATION &
+            .and..not.checkNCName(str_vs(value), xv)) then
+            call add_error(stack, &
+              "Notation name must be NCName")
+          else
+            call add_string(ca%enumerations, str_vs(value))
+          endif
+          deallocate(value)
+          state = ST_AFTER_ATTTYPE_SPACE
+        else
+          call add_error(stack, &
+            'Unexpected character in attlist enumeration')
+        endif
+      elseif (state==ST_SEPARATOR) then
+        !write(*,*)'ST_SEPARATOR'
+        if (verify(c, XML_WHITESPACE)==0) cycle
+        if (c=='|') then
+          if (ca%attType==ATT_NOTATION) then
+            state = ST_NOTATION_LIST
+          else
+            allocate(value(0))
+            state = ST_ENUMERATION
+          endif
+        elseif (c==')') then
+          state = ST_AFTER_ATTTYPE_SPACE
+        else
+          call add_error(stack, &
+            'Unexpected character in attlist enumeration')
+        endif
+      elseif (state==ST_AFTER_ATTTYPE_SPACE) then
+        if (verify(c, XML_WHITESPACE)/=0) then
+          call add_error(stack, &
+            'Missing whitespace in attlist enumeration')
+        endif
+        state = ST_AFTER_ATTTYPE
+      elseif (state==ST_AFTER_ATTTYPE) then
+        !write(*,*)'ST_AFTER_ATTTYPE'
+        if (verify(c, XML_WHITESPACE)==0) cycle
+        if (c=='#') then
+          allocate(default(0))
+          state = ST_DEFAULT_DECL
+        elseif (c=='"'.or.c=="'") then
+          if (validCheck) then
+            ! Validity Constraint: ID Attribute Default
+            if (ca%attType==ATT_ID) &
+              call add_error(stack, &
+              "Attribute of type ID may not have default value")
+          endif
+          ca%attDefault = ATT_DEFAULT
+          q = c
+          allocate(value(0))
+          state = ST_DEFAULTVALUE
+        else
+          call add_error(stack, &
+            'Unexpected character after AttType')
+        endif
+      elseif (state==ST_DEFAULT_DECL) then
+        !write(*,*)'ST_DEFAULT_DECL'
+        if (verify(c, upperCase)==0) then
+          temp => vs_str_alloc(str_vs(default)//c)
+          deallocate(default)
+          default => temp
+        elseif (verify(c, XML_WHITESPACE)==0) then
+          if (str_vs(default)=='REQUIRED') then
+            ca%attdefault = ATT_REQUIRED
+            deallocate(default)
+            state = ST_START
+          elseif (str_vs(default)=='IMPLIED') then
+            ca%attdefault = ATT_IMPLIED
+            deallocate(default)
+            state = ST_START
+          elseif (str_vs(default)=='FIXED') then
+            if (validCheck) then
+              ! Validity Constraint: ID Attribute Default
+              if (ca%attType==ATT_ID) &
+                call add_error(stack, &
+                "Attribute of type ID may not have FIXED value")
+            endif
+            ca%attdefault = ATT_FIXED
+            deallocate(default)
+            state = ST_AFTERDEFAULTDECL
+          else
+            call add_error(stack, &
+              'Unknown Default declaration')
+          endif
+        else
+          call add_error(stack, &
+            'Unexpected character in Default declaration')
+        endif
+      elseif (state==ST_AFTERDEFAULTDECL) then
+        !write(*,*)'ST_AFTERDEFAULTDECL'
+        if (verify(c, XML_WHITESPACE)==0) cycle
+        if (c=='"') then
+          q = c
+          allocate(value(0))
+          state = ST_DEFAULTVALUE
+        elseif (c=="'") then
+          q = c
+          allocate(value(0))
+          state = ST_DEFAULTVALUE
+        else
+          call add_error(stack, &
+            'Unexpected character after Default declaration')
+        endif
+      elseif (state==ST_DEFAULTVALUE) then
+        !write(*,*)'ST_DEFAULTVALUE'
+        if (c==q) then
+          if (ca%attType/=ATT_CDATA) then
+            temp => vs_str_alloc(att_value_normalize(str_vs(value)))
+            deallocate(value)
+            value => temp
+          endif
+          if (validCheck) then
+            select case(ca%attType)
+              ! Can't have ID with defaults
+            case (ATT_IDREF)
+              ! VC: IDREF
+              if (namespaces) then
+                if (.not.checkNCName(str_vs(value), xv)) &
+                  call add_error(stack, &
+                  "Attributes of type IDREF must have a value which is an XML NCName")
+              else
+                if (.not.checkName(str_vs(value), xv)) &
+                  call add_error(stack, &
+                  "Attributes of type IDREF must have a value which is an XML Name")
+              endif
+            case (ATT_IDREFS)
+              ! VC: IDREF
+              if (namespaces) then
+                if (.not.checkNCNames(str_vs(value), xv)) &
+                  call add_error(stack, &
+                  "Attributes of type IDREFS must have a value which contains only XML NCNames")
+              else
+                if (.not.checkNames(str_vs(value), xv)) &
+                  call add_error(stack, &
+                  "Attributes of type IDREFS must have a value which contains only XML Names")
+              endif
+            case (ATT_ENTITY)
+              ! VC: Entity Name
+              if (namespaces) then
+                if (.not.checkNCName(str_vs(value), xv)) &
+                  call add_error(stack, &
+                  "Attributes of type ENTITY must have a value which is an XML NCName")
+              else
+                if (.not.checkName(str_vs(value), xv)) &
+                  call add_error(stack, &
+                  "Attributes of type ENTITY must have a value which is an XML Name")
+              endif
+            case (ATT_ENTITIES)
+              ! VC: Entity Name
+              if (namespaces) then
+                if (.not.checkNames(str_vs(value), xv)) &
+                  call add_error(stack, &
+                  "Attributes of type ENTITIES must have a value which contains only XML NCNames")
+              else
+                if (.not.checkNames(str_vs(value), xv)) &
+                  call add_error(stack, &
+                  "Attributes of type ENTITIES must have a value which contains only XML Names")
+              endif
+            case (ATT_NMTOKEN)
+              ! VC Name Token
+              if (.not.checkNmtoken(str_vs(value), xv)) &
+                call add_error(stack, &
+                "Attributes of type NMTOKEN must have a value which is a NMTOKEN")
+            case (ATT_NMTOKENS)
+              ! VC: Name Token
+              if (.not.checkNmtokens(str_vs(value), xv)) &
+                call add_error(stack, &
+                "Attributes of type NMTOKENS must have a value which contain only NMTOKENs")
+            case (ATT_NOTATION)
+              ! VC: Notation Attributes
+              if (namespaces) then
+                if (.not.checkNCName(str_vs(value), xv)) &
+                  call add_error(stack, &
+                  "Attributes of type NOTATION must have a value which is an XMLNCName")
+              else
+                if (.not.checkName(str_vs(value), xv)) &
+                  call add_error(stack, &
+                  "Attributes of type NOTATION must have a value which is an XML Name")
+              endif
+            case (ATT_ENUM)
+              ! VC: Enumeration
+              if (.not.checkNmtoken(str_vs(value), xv)) &
+                call add_error(stack, &
+                "Attributes of type ENUM must have a value which is an NMTOKENs")
+              if (.not.registered_string(ca%enumerations, str_vs(value))) &
+                call add_error(stack, &
+                "Default value of ENUM does not match permitted values")
+            end select
+          endif
+          if (.not.in_error(stack)) then
+            if (ca%attType==ATT_ENTITIES) then
+              call destroy_string_list(ca%enumerations)
+              ca%enumerations = tokenize_to_string_list(str_vs(value))
+            endif
+            ca%default => value
+            value => null()
+            state = ST_START
+          endif
+        else
+          temp => vs_str_alloc(str_vs(value)//c)
+          deallocate(value)
+          value => temp
+        endif
+      endif
+    enddo
+    if (associated(ignore_att)) call destroy_attribute_t(ignore_att)
+    if (.not.in_error(stack)) then
+      if (state==ST_START) then
+        return
+      else
+        call add_error(stack, &
+          'Incomplete Attlist declaration')
+      endif
+    endif
+    if (associated(name)) deallocate(name)
+    if (associated(attType)) deallocate(attType)
+    if (associated(default)) deallocate(default)
+    if (associated(value)) deallocate(value)
+  end subroutine parse_dtd_attlist
+  subroutine report_declarations(elem, attributeDecl_handler)
+    type(element_t), intent(in) :: elem
+    interface
+      subroutine attributeDecl_handler(eName, aName, type, mode, value)
+        character(len=*), intent(in) :: eName
+        character(len=*), intent(in) :: aName
+        character(len=*), intent(in) :: type
+        character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: mode
+        character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: value
+      end subroutine attributeDecl_handler
+    end interface
+    integer :: i
+    character(len=8) :: type
+    character(len=8) :: mode
+    type(attribute_t), pointer :: a
+    do i = 1, size(elem%attlist%list)
+      a => elem%attlist%list(i)
+      type = ATT_TYPES(a%attType)
+      select case (a%attDefault)
+      case (ATT_REQUIRED)
+        mode = "REQUIRED"
+      case (ATT_IMPLIED)
+        mode = "IMPLIED"
+      case (ATT_FIXED)
+        mode = "FIXED"
+      end select
+      if (a%attType==ATT_NOTATION) then
+        if (a%attDefault==ATT_DEFAULT) then
+          if (associated(a%default)) then
+            call attributeDecl_handler(str_vs(elem%name), str_vs(a%name), &
+              'NOTATION '//make_token_group(a%enumerations), value=str_vs(a%default))
+          else
+            call attributeDecl_handler(str_vs(elem%name), str_vs(a%name), &
+              'NOTATION '//make_token_group(a%enumerations))
+          endif
+        else
+          if (associated(a%default)) then
+            call attributeDecl_handler(str_vs(elem%name), str_vs(a%name), &
+              'NOTATION '//make_token_group(a%enumerations), mode=trim(mode), &
+              value=str_vs(a%default))
+          else
+            call attributeDecl_handler(str_vs(elem%name), str_vs(a%name), &
+              'NOTATION '//make_token_group(a%enumerations), mode=trim(mode))
+          endif
+        endif
+      elseif (a%attType==ATT_ENUM) then
+        if (a%attDefault==ATT_DEFAULT) then
+          if (associated(a%default)) then
+            call attributeDecl_handler(str_vs(elem%name), str_vs(a%name), &
+              make_token_group(a%enumerations), value=str_vs(a%default))
+          else
+            call attributeDecl_handler(str_vs(elem%name), str_vs(a%name), &
+              make_token_group(a%enumerations))
+          endif
+        else
+          if (associated(a%default)) then
+            call attributeDecl_handler(str_vs(elem%name), str_vs(a%name), &
+              make_token_group(a%enumerations), mode=trim(mode), &
+              value=str_vs(a%default))
+          else
+            call attributeDecl_handler(str_vs(elem%name), str_vs(a%name), &
+              make_token_group(a%enumerations), mode=trim(mode))
+          endif
+        endif
+      else
+        if (a%attDefault==ATT_DEFAULT) then
+          if (associated(a%default)) then
+            call attributeDecl_handler(str_vs(elem%name), str_vs(a%name), &
+              trim(type), value=str_vs(a%default))
+          else
+            call attributeDecl_handler(str_vs(elem%name), str_vs(a%name), &
+              trim(type))
+          endif
+        else
+          if (associated(a%default)) then
+            call attributeDecl_handler(str_vs(elem%name), str_vs(a%name), &
+              trim(type), mode=trim(mode), value=str_vs(a%default))
+          else
+            call attributeDecl_handler(str_vs(elem%name), str_vs(a%name), &
+              trim(type), mode=trim(mode))
+          endif
+        endif
+      endif
+    enddo
+  end subroutine report_declarations
+  pure function make_token_group_len(s_list) result(n)
+    type(string_list), intent(in) :: s_list
+    integer :: n
+    integer :: i
+    n = size(s_list%list) + 1
+    do i = 1, size(s_list%list)
+      n = n + size(s_list%list(i)%s)
+    enddo
+  end function make_token_group_len
+  function make_token_group(s_list) result(s)
+    type(string_list), intent(in) :: s_list
+    character(len=make_token_group_len(s_list)) :: s
+    integer :: i, m, n
+    s(1:1) = '('
+    n = 2
+    do i = 1, size(s_list%list)-1
+      m = size(s_list%list(i)%s)
+      s(n:n+m) = str_vs(s_list%list(i)%s)//'|'
+      n = n + m + 1
+    enddo
+    s(n:) = str_vs(s_list%list(i)%s)//')'
+  end function make_token_group
+  function attribute_has_default(att) result(p)
+    type(attribute_t), pointer :: att
+    logical :: p
+    if (associated(att)) then
+      p = att%attDefault==ATT_DEFAULT.or.att%attDefault==ATT_FIXED
+    else
+      p = .false.
+    endif
+  end function attribute_has_default
+  function get_attlist_size(elem) result(n)
+    type(element_t), pointer :: elem
+    integer :: n
+    if (associated(elem)) then
+      n = size(elem%attlist%list)
+    else
+      n = 0
+    endif
+  end function get_attlist_size
+  function get_attdecl_by_index(elem, n) result(att)
+    type(element_t), pointer :: elem
+    integer, intent(in) :: n
+    type(attribute_t), pointer :: att
+    att => null()
+    if (associated(elem)) then
+      if (n>0.and.n<=size(elem%attlist%list)) then
+        att => elem%attlist%list(n)
+      endif
+    endif
+  end function get_attdecl_by_index
+  function get_attdecl_by_name(elem, name) result(att)
+    type(element_t), pointer :: elem
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
+    type(attribute_t), pointer :: att
+    integer :: i
+    att => null()
+    if (associated(elem)) then
+      do i = 1, size(elem%attlist%list)
+        if (str_vs(elem%attlist%list(i)%name)==name) then
+          att => elem%attlist%list(i)
+          return
+        endif
+      enddo
+    endif
+  end function get_attdecl_by_name
+  pure function express_att_decl_len(a) result(n)
+    type(attribute_t), intent(in) :: a
+    integer :: n
+    if (a%attType==ATT_ENUM) then
+      n = size(a%name)
+    else
+      n = size(a%name)+1+len_trim(ATT_TYPES(a%attType))
+    endif
+    if (a%attType==ATT_NOTATION &
+      .or.a%attType==ATT_ENUM) &
+      n = n + 1 + make_token_group_len(a%enumerations)
+    select case(a%attDefault)
+    case (ATT_REQUIRED)
+      n = n + len(" #REQUIRED")
+    case (ATT_IMPLIED)
+      n = n + len(" #IMPLIED")
+    case (ATT_DEFAULT)
+      n = n + len(" ")
+    case (ATT_FIXED)
+      n = n + len(" #FIXED")
+    end select
+    if (associated(a%default)) &
+      n = n + 3 + size(a%default)
+  end function express_att_decl_len
+  function express_attribute_declaration(a) result(s)
+    type(attribute_t), intent(in) :: a
+    character(len=express_att_decl_len(a)) :: s
+    if (a%attType==ATT_ENUM) then
+      s = str_vs(a%name)
+    else
+      s = str_vs(a%name)//" "//ATT_TYPES(a%attType)
+    endif
+    if (a%attType==ATT_NOTATION &
+      .or.a%attType==ATT_ENUM) &
+      s = trim(s)//" "//make_token_group(a%enumerations)
+    select case(a%attDefault)
+    case (ATT_REQUIRED)
+      s = trim(s)//" #REQUIRED"
+    case (ATT_IMPLIED)
+      s = trim(s)//" #IMPLIED"
+    case (ATT_DEFAULT)
+      s = trim(s)//" "
+    case (ATT_FIXED)
+      s = trim(s)//" #FIXED"
+    end select
+    if (associated(a%default)) &
+      s = trim(s)//" """//str_vs(a%default)//""""
+  end function express_attribute_declaration
+  function get_att_type_enum(s) result(n)
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: s
+    integer :: n
+    select case(s)
+    case ('CDATA')
+      n = ATT_CDATA
+    case ('ID')
+      n = ATT_ID
+    case ('IDREF')
+      n = ATT_IDREF
+    case ('IDREFS')
+      n = ATT_IDREFS
+    case ('NMTOKEN')
+      n = ATT_NMTOKEN
+    case ('NMTOKENS')
+      n = ATT_NMTOKENS
+    case ('ENTITY')
+      n = ATT_ENTITY
+    case ('ENTITIES')
+      n = ATT_ENTITIES
+    case ('NOTATION')
+      n = ATT_NOTATION
+    case ('CDANO')
+      n= ATT_CDANO
+    case ('CDAMB')
+      n = ATT_CDAMB
+    end select
+  end function get_att_type_enum
+  pure function att_value_normalize_len(s1) result(n)
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: s1
+    integer :: n
+    integer :: i
+    logical :: w
+    n = 0
+    w = .true.
+    do i = 1, len(s1)
+      if (w.and.(verify(s1(i:i),XML_WHITESPACE)==0)) cycle
+      w = .false.
+      n = n + 1
+      if (verify(s1(i:i),XML_WHITESPACE)==0) w = .true.
+    enddo
+    if (w) n = n - 1 ! Discard final space
+  end function att_value_normalize_len
+  function att_value_normalize(s1) result(s2)
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: s1
+    character(len=att_value_normalize_len(s1)) :: s2
+    integer :: i, i2
+    logical :: w
+    i = 0
+    i2 = 1
+    w = .true.
+    do while (i2<=len(s2))
+      i = i + 1
+      if (w.and.(verify(s1(i:i),XML_WHITESPACE)==0)) cycle
+      w = .false.
+      s2(i2:i2) = s1(i:i)
+      i2 = i2 + 1
+      if (verify(s1(i:i),XML_WHITESPACE)==0) w = .true.
+    enddo
+  end function att_value_normalize
+end module m_common_element
diff --git a/common/m_common_elstack.F90 b/common/m_common_elstack.F90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ccfca15
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/m_common_elstack.F90
@@ -0,0 +1,236 @@
+module m_common_elstack
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+  use fox_m_fsys_array_str, only: str_vs, vs_str
+  use m_common_error, only: FoX_fatal
+  use m_common_content_model, only: content_particle_t, checkCP, &
+    elementContentCP, emptyContentCP, checkCPToEnd
+  implicit none
+  private
+  ! Element stack during parsing. Keeps track of element names
+  ! and optionally tracks validity of content model
+  ! Initial stack size:
+  integer, parameter :: STACK_SIZE_INIT = 10
+  ! Multiplier when stack is exceeded:
+  real, parameter :: STACK_SIZE_MULT = 1.5
+  type :: elstack_item
+    character, dimension(:), pointer          :: name => null()
+    type(content_particle_t), pointer         :: cp => null()
+  end type elstack_item
+  type :: elstack_t
+    private
+    integer                                   :: n_items
+    type(elstack_item), pointer, dimension(:) :: stack => null()
+  end type elstack_t
+  public :: elstack_t
+  public  :: push_elstack, pop_elstack, init_elstack, destroy_elstack, reset_elstack, print_elstack
+  public  :: get_top_elstack, is_empty
+  public :: checkContentModel
+  public :: checkContentModelToEnd
+  public :: elementContent
+  public :: emptyContent
+  public  :: len
+  interface len
+    module procedure number_of_items
+  end interface
+  interface is_empty
+    module procedure is_empty_elstack
+  end interface
+  subroutine init_elstack(elstack)
+    type(elstack_t), intent(inout)  :: elstack
+    ! We go from 0 (and initialize the 0th string to "")
+    ! in order that we can safely check the top of an
+    ! empty stack
+    allocate(elstack%stack(0:STACK_SIZE_INIT))
+    elstack%n_items = 0
+    allocate(elstack%stack(0)%name(0))
+  end subroutine init_elstack
+  subroutine destroy_elstack(elstack)
+    type(elstack_t), intent(inout)  :: elstack
+    integer :: i
+    do i = 0, elstack % n_items
+      deallocate(elstack%stack(i)%name)
+    enddo
+    deallocate(elstack%stack)
+  end subroutine destroy_elstack
+  subroutine reset_elstack(elstack)
+    type(elstack_t), intent(inout)  :: elstack
+    call destroy_elstack(elstack)
+    call init_elstack(elstack)
+  end subroutine reset_elstack
+  subroutine resize_elstack(elstack)
+    type(elstack_t), intent(inout)  :: elstack
+    type(elstack_item), dimension(0:ubound(elstack%stack,1)) :: temp
+    integer :: i, s
+    s = ubound(elstack%stack, 1)
+    do i = 0, s
+      temp(i)%name => elstack%stack(i)%name
+      temp(i)%cp => elstack%stack(i)%cp
+    enddo
+    deallocate(elstack%stack)
+    allocate(elstack%stack(0:nint(s*STACK_SIZE_MULT)))
+    do i = 0, s
+      elstack%stack(i)%name => temp(i)%name
+      elstack%stack(i)%cp => temp(i)%cp
+    enddo
+  end subroutine resize_elstack
+  pure function is_empty_elstack(elstack) result(answer)
+    type(elstack_t), intent(in)  :: elstack
+    logical                    :: answer
+    answer = (elstack%n_items == 0)
+  end function is_empty_elstack
+  function number_of_items(elstack) result(n)
+    type(elstack_t), intent(in)  :: elstack
+    integer                      :: n
+    n = elstack%n_items
+  end function number_of_items
+  subroutine push_elstack(elstack, name, cp)
+    type(elstack_t), intent(inout)              :: elstack
+    character(len=*), intent(in)                :: name
+    type(content_particle_t), pointer, optional :: cp
+    integer :: n
+    n = elstack%n_items
+    n = n + 1
+    if (n == size(elstack%stack)) then
+      call resize_elstack(elstack)
+    endif
+    allocate(elstack%stack(n)%name(len(name)))
+    elstack%stack(n)%name = vs_str(name)
+    if (present(cp)) elstack%stack(n)%cp => cp
+    elstack%n_items = n
+  end subroutine push_elstack
+  function pop_elstack(elstack) result(item)
+    type(elstack_t), intent(inout)     :: elstack
+    character(len=merge(size(elstack%stack(elstack%n_items)%name), 0, elstack%n_items > 0)) :: item
+    integer :: n
+    n = elstack%n_items
+    if (n == 0) then
+      call FoX_fatal("Element stack empty")
+    endif
+    item = str_vs(elstack%stack(n)%name)
+    deallocate(elstack%stack(n)%name)
+    elstack%n_items = n - 1
+  end function pop_elstack
+  pure function get_top_elstack(elstack) result(item)
+    ! Get the top element of the stack, *without popping it*.
+    type(elstack_t), intent(in)        :: elstack
+    character(len=merge(size(elstack%stack(elstack%n_items)%name), 0, elstack%n_items > 0)) :: item 
+    integer :: n
+    n = elstack%n_items
+    if (n==0) then
+      item = ""
+    else
+      item = str_vs(elstack%stack(n)%name)
+    endif
+  end function get_top_elstack
+  function checkContentModel(elstack, name) result(p)
+    type(elstack_t), intent(inout) :: elstack
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
+    logical :: p
+    type(content_particle_t), pointer :: cp
+    integer :: n
+    n = elstack%n_items
+    if (n==0) then
+      p = .true.
+    else
+      cp => elstack%stack(n)%cp
+      p = checkCP(cp, name)
+      elstack%stack(n)%cp => cp
+    endif
+  end function checkContentModel
+  function checkContentModelToEnd(elstack) result(p)
+    type(elstack_t), intent(inout) :: elstack
+    logical :: p
+    type(content_particle_t), pointer :: cp
+    integer :: n
+    n = elstack%n_items
+    cp => elstack%stack(n)%cp
+    p = checkCPToEnd(cp)
+  end function checkContentModelToEnd
+  function elementContent(elstack) result(p)
+    type(elstack_t), intent(in) :: elstack
+    logical :: p
+    integer :: n
+    n = elstack%n_items
+    if (n==0) then
+      p = .false.
+    else
+      p = elementContentCP(elstack%stack(n)%cp)
+    endif
+  end function elementContent
+  function emptyContent(elstack) result(p)
+    type(elstack_t), intent(in) :: elstack
+    logical :: p
+    integer :: n
+    n = elstack%n_items
+    if (n==0) then
+      p = .false.
+    else
+      p = emptyContentCP(elstack%stack(n)%cp)
+    endif
+  end function emptyContent
+  subroutine print_elstack(elstack,unit)
+    type(elstack_t), intent(in)   :: elstack
+    integer, intent(in)           :: unit
+    integer   :: i
+    do i = elstack%n_items, 1, -1
+      write(unit=unit,fmt=*) elstack%stack(i)%name
+    enddo
+  end subroutine print_elstack
+end module m_common_elstack
diff --git a/common/m_common_entities.F90 b/common/m_common_entities.F90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..071455b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/m_common_entities.F90
@@ -0,0 +1,475 @@
+module m_common_entities
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+  use fox_m_fsys_array_str, only: str_vs, vs_str_alloc
+  use fox_m_fsys_format, only: str_to_int_10, str_to_int_16
+  use fox_m_utils_uri, only: URI, destroyURI
+  use m_common_charset, only: digits, hexdigits
+  use m_common_error, only: FoX_error
+  implicit none
+  private
+  type entity_t
+    logical :: external
+    logical :: wfc ! Was this entity declared externally or in a PE, where
+                   ! a non-validating processor might not see it?
+    character(len=1), dimension(:), pointer :: name => null()
+    character(len=1), dimension(:), pointer :: text => null()
+    character(len=1), dimension(:), pointer :: publicId => null()
+    character(len=1), dimension(:), pointer :: systemId => null()
+    character(len=1), dimension(:), pointer :: notation => null()
+    type(URI), pointer :: baseURI => null()
+  end type entity_t
+  type entity_list
+    private
+    type(entity_t), dimension(:), pointer :: list => null()
+  end type entity_list
+  public :: is_unparsed_entity
+  public :: is_external_entity
+  public :: expand_entity_text
+  public :: expand_entity_text_len
+  public :: existing_entity
+  public :: expand_char_entity
+  public :: expand_entity
+  public :: expand_entity_len
+  public :: entity_t
+  public :: entity_list
+  public :: init_entity_list
+  public :: reset_entity_list
+  public :: destroy_entity_list
+  public :: print_entity_list
+  public :: add_internal_entity
+  public :: add_external_entity
+  public :: pop_entity_list
+  interface size
+    module procedure size_el
+  end interface
+  interface is_unparsed_entity
+    module procedure is_unparsed_entity_
+    module procedure is_unparsed_entity_from_list
+  end interface
+  public :: getEntityByIndex
+  public :: getEntityByName
+  public :: size
+  function size_el(el) result(n)
+    type(entity_list), intent(in) :: el
+    integer :: n
+    n = ubound(el%list, 1)
+  end function size_el
+  function shallow_copy_entity(ent1) result(ent2)
+    type(entity_t), intent(in) :: ent1
+    type(entity_t) :: ent2
+    ent2%external = ent1%external
+    ent2%wfc = ent1%wfc
+    ent2%name => ent1%name
+    ent2%text => ent1%text
+    ent2%publicId => ent1%publicId
+    ent2%systemId => ent1%systemId
+    ent2%notation => ent1%notation
+    ent2%baseURI => ent1%baseURI
+  end function shallow_copy_entity
+  function getEntityByIndex(el, i) result(e)
+    type(entity_list), intent(in) :: el
+    integer, intent(in) :: i
+    type(entity_t), pointer :: e
+    e => el%list(i)
+  end function getEntityByIndex
+  function getEntityNameByIndex(el, i) result(c)
+    type(entity_list), intent(in) :: el
+    integer, intent(in) :: i
+    character(len=size(el%list(i)%name)) :: c
+    c = str_vs(el%list(i)%name)
+  end function getEntityNameByIndex
+  function getEntityByName(el, name) result(e)
+    type(entity_list), intent(in) :: el
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
+    type(entity_t), pointer :: e
+    integer :: i
+    e => null()
+    do i = 1, size(el%list)
+      if (str_vs(el%list(i)%name)==name) then
+        e => el%list(i)
+        exit
+      endif
+    enddo
+  end function getEntityByName
+  subroutine destroy_entity(ent)
+    type(entity_t), intent(inout) :: ent
+    deallocate(ent%name)
+    deallocate(ent%text)
+    deallocate(ent%publicId)
+    deallocate(ent%systemId)
+    deallocate(ent%notation)
+    if (associated(ent%baseURI)) call destroyURI(ent%baseURI)
+  end subroutine destroy_entity
+  subroutine init_entity_list(ents)
+    type(entity_list), intent(inout) :: ents
+    if (associated(ents%list)) deallocate(ents%list)
+    allocate(ents%list(0))
+  end subroutine init_entity_list
+  subroutine reset_entity_list(ents)
+    type(entity_list), intent(inout) :: ents
+    call destroy_entity_list(ents)
+    call init_entity_list(ents)
+  end subroutine reset_entity_list
+  subroutine destroy_entity_list(ents)
+    type(entity_list), intent(inout) :: ents
+    integer :: i, n
+    n = size(ents%list)
+    do i = 1, n
+      call destroy_entity(ents%list(i))
+    enddo
+    deallocate(ents%list)
+  end subroutine destroy_entity_list
+  function pop_entity_list(ents) result(name)
+    type(entity_list), intent(inout) :: ents
+    character(len=size(ents%list(size(ents%list))%name)) :: name
+    type(entity_t), pointer :: ents_tmp(:)
+    integer :: i, n
+    n = size(ents%list)
+    ents_tmp => ents%list
+    allocate(ents%list(n-1))
+    do i = 1, n - 1
+      ents%list(i) = shallow_copy_entity(ents_tmp(i))
+    enddo
+    name = str_vs(ents_tmp(i)%name)
+    call destroy_entity(ents_tmp(i))
+    deallocate(ents_tmp)
+  end function pop_entity_list
+  subroutine print_entity_list(ents)
+    type(entity_list), intent(in) :: ents
+    integer :: i, n
+    n = size(ents%list)
+    write(*,'(a)') '>ENTITYLIST'
+    do i = 1, n
+      write(*,'(a)') str_vs(ents%list(i)%name)
+      write(*,'(a)') str_vs(ents%list(i)%text)
+      write(*,'(a)') str_vs(ents%list(i)%publicId)
+      write(*,'(a)') str_vs(ents%list(i)%systemId)
+      write(*,'(a)') str_vs(ents%list(i)%notation)
+    enddo
+    write(*,'(a)') '<ENTITYLIST'
+  end subroutine print_entity_list
+  subroutine add_entity(ents, name, text, publicId, systemId, notation, baseURI, wfc)
+    type(entity_list), intent(inout) :: ents
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: text
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: publicId
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: systemId
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: notation
+    type(URI), pointer :: baseURI
+    logical, intent(in) :: wfc
+    type(entity_t), pointer :: ents_tmp(:)
+    integer :: i, n
+    ! This should only ever be called by add_internal_entity or add_external_entity
+    ! below, so we don't bother sanity-checking input. Note especially we don't 
+    ! check for duplication of entities, so this will happily add another entity
+    ! of the same name if you ask it to. This should't matter though, since the
+    ! first defined will always be picked up first, which is what the XML spec
+    ! requires.
+    n = size(ents%list)
+    ents_tmp => ents%list
+    allocate(ents%list(n+1))
+    do i = 1, n
+      ents%list(i) = shallow_copy_entity(ents_tmp(i))
+    enddo
+    deallocate(ents_tmp)
+    ents%list(i)%external = len(systemId)>0
+    ents%list(i)%wfc = wfc
+    ents%list(i)%name => vs_str_alloc(name)
+    ents%list(i)%text => vs_str_alloc(text)
+    ents%list(i)%publicId => vs_str_alloc(publicId)
+    ents%list(i)%systemId => vs_str_alloc(systemId)
+    ents%list(i)%notation => vs_str_alloc(notation)
+    ents%list(i)%baseURI => baseURI
+  end subroutine add_entity
+  subroutine add_internal_entity(ents, name, text, baseURI, wfc)
+    type(entity_list), intent(inout) :: ents
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: text
+    type(URI), pointer :: baseURI
+    logical, intent(in) :: wfc
+    call add_entity(ents, name=name, text=text, &
+      publicId="", systemId="", notation="", baseURI=baseURI, wfc=wfc)
+  end subroutine add_internal_entity
+  subroutine add_external_entity(ents, name, systemId, baseURI, wfc, publicId, notation)
+    type(entity_list), intent(inout) :: ents
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: systemId
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: publicId
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: notation
+    type(URI), pointer :: baseURI
+    logical, intent(in) :: wfc
+    if (present(publicId) .and. present(notation)) then
+      call add_entity(ents, name=name, text="", &
+        publicId=publicId, systemId=systemId, notation=notation, &
+        wfc=wfc, baseURI=baseURI)
+    elseif (present(publicId)) then
+      call add_entity(ents, name=name, text="", &
+        publicId=publicId, systemId=systemId, notation="", &
+        wfc=wfc, baseURI=baseURI)
+    elseif (present(notation)) then
+      call add_entity(ents, name=name, text="", &
+        publicId="", systemId=systemId, notation=notation, &
+        wfc=wfc, baseURI=baseURI)
+    else
+      call add_entity(ents, name=name, text="", &
+        publicId="", systemId=systemId, notation="", &
+        wfc=wfc, baseURI=baseURI)
+    endif
+  end subroutine add_external_entity
+  function is_unparsed_entity_from_list(ents, name) result(p)
+    type(entity_list), intent(in) :: ents
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
+    logical :: p
+    integer :: i
+    p = .false.
+    do i = 1, size(ents%list)
+      if (name == str_vs(ents%list(i)%name)) then
+        p = (size(ents%list(i)%notation)>0)
+        exit
+      endif
+    enddo
+  end function is_unparsed_entity_from_list
+  function is_unparsed_entity_(ent) result(p)
+    type(entity_t), intent(in) :: ent
+    logical :: p
+    p = (size(ent%notation)>0)
+  end function is_unparsed_entity_
+  function is_external_entity(ents, name) result(p)
+    type(entity_list), intent(in) :: ents
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
+    logical :: p
+    integer :: i
+    p = .false.
+    do i = 1, size(ents%list)
+      if (name == str_vs(ents%list(i)%name)) then
+        p = ents%list(i)%external
+        exit
+      endif
+    enddo
+  end function is_external_entity
+  pure function expand_char_entity_len(name) result(n)
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
+    integer :: n
+    integer :: number
+    if (name(1:1) == "#") then
+      if (name(2:2) == "x") then       ! hex character reference
+        if (verify(name(3:), hexdigits) == 0) then
+          number = str_to_int_16(name(3:))   
+          if (0 <= number .and. number <= 128) then
+            n = 1
+          else
+            n = len(name) + 2
+          endif
+        else 
+           n = 0
+        endif
+      else                             ! decimal character reference
+        if (verify(name(3:), digits) == 0) then
+          number = str_to_int_10(name(2:))
+          if (0 <= number .and. number <= 128) then
+            n = 1
+          else
+            n = len(name) + 2
+          endif
+        else 
+          n = 0
+        endif
+      endif
+    else
+      n = 0
+    endif
+  end function expand_char_entity_len
+  function expand_char_entity(name) result(text)
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
+    character(len=expand_char_entity_len(name)) :: text
+    integer :: number
+    select case (len(text))
+    case (0)
+      call FoX_error("Invalid character entity reference")
+    case (1)  
+      if (name(2:2) == "x") then       ! hex character reference
+        number = str_to_int_16(name(3:))   
+      else                             ! decimal character reference
+        number = str_to_int_10(name(2:))
+      endif
+      text = achar(number)
+      ! FIXME what about > 127 ...
+    case default
+      text = "&"//name//";"
+    end select
+  end function expand_char_entity
+  pure function existing_entity(ents, name) result(p)
+    type(entity_list), intent(in) :: ents
+    character(len=*), intent(in)  :: name
+    logical :: p
+    integer :: i
+    p = .false.
+!FIXME the following test is not entirely in accordance with the valid chars check we do elsewhere...
+    do i = 1, size(ents%list)
+      if (name == str_vs(ents%list(i)%name)) then
+        p = .true.
+        return
+      endif
+    enddo
+  end function existing_entity
+  pure function expand_entity_text_len(ents, name) result(n)
+    type(entity_list), intent(in) :: ents
+    character(len=*), intent(in)  :: name
+    integer :: n
+    integer :: i
+    do i = 1, size(ents%list)
+      if (name == str_vs(ents%list(i)%name)) then
+        n = size(ents%list(i)%text)
+      endif
+    enddo
+  end function expand_entity_text_len
+  function expand_entity_text(ents, name) result(text)
+    type(entity_list), intent(in) :: ents
+    character(len=*), intent(in)  :: name
+    character(len=expand_entity_text_len(ents, name)) :: text
+    integer :: i
+    ! No error checking - make sure entity exists before calling it.
+    do i = 1, size(ents%list)
+      if (name == str_vs(ents%list(i)%name)) then
+        text = str_vs(ents%list(i)%text)
+        exit
+      endif
+    enddo
+  end function expand_entity_text
+  pure function expand_entity_len(ents, name) result(n)
+    type(entity_list), intent(in) :: ents
+    character(len=*), intent(in)  :: name
+    integer :: n
+    integer :: i
+    do i = 1, size(ents%list)
+      if (name == str_vs(ents%list(i)%name)) then
+        n = size(ents%list(i)%text)
+      endif
+    enddo
+  end function expand_entity_len
+  function expand_entity(ents, name) result(text)
+    type(entity_list), intent(in) :: ents
+    character(len=*), intent(in)  :: name
+    character(len=expand_entity_len(ents, name)) :: text
+    integer :: i
+    do i = 1, size(ents%list)
+      if (name == str_vs(ents%list(i)%name)) then
+        text = str_vs(ents%list(i)%text)
+      endif
+    enddo
+  end function expand_entity
+end module m_common_entities
diff --git a/common/m_common_entity_expand.F90 b/common/m_common_entity_expand.F90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5657007
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/m_common_entity_expand.F90
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+module m_common_entity_expand
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+  use fox_m_fsys_array_str, only: str_vs, vs_str
+  use m_common_entities, only: expand_char_entity
+  use m_common_error, only: error_stack, add_error
+  use m_common_namecheck, only: checkName, checkCharacterEntityReference, &
+    checkRepCharEntityReference
+  use m_common_struct, only: xml_doc_state
+  implicit none
+  private
+  public :: expand_entity_value_alloc
+  ! This does the first level of expansion of the contents of an entity
+  ! reference, for storage during processing. Only character references
+  ! are expanded.
+  function expand_entity_value_alloc(repl, xds, stack) result(repl_new)
+    !perform expansion of character entity references
+    ! check that no parameter entities are present
+    ! and check that all general entity references are well-formed.
+    !before storing it.
+    !
+    ! This is only ever called from the SAX parser
+    ! (might it be called from WXML?)
+    ! so input & output is with character arrays, not strings.
+    character, dimension(:), intent(in) :: repl
+    type(xml_doc_state), intent(in) :: xds
+    type(error_stack), intent(inout) :: stack
+    character, dimension(:), pointer :: repl_new
+    character, dimension(size(repl)) :: repl_temp
+    integer :: i, i2, j
+    allocate(repl_new(0))
+    if (index(str_vs(repl),'%')/=0) then
+      call add_error(stack, "Not allowed % in internal subset general entity value")
+      return
+    endif
+    i = 1
+    i2 = 1
+    do
+      if (i>size(repl)) exit
+      if (repl(i)=='&') then
+        j = index(str_vs(repl(i+1:)),';')
+        if (j==0) then
+          call add_error(stack, "Not allowed bare & in entity value")
+          return
+        elseif (checkName(str_vs(repl(i+1:i+j-1)), xds%xml_version)) then
+          repl_temp(i2:i2+j) = repl(i:i+j)
+          i = i + j + 1
+          i2 = i2 + j + 1
+          ! For SAX, we need to be able to represent the character:
+        elseif (checkRepCharEntityReference(str_vs(repl(i+1:i+j-1)), xds%xml_version)) then
+          !if it is ascii then
+          repl_temp(i2:i2) = vs_str(expand_char_entity(str_vs(repl(i+1:i+j-1))))
+          i = i + j + 1
+          i2 = i2 + 1
+        elseif (checkCharacterEntityReference(str_vs(repl(i+1:i+j-1)), xds%xml_version)) then
+          ! We can't represent it. Issue an error and stop.
+          call add_error(stack, "Unable to digest character entity reference in entity value, sorry.")
+          return
+        else
+          call add_error(stack, "Invalid entity reference in entity value")
+          return
+        endif
+      else
+        repl_temp(i2) = repl(i)
+        i = i + 1
+        i2 = i2 + 1
+      endif
+    enddo
+    deallocate(repl_new)
+    allocate(repl_new(i2-1))
+    repl_new = repl_temp(:i2-1)
+  end function expand_entity_value_alloc
+end module m_common_entity_expand
diff --git a/common/m_common_error.F90 b/common/m_common_error.F90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0a1f1c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/m_common_error.F90
@@ -0,0 +1,211 @@
+module m_common_error
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+  use fox_m_fsys_abort_flush, only: pxfabort, pxfflush
+  use fox_m_fsys_array_str, only: vs_str_alloc
+  implicit none
+  private
+  integer, parameter :: ERR_NULL = 0
+  integer, parameter :: ERR_WARNING = 1
+  integer, parameter :: ERR_ERROR = 2
+  integer, parameter :: ERR_FATAL = 3
+  logical, save :: errors_are_fatal = .false.
+  logical, save :: warnings_are_fatal = .false.
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+  type error_t
+    integer :: severity = ERR_NULL
+    integer :: error_code = 0
+    character, dimension(:), pointer :: msg => null()
+  end type error_t
+  type error_stack
+    type(error_t), dimension(:), pointer :: stack => null()
+  end type error_stack
+  interface FoX_warning
+    module procedure FoX_warning_base
+  end interface
+  interface FoX_error
+    module procedure FoX_error_base
+  end interface
+  interface FoX_fatal
+    module procedure FoX_fatal_base
+  end interface
+  public :: ERR_NULL
+  public :: ERR_WARNING
+  public :: ERR_ERROR
+  public :: ERR_FATAL
+  public :: error_t
+  public :: error_stack
+  public :: init_error_stack
+  public :: destroy_error_stack
+  public :: FoX_warning
+  public :: FoX_error
+  public :: FoX_fatal
+  public :: FoX_warning_base
+  public :: FoX_error_base
+  public :: FoX_fatal_base
+  public :: add_error
+  public :: in_error
+  public :: FoX_set_fatal_errors
+  public :: FoX_get_fatal_errors
+  public :: FoX_set_fatal_warnings
+  public :: FoX_get_fatal_warnings
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+  subroutine FoX_warning_base(msg)
+    ! Emit warning, but carry on.
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: msg
+    if (warnings_are_fatal) then
+        write(0,'(a)') 'FoX warning  made fatal'
+        call FoX_fatal_base(msg)
+    endif
+    write(0,'(a)') 'WARNING(FoX)'
+    write(0,'(a)')  msg
+    call pxfflush(0)
+  end subroutine FoX_warning_base
+  subroutine FoX_error_base(msg)
+    ! Emit error message and stop.
+    ! No clean up is done here, but this can
+    ! be overridden to include clean-up routines
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: msg
+    if (errors_are_fatal) then
+        write(0,'(a)') 'FoX error made fatal'
+        call FoX_fatal_base(msg)
+    endif
+    write(0,'(a)') 'ERROR(FoX)'
+    write(0,'(a)')  msg
+    call pxfflush(0)
+    stop
+  end subroutine FoX_error_base
+  subroutine FoX_fatal_base(msg)
+    !Emit error message and abort with coredump.
+    !No clean-up occurs
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: msg
+    write(0,'(a)') 'ABORT(FOX)'
+    write(0,'(a)')  msg
+    call pxfflush(0)
+    call pxfabort()
+  end subroutine FoX_fatal_base
+  subroutine init_error_stack(stack)
+    type(error_stack), intent(inout) :: stack
+    allocate(stack%stack(0))
+  end subroutine init_error_stack
+  subroutine destroy_error_stack(stack)
+    type(error_stack), intent(inout) :: stack
+    integer :: i
+    do i = 1, size(stack%stack)
+      deallocate(stack%stack(i)%msg)
+    enddo
+    deallocate(stack%stack)
+  end subroutine destroy_error_stack
+  subroutine add_error(stack, msg, severity, error_code)
+    type(error_stack), intent(inout) :: stack
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: msg
+    integer, intent(in), optional :: severity
+    integer, intent(in), optional :: error_code
+    integer :: i, n
+    type(error_t), dimension(:), pointer :: temp_stack 
+    if (.not.associated(stack%stack)) &
+      call init_error_stack(stack)
+    n = size(stack%stack)
+    temp_stack => stack%stack
+    allocate(stack%stack(n+1))
+    do i = 1, size(temp_stack)
+      stack%stack(i)%msg => temp_stack(i)%msg
+      stack%stack(i)%severity = temp_stack(i)%severity
+      stack%stack(i)%error_code = temp_stack(i)%error_code
+    enddo
+    deallocate(temp_stack)
+    stack%stack(n+1)%msg => vs_str_alloc(msg)
+    if (present(severity)) then
+      stack%stack(n+1)%severity = severity
+    else
+      stack%stack(n+1)%severity = ERR_ERROR
+    endif
+    if (present(error_code)) then
+      stack%stack(n+1)%error_code = error_code
+    else
+      stack%stack(n+1)%error_code = -1
+    endif
+  end subroutine add_error
+  function in_error(stack) result(p)
+    type(error_stack), intent(in) :: stack
+    logical :: p
+    if (associated(stack%stack)) then
+      p = (size(stack%stack) > 0)
+    else
+      p = .false.
+    endif
+  end function in_error
+  subroutine FoX_set_fatal_errors(newvalue)
+    logical, intent(in) :: newvalue
+    errors_are_fatal = newvalue
+  end subroutine FoX_set_fatal_errors
+  function  FoX_get_fatal_errors()
+     logical :: FoX_get_fatal_errors
+     FoX_get_fatal_errors = errors_are_fatal
+  end function FoX_get_fatal_errors
+  subroutine  FoX_set_fatal_warnings(newvalue)
+    logical, intent(in) :: newvalue
+    warnings_are_fatal = newvalue
+  end subroutine FoX_set_fatal_warnings
+  function FoX_get_fatal_warnings()
+    logical :: FoX_get_fatal_warnings
+    FoX_get_fatal_warnings = warnings_are_fatal
+  end function FoX_get_fatal_warnings
+end module m_common_error
diff --git a/common/m_common_io.F90 b/common/m_common_io.F90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a15a25d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/m_common_io.F90
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+module m_common_io
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+  use m_common_error, only : FoX_error
+  implicit none
+  private
+  ! Basic  I/O tools
+  integer, save :: io_eor
+  integer, save :: io_eof
+  integer, save :: io_err
+  public :: io_eor
+  public :: io_eof
+  public :: io_err
+  public :: get_unit
+  public :: setup_io
+  subroutine setup_io()
+    call find_eor_eof(io_eor, io_eof)
+  end subroutine setup_io
+  subroutine get_unit(lun,iostat)
+    ! Get an available Fortran unit number
+    integer, intent(out)  :: lun
+    integer, intent(out)  :: iostat
+    integer :: i
+    logical :: unit_used
+    do i = 10, 99
+      lun = i
+      inquire(unit=lun,opened=unit_used)
+      if (.not. unit_used) then
+        iostat = 0
+        return
+      endif
+    enddo
+    iostat = -1
+    lun = -1
+  end subroutine get_unit
+  subroutine find_eor_eof(io_eor,io_eof)
+    ! Determines the values of the iostat values for End of File and 
+    ! End of Record (in non-advancing I/O)
+#ifdef __NAG__
+    use f90_iostat
+    integer, intent(out)           :: io_eor
+    integer, intent(out)           :: io_eof
+#ifdef __NAG__
+    io_eor = ioerr_eor
+    io_eof = ioerr_eof
+    integer           :: lun, iostat
+    character(len=1)  :: c
+    call get_unit(lun,iostat)
+    if (iostat /= 0) call FoX_error("Out of unit numbers")
+    open(unit=lun,status="scratch",form="formatted", &
+      action="readwrite",position="rewind",iostat=iostat)
+    if (iostat /= 0) call FoX_error("Cannot open test file")
+    write(unit=lun,fmt=*)  "a"
+    write(unit=lun,fmt=*)  "b"
+    rewind(unit=lun)
+    io_eor = 0
+    do
+      read(unit=lun,fmt="(a1)",advance="no",iostat=io_eor) c
+      if (io_eor /= 0) exit
+    enddo
+    io_eof = 0
+    do
+      read(unit=lun,fmt=*,iostat=io_eof)
+      if (io_eof /= 0) exit
+    enddo
+    close(unit=lun,status="delete")
+    ! Invent an io_err ...
+    io_err = 1
+    do
+      if (io_err/=0.and.io_err/=io_eor.and.io_err/=io_eof) exit
+      io_err = io_err + 1
+    end do
+  end subroutine find_eor_eof
+end module m_common_io
diff --git a/common/m_common_namecheck.F90 b/common/m_common_namecheck.F90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a796732
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/m_common_namecheck.F90
@@ -0,0 +1,501 @@
+module m_common_namecheck
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+  ! These are basically a collection of what would be regular
+  ! expressions in a more sensible language.
+  ! The only external dependency should be knowing how these
+  ! regular expressions may differ between XML-1.0 and 1.1 (which
+  ! is only in the areas of
+  ! 1: allowing character entity references to control characters
+  ! 2: More characters allowed in Names (but this only affects
+  !    unicode-aware programs, so is only skeleton here)
+  use fox_m_fsys_format, only: str_to_int_10, str_to_int_16, operator(//)
+  use fox_m_fsys_string, only: toLower
+  use m_common_charset, only: isLegalCharRef, isNCNameChar, &
+    isInitialNCNameChar, isInitialNameChar, isNameChar, isRepCharRef
+  implicit none
+  private
+  character(len=*), parameter :: lowerCase = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
+  character(len=*), parameter :: upperCase = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"
+  character(len=*), parameter :: letters = lowerCase//upperCase
+  character(len=*), parameter :: digits = "0123456789"
+  character(len=*), parameter :: hexdigits = "0123456789abcdefABCDEF"
+  character(len=*), parameter :: NameChars = lowerCase//upperCase//digits//".-_:"
+  public :: checkName
+  public :: checkNames
+  public :: checkQName
+  public :: checkQNames
+  public :: checkNmtoken
+  public :: checkNmtokens
+  public :: checkNCName
+  public :: checkNCNames
+  public :: checkEncName
+  public :: checkPITarget
+  public :: checkPublicId
+  public :: checkPEDef
+  public :: checkPseudoAttValue
+  public :: checkAttValue
+  public :: checkCharacterEntityReference
+  public :: checkRepCharEntityReference
+  public :: likeCharacterEntityReference
+  public :: prefixOfQName
+  public :: localpartOfQName
+  pure function checkEncName(name) result(good)
+    ![81]   	EncName	   ::=   	[A-Za-z] ([A-Za-z0-9._] | '-')*
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
+    logical :: good
+    integer :: n
+    n = len(name)
+    good = (n > 0)
+    if (good) good = (scan(name(1:1), letters) /= 0)
+    if (good .and. n > 1) &
+         good = (verify(name(2:), letters//digits//'.-_') == 0)
+  end function checkEncName
+  function checkPITarget(name, xv) result(good)
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
+    integer, intent(in) :: xv
+    logical :: good
+    ! Validates a string against the XML requirements for a NAME
+    ! Is not fully compliant; ignores UTF issues.
+    good = checkName(name, xv) &
+      .and.toLower(name)/="xml"
+  end function checkPITarget
+  pure function checkName(name, xv) result(good)
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
+    integer, intent(in) :: xv
+    logical :: good
+    ! Validates a string against the XML requirements for a NAME
+    ! Is not fully compliant; ignores UTF issues.
+    good = (len(name) > 0)
+    if (.not.good) return
+    if (good) good = isInitialNameChar(name(1:1), xv)
+    if (.not.good.or.len(name)==1) return
+    good = isNameChar(name(2:), xv)
+  end function checkName
+  pure function checkNames(name, xv) result(good)
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
+    integer, intent(in) :: xv
+    logical :: good
+    ! Validates a string against the production for NAMES
+    integer :: i, j
+    good = (len(name) > 0)
+    if (.not.good) return
+    i = verify(name, " ")
+    if (i==0) then
+      good = .false.
+      return
+    endif
+    j = scan(name(i:), " ")
+    if (j==0) then
+      j = len(name)
+    else
+      j = i + j - 2
+    endif
+    do
+      good = checkName(name(i:j), xv)
+      if (.not.good) return
+      i = j + 1
+      j = verify(name(i:), " ")
+      if (j==0) exit
+      i = i + j - 1
+      j = scan(name(i:), " ")
+      if (j==0) then
+        j = len(name)
+      else
+        j = i + j - 2
+      endif
+    enddo
+  end function checkNames
+  pure function checkQName(name, xv) result(good)
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
+    integer, intent(in) :: xv
+    logical :: good
+    ! Validates a string against the XML requirements for a NAME
+    ! Is not fully compliant; ignores UTF issues.
+    integer :: n
+    n = index(name, ':')
+    if (n == 0) then
+      good = checkNCName(name, xv)
+    else
+      good = (checkNCName(name(:n-1), xv) .and. checkNCName(name(n+1:), xv))
+    endif
+  end function checkQName
+  pure function checkQNames(name, xv) result(good)
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
+    integer, intent(in) :: xv
+    logical :: good
+    ! Validates a string against the production for NAMES
+    integer :: i, j
+    good = (len(name) > 0)
+    if (.not.good) return
+    i = verify(name, " ")
+    if (i==0) then
+      good = .false.
+      return
+    endif
+    j = scan(name(i:), " ")
+    if (j==0) then
+      j = len(name)
+    else
+      j = i + j - 2
+    endif
+    do
+      good = checkQName(name(i:j), xv)
+      if (.not.good) return
+      i = j + 1
+      j = verify(name(i:), " ")
+      if (j==0) exit
+      i = i + j - 1
+      j = scan(name(i:), " ")
+      if (j==0) then
+        j = len(name)
+      else
+        j = i + j - 2
+      endif
+    enddo
+  end function checkQNames
+  pure function checkNCName(name, xv) result(good)
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
+    integer, intent(in) :: xv
+    logical :: good
+    ! Validates a string against the XML requirements for an NCNAME
+    ! Is not fully compliant; ignores UTF issues.
+    good = (len(name)/=0)
+    if (.not.good) return
+    good = isInitialNCNameChar(name(1:1), xv)
+    if (.not.good.or.len(name)==1) return
+    good = isNCNameChar(name(2:), xv)
+  end function checkNCName
+  pure function checkNCNames(name, xv) result(good)
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
+    integer, intent(in) :: xv
+    logical :: good
+    ! Validates a string against the production for NAMES
+    integer :: i, j
+    good = (len(name) > 0)
+    if (.not.good) return
+    i = verify(name, " ")
+    if (i==0) then
+      good = .false.
+      return
+    endif
+    j = scan(name(i:), " ")
+    if (j==0) then
+      j = len(name)
+    else
+      j = i + j - 2
+    endif
+    do
+      good = checkNCName(name(i:j), xv)
+      if (.not.good) return
+      i = j + 1
+      j = verify(name(i:), " ")
+      if (j==0) exit
+      i = i + j - 1
+      j = scan(name(i:), " ")
+      if (j==0) then
+        j = len(name)
+      else
+        j = i + j - 2
+      endif
+    enddo
+  end function checkNCNames
+  pure function checkNmtoken(name, xv) result(good)
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
+    integer, intent(in) :: xv
+    logical :: good
+    ! Validates a string against the XML requirements for an NCNAME
+    ! Is not fully compliant; ignores UTF issues.
+    good = isNameChar(name, xv)
+  end function checkNmtoken
+  pure function checkNmtokens(name, xv) result(good)
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
+    integer, intent(in) :: xv
+    logical :: good
+    ! Validates a string against the XML requirements for an NCNAME
+    ! Is not fully compliant; ignores UTF issues.
+    integer :: i, j
+    good = (len(name) > 0)
+    if (.not.good) return
+    i = verify(name, " ")
+    if (i==0) then
+      good = .false.
+      return
+    endif
+    j = scan(name(i:), " ")
+    if (j==0) then
+      j = len(name)
+    else
+      j = i + j - 2
+    endif
+    do
+      good = isNameChar(name(i:j), xv)
+      if (.not.good) return
+      i = j + 1
+      j = verify(name(i:), " ")
+      if (j==0) exit
+      i = i + j - 1
+      j = scan(name(i:), " ")
+      if (j==0) then
+        j = len(name)
+      else
+        j = i + j - 2
+      endif
+    enddo
+  end function checkNmtokens
+  function checkPublicId(value) result(good)
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: value
+    logical :: good
+    character(len=*), parameter :: PubIdChars = &
+      " "//achar(10)//achar(13)//lowerCase//upperCase//digits//"-'()+,./:=?;!*#@$_%"
+    good = (verify(value, PubIdChars)==0) 
+  end function checkPublicId
+  function checkPEDef(value, xv) result(p)
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: value
+    integer, intent(in) :: xv
+    logical :: p
+    integer :: i1, i2
+    p = .false.
+    if (scan(value, '%&')==0) then
+      p = .true.
+    elseif (scan(value, '"')==0) then
+      i1 = scan(value, '%&')
+      i2 = 0
+      do while (i1>0)
+        i1 = i2 + i1
+        i2 = index(value(i1+1:),';')
+        if (i2==0) return
+        i2 = i1 + i2
+        if (value(i1:i1)=='&') then
+          if (.not.checkName(value(i1+1:i2-1), xv) .and. &
+            .not.checkCharacterEntityReference(value(i1+1:i2-1), xv)) return
+        else
+          if (.not.checkName(value(i1+1:i2-1), xv)) &
+            return
+        endif
+        i1 = scan(value(i2+1:), '%&')
+      enddo
+      p = .true.
+    endif
+  end function checkPEDef
+  function checkPseudoAttValue(value, xv) result(p)
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: value
+    integer, intent(in) :: xv
+    logical :: p
+    integer :: i1, i2
+!fixme can we have entrefs in PIs?
+    p = .false.
+    if (scan(value, '"<&')==0) then
+      p = .true.
+    elseif (index(value, '&') > 0) then
+      i1 = index(value, '&')
+      i2 = 0
+      do while (i1 > 0)
+        i1 = i2 + i1
+        i2 = index(value(i1+1:),';')
+        if (i2==0) return
+        i2 = i1 + i2
+        if (value(i1+1:i2-1) /= 'amp' .and. &
+          value(i1+1:i2-1) /= 'lt' .and. &
+          value(i1+1:i2-1) /= 'gt' .and. &
+          value(i1+1:i2-1) /= 'quot' .and. &
+          value(i1+1:i2-1) /= 'apos' .and. &
+          .not.checkCharacterEntityReference(value(i1+1:i2-1), xv)) &
+          return
+        i1 = index(value(i2+1:), '&')
+      enddo
+      p = .true.
+    endif
+  end function checkPseudoAttValue
+  function checkAttValue(value, xv) result(p)
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: value
+    integer, intent(in) :: xv
+    logical :: p
+    ! This function is called basically to make sure
+    ! that any attribute value looks like one. It will
+    ! not flag up out-of-range character entities, and
+    ! is a very weak check. Only used from xml_AddAttribute
+    ! when escaping is off.
+    integer :: i1, i2
+    p = .false.
+    if (scan(value, '"<&'//"'")==0) then
+      p = .true.
+    elseif (index(value, '&') > 0) then
+      i1 = index(value, '&')
+      i2 = 0
+      do while (i1 > 0)
+        i1 = i1 + i2 + 1
+        i2 = scan(value(i1+1:),';')
+        if (i2 == 0) return
+        i2 = i1 + i2
+        if (.not.checkName(value(i1+1:i2-1), xv) .and. &
+          .not.likeCharacterEntityReference(value(i1+1:i2-1))) then
+          print*, value(i1+1:i2-1), " ", &
+            likeCharacterEntityReference(value(i1+1:i2-1))
+          return
+        endif
+        i1 = index(value(i2+1:), '&')
+      enddo
+      p = .true.
+    endif
+  end function checkAttValue
+  function likeCharacterEntityReference(code) result(good)
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: code
+    logical :: good
+    good = .false.
+    if (len(code) > 0) then
+      if (code(1:1) == "#") then
+        if (code(2:2) == "x") then
+          if (len(code) > 2) then
+            good = (verify(code(3:), hexdigits) == 0)
+          endif
+        else
+          good = (verify(code(2:), digits) == 0)
+        endif
+      endif
+    endif
+  end function likeCharacterEntityReference
+  function checkCharacterEntityReference(code, xv) result(good)
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: code
+    integer, intent(in) :: xv
+    logical :: good
+    integer :: i
+    good = .false.
+    if (len(code) > 0) then
+      if (code(1:1) == "#") then
+        if (code(2:2) == "x") then
+          if (len(code) > 2) then
+            good = (verify(code(3:), hexdigits) == 0)
+            if (good) then
+              i = str_to_int_16(code(3:))
+            endif
+          endif
+        else
+          good = (verify(code(2:), digits) == 0)
+          if (good) then
+            i = str_to_int_10(code(2:))
+          endif
+        endif
+      endif
+    endif
+    if (good) good = isLegalCharRef(i, xv)
+  end function checkCharacterEntityReference
+  function checkRepCharEntityReference(code, xv) result(good)
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: code
+    integer, intent(in) :: xv
+    logical :: good
+    ! Is this a reference to a character we can actually represent
+    ! in memory? ie without unicode, US-ASCII only.
+    integer :: i
+    good = .false.
+    if (len(code) > 0) then
+      if (code(1:1) == "#") then
+        if (code(2:2) == "x") then
+          if (len(code) > 2) then
+            good = (verify(code(3:), hexdigits) == 0)
+            if (good) then
+              i = str_to_int_16(code(3:))
+            endif
+          endif
+        else
+          good = (verify(code(2:), digits) == 0)
+          if (good) then
+            i = str_to_int_10(code(2:))
+          endif
+        endif
+      endif
+    endif
+    if (good) good = isRepCharRef(i, xv)
+  end function checkRepCharEntityReference
+  pure function prefixOfQName(qname) result(prefix)
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: qname
+    character(len=max(index(qname, ':')-1,0)) :: prefix
+    prefix = qname ! automatic truncation
+  end function prefixOfQName
+  pure function localpartOfQname(qname) result(localpart)
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: qname
+    character(len=max(len(qname)-index(qname,':'),0)) ::localpart
+    localpart = qname(index(qname,':')+1:)
+  end function localpartOfQname
+end module m_common_namecheck
diff --git a/common/m_common_namespaces.F90 b/common/m_common_namespaces.F90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e3bdff6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/m_common_namespaces.F90
@@ -0,0 +1,830 @@
+module m_common_namespaces
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+  use fox_m_fsys_array_str, only: str_vs, vs_str, vs_str_alloc
+  use fox_m_utils_uri, only: URI, parseURI, destroyURI, hasScheme
+  use m_common_attrs, only: dictionary_t, get_key, get_value, remove_key, getLength, hasKey
+  use m_common_attrs, only: set_nsURI, set_localName, get_prefix, add_item_to_dict
+  use m_common_charset, only: XML1_0, XML1_1
+  use m_common_error, only: FoX_error, FoX_warning, error_stack, add_error, in_error
+  use m_common_namecheck, only: checkNCName
+  use m_common_struct, only: xml_doc_state
+  implicit none
+  private
+  character(len=*), parameter :: invalidNS = '::INVALID::'
+  ! an invalid URI name to indicate a namespace error.
+  type URIMapping
+    character, dimension(:), pointer :: URI
+    integer :: ix ! link back to node depth
+  end type URIMapping
+  !This is a single URI, and the node depth under which
+  !its namespace applies.
+  type prefixMapping
+    character, dimension(:), pointer :: prefix
+    type(URIMapping), dimension(:), pointer :: urilist
+  end type prefixMapping
+  !This is the mapping for a single prefix; with the
+  !list of namespaces which are in force at various
+  !depths
+  type namespaceDictionary
+    private
+    type(URIMapping), dimension(:), pointer :: defaults
+    type(prefixMapping), dimension(:), pointer :: prefixes
+  end type namespaceDictionary
+  !This is the full namespace dictionary; defaults is
+  !the list of default namespaces in force; prefix a
+  !list of all prefixes in force.
+  public :: invalidNS
+  public :: initNamespaceDictionary
+  public :: destroyNamespaceDictionary
+  public :: namespaceDictionary
+  public :: checkNamespaces
+  public :: checkNamespacesWriting
+  public :: checkEndNamespaces
+  public :: getnamespaceURI
+  interface getnamespaceURI
+     module procedure getURIofDefaultNS, getURIofPrefixedNS
+  end interface
+  public :: isPrefixInForce
+  public :: isDefaultNSInForce
+  public :: getNumberOfPrefixes
+  public :: getPrefixByIndex
+  public :: dumpnsdict !FIXME
+  public :: addDefaultNS
+  public :: removeDefaultNS
+  public :: addPrefixedNS
+  public :: removePrefixedNS
+  subroutine initNamespaceDictionary(nsDict)
+    type(namespaceDictionary), intent(inout) :: nsDict
+    !We need to properly initialize 0th elements
+    !(which are never used) in order to provide
+    !sensible behaviour when trying to manipulate
+    !an empty dictionary.
+    allocate(nsDict%defaults(0:0))
+    allocate(nsDict%defaults(0)%URI(0))
+    !The 0th element of the defaults NS is the empty namespace
+    nsDict%defaults(0)%ix = -1
+    allocate(nsDict%prefixes(0:0))
+    allocate(nsDict%prefixes(0)%prefix(0))
+    allocate(nsDict%prefixes(0)%urilist(0:0))
+    allocate(nsDict%prefixes(0)%urilist(0)%URI(len(invalidNS)))
+    nsDict%prefixes(0)%urilist(0)%URI = vs_str(invalidNS)
+    nsDict%prefixes(0)%urilist(0)%ix = -1
+  end subroutine initNamespaceDictionary
+  subroutine destroyNamespaceDictionary(nsDict)
+    type(namespaceDictionary), intent(inout) :: nsDict
+    integer :: i, j
+    do i = 0, ubound(nsDict%defaults,1)
+       deallocate(nsDict%defaults(i)%URI)
+    enddo
+    deallocate(nsDict%defaults)
+    do i = 0, ubound(nsDict%prefixes,1)
+       do j = 0, ubound(nsDict%prefixes(i)%urilist,1)
+          deallocate(nsDict%prefixes(i)%urilist(j)%URI)
+       enddo
+       deallocate(nsDict%prefixes(i)%prefix)
+       deallocate(nsDict%prefixes(i)%urilist)
+    enddo
+    deallocate(nsDict%prefixes)
+  end subroutine destroyNamespaceDictionary
+  subroutine copyURIMapping(urilist1, urilist2, l_m)
+    type(URIMapping), dimension(0:), intent(inout) :: urilist1
+    type(URIMapping), dimension(0:), intent(inout) :: urilist2
+    integer, intent(in):: l_m
+    integer :: i
+    if (ubound(urilist1,1) < l_m .or. ubound(urilist2,1) < l_m) then
+       call FoX_error('Internal error in m_sax_namespaces:copyURIMapping')
+    endif
+    ! Now copy all defaults across (or rather - add pointers to them)
+    do i = 0, l_m
+       urilist2(i)%ix = urilist1(i)%ix
+       urilist2(i)%URI => urilist1(i)%URI
+    enddo
+  end subroutine copyURIMapping
+  subroutine addDefaultNS(nsDict, uri, ix, es)
+    type(namespaceDictionary), intent(inout) :: nsDict
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: uri
+    integer, intent(in) :: ix
+    type(error_stack), intent(inout), optional :: es
+    type(URIMapping), dimension(:), allocatable :: tempMap
+    integer :: l_m, l_s
+    if (uri=="http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace") then
+      if (present(es)) then
+        call add_error(es, "Attempt to assign incorrect URI to prefix 'xml'")
+      else
+        call FoX_error("Attempt to assign incorrect URI to prefix 'xml'")
+      endif
+    elseif (uri=="http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/") then
+      if (present(es)) then
+        call add_error(es, "Attempt to assign prefix to xmlns namespace")
+      else
+        call FoX_error("Attempt to assign prefix to xmlns namespace")
+      endif
+    endif
+    ! FIXME check URI is valid ...
+    l_m = ubound(nsDict%defaults,1)
+    allocate(tempMap(0:l_m))
+    ! Now copy all defaults across ...
+    call copyURIMapping(nsDict%defaults, tempMap, l_m)
+    deallocate(nsDict%defaults)
+    l_m = l_m + 1
+    allocate(nsDict%defaults(0:l_m))
+    !Now copy everything back ...
+    call copyURIMapping(tempMap, nsDict%defaults, l_m-1)
+    deallocate(tempMap)
+    ! And finally, add the new default NS
+    nsDict%defaults(l_m)%ix = ix
+    l_s = len(uri)
+    allocate(nsDict%defaults(l_m)%URI(l_s))
+    nsDict%defaults(l_m)%URI = vs_str(uri)
+  end subroutine addDefaultNS
+  subroutine addPrefixedURI(nsPrefix, uri, ix)
+    type(PrefixMapping), intent(inout) :: nsPrefix
+    character, dimension(:), intent(in) :: uri
+    integer, intent(in) :: ix
+    type(URIMapping), dimension(:), allocatable :: tempMap
+    integer :: l_m, l_s
+    l_m = ubound(nsPrefix%urilist,1)
+    allocate(tempMap(0:l_m))
+    ! Now copy all across ...
+    call copyURIMapping(nsPrefix%urilist, tempMap, l_m)
+    deallocate(nsPrefix%urilist)
+    l_m = l_m + 1
+    allocate(nsPrefix%urilist(0:l_m))
+    !Now copy everything back ...
+    call copyURIMapping(tempMap, nsPrefix%urilist, l_m-1)
+    deallocate(tempMap)
+    ! And finally, add the new default NS
+    nsPrefix%urilist(l_m)%ix = ix
+    l_s = size(uri)
+    allocate(nsPrefix%urilist(l_m)%URI(l_s))
+    nsPrefix%urilist(l_m)%URI = uri
+  end subroutine addPrefixedURI
+  subroutine removeDefaultNS(nsDict)
+    type(namespaceDictionary), intent(inout) :: nsDict
+    type(URIMapping), dimension(:), allocatable :: tempMap
+    integer :: l_m
+    l_m = ubound(nsDict%defaults,1)
+    allocate(tempMap(0:l_m-1))
+    ! Now copy all defaults across ...
+    call copyURIMapping(nsDict%defaults, tempMap, l_m-1)
+    !And remove tail-end charlie
+    deallocate(nsDict%defaults(l_m)%URI)
+    deallocate(nsDict%defaults)
+    l_m = l_m - 1
+    allocate(nsDict%defaults(0:l_m))
+    !Now copy everything back ...
+    call copyURIMapping(tempMap, nsDict%defaults, l_m)
+    deallocate(tempMap)
+  end subroutine removeDefaultNS
+  subroutine removePrefixedURI(nsPrefix)
+    type(PrefixMapping), intent(inout) :: nsPrefix
+    type(URIMapping), dimension(:), allocatable :: tempMap
+    integer :: l_m
+    l_m = ubound(nsPrefix%urilist,1)
+    allocate(tempMap(0:l_m-1))
+    ! Now copy all defaults across ...
+    call copyURIMapping(nsPrefix%urilist, tempMap, l_m-1)
+    !And remove tail-end charlie
+    deallocate(nsPrefix%urilist(l_m)%URI)
+    deallocate(nsPrefix%urilist)
+    l_m = l_m - 1
+    allocate(nsPrefix%urilist(0:l_m))
+    !Now copy everything back ...
+    call copyURIMapping(tempMap, nsPrefix%urilist, l_m)
+    deallocate(tempMap)
+  end subroutine removePrefixedURI
+  subroutine addPrefixedNS(nsDict, prefix, URI, ix, xds, xml, es)
+    type(namespaceDictionary), intent(inout) :: nsDict
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: prefix
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: uri
+    integer, intent(in) :: ix
+    type(xml_doc_state), intent(in) :: xds
+    logical, intent(in), optional :: xml
+    type(error_stack), intent(inout), optional :: es
+    integer :: l_p, p_i, i
+    logical :: xml_
+    if (present(xml)) then
+      xml_ = xml
+    else
+      xml_ = .false.
+    endif
+    if (prefix=='xml' .and. &
+      URI/='http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace') then
+      if (present(es)) then
+        call add_error(es, "Attempt to assign incorrect URI to prefix 'xml'")
+      else
+        call FoX_error("Attempt to assign incorrect URI to prefix 'xml'")
+      endif
+    elseif (prefix/='xml' .and. &
+      URI=='http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace') then
+      if (present(es)) then
+        call add_error(es, "Attempt to assign incorrect prefix to XML namespace")
+      else
+        call FoX_error("Attempt to assign incorrect prefix to XML namespace")
+      endif
+    elseif (prefix == 'xmlns') then
+      if (present(es)) then
+        call add_error(es, "Attempt to declare 'xmlns' prefix")
+      else
+        call FoX_error("Attempt to declare 'xmlns' prefix")
+      endif
+    elseif (URI=="http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/") then
+      if (present(es)) then
+        call add_error(es, "Attempt to assign prefix to xmlns namespace")
+      else
+        call FoX_error("Attempt to assign prefix to xmlns namespace")
+      endif
+    elseif (len(prefix) > 2) then
+      if ((verify(prefix(1:1), 'xX') == 0) &
+        .and. (verify(prefix(2:2), 'mM') == 0) &
+        .and. (verify(prefix(3:3), 'lL') == 0)) then
+        if (.not.xml_) then
+          ! FIXME need working warning infrastructure
+          !if (present(es)) then
+          !  call add_error(es, "Attempt to declare reserved prefix: "//prefix)
+          !else
+          call FoX_warning("Attempt to declare reserved prefix: "//prefix)
+          !endif
+        endif
+      endif
+    endif
+    if (.not.checkNCName(prefix, xds%xml_version)) &
+      call FoX_error("Attempt to declare invalid prefix: "//prefix)
+    ! FIXME check URI is valid
+    l_p = ubound(nsDict%prefixes, 1)
+    p_i = 0
+    do i = 1, l_p
+       if (str_vs(nsDict%prefixes(i)%prefix) == prefix) then
+          p_i = i
+          exit
+       endif
+    enddo
+    if (p_i == 0) then
+       call addPrefix(nsDict, vs_str(prefix))
+       p_i = l_p + 1
+    endif
+    call addPrefixedURI(nsDict%prefixes(p_i), vs_str(URI), ix)
+  end subroutine addPrefixedNS
+  subroutine removePrefixedNS(nsDict, prefix)
+    type(namespaceDictionary), intent(inout) :: nsDict
+    character, dimension(:), intent(in) :: prefix
+    integer :: l_p, p_i, i
+    l_p = ubound(nsDict%prefixes, 1)
+    p_i = 0
+    do i = 1, l_p
+      if (str_vs(nsDict%prefixes(i)%prefix) == str_vs(prefix)) then
+        p_i = i
+        exit
+      endif
+    enddo
+    if (p_i /= 0) then
+      call removePrefixedURI(nsDict%prefixes(p_i))
+      if (ubound(nsDict%prefixes(p_i)%urilist,1) == 0) then
+        !that was the last mapping for that prefix
+        call removePrefix(nsDict, p_i)
+      endif
+    else
+      call FoX_error('Internal error in m_sax_namespaces:removePrefixedNS')
+    endif
+  end subroutine removePrefixedNS
+  subroutine addPrefix(nsDict, prefix)
+    type(namespaceDictionary), intent(inout) :: nsDict
+    character, dimension(:), intent(in) :: prefix
+    integer :: l_p
+    type(prefixMapping), dimension(:), pointer :: tempPrefixMap
+    integer :: i
+    !Add a new prefix to the namespace dictionary.
+    !Unfortunately this involves copying the entire
+    !prefixes dictionary to a temporary structure, then
+    !reallocating the prefixes dictionary to be one
+    !longer, then copying everything back:
+    l_p = ubound(nsDict%prefixes, 1)
+    allocate(tempPrefixMap(0:l_p))
+    !for each current prefix, append everything to temporary structure
+    do i = 0, l_p
+       tempPrefixMap(i)%prefix => nsDict%prefixes(i)%prefix
+       tempPrefixMap(i)%urilist => nsDict%prefixes(i)%urilist
+    enddo
+    deallocate(nsDict%prefixes)
+    !extend prefix dictionary by one ...
+    l_p = l_p + 1
+    allocate(nsDict%prefixes(0:l_p))
+    !and copy back ...
+    do i = 0, l_p-1
+       nsDict%prefixes(i)%prefix => tempPrefixMap(i)%prefix
+       nsDict%prefixes(i)%urilist => tempPrefixMap(i)%urilist
+    enddo
+    deallocate(tempPrefixMap)
+    allocate(nsDict%prefixes(l_p)%prefix(size(prefix)))
+    nsDict%prefixes(l_p)%prefix = prefix
+    allocate(nsDict%prefixes(l_p)%urilist(0:0))
+    allocate(nsDict%prefixes(l_p)%urilist(0)%URI(len(invalidNS)))
+    nsDict%prefixes(l_p)%urilist(0)%URI = vs_str(invalidNS)
+    nsDict%prefixes(l_p)%urilist(0)%ix = -1
+  end subroutine addPrefix
+  subroutine removePrefix(nsDict, i_p)
+    type(namespaceDictionary), intent(inout) :: nsDict
+    integer, intent(in) :: i_p
+    integer :: l_p
+    type(prefixMapping), dimension(:), pointer :: tempPrefixMap
+    integer :: i
+    !Remove a prefix from the namespace dictionary.
+    !Unfortunately this involves copying the entire
+    !prefixes dictionary to a temporary structure, then
+    !reallocating the prefixes dictionary to be one
+    !shorter, then copying everything back:
+    l_p = ubound(nsDict%prefixes, 1)
+    allocate(tempPrefixMap(0:l_p-1))
+    !for each current prefix, append everything to temporary structure
+    do i = 0, i_p-1
+       tempPrefixMap(i)%prefix => nsDict%prefixes(i)%prefix
+       tempPrefixMap(i)%urilist => nsDict%prefixes(i)%urilist
+    enddo
+    deallocate(nsDict%prefixes(i_p)%urilist(0)%URI)
+    deallocate(nsDict%prefixes(i_p)%urilist)
+    deallocate(nsDict%prefixes(i_p)%prefix)
+    !this subroutine will only get called if the urilist is already
+    !empty, so no need to deallocate it.
+    do i = i_p+1, l_p
+       tempPrefixMap(i-1)%prefix => nsDict%prefixes(i)%prefix
+       tempPrefixMap(i-1)%urilist => nsDict%prefixes(i)%urilist
+    enddo
+    deallocate(nsDict%prefixes)
+    !shorten prefix dictionary by one ...
+    l_p = l_p - 1
+    allocate(nsDict%prefixes(0:l_p))
+    !and copy back ...
+    do i = 0, l_p
+       nsDict%prefixes(i)%prefix => tempPrefixMap(i)%prefix
+       nsDict%prefixes(i)%urilist => tempPrefixMap(i)%urilist
+    enddo
+    deallocate(tempPrefixMap)
+  end subroutine removePrefix
+  subroutine checkNamespaces(atts, nsDict, ix, xds, namespace_prefixes, xmlns_uris, es, &
+    partial, start_prefix_handler, end_prefix_handler)
+    type(dictionary_t), intent(inout) :: atts
+    type(namespaceDictionary), intent(inout) :: nsDict
+    integer, intent(in) :: ix ! depth of nesting of current element.
+    type(xml_doc_state), intent(in) :: xds
+    logical, intent(in) :: namespace_prefixes, xmlns_uris
+    type(error_stack), intent(inout) :: es
+    logical, intent(in) :: partial ! if so, don't try and resolve anything except xml & xmlns
+    optional :: start_prefix_handler, end_prefix_handler
+    interface
+      subroutine start_prefix_handler(namespaceURI, prefix)
+        character(len=*), intent(in) :: namespaceURI
+        character(len=*), intent(in) :: prefix
+      end subroutine start_prefix_handler
+      subroutine end_prefix_handler(prefix)
+        character(len=*), intent(in) :: prefix
+      end subroutine end_prefix_handler
+    end interface
+    character(len=6) :: xmlns
+    character, dimension(:), pointer :: QName, URIstring
+    integer :: i, n
+    type(URI), pointer :: URIref
+    !Check for namespaces; *and* remove xmlns references from 
+    !the attributes dictionary.
+    ! we can't do a simple loop across the attributes,
+    ! because we need to remove some as we go along ...
+    i = 1
+    do while (i <= getLength(atts))
+      xmlns = get_key(atts, i)
+      if (xmlns == 'xmlns ') then
+        !Default namespace is being set
+        URIstring => vs_str_alloc(get_value(atts, i))
+        if (str_vs(URIstring)=="") then
+          ! Empty nsURI on default namespace has same effect in 1.0 and 1.1
+          if (present(end_prefix_handler)) &
+            call end_prefix_handler("")
+          call addDefaultNS(nsDict, invalidNS, ix)
+          deallocate(URIstring)
+        else
+          URIref => parseURI(str_vs(URIstring))
+          if (.not.associated(URIref)) then
+            call add_error(es, "Invalid URI: "//str_vs(URIstring))
+            deallocate(URIstring)
+            return
+          elseif (.not.hasScheme(URIref)) then
+            call add_error(es, "Relative namespace in URI deprecated: "//str_vs(URIstring))
+            deallocate(URIstring)
+            call destroyURI(URIref)
+            return
+          endif
+          call destroyURI(URIref)
+          if (present(start_prefix_handler)) &
+            call start_prefix_handler(str_vs(URIstring), "")
+          call addDefaultNS(nsDict, str_vs(URIstring), ix)
+          deallocate(URIstring)
+        endif
+        if (namespace_prefixes) then
+          i = i + 1
+        else
+          call remove_key(atts, i)
+        endif
+      elseif (xmlns == 'xmlns:') then
+        !Prefixed namespace is being set
+        QName => vs_str_alloc(get_key(atts, i))
+        URIstring => vs_str_alloc(get_value(atts, i))
+        if (str_vs(URIstring)=="") then
+          if (xds%xml_version==XML1_0) then
+            call add_error(es, "Empty nsURI is invalid in XML 1.0")
+            deallocate(URIstring)
+            deallocate(QName)
+            return
+          elseif (xds%xml_version==XML1_1) then
+            call addPrefixedNS(nsDict, str_vs(QName(7:)), invalidNS, ix, xds, es=es)
+            if (in_error(es)) then
+              deallocate(URIstring)
+              deallocate(QName)
+              return
+            elseif (present(end_prefix_handler)) then
+              call end_prefix_handler(str_vs(QName(7:)))
+            endif
+            deallocate(URIstring)
+            deallocate(QName)
+          endif
+        else
+          URIref => parseURI(str_vs(URIstring))
+          if (.not.associated(URIref)) then
+            call add_error(es, "Invalid URI: "//str_vs(URIstring))
+            deallocate(URIstring)
+            deallocate(QName)
+            return
+          elseif (.not.hasScheme(URIref)) then
+            call add_error(es, "Relative namespace in URI deprecated: "//str_vs(URIstring))
+            deallocate(URIstring)
+            deallocate(QName)
+            call destroyURI(URIref)
+            return
+          endif
+          call destroyURI(URIref)
+          call addPrefixedNS(nsDict, str_vs(QName(7:)), str_vs(URIstring), ix, xds, es=es)
+          if (in_error(es)) then
+            deallocate(URIstring)
+            deallocate(QName)
+            return
+          elseif (present(start_prefix_handler)) then
+            call start_prefix_handler(str_vs(URIstring), str_vs(QName(7:)))
+          endif
+          deallocate(URIstring)
+          deallocate(QName)
+        endif
+        if (namespace_prefixes) then
+          i = i + 1
+        else
+          call remove_key(atts, i)
+        endif
+      else
+        ! we only increment if we haven't removed a key
+        i = i + 1
+      endif
+    enddo
+    ! having done that, now resolve all attribute namespaces:
+    do i = 1, getLength(atts)
+      QName => vs_str_alloc(get_key(atts,i))
+      n = index(str_vs(QName), ":")
+      if (n > 0) then
+        if (str_vs(QName(1:n-1))=="xmlns") then
+          ! FIXME but this can be controlled by SAX configuration xmlns-uris
+          if (xmlns_uris) then
+            call set_nsURI(atts, i, "http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/")
+          else
+            call set_nsURI(atts, i, "")
+          endif
+        else
+          if (str_vs(QName(1:n-1))=="xml") then
+            call set_nsURI(atts, i, "http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace")
+          elseif (getnamespaceURI(nsDict, str_vs(QName(1:n-1)))==invalidNS) then
+            ! Sometimes we don't want to worry about unbound prefixes,
+            ! eg if we are in the middle of parsing an entity.
+            if (.not.partial) then
+              call add_error(es, "Unbound namespace prefix")
+              deallocate(QName)
+              return
+            else
+              call set_nsURI(atts, i, "")
+            endif
+          else
+            call set_nsURI(atts, i, getnamespaceURI(nsDict, str_vs(QName(1:n-1))))
+          endif
+        endif
+      else
+        if (xmlns_uris.and.str_vs(QName)=="xmlns") then
+          call set_nsURI(atts, i, "http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/")
+        else
+          call set_nsURI(atts, i, "") ! no such thing as a default namespace on attributes
+        endif
+      endif
+      ! Check for duplicates
+      if (hasKey(atts, getnamespaceURI(nsDict, str_vs(QName(1:n-1))), str_vs(QName(n+1:)))) then
+        call add_error(es, "Duplicate attribute names after namespace processing")
+        deallocate(QName)
+        return
+      endif
+      call set_localName(atts, i, QName(n+1:))
+      deallocate(QName)
+    enddo
+  end subroutine checkNamespaces
+  subroutine checkNamespacesWriting(atts, nsdict, ix)
+    type(dictionary_t), intent(inout) :: atts
+    type(namespaceDictionary), intent(inout) :: nsDict
+    integer, intent(in) :: ix
+    ! Read through a list of attributes, check with currently
+    ! active namespaces & add any necessary declarations
+    integer :: i, i_p, l_d, l_ps, n
+    n = getLength(atts) ! we need the length before we fiddle with it
+    !Does the default NS need added?
+    l_d = ubound(nsDict%defaults,1)
+    if (nsDict%defaults(l_d)%ix == ix) then
+      !It's not been registered yet:
+      call add_item_to_dict(atts, "xmlns", &
+           str_vs(nsDict%defaults(l_d)%URI), type="CDATA")
+    endif
+    !next, add any overdue prefixed NS's in the same way:
+    ! there should only ever be one. More would be an error,
+    ! but the check should have been done earlier.
+    do i_p = 0, ubound(nsDict%prefixes, 1)
+      l_ps = ubound(nsDict%prefixes(i_p)%urilist,1)
+      if (nsDict%prefixes(i_p)%urilist(l_ps)%ix == ix) then
+        call add_item_to_dict(atts, &
+             "xmlns:"//str_vs(nsDict%prefixes(i_p)%prefix), &
+             str_vs(nsDict%prefixes(i_p)%urilist(l_ps)%URI), &
+             type="CDATA")
+      endif
+    enddo
+    !Finally, we may have some we've added for attribute QNames
+    ! have to get those too:
+    do i = 1, getLength(atts)
+      ! get prefix, and identify the relevant NS mapping
+      i_p = getPrefixIndex(nsDict, get_prefix(atts, i))
+      l_ps = ubound(nsDict%prefixes(i_p)%urilist,1)
+      !If the index is greater than what it should be:
+      if (nsDict%prefixes(i_p)%urilist(l_ps)%ix > ix) then
+        !we only just added this, so we need to declare it
+        call add_item_to_dict(atts, "xmlns:"//get_prefix(atts, i), &
+             str_vs(nsDict%prefixes(i_p)%urilist(l_ps)%URI), &
+             type="CDATA")
+        !Reset the index to the right value:
+        nsDict%prefixes(i_p)%urilist(l_ps)%ix = ix
+      endif
+    enddo
+  end subroutine checkNamespacesWriting
+  subroutine checkEndNamespaces(nsDict, ix, end_prefix_handler)
+    type(namespaceDictionary), intent(inout) :: nsDict
+    integer, intent(in) :: ix
+    optional :: end_prefix_handler
+    interface
+      subroutine end_prefix_handler(prefix)
+        character(len=*), intent(in) :: prefix
+      end subroutine end_prefix_handler
+    end interface
+    integer :: l_d, l_p, l_ps, i
+    character, pointer :: prefix(:)
+    !It will only ever be the final elements in the list which
+    ! might have expired.
+    l_d = ubound(nsDict%defaults,1)
+    do while (nsDict%defaults(l_d)%ix == ix)
+      if (present(end_prefix_handler)) &
+        call end_prefix_handler("")
+      call removeDefaultNS(nsDict)
+      l_d = ubound(nsDict%defaults,1)
+    enddo
+    l_p = ubound(nsDict%prefixes, 1)
+    i = 1
+    do while (i <= l_p)
+      l_ps = ubound(nsDict%prefixes(l_p)%urilist,1)
+      if (nsDict%prefixes(i)%urilist(l_ps)%ix == ix) then
+        if (present(end_prefix_handler)) &
+          call end_prefix_handler(str_vs(nsDict%prefixes(i)%prefix))
+        ! We have to assign this pointer explicitly, otherwise the next call
+        ! aliases its arguments illegally.
+        prefix =>  nsDict%prefixes(i)%prefix
+        call removePrefixedNS(nsDict, prefix)
+        if (l_p > ubound(nsDict%prefixes, 1)) then
+          ! we just removed the last reference to that prefix,
+          ! so our list of prefixes has shrunk - update the running total.
+          ! and go to the next prefix, which is at the same index
+          l_p = l_p - 1
+          cycle
+        endif
+      endif
+      i = i + 1
+    enddo
+  end subroutine checkEndNamespaces
+  subroutine dumpnsdict(nsdict)
+    type(namespaceDictionary), intent(in) :: nsdict
+    integer :: i, j
+    write(*,'(a)')'* default namespaces *'
+    do i = 1, ubound(nsdict%defaults, 1)
+      write(*,'(i0,a)') nsdict%defaults(i)%ix, str_vs(nsdict%defaults(i)%URI)
+    enddo
+    write(*,'(a)') '* Prefixed namespaces *'
+    do i = 1, ubound(nsdict%prefixes, 1)
+       write(*,'(2a)') '* prefix: ', str_vs(nsdict%prefixes(i)%prefix)
+       do j = 1, ubound(nsdict%prefixes(i)%urilist, 1)
+          write(*,'(i0,a)') nsdict%prefixes(i)%urilist(j)%ix, str_vs(nsdict%prefixes(i)%urilist(j)%URI)
+       enddo
+    enddo
+  end subroutine dumpnsdict
+  pure function getURIofDefaultNS(nsDict) result(uri)
+    type(namespaceDictionary), intent(in) :: nsDict
+    character(len=size(nsDict%defaults(ubound(nsDict%defaults,1))%URI)) :: URI
+    integer :: l_d
+    l_d = ubound(nsDict%defaults,1)
+    uri = str_vs(nsDict%defaults(l_d)%URI)
+  end function getURIofDefaultNS
+  pure function isPrefixInForce(nsDict, prefix) result(force)
+    type(namespaceDictionary), intent(in) :: nsDict
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: prefix
+    logical :: force
+    integer :: i, l_s
+    force = .false.
+    do i = 1, ubound(nsDict%prefixes, 1)
+       if (str_vs(nsDict%prefixes(i)%prefix) == prefix) then
+         l_s = ubound(nsDict%prefixes(i)%urilist, 1)
+         force = (size(nsdict%prefixes(i)%urilist(l_s)%URI) > 0)
+         exit
+       endif
+    enddo
+  end function isPrefixInForce
+  pure function isDefaultNSInForce(nsDict) result(force)
+    type(namespaceDictionary), intent(in) :: nsDict
+    logical :: force
+    integer :: l_s
+    force = .false.
+    l_s = ubound(nsDict%defaults, 1)
+    if (l_s > 0) &
+      force = (size(nsdict%defaults(l_s)%URI) > 0)
+  end function isDefaultNSInForce
+  pure function getPrefixIndex(nsDict, prefix) result(p)
+    type(namespaceDictionary), intent(in) :: nsDict
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: prefix
+    integer :: p
+    integer :: i
+    p = 0
+    do i = 1, ubound(nsDict%prefixes, 1)
+      if (str_vs(nsDict%prefixes(i)%prefix) == prefix) then
+           p = i
+           exit
+       endif
+    enddo
+  end function getPrefixIndex
+  function getNumberOfPrefixes(nsDict) result(n)
+    type(namespaceDictionary), intent(in) :: nsDict
+    integer :: n
+    n = ubound(nsDict%prefixes, 1)
+  end function getNumberOfPrefixes
+  function getPrefixByIndex(nsDict, i) result(c)
+    type(namespaceDictionary), intent(in) :: nsDict
+    integer, intent(in) :: i
+    character(len=size(nsDict%prefixes(i)%prefix)) :: c
+    c = str_vs(nsDict%prefixes(i)%prefix)
+  end function getPrefixByIndex
+  pure function getURIofPrefixedNS(nsDict, prefix) result(uri)
+    type(namespaceDictionary), intent(in) :: nsDict
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: prefix
+    character(len=size( &
+              nsDict%prefixes( &
+           getPrefixIndex(nsDict,prefix) &
+                             ) &
+                     %urilist( &
+           ubound(nsDict%prefixes(getPrefixIndex(nsDict,prefix))%urilist, 1) &
+                             ) & 
+                      %uri)) :: URI
+    integer :: p_i, l_m
+    p_i = getPrefixIndex(nsDict, prefix)
+    l_m = ubound(nsDict%prefixes(p_i)%urilist, 1)
+    uri = str_vs(nsDict%prefixes(p_i)%urilist(l_m)%URI)
+  end function getURIofPrefixedNS
+end module m_common_namespaces
diff --git a/common/m_common_notations.F90 b/common/m_common_notations.F90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ee404da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/m_common_notations.F90
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+module m_common_notations
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+  use fox_m_fsys_array_str, only: vs_str, str_vs
+  use m_common_error, only: FoX_error
+  implicit none
+  private
+  type notation
+    character(len=1), dimension(:), pointer :: name
+    character(len=1), dimension(:), pointer :: systemID
+    character(len=1), dimension(:), pointer :: publicId
+  end type notation
+  type notation_list
+    type(notation), dimension(:), pointer :: list
+  end type notation_list
+  public :: notation
+  public :: notation_list
+  public :: init_notation_list
+  public :: destroy_notation_list
+  public :: add_notation
+  public :: notation_exists
+  subroutine init_notation_list(nlist)
+! It is not clear how we should specify the 
+! intent of this argument - different 
+! compilers seem to have different semantics
+    type(notation_list), intent(inout) :: nlist
+    allocate(nlist%list(0:0))
+    allocate(nlist%list(0)%name(0))
+    allocate(nlist%list(0)%systemId(0))
+    allocate(nlist%list(0)%publicId(0))
+  end subroutine init_notation_list
+  subroutine destroy_notation_list(nlist)
+    type(notation_list), intent(inout) :: nlist
+    integer :: i
+    do i = 0, ubound(nlist%list, 1)
+      deallocate(nlist%list(i)%name)
+      deallocate(nlist%list(i)%systemId)
+      deallocate(nlist%list(i)%publicId)
+    enddo
+    deallocate(nlist%list)
+  end subroutine destroy_notation_list
+  subroutine add_notation(nlist, name, systemId, publicId)
+    type(notation_list), intent(inout) :: nlist
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: systemId
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: publicId
+    integer :: i
+    type(notation), dimension(:), pointer :: temp
+    ! pointer not allocatable to avoid bug on Lahey
+    if (.not.present(systemId) .and. .not.present(publicId)) &
+      call FoX_error("Neither System nor Public Id specified for notation: "//name)
+    allocate(temp(0:ubound(nlist%list,1)))
+    do i = 0, ubound(nlist%list, 1)
+      temp(i)%name => nlist%list(i)%name
+      temp(i)%systemId => nlist%list(i)%systemId
+      temp(i)%publicId => nlist%list(i)%publicId
+    enddo
+    deallocate(nlist%list)
+    allocate(nlist%list(0:ubound(temp, 1)+1))
+    do i = 0, ubound(temp, 1)
+      nlist%list(i)%name => temp(i)%name
+      nlist%list(i)%systemId => temp(i)%systemId
+      nlist%list(i)%publicId => temp(i)%publicId
+    enddo
+    deallocate(temp)
+    allocate(nlist%list(i)%name(len(name)))
+    nlist%list(i)%name = vs_str(name)
+    if (present(systemId)) then
+      allocate(nlist%list(i)%systemId(len(systemId)))
+      nlist%list(i)%systemId = vs_str(systemId)
+    else
+      allocate(nlist%list(i)%systemId(0))
+    endif
+    if (present(publicId)) then
+      allocate(nlist%list(i)%publicId(len(publicId)))
+      nlist%list(i)%publicId = vs_str(publicId)
+    else
+      allocate(nlist%list(i)%publicId(0))
+    endif
+  end subroutine add_notation
+  function notation_exists(nlist, name) result(p)
+    type(notation_list), intent(in) :: nlist
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
+    logical :: p
+    integer :: i
+    p = .false.
+    do i = 1, ubound(nlist%list, 1)
+      if (str_vs(nlist%list(i)%name) == name) then
+        p = .true.
+        exit
+      endif
+    enddo
+  end function notation_exists
+end module m_common_notations
diff --git a/common/m_common_struct.F90 b/common/m_common_struct.F90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ec92b52
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/m_common_struct.F90
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+module m_common_struct
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+  ! Common parts of an XML document. Shared by both SAX & WXML.
+  use FoX_utils, only: URI
+  use m_common_charset, only: XML1_0
+  use m_common_entities, only: entity_list, init_entity_list, destroy_entity_list, &
+    add_internal_entity, add_external_entity
+  use m_common_element, only: element_list, init_element_list, destroy_element_list
+  use m_common_notations, only: notation_list, init_notation_list, destroy_notation_list
+  implicit none
+  private
+  type xml_doc_state
+    logical :: building = .false. ! Are we in the middle of building this doc?
+    integer :: xml_version = XML1_0
+    logical :: standalone_declared = .false.
+    logical :: standalone = .false.
+    type(entity_list) :: entityList
+    type(entity_list) :: PEList
+    type(notation_list) :: nList
+    type(element_list) :: element_list
+    logical :: warning = .false. ! Do we care about warnings?
+    logical :: valid = .true. ! Do we care about validity?
+    logical :: liveNodeLists = .true. ! Do we want live nodelists?
+    character, pointer :: encoding(:) => null()
+    character, pointer :: inputEncoding(:) => null()
+    character, pointer :: documentURI(:) => null()
+    character, pointer :: intSubset(:) => null()
+  end type xml_doc_state
+  public :: xml_doc_state
+  public :: init_xml_doc_state
+  public :: destroy_xml_doc_state
+  public :: register_internal_PE
+  public :: register_external_PE
+  public :: register_internal_GE
+  public :: register_external_GE
+  subroutine init_xml_doc_state(xds)
+    type(xml_doc_state), intent(inout) :: xds
+    call init_entity_list(xds%entityList)
+    call init_entity_list(xds%PEList)
+    call init_notation_list(xds%nList)
+    call init_element_list(xds%element_list)
+    allocate(xds%inputEncoding(0))
+    allocate(xds%intSubset(0))
+  end subroutine init_xml_doc_state
+  subroutine destroy_xml_doc_state(xds)
+    type(xml_doc_state), intent(inout) :: xds
+    call destroy_entity_list(xds%entityList)
+    call destroy_entity_list(xds%PEList)
+    call destroy_notation_list(xds%nList)
+    call destroy_element_list(xds%element_list)
+    if (associated(xds%encoding)) deallocate(xds%encoding)
+    if (associated(xds%inputEncoding)) deallocate(xds%inputEncoding)
+    if (associated(xds%documentURI)) deallocate(xds%documentURI)
+    deallocate(xds%intSubset)
+  end subroutine destroy_xml_doc_state
+  subroutine register_internal_PE(xds, name, text, wfc, baseURI)
+    type(xml_doc_state), intent(inout) :: xds
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: text
+    logical, intent(in) :: wfc
+    type(URI), pointer :: baseURI
+    call add_internal_entity(xds%PEList, name=name, text=text, &
+      wfc=wfc, baseURI=baseURI)
+  end subroutine register_internal_PE
+  subroutine register_external_PE(xds, name, systemId, wfc, baseURI, publicId)
+    type(xml_doc_state), intent(inout) :: xds
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: systemId
+    logical, intent(in) :: wfc
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: publicId
+    type(URI), pointer :: baseURI
+    call add_external_entity(xds%PEList, name=name, &
+      publicId=publicId, systemId=systemId, &
+      wfc=wfc, baseURI=baseURI)
+  end subroutine register_external_PE
+  subroutine register_internal_GE(xds, name, text, wfc, baseURI)
+    type(xml_doc_state), intent(inout) :: xds
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: text
+    logical, intent(in) :: wfc
+    type(URI), pointer :: baseURI
+    call add_internal_entity(xds%entityList, name=name, text=text, &
+      wfc=wfc, baseURI=baseURI)
+  end subroutine register_internal_GE
+  subroutine register_external_GE(xds, name, systemId, wfc, baseURI, publicId, notation)
+    type(xml_doc_state), intent(inout) :: xds
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: systemId
+    logical, intent(in) :: wfc
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: publicId
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: notation
+    type(URI), pointer :: baseURI
+    call add_external_entity(xds%entityList, name=name, &
+      systemId=systemId, publicId=publicId, notation=notation, &
+      wfc=wfc, baseURI=baseURI)
+  end subroutine register_external_GE
+end module m_common_struct
diff --git a/common/makefile b/common/makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0ba7b70
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+default: install
+OBJFILES=m_common_attrs.$(OBJEXT) m_common_buffer.$(OBJEXT) \
+         m_common_charset.$(OBJEXT) m_common_namespaces.$(OBJEXT) \
+         m_common_error.$(OBJEXT) m_common_elstack.$(OBJEXT) \
+         m_common_io.$(OBJEXT) FoX_common.$(OBJEXT) \
+         m_common_namecheck.$(OBJEXT) m_common_entities.$(OBJEXT) \
+         m_common_notations.$(OBJEXT) m_common_element.$(OBJEXT) \
+         m_common_struct.$(OBJEXT) m_common_entity_expand.$(OBJEXT) \
+         m_common_content_model.$(OBJEXT)
+include ../arch.make
+	m4 -I ../m4 $< > $@
+# Uncomment one of the following lines for debugging/profiling support
+CP=cp -p
+install: $(OBJFILES)
+	@echo "  ==> Creating $(LIBRARY) with $(OBJFILES)"
+	$(CP) $(LIBRARY) $(LIB_DIR) 
+	for i in *.$(MOD_EXT); do \
+      	    $(CP) $$i $(MOD_DIR); done
+	(cd test; make) | tee -a ../common_lib_check.out
+	rm -f *.$(OBJEXT)  *.$(MOD_EXT) $(LIBRARY)
+# DO NOT DELETE THIS LINE - used by make depend
+FoX_common.$(OBJEXT): m_common_attrs.$(OBJEXT)
+m_common_attrs.$(OBJEXT): m_common_element.$(OBJEXT) m_common_error.$(OBJEXT)
+m_common_buffer.$(OBJEXT): m_common_charset.$(OBJEXT) m_common_error.$(OBJEXT)
+m_common_element.$(OBJEXT): m_common_charset.$(OBJEXT) m_common_content_model.$(OBJEXT) m_common_error.$(OBJEXT) m_common_namecheck.$(OBJEXT)
+m_common_elstack.$(OBJEXT): m_common_content_model.$(OBJEXT) m_common_error.$(OBJEXT)
+m_common_entities.$(OBJEXT): m_common_charset.$(OBJEXT) m_common_error.$(OBJEXT)
+m_common_entity_expand.$(OBJEXT): m_common_entities.$(OBJEXT) m_common_error.$(OBJEXT)
+m_common_entity_expand.$(OBJEXT): m_common_namecheck.$(OBJEXT) m_common_struct.$(OBJEXT)
+m_common_io.$(OBJEXT): m_common_error.$(OBJEXT)
+m_common_namecheck.$(OBJEXT): m_common_charset.$(OBJEXT)
+m_common_namespaces.$(OBJEXT): m_common_attrs.$(OBJEXT) m_common_charset.$(OBJEXT) m_common_error.$(OBJEXT)
+m_common_namespaces.$(OBJEXT): m_common_namecheck.$(OBJEXT) m_common_struct.$(OBJEXT)
+m_common_notations.$(OBJEXT): m_common_error.$(OBJEXT)
+m_common_struct.$(OBJEXT): m_common_charset.$(OBJEXT) m_common_element.$(OBJEXT) m_common_entities.$(OBJEXT)
+m_common_struct.$(OBJEXT): m_common_notations.$(OBJEXT)
diff --git a/common/test/Makefile b/common/test/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..57fe0ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/test/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+include ../../arch.make
+INCFLAGS=`../../FoX-config --fcflags`
+.f90.exe: ../libFoX_common.$(LIBEXT)
+	$(FC) $(FFLAGS) $(INCFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) $(FCFLAGS_free_f90) $(LINK_O_FLAG) $@ $< `../../FoX-config --libs --common`
+	OBJEXT=$(OBJEXT) ./run_tests.sh
+	rm -f *.$(OBJEXT) *.exe
diff --git a/common/test/run_tests.sh b/common/test/run_tests.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..aeb5817
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/test/run_tests.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,325 @@
+INCFLAGS=`../../FoX-config --fcflags`
+export INCFLAGS
+make clean
+rm -f passed.score failed.score
+touch passed.score failed.score
+rm -f tests.out failed.out
+#for t in test_xml*.sh
+#  ./$t
+echo "Testing reading strings"
+./test.sh test_input
+echo "Testing integer to string conversion"
+echo Scalars:
+for i in '0 0' '1 1' '-1 -1' '10 10' '-356 -356'
+  ./test_str.sh $i
+echo Arrays:
+./test_str.sh "(/0, 1, 2, 3/)" "0 1 2 3"
+./test_str.sh "(/0, 1, -2, -100/)" "0 1 -2 -100"
+./test_str.sh "(/0/)" "0"
+echo Matrices:
+./test_str.sh "reshape((/0,1,2,3,4,5/), (/3,2/))" "0 1 2 3 4 5"
+./test_str.sh "reshape((/0,1,2,3,4,5,4,5,6,7,8,9/),(/3,4/))" "0 1 2 3 4 5 4 5 6 7 8 9"
+echo "Testing integer to hex string conversion"
+echo Scalars:
+for i in '0,"x" 0' '1,"x" 1' '-1,"x" -1' '10,"x" a' '-356,"x" -164'
+  ./test_str.sh $i
+for i in '0,"x2" 00' '1,"x2" 01' '10,"x2" 0a' '20,"x2" 14'
+  ./test_str.sh $i
+echo Arrays:
+./test_str.sh "(/0, 1, 2, 3/)" "0 1 2 3"
+./test_str.sh "(/0, 1, -2, -100/)" "0 1 -2 -100"
+./test_str.sh "(/0/)" "0"
+./test_str.sh '(/0, 1, 2, 3/),"x"' "0 1 2 3"
+./test_str.sh '(/0, 1, 2, 3/),"x2"' "00 01 02 03"
+./test_str.sh '(/0, 1, -2, -100/),"x"' "0 1 -2 -64"
+./test_str.sh '(/0, 1, 2, 100/),"x2"' "00 01 02 64"
+./test_str.sh '(/0/),"x"' "0"
+./test_str.sh '(/0/),"x2"' "00"
+echo Matrices:
+./test_str.sh "reshape((/0,1,2,3,4,5/), (/3,2/))" "0 1 2 3 4 5"
+./test_str.sh "reshape((/0,1,2,3,4,5,4,5,6,7,8,9/),(/3,4/))" "0 1 2 3 4 5 4 5 6 7 8 9"
+echo "Testing logical to string conversion"
+echo Scalars:
+for i in '.True. true' '.False. false';
+  ./test_str.sh $i
+echo Arrays:
+./test_str.sh "(/.true./)" "true"
+./test_str.sh "(/.false./)" "false"
+./test_str.sh "(/.true., .false./)" "true false"
+./test_str.sh "(/.false., .true., .false./)" "false true false"
+echo Matrices:
+./test_str.sh "reshape((/.true.,.true.,.true.,.false.,.false.,.false./),(/3,2/))" "true true true false false false"
+./test_str.sh "reshape((/.true.,.true.,.false.,.false.,.true.,.true./),(/2,3/))" "true true false false true true"
+echo "Testing single precision to string conversion"
+echo Scalars:
+for i in \
+         '0.50e0,"s1" 5e-1' \
+         '0.50e0,"s2" 5.0e-1' \
+         '0.50e0,"s3" 5.00e-1' \
+         '0.50e0,"s4" 5.000e-1' \
+         '0.50e0,"s5" 5.0000e-1' \
+         '0.50e0,"r0" 0' \
+         '0.50e0,"r1" 0.5' \
+         '0.50e0,"r2" 0.50' \
+         '0.50e0,"r3" 0.500' \
+         '0.50e0,"r4" 0.5000' \
+         '0.00e0,"s1" 0e0' \
+         '0.00e0,"s2" 0.0e0' \
+         '0.00e0,"s3" 0.00e0' \
+         '0.00e0,"s4" 0.000e0' \
+         '0.00e0,"s5" 0.0000e0' \
+         '0.00e0,"r0" 0' \
+         '0.00e0,"r1" 0.0' \
+         '0.00e0,"r2" 0.00' \
+         '0.00e0,"r3" 0.000' \
+         '0.00e0,"r4" 0.0000' \
+         '1.00e0,"s1" 1e0' \
+         '1.00e0,"s2" 1.0e0' \
+         '1.00e0,"s3" 1.00e0' \
+         '1.00e0,"s4" 1.000e0' \
+         '1.00e0,"s5" 1.0000e0' \
+         '1.00e0,"r0" 1' \
+         '1.00e0,"r1" 1.0' \
+         '1.00e0,"r2" 1.00' \
+         '1.00e0,"r3" 1.000' \
+         '1.00e0,"r4" 1.0000' \
+         '-1.00e0,"s1" -1e0' \
+         '-1.00e0,"s2" -1.0e0' \
+         '-1.00e0,"s3" -1.00e0' \
+         '-1.00e0,"s4" -1.000e0' \
+         '-1.00e0,"s5" -1.0000e0' \
+         '-1.00e0,"r0" -1' \
+         '-1.00e0,"r1" -1.0' \
+         '-1.00e0,"r2" -1.00' \
+         '-1.00e0,"r3" -1.000' \
+         '-1.00e0,"r4" -1.0000' \
+         '1.00e1,"s1" 1e1' \
+         '1.00e1,"s2" 1.0e1' \
+         '1.00e1,"s3" 1.00e1' \
+         '1.00e1,"s4" 1.000e1' \
+         '1.00e1,"s5" 1.0000e1' \
+         '1.00e1,"r0" 10' \
+         '1.00e1,"r1" 10.0' \
+         '1.00e1,"r2" 10.00' \
+         '1.00e1,"r3" 10.000' \
+         '1.00e1,"r4" 10.0000' \
+         '-1.00e1,"s1" -1e1' \
+         '-1.00e1,"s2" -1.0e1' \
+         '-1.00e1,"s3" -1.00e1' \
+         '-1.00e1,"s4" -1.000e1' \
+         '-1.00e1,"s5" -1.0000e1' \
+         '-1.00e1,"r0" -10' \
+         '-1.00e1,"r1" -10.0' \
+         '-1.00e1,"r2" -10.00' \
+         '-1.00e1,"r3" -10.000' \
+         '-1.00e1,"r4" -10.0000' \
+         '-1.00e4,"s1" -1e4' \
+         '-1.00e4,"s2" -1.0e4' \
+         '-1.00e4,"s3" -1.00e4' \
+         '-1.00e4,"s4" -1.000e4' \
+         '-1.00e4,"s5" -1.0000e4' \
+         '-1.00e4,"r0" -10000' \
+         '-1.00e4,"r1" -10000.0' \
+         '-1.00e4,"r2" -10000.00' \
+         '-1.00e4/3.0e0,"s1" -3e3' \
+         '-1.00e4/3.0e0,"s2" -3.3e3' \
+         '-1.00e4/3.0e0,"s3" -3.33e3' \
+         '-1.00e4/3.0e0,"s4" -3.333e3' \
+         '-1.00e4/3.0e0,"s5" -3.3333e3' \
+         '-1.00e4/3.0e0,"r0" -3333' \
+         '-1.00e4/3.0e0,"r1" -3333.3' \
+         '-1.00e4/3.0e0,"r2" -3333.33' \
+         '-2.00e4/3.0e0,"s1" -7e3' \
+         '-2.00e4/3.0e0,"s2" -6.7e3' \
+         '-2.00e4/3.0e0,"s3" -6.67e3' \
+         '-2.00e4/3.0e0,"s4" -6.667e3' \
+         '-2.00e4/3.0e0,"s5" -6.6667e3' \
+         '-2.00e4/3.0e0,"r0" -6667' \
+         '-2.00e4/3.0e0,"r1" -6666.7' \
+         '-2.00e4/3.0e0,"r2" -6666.67' \
+         '-2.00e4/3.0e0,"r3" -6666.667' \
+         '-99.9e0,"s1" -1e2' \
+         '-99.9e0,"s2" -1.0e2' \
+         '-99.9e0,"s3" -9.99e1' \
+         '-99.9e0,"s4" -9.990e1' \
+         '-99.9e0,"s5" -9.9900e1' \
+         '-99.9e0,"r0" -100' \
+         '-99.9e0,"r1" -99.9' \
+         '-99.9e0,"r2" -99.90' \
+         '-99.9e0,"r3" -99.900' \
+         '-99.9e0,"r4" -99.9000'
+  ./test_str.sh $i
+echo Arrays:
+./test_str.sh '(/0.0e0/),"s3"' "0.00e0"
+./test_str.sh '(/0.0e0, 1.0e0/),"s5"' "0.0000e0 1.0000e0"
+./test_str.sh '(/0.0e0, 100e0/),"s3"' "0.00e0 1.00e2"
+./test_str.sh '(/0.35e0, 0.0e0, 100e0/),"s3"' "3.50e-1 0.00e0 1.00e2"
+echo Matrices
+./test_str.sh 'reshape((/0.0,1.0,3.0,4.0,4.0,5.0/),(/3,2/)),"r1"' "0.0 1.0 3.0 4.0 4.0 5.0"
+./test_str.sh 'reshape((/0.0,1.0,2.0,3.0,4.0,5.0/),(/3,2/)),"r1"' "0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0"
+echo "Testing double precision to string conversion"
+echo Scalars:
+for i in \
+         '0.50e0,"s1" 5e-1' \
+         '0.50e0,"s2" 5.0e-1' \
+         '0.50e0,"s3" 5.00e-1' \
+         '0.50e0,"s4" 5.000e-1' \
+         '0.50e0,"s5" 5.0000e-1' \
+         '0.50e0,"r0" 0' \
+         '0.50e0,"r1" 0.5' \
+         '0.50e0,"r2" 0.50' \
+         '0.50e0,"r3" 0.500' \
+         '0.00d0,"s1" 0e0' \
+         '0.00d0,"s2" 0.0e0' \
+         '0.00d0,"s3" 0.00e0' \
+         '0.00d0,"s4" 0.000e0' \
+         '0.00d0,"s5" 0.0000e0' \
+         '0.00d0,"r0" 0' \
+         '0.00d0,"r1" 0.0' \
+         '0.00d0,"r2" 0.00' \
+         '0.00d0,"r3" 0.000' \
+         '0.00d0,"r4" 0.0000' \
+         '1.00d0,"s1" 1e0' \
+         '1.00d0,"s2" 1.0e0' \
+         '1.00d0,"s3" 1.00e0' \
+         '1.00d0,"s4" 1.000e0' \
+         '1.00d0,"s5" 1.0000e0' \
+         '1.00d0,"r0" 1' \
+         '1.00d0,"r1" 1.0' \
+         '1.00d0,"r2" 1.00' \
+         '1.00d0,"r3" 1.000' \
+         '1.00d0,"r4" 1.0000' \
+         '-1.00d0,"s1" -1e0' \
+         '-1.00d0,"s2" -1.0e0' \
+         '-1.00d0,"s3" -1.00e0' \
+         '-1.00d0,"s4" -1.000e0' \
+         '-1.00d0,"s5" -1.0000e0' \
+         '-1.00d0,"r0" -1' \
+         '-1.00d0,"r1" -1.0' \
+         '-1.00d0,"r2" -1.00' \
+         '-1.00d0,"r3" -1.000' \
+         '-1.00d0,"r4" -1.0000' \
+         '1.00d1,"s1" 1e1' \
+         '1.00d1,"s2" 1.0e1' \
+         '1.00d1,"s3" 1.00e1' \
+         '1.00d1,"s4" 1.000e1' \
+         '1.00d1,"s5" 1.0000e1' \
+         '1.00d1,"r0" 10' \
+         '1.00d1,"r1" 10.0' \
+         '1.00d1,"r2" 10.00' \
+         '1.00d1,"r3" 10.000' \
+         '1.00d1,"r4" 10.0000' \
+         '-1.00d1,"s1" -1e1' \
+         '-1.00d1,"s2" -1.0e1' \
+         '-1.00d1,"s3" -1.00e1' \
+         '-1.00d1,"s4" -1.000e1' \
+         '-1.00d1,"s5" -1.0000e1' \
+         '-1.00d1,"r0" -10' \
+         '-1.00d1,"r1" -10.0' \
+         '-1.00d1,"r2" -10.00' \
+         '-1.00d1,"r3" -10.000' \
+         '-1.00d1,"r4" -10.0000' \
+         '-1.00d4,"s1" -1e4' \
+         '-1.00d4,"s2" -1.0e4' \
+         '-1.00d4,"s3" -1.00e4' \
+         '-1.00d4,"s4" -1.000e4' \
+         '-1.00d4,"s5" -1.0000e4' \
+         '-1.00d4,"r0" -10000' \
+         '-1.00d4,"r1" -10000.0' \
+         '-1.00d4,"r2" -10000.00' \
+         '-1.00d4,"r3" -10000.000' \
+         '-1.00d4,"r4" -10000.0000' \
+         '-1.00d4/3.0d0,"s1" -3e3' \
+         '-1.00d4/3.0d0,"s2" -3.3e3' \
+         '-1.00d4/3.0d0,"s3" -3.33e3' \
+         '-1.00d4/3.0d0,"s4" -3.333e3' \
+         '-1.00d4/3.0d0,"s5" -3.3333e3' \
+         '-1.00d4/3.0d0,"r0" -3333' \
+         '-1.00d4/3.0d0,"r1" -3333.3' \
+         '-1.00d4/3.0d0,"r2" -3333.33' \
+         '-1.00d4/3.0d0,"r3" -3333.333' \
+         '-2.00d4/3.0d0,"s1" -7e3' \
+         '-2.00d4/3.0d0,"s2" -6.7e3' \
+         '-2.00d4/3.0d0,"s3" -6.67e3' \
+         '-2.00d4/3.0d0,"s4" -6.667e3' \
+         '-2.00d4/3.0d0,"s5" -6.6667e3' \
+         '-2.00d4/3.0d0,"r0" -6667' \
+         '-2.00d4/3.0d0,"r1" -6666.7' \
+         '-2.00d4/3.0d0,"r2" -6666.67' \
+         '-2.00d4/3.0d0,"r3" -6666.667' \
+         '-2.00d4/3.0d0,"r4" -6666.6667' \
+         '-99.9d0,"s1" -1e2' \
+         '-99.9d0,"s2" -1.0e2' \
+         '-99.9d0,"s3" -9.99e1' \
+         '-99.9d0,"s4" -9.990e1' \
+         '-99.9d0,"s5" -9.9900e1' \
+         '-99.9d0,"r0" -100' \
+         '-99.9d0,"r1" -99.9' \
+         '-99.9d0,"r2" -99.90' \
+         '-99.9d0,"r3" -99.900' \
+         '-99.9d0,"r4" -99.9000'
+  ./test_str.sh $i
+echo Arrays:
+./test_str.sh '(/0.0d0/),"s3"' "0.00e0"
+./test_str.sh '(/0.0d0, 1.0d0/),"s5"' "0.0000e0 1.0000e0"
+./test_str.sh '(/0.0d0, 100d0/),"s3"' "0.00e0 1.00e2"
+./test_str.sh '(/0.35d0, 0.0d0, 100d0/),"s3"' "3.50e-1 0.00e0 1.00e2"
+echo Matrices
+./test_str.sh 'reshape((/0.0d0,1.0d0,3.0d0,4.0d0,4.0d0,5.0d0/),(/3,2/)),"r1"' "0.0 1.0 3.0 4.0 4.0 5.0"
+./test_str.sh 'reshape((/0.0d0,1.0d0,2.0d0,3.0d0,4.0d0,5.0d0/),(/3,2/)),"r1"' "0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0"
+echo "Testing complex float to string conversion"
+echo "Scalars:"
+./test_str.sh '(0.50e0, 0.50e0),"s1"' '(5e-1)+i(5e-1)'
+./test_str.sh '(-0.50e0, 0.50e0),"s1"' '(-5e-1)+i(5e-1)'
+./test_str.sh '(0.50e0, -0.50e0),"s1"' '(5e-1)+i(-5e-1)'
+./test_str.sh '(-0.50e0, -0.50e0),"s1"' '(-5e-1)+i(-5e-1)'
+echo "Arrays:"
+./test_str.sh '(/(0.50e0, 0.50e0), (1e0, 1e0)/),"s1"' '(5e-1)+i(5e-1) (1e0)+i(1e0)'
+./test_str.sh '(/(0.50e0, 0.50e0), (1e0, 1e0), (2e0, 2e0), (-2e0, -2e0)/),"s1"' '(5e-1)+i(5e-1) (1e0)+i(1e0) (2e0)+i(2e0) (-2e0)+i(-2e0)'
+echo "Matrices:"
+./test_str.sh 'reshape((/(0.50e0, 0.50e0), (1e0, 1e0), (2e0, 2e0), (-2e0, -2e0)/),(/1,4/)),"s1"' '(5e-1)+i(5e-1) (1e0)+i(1e0) (2e0)+i(2e0) (-2e0)+i(-2e0)'
+./test_str.sh 'reshape((/(0.50e0, 0.50e0), (1e0, 1e0), (2e0, 2e0), (-2e0, -2e0)/),(/2,2/)),"s1"' '(5e-1)+i(5e-1) (1e0)+i(1e0) (2e0)+i(2e0) (-2e0)+i(-2e0)'
+echo "Testing complex double to string conversion"
+echo "Scalars:"
+./test_str.sh '(0.50d0, 0.50d0),"s1"' '(5e-1)+i(5e-1)'
+./test_str.sh '(-0.50d0, 0.50d0),"s1"' '(-5e-1)+i(5e-1)'
+./test_str.sh '(0.50d0, -0.50d0),"s1"' '(5e-1)+i(-5e-1)'
+./test_str.sh '(-0.50d0, -0.50d0),"s1"' '(-5e-1)+i(-5e-1)'
+echo "Arrays:"
+./test_str.sh '(/(0.50d0, 0.50d0), (1d0, 1d0)/),"s1"' '(5e-1)+i(5e-1) (1e0)+i(1e0)'
+./test_str.sh '(/(0.50d0, 0.50d0), (1d0, 1d0), (2d0, 2d0), (-2d0, -2d0)/),"s1"' '(5e-1)+i(5e-1) (1e0)+i(1e0) (2e0)+i(2e0) (-2e0)+i(-2e0)'
+echo "Matrices:"
+./test_str.sh 'reshape((/(0.50d0, 0.50d0), (1d0, 1d0), (2d0, 2d0), (-2d0, -2d0)/),(/1,4/)),"s1"' '(5e-1)+i(5e-1) (1e0)+i(1e0) (2e0)+i(2e0) (-2e0)+i(-2e0)'
+./test_str.sh 'reshape((/(0.50d0, 0.50d0), (1d0, 1d0), (2d0, 2d0), (-2d0, -2d0)/),(/2,2/)),"s1"' '(5e-1)+i(5e-1) (1e0)+i(1e0) (2e0)+i(2e0) (-2e0)+i(-2e0)'
+echo RESULT common/ Test Results:
+echo RESULT common/ Passed: `wc -c passed.score`
+echo RESULT common/ Failed: `wc -c failed.score`
+echo RESULT common/ See common/test/failed.out for details of failed tests.
diff --git a/common/test/test.sh b/common/test/test.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..f8d8da2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/test/test.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+# Core files off, because they are huge on a Mac
+ulimit -c 0
+# NB Note that we ensure all locally-produced files 
+# have Unix line endings only by using 'tr', in
+# order to compare properly to our canonical versions.
+if ! make $1.exe; then
+  echo $1 >> failed.out
+  echo "------------" >> failed.out
+  echo Cannot compile $1 >> failed.out
+  echo "------------" >> failed.out
+  ./$1.exe 2>&1 | tr -d '\15' | grep -v 'STOP' > test.out
+  if test -f $1.xml
+  then
+    tr -d '\15' < test.xml | grep -v UUID > test.xml.tmp; mv test.xml.tmp test.xml
+    if test -f test.xml
+    then
+      if diff test.xml $1.xml > /dev/null; then
+        passed=yes
+      else
+        echo $1 >> failed.out
+        echo "------------" >> failed.out
+        diff -u test.xml $1.xml >> failed.out
+        echo "------------" >> failed.out
+      fi
+    else
+      echo $1 >> failed.out
+      echo " -----------"
+      echo "test.xml not produced"
+      echo " -----------"
+    fi
+  elif test -f $1.out
+  then
+    # Note that for most of the test.sh files we only check
+    # that the DIFFerences are in one direction. Here, we need
+    # to check both directions as the "test_input" file reports
+    # errors in a non-standard way (by adding lines). 
+    # FIXME: Better to correct test_input?
+    if diff -B -b test.out $1.out | grep "^[><]" > /dev/null; then
+      echo $1 >> failed.out
+      echo "------------" >> failed.out
+      diff -u test.out $1.out >> failed.out
+      echo "------------" >> failed.out
+    else
+      passed=yes
+    fi
+  else
+    echo $1 >> failed.out
+    echo "------------" >> failed.out
+    echo No test output found for $1
+    echo "------------" >> failed.out
+  fi
+if [ $passed = yes ]; then
+  echo 'PASSED: ' $1 
+  echo 'PASSED: ' $1 >> tests.out
+  echo '1' >> passed.score
+  echo 'FAILED: ' $1 
+  echo 'FAILED: ' $1 >> tests.out
+  echo '1' >> failed.score
diff --git a/common/test/test_common_namecheck.sh b/common/test/test_common_namecheck.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..e521c92
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/test/test_common_namecheck.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+#!/bin/sh -e
+for t in ${0%.sh}_*.f90
+  TEST=${t%.f90}
+  ./test.sh $TEST
diff --git a/common/test/test_input.f90 b/common/test/test_input.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..81a863f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/test/test_input.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,846 @@
+program short_test
+  use fox_m_fsys_realtypes, only: sp, dp
+  use FoX_common, only : rts, countrts
+  print*, "test.0.1.1"
+  call stringdatascalar("abcd", "abcd", 1, 0)
+  print*, "test.0.1.2"
+  call stringdatascalar(" abcd ", "abcd", 1, 0)
+  print*, "test.0.1.3"
+  call stringdatascalar(" abc d ", "abc d", 1, 0)
+  print*, "test.0.1.4"
+  call stringdatascalar(" abc  d ", "abc d", 1, 0)
+  print*, "test.0.1.5"
+  call stringdatascalar(" abc "//achar(13)//"  d ", "abc d", 1, 0)
+  print*, "test.0.2.1"
+  call logicaldatascalar("true", .true., 1, 0)
+  print*, "test.0.2.2"
+  call logicaldatascalar("false", .false., 1, 0)
+  print*, "test.0.2.3"
+  call logicaldatascalar("1", .true., 1, 0)
+  print*, "test.0.2.4"
+  call logicaldatascalar("0", .false., 1, 0)
+  print*, "test.0.2.5"
+  call logicaldatascalar("  true  ", .true., 1, 0)
+  print*, "test.0.2.6"
+  call logicaldatascalar("  false  ", .false., 1, 0)
+  print*, "test.0.2.7"
+  call logicaldatascalar("  1 ", .true., 1, 0)
+  print*, "test.0.2.8"
+  call logicaldatascalar("  0 ", .false., 1, 0)
+  print*, "test.0.2.9"
+  call logicaldatascalar("  .tru ", .false., 0, 2)
+  print*, "test.0.2.10"
+  call logicaldatascalar("  false. ", .false., 0, 2)
+  print*, "test.0.3.1"
+  call integerdatascalar(" 1 ", 1, 1, 0)
+  print*, "test.0.3.2"
+  call integerdatascalar(" -10 ", -10, 1, 0)
+  print*, "test.0.3.3"
+  call integerdatascalar(" -1.3 ", 0, 0, 2)
+  print*, "test.0.4.1"
+  call realspdatascalar(" 1 ", 1.0, 1, 0)
+  print*, "test.0.4.2"
+  call realspdatascalar(" -1.35D2", -1.35e2, 1, 0)
+  print*, "test.0.4.3"
+  call realspdatascalar(" -1.35FG", 0.0, 0, 2)
+  print*, "test.0.5.1"
+  call realdpdatascalar(" 1 ", 1.0_dp, 1, 0)
+  print*, "test.0.5.2"
+  call realdpdatascalar(" -1.35D2", -1.35e2_dp, 1, 0)
+  print*, "test.0.5.3"
+  call realdpdatascalar(" -1.35FG", 0.0_dp, 0, 2)
+  print*, "test.0.6.1"
+  call complexspdatascalar(" 1,2 ", (1.0,2.0), 1, 0)
+  print*, "test.0.6.2"
+  call complexspdatascalar(" (1)+i(2)", (1.0,2.0), 1, 0)
+  print*, "test.0.6.3"
+  call complexspdatascalar(" arse", (0.0,0.0), 0, 2)
+  print*, "test.0.7.1"
+  call complexdpdatascalar(" 1,2 ", (1.0_dp,2.0_dp), 1, 0)
+  print*, "test.0.7.2"
+  call complexdpdatascalar(" (1)+i(2)", (1.0_dp,2.0_dp), 1, 0)
+  print*, "test.0.7.3"
+  call complexdpdatascalar(" arse", (0.0_dp,0.0_dp), 0, 2)
+  print*,"test.1.1.1"
+  call stringdataarray("a b c d e", (/"a", "b", "c", "d", "e"/), 5, 0)
+  print*,"test.1.1.2"
+  call stringdataarray("a b c d", (/"a", "b", "c", "d", " "/), 4, -1)
+  print*,"test.1.1.3"
+  call stringdataarray("a b c d e f", (/"a", "b", "c", "d", "e"/), 5, 1)
+  print*,"test.1.2.1"
+  call stringdataarray("a, b, c, d, e", (/"a ", " b", " c", " d", " e"/), &
+    5, 0, ",")
+  print*,"test.1.2.2"
+  call stringdataarray("a, b, c, d", (/"a ", " b", " c", " d", "  "/), &
+    4, -1, ",")
+  print*,"test.1.2.3"
+  call stringdataarray("a, b, c, d, e, f", (/"a ", " b", " c", " d", " e"/), &
+    5, 1, ",")
+  print*,"test.1.2.4"
+  call stringdataarray("a, b, c, d, e, ", (/"a ", " b", " c", " d", " e"/), &
+    5, 1, ",")
+  print*,"test.1.2.5"
+  call stringdataarray("a, b, c, d, e,", (/"a ", " b", " c", " d", " e"/), &
+    5, 0, ",")
+  print*,"test.1.2.6"
+  call stringdataarray("a, b, c, d, e", (/"a ", " b", " c", " d", " e"/), &
+    5, 0, csv=.true.)
+  print*,"test.1.2.7"
+  call stringdataarray("a, b, c, d", (/"a ", " b", " c", " d", "  "/), &
+    4, -1, csv=.true.)
+  print*,"test.1.2.8"
+  call stringdataarray("a, b, c, d, e, f", (/"a ", " b", " c", " d", " e"/), &
+    5, 1, csv=.true.)
+  print*,"test.1.2.9" 
+  call stringdataarray("a, b, c, d, e, ", (/"a ", " b", " c", " d", " e"/), &
+    5, 1, csv=.true.)
+  print*,"test.1.2.10"
+  call stringdataarray("a, b, c, d, e,", (/"a ", " b", " c", " d", " e"/), &
+    5, 1, csv=.true.)
+  print*,"test.1.2.11"
+  call stringdataarray("a, b, c,, e", (/"a ", " b", " c", "  ", " e"/), & 
+    5, 0, csv=.true.)
+  print*,"test.1.2.12"
+  call stringdataarray("a, b, c, d,", (/"a ", " b", " c", " d", "  "/), &  
+    5, 0, csv=.true.)
+  print*,"test.1.2.13"
+  call stringdataarray(", b, c, d, e", (/"  ", " b", " c", " d", " e"/), & 
+    5, 0, csv=.true.)
+  print*,"test.1.3.1"
+  call stringdatamatrix("a b c d e f", &
+    reshape((/"a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f"/), (/2,3/)), &
+    6, 0)
+  print*,"test.1.3.2"
+  call stringdatamatrix("a b c d", &
+    reshape((/"a", "b", "c", "d", " ", " "/), (/2,3/)), &
+    4, -1)
+  print*,"test.1.3.3"
+  call stringdatamatrix("a b c d e f g", &
+    reshape((/"a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f"/), (/2,3/)), &
+    6, 1)
+  print*,"test.1.4.1"
+  call stringdatamatrix("a, b, c, d, e, f", &
+    reshape((/"a ", " b", " c", " d", " e", " f"/), (/2,3/)), &
+    6, 0, ",")
+  print*,"test.1.4.2"
+  call stringdatamatrix("a, b, c, d", &
+    reshape((/"a ", " b", " c", " d", "  ", "  "/), (/2,3/)), &
+    4, -1, ",")
+  print*,"test.1.4.3"
+  call stringdatamatrix("a, b, c, d, e, f, g", &
+    reshape((/"a ", " b", " c", " d", " e", " f"/), (/2,3/)), &
+    6, 1, ",")
+  print*,"test.1.4.4"
+  call stringdatamatrix("a, b, c, d, e, f, ", &
+    reshape((/"a ", " b", " c", " d", " e", " f"/), (/2,3/)), &
+    6, 1, ",")
+  print*,"test.1.4.5"
+  call stringdatamatrix("a, b, c, d, e, f,", &
+    reshape((/"a ", " b", " c", " d", " e", " f"/), (/2,3/)), &
+    6, 0, ",")
+  print*, "test.2.1.1"
+  call logicaldataarray("true false false false true", &
+    (/.true., .false., .false., .false., .true./), 5, 0)
+  print*, "test.2.1.2"
+  call logicaldataarray("true false false false", &
+    (/.true., .false., .false., .false., .false./), 4, -1)
+  print*, "test.2.1.3"
+  call logicaldataarray("true false false false true true", &
+    (/.true., .false., .false., .false., .true./), 5, 1)
+  print*, "test.2.1.4"
+  call logicaldataarray("true, false, false, false true", &
+    (/.true., .false., .false., .false., .true./), 5, 0)
+  print*, "test.2.1.5"
+  call logicaldataarray("true, false, false, ,false true", &
+    (/.true., .false., .false., .false., .false./), 3, 2)
+  print*, "test.2.2.1"
+  call logicaldatamatrix("true false false false true true", &
+    reshape((/.true., .false., .false., .false., .true., .true./), (/2,3/)), &
+    6, 0)
+  print*, "test.2.2.2"
+  call logicaldatamatrix("true false false false", &
+    reshape((/.true., .false., .false., .false., .false., .false./), (/2,3/)), &
+    4, -1)
+  print*, "test.2.2.3"
+  call logicaldatamatrix("true false false false true true false", &
+    reshape((/.true., .false., .false., .false., .true., .true./), (/2,3/)), &
+    6, 1)
+  print*, "test.3.1.1"
+  call integerdataarray("1 2 3 4 5", &
+    (/1, 2, 3, 4, 5/), 5, 0)
+  print*, "test.3.1.2"
+  call integerdataarray("1 2 3 4", &
+    (/1, 2, 3, 4, 0/), 4, -1)
+  print*, "test.3.1.3"
+  call integerdataarray("1 2 3 4 5 6", &
+    (/1, 2, 3, 4, 5/), 5, 1)
+  print*, "test.3.1.4"
+  call integerdataarray("1, 2, 3, 4, 5", & 
+    (/1, 2, 3, 4, 5/), 5, 0)
+  print*, "test.3.1.5"
+  call integerdataarray("1, 2, 3, 4,", & 
+    (/1, 2, 3, 4, 0/), 4, -1)
+  print*, "test.3.1.6"
+  call integerdataarray("1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,", & 
+    (/1, 2, 3, 4, 5/), 5, 1)
+  print*, "test.4.1.1"
+  call realspdataarray("1.0 -2.e5 +3.44e-3 4. 5.09090909", & 
+    (/1.0e0, -2.e5, 3.44e-3, 4.e0, 5.09090909e0/), 5, 0)
+  print*, "test.4.1.2"
+  call realspdataarray("1.0 -2.e5 +3.44e-3 4.", & 
+    (/1.0e0, -2.e5, 3.44e-3, 4.e0, 0.0e0/), 4, -1)
+  print*, "test.4.1.3"
+  call realspdataarray("1.0 -2.e5 +3.44e-3 4. 5.09090909 -0.3", & 
+    (/1.0e0, -2.e5, 3.44e-3, 4.e0, 5.09090909e0/), 5, 1)
+  print*, "test.4.1.4"
+  call realspdataarray("1.0, -2.e5 +3.44e-3, 4. 5.09090909", & 
+    (/1.0e0, -2.e5, 3.44e-3, 4.e0, 5.09090909e0/), 5, 0)
+  print*, "test.4.1.5"
+  call realspdataarray("1.0, -2.e5 +3.44e-3, 4.", &  
+    (/1.0e0, -2.e5, 3.44e-3, 4.e0, 0.0e0/), 4, -1)
+  print*, "test.4.1.6"
+  call realspdataarray("1.0, -2.e5 +3.44e-3, 4. 5.09090909, -0.3", & 
+    (/1.0e0, -2.e5, 3.44e-3, 4.e0, 5.09090909e0/), 5, 1)
+  print*, "test.5.1.1"
+  call realdpdataarray("1.0 -2.e5 +3.44e-3 4. 5.09090909", & 
+    (/1.0d0, -2.d5, 3.44d-3, 4.d0, 5.09090909d0/), 5, 0)
+  print*, "test.5.1.2"
+  call realdpdataarray("1.0 -2.e5 +3.44e-3 4.", &  
+    (/1.0d0, -2.d5, 3.44d-3, 4.d0, 0.0d0/), 4, -1)
+  print*, "test.5.1.3"
+  call realdpdataarray("1.0 -2.e5 +3.44e-3 4. 5.09090909 -0.3", & 
+    (/1.0d0, -2.d5, 3.44d-3, 4.d0, 5.09090909d0/), 5, 1)
+  print*, "test.5.1.4"
+  call realdpdataarray("1.0, -2.e5 +3.44e-3, 4. 5.09090909", & 
+    (/1.0d0, -2.d5, 3.44d-3, 4.d0, 5.09090909d0/), 5, 0)
+  print*, "test.5.1.5"
+  call realdpdataarray("1.0, -2.e5 +3.44e-3, 4.", &  
+    (/1.0d0, -2.d5, 3.44d-3, 4.d0, 0.0d0/), 4, -1)
+  print*, "test.5.1.6"
+  call realdpdataarray("1.0, -2.e5 +3.44e-3, 4. 5.09090909, -0.3", & 
+    (/1.0d0, -2.d5, 3.44d-3, 4.d0, 5.09090909d0/), 5, 1)
+  print*, "test.6.1.1"
+  call cmplxspdataarray("(1.0)+i(-2.e5) (+3.44e-3)+i(4.) (5.09090909)+i(1.0) (-2e5)+i(+3.44e-3) (4.)+i(5.09090909)", & 
+    (/(1.0e0,-2.e5), (3.44e-3,4.e0), (5.09090909e0,1.0e0), (-2e5,3.44e-3), (4.,5.09090909)/), 5, 0)
+  print*, "test.6.1.2"
+  call cmplxspdataarray("(1.0)+i(-2.e5) (+3.44e-3)+i(4.) (5.09090909)+i(1.0) (-2e5)+i(+3.44e-3)", & 
+    (/(1.0e0,-2.e5), (3.44e-3,4.e0), (5.09090909e0,1.0e0), (-2e5,3.44e-3), (0.,0.)/), 4, -1)
+  print*, "test.6.1.3"
+  call cmplxspdataarray("(1.0)+i(-2.e5) (+3.44e-3)+i(4.) (5.09090909)+i(1.0) (-2e5)+i(+3.44e-3) (4.)+i(5.09090909) (1)+i(1)", & 
+    (/(1.0e0,-2.e5), (3.44e-3,4.e0), (5.09090909e0,1.0e0), (-2e5,3.44e-3), (4.,5.09090909)/), 5, 1)
+  print*, "test.6.1.4"
+  call cmplxspdataarray("1.0,-2.e5 +3.44e-3,4. 5.09090909,1.0 -2e5,+3.44e-3 4.,5.09090909", & 
+    (/(1.0e0,-2.e5), (3.44e-3,4.e0), (5.09090909e0,1.0e0), (-2e5,3.44e-3), (4.,5.09090909)/), 5, 0)
+  print*, "test.6.1.5"
+  call cmplxspdataarray("1.0,-2.e5 +3.44e-3,4. 5.09090909,1.0 -2e5,+3.44e-3", & 
+    (/(1.0e0,-2.e5), (3.44e-3,4.e0), (5.09090909e0,1.0e0), (-2e5,3.44e-3), (0.,0.)/), 4, -1)
+  print*, "test.6.1.6"
+  call cmplxspdataarray("1.0,-2.e5 +3.44e-3,4. 5.09090909,1.0 -2e5,+3.44e-3 4.,5.09090909 1,1", & 
+    (/(1.0e0,-2.e5), (3.44e-3,4.e0), (5.09090909e0,1.0e0), (-2e5,3.44e-3), (4.,5.09090909)/), 5, 1)
+    subroutine stringdatascalar(string, array, num, iostat)
+      character(len=*), intent(in) :: string
+      character(len=*), intent(in) :: array
+      integer, intent(in) :: num, iostat
+      character(len=len(array)) :: temp
+      integer :: n, i 
+      call rts(string, temp, num=n, iostat=i)
+      if (temp/=array) then
+        print*, "Different array"
+        stop
+      endif
+      if (i/=iostat) &
+        print*, "Wrong iostat" 
+      if (n/=num) &
+        print*, "Wrong num"
+      ! Don't test countrts on string scalar rts output,
+      ! as in this case rts does not split on whitespace.
+    end subroutine stringdatascalar
+    subroutine logicaldatascalar(string, array, num, iostat) 
+      character(len=*), intent(in) :: string
+      logical, intent(in) :: array
+      integer, intent(in) :: num, iostat
+      logical :: temp 
+      integer :: n, i 
+      call rts(string, temp, num=n, iostat=i)
+      if (temp.neqv.array) &
+        print*, "Different array"
+      if (i/=iostat) &
+        print*, "Wrong iostat" 
+      if (n/=num) &
+        print*, "Wrong num"
+      if (((i<=0).and.(countrts(string,.false.)/=num)).or. & 
+          ((i>1).and.(countrts(string,.false.)/=0)))      &
+        print*, "Countrts wrong", countrts(string,.false.)
+    end subroutine logicaldatascalar
+    subroutine integerdatascalar(string, array, num, iostat) 
+      character(len=*), intent(in) :: string
+      integer, intent(in) :: array
+      integer, intent(in) :: num, iostat
+      integer :: temp 
+      integer :: n, i 
+      call rts(string, temp, num=n, iostat=i)
+      if (temp/=array) &
+        print*, "Different array"
+      if (i/=iostat) &
+        print*, "Wrong iostat" 
+      if (n/=num) &
+        print*, "Wrong num"
+      if (((i<=0).and.(countrts(string,1)/=num)).or. & 
+          ((i>1).and.(countrts(string,1)/=0)))      &
+        print*, "Countrts wrong", countrts(string,1)
+    end subroutine integerdatascalar
+    subroutine realspdatascalar(string, array, num, iostat) 
+      character(len=*), intent(in) :: string
+      real(sp), intent(in) :: array
+      integer, intent(in) :: num, iostat
+      real(sp) :: temp 
+      integer :: n, i 
+      call rts(string, temp, num=n, iostat=i)
+      if (array==0.0) then
+        if (temp>1e-5) then
+          print*, "Different array"
+        endif   
+      elseif (abs(temp-array)/array>1e-5) then
+        print*, "Different array"
+      endif  
+      if (i/=iostat) &
+        print*, "Wrong iostat" 
+      if (n/=num) &
+        print*, "Wrong num"
+      if (((i<=0).and.(countrts(string,1.0)/=num)).or. & 
+          ((i>1).and.(countrts(string,1.0)/=0)))      &
+        print*, "Countrts wrong", countrts(string,1.0)
+    end subroutine realspdatascalar
+    subroutine realdpdatascalar(string, array, num, iostat) 
+      character(len=*), intent(in) :: string
+      real(dp), intent(in) :: array
+      integer, intent(in) :: num, iostat
+      real(dp) :: temp 
+      integer :: n, i 
+      call rts(string, temp, num=n, iostat=i)
+      if (array==0.0) then
+        if (temp>1e-5) then
+          print*, "Different array"
+        endif   
+      elseif (abs(temp-array)/array>1e-5) then
+        print*, "Different array"
+      endif  
+      if (i/=iostat) &
+        print*, "Wrong iostat" 
+      if (n/=num) &
+        print*, "Wrong num"
+      if (((i<=0).and.(countrts(string,1.0_dp)/=num)).or. & 
+          ((i>1).and.(countrts(string,1.0_dp)/=0)))      &
+        print*, "Countrts wrong", countrts(string,1.0_dp)
+    end subroutine realdpdatascalar
+    subroutine complexspdatascalar(string, array, num, iostat) 
+      character(len=*), intent(in) :: string
+      complex(sp), intent(in) :: array
+      integer, intent(in) :: num, iostat
+      complex(sp) :: temp 
+      integer :: n, i 
+      call rts(string, temp, num=n, iostat=i)
+      if (real(array)==0.0) then
+        if (real(temp)>1e-5) then
+          print*, "Different array"
+        endif   
+      elseif (abs(real(temp)-real(array))/real(array)>1e-5) then
+        print*, "Different array"
+      endif
+      if (aimag(array)==0.0) then
+        if (aimag(temp)>1e-5) then
+          print*, "Different array"
+        endif   
+      elseif (abs(aimag(temp)-aimag(array))/aimag(array)>1e-5) then
+        print*, "Different array"
+      endif
+      if (i/=iostat) &
+        print*, "Wrong iostat" 
+      if (n/=num) &
+        print*, "Wrong num"
+      if (((i<=0).and.(countrts(string,cmplx(1.0,0.0))/=num)).or. & 
+          ((i>1).and.(countrts(string,cmplx(1.0,0.0))/=0)))      &
+        print*, "Countrts wrong", countrts(string,cmplx(1.0,0.0))
+    end subroutine complexspdatascalar
+    subroutine complexdpdatascalar(string, array, num, iostat) 
+      character(len=*), intent(in) :: string
+      complex(dp), intent(in) :: array
+      integer, intent(in) :: num, iostat
+      complex(dp) :: temp 
+      integer :: n, i 
+      call rts(string, temp, num=n, iostat=i)
+      if (real(array)==0.0) then
+        if (real(temp)>1e-5) then
+          print*, "Different array"
+        endif   
+      elseif (abs(real(temp)-real(array))/real(array)>1e-5) then
+        print*, "Different array"
+      endif  
+      if (aimag(array)==0.0) then
+        if (aimag(temp)>1e-5) then
+          print*, "Different array"
+        endif   
+      elseif (abs(aimag(temp)-aimag(array))/aimag(array)>1e-5) then
+        print*, "Different array"
+      endif  
+      if (i/=iostat) &
+        print*, "Wrong iostat" 
+      if (n/=num) &
+        print*, "Wrong num"
+      if (((i<=0).and.(countrts(string,cmplx(1.0_dp,0.0_dp))/=num)).or. & 
+          ((i>1).and.(countrts(string,cmplx(1.0_dp,0.0_dp))/=0)))      &
+        print*, "Countrts wrong", countrts(string,cmplx(1.0_dp,0.0_dp))
+    end subroutine complexdpdatascalar
+    subroutine stringdataarray(string, array, num, iostat, sep, csv)
+      character(len=*), intent(in) :: string
+      character(len=*), dimension(:), intent(in) :: array
+      integer, intent(in) :: num, iostat
+      character, intent(in), optional :: sep
+      logical, intent(in), optional :: csv
+      character(len=len(array)) :: temp(size(array))
+      integer :: n, i
+      call rts(string, temp, separator=sep, csv=csv, num=n, iostat=i)
+      if (any(temp/=array)) &
+        print*, "Different array"
+      if (i/=iostat) &
+        print*, "Wrong iostat"
+      if (n/=num) &
+        print*, "Wrong num"
+      if (((i<=0).and.(countrts(string," ",sep,csv)/=num)).or. & 
+          ((i>1).and.(countrts(string," ",sep,csv)/=0)))      &
+        print*, "Countrts wrong", countrts(string," ",sep,csv)
+    end subroutine stringdataarray
+    subroutine stringdatamatrix(string, array, num, iostat, sep, csv)
+      character(len=*), intent(in) :: string
+      character(len=*), dimension(:, :), intent(in) :: array
+      integer, intent(in) :: num, iostat
+      character, intent(in), optional :: sep
+      logical, intent(in), optional :: csv
+      character(len=len(array)) :: temp(size(array,1),size(array,2))
+      integer :: n, i
+      call rts(string, temp, separator=sep, csv=csv, num=n, iostat=i)
+      if (any(temp/=array)) &
+        print*, "Different array"
+      if (i/=iostat) &
+        print*, "Wrong iostat"
+      if (n/=num) &
+        print*, "Wrong num"
+      if (((i<=0).and.(countrts(string," ",sep,csv)/=num)).or. & 
+          ((i>1).and.(countrts(string," ",sep,csv)/=0)))      &
+        print*, "Countrts wrong", countrts(string," ",sep,csv)
+    end subroutine stringdatamatrix
+    subroutine logicaldataarray(string, array, num, iostat)
+      character(len=*), intent(in) :: string
+      logical, dimension(:), intent(in) :: array
+      integer, intent(in) :: num, iostat
+      logical :: temp(size(array))
+      integer :: n, i
+      call rts(string, temp, n, i)
+      if (any(temp.neqv.array)) &
+        print*, "Different array"
+      if (i/=iostat) &
+        print*, "Wrong iostat"
+      if (n/=num) &
+        print*, "Wrong num"
+      if (((i<=0).and.(countrts(string,.false.)/=num)).or. & 
+          ((i>1).and.(countrts(string,.false.)/=0)))      &
+        print*, "Countrts wrong", countrts(string,.false.)
+    end subroutine logicaldataarray
+    subroutine logicaldatamatrix(string, array, num, iostat)
+      character(len=*), intent(in) :: string
+      logical, dimension(:, :), intent(in) :: array
+      integer, intent(in) :: num, iostat
+      logical :: temp(size(array,1),size(array,2))
+      integer :: n, i
+      call rts(string, temp, n, i)
+      if (any(temp.neqv.array)) &
+        print*, "Different array"
+      if (i/=iostat) &
+        print*, "Wrong iostat"
+      if (n/=num) &
+        print*, "Wrong num"
+      if (((i<=0).and.(countrts(string,.false.)/=num)).or. & 
+          ((i>1).and.(countrts(string,.false.)/=0)))      &
+        print*, "Countrts wrong", countrts(string,.false.)
+    end subroutine logicaldatamatrix
+    subroutine integerdataarray(string, array, num, iostat)
+      character(len=*), intent(in) :: string
+      integer, dimension(:), intent(in) :: array
+      integer, intent(in) :: num, iostat
+      integer :: temp(size(array))
+      integer :: n, i
+      call rts(string, temp, n, i)
+      if (any(temp/=array)) &
+        print*, "Different array"
+      if (i/=iostat) &
+        print*, "Wrong iostat"
+      if (n/=num) &
+        print*, "Wrong num"
+      if (((i<=0).and.(countrts(string,1)/=num)).or. & 
+          ((i>1).and.(countrts(string,1)/=0)))      &
+        print*, "Countrts wrong", countrts(string,1)
+    end subroutine integerdataarray
+    subroutine integerdatamatrix(string, array, num, iostat)
+      character(len=*), intent(in) :: string
+      integer, dimension(:, :), intent(in) :: array
+      integer, intent(in) :: num, iostat
+      integer :: temp(size(array,1),size(array,2))
+      integer :: n, i
+      call rts(string, temp, n, i)
+      if (any(temp/=array)) &
+        print*, "Different array"
+      if (i/=iostat) &
+        print*, "Wrong iostat"
+      if (n/=num) &
+        print*, "Wrong num"
+      if (((i<=0).and.(countrts(string,1.0)/=num)).or. & 
+          ((i>1).and.(countrts(string,1.0)/=0)))      &
+        print*, "Countrts wrong", countrts(string,1.0)
+    end subroutine integerdatamatrix
+    subroutine realspdataarray(string, array, num, iostat)
+      character(len=*), intent(in) :: string
+      real(sp), dimension(:), intent(in) :: array
+      integer, intent(in) :: num, iostat
+      real(sp) :: temp(size(array))
+      integer :: n, i, j
+      call rts(string, temp, n, i)
+      do j = 1, size(array)
+        if (array(j)==0.0) then
+          if (temp(j)>1e-5) then
+            print*, "Different array"
+            exit
+          endif
+        elseif (abs(temp(j)-array(j))/array(j)>1e-5) then
+          print*, "Different array"
+          exit
+        endif
+      enddo 
+      if (i/=iostat) &
+        print*, "Wrong iostat"
+      if (n/=num) &
+        print*, "Wrong num"
+      if (((i<=0).and.(countrts(string,1.0)/=num)).or. & 
+          ((i>1).and.(countrts(string,1.0)/=0)))      &
+        print*, "Countrts wrong", countrts(string,1.0)
+    end subroutine realspdataarray
+    subroutine realspdatamatrix(string, array, num, iostat)
+      character(len=*), intent(in) :: string
+      real(sp), dimension(:, :), intent(in) :: array
+      integer, intent(in) :: num, iostat
+      real(sp) :: temp(size(array,1),size(array,2))
+      integer :: n, i, j, k
+      call rts(string, temp, n, i)
+      loop: do j = 1, size(array,1)
+        do k = 1, size(array,2)
+          if (array(j,k)==0.0) then
+            if (temp(j,k)>1e-5) then
+              exit loop
+            endif
+           elseif (abs(temp(j,k)-array(j,k))/array(j,k)>1e-5) then
+            print*, "Different array"
+            exit loop
+          endif
+        enddo
+      enddo loop
+      if (i/=iostat) &
+        print*, "Wrong iostat"
+      if (n/=num) &
+        print*, "Wrong num"
+      if (((i<=0).and.(countrts(string,1.0_dp)/=num)).or. & 
+          ((i>1).and.(countrts(string,1.0_dp)/=0)))      &
+        print*, "Countrts wrong", countrts(string,1.0_dp)
+    end subroutine realspdatamatrix
+    subroutine realdpdataarray(string, array, num, iostat)
+      character(len=*), intent(in) :: string
+      real(dp), dimension(:), intent(in) :: array
+      integer, intent(in) :: num, iostat
+      real(dp) :: temp(size(array))
+      integer :: n, i, j
+      call rts(string, temp, n, i)
+      do j = 1, size(array)
+        if (array(j)==0.0) then
+          if (temp(j)>1e-5) then
+            print*, "Different array"
+            exit
+          endif
+        elseif (abs(temp(j)-array(j))/array(j)>1e-5) then
+          print*, "Different array"
+          exit
+        endif
+      enddo 
+      if (i/=iostat) &
+        print*, "Wrong iostat"
+      if (n/=num) &
+        print*, "Wrong num"
+      if (((i<=0).and.(countrts(string,1.0_dp)/=num)).or. & 
+          ((i>1).and.(countrts(string,1.0_dp)/=0)))      &
+        print*, "Countrts wrong", countrts(string,1.0_dp)
+    end subroutine realdpdataarray
+    subroutine realdpdatamatrix(string, array, num, iostat)
+      character(len=*), intent(in) :: string
+      real(dp), dimension(:, :), intent(in) :: array
+      integer, intent(in) :: num, iostat
+      real(dp) :: temp(size(array,1),size(array,2))
+      integer :: n, i, j, k
+      call rts(string, temp, n, i)
+      loop: do j = 1, size(array,1)
+        do k = 1, size(array,2)
+          if (array(j,k)==0.0) then
+            if (temp(j,k)>1e-5) then
+              print*, "Different array"
+              exit loop
+            endif
+           elseif (abs(temp(j,k)-array(j,k))/array(j,k)>1e-5) then
+            print*, "Different array"
+            exit loop
+          endif
+        enddo
+      enddo loop
+      if (i/=iostat) &
+        print*, "Wrong iostat"
+      if (n/=num) &
+        print*, "Wrong num"
+      if (((i<=0).and.(countrts(string,1.0_dp)/=num)).or. & 
+          ((i>1).and.(countrts(string,1.0_dp)/=0)))      &
+        print*, "Countrts wrong", countrts(string,1.0_dp)
+    end subroutine realdpdatamatrix
+    subroutine cmplxspdataarray(string, array, num, iostat)
+      character(len=*), intent(in) :: string
+      complex(sp), dimension(:), intent(in) :: array
+      integer, intent(in) :: num, iostat
+      complex(sp) :: temp(size(array))
+      real(sp) :: a(2), t(2)
+      integer :: n, i, j, m
+      call rts(string, temp, n, i)
+      do j = 1, size(array)
+        a = transfer(array(j), a)
+        t = transfer(temp(j), t)
+        do m = 1, 2
+          if (a(m)==0.0) then
+            if (t(m)>1e-5) then
+              print*, "Different array"
+              exit
+            endif
+          elseif (abs(t(m)-a(m))/a(m)>1e-5) then
+            print*, "Different array"
+            exit
+          endif
+        enddo
+      enddo 
+      if (i/=iostat) &
+        print*, "Wrong iostat"
+      if (n/=num) &
+        print*, "Wrong num"
+      if (((i<=0).and.(countrts(string,cmplx(1.0,0.0))/=num)).or. & 
+          ((i>1).and.(countrts(string,cmplx(1.0,0.0))/=0)))      &
+        print*, "Countrts wrong", countrts(string,cmplx(1.0,0.0))
+    end subroutine cmplxspdataarray
+    subroutine cmplxspdatamatrix(string, array, num, iostat)
+      character(len=*), intent(in) :: string
+      complex(sp), dimension(:, :), intent(in) :: array
+      integer, intent(in) :: num, iostat
+      complex(sp) :: temp(size(array,1),size(array,2))
+      real(sp) :: a(2), t(2)
+      integer :: n, i, j, k, m
+      call rts(string, temp, n, i)
+      loop: do j = 1, size(array,1)
+        do k = 1, size(array,2)
+          a = transfer(array(j,k), a)
+          t = transfer(temp(j,k), t)
+          do m = 1, 2
+            if (a(m)==0.0) then
+              if (t(m)>1e-5) then
+                print*, "Different array"
+                exit loop
+              endif
+            elseif (abs(t(m)-a(m))/a(m)>1e-5) then
+              print*, "Different array"
+              exit loop
+            endif
+          enddo
+        enddo
+      enddo loop
+      if (i/=iostat) &
+        print*, "Wrong iostat"
+      if (n/=num) &
+        print*, "Wrong num"
+      if (((i<=0).and.(countrts(string,cmplx(1.0,0.0))/=num)).or. & 
+          ((i>1).and.(countrts(string,cmplx(1.0,0.0))/=0)))      &
+        print*, "Countrts wrong", countrts(string,cmplx(1.0,0.0))
+    end subroutine cmplxspdatamatrix
+    subroutine cmplxdpdataarray(string, array, num, iostat)
+      character(len=*), intent(in) :: string
+      complex(dp), dimension(:), intent(in) :: array
+      integer, intent(in) :: num, iostat
+      complex(dp) :: temp(size(array))
+      real(dp) :: a(2), t(2)
+      integer :: n, i, j, m
+      call rts(string, temp, n, i)
+      do j = 1, size(array)
+        a = transfer(array(j), a)
+        t = transfer(temp(j), t)
+        do m = 1, 2
+          if (a(m)==0.0) then
+            if (t(m)>1e-5) then
+              print*, "Different array"
+              exit
+            endif
+          elseif (abs(t(m)-a(m))/a(m)>1e-5) then
+            print*, "Different array"
+            exit
+          endif
+        enddo
+      enddo 
+      if (i/=iostat) &
+        print*, "Wrong iostat"
+      if (n/=num) &
+        print*, "Wrong num"
+      if (((i<=0).and.(countrts(string,cmplx(1.0_dp,0.0_dp))/=num)).or. & 
+          ((i>1).and.(countrts(string,cmplx(1.0_dp,0.0_dp))/=0)))      &
+        print*, "Countrts wrong", countrts(string,cmplx(1.0_dp,0.0_dp))
+    end subroutine cmplxdpdataarray
+    subroutine cmplxdpdatamatrix(string, array, num, iostat)
+      character(len=*), intent(in) :: string
+      complex(dp), dimension(:, :), intent(in) :: array
+      integer, intent(in) :: num, iostat
+      complex(dp) :: temp(size(array,1),size(array,2))
+      real(dp) :: a(2), t(2)
+      integer :: n, i, j, k, m
+      call rts(string, temp, n, i)
+      loop: do j = 1, size(array,1)
+        do k = 1, size(array,2)
+          a = transfer(array(j,k), a)
+          t = transfer(temp(j,k), t)
+          do m = 1, 2
+            if (a(m)==0.0) then
+              if (t(m)>1e-5) then
+                print*, "Different array"
+                exit loop
+              endif
+            elseif (abs(t(m)-a(m))/a(m)>1e-5) then
+              print*, "Different array"
+              exit loop
+            endif
+          enddo
+        enddo
+      enddo loop
+      if (i/=iostat) &
+        print*, "Wrong iostat"
+      if (n/=num) &
+        print*, "Wrong num"
+      if (((i<=0).and.(countrts(string,cmplx(1.0_dp,0.0_dp))/=num)).or. & 
+          ((i>1).and.(countrts(string,cmplx(1.0_dp,0.0_dp))/=0)))      &
+        print*, "Countrts wrong", countrts(string,cmplx(1.0_dp,0.0_dp))
+    end subroutine cmplxdpdatamatrix
+end program short_test
diff --git a/common/test/test_input.out b/common/test/test_input.out
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8f4aab2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/test/test_input.out
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+ test.0.1.1
+ test.0.1.2
+ test.0.1.3
+ test.0.1.4
+ test.0.1.5
+ test.0.2.1
+ test.0.2.2
+ test.0.2.3
+ test.0.2.4
+ test.0.2.5
+ test.0.2.6
+ test.0.2.7
+ test.0.2.8
+ test.0.2.9
+ test.0.2.10
+ test.0.3.1
+ test.0.3.2
+ test.0.3.3
+ test.0.4.1
+ test.0.4.2
+ test.0.4.3
+ test.0.5.1
+ test.0.5.2
+ test.0.5.3
+ test.0.6.1
+ test.0.6.2
+ test.0.6.3
+ test.0.7.1
+ test.0.7.2
+ test.0.7.3
+ test.1.1.1
+ test.1.1.2
+ test.1.1.3
+ test.1.2.1
+ test.1.2.2
+ test.1.2.3
+ test.1.2.4
+ test.1.2.5
+ test.1.2.6
+ test.1.2.7
+ test.1.2.8
+ test.1.2.9
+ test.1.2.10
+ test.1.2.11
+ test.1.2.12
+ test.1.2.13
+ test.1.3.1
+ test.1.3.2
+ test.1.3.3
+ test.1.4.1
+ test.1.4.2
+ test.1.4.3
+ test.1.4.4
+ test.1.4.5
+ test.2.1.1
+ test.2.1.2
+ test.2.1.3
+ test.2.1.4
+ test.2.1.5
+ test.2.2.1
+ test.2.2.2
+ test.2.2.3
+ test.3.1.1
+ test.3.1.2
+ test.3.1.3
+ test.3.1.4
+ test.3.1.5
+ test.3.1.6
+ test.4.1.1
+ test.4.1.2
+ test.4.1.3
+ test.4.1.4
+ test.4.1.5
+ test.4.1.6
+ test.5.1.1
+ test.5.1.2
+ test.5.1.3
+ test.5.1.4
+ test.5.1.5
+ test.5.1.6
+ test.6.1.1
+ test.6.1.2
+ test.6.1.3
+ test.6.1.4
+ test.6.1.5
+ test.6.1.6
diff --git a/common/test/test_str.f90.in b/common/test/test_str.f90.in
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6380448
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/test/test_str.f90.in
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+program short_test
+  use FoX_common, only : str
+  write(*,'(3a)') '!',str(&
+end program short_test
diff --git a/common/test/test_str.sh b/common/test/test_str.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..3919856
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/test/test_str.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+m4 -DTESTINPUT="$1" test_str.f90.in > test_str.f90
+if ! make test_str.exe > /dev/null 2>&1; then
+  echo Failed: $2 >> failed.out
+  echo 1 >> failed.score
+  exit 1
+rm -f test_str.exe test_str$OBJEXT test_str.f90
+echo $OUT $2
+if [ "$OUT" = \!"$2"\! ]; then
+  echo Passed: $2
+  echo 1 >> passed.score
+  exit 0
+  echo Failed: $2
+  echo Failed: $2 >> failed.out
+  echo 1 >> failed.score
+  exit 1
diff --git a/common/test/test_xml_namecheck.sh b/common/test/test_xml_namecheck.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..e521c92
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/test/test_xml_namecheck.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+#!/bin/sh -e
+for t in ${0%.sh}_*.f90
+  TEST=${t%.f90}
+  ./test.sh $TEST
diff --git a/common/test/test_xml_namecheck_1.f90 b/common/test/test_xml_namecheck_1.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fdc09db
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/test/test_xml_namecheck_1.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+program test
+  use m_common_charset, only : XML1_0, XML1_1
+  use m_common_struct, only : xml_doc_state
+  use m_common_namecheck, only : checkName
+  implicit none
+  type(xml_doc_state) :: xds
+  write(*,'(l1)') checkName('abcd', xds)
+  write(*,'(l1)') checkName('1abcd', xds)
+  write(*,'(l1)') checkName(':abcd', xds)
+  write(*,'(l1)') checkName('#abcd', xds)
+  write(*,'(l1)') checkName('e:abcd', xds)
+  xds%xml_version = XML1_1
+  write(*,'(l1)') checkName('abcd', xds)
+  write(*,'(l1)') checkName('1abcd', xds)
+  write(*,'(l1)') checkName(':abcd', xds)
+  write(*,'(l1)') checkName('#abcd', xds)
+  write(*,'(l1)') checkName('e:abcd', xds)
+end program test
diff --git a/common/test/test_xml_namecheck_1.out b/common/test/test_xml_namecheck_1.out
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..322296e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/test/test_xml_namecheck_1.out
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
diff --git a/common/test/test_xml_namecheck_10.f90 b/common/test/test_xml_namecheck_10.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..364fc4b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/test/test_xml_namecheck_10.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+program test
+  use m_common_charset, only : XML1_0, XML1_1
+  use m_common_struct, only : xml_doc_state
+  use m_common_namecheck, only : checkCharacterEntityReference
+  implicit none
+  type(xml_doc_state) :: xds
+  write(*,'(l1)') checkCharacterEntityReference('#x00', XML1_0)
+  write(*,'(l1)') checkCharacterEntityReference('#x01', XML1_0)
+  write(*,'(l1)') checkCharacterEntityReference('#x0A', XML1_0)
+  write(*,'(l1)') checkCharacterEntityReference('#x0b', XML1_0)
+  write(*,'(l1)') checkCharacterEntityReference('#x20', XML1_0)
+  write(*,'(l1)') checkCharacterEntityReference('#xd7ff', XML1_0)
+  write(*,'(l1)') checkCharacterEntityReference('#xd800', XML1_0)
+  write(*,'(l1)') checkCharacterEntityReference('#00', XML1_0)
+  write(*,'(l1)') checkCharacterEntityReference('#01', XML1_0)
+  write(*,'(l1)') checkCharacterEntityReference('#10', XML1_0)
+  write(*,'(l1)') checkCharacterEntityReference('#11', XML1_0)
+  write(*,'(l1)') checkCharacterEntityReference('#32', XML1_0)
+  write(*,'(l1)') checkCharacterEntityReference('#55295', XML1_0)
+  write(*,'(l1)') checkCharacterEntityReference('#55296', XML1_0)
+  xds%xml_version = XML1_1
+  write(*,'(l1)') checkCharacterEntityReference('#x00', XML1_1)
+  write(*,'(l1)') checkCharacterEntityReference('#x01', XML1_1)
+  write(*,'(l1)') checkCharacterEntityReference('#x0A', XML1_1)
+  write(*,'(l1)') checkCharacterEntityReference('#x0b', XML1_1)
+  write(*,'(l1)') checkCharacterEntityReference('#x20', XML1_1)
+  write(*,'(l1)') checkCharacterEntityReference('#xd7ff', XML1_1)
+  write(*,'(l1)') checkCharacterEntityReference('#xd800', XML1_1)
+  write(*,'(l1)') checkCharacterEntityReference('#00', XML1_1)
+  write(*,'(l1)') checkCharacterEntityReference('#01', XML1_1)
+  write(*,'(l1)') checkCharacterEntityReference('#10', XML1_1)
+  write(*,'(l1)') checkCharacterEntityReference('#11', XML1_1)
+  write(*,'(l1)') checkCharacterEntityReference('#32', XML1_1)
+  write(*,'(l1)') checkCharacterEntityReference('#55295', XML1_1)
+  write(*,'(l1)') checkCharacterEntityReference('#55296', XML1_1)
+end program test
diff --git a/common/test/test_xml_namecheck_10.out b/common/test/test_xml_namecheck_10.out
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9636a7e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/test/test_xml_namecheck_10.out
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
diff --git a/common/test/test_xml_namecheck_2.f90 b/common/test/test_xml_namecheck_2.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4555578
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/test/test_xml_namecheck_2.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+program test
+  use m_common_charset, only : XML1_0, XML1_1
+  use m_common_struct, only : xml_doc_state
+  use m_common_namecheck, only : checkQName
+  implicit none
+  type(xml_doc_state) :: xds
+  write(*,'(l1)') checkQName('abcd', xds)
+  write(*,'(l1)') checkQName('1abcd', xds)
+  write(*,'(l1)') checkQName(':abcd', xds)
+  write(*,'(l1)') checkQName('#abcd', xds)
+  write(*,'(l1)') checkQName('e:abcd', xds)
+  xds%xml_version = XML1_1
+  write(*,'(l1)') checkQName('abcd', xds)
+  write(*,'(l1)') checkQName('1abcd', xds)
+  write(*,'(l1)') checkQName(':abcd', xds)
+  write(*,'(l1)') checkQName('#abcd', xds)
+  write(*,'(l1)') checkQName('e:abcd', xds)
+end program test
diff --git a/common/test/test_xml_namecheck_2.out b/common/test/test_xml_namecheck_2.out
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d0f4367
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/test/test_xml_namecheck_2.out
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
diff --git a/common/test/test_xml_namecheck_3.f90.fix b/common/test/test_xml_namecheck_3.f90.fix
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..327c620
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/test/test_xml_namecheck_3.f90.fix
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+program test
+  use m_common_charset, only : XML1_0, XML1_1
+  use m_common_struct, only : xml_doc_state
+  use m_common_namecheck, only : checkNCName
+  implicit none
+  write(*,'(l1)') checkNCName('abcd', XML1_0)
+  write(*,'(l1)') checkNCName('1abcd', XML1_0)
+  write(*,'(l1)') checkNCName(':abcd', XML1_0)
+  write(*,'(l1)') checkNCName('#abcd', XML1_0)
+  write(*,'(l1)') checkNCName('e:abcd', XML1_0)
+  write(*,'(l1)') checkNCName('abcd', XML1_1)
+  write(*,'(l1)') checkNCName('1abcd', XML1_1)
+  write(*,'(l1)') checkNCName(':abcd', XML1_1)
+  write(*,'(l1)') checkNCName('#abcd', XML1_1)
+  write(*,'(l1)') checkNCName('e:abcd', XML1_1)
+end program test
diff --git a/common/test/test_xml_namecheck_3.out b/common/test/test_xml_namecheck_3.out
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2b522a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/test/test_xml_namecheck_3.out
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
diff --git a/common/test/test_xml_namecheck_4.f90 b/common/test/test_xml_namecheck_4.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ec459b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/test/test_xml_namecheck_4.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+program test
+  use m_common_charset, only : XML1_0, XML1_1
+  use m_common_struct, only : xml_doc_state
+  use m_common_namecheck, only : checkEncName
+  implicit none
+  write(*,'(l1)') checkEncName('abcd')
+  write(*,'(l1)') checkEncName('1abcd')
+  write(*,'(l1)') checkEncName(':abcd')
+  write(*,'(l1)') checkEncName('#abcd')
+  write(*,'(l1)') checkEncName('e:abcd')
+  write(*,'(l1)') checkEncName('e-abcd')
+end program test
diff --git a/common/test/test_xml_namecheck_4.out b/common/test/test_xml_namecheck_4.out
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b7eed17
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/test/test_xml_namecheck_4.out
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
diff --git a/common/test/test_xml_namecheck_5.f90 b/common/test/test_xml_namecheck_5.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d6b3db7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/test/test_xml_namecheck_5.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+program test
+  use m_common_charset, only : XML1_0, XML1_1
+  use m_common_struct, only : xml_doc_state
+  use m_common_namecheck, only : checkPITarget
+  implicit none
+  type(xml_doc_state) :: xds
+  write(*,'(l1)') checkPITarget('abcd', xds)
+  write(*,'(l1)') checkPITarget('1abcd', xds)
+  write(*,'(l1)') checkPITarget(':abcd', xds)
+  write(*,'(l1)') checkPITarget('#abcd', xds)
+  write(*,'(l1)') checkPITarget('e:abcd', xds)
+  write(*,'(l1)') checkPITarget('xmle:abcd', xds)
+  write(*,'(l1)') checkPITarget('xMle:abcd', xds)
+  xds%xml_version = XML1_1
+  write(*,'(l1)') checkPITarget('abcd', xds)
+  write(*,'(l1)') checkPITarget('1abcd', xds)
+  write(*,'(l1)') checkPITarget(':abcd', xds)
+  write(*,'(l1)') checkPITarget('#abcd', xds)
+  write(*,'(l1)') checkPITarget('e:abcd', xds)
+  write(*,'(l1)') checkPITarget('xmle:abcd', xds)
+  write(*,'(l1)') checkPITarget('xMle:abcd', xds)
+end program test
diff --git a/common/test/test_xml_namecheck_5.out b/common/test/test_xml_namecheck_5.out
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c688d54
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/test/test_xml_namecheck_5.out
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
diff --git a/common/test/test_xml_namecheck_6.f90 b/common/test/test_xml_namecheck_6.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b0b1575
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/test/test_xml_namecheck_6.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+program test
+  use m_common_charset, only : XML1_0, XML1_1
+  use m_common_struct, only : xml_doc_state
+  use m_common_namecheck, only : checkPublicID
+  implicit none
+  type(xml_doc_state) :: xds
+  write(*,'(l1)') checkPublicID('abcd')
+  write(*,'(l1)') checkPublicID('1abcd /()+,/=?;!*#@$%')
+  write(*,'(l1)') checkPublicID('1abcd /()+,/=?;!*#@$%'//achar(13))
+  write(*,'(l1)') checkPublicID('1abcd /()+,/=?;!*#@$%&')
+end program test
diff --git a/common/test/test_xml_namecheck_6.out b/common/test/test_xml_namecheck_6.out
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6134a57
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/test/test_xml_namecheck_6.out
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
diff --git a/common/test/test_xml_namecheck_7.f90 b/common/test/test_xml_namecheck_7.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5201cd5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/test/test_xml_namecheck_7.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+program test
+  use m_common_charset, only : XML1_0, XML1_1
+  use m_common_struct, only : xml_doc_state
+  use m_common_namecheck, only : checkSystemID
+  implicit none
+  type(xml_doc_state) :: xds
+  write(*,'(l1)') checkSystemID('abcd')
+  write(*,'(l1)') checkSystemID('1abcd /"()+,/=?;!*#@$%')
+  write(*,'(l1)') checkSystemID('1abcd /"()+,/=?;!*#@$%'//achar(13))
+  write(*,'(l1)') checkSystemID('1abcd /(")+,/=?;!*#@$%&')
+  write(*,'(l1)') checkSystemID('1abcd /(")+,/=?;!*#@$%&'//"'")
+end program test
diff --git a/common/test/test_xml_namecheck_7.out b/common/test/test_xml_namecheck_7.out
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e7e4857
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/test/test_xml_namecheck_7.out
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
diff --git a/common/test/test_xml_namecheck_8.f90 b/common/test/test_xml_namecheck_8.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a827342
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/test/test_xml_namecheck_8.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+program test
+  use m_common_charset, only : XML1_0, XML1_1
+  use m_common_struct, only : xml_doc_state
+  use m_common_namecheck, only : checkPEDef
+  implicit none
+  type(xml_doc_state) :: xds
+  write(*,'(l1)') checkPEDef('abcd', xds)
+  write(*,'(l1)') checkPEDef('1abcd', xds)
+  write(*,'(l1)') checkPEDef('abcd%', xds)
+  write(*,'(l1)') checkPEDef('1abc&d', xds)
+  write(*,'(l1)') checkPEDef(':abcd%;', xds)
+  write(*,'(l1)') checkPEDef('#abcd&;', xds)
+  write(*,'(l1)') checkPEDef('e:abcd%a;', xds)
+  write(*,'(l1)') checkPEDef('e:abcd&a;', xds)
+  write(*,'(l1)') checkPEDef('e:abcd%a1;', xds)
+  write(*,'(l1)') checkPEDef('e:abcd&a1;', xds)
+  write(*,'(l1)') checkPEDef('e:abcd%a!;', xds)
+  write(*,'(l1)') checkPEDef('e:abcd&a!;', xds)
+  write(*,'(l1)') checkPEDef('e:abcd%%a;', xds)
+  write(*,'(l1)') checkPEDef('e:abcd&%a;', xds)
+  write(*,'(l1)') checkPEDef('e:abcd%&a;', xds)
+  write(*,'(l1)') checkPEDef('e:abcd&&a;', xds)
+  write(*,'(l1)') checkPEDef('e:a%b;cd%a;', xds)
+  write(*,'(l1)') checkPEDef('e:a&b;cd&a;', xds)
+  write(*,'(l1)') checkPEDef('&e:;a%b;cd%a1;', xds)
+  write(*,'(l1)') checkPEDef('%e:;a&b;cd&a1;', xds)
+  write(*,'(l1)') checkPEDef('%e:;a&b;cd&a1; &#x33;', xds)
+  write(*,'(l1)') checkPEDef('%e:;a&b;cd&a1; %#x33;', xds)
+  write(*,'(l1)') checkPEDef('%e:;a&b;cd&a1; &#x07;', xds)
+  write(*,'(l1)') checkPEDef('%e:;a&b;cd&a1; %#x07;', xds)
+  xds%xml_version = XML1_1
+  write(*,'(l1)') checkPEDef('abcd', xds)
+  write(*,'(l1)') checkPEDef('1abcd', xds)
+  write(*,'(l1)') checkPEDef('abcd%', xds)
+  write(*,'(l1)') checkPEDef('1abc&d', xds)
+  write(*,'(l1)') checkPEDef(':abcd%;', xds)
+  write(*,'(l1)') checkPEDef('#abcd&;', xds)
+  write(*,'(l1)') checkPEDef('e:abcd%a;', xds)
+  write(*,'(l1)') checkPEDef('e:abcd&a;', xds)
+  write(*,'(l1)') checkPEDef('e:abcd%a1;', xds)
+  write(*,'(l1)') checkPEDef('e:abcd&a1;', xds)
+  write(*,'(l1)') checkPEDef('e:abcd%a!;', xds)
+  write(*,'(l1)') checkPEDef('e:abcd&a!;', xds)
+  write(*,'(l1)') checkPEDef('e:abcd%%a;', xds)
+  write(*,'(l1)') checkPEDef('e:abcd&%a;', xds)
+  write(*,'(l1)') checkPEDef('e:abcd%&a;', xds)
+  write(*,'(l1)') checkPEDef('e:abcd&&a;', xds)
+  write(*,'(l1)') checkPEDef('e:a%b;cd%a;', xds)
+  write(*,'(l1)') checkPEDef('e:a&b;cd&a;', xds)
+  write(*,'(l1)') checkPEDef('&e:;a%b;cd%a1;', xds)
+  write(*,'(l1)') checkPEDef('%e:;a&b;cd&a1;', xds)
+  write(*,'(l1)') checkPEDef('%e:;a&b;cd&a1; &#x33;', xds)
+  write(*,'(l1)') checkPEDef('%e:;a&b;cd&a1; %#x33;', xds)
+  write(*,'(l1)') checkPEDef('%e:;a&b;cd&a1; &#x07;', xds)
+  write(*,'(l1)') checkPEDef('%e:;a&b;cd&a1; %#x07;', xds)
+end program test
diff --git a/common/test/test_xml_namecheck_8.out b/common/test/test_xml_namecheck_8.out
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8742c2d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/test/test_xml_namecheck_8.out
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
diff --git a/common/test/test_xml_namecheck_9.f90 b/common/test/test_xml_namecheck_9.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2ffee78
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/test/test_xml_namecheck_9.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+program test
+  use m_common_charset, only : XML1_0, XML1_1
+  use m_common_struct, only : xml_doc_state
+  use m_common_namecheck, only : checkPseudoAttValue
+  implicit none
+  type(xml_doc_state) :: xds
+  write(*,'(l1)') checkPseudoAttValue('abcd', xds)
+  write(*,'(l1)') checkPseudoAttValue('1abcd', xds)
+  write(*,'(l1)') checkPseudoAttValue('1abc&d', xds)
+  write(*,'(l1)') checkPseudoAttValue('#abcd&;', xds)
+  write(*,'(l1)') checkPseudoAttValue('e:abcd&a;', xds)
+  write(*,'(l1)') checkPseudoAttValue('e:abcd&a1;', xds)
+  write(*,'(l1)') checkPseudoAttValue('e:abcd&a!;', xds)
+  write(*,'(l1)') checkPseudoAttValue('e:abcd&', xds)
+  write(*,'(l1)') checkPseudoAttValue('e:abcd&&a;', xds)
+  write(*,'(l1)') checkPseudoAttValue('e:a&cd>', xds)
+  write(*,'(l1)') checkPseudoAttValue('e:a&cd> &y;', xds)
+  write(*,'(l1)') checkPseudoAttValue('e:a&cd> &#x33;', xds)
+  write(*,'(l1)') checkPseudoAttValue('e:a&cd> &#x07;', xds)
+  xds%xml_version = XML1_1
+  write(*,'(l1)') checkPseudoAttValue('abcd', xds)
+  write(*,'(l1)') checkPseudoAttValue('1abcd', xds)
+  write(*,'(l1)') checkPseudoAttValue('1abc&d', xds)
+  write(*,'(l1)') checkPseudoAttValue('#abcd&;', xds)
+  write(*,'(l1)') checkPseudoAttValue('e:abcd&a;', xds)
+  write(*,'(l1)') checkPseudoAttValue('e:abcd&a1;', xds)
+  write(*,'(l1)') checkPseudoAttValue('e:abcd&a!;', xds)
+  write(*,'(l1)') checkPseudoAttValue('e:abcd&', xds)
+  write(*,'(l1)') checkPseudoAttValue('e:abcd&&a;', xds)
+  write(*,'(l1)') checkPseudoAttValue('e:a&cd>', xds)
+  write(*,'(l1)') checkPseudoAttValue('e:a&cd> &y;', xds)
+  write(*,'(l1)') checkPseudoAttValue('e:a&cd> &#x33;', xds)
+  write(*,'(l1)') checkPseudoAttValue('e:a&cd> &#x07;', xds)
+end program test
diff --git a/common/test/test_xml_namecheck_9.out b/common/test/test_xml_namecheck_9.out
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..836bc95
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/test/test_xml_namecheck_9.out
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
diff --git a/config/aclocal.m4 b/config/aclocal.m4
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b36eb03
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/aclocal.m4
@@ -0,0 +1,4916 @@
+dnl This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+dnl it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+dnl the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+dnl any later version.
+dnl This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+dnl but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+dnl GNU General Public License for more details.
+dnl You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+dnl along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+dnl Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+dnl 02111-1307, USA.
+dnl As a special exception, the Free Software Foundation gives unlimited
+dnl permission to copy, distribute and modify the configure scripts that
+dnl are the output of Autoconf.  You need not follow the terms of the GNU
+dnl General Public License when using or distributing such scripts, even
+dnl though portions of the text of Autoconf appear in them.  The GNU
+dnl General Public License (GPL) does govern all other use of the material
+dnl that constitutes the Autoconf program.
+dnl Certain portions of the Autoconf source text are designed to be copied
+dnl (in certain cases, depending on the input) into the output of
+dnl Autoconf.  We call these the "data" portions.  The rest of the Autoconf
+dnl source text consists of comments plus executable code that decides which
+dnl of the data portions to output in any given case.  We call these
+dnl comments and executable code the "non-data" portions.  Autoconf never
+dnl copies any of the non-data portions into its output.
+dnl This special exception to the GPL applies to versions of Autoconf
+dnl released by the Free Software Foundation.  When you make and
+dnl distribute a modified version of Autoconf, you may extend this special
+dnl exception to the GPL to apply to your modified version as well, *unless*
+dnl your modified version has the potential to copy into its output some
+dnl of the text that was the non-data portion of the version that you started
+dnl with.  (In other words, unless your change moves or copies text from
+dnl the non-data portions to the data portions.)  If your modification has
+dnl such potential, you must delete any notice of this special exception
+dnl to the GPL from your modified version.
+dnl Copyright Toby White <tow21 at cam.ac.uk>  2004-2006
+dnl Checks whether the currently selected Fortran compiler has a bug
+dnl forbidding the use of ASSOCIATED in restricted expressions
+dnl (versions of gfortran, pathscale & xlf have been found which do)
+dnl @version 1.0
+dnl @author <tow at uszla.me.uk>
+AC_MSG_CHECKING([for ASSOCIATED in restricted expression bug])
+dnl The program is written in fixed-form source to avoid worrying
+dnl about filename extensions.
+      function test_bug(a) result(b)
+      integer, pointer :: a
+      integer, dimension(merge(1, 2, associated(a))) :: b
+      b = 0
+      end function test_bug
+   ]]),
+   [AC_MSG_RESULT([no])
+    m4_default([$1],[:])
+   ],
+   [AC_MSG_RESULT([yes])
+    m4_default([$2],[:] 
+               [AC_MSG_ERROR([This Fortran compiler does not understand ASSOCIATED in restricted expressions.])])
+   ]
+dnl This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+dnl it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+dnl the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+dnl any later version.
+dnl This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+dnl but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+dnl GNU General Public License for more details.
+dnl You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+dnl along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+dnl Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+dnl 02111-1307, USA.
+dnl As a special exception, the Free Software Foundation gives unlimited
+dnl permission to copy, distribute and modify the configure scripts that
+dnl are the output of Autoconf.  You need not follow the terms of the GNU
+dnl General Public License when using or distributing such scripts, even
+dnl though portions of the text of Autoconf appear in them.  The GNU
+dnl General Public License (GPL) does govern all other use of the material
+dnl that constitutes the Autoconf program.
+dnl Certain portions of the Autoconf source text are designed to be copied
+dnl (in certain cases, depending on the input) into the output of
+dnl Autoconf.  We call these the "data" portions.  The rest of the Autoconf
+dnl source text consists of comments plus executable code that decides which
+dnl of the data portions to output in any given case.  We call these
+dnl comments and executable code the "non-data" portions.  Autoconf never
+dnl copies any of the non-data portions into its output.
+dnl This special exception to the GPL applies to versions of Autoconf
+dnl released by the Free Software Foundation.  When you make and
+dnl distribute a modified version of Autoconf, you may extend this special
+dnl exception to the GPL to apply to your modified version as well, *unless*
+dnl your modified version has the potential to copy into its output some
+dnl of the text that was the non-data portion of the version that you started
+dnl with.  (In other words, unless your change moves or copies text from
+dnl the non-data portions to the data portions.)  If your modification has
+dnl such potential, you must delete any notice of this special exception
+dnl to the GPL from your modified version.
+dnl Copyright Toby White <tow21 at cam.ac.uk>  2004-2006
+dnl Checks whether the currently selected Fortran compiler is fully
+dnl compliant with Fortran 90 (ISO/IEC-1539:1991)
+dnl If so, ACTION_IF_TRUE is performed; if not, ACTION_IF_FALSE
+dnl It currently tests for:
+dnl Modules
+dnl Private 
+dnl New-style variable declarations.
+dnl @version 1.0
+dnl @author Toby White <tow21 at cam.ac.uk>
+AC_MSG_CHECKING([for Fortran 90 compliance])
+dnl The program is written in fixed-form source to avoid worrying
+dnl about filename extensions.
+      Module test_module
+      Implicit None
+      Private
+      Contains
+      Function test_function() Result(out)
+      Integer :: out
+      out = 0
+      End Function test_function
+      End Module test_module
+   ]]),
+   [AC_MSG_RESULT([yes])
+    m4_default([$1],[])
+   ],
+   [AC_MSG_RESULT([no])
+    m4_default([$2],
+               [AC_MSG_ERROR([ A fully Fortran-90-compliant compiler is required.])])
+   ]
+dnl This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+dnl it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+dnl the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+dnl any later version.
+dnl This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+dnl but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+dnl GNU General Public License for more details.
+dnl You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+dnl along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+dnl Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+dnl 02111-1307, USA.
+dnl As a special exception, the Free Software Foundation gives unlimited
+dnl permission to copy, distribute and modify the configure scripts that
+dnl are the output of Autoconf.  You need not follow the terms of the GNU
+dnl General Public License when using or distributing such scripts, even
+dnl though portions of the text of Autoconf appear in them.  The GNU
+dnl General Public License (GPL) does govern all other use of the material
+dnl that constitutes the Autoconf program.
+dnl Certain portions of the Autoconf source text are designed to be copied
+dnl (in certain cases, depending on the input) into the output of
+dnl Autoconf.  We call these the "data" portions.  The rest of the Autoconf
+dnl source text consists of comments plus executable code that decides which
+dnl of the data portions to output in any given case.  We call these
+dnl comments and executable code the "non-data" portions.  Autoconf never
+dnl copies any of the non-data portions into its output.
+dnl This special exception to the GPL applies to versions of Autoconf
+dnl released by the Free Software Foundation.  When you make and
+dnl distribute a modified version of Autoconf, you may extend this special
+dnl exception to the GPL to apply to your modified version as well, *unless*
+dnl your modified version has the potential to copy into its output some
+dnl of the text that was the non-data portion of the version that you started
+dnl with.  (In other words, unless your change moves or copies text from
+dnl the non-data portions to the data portions.)  If your modification has
+dnl such potential, you must delete any notice of this special exception
+dnl to the GPL from your modified version.
+dnl Copyright Toby White <tow21 at cam.ac.uk>  2004-2006
+dnl Checks whether the currently selected Fortran compiler is fully
+dnl compliant with Fortran 95 (ISO-IEC 1539-1:1997)
+dnl It currently tests for:
+dnl Named End Interface
+dnl Derived type initialization
+dnl The Null() intrinsic
+dnl The Forall statement 
+dnl The Cpu_Time intrinsic
+dnl Pure functions
+dnl Elemental functions
+dnl @version 1.0
+dnl @author <tow21 at cam.ac.uk>
+AC_MSG_CHECKING([for Fortran 95 compliance])
+dnl The program is written in fixed-form source to avoid worrying
+dnl about filename extensions.
+      Program test_f95
+!      Interface test_interface
+!      End Interface test_interface
+      Type test_type
+        Integer :: i = 1
+      End Type test_type
+      Integer, Pointer :: j => Null()
+      Integer :: i
+      Real :: a
+      Forall (i=1:50)
+      End Forall
+      Call CPU_TIME(a)
+      Contains
+      Pure Integer Function test_pure()
+        test_pure = 0
+      End Function test_pure
+      Elemental Integer Function test_elemental(in)
+        Integer, Intent(In) :: in
+        test_elemental = 0
+      End Function test_elemental
+      End Program test_f95
+   ]]),
+   [AC_MSG_RESULT([yes])
+    m4_default([$1],[:])
+   ],
+   [AC_MSG_RESULT([no])
+    m4_default([$2], 
+               [AC_MSG_ERROR([A fully Fortran-95-compliant compiler is required.])])
+   ]
+dnl This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+dnl it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+dnl the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+dnl any later version.
+dnl This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+dnl but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+dnl GNU General Public License for more details.
+dnl You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+dnl along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+dnl Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+dnl 02111-1307, USA.
+dnl As a special exception, the Free Software Foundation gives unlimited
+dnl permission to copy, distribute and modify the configure scripts that
+dnl are the output of Autoconf.  You need not follow the terms of the GNU
+dnl General Public License when using or distributing such scripts, even
+dnl though portions of the text of Autoconf appear in them.  The GNU
+dnl General Public License (GPL) does govern all other use of the material
+dnl that constitutes the Autoconf program.
+dnl Certain portions of the Autoconf source text are designed to be copied
+dnl (in certain cases, depending on the input) into the output of
+dnl Autoconf.  We call these the "data" portions.  The rest of the Autoconf
+dnl source text consists of comments plus executable code that decides which
+dnl of the data portions to output in any given case.  We call these
+dnl comments and executable code the "non-data" portions.  Autoconf never
+dnl copies any of the non-data portions into its output.
+dnl This special exception to the GPL applies to versions of Autoconf
+dnl released by the Free Software Foundation.  When you make and
+dnl distribute a modified version of Autoconf, you may extend this special
+dnl exception to the GPL to apply to your modified version as well, *unless*
+dnl your modified version has the potential to copy into its output some
+dnl of the text that was the non-data portion of the version that you started
+dnl with.  (In other words, unless your change moves or copies text from
+dnl the non-data portions to the data portions.)  If your modification has
+dnl such potential, you must delete any notice of this special exception
+dnl to the GPL from your modified version.
+dnl Copyright Toby White <tow21 at cam.ac.uk>  2004-2006     
+dnl Checks whether the currently selected Fortran compiler supports
+dnl cpp-like functionality when called on a suitable fixed-format file.
+dnl If so, ACTION_IF_TRUE is performed; if not, ACTION_IF_FALSE
+dnl @version 1.0
+dnl @author Toby White <tow21 at cam.ac.uk>
+AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether $FC has an integrated Fortran cpp-style preprocessor for fixed-form source])
+dnl The program is written in fixed-form source to avoid worrying
+dnl about filename extensions.
+      Program test_cpp
+#if 1
+      Integer i
+      Integer j
+      End Program
+   ]]),
+   [AC_MSG_RESULT([yes])
+    m4_ifval([$1],[$1],[])
+   ],
+   [AC_MSG_RESULT([no])
+    m4_ifval([$2],[$2],
+                  [AC_MSG_ERROR([A Fortran compiler with integrated cpp-style preprocessor for fixed-form source is required.])])
+   ]
+dnl This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+dnl it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+dnl the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+dnl any later version.
+dnl This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+dnl but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+dnl GNU General Public License for more details.
+dnl You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+dnl along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+dnl Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+dnl 02111-1307, USA.
+dnl As a special exception, the Free Software Foundation gives unlimited
+dnl permission to copy, distribute and modify the configure scripts that
+dnl are the output of Autoconf.  You need not follow the terms of the GNU
+dnl General Public License when using or distributing such scripts, even
+dnl though portions of the text of Autoconf appear in them.  The GNU
+dnl General Public License (GPL) does govern all other use of the material
+dnl that constitutes the Autoconf program.
+dnl Certain portions of the Autoconf source text are designed to be copied
+dnl (in certain cases, depending on the input) into the output of
+dnl Autoconf.  We call these the "data" portions.  The rest of the Autoconf
+dnl source text consists of comments plus executable code that decides which
+dnl of the data portions to output in any given case.  We call these
+dnl comments and executable code the "non-data" portions.  Autoconf never
+dnl copies any of the non-data portions into its output.
+dnl This special exception to the GPL applies to versions of Autoconf
+dnl released by the Free Software Foundation.  When you make and
+dnl distribute a modified version of Autoconf, you may extend this special
+dnl exception to the GPL to apply to your modified version as well, *unless*
+dnl your modified version has the potential to copy into its output some
+dnl of the text that was the non-data portion of the version that you started
+dnl with.  (In other words, unless your change moves or copies text from
+dnl the non-data portions to the data portions.)  If your modification has
+dnl such potential, you must delete any notice of this special exception
+dnl to the GPL from your modified version.
+dnl Copyright Toby White <tow21 at cam.ac.uk>  2004-2006     
+dnl Checks whether the currently selected Fortran compiler supports
+dnl cpp-like functionality when called on a suitable fixed-format file.
+dnl If so, ACTION_IF_TRUE is performed; if not, ACTION_IF_FALSE
+dnl @version 1.0
+dnl @author Toby White <tow21 at cam.ac.uk>
+AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether $FC has an integrated Fortran cpp-style preprocessor for free-form source])
+dnl The program is written in fixed-form source to avoid worrying
+dnl about filename extensions.
+Program test_cpp
+#if 1
+  Integer i
+  Integer j
+End Program
+   ]]),
+   [AC_MSG_RESULT([yes])
+    m4_ifval([$1],[$1],[])
+   ],
+   [AC_MSG_RESULT([no])
+    m4_ifval([$2],[$2],
+                  [AC_MSG_ERROR([A Fortran compiler with integrated cpp-style preprocessor for free-from source is required.])])
+   ]
+dnl This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+dnl it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+dnl the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+dnl any later version.
+dnl This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+dnl but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+dnl GNU General Public License for more details.
+dnl You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+dnl along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+dnl Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+dnl 02111-1307, USA.
+dnl As a special exception, the Free Software Foundation gives unlimited
+dnl permission to copy, distribute and modify the configure scripts that
+dnl are the output of Autoconf.  You need not follow the terms of the GNU
+dnl General Public License when using or distributing such scripts, even
+dnl though portions of the text of Autoconf appear in them.  The GNU
+dnl General Public License (GPL) does govern all other use of the material
+dnl that constitutes the Autoconf program.
+dnl Certain portions of the Autoconf source text are designed to be copied
+dnl (in certain cases, depending on the input) into the output of
+dnl Autoconf.  We call these the "data" portions.  The rest of the Autoconf
+dnl source text consists of comments plus executable code that decides which
+dnl of the data portions to output in any given case.  We call these
+dnl comments and executable code the "non-data" portions.  Autoconf never
+dnl copies any of the non-data portions into its output.
+dnl This special exception to the GPL applies to versions of Autoconf
+dnl released by the Free Software Foundation.  When you make and
+dnl distribute a modified version of Autoconf, you may extend this special
+dnl exception to the GPL to apply to your modified version as well, *unless*
+dnl your modified version has the potential to copy into its output some
+dnl of the text that was the non-data portion of the version that you started
+dnl with.  (In other words, unless your change moves or copies text from
+dnl the non-data portions to the data portions.)  If your modification has
+dnl such potential, you must delete any notice of this special exception
+dnl to the GPL from your modified version.
+dnl Copyright Toby White <tow21 at cam.ac.uk>  2004-2006     
+dnl Checks whether the currently selected Fortran compiler is fully
+dnl compliant with the Fortran 95 Floating Point Exception Handling
+dnl Extension, ISO TR15580.
+dnl @version 1.0
+dnl @author <tow21 at cam.ac.uk>
+AC_MSG_CHECKING([$FC for compliance to the Floating Point Exception Handling Extension])
+dnl The program is written in fixed-form source to avoid worrying
+dnl about filename extensions.
+      Program test_tr15580
+      Use, Intrinsic :: IEEE_Arithmetic
+      Use, Intrinsic :: IEEE_Exceptions
+      Use, Intrinsic :: IEEE_Features
+      End Program test_tr15580
+   ]]),   
+   [AC_MSG_RESULT([yes])
+    m4_ifval([$1],[$1],[])
+   ],
+   [AC_MSG_RESULT([no])
+    m4_ifval([$2],[$2],
+                  [AC_MSG_ERROR([A fully TR15580-compliant compiler is required.])])
+   ]
+dnl This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+dnl it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+dnl the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+dnl any later version.
+dnl This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+dnl but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+dnl GNU General Public License for more details.
+dnl You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+dnl along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+dnl Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+dnl 02111-1307, USA.
+dnl As a special exception, the Free Software Foundation gives unlimited
+dnl permission to copy, distribute and modify the configure scripts that
+dnl are the output of Autoconf.  You need not follow the terms of the GNU
+dnl General Public License when using or distributing such scripts, even
+dnl though portions of the text of Autoconf appear in them.  The GNU
+dnl General Public License (GPL) does govern all other use of the material
+dnl that constitutes the Autoconf program.
+dnl Certain portions of the Autoconf source text are designed to be copied
+dnl (in certain cases, depending on the input) into the output of
+dnl Autoconf.  We call these the "data" portions.  The rest of the Autoconf
+dnl source text consists of comments plus executable code that decides which
+dnl of the data portions to output in any given case.  We call these
+dnl comments and executable code the "non-data" portions.  Autoconf never
+dnl copies any of the non-data portions into its output.
+dnl This special exception to the GPL applies to versions of Autoconf
+dnl released by the Free Software Foundation.  When you make and
+dnl distribute a modified version of Autoconf, you may extend this special
+dnl exception to the GPL to apply to your modified version as well, *unless*
+dnl your modified version has the potential to copy into its output some
+dnl of the text that was the non-data portion of the version that you started
+dnl with.  (In other words, unless your change moves or copies text from
+dnl the non-data portions to the data portions.)  If your modification has
+dnl such potential, you must delete any notice of this special exception
+dnl to the GPL from your modified version.
+dnl Copyright Toby White <tow21 at cam.ac.uk>  2004-2006     
+dnl Checks whether the currently selected Fortran compiler is fully
+dnl compliant with the Fortran 95 Enhanced Datatype Facilities
+dnl Extension, ISO TR15581.
+dnl @version 1.0
+dnl @author <tow21 at cam.ac.uk>
+AC_MSG_CHECKING([$FC for compliance to the Enhanced Datatype Facilities Extension])
+dnl The program is written in fixed-form source to avoid worrying
+dnl about filename extensions.
+      Program test_tr15581
+      Type test_type
+        Integer, Allocatable :: array(:)
+      End Type test_type
+      End Program test_tr15581
+      Function test_function
+        Integer, Allocatable :: test_function(:)
+        Allocate(test_function(5))
+      End Function test_function
+      Subroutine test_subroutine(array)
+        Integer, Allocatable :: array(:)
+        Allocate(array(5))
+      End Subroutine test_subroutine
+   ]]),   
+   [AC_MSG_RESULT([yes])
+    m4_ifval([$1],[$1],[])
+   ],
+   [AC_MSG_RESULT([no])
+    m4_ifval([$2],[$2],
+                  [AC_MSG_ERROR([A fully TR15581-compliant compiler is required.])])
+   ]
+dnl This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+dnl it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+dnl the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+dnl any later version.
+dnl This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+dnl but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+dnl GNU General Public License for more details.
+dnl You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+dnl along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+dnl Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+dnl 02111-1307, USA.
+dnl As a special exception, the Free Software Foundation gives unlimited
+dnl permission to copy, distribute and modify the configure scripts that
+dnl are the output of Autoconf.  You need not follow the terms of the GNU
+dnl General Public License when using or distributing such scripts, even
+dnl though portions of the text of Autoconf appear in them.  The GNU
+dnl General Public License (GPL) does govern all other use of the material
+dnl that constitutes the Autoconf program.
+dnl Certain portions of the Autoconf source text are designed to be copied
+dnl (in certain cases, depending on the input) into the output of
+dnl Autoconf.  We call these the "data" portions.  The rest of the Autoconf
+dnl source text consists of comments plus executable code that decides which
+dnl of the data portions to output in any given case.  We call these
+dnl comments and executable code the "non-data" portions.  Autoconf never
+dnl copies any of the non-data portions into its output.
+dnl This special exception to the GPL applies to versions of Autoconf
+dnl released by the Free Software Foundation.  When you make and
+dnl distribute a modified version of Autoconf, you may extend this special
+dnl exception to the GPL to apply to your modified version as well, *unless*
+dnl your modified version has the potential to copy into its output some
+dnl of the text that was the non-data portion of the version that you started
+dnl with.  (In other words, unless your change moves or copies text from
+dnl the non-data portions to the data portions.)  If your modification has
+dnl such potential, you must delete any notice of this special exception
+dnl to the GPL from your modified version.
+dnl Copyright Toby White <tow21 at cam.ac.uk>  2004-2006     
+dnl Check how to get at the abort intrinsic.
+      CALL ABORT("")
+      CALL ABORT_
+AC_MSG_CHECKING([how to compile a call to ABORT])
+dnl Try first with nothing
+dnl First check with one arg (this will fail if no args are necessary; testing
+dnl in the opposite order will succeed when it shouldnt)
+if test $tw_abort_ok = no; then
+    [tw_abort_ok=yes; tw_method="with argument";DEFS="$DEFS FC_HAVE_ABORT FC_ABORT_ARG"],
+    [])
+if test $tw_abort_ok = no; then
+    [tw_abort_ok=yes; tw_method="with underscore";DEFS="$DEFS FC_HAVE_ABORT FC_ABORT_UNDERSCORE"],
+    [])
+if test $tw_abort_ok = no; then
+    [tw_abort_ok=yes; tw_method=default;DEFS="$DEFS FC_HAVE_ABORT"],
+    [])
+if test $tw_abort_ok = no; then
+    [tw_abort_ok=yes; tw_method="with f90_unix_proc";DEFS="$DEFS FC_HAVE_ABORT"],
+    [])
+dnl Cant get it to compile alone - need a compiler flag.
+dnl Now try with -Vaxlib for intel:
+if test $tw_abort_ok = no; then
+   LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS -Vaxlib"
+    [tw_abort_ok=yes; tw_method="with -Vaxlib";DEFS="$DEFS FC_HAVE_ABORT"],
+    [])
+   if test $tw_abort_ok = no; then
+      LDFLAGS=$save_LDFLAGS
+   fi
+AS_IF([test $tw_abort_ok = yes],
+      [$1],
+      [m4_default([$2],[AC_MSG_ERROR([Cannot compile call to ABORT ])])]
+     )
+dnl This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+dnl it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+dnl the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+dnl any later version.
+dnl This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+dnl but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+dnl GNU General Public License for more details.
+dnl You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+dnl along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+dnl Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+dnl 02111-1307, USA.
+dnl As a special exception, the Free Software Foundation gives unlimited
+dnl permission to copy, distribute and modify the configure scripts that
+dnl are the output of Autoconf.  You need not follow the terms of the GNU
+dnl General Public License when using or distributing such scripts, even
+dnl though portions of the text of Autoconf appear in them.  The GNU
+dnl General Public License (GPL) does govern all other use of the material
+dnl that constitutes the Autoconf program.
+dnl Certain portions of the Autoconf source text are designed to be copied
+dnl (in certain cases, depending on the input) into the output of
+dnl Autoconf.  We call these the "data" portions.  The rest of the Autoconf
+dnl source text consists of comments plus executable code that decides which
+dnl of the data portions to output in any given case.  We call these
+dnl comments and executable code the "non-data" portions.  Autoconf never
+dnl copies any of the non-data portions into its output.
+dnl This special exception to the GPL applies to versions of Autoconf
+dnl released by the Free Software Foundation.  When you make and
+dnl distribute a modified version of Autoconf, you may extend this special
+dnl exception to the GPL to apply to your modified version as well, *unless*
+dnl your modified version has the potential to copy into its output some
+dnl of the text that was the non-data portion of the version that you started
+dnl with.  (In other words, unless your change moves or copies text from
+dnl the non-data portions to the data portions.)  If your modification has
+dnl such potential, you must delete any notice of this special exception
+dnl to the GPL from your modified version.
+dnl Copyright Toby White <tow21 at cam.ac.uk>  2004-2006     
+# -------------------
+# This macro checks what kind of line ending the Fortran compiler
+# writes out, and expects to read in. (Checking reading explicitly really doesnt work)
+AC_MSG_CHECKING([for EOR character used by $FC])
+       program output_eol
+       open(unit=10, file="conf_eol.out")
+       write(10,"(a)") ""
+       end program
+if ! test -f conf_eol.out; then
+AC_MSG_ERROR([Could not find test output])
+elif od -b conf_eol.out | grep 5015 >/dev/null; then
+  ac_cv_FC_check_output_eol=CRLF
+elif od -b conf_eol.out | grep 15 >/dev/null; then
+  ac_cv_FC_check_output_eol=CR
+elif od -b conf_eol.out | grep 12 >/dev/null; then
+  ac_cv_FC_check_output_eol=LF
+  ac_cv_FC_check_output_eol=UNKNOWN
+rm -rf conf_eol.out
+if test $ac_cv_FC_check_output_eol = UNKNOWN; then
+  AC_MSG_ERROR([Could not determine line-ending convention])
+[AC_MSG_ERROR([Could not execute compiled program])],
+[ac_cv_FC_check_output_eol=EOL_CR] dnl take a wild guess at Unix if x-compiling
+dnl output EOL
+AC_MSG_CHECKING([for input EOL character produced by $FC])
+touch conf_empty.txt
+# Surely there must be a better way to create a CRLF file than this!
+echo 12 | tr -d "\012\015" | tr 12 "\015\012" > conf_crlf.txt
+       program input_eol
+       integer :: i, io_eof
+       integer :: s1, result
+       character :: c
+       open(unit=10, file="conf_empty.txt")
+       open(unit=11, file="conf_crlf.txt")
+       open(unit=12, file="conf_result.txt")
+       ! Pick up eof first
+       read(10, "(a1)", iostat=io_eof) c
+       i = 0
+       n = 1
+       s = 0
+       result = 0
+       read(11, "(a1)", iostat=i) c
+       ! If we are on an LF-EOL machine,
+       ! then we should get CR followed by EOR
+       if (i==0) then
+         if (iachar(c)==13) then
+           s1 = 13
+         elseif (iachar(c)==32) then
+           ! some compilers translate it into a space, unhelpfully
+           s1 = 32
+         else
+           write(12, *) "UNKNOWN"
+           stop
+         endif
+       else
+         s1 = -1 ! End of Record, we assume
+       endif
+       read(11, "(a1)", iostat=i) c
+       if (i==0) then
+         if (iachar(c)==10.and.s1==-1) then
+	   ! Sequence was EOR, LF, therefore EOR=CR.
+           ! Next must be EOF
+           read(11, "(a1)", iostat=i)
+           if (i==io_eof) result = 1 ! EOR_CR
+         endif
+       elseif (i==io_eof) then
+         if (s1==-1) then
+           ! Sequence was EOR, EOF, therefore EOR=CRLF
+           result = 2 ! EOR_CRLF
+         elseif (s1==32) then
+           ! Sequence was SPACE, EOF. Empirically, this seems to happen on PPC Macs, so:
+           result = 3 ! EOR_LF
+         endif
+       elseif (s1==13) then
+         ! We assume this non-zero iostat is EOR
+         ! Sequence was CR, EOR, therefore EOR=LF
+         ! Next must be EOF
+         read(11, "(a1)", iostat=i)
+         if (i==io_eof) result = 3 ! EOR_LF
+       endif
+       select case(result)
+       case (1)
+         write(12,*) "CR"
+       case (2)
+         write(12,*) "CRLF"
+       case (3)
+         write(12,*) "LF"
+       case default
+         write(12,*) "UNKNOWN"
+       end select
+       end program
+rm -f conf_empty.txt conf_crlf.txt
+if ! test -f conf_result.txt; then
+  AC_MSG_ERROR([Could not find test output])
+elif grep CRLF conf_result.txt >/dev/null; then
+  ac_cv_FC_check_input_eol=CRLF
+elif grep CR conf_result.txt >/dev/null; then
+  ac_cv_FC_check_input_eol=CR
+elif grep LF conf_result.txt >/dev/null; then
+  ac_cv_FC_check_input_eol=LF
+  ac_cv_FC_check_input_eol=UNKNOWN
+dnl rm -f conf_result.txt
+if test $ac_cv_FC_check_input_eol = UNKNOWN; then
+  AC_MSG_ERROR([Could not determine input line-ending convention])
+[AC_MSG_ERROR([Could not execute compiled program])],
+[ac_cv_FC_check_input_eol=CR] dnl take a wild guess at Unix if x-compiling
+dnl check input_eol
+])])dnl This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+dnl it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+dnl the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+dnl any later version.
+dnl This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+dnl but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+dnl GNU General Public License for more details.
+dnl You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+dnl along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+dnl Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+dnl 02111-1307, USA.
+dnl As a special exception, the Free Software Foundation gives unlimited
+dnl permission to copy, distribute and modify the configure scripts that
+dnl are the output of Autoconf.  You need not follow the terms of the GNU
+dnl General Public License when using or distributing such scripts, even
+dnl though portions of the text of Autoconf appear in them.  The GNU
+dnl General Public License (GPL) does govern all other use of the material
+dnl that constitutes the Autoconf program.
+dnl Certain portions of the Autoconf source text are designed to be copied
+dnl (in certain cases, depending on the input) into the output of
+dnl Autoconf.  We call these the "data" portions.  The rest of the Autoconf
+dnl source text consists of comments plus executable code that decides which
+dnl of the data portions to output in any given case.  We call these
+dnl comments and executable code the "non-data" portions.  Autoconf never
+dnl copies any of the non-data portions into its output.
+dnl This special exception to the GPL applies to versions of Autoconf
+dnl released by the Free Software Foundation.  When you make and
+dnl distribute a modified version of Autoconf, you may extend this special
+dnl exception to the GPL to apply to your modified version as well, *unless*
+dnl your modified version has the potential to copy into its output some
+dnl of the text that was the non-data portion of the version that you started
+dnl with.  (In other words, unless your change moves or copies text from
+dnl the non-data portions to the data portions.)  If your modification has
+dnl such potential, you must delete any notice of this special exception
+dnl to the GPL from your modified version.
+dnl Copyright Toby White <tow21 at cam.ac.uk>  2004-2006     
+dnl Check how to get at the flush intrinsic.
+      PRINT*
+      CALL FLUSH(5)
+      PRINT*
+      CALL FLUSH(5)
+      PRINT*
+      CALL FLUSH_(5)
+AC_MSG_CHECKING([how to compile a call to FLUSH])
+dnl Try first with nothing
+    [tw_flush_ok=yes; TW_FLUSH=bare;tw_method=default;DEFS="$DEFS FC_HAVE_FLUSH"],
+    [])
+if test $tw_flush_ok = no; then
+   LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS -Vaxlib"
+    [tw_flush_ok=yes; TW_FLUSH=INTEL;tw_method="with -Vaxlib";DEFS="$DEFS FC_HAVE_FLUSH"],
+    [])
+   if test $tw_flush_ok = no; then
+      LDFLAGS=$save_LDFLAGS
+   fi
+if test $tw_flush_ok = no; then
+    [tw_flush_ok=yes; TW_FLUSH=NAG;tw_method="with f90_unix_io";DEFS="$DEFS FC_HAVE_FLUSH"],
+    [])
+if test $tw_flush_ok = no; then
+    [tw_flush_ok=yes; TW_FLUSH=XLF;tw_method="with underscore"],
+    [])
+AS_IF([test $tw_flush_ok = yes],
+      [$1],
+      [m4_default([$2],[AC_MSG_ERROR([Cannot compile FLUSH statement])])]
+     )
+dnl This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+dnl it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+dnl the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+dnl any later version.
+dnl This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+dnl but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+dnl GNU General Public License for more details.
+dnl You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+dnl along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+dnl Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+dnl 02111-1307, USA.
+dnl As a special exception, the Free Software Foundation gives unlimited
+dnl permission to copy, distribute and modify the configure scripts that
+dnl are the output of Autoconf.  You need not follow the terms of the GNU
+dnl General Public License when using or distributing such scripts, even
+dnl though portions of the text of Autoconf appear in them.  The GNU
+dnl General Public License (GPL) does govern all other use of the material
+dnl that constitutes the Autoconf program.
+dnl Certain portions of the Autoconf source text are designed to be copied
+dnl (in certain cases, depending on the input) into the output of
+dnl Autoconf.  We call these the "data" portions.  The rest of the Autoconf
+dnl source text consists of comments plus executable code that decides which
+dnl of the data portions to output in any given case.  We call these
+dnl comments and executable code the "non-data" portions.  Autoconf never
+dnl copies any of the non-data portions into its output.
+dnl This special exception to the GPL applies to versions of Autoconf
+dnl released by the Free Software Foundation.  When you make and
+dnl distribute a modified version of Autoconf, you may extend this special
+dnl exception to the GPL to apply to your modified version as well, *unless*
+dnl your modified version has the potential to copy into its output some
+dnl of the text that was the non-data portion of the version that you started
+dnl with.  (In other words, unless your change moves or copies text from
+dnl the non-data portions to the data portions.)  If your modification has
+dnl such potential, you must delete any notice of this special exception
+dnl to the GPL from your modified version.
+dnl Copyright Toby White <tow21 at cam.ac.uk>  2004-2006     
+dnl A macro to determine which compiler is being used, in order that
+dnl different flags can be set
+dnl Firstly go by compiler name.
+case $FC in 
+   g77*)
+      FC_ID=G77
+      ;;
+   g95*)
+      FC_ID=G95
+      ;;
+   gfortran*)
+      FC_ID=Gfortran
+      ;;
+   if*)
+      FC_ID=Intel
+      ;;
+   lf9*)
+      FC_ID=Lahey
+      ;;
+   path*)
+      FC_ID=Pathscale
+      ;;
+   pgf*)
+      FC_ID=Portland
+      ;;
+   xlf*)
+      FC_ID=Xlf 
+dnl then try and disambiguate all f77, f90, and f95 types.
+dnl We should have a choice between
+dnl nag. absoft. sun. sgi. digital. hp. cray. ...?
+if test x$FC_ID = x; then
+   tw_fc_v_output=$($FC -V 2>&1 )
+   if test $?; then
+      case $tw_fc_v_output in
+         *NAG*)
+            FC_ID=Nag
+            ;;
+         *Sun*)
+            FC_ID=Sun # there's more than one compiler here ...
+            ;;
+         *Absoft*)
+            FC_ID=Absoft # there's more than one compiler here ...
+            ;;
+      esac
+   fi
+ if test x$FC_ID = x; then
+   tw_fc_v_output=$($FC -version 2>&1)
+   if test $?; then
+      case $tw_fc_v_output in
+         *Compaq*)
+            FC_ID=Digital
+            ;;
+         *Digital*)
+            FC_ID=Digital
+            ;;
+         *SGI*)
+            FC_ID=SGI
+            ;;
+      esac
+   fi
+AS_IF([test x$FC_ID != x],
+      [AC_MSG_NOTICE([$FC seems to be a $FC_ID compiler])],
+      [FC_ID=unknown; AC_MSG_NOTICE([Could not determine type of compiler])])
+dnl for more fun, try and get the version number now ...
+])# TW_FC_ID
+dnl This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+dnl it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+dnl the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+dnl any later version.
+dnl This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+dnl but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+dnl GNU General Public License for more details.
+dnl You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+dnl along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+dnl Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+dnl 02111-1307, USA.
+dnl As a special exception, the Free Software Foundation gives unlimited
+dnl permission to copy, distribute and modify the configure scripts that
+dnl are the output of Autoconf.  You need not follow the terms of the GNU
+dnl General Public License when using or distributing such scripts, even
+dnl though portions of the text of Autoconf appear in them.  The GNU
+dnl General Public License (GPL) does govern all other use of the material
+dnl that constitutes the Autoconf program.
+dnl Certain portions of the Autoconf source text are designed to be copied
+dnl (in certain cases, depending on the input) into the output of
+dnl Autoconf.  We call these the "data" portions.  The rest of the Autoconf
+dnl source text consists of comments plus executable code that decides which
+dnl of the data portions to output in any given case.  We call these
+dnl comments and executable code the "non-data" portions.  Autoconf never
+dnl copies any of the non-data portions into its output.
+dnl This special exception to the GPL applies to versions of Autoconf
+dnl released by the Free Software Foundation.  When you make and
+dnl distribute a modified version of Autoconf, you may extend this special
+dnl exception to the GPL to apply to your modified version as well, *unless*
+dnl your modified version has the potential to copy into its output some
+dnl of the text that was the non-data portion of the version that you started
+dnl with.  (In other words, unless your change moves or copies text from
+dnl the non-data portions to the data portions.)  If your modification has
+dnl such potential, you must delete any notice of this special exception
+dnl to the GPL from your modified version.
+dnl Copyright Toby White <tow21 at cam.ac.uk>  2004-2006     
+dnl A macro to set various compiler-dependent things that can't be sensibly
+dnl deduced.
+case $FC_ID in
+  Absoft)
+     FFLAGS_DEBUG="-et -g -Rb -Rc -Rp -Rs"
+     ;;
+  Digital)
+     FFLAGS_DEBUG="-g -Rabc -ei"
+     ;;
+  G77)
+     ;;
+  G95)
+    FFLAGS_DEBUG="-ggdb3 -ftrace=full -fbounds-check -flogical=false -freal=nan -fpointer=invalid -finteger=-1"
+    ;;
+  Gfortran)
+     ;;
+  Intel)
+     FFLAGS_DEBUG="-C -g -inline_debug_info"
+     ;;
+  Lahey)
+     FFLAGS_DEBUG="--chk aesux --chkglobal -g --trace"
+     FFLAGS_FAST="-O --warn --quiet --tpp --ntrace"
+     ;;
+  Nag)
+     FFLAGS_DEBUG="-C=all -g -gline -nan"
+     DEFS="$DEFS __NAG__"
+     ;;
+  Pathscale)
+     ;;
+  Portland)
+     FFLAGS_DEBUG="-g -Mbounds"
+     FFLAGS_FAST="-fast"
+     DEFS="$DEFS PGF90"
+     ;;
+  SGI)
+     FFLAGS_DEBUG="-g -O0"
+     FFLAGS_FAST="-O3 -OPT:Olimit=0"
+     ;;
+  Sun)
+     FFLAGS_DEBUG="-C -g"
+     FFLAGS_FAST="-fast"
+     ;;
+  Xlf)
+     FFLAGS_DEBUG="-g -C -qinitauto -qsave -qmaxmem=16000 -qnolm"
+     FFLAGS_FAST="-O3 -qarch=auto -qtune=auto -qcache=auto -qnolm"
+     ;;
+dnl This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+dnl it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+dnl the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+dnl any later version.
+dnl This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+dnl but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+dnl GNU General Public License for more details.
+dnl You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+dnl along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+dnl Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+dnl 02111-1307, USA.
+dnl As a special exception, the Free Software Foundation gives unlimited
+dnl permission to copy, distribute and modify the configure scripts that
+dnl are the output of Autoconf.  You need not follow the terms of the GNU
+dnl General Public License when using or distributing such scripts, even
+dnl though portions of the text of Autoconf appear in them.  The GNU
+dnl General Public License (GPL) does govern all other use of the material
+dnl that constitutes the Autoconf program.
+dnl Certain portions of the Autoconf source text are designed to be copied
+dnl (in certain cases, depending on the input) into the output of
+dnl Autoconf.  We call these the "data" portions.  The rest of the Autoconf
+dnl source text consists of comments plus executable code that decides which
+dnl of the data portions to output in any given case.  We call these
+dnl comments and executable code the "non-data" portions.  Autoconf never
+dnl copies any of the non-data portions into its output.
+dnl This special exception to the GPL applies to versions of Autoconf
+dnl released by the Free Software Foundation.  When you make and
+dnl distribute a modified version of Autoconf, you may extend this special
+dnl exception to the GPL to apply to your modified version as well, *unless*
+dnl your modified version has the potential to copy into its output some
+dnl of the text that was the non-data portion of the version that you started
+dnl with.  (In other words, unless your change moves or copies text from
+dnl the non-data portions to the data portions.)  If your modification has
+dnl such potential, you must delete any notice of this special exception
+dnl to the GPL from your modified version.
+dnl Copyright Toby White <tow21 at cam.ac.uk>  2004-2006     
+# -------------------
+# This macro checks what integer is produced by the kind 
+# declaration KIND_DECLARATION. This integer is placed in 
+# AC_FC_KIND_<VARIABLE_SUFFIX>. If we successfully find a
+# kind integer, ACTION_IF_SUCCESS is performed; otherwise
+AC_CACHE_CHECK([for kind number produced by $1], 
+                ac_cv_fc_real_kind_[]$2[],
+while test $ac_fc_kind_test -lt 100
+  cat > conftest.$ac_ext << ACEOF
+dnl The program below will fail to compile if 
+dnl sp != mysp; ie if the kind produced by the 
+dnl supplied kind declaration ($1) is not the same
+dnl same as $ac_fc_kind_test. This is because Fortran
+dnl pointers & targets must be of the same kind. 
+dnl All conforming compilers must fail to compile the
+dnl subroutine otherwise.
+dnl This approach is taken since it enables us to
+dnl test for kind numbers at compile time rather
+dnl than run time, which means the macro will support
+dnl crosss-compilation.
+dnl However, note that kind numbers can theoretically
+dnl be anything from 1 to the largest default integer
+dnl supported by the compiler. Here we only test up to
+dnl 99, which is more than enough on all compilers tried
+dnl so far
+      subroutine kind_explorer
+      integer, parameter :: sp = $1
+      integer, parameter :: mysp = $ac_fc_kind_test
+      real(kind=sp), target :: x
+      real(kind=mysp), pointer :: y
+      y=>x
+      end subroutine kind_explorer
+  if eval $ac_compile 2>&5
+  then
+    ac_fc_kind_found=yes
+    break
+  fi
+  ac_fc_kind_test=`expr $ac_fc_kind_test + 1`
+if test "$ac_fc_kind_found" = yes; then
+  ac_cv_fc_real_kind_[]$2[]=$ac_fc_kind_test
+  ac_cv_fc_real_kind_[]$2[]=none
+AS_IF([test $ac_cv_fc_real_kind_[]$2[] != no],
+      [ac_fc_real_kind_[]$2[]=$ac_cv_fc_real_kind_[]$2[]; m4_default([$3],[:])],
+      [m4_default([$4],[AC_MSG_ERROR([Could not find Fortran real kind number for $1])])]
+     )
+# -------------------
+# This macro checks what integer is produced by the kind 
+# declaration KIND_DECLARATION. This integer is placed in 
+# AC_FC_KIND_<VARIABLE_SUFFIX>. If we successfully find a
+# kind integer, ACTION_IF_SUCCESS is performed; otherwise
+AC_CACHE_CHECK([for kind number produced by $1], 
+                ac_cv_fc_int_kind_[]$2[],
+while test $ac_fc_kind_test -lt 100
+  cat > conftest.f90 << ACEOF
+dnl The program below will fail to compile if 
+dnl sp != mysp; ie if the kind produced by the 
+dnl supplied kind declaration ($1) is not the same
+dnl same as $ac_fc_kind_test. This is because Fortran
+dnl pointers & targets must be of the same kind. 
+dnl All conforming compilers must fail to compile the
+dnl subroutine otherwise.
+dnl This approach is taken since it enables us to
+dnl test for kind numbers at compile time rather
+dnl than run time, which means the macro will support
+dnl crosss-compilation.
+dnl However, note that kind numbers can theoretically
+dnl be anything from 1 to the largest default integer
+dnl supported by the compiler. Here we only test up to
+dnl 99, which is more than enough on all compilers tried
+dnl so far
+      subroutine kind_explorer
+      integer, parameter :: sp = $1
+      integer, parameter :: mysp = $ac_fc_kind_test
+      integer(kind=sp), target :: x
+      integer(kind=mysp), pointer :: y
+      y=>x
+      end subroutine kind_explorer
+  if eval $ac_compile 2>&5
+  then
+    ac_fc_kind_found=yes
+    break
+  fi
+  ac_fc_kind_test=`expr $ac_fc_kind_test + 1`
+if test "$ac_fc_kind_found" = yes; then
+  ac_cv_fc_int_kind_[]$2[]=$ac_fc_kind_test
+  ac_cv_fc_int_kind_[]$2[]=none
+AS_IF([test $ac_cv_fc_int_kind_[]$2[] != no],
+      [ac_fc_int_kind_[]$2[]=$ac_cv_fc_int_kind_[]$2[]; m4_default([$3],[:])],
+      [m4_default([$4],[AC_MSG_ERROR([Could not find Fortran integer kind number for $1])])]
+     )
+# -------------------
+# This macro attempts to find the Fortran compiler's kinds
+# for the following four types of real number:
+#  Compiler default (single) precision
+#  Compiler double precision
+#  IEEE single precision
+#  IEEE double precision
+# The first two are guaranteed to exist; the second two may
+# or may not.
+# If all 4 are succesfully found,. ACTION_IF_SUCCESS is
+# performed.
+# Otherwise, ACTION_IF_FAIL is performed
+AC_FC_REAL_KIND([[kind(1.0)]], [sp], 
+                [], [ac_got_kinds=no])
+AC_FC_REAL_KIND([[kind(1.0d0)]], [dp], 
+                [], [ac_got_kinds=no])
+AC_FC_REAL_KIND([[selected_real_kind(6,34)]], [ieee_sp], 
+                [], [ac_got_kinds=no])
+AC_FC_REAL_KIND([[selected_real_kind(15,300)]], [ieee_dp], 
+                [], [ac_got_kinds=no])
+AS_IF([test $ac_fc_got_kinds != no],
+      [m4_default([$1],[:])],
+      [m4_default([$2],[AC_MSG_ERROR([Could not find all Fortran real kinds])])]
+      )
+dnl This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+dnl it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+dnl the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+dnl any later version.
+dnl This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+dnl but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+dnl GNU General Public License for more details.
+dnl You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+dnl along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+dnl Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+dnl 02111-1307, USA.
+dnl As a special exception, the Free Software Foundation gives unlimited
+dnl permission to copy, distribute and modify the configure scripts that
+dnl are the output of Autoconf.  You need not follow the terms of the GNU
+dnl General Public License when using or distributing such scripts, even
+dnl though portions of the text of Autoconf appear in them.  The GNU
+dnl General Public License (GPL) does govern all other use of the material
+dnl that constitutes the Autoconf program.
+dnl Certain portions of the Autoconf source text are designed to be copied
+dnl (in certain cases, depending on the input) into the output of
+dnl Autoconf.  We call these the "data" portions.  The rest of the Autoconf
+dnl source text consists of comments plus executable code that decides which
+dnl of the data portions to output in any given case.  We call these
+dnl comments and executable code the "non-data" portions.  Autoconf never
+dnl copies any of the non-data portions into its output.
+dnl This special exception to the GPL applies to versions of Autoconf
+dnl released by the Free Software Foundation.  When you make and
+dnl distribute a modified version of Autoconf, you may extend this special
+dnl exception to the GPL to apply to your modified version as well, *unless*
+dnl your modified version has the potential to copy into its output some
+dnl of the text that was the non-data portion of the version that you started
+dnl with.  (In other words, unless your change moves or copies text from
+dnl the non-data portions to the data portions.)  If your modification has
+dnl such potential, you must delete any notice of this special exception
+dnl to the GPL from your modified version.
+dnl Copyright Toby White <tow21 at cam.ac.uk>  2004-2006     
+dnl autoconf macros for detecting NetCDF (fortan implementation only)
+      CALL NF_CLOSE()
+   ]])],
+   [m4_ifval([$1],[$1],[])],
+   [m4_ifval([$2],[$2],[])]
+case $with_netcdf in
+  yes | "") ;;
+  no) tw_netcdf_ok=disable ;;
+  -* | */* | *.a | *.so | *.so.* | *.o) NETCDF_LIBS="$with_netcdf" ;;
+   *) NETCDF_LIBS="-l$with_netcdf" ;;
+if test $tw_netcdf_ok != disable; then
+  if test "x$NETCDF_LIBS" = x; then
+     NETCDF_LIBS="-lnetcdf"
+  fi
+  AC_MSG_CHECKING([for netcdf])
+  save_LIBS="$LIBS"
+  _TW_TRY_NETCDF([tw_netcdf_ok=yes],[])
+  AC_MSG_RESULT([$tw_netcdf_ok])
+  LIBS="$save_LIBS"
+AS_IF([test $tw_netcdf_ok = yes],
+      [ifelse([$1],,AC_DEFINE(HAVE_NETCDF,1,[Define if you have NetCDF library.]),[$1])],
+      [NETCDF_LIBS="";tw_netcdf_ok=no;$2])
+dnl This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+dnl it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+dnl the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+dnl any later version.
+dnl This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+dnl but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+dnl GNU General Public License for more details.
+dnl You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+dnl along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+dnl Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+dnl 02111-1307, USA.
+dnl As a special exception, the Free Software Foundation gives unlimited
+dnl permission to copy, distribute and modify the configure scripts that
+dnl are the output of Autoconf.  You need not follow the terms of the GNU
+dnl General Public License when using or distributing such scripts, even
+dnl though portions of the text of Autoconf appear in them.  The GNU
+dnl General Public License (GPL) does govern all other use of the material
+dnl that constitutes the Autoconf program.
+dnl Certain portions of the Autoconf source text are designed to be copied
+dnl (in certain cases, depending on the input) into the output of
+dnl Autoconf.  We call these the "data" portions.  The rest of the Autoconf
+dnl source text consists of comments plus executable code that decides which
+dnl of the data portions to output in any given case.  We call these
+dnl comments and executable code the "non-data" portions.  Autoconf never
+dnl copies any of the non-data portions into its output.
+dnl This special exception to the GPL applies to versions of Autoconf
+dnl released by the Free Software Foundation.  When you make and
+dnl distribute a modified version of Autoconf, you may extend this special
+dnl exception to the GPL to apply to your modified version as well, *unless*
+dnl your modified version has the potential to copy into its output some
+dnl of the text that was the non-data portion of the version that you started
+dnl with.  (In other words, unless your change moves or copies text from
+dnl the non-data portions to the data portions.)  If your modification has
+dnl such potential, you must delete any notice of this special exception
+dnl to the GPL from your modified version.
+dnl Copyright Toby White <tow21 at cam.ac.uk>  2004-2006 
+dnl Macro to check for cygpath PATH-substitution utility.
+dnl compilation with BLACS. Only works with Fortran at the moment.
+ # test whether we have cygpath 	 
+ if test -z "$CYGPATH_W"; then 	 
+   if (cygpath --version) >/dev/null 2>/dev/null; then 	 
+     CYGPATH_W='cygpath -w' 	 
+   else 	 
+     CYGPATH_W=echo 	 
+   fi 	 
+ fi
+# This file is part of Autoconf.                       -*- Autoconf -*-
+# Fortran languages support.
+# Copyright (C) 2001, 2003-2005
+# Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+# any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+# 02111-1307, USA.
+# As a special exception, the Free Software Foundation gives unlimited
+# permission to copy, distribute and modify the configure scripts that
+# are the output of Autoconf.  You need not follow the terms of the GNU
+# General Public License when using or distributing such scripts, even
+# though portions of the text of Autoconf appear in them.  The GNU
+# General Public License (GPL) does govern all other use of the material
+# that constitutes the Autoconf program.
+# Certain portions of the Autoconf source text are designed to be copied
+# (in certain cases, depending on the input) into the output of
+# Autoconf.  We call these the "data" portions.  The rest of the Autoconf
+# source text consists of comments plus executable code that decides which
+# of the data portions to output in any given case.  We call these
+# comments and executable code the "non-data" portions.  Autoconf never
+# copies any of the non-data portions into its output.
+# This special exception to the GPL applies to versions of Autoconf
+# released by the Free Software Foundation.  When you make and
+# distribute a modified version of Autoconf, you may extend this special
+# exception to the GPL to apply to your modified version as well, *unless*
+# your modified version has the potential to copy into its output some
+# of the text that was the non-data portion of the version that you started
+# with.  (In other words, unless your change moves or copies text from
+# the non-data portions to the data portions.)  If your modification has
+# such potential, you must delete any notice of this special exception
+# to the GPL from your modified version.
+# Written by David MacKenzie, with help from
+# Franc,ois Pinard, Karl Berry, Richard Pixley, Ian Lance Taylor,
+# Roland McGrath, Noah Friedman, david d zuhn, and many others.
+# Fortran preprocessing support written by Martin Wilck, adapted and
+# extended by Norman Gray and Toby White.
+# Fortran vs. Fortran 77:
+#   This file contains macros for both "Fortran 77" and "Fortran", where
+# the former is the "classic" autoconf Fortran interface and is intended
+# for legacy F77 codes, while the latter is intended to support newer Fortran
+# dialects.  Fortran 77 uses environment variables F77, FFLAGS, and FLIBS,
+# while Fortran uses FC, FCFLAGS, and FCLIBS.  For each user-callable AC_*
+# macro, there is generally both an F77 and an FC version, where both versions
+# share the same _AC_*_FC_* backend.  This backend macro requires that
+# the appropriate language be AC_LANG_PUSH'ed, and uses _AC_LANG_ABBREV and
+# _AC_LANG_PREFIX in order to name cache and environment variables, etc.
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Processing the elements of a list is tedious in shell programming,
+# as lists tend to be implemented as space delimited strings.
+# This macro searches LIST for ELEMENT, and executes ACTION-IF-FOUND
+# if ELEMENT is a member of LIST, otherwise it executes
+[dnl Do some sanity checking of the arguments.
+m4_if([$1], , [AC_FATAL([$0: missing argument 1])])dnl
+m4_if([$2], , [AC_FATAL([$0: missing argument 2])])dnl
+  ac_exists=false
+  for ac_i in $2; do
+    if test x"$1" = x"$ac_i"; then
+      ac_exists=true
+      break
+    fi
+  done
+  AS_IF([test x"$ac_exists" = xtrue], [$3], [$4])[]dnl
+# -------------------------------------------------
+# Specifying options to the compiler (whether it be the C, C++ or
+# Fortran 77 compiler) that are meant for the linker is compiler
+# dependent.  This macro lets you give options to the compiler that
+# are meant for the linker in a portable, compiler-independent way.
+# This macro take two arguments, a list of linker options that the
+# compiler should pass to the linker (LINKER-OPTIONS) and the name of
+# a shell variable (SHELL-VARIABLE).  The list of linker options are
+# appended to the shell variable in a compiler-dependent way.
+# For example, if the selected language is C, then this:
+#   _AC_LINKER_OPTION([-R /usr/local/lib/foo], foo_LDFLAGS)
+# will expand into this if the selected C compiler is gcc:
+#   foo_LDFLAGS="-Xlinker -R -Xlinker /usr/local/lib/foo"
+# otherwise, it will expand into this:
+#   foo_LDFLAGS"-R /usr/local/lib/foo"
+# You are encouraged to add support for compilers that this macro
+# doesn't currently support.
+# FIXME: Get rid of this macro.
+[if test "$ac_compiler_gnu" = yes; then
+  for ac_link_opt in $1; do
+    $2="[$]$2 -Xlinker $ac_link_opt"
+  done
+  $2="[$]$2 $1"
+## ----------------------- ##
+## 1. Language selection.  ##
+## ----------------------- ##
+# -------------------------- #
+# 1d. The Fortran language.  #
+# -------------------------- #
+# AC_LANG(Fortran 77)
+# -------------------
+m4_define([AC_LANG(Fortran 77)],
+ac_compile='$F77 -c $FFLAGS conftest.$ac_ext >&AS_MESSAGE_LOG_FD'
+ac_link='$F77 -o conftest$ac_exeext $FFLAGS $LDFLAGS conftest.$ac_ext $LIBS >&AS_MESSAGE_LOG_FD'
+# AC_LANG(Fortran)
+# ----------------
+ac_compile='$FC -c $FCFLAGS $FCFLAGS_SRCEXT conftest.$ac_ext >&AS_MESSAGE_LOG_FD'
+ac_link='$FC $ac_link_obj_flag""conftest$ac_exeext $FCFLAGS $LDFLAGS $FCFLAGS_SRCEXT conftest.$ac_ext $LIBS >&AS_MESSAGE_LOG_FD'
+# AC_LANG(Preprocessed Fortran)
+# --------------------------------
+# We need a separate `preprocessed' language, because not all Fortran 
+# compilers have a preprocessor built in.  Therefore we may need to
+# resort to an `indirect' compilation, .F->.f->.o, including the
+# generation of a suitable extra build rule.  The language extension
+# is set in macro AC_PROG_FPP, to $FPP_SRC_EXT.
+m4_define([AC_LANG(Preprocessed Fortran)],
+# We need to use variables because compilation depends on whether 
+# $F77 supports direct compilation of source with cpp directives
+# -----------------
+# ------------------
+# Current language must be Fortran, Fortran 77, or preprocessed Fortran.
+# FIXME: is there any reason why this can't be AC_LANG_CASE?
+[m4_if(_AC_LANG, [Fortran], [],
+       [m4_if(_AC_LANG, [Fortran 77], [],
+              [m4_if(_AC_LANG, [Preprocessed Fortran], []
+                     [m4_fatal([$0: current language is not Fortran: ] _AC_LANG)])])])])
+# _AC_LANG_ABBREV(Fortran 77)
+# ---------------------------
+m4_define([_AC_LANG_ABBREV(Fortran 77)], [f77])
+# _AC_LANG_ABBREV(Fortran)
+# ------------------------
+m4_define([_AC_LANG_ABBREV(Fortran)], [fc])
+# _AC_LANG_ABBREV(Preprocessed Fortran)
+# -------------------------------------
+m4_define([_AC_LANG_ABBREV(Preprocessed Fortran)], [fpp])
+# _AC_LANG_PREFIX(Fortran 77)
+# ---------------------------
+m4_define([_AC_LANG_PREFIX(Fortran 77)], [F])
+# _AC_LANG_PREFIX(Fortran)
+# ------------------------
+m4_define([_AC_LANG_PREFIX(Fortran)], [FC])
+# _AC_LANG_PREFIX(Preprocessed Fortran)
+# -------------------------------------
+m4_define([_AC_LANG_PREFIX(Preprocessed Fortran)], [FPP])
+# _AC_FC
+# ------
+# Return F77, FC or PPFC, depending upon the language.
+AC_LANG_CASE([Fortran 77],           [F77],
+             [Fortran],              [FC],
+             [Preprocessed Fortran], [PPFC])])
+## ---------------------- ##
+## 2.Producing programs.  ##
+## ---------------------- ##
+# --------------------- #
+# 2d. Fortran sources.  #
+# --------------------- #
+# AC_LANG_SOURCE(Fortran 77)(BODY)
+# --------------------------------
+# FIXME: Apparently, according to former AC_TRY_COMPILER, the CPP
+# directives must not be included.  But AC_TRY_RUN_NATIVE was not
+# avoiding them, so?
+m4_define([AC_LANG_SOURCE(Fortran 77)],
+m4_define([AC_LANG_SOURCE(Preprocessed Fortran)],
+# -----------------------------------------------
+# Yes, we discard the PROLOGUE.
+m4_define([AC_LANG_PROGRAM(Fortran 77)],
+       [m4_warn([syntax], [$0: ignoring PROLOGUE: $1])])dnl
+      program main
+      end])
+# -----------------------------------------------
+# FIXME: can the PROLOGUE be used?
+       [m4_warn([syntax], [$0: ignoring PROLOGUE: $1])])dnl
+      program main
+      end])
+# AC_LANG_PROGRAM(Preprocessed Fortran)([PROLOGUE], [BODY])
+# ---------------------------------------------------------
+# FIXME: can the PROLOGUE be used?
+m4_define([AC_LANG_PROGRAM(Preprocessed Fortran)],
+      program main
+      end])
+# --------------------------------------------
+# FIXME: This is a guess, help!
+# FIXME: ...but it's a good guesss -- what's the problem?
+m4_define([AC_LANG_CALL(Fortran 77)],
+[      call $2])])
+# --------------------------------------------
+# FIXME: This is a guess, help!
+[      call $2])])
+# AC_LANG_CALL(Preprocessed Fortran)(PROLOGUE, FUNCTION)
+# ------------------------------------------------------
+# FIXME: This is a guess, help!
+m4_define([AC_LANG_CALL(Preprocessed Fortran)],
+[      call $2])])
+# ----------------------------------------
+# Produce a source which links correctly iff the Fortran FUNCTION exists.
+# Note that the generic AC_LANG_FUNC_LINK_TRY macro is deemed severely
+# broken, and is deprecated.  The macro still currently exists, however,
+# and so if macros like AC_CHECK_FUNCS are to work with
+# AC_LANG(Fortran) (and friends), then these macros have to be
+# defined.
+# FIXME: This is a severely broken implementation.
+# It does not distinguish between functions and subroutines, and it
+# ignores any arguments.  We don't attempt to cope with argument $1
+# being somethine weird -- either already declared as a Fortran keyword
+# or something needing quoting -- if the user wants to ask dumb
+# questions, they'll get dumb answers.
+[      Program Test
+      External $1
+      Call $1
+      End
+# -------------------------------------------
+# Ditto, for language `Fortran 77'
+m4_define([AC_LANG_FUNC_LINK_TRY(Fortran 77)],
+[      Program Test
+      External $1
+      Call $1
+      End
+# AC_LANG_FUNC_LINK_TRY(Preprocessed Fortran)(FUNCTION)
+# -----------------------------------------------------
+# Ditto, for language `Preprocessed Fortran'
+m4_define([AC_LANG_FUNC_LINK_TRY(Preprocessed Fortran)],
+[      Program Test
+      External $1
+      Call $1
+      End
+## -------------------------------------------- ##
+## 3. Looking for Compilers and Preprocessors.  ##
+## -------------------------------------------- ##
+# -------------------------- #
+# 3d. The Fortran compiler.  #
+# -------------------------- #
+# AC_LANG_PREPROC(Fortran 77)
+# ---------------------------
+# Find the Fortran 77 preprocessor.  Must be AC_DEFUN'd to be AC_REQUIRE'able.
+	 [$0: No preprocessor defined for ]_AC_LANG)])
+# ---------------------------
+# Find the Fortran preprocessor.  Must be AC_DEFUN'd to be AC_REQUIRE'able.
+         [$0: No preprocessor defined for ]_AC_LANG)])
+# AC_LANG_PREPROC(Preprocessed Fortran)
+# -------------------------------------
+# Find the Fortran preprocessor.  Must be AC_DEFUN'd to be AC_REQUIRE'able.
+AC_DEFUN([AC_LANG_PREPROC(Preprocessed Fortran)],
+# AC_LANG_COMPILER(Fortran 77)
+# ----------------------------
+# Find the Fortran 77 compiler.  Must be AC_DEFUN'd to be
+# AC_REQUIRE'able.
+# -------------------------
+# Find the Fortran compiler.  Must be AC_DEFUN'd to be
+# AC_REQUIRE'able.
+# AC_LANG_COMPILER(Preprocessed Fortran)
+# --------------------------------------
+# Find the Fortran compiler.  Must be AC_DEFUN'd to be
+# AC_REQUIRE'able.
+AC_DEFUN([AC_LANG_COMPILER(Preprocessed Fortran)],
+# ac_cv_prog_g77
+# --------------
+# We used to name the cache variable this way.
+# ------------------------------
+# Given a Fortran DIALECT, which is Fortran [YY]YY or simply [YY]YY,
+# convert to a 4-digit year.  The dialect must be one of Fortran 77,
+# 90, 95, or 2000, currently.  If DIALECT is simply Fortran or the
+# empty string, returns the empty string.
+[m4_case(m4_bpatsubsts(m4_tolower([$1]), [fortran],[], [ *],[]),
+	 [77],[1977], [1977],[1977],
+	 [90],[1990], [1990],[1990],
+	 [95],[1995], [1995],[1995],
+	 [2000],[2000],
+         [],[],
+         [m4_fatal([unknown Fortran dialect])])])
+# --------------------------------------
+# DIALECT is a Fortran dialect, given by Fortran [YY]YY or simply [YY]YY,
+# and must be one of those supported by _AC_FC_DIALECT_YEAR
+# If DIALECT is supplied, then we search for compilers of that dialect
+# first, and then later dialects.  Otherwise, we search for compilers
+# of the newest dialect first, and then earlier dialects in increasing age.
+# This search order is necessarily imperfect because the dialect cannot
+# always be inferred from the compiler name.
+# Known compilers:
+#  f77/f90/f95: generic compiler names
+#  g77: GNU Fortran 77 compiler
+#  gfortran: putative GNU Fortran 95+ compiler (in progress)
+#  fort77: native F77 compiler under HP-UX (and some older Crays)
+#  frt: Fujitsu F77 compiler
+#  pgf77/pgf90/pgf95: Portland Group F77/F90/F95 compilers
+#  xlf/xlf90/xlf95: IBM (AIX) F77/F90/F95 compilers
+#  lf95: Lahey-Fujitsu F95 compiler
+#  fl32: Microsoft Fortran 77 "PowerStation" compiler
+#  af77: Apogee F77 compiler for Intergraph hardware running CLIX
+#  epcf90: "Edinburgh Portable Compiler" F90
+#  fort: Compaq (now HP) Fortran 90/95 compiler for Tru64 and Linux/Alpha
+#  ifc: Intel Fortran 95 compiler for Linux/x86
+#  efc: Intel Fortran 95 compiler for IA64
+# Must check for lf95 before f95 - some Lahey versions ship an f95 binary 
+# in the default path that must be avoided.
+# Let's emphasise this: the test here is only whether a program with
+# the given name exists -- there's no test at this point of whether
+# the found program is actually a Fortran compiler, and if the first
+# program named f77 (say) in your path is a script which deletes all
+# your files, that's nothing to do with us....
+# A proper fix would involve being able to go back and try another compiler
+# if the first one fails, but that requires a major reworking of much of
+# autoconf. The same problem arises (with no easy solution) on some Digital
+# compilers: f95 fails on .F files, f90 succeeds.
+# Also, in case it's not obvious, this macro can be called only once: we
+# presume that multiple Fortran variants can be handled by a compiler which
+# can handle the most recent one.  If this is not the case -- either you need
+# to give special flags to enable and disable the language features you use
+# in different modules, or in the extreme case use different compilers for
+# different files -- you're going to have to do something clever.
+# FIXME At some point gfortran (as the official Gnu Fortran compiler)
+# should be moved up to be the first choice.
+# However, I don't think it's mature enough at the moment.
+m4_define([_AC_F95_FC], [xlf95 lf95 f95 fort ifort ifc efc pgf95 pathf90 gfortran g95])
+m4_define([_AC_F90_FC], [f90 xlf90 pgf90 epcf90])
+m4_define([_AC_F77_FC], [g77 f77 xlf frt pgf77 fort77 fl32 af77])
+      m4_default([$2],
+	m4_case(_AC_FC_DIALECT_YEAR([$1]),
+		[1995], [_AC_F95_FC],
+		[1990], [_AC_F90_FC _AC_F95_FC],
+		[1977], [_AC_F77_FC _AC_F90_FC _AC_F95_FC],
+		[_AC_F95_FC _AC_F90_FC _AC_F77_FC])))
+# Provide some information about the compiler.
+echo "$as_me:__oline__:" \
+     "checking for _AC_LANG compiler version" >&AS_MESSAGE_LOG_FD
+ac_compiler=`set X $ac_compile; echo $[2]`
+_AC_EVAL([$ac_compiler --version </dev/null >&AS_MESSAGE_LOG_FD])
+_AC_EVAL([$ac_compiler -v </dev/null >&AS_MESSAGE_LOG_FD])
+_AC_EVAL([$ac_compiler -V </dev/null >&AS_MESSAGE_LOG_FD])
+rm -f a.out
+# If we don't use `.F' as extension, the preprocessor is not run on the
+# input file.  (Note that this only needs to work for GNU compilers.)
+])# _AC_PROG_FC
+# -----------------
+# Determines the form of the filename of modules produced
+# by the Fortran compiler.
+# Tests for all forms of file extension I've (TOHW) found in the
+# wild. Note that at least one compiler (PGI??) changes the
+# case of the basename as well. Whether this happens is
+# encoded in the variable ac_fc_mod_uppercase.
+# This macro depends, of course, on the Fortran compiler producing
+# module files. See comment to AC_FC_MOD_PATH_FLAG.
+# FIXME: This will fail if an F77-only compiler is used.
+# Currently we warn and continue. We should maybe error out.
+cat > conftest.$ac_ext << \_ACEOF
+      module conftest
+       implicit none
+       integer :: i
+      end module conftest
+AC_MSG_CHECKING([for suffix of module files])
+for ac_mod_file in conftest.mod conftest.MOD conftest.M CONFTEST.MOD CONFTEST.mod none 
+  if test -f $ac_mod_file; then
+    break;
+  fi
+rm -f conftest.$ac_ext conftest.$ac_exe_ext conftest.mod conftest.MOD conftest.M CONFTEST.MOD CONFTEST.mod
+case $ac_mod_file in
+  conftest.mod)
+    FC_MODEXT=mod
+    ;;
+  conftest.MOD)
+    ;;
+  conftest.M)
+    ;;
+    ;;
+  CONFTEST.mod)
+    FC_MODEXT=mod
+    ;;
+  none)
+    AC_MSG_WARN([Could not find Fortran module file extension.])
+    ;;
+AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether module filenames are uppercased])
+# ---------------------------
+# COMPILERS is a space separated list of Fortran 77 compilers to search
+# for.  See also _AC_PROG_FC.
+[AC_LANG_PUSH(Fortran 77)dnl
+AC_ARG_VAR([F77],    [Fortran 77 compiler command])dnl
+AC_ARG_VAR([FFLAGS], [Fortran 77 compiler flags])dnl
+_AC_PROG_FC([Fortran 77], [$1])
+G77=`test $ac_compiler_gnu = yes && echo yes`
+AC_LANG_POP(Fortran 77)dnl
+])# AC_PROG_F77
+# -------------------------------------
+# COMPILERS is a space separated list of Fortran 77 compilers to search
+# for, and [DIALECT] is an optional dialect.  See also _AC_PROG_FC.
+[AC_BEFORE([$0], [AC_PROG_FPP])dnl
+AC_ARG_VAR([FC],    [Fortran compiler command])dnl
+AC_ARG_VAR([FCFLAGS], [Fortran compiler flags])dnl
+_AC_PROG_FC([$2], [$1])
+# -------------
+# Check whether -g works, even if F[C]FLAGS is set, in case the package
+# plays around with F[C]FLAGS (such as to build both debugging and normal
+# versions of a library), tasteless as that idea is.
+AC_CACHE_CHECK(whether $[]_AC_FC[] accepts -g, ac_cv_prog_[]_AC_LANG_ABBREV[]_g,
+if test "$ac_test_FFLAGS" = set; then
+elif test $ac_cv_prog_[]_AC_LANG_ABBREV[]_g = yes; then
+  if test "x$ac_cv_[]_AC_LANG_ABBREV[]_compiler_gnu" = xyes; then
+    _AC_LANG_PREFIX[]FLAGS="-g -O2"
+  else
+  fi
+  if test "x$ac_cv_[]_AC_LANG_ABBREV[]_compiler_gnu" = xyes; then
+  else
+  fi
+])# _AC_PROG_FC_G
+# ---------------
+# Test if the Fortran compiler accepts the options `-c' and `-o'
+# simultaneously, and define `[F77/FC]_NO_MINUS_C_MINUS_O' if it does not.
+# The usefulness of this macro is questionable, as I can't really see
+# why anyone would use it.  The only reason I include it is for
+# completeness, since a similar test exists for the C compiler.
+# FIXME: it seems like we could merge the C/Fortran versions of this.
+AC_CACHE_CHECK([whether $[]_AC_FC[] understands -c and -o together],
+               [ac_cv_prog_[]_AC_LANG_ABBREV[]_c_o],
+# We test twice because some compilers refuse to overwrite an existing
+# `.o' file with `-o', although they will create one.
+ac_try='$[]_AC_FC[] $[]_AC_LANG_PREFIX[]FLAGS -c conftest.$ac_ext -o conftest.$ac_objext >&AS_MESSAGE_LOG_FD'
+if AC_TRY_EVAL(ac_try) &&
+     test -f conftest.$ac_objext &&
+     AC_TRY_EVAL(ac_try); then
+  ac_cv_prog_[]_AC_LANG_ABBREV[]_c_o=yes
+  ac_cv_prog_[]_AC_LANG_ABBREV[]_c_o=no
+rm -f conftest*])
+if test $ac_cv_prog_[]_AC_LANG_ABBREV[]_c_o = no; then
+            [Define to 1 if your Fortran compiler doesn't accept
+             -c and -o together.])
+])# _AC_PROG_FC_C_O
+# AC_PROG_F77_C_O
+# ---------------
+AC_LANG_PUSH(Fortran 77)dnl
+AC_LANG_POP(Fortran 77)dnl
+])# AC_PROG_F77_C_O
+# ---------------
+## ------------------------------- ##
+## 4. Compilers' characteristics.  ##
+## ------------------------------- ##
+# ---------------------------------------- #
+# 4d. Fortran 77 compiler characteristics. #
+# ---------------------------------------- #
+# _AC_PROG_FC_V_OUTPUT([FLAG = $ac_cv_prog_{f77/fc}_v])
+# -------------------------------------------------
+# Link a trivial Fortran program, compiling with a verbose output FLAG
+# (whose default value, $ac_cv_prog_{f77/fc}_v, is computed by
+# _AC_PROG_FC_V), and return the output in $ac_{f77/fc}_v_output.  This
+# output is processed in the way expected by _AC_FC_LIBRARY_LDFLAGS,
+# so that any link flags that are echoed by the compiler appear as
+# space-separated items.
+# Compile and link our simple test program by passing a flag (argument
+# 1 to this macro) to the Fortran compiler in order to get
+# "verbose" output that we can then parse for the Fortran linker
+# flags.
+_AC_LANG_PREFIX[]FLAGS="$[]_AC_LANG_PREFIX[]FLAGS m4_default([$1], [$ac_cv_prog_[]_AC_LANG_ABBREV[]_v])"
+(eval echo $as_me:__oline__: \"$ac_link\") >&AS_MESSAGE_LOG_FD
+ac_[]_AC_LANG_ABBREV[]_v_output=`eval $ac_link AS_MESSAGE_LOG_FD>&1 2>&1 | grep -v 'Driving:'`
+echo "$ac_[]_AC_LANG_ABBREV[]_v_output" >&AS_MESSAGE_LOG_FD
+rm -f conftest*
+# On HP/UX there is a line like: "LPATH is: /foo:/bar:/baz" where
+# /foo, /bar, and /baz are search directories for the Fortran linker.
+# Here, we change these into -L/foo -L/bar -L/baz (and put it first):
+ac_[]_AC_LANG_ABBREV[]_v_output="`echo $ac_[]_AC_LANG_ABBREV[]_v_output |
+	grep 'LPATH is:' |
+	sed 's,.*LPATH is\(: *[[^ ]]*\).*,\1,;s,: */, -L/,g'` $ac_[]_AC_LANG_ABBREV[]_v_output"
+case $ac_[]_AC_LANG_ABBREV[]_v_output in
+  # If we are using xlf then replace all the commas with spaces.
+  *xlfentry*)
+    ac_[]_AC_LANG_ABBREV[]_v_output=`echo $ac_[]_AC_LANG_ABBREV[]_v_output | sed 's/,/ /g'` ;;
+  # With Intel ifc, ignore the quoted -mGLOB_options_string stuff (quoted
+  # $LIBS confuse us, and the libraries appear later in the output anyway).
+  *mGLOB_options_string*)
+    ac_[]_AC_LANG_ABBREV[]_v_output=`echo $ac_[]_AC_LANG_ABBREV[]_v_output | sed 's/\"-mGLOB[[^\"]]*\"/ /g'` ;;
+  # If we are using Cray Fortran then delete quotes.
+  # Use "\"" instead of '"' for font-lock-mode.
+  # FIXME: a more general fix for quoted arguments with spaces?
+  *cft90*)
+    ac_[]_AC_LANG_ABBREV[]_v_output=`echo $ac_[]_AC_LANG_ABBREV[]_v_output | sed "s/\"//g"` ;;
+# --------------
+# Determine the flag that causes the Fortran compiler to print
+# information of library and object files (normally -v)
+# Needed for _AC_FC_LIBRARY_FLAGS
+# Some compilers don't accept -v (Lahey: -verbose, xlf: -V, Fujitsu: -###)
+AC_CACHE_CHECK([how to get verbose linking output from $[]_AC_FC[]],
+                [ac_cv_prog_[]_AC_LANG_ABBREV[]_v],
+# Try some options frequently used verbose output
+for ac_verb in -v -verbose --verbose -V -\#\#\#; do
+  _AC_PROG_FC_V_OUTPUT($ac_verb)
+  # look for -l* and *.a constructs in the output
+  for ac_arg in $ac_[]_AC_LANG_ABBREV[]_v_output; do
+     case $ac_arg in
+        [[\\/]]*.a | ?:[[\\/]]*.a | -[[lLRu]]*)
+          ac_cv_prog_[]_AC_LANG_ABBREV[]_v=$ac_verb
+          break 2 ;;
+     esac
+  done
+if test -z "$ac_cv_prog_[]_AC_LANG_ABBREV[]_v"; then
+   AC_MSG_WARN([cannot determine how to obtain linking information from $[]_AC_FC[]])
+                  [AC_MSG_WARN([compilation failed])])
+])])# _AC_PROG_FC_V
+# ----------------------
+# Determine the linker flags (e.g. "-L" and "-l") for the Fortran
+# intrinsic and run-time libraries that are required to successfully
+# link a Fortran program or shared library.  The output variable
+# FLIBS/FCLIBS is set to these flags.
+# This macro is intended to be used in those situations when it is
+# necessary to mix, e.g. C++ and Fortran, source code into a single
+# program or shared library.
+# For example, if object files from a C++ and Fortran compiler must
+# be linked together, then the C++ compiler/linker must be used for
+# linking (since special C++-ish things need to happen at link time
+# like calling global constructors, instantiating templates, enabling
+# exception support, etc.).
+# However, the Fortran intrinsic and run-time libraries must be
+# linked in as well, but the C++ compiler/linker doesn't know how to
+# add these Fortran libraries.  Hence, the macro
+# "AC_F77_LIBRARY_LDFLAGS" was created to determine these Fortran
+# libraries.
+# This macro was packaged in its current form by Matthew D. Langston.
+# However, nearly all of this macro came from the "OCTAVE_FLIBS" macro
+# in "octave-2.0.13/aclocal.m4", and full credit should go to John
+# W. Eaton for writing this extremely useful macro.  Thank you John.
+AC_CACHE_CHECK([for Fortran libraries of $[]_AC_FC[]], ac_cv_[]_AC_LANG_ABBREV[]_libs,
+[if test "x$[]_AC_LANG_PREFIX[]LIBS" != "x"; then
+  ac_cv_[]_AC_LANG_ABBREV[]_libs="$[]_AC_LANG_PREFIX[]LIBS" # Let the user override the test.
+# Save positional arguments (if any)
+set X $ac_[]_AC_LANG_ABBREV[]_v_output
+while test $[@%:@] != 1; do
+  shift
+  ac_arg=$[1]
+  case $ac_arg in
+        [[\\/]]*.a | ?:[[\\/]]*.a)
+          _AC_LIST_MEMBER_IF($ac_arg, $ac_cv_[]_AC_LANG_ABBREV[]_libs, ,
+              ac_cv_[]_AC_LANG_ABBREV[]_libs="$ac_cv_[]_AC_LANG_ABBREV[]_libs $ac_arg")
+          ;;
+        -bI:*)
+          _AC_LIST_MEMBER_IF($ac_arg, $ac_cv_[]_AC_LANG_ABBREV[]_libs, ,
+             [_AC_LINKER_OPTION([$ac_arg], ac_cv_[]_AC_LANG_ABBREV[]_libs)])
+          ;;
+          # Ignore these flags.
+        -lang* | -lcrt*.o | -lc | -lgcc | -libmil | -LANG:=*)
+          ;;
+        -lkernel32)
+          test x"$CYGWIN" != xyes && ac_cv_[]_AC_LANG_ABBREV[]_libs="$ac_cv_[]_AC_LANG_ABBREV[]_libs $ac_arg"
+          ;;
+        -[[LRuY]])
+          # These flags, when seen by themselves, take an argument.
+          # We remove the space between option and argument and re-iterate
+          # unless we find an empty arg or a new option (starting with -)
+	  case $[2] in
+	     "" | -*);;
+	     *)
+		ac_arg="$ac_arg$[2]"
+		shift; shift
+		set X $ac_arg "$[@]"
+		;;
+	  esac
+          ;;
+        -YP,*)
+          for ac_j in `echo $ac_arg | sed -e 's/-YP,/-L/;s/:/ -L/g'`; do
+            _AC_LIST_MEMBER_IF($ac_j, $ac_cv_[]_AC_LANG_ABBREV[]_libs, ,
+                               [ac_arg="$ac_arg $ac_j"
+                               ac_cv_[]_AC_LANG_ABBREV[]_libs="$ac_cv_[]_AC_LANG_ABBREV[]_libs $ac_j"])
+          done
+          ;;
+        -[[lLR]]*)
+          _AC_LIST_MEMBER_IF($ac_arg, $ac_cv_[]_AC_LANG_ABBREV[]_libs, ,
+                             ac_cv_[]_AC_LANG_ABBREV[]_libs="$ac_cv_[]_AC_LANG_ABBREV[]_libs $ac_arg")
+          ;;
+          # Ignore everything else.
+  esac
+# restore positional arguments
+set X $ac_save_positional; shift
+# We only consider "LD_RUN_PATH" on Solaris systems.  If this is seen,
+# then we insist that the "run path" must be an absolute path (i.e. it
+# must begin with a "/").
+case `(uname -sr) 2>/dev/null` in
+   "SunOS 5"*)
+      ac_ld_run_path=`echo $ac_[]_AC_LANG_ABBREV[]_v_output |
+                        sed -n 's,^.*LD_RUN_PATH *= *\(/[[^ ]]*\).*$,-R\1,p'`
+      test "x$ac_ld_run_path" != x &&
+        _AC_LINKER_OPTION([$ac_ld_run_path], ac_cv_[]_AC_LANG_ABBREV[]_libs)
+      ;;
+fi # test "x$[]_AC_LANG_PREFIX[]LIBS" = "x"
+# ----------------------
+AC_LANG_PUSH(Fortran 77)dnl
+AC_LANG_POP(Fortran 77)dnl
+# ----------------------
+# -----------------------------------------------------------
+# Detect name of dummy main routine required by the Fortran libraries,
+# (if any) and define {F77,FC}_DUMMY_MAIN to this name (which should be
+# used for a dummy declaration, if it is defined).  On some systems,
+# linking a C program to the Fortran library does not work unless you
+# supply a dummy function called something like MAIN__.
+# Execute ACTION-IF-NOT-FOUND if no way of successfully linking a C
+# program with the {F77,FC} libs is found; default to exiting with an error
+# message.  Execute ACTION-IF-FOUND if a dummy routine name is needed
+# and found or if it is not needed (default to defining {F77,FC}_DUMMY_MAIN
+# when needed).
+# What is technically happening is that the Fortran libraries provide
+# their own main() function, which usually initializes Fortran I/O and
+# similar stuff, and then calls MAIN__, which is the entry point of
+# your program.  Usually, a C program will override this with its own
+# main() routine, but the linker sometimes complain if you don't
+# provide a dummy (never-called) MAIN__ routine anyway.
+# Of course, programs that want to allow Fortran subroutines to do
+# I/O, etcetera, should call their main routine MAIN__() (or whatever)
+# instead of main().  A separate autoconf test (_AC_FC_MAIN) checks
+# for the routine to use in this case (since the semantics of the test
+# are slightly different).  To link to e.g. purely numerical
+# libraries, this is normally not necessary, however, and most C/C++
+# programs are reluctant to turn over so much control to Fortran.  =)
+# The name variants we check for are (in order):
+#   MAIN__ (g77, MAIN__ required on some systems; IRIX, MAIN__ optional)
+#   MAIN_, __main (SunOS)
+#   MAIN _MAIN __MAIN main_ main__ _main (we follow DDD and try these too)
+[#ifdef ]_AC_FC[_DUMMY_MAIN
+]AC_LANG_CASE([Fortran], [#ifndef FC_DUMMY_MAIN_EQ_F77])
+[#  ifdef __cplusplus
+     extern "C"
+#  endif
+   int ]_AC_FC[_DUMMY_MAIN() { return 1; }
+]AC_LANG_CASE([Fortran], [#endif])
+AC_CACHE_CHECK([for dummy main to link with Fortran libraries],
+               ac_cv_[]_AC_LANG_ABBREV[]_dummy_main,
+ ac_fortran_dm_var=[]_AC_FC[]_DUMMY_MAIN
+ # First, try linking without a dummy main:
+                [ac_cv_fortran_dummy_main=none],
+                [ac_cv_fortran_dummy_main=unknown])
+ if test $ac_cv_fortran_dummy_main = unknown; then
+   for ac_func in MAIN__ MAIN_ __main MAIN _MAIN __MAIN main_ main__ _main; do
+     AC_LINK_IFELSE([AC_LANG_PROGRAM([[@%:@define $ac_fortran_dm_var $ac_func]])],
+                    [ac_cv_fortran_dummy_main=$ac_func; break])
+   done
+ fi
+ ac_cv_[]_AC_LANG_ABBREV[]_dummy_main=$ac_cv_fortran_dummy_main
+ rm -f conftest*
+ LIBS=$ac_[]_AC_LANG_ABBREV[]_dm_save_LIBS
+AS_IF([test "$[]_AC_FC[]_DUMMY_MAIN" != unknown],
+      [m4_default([$1],
+[if test $[]_AC_FC[]_DUMMY_MAIN != none; then
+                     [Define to dummy `main' function (if any) required to
+                      link to the Fortran libraries.])
+  if test "x$ac_cv_fc_dummy_main" = "x$ac_cv_f77_dummy_main"; then
+                  [Define if F77 and FC dummy `main' functions are identical.])
+  fi
+      [m4_default([$2],
+            [AC_MSG_FAILURE([linking to Fortran libraries from C fails])])])
+# ----------------------
+AC_LANG_PUSH(Fortran 77)dnl
+AC_LANG_POP(Fortran 77)dnl
+# ----------------------
+# -----------
+# Define {F77,FC}_MAIN to name of alternate main() function for use with
+# the Fortran libraries.  (Typically, the libraries may define their
+# own main() to initialize I/O, etcetera, that then call your own
+# routine called MAIN__ or whatever.)  See _AC_FC_DUMMY_MAIN, above.
+# If no such alternate name is found, just define {F77,FC}_MAIN to main.
+AC_CACHE_CHECK([for alternate main to link with Fortran libraries],
+               ac_cv_[]_AC_LANG_ABBREV[]_main,
+ ac_fortran_dm_var=[]_AC_FC[]_DUMMY_MAIN
+ ac_cv_fortran_main="main" # default entry point name
+ for ac_func in MAIN__ MAIN_ __main MAIN _MAIN __MAIN main_ main__ _main; do
+@%:@  undef F77_DUMMY_MAIN
+@%:@  undef FC_DUMMY_MAIN
+@%:@  undef $ac_fortran_dm_var
+@%:@define main $ac_func])],
+                  [ac_cv_fortran_main=$ac_func; break])
+ done
+ ac_cv_[]_AC_LANG_ABBREV[]_main=$ac_cv_fortran_main
+ rm -f conftest*
+ LIBS=$ac_[]_AC_LANG_ABBREV[]_m_save_LIBS
+if test "$ac_cv_[]_AC_LANG_ABBREV[]_main" = main; then
+  AC_DEFINE([]_AC_FC[]_MAIN_IS_MAIN, 1, [True when Fortran main is C main])
+                   [Define to alternate name for `main' routine that is
+                    called from a `main' in the Fortran libraries.])
+])# _AC_FC_MAIN
+# AC_F77_MAIN
+# -----------
+AC_LANG_PUSH(Fortran 77)dnl
+AC_LANG_POP(Fortran 77)dnl
+])# AC_F77_MAIN
+# ----------
+# ---------------------
+# Test for the name mangling scheme used by the Fortran compiler.
+# Sets ac_cv_{f77,fc}_mangling. The value contains three fields, separated
+# by commas:
+# lower case / upper case:
+#    case translation of the Fortran symbols
+# underscore / no underscore:
+#    whether the compiler appends "_" to symbol names
+# extra underscore / no extra underscore:
+#    whether the compiler appends an extra "_" to symbol names already
+#    containing at least one underscore
+AC_CACHE_CHECK([for Fortran name-mangling scheme],
+               ac_cv_[]_AC_LANG_ABBREV[]_mangling,
+[      subroutine foobar()
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine foo_bar()
+      return
+      end],
+[mv conftest.$ac_objext cfortran_test.$ac_objext
+  ac_save_LIBS=$LIBS
+  LIBS="cfortran_test.$ac_objext $LIBS $[]_AC_LANG_PREFIX[]LIBS"
+  ac_success=no
+  for ac_foobar in foobar FOOBAR; do
+    for ac_underscore in "" "_"; do
+      ac_func="$ac_foobar$ac_underscore"
+      AC_LINK_IFELSE([AC_LANG_CALL([], [$ac_func])],
+		     [ac_success=yes; break 2])
+    done
+  done
+  AC_LANG_POP(C)dnl
+  if test "$ac_success" = "yes"; then
+     case $ac_foobar in
+	foobar)
+	   ac_case=lower
+	   ac_foo_bar=foo_bar
+	   ;;
+	   ac_case=upper
+	   ac_foo_bar=FOO_BAR
+	   ;;
+     esac
+     AC_LANG_PUSH(C)dnl
+     ac_success_extra=no
+     for ac_extra in "" "_"; do
+	ac_func="$ac_foo_bar$ac_underscore$ac_extra"
+	AC_LINK_IFELSE([AC_LANG_CALL([], [$ac_func])],
+		       [ac_success_extra=yes; break])
+     done
+     AC_LANG_POP(C)dnl
+     if test "$ac_success_extra" = "yes"; then
+	ac_cv_[]_AC_LANG_ABBREV[]_mangling="$ac_case case"
+        if test -z "$ac_underscore"; then
+           ac_cv_[]_AC_LANG_ABBREV[]_mangling="$ac_cv_[]_AC_LANG_ABBREV[]_mangling, no underscore"
+	else
+           ac_cv_[]_AC_LANG_ABBREV[]_mangling="$ac_cv_[]_AC_LANG_ABBREV[]_mangling, underscore"
+        fi
+        if test -z "$ac_extra"; then
+           ac_cv_[]_AC_LANG_ABBREV[]_mangling="$ac_cv_[]_AC_LANG_ABBREV[]_mangling, no extra underscore"
+	else
+           ac_cv_[]_AC_LANG_ABBREV[]_mangling="$ac_cv_[]_AC_LANG_ABBREV[]_mangling, extra underscore"
+        fi
+      else
+	ac_cv_[]_AC_LANG_ABBREV[]_mangling="unknown"
+      fi
+  else
+     ac_cv_[]_AC_LANG_ABBREV[]_mangling="unknown"
+  fi
+  LIBS=$ac_save_LIBS
+  rm -f cfortran_test* conftest*],
+  [AC_MSG_FAILURE([cannot compile a simple Fortran program])])
+# The replacement is empty.
+# ----------------------
+AC_LANG_PUSH(Fortran 77)dnl
+AC_LANG_POP(Fortran 77)dnl
+# ----------------------
+# ---------------
+# Defines C macros {F77,FC}_FUNC(name,NAME) and {F77,FC}_FUNC_(name,NAME) to
+# properly mangle the names of C identifiers, and C identifiers with
+# underscores, respectively, so that they match the name mangling
+# scheme used by the Fortran compiler.
+    [Define to a macro mangling the given C identifier (in lower and upper
+     case), which must not contain underscores, for linking with Fortran.])dnl
+    [As ]_AC_FC[_FUNC, but for C identifiers containing underscores.])dnl
+case $ac_cv_[]_AC_LANG_ABBREV[]_mangling in
+  "lower case, no underscore, no extra underscore")
+          AC_DEFINE(_AC_FC[_FUNC(name,NAME)],  [name])
+          AC_DEFINE(_AC_FC[_FUNC_(name,NAME)], [name]) ;;
+  "lower case, no underscore, extra underscore")
+          AC_DEFINE(_AC_FC[_FUNC(name,NAME)],  [name])
+          AC_DEFINE(_AC_FC[_FUNC_(name,NAME)], [name ## _]) ;;
+  "lower case, underscore, no extra underscore")
+          AC_DEFINE(_AC_FC[_FUNC(name,NAME)],  [name ## _])
+          AC_DEFINE(_AC_FC[_FUNC_(name,NAME)], [name ## _]) ;;
+  "lower case, underscore, extra underscore")
+          AC_DEFINE(_AC_FC[_FUNC(name,NAME)],  [name ## _])
+          AC_DEFINE(_AC_FC[_FUNC_(name,NAME)], [name ## __]) ;;
+  "upper case, no underscore, no extra underscore")
+          AC_DEFINE(_AC_FC[_FUNC(name,NAME)],  [NAME])
+          AC_DEFINE(_AC_FC[_FUNC_(name,NAME)], [NAME]) ;;
+  "upper case, no underscore, extra underscore")
+          AC_DEFINE(_AC_FC[_FUNC(name,NAME)],  [NAME])
+          AC_DEFINE(_AC_FC[_FUNC_(name,NAME)], [NAME ## _]) ;;
+  "upper case, underscore, no extra underscore")
+          AC_DEFINE(_AC_FC[_FUNC(name,NAME)],  [NAME ## _])
+          AC_DEFINE(_AC_FC[_FUNC_(name,NAME)], [NAME ## _]) ;;
+  "upper case, underscore, extra underscore")
+          AC_DEFINE(_AC_FC[_FUNC(name,NAME)],  [NAME ## _])
+          AC_DEFINE(_AC_FC[_FUNC_(name,NAME)], [NAME ## __]) ;;
+  *)
+          AC_MSG_WARN([unknown Fortran name-mangling scheme])
+          ;;
+# ---------------
+AC_LANG_PUSH(Fortran 77)dnl
+AC_LANG_POP(Fortran 77)dnl
+# --------------
+# ------------------------------------
+# For a Fortran subroutine of given NAME, define a shell variable
+# $SHELLVAR to the Fortran-mangled name.  If the SHELLVAR
+# argument is not supplied, it defaults to NAME.
+case $ac_cv_[]_AC_LANG_ABBREV[]_mangling in
+  upper*) ac_val="m4_toupper([$1])" ;;
+  lower*) ac_val="m4_tolower([$1])" ;;
+  *)      ac_val="unknown" ;;
+case $ac_cv_[]_AC_LANG_ABBREV[]_mangling in *," underscore"*) ac_val="$ac_val"_ ;; esac
+[case $ac_cv_[]_AC_LANG_ABBREV[]_mangling in *," extra underscore"*) ac_val="$ac_val"_ ;; esac
+])# _AC_FC_FUNC
+# ------------------------------------
+AC_LANG_PUSH(Fortran 77)dnl
+AC_LANG_POP(Fortran 77)dnl
+])# AC_F77_FUNC
+# -----------------------------------
+# -----------------------------------------------------------
+# Set the source-code extension used in Fortran (FC) tests to EXT (which
+# defaults to f).  Also, look for any necessary additional FCFLAGS needed
+# to allow this extension, and store them in the output variable
+# FCFLAGS_<EXT> (e.g. FCFLAGS_f90 for EXT=f90).  If successful,
+# call ACTION-IF-SUCCESS.  If unable to compile source code with EXT,
+# call ACTION-IF-FAILURE, which defaults to failing with an error
+# message.
+# (The flags for the current source-code extension, if any, are stored
+# in the FCFLAGS_SRCEXT variable and are automatically used in subsequent
+# autoconf tests.)
+# For ordinary extensions like f90, etcetera, the modified FCFLAGS
+# are currently needed for IBM's xlf* and Intel's ifc (grrr).  Unfortunately,
+# xlf* will only take flags to recognize one extension at a time, so if the
+# user wants to compile multiple extensions (.f90 and .f95, say), she
+# will need to use the FCFLAGS_F90 and FCFLAGS_F95 individually rather
+# than just adding them all to FCFLAGS, for example.
+# Also, for Intel's ifc compiler (which does not accept .f95 by default in
+# some versions), the $FCFLAGS_<EXT> variable *must* go immediately before
+# the source file on the command line, unlike other $FCFLAGS.  Ugh.
+AC_MSG_WARN([AC@&t at _FC@&t at _SRCEXT is deprecated. Use AC@&t at _FC_FIXEDFORM([srcext]) or AC@&t at _FC_FREEFORM([srcext]) as appropriate.])
+AC_CACHE_CHECK([for Fortran flag to compile .$1 files],
+                ac_cv_fc_srcext_$1,
+for ac_flag in none -qsuffix=f=$1 -Tf; do
+  test "x$ac_flag" != xnone && FCFLAGS_SRCEXT="$ac_flag"
+  AC_COMPILE_IFELSE([AC_LANG_PROGRAM()], [ac_cv_fc_srcext_$1=$ac_flag; break])
+rm -f conftest.$ac_objext conftest.$1
+if test "x$ac_cv_fc_srcext_$1" = xunknown; then
+  m4_default([$3],[AC_MSG_ERROR([Fortran could not compile .$1 files])])
+  if test "x$ac_cv_fc_srcext_$1" = xnone; then
+    FCFLAGS_[]$1[]="$FCFLAGS_[]$1[]"
+  else
+    FCFLAGS_SRCEXT=$ac_cv_fc_srcext_$1
+    FCFLAGS_[]$1[]="$FCFLAGS_[]$1[] $ac_cv_fc_srcext_$1"
+  fi
+  $2
+# -------------- #
+# Utility macros #
+# -------------- #
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Look for compiler flags to make the Fortran (FC) compiler accept
+# fixed-format source code, with a source extension of SRCEXT, 
+# and puts any necessary flags in FCFLAGS_fixed_<SRCEXT>.  Call
+# ACTION-IF-SUCCESS (defaults to nothing) if successful (i.e. can
+# compile fixed-format code using new extension) and ACTION-IF-FAILURE
+# (defaults to failing with an error message) if not.
+# The known flags are:
+#                -FI: Intel compiler (icc, ecc)
+#            -qfixed: IBM compiler (xlf)
+#             -fixed: NAG compiler
+#           -Mnofree: PGI compiler
+# We try to test the "more popular" flags first, by some prejudiced
+# notion of popularity.
+AC_CACHE_CHECK([for Fortran flag needed to allow fixed-form source for .$1 suffix],
+                ac_cv_fc_fixedform_$1,
+for ac_flag in none -FI "-qfixed -qsuffix=cpp=$ac_ext" -fixed --fix -Mnofree
+  test "x$ac_flag" != xnone && FCFLAGS="$ac_fc_fixedform_FCFLAGS_save $ac_flag"
+      PRI  NT*, 'HELLO '//
+     .      'WORLD.'
+                    [ac_cv_fc_fixedform_$1=$ac_flag; break])
+rm -f conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext conftest.$ac_ext
+if test "x$ac_cv_fc_fixedform_$1" = xunknown; then
+  m4_default([$3],
+             [AC_MSG_ERROR([Cannot compile fixed-form source with .$1 suffix], 77)])
+  if test "x$ac_cv_fc_fixedform_$1" != xnone; then
+    AC_SUBST(FCFLAGS_fixed_[]$1, "$ac_cv_fc_fixedform_$1")
+  fi
+  $2
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Look for compiler flags to make the Fortran (FC) compiler accept
+# free-format source code, with a source extension of SRCEXT, 
+# and puts any necessary flags in FCFLAGS_free_<SRCEXT>.  Call
+# ACTION-IF-SUCCESS (defaults to nothing) if successful (i.e. can
+# compile fixed-format code using new extension) and ACTION-IF-FAILURE
+# (defaults to failing with an error message) if not.
+# For backwards compatibility, this macro may be called without 
+# specifying SRCEXT, in which case, a default extension of f90
+# is used.  This usage is deprecated.
+# The known flags are:
+#                        -ffree-form: GNU g77
+#                                -FR: Intel compiler (icc, ecc)
+#                              -free: Compaq compiler (fort), NAG compiler 
+#         -qfree -qsuffix=f=<SRCEXT>: IBM compiler (xlf) (generates a warning
+#                                         with recent versions)
+#     -qfree=f90 -qsuffix=f=<SRCEXT>: Newer xlf versions 
+#                             --nfix: Lahey compiler
+#                 -Mfree, -Mfreeform: Portland Group compiler
+#                          -freeform: SGI compiler
+#                            -f free: Absoft Fortran
+# We try to test the "more popular" flags first, by some prejudiced
+# notion of popularity.
+dnl default _AC_EXT to 'f90', if no argument is given.
+m4_define([_AC_EXT], m4_if($1, [], f90, $1))dnl
+AC_CACHE_CHECK([for Fortran flag needed to allow free-form source for .]_AC_EXT[ suffix],
+                ac_cv_fc_freeform_[]_AC_EXT,
+for ac_flag in none -ffree-form -FR -free "-qfree=f90" "-qfree=f90 -qsuffix=f=$ac_ext"\
+               -qfree "-qfree -qsuffix=f=$ac_ext" -Mfree -Mfreeform \
+               -freeform "-f free" --nfix
+  test "x$ac_flag" != xnone && FCFLAGS="$ac_fc_freeform_FCFLAGS_save $ac_flag"
+program freeform
+! FIXME: how to best confuse non-freeform compilers?
+print *, 'Hello ', &
+end program],
+                    [ac_cv_fc_freeform_[]_AC_EXT=$ac_flag; break])
+rm -f conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext conftest.$ac_ext
+if test "x$ac_cv_fc_freeform_[]_AC_EXT" = xunknown; then
+  m4_default([$3],
+             [AC_MSG_ERROR([Cannot compile free-form source with .]_AC_EXT[ suffix], 77)])
+  if test "x$ac_cv_fc_freeform_[]_AC_EXT" != xnone; then
+dnl  if the first argument was absent, then implement the old behaviour,
+dnl  and simply append to variable FCFLAGS
+    m4_if($1, [],
+      [FCFLAGS="$FCFLAGS $ac_cv_fc_freeform_[]_AC_EXT"],
+      [AC_SUBST(FCFLAGS_free_[]_AC_EXT, "$ac_cv_fc_freeform_[]_AC_EXT")])
+  fi
+  $2
+# -------------------
+# Related to AC_FPP_FIXEDFORM, but used only from _AC_PROG_FC_FPP.
+# How do we directly compile a preprocessable .F file?
+# This should be a no-op on all systems except those with case-sensitive
+# filenames, and those which can't do direct compilation anyway.
+# Do not put result into cached variable if it fails.
+for ac_flag in none "/fpp" "-x f77-cpp-input" "-FI -cpp" "-qfixed -qsuffix=cpp=F" "-fixed -fpp" "-lfe \"-Cpp\" --fix"
+  test "x$ac_flag" != xnone && FCFLAGS="$ac_fpp_fixedform_FCFLAGS_save $ac_flag"
+      PRI  NT*, 'HELLO '//
+     .      'WORLD.'
+#ifdef OK2
+  choke me
+#ifndef OK
+  ],
+  [ac_cv_fpp_fixedform_F=$ac_flag; break])
+rm -f conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext conftest.$ac_ext
+if test "x$ac_cv_fpp_fixedform_F" = x; then
+  AC_MSG_WARN([Cannot compile fixed-form preprocessable Fortran with a .F extension.])
+  if test "$ac_cv_fpp_fixedform_F" != none; then
+    FPPFLAGS_fixed_F="$ac_cv_fpp_fixedform_F"
+    AC_SUBST(FPPFLAGS_fixed_F, "$ac_cv_fpp_fixedform_F")
+  fi
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Look for compiler flags to make the Fortran (FC) compiler accept
+# preprocessed fixed-format source code, with a source extension of
+# SRCEXT, and puts any necessary flags in FPPFLAGS_fixed_<SRCEXT>.
+# Call ACTION-IF-SUCCESS (defaults to nothing) if successful (i.e. can
+# compile fixed-format code using new extension) and ACTION-IF-FAILURE
+# (defaults to failing with an error message) if not.
+# Mostly, this is applicable only when using direct compilation.
+# However the macro also sets FPP_PREPROCESS_EXT and FPP_COMPILE_EXT,
+# based on SRCEXT.  SRCEXT can be either 'EXT' or 'EXT1:ext2'; in the
+# first case, the preprocessor extension is 'EXT', and the compile
+# extension 'ext' (ie, the preprocessor extension, lowercased); in the
+# second, the preprocessor extension is 'EXT1' and the compile
+# extension 'ext2'.
+# The known flags are:
+#              -x f77-cpp-input: g77
+#                      -FI -cpp: Intel compiler (ifort)
+# -qfixed -qsuffix=cpp=<SRCEXT>: IBM compiler (xlf)
+#                   -fixed -fpp: NAG compiler
+#             -lfe "-Cpp" --fix: Lahey compiler
+#                      -Mnofree: PGI (no flag for preprocessing available)
+# We try to test the "more popular" flags first, by some prejudiced
+# notion of popularity.
+# NB when updating this list of flags, also update those of the previous
+# macro.
+dnl Extract preprocessor extension _ac_ppext from $1, part preceding any ':'
+m4_define([_ac_ppext],  m4_bpatsubst([$1], [:.*]))dnl
+AC_CACHE_CHECK([for Fortran flag needed to allow preprocessed fixed-form source for ._ac_ppext suffix],
+                ac_cv_fpp_fixedform_[]_ac_ppext,
+[if test $ac_cv_fpp_build_rule = direct; then
+  ac_cv_fpp_fixedform_[]_ac_ppext=unknown
+  ac_ext=_ac_ppext
+  ac_fpp_fixedform_FCFLAGS_save=$FCFLAGS
+  for ac_flag in none "-x f77-cpp-input" "-FI -cpp" "-qfixed -qsuffix=cpp=_ac_ppext" "-fixed -fpp" "-lfe \"-Cpp\" --fix"
+  do
+    test "x$ac_flag" != xnone && FCFLAGS="$ac_fpp_fixedform_FCFLAGS_save $ac_flag"
+      PRI  NT*, 'HELLO '//
+     .      'WORLD.'
+#ifndef OK
+  ],
+                    [ac_cv_fpp_fixedform_[]_ac_ppext=$ac_flag; break])
+  done
+  rm -f conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext conftest.$ac_ext
+  FCFLAGS=$ac_fpp_fixedform_FCFLAGS_save
+  ac_cv_fpp_fixedform_[]_ac_ppext=none
+fi # test $ac_cv_fpp_build_rule = direct
+if test "x$ac_cv_fpp_fixedform_[]_ac_ppext" = xunknown; then
+  m4_default([$3],
+             [AC_MSG_ERROR([Cannot compile fixed-form source with ._ac_ppext suffix], 77)])
+  if test "x$ac_cv_fpp_fixedform_[]_ac_ppext" != xnone; then
+    AC_SUBST(FPPFLAGS_fixed_[]_ac_ppext, "$ac_cv_fpp_fixedform_[]_ac_ppext")
+  fi
+  $2
+FPP_COMPILE_EXT=m4_if(m4_index([$1], :), -1,
+                      m4_tolower([$1]),
+                      m4_bpatsubst([$1], [.*:]))
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Look for compiler flags to make the Fortran (FC) compiler accept
+# preprocessed free-format source code, with a source extension of SRCEXT, 
+# and puts any necessary flags in FPPFLAGS_free_<SRCEXT>.  Call
+# ACTION-IF-SUCCESS (defaults to nothing) if successful (i.e. can
+# compile fixed-format code using new extension) and ACTION-IF-FAILURE
+# (defaults to failing with an error message) if not.  
+# Mostly, this is applicable only when using direct compilation.
+# However the macro also sets FPP_PREPROCESS_EXT and FPP_COMPILE_EXT,
+# based on SRCEXT.  SRCEXT can be either 'EXT' or 'EXT1:ext2'; in the
+# first case, the preprocessor extension is 'EXT', and the compile
+# extension 'ext' (ie, the preprocessor extension, lowercased); in the
+# second, the preprocessor extension is 'EXT1' and the compile
+# extension 'ext2'.
+# The known flags are:
+#     -ffree-form -x f77-cpp-input: GNU g77
+#                         -FR -cpp: Intel compiler (ifort) on unix
+#                         /FR /fpp: Intel compiler (ifort) on windows
+#                       -free -cpp: Compaq compiler (fort), NAG compiler 
+#     -qfree -qsuffix=cpp=<SRCEXT>: IBM compiler (xlf) (generates a warning
+#                                       with recent versions)
+# -qfree=f90 -qsuffix=cpp=<SRCEXT>: Newer xlf versions 
+#                --nfix -lfe="Cpp": Lahey compiler
+#               -Mfree, -Mfreeform: PGI (no flag for preprocessing available)
+#                        -freeform: SGI compiler
+#                          -f free: Absoft Fortran
+#                       -fpp -free: NAG Fortran
+# We try to test the "more popular" flags first, by some prejudiced
+# notion of popularity. Also, Intel/Windows must be first or it gets
+# confused
+dnl Extract preprocessor extension _ac_ppext from $1, part preceding any ':'
+m4_define([_ac_ppext],  m4_bpatsubst([$1], [:.*]))dnl
+AC_CACHE_CHECK([for Fortran flag needed to allow free-form preprocessed source for ._ac_ppext suffix],
+                ac_cv_fpp_freeform_[]_ac_ppext,
+[if test $ac_cv_fpp_build_rule = direct; then
+   ac_cv_fpp_freeform_[]_ac_ppext=unknown
+   ac_ext=_ac_ppext
+   ac_fpp_freeform_FCFLAGS_save=$FCFLAGS
+   for ac_flag in none "/FR /fpp" "-ffree-form -x f77-cpp-input" \
+                 "-FR -cpp" "-free -cpp" "-qfree=f90 -qsuffix=cpp=_ac_ppext"\
+                 "-qfree -qsuffix=cpp=_ac_ppext" -Mfree -Mfreeform \
+                  -freeform "-f free" --nfix "-fpp -free"
+   do
+      test "x$ac_flag" != xnone && FCFLAGS="$ac_fpp_freeform_FCFLAGS_save $ac_flag"
+program freeform
+! FIXME: how to best confuse non-freeform compilers?
+print *, 'Hello ', &
+#ifdef OK2
+  choke me
+#ifndef OK
+end program
+  ],
+                        [ac_cv_fpp_freeform_[]_ac_ppext=$ac_flag; break])
+   done
+   rm -f conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext conftest.$ac_ext
+   FCFLAGS=$ac_fpp_freeform_FCFLAGS_save
+   ac_cv_fpp_freeform_[]_ac_ppext=none
+fi # test $ac_cv_fpp_build_rule = direct 
+if test "x$ac_cv_fpp_freeform_[]_ac_ppext" = xunknown; then
+   m4_default([$3],
+              [AC_MSG_ERROR([Cannot compile free-form source with ._ac_ppext suffix], 77)])
+   if test "x$ac_cv_fpp_freeform_[]_ac_ppext" != xnone; then
+      AC_SUBST(FPPFLAGS_free_[]_ac_ppext, "$ac_cv_fpp_freeform_[]_ac_ppext")
+   fi
+   $2
+FPP_COMPILE_EXT=m4_if(m4_index([$1], :), -1,
+                      m4_tolower([$1]),
+                      m4_bpatsubst([$1], [.*:]))
+# AC_FC_OPEN_SPECIFIERS(specifier ...)
+# ------------------------------------
+# The Fortran OPEN statement is a rich source of portability problems,
+# since there are numerous common extensions which consiste of extra
+# specifiers, several of which are useful when they are available.
+# For each of the specifiers in the (whitespace-separated) argument
+# list, define HAVE_FC_OPEN_mungedspecifier if the specifier may be
+# given as  argument to the OPEN statement.  The `mungedspecifier' is the
+# `specifier' converted to uppercase and with all characters outside
+# [a-zA-Z0-9_] deleted.  Note that this may include `specifiers' such
+# as "access='append'" and "[access='sequential',recl=1]" (note quoting of
+# comma) to check combinations of specifiers.  You may not include a
+# space in the `specifier', even quoted.  Each argument must be a
+# maximum of 65 characters in length (to abide by Fortran 77
+# line-length limits). 
+dnl Multiple m4_quote instances are necessary in case specifier includes comma.
+dnl In the Fortran OPEN line, include status='scratch' unless status=???
+dnl is in the specifier being tested.
+dnl Put specifier on continuation line, in case it's long.
+         [AC_REQUIRE([AC_PROG_FC])dnl
+          AC_LANG_PUSH([Fortran])
+          AC_FOREACH([Specifier],
+                     m4_quote(m4_toupper([$1])),
+                     [m4_define([mungedspec],
+                                m4_bpatsubst(m4_quote(Specifier), [[^a-zA-Z0-9_]], []))
+                      AC_CACHE_CHECK([whether ${FC} supports OPEN specifier ]m4_quote(Specifier),
+                          [ac_cv_fc_spec_]mungedspec,
+                          [AC_COMPILE_IFELSE(AC_LANG_PROGRAM([],
+                                                             [      OPEN(UNIT=99,]m4_if(m4_bregexp(m4_quote(Specifier), [\<STATUS *=]), -1, [STATUS='SCRATCH'[,]], [])
+     :m4_quote(Specifier)[)]),
+                                             [ac_cv_fc_spec_]mungedspec=yes,
+                                             [ac_cv_fc_spec_]mungedspec=no)])
+                      if test $ac_cv_fc_spec_[]mungedspec = yes; then
+                          AC_DEFINE([HAVE_FC_OPEN_]mungedspec, 1,
+                                    [Define to 1 if the Fortran compiler supports OPEN specifier ]m4_quote(Specifier))
+                      fi])
+           AC_LANG_POP([Fortran])
+# AC_FC_CHECK_INTRINSICS(intrinsic-function ...)
+# ----------------------------------------------
+# Like AC_CHECK_FUNCS, but instead determine the intrinsics available
+# to the Fortran compiler.  For each intrinsic in the
+# (whitespace-separated and case-insensitive) argument list, define
+# HAVE_INTRINSIC_intrinsic-function (uppercased) if it is available.
+# For example, AC_FC_CHECK_INTRINSICS(sin) would define
+# HAVE_INTRINSIC_SIN if the `sin' intrinsic function were available
+# (there are probably rather few Fortrans which don't have this
+# function).  The macro works for both intrinsic functions and
+# intrinsic subroutines.
+   AC_LANG_PUSH([Fortran])
+   AC_FOREACH([IntrinsicName],
+              dnl In case the user is mad, escape impossible names
+              m4_bpatsubst(m4_toupper([$1]), [[^a-zA-Z0-9_ ]], [_]),
+              [AC_CACHE_CHECK([whether ${FC} supports intrinsic ]IntrinsicName,
+                              [ac_cv_fc_has_]IntrinsicName,
+                              [AC_COMPILE_IFELSE([AC_LANG_PROGRAM([],[
+dnl All we need do is attempt to declare the thing as an intrinsic, 
+dnl since it is an error to thus declare a symbol which is not
+dnl in fact an intrinsic function.
+      intrinsic IntrinsicName
+                               ac_cv_fc_has_[]IntrinsicName=yes,
+                               ac_cv_fc_has_[]IntrinsicName=no)])
+               if test $ac_cv_fc_has_[]IntrinsicName = yes; then
+                   AC_DEFINE([HAVE_INTRINSIC_]IntrinsicName, 1,
+                             [Define to 1 if the Fortran compiler supports intrinsic ]IntrinsicName)
+               fi
+              ])
+   AC_LANG_POP([Fortran])
+# ----------------
+# When opening a file for direct access, you must specify
+# the record length with the @samp{OPEN} specifier @samp{RECL};
+# however in the case of unformatted direct access files, the
+# @emph{units} of this specifier are processor dependent, and may be
+# words or bytes.  This macro determines the units and defines
+# @samp{FC_RECL_UNIT} to contain the number of bytes (1, 2, 4, 8, ...) in
+# the processor's unit of measurement.
+# Note that unformatted files are not themselves portable, and should
+# only be used as either temporary files, or as data files which will
+# be read by a program or library compiled with the same Fortran
+# processor.  With this macro, however, you can read and write such
+# files in a portable way.
+         [AC_REQUIRE([AC_PROG_FC])dnl
+          AC_CACHE_CHECK([units for Fortran OPEN RECL],
+                         [ac_cv_fc_recl_unit],
+                         [AC_LANG_PUSH([Fortran])
+                          AC_RUN_IFELSE([AC_LANG_SOURCE([dnl
+*   Make sure these values agree
+      PARAMETER ( NBYTES = 8 )
+      TOFILE = 123456789D56
+      OUTUNIT = 10
+*   Record length to try
+      RECLEN = 1
+*   Unitlen is the result -- zero indicates that no value was successful
+      UNITLEN = 0
+*     Keep on increasing the record length until we hit a
+*     size that allows us to write a number and read it back correctly.
+      DO WHILE (RECLEN .LE. 8)
+         OPEN(UNIT = OUTUNIT,
+     :        FILE = 'conftest.rcl1',
+     :        STATUS = 'NEW',
+     :        FORM = 'UNFORMATTED',
+     :        ACCESS = 'DIRECT',
+     :        RECL = RECLEN,
+     :        ERR = 101)
+*      Write two records to the output file, so that the second will stomp
+*      on the end of the first if the record length is too short.
+            GOTO 102
+         END IF
+*      Error opening unit; close and delete the file
+ 101     CONTINUE
+         RECLEN = RECLEN * 2
+      END DO
+*   Got a match
+     :     FILE = 'conftest.rcl2',
+     :     STATUS = 'NEW',
+     :     ERR = 103)
+      END
+                                        [],
+                                        AC_MSG_FAILURE([Can't test for RECL length]),
+                                        AC_MSG_FAILURE([Can't cross-compile: can't test for RECL length]))
+                          AC_LANG_POP([Fortran])
+                          if test -r conftest.rcl2; then
+                              ac_cv_fc_recl_unit=`cat conftest.rcl2`
+                          else
+                              ac_cv_fc_recl_unit=0
+                          fi
+                          rm -f conftest*])
+          if test -n "$ac_cv_fc_recl_unit" -a $ac_cv_fc_recl_unit -gt 0; then
+              AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED([FC_RECL_UNIT], $ac_cv_fc_recl_unit,
+                        [Define to the length in bytes of the unit that OPEN RECL expects])
+          fi
+# AC_FC_CHECK_HEADERS(include-file...)
+# ------------------------------------
+# Fortran analogue of AC_CHECK_HEADERS, though it only takes the
+# first argument, giving the list of include files to check.  For
+# each include file, defines HAVE_include-file (in all capitals) if the
+# include file is found.  Respects the current value of FCFLAGS.
+    m4_ifval([$1], , [AC_FATAL([$0: missing argument])])dnl
+    AC_LANG_PUSH([Fortran])
+    AC_FOREACH([IncludeName],
+              dnl In case the user is mad, escape impossible names
+              m4_bpatsubst(m4_toupper([$1]), [[^a-zA-Z0-9_ ]], [_]),
+              [AC_CACHE_CHECK([whether ${FC} supports include ]IncludeName,
+                              [ac_cv_fc_has_]IncludeName,
+                              [AC_COMPILE_IFELSE([AC_LANG_PROGRAM([],[
+      include 'IncludeName'
+      i=0
+                               [ac_cv_fc_has_]IncludeName=yes,
+                               [ac_cv_fc_has_]IncludeName=no)])
+               if test $ac_cv_fc_has_[]IncludeName = yes; then
+                   AC_DEFINE([HAVE_]IncludeName, 1,
+                             [Define to 1 if the we have Fortran include ]IncludeName)
+               fi
+              ])
+    AC_LANG_POP([Fortran])
+# ---------------------
+# Test whether the FC compiler has the %VAL extension.  If so, define
+# the preprocessor variable HAVE_PERCENTVAL to be 1.
+         [AC_REQUIRE([AC_PROG_FC])dnl
+          AC_CACHE_CHECK([whether ${FC} has the %VAL extension],
+                         [ac_cv_fc_have_percentval],
+                         [AC_LANG_PUSH([Fortran])
+                          AC_COMPILE_IFELSE([AC_LANG_PROGRAM([],[
+      i=1
+      call t1(%val(i))
+                          ac_cv_fc_have_percentval=yes,
+                          ac_cv_fc_have_percentval=no)
+                          AC_LANG_POP([Fortran])])
+          if test $ac_cv_fc_have_percentval = yes; then
+              AC_DEFINE([HAVE_PERCENTVAL], 1,
+                        [Define to 1 if the Fortran compiler supports the VAX %VAL extension])
+          fi
+# ---------------------
+# Test whether the FC compiler has the %LOC extension.  If so, define
+# the preprocessor variable HAVE_PERCENTLOC to be 1.
+         [AC_REQUIRE([AC_PROG_FC])dnl
+          AC_CACHE_CHECK([whether ${FC} has the %LOC extension],
+                         [ac_cv_fc_have_percentloc],
+                         [AC_LANG_PUSH([Fortran])
+                          AC_COMPILE_IFELSE([AC_LANG_PROGRAM([],[
+      I = 1
+      ADDR = %LOC( I )
+                          ac_cv_fc_have_percentloc=yes,
+                          ac_cv_fc_have_percentloc=no)
+                          AC_LANG_POP([Fortran])])
+          if test $ac_cv_fc_have_percentloc = yes; then
+              AC_DEFINE([HAVE_PERCENTLOC], 1,
+                        [Define to 1 if the Fortran compiler supports the VAX %LOC extension])
+          fi
+# --------------
+# Test whether the FC compiler supports BOZ constants in the Fortran
+# 95 style. These are integer constants written in the format
+# B'xxx', O'xxx' and Z'xxx'. If so set the preprocessor variable
+# HAVE_BOZ to be 1.
+         [AC_REQUIRE([AC_PROG_FC])dnl
+          AC_CACHE_CHECK([whether ${FC} supports F95 BOZ constants],
+                         [ac_cv_fc_have_boz],
+                         [AC_LANG_PUSH([Fortran])
+                          AC_COMPILE_IFELSE([AC_LANG_PROGRAM([],[
+      INTEGER J, K, L
+      PARAMETER ( J = B'1111111111111111' )
+      PARAMETER ( K = O'7777' )
+      PARAMETER ( L = Z'FF' )
+                          ac_cv_fc_have_boz=yes,
+                          ac_cv_fc_have_boz=no)
+                          AC_LANG_POP([Fortran])])
+          if test $ac_cv_fc_have_boz = yes; then
+              AC_DEFINE([HAVE_BOZ], 1,
+                        [Define to 1 if the Fortran compiler supports F95 boz constants])
+          fi
+# ---------------------------
+# Test whether the FC compiler supports typeless BOZ constants in the Fortran
+# 95 style. These are (usually integer) constants written in the format
+# X'xxx', but may also be typeless, which allows the initialisation of any type
+# to a specific bit pattern. If so set the preprocessor variable
+# A problem with this test is that it may compile but the assignments are not
+# actually typeless and have been done as integer casts.  To stop this we need
+# to run the program and check if an integer equals a floating point value, by
+# value, they shouldn't for a bit pattern assignment. Uses a "EXIT(1)" to 
+# signal a problem. This is non-standard, so the test may fail for that reason.
+         [AC_REQUIRE([AC_PROG_FC])dnl
+          AC_CACHE_CHECK([whether ${FC} supports F95 typeless BOZ constants],
+                         [ac_cv_fc_have_typeless_boz],
+                         [AC_LANG_PUSH([Fortran])
+                          AC_RUN_IFELSE([AC_LANG_SOURCE([
+      PROGRAM TMP  
+      INTEGER I
+      PARAMETER ( I = X'FF7FFFFF' )
+      REAL D
+      PARAMETER ( D = X'FF7FFFFF' )
+      LOGICAL L
+      PARAMETER ( L = X'A55A5AA5' )
+      IF ( D .EQ. I ) THEN
+         CALL EXIT( 1 )
+      END IF
+      END
+                          ac_cv_fc_have_typeless_boz=yes,
+                          ac_cv_fc_have_typeless_boz=no)
+                          AC_LANG_POP([Fortran])])
+          if test $ac_cv_fc_have_typeless_boz = yes; then
+              AC_DEFINE([HAVE_TYPELESS_BOZ], 1,
+                        [Define to 1 if the Fortran compiler supports F95 typeless boz constants])
+          fi
+# ---------------------------
+# Test whether the FC compiler supports typeless BOZ constants in the OLD (VMS
+# and g77) Fortran style. These are constants written in the format 'xxx'X,
+# which allows the initialisation of any type to a specific bit pattern. If so
+# set the preprocessor variable HAVE_OLD_TYPELESS_BOZ to be 1.
+         [AC_REQUIRE([AC_PROG_FC])dnl
+          AC_CACHE_CHECK([whether ${FC} supports OLD style typeless BOZ constants],
+                         [ac_cv_fc_have_old_typeless_boz],
+                         [AC_LANG_PUSH([Fortran])
+                          AC_COMPILE_IFELSE([AC_LANG_PROGRAM([],[
+      INTEGER I
+      PARAMETER ( I = 'FF'X )
+                          ac_cv_fc_have_old_typeless_boz=yes,
+                          ac_cv_fc_have_old_typeless_boz=no)
+                          AC_LANG_POP([Fortran])])
+          if test $ac_cv_fc_have_old_typeless_boz = yes; then
+              AC_DEFINE([HAVE_OLD_TYPELESS_BOZ], 1,
+                        [Define to 1 if the Fortran compiler supports OLD style typeless boz constants])
+          fi
+# -------------------
+# Test whether the FC compiler supports the VOLATILE statement. VOLATILE
+# is used to stop the optimisation of a variable, so that it can be modified
+# outside of the program itself. If supported set HAVE_VOLATILE to be 1.
+         [AC_REQUIRE([AC_PROG_FC])dnl
+          AC_CACHE_CHECK([whether ${FC} supports VOLATILE],
+                         [ac_cv_fc_have_volatile],
+                         [AC_LANG_PUSH([Fortran])
+                          AC_COMPILE_IFELSE([AC_LANG_PROGRAM([],[
+      INTEGER I
+                          ac_cv_fc_have_volatile=yes,
+                          ac_cv_fc_have_volatile=no)
+                          AC_LANG_POP([Fortran])])
+          if test $ac_cv_fc_have_volatile = yes; then
+              AC_DEFINE([HAVE_VOLATILE], 1,
+                        [Define to 1 if the Fortran compiler supports VOLATILE])
+          fi
+# -----------------------
+# Check whether the compiler regards the backslash character as an escape
+# character.  The Standard doesn't say anything about this, but many Unix
+# Fortran compilers interpret '\n', for example, as a newline, and '\\' as
+# a single backslash.
+# Test the behaviour of the currently selected compiler, and define
+# FC_LITERAL_BACKSLASH to 1 if backslashes are treated literally -- that is
+# if '\\' is interpreted as a _pair_ of backslashes and thus that '\n' is
+# interpreted as a pair of characters.
+    AC_CACHE_CHECK([whether ${FC} interprets backslashes literally],
+        ac_cv_fc_literal_backslash,
+       [AC_LANG_PUSH([Fortran])
+dnl Four backslashes here -- this is expanded by the shell in writing
+dnl the text to the file.  We want to end up with TEST\\TEST in the source.
+      write(*,'("TEST\\\\TEST")')
+## 'strings' is portable, yes?
+           [if strings conftest.$ac_objext | grep 'TEST\\\\TEST' >/dev/null; then
+                ac_cv_fc_literal_backslash=yes
+            else
+                ac_cv_fc_literal_backslash=no
+            fi],
+           [AC_MSG_WARN([cannot compile a program with backslashes!])
+            ac_cv_fc_literal_backslash=unknown])
+        AC_LANG_POP([Fortran])])
+    if test $ac_cv_fc_literal_backslash = yes; then
+                  [Define to 1 if the Fortran compiler interprets '\\' as a pair of characters, not one])
+    fi
+# -------------------------
+# Check which flag is necessary to alter the compiler's search path
+# for module files.
+# This obviously requires that the compiler has some notion of 
+# module files as separate from object files and some sensible 
+# method of altering its search path. This will therefore not work 
+# on early Cray F90 compilers, or on v5 (and 6?) of ifc.
+# Nearly every compiler I have found uses -Ipath for this purpose;
+# Sun F95 v7.1 (at least), uses -Mpath
+# Lahey uses -mod, but it needs to be called as -mod .\; in order
+# to work properly. (so that module files still get written to
+# the current directory.
+# Absoft uses -p (with compulsory space after)
+          AC_REQUIRE([AC_PROG_FC])
+          ac_cv_fc_mod_path_flag=no
+          AC_MSG_CHECKING([for flag to alter module search path])
+	  mkdir conftestdir
+          cd conftestdir
+          cat > conftest.$ac_ext << \_ACEOF
+      module conftest
+       implicit none
+       integer :: i
+      end module conftest
+          _AC_EVAL_STDERR($ac_compile)
+          cd ..
+          for i in /I -I -M "-mod .\;" "-p "; do
+            if test "$ac_cv_fc_mod_path_flag" = "no"; then
+               FCFLAGS_save=$FCFLAGS
+               FCFLAGS="$FCFLAGS ${i}conftestdir"
+               AC_COMPILE_IFELSE([
+      subroutine test
+       use conftest
+       implicit none
+       i = 0
+      end subroutine test
+              [FC_MOD_FLAG=$i; ac_cv_fc_mod_path_flag=$i],
+              [:])
+            fi
+            FCFLAGS=$FCFLAGS_save
+          done
+          AC_MSG_RESULT([$ac_cv_fc_mod_path_flag])
+          rm -rf conftestdir
+          AS_IF([test "$ac_cv_fc_mod_path_flag" != "no"],
+                [$1],
+                [m4_default([$2],[AC_MSG_ERROR([Cannot find flag to alter module search path])])])
+# -------------------------------------- #
+# Feature tests for Preprocessed Fortran #
+# -------------------------------------- #
+# ------------------------------------------#
+# Some test programs for different features #
+# ------------------------------------------#
+# ---------------------------
+# The minimum test program - any compiler supporting
+# preprocessing should handle this
+         [AC_LANG_PROGRAM([@%:@define OK], [dnl
+#ifndef OK
+      syntax error
+# ---------------------------
+# Test program for pure preprocessing
+# Note that other macros test for literal strings within this, so check
+# for those if you have to change anything here.
+         [AC_LANG_PROGRAM([@%:@define OK], [dnl
+#ifdef OK
+      REAL A
+      syntax error
+# ---------------------------
+# Like _AC_LANG_PROGRAM_FPP_SIMPLE, but OK is passed via -D switch
+#ifndef OK
+      syntax error
+# ---------------------------
+# Test for #include statement
+# If unsupported, this should give a type error
+!     Comments in test programs should be freeform compliant just in case.
+!     conftest.inc contains the Fortran statement "REAL cc"
+#include "conftest.inc"
+      cc=1.
+# ---------------------------
+# Test whether cpp symbols are expanded in Fortran code lines
+# If not, this should give a type error
+#define NM xxxx
+      REAL xxxx
+      NM=1.
+# ---------------------------
+# Test whether preprocessor breaks lines that become too long due
+# to macro substitution. 
+# If not, this gives an "unterminated character constant" error
+#define LONG '901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890'
+],[      CHARACTER*80 A
+      A=LONG
+# ---------------------------
+# Test program for C style comments
+      A=1. /* C-style comment */
+# ---------------------------
+# Test program for C++ style comments
+      CHARACTER*10 C
+      C = "abcde" // "fghij"; END PROGRAM
+# ----------------#
+# Internal macros #
+# ----------------#
+# _AC_PROG_FPP_FEATURES ([feature list])
+# --------------------------------------
+# Parse the feature list from configure.in
+[# defaults for needed features
+for _t in $1 nil
+    case $_t in
+        define)       ac_fpp_need_d=yes        ;;
+        nodefine)     ac_fpp_need_d=no         ;;
+        include)      ac_fpp_need_i=yes        ;;   
+        noinclude)    ac_fpp_need_i=no         ;;
+        substitute)   ac_fpp_need_subs=yes     ;;   
+        nosubstitute) ac_fpp_need_subs=no      ;;
+        wrap)         ac_fpp_need_wrap=yes     ;;   
+        nowwrap)      ac_fpp_need_wrap=no      ;;   
+        cstyle)       ac_fpp_need_cstyle=yes   ;;   
+        nocstyle)     ac_fpp_need_cstyle=no    ;;   
+        CSTYLE)       ac_fpp_need_CSTYLE=yes   ;;   
+        noCSTYLE)     ac_fpp_need_CSTYLE=no    ;;  
+        cxxstyle)     ac_fpp_need_cxxstyle=yes ;;   
+        nocxxstyle)   ac_fpp_need_cxxstyle=no  ;;   
+        CXXSTYLE)     ac_fpp_need_CXXSTYLE=yes ;;   
+        noCXXSTYLE)   ac_fpp_need_CXXSTYLE=no  ;;
+        nil)   ;;
+    esac
+# Wrapping requires substitution
+test $ac_fpp_need_wrap = yes && ac_fpp_need_subs=yes
+# Both CSTYLE and cstyle cannot be requested
+# CSTYLE has precedence, since if it is not fulfilled,
+# compile errors may arise
+test $ac_fpp_need_CSTYLE = yes && ac_fpp_need_cstyle=no
+dnl Similarly for cxxstyle
+test $ac_fpp_need_CXXSTYLE = yes && ac_fpp_need_cxxstyle=no
+# _AC_TEST_FPP_FIXED ([command])
+# ------------------------
+# A helper macro to test correct fpp behaviour
+# It sets ac_cv_prog_fpp and ac_fpp_out
+[rm -f conftest*
+cat >conftest.$ac_ext << \_ACEOF
+if eval '$ac_fpp_command conftest.$ac_ext > conftest.log 2>/dev/null'; then
+  if test -f conftest.f; then
+    if diff conftest.$ac_ext conftest.f >/dev/null 2>&1; then
+      # ooops -- these two are the same file, indicating that this is a 
+      # case-insensitive filesystem.  So ignore this file.
+      ac_tmp=
+    else
+      ac_tmp=conftest.f
+      ac_fpp_fixed_out=
+    fi
+  fi
+  if test -z "$ac_tmp"; then
+    ac_tmp=conftest.log
+    ac_fpp_fixed_out=' > conftest.f'
+  fi
+  if grep '^      REAL A' $ac_tmp >/dev/null 2>&1; then
+    # we have Fortran!  That worked...
+    ac_cv_prog_fpp_fixed=$ac_fpp_command
+  fi
+  if grep 'syntax error' $ac_tmp >/dev/null 2>&1; then
+    # ...oh no it didn't: this line should have been skipped
+    ac_cv_prog_fpp_free=
+  fi
+rm -f conftest*
+# _AC_TEST_FPP_FREE ([command])
+# ------------------------
+# A helper macro to test correct fpp behaviour
+# It sets ac_cv_prog_fpp and ac_fpp_out
+[rm -f conftest*
+cat >conftest.$ac_ext << \_ACEOF
+if eval '$ac_fpp_command conftest.$ac_ext > conftest.log 2>/dev/null'; then
+  if test -f conftest.f; then
+    if diff conftest.$ac_ext conftest.f90 >/dev/null 2>&1; then
+      # ooops -- these two are the same file, indicating that this is a
+      # case-insensitive filesystem.  So ignore this file.
+      ac_tmp=
+    else
+      ac_tmp=conftest.f90
+      ac_fpp_free_out=
+      ac_fpp_out=
+    fi
+  fi
+  if test -z "$ac_tmp"; then
+    ac_tmp=conftest.log
+    ac_fpp_free_out=' > conftest.f90'
+# Note that the CPP tests only use fixed format 
+# so we need to use a .f extension to make the tests 
+# work.
+    ac_fpp_out=' > conftest.f'
+  fi
+  if grep '^      REAL A' $ac_tmp >/dev/null 2>&1; then
+    # we have Fortran!  That worked...
+    ac_cv_prog_fpp_free=$ac_fpp_command
+    ac_cv_prog_fpp=$ac_fpp_command
+  fi
+  if grep 'syntax error' $ac_tmp >/dev/null 2>&1; then
+    # ...oh no it didn't: this line should have been skipped
+    ac_cv_prog_fpp_free=
+    ac_cv_prog_fpp=
+  fi
+rm -f conftest*
+# ------------
+# Try to figure out how to preprocess .F files for use with the selected
+# Fortran compiler
+# Must be run after _AC_PROG_FC_CPP
+AC_CACHE_CHECK([how to preprocess Fortran files], ac_cv_prog_fpp,
+AC_LANG_ASSERT(Preprocessed Fortran)
+# Let the user specify FPP
+if test -n "$FPP"; then
+  if test -z "$ac_cv_prog_fpp"; then
+    AC_MSG_WARN([user-specified \$FPP ($FPP) does not work])
+    FPP=
+  fi
+fi # test -n "$FPP"
+# This next should never happen. We don't call this macro
+# if we can already preprocess.  If we do find ourselves here, then
+# something has gone badly wrong -- fail before we do some damage.
+if test -z "$ac_cv_prog_fpp" && test $ac_fpp_ok = yes; then
+   # Ooops...
+   AC_MSG_ERROR([Assertion failure: in _A@&t at C_PROG_FPP when we shouldn't be!])
+# FIXME: should we bother testing for FC+flag preprocessing? 
+if test -z "$ac_cv_prog_fpp"; then
+# Either the Fortran compiler can't handle cpp, or doesn't have all the
+# features, or can't be used for pure preprocessing.
+# We must find another way for preprocessing.
+# We try the "best" preprocessors first. We know that $FC can't preprocess
+# by itself, but there is a small chance that F77 can be persuaded to
+# preprocess, so we try that.
+# FIXME: The comment above does not agree with the code below - $FC etc.
+#        is being checked late, not early?
+  for ac_j in 'fpp' "$CPP -x f95-cpp-input" "$CPP -x f77-cpp-input" \
+              "$CPP -C -x c" "$CPP -x c" "$CPP" 'cpp' '/lib/cpp' '/usr/ccs/lib/cpp' \
+              'g77 -E' '$CC -E -x f95-cpp-input' '$CC -E -x f77-cpp-input' \
+              '$CC -E -x c -C' '$CC -E -x c' '$CC -E'  \
+              "$FC -F" "$FC -E" "$F77 -F" "$F77 -E" ; do
+    _AC_TEST_FPP_FREE([$ac_j])
+    test -n "$ac_cv_prog_fpp" && break;
+  done
+fi # test -z "$ac_cv_prog_fpp"
+if test -z "$ac_cv_prog_fpp"; then
+   # This is only fatal if direct compilation doesn't work either
+   # but we're only here if direct compilation didn't work.
+   AC_MSG_ERROR([cannot find a working Fortran preprocessor])
+AC_CACHE_CHECK([how to redirect $ac_cv_prog_fpp output],
+  ac_cv_fpp_out, 
+  [ac_cv_fpp_out=$ac_fpp_out])
+# --------------
+# Check whether we need to give FPP the -P option, to get it to
+# produce code which FC can read.
+[AC_CACHE_CHECK([whether $FPP needs the -P option],
+AC_LANG_ASSERT(Preprocessed Fortran)
+# This will only be called from AC_PROG_FPP, and as such, the
+# extension *will* be .F90.
+cat > conftest.$ac_ext << \_ACEOF
+ac_ext=F90  # previous line will have reset this
+# We must not fail, here, in the case where the filesystem is
+# case-insensitive, so that conftest.F and conftest.f are the same
+# file.
+if test -n "$ac_fpp_out"; then
+   # If $ac_fpp_out is non-null, then preprocessor output goes to
+   # stdout, which we send to conftest.f _without_ immediately clobbering
+   # the input file as it is being read.  We do clobber it in the
+   # end, however, which is why we copy .FPP_SRC_EXT to .$FPP_SRC_EXT
+   # each time.
+   ac_tmp='>conftest.tmp && mv conftest.tmp conftest.f90'
+   # conftest.F is preprocessed directly to conftest.f.  We can
+   # assume that the filesystem is case-sensitive, since otherwise
+   # this compiler/preprocessor would be simply non-functional on
+   # this platform.
+   ac_tmp=
+ac_cmd='$FPP $FPPFLAGS conftest.$ac_ext '"$ac_tmp"
+ac_link='$FC $ac_link_obj_flag""conftest$ac_exeext $FCFLAGS $LDFLAGS $FCFLAGS_SRCEXT conftest.f90 $LIBS'
+if AC_TRY_EVAL(ac_cmd) &&
+     AC_TRY_EVAL(ac_link) && test -s conftest${ac_exeext}; then
+   ac_cv_prog_fpp_p=
+   if AC_TRY_EVAL(ac_cmd) &&
+       AC_TRY_EVAL(ac_link) && test -s conftest${ac_exeext}; then
+     ac_cv_prog_fpp_p=-P
+   fi
+   FPPFLAGS=$ac_save_FPPFLAGS   
+rm -f conftest*
+if test "x$ac_cv_prog_fpp_p" = "xunknown"; then
+   AC_MSG_ERROR([$FPP cannot produce code that $FC compiles])
+   FPPFLAGS="$FPPFLAGS $ac_cv_prog_fpp_p"
+# -------------------
+# Check whether FPP lets C-style comments through to FC
+[AC_CACHE_CHECK([how to pass C-style comments to $FC], 
+   ac_cv_prog_fpp_cstyle,
+AC_LANG_ASSERT(Preprocessed Fortran)
+cat > conftest.$ac_ext << \_ACEOF
+ac_cmd='$FPP $FPPFLAGS conftest.$ac_ext '"$ac_fpp_out"
+if AC_TRY_EVAL(ac_cmd) &&
+   cat conftest.f | grep '[[*]]/.*[[*]]/' >/dev/null 2>&1; then
+   ac_cv_prog_fpp_cstyle=
+   ac_name=`expr "x$FPP" : 'x\(fpp\)'` 
+   if test "x$ac_name" = xfpp; then
+     ac_flag="-c_com=no"
+   else
+     ac_flag="-C"
+   fi
+   FPPFLAGS="$FPPFLAGS $ac_flag"
+   ac_cmd='$FPP $FPPFLAGS conftest.$ac_ext '"$ac_fpp_out"
+   if AC_TRY_EVAL(ac_cmd) &&
+     cat conftest.f | grep '/[[*]].*[[*]]/' >/dev/null 2>&1; then
+     ac_cv_prog_fpp_cstyle=$ac_flag
+   fi
+   FPPFLAGS=$ac_save_FPPFLAGS   
+rm -f conftest*
+if test "x$ac_cv_prog_fpp_cstyle" = "xunknown"; then
+  AC_MSG_WARN([cannot find a way to make $FPP pass C-style comments])
+  FPPFLAGS="$FPPFLAGS $ac_cv_prog_fpp_cstyle"
+# ---------------
+# This macro checks whether the chosen preprocessing method
+# has all the requested features.
+# This macro must be called with $ac_fc_testing_fpp set to either
+# direct or indirect; it behaves differently accordingly.
+#FIXME: this is only for fixed form code. Need a separate check for free-form.
+# NB We are definitely using a suffix of .F in this case. If the filesystem
+# is case-insensitive, we may need to force preprocessing.
+# Sets ac_fpp_ok to "no" if a requested feature is unavailable
+AC_LANG_ASSERT(Preprocessed Fortran)
+AC_MSG_CHECKING([for fixed form Fortran preprocessor features])
+if test $ac_fc_testing_fpp = direct; then
+# On nearly all systems where direct compilation is possible, a .F file will 
+# compile a preprocessable fixed-form file automatically. However, 
+# case-insensitive filesystems (eg HFS+ on MacOSX) may get confused.
+# Therefore, we must check for cpp flags.
+  if test "x$ac_cv_fpp_fixedform_F" != x; then
+    ac_prog_fc_cpp=yes
+  else
+    ac_fpp_ok=no
+  fi
+# It is possible we've failed the previous test because of a
+# Tru64 bug where the compiler fails when called as 'f95' on 
+# a .F file. It works when called as f90.
+#FIXME: this does not protect the user's setting of FC, though
+# we set it back if senesible.
+ if test $ac_prog_fc_cpp = no && test $FC = f95; then
+    FC=f90
+        [ac_prog_fc_cpp=yes],
+        [])
+    if test $ac_prog_fc_cpp = no; then
+      FC=f95
+      ac_fpp_ok=no
+    fi
+  fi
+  ac_first_save_FPPFLAGS=$FPPFLAGS
+# We need to skip the following tests if we're trying direct compilation 
+# and FC won't preprocess.
+if test $ac_prog_fc_cpp = yes || test $ac_fc_testing_fpp = indirect; then
+    if test $ac_fpp_need_d = yes; then
+# Nearly everyone uses -D. XLF uses -WF,-D. Ifort on Windows uses /D
+      ac_prog_fc_cpp_d=no
+      ac_save_FPPFLAGS=$FPPFLAGS
+      for fpp_flag_try in "-D" "-WF,-D" "/D"; do
+        FPPFLAGS="$FPPFLAGS $fpp_flag_try""OK"
+          [ac_prog_fc_cpp_d=yes; FPPFLAGS_DEF="$fpp_flag_try"], 
+          [:])
+        FPPFLAGS=$ac_save_FPPFLAGS
+      done
+      if test $ac_prog_fc_cpp_d = no; then
+        ac_fpp_ok=no
+      fi
+    fi
+#FIXME we should probably do the AC_SUBST somewhere else.
+    if test $ac_fpp_need_i = yes; then
+       rm -rf conftst
+       mkdir conftst
+       cat > conftst/conftest.inc << \_ACEOF
+!     This statement overrides the IMPLICIT statement in the program
+      REAL cc
+       ac_save_FPPFLAGS=$FPPFLAGS
+       FPPFLAGS="$FPPFLAGS -Iconftst"
+         [ac_prog_fc_cpp_i=yes],
+         [ac_fpp_ok=no])
+       rm -rf conftst
+       FPPFLAGS=$ac_save_FPPFLAGS
+    fi
+    if test $ac_fpp_need_subs = yes; then
+           [ac_prog_fc_cpp_subs=yes], 
+           [ac_fpp_ok=no])
+    fi
+    if test $ac_fpp_need_wrap = yes; then
+           [ac_prog_fc_cpp_wrap=yes], 
+           [ac_fpp_ok=no])
+    fi
+    if test $ac_fpp_need_CSTYLE = yes; then
+           [ac_prog_fc_cpp_CSTYLE=yes], 
+           [ac_fpp_ok=no])
+    fi
+    if test $ac_fpp_need_cxxstyle = yes; then
+           [ac_prog_fc_cpp_cxxstyle=yes], 
+           [ac_fpp_ok=no])
+    fi
+if test $ac_fc_testing_fpp = direct; then
+  FPPFLAGS=$ac_first_save_FPPFLAGS
+rm -f conftest.*
+# ------------------
+# Figure out how to build from cpp/Fortran sources
+# If we need to use a separate preprocessor, we must override make's
+# `direct' .F.o rule in order to do `indirect' compilation
+# (.F -> .f then .f -> .o).
+# Configure variables set here are as follows.  The items in this list
+# are suffixed with `[direct]', `[indirect]' or `[both]'.  In the
+# first two cases, the variable has a useful value only in the given
+# mode, and an unspecified, and therefore unreliable, value in the
+# other; in the last, it has a value in both modes.
+#   FPP [indirect]
+#     The name of a suitable preprocessor.
+#   FPP_COMPILE_EXT [both]
+#     This contains the file extension which the Fortran compiler will
+#     accept as containing source not to be preprocessed.  It is most
+#     typically 'f' (the default), but could be different if set by a
+#     call to AC_FPP_(FIXED|FREE)FORM.
+#     The partner of FPP_COMPILE_EXT, containing the file extension
+#     which is taken to indicate Fortran source to be preprocessed.
+#     The default is 'F', but could be different if set by a
+#     call to AC_FPP_(FIXED|FREE)FORM.
+#   FPP_MAKE_FLAGS [direct]
+#     This is used to include CPP/FPP related flags into the compiler
+#     call if we compile directly, and leave them out otherwise.
+#   FPP_OUTPUT [both]
+#     This is used to redirect FPP output to the .f file in those
+#     cases where FPP writes to stdout rather than to a file.  It is
+#     defined as either "" or ">$@".
+#     If the macro decides that we must use `direct' mode, then it
+#     sets FPPDIRECT_TRUE to be blank, and FPPDIRECT_FALSE to be '#',
+#     or vice versa if we are to use `indirect' mode.  These may be
+#     used within a Makefile.in as follows:
+#       @FPPDIRECT_TRUE@        $(PPFCCOMPILE) -c -o $@ $<
+#       @FPPDIRECT_FALSE@        $(FPP) $(DEFS) ... $< @FPP_OUTPUT@
+#     If you use automake, then you may possibly recognise that as an
+#     automake conditional (which is predeclared, so you do not need
+#     to include AM_CONDITIONAL(FPPDIRECT, ???) in your configure.ac),
+#     which might be used more straightforwardly in your Makefile.am
+#     as follows:
+#       if FPPDIRECT
+#       . at FPP_PREPROCESS_EXT@.o:
+#               $(PPFCCOMPILE) -c -o $@ $<
+#       else !FPPDIRECT
+#               $(FPP) $(DEFS) ... $< @FPP_OUTPUT@
+#       endif !FPPDIRECT
+# These are used in Automake's lang_ppfc_finish subroutine.
+# NOTE 1: There would seem to be a problem here with the use of .F as
+# the extension for preprocessed files.  On case-insensitive
+# filesystems such as HFS+, as used on MacOS X, foo.F and foo.f are
+# the same file.  This means that indirect compilation would lose badly, since
+# converting foo.F to foo.f would clobber the original.  This is
+# probably not a problem in practice, since the compilers (g77, gfortran,
+# nag, and xlf) actually likely to be used on OS X -- which is a
+# recent platform, and thus with only recent Fortrans on it -- can all
+# do direct compilation of preprocessable Fortran.  Just in case, we
+# check below whether we are in this fatal situation, and collapse
+# noisily if necessary.
+# NOTE 2: Martin Wilck's original version of these macros noted that it
+# was necessary to generate explicit rules for .F -> .o compilations
+# in order to override make's builtin rules in a portable manner
+# (i.e. without using make extensions).  Not all makes do chains of
+# implicit rules, so we cannot depend on .F.f, .f.o rules generating
+# a .f file.  We need unified .F.o and .F.lo rules, but that's
+# complicated, an alternative is to name the intermediary .f files in
+# the Makefiles.  Again, this may not be much of a problem in fact,
+# since the main culprit seems to be Solaris make, but Solaris f77
+# can do direct compilation, so that the issue of chaining rules
+# doesn't arise.
+# NOTE 3: POSIX/Single-Unix states that inference rules can be
+# redefined, and there's no warning against this in Autoconf's section
+# on `Limitations of Make'.
+# NOTE 4: FPP_OUTPUT is set to either "" or ">$@".  The latter is OK
+# in an implicit rule, but will potentially lose in an explicit rule,
+# since POSIX does not require that $@ is defined in such a rule, and
+# there are still a few makes which do not define it in that context.
+# As with Note 1, however, this is probably more a theoretical problem
+# than a practical one.
+[# FPP is defined by this stage.  If the processing mode is 'direct', then
+# this will almost certainly be defined as blank, but we should make no
+# committments to this in the documentation, in case we want to change
+# our minds about that in future.
+# Default the FPP_PREPROCESS_EXT and FPP_COMPILE_EXT to the most usual ones
+# Switch on the processing mode, direct/indirect, which has been determined
+# in AC_PROG_FPP before this macro is called.  The FPPDIRECT_(TRUE|FALSE)
+# variables implement an automake (configure-time) conditional, which is
+# created, not through an invocation of AM_CONDITIONAL, but implicitly
+# within automake.in (qv).
+if test $ac_cv_fpp_build_rule = direct; then
+   # The simple case: the chosen Fortran compiler can handle preprocessing,
+   # so we don't need a separate preprocessing stage.
+   # The flags here are those included in the 'compile' field of the
+   # 'ppfc' language in automake.in, minus the {AM_,}FCFLAGS variables.
+   # It's not _absolutely_ guaranteed that these are the correct ones,
+   # and I (NG) would be open to argument about adding both {AM_,}CPPFLAGS and
+   # {AM_,}FCFLAGS, but this set appears to work.
+if test -z "$ac_fpp_out"; then
+   FPP_OUTPUT=" "
+   FPP_OUTPUT=">\[$]@"
+# -----------------
+# Check whether the filesystem is case-insensitive (eg, HFS+ on
+# MacOS X).  Set ac_cv_fc_cifs=yes if so.
+   [AC_CACHE_CHECK([whether the filesystem is case-insensitive],
+        ac_cv_fc_cifs,
+       [rm -f conftest.*
+        echo wibble >conftest.F
+        if test -f conftest.f && test "`cat conftest.f`" = wibble; then
+            ac_cv_fc_cifs=yes
+        else
+            ac_cv_fc_cifs=no
+        fi
+# -----------------------
+# User macros
+# -----------------------
+# AC_PROG_FPP([required features])
+# --------------------------------------------------
+# [required features] is a space-separated list of features that the Fortran
+# preprocessor must have for the code to compile.
+# It is up to the package maintainer to properly set these requirements.
+# This macro will find out how to compile a preprocessable fixed-form
+# file, with a .F file extension. To the best of my knowledge, such a
+# file is compilable everywhere (albeit flags may be needed on
+# case-insensitive filesystems)
+# This macro should be followed by calling AC_FPP_FIXEDFORM([.srcext])
+# and AC_FPP_FREEFORM([.srcext]) as appropriate for whichever source
+# extensions are used in the user's project.
+# This will fail to give the correct result when fixed-format files may be
+# preprocessed directly by the compiler, but free-format ones
+# may not. 
+# Supported features are:
+# include   : correctly process #include directives and -I
+# define    : correctly process -D
+# substitute: substitute macros in Fortran code 
+#             (some preprocessors touch only lines starting with #)
+# wrap      : wrap lines that become too long through macro substitution  
+#             fpp is probably the only preprocessor that does this.
+# cstyle    : Do not suppress C style comments (-C option in cpp)
+# CSTYLE    : *Do* suppress C style comments
+#             (e.g. code contains C-style comments, and compiler may not
+#             know how to handle them)
+# cxxstyle  : Do not suppress C++ style comments (default)
+# CXXSTYLE  : *Do* suppress C++ style comments (seems unlikely, but in here
+#             for completeness
+# Features can be abbreviated: i, in, inc etc. are equivalent to include.
+# Features can be deselected (feature not needed) by prepending "no", 
+#   e.g. nodef (=nodefine), now (=nowrap).
+# Default for the feature list is 
+#       [include define substitute nowrap nocstyle noCSTYLE cxxstyle]
+# Feature requirements corresponding to the defaults may be omitted
+# Note that "wrap" implies "substitute", and CSTYLE and cstyle cannot
+# be requested at the same time. The macro adjusts this automatically. 
+# This macro sets and substitutes the variables FPP and FPPFLAGS, and
+# (actually set in macro _AC_FPP_BUILD_RULE)
+# The macro depends on both FC and CPP, because we must possibly fall 
+# back on CPP for preprocessing.
+# We presume that there is no preprocessing dependence on the language
+# variant, so that a preprocessor will handle free-form F9x as happily as
+# fixed-form F77.
+dnl We are not going to use AC_REQUIRE(AC_PROG_CPP) here for 
+dnl two reasons:
+dnl 1) we don't really need to if FC will preprocess itself
+dnl 2) we can't pass in an optional parameter to change the
+dnl    default CPP search order, which we need to. 
+dnl AC_REQUIRE([AC_PROG_CPP([cpp])])dnl
+# Prefer AC_PROG_FC to AC_PROG_F77
+if test "X$F77" != X; then
+    AC_MSG_WARN([Use A@&t at C_PROG_FC with A@&t at C_PROG_FPP, instead of A@&t at C_PROG_F77])
+AC_ARG_VAR([FPP], [Command to preprocess Fortran code])
+AC_ARG_VAR([FPPFLAGS], [Flags for the Fortran preprocessor])
+# Set up ac_fpp_need_* flags based on features in $1
+# We first try to use FC for compiling the source directly
+# into object files
+ac_fpp_compile='${FC-fc} -c $FPPFLAGS $FPPFLAGS_SRCEXT $FCFLAGS conftest.$ac_ext >&AS_MESSAGE_LOG_FD'
+ac_fpp_link='${FC-fc} $ac_link_obj_flag""conftest${ac_exeext} $FPPFLAGS $FPPFLAGS_SRCEXT $FCFLAGS $LDFLAGS conftest.$ac_ext $LIBS >&AS_MESSAGE_LOG_FD'
+AC_LANG_PUSH(Preprocessed Fortran)
+# _AC_PROG_FC_CPP does the actual feature tests, storing results of the
+# checks in non-cv variables like ac_prog_fc_cpp_*, which we copy to cv
+# variables afterwards.  This allows this macro to be reusable for other
+# cv variables (see below)
+AC_CACHE_CHECK([whether $FC compiles programs with cpp directives], 
+   ac_cv_prog_fc_cpp, 
+  [ac_cv_prog_fc_cpp=$ac_prog_fc_cpp])
+if test $ac_prog_fc_cpp = yes; then
+  if test $ac_fpp_need_d = yes; then
+    AC_CACHE_CHECK([whether $FC accepts -D], 
+       ac_cv_prog_fc_cpp_d, 
+      [ac_cv_prog_fc_cpp_d=$ac_prog_fc_cpp_d])
+  fi
+  if test $ac_fpp_need_i = yes; then
+    AC_CACHE_CHECK([whether $FC accepts -I], 
+       ac_cv_prog_fc_cpp_i,
+      [ac_cv_prog_fc_cpp_i=$ac_prog_fc_cpp_i])
+  fi
+  if test $ac_fpp_need_subs = yes; then
+    AC_CACHE_CHECK([whether $FC substitutes macros in Fortran code], 
+       ac_cv_prog_fc_cpp_subs,
+      [ac_cv_prog_fc_cpp_subs=$ac_prog_fc_cpp_subs])
+  fi
+  if test $ac_fpp_need_wrap = yes; then 
+    AC_CACHE_CHECK([whether $FC wraps long lines automatically], 
+       ac_cv_prog_fc_cpp_wrap,
+      [ac_cv_prog_fc_cpp_wrap=$ac_prog_fc_cpp_wrap])
+  fi
+# Don't need to test if $FC removes C++ comments - that 
+# way madness lies.
+fi # test $ac_prog_fc_cpp = yes
+AC_CACHE_CHECK([whether $FC fulfils requested features],
+  ac_cv_prog_fc_cpp_ok,
+  [ac_cv_prog_fc_cpp_ok=$ac_fpp_ok])
+# Keep the user informed
+AC_MSG_CHECKING([preprocessing mode we may therefore use])
+# If so, we don't need to go any further.
+if test $ac_fpp_ok = yes; then
+  ac_cv_fpp_build_rule=direct
+  AC_MSG_RESULT([direct])
+# indirect compilation
+  AC_MSG_RESULT([indirect])
+# Now we check how to invoke a preprocessor that outputs Fortran code
+# that FC can understand
+#FIXME: in a joint C/Fortran project, CPP might have already
+# been defined. Here we are potentially (probably) redefining it.
+# I don't think this matters. Not sure, though.
+# In that case, AC_SUBST has already been called on CPP.
+# We don't want to fail if we can't find cpp - we might be able
+# to fall back on fpp.
+#FIXME: actually, we should just prefer cpp to $CPP
+  AC_PROG_CPP([cpp],[],[])
+# The next macro sets FPP (unless already set by the user)
+# Before we go any further, check that we're not courting disaster,
+# here, by using indirect compilation (.F -> .f -> .o) on a
+# case-insensitive filesystem.  If we are, there's nothing we can do
+# other than fail noisily.
+# Redefine the compile and link commands for indirect compilation
+if test $ac_cv_fc_cifs = yes; then
+  if test "x$ac_fpp_out" = x ; then
+    AC_MSG_ERROR([Confused in preprocessing on case-insensitive FS - please report to tow at uszla.me.uk])
+  fi
+  ac_fpp_compile='${FPP-fpp} $FPPFLAGS $FPPFLAGS_SRCEXT conftest.$ac_ext > conftest.cpp.f && ${FC-fc} -c $FCFLAGS -o conftest.o conftest.cpp.f >&AS_MESSAGE_LOG_FD; rm conftest.cpp.f'
+  ac_fpp_link='${FPP-fpp} $FPPFLAGS conftest.$ac_ext $FPPFLAGS_SRCEXT > conftest.cpp.f && ${FC-fc} $ac_link_obj_flag""conftest${ac_exeext} $FCFLAGS $LDFLAGS conftest.cpp.f $LIBS >&AS_MESSAGE_LOG_FD; rm conftest.cpp.f'
+  ac_fpp_compile='${FPP-fpp} $FPPFLAGS $FPPFLAGS_SRCEXT conftest.$ac_ext '"$ac_fpp_out"' && ${FC-fc} -c $FCFLAGS conftest.f >&AS_MESSAGE_LOG_FD; rm conftest.f'
+  ac_fpp_link='${FPP-fpp} $FPPFLAGS conftest.$ac_ext $FPPFLAGS_SRCEXT '"$ac_fpp_out"' && ${FC-fc} $ac_link_obj_flag""conftest${ac_exeext} $FCFLAGS $LDFLAGS conftest.f $LIBS >&AS_MESSAGE_LOG_FD; rm conftest.f'
+  ac_compile=$ac_fpp_compile
+  ac_link=$ac_fpp_link
+# Redo all the feature checks for indirect compilation.
+  ac_fc_testing_fpp=indirect
+if test $ac_fpp_need_d = yes; then
+  AC_CACHE_CHECK([whether $FPP accepts -D], 
+     ac_cv_prog_fpp_d, 
+    [ac_cv_prog_fpp_d=$ac_prog_fc_cpp_d])
+if test $ac_fpp_need_i = yes; then
+  AC_CACHE_CHECK([whether $FPP accepts -I], 
+     ac_cv_prog_fpp_i,
+    [ac_cv_prog_fpp_i=$ac_prog_fc_cpp_i])
+if test $ac_fpp_need_subs = yes; then
+  AC_CACHE_CHECK([whether $FPP substitutes macros in Fortran code], 
+     ac_cv_prog_fpp_subs,
+    [ac_cv_prog_fpp_subs=$ac_prog_fc_cpp_subs])
+if test $ac_fpp_need_wrap = yes; then 
+  AC_CACHE_CHECK([whether $FPP wraps long lines automatically], 
+     ac_cv_prog_fpp_wrap,
+    [ac_cv_prog_fpp_wrap=$ac_prog_fc_cpp_wrap])
+if test $ac_fpp_need_CSTYLE = yes; then 
+  AC_CACHE_CHECK([whether $FPP suppresses C-style comments], 
+     ac_cv_prog_fpp_CSTYLE,
+    [ac_cv_prog_fpp_CSTYLE=$ac_prog_fc_cpp_CSTYLE])
+elif test $ac_fpp_need_cstyle = yes; then 
+# It only makes sense to test this for indirect compilation, 
+# i.e., if .f files are generated
+if test $ac_fpp_need_cxxstyle = yes; then 
+  AC_CACHE_CHECK([whether $FPP preserves C++-style comments], 
+     ac_cv_prog_fpp_cxxstyle,
+    [ac_cv_prog_fpp_cxxstyle=$ac_prog_fc_cpp_cxxstyle])
+AC_CACHE_CHECK([whether $FPP fulfils requested features],
+  ac_cv_prog_fpp_ok,
+  [ac_cv_prog_fpp_ok=$ac_fpp_ok])
+  ac_cv_fpp_build_rule=indirect
+if test ac_fpp_ok == no; then
+  AC_MSG_ERROR([Cannot find a Fortran preprocessor with the requested features])
+fi # test ac_fpp_ok != yes
+# We have all necessary information.
+# It remains to construct optimal build rules 
+# (direct: .F.o or indirect: .F.f)
+# and carry out the substitutions.
+# This is the crucial bit: we switch on ac_cv_fpp_build_rule=direct/indirect,
+# setting and AC_SUBSTing the variables documented in _AC_FPP_BUILD_RULE.
+# Do we actually have all the required information yet, or do we need
+# to look at AC_FC_(FIXED|FREE)FORM results also?  I think we're OK:
+# if the compiler can do all the preprocessing itself, then we don't
+# have to do anything (ie, the `direct' branch should be trivial), and
+# if we have to do separate preprocessing, the processor is probably
+# (?) independent of the source language variant.
+AC_LANG_POP(Preprocessed Fortran)
+# ---------------------------
+# Check for the extension used for the default name for executables.
+# We do this in order to find out what is the extension we must add for
+# creating executables (see _AC_COMPILER_EXEEXT's comments).
+# Beware of `expr' that may return `0' or `'.  Since this macro is
+# the first one in touch with the compiler, it should also check that
+# it compiles properly.
+# On OpenVMS 7.1 system, the DEC C 5.5 compiler when called through a
+# GNV (gnv.sourceforge.net) cc wrapper, produces the output file named
+# `a_out.exe'.
+[# First try to determine the flag needed to name the executable
+# It is nearly always "-o" but Lahey Fortran wants "-out"
+AC_MSG_CHECKING([for linker flag to name executables])
+for ac_link_obj_flag in "/exe:" "-out " "-o "; do
+[ac_link_obj_flag_found=yes; break], 
+if test x$ac_link_obj_flag_found = x ; then
+AC_MSG_FAILURE([Could not determine flag to name executables])
+# Try to create an executable without -o first, disregard a.out.
+# It will help us diagnose broken compilers, and finding out an intuition
+# of exeext.
+AC_MSG_CHECKING([for _AC_LANG compiler default output file name])
+ac_link_default=`echo "$ac_link" | sed ['s/ $ac_link_obj_flag *conftest[^ ]*//']`
+# List of possible output files, starting from the most likely.
+# The algorithm is not robust to junk in `.', hence go to wildcards (a.*)
+# only as a last resort.  b.out is created by i960 compilers.
+ac_files='a_out.exe a.exe conftest.exe a.out conftest a.* conftest.* b.out'
+# The IRIX 6 linker writes into existing files which may not be
+# executable, retaining their permissions.  Remove them first so a
+# subsequent execution test works.
+for ac_file in $ac_files
+  case $ac_file in
+    * ) ac_rmfiles="$ac_rmfiles $ac_file";;
+  esac
+rm -f $ac_rmfiles
+[# Autoconf-2.13 could set the ac_cv_exeext variable to `no'.
+# So ignore a value of `no', otherwise this would lead to `EXEEXT = no'
+# in a Makefile.  We should not override ac_cv_exeext if it was cached,
+# so that the user can short-circuit this test for compilers unknown to
+# Autoconf.
+for ac_file in $ac_files
+  test -f "$ac_file" || continue
+  case $ac_file in
+        ;; 
+    [[ab]].out )
+        # We found the default executable, but exeext='' is most
+        # certainly right.
+        break;;
+    *.* )
+        if test "${ac_cv_exeext+set}" = set && test "$ac_cv_exeext" != no;
+        then :; else
+           ac_cv_exeext=`expr "$ac_file" : ['[^.]*\(\..*\)']`
+        fi
+        # We set ac_cv_exeext here because the later test for it is not
+        # safe: cross compilers may not add the suffix if given an `-o'
+        # argument, so we may need to know it at that point already.
+        # Even if this section looks crufty: it has the advantage of
+        # actually working.
+        break;;
+    * )
+        break;; 
+  esac 
+test "$ac_cv_exeext" = no && ac_cv_exeext=
+AC_MSG_FAILURE([_AC_LANG compiler cannot create executables], 77)])
diff --git a/config/config.guess b/config/config.guess
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..2b03b48
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/config.guess
@@ -0,0 +1,1510 @@
+#! /bin/sh
+# Attempt to guess a canonical system name.
+#   Copyright (C) 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999,
+#   2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 Free Software Foundation,
+#   Inc.
+# This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street - Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
+# 02110-1301, USA.
+# As a special exception to the GNU General Public License, if you
+# distribute this file as part of a program that contains a
+# configuration script generated by Autoconf, you may include it under
+# the same distribution terms that you use for the rest of that program.
+# Originally written by Per Bothner <per at bothner.com>.
+# Please send patches to <config-patches at gnu.org>.  Submit a context
+# diff and a properly formatted ChangeLog entry.
+# This script attempts to guess a canonical system name similar to
+# config.sub.  If it succeeds, it prints the system name on stdout, and
+# exits with 0.  Otherwise, it exits with 1.
+# The plan is that this can be called by configure scripts if you
+# don't specify an explicit build system type.
+me=`echo "$0" | sed -e 's,.*/,,'`
+Usage: $0 [OPTION]
+Output the configuration name of the system \`$me' is run on.
+Operation modes:
+  -h, --help         print this help, then exit
+  -t, --time-stamp   print date of last modification, then exit
+  -v, --version      print version number, then exit
+Report bugs and patches to <config-patches at gnu.org>."
+GNU config.guess ($timestamp)
+Originally written by Per Bothner.
+Copyright (C) 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005
+Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+This is free software; see the source for copying conditions.  There is NO
+Try \`$me --help' for more information."
+# Parse command line
+while test $# -gt 0 ; do
+  case $1 in
+    --time-stamp | --time* | -t )
+       echo "$timestamp" ; exit ;;
+    --version | -v )
+       echo "$version" ; exit ;;
+    --help | --h* | -h )
+       echo "$usage"; exit ;;
+    -- )     # Stop option processing
+       shift; break ;;
+    - )	# Use stdin as input.
+       break ;;
+    -* )
+       echo "$me: invalid option $1$help" >&2
+       exit 1 ;;
+    * )
+       break ;;
+  esac
+if test $# != 0; then
+  echo "$me: too many arguments$help" >&2
+  exit 1
+trap 'exit 1' 1 2 15
+# CC_FOR_BUILD -- compiler used by this script. Note that the use of a
+# compiler to aid in system detection is discouraged as it requires
+# temporary files to be created and, as you can see below, it is a
+# headache to deal with in a portable fashion.
+# Historically, `CC_FOR_BUILD' used to be named `HOST_CC'. We still
+# use `HOST_CC' if defined, but it is deprecated.
+# Portable tmp directory creation inspired by the Autoconf team.
+trap "exitcode=\$?; (rm -f \$tmpfiles 2>/dev/null; rmdir \$tmp 2>/dev/null) && exit \$exitcode" 0 ;
+trap "rm -f \$tmpfiles 2>/dev/null; rmdir \$tmp 2>/dev/null; exit 1" 1 2 13 15 ;
+: ${TMPDIR=/tmp} ;
+ { tmp=`(umask 077 && mktemp -d "$TMPDIR/cgXXXXXX") 2>/dev/null` && test -n "$tmp" && test -d "$tmp" ; } ||
+ { test -n "$RANDOM" && tmp=$TMPDIR/cg$$-$RANDOM && (umask 077 && mkdir $tmp) ; } ||
+ { tmp=$TMPDIR/cg-$$ && (umask 077 && mkdir $tmp) && echo "Warning: creating insecure temp directory" >&2 ; } ||
+ { echo "$me: cannot create a temporary directory in $TMPDIR" >&2 ; exit 1 ; } ;
+dummy=$tmp/dummy ;
+tmpfiles="$dummy.c $dummy.o $dummy.rel $dummy" ;
+ ,,)    echo "int x;" > $dummy.c ;
+	for c in cc gcc c89 c99 ; do
+	  if ($c -c -o $dummy.o $dummy.c) >/dev/null 2>&1 ; then
+	     CC_FOR_BUILD="$c"; break ;
+	  fi ;
+	done ;
+	if test x"$CC_FOR_BUILD" = x ; then
+	  CC_FOR_BUILD=no_compiler_found ;
+	fi
+	;;
+ ,,*)   CC_FOR_BUILD=$CC ;;
+ ,*,*)  CC_FOR_BUILD=$HOST_CC ;;
+esac ; set_cc_for_build= ;'
+# This is needed to find uname on a Pyramid OSx when run in the BSD universe.
+# (ghazi at noc.rutgers.edu 1994-08-24)
+if (test -f /.attbin/uname) >/dev/null 2>&1 ; then
+	PATH=$PATH:/.attbin ; export PATH
+UNAME_MACHINE=`(uname -m) 2>/dev/null` || UNAME_MACHINE=unknown
+UNAME_RELEASE=`(uname -r) 2>/dev/null` || UNAME_RELEASE=unknown
+UNAME_SYSTEM=`(uname -s) 2>/dev/null`  || UNAME_SYSTEM=unknown
+UNAME_VERSION=`(uname -v) 2>/dev/null` || UNAME_VERSION=unknown
+# Note: order is significant - the case branches are not exclusive.
+    *:NetBSD:*:*)
+	# NetBSD (nbsd) targets should (where applicable) match one or
+	# more of the tupples: *-*-netbsdelf*, *-*-netbsdaout*,
+	# *-*-netbsdecoff* and *-*-netbsd*.  For targets that recently
+	# switched to ELF, *-*-netbsd* would select the old
+	# object file format.  This provides both forward
+	# compatibility and a consistent mechanism for selecting the
+	# object file format.
+	#
+	# Note: NetBSD doesn't particularly care about the vendor
+	# portion of the name.  We always set it to "unknown".
+	sysctl="sysctl -n hw.machine_arch"
+	UNAME_MACHINE_ARCH=`(/sbin/$sysctl 2>/dev/null || \
+	    /usr/sbin/$sysctl 2>/dev/null || echo unknown)`
+	case "${UNAME_MACHINE_ARCH}" in
+	    armeb) machine=armeb-unknown ;;
+	    arm*) machine=arm-unknown ;;
+	    sh3el) machine=shl-unknown ;;
+	    sh3eb) machine=sh-unknown ;;
+	    sh5el) machine=sh5le-unknown ;;
+	    *) machine=${UNAME_MACHINE_ARCH}-unknown ;;
+	esac
+	# The Operating System including object format, if it has switched
+	# to ELF recently, or will in the future.
+	case "${UNAME_MACHINE_ARCH}" in
+	    arm*|i386|m68k|ns32k|sh3*|sparc|vax)
+		eval $set_cc_for_build
+		if echo __ELF__ | $CC_FOR_BUILD -E - 2>/dev/null \
+			| grep __ELF__ >/dev/null
+		then
+		    # Once all utilities can be ECOFF (netbsdecoff) or a.out (netbsdaout).
+		    # Return netbsd for either.  FIX?
+		    os=netbsd
+		else
+		    os=netbsdelf
+		fi
+		;;
+	    *)
+	        os=netbsd
+		;;
+	esac
+	# The OS release
+	# Debian GNU/NetBSD machines have a different userland, and
+	# thus, need a distinct triplet. However, they do not need
+	# kernel version information, so it can be replaced with a
+	# suitable tag, in the style of linux-gnu.
+	case "${UNAME_VERSION}" in
+	    Debian*)
+		release='-gnu'
+		;;
+	    *)
+		release=`echo ${UNAME_RELEASE}|sed -e 's/[-_].*/\./'`
+		;;
+	esac
+	# contains redundant information, the shorter form:
+	echo "${machine}-${os}${release}"
+	exit ;;
+    *:OpenBSD:*:*)
+	UNAME_MACHINE_ARCH=`arch | sed 's/OpenBSD.//'`
+	echo ${UNAME_MACHINE_ARCH}-unknown-openbsd${UNAME_RELEASE}
+	exit ;;
+    *:ekkoBSD:*:*)
+	echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-unknown-ekkobsd${UNAME_RELEASE}
+	exit ;;
+    *:SolidBSD:*:*)
+	echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-unknown-solidbsd${UNAME_RELEASE}
+	exit ;;
+    macppc:MirBSD:*:*)
+	echo powerpc-unknown-mirbsd${UNAME_RELEASE}
+	exit ;;
+    *:MirBSD:*:*)
+	echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-unknown-mirbsd${UNAME_RELEASE}
+	exit ;;
+    alpha:OSF1:*:*)
+	case $UNAME_RELEASE in
+	*4.0)
+		UNAME_RELEASE=`/usr/sbin/sizer -v | awk '{print $3}'`
+		;;
+	*5.*)
+	        UNAME_RELEASE=`/usr/sbin/sizer -v | awk '{print $4}'`
+		;;
+	esac
+	# According to Compaq, /usr/sbin/psrinfo has been available on
+	# OSF/1 and Tru64 systems produced since 1995.  I hope that
+	# covers most systems running today.  This code pipes the CPU
+	# types through head -n 1, so we only detect the type of CPU 0.
+	ALPHA_CPU_TYPE=`/usr/sbin/psrinfo -v | sed -n -e 's/^  The alpha \(.*\) processor.*$/\1/p' | head -n 1`
+	case "$ALPHA_CPU_TYPE" in
+	    "EV4 (21064)")
+		UNAME_MACHINE="alpha" ;;
+	    "EV4.5 (21064)")
+		UNAME_MACHINE="alpha" ;;
+	    "LCA4 (21066/21068)")
+		UNAME_MACHINE="alpha" ;;
+	    "EV5 (21164)")
+		UNAME_MACHINE="alphaev5" ;;
+	    "EV5.6 (21164A)")
+		UNAME_MACHINE="alphaev56" ;;
+	    "EV5.6 (21164PC)")
+		UNAME_MACHINE="alphapca56" ;;
+	    "EV5.7 (21164PC)")
+		UNAME_MACHINE="alphapca57" ;;
+	    "EV6 (21264)")
+		UNAME_MACHINE="alphaev6" ;;
+	    "EV6.7 (21264A)")
+		UNAME_MACHINE="alphaev67" ;;
+	    "EV6.8CB (21264C)")
+		UNAME_MACHINE="alphaev68" ;;
+	    "EV6.8AL (21264B)")
+		UNAME_MACHINE="alphaev68" ;;
+	    "EV6.8CX (21264D)")
+		UNAME_MACHINE="alphaev68" ;;
+	    "EV6.9A (21264/EV69A)")
+		UNAME_MACHINE="alphaev69" ;;
+	    "EV7 (21364)")
+		UNAME_MACHINE="alphaev7" ;;
+	    "EV7.9 (21364A)")
+		UNAME_MACHINE="alphaev79" ;;
+	esac
+	# A Pn.n version is a patched version.
+	# A Vn.n version is a released version.
+	# A Tn.n version is a released field test version.
+	# A Xn.n version is an unreleased experimental baselevel.
+	# 1.2 uses "1.2" for uname -r.
+	echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-dec-osf`echo ${UNAME_RELEASE} | sed -e 's/^[PVTX]//' | tr 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ' 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'`
+	exit ;;
+    Alpha\ *:Windows_NT*:*)
+	# How do we know it's Interix rather than the generic POSIX subsystem?
+	# Should we change UNAME_MACHINE based on the output of uname instead
+	# of the specific Alpha model?
+	echo alpha-pc-interix
+	exit ;;
+    21064:Windows_NT:50:3)
+	echo alpha-dec-winnt3.5
+	exit ;;
+    Amiga*:UNIX_System_V:4.0:*)
+	echo m68k-unknown-sysv4
+	exit ;;
+    *:[Aa]miga[Oo][Ss]:*:*)
+	echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-unknown-amigaos
+	exit ;;
+    *:[Mm]orph[Oo][Ss]:*:*)
+	echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-unknown-morphos
+	exit ;;
+    *:OS/390:*:*)
+	echo i370-ibm-openedition
+	exit ;;
+    *:z/VM:*:*)
+	echo s390-ibm-zvmoe
+	exit ;;
+    *:OS400:*:*)
+        echo powerpc-ibm-os400
+	exit ;;
+    arm:RISC*:1.[012]*:*|arm:riscix:1.[012]*:*)
+	echo arm-acorn-riscix${UNAME_RELEASE}
+	exit ;;
+    arm:riscos:*:*|arm:RISCOS:*:*)
+	echo arm-unknown-riscos
+	exit ;;
+    SR2?01:HI-UX/MPP:*:* | SR8000:HI-UX/MPP:*:*)
+	echo hppa1.1-hitachi-hiuxmpp
+	exit ;;
+    Pyramid*:OSx*:*:* | MIS*:OSx*:*:* | MIS*:SMP_DC-OSx*:*:*)
+	# akee at wpdis03.wpafb.af.mil (Earle F. Ake) contributed MIS and NILE.
+	if test "`(/bin/universe) 2>/dev/null`" = att ; then
+		echo pyramid-pyramid-sysv3
+	else
+		echo pyramid-pyramid-bsd
+	fi
+	exit ;;
+    NILE*:*:*:dcosx)
+	echo pyramid-pyramid-svr4
+	exit ;;
+    DRS?6000:unix:4.0:6*)
+	echo sparc-icl-nx6
+	exit ;;
+    DRS?6000:UNIX_SV:4.2*:7* | DRS?6000:isis:4.2*:7*)
+	case `/usr/bin/uname -p` in
+	    sparc) echo sparc-icl-nx7; exit ;;
+	esac ;;
+    sun4H:SunOS:5.*:*)
+	echo sparc-hal-solaris2`echo ${UNAME_RELEASE}|sed -e 's/[^.]*//'`
+	exit ;;
+    sun4*:SunOS:5.*:* | tadpole*:SunOS:5.*:*)
+	echo sparc-sun-solaris2`echo ${UNAME_RELEASE}|sed -e 's/[^.]*//'`
+	exit ;;
+    i86pc:SunOS:5.*:*)
+	echo i386-pc-solaris2`echo ${UNAME_RELEASE}|sed -e 's/[^.]*//'`
+	exit ;;
+    sun4*:SunOS:6*:*)
+	# According to config.sub, this is the proper way to canonicalize
+	# SunOS6.  Hard to guess exactly what SunOS6 will be like, but
+	# it's likely to be more like Solaris than SunOS4.
+	echo sparc-sun-solaris3`echo ${UNAME_RELEASE}|sed -e 's/[^.]*//'`
+	exit ;;
+    sun4*:SunOS:*:*)
+	case "`/usr/bin/arch -k`" in
+	    Series*|S4*)
+		UNAME_RELEASE=`uname -v`
+		;;
+	esac
+	# Japanese Language versions have a version number like `4.1.3-JL'.
+	echo sparc-sun-sunos`echo ${UNAME_RELEASE}|sed -e 's/-/_/'`
+	exit ;;
+    sun3*:SunOS:*:*)
+	echo m68k-sun-sunos${UNAME_RELEASE}
+	exit ;;
+    sun*:*:4.2BSD:*)
+	UNAME_RELEASE=`(sed 1q /etc/motd | awk '{print substr($5,1,3)}') 2>/dev/null`
+	test "x${UNAME_RELEASE}" = "x" && UNAME_RELEASE=3
+	case "`/bin/arch`" in
+	    sun3)
+		echo m68k-sun-sunos${UNAME_RELEASE}
+		;;
+	    sun4)
+		echo sparc-sun-sunos${UNAME_RELEASE}
+		;;
+	esac
+	exit ;;
+    aushp:SunOS:*:*)
+	echo sparc-auspex-sunos${UNAME_RELEASE}
+	exit ;;
+    # The situation for MiNT is a little confusing.  The machine name
+    # can be virtually everything (everything which is not
+    # "atarist" or "atariste" at least should have a processor
+    # > m68000).  The system name ranges from "MiNT" over "FreeMiNT"
+    # to the lowercase version "mint" (or "freemint").  Finally
+    # the system name "TOS" denotes a system which is actually not
+    # MiNT.  But MiNT is downward compatible to TOS, so this should
+    # be no problem.
+    atarist[e]:*MiNT:*:* | atarist[e]:*mint:*:* | atarist[e]:*TOS:*:*)
+        echo m68k-atari-mint${UNAME_RELEASE}
+	exit ;;
+    atari*:*MiNT:*:* | atari*:*mint:*:* | atarist[e]:*TOS:*:*)
+	echo m68k-atari-mint${UNAME_RELEASE}
+        exit ;;
+    *falcon*:*MiNT:*:* | *falcon*:*mint:*:* | *falcon*:*TOS:*:*)
+        echo m68k-atari-mint${UNAME_RELEASE}
+	exit ;;
+    milan*:*MiNT:*:* | milan*:*mint:*:* | *milan*:*TOS:*:*)
+        echo m68k-milan-mint${UNAME_RELEASE}
+        exit ;;
+    hades*:*MiNT:*:* | hades*:*mint:*:* | *hades*:*TOS:*:*)
+        echo m68k-hades-mint${UNAME_RELEASE}
+        exit ;;
+    *:*MiNT:*:* | *:*mint:*:* | *:*TOS:*:*)
+        echo m68k-unknown-mint${UNAME_RELEASE}
+        exit ;;
+    m68k:machten:*:*)
+	echo m68k-apple-machten${UNAME_RELEASE}
+	exit ;;
+    powerpc:machten:*:*)
+	echo powerpc-apple-machten${UNAME_RELEASE}
+	exit ;;
+    RISC*:Mach:*:*)
+	echo mips-dec-mach_bsd4.3
+	exit ;;
+    RISC*:ULTRIX:*:*)
+	echo mips-dec-ultrix${UNAME_RELEASE}
+	exit ;;
+    VAX*:ULTRIX*:*:*)
+	echo vax-dec-ultrix${UNAME_RELEASE}
+	exit ;;
+    2020:CLIX:*:* | 2430:CLIX:*:*)
+	echo clipper-intergraph-clix${UNAME_RELEASE}
+	exit ;;
+    mips:*:*:UMIPS | mips:*:*:RISCos)
+	eval $set_cc_for_build
+	sed 's/^	//' << EOF >$dummy.c
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#include <stdio.h>  /* for printf() prototype */
+	int main (int argc, char *argv[]) {
+	int main (argc, argv) int argc; char *argv[]; {
+	#if defined (host_mips) && defined (MIPSEB)
+	#if defined (SYSTYPE_SYSV)
+	  printf ("mips-mips-riscos%ssysv\n", argv[1]); exit (0);
+	#endif
+	#if defined (SYSTYPE_SVR4)
+	  printf ("mips-mips-riscos%ssvr4\n", argv[1]); exit (0);
+	#endif
+	#if defined (SYSTYPE_BSD43) || defined(SYSTYPE_BSD)
+	  printf ("mips-mips-riscos%sbsd\n", argv[1]); exit (0);
+	#endif
+	#endif
+	  exit (-1);
+	}
+	$CC_FOR_BUILD -o $dummy $dummy.c &&
+	  dummyarg=`echo "${UNAME_RELEASE}" | sed -n 's/\([0-9]*\).*/\1/p'` &&
+	  SYSTEM_NAME=`$dummy $dummyarg` &&
+	    { echo "$SYSTEM_NAME"; exit; }
+	echo mips-mips-riscos${UNAME_RELEASE}
+	exit ;;
+    Motorola:PowerMAX_OS:*:*)
+	echo powerpc-motorola-powermax
+	exit ;;
+    Motorola:*:4.3:PL8-*)
+	echo powerpc-harris-powermax
+	exit ;;
+    Night_Hawk:*:*:PowerMAX_OS | Synergy:PowerMAX_OS:*:*)
+	echo powerpc-harris-powermax
+	exit ;;
+    Night_Hawk:Power_UNIX:*:*)
+	echo powerpc-harris-powerunix
+	exit ;;
+    m88k:CX/UX:7*:*)
+	echo m88k-harris-cxux7
+	exit ;;
+    m88k:*:4*:R4*)
+	echo m88k-motorola-sysv4
+	exit ;;
+    m88k:*:3*:R3*)
+	echo m88k-motorola-sysv3
+	exit ;;
+    AViiON:dgux:*:*)
+        # DG/UX returns AViiON for all architectures
+        UNAME_PROCESSOR=`/usr/bin/uname -p`
+	if [ $UNAME_PROCESSOR = mc88100 ] || [ $UNAME_PROCESSOR = mc88110 ]
+	then
+	    if [ ${TARGET_BINARY_INTERFACE}x = m88kdguxelfx ] || \
+	       [ ${TARGET_BINARY_INTERFACE}x = x ]
+	    then
+		echo m88k-dg-dgux${UNAME_RELEASE}
+	    else
+		echo m88k-dg-dguxbcs${UNAME_RELEASE}
+	    fi
+	else
+	    echo i586-dg-dgux${UNAME_RELEASE}
+	fi
+ 	exit ;;
+    M88*:DolphinOS:*:*)	# DolphinOS (SVR3)
+	echo m88k-dolphin-sysv3
+	exit ;;
+    M88*:*:R3*:*)
+	# Delta 88k system running SVR3
+	echo m88k-motorola-sysv3
+	exit ;;
+    XD88*:*:*:*) # Tektronix XD88 system running UTekV (SVR3)
+	echo m88k-tektronix-sysv3
+	exit ;;
+    Tek43[0-9][0-9]:UTek:*:*) # Tektronix 4300 system running UTek (BSD)
+	echo m68k-tektronix-bsd
+	exit ;;
+    *:IRIX*:*:*)
+	echo mips-sgi-irix`echo ${UNAME_RELEASE}|sed -e 's/-/_/g'`
+	exit ;;
+    ????????:AIX?:[12].1:2)   # AIX 2.2.1 or AIX 2.1.1 is RT/PC AIX.
+	echo romp-ibm-aix     # uname -m gives an 8 hex-code CPU id
+	exit ;;               # Note that: echo "'`uname -s`'" gives 'AIX '
+    i*86:AIX:*:*)
+	echo i386-ibm-aix
+	exit ;;
+    ia64:AIX:*:*)
+	if [ -x /usr/bin/oslevel ] ; then
+		IBM_REV=`/usr/bin/oslevel`
+	else
+	fi
+	echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-ibm-aix${IBM_REV}
+	exit ;;
+    *:AIX:2:3)
+	if grep bos325 /usr/include/stdio.h >/dev/null 2>&1; then
+		eval $set_cc_for_build
+		sed 's/^		//' << EOF >$dummy.c
+		#include <sys/systemcfg.h>
+		main()
+			{
+			if (!__power_pc())
+				exit(1);
+			puts("powerpc-ibm-aix3.2.5");
+			exit(0);
+			}
+		if $CC_FOR_BUILD -o $dummy $dummy.c && SYSTEM_NAME=`$dummy`
+		then
+			echo "$SYSTEM_NAME"
+		else
+			echo rs6000-ibm-aix3.2.5
+		fi
+	elif grep bos324 /usr/include/stdio.h >/dev/null 2>&1; then
+		echo rs6000-ibm-aix3.2.4
+	else
+		echo rs6000-ibm-aix3.2
+	fi
+	exit ;;
+    *:AIX:*:[45])
+	IBM_CPU_ID=`/usr/sbin/lsdev -C -c processor -S available | sed 1q | awk '{ print $1 }'`
+	if /usr/sbin/lsattr -El ${IBM_CPU_ID} | grep ' POWER' >/dev/null 2>&1; then
+		IBM_ARCH=rs6000
+	else
+		IBM_ARCH=powerpc
+	fi
+	if [ -x /usr/bin/oslevel ] ; then
+		IBM_REV=`/usr/bin/oslevel`
+	else
+	fi
+	echo ${IBM_ARCH}-ibm-aix${IBM_REV}
+	exit ;;
+    *:AIX:*:*)
+	echo rs6000-ibm-aix
+	exit ;;
+    ibmrt:4.4BSD:*|romp-ibm:BSD:*)
+	echo romp-ibm-bsd4.4
+	exit ;;
+    ibmrt:*BSD:*|romp-ibm:BSD:*)            # covers RT/PC BSD and
+	echo romp-ibm-bsd${UNAME_RELEASE}   # 4.3 with uname added to
+	exit ;;                             # report: romp-ibm BSD 4.3
+    *:BOSX:*:*)
+	echo rs6000-bull-bosx
+	exit ;;
+    DPX/2?00:B.O.S.:*:*)
+	echo m68k-bull-sysv3
+	exit ;;
+    9000/[34]??:4.3bsd:1.*:*)
+	echo m68k-hp-bsd
+	exit ;;
+    hp300:4.4BSD:*:* | 9000/[34]??:4.3bsd:2.*:*)
+	echo m68k-hp-bsd4.4
+	exit ;;
+    9000/[34678]??:HP-UX:*:*)
+	HPUX_REV=`echo ${UNAME_RELEASE}|sed -e 's/[^.]*.[0B]*//'`
+	case "${UNAME_MACHINE}" in
+	    9000/31? )            HP_ARCH=m68000 ;;
+	    9000/[34]?? )         HP_ARCH=m68k ;;
+	    9000/[678][0-9][0-9])
+		if [ -x /usr/bin/getconf ]; then
+		    sc_cpu_version=`/usr/bin/getconf SC_CPU_VERSION 2>/dev/null`
+                    sc_kernel_bits=`/usr/bin/getconf SC_KERNEL_BITS 2>/dev/null`
+                    case "${sc_cpu_version}" in
+                      523) HP_ARCH="hppa1.0" ;; # CPU_PA_RISC1_0
+                      528) HP_ARCH="hppa1.1" ;; # CPU_PA_RISC1_1
+                      532)                      # CPU_PA_RISC2_0
+                        case "${sc_kernel_bits}" in
+                          32) HP_ARCH="hppa2.0n" ;;
+                          64) HP_ARCH="hppa2.0w" ;;
+			  '') HP_ARCH="hppa2.0" ;;   # HP-UX 10.20
+                        esac ;;
+                    esac
+		fi
+		if [ "${HP_ARCH}" = "" ]; then
+		    eval $set_cc_for_build
+		    sed 's/^              //' << EOF >$dummy.c
+              #define _HPUX_SOURCE
+              #include <stdlib.h>
+              #include <unistd.h>
+              int main ()
+              {
+              #if defined(_SC_KERNEL_BITS)
+                  long bits = sysconf(_SC_KERNEL_BITS);
+              #endif
+                  long cpu  = sysconf (_SC_CPU_VERSION);
+                  switch (cpu)
+              	{
+              	case CPU_PA_RISC1_0: puts ("hppa1.0"); break;
+              	case CPU_PA_RISC1_1: puts ("hppa1.1"); break;
+              	case CPU_PA_RISC2_0:
+              #if defined(_SC_KERNEL_BITS)
+              	    switch (bits)
+              		{
+              		case 64: puts ("hppa2.0w"); break;
+              		case 32: puts ("hppa2.0n"); break;
+              		default: puts ("hppa2.0"); break;
+              		} break;
+              #else  /* !defined(_SC_KERNEL_BITS) */
+              	    puts ("hppa2.0"); break;
+              #endif
+              	default: puts ("hppa1.0"); break;
+              	}
+                  exit (0);
+              }
+		    (CCOPTS= $CC_FOR_BUILD -o $dummy $dummy.c 2>/dev/null) && HP_ARCH=`$dummy`
+		    test -z "$HP_ARCH" && HP_ARCH=hppa
+		fi ;;
+	esac
+	if [ ${HP_ARCH} = "hppa2.0w" ]
+	then
+	    eval $set_cc_for_build
+	    # hppa2.0w-hp-hpux* has a 64-bit kernel and a compiler generating
+	    # 32-bit code.  hppa64-hp-hpux* has the same kernel and a compiler
+	    # generating 64-bit code.  GNU and HP use different nomenclature:
+	    #
+	    # $ CC_FOR_BUILD=cc ./config.guess
+	    # => hppa2.0w-hp-hpux11.23
+	    # $ CC_FOR_BUILD="cc +DA2.0w" ./config.guess
+	    # => hppa64-hp-hpux11.23
+	    if echo __LP64__ | (CCOPTS= $CC_FOR_BUILD -E - 2>/dev/null) |
+		grep __LP64__ >/dev/null
+	    then
+		HP_ARCH="hppa2.0w"
+	    else
+		HP_ARCH="hppa64"
+	    fi
+	fi
+	echo ${HP_ARCH}-hp-hpux${HPUX_REV}
+	exit ;;
+    ia64:HP-UX:*:*)
+	HPUX_REV=`echo ${UNAME_RELEASE}|sed -e 's/[^.]*.[0B]*//'`
+	echo ia64-hp-hpux${HPUX_REV}
+	exit ;;
+    3050*:HI-UX:*:*)
+	eval $set_cc_for_build
+	sed 's/^	//' << EOF >$dummy.c
+	#include <unistd.h>
+	int
+	main ()
+	{
+	  long cpu = sysconf (_SC_CPU_VERSION);
+	  /* The order matters, because CPU_IS_HP_MC68K erroneously returns
+	     true for CPU_PA_RISC1_0.  CPU_IS_PA_RISC returns correct
+	     results, however.  */
+	  if (CPU_IS_PA_RISC (cpu))
+	    {
+	      switch (cpu)
+		{
+		  case CPU_PA_RISC1_0: puts ("hppa1.0-hitachi-hiuxwe2"); break;
+		  case CPU_PA_RISC1_1: puts ("hppa1.1-hitachi-hiuxwe2"); break;
+		  case CPU_PA_RISC2_0: puts ("hppa2.0-hitachi-hiuxwe2"); break;
+		  default: puts ("hppa-hitachi-hiuxwe2"); break;
+		}
+	    }
+	  else if (CPU_IS_HP_MC68K (cpu))
+	    puts ("m68k-hitachi-hiuxwe2");
+	  else puts ("unknown-hitachi-hiuxwe2");
+	  exit (0);
+	}
+	$CC_FOR_BUILD -o $dummy $dummy.c && SYSTEM_NAME=`$dummy` &&
+		{ echo "$SYSTEM_NAME"; exit; }
+	echo unknown-hitachi-hiuxwe2
+	exit ;;
+    9000/7??:4.3bsd:*:* | 9000/8?[79]:4.3bsd:*:* )
+	echo hppa1.1-hp-bsd
+	exit ;;
+    9000/8??:4.3bsd:*:*)
+	echo hppa1.0-hp-bsd
+	exit ;;
+    *9??*:MPE/iX:*:* | *3000*:MPE/iX:*:*)
+	echo hppa1.0-hp-mpeix
+	exit ;;
+    hp7??:OSF1:*:* | hp8?[79]:OSF1:*:* )
+	echo hppa1.1-hp-osf
+	exit ;;
+    hp8??:OSF1:*:*)
+	echo hppa1.0-hp-osf
+	exit ;;
+    i*86:OSF1:*:*)
+	if [ -x /usr/sbin/sysversion ] ; then
+	    echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-unknown-osf1mk
+	else
+	    echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-unknown-osf1
+	fi
+	exit ;;
+    parisc*:Lites*:*:*)
+	echo hppa1.1-hp-lites
+	exit ;;
+    C1*:ConvexOS:*:* | convex:ConvexOS:C1*:*)
+	echo c1-convex-bsd
+        exit ;;
+    C2*:ConvexOS:*:* | convex:ConvexOS:C2*:*)
+	if getsysinfo -f scalar_acc
+	then echo c32-convex-bsd
+	else echo c2-convex-bsd
+	fi
+        exit ;;
+    C34*:ConvexOS:*:* | convex:ConvexOS:C34*:*)
+	echo c34-convex-bsd
+        exit ;;
+    C38*:ConvexOS:*:* | convex:ConvexOS:C38*:*)
+	echo c38-convex-bsd
+        exit ;;
+    C4*:ConvexOS:*:* | convex:ConvexOS:C4*:*)
+	echo c4-convex-bsd
+        exit ;;
+    CRAY*Y-MP:*:*:*)
+	echo ymp-cray-unicos${UNAME_RELEASE} | sed -e 's/\.[^.]*$/.X/'
+	exit ;;
+    CRAY*[A-Z]90:*:*:*)
+	echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-cray-unicos${UNAME_RELEASE} \
+	| sed -e 's/CRAY.*\([A-Z]90\)/\1/' \
+	      -e y/ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ/abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz/ \
+	      -e 's/\.[^.]*$/.X/'
+	exit ;;
+    CRAY*TS:*:*:*)
+	echo t90-cray-unicos${UNAME_RELEASE} | sed -e 's/\.[^.]*$/.X/'
+	exit ;;
+    CRAY*T3E:*:*:*)
+	echo alphaev5-cray-unicosmk${UNAME_RELEASE} | sed -e 's/\.[^.]*$/.X/'
+	exit ;;
+    CRAY*SV1:*:*:*)
+	echo sv1-cray-unicos${UNAME_RELEASE} | sed -e 's/\.[^.]*$/.X/'
+	exit ;;
+    *:UNICOS/mp:*:*)
+	echo craynv-cray-unicosmp${UNAME_RELEASE} | sed -e 's/\.[^.]*$/.X/'
+	exit ;;
+    F30[01]:UNIX_System_V:*:* | F700:UNIX_System_V:*:*)
+	FUJITSU_PROC=`uname -m | tr 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ' 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'`
+        FUJITSU_SYS=`uname -p | tr 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ' 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' | sed -e 's/\///'`
+        FUJITSU_REL=`echo ${UNAME_RELEASE} | sed -e 's/ /_/'`
+        echo "${FUJITSU_PROC}-fujitsu-${FUJITSU_SYS}${FUJITSU_REL}"
+        exit ;;
+    5000:UNIX_System_V:4.*:*)
+        FUJITSU_SYS=`uname -p | tr 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ' 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' | sed -e 's/\///'`
+        FUJITSU_REL=`echo ${UNAME_RELEASE} | tr 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ' 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' | sed -e 's/ /_/'`
+        echo "sparc-fujitsu-${FUJITSU_SYS}${FUJITSU_REL}"
+	exit ;;
+    i*86:BSD/386:*:* | i*86:BSD/OS:*:* | *:Ascend\ Embedded/OS:*:*)
+	exit ;;
+    sparc*:BSD/OS:*:*)
+	echo sparc-unknown-bsdi${UNAME_RELEASE}
+	exit ;;
+    *:BSD/OS:*:*)
+	echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-unknown-bsdi${UNAME_RELEASE}
+	exit ;;
+    *:FreeBSD:*:*)
+	case ${UNAME_MACHINE} in
+	    pc98)
+		echo i386-unknown-freebsd`echo ${UNAME_RELEASE}|sed -e 's/[-(].*//'` ;;
+	    amd64)
+		echo x86_64-unknown-freebsd`echo ${UNAME_RELEASE}|sed -e 's/[-(].*//'` ;;
+	    *)
+		echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-unknown-freebsd`echo ${UNAME_RELEASE}|sed -e 's/[-(].*//'` ;;
+	esac
+	exit ;;
+    i*:CYGWIN*:*)
+	echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-pc-cygwin
+	exit ;;
+    i*:MINGW*:*)
+	echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-pc-mingw32
+	exit ;;
+    i*:windows32*:*)
+    	# uname -m includes "-pc" on this system.
+    	echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-mingw32
+	exit ;;
+    i*:PW*:*)
+	echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-pc-pw32
+	exit ;;
+    x86:Interix*:[3456]*)
+	echo i586-pc-interix${UNAME_RELEASE}
+	exit ;;
+    EM64T:Interix*:[3456]* | authenticamd:Interix*:[3456]*)
+	echo x86_64-unknown-interix${UNAME_RELEASE}
+	exit ;;
+    [345]86:Windows_95:* | [345]86:Windows_98:* | [345]86:Windows_NT:*)
+	echo i${UNAME_MACHINE}-pc-mks
+	exit ;;
+    i*:Windows_NT*:* | Pentium*:Windows_NT*:*)
+	# How do we know it's Interix rather than the generic POSIX subsystem?
+	# It also conflicts with pre-2.0 versions of AT&T UWIN. Should we
+	# UNAME_MACHINE based on the output of uname instead of i386?
+	echo i586-pc-interix
+	exit ;;
+    i*:UWIN*:*)
+	echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-pc-uwin
+	exit ;;
+    amd64:CYGWIN*:*:* | x86_64:CYGWIN*:*:*)
+	echo x86_64-unknown-cygwin
+	exit ;;
+    p*:CYGWIN*:*)
+	echo powerpcle-unknown-cygwin
+	exit ;;
+    prep*:SunOS:5.*:*)
+	echo powerpcle-unknown-solaris2`echo ${UNAME_RELEASE}|sed -e 's/[^.]*//'`
+	exit ;;
+    *:GNU:*:*)
+	# the GNU system
+	echo `echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}|sed -e 's,[-/].*$,,'`-unknown-gnu`echo ${UNAME_RELEASE}|sed -e 's,/.*$,,'`
+	exit ;;
+    *:GNU/*:*:*)
+	# other systems with GNU libc and userland
+	echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-unknown-`echo ${UNAME_SYSTEM} | sed 's,^[^/]*/,,' | tr '[A-Z]' '[a-z]'``echo ${UNAME_RELEASE}|sed -e 's/[-(].*//'`-gnu
+	exit ;;
+    i*86:Minix:*:*)
+	echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-pc-minix
+	exit ;;
+    arm*:Linux:*:*)
+	echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-unknown-linux-gnu
+	exit ;;
+    avr32*:Linux:*:*)
+	echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-unknown-linux-gnu
+	exit ;;
+    cris:Linux:*:*)
+	echo cris-axis-linux-gnu
+	exit ;;
+    crisv32:Linux:*:*)
+	echo crisv32-axis-linux-gnu
+	exit ;;
+    frv:Linux:*:*)
+    	echo frv-unknown-linux-gnu
+	exit ;;
+    ia64:Linux:*:*)
+	echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-unknown-linux-gnu
+	exit ;;
+    m32r*:Linux:*:*)
+	echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-unknown-linux-gnu
+	exit ;;
+    m68*:Linux:*:*)
+	echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-unknown-linux-gnu
+	exit ;;
+    mips:Linux:*:*)
+	eval $set_cc_for_build
+	sed 's/^	//' << EOF >$dummy.c
+	#undef CPU
+	#undef mips
+	#undef mipsel
+	#if defined(__MIPSEL__) || defined(__MIPSEL) || defined(_MIPSEL) || defined(MIPSEL)
+	CPU=mipsel
+	#else
+	#if defined(__MIPSEB__) || defined(__MIPSEB) || defined(_MIPSEB) || defined(MIPSEB)
+	CPU=mips
+	#else
+	CPU=
+	#endif
+	#endif
+	eval "`$CC_FOR_BUILD -E $dummy.c 2>/dev/null | sed -n '
+	    /^CPU/{
+		s: ::g
+		p
+	    }'`"
+	test x"${CPU}" != x && { echo "${CPU}-unknown-linux-gnu"; exit; }
+	;;
+    mips64:Linux:*:*)
+	eval $set_cc_for_build
+	sed 's/^	//' << EOF >$dummy.c
+	#undef CPU
+	#undef mips64
+	#undef mips64el
+	#if defined(__MIPSEL__) || defined(__MIPSEL) || defined(_MIPSEL) || defined(MIPSEL)
+	CPU=mips64el
+	#else
+	#if defined(__MIPSEB__) || defined(__MIPSEB) || defined(_MIPSEB) || defined(MIPSEB)
+	CPU=mips64
+	#else
+	CPU=
+	#endif
+	#endif
+	eval "`$CC_FOR_BUILD -E $dummy.c 2>/dev/null | sed -n '
+	    /^CPU/{
+		s: ::g
+		p
+	    }'`"
+	test x"${CPU}" != x && { echo "${CPU}-unknown-linux-gnu"; exit; }
+	;;
+    or32:Linux:*:*)
+	echo or32-unknown-linux-gnu
+	exit ;;
+    ppc:Linux:*:*)
+	echo powerpc-unknown-linux-gnu
+	exit ;;
+    ppc64:Linux:*:*)
+	echo powerpc64-unknown-linux-gnu
+	exit ;;
+    alpha:Linux:*:*)
+	case `sed -n '/^cpu model/s/^.*: \(.*\)/\1/p' < /proc/cpuinfo` in
+	  EV5)   UNAME_MACHINE=alphaev5 ;;
+	  EV56)  UNAME_MACHINE=alphaev56 ;;
+	  PCA56) UNAME_MACHINE=alphapca56 ;;
+	  PCA57) UNAME_MACHINE=alphapca56 ;;
+	  EV6)   UNAME_MACHINE=alphaev6 ;;
+	  EV67)  UNAME_MACHINE=alphaev67 ;;
+	  EV68*) UNAME_MACHINE=alphaev68 ;;
+        esac
+	objdump --private-headers /bin/sh | grep ld.so.1 >/dev/null
+	if test "$?" = 0 ; then LIBC="libc1" ; else LIBC="" ; fi
+	echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-unknown-linux-gnu${LIBC}
+	exit ;;
+    parisc:Linux:*:* | hppa:Linux:*:*)
+	# Look for CPU level
+	case `grep '^cpu[^a-z]*:' /proc/cpuinfo 2>/dev/null | cut -d' ' -f2` in
+	  PA7*) echo hppa1.1-unknown-linux-gnu ;;
+	  PA8*) echo hppa2.0-unknown-linux-gnu ;;
+	  *)    echo hppa-unknown-linux-gnu ;;
+	esac
+	exit ;;
+    parisc64:Linux:*:* | hppa64:Linux:*:*)
+	echo hppa64-unknown-linux-gnu
+	exit ;;
+    s390:Linux:*:* | s390x:Linux:*:*)
+	echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-ibm-linux
+	exit ;;
+    sh64*:Linux:*:*)
+    	echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-unknown-linux-gnu
+	exit ;;
+    sh*:Linux:*:*)
+	echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-unknown-linux-gnu
+	exit ;;
+    sparc:Linux:*:* | sparc64:Linux:*:*)
+	echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-unknown-linux-gnu
+	exit ;;
+    vax:Linux:*:*)
+	echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-dec-linux-gnu
+	exit ;;
+    x86_64:Linux:*:*)
+	echo x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
+	exit ;;
+    xtensa:Linux:*:*)
+    	echo xtensa-unknown-linux-gnu
+	exit ;;
+    i*86:Linux:*:*)
+	# The BFD linker knows what the default object file format is, so
+	# first see if it will tell us. cd to the root directory to prevent
+	# problems with other programs or directories called `ld' in the path.
+	# Set LC_ALL=C to ensure ld outputs messages in English.
+	ld_supported_targets=`cd /; LC_ALL=C ld --help 2>&1 \
+			 | sed -ne '/supported targets:/!d
+				    s/[ 	][ 	]*/ /g
+				    s/.*supported targets: *//
+				    s/ .*//
+				    p'`
+        case "$ld_supported_targets" in
+	  elf32-i386)
+		TENTATIVE="${UNAME_MACHINE}-pc-linux-gnu"
+		;;
+	  a.out-i386-linux)
+		echo "${UNAME_MACHINE}-pc-linux-gnuaout"
+		exit ;;
+	  coff-i386)
+		echo "${UNAME_MACHINE}-pc-linux-gnucoff"
+		exit ;;
+	  "")
+		# Either a pre-BFD a.out linker (linux-gnuoldld) or
+		# one that does not give us useful --help.
+		echo "${UNAME_MACHINE}-pc-linux-gnuoldld"
+		exit ;;
+	esac
+	# Determine whether the default compiler is a.out or elf
+	eval $set_cc_for_build
+	sed 's/^	//' << EOF >$dummy.c
+	#include <features.h>
+	#ifdef __ELF__
+	# ifdef __GLIBC__
+	#  if __GLIBC__ >= 2
+	LIBC=gnu
+	#  else
+	LIBC=gnulibc1
+	#  endif
+	# else
+	LIBC=gnulibc1
+	# endif
+	#else
+	#if defined(__INTEL_COMPILER) || defined(__PGI) || defined(__SUNPRO_C) || defined(__SUNPRO_CC)
+	LIBC=gnu
+	#else
+	LIBC=gnuaout
+	#endif
+	#endif
+	#ifdef __dietlibc__
+	LIBC=dietlibc
+	#endif
+	eval "`$CC_FOR_BUILD -E $dummy.c 2>/dev/null | sed -n '
+	    /^LIBC/{
+		s: ::g
+		p
+	    }'`"
+	test x"${LIBC}" != x && {
+		echo "${UNAME_MACHINE}-pc-linux-${LIBC}"
+		exit
+	}
+	test x"${TENTATIVE}" != x && { echo "${TENTATIVE}"; exit; }
+	;;
+    i*86:DYNIX/ptx:4*:*)
+	# ptx 4.0 does uname -s correctly, with DYNIX/ptx in there.
+	# earlier versions are messed up and put the nodename in both
+	# sysname and nodename.
+	echo i386-sequent-sysv4
+	exit ;;
+    i*86:UNIX_SV:4.2MP:2.*)
+        # Unixware is an offshoot of SVR4, but it has its own version
+        # number series starting with 2...
+        # I am not positive that other SVR4 systems won't match this,
+	# I just have to hope.  -- rms.
+        # Use sysv4.2uw... so that sysv4* matches it.
+	echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-pc-sysv4.2uw${UNAME_VERSION}
+	exit ;;
+    i*86:OS/2:*:*)
+	# If we were able to find `uname', then EMX Unix compatibility
+	# is probably installed.
+	echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-pc-os2-emx
+	exit ;;
+    i*86:XTS-300:*:STOP)
+	echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-unknown-stop
+	exit ;;
+    i*86:atheos:*:*)
+	echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-unknown-atheos
+	exit ;;
+    i*86:syllable:*:*)
+	echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-pc-syllable
+	exit ;;
+    i*86:LynxOS:2.*:* | i*86:LynxOS:3.[01]*:* | i*86:LynxOS:4.0*:*)
+	echo i386-unknown-lynxos${UNAME_RELEASE}
+	exit ;;
+    i*86:*DOS:*:*)
+	echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-pc-msdosdjgpp
+	exit ;;
+    i*86:*:4.*:* | i*86:SYSTEM_V:4.*:*)
+	UNAME_REL=`echo ${UNAME_RELEASE} | sed 's/\/MP$//'`
+	if grep Novell /usr/include/link.h >/dev/null 2>/dev/null; then
+		echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-univel-sysv${UNAME_REL}
+	else
+		echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-pc-sysv${UNAME_REL}
+	fi
+	exit ;;
+    i*86:*:5:[678]*)
+    	# UnixWare 7.x, OpenUNIX and OpenServer 6.
+	case `/bin/uname -X | grep "^Machine"` in
+	    *486*)	     UNAME_MACHINE=i486 ;;
+	    *Pentium)	     UNAME_MACHINE=i586 ;;
+	    *Pent*|*Celeron) UNAME_MACHINE=i686 ;;
+	esac
+	exit ;;
+    i*86:*:3.2:*)
+	if test -f /usr/options/cb.name; then
+		UNAME_REL=`sed -n 's/.*Version //p' </usr/options/cb.name`
+		echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-pc-isc$UNAME_REL
+	elif /bin/uname -X 2>/dev/null >/dev/null ; then
+		UNAME_REL=`(/bin/uname -X|grep Release|sed -e 's/.*= //')`
+		(/bin/uname -X|grep i80486 >/dev/null) && UNAME_MACHINE=i486
+		(/bin/uname -X|grep '^Machine.*Pentium' >/dev/null) \
+			&& UNAME_MACHINE=i586
+		(/bin/uname -X|grep '^Machine.*Pent *II' >/dev/null) \
+			&& UNAME_MACHINE=i686
+		(/bin/uname -X|grep '^Machine.*Pentium Pro' >/dev/null) \
+			&& UNAME_MACHINE=i686
+		echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-pc-sco$UNAME_REL
+	else
+		echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-pc-sysv32
+	fi
+	exit ;;
+    pc:*:*:*)
+	# Left here for compatibility:
+        # uname -m prints for DJGPP always 'pc', but it prints nothing about
+        # the processor, so we play safe by assuming i386.
+	echo i386-pc-msdosdjgpp
+        exit ;;
+    Intel:Mach:3*:*)
+	echo i386-pc-mach3
+	exit ;;
+    paragon:*:*:*)
+	echo i860-intel-osf1
+	exit ;;
+    i860:*:4.*:*) # i860-SVR4
+	if grep Stardent /usr/include/sys/uadmin.h >/dev/null 2>&1 ; then
+	  echo i860-stardent-sysv${UNAME_RELEASE} # Stardent Vistra i860-SVR4
+	else # Add other i860-SVR4 vendors below as they are discovered.
+	  echo i860-unknown-sysv${UNAME_RELEASE}  # Unknown i860-SVR4
+	fi
+	exit ;;
+    mini*:CTIX:SYS*5:*)
+	# "miniframe"
+	echo m68010-convergent-sysv
+	exit ;;
+    mc68k:UNIX:SYSTEM5:3.51m)
+	echo m68k-convergent-sysv
+	exit ;;
+    M680?0:D-NIX:5.3:*)
+	echo m68k-diab-dnix
+	exit ;;
+    M68*:*:R3V[5678]*:*)
+	test -r /sysV68 && { echo 'm68k-motorola-sysv'; exit; } ;;
+    3[345]??:*:4.0:3.0 | 3[34]??A:*:4.0:3.0 | 3[34]??,*:*:4.0:3.0 | 3[34]??/*:*:4.0:3.0 | 4400:*:4.0:3.0 | 4850:*:4.0:3.0 | SKA40:*:4.0:3.0 | SDS2:*:4.0:3.0 | SHG2:*:4.0:3.0 | S7501*:*:4.0:3.0)
+	OS_REL=''
+	test -r /etc/.relid \
+	&& OS_REL=.`sed -n 's/[^ ]* [^ ]* \([0-9][0-9]\).*/\1/p' < /etc/.relid`
+	/bin/uname -p 2>/dev/null | grep 86 >/dev/null \
+	  && { echo i486-ncr-sysv4.3${OS_REL}; exit; }
+	/bin/uname -p 2>/dev/null | /bin/grep entium >/dev/null \
+	  && { echo i586-ncr-sysv4.3${OS_REL}; exit; } ;;
+    3[34]??:*:4.0:* | 3[34]??,*:*:4.0:*)
+        /bin/uname -p 2>/dev/null | grep 86 >/dev/null \
+          && { echo i486-ncr-sysv4; exit; } ;;
+    m68*:LynxOS:2.*:* | m68*:LynxOS:3.0*:*)
+	echo m68k-unknown-lynxos${UNAME_RELEASE}
+	exit ;;
+    mc68030:UNIX_System_V:4.*:*)
+	echo m68k-atari-sysv4
+	exit ;;
+    TSUNAMI:LynxOS:2.*:*)
+	echo sparc-unknown-lynxos${UNAME_RELEASE}
+	exit ;;
+    rs6000:LynxOS:2.*:*)
+	echo rs6000-unknown-lynxos${UNAME_RELEASE}
+	exit ;;
+    PowerPC:LynxOS:2.*:* | PowerPC:LynxOS:3.[01]*:* | PowerPC:LynxOS:4.0*:*)
+	echo powerpc-unknown-lynxos${UNAME_RELEASE}
+	exit ;;
+    SM[BE]S:UNIX_SV:*:*)
+	echo mips-dde-sysv${UNAME_RELEASE}
+	exit ;;
+    RM*:ReliantUNIX-*:*:*)
+	echo mips-sni-sysv4
+	exit ;;
+    RM*:SINIX-*:*:*)
+	echo mips-sni-sysv4
+	exit ;;
+    *:SINIX-*:*:*)
+	if uname -p 2>/dev/null >/dev/null ; then
+		UNAME_MACHINE=`(uname -p) 2>/dev/null`
+		echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-sni-sysv4
+	else
+		echo ns32k-sni-sysv
+	fi
+	exit ;;
+    PENTIUM:*:4.0*:*) # Unisys `ClearPath HMP IX 4000' SVR4/MP effort
+                      # says <Richard.M.Bartel at ccMail.Census.GOV>
+        echo i586-unisys-sysv4
+        exit ;;
+    *:UNIX_System_V:4*:FTX*)
+	# From Gerald Hewes <hewes at openmarket.com>.
+	# How about differentiating between stratus architectures? -djm
+	echo hppa1.1-stratus-sysv4
+	exit ;;
+    *:*:*:FTX*)
+	# From seanf at swdc.stratus.com.
+	echo i860-stratus-sysv4
+	exit ;;
+    i*86:VOS:*:*)
+	# From Paul.Green at stratus.com.
+	echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-stratus-vos
+	exit ;;
+    *:VOS:*:*)
+	# From Paul.Green at stratus.com.
+	echo hppa1.1-stratus-vos
+	exit ;;
+    mc68*:A/UX:*:*)
+	echo m68k-apple-aux${UNAME_RELEASE}
+	exit ;;
+    news*:NEWS-OS:6*:*)
+	echo mips-sony-newsos6
+	exit ;;
+    R[34]000:*System_V*:*:* | R4000:UNIX_SYSV:*:* | R*000:UNIX_SV:*:*)
+	if [ -d /usr/nec ]; then
+	        echo mips-nec-sysv${UNAME_RELEASE}
+	else
+	        echo mips-unknown-sysv${UNAME_RELEASE}
+	fi
+        exit ;;
+    BeBox:BeOS:*:*)	# BeOS running on hardware made by Be, PPC only.
+	echo powerpc-be-beos
+	exit ;;
+    BeMac:BeOS:*:*)	# BeOS running on Mac or Mac clone, PPC only.
+	echo powerpc-apple-beos
+	exit ;;
+    BePC:BeOS:*:*)	# BeOS running on Intel PC compatible.
+	echo i586-pc-beos
+	exit ;;
+    SX-4:SUPER-UX:*:*)
+	echo sx4-nec-superux${UNAME_RELEASE}
+	exit ;;
+    SX-5:SUPER-UX:*:*)
+	echo sx5-nec-superux${UNAME_RELEASE}
+	exit ;;
+    SX-6:SUPER-UX:*:*)
+	echo sx6-nec-superux${UNAME_RELEASE}
+	exit ;;
+    SX-7:SUPER-UX:*:*)
+	echo sx7-nec-superux${UNAME_RELEASE}
+	exit ;;
+    SX-8:SUPER-UX:*:*)
+	echo sx8-nec-superux${UNAME_RELEASE}
+	exit ;;
+    Power*:Rhapsody:*:*)
+	echo powerpc-apple-rhapsody${UNAME_RELEASE}
+	exit ;;
+    *:Rhapsody:*:*)
+	echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-apple-rhapsody${UNAME_RELEASE}
+	exit ;;
+    *:Darwin:*:*)
+	    unknown) UNAME_PROCESSOR=powerpc ;;
+	esac
+	echo ${UNAME_PROCESSOR}-apple-darwin${UNAME_RELEASE}
+	exit ;;
+    *:procnto*:*:* | *:QNX:[0123456789]*:*)
+	UNAME_PROCESSOR=`uname -p`
+	if test "$UNAME_PROCESSOR" = "x86"; then
+	fi
+	exit ;;
+    *:QNX:*:4*)
+	echo i386-pc-qnx
+	exit ;;
+	echo nse-tandem-nsk${UNAME_RELEASE}
+	exit ;;
+	echo nsr-tandem-nsk${UNAME_RELEASE}
+	exit ;;
+    *:NonStop-UX:*:*)
+	echo mips-compaq-nonstopux
+	exit ;;
+    BS2000:POSIX*:*:*)
+	echo bs2000-siemens-sysv
+	exit ;;
+    DS/*:UNIX_System_V:*:*)
+	exit ;;
+    *:Plan9:*:*)
+	# "uname -m" is not consistent, so use $cputype instead. 386
+	# is converted to i386 for consistency with other x86
+	# operating systems.
+	if test "$cputype" = "386"; then
+	    UNAME_MACHINE=i386
+	else
+	    UNAME_MACHINE="$cputype"
+	fi
+	echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-unknown-plan9
+	exit ;;
+    *:TOPS-10:*:*)
+	echo pdp10-unknown-tops10
+	exit ;;
+    *:TENEX:*:*)
+	echo pdp10-unknown-tenex
+	exit ;;
+    KS10:TOPS-20:*:* | KL10:TOPS-20:*:* | TYPE4:TOPS-20:*:*)
+	echo pdp10-dec-tops20
+	exit ;;
+    XKL-1:TOPS-20:*:* | TYPE5:TOPS-20:*:*)
+	echo pdp10-xkl-tops20
+	exit ;;
+    *:TOPS-20:*:*)
+	echo pdp10-unknown-tops20
+	exit ;;
+    *:ITS:*:*)
+	echo pdp10-unknown-its
+	exit ;;
+    SEI:*:*:SEIUX)
+        echo mips-sei-seiux${UNAME_RELEASE}
+	exit ;;
+    *:DragonFly:*:*)
+	echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-unknown-dragonfly`echo ${UNAME_RELEASE}|sed -e 's/[-(].*//'`
+	exit ;;
+    *:*VMS:*:*)
+    	UNAME_MACHINE=`(uname -p) 2>/dev/null`
+	case "${UNAME_MACHINE}" in
+	    A*) echo alpha-dec-vms ; exit ;;
+	    I*) echo ia64-dec-vms ; exit ;;
+	    V*) echo vax-dec-vms ; exit ;;
+	esac ;;
+    *:XENIX:*:SysV)
+	echo i386-pc-xenix
+	exit ;;
+    i*86:skyos:*:*)
+	echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-pc-skyos`echo ${UNAME_RELEASE}` | sed -e 's/ .*$//'
+	exit ;;
+    i*86:rdos:*:*)
+	echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-pc-rdos
+	exit ;;
+#echo '(No uname command or uname output not recognized.)' 1>&2
+eval $set_cc_for_build
+cat >$dummy.c <<EOF
+#ifdef _SEQUENT_
+# include <sys/types.h>
+# include <sys/utsname.h>
+main ()
+#if defined (sony)
+#if defined (MIPSEB)
+  /* BFD wants "bsd" instead of "newsos".  Perhaps BFD should be changed,
+     I don't know....  */
+  printf ("mips-sony-bsd\n"); exit (0);
+#include <sys/param.h>
+  printf ("m68k-sony-newsos%s\n",
+#ifdef NEWSOS4
+          "4"
+	  ""
+         ); exit (0);
+#if defined (__arm) && defined (__acorn) && defined (__unix)
+  printf ("arm-acorn-riscix\n"); exit (0);
+#if defined (hp300) && !defined (hpux)
+  printf ("m68k-hp-bsd\n"); exit (0);
+#if defined (NeXT)
+#if !defined (__ARCHITECTURE__)
+#define __ARCHITECTURE__ "m68k"
+  int version;
+  version=`(hostinfo | sed -n 's/.*NeXT Mach \([0-9]*\).*/\1/p') 2>/dev/null`;
+  if (version < 4)
+    printf ("%s-next-nextstep%d\n", __ARCHITECTURE__, version);
+  else
+    printf ("%s-next-openstep%d\n", __ARCHITECTURE__, version);
+  exit (0);
+#if defined (MULTIMAX) || defined (n16)
+#if defined (UMAXV)
+  printf ("ns32k-encore-sysv\n"); exit (0);
+#if defined (CMU)
+  printf ("ns32k-encore-mach\n"); exit (0);
+  printf ("ns32k-encore-bsd\n"); exit (0);
+#if defined (__386BSD__)
+  printf ("i386-pc-bsd\n"); exit (0);
+#if defined (sequent)
+#if defined (i386)
+  printf ("i386-sequent-dynix\n"); exit (0);
+#if defined (ns32000)
+  printf ("ns32k-sequent-dynix\n"); exit (0);
+#if defined (_SEQUENT_)
+    struct utsname un;
+    uname(&un);
+    if (strncmp(un.version, "V2", 2) == 0) {
+	printf ("i386-sequent-ptx2\n"); exit (0);
+    }
+    if (strncmp(un.version, "V1", 2) == 0) { /* XXX is V1 correct? */
+	printf ("i386-sequent-ptx1\n"); exit (0);
+    }
+    printf ("i386-sequent-ptx\n"); exit (0);
+#if defined (vax)
+# if !defined (ultrix)
+#  include <sys/param.h>
+#  if defined (BSD)
+#   if BSD == 43
+      printf ("vax-dec-bsd4.3\n"); exit (0);
+#   else
+#    if BSD == 199006
+      printf ("vax-dec-bsd4.3reno\n"); exit (0);
+#    else
+      printf ("vax-dec-bsd\n"); exit (0);
+#    endif
+#   endif
+#  else
+    printf ("vax-dec-bsd\n"); exit (0);
+#  endif
+# else
+    printf ("vax-dec-ultrix\n"); exit (0);
+# endif
+#if defined (alliant) && defined (i860)
+  printf ("i860-alliant-bsd\n"); exit (0);
+  exit (1);
+$CC_FOR_BUILD -o $dummy $dummy.c 2>/dev/null && SYSTEM_NAME=`$dummy` &&
+	{ echo "$SYSTEM_NAME"; exit; }
+# Apollos put the system type in the environment.
+test -d /usr/apollo && { echo ${ISP}-apollo-${SYSTYPE}; exit; }
+# Convex versions that predate uname can use getsysinfo(1)
+if [ -x /usr/convex/getsysinfo ]
+    case `getsysinfo -f cpu_type` in
+    c1*)
+	echo c1-convex-bsd
+	exit ;;
+    c2*)
+	if getsysinfo -f scalar_acc
+	then echo c32-convex-bsd
+	else echo c2-convex-bsd
+	fi
+	exit ;;
+    c34*)
+	echo c34-convex-bsd
+	exit ;;
+    c38*)
+	echo c38-convex-bsd
+	exit ;;
+    c4*)
+	echo c4-convex-bsd
+	exit ;;
+    esac
+cat >&2 <<EOF
+$0: unable to guess system type
+This script, last modified $timestamp, has failed to recognize
+the operating system you are using. It is advised that you
+download the most up to date version of the config scripts from
+  http://savannah.gnu.org/cgi-bin/viewcvs/*checkout*/config/config/config.guess
+  http://savannah.gnu.org/cgi-bin/viewcvs/*checkout*/config/config/config.sub
+If the version you run ($0) is already up to date, please
+send the following data and any information you think might be
+pertinent to <config-patches at gnu.org> in order to provide the needed
+information to handle your system.
+config.guess timestamp = $timestamp
+uname -m = `(uname -m) 2>/dev/null || echo unknown`
+uname -r = `(uname -r) 2>/dev/null || echo unknown`
+uname -s = `(uname -s) 2>/dev/null || echo unknown`
+uname -v = `(uname -v) 2>/dev/null || echo unknown`
+/usr/bin/uname -p = `(/usr/bin/uname -p) 2>/dev/null`
+/bin/uname -X     = `(/bin/uname -X) 2>/dev/null`
+hostinfo               = `(hostinfo) 2>/dev/null`
+/bin/universe          = `(/bin/universe) 2>/dev/null`
+/usr/bin/arch -k       = `(/usr/bin/arch -k) 2>/dev/null`
+/bin/arch              = `(/bin/arch) 2>/dev/null`
+/usr/bin/oslevel       = `(/usr/bin/oslevel) 2>/dev/null`
+/usr/convex/getsysinfo = `(/usr/convex/getsysinfo) 2>/dev/null`
+exit 1
+# Local variables:
+# eval: (add-hook 'write-file-hooks 'time-stamp)
+# time-stamp-start: "timestamp='"
+# time-stamp-format: "%:y-%02m-%02d"
+# time-stamp-end: "'"
+# End:
diff --git a/config/config.sub b/config/config.sub
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..4b8cc7b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/config.sub
@@ -0,0 +1,1619 @@
+#! /bin/sh
+# Configuration validation subroutine script.
+#   Copyright (C) 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999,
+#   2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 Free Software Foundation,
+#   Inc.
+# This file is (in principle) common to ALL GNU software.
+# The presence of a machine in this file suggests that SOME GNU software
+# can handle that machine.  It does not imply ALL GNU software can.
+# This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street - Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
+# 02110-1301, USA.
+# As a special exception to the GNU General Public License, if you
+# distribute this file as part of a program that contains a
+# configuration script generated by Autoconf, you may include it under
+# the same distribution terms that you use for the rest of that program.
+# Please send patches to <config-patches at gnu.org>.  Submit a context
+# diff and a properly formatted ChangeLog entry.
+# Configuration subroutine to validate and canonicalize a configuration type.
+# Supply the specified configuration type as an argument.
+# If it is invalid, we print an error message on stderr and exit with code 1.
+# Otherwise, we print the canonical config type on stdout and succeed.
+# This file is supposed to be the same for all GNU packages
+# and recognize all the CPU types, system types and aliases
+# that are meaningful with *any* GNU software.
+# Each package is responsible for reporting which valid configurations
+# it does not support.  The user should be able to distinguish
+# a failure to support a valid configuration from a meaningless
+# configuration.
+# The goal of this file is to map all the various variations of a given
+# machine specification into a single specification in the form:
+# or in some cases, the newer four-part form:
+# It is wrong to echo any other type of specification.
+me=`echo "$0" | sed -e 's,.*/,,'`
+       $0 [OPTION] ALIAS
+Canonicalize a configuration name.
+Operation modes:
+  -h, --help         print this help, then exit
+  -t, --time-stamp   print date of last modification, then exit
+  -v, --version      print version number, then exit
+Report bugs and patches to <config-patches at gnu.org>."
+GNU config.sub ($timestamp)
+Copyright (C) 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005
+Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+This is free software; see the source for copying conditions.  There is NO
+Try \`$me --help' for more information."
+# Parse command line
+while test $# -gt 0 ; do
+  case $1 in
+    --time-stamp | --time* | -t )
+       echo "$timestamp" ; exit ;;
+    --version | -v )
+       echo "$version" ; exit ;;
+    --help | --h* | -h )
+       echo "$usage"; exit ;;
+    -- )     # Stop option processing
+       shift; break ;;
+    - )	# Use stdin as input.
+       break ;;
+    -* )
+       echo "$me: invalid option $1$help"
+       exit 1 ;;
+    *local*)
+       # First pass through any local machine types.
+       echo $1
+       exit ;;
+    * )
+       break ;;
+  esac
+case $# in
+ 0) echo "$me: missing argument$help" >&2
+    exit 1;;
+ 1) ;;
+ *) echo "$me: too many arguments$help" >&2
+    exit 1;;
+# Separate what the user gave into CPU-COMPANY and OS or KERNEL-OS (if any).
+# Here we must recognize all the valid KERNEL-OS combinations.
+maybe_os=`echo $1 | sed 's/^\(.*\)-\([^-]*-[^-]*\)$/\2/'`
+case $maybe_os in
+  nto-qnx* | linux-gnu* | linux-dietlibc | linux-newlib* | linux-uclibc* | \
+  uclinux-uclibc* | uclinux-gnu* | kfreebsd*-gnu* | knetbsd*-gnu* | netbsd*-gnu* | \
+  storm-chaos* | os2-emx* | rtmk-nova*)
+    os=-$maybe_os
+    basic_machine=`echo $1 | sed 's/^\(.*\)-\([^-]*-[^-]*\)$/\1/'`
+    ;;
+  *)
+    basic_machine=`echo $1 | sed 's/-[^-]*$//'`
+    if [ $basic_machine != $1 ]
+    then os=`echo $1 | sed 's/.*-/-/'`
+    else os=; fi
+    ;;
+### Let's recognize common machines as not being operating systems so
+### that things like config.sub decstation-3100 work.  We also
+### recognize some manufacturers as not being operating systems, so we
+### can provide default operating systems below.
+case $os in
+	-sun*os*)
+		# Prevent following clause from handling this invalid input.
+		;;
+	-dec* | -mips* | -sequent* | -encore* | -pc532* | -sgi* | -sony* | \
+	-att* | -7300* | -3300* | -delta* | -motorola* | -sun[234]* | \
+	-unicom* | -ibm* | -next | -hp | -isi* | -apollo | -altos* | \
+	-convergent* | -ncr* | -news | -32* | -3600* | -3100* | -hitachi* |\
+	-c[123]* | -convex* | -sun | -crds | -omron* | -dg | -ultra | -tti* | \
+	-harris | -dolphin | -highlevel | -gould | -cbm | -ns | -masscomp | \
+	-apple | -axis | -knuth | -cray)
+		os=
+		basic_machine=$1
+		;;
+	-sim | -cisco | -oki | -wec | -winbond)
+		os=
+		basic_machine=$1
+		;;
+	-scout)
+		;;
+	-wrs)
+		os=-vxworks
+		basic_machine=$1
+		;;
+	-chorusos*)
+		os=-chorusos
+		basic_machine=$1
+		;;
+ 	-chorusrdb)
+ 		os=-chorusrdb
+		basic_machine=$1
+ 		;;
+	-hiux*)
+		os=-hiuxwe2
+		;;
+	-sco6)
+		os=-sco5v6
+		basic_machine=`echo $1 | sed -e 's/86-.*/86-pc/'`
+		;;
+	-sco5)
+		os=-sco3.2v5
+		basic_machine=`echo $1 | sed -e 's/86-.*/86-pc/'`
+		;;
+	-sco4)
+		os=-sco3.2v4
+		basic_machine=`echo $1 | sed -e 's/86-.*/86-pc/'`
+		;;
+	-sco3.2.[4-9]*)
+		os=`echo $os | sed -e 's/sco3.2./sco3.2v/'`
+		basic_machine=`echo $1 | sed -e 's/86-.*/86-pc/'`
+		;;
+	-sco3.2v[4-9]*)
+		# Don't forget version if it is 3.2v4 or newer.
+		basic_machine=`echo $1 | sed -e 's/86-.*/86-pc/'`
+		;;
+	-sco5v6*)
+		# Don't forget version if it is 3.2v4 or newer.
+		basic_machine=`echo $1 | sed -e 's/86-.*/86-pc/'`
+		;;
+	-sco*)
+		os=-sco3.2v2
+		basic_machine=`echo $1 | sed -e 's/86-.*/86-pc/'`
+		;;
+	-udk*)
+		basic_machine=`echo $1 | sed -e 's/86-.*/86-pc/'`
+		;;
+	-isc)
+		os=-isc2.2
+		basic_machine=`echo $1 | sed -e 's/86-.*/86-pc/'`
+		;;
+	-clix*)
+		basic_machine=clipper-intergraph
+		;;
+	-isc*)
+		basic_machine=`echo $1 | sed -e 's/86-.*/86-pc/'`
+		;;
+	-lynx*)
+		os=-lynxos
+		;;
+	-ptx*)
+		basic_machine=`echo $1 | sed -e 's/86-.*/86-sequent/'`
+		;;
+	-windowsnt*)
+		os=`echo $os | sed -e 's/windowsnt/winnt/'`
+		;;
+	-psos*)
+		os=-psos
+		;;
+	-mint | -mint[0-9]*)
+		basic_machine=m68k-atari
+		os=-mint
+		;;
+# Decode aliases for certain CPU-COMPANY combinations.
+case $basic_machine in
+	# Recognize the basic CPU types without company name.
+	# Some are omitted here because they have special meanings below.
+	1750a | 580 \
+	| a29k \
+	| alpha | alphaev[4-8] | alphaev56 | alphaev6[78] | alphapca5[67] \
+	| alpha64 | alpha64ev[4-8] | alpha64ev56 | alpha64ev6[78] | alpha64pca5[67] \
+	| am33_2.0 \
+	| arc | arm | arm[bl]e | arme[lb] | armv[2345] | armv[345][lb] | avr | avr32 \
+	| bfin \
+	| c4x | clipper \
+	| d10v | d30v | dlx | dsp16xx \
+	| fido | fr30 | frv \
+	| h8300 | h8500 | hppa | hppa1.[01] | hppa2.0 | hppa2.0[nw] | hppa64 \
+	| i370 | i860 | i960 | ia64 \
+	| ip2k | iq2000 \
+	| m32c | m32r | m32rle | m68000 | m68k | m88k \
+	| maxq | mb | microblaze | mcore \
+	| mips | mipsbe | mipseb | mipsel | mipsle \
+	| mips16 \
+	| mips64 | mips64el \
+	| mips64vr | mips64vrel \
+	| mips64orion | mips64orionel \
+	| mips64vr4100 | mips64vr4100el \
+	| mips64vr4300 | mips64vr4300el \
+	| mips64vr5000 | mips64vr5000el \
+	| mips64vr5900 | mips64vr5900el \
+	| mipsisa32 | mipsisa32el \
+	| mipsisa32r2 | mipsisa32r2el \
+	| mipsisa64 | mipsisa64el \
+	| mipsisa64r2 | mipsisa64r2el \
+	| mipsisa64sb1 | mipsisa64sb1el \
+	| mipsisa64sr71k | mipsisa64sr71kel \
+	| mipstx39 | mipstx39el \
+	| mn10200 | mn10300 \
+	| mt \
+	| msp430 \
+	| nios | nios2 \
+	| ns16k | ns32k \
+	| or32 \
+	| pdp10 | pdp11 | pj | pjl \
+	| powerpc | powerpc64 | powerpc64le | powerpcle | ppcbe \
+	| pyramid \
+	| score \
+	| sh | sh[1234] | sh[24]a | sh[23]e | sh[34]eb | sheb | shbe | shle | sh[1234]le | sh3ele \
+	| sh64 | sh64le \
+	| sparc | sparc64 | sparc64b | sparc64v | sparc86x | sparclet | sparclite \
+	| sparcv8 | sparcv9 | sparcv9b | sparcv9v \
+	| spu | strongarm \
+	| tahoe | thumb | tic4x | tic80 | tron \
+	| v850 | v850e \
+	| we32k \
+	| x86 | xc16x | xscale | xscalee[bl] | xstormy16 | xtensa \
+	| z8k)
+		basic_machine=$basic_machine-unknown
+		;;
+	m6811 | m68hc11 | m6812 | m68hc12)
+		# Motorola 68HC11/12.
+		basic_machine=$basic_machine-unknown
+		os=-none
+		;;
+	m88110 | m680[12346]0 | m683?2 | m68360 | m5200 | v70 | w65 | z8k)
+		;;
+	ms1)
+		basic_machine=mt-unknown
+		;;
+	# We use `pc' rather than `unknown'
+	# because (1) that's what they normally are, and
+	# (2) the word "unknown" tends to confuse beginning users.
+	i*86 | x86_64)
+	  basic_machine=$basic_machine-pc
+	  ;;
+	# Object if more than one company name word.
+	*-*-*)
+		echo Invalid configuration \`$1\': machine \`$basic_machine\' not recognized 1>&2
+		exit 1
+		;;
+	# Recognize the basic CPU types with company name.
+	580-* \
+	| a29k-* \
+	| alpha-* | alphaev[4-8]-* | alphaev56-* | alphaev6[78]-* \
+	| alpha64-* | alpha64ev[4-8]-* | alpha64ev56-* | alpha64ev6[78]-* \
+	| alphapca5[67]-* | alpha64pca5[67]-* | arc-* \
+	| arm-*  | armbe-* | armle-* | armeb-* | armv*-* \
+	| avr-* | avr32-* \
+	| bfin-* | bs2000-* \
+	| c[123]* | c30-* | [cjt]90-* | c4x-* | c54x-* | c55x-* | c6x-* \
+	| clipper-* | craynv-* | cydra-* \
+	| d10v-* | d30v-* | dlx-* \
+	| elxsi-* \
+	| f30[01]-* | f700-* | fido-* | fr30-* | frv-* | fx80-* \
+	| h8300-* | h8500-* \
+	| hppa-* | hppa1.[01]-* | hppa2.0-* | hppa2.0[nw]-* | hppa64-* \
+	| i*86-* | i860-* | i960-* | ia64-* \
+	| ip2k-* | iq2000-* \
+	| m32c-* | m32r-* | m32rle-* \
+	| m68000-* | m680[012346]0-* | m68360-* | m683?2-* | m68k-* \
+	| m88110-* | m88k-* | maxq-* | mcore-* \
+	| mips-* | mipsbe-* | mipseb-* | mipsel-* | mipsle-* \
+	| mips16-* \
+	| mips64-* | mips64el-* \
+	| mips64vr-* | mips64vrel-* \
+	| mips64orion-* | mips64orionel-* \
+	| mips64vr4100-* | mips64vr4100el-* \
+	| mips64vr4300-* | mips64vr4300el-* \
+	| mips64vr5000-* | mips64vr5000el-* \
+	| mips64vr5900-* | mips64vr5900el-* \
+	| mipsisa32-* | mipsisa32el-* \
+	| mipsisa32r2-* | mipsisa32r2el-* \
+	| mipsisa64-* | mipsisa64el-* \
+	| mipsisa64r2-* | mipsisa64r2el-* \
+	| mipsisa64sb1-* | mipsisa64sb1el-* \
+	| mipsisa64sr71k-* | mipsisa64sr71kel-* \
+	| mipstx39-* | mipstx39el-* \
+	| mmix-* \
+	| mt-* \
+	| msp430-* \
+	| nios-* | nios2-* \
+	| none-* | np1-* | ns16k-* | ns32k-* \
+	| orion-* \
+	| pdp10-* | pdp11-* | pj-* | pjl-* | pn-* | power-* \
+	| powerpc-* | powerpc64-* | powerpc64le-* | powerpcle-* | ppcbe-* \
+	| pyramid-* \
+	| romp-* | rs6000-* \
+	| sh-* | sh[1234]-* | sh[24]a-* | sh[23]e-* | sh[34]eb-* | sheb-* | shbe-* \
+	| shle-* | sh[1234]le-* | sh3ele-* | sh64-* | sh64le-* \
+	| sparc-* | sparc64-* | sparc64b-* | sparc64v-* | sparc86x-* | sparclet-* \
+	| sparclite-* \
+	| sparcv8-* | sparcv9-* | sparcv9b-* | sparcv9v-* | strongarm-* | sv1-* | sx?-* \
+	| tahoe-* | thumb-* \
+	| tic30-* | tic4x-* | tic54x-* | tic55x-* | tic6x-* | tic80-* \
+	| tron-* \
+	| v850-* | v850e-* | vax-* \
+	| we32k-* \
+	| x86-* | x86_64-* | xc16x-* | xps100-* | xscale-* | xscalee[bl]-* \
+	| xstormy16-* | xtensa-* \
+	| ymp-* \
+	| z8k-*)
+		;;
+	# Recognize the various machine names and aliases which stand
+	# for a CPU type and a company and sometimes even an OS.
+	386bsd)
+		basic_machine=i386-unknown
+		os=-bsd
+		;;
+	3b1 | 7300 | 7300-att | att-7300 | pc7300 | safari | unixpc)
+		basic_machine=m68000-att
+		;;
+	3b*)
+		basic_machine=we32k-att
+		;;
+	a29khif)
+		basic_machine=a29k-amd
+		os=-udi
+		;;
+    	abacus)
+		basic_machine=abacus-unknown
+		;;
+	adobe68k)
+		basic_machine=m68010-adobe
+		os=-scout
+		;;
+	alliant | fx80)
+		basic_machine=fx80-alliant
+		;;
+	altos | altos3068)
+		basic_machine=m68k-altos
+		;;
+	am29k)
+		basic_machine=a29k-none
+		os=-bsd
+		;;
+	amd64)
+		basic_machine=x86_64-pc
+		;;
+	amd64-*)
+		basic_machine=x86_64-`echo $basic_machine | sed 's/^[^-]*-//'`
+		;;
+	amdahl)
+		basic_machine=580-amdahl
+		os=-sysv
+		;;
+	amiga | amiga-*)
+		basic_machine=m68k-unknown
+		;;
+	amigaos | amigados)
+		basic_machine=m68k-unknown
+		os=-amigaos
+		;;
+	amigaunix | amix)
+		basic_machine=m68k-unknown
+		os=-sysv4
+		;;
+	apollo68)
+		basic_machine=m68k-apollo
+		os=-sysv
+		;;
+	apollo68bsd)
+		basic_machine=m68k-apollo
+		os=-bsd
+		;;
+	aux)
+		basic_machine=m68k-apple
+		os=-aux
+		;;
+	balance)
+		basic_machine=ns32k-sequent
+		os=-dynix
+		;;
+	c90)
+		basic_machine=c90-cray
+		os=-unicos
+		;;
+	convex-c1)
+		basic_machine=c1-convex
+		os=-bsd
+		;;
+	convex-c2)
+		basic_machine=c2-convex
+		os=-bsd
+		;;
+	convex-c32)
+		basic_machine=c32-convex
+		os=-bsd
+		;;
+	convex-c34)
+		basic_machine=c34-convex
+		os=-bsd
+		;;
+	convex-c38)
+		basic_machine=c38-convex
+		os=-bsd
+		;;
+	cray | j90)
+		basic_machine=j90-cray
+		os=-unicos
+		;;
+	craynv)
+		basic_machine=craynv-cray
+		os=-unicosmp
+		;;
+	cr16c)
+		basic_machine=cr16c-unknown
+		os=-elf
+		;;
+	crds | unos)
+		basic_machine=m68k-crds
+		;;
+	crisv32 | crisv32-* | etraxfs*)
+		basic_machine=crisv32-axis
+		;;
+	cris | cris-* | etrax*)
+		basic_machine=cris-axis
+		;;
+	crx)
+		basic_machine=crx-unknown
+		os=-elf
+		;;
+	da30 | da30-*)
+		basic_machine=m68k-da30
+		;;
+	decstation | decstation-3100 | pmax | pmax-* | pmin | dec3100 | decstatn)
+		basic_machine=mips-dec
+		;;
+	decsystem10* | dec10*)
+		basic_machine=pdp10-dec
+		os=-tops10
+		;;
+	decsystem20* | dec20*)
+		basic_machine=pdp10-dec
+		os=-tops20
+		;;
+	delta | 3300 | motorola-3300 | motorola-delta \
+	      | 3300-motorola | delta-motorola)
+		basic_machine=m68k-motorola
+		;;
+	delta88)
+		basic_machine=m88k-motorola
+		os=-sysv3
+		;;
+	djgpp)
+		basic_machine=i586-pc
+		os=-msdosdjgpp
+		;;
+	dpx20 | dpx20-*)
+		basic_machine=rs6000-bull
+		os=-bosx
+		;;
+	dpx2* | dpx2*-bull)
+		basic_machine=m68k-bull
+		os=-sysv3
+		;;
+	ebmon29k)
+		basic_machine=a29k-amd
+		os=-ebmon
+		;;
+	elxsi)
+		basic_machine=elxsi-elxsi
+		os=-bsd
+		;;
+	encore | umax | mmax)
+		basic_machine=ns32k-encore
+		;;
+	es1800 | OSE68k | ose68k | ose | OSE)
+		basic_machine=m68k-ericsson
+		os=-ose
+		;;
+	fx2800)
+		basic_machine=i860-alliant
+		;;
+	genix)
+		basic_machine=ns32k-ns
+		;;
+	gmicro)
+		basic_machine=tron-gmicro
+		os=-sysv
+		;;
+	go32)
+		basic_machine=i386-pc
+		os=-go32
+		;;
+	h3050r* | hiux*)
+		basic_machine=hppa1.1-hitachi
+		os=-hiuxwe2
+		;;
+	h8300hms)
+		basic_machine=h8300-hitachi
+		os=-hms
+		;;
+	h8300xray)
+		basic_machine=h8300-hitachi
+		os=-xray
+		;;
+	h8500hms)
+		basic_machine=h8500-hitachi
+		os=-hms
+		;;
+	harris)
+		basic_machine=m88k-harris
+		os=-sysv3
+		;;
+	hp300-*)
+		basic_machine=m68k-hp
+		;;
+	hp300bsd)
+		basic_machine=m68k-hp
+		os=-bsd
+		;;
+	hp300hpux)
+		basic_machine=m68k-hp
+		os=-hpux
+		;;
+	hp3k9[0-9][0-9] | hp9[0-9][0-9])
+		basic_machine=hppa1.0-hp
+		;;
+	hp9k2[0-9][0-9] | hp9k31[0-9])
+		basic_machine=m68000-hp
+		;;
+	hp9k3[2-9][0-9])
+		basic_machine=m68k-hp
+		;;
+	hp9k6[0-9][0-9] | hp6[0-9][0-9])
+		basic_machine=hppa1.0-hp
+		;;
+	hp9k7[0-79][0-9] | hp7[0-79][0-9])
+		basic_machine=hppa1.1-hp
+		;;
+	hp9k78[0-9] | hp78[0-9])
+		# FIXME: really hppa2.0-hp
+		basic_machine=hppa1.1-hp
+		;;
+	hp9k8[67]1 | hp8[67]1 | hp9k80[24] | hp80[24] | hp9k8[78]9 | hp8[78]9 | hp9k893 | hp893)
+		# FIXME: really hppa2.0-hp
+		basic_machine=hppa1.1-hp
+		;;
+	hp9k8[0-9][13679] | hp8[0-9][13679])
+		basic_machine=hppa1.1-hp
+		;;
+	hp9k8[0-9][0-9] | hp8[0-9][0-9])
+		basic_machine=hppa1.0-hp
+		;;
+	hppa-next)
+		os=-nextstep3
+		;;
+	hppaosf)
+		basic_machine=hppa1.1-hp
+		os=-osf
+		;;
+	hppro)
+		basic_machine=hppa1.1-hp
+		os=-proelf
+		;;
+	i370-ibm* | ibm*)
+		basic_machine=i370-ibm
+		;;
+# I'm not sure what "Sysv32" means.  Should this be sysv3.2?
+	i*86v32)
+		basic_machine=`echo $1 | sed -e 's/86.*/86-pc/'`
+		os=-sysv32
+		;;
+	i*86v4*)
+		basic_machine=`echo $1 | sed -e 's/86.*/86-pc/'`
+		os=-sysv4
+		;;
+	i*86v)
+		basic_machine=`echo $1 | sed -e 's/86.*/86-pc/'`
+		os=-sysv
+		;;
+	i*86sol2)
+		basic_machine=`echo $1 | sed -e 's/86.*/86-pc/'`
+		os=-solaris2
+		;;
+	i386mach)
+		basic_machine=i386-mach
+		os=-mach
+		;;
+	i386-vsta | vsta)
+		basic_machine=i386-unknown
+		os=-vsta
+		;;
+	iris | iris4d)
+		basic_machine=mips-sgi
+		case $os in
+		    -irix*)
+			;;
+		    *)
+			os=-irix4
+			;;
+		esac
+		;;
+	isi68 | isi)
+		basic_machine=m68k-isi
+		os=-sysv
+		;;
+	m88k-omron*)
+		basic_machine=m88k-omron
+		;;
+	magnum | m3230)
+		basic_machine=mips-mips
+		os=-sysv
+		;;
+	merlin)
+		basic_machine=ns32k-utek
+		os=-sysv
+		;;
+	mingw32)
+		basic_machine=i386-pc
+		os=-mingw32
+		;;
+	miniframe)
+		basic_machine=m68000-convergent
+		;;
+	*mint | -mint[0-9]* | *MiNT | *MiNT[0-9]*)
+		basic_machine=m68k-atari
+		os=-mint
+		;;
+	mips3*-*)
+		basic_machine=`echo $basic_machine | sed -e 's/mips3/mips64/'`
+		;;
+	mips3*)
+		basic_machine=`echo $basic_machine | sed -e 's/mips3/mips64/'`-unknown
+		;;
+	monitor)
+		basic_machine=m68k-rom68k
+		os=-coff
+		;;
+	morphos)
+		basic_machine=powerpc-unknown
+		os=-morphos
+		;;
+	msdos)
+		basic_machine=i386-pc
+		os=-msdos
+		;;
+	ms1-*)
+		basic_machine=`echo $basic_machine | sed -e 's/ms1-/mt-/'`
+		;;
+	mvs)
+		basic_machine=i370-ibm
+		os=-mvs
+		;;
+	ncr3000)
+		basic_machine=i486-ncr
+		os=-sysv4
+		;;
+	netbsd386)
+		basic_machine=i386-unknown
+		os=-netbsd
+		;;
+	netwinder)
+		basic_machine=armv4l-rebel
+		os=-linux
+		;;
+	news | news700 | news800 | news900)
+		basic_machine=m68k-sony
+		os=-newsos
+		;;
+	news1000)
+		basic_machine=m68030-sony
+		os=-newsos
+		;;
+	news-3600 | risc-news)
+		basic_machine=mips-sony
+		os=-newsos
+		;;
+	necv70)
+		basic_machine=v70-nec
+		os=-sysv
+		;;
+	next | m*-next )
+		basic_machine=m68k-next
+		case $os in
+		    -nextstep* )
+			;;
+		    -ns2*)
+		      os=-nextstep2
+			;;
+		    *)
+		      os=-nextstep3
+			;;
+		esac
+		;;
+	nh3000)
+		basic_machine=m68k-harris
+		os=-cxux
+		;;
+	nh[45]000)
+		basic_machine=m88k-harris
+		os=-cxux
+		;;
+	nindy960)
+		basic_machine=i960-intel
+		os=-nindy
+		;;
+	mon960)
+		basic_machine=i960-intel
+		os=-mon960
+		;;
+	nonstopux)
+		basic_machine=mips-compaq
+		os=-nonstopux
+		;;
+	np1)
+		basic_machine=np1-gould
+		;;
+	nsr-tandem)
+		basic_machine=nsr-tandem
+		;;
+	op50n-* | op60c-*)
+		basic_machine=hppa1.1-oki
+		os=-proelf
+		;;
+	openrisc | openrisc-*)
+		basic_machine=or32-unknown
+		;;
+	os400)
+		basic_machine=powerpc-ibm
+		os=-os400
+		;;
+	OSE68000 | ose68000)
+		basic_machine=m68000-ericsson
+		os=-ose
+		;;
+	os68k)
+		basic_machine=m68k-none
+		os=-os68k
+		;;
+	pa-hitachi)
+		basic_machine=hppa1.1-hitachi
+		os=-hiuxwe2
+		;;
+	paragon)
+		basic_machine=i860-intel
+		os=-osf
+		;;
+	pbd)
+		basic_machine=sparc-tti
+		;;
+	pbb)
+		basic_machine=m68k-tti
+		;;
+	pc532 | pc532-*)
+		basic_machine=ns32k-pc532
+		;;
+	pc98)
+		basic_machine=i386-pc
+		;;
+	pc98-*)
+		basic_machine=i386-`echo $basic_machine | sed 's/^[^-]*-//'`
+		;;
+	pentium | p5 | k5 | k6 | nexgen | viac3)
+		basic_machine=i586-pc
+		;;
+	pentiumpro | p6 | 6x86 | athlon | athlon_*)
+		basic_machine=i686-pc
+		;;
+	pentiumii | pentium2 | pentiumiii | pentium3)
+		basic_machine=i686-pc
+		;;
+	pentium4)
+		basic_machine=i786-pc
+		;;
+	pentium-* | p5-* | k5-* | k6-* | nexgen-* | viac3-*)
+		basic_machine=i586-`echo $basic_machine | sed 's/^[^-]*-//'`
+		;;
+	pentiumpro-* | p6-* | 6x86-* | athlon-*)
+		basic_machine=i686-`echo $basic_machine | sed 's/^[^-]*-//'`
+		;;
+	pentiumii-* | pentium2-* | pentiumiii-* | pentium3-*)
+		basic_machine=i686-`echo $basic_machine | sed 's/^[^-]*-//'`
+		;;
+	pentium4-*)
+		basic_machine=i786-`echo $basic_machine | sed 's/^[^-]*-//'`
+		;;
+	pn)
+		basic_machine=pn-gould
+		;;
+	power)	basic_machine=power-ibm
+		;;
+	ppc)	basic_machine=powerpc-unknown
+		;;
+	ppc-*)	basic_machine=powerpc-`echo $basic_machine | sed 's/^[^-]*-//'`
+		;;
+	ppcle | powerpclittle | ppc-le | powerpc-little)
+		basic_machine=powerpcle-unknown
+		;;
+	ppcle-* | powerpclittle-*)
+		basic_machine=powerpcle-`echo $basic_machine | sed 's/^[^-]*-//'`
+		;;
+	ppc64)	basic_machine=powerpc64-unknown
+		;;
+	ppc64-*) basic_machine=powerpc64-`echo $basic_machine | sed 's/^[^-]*-//'`
+		;;
+	ppc64le | powerpc64little | ppc64-le | powerpc64-little)
+		basic_machine=powerpc64le-unknown
+		;;
+	ppc64le-* | powerpc64little-*)
+		basic_machine=powerpc64le-`echo $basic_machine | sed 's/^[^-]*-//'`
+		;;
+	ps2)
+		basic_machine=i386-ibm
+		;;
+	pw32)
+		basic_machine=i586-unknown
+		os=-pw32
+		;;
+	rdos)
+		basic_machine=i386-pc
+		os=-rdos
+		;;
+	rom68k)
+		basic_machine=m68k-rom68k
+		os=-coff
+		;;
+	rm[46]00)
+		basic_machine=mips-siemens
+		;;
+	rtpc | rtpc-*)
+		basic_machine=romp-ibm
+		;;
+	s390 | s390-*)
+		basic_machine=s390-ibm
+		;;
+	s390x | s390x-*)
+		basic_machine=s390x-ibm
+		;;
+	sa29200)
+		basic_machine=a29k-amd
+		os=-udi
+		;;
+	sb1)
+		basic_machine=mipsisa64sb1-unknown
+		;;
+	sb1el)
+		basic_machine=mipsisa64sb1el-unknown
+		;;
+	sde)
+		basic_machine=mipsisa32-sde
+		os=-elf
+		;;
+	sei)
+		basic_machine=mips-sei
+		os=-seiux
+		;;
+	sequent)
+		basic_machine=i386-sequent
+		;;
+	sh)
+		basic_machine=sh-hitachi
+		os=-hms
+		;;
+	sh5el)
+		basic_machine=sh5le-unknown
+		;;
+	sh64)
+		basic_machine=sh64-unknown
+		;;
+	sparclite-wrs | simso-wrs)
+		basic_machine=sparclite-wrs
+		os=-vxworks
+		;;
+	sps7)
+		basic_machine=m68k-bull
+		os=-sysv2
+		;;
+	spur)
+		basic_machine=spur-unknown
+		;;
+	st2000)
+		basic_machine=m68k-tandem
+		;;
+	stratus)
+		basic_machine=i860-stratus
+		os=-sysv4
+		;;
+	sun2)
+		basic_machine=m68000-sun
+		;;
+	sun2os3)
+		basic_machine=m68000-sun
+		os=-sunos3
+		;;
+	sun2os4)
+		basic_machine=m68000-sun
+		os=-sunos4
+		;;
+	sun3os3)
+		basic_machine=m68k-sun
+		os=-sunos3
+		;;
+	sun3os4)
+		basic_machine=m68k-sun
+		os=-sunos4
+		;;
+	sun4os3)
+		basic_machine=sparc-sun
+		os=-sunos3
+		;;
+	sun4os4)
+		basic_machine=sparc-sun
+		os=-sunos4
+		;;
+	sun4sol2)
+		basic_machine=sparc-sun
+		os=-solaris2
+		;;
+	sun3 | sun3-*)
+		basic_machine=m68k-sun
+		;;
+	sun4)
+		basic_machine=sparc-sun
+		;;
+	sun386 | sun386i | roadrunner)
+		basic_machine=i386-sun
+		;;
+	sv1)
+		basic_machine=sv1-cray
+		os=-unicos
+		;;
+	symmetry)
+		basic_machine=i386-sequent
+		os=-dynix
+		;;
+	t3e)
+		basic_machine=alphaev5-cray
+		os=-unicos
+		;;
+	t90)
+		basic_machine=t90-cray
+		os=-unicos
+		;;
+	tic54x | c54x*)
+		basic_machine=tic54x-unknown
+		os=-coff
+		;;
+	tic55x | c55x*)
+		basic_machine=tic55x-unknown
+		os=-coff
+		;;
+	tic6x | c6x*)
+		basic_machine=tic6x-unknown
+		os=-coff
+		;;
+	tx39)
+		basic_machine=mipstx39-unknown
+		;;
+	tx39el)
+		basic_machine=mipstx39el-unknown
+		;;
+	toad1)
+		basic_machine=pdp10-xkl
+		os=-tops20
+		;;
+	tower | tower-32)
+		basic_machine=m68k-ncr
+		;;
+	tpf)
+		basic_machine=s390x-ibm
+		os=-tpf
+		;;
+	udi29k)
+		basic_machine=a29k-amd
+		os=-udi
+		;;
+	ultra3)
+		basic_machine=a29k-nyu
+		os=-sym1
+		;;
+	v810 | necv810)
+		basic_machine=v810-nec
+		os=-none
+		;;
+	vaxv)
+		basic_machine=vax-dec
+		os=-sysv
+		;;
+	vms)
+		basic_machine=vax-dec
+		os=-vms
+		;;
+	vpp*|vx|vx-*)
+		basic_machine=f301-fujitsu
+		;;
+	vxworks960)
+		basic_machine=i960-wrs
+		os=-vxworks
+		;;
+	vxworks68)
+		basic_machine=m68k-wrs
+		os=-vxworks
+		;;
+	vxworks29k)
+		basic_machine=a29k-wrs
+		os=-vxworks
+		;;
+	w65*)
+		basic_machine=w65-wdc
+		os=-none
+		;;
+	w89k-*)
+		basic_machine=hppa1.1-winbond
+		os=-proelf
+		;;
+	xbox)
+		basic_machine=i686-pc
+		os=-mingw32
+		;;
+	xps | xps100)
+		basic_machine=xps100-honeywell
+		;;
+	ymp)
+		basic_machine=ymp-cray
+		os=-unicos
+		;;
+	z8k-*-coff)
+		basic_machine=z8k-unknown
+		os=-sim
+		;;
+	none)
+		basic_machine=none-none
+		os=-none
+		;;
+# Here we handle the default manufacturer of certain CPU types.  It is in
+# some cases the only manufacturer, in others, it is the most popular.
+	w89k)
+		basic_machine=hppa1.1-winbond
+		;;
+	op50n)
+		basic_machine=hppa1.1-oki
+		;;
+	op60c)
+		basic_machine=hppa1.1-oki
+		;;
+	romp)
+		basic_machine=romp-ibm
+		;;
+	mmix)
+		basic_machine=mmix-knuth
+		;;
+	rs6000)
+		basic_machine=rs6000-ibm
+		;;
+	vax)
+		basic_machine=vax-dec
+		;;
+	pdp10)
+		# there are many clones, so DEC is not a safe bet
+		basic_machine=pdp10-unknown
+		;;
+	pdp11)
+		basic_machine=pdp11-dec
+		;;
+	we32k)
+		basic_machine=we32k-att
+		;;
+	sh[1234] | sh[24]a | sh[34]eb | sh[1234]le | sh[23]ele)
+		basic_machine=sh-unknown
+		;;
+	sparc | sparcv8 | sparcv9 | sparcv9b | sparcv9v)
+		basic_machine=sparc-sun
+		;;
+	cydra)
+		basic_machine=cydra-cydrome
+		;;
+	orion)
+		basic_machine=orion-highlevel
+		;;
+	orion105)
+		basic_machine=clipper-highlevel
+		;;
+	mac | mpw | mac-mpw)
+		basic_machine=m68k-apple
+		;;
+	pmac | pmac-mpw)
+		basic_machine=powerpc-apple
+		;;
+	*-unknown)
+		# Make sure to match an already-canonicalized machine name.
+		;;
+	*)
+		echo Invalid configuration \`$1\': machine \`$basic_machine\' not recognized 1>&2
+		exit 1
+		;;
+# Here we canonicalize certain aliases for manufacturers.
+case $basic_machine in
+	*-digital*)
+		basic_machine=`echo $basic_machine | sed 's/digital.*/dec/'`
+		;;
+	*-commodore*)
+		basic_machine=`echo $basic_machine | sed 's/commodore.*/cbm/'`
+		;;
+	*)
+		;;
+# Decode manufacturer-specific aliases for certain operating systems.
+if [ x"$os" != x"" ]
+case $os in
+        # First match some system type aliases
+        # that might get confused with valid system types.
+	# -solaris* is a basic system type, with this one exception.
+	-solaris1 | -solaris1.*)
+		os=`echo $os | sed -e 's|solaris1|sunos4|'`
+		;;
+	-solaris)
+		os=-solaris2
+		;;
+	-svr4*)
+		os=-sysv4
+		;;
+	-unixware*)
+		os=-sysv4.2uw
+		;;
+	-gnu/linux*)
+		os=`echo $os | sed -e 's|gnu/linux|linux-gnu|'`
+		;;
+	# First accept the basic system types.
+	# The portable systems comes first.
+	# Each alternative MUST END IN A *, to match a version number.
+	# -sysv* is not here because it comes later, after sysvr4.
+	-gnu* | -bsd* | -mach* | -minix* | -genix* | -ultrix* | -irix* \
+	      | -*vms* | -sco* | -esix* | -isc* | -aix* | -sunos | -sunos[34]*\
+	      | -hpux* | -unos* | -osf* | -luna* | -dgux* | -solaris* | -sym* \
+	      | -amigaos* | -amigados* | -msdos* | -newsos* | -unicos* | -aof* \
+	      | -aos* \
+	      | -nindy* | -vxsim* | -vxworks* | -ebmon* | -hms* | -mvs* \
+	      | -clix* | -riscos* | -uniplus* | -iris* | -rtu* | -xenix* \
+	      | -hiux* | -386bsd* | -knetbsd* | -mirbsd* | -netbsd* \
+	      | -openbsd* | -solidbsd* \
+	      | -ekkobsd* | -kfreebsd* | -freebsd* | -riscix* | -lynxos* \
+	      | -bosx* | -nextstep* | -cxux* | -aout* | -elf* | -oabi* \
+	      | -ptx* | -coff* | -ecoff* | -winnt* | -domain* | -vsta* \
+	      | -udi* | -eabi* | -lites* | -ieee* | -go32* | -aux* \
+	      | -chorusos* | -chorusrdb* \
+	      | -cygwin* | -pe* | -psos* | -moss* | -proelf* | -rtems* \
+	      | -mingw32* | -linux-gnu* | -linux-newlib* | -linux-uclibc* \
+	      | -uxpv* | -beos* | -mpeix* | -udk* \
+	      | -interix* | -uwin* | -mks* | -rhapsody* | -darwin* | -opened* \
+	      | -openstep* | -oskit* | -conix* | -pw32* | -nonstopux* \
+	      | -storm-chaos* | -tops10* | -tenex* | -tops20* | -its* \
+	      | -os2* | -vos* | -palmos* | -uclinux* | -nucleus* \
+	      | -morphos* | -superux* | -rtmk* | -rtmk-nova* | -windiss* \
+	      | -powermax* | -dnix* | -nx6 | -nx7 | -sei* | -dragonfly* \
+	      | -skyos* | -haiku* | -rdos* | -toppers*)
+	# Remember, each alternative MUST END IN *, to match a version number.
+		;;
+	-qnx*)
+		case $basic_machine in
+		    x86-* | i*86-*)
+			;;
+		    *)
+			os=-nto$os
+			;;
+		esac
+		;;
+	-nto-qnx*)
+		;;
+	-nto*)
+		os=`echo $os | sed -e 's|nto|nto-qnx|'`
+		;;
+	-sim | -es1800* | -hms* | -xray | -os68k* | -none* | -v88r* \
+	      | -windows* | -osx | -abug | -netware* | -os9* | -beos* | -haiku* \
+	      | -macos* | -mpw* | -magic* | -mmixware* | -mon960* | -lnews*)
+		;;
+	-mac*)
+		os=`echo $os | sed -e 's|mac|macos|'`
+		;;
+	-linux-dietlibc)
+		os=-linux-dietlibc
+		;;
+	-linux*)
+		os=`echo $os | sed -e 's|linux|linux-gnu|'`
+		;;
+	-sunos5*)
+		os=`echo $os | sed -e 's|sunos5|solaris2|'`
+		;;
+	-sunos6*)
+		os=`echo $os | sed -e 's|sunos6|solaris3|'`
+		;;
+	-opened*)
+		os=-openedition
+		;;
+        -os400*)
+		os=-os400
+		;;
+	-wince*)
+		os=-wince
+		;;
+	-osfrose*)
+		os=-osfrose
+		;;
+	-osf*)
+		os=-osf
+		;;
+	-utek*)
+		os=-bsd
+		;;
+	-dynix*)
+		os=-bsd
+		;;
+	-acis*)
+		os=-aos
+		;;
+	-atheos*)
+		os=-atheos
+		;;
+	-syllable*)
+		os=-syllable
+		;;
+	-386bsd)
+		os=-bsd
+		;;
+	-ctix* | -uts*)
+		os=-sysv
+		;;
+	-nova*)
+		os=-rtmk-nova
+		;;
+	-ns2 )
+		os=-nextstep2
+		;;
+	-nsk*)
+		os=-nsk
+		;;
+	# Preserve the version number of sinix5.
+	-sinix5.*)
+		os=`echo $os | sed -e 's|sinix|sysv|'`
+		;;
+	-sinix*)
+		os=-sysv4
+		;;
+        -tpf*)
+		os=-tpf
+		;;
+	-triton*)
+		os=-sysv3
+		;;
+	-oss*)
+		os=-sysv3
+		;;
+	-svr4)
+		os=-sysv4
+		;;
+	-svr3)
+		os=-sysv3
+		;;
+	-sysvr4)
+		os=-sysv4
+		;;
+	# This must come after -sysvr4.
+	-sysv*)
+		;;
+	-ose*)
+		os=-ose
+		;;
+	-es1800*)
+		os=-ose
+		;;
+	-xenix)
+		os=-xenix
+		;;
+	-*mint | -mint[0-9]* | -*MiNT | -MiNT[0-9]*)
+		os=-mint
+		;;
+	-aros*)
+		os=-aros
+		;;
+	-kaos*)
+		os=-kaos
+		;;
+	-zvmoe)
+		os=-zvmoe
+		;;
+	-none)
+		;;
+	*)
+		# Get rid of the `-' at the beginning of $os.
+		os=`echo $os | sed 's/[^-]*-//'`
+		echo Invalid configuration \`$1\': system \`$os\' not recognized 1>&2
+		exit 1
+		;;
+# Here we handle the default operating systems that come with various machines.
+# The value should be what the vendor currently ships out the door with their
+# machine or put another way, the most popular os provided with the machine.
+# Note that if you're going to try to match "-MANUFACTURER" here (say,
+# "-sun"), then you have to tell the case statement up towards the top
+# that MANUFACTURER isn't an operating system.  Otherwise, code above
+# will signal an error saying that MANUFACTURER isn't an operating
+# system, and we'll never get to this point.
+case $basic_machine in
+        score-*)
+		os=-elf
+		;;
+        spu-*)
+		os=-elf
+		;;
+	*-acorn)
+		os=-riscix1.2
+		;;
+	arm*-rebel)
+		os=-linux
+		;;
+	arm*-semi)
+		os=-aout
+		;;
+        c4x-* | tic4x-*)
+        	os=-coff
+		;;
+	# This must come before the *-dec entry.
+	pdp10-*)
+		os=-tops20
+		;;
+	pdp11-*)
+		os=-none
+		;;
+	*-dec | vax-*)
+		os=-ultrix4.2
+		;;
+	m68*-apollo)
+		os=-domain
+		;;
+	i386-sun)
+		os=-sunos4.0.2
+		;;
+	m68000-sun)
+		os=-sunos3
+		# This also exists in the configure program, but was not the
+		# default.
+		# os=-sunos4
+		;;
+	m68*-cisco)
+		os=-aout
+		;;
+	mips*-cisco)
+		os=-elf
+		;;
+	mips*-*)
+		os=-elf
+		;;
+	or32-*)
+		os=-coff
+		;;
+	*-tti)	# must be before sparc entry or we get the wrong os.
+		os=-sysv3
+		;;
+	sparc-* | *-sun)
+		os=-sunos4.1.1
+		;;
+	*-be)
+		os=-beos
+		;;
+	*-haiku)
+		os=-haiku
+		;;
+	*-ibm)
+		os=-aix
+		;;
+    	*-knuth)
+		os=-mmixware
+		;;
+	*-wec)
+		os=-proelf
+		;;
+	*-winbond)
+		os=-proelf
+		;;
+	*-oki)
+		os=-proelf
+		;;
+	*-hp)
+		os=-hpux
+		;;
+	*-hitachi)
+		os=-hiux
+		;;
+	i860-* | *-att | *-ncr | *-altos | *-motorola | *-convergent)
+		os=-sysv
+		;;
+	*-cbm)
+		os=-amigaos
+		;;
+	*-dg)
+		os=-dgux
+		;;
+	*-dolphin)
+		os=-sysv3
+		;;
+	m68k-ccur)
+		os=-rtu
+		;;
+	m88k-omron*)
+		os=-luna
+		;;
+	*-next )
+		os=-nextstep
+		;;
+	*-sequent)
+		os=-ptx
+		;;
+	*-crds)
+		os=-unos
+		;;
+	*-ns)
+		os=-genix
+		;;
+	i370-*)
+		os=-mvs
+		;;
+	*-next)
+		os=-nextstep3
+		;;
+	*-gould)
+		os=-sysv
+		;;
+	*-highlevel)
+		os=-bsd
+		;;
+	*-encore)
+		os=-bsd
+		;;
+	*-sgi)
+		os=-irix
+		;;
+	*-siemens)
+		os=-sysv4
+		;;
+	*-masscomp)
+		os=-rtu
+		;;
+	f30[01]-fujitsu | f700-fujitsu)
+		os=-uxpv
+		;;
+	*-rom68k)
+		os=-coff
+		;;
+	*-*bug)
+		os=-coff
+		;;
+	*-apple)
+		os=-macos
+		;;
+	*-atari*)
+		os=-mint
+		;;
+	*)
+		os=-none
+		;;
+# Here we handle the case where we know the os, and the CPU type, but not the
+# manufacturer.  We pick the logical manufacturer.
+case $basic_machine in
+	*-unknown)
+		case $os in
+			-riscix*)
+				vendor=acorn
+				;;
+			-sunos*)
+				vendor=sun
+				;;
+			-aix*)
+				vendor=ibm
+				;;
+			-beos*)
+				vendor=be
+				;;
+			-hpux*)
+				vendor=hp
+				;;
+			-mpeix*)
+				vendor=hp
+				;;
+			-hiux*)
+				vendor=hitachi
+				;;
+			-unos*)
+				vendor=crds
+				;;
+			-dgux*)
+				vendor=dg
+				;;
+			-luna*)
+				vendor=omron
+				;;
+			-genix*)
+				vendor=ns
+				;;
+			-mvs* | -opened*)
+				vendor=ibm
+				;;
+			-os400*)
+				vendor=ibm
+				;;
+			-ptx*)
+				vendor=sequent
+				;;
+			-tpf*)
+				vendor=ibm
+				;;
+			-vxsim* | -vxworks* | -windiss*)
+				vendor=wrs
+				;;
+			-aux*)
+				vendor=apple
+				;;
+			-hms*)
+				vendor=hitachi
+				;;
+			-mpw* | -macos*)
+				vendor=apple
+				;;
+			-*mint | -mint[0-9]* | -*MiNT | -MiNT[0-9]*)
+				vendor=atari
+				;;
+			-vos*)
+				vendor=stratus
+				;;
+		esac
+		basic_machine=`echo $basic_machine | sed "s/unknown/$vendor/"`
+		;;
+echo $basic_machine$os
+# Local variables:
+# eval: (add-hook 'write-file-hooks 'time-stamp)
+# time-stamp-start: "timestamp='"
+# time-stamp-format: "%:y-%02m-%02d"
+# time-stamp-end: "'"
+# End:
diff --git a/config/configure.ac b/config/configure.ac
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f9052db
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/configure.ac
@@ -0,0 +1,210 @@
+AC_INIT([FoX],[4.1.2],[a.walker at ucl.ac.uk])
+dnl Find system type.
+dnl FIXME: just for the moment to work with NG's fpp detection:
+dnl m4_pattern_allow([AM_CPPFLAGS])
+dnl this is no longer necessary in my current fortran.m4. Upstream needs it, though.
+AC_LANG_PUSH(Preprocessed Fortran)
+AC_LANG_POP(Preprocessed Fortran)
+if test $ac_cv_fpp_build_rule = direct; then
+     F90_RULE=['$(FC) -c $(FFLAGS) $(INCFLAGS) $(FPPFLAGS) $(FPPFLAGS_free_F90) $< ']
+elif test $ac_cv_fpp_build_rule = indirect; then
+  if test $ac_cv_fc_cifs = yes; then
+     F90_RULE=['while [ 0 ]; do FPPFILE=$*.$$RANDOM.f90; if ! test -f $$FPPFILE; then break; fi; done; $(FPP) $(FPPFLAGS) $< > $$FPPFILE && $(FC) -c -o $*.$(OBJEXT) $(FFLAGS) $(INCFLAGS) $(FCFLAGS_free_f90) $$FPPFILE; rm $$FPPFILE']
+  elif test x$FPP_OUTPUT = x; then
+     F90_RULE=['$(FPP) $(FPPFLAGS) $< && $(FC) -c $(FFLAGS) $(INCFLAGS) $(FCFLAGS_free_f90) $*.f90; rm $*.f90']
+  else
+     F90_RULE=['$(FPP) $(FPPFLAGS) $< > $*.f90 && $(FC) -c $(FFLAGS) $(INCFLAGS) $(FCFLAGS_free_f90) $*.f90; rm $*.f90']
+  fi
+dnl Generate dependency rules according to whether we need
+dnl separate preprocessing stage.
+dnl check flag needed to name linked executables
+dnl Compile-type options.
+  AC_HELP_STRING([--enable-debug], [Compile with debugging support]),
+  [use_debug=$enableval], [use_debug=no])
+if test x$use_debug = xyes; then
+  AC_HELP_STRING([--enable-fast], [Compile with best known optimization flags]),
+  [use_debug=$enableval], [use_debug=no])
+if test x$use_debug = xyes; then
+dnl Generate host/compiler ID string to encode in program
+  AC_HELP_STRING([--enable-debug], [Compile with debugging support]),
+  [use_debug=$enableval], [use_debug=no])
+if test x$use_debug = xyes; then
+  AC_HELP_STRING([--enable-fast], [Compile with best known optimization flags]),
+  [use_debug=$enableval], [use_debug=no])
+if test x$use_debug = xyes; then
+dnl Now check for whether we have been asked for any particular
+dnl subsystems - wcml, wkml, sax, dom.
+  AC_HELP_STRING([--enable-wxml], [Compile wxml subsystem (for XML output)]),
+  [eval wxml_$enableval=wxml_lib])
+  AC_HELP_STRING([--enable-wcml], [Compile wcml subsystem (for CML output)]),
+  [eval wcml_$enableval=wcml_lib])
+  AC_HELP_STRING([--enable-wkml], [Compile wkml subsystem (for KML output)]),
+  [eval wkml_$enableval=wkml_lib])
+  AC_HELP_STRING([--enable-sax], [Compile SAX parser]),
+  [eval sax_$enableval=sax_lib])
+  AC_HELP_STRING([--enable-dom], [Compile dom subsystem (for DOM output)]),
+  [eval dom_$enableval=dom_lib])
+dnl If nothing was explicitly enabled, then enable everything that wasn't disabled.n
+dnl Otherwise we only enable whatever was explicitly enabled.
+if test x$wxml_yes$wcml_yes$wkml_yes$sax_yes$dom_yes = x; then
+  if test x$CUTDOWN_TARGET = x; then
+    if test x$wxml_no = x; then wxml_yes=wxml_lib; fi
+    if test x$wcml_no = x; then wcml_yes=wcml_lib; fi
+    if test x$wkml_no = x; then wkml_yes=wkml_lib; fi
+    if test x$sax_no = x; then sax_yes=sax_lib; fi
+    if test x$dom_no = x; then dom_yes=dom_lib; fi
+  else
+    eval "$CUTDOWN_TARGET"_yes="$CUTDOWN_TARGET"_lib
+  fi
+dnl Note that if we try to exclude something which an
+dnl included module depends upon, then the inclusion
+dnl will happen anyway. eg if we exclude wxml, but include
+dnl wkml, then wxml will get built as a dependency by the
+dnl makefile.
+dnl Now check if we are only being asked for a dummy library:
+  AC_HELP_STRING([--enable-dummy], [Compile only dummy interfaces]),
+  [dummy=$enableval])
+if test x$dummy = xyes; then
+dnl DUMMYLIB doesnt work with DOM
+  dom_yes=
+dnl Finally, construct the build targets
+dnl BUILD_TARGETS="$wxml_yes $wcml_yes $sax_yes $dom_yes"
+BUILD_TARGETS="$wxml_yes $wcml_yes $wkml_yes $sax_yes $dom_yes"
+dnl Check for compiler kind flags
+dnl Check whether we need to pass a flag to get at the flush intrinsic.
+TW_FC_CHECK_FLUSH([],[AC_MSG_RESULT([cannot compile call to FLUSH])])
+TW_FC_CHECK_ABORT([],[AC_MSG_RESULT([cannot compile call to ABORT])])
+case $ac_cv_FC_check_output_eol in
+  CRLF)
+  CR)
+  LF)
+dnl Check for compiler problems
+dnl Fix up DEFS -> FPPFLAGS conversion.
+for i in $DEFS; do
+dnl Library functionality ...
+dnl How to make a static library ...
+dnl we should test for this, but I don't know how yet.
+dnl Most command-line windows compilers will want to use
+dnl the MS linking tools, which require a .lib extension
+dnl g95 & gfortran wont, they use normal Unix conventions.
+dnl Everyone else everywhere uses unix conventions
+case $host_os in
+  *cygwin*)
+     if test $FC_ID = G95 -o $FC_ID = Gfortran; then
+       LIBEXT=a
+     else
+       LIBEXT=lib
+     fi
+     ;;
+  *)
+     LIBEXT=a
+     ;;
+dnl Installation instructions ..
+chmod +x FoX-config
+touch .config
+dnl and to stop over-eager makes trying to recreate f90 files
+dnl when m4 is not gnu m4 ..
+touch */*.f90 */*.F90
diff --git a/config/install-sh b/config/install-sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..4fbbae7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/install-sh
@@ -0,0 +1,507 @@
+# install - install a program, script, or datafile
+# This originates from X11R5 (mit/util/scripts/install.sh), which was
+# later released in X11R6 (xc/config/util/install.sh) with the
+# following copyright and license.
+# Copyright (C) 1994 X Consortium
+# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+# of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to
+# deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the
+# rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or
+# sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+# furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
+# all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+# Except as contained in this notice, the name of the X Consortium shall not
+# be used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or other deal-
+# ings in this Software without prior written authorization from the X Consor-
+# tium.
+# FSF changes to this file are in the public domain.
+# Calling this script install-sh is preferred over install.sh, to prevent
+# `make' implicit rules from creating a file called install from it
+# when there is no Makefile.
+# This script is compatible with the BSD install script, but was written
+# from scratch.
+IFS=" ""	$nl"
+# set DOITPROG to echo to test this script
+# Don't use :- since 4.3BSD and earlier shells don't like it.
+if test -z "$doit"; then
+  doit_exec=exec
+  doit_exec=$doit
+# Put in absolute file names if you don't have them in your path;
+# or use environment vars.
+# Desired mode of installed file.
+rmcmd="$rmprog -f"
+usage="Usage: $0 [OPTION]... [-T] SRCFILE DSTFILE
+   or: $0 [OPTION]... -t DIRECTORY SRCFILES...
+   or: $0 [OPTION]... -d DIRECTORIES...
+In the 1st form, copy SRCFILE to DSTFILE.
+In the 2nd and 3rd, copy all SRCFILES to DIRECTORY.
+In the 4th, create DIRECTORIES.
+-c         (ignored)
+-d         create directories instead of installing files.
+-g GROUP   $chgrpprog installed files to GROUP.
+-m MODE    $chmodprog installed files to MODE.
+-o USER    $chownprog installed files to USER.
+-s         $stripprog installed files.
+-t DIRECTORY  install into DIRECTORY.
+-T         report an error if DSTFILE is a directory.
+--help     display this help and exit.
+--version  display version info and exit.
+Environment variables override the default commands:
+while test $# -ne 0; do
+  case $1 in
+    -c) shift
+        continue;;
+    -d) dir_arg=true
+        shift
+        continue;;
+    -g) chgrpcmd="$chgrpprog $2"
+        shift
+        shift
+        continue;;
+    --help) echo "$usage"; exit $?;;
+    -m) mode=$2
+        shift
+        shift
+	case $mode in
+	  *' '* | *'	'* | *'
+'*	  | *'*'* | *'?'* | *'['*)
+	    echo "$0: invalid mode: $mode" >&2
+	    exit 1;;
+	esac
+        continue;;
+    -o) chowncmd="$chownprog $2"
+        shift
+        shift
+        continue;;
+    -s) stripcmd=$stripprog
+        shift
+        continue;;
+    -t) dstarg=$2
+	shift
+	shift
+	continue;;
+    -T) no_target_directory=true
+	shift
+	continue;;
+    --version) echo "$0 $scriptversion"; exit $?;;
+    --)	shift
+	break;;
+    -*)	echo "$0: invalid option: $1" >&2
+	exit 1;;
+    *)  break;;
+  esac
+if test $# -ne 0 && test -z "$dir_arg$dstarg"; then
+  # When -d is used, all remaining arguments are directories to create.
+  # When -t is used, the destination is already specified.
+  # Otherwise, the last argument is the destination.  Remove it from $@.
+  for arg
+  do
+    if test -n "$dstarg"; then
+      # $@ is not empty: it contains at least $arg.
+      set fnord "$@" "$dstarg"
+      shift # fnord
+    fi
+    shift # arg
+    dstarg=$arg
+  done
+if test $# -eq 0; then
+  if test -z "$dir_arg"; then
+    echo "$0: no input file specified." >&2
+    exit 1
+  fi
+  # It's OK to call `install-sh -d' without argument.
+  # This can happen when creating conditional directories.
+  exit 0
+if test -z "$dir_arg"; then
+  trap '(exit $?); exit' 1 2 13 15
+  # Set umask so as not to create temps with too-generous modes.
+  # However, 'strip' requires both read and write access to temps.
+  case $mode in
+    # Optimize common cases.
+    *644) cp_umask=133;;
+    *755) cp_umask=22;;
+    *[0-7])
+      if test -z "$stripcmd"; then
+	u_plus_rw=
+      else
+	u_plus_rw='% 200'
+      fi
+      cp_umask=`expr '(' 777 - $mode % 1000 ')' $u_plus_rw`;;
+    *)
+      if test -z "$stripcmd"; then
+	u_plus_rw=
+      else
+	u_plus_rw=,u+rw
+      fi
+      cp_umask=$mode$u_plus_rw;;
+  esac
+for src
+  # Protect names starting with `-'.
+  case $src in
+    -*) src=./$src ;;
+  esac
+  if test -n "$dir_arg"; then
+    dst=$src
+    dstdir=$dst
+    test -d "$dstdir"
+    dstdir_status=$?
+  else
+    # Waiting for this to be detected by the "$cpprog $src $dsttmp" command
+    # might cause directories to be created, which would be especially bad
+    # if $src (and thus $dsttmp) contains '*'.
+    if test ! -f "$src" && test ! -d "$src"; then
+      echo "$0: $src does not exist." >&2
+      exit 1
+    fi
+    if test -z "$dstarg"; then
+      echo "$0: no destination specified." >&2
+      exit 1
+    fi
+    dst=$dstarg
+    # Protect names starting with `-'.
+    case $dst in
+      -*) dst=./$dst ;;
+    esac
+    # If destination is a directory, append the input filename; won't work
+    # if double slashes aren't ignored.
+    if test -d "$dst"; then
+      if test -n "$no_target_directory"; then
+	echo "$0: $dstarg: Is a directory" >&2
+	exit 1
+      fi
+      dstdir=$dst
+      dst=$dstdir/`basename "$src"`
+      dstdir_status=0
+    else
+      # Prefer dirname, but fall back on a substitute if dirname fails.
+      dstdir=`
+	(dirname "$dst") 2>/dev/null ||
+	expr X"$dst" : 'X\(.*[^/]\)//*[^/][^/]*/*$' \| \
+	     X"$dst" : 'X\(//\)[^/]' \| \
+	     X"$dst" : 'X\(//\)$' \| \
+	     X"$dst" : 'X\(/\)' \| . 2>/dev/null ||
+	echo X"$dst" |
+	    sed '/^X\(.*[^/]\)\/\/*[^/][^/]*\/*$/{
+		   s//\1/
+		   q
+		 }
+		 /^X\(\/\/\)[^/].*/{
+		   s//\1/
+		   q
+		 }
+		 /^X\(\/\/\)$/{
+		   s//\1/
+		   q
+		 }
+		 /^X\(\/\).*/{
+		   s//\1/
+		   q
+		 }
+		 s/.*/./; q'
+      `
+      test -d "$dstdir"
+      dstdir_status=$?
+    fi
+  fi
+  obsolete_mkdir_used=false
+  if test $dstdir_status != 0; then
+    case $posix_mkdir in
+      '')
+	# Create intermediate dirs using mode 755 as modified by the umask.
+	# This is like FreeBSD 'install' as of 1997-10-28.
+	umask=`umask`
+	case $stripcmd.$umask in
+	  # Optimize common cases.
+	  *[2367][2367]) mkdir_umask=$umask;;
+	  .*0[02][02] | .[02][02] | .[02]) mkdir_umask=22;;
+	  *[0-7])
+	    mkdir_umask=`expr $umask + 22 \
+	      - $umask % 100 % 40 + $umask % 20 \
+	      - $umask % 10 % 4 + $umask % 2
+	    `;;
+	  *) mkdir_umask=$umask,go-w;;
+	esac
+	# With -d, create the new directory with the user-specified mode.
+	# Otherwise, rely on $mkdir_umask.
+	if test -n "$dir_arg"; then
+	  mkdir_mode=-m$mode
+	else
+	  mkdir_mode=
+	fi
+	posix_mkdir=false
+	case $umask in
+	  *[123567][0-7][0-7])
+	    # POSIX mkdir -p sets u+wx bits regardless of umask, which
+	    # is incompatible with FreeBSD 'install' when (umask & 300) != 0.
+	    ;;
+	  *)
+	    tmpdir=${TMPDIR-/tmp}/ins$RANDOM-$$
+	    trap 'ret=$?; rmdir "$tmpdir/d" "$tmpdir" 2>/dev/null; exit $ret' 0
+	    if (umask $mkdir_umask &&
+		exec $mkdirprog $mkdir_mode -p -- "$tmpdir/d") >/dev/null 2>&1
+	    then
+	      if test -z "$dir_arg" || {
+		   # Check for POSIX incompatibilities with -m.
+		   # HP-UX 11.23 and IRIX 6.5 mkdir -m -p sets group- or
+		   # other-writeable bit of parent directory when it shouldn't.
+		   # FreeBSD 6.1 mkdir -m -p sets mode of existing directory.
+		   ls_ld_tmpdir=`ls -ld "$tmpdir"`
+		   case $ls_ld_tmpdir in
+		     d????-?r-*) different_mode=700;;
+		     d????-?--*) different_mode=755;;
+		     *) false;;
+		   esac &&
+		   $mkdirprog -m$different_mode -p -- "$tmpdir" && {
+		     ls_ld_tmpdir_1=`ls -ld "$tmpdir"`
+		     test "$ls_ld_tmpdir" = "$ls_ld_tmpdir_1"
+		   }
+		 }
+	      then posix_mkdir=:
+	      fi
+	      rmdir "$tmpdir/d" "$tmpdir"
+	    else
+	      # Remove any dirs left behind by ancient mkdir implementations.
+	      rmdir ./$mkdir_mode ./-p ./-- 2>/dev/null
+	    fi
+	    trap '' 0;;
+	esac;;
+    esac
+    if
+      $posix_mkdir && (
+	umask $mkdir_umask &&
+	$doit_exec $mkdirprog $mkdir_mode -p -- "$dstdir"
+      )
+    then :
+    else
+      # The umask is ridiculous, or mkdir does not conform to POSIX,
+      # or it failed possibly due to a race condition.  Create the
+      # directory the slow way, step by step, checking for races as we go.
+      case $dstdir in
+	/*) prefix=/ ;;
+	-*) prefix=./ ;;
+	*)  prefix= ;;
+      esac
+      case $posix_glob in
+        '')
+	  if (set -f) 2>/dev/null; then
+	    posix_glob=true
+	  else
+	    posix_glob=false
+	  fi ;;
+      esac
+      oIFS=$IFS
+      IFS=/
+      $posix_glob && set -f
+      set fnord $dstdir
+      shift
+      $posix_glob && set +f
+      IFS=$oIFS
+      prefixes=
+      for d
+      do
+	test -z "$d" && continue
+	prefix=$prefix$d
+	if test -d "$prefix"; then
+	  prefixes=
+	else
+	  if $posix_mkdir; then
+	    (umask=$mkdir_umask &&
+	     $doit_exec $mkdirprog $mkdir_mode -p -- "$dstdir") && break
+	    # Don't fail if two instances are running concurrently.
+	    test -d "$prefix" || exit 1
+	  else
+	    case $prefix in
+	      *\'*) qprefix=`echo "$prefix" | sed "s/'/'\\\\\\\\''/g"`;;
+	      *) qprefix=$prefix;;
+	    esac
+	    prefixes="$prefixes '$qprefix'"
+	  fi
+	fi
+	prefix=$prefix/
+      done
+      if test -n "$prefixes"; then
+	# Don't fail if two instances are running concurrently.
+	(umask $mkdir_umask &&
+	 eval "\$doit_exec \$mkdirprog $prefixes") ||
+	  test -d "$dstdir" || exit 1
+	obsolete_mkdir_used=true
+      fi
+    fi
+  fi
+  if test -n "$dir_arg"; then
+    { test -z "$chowncmd" || $doit $chowncmd "$dst"; } &&
+    { test -z "$chgrpcmd" || $doit $chgrpcmd "$dst"; } &&
+    { test "$obsolete_mkdir_used$chowncmd$chgrpcmd" = false ||
+      test -z "$chmodcmd" || $doit $chmodcmd $mode "$dst"; } || exit 1
+  else
+    # Make a couple of temp file names in the proper directory.
+    dsttmp=$dstdir/_inst.$$_
+    rmtmp=$dstdir/_rm.$$_
+    # Trap to clean up those temp files at exit.
+    trap 'ret=$?; rm -f "$dsttmp" "$rmtmp" && exit $ret' 0
+    # Copy the file name to the temp name.
+    (umask $cp_umask && $doit_exec $cpprog "$src" "$dsttmp") &&
+    # and set any options; do chmod last to preserve setuid bits.
+    #
+    # If any of these fail, we abort the whole thing.  If we want to
+    # ignore errors from any of these, just make sure not to ignore
+    # errors from the above "$doit $cpprog $src $dsttmp" command.
+    #
+    { test -z "$chowncmd" || $doit $chowncmd "$dsttmp"; } \
+      && { test -z "$chgrpcmd" || $doit $chgrpcmd "$dsttmp"; } \
+      && { test -z "$stripcmd" || $doit $stripcmd "$dsttmp"; } \
+      && { test -z "$chmodcmd" || $doit $chmodcmd $mode "$dsttmp"; } &&
+    # Now rename the file to the real destination.
+    { $doit $mvcmd -f "$dsttmp" "$dst" 2>/dev/null \
+      || {
+	   # The rename failed, perhaps because mv can't rename something else
+	   # to itself, or perhaps because mv is so ancient that it does not
+	   # support -f.
+	   # Now remove or move aside any old file at destination location.
+	   # We try this two ways since rm can't unlink itself on some
+	   # systems and the destination file might be busy for other
+	   # reasons.  In this case, the final cleanup might fail but the new
+	   # file should still install successfully.
+	   {
+	     if test -f "$dst"; then
+	       $doit $rmcmd -f "$dst" 2>/dev/null \
+	       || { $doit $mvcmd -f "$dst" "$rmtmp" 2>/dev/null \
+		     && { $doit $rmcmd -f "$rmtmp" 2>/dev/null; :; }; }\
+	       || {
+		 echo "$0: cannot unlink or rename $dst" >&2
+		 (exit 1); exit 1
+	       }
+	     else
+	       :
+	     fi
+	   } &&
+	   # Now rename the file to the real destination.
+	   $doit $mvcmd "$dsttmp" "$dst"
+	 }
+    } || exit 1
+    trap '' 0
+  fi
+# Local variables:
+# eval: (add-hook 'write-file-hooks 'time-stamp)
+# time-stamp-start: "scriptversion="
+# time-stamp-format: "%:y-%02m-%02d.%02H"
+# time-stamp-end: "$"
+# End:
diff --git a/config/m4/TW_CHECK_ASSOCIATED_BUG.m4 b/config/m4/TW_CHECK_ASSOCIATED_BUG.m4
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4aebcfa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/m4/TW_CHECK_ASSOCIATED_BUG.m4
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+dnl This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+dnl it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+dnl the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+dnl any later version.
+dnl This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+dnl but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+dnl GNU General Public License for more details.
+dnl You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+dnl along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+dnl Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+dnl 02111-1307, USA.
+dnl As a special exception, the Free Software Foundation gives unlimited
+dnl permission to copy, distribute and modify the configure scripts that
+dnl are the output of Autoconf.  You need not follow the terms of the GNU
+dnl General Public License when using or distributing such scripts, even
+dnl though portions of the text of Autoconf appear in them.  The GNU
+dnl General Public License (GPL) does govern all other use of the material
+dnl that constitutes the Autoconf program.
+dnl Certain portions of the Autoconf source text are designed to be copied
+dnl (in certain cases, depending on the input) into the output of
+dnl Autoconf.  We call these the "data" portions.  The rest of the Autoconf
+dnl source text consists of comments plus executable code that decides which
+dnl of the data portions to output in any given case.  We call these
+dnl comments and executable code the "non-data" portions.  Autoconf never
+dnl copies any of the non-data portions into its output.
+dnl This special exception to the GPL applies to versions of Autoconf
+dnl released by the Free Software Foundation.  When you make and
+dnl distribute a modified version of Autoconf, you may extend this special
+dnl exception to the GPL to apply to your modified version as well, *unless*
+dnl your modified version has the potential to copy into its output some
+dnl of the text that was the non-data portion of the version that you started
+dnl with.  (In other words, unless your change moves or copies text from
+dnl the non-data portions to the data portions.)  If your modification has
+dnl such potential, you must delete any notice of this special exception
+dnl to the GPL from your modified version.
+dnl Copyright Toby White <tow21 at cam.ac.uk>  2004-2006
+dnl Checks whether the currently selected Fortran compiler has a bug
+dnl forbidding the use of ASSOCIATED in restricted expressions
+dnl (versions of gfortran, pathscale & xlf have been found which do)
+dnl @version 1.0
+dnl @author <tow at uszla.me.uk>
+AC_MSG_CHECKING([for ASSOCIATED in restricted expression bug])
+dnl The program is written in fixed-form source to avoid worrying
+dnl about filename extensions.
+      function test_bug(a) result(b)
+      integer, pointer :: a
+      integer, dimension(merge(1, 2, associated(a))) :: b
+      b = 0
+      end function test_bug
+   ]]),
+   [AC_MSG_RESULT([no])
+    m4_default([$1],[:])
+   ],
+   [AC_MSG_RESULT([yes])
+    m4_default([$2],[:] 
+               [AC_MSG_ERROR([This Fortran compiler does not understand ASSOCIATED in restricted expressions.])])
+   ]
diff --git a/config/m4/TW_CHECK_FC_90.m4 b/config/m4/TW_CHECK_FC_90.m4
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..670a60a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/m4/TW_CHECK_FC_90.m4
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+dnl This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+dnl it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+dnl the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+dnl any later version.
+dnl This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+dnl but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+dnl GNU General Public License for more details.
+dnl You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+dnl along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+dnl Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+dnl 02111-1307, USA.
+dnl As a special exception, the Free Software Foundation gives unlimited
+dnl permission to copy, distribute and modify the configure scripts that
+dnl are the output of Autoconf.  You need not follow the terms of the GNU
+dnl General Public License when using or distributing such scripts, even
+dnl though portions of the text of Autoconf appear in them.  The GNU
+dnl General Public License (GPL) does govern all other use of the material
+dnl that constitutes the Autoconf program.
+dnl Certain portions of the Autoconf source text are designed to be copied
+dnl (in certain cases, depending on the input) into the output of
+dnl Autoconf.  We call these the "data" portions.  The rest of the Autoconf
+dnl source text consists of comments plus executable code that decides which
+dnl of the data portions to output in any given case.  We call these
+dnl comments and executable code the "non-data" portions.  Autoconf never
+dnl copies any of the non-data portions into its output.
+dnl This special exception to the GPL applies to versions of Autoconf
+dnl released by the Free Software Foundation.  When you make and
+dnl distribute a modified version of Autoconf, you may extend this special
+dnl exception to the GPL to apply to your modified version as well, *unless*
+dnl your modified version has the potential to copy into its output some
+dnl of the text that was the non-data portion of the version that you started
+dnl with.  (In other words, unless your change moves or copies text from
+dnl the non-data portions to the data portions.)  If your modification has
+dnl such potential, you must delete any notice of this special exception
+dnl to the GPL from your modified version.
+dnl Copyright Toby White <tow21 at cam.ac.uk>  2004-2006
+dnl Checks whether the currently selected Fortran compiler is fully
+dnl compliant with Fortran 90 (ISO/IEC-1539:1991)
+dnl If so, ACTION_IF_TRUE is performed; if not, ACTION_IF_FALSE
+dnl It currently tests for:
+dnl Modules
+dnl Private 
+dnl New-style variable declarations.
+dnl @version 1.0
+dnl @author Toby White <tow21 at cam.ac.uk>
+AC_MSG_CHECKING([for Fortran 90 compliance])
+dnl The program is written in fixed-form source to avoid worrying
+dnl about filename extensions.
+      Module test_module
+      Implicit None
+      Private
+      Contains
+      Function test_function() Result(out)
+      Integer :: out
+      out = 0
+      End Function test_function
+      End Module test_module
+   ]]),
+   [AC_MSG_RESULT([yes])
+    m4_default([$1],[])
+   ],
+   [AC_MSG_RESULT([no])
+    m4_default([$2],
+               [AC_MSG_ERROR([ A fully Fortran-90-compliant compiler is required.])])
+   ]
diff --git a/config/m4/TW_CHECK_FC_95.m4 b/config/m4/TW_CHECK_FC_95.m4
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d73c065
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/m4/TW_CHECK_FC_95.m4
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+dnl This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+dnl it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+dnl the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+dnl any later version.
+dnl This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+dnl but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+dnl GNU General Public License for more details.
+dnl You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+dnl along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+dnl Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+dnl 02111-1307, USA.
+dnl As a special exception, the Free Software Foundation gives unlimited
+dnl permission to copy, distribute and modify the configure scripts that
+dnl are the output of Autoconf.  You need not follow the terms of the GNU
+dnl General Public License when using or distributing such scripts, even
+dnl though portions of the text of Autoconf appear in them.  The GNU
+dnl General Public License (GPL) does govern all other use of the material
+dnl that constitutes the Autoconf program.
+dnl Certain portions of the Autoconf source text are designed to be copied
+dnl (in certain cases, depending on the input) into the output of
+dnl Autoconf.  We call these the "data" portions.  The rest of the Autoconf
+dnl source text consists of comments plus executable code that decides which
+dnl of the data portions to output in any given case.  We call these
+dnl comments and executable code the "non-data" portions.  Autoconf never
+dnl copies any of the non-data portions into its output.
+dnl This special exception to the GPL applies to versions of Autoconf
+dnl released by the Free Software Foundation.  When you make and
+dnl distribute a modified version of Autoconf, you may extend this special
+dnl exception to the GPL to apply to your modified version as well, *unless*
+dnl your modified version has the potential to copy into its output some
+dnl of the text that was the non-data portion of the version that you started
+dnl with.  (In other words, unless your change moves or copies text from
+dnl the non-data portions to the data portions.)  If your modification has
+dnl such potential, you must delete any notice of this special exception
+dnl to the GPL from your modified version.
+dnl Copyright Toby White <tow21 at cam.ac.uk>  2004-2006
+dnl Checks whether the currently selected Fortran compiler is fully
+dnl compliant with Fortran 95 (ISO-IEC 1539-1:1997)
+dnl It currently tests for:
+dnl Named End Interface
+dnl Derived type initialization
+dnl The Null() intrinsic
+dnl The Forall statement 
+dnl The Cpu_Time intrinsic
+dnl Pure functions
+dnl Elemental functions
+dnl @version 1.0
+dnl @author <tow21 at cam.ac.uk>
+AC_MSG_CHECKING([for Fortran 95 compliance])
+dnl The program is written in fixed-form source to avoid worrying
+dnl about filename extensions.
+      Program test_f95
+!      Interface test_interface
+!      End Interface test_interface
+      Type test_type
+        Integer :: i = 1
+      End Type test_type
+      Integer, Pointer :: j => Null()
+      Integer :: i
+      Real :: a
+      Forall (i=1:50)
+      End Forall
+      Call CPU_TIME(a)
+      Contains
+      Pure Integer Function test_pure()
+        test_pure = 0
+      End Function test_pure
+      Elemental Integer Function test_elemental(in)
+        Integer, Intent(In) :: in
+        test_elemental = 0
+      End Function test_elemental
+      End Program test_f95
+   ]]),
+   [AC_MSG_RESULT([yes])
+    m4_default([$1],[:])
+   ],
+   [AC_MSG_RESULT([no])
+    m4_default([$2], 
+               [AC_MSG_ERROR([A fully Fortran-95-compliant compiler is required.])])
+   ]
diff --git a/config/m4/TW_CHECK_FC_FPP.m4 b/config/m4/TW_CHECK_FC_FPP.m4
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..33570fb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/m4/TW_CHECK_FC_FPP.m4
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+dnl This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+dnl it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+dnl the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+dnl any later version.
+dnl This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+dnl but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+dnl GNU General Public License for more details.
+dnl You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+dnl along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+dnl Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+dnl 02111-1307, USA.
+dnl As a special exception, the Free Software Foundation gives unlimited
+dnl permission to copy, distribute and modify the configure scripts that
+dnl are the output of Autoconf.  You need not follow the terms of the GNU
+dnl General Public License when using or distributing such scripts, even
+dnl though portions of the text of Autoconf appear in them.  The GNU
+dnl General Public License (GPL) does govern all other use of the material
+dnl that constitutes the Autoconf program.
+dnl Certain portions of the Autoconf source text are designed to be copied
+dnl (in certain cases, depending on the input) into the output of
+dnl Autoconf.  We call these the "data" portions.  The rest of the Autoconf
+dnl source text consists of comments plus executable code that decides which
+dnl of the data portions to output in any given case.  We call these
+dnl comments and executable code the "non-data" portions.  Autoconf never
+dnl copies any of the non-data portions into its output.
+dnl This special exception to the GPL applies to versions of Autoconf
+dnl released by the Free Software Foundation.  When you make and
+dnl distribute a modified version of Autoconf, you may extend this special
+dnl exception to the GPL to apply to your modified version as well, *unless*
+dnl your modified version has the potential to copy into its output some
+dnl of the text that was the non-data portion of the version that you started
+dnl with.  (In other words, unless your change moves or copies text from
+dnl the non-data portions to the data portions.)  If your modification has
+dnl such potential, you must delete any notice of this special exception
+dnl to the GPL from your modified version.
+dnl Copyright Toby White <tow21 at cam.ac.uk>  2004-2006     
+dnl Checks whether the currently selected Fortran compiler supports
+dnl cpp-like functionality when called on a suitable fixed-format file.
+dnl If so, ACTION_IF_TRUE is performed; if not, ACTION_IF_FALSE
+dnl @version 1.0
+dnl @author Toby White <tow21 at cam.ac.uk>
+AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether $FC has an integrated Fortran cpp-style preprocessor for fixed-form source])
+dnl The program is written in fixed-form source to avoid worrying
+dnl about filename extensions.
+      Program test_cpp
+#if 1
+      Integer i
+      Integer j
+      End Program
+   ]]),
+   [AC_MSG_RESULT([yes])
+    m4_ifval([$1],[$1],[])
+   ],
+   [AC_MSG_RESULT([no])
+    m4_ifval([$2],[$2],
+                  [AC_MSG_ERROR([A Fortran compiler with integrated cpp-style preprocessor for fixed-form source is required.])])
+   ]
diff --git a/config/m4/TW_CHECK_FC_FPP_90.m4 b/config/m4/TW_CHECK_FC_FPP_90.m4
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2dffd67
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/m4/TW_CHECK_FC_FPP_90.m4
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+dnl This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+dnl it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+dnl the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+dnl any later version.
+dnl This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+dnl but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+dnl GNU General Public License for more details.
+dnl You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+dnl along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+dnl Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+dnl 02111-1307, USA.
+dnl As a special exception, the Free Software Foundation gives unlimited
+dnl permission to copy, distribute and modify the configure scripts that
+dnl are the output of Autoconf.  You need not follow the terms of the GNU
+dnl General Public License when using or distributing such scripts, even
+dnl though portions of the text of Autoconf appear in them.  The GNU
+dnl General Public License (GPL) does govern all other use of the material
+dnl that constitutes the Autoconf program.
+dnl Certain portions of the Autoconf source text are designed to be copied
+dnl (in certain cases, depending on the input) into the output of
+dnl Autoconf.  We call these the "data" portions.  The rest of the Autoconf
+dnl source text consists of comments plus executable code that decides which
+dnl of the data portions to output in any given case.  We call these
+dnl comments and executable code the "non-data" portions.  Autoconf never
+dnl copies any of the non-data portions into its output.
+dnl This special exception to the GPL applies to versions of Autoconf
+dnl released by the Free Software Foundation.  When you make and
+dnl distribute a modified version of Autoconf, you may extend this special
+dnl exception to the GPL to apply to your modified version as well, *unless*
+dnl your modified version has the potential to copy into its output some
+dnl of the text that was the non-data portion of the version that you started
+dnl with.  (In other words, unless your change moves or copies text from
+dnl the non-data portions to the data portions.)  If your modification has
+dnl such potential, you must delete any notice of this special exception
+dnl to the GPL from your modified version.
+dnl Copyright Toby White <tow21 at cam.ac.uk>  2004-2006     
+dnl Checks whether the currently selected Fortran compiler supports
+dnl cpp-like functionality when called on a suitable fixed-format file.
+dnl If so, ACTION_IF_TRUE is performed; if not, ACTION_IF_FALSE
+dnl @version 1.0
+dnl @author Toby White <tow21 at cam.ac.uk>
+AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether $FC has an integrated Fortran cpp-style preprocessor for free-form source])
+dnl The program is written in fixed-form source to avoid worrying
+dnl about filename extensions.
+Program test_cpp
+#if 1
+  Integer i
+  Integer j
+End Program
+   ]]),
+   [AC_MSG_RESULT([yes])
+    m4_ifval([$1],[$1],[])
+   ],
+   [AC_MSG_RESULT([no])
+    m4_ifval([$2],[$2],
+                  [AC_MSG_ERROR([A Fortran compiler with integrated cpp-style preprocessor for free-from source is required.])])
+   ]
diff --git a/config/m4/TW_CHECK_FC_TR15580.m4 b/config/m4/TW_CHECK_FC_TR15580.m4
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..91aa5d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/m4/TW_CHECK_FC_TR15580.m4
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+dnl This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+dnl it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+dnl the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+dnl any later version.
+dnl This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+dnl but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+dnl GNU General Public License for more details.
+dnl You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+dnl along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+dnl Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+dnl 02111-1307, USA.
+dnl As a special exception, the Free Software Foundation gives unlimited
+dnl permission to copy, distribute and modify the configure scripts that
+dnl are the output of Autoconf.  You need not follow the terms of the GNU
+dnl General Public License when using or distributing such scripts, even
+dnl though portions of the text of Autoconf appear in them.  The GNU
+dnl General Public License (GPL) does govern all other use of the material
+dnl that constitutes the Autoconf program.
+dnl Certain portions of the Autoconf source text are designed to be copied
+dnl (in certain cases, depending on the input) into the output of
+dnl Autoconf.  We call these the "data" portions.  The rest of the Autoconf
+dnl source text consists of comments plus executable code that decides which
+dnl of the data portions to output in any given case.  We call these
+dnl comments and executable code the "non-data" portions.  Autoconf never
+dnl copies any of the non-data portions into its output.
+dnl This special exception to the GPL applies to versions of Autoconf
+dnl released by the Free Software Foundation.  When you make and
+dnl distribute a modified version of Autoconf, you may extend this special
+dnl exception to the GPL to apply to your modified version as well, *unless*
+dnl your modified version has the potential to copy into its output some
+dnl of the text that was the non-data portion of the version that you started
+dnl with.  (In other words, unless your change moves or copies text from
+dnl the non-data portions to the data portions.)  If your modification has
+dnl such potential, you must delete any notice of this special exception
+dnl to the GPL from your modified version.
+dnl Copyright Toby White <tow21 at cam.ac.uk>  2004-2006     
+dnl Checks whether the currently selected Fortran compiler is fully
+dnl compliant with the Fortran 95 Floating Point Exception Handling
+dnl Extension, ISO TR15580.
+dnl @version 1.0
+dnl @author <tow21 at cam.ac.uk>
+AC_MSG_CHECKING([$FC for compliance to the Floating Point Exception Handling Extension])
+dnl The program is written in fixed-form source to avoid worrying
+dnl about filename extensions.
+      Program test_tr15580
+      Use, Intrinsic :: IEEE_Arithmetic
+      Use, Intrinsic :: IEEE_Exceptions
+      Use, Intrinsic :: IEEE_Features
+      End Program test_tr15580
+   ]]),   
+   [AC_MSG_RESULT([yes])
+    m4_ifval([$1],[$1],[])
+   ],
+   [AC_MSG_RESULT([no])
+    m4_ifval([$2],[$2],
+                  [AC_MSG_ERROR([A fully TR15580-compliant compiler is required.])])
+   ]
diff --git a/config/m4/TW_CHECK_FC_TR15581.m4 b/config/m4/TW_CHECK_FC_TR15581.m4
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..729093f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/m4/TW_CHECK_FC_TR15581.m4
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+dnl This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+dnl it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+dnl the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+dnl any later version.
+dnl This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+dnl but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+dnl GNU General Public License for more details.
+dnl You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+dnl along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+dnl Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+dnl 02111-1307, USA.
+dnl As a special exception, the Free Software Foundation gives unlimited
+dnl permission to copy, distribute and modify the configure scripts that
+dnl are the output of Autoconf.  You need not follow the terms of the GNU
+dnl General Public License when using or distributing such scripts, even
+dnl though portions of the text of Autoconf appear in them.  The GNU
+dnl General Public License (GPL) does govern all other use of the material
+dnl that constitutes the Autoconf program.
+dnl Certain portions of the Autoconf source text are designed to be copied
+dnl (in certain cases, depending on the input) into the output of
+dnl Autoconf.  We call these the "data" portions.  The rest of the Autoconf
+dnl source text consists of comments plus executable code that decides which
+dnl of the data portions to output in any given case.  We call these
+dnl comments and executable code the "non-data" portions.  Autoconf never
+dnl copies any of the non-data portions into its output.
+dnl This special exception to the GPL applies to versions of Autoconf
+dnl released by the Free Software Foundation.  When you make and
+dnl distribute a modified version of Autoconf, you may extend this special
+dnl exception to the GPL to apply to your modified version as well, *unless*
+dnl your modified version has the potential to copy into its output some
+dnl of the text that was the non-data portion of the version that you started
+dnl with.  (In other words, unless your change moves or copies text from
+dnl the non-data portions to the data portions.)  If your modification has
+dnl such potential, you must delete any notice of this special exception
+dnl to the GPL from your modified version.
+dnl Copyright Toby White <tow21 at cam.ac.uk>  2004-2006     
+dnl Checks whether the currently selected Fortran compiler is fully
+dnl compliant with the Fortran 95 Enhanced Datatype Facilities
+dnl Extension, ISO TR15581.
+dnl @version 1.0
+dnl @author <tow21 at cam.ac.uk>
+AC_MSG_CHECKING([$FC for compliance to the Enhanced Datatype Facilities Extension])
+dnl The program is written in fixed-form source to avoid worrying
+dnl about filename extensions.
+      Program test_tr15581
+      Type test_type
+        Integer, Allocatable :: array(:)
+      End Type test_type
+      End Program test_tr15581
+      Function test_function
+        Integer, Allocatable :: test_function(:)
+        Allocate(test_function(5))
+      End Function test_function
+      Subroutine test_subroutine(array)
+        Integer, Allocatable :: array(:)
+        Allocate(array(5))
+      End Subroutine test_subroutine
+   ]]),   
+   [AC_MSG_RESULT([yes])
+    m4_ifval([$1],[$1],[])
+   ],
+   [AC_MSG_RESULT([no])
+    m4_ifval([$2],[$2],
+                  [AC_MSG_ERROR([A fully TR15581-compliant compiler is required.])])
+   ]
diff --git a/config/m4/TW_FC_CHECK_ABORT.m4 b/config/m4/TW_FC_CHECK_ABORT.m4
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2d9682f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/m4/TW_FC_CHECK_ABORT.m4
@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
+dnl This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+dnl it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+dnl the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+dnl any later version.
+dnl This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+dnl but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+dnl GNU General Public License for more details.
+dnl You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+dnl along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+dnl Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+dnl 02111-1307, USA.
+dnl As a special exception, the Free Software Foundation gives unlimited
+dnl permission to copy, distribute and modify the configure scripts that
+dnl are the output of Autoconf.  You need not follow the terms of the GNU
+dnl General Public License when using or distributing such scripts, even
+dnl though portions of the text of Autoconf appear in them.  The GNU
+dnl General Public License (GPL) does govern all other use of the material
+dnl that constitutes the Autoconf program.
+dnl Certain portions of the Autoconf source text are designed to be copied
+dnl (in certain cases, depending on the input) into the output of
+dnl Autoconf.  We call these the "data" portions.  The rest of the Autoconf
+dnl source text consists of comments plus executable code that decides which
+dnl of the data portions to output in any given case.  We call these
+dnl comments and executable code the "non-data" portions.  Autoconf never
+dnl copies any of the non-data portions into its output.
+dnl This special exception to the GPL applies to versions of Autoconf
+dnl released by the Free Software Foundation.  When you make and
+dnl distribute a modified version of Autoconf, you may extend this special
+dnl exception to the GPL to apply to your modified version as well, *unless*
+dnl your modified version has the potential to copy into its output some
+dnl of the text that was the non-data portion of the version that you started
+dnl with.  (In other words, unless your change moves or copies text from
+dnl the non-data portions to the data portions.)  If your modification has
+dnl such potential, you must delete any notice of this special exception
+dnl to the GPL from your modified version.
+dnl Copyright Toby White <tow21 at cam.ac.uk>  2004-2006     
+dnl Check how to get at the abort intrinsic.
+      CALL ABORT("")
+      CALL ABORT_
+AC_MSG_CHECKING([how to compile a call to ABORT])
+dnl Try first with nothing
+dnl First check with one arg (this will fail if no args are necessary; testing
+dnl in the opposite order will succeed when it shouldnt)
+if test $tw_abort_ok = no; then
+    [tw_abort_ok=yes; tw_method="with argument";DEFS="$DEFS FC_HAVE_ABORT FC_ABORT_ARG"],
+    [])
+if test $tw_abort_ok = no; then
+    [tw_abort_ok=yes; tw_method="with underscore";DEFS="$DEFS FC_HAVE_ABORT FC_ABORT_UNDERSCORE"],
+    [])
+if test $tw_abort_ok = no; then
+    [tw_abort_ok=yes; tw_method=default;DEFS="$DEFS FC_HAVE_ABORT"],
+    [])
+if test $tw_abort_ok = no; then
+    [tw_abort_ok=yes; tw_method="with f90_unix_proc";DEFS="$DEFS FC_HAVE_ABORT"],
+    [])
+dnl Cant get it to compile alone - need a compiler flag.
+dnl Now try with -Vaxlib for intel:
+if test $tw_abort_ok = no; then
+   LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS -Vaxlib"
+    [tw_abort_ok=yes; tw_method="with -Vaxlib";DEFS="$DEFS FC_HAVE_ABORT"],
+    [])
+   if test $tw_abort_ok = no; then
+      LDFLAGS=$save_LDFLAGS
+   fi
+AS_IF([test $tw_abort_ok = yes],
+      [$1],
+      [m4_default([$2],[AC_MSG_ERROR([Cannot compile call to ABORT ])])]
+     )
diff --git a/config/m4/TW_FC_CHECK_EOL.m4 b/config/m4/TW_FC_CHECK_EOL.m4
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1c3169f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/m4/TW_FC_CHECK_EOL.m4
@@ -0,0 +1,184 @@
+dnl This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+dnl it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+dnl the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+dnl any later version.
+dnl This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+dnl but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+dnl GNU General Public License for more details.
+dnl You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+dnl along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+dnl Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+dnl 02111-1307, USA.
+dnl As a special exception, the Free Software Foundation gives unlimited
+dnl permission to copy, distribute and modify the configure scripts that
+dnl are the output of Autoconf.  You need not follow the terms of the GNU
+dnl General Public License when using or distributing such scripts, even
+dnl though portions of the text of Autoconf appear in them.  The GNU
+dnl General Public License (GPL) does govern all other use of the material
+dnl that constitutes the Autoconf program.
+dnl Certain portions of the Autoconf source text are designed to be copied
+dnl (in certain cases, depending on the input) into the output of
+dnl Autoconf.  We call these the "data" portions.  The rest of the Autoconf
+dnl source text consists of comments plus executable code that decides which
+dnl of the data portions to output in any given case.  We call these
+dnl comments and executable code the "non-data" portions.  Autoconf never
+dnl copies any of the non-data portions into its output.
+dnl This special exception to the GPL applies to versions of Autoconf
+dnl released by the Free Software Foundation.  When you make and
+dnl distribute a modified version of Autoconf, you may extend this special
+dnl exception to the GPL to apply to your modified version as well, *unless*
+dnl your modified version has the potential to copy into its output some
+dnl of the text that was the non-data portion of the version that you started
+dnl with.  (In other words, unless your change moves or copies text from
+dnl the non-data portions to the data portions.)  If your modification has
+dnl such potential, you must delete any notice of this special exception
+dnl to the GPL from your modified version.
+dnl Copyright Toby White <tow21 at cam.ac.uk>  2004-2006     
+# -------------------
+# This macro checks what kind of line ending the Fortran compiler
+# writes out, and expects to read in. (Checking reading explicitly really doesnt work)
+AC_MSG_CHECKING([for EOR character used by $FC])
+       program output_eol
+       open(unit=10, file="conf_eol.out")
+       write(10,"(a)") ""
+       end program
+if ! test -f conf_eol.out; then
+AC_MSG_ERROR([Could not find test output])
+elif od -b conf_eol.out | grep 5015 >/dev/null; then
+  ac_cv_FC_check_output_eol=CRLF
+elif od -b conf_eol.out | grep 15 >/dev/null; then
+  ac_cv_FC_check_output_eol=CR
+elif od -b conf_eol.out | grep 12 >/dev/null; then
+  ac_cv_FC_check_output_eol=LF
+  ac_cv_FC_check_output_eol=UNKNOWN
+rm -rf conf_eol.out
+if test $ac_cv_FC_check_output_eol = UNKNOWN; then
+  AC_MSG_ERROR([Could not determine line-ending convention])
+[AC_MSG_ERROR([Could not execute compiled program])],
+[ac_cv_FC_check_output_eol=EOL_CR] dnl take a wild guess at Unix if x-compiling
+dnl output EOL
+AC_MSG_CHECKING([for input EOL character produced by $FC])
+touch conf_empty.txt
+# Surely there must be a better way to create a CRLF file than this!
+echo 12 | tr -d "\012\015" | tr 12 "\015\012" > conf_crlf.txt
+       program input_eol
+       integer :: i, io_eof
+       integer :: s1, result
+       character :: c
+       open(unit=10, file="conf_empty.txt")
+       open(unit=11, file="conf_crlf.txt")
+       open(unit=12, file="conf_result.txt")
+       ! Pick up eof first
+       read(10, "(a1)", iostat=io_eof) c
+       i = 0
+       n = 1
+       s = 0
+       result = 0
+       read(11, "(a1)", iostat=i) c
+       ! If we are on an LF-EOL machine,
+       ! then we should get CR followed by EOR
+       if (i==0) then
+         if (iachar(c)==13) then
+           s1 = 13
+         elseif (iachar(c)==32) then
+           ! some compilers translate it into a space, unhelpfully
+           s1 = 32
+         else
+           write(12, *) "UNKNOWN"
+           stop
+         endif
+       else
+         s1 = -1 ! End of Record, we assume
+       endif
+       read(11, "(a1)", iostat=i) c
+       if (i==0) then
+         if (iachar(c)==10.and.s1==-1) then
+	   ! Sequence was EOR, LF, therefore EOR=CR.
+           ! Next must be EOF
+           read(11, "(a1)", iostat=i)
+           if (i==io_eof) result = 1 ! EOR_CR
+         endif
+       elseif (i==io_eof) then
+         if (s1==-1) then
+           ! Sequence was EOR, EOF, therefore EOR=CRLF
+           result = 2 ! EOR_CRLF
+         elseif (s1==32) then
+           ! Sequence was SPACE, EOF. Empirically, this seems to happen on PPC Macs, so:
+           result = 3 ! EOR_LF
+         endif
+       elseif (s1==13) then
+         ! We assume this non-zero iostat is EOR
+         ! Sequence was CR, EOR, therefore EOR=LF
+         ! Next must be EOF
+         read(11, "(a1)", iostat=i)
+         if (i==io_eof) result = 3 ! EOR_LF
+       endif
+       select case(result)
+       case (1)
+         write(12,*) "CR"
+       case (2)
+         write(12,*) "CRLF"
+       case (3)
+         write(12,*) "LF"
+       case default
+         write(12,*) "UNKNOWN"
+       end select
+       end program
+rm -f conf_empty.txt conf_crlf.txt
+if ! test -f conf_result.txt; then
+  AC_MSG_ERROR([Could not find test output])
+elif grep CRLF conf_result.txt >/dev/null; then
+  ac_cv_FC_check_input_eol=CRLF
+elif grep CR conf_result.txt >/dev/null; then
+  ac_cv_FC_check_input_eol=CR
+elif grep LF conf_result.txt >/dev/null; then
+  ac_cv_FC_check_input_eol=LF
+  ac_cv_FC_check_input_eol=UNKNOWN
+dnl rm -f conf_result.txt
+if test $ac_cv_FC_check_input_eol = UNKNOWN; then
+  AC_MSG_ERROR([Could not determine input line-ending convention])
+[AC_MSG_ERROR([Could not execute compiled program])],
+[ac_cv_FC_check_input_eol=CR] dnl take a wild guess at Unix if x-compiling
+dnl check input_eol
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/config/m4/TW_FC_CHECK_FLUSH.m4 b/config/m4/TW_FC_CHECK_FLUSH.m4
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cb1bd7d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/m4/TW_FC_CHECK_FLUSH.m4
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+dnl This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+dnl it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+dnl the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+dnl any later version.
+dnl This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+dnl but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+dnl GNU General Public License for more details.
+dnl You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+dnl along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+dnl Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+dnl 02111-1307, USA.
+dnl As a special exception, the Free Software Foundation gives unlimited
+dnl permission to copy, distribute and modify the configure scripts that
+dnl are the output of Autoconf.  You need not follow the terms of the GNU
+dnl General Public License when using or distributing such scripts, even
+dnl though portions of the text of Autoconf appear in them.  The GNU
+dnl General Public License (GPL) does govern all other use of the material
+dnl that constitutes the Autoconf program.
+dnl Certain portions of the Autoconf source text are designed to be copied
+dnl (in certain cases, depending on the input) into the output of
+dnl Autoconf.  We call these the "data" portions.  The rest of the Autoconf
+dnl source text consists of comments plus executable code that decides which
+dnl of the data portions to output in any given case.  We call these
+dnl comments and executable code the "non-data" portions.  Autoconf never
+dnl copies any of the non-data portions into its output.
+dnl This special exception to the GPL applies to versions of Autoconf
+dnl released by the Free Software Foundation.  When you make and
+dnl distribute a modified version of Autoconf, you may extend this special
+dnl exception to the GPL to apply to your modified version as well, *unless*
+dnl your modified version has the potential to copy into its output some
+dnl of the text that was the non-data portion of the version that you started
+dnl with.  (In other words, unless your change moves or copies text from
+dnl the non-data portions to the data portions.)  If your modification has
+dnl such potential, you must delete any notice of this special exception
+dnl to the GPL from your modified version.
+dnl Copyright Toby White <tow21 at cam.ac.uk>  2004-2006     
+dnl Check how to get at the flush intrinsic.
+      PRINT*
+      CALL FLUSH(5)
+      PRINT*
+      CALL FLUSH(5)
+      PRINT*
+      CALL FLUSH_(5)
+AC_MSG_CHECKING([how to compile a call to FLUSH])
+dnl Try first with nothing
+    [tw_flush_ok=yes; TW_FLUSH=bare;tw_method=default;DEFS="$DEFS FC_HAVE_FLUSH"],
+    [])
+if test $tw_flush_ok = no; then
+   LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS -Vaxlib"
+    [tw_flush_ok=yes; TW_FLUSH=INTEL;tw_method="with -Vaxlib";DEFS="$DEFS FC_HAVE_FLUSH"],
+    [])
+   if test $tw_flush_ok = no; then
+      LDFLAGS=$save_LDFLAGS
+   fi
+if test $tw_flush_ok = no; then
+    [tw_flush_ok=yes; TW_FLUSH=NAG;tw_method="with f90_unix_io";DEFS="$DEFS FC_HAVE_FLUSH"],
+    [])
+if test $tw_flush_ok = no; then
+    [tw_flush_ok=yes; TW_FLUSH=XLF;tw_method="with underscore"],
+    [])
+AS_IF([test $tw_flush_ok = yes],
+      [$1],
+      [m4_default([$2],[AC_MSG_ERROR([Cannot compile FLUSH statement])])]
+     )
diff --git a/config/m4/TW_FC_ID.m4 b/config/m4/TW_FC_ID.m4
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4f979db
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/m4/TW_FC_ID.m4
@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
+dnl This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+dnl it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+dnl the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+dnl any later version.
+dnl This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+dnl but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+dnl GNU General Public License for more details.
+dnl You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+dnl along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+dnl Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+dnl 02111-1307, USA.
+dnl As a special exception, the Free Software Foundation gives unlimited
+dnl permission to copy, distribute and modify the configure scripts that
+dnl are the output of Autoconf.  You need not follow the terms of the GNU
+dnl General Public License when using or distributing such scripts, even
+dnl though portions of the text of Autoconf appear in them.  The GNU
+dnl General Public License (GPL) does govern all other use of the material
+dnl that constitutes the Autoconf program.
+dnl Certain portions of the Autoconf source text are designed to be copied
+dnl (in certain cases, depending on the input) into the output of
+dnl Autoconf.  We call these the "data" portions.  The rest of the Autoconf
+dnl source text consists of comments plus executable code that decides which
+dnl of the data portions to output in any given case.  We call these
+dnl comments and executable code the "non-data" portions.  Autoconf never
+dnl copies any of the non-data portions into its output.
+dnl This special exception to the GPL applies to versions of Autoconf
+dnl released by the Free Software Foundation.  When you make and
+dnl distribute a modified version of Autoconf, you may extend this special
+dnl exception to the GPL to apply to your modified version as well, *unless*
+dnl your modified version has the potential to copy into its output some
+dnl of the text that was the non-data portion of the version that you started
+dnl with.  (In other words, unless your change moves or copies text from
+dnl the non-data portions to the data portions.)  If your modification has
+dnl such potential, you must delete any notice of this special exception
+dnl to the GPL from your modified version.
+dnl Copyright Toby White <tow21 at cam.ac.uk>  2004-2006     
+dnl A macro to determine which compiler is being used, in order that
+dnl different flags can be set
+dnl Firstly go by compiler name.
+case $FC in 
+   g77*)
+      FC_ID=G77
+      ;;
+   g95*)
+      FC_ID=G95
+      ;;
+   gfortran*)
+      FC_ID=Gfortran
+      ;;
+   if*)
+      FC_ID=Intel
+      ;;
+   lf9*)
+      FC_ID=Lahey
+      ;;
+   path*)
+      FC_ID=Pathscale
+      ;;
+   pgf*)
+      FC_ID=Portland
+      ;;
+   xlf*)
+      FC_ID=Xlf 
+dnl then try and disambiguate all f77, f90, and f95 types.
+dnl We should have a choice between
+dnl nag. absoft. sun. sgi. digital. hp. cray. ...?
+if test x$FC_ID = x; then
+   tw_fc_v_output=$($FC -V 2>&1 )
+   if test $?; then
+      case $tw_fc_v_output in
+         *NAG*)
+            FC_ID=Nag
+            ;;
+         *Sun*)
+            FC_ID=Sun # there's more than one compiler here ...
+            ;;
+         *Absoft*)
+            FC_ID=Absoft # there's more than one compiler here ...
+            ;;
+      esac
+   fi
+ if test x$FC_ID = x; then
+   tw_fc_v_output=$($FC -version 2>&1)
+   if test $?; then
+      case $tw_fc_v_output in
+         *Compaq*)
+            FC_ID=Digital
+            ;;
+         *Digital*)
+            FC_ID=Digital
+            ;;
+         *SGI*)
+            FC_ID=SGI
+            ;;
+      esac
+   fi
+AS_IF([test x$FC_ID != x],
+      [AC_MSG_NOTICE([$FC seems to be a $FC_ID compiler])],
+      [FC_ID=unknown; AC_MSG_NOTICE([Could not determine type of compiler])])
+dnl for more fun, try and get the version number now ...
+])# TW_FC_ID
diff --git a/config/m4/TW_FC_ID_FLAGS.m4 b/config/m4/TW_FC_ID_FLAGS.m4
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8927152
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/m4/TW_FC_ID_FLAGS.m4
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+dnl This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+dnl it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+dnl the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+dnl any later version.
+dnl This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+dnl but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+dnl GNU General Public License for more details.
+dnl You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+dnl along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+dnl Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+dnl 02111-1307, USA.
+dnl As a special exception, the Free Software Foundation gives unlimited
+dnl permission to copy, distribute and modify the configure scripts that
+dnl are the output of Autoconf.  You need not follow the terms of the GNU
+dnl General Public License when using or distributing such scripts, even
+dnl though portions of the text of Autoconf appear in them.  The GNU
+dnl General Public License (GPL) does govern all other use of the material
+dnl that constitutes the Autoconf program.
+dnl Certain portions of the Autoconf source text are designed to be copied
+dnl (in certain cases, depending on the input) into the output of
+dnl Autoconf.  We call these the "data" portions.  The rest of the Autoconf
+dnl source text consists of comments plus executable code that decides which
+dnl of the data portions to output in any given case.  We call these
+dnl comments and executable code the "non-data" portions.  Autoconf never
+dnl copies any of the non-data portions into its output.
+dnl This special exception to the GPL applies to versions of Autoconf
+dnl released by the Free Software Foundation.  When you make and
+dnl distribute a modified version of Autoconf, you may extend this special
+dnl exception to the GPL to apply to your modified version as well, *unless*
+dnl your modified version has the potential to copy into its output some
+dnl of the text that was the non-data portion of the version that you started
+dnl with.  (In other words, unless your change moves or copies text from
+dnl the non-data portions to the data portions.)  If your modification has
+dnl such potential, you must delete any notice of this special exception
+dnl to the GPL from your modified version.
+dnl Copyright Toby White <tow21 at cam.ac.uk>  2004-2006     
+dnl A macro to set various compiler-dependent things that can't be sensibly
+dnl deduced.
+case $FC_ID in
+  Absoft)
+     FFLAGS_DEBUG="-et -g -Rb -Rc -Rp -Rs"
+     ;;
+  Digital)
+     FFLAGS_DEBUG="-g -Rabc -ei"
+     ;;
+  G77)
+     ;;
+  G95)
+    FFLAGS_DEBUG="-ggdb3 -ftrace=full -fbounds-check -flogical=false -freal=nan -fpointer=invalid -finteger=-1"
+    ;;
+  Gfortran)
+     ;;
+  Intel)
+     FFLAGS_DEBUG="-C -g -inline_debug_info"
+     ;;
+  Lahey)
+     FFLAGS_DEBUG="--chk aesux --chkglobal -g --trace"
+     FFLAGS_FAST="-O --warn --quiet --tpp --ntrace"
+     ;;
+  Nag)
+     FFLAGS_DEBUG="-C=all -g -gline -nan"
+     DEFS="$DEFS __NAG__"
+     ;;
+  Pathscale)
+     ;;
+  Portland)
+     FFLAGS_DEBUG="-g -Mbounds"
+     FFLAGS_FAST="-fast"
+     DEFS="$DEFS PGF90"
+     ;;
+  SGI)
+     FFLAGS_DEBUG="-g -O0"
+     FFLAGS_FAST="-O3 -OPT:Olimit=0"
+     ;;
+  Sun)
+     FFLAGS_DEBUG="-C -g"
+     FFLAGS_FAST="-fast"
+     ;;
+  Xlf)
+     FFLAGS_DEBUG="-g -C -qinitauto -qsave -qmaxmem=16000 -qnolm"
+     FFLAGS_FAST="-O3 -qarch=auto -qtune=auto -qcache=auto -qnolm"
+     ;;
diff --git a/config/m4/TW_FC_KINDS.m4 b/config/m4/TW_FC_KINDS.m4
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9b70f27
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/m4/TW_FC_KINDS.m4
@@ -0,0 +1,225 @@
+dnl This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+dnl it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+dnl the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+dnl any later version.
+dnl This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+dnl but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+dnl GNU General Public License for more details.
+dnl You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+dnl along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+dnl Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+dnl 02111-1307, USA.
+dnl As a special exception, the Free Software Foundation gives unlimited
+dnl permission to copy, distribute and modify the configure scripts that
+dnl are the output of Autoconf.  You need not follow the terms of the GNU
+dnl General Public License when using or distributing such scripts, even
+dnl though portions of the text of Autoconf appear in them.  The GNU
+dnl General Public License (GPL) does govern all other use of the material
+dnl that constitutes the Autoconf program.
+dnl Certain portions of the Autoconf source text are designed to be copied
+dnl (in certain cases, depending on the input) into the output of
+dnl Autoconf.  We call these the "data" portions.  The rest of the Autoconf
+dnl source text consists of comments plus executable code that decides which
+dnl of the data portions to output in any given case.  We call these
+dnl comments and executable code the "non-data" portions.  Autoconf never
+dnl copies any of the non-data portions into its output.
+dnl This special exception to the GPL applies to versions of Autoconf
+dnl released by the Free Software Foundation.  When you make and
+dnl distribute a modified version of Autoconf, you may extend this special
+dnl exception to the GPL to apply to your modified version as well, *unless*
+dnl your modified version has the potential to copy into its output some
+dnl of the text that was the non-data portion of the version that you started
+dnl with.  (In other words, unless your change moves or copies text from
+dnl the non-data portions to the data portions.)  If your modification has
+dnl such potential, you must delete any notice of this special exception
+dnl to the GPL from your modified version.
+dnl Copyright Toby White <tow21 at cam.ac.uk>  2004-2006     
+# -------------------
+# This macro checks what integer is produced by the kind 
+# declaration KIND_DECLARATION. This integer is placed in 
+# AC_FC_KIND_<VARIABLE_SUFFIX>. If we successfully find a
+# kind integer, ACTION_IF_SUCCESS is performed; otherwise
+AC_CACHE_CHECK([for kind number produced by $1], 
+                ac_cv_fc_real_kind_[]$2[],
+while test $ac_fc_kind_test -lt 100
+  cat > conftest.$ac_ext << ACEOF
+dnl The program below will fail to compile if 
+dnl sp != mysp; ie if the kind produced by the 
+dnl supplied kind declaration ($1) is not the same
+dnl same as $ac_fc_kind_test. This is because Fortran
+dnl pointers & targets must be of the same kind. 
+dnl All conforming compilers must fail to compile the
+dnl subroutine otherwise.
+dnl This approach is taken since it enables us to
+dnl test for kind numbers at compile time rather
+dnl than run time, which means the macro will support
+dnl crosss-compilation.
+dnl However, note that kind numbers can theoretically
+dnl be anything from 1 to the largest default integer
+dnl supported by the compiler. Here we only test up to
+dnl 99, which is more than enough on all compilers tried
+dnl so far
+      subroutine kind_explorer
+      integer, parameter :: sp = $1
+      integer, parameter :: mysp = $ac_fc_kind_test
+      real(kind=sp), target :: x
+      real(kind=mysp), pointer :: y
+      y=>x
+      end subroutine kind_explorer
+  if eval $ac_compile 2>&5
+  then
+    ac_fc_kind_found=yes
+    break
+  fi
+  ac_fc_kind_test=`expr $ac_fc_kind_test + 1`
+if test "$ac_fc_kind_found" = yes; then
+  ac_cv_fc_real_kind_[]$2[]=$ac_fc_kind_test
+  ac_cv_fc_real_kind_[]$2[]=none
+AS_IF([test $ac_cv_fc_real_kind_[]$2[] != no],
+      [ac_fc_real_kind_[]$2[]=$ac_cv_fc_real_kind_[]$2[]; m4_default([$3],[:])],
+      [m4_default([$4],[AC_MSG_ERROR([Could not find Fortran real kind number for $1])])]
+     )
+# -------------------
+# This macro checks what integer is produced by the kind 
+# declaration KIND_DECLARATION. This integer is placed in 
+# AC_FC_KIND_<VARIABLE_SUFFIX>. If we successfully find a
+# kind integer, ACTION_IF_SUCCESS is performed; otherwise
+AC_CACHE_CHECK([for kind number produced by $1], 
+                ac_cv_fc_int_kind_[]$2[],
+while test $ac_fc_kind_test -lt 100
+  cat > conftest.f90 << ACEOF
+dnl The program below will fail to compile if 
+dnl sp != mysp; ie if the kind produced by the 
+dnl supplied kind declaration ($1) is not the same
+dnl same as $ac_fc_kind_test. This is because Fortran
+dnl pointers & targets must be of the same kind. 
+dnl All conforming compilers must fail to compile the
+dnl subroutine otherwise.
+dnl This approach is taken since it enables us to
+dnl test for kind numbers at compile time rather
+dnl than run time, which means the macro will support
+dnl crosss-compilation.
+dnl However, note that kind numbers can theoretically
+dnl be anything from 1 to the largest default integer
+dnl supported by the compiler. Here we only test up to
+dnl 99, which is more than enough on all compilers tried
+dnl so far
+      subroutine kind_explorer
+      integer, parameter :: sp = $1
+      integer, parameter :: mysp = $ac_fc_kind_test
+      integer(kind=sp), target :: x
+      integer(kind=mysp), pointer :: y
+      y=>x
+      end subroutine kind_explorer
+  if eval $ac_compile 2>&5
+  then
+    ac_fc_kind_found=yes
+    break
+  fi
+  ac_fc_kind_test=`expr $ac_fc_kind_test + 1`
+if test "$ac_fc_kind_found" = yes; then
+  ac_cv_fc_int_kind_[]$2[]=$ac_fc_kind_test
+  ac_cv_fc_int_kind_[]$2[]=none
+AS_IF([test $ac_cv_fc_int_kind_[]$2[] != no],
+      [ac_fc_int_kind_[]$2[]=$ac_cv_fc_int_kind_[]$2[]; m4_default([$3],[:])],
+      [m4_default([$4],[AC_MSG_ERROR([Could not find Fortran integer kind number for $1])])]
+     )
+# -------------------
+# This macro attempts to find the Fortran compiler's kinds
+# for the following four types of real number:
+#  Compiler default (single) precision
+#  Compiler double precision
+#  IEEE single precision
+#  IEEE double precision
+# The first two are guaranteed to exist; the second two may
+# or may not.
+# If all 4 are succesfully found,. ACTION_IF_SUCCESS is
+# performed.
+# Otherwise, ACTION_IF_FAIL is performed
+AC_FC_REAL_KIND([[kind(1.0)]], [sp], 
+                [], [ac_got_kinds=no])
+AC_FC_REAL_KIND([[kind(1.0d0)]], [dp], 
+                [], [ac_got_kinds=no])
+AC_FC_REAL_KIND([[selected_real_kind(6,34)]], [ieee_sp], 
+                [], [ac_got_kinds=no])
+AC_FC_REAL_KIND([[selected_real_kind(15,300)]], [ieee_dp], 
+                [], [ac_got_kinds=no])
+AS_IF([test $ac_fc_got_kinds != no],
+      [m4_default([$1],[:])],
+      [m4_default([$2],[AC_MSG_ERROR([Could not find all Fortran real kinds])])]
+      )
diff --git a/config/m4/TW_PATH_NETCDF.m4 b/config/m4/TW_PATH_NETCDF.m4
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2378ad9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/m4/TW_PATH_NETCDF.m4
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+dnl This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+dnl it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+dnl the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+dnl any later version.
+dnl This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+dnl but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+dnl GNU General Public License for more details.
+dnl You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+dnl along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+dnl Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+dnl 02111-1307, USA.
+dnl As a special exception, the Free Software Foundation gives unlimited
+dnl permission to copy, distribute and modify the configure scripts that
+dnl are the output of Autoconf.  You need not follow the terms of the GNU
+dnl General Public License when using or distributing such scripts, even
+dnl though portions of the text of Autoconf appear in them.  The GNU
+dnl General Public License (GPL) does govern all other use of the material
+dnl that constitutes the Autoconf program.
+dnl Certain portions of the Autoconf source text are designed to be copied
+dnl (in certain cases, depending on the input) into the output of
+dnl Autoconf.  We call these the "data" portions.  The rest of the Autoconf
+dnl source text consists of comments plus executable code that decides which
+dnl of the data portions to output in any given case.  We call these
+dnl comments and executable code the "non-data" portions.  Autoconf never
+dnl copies any of the non-data portions into its output.
+dnl This special exception to the GPL applies to versions of Autoconf
+dnl released by the Free Software Foundation.  When you make and
+dnl distribute a modified version of Autoconf, you may extend this special
+dnl exception to the GPL to apply to your modified version as well, *unless*
+dnl your modified version has the potential to copy into its output some
+dnl of the text that was the non-data portion of the version that you started
+dnl with.  (In other words, unless your change moves or copies text from
+dnl the non-data portions to the data portions.)  If your modification has
+dnl such potential, you must delete any notice of this special exception
+dnl to the GPL from your modified version.
+dnl Copyright Toby White <tow21 at cam.ac.uk>  2004-2006     
+dnl autoconf macros for detecting NetCDF (fortan implementation only)
+      CALL NF_CLOSE()
+   ]])],
+   [m4_ifval([$1],[$1],[])],
+   [m4_ifval([$2],[$2],[])]
+case $with_netcdf in
+  yes | "") ;;
+  no) tw_netcdf_ok=disable ;;
+  -* | */* | *.a | *.so | *.so.* | *.o) NETCDF_LIBS="$with_netcdf" ;;
+   *) NETCDF_LIBS="-l$with_netcdf" ;;
+if test $tw_netcdf_ok != disable; then
+  if test "x$NETCDF_LIBS" = x; then
+     NETCDF_LIBS="-lnetcdf"
+  fi
+  AC_MSG_CHECKING([for netcdf])
+  save_LIBS="$LIBS"
+  _TW_TRY_NETCDF([tw_netcdf_ok=yes],[])
+  AC_MSG_RESULT([$tw_netcdf_ok])
+  LIBS="$save_LIBS"
+AS_IF([test $tw_netcdf_ok = yes],
+      [ifelse([$1],,AC_DEFINE(HAVE_NETCDF,1,[Define if you have NetCDF library.]),[$1])],
+      [NETCDF_LIBS="";tw_netcdf_ok=no;$2])
diff --git a/config/m4/TW_PROG_CYGPATH_W.m4 b/config/m4/TW_PROG_CYGPATH_W.m4
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b06c266
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/m4/TW_PROG_CYGPATH_W.m4
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+dnl This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+dnl it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+dnl the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+dnl any later version.
+dnl This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+dnl but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+dnl GNU General Public License for more details.
+dnl You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+dnl along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+dnl Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+dnl 02111-1307, USA.
+dnl As a special exception, the Free Software Foundation gives unlimited
+dnl permission to copy, distribute and modify the configure scripts that
+dnl are the output of Autoconf.  You need not follow the terms of the GNU
+dnl General Public License when using or distributing such scripts, even
+dnl though portions of the text of Autoconf appear in them.  The GNU
+dnl General Public License (GPL) does govern all other use of the material
+dnl that constitutes the Autoconf program.
+dnl Certain portions of the Autoconf source text are designed to be copied
+dnl (in certain cases, depending on the input) into the output of
+dnl Autoconf.  We call these the "data" portions.  The rest of the Autoconf
+dnl source text consists of comments plus executable code that decides which
+dnl of the data portions to output in any given case.  We call these
+dnl comments and executable code the "non-data" portions.  Autoconf never
+dnl copies any of the non-data portions into its output.
+dnl This special exception to the GPL applies to versions of Autoconf
+dnl released by the Free Software Foundation.  When you make and
+dnl distribute a modified version of Autoconf, you may extend this special
+dnl exception to the GPL to apply to your modified version as well, *unless*
+dnl your modified version has the potential to copy into its output some
+dnl of the text that was the non-data portion of the version that you started
+dnl with.  (In other words, unless your change moves or copies text from
+dnl the non-data portions to the data portions.)  If your modification has
+dnl such potential, you must delete any notice of this special exception
+dnl to the GPL from your modified version.
+dnl Copyright Toby White <tow21 at cam.ac.uk>  2004-2006 
+dnl Macro to check for cygpath PATH-substitution utility.
+dnl compilation with BLACS. Only works with Fortran at the moment.
+ # test whether we have cygpath 	 
+ if test -z "$CYGPATH_W"; then 	 
+   if (cygpath --version) >/dev/null 2>/dev/null; then 	 
+     CYGPATH_W='cygpath -w' 	 
+   else 	 
+     CYGPATH_W=echo 	 
+   fi 	 
+ fi
diff --git a/config/m4/fortran.m4 b/config/m4/fortran.m4
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..441ee23
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/m4/fortran.m4
@@ -0,0 +1,3134 @@
+# This file is part of Autoconf.                       -*- Autoconf -*-
+# Fortran languages support.
+# Copyright (C) 2001, 2003-2005
+# Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+# any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+# 02111-1307, USA.
+# As a special exception, the Free Software Foundation gives unlimited
+# permission to copy, distribute and modify the configure scripts that
+# are the output of Autoconf.  You need not follow the terms of the GNU
+# General Public License when using or distributing such scripts, even
+# though portions of the text of Autoconf appear in them.  The GNU
+# General Public License (GPL) does govern all other use of the material
+# that constitutes the Autoconf program.
+# Certain portions of the Autoconf source text are designed to be copied
+# (in certain cases, depending on the input) into the output of
+# Autoconf.  We call these the "data" portions.  The rest of the Autoconf
+# source text consists of comments plus executable code that decides which
+# of the data portions to output in any given case.  We call these
+# comments and executable code the "non-data" portions.  Autoconf never
+# copies any of the non-data portions into its output.
+# This special exception to the GPL applies to versions of Autoconf
+# released by the Free Software Foundation.  When you make and
+# distribute a modified version of Autoconf, you may extend this special
+# exception to the GPL to apply to your modified version as well, *unless*
+# your modified version has the potential to copy into its output some
+# of the text that was the non-data portion of the version that you started
+# with.  (In other words, unless your change moves or copies text from
+# the non-data portions to the data portions.)  If your modification has
+# such potential, you must delete any notice of this special exception
+# to the GPL from your modified version.
+# Written by David MacKenzie, with help from
+# Franc,ois Pinard, Karl Berry, Richard Pixley, Ian Lance Taylor,
+# Roland McGrath, Noah Friedman, david d zuhn, and many others.
+# Fortran preprocessing support written by Martin Wilck, adapted and
+# extended by Norman Gray and Toby White.
+# Fortran vs. Fortran 77:
+#   This file contains macros for both "Fortran 77" and "Fortran", where
+# the former is the "classic" autoconf Fortran interface and is intended
+# for legacy F77 codes, while the latter is intended to support newer Fortran
+# dialects.  Fortran 77 uses environment variables F77, FFLAGS, and FLIBS,
+# while Fortran uses FC, FCFLAGS, and FCLIBS.  For each user-callable AC_*
+# macro, there is generally both an F77 and an FC version, where both versions
+# share the same _AC_*_FC_* backend.  This backend macro requires that
+# the appropriate language be AC_LANG_PUSH'ed, and uses _AC_LANG_ABBREV and
+# _AC_LANG_PREFIX in order to name cache and environment variables, etc.
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Processing the elements of a list is tedious in shell programming,
+# as lists tend to be implemented as space delimited strings.
+# This macro searches LIST for ELEMENT, and executes ACTION-IF-FOUND
+# if ELEMENT is a member of LIST, otherwise it executes
+[dnl Do some sanity checking of the arguments.
+m4_if([$1], , [AC_FATAL([$0: missing argument 1])])dnl
+m4_if([$2], , [AC_FATAL([$0: missing argument 2])])dnl
+  ac_exists=false
+  for ac_i in $2; do
+    if test x"$1" = x"$ac_i"; then
+      ac_exists=true
+      break
+    fi
+  done
+  AS_IF([test x"$ac_exists" = xtrue], [$3], [$4])[]dnl
+# -------------------------------------------------
+# Specifying options to the compiler (whether it be the C, C++ or
+# Fortran 77 compiler) that are meant for the linker is compiler
+# dependent.  This macro lets you give options to the compiler that
+# are meant for the linker in a portable, compiler-independent way.
+# This macro take two arguments, a list of linker options that the
+# compiler should pass to the linker (LINKER-OPTIONS) and the name of
+# a shell variable (SHELL-VARIABLE).  The list of linker options are
+# appended to the shell variable in a compiler-dependent way.
+# For example, if the selected language is C, then this:
+#   _AC_LINKER_OPTION([-R /usr/local/lib/foo], foo_LDFLAGS)
+# will expand into this if the selected C compiler is gcc:
+#   foo_LDFLAGS="-Xlinker -R -Xlinker /usr/local/lib/foo"
+# otherwise, it will expand into this:
+#   foo_LDFLAGS"-R /usr/local/lib/foo"
+# You are encouraged to add support for compilers that this macro
+# doesn't currently support.
+# FIXME: Get rid of this macro.
+[if test "$ac_compiler_gnu" = yes; then
+  for ac_link_opt in $1; do
+    $2="[$]$2 -Xlinker $ac_link_opt"
+  done
+  $2="[$]$2 $1"
+## ----------------------- ##
+## 1. Language selection.  ##
+## ----------------------- ##
+# -------------------------- #
+# 1d. The Fortran language.  #
+# -------------------------- #
+# AC_LANG(Fortran 77)
+# -------------------
+m4_define([AC_LANG(Fortran 77)],
+ac_compile='$F77 -c $FFLAGS conftest.$ac_ext >&AS_MESSAGE_LOG_FD'
+ac_link='$F77 -o conftest$ac_exeext $FFLAGS $LDFLAGS conftest.$ac_ext $LIBS >&AS_MESSAGE_LOG_FD'
+# AC_LANG(Fortran)
+# ----------------
+ac_compile='$FC -c $FCFLAGS $FCFLAGS_SRCEXT conftest.$ac_ext >&AS_MESSAGE_LOG_FD'
+ac_link='$FC $ac_link_obj_flag""conftest$ac_exeext $FCFLAGS $LDFLAGS $FCFLAGS_SRCEXT conftest.$ac_ext $LIBS >&AS_MESSAGE_LOG_FD'
+# AC_LANG(Preprocessed Fortran)
+# --------------------------------
+# We need a separate `preprocessed' language, because not all Fortran 
+# compilers have a preprocessor built in.  Therefore we may need to
+# resort to an `indirect' compilation, .F->.f->.o, including the
+# generation of a suitable extra build rule.  The language extension
+# is set in macro AC_PROG_FPP, to $FPP_SRC_EXT.
+m4_define([AC_LANG(Preprocessed Fortran)],
+# We need to use variables because compilation depends on whether 
+# $F77 supports direct compilation of source with cpp directives
+# -----------------
+# ------------------
+# Current language must be Fortran, Fortran 77, or preprocessed Fortran.
+# FIXME: is there any reason why this can't be AC_LANG_CASE?
+[m4_if(_AC_LANG, [Fortran], [],
+       [m4_if(_AC_LANG, [Fortran 77], [],
+              [m4_if(_AC_LANG, [Preprocessed Fortran], []
+                     [m4_fatal([$0: current language is not Fortran: ] _AC_LANG)])])])])
+# _AC_LANG_ABBREV(Fortran 77)
+# ---------------------------
+m4_define([_AC_LANG_ABBREV(Fortran 77)], [f77])
+# _AC_LANG_ABBREV(Fortran)
+# ------------------------
+m4_define([_AC_LANG_ABBREV(Fortran)], [fc])
+# _AC_LANG_ABBREV(Preprocessed Fortran)
+# -------------------------------------
+m4_define([_AC_LANG_ABBREV(Preprocessed Fortran)], [fpp])
+# _AC_LANG_PREFIX(Fortran 77)
+# ---------------------------
+m4_define([_AC_LANG_PREFIX(Fortran 77)], [F])
+# _AC_LANG_PREFIX(Fortran)
+# ------------------------
+m4_define([_AC_LANG_PREFIX(Fortran)], [FC])
+# _AC_LANG_PREFIX(Preprocessed Fortran)
+# -------------------------------------
+m4_define([_AC_LANG_PREFIX(Preprocessed Fortran)], [FPP])
+# _AC_FC
+# ------
+# Return F77, FC or PPFC, depending upon the language.
+AC_LANG_CASE([Fortran 77],           [F77],
+             [Fortran],              [FC],
+             [Preprocessed Fortran], [PPFC])])
+## ---------------------- ##
+## 2.Producing programs.  ##
+## ---------------------- ##
+# --------------------- #
+# 2d. Fortran sources.  #
+# --------------------- #
+# AC_LANG_SOURCE(Fortran 77)(BODY)
+# --------------------------------
+# FIXME: Apparently, according to former AC_TRY_COMPILER, the CPP
+# directives must not be included.  But AC_TRY_RUN_NATIVE was not
+# avoiding them, so?
+m4_define([AC_LANG_SOURCE(Fortran 77)],
+m4_define([AC_LANG_SOURCE(Preprocessed Fortran)],
+# -----------------------------------------------
+# Yes, we discard the PROLOGUE.
+m4_define([AC_LANG_PROGRAM(Fortran 77)],
+       [m4_warn([syntax], [$0: ignoring PROLOGUE: $1])])dnl
+      program main
+      end])
+# -----------------------------------------------
+# FIXME: can the PROLOGUE be used?
+       [m4_warn([syntax], [$0: ignoring PROLOGUE: $1])])dnl
+      program main
+      end])
+# AC_LANG_PROGRAM(Preprocessed Fortran)([PROLOGUE], [BODY])
+# ---------------------------------------------------------
+# FIXME: can the PROLOGUE be used?
+m4_define([AC_LANG_PROGRAM(Preprocessed Fortran)],
+      program main
+      end])
+# --------------------------------------------
+# FIXME: This is a guess, help!
+# FIXME: ...but it's a good guesss -- what's the problem?
+m4_define([AC_LANG_CALL(Fortran 77)],
+[      call $2])])
+# --------------------------------------------
+# FIXME: This is a guess, help!
+[      call $2])])
+# AC_LANG_CALL(Preprocessed Fortran)(PROLOGUE, FUNCTION)
+# ------------------------------------------------------
+# FIXME: This is a guess, help!
+m4_define([AC_LANG_CALL(Preprocessed Fortran)],
+[      call $2])])
+# ----------------------------------------
+# Produce a source which links correctly iff the Fortran FUNCTION exists.
+# Note that the generic AC_LANG_FUNC_LINK_TRY macro is deemed severely
+# broken, and is deprecated.  The macro still currently exists, however,
+# and so if macros like AC_CHECK_FUNCS are to work with
+# AC_LANG(Fortran) (and friends), then these macros have to be
+# defined.
+# FIXME: This is a severely broken implementation.
+# It does not distinguish between functions and subroutines, and it
+# ignores any arguments.  We don't attempt to cope with argument $1
+# being somethine weird -- either already declared as a Fortran keyword
+# or something needing quoting -- if the user wants to ask dumb
+# questions, they'll get dumb answers.
+[      Program Test
+      External $1
+      Call $1
+      End
+# -------------------------------------------
+# Ditto, for language `Fortran 77'
+m4_define([AC_LANG_FUNC_LINK_TRY(Fortran 77)],
+[      Program Test
+      External $1
+      Call $1
+      End
+# AC_LANG_FUNC_LINK_TRY(Preprocessed Fortran)(FUNCTION)
+# -----------------------------------------------------
+# Ditto, for language `Preprocessed Fortran'
+m4_define([AC_LANG_FUNC_LINK_TRY(Preprocessed Fortran)],
+[      Program Test
+      External $1
+      Call $1
+      End
+## -------------------------------------------- ##
+## 3. Looking for Compilers and Preprocessors.  ##
+## -------------------------------------------- ##
+# -------------------------- #
+# 3d. The Fortran compiler.  #
+# -------------------------- #
+# AC_LANG_PREPROC(Fortran 77)
+# ---------------------------
+# Find the Fortran 77 preprocessor.  Must be AC_DEFUN'd to be AC_REQUIRE'able.
+	 [$0: No preprocessor defined for ]_AC_LANG)])
+# ---------------------------
+# Find the Fortran preprocessor.  Must be AC_DEFUN'd to be AC_REQUIRE'able.
+         [$0: No preprocessor defined for ]_AC_LANG)])
+# AC_LANG_PREPROC(Preprocessed Fortran)
+# -------------------------------------
+# Find the Fortran preprocessor.  Must be AC_DEFUN'd to be AC_REQUIRE'able.
+AC_DEFUN([AC_LANG_PREPROC(Preprocessed Fortran)],
+# AC_LANG_COMPILER(Fortran 77)
+# ----------------------------
+# Find the Fortran 77 compiler.  Must be AC_DEFUN'd to be
+# AC_REQUIRE'able.
+# -------------------------
+# Find the Fortran compiler.  Must be AC_DEFUN'd to be
+# AC_REQUIRE'able.
+# AC_LANG_COMPILER(Preprocessed Fortran)
+# --------------------------------------
+# Find the Fortran compiler.  Must be AC_DEFUN'd to be
+# AC_REQUIRE'able.
+AC_DEFUN([AC_LANG_COMPILER(Preprocessed Fortran)],
+# ac_cv_prog_g77
+# --------------
+# We used to name the cache variable this way.
+# ------------------------------
+# Given a Fortran DIALECT, which is Fortran [YY]YY or simply [YY]YY,
+# convert to a 4-digit year.  The dialect must be one of Fortran 77,
+# 90, 95, or 2000, currently.  If DIALECT is simply Fortran or the
+# empty string, returns the empty string.
+[m4_case(m4_bpatsubsts(m4_tolower([$1]), [fortran],[], [ *],[]),
+	 [77],[1977], [1977],[1977],
+	 [90],[1990], [1990],[1990],
+	 [95],[1995], [1995],[1995],
+	 [2000],[2000],
+         [],[],
+         [m4_fatal([unknown Fortran dialect])])])
+# --------------------------------------
+# DIALECT is a Fortran dialect, given by Fortran [YY]YY or simply [YY]YY,
+# and must be one of those supported by _AC_FC_DIALECT_YEAR
+# If DIALECT is supplied, then we search for compilers of that dialect
+# first, and then later dialects.  Otherwise, we search for compilers
+# of the newest dialect first, and then earlier dialects in increasing age.
+# This search order is necessarily imperfect because the dialect cannot
+# always be inferred from the compiler name.
+# Known compilers:
+#  f77/f90/f95: generic compiler names
+#  g77: GNU Fortran 77 compiler
+#  gfortran: putative GNU Fortran 95+ compiler (in progress)
+#  fort77: native F77 compiler under HP-UX (and some older Crays)
+#  frt: Fujitsu F77 compiler
+#  pgf77/pgf90/pgf95: Portland Group F77/F90/F95 compilers
+#  xlf/xlf90/xlf95: IBM (AIX) F77/F90/F95 compilers
+#  lf95: Lahey-Fujitsu F95 compiler
+#  fl32: Microsoft Fortran 77 "PowerStation" compiler
+#  af77: Apogee F77 compiler for Intergraph hardware running CLIX
+#  epcf90: "Edinburgh Portable Compiler" F90
+#  fort: Compaq (now HP) Fortran 90/95 compiler for Tru64 and Linux/Alpha
+#  ifc: Intel Fortran 95 compiler for Linux/x86
+#  efc: Intel Fortran 95 compiler for IA64
+# Must check for lf95 before f95 - some Lahey versions ship an f95 binary 
+# in the default path that must be avoided.
+# Let's emphasise this: the test here is only whether a program with
+# the given name exists -- there's no test at this point of whether
+# the found program is actually a Fortran compiler, and if the first
+# program named f77 (say) in your path is a script which deletes all
+# your files, that's nothing to do with us....
+# A proper fix would involve being able to go back and try another compiler
+# if the first one fails, but that requires a major reworking of much of
+# autoconf. The same problem arises (with no easy solution) on some Digital
+# compilers: f95 fails on .F files, f90 succeeds.
+# Also, in case it's not obvious, this macro can be called only once: we
+# presume that multiple Fortran variants can be handled by a compiler which
+# can handle the most recent one.  If this is not the case -- either you need
+# to give special flags to enable and disable the language features you use
+# in different modules, or in the extreme case use different compilers for
+# different files -- you're going to have to do something clever.
+# FIXME At some point gfortran (as the official Gnu Fortran compiler)
+# should be moved up to be the first choice.
+# However, I don't think it's mature enough at the moment.
+m4_define([_AC_F95_FC], [xlf95 lf95 f95 fort ifort ifc efc pgf95 pathf90 gfortran g95])
+m4_define([_AC_F90_FC], [f90 xlf90 pgf90 epcf90])
+m4_define([_AC_F77_FC], [g77 f77 xlf frt pgf77 fort77 fl32 af77])
+      m4_default([$2],
+	m4_case(_AC_FC_DIALECT_YEAR([$1]),
+		[1995], [_AC_F95_FC],
+		[1990], [_AC_F90_FC _AC_F95_FC],
+		[1977], [_AC_F77_FC _AC_F90_FC _AC_F95_FC],
+		[_AC_F95_FC _AC_F90_FC _AC_F77_FC])))
+# Provide some information about the compiler.
+echo "$as_me:__oline__:" \
+     "checking for _AC_LANG compiler version" >&AS_MESSAGE_LOG_FD
+ac_compiler=`set X $ac_compile; echo $[2]`
+_AC_EVAL([$ac_compiler --version </dev/null >&AS_MESSAGE_LOG_FD])
+_AC_EVAL([$ac_compiler -v </dev/null >&AS_MESSAGE_LOG_FD])
+_AC_EVAL([$ac_compiler -V </dev/null >&AS_MESSAGE_LOG_FD])
+rm -f a.out
+# If we don't use `.F' as extension, the preprocessor is not run on the
+# input file.  (Note that this only needs to work for GNU compilers.)
+])# _AC_PROG_FC
+# -----------------
+# Determines the form of the filename of modules produced
+# by the Fortran compiler.
+# Tests for all forms of file extension I've (TOHW) found in the
+# wild. Note that at least one compiler (PGI??) changes the
+# case of the basename as well. Whether this happens is
+# encoded in the variable ac_fc_mod_uppercase.
+# This macro depends, of course, on the Fortran compiler producing
+# module files. See comment to AC_FC_MOD_PATH_FLAG.
+# FIXME: This will fail if an F77-only compiler is used.
+# Currently we warn and continue. We should maybe error out.
+cat > conftest.$ac_ext << \_ACEOF
+      module conftest
+       implicit none
+       integer :: i
+      end module conftest
+AC_MSG_CHECKING([for suffix of module files])
+for ac_mod_file in conftest.mod conftest.MOD conftest.M CONFTEST.MOD CONFTEST.mod none 
+  if test -f $ac_mod_file; then
+    break;
+  fi
+rm -f conftest.$ac_ext conftest.$ac_exe_ext conftest.mod conftest.MOD conftest.M CONFTEST.MOD CONFTEST.mod
+case $ac_mod_file in
+  conftest.mod)
+    FC_MODEXT=mod
+    ;;
+  conftest.MOD)
+    ;;
+  conftest.M)
+    ;;
+    ;;
+  CONFTEST.mod)
+    FC_MODEXT=mod
+    ;;
+  none)
+    AC_MSG_WARN([Could not find Fortran module file extension.])
+    ;;
+AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether module filenames are uppercased])
+# ---------------------------
+# COMPILERS is a space separated list of Fortran 77 compilers to search
+# for.  See also _AC_PROG_FC.
+[AC_LANG_PUSH(Fortran 77)dnl
+AC_ARG_VAR([F77],    [Fortran 77 compiler command])dnl
+AC_ARG_VAR([FFLAGS], [Fortran 77 compiler flags])dnl
+_AC_PROG_FC([Fortran 77], [$1])
+G77=`test $ac_compiler_gnu = yes && echo yes`
+AC_LANG_POP(Fortran 77)dnl
+])# AC_PROG_F77
+# -------------------------------------
+# COMPILERS is a space separated list of Fortran 77 compilers to search
+# for, and [DIALECT] is an optional dialect.  See also _AC_PROG_FC.
+[AC_BEFORE([$0], [AC_PROG_FPP])dnl
+AC_ARG_VAR([FC],    [Fortran compiler command])dnl
+AC_ARG_VAR([FCFLAGS], [Fortran compiler flags])dnl
+_AC_PROG_FC([$2], [$1])
+# -------------
+# Check whether -g works, even if F[C]FLAGS is set, in case the package
+# plays around with F[C]FLAGS (such as to build both debugging and normal
+# versions of a library), tasteless as that idea is.
+AC_CACHE_CHECK(whether $[]_AC_FC[] accepts -g, ac_cv_prog_[]_AC_LANG_ABBREV[]_g,
+if test "$ac_test_FFLAGS" = set; then
+elif test $ac_cv_prog_[]_AC_LANG_ABBREV[]_g = yes; then
+  if test "x$ac_cv_[]_AC_LANG_ABBREV[]_compiler_gnu" = xyes; then
+    _AC_LANG_PREFIX[]FLAGS="-g -O2"
+  else
+  fi
+  if test "x$ac_cv_[]_AC_LANG_ABBREV[]_compiler_gnu" = xyes; then
+  else
+  fi
+])# _AC_PROG_FC_G
+# ---------------
+# Test if the Fortran compiler accepts the options `-c' and `-o'
+# simultaneously, and define `[F77/FC]_NO_MINUS_C_MINUS_O' if it does not.
+# The usefulness of this macro is questionable, as I can't really see
+# why anyone would use it.  The only reason I include it is for
+# completeness, since a similar test exists for the C compiler.
+# FIXME: it seems like we could merge the C/Fortran versions of this.
+AC_CACHE_CHECK([whether $[]_AC_FC[] understands -c and -o together],
+               [ac_cv_prog_[]_AC_LANG_ABBREV[]_c_o],
+# We test twice because some compilers refuse to overwrite an existing
+# `.o' file with `-o', although they will create one.
+ac_try='$[]_AC_FC[] $[]_AC_LANG_PREFIX[]FLAGS -c conftest.$ac_ext -o conftest.$ac_objext >&AS_MESSAGE_LOG_FD'
+if AC_TRY_EVAL(ac_try) &&
+     test -f conftest.$ac_objext &&
+     AC_TRY_EVAL(ac_try); then
+  ac_cv_prog_[]_AC_LANG_ABBREV[]_c_o=yes
+  ac_cv_prog_[]_AC_LANG_ABBREV[]_c_o=no
+rm -f conftest*])
+if test $ac_cv_prog_[]_AC_LANG_ABBREV[]_c_o = no; then
+            [Define to 1 if your Fortran compiler doesn't accept
+             -c and -o together.])
+])# _AC_PROG_FC_C_O
+# AC_PROG_F77_C_O
+# ---------------
+AC_LANG_PUSH(Fortran 77)dnl
+AC_LANG_POP(Fortran 77)dnl
+])# AC_PROG_F77_C_O
+# ---------------
+## ------------------------------- ##
+## 4. Compilers' characteristics.  ##
+## ------------------------------- ##
+# ---------------------------------------- #
+# 4d. Fortran 77 compiler characteristics. #
+# ---------------------------------------- #
+# _AC_PROG_FC_V_OUTPUT([FLAG = $ac_cv_prog_{f77/fc}_v])
+# -------------------------------------------------
+# Link a trivial Fortran program, compiling with a verbose output FLAG
+# (whose default value, $ac_cv_prog_{f77/fc}_v, is computed by
+# _AC_PROG_FC_V), and return the output in $ac_{f77/fc}_v_output.  This
+# output is processed in the way expected by _AC_FC_LIBRARY_LDFLAGS,
+# so that any link flags that are echoed by the compiler appear as
+# space-separated items.
+# Compile and link our simple test program by passing a flag (argument
+# 1 to this macro) to the Fortran compiler in order to get
+# "verbose" output that we can then parse for the Fortran linker
+# flags.
+_AC_LANG_PREFIX[]FLAGS="$[]_AC_LANG_PREFIX[]FLAGS m4_default([$1], [$ac_cv_prog_[]_AC_LANG_ABBREV[]_v])"
+(eval echo $as_me:__oline__: \"$ac_link\") >&AS_MESSAGE_LOG_FD
+ac_[]_AC_LANG_ABBREV[]_v_output=`eval $ac_link AS_MESSAGE_LOG_FD>&1 2>&1 | grep -v 'Driving:'`
+echo "$ac_[]_AC_LANG_ABBREV[]_v_output" >&AS_MESSAGE_LOG_FD
+rm -f conftest*
+# On HP/UX there is a line like: "LPATH is: /foo:/bar:/baz" where
+# /foo, /bar, and /baz are search directories for the Fortran linker.
+# Here, we change these into -L/foo -L/bar -L/baz (and put it first):
+ac_[]_AC_LANG_ABBREV[]_v_output="`echo $ac_[]_AC_LANG_ABBREV[]_v_output |
+	grep 'LPATH is:' |
+	sed 's,.*LPATH is\(: *[[^ ]]*\).*,\1,;s,: */, -L/,g'` $ac_[]_AC_LANG_ABBREV[]_v_output"
+case $ac_[]_AC_LANG_ABBREV[]_v_output in
+  # If we are using xlf then replace all the commas with spaces.
+  *xlfentry*)
+    ac_[]_AC_LANG_ABBREV[]_v_output=`echo $ac_[]_AC_LANG_ABBREV[]_v_output | sed 's/,/ /g'` ;;
+  # With Intel ifc, ignore the quoted -mGLOB_options_string stuff (quoted
+  # $LIBS confuse us, and the libraries appear later in the output anyway).
+  *mGLOB_options_string*)
+    ac_[]_AC_LANG_ABBREV[]_v_output=`echo $ac_[]_AC_LANG_ABBREV[]_v_output | sed 's/\"-mGLOB[[^\"]]*\"/ /g'` ;;
+  # If we are using Cray Fortran then delete quotes.
+  # Use "\"" instead of '"' for font-lock-mode.
+  # FIXME: a more general fix for quoted arguments with spaces?
+  *cft90*)
+    ac_[]_AC_LANG_ABBREV[]_v_output=`echo $ac_[]_AC_LANG_ABBREV[]_v_output | sed "s/\"//g"` ;;
+# --------------
+# Determine the flag that causes the Fortran compiler to print
+# information of library and object files (normally -v)
+# Needed for _AC_FC_LIBRARY_FLAGS
+# Some compilers don't accept -v (Lahey: -verbose, xlf: -V, Fujitsu: -###)
+AC_CACHE_CHECK([how to get verbose linking output from $[]_AC_FC[]],
+                [ac_cv_prog_[]_AC_LANG_ABBREV[]_v],
+# Try some options frequently used verbose output
+for ac_verb in -v -verbose --verbose -V -\#\#\#; do
+  _AC_PROG_FC_V_OUTPUT($ac_verb)
+  # look for -l* and *.a constructs in the output
+  for ac_arg in $ac_[]_AC_LANG_ABBREV[]_v_output; do
+     case $ac_arg in
+        [[\\/]]*.a | ?:[[\\/]]*.a | -[[lLRu]]*)
+          ac_cv_prog_[]_AC_LANG_ABBREV[]_v=$ac_verb
+          break 2 ;;
+     esac
+  done
+if test -z "$ac_cv_prog_[]_AC_LANG_ABBREV[]_v"; then
+   AC_MSG_WARN([cannot determine how to obtain linking information from $[]_AC_FC[]])
+                  [AC_MSG_WARN([compilation failed])])
+])])# _AC_PROG_FC_V
+# ----------------------
+# Determine the linker flags (e.g. "-L" and "-l") for the Fortran
+# intrinsic and run-time libraries that are required to successfully
+# link a Fortran program or shared library.  The output variable
+# FLIBS/FCLIBS is set to these flags.
+# This macro is intended to be used in those situations when it is
+# necessary to mix, e.g. C++ and Fortran, source code into a single
+# program or shared library.
+# For example, if object files from a C++ and Fortran compiler must
+# be linked together, then the C++ compiler/linker must be used for
+# linking (since special C++-ish things need to happen at link time
+# like calling global constructors, instantiating templates, enabling
+# exception support, etc.).
+# However, the Fortran intrinsic and run-time libraries must be
+# linked in as well, but the C++ compiler/linker doesn't know how to
+# add these Fortran libraries.  Hence, the macro
+# "AC_F77_LIBRARY_LDFLAGS" was created to determine these Fortran
+# libraries.
+# This macro was packaged in its current form by Matthew D. Langston.
+# However, nearly all of this macro came from the "OCTAVE_FLIBS" macro
+# in "octave-2.0.13/aclocal.m4", and full credit should go to John
+# W. Eaton for writing this extremely useful macro.  Thank you John.
+AC_CACHE_CHECK([for Fortran libraries of $[]_AC_FC[]], ac_cv_[]_AC_LANG_ABBREV[]_libs,
+[if test "x$[]_AC_LANG_PREFIX[]LIBS" != "x"; then
+  ac_cv_[]_AC_LANG_ABBREV[]_libs="$[]_AC_LANG_PREFIX[]LIBS" # Let the user override the test.
+# Save positional arguments (if any)
+set X $ac_[]_AC_LANG_ABBREV[]_v_output
+while test $[@%:@] != 1; do
+  shift
+  ac_arg=$[1]
+  case $ac_arg in
+        [[\\/]]*.a | ?:[[\\/]]*.a)
+          _AC_LIST_MEMBER_IF($ac_arg, $ac_cv_[]_AC_LANG_ABBREV[]_libs, ,
+              ac_cv_[]_AC_LANG_ABBREV[]_libs="$ac_cv_[]_AC_LANG_ABBREV[]_libs $ac_arg")
+          ;;
+        -bI:*)
+          _AC_LIST_MEMBER_IF($ac_arg, $ac_cv_[]_AC_LANG_ABBREV[]_libs, ,
+             [_AC_LINKER_OPTION([$ac_arg], ac_cv_[]_AC_LANG_ABBREV[]_libs)])
+          ;;
+          # Ignore these flags.
+        -lang* | -lcrt*.o | -lc | -lgcc | -libmil | -LANG:=*)
+          ;;
+        -lkernel32)
+          test x"$CYGWIN" != xyes && ac_cv_[]_AC_LANG_ABBREV[]_libs="$ac_cv_[]_AC_LANG_ABBREV[]_libs $ac_arg"
+          ;;
+        -[[LRuY]])
+          # These flags, when seen by themselves, take an argument.
+          # We remove the space between option and argument and re-iterate
+          # unless we find an empty arg or a new option (starting with -)
+	  case $[2] in
+	     "" | -*);;
+	     *)
+		ac_arg="$ac_arg$[2]"
+		shift; shift
+		set X $ac_arg "$[@]"
+		;;
+	  esac
+          ;;
+        -YP,*)
+          for ac_j in `echo $ac_arg | sed -e 's/-YP,/-L/;s/:/ -L/g'`; do
+            _AC_LIST_MEMBER_IF($ac_j, $ac_cv_[]_AC_LANG_ABBREV[]_libs, ,
+                               [ac_arg="$ac_arg $ac_j"
+                               ac_cv_[]_AC_LANG_ABBREV[]_libs="$ac_cv_[]_AC_LANG_ABBREV[]_libs $ac_j"])
+          done
+          ;;
+        -[[lLR]]*)
+          _AC_LIST_MEMBER_IF($ac_arg, $ac_cv_[]_AC_LANG_ABBREV[]_libs, ,
+                             ac_cv_[]_AC_LANG_ABBREV[]_libs="$ac_cv_[]_AC_LANG_ABBREV[]_libs $ac_arg")
+          ;;
+          # Ignore everything else.
+  esac
+# restore positional arguments
+set X $ac_save_positional; shift
+# We only consider "LD_RUN_PATH" on Solaris systems.  If this is seen,
+# then we insist that the "run path" must be an absolute path (i.e. it
+# must begin with a "/").
+case `(uname -sr) 2>/dev/null` in
+   "SunOS 5"*)
+      ac_ld_run_path=`echo $ac_[]_AC_LANG_ABBREV[]_v_output |
+                        sed -n 's,^.*LD_RUN_PATH *= *\(/[[^ ]]*\).*$,-R\1,p'`
+      test "x$ac_ld_run_path" != x &&
+        _AC_LINKER_OPTION([$ac_ld_run_path], ac_cv_[]_AC_LANG_ABBREV[]_libs)
+      ;;
+fi # test "x$[]_AC_LANG_PREFIX[]LIBS" = "x"
+# ----------------------
+AC_LANG_PUSH(Fortran 77)dnl
+AC_LANG_POP(Fortran 77)dnl
+# ----------------------
+# -----------------------------------------------------------
+# Detect name of dummy main routine required by the Fortran libraries,
+# (if any) and define {F77,FC}_DUMMY_MAIN to this name (which should be
+# used for a dummy declaration, if it is defined).  On some systems,
+# linking a C program to the Fortran library does not work unless you
+# supply a dummy function called something like MAIN__.
+# Execute ACTION-IF-NOT-FOUND if no way of successfully linking a C
+# program with the {F77,FC} libs is found; default to exiting with an error
+# message.  Execute ACTION-IF-FOUND if a dummy routine name is needed
+# and found or if it is not needed (default to defining {F77,FC}_DUMMY_MAIN
+# when needed).
+# What is technically happening is that the Fortran libraries provide
+# their own main() function, which usually initializes Fortran I/O and
+# similar stuff, and then calls MAIN__, which is the entry point of
+# your program.  Usually, a C program will override this with its own
+# main() routine, but the linker sometimes complain if you don't
+# provide a dummy (never-called) MAIN__ routine anyway.
+# Of course, programs that want to allow Fortran subroutines to do
+# I/O, etcetera, should call their main routine MAIN__() (or whatever)
+# instead of main().  A separate autoconf test (_AC_FC_MAIN) checks
+# for the routine to use in this case (since the semantics of the test
+# are slightly different).  To link to e.g. purely numerical
+# libraries, this is normally not necessary, however, and most C/C++
+# programs are reluctant to turn over so much control to Fortran.  =)
+# The name variants we check for are (in order):
+#   MAIN__ (g77, MAIN__ required on some systems; IRIX, MAIN__ optional)
+#   MAIN_, __main (SunOS)
+#   MAIN _MAIN __MAIN main_ main__ _main (we follow DDD and try these too)
+[#ifdef ]_AC_FC[_DUMMY_MAIN
+]AC_LANG_CASE([Fortran], [#ifndef FC_DUMMY_MAIN_EQ_F77])
+[#  ifdef __cplusplus
+     extern "C"
+#  endif
+   int ]_AC_FC[_DUMMY_MAIN() { return 1; }
+]AC_LANG_CASE([Fortran], [#endif])
+AC_CACHE_CHECK([for dummy main to link with Fortran libraries],
+               ac_cv_[]_AC_LANG_ABBREV[]_dummy_main,
+ ac_fortran_dm_var=[]_AC_FC[]_DUMMY_MAIN
+ # First, try linking without a dummy main:
+                [ac_cv_fortran_dummy_main=none],
+                [ac_cv_fortran_dummy_main=unknown])
+ if test $ac_cv_fortran_dummy_main = unknown; then
+   for ac_func in MAIN__ MAIN_ __main MAIN _MAIN __MAIN main_ main__ _main; do
+     AC_LINK_IFELSE([AC_LANG_PROGRAM([[@%:@define $ac_fortran_dm_var $ac_func]])],
+                    [ac_cv_fortran_dummy_main=$ac_func; break])
+   done
+ fi
+ ac_cv_[]_AC_LANG_ABBREV[]_dummy_main=$ac_cv_fortran_dummy_main
+ rm -f conftest*
+ LIBS=$ac_[]_AC_LANG_ABBREV[]_dm_save_LIBS
+AS_IF([test "$[]_AC_FC[]_DUMMY_MAIN" != unknown],
+      [m4_default([$1],
+[if test $[]_AC_FC[]_DUMMY_MAIN != none; then
+                     [Define to dummy `main' function (if any) required to
+                      link to the Fortran libraries.])
+  if test "x$ac_cv_fc_dummy_main" = "x$ac_cv_f77_dummy_main"; then
+                  [Define if F77 and FC dummy `main' functions are identical.])
+  fi
+      [m4_default([$2],
+            [AC_MSG_FAILURE([linking to Fortran libraries from C fails])])])
+# ----------------------
+AC_LANG_PUSH(Fortran 77)dnl
+AC_LANG_POP(Fortran 77)dnl
+# ----------------------
+# -----------
+# Define {F77,FC}_MAIN to name of alternate main() function for use with
+# the Fortran libraries.  (Typically, the libraries may define their
+# own main() to initialize I/O, etcetera, that then call your own
+# routine called MAIN__ or whatever.)  See _AC_FC_DUMMY_MAIN, above.
+# If no such alternate name is found, just define {F77,FC}_MAIN to main.
+AC_CACHE_CHECK([for alternate main to link with Fortran libraries],
+               ac_cv_[]_AC_LANG_ABBREV[]_main,
+ ac_fortran_dm_var=[]_AC_FC[]_DUMMY_MAIN
+ ac_cv_fortran_main="main" # default entry point name
+ for ac_func in MAIN__ MAIN_ __main MAIN _MAIN __MAIN main_ main__ _main; do
+@%:@  undef F77_DUMMY_MAIN
+@%:@  undef FC_DUMMY_MAIN
+@%:@  undef $ac_fortran_dm_var
+@%:@define main $ac_func])],
+                  [ac_cv_fortran_main=$ac_func; break])
+ done
+ ac_cv_[]_AC_LANG_ABBREV[]_main=$ac_cv_fortran_main
+ rm -f conftest*
+ LIBS=$ac_[]_AC_LANG_ABBREV[]_m_save_LIBS
+if test "$ac_cv_[]_AC_LANG_ABBREV[]_main" = main; then
+  AC_DEFINE([]_AC_FC[]_MAIN_IS_MAIN, 1, [True when Fortran main is C main])
+                   [Define to alternate name for `main' routine that is
+                    called from a `main' in the Fortran libraries.])
+])# _AC_FC_MAIN
+# AC_F77_MAIN
+# -----------
+AC_LANG_PUSH(Fortran 77)dnl
+AC_LANG_POP(Fortran 77)dnl
+])# AC_F77_MAIN
+# ----------
+# ---------------------
+# Test for the name mangling scheme used by the Fortran compiler.
+# Sets ac_cv_{f77,fc}_mangling. The value contains three fields, separated
+# by commas:
+# lower case / upper case:
+#    case translation of the Fortran symbols
+# underscore / no underscore:
+#    whether the compiler appends "_" to symbol names
+# extra underscore / no extra underscore:
+#    whether the compiler appends an extra "_" to symbol names already
+#    containing at least one underscore
+AC_CACHE_CHECK([for Fortran name-mangling scheme],
+               ac_cv_[]_AC_LANG_ABBREV[]_mangling,
+[      subroutine foobar()
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine foo_bar()
+      return
+      end],
+[mv conftest.$ac_objext cfortran_test.$ac_objext
+  ac_save_LIBS=$LIBS
+  LIBS="cfortran_test.$ac_objext $LIBS $[]_AC_LANG_PREFIX[]LIBS"
+  ac_success=no
+  for ac_foobar in foobar FOOBAR; do
+    for ac_underscore in "" "_"; do
+      ac_func="$ac_foobar$ac_underscore"
+      AC_LINK_IFELSE([AC_LANG_CALL([], [$ac_func])],
+		     [ac_success=yes; break 2])
+    done
+  done
+  AC_LANG_POP(C)dnl
+  if test "$ac_success" = "yes"; then
+     case $ac_foobar in
+	foobar)
+	   ac_case=lower
+	   ac_foo_bar=foo_bar
+	   ;;
+	   ac_case=upper
+	   ac_foo_bar=FOO_BAR
+	   ;;
+     esac
+     AC_LANG_PUSH(C)dnl
+     ac_success_extra=no
+     for ac_extra in "" "_"; do
+	ac_func="$ac_foo_bar$ac_underscore$ac_extra"
+	AC_LINK_IFELSE([AC_LANG_CALL([], [$ac_func])],
+		       [ac_success_extra=yes; break])
+     done
+     AC_LANG_POP(C)dnl
+     if test "$ac_success_extra" = "yes"; then
+	ac_cv_[]_AC_LANG_ABBREV[]_mangling="$ac_case case"
+        if test -z "$ac_underscore"; then
+           ac_cv_[]_AC_LANG_ABBREV[]_mangling="$ac_cv_[]_AC_LANG_ABBREV[]_mangling, no underscore"
+	else
+           ac_cv_[]_AC_LANG_ABBREV[]_mangling="$ac_cv_[]_AC_LANG_ABBREV[]_mangling, underscore"
+        fi
+        if test -z "$ac_extra"; then
+           ac_cv_[]_AC_LANG_ABBREV[]_mangling="$ac_cv_[]_AC_LANG_ABBREV[]_mangling, no extra underscore"
+	else
+           ac_cv_[]_AC_LANG_ABBREV[]_mangling="$ac_cv_[]_AC_LANG_ABBREV[]_mangling, extra underscore"
+        fi
+      else
+	ac_cv_[]_AC_LANG_ABBREV[]_mangling="unknown"
+      fi
+  else
+     ac_cv_[]_AC_LANG_ABBREV[]_mangling="unknown"
+  fi
+  LIBS=$ac_save_LIBS
+  rm -f cfortran_test* conftest*],
+  [AC_MSG_FAILURE([cannot compile a simple Fortran program])])
+# The replacement is empty.
+# ----------------------
+AC_LANG_PUSH(Fortran 77)dnl
+AC_LANG_POP(Fortran 77)dnl
+# ----------------------
+# ---------------
+# Defines C macros {F77,FC}_FUNC(name,NAME) and {F77,FC}_FUNC_(name,NAME) to
+# properly mangle the names of C identifiers, and C identifiers with
+# underscores, respectively, so that they match the name mangling
+# scheme used by the Fortran compiler.
+    [Define to a macro mangling the given C identifier (in lower and upper
+     case), which must not contain underscores, for linking with Fortran.])dnl
+    [As ]_AC_FC[_FUNC, but for C identifiers containing underscores.])dnl
+case $ac_cv_[]_AC_LANG_ABBREV[]_mangling in
+  "lower case, no underscore, no extra underscore")
+          AC_DEFINE(_AC_FC[_FUNC(name,NAME)],  [name])
+          AC_DEFINE(_AC_FC[_FUNC_(name,NAME)], [name]) ;;
+  "lower case, no underscore, extra underscore")
+          AC_DEFINE(_AC_FC[_FUNC(name,NAME)],  [name])
+          AC_DEFINE(_AC_FC[_FUNC_(name,NAME)], [name ## _]) ;;
+  "lower case, underscore, no extra underscore")
+          AC_DEFINE(_AC_FC[_FUNC(name,NAME)],  [name ## _])
+          AC_DEFINE(_AC_FC[_FUNC_(name,NAME)], [name ## _]) ;;
+  "lower case, underscore, extra underscore")
+          AC_DEFINE(_AC_FC[_FUNC(name,NAME)],  [name ## _])
+          AC_DEFINE(_AC_FC[_FUNC_(name,NAME)], [name ## __]) ;;
+  "upper case, no underscore, no extra underscore")
+          AC_DEFINE(_AC_FC[_FUNC(name,NAME)],  [NAME])
+          AC_DEFINE(_AC_FC[_FUNC_(name,NAME)], [NAME]) ;;
+  "upper case, no underscore, extra underscore")
+          AC_DEFINE(_AC_FC[_FUNC(name,NAME)],  [NAME])
+          AC_DEFINE(_AC_FC[_FUNC_(name,NAME)], [NAME ## _]) ;;
+  "upper case, underscore, no extra underscore")
+          AC_DEFINE(_AC_FC[_FUNC(name,NAME)],  [NAME ## _])
+          AC_DEFINE(_AC_FC[_FUNC_(name,NAME)], [NAME ## _]) ;;
+  "upper case, underscore, extra underscore")
+          AC_DEFINE(_AC_FC[_FUNC(name,NAME)],  [NAME ## _])
+          AC_DEFINE(_AC_FC[_FUNC_(name,NAME)], [NAME ## __]) ;;
+  *)
+          AC_MSG_WARN([unknown Fortran name-mangling scheme])
+          ;;
+# ---------------
+AC_LANG_PUSH(Fortran 77)dnl
+AC_LANG_POP(Fortran 77)dnl
+# --------------
+# ------------------------------------
+# For a Fortran subroutine of given NAME, define a shell variable
+# $SHELLVAR to the Fortran-mangled name.  If the SHELLVAR
+# argument is not supplied, it defaults to NAME.
+case $ac_cv_[]_AC_LANG_ABBREV[]_mangling in
+  upper*) ac_val="m4_toupper([$1])" ;;
+  lower*) ac_val="m4_tolower([$1])" ;;
+  *)      ac_val="unknown" ;;
+case $ac_cv_[]_AC_LANG_ABBREV[]_mangling in *," underscore"*) ac_val="$ac_val"_ ;; esac
+[case $ac_cv_[]_AC_LANG_ABBREV[]_mangling in *," extra underscore"*) ac_val="$ac_val"_ ;; esac
+])# _AC_FC_FUNC
+# ------------------------------------
+AC_LANG_PUSH(Fortran 77)dnl
+AC_LANG_POP(Fortran 77)dnl
+])# AC_F77_FUNC
+# -----------------------------------
+# -----------------------------------------------------------
+# Set the source-code extension used in Fortran (FC) tests to EXT (which
+# defaults to f).  Also, look for any necessary additional FCFLAGS needed
+# to allow this extension, and store them in the output variable
+# FCFLAGS_<EXT> (e.g. FCFLAGS_f90 for EXT=f90).  If successful,
+# call ACTION-IF-SUCCESS.  If unable to compile source code with EXT,
+# call ACTION-IF-FAILURE, which defaults to failing with an error
+# message.
+# (The flags for the current source-code extension, if any, are stored
+# in the FCFLAGS_SRCEXT variable and are automatically used in subsequent
+# autoconf tests.)
+# For ordinary extensions like f90, etcetera, the modified FCFLAGS
+# are currently needed for IBM's xlf* and Intel's ifc (grrr).  Unfortunately,
+# xlf* will only take flags to recognize one extension at a time, so if the
+# user wants to compile multiple extensions (.f90 and .f95, say), she
+# will need to use the FCFLAGS_F90 and FCFLAGS_F95 individually rather
+# than just adding them all to FCFLAGS, for example.
+# Also, for Intel's ifc compiler (which does not accept .f95 by default in
+# some versions), the $FCFLAGS_<EXT> variable *must* go immediately before
+# the source file on the command line, unlike other $FCFLAGS.  Ugh.
+AC_MSG_WARN([AC@&t at _FC@&t at _SRCEXT is deprecated. Use AC@&t at _FC_FIXEDFORM([srcext]) or AC@&t at _FC_FREEFORM([srcext]) as appropriate.])
+AC_CACHE_CHECK([for Fortran flag to compile .$1 files],
+                ac_cv_fc_srcext_$1,
+for ac_flag in none -qsuffix=f=$1 -Tf; do
+  test "x$ac_flag" != xnone && FCFLAGS_SRCEXT="$ac_flag"
+  AC_COMPILE_IFELSE([AC_LANG_PROGRAM()], [ac_cv_fc_srcext_$1=$ac_flag; break])
+rm -f conftest.$ac_objext conftest.$1
+if test "x$ac_cv_fc_srcext_$1" = xunknown; then
+  m4_default([$3],[AC_MSG_ERROR([Fortran could not compile .$1 files])])
+  if test "x$ac_cv_fc_srcext_$1" = xnone; then
+    FCFLAGS_[]$1[]="$FCFLAGS_[]$1[]"
+  else
+    FCFLAGS_SRCEXT=$ac_cv_fc_srcext_$1
+    FCFLAGS_[]$1[]="$FCFLAGS_[]$1[] $ac_cv_fc_srcext_$1"
+  fi
+  $2
+# -------------- #
+# Utility macros #
+# -------------- #
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Look for compiler flags to make the Fortran (FC) compiler accept
+# fixed-format source code, with a source extension of SRCEXT, 
+# and puts any necessary flags in FCFLAGS_fixed_<SRCEXT>.  Call
+# ACTION-IF-SUCCESS (defaults to nothing) if successful (i.e. can
+# compile fixed-format code using new extension) and ACTION-IF-FAILURE
+# (defaults to failing with an error message) if not.
+# The known flags are:
+#                -FI: Intel compiler (icc, ecc)
+#            -qfixed: IBM compiler (xlf)
+#             -fixed: NAG compiler
+#           -Mnofree: PGI compiler
+# We try to test the "more popular" flags first, by some prejudiced
+# notion of popularity.
+AC_CACHE_CHECK([for Fortran flag needed to allow fixed-form source for .$1 suffix],
+                ac_cv_fc_fixedform_$1,
+for ac_flag in none -FI "-qfixed -qsuffix=cpp=$ac_ext" -fixed --fix -Mnofree
+  test "x$ac_flag" != xnone && FCFLAGS="$ac_fc_fixedform_FCFLAGS_save $ac_flag"
+      PRI  NT*, 'HELLO '//
+     .      'WORLD.'
+                    [ac_cv_fc_fixedform_$1=$ac_flag; break])
+rm -f conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext conftest.$ac_ext
+if test "x$ac_cv_fc_fixedform_$1" = xunknown; then
+  m4_default([$3],
+             [AC_MSG_ERROR([Cannot compile fixed-form source with .$1 suffix], 77)])
+  if test "x$ac_cv_fc_fixedform_$1" != xnone; then
+    AC_SUBST(FCFLAGS_fixed_[]$1, "$ac_cv_fc_fixedform_$1")
+  fi
+  $2
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Look for compiler flags to make the Fortran (FC) compiler accept
+# free-format source code, with a source extension of SRCEXT, 
+# and puts any necessary flags in FCFLAGS_free_<SRCEXT>.  Call
+# ACTION-IF-SUCCESS (defaults to nothing) if successful (i.e. can
+# compile fixed-format code using new extension) and ACTION-IF-FAILURE
+# (defaults to failing with an error message) if not.
+# For backwards compatibility, this macro may be called without 
+# specifying SRCEXT, in which case, a default extension of f90
+# is used.  This usage is deprecated.
+# The known flags are:
+#                        -ffree-form: GNU g77
+#                                -FR: Intel compiler (icc, ecc)
+#                              -free: Compaq compiler (fort), NAG compiler 
+#         -qfree -qsuffix=f=<SRCEXT>: IBM compiler (xlf) (generates a warning
+#                                         with recent versions)
+#     -qfree=f90 -qsuffix=f=<SRCEXT>: Newer xlf versions 
+#                             --nfix: Lahey compiler
+#                 -Mfree, -Mfreeform: Portland Group compiler
+#                          -freeform: SGI compiler
+#                            -f free: Absoft Fortran
+# We try to test the "more popular" flags first, by some prejudiced
+# notion of popularity.
+dnl default _AC_EXT to 'f90', if no argument is given.
+m4_define([_AC_EXT], m4_if($1, [], f90, $1))dnl
+AC_CACHE_CHECK([for Fortran flag needed to allow free-form source for .]_AC_EXT[ suffix],
+                ac_cv_fc_freeform_[]_AC_EXT,
+for ac_flag in none -ffree-form -FR -free "-qfree=f90" "-qfree=f90 -qsuffix=f=$ac_ext"\
+               -qfree "-qfree -qsuffix=f=$ac_ext" -Mfree -Mfreeform \
+               -freeform "-f free" --nfix
+  test "x$ac_flag" != xnone && FCFLAGS="$ac_fc_freeform_FCFLAGS_save $ac_flag"
+program freeform
+! FIXME: how to best confuse non-freeform compilers?
+print *, 'Hello ', &
+end program],
+                    [ac_cv_fc_freeform_[]_AC_EXT=$ac_flag; break])
+rm -f conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext conftest.$ac_ext
+if test "x$ac_cv_fc_freeform_[]_AC_EXT" = xunknown; then
+  m4_default([$3],
+             [AC_MSG_ERROR([Cannot compile free-form source with .]_AC_EXT[ suffix], 77)])
+  if test "x$ac_cv_fc_freeform_[]_AC_EXT" != xnone; then
+dnl  if the first argument was absent, then implement the old behaviour,
+dnl  and simply append to variable FCFLAGS
+    m4_if($1, [],
+      [FCFLAGS="$FCFLAGS $ac_cv_fc_freeform_[]_AC_EXT"],
+      [AC_SUBST(FCFLAGS_free_[]_AC_EXT, "$ac_cv_fc_freeform_[]_AC_EXT")])
+  fi
+  $2
+# -------------------
+# Related to AC_FPP_FIXEDFORM, but used only from _AC_PROG_FC_FPP.
+# How do we directly compile a preprocessable .F file?
+# This should be a no-op on all systems except those with case-sensitive
+# filenames, and those which can't do direct compilation anyway.
+# Do not put result into cached variable if it fails.
+for ac_flag in none "/fpp" "-x f77-cpp-input" "-FI -cpp" "-qfixed -qsuffix=cpp=F" "-fixed -fpp" "-lfe \"-Cpp\" --fix"
+  test "x$ac_flag" != xnone && FCFLAGS="$ac_fpp_fixedform_FCFLAGS_save $ac_flag"
+      PRI  NT*, 'HELLO '//
+     .      'WORLD.'
+#ifdef OK2
+  choke me
+#ifndef OK
+  ],
+  [ac_cv_fpp_fixedform_F=$ac_flag; break])
+rm -f conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext conftest.$ac_ext
+if test "x$ac_cv_fpp_fixedform_F" = x; then
+  AC_MSG_WARN([Cannot compile fixed-form preprocessable Fortran with a .F extension.])
+  if test "$ac_cv_fpp_fixedform_F" != none; then
+    FPPFLAGS_fixed_F="$ac_cv_fpp_fixedform_F"
+    AC_SUBST(FPPFLAGS_fixed_F, "$ac_cv_fpp_fixedform_F")
+  fi
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Look for compiler flags to make the Fortran (FC) compiler accept
+# preprocessed fixed-format source code, with a source extension of
+# SRCEXT, and puts any necessary flags in FPPFLAGS_fixed_<SRCEXT>.
+# Call ACTION-IF-SUCCESS (defaults to nothing) if successful (i.e. can
+# compile fixed-format code using new extension) and ACTION-IF-FAILURE
+# (defaults to failing with an error message) if not.
+# Mostly, this is applicable only when using direct compilation.
+# However the macro also sets FPP_PREPROCESS_EXT and FPP_COMPILE_EXT,
+# based on SRCEXT.  SRCEXT can be either 'EXT' or 'EXT1:ext2'; in the
+# first case, the preprocessor extension is 'EXT', and the compile
+# extension 'ext' (ie, the preprocessor extension, lowercased); in the
+# second, the preprocessor extension is 'EXT1' and the compile
+# extension 'ext2'.
+# The known flags are:
+#              -x f77-cpp-input: g77
+#                      -FI -cpp: Intel compiler (ifort)
+# -qfixed -qsuffix=cpp=<SRCEXT>: IBM compiler (xlf)
+#                   -fixed -fpp: NAG compiler
+#             -lfe "-Cpp" --fix: Lahey compiler
+#                      -Mnofree: PGI (no flag for preprocessing available)
+# We try to test the "more popular" flags first, by some prejudiced
+# notion of popularity.
+# NB when updating this list of flags, also update those of the previous
+# macro.
+dnl Extract preprocessor extension _ac_ppext from $1, part preceding any ':'
+m4_define([_ac_ppext],  m4_bpatsubst([$1], [:.*]))dnl
+AC_CACHE_CHECK([for Fortran flag needed to allow preprocessed fixed-form source for ._ac_ppext suffix],
+                ac_cv_fpp_fixedform_[]_ac_ppext,
+[if test $ac_cv_fpp_build_rule = direct; then
+  ac_cv_fpp_fixedform_[]_ac_ppext=unknown
+  ac_ext=_ac_ppext
+  ac_fpp_fixedform_FCFLAGS_save=$FCFLAGS
+  for ac_flag in none "-x f77-cpp-input" "-FI -cpp" "-qfixed -qsuffix=cpp=_ac_ppext" "-fixed -fpp" "-lfe \"-Cpp\" --fix"
+  do
+    test "x$ac_flag" != xnone && FCFLAGS="$ac_fpp_fixedform_FCFLAGS_save $ac_flag"
+      PRI  NT*, 'HELLO '//
+     .      'WORLD.'
+#ifndef OK
+  ],
+                    [ac_cv_fpp_fixedform_[]_ac_ppext=$ac_flag; break])
+  done
+  rm -f conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext conftest.$ac_ext
+  FCFLAGS=$ac_fpp_fixedform_FCFLAGS_save
+  ac_cv_fpp_fixedform_[]_ac_ppext=none
+fi # test $ac_cv_fpp_build_rule = direct
+if test "x$ac_cv_fpp_fixedform_[]_ac_ppext" = xunknown; then
+  m4_default([$3],
+             [AC_MSG_ERROR([Cannot compile fixed-form source with ._ac_ppext suffix], 77)])
+  if test "x$ac_cv_fpp_fixedform_[]_ac_ppext" != xnone; then
+    AC_SUBST(FPPFLAGS_fixed_[]_ac_ppext, "$ac_cv_fpp_fixedform_[]_ac_ppext")
+  fi
+  $2
+FPP_COMPILE_EXT=m4_if(m4_index([$1], :), -1,
+                      m4_tolower([$1]),
+                      m4_bpatsubst([$1], [.*:]))
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Look for compiler flags to make the Fortran (FC) compiler accept
+# preprocessed free-format source code, with a source extension of SRCEXT, 
+# and puts any necessary flags in FPPFLAGS_free_<SRCEXT>.  Call
+# ACTION-IF-SUCCESS (defaults to nothing) if successful (i.e. can
+# compile fixed-format code using new extension) and ACTION-IF-FAILURE
+# (defaults to failing with an error message) if not.  
+# Mostly, this is applicable only when using direct compilation.
+# However the macro also sets FPP_PREPROCESS_EXT and FPP_COMPILE_EXT,
+# based on SRCEXT.  SRCEXT can be either 'EXT' or 'EXT1:ext2'; in the
+# first case, the preprocessor extension is 'EXT', and the compile
+# extension 'ext' (ie, the preprocessor extension, lowercased); in the
+# second, the preprocessor extension is 'EXT1' and the compile
+# extension 'ext2'.
+# The known flags are:
+#     -ffree-form -x f77-cpp-input: GNU g77
+#                         -FR -cpp: Intel compiler (ifort) on unix
+#                         /FR /fpp: Intel compiler (ifort) on windows
+#                       -free -cpp: Compaq compiler (fort), NAG compiler 
+#     -qfree -qsuffix=cpp=<SRCEXT>: IBM compiler (xlf) (generates a warning
+#                                       with recent versions)
+# -qfree=f90 -qsuffix=cpp=<SRCEXT>: Newer xlf versions 
+#                --nfix -lfe="Cpp": Lahey compiler
+#               -Mfree, -Mfreeform: PGI (no flag for preprocessing available)
+#                        -freeform: SGI compiler
+#                          -f free: Absoft Fortran
+#                       -fpp -free: NAG Fortran
+# We try to test the "more popular" flags first, by some prejudiced
+# notion of popularity. Also, Intel/Windows must be first or it gets
+# confused
+dnl Extract preprocessor extension _ac_ppext from $1, part preceding any ':'
+m4_define([_ac_ppext],  m4_bpatsubst([$1], [:.*]))dnl
+AC_CACHE_CHECK([for Fortran flag needed to allow free-form preprocessed source for ._ac_ppext suffix],
+                ac_cv_fpp_freeform_[]_ac_ppext,
+[if test $ac_cv_fpp_build_rule = direct; then
+   ac_cv_fpp_freeform_[]_ac_ppext=unknown
+   ac_ext=_ac_ppext
+   ac_fpp_freeform_FCFLAGS_save=$FCFLAGS
+   for ac_flag in none "/FR /fpp" "-ffree-form -x f77-cpp-input" \
+                 "-FR -cpp" "-free -cpp" "-qfree=f90 -qsuffix=cpp=_ac_ppext"\
+                 "-qfree -qsuffix=cpp=_ac_ppext" -Mfree -Mfreeform \
+                  -freeform "-f free" --nfix "-fpp -free"
+   do
+      test "x$ac_flag" != xnone && FCFLAGS="$ac_fpp_freeform_FCFLAGS_save $ac_flag"
+program freeform
+! FIXME: how to best confuse non-freeform compilers?
+print *, 'Hello ', &
+#ifdef OK2
+  choke me
+#ifndef OK
+end program
+  ],
+                        [ac_cv_fpp_freeform_[]_ac_ppext=$ac_flag; break])
+   done
+   rm -f conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext conftest.$ac_ext
+   FCFLAGS=$ac_fpp_freeform_FCFLAGS_save
+   ac_cv_fpp_freeform_[]_ac_ppext=none
+fi # test $ac_cv_fpp_build_rule = direct 
+if test "x$ac_cv_fpp_freeform_[]_ac_ppext" = xunknown; then
+   m4_default([$3],
+              [AC_MSG_ERROR([Cannot compile free-form source with ._ac_ppext suffix], 77)])
+   if test "x$ac_cv_fpp_freeform_[]_ac_ppext" != xnone; then
+      AC_SUBST(FPPFLAGS_free_[]_ac_ppext, "$ac_cv_fpp_freeform_[]_ac_ppext")
+   fi
+   $2
+FPP_COMPILE_EXT=m4_if(m4_index([$1], :), -1,
+                      m4_tolower([$1]),
+                      m4_bpatsubst([$1], [.*:]))
+# AC_FC_OPEN_SPECIFIERS(specifier ...)
+# ------------------------------------
+# The Fortran OPEN statement is a rich source of portability problems,
+# since there are numerous common extensions which consiste of extra
+# specifiers, several of which are useful when they are available.
+# For each of the specifiers in the (whitespace-separated) argument
+# list, define HAVE_FC_OPEN_mungedspecifier if the specifier may be
+# given as  argument to the OPEN statement.  The `mungedspecifier' is the
+# `specifier' converted to uppercase and with all characters outside
+# [a-zA-Z0-9_] deleted.  Note that this may include `specifiers' such
+# as "access='append'" and "[access='sequential',recl=1]" (note quoting of
+# comma) to check combinations of specifiers.  You may not include a
+# space in the `specifier', even quoted.  Each argument must be a
+# maximum of 65 characters in length (to abide by Fortran 77
+# line-length limits). 
+dnl Multiple m4_quote instances are necessary in case specifier includes comma.
+dnl In the Fortran OPEN line, include status='scratch' unless status=???
+dnl is in the specifier being tested.
+dnl Put specifier on continuation line, in case it's long.
+         [AC_REQUIRE([AC_PROG_FC])dnl
+          AC_LANG_PUSH([Fortran])
+          AC_FOREACH([Specifier],
+                     m4_quote(m4_toupper([$1])),
+                     [m4_define([mungedspec],
+                                m4_bpatsubst(m4_quote(Specifier), [[^a-zA-Z0-9_]], []))
+                      AC_CACHE_CHECK([whether ${FC} supports OPEN specifier ]m4_quote(Specifier),
+                          [ac_cv_fc_spec_]mungedspec,
+                          [AC_COMPILE_IFELSE(AC_LANG_PROGRAM([],
+                                                             [      OPEN(UNIT=99,]m4_if(m4_bregexp(m4_quote(Specifier), [\<STATUS *=]), -1, [STATUS='SCRATCH'[,]], [])
+     :m4_quote(Specifier)[)]),
+                                             [ac_cv_fc_spec_]mungedspec=yes,
+                                             [ac_cv_fc_spec_]mungedspec=no)])
+                      if test $ac_cv_fc_spec_[]mungedspec = yes; then
+                          AC_DEFINE([HAVE_FC_OPEN_]mungedspec, 1,
+                                    [Define to 1 if the Fortran compiler supports OPEN specifier ]m4_quote(Specifier))
+                      fi])
+           AC_LANG_POP([Fortran])
+# AC_FC_CHECK_INTRINSICS(intrinsic-function ...)
+# ----------------------------------------------
+# Like AC_CHECK_FUNCS, but instead determine the intrinsics available
+# to the Fortran compiler.  For each intrinsic in the
+# (whitespace-separated and case-insensitive) argument list, define
+# HAVE_INTRINSIC_intrinsic-function (uppercased) if it is available.
+# For example, AC_FC_CHECK_INTRINSICS(sin) would define
+# HAVE_INTRINSIC_SIN if the `sin' intrinsic function were available
+# (there are probably rather few Fortrans which don't have this
+# function).  The macro works for both intrinsic functions and
+# intrinsic subroutines.
+   AC_LANG_PUSH([Fortran])
+   AC_FOREACH([IntrinsicName],
+              dnl In case the user is mad, escape impossible names
+              m4_bpatsubst(m4_toupper([$1]), [[^a-zA-Z0-9_ ]], [_]),
+              [AC_CACHE_CHECK([whether ${FC} supports intrinsic ]IntrinsicName,
+                              [ac_cv_fc_has_]IntrinsicName,
+                              [AC_COMPILE_IFELSE([AC_LANG_PROGRAM([],[
+dnl All we need do is attempt to declare the thing as an intrinsic, 
+dnl since it is an error to thus declare a symbol which is not
+dnl in fact an intrinsic function.
+      intrinsic IntrinsicName
+                               ac_cv_fc_has_[]IntrinsicName=yes,
+                               ac_cv_fc_has_[]IntrinsicName=no)])
+               if test $ac_cv_fc_has_[]IntrinsicName = yes; then
+                   AC_DEFINE([HAVE_INTRINSIC_]IntrinsicName, 1,
+                             [Define to 1 if the Fortran compiler supports intrinsic ]IntrinsicName)
+               fi
+              ])
+   AC_LANG_POP([Fortran])
+# ----------------
+# When opening a file for direct access, you must specify
+# the record length with the @samp{OPEN} specifier @samp{RECL};
+# however in the case of unformatted direct access files, the
+# @emph{units} of this specifier are processor dependent, and may be
+# words or bytes.  This macro determines the units and defines
+# @samp{FC_RECL_UNIT} to contain the number of bytes (1, 2, 4, 8, ...) in
+# the processor's unit of measurement.
+# Note that unformatted files are not themselves portable, and should
+# only be used as either temporary files, or as data files which will
+# be read by a program or library compiled with the same Fortran
+# processor.  With this macro, however, you can read and write such
+# files in a portable way.
+         [AC_REQUIRE([AC_PROG_FC])dnl
+          AC_CACHE_CHECK([units for Fortran OPEN RECL],
+                         [ac_cv_fc_recl_unit],
+                         [AC_LANG_PUSH([Fortran])
+                          AC_RUN_IFELSE([AC_LANG_SOURCE([dnl
+*   Make sure these values agree
+      PARAMETER ( NBYTES = 8 )
+      TOFILE = 123456789D56
+      OUTUNIT = 10
+*   Record length to try
+      RECLEN = 1
+*   Unitlen is the result -- zero indicates that no value was successful
+      UNITLEN = 0
+*     Keep on increasing the record length until we hit a
+*     size that allows us to write a number and read it back correctly.
+      DO WHILE (RECLEN .LE. 8)
+         OPEN(UNIT = OUTUNIT,
+     :        FILE = 'conftest.rcl1',
+     :        STATUS = 'NEW',
+     :        FORM = 'UNFORMATTED',
+     :        ACCESS = 'DIRECT',
+     :        RECL = RECLEN,
+     :        ERR = 101)
+*      Write two records to the output file, so that the second will stomp
+*      on the end of the first if the record length is too short.
+            GOTO 102
+         END IF
+*      Error opening unit; close and delete the file
+ 101     CONTINUE
+         RECLEN = RECLEN * 2
+      END DO
+*   Got a match
+     :     FILE = 'conftest.rcl2',
+     :     STATUS = 'NEW',
+     :     ERR = 103)
+      END
+                                        [],
+                                        AC_MSG_FAILURE([Can't test for RECL length]),
+                                        AC_MSG_FAILURE([Can't cross-compile: can't test for RECL length]))
+                          AC_LANG_POP([Fortran])
+                          if test -r conftest.rcl2; then
+                              ac_cv_fc_recl_unit=`cat conftest.rcl2`
+                          else
+                              ac_cv_fc_recl_unit=0
+                          fi
+                          rm -f conftest*])
+          if test -n "$ac_cv_fc_recl_unit" -a $ac_cv_fc_recl_unit -gt 0; then
+              AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED([FC_RECL_UNIT], $ac_cv_fc_recl_unit,
+                        [Define to the length in bytes of the unit that OPEN RECL expects])
+          fi
+# AC_FC_CHECK_HEADERS(include-file...)
+# ------------------------------------
+# Fortran analogue of AC_CHECK_HEADERS, though it only takes the
+# first argument, giving the list of include files to check.  For
+# each include file, defines HAVE_include-file (in all capitals) if the
+# include file is found.  Respects the current value of FCFLAGS.
+    m4_ifval([$1], , [AC_FATAL([$0: missing argument])])dnl
+    AC_LANG_PUSH([Fortran])
+    AC_FOREACH([IncludeName],
+              dnl In case the user is mad, escape impossible names
+              m4_bpatsubst(m4_toupper([$1]), [[^a-zA-Z0-9_ ]], [_]),
+              [AC_CACHE_CHECK([whether ${FC} supports include ]IncludeName,
+                              [ac_cv_fc_has_]IncludeName,
+                              [AC_COMPILE_IFELSE([AC_LANG_PROGRAM([],[
+      include 'IncludeName'
+      i=0
+                               [ac_cv_fc_has_]IncludeName=yes,
+                               [ac_cv_fc_has_]IncludeName=no)])
+               if test $ac_cv_fc_has_[]IncludeName = yes; then
+                   AC_DEFINE([HAVE_]IncludeName, 1,
+                             [Define to 1 if the we have Fortran include ]IncludeName)
+               fi
+              ])
+    AC_LANG_POP([Fortran])
+# ---------------------
+# Test whether the FC compiler has the %VAL extension.  If so, define
+# the preprocessor variable HAVE_PERCENTVAL to be 1.
+         [AC_REQUIRE([AC_PROG_FC])dnl
+          AC_CACHE_CHECK([whether ${FC} has the %VAL extension],
+                         [ac_cv_fc_have_percentval],
+                         [AC_LANG_PUSH([Fortran])
+                          AC_COMPILE_IFELSE([AC_LANG_PROGRAM([],[
+      i=1
+      call t1(%val(i))
+                          ac_cv_fc_have_percentval=yes,
+                          ac_cv_fc_have_percentval=no)
+                          AC_LANG_POP([Fortran])])
+          if test $ac_cv_fc_have_percentval = yes; then
+              AC_DEFINE([HAVE_PERCENTVAL], 1,
+                        [Define to 1 if the Fortran compiler supports the VAX %VAL extension])
+          fi
+# ---------------------
+# Test whether the FC compiler has the %LOC extension.  If so, define
+# the preprocessor variable HAVE_PERCENTLOC to be 1.
+         [AC_REQUIRE([AC_PROG_FC])dnl
+          AC_CACHE_CHECK([whether ${FC} has the %LOC extension],
+                         [ac_cv_fc_have_percentloc],
+                         [AC_LANG_PUSH([Fortran])
+                          AC_COMPILE_IFELSE([AC_LANG_PROGRAM([],[
+      I = 1
+      ADDR = %LOC( I )
+                          ac_cv_fc_have_percentloc=yes,
+                          ac_cv_fc_have_percentloc=no)
+                          AC_LANG_POP([Fortran])])
+          if test $ac_cv_fc_have_percentloc = yes; then
+              AC_DEFINE([HAVE_PERCENTLOC], 1,
+                        [Define to 1 if the Fortran compiler supports the VAX %LOC extension])
+          fi
+# --------------
+# Test whether the FC compiler supports BOZ constants in the Fortran
+# 95 style. These are integer constants written in the format
+# B'xxx', O'xxx' and Z'xxx'. If so set the preprocessor variable
+# HAVE_BOZ to be 1.
+         [AC_REQUIRE([AC_PROG_FC])dnl
+          AC_CACHE_CHECK([whether ${FC} supports F95 BOZ constants],
+                         [ac_cv_fc_have_boz],
+                         [AC_LANG_PUSH([Fortran])
+                          AC_COMPILE_IFELSE([AC_LANG_PROGRAM([],[
+      INTEGER J, K, L
+      PARAMETER ( J = B'1111111111111111' )
+      PARAMETER ( K = O'7777' )
+      PARAMETER ( L = Z'FF' )
+                          ac_cv_fc_have_boz=yes,
+                          ac_cv_fc_have_boz=no)
+                          AC_LANG_POP([Fortran])])
+          if test $ac_cv_fc_have_boz = yes; then
+              AC_DEFINE([HAVE_BOZ], 1,
+                        [Define to 1 if the Fortran compiler supports F95 boz constants])
+          fi
+# ---------------------------
+# Test whether the FC compiler supports typeless BOZ constants in the Fortran
+# 95 style. These are (usually integer) constants written in the format
+# X'xxx', but may also be typeless, which allows the initialisation of any type
+# to a specific bit pattern. If so set the preprocessor variable
+# A problem with this test is that it may compile but the assignments are not
+# actually typeless and have been done as integer casts.  To stop this we need
+# to run the program and check if an integer equals a floating point value, by
+# value, they shouldn't for a bit pattern assignment. Uses a "EXIT(1)" to 
+# signal a problem. This is non-standard, so the test may fail for that reason.
+         [AC_REQUIRE([AC_PROG_FC])dnl
+          AC_CACHE_CHECK([whether ${FC} supports F95 typeless BOZ constants],
+                         [ac_cv_fc_have_typeless_boz],
+                         [AC_LANG_PUSH([Fortran])
+                          AC_RUN_IFELSE([AC_LANG_SOURCE([
+      PROGRAM TMP  
+      INTEGER I
+      PARAMETER ( I = X'FF7FFFFF' )
+      REAL D
+      PARAMETER ( D = X'FF7FFFFF' )
+      LOGICAL L
+      PARAMETER ( L = X'A55A5AA5' )
+      IF ( D .EQ. I ) THEN
+         CALL EXIT( 1 )
+      END IF
+      END
+                          ac_cv_fc_have_typeless_boz=yes,
+                          ac_cv_fc_have_typeless_boz=no)
+                          AC_LANG_POP([Fortran])])
+          if test $ac_cv_fc_have_typeless_boz = yes; then
+              AC_DEFINE([HAVE_TYPELESS_BOZ], 1,
+                        [Define to 1 if the Fortran compiler supports F95 typeless boz constants])
+          fi
+# ---------------------------
+# Test whether the FC compiler supports typeless BOZ constants in the OLD (VMS
+# and g77) Fortran style. These are constants written in the format 'xxx'X,
+# which allows the initialisation of any type to a specific bit pattern. If so
+# set the preprocessor variable HAVE_OLD_TYPELESS_BOZ to be 1.
+         [AC_REQUIRE([AC_PROG_FC])dnl
+          AC_CACHE_CHECK([whether ${FC} supports OLD style typeless BOZ constants],
+                         [ac_cv_fc_have_old_typeless_boz],
+                         [AC_LANG_PUSH([Fortran])
+                          AC_COMPILE_IFELSE([AC_LANG_PROGRAM([],[
+      INTEGER I
+      PARAMETER ( I = 'FF'X )
+                          ac_cv_fc_have_old_typeless_boz=yes,
+                          ac_cv_fc_have_old_typeless_boz=no)
+                          AC_LANG_POP([Fortran])])
+          if test $ac_cv_fc_have_old_typeless_boz = yes; then
+              AC_DEFINE([HAVE_OLD_TYPELESS_BOZ], 1,
+                        [Define to 1 if the Fortran compiler supports OLD style typeless boz constants])
+          fi
+# -------------------
+# Test whether the FC compiler supports the VOLATILE statement. VOLATILE
+# is used to stop the optimisation of a variable, so that it can be modified
+# outside of the program itself. If supported set HAVE_VOLATILE to be 1.
+         [AC_REQUIRE([AC_PROG_FC])dnl
+          AC_CACHE_CHECK([whether ${FC} supports VOLATILE],
+                         [ac_cv_fc_have_volatile],
+                         [AC_LANG_PUSH([Fortran])
+                          AC_COMPILE_IFELSE([AC_LANG_PROGRAM([],[
+      INTEGER I
+                          ac_cv_fc_have_volatile=yes,
+                          ac_cv_fc_have_volatile=no)
+                          AC_LANG_POP([Fortran])])
+          if test $ac_cv_fc_have_volatile = yes; then
+              AC_DEFINE([HAVE_VOLATILE], 1,
+                        [Define to 1 if the Fortran compiler supports VOLATILE])
+          fi
+# -----------------------
+# Check whether the compiler regards the backslash character as an escape
+# character.  The Standard doesn't say anything about this, but many Unix
+# Fortran compilers interpret '\n', for example, as a newline, and '\\' as
+# a single backslash.
+# Test the behaviour of the currently selected compiler, and define
+# FC_LITERAL_BACKSLASH to 1 if backslashes are treated literally -- that is
+# if '\\' is interpreted as a _pair_ of backslashes and thus that '\n' is
+# interpreted as a pair of characters.
+    AC_CACHE_CHECK([whether ${FC} interprets backslashes literally],
+        ac_cv_fc_literal_backslash,
+       [AC_LANG_PUSH([Fortran])
+dnl Four backslashes here -- this is expanded by the shell in writing
+dnl the text to the file.  We want to end up with TEST\\TEST in the source.
+      write(*,'("TEST\\\\TEST")')
+## 'strings' is portable, yes?
+           [if strings conftest.$ac_objext | grep 'TEST\\\\TEST' >/dev/null; then
+                ac_cv_fc_literal_backslash=yes
+            else
+                ac_cv_fc_literal_backslash=no
+            fi],
+           [AC_MSG_WARN([cannot compile a program with backslashes!])
+            ac_cv_fc_literal_backslash=unknown])
+        AC_LANG_POP([Fortran])])
+    if test $ac_cv_fc_literal_backslash = yes; then
+                  [Define to 1 if the Fortran compiler interprets '\\' as a pair of characters, not one])
+    fi
+# -------------------------
+# Check which flag is necessary to alter the compiler's search path
+# for module files.
+# This obviously requires that the compiler has some notion of 
+# module files as separate from object files and some sensible 
+# method of altering its search path. This will therefore not work 
+# on early Cray F90 compilers, or on v5 (and 6?) of ifc.
+# Nearly every compiler I have found uses -Ipath for this purpose;
+# Sun F95 v7.1 (at least), uses -Mpath
+# Lahey uses -mod, but it needs to be called as -mod .\; in order
+# to work properly. (so that module files still get written to
+# the current directory.
+# Absoft uses -p (with compulsory space after)
+          AC_REQUIRE([AC_PROG_FC])
+          ac_cv_fc_mod_path_flag=no
+          AC_MSG_CHECKING([for flag to alter module search path])
+	  mkdir conftestdir
+          cd conftestdir
+          cat > conftest.$ac_ext << \_ACEOF
+      module conftest
+       implicit none
+       integer :: i
+      end module conftest
+          _AC_EVAL_STDERR($ac_compile)
+          cd ..
+          for i in /I -I -M "-mod .\;" "-p "; do
+            if test "$ac_cv_fc_mod_path_flag" = "no"; then
+               FCFLAGS_save=$FCFLAGS
+               FCFLAGS="$FCFLAGS ${i}conftestdir"
+               AC_COMPILE_IFELSE([
+      subroutine test
+       use conftest
+       implicit none
+       i = 0
+      end subroutine test
+              [FC_MOD_FLAG=$i; ac_cv_fc_mod_path_flag=$i],
+              [:])
+            fi
+            FCFLAGS=$FCFLAGS_save
+          done
+          AC_MSG_RESULT([$ac_cv_fc_mod_path_flag])
+          rm -rf conftestdir
+          AS_IF([test "$ac_cv_fc_mod_path_flag" != "no"],
+                [$1],
+                [m4_default([$2],[AC_MSG_ERROR([Cannot find flag to alter module search path])])])
+# -------------------------------------- #
+# Feature tests for Preprocessed Fortran #
+# -------------------------------------- #
+# ------------------------------------------#
+# Some test programs for different features #
+# ------------------------------------------#
+# ---------------------------
+# The minimum test program - any compiler supporting
+# preprocessing should handle this
+         [AC_LANG_PROGRAM([@%:@define OK], [dnl
+#ifndef OK
+      syntax error
+# ---------------------------
+# Test program for pure preprocessing
+# Note that other macros test for literal strings within this, so check
+# for those if you have to change anything here.
+         [AC_LANG_PROGRAM([@%:@define OK], [dnl
+#ifdef OK
+      REAL A
+      syntax error
+# ---------------------------
+# Like _AC_LANG_PROGRAM_FPP_SIMPLE, but OK is passed via -D switch
+#ifndef OK
+      syntax error
+# ---------------------------
+# Test for #include statement
+# If unsupported, this should give a type error
+!     Comments in test programs should be freeform compliant just in case.
+!     conftest.inc contains the Fortran statement "REAL cc"
+#include "conftest.inc"
+      cc=1.
+# ---------------------------
+# Test whether cpp symbols are expanded in Fortran code lines
+# If not, this should give a type error
+#define NM xxxx
+      REAL xxxx
+      NM=1.
+# ---------------------------
+# Test whether preprocessor breaks lines that become too long due
+# to macro substitution. 
+# If not, this gives an "unterminated character constant" error
+#define LONG '901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890'
+],[      CHARACTER*80 A
+      A=LONG
+# ---------------------------
+# Test program for C style comments
+      A=1. /* C-style comment */
+# ---------------------------
+# Test program for C++ style comments
+      CHARACTER*10 C
+      C = "abcde" // "fghij"; END PROGRAM
+# ----------------#
+# Internal macros #
+# ----------------#
+# _AC_PROG_FPP_FEATURES ([feature list])
+# --------------------------------------
+# Parse the feature list from configure.in
+[# defaults for needed features
+for _t in $1 nil
+    case $_t in
+        define)       ac_fpp_need_d=yes        ;;
+        nodefine)     ac_fpp_need_d=no         ;;
+        include)      ac_fpp_need_i=yes        ;;   
+        noinclude)    ac_fpp_need_i=no         ;;
+        substitute)   ac_fpp_need_subs=yes     ;;   
+        nosubstitute) ac_fpp_need_subs=no      ;;
+        wrap)         ac_fpp_need_wrap=yes     ;;   
+        nowwrap)      ac_fpp_need_wrap=no      ;;   
+        cstyle)       ac_fpp_need_cstyle=yes   ;;   
+        nocstyle)     ac_fpp_need_cstyle=no    ;;   
+        CSTYLE)       ac_fpp_need_CSTYLE=yes   ;;   
+        noCSTYLE)     ac_fpp_need_CSTYLE=no    ;;  
+        cxxstyle)     ac_fpp_need_cxxstyle=yes ;;   
+        nocxxstyle)   ac_fpp_need_cxxstyle=no  ;;   
+        CXXSTYLE)     ac_fpp_need_CXXSTYLE=yes ;;   
+        noCXXSTYLE)   ac_fpp_need_CXXSTYLE=no  ;;
+        nil)   ;;
+    esac
+# Wrapping requires substitution
+test $ac_fpp_need_wrap = yes && ac_fpp_need_subs=yes
+# Both CSTYLE and cstyle cannot be requested
+# CSTYLE has precedence, since if it is not fulfilled,
+# compile errors may arise
+test $ac_fpp_need_CSTYLE = yes && ac_fpp_need_cstyle=no
+dnl Similarly for cxxstyle
+test $ac_fpp_need_CXXSTYLE = yes && ac_fpp_need_cxxstyle=no
+# _AC_TEST_FPP_FIXED ([command])
+# ------------------------
+# A helper macro to test correct fpp behaviour
+# It sets ac_cv_prog_fpp and ac_fpp_out
+[rm -f conftest*
+cat >conftest.$ac_ext << \_ACEOF
+if eval '$ac_fpp_command conftest.$ac_ext > conftest.log 2>/dev/null'; then
+  if test -f conftest.f; then
+    if diff conftest.$ac_ext conftest.f >/dev/null 2>&1; then
+      # ooops -- these two are the same file, indicating that this is a 
+      # case-insensitive filesystem.  So ignore this file.
+      ac_tmp=
+    else
+      ac_tmp=conftest.f
+      ac_fpp_fixed_out=
+    fi
+  fi
+  if test -z "$ac_tmp"; then
+    ac_tmp=conftest.log
+    ac_fpp_fixed_out=' > conftest.f'
+  fi
+  if grep '^      REAL A' $ac_tmp >/dev/null 2>&1; then
+    # we have Fortran!  That worked...
+    ac_cv_prog_fpp_fixed=$ac_fpp_command
+  fi
+  if grep 'syntax error' $ac_tmp >/dev/null 2>&1; then
+    # ...oh no it didn't: this line should have been skipped
+    ac_cv_prog_fpp_free=
+  fi
+rm -f conftest*
+# _AC_TEST_FPP_FREE ([command])
+# ------------------------
+# A helper macro to test correct fpp behaviour
+# It sets ac_cv_prog_fpp and ac_fpp_out
+[rm -f conftest*
+cat >conftest.$ac_ext << \_ACEOF
+if eval '$ac_fpp_command conftest.$ac_ext > conftest.log 2>/dev/null'; then
+  if test -f conftest.f; then
+    if diff conftest.$ac_ext conftest.f90 >/dev/null 2>&1; then
+      # ooops -- these two are the same file, indicating that this is a
+      # case-insensitive filesystem.  So ignore this file.
+      ac_tmp=
+    else
+      ac_tmp=conftest.f90
+      ac_fpp_free_out=
+      ac_fpp_out=
+    fi
+  fi
+  if test -z "$ac_tmp"; then
+    ac_tmp=conftest.log
+    ac_fpp_free_out=' > conftest.f90'
+# Note that the CPP tests only use fixed format 
+# so we need to use a .f extension to make the tests 
+# work.
+    ac_fpp_out=' > conftest.f'
+  fi
+  if grep '^      REAL A' $ac_tmp >/dev/null 2>&1; then
+    # we have Fortran!  That worked...
+    ac_cv_prog_fpp_free=$ac_fpp_command
+    ac_cv_prog_fpp=$ac_fpp_command
+  fi
+  if grep 'syntax error' $ac_tmp >/dev/null 2>&1; then
+    # ...oh no it didn't: this line should have been skipped
+    ac_cv_prog_fpp_free=
+    ac_cv_prog_fpp=
+  fi
+rm -f conftest*
+# ------------
+# Try to figure out how to preprocess .F files for use with the selected
+# Fortran compiler
+# Must be run after _AC_PROG_FC_CPP
+AC_CACHE_CHECK([how to preprocess Fortran files], ac_cv_prog_fpp,
+AC_LANG_ASSERT(Preprocessed Fortran)
+# Let the user specify FPP
+if test -n "$FPP"; then
+  if test -z "$ac_cv_prog_fpp"; then
+    AC_MSG_WARN([user-specified \$FPP ($FPP) does not work])
+    FPP=
+  fi
+fi # test -n "$FPP"
+# This next should never happen. We don't call this macro
+# if we can already preprocess.  If we do find ourselves here, then
+# something has gone badly wrong -- fail before we do some damage.
+if test -z "$ac_cv_prog_fpp" && test $ac_fpp_ok = yes; then
+   # Ooops...
+   AC_MSG_ERROR([Assertion failure: in _A@&t at C_PROG_FPP when we shouldn't be!])
+# FIXME: should we bother testing for FC+flag preprocessing? 
+if test -z "$ac_cv_prog_fpp"; then
+# Either the Fortran compiler can't handle cpp, or doesn't have all the
+# features, or can't be used for pure preprocessing.
+# We must find another way for preprocessing.
+# We try the "best" preprocessors first. We know that $FC can't preprocess
+# by itself, but there is a small chance that F77 can be persuaded to
+# preprocess, so we try that.
+# FIXME: The comment above does not agree with the code below - $FC etc.
+#        is being checked late, not early?
+  for ac_j in 'fpp' "$CPP -x f95-cpp-input" "$CPP -x f77-cpp-input" \
+              "$CPP -C -x c" "$CPP -x c" "$CPP" 'cpp' '/lib/cpp' '/usr/ccs/lib/cpp' \
+              'g77 -E' '$CC -E -x f95-cpp-input' '$CC -E -x f77-cpp-input' \
+              '$CC -E -x c -C' '$CC -E -x c' '$CC -E'  \
+              "$FC -F" "$FC -E" "$F77 -F" "$F77 -E" ; do
+    _AC_TEST_FPP_FREE([$ac_j])
+    test -n "$ac_cv_prog_fpp" && break;
+  done
+fi # test -z "$ac_cv_prog_fpp"
+if test -z "$ac_cv_prog_fpp"; then
+   # This is only fatal if direct compilation doesn't work either
+   # but we're only here if direct compilation didn't work.
+   AC_MSG_ERROR([cannot find a working Fortran preprocessor])
+AC_CACHE_CHECK([how to redirect $ac_cv_prog_fpp output],
+  ac_cv_fpp_out, 
+  [ac_cv_fpp_out=$ac_fpp_out])
+# --------------
+# Check whether we need to give FPP the -P option, to get it to
+# produce code which FC can read.
+[AC_CACHE_CHECK([whether $FPP needs the -P option],
+AC_LANG_ASSERT(Preprocessed Fortran)
+# This will only be called from AC_PROG_FPP, and as such, the
+# extension *will* be .F90.
+cat > conftest.$ac_ext << \_ACEOF
+ac_ext=F90  # previous line will have reset this
+# We must not fail, here, in the case where the filesystem is
+# case-insensitive, so that conftest.F and conftest.f are the same
+# file.
+if test -n "$ac_fpp_out"; then
+   # If $ac_fpp_out is non-null, then preprocessor output goes to
+   # stdout, which we send to conftest.f _without_ immediately clobbering
+   # the input file as it is being read.  We do clobber it in the
+   # end, however, which is why we copy .FPP_SRC_EXT to .$FPP_SRC_EXT
+   # each time.
+   ac_tmp='>conftest.tmp && mv conftest.tmp conftest.f90'
+   # conftest.F is preprocessed directly to conftest.f.  We can
+   # assume that the filesystem is case-sensitive, since otherwise
+   # this compiler/preprocessor would be simply non-functional on
+   # this platform.
+   ac_tmp=
+ac_cmd='$FPP $FPPFLAGS conftest.$ac_ext '"$ac_tmp"
+ac_link='$FC $ac_link_obj_flag""conftest$ac_exeext $FCFLAGS $LDFLAGS $FCFLAGS_SRCEXT conftest.f90 $LIBS'
+if AC_TRY_EVAL(ac_cmd) &&
+     AC_TRY_EVAL(ac_link) && test -s conftest${ac_exeext}; then
+   ac_cv_prog_fpp_p=
+   if AC_TRY_EVAL(ac_cmd) &&
+       AC_TRY_EVAL(ac_link) && test -s conftest${ac_exeext}; then
+     ac_cv_prog_fpp_p=-P
+   fi
+   FPPFLAGS=$ac_save_FPPFLAGS   
+rm -f conftest*
+if test "x$ac_cv_prog_fpp_p" = "xunknown"; then
+   AC_MSG_ERROR([$FPP cannot produce code that $FC compiles])
+   FPPFLAGS="$FPPFLAGS $ac_cv_prog_fpp_p"
+# -------------------
+# Check whether FPP lets C-style comments through to FC
+[AC_CACHE_CHECK([how to pass C-style comments to $FC], 
+   ac_cv_prog_fpp_cstyle,
+AC_LANG_ASSERT(Preprocessed Fortran)
+cat > conftest.$ac_ext << \_ACEOF
+ac_cmd='$FPP $FPPFLAGS conftest.$ac_ext '"$ac_fpp_out"
+if AC_TRY_EVAL(ac_cmd) &&
+   cat conftest.f | grep '[[*]]/.*[[*]]/' >/dev/null 2>&1; then
+   ac_cv_prog_fpp_cstyle=
+   ac_name=`expr "x$FPP" : 'x\(fpp\)'` 
+   if test "x$ac_name" = xfpp; then
+     ac_flag="-c_com=no"
+   else
+     ac_flag="-C"
+   fi
+   FPPFLAGS="$FPPFLAGS $ac_flag"
+   ac_cmd='$FPP $FPPFLAGS conftest.$ac_ext '"$ac_fpp_out"
+   if AC_TRY_EVAL(ac_cmd) &&
+     cat conftest.f | grep '/[[*]].*[[*]]/' >/dev/null 2>&1; then
+     ac_cv_prog_fpp_cstyle=$ac_flag
+   fi
+   FPPFLAGS=$ac_save_FPPFLAGS   
+rm -f conftest*
+if test "x$ac_cv_prog_fpp_cstyle" = "xunknown"; then
+  AC_MSG_WARN([cannot find a way to make $FPP pass C-style comments])
+  FPPFLAGS="$FPPFLAGS $ac_cv_prog_fpp_cstyle"
+# ---------------
+# This macro checks whether the chosen preprocessing method
+# has all the requested features.
+# This macro must be called with $ac_fc_testing_fpp set to either
+# direct or indirect; it behaves differently accordingly.
+#FIXME: this is only for fixed form code. Need a separate check for free-form.
+# NB We are definitely using a suffix of .F in this case. If the filesystem
+# is case-insensitive, we may need to force preprocessing.
+# Sets ac_fpp_ok to "no" if a requested feature is unavailable
+AC_LANG_ASSERT(Preprocessed Fortran)
+AC_MSG_CHECKING([for fixed form Fortran preprocessor features])
+if test $ac_fc_testing_fpp = direct; then
+# On nearly all systems where direct compilation is possible, a .F file will 
+# compile a preprocessable fixed-form file automatically. However, 
+# case-insensitive filesystems (eg HFS+ on MacOSX) may get confused.
+# Therefore, we must check for cpp flags.
+  if test "x$ac_cv_fpp_fixedform_F" != x; then
+    ac_prog_fc_cpp=yes
+  else
+    ac_fpp_ok=no
+  fi
+# It is possible we've failed the previous test because of a
+# Tru64 bug where the compiler fails when called as 'f95' on 
+# a .F file. It works when called as f90.
+#FIXME: this does not protect the user's setting of FC, though
+# we set it back if senesible.
+ if test $ac_prog_fc_cpp = no && test $FC = f95; then
+    FC=f90
+        [ac_prog_fc_cpp=yes],
+        [])
+    if test $ac_prog_fc_cpp = no; then
+      FC=f95
+      ac_fpp_ok=no
+    fi
+  fi
+  ac_first_save_FPPFLAGS=$FPPFLAGS
+# We need to skip the following tests if we're trying direct compilation 
+# and FC won't preprocess.
+if test $ac_prog_fc_cpp = yes || test $ac_fc_testing_fpp = indirect; then
+    if test $ac_fpp_need_d = yes; then
+# Nearly everyone uses -D. XLF uses -WF,-D. Ifort on Windows uses /D
+      ac_prog_fc_cpp_d=no
+      ac_save_FPPFLAGS=$FPPFLAGS
+      for fpp_flag_try in "-D" "-WF,-D" "/D"; do
+        FPPFLAGS="$FPPFLAGS $fpp_flag_try""OK"
+          [ac_prog_fc_cpp_d=yes; FPPFLAGS_DEF="$fpp_flag_try"], 
+          [:])
+        FPPFLAGS=$ac_save_FPPFLAGS
+      done
+      if test $ac_prog_fc_cpp_d = no; then
+        ac_fpp_ok=no
+      fi
+    fi
+#FIXME we should probably do the AC_SUBST somewhere else.
+    if test $ac_fpp_need_i = yes; then
+       rm -rf conftst
+       mkdir conftst
+       cat > conftst/conftest.inc << \_ACEOF
+!     This statement overrides the IMPLICIT statement in the program
+      REAL cc
+       ac_save_FPPFLAGS=$FPPFLAGS
+       FPPFLAGS="$FPPFLAGS -Iconftst"
+         [ac_prog_fc_cpp_i=yes],
+         [ac_fpp_ok=no])
+       rm -rf conftst
+       FPPFLAGS=$ac_save_FPPFLAGS
+    fi
+    if test $ac_fpp_need_subs = yes; then
+           [ac_prog_fc_cpp_subs=yes], 
+           [ac_fpp_ok=no])
+    fi
+    if test $ac_fpp_need_wrap = yes; then
+           [ac_prog_fc_cpp_wrap=yes], 
+           [ac_fpp_ok=no])
+    fi
+    if test $ac_fpp_need_CSTYLE = yes; then
+           [ac_prog_fc_cpp_CSTYLE=yes], 
+           [ac_fpp_ok=no])
+    fi
+    if test $ac_fpp_need_cxxstyle = yes; then
+           [ac_prog_fc_cpp_cxxstyle=yes], 
+           [ac_fpp_ok=no])
+    fi
+if test $ac_fc_testing_fpp = direct; then
+  FPPFLAGS=$ac_first_save_FPPFLAGS
+rm -f conftest.*
+# ------------------
+# Figure out how to build from cpp/Fortran sources
+# If we need to use a separate preprocessor, we must override make's
+# `direct' .F.o rule in order to do `indirect' compilation
+# (.F -> .f then .f -> .o).
+# Configure variables set here are as follows.  The items in this list
+# are suffixed with `[direct]', `[indirect]' or `[both]'.  In the
+# first two cases, the variable has a useful value only in the given
+# mode, and an unspecified, and therefore unreliable, value in the
+# other; in the last, it has a value in both modes.
+#   FPP [indirect]
+#     The name of a suitable preprocessor.
+#   FPP_COMPILE_EXT [both]
+#     This contains the file extension which the Fortran compiler will
+#     accept as containing source not to be preprocessed.  It is most
+#     typically 'f' (the default), but could be different if set by a
+#     call to AC_FPP_(FIXED|FREE)FORM.
+#     The partner of FPP_COMPILE_EXT, containing the file extension
+#     which is taken to indicate Fortran source to be preprocessed.
+#     The default is 'F', but could be different if set by a
+#     call to AC_FPP_(FIXED|FREE)FORM.
+#   FPP_MAKE_FLAGS [direct]
+#     This is used to include CPP/FPP related flags into the compiler
+#     call if we compile directly, and leave them out otherwise.
+#   FPP_OUTPUT [both]
+#     This is used to redirect FPP output to the .f file in those
+#     cases where FPP writes to stdout rather than to a file.  It is
+#     defined as either "" or ">$@".
+#     If the macro decides that we must use `direct' mode, then it
+#     sets FPPDIRECT_TRUE to be blank, and FPPDIRECT_FALSE to be '#',
+#     or vice versa if we are to use `indirect' mode.  These may be
+#     used within a Makefile.in as follows:
+#       @FPPDIRECT_TRUE@        $(PPFCCOMPILE) -c -o $@ $<
+#       @FPPDIRECT_FALSE@        $(FPP) $(DEFS) ... $< @FPP_OUTPUT@
+#     If you use automake, then you may possibly recognise that as an
+#     automake conditional (which is predeclared, so you do not need
+#     to include AM_CONDITIONAL(FPPDIRECT, ???) in your configure.ac),
+#     which might be used more straightforwardly in your Makefile.am
+#     as follows:
+#       if FPPDIRECT
+#       . at FPP_PREPROCESS_EXT@.o:
+#               $(PPFCCOMPILE) -c -o $@ $<
+#       else !FPPDIRECT
+#               $(FPP) $(DEFS) ... $< @FPP_OUTPUT@
+#       endif !FPPDIRECT
+# These are used in Automake's lang_ppfc_finish subroutine.
+# NOTE 1: There would seem to be a problem here with the use of .F as
+# the extension for preprocessed files.  On case-insensitive
+# filesystems such as HFS+, as used on MacOS X, foo.F and foo.f are
+# the same file.  This means that indirect compilation would lose badly, since
+# converting foo.F to foo.f would clobber the original.  This is
+# probably not a problem in practice, since the compilers (g77, gfortran,
+# nag, and xlf) actually likely to be used on OS X -- which is a
+# recent platform, and thus with only recent Fortrans on it -- can all
+# do direct compilation of preprocessable Fortran.  Just in case, we
+# check below whether we are in this fatal situation, and collapse
+# noisily if necessary.
+# NOTE 2: Martin Wilck's original version of these macros noted that it
+# was necessary to generate explicit rules for .F -> .o compilations
+# in order to override make's builtin rules in a portable manner
+# (i.e. without using make extensions).  Not all makes do chains of
+# implicit rules, so we cannot depend on .F.f, .f.o rules generating
+# a .f file.  We need unified .F.o and .F.lo rules, but that's
+# complicated, an alternative is to name the intermediary .f files in
+# the Makefiles.  Again, this may not be much of a problem in fact,
+# since the main culprit seems to be Solaris make, but Solaris f77
+# can do direct compilation, so that the issue of chaining rules
+# doesn't arise.
+# NOTE 3: POSIX/Single-Unix states that inference rules can be
+# redefined, and there's no warning against this in Autoconf's section
+# on `Limitations of Make'.
+# NOTE 4: FPP_OUTPUT is set to either "" or ">$@".  The latter is OK
+# in an implicit rule, but will potentially lose in an explicit rule,
+# since POSIX does not require that $@ is defined in such a rule, and
+# there are still a few makes which do not define it in that context.
+# As with Note 1, however, this is probably more a theoretical problem
+# than a practical one.
+[# FPP is defined by this stage.  If the processing mode is 'direct', then
+# this will almost certainly be defined as blank, but we should make no
+# committments to this in the documentation, in case we want to change
+# our minds about that in future.
+# Default the FPP_PREPROCESS_EXT and FPP_COMPILE_EXT to the most usual ones
+# Switch on the processing mode, direct/indirect, which has been determined
+# in AC_PROG_FPP before this macro is called.  The FPPDIRECT_(TRUE|FALSE)
+# variables implement an automake (configure-time) conditional, which is
+# created, not through an invocation of AM_CONDITIONAL, but implicitly
+# within automake.in (qv).
+if test $ac_cv_fpp_build_rule = direct; then
+   # The simple case: the chosen Fortran compiler can handle preprocessing,
+   # so we don't need a separate preprocessing stage.
+   # The flags here are those included in the 'compile' field of the
+   # 'ppfc' language in automake.in, minus the {AM_,}FCFLAGS variables.
+   # It's not _absolutely_ guaranteed that these are the correct ones,
+   # and I (NG) would be open to argument about adding both {AM_,}CPPFLAGS and
+   # {AM_,}FCFLAGS, but this set appears to work.
+if test -z "$ac_fpp_out"; then
+   FPP_OUTPUT=" "
+   FPP_OUTPUT=">\[$]@"
+# -----------------
+# Check whether the filesystem is case-insensitive (eg, HFS+ on
+# MacOS X).  Set ac_cv_fc_cifs=yes if so.
+   [AC_CACHE_CHECK([whether the filesystem is case-insensitive],
+        ac_cv_fc_cifs,
+       [rm -f conftest.*
+        echo wibble >conftest.F
+        if test -f conftest.f && test "`cat conftest.f`" = wibble; then
+            ac_cv_fc_cifs=yes
+        else
+            ac_cv_fc_cifs=no
+        fi
+# -----------------------
+# User macros
+# -----------------------
+# AC_PROG_FPP([required features])
+# --------------------------------------------------
+# [required features] is a space-separated list of features that the Fortran
+# preprocessor must have for the code to compile.
+# It is up to the package maintainer to properly set these requirements.
+# This macro will find out how to compile a preprocessable fixed-form
+# file, with a .F file extension. To the best of my knowledge, such a
+# file is compilable everywhere (albeit flags may be needed on
+# case-insensitive filesystems)
+# This macro should be followed by calling AC_FPP_FIXEDFORM([.srcext])
+# and AC_FPP_FREEFORM([.srcext]) as appropriate for whichever source
+# extensions are used in the user's project.
+# This will fail to give the correct result when fixed-format files may be
+# preprocessed directly by the compiler, but free-format ones
+# may not. 
+# Supported features are:
+# include   : correctly process #include directives and -I
+# define    : correctly process -D
+# substitute: substitute macros in Fortran code 
+#             (some preprocessors touch only lines starting with #)
+# wrap      : wrap lines that become too long through macro substitution  
+#             fpp is probably the only preprocessor that does this.
+# cstyle    : Do not suppress C style comments (-C option in cpp)
+# CSTYLE    : *Do* suppress C style comments
+#             (e.g. code contains C-style comments, and compiler may not
+#             know how to handle them)
+# cxxstyle  : Do not suppress C++ style comments (default)
+# CXXSTYLE  : *Do* suppress C++ style comments (seems unlikely, but in here
+#             for completeness
+# Features can be abbreviated: i, in, inc etc. are equivalent to include.
+# Features can be deselected (feature not needed) by prepending "no", 
+#   e.g. nodef (=nodefine), now (=nowrap).
+# Default for the feature list is 
+#       [include define substitute nowrap nocstyle noCSTYLE cxxstyle]
+# Feature requirements corresponding to the defaults may be omitted
+# Note that "wrap" implies "substitute", and CSTYLE and cstyle cannot
+# be requested at the same time. The macro adjusts this automatically. 
+# This macro sets and substitutes the variables FPP and FPPFLAGS, and
+# (actually set in macro _AC_FPP_BUILD_RULE)
+# The macro depends on both FC and CPP, because we must possibly fall 
+# back on CPP for preprocessing.
+# We presume that there is no preprocessing dependence on the language
+# variant, so that a preprocessor will handle free-form F9x as happily as
+# fixed-form F77.
+dnl We are not going to use AC_REQUIRE(AC_PROG_CPP) here for 
+dnl two reasons:
+dnl 1) we don't really need to if FC will preprocess itself
+dnl 2) we can't pass in an optional parameter to change the
+dnl    default CPP search order, which we need to. 
+dnl AC_REQUIRE([AC_PROG_CPP([cpp])])dnl
+# Prefer AC_PROG_FC to AC_PROG_F77
+if test "X$F77" != X; then
+    AC_MSG_WARN([Use A@&t at C_PROG_FC with A@&t at C_PROG_FPP, instead of A@&t at C_PROG_F77])
+AC_ARG_VAR([FPP], [Command to preprocess Fortran code])
+AC_ARG_VAR([FPPFLAGS], [Flags for the Fortran preprocessor])
+# Set up ac_fpp_need_* flags based on features in $1
+# We first try to use FC for compiling the source directly
+# into object files
+ac_fpp_compile='${FC-fc} -c $FPPFLAGS $FPPFLAGS_SRCEXT $FCFLAGS conftest.$ac_ext >&AS_MESSAGE_LOG_FD'
+ac_fpp_link='${FC-fc} $ac_link_obj_flag""conftest${ac_exeext} $FPPFLAGS $FPPFLAGS_SRCEXT $FCFLAGS $LDFLAGS conftest.$ac_ext $LIBS >&AS_MESSAGE_LOG_FD'
+AC_LANG_PUSH(Preprocessed Fortran)
+# _AC_PROG_FC_CPP does the actual feature tests, storing results of the
+# checks in non-cv variables like ac_prog_fc_cpp_*, which we copy to cv
+# variables afterwards.  This allows this macro to be reusable for other
+# cv variables (see below)
+AC_CACHE_CHECK([whether $FC compiles programs with cpp directives], 
+   ac_cv_prog_fc_cpp, 
+  [ac_cv_prog_fc_cpp=$ac_prog_fc_cpp])
+if test $ac_prog_fc_cpp = yes; then
+  if test $ac_fpp_need_d = yes; then
+    AC_CACHE_CHECK([whether $FC accepts -D], 
+       ac_cv_prog_fc_cpp_d, 
+      [ac_cv_prog_fc_cpp_d=$ac_prog_fc_cpp_d])
+  fi
+  if test $ac_fpp_need_i = yes; then
+    AC_CACHE_CHECK([whether $FC accepts -I], 
+       ac_cv_prog_fc_cpp_i,
+      [ac_cv_prog_fc_cpp_i=$ac_prog_fc_cpp_i])
+  fi
+  if test $ac_fpp_need_subs = yes; then
+    AC_CACHE_CHECK([whether $FC substitutes macros in Fortran code], 
+       ac_cv_prog_fc_cpp_subs,
+      [ac_cv_prog_fc_cpp_subs=$ac_prog_fc_cpp_subs])
+  fi
+  if test $ac_fpp_need_wrap = yes; then 
+    AC_CACHE_CHECK([whether $FC wraps long lines automatically], 
+       ac_cv_prog_fc_cpp_wrap,
+      [ac_cv_prog_fc_cpp_wrap=$ac_prog_fc_cpp_wrap])
+  fi
+# Don't need to test if $FC removes C++ comments - that 
+# way madness lies.
+fi # test $ac_prog_fc_cpp = yes
+AC_CACHE_CHECK([whether $FC fulfils requested features],
+  ac_cv_prog_fc_cpp_ok,
+  [ac_cv_prog_fc_cpp_ok=$ac_fpp_ok])
+# Keep the user informed
+AC_MSG_CHECKING([preprocessing mode we may therefore use])
+# If so, we don't need to go any further.
+if test $ac_fpp_ok = yes; then
+  ac_cv_fpp_build_rule=direct
+  AC_MSG_RESULT([direct])
+# indirect compilation
+  AC_MSG_RESULT([indirect])
+# Now we check how to invoke a preprocessor that outputs Fortran code
+# that FC can understand
+#FIXME: in a joint C/Fortran project, CPP might have already
+# been defined. Here we are potentially (probably) redefining it.
+# I don't think this matters. Not sure, though.
+# In that case, AC_SUBST has already been called on CPP.
+# We don't want to fail if we can't find cpp - we might be able
+# to fall back on fpp.
+#FIXME: actually, we should just prefer cpp to $CPP
+  AC_PROG_CPP([cpp],[],[])
+# The next macro sets FPP (unless already set by the user)
+# Before we go any further, check that we're not courting disaster,
+# here, by using indirect compilation (.F -> .f -> .o) on a
+# case-insensitive filesystem.  If we are, there's nothing we can do
+# other than fail noisily.
+# Redefine the compile and link commands for indirect compilation
+if test $ac_cv_fc_cifs = yes; then
+  if test "x$ac_fpp_out" = x ; then
+    AC_MSG_ERROR([Confused in preprocessing on case-insensitive FS - please report to tow at uszla.me.uk])
+  fi
+  ac_fpp_compile='${FPP-fpp} $FPPFLAGS $FPPFLAGS_SRCEXT conftest.$ac_ext > conftest.cpp.f && ${FC-fc} -c $FCFLAGS -o conftest.o conftest.cpp.f >&AS_MESSAGE_LOG_FD; rm conftest.cpp.f'
+  ac_fpp_link='${FPP-fpp} $FPPFLAGS conftest.$ac_ext $FPPFLAGS_SRCEXT > conftest.cpp.f && ${FC-fc} $ac_link_obj_flag""conftest${ac_exeext} $FCFLAGS $LDFLAGS conftest.cpp.f $LIBS >&AS_MESSAGE_LOG_FD; rm conftest.cpp.f'
+  ac_fpp_compile='${FPP-fpp} $FPPFLAGS $FPPFLAGS_SRCEXT conftest.$ac_ext '"$ac_fpp_out"' && ${FC-fc} -c $FCFLAGS conftest.f >&AS_MESSAGE_LOG_FD; rm conftest.f'
+  ac_fpp_link='${FPP-fpp} $FPPFLAGS conftest.$ac_ext $FPPFLAGS_SRCEXT '"$ac_fpp_out"' && ${FC-fc} $ac_link_obj_flag""conftest${ac_exeext} $FCFLAGS $LDFLAGS conftest.f $LIBS >&AS_MESSAGE_LOG_FD; rm conftest.f'
+  ac_compile=$ac_fpp_compile
+  ac_link=$ac_fpp_link
+# Redo all the feature checks for indirect compilation.
+  ac_fc_testing_fpp=indirect
+if test $ac_fpp_need_d = yes; then
+  AC_CACHE_CHECK([whether $FPP accepts -D], 
+     ac_cv_prog_fpp_d, 
+    [ac_cv_prog_fpp_d=$ac_prog_fc_cpp_d])
+if test $ac_fpp_need_i = yes; then
+  AC_CACHE_CHECK([whether $FPP accepts -I], 
+     ac_cv_prog_fpp_i,
+    [ac_cv_prog_fpp_i=$ac_prog_fc_cpp_i])
+if test $ac_fpp_need_subs = yes; then
+  AC_CACHE_CHECK([whether $FPP substitutes macros in Fortran code], 
+     ac_cv_prog_fpp_subs,
+    [ac_cv_prog_fpp_subs=$ac_prog_fc_cpp_subs])
+if test $ac_fpp_need_wrap = yes; then 
+  AC_CACHE_CHECK([whether $FPP wraps long lines automatically], 
+     ac_cv_prog_fpp_wrap,
+    [ac_cv_prog_fpp_wrap=$ac_prog_fc_cpp_wrap])
+if test $ac_fpp_need_CSTYLE = yes; then 
+  AC_CACHE_CHECK([whether $FPP suppresses C-style comments], 
+     ac_cv_prog_fpp_CSTYLE,
+    [ac_cv_prog_fpp_CSTYLE=$ac_prog_fc_cpp_CSTYLE])
+elif test $ac_fpp_need_cstyle = yes; then 
+# It only makes sense to test this for indirect compilation, 
+# i.e., if .f files are generated
+if test $ac_fpp_need_cxxstyle = yes; then 
+  AC_CACHE_CHECK([whether $FPP preserves C++-style comments], 
+     ac_cv_prog_fpp_cxxstyle,
+    [ac_cv_prog_fpp_cxxstyle=$ac_prog_fc_cpp_cxxstyle])
+AC_CACHE_CHECK([whether $FPP fulfils requested features],
+  ac_cv_prog_fpp_ok,
+  [ac_cv_prog_fpp_ok=$ac_fpp_ok])
+  ac_cv_fpp_build_rule=indirect
+if test ac_fpp_ok == no; then
+  AC_MSG_ERROR([Cannot find a Fortran preprocessor with the requested features])
+fi # test ac_fpp_ok != yes
+# We have all necessary information.
+# It remains to construct optimal build rules 
+# (direct: .F.o or indirect: .F.f)
+# and carry out the substitutions.
+# This is the crucial bit: we switch on ac_cv_fpp_build_rule=direct/indirect,
+# setting and AC_SUBSTing the variables documented in _AC_FPP_BUILD_RULE.
+# Do we actually have all the required information yet, or do we need
+# to look at AC_FC_(FIXED|FREE)FORM results also?  I think we're OK:
+# if the compiler can do all the preprocessing itself, then we don't
+# have to do anything (ie, the `direct' branch should be trivial), and
+# if we have to do separate preprocessing, the processor is probably
+# (?) independent of the source language variant.
+AC_LANG_POP(Preprocessed Fortran)
diff --git a/config/m4/lang.m4 b/config/m4/lang.m4
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..42b9f0d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/m4/lang.m4
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+# ---------------------------
+# Check for the extension used for the default name for executables.
+# We do this in order to find out what is the extension we must add for
+# creating executables (see _AC_COMPILER_EXEEXT's comments).
+# Beware of `expr' that may return `0' or `'.  Since this macro is
+# the first one in touch with the compiler, it should also check that
+# it compiles properly.
+# On OpenVMS 7.1 system, the DEC C 5.5 compiler when called through a
+# GNV (gnv.sourceforge.net) cc wrapper, produces the output file named
+# `a_out.exe'.
+[# First try to determine the flag needed to name the executable
+# It is nearly always "-o" but Lahey Fortran wants "-out"
+AC_MSG_CHECKING([for linker flag to name executables])
+for ac_link_obj_flag in "/exe:" "-out " "-o "; do
+[ac_link_obj_flag_found=yes; break], 
+if test x$ac_link_obj_flag_found = x ; then
+AC_MSG_FAILURE([Could not determine flag to name executables])
+# Try to create an executable without -o first, disregard a.out.
+# It will help us diagnose broken compilers, and finding out an intuition
+# of exeext.
+AC_MSG_CHECKING([for _AC_LANG compiler default output file name])
+ac_link_default=`echo "$ac_link" | sed ['s/ $ac_link_obj_flag *conftest[^ ]*//']`
+# List of possible output files, starting from the most likely.
+# The algorithm is not robust to junk in `.', hence go to wildcards (a.*)
+# only as a last resort.  b.out is created by i960 compilers.
+ac_files='a_out.exe a.exe conftest.exe a.out conftest a.* conftest.* b.out'
+# The IRIX 6 linker writes into existing files which may not be
+# executable, retaining their permissions.  Remove them first so a
+# subsequent execution test works.
+for ac_file in $ac_files
+  case $ac_file in
+    * ) ac_rmfiles="$ac_rmfiles $ac_file";;
+  esac
+rm -f $ac_rmfiles
+[# Autoconf-2.13 could set the ac_cv_exeext variable to `no'.
+# So ignore a value of `no', otherwise this would lead to `EXEEXT = no'
+# in a Makefile.  We should not override ac_cv_exeext if it was cached,
+# so that the user can short-circuit this test for compilers unknown to
+# Autoconf.
+for ac_file in $ac_files
+  test -f "$ac_file" || continue
+  case $ac_file in
+        ;; 
+    [[ab]].out )
+        # We found the default executable, but exeext='' is most
+        # certainly right.
+        break;;
+    *.* )
+        if test "${ac_cv_exeext+set}" = set && test "$ac_cv_exeext" != no;
+        then :; else
+           ac_cv_exeext=`expr "$ac_file" : ['[^.]*\(\..*\)']`
+        fi
+        # We set ac_cv_exeext here because the later test for it is not
+        # safe: cross compilers may not add the suffix if given an `-o'
+        # argument, so we may need to know it at that point already.
+        # Even if this section looks crufty: it has the advantage of
+        # actually working.
+        break;;
+    * )
+        break;; 
+  esac 
+test "$ac_cv_exeext" = no && ac_cv_exeext=
+AC_MSG_FAILURE([_AC_LANG compiler cannot create executables], 77)])
diff --git a/config/makefile b/config/makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..900a9f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+.SUFFIXES: ac m4
+M4_FILES=m4/TW_CHECK_FC_90.m4 m4/TW_CHECK_FC_95.m4 m4/TW_CHECK_FC_FPP.m4 \
+         m4/TW_CHECK_FC_FPP_90.m4 m4/TW_CHECK_FC_TR15580.m4 \
+         m4/TW_CHECK_FC_TR15581.m4 m4/TW_FC_CHECK_ABORT.m4 \
+         m4/TW_FC_CHECK_FLUSH.m4 m4/TW_FC_ID.m4 m4/TW_FC_ID_FLAGS.m4 \
+         m4/TW_FC_KINDS.m4 m4/TW_PROG_CYGPATH_W.m4 m4/TW_FC_CHECK_EOL.m4 \
+         m4/fortran.m4 m4/TW_PATH_NETCDF.m4 m4/lang.m4 \
+../configure: configure.ac aclocal.m4
+	autoconf
+	mv configure ..
+aclocal.m4: $(M4_FILES)
+	cat m4/*.m4 > aclocal.m4
diff --git a/configure b/configure
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..f3e68b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/configure
@@ -0,0 +1,7442 @@
+#! /bin/sh
+# Guess values for system-dependent variables and create Makefiles.
+# Generated by GNU Autoconf 2.61 for FoX 4.1.2.
+# Report bugs to <a.walker at ucl.ac.uk>.
+# Copyright (C) 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001,
+# 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+# This configure script is free software; the Free Software Foundation
+# gives unlimited permission to copy, distribute and modify it.
+## --------------------- ##
+## M4sh Initialization.  ##
+## --------------------- ##
+# Be more Bourne compatible
+DUALCASE=1; export DUALCASE # for MKS sh
+if test -n "${ZSH_VERSION+set}" && (emulate sh) >/dev/null 2>&1; then
+  emulate sh
+  # Zsh 3.x and 4.x performs word splitting on ${1+"$@"}, which
+  # is contrary to our usage.  Disable this feature.
+  alias -g '${1+"$@"}'='"$@"'
+  setopt NO_GLOB_SUBST
+  case `(set -o) 2>/dev/null` in
+  *posix*) set -o posix ;;
+# PATH needs CR
+# Avoid depending upon Character Ranges.
+# The user is always right.
+if test "${PATH_SEPARATOR+set}" != set; then
+  echo "#! /bin/sh" >conf$$.sh
+  echo  "exit 0"   >>conf$$.sh
+  chmod +x conf$$.sh
+  if (PATH="/nonexistent;."; conf$$.sh) >/dev/null 2>&1; then
+  else
+  fi
+  rm -f conf$$.sh
+# Support unset when possible.
+if ( (MAIL=60; unset MAIL) || exit) >/dev/null 2>&1; then
+  as_unset=unset
+  as_unset=false
+# IFS
+# We need space, tab and new line, in precisely that order.  Quoting is
+# there to prevent editors from complaining about space-tab.
+# (If _AS_PATH_WALK were called with IFS unset, it would disable word
+# splitting by setting IFS to empty value.)
+IFS=" ""	$as_nl"
+# Find who we are.  Look in the path if we contain no directory separator.
+case $0 in
+  *[\\/]* ) as_myself=$0 ;;
+for as_dir in $PATH
+  IFS=$as_save_IFS
+  test -z "$as_dir" && as_dir=.
+  test -r "$as_dir/$0" && as_myself=$as_dir/$0 && break
+     ;;
+# We did not find ourselves, most probably we were run as `sh COMMAND'
+# in which case we are not to be found in the path.
+if test "x$as_myself" = x; then
+  as_myself=$0
+if test ! -f "$as_myself"; then
+  echo "$as_myself: error: cannot find myself; rerun with an absolute file name" >&2
+  { (exit 1); exit 1; }
+# Work around bugs in pre-3.0 UWIN ksh.
+for as_var in ENV MAIL MAILPATH
+do ($as_unset $as_var) >/dev/null 2>&1 && $as_unset $as_var
+PS1='$ '
+PS2='> '
+PS4='+ '
+# NLS nuisances.
+for as_var in \
+  if (set +x; test -z "`(eval $as_var=C; export $as_var) 2>&1`"); then
+    eval $as_var=C; export $as_var
+  else
+    ($as_unset $as_var) >/dev/null 2>&1 && $as_unset $as_var
+  fi
+# Required to use basename.
+if expr a : '\(a\)' >/dev/null 2>&1 &&
+   test "X`expr 00001 : '.*\(...\)'`" = X001; then
+  as_expr=expr
+  as_expr=false
+if (basename -- /) >/dev/null 2>&1 && test "X`basename -- / 2>&1`" = "X/"; then
+  as_basename=basename
+  as_basename=false
+# Name of the executable.
+as_me=`$as_basename -- "$0" ||
+$as_expr X/"$0" : '.*/\([^/][^/]*\)/*$' \| \
+	 X"$0" : 'X\(//\)$' \| \
+	 X"$0" : 'X\(/\)' \| . 2>/dev/null ||
+echo X/"$0" |
+    sed '/^.*\/\([^/][^/]*\)\/*$/{
+	    s//\1/
+	    q
+	  }
+	  /^X\/\(\/\/\)$/{
+	    s//\1/
+	    q
+	  }
+	  /^X\/\(\/\).*/{
+	    s//\1/
+	    q
+	  }
+	  s/.*/./; q'`
+$as_unset CDPATH
+if test "x$CONFIG_SHELL" = x; then
+  if (eval ":") 2>/dev/null; then
+  as_have_required=yes
+  as_have_required=no
+  if test $as_have_required = yes && 	 (eval ":
+(as_func_return () {
+  (exit \$1)
+as_func_success () {
+  as_func_return 0
+as_func_failure () {
+  as_func_return 1
+as_func_ret_success () {
+  return 0
+as_func_ret_failure () {
+  return 1
+if as_func_success; then
+  :
+  exitcode=1
+  echo as_func_success failed.
+if as_func_failure; then
+  exitcode=1
+  echo as_func_failure succeeded.
+if as_func_ret_success; then
+  :
+  exitcode=1
+  echo as_func_ret_success failed.
+if as_func_ret_failure; then
+  exitcode=1
+  echo as_func_ret_failure succeeded.
+if ( set x; as_func_ret_success y && test x = \"\$1\" ); then
+  :
+  exitcode=1
+  echo positional parameters were not saved.
+test \$exitcode = 0) || { (exit 1); exit 1; }
+  as_lineno_1=\$LINENO
+  as_lineno_2=\$LINENO
+  test \"x\$as_lineno_1\" != \"x\$as_lineno_2\" &&
+  test \"x\`expr \$as_lineno_1 + 1\`\" = \"x\$as_lineno_2\") || { (exit 1); exit 1; }
+") 2> /dev/null; then
+  :
+  as_candidate_shells=
+for as_dir in /bin$PATH_SEPARATOR/usr/bin$PATH_SEPARATOR$PATH
+  IFS=$as_save_IFS
+  test -z "$as_dir" && as_dir=.
+  case $as_dir in
+	 /*)
+	   for as_base in sh bash ksh sh5; do
+	     as_candidate_shells="$as_candidate_shells $as_dir/$as_base"
+	   done;;
+       esac
+      for as_shell in $as_candidate_shells $SHELL; do
+	 # Try only shells that exist, to save several forks.
+	 if { test -f "$as_shell" || test -f "$as_shell.exe"; } &&
+		{ ("$as_shell") 2> /dev/null <<\_ASEOF
+if test -n "${ZSH_VERSION+set}" && (emulate sh) >/dev/null 2>&1; then
+  emulate sh
+  # Zsh 3.x and 4.x performs word splitting on ${1+"$@"}, which
+  # is contrary to our usage.  Disable this feature.
+  alias -g '${1+"$@"}'='"$@"'
+  setopt NO_GLOB_SUBST
+  case `(set -o) 2>/dev/null` in
+  *posix*) set -o posix ;;
+}; then
+  CONFIG_SHELL=$as_shell
+	       as_have_required=yes
+	       if { "$as_shell" 2> /dev/null <<\_ASEOF
+if test -n "${ZSH_VERSION+set}" && (emulate sh) >/dev/null 2>&1; then
+  emulate sh
+  # Zsh 3.x and 4.x performs word splitting on ${1+"$@"}, which
+  # is contrary to our usage.  Disable this feature.
+  alias -g '${1+"$@"}'='"$@"'
+  setopt NO_GLOB_SUBST
+  case `(set -o) 2>/dev/null` in
+  *posix*) set -o posix ;;
+(as_func_return () {
+  (exit $1)
+as_func_success () {
+  as_func_return 0
+as_func_failure () {
+  as_func_return 1
+as_func_ret_success () {
+  return 0
+as_func_ret_failure () {
+  return 1
+if as_func_success; then
+  :
+  exitcode=1
+  echo as_func_success failed.
+if as_func_failure; then
+  exitcode=1
+  echo as_func_failure succeeded.
+if as_func_ret_success; then
+  :
+  exitcode=1
+  echo as_func_ret_success failed.
+if as_func_ret_failure; then
+  exitcode=1
+  echo as_func_ret_failure succeeded.
+if ( set x; as_func_ret_success y && test x = "$1" ); then
+  :
+  exitcode=1
+  echo positional parameters were not saved.
+test $exitcode = 0) || { (exit 1); exit 1; }
+  as_lineno_1=$LINENO
+  as_lineno_2=$LINENO
+  test "x$as_lineno_1" != "x$as_lineno_2" &&
+  test "x`expr $as_lineno_1 + 1`" = "x$as_lineno_2") || { (exit 1); exit 1; }
+}; then
+  break
+      done
+      if test "x$CONFIG_SHELL" != x; then
+  for as_var in BASH_ENV ENV
+        do ($as_unset $as_var) >/dev/null 2>&1 && $as_unset $as_var
+        done
+        export CONFIG_SHELL
+        exec "$CONFIG_SHELL" "$as_myself" ${1+"$@"}
+    if test $as_have_required = no; then
+  echo This script requires a shell more modern than all the
+      echo shells that I found on your system.  Please install a
+      echo modern shell, or manually run the script under such a
+      echo shell if you do have one.
+      { (exit 1); exit 1; }
+(eval "as_func_return () {
+  (exit \$1)
+as_func_success () {
+  as_func_return 0
+as_func_failure () {
+  as_func_return 1
+as_func_ret_success () {
+  return 0
+as_func_ret_failure () {
+  return 1
+if as_func_success; then
+  :
+  exitcode=1
+  echo as_func_success failed.
+if as_func_failure; then
+  exitcode=1
+  echo as_func_failure succeeded.
+if as_func_ret_success; then
+  :
+  exitcode=1
+  echo as_func_ret_success failed.
+if as_func_ret_failure; then
+  exitcode=1
+  echo as_func_ret_failure succeeded.
+if ( set x; as_func_ret_success y && test x = \"\$1\" ); then
+  :
+  exitcode=1
+  echo positional parameters were not saved.
+test \$exitcode = 0") || {
+  echo No shell found that supports shell functions.
+  echo Please tell autoconf at gnu.org about your system,
+  echo including any error possibly output before this
+  echo message
+  as_lineno_1=$LINENO
+  as_lineno_2=$LINENO
+  test "x$as_lineno_1" != "x$as_lineno_2" &&
+  test "x`expr $as_lineno_1 + 1`" = "x$as_lineno_2" || {
+  # Create $as_me.lineno as a copy of $as_myself, but with $LINENO
+  # uniformly replaced by the line number.  The first 'sed' inserts a
+  # line-number line after each line using $LINENO; the second 'sed'
+  # does the real work.  The second script uses 'N' to pair each
+  # line-number line with the line containing $LINENO, and appends
+  # trailing '-' during substitution so that $LINENO is not a special
+  # case at line end.
+  # (Raja R Harinath suggested sed '=', and Paul Eggert wrote the
+  # scripts with optimization help from Paolo Bonzini.  Blame Lee
+  # E. McMahon (1931-1989) for sed's syntax.  :-)
+  sed -n '
+    p
+    /[$]LINENO/=
+  ' <$as_myself |
+    sed '
+      s/[$]LINENO.*/&-/
+      t lineno
+      b
+      :lineno
+      N
+      :loop
+      s/[$]LINENO\([^'$as_cr_alnum'_].*\n\)\(.*\)/\2\1\2/
+      t loop
+      s/-\n.*//
+    ' >$as_me.lineno &&
+  chmod +x "$as_me.lineno" ||
+    { echo "$as_me: error: cannot create $as_me.lineno; rerun with a POSIX shell" >&2
+   { (exit 1); exit 1; }; }
+  # Don't try to exec as it changes $[0], causing all sort of problems
+  # (the dirname of $[0] is not the place where we might find the
+  # original and so on.  Autoconf is especially sensitive to this).
+  . "./$as_me.lineno"
+  # Exit status is that of the last command.
+  exit
+if (as_dir=`dirname -- /` && test "X$as_dir" = X/) >/dev/null 2>&1; then
+  as_dirname=dirname
+  as_dirname=false
+case `echo -n x` in
+  case `echo 'x\c'` in
+  *c*) ECHO_T='	';;	# ECHO_T is single tab character.
+  *)   ECHO_C='\c';;
+  esac;;
+  ECHO_N='-n';;
+if expr a : '\(a\)' >/dev/null 2>&1 &&
+   test "X`expr 00001 : '.*\(...\)'`" = X001; then
+  as_expr=expr
+  as_expr=false
+rm -f conf$$ conf$$.exe conf$$.file
+if test -d conf$$.dir; then
+  rm -f conf$$.dir/conf$$.file
+  rm -f conf$$.dir
+  mkdir conf$$.dir
+echo >conf$$.file
+if ln -s conf$$.file conf$$ 2>/dev/null; then
+  as_ln_s='ln -s'
+  # ... but there are two gotchas:
+  # 1) On MSYS, both `ln -s file dir' and `ln file dir' fail.
+  # 2) DJGPP < 2.04 has no symlinks; `ln -s' creates a wrapper executable.
+  # In both cases, we have to default to `cp -p'.
+  ln -s conf$$.file conf$$.dir 2>/dev/null && test ! -f conf$$.exe ||
+    as_ln_s='cp -p'
+elif ln conf$$.file conf$$ 2>/dev/null; then
+  as_ln_s=ln
+  as_ln_s='cp -p'
+rm -f conf$$ conf$$.exe conf$$.dir/conf$$.file conf$$.file
+rmdir conf$$.dir 2>/dev/null
+if mkdir -p . 2>/dev/null; then
+  as_mkdir_p=:
+  test -d ./-p && rmdir ./-p
+  as_mkdir_p=false
+if test -x / >/dev/null 2>&1; then
+  as_test_x='test -x'
+  if ls -dL / >/dev/null 2>&1; then
+    as_ls_L_option=L
+  else
+    as_ls_L_option=
+  fi
+  as_test_x='
+    eval sh -c '\''
+      if test -d "$1"; then
+        test -d "$1/.";
+      else
+	case $1 in
+        -*)set "./$1";;
+	esac;
+	case `ls -ld'$as_ls_L_option' "$1" 2>/dev/null` in
+	???[sx]*):;;*)false;;esac;fi
+    '\'' sh
+  '
+# Sed expression to map a string onto a valid CPP name.
+as_tr_cpp="eval sed 'y%*$as_cr_letters%P$as_cr_LETTERS%;s%[^_$as_cr_alnum]%_%g'"
+# Sed expression to map a string onto a valid variable name.
+as_tr_sh="eval sed 'y%*+%pp%;s%[^_$as_cr_alnum]%_%g'"
+exec 7<&0 </dev/null 6>&1
+# Name of the host.
+# hostname on some systems (SVR3.2, Linux) returns a bogus exit status,
+# so uname gets run too.
+ac_hostname=`(hostname || uname -n) 2>/dev/null | sed 1q`
+# Initializations.
+# Identity of this package.
+PACKAGE_BUGREPORT='a.walker at ucl.ac.uk'
+      ac_precious_vars='build_alias
+# Initialize some variables set by options.
+# The variables have the same names as the options, with
+# dashes changed to underlines.
+# Installation directory options.
+# These are left unexpanded so users can "make install exec_prefix=/foo"
+# and all the variables that are supposed to be based on exec_prefix
+# by default will actually change.
+# Use braces instead of parens because sh, perl, etc. also accept them.
+# (The list follows the same order as the GNU Coding Standards.)
+for ac_option
+  # If the previous option needs an argument, assign it.
+  if test -n "$ac_prev"; then
+    eval $ac_prev=\$ac_option
+    ac_prev=
+    continue
+  fi
+  case $ac_option in
+  *=*)	ac_optarg=`expr "X$ac_option" : '[^=]*=\(.*\)'` ;;
+  *)	ac_optarg=yes ;;
+  esac
+  # Accept the important Cygnus configure options, so we can diagnose typos.
+  case $ac_dashdash$ac_option in
+  --)
+    ac_dashdash=yes ;;
+  -bindir | --bindir | --bindi | --bind | --bin | --bi)
+    ac_prev=bindir ;;
+  -bindir=* | --bindir=* | --bindi=* | --bind=* | --bin=* | --bi=*)
+    bindir=$ac_optarg ;;
+  -build | --build | --buil | --bui | --bu)
+    ac_prev=build_alias ;;
+  -build=* | --build=* | --buil=* | --bui=* | --bu=*)
+    build_alias=$ac_optarg ;;
+  -cache-file | --cache-file | --cache-fil | --cache-fi \
+  | --cache-f | --cache- | --cache | --cach | --cac | --ca | --c)
+    ac_prev=cache_file ;;
+  -cache-file=* | --cache-file=* | --cache-fil=* | --cache-fi=* \
+  | --cache-f=* | --cache-=* | --cache=* | --cach=* | --cac=* | --ca=* | --c=*)
+    cache_file=$ac_optarg ;;
+  --config-cache | -C)
+    cache_file=config.cache ;;
+  -datadir | --datadir | --datadi | --datad)
+    ac_prev=datadir ;;
+  -datadir=* | --datadir=* | --datadi=* | --datad=*)
+    datadir=$ac_optarg ;;
+  -datarootdir | --datarootdir | --datarootdi | --datarootd | --dataroot \
+  | --dataroo | --dataro | --datar)
+    ac_prev=datarootdir ;;
+  -datarootdir=* | --datarootdir=* | --datarootdi=* | --datarootd=* \
+  | --dataroot=* | --dataroo=* | --dataro=* | --datar=*)
+    datarootdir=$ac_optarg ;;
+  -disable-* | --disable-*)
+    ac_feature=`expr "x$ac_option" : 'x-*disable-\(.*\)'`
+    # Reject names that are not valid shell variable names.
+    expr "x$ac_feature" : ".*[^-._$as_cr_alnum]" >/dev/null &&
+      { echo "$as_me: error: invalid feature name: $ac_feature" >&2
+   { (exit 1); exit 1; }; }
+    ac_feature=`echo $ac_feature | sed 's/[-.]/_/g'`
+    eval enable_$ac_feature=no ;;
+  -docdir | --docdir | --docdi | --doc | --do)
+    ac_prev=docdir ;;
+  -docdir=* | --docdir=* | --docdi=* | --doc=* | --do=*)
+    docdir=$ac_optarg ;;
+  -dvidir | --dvidir | --dvidi | --dvid | --dvi | --dv)
+    ac_prev=dvidir ;;
+  -dvidir=* | --dvidir=* | --dvidi=* | --dvid=* | --dvi=* | --dv=*)
+    dvidir=$ac_optarg ;;
+  -enable-* | --enable-*)
+    ac_feature=`expr "x$ac_option" : 'x-*enable-\([^=]*\)'`
+    # Reject names that are not valid shell variable names.
+    expr "x$ac_feature" : ".*[^-._$as_cr_alnum]" >/dev/null &&
+      { echo "$as_me: error: invalid feature name: $ac_feature" >&2
+   { (exit 1); exit 1; }; }
+    ac_feature=`echo $ac_feature | sed 's/[-.]/_/g'`
+    eval enable_$ac_feature=\$ac_optarg ;;
+  -exec-prefix | --exec_prefix | --exec-prefix | --exec-prefi \
+  | --exec-pref | --exec-pre | --exec-pr | --exec-p | --exec- \
+  | --exec | --exe | --ex)
+    ac_prev=exec_prefix ;;
+  -exec-prefix=* | --exec_prefix=* | --exec-prefix=* | --exec-prefi=* \
+  | --exec-pref=* | --exec-pre=* | --exec-pr=* | --exec-p=* | --exec-=* \
+  | --exec=* | --exe=* | --ex=*)
+    exec_prefix=$ac_optarg ;;
+  -gas | --gas | --ga | --g)
+    # Obsolete; use --with-gas.
+    with_gas=yes ;;
+  -help | --help | --hel | --he | -h)
+    ac_init_help=long ;;
+  -help=r* | --help=r* | --hel=r* | --he=r* | -hr*)
+    ac_init_help=recursive ;;
+  -help=s* | --help=s* | --hel=s* | --he=s* | -hs*)
+    ac_init_help=short ;;
+  -host | --host | --hos | --ho)
+    ac_prev=host_alias ;;
+  -host=* | --host=* | --hos=* | --ho=*)
+    host_alias=$ac_optarg ;;
+  -htmldir | --htmldir | --htmldi | --htmld | --html | --htm | --ht)
+    ac_prev=htmldir ;;
+  -htmldir=* | --htmldir=* | --htmldi=* | --htmld=* | --html=* | --htm=* \
+  | --ht=*)
+    htmldir=$ac_optarg ;;
+  -includedir | --includedir | --includedi | --included | --include \
+  | --includ | --inclu | --incl | --inc)
+    ac_prev=includedir ;;
+  -includedir=* | --includedir=* | --includedi=* | --included=* | --include=* \
+  | --includ=* | --inclu=* | --incl=* | --inc=*)
+    includedir=$ac_optarg ;;
+  -infodir | --infodir | --infodi | --infod | --info | --inf)
+    ac_prev=infodir ;;
+  -infodir=* | --infodir=* | --infodi=* | --infod=* | --info=* | --inf=*)
+    infodir=$ac_optarg ;;
+  -libdir | --libdir | --libdi | --libd)
+    ac_prev=libdir ;;
+  -libdir=* | --libdir=* | --libdi=* | --libd=*)
+    libdir=$ac_optarg ;;
+  -libexecdir | --libexecdir | --libexecdi | --libexecd | --libexec \
+  | --libexe | --libex | --libe)
+    ac_prev=libexecdir ;;
+  -libexecdir=* | --libexecdir=* | --libexecdi=* | --libexecd=* | --libexec=* \
+  | --libexe=* | --libex=* | --libe=*)
+    libexecdir=$ac_optarg ;;
+  -localedir | --localedir | --localedi | --localed | --locale)
+    ac_prev=localedir ;;
+  -localedir=* | --localedir=* | --localedi=* | --localed=* | --locale=*)
+    localedir=$ac_optarg ;;
+  -localstatedir | --localstatedir | --localstatedi | --localstated \
+  | --localstate | --localstat | --localsta | --localst | --locals)
+    ac_prev=localstatedir ;;
+  -localstatedir=* | --localstatedir=* | --localstatedi=* | --localstated=* \
+  | --localstate=* | --localstat=* | --localsta=* | --localst=* | --locals=*)
+    localstatedir=$ac_optarg ;;
+  -mandir | --mandir | --mandi | --mand | --man | --ma | --m)
+    ac_prev=mandir ;;
+  -mandir=* | --mandir=* | --mandi=* | --mand=* | --man=* | --ma=* | --m=*)
+    mandir=$ac_optarg ;;
+  -nfp | --nfp | --nf)
+    # Obsolete; use --without-fp.
+    with_fp=no ;;
+  -no-create | --no-create | --no-creat | --no-crea | --no-cre \
+  | --no-cr | --no-c | -n)
+    no_create=yes ;;
+  -no-recursion | --no-recursion | --no-recursio | --no-recursi \
+  | --no-recurs | --no-recur | --no-recu | --no-rec | --no-re | --no-r)
+    no_recursion=yes ;;
+  -oldincludedir | --oldincludedir | --oldincludedi | --oldincluded \
+  | --oldinclude | --oldinclud | --oldinclu | --oldincl | --oldinc \
+  | --oldin | --oldi | --old | --ol | --o)
+    ac_prev=oldincludedir ;;
+  -oldincludedir=* | --oldincludedir=* | --oldincludedi=* | --oldincluded=* \
+  | --oldinclude=* | --oldinclud=* | --oldinclu=* | --oldincl=* | --oldinc=* \
+  | --oldin=* | --oldi=* | --old=* | --ol=* | --o=*)
+    oldincludedir=$ac_optarg ;;
+  -prefix | --prefix | --prefi | --pref | --pre | --pr | --p)
+    ac_prev=prefix ;;
+  -prefix=* | --prefix=* | --prefi=* | --pref=* | --pre=* | --pr=* | --p=*)
+    prefix=$ac_optarg ;;
+  -program-prefix | --program-prefix | --program-prefi | --program-pref \
+  | --program-pre | --program-pr | --program-p)
+    ac_prev=program_prefix ;;
+  -program-prefix=* | --program-prefix=* | --program-prefi=* \
+  | --program-pref=* | --program-pre=* | --program-pr=* | --program-p=*)
+    program_prefix=$ac_optarg ;;
+  -program-suffix | --program-suffix | --program-suffi | --program-suff \
+  | --program-suf | --program-su | --program-s)
+    ac_prev=program_suffix ;;
+  -program-suffix=* | --program-suffix=* | --program-suffi=* \
+  | --program-suff=* | --program-suf=* | --program-su=* | --program-s=*)
+    program_suffix=$ac_optarg ;;
+  -program-transform-name | --program-transform-name \
+  | --program-transform-nam | --program-transform-na \
+  | --program-transform-n | --program-transform- \
+  | --program-transform | --program-transfor \
+  | --program-transfo | --program-transf \
+  | --program-trans | --program-tran \
+  | --progr-tra | --program-tr | --program-t)
+    ac_prev=program_transform_name ;;
+  -program-transform-name=* | --program-transform-name=* \
+  | --program-transform-nam=* | --program-transform-na=* \
+  | --program-transform-n=* | --program-transform-=* \
+  | --program-transform=* | --program-transfor=* \
+  | --program-transfo=* | --program-transf=* \
+  | --program-trans=* | --program-tran=* \
+  | --progr-tra=* | --program-tr=* | --program-t=*)
+    program_transform_name=$ac_optarg ;;
+  -pdfdir | --pdfdir | --pdfdi | --pdfd | --pdf | --pd)
+    ac_prev=pdfdir ;;
+  -pdfdir=* | --pdfdir=* | --pdfdi=* | --pdfd=* | --pdf=* | --pd=*)
+    pdfdir=$ac_optarg ;;
+  -psdir | --psdir | --psdi | --psd | --ps)
+    ac_prev=psdir ;;
+  -psdir=* | --psdir=* | --psdi=* | --psd=* | --ps=*)
+    psdir=$ac_optarg ;;
+  -q | -quiet | --quiet | --quie | --qui | --qu | --q \
+  | -silent | --silent | --silen | --sile | --sil)
+    silent=yes ;;
+  -sbindir | --sbindir | --sbindi | --sbind | --sbin | --sbi | --sb)
+    ac_prev=sbindir ;;
+  -sbindir=* | --sbindir=* | --sbindi=* | --sbind=* | --sbin=* \
+  | --sbi=* | --sb=*)
+    sbindir=$ac_optarg ;;
+  -sharedstatedir | --sharedstatedir | --sharedstatedi \
+  | --sharedstated | --sharedstate | --sharedstat | --sharedsta \
+  | --sharedst | --shareds | --shared | --share | --shar \
+  | --sha | --sh)
+    ac_prev=sharedstatedir ;;
+  -sharedstatedir=* | --sharedstatedir=* | --sharedstatedi=* \
+  | --sharedstated=* | --sharedstate=* | --sharedstat=* | --sharedsta=* \
+  | --sharedst=* | --shareds=* | --shared=* | --share=* | --shar=* \
+  | --sha=* | --sh=*)
+    sharedstatedir=$ac_optarg ;;
+  -site | --site | --sit)
+    ac_prev=site ;;
+  -site=* | --site=* | --sit=*)
+    site=$ac_optarg ;;
+  -srcdir | --srcdir | --srcdi | --srcd | --src | --sr)
+    ac_prev=srcdir ;;
+  -srcdir=* | --srcdir=* | --srcdi=* | --srcd=* | --src=* | --sr=*)
+    srcdir=$ac_optarg ;;
+  -sysconfdir | --sysconfdir | --sysconfdi | --sysconfd | --sysconf \
+  | --syscon | --sysco | --sysc | --sys | --sy)
+    ac_prev=sysconfdir ;;
+  -sysconfdir=* | --sysconfdir=* | --sysconfdi=* | --sysconfd=* | --sysconf=* \
+  | --syscon=* | --sysco=* | --sysc=* | --sys=* | --sy=*)
+    sysconfdir=$ac_optarg ;;
+  -target | --target | --targe | --targ | --tar | --ta | --t)
+    ac_prev=target_alias ;;
+  -target=* | --target=* | --targe=* | --targ=* | --tar=* | --ta=* | --t=*)
+    target_alias=$ac_optarg ;;
+  -v | -verbose | --verbose | --verbos | --verbo | --verb)
+    verbose=yes ;;
+  -version | --version | --versio | --versi | --vers | -V)
+    ac_init_version=: ;;
+  -with-* | --with-*)
+    ac_package=`expr "x$ac_option" : 'x-*with-\([^=]*\)'`
+    # Reject names that are not valid shell variable names.
+    expr "x$ac_package" : ".*[^-._$as_cr_alnum]" >/dev/null &&
+      { echo "$as_me: error: invalid package name: $ac_package" >&2
+   { (exit 1); exit 1; }; }
+    ac_package=`echo $ac_package | sed 's/[-.]/_/g'`
+    eval with_$ac_package=\$ac_optarg ;;
+  -without-* | --without-*)
+    ac_package=`expr "x$ac_option" : 'x-*without-\(.*\)'`
+    # Reject names that are not valid shell variable names.
+    expr "x$ac_package" : ".*[^-._$as_cr_alnum]" >/dev/null &&
+      { echo "$as_me: error: invalid package name: $ac_package" >&2
+   { (exit 1); exit 1; }; }
+    ac_package=`echo $ac_package | sed 's/[-.]/_/g'`
+    eval with_$ac_package=no ;;
+  --x)
+    # Obsolete; use --with-x.
+    with_x=yes ;;
+  -x-includes | --x-includes | --x-include | --x-includ | --x-inclu \
+  | --x-incl | --x-inc | --x-in | --x-i)
+    ac_prev=x_includes ;;
+  -x-includes=* | --x-includes=* | --x-include=* | --x-includ=* | --x-inclu=* \
+  | --x-incl=* | --x-inc=* | --x-in=* | --x-i=*)
+    x_includes=$ac_optarg ;;
+  -x-libraries | --x-libraries | --x-librarie | --x-librari \
+  | --x-librar | --x-libra | --x-libr | --x-lib | --x-li | --x-l)
+    ac_prev=x_libraries ;;
+  -x-libraries=* | --x-libraries=* | --x-librarie=* | --x-librari=* \
+  | --x-librar=* | --x-libra=* | --x-libr=* | --x-lib=* | --x-li=* | --x-l=*)
+    x_libraries=$ac_optarg ;;
+  -*) { echo "$as_me: error: unrecognized option: $ac_option
+Try \`$0 --help' for more information." >&2
+   { (exit 1); exit 1; }; }
+    ;;
+  *=*)
+    ac_envvar=`expr "x$ac_option" : 'x\([^=]*\)='`
+    # Reject names that are not valid shell variable names.
+    expr "x$ac_envvar" : ".*[^_$as_cr_alnum]" >/dev/null &&
+      { echo "$as_me: error: invalid variable name: $ac_envvar" >&2
+   { (exit 1); exit 1; }; }
+    eval $ac_envvar=\$ac_optarg
+    export $ac_envvar ;;
+  *)
+    # FIXME: should be removed in autoconf 3.0.
+    echo "$as_me: WARNING: you should use --build, --host, --target" >&2
+    expr "x$ac_option" : ".*[^-._$as_cr_alnum]" >/dev/null &&
+      echo "$as_me: WARNING: invalid host type: $ac_option" >&2
+    : ${build_alias=$ac_option} ${host_alias=$ac_option} ${target_alias=$ac_option}
+    ;;
+  esac
+if test -n "$ac_prev"; then
+  ac_option=--`echo $ac_prev | sed 's/_/-/g'`
+  { echo "$as_me: error: missing argument to $ac_option" >&2
+   { (exit 1); exit 1; }; }
+# Be sure to have absolute directory names.
+for ac_var in	exec_prefix prefix bindir sbindir libexecdir datarootdir \
+		datadir sysconfdir sharedstatedir localstatedir includedir \
+		oldincludedir docdir infodir htmldir dvidir pdfdir psdir \
+		libdir localedir mandir
+  eval ac_val=\$$ac_var
+  case $ac_val in
+    [\\/$]* | ?:[\\/]* )  continue;;
+    NONE | '' ) case $ac_var in *prefix ) continue;; esac;;
+  esac
+  { echo "$as_me: error: expected an absolute directory name for --$ac_var: $ac_val" >&2
+   { (exit 1); exit 1; }; }
+# There might be people who depend on the old broken behavior: `$host'
+# used to hold the argument of --host etc.
+# FIXME: To remove some day.
+# FIXME: To remove some day.
+if test "x$host_alias" != x; then
+  if test "x$build_alias" = x; then
+    cross_compiling=maybe
+    echo "$as_me: WARNING: If you wanted to set the --build type, don't use --host.
+    If a cross compiler is detected then cross compile mode will be used." >&2
+  elif test "x$build_alias" != "x$host_alias"; then
+    cross_compiling=yes
+  fi
+test -n "$host_alias" && ac_tool_prefix=$host_alias-
+test "$silent" = yes && exec 6>/dev/null
+ac_pwd=`pwd` && test -n "$ac_pwd" &&
+ac_ls_di=`ls -di .` &&
+ac_pwd_ls_di=`cd "$ac_pwd" && ls -di .` ||
+  { echo "$as_me: error: Working directory cannot be determined" >&2
+   { (exit 1); exit 1; }; }
+test "X$ac_ls_di" = "X$ac_pwd_ls_di" ||
+  { echo "$as_me: error: pwd does not report name of working directory" >&2
+   { (exit 1); exit 1; }; }
+# Find the source files, if location was not specified.
+if test -z "$srcdir"; then
+  ac_srcdir_defaulted=yes
+  # Try the directory containing this script, then the parent directory.
+  ac_confdir=`$as_dirname -- "$0" ||
+$as_expr X"$0" : 'X\(.*[^/]\)//*[^/][^/]*/*$' \| \
+	 X"$0" : 'X\(//\)[^/]' \| \
+	 X"$0" : 'X\(//\)$' \| \
+	 X"$0" : 'X\(/\)' \| . 2>/dev/null ||
+echo X"$0" |
+    sed '/^X\(.*[^/]\)\/\/*[^/][^/]*\/*$/{
+	    s//\1/
+	    q
+	  }
+	  /^X\(\/\/\)[^/].*/{
+	    s//\1/
+	    q
+	  }
+	  /^X\(\/\/\)$/{
+	    s//\1/
+	    q
+	  }
+	  /^X\(\/\).*/{
+	    s//\1/
+	    q
+	  }
+	  s/.*/./; q'`
+  srcdir=$ac_confdir
+  if test ! -r "$srcdir/$ac_unique_file"; then
+    srcdir=..
+  fi
+  ac_srcdir_defaulted=no
+if test ! -r "$srcdir/$ac_unique_file"; then
+  test "$ac_srcdir_defaulted" = yes && srcdir="$ac_confdir or .."
+  { echo "$as_me: error: cannot find sources ($ac_unique_file) in $srcdir" >&2
+   { (exit 1); exit 1; }; }
+ac_msg="sources are in $srcdir, but \`cd $srcdir' does not work"
+	cd "$srcdir" && test -r "./$ac_unique_file" || { echo "$as_me: error: $ac_msg" >&2
+   { (exit 1); exit 1; }; }
+	pwd)`
+# When building in place, set srcdir=.
+if test "$ac_abs_confdir" = "$ac_pwd"; then
+  srcdir=.
+# Remove unnecessary trailing slashes from srcdir.
+# Double slashes in file names in object file debugging info
+# mess up M-x gdb in Emacs.
+case $srcdir in
+*/) srcdir=`expr "X$srcdir" : 'X\(.*[^/]\)' \| "X$srcdir" : 'X\(.*\)'`;;
+for ac_var in $ac_precious_vars; do
+  eval ac_env_${ac_var}_set=\${${ac_var}+set}
+  eval ac_env_${ac_var}_value=\$${ac_var}
+  eval ac_cv_env_${ac_var}_set=\${${ac_var}+set}
+  eval ac_cv_env_${ac_var}_value=\$${ac_var}
+# Report the --help message.
+if test "$ac_init_help" = "long"; then
+  # Omit some internal or obsolete options to make the list less imposing.
+  # This message is too long to be a string in the A/UX 3.1 sh.
+  cat <<_ACEOF
+\`configure' configures FoX 4.1.2 to adapt to many kinds of systems.
+Usage: $0 [OPTION]... [VAR=VALUE]...
+To assign environment variables (e.g., CC, CFLAGS...), specify them as
+VAR=VALUE.  See below for descriptions of some of the useful variables.
+Defaults for the options are specified in brackets.
+  -h, --help              display this help and exit
+      --help=short        display options specific to this package
+      --help=recursive    display the short help of all the included packages
+  -V, --version           display version information and exit
+  -q, --quiet, --silent   do not print \`checking...' messages
+      --cache-file=FILE   cache test results in FILE [disabled]
+  -C, --config-cache      alias for \`--cache-file=config.cache'
+  -n, --no-create         do not create output files
+      --srcdir=DIR        find the sources in DIR [configure dir or \`..']
+Installation directories:
+  --prefix=PREFIX         install architecture-independent files in PREFIX
+			  [$ac_default_prefix]
+  --exec-prefix=EPREFIX   install architecture-dependent files in EPREFIX
+			  [PREFIX]
+By default, \`make install' will install all the files in
+\`$ac_default_prefix/bin', \`$ac_default_prefix/lib' etc.  You can specify
+an installation prefix other than \`$ac_default_prefix' using \`--prefix',
+for instance \`--prefix=\$HOME'.
+For better control, use the options below.
+Fine tuning of the installation directories:
+  --bindir=DIR           user executables [EPREFIX/bin]
+  --sbindir=DIR          system admin executables [EPREFIX/sbin]
+  --libexecdir=DIR       program executables [EPREFIX/libexec]
+  --sysconfdir=DIR       read-only single-machine data [PREFIX/etc]
+  --sharedstatedir=DIR   modifiable architecture-independent data [PREFIX/com]
+  --localstatedir=DIR    modifiable single-machine data [PREFIX/var]
+  --libdir=DIR           object code libraries [EPREFIX/lib]
+  --includedir=DIR       C header files [PREFIX/include]
+  --oldincludedir=DIR    C header files for non-gcc [/usr/include]
+  --datarootdir=DIR      read-only arch.-independent data root [PREFIX/share]
+  --datadir=DIR          read-only architecture-independent data [DATAROOTDIR]
+  --infodir=DIR          info documentation [DATAROOTDIR/info]
+  --localedir=DIR        locale-dependent data [DATAROOTDIR/locale]
+  --mandir=DIR           man documentation [DATAROOTDIR/man]
+  --docdir=DIR           documentation root [DATAROOTDIR/doc/fox]
+  --htmldir=DIR          html documentation [DOCDIR]
+  --dvidir=DIR           dvi documentation [DOCDIR]
+  --pdfdir=DIR           pdf documentation [DOCDIR]
+  --psdir=DIR            ps documentation [DOCDIR]
+  cat <<\_ACEOF
+System types:
+  --build=BUILD     configure for building on BUILD [guessed]
+  --host=HOST       cross-compile to build programs to run on HOST [BUILD]
+if test -n "$ac_init_help"; then
+  case $ac_init_help in
+     short | recursive ) echo "Configuration of FoX 4.1.2:";;
+   esac
+  cat <<\_ACEOF
+Optional Features:
+  --disable-FEATURE       do not include FEATURE (same as --enable-FEATURE=no)
+  --enable-FEATURE[=ARG]  include FEATURE [ARG=yes]
+  --enable-debug          Compile with debugging support
+  --enable-fast           Compile with best known optimization flags
+  --enable-wxml           Compile wxml subsystem (for XML output)
+  --enable-wcml           Compile wcml subsystem (for CML output)
+  --enable-wkml           Compile wkml subsystem (for KML output)
+  --enable-sax            Compile SAX parser
+  --enable-dom            Compile dom subsystem (for DOM output)
+  --enable-dummy          Compile only dummy interfaces
+Some influential environment variables:
+  FC          Fortran compiler command
+  FCFLAGS     Fortran compiler flags
+  LDFLAGS     linker flags, e.g. -L<lib dir> if you have libraries in a
+              nonstandard directory <lib dir>
+  FPP         Command to preprocess Fortran code
+  FPPFLAGS    Flags for the Fortran preprocessor
+  CC          C compiler command
+  CFLAGS      C compiler flags
+  LIBS        libraries to pass to the linker, e.g. -l<library>
+  CPPFLAGS    C/C++/Objective C preprocessor flags, e.g. -I<include dir> if
+              you have headers in a nonstandard directory <include dir>
+  CPP         C preprocessor
+Use these variables to override the choices made by `configure' or to help
+it to find libraries and programs with nonstandard names/locations.
+Report bugs to <a.walker at ucl.ac.uk>.
+if test "$ac_init_help" = "recursive"; then
+  # If there are subdirs, report their specific --help.
+  for ac_dir in : $ac_subdirs_all; do test "x$ac_dir" = x: && continue
+    test -d "$ac_dir" || continue
+    ac_builddir=.
+case "$ac_dir" in
+.) ac_dir_suffix= ac_top_builddir_sub=. ac_top_build_prefix= ;;
+  ac_dir_suffix=/`echo "$ac_dir" | sed 's,^\.[\\/],,'`
+  # A ".." for each directory in $ac_dir_suffix.
+  ac_top_builddir_sub=`echo "$ac_dir_suffix" | sed 's,/[^\\/]*,/..,g;s,/,,'`
+  case $ac_top_builddir_sub in
+  "") ac_top_builddir_sub=. ac_top_build_prefix= ;;
+  *)  ac_top_build_prefix=$ac_top_builddir_sub/ ;;
+  esac ;;
+# for backward compatibility:
+case $srcdir in
+  .)  # We are building in place.
+    ac_srcdir=.
+    ac_top_srcdir=$ac_top_builddir_sub
+    ac_abs_top_srcdir=$ac_pwd ;;
+  [\\/]* | ?:[\\/]* )  # Absolute name.
+    ac_srcdir=$srcdir$ac_dir_suffix;
+    ac_top_srcdir=$srcdir
+    ac_abs_top_srcdir=$srcdir ;;
+  *) # Relative name.
+    ac_srcdir=$ac_top_build_prefix$srcdir$ac_dir_suffix
+    ac_top_srcdir=$ac_top_build_prefix$srcdir
+    ac_abs_top_srcdir=$ac_pwd/$srcdir ;;
+    cd "$ac_dir" || { ac_status=$?; continue; }
+    # Check for guested configure.
+    if test -f "$ac_srcdir/configure.gnu"; then
+      echo &&
+      $SHELL "$ac_srcdir/configure.gnu" --help=recursive
+    elif test -f "$ac_srcdir/configure"; then
+      echo &&
+      $SHELL "$ac_srcdir/configure" --help=recursive
+    else
+      echo "$as_me: WARNING: no configuration information is in $ac_dir" >&2
+    fi || ac_status=$?
+    cd "$ac_pwd" || { ac_status=$?; break; }
+  done
+test -n "$ac_init_help" && exit $ac_status
+if $ac_init_version; then
+  cat <<\_ACEOF
+FoX configure 4.1.2
+generated by GNU Autoconf 2.61
+Copyright (C) 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001,
+2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+This configure script is free software; the Free Software Foundation
+gives unlimited permission to copy, distribute and modify it.
+  exit
+cat >config.log <<_ACEOF
+This file contains any messages produced by compilers while
+running configure, to aid debugging if configure makes a mistake.
+It was created by FoX $as_me 4.1.2, which was
+generated by GNU Autoconf 2.61.  Invocation command line was
+  $ $0 $@
+exec 5>>config.log
+cat <<_ASUNAME
+## --------- ##
+## Platform. ##
+## --------- ##
+hostname = `(hostname || uname -n) 2>/dev/null | sed 1q`
+uname -m = `(uname -m) 2>/dev/null || echo unknown`
+uname -r = `(uname -r) 2>/dev/null || echo unknown`
+uname -s = `(uname -s) 2>/dev/null || echo unknown`
+uname -v = `(uname -v) 2>/dev/null || echo unknown`
+/usr/bin/uname -p = `(/usr/bin/uname -p) 2>/dev/null || echo unknown`
+/bin/uname -X     = `(/bin/uname -X) 2>/dev/null     || echo unknown`
+/bin/arch              = `(/bin/arch) 2>/dev/null              || echo unknown`
+/usr/bin/arch -k       = `(/usr/bin/arch -k) 2>/dev/null       || echo unknown`
+/usr/convex/getsysinfo = `(/usr/convex/getsysinfo) 2>/dev/null || echo unknown`
+/usr/bin/hostinfo      = `(/usr/bin/hostinfo) 2>/dev/null      || echo unknown`
+/bin/machine           = `(/bin/machine) 2>/dev/null           || echo unknown`
+/usr/bin/oslevel       = `(/usr/bin/oslevel) 2>/dev/null       || echo unknown`
+/bin/universe          = `(/bin/universe) 2>/dev/null          || echo unknown`
+for as_dir in $PATH
+  IFS=$as_save_IFS
+  test -z "$as_dir" && as_dir=.
+  echo "PATH: $as_dir"
+} >&5
+cat >&5 <<_ACEOF
+## ----------- ##
+## Core tests. ##
+## ----------- ##
+# Keep a trace of the command line.
+# Strip out --no-create and --no-recursion so they do not pile up.
+# Strip out --silent because we don't want to record it for future runs.
+# Also quote any args containing shell meta-characters.
+# Make two passes to allow for proper duplicate-argument suppression.
+for ac_pass in 1 2
+  for ac_arg
+  do
+    case $ac_arg in
+    -no-create | --no-c* | -n | -no-recursion | --no-r*) continue ;;
+    -q | -quiet | --quiet | --quie | --qui | --qu | --q \
+    | -silent | --silent | --silen | --sile | --sil)
+      continue ;;
+    *\'*)
+      ac_arg=`echo "$ac_arg" | sed "s/'/'\\\\\\\\''/g"` ;;
+    esac
+    case $ac_pass in
+    1) ac_configure_args0="$ac_configure_args0 '$ac_arg'" ;;
+    2)
+      ac_configure_args1="$ac_configure_args1 '$ac_arg'"
+      if test $ac_must_keep_next = true; then
+	ac_must_keep_next=false # Got value, back to normal.
+      else
+	case $ac_arg in
+	  *=* | --config-cache | -C | -disable-* | --disable-* \
+	  | -enable-* | --enable-* | -gas | --g* | -nfp | --nf* \
+	  | -q | -quiet | --q* | -silent | --sil* | -v | -verb* \
+	  | -with-* | --with-* | -without-* | --without-* | --x)
+	    case "$ac_configure_args0 " in
+	      "$ac_configure_args1"*" '$ac_arg' "* ) continue ;;
+	    esac
+	    ;;
+	  -* ) ac_must_keep_next=true ;;
+	esac
+      fi
+      ac_configure_args="$ac_configure_args '$ac_arg'"
+      ;;
+    esac
+  done
+$as_unset ac_configure_args0 || test "${ac_configure_args0+set}" != set || { ac_configure_args0=; export ac_configure_args0; }
+$as_unset ac_configure_args1 || test "${ac_configure_args1+set}" != set || { ac_configure_args1=; export ac_configure_args1; }
+# When interrupted or exit'd, cleanup temporary files, and complete
+# config.log.  We remove comments because anyway the quotes in there
+# would cause problems or look ugly.
+# WARNING: Use '\'' to represent an apostrophe within the trap.
+# WARNING: Do not start the trap code with a newline, due to a FreeBSD 4.0 bug.
+trap 'exit_status=$?
+  # Save into config.log some information that might help in debugging.
+  {
+    echo
+    cat <<\_ASBOX
+## ---------------- ##
+## Cache variables. ##
+## ---------------- ##
+    echo
+    # The following way of writing the cache mishandles newlines in values,
+  for ac_var in `(set) 2>&1 | sed -n '\''s/^\([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*\)=.*/\1/p'\''`; do
+    eval ac_val=\$$ac_var
+    case $ac_val in #(
+    *${as_nl}*)
+      case $ac_var in #(
+      *_cv_*) { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: WARNING: Cache variable $ac_var contains a newline." >&5
+echo "$as_me: WARNING: Cache variable $ac_var contains a newline." >&2;} ;;
+      esac
+      case $ac_var in #(
+      _ | IFS | as_nl) ;; #(
+      *) $as_unset $ac_var ;;
+      esac ;;
+    esac
+  done
+  (set) 2>&1 |
+    case $as_nl`(ac_space='\'' '\''; set) 2>&1` in #(
+    *${as_nl}ac_space=\ *)
+      sed -n \
+	"s/'\''/'\''\\\\'\'''\''/g;
+	  s/^\\([_$as_cr_alnum]*_cv_[_$as_cr_alnum]*\\)=\\(.*\\)/\\1='\''\\2'\''/p"
+      ;; #(
+    *)
+      sed -n "/^[_$as_cr_alnum]*_cv_[_$as_cr_alnum]*=/p"
+      ;;
+    esac |
+    sort
+    echo
+    cat <<\_ASBOX
+## ----------------- ##
+## Output variables. ##
+## ----------------- ##
+    echo
+    for ac_var in $ac_subst_vars
+    do
+      eval ac_val=\$$ac_var
+      case $ac_val in
+      *\'\''*) ac_val=`echo "$ac_val" | sed "s/'\''/'\''\\\\\\\\'\'''\''/g"`;;
+      esac
+      echo "$ac_var='\''$ac_val'\''"
+    done | sort
+    echo
+    if test -n "$ac_subst_files"; then
+      cat <<\_ASBOX
+## ------------------- ##
+## File substitutions. ##
+## ------------------- ##
+      echo
+      for ac_var in $ac_subst_files
+      do
+	eval ac_val=\$$ac_var
+	case $ac_val in
+	*\'\''*) ac_val=`echo "$ac_val" | sed "s/'\''/'\''\\\\\\\\'\'''\''/g"`;;
+	esac
+	echo "$ac_var='\''$ac_val'\''"
+      done | sort
+      echo
+    fi
+    if test -s confdefs.h; then
+      cat <<\_ASBOX
+## ----------- ##
+## confdefs.h. ##
+## ----------- ##
+      echo
+      cat confdefs.h
+      echo
+    fi
+    test "$ac_signal" != 0 &&
+      echo "$as_me: caught signal $ac_signal"
+    echo "$as_me: exit $exit_status"
+  } >&5
+  rm -f core *.core core.conftest.* &&
+    rm -f -r conftest* confdefs* conf$$* $ac_clean_files &&
+    exit $exit_status
+' 0
+for ac_signal in 1 2 13 15; do
+  trap 'ac_signal='$ac_signal'; { (exit 1); exit 1; }' $ac_signal
+# confdefs.h avoids OS command line length limits that DEFS can exceed.
+rm -f -r conftest* confdefs.h
+# Predefined preprocessor variables.
+cat >>confdefs.h <<_ACEOF
+cat >>confdefs.h <<_ACEOF
+cat >>confdefs.h <<_ACEOF
+cat >>confdefs.h <<_ACEOF
+cat >>confdefs.h <<_ACEOF
+# Let the site file select an alternate cache file if it wants to.
+# Prefer explicitly selected file to automatically selected ones.
+if test -n "$CONFIG_SITE"; then
+  set x "$CONFIG_SITE"
+elif test "x$prefix" != xNONE; then
+  set x "$prefix/share/config.site" "$prefix/etc/config.site"
+  set x "$ac_default_prefix/share/config.site" \
+	"$ac_default_prefix/etc/config.site"
+for ac_site_file
+  if test -r "$ac_site_file"; then
+    { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: loading site script $ac_site_file" >&5
+echo "$as_me: loading site script $ac_site_file" >&6;}
+    sed 's/^/| /' "$ac_site_file" >&5
+    . "$ac_site_file"
+  fi
+if test -r "$cache_file"; then
+  # Some versions of bash will fail to source /dev/null (special
+  # files actually), so we avoid doing that.
+  if test -f "$cache_file"; then
+    { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: loading cache $cache_file" >&5
+echo "$as_me: loading cache $cache_file" >&6;}
+    case $cache_file in
+      [\\/]* | ?:[\\/]* ) . "$cache_file";;
+      *)                      . "./$cache_file";;
+    esac
+  fi
+  { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: creating cache $cache_file" >&5
+echo "$as_me: creating cache $cache_file" >&6;}
+  >$cache_file
+# Check that the precious variables saved in the cache have kept the same
+# value.
+for ac_var in $ac_precious_vars; do
+  eval ac_old_set=\$ac_cv_env_${ac_var}_set
+  eval ac_new_set=\$ac_env_${ac_var}_set
+  eval ac_old_val=\$ac_cv_env_${ac_var}_value
+  eval ac_new_val=\$ac_env_${ac_var}_value
+  case $ac_old_set,$ac_new_set in
+    set,)
+      { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: error: \`$ac_var' was set to \`$ac_old_val' in the previous run" >&5
+echo "$as_me: error: \`$ac_var' was set to \`$ac_old_val' in the previous run" >&2;}
+      ac_cache_corrupted=: ;;
+    ,set)
+      { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: error: \`$ac_var' was not set in the previous run" >&5
+echo "$as_me: error: \`$ac_var' was not set in the previous run" >&2;}
+      ac_cache_corrupted=: ;;
+    ,);;
+    *)
+      if test "x$ac_old_val" != "x$ac_new_val"; then
+	{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: error: \`$ac_var' has changed since the previous run:" >&5
+echo "$as_me: error: \`$ac_var' has changed since the previous run:" >&2;}
+	{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO:   former value:  $ac_old_val" >&5
+echo "$as_me:   former value:  $ac_old_val" >&2;}
+	{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO:   current value: $ac_new_val" >&5
+echo "$as_me:   current value: $ac_new_val" >&2;}
+	ac_cache_corrupted=:
+      fi;;
+  esac
+  # Pass precious variables to config.status.
+  if test "$ac_new_set" = set; then
+    case $ac_new_val in
+    *\'*) ac_arg=$ac_var=`echo "$ac_new_val" | sed "s/'/'\\\\\\\\''/g"` ;;
+    *) ac_arg=$ac_var=$ac_new_val ;;
+    esac
+    case " $ac_configure_args " in
+      *" '$ac_arg' "*) ;; # Avoid dups.  Use of quotes ensures accuracy.
+      *) ac_configure_args="$ac_configure_args '$ac_arg'" ;;
+    esac
+  fi
+if $ac_cache_corrupted; then
+  { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: error: changes in the environment can compromise the build" >&5
+echo "$as_me: error: changes in the environment can compromise the build" >&2;}
+  { { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: error: run \`make distclean' and/or \`rm $cache_file' and start over" >&5
+echo "$as_me: error: run \`make distclean' and/or \`rm $cache_file' and start over" >&2;}
+   { (exit 1); exit 1; }; }
+ac_cpp='$CPP $CPPFLAGS'
+ac_compile='$CC -c $CFLAGS $CPPFLAGS conftest.$ac_ext >&5'
+ac_link='$CC -o conftest$ac_exeext $CFLAGS $CPPFLAGS $LDFLAGS conftest.$ac_ext $LIBS >&5'
+for ac_dir in config "$srcdir"/config; do
+  if test -f "$ac_dir/install-sh"; then
+    ac_aux_dir=$ac_dir
+    ac_install_sh="$ac_aux_dir/install-sh -c"
+    break
+  elif test -f "$ac_dir/install.sh"; then
+    ac_aux_dir=$ac_dir
+    ac_install_sh="$ac_aux_dir/install.sh -c"
+    break
+  elif test -f "$ac_dir/shtool"; then
+    ac_aux_dir=$ac_dir
+    ac_install_sh="$ac_aux_dir/shtool install -c"
+    break
+  fi
+if test -z "$ac_aux_dir"; then
+  { { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: error: cannot find install-sh or install.sh in config \"$srcdir\"/config" >&5
+echo "$as_me: error: cannot find install-sh or install.sh in config \"$srcdir\"/config" >&2;}
+   { (exit 1); exit 1; }; }
+# These three variables are undocumented and unsupported,
+# and are intended to be withdrawn in a future Autoconf release.
+# They can cause serious problems if a builder's source tree is in a directory
+# whose full name contains unusual characters.
+ac_config_guess="$SHELL $ac_aux_dir/config.guess"  # Please don't use this var.
+ac_config_sub="$SHELL $ac_aux_dir/config.sub"  # Please don't use this var.
+ac_configure="$SHELL $ac_aux_dir/configure"  # Please don't use this var.
+# Make sure we can run config.sub.
+$SHELL "$ac_aux_dir/config.sub" sun4 >/dev/null 2>&1 ||
+  { { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: error: cannot run $SHELL $ac_aux_dir/config.sub" >&5
+echo "$as_me: error: cannot run $SHELL $ac_aux_dir/config.sub" >&2;}
+   { (exit 1); exit 1; }; }
+{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: checking build system type" >&5
+echo $ECHO_N "checking build system type... $ECHO_C" >&6; }
+if test "${ac_cv_build+set}" = set; then
+  echo $ECHO_N "(cached) $ECHO_C" >&6
+  ac_build_alias=$build_alias
+test "x$ac_build_alias" = x &&
+  ac_build_alias=`$SHELL "$ac_aux_dir/config.guess"`
+test "x$ac_build_alias" = x &&
+  { { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: error: cannot guess build type; you must specify one" >&5
+echo "$as_me: error: cannot guess build type; you must specify one" >&2;}
+   { (exit 1); exit 1; }; }
+ac_cv_build=`$SHELL "$ac_aux_dir/config.sub" $ac_build_alias` ||
+  { { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: error: $SHELL $ac_aux_dir/config.sub $ac_build_alias failed" >&5
+echo "$as_me: error: $SHELL $ac_aux_dir/config.sub $ac_build_alias failed" >&2;}
+   { (exit 1); exit 1; }; }
+{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: $ac_cv_build" >&5
+echo "${ECHO_T}$ac_cv_build" >&6; }
+case $ac_cv_build in
+*-*-*) ;;
+*) { { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: error: invalid value of canonical build" >&5
+echo "$as_me: error: invalid value of canonical build" >&2;}
+   { (exit 1); exit 1; }; };;
+ac_save_IFS=$IFS; IFS='-'
+set x $ac_cv_build
+shift; shift
+# Remember, the first character of IFS is used to create $*,
+# except with old shells:
+case $build_os in *\ *) build_os=`echo "$build_os" | sed 's/ /-/g'`;; esac
+{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: checking host system type" >&5
+echo $ECHO_N "checking host system type... $ECHO_C" >&6; }
+if test "${ac_cv_host+set}" = set; then
+  echo $ECHO_N "(cached) $ECHO_C" >&6
+  if test "x$host_alias" = x; then
+  ac_cv_host=$ac_cv_build
+  ac_cv_host=`$SHELL "$ac_aux_dir/config.sub" $host_alias` ||
+    { { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: error: $SHELL $ac_aux_dir/config.sub $host_alias failed" >&5
+echo "$as_me: error: $SHELL $ac_aux_dir/config.sub $host_alias failed" >&2;}
+   { (exit 1); exit 1; }; }
+{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: $ac_cv_host" >&5
+echo "${ECHO_T}$ac_cv_host" >&6; }
+case $ac_cv_host in
+*-*-*) ;;
+*) { { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: error: invalid value of canonical host" >&5
+echo "$as_me: error: invalid value of canonical host" >&2;}
+   { (exit 1); exit 1; }; };;
+ac_save_IFS=$IFS; IFS='-'
+set x $ac_cv_host
+shift; shift
+# Remember, the first character of IFS is used to create $*,
+# except with old shells:
+case $host_os in *\ *) host_os=`echo "$host_os" | sed 's/ /-/g'`;; esac
+ac_compile='$FC -c $FCFLAGS $FCFLAGS_SRCEXT conftest.$ac_ext >&5'
+ac_link='$FC $ac_link_obj_flag""conftest$ac_exeext $FCFLAGS $LDFLAGS $FCFLAGS_SRCEXT conftest.$ac_ext $LIBS >&5'
+ac_compile='$FC -c $FCFLAGS $FCFLAGS_SRCEXT conftest.$ac_ext >&5'
+ac_link='$FC $ac_link_obj_flag""conftest$ac_exeext $FCFLAGS $LDFLAGS $FCFLAGS_SRCEXT conftest.$ac_ext $LIBS >&5'
+if test -n "$ac_tool_prefix"; then
+  for ac_prog in xlf95 lf95 f95 fort ifort ifc efc pgf95 pathf90 gfortran g95 f90 xlf90 pgf90 epcf90 g77 f77 xlf frt pgf77 fort77 fl32 af77
+  do
+    # Extract the first word of "$ac_tool_prefix$ac_prog", so it can be a program name with args.
+set dummy $ac_tool_prefix$ac_prog; ac_word=$2
+{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: checking for $ac_word" >&5
+echo $ECHO_N "checking for $ac_word... $ECHO_C" >&6; }
+if test "${ac_cv_prog_FC+set}" = set; then
+  echo $ECHO_N "(cached) $ECHO_C" >&6
+  if test -n "$FC"; then
+  ac_cv_prog_FC="$FC" # Let the user override the test.
+for as_dir in $PATH
+  IFS=$as_save_IFS
+  test -z "$as_dir" && as_dir=.
+  for ac_exec_ext in '' $ac_executable_extensions; do
+  if { test -f "$as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext" && $as_test_x "$as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext"; }; then
+    ac_cv_prog_FC="$ac_tool_prefix$ac_prog"
+    echo "$as_me:$LINENO: found $as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext" >&5
+    break 2
+  fi
+if test -n "$FC"; then
+  { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: $FC" >&5
+echo "${ECHO_T}$FC" >&6; }
+  { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: no" >&5
+echo "${ECHO_T}no" >&6; }
+    test -n "$FC" && break
+  done
+if test -z "$FC"; then
+  ac_ct_FC=$FC
+  for ac_prog in xlf95 lf95 f95 fort ifort ifc efc pgf95 pathf90 gfortran g95 f90 xlf90 pgf90 epcf90 g77 f77 xlf frt pgf77 fort77 fl32 af77
+  # Extract the first word of "$ac_prog", so it can be a program name with args.
+set dummy $ac_prog; ac_word=$2
+{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: checking for $ac_word" >&5
+echo $ECHO_N "checking for $ac_word... $ECHO_C" >&6; }
+if test "${ac_cv_prog_ac_ct_FC+set}" = set; then
+  echo $ECHO_N "(cached) $ECHO_C" >&6
+  if test -n "$ac_ct_FC"; then
+  ac_cv_prog_ac_ct_FC="$ac_ct_FC" # Let the user override the test.
+for as_dir in $PATH
+  IFS=$as_save_IFS
+  test -z "$as_dir" && as_dir=.
+  for ac_exec_ext in '' $ac_executable_extensions; do
+  if { test -f "$as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext" && $as_test_x "$as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext"; }; then
+    ac_cv_prog_ac_ct_FC="$ac_prog"
+    echo "$as_me:$LINENO: found $as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext" >&5
+    break 2
+  fi
+if test -n "$ac_ct_FC"; then
+  { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: $ac_ct_FC" >&5
+echo "${ECHO_T}$ac_ct_FC" >&6; }
+  { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: no" >&5
+echo "${ECHO_T}no" >&6; }
+  test -n "$ac_ct_FC" && break
+  if test "x$ac_ct_FC" = x; then
+    FC=""
+  else
+    case $cross_compiling:$ac_tool_warned in
+{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: WARNING: In the future, Autoconf will not detect cross-tools
+whose name does not start with the host triplet.  If you think this
+configuration is useful to you, please write to autoconf at gnu.org." >&5
+echo "$as_me: WARNING: In the future, Autoconf will not detect cross-tools
+whose name does not start with the host triplet.  If you think this
+configuration is useful to you, please write to autoconf at gnu.org." >&2;}
+ac_tool_warned=yes ;;
+    FC=$ac_ct_FC
+  fi
+# Provide some information about the compiler.
+echo "$as_me:1942:" \
+     "checking for Fortran compiler version" >&5
+ac_compiler=`set X $ac_compile; echo $2`
+{ (eval echo "$as_me:$LINENO: \"$ac_compiler --version </dev/null >&5\"") >&5
+  (eval $ac_compiler --version </dev/null >&5) 2>&5
+  ac_status=$?
+  echo "$as_me:$LINENO: \$? = $ac_status" >&5
+  (exit $ac_status); }
+{ (eval echo "$as_me:$LINENO: \"$ac_compiler -v </dev/null >&5\"") >&5
+  (eval $ac_compiler -v </dev/null >&5) 2>&5
+  ac_status=$?
+  echo "$as_me:$LINENO: \$? = $ac_status" >&5
+  (exit $ac_status); }
+{ (eval echo "$as_me:$LINENO: \"$ac_compiler -V </dev/null >&5\"") >&5
+  (eval $ac_compiler -V </dev/null >&5) 2>&5
+  ac_status=$?
+  echo "$as_me:$LINENO: \$? = $ac_status" >&5
+  (exit $ac_status); }
+rm -f a.out
+cat >conftest.$ac_ext <<_ACEOF
+      program main
+      end
+ac_clean_files="$ac_clean_files a.out a.exe b.out"
+# First try to determine the flag needed to name the executable
+# It is nearly always "-o" but Lahey Fortran wants "-out"
+{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: checking for linker flag to name executables" >&5
+echo $ECHO_N "checking for linker flag to name executables... $ECHO_C" >&6; }
+for ac_link_obj_flag in "/exe:" "-out " "-o "; do
+if { (ac_try="$ac_link"
+case "(($ac_try" in
+  *\"* | *\`* | *\\*) ac_try_echo=\$ac_try;;
+  *) ac_try_echo=$ac_try;;
+eval "echo \"\$as_me:$LINENO: $ac_try_echo\"") >&5
+  (eval "$ac_link") 2>&5
+  ac_status=$?
+  echo "$as_me:$LINENO: \$? = $ac_status" >&5
+  (exit $ac_status); }; then
+  ac_link_obj_flag_found=yes; break
+  :
+if test x$ac_link_obj_flag_found = x ; then
+{ { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: error: Could not determine flag to name executables
+See \`config.log' for more details." >&5
+echo "$as_me: error: Could not determine flag to name executables
+See \`config.log' for more details." >&2;}
+   { (exit 1); exit 1; }; }
+{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: $ac_link_obj_flag" >&5
+echo "${ECHO_T}$ac_link_obj_flag" >&6; }
+# Try to create an executable without -o first, disregard a.out.
+# It will help us diagnose broken compilers, and finding out an intuition
+# of exeext.
+{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: checking for Fortran compiler default output file name" >&5
+echo $ECHO_N "checking for Fortran compiler default output file name... $ECHO_C" >&6; }
+ac_link_default=`echo "$ac_link" | sed 's/ $ac_link_obj_flag *conftest[^ ]*//'`
+# List of possible output files, starting from the most likely.
+# The algorithm is not robust to junk in `.', hence go to wildcards (a.*)
+# only as a last resort.  b.out is created by i960 compilers.
+ac_files='a_out.exe a.exe conftest.exe a.out conftest a.* conftest.* b.out'
+# The IRIX 6 linker writes into existing files which may not be
+# executable, retaining their permissions.  Remove them first so a
+# subsequent execution test works.
+for ac_file in $ac_files
+  case $ac_file in
+    *.$ac_ext | *.xcoff | *.tds | *.d | *.pdb | *.xSYM | *.bb | *.bbg | *.map | *.inf | *.o | *.obj ) ;;
+    * ) ac_rmfiles="$ac_rmfiles $ac_file";;
+  esac
+rm -f $ac_rmfiles
+if { (ac_try="$ac_link_default"
+case "(($ac_try" in
+  *\"* | *\`* | *\\*) ac_try_echo=\$ac_try;;
+  *) ac_try_echo=$ac_try;;
+eval "echo \"\$as_me:$LINENO: $ac_try_echo\"") >&5
+  (eval "$ac_link_default") 2>&5
+  ac_status=$?
+  echo "$as_me:$LINENO: \$? = $ac_status" >&5
+  (exit $ac_status); }; then
+  # Autoconf-2.13 could set the ac_cv_exeext variable to `no'.
+# So ignore a value of `no', otherwise this would lead to `EXEEXT = no'
+# in a Makefile.  We should not override ac_cv_exeext if it was cached,
+# so that the user can short-circuit this test for compilers unknown to
+# Autoconf.
+for ac_file in $ac_files
+  test -f "$ac_file" || continue
+  case $ac_file in
+    *.$ac_ext | *.xcoff | *.tds | *.d | *.pdb | *.xSYM | *.bb | *.bbg | *.map | *.inf | *.o | *.obj )
+        ;;
+    [ab].out )
+        # We found the default executable, but exeext='' is most
+        # certainly right.
+        break;;
+    *.* )
+        if test "${ac_cv_exeext+set}" = set && test "$ac_cv_exeext" != no;
+        then :; else
+           ac_cv_exeext=`expr "$ac_file" : '[^.]*\(\..*\)'`
+        fi
+        # We set ac_cv_exeext here because the later test for it is not
+        # safe: cross compilers may not add the suffix if given an `-o'
+        # argument, so we may need to know it at that point already.
+        # Even if this section looks crufty: it has the advantage of
+        # actually working.
+        break;;
+    * )
+        break;;
+  esac
+test "$ac_cv_exeext" = no && ac_cv_exeext=
+  echo "$as_me: failed program was:" >&5
+sed 's/^/| /' conftest.$ac_ext >&5
+{ { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: error: Fortran compiler cannot create executables
+See \`config.log' for more details." >&5
+echo "$as_me: error: Fortran compiler cannot create executables
+See \`config.log' for more details." >&2;}
+   { (exit 77); exit 77; }; }
+{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: $ac_file" >&5
+echo "${ECHO_T}$ac_file" >&6; }
+# Check that the compiler produces executables we can run.  If not, either
+# the compiler is broken, or we cross compile.
+{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: checking whether the Fortran compiler works" >&5
+echo $ECHO_N "checking whether the Fortran compiler works... $ECHO_C" >&6; }
+# FIXME: These cross compiler hacks should be removed for Autoconf 3.0
+# If not cross compiling, check that we can run a simple program.
+if test "$cross_compiling" != yes; then
+  if { ac_try='./$ac_file'
+  { (case "(($ac_try" in
+  *\"* | *\`* | *\\*) ac_try_echo=\$ac_try;;
+  *) ac_try_echo=$ac_try;;
+eval "echo \"\$as_me:$LINENO: $ac_try_echo\"") >&5
+  (eval "$ac_try") 2>&5
+  ac_status=$?
+  echo "$as_me:$LINENO: \$? = $ac_status" >&5
+  (exit $ac_status); }; }; then
+    cross_compiling=no
+  else
+    if test "$cross_compiling" = maybe; then
+	cross_compiling=yes
+    else
+	{ { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: error: cannot run Fortran compiled programs.
+If you meant to cross compile, use \`--host'.
+See \`config.log' for more details." >&5
+echo "$as_me: error: cannot run Fortran compiled programs.
+If you meant to cross compile, use \`--host'.
+See \`config.log' for more details." >&2;}
+   { (exit 1); exit 1; }; }
+    fi
+  fi
+{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: yes" >&5
+echo "${ECHO_T}yes" >&6; }
+rm -f a.out a.exe conftest$ac_cv_exeext b.out
+# Check that the compiler produces executables we can run.  If not, either
+# the compiler is broken, or we cross compile.
+{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: checking whether we are cross compiling" >&5
+echo $ECHO_N "checking whether we are cross compiling... $ECHO_C" >&6; }
+{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: $cross_compiling" >&5
+echo "${ECHO_T}$cross_compiling" >&6; }
+{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: checking for suffix of executables" >&5
+echo $ECHO_N "checking for suffix of executables... $ECHO_C" >&6; }
+if { (ac_try="$ac_link"
+case "(($ac_try" in
+  *\"* | *\`* | *\\*) ac_try_echo=\$ac_try;;
+  *) ac_try_echo=$ac_try;;
+eval "echo \"\$as_me:$LINENO: $ac_try_echo\"") >&5
+  (eval "$ac_link") 2>&5
+  ac_status=$?
+  echo "$as_me:$LINENO: \$? = $ac_status" >&5
+  (exit $ac_status); }; then
+  # If both `conftest.exe' and `conftest' are `present' (well, observable)
+# catch `conftest.exe'.  For instance with Cygwin, `ls conftest' will
+# work properly (i.e., refer to `conftest.exe'), while it won't with
+# `rm'.
+for ac_file in conftest.exe conftest conftest.*; do
+  test -f "$ac_file" || continue
+  case $ac_file in
+    *.$ac_ext | *.xcoff | *.tds | *.d | *.pdb | *.xSYM | *.bb | *.bbg | *.map | *.inf | *.o | *.obj ) ;;
+    *.* ) ac_cv_exeext=`expr "$ac_file" : '[^.]*\(\..*\)'`
+	  break;;
+    * ) break;;
+  esac
+  { { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: error: cannot compute suffix of executables: cannot compile and link
+See \`config.log' for more details." >&5
+echo "$as_me: error: cannot compute suffix of executables: cannot compile and link
+See \`config.log' for more details." >&2;}
+   { (exit 1); exit 1; }; }
+rm -f conftest$ac_cv_exeext
+{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: $ac_cv_exeext" >&5
+echo "${ECHO_T}$ac_cv_exeext" >&6; }
+rm -f conftest.$ac_ext
+{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: checking for suffix of object files" >&5
+echo $ECHO_N "checking for suffix of object files... $ECHO_C" >&6; }
+if test "${ac_cv_objext+set}" = set; then
+  echo $ECHO_N "(cached) $ECHO_C" >&6
+  cat >conftest.$ac_ext <<_ACEOF
+      program main
+      end
+rm -f conftest.o conftest.obj
+if { (ac_try="$ac_compile"
+case "(($ac_try" in
+  *\"* | *\`* | *\\*) ac_try_echo=\$ac_try;;
+  *) ac_try_echo=$ac_try;;
+eval "echo \"\$as_me:$LINENO: $ac_try_echo\"") >&5
+  (eval "$ac_compile") 2>&5
+  ac_status=$?
+  echo "$as_me:$LINENO: \$? = $ac_status" >&5
+  (exit $ac_status); }; then
+  for ac_file in conftest.o conftest.obj conftest.*; do
+  test -f "$ac_file" || continue;
+  case $ac_file in
+    *.$ac_ext | *.xcoff | *.tds | *.d | *.pdb | *.xSYM | *.bb | *.bbg | *.map | *.inf ) ;;
+    *) ac_cv_objext=`expr "$ac_file" : '.*\.\(.*\)'`
+       break;;
+  esac
+  echo "$as_me: failed program was:" >&5
+sed 's/^/| /' conftest.$ac_ext >&5
+{ { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: error: cannot compute suffix of object files: cannot compile
+See \`config.log' for more details." >&5
+echo "$as_me: error: cannot compute suffix of object files: cannot compile
+See \`config.log' for more details." >&2;}
+   { (exit 1); exit 1; }; }
+rm -f conftest.$ac_cv_objext conftest.$ac_ext
+{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: $ac_cv_objext" >&5
+echo "${ECHO_T}$ac_cv_objext" >&6; }
+# If we don't use `.F' as extension, the preprocessor is not run on the
+# input file.  (Note that this only needs to work for GNU compilers.)
+{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: checking whether we are using the GNU Fortran compiler" >&5
+echo $ECHO_N "checking whether we are using the GNU Fortran compiler... $ECHO_C" >&6; }
+if test "${ac_cv_fc_compiler_gnu+set}" = set; then
+  echo $ECHO_N "(cached) $ECHO_C" >&6
+  cat >conftest.$ac_ext <<_ACEOF
+      program main
+#ifndef __GNUC__
+       choke me
+      end
+rm -f conftest.$ac_objext
+if { (ac_try="$ac_compile"
+case "(($ac_try" in
+  *\"* | *\`* | *\\*) ac_try_echo=\$ac_try;;
+  *) ac_try_echo=$ac_try;;
+eval "echo \"\$as_me:$LINENO: $ac_try_echo\"") >&5
+  (eval "$ac_compile") 2>conftest.er1
+  ac_status=$?
+  grep -v '^ *+' conftest.er1 >conftest.err
+  rm -f conftest.er1
+  cat conftest.err >&5
+  echo "$as_me:$LINENO: \$? = $ac_status" >&5
+  (exit $ac_status); } && {
+	 test -z "$ac_fc_werror_flag" ||
+	 test ! -s conftest.err
+       } && test -s conftest.$ac_objext; then
+  ac_compiler_gnu=yes
+  echo "$as_me: failed program was:" >&5
+sed 's/^/| /' conftest.$ac_ext >&5
+	ac_compiler_gnu=no
+rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext conftest.$ac_ext
+{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: $ac_cv_fc_compiler_gnu" >&5
+echo "${ECHO_T}$ac_cv_fc_compiler_gnu" >&6; }
+{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: checking whether $FC accepts -g" >&5
+echo $ECHO_N "checking whether $FC accepts -g... $ECHO_C" >&6; }
+if test "${ac_cv_prog_fc_g+set}" = set; then
+  echo $ECHO_N "(cached) $ECHO_C" >&6
+cat >conftest.$ac_ext <<_ACEOF
+      program main
+      end
+rm -f conftest.$ac_objext
+if { (ac_try="$ac_compile"
+case "(($ac_try" in
+  *\"* | *\`* | *\\*) ac_try_echo=\$ac_try;;
+  *) ac_try_echo=$ac_try;;
+eval "echo \"\$as_me:$LINENO: $ac_try_echo\"") >&5
+  (eval "$ac_compile") 2>conftest.er1
+  ac_status=$?
+  grep -v '^ *+' conftest.er1 >conftest.err
+  rm -f conftest.er1
+  cat conftest.err >&5
+  echo "$as_me:$LINENO: \$? = $ac_status" >&5
+  (exit $ac_status); } && {
+	 test -z "$ac_fc_werror_flag" ||
+	 test ! -s conftest.err
+       } && test -s conftest.$ac_objext; then
+  ac_cv_prog_fc_g=yes
+  echo "$as_me: failed program was:" >&5
+sed 's/^/| /' conftest.$ac_ext >&5
+	ac_cv_prog_fc_g=no
+rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext conftest.$ac_ext
+{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: $ac_cv_prog_fc_g" >&5
+echo "${ECHO_T}$ac_cv_prog_fc_g" >&6; }
+if test "$ac_test_FFLAGS" = set; then
+  FCFLAGS=$ac_save_FFLAGS
+elif test $ac_cv_prog_fc_g = yes; then
+  if test "x$ac_cv_fc_compiler_gnu" = xyes; then
+    FCFLAGS="-g -O2"
+  else
+    FCFLAGS="-g"
+  fi
+  if test "x$ac_cv_fc_compiler_gnu" = xyes; then
+    FCFLAGS="-O2"
+  else
+  fi
+ac_compile='$FC -c $FCFLAGS $FCFLAGS_SRCEXT conftest.$ac_ext >&5'
+ac_link='$FC $ac_link_obj_flag""conftest$ac_exeext $FCFLAGS $LDFLAGS $FCFLAGS_SRCEXT conftest.$ac_ext $LIBS >&5'
+ac_compile='$FC -c $FCFLAGS $FCFLAGS_SRCEXT conftest.$ac_ext >&5'
+ac_link='$FC $ac_link_obj_flag""conftest$ac_exeext $FCFLAGS $LDFLAGS $FCFLAGS_SRCEXT conftest.$ac_ext $LIBS >&5'
+{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: checking for Fortran flag needed to allow free-form source for .f90 suffix" >&5
+echo $ECHO_N "checking for Fortran flag needed to allow free-form source for .f90 suffix... $ECHO_C" >&6; }
+if test "${ac_cv_fc_freeform_f90+set}" = set; then
+  echo $ECHO_N "(cached) $ECHO_C" >&6
+  ac_cv_fc_freeform_f90=unknown
+for ac_flag in none -ffree-form -FR -free "-qfree=f90" "-qfree=f90 -qsuffix=f=$ac_ext"\
+               -qfree "-qfree -qsuffix=f=$ac_ext" -Mfree -Mfreeform \
+               -freeform "-f free" --nfix
+  test "x$ac_flag" != xnone && FCFLAGS="$ac_fc_freeform_FCFLAGS_save $ac_flag"
+  cat >conftest.$ac_ext <<_ACEOF
+program freeform
+! FIXME: how to best confuse non-freeform compilers?
+print *, 'Hello ', &
+end program
+rm -f conftest.$ac_objext
+if { (ac_try="$ac_compile"
+case "(($ac_try" in
+  *\"* | *\`* | *\\*) ac_try_echo=\$ac_try;;
+  *) ac_try_echo=$ac_try;;
+eval "echo \"\$as_me:$LINENO: $ac_try_echo\"") >&5
+  (eval "$ac_compile") 2>conftest.er1
+  ac_status=$?
+  grep -v '^ *+' conftest.er1 >conftest.err
+  rm -f conftest.er1
+  cat conftest.err >&5
+  echo "$as_me:$LINENO: \$? = $ac_status" >&5
+  (exit $ac_status); } && {
+	 test -z "$ac_fc_werror_flag" ||
+	 test ! -s conftest.err
+       } && test -s conftest.$ac_objext; then
+  ac_cv_fc_freeform_f90=$ac_flag; break
+  echo "$as_me: failed program was:" >&5
+sed 's/^/| /' conftest.$ac_ext >&5
+rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext conftest.$ac_ext
+rm -f conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext conftest.$ac_ext
+{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: $ac_cv_fc_freeform_f90" >&5
+echo "${ECHO_T}$ac_cv_fc_freeform_f90" >&6; }
+if test "x$ac_cv_fc_freeform_f90" = xunknown; then
+  { { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: error: Cannot compile free-form source with .f90 suffix" >&5
+echo "$as_me: error: Cannot compile free-form source with .f90 suffix" >&2;}
+   { (exit 77); exit 77; }; }
+  if test "x$ac_cv_fc_freeform_f90" != xnone; then
+    FCFLAGS_free_f90="$ac_cv_fc_freeform_f90"
+  fi
+ac_compile='$FC -c $FCFLAGS $FCFLAGS_SRCEXT conftest.$ac_ext >&5'
+ac_link='$FC $ac_link_obj_flag""conftest$ac_exeext $FCFLAGS $LDFLAGS $FCFLAGS_SRCEXT conftest.$ac_ext $LIBS >&5'
+# We need to use variables because compilation depends on whether
+# $F77 supports direct compilation of source with cpp directives
+ac_cpp='$CPP $CPPFLAGS'
+ac_compile='$CC -c $CFLAGS $CPPFLAGS conftest.$ac_ext >&5'
+ac_link='$CC -o conftest$ac_exeext $CFLAGS $CPPFLAGS $LDFLAGS conftest.$ac_ext $LIBS >&5'
+if test -n "$ac_tool_prefix"; then
+  # Extract the first word of "${ac_tool_prefix}gcc", so it can be a program name with args.
+set dummy ${ac_tool_prefix}gcc; ac_word=$2
+{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: checking for $ac_word" >&5
+echo $ECHO_N "checking for $ac_word... $ECHO_C" >&6; }
+if test "${ac_cv_prog_CC+set}" = set; then
+  echo $ECHO_N "(cached) $ECHO_C" >&6
+  if test -n "$CC"; then
+  ac_cv_prog_CC="$CC" # Let the user override the test.
+for as_dir in $PATH
+  IFS=$as_save_IFS
+  test -z "$as_dir" && as_dir=.
+  for ac_exec_ext in '' $ac_executable_extensions; do
+  if { test -f "$as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext" && $as_test_x "$as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext"; }; then
+    ac_cv_prog_CC="${ac_tool_prefix}gcc"
+    echo "$as_me:$LINENO: found $as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext" >&5
+    break 2
+  fi
+if test -n "$CC"; then
+  { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: $CC" >&5
+echo "${ECHO_T}$CC" >&6; }
+  { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: no" >&5
+echo "${ECHO_T}no" >&6; }
+if test -z "$ac_cv_prog_CC"; then
+  ac_ct_CC=$CC
+  # Extract the first word of "gcc", so it can be a program name with args.
+set dummy gcc; ac_word=$2
+{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: checking for $ac_word" >&5
+echo $ECHO_N "checking for $ac_word... $ECHO_C" >&6; }
+if test "${ac_cv_prog_ac_ct_CC+set}" = set; then
+  echo $ECHO_N "(cached) $ECHO_C" >&6
+  if test -n "$ac_ct_CC"; then
+  ac_cv_prog_ac_ct_CC="$ac_ct_CC" # Let the user override the test.
+for as_dir in $PATH
+  IFS=$as_save_IFS
+  test -z "$as_dir" && as_dir=.
+  for ac_exec_ext in '' $ac_executable_extensions; do
+  if { test -f "$as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext" && $as_test_x "$as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext"; }; then
+    ac_cv_prog_ac_ct_CC="gcc"
+    echo "$as_me:$LINENO: found $as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext" >&5
+    break 2
+  fi
+if test -n "$ac_ct_CC"; then
+  { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: $ac_ct_CC" >&5
+echo "${ECHO_T}$ac_ct_CC" >&6; }
+  { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: no" >&5
+echo "${ECHO_T}no" >&6; }
+  if test "x$ac_ct_CC" = x; then
+    CC=""
+  else
+    case $cross_compiling:$ac_tool_warned in
+{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: WARNING: In the future, Autoconf will not detect cross-tools
+whose name does not start with the host triplet.  If you think this
+configuration is useful to you, please write to autoconf at gnu.org." >&5
+echo "$as_me: WARNING: In the future, Autoconf will not detect cross-tools
+whose name does not start with the host triplet.  If you think this
+configuration is useful to you, please write to autoconf at gnu.org." >&2;}
+ac_tool_warned=yes ;;
+    CC=$ac_ct_CC
+  fi
+  CC="$ac_cv_prog_CC"
+if test -z "$CC"; then
+          if test -n "$ac_tool_prefix"; then
+    # Extract the first word of "${ac_tool_prefix}cc", so it can be a program name with args.
+set dummy ${ac_tool_prefix}cc; ac_word=$2
+{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: checking for $ac_word" >&5
+echo $ECHO_N "checking for $ac_word... $ECHO_C" >&6; }
+if test "${ac_cv_prog_CC+set}" = set; then
+  echo $ECHO_N "(cached) $ECHO_C" >&6
+  if test -n "$CC"; then
+  ac_cv_prog_CC="$CC" # Let the user override the test.
+for as_dir in $PATH
+  IFS=$as_save_IFS
+  test -z "$as_dir" && as_dir=.
+  for ac_exec_ext in '' $ac_executable_extensions; do
+  if { test -f "$as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext" && $as_test_x "$as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext"; }; then
+    ac_cv_prog_CC="${ac_tool_prefix}cc"
+    echo "$as_me:$LINENO: found $as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext" >&5
+    break 2
+  fi
+if test -n "$CC"; then
+  { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: $CC" >&5
+echo "${ECHO_T}$CC" >&6; }
+  { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: no" >&5
+echo "${ECHO_T}no" >&6; }
+  fi
+if test -z "$CC"; then
+  # Extract the first word of "cc", so it can be a program name with args.
+set dummy cc; ac_word=$2
+{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: checking for $ac_word" >&5
+echo $ECHO_N "checking for $ac_word... $ECHO_C" >&6; }
+if test "${ac_cv_prog_CC+set}" = set; then
+  echo $ECHO_N "(cached) $ECHO_C" >&6
+  if test -n "$CC"; then
+  ac_cv_prog_CC="$CC" # Let the user override the test.
+  ac_prog_rejected=no
+for as_dir in $PATH
+  IFS=$as_save_IFS
+  test -z "$as_dir" && as_dir=.
+  for ac_exec_ext in '' $ac_executable_extensions; do
+  if { test -f "$as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext" && $as_test_x "$as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext"; }; then
+    if test "$as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext" = "/usr/ucb/cc"; then
+       ac_prog_rejected=yes
+       continue
+     fi
+    ac_cv_prog_CC="cc"
+    echo "$as_me:$LINENO: found $as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext" >&5
+    break 2
+  fi
+if test $ac_prog_rejected = yes; then
+  # We found a bogon in the path, so make sure we never use it.
+  set dummy $ac_cv_prog_CC
+  shift
+  if test $# != 0; then
+    # We chose a different compiler from the bogus one.
+    # However, it has the same basename, so the bogon will be chosen
+    # first if we set CC to just the basename; use the full file name.
+    shift
+    ac_cv_prog_CC="$as_dir/$ac_word${1+' '}$@"
+  fi
+if test -n "$CC"; then
+  { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: $CC" >&5
+echo "${ECHO_T}$CC" >&6; }
+  { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: no" >&5
+echo "${ECHO_T}no" >&6; }
+if test -z "$CC"; then
+  if test -n "$ac_tool_prefix"; then
+  for ac_prog in cl.exe
+  do
+    # Extract the first word of "$ac_tool_prefix$ac_prog", so it can be a program name with args.
+set dummy $ac_tool_prefix$ac_prog; ac_word=$2
+{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: checking for $ac_word" >&5
+echo $ECHO_N "checking for $ac_word... $ECHO_C" >&6; }
+if test "${ac_cv_prog_CC+set}" = set; then
+  echo $ECHO_N "(cached) $ECHO_C" >&6
+  if test -n "$CC"; then
+  ac_cv_prog_CC="$CC" # Let the user override the test.
+for as_dir in $PATH
+  IFS=$as_save_IFS
+  test -z "$as_dir" && as_dir=.
+  for ac_exec_ext in '' $ac_executable_extensions; do
+  if { test -f "$as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext" && $as_test_x "$as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext"; }; then
+    ac_cv_prog_CC="$ac_tool_prefix$ac_prog"
+    echo "$as_me:$LINENO: found $as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext" >&5
+    break 2
+  fi
+if test -n "$CC"; then
+  { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: $CC" >&5
+echo "${ECHO_T}$CC" >&6; }
+  { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: no" >&5
+echo "${ECHO_T}no" >&6; }
+    test -n "$CC" && break
+  done
+if test -z "$CC"; then
+  ac_ct_CC=$CC
+  for ac_prog in cl.exe
+  # Extract the first word of "$ac_prog", so it can be a program name with args.
+set dummy $ac_prog; ac_word=$2
+{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: checking for $ac_word" >&5
+echo $ECHO_N "checking for $ac_word... $ECHO_C" >&6; }
+if test "${ac_cv_prog_ac_ct_CC+set}" = set; then
+  echo $ECHO_N "(cached) $ECHO_C" >&6
+  if test -n "$ac_ct_CC"; then
+  ac_cv_prog_ac_ct_CC="$ac_ct_CC" # Let the user override the test.
+for as_dir in $PATH
+  IFS=$as_save_IFS
+  test -z "$as_dir" && as_dir=.
+  for ac_exec_ext in '' $ac_executable_extensions; do
+  if { test -f "$as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext" && $as_test_x "$as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext"; }; then
+    ac_cv_prog_ac_ct_CC="$ac_prog"
+    echo "$as_me:$LINENO: found $as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext" >&5
+    break 2
+  fi
+if test -n "$ac_ct_CC"; then
+  { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: $ac_ct_CC" >&5
+echo "${ECHO_T}$ac_ct_CC" >&6; }
+  { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: no" >&5
+echo "${ECHO_T}no" >&6; }
+  test -n "$ac_ct_CC" && break
+  if test "x$ac_ct_CC" = x; then
+    CC=""
+  else
+    case $cross_compiling:$ac_tool_warned in
+{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: WARNING: In the future, Autoconf will not detect cross-tools
+whose name does not start with the host triplet.  If you think this
+configuration is useful to you, please write to autoconf at gnu.org." >&5
+echo "$as_me: WARNING: In the future, Autoconf will not detect cross-tools
+whose name does not start with the host triplet.  If you think this
+configuration is useful to you, please write to autoconf at gnu.org." >&2;}
+ac_tool_warned=yes ;;
+    CC=$ac_ct_CC
+  fi
+test -z "$CC" && { { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: error: no acceptable C compiler found in \$PATH
+See \`config.log' for more details." >&5
+echo "$as_me: error: no acceptable C compiler found in \$PATH
+See \`config.log' for more details." >&2;}
+   { (exit 1); exit 1; }; }
+# Provide some information about the compiler.
+echo "$as_me:$LINENO: checking for C compiler version" >&5
+ac_compiler=`set X $ac_compile; echo $2`
+{ (ac_try="$ac_compiler --version >&5"
+case "(($ac_try" in
+  *\"* | *\`* | *\\*) ac_try_echo=\$ac_try;;
+  *) ac_try_echo=$ac_try;;
+eval "echo \"\$as_me:$LINENO: $ac_try_echo\"") >&5
+  (eval "$ac_compiler --version >&5") 2>&5
+  ac_status=$?
+  echo "$as_me:$LINENO: \$? = $ac_status" >&5
+  (exit $ac_status); }
+{ (ac_try="$ac_compiler -v >&5"
+case "(($ac_try" in
+  *\"* | *\`* | *\\*) ac_try_echo=\$ac_try;;
+  *) ac_try_echo=$ac_try;;
+eval "echo \"\$as_me:$LINENO: $ac_try_echo\"") >&5
+  (eval "$ac_compiler -v >&5") 2>&5
+  ac_status=$?
+  echo "$as_me:$LINENO: \$? = $ac_status" >&5
+  (exit $ac_status); }
+{ (ac_try="$ac_compiler -V >&5"
+case "(($ac_try" in
+  *\"* | *\`* | *\\*) ac_try_echo=\$ac_try;;
+  *) ac_try_echo=$ac_try;;
+eval "echo \"\$as_me:$LINENO: $ac_try_echo\"") >&5
+  (eval "$ac_compiler -V >&5") 2>&5
+  ac_status=$?
+  echo "$as_me:$LINENO: \$? = $ac_status" >&5
+  (exit $ac_status); }
+{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler" >&5
+echo $ECHO_N "checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... $ECHO_C" >&6; }
+if test "${ac_cv_c_compiler_gnu+set}" = set; then
+  echo $ECHO_N "(cached) $ECHO_C" >&6
+  cat >conftest.$ac_ext <<_ACEOF
+/* confdefs.h.  */
+cat confdefs.h >>conftest.$ac_ext
+cat >>conftest.$ac_ext <<_ACEOF
+/* end confdefs.h.  */
+main ()
+#ifndef __GNUC__
+       choke me
+  ;
+  return 0;
+rm -f conftest.$ac_objext
+if { (ac_try="$ac_compile"
+case "(($ac_try" in
+  *\"* | *\`* | *\\*) ac_try_echo=\$ac_try;;
+  *) ac_try_echo=$ac_try;;
+eval "echo \"\$as_me:$LINENO: $ac_try_echo\"") >&5
+  (eval "$ac_compile") 2>conftest.er1
+  ac_status=$?
+  grep -v '^ *+' conftest.er1 >conftest.err
+  rm -f conftest.er1
+  cat conftest.err >&5
+  echo "$as_me:$LINENO: \$? = $ac_status" >&5
+  (exit $ac_status); } && {
+	 test -z "$ac_c_werror_flag" ||
+	 test ! -s conftest.err
+       } && test -s conftest.$ac_objext; then
+  ac_compiler_gnu=yes
+  echo "$as_me: failed program was:" >&5
+sed 's/^/| /' conftest.$ac_ext >&5
+	ac_compiler_gnu=no
+rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext conftest.$ac_ext
+{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: $ac_cv_c_compiler_gnu" >&5
+echo "${ECHO_T}$ac_cv_c_compiler_gnu" >&6; }
+GCC=`test $ac_compiler_gnu = yes && echo yes`
+{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: checking whether $CC accepts -g" >&5
+echo $ECHO_N "checking whether $CC accepts -g... $ECHO_C" >&6; }
+if test "${ac_cv_prog_cc_g+set}" = set; then
+  echo $ECHO_N "(cached) $ECHO_C" >&6
+  ac_save_c_werror_flag=$ac_c_werror_flag
+   ac_c_werror_flag=yes
+   ac_cv_prog_cc_g=no
+   CFLAGS="-g"
+   cat >conftest.$ac_ext <<_ACEOF
+/* confdefs.h.  */
+cat confdefs.h >>conftest.$ac_ext
+cat >>conftest.$ac_ext <<_ACEOF
+/* end confdefs.h.  */
+main ()
+  ;
+  return 0;
+rm -f conftest.$ac_objext
+if { (ac_try="$ac_compile"
+case "(($ac_try" in
+  *\"* | *\`* | *\\*) ac_try_echo=\$ac_try;;
+  *) ac_try_echo=$ac_try;;
+eval "echo \"\$as_me:$LINENO: $ac_try_echo\"") >&5
+  (eval "$ac_compile") 2>conftest.er1
+  ac_status=$?
+  grep -v '^ *+' conftest.er1 >conftest.err
+  rm -f conftest.er1
+  cat conftest.err >&5
+  echo "$as_me:$LINENO: \$? = $ac_status" >&5
+  (exit $ac_status); } && {
+	 test -z "$ac_c_werror_flag" ||
+	 test ! -s conftest.err
+       } && test -s conftest.$ac_objext; then
+  ac_cv_prog_cc_g=yes
+  echo "$as_me: failed program was:" >&5
+sed 's/^/| /' conftest.$ac_ext >&5
+      cat >conftest.$ac_ext <<_ACEOF
+/* confdefs.h.  */
+cat confdefs.h >>conftest.$ac_ext
+cat >>conftest.$ac_ext <<_ACEOF
+/* end confdefs.h.  */
+main ()
+  ;
+  return 0;
+rm -f conftest.$ac_objext
+if { (ac_try="$ac_compile"
+case "(($ac_try" in
+  *\"* | *\`* | *\\*) ac_try_echo=\$ac_try;;
+  *) ac_try_echo=$ac_try;;
+eval "echo \"\$as_me:$LINENO: $ac_try_echo\"") >&5
+  (eval "$ac_compile") 2>conftest.er1
+  ac_status=$?
+  grep -v '^ *+' conftest.er1 >conftest.err
+  rm -f conftest.er1
+  cat conftest.err >&5
+  echo "$as_me:$LINENO: \$? = $ac_status" >&5
+  (exit $ac_status); } && {
+	 test -z "$ac_c_werror_flag" ||
+	 test ! -s conftest.err
+       } && test -s conftest.$ac_objext; then
+  :
+  echo "$as_me: failed program was:" >&5
+sed 's/^/| /' conftest.$ac_ext >&5
+	ac_c_werror_flag=$ac_save_c_werror_flag
+	 CFLAGS="-g"
+	 cat >conftest.$ac_ext <<_ACEOF
+/* confdefs.h.  */
+cat confdefs.h >>conftest.$ac_ext
+cat >>conftest.$ac_ext <<_ACEOF
+/* end confdefs.h.  */
+main ()
+  ;
+  return 0;
+rm -f conftest.$ac_objext
+if { (ac_try="$ac_compile"
+case "(($ac_try" in
+  *\"* | *\`* | *\\*) ac_try_echo=\$ac_try;;
+  *) ac_try_echo=$ac_try;;
+eval "echo \"\$as_me:$LINENO: $ac_try_echo\"") >&5
+  (eval "$ac_compile") 2>conftest.er1
+  ac_status=$?
+  grep -v '^ *+' conftest.er1 >conftest.err
+  rm -f conftest.er1
+  cat conftest.err >&5
+  echo "$as_me:$LINENO: \$? = $ac_status" >&5
+  (exit $ac_status); } && {
+	 test -z "$ac_c_werror_flag" ||
+	 test ! -s conftest.err
+       } && test -s conftest.$ac_objext; then
+  ac_cv_prog_cc_g=yes
+  echo "$as_me: failed program was:" >&5
+sed 's/^/| /' conftest.$ac_ext >&5
+rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext conftest.$ac_ext
+rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext conftest.$ac_ext
+rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext conftest.$ac_ext
+   ac_c_werror_flag=$ac_save_c_werror_flag
+{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: $ac_cv_prog_cc_g" >&5
+echo "${ECHO_T}$ac_cv_prog_cc_g" >&6; }
+if test "$ac_test_CFLAGS" = set; then
+  CFLAGS=$ac_save_CFLAGS
+elif test $ac_cv_prog_cc_g = yes; then
+  if test "$GCC" = yes; then
+    CFLAGS="-g -O2"
+  else
+    CFLAGS="-g"
+  fi
+  if test "$GCC" = yes; then
+    CFLAGS="-O2"
+  else
+    CFLAGS=
+  fi
+{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: checking for $CC option to accept ISO C89" >&5
+echo $ECHO_N "checking for $CC option to accept ISO C89... $ECHO_C" >&6; }
+if test "${ac_cv_prog_cc_c89+set}" = set; then
+  echo $ECHO_N "(cached) $ECHO_C" >&6
+  ac_cv_prog_cc_c89=no
+cat >conftest.$ac_ext <<_ACEOF
+/* confdefs.h.  */
+cat confdefs.h >>conftest.$ac_ext
+cat >>conftest.$ac_ext <<_ACEOF
+/* end confdefs.h.  */
+#include <stdarg.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+/* Most of the following tests are stolen from RCS 5.7's src/conf.sh.  */
+struct buf { int x; };
+FILE * (*rcsopen) (struct buf *, struct stat *, int);
+static char *e (p, i)
+     char **p;
+     int i;
+  return p[i];
+static char *f (char * (*g) (char **, int), char **p, ...)
+  char *s;
+  va_list v;
+  va_start (v,p);
+  s = g (p, va_arg (v,int));
+  va_end (v);
+  return s;
+/* OSF 4.0 Compaq cc is some sort of almost-ANSI by default.  It has
+   function prototypes and stuff, but not '\xHH' hex character constants.
+   These don't provoke an error unfortunately, instead are silently treated
+   as 'x'.  The following induces an error, until -std is added to get
+   proper ANSI mode.  Curiously '\x00'!='x' always comes out true, for an
+   array size at least.  It's necessary to write '\x00'==0 to get something
+   that's true only with -std.  */
+int osf4_cc_array ['\x00' == 0 ? 1 : -1];
+/* IBM C 6 for AIX is almost-ANSI by default, but it replaces macro parameters
+   inside strings and character constants.  */
+#define FOO(x) 'x'
+int xlc6_cc_array[FOO(a) == 'x' ? 1 : -1];
+int test (int i, double x);
+struct s1 {int (*f) (int a);};
+struct s2 {int (*f) (double a);};
+int pairnames (int, char **, FILE *(*)(struct buf *, struct stat *, int), int, int);
+int argc;
+char **argv;
+main ()
+return f (e, argv, 0) != argv[0]  ||  f (e, argv, 1) != argv[1];
+  ;
+  return 0;
+for ac_arg in '' -qlanglvl=extc89 -qlanglvl=ansi -std \
+  CC="$ac_save_CC $ac_arg"
+  rm -f conftest.$ac_objext
+if { (ac_try="$ac_compile"
+case "(($ac_try" in
+  *\"* | *\`* | *\\*) ac_try_echo=\$ac_try;;
+  *) ac_try_echo=$ac_try;;
+eval "echo \"\$as_me:$LINENO: $ac_try_echo\"") >&5
+  (eval "$ac_compile") 2>conftest.er1
+  ac_status=$?
+  grep -v '^ *+' conftest.er1 >conftest.err
+  rm -f conftest.er1
+  cat conftest.err >&5
+  echo "$as_me:$LINENO: \$? = $ac_status" >&5
+  (exit $ac_status); } && {
+	 test -z "$ac_c_werror_flag" ||
+	 test ! -s conftest.err
+       } && test -s conftest.$ac_objext; then
+  ac_cv_prog_cc_c89=$ac_arg
+  echo "$as_me: failed program was:" >&5
+sed 's/^/| /' conftest.$ac_ext >&5
+rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext
+  test "x$ac_cv_prog_cc_c89" != "xno" && break
+rm -f conftest.$ac_ext
+case "x$ac_cv_prog_cc_c89" in
+  x)
+    { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: none needed" >&5
+echo "${ECHO_T}none needed" >&6; } ;;
+  xno)
+    { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: unsupported" >&5
+echo "${ECHO_T}unsupported" >&6; } ;;
+  *)
+    CC="$CC $ac_cv_prog_cc_c89"
+    { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: $ac_cv_prog_cc_c89" >&5
+echo "${ECHO_T}$ac_cv_prog_cc_c89" >&6; } ;;
+# We need to use variables because compilation depends on whether
+# $F77 supports direct compilation of source with cpp directives
+# Prefer AC_PROG_FC to AC_PROG_F77
+if test "X$F77" != X; then
+    { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: WARNING: Use AC_PROG_FC with AC_PROG_FPP, instead of AC_PROG_F77" >&5
+echo "$as_me: WARNING: Use AC_PROG_FC with AC_PROG_FPP, instead of AC_PROG_F77" >&2;}
+# Set up ac_fpp_need_* flags based on features in
+# defaults for needed features
+for _t in  nil
+    case $_t in
+        define)       ac_fpp_need_d=yes        ;;
+        nodefine)     ac_fpp_need_d=no         ;;
+        include)      ac_fpp_need_i=yes        ;;
+        noinclude)    ac_fpp_need_i=no         ;;
+        substitute)   ac_fpp_need_subs=yes     ;;
+        nosubstitute) ac_fpp_need_subs=no      ;;
+        wrap)         ac_fpp_need_wrap=yes     ;;
+        nowwrap)      ac_fpp_need_wrap=no      ;;
+        cstyle)       ac_fpp_need_cstyle=yes   ;;
+        nocstyle)     ac_fpp_need_cstyle=no    ;;
+        CSTYLE)       ac_fpp_need_CSTYLE=yes   ;;
+        noCSTYLE)     ac_fpp_need_CSTYLE=no    ;;
+        cxxstyle)     ac_fpp_need_cxxstyle=yes ;;
+        nocxxstyle)   ac_fpp_need_cxxstyle=no  ;;
+        CXXSTYLE)     ac_fpp_need_CXXSTYLE=yes ;;
+        noCXXSTYLE)   ac_fpp_need_CXXSTYLE=no  ;;
+        nil)   ;;
+    esac
+# Wrapping requires substitution
+test $ac_fpp_need_wrap = yes && ac_fpp_need_subs=yes
+# Both CSTYLE and cstyle cannot be requested
+# CSTYLE has precedence, since if it is not fulfilled,
+# compile errors may arise
+test $ac_fpp_need_CSTYLE = yes && ac_fpp_need_cstyle=no
+test $ac_fpp_need_CXXSTYLE = yes && ac_fpp_need_cxxstyle=no
+# We first try to use FC for compiling the source directly
+# into object files
+ac_fpp_compile='${FC-fc} -c $FPPFLAGS $FPPFLAGS_SRCEXT $FCFLAGS conftest.$ac_ext >&5'
+ac_fpp_link='${FC-fc} $ac_link_obj_flag""conftest${ac_exeext} $FPPFLAGS $FPPFLAGS_SRCEXT $FCFLAGS $LDFLAGS conftest.$ac_ext $LIBS >&5'
+# We need to use variables because compilation depends on whether
+# $F77 supports direct compilation of source with cpp directives
+# _AC_PROG_FC_CPP does the actual feature tests, storing results of the
+# checks in non-cv variables like ac_prog_fc_cpp_*, which we copy to cv
+# variables afterwards.  This allows this macro to be reusable for other
+# cv variables (see below)
+{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: checking for fixed form Fortran preprocessor features" >&5
+echo $ECHO_N "checking for fixed form Fortran preprocessor features... $ECHO_C" >&6; }
+if test $ac_fc_testing_fpp = direct; then
+# On nearly all systems where direct compilation is possible, a .F file will
+# compile a preprocessable fixed-form file automatically. However,
+# case-insensitive filesystems (eg HFS+ on MacOSX) may get confused.
+# Therefore, we must check for cpp flags.
+for ac_flag in none "/fpp" "-x f77-cpp-input" "-FI -cpp" "-qfixed -qsuffix=cpp=F" "-fixed -fpp" "-lfe \"-Cpp\" --fix"
+  test "x$ac_flag" != xnone && FCFLAGS="$ac_fpp_fixedform_FCFLAGS_save $ac_flag"
+    cat >conftest.$ac_ext <<_ACEOF
+      PRI  NT*, 'HELLO '//
+     .      'WORLD.'
+#ifdef OK2
+  choke me
+#ifndef OK
+rm -f conftest.$ac_objext
+if { (ac_try="$ac_compile"
+case "(($ac_try" in
+  *\"* | *\`* | *\\*) ac_try_echo=\$ac_try;;
+  *) ac_try_echo=$ac_try;;
+eval "echo \"\$as_me:$LINENO: $ac_try_echo\"") >&5
+  (eval "$ac_compile") 2>conftest.er1
+  ac_status=$?
+  grep -v '^ *+' conftest.er1 >conftest.err
+  rm -f conftest.er1
+  cat conftest.err >&5
+  echo "$as_me:$LINENO: \$? = $ac_status" >&5
+  (exit $ac_status); } && {
+	 test -z "$ac_fpp_werror_flag" ||
+	 test ! -s conftest.err
+       } && test -s conftest.$ac_objext; then
+  ac_cv_fpp_fixedform_F=$ac_flag; break
+  echo "$as_me: failed program was:" >&5
+sed 's/^/| /' conftest.$ac_ext >&5
+rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext conftest.$ac_ext
+rm -f conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext conftest.$ac_ext
+if test "x$ac_cv_fpp_fixedform_F" = x; then
+  { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: WARNING: Cannot compile fixed-form preprocessable Fortran with a .F extension." >&5
+echo "$as_me: WARNING: Cannot compile fixed-form preprocessable Fortran with a .F extension." >&2;}
+  if test "$ac_cv_fpp_fixedform_F" != none; then
+    FPPFLAGS_fixed_F="$ac_cv_fpp_fixedform_F"
+    FPPFLAGS_fixed_F="$ac_cv_fpp_fixedform_F"
+  fi
+  if test "x$ac_cv_fpp_fixedform_F" != x; then
+    ac_prog_fc_cpp=yes
+  else
+    ac_fpp_ok=no
+  fi
+# It is possible we've failed the previous test because of a
+# Tru64 bug where the compiler fails when called as 'f95' on
+# a .F file. It works when called as f90.
+#FIXME: this does not protect the user's setting of FC, though
+# we set it back if senesible.
+ if test $ac_prog_fc_cpp = no && test $FC = f95; then
+    FC=f90
+    cat >conftest.$ac_ext <<_ACEOF
+#define OK
+      program main
+#ifndef OK
+      syntax error
+      end
+rm -f conftest.$ac_objext conftest$ac_exeext
+if { (ac_try="$ac_link"
+case "(($ac_try" in
+  *\"* | *\`* | *\\*) ac_try_echo=\$ac_try;;
+  *) ac_try_echo=$ac_try;;
+eval "echo \"\$as_me:$LINENO: $ac_try_echo\"") >&5
+  (eval "$ac_link") 2>conftest.er1
+  ac_status=$?
+  grep -v '^ *+' conftest.er1 >conftest.err
+  rm -f conftest.er1
+  cat conftest.err >&5
+  echo "$as_me:$LINENO: \$? = $ac_status" >&5
+  (exit $ac_status); } && {
+	 test -z "$ac_fpp_werror_flag" ||
+	 test ! -s conftest.err
+       } && test -s conftest$ac_exeext &&
+       $as_test_x conftest$ac_exeext; then
+  ac_prog_fc_cpp=yes
+  echo "$as_me: failed program was:" >&5
+sed 's/^/| /' conftest.$ac_ext >&5
+rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext conftest_ipa8_conftest.oo \
+      conftest$ac_exeext conftest.$ac_ext
+    if test $ac_prog_fc_cpp = no; then
+      FC=f95
+      ac_fpp_ok=no
+    fi
+  fi
+  ac_first_save_FPPFLAGS=$FPPFLAGS
+# We need to skip the following tests if we're trying direct compilation
+# and FC won't preprocess.
+if test $ac_prog_fc_cpp = yes || test $ac_fc_testing_fpp = indirect; then
+    if test $ac_fpp_need_d = yes; then
+# Nearly everyone uses -D. XLF uses -WF,-D. Ifort on Windows uses /D
+      ac_prog_fc_cpp_d=no
+      ac_save_FPPFLAGS=$FPPFLAGS
+      for fpp_flag_try in "-D" "-WF,-D" "/D"; do
+        FPPFLAGS="$FPPFLAGS $fpp_flag_try""OK"
+        cat >conftest.$ac_ext <<_ACEOF
+      program main
+#ifndef OK
+      syntax error
+      end
+rm -f conftest.$ac_objext conftest$ac_exeext
+if { (ac_try="$ac_link"
+case "(($ac_try" in
+  *\"* | *\`* | *\\*) ac_try_echo=\$ac_try;;
+  *) ac_try_echo=$ac_try;;
+eval "echo \"\$as_me:$LINENO: $ac_try_echo\"") >&5
+  (eval "$ac_link") 2>conftest.er1
+  ac_status=$?
+  grep -v '^ *+' conftest.er1 >conftest.err
+  rm -f conftest.er1
+  cat conftest.err >&5
+  echo "$as_me:$LINENO: \$? = $ac_status" >&5
+  (exit $ac_status); } && {
+	 test -z "$ac_fpp_werror_flag" ||
+	 test ! -s conftest.err
+       } && test -s conftest$ac_exeext &&
+       $as_test_x conftest$ac_exeext; then
+  ac_prog_fc_cpp_d=yes; FPPFLAGS_DEF="$fpp_flag_try"
+  echo "$as_me: failed program was:" >&5
+sed 's/^/| /' conftest.$ac_ext >&5
+	:
+rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext conftest_ipa8_conftest.oo \
+      conftest$ac_exeext conftest.$ac_ext
+        FPPFLAGS=$ac_save_FPPFLAGS
+      done
+      if test $ac_prog_fc_cpp_d = no; then
+        ac_fpp_ok=no
+      fi
+    fi
+#FIXME we should probably do the AC_SUBST somewhere else.
+    if test $ac_fpp_need_i = yes; then
+       rm -rf conftst
+       mkdir conftst
+       cat > conftst/conftest.inc << \_ACEOF
+!     This statement overrides the IMPLICIT statement in the program
+      REAL cc
+       ac_save_FPPFLAGS=$FPPFLAGS
+       FPPFLAGS="$FPPFLAGS -Iconftst"
+       cat >conftest.$ac_ext <<_ACEOF
+      program main
+!     Comments in test programs should be freeform compliant just in case.
+!     conftest.inc contains the Fortran statement "REAL cc"
+#include "conftest.inc"
+      cc=1.
+      end
+rm -f conftest.$ac_objext conftest$ac_exeext
+if { (ac_try="$ac_link"
+case "(($ac_try" in
+  *\"* | *\`* | *\\*) ac_try_echo=\$ac_try;;
+  *) ac_try_echo=$ac_try;;
+eval "echo \"\$as_me:$LINENO: $ac_try_echo\"") >&5
+  (eval "$ac_link") 2>conftest.er1
+  ac_status=$?
+  grep -v '^ *+' conftest.er1 >conftest.err
+  rm -f conftest.er1
+  cat conftest.err >&5
+  echo "$as_me:$LINENO: \$? = $ac_status" >&5
+  (exit $ac_status); } && {
+	 test -z "$ac_fpp_werror_flag" ||
+	 test ! -s conftest.err
+       } && test -s conftest$ac_exeext &&
+       $as_test_x conftest$ac_exeext; then
+  ac_prog_fc_cpp_i=yes
+  echo "$as_me: failed program was:" >&5
+sed 's/^/| /' conftest.$ac_ext >&5
+	ac_fpp_ok=no
+rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext conftest_ipa8_conftest.oo \
+      conftest$ac_exeext conftest.$ac_ext
+       rm -rf conftst
+       FPPFLAGS=$ac_save_FPPFLAGS
+    fi
+    if test $ac_fpp_need_subs = yes; then
+        cat >conftest.$ac_ext <<_ACEOF
+#define NM xxxx
+      program main
+      REAL xxxx
+      NM=1.
+      end
+rm -f conftest.$ac_objext conftest$ac_exeext
+if { (ac_try="$ac_link"
+case "(($ac_try" in
+  *\"* | *\`* | *\\*) ac_try_echo=\$ac_try;;
+  *) ac_try_echo=$ac_try;;
+eval "echo \"\$as_me:$LINENO: $ac_try_echo\"") >&5
+  (eval "$ac_link") 2>conftest.er1
+  ac_status=$?
+  grep -v '^ *+' conftest.er1 >conftest.err
+  rm -f conftest.er1
+  cat conftest.err >&5
+  echo "$as_me:$LINENO: \$? = $ac_status" >&5
+  (exit $ac_status); } && {
+	 test -z "$ac_fpp_werror_flag" ||
+	 test ! -s conftest.err
+       } && test -s conftest$ac_exeext &&
+       $as_test_x conftest$ac_exeext; then
+  ac_prog_fc_cpp_subs=yes
+  echo "$as_me: failed program was:" >&5
+sed 's/^/| /' conftest.$ac_ext >&5
+	ac_fpp_ok=no
+rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext conftest_ipa8_conftest.oo \
+      conftest$ac_exeext conftest.$ac_ext
+    fi
+    if test $ac_fpp_need_wrap = yes; then
+        cat >conftest.$ac_ext <<_ACEOF
+#define LONG '901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890'
+      program main
+      CHARACTER*80 A
+      A=LONG
+      end
+rm -f conftest.$ac_objext conftest$ac_exeext
+if { (ac_try="$ac_link"
+case "(($ac_try" in
+  *\"* | *\`* | *\\*) ac_try_echo=\$ac_try;;
+  *) ac_try_echo=$ac_try;;
+eval "echo \"\$as_me:$LINENO: $ac_try_echo\"") >&5
+  (eval "$ac_link") 2>conftest.er1
+  ac_status=$?
+  grep -v '^ *+' conftest.er1 >conftest.err
+  rm -f conftest.er1
+  cat conftest.err >&5
+  echo "$as_me:$LINENO: \$? = $ac_status" >&5
+  (exit $ac_status); } && {
+	 test -z "$ac_fpp_werror_flag" ||
+	 test ! -s conftest.err
+       } && test -s conftest$ac_exeext &&
+       $as_test_x conftest$ac_exeext; then
+  ac_prog_fc_cpp_wrap=yes
+  echo "$as_me: failed program was:" >&5
+sed 's/^/| /' conftest.$ac_ext >&5
+	ac_fpp_ok=no
+rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext conftest_ipa8_conftest.oo \
+      conftest$ac_exeext conftest.$ac_ext
+    fi
+    if test $ac_fpp_need_CSTYLE = yes; then
+        cat >conftest.$ac_ext <<_ACEOF
+      program main
+      A=1. /* C-style comment */
+      end
+rm -f conftest.$ac_objext conftest$ac_exeext
+if { (ac_try="$ac_link"
+case "(($ac_try" in
+  *\"* | *\`* | *\\*) ac_try_echo=\$ac_try;;
+  *) ac_try_echo=$ac_try;;
+eval "echo \"\$as_me:$LINENO: $ac_try_echo\"") >&5
+  (eval "$ac_link") 2>conftest.er1
+  ac_status=$?
+  grep -v '^ *+' conftest.er1 >conftest.err
+  rm -f conftest.er1
+  cat conftest.err >&5
+  echo "$as_me:$LINENO: \$? = $ac_status" >&5
+  (exit $ac_status); } && {
+	 test -z "$ac_fpp_werror_flag" ||
+	 test ! -s conftest.err
+       } && test -s conftest$ac_exeext &&
+       $as_test_x conftest$ac_exeext; then
+  ac_prog_fc_cpp_CSTYLE=yes
+  echo "$as_me: failed program was:" >&5
+sed 's/^/| /' conftest.$ac_ext >&5
+	ac_fpp_ok=no
+rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext conftest_ipa8_conftest.oo \
+      conftest$ac_exeext conftest.$ac_ext
+    fi
+    if test $ac_fpp_need_cxxstyle = yes; then
+        cat >conftest.$ac_ext <<_ACEOF
+      CHARACTER*10 C
+      C = "abcde" // "fghij"; END PROGRAM
+rm -f conftest.$ac_objext conftest$ac_exeext
+if { (ac_try="$ac_link"
+case "(($ac_try" in
+  *\"* | *\`* | *\\*) ac_try_echo=\$ac_try;;
+  *) ac_try_echo=$ac_try;;
+eval "echo \"\$as_me:$LINENO: $ac_try_echo\"") >&5
+  (eval "$ac_link") 2>conftest.er1
+  ac_status=$?
+  grep -v '^ *+' conftest.er1 >conftest.err
+  rm -f conftest.er1
+  cat conftest.err >&5
+  echo "$as_me:$LINENO: \$? = $ac_status" >&5
+  (exit $ac_status); } && {
+	 test -z "$ac_fpp_werror_flag" ||
+	 test ! -s conftest.err
+       } && test -s conftest$ac_exeext &&
+       $as_test_x conftest$ac_exeext; then
+  ac_prog_fc_cpp_cxxstyle=yes
+  echo "$as_me: failed program was:" >&5
+sed 's/^/| /' conftest.$ac_ext >&5
+	ac_fpp_ok=no
+rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext conftest_ipa8_conftest.oo \
+      conftest$ac_exeext conftest.$ac_ext
+    fi
+if test $ac_fc_testing_fpp = direct; then
+  FPPFLAGS=$ac_first_save_FPPFLAGS
+rm -f conftest.*
+{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: done." >&5
+echo "${ECHO_T}done." >&6; }
+{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: checking whether $FC compiles programs with cpp directives" >&5
+echo $ECHO_N "checking whether $FC compiles programs with cpp directives... $ECHO_C" >&6; }
+if test "${ac_cv_prog_fc_cpp+set}" = set; then
+  echo $ECHO_N "(cached) $ECHO_C" >&6
+  ac_cv_prog_fc_cpp=$ac_prog_fc_cpp
+{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: $ac_cv_prog_fc_cpp" >&5
+echo "${ECHO_T}$ac_cv_prog_fc_cpp" >&6; }
+if test $ac_prog_fc_cpp = yes; then
+  if test $ac_fpp_need_d = yes; then
+    { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: checking whether $FC accepts -D" >&5
+echo $ECHO_N "checking whether $FC accepts -D... $ECHO_C" >&6; }
+if test "${ac_cv_prog_fc_cpp_d+set}" = set; then
+  echo $ECHO_N "(cached) $ECHO_C" >&6
+  ac_cv_prog_fc_cpp_d=$ac_prog_fc_cpp_d
+{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: $ac_cv_prog_fc_cpp_d" >&5
+echo "${ECHO_T}$ac_cv_prog_fc_cpp_d" >&6; }
+  fi
+  if test $ac_fpp_need_i = yes; then
+    { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: checking whether $FC accepts -I" >&5
+echo $ECHO_N "checking whether $FC accepts -I... $ECHO_C" >&6; }
+if test "${ac_cv_prog_fc_cpp_i+set}" = set; then
+  echo $ECHO_N "(cached) $ECHO_C" >&6
+  ac_cv_prog_fc_cpp_i=$ac_prog_fc_cpp_i
+{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: $ac_cv_prog_fc_cpp_i" >&5
+echo "${ECHO_T}$ac_cv_prog_fc_cpp_i" >&6; }
+  fi
+  if test $ac_fpp_need_subs = yes; then
+    { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: checking whether $FC substitutes macros in Fortran code" >&5
+echo $ECHO_N "checking whether $FC substitutes macros in Fortran code... $ECHO_C" >&6; }
+if test "${ac_cv_prog_fc_cpp_subs+set}" = set; then
+  echo $ECHO_N "(cached) $ECHO_C" >&6
+  ac_cv_prog_fc_cpp_subs=$ac_prog_fc_cpp_subs
+{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: $ac_cv_prog_fc_cpp_subs" >&5
+echo "${ECHO_T}$ac_cv_prog_fc_cpp_subs" >&6; }
+  fi
+  if test $ac_fpp_need_wrap = yes; then
+    { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: checking whether $FC wraps long lines automatically" >&5
+echo $ECHO_N "checking whether $FC wraps long lines automatically... $ECHO_C" >&6; }
+if test "${ac_cv_prog_fc_cpp_wrap+set}" = set; then
+  echo $ECHO_N "(cached) $ECHO_C" >&6
+  ac_cv_prog_fc_cpp_wrap=$ac_prog_fc_cpp_wrap
+{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: $ac_cv_prog_fc_cpp_wrap" >&5
+echo "${ECHO_T}$ac_cv_prog_fc_cpp_wrap" >&6; }
+  fi
+# Don't need to test if $FC removes C++ comments - that
+# way madness lies.
+fi # test $ac_prog_fc_cpp = yes
+{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: checking whether $FC fulfils requested features" >&5
+echo $ECHO_N "checking whether $FC fulfils requested features... $ECHO_C" >&6; }
+if test "${ac_cv_prog_fc_cpp_ok+set}" = set; then
+  echo $ECHO_N "(cached) $ECHO_C" >&6
+  ac_cv_prog_fc_cpp_ok=$ac_fpp_ok
+{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: $ac_cv_prog_fc_cpp_ok" >&5
+echo "${ECHO_T}$ac_cv_prog_fc_cpp_ok" >&6; }
+# Keep the user informed
+{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: checking preprocessing mode we may therefore use" >&5
+echo $ECHO_N "checking preprocessing mode we may therefore use... $ECHO_C" >&6; }
+# If so, we don't need to go any further.
+if test $ac_fpp_ok = yes; then
+  ac_cv_fpp_build_rule=direct
+  { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: direct" >&5
+echo "${ECHO_T}direct" >&6; }
+# indirect compilation
+  { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: indirect" >&5
+echo "${ECHO_T}indirect" >&6; }
+# Now we check how to invoke a preprocessor that outputs Fortran code
+# that FC can understand
+#FIXME: in a joint C/Fortran project, CPP might have already
+# been defined. Here we are potentially (probably) redefining it.
+# I don't think this matters. Not sure, though.
+# In that case, AC_SUBST has already been called on CPP.
+# We don't want to fail if we can't find cpp - we might be able
+# to fall back on fpp.
+#FIXME: actually, we should just prefer cpp to $CPP
+  ac_ext=c
+ac_cpp='$CPP $CPPFLAGS'
+ac_compile='$CC -c $CFLAGS $CPPFLAGS conftest.$ac_ext >&5'
+ac_link='$CC -o conftest$ac_exeext $CFLAGS $CPPFLAGS $LDFLAGS conftest.$ac_ext $LIBS >&5'
+{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: checking how to run the C preprocessor" >&5
+echo $ECHO_N "checking how to run the C preprocessor... $ECHO_C" >&6; }
+# On Suns, sometimes $CPP names a directory.
+if test -n "$CPP" && test -d "$CPP"; then
+  CPP=
+if test -z "$CPP"; then
+  if test "${ac_cv_prog_CPP+set}" = set; then
+  echo $ECHO_N "(cached) $ECHO_C" >&6
+      # Double quotes because CPP needs to be expanded
+    for CPP in "$CC -E" "$CC -E -traditional-cpp" "/lib/cpp"
+    do
+      ac_preproc_ok=false
+for ac_c_preproc_warn_flag in '' yes
+  # Use a header file that comes with gcc, so configuring glibc
+  # with a fresh cross-compiler works.
+  # Prefer <limits.h> to <assert.h> if __STDC__ is defined, since
+  # <limits.h> exists even on freestanding compilers.
+  # On the NeXT, cc -E runs the code through the compiler's parser,
+  # not just through cpp. "Syntax error" is here to catch this case.
+  cat >conftest.$ac_ext <<_ACEOF
+/* confdefs.h.  */
+cat confdefs.h >>conftest.$ac_ext
+cat >>conftest.$ac_ext <<_ACEOF
+/* end confdefs.h.  */
+#ifdef __STDC__
+# include <limits.h>
+# include <assert.h>
+		     Syntax error
+if { (ac_try="$ac_cpp conftest.$ac_ext"
+case "(($ac_try" in
+  *\"* | *\`* | *\\*) ac_try_echo=\$ac_try;;
+  *) ac_try_echo=$ac_try;;
+eval "echo \"\$as_me:$LINENO: $ac_try_echo\"") >&5
+  (eval "$ac_cpp conftest.$ac_ext") 2>conftest.er1
+  ac_status=$?
+  grep -v '^ *+' conftest.er1 >conftest.err
+  rm -f conftest.er1
+  cat conftest.err >&5
+  echo "$as_me:$LINENO: \$? = $ac_status" >&5
+  (exit $ac_status); } >/dev/null && {
+	 test -z "$ac_c_preproc_warn_flag$ac_c_werror_flag" ||
+	 test ! -s conftest.err
+       }; then
+  :
+  echo "$as_me: failed program was:" >&5
+sed 's/^/| /' conftest.$ac_ext >&5
+  # Broken: fails on valid input.
+rm -f conftest.err conftest.$ac_ext
+  # OK, works on sane cases.  Now check whether nonexistent headers
+  # can be detected and how.
+  cat >conftest.$ac_ext <<_ACEOF
+/* confdefs.h.  */
+cat confdefs.h >>conftest.$ac_ext
+cat >>conftest.$ac_ext <<_ACEOF
+/* end confdefs.h.  */
+#include <ac_nonexistent.h>
+if { (ac_try="$ac_cpp conftest.$ac_ext"
+case "(($ac_try" in
+  *\"* | *\`* | *\\*) ac_try_echo=\$ac_try;;
+  *) ac_try_echo=$ac_try;;
+eval "echo \"\$as_me:$LINENO: $ac_try_echo\"") >&5
+  (eval "$ac_cpp conftest.$ac_ext") 2>conftest.er1
+  ac_status=$?
+  grep -v '^ *+' conftest.er1 >conftest.err
+  rm -f conftest.er1
+  cat conftest.err >&5
+  echo "$as_me:$LINENO: \$? = $ac_status" >&5
+  (exit $ac_status); } >/dev/null && {
+	 test -z "$ac_c_preproc_warn_flag$ac_c_werror_flag" ||
+	 test ! -s conftest.err
+       }; then
+  # Broken: success on invalid input.
+  echo "$as_me: failed program was:" >&5
+sed 's/^/| /' conftest.$ac_ext >&5
+  # Passes both tests.
+rm -f conftest.err conftest.$ac_ext
+# Because of `break', _AC_PREPROC_IFELSE's cleaning code was skipped.
+rm -f conftest.err conftest.$ac_ext
+if $ac_preproc_ok; then
+  break
+    done
+    ac_cv_prog_CPP=$CPP
+  CPP=$ac_cv_prog_CPP
+  ac_cv_prog_CPP=$CPP
+{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: $CPP" >&5
+echo "${ECHO_T}$CPP" >&6; }
+for ac_c_preproc_warn_flag in '' yes
+  # Use a header file that comes with gcc, so configuring glibc
+  # with a fresh cross-compiler works.
+  # Prefer <limits.h> to <assert.h> if __STDC__ is defined, since
+  # <limits.h> exists even on freestanding compilers.
+  # On the NeXT, cc -E runs the code through the compiler's parser,
+  # not just through cpp. "Syntax error" is here to catch this case.
+  cat >conftest.$ac_ext <<_ACEOF
+/* confdefs.h.  */
+cat confdefs.h >>conftest.$ac_ext
+cat >>conftest.$ac_ext <<_ACEOF
+/* end confdefs.h.  */
+#ifdef __STDC__
+# include <limits.h>
+# include <assert.h>
+		     Syntax error
+if { (ac_try="$ac_cpp conftest.$ac_ext"
+case "(($ac_try" in
+  *\"* | *\`* | *\\*) ac_try_echo=\$ac_try;;
+  *) ac_try_echo=$ac_try;;
+eval "echo \"\$as_me:$LINENO: $ac_try_echo\"") >&5
+  (eval "$ac_cpp conftest.$ac_ext") 2>conftest.er1
+  ac_status=$?
+  grep -v '^ *+' conftest.er1 >conftest.err
+  rm -f conftest.er1
+  cat conftest.err >&5
+  echo "$as_me:$LINENO: \$? = $ac_status" >&5
+  (exit $ac_status); } >/dev/null && {
+	 test -z "$ac_c_preproc_warn_flag$ac_c_werror_flag" ||
+	 test ! -s conftest.err
+       }; then
+  :
+  echo "$as_me: failed program was:" >&5
+sed 's/^/| /' conftest.$ac_ext >&5
+  # Broken: fails on valid input.
+rm -f conftest.err conftest.$ac_ext
+  # OK, works on sane cases.  Now check whether nonexistent headers
+  # can be detected and how.
+  cat >conftest.$ac_ext <<_ACEOF
+/* confdefs.h.  */
+cat confdefs.h >>conftest.$ac_ext
+cat >>conftest.$ac_ext <<_ACEOF
+/* end confdefs.h.  */
+#include <ac_nonexistent.h>
+if { (ac_try="$ac_cpp conftest.$ac_ext"
+case "(($ac_try" in
+  *\"* | *\`* | *\\*) ac_try_echo=\$ac_try;;
+  *) ac_try_echo=$ac_try;;
+eval "echo \"\$as_me:$LINENO: $ac_try_echo\"") >&5
+  (eval "$ac_cpp conftest.$ac_ext") 2>conftest.er1
+  ac_status=$?
+  grep -v '^ *+' conftest.er1 >conftest.err
+  rm -f conftest.er1
+  cat conftest.err >&5
+  echo "$as_me:$LINENO: \$? = $ac_status" >&5
+  (exit $ac_status); } >/dev/null && {
+	 test -z "$ac_c_preproc_warn_flag$ac_c_werror_flag" ||
+	 test ! -s conftest.err
+       }; then
+  # Broken: success on invalid input.
+  echo "$as_me: failed program was:" >&5
+sed 's/^/| /' conftest.$ac_ext >&5
+  # Passes both tests.
+rm -f conftest.err conftest.$ac_ext
+# Because of `break', _AC_PREPROC_IFELSE's cleaning code was skipped.
+rm -f conftest.err conftest.$ac_ext
+if $ac_preproc_ok; then
+  :
+  { { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: error: C preprocessor \"$CPP\" fails sanity check
+See \`config.log' for more details." >&5
+echo "$as_me: error: C preprocessor \"$CPP\" fails sanity check
+See \`config.log' for more details." >&2;}
+   { (exit 1); exit 1; }; }
+# We need to use variables because compilation depends on whether
+# $F77 supports direct compilation of source with cpp directives
+# The next macro sets FPP (unless already set by the user)
+{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: checking how to preprocess Fortran files" >&5
+echo $ECHO_N "checking how to preprocess Fortran files... $ECHO_C" >&6; }
+if test "${ac_cv_prog_fpp+set}" = set; then
+  echo $ECHO_N "(cached) $ECHO_C" >&6
+  ac_cv_prog_fpp=
+# Let the user specify FPP
+if test -n "$FPP"; then
+  rm -f conftest*
+cat >conftest.$ac_ext << \_ACEOF
+#define OK
+      program main
+#ifdef OK
+      REAL A
+      syntax error
+      end
+if eval '$ac_fpp_command conftest.$ac_ext > conftest.log 2>/dev/null'; then
+  if test -f conftest.f; then
+    if diff conftest.$ac_ext conftest.f90 >/dev/null 2>&1; then
+      # ooops -- these two are the same file, indicating that this is a
+      # case-insensitive filesystem.  So ignore this file.
+      ac_tmp=
+    else
+      ac_tmp=conftest.f90
+      ac_fpp_free_out=
+      ac_fpp_out=
+    fi
+  fi
+  if test -z "$ac_tmp"; then
+    ac_tmp=conftest.log
+    ac_fpp_free_out=' > conftest.f90'
+# Note that the CPP tests only use fixed format
+# so we need to use a .f extension to make the tests
+# work.
+    ac_fpp_out=' > conftest.f'
+  fi
+  if grep '^      REAL A' $ac_tmp >/dev/null 2>&1; then
+    # we have Fortran!  That worked...
+    ac_cv_prog_fpp_free=$ac_fpp_command
+    ac_cv_prog_fpp=$ac_fpp_command
+  fi
+  if grep 'syntax error' $ac_tmp >/dev/null 2>&1; then
+    # ...oh no it didn't: this line should have been skipped
+    ac_cv_prog_fpp_free=
+    ac_cv_prog_fpp=
+  fi
+rm -f conftest*
+  if test -z "$ac_cv_prog_fpp"; then
+    { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: WARNING: user-specified \$FPP ($FPP) does not work" >&5
+echo "$as_me: WARNING: user-specified \$FPP ($FPP) does not work" >&2;}
+    FPP=
+  fi
+fi # test -n "$FPP"
+# This next should never happen. We don't call this macro
+# if we can already preprocess.  If we do find ourselves here, then
+# something has gone badly wrong -- fail before we do some damage.
+if test -z "$ac_cv_prog_fpp" && test $ac_fpp_ok = yes; then
+   # Ooops...
+   { { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: error: Assertion failure: in _AC_PROG_FPP when we shouldn't be!" >&5
+echo "$as_me: error: Assertion failure: in _AC_PROG_FPP when we shouldn't be!" >&2;}
+   { (exit 1); exit 1; }; }
+# FIXME: should we bother testing for FC+flag preprocessing?
+if test -z "$ac_cv_prog_fpp"; then
+# Either the Fortran compiler can't handle cpp, or doesn't have all the
+# features, or can't be used for pure preprocessing.
+# We must find another way for preprocessing.
+# We try the "best" preprocessors first. We know that $FC can't preprocess
+# by itself, but there is a small chance that F77 can be persuaded to
+# preprocess, so we try that.
+# FIXME: The comment above does not agree with the code below - $FC etc.
+#        is being checked late, not early?
+  for ac_j in 'fpp' "$CPP -x f95-cpp-input" "$CPP -x f77-cpp-input" \
+              "$CPP -C -x c" "$CPP -x c" "$CPP" 'cpp' '/lib/cpp' '/usr/ccs/lib/cpp' \
+              'g77 -E' '$CC -E -x f95-cpp-input' '$CC -E -x f77-cpp-input' \
+              '$CC -E -x c -C' '$CC -E -x c' '$CC -E'  \
+              "$FC -F" "$FC -E" "$F77 -F" "$F77 -E" ; do
+    rm -f conftest*
+cat >conftest.$ac_ext << \_ACEOF
+#define OK
+      program main
+#ifdef OK
+      REAL A
+      syntax error
+      end
+if eval '$ac_fpp_command conftest.$ac_ext > conftest.log 2>/dev/null'; then
+  if test -f conftest.f; then
+    if diff conftest.$ac_ext conftest.f90 >/dev/null 2>&1; then
+      # ooops -- these two are the same file, indicating that this is a
+      # case-insensitive filesystem.  So ignore this file.
+      ac_tmp=
+    else
+      ac_tmp=conftest.f90
+      ac_fpp_free_out=
+      ac_fpp_out=
+    fi
+  fi
+  if test -z "$ac_tmp"; then
+    ac_tmp=conftest.log
+    ac_fpp_free_out=' > conftest.f90'
+# Note that the CPP tests only use fixed format
+# so we need to use a .f extension to make the tests
+# work.
+    ac_fpp_out=' > conftest.f'
+  fi
+  if grep '^      REAL A' $ac_tmp >/dev/null 2>&1; then
+    # we have Fortran!  That worked...
+    ac_cv_prog_fpp_free=$ac_fpp_command
+    ac_cv_prog_fpp=$ac_fpp_command
+  fi
+  if grep 'syntax error' $ac_tmp >/dev/null 2>&1; then
+    # ...oh no it didn't: this line should have been skipped
+    ac_cv_prog_fpp_free=
+    ac_cv_prog_fpp=
+  fi
+rm -f conftest*
+    test -n "$ac_cv_prog_fpp" && break;
+  done
+fi # test -z "$ac_cv_prog_fpp"
+if test -z "$ac_cv_prog_fpp"; then
+   # This is only fatal if direct compilation doesn't work either
+   # but we're only here if direct compilation didn't work.
+   { { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: error: cannot find a working Fortran preprocessor" >&5
+echo "$as_me: error: cannot find a working Fortran preprocessor" >&2;}
+   { (exit 1); exit 1; }; }
+{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: $ac_cv_prog_fpp" >&5
+echo "${ECHO_T}$ac_cv_prog_fpp" >&6; }
+{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: checking how to redirect $ac_cv_prog_fpp output" >&5
+echo $ECHO_N "checking how to redirect $ac_cv_prog_fpp output... $ECHO_C" >&6; }
+if test "${ac_cv_fpp_out+set}" = set; then
+  echo $ECHO_N "(cached) $ECHO_C" >&6
+  ac_cv_fpp_out=$ac_fpp_out
+{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: $ac_cv_fpp_out" >&5
+echo "${ECHO_T}$ac_cv_fpp_out" >&6; }
+{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: checking whether $FPP needs the -P option" >&5
+echo $ECHO_N "checking whether $FPP needs the -P option... $ECHO_C" >&6; }
+if test "${ac_cv_prog_fpp_p+set}" = set; then
+  echo $ECHO_N "(cached) $ECHO_C" >&6
+  ac_cv_prog_fpp_p=unknown
+# This will only be called from AC_PROG_FPP, and as such, the
+# extension *will* be .F90.
+cat > conftest.$ac_ext << \_ACEOF
+#define OK
+      program main
+#ifdef OK
+      REAL A
+      syntax error
+      end
+ac_compile='$FC -c $FCFLAGS $FCFLAGS_SRCEXT conftest.$ac_ext >&5'
+ac_link='$FC $ac_link_obj_flag""conftest$ac_exeext $FCFLAGS $LDFLAGS $FCFLAGS_SRCEXT conftest.$ac_ext $LIBS >&5'
+ac_ext=F90  # previous line will have reset this
+# We must not fail, here, in the case where the filesystem is
+# case-insensitive, so that conftest.F and conftest.f are the same
+# file.
+if test -n "$ac_fpp_out"; then
+   # If $ac_fpp_out is non-null, then preprocessor output goes to
+   # stdout, which we send to conftest.f _without_ immediately clobbering
+   # the input file as it is being read.  We do clobber it in the
+   # end, however, which is why we copy .FPP_SRC_EXT to .$FPP_SRC_EXT
+   # each time.
+   ac_tmp='>conftest.tmp && mv conftest.tmp conftest.f90'
+   # conftest.F is preprocessed directly to conftest.f.  We can
+   # assume that the filesystem is case-sensitive, since otherwise
+   # this compiler/preprocessor would be simply non-functional on
+   # this platform.
+   ac_tmp=
+ac_cmd='$FPP $FPPFLAGS conftest.$ac_ext '"$ac_tmp"
+ac_link='$FC $ac_link_obj_flag""conftest$ac_exeext $FCFLAGS $LDFLAGS $FCFLAGS_SRCEXT conftest.f90 $LIBS'
+if { (eval echo "$as_me:$LINENO: \"$ac_cmd\"") >&5
+  (eval $ac_cmd) 2>&5
+  ac_status=$?
+  echo "$as_me:$LINENO: \$? = $ac_status" >&5
+  (exit $ac_status); } &&
+     { (eval echo "$as_me:$LINENO: \"$ac_link\"") >&5
+  (eval $ac_link) 2>&5
+  ac_status=$?
+  echo "$as_me:$LINENO: \$? = $ac_status" >&5
+  (exit $ac_status); } && test -s conftest${ac_exeext}; then
+   ac_cv_prog_fpp_p=
+   if { (eval echo "$as_me:$LINENO: \"$ac_cmd\"") >&5
+  (eval $ac_cmd) 2>&5
+  ac_status=$?
+  echo "$as_me:$LINENO: \$? = $ac_status" >&5
+  (exit $ac_status); } &&
+       { (eval echo "$as_me:$LINENO: \"$ac_link\"") >&5
+  (eval $ac_link) 2>&5
+  ac_status=$?
+  echo "$as_me:$LINENO: \$? = $ac_status" >&5
+  (exit $ac_status); } && test -s conftest${ac_exeext}; then
+     ac_cv_prog_fpp_p=-P
+   fi
+rm -f conftest*
+# We need to use variables because compilation depends on whether
+# $F77 supports direct compilation of source with cpp directives
+{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: $ac_cv_prog_fpp_p" >&5
+echo "${ECHO_T}$ac_cv_prog_fpp_p" >&6; }
+if test "x$ac_cv_prog_fpp_p" = "xunknown"; then
+   { { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: error: $FPP cannot produce code that $FC compiles" >&5
+echo "$as_me: error: $FPP cannot produce code that $FC compiles" >&2;}
+   { (exit 1); exit 1; }; }
+   FPPFLAGS="$FPPFLAGS $ac_cv_prog_fpp_p"
+# Before we go any further, check that we're not courting disaster,
+# here, by using indirect compilation (.F -> .f -> .o) on a
+# case-insensitive filesystem.  If we are, there's nothing we can do
+# other than fail noisily.
+{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: checking whether the filesystem is case-insensitive" >&5
+echo $ECHO_N "checking whether the filesystem is case-insensitive... $ECHO_C" >&6; }
+if test "${ac_cv_fc_cifs+set}" = set; then
+  echo $ECHO_N "(cached) $ECHO_C" >&6
+  rm -f conftest.*
+        echo wibble >conftest.F
+        if test -f conftest.f && test "`cat conftest.f`" = wibble; then
+            ac_cv_fc_cifs=yes
+        else
+            ac_cv_fc_cifs=no
+        fi
+{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: $ac_cv_fc_cifs" >&5
+echo "${ECHO_T}$ac_cv_fc_cifs" >&6; }
+# Redefine the compile and link commands for indirect compilation
+if test $ac_cv_fc_cifs = yes; then
+  if test "x$ac_fpp_out" = x ; then
+    { { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: error: Confused in preprocessing on case-insensitive FS - please report to tow at uszla.me.uk" >&5
+echo "$as_me: error: Confused in preprocessing on case-insensitive FS - please report to tow at uszla.me.uk" >&2;}
+   { (exit 1); exit 1; }; }
+  fi
+  ac_fpp_compile='${FPP-fpp} $FPPFLAGS $FPPFLAGS_SRCEXT conftest.$ac_ext > conftest.cpp.f && ${FC-fc} -c $FCFLAGS -o conftest.o conftest.cpp.f >&5; rm conftest.cpp.f'
+  ac_fpp_link='${FPP-fpp} $FPPFLAGS conftest.$ac_ext $FPPFLAGS_SRCEXT > conftest.cpp.f && ${FC-fc} $ac_link_obj_flag""conftest${ac_exeext} $FCFLAGS $LDFLAGS conftest.cpp.f $LIBS >&5; rm conftest.cpp.f'
+  ac_fpp_compile='${FPP-fpp} $FPPFLAGS $FPPFLAGS_SRCEXT conftest.$ac_ext '"$ac_fpp_out"' && ${FC-fc} -c $FCFLAGS conftest.f >&5; rm conftest.f'
+  ac_fpp_link='${FPP-fpp} $FPPFLAGS conftest.$ac_ext $FPPFLAGS_SRCEXT '"$ac_fpp_out"' && ${FC-fc} $ac_link_obj_flag""conftest${ac_exeext} $FCFLAGS $LDFLAGS conftest.f $LIBS >&5; rm conftest.f'
+  ac_compile=$ac_fpp_compile
+  ac_link=$ac_fpp_link
+# Redo all the feature checks for indirect compilation.
+  ac_fc_testing_fpp=indirect
+  ac_fpp_ok=yes
+{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: checking for fixed form Fortran preprocessor features" >&5
+echo $ECHO_N "checking for fixed form Fortran preprocessor features... $ECHO_C" >&6; }
+if test $ac_fc_testing_fpp = direct; then
+# On nearly all systems where direct compilation is possible, a .F file will
+# compile a preprocessable fixed-form file automatically. However,
+# case-insensitive filesystems (eg HFS+ on MacOSX) may get confused.
+# Therefore, we must check for cpp flags.
+for ac_flag in none "/fpp" "-x f77-cpp-input" "-FI -cpp" "-qfixed -qsuffix=cpp=F" "-fixed -fpp" "-lfe \"-Cpp\" --fix"
+  test "x$ac_flag" != xnone && FCFLAGS="$ac_fpp_fixedform_FCFLAGS_save $ac_flag"
+    cat >conftest.$ac_ext <<_ACEOF
+      PRI  NT*, 'HELLO '//
+     .      'WORLD.'
+#ifdef OK2
+  choke me
+#ifndef OK
+rm -f conftest.$ac_objext
+if { (ac_try="$ac_compile"
+case "(($ac_try" in
+  *\"* | *\`* | *\\*) ac_try_echo=\$ac_try;;
+  *) ac_try_echo=$ac_try;;
+eval "echo \"\$as_me:$LINENO: $ac_try_echo\"") >&5
+  (eval "$ac_compile") 2>conftest.er1
+  ac_status=$?
+  grep -v '^ *+' conftest.er1 >conftest.err
+  rm -f conftest.er1
+  cat conftest.err >&5
+  echo "$as_me:$LINENO: \$? = $ac_status" >&5
+  (exit $ac_status); } && {
+	 test -z "$ac_fpp_werror_flag" ||
+	 test ! -s conftest.err
+       } && test -s conftest.$ac_objext; then
+  ac_cv_fpp_fixedform_F=$ac_flag; break
+  echo "$as_me: failed program was:" >&5
+sed 's/^/| /' conftest.$ac_ext >&5
+rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext conftest.$ac_ext
+rm -f conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext conftest.$ac_ext
+if test "x$ac_cv_fpp_fixedform_F" = x; then
+  { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: WARNING: Cannot compile fixed-form preprocessable Fortran with a .F extension." >&5
+echo "$as_me: WARNING: Cannot compile fixed-form preprocessable Fortran with a .F extension." >&2;}
+  if test "$ac_cv_fpp_fixedform_F" != none; then
+    FPPFLAGS_fixed_F="$ac_cv_fpp_fixedform_F"
+    FPPFLAGS_fixed_F="$ac_cv_fpp_fixedform_F"
+  fi
+  if test "x$ac_cv_fpp_fixedform_F" != x; then
+    ac_prog_fc_cpp=yes
+  else
+    ac_fpp_ok=no
+  fi
+# It is possible we've failed the previous test because of a
+# Tru64 bug where the compiler fails when called as 'f95' on
+# a .F file. It works when called as f90.
+#FIXME: this does not protect the user's setting of FC, though
+# we set it back if senesible.
+ if test $ac_prog_fc_cpp = no && test $FC = f95; then
+    FC=f90
+    cat >conftest.$ac_ext <<_ACEOF
+#define OK
+      program main
+#ifndef OK
+      syntax error
+      end
+rm -f conftest.$ac_objext conftest$ac_exeext
+if { (ac_try="$ac_link"
+case "(($ac_try" in
+  *\"* | *\`* | *\\*) ac_try_echo=\$ac_try;;
+  *) ac_try_echo=$ac_try;;
+eval "echo \"\$as_me:$LINENO: $ac_try_echo\"") >&5
+  (eval "$ac_link") 2>conftest.er1
+  ac_status=$?
+  grep -v '^ *+' conftest.er1 >conftest.err
+  rm -f conftest.er1
+  cat conftest.err >&5
+  echo "$as_me:$LINENO: \$? = $ac_status" >&5
+  (exit $ac_status); } && {
+	 test -z "$ac_fpp_werror_flag" ||
+	 test ! -s conftest.err
+       } && test -s conftest$ac_exeext &&
+       $as_test_x conftest$ac_exeext; then
+  ac_prog_fc_cpp=yes
+  echo "$as_me: failed program was:" >&5
+sed 's/^/| /' conftest.$ac_ext >&5
+rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext conftest_ipa8_conftest.oo \
+      conftest$ac_exeext conftest.$ac_ext
+    if test $ac_prog_fc_cpp = no; then
+      FC=f95
+      ac_fpp_ok=no
+    fi
+  fi
+  ac_first_save_FPPFLAGS=$FPPFLAGS
+# We need to skip the following tests if we're trying direct compilation
+# and FC won't preprocess.
+if test $ac_prog_fc_cpp = yes || test $ac_fc_testing_fpp = indirect; then
+    if test $ac_fpp_need_d = yes; then
+# Nearly everyone uses -D. XLF uses -WF,-D. Ifort on Windows uses /D
+      ac_prog_fc_cpp_d=no
+      ac_save_FPPFLAGS=$FPPFLAGS
+      for fpp_flag_try in "-D" "-WF,-D" "/D"; do
+        FPPFLAGS="$FPPFLAGS $fpp_flag_try""OK"
+        cat >conftest.$ac_ext <<_ACEOF
+      program main
+#ifndef OK
+      syntax error
+      end
+rm -f conftest.$ac_objext conftest$ac_exeext
+if { (ac_try="$ac_link"
+case "(($ac_try" in
+  *\"* | *\`* | *\\*) ac_try_echo=\$ac_try;;
+  *) ac_try_echo=$ac_try;;
+eval "echo \"\$as_me:$LINENO: $ac_try_echo\"") >&5
+  (eval "$ac_link") 2>conftest.er1
+  ac_status=$?
+  grep -v '^ *+' conftest.er1 >conftest.err
+  rm -f conftest.er1
+  cat conftest.err >&5
+  echo "$as_me:$LINENO: \$? = $ac_status" >&5
+  (exit $ac_status); } && {
+	 test -z "$ac_fpp_werror_flag" ||
+	 test ! -s conftest.err
+       } && test -s conftest$ac_exeext &&
+       $as_test_x conftest$ac_exeext; then
+  ac_prog_fc_cpp_d=yes; FPPFLAGS_DEF="$fpp_flag_try"
+  echo "$as_me: failed program was:" >&5
+sed 's/^/| /' conftest.$ac_ext >&5
+	:
+rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext conftest_ipa8_conftest.oo \
+      conftest$ac_exeext conftest.$ac_ext
+        FPPFLAGS=$ac_save_FPPFLAGS
+      done
+      if test $ac_prog_fc_cpp_d = no; then
+        ac_fpp_ok=no
+      fi
+    fi
+#FIXME we should probably do the AC_SUBST somewhere else.
+    if test $ac_fpp_need_i = yes; then
+       rm -rf conftst
+       mkdir conftst
+       cat > conftst/conftest.inc << \_ACEOF
+!     This statement overrides the IMPLICIT statement in the program
+      REAL cc
+       ac_save_FPPFLAGS=$FPPFLAGS
+       FPPFLAGS="$FPPFLAGS -Iconftst"
+       cat >conftest.$ac_ext <<_ACEOF
+      program main
+!     Comments in test programs should be freeform compliant just in case.
+!     conftest.inc contains the Fortran statement "REAL cc"
+#include "conftest.inc"
+      cc=1.
+      end
+rm -f conftest.$ac_objext conftest$ac_exeext
+if { (ac_try="$ac_link"
+case "(($ac_try" in
+  *\"* | *\`* | *\\*) ac_try_echo=\$ac_try;;
+  *) ac_try_echo=$ac_try;;
+eval "echo \"\$as_me:$LINENO: $ac_try_echo\"") >&5
+  (eval "$ac_link") 2>conftest.er1
+  ac_status=$?
+  grep -v '^ *+' conftest.er1 >conftest.err
+  rm -f conftest.er1
+  cat conftest.err >&5
+  echo "$as_me:$LINENO: \$? = $ac_status" >&5
+  (exit $ac_status); } && {
+	 test -z "$ac_fpp_werror_flag" ||
+	 test ! -s conftest.err
+       } && test -s conftest$ac_exeext &&
+       $as_test_x conftest$ac_exeext; then
+  ac_prog_fc_cpp_i=yes
+  echo "$as_me: failed program was:" >&5
+sed 's/^/| /' conftest.$ac_ext >&5
+	ac_fpp_ok=no
+rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext conftest_ipa8_conftest.oo \
+      conftest$ac_exeext conftest.$ac_ext
+       rm -rf conftst
+       FPPFLAGS=$ac_save_FPPFLAGS
+    fi
+    if test $ac_fpp_need_subs = yes; then
+        cat >conftest.$ac_ext <<_ACEOF
+#define NM xxxx
+      program main
+      REAL xxxx
+      NM=1.
+      end
+rm -f conftest.$ac_objext conftest$ac_exeext
+if { (ac_try="$ac_link"
+case "(($ac_try" in
+  *\"* | *\`* | *\\*) ac_try_echo=\$ac_try;;
+  *) ac_try_echo=$ac_try;;
+eval "echo \"\$as_me:$LINENO: $ac_try_echo\"") >&5
+  (eval "$ac_link") 2>conftest.er1
+  ac_status=$?
+  grep -v '^ *+' conftest.er1 >conftest.err
+  rm -f conftest.er1
+  cat conftest.err >&5
+  echo "$as_me:$LINENO: \$? = $ac_status" >&5
+  (exit $ac_status); } && {
+	 test -z "$ac_fpp_werror_flag" ||
+	 test ! -s conftest.err
+       } && test -s conftest$ac_exeext &&
+       $as_test_x conftest$ac_exeext; then
+  ac_prog_fc_cpp_subs=yes
+  echo "$as_me: failed program was:" >&5
+sed 's/^/| /' conftest.$ac_ext >&5
+	ac_fpp_ok=no
+rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext conftest_ipa8_conftest.oo \
+      conftest$ac_exeext conftest.$ac_ext
+    fi
+    if test $ac_fpp_need_wrap = yes; then
+        cat >conftest.$ac_ext <<_ACEOF
+#define LONG '901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890'
+      program main
+      CHARACTER*80 A
+      A=LONG
+      end
+rm -f conftest.$ac_objext conftest$ac_exeext
+if { (ac_try="$ac_link"
+case "(($ac_try" in
+  *\"* | *\`* | *\\*) ac_try_echo=\$ac_try;;
+  *) ac_try_echo=$ac_try;;
+eval "echo \"\$as_me:$LINENO: $ac_try_echo\"") >&5
+  (eval "$ac_link") 2>conftest.er1
+  ac_status=$?
+  grep -v '^ *+' conftest.er1 >conftest.err
+  rm -f conftest.er1
+  cat conftest.err >&5
+  echo "$as_me:$LINENO: \$? = $ac_status" >&5
+  (exit $ac_status); } && {
+	 test -z "$ac_fpp_werror_flag" ||
+	 test ! -s conftest.err
+       } && test -s conftest$ac_exeext &&
+       $as_test_x conftest$ac_exeext; then
+  ac_prog_fc_cpp_wrap=yes
+  echo "$as_me: failed program was:" >&5
+sed 's/^/| /' conftest.$ac_ext >&5
+	ac_fpp_ok=no
+rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext conftest_ipa8_conftest.oo \
+      conftest$ac_exeext conftest.$ac_ext
+    fi
+    if test $ac_fpp_need_CSTYLE = yes; then
+        cat >conftest.$ac_ext <<_ACEOF
+      program main
+      A=1. /* C-style comment */
+      end
+rm -f conftest.$ac_objext conftest$ac_exeext
+if { (ac_try="$ac_link"
+case "(($ac_try" in
+  *\"* | *\`* | *\\*) ac_try_echo=\$ac_try;;
+  *) ac_try_echo=$ac_try;;
+eval "echo \"\$as_me:$LINENO: $ac_try_echo\"") >&5
+  (eval "$ac_link") 2>conftest.er1
+  ac_status=$?
+  grep -v '^ *+' conftest.er1 >conftest.err
+  rm -f conftest.er1
+  cat conftest.err >&5
+  echo "$as_me:$LINENO: \$? = $ac_status" >&5
+  (exit $ac_status); } && {
+	 test -z "$ac_fpp_werror_flag" ||
+	 test ! -s conftest.err
+       } && test -s conftest$ac_exeext &&
+       $as_test_x conftest$ac_exeext; then
+  ac_prog_fc_cpp_CSTYLE=yes
+  echo "$as_me: failed program was:" >&5
+sed 's/^/| /' conftest.$ac_ext >&5
+	ac_fpp_ok=no
+rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext conftest_ipa8_conftest.oo \
+      conftest$ac_exeext conftest.$ac_ext
+    fi
+    if test $ac_fpp_need_cxxstyle = yes; then
+        cat >conftest.$ac_ext <<_ACEOF
+      CHARACTER*10 C
+      C = "abcde" // "fghij"; END PROGRAM
+rm -f conftest.$ac_objext conftest$ac_exeext
+if { (ac_try="$ac_link"
+case "(($ac_try" in
+  *\"* | *\`* | *\\*) ac_try_echo=\$ac_try;;
+  *) ac_try_echo=$ac_try;;
+eval "echo \"\$as_me:$LINENO: $ac_try_echo\"") >&5
+  (eval "$ac_link") 2>conftest.er1
+  ac_status=$?
+  grep -v '^ *+' conftest.er1 >conftest.err
+  rm -f conftest.er1
+  cat conftest.err >&5
+  echo "$as_me:$LINENO: \$? = $ac_status" >&5
+  (exit $ac_status); } && {
+	 test -z "$ac_fpp_werror_flag" ||
+	 test ! -s conftest.err
+       } && test -s conftest$ac_exeext &&
+       $as_test_x conftest$ac_exeext; then
+  ac_prog_fc_cpp_cxxstyle=yes
+  echo "$as_me: failed program was:" >&5
+sed 's/^/| /' conftest.$ac_ext >&5
+	ac_fpp_ok=no
+rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext conftest_ipa8_conftest.oo \
+      conftest$ac_exeext conftest.$ac_ext
+    fi
+if test $ac_fc_testing_fpp = direct; then
+  FPPFLAGS=$ac_first_save_FPPFLAGS
+rm -f conftest.*
+{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: done." >&5
+echo "${ECHO_T}done." >&6; }
+if test $ac_fpp_need_d = yes; then
+  { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: checking whether $FPP accepts -D" >&5
+echo $ECHO_N "checking whether $FPP accepts -D... $ECHO_C" >&6; }
+if test "${ac_cv_prog_fpp_d+set}" = set; then
+  echo $ECHO_N "(cached) $ECHO_C" >&6
+  ac_cv_prog_fpp_d=$ac_prog_fc_cpp_d
+{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: $ac_cv_prog_fpp_d" >&5
+echo "${ECHO_T}$ac_cv_prog_fpp_d" >&6; }
+if test $ac_fpp_need_i = yes; then
+  { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: checking whether $FPP accepts -I" >&5
+echo $ECHO_N "checking whether $FPP accepts -I... $ECHO_C" >&6; }
+if test "${ac_cv_prog_fpp_i+set}" = set; then
+  echo $ECHO_N "(cached) $ECHO_C" >&6
+  ac_cv_prog_fpp_i=$ac_prog_fc_cpp_i
+{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: $ac_cv_prog_fpp_i" >&5
+echo "${ECHO_T}$ac_cv_prog_fpp_i" >&6; }
+if test $ac_fpp_need_subs = yes; then
+  { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: checking whether $FPP substitutes macros in Fortran code" >&5
+echo $ECHO_N "checking whether $FPP substitutes macros in Fortran code... $ECHO_C" >&6; }
+if test "${ac_cv_prog_fpp_subs+set}" = set; then
+  echo $ECHO_N "(cached) $ECHO_C" >&6
+  ac_cv_prog_fpp_subs=$ac_prog_fc_cpp_subs
+{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: $ac_cv_prog_fpp_subs" >&5
+echo "${ECHO_T}$ac_cv_prog_fpp_subs" >&6; }
+if test $ac_fpp_need_wrap = yes; then
+  { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: checking whether $FPP wraps long lines automatically" >&5
+echo $ECHO_N "checking whether $FPP wraps long lines automatically... $ECHO_C" >&6; }
+if test "${ac_cv_prog_fpp_wrap+set}" = set; then
+  echo $ECHO_N "(cached) $ECHO_C" >&6
+  ac_cv_prog_fpp_wrap=$ac_prog_fc_cpp_wrap
+{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: $ac_cv_prog_fpp_wrap" >&5
+echo "${ECHO_T}$ac_cv_prog_fpp_wrap" >&6; }
+if test $ac_fpp_need_CSTYLE = yes; then
+  { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: checking whether $FPP suppresses C-style comments" >&5
+echo $ECHO_N "checking whether $FPP suppresses C-style comments... $ECHO_C" >&6; }
+if test "${ac_cv_prog_fpp_CSTYLE+set}" = set; then
+  echo $ECHO_N "(cached) $ECHO_C" >&6
+  ac_cv_prog_fpp_CSTYLE=$ac_prog_fc_cpp_CSTYLE
+{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: $ac_cv_prog_fpp_CSTYLE" >&5
+echo "${ECHO_T}$ac_cv_prog_fpp_CSTYLE" >&6; }
+elif test $ac_fpp_need_cstyle = yes; then
+# It only makes sense to test this for indirect compilation,
+# i.e., if .f files are generated
+    { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: checking how to pass C-style comments to $FC" >&5
+echo $ECHO_N "checking how to pass C-style comments to $FC... $ECHO_C" >&6; }
+if test "${ac_cv_prog_fpp_cstyle+set}" = set; then
+  echo $ECHO_N "(cached) $ECHO_C" >&6
+  ac_cv_prog_fpp_cstyle=unknown
+cat > conftest.$ac_ext << \_ACEOF
+      program main
+      A=1. /* C-style comment */
+      end
+ac_compile='$FC -c $FCFLAGS $FCFLAGS_SRCEXT conftest.$ac_ext >&5'
+ac_link='$FC $ac_link_obj_flag""conftest$ac_exeext $FCFLAGS $LDFLAGS $FCFLAGS_SRCEXT conftest.$ac_ext $LIBS >&5'
+ac_cmd='$FPP $FPPFLAGS conftest.$ac_ext '"$ac_fpp_out"
+if { (eval echo "$as_me:$LINENO: \"$ac_cmd\"") >&5
+  (eval $ac_cmd) 2>&5
+  ac_status=$?
+  echo "$as_me:$LINENO: \$? = $ac_status" >&5
+  (exit $ac_status); } &&
+   cat conftest.f | grep '[*]/.*[*]/' >/dev/null 2>&1; then
+   ac_cv_prog_fpp_cstyle=
+   ac_name=`expr "x$FPP" : 'x\(fpp\)'`
+   if test "x$ac_name" = xfpp; then
+     ac_flag="-c_com=no"
+   else
+     ac_flag="-C"
+   fi
+   FPPFLAGS="$FPPFLAGS $ac_flag"
+   ac_cmd='$FPP $FPPFLAGS conftest.$ac_ext '"$ac_fpp_out"
+   if { (eval echo "$as_me:$LINENO: \"$ac_cmd\"") >&5
+  (eval $ac_cmd) 2>&5
+  ac_status=$?
+  echo "$as_me:$LINENO: \$? = $ac_status" >&5
+  (exit $ac_status); } &&
+     cat conftest.f | grep '/[*].*[*]/' >/dev/null 2>&1; then
+     ac_cv_prog_fpp_cstyle=$ac_flag
+   fi
+rm -f conftest*
+# We need to use variables because compilation depends on whether
+# $F77 supports direct compilation of source with cpp directives
+{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: $ac_cv_prog_fpp_cstyle" >&5
+echo "${ECHO_T}$ac_cv_prog_fpp_cstyle" >&6; }
+if test "x$ac_cv_prog_fpp_cstyle" = "xunknown"; then
+  { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: WARNING: cannot find a way to make $FPP pass C-style comments" >&5
+echo "$as_me: WARNING: cannot find a way to make $FPP pass C-style comments" >&2;}
+  FPPFLAGS="$FPPFLAGS $ac_cv_prog_fpp_cstyle"
+if test $ac_fpp_need_cxxstyle = yes; then
+  { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: checking whether $FPP preserves C++-style comments" >&5
+echo $ECHO_N "checking whether $FPP preserves C++-style comments... $ECHO_C" >&6; }
+if test "${ac_cv_prog_fpp_cxxstyle+set}" = set; then
+  echo $ECHO_N "(cached) $ECHO_C" >&6
+  ac_cv_prog_fpp_cxxstyle=$ac_prog_fc_cpp_cxxstyle
+{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: $ac_cv_prog_fpp_cxxstyle" >&5
+echo "${ECHO_T}$ac_cv_prog_fpp_cxxstyle" >&6; }
+{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: checking whether $FPP fulfils requested features" >&5
+echo $ECHO_N "checking whether $FPP fulfils requested features... $ECHO_C" >&6; }
+if test "${ac_cv_prog_fpp_ok+set}" = set; then
+  echo $ECHO_N "(cached) $ECHO_C" >&6
+  ac_cv_prog_fpp_ok=$ac_fpp_ok
+{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: $ac_cv_prog_fpp_ok" >&5
+echo "${ECHO_T}$ac_cv_prog_fpp_ok" >&6; }
+  ac_cv_fpp_build_rule=indirect
+if test ac_fpp_ok == no; then
+  { { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: error: Cannot find a Fortran preprocessor with the requested features" >&5
+echo "$as_me: error: Cannot find a Fortran preprocessor with the requested features" >&2;}
+   { (exit 1); exit 1; }; }
+fi # test ac_fpp_ok != yes
+# We have all necessary information.
+# It remains to construct optimal build rules
+# (direct: .F.o or indirect: .F.f)
+# and carry out the substitutions.
+# This is the crucial bit: we switch on ac_cv_fpp_build_rule=direct/indirect,
+# setting and AC_SUBSTing the variables documented in _AC_FPP_BUILD_RULE.
+# Do we actually have all the required information yet, or do we need
+# to look at AC_FC_(FIXED|FREE)FORM results also?  I think we're OK:
+# if the compiler can do all the preprocessing itself, then we don't
+# have to do anything (ie, the `direct' branch should be trivial), and
+# if we have to do separate preprocessing, the processor is probably
+# (?) independent of the source language variant.
+# FPP is defined by this stage.  If the processing mode is 'direct', then
+# this will almost certainly be defined as blank, but we should make no
+# committments to this in the documentation, in case we want to change
+# our minds about that in future.
+# Default the FPP_PREPROCESS_EXT and FPP_COMPILE_EXT to the most usual ones
+# Switch on the processing mode, direct/indirect, which has been determined
+# in AC_PROG_FPP before this macro is called.  The FPPDIRECT_(TRUE|FALSE)
+# variables implement an automake (configure-time) conditional, which is
+# created, not through an invocation of AM_CONDITIONAL, but implicitly
+# within automake.in (qv).
+if test $ac_cv_fpp_build_rule = direct; then
+   # The simple case: the chosen Fortran compiler can handle preprocessing,
+   # so we don't need a separate preprocessing stage.
+   # The flags here are those included in the 'compile' field of the
+   # 'ppfc' language in automake.in, minus the {AM_,}FCFLAGS variables.
+   # It's not _absolutely_ guaranteed that these are the correct ones,
+   # and I (NG) would be open to argument about adding both {AM_,}CPPFLAGS and
+   # {AM_,}FCFLAGS, but this set appears to work.
+if test -z "$ac_fpp_out"; then
+   FPP_OUTPUT=" "
+   FPP_OUTPUT=">\$@"
+# We need to use variables because compilation depends on whether
+# $F77 supports direct compilation of source with cpp directives
+ac_compile='$FC -c $FCFLAGS $FCFLAGS_SRCEXT conftest.$ac_ext >&5'
+ac_link='$FC $ac_link_obj_flag""conftest$ac_exeext $FCFLAGS $LDFLAGS $FCFLAGS_SRCEXT conftest.$ac_ext $LIBS >&5'
+{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: checking for Fortran flag needed to allow free-form preprocessed source for .F90 suffix" >&5
+echo $ECHO_N "checking for Fortran flag needed to allow free-form preprocessed source for .F90 suffix... $ECHO_C" >&6; }
+if test "${ac_cv_fpp_freeform_F90+set}" = set; then
+  echo $ECHO_N "(cached) $ECHO_C" >&6
+  if test $ac_cv_fpp_build_rule = direct; then
+   ac_cv_fpp_freeform_F90=unknown
+   ac_ext=F90
+   ac_fpp_freeform_FCFLAGS_save=$FCFLAGS
+   for ac_flag in none "/FR /fpp" "-ffree-form -x f77-cpp-input" \
+                 "-FR -cpp" "-free -cpp" "-qfree=f90 -qsuffix=cpp=F90"\
+                 "-qfree -qsuffix=cpp=F90" -Mfree -Mfreeform \
+                  -freeform "-f free" --nfix "-fpp -free"
+   do
+      test "x$ac_flag" != xnone && FCFLAGS="$ac_fpp_freeform_FCFLAGS_save $ac_flag"
+      cat >conftest.$ac_ext <<_ACEOF
+program freeform
+! FIXME: how to best confuse non-freeform compilers?
+print *, 'Hello ', &
+#ifdef OK2
+  choke me
+#ifndef OK
+end program
+rm -f conftest.$ac_objext
+if { (ac_try="$ac_compile"
+case "(($ac_try" in
+  *\"* | *\`* | *\\*) ac_try_echo=\$ac_try;;
+  *) ac_try_echo=$ac_try;;
+eval "echo \"\$as_me:$LINENO: $ac_try_echo\"") >&5
+  (eval "$ac_compile") 2>conftest.er1
+  ac_status=$?
+  grep -v '^ *+' conftest.er1 >conftest.err
+  rm -f conftest.er1
+  cat conftest.err >&5
+  echo "$as_me:$LINENO: \$? = $ac_status" >&5
+  (exit $ac_status); } && {
+	 test -z "$ac_fc_werror_flag" ||
+	 test ! -s conftest.err
+       } && test -s conftest.$ac_objext; then
+  ac_cv_fpp_freeform_F90=$ac_flag; break
+  echo "$as_me: failed program was:" >&5
+sed 's/^/| /' conftest.$ac_ext >&5
+rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext conftest.$ac_ext
+   done
+   rm -f conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext conftest.$ac_ext
+   FCFLAGS=$ac_fpp_freeform_FCFLAGS_save
+   ac_cv_fpp_freeform_F90=none
+fi # test $ac_cv_fpp_build_rule = direct
+{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: $ac_cv_fpp_freeform_F90" >&5
+echo "${ECHO_T}$ac_cv_fpp_freeform_F90" >&6; }
+if test "x$ac_cv_fpp_freeform_F90" = xunknown; then
+   { { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: error: Cannot compile free-form source with .F90 suffix" >&5
+echo "$as_me: error: Cannot compile free-form source with .F90 suffix" >&2;}
+   { (exit 77); exit 77; }; }
+   if test "x$ac_cv_fpp_freeform_F90" != xnone; then
+      FPPFLAGS_free_F90="$ac_cv_fpp_freeform_F90"
+   fi
+# We need to use variables because compilation depends on whether
+# $F77 supports direct compilation of source with cpp directives
+ac_compile='$FC -c $FCFLAGS $FCFLAGS_SRCEXT conftest.$ac_ext >&5'
+ac_link='$FC $ac_link_obj_flag""conftest$ac_exeext $FCFLAGS $LDFLAGS $FCFLAGS_SRCEXT conftest.$ac_ext $LIBS >&5'
+if test $ac_cv_fpp_build_rule = direct; then
+     F90_RULE='$(FC) -c $(FFLAGS) $(INCFLAGS) $(FPPFLAGS) $(FPPFLAGS_free_F90) $< '
+elif test $ac_cv_fpp_build_rule = indirect; then
+  if test $ac_cv_fc_cifs = yes; then
+     F90_RULE='while [ 0 ]; do FPPFILE=$*.$$RANDOM.f90; if ! test -f $$FPPFILE; then break; fi; done; $(FPP) $(FPPFLAGS) $< > $$FPPFILE && $(FC) -c -o $*.$(OBJEXT) $(FFLAGS) $(INCFLAGS) $(FCFLAGS_free_f90) $$FPPFILE; rm $$FPPFILE'
+  elif test x$FPP_OUTPUT = x; then
+     F90_RULE='$(FPP) $(FPPFLAGS) $< && $(FC) -c $(FFLAGS) $(INCFLAGS) $(FCFLAGS_free_f90) $*.f90; rm $*.f90'
+  else
+     F90_RULE='$(FPP) $(FPPFLAGS) $< > $*.f90 && $(FC) -c $(FFLAGS) $(INCFLAGS) $(FCFLAGS_free_f90) $*.f90; rm $*.f90'
+  fi
+if test -n "$ac_tool_prefix"; then
+  # Extract the first word of "${ac_tool_prefix}ranlib", so it can be a program name with args.
+set dummy ${ac_tool_prefix}ranlib; ac_word=$2
+{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: checking for $ac_word" >&5
+echo $ECHO_N "checking for $ac_word... $ECHO_C" >&6; }
+if test "${ac_cv_prog_RANLIB+set}" = set; then
+  echo $ECHO_N "(cached) $ECHO_C" >&6
+  if test -n "$RANLIB"; then
+  ac_cv_prog_RANLIB="$RANLIB" # Let the user override the test.
+for as_dir in $PATH
+  IFS=$as_save_IFS
+  test -z "$as_dir" && as_dir=.
+  for ac_exec_ext in '' $ac_executable_extensions; do
+  if { test -f "$as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext" && $as_test_x "$as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext"; }; then
+    ac_cv_prog_RANLIB="${ac_tool_prefix}ranlib"
+    echo "$as_me:$LINENO: found $as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext" >&5
+    break 2
+  fi
+if test -n "$RANLIB"; then
+  { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: $RANLIB" >&5
+echo "${ECHO_T}$RANLIB" >&6; }
+  { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: no" >&5
+echo "${ECHO_T}no" >&6; }
+if test -z "$ac_cv_prog_RANLIB"; then
+  # Extract the first word of "ranlib", so it can be a program name with args.
+set dummy ranlib; ac_word=$2
+{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: checking for $ac_word" >&5
+echo $ECHO_N "checking for $ac_word... $ECHO_C" >&6; }
+if test "${ac_cv_prog_ac_ct_RANLIB+set}" = set; then
+  echo $ECHO_N "(cached) $ECHO_C" >&6
+  if test -n "$ac_ct_RANLIB"; then
+  ac_cv_prog_ac_ct_RANLIB="$ac_ct_RANLIB" # Let the user override the test.
+for as_dir in $PATH
+  IFS=$as_save_IFS
+  test -z "$as_dir" && as_dir=.
+  for ac_exec_ext in '' $ac_executable_extensions; do
+  if { test -f "$as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext" && $as_test_x "$as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext"; }; then
+    ac_cv_prog_ac_ct_RANLIB="ranlib"
+    echo "$as_me:$LINENO: found $as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext" >&5
+    break 2
+  fi
+if test -n "$ac_ct_RANLIB"; then
+  { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: $ac_ct_RANLIB" >&5
+echo "${ECHO_T}$ac_ct_RANLIB" >&6; }
+  { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: no" >&5
+echo "${ECHO_T}no" >&6; }
+  if test "x$ac_ct_RANLIB" = x; then
+    RANLIB=":"
+  else
+    case $cross_compiling:$ac_tool_warned in
+{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: WARNING: In the future, Autoconf will not detect cross-tools
+whose name does not start with the host triplet.  If you think this
+configuration is useful to you, please write to autoconf at gnu.org." >&5
+echo "$as_me: WARNING: In the future, Autoconf will not detect cross-tools
+whose name does not start with the host triplet.  If you think this
+configuration is useful to you, please write to autoconf at gnu.org." >&2;}
+ac_tool_warned=yes ;;
+    RANLIB=$ac_ct_RANLIB
+  fi
+  RANLIB="$ac_cv_prog_RANLIB"
+# Check whether --enable-debug was given.
+if test "${enable_debug+set}" = set; then
+  enableval=$enable_debug; use_debug=$enableval
+  use_debug=no
+if test x$use_debug = xyes; then
+# Check whether --enable-fast was given.
+if test "${enable_fast+set}" = set; then
+  enableval=$enable_fast; use_debug=$enableval
+  use_debug=no
+if test x$use_debug = xyes; then
+case $FC in
+   g77*)
+      FC_ID=G77
+      ;;
+   g95*)
+      FC_ID=G95
+      ;;
+   gfortran*)
+      FC_ID=Gfortran
+      ;;
+   if*)
+      FC_ID=Intel
+      ;;
+   lf9*)
+      FC_ID=Lahey
+      ;;
+   path*)
+      FC_ID=Pathscale
+      ;;
+   pgf*)
+      FC_ID=Portland
+      ;;
+   xlf*)
+      FC_ID=Xlf
+if test x$FC_ID = x; then
+   tw_fc_v_output=$($FC -V 2>&1 )
+   if test $?; then
+      case $tw_fc_v_output in
+         *NAG*)
+            FC_ID=Nag
+            ;;
+         *Sun*)
+            FC_ID=Sun # there's more than one compiler here ...
+            ;;
+         *Absoft*)
+            FC_ID=Absoft # there's more than one compiler here ...
+            ;;
+      esac
+   fi
+ if test x$FC_ID = x; then
+   tw_fc_v_output=$($FC -version 2>&1)
+   if test $?; then
+      case $tw_fc_v_output in
+         *Compaq*)
+            FC_ID=Digital
+            ;;
+         *Digital*)
+            FC_ID=Digital
+            ;;
+         *SGI*)
+            FC_ID=SGI
+            ;;
+      esac
+   fi
+if test x$FC_ID != x; then
+  { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: $FC seems to be a $FC_ID compiler" >&5
+echo "$as_me: $FC seems to be a $FC_ID compiler" >&6;}
+  FC_ID=unknown; { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: Could not determine type of compiler" >&5
+echo "$as_me: Could not determine type of compiler" >&6;}
+case $FC_ID in
+  Absoft)
+     FFLAGS_DEBUG="-et -g -Rb -Rc -Rp -Rs"
+     ;;
+  Digital)
+     FFLAGS_DEBUG="-g -Rabc -ei"
+     ;;
+  G77)
+     ;;
+  G95)
+    FFLAGS_DEBUG="-ggdb3 -ftrace=full -fbounds-check -flogical=false -freal=nan -fpointer=invalid -finteger=-1"
+    ;;
+  Gfortran)
+     ;;
+  Intel)
+     FFLAGS_DEBUG="-C -g -inline_debug_info"
+     ;;
+  Lahey)
+     FFLAGS_DEBUG="--chk aesux --chkglobal -g --trace"
+     FFLAGS_FAST="-O --warn --quiet --tpp --ntrace"
+     ;;
+  Nag)
+     FFLAGS_DEBUG="-C=all -g -gline -nan"
+     DEFS="$DEFS __NAG__"
+     ;;
+  Pathscale)
+     ;;
+  Portland)
+     FFLAGS_DEBUG="-g -Mbounds"
+     FFLAGS_FAST="-fast"
+     DEFS="$DEFS PGF90"
+     ;;
+  SGI)
+     FFLAGS_DEBUG="-g -O0"
+     FFLAGS_FAST="-O3 -OPT:Olimit=0"
+     ;;
+  Sun)
+     FFLAGS_DEBUG="-C -g"
+     FFLAGS_FAST="-fast"
+     ;;
+  Xlf)
+     FFLAGS_DEBUG="-g -C -qinitauto -qsave -qmaxmem=16000 -qnolm"
+     FFLAGS_FAST="-O3 -qarch=auto -qtune=auto -qcache=auto -qnolm"
+     ;;
+# Check whether --enable-debug was given.
+if test "${enable_debug+set}" = set; then
+  enableval=$enable_debug; use_debug=$enableval
+  use_debug=no
+if test x$use_debug = xyes; then
+# Check whether --enable-fast was given.
+if test "${enable_fast+set}" = set; then
+  enableval=$enable_fast; use_debug=$enableval
+  use_debug=no
+if test x$use_debug = xyes; then
+# Check whether --enable-wxml was given.
+if test "${enable_wxml+set}" = set; then
+  enableval=$enable_wxml; eval wxml_$enableval=wxml_lib
+# Check whether --enable-wcml was given.
+if test "${enable_wcml+set}" = set; then
+  enableval=$enable_wcml; eval wcml_$enableval=wcml_lib
+# Check whether --enable-wkml was given.
+if test "${enable_wkml+set}" = set; then
+  enableval=$enable_wkml; eval wkml_$enableval=wkml_lib
+# Check whether --enable-sax was given.
+if test "${enable_sax+set}" = set; then
+  enableval=$enable_sax; eval sax_$enableval=sax_lib
+# Check whether --enable-dom was given.
+if test "${enable_dom+set}" = set; then
+  enableval=$enable_dom; eval dom_$enableval=dom_lib
+if test x$wxml_yes$wcml_yes$wkml_yes$sax_yes$dom_yes = x; then
+  if test x$CUTDOWN_TARGET = x; then
+    if test x$wxml_no = x; then wxml_yes=wxml_lib; fi
+    if test x$wcml_no = x; then wcml_yes=wcml_lib; fi
+    if test x$wkml_no = x; then wkml_yes=wkml_lib; fi
+    if test x$sax_no = x; then sax_yes=sax_lib; fi
+    if test x$dom_no = x; then dom_yes=dom_lib; fi
+  else
+    eval "$CUTDOWN_TARGET"_yes="$CUTDOWN_TARGET"_lib
+  fi
+# Check whether --enable-dummy was given.
+if test "${enable_dummy+set}" = set; then
+  enableval=$enable_dummy; dummy=$enableval
+if test x$dummy = xyes; then
+  dom_yes=
+BUILD_TARGETS="$wxml_yes $wcml_yes $wkml_yes $sax_yes $dom_yes"
+{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: checking for kind number produced by kind(1.0)" >&5
+echo $ECHO_N "checking for kind number produced by kind(1.0)... $ECHO_C" >&6; }
+if test "${ac_cv_fc_real_kind_sp+set}" = set; then
+  echo $ECHO_N "(cached) $ECHO_C" >&6
+  ac_ext=${FC_SRCEXT-f}
+ac_compile='$FC -c $FCFLAGS $FCFLAGS_SRCEXT conftest.$ac_ext >&5'
+ac_link='$FC $ac_link_obj_flag""conftest$ac_exeext $FCFLAGS $LDFLAGS $FCFLAGS_SRCEXT conftest.$ac_ext $LIBS >&5'
+while test $ac_fc_kind_test -lt 100
+  cat > conftest.$ac_ext << ACEOF
+      subroutine kind_explorer
+      integer, parameter :: sp = kind(1.0)
+      integer, parameter :: mysp = $ac_fc_kind_test
+      real(kind=sp), target :: x
+      real(kind=mysp), pointer :: y
+      y=>x
+      end subroutine kind_explorer
+  if eval $ac_compile 2>&5
+  then
+    ac_fc_kind_found=yes
+    break
+  fi
+  ac_fc_kind_test=`expr $ac_fc_kind_test + 1`
+if test "$ac_fc_kind_found" = yes; then
+  ac_cv_fc_real_kind_sp=$ac_fc_kind_test
+  ac_cv_fc_real_kind_sp=none
+ac_compile='$FC -c $FCFLAGS $FCFLAGS_SRCEXT conftest.$ac_ext >&5'
+ac_link='$FC $ac_link_obj_flag""conftest$ac_exeext $FCFLAGS $LDFLAGS $FCFLAGS_SRCEXT conftest.$ac_ext $LIBS >&5'
+{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: $ac_cv_fc_real_kind_sp" >&5
+echo "${ECHO_T}$ac_cv_fc_real_kind_sp" >&6; }
+if test $ac_cv_fc_real_kind_sp != no; then
+  ac_fc_real_kind_sp=$ac_cv_fc_real_kind_sp; :
+  ac_got_kinds=no
+{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: checking for kind number produced by kind(1.0d0)" >&5
+echo $ECHO_N "checking for kind number produced by kind(1.0d0)... $ECHO_C" >&6; }
+if test "${ac_cv_fc_real_kind_dp+set}" = set; then
+  echo $ECHO_N "(cached) $ECHO_C" >&6
+  ac_ext=${FC_SRCEXT-f}
+ac_compile='$FC -c $FCFLAGS $FCFLAGS_SRCEXT conftest.$ac_ext >&5'
+ac_link='$FC $ac_link_obj_flag""conftest$ac_exeext $FCFLAGS $LDFLAGS $FCFLAGS_SRCEXT conftest.$ac_ext $LIBS >&5'
+while test $ac_fc_kind_test -lt 100
+  cat > conftest.$ac_ext << ACEOF
+      subroutine kind_explorer
+      integer, parameter :: sp = kind(1.0d0)
+      integer, parameter :: mysp = $ac_fc_kind_test
+      real(kind=sp), target :: x
+      real(kind=mysp), pointer :: y
+      y=>x
+      end subroutine kind_explorer
+  if eval $ac_compile 2>&5
+  then
+    ac_fc_kind_found=yes
+    break
+  fi
+  ac_fc_kind_test=`expr $ac_fc_kind_test + 1`
+if test "$ac_fc_kind_found" = yes; then
+  ac_cv_fc_real_kind_dp=$ac_fc_kind_test
+  ac_cv_fc_real_kind_dp=none
+ac_compile='$FC -c $FCFLAGS $FCFLAGS_SRCEXT conftest.$ac_ext >&5'
+ac_link='$FC $ac_link_obj_flag""conftest$ac_exeext $FCFLAGS $LDFLAGS $FCFLAGS_SRCEXT conftest.$ac_ext $LIBS >&5'
+{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: $ac_cv_fc_real_kind_dp" >&5
+echo "${ECHO_T}$ac_cv_fc_real_kind_dp" >&6; }
+if test $ac_cv_fc_real_kind_dp != no; then
+  ac_fc_real_kind_dp=$ac_cv_fc_real_kind_dp; :
+  ac_got_kinds=no
+{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: checking for kind number produced by selected_real_kind(6,34)" >&5
+echo $ECHO_N "checking for kind number produced by selected_real_kind(6,34)... $ECHO_C" >&6; }
+if test "${ac_cv_fc_real_kind_ieee_sp+set}" = set; then
+  echo $ECHO_N "(cached) $ECHO_C" >&6
+  ac_ext=${FC_SRCEXT-f}
+ac_compile='$FC -c $FCFLAGS $FCFLAGS_SRCEXT conftest.$ac_ext >&5'
+ac_link='$FC $ac_link_obj_flag""conftest$ac_exeext $FCFLAGS $LDFLAGS $FCFLAGS_SRCEXT conftest.$ac_ext $LIBS >&5'
+while test $ac_fc_kind_test -lt 100
+  cat > conftest.$ac_ext << ACEOF
+      subroutine kind_explorer
+      integer, parameter :: sp = selected_real_kind(6,34)
+      integer, parameter :: mysp = $ac_fc_kind_test
+      real(kind=sp), target :: x
+      real(kind=mysp), pointer :: y
+      y=>x
+      end subroutine kind_explorer
+  if eval $ac_compile 2>&5
+  then
+    ac_fc_kind_found=yes
+    break
+  fi
+  ac_fc_kind_test=`expr $ac_fc_kind_test + 1`
+if test "$ac_fc_kind_found" = yes; then
+  ac_cv_fc_real_kind_ieee_sp=$ac_fc_kind_test
+  ac_cv_fc_real_kind_ieee_sp=none
+ac_compile='$FC -c $FCFLAGS $FCFLAGS_SRCEXT conftest.$ac_ext >&5'
+ac_link='$FC $ac_link_obj_flag""conftest$ac_exeext $FCFLAGS $LDFLAGS $FCFLAGS_SRCEXT conftest.$ac_ext $LIBS >&5'
+{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: $ac_cv_fc_real_kind_ieee_sp" >&5
+echo "${ECHO_T}$ac_cv_fc_real_kind_ieee_sp" >&6; }
+if test $ac_cv_fc_real_kind_ieee_sp != no; then
+  ac_fc_real_kind_ieee_sp=$ac_cv_fc_real_kind_ieee_sp; :
+  ac_got_kinds=no
+{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: checking for kind number produced by selected_real_kind(15,300)" >&5
+echo $ECHO_N "checking for kind number produced by selected_real_kind(15,300)... $ECHO_C" >&6; }
+if test "${ac_cv_fc_real_kind_ieee_dp+set}" = set; then
+  echo $ECHO_N "(cached) $ECHO_C" >&6
+  ac_ext=${FC_SRCEXT-f}
+ac_compile='$FC -c $FCFLAGS $FCFLAGS_SRCEXT conftest.$ac_ext >&5'
+ac_link='$FC $ac_link_obj_flag""conftest$ac_exeext $FCFLAGS $LDFLAGS $FCFLAGS_SRCEXT conftest.$ac_ext $LIBS >&5'
+while test $ac_fc_kind_test -lt 100
+  cat > conftest.$ac_ext << ACEOF
+      subroutine kind_explorer
+      integer, parameter :: sp = selected_real_kind(15,300)
+      integer, parameter :: mysp = $ac_fc_kind_test
+      real(kind=sp), target :: x
+      real(kind=mysp), pointer :: y
+      y=>x
+      end subroutine kind_explorer
+  if eval $ac_compile 2>&5
+  then
+    ac_fc_kind_found=yes
+    break
+  fi
+  ac_fc_kind_test=`expr $ac_fc_kind_test + 1`
+if test "$ac_fc_kind_found" = yes; then
+  ac_cv_fc_real_kind_ieee_dp=$ac_fc_kind_test
+  ac_cv_fc_real_kind_ieee_dp=none
+ac_compile='$FC -c $FCFLAGS $FCFLAGS_SRCEXT conftest.$ac_ext >&5'
+ac_link='$FC $ac_link_obj_flag""conftest$ac_exeext $FCFLAGS $LDFLAGS $FCFLAGS_SRCEXT conftest.$ac_ext $LIBS >&5'
+{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: $ac_cv_fc_real_kind_ieee_dp" >&5
+echo "${ECHO_T}$ac_cv_fc_real_kind_ieee_dp" >&6; }
+if test $ac_cv_fc_real_kind_ieee_dp != no; then
+  ac_fc_real_kind_ieee_dp=$ac_cv_fc_real_kind_ieee_dp; :
+  ac_got_kinds=no
+if test $ac_fc_got_kinds != no; then
+  :
+  { { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: error: Could not find all Fortran real kinds" >&5
+echo "$as_me: error: Could not find all Fortran real kinds" >&2;}
+   { (exit 1); exit 1; }; }
+{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: checking how to compile a call to FLUSH" >&5
+echo $ECHO_N "checking how to compile a call to FLUSH... $ECHO_C" >&6; }
+cat >conftest.$ac_ext <<_ACEOF
+      PRINT*
+      CALL FLUSH(5)
+rm -f conftest.$ac_objext conftest$ac_exeext
+if { (ac_try="$ac_link"
+case "(($ac_try" in
+  *\"* | *\`* | *\\*) ac_try_echo=\$ac_try;;
+  *) ac_try_echo=$ac_try;;
+eval "echo \"\$as_me:$LINENO: $ac_try_echo\"") >&5
+  (eval "$ac_link") 2>conftest.er1
+  ac_status=$?
+  grep -v '^ *+' conftest.er1 >conftest.err
+  rm -f conftest.er1
+  cat conftest.err >&5
+  echo "$as_me:$LINENO: \$? = $ac_status" >&5
+  (exit $ac_status); } && {
+	 test -z "$ac_fc_werror_flag" ||
+	 test ! -s conftest.err
+       } && test -s conftest$ac_exeext &&
+       $as_test_x conftest$ac_exeext; then
+  tw_flush_ok=yes; TW_FLUSH=bare;tw_method=default;DEFS="$DEFS FC_HAVE_FLUSH"
+  echo "$as_me: failed program was:" >&5
+sed 's/^/| /' conftest.$ac_ext >&5
+rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext conftest_ipa8_conftest.oo \
+      conftest$ac_exeext conftest.$ac_ext
+if test $tw_flush_ok = no; then
+   LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS -Vaxlib"
+   cat >conftest.$ac_ext <<_ACEOF
+      PRINT*
+      CALL FLUSH(5)
+rm -f conftest.$ac_objext conftest$ac_exeext
+if { (ac_try="$ac_link"
+case "(($ac_try" in
+  *\"* | *\`* | *\\*) ac_try_echo=\$ac_try;;
+  *) ac_try_echo=$ac_try;;
+eval "echo \"\$as_me:$LINENO: $ac_try_echo\"") >&5
+  (eval "$ac_link") 2>conftest.er1
+  ac_status=$?
+  grep -v '^ *+' conftest.er1 >conftest.err
+  rm -f conftest.er1
+  cat conftest.err >&5
+  echo "$as_me:$LINENO: \$? = $ac_status" >&5
+  (exit $ac_status); } && {
+	 test -z "$ac_fc_werror_flag" ||
+	 test ! -s conftest.err
+       } && test -s conftest$ac_exeext &&
+       $as_test_x conftest$ac_exeext; then
+  tw_flush_ok=yes; TW_FLUSH=INTEL;tw_method="with -Vaxlib";DEFS="$DEFS FC_HAVE_FLUSH"
+  echo "$as_me: failed program was:" >&5
+sed 's/^/| /' conftest.$ac_ext >&5
+rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext conftest_ipa8_conftest.oo \
+      conftest$ac_exeext conftest.$ac_ext
+   if test $tw_flush_ok = no; then
+      LDFLAGS=$save_LDFLAGS
+   fi
+if test $tw_flush_ok = no; then
+  cat >conftest.$ac_ext <<_ACEOF
+      PRINT*
+      CALL FLUSH(5)
+rm -f conftest.$ac_objext conftest$ac_exeext
+if { (ac_try="$ac_link"
+case "(($ac_try" in
+  *\"* | *\`* | *\\*) ac_try_echo=\$ac_try;;
+  *) ac_try_echo=$ac_try;;
+eval "echo \"\$as_me:$LINENO: $ac_try_echo\"") >&5
+  (eval "$ac_link") 2>conftest.er1
+  ac_status=$?
+  grep -v '^ *+' conftest.er1 >conftest.err
+  rm -f conftest.er1
+  cat conftest.err >&5
+  echo "$as_me:$LINENO: \$? = $ac_status" >&5
+  (exit $ac_status); } && {
+	 test -z "$ac_fc_werror_flag" ||
+	 test ! -s conftest.err
+       } && test -s conftest$ac_exeext &&
+       $as_test_x conftest$ac_exeext; then
+  tw_flush_ok=yes; TW_FLUSH=NAG;tw_method="with f90_unix_io";DEFS="$DEFS FC_HAVE_FLUSH"
+  echo "$as_me: failed program was:" >&5
+sed 's/^/| /' conftest.$ac_ext >&5
+rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext conftest_ipa8_conftest.oo \
+      conftest$ac_exeext conftest.$ac_ext
+if test $tw_flush_ok = no; then
+  cat >conftest.$ac_ext <<_ACEOF
+      PRINT*
+      CALL FLUSH_(5)
+rm -f conftest.$ac_objext conftest$ac_exeext
+if { (ac_try="$ac_link"
+case "(($ac_try" in
+  *\"* | *\`* | *\\*) ac_try_echo=\$ac_try;;
+  *) ac_try_echo=$ac_try;;
+eval "echo \"\$as_me:$LINENO: $ac_try_echo\"") >&5
+  (eval "$ac_link") 2>conftest.er1
+  ac_status=$?
+  grep -v '^ *+' conftest.er1 >conftest.err
+  rm -f conftest.er1
+  cat conftest.err >&5
+  echo "$as_me:$LINENO: \$? = $ac_status" >&5
+  (exit $ac_status); } && {
+	 test -z "$ac_fc_werror_flag" ||
+	 test ! -s conftest.err
+       } && test -s conftest$ac_exeext &&
+       $as_test_x conftest$ac_exeext; then
+  tw_flush_ok=yes; TW_FLUSH=XLF;tw_method="with underscore"
+  echo "$as_me: failed program was:" >&5
+sed 's/^/| /' conftest.$ac_ext >&5
+rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext conftest_ipa8_conftest.oo \
+      conftest$ac_exeext conftest.$ac_ext
+{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: $tw_method" >&5
+echo "${ECHO_T}$tw_method" >&6; }
+if test $tw_flush_ok = yes; then
+  :
+  { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: cannot compile call to FLUSH" >&5
+echo "${ECHO_T}cannot compile call to FLUSH" >&6; }
+{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: checking how to compile a call to ABORT" >&5
+echo $ECHO_N "checking how to compile a call to ABORT... $ECHO_C" >&6; }
+if test $tw_abort_ok = no; then
+  cat >conftest.$ac_ext <<_ACEOF
+      CALL ABORT("")
+rm -f conftest.$ac_objext conftest$ac_exeext
+if { (ac_try="$ac_link"
+case "(($ac_try" in
+  *\"* | *\`* | *\\*) ac_try_echo=\$ac_try;;
+  *) ac_try_echo=$ac_try;;
+eval "echo \"\$as_me:$LINENO: $ac_try_echo\"") >&5
+  (eval "$ac_link") 2>conftest.er1
+  ac_status=$?
+  grep -v '^ *+' conftest.er1 >conftest.err
+  rm -f conftest.er1
+  cat conftest.err >&5
+  echo "$as_me:$LINENO: \$? = $ac_status" >&5
+  (exit $ac_status); } && {
+	 test -z "$ac_fc_werror_flag" ||
+	 test ! -s conftest.err
+       } && test -s conftest$ac_exeext &&
+       $as_test_x conftest$ac_exeext; then
+  tw_abort_ok=yes; tw_method="with argument";DEFS="$DEFS FC_HAVE_ABORT FC_ABORT_ARG"
+  echo "$as_me: failed program was:" >&5
+sed 's/^/| /' conftest.$ac_ext >&5
+rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext conftest_ipa8_conftest.oo \
+      conftest$ac_exeext conftest.$ac_ext
+if test $tw_abort_ok = no; then
+  cat >conftest.$ac_ext <<_ACEOF
+      CALL ABORT_
+rm -f conftest.$ac_objext conftest$ac_exeext
+if { (ac_try="$ac_link"
+case "(($ac_try" in
+  *\"* | *\`* | *\\*) ac_try_echo=\$ac_try;;
+  *) ac_try_echo=$ac_try;;
+eval "echo \"\$as_me:$LINENO: $ac_try_echo\"") >&5
+  (eval "$ac_link") 2>conftest.er1
+  ac_status=$?
+  grep -v '^ *+' conftest.er1 >conftest.err
+  rm -f conftest.er1
+  cat conftest.err >&5
+  echo "$as_me:$LINENO: \$? = $ac_status" >&5
+  (exit $ac_status); } && {
+	 test -z "$ac_fc_werror_flag" ||
+	 test ! -s conftest.err
+       } && test -s conftest$ac_exeext &&
+       $as_test_x conftest$ac_exeext; then
+  tw_abort_ok=yes; tw_method="with underscore";DEFS="$DEFS FC_HAVE_ABORT FC_ABORT_UNDERSCORE"
+  echo "$as_me: failed program was:" >&5
+sed 's/^/| /' conftest.$ac_ext >&5
+rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext conftest_ipa8_conftest.oo \
+      conftest$ac_exeext conftest.$ac_ext
+if test $tw_abort_ok = no; then
+  cat >conftest.$ac_ext <<_ACEOF
+rm -f conftest.$ac_objext conftest$ac_exeext
+if { (ac_try="$ac_link"
+case "(($ac_try" in
+  *\"* | *\`* | *\\*) ac_try_echo=\$ac_try;;
+  *) ac_try_echo=$ac_try;;
+eval "echo \"\$as_me:$LINENO: $ac_try_echo\"") >&5
+  (eval "$ac_link") 2>conftest.er1
+  ac_status=$?
+  grep -v '^ *+' conftest.er1 >conftest.err
+  rm -f conftest.er1
+  cat conftest.err >&5
+  echo "$as_me:$LINENO: \$? = $ac_status" >&5
+  (exit $ac_status); } && {
+	 test -z "$ac_fc_werror_flag" ||
+	 test ! -s conftest.err
+       } && test -s conftest$ac_exeext &&
+       $as_test_x conftest$ac_exeext; then
+  tw_abort_ok=yes; tw_method=default;DEFS="$DEFS FC_HAVE_ABORT"
+  echo "$as_me: failed program was:" >&5
+sed 's/^/| /' conftest.$ac_ext >&5
+rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext conftest_ipa8_conftest.oo \
+      conftest$ac_exeext conftest.$ac_ext
+if test $tw_abort_ok = no; then
+  cat >conftest.$ac_ext <<_ACEOF
+rm -f conftest.$ac_objext conftest$ac_exeext
+if { (ac_try="$ac_link"
+case "(($ac_try" in
+  *\"* | *\`* | *\\*) ac_try_echo=\$ac_try;;
+  *) ac_try_echo=$ac_try;;
+eval "echo \"\$as_me:$LINENO: $ac_try_echo\"") >&5
+  (eval "$ac_link") 2>conftest.er1
+  ac_status=$?
+  grep -v '^ *+' conftest.er1 >conftest.err
+  rm -f conftest.er1
+  cat conftest.err >&5
+  echo "$as_me:$LINENO: \$? = $ac_status" >&5
+  (exit $ac_status); } && {
+	 test -z "$ac_fc_werror_flag" ||
+	 test ! -s conftest.err
+       } && test -s conftest$ac_exeext &&
+       $as_test_x conftest$ac_exeext; then
+  tw_abort_ok=yes; tw_method="with f90_unix_proc";DEFS="$DEFS FC_HAVE_ABORT"
+  echo "$as_me: failed program was:" >&5
+sed 's/^/| /' conftest.$ac_ext >&5
+rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext conftest_ipa8_conftest.oo \
+      conftest$ac_exeext conftest.$ac_ext
+if test $tw_abort_ok = no; then
+   LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS -Vaxlib"
+   cat >conftest.$ac_ext <<_ACEOF
+rm -f conftest.$ac_objext conftest$ac_exeext
+if { (ac_try="$ac_link"
+case "(($ac_try" in
+  *\"* | *\`* | *\\*) ac_try_echo=\$ac_try;;
+  *) ac_try_echo=$ac_try;;
+eval "echo \"\$as_me:$LINENO: $ac_try_echo\"") >&5
+  (eval "$ac_link") 2>conftest.er1
+  ac_status=$?
+  grep -v '^ *+' conftest.er1 >conftest.err
+  rm -f conftest.er1
+  cat conftest.err >&5
+  echo "$as_me:$LINENO: \$? = $ac_status" >&5
+  (exit $ac_status); } && {
+	 test -z "$ac_fc_werror_flag" ||
+	 test ! -s conftest.err
+       } && test -s conftest$ac_exeext &&
+       $as_test_x conftest$ac_exeext; then
+  tw_abort_ok=yes; tw_method="with -Vaxlib";DEFS="$DEFS FC_HAVE_ABORT"
+  echo "$as_me: failed program was:" >&5
+sed 's/^/| /' conftest.$ac_ext >&5
+rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext conftest_ipa8_conftest.oo \
+      conftest$ac_exeext conftest.$ac_ext
+   if test $tw_abort_ok = no; then
+      LDFLAGS=$save_LDFLAGS
+   fi
+{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: $tw_method" >&5
+echo "${ECHO_T}$tw_method" >&6; }
+if test $tw_abort_ok = yes; then
+  :
+  { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: cannot compile call to ABORT" >&5
+echo "${ECHO_T}cannot compile call to ABORT" >&6; }
+ac_compile='$FC -c $FCFLAGS $FCFLAGS_SRCEXT conftest.$ac_ext >&5'
+ac_link='$FC $ac_link_obj_flag""conftest$ac_exeext $FCFLAGS $LDFLAGS $FCFLAGS_SRCEXT conftest.$ac_ext $LIBS >&5'
+{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: checking for EOR character used by $FC" >&5
+echo $ECHO_N "checking for EOR character used by $FC... $ECHO_C" >&6; }
+if test "$cross_compiling" = yes; then
+  ac_cv_FC_check_output_eol=EOL_CR
+  cat >conftest.$ac_ext <<_ACEOF
+       program output_eol
+       open(unit=10, file="conf_eol.out")
+       write(10,"(a)") ""
+       end program
+rm -f conftest$ac_exeext
+if { (ac_try="$ac_link"
+case "(($ac_try" in
+  *\"* | *\`* | *\\*) ac_try_echo=\$ac_try;;
+  *) ac_try_echo=$ac_try;;
+eval "echo \"\$as_me:$LINENO: $ac_try_echo\"") >&5
+  (eval "$ac_link") 2>&5
+  ac_status=$?
+  echo "$as_me:$LINENO: \$? = $ac_status" >&5
+  (exit $ac_status); } && { ac_try='./conftest$ac_exeext'
+  { (case "(($ac_try" in
+  *\"* | *\`* | *\\*) ac_try_echo=\$ac_try;;
+  *) ac_try_echo=$ac_try;;
+eval "echo \"\$as_me:$LINENO: $ac_try_echo\"") >&5
+  (eval "$ac_try") 2>&5
+  ac_status=$?
+  echo "$as_me:$LINENO: \$? = $ac_status" >&5
+  (exit $ac_status); }; }; then
+if ! test -f conf_eol.out; then
+{ { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: error: Could not find test output" >&5
+echo "$as_me: error: Could not find test output" >&2;}
+   { (exit 1); exit 1; }; }
+elif od -b conf_eol.out | grep 5015 >/dev/null; then
+  ac_cv_FC_check_output_eol=CRLF
+elif od -b conf_eol.out | grep 15 >/dev/null; then
+  ac_cv_FC_check_output_eol=CR
+elif od -b conf_eol.out | grep 12 >/dev/null; then
+  ac_cv_FC_check_output_eol=LF
+  ac_cv_FC_check_output_eol=UNKNOWN
+rm -rf conf_eol.out
+if test $ac_cv_FC_check_output_eol = UNKNOWN; then
+  { { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: error: Could not determine line-ending convention" >&5
+echo "$as_me: error: Could not determine line-ending convention" >&2;}
+   { (exit 1); exit 1; }; }
+  echo "$as_me: program exited with status $ac_status" >&5
+echo "$as_me: failed program was:" >&5
+sed 's/^/| /' conftest.$ac_ext >&5
+( exit $ac_status )
+{ { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: error: Could not execute compiled program" >&5
+echo "$as_me: error: Could not execute compiled program" >&2;}
+   { (exit 1); exit 1; }; }
+rm -f core *.core core.conftest.* gmon.out bb.out conftest$ac_exeext conftest.$ac_objext conftest.$ac_ext
+{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: $ac_cv_FC_check_output_eol" >&5
+echo "${ECHO_T}$ac_cv_FC_check_output_eol" >&6; }
+case $ac_cv_FC_check_output_eol in
+  CRLF)
+  CR)
+  LF)
+{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: checking for ASSOCIATED in restricted expression bug" >&5
+echo $ECHO_N "checking for ASSOCIATED in restricted expression bug... $ECHO_C" >&6; }
+ac_compile='$FC -c $FCFLAGS $FCFLAGS_SRCEXT conftest.$ac_ext >&5'
+ac_link='$FC $ac_link_obj_flag""conftest$ac_exeext $FCFLAGS $LDFLAGS $FCFLAGS_SRCEXT conftest.$ac_ext $LIBS >&5'
+cat >conftest.$ac_ext <<_ACEOF
+      function test_bug(a) result(b)
+      integer, pointer :: a
+      integer, dimension(merge(1, 2, associated(a))) :: b
+      b = 0
+      end function test_bug
+rm -f conftest.$ac_objext
+if { (ac_try="$ac_compile"
+case "(($ac_try" in
+  *\"* | *\`* | *\\*) ac_try_echo=\$ac_try;;
+  *) ac_try_echo=$ac_try;;
+eval "echo \"\$as_me:$LINENO: $ac_try_echo\"") >&5
+  (eval "$ac_compile") 2>conftest.er1
+  ac_status=$?
+  grep -v '^ *+' conftest.er1 >conftest.err
+  rm -f conftest.er1
+  cat conftest.err >&5
+  echo "$as_me:$LINENO: \$? = $ac_status" >&5
+  (exit $ac_status); } && {
+	 test -z "$ac_fc_werror_flag" ||
+	 test ! -s conftest.err
+       } && test -s conftest.$ac_objext; then
+  { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: no" >&5
+echo "${ECHO_T}no" >&6; }
+    :
+  echo "$as_me: failed program was:" >&5
+sed 's/^/| /' conftest.$ac_ext >&5
+	{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: yes" >&5
+echo "${ECHO_T}yes" >&6; }
+rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext conftest.$ac_ext
+ac_compile='$FC -c $FCFLAGS $FCFLAGS_SRCEXT conftest.$ac_ext >&5'
+ac_link='$FC $ac_link_obj_flag""conftest$ac_exeext $FCFLAGS $LDFLAGS $FCFLAGS_SRCEXT conftest.$ac_ext $LIBS >&5'
+for i in $DEFS; do
+case $host_os in
+  *cygwin*)
+     if test $FC_ID = G95 -o $FC_ID = Gfortran; then
+       LIBEXT=a
+     else
+       LIBEXT=lib
+     fi
+     ;;
+  *)
+     LIBEXT=a
+     ;;
+# Find a good install program.  We prefer a C program (faster),
+# so one script is as good as another.  But avoid the broken or
+# incompatible versions:
+# SysV /etc/install, /usr/sbin/install
+# SunOS /usr/etc/install
+# IRIX /sbin/install
+# AIX /bin/install
+# AmigaOS /C/install, which installs bootblocks on floppy discs
+# AIX 4 /usr/bin/installbsd, which doesn't work without a -g flag
+# AFS /usr/afsws/bin/install, which mishandles nonexistent args
+# SVR4 /usr/ucb/install, which tries to use the nonexistent group "staff"
+# OS/2's system install, which has a completely different semantic
+# ./install, which can be erroneously created by make from ./install.sh.
+{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: checking for a BSD-compatible install" >&5
+echo $ECHO_N "checking for a BSD-compatible install... $ECHO_C" >&6; }
+if test -z "$INSTALL"; then
+if test "${ac_cv_path_install+set}" = set; then
+  echo $ECHO_N "(cached) $ECHO_C" >&6
+for as_dir in $PATH
+  IFS=$as_save_IFS
+  test -z "$as_dir" && as_dir=.
+  # Account for people who put trailing slashes in PATH elements.
+case $as_dir/ in
+  ./ | .// | /cC/* | \
+  /etc/* | /usr/sbin/* | /usr/etc/* | /sbin/* | /usr/afsws/bin/* | \
+  ?:\\/os2\\/install\\/* | ?:\\/OS2\\/INSTALL\\/* | \
+  /usr/ucb/* ) ;;
+  *)
+    # OSF1 and SCO ODT 3.0 have their own names for install.
+    # Don't use installbsd from OSF since it installs stuff as root
+    # by default.
+    for ac_prog in ginstall scoinst install; do
+      for ac_exec_ext in '' $ac_executable_extensions; do
+	if { test -f "$as_dir/$ac_prog$ac_exec_ext" && $as_test_x "$as_dir/$ac_prog$ac_exec_ext"; }; then
+	  if test $ac_prog = install &&
+	    grep dspmsg "$as_dir/$ac_prog$ac_exec_ext" >/dev/null 2>&1; then
+	    # AIX install.  It has an incompatible calling convention.
+	    :
+	  elif test $ac_prog = install &&
+	    grep pwplus "$as_dir/$ac_prog$ac_exec_ext" >/dev/null 2>&1; then
+	    # program-specific install script used by HP pwplus--don't use.
+	    :
+	  else
+	    ac_cv_path_install="$as_dir/$ac_prog$ac_exec_ext -c"
+	    break 3
+	  fi
+	fi
+      done
+    done
+    ;;
+  if test "${ac_cv_path_install+set}" = set; then
+    INSTALL=$ac_cv_path_install
+  else
+    # As a last resort, use the slow shell script.  Don't cache a
+    # value for INSTALL within a source directory, because that will
+    # break other packages using the cache if that directory is
+    # removed, or if the value is a relative name.
+    INSTALL=$ac_install_sh
+  fi
+{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: $INSTALL" >&5
+echo "${ECHO_T}$INSTALL" >&6; }
+# Use test -z because SunOS4 sh mishandles braces in ${var-val}.
+# It thinks the first close brace ends the variable substitution.
+test -z "$INSTALL_DATA" && INSTALL_DATA='${INSTALL} -m 644'
+{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p" >&5
+echo $ECHO_N "checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... $ECHO_C" >&6; }
+if test -z "$MKDIR_P"; then
+  if test "${ac_cv_path_mkdir+set}" = set; then
+  echo $ECHO_N "(cached) $ECHO_C" >&6
+for as_dir in $PATH$PATH_SEPARATOR/opt/sfw/bin
+  IFS=$as_save_IFS
+  test -z "$as_dir" && as_dir=.
+  for ac_prog in mkdir gmkdir; do
+	 for ac_exec_ext in '' $ac_executable_extensions; do
+	   { test -f "$as_dir/$ac_prog$ac_exec_ext" && $as_test_x "$as_dir/$ac_prog$ac_exec_ext"; } || continue
+	   case `"$as_dir/$ac_prog$ac_exec_ext" --version 2>&1` in #(
+	     'mkdir (GNU coreutils) '* | \
+	     'mkdir (coreutils) '* | \
+	     'mkdir (fileutils) '4.1*)
+	       ac_cv_path_mkdir=$as_dir/$ac_prog$ac_exec_ext
+	       break 3;;
+	   esac
+	 done
+       done
+  if test "${ac_cv_path_mkdir+set}" = set; then
+    MKDIR_P="$ac_cv_path_mkdir -p"
+  else
+    # As a last resort, use the slow shell script.  Don't cache a
+    # value for MKDIR_P within a source directory, because that will
+    # break other packages using the cache if that directory is
+    # removed, or if the value is a relative name.
+    test -d ./--version && rmdir ./--version
+    MKDIR_P="$ac_install_sh -d"
+  fi
+{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: $MKDIR_P" >&5
+echo "${ECHO_T}$MKDIR_P" >&6; }
+ # test whether we have cygpath
+ if test -z "$CYGPATH_W"; then
+   if (cygpath --version) >/dev/null 2>/dev/null; then
+     CYGPATH_W='cygpath -w'
+   else
+     CYGPATH_W=echo
+   fi
+ fi
+          ac_cv_fc_mod_path_flag=no
+          { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: checking for flag to alter module search path" >&5
+echo $ECHO_N "checking for flag to alter module search path... $ECHO_C" >&6; }
+	  mkdir conftestdir
+          cd conftestdir
+          cat > conftest.$ac_ext << \_ACEOF
+      module conftest
+       implicit none
+       integer :: i
+      end module conftest
+          { (eval echo "$as_me:$LINENO: \"$ac_compile\"") >&5
+  (eval $ac_compile) 2>conftest.er1
+  ac_status=$?
+  grep -v '^ *+' conftest.er1 >conftest.err
+  rm -f conftest.er1
+  cat conftest.err >&5
+  echo "$as_me:$LINENO: \$? = $ac_status" >&5
+  (exit $ac_status); }
+          cd ..
+          for i in /I -I -M "-mod .\;" "-p "; do
+            if test "$ac_cv_fc_mod_path_flag" = "no"; then
+               FCFLAGS_save=$FCFLAGS
+               FCFLAGS="$FCFLAGS ${i}conftestdir"
+               cat >conftest.$ac_ext <<_ACEOF
+      subroutine test
+       use conftest
+       implicit none
+       i = 0
+      end subroutine test
+rm -f conftest.$ac_objext
+if { (ac_try="$ac_compile"
+case "(($ac_try" in
+  *\"* | *\`* | *\\*) ac_try_echo=\$ac_try;;
+  *) ac_try_echo=$ac_try;;
+eval "echo \"\$as_me:$LINENO: $ac_try_echo\"") >&5
+  (eval "$ac_compile") 2>conftest.er1
+  ac_status=$?
+  grep -v '^ *+' conftest.er1 >conftest.err
+  rm -f conftest.er1
+  cat conftest.err >&5
+  echo "$as_me:$LINENO: \$? = $ac_status" >&5
+  (exit $ac_status); } && {
+	 test -z "$ac_fc_werror_flag" ||
+	 test ! -s conftest.err
+       } && test -s conftest.$ac_objext; then
+  FC_MOD_FLAG=$i; ac_cv_fc_mod_path_flag=$i
+  echo "$as_me: failed program was:" >&5
+sed 's/^/| /' conftest.$ac_ext >&5
+	:
+rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext conftest.$ac_ext
+            fi
+            FCFLAGS=$FCFLAGS_save
+          done
+          { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: $ac_cv_fc_mod_path_flag" >&5
+echo "${ECHO_T}$ac_cv_fc_mod_path_flag" >&6; }
+          rm -rf conftestdir
+          if test "$ac_cv_fc_mod_path_flag" != "no"; then
+  :
+  { { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: error: Cannot find flag to alter module search path" >&5
+echo "$as_me: error: Cannot find flag to alter module search path" >&2;}
+   { (exit 1); exit 1; }; }
+cat > conftest.$ac_ext << \_ACEOF
+      module conftest
+       implicit none
+       integer :: i
+      end module conftest
+{ (eval echo "$as_me:$LINENO: \"$ac_compile\"") >&5
+  (eval $ac_compile) 2>conftest.er1
+  ac_status=$?
+  grep -v '^ *+' conftest.er1 >conftest.err
+  rm -f conftest.er1
+  cat conftest.err >&5
+  echo "$as_me:$LINENO: \$? = $ac_status" >&5
+  (exit $ac_status); }
+{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: checking for suffix of module files" >&5
+echo $ECHO_N "checking for suffix of module files... $ECHO_C" >&6; }
+for ac_mod_file in conftest.mod conftest.MOD conftest.M CONFTEST.MOD CONFTEST.mod none
+  if test -f $ac_mod_file; then
+    break;
+  fi
+rm -f conftest.$ac_ext conftest.$ac_exe_ext conftest.mod conftest.MOD conftest.M CONFTEST.MOD CONFTEST.mod
+case $ac_mod_file in
+  conftest.mod)
+    FC_MODEXT=mod
+    ;;
+  conftest.MOD)
+    ;;
+  conftest.M)
+    ;;
+    ;;
+  CONFTEST.mod)
+    FC_MODEXT=mod
+    ;;
+  none)
+    { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: WARNING: Could not find Fortran module file extension." >&5
+echo "$as_me: WARNING: Could not find Fortran module file extension." >&2;}
+    ;;
+{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: $FC_MODEXT" >&5
+echo "${ECHO_T}$FC_MODEXT" >&6; }
+{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: checking whether module filenames are uppercased" >&5
+echo $ECHO_N "checking whether module filenames are uppercased... $ECHO_C" >&6; }
+{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: $FC_MODUPPERCASE" >&5
+echo "${ECHO_T}$FC_MODUPPERCASE" >&6; }
+ac_config_files="$ac_config_files arch.make"
+ac_config_files="$ac_config_files FoX-config"
+cat >confcache <<\_ACEOF
+# This file is a shell script that caches the results of configure
+# tests run on this system so they can be shared between configure
+# scripts and configure runs, see configure's option --config-cache.
+# It is not useful on other systems.  If it contains results you don't
+# want to keep, you may remove or edit it.
+# config.status only pays attention to the cache file if you give it
+# the --recheck option to rerun configure.
+# `ac_cv_env_foo' variables (set or unset) will be overridden when
+# loading this file, other *unset* `ac_cv_foo' will be assigned the
+# following values.
+# The following way of writing the cache mishandles newlines in values,
+# but we know of no workaround that is simple, portable, and efficient.
+# So, we kill variables containing newlines.
+# Ultrix sh set writes to stderr and can't be redirected directly,
+# and sets the high bit in the cache file unless we assign to the vars.
+  for ac_var in `(set) 2>&1 | sed -n 's/^\([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*\)=.*/\1/p'`; do
+    eval ac_val=\$$ac_var
+    case $ac_val in #(
+    *${as_nl}*)
+      case $ac_var in #(
+      *_cv_*) { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: WARNING: Cache variable $ac_var contains a newline." >&5
+echo "$as_me: WARNING: Cache variable $ac_var contains a newline." >&2;} ;;
+      esac
+      case $ac_var in #(
+      _ | IFS | as_nl) ;; #(
+      *) $as_unset $ac_var ;;
+      esac ;;
+    esac
+  done
+  (set) 2>&1 |
+    case $as_nl`(ac_space=' '; set) 2>&1` in #(
+    *${as_nl}ac_space=\ *)
+      # `set' does not quote correctly, so add quotes (double-quote
+      # substitution turns \\\\ into \\, and sed turns \\ into \).
+      sed -n \
+	"s/'/'\\\\''/g;
+	  s/^\\([_$as_cr_alnum]*_cv_[_$as_cr_alnum]*\\)=\\(.*\\)/\\1='\\2'/p"
+      ;; #(
+    *)
+      # `set' quotes correctly as required by POSIX, so do not add quotes.
+      sed -n "/^[_$as_cr_alnum]*_cv_[_$as_cr_alnum]*=/p"
+      ;;
+    esac |
+    sort
+) |
+  sed '
+     /^ac_cv_env_/b end
+     t clear
+     :clear
+     s/^\([^=]*\)=\(.*[{}].*\)$/test "${\1+set}" = set || &/
+     t end
+     s/^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)$/\1=${\1=\2}/
+     :end' >>confcache
+if diff "$cache_file" confcache >/dev/null 2>&1; then :; else
+  if test -w "$cache_file"; then
+    test "x$cache_file" != "x/dev/null" &&
+      { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: updating cache $cache_file" >&5
+echo "$as_me: updating cache $cache_file" >&6;}
+    cat confcache >$cache_file
+  else
+    { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: not updating unwritable cache $cache_file" >&5
+echo "$as_me: not updating unwritable cache $cache_file" >&6;}
+  fi
+rm -f confcache
+test "x$prefix" = xNONE && prefix=$ac_default_prefix
+# Let make expand exec_prefix.
+test "x$exec_prefix" = xNONE && exec_prefix='${prefix}'
+# Transform confdefs.h into DEFS.
+# Protect against shell expansion while executing Makefile rules.
+# Protect against Makefile macro expansion.
+# If the first sed substitution is executed (which looks for macros that
+# take arguments), then branch to the quote section.  Otherwise,
+# look for a macro that doesn't take arguments.
+t clear
+s/^[	 ]*#[	 ]*define[	 ][	 ]*\([^	 (][^	 (]*([^)]*)\)[	 ]*\(.*\)/-D\1=\2/g
+t quote
+s/^[	 ]*#[	 ]*define[	 ][	 ]*\([^	 ][^	 ]*\)[	 ]*\(.*\)/-D\1=\2/g
+t quote
+b any
+s/[	 `~#$^&*(){}\\|;'\''"<>?]/\\&/g
+	g
+	s/^\n//
+	s/\n/ /g
+	p
+DEFS=`sed -n "$ac_script" confdefs.h`
+for ac_i in : $LIBOBJS; do test "x$ac_i" = x: && continue
+  # 1. Remove the extension, and $U if already installed.
+  ac_script='s/\$U\././;s/\.o$//;s/\.obj$//'
+  ac_i=`echo "$ac_i" | sed "$ac_script"`
+  # 2. Prepend LIBOBJDIR.  When used with automake>=1.10 LIBOBJDIR
+  #    will be set to the directory where LIBOBJS objects are built.
+  ac_libobjs="$ac_libobjs \${LIBOBJDIR}$ac_i\$U.$ac_objext"
+  ac_ltlibobjs="$ac_ltlibobjs \${LIBOBJDIR}$ac_i"'$U.lo'
+: ${CONFIG_STATUS=./config.status}
+ac_clean_files="$ac_clean_files $CONFIG_STATUS"
+{ echo "$as_me:$LINENO: creating $CONFIG_STATUS" >&5
+echo "$as_me: creating $CONFIG_STATUS" >&6;}
+#! $SHELL
+# Generated by $as_me.
+# Run this file to recreate the current configuration.
+# Compiler output produced by configure, useful for debugging
+# configure, is in config.log if it exists.
+## --------------------- ##
+## M4sh Initialization.  ##
+## --------------------- ##
+# Be more Bourne compatible
+DUALCASE=1; export DUALCASE # for MKS sh
+if test -n "${ZSH_VERSION+set}" && (emulate sh) >/dev/null 2>&1; then
+  emulate sh
+  # Zsh 3.x and 4.x performs word splitting on ${1+"$@"}, which
+  # is contrary to our usage.  Disable this feature.
+  alias -g '${1+"$@"}'='"$@"'
+  setopt NO_GLOB_SUBST
+  case `(set -o) 2>/dev/null` in
+  *posix*) set -o posix ;;
+# PATH needs CR
+# Avoid depending upon Character Ranges.
+# The user is always right.
+if test "${PATH_SEPARATOR+set}" != set; then
+  echo "#! /bin/sh" >conf$$.sh
+  echo  "exit 0"   >>conf$$.sh
+  chmod +x conf$$.sh
+  if (PATH="/nonexistent;."; conf$$.sh) >/dev/null 2>&1; then
+  else
+  fi
+  rm -f conf$$.sh
+# Support unset when possible.
+if ( (MAIL=60; unset MAIL) || exit) >/dev/null 2>&1; then
+  as_unset=unset
+  as_unset=false
+# IFS
+# We need space, tab and new line, in precisely that order.  Quoting is
+# there to prevent editors from complaining about space-tab.
+# (If _AS_PATH_WALK were called with IFS unset, it would disable word
+# splitting by setting IFS to empty value.)
+IFS=" ""	$as_nl"
+# Find who we are.  Look in the path if we contain no directory separator.
+case $0 in
+  *[\\/]* ) as_myself=$0 ;;
+for as_dir in $PATH
+  IFS=$as_save_IFS
+  test -z "$as_dir" && as_dir=.
+  test -r "$as_dir/$0" && as_myself=$as_dir/$0 && break
+     ;;
+# We did not find ourselves, most probably we were run as `sh COMMAND'
+# in which case we are not to be found in the path.
+if test "x$as_myself" = x; then
+  as_myself=$0
+if test ! -f "$as_myself"; then
+  echo "$as_myself: error: cannot find myself; rerun with an absolute file name" >&2
+  { (exit 1); exit 1; }
+# Work around bugs in pre-3.0 UWIN ksh.
+for as_var in ENV MAIL MAILPATH
+do ($as_unset $as_var) >/dev/null 2>&1 && $as_unset $as_var
+PS1='$ '
+PS2='> '
+PS4='+ '
+# NLS nuisances.
+for as_var in \
+  if (set +x; test -z "`(eval $as_var=C; export $as_var) 2>&1`"); then
+    eval $as_var=C; export $as_var
+  else
+    ($as_unset $as_var) >/dev/null 2>&1 && $as_unset $as_var
+  fi
+# Required to use basename.
+if expr a : '\(a\)' >/dev/null 2>&1 &&
+   test "X`expr 00001 : '.*\(...\)'`" = X001; then
+  as_expr=expr
+  as_expr=false
+if (basename -- /) >/dev/null 2>&1 && test "X`basename -- / 2>&1`" = "X/"; then
+  as_basename=basename
+  as_basename=false
+# Name of the executable.
+as_me=`$as_basename -- "$0" ||
+$as_expr X/"$0" : '.*/\([^/][^/]*\)/*$' \| \
+	 X"$0" : 'X\(//\)$' \| \
+	 X"$0" : 'X\(/\)' \| . 2>/dev/null ||
+echo X/"$0" |
+    sed '/^.*\/\([^/][^/]*\)\/*$/{
+	    s//\1/
+	    q
+	  }
+	  /^X\/\(\/\/\)$/{
+	    s//\1/
+	    q
+	  }
+	  /^X\/\(\/\).*/{
+	    s//\1/
+	    q
+	  }
+	  s/.*/./; q'`
+$as_unset CDPATH
+  as_lineno_1=$LINENO
+  as_lineno_2=$LINENO
+  test "x$as_lineno_1" != "x$as_lineno_2" &&
+  test "x`expr $as_lineno_1 + 1`" = "x$as_lineno_2" || {
+  # Create $as_me.lineno as a copy of $as_myself, but with $LINENO
+  # uniformly replaced by the line number.  The first 'sed' inserts a
+  # line-number line after each line using $LINENO; the second 'sed'
+  # does the real work.  The second script uses 'N' to pair each
+  # line-number line with the line containing $LINENO, and appends
+  # trailing '-' during substitution so that $LINENO is not a special
+  # case at line end.
+  # (Raja R Harinath suggested sed '=', and Paul Eggert wrote the
+  # scripts with optimization help from Paolo Bonzini.  Blame Lee
+  # E. McMahon (1931-1989) for sed's syntax.  :-)
+  sed -n '
+    p
+    /[$]LINENO/=
+  ' <$as_myself |
+    sed '
+      s/[$]LINENO.*/&-/
+      t lineno
+      b
+      :lineno
+      N
+      :loop
+      s/[$]LINENO\([^'$as_cr_alnum'_].*\n\)\(.*\)/\2\1\2/
+      t loop
+      s/-\n.*//
+    ' >$as_me.lineno &&
+  chmod +x "$as_me.lineno" ||
+    { echo "$as_me: error: cannot create $as_me.lineno; rerun with a POSIX shell" >&2
+   { (exit 1); exit 1; }; }
+  # Don't try to exec as it changes $[0], causing all sort of problems
+  # (the dirname of $[0] is not the place where we might find the
+  # original and so on.  Autoconf is especially sensitive to this).
+  . "./$as_me.lineno"
+  # Exit status is that of the last command.
+  exit
+if (as_dir=`dirname -- /` && test "X$as_dir" = X/) >/dev/null 2>&1; then
+  as_dirname=dirname
+  as_dirname=false
+case `echo -n x` in
+  case `echo 'x\c'` in
+  *c*) ECHO_T='	';;	# ECHO_T is single tab character.
+  *)   ECHO_C='\c';;
+  esac;;
+  ECHO_N='-n';;
+if expr a : '\(a\)' >/dev/null 2>&1 &&
+   test "X`expr 00001 : '.*\(...\)'`" = X001; then
+  as_expr=expr
+  as_expr=false
+rm -f conf$$ conf$$.exe conf$$.file
+if test -d conf$$.dir; then
+  rm -f conf$$.dir/conf$$.file
+  rm -f conf$$.dir
+  mkdir conf$$.dir
+echo >conf$$.file
+if ln -s conf$$.file conf$$ 2>/dev/null; then
+  as_ln_s='ln -s'
+  # ... but there are two gotchas:
+  # 1) On MSYS, both `ln -s file dir' and `ln file dir' fail.
+  # 2) DJGPP < 2.04 has no symlinks; `ln -s' creates a wrapper executable.
+  # In both cases, we have to default to `cp -p'.
+  ln -s conf$$.file conf$$.dir 2>/dev/null && test ! -f conf$$.exe ||
+    as_ln_s='cp -p'
+elif ln conf$$.file conf$$ 2>/dev/null; then
+  as_ln_s=ln
+  as_ln_s='cp -p'
+rm -f conf$$ conf$$.exe conf$$.dir/conf$$.file conf$$.file
+rmdir conf$$.dir 2>/dev/null
+if mkdir -p . 2>/dev/null; then
+  as_mkdir_p=:
+  test -d ./-p && rmdir ./-p
+  as_mkdir_p=false
+if test -x / >/dev/null 2>&1; then
+  as_test_x='test -x'
+  if ls -dL / >/dev/null 2>&1; then
+    as_ls_L_option=L
+  else
+    as_ls_L_option=
+  fi
+  as_test_x='
+    eval sh -c '\''
+      if test -d "$1"; then
+        test -d "$1/.";
+      else
+	case $1 in
+        -*)set "./$1";;
+	esac;
+	case `ls -ld'$as_ls_L_option' "$1" 2>/dev/null` in
+	???[sx]*):;;*)false;;esac;fi
+    '\'' sh
+  '
+# Sed expression to map a string onto a valid CPP name.
+as_tr_cpp="eval sed 'y%*$as_cr_letters%P$as_cr_LETTERS%;s%[^_$as_cr_alnum]%_%g'"
+# Sed expression to map a string onto a valid variable name.
+as_tr_sh="eval sed 'y%*+%pp%;s%[^_$as_cr_alnum]%_%g'"
+exec 6>&1
+# Save the log message, to keep $[0] and so on meaningful, and to
+# report actual input values of CONFIG_FILES etc. instead of their
+# values after options handling.
+This file was extended by FoX $as_me 4.1.2, which was
+generated by GNU Autoconf 2.61.  Invocation command line was
+  $ $0 $@
+on `(hostname || uname -n) 2>/dev/null | sed 1q`
+# Files that config.status was made for.
+\`$as_me' instantiates files from templates according to the
+current configuration.
+Usage: $0 [OPTIONS] [FILE]...
+  -h, --help       print this help, then exit
+  -V, --version    print version number and configuration settings, then exit
+  -q, --quiet      do not print progress messages
+  -d, --debug      don't remove temporary files
+      --recheck    update $as_me by reconfiguring in the same conditions
+  --file=FILE[:TEMPLATE]
+		   instantiate the configuration file FILE
+Configuration files:
+Report bugs to <bug-autoconf at gnu.org>."
+FoX config.status 4.1.2
+configured by $0, generated by GNU Autoconf 2.61,
+  with options \\"`echo "$ac_configure_args" | sed 's/^ //; s/[\\""\`\$]/\\\\&/g'`\\"
+Copyright (C) 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+This config.status script is free software; the Free Software Foundation
+gives unlimited permission to copy, distribute and modify it."
+# If no file are specified by the user, then we need to provide default
+# value.  By we need to know if files were specified by the user.
+while test $# != 0
+  case $1 in
+  --*=*)
+    ac_option=`expr "X$1" : 'X\([^=]*\)='`
+    ac_optarg=`expr "X$1" : 'X[^=]*=\(.*\)'`
+    ac_shift=:
+    ;;
+  *)
+    ac_option=$1
+    ac_optarg=$2
+    ac_shift=shift
+    ;;
+  esac
+  case $ac_option in
+  # Handling of the options.
+  -recheck | --recheck | --rechec | --reche | --rech | --rec | --re | --r)
+    ac_cs_recheck=: ;;
+  --version | --versio | --versi | --vers | --ver | --ve | --v | -V )
+    echo "$ac_cs_version"; exit ;;
+  --debug | --debu | --deb | --de | --d | -d )
+    debug=: ;;
+  --file | --fil | --fi | --f )
+    $ac_shift
+    CONFIG_FILES="$CONFIG_FILES $ac_optarg"
+    ac_need_defaults=false;;
+  --he | --h |  --help | --hel | -h )
+    echo "$ac_cs_usage"; exit ;;
+  -q | -quiet | --quiet | --quie | --qui | --qu | --q \
+  | -silent | --silent | --silen | --sile | --sil | --si | --s)
+    ac_cs_silent=: ;;
+  # This is an error.
+  -*) { echo "$as_me: error: unrecognized option: $1
+Try \`$0 --help' for more information." >&2
+   { (exit 1); exit 1; }; } ;;
+  *) ac_config_targets="$ac_config_targets $1"
+     ac_need_defaults=false ;;
+  esac
+  shift
+if $ac_cs_silent; then
+  exec 6>/dev/null
+  ac_configure_extra_args="$ac_configure_extra_args --silent"
+if \$ac_cs_recheck; then
+  echo "running CONFIG_SHELL=$SHELL $SHELL $0 "$ac_configure_args \$ac_configure_extra_args " --no-create --no-recursion" >&6
+  export CONFIG_SHELL
+  exec $SHELL "$0"$ac_configure_args \$ac_configure_extra_args --no-create --no-recursion
+exec 5>>config.log
+  echo
+  sed 'h;s/./-/g;s/^.../## /;s/...$/ ##/;p;x;p;x' <<_ASBOX
+## Running $as_me. ##
+  echo "$ac_log"
+} >&5
+# Handling of arguments.
+for ac_config_target in $ac_config_targets
+  case $ac_config_target in
+    "arch.make") CONFIG_FILES="$CONFIG_FILES arch.make" ;;
+    "FoX-config") CONFIG_FILES="$CONFIG_FILES FoX-config" ;;
+  *) { { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: error: invalid argument: $ac_config_target" >&5
+echo "$as_me: error: invalid argument: $ac_config_target" >&2;}
+   { (exit 1); exit 1; }; };;
+  esac
+# If the user did not use the arguments to specify the items to instantiate,
+# then the envvar interface is used.  Set only those that are not.
+# We use the long form for the default assignment because of an extremely
+# bizarre bug on SunOS 4.1.3.
+if $ac_need_defaults; then
+  test "${CONFIG_FILES+set}" = set || CONFIG_FILES=$config_files
+# Have a temporary directory for convenience.  Make it in the build tree
+# simply because there is no reason against having it here, and in addition,
+# creating and moving files from /tmp can sometimes cause problems.
+# Hook for its removal unless debugging.
+# Note that there is a small window in which the directory will not be cleaned:
+# after its creation but before its name has been assigned to `$tmp'.
+$debug ||
+  tmp=
+  trap 'exit_status=$?
+  { test -z "$tmp" || test ! -d "$tmp" || rm -fr "$tmp"; } && exit $exit_status
+' 0
+  trap '{ (exit 1); exit 1; }' 1 2 13 15
+# Create a (secure) tmp directory for tmp files.
+  tmp=`(umask 077 && mktemp -d "./confXXXXXX") 2>/dev/null` &&
+  test -n "$tmp" && test -d "$tmp"
+}  ||
+  tmp=./conf$$-$RANDOM
+  (umask 077 && mkdir "$tmp")
+} ||
+   echo "$me: cannot create a temporary directory in ." >&2
+   { (exit 1); exit 1; }
+# Set up the sed scripts for CONFIG_FILES section.
+# No need to generate the scripts if there are no CONFIG_FILES.
+# This happens for instance when ./config.status config.h
+if test -n "$CONFIG_FILES"; then
+ac_delim='%!_!# '
+for ac_last_try in false false false false false :; do
+  cat >conf$$subs.sed <<_ACEOF
+  if test `sed -n "s/.*$ac_delim\$/X/p" conf$$subs.sed | grep -c X` = 88; then
+    break
+  elif $ac_last_try; then
+    { { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: error: could not make $CONFIG_STATUS" >&5
+echo "$as_me: error: could not make $CONFIG_STATUS" >&2;}
+   { (exit 1); exit 1; }; }
+  else
+    ac_delim="$ac_delim!$ac_delim _$ac_delim!! "
+  fi
+ac_eof=`sed -n '/^CEOF[0-9]*$/s/CEOF/0/p' conf$$subs.sed`
+if test -n "$ac_eof"; then
+  ac_eof=`echo "$ac_eof" | sort -nru | sed 1q`
+  ac_eof=`expr $ac_eof + 1`
+cat >"\$tmp/subs-1.sed" <<\CEOF$ac_eof
+/@[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*@/!b end
+sed '
+s/[,\\&]/\\&/g; s/@/@|#_!!_#|/g
+s/^/s,@/; s/!/@,|#_!!_#|/
+t n
+s/'"$ac_delim"'$/,g/; t
+s/$/\\/; p
+N; s/^.*\n//; s/[,\\&]/\\&/g; s/@/@|#_!!_#|/g; b n
+' >>$CONFIG_STATUS <conf$$subs.sed
+rm -f conf$$subs.sed
+# VPATH may cause trouble with some makes, so we remove $(srcdir),
+# ${srcdir} and @srcdir@ from VPATH if srcdir is ".", strip leading and
+# trailing colons and then remove the whole line if VPATH becomes empty
+# (actually we leave an empty line to preserve line numbers).
+if test "x$srcdir" = x.; then
+  ac_vpsub='/^[	 ]*VPATH[	 ]*=/{
+s/^\([^=]*=[	 ]*\):*/\1/
+s/^[^=]*=[	 ]*$//
+fi # test -n "$CONFIG_FILES"
+for ac_tag in  :F $CONFIG_FILES
+  case $ac_tag in
+  :[FHLC]) ac_mode=$ac_tag; continue;;
+  esac
+  case $ac_mode$ac_tag in
+  :[FHL]*:*);;
+  :L* | :C*:*) { { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: error: Invalid tag $ac_tag." >&5
+echo "$as_me: error: Invalid tag $ac_tag." >&2;}
+   { (exit 1); exit 1; }; };;
+  :[FH]-) ac_tag=-:-;;
+  :[FH]*) ac_tag=$ac_tag:$ac_tag.in;;
+  esac
+  ac_save_IFS=$IFS
+  IFS=:
+  set x $ac_tag
+  IFS=$ac_save_IFS
+  shift
+  ac_file=$1
+  shift
+  case $ac_mode in
+  :L) ac_source=$1;;
+  :[FH])
+    ac_file_inputs=
+    for ac_f
+    do
+      case $ac_f in
+      -) ac_f="$tmp/stdin";;
+      *) # Look for the file first in the build tree, then in the source tree
+	 # (if the path is not absolute).  The absolute path cannot be DOS-style,
+	 # because $ac_f cannot contain `:'.
+	 test -f "$ac_f" ||
+	   case $ac_f in
+	   [\\/$]*) false;;
+	   *) test -f "$srcdir/$ac_f" && ac_f="$srcdir/$ac_f";;
+	   esac ||
+	   { { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: error: cannot find input file: $ac_f" >&5
+echo "$as_me: error: cannot find input file: $ac_f" >&2;}
+   { (exit 1); exit 1; }; };;
+      esac
+      ac_file_inputs="$ac_file_inputs $ac_f"
+    done
+    # Let's still pretend it is `configure' which instantiates (i.e., don't
+    # use $as_me), people would be surprised to read:
+    #    /* config.h.  Generated by config.status.  */
+    configure_input="Generated from "`IFS=:
+	  echo $* | sed 's|^[^:]*/||;s|:[^:]*/|, |g'`" by configure."
+    if test x"$ac_file" != x-; then
+      configure_input="$ac_file.  $configure_input"
+      { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: creating $ac_file" >&5
+echo "$as_me: creating $ac_file" >&6;}
+    fi
+    case $ac_tag in
+    *:-:* | *:-) cat >"$tmp/stdin";;
+    esac
+    ;;
+  esac
+  ac_dir=`$as_dirname -- "$ac_file" ||
+$as_expr X"$ac_file" : 'X\(.*[^/]\)//*[^/][^/]*/*$' \| \
+	 X"$ac_file" : 'X\(//\)[^/]' \| \
+	 X"$ac_file" : 'X\(//\)$' \| \
+	 X"$ac_file" : 'X\(/\)' \| . 2>/dev/null ||
+echo X"$ac_file" |
+    sed '/^X\(.*[^/]\)\/\/*[^/][^/]*\/*$/{
+	    s//\1/
+	    q
+	  }
+	  /^X\(\/\/\)[^/].*/{
+	    s//\1/
+	    q
+	  }
+	  /^X\(\/\/\)$/{
+	    s//\1/
+	    q
+	  }
+	  /^X\(\/\).*/{
+	    s//\1/
+	    q
+	  }
+	  s/.*/./; q'`
+  { as_dir="$ac_dir"
+  case $as_dir in #(
+  -*) as_dir=./$as_dir;;
+  esac
+  test -d "$as_dir" || { $as_mkdir_p && mkdir -p "$as_dir"; } || {
+    as_dirs=
+    while :; do
+      case $as_dir in #(
+      *\'*) as_qdir=`echo "$as_dir" | sed "s/'/'\\\\\\\\''/g"`;; #(
+      *) as_qdir=$as_dir;;
+      esac
+      as_dirs="'$as_qdir' $as_dirs"
+      as_dir=`$as_dirname -- "$as_dir" ||
+$as_expr X"$as_dir" : 'X\(.*[^/]\)//*[^/][^/]*/*$' \| \
+	 X"$as_dir" : 'X\(//\)[^/]' \| \
+	 X"$as_dir" : 'X\(//\)$' \| \
+	 X"$as_dir" : 'X\(/\)' \| . 2>/dev/null ||
+echo X"$as_dir" |
+    sed '/^X\(.*[^/]\)\/\/*[^/][^/]*\/*$/{
+	    s//\1/
+	    q
+	  }
+	  /^X\(\/\/\)[^/].*/{
+	    s//\1/
+	    q
+	  }
+	  /^X\(\/\/\)$/{
+	    s//\1/
+	    q
+	  }
+	  /^X\(\/\).*/{
+	    s//\1/
+	    q
+	  }
+	  s/.*/./; q'`
+      test -d "$as_dir" && break
+    done
+    test -z "$as_dirs" || eval "mkdir $as_dirs"
+  } || test -d "$as_dir" || { { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: error: cannot create directory $as_dir" >&5
+echo "$as_me: error: cannot create directory $as_dir" >&2;}
+   { (exit 1); exit 1; }; }; }
+  ac_builddir=.
+case "$ac_dir" in
+.) ac_dir_suffix= ac_top_builddir_sub=. ac_top_build_prefix= ;;
+  ac_dir_suffix=/`echo "$ac_dir" | sed 's,^\.[\\/],,'`
+  # A ".." for each directory in $ac_dir_suffix.
+  ac_top_builddir_sub=`echo "$ac_dir_suffix" | sed 's,/[^\\/]*,/..,g;s,/,,'`
+  case $ac_top_builddir_sub in
+  "") ac_top_builddir_sub=. ac_top_build_prefix= ;;
+  *)  ac_top_build_prefix=$ac_top_builddir_sub/ ;;
+  esac ;;
+# for backward compatibility:
+case $srcdir in
+  .)  # We are building in place.
+    ac_srcdir=.
+    ac_top_srcdir=$ac_top_builddir_sub
+    ac_abs_top_srcdir=$ac_pwd ;;
+  [\\/]* | ?:[\\/]* )  # Absolute name.
+    ac_srcdir=$srcdir$ac_dir_suffix;
+    ac_top_srcdir=$srcdir
+    ac_abs_top_srcdir=$srcdir ;;
+  *) # Relative name.
+    ac_srcdir=$ac_top_build_prefix$srcdir$ac_dir_suffix
+    ac_top_srcdir=$ac_top_build_prefix$srcdir
+    ac_abs_top_srcdir=$ac_pwd/$srcdir ;;
+  case $ac_mode in
+  :F)
+  #
+  #
+  case $INSTALL in
+  [\\/$]* | ?:[\\/]* ) ac_INSTALL=$INSTALL ;;
+  *) ac_INSTALL=$ac_top_build_prefix$INSTALL ;;
+  esac
+  case $MKDIR_P in
+  [\\/$]* | ?:[\\/]* ) ;;
+  */*) ac_MKDIR_P=$ac_top_build_prefix$MKDIR_P ;;
+  esac
+# If the template does not know about datarootdir, expand it.
+# FIXME: This hack should be removed a few years after 2.60.
+ac_datarootdir_hack=; ac_datarootdir_seen=
+case `sed -n '/datarootdir/ {
+  p
+  q
+' $ac_file_inputs` in
+*datarootdir*) ac_datarootdir_seen=yes;;
+  { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: WARNING: $ac_file_inputs seems to ignore the --datarootdir setting" >&5
+echo "$as_me: WARNING: $ac_file_inputs seems to ignore the --datarootdir setting" >&2;}
+  ac_datarootdir_hack='
+  s&@datadir@&$datadir&g
+  s&@docdir@&$docdir&g
+  s&@infodir@&$infodir&g
+  s&@localedir@&$localedir&g
+  s&@mandir@&$mandir&g
+    s&\\\${datarootdir}&$datarootdir&g' ;;
+# Neutralize VPATH when `$srcdir' = `.'.
+# Shell code in configure.ac might set extrasub.
+# FIXME: do we really want to maintain this feature?
+  sed "$ac_vpsub
+s&@configure_input@&$configure_input&;t t
+s&@top_builddir@&$ac_top_builddir_sub&;t t
+s&@srcdir@&$ac_srcdir&;t t
+s&@abs_srcdir@&$ac_abs_srcdir&;t t
+s&@top_srcdir@&$ac_top_srcdir&;t t
+s&@abs_top_srcdir@&$ac_abs_top_srcdir&;t t
+s&@builddir@&$ac_builddir&;t t
+s&@abs_builddir@&$ac_abs_builddir&;t t
+s&@abs_top_builddir@&$ac_abs_top_builddir&;t t
+s&@INSTALL@&$ac_INSTALL&;t t
+s&@MKDIR_P@&$ac_MKDIR_P&;t t
+" $ac_file_inputs | sed -f "$tmp/subs-1.sed" >$tmp/out
+test -z "$ac_datarootdir_hack$ac_datarootdir_seen" &&
+  { ac_out=`sed -n '/\${datarootdir}/p' "$tmp/out"`; test -n "$ac_out"; } &&
+  { ac_out=`sed -n '/^[	 ]*datarootdir[	 ]*:*=/p' "$tmp/out"`; test -z "$ac_out"; } &&
+  { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: WARNING: $ac_file contains a reference to the variable \`datarootdir'
+which seems to be undefined.  Please make sure it is defined." >&5
+echo "$as_me: WARNING: $ac_file contains a reference to the variable \`datarootdir'
+which seems to be undefined.  Please make sure it is defined." >&2;}
+  rm -f "$tmp/stdin"
+  case $ac_file in
+  -) cat "$tmp/out"; rm -f "$tmp/out";;
+  *) rm -f "$ac_file"; mv "$tmp/out" $ac_file;;
+  esac
+ ;;
+  esac
+done # for ac_tag
+{ (exit 0); exit 0; }
+chmod +x $CONFIG_STATUS
+# configure is writing to config.log, and then calls config.status.
+# config.status does its own redirection, appending to config.log.
+# Unfortunately, on DOS this fails, as config.log is still kept open
+# by configure, so config.status won't be able to write to it; its
+# output is simply discarded.  So we exec the FD to /dev/null,
+# effectively closing config.log, so it can be properly (re)opened and
+# appended to by config.status.  When coming back to configure, we
+# need to make the FD available again.
+if test "$no_create" != yes; then
+  ac_cs_success=:
+  ac_config_status_args=
+  test "$silent" = yes &&
+    ac_config_status_args="$ac_config_status_args --quiet"
+  exec 5>/dev/null
+  $SHELL $CONFIG_STATUS $ac_config_status_args || ac_cs_success=false
+  exec 5>>config.log
+  # Use ||, not &&, to avoid exiting from the if with $? = 1, which
+  # would make configure fail if this is the last instruction.
+  $ac_cs_success || { (exit 1); exit 1; }
+chmod +x FoX-config
+touch .config
+touch */*.f90 */*.F90
diff --git a/dom/CMakeLists.txt b/dom/CMakeLists.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b39ee8c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dom/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+  m_dom_types.m4 
+  m_dom_node.m4 
+  m_dom_nodelist.m4
+  m_dom_namednodemap.m4 
+  m_dom_implementation.m4
+  m_dom_document.m4 
+  m_dom_document_type.m4
+  m_dom_element.m4 
+  m_dom_attribute.m4
+  m_dom_character_data.m4 
+  m_dom_entity.m4
+  m_dom_processing_instruction.m4 
+  m_dom_text.m4
+  m_dom_common.m4 
+  m_dom_exception.m4 
+  m_dom_dom.m4
+  m_dom_namespaces.m4 
+  m_dom_configuration.m4
+  m_dom_treewalk.m4 
+  m_dom_exception.m4 
+  m_dom_object.m4
+# m_dom_extras.F90: m_dom_extras.m4
+#         m4 -I ../m4 $< > $@
+    OUTPUT ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/m_dom_extras.F90
+    COMMAND ${M4_PROGRAM} -I ../m4 ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/m_dom_extras.m4 > ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/m_dom_extras.F90
+    DEPENDS m_dom_extras.m4
+  )
+  # m_dom_parse.f90: m_dom_parse.m4
+  #         m4 -I ../m4 $< > $@
+    OUTPUT ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/m_dom_parse.f90
+    COMMAND ${M4_PROGRAM} -I ../m4 ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/m_dom_parse.m4 > ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/m_dom_parse.f90
+    DEPENDS m_dom_parse.m4
+  )
+  # m_dom_utils.f90: m_dom_utils.m4
+  #         m4 -I ../m4 $< > $@
+    OUTPUT ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/m_dom_utils.f90
+    COMMAND ${M4_PROGRAM} -I ../m4 ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/m_dom_utils.m4 > ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/m_dom_utils.f90
+    DEPENDS m_dom_utils.m4
+  )
+  # m_dom_dom.F90: $(M4FILES)
+  #         m4 -I ../m4 m_dom_dom.m4 > $@ 
+    COMMAND ${M4_PROGRAM} -I ../m4 ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/m_dom_dom.m4 > ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/m_dom_dom.F90
+    DEPENDS ${m_dom_dom_srcs}
+  )
+  m_dom_dom.F90
+  m_dom_extras.F90
+  FoX_dom.f90
+  m_dom_error.f90
+  m_dom_parse.f90
+  m_dom_utils.f90
+  fox_dom STATIC
+  ${fox_dom_srcs}
+  ${fox_dom_srcs_pp}
+## add_dependencies(
+##   fox_dom
+##   dom_generate
+## )
+  fox_dom
+  fox_wxml
+  fox_sax
+  ${fox_BINARY_DIR}/dom
+  ${fox_BINARY_DIR}/wxml
+  ${fox_BINARY_DIR}/common
+  ${fox_BINARY_DIR}/utils
+  ${fox_BINARY_DIR}/fsys
+  ${fox_BINARY_DIR}/sax
diff --git a/dom/FoX_dom.f90 b/dom/FoX_dom.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e6d8caf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dom/FoX_dom.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,261 @@
+module FoX_dom
+  use fox_m_fsys_array_str
+  use fox_m_fsys_format
+  use m_dom_dom
+  use m_dom_error
+  use m_dom_extras
+  use m_dom_parse
+  use m_dom_utils
+  implicit none
+  private
+  public :: str_vs, vs_vs_alloc, vs_str_alloc
+  public :: str, operator(//)
+  public :: DOMImplementation
+  public :: Node
+  public :: NodeList
+  public :: NamedNodeMap
+  ! DOM DOMString
+  ! no
+  ! DOM DOMTimestamp
+  !  public :: DOMTimestamp
+  ! DOM Exceptions
+  public :: DOMException
+  public :: inException
+  public :: getExceptionCode
+  public :: INDEX_SIZE_ERR
+  public :: NO_DATA_ALLOWED_ERR
+  public :: NOT_FOUND_ERR
+  public :: NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR
+  public :: INVALID_STATE_ERR
+  public :: SYNTAX_ERR
+  public :: NAMESPACE_ERR
+  public :: VALIDATION_ERR
+  public :: TYPE_MISMATCH_ERR
+  ! XPath
+  public :: TYPE_ERR
+  ! LS
+  public :: PARSE_ERR
+  public :: SERIALIZE_ERR
+  ! DOM Implementation
+  public :: hasFeature
+  public :: createDocumentType
+  public :: createDocument
+  ! DOM Document
+  public :: getDocumentElement
+  public :: getDocType
+  public :: getImplementation
+  public :: createDocumentFragment
+  public :: createElement
+  public :: createTextNode
+  public :: createComment
+  public :: createCDATASection
+  public :: createProcessingInstruction
+  public :: createAttribute
+  public :: createEntityReference
+  public :: getElementsByTagName
+  public :: getElementById
+  public :: importNode
+  public :: createElementNS
+  public :: createAttributeNS
+  public :: getElementsByTagNameNS
+  public :: getXmlStandalone
+  public :: setXmlStandalone
+  public :: getXmlVersion
+  public :: setXmlVersion
+  public :: getXmlEncoding
+  public :: getInputEncoding
+  public :: getDocumentURI
+  public :: setDocumentURI
+  public :: getStrictErrorChecking
+  public :: setStrictErrorChecking
+  public :: getDomConfig
+  public :: normalizeDocument
+  public :: renameNode
+  public :: adoptNode
+  ! DOM Node
+  public :: ELEMENT_NODE
+  public :: ATTRIBUTE_NODE
+  public :: TEXT_NODE
+  public :: ENTITY_NODE
+  public :: COMMENT_NODE
+  public :: DOCUMENT_NODE
+  public :: NOTATION_NODE
+  public :: getNodeName
+  public :: getNodeValue
+  public :: setNodeValue
+  public :: getNodeType
+  public :: getFirstChild
+  public :: getLastChild
+  public :: getAttributes
+  public :: getNextSibling
+  public :: getPreviousSibling
+  public :: getParentNode
+  public :: getChildNodes
+  public :: getOwnerDocument
+  public :: insertBefore
+  public :: replaceChild
+  public :: removeChild
+  public :: appendChild
+  public :: hasChildNodes
+  public :: cloneNode
+  public :: normalize
+  public :: isSupported
+  public :: getNamespaceURI
+  public :: getPrefix
+  public :: setPrefix
+  public :: getLocalName
+  public :: hasAttributes
+  public :: getTextContent
+  public :: setTextContent
+  public :: isEqualNode
+  public :: isSameNode
+  public :: isDefaultNamespace
+  public :: lookupNamespaceURI
+  public :: lookupPrefix
+  ! DOM NodeList
+  public :: item
+  public :: append
+  ! DOM NamedNodeMap
+  public :: getLength
+  public :: getNamedItem
+  public :: setNamedItem
+  public :: removeNamedItem
+!  public :: item
+  public :: getNamedItemNS
+  public :: setNamedItemNS
+  public :: removeNamedItemNS
+  ! DOM CharacterData
+  ! NB We use the native Fortran string type here
+  ! rather than inventing a DOM String, thus no
+  ! string type to make public
+! public :: getData
+! public :: setData
+  public :: substringData
+  public :: appendData
+  public :: insertData
+  public :: deleteData
+  public :: replaceData
+  ! DOM Attr
+!  public :: getName
+  public :: getSpecified
+  public :: getValue
+  public :: setValue
+  public :: getOwnerElement
+  public :: getIsId
+  ! DOM Element
+  public :: getTagName
+  public :: getAttribute
+  public :: setAttribute
+  public :: removeAttribute
+  public :: getAttributeNode
+  public :: setAttributeNode
+  public :: removeAttributeNode
+!  public :: getElementsByTagName
+  public :: getAttributeNS
+  public :: setAttributeNS
+  public :: removeAttributeNS
+  public :: getAttributeNodeNS
+  public :: setAttributeNodeNS
+!  public :: getElementsByTagNameNS
+  public :: hasAttribute
+  public :: hasAttributeNS
+  public :: setIdAttribute
+  public :: setIdAttributeNS
+  public :: setIdAttributeNode
+  !DOM Text
+  public :: splitText
+  public :: getIsElementContentWhitespace
+  !DOM CData
+! public :: getData
+! public :: setData
+  !DOM DocumentType
+  public :: getEntities
+  public :: getNotations
+  public :: getInternalSubset
+  !DOM Notation
+  !DOM Entity
+  public :: getNotationName
+  !DOM EntityReference
+  !DOM ProcessingInstruction
+!  public :: getData
+!  public :: setData
+  public :: getTarget
+  !DOM common
+  public :: getData
+  public :: setData
+  public :: getName
+  public :: getPublicId
+  public :: getSystemId
+  !DOM Configuration
+  public :: DOMConfiguration
+  public :: getParameter
+  public :: setParameter
+  public :: canSetParameter
+  public :: getParameterNames
+  ! FoX-only interfaces
+  public :: newDOMConfig
+  public :: getNodePath
+  public :: extractDataContent
+  public :: extractDataAttribute
+  public :: extractDataAttributeNS
+  public :: parseFile
+  public :: parseString
+  public :: serialize
+  public :: destroy
+  public :: getFoX_checks
+  public :: setFoX_checks
+  public :: getLiveNodeLists
+  public :: setLiveNodeLists
+  public :: getNamespaceNodes
+end module FoX_dom
diff --git a/dom/m_dom_attribute.m4 b/dom/m_dom_attribute.m4
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d455684
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dom/m_dom_attribute.m4
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+  !public :: getName
+  public :: getSpecified
+  public :: setSpecified
+  interface getValue
+    module procedure getValue_DOM
+  end interface
+  public :: getValue
+  public :: setValue
+  public :: getOwnerElement
+  public :: getIsId
+  public :: setIsId
+  interface getIsId
+    module procedure getIsId_DOM
+  end interface
+  interface setIsId
+    module procedure setIsId_DOM
+  end interface
+  ! function getName(attribute) result(c) See m_dom_common
+! NB All functions manipulating attributes play with the nodelist
+! directly rather than through helper functions.
+! This is so that getValue_length can be pure,  and the nodeList
+! can be explicitly kept up to dat.
+TOHW_m_dom_get(logical, specified, np%elExtras%specified, (ATTRIBUTE_NODE))
+TOHW_m_dom_set(logical, specified, np%elExtras%specified, (ATTRIBUTE_NODE))
+TOHW_m_dom_get(logical, isId_DOM, np%elExtras%isId, (ATTRIBUTE_NODE))
+TOHW_m_dom_set(logical, isId_DOM, np%elExtras%isId, (ATTRIBUTE_NODE))
+TOHW_m_dom_get(Node, ownerElement, np%elExtras%ownerElement, (ATTRIBUTE_NODE))
+  TOHW_function(getValue_DOM, (arg), c)
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    character(len=getTextContent_len(arg, .true.)) :: c 
+    character(len=getTextContent_len(arg, associated(arg))) :: c 
+    if (.not.associated(arg)) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL)
+    endif
+    if (getNodeType(arg)/=ATTRIBUTE_NODE) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_INVALID_NODE)
+    endif
+    c = getTextContent(arg, ex)
+  end function getValue_DOM
+  TOHW_subroutine(setValue, (arg, value))
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: value
+    if (.not.associated(arg)) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL)
+    endif   
+    if (getNodeType(arg)/=ATTRIBUTE_NODE) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_INVALID_NODE)
+    endif
+    call setTextContent(arg, value, ex)
+  end subroutine setValue
diff --git a/dom/m_dom_character_data.m4 b/dom/m_dom_character_data.m4
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3f51a75
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dom/m_dom_character_data.m4
@@ -0,0 +1,243 @@
+  public :: getLength
+!  public :: getData
+!  public :: setData
+  public :: substringData
+  public :: appendData
+  public :: insertData
+  public :: deleteData
+  public :: replaceData
+  interface getLength
+    module procedure getLength_characterdata
+  end interface
+  pure function isCharData(nodeType) result(p)
+    integer, intent(in) :: nodeType
+    logical :: p
+    p = (nodeType == TEXT_NODE .or. &
+      nodeType == COMMENT_NODE .or. &
+      nodeType == CDATA_SECTION_NODE)
+  end function isCharData
+  TOHW_function(getLength_characterdata, (arg), n)
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    integer :: n
+    if (.not.associated(arg)) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL)
+    endif
+    if (.not.isCharData(arg%nodeType)) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_INVALID_NODE)
+    endif
+    n = size(arg%nodeValue)
+  end function getLength_characterdata
+  TOHW_function(subStringData, (arg, offset, count), c)
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    integer, intent(in) :: offset
+    integer, intent(in) :: count
+    character(len=count) :: c
+    if (.not.associated(arg)) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL)
+    endif
+    if (.not.isCharData(arg%nodeType)) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_INVALID_NODE)
+    elseif (offset<0.or.offset>size(arg%nodeValue).or.count<0) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(INDEX_SIZE_ERR)
+    endif
+    if (offset+count>size(arg%nodeValue)) then
+      c = str_vs(arg%nodeValue(offset+1:))
+    else
+      c = str_vs(arg%nodeValue(offset+1:offset+count))
+    endif
+  end function subStringData
+  TOHW_subroutine(appendData, (arg, data))
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: data
+    character, pointer :: tmp(:)
+    if (.not.associated(arg)) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL)
+    endif
+    if (.not.isCharData(arg%nodeType)) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_INVALID_NODE)
+    elseif (arg%readonly) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR)
+    endif
+    if (.not.checkChars(data, getXmlVersionEnum(getOwnerDocument(arg)))) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_INVALID_CHARACTER)
+    endif
+    tmp => arg%nodeValue
+    arg%nodeValue => vs_str_alloc(str_vs(tmp)//data)
+    deallocate(tmp)
+    ! We have to do these checks *after* appending data in case offending string
+    ! spans old & new data
+    if (arg%nodeType==COMMENT_NODE .and. index(str_vs(arg%nodeValue),"--")>0) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_INVALID_COMMENT)
+    elseif (arg%nodeType==CDATA_SECTION_NODE .and. index(str_vs(arg%nodeValue), "]]>")>0) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_INVALID_CDATA_SECTION)
+    endif
+    ! And propagate length upwards ...
+    if (getNodeType(arg)/=COMMENT_NODE) &
+      call updateTextContentLength(arg, len(data))
+  end subroutine appendData
+  TOHW_subroutine(insertData, (arg, offset, data))
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    integer, intent(in) :: offset
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: data
+    character, pointer :: tmp(:)
+    if (.not.associated(arg)) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL)
+    endif
+    if (.not.isCharData(arg%nodeType)) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_INVALID_NODE)
+    elseif (arg%readonly) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR)
+    elseif (offset<0.or.offset>size(arg%nodeValue)) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(INDEX_SIZE_ERR)
+    endif
+    if (.not.checkChars(data, getXmlVersionEnum(getOwnerDocument(arg)))) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_INVALID_CHARACTER)
+    endif
+    tmp => arg%nodeValue
+    arg%nodeValue => vs_str_alloc(str_vs(tmp(:offset))//data//str_vs(tmp(offset+1:)))
+    deallocate(tmp)
+    ! We have to do these checks *after* appending data in case offending string
+    ! spans old & new data
+    if (arg%nodeType==COMMENT_NODE .and. index(str_vs(arg%nodeValue),"--")>0) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_INVALID_COMMENT)
+    elseif (arg%nodeType==CDATA_SECTION_NODE .and. index(str_vs(arg%nodeValue), "]]>")>0) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_INVALID_CDATA_SECTION)
+    endif
+    ! And propagate length upwards ...
+    if (getNodeType(arg)/=COMMENT_NODE) &
+      call updateTextContentLength(arg, len(data))
+  end subroutine insertData
+  TOHW_subroutine(deleteData, (arg, offset, count))
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    integer, intent(in) :: offset
+    integer, intent(in) :: count
+    character, pointer :: tmp(:)
+    integer :: n
+    if (.not.associated(arg)) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL)
+    endif
+    if (.not.isCharData(arg%nodeType)) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_INVALID_NODE)
+    elseif (arg%readonly) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR)
+    elseif (offset<0.or.offset>size(arg%nodeValue).or.count<0) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(INDEX_SIZE_ERR)
+    endif
+    if (offset+count>size(arg%nodeValue)) then
+      n = size(arg%nodeValue)-offset
+    else
+      n = count
+    endif
+    tmp => arg%nodeValue
+    arg%nodeValue => vs_str_alloc(str_vs(tmp(:offset))//str_vs(tmp(offset+count+1:)))
+    deallocate(tmp)
+    ! And propagate length upwards ...
+    if (getNodeType(arg)/=COMMENT_NODE) &
+      call updateTextContentLength(arg, -n)
+  end subroutine deleteData
+  TOHW_subroutine(replaceData, (arg, offset, count, data))
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    integer, intent(in) :: offset
+    integer, intent(in) :: count
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: data
+    character, pointer :: tmp(:)
+    integer :: n
+    if (.not.associated(arg)) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL)
+    endif
+    if (.not.isCharData(arg%nodeType)) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_INVALID_NODE)
+    elseif (arg%readonly) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR)
+    elseif (offset<0.or.offset>size(arg%nodeValue).or.count<0) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(INDEX_SIZE_ERR)
+    endif
+    if (.not.checkChars(data, getXmlVersionEnum(getOwnerDocument(arg)))) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_INVALID_CHARACTER)
+    endif
+    if (offset+count>size(arg%nodeValue)) then
+      n = len(data)-(size(arg%nodeValue)-offset)
+    else
+      n = len(data)-count
+    endif
+    tmp => arg%nodeValue
+    if (offset+count <= size(arg%nodeValue)) then
+      arg%nodeValue => vs_str_alloc(str_vs(tmp(:offset))//data//str_vs(tmp(offset+count+1:)))
+    else
+      arg%nodeValue => vs_str_alloc(str_vs(tmp(:offset))//data)
+    endif
+    deallocate(tmp)
+    ! We have to do these checks *after* appending data in case offending string
+    ! spans old & new data
+    if (arg%nodeType==COMMENT_NODE .and. index(str_vs(arg%nodeValue),"--")>0) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_INVALID_COMMENT)
+    elseif (arg%nodeType==CDATA_SECTION_NODE .and. index(str_vs(arg%nodeValue), "]]>")>0) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_INVALID_CDATA_SECTION)
+    endif
+    ! And propagate length upwards ...
+    if (getNodeType(arg)/=COMMENT_NODE) &
+      call updateTextContentLength(arg, n)
+  end subroutine replaceData
diff --git a/dom/m_dom_common.m4 b/dom/m_dom_common.m4
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..74f676e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dom/m_dom_common.m4
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+! Assorted functions with identical signatures despite belonging to different types.
+  public :: getData
+  public :: setData
+  public :: getName
+  public :: getPublicId
+  public :: getSystemId
+  TOHW_subroutine(setData, (arg, data))
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    character(len=*) :: data
+    integer :: n
+    if (.not.associated(arg)) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL)
+    endif
+!NB special case in order to check readonly correctly
+    if (arg%nodeType==TEXT_NODE .or. &
+      arg%nodeType==COMMENT_NODE .or. &
+      arg%nodeType==CDATA_SECTION_NODE .or. &
+      arg%nodeType==PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE) then
+      if (arg%readonly) then
+        TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR)
+      endif
+    else
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_INVALID_NODE)
+    endif
+    select case (arg%nodeType)
+      if (index(data,"]]>")>0) then
+        TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_INVALID_CDATA_SECTION)
+      endif
+    case (COMMENT_NODE)
+      if (index(data,"--")>0) then
+        TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_INVALID_COMMENT)
+      endif
+      if (index(data,"?>")>0) then
+        TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_INVALID_PI_DATA)
+      endif
+    end select
+    deallocate(arg%nodeValue)
+    arg%nodeValue => vs_str_alloc(data)
+    if (arg%nodeType==TEXT_NODE .or. &
+      arg%nodeType==CDATA_SECTION_NODE) then
+      n = len(data) - arg%textContentLength
+      call updateTextContentLength(arg, n)
+    endif
+  end subroutine setData
+  TOHW_m_dom_get(DOMString, name, np%nodeName, (DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE, ATTRIBUTE_NODE))
+  TOHW_m_dom_get(DOMString, publicId, np%dtdExtras%publicId, (DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE, NOTATION_NODE, ENTITY_NODE))
+  TOHW_m_dom_get(DOMString, systemId, np%dtdExtras%systemId, (DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE, NOTATION_NODE, ENTITY_NODE))
diff --git a/dom/m_dom_configuration.m4 b/dom/m_dom_configuration.m4
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2bdc542
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dom/m_dom_configuration.m4
@@ -0,0 +1,295 @@
+dnl This file sort-of implements the DOMConfiguration part of 
+dnl DOM Level 3 Core + LS.
+dnl It falls short of the spec because:
+dnl a) it only deals with configuration options which have boolean values.
+dnl    (because getParameter must return only one kind of data)
+dnl    This is fine except for error_handler, which ought to hold an error-handler
+dnl    (which is compulsory, so we are in breach of spec)
+dnl    and schema-location/schema-type which ought to hold strings)
+dnl    (but support is optional, so we exclude)
+dnl b) There should be a DOMConfiguration object for documents and for
+dnl    serializers and parsers, each of which has a different list of 
+dnl    available options. Since we dont implement LS serializers
+dnl    parsers per se at the moment, all the options for all three are
+dnl    understood by the same DOMConfiguration object.
+  integer, parameter :: configParamLen = 42
+  character(len=configParamLen), parameter :: configParams(24) = (/ &
+    ! DOM 3 Core:
+    "canonical-form                           ", &
+    "cdata-sections                           ", &
+    "check-character-normalization            ", &
+    "comments                                 ", &
+    "datatype-normalization                   ", &
+    "element-content-whitespace               ", &
+    "entities                                 ", &
+    "error-handler                            ", &
+!    "infoset                                  ", & is not a real config option
+    "namespaces                               ", &
+    "namespace-declarations                   ", &
+    "normalize-characters                     ", &
+!    "schema-location                          ", & we dont implement
+!    "schema-type                              ", & we dont implement
+    "split-cdata-sections                     ", &
+    "validate                                 ", &
+    "validate-if-schema                       ", &
+    "well-formed                              ", &
+    ! DOM 3 LS (Parser):
+    "charset-overrides-xml-encoding           ", &
+    "disallow-doctype                         ", &
+    "ignore-unknown-character-denormalizations", &
+    "resource-resolver                        ", &
+    "supported-media-types-only               ", &
+    ! DOM 3 LS (Serializer)
+    "discard-default-content                  ", &
+    "format-pretty-print                      ", &
+    "xml-declaration                          ", &
+    ! Extra (FoX) configuration options
+    "invalid-pretty-print                     " /)
+  integer, parameter :: paramSettable = 27293398
+  integer, parameter :: paramDefaults = 10786516
+  type DOMConfiguration
+    private
+    integer :: parameters = paramDefaults
+    ! FIXME make sure this is 32 bit at least.
+  end type DOMConfiguration
+  interface canSetParameter
+    module procedure canSetParameter_log
+    module procedure canSetParameter_ch
+  end interface canSetParameter
+  public :: setParameter
+  public :: getParameter
+  public :: canSetParameter
+  public :: getParameterNames
+  public :: newDOMConfig
+  public :: copyDOMConfig
+  subroutine resetParameter(domConfig, name)
+    type(DOMConfiguration), pointer :: domConfig
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
+    integer :: i, n
+    do i = 1, size(configParams)
+      if (toLower(name)==trim(configParams(i))) then
+        n = i
+        exit
+      endif
+    enddo
+    if (i>size(configParams)) return
+    if (.not.btest(paramSettable, n)) return
+    if (btest(paramDefaults, n)) then
+      domConfig%parameters = ibset(domConfig%parameters, n)
+    else
+      domConfig%parameters = ibclr(domConfig%parameters, n)
+    endif
+  end subroutine resetParameter
+  recursive TOHW_subroutine(setParameter, (domConfig, name, value))
+    type(DOMConfiguration), pointer :: domConfig
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
+    logical, intent(in) :: value
+    integer :: i, n
+    if (toLower(name)=="infoset") then
+      if (value) then
+        call setParameter(domConfig, "validate-if-schema", .false.)
+        call setParameter(domConfig, "entities", .false.)
+        ! cant do datatype-normalization
+        call setParameter(domConfig, "cdata-sections", .false.)
+        call setParameter(domConfig, "namespace-declarations", .true.)
+        ! well-formed cannot be changed
+        call setParameter(domConfig, "element-content-whitespace", .true.)
+        call setParameter(domConfig, "comments", .true.)
+        call setParameter(domConfig, "namespaces", .true.)
+      endif
+      return
+    endif
+    do i = 1, size(configParams)
+      if (toLower(name)==trim(configParams(i))) then
+        n = i
+        exit
+      endif
+    enddo
+    if (i > size(configParams)) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(NOT_FOUND_ERR)
+    endif
+    if (.not.canSetParameter(domConfig, name, value)) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR)
+    endif
+    if (value) then
+      domConfig%parameters = ibset(domConfig%parameters, n)
+    else
+      domConfig%parameters = ibclr(domConfig%parameters, n)
+    endif
+    select case (toLower(name))
+    case ("canonical-form")
+      if (value) then
+        domConfig%parameters = ibclr(domConfig%parameters, 7)
+        ! cant do normalize-characters
+        domConfig%parameters = ibclr(domConfig%parameters, 2)
+        domConfig%parameters = ibset(domConfig%parameters, 9)
+        domConfig%parameters = ibset(domConfig%parameters, 10)
+        ! well-formed cannot be changed
+        domConfig%parameters = ibset(domConfig%parameters, 6)
+        ! FIXME when we work out pretty-print/preserve-whitespace semantics
+        ! call setParameter(domConfig, "format-pretty-print", .false.)
+        domConfig%parameters = ibclr(domConfig%parameters, 21)
+        domConfig%parameters = ibclr(domConfig%parameters, 23)
+        domConfig%parameters = ibclr(domConfig%parameters, 24)
+      else
+        call resetParameter(domConfig, "entities")
+        ! cant do normalize-characters
+        call resetParameter(domConfig, "cdata-sections")
+        call resetParameter(domConfig, "namespaces")
+        call resetParameter(domConfig, "namespace-declarations")
+        ! well-formed cannot be changed
+        call resetParameter(domConfig, "element-content-whitespace")
+        call resetParameter(domConfig, "format-pretty-print")
+        call resetParameter(domConfig, "discard-default-content")
+        call resetParameter(domConfig, "xml-declaration")
+        call resetParameter(domConfig, "invalid-pretty-print")
+      endif
+    case ("cdata-sections")
+      if (value) domConfig%parameters = ibclr(domConfig%parameters, 1)
+    case ("element-content-whitespace")
+      if (.not.value) domConfig%parameters = ibclr(domConfig%parameters, 1)
+    case ("entities")
+      if (value) domConfig%parameters = ibclr(domConfig%parameters, 1)
+    case ("namespaces")
+      if (.not.value) domConfig%parameters = ibclr(domConfig%parameters, 1)
+    case ("namespaces-declarations")
+      if (.not.value) domConfig%parameters = ibclr(domConfig%parameters, 1)
+    case("validate")
+      if (value) domConfig%parameters = ibclr(domConfig%parameters, 14)
+    case ("validate-if-schema")
+      if (value) domConfig%parameters = ibclr(domConfig%parameters, 13)
+    case ("format-pretty-print")
+      if (value) domConfig%parameters = ibclr(domConfig%parameters, 1)
+    case ("discard-default-content")
+      if (value) domConfig%parameters = ibclr(domConfig%parameters, 1)
+    case ("xml-declaration")
+      if (value) domConfig%parameters = ibclr(domConfig%parameters, 1)
+    case ("invalid-pretty-print")
+      if (value) domConfig%parameters = ibclr(domConfig%parameters, 1)
+    end select
+  end subroutine setParameter
+  recursive TOHW_function(getParameter, (domConfig, name), value)
+    type(DOMConfiguration), pointer :: domConfig
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
+    logical :: value
+    integer :: i, n
+    if (toLower(name)=="infoset") then
+      value = &
+        .not.getParameter(domConfig, "validate-if-schema") &
+        .and..not.getParameter(domConfig, "entities") &
+        .and..not.getParameter(domConfig, "datatype-normalization") &
+        .and..not.getParameter(domConfig, "cdata-sections") &
+        .and.getParameter(domConfig, "namespace-declarations") &
+        .and.getParameter(domConfig, "well-formed") &
+        .and.getParameter(domConfig, "element-content-whitespace") &
+        .and.getParameter(domConfig, "comments") &
+        .and.getParameter(domConfig, "namespaces")
+      return
+    endif
+    do i = 1, size(configParams)
+      if (toLower(name)==trim(configParams(i))) then
+        n = i
+        exit
+      endif
+    enddo
+    if (i > size(configParams)) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(NOT_FOUND_ERR)
+    endif
+    value = btest(domConfig%parameters, n)
+  end function getParameter
+  TOHW_function(canSetParameter_log, (domConfig, name, value), p)
+    type(DOMConfiguration), pointer :: domConfig
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
+    logical, intent(in) :: value
+    logical :: p
+    integer :: i, n
+    if (toLower(name)=="infoset") then
+      p = .true.
+      return
+    endif
+    do i = 1, size(configParams)
+      if (toLower(name)==trim(configParams(i))) then
+        n = i
+        exit
+      endif
+    enddo
+    if (i > size(configParams)) then
+      p = .false.
+      return
+    endif
+    p = btest(paramSettable, n)
+  end function canSetParameter_log
+  TOHW_function(canSetParameter_ch, (domConfig, name, value), p)
+    type(DOMConfiguration), pointer :: domConfig
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: value
+    logical :: p
+    ! DOM 3 allows some config options to be set to strings
+    ! (eg schemaLocation) but we dont support any of these,
+    ! so no parameter can be set to a string.
+    p = .false.
+  end function canSetParameter_ch
+  TOHW_function(getParameterNames, (domConfig), s)
+    type(DOMConfiguration), pointer :: domConfig
+    character(len=configParamLen) :: s(size(configParams))
+    s = configParams
+  end function getParameterNames
+  function newDOMConfig() result(dc)
+    type(DOMConfiguration), pointer :: dc
+    allocate(dc)
+  end function newDOMConfig
+  subroutine copyDOMConfig(dc1, dc2)
+    type(DOMConfiguration), pointer :: dc1, dc2
+    dc1%parameters = dc2%parameters
+  end subroutine copyDOMConfig
+  subroutine destroyDOMConfig(dc)
+    type(DOMConfiguration), pointer :: dc
+    deallocate(dc)
+  end subroutine destroyDOMConfig
diff --git a/dom/m_dom_document.m4 b/dom/m_dom_document.m4
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..272fbaa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dom/m_dom_document.m4
@@ -0,0 +1,1421 @@
+!FIXME lots of these should have a check if(namespaces) checkNCName
+  public :: getDocType
+  public :: getImplementation
+  public :: getDocumentElement
+  public :: setDocumentElement
+  public :: createElement
+  public :: createDocumentFragment
+  public :: createTextNode
+  public :: createComment
+  public :: createCdataSection
+  public :: createProcessingInstruction
+  public :: createAttribute
+  public :: createEntityReference
+  public :: createEmptyEntityReference
+  public :: getElementsByTagName
+  public :: importNode
+  public :: createElementNS
+  public :: createAttributeNS
+  public :: getElementsByTagNameNS
+  public :: getElementById
+  public :: getXmlStandalone
+  public :: setXmlStandalone
+  public :: getXmlVersion
+  public :: setXmlVersion
+  public :: getXmlEncoding
+  public :: getInputEncoding
+  public :: getDocumentURI
+  public :: setDocumentURI
+  public :: getStrictErrorChecking
+  public :: setStrictErrorChecking
+  public :: getDomConfig
+  public :: renameNode
+  public :: adoptNode
+  public :: setDocType
+  public :: setDomConfig
+  public :: setXds
+  public :: createNamespaceNode
+  public :: createEntity
+  public :: createNotation
+  public :: setGCstate
+  public :: getXds
+  public :: getLiveNodeLists
+  public :: setLiveNodeLists
+TOHW_m_dom_get(Node, docType, np%docExtras%docType, (DOCUMENT_NODE))
+  TOHW_subroutine(setDocType, (arg, np))
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    type(Node), pointer :: np
+    if (.not.associated(arg)) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL)
+    endif
+    if (arg%nodeType/=DOCUMENT_NODE) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_INVALID_NODE)
+    endif
+    arg%docExtras%docType => np
+!NB special case in order to set ownerDocument
+    np%ownerDocument => arg
+  end subroutine setDocType
+TOHW_m_dom_get(Node, documentElement, np%docExtras%documentElement, (DOCUMENT_NODE))
+  TOHW_subroutine(setXds, (arg, xds))
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    type(xml_doc_state), pointer :: xds
+    if (.not.associated(arg)) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL)
+    endif
+    if (arg%nodeType/=DOCUMENT_NODE) then
+       TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_INVALID_NODE)
+    endif
+!NB special case in order to destroy_xml_doc_state etc
+    call destroy_xml_doc_state(arg%docExtras%xds)
+    deallocate(arg%docExtras%xds)
+    arg%docExtras%xds => xds
+  end subroutine setXds
+  TOHW_function(getImplementation, (arg), imp)
+    type(Node), pointer, optional :: arg
+    type(DOMImplementation), pointer :: imp
+    ! According to the testsuite, you get to call
+    ! getImplementation with no args. Dont know
+    ! where they get that from ...
+    if (present(arg)) then
+      if (.not.associated(arg)) then
+        TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL)
+      endif
+      if (arg%nodeType/=DOCUMENT_NODE) then
+        TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_INVALID_NODE)
+      endif
+      imp => arg%docExtras%implementation
+    else
+      imp => FoX_DOM
+    endif
+  end function getImplementation
+  TOHW_subroutine(setDocumentElement, (arg, np))
+  ! Only for use by FoX, not exported through FoX_DOM interface
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    type(Node), pointer :: np
+    if (.not.associated(arg)) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL)
+    endif
+!NB special case due to additional error conditions:
+    if (arg%nodeType/=DOCUMENT_NODE) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_INVALID_NODE)
+    elseif (np%nodeType/=ELEMENT_NODE) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_INVALID_NODE)
+    elseif (.not.associated(np%ownerDocument, arg)) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(WRONG_DOCUMENT_ERR)
+    endif
+    arg%docExtras%documentElement => np
+  end subroutine setDocumentElement
+  ! Methods
+  TOHW_function(createElement, (arg, tagName), np)
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: tagName
+    type(Node), pointer :: np
+    type(xml_doc_state), pointer :: xds
+    type(element_t), pointer :: elem
+    type(attribute_t), pointer :: att
+    logical :: defaults_
+    integer :: i
+    if (.not.associated(arg)) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL)
+    endif
+    if (arg%nodeType/=DOCUMENT_NODE) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_INVALID_NODE)
+    elseif (.not.checkName(tagName, getXmlVersionEnum(arg))) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR)
+    endif
+    np => createNode(arg, ELEMENT_NODE, tagName, "")
+    allocate(np%elExtras)
+    np%elExtras%dom1 = .true.
+    np%elExtras%attributes%ownerElement => np
+    allocate(np%elExtras%namespaceURI(0))
+    allocate(np%elExtras%prefix(0))
+    allocate(np%elExtras%localname(0))
+    allocate(np%elExtras%namespaceNodes%nodes(0))
+    np%elExtras%attributes%ownerElement => np
+    if (getGCstate(arg)) then
+      np%inDocument = .false.
+      call append(arg%docExtras%hangingnodes, np)
+      ! We only add default attributes if we are *not* building the doc
+      xds => getXds(arg)
+      elem => get_element(xds%element_list, tagName)
+      if (associated(elem)) then
+        do i = 1, get_attlist_size(elem)
+          att => get_attribute_declaration(elem, i)
+          if (attribute_has_default(att)) then
+            ! Since this is a non-namespaced function, we create
+            ! a non-namespaced attribute ...
+            call setAttribute(np, str_vs(att%name), str_vs(att%default))
+          endif
+        enddo
+      endif
+    else
+      np%inDocument = .true.
+    endif
+  end function createElement
+  TOHW_function(createEmptyElement, (arg, tagName), np)
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: tagName
+    type(Node), pointer :: np
+    np => createNode(arg, ELEMENT_NODE, tagName, "")
+    allocate(np%elExtras)
+    np%elExtras%dom1 = .true.
+    np%elExtras%attributes%ownerElement => np
+    allocate(np%elExtras%namespaceURI(0))
+    allocate(np%elExtras%prefix(0))
+    allocate(np%elExtras%localname(0))
+    allocate(np%elExtras%namespaceNodes%nodes(0))
+    np%elExtras%attributes%ownerElement => np
+    if (getGCstate(arg)) then
+      call append(arg%docExtras%hangingnodes, np)
+      np%inDocument = .false.
+    else
+      np%inDocument = .true.
+    endif
+  end function createEmptyElement
+  TOHW_function(createDocumentFragment, (arg), np)
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    type(Node), pointer :: np
+    if (.not.associated(arg)) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL)
+    endif
+    if (arg%nodeType/=DOCUMENT_NODE) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_INVALID_NODE)
+    endif
+    np => createNode(arg, DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE, "#document-fragment", "")
+    if (getGCstate(arg)) then
+      np%inDocument = .false.
+      call append(arg%docExtras%hangingnodes, np)
+    else
+      np%inDocument = .true.
+    endif
+  end function createDocumentFragment
+  TOHW_function(createTextNode, (arg, data), np)
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: data
+    type(Node), pointer :: np
+    if (.not.associated(arg)) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL)
+    endif
+    if (arg%nodeType/=DOCUMENT_NODE) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_INVALID_NODE)
+    elseif (.not.checkChars(data, getXmlVersionEnum(arg))) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_INVALID_CHARACTER)
+    endif
+    np => createNode(arg, TEXT_NODE, "#text", data)
+    np%textContentLength = len(data)
+    if (getGCstate(arg)) then
+      np%inDocument = .false.
+      call append(arg%docExtras%hangingnodes, np)
+    else
+      np%inDocument = .true.
+    endif
+  end function createTextNode
+  TOHW_function(createComment, (arg, data), np)
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: data
+    type(Node), pointer :: np
+    if (.not.associated(arg)) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL)
+    endif
+    if (arg%nodeType/=DOCUMENT_NODE) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_INVALID_NODE)
+    elseif (.not.checkChars(data, getXmlVersionEnum(arg))) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_INVALID_CHARACTER)
+    elseif (index(data,"--")>0) then   
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_INVALID_COMMENT)
+    endif
+    np => createNode(arg, COMMENT_NODE, "#comment", data)
+    np%textContentLength = len(data)
+    if (getGCstate(arg)) then
+      np%inDocument = .false.
+      call append(arg%docExtras%hangingnodes, np)
+    else
+      np%inDocument = .true.
+    endif
+  end function createComment
+  TOHW_function(createCdataSection, (arg, data), np)
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: data
+    type(Node), pointer :: np
+    if (.not.associated(arg)) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL)
+    endif
+    if (arg%nodeType/=DOCUMENT_NODE) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_INVALID_NODE)
+    elseif (.not.checkChars(data, getXmlVersionEnum(arg))) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_INVALID_CHARACTER)
+    elseif (index(data,"]]>")>0) then   
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_INVALID_CDATA_SECTION)
+    endif
+    np => createNode(arg, CDATA_SECTION_NODE, "#cdata-section", data)
+    np%textContentLength = len(data)
+    if (getGCstate(arg)) then
+      np%inDocument = .false.
+      call append(arg%docExtras%hangingnodes, np)
+    else
+      np%inDocument = .true.
+    endif
+  end function createCdataSection
+  TOHW_function(createProcessingInstruction, (arg, target, data), np)
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: target
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: data
+    type(Node), pointer :: np
+    if (.not.associated(arg)) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL)
+    endif
+    if (arg%nodeType/=DOCUMENT_NODE) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_INVALID_NODE)
+    elseif (.not.checkName(target, getXmlVersionEnum(arg))) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR)
+    elseif (.not.checkChars(data, getXmlVersionEnum(arg))) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_INVALID_CHARACTER)
+    elseif (index(data,"?>")>0) then   
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_INVALID_PI_DATA)
+    endif
+    np => createNode(arg, PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE, target, data)
+    np%textContentLength = len(data)
+    if (getGCstate(arg)) then
+      np%inDocument = .false.
+      call append(arg%docExtras%hangingnodes, np)
+    else
+      np%inDocument = .true.
+    endif
+  end function createProcessingInstruction
+  TOHW_function(createAttribute, (arg, name), np)
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
+    type(Node), pointer :: np
+    if (.not.associated(arg)) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL)
+    endif
+    if (arg%nodeType/=DOCUMENT_NODE) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_INVALID_NODE)
+    elseif (.not.checkName(name, getXmlVersionEnum(arg))) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR)
+    endif
+    np => createNode(arg, ATTRIBUTE_NODE, name, "")
+    allocate(np%elExtras)
+    np%elExtras%dom1 = .true.
+    allocate(np%elExtras%namespaceURI(0))
+    allocate(np%elExtras%prefix(0))
+    allocate(np%elExtras%localname(0))
+    if (getGCstate(arg)) then
+      np%inDocument = .false.
+      call append(arg%docExtras%hangingnodes, np)
+    else
+      np%inDocument = .true.
+    endif
+  end function createAttribute
+  recursive TOHW_function(createEntityReference, (arg, name), np)
+  ! Needs to be recursive in case of entity-references within each other.
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
+    type(Node), pointer :: np
+    type(Node), pointer :: ent, newNode
+    integer :: i
+    logical :: brokenNS
+    if (.not.associated(arg)) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL)
+    endif
+    if (arg%nodeType/=DOCUMENT_NODE) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_INVALID_NODE)
+    elseif (.not.checkName(name, getXmlVersionEnum(arg))) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR)
+    endif
+    if (getXmlStandalone(arg).and..not.associated(getDocType(arg))) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_NO_SUCH_ENTITY)
+    endif
+    np => createNode(arg, ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE, name, "")
+    if (getGCstate(arg)) then ! otherwise the parser will fill these nodes in itself
+      if (associated(getDocType(arg))) then
+        ent => getNamedItem(getEntities(getDocType(arg)), name)
+        if (associated(ent)) then
+          if (getIllFormed(ent)) then
+            TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_INVALID_ENTITY)
+          endif
+          brokenNS = arg%docExtras%brokenNS
+          arg%docExtras%brokenNS = .true. ! We need to not worry about NS errors for a bit
+          do i = 0, getLength(getChildNodes(ent)) - 1
+            newNode => appendChild(np, cloneNode(item(getChildNodes(ent), i), .true., ex))
+            ! No namespace calcs here - wait for a namespace normalization
+            call setReadOnlyNode(newNode, .true., .true.)
+          enddo
+          arg%docExtras%brokenNS = brokenNS ! FIXME also for all new default attributes
+        elseif (getXmlStandalone(arg)) then
+          TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_NO_SUCH_ENTITY, (np))
+        endif
+      endif
+    endif
+    call setReadOnlyNode(np, .true., .false.)
+    if (getGCstate(arg)) then
+      np%inDocument = .false.
+      call append_nl(arg%docExtras%hangingNodes, np)
+      ! All child nodes were created outside the document by cloneNode above
+    else
+      np%inDocument = .true.
+    endif
+  end function createEntityReference
+  TOHW_function(createEmptyEntityReference, (arg, name), np)
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
+    type(Node), pointer :: np
+    if (.not.associated(arg)) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL)
+    endif
+    if (arg%nodeType/=DOCUMENT_NODE) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_INVALID_NODE)
+    elseif (.not.checkName(name, getXmlVersionEnum(arg))) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR)
+    endif
+    np => createNode(arg, ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE, name, "")
+    if (getGCstate(arg)) then
+      np%inDocument = .false.
+      call append(arg%docExtras%hangingnodes, np)
+    else
+      np%inDocument = .true.
+    endif
+  end function createEmptyEntityReference
+  TOHW_function(getElementsByTagName, (doc, tagName, name), list)
+    type(Node), pointer :: doc
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: tagName, name
+    type(NodeList), pointer :: list
+    type(NodeListPtr), pointer :: nll(:), temp_nll(:)
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg, this, treeroot
+    logical :: doneChildren, doneAttributes, allElements
+    integer :: i, i_tree
+    if (.not.associated(doc)) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL)
+    endif
+    if (doc%nodeType==DOCUMENT_NODE) then
+      if (present(name).or..not.present(tagName)) then
+        TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_INVALID_NODE)
+      endif
+    elseif (doc%nodeType==ELEMENT_NODE) then
+      if (present(name).or..not.present(tagName)) then
+        TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_INVALID_NODE)
+      endif
+    else      
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_INVALID_NODE)
+    endif
+    if (doc%nodeType==DOCUMENT_NODE) then
+      arg => getDocumentElement(doc)
+    else
+      arg => doc
+    endif
+    allocate(list)
+    allocate(list%nodes(0))
+    list%element => doc
+    if (present(name)) list%nodeName => vs_str_alloc(name)
+    if (present(tagName)) list%nodeName => vs_str_alloc(tagName)
+    allElements = (str_vs(list%nodeName)=="*")
+    if (doc%nodeType==DOCUMENT_NODE) then
+      nll => doc%docExtras%nodelists
+    elseif (doc%nodeType==ELEMENT_NODE) then
+      nll => doc%ownerDocument%docExtras%nodelists
+    endif
+    allocate(temp_nll(size(nll)+1))
+    do i = 1, size(nll)
+      temp_nll(i)%this => nll(i)%this
+    enddo
+    temp_nll(i)%this => list
+    deallocate(nll)
+    if (doc%nodeType==DOCUMENT_NODE) then
+      doc%docExtras%nodelists => temp_nll
+    elseif (doc%nodeType==ELEMENT_NODE) then
+      doc%ownerDocument%docExtras%nodelists => temp_nll
+    endif
+    treeroot => arg
+        if (this%nodeType==ELEMENT_NODE) then
+          if ((allElements .or. str_vs(this%nodeName)==tagName) &
+            .and..not.(getNodeType(doc)==ELEMENT_NODE.and.associated(this, arg))) &
+            call append(list, this)
+          doneAttributes = .true.
+        endif
+  end function getElementsByTagName
+  TOHW_function(importNode, (doc, arg, deep) , np)
+    type(Node), pointer :: doc
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    logical, intent(in) :: deep
+    type(Node), pointer :: np
+    type(Node), pointer :: this, thatParent, new, treeroot
+    type(xml_doc_state), pointer :: xds
+    type(element_t), pointer :: elem
+    type(attribute_t), pointer :: att
+    logical :: doneAttributes, doneChildren, brokenNS
+    integer :: i_tree
+    if (.not.associated(doc).or..not.associated(arg)) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL)
+    endif
+    if (getNodeType(doc)/=DOCUMENT_NODE) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_INVALID_NODE)
+    elseif (getNodeType(arg)==DOCUMENT_NODE .or. &
+      getNodeType(arg)==DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR)
+    endif
+    brokenNS = doc%docExtras%brokenNS
+    doc%docExtras%brokenNS = .true. ! We need to do stupid NS things
+    xds => getXds(doc)
+    thatParent => null()
+    treeroot => arg
+    TOHW_m_dom_treewalk(`
+        new => null()
+        select case (getNodeType(this, ex))
+        case (ELEMENT_NODE)
+          if (.not.doneAttributes) then
+            ! We dont create an empty node - we insist on having all default
+            ! properties created.
+            if (getParameter(getDomConfig(doc, ex), "namespaces", ex)) then
+              new => createElementNS(doc, getNamespaceURI(this, ex), getTagName(this, ex), ex)
+            else
+              new => createElement(doc, getTagName(this, ex), ex)
+            endif
+          endif
+        case (ATTRIBUTE_NODE)
+          if (associated(this, arg).or.getSpecified(this, ex)) then
+            ! We are importing just this attribute node
+            ! or this was an explicitly specified attribute; either
+            ! way, we import it as is, and it remains specified.
+            if (getParameter(getDomConfig(doc), "namespaces")) then
+              new => createAttributeNS(doc, getNamespaceURI(this, ex), getName(this, ex), ex)
+            else
+              new => createAttribute(doc, getName(this), ex)
+            endif
+            call setSpecified(new, .true.)
+          else
+            ! This is an attribute being imported as part of a hierarchy,
+            ! but its only here by default. Is there a default attribute
+            ! of this name in the new document?
+            elem => get_element(xds%element_list, &
+              getTagName(getOwnerElement(this)))
+            att => get_attribute_declaration(elem, getName(this))
+            if (attribute_has_default(att)) then
+              ! Create the new default:
+              if (getParameter(getDomConfig(doc, ex), "namespaces", ex)) then
+                ! We create a namespaced attribute. Of course, its 
+                ! namespaceURI remains empty for the moment unless we know it ...
+                if (prefixOfQName(getName(this, ex))=="xml") then
+                  new => createAttributeNS(doc, &
+                    "http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace", &
+                    getName(this, ex), ex)
+                elseif (getName(this, ex)=="xmlns" & 
+                  .or. prefixOfQName(getName(this, ex))=="xmlns") then
+                  new => createAttributeNS(doc, &
+                    "http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/", &
+                    getName(this, ex), ex)
+                else
+                  ! Wait for namespace fixup ...
+                  new => createAttributeNS(doc, "", &
+                    getName(this, ex), ex)
+                endif
+              else
+                new => createAttribute(doc, getName(this, ex), ex)
+              endif
+              call setValue(new, str_vs(att%default), ex)
+              call setSpecified(new, .false.)
+            endif
+            ! In any case, we dont want to copy the children of this node.
+            doneChildren=.true.
+          endif
+        case (TEXT_NODE)
+          new => createTextNode(doc, getData(this, ex), ex)
+        case (CDATA_SECTION_NODE)
+          new => createCDataSection(doc, getData(this, ex), ex)
+          new => createEntityReference(doc, getNodeName(this, ex), ex)
+          ! This will automatically populate the entity reference if doc defines it, so no children needed
+          doneChildren = .true.
+        case (ENTITY_NODE)
+          new => createEntity(doc, getNodeName(this, ex), &
+            getPublicId(this, ex), getSystemId(this, ex), &
+            getNotationName(this, ex), ex)
+          new => createProcessingInstruction(doc, &
+            getTarget(this, ex), getData(this, ex), ex)
+        case (COMMENT_NODE)
+          new => createComment(doc, getData(this, ex), ex)
+        case (DOCUMENT_NODE)
+          TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR)
+        case (DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE)
+          TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR)
+          new => createDocumentFragment(doc, ex)
+        case (NOTATION_NODE)
+          new => createNotation(doc, getNodeName(this, ex), &
+            getPublicId(this, ex), getSystemId(this, ex), ex)
+        end select
+        if (.not.associated(thatParent)) then
+          thatParent => new
+        elseif (associated(new)) then
+          if (getNodeType(this, ex)==ATTRIBUTE_NODE) then
+            new => setAttributeNode(thatParent, new, ex)
+          else
+            new => appendChild(thatParent, new, ex)
+          endif
+        endif
+        if (.not.deep) then
+          if (getNodeType(arg, ex)==ATTRIBUTE_NODE &
+            .or.getNodeType(arg, ex)==ELEMENT_NODE) then
+            continue
+          else
+            exit
+          endif
+        endif
+', `', `parentNode', `')
+    np => thatParent
+    doc%docExtras%brokenNS = brokenNS
+!    call namespaceFixup(np)
+  end function importNode
+  TOHW_function(createElementNS, (arg, namespaceURI, qualifiedName), np)
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: namespaceURI, qualifiedName
+    type(Node), pointer :: np
+    type(xml_doc_state), pointer :: xds
+    type(element_t), pointer :: elem
+    type(attribute_t), pointer :: att
+    integer :: i
+    logical :: brokenNS
+    type(URI), pointer :: URIref
+    if (.not.associated(arg)) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL)
+    endif
+    if (arg%nodeType/=DOCUMENT_NODE) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_INVALID_NODE)
+    elseif (.not.checkName(qualifiedName, getXmlVersionEnum(arg))) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR)
+    elseif (.not.checkQName(qualifiedName, getXmlVersionEnum(arg))) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(NAMESPACE_ERR)
+    elseif (prefixOfQName(qualifiedName)/="" &
+     .and. namespaceURI=="".and..not.arg%docExtras%brokenNS) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(NAMESPACE_ERR)
+    elseif (namespaceURI=="http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace" .neqv. &
+      prefixOfQName(qualifiedName)=="xml") then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(NAMESPACE_ERR)
+    elseif (namespaceURI=="http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/") then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(NAMESPACE_ERR)
+    endif
+    URIref => parseURI(namespaceURI)
+    if (.not.associated(URIref)) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_INVALID_URI)
+    endif
+    call destroyURI(URIref)
+    np => createNode(arg, ELEMENT_NODE, qualifiedName, "")
+    allocate(np%elExtras)
+    np%elExtras%namespaceURI => vs_str_alloc(namespaceURI)
+    np%elExtras%prefix => vs_str_alloc(prefixOfQName(qualifiedname))
+    np%elExtras%localName => vs_str_alloc(localpartOfQName(qualifiedname))
+    allocate(np%elExtras%namespaceNodes%nodes(0))
+    np%elExtras%attributes%ownerElement => np
+    if (getGCstate(arg)) then
+      np%inDocument = .false.
+      call append(arg%docExtras%hangingnodes, np)
+      ! We only add default attributes if we are *not* building the doc
+      xds => getXds(arg)
+      elem => get_element(xds%element_list, qualifiedName)
+      if (associated(elem)) then
+        do i = 1, get_attlist_size(elem)
+          att => get_attribute_declaration(elem, i)
+          if (attribute_has_default(att)) then
+            ! Since this is a namespaced function, we create a namespaced
+            ! attribute. Of course, its namespaceURI remains empty
+            ! for the moment unless we know it ...
+            if (prefixOfQName(str_vs(att%name))=="xml") then
+              call setAttributeNS(np, &
+                "http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace", &
+                str_vs(att%name), str_vs(att%default), ex)
+            elseif (str_vs(att%name)=="xmlns" & 
+              .or. prefixOfQName(str_vs(att%name))=="xmlns") then
+              call setAttributeNS(np, &
+                "http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/", &
+                str_vs(att%name), str_vs(att%default), ex)
+            else
+              ! Wait for namespace fixup ...
+              brokenNS = arg%docExtras%brokenNS
+              arg%docExtras%brokenNS = .true.
+              call setAttributeNS(np, "", str_vs(att%name), &
+                str_vs(att%default), ex)
+              arg%docExtras%brokenNS = brokenNS
+            endif
+          endif
+        enddo
+      endif
+    else
+      np%inDocument = .true.
+    endif
+  end function createElementNS
+  TOHW_function(createEmptyElementNS, (arg, namespaceURI, qualifiedName), np)
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: namespaceURI, qualifiedName
+    type(Node), pointer :: np
+    np => createNode(arg, ELEMENT_NODE, qualifiedName, "")
+    allocate(np%elExtras)
+    np%elExtras%namespaceURI => vs_str_alloc(namespaceURI)
+    np%elExtras%prefix => vs_str_alloc(prefixOfQName(qualifiedname))
+    np%elExtras%localName => vs_str_alloc(localpartOfQName(qualifiedname))
+    allocate(np%elExtras%namespaceNodes%nodes(0))
+    np%elExtras%attributes%ownerElement => np
+    if (getGCstate(arg)) then
+      call append(arg%docExtras%hangingnodes, np)
+      np%inDocument = .false.
+    else
+      np%inDocument = .true.
+    endif
+  end function createEmptyElementNS
+  TOHW_function(createAttributeNS, (arg, namespaceURI,  qualifiedname), np)
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: namespaceURI, qualifiedName
+    type(Node), pointer :: np
+    type(URI), pointer :: URIref
+    if (.not.associated(arg)) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL)
+    endif
+    if (arg%nodeType/=DOCUMENT_NODE) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_INVALID_NODE)
+    elseif (.not.checkName(qualifiedName, getXmlVersionEnum(arg))) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR)
+    elseif (.not.checkQName(qualifiedName, getXmlVersionEnum(arg))) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(NAMESPACE_ERR)
+    elseif (prefixOfQName(qualifiedName)/="" &
+     .and. namespaceURI=="".and..not.arg%docExtras%brokenNS) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(NAMESPACE_ERR)
+    elseif (namespaceURI=="http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace" .neqv. &
+      prefixOfQName(qualifiedName)=="xml") then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(NAMESPACE_ERR)
+    elseif (namespaceURI=="http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/" .neqv. &
+      (qualifiedName=="xmlns" .or. prefixOfQName(qualifiedName)=="xmlns")) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(NAMESPACE_ERR)
+    endif
+    URIref => parseURI(namespaceURI)
+    if (.not.associated(URIref)) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_INVALID_URI)
+    endif
+    call destroyURI(URIref)
+    np => createNode(arg, ATTRIBUTE_NODE, qualifiedName, "")
+    allocate(np%elExtras)
+    np%elExtras%namespaceURI => vs_str_alloc(namespaceURI)
+    np%elExtras%localname => vs_str_alloc(localPartofQName(qualifiedname))
+    np%elExtras%prefix => vs_str_alloc(PrefixofQName(qualifiedname))
+    if (getGCstate(arg)) then
+      np%inDocument = .false.
+      call append(arg%docExtras%hangingnodes, np)
+    else
+      np%inDocument = .true.
+    endif
+  end function createAttributeNS
+  TOHW_function(getElementsByTagNameNS, (doc, namespaceURI, localName), list)
+    type(Node), pointer :: doc
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: namespaceURI, localName
+    type(NodeList), pointer :: list
+    type(NodeListPtr), pointer :: nll(:), temp_nll(:)
+    type(Node), pointer :: this, arg, treeroot
+    logical :: doneChildren, doneAttributes, allLocalNames, allNameSpaces
+    integer :: i, i_tree
+    if (.not.associated(doc)) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL)
+    endif
+    if (doc%nodeType/=DOCUMENT_NODE.and.doc%nodeType/=ELEMENT_NODE) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_INVALID_NODE)
+    endif
+    allNamespaces = (namespaceURI=="*")
+    allLocalNames = (localName=="*")
+    if (doc%nodeType==DOCUMENT_NODE) then
+      arg => getDocumentElement(doc)
+    else
+      arg => doc
+    endif
+    allocate(list)
+    allocate(list%nodes(0))
+    list%element => doc
+    list%localName => vs_str_alloc(localName)
+    list%namespaceURI => vs_str_alloc(namespaceURI)
+    if (doc%nodeType==DOCUMENT_NODE) then
+      nll => doc%docExtras%nodelists
+    elseif (doc%nodeType==ELEMENT_NODE) then
+      nll => doc%ownerDocument%docExtras%nodelists
+    endif
+    allocate(temp_nll(size(nll)+1))
+    do i = 1, size(nll)
+      temp_nll(i)%this => nll(i)%this
+    enddo
+    temp_nll(i)%this => list
+    deallocate(nll)
+    if (doc%nodeType==DOCUMENT_NODE) then
+      doc%docExtras%nodelists => temp_nll
+    elseif (doc%nodeType==ELEMENT_NODE) then
+      doc%ownerDocument%docExtras%nodelists => temp_nll
+    endif
+    treeroot => arg
+      if (getNodeType(this)==ELEMENT_NODE) then
+        if (getNamespaceURI(this)/="") then
+          if ((allNameSpaces .or. getNameSpaceURI(this)==namespaceURI) &
+            .and. (allLocalNames .or. getLocalName(this)==localName) &
+            .and..not.(getNodeType(doc)==ELEMENT_NODE.and.associated(this, arg))) &
+            call append(list, this)
+        else
+          if ((allNameSpaces .or. namespaceURI=="") &
+            .and. (allLocalNames .or. getNodeName(this)==localName) &
+            .and..not.(getNodeType(doc)==ELEMENT_NODE.and.associated(this, arg))) &
+            call append(list, this)
+        endif
+        doneAttributes = .true. ! Never search attributes
+      endif
+  end function getElementsByTagNameNS
+  TOHW_function(getElementById, (arg, elementId), np)
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: elementId
+    type(Node), pointer :: np
+    type(Node), pointer :: this, treeroot
+    integer :: i_tree
+    logical :: doneChildren, doneAttributes
+    if (.not.associated(arg)) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL)
+    endif
+    if (arg%nodeType/=DOCUMENT_NODE) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_INVALID_NODE)
+    endif
+    np => null()
+    treeroot => getDocumentElement(arg)
+      if (this%nodeType==ATTRIBUTE_NODE) then
+        if (getIsId(this).and.getValue(this)==elementId) then
+          np => getOwnerElement(this)
+          return
+        endif
+      endif
+  end function getElementById
+TOHW_m_dom_get(logical, xmlStandalone, np%docExtras%xds%standalone, (DOCUMENT_NODE))
+TOHW_m_dom_set(logical, xmlStandalone, np%docExtras%xds%standalone, (DOCUMENT_NODE))
+! FIXME additional check on setting - do we have any undefined entrefs present?
+  TOHW_function(getXmlVersion, (arg), s)
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    character(len=3) :: s
+    if (.not.associated(arg)) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL)
+    endif
+    if (arg%nodeType/=DOCUMENT_NODE &
+    .and.arg%nodeType/=ENTITY_NODE) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_INVALID_NODE)
+    endif
+    if (getXmlVersionEnum(arg)==XML1_0) then
+      s = "1.0"
+    elseif (getXmlVersionEnum(arg)==XML1_1) then
+      s = "1.1"
+    else
+      s = "XXX"
+    endif
+  end function getXmlVersion
+  TOHW_subroutine(setXmlVersion, (arg, s))
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    character(len=*) :: s
+    if (.not.associated(arg)) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL)
+    endif
+    if (arg%nodeType/=DOCUMENT_NODE) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_INVALID_NODE)
+    endif
+    if (s=="1.0") then
+      arg%docExtras%xds%xml_version = XML1_0
+    elseif (s=="1.1") then
+      arg%docExtras%xds%xml_version = XML1_1
+    else
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR)
+    endif
+  end subroutine setXmlVersion
+  pure function getXmlEncoding_len(arg, p) result(n)
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    logical, intent(in) :: p
+    integer :: n
+    n = 0
+    if (.not.p) return
+    if (arg%nodeType==DOCUMENT_NODE) &
+      n = size(arg%docExtras%xds%encoding)
+  end function getXmlEncoding_len
+  TOHW_function(getXmlEncoding, (arg), s)
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    character(len=getXmlEncoding_len(arg, .true.)) :: s
+    character(len=getXmlEncoding_len(arg, associated(arg))) :: s
+    if (.not.associated(arg)) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL)
+    endif
+    if (arg%nodeType==DOCUMENT_NODE) then
+      s = str_vs(arg%docExtras%xds%encoding)
+    elseif (arg%nodeType==ENTITY_NODE) then
+      s = "" !FIXME revisit when we have working external entities
+    else
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_INVALID_NODE)
+    endif
+  end function getXmlEncoding
+  pure function getInputEncoding_len(arg, p) result(n)
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    logical, intent(in) :: p
+    integer :: n
+    n = 0
+    if (.not.p) return
+    if (arg%nodeType==DOCUMENT_NODE) &
+      n = size(arg%docExtras%xds%inputEncoding)
+  end function getInputEncoding_len
+  TOHW_function(getInputEncoding, (arg), s)
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    character(len=getInputEncoding_len(arg, .true.)) :: s
+    character(len=getInputEncoding_len(arg, associated(arg))) :: s
+    if (.not.associated(arg)) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL)
+    endif
+    if (arg%nodeType==DOCUMENT_NODE) then
+      s = str_vs(arg%docExtras%xds%inputEncoding)    
+    elseif (arg%nodeType==ENTITY_NODE) then
+      s = "" !FIXME revisit when we have working external entities
+    else
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_INVALID_NODE)
+    endif
+  end function getInputEncoding
+TOHW_m_dom_get(DOMString, documentURI, np%docExtras%xds%documentURI, (DOCUMENT_NODE))
+TOHW_m_dom_set(DOMString, documentURI, np%docExtras%xds%documentURI, (DOCUMENT_NODE))
+TOHW_m_dom_get(logical, strictErrorChecking, np%docExtras%strictErrorChecking, (DOCUMENT_NODE))
+TOHW_m_dom_set(logical, strictErrorChecking, np%docExtras%strictErrorChecking, (DOCUMENT_NODE))
+  TOHW_function(adoptNode, (doc, arg) , np)
+    type(Node), pointer :: doc
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    type(Node), pointer :: np
+    type(Node), pointer :: this, thatParent, new, treeroot, parent, dead
+    type(xml_doc_state), pointer :: xds
+    type(element_t), pointer :: elem
+    type(attribute_t), pointer :: att
+    logical :: doneAttributes, doneChildren, brokenNS
+    integer :: i_tree
+    if (.not.associated(doc).or..not.associated(arg)) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL)
+    endif
+    if (getNodeType(doc)/=DOCUMENT_NODE) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_INVALID_NODE)
+    elseif (getNodeType(arg)==DOCUMENT_NODE .or. &
+      getNodeType(arg)==DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE .or. &
+      getNodeType(arg)==NOTATION_NODE .or. &
+      getNodeType(arg)==ENTITY_NODE) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR)
+    elseif (getReadonly(arg)) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR)
+    endif
+    brokenNS = doc%docExtras%brokenNS
+    doc%docExtras%brokenNS = .true. ! We need to do stupid NS things
+    xds => getXds(doc)
+    if (associated(getParentNode(arg))) then
+      np => removeChild(getParentNode(arg), arg)
+    else
+      np => arg
+    endif
+    if (associated(arg, getOwnerDocument(arg))) return
+    thatParent => null()
+    treeroot => np
+    TOHW_m_dom_treewalk(`
+        select case (getNodeType(this))
+        case (ELEMENT_NODE)
+          if (.not.doneAttributes) call setOwnerDocument(this, doc)
+        case (ATTRIBUTE_NODE)
+          if (associated(this, arg).or.getSpecified(this)) then
+            ! We are importing just this attribute node
+            ! or this was an explicitly specified attribute; either
+            ! way, we import it as is, and it becomes/remains specified.
+            call setOwnerDocument(this, doc)
+            call setSpecified(this, .true.)
+          else
+            ! This is an attribute being imported as part of a hierarchy,
+            ! but its only here by default. Is there a default attribute
+            ! of this name in the new document?
+            elem => get_element(xds%element_list, &
+              getTagName(getOwnerElement(this)))
+            att => get_attribute_declaration(elem, getName(this))
+            if (attribute_has_default(att)) then
+              ! Create the new default:
+              if (getParameter(getDomConfig(doc), "namespaces")) then
+                ! We create a namespaced attribute. Of course, its 
+                ! namespaceURI remains empty for the moment unless we know it ...
+                if (prefixOfQName(getName(this))=="xml") then
+                  new => createAttributeNS(np, &
+                    "http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace", &
+                    getName(this))
+                elseif (getName(this)=="xmlns" & 
+                  .or. prefixOfQName(getName(this))=="xmlns") then
+                  new => createAttributeNS(np, &
+                    "http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/", &
+                    getName(this))
+                else
+                  ! Wait for namespace fixup ...
+                  new => createAttributeNS(np, "", &
+                    getName(this))
+                endif
+              else
+                new => createAttribute(doc, getName(this))
+              endif
+              call setValue(new, str_vs(att%default))
+              call setSpecified(new, .false.)
+              ! In any case, we dont want to copy the children of this node.
+              doneChildren = .true.
+              dead => setAttributeNode(getOwnerElement(this), new)
+              this => new
+              call destroyAllNodesRecursively(dead)
+            endif
+            ! Otherwise no attribute here, so go back to previous node
+            dead => this
+            if (i_tree==0) then
+              this => getOwnerElement(this)
+            else
+              i_tree = i_tree - 1
+              this => item(getAttributes(getOwnerElement(this)), i_tree)
+              doneChildren = .true.
+            endif
+            call removeAttribute(getOwnerElement(dead), getNodeName(dead))
+          endif
+          new => createEntityReference(doc, getNodeName(this))
+          ! This will automatically populate the entity reference if doc defines it, so no children needed
+          parent => getParentNode(this)
+          if (associated(parent)) then
+            dead => replaceChild(parent, new, this)
+            this => new
+            call destroyAllNodesRecursively(dead)
+          endif
+          doneChildren = .true.
+        case (ENTITY_NODE)
+          TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR)
+        case (DOCUMENT_NODE)
+          TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR)
+        case (DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE)
+          TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR)
+        case (NOTATION_NODE)
+          TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR)
+        case default
+          call setOwnerDocument(this, doc)
+        end select
+', `', `', `')
+    doc%docExtras%brokenNS = brokenNS
+!    call namespaceFixup(np)
+  end function adoptNode
+TOHW_m_dom_get(DOMConfiguration, domConfig, np%docExtras%domConfig, (DOCUMENT_NODE))
+TOHW_m_dom_set(DOMConfiguration, domConfig, np%docExtras%domConfig, (DOCUMENT_NODE))
+dnl subroutine normalizeDocument - see m_dom_namespaces.m4
+  TOHW_function(renameNode, (arg, n, namespaceURI, qualifiedName), np)
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    type(Node), pointer :: n
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: namespaceURI
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: qualifiedName
+    type(Node), pointer :: np
+    type(Node), pointer :: attNode
+    integer :: i
+    logical :: brokenNS
+    type(element_t), pointer :: elem
+    type(attribute_t), pointer :: att
+    type(xml_doc_state), pointer :: xds
+    type(URI), pointer :: URIref
+    if (.not.associated(arg).or..not.associated(n)) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL)
+    endif
+    if (getNodeType(arg)/=DOCUMENT_NODE) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_INVALID_NODE)
+    elseif (.not.associated(arg, getOwnerDocument(n))) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(WRONG_DOCUMENT_ERR)
+    elseif (.not.checkName(qualifiedName, getXmlVersionEnum(arg))) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR)
+    elseif (.not.checkQName(qualifiedName, getXmlVersionEnum(arg))) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(NAMESPACE_ERR)
+    elseif (prefixOfQName(qualifiedName)/="" &
+     .and. namespaceURI=="".and..not.arg%docExtras%brokenNS) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(NAMESPACE_ERR)
+    elseif (namespaceURI=="http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace" .neqv. &
+      prefixOfQName(qualifiedName)=="xml") then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(NAMESPACE_ERR)
+    elseif (namespaceURI=="http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/") then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(NAMESPACE_ERR)
+    endif
+    URIref => parseURI(namespaceURI)
+    if (.not.associated(URIref)) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_INVALID_URI)
+    endif
+    call destroyURI(URIref)
+! FIXME what if this is called on a Level 1 node
+! FIXME what if this is called on a read-only node
+! FIXME what if this is called on an attribute whose specified=fals
+    select case(getNodeType(n))
+      deallocate(n%nodeName)
+      n%nodeName => vs_str_alloc(qualifiedName)
+      deallocate(n%elExtras%namespaceURI)
+      n%elExtras%namespaceURI => vs_str_alloc(namespaceURI)
+      deallocate(n%elExtras%localName)
+      n%elExtras%localName => vs_str_alloc(localpartOfQName(qualifiedname))
+    case default
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR)
+    end select
+    if (getNodeType(n)==ELEMENT_NODE) then
+      i = 0
+      do while (i<getLength(getAttributes(n)))
+        attNode => item(getAttributes(n), i)
+        if (.not.getSpecified(attNode)) then
+          attNode => removeAttributeNode(n, attNode)
+          call destroyNode(attNode)
+        else
+          i = i + 1
+        endif
+      enddo
+      xds => getXds(arg)
+      elem => get_element(xds%element_list, qualifiedName)
+      if (associated(elem)) then
+        do i = 1, get_attlist_size(elem)
+          att => get_attribute_declaration(elem, i)
+          if (attribute_has_default(att)) then
+            ! Since this is a namespaced function, we create a namespaced
+            ! attribute. Of course, its namespaceURI remains empty
+            ! for the moment unless we know it ...
+            if (prefixOfQName(str_vs(att%name))=="xml") then
+              call setAttributeNS(np, &
+                "http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace", &
+                str_vs(att%name), str_vs(att%default))
+            elseif (str_vs(att%name)=="xmlns" & 
+              .or. prefixOfQName(str_vs(att%name))=="xmlns") then
+              call setAttributeNS(np, &
+                "http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/", &
+                str_vs(att%name), str_vs(att%default))
+            else
+              ! Wait for namespace fixup ...
+              brokenNS = arg%docExtras%brokenNS
+              arg%docExtras%brokenNS = .true.
+              call setAttributeNS(np, "", str_vs(att%name), &
+                str_vs(att%default))
+              arg%docExtras%brokenNS = brokenNS
+            endif
+          endif
+        enddo
+      endif
+    endif
+    np => n
+  end function renameNode
+  ! Internal function, not part of API
+  TOHW_function(createNamespaceNode, (arg, prefix, URI, specified), np)
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: prefix
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: URI
+    logical, intent(in) :: specified
+    type(Node), pointer :: np
+    if (.not.associated(arg)) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL)
+    endif
+    if (arg%nodeType/=DOCUMENT_NODE) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_INVALID_NODE)
+    endif
+    np => createNode(arg, XPATH_NAMESPACE_NODE, "#namespace", URI)
+    allocate(np%elExtras)
+    np%elExtras%prefix => vs_str_alloc(prefix)
+    np%elExtras%namespaceURI => vs_str_alloc(URI)
+    np%elExtras%specified = specified
+  end function createNamespaceNode
+  TOHW_function(createEntity, (arg, name, publicId, systemId, notationName), np)
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: publicId
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: systemId
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: notationName
+    type(Node), pointer :: np
+    if (.not.associated(arg)) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL)
+    endif
+    if (arg%nodeType/=DOCUMENT_NODE) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_INVALID_NODE)
+    endif
+    np => createNode(arg, ENTITY_NODE, name, "")
+    allocate(np%dtdExtras)
+    np%dtdExtras%publicId => vs_str_alloc(publicId)
+    np%dtdExtras%systemId => vs_str_alloc(systemId)
+    np%dtdExtras%notationName => vs_str_alloc(notationName)
+    if (getGCstate(arg)) then
+      np%inDocument = .false.
+      call append(arg%docExtras%hangingnodes, np)
+    else
+      np%inDocument = .true.
+    endif
+  end function createEntity
+  TOHW_function(createNotation, (arg, name, publicId, systemId), np)
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: publicId
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: systemId
+    type(Node), pointer :: np
+    if (.not.associated(arg)) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL)
+    endif
+    if (arg%nodeType/=DOCUMENT_NODE) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_INVALID_NODE)
+    endif
+    np => createNode(arg, NOTATION_NODE, name, "")
+    allocate(np%dtdExtras)
+    np%dtdExtras%publicId => vs_str_alloc(publicId)
+    np%dtdExtras%systemId => vs_str_alloc(systemId)
+    if (getGCstate(arg)) then
+      np%inDocument = .false.
+      call append(arg%docExtras%hangingnodes, np)
+    else
+      np%inDocument = .true.
+    endif
+  end function createNotation
+  TOHW_function(getXmlVersionEnum, (arg), n)
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    integer :: n
+    if (.not.associated(arg)) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_INTERNAL_ERROR)
+    endif
+    n = arg%docExtras%xds%xml_version
+  end function getXmlVersionEnum
+  TOHW_function(getXds, (arg), xds)
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    type(xml_doc_state), pointer :: xds
+    if (.not.associated(arg)) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_INTERNAL_ERROR)
+    endif
+    xds => arg%docExtras%xds
+  end function getXds
+TOHW_m_dom_get(logical, GCstate, np%docExtras%xds%building, (DOCUMENT_NODE))
+TOHW_m_dom_set(logical, GCstate, np%docExtras%xds%building, (DOCUMENT_NODE))
+TOHW_m_dom_get(logical, liveNodeLists, np%docExtras%liveNodeLists, (DOCUMENT_NODE))
+TOHW_m_dom_set(logical, liveNodeLists, np%docExtras%liveNodeLists, (DOCUMENT_NODE))
diff --git a/dom/m_dom_document_type.m4 b/dom/m_dom_document_type.m4
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..10971b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dom/m_dom_document_type.m4
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+  !public :: getName
+  public :: getEntities
+  public :: getNotations
+!  public :: getPublicId
+!  public :: getSystemId
+  public :: getInternalSubset
+!  function getName(docType) result(c) See m_dom_common
+  TOHW_function(getEntities, (arg), nnp)
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    type(NamedNodeMap), pointer :: nnp
+    if (.not.associated(arg)) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL)
+    endif
+    if (arg%nodeType/=DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE) then
+       TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_INVALID_NODE)
+    endif
+    nnp => arg%dtdExtras%entities
+  end function getEntities
+  TOHW_function(getNotations, (arg), nnp)
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    type(NamedNodeMap), pointer :: nnp
+    if (.not.associated(arg)) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL)
+    endif
+    if (arg%nodeType/=DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE) then
+       TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_INVALID_NODE)
+    endif
+    nnp => arg%dtdExtras%notations
+  end function getNotations
+!  function getPublicId(docType) result(c) See m_dom_common
+!  function getSystemId(docType) result(c) See m_dom_common
+  pure function getInternalSubset_len(arg, p) result(n)
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    logical, intent(in) :: p
+    integer :: n
+    n = 0
+    if (p) then
+      if (associated(arg%ownerDocument)) then
+        if (associated(arg%ownerDocument%docExtras%xds%intSubset)) then
+          n = size(arg%ownerDocument%docExtras%xds%intSubset)
+        endif
+      endif
+    endif
+  end function getInternalSubset_len
+  TOHW_function(getInternalSubset, (arg), s)
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    character(len=getInternalSubset_len(arg, .true.)) :: s
+    character(len=getInternalSubset_len(arg, associated(arg))) :: s
+    if (.not.associated(arg)) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL)
+    endif
+    if (arg%nodeType/=DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE) then
+       TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_INVALID_NODE)
+    endif
+    if (len(s)>0) then
+      s = str_vs(arg%ownerDocument%docExtras%xds%intSubset)
+    else
+      s = ""
+    endif
+  end function getInternalSubset
diff --git a/dom/m_dom_dom.F90 b/dom/m_dom_dom.F90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6725f52
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dom/m_dom_dom.F90
@@ -0,0 +1,12321 @@
+! EDIT FILES dom/m_dom_***.m4
+module m_dom_dom
+  use fox_m_fsys_array_str, only: str_vs, vs_str, vs_str_alloc
+  use fox_m_fsys_format, only: operator(//)
+  use fox_m_fsys_string, only: toLower
+  use fox_m_utils_uri, only: URI, parseURI, destroyURI, isAbsoluteURI, &
+    rebaseURI, expressURI
+  use m_common_charset, only: checkChars, XML1_0, XML1_1
+  use m_common_element, only: element_t, get_element, attribute_t, &
+    attribute_has_default, get_attribute_declaration, get_attlist_size
+  use m_common_namecheck, only: checkQName, prefixOfQName, localPartOfQName, &
+    checkName, checkPublicId, checkNCName
+  use m_common_struct, only: xml_doc_state, init_xml_doc_state, destroy_xml_doc_state
+  use m_dom_error, only: DOMException, throw_exception, inException, getExceptionCode, &
+  implicit none
+  private
+  integer, parameter :: configParamLen = 42
+  character(len=configParamLen), parameter :: configParams(24) = (/ &
+    ! DOM 3 Core:
+    "canonical-form                           ", &
+    "cdata-sections                           ", &
+    "check-character-normalization            ", &
+    "comments                                 ", &
+    "datatype-normalization                   ", &
+    "element-content-whitespace               ", &
+    "entities                                 ", &
+    "error-handler                            ", &
+!    "infoset                                  ", & is not a real config option
+    "namespaces                               ", &
+    "namespace-declarations                   ", &
+    "normalize-characters                     ", &
+!    "schema-location                          ", & we dont implement
+!    "schema-type                              ", & we dont implement
+    "split-cdata-sections                     ", &
+    "validate                                 ", &
+    "validate-if-schema                       ", &
+    "well-formed                              ", &
+    ! DOM 3 LS (Parser):
+    "charset-overrides-xml-encoding           ", &
+    "disallow-doctype                         ", &
+    "ignore-unknown-character-denormalizations", &
+    "resource-resolver                        ", &
+    "supported-media-types-only               ", &
+    ! DOM 3 LS (Serializer)
+    "discard-default-content                  ", &
+    "format-pretty-print                      ", &
+    "xml-declaration                          ", &
+    ! Extra (FoX) configuration options
+    "invalid-pretty-print                     " /)
+  integer, parameter :: paramSettable = 27293398
+  integer, parameter :: paramDefaults = 10786516
+  type DOMConfiguration
+    private
+    integer :: parameters = paramDefaults
+    ! FIXME make sure this is 32 bit at least.
+  end type DOMConfiguration
+  interface canSetParameter
+    module procedure canSetParameter_log
+    module procedure canSetParameter_ch
+  end interface canSetParameter
+  public :: setParameter
+  public :: getParameter
+  public :: canSetParameter
+  public :: getParameterNames
+  public :: newDOMConfig
+  public :: copyDOMConfig
+  integer, parameter ::     ELEMENT_NODE                   = 1
+  integer, parameter ::     ATTRIBUTE_NODE                 = 2
+  integer, parameter ::     TEXT_NODE                      = 3
+  integer, parameter ::     CDATA_SECTION_NODE             = 4
+  integer, parameter ::     ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE          = 5
+  integer, parameter ::     ENTITY_NODE                    = 6
+  integer, parameter ::     PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE    = 7
+  integer, parameter ::     COMMENT_NODE                   = 8
+  integer, parameter ::     DOCUMENT_NODE                  = 9
+  integer, parameter ::     DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE             = 10
+  integer, parameter ::     DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE         = 11
+  integer, parameter ::     NOTATION_NODE                  = 12
+  integer, parameter ::     XPATH_NAMESPACE_NODE           = 13
+  type DOMImplementation
+    private
+    character(len=7) :: id = "FoX_DOM"
+    logical :: FoX_checks = .true. ! Do extra checks not mandated by DOM
+  end type DOMImplementation
+  type ListNode
+    private
+    type(Node), pointer :: this => null()
+  end type ListNode 
+  type NodeList
+    private
+    character, pointer :: nodeName(:) => null() ! What was getByTagName run on?
+    character, pointer :: localName(:) => null() ! What was getByTagNameNS run on?
+    character, pointer :: namespaceURI(:) => null() ! What was getByTagNameNS run on?
+    type(Node), pointer :: element => null() ! which element or document was the getByTagName run from?
+    type(ListNode), pointer :: nodes(:) => null()
+    integer :: length = 0
+  end type NodeList
+  type NodeListptr
+    private
+    type(NodeList), pointer :: this
+  end type NodeListptr
+  type NamedNodeMap
+    private
+    logical :: readonly = .false.
+    type(Node), pointer :: ownerElement => null()
+    type(ListNode), pointer :: nodes(:) => null()
+    integer :: length = 0
+  end type NamedNodeMap
+  type documentExtras
+    type(DOMImplementation), pointer :: implementation => null() ! only for doctype
+    type(Node), pointer :: docType => null()
+    type(Node), pointer :: documentElement => null()
+    character, pointer :: inputEncoding(:) => null()
+    character, pointer :: xmlEncoding(:) => null()
+    type(NodeListPtr), pointer :: nodelists(:) => null() ! document
+    ! In order to keep track of all nodes not connected to the document
+    logical :: liveNodeLists ! For the document, are nodelists live?
+    type(NodeList) :: hangingNodes ! For the document, list of nodes not associated with doc
+    type(xml_doc_state), pointer :: xds => null()
+    logical :: strictErrorChecking = .true.
+    logical :: brokenNS = .false. ! FIXME consolidate these logical variables into bitmask
+    type(DOMConfiguration), pointer :: domConfig => null()
+  end type documentExtras
+  type elementOrAttributeExtras
+    ! Needed for all:
+    character, pointer, dimension(:) :: namespaceURI => null()
+    character, pointer, dimension(:) :: prefix => null()
+    character, pointer, dimension(:) :: localName => null()
+    ! Needed for elements:
+    type(NamedNodeMap) :: attributes
+    type(NodeList) :: namespaceNodes
+    ! Needed for attributes:
+    type(Node), pointer :: ownerElement => null()
+    logical :: specified = .true.
+    logical :: isId = .false.
+    logical :: dom1 = .false.
+  end type elementOrAttributeExtras
+  type docTypeExtras
+    character, pointer :: publicId(:) => null() ! doctype, entity, notation 
+    character, pointer :: systemId(:) => null() ! doctype, entity, notation
+    character, pointer :: notationName(:) => null() ! entity
+    logical :: illFormed = .false. ! entity
+    type(namedNodeMap) :: entities ! doctype
+    type(namedNodeMap) :: notations ! doctype
+  end type docTypeExtras
+  type Node
+    private
+    logical :: readonly = .false.
+    character, pointer, dimension(:)         :: nodeName => null()
+    character, pointer, dimension(:)         :: nodeValue => null()
+    integer             :: nodeType        = 0
+    type(Node), pointer :: parentNode      => null()
+    type(Node), pointer :: firstChild      => null()
+    type(Node), pointer :: lastChild       => null()
+    type(Node), pointer :: previousSibling => null()
+    type(Node), pointer :: nextSibling     => null()
+    type(Node), pointer :: ownerDocument   => null()
+    type(NodeList) :: childNodes ! not for text, cdata, PI, comment, notation, docType, XPath
+    logical :: inDocument = .false.! For a node, is this node associated to the doc?
+    logical :: ignorableWhitespace = .false. ! Text nodes only
+    type(documentExtras), pointer :: docExtras => null()
+    type(elementOrAttributeExtras), pointer :: elExtras => null()
+    type(docTypeExtras), pointer :: dtdExtras => null()
+    integer :: textContentLength = 0
+  end type Node
+  type(DOMImplementation), save, target :: FoX_DOM
+  interface destroy
+    module procedure destroyNode
+    module procedure destroyNodeList
+    module procedure destroyNamedNodeMap
+    module procedure destroyDOMConfig
+  end interface destroy
+  public :: ELEMENT_NODE
+  public :: ATTRIBUTE_NODE
+  public :: TEXT_NODE
+  public :: ENTITY_NODE
+  public :: COMMENT_NODE
+  public :: DOCUMENT_NODE
+  public :: NOTATION_NODE
+  public :: DOMImplementation
+  public :: DOMConfiguration
+  public :: Node
+  public :: ListNode
+  public :: NodeList
+  public :: NamedNodeMap
+  public :: destroy
+  public :: destroyAllNodesRecursively
+  public :: getNodeName
+  public :: getNodeValue
+  public :: setNodeValue
+  public :: getNodeType
+  public :: getParentNode
+  public :: getChildNodes
+  public :: getFirstChild
+  public :: getLastChild
+  public :: getNextSibling
+  public :: getPreviousSibling
+  public :: getAttributes
+  public :: getOwnerDocument
+  public :: insertBefore
+  public :: replaceChild
+  public :: removeChild
+  public :: appendChild
+  public :: hasChildNodes
+  public :: cloneNode  
+  public :: normalize
+  public :: isSupported
+  public :: getNamespaceURI
+  public :: getPrefix
+  public :: setPrefix
+  public :: getLocalName
+  public :: hasAttributes
+  public :: isEqualNode
+  public :: isSameNode
+  public :: isDefaultNamespace
+  public :: lookupNamespaceURI
+  public :: lookupPrefix
+  public :: getTextContent
+  public :: setTextContent
+  public :: getNodePath
+  public :: setStringValue
+  public :: getStringValue
+  public :: setReadonlyNode
+  public :: getReadOnly
+  public :: getBaseURI
+  public :: item
+  public :: append
+  public :: pop_nl
+  public :: remove_nl
+  public :: destroyNodeList
+  interface append
+    module procedure append_nl
+  end interface
+  interface item
+    module procedure item_nl
+  end interface
+  interface getLength
+    module procedure getLength_nl
+  end interface getLength
+  public :: getNamedItem
+  public :: setNamedItem
+  public :: removeNamedItem
+!  public :: item
+!  public :: getLength
+  public :: getNamedItemNS
+  public :: setNamedItemNS
+  public :: removeNamedItemNS
+!  public :: append
+  public :: setReadOnlyMap
+  public :: destroyNamedNodeMap
+  interface item
+    module procedure item_nnm
+  end interface
+  interface getLength
+    module procedure getLength_nnm
+  end interface
+  public :: hasFeature
+  public :: createDocument
+  public :: createDocumentType
+  public :: destroyDocument
+  public :: createEmptyDocument
+  public :: getFoX_checks
+  public :: setFoX_checks
+!FIXME lots of these should have a check if(namespaces) checkNCName
+  public :: getDocType
+  public :: getImplementation
+  public :: getDocumentElement
+  public :: setDocumentElement
+  public :: createElement
+  public :: createDocumentFragment
+  public :: createTextNode
+  public :: createComment
+  public :: createCdataSection
+  public :: createProcessingInstruction
+  public :: createAttribute
+  public :: createEntityReference
+  public :: createEmptyEntityReference
+  public :: getElementsByTagName
+  public :: importNode
+  public :: createElementNS
+  public :: createAttributeNS
+  public :: getElementsByTagNameNS
+  public :: getElementById
+  public :: getXmlStandalone
+  public :: setXmlStandalone
+  public :: getXmlVersion
+  public :: setXmlVersion
+  public :: getXmlEncoding
+  public :: getInputEncoding
+  public :: getDocumentURI
+  public :: setDocumentURI
+  public :: getStrictErrorChecking
+  public :: setStrictErrorChecking
+  public :: getDomConfig
+  public :: renameNode
+  public :: adoptNode
+  public :: setDocType
+  public :: setDomConfig
+  public :: setXds
+  public :: createNamespaceNode
+  public :: createEntity
+  public :: createNotation
+  public :: setGCstate
+  public :: getXds
+  public :: getLiveNodeLists
+  public :: setLiveNodeLists
+  !public :: getName
+  public :: getEntities
+  public :: getNotations
+!  public :: getPublicId
+!  public :: getSystemId
+  public :: getInternalSubset
+  public :: getTagName
+  public :: getAttribute
+  public :: setAttribute
+  public :: removeAttribute
+  public :: getAttributeNode
+  public :: setAttributeNode
+  public :: removeAttributeNode
+  public :: getAttributeNS
+  public :: setAttributeNS
+  public :: removeAttributeNS
+  public :: getAttributeNodeNS
+  public :: setAttributeNodeNS
+  public :: removeAttributeNodeNS
+  public :: hasAttribute
+  public :: hasAttributeNS
+  public :: setIdAttribute
+  public :: setIdAttributeNS
+  public :: setIdAttributeNode
+  !public :: getName
+  public :: getSpecified
+  public :: setSpecified
+  interface getValue
+    module procedure getValue_DOM
+  end interface
+  public :: getValue
+  public :: setValue
+  public :: getOwnerElement
+  public :: getIsId
+  public :: setIsId
+  interface getIsId
+    module procedure getIsId_DOM
+  end interface
+  interface setIsId
+    module procedure setIsId_DOM
+  end interface
+  public :: getLength
+!  public :: getData
+!  public :: setData
+  public :: substringData
+  public :: appendData
+  public :: insertData
+  public :: deleteData
+  public :: replaceData
+  interface getLength
+    module procedure getLength_characterdata
+  end interface
+  public :: getNotationName
+  public :: getIllFormed
+  public :: setIllFormed
+  public :: getTarget
+  public :: splitText
+  public :: getIsElementContentWhitespace
+  public :: setIsElementContentWhitespace
+! Assorted functions with identical signatures despite belonging to different types.
+  public :: getData
+  public :: setData
+  public :: getName
+  public :: getPublicId
+  public :: getSystemId
+  public :: normalizeDocument
+  public :: getNamespaceNodes
+  public :: namespaceFixup
+  subroutine resetParameter(domConfig, name)
+    type(DOMConfiguration), pointer :: domConfig
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
+    integer :: i, n
+    do i = 1, size(configParams)
+      if (toLower(name)==trim(configParams(i))) then
+        n = i
+        exit
+      endif
+    enddo
+    if (i>size(configParams)) return
+    if (.not.btest(paramSettable, n)) return
+    if (btest(paramDefaults, n)) then
+      domConfig%parameters = ibset(domConfig%parameters, n)
+    else
+      domConfig%parameters = ibclr(domConfig%parameters, n)
+    endif
+  end subroutine resetParameter
+  recursive subroutine setParameter(domConfig, name, value, ex)
+    type(DOMException), intent(out), optional :: ex
+    type(DOMConfiguration), pointer :: domConfig
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
+    logical, intent(in) :: value
+    integer :: i, n
+    if (toLower(name)=="infoset") then
+      if (value) then
+        call setParameter(domConfig, "validate-if-schema", .false.)
+        call setParameter(domConfig, "entities", .false.)
+        ! cant do datatype-normalization
+        call setParameter(domConfig, "cdata-sections", .false.)
+        call setParameter(domConfig, "namespace-declarations", .true.)
+        ! well-formed cannot be changed
+        call setParameter(domConfig, "element-content-whitespace", .true.)
+        call setParameter(domConfig, "comments", .true.)
+        call setParameter(domConfig, "namespaces", .true.)
+      endif
+      return
+    endif
+    do i = 1, size(configParams)
+      if (toLower(name)==trim(configParams(i))) then
+        n = i
+        exit
+      endif
+    enddo
+    if (i > size(configParams)) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.NOT_FOUND_ERR<200) then
+  call throw_exception(NOT_FOUND_ERR, "setParameter", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    if (.not.canSetParameter(domConfig, name, value)) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR<200) then
+  call throw_exception(NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR, "setParameter", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    if (value) then
+      domConfig%parameters = ibset(domConfig%parameters, n)
+    else
+      domConfig%parameters = ibclr(domConfig%parameters, n)
+    endif
+    select case (toLower(name))
+    case ("canonical-form")
+      if (value) then
+        domConfig%parameters = ibclr(domConfig%parameters, 7)
+        ! cant do normalize-characters
+        domConfig%parameters = ibclr(domConfig%parameters, 2)
+        domConfig%parameters = ibset(domConfig%parameters, 9)
+        domConfig%parameters = ibset(domConfig%parameters, 10)
+        ! well-formed cannot be changed
+        domConfig%parameters = ibset(domConfig%parameters, 6)
+        ! FIXME when we work out pretty-print/preserve-whitespace semantics
+        ! call setParameter(domConfig, "format-pretty-print", .false.)
+        domConfig%parameters = ibclr(domConfig%parameters, 21)
+        domConfig%parameters = ibclr(domConfig%parameters, 23)
+        domConfig%parameters = ibclr(domConfig%parameters, 24)
+      else
+        call resetParameter(domConfig, "entities")
+        ! cant do normalize-characters
+        call resetParameter(domConfig, "cdata-sections")
+        call resetParameter(domConfig, "namespaces")
+        call resetParameter(domConfig, "namespace-declarations")
+        ! well-formed cannot be changed
+        call resetParameter(domConfig, "element-content-whitespace")
+        call resetParameter(domConfig, "format-pretty-print")
+        call resetParameter(domConfig, "discard-default-content")
+        call resetParameter(domConfig, "xml-declaration")
+        call resetParameter(domConfig, "invalid-pretty-print")
+      endif
+    case ("cdata-sections")
+      if (value) domConfig%parameters = ibclr(domConfig%parameters, 1)
+    case ("element-content-whitespace")
+      if (.not.value) domConfig%parameters = ibclr(domConfig%parameters, 1)
+    case ("entities")
+      if (value) domConfig%parameters = ibclr(domConfig%parameters, 1)
+    case ("namespaces")
+      if (.not.value) domConfig%parameters = ibclr(domConfig%parameters, 1)
+    case ("namespaces-declarations")
+      if (.not.value) domConfig%parameters = ibclr(domConfig%parameters, 1)
+    case("validate")
+      if (value) domConfig%parameters = ibclr(domConfig%parameters, 14)
+    case ("validate-if-schema")
+      if (value) domConfig%parameters = ibclr(domConfig%parameters, 13)
+    case ("format-pretty-print")
+      if (value) domConfig%parameters = ibclr(domConfig%parameters, 1)
+    case ("discard-default-content")
+      if (value) domConfig%parameters = ibclr(domConfig%parameters, 1)
+    case ("xml-declaration")
+      if (value) domConfig%parameters = ibclr(domConfig%parameters, 1)
+    case ("invalid-pretty-print")
+      if (value) domConfig%parameters = ibclr(domConfig%parameters, 1)
+    end select
+  end subroutine setParameter
+  recursive function getParameter(domConfig, name, ex)result(value) 
+    type(DOMException), intent(out), optional :: ex
+    type(DOMConfiguration), pointer :: domConfig
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
+    logical :: value
+    integer :: i, n
+    if (toLower(name)=="infoset") then
+      value = &
+        .not.getParameter(domConfig, "validate-if-schema") &
+        .and..not.getParameter(domConfig, "entities") &
+        .and..not.getParameter(domConfig, "datatype-normalization") &
+        .and..not.getParameter(domConfig, "cdata-sections") &
+        .and.getParameter(domConfig, "namespace-declarations") &
+        .and.getParameter(domConfig, "well-formed") &
+        .and.getParameter(domConfig, "element-content-whitespace") &
+        .and.getParameter(domConfig, "comments") &
+        .and.getParameter(domConfig, "namespaces")
+      return
+    endif
+    do i = 1, size(configParams)
+      if (toLower(name)==trim(configParams(i))) then
+        n = i
+        exit
+      endif
+    enddo
+    if (i > size(configParams)) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.NOT_FOUND_ERR<200) then
+  call throw_exception(NOT_FOUND_ERR, "getParameter", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    value = btest(domConfig%parameters, n)
+  end function getParameter
+  function canSetParameter_log(domConfig, name, value, ex)result(p) 
+    type(DOMException), intent(out), optional :: ex
+    type(DOMConfiguration), pointer :: domConfig
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
+    logical, intent(in) :: value
+    logical :: p
+    integer :: i, n
+    if (toLower(name)=="infoset") then
+      p = .true.
+      return
+    endif
+    do i = 1, size(configParams)
+      if (toLower(name)==trim(configParams(i))) then
+        n = i
+        exit
+      endif
+    enddo
+    if (i > size(configParams)) then
+      p = .false.
+      return
+    endif
+    p = btest(paramSettable, n)
+  end function canSetParameter_log
+  function canSetParameter_ch(domConfig, name, value, ex)result(p) 
+    type(DOMException), intent(out), optional :: ex
+    type(DOMConfiguration), pointer :: domConfig
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: value
+    logical :: p
+    ! DOM 3 allows some config options to be set to strings
+    ! (eg schemaLocation) but we dont support any of these,
+    ! so no parameter can be set to a string.
+    p = .false.
+  end function canSetParameter_ch
+  function getParameterNames(domConfig, ex)result(s) 
+    type(DOMException), intent(out), optional :: ex
+    type(DOMConfiguration), pointer :: domConfig
+    character(len=configParamLen) :: s(size(configParams))
+    s = configParams
+  end function getParameterNames
+  function newDOMConfig() result(dc)
+    type(DOMConfiguration), pointer :: dc
+    allocate(dc)
+  end function newDOMConfig
+  subroutine copyDOMConfig(dc1, dc2)
+    type(DOMConfiguration), pointer :: dc1, dc2
+    dc1%parameters = dc2%parameters
+  end subroutine copyDOMConfig
+  subroutine destroyDOMConfig(dc)
+    type(DOMConfiguration), pointer :: dc
+    deallocate(dc)
+  end subroutine destroyDOMConfig
+  function createNode(arg, nodeType, nodeName, nodeValue, ex)result(np) 
+    type(DOMException), intent(out), optional :: ex
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    integer, intent(in) :: nodeType
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: nodeName
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: nodeValue
+    type(Node), pointer :: np
+    allocate(np)
+    np%ownerDocument => arg
+    np%nodeType = nodeType
+    np%nodeName => vs_str_alloc(nodeName)
+    np%nodeValue => vs_str_alloc(nodeValue)
+    allocate(np%childNodes%nodes(0))
+  end function createNode
+  recursive subroutine destroyNode(np, ex)
+    type(DOMException), intent(out), optional :: ex
+    type(Node), pointer :: np
+    if (.not.associated(np)) return
+    select case(np%nodeType)
+      call destroyElementOrAttribute(np)
+      call destroyDocumentType(np)
+      call destroyEntityOrNotation(np)
+    case (DOCUMENT_NODE)
+      call destroyDocument(np)
+    end select
+    call destroyNodeContents(np)
+    deallocate(np)
+  end subroutine destroyNode
+  recursive subroutine destroyElementOrAttribute(np, ex)
+    type(DOMException), intent(out), optional :: ex
+    type(Node), pointer :: np
+    integer :: i
+    if (np%nodeType /= ELEMENT_NODE &
+      .and. np%nodeType /= ATTRIBUTE_NODE &
+      .and. np%nodeType /= XPATH_NAMESPACE_NODE) then
+       if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_INTERNAL_ERROR<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_INTERNAL_ERROR, "destroyElementOrAttribute", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    if (associated(np%elExtras%attributes%nodes)) deallocate(np%elExtras%attributes%nodes)
+    do i = 1, np%elExtras%namespaceNodes%length
+      call destroyNode(np%elExtras%namespaceNodes%nodes(i)%this)
+    enddo
+    if (associated(np%elExtras%namespaceNodes%nodes)) deallocate(np%elExtras%namespaceNodes%nodes)
+    if (associated(np%elExtras%namespaceURI)) deallocate(np%elExtras%namespaceURI)
+    if (associated(np%elExtras%prefix)) deallocate(np%elExtras%prefix)
+    if (associated(np%elExtras%localName)) deallocate(np%elExtras%localName)
+    deallocate(np%elExtras)
+  end subroutine destroyElementOrAttribute
+  subroutine destroyEntityOrNotation(np, ex)
+    type(DOMException), intent(out), optional :: ex
+    type(Node), pointer :: np
+    if (np%nodeType /= ENTITY_NODE &
+      .and. np%nodeType /= NOTATION_NODE) then
+       if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_INTERNAL_ERROR<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_INTERNAL_ERROR, "destroyEntityOrNotation", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    if (associated(np%dtdExtras%publicId)) deallocate(np%dtdExtras%publicId)
+    if (associated(np%dtdExtras%systemId)) deallocate(np%dtdExtras%systemId)
+    if (associated(np%dtdExtras%notationName)) deallocate(np%dtdExtras%notationName)
+    deallocate(np%dtdExtras)
+  end subroutine destroyEntityOrNotation
+  subroutine destroyDocumentType(np, ex)
+    type(DOMException), intent(out), optional :: ex
+    type(Node), pointer :: np
+    integer :: i
+    if (np%nodeType /= DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE) then
+       if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_INTERNAL_ERROR<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_INTERNAL_ERROR, "destroyDocumentType", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    if (associated(np%dtdExtras%publicId)) deallocate(np%dtdExtras%publicId)
+    if (associated(np%dtdExtras%systemId)) deallocate(np%dtdExtras%systemId)
+    ! Destroy all entities & notations (docType only)
+    if (associated(np%dtdExtras%entities%nodes)) then
+      do i = 1, size(np%dtdExtras%entities%nodes)
+        call destroyAllNodesRecursively(np%dtdExtras%entities%nodes(i)%this)
+      enddo
+      deallocate(np%dtdExtras%entities%nodes)
+    endif
+    if (associated(np%dtdExtras%notations%nodes)) then
+      do i = 1, size(np%dtdExtras%notations%nodes)
+        call destroy(np%dtdExtras%notations%nodes(i)%this)
+      enddo
+      deallocate(np%dtdExtras%notations%nodes)
+    endif
+    deallocate(np%dtdExtras)
+  end subroutine destroyDocumentType
+  recursive subroutine destroyAllNodesRecursively(arg, except)
+    ! Only recurses once into destroyDocumentType
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    logical, intent(in), optional :: except
+    type(Node), pointer :: this, deadNode, treeroot
+    logical :: doneChildren, doneAttributes
+    integer :: i_tree
+    if (.not.associated(arg)) return
+    treeroot => arg
+    i_tree = 0
+    doneChildren = .false.
+    doneAttributes = .false.
+    this => treeroot
+      deadNode => null()
+    do
+      if (.not.doneChildren.and..not.(getNodeType(this)==ELEMENT_NODE.and.doneAttributes)) then
+      else
+        if (getNodeType(this)==ELEMENT_NODE.and..not.doneChildren) then
+          doneAttributes = .true.
+        else
+        endif
+      endif
+      deadNode => null()
+      if (.not.doneChildren) then
+        if (getNodeType(this)==ELEMENT_NODE.and..not.doneAttributes) then
+          if (getLength(getAttributes(this))>0) then
+            this => item(getAttributes(this), 0)
+          else
+            doneAttributes = .true.
+          endif
+        elseif (hasChildNodes(this)) then
+          this => getFirstChild(this)
+          doneChildren = .false.
+          doneAttributes = .false.
+        else
+          doneChildren = .true.
+          doneAttributes = .false.
+        endif
+      else ! if doneChildren
+        deadNode => this
+        if (associated(this, treeroot)) exit
+        if (getNodeType(this)==ATTRIBUTE_NODE) then
+          if (i_tree<getLength(getAttributes(getOwnerElement(this)))-1) then
+            i_tree= i_tree+ 1
+            this => item(getAttributes(getOwnerElement(this)), i_tree)
+            doneChildren = .false.
+          else
+            i_tree= 0
+            this => getOwnerElement(this)
+            doneAttributes = .true.
+            doneChildren = .false.
+          endif
+        elseif (associated(getNextSibling(this))) then
+          this => getNextSibling(this)
+          doneChildren = .false.
+          doneAttributes = .false.
+        else
+          this => getParentNode(this)
+        endif
+        call destroy(deadNode)
+      endif
+    enddo
+    deallocate(arg%childNodes%nodes)
+    allocate(arg%childNodes%nodes(0))
+    arg%firstChild => null()
+    arg%lastChild => null()
+    if (.not.present(except)) call destroyNode(arg)
+  end subroutine destroyAllNodesRecursively
+  subroutine destroyNodeContents(np)
+    type(Node), intent(inout) :: np
+    if (associated(np%nodeName)) deallocate(np%nodeName)
+    if (associated(np%nodeValue)) deallocate(np%nodeValue)
+    deallocate(np%childNodes%nodes)
+  end subroutine destroyNodeContents
+  pure function getnodeName_len(np, p) result(n)
+    type(Node), intent(in) :: np
+    logical, intent(in) :: p
+    integer :: n
+    if (p) then
+      n = size(np%nodeName)
+    else
+      n = 0
+    endif
+  end function getnodeName_len
+function getnodeName(np, ex)result(c) 
+    type(DOMException), intent(out), optional :: ex
+    type(Node), pointer :: np
+    character(len=getnodeName_len(np, .true.)) :: c
+    character(len=getnodeName_len(np, associated(np))) :: c
+    if (.not.associated(np)) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_NODE_IS_NULL<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL, "getnodeName", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    c = str_vs(np%nodeName)
+  end function getnodeName
+  pure function getNodeValue_len(np, p) result(n)
+    type(Node), intent(in) :: np
+    logical, intent(in) :: p
+    integer :: n
+    n = 0 
+    if (.not.p) return
+    select case(np%nodeType)
+    case (ATTRIBUTE_NODE)
+      n = getTextContent_len(np, .true.)
+      n = size(np%nodeValue)
+    end select
+  end function getNodeValue_len
+  function getNodeValue(np, ex)result(c) 
+    type(DOMException), intent(out), optional :: ex
+    type(Node), pointer :: np
+    character(len=getNodeValue_len(np, .true.)) :: c
+    character(len=getNodeValue_len(np, associated(np))) :: c
+    if (.not.associated(np)) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_NODE_IS_NULL<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL, "getNodeValue", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    select case(np%nodeType)
+    case (ATTRIBUTE_NODE)
+      c = getTextContent(np)
+      c = str_vs(np%nodeValue)
+    case default
+      c = ""
+    end select
+  end function getNodeValue
+  subroutine setNodeValue(arg, nodeValue, ex)
+    type(DOMException), intent(out), optional :: ex
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    character(len=*) :: nodeValue
+    if (.not.associated(arg)) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_NODE_IS_NULL<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL, "setNodeValue", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    if (associated(getOwnerDocument(arg))) then
+      if (.not.checkChars(nodeValue, getXmlVersionEnum(getOwnerDocument(arg)))) then
+        if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_INVALID_CHARACTER<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_INVALID_CHARACTER, "setNodeValue", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+      endif
+    endif ! Otherwise its a document node, and nothing will happen anyway
+    select case(arg%nodeType)
+    case (ATTRIBUTE_NODE)
+      call setValue(arg, nodeValue, ex)
+      call setData(arg, nodeValue, ex)
+    end select
+  end subroutine setNodeValue
+function getnodeType(np, ex)result(c) 
+    type(DOMException), intent(out), optional :: ex
+    type(Node), pointer :: np
+    integer :: c
+    if (.not.associated(np)) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_NODE_IS_NULL<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL, "getnodeType", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    c = np%nodeType
+  end function getnodeType
+function getparentNode(np, ex)result(c) 
+    type(DOMException), intent(out), optional :: ex
+    type(Node), pointer :: np
+    type(Node), pointer :: c
+    if (.not.associated(np)) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_NODE_IS_NULL<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL, "getparentNode", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    c => np%parentNode
+  end function getparentNode
+function getchildNodes(np, ex)result(c) 
+    type(DOMException), intent(out), optional :: ex
+    type(Node), pointer :: np
+    type(NodeList), pointer :: c
+    if (.not.associated(np)) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_NODE_IS_NULL<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL, "getchildNodes", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    c => np%childNodes
+  end function getchildNodes
+function getfirstChild(np, ex)result(c) 
+    type(DOMException), intent(out), optional :: ex
+    type(Node), pointer :: np
+    type(Node), pointer :: c
+    if (.not.associated(np)) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_NODE_IS_NULL<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL, "getfirstChild", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    c => np%firstChild
+  end function getfirstChild
+function getlastChild(np, ex)result(c) 
+    type(DOMException), intent(out), optional :: ex
+    type(Node), pointer :: np
+    type(Node), pointer :: c
+    if (.not.associated(np)) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_NODE_IS_NULL<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL, "getlastChild", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    c => np%lastChild
+  end function getlastChild
+function getpreviousSibling(np, ex)result(c) 
+    type(DOMException), intent(out), optional :: ex
+    type(Node), pointer :: np
+    type(Node), pointer :: c
+    if (.not.associated(np)) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_NODE_IS_NULL<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL, "getpreviousSibling", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    c => np%previousSibling
+  end function getpreviousSibling
+function getnextSibling(np, ex)result(c) 
+    type(DOMException), intent(out), optional :: ex
+    type(Node), pointer :: np
+    type(Node), pointer :: c
+    if (.not.associated(np)) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_NODE_IS_NULL<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL, "getnextSibling", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    c => np%nextSibling
+  end function getnextSibling
+  function getAttributes(arg, ex)result(nnm) 
+    type(DOMException), intent(out), optional :: ex
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    type(NamedNodeMap), pointer :: nnm
+    if (.not.associated(arg)) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_NODE_IS_NULL<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL, "getAttributes", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    if (getNodeType(arg)==ELEMENT_NODE) then
+      nnm => arg%elExtras%attributes
+    else
+      nnm => null()
+    endif
+  end function getAttributes
+  function getOwnerDocument(arg, ex)result(np) 
+    type(DOMException), intent(out), optional :: ex
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    type(Node), pointer :: np
+    if (.not.associated(arg)) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_NODE_IS_NULL<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL, "getOwnerDocument", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    if (arg%nodeType==DOCUMENT_NODE) then
+      np => null()
+    else
+      np => arg%ownerDocument
+    endif
+  end function getOwnerDocument
+subroutine setownerDocument(np, c, ex)
+    type(DOMException), intent(out), optional :: ex
+    type(Node), pointer :: np
+    type(Node), pointer :: c
+    if (.not.associated(np)) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_NODE_IS_NULL<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL, "setownerDocument", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+   if (getNodeType(np)/=DOCUMENT_NODE .and. &
+      .true.) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_INVALID_NODE<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_INVALID_NODE, "setownerDocument", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    np%ownerDocument => c
+  end subroutine setownerDocument
+  function insertBefore(arg, newChild, refChild, ex)result(np) 
+    type(DOMException), intent(out), optional :: ex
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    type(Node), pointer :: newChild
+    type(Node), pointer :: refChild
+    type(Node), pointer :: np
+    type(Node), pointer :: testChild, testParent, treeroot, this
+    type(ListNode), pointer :: temp_nl(:)
+    integer :: i, i2, i_t, i_tree
+    logical :: doneChildren, doneAttributes
+    if (.not.associated(arg).or..not.associated(newChild)) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_NODE_IS_NULL<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL, "insertBefore", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    if (.not.associated(refChild)) then
+      np => appendChild(arg, newChild, ex)
+      return
+    endif
+    if (arg%readonly) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR<200) then
+  call throw_exception(NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR, "insertBefore", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    testParent => arg
+    ! Check if you are allowed to put a newChild nodetype under a arg nodetype
+    if (newChild%nodeType==DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE) then
+      do i = 1, newChild%childNodes%length
+        testChild => newChild%childNodes%nodes(i)%this
+              select case(testParent%nodeType)
+      case (ELEMENT_NODE)
+        if (testChild%nodeType/=ELEMENT_NODE &
+          .and. testChild%nodeType/=TEXT_NODE &
+          .and. testChild%nodeType/=COMMENT_NODE &
+          .and. testChild%nodeType/=PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE &
+          .and. testChild%nodeType/=CDATA_SECTION_NODE &
+          .and. testChild%nodeType/=ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE) then
+          if (getFoX_checks().or.HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR<200) then
+  call throw_exception(HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR, "insertBefore", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+        endif
+      case (ATTRIBUTE_NODE)
+        if (testChild%nodeType/=TEXT_NODE &
+          .and. testChild%nodeType/=ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE) then
+          if (getFoX_checks().or.HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR<200) then
+  call throw_exception(HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR, "insertBefore", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+        endif
+        if (testChild%nodeType==ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE) then
+          treeroot => testChild
+    i_tree = 0
+    doneChildren = .false.
+    doneAttributes = .false.
+    this => treeroot
+    do
+      if (.not.doneChildren.and..not.(getNodeType(this)==ELEMENT_NODE.and.doneAttributes)) then
+          if (getNodeType(this)/=TEXT_NODE.and.getNodeType(this)/=ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE) then
+            if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR, "insertBefore", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+          endif
+      else
+        if (getNodeType(this)==ELEMENT_NODE.and..not.doneChildren) then
+          doneAttributes = .true.
+        else
+        endif
+      endif
+      if (.not.doneChildren) then
+        if (getNodeType(this)==ELEMENT_NODE.and..not.doneAttributes) then
+          if (getLength(getAttributes(this))>0) then
+            this => item(getAttributes(this), 0)
+          else
+            doneAttributes = .true.
+          endif
+        elseif (hasChildNodes(this)) then
+          this => getFirstChild(this)
+          doneChildren = .false.
+          doneAttributes = .false.
+        else
+          doneChildren = .true.
+          doneAttributes = .false.
+        endif
+      else ! if doneChildren
+        if (associated(this, treeroot)) exit
+        if (getNodeType(this)==ATTRIBUTE_NODE) then
+          if (i_tree<getLength(getAttributes(getOwnerElement(this)))-1) then
+            i_tree= i_tree+ 1
+            this => item(getAttributes(getOwnerElement(this)), i_tree)
+            doneChildren = .false.
+          else
+            i_tree= 0
+            this => getOwnerElement(this)
+            doneAttributes = .true.
+            doneChildren = .false.
+          endif
+        elseif (associated(getNextSibling(this))) then
+          this => getNextSibling(this)
+          doneChildren = .false.
+          doneAttributes = .false.
+        else
+          this => getParentNode(this)
+        endif
+      endif
+    enddo
+        endif
+      case (DOCUMENT_NODE)
+        if ((testChild%nodeType/=ELEMENT_NODE .or. &
+            (testChild%nodeType==ELEMENT_NODE &
+              .and.associated(testParent%docExtras%documentElement))) &
+          .and. testChild%nodeType/=PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE &
+          .and. testChild%nodeType/=COMMENT_NODE &
+          .and. (testChild%nodeType/=DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE .or. &
+            (testChild%nodeType==DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE &
+              .and.associated(testParent%docExtras%docType)))) then
+          if (getFoX_checks().or.HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR<200) then
+  call throw_exception(HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR, "insertBefore", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+        endif
+        if (testChild%nodeType/=ELEMENT_NODE &
+          .and. testChild%nodeType/=TEXT_NODE &
+          .and. testChild%nodeType/=COMMENT_NODE &
+          .and. testChild%nodeType/=PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE &
+          .and. testChild%nodeType/=CDATA_SECTION_NODE &
+          .and. testChild%nodeType/=ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE) then
+          if (getFoX_checks().or.HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR<200) then
+  call throw_exception(HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR, "insertBefore", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+        endif
+      case (ENTITY_NODE)
+        continue ! only allowed by DOM parser, not by user.
+        ! but entity nodes are always readonly anyway, so no problem
+        continue ! only allowed by DOM parser, not by user.
+        ! but entity nodes are always readonly anyway, so no problem
+      case default
+        if (getFoX_checks().or.HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR<200) then
+  call throw_exception(HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR, "insertBefore", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+      end select
+      enddo
+    else
+      testChild => newChild
+            select case(testParent%nodeType)
+      case (ELEMENT_NODE)
+        if (testChild%nodeType/=ELEMENT_NODE &
+          .and. testChild%nodeType/=TEXT_NODE &
+          .and. testChild%nodeType/=COMMENT_NODE &
+          .and. testChild%nodeType/=PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE &
+          .and. testChild%nodeType/=CDATA_SECTION_NODE &
+          .and. testChild%nodeType/=ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE) then
+          if (getFoX_checks().or.HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR<200) then
+  call throw_exception(HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR, "insertBefore", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+        endif
+      case (ATTRIBUTE_NODE)
+        if (testChild%nodeType/=TEXT_NODE &
+          .and. testChild%nodeType/=ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE) then
+          if (getFoX_checks().or.HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR<200) then
+  call throw_exception(HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR, "insertBefore", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+        endif
+        if (testChild%nodeType==ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE) then
+          treeroot => testChild
+    i_tree = 0
+    doneChildren = .false.
+    doneAttributes = .false.
+    this => treeroot
+    do
+      if (.not.doneChildren.and..not.(getNodeType(this)==ELEMENT_NODE.and.doneAttributes)) then
+          if (getNodeType(this)/=TEXT_NODE.and.getNodeType(this)/=ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE) then
+            if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR, "insertBefore", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+          endif
+      else
+        if (getNodeType(this)==ELEMENT_NODE.and..not.doneChildren) then
+          doneAttributes = .true.
+        else
+        endif
+      endif
+      if (.not.doneChildren) then
+        if (getNodeType(this)==ELEMENT_NODE.and..not.doneAttributes) then
+          if (getLength(getAttributes(this))>0) then
+            this => item(getAttributes(this), 0)
+          else
+            doneAttributes = .true.
+          endif
+        elseif (hasChildNodes(this)) then
+          this => getFirstChild(this)
+          doneChildren = .false.
+          doneAttributes = .false.
+        else
+          doneChildren = .true.
+          doneAttributes = .false.
+        endif
+      else ! if doneChildren
+        if (associated(this, treeroot)) exit
+        if (getNodeType(this)==ATTRIBUTE_NODE) then
+          if (i_tree<getLength(getAttributes(getOwnerElement(this)))-1) then
+            i_tree= i_tree+ 1
+            this => item(getAttributes(getOwnerElement(this)), i_tree)
+            doneChildren = .false.
+          else
+            i_tree= 0
+            this => getOwnerElement(this)
+            doneAttributes = .true.
+            doneChildren = .false.
+          endif
+        elseif (associated(getNextSibling(this))) then
+          this => getNextSibling(this)
+          doneChildren = .false.
+          doneAttributes = .false.
+        else
+          this => getParentNode(this)
+        endif
+      endif
+    enddo
+        endif
+      case (DOCUMENT_NODE)
+        if ((testChild%nodeType/=ELEMENT_NODE .or. &
+            (testChild%nodeType==ELEMENT_NODE &
+              .and.associated(testParent%docExtras%documentElement))) &
+          .and. testChild%nodeType/=PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE &
+          .and. testChild%nodeType/=COMMENT_NODE &
+          .and. (testChild%nodeType/=DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE .or. &
+            (testChild%nodeType==DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE &
+              .and.associated(testParent%docExtras%docType)))) then
+          if (getFoX_checks().or.HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR<200) then
+  call throw_exception(HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR, "insertBefore", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+        endif
+        if (testChild%nodeType/=ELEMENT_NODE &
+          .and. testChild%nodeType/=TEXT_NODE &
+          .and. testChild%nodeType/=COMMENT_NODE &
+          .and. testChild%nodeType/=PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE &
+          .and. testChild%nodeType/=CDATA_SECTION_NODE &
+          .and. testChild%nodeType/=ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE) then
+          if (getFoX_checks().or.HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR<200) then
+  call throw_exception(HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR, "insertBefore", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+        endif
+      case (ENTITY_NODE)
+        continue ! only allowed by DOM parser, not by user.
+        ! but entity nodes are always readonly anyway, so no problem
+        continue ! only allowed by DOM parser, not by user.
+        ! but entity nodes are always readonly anyway, so no problem
+      case default
+        if (getFoX_checks().or.HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR<200) then
+  call throw_exception(HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR, "insertBefore", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+      end select
+      ! And then check that newChild is not arg or one of args ancestors
+      ! (this would never be true if newChild is a documentFragment)
+      testParent => arg
+      do while (associated(testParent))
+        if (associated(testParent, newChild)) then
+          if (getFoX_checks().or.HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR<200) then
+  call throw_exception(HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR, "insertBefore", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+        endif
+        testParent => testParent%parentNode
+      enddo
+    endif
+    if (getNodeType(newChild)/=DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE.and. &
+      .not.(associated(arg%ownerDocument, newChild%ownerDocument) &
+        .or.associated(arg, newChild%ownerDocument))) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.WRONG_DOCUMENT_ERR<200) then
+  call throw_exception(WRONG_DOCUMENT_ERR, "insertBefore", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    if (newChild%nodeType==DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE &
+      .and. newChild%childNodes%length==0) then
+      np => newChild
+      return
+      ! Nothing to do
+    endif
+    if (associated(getParentNode(newChild))) then
+      np => removeChild(getParentNode(newChild), newChild, ex) 
+      newChild => np
+    endif
+    if (arg%childNodes%length==0) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.NOT_FOUND_ERR<200) then
+  call throw_exception(NOT_FOUND_ERR, "insertBefore", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    elseif (newChild%nodeType==DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE) then
+      allocate(temp_nl(arg%childNodes%length+newChild%childNodes%length))
+    else
+      allocate(temp_nl(arg%childNodes%length+1))
+    endif
+    i_t = 0
+    np => null()
+    do i = 1, arg%childNodes%length
+      if (associated(arg%childNodes%nodes(i)%this, refChild)) then
+        np => refChild
+        if (newChild%nodeType==DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE) then
+          do i2 = 1, newChild%childNodes%length
+            i_t = i_t + 1
+            temp_nl(i_t)%this => newChild%childNodes%nodes(i2)%this
+            temp_nl(i_t)%this%parentNode => arg
+!            call namespaceFixup(temp_nl(i_t)%this)
+          enddo
+        else
+          i_t = i_t + 1
+          temp_nl(i_t)%this => newChild
+          temp_nl(i_t)%this%parentNode => arg
+!          call namespaceFixup(temp_nl(i_t)%this)
+        endif
+        if (i==1) then
+          arg%firstChild => temp_nl(1)%this
+          !temp_nl(1)%this%previousSibling => null() ! This is a no-op
+        else 
+          temp_nl(i-1)%this%nextSibling => temp_nl(i)%this
+          temp_nl(i)%this%previousSibling => temp_nl(i-1)%this
+        endif
+        arg%childNodes%nodes(i)%this%previousSibling => temp_nl(i_t)%this
+        temp_nl(i_t)%this%nextSibling => arg%childNodes%nodes(i)%this
+      endif
+      i_t = i_t + 1
+      temp_nl(i_t)%this => arg%childNodes%nodes(i)%this
+    enddo
+    if (.not.associated(np)) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.NOT_FOUND_ERR<200) then
+  call throw_exception(NOT_FOUND_ERR, "insertBefore", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+  if (associated(temp_nl)) deallocate(temp_nl)
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    np => newChild
+    if (getGCstate(arg%ownerDocument)) then
+      if (arg%inDocument) then
+        if (newChild%nodeType==DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE) then
+          do i = 1, newChild%childNodes%length
+            call putNodesInDocument(arg%ownerDocument, newChild%childNodes%nodes(i)%this)
+          enddo
+        else
+          call putNodesInDocument(arg%ownerDocument, newChild)
+        endif
+        ! If newChild was originally in document, it was removed above so must be re-added
+        ! Ideally we would avoid the cost of removal & readding to hanging nodelist
+      endif
+      ! If arg was not in the document, then newChildren were either 
+      ! a) removed above in call to removeChild or
+      ! b) in a document fragment and therefore not part of doc either
+    endif
+    if (getNodeType(newChild)==DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE) then
+      deallocate(newChild%childNodes%nodes)
+      allocate(newChild%childNodes%nodes(0))
+      newChild%childNodes%length = 0
+    endif
+    deallocate(arg%childNodes%nodes)
+    arg%childNodes%nodes => temp_nl
+    arg%childNodes%length = size(arg%childNodes%nodes)
+    call updateNodeLists(arg%ownerDocument)
+    call updateTextContentLength(arg, newChild%textContentLength)
+  end function insertBefore
+  function replaceChild(arg, newChild, oldChild, ex)result(np) 
+    type(DOMException), intent(out), optional :: ex
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    type(Node), pointer :: newChild
+    type(Node), pointer :: oldChild
+    type(Node), pointer :: np
+    type(Node), pointer :: testChild, testParent, treeroot, this
+    type(ListNode), pointer :: temp_nl(:)
+    integer :: i, i2, i_t, i_tree
+    logical :: doneChildren, doneAttributes
+    if (.not.associated(arg).or..not.associated(newChild).or..not.associated(oldChild)) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_NODE_IS_NULL<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL, "replaceChild", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    if (arg%readonly) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR<200) then
+  call throw_exception(NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR, "replaceChild", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    testParent => arg
+    ! Check if you are allowed to put a newChild nodetype under a arg nodetype
+    if (newChild%nodeType==DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE) then
+      do i = 1, newChild%childNodes%length
+        testChild => newChild%childNodes%nodes(i)%this
+              select case(testParent%nodeType)
+      case (ELEMENT_NODE)
+        if (testChild%nodeType/=ELEMENT_NODE &
+          .and. testChild%nodeType/=TEXT_NODE &
+          .and. testChild%nodeType/=COMMENT_NODE &
+          .and. testChild%nodeType/=PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE &
+          .and. testChild%nodeType/=CDATA_SECTION_NODE &
+          .and. testChild%nodeType/=ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE) then
+          if (getFoX_checks().or.HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR<200) then
+  call throw_exception(HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR, "replaceChild", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+        endif
+      case (ATTRIBUTE_NODE)
+        if (testChild%nodeType/=TEXT_NODE &
+          .and. testChild%nodeType/=ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE) then
+          if (getFoX_checks().or.HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR<200) then
+  call throw_exception(HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR, "replaceChild", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+        endif
+        if (testChild%nodeType==ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE) then
+          treeroot => testChild
+    i_tree = 0
+    doneChildren = .false.
+    doneAttributes = .false.
+    this => treeroot
+    do
+      if (.not.doneChildren.and..not.(getNodeType(this)==ELEMENT_NODE.and.doneAttributes)) then
+          if (getNodeType(this)/=TEXT_NODE.and.getNodeType(this)/=ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE) then
+            if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR, "replaceChild", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+          endif
+      else
+        if (getNodeType(this)==ELEMENT_NODE.and..not.doneChildren) then
+          doneAttributes = .true.
+        else
+        endif
+      endif
+      if (.not.doneChildren) then
+        if (getNodeType(this)==ELEMENT_NODE.and..not.doneAttributes) then
+          if (getLength(getAttributes(this))>0) then
+            this => item(getAttributes(this), 0)
+          else
+            doneAttributes = .true.
+          endif
+        elseif (hasChildNodes(this)) then
+          this => getFirstChild(this)
+          doneChildren = .false.
+          doneAttributes = .false.
+        else
+          doneChildren = .true.
+          doneAttributes = .false.
+        endif
+      else ! if doneChildren
+        if (associated(this, treeroot)) exit
+        if (getNodeType(this)==ATTRIBUTE_NODE) then
+          if (i_tree<getLength(getAttributes(getOwnerElement(this)))-1) then
+            i_tree= i_tree+ 1
+            this => item(getAttributes(getOwnerElement(this)), i_tree)
+            doneChildren = .false.
+          else
+            i_tree= 0
+            this => getOwnerElement(this)
+            doneAttributes = .true.
+            doneChildren = .false.
+          endif
+        elseif (associated(getNextSibling(this))) then
+          this => getNextSibling(this)
+          doneChildren = .false.
+          doneAttributes = .false.
+        else
+          this => getParentNode(this)
+        endif
+      endif
+    enddo
+        endif
+      case (DOCUMENT_NODE)
+        if ((testChild%nodeType/=ELEMENT_NODE .or. &
+            (testChild%nodeType==ELEMENT_NODE &
+              .and.associated(testParent%docExtras%documentElement) &
+              .and.oldChild%nodeType/=ELEMENT_NODE)) &
+          .and. testChild%nodeType/=PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE &
+          .and. testChild%nodeType/=COMMENT_NODE &
+          .and. (testChild%nodeType/=DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE .or. &
+            (testChild%nodeType==DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE &
+              .and.associated(testParent%docExtras%docType) &
+              .and.oldChild%nodeType/=DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE))) then
+          if (getFoX_checks().or.HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR<200) then
+  call throw_exception(HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR, "replaceChild", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+        endif
+        if (testChild%nodeType/=ELEMENT_NODE &
+          .and. testChild%nodeType/=TEXT_NODE &
+          .and. testChild%nodeType/=COMMENT_NODE &
+          .and. testChild%nodeType/=PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE &
+          .and. testChild%nodeType/=CDATA_SECTION_NODE &
+          .and. testChild%nodeType/=ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE) then
+          if (getFoX_checks().or.HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR<200) then
+  call throw_exception(HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR, "replaceChild", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+        endif
+      case (ENTITY_NODE)
+        continue ! only allowed by DOM parser, not by user.
+        ! but entity nodes are always readonly anyway, so no problem
+        continue ! only allowed by DOM parser, not by user.
+        ! but entity nodes are always readonly anyway, so no problem
+      case default
+        if (getFoX_checks().or.HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR<200) then
+  call throw_exception(HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR, "replaceChild", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+      end select
+      enddo
+    else
+      testChild => newChild
+            select case(testParent%nodeType)
+      case (ELEMENT_NODE)
+        if (testChild%nodeType/=ELEMENT_NODE &
+          .and. testChild%nodeType/=TEXT_NODE &
+          .and. testChild%nodeType/=COMMENT_NODE &
+          .and. testChild%nodeType/=PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE &
+          .and. testChild%nodeType/=CDATA_SECTION_NODE &
+          .and. testChild%nodeType/=ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE) then
+          if (getFoX_checks().or.HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR<200) then
+  call throw_exception(HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR, "replaceChild", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+        endif
+      case (ATTRIBUTE_NODE)
+        if (testChild%nodeType/=TEXT_NODE &
+          .and. testChild%nodeType/=ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE) then
+          if (getFoX_checks().or.HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR<200) then
+  call throw_exception(HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR, "replaceChild", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+        endif
+        if (testChild%nodeType==ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE) then
+          treeroot => testChild
+    i_tree = 0
+    doneChildren = .false.
+    doneAttributes = .false.
+    this => treeroot
+    do
+      if (.not.doneChildren.and..not.(getNodeType(this)==ELEMENT_NODE.and.doneAttributes)) then
+          if (getNodeType(this)/=TEXT_NODE.and.getNodeType(this)/=ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE) then
+            if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR, "replaceChild", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+          endif
+      else
+        if (getNodeType(this)==ELEMENT_NODE.and..not.doneChildren) then
+          doneAttributes = .true.
+        else
+        endif
+      endif
+      if (.not.doneChildren) then
+        if (getNodeType(this)==ELEMENT_NODE.and..not.doneAttributes) then
+          if (getLength(getAttributes(this))>0) then
+            this => item(getAttributes(this), 0)
+          else
+            doneAttributes = .true.
+          endif
+        elseif (hasChildNodes(this)) then
+          this => getFirstChild(this)
+          doneChildren = .false.
+          doneAttributes = .false.
+        else
+          doneChildren = .true.
+          doneAttributes = .false.
+        endif
+      else ! if doneChildren
+        if (associated(this, treeroot)) exit
+        if (getNodeType(this)==ATTRIBUTE_NODE) then
+          if (i_tree<getLength(getAttributes(getOwnerElement(this)))-1) then
+            i_tree= i_tree+ 1
+            this => item(getAttributes(getOwnerElement(this)), i_tree)
+            doneChildren = .false.
+          else
+            i_tree= 0
+            this => getOwnerElement(this)
+            doneAttributes = .true.
+            doneChildren = .false.
+          endif
+        elseif (associated(getNextSibling(this))) then
+          this => getNextSibling(this)
+          doneChildren = .false.
+          doneAttributes = .false.
+        else
+          this => getParentNode(this)
+        endif
+      endif
+    enddo
+        endif
+      case (DOCUMENT_NODE)
+        if ((testChild%nodeType/=ELEMENT_NODE .or. &
+            (testChild%nodeType==ELEMENT_NODE &
+              .and.associated(testParent%docExtras%documentElement) &
+              .and.oldChild%nodeType/=ELEMENT_NODE)) &
+          .and. testChild%nodeType/=PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE &
+          .and. testChild%nodeType/=COMMENT_NODE &
+          .and. (testChild%nodeType/=DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE .or. &
+            (testChild%nodeType==DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE &
+              .and.associated(testParent%docExtras%docType) &
+              .and.oldChild%nodeType/=DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE))) then
+          if (getFoX_checks().or.HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR<200) then
+  call throw_exception(HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR, "replaceChild", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+        endif
+        if (testChild%nodeType/=ELEMENT_NODE &
+          .and. testChild%nodeType/=TEXT_NODE &
+          .and. testChild%nodeType/=COMMENT_NODE &
+          .and. testChild%nodeType/=PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE &
+          .and. testChild%nodeType/=CDATA_SECTION_NODE &
+          .and. testChild%nodeType/=ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE) then
+          if (getFoX_checks().or.HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR<200) then
+  call throw_exception(HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR, "replaceChild", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+        endif
+      case (ENTITY_NODE)
+        continue ! only allowed by DOM parser, not by user.
+        ! but entity nodes are always readonly anyway, so no problem
+        continue ! only allowed by DOM parser, not by user.
+        ! but entity nodes are always readonly anyway, so no problem
+      case default
+        if (getFoX_checks().or.HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR<200) then
+  call throw_exception(HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR, "replaceChild", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+      end select
+      ! And then check that newChild is not arg or one of args ancestors
+      ! (this would never be true if newChild is a documentFragment)
+      testParent => arg
+      do while (associated(testParent))
+        if (associated(testParent, newChild)) then
+          if (getFoX_checks().or.HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR<200) then
+  call throw_exception(HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR, "replaceChild", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+        endif
+        testParent => testParent%parentNode
+      enddo
+    endif
+    if (getNodeType(newChild)/=DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE.and. &
+      .not.(associated(arg%ownerDocument, newChild%ownerDocument) &
+        .or.associated(arg, newChild%ownerDocument))) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.WRONG_DOCUMENT_ERR<200) then
+  call throw_exception(WRONG_DOCUMENT_ERR, "replaceChild", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    if (associated(getParentNode(newChild))) &
+      newChild => removeChild(getParentNode(newChild), newChild, ex) 
+    if (arg%childNodes%length==0) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.NOT_FOUND_ERR<200) then
+  call throw_exception(NOT_FOUND_ERR, "replaceChild", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    elseif (newChild%nodeType==DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE) then
+      allocate(temp_nl(arg%childNodes%length+newChild%childNodes%length-1))
+    else
+      temp_nl => arg%childNodes%nodes
+    endif
+    i_t = 0
+    np => null()
+    do i = 1, arg%childNodes%length
+      if (associated(arg%childNodes%nodes(i)%this, oldChild)) then
+        np => oldChild
+        if (newChild%nodeType==DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE) then
+          do i2 = 1, newChild%childNodes%length
+            i_t = i_t + 1
+            temp_nl(i_t)%this => newChild%childNodes%nodes(i2)%this
+            temp_nl(i_t)%this%parentNode => arg
+!            call namespaceFixup(temp_nl(i_t)%this)
+          enddo
+        else
+          i_t = i_t + 1
+          temp_nl(i_t)%this => newChild
+          temp_nl(i_t)%this%parentNode => arg
+!          call namespaceFixup(temp_nl(i_t)%this)
+        endif
+        if (i==1) then
+          arg%firstChild => temp_nl(1)%this
+          !temp_nl(1)%this%previousSibling => null() ! This is a no-op
+        else 
+          temp_nl(i-1)%this%nextSibling => temp_nl(i)%this
+          temp_nl(i)%this%previousSibling => temp_nl(i-1)%this
+        endif
+        if (i==arg%childNodes%length) then
+          arg%lastChild => temp_nl(i_t)%this
+          !temp_nl(i_t)%this%nextSibling => null() ! This is a no-op
+        else
+          arg%childNodes%nodes(i+1)%this%previousSibling => temp_nl(i_t)%this
+          temp_nl(i_t)%this%nextSibling => arg%childNodes%nodes(i+1)%this
+        endif
+      else
+        i_t = i_t + 1
+        temp_nl(i_t)%this => arg%childNodes%nodes(i)%this
+      endif
+    enddo
+    if (.not.associated(np)) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.NOT_FOUND_ERR<200) then
+  call throw_exception(NOT_FOUND_ERR, "replaceChild", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    np%parentNode => null()
+    np%previousSibling => null()
+    np%nextSibling => null()
+!    call namespaceFixup(np)
+    if (getGCstate(arg%ownerDocument)) then
+      if (arg%inDocument) then
+        call removeNodesFromDocument(arg%ownerDocument, oldChild)
+        if (newChild%nodeType==DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE) then
+          do i = 1, newChild%childNodes%length
+            call putNodesInDocument(arg%ownerDocument, newChild%childNodes%nodes(i)%this)
+          enddo
+        else
+          call putNodesInDocument(arg%ownerDocument, newChild)
+        endif
+        ! If newChild was originally in document, it was removed above so must be re-added
+        ! Ideally we would avoid the cost of removing & re-adding to hangingnodelist
+      endif
+      ! If arg was not in the document, then newChildren were either 
+      ! a) removed above in call to removeChild or
+      ! b) in a document fragment and therefore not part of doc either
+    endif
+    if (newChild%nodeType==DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE) then
+      deallocate(newChild%childNodes%nodes)
+      allocate(newChild%childNodes%nodes(0))
+      newChild%childNodes%length = 0
+      deallocate(arg%childNodes%nodes)
+      arg%childNodes%nodes => temp_nl
+      arg%childNodes%length = size(arg%childNodes%nodes)
+    endif
+    call updateNodeLists(arg%ownerDocument)
+    call updateTextContentLength(arg, newChild%textContentLength-oldChild%textContentLength)
+  end function replaceChild
+  function removeChild(arg, oldChild, ex)result(np) 
+    type(DOMException), intent(out), optional :: ex
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    type(Node), pointer :: oldChild
+    type(Node), pointer :: np
+    type(ListNode), pointer :: temp_nl(:)
+    integer :: i, i_t
+    if (.not.associated(arg).or..not.associated(oldChild)) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_NODE_IS_NULL<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL, "removeChild", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    if (arg%readonly) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR<200) then
+  call throw_exception(NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR, "removeChild", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    allocate(temp_nl(size(arg%childNodes%nodes)-1))
+    i_t = 1
+    do i = 1, size(arg%childNodes%nodes)
+      if (associated(arg%childNodes%nodes(i)%this, oldChild)) then 
+        if (associated(arg%firstChild, arg%lastChild)) then
+          ! There is only one child, we are removing it.
+          arg%firstChild => null()
+          arg%lastChild => null()
+        elseif (i==1) then
+          ! We are removing the first child, but there is a second
+          arg%firstChild => arg%childNodes%nodes(2)%this
+          arg%childNodes%nodes(2)%this%previousSibling => null()
+        elseif (i==size(arg%childNodes%nodes)) then
+          ! We are removing the last child, but there is a second-to-last
+          arg%lastChild => arg%childNodes%nodes(i-1)%this
+          arg%childNodes%nodes(i-1)%this%nextSibling => null()
+        else
+          ! We are removing a child in the middle
+          arg%childNodes%nodes(i-1)%this%nextSibling => arg%childNodes%nodes(i+1)%this
+          arg%childNodes%nodes(i+1)%this%previousSibling => arg%childNodes%nodes(i-1)%this
+        endif
+      else
+        if (i_t==size(arg%childNodes%nodes)) exit ! We have failed to find the child
+        temp_nl(i_t)%this => arg%childNodes%nodes(i)%this
+        i_t = i_t + 1     
+      endif
+    enddo
+    deallocate(arg%childNodes%nodes)
+    arg%childNodes%nodes => temp_nl
+    arg%childNodes%length = size(temp_nl)
+    if (i==i_t) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.NOT_FOUND_ERR<200) then
+  call throw_exception(NOT_FOUND_ERR, "removeChild", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    oldChild%parentNode => null()
+    oldChild%previousSibling => null()
+    oldChild%nextSibling => null()
+!    call namespaceFixup(oldChild)
+    if (getGCstate(arg%ownerDocument)) then
+      if (arg%inDocument) then
+        call removeNodesFromDocument(arg%ownerDocument, oldChild)
+      endif
+    endif
+    np => oldChild
+    call updateNodeLists(arg%ownerDocument)
+    call updateTextContentLength(arg, -oldChild%textContentLength)
+  end function removeChild
+  function appendChild(arg, newChild, ex)result(np) 
+    type(DOMException), intent(out), optional :: ex
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    type(Node), pointer :: newChild
+    type(Node), pointer :: np
+    type(Node), pointer :: testChild, testParent, treeroot, this
+    type(ListNode), pointer :: temp_nl(:)
+    integer :: i, i_t, i_tree
+    logical :: doneChildren, doneAttributes
+    if (.not.associated(arg).or..not.associated(newChild)) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_NODE_IS_NULL<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL, "appendChild", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    if (arg%readonly) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR<200) then
+  call throw_exception(NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR, "appendChild", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    testParent => arg
+    ! Check if you are allowed to put a newChild nodetype under a arg nodetype
+    if (newChild%nodeType==DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE) then
+      do i = 1, newChild%childNodes%length
+        testChild => newChild%childNodes%nodes(i)%this
+              select case(testParent%nodeType)
+      case (ELEMENT_NODE)
+        if (testChild%nodeType/=ELEMENT_NODE &
+          .and. testChild%nodeType/=TEXT_NODE &
+          .and. testChild%nodeType/=COMMENT_NODE &
+          .and. testChild%nodeType/=PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE &
+          .and. testChild%nodeType/=CDATA_SECTION_NODE &
+          .and. testChild%nodeType/=ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE) then
+          if (getFoX_checks().or.HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR<200) then
+  call throw_exception(HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR, "appendChild", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+        endif
+      case (ATTRIBUTE_NODE)
+        if (testChild%nodeType/=TEXT_NODE &
+          .and. testChild%nodeType/=ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE) then
+          if (getFoX_checks().or.HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR<200) then
+  call throw_exception(HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR, "appendChild", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+        endif
+        if (testChild%nodeType==ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE) then
+          treeroot => testChild
+    i_tree = 0
+    doneChildren = .false.
+    doneAttributes = .false.
+    this => treeroot
+    do
+      if (.not.doneChildren.and..not.(getNodeType(this)==ELEMENT_NODE.and.doneAttributes)) then
+          if (getNodeType(this)/=TEXT_NODE.and.getNodeType(this)/=ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE) then
+            if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR, "appendChild", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+          endif
+      else
+        if (getNodeType(this)==ELEMENT_NODE.and..not.doneChildren) then
+          doneAttributes = .true.
+        else
+        endif
+      endif
+      if (.not.doneChildren) then
+        if (getNodeType(this)==ELEMENT_NODE.and..not.doneAttributes) then
+          if (getLength(getAttributes(this))>0) then
+            this => item(getAttributes(this), 0)
+          else
+            doneAttributes = .true.
+          endif
+        elseif (hasChildNodes(this)) then
+          this => getFirstChild(this)
+          doneChildren = .false.
+          doneAttributes = .false.
+        else
+          doneChildren = .true.
+          doneAttributes = .false.
+        endif
+      else ! if doneChildren
+        if (associated(this, treeroot)) exit
+        if (getNodeType(this)==ATTRIBUTE_NODE) then
+          if (i_tree<getLength(getAttributes(getOwnerElement(this)))-1) then
+            i_tree= i_tree+ 1
+            this => item(getAttributes(getOwnerElement(this)), i_tree)
+            doneChildren = .false.
+          else
+            i_tree= 0
+            this => getOwnerElement(this)
+            doneAttributes = .true.
+            doneChildren = .false.
+          endif
+        elseif (associated(getNextSibling(this))) then
+          this => getNextSibling(this)
+          doneChildren = .false.
+          doneAttributes = .false.
+        else
+          this => getParentNode(this)
+        endif
+      endif
+    enddo
+        endif
+      case (DOCUMENT_NODE)
+        if ((testChild%nodeType/=ELEMENT_NODE .or. &
+            (testChild%nodeType==ELEMENT_NODE &
+              .and.associated(testParent%docExtras%documentElement))) &
+          .and. testChild%nodeType/=PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE &
+          .and. testChild%nodeType/=COMMENT_NODE &
+          .and. (testChild%nodeType/=DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE .or. &
+            (testChild%nodeType==DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE &
+              .and.associated(testParent%docExtras%docType)))) then
+          if (getFoX_checks().or.HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR<200) then
+  call throw_exception(HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR, "appendChild", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+        endif
+        if (testChild%nodeType/=ELEMENT_NODE &
+          .and. testChild%nodeType/=TEXT_NODE &
+          .and. testChild%nodeType/=COMMENT_NODE &
+          .and. testChild%nodeType/=PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE &
+          .and. testChild%nodeType/=CDATA_SECTION_NODE &
+          .and. testChild%nodeType/=ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE) then
+          if (getFoX_checks().or.HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR<200) then
+  call throw_exception(HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR, "appendChild", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+        endif
+      case (ENTITY_NODE)
+        continue ! only allowed by DOM parser, not by user.
+        ! but entity nodes are always readonly anyway, so no problem
+        continue ! only allowed by DOM parser, not by user.
+        ! but entity nodes are always readonly anyway, so no problem
+      case default
+        if (getFoX_checks().or.HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR<200) then
+  call throw_exception(HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR, "appendChild", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+      end select
+      enddo
+    else
+      testChild => newChild
+            select case(testParent%nodeType)
+      case (ELEMENT_NODE)
+        if (testChild%nodeType/=ELEMENT_NODE &
+          .and. testChild%nodeType/=TEXT_NODE &
+          .and. testChild%nodeType/=COMMENT_NODE &
+          .and. testChild%nodeType/=PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE &
+          .and. testChild%nodeType/=CDATA_SECTION_NODE &
+          .and. testChild%nodeType/=ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE) then
+          if (getFoX_checks().or.HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR<200) then
+  call throw_exception(HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR, "appendChild", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+        endif
+      case (ATTRIBUTE_NODE)
+        if (testChild%nodeType/=TEXT_NODE &
+          .and. testChild%nodeType/=ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE) then
+          if (getFoX_checks().or.HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR<200) then
+  call throw_exception(HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR, "appendChild", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+        endif
+        if (testChild%nodeType==ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE) then
+          treeroot => testChild
+    i_tree = 0
+    doneChildren = .false.
+    doneAttributes = .false.
+    this => treeroot
+    do
+      if (.not.doneChildren.and..not.(getNodeType(this)==ELEMENT_NODE.and.doneAttributes)) then
+          if (getNodeType(this)/=TEXT_NODE.and.getNodeType(this)/=ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE) then
+            if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR, "appendChild", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+          endif
+      else
+        if (getNodeType(this)==ELEMENT_NODE.and..not.doneChildren) then
+          doneAttributes = .true.
+        else
+        endif
+      endif
+      if (.not.doneChildren) then
+        if (getNodeType(this)==ELEMENT_NODE.and..not.doneAttributes) then
+          if (getLength(getAttributes(this))>0) then
+            this => item(getAttributes(this), 0)
+          else
+            doneAttributes = .true.
+          endif
+        elseif (hasChildNodes(this)) then
+          this => getFirstChild(this)
+          doneChildren = .false.
+          doneAttributes = .false.
+        else
+          doneChildren = .true.
+          doneAttributes = .false.
+        endif
+      else ! if doneChildren
+        if (associated(this, treeroot)) exit
+        if (getNodeType(this)==ATTRIBUTE_NODE) then
+          if (i_tree<getLength(getAttributes(getOwnerElement(this)))-1) then
+            i_tree= i_tree+ 1
+            this => item(getAttributes(getOwnerElement(this)), i_tree)
+            doneChildren = .false.
+          else
+            i_tree= 0
+            this => getOwnerElement(this)
+            doneAttributes = .true.
+            doneChildren = .false.
+          endif
+        elseif (associated(getNextSibling(this))) then
+          this => getNextSibling(this)
+          doneChildren = .false.
+          doneAttributes = .false.
+        else
+          this => getParentNode(this)
+        endif
+      endif
+    enddo
+        endif
+      case (DOCUMENT_NODE)
+        if ((testChild%nodeType/=ELEMENT_NODE .or. &
+            (testChild%nodeType==ELEMENT_NODE &
+              .and.associated(testParent%docExtras%documentElement))) &
+          .and. testChild%nodeType/=PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE &
+          .and. testChild%nodeType/=COMMENT_NODE &
+          .and. (testChild%nodeType/=DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE .or. &
+            (testChild%nodeType==DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE &
+              .and.associated(testParent%docExtras%docType)))) then
+          if (getFoX_checks().or.HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR<200) then
+  call throw_exception(HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR, "appendChild", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+        endif
+        if (testChild%nodeType/=ELEMENT_NODE &
+          .and. testChild%nodeType/=TEXT_NODE &
+          .and. testChild%nodeType/=COMMENT_NODE &
+          .and. testChild%nodeType/=PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE &
+          .and. testChild%nodeType/=CDATA_SECTION_NODE &
+          .and. testChild%nodeType/=ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE) then
+          if (getFoX_checks().or.HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR<200) then
+  call throw_exception(HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR, "appendChild", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+        endif
+      case (ENTITY_NODE)
+        continue ! only allowed by DOM parser, not by user.
+        ! but entity nodes are always readonly anyway, so no problem
+        continue ! only allowed by DOM parser, not by user.
+        ! but entity nodes are always readonly anyway, so no problem
+      case default
+        if (getFoX_checks().or.HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR<200) then
+  call throw_exception(HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR, "appendChild", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+      end select
+      ! And then check that newChild is not arg or one of args ancestors
+      ! (this would never be true if newChild is a documentFragment)
+      testParent => arg
+      do while (associated(testParent))
+        if (associated(testParent, newChild)) then
+          if (getFoX_checks().or.HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR<200) then
+  call throw_exception(HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR, "appendChild", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+        endif
+        testParent => testParent%parentNode
+      enddo
+    endif
+    if (getNodeType(newChild)/=DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE.and. &
+      .not.(associated(arg%ownerDocument, newChild%ownerDocument) &
+            .or.associated(arg, newChild%ownerDocument))) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.WRONG_DOCUMENT_ERR<200) then
+  call throw_exception(WRONG_DOCUMENT_ERR, "appendChild", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    if (newChild%nodeType==DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE &
+      .and. newChild%childNodes%length==0) then
+      np => newChild
+      return
+      ! Nothing to do
+    endif
+    if (associated(getParentNode(newChild))) &
+      newChild => removeChild(getParentNode(newChild), newChild, ex) 
+    if (newChild%nodeType==DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE) then
+      allocate(temp_nl(arg%childNodes%length+newChild%childNodes%length))
+    else
+      allocate(temp_nl(arg%childNodes%length+1))
+    endif
+    do i = 1, arg%childNodes%length
+      temp_nl(i)%this => arg%childNodes%nodes(i)%this
+    enddo
+    if (newChild%nodeType==DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE) then
+      i_t = arg%childNodes%length
+      do i = 1, newChild%childNodes%length
+        i_t = i_t + 1
+        temp_nl(i_t)%this => newChild%childNodes%nodes(i)%this
+        if (arg%inDocument) &
+          call putNodesInDocument(arg%ownerDocument, temp_nl(i_t)%this)
+        temp_nl(i_t)%this%parentNode => arg
+!        call namespaceFixup(temp_nl(i_t)%this)
+      enddo
+      if (arg%childNodes%length==0) then
+        arg%firstChild => newChild%firstChild
+      else
+        newChild%firstChild%previousSibling => arg%lastChild
+        arg%lastChild%nextSibling => newChild%firstChild
+      endif
+      arg%lastChild => newChild%lastChild
+      newChild%firstChild => null()
+      newChild%lastChild => null()
+      deallocate(newChild%childNodes%nodes)
+      allocate(newChild%childNodes%nodes(0))
+      newChild%childNodes%length = 0
+    else
+      temp_nl(i)%this => newChild
+      if (i==1) then
+        arg%firstChild => newChild
+        newChild%previousSibling => null()
+      else
+        temp_nl(i-1)%this%nextSibling => newChild
+        newChild%previousSibling => temp_nl(i-1)%this     
+      endif
+      if (getGCstate(arg%ownerDocument)) then
+        if (arg%inDocument.and..not.newChild%inDocument) then
+          call putNodesInDocument(arg%ownerDocument, newChild)
+        endif
+      endif
+      newChild%nextSibling => null()
+      arg%lastChild => newChild
+      newChild%parentNode => arg
+!      call namespaceFixup(newChild)
+    endif
+    deallocate(arg%childNodes%nodes)
+    arg%childNodes%nodes => temp_nl
+    arg%childNodes%length = size(temp_nl)
+    np => newChild
+    call updateNodeLists(arg%ownerDocument)
+    call updateTextContentLength(arg, newChild%textContentLength)
+  end function appendChild
+  function hasChildNodes(arg, ex) 
+    type(DOMException), intent(out), optional :: ex
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    logical :: hasChildNodes
+    if (.not.associated(arg)) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_NODE_IS_NULL<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL, "hasChildNodes", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    hasChildNodes = associated(arg%firstChild)
+  end function hasChildNodes
+  recursive function cloneNode(arg, deep, ex)result(np) 
+    type(DOMException), intent(out), optional :: ex
+    ! Needs to be recursive in case of entity-references within each other.
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    logical, intent(in) :: deep
+    type(Node), pointer :: np
+    type(Node), pointer :: doc, treeroot, thatParent, this, new, ERchild
+    logical :: doneAttributes, doneChildren, readonly, brokenNS
+    integer :: i_tree
+    if (.not.associated(arg)) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_NODE_IS_NULL<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL, "cloneNode", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    thatParent => null()
+    ERchild => null()
+    doc => getOwnerDocument(arg)
+    if (.not.associated(doc)) return
+    np => null()
+    brokenNS = doc%docExtras%brokenNS
+    doc%docExtras%brokenNS = .true. ! May need to do stupid NS things
+    readonly = .false.
+    treeroot => arg
+    i_tree = 0
+    doneChildren = .false.
+    doneAttributes = .false.
+    this => treeroot
+    do
+      if (.not.doneChildren.and..not.(getNodeType(this)==ELEMENT_NODE.and.doneAttributes)) then
+      new => null()
+      select case(getNodeType(this))
+      case (ELEMENT_NODE)
+        if (getParameter(getDomConfig(doc), "namespaces")) then
+          new => createEmptyElementNS(doc, getNamespaceURI(this), getTagName(this))
+        else
+          new => createEmptyElement(doc, getTagName(this))
+        endif
+      case (ATTRIBUTE_NODE)
+        if (getParameter(getDomConfig(doc), "namespaces")) then
+          new => createAttributeNS(doc, getNamespaceURI(this), getName(this))
+        else
+          new => createAttribute(doc, getName(this))
+        endif
+        if (associated(this, arg)) then
+          call setSpecified(new, .true.)
+        else
+          call setSpecified(new, getSpecified(this))
+        endif
+      case (TEXT_NODE)
+        new => createTextNode(doc, getData(this))
+      case (CDATA_SECTION_NODE)
+        new => createCDataSection(doc, getData(this))
+        ERchild => this
+        readonly = .true.
+        new => createEntityReference(doc, getNodeName(this))
+        doneChildren = .true.
+      case (ENTITY_NODE)
+        return
+        new => createProcessingInstruction(doc, getTarget(this), getData(this))
+      case (COMMENT_NODE)
+        new => createComment(doc, getData(this))
+      case (DOCUMENT_NODE)
+        return
+      case (DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE)
+        return
+        new => createDocumentFragment(doc)
+      case (NOTATION_NODE)
+        return
+      end select
+      if (.not.associated(thatParent)) then
+        thatParent => new
+      elseif (associated(new)) then
+        if (this%nodeType==ATTRIBUTE_NODE) then
+          new => setAttributeNode(thatParent, new)
+        else
+          new => appendChild(thatParent, new)
+        endif
+      endif
+      if (.not.deep) then
+        if (getNodeType(arg)==ATTRIBUTE_NODE.or.getNodeType(arg)==ELEMENT_NODE) then
+          continue
+        else
+          exit
+        endif
+      endif
+      else
+        if (getNodeType(this)==ELEMENT_NODE.and..not.doneChildren) then
+          doneAttributes = .true.
+        else
+      if (getNodeType(this)==ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE &
+        .and.associated(ERchild, this)) then
+          ERchild => null()
+          readonly = .false.
+      endif
+      this%readonly = readonly
+        endif
+      endif
+      if (.not.doneChildren) then
+        if (getNodeType(this)==ELEMENT_NODE.and..not.doneAttributes) then
+          if (getLength(getAttributes(this))>0) then
+            if (.not.associated(this, treeroot)) thatParent => getLastChild(thatParent)
+            this => item(getAttributes(this), 0)
+          else
+            if (.not.deep) exit
+            doneAttributes = .true.
+          endif
+        elseif (hasChildNodes(this)) then
+          if (getNodeType(this)==ELEMENT_NODE.and..not.deep) exit
+          if (.not.associated(this, treeroot)) then
+            if (getNodeType(this)==ATTRIBUTE_NODE) then
+              thatParent => item(getAttributes(thatParent), i_tree)
+            else
+              thatParent => getLastChild(thatParent)
+            endif
+          endif
+          this => getFirstChild(this)
+          doneChildren = .false.
+          doneAttributes = .false.
+        else
+          doneChildren = .true.
+          doneAttributes = .false.
+        endif
+      else ! if doneChildren
+        if (associated(this, treeroot)) exit
+        if (getNodeType(this)==ATTRIBUTE_NODE) then
+          if (i_tree<getLength(getAttributes(getOwnerElement(this)))-1) then
+            i_tree= i_tree+ 1
+            this => item(getAttributes(getOwnerElement(this)), i_tree)
+            doneChildren = .false.
+          else
+            i_tree= 0
+            if (associated(getParentNode(thatParent))) thatParent => getParentNode(thatParent)
+            this => getOwnerElement(this)
+            doneAttributes = .true.
+            doneChildren = .false.
+          endif
+        elseif (associated(getNextSibling(this))) then
+          this => getNextSibling(this)
+          doneChildren = .false.
+          doneAttributes = .false.
+        else
+          this => getParentNode(this)
+          if (.not.associated(this, treeroot)) then
+            if (getNodeType(this)==ATTRIBUTE_NODE) then
+              thatParent => getOwnerElement(thatParent)
+            else
+              thatParent => getParentNode(thatParent)
+            endif
+          endif
+        endif
+      endif
+    enddo
+    np => thatParent
+    doc%docExtras%brokenNS = brokenNS
+  end function cloneNode
+  function hasAttributes(arg, ex) 
+    type(DOMException), intent(out), optional :: ex
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    logical :: hasAttributes
+    if (.not.associated(arg)) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_NODE_IS_NULL<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL, "hasAttributes", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    if (arg%nodeType == ELEMENT_NODE) then
+      hasAttributes = (getLength(getAttributes(arg)) > 0)
+    else
+      hasAttributes = .false.
+    endif
+  end function hasAttributes
+!  function getBaseURI FIXME
+!  function compareDocumentPosition FIXME
+  subroutine normalize(arg, ex)
+    type(DOMException), intent(out), optional :: ex
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    type(Node), pointer :: this, tempNode, oldNode, treeroot
+    integer :: i_tree, i_t
+    logical :: doneChildren, doneAttributes
+    character, pointer :: temp(:)
+    if (.not.associated(arg)) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_NODE_IS_NULL<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL, "normalize", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+! DOM standard requires we ignore readonly status
+    treeroot => arg
+    i_tree = 0
+    doneChildren = .false.
+    doneAttributes = .false.
+    this => treeroot
+    do
+      if (.not.doneChildren.and..not.(getNodeType(this)==ELEMENT_NODE.and.doneAttributes)) then
+      if (getNodeType(this)==TEXT_NODE) then
+        if (associated(this, arg)) exit ! If we are called on a text node itself, then do nothing.
+        i_t = getLength(this)
+        tempNode => getNextSibling(this)
+        do while (associated(tempNode))
+          if (getNodeType(tempNode)/=TEXT_NODE) exit
+          i_t = i_t + getLength(tempNode)
+          tempNode => getNextSibling(tempNode)
+        enddo
+        if (.not.associated(tempNode, getNextSibling(this))) then
+          allocate(temp(i_t))
+          temp(:getLength(this)) = vs_str(getData(this))
+          i_t = getLength(this)
+          tempNode => getNextSibling(this)
+          do while (associated(tempNode))
+            if (getNodeType(tempNode)/=TEXT_NODE) exit
+            temp(i_t+1:i_t+getLength(tempNode)) = vs_str(getData(tempNode))
+            i_t = i_t + getLength(tempNode)
+            oldNode => tempNode
+            tempNode => getNextSibling(tempNode)
+            oldNode => removeChild(getParentNode(oldNode), oldNode)
+            call remove_node_nl(arg%ownerDocument%docExtras%hangingNodes, oldNode)
+            call destroy(oldNode)
+          enddo
+          deallocate(this%nodeValue)
+          this%nodeValue => temp
+        endif
+      end if
+      else
+        if (getNodeType(this)==ELEMENT_NODE.and..not.doneChildren) then
+          doneAttributes = .true.
+        else
+        endif
+      endif
+      if (.not.doneChildren) then
+        if (getNodeType(this)==ELEMENT_NODE.and..not.doneAttributes) then
+          if (getLength(getAttributes(this))>0) then
+            this => item(getAttributes(this), 0)
+          else
+            doneAttributes = .true.
+          endif
+        elseif (hasChildNodes(this)) then
+          this => getFirstChild(this)
+          doneChildren = .false.
+          doneAttributes = .false.
+        else
+          doneChildren = .true.
+          doneAttributes = .false.
+        endif
+      else ! if doneChildren
+        if (associated(this, treeroot)) exit
+        if (getNodeType(this)==ATTRIBUTE_NODE) then
+          if (i_tree<getLength(getAttributes(getOwnerElement(this)))-1) then
+            i_tree= i_tree+ 1
+            this => item(getAttributes(getOwnerElement(this)), i_tree)
+            doneChildren = .false.
+          else
+            i_tree= 0
+            this => getOwnerElement(this)
+            doneAttributes = .true.
+            doneChildren = .false.
+          endif
+        elseif (associated(getNextSibling(this))) then
+          this => getNextSibling(this)
+          doneChildren = .false.
+          doneAttributes = .false.
+        else
+          this => getParentNode(this)
+        endif
+      endif
+    enddo
+  end subroutine normalize
+  function isSupported(arg, feature, version, ex)result(p) 
+    type(DOMException), intent(out), optional :: ex
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: feature
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: version
+    logical :: p
+    if (.not.associated(arg)) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_NODE_IS_NULL<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL, "isSupported", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    p = hasFeature(getImplementation(arg%ownerDocument), feature, version)
+  end function isSupported
+  pure function getNamespaceURI_len(arg, p) result(n)
+    type(Node), intent(in) :: arg
+    logical, intent(in) :: p
+    integer :: n
+    n = 0
+    if (p) then
+      if (arg%nodeType==ELEMENT_NODE &
+        .or. arg%nodeType==ATTRIBUTE_NODE &
+        .or. arg%nodeType==XPATH_NAMESPACE_NODE) then
+        n = size(arg%elExtras%namespaceURI)
+      endif
+    endif
+  end function getNamespaceURI_len
+  function getNamespaceURI(arg, ex)result(c) 
+    type(DOMException), intent(out), optional :: ex
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    character(len=getNamespaceURI_len(arg, .true.)) :: c
+    character(len=getNamespaceURI_len(arg, associated(arg))) :: c
+    if (.not.associated(arg)) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_NODE_IS_NULL<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL, "getNamespaceURI", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    c = ""
+    if (arg%nodeType==ELEMENT_NODE &
+      .or. arg%nodeType==ATTRIBUTE_NODE &
+      .or. arg%nodeType==XPATH_NAMESPACE_NODE) then
+      c = str_vs(arg%elExtras%namespaceURI)
+    endif
+  end function getNamespaceURI
+subroutine setnamespaceURI(np, c, ex)
+    type(DOMException), intent(out), optional :: ex
+    type(Node), pointer :: np
+    character(len=*) :: c
+    if (.not.associated(np)) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_NODE_IS_NULL<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL, "setnamespaceURI", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+   if (getNodeType(np)/=XPATH_NAMESPACE_NODE .and. &
+      .true.) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_INVALID_NODE<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_INVALID_NODE, "setnamespaceURI", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    if (associated(np%elExtras%namespaceURI)) deallocate(np%elExtras%namespaceURI)
+    np%elExtras%namespaceURI => vs_str_alloc(c)
+  end subroutine setnamespaceURI
+  pure function getPrefix_len(arg, p) result(n)
+    type(Node), intent(in) :: arg
+    logical, intent(in) :: p
+    integer :: n
+    n = 0
+    if (p) then
+      if (arg%nodeType==ELEMENT_NODE &
+        .or. arg%nodeType==ATTRIBUTE_NODE &
+        .or. arg%nodeType==XPATH_NAMESPACE_NODE) then
+        n = size(arg%elExtras%prefix)
+      endif
+    endif
+  end function getPrefix_len
+  function getPrefix(arg, ex)result(c) 
+    type(DOMException), intent(out), optional :: ex
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    character(len=getPrefix_len(arg, .true.)) :: c
+    character(len=getPrefix_len(arg, associated(arg))) :: c
+    if (.not.associated(arg)) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_NODE_IS_NULL<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL, "getPrefix", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    c = ""
+    if (arg%nodeType==ELEMENT_NODE &
+      .or. arg%nodeType==ATTRIBUTE_NODE &
+      .or. arg%nodeType==XPATH_NAMESPACE_NODE) then
+      c = str_vs(arg%elExtras%prefix)
+    endif
+  end function getPrefix
+  subroutine setPrefix(arg, prefix, ex)
+    type(DOMException), intent(out), optional :: ex
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    character(len=*) :: prefix
+    character, pointer :: tmp(:)
+    integer :: i
+    if (.not.associated(arg)) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_NODE_IS_NULL<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL, "setPrefix", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    if (arg%nodeType==ELEMENT_NODE &
+      .or. arg%nodeType==ATTRIBUTE_NODE &
+      .or. arg%nodeType==XPATH_NAMESPACE_NODE) then
+      if (arg%readonly) then
+        if (getFoX_checks().or.NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR<200) then
+  call throw_exception(NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR, "setPrefix", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+      elseif (.not.checkName(prefix, getXmlVersionEnum(getOwnerDocument(arg)))) then
+        if (getFoX_checks().or.INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR<200) then
+  call throw_exception(INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR, "setPrefix", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+      elseif (.not.checkNCName(prefix, getXmlVersionEnum(getOwnerDocument(arg)))) then
+        if (getFoX_checks().or.NAMESPACE_ERR<200) then
+  call throw_exception(NAMESPACE_ERR, "setPrefix", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+      elseif (size(arg%elExtras%namespaceURI)==0) then
+        if (getFoX_checks().or.NAMESPACE_ERR<200) then
+  call throw_exception(NAMESPACE_ERR, "setPrefix", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+      elseif (prefix=="xml" .and. &
+        str_vs(arg%elExtras%namespaceURI)/="http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace") then
+        if (getFoX_checks().or.NAMESPACE_ERR<200) then
+  call throw_exception(NAMESPACE_ERR, "setPrefix", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+      elseif (prefix=="xmlns" .and. (getNodeType(arg)/=ATTRIBUTE_NODE &
+        .or. str_vs(arg%elExtras%namespaceURI)/="http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/")) then
+        if (getFoX_checks().or.NAMESPACE_ERR<200) then
+  call throw_exception(NAMESPACE_ERR, "setPrefix", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+      elseif (getNodeType(arg)==ATTRIBUTE_NODE.and.getName(arg)=="xmlns") then
+        if (getFoX_checks().or.NAMESPACE_ERR<200) then
+  call throw_exception(NAMESPACE_ERR, "setPrefix", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+      endif
+! FIXME check if prefix is declared and already points to same namespace
+! but only if we ever get full error-checking up and running.
+      deallocate(arg%elExtras%prefix)
+      arg%elExtras%prefix => vs_str_alloc(prefix)
+      tmp => arg%nodeName
+      i = index(str_vs(arg%nodeName), ":")
+      if (i==0) then
+        arg%nodeName => vs_str_alloc(prefix//":"//str_vs(tmp))
+      else
+        arg%nodeName => vs_str_alloc(prefix//str_vs(tmp(i:)))
+      endif
+      deallocate(tmp)
+    endif
+    call updateNodeLists(arg%ownerDocument)
+  end subroutine setPrefix
+  pure function getLocalName_len(arg, p) result(n)
+    type(Node), intent(in) :: arg
+    logical, intent(in) :: p
+    integer :: n
+    n = 0
+    if (p) then
+      if (arg%nodeType==ELEMENT_NODE &
+        .or. arg%nodeType==ATTRIBUTE_NODE &
+        .or. arg%nodeType==XPATH_NAMESPACE_NODE) then
+        n = size(arg%elExtras%localName)
+      endif
+    endif
+  end function getLocalName_len
+  function getLocalName(arg, ex)result(c) 
+    type(DOMException), intent(out), optional :: ex
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    character(len=getLocalName_len(arg, .true.)) :: c
+    character(len=getLocalName_len(arg, associated(arg))) :: c
+    if (.not.associated(arg)) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_NODE_IS_NULL<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL, "getLocalName", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    c = ""
+    if (arg%nodeType==ELEMENT_NODE &
+      .or. arg%nodeType==ATTRIBUTE_NODE &
+      .or. arg%nodeType==XPATH_NAMESPACE_NODE) then
+      c = str_vs(arg%elExtras%localName)
+    endif
+  end function getLocalName
+  recursive function isEqualNode(arg, other, ex)result(p) 
+    type(DOMException), intent(out), optional :: ex
+    ! We only have one level of recursion, in case of element attributes
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    type(Node), pointer :: other
+    logical :: p
+    type(Node), pointer :: this, that, treeroot, treeroot2, att1, att2
+    type(NodeList), pointer :: children1, children2
+    type(NamedNodeMap), pointer :: atts1, atts2
+    integer :: i_tree, i
+    logical :: doneChildren, doneAttributes, equal
+    if (.not.associated(arg)) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_NODE_IS_NULL<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL, "isEqualNode", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    if (isSameNode(arg, other)) then
+      ! Shortcut the treewalking
+      p = .true.
+      return
+    else
+      p = .false.
+    endif
+    treeroot => arg
+    treeroot2 => other
+    i_tree = 0
+    doneChildren = .false.
+    doneAttributes = .false.
+    this => treeroot
+    that => treeroot2
+    equal = .false.
+    do
+      if (getNodeType(this)/=getNodeType(that)) exit
+      if (.not.doneChildren.and..not.(getNodeType(this)==ELEMENT_NODE.and.doneAttributes)) then
+      if (getNodeType(this)/=getNodeType(that)) return
+      ! Check necessary equal attributes ...
+      if (getNodeName(this)/=getNodeName(that) &
+        .or. getLocalName(this)/=getLocalName(that) &
+        .or. getNamespaceURI(this)/=getNamespaceURI(that) &
+        .or. getPrefix(this)/=getPrefix(that) &
+        .or. getNodeValue(this)/=getNodeValue(that)) &
+        return
+      children1 => getChildNodes(this)
+      children2 => getChildNodes(that)
+      if (getLength(children1)/=getLength(children2)) return
+      ! Well get to the contents of the children later on anyway.
+      if (getNodeType(this)==ELEMENT_NODE) then
+        ! We must treat attributes specially here (rather than relying on
+        ! treewalk) since the order can legitimately change.
+        atts1 => getAttributes(this)
+        atts2 => getAttributes(that)
+        if (getLength(atts1)/=getLength(atts2)) return
+        do i = 0, getLength(atts1)-1
+          att1 => item(atts1, i)
+          if (getNamespaceURI(att1)=="") then
+            att2 => getNamedItem(atts2, getNodeName(att1))
+          else
+            att2 => getNamedItemNS(atts2, getLocalName(att1), getNamespaceURI(att1))
+          endif
+          if (.not.associated(att2)) return
+          if (.not.isEqualNode(att1, att2)) return
+        enddo
+        doneAttributes = .true.
+      elseif (getNodeType(this)==DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE) then
+        if (getPublicId(this)/=getPublicId(that) &
+          .or. getSystemId(this)/=getSystemId(that) &
+          .or. getInternalSubset(this)/=getInternalSubset(that)) return
+        atts1 => getEntities(this)
+        atts2 => getEntities(that)
+        if (getLength(atts1)/=getLength(atts2)) return
+        do i = 0, getLength(atts1)-1
+          att1 => item(atts1, i)
+          att2 => getNamedItem(atts2, getNodeName(att1))
+          if (.not.associated(att2)) return
+          if (.not.isEqualNode(att1, att2)) return
+        enddo
+        atts1 => getNotations(this)
+        atts2 => getNotations(that)
+        if (getLength(atts1)/=getLength(atts2)) return
+        do i = 0, getLength(atts1)-1
+          att1 => item(atts1, i)
+          att2 => getNamedItem(atts2, getNodeName(att1))
+          if (.not.associated(att2)) return
+          if (.not.isEqualNode(att1, att2)) return
+        enddo
+      endif
+      else
+        if (getNodeType(this)==ELEMENT_NODE.and..not.doneChildren) then
+          doneAttributes = .true.
+        else
+        endif
+      endif
+      if (.not.doneChildren) then
+        if (getNodeType(this)==ELEMENT_NODE.and..not.doneAttributes) then
+          if (getLength(getAttributes(this))/=getLength(getAttributes(that))) exit
+          if (getLength(getAttributes(this))>0) then
+            this => item(getAttributes(this), 0)
+            that => item(getAttributes(that), 0)
+          else
+            doneAttributes = .true.
+          endif
+        elseif (hasChildNodes(this).or.hasChildNodes(that)) then
+          if (getLength(getChildNodes(this))/=getLength(getChildNodes(that))) exit
+          this => getFirstChild(this)
+          that => getFirstChild(that)
+          doneChildren = .false.
+          doneAttributes = .false.
+        else
+          doneChildren = .true.
+          doneAttributes = .false.
+        endif
+      else ! if doneChildren
+        if (associated(this, treeroot)) exit
+        if (getNodeType(this)==ATTRIBUTE_NODE) then
+          if (i_tree<getLength(getAttributes(getOwnerElement(this)))-1) then
+            i_tree= i_tree+ 1
+            this => item(getAttributes(getOwnerElement(this)), i_tree)
+            that => item(getAttributes(getOwnerElement(that)), i_tree)
+            doneChildren = .false.
+          else
+            i_tree= 0
+            this => getOwnerElement(this)
+            that => getOwnerElement(that)
+            doneAttributes = .true.
+            doneChildren = .false.
+          endif
+        elseif (associated(getNextSibling(this))) then
+          this => getNextSibling(this)
+          that => getNextSibling(that)
+          doneChildren = .false.
+          doneAttributes = .false.
+        else
+          this => getParentNode(this)
+          that => getParentNode(that)
+        endif
+      endif
+    enddo
+    p = .true.
+  end function isEqualNode
+  function isSameNode(arg, other, ex) 
+    type(DOMException), intent(out), optional :: ex
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    type(Node), pointer :: other
+    logical :: isSameNode
+    if (.not.associated(arg).or..not.associated(other)) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_NODE_IS_NULL<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL, "isSameNode", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    isSameNode = associated(arg, other)
+  end function isSameNode
+  !FIXME all the lookup* functions below are out of spec,
+  ! since they rely on a statically-calculated set of NSnodes
+  ! which is only generated at parse time, and updated after
+  ! normalize.
+  ! the spec reckons it should be dynamic, but because we need
+  ! to know string lengths, which must be calculated inside
+  ! a pure function, we cant do the recursive walk we need to.
+  ! (although isDefaultNamespace could be fixed easily enough)
+  function isDefaultNamespace(np, namespaceURI, ex)result(p) 
+    type(DOMException), intent(out), optional :: ex
+    type(Node), pointer :: np
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: namespaceURI
+    logical :: p
+    type(Node), pointer :: el
+    integer :: i
+    if (.not.associated(np)) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_NODE_IS_NULL<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL, "isDefaultNamespace", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    el => null()
+    select case(getNodeType(np))
+    case (ELEMENT_NODE)
+      el => np
+    case (ATTRIBUTE_NODE)
+      el => getOwnerElement(np)
+    case (DOCUMENT_NODE)
+      el => getDocumentElement(np)
+    end select
+    p = .false.
+    if (associated(el)) then
+      do i = 1, el%elExtras%namespaceNodes%length
+        if (size(el%elExtras%namespaceNodes%nodes(i)%this%elExtras%prefix)==0) then
+          p = (str_vs(el%elExtras%namespaceNodes%nodes(i)%this%elExtras%namespaceURI)==namespaceURI)
+          return
+        endif
+      enddo
+    endif
+  end function isDefaultNamespace
+  pure function lookupNamespaceURI_len(np, prefix, p) result(n)
+    type(Node), intent(in) :: np
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: prefix
+    logical, intent(in) :: p
+    integer :: n
+    integer :: i
+    n = 0
+    if (.not.p) return
+    if (np%nodeType/=ELEMENT_NODE &
+      .and. np%nodeType/=ATTRIBUTE_NODE &
+      .and. np%nodeType/=DOCUMENT_NODE) return
+    if (prefix=="xml".or.prefix=="xmlns") then
+      n = 0
+      return
+    endif
+    select case(np%nodeType)
+    case (ELEMENT_NODE)
+      do i = 1, np%elExtras%namespaceNodes%length
+        if (str_vs(np%elExtras%namespaceNodes%nodes(i)%this%elExtras%prefix)==prefix) then
+          n = size(np%elExtras%namespaceNodes%nodes(i)%this%elExtras%namespaceURI)
+          return
+        endif
+      enddo
+    case (ATTRIBUTE_NODE)
+      if (associated(np%elExtras%ownerElement)) then
+        do i = 1, np%elExtras%ownerElement%elExtras%namespaceNodes%length
+          if (str_vs(np%elExtras%ownerElement%elExtras%namespaceNodes%nodes(i)%this%elExtras%prefix)==prefix) then
+            n = size(np%elExtras%ownerElement%elExtras%namespaceNodes%nodes(i)%this%elExtras%namespaceURI)
+            return
+          endif
+        enddo
+      endif
+    case (DOCUMENT_NODE)
+      if (associated(np%docExtras%documentElement)) then
+        do i = 1, np%docExtras%documentElement%elExtras%namespaceNodes%length
+          if (str_vs(np%docExtras%documentElement%elExtras%namespaceNodes%nodes(i)%this%elExtras%prefix)==prefix) then
+            n = size(np%docExtras%documentElement%elExtras%namespaceNodes%nodes(i)%this%elExtras%namespaceURI)
+            return
+          endif
+        enddo
+      endif
+    end select
+  end function lookupNamespaceURI_len
+  function lookupNamespaceURI(np, prefix, ex)result(c) 
+    type(DOMException), intent(out), optional :: ex
+    type(Node), pointer :: np
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: prefix
+    character(len=lookupNamespaceURI_len(np, prefix, .true.)) :: c
+    character(len=lookupNamespaceURI_len(np, prefix, associated(np))) :: c
+    type(Node), pointer :: el
+    integer :: i
+    if (.not.associated(np)) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_NODE_IS_NULL<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL, "lookupNamespaceURI", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    if (len(c)==0) then
+      c = ""
+      return
+    endif
+    el => null()
+    select case(getNodeType(np))
+    case (ELEMENT_NODE)
+      el => np
+    case (ATTRIBUTE_NODE)
+      el => getOwnerElement(np)
+    case (DOCUMENT_NODE)
+      el => getDocumentElement(np)
+    end select
+    if (associated(el)) then
+      do i = 1, el%elExtras%namespaceNodes%length
+        if (str_vs(el%elExtras%namespaceNodes%nodes(i)%this%elExtras%prefix)==prefix) then
+          c = str_vs(el%elExtras%namespaceNodes%nodes(i)%this%elExtras%namespaceURI)
+          return
+        endif
+      enddo
+    endif
+  end function lookupNamespaceURI
+  pure function lookupPrefix_len(np, namespaceURI, p) result(n)
+    type(Node), intent(in) :: np
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: namespaceURI
+    logical, intent(in) :: p
+    integer :: n
+    integer :: i
+    n = 0
+    if (.not.p) return
+    if (np%nodeType/=ELEMENT_NODE &
+      .and. np%nodeType/=ATTRIBUTE_NODE &
+      .and. np%nodeType/=DOCUMENT_NODE) return
+    if (namespaceURI=="" &
+      .or. namespaceURI=="http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace" &
+      .or. namespaceURI=="http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/") then
+      return
+    endif
+    select case(np%nodeType)
+    case (ELEMENT_NODE)
+      do i = 1, np%elExtras%namespaceNodes%length
+        if (str_vs(np%elExtras%namespaceNodes%nodes(i)%this%elExtras%namespaceURI)==namespaceURI) then
+          n = size(np%elExtras%namespaceNodes%nodes(i)%this%elExtras%prefix)
+          return
+        endif
+      enddo
+    case (ATTRIBUTE_NODE)
+      if (associated(np%elExtras%ownerElement)) then
+        do i = 1, np%elExtras%ownerElement%elExtras%namespaceNodes%length
+          if (str_vs(np%elExtras%ownerElement%elExtras%namespaceNodes%nodes(i)%this%elExtras%namespaceURI)==namespaceURI) then
+            n = size(np%elExtras%ownerElement%elExtras%namespaceNodes%nodes(i)%this%elExtras%prefix)
+            return
+          endif
+        enddo
+      endif
+    case (DOCUMENT_NODE)
+      if (associated(np%docExtras%documentElement)) then
+        do i = 1, np%docExtras%documentElement%elExtras%namespaceNodes%length
+          if (str_vs(np%docExtras%documentElement%elExtras%namespaceNodes%nodes(i)%this%elExtras%namespaceURI)==namespaceURI) then
+            n = size(np%docExtras%documentElement%elExtras%namespaceNodes%nodes(i)%this%elExtras%prefix)
+            return
+          endif
+        enddo
+      endif
+    end select
+  end function lookupPrefix_len
+  function lookupPrefix(np, namespaceURI, ex)result(c) 
+    type(DOMException), intent(out), optional :: ex
+    type(Node), pointer :: np
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: namespaceURI
+    character(len=lookupPrefix_len(np, namespaceURI, .true.)) :: c
+    character(len=lookupPrefix_len(np, namespaceURI, associated(np))) :: c
+    type(Node), pointer :: el
+    integer :: i
+    if (.not.associated(np)) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_NODE_IS_NULL<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL, "lookupPrefix", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    if (len(c)==0) then
+      c = ""
+      return
+    endif
+    el => null()
+    select case(getNodeType(np))
+    case (ELEMENT_NODE)
+      el => np
+    case (ATTRIBUTE_NODE)
+      el => getOwnerElement(np)
+    case (DOCUMENT_NODE)
+      el => getDocumentElement(np)
+    end select
+    if (associated(el)) then
+      do i = 1, el%elExtras%namespaceNodes%length
+        if (str_vs(el%elExtras%namespaceNodes%nodes(i)%this%elExtras%namespaceURI)==namespaceURI) then
+          c = str_vs(el%elExtras%namespaceNodes%nodes(i)%this%elExtras%prefix)
+          return
+        endif
+      enddo
+    endif
+  end function lookupPrefix
+  ! function getUserData
+  ! function setUserData
+  ! will not implement ...
+  subroutine updateTextContentLength(np, n)
+    type(Node), pointer :: np
+    integer, intent(in) :: n
+    type(Node), pointer :: this
+    if (n/=0) then      
+      this => np
+      do while (associated(this))
+        this%textContentLength = this%textContentLength + n
+        this => getParentNode(this)
+        if (associated(this)) then
+          if (getNodeType(this)==DOCUMENT_NODE) exit
+        endif
+      enddo
+    endif
+  end subroutine updateTextContentLength
+  pure function getTextContent_len(arg, p) result(n)
+    type(Node), intent(in) :: arg
+    logical, intent(in) :: p
+    integer :: n
+    if (p) then
+      n = arg%textContentLength
+    else
+      n = 0
+    endif
+  end function getTextContent_len
+  function getTextContent(arg, ex)result(c) 
+    type(DOMException), intent(out), optional :: ex
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    character(len=getTextContent_len(arg, .true.)) :: c
+    character(len=getTextContent_len(arg, associated(arg))) :: c
+    type(Node), pointer :: this, treeroot
+    integer :: i, i_tree
+    logical :: doneChildren, doneAttributes
+    if (.not.associated(arg)) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_NODE_IS_NULL<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL, "getTextContent", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    if (len(c) == 0) then
+      c = ""
+      return
+    endif
+    i = 1
+    treeroot => arg
+    i_tree = 0
+    doneChildren = .false.
+    doneAttributes = .false.
+    this => treeroot
+    do
+      if (.not.doneChildren.and..not.(getNodeType(this)==ELEMENT_NODE.and.doneAttributes)) then
+      if (associated(this, treeroot).and.isCharData(getNodeType(this))) then
+        c = getData(this)
+        return
+      endif
+      select case(getNodeType(this))
+      case (ELEMENT_NODE)
+        doneAttributes = .true.
+        ! Ignore attributes for text content (unless this is an attribute!)
+        if (.not.getIsElementContentWhitespace(this)) then
+          c(i:i+size(this%nodeValue)-1) = str_vs(this%nodeValue)
+          i = i + size(this%nodeValue)
+        endif
+      end select
+      else
+        if (getNodeType(this)==ELEMENT_NODE.and..not.doneChildren) then
+          doneAttributes = .true.
+        else
+        endif
+      endif
+      if (.not.doneChildren) then
+        if (getNodeType(this)==ELEMENT_NODE.and..not.doneAttributes) then
+          if (getLength(getAttributes(this))>0) then
+            this => item(getAttributes(this), 0)
+          else
+            doneAttributes = .true.
+          endif
+        elseif (hasChildNodes(this)) then
+          this => getFirstChild(this)
+          doneChildren = .false.
+          doneAttributes = .false.
+        else
+          doneChildren = .true.
+          doneAttributes = .false.
+        endif
+      else ! if doneChildren
+        if (associated(this, treeroot)) exit
+        if (getNodeType(this)==ATTRIBUTE_NODE) then
+          if (i_tree<getLength(getAttributes(getOwnerElement(this)))-1) then
+            i_tree= i_tree+ 1
+            this => item(getAttributes(getOwnerElement(this)), i_tree)
+            doneChildren = .false.
+          else
+            i_tree= 0
+            this => getOwnerElement(this)
+            doneAttributes = .true.
+            doneChildren = .false.
+          endif
+        elseif (associated(getNextSibling(this))) then
+          this => getNextSibling(this)
+          doneChildren = .false.
+          doneAttributes = .false.
+        else
+          this => getParentNode(this)
+        endif
+      endif
+    enddo
+  end function getTextContent
+  subroutine setTextContent(arg, textContent, ex)
+    type(DOMException), intent(out), optional :: ex
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: textContent
+    type(Node), pointer :: np
+    integer :: i
+    if (.not.associated(arg)) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_NODE_IS_NULL<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL, "setTextContent", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    if (.not.checkChars(textContent, getXmlVersionEnum(getOwnerDocument(arg)))) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_INVALID_CHARACTER<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_INVALID_CHARACTER, "setTextContent", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    select case(getNodeType(arg))
+      if (arg%readonly) then
+        if (getFoX_checks().or.NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR<200) then
+  call throw_exception(NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR, "setTextContent", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+      endif
+      do i = 1, getLength(getChildNodes(arg))
+        call destroyNode(arg%childNodes%nodes(i)%this)
+      enddo
+      deallocate(arg%childNodes%nodes)
+      allocate(arg%childNodes%nodes(0))
+      arg%childNodes%length = 0
+      arg%firstChild => null()
+      arg%lastChild => null()
+      arg%textContentLength = 0
+      np => createTextNode(getOwnerDocument(arg), textContent)
+      np => appendChild(arg, np)
+      call setData(arg, textContent)
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR<200) then
+  call throw_exception(NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR, "setTextContent", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    end select
+  end subroutine setTextContent
+  function getBaseURI(arg, ex)result(baseURI) 
+    type(DOMException), intent(out), optional :: ex
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    character(len=200) :: baseURI
+    type(Node), pointer :: el
+    type(URI), pointer :: URIref, URIbase, newURI
+    select case(getNodeType(arg))
+    case (ELEMENT_NODE)
+      el => arg
+    case (ATTRIBUTE_NODE)
+      if (getName(arg)=="xml:base") then
+        if (associated(getOwnerElement(arg))) then
+          el => getParentNode(getOwnerElement(arg))
+        else
+          el => null()
+        endif
+      else
+        el => getOwnerElement(arg)
+      endif
+    case (TEXT_NODE)
+      ! then are we in an attribute or textContent?
+      el => getParentNode(arg)
+      do while (associated(el))
+        if (getNodeType(el)==ELEMENT_NODE) then
+          exit
+        elseif (getNodeType(el)==ATTRIBUTE_NODE) then
+          el => getOwnerElement(el)
+          exit
+        else
+          el => getParentNode(el)
+        endif
+      enddo
+      ! then are we in or out of element content?
+      el => getParentNode(arg)
+      do while (associated(el))
+        if (getNodeType(el)==ELEMENT_NODE) then
+          exit
+        elseif (getNodeType(el)==DOCUMENT_NODE) then
+          el => getOwnerElement(el)
+          exit
+        else
+          el => getParentNode(el)
+        endif
+      enddo
+    case default
+      el => null()
+    end select
+    URIref => parseURI("")
+    do while (associated(el))
+      select case (getNodeType(el))
+      case (ELEMENT_NODE)
+        if (hasAttribute(el, "xml:base")) then
+          URIbase => parseURI(getAttribute(el, "xml:base"))
+          newURI => rebaseURI(URIbase, URIref)
+          call destroyURI(URIbase)
+          call destroyURI(URIref)
+          URIref => newURI
+          if (isAbsoluteURI(URIref)) exit
+        endif
+        if (getSystemId(el)/="") then
+          URIbase => parseURI(getSystemId(el))
+          newURI => rebaseURI(URIbase, URIref)
+          call destroyURI(URIbase)
+          call destroyURI(URIref)
+          URIref => newURI
+          if (isAbsoluteURI(URIref)) exit
+        endif
+      case default
+        exit
+      end select
+      el => getParentNode(el) 
+    end do
+    if (isAbsoluteURI(URIref)) then
+      baseURI = expressURI(URIref)
+    else
+      baseURI = ""
+    endif
+    call destroyURI(URIref)
+  end function getBaseURI
+  recursive function getNodePath(arg, ex)result(c) 
+    type(DOMException), intent(out), optional :: ex
+    ! recursive only for atts and text
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    character(len=100) :: c
+    type(Node), pointer :: this, this2
+    character(len=len(c)) :: c2
+    integer :: n
+    if (.not.associated(arg)) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_NODE_IS_NULL<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL, "getNodePath", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    c = ""
+    if (.not.arg%inDocument) return
+    select case(getNodeType(arg))
+    case (ELEMENT_NODE)
+      this => arg
+      do while (getNodeType(this)/=DOCUMENT_NODE)
+        c2 = ""
+        this2 => getPreviousSibling(this)
+        n = 0
+        do while (associated(this2))
+          if (getNodeType(this2)==ELEMENT_NODE &
+            .and.getNodeName(this2)==getNodeName(this)) n = n + 1
+          this2 => getPreviousSibling(this2)
+        enddo
+        if (n==0) then
+          this2 => getNextSibling(this)
+          do while (associated(this2))
+            if (getNodeType(this2)==ELEMENT_NODE &
+              .and.getNodeName(this2)==getNodeName(this)) then
+              n = 1
+              exit
+            endif
+            this2 => getNextSibling(this2)
+          enddo
+        else
+          n = n + 1
+        endif
+        if (n>0) c2 = "["//n//"]"
+        ! What name to use:
+        if (getNamespaceURI(this)/="".and.getPrefix(this)=="") then
+          ! default namespace; need to do the * trick
+          ! how many previous siblings?
+          c2 = "/*"//c2
+        else
+          c2 = "/"//getNodeName(this)//c2
+        endif
+        c = trim(c2)//c
+        this => getParentNode(this)
+      enddo
+    case (ATTRIBUTE_NODE)
+      c = trim(getNodePath(getOwnerElement(arg)))//"/@"//getNodeName(arg)
+      ! FIXME this will give wrong answers sometimes if
+      ! the tree contains entity references
+      this => getParentNode(arg)
+      do while (associated(this))
+        if (getNodeType(this)==ELEMENT_NODE) exit
+        this => getParentNode(this)
+      enddo
+      if (getNodeType(this)/=ELEMENT_NODE) &
+        this => getOwnerElement(this)
+      c = trim(getNodePath(this))//"/text()"
+      this => getPreviousSibling(arg)
+      n = 0
+      do while (associated(this))
+        if (getNodeType(this)==TEXT_NODE &
+          .or.getNodeType(this)==CDATA_SECTION_NODE) n = n + 1
+        this => getPreviousSibling(this)
+      enddo
+      if (n==0) then
+        this => getNextSibling(arg)
+        do while (associated(this))
+          if (getNodeType(this)==COMMENT_NODE &
+            .or.getNodeType(this)==CDATA_SECTION_NODE) then
+            n = 1
+            exit
+          endif
+          this => getNextSibling(this)
+        enddo
+      else
+        n = n + 1
+      endif
+      if (n>0) c = trim(c)//"["//n//"]"
+      this => getParentNode(arg)
+      c = trim(getNodePath(this))//"/processing-instruction("//getNodeName(arg)//")"
+      this => getPreviousSibling(arg)
+      n = 0
+      do while (associated(this))
+        if (getNodeType(this)==PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE &
+          .and.getNodeName(this)==getNodeName(arg)) n = n + 1
+        this => getPreviousSibling(this)
+      enddo
+      if (n==0) then
+        this => getNextSibling(arg)
+        do while (associated(this))
+          if (getNodeType(this)==PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE &
+            .and.getNodeName(this)==getNodeName(arg)) then
+            n = 1
+            exit
+          endif
+          this => getNextSibling(this)
+        enddo
+      else
+        n = n + 1
+      endif
+      if (n>0) c = trim(c)//"["//n//"]"
+    case (COMMENT_NODE)
+      this => getParentNode(arg)
+      c = trim(getNodePath(this))//"/comment()"
+      this => getPreviousSibling(arg)
+      n = 0
+      do while (associated(this))
+        if (getNodeType(this)==COMMENT_NODE) n = n + 1
+        this => getPreviousSibling(this)
+      enddo
+      if (n==0) then
+        this => getNextSibling(arg)
+        do while (associated(this))
+          if (getNodeType(this)==COMMENT_NODE) then
+            n = 1
+            exit
+          endif
+          this => getNextSibling(this)
+        enddo
+      else
+        n = n + 1
+      endif
+      if (n>0) c = trim(c)//"["//n//"]"
+    case (DOCUMENT_NODE)
+      c = "/"
+      this => getOwnerElement(arg)
+      if (getPrefix(arg)=="") then
+        c = trim(getNodePath(this))//"/namespace::xmlns"
+      else
+        c = trim(getNodePath(this))//"/namespace::"//getPrefix(arg)
+      endif
+      ! FIXME namespace nodes are not marked as inDocument correctly
+    end select
+  end function getNodePath
+  subroutine putNodesInDocument(doc, arg)
+    type(Node), pointer :: doc, arg
+    type(Node), pointer :: this, treeroot
+    logical :: doneChildren, doneAttributes
+    integer :: i_tree
+    treeroot => arg
+    i_tree = 0
+    doneChildren = .false.
+    doneAttributes = .false.
+    this => treeroot
+    do
+      if (.not.doneChildren.and..not.(getNodeType(this)==ELEMENT_NODE.and.doneAttributes)) then
+        this%inDocument = .true.
+        call remove_node_nl(doc%docExtras%hangingNodes, this)
+      else
+        if (getNodeType(this)==ELEMENT_NODE.and..not.doneChildren) then
+          doneAttributes = .true.
+        else
+        endif
+      endif
+      if (.not.doneChildren) then
+        if (getNodeType(this)==ELEMENT_NODE.and..not.doneAttributes) then
+          if (getLength(getAttributes(this))>0) then
+            this => item(getAttributes(this), 0)
+          else
+            doneAttributes = .true.
+          endif
+        elseif (hasChildNodes(this)) then
+          this => getFirstChild(this)
+          doneChildren = .false.
+          doneAttributes = .false.
+        else
+          doneChildren = .true.
+          doneAttributes = .false.
+        endif
+      else ! if doneChildren
+        if (associated(this, treeroot)) exit
+        if (getNodeType(this)==ATTRIBUTE_NODE) then
+          if (i_tree<getLength(getAttributes(getOwnerElement(this)))-1) then
+            i_tree= i_tree+ 1
+            this => item(getAttributes(getOwnerElement(this)), i_tree)
+            doneChildren = .false.
+          else
+            i_tree= 0
+            this => getOwnerElement(this)
+            doneAttributes = .true.
+            doneChildren = .false.
+          endif
+        elseif (associated(getNextSibling(this))) then
+          this => getNextSibling(this)
+          doneChildren = .false.
+          doneAttributes = .false.
+        else
+          this => getParentNode(this)
+        endif
+      endif
+    enddo
+  end subroutine putNodesInDocument
+  subroutine removeNodesFromDocument(doc, arg)
+    type(Node), pointer :: doc, arg
+    type(Node), pointer :: this, treeroot
+    logical :: doneChildren, doneAttributes
+    integer :: i_tree
+    treeroot => arg
+    i_tree = 0
+    doneChildren = .false.
+    doneAttributes = .false.
+    this => treeroot
+    do
+      if (.not.doneChildren.and..not.(getNodeType(this)==ELEMENT_NODE.and.doneAttributes)) then
+        this%inDocument = .false.
+        call append_nl(doc%docExtras%hangingNodes, this)
+      else
+        if (getNodeType(this)==ELEMENT_NODE.and..not.doneChildren) then
+          doneAttributes = .true.
+        else
+        endif
+      endif
+      if (.not.doneChildren) then
+        if (getNodeType(this)==ELEMENT_NODE.and..not.doneAttributes) then
+          if (getLength(getAttributes(this))>0) then
+            this => item(getAttributes(this), 0)
+          else
+            doneAttributes = .true.
+          endif
+        elseif (hasChildNodes(this)) then
+          this => getFirstChild(this)
+          doneChildren = .false.
+          doneAttributes = .false.
+        else
+          doneChildren = .true.
+          doneAttributes = .false.
+        endif
+      else ! if doneChildren
+        if (associated(this, treeroot)) exit
+        if (getNodeType(this)==ATTRIBUTE_NODE) then
+          if (i_tree<getLength(getAttributes(getOwnerElement(this)))-1) then
+            i_tree= i_tree+ 1
+            this => item(getAttributes(getOwnerElement(this)), i_tree)
+            doneChildren = .false.
+          else
+            i_tree= 0
+            this => getOwnerElement(this)
+            doneAttributes = .true.
+            doneChildren = .false.
+          endif
+        elseif (associated(getNextSibling(this))) then
+          this => getNextSibling(this)
+          doneChildren = .false.
+          doneAttributes = .false.
+        else
+          this => getParentNode(this)
+        endif
+      endif
+    enddo
+  end subroutine removeNodesFromDocument
+  subroutine setReadOnlyNode(arg, p, deep)
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    logical, intent(in) :: p
+    logical, intent(in) :: deep
+    type(Node), pointer :: this, treeroot
+    integer :: i_tree
+    logical :: doneAttributes, doneChildren
+    if (deep) then
+      treeroot => arg
+    i_tree = 0
+    doneChildren = .false.
+    doneAttributes = .false.
+    this => treeroot
+    do
+      if (.not.doneChildren.and..not.(getNodeType(this)==ELEMENT_NODE.and.doneAttributes)) then
+      this%readonly = p
+      if (this%nodeType==ELEMENT_NODE) &
+        this%elExtras%attributes%readonly = p
+      else
+        if (getNodeType(this)==ELEMENT_NODE.and..not.doneChildren) then
+          doneAttributes = .true.
+        else
+        endif
+      endif
+      if (.not.doneChildren) then
+        if (getNodeType(this)==ELEMENT_NODE.and..not.doneAttributes) then
+          if (getLength(getAttributes(this))>0) then
+            this => item(getAttributes(this), 0)
+          else
+            doneAttributes = .true.
+          endif
+        elseif (hasChildNodes(this)) then
+          this => getFirstChild(this)
+          doneChildren = .false.
+          doneAttributes = .false.
+        else
+          doneChildren = .true.
+          doneAttributes = .false.
+        endif
+      else ! if doneChildren
+        if (associated(this, treeroot)) exit
+        if (getNodeType(this)==ATTRIBUTE_NODE) then
+          if (i_tree<getLength(getAttributes(getOwnerElement(this)))-1) then
+            i_tree= i_tree+ 1
+            this => item(getAttributes(getOwnerElement(this)), i_tree)
+            doneChildren = .false.
+          else
+            i_tree= 0
+            this => getOwnerElement(this)
+            doneAttributes = .true.
+            doneChildren = .false.
+          endif
+        elseif (associated(getNextSibling(this))) then
+          this => getNextSibling(this)
+          doneChildren = .false.
+          doneAttributes = .false.
+        else
+          this => getParentNode(this)
+        endif
+      endif
+    enddo
+    else
+      arg%readonly = p
+      if (arg%nodeType==ELEMENT_NODE) &
+        arg%elExtras%attributes%readonly = p
+    endif
+  end subroutine setReadOnlyNode
+function getreadonly(np, ex)result(c) 
+    type(DOMException), intent(out), optional :: ex
+    type(Node), pointer :: np
+    logical :: c
+    if (.not.associated(np)) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_NODE_IS_NULL<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL, "getreadonly", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    c = np%readonly
+  end function getreadonly
+  function item_nl(list, index, ex)result(np) 
+    type(DOMException), intent(out), optional :: ex
+    type(NodeList), pointer :: list
+    integer, intent(in) :: index
+    type(Node), pointer :: np
+    if (.not.associated(list)) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_LIST_IS_NULL<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_LIST_IS_NULL, "item_nl", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    if (index>=0.and.index<list%length)  then
+      np => list%nodes(index+1)%this
+    else
+      np => null()
+    endif
+  end function item_nl
+  subroutine append_nl(list, arg)
+    type(NodeList), intent(inout) :: list
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    type(ListNode), pointer :: temp_nl(:)
+    integer :: i
+    if (.not.associated(list%nodes)) then
+      allocate(list%nodes(1))
+      list%nodes(1)%this => arg
+      list%length = 1
+    else
+      temp_nl => list%nodes
+      allocate(list%nodes(size(temp_nl)+1))
+      do i = 1, size(temp_nl)
+        list%nodes(i)%this => temp_nl(i)%this
+      enddo
+      deallocate(temp_nl)
+      list%nodes(size(list%nodes))%this => arg
+      list%length = size(list%nodes)
+    endif
+  end subroutine append_nl
+  function pop_nl(list, ex)result(np) 
+    type(DOMException), intent(out), optional :: ex
+    type(NodeList), pointer :: list
+    type(Node), pointer :: np
+    type(ListNode), pointer :: temp_nl(:)
+    integer :: i
+    if (list%length==0) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_INTERNAL_ERROR<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_INTERNAL_ERROR, "pop_nl", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    np => list%nodes(size(list%nodes))%this
+    if (list%length==1) then
+      deallocate(list%nodes)
+      list%length = 0
+    else
+      temp_nl => list%nodes
+      allocate(list%nodes(size(temp_nl)-1))
+      do i = 1, size(temp_nl)-1
+        list%nodes(i)%this => temp_nl(i)%this
+      enddo
+      deallocate(temp_nl)
+      list%length = size(list%nodes)
+    endif
+  end function pop_nl
+  function remove_nl(nl, index, ex)result(np) 
+    type(DOMException), intent(out), optional :: ex
+    type(NodeList), intent(inout) :: nl
+    integer, intent(in) :: index
+    type(Node), pointer :: np
+    type(ListNode), pointer :: temp_nl(:)
+    integer :: i
+    if (index>nl%length) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_INTERNAL_ERROR<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_INTERNAL_ERROR, "remove_nl", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    np => nl%nodes(index)%this
+    temp_nl => nl%nodes
+    allocate(nl%nodes(size(temp_nl)-1))
+    nl%length = nl%length - 1 
+    do i = 1, index - 1
+      nl%nodes(i)%this => temp_nl(i)%this
+    enddo
+    do i = index, nl%length
+      nl%nodes(i)%this => temp_nl(i+1)%this
+    enddo
+    deallocate(temp_nl)
+  end function remove_nl
+  subroutine remove_node_nl(nl, np)
+    type(NodeList), intent(inout) :: nl
+    type(Node), pointer :: np
+    integer :: i
+    do i = 1, nl%length
+      if (associated(nl%nodes(i)%this, np)) exit
+    enddo
+    np => remove_nl(nl, i)
+  end subroutine remove_node_nl
+  function getLength_nl(nl, ex)result(n) 
+    type(DOMException), intent(out), optional :: ex
+    type(NodeList), pointer :: nl
+    integer :: n
+    if (.not.associated(nl)) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_LIST_IS_NULL<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_LIST_IS_NULL, "getLength_nl", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    n = size(nl%nodes)
+  end function getLength_nl
+  subroutine destroyNodeList(nl)
+    type(NodeList), pointer :: nl
+    if (associated(nl%nodes)) deallocate(nl%nodes)
+    if (associated(nl%nodeName)) deallocate(nl%nodeName)
+    if (associated(nl%localName)) deallocate(nl%localName)
+    if (associated(nl%namespaceURI)) deallocate(nl%namespaceURI)
+    deallocate(nl)
+  end subroutine destroyNodeList
+  subroutine updateNodeLists(doc)
+    ! When triggered, update all nodelists
+    type(Node), pointer :: doc
+    type(NodeList), pointer :: nl, nl_orig
+    type(NodeListPtr), pointer :: temp_nll(:)
+    integer :: i, i_t
+    if (.not.getGCstate(doc)) return
+    if (.not.doc%docExtras%liveNodeLists) return
+    if (.not.associated(doc%docExtras%nodelists)) return
+    ! We point the old list of nodelists to temp_nll, then recalculate 
+    ! them all (which repopulates nodelists)
+    temp_nll => doc%docExtras%nodelists
+    i_t = size(temp_nll)
+    allocate(doc%docExtras%nodelists(0))
+    do i = 1, i_t
+      nl_orig => temp_nll(i)%this
+      !
+      ! Although all nodes should be searched whatever the result,
+      ! we should only do the appropriate sort of search for this
+      ! list - according to namespaces or not.
+      !
+      if (associated(nl_orig%nodeName)) then 
+        ! this was made by getElementsByTagName
+        nl => getElementsByTagName(nl_orig%element, str_vs(nl_orig%nodeName))
+      elseif (associated(nl_orig%namespaceURI)) then 
+        ! this was made by getElementsByTagNameNS
+        nl => getElementsByTagNameNS(nl_orig%element, &
+          str_vs(nl_orig%localName), str_vs(nl_orig%namespaceURI))
+      endif
+    enddo
+    ! We dont care about the nodelists weve calculated now
+    nullify(nl)
+    deallocate(temp_nll)    
+  end subroutine updateNodeLists
+  function getNamedItem(map, name, ex)result(np) 
+    type(DOMException), intent(out), optional :: ex
+    type(NamedNodeMap), pointer :: map
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
+    type(Node), pointer :: np
+    integer :: i
+    if (.not.associated(map)) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_MAP_IS_NULL<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_MAP_IS_NULL, "getNamedItem", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    do i = 1, map%length
+      if (str_vs(map%nodes(i)%this%nodeName)==name) then
+        np => map%nodes(i)%this
+        return
+      endif
+    enddo
+    np => null()
+  end function getNamedItem
+  function setNamedItem(map, arg, ex)result(np) 
+    type(DOMException), intent(out), optional :: ex
+    type(NamedNodeMap), pointer :: map
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    type(Node), pointer :: np
+    integer :: i
+    if (.not.associated(map)) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_MAP_IS_NULL<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_MAP_IS_NULL, "setNamedItem", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    if (.not.associated(arg)) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_NODE_IS_NULL<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL, "setNamedItem", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    if (map%readonly) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR<200) then
+  call throw_exception(NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR, "setNamedItem", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    elseif (map%ownerElement%nodeType==ELEMENT_NODE) then
+      if (.not.associated(map%ownerElement%ownerDocument, arg%ownerDocument)) then
+        if (getFoX_checks().or.WRONG_DOCUMENT_ERR<200) then
+  call throw_exception(WRONG_DOCUMENT_ERR, "setNamedItem", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+      elseif (getNodeType(arg)/=ATTRIBUTE_NODE) then
+        !Additional check from DOM 3
+        if (getFoX_checks().or.HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR<200) then
+  call throw_exception(HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR, "setNamedItem", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+      endif
+    endif
+    if (getNodeType(arg)==ATTRIBUTE_NODE) then
+      if (associated(map%ownerElement, getOwnerElement(arg))) then
+        ! we are looking at literally the same node
+        np => arg
+        return
+      elseif (associated(getOwnerElement(arg))) then
+        if (getFoX_checks().or.INUSE_ATTRIBUTE_ERR<200) then
+  call throw_exception(INUSE_ATTRIBUTE_ERR, "setNamedItem", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+      endif
+      arg%elExtras%ownerElement => map%ownerElement
+    endif
+    do i = 0, getLength(map)-1
+      np => item(map, i)
+      if (getNodeName(np)==getNodeName(arg)) then
+        map%nodes(i+1)%this => arg
+        exit
+      endif
+    enddo
+    if (i<getLength(map)) then
+      if (getGCstate(getOwnerDocument(map%ownerElement)).and.np%inDocument) then
+        call removeNodesFromDocument(getOwnerDocument(map%ownerElement), np)
+        np%inDocument = .false.
+      endif
+    else
+      !   If not found, insert it at the end of the linked list
+      np => null()
+      call append_nnm(map, arg)
+    endif
+    if (map%ownerElement%nodeType==ELEMENT_NODE) then
+      if (getGCstate(getOwnerDocument(map%ownerElement))) then
+        ! We need to worry about importing this node
+        if (map%ownerElement%inDocument) then
+          if (.not.arg%inDocument) &
+            call putNodesInDocument(getOwnerDocument(map%ownerElement), arg)
+        else
+          if (arg%inDocument) &
+            call removeNodesFromDocument(getOwnerDocument(map%ownerElement), arg)
+          endif
+      endif
+    endif
+    ! Otherwise we only ever setNNM when building the doc, so we know this
+    ! does not matter
+  end function setNamedItem
+  function removeNamedItem(map, name, ex)result(np) 
+    type(DOMException), intent(out), optional :: ex
+    type(NamedNodeMap), pointer :: map
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
+    type(Node), pointer :: np
+    type(xml_doc_state), pointer :: xds
+    type(element_t), pointer :: elem
+    type(attribute_t), pointer :: att
+    type(ListNode), pointer :: temp_nl(:)
+    integer :: i, i2
+    if (.not.associated(map)) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_MAP_IS_NULL<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_MAP_IS_NULL, "removeNamedItem", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    if (map%readonly) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR<200) then
+  call throw_exception(NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR, "removeNamedItem", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    do i = 0, map%length-1
+      np => item(map, i)
+      if (getNodeName(np)==name) then
+        xds => getXds(getOwnerDocument(map%ownerElement))
+        elem => get_element(xds%element_list, getNodeName(map%ownerElement))
+        att => get_attribute_declaration(elem, name)
+        if (associated(att)) then
+          if (attribute_has_default(att)) then ! there is a default value
+            ! Well swap the old one out & put a new one in.
+            ! Do *nothing* about namespace handling at this stage,
+            ! wait until we are asked for namespace normalization
+            if (getParameter( &
+              getDomConfig(getOwnerDocument(map%ownerElement)), &
+                           "namespaces")) then
+              np => createAttributeNS(getOwnerDocument(map%ownerElement), "", name)
+            else
+              np => createAttribute(getOwnerDocument(map%ownerElement), name)
+            endif
+            call setValue(np, str_vs(att%default))
+            call setSpecified(np, .false.)
+            np => setNamedItem(map, np)
+            call setSpecified(np, .true.)
+            return
+          endif
+        endif
+        ! Otherwise there was no default value, so we just remove the node.
+        ! Grab this node
+        if (getNodeType(np)==ATTRIBUTE_NODE) np%elExtras%ownerElement => null()
+        ! and shrink the node list
+        temp_nl => map%nodes
+        allocate(map%nodes(size(temp_nl)-1))
+        do i2 = 1, i
+          map%nodes(i2)%this => temp_nl(i2)%this
+        enddo
+        do i2 = i + 2, map%length
+          map%nodes(i2-1)%this => temp_nl(i2)%this
+        enddo
+        map%length = size(map%nodes)
+        deallocate(temp_nl)
+        if (np%inDocument.and.getGCstate(getOwnerDocument(map%ownerElement))) &
+          call removeNodesFromDocument(getOwnerDocument(map%ownerElement), np)
+        !otherwise we are only going to destroy these nodes anyway,
+        ! and finish
+        return
+      endif
+    enddo
+    if (getFoX_checks().or.NOT_FOUND_ERR<200) then
+  call throw_exception(NOT_FOUND_ERR, "removeNamedItem", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+  end function removeNamedItem
+  function item_nnm(map, index, ex)result(np) 
+    type(DOMException), intent(out), optional :: ex
+    type(NamedNodeMap), pointer :: map
+    integer, intent(in) :: index
+    type(Node), pointer :: np
+    if (.not.associated(map)) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_MAP_IS_NULL<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_MAP_IS_NULL, "item_nnm", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    if (index<0 .or. index>map%length-1) then
+      np => null()
+    else
+      np => map%nodes(index+1)%this
+    endif
+   end function item_nnm
+  function getLength_nnm(map, ex)result(n) 
+    type(DOMException), intent(out), optional :: ex
+    type(namedNodeMap), pointer :: map
+    integer :: n
+    if (.not.associated(map)) then
+       if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_MAP_IS_NULL<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_MAP_IS_NULL, "getLength_nnm", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    n = map%length
+  end function getLength_nnm
+  function getNamedItemNS(map, namespaceURI, localName, ex)result(np) 
+    type(DOMException), intent(out), optional :: ex
+    type(NamedNodeMap), pointer :: map
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: namespaceURI
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: localName
+    type(Node), pointer :: np
+    integer :: i
+    if (.not.associated(map)) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_MAP_IS_NULL<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_MAP_IS_NULL, "getNamedItemNS", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    elseif (map%ownerElement%nodeType/=ELEMENT_NODE) then
+      np => null()
+      return
+    endif
+    do i = 0, getLength(map) - 1
+      np => item(map, i)
+      if (getNamespaceURI(np)==namespaceURI &
+        .and. getLocalName(np)==localName) then
+        return
+      endif
+    enddo
+    np => null()
+  end function getNamedItemNS
+  function setNamedItemNS(map, arg, ex)result(np) 
+    type(DOMException), intent(out), optional :: ex
+    type(NamedNodeMap), pointer :: map
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    type(Node), pointer :: np
+    integer :: i
+    if (.not.associated(map)) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_MAP_IS_NULL<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_MAP_IS_NULL, "setNamedItemNS", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    if (.not.associated(arg)) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_NODE_IS_NULL<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL, "setNamedItemNS", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    if (map%readonly) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR<200) then
+  call throw_exception(NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR, "setNamedItemNS", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    elseif (map%ownerElement%nodeType==ELEMENT_NODE) then
+      if (.not.associated(map%ownerElement%ownerDocument, arg%ownerDocument)) then
+        if (getFoX_checks().or.WRONG_DOCUMENT_ERR<200) then
+  call throw_exception(WRONG_DOCUMENT_ERR, "setNamedItemNS", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+      elseif (getNodeType(arg)/=ATTRIBUTE_NODE) then
+        !Additional check from DOM 3
+        if (getFoX_checks().or.HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR<200) then
+  call throw_exception(HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR, "setNamedItemNS", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+      endif
+    endif
+    if (getNodeType(arg)==ATTRIBUTE_NODE) then
+      if (associated(map%ownerElement, getOwnerElement(arg))) then
+        ! we are looking at literally the same node, so do nothing else
+        np => arg
+        return
+      elseif (associated(getOwnerElement(arg))) then
+        if (getFoX_checks().or.INUSE_ATTRIBUTE_ERR<200) then
+  call throw_exception(INUSE_ATTRIBUTE_ERR, "setNamedItemNS", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+      endif
+      arg%elExtras%ownerElement => map%ownerElement
+    endif
+    do i = 0, getLength(map) - 1
+      np => item(map, i)
+      if ((getLocalName(arg)==getLocalName(np) &
+        .and.getNamespaceURI(arg)==getNamespaceURI(np)) &
+        ! Additional case to catch adding of specified attributeNS over 
+        ! default (NS but unspecified URI) attribute
+        .or.(getNamespaceURI(arg)=="".and.getName(arg)==getName(np))) then
+        map%nodes(i+1)%this => arg
+        exit
+      endif
+    enddo
+    if (i<getLength(map)) then
+      if (getGCstate(getOwnerDocument(map%ownerElement))) then
+        if (np%inDocument) then
+          call removeNodesFromDocument(getOwnerDocument(map%ownerElement), np)
+          arg%inDocument = .false.
+        endif
+      endif
+    else
+      ! If not found, insert it at the end of the linked list
+      np => null()
+      call append_nnm(map, arg)
+    endif
+    if (map%ownerElement%nodeType==ELEMENT_NODE) then
+      if (getGCstate(getOwnerDocument(map%ownerElement))) then
+        ! We need to worry about importing this node
+        if (map%ownerElement%inDocument) then
+          if (.not.arg%inDocument) &
+            call putNodesInDocument(getOwnerDocument(map%ownerElement), arg)
+        else
+          if (arg%inDocument) &
+            call removeNodesFromDocument(getOwnerDocument(map%ownerElement), arg)
+        endif
+      endif
+    endif
+  end function setNamedItemNS
+  function removeNamedItemNS(map, namespaceURI, localName, ex)result(np) 
+    type(DOMException), intent(out), optional :: ex
+    type(NamedNodeMap), pointer :: map
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: namespaceURI
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: localName
+    type(Node), pointer :: np
+    type(xml_doc_state), pointer :: xds
+    type(element_t), pointer :: elem
+    type(attribute_t), pointer :: att
+    type(ListNode), pointer :: temp_nl(:)
+    integer :: i, i2
+    if (.not.associated(map)) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_MAP_IS_NULL<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_MAP_IS_NULL, "removeNamedItemNS", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    if (map%readonly) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR<200) then
+  call throw_exception(NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR, "removeNamedItemNS", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    do i = 0, getLength(map) - 1
+      np => item(map, i)
+      if (getNamespaceURI(np)==namespaceURI &
+          .and. getLocalName(np)==localName) then
+        ! Grab this node
+        xds => getXds(getOwnerDocument(map%ownerElement))
+        elem => get_element(xds%element_list, getNodeName(map%ownerElement))
+        att => get_attribute_declaration(elem, getName(np))
+        if (associated(att)) then
+          if (attribute_has_default(att)) then ! there is a default value
+            ! Well swap the old one out & put a new one in.
+            ! Do *nothing* about namespace handling at this stage,
+            ! wait until we are asked for namespace normalization
+            np => createAttributeNS(getOwnerDocument(map%ownerElement), getNamespaceURI(np), getName(np))
+            call setValue(np, str_vs(att%default))
+            call setSpecified(np, .false.)
+            np => setNamedItemNS(map, np)
+            call setSpecified(np, .true.)
+            return
+          endif
+        endif
+        ! Otherwise there was no default value, so we just remove the node.
+        ! and shrink the node list
+        if (getNodeType(np)==ATTRIBUTE_NODE) np%elExtras%ownerElement => null()
+        temp_nl => map%nodes
+        allocate(map%nodes(size(temp_nl)-1))
+        do i2 = 1, i
+          map%nodes(i2)%this => temp_nl(i2)%this
+        enddo
+        do i2 = i + 2, map%length
+          map%nodes(i2-1)%this => temp_nl(i2)%this
+        enddo
+        map%length = size(map%nodes)
+        deallocate(temp_nl)
+        if (np%inDocument.and.getGCstate(getOwnerDocument(map%ownerElement))) &
+          call removeNodesFromDocument(getOwnerDocument(map%ownerElement), np)
+        !otherwise we are only going to destroy these nodes anyway,
+        ! and finish
+        return
+      endif
+    enddo
+    if (getFoX_checks().or.NOT_FOUND_ERR<200) then
+  call throw_exception(NOT_FOUND_ERR, "removeNamedItemNS", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+  end function removeNamedItemNS
+  subroutine append_nnm(map, arg)
+    type(namedNodeMap), pointer :: map
+    type(node), pointer :: arg
+    type(ListNode), pointer :: temp_nl(:)
+    integer :: i
+    if (.not.associated(map%nodes)) then
+      allocate(map%nodes(1))
+      map%nodes(1)%this => arg
+      map%length = 1
+    else
+      temp_nl => map%nodes
+      allocate(map%nodes(size(temp_nl)+1))
+      do i = 1, size(temp_nl)
+        map%nodes(i)%this => temp_nl(i)%this
+      enddo
+      deallocate(temp_nl)
+      map%nodes(size(map%nodes))%this => arg
+      map%length = size(map%nodes)
+    endif
+    if (getNodeType(arg)==ATTRIBUTE_NODE) arg%elExtras%ownerElement => map%ownerElement
+   end subroutine append_nnm
+  subroutine setReadOnlyMap(map, r)
+    type(namedNodeMap), pointer :: map
+    logical, intent(in) :: r
+    map%readonly = r
+  end subroutine setReadOnlyMap
+  subroutine destroyNamedNodeMap(map)
+    type(namedNodeMap), pointer :: map
+    if (associated(map%nodes)) deallocate(map%nodes)
+    deallocate(map)
+ end subroutine destroyNamedNodeMap
+  function hasFeature(impl, feature, version, ex)result(p) 
+    type(DOMException), intent(out), optional :: ex
+    type(DOMImplementation), pointer :: impl
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: feature
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: version
+    logical :: p
+    if (.not.associated(impl)) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_IMPL_IS_NULL<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_IMPL_IS_NULL, "hasFeature", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    if (version=="1.0".or.version=="2.0".or.version=="") then
+      p = (toLower(feature)=="core".or.toLower(feature)=="xml")
+    else
+      p = .false.
+    endif
+  end function hasFeature
+  function createDocumentType(impl, qualifiedName, publicId, systemId, ex)result(dt) 
+    type(DOMException), intent(out), optional :: ex
+    type(DOMImplementation), pointer :: impl
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: qualifiedName
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: publicId
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: systemId
+    type(Node), pointer :: dt
+    type(URI), pointer :: URIref
+    dt => null()
+    if (.not.associated(impl)) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_IMPL_IS_NULL<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_IMPL_IS_NULL, "createDocumentType", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    if (.not.checkName(qualifiedName, XML1_0)) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR<200) then
+  call throw_exception(INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR, "createDocumentType", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    elseif (.not.checkQName(qualifiedName, XML1_0))  then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.NAMESPACE_ERR<200) then
+  call throw_exception(NAMESPACE_ERR, "createDocumentType", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    elseif (.not.checkPublicId(publicId)) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_INVALID_PUBLIC_ID<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_INVALID_PUBLIC_ID, "createDocumentType", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    URIref => parseURI(systemId)
+    if (.not.associated(URIref)) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_INVALID_SYSTEM_ID<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_INVALID_SYSTEM_ID, "createDocumentType", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    call destroyURI(URIref)
+! Dont use raw null() below or PGI will complain
+    dt => createNode(dt, DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE, qualifiedName, "")
+    allocate(dt%dtdExtras)
+    dt%readonly = .true.
+    dt%dtdExtras%publicId => vs_str_alloc(publicId)
+    dt%dtdExtras%systemId => vs_str_alloc(systemId)
+    dt%dtdExtras%entities%ownerElement => dt
+    dt%dtdExtras%notations%ownerElement => dt
+    dt%ownerDocument => null()
+  end function createDocumentType
+  function createDocument(impl, namespaceURI, qualifiedName, docType, ex)result(doc) 
+    type(DOMException), intent(out), optional :: ex
+    type(DOMImplementation), pointer :: impl
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: namespaceURI
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: qualifiedName
+    type(Node), pointer :: docType
+    type(Node), pointer :: doc, dt, de
+    doc => null()
+    if (.not.associated(impl)) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_IMPL_IS_NULL<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_IMPL_IS_NULL, "createDocument", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    elseif (associated(docType)) then 
+      if (associated(getOwnerDocument(docType))) then
+        if (getFoX_checks().or.WRONG_DOCUMENT_ERR<200) then
+  call throw_exception(WRONG_DOCUMENT_ERR, "createDocument", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+      endif
+    endif
+    if (.not.checkName(qualifiedName, XML1_0)) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR<200) then
+  call throw_exception(INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR, "createDocument", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    elseif(.not.checkQName(qualifiedName, XML1_0)) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.NAMESPACE_ERR<200) then
+  call throw_exception(NAMESPACE_ERR, "createDocument", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    elseif (prefixOfQName(qualifiedName)/="".and.namespaceURI=="") then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.NAMESPACE_ERR<200) then
+  call throw_exception(NAMESPACE_ERR, "createDocument", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    elseif (prefixOfQName(qualifiedName)=="xml".neqv.namespaceURI=="http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace") then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.NAMESPACE_ERR<200) then
+  call throw_exception(NAMESPACE_ERR, "createDocument", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    elseif (namespaceURI=="http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/") then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.NAMESPACE_ERR<200) then
+  call throw_exception(NAMESPACE_ERR, "createDocument", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    elseif (qualifiedName=="xmlns" .or. prefixOfQName(qualifiedName)=="xmlns") then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.NAMESPACE_ERR<200) then
+  call throw_exception(NAMESPACE_ERR, "createDocument", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+! Dont use raw null() below or PGI will complain
+    doc => createNode(doc, DOCUMENT_NODE, "#document", "")
+    doc%ownerDocument => doc ! Makes life easier. DOM compliance in getter
+    doc%inDocument = .true.
+    allocate(doc%docExtras)
+    doc%docExtras%implementation => FoX_DOM
+    allocate(doc%docExtras%nodelists(0))
+    allocate(doc%docExtras%xds)
+    call init_xml_doc_state(doc%docExtras%xds)
+    allocate(doc%docExtras%xds%documentURI(0))
+    allocate(doc%docExtras%domConfig)
+    if (associated(docType)) then
+      dt => docType
+      dt%ownerDocument => doc
+      doc%docExtras%docType => appendChild(doc, dt, ex)
+    endif
+    if (qualifiedName/="") then
+      ! NB It is impossible to create a non-namespaced document.
+      ! since createDocument doesnt exist in DOM Core 1
+      de => createElementNS(doc, namespaceURI, qualifiedName)
+      de => appendChild(doc, de)
+      call setDocumentElement(doc, de)
+    endif
+    call setGCstate(doc, .true.)
+  end function createDocument
+  function createEmptyDocument() result(doc)
+    type(Node), pointer :: doc
+! PGI again
+    doc => null()
+    doc => createNode(doc, DOCUMENT_NODE, "#document", "")
+    doc%ownerDocument => doc ! Makes life easier. DOM compliance maintained in getter
+    doc%inDocument = .true.
+    allocate(doc%docExtras)
+    doc%docExtras%implementation => FoX_DOM
+    allocate(doc%docExtras%nodelists(0))
+    allocate(doc%docExtras%xds)
+    call init_xml_doc_state(doc%docExtras%xds)
+  end function createEmptyDocument
+  subroutine destroyDocument(arg, ex)
+    type(DOMException), intent(out), optional :: ex
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    integer :: i
+    if (.not.associated(arg)) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_NODE_IS_NULL<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL, "destroyDocument", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    if (arg%nodeType /= DOCUMENT_NODE) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_INVALID_NODE<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_INVALID_NODE, "destroyDocument", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+! Switch off all GC - since this is GC!
+    call setGCstate(arg, .false.)
+    if (arg%nodeType/=DOCUMENT_NODE) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_INVALID_NODE<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_INVALID_NODE, "destroyDocument", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+! Destroy all remaining nodelists
+    do i = 1, size(arg%docExtras%nodelists)
+     call destroy(arg%docExtras%nodelists(i)%this)
+    enddo
+    deallocate(arg%docExtras%nodelists)
+    ! Destroy all remaining hanging nodes
+    do i = 1, arg%docExtras%hangingNodes%length
+      call destroy(arg%docExtras%hangingNodes%nodes(i)%this)
+    enddo
+    if (associated(arg%docExtras%hangingNodes%nodes)) deallocate(arg%docExtras%hangingNodes%nodes)
+    call destroy_xml_doc_state(arg%docExtras%xds)
+    deallocate(arg%docExtras%xds)
+    deallocate(arg%docExtras%domConfig)
+    deallocate(arg%docExtras)
+    call destroyAllNodesRecursively(arg, except=.true.)
+  end subroutine destroyDocument
+  function getFoX_checks() result(FoX_checks)
+    logical :: FoX_checks
+    FoX_checks = FoX_DOM%FoX_checks 
+  end function getFoX_checks
+  subroutine setFoX_checks(FoX_checks)
+    logical, intent(in) :: FoX_checks
+    FoX_DOM%FoX_checks = FoX_checks
+  end subroutine setFoX_checks
+function getdocType(np, ex)result(c) 
+    type(DOMException), intent(out), optional :: ex
+    type(Node), pointer :: np
+    type(Node), pointer :: c
+    if (.not.associated(np)) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_NODE_IS_NULL<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL, "getdocType", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+   if (getNodeType(np)/=DOCUMENT_NODE .and. &
+      .true.) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_INVALID_NODE<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_INVALID_NODE, "getdocType", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    c => np%docExtras%docType
+  end function getdocType
+  subroutine setDocType(arg, np, ex)
+    type(DOMException), intent(out), optional :: ex
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    type(Node), pointer :: np
+    if (.not.associated(arg)) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_NODE_IS_NULL<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL, "setDocType", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    if (arg%nodeType/=DOCUMENT_NODE) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_INVALID_NODE<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_INVALID_NODE, "setDocType", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    arg%docExtras%docType => np
+!NB special case in order to set ownerDocument
+    np%ownerDocument => arg
+  end subroutine setDocType
+function getdocumentElement(np, ex)result(c) 
+    type(DOMException), intent(out), optional :: ex
+    type(Node), pointer :: np
+    type(Node), pointer :: c
+    if (.not.associated(np)) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_NODE_IS_NULL<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL, "getdocumentElement", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+   if (getNodeType(np)/=DOCUMENT_NODE .and. &
+      .true.) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_INVALID_NODE<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_INVALID_NODE, "getdocumentElement", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    c => np%docExtras%documentElement
+  end function getdocumentElement
+  subroutine setXds(arg, xds, ex)
+    type(DOMException), intent(out), optional :: ex
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    type(xml_doc_state), pointer :: xds
+    if (.not.associated(arg)) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_NODE_IS_NULL<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL, "setXds", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    if (arg%nodeType/=DOCUMENT_NODE) then
+       if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_INVALID_NODE<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_INVALID_NODE, "setXds", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+!NB special case in order to destroy_xml_doc_state etc
+    call destroy_xml_doc_state(arg%docExtras%xds)
+    deallocate(arg%docExtras%xds)
+    arg%docExtras%xds => xds
+  end subroutine setXds
+  function getImplementation(arg, ex)result(imp) 
+    type(DOMException), intent(out), optional :: ex
+    type(Node), pointer, optional :: arg
+    type(DOMImplementation), pointer :: imp
+    ! According to the testsuite, you get to call
+    ! getImplementation with no args. Dont know
+    ! where they get that from ...
+    if (present(arg)) then
+      if (.not.associated(arg)) then
+        if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_NODE_IS_NULL<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL, "getImplementation", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+      endif
+      if (arg%nodeType/=DOCUMENT_NODE) then
+        if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_INVALID_NODE<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_INVALID_NODE, "getImplementation", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+      endif
+      imp => arg%docExtras%implementation
+    else
+      imp => FoX_DOM
+    endif
+  end function getImplementation
+  subroutine setDocumentElement(arg, np, ex)
+    type(DOMException), intent(out), optional :: ex
+  ! Only for use by FoX, not exported through FoX_DOM interface
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    type(Node), pointer :: np
+    if (.not.associated(arg)) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_NODE_IS_NULL<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL, "setDocumentElement", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+!NB special case due to additional error conditions:
+    if (arg%nodeType/=DOCUMENT_NODE) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_INVALID_NODE<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_INVALID_NODE, "setDocumentElement", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    elseif (np%nodeType/=ELEMENT_NODE) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_INVALID_NODE<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_INVALID_NODE, "setDocumentElement", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    elseif (.not.associated(np%ownerDocument, arg)) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.WRONG_DOCUMENT_ERR<200) then
+  call throw_exception(WRONG_DOCUMENT_ERR, "setDocumentElement", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    arg%docExtras%documentElement => np
+  end subroutine setDocumentElement
+  ! Methods
+  function createElement(arg, tagName, ex)result(np) 
+    type(DOMException), intent(out), optional :: ex
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: tagName
+    type(Node), pointer :: np
+    type(xml_doc_state), pointer :: xds
+    type(element_t), pointer :: elem
+    type(attribute_t), pointer :: att
+    logical :: defaults_
+    integer :: i
+    if (.not.associated(arg)) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_NODE_IS_NULL<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL, "createElement", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    if (arg%nodeType/=DOCUMENT_NODE) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_INVALID_NODE<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_INVALID_NODE, "createElement", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    elseif (.not.checkName(tagName, getXmlVersionEnum(arg))) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR<200) then
+  call throw_exception(INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR, "createElement", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    np => createNode(arg, ELEMENT_NODE, tagName, "")
+    allocate(np%elExtras)
+    np%elExtras%dom1 = .true.
+    np%elExtras%attributes%ownerElement => np
+    allocate(np%elExtras%namespaceURI(0))
+    allocate(np%elExtras%prefix(0))
+    allocate(np%elExtras%localname(0))
+    allocate(np%elExtras%namespaceNodes%nodes(0))
+    np%elExtras%attributes%ownerElement => np
+    if (getGCstate(arg)) then
+      np%inDocument = .false.
+      call append(arg%docExtras%hangingnodes, np)
+      ! We only add default attributes if we are *not* building the doc
+      xds => getXds(arg)
+      elem => get_element(xds%element_list, tagName)
+      if (associated(elem)) then
+        do i = 1, get_attlist_size(elem)
+          att => get_attribute_declaration(elem, i)
+          if (attribute_has_default(att)) then
+            ! Since this is a non-namespaced function, we create
+            ! a non-namespaced attribute ...
+            call setAttribute(np, str_vs(att%name), str_vs(att%default))
+          endif
+        enddo
+      endif
+    else
+      np%inDocument = .true.
+    endif
+  end function createElement
+  function createEmptyElement(arg, tagName, ex)result(np) 
+    type(DOMException), intent(out), optional :: ex
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: tagName
+    type(Node), pointer :: np
+    np => createNode(arg, ELEMENT_NODE, tagName, "")
+    allocate(np%elExtras)
+    np%elExtras%dom1 = .true.
+    np%elExtras%attributes%ownerElement => np
+    allocate(np%elExtras%namespaceURI(0))
+    allocate(np%elExtras%prefix(0))
+    allocate(np%elExtras%localname(0))
+    allocate(np%elExtras%namespaceNodes%nodes(0))
+    np%elExtras%attributes%ownerElement => np
+    if (getGCstate(arg)) then
+      call append(arg%docExtras%hangingnodes, np)
+      np%inDocument = .false.
+    else
+      np%inDocument = .true.
+    endif
+  end function createEmptyElement
+  function createDocumentFragment(arg, ex)result(np) 
+    type(DOMException), intent(out), optional :: ex
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    type(Node), pointer :: np
+    if (.not.associated(arg)) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_NODE_IS_NULL<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL, "createDocumentFragment", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    if (arg%nodeType/=DOCUMENT_NODE) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_INVALID_NODE<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_INVALID_NODE, "createDocumentFragment", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    np => createNode(arg, DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE, "#document-fragment", "")
+    if (getGCstate(arg)) then
+      np%inDocument = .false.
+      call append(arg%docExtras%hangingnodes, np)
+    else
+      np%inDocument = .true.
+    endif
+  end function createDocumentFragment
+  function createTextNode(arg, data, ex)result(np) 
+    type(DOMException), intent(out), optional :: ex
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: data
+    type(Node), pointer :: np
+    if (.not.associated(arg)) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_NODE_IS_NULL<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL, "createTextNode", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    if (arg%nodeType/=DOCUMENT_NODE) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_INVALID_NODE<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_INVALID_NODE, "createTextNode", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    elseif (.not.checkChars(data, getXmlVersionEnum(arg))) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_INVALID_CHARACTER<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_INVALID_CHARACTER, "createTextNode", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    np => createNode(arg, TEXT_NODE, "#text", data)
+    np%textContentLength = len(data)
+    if (getGCstate(arg)) then
+      np%inDocument = .false.
+      call append(arg%docExtras%hangingnodes, np)
+    else
+      np%inDocument = .true.
+    endif
+  end function createTextNode
+  function createComment(arg, data, ex)result(np) 
+    type(DOMException), intent(out), optional :: ex
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: data
+    type(Node), pointer :: np
+    if (.not.associated(arg)) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_NODE_IS_NULL<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL, "createComment", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    if (arg%nodeType/=DOCUMENT_NODE) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_INVALID_NODE<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_INVALID_NODE, "createComment", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    elseif (.not.checkChars(data, getXmlVersionEnum(arg))) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_INVALID_CHARACTER<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_INVALID_CHARACTER, "createComment", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    elseif (index(data,"--")>0) then   
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_INVALID_COMMENT<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_INVALID_COMMENT, "createComment", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    np => createNode(arg, COMMENT_NODE, "#comment", data)
+    np%textContentLength = len(data)
+    if (getGCstate(arg)) then
+      np%inDocument = .false.
+      call append(arg%docExtras%hangingnodes, np)
+    else
+      np%inDocument = .true.
+    endif
+  end function createComment
+  function createCdataSection(arg, data, ex)result(np) 
+    type(DOMException), intent(out), optional :: ex
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: data
+    type(Node), pointer :: np
+    if (.not.associated(arg)) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_NODE_IS_NULL<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL, "createCdataSection", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    if (arg%nodeType/=DOCUMENT_NODE) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_INVALID_NODE<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_INVALID_NODE, "createCdataSection", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    elseif (.not.checkChars(data, getXmlVersionEnum(arg))) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_INVALID_CHARACTER<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_INVALID_CHARACTER, "createCdataSection", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    elseif (index(data,"]]>")>0) then   
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_INVALID_CDATA_SECTION<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_INVALID_CDATA_SECTION, "createCdataSection", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    np => createNode(arg, CDATA_SECTION_NODE, "#cdata-section", data)
+    np%textContentLength = len(data)
+    if (getGCstate(arg)) then
+      np%inDocument = .false.
+      call append(arg%docExtras%hangingnodes, np)
+    else
+      np%inDocument = .true.
+    endif
+  end function createCdataSection
+  function createProcessingInstruction(arg, target, data, ex)result(np) 
+    type(DOMException), intent(out), optional :: ex
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: target
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: data
+    type(Node), pointer :: np
+    if (.not.associated(arg)) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_NODE_IS_NULL<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL, "createProcessingInstruction", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    if (arg%nodeType/=DOCUMENT_NODE) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_INVALID_NODE<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_INVALID_NODE, "createProcessingInstruction", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    elseif (.not.checkName(target, getXmlVersionEnum(arg))) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR<200) then
+  call throw_exception(INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR, "createProcessingInstruction", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    elseif (.not.checkChars(data, getXmlVersionEnum(arg))) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_INVALID_CHARACTER<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_INVALID_CHARACTER, "createProcessingInstruction", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    elseif (index(data,"?>")>0) then   
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_INVALID_PI_DATA<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_INVALID_PI_DATA, "createProcessingInstruction", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    np => createNode(arg, PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE, target, data)
+    np%textContentLength = len(data)
+    if (getGCstate(arg)) then
+      np%inDocument = .false.
+      call append(arg%docExtras%hangingnodes, np)
+    else
+      np%inDocument = .true.
+    endif
+  end function createProcessingInstruction
+  function createAttribute(arg, name, ex)result(np) 
+    type(DOMException), intent(out), optional :: ex
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
+    type(Node), pointer :: np
+    if (.not.associated(arg)) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_NODE_IS_NULL<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL, "createAttribute", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    if (arg%nodeType/=DOCUMENT_NODE) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_INVALID_NODE<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_INVALID_NODE, "createAttribute", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    elseif (.not.checkName(name, getXmlVersionEnum(arg))) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR<200) then
+  call throw_exception(INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR, "createAttribute", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    np => createNode(arg, ATTRIBUTE_NODE, name, "")
+    allocate(np%elExtras)
+    np%elExtras%dom1 = .true.
+    allocate(np%elExtras%namespaceURI(0))
+    allocate(np%elExtras%prefix(0))
+    allocate(np%elExtras%localname(0))
+    if (getGCstate(arg)) then
+      np%inDocument = .false.
+      call append(arg%docExtras%hangingnodes, np)
+    else
+      np%inDocument = .true.
+    endif
+  end function createAttribute
+  recursive function createEntityReference(arg, name, ex)result(np) 
+    type(DOMException), intent(out), optional :: ex
+  ! Needs to be recursive in case of entity-references within each other.
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
+    type(Node), pointer :: np
+    type(Node), pointer :: ent, newNode
+    integer :: i
+    logical :: brokenNS
+    if (.not.associated(arg)) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_NODE_IS_NULL<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL, "createEntityReference", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    if (arg%nodeType/=DOCUMENT_NODE) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_INVALID_NODE<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_INVALID_NODE, "createEntityReference", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    elseif (.not.checkName(name, getXmlVersionEnum(arg))) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR<200) then
+  call throw_exception(INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR, "createEntityReference", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    if (getXmlStandalone(arg).and..not.associated(getDocType(arg))) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_NO_SUCH_ENTITY<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_NO_SUCH_ENTITY, "createEntityReference", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    np => createNode(arg, ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE, name, "")
+    if (getGCstate(arg)) then ! otherwise the parser will fill these nodes in itself
+      if (associated(getDocType(arg))) then
+        ent => getNamedItem(getEntities(getDocType(arg)), name)
+        if (associated(ent)) then
+          if (getIllFormed(ent)) then
+            if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_INVALID_ENTITY<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_INVALID_ENTITY, "createEntityReference", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+          endif
+          brokenNS = arg%docExtras%brokenNS
+          arg%docExtras%brokenNS = .true. ! We need to not worry about NS errors for a bit
+          do i = 0, getLength(getChildNodes(ent)) - 1
+            newNode => appendChild(np, cloneNode(item(getChildNodes(ent), i), .true., ex))
+            ! No namespace calcs here - wait for a namespace normalization
+            call setReadOnlyNode(newNode, .true., .true.)
+          enddo
+          arg%docExtras%brokenNS = brokenNS ! FIXME also for all new default attributes
+        elseif (getXmlStandalone(arg)) then
+          if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_NO_SUCH_ENTITY<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_NO_SUCH_ENTITY, "createEntityReference", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+  if (associated(np)) deallocate(np)
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+        endif
+      endif
+    endif
+    call setReadOnlyNode(np, .true., .false.)
+    if (getGCstate(arg)) then
+      np%inDocument = .false.
+      call append_nl(arg%docExtras%hangingNodes, np)
+      ! All child nodes were created outside the document by cloneNode above
+    else
+      np%inDocument = .true.
+    endif
+  end function createEntityReference
+  function createEmptyEntityReference(arg, name, ex)result(np) 
+    type(DOMException), intent(out), optional :: ex
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
+    type(Node), pointer :: np
+    if (.not.associated(arg)) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_NODE_IS_NULL<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL, "createEmptyEntityReference", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    if (arg%nodeType/=DOCUMENT_NODE) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_INVALID_NODE<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_INVALID_NODE, "createEmptyEntityReference", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    elseif (.not.checkName(name, getXmlVersionEnum(arg))) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR<200) then
+  call throw_exception(INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR, "createEmptyEntityReference", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    np => createNode(arg, ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE, name, "")
+    if (getGCstate(arg)) then
+      np%inDocument = .false.
+      call append(arg%docExtras%hangingnodes, np)
+    else
+      np%inDocument = .true.
+    endif
+  end function createEmptyEntityReference
+  function getElementsByTagName(doc, tagName, name, ex)result(list) 
+    type(DOMException), intent(out), optional :: ex
+    type(Node), pointer :: doc
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: tagName, name
+    type(NodeList), pointer :: list
+    type(NodeListPtr), pointer :: nll(:), temp_nll(:)
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg, this, treeroot
+    logical :: doneChildren, doneAttributes, allElements
+    integer :: i, i_tree
+    if (.not.associated(doc)) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_NODE_IS_NULL<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL, "getElementsByTagName", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    if (doc%nodeType==DOCUMENT_NODE) then
+      if (present(name).or..not.present(tagName)) then
+        if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_INVALID_NODE<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_INVALID_NODE, "getElementsByTagName", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+      endif
+    elseif (doc%nodeType==ELEMENT_NODE) then
+      if (present(name).or..not.present(tagName)) then
+        if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_INVALID_NODE<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_INVALID_NODE, "getElementsByTagName", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+      endif
+    else      
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_INVALID_NODE<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_INVALID_NODE, "getElementsByTagName", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    if (doc%nodeType==DOCUMENT_NODE) then
+      arg => getDocumentElement(doc)
+    else
+      arg => doc
+    endif
+    allocate(list)
+    allocate(list%nodes(0))
+    list%element => doc
+    if (present(name)) list%nodeName => vs_str_alloc(name)
+    if (present(tagName)) list%nodeName => vs_str_alloc(tagName)
+    allElements = (str_vs(list%nodeName)=="*")
+    if (doc%nodeType==DOCUMENT_NODE) then
+      nll => doc%docExtras%nodelists
+    elseif (doc%nodeType==ELEMENT_NODE) then
+      nll => doc%ownerDocument%docExtras%nodelists
+    endif
+    allocate(temp_nll(size(nll)+1))
+    do i = 1, size(nll)
+      temp_nll(i)%this => nll(i)%this
+    enddo
+    temp_nll(i)%this => list
+    deallocate(nll)
+    if (doc%nodeType==DOCUMENT_NODE) then
+      doc%docExtras%nodelists => temp_nll
+    elseif (doc%nodeType==ELEMENT_NODE) then
+      doc%ownerDocument%docExtras%nodelists => temp_nll
+    endif
+    treeroot => arg
+    i_tree = 0
+    doneChildren = .false.
+    doneAttributes = .false.
+    this => treeroot
+    do
+      if (.not.doneChildren.and..not.(getNodeType(this)==ELEMENT_NODE.and.doneAttributes)) then
+        if (this%nodeType==ELEMENT_NODE) then
+          if ((allElements .or. str_vs(this%nodeName)==tagName) &
+            .and..not.(getNodeType(doc)==ELEMENT_NODE.and.associated(this, arg))) &
+            call append(list, this)
+          doneAttributes = .true.
+        endif
+      else
+        if (getNodeType(this)==ELEMENT_NODE.and..not.doneChildren) then
+          doneAttributes = .true.
+        else
+        endif
+      endif
+      if (.not.doneChildren) then
+        if (getNodeType(this)==ELEMENT_NODE.and..not.doneAttributes) then
+          if (getLength(getAttributes(this))>0) then
+            this => item(getAttributes(this), 0)
+          else
+            doneAttributes = .true.
+          endif
+        elseif (hasChildNodes(this)) then
+          this => getFirstChild(this)
+          doneChildren = .false.
+          doneAttributes = .false.
+        else
+          doneChildren = .true.
+          doneAttributes = .false.
+        endif
+      else ! if doneChildren
+        if (associated(this, treeroot)) exit
+        if (getNodeType(this)==ATTRIBUTE_NODE) then
+          if (i_tree<getLength(getAttributes(getOwnerElement(this)))-1) then
+            i_tree= i_tree+ 1
+            this => item(getAttributes(getOwnerElement(this)), i_tree)
+            doneChildren = .false.
+          else
+            i_tree= 0
+            this => getOwnerElement(this)
+            doneAttributes = .true.
+            doneChildren = .false.
+          endif
+        elseif (associated(getNextSibling(this))) then
+          this => getNextSibling(this)
+          doneChildren = .false.
+          doneAttributes = .false.
+        else
+          this => getParentNode(this)
+        endif
+      endif
+    enddo
+  end function getElementsByTagName
+  function importNode(doc , arg, deep , ex)result(np) 
+    type(DOMException), intent(out), optional :: ex
+    type(Node), pointer :: doc
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    logical, intent(in) :: deep
+    type(Node), pointer :: np
+    type(Node), pointer :: this, thatParent, new, treeroot
+    type(xml_doc_state), pointer :: xds
+    type(element_t), pointer :: elem
+    type(attribute_t), pointer :: att
+    logical :: doneAttributes, doneChildren, brokenNS
+    integer :: i_tree
+    if (.not.associated(doc).or..not.associated(arg)) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_NODE_IS_NULL<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL, "importNode", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    if (getNodeType(doc)/=DOCUMENT_NODE) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_INVALID_NODE<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_INVALID_NODE, "importNode", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    elseif (getNodeType(arg)==DOCUMENT_NODE .or. &
+      getNodeType(arg)==DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR<200) then
+  call throw_exception(NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR, "importNode", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    brokenNS = doc%docExtras%brokenNS
+    doc%docExtras%brokenNS = .true. ! We need to do stupid NS things
+    xds => getXds(doc)
+    thatParent => null()
+    treeroot => arg
+    i_tree = 0
+    doneChildren = .false.
+    doneAttributes = .false.
+    this => treeroot
+    do
+      if (.not.doneChildren.and..not.(getNodeType(this)==ELEMENT_NODE.and.doneAttributes)) then
+        new => null()
+        select case (getNodeType(this, ex))
+        case (ELEMENT_NODE)
+          if (.not.doneAttributes) then
+            ! We dont create an empty node - we insist on having all default
+            ! properties created.
+            if (getParameter(getDomConfig(doc, ex), "namespaces", ex)) then
+              new => createElementNS(doc, getNamespaceURI(this, ex), getTagName(this, ex), ex)
+            else
+              new => createElement(doc, getTagName(this, ex), ex)
+            endif
+          endif
+        case (ATTRIBUTE_NODE)
+          if (associated(this, arg).or.getSpecified(this, ex)) then
+            ! We are importing just this attribute node
+            ! or this was an explicitly specified attribute; either
+            ! way, we import it as is, and it remains specified.
+            if (getParameter(getDomConfig(doc), "namespaces")) then
+              new => createAttributeNS(doc, getNamespaceURI(this, ex), getName(this, ex), ex)
+            else
+              new => createAttribute(doc, getName(this), ex)
+            endif
+            call setSpecified(new, .true.)
+          else
+            ! This is an attribute being imported as part of a hierarchy,
+            ! but its only here by default. Is there a default attribute
+            ! of this name in the new document?
+            elem => get_element(xds%element_list, &
+              getTagName(getOwnerElement(this)))
+            att => get_attribute_declaration(elem, getName(this))
+            if (attribute_has_default(att)) then
+              ! Create the new default:
+              if (getParameter(getDomConfig(doc, ex), "namespaces", ex)) then
+                ! We create a namespaced attribute. Of course, its 
+                ! namespaceURI remains empty for the moment unless we know it ...
+                if (prefixOfQName(getName(this, ex))=="xml") then
+                  new => createAttributeNS(doc, &
+                    "http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace", &
+                    getName(this, ex), ex)
+                elseif (getName(this, ex)=="xmlns" & 
+                  .or. prefixOfQName(getName(this, ex))=="xmlns") then
+                  new => createAttributeNS(doc, &
+                    "http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/", &
+                    getName(this, ex), ex)
+                else
+                  ! Wait for namespace fixup ...
+                  new => createAttributeNS(doc, "", &
+                    getName(this, ex), ex)
+                endif
+              else
+                new => createAttribute(doc, getName(this, ex), ex)
+              endif
+              call setValue(new, str_vs(att%default), ex)
+              call setSpecified(new, .false.)
+            endif
+            ! In any case, we dont want to copy the children of this node.
+            doneChildren=.true.
+          endif
+        case (TEXT_NODE)
+          new => createTextNode(doc, getData(this, ex), ex)
+        case (CDATA_SECTION_NODE)
+          new => createCDataSection(doc, getData(this, ex), ex)
+          new => createEntityReference(doc, getNodeName(this, ex), ex)
+          ! This will automatically populate the entity reference if doc defines it, so no children needed
+          doneChildren = .true.
+        case (ENTITY_NODE)
+          new => createEntity(doc, getNodeName(this, ex), &
+            getPublicId(this, ex), getSystemId(this, ex), &
+            getNotationName(this, ex), ex)
+          new => createProcessingInstruction(doc, &
+            getTarget(this, ex), getData(this, ex), ex)
+        case (COMMENT_NODE)
+          new => createComment(doc, getData(this, ex), ex)
+        case (DOCUMENT_NODE)
+          if (getFoX_checks().or.NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR<200) then
+  call throw_exception(NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR, "importNode", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+        case (DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE)
+          if (getFoX_checks().or.NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR<200) then
+  call throw_exception(NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR, "importNode", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+          new => createDocumentFragment(doc, ex)
+        case (NOTATION_NODE)
+          new => createNotation(doc, getNodeName(this, ex), &
+            getPublicId(this, ex), getSystemId(this, ex), ex)
+        end select
+        if (.not.associated(thatParent)) then
+          thatParent => new
+        elseif (associated(new)) then
+          if (getNodeType(this, ex)==ATTRIBUTE_NODE) then
+            new => setAttributeNode(thatParent, new, ex)
+          else
+            new => appendChild(thatParent, new, ex)
+          endif
+        endif
+        if (.not.deep) then
+          if (getNodeType(arg, ex)==ATTRIBUTE_NODE &
+            .or.getNodeType(arg, ex)==ELEMENT_NODE) then
+            continue
+          else
+            exit
+          endif
+        endif
+      else
+        if (getNodeType(this)==ELEMENT_NODE.and..not.doneChildren) then
+          doneAttributes = .true.
+        else
+        endif
+      endif
+      if (.not.doneChildren) then
+        if (getNodeType(this)==ELEMENT_NODE.and..not.doneAttributes) then
+          if (getLength(getAttributes(this))>0) then
+            if (.not.associated(this, treeroot)) thatParent => getLastChild(thatParent)
+            this => item(getAttributes(this), 0)
+          else
+            if (.not.deep) exit
+            doneAttributes = .true.
+          endif
+        elseif (hasChildNodes(this)) then
+          if (getNodeType(this)==ELEMENT_NODE.and..not.deep) exit
+          if (.not.associated(this, treeroot)) then
+            if (getNodeType(this)==ATTRIBUTE_NODE) then
+              thatParent => item(getAttributes(thatParent), i_tree)
+            else
+              thatParent => getLastChild(thatParent)
+            endif
+          endif
+          this => getFirstChild(this)
+          doneChildren = .false.
+          doneAttributes = .false.
+        else
+          doneChildren = .true.
+          doneAttributes = .false.
+        endif
+      else ! if doneChildren
+        if (associated(this, treeroot)) exit
+        if (getNodeType(this)==ATTRIBUTE_NODE) then
+          if (i_tree<getLength(getAttributes(getOwnerElement(this)))-1) then
+            i_tree= i_tree+ 1
+            this => item(getAttributes(getOwnerElement(this)), i_tree)
+            doneChildren = .false.
+          else
+            i_tree= 0
+            if (associated(getParentNode(thatParent))) thatParent => getParentNode(thatParent)
+            this => getOwnerElement(this)
+            doneAttributes = .true.
+            doneChildren = .false.
+          endif
+        elseif (associated(getNextSibling(this))) then
+          this => getNextSibling(this)
+          doneChildren = .false.
+          doneAttributes = .false.
+        else
+          this => getParentNode(this)
+          if (.not.associated(this, treeroot)) then
+            if (getNodeType(this)==ATTRIBUTE_NODE) then
+              thatParent => getOwnerElement(thatParent)
+            else
+              thatParent => getParentNode(thatParent)
+            endif
+          endif
+        endif
+      endif
+    enddo
+    np => thatParent
+    doc%docExtras%brokenNS = brokenNS
+!    call namespaceFixup(np)
+  end function importNode
+  function createElementNS(arg, namespaceURI, qualifiedName, ex)result(np) 
+    type(DOMException), intent(out), optional :: ex
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: namespaceURI, qualifiedName
+    type(Node), pointer :: np
+    type(xml_doc_state), pointer :: xds
+    type(element_t), pointer :: elem
+    type(attribute_t), pointer :: att
+    integer :: i
+    logical :: brokenNS
+    type(URI), pointer :: URIref
+    if (.not.associated(arg)) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_NODE_IS_NULL<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL, "createElementNS", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    if (arg%nodeType/=DOCUMENT_NODE) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_INVALID_NODE<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_INVALID_NODE, "createElementNS", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    elseif (.not.checkName(qualifiedName, getXmlVersionEnum(arg))) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR<200) then
+  call throw_exception(INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR, "createElementNS", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    elseif (.not.checkQName(qualifiedName, getXmlVersionEnum(arg))) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.NAMESPACE_ERR<200) then
+  call throw_exception(NAMESPACE_ERR, "createElementNS", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    elseif (prefixOfQName(qualifiedName)/="" &
+     .and. namespaceURI=="".and..not.arg%docExtras%brokenNS) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.NAMESPACE_ERR<200) then
+  call throw_exception(NAMESPACE_ERR, "createElementNS", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    elseif (namespaceURI=="http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace" .neqv. &
+      prefixOfQName(qualifiedName)=="xml") then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.NAMESPACE_ERR<200) then
+  call throw_exception(NAMESPACE_ERR, "createElementNS", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    elseif (namespaceURI=="http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/") then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.NAMESPACE_ERR<200) then
+  call throw_exception(NAMESPACE_ERR, "createElementNS", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    URIref => parseURI(namespaceURI)
+    if (.not.associated(URIref)) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_INVALID_URI<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_INVALID_URI, "createElementNS", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    call destroyURI(URIref)
+    np => createNode(arg, ELEMENT_NODE, qualifiedName, "")
+    allocate(np%elExtras)
+    np%elExtras%namespaceURI => vs_str_alloc(namespaceURI)
+    np%elExtras%prefix => vs_str_alloc(prefixOfQName(qualifiedname))
+    np%elExtras%localName => vs_str_alloc(localpartOfQName(qualifiedname))
+    allocate(np%elExtras%namespaceNodes%nodes(0))
+    np%elExtras%attributes%ownerElement => np
+    if (getGCstate(arg)) then
+      np%inDocument = .false.
+      call append(arg%docExtras%hangingnodes, np)
+      ! We only add default attributes if we are *not* building the doc
+      xds => getXds(arg)
+      elem => get_element(xds%element_list, qualifiedName)
+      if (associated(elem)) then
+        do i = 1, get_attlist_size(elem)
+          att => get_attribute_declaration(elem, i)
+          if (attribute_has_default(att)) then
+            ! Since this is a namespaced function, we create a namespaced
+            ! attribute. Of course, its namespaceURI remains empty
+            ! for the moment unless we know it ...
+            if (prefixOfQName(str_vs(att%name))=="xml") then
+              call setAttributeNS(np, &
+                "http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace", &
+                str_vs(att%name), str_vs(att%default), ex)
+            elseif (str_vs(att%name)=="xmlns" & 
+              .or. prefixOfQName(str_vs(att%name))=="xmlns") then
+              call setAttributeNS(np, &
+                "http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/", &
+                str_vs(att%name), str_vs(att%default), ex)
+            else
+              ! Wait for namespace fixup ...
+              brokenNS = arg%docExtras%brokenNS
+              arg%docExtras%brokenNS = .true.
+              call setAttributeNS(np, "", str_vs(att%name), &
+                str_vs(att%default), ex)
+              arg%docExtras%brokenNS = brokenNS
+            endif
+          endif
+        enddo
+      endif
+    else
+      np%inDocument = .true.
+    endif
+  end function createElementNS
+  function createEmptyElementNS(arg, namespaceURI, qualifiedName, ex)result(np) 
+    type(DOMException), intent(out), optional :: ex
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: namespaceURI, qualifiedName
+    type(Node), pointer :: np
+    np => createNode(arg, ELEMENT_NODE, qualifiedName, "")
+    allocate(np%elExtras)
+    np%elExtras%namespaceURI => vs_str_alloc(namespaceURI)
+    np%elExtras%prefix => vs_str_alloc(prefixOfQName(qualifiedname))
+    np%elExtras%localName => vs_str_alloc(localpartOfQName(qualifiedname))
+    allocate(np%elExtras%namespaceNodes%nodes(0))
+    np%elExtras%attributes%ownerElement => np
+    if (getGCstate(arg)) then
+      call append(arg%docExtras%hangingnodes, np)
+      np%inDocument = .false.
+    else
+      np%inDocument = .true.
+    endif
+  end function createEmptyElementNS
+  function createAttributeNS(arg, namespaceURI, qualifiedname, ex)result(np) 
+    type(DOMException), intent(out), optional :: ex
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: namespaceURI, qualifiedName
+    type(Node), pointer :: np
+    type(URI), pointer :: URIref
+    if (.not.associated(arg)) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_NODE_IS_NULL<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL, "createAttributeNS", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    if (arg%nodeType/=DOCUMENT_NODE) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_INVALID_NODE<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_INVALID_NODE, "createAttributeNS", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    elseif (.not.checkName(qualifiedName, getXmlVersionEnum(arg))) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR<200) then
+  call throw_exception(INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR, "createAttributeNS", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    elseif (.not.checkQName(qualifiedName, getXmlVersionEnum(arg))) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.NAMESPACE_ERR<200) then
+  call throw_exception(NAMESPACE_ERR, "createAttributeNS", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    elseif (prefixOfQName(qualifiedName)/="" &
+     .and. namespaceURI=="".and..not.arg%docExtras%brokenNS) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.NAMESPACE_ERR<200) then
+  call throw_exception(NAMESPACE_ERR, "createAttributeNS", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    elseif (namespaceURI=="http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace" .neqv. &
+      prefixOfQName(qualifiedName)=="xml") then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.NAMESPACE_ERR<200) then
+  call throw_exception(NAMESPACE_ERR, "createAttributeNS", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    elseif (namespaceURI=="http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/" .neqv. &
+      (qualifiedName=="xmlns" .or. prefixOfQName(qualifiedName)=="xmlns")) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.NAMESPACE_ERR<200) then
+  call throw_exception(NAMESPACE_ERR, "createAttributeNS", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    URIref => parseURI(namespaceURI)
+    if (.not.associated(URIref)) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_INVALID_URI<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_INVALID_URI, "createAttributeNS", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    call destroyURI(URIref)
+    np => createNode(arg, ATTRIBUTE_NODE, qualifiedName, "")
+    allocate(np%elExtras)
+    np%elExtras%namespaceURI => vs_str_alloc(namespaceURI)
+    np%elExtras%localname => vs_str_alloc(localPartofQName(qualifiedname))
+    np%elExtras%prefix => vs_str_alloc(PrefixofQName(qualifiedname))
+    if (getGCstate(arg)) then
+      np%inDocument = .false.
+      call append(arg%docExtras%hangingnodes, np)
+    else
+      np%inDocument = .true.
+    endif
+  end function createAttributeNS
+  function getElementsByTagNameNS(doc, namespaceURI, localName, ex)result(list) 
+    type(DOMException), intent(out), optional :: ex
+    type(Node), pointer :: doc
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: namespaceURI, localName
+    type(NodeList), pointer :: list
+    type(NodeListPtr), pointer :: nll(:), temp_nll(:)
+    type(Node), pointer :: this, arg, treeroot
+    logical :: doneChildren, doneAttributes, allLocalNames, allNameSpaces
+    integer :: i, i_tree
+    if (.not.associated(doc)) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_NODE_IS_NULL<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL, "getElementsByTagNameNS", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    if (doc%nodeType/=DOCUMENT_NODE.and.doc%nodeType/=ELEMENT_NODE) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_INVALID_NODE<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_INVALID_NODE, "getElementsByTagNameNS", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    allNamespaces = (namespaceURI=="*")
+    allLocalNames = (localName=="*")
+    if (doc%nodeType==DOCUMENT_NODE) then
+      arg => getDocumentElement(doc)
+    else
+      arg => doc
+    endif
+    allocate(list)
+    allocate(list%nodes(0))
+    list%element => doc
+    list%localName => vs_str_alloc(localName)
+    list%namespaceURI => vs_str_alloc(namespaceURI)
+    if (doc%nodeType==DOCUMENT_NODE) then
+      nll => doc%docExtras%nodelists
+    elseif (doc%nodeType==ELEMENT_NODE) then
+      nll => doc%ownerDocument%docExtras%nodelists
+    endif
+    allocate(temp_nll(size(nll)+1))
+    do i = 1, size(nll)
+      temp_nll(i)%this => nll(i)%this
+    enddo
+    temp_nll(i)%this => list
+    deallocate(nll)
+    if (doc%nodeType==DOCUMENT_NODE) then
+      doc%docExtras%nodelists => temp_nll
+    elseif (doc%nodeType==ELEMENT_NODE) then
+      doc%ownerDocument%docExtras%nodelists => temp_nll
+    endif
+    treeroot => arg
+    i_tree = 0
+    doneChildren = .false.
+    doneAttributes = .false.
+    this => treeroot
+    do
+      if (.not.doneChildren.and..not.(getNodeType(this)==ELEMENT_NODE.and.doneAttributes)) then
+      if (getNodeType(this)==ELEMENT_NODE) then
+        if (getNamespaceURI(this)/="") then
+          if ((allNameSpaces .or. getNameSpaceURI(this)==namespaceURI) &
+            .and. (allLocalNames .or. getLocalName(this)==localName) &
+            .and..not.(getNodeType(doc)==ELEMENT_NODE.and.associated(this, arg))) &
+            call append(list, this)
+        else
+          if ((allNameSpaces .or. namespaceURI=="") &
+            .and. (allLocalNames .or. getNodeName(this)==localName) &
+            .and..not.(getNodeType(doc)==ELEMENT_NODE.and.associated(this, arg))) &
+            call append(list, this)
+        endif
+        doneAttributes = .true. ! Never search attributes
+      endif
+      else
+        if (getNodeType(this)==ELEMENT_NODE.and..not.doneChildren) then
+          doneAttributes = .true.
+        else
+        endif
+      endif
+      if (.not.doneChildren) then
+        if (getNodeType(this)==ELEMENT_NODE.and..not.doneAttributes) then
+          if (getLength(getAttributes(this))>0) then
+            this => item(getAttributes(this), 0)
+          else
+            doneAttributes = .true.
+          endif
+        elseif (hasChildNodes(this)) then
+          this => getFirstChild(this)
+          doneChildren = .false.
+          doneAttributes = .false.
+        else
+          doneChildren = .true.
+          doneAttributes = .false.
+        endif
+      else ! if doneChildren
+        if (associated(this, treeroot)) exit
+        if (getNodeType(this)==ATTRIBUTE_NODE) then
+          if (i_tree<getLength(getAttributes(getOwnerElement(this)))-1) then
+            i_tree= i_tree+ 1
+            this => item(getAttributes(getOwnerElement(this)), i_tree)
+            doneChildren = .false.
+          else
+            i_tree= 0
+            this => getOwnerElement(this)
+            doneAttributes = .true.
+            doneChildren = .false.
+          endif
+        elseif (associated(getNextSibling(this))) then
+          this => getNextSibling(this)
+          doneChildren = .false.
+          doneAttributes = .false.
+        else
+          this => getParentNode(this)
+        endif
+      endif
+    enddo
+  end function getElementsByTagNameNS
+  function getElementById(arg, elementId, ex)result(np) 
+    type(DOMException), intent(out), optional :: ex
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: elementId
+    type(Node), pointer :: np
+    type(Node), pointer :: this, treeroot
+    integer :: i_tree
+    logical :: doneChildren, doneAttributes
+    if (.not.associated(arg)) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_NODE_IS_NULL<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL, "getElementById", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    if (arg%nodeType/=DOCUMENT_NODE) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_INVALID_NODE<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_INVALID_NODE, "getElementById", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    np => null()
+    treeroot => getDocumentElement(arg)
+    i_tree = 0
+    doneChildren = .false.
+    doneAttributes = .false.
+    this => treeroot
+    do
+      if (.not.doneChildren.and..not.(getNodeType(this)==ELEMENT_NODE.and.doneAttributes)) then
+      if (this%nodeType==ATTRIBUTE_NODE) then
+        if (getIsId(this).and.getValue(this)==elementId) then
+          np => getOwnerElement(this)
+          return
+        endif
+      endif
+      else
+        if (getNodeType(this)==ELEMENT_NODE.and..not.doneChildren) then
+          doneAttributes = .true.
+        else
+        endif
+      endif
+      if (.not.doneChildren) then
+        if (getNodeType(this)==ELEMENT_NODE.and..not.doneAttributes) then
+          if (getLength(getAttributes(this))>0) then
+            this => item(getAttributes(this), 0)
+          else
+            doneAttributes = .true.
+          endif
+        elseif (hasChildNodes(this)) then
+          this => getFirstChild(this)
+          doneChildren = .false.
+          doneAttributes = .false.
+        else
+          doneChildren = .true.
+          doneAttributes = .false.
+        endif
+      else ! if doneChildren
+        if (associated(this, treeroot)) exit
+        if (getNodeType(this)==ATTRIBUTE_NODE) then
+          if (i_tree<getLength(getAttributes(getOwnerElement(this)))-1) then
+            i_tree= i_tree+ 1
+            this => item(getAttributes(getOwnerElement(this)), i_tree)
+            doneChildren = .false.
+          else
+            i_tree= 0
+            this => getOwnerElement(this)
+            doneAttributes = .true.
+            doneChildren = .false.
+          endif
+        elseif (associated(getNextSibling(this))) then
+          this => getNextSibling(this)
+          doneChildren = .false.
+          doneAttributes = .false.
+        else
+          this => getParentNode(this)
+        endif
+      endif
+    enddo
+  end function getElementById
+function getxmlStandalone(np, ex)result(c) 
+    type(DOMException), intent(out), optional :: ex
+    type(Node), pointer :: np
+    logical :: c
+    if (.not.associated(np)) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_NODE_IS_NULL<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL, "getxmlStandalone", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+   if (getNodeType(np)/=DOCUMENT_NODE .and. &
+      .true.) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_INVALID_NODE<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_INVALID_NODE, "getxmlStandalone", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    c = np%docExtras%xds%standalone
+  end function getxmlStandalone
+subroutine setxmlStandalone(np, c, ex)
+    type(DOMException), intent(out), optional :: ex
+    type(Node), pointer :: np
+    logical :: c
+    if (.not.associated(np)) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_NODE_IS_NULL<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL, "setxmlStandalone", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+   if (getNodeType(np)/=DOCUMENT_NODE .and. &
+      .true.) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_INVALID_NODE<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_INVALID_NODE, "setxmlStandalone", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    np%docExtras%xds%standalone = c
+  end subroutine setxmlStandalone
+! FIXME additional check on setting - do we have any undefined entrefs present?
+  function getXmlVersion(arg, ex)result(s) 
+    type(DOMException), intent(out), optional :: ex
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    character(len=3) :: s
+    if (.not.associated(arg)) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_NODE_IS_NULL<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL, "getXmlVersion", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    if (arg%nodeType/=DOCUMENT_NODE &
+    .and.arg%nodeType/=ENTITY_NODE) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_INVALID_NODE<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_INVALID_NODE, "getXmlVersion", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    if (getXmlVersionEnum(arg)==XML1_0) then
+      s = "1.0"
+    elseif (getXmlVersionEnum(arg)==XML1_1) then
+      s = "1.1"
+    else
+      s = "XXX"
+    endif
+  end function getXmlVersion
+  subroutine setXmlVersion(arg, s, ex)
+    type(DOMException), intent(out), optional :: ex
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    character(len=*) :: s
+    if (.not.associated(arg)) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_NODE_IS_NULL<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL, "setXmlVersion", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    if (arg%nodeType/=DOCUMENT_NODE) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_INVALID_NODE<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_INVALID_NODE, "setXmlVersion", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    if (s=="1.0") then
+      arg%docExtras%xds%xml_version = XML1_0
+    elseif (s=="1.1") then
+      arg%docExtras%xds%xml_version = XML1_1
+    else
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR<200) then
+  call throw_exception(NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR, "setXmlVersion", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+  end subroutine setXmlVersion
+  pure function getXmlEncoding_len(arg, p) result(n)
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    logical, intent(in) :: p
+    integer :: n
+    n = 0
+    if (.not.p) return
+    if (arg%nodeType==DOCUMENT_NODE) &
+      n = size(arg%docExtras%xds%encoding)
+  end function getXmlEncoding_len
+  function getXmlEncoding(arg, ex)result(s) 
+    type(DOMException), intent(out), optional :: ex
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    character(len=getXmlEncoding_len(arg, .true.)) :: s
+    character(len=getXmlEncoding_len(arg, associated(arg))) :: s
+    if (.not.associated(arg)) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_NODE_IS_NULL<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL, "getXmlEncoding", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    if (arg%nodeType==DOCUMENT_NODE) then
+      s = str_vs(arg%docExtras%xds%encoding)
+    elseif (arg%nodeType==ENTITY_NODE) then
+      s = "" !FIXME revisit when we have working external entities
+    else
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_INVALID_NODE<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_INVALID_NODE, "getXmlEncoding", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+  end function getXmlEncoding
+  pure function getInputEncoding_len(arg, p) result(n)
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    logical, intent(in) :: p
+    integer :: n
+    n = 0
+    if (.not.p) return
+    if (arg%nodeType==DOCUMENT_NODE) &
+      n = size(arg%docExtras%xds%inputEncoding)
+  end function getInputEncoding_len
+  function getInputEncoding(arg, ex)result(s) 
+    type(DOMException), intent(out), optional :: ex
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    character(len=getInputEncoding_len(arg, .true.)) :: s
+    character(len=getInputEncoding_len(arg, associated(arg))) :: s
+    if (.not.associated(arg)) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_NODE_IS_NULL<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL, "getInputEncoding", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    if (arg%nodeType==DOCUMENT_NODE) then
+      s = str_vs(arg%docExtras%xds%inputEncoding)    
+    elseif (arg%nodeType==ENTITY_NODE) then
+      s = "" !FIXME revisit when we have working external entities
+    else
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_INVALID_NODE<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_INVALID_NODE, "getInputEncoding", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+  end function getInputEncoding
+  pure function getdocumentURI_len(np, p) result(n)
+    type(Node), intent(in) :: np
+    logical, intent(in) :: p
+    integer :: n
+    if (p .and. ( &
+      np%nodeType==DOCUMENT_NODE .or. &
+      .false.)) then
+      n = size(np%docExtras%xds%documentURI)
+    else
+      n = 0
+    endif
+  end function getdocumentURI_len
+function getdocumentURI(np, ex)result(c) 
+    type(DOMException), intent(out), optional :: ex
+    type(Node), pointer :: np
+    character(len=getdocumentURI_len(np, .true.)) :: c
+    character(len=getdocumentURI_len(np, associated(np))) :: c
+    if (.not.associated(np)) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_NODE_IS_NULL<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL, "getdocumentURI", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+   if (getNodeType(np)/=DOCUMENT_NODE .and. &
+      .true.) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_INVALID_NODE<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_INVALID_NODE, "getdocumentURI", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    c = str_vs(np%docExtras%xds%documentURI)
+  end function getdocumentURI
+subroutine setdocumentURI(np, c, ex)
+    type(DOMException), intent(out), optional :: ex
+    type(Node), pointer :: np
+    character(len=*) :: c
+    if (.not.associated(np)) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_NODE_IS_NULL<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL, "setdocumentURI", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+   if (getNodeType(np)/=DOCUMENT_NODE .and. &
+      .true.) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_INVALID_NODE<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_INVALID_NODE, "setdocumentURI", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    if (associated(np%docExtras%xds%documentURI)) deallocate(np%docExtras%xds%documentURI)
+    np%docExtras%xds%documentURI => vs_str_alloc(c)
+  end subroutine setdocumentURI
+function getstrictErrorChecking(np, ex)result(c) 
+    type(DOMException), intent(out), optional :: ex
+    type(Node), pointer :: np
+    logical :: c
+    if (.not.associated(np)) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_NODE_IS_NULL<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL, "getstrictErrorChecking", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+   if (getNodeType(np)/=DOCUMENT_NODE .and. &
+      .true.) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_INVALID_NODE<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_INVALID_NODE, "getstrictErrorChecking", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    c = np%docExtras%strictErrorChecking
+  end function getstrictErrorChecking
+subroutine setstrictErrorChecking(np, c, ex)
+    type(DOMException), intent(out), optional :: ex
+    type(Node), pointer :: np
+    logical :: c
+    if (.not.associated(np)) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_NODE_IS_NULL<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL, "setstrictErrorChecking", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+   if (getNodeType(np)/=DOCUMENT_NODE .and. &
+      .true.) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_INVALID_NODE<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_INVALID_NODE, "setstrictErrorChecking", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    np%docExtras%strictErrorChecking = c
+  end subroutine setstrictErrorChecking
+  function adoptNode(doc , arg , ex)result(np) 
+    type(DOMException), intent(out), optional :: ex
+    type(Node), pointer :: doc
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    type(Node), pointer :: np
+    type(Node), pointer :: this, thatParent, new, treeroot, parent, dead
+    type(xml_doc_state), pointer :: xds
+    type(element_t), pointer :: elem
+    type(attribute_t), pointer :: att
+    logical :: doneAttributes, doneChildren, brokenNS
+    integer :: i_tree
+    if (.not.associated(doc).or..not.associated(arg)) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_NODE_IS_NULL<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL, "adoptNode", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    if (getNodeType(doc)/=DOCUMENT_NODE) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_INVALID_NODE<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_INVALID_NODE, "adoptNode", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    elseif (getNodeType(arg)==DOCUMENT_NODE .or. &
+      getNodeType(arg)==DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE .or. &
+      getNodeType(arg)==NOTATION_NODE .or. &
+      getNodeType(arg)==ENTITY_NODE) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR<200) then
+  call throw_exception(NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR, "adoptNode", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    elseif (getReadonly(arg)) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR<200) then
+  call throw_exception(NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR, "adoptNode", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    brokenNS = doc%docExtras%brokenNS
+    doc%docExtras%brokenNS = .true. ! We need to do stupid NS things
+    xds => getXds(doc)
+    if (associated(getParentNode(arg))) then
+      np => removeChild(getParentNode(arg), arg)
+    else
+      np => arg
+    endif
+    if (associated(arg, getOwnerDocument(arg))) return
+    thatParent => null()
+    treeroot => np
+    i_tree = 0
+    doneChildren = .false.
+    doneAttributes = .false.
+    this => treeroot
+    do
+      if (.not.doneChildren.and..not.(getNodeType(this)==ELEMENT_NODE.and.doneAttributes)) then
+        select case (getNodeType(this))
+        case (ELEMENT_NODE)
+          if (.not.doneAttributes) call setOwnerDocument(this, doc)
+        case (ATTRIBUTE_NODE)
+          if (associated(this, arg).or.getSpecified(this)) then
+            ! We are importing just this attribute node
+            ! or this was an explicitly specified attribute; either
+            ! way, we import it as is, and it becomes/remains specified.
+            call setOwnerDocument(this, doc)
+            call setSpecified(this, .true.)
+          else
+            ! This is an attribute being imported as part of a hierarchy,
+            ! but its only here by default. Is there a default attribute
+            ! of this name in the new document?
+            elem => get_element(xds%element_list, &
+              getTagName(getOwnerElement(this)))
+            att => get_attribute_declaration(elem, getName(this))
+            if (attribute_has_default(att)) then
+              ! Create the new default:
+              if (getParameter(getDomConfig(doc), "namespaces")) then
+                ! We create a namespaced attribute. Of course, its 
+                ! namespaceURI remains empty for the moment unless we know it ...
+                if (prefixOfQName(getName(this))=="xml") then
+                  new => createAttributeNS(np, &
+                    "http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace", &
+                    getName(this))
+                elseif (getName(this)=="xmlns" & 
+                  .or. prefixOfQName(getName(this))=="xmlns") then
+                  new => createAttributeNS(np, &
+                    "http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/", &
+                    getName(this))
+                else
+                  ! Wait for namespace fixup ...
+                  new => createAttributeNS(np, "", &
+                    getName(this))
+                endif
+              else
+                new => createAttribute(doc, getName(this))
+              endif
+              call setValue(new, str_vs(att%default))
+              call setSpecified(new, .false.)
+              ! In any case, we dont want to copy the children of this node.
+              doneChildren = .true.
+              dead => setAttributeNode(getOwnerElement(this), new)
+              this => new
+              call destroyAllNodesRecursively(dead)
+            endif
+            ! Otherwise no attribute here, so go back to previous node
+            dead => this
+            if (i_tree==0) then
+              this => getOwnerElement(this)
+            else
+              i_tree = i_tree - 1
+              this => item(getAttributes(getOwnerElement(this)), i_tree)
+              doneChildren = .true.
+            endif
+            call removeAttribute(getOwnerElement(dead), getNodeName(dead))
+          endif
+          new => createEntityReference(doc, getNodeName(this))
+          ! This will automatically populate the entity reference if doc defines it, so no children needed
+          parent => getParentNode(this)
+          if (associated(parent)) then
+            dead => replaceChild(parent, new, this)
+            this => new
+            call destroyAllNodesRecursively(dead)
+          endif
+          doneChildren = .true.
+        case (ENTITY_NODE)
+          if (getFoX_checks().or.NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR<200) then
+  call throw_exception(NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR, "adoptNode", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+        case (DOCUMENT_NODE)
+          if (getFoX_checks().or.NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR<200) then
+  call throw_exception(NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR, "adoptNode", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+        case (DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE)
+          if (getFoX_checks().or.NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR<200) then
+  call throw_exception(NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR, "adoptNode", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+        case (NOTATION_NODE)
+          if (getFoX_checks().or.NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR<200) then
+  call throw_exception(NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR, "adoptNode", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+        case default
+          call setOwnerDocument(this, doc)
+        end select
+      else
+        if (getNodeType(this)==ELEMENT_NODE.and..not.doneChildren) then
+          doneAttributes = .true.
+        else
+        endif
+      endif
+      if (.not.doneChildren) then
+        if (getNodeType(this)==ELEMENT_NODE.and..not.doneAttributes) then
+          if (getLength(getAttributes(this))>0) then
+            this => item(getAttributes(this), 0)
+          else
+            doneAttributes = .true.
+          endif
+        elseif (hasChildNodes(this)) then
+          this => getFirstChild(this)
+          doneChildren = .false.
+          doneAttributes = .false.
+        else
+          doneChildren = .true.
+          doneAttributes = .false.
+        endif
+      else ! if doneChildren
+        if (associated(this, treeroot)) exit
+        if (getNodeType(this)==ATTRIBUTE_NODE) then
+          if (i_tree<getLength(getAttributes(getOwnerElement(this)))-1) then
+            i_tree= i_tree+ 1
+            this => item(getAttributes(getOwnerElement(this)), i_tree)
+            doneChildren = .false.
+          else
+            i_tree= 0
+            this => getOwnerElement(this)
+            doneAttributes = .true.
+            doneChildren = .false.
+          endif
+        elseif (associated(getNextSibling(this))) then
+          this => getNextSibling(this)
+          doneChildren = .false.
+          doneAttributes = .false.
+        else
+          this => getParentNode(this)
+        endif
+      endif
+    enddo
+    doc%docExtras%brokenNS = brokenNS
+!    call namespaceFixup(np)
+  end function adoptNode
+function getdomConfig(np, ex)result(c) 
+    type(DOMException), intent(out), optional :: ex
+    type(Node), pointer :: np
+    type(DOMConfiguration), pointer :: c
+    if (.not.associated(np)) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_NODE_IS_NULL<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL, "getdomConfig", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+   if (getNodeType(np)/=DOCUMENT_NODE .and. &
+      .true.) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_INVALID_NODE<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_INVALID_NODE, "getdomConfig", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    c => np%docExtras%domConfig
+  end function getdomConfig
+subroutine setdomConfig(np, c, ex)
+    type(DOMException), intent(out), optional :: ex
+    type(Node), pointer :: np
+    type(DOMConfiguration), pointer :: c
+    if (.not.associated(np)) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_NODE_IS_NULL<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL, "setdomConfig", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+   if (getNodeType(np)/=DOCUMENT_NODE .and. &
+      .true.) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_INVALID_NODE<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_INVALID_NODE, "setdomConfig", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    np%docExtras%domConfig => c
+  end subroutine setdomConfig
+  function renameNode(arg, n, namespaceURI, qualifiedName, ex)result(np) 
+    type(DOMException), intent(out), optional :: ex
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    type(Node), pointer :: n
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: namespaceURI
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: qualifiedName
+    type(Node), pointer :: np
+    type(Node), pointer :: attNode
+    integer :: i
+    logical :: brokenNS
+    type(element_t), pointer :: elem
+    type(attribute_t), pointer :: att
+    type(xml_doc_state), pointer :: xds
+    type(URI), pointer :: URIref
+    if (.not.associated(arg).or..not.associated(n)) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_NODE_IS_NULL<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL, "renameNode", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    if (getNodeType(arg)/=DOCUMENT_NODE) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_INVALID_NODE<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_INVALID_NODE, "renameNode", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    elseif (.not.associated(arg, getOwnerDocument(n))) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.WRONG_DOCUMENT_ERR<200) then
+  call throw_exception(WRONG_DOCUMENT_ERR, "renameNode", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    elseif (.not.checkName(qualifiedName, getXmlVersionEnum(arg))) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR<200) then
+  call throw_exception(INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR, "renameNode", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    elseif (.not.checkQName(qualifiedName, getXmlVersionEnum(arg))) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.NAMESPACE_ERR<200) then
+  call throw_exception(NAMESPACE_ERR, "renameNode", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    elseif (prefixOfQName(qualifiedName)/="" &
+     .and. namespaceURI=="".and..not.arg%docExtras%brokenNS) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.NAMESPACE_ERR<200) then
+  call throw_exception(NAMESPACE_ERR, "renameNode", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    elseif (namespaceURI=="http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace" .neqv. &
+      prefixOfQName(qualifiedName)=="xml") then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.NAMESPACE_ERR<200) then
+  call throw_exception(NAMESPACE_ERR, "renameNode", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    elseif (namespaceURI=="http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/") then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.NAMESPACE_ERR<200) then
+  call throw_exception(NAMESPACE_ERR, "renameNode", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    URIref => parseURI(namespaceURI)
+    if (.not.associated(URIref)) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_INVALID_URI<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_INVALID_URI, "renameNode", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    call destroyURI(URIref)
+! FIXME what if this is called on a Level 1 node
+! FIXME what if this is called on a read-only node
+! FIXME what if this is called on an attribute whose specified=fals
+    select case(getNodeType(n))
+      deallocate(n%nodeName)
+      n%nodeName => vs_str_alloc(qualifiedName)
+      deallocate(n%elExtras%namespaceURI)
+      n%elExtras%namespaceURI => vs_str_alloc(namespaceURI)
+      deallocate(n%elExtras%localName)
+      n%elExtras%localName => vs_str_alloc(localpartOfQName(qualifiedname))
+    case default
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR<200) then
+  call throw_exception(NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR, "renameNode", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    end select
+    if (getNodeType(n)==ELEMENT_NODE) then
+      i = 0
+      do while (i<getLength(getAttributes(n)))
+        attNode => item(getAttributes(n), i)
+        if (.not.getSpecified(attNode)) then
+          attNode => removeAttributeNode(n, attNode)
+          call destroyNode(attNode)
+        else
+          i = i + 1
+        endif
+      enddo
+      xds => getXds(arg)
+      elem => get_element(xds%element_list, qualifiedName)
+      if (associated(elem)) then
+        do i = 1, get_attlist_size(elem)
+          att => get_attribute_declaration(elem, i)
+          if (attribute_has_default(att)) then
+            ! Since this is a namespaced function, we create a namespaced
+            ! attribute. Of course, its namespaceURI remains empty
+            ! for the moment unless we know it ...
+            if (prefixOfQName(str_vs(att%name))=="xml") then
+              call setAttributeNS(np, &
+                "http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace", &
+                str_vs(att%name), str_vs(att%default))
+            elseif (str_vs(att%name)=="xmlns" & 
+              .or. prefixOfQName(str_vs(att%name))=="xmlns") then
+              call setAttributeNS(np, &
+                "http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/", &
+                str_vs(att%name), str_vs(att%default))
+            else
+              ! Wait for namespace fixup ...
+              brokenNS = arg%docExtras%brokenNS
+              arg%docExtras%brokenNS = .true.
+              call setAttributeNS(np, "", str_vs(att%name), &
+                str_vs(att%default))
+              arg%docExtras%brokenNS = brokenNS
+            endif
+          endif
+        enddo
+      endif
+    endif
+    np => n
+  end function renameNode
+  ! Internal function, not part of API
+  function createNamespaceNode(arg, prefix, URI, specified, ex)result(np) 
+    type(DOMException), intent(out), optional :: ex
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: prefix
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: URI
+    logical, intent(in) :: specified
+    type(Node), pointer :: np
+    if (.not.associated(arg)) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_NODE_IS_NULL<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL, "createNamespaceNode", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    if (arg%nodeType/=DOCUMENT_NODE) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_INVALID_NODE<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_INVALID_NODE, "createNamespaceNode", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    np => createNode(arg, XPATH_NAMESPACE_NODE, "#namespace", URI)
+    allocate(np%elExtras)
+    np%elExtras%prefix => vs_str_alloc(prefix)
+    np%elExtras%namespaceURI => vs_str_alloc(URI)
+    np%elExtras%specified = specified
+  end function createNamespaceNode
+  function createEntity(arg, name, publicId, systemId, notationName, ex)result(np) 
+    type(DOMException), intent(out), optional :: ex
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: publicId
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: systemId
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: notationName
+    type(Node), pointer :: np
+    if (.not.associated(arg)) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_NODE_IS_NULL<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL, "createEntity", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    if (arg%nodeType/=DOCUMENT_NODE) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_INVALID_NODE<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_INVALID_NODE, "createEntity", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    np => createNode(arg, ENTITY_NODE, name, "")
+    allocate(np%dtdExtras)
+    np%dtdExtras%publicId => vs_str_alloc(publicId)
+    np%dtdExtras%systemId => vs_str_alloc(systemId)
+    np%dtdExtras%notationName => vs_str_alloc(notationName)
+    if (getGCstate(arg)) then
+      np%inDocument = .false.
+      call append(arg%docExtras%hangingnodes, np)
+    else
+      np%inDocument = .true.
+    endif
+  end function createEntity
+  function createNotation(arg, name, publicId, systemId, ex)result(np) 
+    type(DOMException), intent(out), optional :: ex
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: publicId
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: systemId
+    type(Node), pointer :: np
+    if (.not.associated(arg)) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_NODE_IS_NULL<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL, "createNotation", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    if (arg%nodeType/=DOCUMENT_NODE) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_INVALID_NODE<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_INVALID_NODE, "createNotation", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    np => createNode(arg, NOTATION_NODE, name, "")
+    allocate(np%dtdExtras)
+    np%dtdExtras%publicId => vs_str_alloc(publicId)
+    np%dtdExtras%systemId => vs_str_alloc(systemId)
+    if (getGCstate(arg)) then
+      np%inDocument = .false.
+      call append(arg%docExtras%hangingnodes, np)
+    else
+      np%inDocument = .true.
+    endif
+  end function createNotation
+  function getXmlVersionEnum(arg, ex)result(n) 
+    type(DOMException), intent(out), optional :: ex
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    integer :: n
+    if (.not.associated(arg)) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_INTERNAL_ERROR<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_INTERNAL_ERROR, "getXmlVersionEnum", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    n = arg%docExtras%xds%xml_version
+  end function getXmlVersionEnum
+  function getXds(arg, ex)result(xds) 
+    type(DOMException), intent(out), optional :: ex
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    type(xml_doc_state), pointer :: xds
+    if (.not.associated(arg)) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_INTERNAL_ERROR<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_INTERNAL_ERROR, "getXds", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    xds => arg%docExtras%xds
+  end function getXds
+function getGCstate(np, ex)result(c) 
+    type(DOMException), intent(out), optional :: ex
+    type(Node), pointer :: np
+    logical :: c
+    if (.not.associated(np)) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_NODE_IS_NULL<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL, "getGCstate", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+   if (getNodeType(np)/=DOCUMENT_NODE .and. &
+      .true.) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_INVALID_NODE<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_INVALID_NODE, "getGCstate", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    c = np%docExtras%xds%building
+  end function getGCstate
+subroutine setGCstate(np, c, ex)
+    type(DOMException), intent(out), optional :: ex
+    type(Node), pointer :: np
+    logical :: c
+    if (.not.associated(np)) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_NODE_IS_NULL<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL, "setGCstate", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+   if (getNodeType(np)/=DOCUMENT_NODE .and. &
+      .true.) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_INVALID_NODE<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_INVALID_NODE, "setGCstate", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    np%docExtras%xds%building = c
+  end subroutine setGCstate
+function getliveNodeLists(np, ex)result(c) 
+    type(DOMException), intent(out), optional :: ex
+    type(Node), pointer :: np
+    logical :: c
+    if (.not.associated(np)) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_NODE_IS_NULL<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL, "getliveNodeLists", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+   if (getNodeType(np)/=DOCUMENT_NODE .and. &
+      .true.) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_INVALID_NODE<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_INVALID_NODE, "getliveNodeLists", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    c = np%docExtras%liveNodeLists
+  end function getliveNodeLists
+subroutine setliveNodeLists(np, c, ex)
+    type(DOMException), intent(out), optional :: ex
+    type(Node), pointer :: np
+    logical :: c
+    if (.not.associated(np)) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_NODE_IS_NULL<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL, "setliveNodeLists", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+   if (getNodeType(np)/=DOCUMENT_NODE .and. &
+      .true.) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_INVALID_NODE<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_INVALID_NODE, "setliveNodeLists", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    np%docExtras%liveNodeLists = c
+  end subroutine setliveNodeLists
+!  function getName(docType) result(c) See m_dom_common
+  function getEntities(arg, ex)result(nnp) 
+    type(DOMException), intent(out), optional :: ex
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    type(NamedNodeMap), pointer :: nnp
+    if (.not.associated(arg)) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_NODE_IS_NULL<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL, "getEntities", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    if (arg%nodeType/=DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE) then
+       if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_INVALID_NODE<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_INVALID_NODE, "getEntities", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    nnp => arg%dtdExtras%entities
+  end function getEntities
+  function getNotations(arg, ex)result(nnp) 
+    type(DOMException), intent(out), optional :: ex
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    type(NamedNodeMap), pointer :: nnp
+    if (.not.associated(arg)) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_NODE_IS_NULL<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL, "getNotations", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    if (arg%nodeType/=DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE) then
+       if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_INVALID_NODE<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_INVALID_NODE, "getNotations", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    nnp => arg%dtdExtras%notations
+  end function getNotations
+!  function getPublicId(docType) result(c) See m_dom_common
+!  function getSystemId(docType) result(c) See m_dom_common
+  pure function getInternalSubset_len(arg, p) result(n)
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    logical, intent(in) :: p
+    integer :: n
+    n = 0
+    if (p) then
+      if (associated(arg%ownerDocument)) then
+        if (associated(arg%ownerDocument%docExtras%xds%intSubset)) then
+          n = size(arg%ownerDocument%docExtras%xds%intSubset)
+        endif
+      endif
+    endif
+  end function getInternalSubset_len
+  function getInternalSubset(arg, ex)result(s) 
+    type(DOMException), intent(out), optional :: ex
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    character(len=getInternalSubset_len(arg, .true.)) :: s
+    character(len=getInternalSubset_len(arg, associated(arg))) :: s
+    if (.not.associated(arg)) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_NODE_IS_NULL<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL, "getInternalSubset", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    if (arg%nodeType/=DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE) then
+       if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_INVALID_NODE<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_INVALID_NODE, "getInternalSubset", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    if (len(s)>0) then
+      s = str_vs(arg%ownerDocument%docExtras%xds%intSubset)
+    else
+      s = ""
+    endif
+  end function getInternalSubset
+  pure function gettagName_len(np, p) result(n)
+    type(Node), intent(in) :: np
+    logical, intent(in) :: p
+    integer :: n
+    if (p .and. ( &
+      np%nodeType==ELEMENT_NODE .or. &
+      .false.)) then
+      n = size(np%nodeName)
+    else
+      n = 0
+    endif
+  end function gettagName_len
+function gettagName(np, ex)result(c) 
+    type(DOMException), intent(out), optional :: ex
+    type(Node), pointer :: np
+    character(len=gettagName_len(np, .true.)) :: c
+    character(len=gettagName_len(np, associated(np))) :: c
+    if (.not.associated(np)) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_NODE_IS_NULL<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL, "gettagName", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+   if (getNodeType(np)/=ELEMENT_NODE .and. &
+      .true.) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_INVALID_NODE<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_INVALID_NODE, "gettagName", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    c = str_vs(np%nodeName)
+  end function gettagName
+  pure function getAttribute_len(arg, p, name) result(n)
+    type(Node), intent(in) :: arg
+    logical, intent(in) :: p
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
+    integer :: n
+    integer :: i
+    n = 0
+    if (.not.p) return
+    if (arg%nodeType/=ELEMENT_NODE) return
+    do i = 1, arg%elExtras%attributes%length
+      if (str_vs(arg%elExtras%attributes%nodes(i)%this%nodeName)==name) then
+        n = getTextContent_len(arg%elExtras%attributes%nodes(i)%this, .true.)
+        exit
+      endif
+    enddo
+  end function getAttribute_len
+  function getAttribute(arg, name, ex)result(c) 
+    type(DOMException), intent(out), optional :: ex
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
+    character(len=getAttribute_len(arg, .true., name)) :: c
+    character(len=getAttribute_len(arg, associated(arg), name)) :: c
+    integer :: i
+    if (.not.associated(arg)) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_NODE_IS_NULL<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL, "getAttribute", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    if (getNodeType(arg) /= ELEMENT_NODE) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_INVALID_NODE<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_INVALID_NODE, "getAttribute", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    if (len(c)>0) then
+      do i = 1, arg%elExtras%attributes%length
+        if (str_vs(arg%elExtras%attributes%nodes(i)%this%nodeName)==name) then
+          c = getTextContent(arg%elExtras%attributes%nodes(i)%this)
+          exit
+        endif
+      enddo
+    else
+      c = ""
+    endif
+  end function getAttribute
+  subroutine setAttribute(arg, name, value, ex)
+    type(DOMException), intent(out), optional :: ex
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: value
+    type(Node), pointer :: nn, dummy
+    logical :: quickFix
+    if (.not.associated(arg)) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_NODE_IS_NULL<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL, "setAttribute", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    if (getNodetype(arg)/=ELEMENT_NODE) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_INVALID_NODE<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_INVALID_NODE, "setAttribute", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    elseif (arg%readonly) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR<200) then
+  call throw_exception(NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR, "setAttribute", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    elseif (.not.checkName(name, getXmlVersionEnum(getOwnerDocument(arg)))) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR<200) then
+  call throw_exception(INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR, "setAttribute", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    elseif (.not.checkChars(value, getXmlVersionEnum(getOwnerDocument(arg)))) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_INVALID_CHARACTER<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_INVALID_CHARACTER, "setAttribute", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    quickFix = getGCstate(getOwnerDocument(arg)) &
+      .and. arg%inDocument
+    if (quickFix) call setGCstate(getOwnerDocument(arg), .false.)
+    ! then the created attribute is going straight into the document,
+    ! so dont faff with hanging-node lists.
+    nn => createAttribute(arg%ownerDocument, name)
+    call setValue(nn, value)
+    dummy => setNamedItem(getAttributes(arg), nn)
+    if (associated(dummy)) then
+      if (getGCstate(getOwnerDocument(arg)).and..not.dummy%inDocument) &
+        call putNodesInDocument(getOwnerDocument(arg), dummy) 
+      ! ... so that dummy & children are removed from hangingNodes list.
+      call destroyAllNodesRecursively(dummy)
+    endif
+    if (quickFix) call setGCstate(getOwnerDocument(arg), .true.)
+  end subroutine setAttribute
+  subroutine removeAttribute(arg, name, ex)
+    type(DOMException), intent(out), optional :: ex
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
+    type(DOMException) :: ex2
+    type(Node), pointer :: dummy
+    integer :: e
+    if (.not.associated(arg)) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_NODE_IS_NULL<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL, "removeAttribute", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    if (getNodetype(arg)/=ELEMENT_NODE) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_INVALID_NODE<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_INVALID_NODE, "removeAttribute", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    elseif (arg%readonly) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR<200) then
+  call throw_exception(NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR, "removeAttribute", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    if (arg%inDocument) &
+      call setGCstate(getOwnerDocument(arg), .false.)
+    dummy => removeNamedItem(getAttributes(arg), name, ex2)
+    ! removeNamedItem took care of any default attributes
+    if (inException(ex2)) then
+      e = getExceptionCode(ex2)
+      if (e/=NOT_FOUND_ERR) then
+        if (getFoX_checks().or.e<200) then
+  call throw_exception(e, "removeAttribute", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+      endif
+    else
+      if (.not.arg%inDocument) then
+        ! dummy was not in the doc, so was on hangingNode list.
+        ! To remove it from the list:
+        call putNodesInDocument(arg%ownerDocument, dummy)
+      endif
+      call destroyAllNodesRecursively(dummy)
+    endif
+    if (arg%inDocument) &
+      call setGCstate(arg%ownerDocument, .true.)
+  end subroutine removeAttribute
+  function getAttributeNode(arg, name, ex)result(attr) 
+    type(DOMException), intent(out), optional :: ex
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
+    type(Node), pointer :: attr
+    if (.not.associated(arg)) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_NODE_IS_NULL<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL, "getAttributeNode", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    if (arg%nodeType /= ELEMENT_NODE) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_INVALID_NODE<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_INVALID_NODE, "getAttributeNode", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    attr => getNamedItem(getAttributes(arg), name)
+  end function getAttributeNode
+  function setAttributeNode(arg, newattr, ex)result(attr) 
+    type(DOMException), intent(out), optional :: ex
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    type(Node), pointer :: newattr
+    type(Node), pointer :: attr
+    type(Node), pointer :: dummy
+    if (.not.associated(arg)) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_NODE_IS_NULL<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL, "setAttributeNode", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    if (arg%nodeType /= ELEMENT_NODE) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_INVALID_NODE<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_INVALID_NODE, "setAttributeNode", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    elseif (.not.associated(arg%ownerDocument, newattr%ownerDocument)) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.WRONG_DOCUMENT_ERR<200) then
+  call throw_exception(WRONG_DOCUMENT_ERR, "setAttributeNode", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    elseif (arg%readonly) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR<200) then
+  call throw_exception(NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR, "setAttributeNode", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    if (associated(getOwnerElement(newattr), arg)) then
+      attr => newattr
+      return
+      ! Nothing to do, this attribute is already in this element
+    elseif (associated(getOwnerElement(newattr))) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.INUSE_ATTRIBUTE_ERR<200) then
+  call throw_exception(INUSE_ATTRIBUTE_ERR, "setAttributeNode", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    ! this checks if attribute exists already
+    ! It also does any adding/removing of hangingnodes
+    ! and sets ownerElement appropriately
+    dummy => setNamedItem(getAttributes(arg), newattr, ex)
+    attr => dummy
+  end function setAttributeNode
+  function removeAttributeNode(arg, oldattr, ex)result(attr) 
+    type(DOMException), intent(out), optional :: ex
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    type(Node), pointer :: oldattr
+    type(Node), pointer :: attr
+    if (.not.associated(arg)) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_NODE_IS_NULL<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL, "removeAttributeNode", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    if (arg%nodeType /= ELEMENT_NODE) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_INVALID_NODE<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_INVALID_NODE, "removeAttributeNode", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    if (.not.associated(arg, getOwnerElement(oldattr))) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.NOT_FOUND_ERR<200) then
+  call throw_exception(NOT_FOUND_ERR, "removeAttributeNode", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    attr => removeNamedItem(getAttributes(arg), &
+      getNodeName(oldattr), ex)
+  end function removeAttributeNode
+!  function getElementsByTagName - see m_dom_document
+  pure function getAttributesNS_len(arg, p, localname, namespaceURI) result(n)
+    type(Node), intent(in) :: arg
+    logical, intent(in) :: p
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: localname
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: namespaceURI
+    integer :: n
+    integer :: i
+    n = 0
+    if (.not.p) return
+    if (arg%nodeType/=ELEMENT_NODE) return
+    do i = 1, arg%elExtras%attributes%length
+      if ((str_vs(arg%elExtras%attributes%nodes(i)%this%elExtras%localName)==localname &
+        .and. str_vs(arg%elExtras%attributes%nodes(i)%this%elExtras%namespaceURI)==namespaceURI) &
+        .or. (namespaceURI=="".and.str_vs(arg%elExtras%attributes%nodes(i)%this%nodeName)==localname)) then
+        n = getTextContent_len(arg%elExtras%attributes%nodes(i)%this, .true.)
+        exit
+      endif
+    enddo
+  end function getAttributesNS_len
+  function getAttributeNS(arg, namespaceURI, localName, ex)result(c) 
+    type(DOMException), intent(out), optional :: ex
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: namespaceURI
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: localName
+    character(len=getAttributesNS_len(arg, .true., localname, namespaceURI)) :: c
+    character(len=getAttributesNS_len(arg, associated(arg), localname, namespaceURI)) :: c
+    integer :: i
+    if (.not.associated(arg)) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_NODE_IS_NULL<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL, "getAttributeNS", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    if (arg%nodeType /= ELEMENT_NODE) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_INVALID_NODE<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_INVALID_NODE, "getAttributeNS", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    if (len(c)>0) then
+      do i = 1, arg%elExtras%attributes%length
+        if ((str_vs(arg%elExtras%attributes%nodes(i)%this%elExtras%localName)==localname &
+          .and. str_vs(arg%elExtras%attributes%nodes(i)%this%elExtras%namespaceURI)==namespaceURI) &
+          .or. (namespaceURI=="".and.str_vs(arg%elExtras%attributes%nodes(i)%this%nodeName)==localname)) then
+          c = getTextContent(arg%elExtras%attributes%nodes(i)%this)
+          exit
+        endif
+      enddo
+    else
+      c = ""
+    endif
+  end function getAttributeNS
+  subroutine setAttributeNS(arg, namespaceURI, qualifiedname, value, ex)
+    type(DOMException), intent(out), optional :: ex
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: namespaceURI
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: qualifiedName
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: value
+    type(Node), pointer :: nn, dummy
+    logical :: quickfix
+    if (.not.associated(arg)) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_NODE_IS_NULL<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL, "setAttributeNS", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    if (arg%nodeType /= ELEMENT_NODE) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_INVALID_NODE<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_INVALID_NODE, "setAttributeNS", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    elseif (arg%readonly) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR<200) then
+  call throw_exception(NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR, "setAttributeNS", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    elseif (.not.checkName(qualifiedname, getXmlVersionEnum(getOwnerDocument(arg)))) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR<200) then
+  call throw_exception(INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR, "setAttributeNS", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    if (.not.arg%ownerDocument%docExtras%brokenNS) then
+      if (.not.checkQName(qualifiedname, getXmlVersionEnum(getOwnerDocument(arg)))) then
+        if (getFoX_checks().or.NAMESPACE_ERR<200) then
+  call throw_exception(NAMESPACE_ERR, "setAttributeNS", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+      elseif (prefixOfQName(qualifiedName)/="" &
+        .and. namespaceURI=="") then
+        if (getFoX_checks().or.NAMESPACE_ERR<200) then
+  call throw_exception(NAMESPACE_ERR, "setAttributeNS", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+      elseif (prefixOfQName(qualifiedName)=="xml" .neqv. & 
+        namespaceURI=="http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace") then
+        if (getFoX_checks().or.NAMESPACE_ERR<200) then
+  call throw_exception(NAMESPACE_ERR, "setAttributeNS", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+      elseif (namespaceURI=="http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/" .neqv. &
+        (qualifiedName=="xmlns" .or. prefixOfQName(qualifiedName)=="xmlns")) then
+        if (getFoX_checks().or.NAMESPACE_ERR<200) then
+  call throw_exception(NAMESPACE_ERR, "setAttributeNS", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+      endif
+    endif
+! FIXME what if namespace is undeclared? Throw an error *only* if FoX_errors is on, otherwise its taken care of by namespace fixup on serialization
+    quickFix = getGCstate(getOwnerDocument(arg)) &
+      .and. arg%inDocument
+    if (quickFix) call setGCstate(getOwnerDocument(arg), .false.)
+    ! then the created attribute is going straight into the document,
+    ! so dont faff with hanging-node lists.
+    nn => createAttributeNS(arg%ownerDocument, namespaceURI, qualifiedname)
+    call setValue(nn, value)
+    dummy => setNamedItemNS(getAttributes(arg), nn)
+    if (associated(dummy)) then
+      if (getGCstate(getOwnerDocument(arg)).and..not.dummy%inDocument) &
+        call putNodesInDocument(getOwnerDocument(arg), dummy) 
+      ! ... so that dummy & children are removed from hangingNodes list.
+      call destroyAllNodesRecursively(dummy)
+    endif
+    if (quickFix) call setGCstate(getOwnerDocument(arg), .true.)
+  end subroutine setAttributeNS
+  subroutine removeAttributeNS(arg, namespaceURI, localName, ex)
+    type(DOMException), intent(out), optional :: ex
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: namespaceURI
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: localName
+    type(DOMException) :: ex2
+    type(Node), pointer :: dummy
+    integer :: e
+    if (.not.associated(arg)) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_NODE_IS_NULL<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL, "removeAttributeNS", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    if (arg%nodeType /= ELEMENT_NODE) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_INVALID_NODE<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_INVALID_NODE, "removeAttributeNS", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    elseif (arg%readonly) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR<200) then
+  call throw_exception(NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR, "removeAttributeNS", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    if (arg%inDocument) &
+      call setGCstate(getOwnerDocument(arg), .false.)
+    ! So we dont add the removed nodes to the hanging node list
+    dummy => removeNamedItemNS(getAttributes(arg), namespaceURI, localName, ex2)
+    ! removeNamedItemNS took care of any default attributes
+    if (inException(ex2)) then
+      e = getExceptionCode(ex2)
+      if (e/=NOT_FOUND_ERR) then
+        if (getFoX_checks().or.e<200) then
+  call throw_exception(e, "removeAttributeNS", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+      endif
+    else
+      if (.not.arg%inDocument) then
+        ! dummy was not in the doc, so was already on hangingNode list.
+        ! To remove it from the list:
+        call putNodesInDocument(arg%ownerDocument, dummy)
+      endif
+      call destroyAllNodesRecursively(dummy)
+    endif
+    if (arg%inDocument) &
+      call setGCstate(arg%ownerDocument, .true.)
+  end subroutine removeAttributeNS
+  function getAttributeNodeNS(arg, namespaceURI, localName, ex)result(attr) 
+    type(DOMException), intent(out), optional :: ex
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: namespaceURI
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: localName
+    type(Node), pointer :: attr
+    if (.not.associated(arg)) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_NODE_IS_NULL<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL, "getAttributeNodeNS", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    if (arg%nodeType /= ELEMENT_NODE) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_INVALID_NODE<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_INVALID_NODE, "getAttributeNodeNS", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    attr => null()     ! as per specs, if not found
+    attr => getNamedItemNS(getAttributes(arg), namespaceURI, localname)
+  end function getAttributeNodeNS
+  function setAttributeNodeNS(arg, newattr, ex)result(attr) 
+    type(DOMException), intent(out), optional :: ex
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    type(Node), pointer :: newattr
+    type(Node), pointer :: attr
+    type(Node), pointer :: dummy
+    if (.not.associated(arg)) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_NODE_IS_NULL<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL, "setAttributeNodeNS", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    if (arg%nodeType /= ELEMENT_NODE) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_INVALID_NODE<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_INVALID_NODE, "setAttributeNodeNS", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    elseif (.not.associated(arg%ownerDocument, newattr%ownerDocument)) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.WRONG_DOCUMENT_ERR<200) then
+  call throw_exception(WRONG_DOCUMENT_ERR, "setAttributeNodeNS", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    elseif (arg%readonly) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR<200) then
+  call throw_exception(NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR, "setAttributeNodeNS", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    if (associated(getOwnerElement(newattr), arg)) then
+      attr => newattr
+      return
+      ! Nothing to do, this attribute is already in this element
+    elseif (associated(getOwnerElement(newattr))) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.INUSE_ATTRIBUTE_ERR<200) then
+  call throw_exception(INUSE_ATTRIBUTE_ERR, "setAttributeNodeNS", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    ! this checks if attribute exists already
+    ! It also does any adding/removing of hangingnodes
+    ! and sets ownerElement appropriately
+    dummy => setNamedItemNS(getAttributes(arg), newattr, ex)
+    attr => dummy
+  end function setAttributeNodeNS
+  function removeAttributeNodeNS(arg, oldattr, ex)result(attr) 
+    type(DOMException), intent(out), optional :: ex
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    type(Node), pointer :: oldattr
+    type(Node), pointer :: attr
+    if (.not.associated(arg)) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_NODE_IS_NULL<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL, "removeAttributeNodeNS", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    if (arg%nodeType /= ELEMENT_NODE) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_INVALID_NODE<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_INVALID_NODE, "removeAttributeNodeNS", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    if (.not.associated(arg, getOwnerElement(oldattr))) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.NOT_FOUND_ERR<200) then
+  call throw_exception(NOT_FOUND_ERR, "removeAttributeNodeNS", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    attr => removeNamedItemNS(getAttributes(arg), &
+      getNamespaceURI(oldattr), getLocalName(oldattr), ex)
+  end function removeAttributeNodeNS
+!  function getElementsByTagNameNS - see m_dom_document
+  function hasAttribute(arg, name, ex)result(p) 
+    type(DOMException), intent(out), optional :: ex
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
+    logical :: p
+    integer :: i
+    type(Node), pointer :: attr
+    if (.not.associated(arg)) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_NODE_IS_NULL<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL, "hasAttribute", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+   if (arg%nodeType /= ELEMENT_NODE) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_INVALID_NODE<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_INVALID_NODE, "hasAttribute", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    p = .false.
+    do i = 0, getLength(getAttributes(arg)) - 1
+      attr => item(getAttributes(arg), i)
+      if (getNodeName(attr)==name) then
+        p = .true.
+        exit
+      endif
+    enddo
+  end function hasAttribute
+  function hasAttributeNS(arg, namespaceURI, localName, ex)result(p) 
+    type(DOMException), intent(out), optional :: ex
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: namespaceURI
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: localName
+    logical :: p
+    integer :: i
+    type(Node), pointer :: attr
+    if (.not.associated(arg)) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_NODE_IS_NULL<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL, "hasAttributeNS", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+   if (arg%nodeType /= ELEMENT_NODE) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_INVALID_NODE<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_INVALID_NODE, "hasAttributeNS", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    p = .false.
+    do i = 0, getLength(getAttributes(arg))-1
+      attr => item(getAttributes(arg), i)
+      if (getNamespaceURI(attr)==namespaceURI &
+        .and. getLocalName(attr)==localName) then
+        p = .true.
+        exit
+      endif
+    enddo
+  end function hasAttributeNS
+  subroutine setIdAttribute(arg, name, isId, ex)
+    type(DOMException), intent(out), optional :: ex
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
+    logical, intent(in) :: isId
+    type(Node), pointer :: np
+    if (arg%readonly) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR<200) then
+  call throw_exception(NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR, "setIdAttribute", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    np => getAttributeNode(arg, name)
+    if (associated(np)) then
+      call setIsId(np, isId)
+    else
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.NOT_FOUND_ERR<200) then
+  call throw_exception(NOT_FOUND_ERR, "setIdAttribute", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+  end subroutine setIdAttribute
+  subroutine setIdAttributeNS(arg, namespaceURI, localname, isId, ex)
+    type(DOMException), intent(out), optional :: ex
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: namespaceURI
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: localName
+    logical, intent(in) :: isId
+    type(Node), pointer :: np
+    if (arg%readonly) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR<200) then
+  call throw_exception(NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR, "setIdAttributeNS", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    np => getAttributeNodeNS(arg, namespaceURI, localname)
+    if (associated(np)) then
+      call setIsId(np, isId)
+    else
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.NOT_FOUND_ERR<200) then
+  call throw_exception(NOT_FOUND_ERR, "setIdAttributeNS", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+  end subroutine setIdAttributeNS
+  subroutine setIdAttributeNode(arg, idAttr, isId, ex)
+    type(DOMException), intent(out), optional :: ex
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    type(Node), pointer :: idAttr
+    logical, intent(in) :: isId
+    if (arg%readonly) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR<200) then
+  call throw_exception(NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR, "setIdAttributeNode", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    elseif (.not.associated(arg, getOwnerElement(idAttr))) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.NOT_FOUND_ERR<200) then
+  call throw_exception(NOT_FOUND_ERR, "setIdAttributeNode", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    call setIsId(idAttr, isId)
+  end subroutine setIdAttributeNode
+  ! function getName(attribute) result(c) See m_dom_common
+! NB All functions manipulating attributes play with the nodelist
+! directly rather than through helper functions.
+! This is so that getValue_length can be pure,  and the nodeList
+! can be explicitly kept up to dat.
+function getspecified(np, ex)result(c) 
+    type(DOMException), intent(out), optional :: ex
+    type(Node), pointer :: np
+    logical :: c
+    if (.not.associated(np)) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_NODE_IS_NULL<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL, "getspecified", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+   if (getNodeType(np)/=ATTRIBUTE_NODE .and. &
+      .true.) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_INVALID_NODE<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_INVALID_NODE, "getspecified", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    c = np%elExtras%specified
+  end function getspecified
+subroutine setspecified(np, c, ex)
+    type(DOMException), intent(out), optional :: ex
+    type(Node), pointer :: np
+    logical :: c
+    if (.not.associated(np)) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_NODE_IS_NULL<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL, "setspecified", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+   if (getNodeType(np)/=ATTRIBUTE_NODE .and. &
+      .true.) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_INVALID_NODE<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_INVALID_NODE, "setspecified", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    np%elExtras%specified = c
+  end subroutine setspecified
+function getisId_DOM(np, ex)result(c) 
+    type(DOMException), intent(out), optional :: ex
+    type(Node), pointer :: np
+    logical :: c
+    if (.not.associated(np)) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_NODE_IS_NULL<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL, "getisId_DOM", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+   if (getNodeType(np)/=ATTRIBUTE_NODE .and. &
+      .true.) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_INVALID_NODE<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_INVALID_NODE, "getisId_DOM", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    c = np%elExtras%isId
+  end function getisId_DOM
+subroutine setisId_DOM(np, c, ex)
+    type(DOMException), intent(out), optional :: ex
+    type(Node), pointer :: np
+    logical :: c
+    if (.not.associated(np)) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_NODE_IS_NULL<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL, "setisId_DOM", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+   if (getNodeType(np)/=ATTRIBUTE_NODE .and. &
+      .true.) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_INVALID_NODE<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_INVALID_NODE, "setisId_DOM", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    np%elExtras%isId = c
+  end subroutine setisId_DOM
+function getownerElement(np, ex)result(c) 
+    type(DOMException), intent(out), optional :: ex
+    type(Node), pointer :: np
+    type(Node), pointer :: c
+    if (.not.associated(np)) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_NODE_IS_NULL<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL, "getownerElement", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+   if (getNodeType(np)/=ATTRIBUTE_NODE .and. &
+      .true.) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_INVALID_NODE<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_INVALID_NODE, "getownerElement", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    c => np%elExtras%ownerElement
+  end function getownerElement
+  function getValue_DOM(arg, ex)result(c) 
+    type(DOMException), intent(out), optional :: ex
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    character(len=getTextContent_len(arg, .true.)) :: c 
+    character(len=getTextContent_len(arg, associated(arg))) :: c 
+    if (.not.associated(arg)) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_NODE_IS_NULL<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL, "getValue_DOM", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    if (getNodeType(arg)/=ATTRIBUTE_NODE) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_INVALID_NODE<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_INVALID_NODE, "getValue_DOM", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    c = getTextContent(arg, ex)
+  end function getValue_DOM
+  subroutine setValue(arg, value, ex)
+    type(DOMException), intent(out), optional :: ex
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: value
+    if (.not.associated(arg)) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_NODE_IS_NULL<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL, "setValue", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif   
+    if (getNodeType(arg)/=ATTRIBUTE_NODE) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_INVALID_NODE<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_INVALID_NODE, "setValue", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    call setTextContent(arg, value, ex)
+  end subroutine setValue
+  pure function isCharData(nodeType) result(p)
+    integer, intent(in) :: nodeType
+    logical :: p
+    p = (nodeType == TEXT_NODE .or. &
+      nodeType == COMMENT_NODE .or. &
+      nodeType == CDATA_SECTION_NODE)
+  end function isCharData
+  function getLength_characterdata(arg, ex)result(n) 
+    type(DOMException), intent(out), optional :: ex
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    integer :: n
+    if (.not.associated(arg)) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_NODE_IS_NULL<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL, "getLength_characterdata", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    if (.not.isCharData(arg%nodeType)) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_INVALID_NODE<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_INVALID_NODE, "getLength_characterdata", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    n = size(arg%nodeValue)
+  end function getLength_characterdata
+  function subStringData(arg, offset, count, ex)result(c) 
+    type(DOMException), intent(out), optional :: ex
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    integer, intent(in) :: offset
+    integer, intent(in) :: count
+    character(len=count) :: c
+    if (.not.associated(arg)) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_NODE_IS_NULL<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL, "subStringData", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    if (.not.isCharData(arg%nodeType)) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_INVALID_NODE<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_INVALID_NODE, "subStringData", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    elseif (offset<0.or.offset>size(arg%nodeValue).or.count<0) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.INDEX_SIZE_ERR<200) then
+  call throw_exception(INDEX_SIZE_ERR, "subStringData", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    if (offset+count>size(arg%nodeValue)) then
+      c = str_vs(arg%nodeValue(offset+1:))
+    else
+      c = str_vs(arg%nodeValue(offset+1:offset+count))
+    endif
+  end function subStringData
+  subroutine appendData(arg, data, ex)
+    type(DOMException), intent(out), optional :: ex
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: data
+    character, pointer :: tmp(:)
+    if (.not.associated(arg)) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_NODE_IS_NULL<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL, "appendData", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    if (.not.isCharData(arg%nodeType)) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_INVALID_NODE<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_INVALID_NODE, "appendData", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    elseif (arg%readonly) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR<200) then
+  call throw_exception(NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR, "appendData", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    if (.not.checkChars(data, getXmlVersionEnum(getOwnerDocument(arg)))) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_INVALID_CHARACTER<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_INVALID_CHARACTER, "appendData", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    tmp => arg%nodeValue
+    arg%nodeValue => vs_str_alloc(str_vs(tmp)//data)
+    deallocate(tmp)
+    ! We have to do these checks *after* appending data in case offending string
+    ! spans old & new data
+    if (arg%nodeType==COMMENT_NODE .and. index(str_vs(arg%nodeValue),"--")>0) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_INVALID_COMMENT<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_INVALID_COMMENT, "appendData", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    elseif (arg%nodeType==CDATA_SECTION_NODE .and. index(str_vs(arg%nodeValue), "]]>")>0) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_INVALID_CDATA_SECTION<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_INVALID_CDATA_SECTION, "appendData", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    ! And propagate length upwards ...
+    if (getNodeType(arg)/=COMMENT_NODE) &
+      call updateTextContentLength(arg, len(data))
+  end subroutine appendData
+  subroutine insertData(arg, offset, data, ex)
+    type(DOMException), intent(out), optional :: ex
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    integer, intent(in) :: offset
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: data
+    character, pointer :: tmp(:)
+    if (.not.associated(arg)) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_NODE_IS_NULL<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL, "insertData", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    if (.not.isCharData(arg%nodeType)) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_INVALID_NODE<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_INVALID_NODE, "insertData", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    elseif (arg%readonly) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR<200) then
+  call throw_exception(NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR, "insertData", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    elseif (offset<0.or.offset>size(arg%nodeValue)) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.INDEX_SIZE_ERR<200) then
+  call throw_exception(INDEX_SIZE_ERR, "insertData", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    if (.not.checkChars(data, getXmlVersionEnum(getOwnerDocument(arg)))) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_INVALID_CHARACTER<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_INVALID_CHARACTER, "insertData", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    tmp => arg%nodeValue
+    arg%nodeValue => vs_str_alloc(str_vs(tmp(:offset))//data//str_vs(tmp(offset+1:)))
+    deallocate(tmp)
+    ! We have to do these checks *after* appending data in case offending string
+    ! spans old & new data
+    if (arg%nodeType==COMMENT_NODE .and. index(str_vs(arg%nodeValue),"--")>0) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_INVALID_COMMENT<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_INVALID_COMMENT, "insertData", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    elseif (arg%nodeType==CDATA_SECTION_NODE .and. index(str_vs(arg%nodeValue), "]]>")>0) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_INVALID_CDATA_SECTION<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_INVALID_CDATA_SECTION, "insertData", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    ! And propagate length upwards ...
+    if (getNodeType(arg)/=COMMENT_NODE) &
+      call updateTextContentLength(arg, len(data))
+  end subroutine insertData
+  subroutine deleteData(arg, offset, count, ex)
+    type(DOMException), intent(out), optional :: ex
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    integer, intent(in) :: offset
+    integer, intent(in) :: count
+    character, pointer :: tmp(:)
+    integer :: n
+    if (.not.associated(arg)) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_NODE_IS_NULL<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL, "deleteData", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    if (.not.isCharData(arg%nodeType)) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_INVALID_NODE<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_INVALID_NODE, "deleteData", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    elseif (arg%readonly) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR<200) then
+  call throw_exception(NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR, "deleteData", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    elseif (offset<0.or.offset>size(arg%nodeValue).or.count<0) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.INDEX_SIZE_ERR<200) then
+  call throw_exception(INDEX_SIZE_ERR, "deleteData", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    if (offset+count>size(arg%nodeValue)) then
+      n = size(arg%nodeValue)-offset
+    else
+      n = count
+    endif
+    tmp => arg%nodeValue
+    arg%nodeValue => vs_str_alloc(str_vs(tmp(:offset))//str_vs(tmp(offset+count+1:)))
+    deallocate(tmp)
+    ! And propagate length upwards ...
+    if (getNodeType(arg)/=COMMENT_NODE) &
+      call updateTextContentLength(arg, -n)
+  end subroutine deleteData
+  subroutine replaceData(arg, offset, count, data, ex)
+    type(DOMException), intent(out), optional :: ex
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    integer, intent(in) :: offset
+    integer, intent(in) :: count
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: data
+    character, pointer :: tmp(:)
+    integer :: n
+    if (.not.associated(arg)) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_NODE_IS_NULL<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL, "replaceData", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    if (.not.isCharData(arg%nodeType)) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_INVALID_NODE<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_INVALID_NODE, "replaceData", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    elseif (arg%readonly) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR<200) then
+  call throw_exception(NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR, "replaceData", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    elseif (offset<0.or.offset>size(arg%nodeValue).or.count<0) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.INDEX_SIZE_ERR<200) then
+  call throw_exception(INDEX_SIZE_ERR, "replaceData", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    if (.not.checkChars(data, getXmlVersionEnum(getOwnerDocument(arg)))) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_INVALID_CHARACTER<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_INVALID_CHARACTER, "replaceData", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    if (offset+count>size(arg%nodeValue)) then
+      n = len(data)-(size(arg%nodeValue)-offset)
+    else
+      n = len(data)-count
+    endif
+    tmp => arg%nodeValue
+    if (offset+count <= size(arg%nodeValue)) then
+      arg%nodeValue => vs_str_alloc(str_vs(tmp(:offset))//data//str_vs(tmp(offset+count+1:)))
+    else
+      arg%nodeValue => vs_str_alloc(str_vs(tmp(:offset))//data)
+    endif
+    deallocate(tmp)
+    ! We have to do these checks *after* appending data in case offending string
+    ! spans old & new data
+    if (arg%nodeType==COMMENT_NODE .and. index(str_vs(arg%nodeValue),"--")>0) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_INVALID_COMMENT<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_INVALID_COMMENT, "replaceData", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    elseif (arg%nodeType==CDATA_SECTION_NODE .and. index(str_vs(arg%nodeValue), "]]>")>0) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_INVALID_CDATA_SECTION<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_INVALID_CDATA_SECTION, "replaceData", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    ! And propagate length upwards ...
+    if (getNodeType(arg)/=COMMENT_NODE) &
+      call updateTextContentLength(arg, n)
+  end subroutine replaceData
+  pure function getnotationName_len(np, p) result(n)
+    type(Node), intent(in) :: np
+    logical, intent(in) :: p
+    integer :: n
+    if (p .and. ( &
+      np%nodeType==ENTITY_NODE .or. &
+      .false.)) then
+      n = size(np%dtdExtras%notationName)
+    else
+      n = 0
+    endif
+  end function getnotationName_len
+function getnotationName(np, ex)result(c) 
+    type(DOMException), intent(out), optional :: ex
+    type(Node), pointer :: np
+    character(len=getnotationName_len(np, .true.)) :: c
+    character(len=getnotationName_len(np, associated(np))) :: c
+    if (.not.associated(np)) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_NODE_IS_NULL<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL, "getnotationName", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+   if (getNodeType(np)/=ENTITY_NODE .and. &
+      .true.) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_INVALID_NODE<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_INVALID_NODE, "getnotationName", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    c = str_vs(np%dtdExtras%notationName)
+  end function getnotationName
+!Internally-used getters/setters:
+  function getillFormed(np, ex)result(c) 
+    type(DOMException), intent(out), optional :: ex
+    type(Node), pointer :: np
+    logical :: c
+    if (.not.associated(np)) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_NODE_IS_NULL<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL, "getillFormed", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+   if (getNodeType(np)/=ENTITY_NODE .and. &
+      .true.) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_INVALID_NODE<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_INVALID_NODE, "getillFormed", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    c = np%dtdExtras%illFormed
+  end function getillFormed
+  subroutine setillFormed(np, c, ex)
+    type(DOMException), intent(out), optional :: ex
+    type(Node), pointer :: np
+    logical :: c
+    if (.not.associated(np)) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_NODE_IS_NULL<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL, "setillFormed", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+   if (getNodeType(np)/=ENTITY_NODE .and. &
+      .true.) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_INVALID_NODE<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_INVALID_NODE, "setillFormed", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    np%dtdExtras%illFormed = c
+  end subroutine setillFormed
+  pure function getstringValue_len(np, p) result(n)
+    type(Node), intent(in) :: np
+    logical, intent(in) :: p
+    integer :: n
+    if (p .and. ( &
+      np%nodeType==ENTITY_NODE .or. &
+      .false.)) then
+      n = size(np%nodeValue)
+    else
+      n = 0
+    endif
+  end function getstringValue_len
+function getstringValue(np, ex)result(c) 
+    type(DOMException), intent(out), optional :: ex
+    type(Node), pointer :: np
+    character(len=getstringValue_len(np, .true.)) :: c
+    character(len=getstringValue_len(np, associated(np))) :: c
+    if (.not.associated(np)) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_NODE_IS_NULL<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL, "getstringValue", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+   if (getNodeType(np)/=ENTITY_NODE .and. &
+      .true.) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_INVALID_NODE<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_INVALID_NODE, "getstringValue", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    c = str_vs(np%nodeValue)
+  end function getstringValue
+  subroutine setstringValue(np, c, ex)
+    type(DOMException), intent(out), optional :: ex
+    type(Node), pointer :: np
+    character(len=*) :: c
+    if (.not.associated(np)) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_NODE_IS_NULL<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL, "setstringValue", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+   if (getNodeType(np)/=ENTITY_NODE .and. &
+      .true.) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_INVALID_NODE<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_INVALID_NODE, "setstringValue", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    if (associated(np%nodeValue)) deallocate(np%nodeValue)
+    np%nodeValue => vs_str_alloc(c)
+  end subroutine setstringValue
+  pure function getTarget_len(np, p) result(n)
+    type(Node), intent(in) :: np
+    logical, intent(in) :: p
+    integer :: n
+    if (p .and. ( &
+      np%nodeType==PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE .or. &
+      .false.)) then
+      n = size(np%nodename)
+    else
+      n = 0
+    endif
+  end function getTarget_len
+function getTarget(np, ex)result(c) 
+    type(DOMException), intent(out), optional :: ex
+    type(Node), pointer :: np
+    character(len=getTarget_len(np, .true.)) :: c
+    character(len=getTarget_len(np, associated(np))) :: c
+    if (.not.associated(np)) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_NODE_IS_NULL<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL, "getTarget", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+   if (getNodeType(np)/=PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE .and. &
+      .true.) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_INVALID_NODE<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_INVALID_NODE, "getTarget", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    c = str_vs(np%nodename)
+  end function getTarget
+  function splitText(arg, offset, ex)result(np) 
+    type(DOMException), intent(out), optional :: ex
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    integer, intent(in) :: offset
+    type(Node), pointer :: np
+    character, pointer :: tmp(:)
+    if (.not.associated(arg)) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_NODE_IS_NULL<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL, "splitText", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    if (.not.(arg%nodeType==TEXT_NODE.or.arg%nodeType==CDATA_SECTION_NODE)) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_INVALID_NODE<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_INVALID_NODE, "splitText", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    elseif (arg%readonly) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR<200) then
+  call throw_exception(NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR, "splitText", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    elseif (offset<0 .or. offset>size(arg%nodeValue)) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.INDEX_SIZE_ERR<200) then
+  call throw_exception(INDEX_SIZE_ERR, "splitText", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    tmp => arg%nodeValue
+    if (arg%nodeType==TEXT_NODE) then
+      np => createTextNode(arg%ownerDocument, str_vs(tmp(offset+1:)))
+    elseif (arg%nodeType==CDATA_SECTION_NODE) then
+      np => createCdataSection(arg%ownerDocument, str_vs(tmp(offset+1:)))
+    endif
+    arg%nodeValue => vs_str_alloc(str_vs(tmp(:offset)))     
+    deallocate(tmp)
+    if (associated(arg%parentNode)) then
+      if (associated(arg%nextSibling)) then
+        np => insertBefore(arg%parentNode, np, arg%nextSibling)
+      else
+        np => appendChild(arg%parentNode, np)
+      endif
+    endif
+  end function splitText
+function getisElementContentWhitespace(np, ex)result(c) 
+    type(DOMException), intent(out), optional :: ex
+    type(Node), pointer :: np
+    logical :: c
+    if (.not.associated(np)) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_NODE_IS_NULL<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL, "getisElementContentWhitespace", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+   if (getNodeType(np)/=TEXT_NODE .and. &
+getNodeType(np)/=CDATA_SECTION_NODE .and. &
+      .true.) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_INVALID_NODE<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_INVALID_NODE, "getisElementContentWhitespace", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    c = np%ignorableWhitespace
+  end function getisElementContentWhitespace
+  subroutine setIsElementContentWhitespace(np, isElementContentWhitespace, ex)
+    type(DOMException), intent(out), optional :: ex
+    type(Node), pointer :: np
+    logical :: isElementContentWhitespace
+    integer :: n
+    np%ignorableWhitespace = isElementContentWhitespace
+    if (isElementContentWhitespace) then
+      n = -np%textContentLength
+    else
+      n = size(np%nodeValue)
+    endif
+    call updateTextContentLength(np, n)
+  end subroutine setIsElementContentWhitespace
+! function getWholeText
+! function replaceWholeText
+  pure function getdata_len(np, p) result(n)
+    type(Node), intent(in) :: np
+    logical, intent(in) :: p
+    integer :: n
+    if (p .and. ( &
+      np%nodeType==TEXT_NODE .or. &
+      np%nodeType==COMMENT_NODE .or. &
+      np%nodeType==CDATA_SECTION_NODE .or. &
+      np%nodeType==PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE .or. &
+      .false.)) then
+      n = size(np%nodeValue)
+    else
+      n = 0
+    endif
+  end function getdata_len
+function getdata(np, ex)result(c) 
+    type(DOMException), intent(out), optional :: ex
+    type(Node), pointer :: np
+    character(len=getdata_len(np, .true.)) :: c
+    character(len=getdata_len(np, associated(np))) :: c
+    if (.not.associated(np)) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_NODE_IS_NULL<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL, "getdata", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+   if (getNodeType(np)/=TEXT_NODE .and. &
+getNodeType(np)/=COMMENT_NODE .and. &
+getNodeType(np)/=CDATA_SECTION_NODE .and. &
+      .true.) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_INVALID_NODE<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_INVALID_NODE, "getdata", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    c = str_vs(np%nodeValue)
+  end function getdata
+  subroutine setData(arg, data, ex)
+    type(DOMException), intent(out), optional :: ex
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    character(len=*) :: data
+    integer :: n
+    if (.not.associated(arg)) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_NODE_IS_NULL<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL, "setData", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+!NB special case in order to check readonly correctly
+    if (arg%nodeType==TEXT_NODE .or. &
+      arg%nodeType==COMMENT_NODE .or. &
+      arg%nodeType==CDATA_SECTION_NODE .or. &
+      arg%nodeType==PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE) then
+      if (arg%readonly) then
+        if (getFoX_checks().or.NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR<200) then
+  call throw_exception(NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR, "setData", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+      endif
+    else
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_INVALID_NODE<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_INVALID_NODE, "setData", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    select case (arg%nodeType)
+      if (index(data,"]]>")>0) then
+        if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_INVALID_CDATA_SECTION<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_INVALID_CDATA_SECTION, "setData", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+      endif
+    case (COMMENT_NODE)
+      if (index(data,"--")>0) then
+        if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_INVALID_COMMENT<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_INVALID_COMMENT, "setData", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+      endif
+      if (index(data,"?>")>0) then
+        if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_INVALID_PI_DATA<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_INVALID_PI_DATA, "setData", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+      endif
+    end select
+    deallocate(arg%nodeValue)
+    arg%nodeValue => vs_str_alloc(data)
+    if (arg%nodeType==TEXT_NODE .or. &
+      arg%nodeType==CDATA_SECTION_NODE) then
+      n = len(data) - arg%textContentLength
+      call updateTextContentLength(arg, n)
+    endif
+  end subroutine setData
+  pure function getname_len(np, p) result(n)
+    type(Node), intent(in) :: np
+    logical, intent(in) :: p
+    integer :: n
+    if (p .and. ( &
+      np%nodeType==DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE .or. &
+      np%nodeType==ATTRIBUTE_NODE .or. &
+      .false.)) then
+      n = size(np%nodeName)
+    else
+      n = 0
+    endif
+  end function getname_len
+function getname(np, ex)result(c) 
+    type(DOMException), intent(out), optional :: ex
+    type(Node), pointer :: np
+    character(len=getname_len(np, .true.)) :: c
+    character(len=getname_len(np, associated(np))) :: c
+    if (.not.associated(np)) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_NODE_IS_NULL<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL, "getname", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+   if (getNodeType(np)/=DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE .and. &
+getNodeType(np)/=ATTRIBUTE_NODE .and. &
+      .true.) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_INVALID_NODE<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_INVALID_NODE, "getname", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    c = str_vs(np%nodeName)
+  end function getname
+  pure function getpublicId_len(np, p) result(n)
+    type(Node), intent(in) :: np
+    logical, intent(in) :: p
+    integer :: n
+    if (p .and. ( &
+      np%nodeType==DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE .or. &
+      np%nodeType==NOTATION_NODE .or. &
+      np%nodeType==ENTITY_NODE .or. &
+      .false.)) then
+      n = size(np%dtdExtras%publicId)
+    else
+      n = 0
+    endif
+  end function getpublicId_len
+function getpublicId(np, ex)result(c) 
+    type(DOMException), intent(out), optional :: ex
+    type(Node), pointer :: np
+    character(len=getpublicId_len(np, .true.)) :: c
+    character(len=getpublicId_len(np, associated(np))) :: c
+    if (.not.associated(np)) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_NODE_IS_NULL<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL, "getpublicId", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+   if (getNodeType(np)/=DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE .and. &
+getNodeType(np)/=NOTATION_NODE .and. &
+getNodeType(np)/=ENTITY_NODE .and. &
+      .true.) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_INVALID_NODE<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_INVALID_NODE, "getpublicId", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    c = str_vs(np%dtdExtras%publicId)
+  end function getpublicId
+  pure function getsystemId_len(np, p) result(n)
+    type(Node), intent(in) :: np
+    logical, intent(in) :: p
+    integer :: n
+    if (p .and. ( &
+      np%nodeType==DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE .or. &
+      np%nodeType==NOTATION_NODE .or. &
+      np%nodeType==ENTITY_NODE .or. &
+      .false.)) then
+      n = size(np%dtdExtras%systemId)
+    else
+      n = 0
+    endif
+  end function getsystemId_len
+function getsystemId(np, ex)result(c) 
+    type(DOMException), intent(out), optional :: ex
+    type(Node), pointer :: np
+    character(len=getsystemId_len(np, .true.)) :: c
+    character(len=getsystemId_len(np, associated(np))) :: c
+    if (.not.associated(np)) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_NODE_IS_NULL<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL, "getsystemId", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+   if (getNodeType(np)/=DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE .and. &
+getNodeType(np)/=NOTATION_NODE .and. &
+getNodeType(np)/=ENTITY_NODE .and. &
+      .true.) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_INVALID_NODE<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_INVALID_NODE, "getsystemId", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    c = str_vs(np%dtdExtras%systemId)
+  end function getsystemId
+  function getnamespaceNodes(np, ex)result(c) 
+    type(DOMException), intent(out), optional :: ex
+    type(Node), pointer :: np
+    type(NodeList), pointer :: c
+    if (.not.associated(np)) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_NODE_IS_NULL<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL, "getnamespaceNodes", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+   if (getNodeType(np)/=ELEMENT_NODE .and. &
+      .true.) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_INVALID_NODE<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_INVALID_NODE, "getnamespaceNodes", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    c => np%elExtras%namespaceNodes
+  end function getnamespaceNodes
+  subroutine appendNSNode(np, prefix, namespaceURI, specified, ex)
+    type(DOMException), intent(out), optional :: ex
+    type(Node), pointer :: np
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: prefix
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: namespaceURI
+    logical, intent(in) :: specified
+    type(Node), pointer :: ns
+    type(NodeList), pointer :: nsnodes
+    integer :: i
+    logical :: quickFix
+    if (.not.associated(np)) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_NODE_IS_NULL<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL, "appendNSNode", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    if (np%nodeType /= ELEMENT_NODE) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_INVALID_NODE<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_INVALID_NODE, "appendNSNode", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    ! We never put namespace nodes in the hanging nodes
+    ! list since they can never be separated from their
+    ! parent element node, so will always be destroyed alongside it.
+    quickFix = getGCState(getOwnerDocument(np))
+    call setGCState(getOwnerDocument(np), .false.)
+    nsnodes => getNamespaceNodes(np)
+    ! If we already have this prefix registered in the list, then remove it
+    do i = 0, getLength(nsNodes)-1
+      ns => item(nsNodes, i)
+! Intel 8.1 & 9.1 insist on separate variable here and just below
+      if (getPrefix(ns)==prefix) then
+        call setNamespaceURI(ns, namespaceURI)
+        exit
+      endif
+    enddo
+    if (i==getLength(nsNodes)) then
+      ns => createNamespaceNode(getOwnerDocument(np), &
+        prefix, namespaceURI, specified)
+      call append_nl(nsNodes, ns)
+    endif
+    call setGCState(getOwnerDocument(np), quickFix)
+  end subroutine appendNSNode
+  subroutine normalizeDocument(doc, ex)
+    type(DOMException), intent(out), optional :: ex
+    type(Node), pointer :: doc
+    type(Node), pointer :: this, treeroot, dummy, new, old, nsp
+    type(DOMConfiguration), pointer :: dc
+    logical :: doneAttributes, doneChildren
+    integer :: i_tree, i_children
+    type(Node), pointer :: parent, attr
+    type(NamedNodeMap), pointer :: attrs
+    type(NodeList), pointer :: nsNodes, nsNodesParent
+    integer :: i, nsIndex
+    logical :: merged, ns
+    if (.not.associated(doc)) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_NODE_IS_NULL<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL, "normalizeDocument", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    if (getNodeType(doc)/=DOCUMENT_NODE) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_INVALID_NODE<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_INVALID_NODE, "normalizeDocument", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    dc => getDomConfig(doc)
+    ns = getParameter(dc, "namespaces")
+    treeroot => doc
+    call setGCstate(doc, .false.)
+    ! switch off the memory management, we are going
+    ! to destroy all nodes we remove from the tree
+    ! immediately.
+    ! exception object is *not* passed through in any
+    ! of the DOM calls below. This is because all of
+    ! these should succeed - if they dont then there
+    ! is a problem so we need to terminate immediately
+    i_tree = 0
+    doneChildren = .false.
+    doneAttributes = .false.
+    this => treeroot
+    do
+      if (.not.doneChildren.and..not.(getNodeType(this)==ELEMENT_NODE.and.doneAttributes)) then
+    if (.not.getReadonly(this)) then
+      select case (getNodeType(this))
+      case (ELEMENT_NODE)
+        if (ns) then
+      ! Clear all current namespace nodes:
+      nsnodes => getNamespaceNodes(this)
+      do i = 1, getLength(nsNodes)
+        call destroyNode(nsNodes%nodes(i)%this)
+      enddo
+      deallocate(nsNodes%nodes)
+      parent => getParentNode(this)
+      do while (associated(parent))
+        ! Go up (through perhaps multiple entref nodes)
+        if (getNodeType(parent)==ELEMENT_NODE) exit
+        parent => getParentNode(parent)
+      enddo
+      ! Inherit from parent (or not ...)
+      if (associated(parent)) then
+        nsNodesParent => getNamespaceNodes(parent)
+        allocate(nsNodes%nodes(getLength(nsNodesParent)))
+        nsNodes%length = getLength(nsNodesParent)
+        do i = 0, getLength(nsNodes) - 1
+          ! separate variable for intel
+          nsp => item(nsNodesParent, i)
+          nsNodes%nodes(i+1)%this => &
+            createNamespaceNode(getOwnerDocument(this), &
+            getPrefix(nsp), getNamespaceURI(nsp), &
+            specified=.false.)
+        enddo
+      else
+        allocate(nsNodes%nodes(0))
+        nsNodes%length = 0
+      endif
+      ! Now check for broken NS declarations, and add namespace
+      ! nodes for all non-broken declarations
+      attrs => getAttributes(this)
+      do i = 0, getLength(attrs)-1
+        attr => item(attrs, i)
+        if ((getLocalName(attr)=="xmlns" &
+          .or.getPrefix(attr)=="xmlns") &
+          .and.getNamespaceURI(attr)/="http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/") then
+          ! This can only I think happen if we bugger about with setPrefix ...
+          if (getFoX_checks().or.NAMESPACE_ERR<200) then
+  call throw_exception(NAMESPACE_ERR, "normalizeDocument", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+        endif
+        if (getNamespaceURI(attr)=="http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/") then
+          if (getLocalName(attr)=="xmlns") then
+            call appendNSNode(this, "", getValue(attr), specified=.true.)
+          else
+            call appendNSNode(this, getLocalName(attr), &
+              getValue(attr), specified=.true.)
+          endif
+        endif
+      enddo
+      if (getNamespaceURI(this)/="") then
+        ! Is the nsURI of this node bound to its prefix?
+        ! This will automatically do any necessary replacements ...
+        if (getPrefix(this)=="") then
+          if (.not.isDefaultNamespace(this, getNamespaceURI(this))) then
+            ! We are dealing with the default prefix
+            call setAttributeNS(this, "http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/", &
+              "xmlns", getNamespaceURI(this))
+            call appendNSNode(this, "", getNamespaceURI(this), specified=.true.)
+          endif
+        elseif (lookupNamespaceURI(this, getPrefix(this))/=getNamespaceURI(this)) then
+          call setAttributeNS(this, "http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/", &
+            "xmlns:"//getPrefix(this), getNamespaceURI(this))
+          call appendNSNode(this, getPrefix(this), getNamespaceURI(this), specified=.true.)
+        endif
+      else
+        ! No (or empty) namespace URI ...
+        if (getLocalName(this)=="") then
+          ! DOM level 1 node ... report error
+          if (getFoX_checks().or.NAMESPACE_ERR<200) then
+  call throw_exception(NAMESPACE_ERR, "normalizeDocument", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+        else
+          ! We must declare the elements prefix to have an empty nsURI
+          if (lookupNamespaceURI(this, getPrefix(this))/="") then
+            if (getPrefix(this)=="") then
+              call setAttributeNS(this, "http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/", &
+                "xmlns", "")
+            else
+              call setAttributeNS(this, "http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/", &
+                "xmlns:"//getPrefix(this), "")
+            endif
+            ! and add a namespace node for the empty nsURI
+            call appendNSNode(this, getPrefix(this), "", specified=.true.)
+          endif
+        endif
+      endif
+      do i = 0, getLength(attrs)-1
+        ! This loops over the number of attrs present initially, so any we
+        ! add within this loop will not get checked - but they will only
+        ! be namespace declarations about which we dont care anyway.
+        attr => item(attrs, i)
+        if (getNamespaceURI(attr)=="http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/") then
+          cycle ! We already worried about it above.
+        elseif (getNamespaceURI(attr)=="http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace") then
+          cycle ! We dont have to declare these
+        elseif (getNamespaceURI(attr)/="") then
+          ! This is a namespaced attribute
+          if (getPrefix(attr)=="" &
+            .or. lookupNamespaceURI(this, getPrefix(attr))/=getNamespaceURI(attr)) then
+            ! It has an inappropriate prefix
+            if (lookupPrefix(this, getNamespaceURI(attr))/="") then
+              ! then an appropriate prefix exists, use it.
+              call setPrefix(attr, lookupPrefix(this, getNamespaceURI(attr)))
+              ! FIXME should be "most local" prefix. Make sure lookupPrefix does that.
+            else
+              ! No suitable prefix exists, declare one.
+              if (getPrefix(attr)/="") then
+                ! Then the current prefix is not in use, its just undeclared.
+                call setAttributeNS(this, "http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/", &
+                  "xmlns:"//getPrefix(attr), getNamespaceURI(attr))
+                call appendNSNode(this, getPrefix(attr), getNamespaceURI(attr), specified=.true.)
+              else
+                ! This node has no prefix, but needs one. Make it up.
+                nsIndex = 1
+                do while (lookupNamespaceURI(this, "NS"//nsIndex)/="")
+                  ! FIXME this will exit if the namespace is undeclared *or* if it is declared to be empty.
+                  nsIndex = nsIndex+1
+                enddo
+                call setAttributeNS(this, "http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/", &
+                  "xmlns:NS"//nsIndex, getNamespaceURI(attr))
+                ! and create namespace node
+                call appendNSNode(this, "NS"//nsIndex, getNamespaceURI(attr), specified=.true.)
+                call setPrefix(attr, "NS"//nsIndex)
+              endif
+            endif
+          endif
+        else 
+          ! attribute has no namespace URI
+          if (getLocalName(this)=="") then
+            ! DOM level 1 node ... report error
+            if (getFoX_checks().or.NAMESPACE_ERR<200) then
+  call throw_exception(NAMESPACE_ERR, "normalizeDocument", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+          endif
+          ! otherwise no problem
+        endif
+      enddo
+        endif
+      case (ATTRIBUTE_NODE)
+        if (getParameter(dc, "entities")) then
+          ! we dont care about any attribute children,
+          ! we arent going to do anything
+          doneChildren = .true.
+        endif
+      case (TEXT_NODE)
+        ! we may need to reset "this" later on ...
+        old => getPreviousSibling(this)
+        if (.not.associated(old)) old => getParentNode(this)
+        merged = .false.
+        if (getIsElementContentWhitespace(this) &
+          .and..not.getParameter(dc, "element-content-whitespace")) then
+          dummy => removeChild(getParentNode(this), this)
+          call destroy(dummy)
+          this => old
+          merged = .true.
+        endif
+        if (.not.merged) then
+          ! We didnt just remove this node.
+          ! Do we need to normalize?
+          dummy => getPreviousSibling(this)
+          if (associated(dummy)) then
+            if (getNodeType(dummy)==TEXT_NODE) then
+              call appendData(dummy, getData(this))
+              parent => getParentNode(this)
+              dummy => removeChild(parent, this)
+              call destroy(dummy)
+              this => old
+            endif
+          endif
+        endif
+      case (CDATA_SECTION_NODE)
+        if (.not.getParameter(dc, "cdata-sections")) then
+          ! we may need to reset "this" later on ...
+          old => getPreviousSibling(this)
+          if (.not.associated(old)) old => getParentNode(this)
+          merged = .false.
+          dummy => getPreviousSibling(this)
+          if (associated(dummy)) then
+            if (getNodeType(dummy)==TEXT_NODE) then
+              ! append the data to the previous node & chuck away this node
+              call appendData(dummy, getData(this))
+              dummy => removeChild(getParentNode(this), this)
+              call destroy(dummy)
+              this => old
+              merged =.true.
+            endif
+          endif
+          if (.not.merged) then
+            ! we didnt merge it so just convert this to a text node
+            new => createTextNode(doc, getData(this))
+            dummy => replaceChild(getParentNode(this), new, this)
+            call destroy(dummy)
+            this => new
+          endif
+        elseif (.not.getParameter(dc, "split-cdata-sections")) then
+          ! Actually, on re-reading DOM 3, this is a ridiculous
+          ! option. Ignoring for now.
+        endif
+        if (.not.getParameter(dc, "entities")) then
+          if (associated(getFirstChild(this))) then
+            !If this node is not representing an unexpanded entity
+            ! we will need to reset "this" later on ...
+            old => getPreviousSibling(this)
+            if (.not.associated(old)) old => getParentNode(this)
+            ! take each child, and insert it immediately before the current node
+            do i_children = 0, getLength(getChildNodes(this))-1
+              dummy => insertBefore(getParentNode(this), getFirstChild(this), this)
+            enddo
+            ! and finally remove the current node
+            dummy => removeChild(getParentNode(this), this)
+            call destroy(dummy)
+            ! and set the "this" pointer back so we go over these again
+            this => old
+          endif
+        endif
+      case (COMMENT_NODE)
+        if (.not.getParameter(dc, "comments")) then
+          old => getPreviousSibling(this)
+          if (.not.associated(old)) old => getParentNode(this)
+          dummy => removeChild(getParentNode(this), this)
+          call destroy(dummy)
+          this => old
+        endif
+      case (DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE)
+        if (getParameter(dc, "canonical-form")) then
+          old => getPreviousSibling(this)
+          if (.not.associated(old)) old => getParentNode(this)
+          dummy => removeChild(getParentNode(this), this)
+          call destroy(this)
+          this => old
+        endif
+      end select
+    endif
+      else
+        if (getNodeType(this)==ELEMENT_NODE.and..not.doneChildren) then
+          doneAttributes = .true.
+        else
+        endif
+      endif
+      if (.not.doneChildren) then
+        if (getNodeType(this)==ELEMENT_NODE.and..not.doneAttributes) then
+          if (getLength(getAttributes(this))>0) then
+            this => item(getAttributes(this), 0)
+          else
+            doneAttributes = .true.
+          endif
+        elseif (hasChildNodes(this)) then
+          this => getFirstChild(this)
+          doneChildren = .false.
+          doneAttributes = .false.
+        else
+          doneChildren = .true.
+          doneAttributes = .false.
+        endif
+      else ! if doneChildren
+        if (associated(this, treeroot)) exit
+        if (getNodeType(this)==ATTRIBUTE_NODE) then
+          if (i_tree<getLength(getAttributes(getOwnerElement(this)))-1) then
+            i_tree= i_tree+ 1
+            this => item(getAttributes(getOwnerElement(this)), i_tree)
+            doneChildren = .false.
+          else
+            i_tree= 0
+            this => getOwnerElement(this)
+            doneAttributes = .true.
+            doneChildren = .false.
+          endif
+        elseif (associated(getNextSibling(this))) then
+          this => getNextSibling(this)
+          doneChildren = .false.
+          doneAttributes = .false.
+        else
+          this => getParentNode(this)
+        endif
+      endif
+    enddo
+  end subroutine normalizeDocument
+  recursive subroutine namespaceFixup(this, deep, ex)
+    type(DOMException), intent(out), optional :: ex
+    type(Node), pointer :: this
+    logical, intent(in) :: deep
+    type(Node), pointer :: parent, child, attr, nsp
+    type(NamedNodeMap), pointer :: attrs
+    type(NodeList), pointer :: nsNodes, nsNodesParent
+    integer :: i, nsIndex
+    if (getNodeType(this) /= ELEMENT_NODE &
+      .and. getNodeType(this) /= ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE &
+      .and. getNodeType(this)/=DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE) then
+      return
+    endif
+    if (this%nodeType==ELEMENT_NODE) then
+      ! Clear all current namespace nodes:
+      nsnodes => getNamespaceNodes(this)
+      do i = 1, getLength(nsNodes)
+        call destroyNode(nsNodes%nodes(i)%this)
+      enddo
+      deallocate(nsNodes%nodes)
+      parent => getParentNode(this)
+      do while (associated(parent))
+        ! Go up (through perhaps multiple entref nodes)
+        if (getNodeType(parent)==ELEMENT_NODE) exit
+        parent => getParentNode(parent)
+      enddo
+      ! Inherit from parent (or not ...)
+      if (associated(parent)) then
+        nsNodesParent => getNamespaceNodes(parent)
+        allocate(nsNodes%nodes(getLength(nsNodesParent)))
+        nsNodes%length = getLength(nsNodesParent)
+        do i = 0, getLength(nsNodes) - 1
+          ! separate variable for intel
+          nsp => item(nsNodesParent, i)
+          nsNodes%nodes(i+1)%this => &
+            createNamespaceNode(getOwnerDocument(this), &
+            getPrefix(nsp), getNamespaceURI(nsp), &
+            specified=.false.)
+        enddo
+      else
+        allocate(nsNodes%nodes(0))
+        nsNodes%length = 0
+      endif
+      ! Now check for broken NS declarations, and add namespace
+      ! nodes for all non-broken declarations
+      attrs => getAttributes(this)
+      do i = 0, getLength(attrs)-1
+        attr => item(attrs, i)
+        if ((getLocalName(attr)=="xmlns" &
+          .or.getPrefix(attr)=="xmlns") &
+          .and.getNamespaceURI(attr)/="http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/") then
+          ! This can only I think happen if we bugger about with setPrefix ...
+          if (getFoX_checks().or.NAMESPACE_ERR<200) then
+  call throw_exception(NAMESPACE_ERR, "namespaceFixup", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+        endif
+        if (getNamespaceURI(attr)=="http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/") then
+          if (getLocalName(attr)=="xmlns") then
+            call appendNSNode(this, "", getValue(attr), specified=.true.)
+          else
+            call appendNSNode(this, getLocalName(attr), &
+              getValue(attr), specified=.true.)
+          endif
+        endif
+      enddo
+      if (getNamespaceURI(this)/="") then
+        ! Is the nsURI of this node bound to its prefix?
+        ! This will automatically do any necessary replacements ...
+        if (getPrefix(this)=="") then
+          if (.not.isDefaultNamespace(this, getNamespaceURI(this))) then
+            ! We are dealing with the default prefix
+            call setAttributeNS(this, "http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/", &
+              "xmlns", getNamespaceURI(this))
+            call appendNSNode(this, "", getNamespaceURI(this), specified=.true.)
+          endif
+        elseif (lookupNamespaceURI(this, getPrefix(this))/=getNamespaceURI(this)) then
+          call setAttributeNS(this, "http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/", &
+            "xmlns:"//getPrefix(this), getNamespaceURI(this))
+          call appendNSNode(this, getPrefix(this), getNamespaceURI(this), specified=.true.)
+        endif
+      else
+        ! No (or empty) namespace URI ...
+        if (getLocalName(this)=="") then
+          ! DOM level 1 node ... report error
+          if (getFoX_checks().or.NAMESPACE_ERR<200) then
+  call throw_exception(NAMESPACE_ERR, "namespaceFixup", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+        else
+          ! We must declare the elements prefix to have an empty nsURI
+          if (lookupNamespaceURI(this, getPrefix(this))/="") then
+            if (getPrefix(this)=="") then
+              call setAttributeNS(this, "http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/", &
+                "xmlns", "")
+            else
+              call setAttributeNS(this, "http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/", &
+                "xmlns:"//getPrefix(this), "")
+            endif
+            ! and add a namespace node for the empty nsURI
+            call appendNSNode(this, getPrefix(this), "", specified=.true.)
+          endif
+        endif
+      endif
+      do i = 0, getLength(attrs)-1
+        ! This loops over the number of attrs present initially, so any we
+        ! add within this loop will not get checked - but they will only
+        ! be namespace declarations about which we dont care anyway.
+        attr => item(attrs, i)
+        if (getNamespaceURI(attr)=="http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/") then
+          cycle ! We already worried about it above.
+        elseif (getNamespaceURI(attr)=="http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace") then
+          cycle ! We dont have to declare these
+        elseif (getNamespaceURI(attr)/="") then
+          ! This is a namespaced attribute
+          if (getPrefix(attr)=="" &
+            .or. lookupNamespaceURI(this, getPrefix(attr))/=getNamespaceURI(attr)) then
+            ! It has an inappropriate prefix
+            if (lookupPrefix(this, getNamespaceURI(attr))/="") then
+              ! then an appropriate prefix exists, use it.
+              call setPrefix(attr, lookupPrefix(this, getNamespaceURI(attr)))
+              ! FIXME should be "most local" prefix. Make sure lookupPrefix does that.
+            else
+              ! No suitable prefix exists, declare one.
+              if (getPrefix(attr)/="") then
+                ! Then the current prefix is not in use, its just undeclared.
+                call setAttributeNS(this, "http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/", &
+                  "xmlns:"//getPrefix(attr), getNamespaceURI(attr))
+                call appendNSNode(this, getPrefix(attr), getNamespaceURI(attr), specified=.true.)
+              else
+                ! This node has no prefix, but needs one. Make it up.
+                nsIndex = 1
+                do while (lookupNamespaceURI(this, "NS"//nsIndex)/="")
+                  ! FIXME this will exit if the namespace is undeclared *or* if it is declared to be empty.
+                  nsIndex = nsIndex+1
+                enddo
+                call setAttributeNS(this, "http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/", &
+                  "xmlns:NS"//nsIndex, getNamespaceURI(attr))
+                ! and create namespace node
+                call appendNSNode(this, "NS"//nsIndex, getNamespaceURI(attr), specified=.true.)
+                call setPrefix(attr, "NS"//nsIndex)
+              endif
+            endif
+          endif
+        else 
+          ! attribute has no namespace URI
+          if (getLocalName(this)=="") then
+            ! DOM level 1 node ... report error
+            if (getFoX_checks().or.NAMESPACE_ERR<200) then
+  call throw_exception(NAMESPACE_ERR, "namespaceFixup", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+          endif
+          ! otherwise no problem
+        endif
+      enddo
+    endif
+    if (deep) then
+      ! And now call this on all appropriate children ...
+      child => getFirstChild(this)
+      do while (associated(child))
+        call namespaceFixup(child, .true.)
+        child => getNextSibling(child)
+      enddo
+    endif
+  end subroutine namespaceFixup
+end module m_dom_dom
diff --git a/dom/m_dom_dom.m4 b/dom/m_dom_dom.m4
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8239646
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dom/m_dom_dom.m4
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+! EDIT FILES dom/m_dom_***.m4
+module m_dom_dom
+  use fox_m_fsys_array_str, only: str_vs, vs_str, vs_str_alloc
+  use fox_m_fsys_format, only: operator(//)
+  use fox_m_fsys_string, only: toLower
+  use fox_m_utils_uri, only: URI, parseURI, destroyURI, isAbsoluteURI, &
+    rebaseURI, expressURI
+  use m_common_charset, only: checkChars, XML1_0, XML1_1
+  use m_common_element, only: element_t, get_element, attribute_t, &
+    attribute_has_default, get_attribute_declaration, get_attlist_size
+  use m_common_namecheck, only: checkQName, prefixOfQName, localPartOfQName, &
+    checkName, checkPublicId, checkNCName
+  use m_common_struct, only: xml_doc_state, init_xml_doc_state, destroy_xml_doc_state
+  use m_dom_error, only: DOMException, throw_exception, inException, getExceptionCode, &
+  implicit none
+  private
+end module m_dom_dom
diff --git a/dom/m_dom_element.m4 b/dom/m_dom_element.m4
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e251842
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dom/m_dom_element.m4
@@ -0,0 +1,606 @@
+  public :: getTagName
+  public :: getAttribute
+  public :: setAttribute
+  public :: removeAttribute
+  public :: getAttributeNode
+  public :: setAttributeNode
+  public :: removeAttributeNode
+  public :: getAttributeNS
+  public :: setAttributeNS
+  public :: removeAttributeNS
+  public :: getAttributeNodeNS
+  public :: setAttributeNodeNS
+  public :: removeAttributeNodeNS
+  public :: hasAttribute
+  public :: hasAttributeNS
+  public :: setIdAttribute
+  public :: setIdAttributeNS
+  public :: setIdAttributeNode
+TOHW_m_dom_get(DOMString, tagName, np%nodeName, (ELEMENT_NODE))
+  pure function getAttribute_len(arg, p, name) result(n)
+    type(Node), intent(in) :: arg
+    logical, intent(in) :: p
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
+    integer :: n
+    integer :: i
+    n = 0
+    if (.not.p) return
+    if (arg%nodeType/=ELEMENT_NODE) return
+    do i = 1, arg%elExtras%attributes%length
+      if (str_vs(arg%elExtras%attributes%nodes(i)%this%nodeName)==name) then
+        n = getTextContent_len(arg%elExtras%attributes%nodes(i)%this, .true.)
+        exit
+      endif
+    enddo
+  end function getAttribute_len
+  TOHW_function(getAttribute, (arg, name), c)
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
+    character(len=getAttribute_len(arg, .true., name)) :: c
+    character(len=getAttribute_len(arg, associated(arg), name)) :: c
+    integer :: i
+    if (.not.associated(arg)) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL)
+    endif
+    if (getNodeType(arg) /= ELEMENT_NODE) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_INVALID_NODE)
+    endif
+    if (len(c)>0) then
+      do i = 1, arg%elExtras%attributes%length
+        if (str_vs(arg%elExtras%attributes%nodes(i)%this%nodeName)==name) then
+          c = getTextContent(arg%elExtras%attributes%nodes(i)%this)
+          exit
+        endif
+      enddo
+    else
+      c = ""
+    endif
+  end function getAttribute
+  TOHW_subroutine(setAttribute, (arg, name, value))
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: value
+    type(Node), pointer :: nn, dummy
+    logical :: quickFix
+    if (.not.associated(arg)) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL)
+    endif
+    if (getNodetype(arg)/=ELEMENT_NODE) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_INVALID_NODE)
+    elseif (arg%readonly) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR)
+    elseif (.not.checkName(name, getXmlVersionEnum(getOwnerDocument(arg)))) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR)
+    elseif (.not.checkChars(value, getXmlVersionEnum(getOwnerDocument(arg)))) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_INVALID_CHARACTER)
+    endif
+    quickFix = getGCstate(getOwnerDocument(arg)) &
+      .and. arg%inDocument
+    if (quickFix) call setGCstate(getOwnerDocument(arg), .false.)
+    ! then the created attribute is going straight into the document,
+    ! so dont faff with hanging-node lists.
+    nn => createAttribute(arg%ownerDocument, name)
+    call setValue(nn, value)
+    dummy => setNamedItem(getAttributes(arg), nn)
+    if (associated(dummy)) then
+      if (getGCstate(getOwnerDocument(arg)).and..not.dummy%inDocument) &
+        call putNodesInDocument(getOwnerDocument(arg), dummy) 
+      ! ... so that dummy & children are removed from hangingNodes list.
+      call destroyAllNodesRecursively(dummy)
+    endif
+    if (quickFix) call setGCstate(getOwnerDocument(arg), .true.)
+  end subroutine setAttribute
+  TOHW_subroutine(removeAttribute, (arg, name))
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
+    type(DOMException) :: ex2
+    type(Node), pointer :: dummy
+    integer :: e
+    if (.not.associated(arg)) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL)
+    endif
+    if (getNodetype(arg)/=ELEMENT_NODE) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_INVALID_NODE)
+    elseif (arg%readonly) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR)
+    endif
+    if (arg%inDocument) &
+      call setGCstate(getOwnerDocument(arg), .false.)
+    dummy => removeNamedItem(getAttributes(arg), name, ex2)
+    ! removeNamedItem took care of any default attributes
+    if (inException(ex2)) then
+      e = getExceptionCode(ex2)
+      if (e/=NOT_FOUND_ERR) then
+        TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(e)
+      endif
+    else
+      if (.not.arg%inDocument) then
+        ! dummy was not in the doc, so was on hangingNode list.
+        ! To remove it from the list:
+        call putNodesInDocument(arg%ownerDocument, dummy)
+      endif
+      call destroyAllNodesRecursively(dummy)
+    endif
+    if (arg%inDocument) &
+      call setGCstate(arg%ownerDocument, .true.)
+  end subroutine removeAttribute
+  TOHW_function(getAttributeNode, (arg, name), attr)
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
+    type(Node), pointer :: attr
+    if (.not.associated(arg)) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL)
+    endif
+    if (arg%nodeType /= ELEMENT_NODE) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_INVALID_NODE)
+    endif
+    attr => getNamedItem(getAttributes(arg), name)
+  end function getAttributeNode
+  TOHW_function(setAttributeNode, (arg, newattr), attr)
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    type(Node), pointer :: newattr
+    type(Node), pointer :: attr
+    type(Node), pointer :: dummy
+    if (.not.associated(arg)) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL)
+    endif
+    if (arg%nodeType /= ELEMENT_NODE) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_INVALID_NODE)
+    elseif (.not.associated(arg%ownerDocument, newattr%ownerDocument)) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(WRONG_DOCUMENT_ERR)
+    elseif (arg%readonly) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR)
+    endif
+    if (associated(getOwnerElement(newattr), arg)) then
+      attr => newattr
+      return
+      ! Nothing to do, this attribute is already in this element
+    elseif (associated(getOwnerElement(newattr))) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(INUSE_ATTRIBUTE_ERR)
+    endif
+    ! this checks if attribute exists already
+    ! It also does any adding/removing of hangingnodes
+    ! and sets ownerElement appropriately
+    dummy => setNamedItem(getAttributes(arg), newattr, ex)
+    attr => dummy
+  end function setAttributeNode
+  TOHW_function(removeAttributeNode, (arg, oldattr), attr)
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    type(Node), pointer :: oldattr
+    type(Node), pointer :: attr
+    if (.not.associated(arg)) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL)
+    endif
+    if (arg%nodeType /= ELEMENT_NODE) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_INVALID_NODE)
+    endif
+    if (.not.associated(arg, getOwnerElement(oldattr))) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(NOT_FOUND_ERR)
+    endif
+    attr => removeNamedItem(getAttributes(arg), &
+      getNodeName(oldattr), ex)
+  end function removeAttributeNode
+!  function getElementsByTagName - see m_dom_document
+  pure function getAttributesNS_len(arg, p, localname, namespaceURI) result(n)
+    type(Node), intent(in) :: arg
+    logical, intent(in) :: p
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: localname
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: namespaceURI
+    integer :: n
+    integer :: i
+    n = 0
+    if (.not.p) return
+    if (arg%nodeType/=ELEMENT_NODE) return
+    do i = 1, arg%elExtras%attributes%length
+      if ((str_vs(arg%elExtras%attributes%nodes(i)%this%elExtras%localName)==localname &
+        .and. str_vs(arg%elExtras%attributes%nodes(i)%this%elExtras%namespaceURI)==namespaceURI) &
+        .or. (namespaceURI=="".and.str_vs(arg%elExtras%attributes%nodes(i)%this%nodeName)==localname)) then
+        n = getTextContent_len(arg%elExtras%attributes%nodes(i)%this, .true.)
+        exit
+      endif
+    enddo
+  end function getAttributesNS_len
+  TOHW_function(getAttributeNS, (arg, namespaceURI, localName), c)
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: namespaceURI
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: localName
+    character(len=getAttributesNS_len(arg, .true., localname, namespaceURI)) :: c
+    character(len=getAttributesNS_len(arg, associated(arg), localname, namespaceURI)) :: c
+    integer :: i
+    if (.not.associated(arg)) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL)
+    endif
+    if (arg%nodeType /= ELEMENT_NODE) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_INVALID_NODE)
+    endif
+    if (len(c)>0) then
+      do i = 1, arg%elExtras%attributes%length
+        if ((str_vs(arg%elExtras%attributes%nodes(i)%this%elExtras%localName)==localname &
+          .and. str_vs(arg%elExtras%attributes%nodes(i)%this%elExtras%namespaceURI)==namespaceURI) &
+          .or. (namespaceURI=="".and.str_vs(arg%elExtras%attributes%nodes(i)%this%nodeName)==localname)) then
+          c = getTextContent(arg%elExtras%attributes%nodes(i)%this)
+          exit
+        endif
+      enddo
+    else
+      c = ""
+    endif
+  end function getAttributeNS
+  TOHW_subroutine(setAttributeNS, (arg, namespaceURI, qualifiedname, value))
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: namespaceURI
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: qualifiedName
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: value
+    type(Node), pointer :: nn, dummy
+    logical :: quickfix
+    if (.not.associated(arg)) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL)
+    endif
+    if (arg%nodeType /= ELEMENT_NODE) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_INVALID_NODE)
+    elseif (arg%readonly) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR)
+    elseif (.not.checkName(qualifiedname, getXmlVersionEnum(getOwnerDocument(arg)))) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR)
+    endif
+    if (.not.arg%ownerDocument%docExtras%brokenNS) then
+      if (.not.checkQName(qualifiedname, getXmlVersionEnum(getOwnerDocument(arg)))) then
+        TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(NAMESPACE_ERR)
+      elseif (prefixOfQName(qualifiedName)/="" &
+        .and. namespaceURI=="") then
+        TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(NAMESPACE_ERR)
+      elseif (prefixOfQName(qualifiedName)=="xml" .neqv. & 
+        namespaceURI=="http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace") then
+        TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(NAMESPACE_ERR)
+      elseif (namespaceURI=="http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/" .neqv. &
+        (qualifiedName=="xmlns" .or. prefixOfQName(qualifiedName)=="xmlns")) then
+        TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(NAMESPACE_ERR)
+      endif
+    endif
+! FIXME what if namespace is undeclared? Throw an error *only* if FoX_errors is on, otherwise its taken care of by namespace fixup on serialization
+    quickFix = getGCstate(getOwnerDocument(arg)) &
+      .and. arg%inDocument
+    if (quickFix) call setGCstate(getOwnerDocument(arg), .false.)
+    ! then the created attribute is going straight into the document,
+    ! so dont faff with hanging-node lists.
+    nn => createAttributeNS(arg%ownerDocument, namespaceURI, qualifiedname)
+    call setValue(nn, value)
+    dummy => setNamedItemNS(getAttributes(arg), nn)
+    if (associated(dummy)) then
+      if (getGCstate(getOwnerDocument(arg)).and..not.dummy%inDocument) &
+        call putNodesInDocument(getOwnerDocument(arg), dummy) 
+      ! ... so that dummy & children are removed from hangingNodes list.
+      call destroyAllNodesRecursively(dummy)
+    endif
+    if (quickFix) call setGCstate(getOwnerDocument(arg), .true.)
+  end subroutine setAttributeNS
+  TOHW_subroutine(removeAttributeNS, (arg, namespaceURI, localName))
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: namespaceURI
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: localName
+    type(DOMException) :: ex2
+    type(Node), pointer :: dummy
+    integer :: e
+    if (.not.associated(arg)) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL)
+    endif
+    if (arg%nodeType /= ELEMENT_NODE) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_INVALID_NODE)
+    elseif (arg%readonly) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR)
+    endif
+    if (arg%inDocument) &
+      call setGCstate(getOwnerDocument(arg), .false.)
+    ! So we dont add the removed nodes to the hanging node list
+    dummy => removeNamedItemNS(getAttributes(arg), namespaceURI, localName, ex2)
+    ! removeNamedItemNS took care of any default attributes
+    if (inException(ex2)) then
+      e = getExceptionCode(ex2)
+      if (e/=NOT_FOUND_ERR) then
+        TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(e)
+      endif
+    else
+      if (.not.arg%inDocument) then
+        ! dummy was not in the doc, so was already on hangingNode list.
+        ! To remove it from the list:
+        call putNodesInDocument(arg%ownerDocument, dummy)
+      endif
+      call destroyAllNodesRecursively(dummy)
+    endif
+    if (arg%inDocument) &
+      call setGCstate(arg%ownerDocument, .true.)
+  end subroutine removeAttributeNS
+  TOHW_function(getAttributeNodeNS, (arg, namespaceURI, localName), attr)
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: namespaceURI
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: localName
+    type(Node), pointer :: attr
+    if (.not.associated(arg)) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL)
+    endif
+    if (arg%nodeType /= ELEMENT_NODE) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_INVALID_NODE)
+    endif
+    attr => null()     ! as per specs, if not found
+    attr => getNamedItemNS(getAttributes(arg), namespaceURI, localname)
+  end function getAttributeNodeNS
+  TOHW_function(setAttributeNodeNS, (arg, newattr), attr)
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    type(Node), pointer :: newattr
+    type(Node), pointer :: attr
+    type(Node), pointer :: dummy
+    if (.not.associated(arg)) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL)
+    endif
+    if (arg%nodeType /= ELEMENT_NODE) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_INVALID_NODE)
+    elseif (.not.associated(arg%ownerDocument, newattr%ownerDocument)) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(WRONG_DOCUMENT_ERR)
+    elseif (arg%readonly) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR)
+    endif
+    if (associated(getOwnerElement(newattr), arg)) then
+      attr => newattr
+      return
+      ! Nothing to do, this attribute is already in this element
+    elseif (associated(getOwnerElement(newattr))) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(INUSE_ATTRIBUTE_ERR)
+    endif
+    ! this checks if attribute exists already
+    ! It also does any adding/removing of hangingnodes
+    ! and sets ownerElement appropriately
+    dummy => setNamedItemNS(getAttributes(arg), newattr, ex)
+    attr => dummy
+  end function setAttributeNodeNS
+  TOHW_function(removeAttributeNodeNS, (arg, oldattr), attr)
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    type(Node), pointer :: oldattr
+    type(Node), pointer :: attr
+    if (.not.associated(arg)) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL)
+    endif
+    if (arg%nodeType /= ELEMENT_NODE) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_INVALID_NODE)
+    endif
+    if (.not.associated(arg, getOwnerElement(oldattr))) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(NOT_FOUND_ERR)
+    endif
+    attr => removeNamedItemNS(getAttributes(arg), &
+      getNamespaceURI(oldattr), getLocalName(oldattr), ex)
+  end function removeAttributeNodeNS
+!  function getElementsByTagNameNS - see m_dom_document
+  TOHW_function(hasAttribute, (arg, name), p)
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
+    logical :: p
+    integer :: i
+    type(Node), pointer :: attr
+    if (.not.associated(arg)) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL)
+    endif
+   if (arg%nodeType /= ELEMENT_NODE) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_INVALID_NODE)
+    endif
+    p = .false.
+    do i = 0, getLength(getAttributes(arg)) - 1
+      attr => item(getAttributes(arg), i)
+      if (getNodeName(attr)==name) then
+        p = .true.
+        exit
+      endif
+    enddo
+  end function hasAttribute
+  TOHW_function(hasAttributeNS, (arg, namespaceURI, localName), p)
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: namespaceURI
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: localName
+    logical :: p
+    integer :: i
+    type(Node), pointer :: attr
+    if (.not.associated(arg)) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL)
+    endif
+   if (arg%nodeType /= ELEMENT_NODE) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_INVALID_NODE)
+    endif
+    p = .false.
+    do i = 0, getLength(getAttributes(arg))-1
+      attr => item(getAttributes(arg), i)
+      if (getNamespaceURI(attr)==namespaceURI &
+        .and. getLocalName(attr)==localName) then
+        p = .true.
+        exit
+      endif
+    enddo
+  end function hasAttributeNS
+  TOHW_subroutine(setIdAttribute, (arg, name, isId))
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
+    logical, intent(in) :: isId
+    type(Node), pointer :: np
+    if (arg%readonly) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR)
+    endif
+    np => getAttributeNode(arg, name)
+    if (associated(np)) then
+      call setIsId(np, isId)
+    else
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(NOT_FOUND_ERR)
+    endif
+  end subroutine setIdAttribute
+  TOHW_subroutine(setIdAttributeNS, (arg, namespaceURI, localname, isId))
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: namespaceURI
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: localName
+    logical, intent(in) :: isId
+    type(Node), pointer :: np
+    if (arg%readonly) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR)
+    endif
+    np => getAttributeNodeNS(arg, namespaceURI, localname)
+    if (associated(np)) then
+      call setIsId(np, isId)
+    else
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(NOT_FOUND_ERR)
+    endif
+  end subroutine setIdAttributeNS
+  TOHW_subroutine(setIdAttributeNode, (arg, idAttr, isId))
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    type(Node), pointer :: idAttr
+    logical, intent(in) :: isId
+    if (arg%readonly) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR)
+    elseif (.not.associated(arg, getOwnerElement(idAttr))) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(NOT_FOUND_ERR)
+    endif
+    call setIsId(idAttr, isId)
+  end subroutine setIdAttributeNode
diff --git a/dom/m_dom_entity.m4 b/dom/m_dom_entity.m4
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aed0417
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dom/m_dom_entity.m4
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+  public :: getNotationName
+  public :: getIllFormed
+  public :: setIllFormed
+  TOHW_m_dom_get(DOMString, notationName, np%dtdExtras%notationName, (ENTITY_NODE))
+!Internally-used getters/setters:
+  TOHW_m_dom_get(logical, illFormed, np%dtdExtras%illFormed, (ENTITY_NODE))
+  TOHW_m_dom_set(logical, illFormed, np%dtdExtras%illFormed, (ENTITY_NODE))
+  TOHW_m_dom_get(DOMString, stringValue, np%nodeValue, (ENTITY_NODE))
+  TOHW_m_dom_set(DOMString, stringValue, np%nodeValue, (ENTITY_NODE))
diff --git a/dom/m_dom_error.f90 b/dom/m_dom_error.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c6fdae4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dom/m_dom_error.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,211 @@
+module m_dom_error
+  use fox_m_fsys_abort_flush, only: pxfabort
+  use m_common_error, only: error_stack, add_error, in_error, destroy_error_stack
+  implicit none
+  private
+  type DOMException
+    private
+    type(error_stack) :: stack
+  end type DOMException
+  integer, parameter, public :: INDEX_SIZE_ERR              = 1
+  integer, parameter, public :: DOMSTRING_SIZE_ERR          = 2
+  integer, parameter, public :: HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR       = 3
+  integer, parameter, public :: WRONG_DOCUMENT_ERR          = 4
+  integer, parameter, public :: INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR       = 5
+  integer, parameter, public :: NO_DATA_ALLOWED_ERR         = 6
+  integer, parameter, public :: NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR = 7
+  integer, parameter, public :: NOT_FOUND_ERR               = 8
+  integer, parameter, public :: NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR           = 9
+  integer, parameter, public :: INUSE_ATTRIBUTE_ERR         = 10
+  integer, parameter, public :: INVALID_STATE_ERR           = 11
+  integer, parameter, public :: SYNTAX_ERR                  = 12
+  integer, parameter, public :: INVALID_MODIFICATION_ERR    = 13
+  integer, parameter, public :: NAMESPACE_ERR               = 14
+  integer, parameter, public :: INVALID_ACCESS_ERR          = 15
+  integer, parameter, public :: VALIDATION_ERR              = 16
+  integer, parameter, public :: TYPE_MISMATCH_ERR           = 17
+  integer, parameter, public :: INVALID_EXPRESSION_ERR      = 51
+  integer, parameter, public :: TYPE_ERR                    = 52
+  integer, parameter, public :: PARSE_ERR                   = 81
+  integer, parameter, public :: SERIALIZE_ERR               = 82
+  integer, parameter, public :: FoX_INVALID_NODE            = 201
+  integer, parameter, public :: FoX_INVALID_CHARACTER       = 202
+  integer, parameter, public :: FoX_NO_SUCH_ENTITY          = 203
+  integer, parameter, public :: FoX_INVALID_PI_DATA         = 204
+  integer, parameter, public :: FoX_INVALID_CDATA_SECTION   = 205
+  integer, parameter, public :: FoX_HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR   = 206
+  integer, parameter, public :: FoX_INVALID_PUBLIC_ID       = 207
+  integer, parameter, public :: FoX_INVALID_SYSTEM_ID       = 208
+  integer, parameter, public :: FoX_INVALID_COMMENT         = 209
+  integer, parameter, public :: FoX_NODE_IS_NULL            = 210
+  integer, parameter, public :: FoX_INVALID_ENTITY          = 211
+  integer, parameter, public :: FoX_INVALID_URI             = 212
+  integer, parameter, public :: FoX_IMPL_IS_NULL            = 213
+  integer, parameter, public :: FoX_MAP_IS_NULL             = 214
+  integer, parameter, public :: FoX_LIST_IS_NULL            = 215
+  integer, parameter, public :: FoX_INTERNAL_ERROR          = 999
+  public :: DOMException
+  public :: getExceptionCode
+  public :: throw_exception
+  public :: inException
+  public :: dom_error
+  public :: internal_error
+  pure function errorString(code) result(s)
+    integer, intent(in) :: code
+    character(len=27) :: s
+    select case(code)
+    case(1)
+      s = "INDEX_SIZE_ERR"
+    case(2)
+    case(3)
+    case(4)
+    case(5)
+    case(6)
+      s = "NO_DATA_ALLOWED_ERR"
+    case(7)
+    case(8)
+      s = "NOT_FOUND_ERR"
+    case(9)
+      s = "NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR"
+    case(10)
+    case(11)
+      s = "INVALID_STATE_ERR"
+    case(12)
+      s = "SYNTAX_ERR"
+    case(13)
+    case(14)
+      s = "NAMESPACE_ERR"
+    case(15)
+    case(16)
+      s = "VALIDATION_ERR"
+    case(18)
+      s = "TYPE_MISMATCH_ERR"
+    case(51)
+    case(52)
+      s = "TYPE_ERR"
+    case(81)
+      s = "PARSE_ERR"
+    case(82)
+      s = "SERIALIZE_ERR"
+    case(201)
+      s = "FoX_INVALID_NODE"
+    case(202)
+    case(203)
+      s = "FoX_NO_SUCH_ENTITY"
+    case(204)
+      s = "FoX_INVALID_PI_DATA"
+    case(205)
+    case(206)
+    case(207)
+      s = "FoX_INVALID_PUBLIC_ID"
+    case(208)
+      s = "FoX_INVALID_SYSTEM_ID"
+    case(209)
+      s = "FoX_INVALID_COMMENT"
+    case(210)
+      s = "FoX_NODE_IS_NULL"
+    case(211)
+      s = "FoX_INVALID_ENTITY"
+    case(212)
+      s = "FoX_NO_DOCTYPE"
+    case(213)
+      s = "FoX_IMPL_IS_NULL"
+    case(214)
+      s = "FoX_MAP_IS_NULL"
+    case(215)
+      s = "FoX_LIST_IS_NULL"
+    case default
+      s = "INTERNAL ERROR!!!!"
+    end select
+  end function errorString
+  function getExceptionCode(ex) result(n)
+    type(DOMException), intent(inout) :: ex
+    integer :: n
+    if (in_error(ex%stack)) then
+      n = ex%stack%stack(size(ex%stack%stack))%error_code
+      call destroy_error_stack(ex%stack)
+    else
+      n = 0
+    endif
+  end function getExceptionCode
+  subroutine throw_exception(code, msg, ex)
+    integer, intent(in) :: code
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: msg
+    type(DOMException), intent(inout), optional :: ex
+    if (present(ex)) then
+      call add_error(ex%stack, msg, error_code=code) ! FIXME
+    else
+      write(0,'(a)') errorString(code)
+      write(0,'(i0,a)') code, " "//msg
+      call pxfabort()
+    endif
+  end subroutine throw_exception
+  subroutine dom_error(name,code,msg)
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: name, msg
+    integer, intent(in)          :: code
+    write(0,'(4a)') "Routine ", name, ":", msg
+    write(0,'(a)') errorString(code)
+    call pxfabort()
+  end subroutine dom_error
+  subroutine destroyDOMException(ex)
+    type(DOMException), intent(inout) :: ex
+    call destroy_error_stack(ex%stack)
+  end subroutine destroyDOMException
+  subroutine internal_error(name,msg)
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: name, msg
+    write(0,'(4a)') "Internal error in ", name, ":", msg
+    call pxfabort()
+  end subroutine internal_error
+  function inException(ex) result(p)
+    type(DOMException), intent(in) :: ex
+    logical :: p
+    p = in_error(ex%stack)
+  end function inException
+end module m_dom_error
diff --git a/dom/m_dom_exception.m4 b/dom/m_dom_exception.m4
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..95263c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dom/m_dom_exception.m4
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+dnl 1 is numerical code
+dnl 2 is list of things to deallocate
+dnl 3 is an optional thing to do before the return
+if (getFoX_checks().or.$1<200) then
+  call throw_exception($1, "m4f_thisfunc", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+ifelse($2, `', `', 
+     m4_foreach(`x', `$2', `
+  if (associated(x)) deallocate(x)
+ifelse($3, `', `', `        $3
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+define(`TOHW_function', `dnl
+define(`m4f_thisfunc', `$1')dnl
+`'function $1`'dnl
+(m4_foreach(`x', `$2', `x, ')ex)ifelse($3, `', `', `result($3)') 
+    type(DOMException), intent(out), optional :: ex`'dnl
+define(`TOHW_subroutine', `dnl
+define(`m4f_thisfunc', `$1')dnl
+subroutine $1`'dnl
+(m4_foreach(`x', `$2', `x, ')ex)
+    type(DOMException), intent(out), optional :: ex`'dnl
+      select case(testParent%nodeType)
+      case (ELEMENT_NODE)
+        if (testChild%nodeType/=ELEMENT_NODE &
+          .and. testChild%nodeType/=TEXT_NODE &
+          .and. testChild%nodeType/=COMMENT_NODE &
+          .and. testChild%nodeType/=PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE &
+          .and. testChild%nodeType/=CDATA_SECTION_NODE &
+          .and. testChild%nodeType/=ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE) then
+          TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR)
+        endif
+      case (ATTRIBUTE_NODE)
+        if (testChild%nodeType/=TEXT_NODE &
+          .and. testChild%nodeType/=ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE) then
+          TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR)
+        endif
+        if (testChild%nodeType==ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE) then
+          treeroot => testChild
+          if (getNodeType(this)/=TEXT_NODE.and.getNodeType(this)/=ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE) then
+            TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR)
+          endif
+        endif
+      case (DOCUMENT_NODE)
+        if ((testChild%nodeType/=ELEMENT_NODE .or. &
+            (testChild%nodeType==ELEMENT_NODE &
+              .and.associated(testParent%docExtras%documentElement)`'dnl
+ifelse(m4f_thisfunc, `replaceChild', ` &
+              .and.oldChild%nodeType/=ELEMENT_NODE')`'dnl
+)) &
+          .and. testChild%nodeType/=PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE &
+          .and. testChild%nodeType/=COMMENT_NODE &
+          .and. (testChild%nodeType/=DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE .or. &
+            (testChild%nodeType==DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE &
+              .and.associated(testParent%docExtras%docType)`'dnl
+ifelse(m4f_thisfunc, `replaceChild', ` &
+              .and.oldChild%nodeType/=DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE')`'dnl
+))) then
+          TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR)
+        endif
+        if (testChild%nodeType/=ELEMENT_NODE &
+          .and. testChild%nodeType/=TEXT_NODE &
+          .and. testChild%nodeType/=COMMENT_NODE &
+          .and. testChild%nodeType/=PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE &
+          .and. testChild%nodeType/=CDATA_SECTION_NODE &
+          .and. testChild%nodeType/=ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE) then
+          TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR)
+        endif
+      case (ENTITY_NODE)
+        continue ! only allowed by DOM parser, not by user.
+        ! but entity nodes are always readonly anyway, so no problem
+        continue ! only allowed by DOM parser, not by user.
+        ! but entity nodes are always readonly anyway, so no problem
+      case default
+        TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR)
+      end select
diff --git a/dom/m_dom_extras.F90 b/dom/m_dom_extras.F90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f301622
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dom/m_dom_extras.F90
@@ -0,0 +1,2376 @@
+module m_dom_extras
+  use fox_m_fsys_realtypes, only: sp, dp
+  use fox_m_fsys_parse_input, only: rts
+  use m_dom_error, only: DOMException, inException, throw_exception,           &
+  use m_dom_dom, only: Node, ELEMENT_NODE,                                     &
+    getAttribute, getAttributeNS, getTextContent, getNodeType, getFoX_checks
+  implicit none
+  private
+  public :: extractDataContent
+  public :: extractDataAttribute
+  public :: extractDataAttributeNS
+  interface extractDataContent
+     module procedure extractDataContentCmplxDpSca
+     module procedure extractDataContentCmplxDpArr
+     module procedure extractDataContentCmplxDpMat
+     module procedure extractDataContentCmplxSpSca
+     module procedure extractDataContentCmplxSpArr
+     module procedure extractDataContentCmplxSpMat
+     module procedure extractDataContentRealDpSca
+     module procedure extractDataContentRealDpArr
+     module procedure extractDataContentRealDpMat
+     module procedure extractDataContentRealSpSca
+     module procedure extractDataContentRealSpArr
+     module procedure extractDataContentRealSpMat
+     module procedure extractDataContentIntSca
+     module procedure extractDataContentIntArr
+     module procedure extractDataContentIntMat
+     module procedure extractDataContentLgSca
+     module procedure extractDataContentLgArr
+     module procedure extractDataContentLgMat
+     module procedure extractDataContentChSca
+     module procedure extractDataContentChArr
+     module procedure extractDataContentChMat
+  end interface extractDataContent
+  interface extractDataAttribute
+     module procedure extractDataAttributeCmplxDpSca
+     module procedure extractDataAttributeCmplxDpArr
+     module procedure extractDataAttributeCmplxDpMat
+     module procedure extractDataAttributeCmplxSpSca
+     module procedure extractDataAttributeCmplxSpArr
+     module procedure extractDataAttributeCmplxSpMat
+     module procedure extractDataAttributeRealDpSca
+     module procedure extractDataAttributeRealDpArr
+     module procedure extractDataAttributeRealDpMat
+     module procedure extractDataAttributeRealSpSca
+     module procedure extractDataAttributeRealSpArr
+     module procedure extractDataAttributeRealSpMat
+     module procedure extractDataAttributeIntSca
+     module procedure extractDataAttributeIntArr
+     module procedure extractDataAttributeIntMat
+     module procedure extractDataAttributeLgSca
+     module procedure extractDataAttributeLgArr
+     module procedure extractDataAttributeLgMat
+     module procedure extractDataAttributeChSca
+     module procedure extractDataAttributeChArr
+     module procedure extractDataAttributeChMat
+  end interface extractDataAttribute
+  interface extractDataAttributeNS
+     module procedure extractDataAttNSCmplxDpSca
+     module procedure extractDataAttNSCmplxDpArr
+     module procedure extractDataAttNSCmplxDpMat
+     module procedure extractDataAttNSCmplxSpSca
+     module procedure extractDataAttNSCmplxSpArr
+     module procedure extractDataAttNSCmplxSpMat
+     module procedure extractDataAttNSRealDpSca
+     module procedure extractDataAttNSRealDpArr
+     module procedure extractDataAttNSRealDpMat
+     module procedure extractDataAttNSRealSpSca
+     module procedure extractDataAttNSRealSpArr
+     module procedure extractDataAttNSRealSpMat
+     module procedure extractDataAttNSIntSca
+     module procedure extractDataAttNSIntArr
+     module procedure extractDataAttNSIntMat
+     module procedure extractDataAttNSLgSca
+     module procedure extractDataAttNSLgArr
+     module procedure extractDataAttNSLgMat
+     module procedure extractDataAttNSChSca
+     module procedure extractDataAttNSChArr
+     module procedure extractDataAttNSChMat
+  end interface extractDataAttributeNS
+subroutine extractDataContentCmplxDpSca(arg, data, num, iostat, ex)
+    type(DOMException), intent(out), optional :: ex
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    complex(dp), intent(out) :: data
+    integer, intent(out), optional :: num, iostat
+    if (.not.associated(arg)) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_NODE_IS_NULL<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL, "extractDataContentCmplxDpSca", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    if (present(ex)) then
+      call rts(getTextContent(arg, ex), data, num, iostat)
+    else
+      call rts(getTextContent(arg), data, num, iostat)
+    endif
+  end subroutine extractDataContentCmplxDpSca
+subroutine extractDataContentCmplxSpSca(arg, data, num, iostat, ex)
+    type(DOMException), intent(out), optional :: ex
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    complex(sp), intent(out) :: data
+    integer, intent(out), optional :: num, iostat
+    if (.not.associated(arg)) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_NODE_IS_NULL<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL, "extractDataContentCmplxSpSca", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    if (present(ex)) then
+      call rts(getTextContent(arg, ex), data, num, iostat)
+    else
+      call rts(getTextContent(arg), data, num, iostat)
+    endif
+  end subroutine extractDataContentCmplxSpSca
+subroutine extractDataContentRealDpSca(arg, data, num, iostat, ex)
+    type(DOMException), intent(out), optional :: ex
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    real(dp), intent(out) :: data
+    integer, intent(out), optional :: num, iostat
+    if (.not.associated(arg)) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_NODE_IS_NULL<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL, "extractDataContentRealDpSca", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    if (present(ex)) then
+      call rts(getTextContent(arg, ex), data, num, iostat)
+    else
+      call rts(getTextContent(arg), data, num, iostat)
+    endif
+  end subroutine extractDataContentRealDpSca
+subroutine extractDataContentRealSpSca(arg, data, num, iostat, ex)
+    type(DOMException), intent(out), optional :: ex
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    real(sp), intent(out) :: data
+    integer, intent(out), optional :: num, iostat
+    if (.not.associated(arg)) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_NODE_IS_NULL<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL, "extractDataContentRealSpSca", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    if (present(ex)) then
+      call rts(getTextContent(arg, ex), data, num, iostat)
+    else
+      call rts(getTextContent(arg), data, num, iostat)
+    endif
+  end subroutine extractDataContentRealSpSca
+subroutine extractDataContentIntSca(arg, data, num, iostat, ex)
+    type(DOMException), intent(out), optional :: ex
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    integer, intent(out) :: data
+    integer, intent(out), optional :: num, iostat
+    if (.not.associated(arg)) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_NODE_IS_NULL<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL, "extractDataContentIntSca", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    if (present(ex)) then
+      call rts(getTextContent(arg, ex), data, num, iostat)
+    else
+      call rts(getTextContent(arg), data, num, iostat)
+    endif
+  end subroutine extractDataContentIntSca
+subroutine extractDataContentLgSca(arg, data, num, iostat, ex)
+    type(DOMException), intent(out), optional :: ex
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    logical, intent(out) :: data
+    integer, intent(out), optional :: num, iostat
+    if (.not.associated(arg)) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_NODE_IS_NULL<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL, "extractDataContentLgSca", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    if (present(ex)) then
+      call rts(getTextContent(arg, ex), data, num, iostat)
+    else
+      call rts(getTextContent(arg), data, num, iostat)
+    endif
+  end subroutine extractDataContentLgSca
+subroutine extractDataContentChSca(arg, data, separator, csv, num, iostat, ex)
+    type(DOMException), intent(out), optional :: ex
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    character(len=*), intent(out) :: data
+    logical, intent(in), optional :: csv
+    character, intent(in), optional :: separator
+    integer, intent(out), optional :: num, iostat
+    if (.not.associated(arg)) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_NODE_IS_NULL<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL, "extractDataContentChSca", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+        data = ""
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    if (present(ex)) then
+      call rts(getTextContent(arg, ex), data, separator, csv, num, iostat)
+    else
+      call rts(getTextContent(arg), data, separator, csv, num, iostat)
+    endif
+  end subroutine extractDataContentChSca
+subroutine extractDataContentCmplxDpArr(arg, data, num, iostat, ex)
+    type(DOMException), intent(out), optional :: ex
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    complex(dp), dimension(:), intent(out) :: data
+    integer, intent(out), optional :: num, iostat
+    if (.not.associated(arg)) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_NODE_IS_NULL<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL, "extractDataContentCmplxDpArr", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    if (present(ex)) then
+      call rts(getTextContent(arg, ex), data, num, iostat)
+    else
+      call rts(getTextContent(arg), data, num, iostat)
+    endif
+  end subroutine extractDataContentCmplxDpArr
+subroutine extractDataContentCmplxSpArr(arg, data, num, iostat, ex)
+    type(DOMException), intent(out), optional :: ex
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    complex(sp), dimension(:), intent(out) :: data
+    integer, intent(out), optional :: num, iostat
+    if (.not.associated(arg)) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_NODE_IS_NULL<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL, "extractDataContentCmplxSpArr", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    if (present(ex)) then
+      call rts(getTextContent(arg, ex), data, num, iostat)
+    else
+      call rts(getTextContent(arg), data, num, iostat)
+    endif
+  end subroutine extractDataContentCmplxSpArr
+subroutine extractDataContentRealDpArr(arg, data, num, iostat, ex)
+    type(DOMException), intent(out), optional :: ex
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    real(dp), dimension(:), intent(out) :: data
+    integer, intent(out), optional :: num, iostat
+    if (.not.associated(arg)) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_NODE_IS_NULL<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL, "extractDataContentRealDpArr", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    if (present(ex)) then
+      call rts(getTextContent(arg, ex), data, num, iostat)
+    else
+      call rts(getTextContent(arg), data, num, iostat)
+    endif
+  end subroutine extractDataContentRealDpArr
+subroutine extractDataContentRealSpArr(arg, data, num, iostat, ex)
+    type(DOMException), intent(out), optional :: ex
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    real(sp), dimension(:), intent(out) :: data
+    integer, intent(out), optional :: num, iostat
+    if (.not.associated(arg)) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_NODE_IS_NULL<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL, "extractDataContentRealSpArr", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    if (present(ex)) then
+      call rts(getTextContent(arg, ex), data, num, iostat)
+    else
+      call rts(getTextContent(arg), data, num, iostat)
+    endif
+  end subroutine extractDataContentRealSpArr
+subroutine extractDataContentIntArr(arg, data, num, iostat, ex)
+    type(DOMException), intent(out), optional :: ex
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    integer, dimension(:), intent(out) :: data
+    integer, intent(out), optional :: num, iostat
+    if (.not.associated(arg)) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_NODE_IS_NULL<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL, "extractDataContentIntArr", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    if (present(ex)) then
+      call rts(getTextContent(arg, ex), data, num, iostat)
+    else
+      call rts(getTextContent(arg), data, num, iostat)
+    endif
+  end subroutine extractDataContentIntArr
+subroutine extractDataContentLgArr(arg, data, num, iostat, ex)
+    type(DOMException), intent(out), optional :: ex
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    logical, dimension(:), intent(out) :: data
+    integer, intent(out), optional :: num, iostat
+    if (.not.associated(arg)) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_NODE_IS_NULL<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL, "extractDataContentLgArr", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    if (present(ex)) then
+      call rts(getTextContent(arg, ex), data, num, iostat)
+    else
+      call rts(getTextContent(arg), data, num, iostat)
+    endif
+  end subroutine extractDataContentLgArr
+subroutine extractDataContentChArr(arg, data, separator, csv, num, iostat, ex)
+    type(DOMException), intent(out), optional :: ex
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    character(len=*), dimension(:), intent(out) :: data
+    logical, intent(in), optional :: csv
+    character, intent(in), optional :: separator
+    integer, intent(out), optional :: num, iostat
+    if (.not.associated(arg)) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_NODE_IS_NULL<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL, "extractDataContentChArr", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+        data = ""
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    if (present(ex)) then
+      call rts(getTextContent(arg, ex), data, separator, csv, num, iostat)
+    else
+      call rts(getTextContent(arg), data, separator, csv, num, iostat)
+    endif
+  end subroutine extractDataContentChArr
+subroutine extractDataContentCmplxDpMat(arg, data, num, iostat, ex)
+    type(DOMException), intent(out), optional :: ex
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    complex(dp), dimension(:,:), intent(out) :: data
+    integer, intent(out), optional :: num, iostat
+    if (.not.associated(arg)) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_NODE_IS_NULL<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL, "extractDataContentCmplxDpMat", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    if (present(ex)) then
+      call rts(getTextContent(arg, ex), data, num, iostat)
+    else
+      call rts(getTextContent(arg), data, num, iostat)
+    endif
+  end subroutine extractDataContentCmplxDpMat
+subroutine extractDataContentCmplxSpMat(arg, data, num, iostat, ex)
+    type(DOMException), intent(out), optional :: ex
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    complex(sp), dimension(:,:), intent(out) :: data
+    integer, intent(out), optional :: num, iostat
+    if (.not.associated(arg)) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_NODE_IS_NULL<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL, "extractDataContentCmplxSpMat", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    if (present(ex)) then
+      call rts(getTextContent(arg, ex), data, num, iostat)
+    else
+      call rts(getTextContent(arg), data, num, iostat)
+    endif
+  end subroutine extractDataContentCmplxSpMat
+subroutine extractDataContentRealDpMat(arg, data, num, iostat, ex)
+    type(DOMException), intent(out), optional :: ex
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    real(dp), dimension(:,:), intent(out) :: data
+    integer, intent(out), optional :: num, iostat
+    if (.not.associated(arg)) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_NODE_IS_NULL<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL, "extractDataContentRealDpMat", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    if (present(ex)) then
+      call rts(getTextContent(arg, ex), data, num, iostat)
+    else
+      call rts(getTextContent(arg), data, num, iostat)
+    endif
+  end subroutine extractDataContentRealDpMat
+subroutine extractDataContentRealSpMat(arg, data, num, iostat, ex)
+    type(DOMException), intent(out), optional :: ex
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    real(sp), dimension(:,:), intent(out) :: data
+    integer, intent(out), optional :: num, iostat
+    if (.not.associated(arg)) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_NODE_IS_NULL<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL, "extractDataContentRealSpMat", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    if (present(ex)) then
+      call rts(getTextContent(arg, ex), data, num, iostat)
+    else
+      call rts(getTextContent(arg), data, num, iostat)
+    endif
+  end subroutine extractDataContentRealSpMat
+subroutine extractDataContentIntMat(arg, data, num, iostat, ex)
+    type(DOMException), intent(out), optional :: ex
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    integer, dimension(:,:), intent(out) :: data
+    integer, intent(out), optional :: num, iostat
+    if (.not.associated(arg)) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_NODE_IS_NULL<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL, "extractDataContentIntMat", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    if (present(ex)) then
+      call rts(getTextContent(arg, ex), data, num, iostat)
+    else
+      call rts(getTextContent(arg), data, num, iostat)
+    endif
+  end subroutine extractDataContentIntMat
+subroutine extractDataContentLgMat(arg, data, num, iostat, ex)
+    type(DOMException), intent(out), optional :: ex
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    logical, dimension(:,:), intent(out) :: data
+    integer, intent(out), optional :: num, iostat
+    if (.not.associated(arg)) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_NODE_IS_NULL<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL, "extractDataContentLgMat", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    if (present(ex)) then
+      call rts(getTextContent(arg, ex), data, num, iostat)
+    else
+      call rts(getTextContent(arg), data, num, iostat)
+    endif
+  end subroutine extractDataContentLgMat
+subroutine extractDataContentChMat(arg, data, separator, csv, num, iostat, ex)
+    type(DOMException), intent(out), optional :: ex
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    character(len=*), dimension(:,:), intent(out) :: data
+    logical, intent(in), optional :: csv
+    character, intent(in), optional :: separator
+    integer, intent(out), optional :: num, iostat
+    if (.not.associated(arg)) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_NODE_IS_NULL<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL, "extractDataContentChMat", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+        data = ""
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    if (present(ex)) then
+      call rts(getTextContent(arg, ex), data, separator, csv, num, iostat)
+    else
+      call rts(getTextContent(arg), data, separator, csv, num, iostat)
+    endif
+  end subroutine extractDataContentChMat
+subroutine extractDataAttributeCmplxDpSca(arg, name, data, num, iostat, ex)
+    type(DOMException), intent(out), optional :: ex
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
+    complex(dp), intent(out) :: data
+    integer, intent(out), optional :: num, iostat
+    if (.not.associated(arg)) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_NODE_IS_NULL<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL, "extractDataAttributeCmplxDpSca", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    elseif (getNodeType(arg)/=ELEMENT_NODE) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_INVALID_NODE<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_INVALID_NODE, "extractDataAttributeCmplxDpSca", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    if (present(ex)) then
+      call rts(getAttribute(arg, name, ex), data, num, iostat)
+    else
+      call rts(getAttribute(arg, name), data, num, iostat)
+    endif
+  end subroutine extractDataAttributeCmplxDpSca
+subroutine extractDataAttributeCmplxSpSca(arg, name, data, num, iostat, ex)
+    type(DOMException), intent(out), optional :: ex
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
+    complex(sp), intent(out) :: data
+    integer, intent(out), optional :: num, iostat
+    if (.not.associated(arg)) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_NODE_IS_NULL<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL, "extractDataAttributeCmplxSpSca", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    elseif (getNodeType(arg)/=ELEMENT_NODE) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_INVALID_NODE<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_INVALID_NODE, "extractDataAttributeCmplxSpSca", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    if (present(ex)) then
+      call rts(getAttribute(arg, name, ex), data, num, iostat)
+    else
+      call rts(getAttribute(arg, name), data, num, iostat)
+    endif
+  end subroutine extractDataAttributeCmplxSpSca
+subroutine extractDataAttributeRealDpSca(arg, name, data, num, iostat, ex)
+    type(DOMException), intent(out), optional :: ex
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
+    real(dp), intent(out) :: data
+    integer, intent(out), optional :: num, iostat
+    if (.not.associated(arg)) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_NODE_IS_NULL<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL, "extractDataAttributeRealDpSca", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    elseif (getNodeType(arg)/=ELEMENT_NODE) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_INVALID_NODE<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_INVALID_NODE, "extractDataAttributeRealDpSca", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    if (present(ex)) then
+      call rts(getAttribute(arg, name, ex), data, num, iostat)
+    else
+      call rts(getAttribute(arg, name), data, num, iostat)
+    endif
+  end subroutine extractDataAttributeRealDpSca
+subroutine extractDataAttributeRealSpSca(arg, name, data, num, iostat, ex)
+    type(DOMException), intent(out), optional :: ex
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
+    real(sp), intent(out) :: data
+    integer, intent(out), optional :: num, iostat
+    if (.not.associated(arg)) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_NODE_IS_NULL<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL, "extractDataAttributeRealSpSca", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    elseif (getNodeType(arg)/=ELEMENT_NODE) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_INVALID_NODE<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_INVALID_NODE, "extractDataAttributeRealSpSca", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    if (present(ex)) then
+      call rts(getAttribute(arg, name, ex), data, num, iostat)
+    else
+      call rts(getAttribute(arg, name), data, num, iostat)
+    endif
+  end subroutine extractDataAttributeRealSpSca
+subroutine extractDataAttributeIntSca(arg, name, data, num, iostat, ex)
+    type(DOMException), intent(out), optional :: ex
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
+    integer, intent(out) :: data
+    integer, intent(out), optional :: num, iostat
+    if (.not.associated(arg)) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_NODE_IS_NULL<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL, "extractDataAttributeIntSca", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    elseif (getNodeType(arg)/=ELEMENT_NODE) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_INVALID_NODE<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_INVALID_NODE, "extractDataAttributeIntSca", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    if (present(ex)) then
+      call rts(getAttribute(arg, name, ex), data, num, iostat)
+    else
+      call rts(getAttribute(arg, name), data, num, iostat)
+    endif
+  end subroutine extractDataAttributeIntSca
+subroutine extractDataAttributeLgSca(arg, name, data, num, iostat, ex)
+    type(DOMException), intent(out), optional :: ex
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
+    logical, intent(out) :: data
+    integer, intent(out), optional :: num, iostat
+    if (.not.associated(arg)) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_NODE_IS_NULL<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL, "extractDataAttributeLgSca", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    elseif (getNodeType(arg)/=ELEMENT_NODE) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_INVALID_NODE<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_INVALID_NODE, "extractDataAttributeLgSca", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    if (present(ex)) then
+      call rts(getAttribute(arg, name, ex), data, num, iostat)
+    else
+      call rts(getAttribute(arg, name), data, num, iostat)
+    endif
+  end subroutine extractDataAttributeLgSca
+subroutine extractDataAttributeChSca(arg, name, data, separator, csv, num, iostat, ex)
+    type(DOMException), intent(out), optional :: ex
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
+    logical, intent(in), optional :: csv
+    character, intent(in), optional :: separator
+    character(len=*), intent(out) :: data
+    integer, intent(out), optional :: num, iostat
+    if (.not.associated(arg)) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_NODE_IS_NULL<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL, "extractDataAttributeChSca", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+        data = ""
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    elseif (getNodeType(arg)/=ELEMENT_NODE) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_INVALID_NODE<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_INVALID_NODE, "extractDataAttributeChSca", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+        data = ""
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    if (present(ex)) then
+      call rts(getAttribute(arg, name, ex), data, separator, csv, num, iostat)
+    else
+      call rts(getAttribute(arg, name), data, separator, csv, num, iostat)
+    endif
+  end subroutine extractDataAttributeChSca
+subroutine extractDataAttributeCmplxDpArr(arg, name, data, num, iostat, ex)
+    type(DOMException), intent(out), optional :: ex
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
+    complex(dp), dimension(:), intent(out) :: data
+    integer, intent(out), optional :: num, iostat
+    if (.not.associated(arg)) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_NODE_IS_NULL<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL, "extractDataAttributeCmplxDpArr", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    elseif (getNodeType(arg)/=ELEMENT_NODE) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_INVALID_NODE<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_INVALID_NODE, "extractDataAttributeCmplxDpArr", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    if (present(ex)) then
+      call rts(getAttribute(arg, name, ex), data, num, iostat)
+    else
+      call rts(getAttribute(arg, name), data, num, iostat)
+    endif
+  end subroutine extractDataAttributeCmplxDpArr
+subroutine extractDataAttributeCmplxSpArr(arg, name, data, num, iostat, ex)
+    type(DOMException), intent(out), optional :: ex
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
+    complex(sp), dimension(:), intent(out) :: data
+    integer, intent(out), optional :: num, iostat
+    if (.not.associated(arg)) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_NODE_IS_NULL<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL, "extractDataAttributeCmplxSpArr", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    elseif (getNodeType(arg)/=ELEMENT_NODE) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_INVALID_NODE<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_INVALID_NODE, "extractDataAttributeCmplxSpArr", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    if (present(ex)) then
+      call rts(getAttribute(arg, name, ex), data, num, iostat)
+    else
+      call rts(getAttribute(arg, name), data, num, iostat)
+    endif
+  end subroutine extractDataAttributeCmplxSpArr
+subroutine extractDataAttributeRealDpArr(arg, name, data, num, iostat, ex)
+    type(DOMException), intent(out), optional :: ex
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
+    real(dp), dimension(:), intent(out) :: data
+    integer, intent(out), optional :: num, iostat
+    if (.not.associated(arg)) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_NODE_IS_NULL<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL, "extractDataAttributeRealDpArr", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    elseif (getNodeType(arg)/=ELEMENT_NODE) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_INVALID_NODE<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_INVALID_NODE, "extractDataAttributeRealDpArr", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    if (present(ex)) then
+      call rts(getAttribute(arg, name, ex), data, num, iostat)
+    else
+      call rts(getAttribute(arg, name), data, num, iostat)
+    endif
+  end subroutine extractDataAttributeRealDpArr
+subroutine extractDataAttributeRealSpArr(arg, name, data, num, iostat, ex)
+    type(DOMException), intent(out), optional :: ex
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
+    real(sp), dimension(:), intent(out) :: data
+    integer, intent(out), optional :: num, iostat
+    if (.not.associated(arg)) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_NODE_IS_NULL<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL, "extractDataAttributeRealSpArr", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    elseif (getNodeType(arg)/=ELEMENT_NODE) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_INVALID_NODE<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_INVALID_NODE, "extractDataAttributeRealSpArr", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    if (present(ex)) then
+      call rts(getAttribute(arg, name, ex), data, num, iostat)
+    else
+      call rts(getAttribute(arg, name), data, num, iostat)
+    endif
+  end subroutine extractDataAttributeRealSpArr
+subroutine extractDataAttributeIntArr(arg, name, data, num, iostat, ex)
+    type(DOMException), intent(out), optional :: ex
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
+    integer, dimension(:), intent(out) :: data
+    integer, intent(out), optional :: num, iostat
+    if (.not.associated(arg)) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_NODE_IS_NULL<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL, "extractDataAttributeIntArr", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    elseif (getNodeType(arg)/=ELEMENT_NODE) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_INVALID_NODE<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_INVALID_NODE, "extractDataAttributeIntArr", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    if (present(ex)) then
+      call rts(getAttribute(arg, name, ex), data, num, iostat)
+    else
+      call rts(getAttribute(arg, name), data, num, iostat)
+    endif
+  end subroutine extractDataAttributeIntArr
+subroutine extractDataAttributeLgArr(arg, name, data, num, iostat, ex)
+    type(DOMException), intent(out), optional :: ex
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
+    logical, dimension(:), intent(out) :: data
+    integer, intent(out), optional :: num, iostat
+    if (.not.associated(arg)) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_NODE_IS_NULL<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL, "extractDataAttributeLgArr", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    elseif (getNodeType(arg)/=ELEMENT_NODE) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_INVALID_NODE<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_INVALID_NODE, "extractDataAttributeLgArr", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    if (present(ex)) then
+      call rts(getAttribute(arg, name, ex), data, num, iostat)
+    else
+      call rts(getAttribute(arg, name), data, num, iostat)
+    endif
+  end subroutine extractDataAttributeLgArr
+subroutine extractDataAttributeChArr(arg, name, data, separator, csv, num, iostat, ex)
+    type(DOMException), intent(out), optional :: ex
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
+    logical, intent(in), optional :: csv
+    character, intent(in), optional :: separator
+    character(len=*), dimension(:), intent(out) :: data
+    integer, intent(out), optional :: num, iostat
+    if (.not.associated(arg)) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_NODE_IS_NULL<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL, "extractDataAttributeChArr", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+        data = ""
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    elseif (getNodeType(arg)/=ELEMENT_NODE) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_INVALID_NODE<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_INVALID_NODE, "extractDataAttributeChArr", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+        data = ""
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    if (present(ex)) then
+      call rts(getAttribute(arg, name, ex), data, separator, csv, num, iostat)
+    else
+      call rts(getAttribute(arg, name), data, separator, csv, num, iostat)
+    endif
+  end subroutine extractDataAttributeChArr
+subroutine extractDataAttributeCmplxDpMat(arg, name, data, num, iostat, ex)
+    type(DOMException), intent(out), optional :: ex
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
+    complex(dp), dimension(:,:), intent(out) :: data
+    integer, intent(out), optional :: num, iostat
+    if (.not.associated(arg)) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_NODE_IS_NULL<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL, "extractDataAttributeCmplxDpMat", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    elseif (getNodeType(arg)/=ELEMENT_NODE) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_INVALID_NODE<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_INVALID_NODE, "extractDataAttributeCmplxDpMat", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    if (present(ex)) then
+      call rts(getAttribute(arg, name, ex), data, num, iostat)
+    else
+      call rts(getAttribute(arg, name), data, num, iostat)
+    endif
+  end subroutine extractDataAttributeCmplxDpMat
+subroutine extractDataAttributeCmplxSpMat(arg, name, data, num, iostat, ex)
+    type(DOMException), intent(out), optional :: ex
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
+    complex(sp), dimension(:,:), intent(out) :: data
+    integer, intent(out), optional :: num, iostat
+    if (.not.associated(arg)) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_NODE_IS_NULL<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL, "extractDataAttributeCmplxSpMat", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    elseif (getNodeType(arg)/=ELEMENT_NODE) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_INVALID_NODE<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_INVALID_NODE, "extractDataAttributeCmplxSpMat", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    if (present(ex)) then
+      call rts(getAttribute(arg, name, ex), data, num, iostat)
+    else
+      call rts(getAttribute(arg, name), data, num, iostat)
+    endif
+  end subroutine extractDataAttributeCmplxSpMat
+subroutine extractDataAttributeRealDpMat(arg, name, data, num, iostat, ex)
+    type(DOMException), intent(out), optional :: ex
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
+    real(dp), dimension(:,:), intent(out) :: data
+    integer, intent(out), optional :: num, iostat
+    if (.not.associated(arg)) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_NODE_IS_NULL<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL, "extractDataAttributeRealDpMat", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    elseif (getNodeType(arg)/=ELEMENT_NODE) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_INVALID_NODE<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_INVALID_NODE, "extractDataAttributeRealDpMat", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    if (present(ex)) then
+      call rts(getAttribute(arg, name, ex), data, num, iostat)
+    else
+      call rts(getAttribute(arg, name), data, num, iostat)
+    endif
+  end subroutine extractDataAttributeRealDpMat
+subroutine extractDataAttributeRealSpMat(arg, name, data, num, iostat, ex)
+    type(DOMException), intent(out), optional :: ex
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
+    real(sp), dimension(:,:), intent(out) :: data
+    integer, intent(out), optional :: num, iostat
+    if (.not.associated(arg)) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_NODE_IS_NULL<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL, "extractDataAttributeRealSpMat", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    elseif (getNodeType(arg)/=ELEMENT_NODE) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_INVALID_NODE<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_INVALID_NODE, "extractDataAttributeRealSpMat", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    if (present(ex)) then
+      call rts(getAttribute(arg, name, ex), data, num, iostat)
+    else
+      call rts(getAttribute(arg, name), data, num, iostat)
+    endif
+  end subroutine extractDataAttributeRealSpMat
+subroutine extractDataAttributeIntMat(arg, name, data, num, iostat, ex)
+    type(DOMException), intent(out), optional :: ex
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
+    integer, dimension(:,:), intent(out) :: data
+    integer, intent(out), optional :: num, iostat
+    if (.not.associated(arg)) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_NODE_IS_NULL<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL, "extractDataAttributeIntMat", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    elseif (getNodeType(arg)/=ELEMENT_NODE) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_INVALID_NODE<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_INVALID_NODE, "extractDataAttributeIntMat", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    if (present(ex)) then
+      call rts(getAttribute(arg, name, ex), data, num, iostat)
+    else
+      call rts(getAttribute(arg, name), data, num, iostat)
+    endif
+  end subroutine extractDataAttributeIntMat
+subroutine extractDataAttributeLgMat(arg, name, data, num, iostat, ex)
+    type(DOMException), intent(out), optional :: ex
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
+    logical, dimension(:,:), intent(out) :: data
+    integer, intent(out), optional :: num, iostat
+    if (.not.associated(arg)) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_NODE_IS_NULL<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL, "extractDataAttributeLgMat", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    elseif (getNodeType(arg)/=ELEMENT_NODE) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_INVALID_NODE<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_INVALID_NODE, "extractDataAttributeLgMat", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    if (present(ex)) then
+      call rts(getAttribute(arg, name, ex), data, num, iostat)
+    else
+      call rts(getAttribute(arg, name), data, num, iostat)
+    endif
+  end subroutine extractDataAttributeLgMat
+subroutine extractDataAttributeChMat(arg, name, data, separator, csv, num, iostat, ex)
+    type(DOMException), intent(out), optional :: ex
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
+    logical, intent(in), optional :: csv
+    character, intent(in), optional :: separator
+    character(len=*), dimension(:,:), intent(out) :: data
+    integer, intent(out), optional :: num, iostat
+    if (.not.associated(arg)) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_NODE_IS_NULL<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL, "extractDataAttributeChMat", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+        data = ""
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    elseif (getNodeType(arg)/=ELEMENT_NODE) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_INVALID_NODE<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_INVALID_NODE, "extractDataAttributeChMat", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+        data = ""
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    if (present(ex)) then
+      call rts(getAttribute(arg, name, ex), data, separator, csv, num, iostat)
+    else
+      call rts(getAttribute(arg, name), data, separator, csv, num, iostat)
+    endif
+  end subroutine extractDataAttributeChMat
+subroutine extractDataAttNSCmplxDpSca(arg, namespaceURI, localName, data, num, iostat, ex)
+    type(DOMException), intent(out), optional :: ex
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: namespaceURI, localName
+    complex(dp), intent(out) :: data
+    integer, intent(out), optional :: num, iostat
+    if (.not.associated(arg)) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_NODE_IS_NULL<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL, "extractDataAttNSCmplxDpSca", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    elseif (getNodeType(arg)/=ELEMENT_NODE) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_INVALID_NODE<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_INVALID_NODE, "extractDataAttNSCmplxDpSca", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    if (present(ex)) then
+      call rts(getAttributeNS(arg, namespaceURI, localName, ex), &
+        data, num, iostat)
+    else
+      call rts(getAttributeNS(arg, namespaceURI, localName), &
+        data, num, iostat)
+    endif
+  end subroutine extractDataAttNSCmplxDpSca
+subroutine extractDataAttNSCmplxSpSca(arg, namespaceURI, localName, data, num, iostat, ex)
+    type(DOMException), intent(out), optional :: ex
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: namespaceURI, localName
+    complex(sp), intent(out) :: data
+    integer, intent(out), optional :: num, iostat
+    if (.not.associated(arg)) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_NODE_IS_NULL<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL, "extractDataAttNSCmplxSpSca", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    elseif (getNodeType(arg)/=ELEMENT_NODE) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_INVALID_NODE<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_INVALID_NODE, "extractDataAttNSCmplxSpSca", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    if (present(ex)) then
+      call rts(getAttributeNS(arg, namespaceURI, localName, ex), &
+        data, num, iostat)
+    else
+      call rts(getAttributeNS(arg, namespaceURI, localName), &
+        data, num, iostat)
+    endif
+  end subroutine extractDataAttNSCmplxSpSca
+subroutine extractDataAttNSRealDpSca(arg, namespaceURI, localName, data, num, iostat, ex)
+    type(DOMException), intent(out), optional :: ex
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: namespaceURI, localName
+    real(dp), intent(out) :: data
+    integer, intent(out), optional :: num, iostat
+    if (.not.associated(arg)) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_NODE_IS_NULL<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL, "extractDataAttNSRealDpSca", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    elseif (getNodeType(arg)/=ELEMENT_NODE) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_INVALID_NODE<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_INVALID_NODE, "extractDataAttNSRealDpSca", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    if (present(ex)) then
+      call rts(getAttributeNS(arg, namespaceURI, localName, ex), &
+        data, num, iostat)
+    else
+      call rts(getAttributeNS(arg, namespaceURI, localName), &
+        data, num, iostat)
+    endif
+  end subroutine extractDataAttNSRealDpSca
+subroutine extractDataAttNSRealSpSca(arg, namespaceURI, localName, data, num, iostat, ex)
+    type(DOMException), intent(out), optional :: ex
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: namespaceURI, localName
+    real(sp), intent(out) :: data
+    integer, intent(out), optional :: num, iostat
+    if (.not.associated(arg)) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_NODE_IS_NULL<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL, "extractDataAttNSRealSpSca", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    elseif (getNodeType(arg)/=ELEMENT_NODE) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_INVALID_NODE<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_INVALID_NODE, "extractDataAttNSRealSpSca", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    if (present(ex)) then
+      call rts(getAttributeNS(arg, namespaceURI, localName, ex), &
+        data, num, iostat)
+    else
+      call rts(getAttributeNS(arg, namespaceURI, localName), &
+        data, num, iostat)
+    endif
+  end subroutine extractDataAttNSRealSpSca
+subroutine extractDataAttNSIntSca(arg, namespaceURI, localName, data, num, iostat, ex)
+    type(DOMException), intent(out), optional :: ex
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: namespaceURI, localName
+    integer, intent(out) :: data
+    integer, intent(out), optional :: num, iostat
+    if (.not.associated(arg)) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_NODE_IS_NULL<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL, "extractDataAttNSIntSca", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    elseif (getNodeType(arg)/=ELEMENT_NODE) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_INVALID_NODE<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_INVALID_NODE, "extractDataAttNSIntSca", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    if (present(ex)) then
+      call rts(getAttributeNS(arg, namespaceURI, localName, ex), &
+        data, num, iostat)
+    else
+      call rts(getAttributeNS(arg, namespaceURI, localName), &
+        data, num, iostat)
+    endif
+  end subroutine extractDataAttNSIntSca
+subroutine extractDataAttNSLgSca(arg, namespaceURI, localName, data, num, iostat, ex)
+    type(DOMException), intent(out), optional :: ex
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: namespaceURI, localName
+    logical, intent(out) :: data
+    integer, intent(out), optional :: num, iostat
+    if (.not.associated(arg)) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_NODE_IS_NULL<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL, "extractDataAttNSLgSca", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    elseif (getNodeType(arg)/=ELEMENT_NODE) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_INVALID_NODE<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_INVALID_NODE, "extractDataAttNSLgSca", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    if (present(ex)) then
+      call rts(getAttributeNS(arg, namespaceURI, localName, ex), &
+        data, num, iostat)
+    else
+      call rts(getAttributeNS(arg, namespaceURI, localName), &
+        data, num, iostat)
+    endif
+  end subroutine extractDataAttNSLgSca
+subroutine extractDataAttNSChSca(arg, namespaceURI, localName, data, separator, csv, num, iostat, ex)
+    type(DOMException), intent(out), optional :: ex
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: namespaceURI, localName
+    character(len=*), intent(out) :: data
+    logical, intent(in), optional :: csv
+    character, intent(in), optional :: separator
+    integer, intent(out), optional :: num, iostat
+    if (.not.associated(arg)) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_NODE_IS_NULL<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL, "extractDataAttNSChSca", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+        data = ""
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    elseif (getNodeType(arg)/=ELEMENT_NODE) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_INVALID_NODE<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_INVALID_NODE, "extractDataAttNSChSca", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+        data = ""
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    if (present(ex)) then
+      call rts(getAttributeNS(arg, namespaceURI, localName, ex), &
+        data, separator, csv, num, iostat)
+    else
+      call rts(getAttributeNS(arg, namespaceURI, localName), &
+        data, separator, csv, num, iostat)
+    endif
+  end subroutine extractDataAttNSChSca
+subroutine extractDataAttNSCmplxDpArr(arg, namespaceURI, localName, data, num, iostat, ex)
+    type(DOMException), intent(out), optional :: ex
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: namespaceURI, localName
+    complex(dp), dimension(:), intent(out) :: data
+    integer, intent(out), optional :: num, iostat
+    if (.not.associated(arg)) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_NODE_IS_NULL<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL, "extractDataAttNSCmplxDpArr", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    elseif (getNodeType(arg)/=ELEMENT_NODE) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_INVALID_NODE<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_INVALID_NODE, "extractDataAttNSCmplxDpArr", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    if (present(ex)) then
+      call rts(getAttributeNS(arg, namespaceURI, localName, ex), &
+        data, num, iostat)
+    else
+      call rts(getAttributeNS(arg, namespaceURI, localName), &
+        data, num, iostat)
+    endif
+  end subroutine extractDataAttNSCmplxDpArr
+subroutine extractDataAttNSCmplxSpArr(arg, namespaceURI, localName, data, num, iostat, ex)
+    type(DOMException), intent(out), optional :: ex
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: namespaceURI, localName
+    complex(sp), dimension(:), intent(out) :: data
+    integer, intent(out), optional :: num, iostat
+    if (.not.associated(arg)) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_NODE_IS_NULL<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL, "extractDataAttNSCmplxSpArr", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    elseif (getNodeType(arg)/=ELEMENT_NODE) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_INVALID_NODE<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_INVALID_NODE, "extractDataAttNSCmplxSpArr", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    if (present(ex)) then
+      call rts(getAttributeNS(arg, namespaceURI, localName, ex), &
+        data, num, iostat)
+    else
+      call rts(getAttributeNS(arg, namespaceURI, localName), &
+        data, num, iostat)
+    endif
+  end subroutine extractDataAttNSCmplxSpArr
+subroutine extractDataAttNSRealDpArr(arg, namespaceURI, localName, data, num, iostat, ex)
+    type(DOMException), intent(out), optional :: ex
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: namespaceURI, localName
+    real(dp), dimension(:), intent(out) :: data
+    integer, intent(out), optional :: num, iostat
+    if (.not.associated(arg)) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_NODE_IS_NULL<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL, "extractDataAttNSRealDpArr", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    elseif (getNodeType(arg)/=ELEMENT_NODE) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_INVALID_NODE<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_INVALID_NODE, "extractDataAttNSRealDpArr", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    if (present(ex)) then
+      call rts(getAttributeNS(arg, namespaceURI, localName, ex), &
+        data, num, iostat)
+    else
+      call rts(getAttributeNS(arg, namespaceURI, localName), &
+        data, num, iostat)
+    endif
+  end subroutine extractDataAttNSRealDpArr
+subroutine extractDataAttNSRealSpArr(arg, namespaceURI, localName, data, num, iostat, ex)
+    type(DOMException), intent(out), optional :: ex
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: namespaceURI, localName
+    real(sp), dimension(:), intent(out) :: data
+    integer, intent(out), optional :: num, iostat
+    if (.not.associated(arg)) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_NODE_IS_NULL<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL, "extractDataAttNSRealSpArr", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    elseif (getNodeType(arg)/=ELEMENT_NODE) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_INVALID_NODE<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_INVALID_NODE, "extractDataAttNSRealSpArr", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    if (present(ex)) then
+      call rts(getAttributeNS(arg, namespaceURI, localName, ex), &
+        data, num, iostat)
+    else
+      call rts(getAttributeNS(arg, namespaceURI, localName), &
+        data, num, iostat)
+    endif
+  end subroutine extractDataAttNSRealSpArr
+subroutine extractDataAttNSIntArr(arg, namespaceURI, localName, data, num, iostat, ex)
+    type(DOMException), intent(out), optional :: ex
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: namespaceURI, localName
+    integer, dimension(:), intent(out) :: data
+    integer, intent(out), optional :: num, iostat
+    if (.not.associated(arg)) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_NODE_IS_NULL<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL, "extractDataAttNSIntArr", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    elseif (getNodeType(arg)/=ELEMENT_NODE) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_INVALID_NODE<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_INVALID_NODE, "extractDataAttNSIntArr", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    if (present(ex)) then
+      call rts(getAttributeNS(arg, namespaceURI, localName, ex), &
+        data, num, iostat)
+    else
+      call rts(getAttributeNS(arg, namespaceURI, localName), &
+        data, num, iostat)
+    endif
+  end subroutine extractDataAttNSIntArr
+subroutine extractDataAttNSLgArr(arg, namespaceURI, localName, data, num, iostat, ex)
+    type(DOMException), intent(out), optional :: ex
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: namespaceURI, localName
+    logical, dimension(:), intent(out) :: data
+    integer, intent(out), optional :: num, iostat
+    if (.not.associated(arg)) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_NODE_IS_NULL<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL, "extractDataAttNSLgArr", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    elseif (getNodeType(arg)/=ELEMENT_NODE) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_INVALID_NODE<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_INVALID_NODE, "extractDataAttNSLgArr", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    if (present(ex)) then
+      call rts(getAttributeNS(arg, namespaceURI, localName, ex), &
+        data, num, iostat)
+    else
+      call rts(getAttributeNS(arg, namespaceURI, localName), &
+        data, num, iostat)
+    endif
+  end subroutine extractDataAttNSLgArr
+subroutine extractDataAttNSChArr(arg, namespaceURI, localName, data, separator, csv, num, iostat, ex)
+    type(DOMException), intent(out), optional :: ex
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: namespaceURI, localName
+    character(len=*), dimension(:), intent(out) :: data
+    logical, intent(in), optional :: csv
+    character, intent(in), optional :: separator
+    integer, intent(out), optional :: num, iostat
+    if (.not.associated(arg)) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_NODE_IS_NULL<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL, "extractDataAttNSChArr", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+        data = ""
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    elseif (getNodeType(arg)/=ELEMENT_NODE) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_INVALID_NODE<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_INVALID_NODE, "extractDataAttNSChArr", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+        data = ""
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    if (present(ex)) then
+      call rts(getAttributeNS(arg, namespaceURI, localName, ex), &
+        data, separator, csv, num, iostat)
+    else
+      call rts(getAttributeNS(arg, namespaceURI, localName), &
+        data, separator, csv, num, iostat)
+    endif
+  end subroutine extractDataAttNSChArr
+subroutine extractDataAttNSCmplxDpMat(arg, namespaceURI, localName, data, num, iostat, ex)
+    type(DOMException), intent(out), optional :: ex
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: namespaceURI, localName
+    complex(dp), dimension(:,:), intent(out) :: data
+    integer, intent(out), optional :: num, iostat
+    if (.not.associated(arg)) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_NODE_IS_NULL<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL, "extractDataAttNSCmplxDpMat", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    elseif (getNodeType(arg)/=ELEMENT_NODE) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_INVALID_NODE<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_INVALID_NODE, "extractDataAttNSCmplxDpMat", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    if (present(ex)) then
+      call rts(getAttributeNS(arg, namespaceURI, localName, ex), &
+        data, num, iostat)
+    else
+      call rts(getAttributeNS(arg, namespaceURI, localName), &
+        data, num, iostat)
+    endif
+  end subroutine extractDataAttNSCmplxDpMat
+subroutine extractDataAttNSCmplxSpMat(arg, namespaceURI, localName, data, num, iostat, ex)
+    type(DOMException), intent(out), optional :: ex
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: namespaceURI, localName
+    complex(sp), dimension(:,:), intent(out) :: data
+    integer, intent(out), optional :: num, iostat
+    if (.not.associated(arg)) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_NODE_IS_NULL<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL, "extractDataAttNSCmplxSpMat", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    elseif (getNodeType(arg)/=ELEMENT_NODE) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_INVALID_NODE<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_INVALID_NODE, "extractDataAttNSCmplxSpMat", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    if (present(ex)) then
+      call rts(getAttributeNS(arg, namespaceURI, localName, ex), &
+        data, num, iostat)
+    else
+      call rts(getAttributeNS(arg, namespaceURI, localName), &
+        data, num, iostat)
+    endif
+  end subroutine extractDataAttNSCmplxSpMat
+subroutine extractDataAttNSRealDpMat(arg, namespaceURI, localName, data, num, iostat, ex)
+    type(DOMException), intent(out), optional :: ex
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: namespaceURI, localName
+    real(dp), dimension(:,:), intent(out) :: data
+    integer, intent(out), optional :: num, iostat
+    if (.not.associated(arg)) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_NODE_IS_NULL<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL, "extractDataAttNSRealDpMat", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    elseif (getNodeType(arg)/=ELEMENT_NODE) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_INVALID_NODE<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_INVALID_NODE, "extractDataAttNSRealDpMat", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    if (present(ex)) then
+      call rts(getAttributeNS(arg, namespaceURI, localName, ex), &
+        data, num, iostat)
+    else
+      call rts(getAttributeNS(arg, namespaceURI, localName), &
+        data, num, iostat)
+    endif
+  end subroutine extractDataAttNSRealDpMat
+subroutine extractDataAttNSRealSpMat(arg, namespaceURI, localName, data, num, iostat, ex)
+    type(DOMException), intent(out), optional :: ex
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: namespaceURI, localName
+    real(sp), dimension(:,:), intent(out) :: data
+    integer, intent(out), optional :: num, iostat
+    if (.not.associated(arg)) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_NODE_IS_NULL<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL, "extractDataAttNSRealSpMat", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    elseif (getNodeType(arg)/=ELEMENT_NODE) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_INVALID_NODE<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_INVALID_NODE, "extractDataAttNSRealSpMat", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    if (present(ex)) then
+      call rts(getAttributeNS(arg, namespaceURI, localName, ex), &
+        data, num, iostat)
+    else
+      call rts(getAttributeNS(arg, namespaceURI, localName), &
+        data, num, iostat)
+    endif
+  end subroutine extractDataAttNSRealSpMat
+subroutine extractDataAttNSIntMat(arg, namespaceURI, localName, data, num, iostat, ex)
+    type(DOMException), intent(out), optional :: ex
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: namespaceURI, localName
+    integer, dimension(:,:), intent(out) :: data
+    integer, intent(out), optional :: num, iostat
+    if (.not.associated(arg)) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_NODE_IS_NULL<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL, "extractDataAttNSIntMat", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    elseif (getNodeType(arg)/=ELEMENT_NODE) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_INVALID_NODE<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_INVALID_NODE, "extractDataAttNSIntMat", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    if (present(ex)) then
+      call rts(getAttributeNS(arg, namespaceURI, localName, ex), &
+        data, num, iostat)
+    else
+      call rts(getAttributeNS(arg, namespaceURI, localName), &
+        data, num, iostat)
+    endif
+  end subroutine extractDataAttNSIntMat
+subroutine extractDataAttNSLgMat(arg, namespaceURI, localName, data, num, iostat, ex)
+    type(DOMException), intent(out), optional :: ex
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: namespaceURI, localName
+    logical, dimension(:,:), intent(out) :: data
+    integer, intent(out), optional :: num, iostat
+    if (.not.associated(arg)) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_NODE_IS_NULL<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL, "extractDataAttNSLgMat", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    elseif (getNodeType(arg)/=ELEMENT_NODE) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_INVALID_NODE<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_INVALID_NODE, "extractDataAttNSLgMat", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    if (present(ex)) then
+      call rts(getAttributeNS(arg, namespaceURI, localName, ex), &
+        data, num, iostat)
+    else
+      call rts(getAttributeNS(arg, namespaceURI, localName), &
+        data, num, iostat)
+    endif
+  end subroutine extractDataAttNSLgMat
+subroutine extractDataAttNSChMat(arg, namespaceURI, localName, data, separator, csv, num, iostat, ex)
+    type(DOMException), intent(out), optional :: ex
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: namespaceURI, localName
+    character(len=*), dimension(:,:), intent(out) :: data
+    logical, intent(in), optional :: csv
+    character, intent(in), optional :: separator
+    integer, intent(out), optional :: num, iostat
+    if (.not.associated(arg)) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_NODE_IS_NULL<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL, "extractDataAttNSChMat", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+        data = ""
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    elseif (getNodeType(arg)/=ELEMENT_NODE) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_INVALID_NODE<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_INVALID_NODE, "extractDataAttNSChMat", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+        data = ""
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    if (present(ex)) then
+      call rts(getAttributeNS(arg, namespaceURI, localName, ex), &
+        data, separator, csv, num, iostat)
+    else
+      call rts(getAttributeNS(arg, namespaceURI, localName), &
+        data, separator, csv, num, iostat)
+    endif
+  end subroutine extractDataAttNSChMat
+end module m_dom_extras
diff --git a/dom/m_dom_extras.m4 b/dom/m_dom_extras.m4
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0d233b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dom/m_dom_extras.m4
@@ -0,0 +1,188 @@
+define(`TOHW_extractDataContent', `dnl
+TOHW_subroutine(extractDataContent$1$2, (arg, data, dnl
+ifelse(`$1',`Ch', `separator, csv, ')`'dnl
+num, iostat))
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    TOHWM4_declarationtype(`$1')`'dnl
+`$2', `Arr', `, dimension(:)',dnl
+`$2', `Mat', `, dimension(:,:)')dnl
+, intent(out) :: data
+ifelse(`$1', `Ch', `
+    logical, intent(in), optional :: csv
+    character, intent(in), optional :: separator')
+    integer, intent(out), optional :: num, iostat
+    if (.not.associated(arg)) then
+ifelse(`$1', `Ch', 
+`      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL, `', `data = ""')',
+`      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL)')
+    endif
+ifelse(`$1', `Ch', `dnl
+    if (present(ex)) then
+      call rts(getTextContent(arg, ex), data, separator, csv, num, iostat)
+    else
+      call rts(getTextContent(arg), data, separator, csv, num, iostat)
+    endif
+', `
+    if (present(ex)) then
+      call rts(getTextContent(arg, ex), data, num, iostat)
+    else
+      call rts(getTextContent(arg), data, num, iostat)
+    endif
+  end subroutine extractDataContent$1$2
+define(`TOHW_extractDataAttribute', `dnl
+TOHW_subroutine(extractDataAttribute$1$2, (arg, name, data, dnl
+ifelse(`$1',`Ch', `separator, csv, ')`'dnl
+num, iostat))
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
+ifelse(`$1',`Ch', `
+    logical, intent(in), optional :: csv
+    character, intent(in), optional :: separator')
+    TOHWM4_declarationtype(`$1')`'dnl
+`$2', `Arr', `, dimension(:)',dnl
+`$2', `Mat', `, dimension(:,:)')dnl
+, intent(out) :: data
+    integer, intent(out), optional :: num, iostat
+    if (.not.associated(arg)) then
+ifelse(`$1', `Ch', 
+`      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL, `', `data = ""')',
+`      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL)')
+    elseif (getNodeType(arg)/=ELEMENT_NODE) then
+ifelse(`$1', `Ch', 
+`      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_INVALID_NODE, `', `data = ""')',
+`      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_INVALID_NODE)')
+    endif
+ifelse(`$1', `Ch', `dnl
+    if (present(ex)) then
+      call rts(getAttribute(arg, name, ex), data, separator, csv, num, iostat)
+    else
+      call rts(getAttribute(arg, name), data, separator, csv, num, iostat)
+    endif
+', `
+    if (present(ex)) then
+      call rts(getAttribute(arg, name, ex), data, num, iostat)
+    else
+      call rts(getAttribute(arg, name), data, num, iostat)
+    endif
+  end subroutine extractDataAttribute$1$2
+define(`TOHW_extractDataAttributeNS', `dnl
+TOHW_subroutine(extractDataAttNS$1$2, (arg, namespaceURI, localName, data, dnl
+ifelse(`$1',`Ch', `separator, csv, ')`'dnl
+num, iostat))
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: namespaceURI, localName
+    TOHWM4_declarationtype(`$1')`'dnl
+`$2', `Arr', `, dimension(:)',dnl
+`$2', `Mat', `, dimension(:,:)')dnl
+, intent(out) :: data
+ifelse(`$1',`Ch', `
+    logical, intent(in), optional :: csv
+    character, intent(in), optional :: separator')
+    integer, intent(out), optional :: num, iostat
+    if (.not.associated(arg)) then
+ifelse(`$1', `Ch', 
+`      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL, `', `data = ""')',
+`      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL)')
+    elseif (getNodeType(arg)/=ELEMENT_NODE) then
+ifelse(`$1', `Ch', 
+`      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_INVALID_NODE, `', `data = ""')',
+`      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_INVALID_NODE)')
+    endif
+ifelse(`$1', `Ch', `dnl
+    if (present(ex)) then
+      call rts(getAttributeNS(arg, namespaceURI, localName, ex), &
+        data, separator, csv, num, iostat)
+    else
+      call rts(getAttributeNS(arg, namespaceURI, localName), &
+        data, separator, csv, num, iostat)
+    endif
+', `
+    if (present(ex)) then
+      call rts(getAttributeNS(arg, namespaceURI, localName, ex), &
+        data, num, iostat)
+    else
+      call rts(getAttributeNS(arg, namespaceURI, localName), &
+        data, num, iostat)
+    endif
+  end subroutine extractDataAttNS$1$2
+module m_dom_extras
+  use fox_m_fsys_realtypes, only: sp, dp
+  use fox_m_fsys_parse_input, only: rts
+  use m_dom_error, only: DOMException, inException, throw_exception,           &
+  use m_dom_dom, only: Node, ELEMENT_NODE,                                     &
+    getAttribute, getAttributeNS, getTextContent, getNodeType, getFoX_checks
+  implicit none
+  private
+  public :: extractDataContent
+  public :: extractDataAttribute
+  public :: extractDataAttributeNS
+  interface extractDataContent
+m4_foreach(`x', TOHWM4_types, `TOHWM4_interfaceshortlist(`extractDataContent', x)')
+  end interface extractDataContent
+  interface extractDataAttribute
+m4_foreach(`x', TOHWM4_types, `TOHWM4_interfaceshortlist(`extractDataAttribute', x)')
+  end interface extractDataAttribute
+  interface extractDataAttributeNS
+m4_foreach(`x', TOHWM4_types, `TOHWM4_interfaceshortlist(`extractDataAttNS', x)')
+  end interface extractDataAttributeNS
+m4_foreach(`x', TOHWM4_types, `TOHW_extractDataContent(x, `Sca')
+m4_foreach(`x', TOHWM4_types, `TOHW_extractDataContent(x, `Arr')
+m4_foreach(`x', TOHWM4_types, `TOHW_extractDataContent(x, `Mat')
+m4_foreach(`x', TOHWM4_types, `TOHW_extractDataAttribute(x, `Sca')
+m4_foreach(`x', TOHWM4_types, `TOHW_extractDataAttribute(x, `Arr')
+m4_foreach(`x', TOHWM4_types, `TOHW_extractDataAttribute(x, `Mat')
+m4_foreach(`x', TOHWM4_types, `TOHW_extractDataAttributeNS(x, `Sca')
+m4_foreach(`x', TOHWM4_types, `TOHW_extractDataAttributeNS(x, `Arr')
+m4_foreach(`x', TOHWM4_types, `TOHW_extractDataAttributeNS(x, `Mat')
+end module m_dom_extras
diff --git a/dom/m_dom_implementation.m4 b/dom/m_dom_implementation.m4
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d0a5106
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dom/m_dom_implementation.m4
@@ -0,0 +1,213 @@
+  public :: hasFeature
+  public :: createDocument
+  public :: createDocumentType
+  public :: destroyDocument
+  public :: createEmptyDocument
+  public :: getFoX_checks
+  public :: setFoX_checks
+  TOHW_function(hasFeature, (impl, feature, version), p)
+    type(DOMImplementation), pointer :: impl
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: feature
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: version
+    logical :: p
+    if (.not.associated(impl)) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_IMPL_IS_NULL)
+    endif
+    if (version=="1.0".or.version=="2.0".or.version=="") then
+      p = (toLower(feature)=="core".or.toLower(feature)=="xml")
+    else
+      p = .false.
+    endif
+  end function hasFeature
+  TOHW_function(createDocumentType, (impl, qualifiedName, publicId, systemId), dt)
+    type(DOMImplementation), pointer :: impl
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: qualifiedName
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: publicId
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: systemId
+    type(Node), pointer :: dt
+    type(URI), pointer :: URIref
+    dt => null()
+    if (.not.associated(impl)) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_IMPL_IS_NULL)
+    endif
+    if (.not.checkName(qualifiedName, XML1_0)) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR)
+    elseif (.not.checkQName(qualifiedName, XML1_0))  then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(NAMESPACE_ERR)
+    elseif (.not.checkPublicId(publicId)) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_INVALID_PUBLIC_ID)
+    endif
+    URIref => parseURI(systemId)
+    if (.not.associated(URIref)) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_INVALID_SYSTEM_ID)
+    endif
+    call destroyURI(URIref)
+! Dont use raw null() below or PGI will complain
+    dt => createNode(dt, DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE, qualifiedName, "")
+    allocate(dt%dtdExtras)
+    dt%readonly = .true.
+    dt%dtdExtras%publicId => vs_str_alloc(publicId)
+    dt%dtdExtras%systemId => vs_str_alloc(systemId)
+    dt%dtdExtras%entities%ownerElement => dt
+    dt%dtdExtras%notations%ownerElement => dt
+    dt%ownerDocument => null()
+  end function createDocumentType
+  TOHW_function(createDocument, (impl, namespaceURI, qualifiedName, docType), doc)
+    type(DOMImplementation), pointer :: impl
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: namespaceURI
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: qualifiedName
+    type(Node), pointer :: docType
+    type(Node), pointer :: doc, dt, de
+    doc => null()
+    if (.not.associated(impl)) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_IMPL_IS_NULL)
+    elseif (associated(docType)) then 
+      if (associated(getOwnerDocument(docType))) then
+        TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(WRONG_DOCUMENT_ERR)
+      endif
+    endif
+    if (.not.checkName(qualifiedName, XML1_0)) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR)
+    elseif(.not.checkQName(qualifiedName, XML1_0)) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(NAMESPACE_ERR)
+    elseif (prefixOfQName(qualifiedName)/="".and.namespaceURI=="") then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(NAMESPACE_ERR)
+    elseif (prefixOfQName(qualifiedName)=="xml".neqv.namespaceURI=="http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace") then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(NAMESPACE_ERR)
+    elseif (namespaceURI=="http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/") then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(NAMESPACE_ERR)
+    elseif (qualifiedName=="xmlns" .or. prefixOfQName(qualifiedName)=="xmlns") then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(NAMESPACE_ERR)
+    endif
+! Dont use raw null() below or PGI will complain
+    doc => createNode(doc, DOCUMENT_NODE, "#document", "")
+    doc%ownerDocument => doc ! Makes life easier. DOM compliance in getter
+    doc%inDocument = .true.
+    allocate(doc%docExtras)
+    doc%docExtras%implementation => FoX_DOM
+    allocate(doc%docExtras%nodelists(0))
+    allocate(doc%docExtras%xds)
+    call init_xml_doc_state(doc%docExtras%xds)
+    allocate(doc%docExtras%xds%documentURI(0))
+    allocate(doc%docExtras%domConfig)
+    if (associated(docType)) then
+      dt => docType
+      dt%ownerDocument => doc
+      doc%docExtras%docType => appendChild(doc, dt, ex)
+    endif
+    if (qualifiedName/="") then
+      ! NB It is impossible to create a non-namespaced document.
+      ! since createDocument doesnt exist in DOM Core 1
+      de => createElementNS(doc, namespaceURI, qualifiedName)
+      de => appendChild(doc, de)
+      call setDocumentElement(doc, de)
+    endif
+    call setGCstate(doc, .true.)
+  end function createDocument
+  function createEmptyDocument() result(doc)
+    type(Node), pointer :: doc
+! PGI again
+    doc => null()
+    doc => createNode(doc, DOCUMENT_NODE, "#document", "")
+    doc%ownerDocument => doc ! Makes life easier. DOM compliance maintained in getter
+    doc%inDocument = .true.
+    allocate(doc%docExtras)
+    doc%docExtras%implementation => FoX_DOM
+    allocate(doc%docExtras%nodelists(0))
+    allocate(doc%docExtras%xds)
+    call init_xml_doc_state(doc%docExtras%xds)
+  end function createEmptyDocument
+  TOHW_subroutine(destroyDocument, (arg))
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    integer :: i
+    if (.not.associated(arg)) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL)
+    endif
+    if (arg%nodeType /= DOCUMENT_NODE) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_INVALID_NODE)
+    endif
+! Switch off all GC - since this is GC!
+    call setGCstate(arg, .false.)
+    if (arg%nodeType/=DOCUMENT_NODE) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_INVALID_NODE)
+    endif
+! Destroy all remaining nodelists
+    do i = 1, size(arg%docExtras%nodelists)
+     call destroy(arg%docExtras%nodelists(i)%this)
+    enddo
+    deallocate(arg%docExtras%nodelists)
+    ! Destroy all remaining hanging nodes
+    do i = 1, arg%docExtras%hangingNodes%length
+      call destroy(arg%docExtras%hangingNodes%nodes(i)%this)
+    enddo
+    if (associated(arg%docExtras%hangingNodes%nodes)) deallocate(arg%docExtras%hangingNodes%nodes)
+    call destroy_xml_doc_state(arg%docExtras%xds)
+    deallocate(arg%docExtras%xds)
+    deallocate(arg%docExtras%domConfig)
+    deallocate(arg%docExtras)
+    call destroyAllNodesRecursively(arg, except=.true.)
+  end subroutine destroyDocument
+  function getFoX_checks() result(FoX_checks)
+    logical :: FoX_checks
+    FoX_checks = FoX_DOM%FoX_checks 
+  end function getFoX_checks
+  subroutine setFoX_checks(FoX_checks)
+    logical, intent(in) :: FoX_checks
+    FoX_DOM%FoX_checks = FoX_checks
+  end subroutine setFoX_checks
diff --git a/dom/m_dom_namednodemap.m4 b/dom/m_dom_namednodemap.m4
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e01fe50
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dom/m_dom_namednodemap.m4
@@ -0,0 +1,439 @@
+  public :: getNamedItem
+  public :: setNamedItem
+  public :: removeNamedItem
+!  public :: item
+!  public :: getLength
+  public :: getNamedItemNS
+  public :: setNamedItemNS
+  public :: removeNamedItemNS
+!  public :: append
+  public :: setReadOnlyMap
+  public :: destroyNamedNodeMap
+  interface item
+    module procedure item_nnm
+  end interface
+  interface getLength
+    module procedure getLength_nnm
+  end interface
+  TOHW_function(getNamedItem, (map, name), np)
+    type(NamedNodeMap), pointer :: map
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
+    type(Node), pointer :: np
+    integer :: i
+    if (.not.associated(map)) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_MAP_IS_NULL)
+    endif
+    do i = 1, map%length
+      if (str_vs(map%nodes(i)%this%nodeName)==name) then
+        np => map%nodes(i)%this
+        return
+      endif
+    enddo
+    np => null()
+  end function getNamedItem
+  TOHW_function(setNamedItem, (map, arg), np)
+    type(NamedNodeMap), pointer :: map
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    type(Node), pointer :: np
+    integer :: i
+    if (.not.associated(map)) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_MAP_IS_NULL)
+    endif
+    if (.not.associated(arg)) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL)
+    endif
+    if (map%readonly) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR)
+    elseif (map%ownerElement%nodeType==ELEMENT_NODE) then
+      if (.not.associated(map%ownerElement%ownerDocument, arg%ownerDocument)) then
+        TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(WRONG_DOCUMENT_ERR)
+      elseif (getNodeType(arg)/=ATTRIBUTE_NODE) then
+        !Additional check from DOM 3
+        TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR)
+      endif
+    endif
+    if (getNodeType(arg)==ATTRIBUTE_NODE) then
+      if (associated(map%ownerElement, getOwnerElement(arg))) then
+        ! we are looking at literally the same node
+        np => arg
+        return
+      elseif (associated(getOwnerElement(arg))) then
+        TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(INUSE_ATTRIBUTE_ERR)    
+      endif
+      arg%elExtras%ownerElement => map%ownerElement
+    endif
+    do i = 0, getLength(map)-1
+      np => item(map, i)
+      if (getNodeName(np)==getNodeName(arg)) then
+        map%nodes(i+1)%this => arg
+        exit
+      endif
+    enddo
+    if (i<getLength(map)) then
+      if (getGCstate(getOwnerDocument(map%ownerElement)).and.np%inDocument) then
+        call removeNodesFromDocument(getOwnerDocument(map%ownerElement), np)
+        np%inDocument = .false.
+      endif
+    else
+      !   If not found, insert it at the end of the linked list
+      np => null()
+      call append_nnm(map, arg)
+    endif
+    if (map%ownerElement%nodeType==ELEMENT_NODE) then
+      if (getGCstate(getOwnerDocument(map%ownerElement))) then
+        ! We need to worry about importing this node
+        if (map%ownerElement%inDocument) then
+          if (.not.arg%inDocument) &
+            call putNodesInDocument(getOwnerDocument(map%ownerElement), arg)
+        else
+          if (arg%inDocument) &
+            call removeNodesFromDocument(getOwnerDocument(map%ownerElement), arg)
+          endif
+      endif
+    endif
+    ! Otherwise we only ever setNNM when building the doc, so we know this
+    ! does not matter
+  end function setNamedItem
+  TOHW_function(removeNamedItem, (map, name), np)
+    type(NamedNodeMap), pointer :: map
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
+    type(Node), pointer :: np
+    type(xml_doc_state), pointer :: xds
+    type(element_t), pointer :: elem
+    type(attribute_t), pointer :: att
+    type(ListNode), pointer :: temp_nl(:)
+    integer :: i, i2
+    if (.not.associated(map)) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_MAP_IS_NULL)
+    endif
+    if (map%readonly) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR)
+    endif
+    do i = 0, map%length-1
+      np => item(map, i)
+      if (getNodeName(np)==name) then
+        xds => getXds(getOwnerDocument(map%ownerElement))
+        elem => get_element(xds%element_list, getNodeName(map%ownerElement))
+        att => get_attribute_declaration(elem, name)
+        if (associated(att)) then
+          if (attribute_has_default(att)) then ! there is a default value
+            ! Well swap the old one out & put a new one in.
+            ! Do *nothing* about namespace handling at this stage,
+            ! wait until we are asked for namespace normalization
+            if (getParameter( &
+              getDomConfig(getOwnerDocument(map%ownerElement)), &
+                           "namespaces")) then
+              np => createAttributeNS(getOwnerDocument(map%ownerElement), "", name)
+            else
+              np => createAttribute(getOwnerDocument(map%ownerElement), name)
+            endif
+            call setValue(np, str_vs(att%default))
+            call setSpecified(np, .false.)
+            np => setNamedItem(map, np)
+            call setSpecified(np, .true.)
+            return
+          endif
+        endif
+        ! Otherwise there was no default value, so we just remove the node.
+        ! Grab this node
+        if (getNodeType(np)==ATTRIBUTE_NODE) np%elExtras%ownerElement => null()
+        ! and shrink the node list
+        temp_nl => map%nodes
+        allocate(map%nodes(size(temp_nl)-1))
+        do i2 = 1, i
+          map%nodes(i2)%this => temp_nl(i2)%this
+        enddo
+        do i2 = i + 2, map%length
+          map%nodes(i2-1)%this => temp_nl(i2)%this
+        enddo
+        map%length = size(map%nodes)
+        deallocate(temp_nl)
+        if (np%inDocument.and.getGCstate(getOwnerDocument(map%ownerElement))) &
+          call removeNodesFromDocument(getOwnerDocument(map%ownerElement), np)
+        !otherwise we are only going to destroy these nodes anyway,
+        ! and finish
+        return
+      endif
+    enddo
+    TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(NOT_FOUND_ERR)
+  end function removeNamedItem
+  TOHW_function(item_nnm, (map, index), np)
+    type(NamedNodeMap), pointer :: map
+    integer, intent(in) :: index
+    type(Node), pointer :: np
+    if (.not.associated(map)) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_MAP_IS_NULL)
+    endif
+    if (index<0 .or. index>map%length-1) then
+      np => null()
+    else
+      np => map%nodes(index+1)%this
+    endif
+   end function item_nnm
+  TOHW_function(getLength_nnm, (map), n)
+    type(namedNodeMap), pointer :: map
+    integer :: n
+    if (.not.associated(map)) then
+       TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_MAP_IS_NULL)
+    endif
+    n = map%length
+  end function getLength_nnm
+  TOHW_function(getNamedItemNS, (map, namespaceURI, localName), np)
+    type(NamedNodeMap), pointer :: map
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: namespaceURI
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: localName
+    type(Node), pointer :: np
+    integer :: i
+    if (.not.associated(map)) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_MAP_IS_NULL)
+    elseif (map%ownerElement%nodeType/=ELEMENT_NODE) then
+      np => null()
+      return
+    endif
+    do i = 0, getLength(map) - 1
+      np => item(map, i)
+      if (getNamespaceURI(np)==namespaceURI &
+        .and. getLocalName(np)==localName) then
+        return
+      endif
+    enddo
+    np => null()
+  end function getNamedItemNS
+  TOHW_function(setNamedItemNS, (map, arg), np)
+    type(NamedNodeMap), pointer :: map
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    type(Node), pointer :: np
+    integer :: i
+    if (.not.associated(map)) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_MAP_IS_NULL)
+    endif
+    if (.not.associated(arg)) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL)
+    endif
+    if (map%readonly) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR)
+    elseif (map%ownerElement%nodeType==ELEMENT_NODE) then
+      if (.not.associated(map%ownerElement%ownerDocument, arg%ownerDocument)) then
+        TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(WRONG_DOCUMENT_ERR)
+      elseif (getNodeType(arg)/=ATTRIBUTE_NODE) then
+        !Additional check from DOM 3
+        TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR)
+      endif
+    endif
+    if (getNodeType(arg)==ATTRIBUTE_NODE) then
+      if (associated(map%ownerElement, getOwnerElement(arg))) then
+        ! we are looking at literally the same node, so do nothing else
+        np => arg
+        return
+      elseif (associated(getOwnerElement(arg))) then
+        TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(INUSE_ATTRIBUTE_ERR)    
+      endif
+      arg%elExtras%ownerElement => map%ownerElement
+    endif
+    do i = 0, getLength(map) - 1
+      np => item(map, i)
+      if ((getLocalName(arg)==getLocalName(np) &
+        .and.getNamespaceURI(arg)==getNamespaceURI(np)) &
+        ! Additional case to catch adding of specified attributeNS over 
+        ! default (NS but unspecified URI) attribute
+        .or.(getNamespaceURI(arg)=="".and.getName(arg)==getName(np))) then
+        map%nodes(i+1)%this => arg
+        exit
+      endif
+    enddo
+    if (i<getLength(map)) then
+      if (getGCstate(getOwnerDocument(map%ownerElement))) then
+        if (np%inDocument) then
+          call removeNodesFromDocument(getOwnerDocument(map%ownerElement), np)
+          arg%inDocument = .false.
+        endif
+      endif
+    else
+      ! If not found, insert it at the end of the linked list
+      np => null()
+      call append_nnm(map, arg)
+    endif
+    if (map%ownerElement%nodeType==ELEMENT_NODE) then
+      if (getGCstate(getOwnerDocument(map%ownerElement))) then
+        ! We need to worry about importing this node
+        if (map%ownerElement%inDocument) then
+          if (.not.arg%inDocument) &
+            call putNodesInDocument(getOwnerDocument(map%ownerElement), arg)
+        else
+          if (arg%inDocument) &
+            call removeNodesFromDocument(getOwnerDocument(map%ownerElement), arg)
+        endif
+      endif
+    endif
+  end function setNamedItemNS
+  TOHW_function(removeNamedItemNS, (map, namespaceURI, localName), np)
+    type(NamedNodeMap), pointer :: map
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: namespaceURI
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: localName
+    type(Node), pointer :: np
+    type(xml_doc_state), pointer :: xds
+    type(element_t), pointer :: elem
+    type(attribute_t), pointer :: att
+    type(ListNode), pointer :: temp_nl(:)
+    integer :: i, i2
+    if (.not.associated(map)) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_MAP_IS_NULL)
+    endif
+    if (map%readonly) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR)
+    endif
+    do i = 0, getLength(map) - 1
+      np => item(map, i)
+      if (getNamespaceURI(np)==namespaceURI &
+          .and. getLocalName(np)==localName) then
+        ! Grab this node
+        xds => getXds(getOwnerDocument(map%ownerElement))
+        elem => get_element(xds%element_list, getNodeName(map%ownerElement))
+        att => get_attribute_declaration(elem, getName(np))
+        if (associated(att)) then
+          if (attribute_has_default(att)) then ! there is a default value
+            ! Well swap the old one out & put a new one in.
+            ! Do *nothing* about namespace handling at this stage,
+            ! wait until we are asked for namespace normalization
+            np => createAttributeNS(getOwnerDocument(map%ownerElement), getNamespaceURI(np), getName(np))
+            call setValue(np, str_vs(att%default))
+            call setSpecified(np, .false.)
+            np => setNamedItemNS(map, np)
+            call setSpecified(np, .true.)
+            return
+          endif
+        endif
+        ! Otherwise there was no default value, so we just remove the node.
+        ! and shrink the node list
+        if (getNodeType(np)==ATTRIBUTE_NODE) np%elExtras%ownerElement => null()
+        temp_nl => map%nodes
+        allocate(map%nodes(size(temp_nl)-1))
+        do i2 = 1, i
+          map%nodes(i2)%this => temp_nl(i2)%this
+        enddo
+        do i2 = i + 2, map%length
+          map%nodes(i2-1)%this => temp_nl(i2)%this
+        enddo
+        map%length = size(map%nodes)
+        deallocate(temp_nl)
+        if (np%inDocument.and.getGCstate(getOwnerDocument(map%ownerElement))) &
+          call removeNodesFromDocument(getOwnerDocument(map%ownerElement), np)
+        !otherwise we are only going to destroy these nodes anyway,
+        ! and finish
+        return
+      endif
+    enddo
+    TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(NOT_FOUND_ERR)
+  end function removeNamedItemNS
+  subroutine append_nnm(map, arg)
+    type(namedNodeMap), pointer :: map
+    type(node), pointer :: arg
+    type(ListNode), pointer :: temp_nl(:)
+    integer :: i
+    if (.not.associated(map%nodes)) then
+      allocate(map%nodes(1))
+      map%nodes(1)%this => arg
+      map%length = 1
+    else
+      temp_nl => map%nodes
+      allocate(map%nodes(size(temp_nl)+1))
+      do i = 1, size(temp_nl)
+        map%nodes(i)%this => temp_nl(i)%this
+      enddo
+      deallocate(temp_nl)
+      map%nodes(size(map%nodes))%this => arg
+      map%length = size(map%nodes)
+    endif
+    if (getNodeType(arg)==ATTRIBUTE_NODE) arg%elExtras%ownerElement => map%ownerElement
+   end subroutine append_nnm
+  subroutine setReadOnlyMap(map, r)
+    type(namedNodeMap), pointer :: map
+    logical, intent(in) :: r
+    map%readonly = r
+  end subroutine setReadOnlyMap
+  subroutine destroyNamedNodeMap(map)
+    type(namedNodeMap), pointer :: map
+    if (associated(map%nodes)) deallocate(map%nodes)
+    deallocate(map)
+ end subroutine destroyNamedNodeMap
diff --git a/dom/m_dom_namespaces.m4 b/dom/m_dom_namespaces.m4
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6b13519
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dom/m_dom_namespaces.m4
@@ -0,0 +1,375 @@
+define(`TOHW_m_dom_namespaceFixup', `'`
+      ! Clear all current namespace nodes:
+      nsnodes => getNamespaceNodes(this)
+      do i = 1, getLength(nsNodes)
+        call destroyNode(nsNodes%nodes(i)%this)
+      enddo
+      deallocate(nsNodes%nodes)
+      parent => getParentNode(this)
+      do while (associated(parent))
+        ! Go up (through perhaps multiple entref nodes)
+        if (getNodeType(parent)==ELEMENT_NODE) exit
+        parent => getParentNode(parent)
+      enddo
+      ! Inherit from parent (or not ...)
+      if (associated(parent)) then
+        nsNodesParent => getNamespaceNodes(parent)
+        allocate(nsNodes%nodes(getLength(nsNodesParent)))
+        nsNodes%length = getLength(nsNodesParent)
+        do i = 0, getLength(nsNodes) - 1
+          ! separate variable for intel
+          nsp => item(nsNodesParent, i)
+          nsNodes%nodes(i+1)%this => &
+            createNamespaceNode(getOwnerDocument(this), &
+            getPrefix(nsp), getNamespaceURI(nsp), &
+            specified=.false.)
+        enddo
+      else
+        allocate(nsNodes%nodes(0))
+        nsNodes%length = 0
+      endif
+      ! Now check for broken NS declarations, and add namespace
+      ! nodes for all non-broken declarations
+      attrs => getAttributes(this)
+      do i = 0, getLength(attrs)-1
+        attr => item(attrs, i)
+        if ((getLocalName(attr)=="xmlns" &
+          .or.getPrefix(attr)=="xmlns") &
+          .and.getNamespaceURI(attr)/="http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/") then
+          ! This can only I think happen if we bugger about with setPrefix ...
+          TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(NAMESPACE_ERR)
+        endif
+        if (getNamespaceURI(attr)=="http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/") then
+          if (getLocalName(attr)=="xmlns") then
+            call appendNSNode(this, "", getValue(attr), specified=.true.)
+          else
+            call appendNSNode(this, getLocalName(attr), &
+              getValue(attr), specified=.true.)
+          endif
+        endif
+      enddo
+      if (getNamespaceURI(this)/="") then
+        ! Is the nsURI of this node bound to its prefix?
+        ! This will automatically do any necessary replacements ...
+        if (getPrefix(this)=="") then
+          if (.not.isDefaultNamespace(this, getNamespaceURI(this))) then
+            ! We are dealing with the default prefix
+            call setAttributeNS(this, "http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/", &
+              "xmlns", getNamespaceURI(this))
+            call appendNSNode(this, "", getNamespaceURI(this), specified=.true.)
+          endif
+        elseif (lookupNamespaceURI(this, getPrefix(this))/=getNamespaceURI(this)) then
+          call setAttributeNS(this, "http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/", &
+            "xmlns:"//getPrefix(this), getNamespaceURI(this))
+          call appendNSNode(this, getPrefix(this), getNamespaceURI(this), specified=.true.)
+        endif
+      else
+        ! No (or empty) namespace URI ...
+        if (getLocalName(this)=="") then
+          ! DOM level 1 node ... report error
+          TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(NAMESPACE_ERR)
+        else
+          ! We must declare the elements prefix to have an empty nsURI
+          if (lookupNamespaceURI(this, getPrefix(this))/="") then
+            if (getPrefix(this)=="") then
+              call setAttributeNS(this, "http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/", &
+                "xmlns", "")
+            else
+              call setAttributeNS(this, "http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/", &
+                "xmlns:"//getPrefix(this), "")
+            endif
+            ! and add a namespace node for the empty nsURI
+            call appendNSNode(this, getPrefix(this), "", specified=.true.)
+          endif
+        endif
+      endif
+      do i = 0, getLength(attrs)-1
+        ! This loops over the number of attrs present initially, so any we
+        ! add within this loop will not get checked - but they will only
+        ! be namespace declarations about which we dont care anyway.
+        attr => item(attrs, i)
+        if (getNamespaceURI(attr)=="http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/") then
+          cycle ! We already worried about it above.
+        elseif (getNamespaceURI(attr)=="http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace") then
+          cycle ! We dont have to declare these
+        elseif (getNamespaceURI(attr)/="") then
+          ! This is a namespaced attribute
+          if (getPrefix(attr)=="" &
+            .or. lookupNamespaceURI(this, getPrefix(attr))/=getNamespaceURI(attr)) then
+            ! It has an inappropriate prefix
+            if (lookupPrefix(this, getNamespaceURI(attr))/="") then
+              ! then an appropriate prefix exists, use it.
+              call setPrefix(attr, lookupPrefix(this, getNamespaceURI(attr)))
+              ! FIXME should be "most local" prefix. Make sure lookupPrefix does that.
+            else
+              ! No suitable prefix exists, declare one.
+              if (getPrefix(attr)/="") then
+                ! Then the current prefix is not in use, its just undeclared.
+                call setAttributeNS(this, "http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/", &
+                  "xmlns:"//getPrefix(attr), getNamespaceURI(attr))
+                call appendNSNode(this, getPrefix(attr), getNamespaceURI(attr), specified=.true.)
+              else
+                ! This node has no prefix, but needs one. Make it up.
+                nsIndex = 1
+                do while (lookupNamespaceURI(this, "NS"//nsIndex)/="")
+                  ! FIXME this will exit if the namespace is undeclared *or* if it is declared to be empty.
+                  nsIndex = nsIndex+1
+                enddo
+                call setAttributeNS(this, "http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/", &
+                  "xmlns:NS"//nsIndex, getNamespaceURI(attr))
+                ! and create namespace node
+                call appendNSNode(this, "NS"//nsIndex, getNamespaceURI(attr), specified=.true.)
+                call setPrefix(attr, "NS"//nsIndex)
+              endif
+            endif
+          endif
+        else 
+          ! attribute has no namespace URI
+          if (getLocalName(this)=="") then
+            ! DOM level 1 node ... report error
+            TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(NAMESPACE_ERR)
+          endif
+          ! otherwise no problem
+        endif
+      enddo
+  public :: normalizeDocument
+  public :: getNamespaceNodes
+  public :: namespaceFixup
+  TOHW_m_dom_get(NodeList, namespaceNodes, np%elExtras%namespaceNodes, (ELEMENT_NODE))
+  TOHW_subroutine(appendNSNode, (np, prefix, namespaceURI, specified))
+    type(Node), pointer :: np
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: prefix
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: namespaceURI
+    logical, intent(in) :: specified
+    type(Node), pointer :: ns
+    type(NodeList), pointer :: nsnodes
+    integer :: i
+    logical :: quickFix
+    if (.not.associated(np)) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL)
+    endif
+    if (np%nodeType /= ELEMENT_NODE) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_INVALID_NODE)
+    endif
+    ! We never put namespace nodes in the hanging nodes
+    ! list since they can never be separated from their
+    ! parent element node, so will always be destroyed alongside it.
+    quickFix = getGCState(getOwnerDocument(np))
+    call setGCState(getOwnerDocument(np), .false.)
+    nsnodes => getNamespaceNodes(np)
+    ! If we already have this prefix registered in the list, then remove it
+    do i = 0, getLength(nsNodes)-1
+      ns => item(nsNodes, i)
+! Intel 8.1 & 9.1 insist on separate variable here and just below
+      if (getPrefix(ns)==prefix) then
+        call setNamespaceURI(ns, namespaceURI)
+        exit
+      endif
+    enddo
+    if (i==getLength(nsNodes)) then
+      ns => createNamespaceNode(getOwnerDocument(np), &
+        prefix, namespaceURI, specified)
+      call append_nl(nsNodes, ns)
+    endif
+    call setGCState(getOwnerDocument(np), quickFix)
+  end subroutine appendNSNode
+  TOHW_subroutine(normalizeDocument, (doc))
+    type(Node), pointer :: doc
+    type(Node), pointer :: this, treeroot, dummy, new, old, nsp
+    type(DOMConfiguration), pointer :: dc
+    logical :: doneAttributes, doneChildren
+    integer :: i_tree, i_children
+    type(Node), pointer :: parent, attr
+    type(NamedNodeMap), pointer :: attrs
+    type(NodeList), pointer :: nsNodes, nsNodesParent
+    integer :: i, nsIndex
+    logical :: merged, ns
+    if (.not.associated(doc)) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL)
+    endif
+    if (getNodeType(doc)/=DOCUMENT_NODE) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_INVALID_NODE)
+    endif
+    dc => getDomConfig(doc)
+    ns = getParameter(dc, "namespaces")
+    treeroot => doc
+    call setGCstate(doc, .false.)
+    ! switch off the memory management, we are going
+    ! to destroy all nodes we remove from the tree
+    ! immediately.
+    ! exception object is *not* passed through in any
+    ! of the DOM calls below. This is because all of
+    ! these should succeed - if they dont then there
+    ! is a problem so we need to terminate immediately
+    TOHW_m_dom_treewalk(`
+    if (.not.getReadonly(this)) then
+      select case (getNodeType(this))
+      case (ELEMENT_NODE)
+        if (ns) then
+          TOHW_m_dom_namespaceFixup
+        endif
+      case (ATTRIBUTE_NODE)
+        if (getParameter(dc, "entities")) then
+          ! we dont care about any attribute children,
+          ! we arent going to do anything
+          doneChildren = .true.
+        endif
+      case (TEXT_NODE)
+        ! we may need to reset "this" later on ...
+        old => getPreviousSibling(this)
+        if (.not.associated(old)) old => getParentNode(this)
+        merged = .false.
+        if (getIsElementContentWhitespace(this) &
+          .and..not.getParameter(dc, "element-content-whitespace")) then
+          dummy => removeChild(getParentNode(this), this)
+          call destroy(dummy)
+          this => old
+          merged = .true.
+        endif
+        if (.not.merged) then
+          ! We didnt just remove this node.
+          ! Do we need to normalize?
+          dummy => getPreviousSibling(this)
+          if (associated(dummy)) then
+            if (getNodeType(dummy)==TEXT_NODE) then
+              call appendData(dummy, getData(this))
+              parent => getParentNode(this)
+              dummy => removeChild(parent, this)
+              call destroy(dummy)
+              this => old
+            endif
+          endif
+        endif
+      case (CDATA_SECTION_NODE)
+        if (.not.getParameter(dc, "cdata-sections")) then
+          ! we may need to reset "this" later on ...
+          old => getPreviousSibling(this)
+          if (.not.associated(old)) old => getParentNode(this)
+          merged = .false.
+          dummy => getPreviousSibling(this)
+          if (associated(dummy)) then
+            if (getNodeType(dummy)==TEXT_NODE) then
+              ! append the data to the previous node & chuck away this node
+              call appendData(dummy, getData(this))
+              dummy => removeChild(getParentNode(this), this)
+              call destroy(dummy)
+              this => old
+              merged =.true.
+            endif
+          endif
+          if (.not.merged) then
+            ! we didnt merge it so just convert this to a text node
+            new => createTextNode(doc, getData(this))
+            dummy => replaceChild(getParentNode(this), new, this)
+            call destroy(dummy)
+            this => new
+          endif
+        elseif (.not.getParameter(dc, "split-cdata-sections")) then
+          ! Actually, on re-reading DOM 3, this is a ridiculous
+          ! option. Ignoring for now.
+        endif
+        if (.not.getParameter(dc, "entities")) then
+          if (associated(getFirstChild(this))) then
+            !If this node is not representing an unexpanded entity
+            ! we will need to reset "this" later on ...
+            old => getPreviousSibling(this)
+            if (.not.associated(old)) old => getParentNode(this)
+            ! take each child, and insert it immediately before the current node
+            do i_children = 0, getLength(getChildNodes(this))-1
+              dummy => insertBefore(getParentNode(this), getFirstChild(this), this)
+            enddo
+            ! and finally remove the current node
+            dummy => removeChild(getParentNode(this), this)
+            call destroy(dummy)
+            ! and set the "this" pointer back so we go over these again
+            this => old
+          endif
+        endif
+      case (COMMENT_NODE)
+        if (.not.getParameter(dc, "comments")) then
+          old => getPreviousSibling(this)
+          if (.not.associated(old)) old => getParentNode(this)
+          dummy => removeChild(getParentNode(this), this)
+          call destroy(dummy)
+          this => old
+        endif
+      case (DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE)
+        if (getParameter(dc, "canonical-form")) then
+          old => getPreviousSibling(this)
+          if (.not.associated(old)) old => getParentNode(this)
+          dummy => removeChild(getParentNode(this), this)
+          call destroy(this)
+          this => old
+        endif
+      end select
+    endif
+', `')
+  end subroutine normalizeDocument
+  recursive TOHW_subroutine(namespaceFixup, (this, deep))
+    type(Node), pointer :: this
+    logical, intent(in) :: deep
+    type(Node), pointer :: parent, child, attr, nsp
+    type(NamedNodeMap), pointer :: attrs
+    type(NodeList), pointer :: nsNodes, nsNodesParent
+    integer :: i, nsIndex
+    if (getNodeType(this) /= ELEMENT_NODE &
+      .and. getNodeType(this) /= ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE &
+      .and. getNodeType(this)/=DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE) then
+      return
+    endif
+    if (this%nodeType==ELEMENT_NODE) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_namespaceFixup
+    endif
+    if (deep) then
+      ! And now call this on all appropriate children ...
+      child => getFirstChild(this)
+      do while (associated(child))
+        call namespaceFixup(child, .true.)
+        child => getNextSibling(child)
+      enddo
+    endif
+  end subroutine namespaceFixup
diff --git a/dom/m_dom_node.m4 b/dom/m_dom_node.m4
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..106efcf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dom/m_dom_node.m4
@@ -0,0 +1,1722 @@
+  public :: getNodeName
+  public :: getNodeValue
+  public :: setNodeValue
+  public :: getNodeType
+  public :: getParentNode
+  public :: getChildNodes
+  public :: getFirstChild
+  public :: getLastChild
+  public :: getNextSibling
+  public :: getPreviousSibling
+  public :: getAttributes
+  public :: getOwnerDocument
+  public :: insertBefore
+  public :: replaceChild
+  public :: removeChild
+  public :: appendChild
+  public :: hasChildNodes
+  public :: cloneNode  
+  public :: normalize
+  public :: isSupported
+  public :: getNamespaceURI
+  public :: getPrefix
+  public :: setPrefix
+  public :: getLocalName
+  public :: hasAttributes
+  public :: isEqualNode
+  public :: isSameNode
+  public :: isDefaultNamespace
+  public :: lookupNamespaceURI
+  public :: lookupPrefix
+  public :: getTextContent
+  public :: setTextContent
+  public :: getNodePath
+  public :: setStringValue
+  public :: getStringValue
+  public :: setReadonlyNode
+  public :: getReadOnly
+  public :: getBaseURI
+TOHW_m_dom_get(DOMString, nodeName, np%nodeName)
+  pure function getNodeValue_len(np, p) result(n)
+    type(Node), intent(in) :: np
+    logical, intent(in) :: p
+    integer :: n
+    n = 0 
+    if (.not.p) return
+    select case(np%nodeType)
+    case (ATTRIBUTE_NODE)
+      n = getTextContent_len(np, .true.)
+      n = size(np%nodeValue)
+    end select
+  end function getNodeValue_len
+  TOHW_function(getNodeValue, (np), c)
+    type(Node), pointer :: np
+    character(len=getNodeValue_len(np, .true.)) :: c
+    character(len=getNodeValue_len(np, associated(np))) :: c
+    if (.not.associated(np)) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL)
+    endif
+    select case(np%nodeType)
+    case (ATTRIBUTE_NODE)
+      c = getTextContent(np)
+      c = str_vs(np%nodeValue)
+    case default
+      c = ""
+    end select
+  end function getNodeValue
+  TOHW_subroutine(setNodeValue, (arg, nodeValue))
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    character(len=*) :: nodeValue
+    if (.not.associated(arg)) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL)
+    endif
+    if (associated(getOwnerDocument(arg))) then
+      if (.not.checkChars(nodeValue, getXmlVersionEnum(getOwnerDocument(arg)))) then
+        TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_INVALID_CHARACTER)
+      endif
+    endif ! Otherwise its a document node, and nothing will happen anyway
+    select case(arg%nodeType)
+    case (ATTRIBUTE_NODE)
+      call setValue(arg, nodeValue, ex)
+      call setData(arg, nodeValue, ex)
+    end select
+  end subroutine setNodeValue
+TOHW_m_dom_get(integer, nodeType, np%nodeType)
+TOHW_m_dom_get(Node, parentNode, np%parentNode)
+TOHW_m_dom_get(NodeList, childNodes, np%childNodes)
+TOHW_m_dom_get(Node, firstChild, np%firstChild)
+TOHW_m_dom_get(Node, lastChild, np%lastChild)
+TOHW_m_dom_get(Node, previousSibling, np%previousSibling)
+TOHW_m_dom_get(Node, nextSibling, np%nextSibling)
+  TOHW_function(getAttributes, (arg), nnm)
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    type(NamedNodeMap), pointer :: nnm
+    if (.not.associated(arg)) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL)
+    endif
+    if (getNodeType(arg)==ELEMENT_NODE) then
+      nnm => arg%elExtras%attributes
+    else
+      nnm => null()
+    endif
+  end function getAttributes
+  TOHW_function(getOwnerDocument, (arg), np)
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    type(Node), pointer :: np
+    if (.not.associated(arg)) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL)
+    endif
+    if (arg%nodeType==DOCUMENT_NODE) then
+      np => null()
+    else
+      np => arg%ownerDocument
+    endif
+  end function getOwnerDocument
+TOHW_m_dom_set(Node, ownerDocument, np%ownerDocument, (DOCUMENT_NODE))
+  TOHW_function(insertBefore, (arg, newChild, refChild), np)
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    type(Node), pointer :: newChild
+    type(Node), pointer :: refChild
+    type(Node), pointer :: np
+    type(Node), pointer :: testChild, testParent, treeroot, this
+    type(ListNode), pointer :: temp_nl(:)
+    integer :: i, i2, i_t, i_tree
+    logical :: doneChildren, doneAttributes
+    if (.not.associated(arg).or..not.associated(newChild)) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL)
+    endif
+    if (.not.associated(refChild)) then
+      np => appendChild(arg, newChild, ex)
+      return
+    endif
+    if (arg%readonly) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR)
+    endif
+    testParent => arg
+    ! Check if you are allowed to put a newChild nodetype under a arg nodetype
+    if (newChild%nodeType==DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE) then
+      do i = 1, newChild%childNodes%length
+        testChild => newChild%childNodes%nodes(i)%this
+        TOHW_m_dom_hierarchy_test
+      enddo
+    else
+      testChild => newChild
+      TOHW_m_dom_hierarchy_test
+      ! And then check that newChild is not arg or one of args ancestors
+      ! (this would never be true if newChild is a documentFragment)
+      testParent => arg
+      do while (associated(testParent))
+        if (associated(testParent, newChild)) then
+          TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR)
+        endif
+        testParent => testParent%parentNode
+      enddo
+    endif
+    if (getNodeType(newChild)/=DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE.and. &
+      .not.(associated(arg%ownerDocument, newChild%ownerDocument) &
+        .or.associated(arg, newChild%ownerDocument))) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(WRONG_DOCUMENT_ERR)
+    endif
+    if (newChild%nodeType==DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE &
+      .and. newChild%childNodes%length==0) then
+      np => newChild
+      return
+      ! Nothing to do
+    endif
+    if (associated(getParentNode(newChild))) then
+      np => removeChild(getParentNode(newChild), newChild, ex) 
+      newChild => np
+    endif
+    if (arg%childNodes%length==0) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(NOT_FOUND_ERR)
+    elseif (newChild%nodeType==DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE) then
+      allocate(temp_nl(arg%childNodes%length+newChild%childNodes%length))
+    else
+      allocate(temp_nl(arg%childNodes%length+1))
+    endif
+    i_t = 0
+    np => null()
+    do i = 1, arg%childNodes%length
+      if (associated(arg%childNodes%nodes(i)%this, refChild)) then
+        np => refChild
+        if (newChild%nodeType==DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE) then
+          do i2 = 1, newChild%childNodes%length
+            i_t = i_t + 1
+            temp_nl(i_t)%this => newChild%childNodes%nodes(i2)%this
+            temp_nl(i_t)%this%parentNode => arg
+!            call namespaceFixup(temp_nl(i_t)%this)
+          enddo
+        else
+          i_t = i_t + 1
+          temp_nl(i_t)%this => newChild
+          temp_nl(i_t)%this%parentNode => arg
+!          call namespaceFixup(temp_nl(i_t)%this)
+        endif
+        if (i==1) then
+          arg%firstChild => temp_nl(1)%this
+          !temp_nl(1)%this%previousSibling => null() ! This is a no-op
+        else 
+          temp_nl(i-1)%this%nextSibling => temp_nl(i)%this
+          temp_nl(i)%this%previousSibling => temp_nl(i-1)%this
+        endif
+        arg%childNodes%nodes(i)%this%previousSibling => temp_nl(i_t)%this
+        temp_nl(i_t)%this%nextSibling => arg%childNodes%nodes(i)%this
+      endif
+      i_t = i_t + 1
+      temp_nl(i_t)%this => arg%childNodes%nodes(i)%this
+    enddo
+    if (.not.associated(np)) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(NOT_FOUND_ERR, (temp_nl))
+    endif
+    np => newChild
+    if (getGCstate(arg%ownerDocument)) then
+      if (arg%inDocument) then
+        if (newChild%nodeType==DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE) then
+          do i = 1, newChild%childNodes%length
+            call putNodesInDocument(arg%ownerDocument, newChild%childNodes%nodes(i)%this)
+          enddo
+        else
+          call putNodesInDocument(arg%ownerDocument, newChild)
+        endif
+        ! If newChild was originally in document, it was removed above so must be re-added
+        ! Ideally we would avoid the cost of removal & readding to hanging nodelist
+      endif
+      ! If arg was not in the document, then newChildren were either 
+      ! a) removed above in call to removeChild or
+      ! b) in a document fragment and therefore not part of doc either
+    endif
+    if (getNodeType(newChild)==DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE) then
+      deallocate(newChild%childNodes%nodes)
+      allocate(newChild%childNodes%nodes(0))
+      newChild%childNodes%length = 0
+    endif
+    deallocate(arg%childNodes%nodes)
+    arg%childNodes%nodes => temp_nl
+    arg%childNodes%length = size(arg%childNodes%nodes)
+    call updateNodeLists(arg%ownerDocument)
+    call updateTextContentLength(arg, newChild%textContentLength)
+  end function insertBefore
+  TOHW_function(replaceChild, (arg, newChild, oldChild), np)
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    type(Node), pointer :: newChild
+    type(Node), pointer :: oldChild
+    type(Node), pointer :: np
+    type(Node), pointer :: testChild, testParent, treeroot, this
+    type(ListNode), pointer :: temp_nl(:)
+    integer :: i, i2, i_t, i_tree
+    logical :: doneChildren, doneAttributes
+    if (.not.associated(arg).or..not.associated(newChild).or..not.associated(oldChild)) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL)
+    endif
+    if (arg%readonly) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR)
+    endif
+    testParent => arg
+    ! Check if you are allowed to put a newChild nodetype under a arg nodetype
+    if (newChild%nodeType==DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE) then
+      do i = 1, newChild%childNodes%length
+        testChild => newChild%childNodes%nodes(i)%this
+        TOHW_m_dom_hierarchy_test
+      enddo
+    else
+      testChild => newChild
+      TOHW_m_dom_hierarchy_test
+      ! And then check that newChild is not arg or one of args ancestors
+      ! (this would never be true if newChild is a documentFragment)
+      testParent => arg
+      do while (associated(testParent))
+        if (associated(testParent, newChild)) then
+          TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR)
+        endif
+        testParent => testParent%parentNode
+      enddo
+    endif
+    if (getNodeType(newChild)/=DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE.and. &
+      .not.(associated(arg%ownerDocument, newChild%ownerDocument) &
+        .or.associated(arg, newChild%ownerDocument))) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(WRONG_DOCUMENT_ERR)
+    endif
+    if (associated(getParentNode(newChild))) &
+      newChild => removeChild(getParentNode(newChild), newChild, ex) 
+    if (arg%childNodes%length==0) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(NOT_FOUND_ERR)
+    elseif (newChild%nodeType==DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE) then
+      allocate(temp_nl(arg%childNodes%length+newChild%childNodes%length-1))
+    else
+      temp_nl => arg%childNodes%nodes
+    endif
+    i_t = 0
+    np => null()
+    do i = 1, arg%childNodes%length
+      if (associated(arg%childNodes%nodes(i)%this, oldChild)) then
+        np => oldChild
+        if (newChild%nodeType==DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE) then
+          do i2 = 1, newChild%childNodes%length
+            i_t = i_t + 1
+            temp_nl(i_t)%this => newChild%childNodes%nodes(i2)%this
+            temp_nl(i_t)%this%parentNode => arg
+!            call namespaceFixup(temp_nl(i_t)%this)
+          enddo
+        else
+          i_t = i_t + 1
+          temp_nl(i_t)%this => newChild
+          temp_nl(i_t)%this%parentNode => arg
+!          call namespaceFixup(temp_nl(i_t)%this)
+        endif
+        if (i==1) then
+          arg%firstChild => temp_nl(1)%this
+          !temp_nl(1)%this%previousSibling => null() ! This is a no-op
+        else 
+          temp_nl(i-1)%this%nextSibling => temp_nl(i)%this
+          temp_nl(i)%this%previousSibling => temp_nl(i-1)%this
+        endif
+        if (i==arg%childNodes%length) then
+          arg%lastChild => temp_nl(i_t)%this
+          !temp_nl(i_t)%this%nextSibling => null() ! This is a no-op
+        else
+          arg%childNodes%nodes(i+1)%this%previousSibling => temp_nl(i_t)%this
+          temp_nl(i_t)%this%nextSibling => arg%childNodes%nodes(i+1)%this
+        endif
+      else
+        i_t = i_t + 1
+        temp_nl(i_t)%this => arg%childNodes%nodes(i)%this
+      endif
+    enddo
+    if (.not.associated(np)) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(NOT_FOUND_ERR)
+    endif
+    np%parentNode => null()
+    np%previousSibling => null()
+    np%nextSibling => null()
+!    call namespaceFixup(np)
+    if (getGCstate(arg%ownerDocument)) then
+      if (arg%inDocument) then
+        call removeNodesFromDocument(arg%ownerDocument, oldChild)
+        if (newChild%nodeType==DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE) then
+          do i = 1, newChild%childNodes%length
+            call putNodesInDocument(arg%ownerDocument, newChild%childNodes%nodes(i)%this)
+          enddo
+        else
+          call putNodesInDocument(arg%ownerDocument, newChild)
+        endif
+        ! If newChild was originally in document, it was removed above so must be re-added
+        ! Ideally we would avoid the cost of removing & re-adding to hangingnodelist
+      endif
+      ! If arg was not in the document, then newChildren were either 
+      ! a) removed above in call to removeChild or
+      ! b) in a document fragment and therefore not part of doc either
+    endif
+    if (newChild%nodeType==DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE) then
+      deallocate(newChild%childNodes%nodes)
+      allocate(newChild%childNodes%nodes(0))
+      newChild%childNodes%length = 0
+      deallocate(arg%childNodes%nodes)
+      arg%childNodes%nodes => temp_nl
+      arg%childNodes%length = size(arg%childNodes%nodes)
+    endif
+    call updateNodeLists(arg%ownerDocument)
+    call updateTextContentLength(arg, newChild%textContentLength-oldChild%textContentLength)
+  end function replaceChild
+  TOHW_function(removeChild, (arg, oldChild), np)
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    type(Node), pointer :: oldChild
+    type(Node), pointer :: np
+    type(ListNode), pointer :: temp_nl(:)
+    integer :: i, i_t
+    if (.not.associated(arg).or..not.associated(oldChild)) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL)
+    endif
+    if (arg%readonly) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR)
+    endif
+    allocate(temp_nl(size(arg%childNodes%nodes)-1))
+    i_t = 1
+    do i = 1, size(arg%childNodes%nodes)
+      if (associated(arg%childNodes%nodes(i)%this, oldChild)) then 
+        if (associated(arg%firstChild, arg%lastChild)) then
+          ! There is only one child, we are removing it.
+          arg%firstChild => null()
+          arg%lastChild => null()
+        elseif (i==1) then
+          ! We are removing the first child, but there is a second
+          arg%firstChild => arg%childNodes%nodes(2)%this
+          arg%childNodes%nodes(2)%this%previousSibling => null()
+        elseif (i==size(arg%childNodes%nodes)) then
+          ! We are removing the last child, but there is a second-to-last
+          arg%lastChild => arg%childNodes%nodes(i-1)%this
+          arg%childNodes%nodes(i-1)%this%nextSibling => null()
+        else
+          ! We are removing a child in the middle
+          arg%childNodes%nodes(i-1)%this%nextSibling => arg%childNodes%nodes(i+1)%this
+          arg%childNodes%nodes(i+1)%this%previousSibling => arg%childNodes%nodes(i-1)%this
+        endif
+      else
+        if (i_t==size(arg%childNodes%nodes)) exit ! We have failed to find the child
+        temp_nl(i_t)%this => arg%childNodes%nodes(i)%this
+        i_t = i_t + 1     
+      endif
+    enddo
+    deallocate(arg%childNodes%nodes)
+    arg%childNodes%nodes => temp_nl
+    arg%childNodes%length = size(temp_nl)
+    if (i==i_t) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(NOT_FOUND_ERR)
+    endif
+    oldChild%parentNode => null()
+    oldChild%previousSibling => null()
+    oldChild%nextSibling => null()
+!    call namespaceFixup(oldChild)
+    if (getGCstate(arg%ownerDocument)) then
+      if (arg%inDocument) then
+        call removeNodesFromDocument(arg%ownerDocument, oldChild)
+      endif
+    endif
+    np => oldChild
+    call updateNodeLists(arg%ownerDocument)
+    call updateTextContentLength(arg, -oldChild%textContentLength)
+  end function removeChild
+  TOHW_function(appendChild, (arg, newChild), np)
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    type(Node), pointer :: newChild
+    type(Node), pointer :: np
+    type(Node), pointer :: testChild, testParent, treeroot, this
+    type(ListNode), pointer :: temp_nl(:)
+    integer :: i, i_t, i_tree
+    logical :: doneChildren, doneAttributes
+    if (.not.associated(arg).or..not.associated(newChild)) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL)
+    endif
+    if (arg%readonly) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR)
+    endif
+    testParent => arg
+    ! Check if you are allowed to put a newChild nodetype under a arg nodetype
+    if (newChild%nodeType==DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE) then
+      do i = 1, newChild%childNodes%length
+        testChild => newChild%childNodes%nodes(i)%this
+        TOHW_m_dom_hierarchy_test
+      enddo
+    else
+      testChild => newChild
+      TOHW_m_dom_hierarchy_test
+      ! And then check that newChild is not arg or one of args ancestors
+      ! (this would never be true if newChild is a documentFragment)
+      testParent => arg
+      do while (associated(testParent))
+        if (associated(testParent, newChild)) then
+          TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR)
+        endif
+        testParent => testParent%parentNode
+      enddo
+    endif
+    if (getNodeType(newChild)/=DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE.and. &
+      .not.(associated(arg%ownerDocument, newChild%ownerDocument) &
+            .or.associated(arg, newChild%ownerDocument))) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(WRONG_DOCUMENT_ERR)
+    endif
+    if (newChild%nodeType==DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE &
+      .and. newChild%childNodes%length==0) then
+      np => newChild
+      return
+      ! Nothing to do
+    endif
+    if (associated(getParentNode(newChild))) &
+      newChild => removeChild(getParentNode(newChild), newChild, ex) 
+    if (newChild%nodeType==DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE) then
+      allocate(temp_nl(arg%childNodes%length+newChild%childNodes%length))
+    else
+      allocate(temp_nl(arg%childNodes%length+1))
+    endif
+    do i = 1, arg%childNodes%length
+      temp_nl(i)%this => arg%childNodes%nodes(i)%this
+    enddo
+    if (newChild%nodeType==DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE) then
+      i_t = arg%childNodes%length
+      do i = 1, newChild%childNodes%length
+        i_t = i_t + 1
+        temp_nl(i_t)%this => newChild%childNodes%nodes(i)%this
+        if (arg%inDocument) &
+          call putNodesInDocument(arg%ownerDocument, temp_nl(i_t)%this)
+        temp_nl(i_t)%this%parentNode => arg
+!        call namespaceFixup(temp_nl(i_t)%this)
+      enddo
+      if (arg%childNodes%length==0) then
+        arg%firstChild => newChild%firstChild
+      else
+        newChild%firstChild%previousSibling => arg%lastChild
+        arg%lastChild%nextSibling => newChild%firstChild
+      endif
+      arg%lastChild => newChild%lastChild
+      newChild%firstChild => null()
+      newChild%lastChild => null()
+      deallocate(newChild%childNodes%nodes)
+      allocate(newChild%childNodes%nodes(0))
+      newChild%childNodes%length = 0
+    else
+      temp_nl(i)%this => newChild
+      if (i==1) then
+        arg%firstChild => newChild
+        newChild%previousSibling => null()
+      else
+        temp_nl(i-1)%this%nextSibling => newChild
+        newChild%previousSibling => temp_nl(i-1)%this     
+      endif
+      if (getGCstate(arg%ownerDocument)) then
+        if (arg%inDocument.and..not.newChild%inDocument) then
+          call putNodesInDocument(arg%ownerDocument, newChild)
+        endif
+      endif
+      newChild%nextSibling => null()
+      arg%lastChild => newChild
+      newChild%parentNode => arg
+!      call namespaceFixup(newChild)
+    endif
+    deallocate(arg%childNodes%nodes)
+    arg%childNodes%nodes => temp_nl
+    arg%childNodes%length = size(temp_nl)
+    np => newChild
+    call updateNodeLists(arg%ownerDocument)
+    call updateTextContentLength(arg, newChild%textContentLength)
+  end function appendChild
+  TOHW_function(hasChildNodes, (arg))
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    logical :: hasChildNodes
+    if (.not.associated(arg)) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL)
+    endif
+    hasChildNodes = associated(arg%firstChild)
+  end function hasChildNodes
+  recursive TOHW_function(cloneNode, (arg, deep), np)
+    ! Needs to be recursive in case of entity-references within each other.
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    logical, intent(in) :: deep
+    type(Node), pointer :: np
+    type(Node), pointer :: doc, treeroot, thatParent, this, new, ERchild
+    logical :: doneAttributes, doneChildren, readonly, brokenNS
+    integer :: i_tree
+    if (.not.associated(arg)) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL)
+    endif
+    thatParent => null()
+    ERchild => null()
+    doc => getOwnerDocument(arg)
+    if (.not.associated(doc)) return
+    np => null()
+    brokenNS = doc%docExtras%brokenNS
+    doc%docExtras%brokenNS = .true. ! May need to do stupid NS things
+    readonly = .false.
+    treeroot => arg
+      new => null()
+      select case(getNodeType(this))
+      case (ELEMENT_NODE)
+        if (getParameter(getDomConfig(doc), "namespaces")) then
+          new => createEmptyElementNS(doc, getNamespaceURI(this), getTagName(this))
+        else
+          new => createEmptyElement(doc, getTagName(this))
+        endif
+      case (ATTRIBUTE_NODE)
+        if (getParameter(getDomConfig(doc), "namespaces")) then
+          new => createAttributeNS(doc, getNamespaceURI(this), getName(this))
+        else
+          new => createAttribute(doc, getName(this))
+        endif
+        if (associated(this, arg)) then
+          call setSpecified(new, .true.)
+        else
+          call setSpecified(new, getSpecified(this))
+        endif
+      case (TEXT_NODE)
+        new => createTextNode(doc, getData(this))
+      case (CDATA_SECTION_NODE)
+        new => createCDataSection(doc, getData(this))
+        ERchild => this
+        readonly = .true.
+        new => createEntityReference(doc, getNodeName(this))
+        doneChildren = .true.
+      case (ENTITY_NODE)
+        return
+        new => createProcessingInstruction(doc, getTarget(this), getData(this))
+      case (COMMENT_NODE)
+        new => createComment(doc, getData(this))
+      case (DOCUMENT_NODE)
+        return
+      case (DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE)
+        return
+        new => createDocumentFragment(doc)
+      case (NOTATION_NODE)
+        return
+      end select
+      if (.not.associated(thatParent)) then
+        thatParent => new
+      elseif (associated(new)) then
+        if (this%nodeType==ATTRIBUTE_NODE) then
+          new => setAttributeNode(thatParent, new)
+        else
+          new => appendChild(thatParent, new)
+        endif
+      endif
+      if (.not.deep) then
+        if (getNodeType(arg)==ATTRIBUTE_NODE.or.getNodeType(arg)==ELEMENT_NODE) then
+          continue
+        else
+          exit
+        endif
+      endif
+', `'`
+      if (getNodeType(this)==ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE &
+        .and.associated(ERchild, this)) then
+          ERchild => null()
+          readonly = .false.
+      endif
+      this%readonly = readonly
+', `parentNode')
+    np => thatParent
+    doc%docExtras%brokenNS = brokenNS
+  end function cloneNode
+  TOHW_function(hasAttributes, (arg))
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    logical :: hasAttributes
+    if (.not.associated(arg)) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL)
+    endif
+    if (arg%nodeType == ELEMENT_NODE) then
+      hasAttributes = (getLength(getAttributes(arg)) > 0)
+    else
+      hasAttributes = .false.
+    endif
+  end function hasAttributes
+!  function getBaseURI FIXME
+!  function compareDocumentPosition FIXME
+  TOHW_subroutine(normalize, (arg))
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    type(Node), pointer :: this, tempNode, oldNode, treeroot
+    integer :: i_tree, i_t
+    logical :: doneChildren, doneAttributes
+    character, pointer :: temp(:)
+    if (.not.associated(arg)) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL)
+    endif
+! DOM standard requires we ignore readonly status
+    treeroot => arg
+      if (getNodeType(this)==TEXT_NODE) then
+        if (associated(this, arg)) exit ! If we are called on a text node itself, then do nothing.
+        i_t = getLength(this)
+        tempNode => getNextSibling(this)
+        do while (associated(tempNode))
+          if (getNodeType(tempNode)/=TEXT_NODE) exit
+          i_t = i_t + getLength(tempNode)
+          tempNode => getNextSibling(tempNode)
+        enddo
+        if (.not.associated(tempNode, getNextSibling(this))) then
+          allocate(temp(i_t))
+          temp(:getLength(this)) = vs_str(getData(this))
+          i_t = getLength(this)
+          tempNode => getNextSibling(this)
+          do while (associated(tempNode))
+            if (getNodeType(tempNode)/=TEXT_NODE) exit
+            temp(i_t+1:i_t+getLength(tempNode)) = vs_str(getData(tempNode))
+            i_t = i_t + getLength(tempNode)
+            oldNode => tempNode
+            tempNode => getNextSibling(tempNode)
+            oldNode => removeChild(getParentNode(oldNode), oldNode)
+            call remove_node_nl(arg%ownerDocument%docExtras%hangingNodes, oldNode)
+            call destroy(oldNode)
+          enddo
+          deallocate(this%nodeValue)
+          this%nodeValue => temp
+        endif
+      end if
+  end subroutine normalize
+  TOHW_function(isSupported, (arg, feature, version), p)
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: feature
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: version
+    logical :: p
+    if (.not.associated(arg)) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL)
+    endif
+    p = hasFeature(getImplementation(arg%ownerDocument), feature, version)
+  end function isSupported
+  pure function getNamespaceURI_len(arg, p) result(n)
+    type(Node), intent(in) :: arg
+    logical, intent(in) :: p
+    integer :: n
+    n = 0
+    if (p) then
+      if (arg%nodeType==ELEMENT_NODE &
+        .or. arg%nodeType==ATTRIBUTE_NODE &
+        .or. arg%nodeType==XPATH_NAMESPACE_NODE) then
+        n = size(arg%elExtras%namespaceURI)
+      endif
+    endif
+  end function getNamespaceURI_len
+  TOHW_function(getNamespaceURI, (arg), c)
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    character(len=getNamespaceURI_len(arg, .true.)) :: c
+    character(len=getNamespaceURI_len(arg, associated(arg))) :: c
+    if (.not.associated(arg)) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL)
+    endif
+    c = ""
+    if (arg%nodeType==ELEMENT_NODE &
+      .or. arg%nodeType==ATTRIBUTE_NODE &
+      .or. arg%nodeType==XPATH_NAMESPACE_NODE) then
+      c = str_vs(arg%elExtras%namespaceURI)
+    endif
+  end function getNamespaceURI
+TOHW_m_dom_set(DOMString, namespaceURI, np%elExtras%namespaceURI, (XPATH_NAMESPACE_NODE))
+  pure function getPrefix_len(arg, p) result(n)
+    type(Node), intent(in) :: arg
+    logical, intent(in) :: p
+    integer :: n
+    n = 0
+    if (p) then
+      if (arg%nodeType==ELEMENT_NODE &
+        .or. arg%nodeType==ATTRIBUTE_NODE &
+        .or. arg%nodeType==XPATH_NAMESPACE_NODE) then
+        n = size(arg%elExtras%prefix)
+      endif
+    endif
+  end function getPrefix_len
+  TOHW_function(getPrefix, (arg), c)
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    character(len=getPrefix_len(arg, .true.)) :: c
+    character(len=getPrefix_len(arg, associated(arg))) :: c
+    if (.not.associated(arg)) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL)
+    endif
+    c = ""
+    if (arg%nodeType==ELEMENT_NODE &
+      .or. arg%nodeType==ATTRIBUTE_NODE &
+      .or. arg%nodeType==XPATH_NAMESPACE_NODE) then
+      c = str_vs(arg%elExtras%prefix)
+    endif
+  end function getPrefix
+  TOHW_subroutine(setPrefix, (arg, prefix))
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    character(len=*) :: prefix
+    character, pointer :: tmp(:)
+    integer :: i
+    if (.not.associated(arg)) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL)
+    endif
+    if (arg%nodeType==ELEMENT_NODE &
+      .or. arg%nodeType==ATTRIBUTE_NODE &
+      .or. arg%nodeType==XPATH_NAMESPACE_NODE) then
+      if (arg%readonly) then
+        TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR)
+      elseif (.not.checkName(prefix, getXmlVersionEnum(getOwnerDocument(arg)))) then
+        TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR)
+      elseif (.not.checkNCName(prefix, getXmlVersionEnum(getOwnerDocument(arg)))) then
+        TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(NAMESPACE_ERR)
+      elseif (size(arg%elExtras%namespaceURI)==0) then
+        TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(NAMESPACE_ERR)
+      elseif (prefix=="xml" .and. &
+        str_vs(arg%elExtras%namespaceURI)/="http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace") then
+        TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(NAMESPACE_ERR)
+      elseif (prefix=="xmlns" .and. (getNodeType(arg)/=ATTRIBUTE_NODE &
+        .or. str_vs(arg%elExtras%namespaceURI)/="http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/")) then
+        TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(NAMESPACE_ERR)
+      elseif (getNodeType(arg)==ATTRIBUTE_NODE.and.getName(arg)=="xmlns") then
+        TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(NAMESPACE_ERR)
+      endif
+! FIXME check if prefix is declared and already points to same namespace
+! but only if we ever get full error-checking up and running.
+      deallocate(arg%elExtras%prefix)
+      arg%elExtras%prefix => vs_str_alloc(prefix)
+      tmp => arg%nodeName
+      i = index(str_vs(arg%nodeName), ":")
+      if (i==0) then
+        arg%nodeName => vs_str_alloc(prefix//":"//str_vs(tmp))
+      else
+        arg%nodeName => vs_str_alloc(prefix//str_vs(tmp(i:)))
+      endif
+      deallocate(tmp)
+    endif
+    call updateNodeLists(arg%ownerDocument)
+  end subroutine setPrefix
+  pure function getLocalName_len(arg, p) result(n)
+    type(Node), intent(in) :: arg
+    logical, intent(in) :: p
+    integer :: n
+    n = 0
+    if (p) then
+      if (arg%nodeType==ELEMENT_NODE &
+        .or. arg%nodeType==ATTRIBUTE_NODE &
+        .or. arg%nodeType==XPATH_NAMESPACE_NODE) then
+        n = size(arg%elExtras%localName)
+      endif
+    endif
+  end function getLocalName_len
+  TOHW_function(getLocalName, (arg), c)
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    character(len=getLocalName_len(arg, .true.)) :: c
+    character(len=getLocalName_len(arg, associated(arg))) :: c
+    if (.not.associated(arg)) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL)
+    endif
+    c = ""
+    if (arg%nodeType==ELEMENT_NODE &
+      .or. arg%nodeType==ATTRIBUTE_NODE &
+      .or. arg%nodeType==XPATH_NAMESPACE_NODE) then
+      c = str_vs(arg%elExtras%localName)
+    endif
+  end function getLocalName
+  recursive TOHW_function(isEqualNode, (arg, other), p)
+    ! We only have one level of recursion, in case of element attributes
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    type(Node), pointer :: other
+    logical :: p
+    type(Node), pointer :: this, that, treeroot, treeroot2, att1, att2
+    type(NodeList), pointer :: children1, children2
+    type(NamedNodeMap), pointer :: atts1, atts2
+    integer :: i_tree, i
+    logical :: doneChildren, doneAttributes, equal
+    if (.not.associated(arg)) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL)
+    endif
+    if (isSameNode(arg, other)) then
+      ! Shortcut the treewalking
+      p = .true.
+      return
+    else
+      p = .false.
+    endif
+    treeroot => arg
+    treeroot2 => other
+      if (getNodeType(this)/=getNodeType(that)) return
+      ! Check necessary equal attributes ...
+      if (getNodeName(this)/=getNodeName(that) &
+        .or. getLocalName(this)/=getLocalName(that) &
+        .or. getNamespaceURI(this)/=getNamespaceURI(that) &
+        .or. getPrefix(this)/=getPrefix(that) &
+        .or. getNodeValue(this)/=getNodeValue(that)) &
+        return
+      children1 => getChildNodes(this)
+      children2 => getChildNodes(that)
+      if (getLength(children1)/=getLength(children2)) return
+      ! Well get to the contents of the children later on anyway.
+      if (getNodeType(this)==ELEMENT_NODE) then
+        ! We must treat attributes specially here (rather than relying on
+        ! treewalk) since the order can legitimately change.
+        atts1 => getAttributes(this)
+        atts2 => getAttributes(that)
+        if (getLength(atts1)/=getLength(atts2)) return
+        do i = 0, getLength(atts1)-1
+          att1 => item(atts1, i)
+          if (getNamespaceURI(att1)=="") then
+            att2 => getNamedItem(atts2, getNodeName(att1))
+          else
+            att2 => getNamedItemNS(atts2, getLocalName(att1), getNamespaceURI(att1))
+          endif
+          if (.not.associated(att2)) return
+          if (.not.isEqualNode(att1, att2)) return
+        enddo
+        doneAttributes = .true.
+      elseif (getNodeType(this)==DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE) then
+        if (getPublicId(this)/=getPublicId(that) &
+          .or. getSystemId(this)/=getSystemId(that) &
+          .or. getInternalSubset(this)/=getInternalSubset(that)) return
+        atts1 => getEntities(this)
+        atts2 => getEntities(that)
+        if (getLength(atts1)/=getLength(atts2)) return
+        do i = 0, getLength(atts1)-1
+          att1 => item(atts1, i)
+          att2 => getNamedItem(atts2, getNodeName(att1))
+          if (.not.associated(att2)) return
+          if (.not.isEqualNode(att1, att2)) return
+        enddo
+        atts1 => getNotations(this)
+        atts2 => getNotations(that)
+        if (getLength(atts1)/=getLength(atts2)) return
+        do i = 0, getLength(atts1)-1
+          att1 => item(atts1, i)
+          att2 => getNamedItem(atts2, getNodeName(att1))
+          if (.not.associated(att2)) return
+          if (.not.isEqualNode(att1, att2)) return
+        enddo
+      endif
+    p = .true.
+  end function isEqualNode
+  TOHW_function(isSameNode, (arg, other))
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    type(Node), pointer :: other
+    logical :: isSameNode
+    if (.not.associated(arg).or..not.associated(other)) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL)
+    endif
+    isSameNode = associated(arg, other)
+  end function isSameNode
+  !FIXME all the lookup* functions below are out of spec,
+  ! since they rely on a statically-calculated set of NSnodes
+  ! which is only generated at parse time, and updated after
+  ! normalize.
+  ! the spec reckons it should be dynamic, but because we need
+  ! to know string lengths, which must be calculated inside
+  ! a pure function, we cant do the recursive walk we need to.
+  ! (although isDefaultNamespace could be fixed easily enough)
+  TOHW_function(isDefaultNamespace, (np, namespaceURI), p)
+    type(Node), pointer :: np
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: namespaceURI
+    logical :: p
+    type(Node), pointer :: el
+    integer :: i
+    if (.not.associated(np)) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL)
+    endif
+    el => null()
+    select case(getNodeType(np))
+    case (ELEMENT_NODE)
+      el => np
+    case (ATTRIBUTE_NODE)
+      el => getOwnerElement(np)
+    case (DOCUMENT_NODE)
+      el => getDocumentElement(np)
+    end select
+    p = .false.
+    if (associated(el)) then
+      do i = 1, el%elExtras%namespaceNodes%length
+        if (size(el%elExtras%namespaceNodes%nodes(i)%this%elExtras%prefix)==0) then
+          p = (str_vs(el%elExtras%namespaceNodes%nodes(i)%this%elExtras%namespaceURI)==namespaceURI)
+          return
+        endif
+      enddo
+    endif
+  end function isDefaultNamespace
+  pure function lookupNamespaceURI_len(np, prefix, p) result(n)
+    type(Node), intent(in) :: np
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: prefix
+    logical, intent(in) :: p
+    integer :: n
+    integer :: i
+    n = 0
+    if (.not.p) return
+    if (np%nodeType/=ELEMENT_NODE &
+      .and. np%nodeType/=ATTRIBUTE_NODE &
+      .and. np%nodeType/=DOCUMENT_NODE) return
+    if (prefix=="xml".or.prefix=="xmlns") then
+      n = 0
+      return
+    endif
+    select case(np%nodeType)
+    case (ELEMENT_NODE)
+      do i = 1, np%elExtras%namespaceNodes%length
+        if (str_vs(np%elExtras%namespaceNodes%nodes(i)%this%elExtras%prefix)==prefix) then
+          n = size(np%elExtras%namespaceNodes%nodes(i)%this%elExtras%namespaceURI)
+          return
+        endif
+      enddo
+    case (ATTRIBUTE_NODE)
+      if (associated(np%elExtras%ownerElement)) then
+        do i = 1, np%elExtras%ownerElement%elExtras%namespaceNodes%length
+          if (str_vs(np%elExtras%ownerElement%elExtras%namespaceNodes%nodes(i)%this%elExtras%prefix)==prefix) then
+            n = size(np%elExtras%ownerElement%elExtras%namespaceNodes%nodes(i)%this%elExtras%namespaceURI)
+            return
+          endif
+        enddo
+      endif
+    case (DOCUMENT_NODE)
+      if (associated(np%docExtras%documentElement)) then
+        do i = 1, np%docExtras%documentElement%elExtras%namespaceNodes%length
+          if (str_vs(np%docExtras%documentElement%elExtras%namespaceNodes%nodes(i)%this%elExtras%prefix)==prefix) then
+            n = size(np%docExtras%documentElement%elExtras%namespaceNodes%nodes(i)%this%elExtras%namespaceURI)
+            return
+          endif
+        enddo
+      endif
+    end select
+  end function lookupNamespaceURI_len
+  TOHW_function(lookupNamespaceURI, (np, prefix), c)
+    type(Node), pointer :: np
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: prefix
+    character(len=lookupNamespaceURI_len(np, prefix, .true.)) :: c
+    character(len=lookupNamespaceURI_len(np, prefix, associated(np))) :: c
+    type(Node), pointer :: el
+    integer :: i
+    if (.not.associated(np)) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL)
+    endif
+    if (len(c)==0) then
+      c = ""
+      return
+    endif
+    el => null()
+    select case(getNodeType(np))
+    case (ELEMENT_NODE)
+      el => np
+    case (ATTRIBUTE_NODE)
+      el => getOwnerElement(np)
+    case (DOCUMENT_NODE)
+      el => getDocumentElement(np)
+    end select
+    if (associated(el)) then
+      do i = 1, el%elExtras%namespaceNodes%length
+        if (str_vs(el%elExtras%namespaceNodes%nodes(i)%this%elExtras%prefix)==prefix) then
+          c = str_vs(el%elExtras%namespaceNodes%nodes(i)%this%elExtras%namespaceURI)
+          return
+        endif
+      enddo
+    endif
+  end function lookupNamespaceURI
+  pure function lookupPrefix_len(np, namespaceURI, p) result(n)
+    type(Node), intent(in) :: np
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: namespaceURI
+    logical, intent(in) :: p
+    integer :: n
+    integer :: i
+    n = 0
+    if (.not.p) return
+    if (np%nodeType/=ELEMENT_NODE &
+      .and. np%nodeType/=ATTRIBUTE_NODE &
+      .and. np%nodeType/=DOCUMENT_NODE) return
+    if (namespaceURI=="" &
+      .or. namespaceURI=="http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace" &
+      .or. namespaceURI=="http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/") then
+      return
+    endif
+    select case(np%nodeType)
+    case (ELEMENT_NODE)
+      do i = 1, np%elExtras%namespaceNodes%length
+        if (str_vs(np%elExtras%namespaceNodes%nodes(i)%this%elExtras%namespaceURI)==namespaceURI) then
+          n = size(np%elExtras%namespaceNodes%nodes(i)%this%elExtras%prefix)
+          return
+        endif
+      enddo
+    case (ATTRIBUTE_NODE)
+      if (associated(np%elExtras%ownerElement)) then
+        do i = 1, np%elExtras%ownerElement%elExtras%namespaceNodes%length
+          if (str_vs(np%elExtras%ownerElement%elExtras%namespaceNodes%nodes(i)%this%elExtras%namespaceURI)==namespaceURI) then
+            n = size(np%elExtras%ownerElement%elExtras%namespaceNodes%nodes(i)%this%elExtras%prefix)
+            return
+          endif
+        enddo
+      endif
+    case (DOCUMENT_NODE)
+      if (associated(np%docExtras%documentElement)) then
+        do i = 1, np%docExtras%documentElement%elExtras%namespaceNodes%length
+          if (str_vs(np%docExtras%documentElement%elExtras%namespaceNodes%nodes(i)%this%elExtras%namespaceURI)==namespaceURI) then
+            n = size(np%docExtras%documentElement%elExtras%namespaceNodes%nodes(i)%this%elExtras%prefix)
+            return
+          endif
+        enddo
+      endif
+    end select
+  end function lookupPrefix_len
+  TOHW_function(lookupPrefix, (np, namespaceURI), c)
+    type(Node), pointer :: np
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: namespaceURI
+    character(len=lookupPrefix_len(np, namespaceURI, .true.)) :: c
+    character(len=lookupPrefix_len(np, namespaceURI, associated(np))) :: c
+    type(Node), pointer :: el
+    integer :: i
+    if (.not.associated(np)) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL)
+    endif
+    if (len(c)==0) then
+      c = ""
+      return
+    endif
+    el => null()
+    select case(getNodeType(np))
+    case (ELEMENT_NODE)
+      el => np
+    case (ATTRIBUTE_NODE)
+      el => getOwnerElement(np)
+    case (DOCUMENT_NODE)
+      el => getDocumentElement(np)
+    end select
+    if (associated(el)) then
+      do i = 1, el%elExtras%namespaceNodes%length
+        if (str_vs(el%elExtras%namespaceNodes%nodes(i)%this%elExtras%namespaceURI)==namespaceURI) then
+          c = str_vs(el%elExtras%namespaceNodes%nodes(i)%this%elExtras%prefix)
+          return
+        endif
+      enddo
+    endif
+  end function lookupPrefix
+  ! function getUserData
+  ! function setUserData
+  ! will not implement ...
+  subroutine updateTextContentLength(np, n)
+    type(Node), pointer :: np
+    integer, intent(in) :: n
+    type(Node), pointer :: this
+    if (n/=0) then      
+      this => np
+      do while (associated(this))
+        this%textContentLength = this%textContentLength + n
+        this => getParentNode(this)
+        if (associated(this)) then
+          if (getNodeType(this)==DOCUMENT_NODE) exit
+        endif
+      enddo
+    endif
+  end subroutine updateTextContentLength
+  pure function getTextContent_len(arg, p) result(n)
+    type(Node), intent(in) :: arg
+    logical, intent(in) :: p
+    integer :: n
+    if (p) then
+      n = arg%textContentLength
+    else
+      n = 0
+    endif
+  end function getTextContent_len
+  TOHW_function(getTextContent, (arg), c)
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    character(len=getTextContent_len(arg, .true.)) :: c
+    character(len=getTextContent_len(arg, associated(arg))) :: c
+    type(Node), pointer :: this, treeroot
+    integer :: i, i_tree
+    logical :: doneChildren, doneAttributes
+    if (.not.associated(arg)) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL)
+    endif
+    if (len(c) == 0) then
+      c = ""
+      return
+    endif
+    i = 1
+    treeroot => arg
+    TOHW_m_dom_treewalk(`
+      if (associated(this, treeroot).and.isCharData(getNodeType(this))) then
+        c = getData(this)
+        return
+      endif
+      select case(getNodeType(this))
+      case (ELEMENT_NODE)
+        doneAttributes = .true.
+        ! Ignore attributes for text content (unless this is an attribute!)
+        if (.not.getIsElementContentWhitespace(this)) then
+          c(i:i+size(this%nodeValue)-1) = str_vs(this%nodeValue)
+          i = i + size(this%nodeValue)
+        endif
+      end select
+  end function getTextContent
+  TOHW_subroutine(setTextContent, (arg, textContent))
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: textContent
+    type(Node), pointer :: np
+    integer :: i
+    if (.not.associated(arg)) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL)
+    endif
+    if (.not.checkChars(textContent, getXmlVersionEnum(getOwnerDocument(arg)))) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_INVALID_CHARACTER)
+    endif
+    select case(getNodeType(arg))
+      if (arg%readonly) then
+        TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR)
+      endif
+      do i = 1, getLength(getChildNodes(arg))
+        call destroyNode(arg%childNodes%nodes(i)%this)
+      enddo
+      deallocate(arg%childNodes%nodes)
+      allocate(arg%childNodes%nodes(0))
+      arg%childNodes%length = 0
+      arg%firstChild => null()
+      arg%lastChild => null()
+      arg%textContentLength = 0
+      np => createTextNode(getOwnerDocument(arg), textContent)
+      np => appendChild(arg, np)
+      call setData(arg, textContent)
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR)
+    end select
+  end subroutine setTextContent
+  TOHW_function(getBaseURI, (arg), baseURI)
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    character(len=200) :: baseURI
+    type(Node), pointer :: el
+    type(URI), pointer :: URIref, URIbase, newURI
+    select case(getNodeType(arg))
+    case (ELEMENT_NODE)
+      el => arg
+    case (ATTRIBUTE_NODE)
+      if (getName(arg)=="xml:base") then
+        if (associated(getOwnerElement(arg))) then
+          el => getParentNode(getOwnerElement(arg))
+        else
+          el => null()
+        endif
+      else
+        el => getOwnerElement(arg)
+      endif
+    case (TEXT_NODE)
+      ! then are we in an attribute or textContent?
+      el => getParentNode(arg)
+      do while (associated(el))
+        if (getNodeType(el)==ELEMENT_NODE) then
+          exit
+        elseif (getNodeType(el)==ATTRIBUTE_NODE) then
+          el => getOwnerElement(el)
+          exit
+        else
+          el => getParentNode(el)
+        endif
+      enddo
+      ! then are we in or out of element content?
+      el => getParentNode(arg)
+      do while (associated(el))
+        if (getNodeType(el)==ELEMENT_NODE) then
+          exit
+        elseif (getNodeType(el)==DOCUMENT_NODE) then
+          el => getOwnerElement(el)
+          exit
+        else
+          el => getParentNode(el)
+        endif
+      enddo
+    case default
+      el => null()
+    end select
+    URIref => parseURI("")
+    do while (associated(el))
+      select case (getNodeType(el))
+      case (ELEMENT_NODE)
+        if (hasAttribute(el, "xml:base")) then
+          URIbase => parseURI(getAttribute(el, "xml:base"))
+          newURI => rebaseURI(URIbase, URIref)
+          call destroyURI(URIbase)
+          call destroyURI(URIref)
+          URIref => newURI
+          if (isAbsoluteURI(URIref)) exit
+        endif
+        if (getSystemId(el)/="") then
+          URIbase => parseURI(getSystemId(el))
+          newURI => rebaseURI(URIbase, URIref)
+          call destroyURI(URIbase)
+          call destroyURI(URIref)
+          URIref => newURI
+          if (isAbsoluteURI(URIref)) exit
+        endif
+      case default
+        exit
+      end select
+      el => getParentNode(el) 
+    end do
+    if (isAbsoluteURI(URIref)) then
+      baseURI = expressURI(URIref)
+    else
+      baseURI = ""
+    endif
+    call destroyURI(URIref)
+  end function getBaseURI
+  recursive TOHW_function(getNodePath, (arg), c)
+    ! recursive only for atts and text
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    character(len=100) :: c
+    type(Node), pointer :: this, this2
+    character(len=len(c)) :: c2
+    integer :: n
+    if (.not.associated(arg)) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL)
+    endif
+    c = ""
+    if (.not.arg%inDocument) return
+    select case(getNodeType(arg))
+    case (ELEMENT_NODE)
+      this => arg
+      do while (getNodeType(this)/=DOCUMENT_NODE)
+        c2 = ""
+        this2 => getPreviousSibling(this)
+        n = 0
+        do while (associated(this2))
+          if (getNodeType(this2)==ELEMENT_NODE &
+            .and.getNodeName(this2)==getNodeName(this)) n = n + 1
+          this2 => getPreviousSibling(this2)
+        enddo
+        if (n==0) then
+          this2 => getNextSibling(this)
+          do while (associated(this2))
+            if (getNodeType(this2)==ELEMENT_NODE &
+              .and.getNodeName(this2)==getNodeName(this)) then
+              n = 1
+              exit
+            endif
+            this2 => getNextSibling(this2)
+          enddo
+        else
+          n = n + 1
+        endif
+        if (n>0) c2 = "["//n//"]"
+        ! What name to use:
+        if (getNamespaceURI(this)/="".and.getPrefix(this)=="") then
+          ! default namespace; need to do the * trick
+          ! how many previous siblings?
+          c2 = "/*"//c2
+        else
+          c2 = "/"//getNodeName(this)//c2
+        endif
+        c = trim(c2)//c
+        this => getParentNode(this)
+      enddo
+    case (ATTRIBUTE_NODE)
+      c = trim(getNodePath(getOwnerElement(arg)))//"/@"//getNodeName(arg)
+      ! FIXME this will give wrong answers sometimes if
+      ! the tree contains entity references
+      this => getParentNode(arg)
+      do while (associated(this))
+        if (getNodeType(this)==ELEMENT_NODE) exit
+        this => getParentNode(this)
+      enddo
+      if (getNodeType(this)/=ELEMENT_NODE) &
+        this => getOwnerElement(this)
+      c = trim(getNodePath(this))//"/text()"
+      this => getPreviousSibling(arg)
+      n = 0
+      do while (associated(this))
+        if (getNodeType(this)==TEXT_NODE &
+          .or.getNodeType(this)==CDATA_SECTION_NODE) n = n + 1
+        this => getPreviousSibling(this)
+      enddo
+      if (n==0) then
+        this => getNextSibling(arg)
+        do while (associated(this))
+          if (getNodeType(this)==COMMENT_NODE &
+            .or.getNodeType(this)==CDATA_SECTION_NODE) then
+            n = 1
+            exit
+          endif
+          this => getNextSibling(this)
+        enddo
+      else
+        n = n + 1
+      endif
+      if (n>0) c = trim(c)//"["//n//"]"
+      this => getParentNode(arg)
+      c = trim(getNodePath(this))//"/processing-instruction("//getNodeName(arg)//")"
+      this => getPreviousSibling(arg)
+      n = 0
+      do while (associated(this))
+        if (getNodeType(this)==PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE &
+          .and.getNodeName(this)==getNodeName(arg)) n = n + 1
+        this => getPreviousSibling(this)
+      enddo
+      if (n==0) then
+        this => getNextSibling(arg)
+        do while (associated(this))
+          if (getNodeType(this)==PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE &
+            .and.getNodeName(this)==getNodeName(arg)) then
+            n = 1
+            exit
+          endif
+          this => getNextSibling(this)
+        enddo
+      else
+        n = n + 1
+      endif
+      if (n>0) c = trim(c)//"["//n//"]"
+    case (COMMENT_NODE)
+      this => getParentNode(arg)
+      c = trim(getNodePath(this))//"/comment()"
+      this => getPreviousSibling(arg)
+      n = 0
+      do while (associated(this))
+        if (getNodeType(this)==COMMENT_NODE) n = n + 1
+        this => getPreviousSibling(this)
+      enddo
+      if (n==0) then
+        this => getNextSibling(arg)
+        do while (associated(this))
+          if (getNodeType(this)==COMMENT_NODE) then
+            n = 1
+            exit
+          endif
+          this => getNextSibling(this)
+        enddo
+      else
+        n = n + 1
+      endif
+      if (n>0) c = trim(c)//"["//n//"]"
+    case (DOCUMENT_NODE)
+      c = "/"
+      this => getOwnerElement(arg)
+      if (getPrefix(arg)=="") then
+        c = trim(getNodePath(this))//"/namespace::xmlns"
+      else
+        c = trim(getNodePath(this))//"/namespace::"//getPrefix(arg)
+      endif
+      ! FIXME namespace nodes are not marked as inDocument correctly
+    end select
+  end function getNodePath
+  subroutine putNodesInDocument(doc, arg)
+    type(Node), pointer :: doc, arg
+    type(Node), pointer :: this, treeroot
+    logical :: doneChildren, doneAttributes
+    integer :: i_tree
+    treeroot => arg
+        this%inDocument = .true.
+        call remove_node_nl(doc%docExtras%hangingNodes, this)
+  end subroutine putNodesInDocument
+  subroutine removeNodesFromDocument(doc, arg)
+    type(Node), pointer :: doc, arg
+    type(Node), pointer :: this, treeroot
+    logical :: doneChildren, doneAttributes
+    integer :: i_tree
+    treeroot => arg
+        this%inDocument = .false.
+        call append_nl(doc%docExtras%hangingNodes, this)
+  end subroutine removeNodesFromDocument
+  subroutine setReadOnlyNode(arg, p, deep)
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    logical, intent(in) :: p
+    logical, intent(in) :: deep
+    type(Node), pointer :: this, treeroot
+    integer :: i_tree
+    logical :: doneAttributes, doneChildren
+    if (deep) then
+      treeroot => arg
+      this%readonly = p
+      if (this%nodeType==ELEMENT_NODE) &
+        this%elExtras%attributes%readonly = p
+    else
+      arg%readonly = p
+      if (arg%nodeType==ELEMENT_NODE) &
+        arg%elExtras%attributes%readonly = p
+    endif
+  end subroutine setReadOnlyNode
+TOHW_m_dom_get(logical, readonly, np%readonly)
diff --git a/dom/m_dom_nodelist.m4 b/dom/m_dom_nodelist.m4
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fea169b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dom/m_dom_nodelist.m4
@@ -0,0 +1,197 @@
+  public :: item
+  public :: append
+  public :: pop_nl
+  public :: remove_nl
+  public :: destroyNodeList
+  interface append
+    module procedure append_nl
+  end interface
+  interface item
+    module procedure item_nl
+  end interface
+  interface getLength
+    module procedure getLength_nl
+  end interface getLength
+  TOHW_function(item_nl, (list, index), np)
+    type(NodeList), pointer :: list
+    integer, intent(in) :: index
+    type(Node), pointer :: np
+    if (.not.associated(list)) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_LIST_IS_NULL)
+    endif
+    if (index>=0.and.index<list%length)  then
+      np => list%nodes(index+1)%this
+    else
+      np => null()
+    endif
+  end function item_nl
+  subroutine append_nl(list, arg)
+    type(NodeList), intent(inout) :: list
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    type(ListNode), pointer :: temp_nl(:)
+    integer :: i
+    if (.not.associated(list%nodes)) then
+      allocate(list%nodes(1))
+      list%nodes(1)%this => arg
+      list%length = 1
+    else
+      temp_nl => list%nodes
+      allocate(list%nodes(size(temp_nl)+1))
+      do i = 1, size(temp_nl)
+        list%nodes(i)%this => temp_nl(i)%this
+      enddo
+      deallocate(temp_nl)
+      list%nodes(size(list%nodes))%this => arg
+      list%length = size(list%nodes)
+    endif
+  end subroutine append_nl
+  TOHW_function(pop_nl, (list), np)
+    type(NodeList), pointer :: list
+    type(Node), pointer :: np
+    type(ListNode), pointer :: temp_nl(:)
+    integer :: i
+    if (list%length==0) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_INTERNAL_ERROR)
+    endif
+    np => list%nodes(size(list%nodes))%this
+    if (list%length==1) then
+      deallocate(list%nodes)
+      list%length = 0
+    else
+      temp_nl => list%nodes
+      allocate(list%nodes(size(temp_nl)-1))
+      do i = 1, size(temp_nl)-1
+        list%nodes(i)%this => temp_nl(i)%this
+      enddo
+      deallocate(temp_nl)
+      list%length = size(list%nodes)
+    endif
+  end function pop_nl
+  TOHW_function(remove_nl, (nl, index), np)
+    type(NodeList), intent(inout) :: nl
+    integer, intent(in) :: index
+    type(Node), pointer :: np
+    type(ListNode), pointer :: temp_nl(:)
+    integer :: i
+    if (index>nl%length) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_INTERNAL_ERROR)
+    endif
+    np => nl%nodes(index)%this
+    temp_nl => nl%nodes
+    allocate(nl%nodes(size(temp_nl)-1))
+    nl%length = nl%length - 1 
+    do i = 1, index - 1
+      nl%nodes(i)%this => temp_nl(i)%this
+    enddo
+    do i = index, nl%length
+      nl%nodes(i)%this => temp_nl(i+1)%this
+    enddo
+    deallocate(temp_nl)
+  end function remove_nl
+  subroutine remove_node_nl(nl, np)
+    type(NodeList), intent(inout) :: nl
+    type(Node), pointer :: np
+    integer :: i
+    do i = 1, nl%length
+      if (associated(nl%nodes(i)%this, np)) exit
+    enddo
+    np => remove_nl(nl, i)
+  end subroutine remove_node_nl
+  TOHW_function(getLength_nl, (nl), n)
+    type(NodeList), pointer :: nl
+    integer :: n
+    if (.not.associated(nl)) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_LIST_IS_NULL)
+    endif
+    n = size(nl%nodes)
+  end function getLength_nl
+  subroutine destroyNodeList(nl)
+    type(NodeList), pointer :: nl
+    if (associated(nl%nodes)) deallocate(nl%nodes)
+    if (associated(nl%nodeName)) deallocate(nl%nodeName)
+    if (associated(nl%localName)) deallocate(nl%localName)
+    if (associated(nl%namespaceURI)) deallocate(nl%namespaceURI)
+    deallocate(nl)
+  end subroutine destroyNodeList
+  subroutine updateNodeLists(doc)
+    ! When triggered, update all nodelists
+    type(Node), pointer :: doc
+    type(NodeList), pointer :: nl, nl_orig
+    type(NodeListPtr), pointer :: temp_nll(:)
+    integer :: i, i_t
+    if (.not.getGCstate(doc)) return
+    if (.not.doc%docExtras%liveNodeLists) return
+    if (.not.associated(doc%docExtras%nodelists)) return
+    ! We point the old list of nodelists to temp_nll, then recalculate 
+    ! them all (which repopulates nodelists)
+    temp_nll => doc%docExtras%nodelists
+    i_t = size(temp_nll)
+    allocate(doc%docExtras%nodelists(0))
+    do i = 1, i_t
+      nl_orig => temp_nll(i)%this
+      !
+      ! Although all nodes should be searched whatever the result,
+      ! we should only do the appropriate sort of search for this
+      ! list - according to namespaces or not.
+      !
+      if (associated(nl_orig%nodeName)) then 
+        ! this was made by getElementsByTagName
+        nl => getElementsByTagName(nl_orig%element, str_vs(nl_orig%nodeName))
+      elseif (associated(nl_orig%namespaceURI)) then 
+        ! this was made by getElementsByTagNameNS
+        nl => getElementsByTagNameNS(nl_orig%element, &
+          str_vs(nl_orig%localName), str_vs(nl_orig%namespaceURI))
+      endif
+    enddo
+    ! We dont care about the nodelists weve calculated now
+    nullify(nl)
+    deallocate(temp_nll)    
+  end subroutine updateNodeLists
diff --git a/dom/m_dom_object.m4 b/dom/m_dom_object.m4
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5dfe1a3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dom/m_dom_object.m4
@@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
+define(`TOHW_m_dom_get', `dnl
+dnl Provide a getter for the object:
+dnl object is presumed to be a node named np
+dnl $1 is attribute type
+dnl $2 is attribute name
+dnl $3 is location of value within node
+dnl $4 is list of applicable node types
+ifelse(`$1', `DOMString', `
+  pure function get$2_len(np, p) result(n)
+    type(Node), intent(in) :: np
+    logical, intent(in) :: p
+    integer :: n
+ifelse(`$4', `', `dnl
+    if (p) then
+', `dnl
+    if (p .and. ( &
+m4_foreach(`x', `$4', `dnl
+      np%nodeType==x .or. &
+      .false.)) then
+      n = size(`$3')
+    else
+      n = 0
+    endif
+  end function get$2_len
+TOHW_function(`get$2', (np), c)
+    type(Node), pointer :: np
+ifelse(`$1', `DOMString', `dnl
+    character(len=get$2_len(np, .true.)) :: c
+    character(len=get$2_len(np, associated(np))) :: c
+', `$1', `Node',`dnl
+    type(Node), pointer :: c
+', `$1', `NodeList',`dnl
+    type(NodeList), pointer :: c
+', `$1', `NamedNodeMap',`dnl
+    type(NamedNodeMap), pointer :: c
+', `$1', `DOMConfiguration',`dnl
+    type(DOMConfiguration), pointer :: c
+    $1 :: c
+    if (.not.associated(np)) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL)
+    endif
+ifelse($4, `', `', `dnl
+   if (dnl
+m4_foreach(`x', `$4', `getNodeType(np)/=x .and. &
+      .true.) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_INVALID_NODE)
+    endif
+ifelse(`$1', `DOMString', `dnl
+    c = str_vs($3)
+', `$1', `Node', `dnl
+    c => $3
+', `$1', `NodeList', `dnl
+    c => $3
+', `$1', `NamedNodeMap', `dnl
+    c => $3
+', `$1', `DOMConfiguration', `dnl
+    c => $3
+    c = $3
+  end function get$2
+define(`TOHW_m_dom_set', `dnl
+dnl Provide a setter for the object:
+dnl object is presumed to be a node named np
+dnl $1 is attribute type
+dnl $2 is attribute name
+dnl $3 is location of value within node
+dnl $4 is list of applicable node types
+TOHW_subroutine(`set$2', (np, c))
+    type(Node), pointer :: np
+ifelse(`$1', `DOMString', `dnl
+    character(len=*) :: c
+', `$1', `Node',`dnl
+    type(Node), pointer :: c
+', `$1', `NodeList',`dnl
+    type(NodeList), pointer :: c
+', `$1', `NamedNodeMap',`dnl
+    type(NamedNodeMap), pointer :: c
+', `$1', `DOMConfiguration',`dnl
+    type(DOMConfiguration), pointer :: c
+    $1 :: c
+    if (.not.associated(np)) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL)
+    endif
+ifelse($4, `', `', `dnl
+   if (dnl
+m4_foreach(`x', `$4', `getNodeType(np)/=x .and. &
+      .true.) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_INVALID_NODE)
+    endif
+ifelse(`$1', `DOMString', `dnl
+    if (associated($3)) deallocate($3)
+    $3 => vs_str_alloc(c)
+', `$1', `Node', `dnl
+    $3 => c
+', `$1', `NodeList', `dnl
+    $3 => c
+', `$1', `NamedNodeMap', `dnl
+    $3 => c
+', `$1', `DOMConfiguration', `dnl
+    $3 => c
+    $3 = c
+  end subroutine set$2
diff --git a/dom/m_dom_parse.f90 b/dom/m_dom_parse.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..72e6837
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dom/m_dom_parse.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,577 @@
+module m_dom_parse
+  use fox_m_fsys_array_str, only: str_vs, vs_str_alloc
+  use fox_m_utils_uri, only: URI, parseURI, rebaseURI, expressURI, destroyURI
+  use m_common_attrs, only: hasKey, getValue, getIndex, getIsId, getBase,      &
+    add_item_to_dict
+  use m_common_entities, only: entity_t, size, getEntityByIndex
+  use m_common_error, only: FoX_error, in_error
+  use m_common_struct, only: xml_doc_state
+  use FoX_common, only: dictionary_t, getLength
+  use FoX_common, only: getQName, getValue, getURI, isSpecified
+  use m_sax_parser, only: sax_parse
+  use FoX_sax, only: xml_t
+  use FoX_sax, only: open_xml_file, open_xml_string, close_xml_t
+  ! Public interfaces
+  use m_dom_dom, only: DOMConfiguration, Node, NamedNodeMap,                   &
+    TEXT_NODE,                                                                 &
+    getAttributes, getData, getDocType, getEntities, getImplementation,        &
+    getLastChild, getNodeType,         &
+    getNotations, getParameter, getParentNode, getXmlVersion,                  &
+    setAttribute, setAttributeNS, setData, setValue,                           &
+    appendChild, createAttribute, createAttributeNS, createCdataSection,       &
+    createComment, createDocumentType, createElement, createElementNS,         &
+    createEntityReference, createProcessingInstruction, createTextNode,        &
+    getNamedItem, setAttributeNode, setAttributeNodeNS, setNamedItem,          &
+    getFoX_checks
+  ! Private interfaces
+  use m_dom_dom, only: copyDOMConfig, createEmptyDocument, setDocumentElement, &
+    createEmptyEntityReference, createEntity, createNotation,    &
+    getReadOnly, getStringValue, getXds, destroy, destroyAllNodesRecursively,  &
+    namespaceFixup, setDocType, setDomConfig, setGCstate, setIllFormed,        &
+    setIsElementContentWhitespace, setIsId, setReadOnlyMap, setReadonlyNode,   &
+    setSpecified, setXds, setStringValue
+  use m_dom_error, only: DOMException, inException, throw_exception,           &
+    getExceptionCode, PARSE_ERR
+  implicit none
+  private
+  public :: parsefile
+  public :: parsestring
+  type(xml_t), target, save :: fxml
+  type(Node), pointer, save  :: mainDoc => null()
+  type(Node), pointer, save  :: current => null()
+  type(DOMConfiguration), pointer :: domConfig
+  logical :: cdata
+  character, pointer :: error(:) => null()
+  character, pointer :: inEntity(:) => null()
+  subroutine startElement_handler(nsURI, localname, name, attrs)
+    character(len=*),   intent(in) :: nsURI
+    character(len=*),   intent(in) :: localname
+    character(len=*),   intent(in) :: name
+    type(dictionary_t), intent(in) :: attrs
+    type(URI), pointer :: URIref, URIbase, newURI
+    type(Node), pointer :: el, attr, dummy
+    character, pointer :: baseURI(:)
+    integer :: i
+    if (getParameter(domConfig, "namespaces")) then
+      el => createElementNS(mainDoc, nsURI, name)
+    else
+      el => createElement(mainDoc, name)
+    endif
+    if (getBase(attrs)/="") then
+      i = getIndex(attrs, "xml:base")
+      if (i>0) then
+        URIbase => parseURI(getBase(attrs))
+        URIref => parseURI(getValue(attrs, i))
+        newURI => rebaseURI(URIbase, URIref)
+        call destroyURI(URIbase)
+        call destroyURI(URIref)
+        baseURI => vs_str_alloc(expressURI(newURI))
+        call destroyURI(newURI)
+      else
+        baseURI => vs_str_alloc(getBase(attrs))
+      endif
+      if (getParameter(domConfig, "namespaces")) then
+        attr => createAttributeNS(mainDoc, &
+          "http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace", "xml:base")
+      else
+        attr => createAttribute(mainDoc, "xml:base")
+      endif
+      call setValue(attr, str_vs(baseURI))
+      deallocate(baseURI)
+      if (i>0) then
+        call setSpecified(attr, isSpecified(attrs, i))
+        call setIsId(attr, getIsId(attrs, i))
+      endif
+      if (getParameter(domConfig, "namespaces")) then
+        dummy => setAttributeNodeNS(el, attr)
+      else
+        dummy => setAttributeNode(el, attr)
+      endif
+    endif
+    do i = 1, getLength(attrs)
+      if (getQName(attrs, i)=="xml:base") cycle
+      if (getParameter(domConfig, "namespaces")) then
+        attr => createAttributeNS(mainDoc, getURI(attrs, i), getQName(attrs, i))
+      else
+        attr => createAttribute(mainDoc, getQName(attrs, i))
+      endif
+      call setValue(attr, getValue(attrs, i))
+      call setSpecified(attr, isSpecified(attrs, i))
+      call setIsId(attr, getIsId(attrs, i))
+      if (getParameter(domConfig, "namespaces")) then
+        dummy => setAttributeNodeNS(el, attr)
+      else
+        dummy => setAttributeNode(el, attr)
+      endif
+      if (associated(inEntity)) call setReadOnlyNode(attr, .true., .true.)
+    enddo
+    if (associated(current, mainDoc)) then
+      current => appendChild(current,el)
+      call setDocumentElement(mainDoc, current)
+    else
+      current => appendChild(current,el)
+    endif
+    if (getParameter(domConfig, "namespaces")) &
+       call namespaceFixup(current, .false.)
+    if (associated(inEntity)) &
+      call setReadOnlyMap(getAttributes(current), .true.)
+    cdata = .false.
+  end subroutine startElement_handler
+  subroutine endElement_handler(URI, localName, name)
+    character(len=*), intent(in)     :: URI
+    character(len=*), intent(in)     :: localname
+    character(len=*), intent(in)     :: name
+    if (associated(inEntity)) call setReadOnlyNode(current, .true., .false.)
+    current => getParentNode(current)
+  end subroutine endElement_handler
+  ! FIXME to pick up entity references within attribute values, we need
+  ! separate just_the_element, start_attribute, attribute_text etc. calls.
+  subroutine characters_handler(chunk)
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: chunk
+    type(Node), pointer :: temp
+    logical :: readonly
+    temp => getLastChild(current)
+    if (associated(temp)) then
+      if (.not.cdata.and.getNodeType(temp)==TEXT_NODE) then
+        readonly = getReadOnly(temp) ! Reset readonly status quickly
+        call setReadOnlyNode(temp, .false., .false.)
+        call setData(temp, getData(temp)//chunk)
+        call setReadOnlyNode(temp, readonly, .false.)
+        return
+      endif
+    endif
+    if (cdata) then
+      temp => createCdataSection(mainDoc, chunk)
+      temp => appendChild(current, temp)
+    else
+      temp => createTextNode(mainDoc, chunk)
+      temp => appendChild(current, temp)
+    endif
+    if (associated(inEntity)) call setReadOnlyNode(temp, .true., .false.)
+  end subroutine characters_handler
+  subroutine ignorableWhitespace_handler(chunk)
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: chunk
+    type(Node), pointer :: temp
+    logical :: readonly
+    if (getParameter(domConfig, "element-content-whitespace")) then
+      temp => getLastChild(current)
+      if (associated(temp)) then
+        if (getNodeType(temp)==TEXT_NODE) then
+          readonly = getReadOnly(temp) ! Reset readonly status quickly
+          call setReadOnlyNode(temp, .false., .false.)
+          call setData(temp, getData(temp)//chunk)
+          call setReadOnlyNode(temp, readonly, .false.)
+          call setIsElementContentWhitespace(temp, .true.)
+          return
+        endif
+      endif
+      temp => createTextNode(mainDoc, chunk)
+      temp => appendChild(current, temp)
+      call setIsElementContentWhitespace(temp, .true.)
+      if (associated(inEntity)) call setReadOnlyNode(temp, .true., .false.)
+    endif
+  end subroutine ignorableWhitespace_handler
+  subroutine comment_handler(comment)
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: comment
+    type(Node), pointer :: temp
+    if (getParameter(domConfig, "comments")) then
+      temp => appendChild(current, createComment(mainDoc, comment))
+      if (associated(inEntity)) call setReadOnlyNode(temp, .true., .false.)
+    endif
+  end subroutine comment_handler
+  subroutine processingInstruction_handler(target, data)
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: target
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: data
+    type(Node), pointer :: temp
+    temp => appendChild(current, &
+      createProcessingInstruction(mainDoc, target, data))
+    if (associated(inEntity)) call setReadOnlyNode(temp, .true., .false.)
+  end subroutine processingInstruction_handler
+  subroutine startDocument_handler
+    mainDoc => createEmptyDocument()
+    current => mainDoc
+    call setGCstate(mainDoc, .false.)
+    call setDomConfig(mainDoc, domConfig)
+  end subroutine startDocument_handler
+  subroutine endDocument_Handler
+    call setGCstate(mainDoc, .true.)
+  end subroutine endDocument_Handler
+  subroutine startDTD_handler(name, publicId, systemId)
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: publicId
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: systemId
+    type(Node), pointer :: np
+    np => createDocumentType(getImplementation(mainDoc), name, publicId=publicId, systemId=systemId)
+    np => appendChild(mainDoc, np)
+    call setDocType(mainDoc, np)
+  end subroutine startDTD_handler
+  subroutine endDTD_handler
+    type(Node), pointer :: np, oldcurrent
+    type(NamedNodeMap), pointer :: entities
+    type(xml_t) :: subsax
+    type(xml_doc_state), pointer :: xds
+    type(entity_t), pointer :: ent
+    integer :: i, ios
+    logical :: ok
+    entities => getEntities(getDocType(mainDoc))
+    xds => getXds(mainDoc)
+    do i = 1, size(xds%entityList)
+      ent => getEntityByIndex(xds%entityList, i)
+      np => getNamedItem(entities, str_vs(ent%name))
+      ok = .false.
+      if (ent%external) then
+        if (size(ent%notation)==0) then
+          call open_xml_file(subsax, expressURI(ent%baseURI), iostat=ios)
+          if (ios/=0) then
+            call setIllFormed(np, .true.)
+          else
+            ok = .true.
+          endif
+        endif
+      else
+        call open_xml_string(subsax, getStringValue(np))
+        ok = .true.
+      endif
+      if (ok) then
+        oldcurrent => current
+        current => np
+        ! Run the parser over value
+        ! We do this with all entities already declared.
+        call sax_parse(subsax%fx, subsax%fb,                           &
+          startElement_handler=startElement_handler,                   &
+          endElement_handler=endElement_handler,                       &
+          characters_handler=characters_handler,                       &
+          startCdata_handler=startCdata_handler,                       &
+          endCdata_handler=endCdata_handler,                           &
+          comment_handler=comment_handler,                             &
+          processingInstruction_handler=processingInstruction_handler, &
+          fatalError_handler=entityErrorHandler,                       &
+          startInCharData = .true.,                                    &
+          externalEntity = ent%external,                               &
+          xmlVersion = getXmlVersion(mainDoc),                         &
+          namespaces=getParameter(domConfig, "namespaces"),            &
+          initial_entities = xds%entityList)
+        call close_xml_t(subsax)
+        current => oldcurrent
+      endif
+    enddo
+    if (associated(getDocType(mainDoc))) then
+      call setReadonlyMap(getEntities(getDocType(mainDoc)), .true.)
+      call setReadonlyMap(getNotations(getDocType(mainDoc)), .true.)
+    endif
+  end subroutine endDTD_handler
+  subroutine FoX_endDTD_handler(state)
+    type(xml_doc_state), pointer :: state
+    call setXds(mainDoc, state)
+  end subroutine FoX_endDTD_handler
+  subroutine notationDecl_handler(name, publicId, systemId)
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
+    character(len=*), intent(in) ::  publicId
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: systemId
+    type(Node), pointer :: np
+    np => createNotation(mainDoc, name, publicId=publicId, systemId=systemId)
+    np => setNamedItem(getNotations(getDocType(mainDoc)), np)
+    ! The SAX parser will never give us duplicate entities,
+    ! so there is no need to check
+  end subroutine notationDecl_handler
+  subroutine startCdata_handler()
+    if (getParameter(domConfig, "cdata-sections")) cdata = .true.
+  end subroutine startCdata_handler
+  subroutine endCdata_handler()
+    cdata = .false.
+  end subroutine endCdata_handler
+  subroutine internalEntityDecl_handler(name, value)
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: value
+    type(Node), pointer :: np
+    if (name(1:1)=="%") return
+    ! Do nothing with parameter entities
+    ! We only note that these exist here.
+    ! A second parsing stage is triggered at the end
+    ! of the DTD, in order to resolve entity references (which
+    ! need not be declared in order)
+    np => createEntity(mainDoc, name, "", "", "")
+    call setStringValue(np, value)
+    np => setNamedItem(getEntities(getDocType(mainDoc)), np)
+  end subroutine internalEntityDecl_handler
+  subroutine normalErrorHandler(msg)
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: msg
+    ! This is called if the main parsing routine fails
+    error => vs_str_alloc(msg)
+  end subroutine normalErrorHandler
+  subroutine entityErrorHandler(msg)
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: msg
+    !This gets called if parsing of an entity failed. If so,
+    !then we need to destroy all nodes which were being generated as
+    !children of this entity, then mark the entity as ill-formed - but
+    !otherwise carry on parsing the document, and only throw an error
+    !if a reference is made to it.
+    call destroyAllNodesRecursively(current, except=.true.)
+    call setIllFormed(current, .true.)
+  end subroutine entityErrorHandler
+  subroutine externalEntityDecl_handler(name, publicId, systemId)
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: publicId
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: systemId
+    type(Node), pointer :: np
+    if (name(1:1)=="%") return
+    ! Do nothing with parameter entities
+    np => createEntity(mainDoc, name, &
+      publicId=publicId, systemId=systemId, notationName="")
+    np => setNamedItem(getEntities(getDocType(mainDoc)), np)
+  end subroutine externalEntityDecl_handler
+  subroutine unparsedEntityDecl_handler(name, publicId, systemId, notationName)
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: publicId
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: systemId
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: notationName
+    type(Node), pointer :: np
+    np => getNamedItem(getEntities(getDocType(mainDoc)), name)
+    if (.not.associated(np)) then
+      np => createEntity(mainDoc, name, publicId=publicId, systemId=systemId, notationName=notationName)
+      np => setNamedItem(getEntities(getDocType(mainDoc)), np)
+    endif
+  end subroutine unparsedEntityDecl_handler
+  subroutine startEntity_handler(name)
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
+    if (name(1:1)=="%") return
+    ! Do nothing with parameter entities
+    if (getParameter(domConfig, "entities")) then
+      if (.not.associated(inEntity)) then
+        inEntity => vs_str_alloc(name)
+      endif
+      current => appendChild(current, createEmptyEntityReference(mainDoc, name))
+    endif
+  end subroutine startEntity_handler
+  subroutine endEntity_handler(name)
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
+    if (name(1:1)=="%") return
+    ! Do nothing with parameter entities
+    if (getParameter(domConfig, "entities")) then
+      call setReadOnlyNode(current, .true., .false.)
+      if (str_vs(inEntity)==name) deallocate(inEntity)
+      current => getParentNode(current)
+    endif
+  end subroutine endEntity_handler
+  subroutine skippedEntity_handler(name)
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
+    type(Node), pointer :: temp
+    if (name(1:1)=="%") return
+    ! Do nothing with parameter entities
+    temp => appendChild(current, createEntityReference(mainDoc, name))
+    if (associated(inEntity)) call setReadonlyNode(temp, .true., .false.)
+  end subroutine skippedEntity_handler
+  subroutine runParser(fxml, configuration, ex)
+    type(DOMException), intent(out), optional :: ex
+    type(xml_t), intent(inout) :: fxml
+    type(DOMConfiguration), pointer, optional :: configuration
+    allocate(DOMConfig)
+    if (present(configuration)) call copyDOMConfig(DOMConfig, configuration)
+! We use internal sax_parse rather than public interface in order
+! to use internal callbacks to get extra info.
+    call sax_parse(fx=fxml%fx, fb=fxml%fb,&
+      characters_handler=characters_handler,            &
+      endDocument_handler=endDocument_handler,           &
+      endElement_handler=endElement_handler,            &
+      !endPrefixMapping_handler,      &
+      ignorableWhitespace_handler=ignorableWhitespace_handler,   &
+      processingInstruction_handler=processingInstruction_handler, &
+      ! setDocumentLocator
+      skippedEntity_handler=skippedEntity_handler,         &
+      startDocument_handler=startDocument_handler,         & 
+      startElement_handler=startElement_handler,          &
+      !startPrefixMapping_handler,    &
+      notationDecl_handler=notationDecl_handler,          &
+      unparsedEntityDecl_handler=unparsedEntityDecl_handler, &
+      !error_handler,            &
+      fatalError_handler=normalErrorHandler,                 &
+      !warning_handler,               &
+      !attributeDecl_handler,         &
+      !elementDecl_handler,           &
+      externalEntityDecl_handler=externalEntityDecl_handler, &
+      internalEntityDecl_handler=internalEntityDecl_handler,    &
+      comment_handler=comment_handler,              &
+      endCdata_handler=endCdata_handler,             &
+      endDTD_handler=endDTD_handler,                &
+      endEntity_handler=endEntity_handler,             &
+      startCdata_handler=startCdata_handler,    &
+      startDTD_handler=startDTD_handler,          &
+      startEntity_handler=startEntity_handler, &
+      FoX_endDTD_handler=FoX_endDTD_handler, &
+      namespaces = getParameter(domConfig, "namespaces"),     &
+      namespace_prefixes = .true., &
+      validate = getParameter(domConfig, "validate"), & ! FIXME what about validate-if-present ...
+      xmlns_uris = .true.)
+    call close_xml_t(fxml)
+    if (associated(error)) then
+      if (associated(inEntity)) deallocate(inEntity)
+      ! FIXME pass the value of the error through
+      ! when we let exceptions do that
+      deallocate(error)
+      call destroy(mainDoc)
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.PARSE_ERR<200) then
+  call throw_exception(PARSE_ERR, "runParser", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+  end subroutine runParser
+  function parsefile(filename, configuration, iostat, ex) 
+    type(DOMException), intent(out), optional :: ex
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: filename
+    type(DOMConfiguration), pointer, optional :: configuration
+    integer, intent(out), optional :: iostat
+    type(Node), pointer :: parsefile
+    type(DOMException) :: ex_
+    integer :: iostat_
+    call open_xml_file(fxml, filename, iostat_)
+    if (present(iostat)) then
+      iostat = iostat_
+      if (iostat/=0) return
+    elseif (in_error(fxml%fx%error_stack)) then
+      call FoX_error(str_vs(fxml%fx%error_stack%stack(1)%msg))
+    elseif (iostat_/=0) then
+      call FoX_error("Cannot open file")
+    endif
+    if (present(ex)) then
+      call runParser(fxml, configuration, ex)
+    elseif (present(iostat)) then
+      call runParser(fxml, configuration, ex_)
+    else
+      call runParser(fxml, configuration)
+    endif
+    if (present(iostat).and.inException(ex_)) then
+      iostat = getExceptionCode(ex_)
+    endif
+    parsefile => mainDoc
+    mainDoc => null()
+  end function parsefile
+  function parsestring(string, configuration, ex) 
+    type(DOMException), intent(out), optional :: ex
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: string
+    type(DOMConfiguration), pointer, optional :: configuration
+    type(Node), pointer :: parsestring
+    call open_xml_string(fxml, string)
+    call runParser(fxml, configuration, ex)
+    parsestring => mainDoc
+    mainDoc => null()
+  end function parsestring
+end module m_dom_parse
diff --git a/dom/m_dom_parse.m4 b/dom/m_dom_parse.m4
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ef80025
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dom/m_dom_parse.m4
@@ -0,0 +1,570 @@
+module m_dom_parse
+  use fox_m_fsys_array_str, only: str_vs, vs_str_alloc
+  use fox_m_utils_uri, only: URI, parseURI, rebaseURI, expressURI, destroyURI
+  use m_common_attrs, only: hasKey, getValue, getIndex, getIsId, getBase,      &
+    add_item_to_dict
+  use m_common_entities, only: entity_t, size, getEntityByIndex
+  use m_common_error, only: FoX_error, in_error
+  use m_common_struct, only: xml_doc_state
+  use FoX_common, only: dictionary_t, getLength
+  use FoX_common, only: getQName, getValue, getURI, isSpecified
+  use m_sax_parser, only: sax_parse
+  use FoX_sax, only: xml_t
+  use FoX_sax, only: open_xml_file, open_xml_string, close_xml_t
+  ! Public interfaces
+  use m_dom_dom, only: DOMConfiguration, Node, NamedNodeMap,                   &
+    TEXT_NODE,                                                                 &
+    getAttributes, getData, getDocType, getEntities, getImplementation,        &
+    getLastChild, getNodeType,         &
+    getNotations, getParameter, getParentNode, getXmlVersion,                  &
+    setAttribute, setAttributeNS, setData, setValue,                           &
+    appendChild, createAttribute, createAttributeNS, createCdataSection,       &
+    createComment, createDocumentType, createElement, createElementNS,         &
+    createEntityReference, createProcessingInstruction, createTextNode,        &
+    getNamedItem, setAttributeNode, setAttributeNodeNS, setNamedItem,          &
+    getFoX_checks
+  ! Private interfaces
+  use m_dom_dom, only: copyDOMConfig, createEmptyDocument, setDocumentElement, &
+    createEmptyEntityReference, createEntity, createNotation,    &
+    getReadOnly, getStringValue, getXds, destroy, destroyAllNodesRecursively,  &
+    namespaceFixup, setDocType, setDomConfig, setGCstate, setIllFormed,        &
+    setIsElementContentWhitespace, setIsId, setReadOnlyMap, setReadonlyNode,   &
+    setSpecified, setXds, setStringValue
+  use m_dom_error, only: DOMException, inException, throw_exception,           &
+    getExceptionCode, PARSE_ERR
+  implicit none
+  private
+  public :: parsefile
+  public :: parsestring
+  type(xml_t), target, save :: fxml
+  type(Node), pointer, save  :: mainDoc => null()
+  type(Node), pointer, save  :: current => null()
+  type(DOMConfiguration), pointer :: domConfig
+  logical :: cdata
+  character, pointer :: error(:) => null()
+  character, pointer :: inEntity(:) => null()
+  subroutine startElement_handler(nsURI, localname, name, attrs)
+    character(len=*),   intent(in) :: nsURI
+    character(len=*),   intent(in) :: localname
+    character(len=*),   intent(in) :: name
+    type(dictionary_t), intent(in) :: attrs
+    type(URI), pointer :: URIref, URIbase, newURI
+    type(Node), pointer :: el, attr, dummy
+    character, pointer :: baseURI(:)
+    integer :: i
+    if (getParameter(domConfig, "namespaces")) then
+      el => createElementNS(mainDoc, nsURI, name)
+    else
+      el => createElement(mainDoc, name)
+    endif
+    if (getBase(attrs)/="") then
+      i = getIndex(attrs, "xml:base")
+      if (i>0) then
+        URIbase => parseURI(getBase(attrs))
+        URIref => parseURI(getValue(attrs, i))
+        newURI => rebaseURI(URIbase, URIref)
+        call destroyURI(URIbase)
+        call destroyURI(URIref)
+        baseURI => vs_str_alloc(expressURI(newURI))
+        call destroyURI(newURI)
+      else
+        baseURI => vs_str_alloc(getBase(attrs))
+      endif
+      if (getParameter(domConfig, "namespaces")) then
+        attr => createAttributeNS(mainDoc, &
+          "http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace", "xml:base")
+      else
+        attr => createAttribute(mainDoc, "xml:base")
+      endif
+      call setValue(attr, str_vs(baseURI))
+      deallocate(baseURI)
+      if (i>0) then
+        call setSpecified(attr, isSpecified(attrs, i))
+        call setIsId(attr, getIsId(attrs, i))
+      endif
+      if (getParameter(domConfig, "namespaces")) then
+        dummy => setAttributeNodeNS(el, attr)
+      else
+        dummy => setAttributeNode(el, attr)
+      endif
+    endif
+    do i = 1, getLength(attrs)
+      if (getQName(attrs, i)=="xml:base") cycle
+      if (getParameter(domConfig, "namespaces")) then
+        attr => createAttributeNS(mainDoc, getURI(attrs, i), getQName(attrs, i))
+      else
+        attr => createAttribute(mainDoc, getQName(attrs, i))
+      endif
+      call setValue(attr, getValue(attrs, i))
+      call setSpecified(attr, isSpecified(attrs, i))
+      call setIsId(attr, getIsId(attrs, i))
+      if (getParameter(domConfig, "namespaces")) then
+        dummy => setAttributeNodeNS(el, attr)
+      else
+        dummy => setAttributeNode(el, attr)
+      endif
+      if (associated(inEntity)) call setReadOnlyNode(attr, .true., .true.)
+    enddo
+    if (associated(current, mainDoc)) then
+      current => appendChild(current,el)
+      call setDocumentElement(mainDoc, current)
+    else
+      current => appendChild(current,el)
+    endif
+    if (getParameter(domConfig, "namespaces")) &
+       call namespaceFixup(current, .false.)
+    if (associated(inEntity)) &
+      call setReadOnlyMap(getAttributes(current), .true.)
+    cdata = .false.
+  end subroutine startElement_handler
+  subroutine endElement_handler(URI, localName, name)
+    character(len=*), intent(in)     :: URI
+    character(len=*), intent(in)     :: localname
+    character(len=*), intent(in)     :: name
+    if (associated(inEntity)) call setReadOnlyNode(current, .true., .false.)
+    current => getParentNode(current)
+  end subroutine endElement_handler
+  ! FIXME to pick up entity references within attribute values, we need
+  ! separate just_the_element, start_attribute, attribute_text etc. calls.
+  subroutine characters_handler(chunk)
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: chunk
+    type(Node), pointer :: temp
+    logical :: readonly
+    temp => getLastChild(current)
+    if (associated(temp)) then
+      if (.not.cdata.and.getNodeType(temp)==TEXT_NODE) then
+        readonly = getReadOnly(temp) ! Reset readonly status quickly
+        call setReadOnlyNode(temp, .false., .false.)
+        call setData(temp, getData(temp)//chunk)
+        call setReadOnlyNode(temp, readonly, .false.)
+        return
+      endif
+    endif
+    if (cdata) then
+      temp => createCdataSection(mainDoc, chunk)
+      temp => appendChild(current, temp)
+    else
+      temp => createTextNode(mainDoc, chunk)
+      temp => appendChild(current, temp)
+    endif
+    if (associated(inEntity)) call setReadOnlyNode(temp, .true., .false.)
+  end subroutine characters_handler
+  subroutine ignorableWhitespace_handler(chunk)
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: chunk
+    type(Node), pointer :: temp
+    logical :: readonly
+    if (getParameter(domConfig, "element-content-whitespace")) then
+      temp => getLastChild(current)
+      if (associated(temp)) then
+        if (getNodeType(temp)==TEXT_NODE) then
+          readonly = getReadOnly(temp) ! Reset readonly status quickly
+          call setReadOnlyNode(temp, .false., .false.)
+          call setData(temp, getData(temp)//chunk)
+          call setReadOnlyNode(temp, readonly, .false.)
+          call setIsElementContentWhitespace(temp, .true.)
+          return
+        endif
+      endif
+      temp => createTextNode(mainDoc, chunk)
+      temp => appendChild(current, temp)
+      call setIsElementContentWhitespace(temp, .true.)
+      if (associated(inEntity)) call setReadOnlyNode(temp, .true., .false.)
+    endif
+  end subroutine ignorableWhitespace_handler
+  subroutine comment_handler(comment)
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: comment
+    type(Node), pointer :: temp
+    if (getParameter(domConfig, "comments")) then
+      temp => appendChild(current, createComment(mainDoc, comment))
+      if (associated(inEntity)) call setReadOnlyNode(temp, .true., .false.)
+    endif
+  end subroutine comment_handler
+  subroutine processingInstruction_handler(target, data)
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: target
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: data
+    type(Node), pointer :: temp
+    temp => appendChild(current, &
+      createProcessingInstruction(mainDoc, target, data))
+    if (associated(inEntity)) call setReadOnlyNode(temp, .true., .false.)
+  end subroutine processingInstruction_handler
+  subroutine startDocument_handler
+    mainDoc => createEmptyDocument()
+    current => mainDoc
+    call setGCstate(mainDoc, .false.)
+    call setDomConfig(mainDoc, domConfig)
+  end subroutine startDocument_handler
+  subroutine endDocument_Handler
+    call setGCstate(mainDoc, .true.)
+  end subroutine endDocument_Handler
+  subroutine startDTD_handler(name, publicId, systemId)
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: publicId
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: systemId
+    type(Node), pointer :: np
+    np => createDocumentType(getImplementation(mainDoc), name, publicId=publicId, systemId=systemId)
+    np => appendChild(mainDoc, np)
+    call setDocType(mainDoc, np)
+  end subroutine startDTD_handler
+  subroutine endDTD_handler
+    type(Node), pointer :: np, oldcurrent
+    type(NamedNodeMap), pointer :: entities
+    type(xml_t) :: subsax
+    type(xml_doc_state), pointer :: xds
+    type(entity_t), pointer :: ent
+    integer :: i, ios
+    logical :: ok
+    entities => getEntities(getDocType(mainDoc))
+    xds => getXds(mainDoc)
+    do i = 1, size(xds%entityList)
+      ent => getEntityByIndex(xds%entityList, i)
+      np => getNamedItem(entities, str_vs(ent%name))
+      ok = .false.
+      if (ent%external) then
+        if (size(ent%notation)==0) then
+          call open_xml_file(subsax, expressURI(ent%baseURI), iostat=ios)
+          if (ios/=0) then
+            call setIllFormed(np, .true.)
+          else
+            ok = .true.
+          endif
+        endif
+      else
+        call open_xml_string(subsax, getStringValue(np))
+        ok = .true.
+      endif
+      if (ok) then
+        oldcurrent => current
+        current => np
+        ! Run the parser over value
+        ! We do this with all entities already declared.
+        call sax_parse(subsax%fx, subsax%fb,                           &
+          startElement_handler=startElement_handler,                   &
+          endElement_handler=endElement_handler,                       &
+          characters_handler=characters_handler,                       &
+          startCdata_handler=startCdata_handler,                       &
+          endCdata_handler=endCdata_handler,                           &
+          comment_handler=comment_handler,                             &
+          processingInstruction_handler=processingInstruction_handler, &
+          fatalError_handler=entityErrorHandler,                       &
+          startInCharData = .true.,                                    &
+          externalEntity = ent%external,                               &
+          xmlVersion = getXmlVersion(mainDoc),                         &
+          namespaces=getParameter(domConfig, "namespaces"),            &
+          initial_entities = xds%entityList)
+        call close_xml_t(subsax)
+        current => oldcurrent
+      endif
+    enddo
+    if (associated(getDocType(mainDoc))) then
+      call setReadonlyMap(getEntities(getDocType(mainDoc)), .true.)
+      call setReadonlyMap(getNotations(getDocType(mainDoc)), .true.)
+    endif
+  end subroutine endDTD_handler
+  subroutine FoX_endDTD_handler(state)
+    type(xml_doc_state), pointer :: state
+    call setXds(mainDoc, state)
+  end subroutine FoX_endDTD_handler
+  subroutine notationDecl_handler(name, publicId, systemId)
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
+    character(len=*), intent(in) ::  publicId
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: systemId
+    type(Node), pointer :: np
+    np => createNotation(mainDoc, name, publicId=publicId, systemId=systemId)
+    np => setNamedItem(getNotations(getDocType(mainDoc)), np)
+    ! The SAX parser will never give us duplicate entities,
+    ! so there is no need to check
+  end subroutine notationDecl_handler
+  subroutine startCdata_handler()
+    if (getParameter(domConfig, "cdata-sections")) cdata = .true.
+  end subroutine startCdata_handler
+  subroutine endCdata_handler()
+    cdata = .false.
+  end subroutine endCdata_handler
+  subroutine internalEntityDecl_handler(name, value)
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: value
+    type(Node), pointer :: np
+    if (name(1:1)=="%") return
+    ! Do nothing with parameter entities
+    ! We only note that these exist here.
+    ! A second parsing stage is triggered at the end
+    ! of the DTD, in order to resolve entity references (which
+    ! need not be declared in order)
+    np => createEntity(mainDoc, name, "", "", "")
+    call setStringValue(np, value)
+    np => setNamedItem(getEntities(getDocType(mainDoc)), np)
+  end subroutine internalEntityDecl_handler
+  subroutine normalErrorHandler(msg)
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: msg
+    ! This is called if the main parsing routine fails
+    error => vs_str_alloc(msg)
+  end subroutine normalErrorHandler
+  subroutine entityErrorHandler(msg)
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: msg
+    !This gets called if parsing of an entity failed. If so,
+    !then we need to destroy all nodes which were being generated as
+    !children of this entity, then mark the entity as ill-formed - but
+    !otherwise carry on parsing the document, and only throw an error
+    !if a reference is made to it.
+    call destroyAllNodesRecursively(current, except=.true.)
+    call setIllFormed(current, .true.)
+  end subroutine entityErrorHandler
+  subroutine externalEntityDecl_handler(name, publicId, systemId)
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: publicId
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: systemId
+    type(Node), pointer :: np
+    if (name(1:1)=="%") return
+    ! Do nothing with parameter entities
+    np => createEntity(mainDoc, name, &
+      publicId=publicId, systemId=systemId, notationName="")
+    np => setNamedItem(getEntities(getDocType(mainDoc)), np)
+  end subroutine externalEntityDecl_handler
+  subroutine unparsedEntityDecl_handler(name, publicId, systemId, notationName)
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: publicId
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: systemId
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: notationName
+    type(Node), pointer :: np
+    np => getNamedItem(getEntities(getDocType(mainDoc)), name)
+    if (.not.associated(np)) then
+      np => createEntity(mainDoc, name, publicId=publicId, systemId=systemId, notationName=notationName)
+      np => setNamedItem(getEntities(getDocType(mainDoc)), np)
+    endif
+  end subroutine unparsedEntityDecl_handler
+  subroutine startEntity_handler(name)
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
+    if (name(1:1)=="%") return
+    ! Do nothing with parameter entities
+    if (getParameter(domConfig, "entities")) then
+      if (.not.associated(inEntity)) then
+        inEntity => vs_str_alloc(name)
+      endif
+      current => appendChild(current, createEmptyEntityReference(mainDoc, name))
+    endif
+  end subroutine startEntity_handler
+  subroutine endEntity_handler(name)
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
+    if (name(1:1)=="%") return
+    ! Do nothing with parameter entities
+    if (getParameter(domConfig, "entities")) then
+      call setReadOnlyNode(current, .true., .false.)
+      if (str_vs(inEntity)==name) deallocate(inEntity)
+      current => getParentNode(current)
+    endif
+  end subroutine endEntity_handler
+  subroutine skippedEntity_handler(name)
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
+    type(Node), pointer :: temp
+    if (name(1:1)=="%") return
+    ! Do nothing with parameter entities
+    temp => appendChild(current, createEntityReference(mainDoc, name))
+    if (associated(inEntity)) call setReadonlyNode(temp, .true., .false.)
+  end subroutine skippedEntity_handler
+  TOHW_subroutine(runParser, (fxml, configuration))
+    type(xml_t), intent(inout) :: fxml
+    type(DOMConfiguration), pointer, optional :: configuration
+    allocate(DOMConfig)
+    if (present(configuration)) call copyDOMConfig(DOMConfig, configuration)
+! We use internal sax_parse rather than public interface in order
+! to use internal callbacks to get extra info.
+    call sax_parse(fx=fxml%fx, fb=fxml%fb,&
+      characters_handler=characters_handler,            &
+      endDocument_handler=endDocument_handler,           &
+      endElement_handler=endElement_handler,            &
+      !endPrefixMapping_handler,      &
+      ignorableWhitespace_handler=ignorableWhitespace_handler,   &
+      processingInstruction_handler=processingInstruction_handler, &
+      ! setDocumentLocator
+      skippedEntity_handler=skippedEntity_handler,         &
+      startDocument_handler=startDocument_handler,         & 
+      startElement_handler=startElement_handler,          &
+      !startPrefixMapping_handler,    &
+      notationDecl_handler=notationDecl_handler,          &
+      unparsedEntityDecl_handler=unparsedEntityDecl_handler, &
+      !error_handler,            &
+      fatalError_handler=normalErrorHandler,                 &
+      !warning_handler,               &
+      !attributeDecl_handler,         &
+      !elementDecl_handler,           &
+      externalEntityDecl_handler=externalEntityDecl_handler, &
+      internalEntityDecl_handler=internalEntityDecl_handler,    &
+      comment_handler=comment_handler,              &
+      endCdata_handler=endCdata_handler,             &
+      endDTD_handler=endDTD_handler,                &
+      endEntity_handler=endEntity_handler,             &
+      startCdata_handler=startCdata_handler,    &
+      startDTD_handler=startDTD_handler,          &
+      startEntity_handler=startEntity_handler, &
+      FoX_endDTD_handler=FoX_endDTD_handler, &
+      namespaces = getParameter(domConfig, "namespaces"),     &
+      namespace_prefixes = .true., &
+      validate = getParameter(domConfig, "validate"), & ! FIXME what about validate-if-present ...
+      xmlns_uris = .true.)
+    call close_xml_t(fxml)
+    if (associated(error)) then
+      if (associated(inEntity)) deallocate(inEntity)
+      ! FIXME pass the value of the error through
+      ! when we let exceptions do that
+      deallocate(error)
+      call destroy(mainDoc)
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(PARSE_ERR)
+    endif
+  end subroutine runParser
+  TOHW_function(parsefile, (filename, configuration, iostat))
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: filename
+    type(DOMConfiguration), pointer, optional :: configuration
+    integer, intent(out), optional :: iostat
+    type(Node), pointer :: parsefile
+    type(DOMException) :: ex_
+    integer :: iostat_
+    call open_xml_file(fxml, filename, iostat_)
+    if (present(iostat)) then
+      iostat = iostat_
+      if (iostat/=0) return
+    elseif (in_error(fxml%fx%error_stack)) then
+      call FoX_error(str_vs(fxml%fx%error_stack%stack(1)%msg))
+    elseif (iostat_/=0) then
+      call FoX_error("Cannot open file")
+    endif
+    if (present(ex)) then
+      call runParser(fxml, configuration, ex)
+    elseif (present(iostat)) then
+      call runParser(fxml, configuration, ex_)
+    else
+      call runParser(fxml, configuration)
+    endif
+    if (present(iostat).and.inException(ex_)) then
+      iostat = getExceptionCode(ex_)
+    endif
+    parsefile => mainDoc
+    mainDoc => null()
+  end function parsefile
+  TOHW_function(parsestring, (string, configuration))
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: string
+    type(DOMConfiguration), pointer, optional :: configuration
+    type(Node), pointer :: parsestring
+    call open_xml_string(fxml, string)
+    call runParser(fxml, configuration, ex)
+    parsestring => mainDoc
+    mainDoc => null()
+  end function parsestring
+end module m_dom_parse
diff --git a/dom/m_dom_processing_instruction.m4 b/dom/m_dom_processing_instruction.m4
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..07a093d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dom/m_dom_processing_instruction.m4
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+  public :: getTarget
+TOHW_m_dom_get(DOMString, Target, np%nodename, (PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE))
diff --git a/dom/m_dom_text.m4 b/dom/m_dom_text.m4
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..19e20ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dom/m_dom_text.m4
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+  public :: splitText
+  public :: getIsElementContentWhitespace
+  public :: setIsElementContentWhitespace
+  TOHW_function(splitText, (arg, offset), np)
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    integer, intent(in) :: offset
+    type(Node), pointer :: np
+    character, pointer :: tmp(:)
+    if (.not.associated(arg)) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL)
+    endif
+    if (.not.(arg%nodeType==TEXT_NODE.or.arg%nodeType==CDATA_SECTION_NODE)) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_INVALID_NODE)
+    elseif (arg%readonly) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR)
+    elseif (offset<0 .or. offset>size(arg%nodeValue)) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(INDEX_SIZE_ERR)
+    endif
+    tmp => arg%nodeValue
+    if (arg%nodeType==TEXT_NODE) then
+      np => createTextNode(arg%ownerDocument, str_vs(tmp(offset+1:)))
+    elseif (arg%nodeType==CDATA_SECTION_NODE) then
+      np => createCdataSection(arg%ownerDocument, str_vs(tmp(offset+1:)))
+    endif
+    arg%nodeValue => vs_str_alloc(str_vs(tmp(:offset)))     
+    deallocate(tmp)
+    if (associated(arg%parentNode)) then
+      if (associated(arg%nextSibling)) then
+        np => insertBefore(arg%parentNode, np, arg%nextSibling)
+      else
+        np => appendChild(arg%parentNode, np)
+      endif
+    endif
+  end function splitText
+TOHW_m_dom_get(logical, isElementContentWhitespace, np%ignorableWhitespace, (TEXT_NODE, CDATA_SECTION_NODE))
+  TOHW_subroutine(setIsElementContentWhitespace, (np, isElementContentWhitespace))
+    type(Node), pointer :: np
+    logical :: isElementContentWhitespace
+    integer :: n
+    np%ignorableWhitespace = isElementContentWhitespace
+    if (isElementContentWhitespace) then
+      n = -np%textContentLength
+    else
+      n = size(np%nodeValue)
+    endif
+    call updateTextContentLength(np, n)
+  end subroutine setIsElementContentWhitespace
+! function getWholeText
+! function replaceWholeText
diff --git a/dom/m_dom_treewalk.m4 b/dom/m_dom_treewalk.m4
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..893ff2e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dom/m_dom_treewalk.m4
@@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
+dnl Walk a DOM tree, including attributes & their children
+dnl Every node will be hit twice, once on the way down, once
+dnl on the way back up.
+dnl Except element nodes which will be hit an additional time
+dnl after attributes are done before children are done
+dnl First argument is what to do when doneChildren = .false.
+dnl Second argument is what to do when doneChildren = .true.
+dnl This requires declarations of:
+dnl integer :: i
+dnl logical :: doneChildren, doneAttributes
+dnl The root of the tree to be walked must be pointed to by the 
+dnl variable "treeroot"
+dnl The primary node being walked must be called "this"
+dnl In addition, for cloneNode/importNode, a secondary node
+dnl may be walked which represents its parent for a cloned tree
+dnl That must be called "thatParent"
+dnl This can be switched on with $3 = thatParent
+dnl For destroyNode, another node can be tracked which represents the
+dnl last node hit which we can delete. It will be called "deadNode",
+dnl and will be destroyed as soon as it is finished with.
+dnl That can be switched on with $3 = deadNode
+    i_tree = 0
+    doneChildren = .false.
+    doneAttributes = .false.
+    this => treeroot
+ifelse(`$3', `double', `dnl
+    that => treeroot2
+    equal = .false.
+ifelse(`$3', `deadNode', `dnl
+      deadNode => null()
+    do
+ifelse(`$3', `double', `dnl
+      if (getNodeType(this)/=getNodeType(that)) exit
+      if (.not.doneChildren.and..not.(getNodeType(this)==ELEMENT_NODE.and.doneAttributes)) then
+      else
+        if (getNodeType(this)==ELEMENT_NODE.and..not.doneChildren) then
+          doneAttributes = .true.
+        else
+        endif
+      endif
+ifelse(`$3', `deadNode', `dnl
+      deadNode => null()
+      if (.not.doneChildren) then
+        if (getNodeType(this)==ELEMENT_NODE.and..not.doneAttributes) then
+ifelse(`$3', `double', `dnl
+          if (getLength(getAttributes(this))/=getLength(getAttributes(that))) exit
+          if (getLength(getAttributes(this))>0) then
+ifelse(`$3', `parentNode', `dnl
+            if (.not.associated(this, treeroot)) thatParent => getLastChild(thatParent)
+            this => item(getAttributes(this), 0)
+ifelse(`$3', `double', `dnl
+            that => item(getAttributes(that), 0)
+          else
+ifelse(`$3', `parentNode', `dnl
+            if (.not.deep) exit
+            doneAttributes = .true.
+          endif
+        elseif (hasChildNodes(this)`'dnl
+ifelse(`$3', `double', `.or.hasChildNodes(that)')`') then
+ifelse(`$3', `double', `dnl
+          if (getLength(getChildNodes(this))/=getLength(getChildNodes(that))) exit
+ifelse(`$3', `parentNode', `dnl
+          if (getNodeType(this)==ELEMENT_NODE.and..not.deep) exit
+          if (.not.associated(this, treeroot)) then
+            if (getNodeType(this)==ATTRIBUTE_NODE) then
+              thatParent => item(getAttributes(thatParent), i_tree)
+            else
+              thatParent => getLastChild(thatParent)
+            endif
+          endif
+          this => getFirstChild(this)
+ifelse(`$3', `double', `dnl
+          that => getFirstChild(that)
+          doneChildren = .false.
+          doneAttributes = .false.
+        else
+          doneChildren = .true.
+          doneAttributes = .false.
+        endif
+      else ! if doneChildren
+ifelse(`$3', `deadNode', `dnl
+        deadNode => this
+        if (associated(this, treeroot)) exit
+        if (getNodeType(this)==ATTRIBUTE_NODE) then
+          if (i_tree<getLength(getAttributes(getOwnerElement(this)))-1) then
+            i_tree= i_tree+ 1
+            this => item(getAttributes(getOwnerElement(this)), i_tree)
+ifelse(`$3', `double', `dnl
+            that => item(getAttributes(getOwnerElement(that)), i_tree)
+            doneChildren = .false.
+          else
+            i_tree= 0
+ifelse(`$3', `parentNode', `dnl
+            if (associated(getParentNode(thatParent))) thatParent => getParentNode(thatParent)
+            this => getOwnerElement(this)
+ifelse(`$3', `double', `dnl
+            that => getOwnerElement(that)
+            doneAttributes = .true.
+            doneChildren = .false.
+          endif
+        elseif (associated(getNextSibling(this))) then
+          this => getNextSibling(this)
+ifelse(`$3', `double', `dnl
+          that => getNextSibling(that)
+          doneChildren = .false.
+          doneAttributes = .false.
+        else
+          this => getParentNode(this)
+ifelse(`$3', `double', `dnl
+          that => getParentNode(that)
+ifelse(`$3', `parentNode', `dnl
+          if (.not.associated(this, treeroot)) then
+            if (getNodeType(this)==ATTRIBUTE_NODE) then
+              thatParent => getOwnerElement(thatParent)
+            else
+              thatParent => getParentNode(thatParent)
+            endif
+          endif
+        endif
+ifelse(`$3', `deadNode', `dnl
+        call destroy(deadNode)
+      endif
+    enddo
diff --git a/dom/m_dom_types.m4 b/dom/m_dom_types.m4
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..15158da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dom/m_dom_types.m4
@@ -0,0 +1,287 @@
+  integer, parameter ::     ELEMENT_NODE                   = 1
+  integer, parameter ::     ATTRIBUTE_NODE                 = 2
+  integer, parameter ::     TEXT_NODE                      = 3
+  integer, parameter ::     CDATA_SECTION_NODE             = 4
+  integer, parameter ::     ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE          = 5
+  integer, parameter ::     ENTITY_NODE                    = 6
+  integer, parameter ::     PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE    = 7
+  integer, parameter ::     COMMENT_NODE                   = 8
+  integer, parameter ::     DOCUMENT_NODE                  = 9
+  integer, parameter ::     DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE             = 10
+  integer, parameter ::     DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE         = 11
+  integer, parameter ::     NOTATION_NODE                  = 12
+  integer, parameter ::     XPATH_NAMESPACE_NODE           = 13
+  type DOMImplementation
+    private
+    character(len=7) :: id = "FoX_DOM"
+    logical :: FoX_checks = .true. ! Do extra checks not mandated by DOM
+  end type DOMImplementation
+  type ListNode
+    private
+    type(Node), pointer :: this => null()
+  end type ListNode 
+  type NodeList
+    private
+    character, pointer :: nodeName(:) => null() ! What was getByTagName run on?
+    character, pointer :: localName(:) => null() ! What was getByTagNameNS run on?
+    character, pointer :: namespaceURI(:) => null() ! What was getByTagNameNS run on?
+    type(Node), pointer :: element => null() ! which element or document was the getByTagName run from?
+    type(ListNode), pointer :: nodes(:) => null()
+    integer :: length = 0
+  end type NodeList
+  type NodeListptr
+    private
+    type(NodeList), pointer :: this
+  end type NodeListptr
+  type NamedNodeMap
+    private
+    logical :: readonly = .false.
+    type(Node), pointer :: ownerElement => null()
+    type(ListNode), pointer :: nodes(:) => null()
+    integer :: length = 0
+  end type NamedNodeMap
+  type documentExtras
+    type(DOMImplementation), pointer :: implementation => null() ! only for doctype
+    type(Node), pointer :: docType => null()
+    type(Node), pointer :: documentElement => null()
+    character, pointer :: inputEncoding(:) => null()
+    character, pointer :: xmlEncoding(:) => null()
+    type(NodeListPtr), pointer :: nodelists(:) => null() ! document
+    ! In order to keep track of all nodes not connected to the document
+    logical :: liveNodeLists ! For the document, are nodelists live?
+    type(NodeList) :: hangingNodes ! For the document, list of nodes not associated with doc
+    type(xml_doc_state), pointer :: xds => null()
+    logical :: strictErrorChecking = .true.
+    logical :: brokenNS = .false. ! FIXME consolidate these logical variables into bitmask
+    type(DOMConfiguration), pointer :: domConfig => null()
+  end type documentExtras
+  type elementOrAttributeExtras
+    ! Needed for all:
+    character, pointer, dimension(:) :: namespaceURI => null()
+    character, pointer, dimension(:) :: prefix => null()
+    character, pointer, dimension(:) :: localName => null()
+    ! Needed for elements:
+    type(NamedNodeMap) :: attributes
+    type(NodeList) :: namespaceNodes
+    ! Needed for attributes:
+    type(Node), pointer :: ownerElement => null()
+    logical :: specified = .true.
+    logical :: isId = .false.
+    logical :: dom1 = .false.
+  end type elementOrAttributeExtras
+  type docTypeExtras
+    character, pointer :: publicId(:) => null() ! doctype, entity, notation 
+    character, pointer :: systemId(:) => null() ! doctype, entity, notation
+    character, pointer :: notationName(:) => null() ! entity
+    logical :: illFormed = .false. ! entity
+    type(namedNodeMap) :: entities ! doctype
+    type(namedNodeMap) :: notations ! doctype
+  end type docTypeExtras
+  type Node
+    private
+    logical :: readonly = .false.
+    character, pointer, dimension(:)         :: nodeName => null()
+    character, pointer, dimension(:)         :: nodeValue => null()
+    integer             :: nodeType        = 0
+    type(Node), pointer :: parentNode      => null()
+    type(Node), pointer :: firstChild      => null()
+    type(Node), pointer :: lastChild       => null()
+    type(Node), pointer :: previousSibling => null()
+    type(Node), pointer :: nextSibling     => null()
+    type(Node), pointer :: ownerDocument   => null()
+    type(NodeList) :: childNodes ! not for text, cdata, PI, comment, notation, docType, XPath
+    logical :: inDocument = .false.! For a node, is this node associated to the doc?
+    logical :: ignorableWhitespace = .false. ! Text nodes only
+    type(documentExtras), pointer :: docExtras => null()
+    type(elementOrAttributeExtras), pointer :: elExtras => null()
+    type(docTypeExtras), pointer :: dtdExtras => null()
+    integer :: textContentLength = 0
+  end type Node
+  type(DOMImplementation), save, target :: FoX_DOM
+  interface destroy
+    module procedure destroyNode
+    module procedure destroyNodeList
+    module procedure destroyNamedNodeMap
+    module procedure destroyDOMConfig
+  end interface destroy
+  public :: ELEMENT_NODE
+  public :: ATTRIBUTE_NODE
+  public :: TEXT_NODE
+  public :: ENTITY_NODE
+  public :: COMMENT_NODE
+  public :: DOCUMENT_NODE
+  public :: NOTATION_NODE
+  public :: DOMImplementation
+  public :: DOMConfiguration
+  public :: Node
+  public :: ListNode
+  public :: NodeList
+  public :: NamedNodeMap
+  public :: destroy
+  public :: destroyAllNodesRecursively
+  TOHW_function(createNode, (arg, nodeType, nodeName, nodeValue), np)
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    integer, intent(in) :: nodeType
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: nodeName
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: nodeValue
+    type(Node), pointer :: np
+    allocate(np)
+    np%ownerDocument => arg
+    np%nodeType = nodeType
+    np%nodeName => vs_str_alloc(nodeName)
+    np%nodeValue => vs_str_alloc(nodeValue)
+    allocate(np%childNodes%nodes(0))
+  end function createNode
+  recursive TOHW_subroutine(destroyNode, (np))
+    type(Node), pointer :: np
+    if (.not.associated(np)) return
+    select case(np%nodeType)
+      call destroyElementOrAttribute(np)
+      call destroyDocumentType(np)
+      call destroyEntityOrNotation(np)
+    case (DOCUMENT_NODE)
+      call destroyDocument(np)
+    end select
+    call destroyNodeContents(np)
+    deallocate(np)
+  end subroutine destroyNode
+  recursive TOHW_subroutine(destroyElementOrAttribute, (np))
+    type(Node), pointer :: np
+    integer :: i
+    if (np%nodeType /= ELEMENT_NODE &
+      .and. np%nodeType /= ATTRIBUTE_NODE &
+      .and. np%nodeType /= XPATH_NAMESPACE_NODE) then
+       TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_INTERNAL_ERROR)
+    endif
+    if (associated(np%elExtras%attributes%nodes)) deallocate(np%elExtras%attributes%nodes)
+    do i = 1, np%elExtras%namespaceNodes%length
+      call destroyNode(np%elExtras%namespaceNodes%nodes(i)%this)
+    enddo
+    if (associated(np%elExtras%namespaceNodes%nodes)) deallocate(np%elExtras%namespaceNodes%nodes)
+    if (associated(np%elExtras%namespaceURI)) deallocate(np%elExtras%namespaceURI)
+    if (associated(np%elExtras%prefix)) deallocate(np%elExtras%prefix)
+    if (associated(np%elExtras%localName)) deallocate(np%elExtras%localName)
+    deallocate(np%elExtras)
+  end subroutine destroyElementOrAttribute
+  TOHW_subroutine(destroyEntityOrNotation, (np))
+    type(Node), pointer :: np
+    if (np%nodeType /= ENTITY_NODE &
+      .and. np%nodeType /= NOTATION_NODE) then
+       TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_INTERNAL_ERROR)
+    endif
+    if (associated(np%dtdExtras%publicId)) deallocate(np%dtdExtras%publicId)
+    if (associated(np%dtdExtras%systemId)) deallocate(np%dtdExtras%systemId)
+    if (associated(np%dtdExtras%notationName)) deallocate(np%dtdExtras%notationName)
+    deallocate(np%dtdExtras)
+  end subroutine destroyEntityOrNotation
+  TOHW_subroutine(destroyDocumentType, (np))
+    type(Node), pointer :: np
+    integer :: i
+    if (np%nodeType /= DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE) then
+       TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_INTERNAL_ERROR)
+    endif
+    if (associated(np%dtdExtras%publicId)) deallocate(np%dtdExtras%publicId)
+    if (associated(np%dtdExtras%systemId)) deallocate(np%dtdExtras%systemId)
+    ! Destroy all entities & notations (docType only)
+    if (associated(np%dtdExtras%entities%nodes)) then
+      do i = 1, size(np%dtdExtras%entities%nodes)
+        call destroyAllNodesRecursively(np%dtdExtras%entities%nodes(i)%this)
+      enddo
+      deallocate(np%dtdExtras%entities%nodes)
+    endif
+    if (associated(np%dtdExtras%notations%nodes)) then
+      do i = 1, size(np%dtdExtras%notations%nodes)
+        call destroy(np%dtdExtras%notations%nodes(i)%this)
+      enddo
+      deallocate(np%dtdExtras%notations%nodes)
+    endif
+    deallocate(np%dtdExtras)
+  end subroutine destroyDocumentType
+  recursive subroutine destroyAllNodesRecursively(arg, except)
+    ! Only recurses once into destroyDocumentType
+    type(Node), pointer :: arg
+    logical, intent(in), optional :: except
+    type(Node), pointer :: this, deadNode, treeroot
+    logical :: doneChildren, doneAttributes
+    integer :: i_tree
+    if (.not.associated(arg)) return
+    treeroot => arg
+TOHW_m_dom_treewalk(`',`',`deadNode', `')
+    deallocate(arg%childNodes%nodes)
+    allocate(arg%childNodes%nodes(0))
+    arg%firstChild => null()
+    arg%lastChild => null()
+    if (.not.present(except)) call destroyNode(arg)
+  end subroutine destroyAllNodesRecursively
+  subroutine destroyNodeContents(np)
+    type(Node), intent(inout) :: np
+    if (associated(np%nodeName)) deallocate(np%nodeName)
+    if (associated(np%nodeValue)) deallocate(np%nodeValue)
+    deallocate(np%childNodes%nodes)
+  end subroutine destroyNodeContents
diff --git a/dom/m_dom_utils.f90 b/dom/m_dom_utils.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f0e443f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dom/m_dom_utils.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,433 @@
+module m_dom_utils
+  use fox_m_fsys_array_str, only: str_vs, vs_str
+  use fox_m_fsys_format, only: operator(//)
+  use m_common_attrs, only: getValue
+  use m_common_element, only: element_t, attribute_t, &
+    get_attlist_size, get_attribute_declaration, express_attribute_declaration
+  use m_common_struct, only: xml_doc_state
+  ! Public interfaces
+  use m_dom_dom, only: DOMConfiguration, NamedNodeMap, Node,     &
+    NodeList,                                                                  &
+    PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE, TEXT_NODE,                                    &
+    getAttributes, getChildNodes, getData, getDomConfig, getEntities,          &
+    getFirstChild, getFoX_checks, getLength, getLocalName, getName,            &
+    getNamespaceURI, getNextSibling, getNodeName, getNodeType, getNotationName,&
+    getNotations, getOwnerDocument, getOwnerElement, getParameter,             &
+    getParentNode, getPrefix, getPublicId, getSpecified, getSystemId,          &
+    getTagName, getTarget, getXmlStandalone, getXmlVersion, getValue,          &
+    haschildnodes, item, normalizeDocument
+  ! Private interfaces
+  use m_dom_dom, only: getNamespaceNodes, getStringValue, getXds, namespaceFixup
+  use m_dom_error, only: DOMException, inException, throw_exception,           &
+    getExceptionCode,                                                          &
+  use FoX_wxml, only: xmlf_t,                                                  &
+    xml_AddAttribute, xml_AddCharacters, xml_AddComment, xml_AddElementToDTD,  &
+    xml_AddEntityReference, xml_AddExternalEntity, xml_AddInternalEntity,      &
+    xml_AddDOCTYPE, xml_AddNotation, xml_AddXMLDeclaration, xml_AddXMLPI,      &
+    xml_EndElement, xml_Close, xml_DeclareNamespace, xml_NewElement,           &
+    xml_OpenFile, xml_UndeclareNamespace, xml_AddAttlistToDTD
+  implicit none
+  public :: dumpTree
+  public :: serialize
+  private
+  subroutine dumpTree(startNode)
+    type(Node), pointer :: startNode   
+    integer           :: indent_level
+    indent_level = 0
+    call dump2(startNode)
+  contains
+    recursive subroutine dump2(input)
+      type(Node), pointer :: input
+      type(Node), pointer :: temp, np
+      type(NamedNodeMap), pointer :: attrs
+      type(NodeList), pointer :: nsnodes
+      integer :: i
+      temp => input
+      do while(associated(temp))
+         write(*,"(3a,i0)") repeat(" ", indent_level), &
+                        getNodeName(temp), " of type ", &
+                        getNodeType(temp)
+         if (getNodeType(temp)==ELEMENT_NODE) then
+           write(*,"(2a)") repeat(" ", indent_level), &
+                        "  ATTRIBUTES:"
+           attrs => getAttributes(temp)
+           do i = 0, getLength(attrs) - 1
+             np => item(attrs, i)
+             write(*, "(2a)") repeat(" ", indent_level)//"  ", &
+               getName(np)
+           enddo
+           write(*,"(2a)") repeat(" ", indent_level), &
+                        "  IN-SCOPE NAMESPACES:"
+           nsnodes => getNamespaceNodes(temp)
+           do i = 0, getLength(nsnodes) - 1
+             np => item(nsnodes, i)
+             write(*,"(4a)") repeat(" ", indent_level)//"  ", &
+               getPrefix(np), ':', &
+               getNamespaceURI(np)
+           enddo
+         endif
+         if (hasChildNodes(temp)) then
+            indent_level = indent_level + 3
+            call dump2(getFirstChild(temp))
+            indent_level = indent_level - 3
+         endif
+         temp => getNextSibling(temp)
+      enddo
+    end subroutine dump2
+  end subroutine dumpTree
+  subroutine serialize(startNode, name, ex)
+    type(DOMException), intent(out), optional :: ex
+    type(Node), pointer :: startNode   
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
+    type(Node), pointer :: doc
+    type(xmlf_t)  :: xf
+    integer :: iostat
+    logical :: xmlDecl
+    if (getNodeType(startNode)/=DOCUMENT_NODE &
+      .and.getNodeType(startNode)/=ELEMENT_NODE) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_INVALID_NODE<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_INVALID_NODE, "serialize", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    if (getNodeType(startNode)==DOCUMENT_NODE) then
+      doc => startNode
+      if (getParameter(getDomConfig(doc), "canonical-form") &
+        .and.getXmlVersion(doc)=="1.1") then
+        if (getFoX_checks().or.SERIALIZE_ERR<200) then
+  call throw_exception(SERIALIZE_ERR, "serialize", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+      endif
+      call normalizeDocument(startNode, ex)
+      if (present(ex)) then
+        ! Only possible error should be namespace error ...
+        if (getExceptionCode(ex)/=NAMESPACE_ERR) then
+          if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_INTERNAL_ERROR<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_INTERNAL_ERROR, "serialize", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+        else
+          if (getFoX_checks().or.SERIALIZE_ERR<200) then
+  call throw_exception(SERIALIZE_ERR, "serialize", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+        endif
+      endif
+    else
+      doc => getOwnerDocument(startNode)
+      ! We need to do this namespace fixup or serialization will fail.
+      ! it doesn't change the semantics of the docs, but other
+      ! normalization would, so we done here
+      ! But only normalize if this is not a DOM level 1 node.
+      if (getLocalName(startNode)/="" &
+        .and.getParameter(getDomConfig(doc), "namespaces")) &
+        call namespaceFixup(startNode, .true.)
+    endif
+    xmlDecl = getParameter(getDomConfig(doc), "xml-declaration")
+    ! FIXME we shouldnt really normalize the Document here
+    ! (except for namespace Normalization) but rather just
+    ! pay attention to the DOMConfig values
+    ! NOTE: We set pretty_print on the basis of the FoX specific 
+    !       "invalid-pretty-print" config option. The DOM-L3-LS
+    !       option "format-pretty-print is always false and is 
+    !       not settable by the user - this is because WXML 
+    !       cannot preserve validity conditions that may be set
+    !       by a DTD. If WXML ever learns to do this we will need
+    !       to pass the value of "format-pretty-print" through.
+    call xml_OpenFile(name, xf, iostat=iostat, unit=-1, &
+      pretty_print=getParameter(getDomConfig(doc), "invalid-pretty-print"), &
+      canonical=getParameter(getDomConfig(doc), "canonical-form"), &
+      warning=.false., addDecl=.false.)
+    if (iostat/=0) then
+      if (getFoX_checks().or.SERIALIZE_ERR<200) then
+  call throw_exception(SERIALIZE_ERR, "serialize", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+    endif
+    if (xmlDecl) then
+      if (getXmlStandalone(doc)) then
+        call xml_AddXMLDeclaration(xf, version=getXmlVersion(doc), standalone=.true.)
+      else
+        call xml_AddXMLDeclaration(xf, version=getXmlVersion(doc))
+      endif
+    endif
+    call iter_dmp_xml(xf, startNode, ex)
+    call xml_Close(xf)
+  end subroutine serialize
+  subroutine iter_dmp_xml(xf, arg, ex)
+    type(DOMException), intent(out), optional :: ex
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    type(Node), pointer :: this, arg, treeroot 
+    type(Node), pointer :: doc, attrchild, np
+    type(NamedNodeMap), pointer :: nnm
+    type(DOMConfiguration), pointer :: dc
+    type(xml_doc_state), pointer :: xds
+    type(element_t), pointer :: elem
+    type(attribute_t), pointer :: att_decl
+    integer :: i_tree, j, k
+    logical :: doneChildren, doneAttributes
+    character, pointer :: attrvalue(:), tmp(:)
+    if (getNodeType(arg)==DOCUMENT_NODE) then
+      doc => arg
+    else
+      doc => getOwnerDocument(arg)
+    endif
+    dc => getDomConfig(doc)
+    xds => getXds(doc)
+    treeroot => arg
+    i_tree = 0
+    doneChildren = .false.
+    doneAttributes = .false.
+    this => treeroot
+    do
+      if (.not.doneChildren.and..not.(getNodeType(this)==ELEMENT_NODE.and.doneAttributes)) then
+    select case(getNodeType(this))
+    case (ELEMENT_NODE)
+      nnm => getAttributes(this)
+      do j = 0, getLength(nnm) - 1
+        attrchild => item(nnm, j)
+        if (getLocalName(attrchild)=="xmlns") then
+          if (len(getValue(attrchild))==0) then
+            call xml_UndeclareNamespace(xf)
+          else
+            call xml_DeclareNamespace(xf, getValue(attrchild))
+          endif
+        elseif (getPrefix(attrchild)=="xmlns") then
+          if (len(getValue(attrchild))==0) then
+            call xml_UndeclareNamespace(xf, getLocalName(attrchild))
+          else
+            call xml_DeclareNamespace(xf, getValue(attrchild), &
+              getLocalName(attrchild))
+          endif
+        endif
+      enddo
+      call xml_NewElement(xf, getTagName(this))
+    case (ATTRIBUTE_NODE)
+      if ((.not.getParameter(dc, "discard-default-content") &
+        .or.getSpecified(this)) &
+        ! only output it if it is not a default, or we are outputting defaults
+        .and. (getPrefix(this)/="xmlns".and.getLocalName(this)/="xmlns")) then
+        ! and we dont output NS declarations here.
+        ! complex loop below is because we might have to worry about entrefs 
+        ! being preserved in the attvalue. If we dont, we only go through the loop once anyway.
+        allocate(attrvalue(0))
+        do j = 0, getLength(getChildNodes(this)) - 1
+          attrchild => item(getChildNodes(this), j)
+          if (getNodeType(attrchild)==TEXT_NODE) then
+            tmp => attrvalue
+            allocate(attrvalue(size(tmp)+getLength(attrchild)))
+            attrvalue(:size(tmp)) = tmp
+            attrvalue(size(tmp)+1:) = vs_str(getData(attrChild))
+            deallocate(tmp)
+          elseif (getNodeType(attrchild)==ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE) then
+            tmp => attrvalue
+            allocate(attrvalue(size(tmp)+len(getNodeName(attrchild))+2))
+            attrvalue(:size(tmp)) = tmp
+            attrvalue(size(tmp)+1:) = vs_str("&"//getData(attrChild)//";")
+            deallocate(tmp)
+          else
+            if (getFoX_checks().or.FoX_INTERNAL_ERROR<200) then
+  call throw_exception(FoX_INTERNAL_ERROR, "iter_dmp_xml", ex)
+  if (present(ex)) then
+    if (inException(ex)) then
+       return
+    endif
+  endif
+          endif
+        enddo
+        call xml_AddAttribute(xf, getName(this), str_vs(attrvalue))
+        deallocate(attrvalue)
+      endif
+      doneChildren = .true.
+    case (TEXT_NODE)
+      call xml_AddCharacters(xf, getData(this))
+      if (getParameter(getDomConfig(doc), "canonical-form")) then
+        call xml_AddCharacters(xf, getData(this))
+      else
+        call xml_AddCharacters(xf, getData(this), parsed = .false.)
+      endif
+      if (.not.getParameter(getDomConfig(doc), "canonical-form")) then
+        call xml_AddEntityReference(xf, getNodeName(this))
+        doneChildren = .true.
+      endif
+      call xml_AddXMLPI(xf, getTarget(this), getData(this))
+    case (COMMENT_NODE)
+      if (.not.getParameter(getDomConfig(doc), "comments")) then
+        call xml_AddComment(xf, getData(this))
+      endif
+      if (.not.getParameter(getDomConfig(doc), "canonical-form")) then
+        call xml_AddDOCTYPE(xf, getName(this))
+        nnm => getNotations(this)
+        do j = 0, getLength(nnm)-1
+          np => item(nnm, j)
+          if (getSystemId(np)=="") then
+            call xml_AddNotation(xf, getNodeName(np), public=getPublicId(np))
+          elseif (getPublicId(np)=="") then
+            call xml_AddNotation(xf, getNodeName(np), system=getSystemId(np))
+          else
+            call xml_AddNotation(xf, getNodeName(np), system=getSystemId(np), &
+              public=getPublicId(np))
+          endif
+        enddo
+        nnm => getEntities(this)
+        do j = 0, getLength(nnm)-1
+          np => item(nnm, j)
+          if (getSystemId(np)=="") then
+            call xml_AddInternalEntity(xf, getNodeName(np), getStringValue(np))
+          elseif (getPublicId(np)=="".and.getNotationName(np)=="") then
+            call xml_AddExternalEntity(xf, getNodeName(np), system=getSystemId(np))
+          elseif (getNotationName(np)=="") then
+            call xml_AddExternalEntity(xf, getNodeName(np), system=getSystemId(np), &
+              public=getPublicId(np))
+          elseif (getPublicId(np)=="") then
+            call xml_AddExternalEntity(xf, getNodeName(np), system=getSystemId(np), &
+              notation=getNotationName(np))
+          else
+            call xml_AddExternalEntity(xf, getNodeName(np), system=getSystemId(np), &
+              public=getPublicId(np), notation=getNotationName(np))
+          endif
+        enddo
+        do j = 1, size(xds%element_list%list)
+          elem => xds%element_list%list(j)
+          if (associated(elem%model)) &
+            call xml_AddElementToDTD(xf, str_vs(elem%name), str_vs(elem%model))
+            ! Because we may have some undeclared but referenced elements
+          do k = 1, get_attlist_size(elem)
+            att_decl => get_attribute_declaration(elem, k)
+            call xml_AddAttlistToDTD(xf, str_vs(elem%name), &
+              express_attribute_declaration(att_decl))
+          enddo
+        enddo
+      endif
+    end select
+      else
+        if (getNodeType(this)==ELEMENT_NODE.and..not.doneChildren) then
+          doneAttributes = .true.
+        else
+    if (getNodeType(this)==ELEMENT_NODE) then
+      call xml_EndElement(xf, getTagName(this))
+    endif
+        endif
+      endif
+      if (.not.doneChildren) then
+        if (getNodeType(this)==ELEMENT_NODE.and..not.doneAttributes) then
+          if (getLength(getAttributes(this))>0) then
+            this => item(getAttributes(this), 0)
+          else
+            doneAttributes = .true.
+          endif
+        elseif (hasChildNodes(this)) then
+          this => getFirstChild(this)
+          doneChildren = .false.
+          doneAttributes = .false.
+        else
+          doneChildren = .true.
+          doneAttributes = .false.
+        endif
+      else ! if doneChildren
+        if (associated(this, treeroot)) exit
+        if (getNodeType(this)==ATTRIBUTE_NODE) then
+          if (i_tree<getLength(getAttributes(getOwnerElement(this)))-1) then
+            i_tree= i_tree+ 1
+            this => item(getAttributes(getOwnerElement(this)), i_tree)
+            doneChildren = .false.
+          else
+            i_tree= 0
+            this => getOwnerElement(this)
+            doneAttributes = .true.
+            doneChildren = .false.
+          endif
+        elseif (associated(getNextSibling(this))) then
+          this => getNextSibling(this)
+          doneChildren = .false.
+          doneAttributes = .false.
+        else
+          this => getParentNode(this)
+        endif
+      endif
+    enddo
+  end subroutine iter_dmp_xml
+end module m_dom_utils
diff --git a/dom/m_dom_utils.m4 b/dom/m_dom_utils.m4
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0a6800a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dom/m_dom_utils.m4
@@ -0,0 +1,330 @@
+module m_dom_utils
+  use fox_m_fsys_array_str, only: str_vs, vs_str
+  use fox_m_fsys_format, only: operator(//)
+  use m_common_attrs, only: getValue
+  use m_common_element, only: element_t, attribute_t, &
+    get_attlist_size, get_attribute_declaration, express_attribute_declaration
+  use m_common_struct, only: xml_doc_state
+  ! Public interfaces
+  use m_dom_dom, only: DOMConfiguration, NamedNodeMap, Node,     &
+    NodeList,                                                                  &
+    PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE, TEXT_NODE,                                    &
+    getAttributes, getChildNodes, getData, getDomConfig, getEntities,          &
+    getFirstChild, getFoX_checks, getLength, getLocalName, getName,            &
+    getNamespaceURI, getNextSibling, getNodeName, getNodeType, getNotationName,&
+    getNotations, getOwnerDocument, getOwnerElement, getParameter,             &
+    getParentNode, getPrefix, getPublicId, getSpecified, getSystemId,          &
+    getTagName, getTarget, getXmlStandalone, getXmlVersion, getValue,          &
+    haschildnodes, item, normalizeDocument
+  ! Private interfaces
+  use m_dom_dom, only: getNamespaceNodes, getStringValue, getXds, namespaceFixup
+  use m_dom_error, only: DOMException, inException, throw_exception,           &
+    getExceptionCode,                                                          &
+  use FoX_wxml, only: xmlf_t,                                                  &
+    xml_AddAttribute, xml_AddCharacters, xml_AddComment, xml_AddElementToDTD,  &
+    xml_AddEntityReference, xml_AddExternalEntity, xml_AddInternalEntity,      &
+    xml_AddDOCTYPE, xml_AddNotation, xml_AddXMLDeclaration, xml_AddXMLPI,      &
+    xml_EndElement, xml_Close, xml_DeclareNamespace, xml_NewElement,           &
+    xml_OpenFile, xml_UndeclareNamespace, xml_AddAttlistToDTD
+  implicit none
+  public :: dumpTree
+  public :: serialize
+  private
+  subroutine dumpTree(startNode)
+    type(Node), pointer :: startNode   
+    integer           :: indent_level
+    indent_level = 0
+    call dump2(startNode)
+  contains
+    recursive subroutine dump2(input)
+      type(Node), pointer :: input
+      type(Node), pointer :: temp, np
+      type(NamedNodeMap), pointer :: attrs
+      type(NodeList), pointer :: nsnodes
+      integer :: i
+      temp => input
+      do while(associated(temp))
+         write(*,"(3a,i0)") repeat(" ", indent_level), &
+                        getNodeName(temp), " of type ", &
+                        getNodeType(temp)
+         if (getNodeType(temp)==ELEMENT_NODE) then
+           write(*,"(2a)") repeat(" ", indent_level), &
+                        "  ATTRIBUTES:"
+           attrs => getAttributes(temp)
+           do i = 0, getLength(attrs) - 1
+             np => item(attrs, i)
+             write(*, "(2a)") repeat(" ", indent_level)//"  ", &
+               getName(np)
+           enddo
+           write(*,"(2a)") repeat(" ", indent_level), &
+                        "  IN-SCOPE NAMESPACES:"
+           nsnodes => getNamespaceNodes(temp)
+           do i = 0, getLength(nsnodes) - 1
+             np => item(nsnodes, i)
+             write(*,"(4a)") repeat(" ", indent_level)//"  ", &
+               getPrefix(np), ':', &
+               getNamespaceURI(np)
+           enddo
+         endif
+         if (hasChildNodes(temp)) then
+            indent_level = indent_level + 3
+            call dump2(getFirstChild(temp))
+            indent_level = indent_level - 3
+         endif
+         temp => getNextSibling(temp)
+      enddo
+    end subroutine dump2
+  end subroutine dumpTree
+  TOHW_subroutine(serialize, (startNode, name))
+    type(Node), pointer :: startNode   
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
+    type(Node), pointer :: doc
+    type(xmlf_t)  :: xf
+    integer :: iostat
+    logical :: xmlDecl
+    if (getNodeType(startNode)/=DOCUMENT_NODE &
+      .and.getNodeType(startNode)/=ELEMENT_NODE) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_INVALID_NODE)
+    endif
+    if (getNodeType(startNode)==DOCUMENT_NODE) then
+      doc => startNode
+      if (getParameter(getDomConfig(doc), "canonical-form") &
+        .and.getXmlVersion(doc)=="1.1") then
+        TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(SERIALIZE_ERR)
+      endif
+      call normalizeDocument(startNode, ex)
+      if (present(ex)) then
+        ! Only possible error should be namespace error ...
+        if (getExceptionCode(ex)/=NAMESPACE_ERR) then
+          TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_INTERNAL_ERROR)
+        else
+          TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(SERIALIZE_ERR)
+        endif
+      endif
+    else
+      doc => getOwnerDocument(startNode)
+      ! We need to do this namespace fixup or serialization will fail.
+      ! it doesn't change the semantics of the docs, but other
+      ! normalization would, so we done here
+      ! But only normalize if this is not a DOM level 1 node.
+      if (getLocalName(startNode)/="" &
+        .and.getParameter(getDomConfig(doc), "namespaces")) &
+        call namespaceFixup(startNode, .true.)
+    endif
+    xmlDecl = getParameter(getDomConfig(doc), "xml-declaration")
+    ! FIXME we shouldnt really normalize the Document here
+    ! (except for namespace Normalization) but rather just
+    ! pay attention to the DOMConfig values
+    ! NOTE: We set pretty_print on the basis of the FoX specific 
+    !       "invalid-pretty-print" config option. The DOM-L3-LS
+    !       option "format-pretty-print is always false and is 
+    !       not settable by the user - this is because WXML 
+    !       cannot preserve validity conditions that may be set
+    !       by a DTD. If WXML ever learns to do this we will need
+    !       to pass the value of "format-pretty-print" through.
+    call xml_OpenFile(name, xf, iostat=iostat, unit=-1, &
+      pretty_print=getParameter(getDomConfig(doc), "invalid-pretty-print"), &
+      canonical=getParameter(getDomConfig(doc), "canonical-form"), &
+      warning=.false., addDecl=.false.)
+    if (iostat/=0) then
+      TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(SERIALIZE_ERR)
+    endif
+    if (xmlDecl) then
+      if (getXmlStandalone(doc)) then
+        call xml_AddXMLDeclaration(xf, version=getXmlVersion(doc), standalone=.true.)
+      else
+        call xml_AddXMLDeclaration(xf, version=getXmlVersion(doc))
+      endif
+    endif
+    call iter_dmp_xml(xf, startNode, ex)
+    call xml_Close(xf)
+  end subroutine serialize
+  TOHW_subroutine(iter_dmp_xml, (xf, arg))
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    type(Node), pointer :: this, arg, treeroot 
+    type(Node), pointer :: doc, attrchild, np
+    type(NamedNodeMap), pointer :: nnm
+    type(DOMConfiguration), pointer :: dc
+    type(xml_doc_state), pointer :: xds
+    type(element_t), pointer :: elem
+    type(attribute_t), pointer :: att_decl
+    integer :: i_tree, j, k
+    logical :: doneChildren, doneAttributes
+    character, pointer :: attrvalue(:), tmp(:)
+    if (getNodeType(arg)==DOCUMENT_NODE) then
+      doc => arg
+    else
+      doc => getOwnerDocument(arg)
+    endif
+    dc => getDomConfig(doc)
+    xds => getXds(doc)
+    treeroot => arg
+    select case(getNodeType(this))
+    case (ELEMENT_NODE)
+      nnm => getAttributes(this)
+      do j = 0, getLength(nnm) - 1
+        attrchild => item(nnm, j)
+        if (getLocalName(attrchild)=="xmlns") then
+          if (len(getValue(attrchild))==0) then
+            call xml_UndeclareNamespace(xf)
+          else
+            call xml_DeclareNamespace(xf, getValue(attrchild))
+          endif
+        elseif (getPrefix(attrchild)=="xmlns") then
+          if (len(getValue(attrchild))==0) then
+            call xml_UndeclareNamespace(xf, getLocalName(attrchild))
+          else
+            call xml_DeclareNamespace(xf, getValue(attrchild), &
+              getLocalName(attrchild))
+          endif
+        endif
+      enddo
+      call xml_NewElement(xf, getTagName(this))
+    case (ATTRIBUTE_NODE)
+      if ((.not.getParameter(dc, "discard-default-content") &
+        .or.getSpecified(this)) &
+        ! only output it if it is not a default, or we are outputting defaults
+        .and. (getPrefix(this)/="xmlns".and.getLocalName(this)/="xmlns")) then
+        ! and we dont output NS declarations here.
+        ! complex loop below is because we might have to worry about entrefs 
+        ! being preserved in the attvalue. If we dont, we only go through the loop once anyway.
+        allocate(attrvalue(0))
+        do j = 0, getLength(getChildNodes(this)) - 1
+          attrchild => item(getChildNodes(this), j)
+          if (getNodeType(attrchild)==TEXT_NODE) then
+            tmp => attrvalue
+            allocate(attrvalue(size(tmp)+getLength(attrchild)))
+            attrvalue(:size(tmp)) = tmp
+            attrvalue(size(tmp)+1:) = vs_str(getData(attrChild))
+            deallocate(tmp)
+          elseif (getNodeType(attrchild)==ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE) then
+            tmp => attrvalue
+            allocate(attrvalue(size(tmp)+len(getNodeName(attrchild))+2))
+            attrvalue(:size(tmp)) = tmp
+            attrvalue(size(tmp)+1:) = vs_str("&"//getData(attrChild)//";")
+            deallocate(tmp)
+          else
+            TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_INTERNAL_ERROR)
+          endif
+        enddo
+        call xml_AddAttribute(xf, getName(this), str_vs(attrvalue))
+        deallocate(attrvalue)
+      endif
+      doneChildren = .true.
+    case (TEXT_NODE)
+      call xml_AddCharacters(xf, getData(this))
+      if (getParameter(getDomConfig(doc), "canonical-form")) then
+        call xml_AddCharacters(xf, getData(this))
+      else
+        call xml_AddCharacters(xf, getData(this), parsed = .false.)
+      endif
+      if (.not.getParameter(getDomConfig(doc), "canonical-form")) then
+        call xml_AddEntityReference(xf, getNodeName(this))
+        doneChildren = .true.
+      endif
+      call xml_AddXMLPI(xf, getTarget(this), getData(this))
+    case (COMMENT_NODE)
+      if (.not.getParameter(getDomConfig(doc), "comments")) then
+        call xml_AddComment(xf, getData(this))
+      endif
+      if (.not.getParameter(getDomConfig(doc), "canonical-form")) then
+        call xml_AddDOCTYPE(xf, getName(this))
+        nnm => getNotations(this)
+        do j = 0, getLength(nnm)-1
+          np => item(nnm, j)
+          if (getSystemId(np)=="") then
+            call xml_AddNotation(xf, getNodeName(np), public=getPublicId(np))
+          elseif (getPublicId(np)=="") then
+            call xml_AddNotation(xf, getNodeName(np), system=getSystemId(np))
+          else
+            call xml_AddNotation(xf, getNodeName(np), system=getSystemId(np), &
+              public=getPublicId(np))
+          endif
+        enddo
+        nnm => getEntities(this)
+        do j = 0, getLength(nnm)-1
+          np => item(nnm, j)
+          if (getSystemId(np)=="") then
+            call xml_AddInternalEntity(xf, getNodeName(np), getStringValue(np))
+          elseif (getPublicId(np)=="".and.getNotationName(np)=="") then
+            call xml_AddExternalEntity(xf, getNodeName(np), system=getSystemId(np))
+          elseif (getNotationName(np)=="") then
+            call xml_AddExternalEntity(xf, getNodeName(np), system=getSystemId(np), &
+              public=getPublicId(np))
+          elseif (getPublicId(np)=="") then
+            call xml_AddExternalEntity(xf, getNodeName(np), system=getSystemId(np), &
+              notation=getNotationName(np))
+          else
+            call xml_AddExternalEntity(xf, getNodeName(np), system=getSystemId(np), &
+              public=getPublicId(np), notation=getNotationName(np))
+          endif
+        enddo
+        do j = 1, size(xds%element_list%list)
+          elem => xds%element_list%list(j)
+          if (associated(elem%model)) &
+            call xml_AddElementToDTD(xf, str_vs(elem%name), str_vs(elem%model))
+            ! Because we may have some undeclared but referenced elements
+          do k = 1, get_attlist_size(elem)
+            att_decl => get_attribute_declaration(elem, k)
+            call xml_AddAttlistToDTD(xf, str_vs(elem%name), &
+              express_attribute_declaration(att_decl))
+          enddo
+        enddo
+      endif
+    end select
+    if (getNodeType(this)==ELEMENT_NODE) then
+      call xml_EndElement(xf, getTagName(this))
+    endif
+  end subroutine iter_dmp_xml
+end module m_dom_utils
diff --git a/dom/makefile b/dom/makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4e6b3b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dom/makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+default: install
+M4FILES = m_dom_types.m4 m_dom_node.m4 m_dom_nodelist.m4 \
+	  m_dom_namednodemap.m4 m_dom_implementation.m4 \
+  	  m_dom_document.m4 m_dom_document_type.m4 \
+   	  m_dom_element.m4 m_dom_attribute.m4 \
+       	  m_dom_character_data.m4 m_dom_entity.m4 \
+          m_dom_processing_instruction.m4 m_dom_text.m4 \
+ 	  m_dom_common.m4 m_dom_exception.m4 m_dom_dom.m4 \
+          m_dom_namespaces.m4 m_dom_configuration.m4 \
+          m_dom_treewalk.m4 m_dom_exception.m4 m_dom_object.m4
+OBJFILES= m_dom_error.$(OBJEXT) m_dom_parse.$(OBJEXT) m_dom_utils.$(OBJEXT) \
+	  m_dom_extras.$(OBJEXT) m_dom_dom.$(OBJEXT) FoX_dom.$(OBJEXT)
+include ../arch.make
+m_dom_extras.F90: m_dom_extras.m4
+	m4 -I ../m4 $< > $@
+m_dom_parse.f90: m_dom_parse.m4
+	m4 -I ../m4 $< > $@
+m_dom_utils.f90: m_dom_utils.m4
+	m4 -I ../m4 $< > $@
+m_dom_dom.F90: $(M4FILES)
+	m4 -I ../m4 m_dom_dom.m4 > $@ 
+CP=cp -p
+install: $(OBJFILES)
+	@echo "  ==> Creating $(LIBRARY) with $(OBJFILES)"
+	for i in *.$(MOD_EXT) ; do  \
+           $(CP) $$i $(MOD_DIR); done
+	rm -f *.$(OBJEXT)  *.$(MOD_EXT) $(LIBRARY)
+# DO NOT DELETE THIS LINE - used by make depend
+FoX_dom.$(OBJEXT): m_dom_dom.$(OBJEXT) m_dom_error.$(OBJEXT) m_dom_extras.$(OBJEXT) m_dom_parse.$(OBJEXT) m_dom_utils.$(OBJEXT)
+m_dom_dom.$(OBJEXT): m_dom_error.$(OBJEXT)
+m_dom_extras.$(OBJEXT): m_dom_dom.$(OBJEXT) m_dom_error.$(OBJEXT)
+m_dom_parse.$(OBJEXT): m_dom_dom.$(OBJEXT) m_dom_error.$(OBJEXT)
+m_dom_utils.$(OBJEXT): m_dom_dom.$(OBJEXT) m_dom_error.$(OBJEXT)
diff --git a/examples/CMakeLists.txt b/examples/CMakeLists.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..26abd47
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+  wxml_example
+  wxml_example.f90)
+  wxml_example
+  fox_wxml)
+  wcml_example
+  wcml_example.f90)
+  wcml_example
+  fox_wcml)
+  wkml_example
+  wkml_example.f90)
+  wkml_example
+  fox_wkml)
+  sax_example
+  sax_example.f90)
+  sax_example
+  fox_sax)
+  sax_example_2
+  sax_example_2.f90)
+  sax_example_2
+  fox_sax)
+  dom_example_2
+  dom_example_2.f90)
+  dom_example_2
+  fox_dom)
+  dom_example_3
+  dom_example_3.f90)
+  dom_example_3
+  fox_dom)
+  ${fox_BINARY_DIR}/dom
+  ${fox_BINARY_DIR}/wxml
+  ${fox_BINARY_DIR}/wcml
+  ${fox_BINARY_DIR}/wkml
+  ${fox_BINARY_DIR}/common
+  ${fox_BINARY_DIR}/utils
+  ${fox_BINARY_DIR}/fsys
+  ${fox_BINARY_DIR}/sax
diff --git a/examples/Makefile b/examples/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ebc8a19
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+include ../arch.make
+default: $(BUILD_TARGETS)
+INCFLAGS=`../FoX-config --fcflags`
+EXAMPLES=dom_example_2$(EXEEXT) dom_example_3$(EXEEXT) sax_example$(EXEEXT) sax_example_2$(EXEEXT) wcml_example$(EXEEXT) wxml_example$(EXEEXT) wkml_example$(EXEEXT)
+dom_lib: sax_lib wxml_lib dom_example_2$(EXEEXT) dom_example_3$(EXEEXT) 
+sax_lib: sax_example$(EXEEXT) sax_example_2$(EXEEXT)
+wcml_lib: wxml_lib wcml_example$(EXEEXT)
+wkml_lib: wxml_lib wkml_example$(EXEEXT)
+wxml_lib: wxml_example$(EXEEXT)
+# Note that we cannot use $< below since IBM make doesn't understand it.
+dom_canonicalize.ns.no.exe: dom_canonicalize.ns.no.$(OBJEXT) ../objs/lib/libFoX_dom.$(LIBEXT) ../objs/lib/libFoX_sax.$(LIBEXT) ../objs/lib/libFoX_wxml.$(LIBEXT) ../objs/lib/libFoX_common.$(LIBEXT) ../objs/lib/libFoX_fsys.$(LIBEXT)
+	$(FC) $(FFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) $(LINK_O_FLAG) $@ dom_canonicalize.ns.no.$(OBJEXT) $$(../FoX-config --libs --dom)
+dom_canonicalize.ns.yes.exe: dom_canonicalize.ns.yes.$(OBJEXT) ../objs/lib/libFoX_dom.$(LIBEXT) ../objs/lib/libFoX_sax.$(LIBEXT) ../objs/lib/libFoX_wxml.$(LIBEXT) ../objs/lib/libFoX_common.$(LIBEXT) ../objs/lib/libFoX_fsys.$(LIBEXT)
+	$(FC) $(FFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) $(LINK_O_FLAG) $@ dom_canonicalize.ns.yes.$(OBJEXT) $$(../FoX-config --libs --dom)
+dom_configuration.exe: dom_configuration.$(OBJEXT) ../objs/lib/libFoX_dom.$(LIBEXT) ../objs/lib/libFoX_sax.$(LIBEXT) ../objs/lib/libFoX_wxml.$(LIBEXT) ../objs/lib/libFoX_common.$(LIBEXT) ../objs/lib/libFoX_fsys.$(LIBEXT) 
+	$(FC) $(FFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) $(LINK_O_FLAG) $@ dom_configuration.$(OBJEXT) $$(../FoX-config --libs --dom)
+dom_example_2$(EXEEXT): dom_example_2.$(OBJEXT) ../objs/lib/libFoX_dom.$(LIBEXT) ../objs/lib/libFoX_sax.$(LIBEXT) ../objs/lib/libFoX_wxml.$(LIBEXT) ../objs/lib/libFoX_common.$(LIBEXT) ../objs/lib/libFoX_fsys.$(LIBEXT)
+	$(FC) $(FFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) $(LINK_O_FLAG) $@ dom_example_2.$(OBJEXT) $$(../FoX-config --libs --dom)
+dom_example_3$(EXEEXT): dom_example_3.$(OBJEXT) ../objs/lib/libFoX_dom.$(LIBEXT) ../objs/lib/libFoX_sax.$(LIBEXT) ../objs/lib/libFoX_wxml.$(LIBEXT) ../objs/lib/libFoX_common.$(LIBEXT) ../objs/lib/libFoX_fsys.$(LIBEXT)
+	$(FC) $(FFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) $(LINK_O_FLAG) $@ dom_example_3.$(OBJEXT) $$(../FoX-config --libs --dom)
+sax_example$(EXEEXT): sax_example.$(OBJEXT) ../objs/lib/libFoX_sax.$(LIBEXT) ../objs/lib/libFoX_common.$(LIBEXT) ../objs/lib/libFoX_fsys.$(LIBEXT)
+	$(FC) $(FFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) $(LINK_O_FLAG) $@ sax_example.$(OBJEXT) $$(../FoX-config --libs --sax)
+sax_example_2$(EXEEXT): sax_example_2.$(OBJEXT) ../objs/lib/libFoX_sax.$(LIBEXT) ../objs/lib/libFoX_common.$(LIBEXT) ../objs/lib/libFoX_fsys.$(LIBEXT)
+	$(FC) $(FFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) $(LINK_O_FLAG) $@ sax_example_2.$(OBJEXT) $$(../FoX-config --libs --sax)
+wxml_example$(EXEEXT): wxml_example.$(OBJEXT) ../objs/lib/libFoX_wxml.$(LIBEXT) ../objs/lib/libFoX_common.$(LIBEXT) ../objs/lib/libFoX_fsys.$(LIBEXT)
+	$(FC) $(FFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) $(LINK_O_FLAG) $@ wxml_example.$(OBJEXT) $$(../FoX-config --libs --wxml)
+wcml_example$(EXEEXT): wcml_example.$(OBJEXT)  ../objs/lib/libFoX_wcml.$(LIBEXT) ../objs/lib/libFoX_wxml.$(LIBEXT) ../objs/lib/libFoX_common.$(LIBEXT) ../objs/lib/libFoX_fsys.$(LIBEXT)
+	$(FC) $(FFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) $(LINK_O_FLAG) $@ wcml_example.$(OBJEXT) $$(../FoX-config --libs --wcml)
+wkml_example$(EXEEXT): wkml_example.$(OBJEXT)  ../objs/lib/libFoX_wkml.$(LIBEXT) ../objs/lib/libFoX_wxml.$(LIBEXT) ../objs/lib/libFoX_common.$(LIBEXT) ../objs/lib/libFoX_fsys.$(LIBEXT)
+	$(FC) $(FFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) $(LINK_O_FLAG) $@ wkml_example.$(OBJEXT) $$(../FoX-config --libs --wkml)
+	rm -f *.$(OBJEXT) *.$(MOD_EXT) $(EXAMPLES) wkml_example.kml
diff --git a/examples/dom_canonicalize.ns.no.f90 b/examples/dom_canonicalize.ns.no.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..708ee23
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/dom_canonicalize.ns.no.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+program dom_example
+  use FoX_dom
+  implicit none
+  type(Node), pointer :: myDoc
+  type(DOMConfiguration), pointer :: dc
+  type(DOMException), pointer :: ex
+  integer :: ios
+  real :: t1, t2
+  call cpu_time(t1)
+  ! Load in the document
+  dc => newDOMConfig()
+  call setParameter(dc, "namespaces", .false.)
+  myDoc => parseFile("test.xml", dc, iostat=ios, ex=ex)
+  if (inException(ex)) then
+    print*,"DOM Parse error ", getExceptionCode(ex)
+  else
+    ! Tell the normalizer to canonicalize it
+    !call setParameter(getDomConfig(myDoc), "canonical-form", .true.)
+    ! and write it out again (which automatically does normalization)
+    call serialize(myDoc, "out.xml")
+  endif
+  call cpu_time(t2)
+  print*, "Finished"
+  print*, "Elapsed time:", t2-t1
+  ! Clear up all allocated memory
+  call destroy(myDoc)
+  call destroy(dc)
+end program dom_example
diff --git a/examples/dom_canonicalize.ns.yes.f90 b/examples/dom_canonicalize.ns.yes.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b13364e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/dom_canonicalize.ns.yes.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+program dom_example
+  use FoX_dom
+  implicit none
+  type(Node), pointer :: myDoc
+  type(DOMConfiguration), pointer :: dc
+  type(DOMException) :: ex
+  integer :: ios
+  real :: t1, t2
+  call cpu_time(t1)
+  ! Load in the document
+  dc => newDOMConfig()
+  call setParameter(dc, "namespaces", .true.)
+  call setParameter(dc, "comments", .false.)
+  myDoc => parseFile("test.xml", dc, iostat=ios, ex=ex)
+  if (inException(ex)) then
+    print*,"Parse error", getExceptionCode(ex)
+  elseif (ios/=0) then
+    print*,"IO Error"
+  else
+    ! Tell the normalizer to canonicalize it
+    ! but only if we are 1.0. 1.1 cannot be canonicalized.
+    if (getXMLVersion(myDoc)=="1.0") &
+      call setParameter(getDomConfig(myDoc), "canonical-form", .true.)
+    ! and write it out again (which automatically does normalization)
+    call serialize(myDoc, "out.xml")
+  endif
+  call cpu_time(t2)
+  print*, "Finished"
+  print*, "Elapsed time:", t2-t1
+  ! Clear up all allocated memory
+  call destroy(myDoc)
+  call destroy(dc)
+end program dom_example
diff --git a/examples/dom_configuration.f90 b/examples/dom_configuration.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7bc659c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/dom_configuration.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+program dom_configuration
+! Use FoX DOM API to determine 
+! default values and settablility 
+! of DOM Configuration options.
+  use FoX_dom
+  implicit none 
+  integer, parameter :: max_name_len = 50
+  integer, parameter :: max_configs = 50
+  type(DOMConfiguration), pointer :: config
+  integer :: num_configs
+  integer :: config_name_len
+  character(len=max_name_len), dimension(max_configs) :: config_names
+  integer :: i
+  integer :: defaults
+  integer :: settable
+! Uncomment these to help with changing settings
+!  logical :: set
+!  logical :: def
+  settable = 0
+  defaults = 0
+  config => newDOMConfig()
+  config_name_len = len(getParameterNames(config))
+  num_configs = size(getParameterNames(config))
+  config_names(1:num_configs) = getParameterNames(config)
+  write (*,"(a)") '=========================================================================='
+  write (*,"(a3, 3x, a7, 3x, a7, 3x, a)"), 'num', 'can set', 'default', 'name'
+  write (*,"(a)") '=========================================================================='
+  ! Loop over all configuration options and report settability and default value.
+  do i = 1, num_configs
+    write (*,"(i3, 6x, l1, 9x, l1, 6x, a)") i, & 
+      &  canSetParameter(config, config_names(i), .true.), & 
+      &  getParameter(config, config_names(i)), trim(config_names(i))
+    if (canSetParameter(config, config_names(i), .true.)) then
+      settable = ibset(settable, i)
+    else
+      settable = ibclr(settable, i)
+    endif
+    if (getParameter(config, config_names(i))) then
+      defaults = ibset(defaults, i)
+    else
+      defaults = ibclr(defaults, i)
+    endif
+  end do
+  write (*,"(a)") '=========================================================================='
+  ! These numbers should be parameters inside m_dom_configuration.m4...
+  print*, 'defaults = ', defaults
+  print*, 'settable = ', settable
+  call destroy(config)
+! Uncomment these to help with changing settings in m_dom_configurations.m4
+!  do
+!    read(*,*) i, set, def
+!    if (set) then 
+!      settable = ibset(settable, i)
+!    else 
+!      settable = ibclr(settable, i)
+!    endif
+!    if (def) then
+!      defaults = ibset(defaults, i)
+!    else
+!      defaults = ibclr(defaults, i)
+!    endif
+!    print*, 'defaults = ', defaults
+!    print*, 'settable = ', settable
+!  enddo
+end program dom_configuration
diff --git a/examples/dom_example_2.f90 b/examples/dom_example_2.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0f82c46
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/dom_example_2.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+program dom_example
+  use FoX_dom
+  implicit none
+  type(Node), pointer :: myDoc, p
+  type(NodeList), pointer :: parameterList, children
+  integer :: i, j
+  real :: energy
+  ! Load in the document
+  myDoc => parseFile("h2o.xml")
+  ! Find all the parameters:
+  parameterList => getElementsByTagNameNS(myDoc, &
+    "http://www.xml-cml.org/schema", "parameter")
+  print*, "Found ", getLength(parameterList), " parameters."
+  ! Loop over the parameter list. Note that the DOM
+  ! counts from zero, not from one.
+  do i = 0, getLength(parameterList)-1
+    p => item(parameterList, i)
+    ! Check for the existence of the attribute we're looking for
+    if (hasAttribute(p, "name")) then
+      if (getAttribute(p, "name")=="DM.EnergyTolerance") then
+        ! The energy is in the text node which is the child of the <scalar> element under this node ...
+        ! Check all the children of the node for the <scalar> element.
+        children => getChildNodes(p)
+        do j = 0, getLength(children)-1
+          p => item(children, j)
+          if (getLocalName(p) =="scalar") then
+            ! This is the scalar node whose child we want:
+            call extractDataContent(p, energy)
+            print*, "Energy Tolerance is ", energy
+          endif
+        enddo
+      endif
+    endif
+  enddo
+  ! Clear up all allocated memory
+  call destroy(myDoc)
+end program dom_example
diff --git a/examples/dom_example_3.f90 b/examples/dom_example_3.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e5f33b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/dom_example_3.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+program dom_example_3
+   ! Example of how to use the FoX dom module to create a document tree in memory (and write it
+   ! to a file)
+   use FoX_dom
+   implicit none
+   type(Node), pointer :: myDoc, root, np, dummy
+   ! Create a new document and get a pointer to the root element, this gives you the minimum empty dom
+   myDoc => createDocument(getImplementation(), "http://www.example.com", "root-element", null())
+   root => getDocumentElement(myDoc)
+   ! You can now do DOMish things like create new elements and append them to the document root element 
+   ! dummy ends up pointing at the child-element
+   np => createElementNS(myDoc, "http://www.example.com", "child-element")
+   dummy => appendChild(root, np)
+   ! Call serialize to produce the document
+   call serialize(myDoc, "dom_example_3.xml")
+   ! And don't forget to clean up the memory
+   call destroy(myDoc)
+end program dom_example_3
diff --git a/examples/h2o.xml b/examples/h2o.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..16aecdc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/h2o.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,899 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<?xml-stylesheet href="http://www.eminerals.org/XSLT/display.xsl" type="text/xsl" ?>
+<cml xmlns="http://www.xml-cml.org/schema" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/title" xmlns:siesta="http://www.uam.es/siesta/namespace" xmlns:siestaUnits="http://www.uam.es/siesta/namespace/units" xmlns:eMinerals="http://www.eminerals.org/namespace">
+ <metadata name="eMinerals:cmlSubsetVersion" content="0.9"/>
+ <metadata name="dc:contributor" content="xmlf90 v1.99"/>
+ <metadataList>
+  <metadata name="siesta:Program" content="Siesta"/>
+  <metadata name="siesta:Version" content="siesta-2.0-release"/>
+  <metadata name="siesta:Arch" content="i686-pc-linux-gnu--Nag"/>
+  <metadata name="siesta:Flags" content="f95 -g -mismatch -kind=byte -dcfuns -gline -C=all"/>
+  <metadata name="siesta:StartTime" content="2006-03-20T19-50-16"/>
+  <metadata name="siesta:Mode" content="Serial"/>
+  <metadata name="siesta:Nodes" content="1"/>
+  <metadata name="siesta:NetCDF" content="false"/>
+ </metadataList>
+ <parameterList title="Input Parameters">
+  <parameter name="SystemName" dictRef="siesta:sname" value="Water molecule"/>
+  <parameter name="SystemLabel" dictRef="siesta:slabel" value="h2o"/>
+  <parameter name="LongOutput" dictRef="siesta:verbosity" value="false"/>
+  <parameter name="NumberOfSpecies" dictRef="siesta:ns" value="2"/>
+  <parameter name="WriteDenChar" value="false"/>
+  <parameter name="WriteMullikenPop" value="0"/>
+  <parameter name="MeshCutOff" dictRef="siesta:g2max">
+   <scalar units="siestaUnits:Ry">50.0000000000                                                                                       
+   </scalar>
+  </parameter>
+  <parameter name="NetCharge" dictRef="siesta:NetCharge">
+   <scalar units="siestaUnits:e__">0.00000000000                                                                                       
+   </scalar>
+  </parameter>
+  <parameter name="MaxSCFIterations" dictRef="siesta:maxscf" value="50"/>
+  <parameter name="DM.NumberPulay" dictRef="siesta:maxsav" value="0"/>
+  <parameter name="DM.NumberBroyden" dictRef="siesta:broyden_maxit" value="0"/>
+  <parameter name="DM.MixSCF1" dictRef="siesta:mix" value="false"/>
+  <parameter name="DM.PulayOnFile" dictRef="siesta:pulfile" value="false"/>
+  <parameter name="DM.MixingWeight" dictRef="siesta:wmix">
+   <scalar>0.250000000000                                                                                      
+   </scalar>
+  </parameter>
+  <parameter name="DM.OccupancyTolerance" dictRef="siesta:occtol">
+   <scalar>0.100000000000E-11                                                                                  
+   </scalar>
+  </parameter>
+  <parameter name="DM.NumberKick" dictRef="siesta:nkick" value="0"/>
+  <parameter name="DM.KickMixingWeight" dictRef="siesta:wmixkick">
+   <scalar>0.500000000000                                                                                      
+   </scalar>
+  </parameter>
+  <parameter name="DM.Tolerance" dictRef="siesta:dDtol">
+   <scalar>0.100000000000E-03                                                                                  
+   </scalar>
+  </parameter>
+  <parameter name="DM.RequireEnergyConvergence" dictRef="siesta:ReqEnergyConv" value="false"/>
+  <parameter name="DM.EnergyTolerance" dictRef="siesta:dEtol">
+   <scalar>0.734980670008E-05                                                                                  
+   </scalar>
+  </parameter>
+  <parameter name="DM.UseSaveDM" dictRef="siesta:usesavedm" value="false"/>
+  <parameter name="NeglNonOverlapInt" dictRef="siesta:negl" value="false"/>
+  <parameter name="SolutionMethod" dictRef="siesta:SCFmethod" value="diagon"/>
+  <parameter name="Diag.DivideAndConquer" dictRef="siesta:DaC" value="true"/>
+  <parameter name="Diag.Memory" dictRef="siesta:MemoryFactor">
+   <scalar>1.00000000000                                                                                       
+   </scalar>
+  </parameter>
+  <parameter name="ElectronicTemperature" dictRef="siesta:etemp">
+   <scalar units="siestaUnits:Ry">0.190000000000E-02                                                                                  
+   </scalar>
+  </parameter>
+  <parameter name="FixSpin" dictRef="siesta:fixspin" value="false"/>
+  <parameter name="TotalSpin" dictRef="siesta:ts">
+   <scalar>0.00000000000                                                                                       
+   </scalar>
+  </parameter>
+  <parameter name="MD.TypeOfRun" value="Verlet"/>
+  <parameter name="MD.InitialTimeStep" value="1"/>
+  <parameter name="MD.FinalTimeStep" value="1"/>
+  <parameter name="MD.LengthTimeStep">
+   <scalar units="siestaUnits:fs">1.00000000000                                                                                       
+   </scalar>
+  </parameter>
+  <parameter name="MD.InitialTemperature">
+   <scalar units="siestaUnits:K">0.00000000000                                                                                       
+   </scalar>
+  </parameter>
+  <parameter name="MD.Quench" value="false"/>
+  <parameter name="MD.BulkModulus">
+   <scalar units="siestaUnits:Ry_Bohr__3">0.679773000000E-02                                                                                  
+   </scalar>
+  </parameter>
+ </parameterList>
+ <module title="Initial System">
+  <molecule>
+   <atomArray>
+    <atom elementType="O" id="a1" ref="siesta:e001" x3="0.000000" y3="0.000000" z3="0.000000"/>
+    <atom elementType="H" id="a2" ref="siesta:e002" x3="0.757000" y3="0.586000" z3="0.000000"/>
+    <atom elementType="H" id="a3" ref="siesta:e002" x3="-0.757000" y3="0.586000" z3="0.000000"/>
+   </atomArray>
+  </molecule>
+  <lattice dictRef="siesta:ucell">
+   <latticeVector units="siestaUnits:angstrom" dictRef="cml:latticeVector">
+   13.7693294473                                                                                       
+   0.00000000000                                                                                       
+   0.00000000000                                                                                       
+   </latticeVector>
+   <latticeVector units="siestaUnits:angstrom" dictRef="cml:latticeVector">
+   0.00000000000                                                                                       
+   10.8601702120                                                                                       
+   0.00000000000                                                                                       
+   </latticeVector>
+   <latticeVector units="siestaUnits:angstrom" dictRef="cml:latticeVector">
+   0.00000000000                                                                                       
+   0.00000000000                                                                                       
+   10.6221783051                                                                                       
+   </latticeVector>
+  </lattice>
+  <property dictRef="siesta:shape">
+   <scalar>molecule
+   </scalar>
+  </property>
+ </module>
+ <module dictRef="MD" role="step" serial="1">
+  <molecule>
+   <atomArray>
+    <atom elementType="O" id="a1" ref="siesta:e001" x3="0.000000" y3="0.000000" z3="0.000000"/>
+    <atom elementType="H" id="a2" ref="siesta:e002" x3="0.757000" y3="0.586000" z3="0.000000"/>
+    <atom elementType="H" id="a3" ref="siesta:e002" x3="-0.757000" y3="0.586000" z3="0.000000"/>
+   </atomArray>
+  </molecule>
+  <lattice dictRef="siesta:ucell">
+   <latticeVector units="siestaUnits:Ang" dictRef="cml:latticeVector">
+   7.28641244894                                                                                       
+   0.00000000000                                                                                       
+   0.00000000000                                                                                       
+   </latticeVector>
+   <latticeVector units="siestaUnits:Ang" dictRef="cml:latticeVector">
+   0.00000000000                                                                                       
+   5.74695229226                                                                                       
+   0.00000000000                                                                                       
+   </latticeVector>
+   <latticeVector units="siestaUnits:Ang" dictRef="cml:latticeVector">
+   0.00000000000                                                                                       
+   0.00000000000                                                                                       
+   5.62101244894                                                                                       
+   </latticeVector>
+  </lattice>
+  <crystal title="Lattice Parameters">
+   <scalar title="a" dictRef="cml:a" units="units:angstrom">
+   7.286412                                                                                            
+   </scalar>
+   <scalar title="b" dictRef="cml:b" units="units:angstrom">
+   5.746952                                                                                            
+   </scalar>
+   <scalar title="c" dictRef="cml:c" units="units:angstrom">
+   5.621012                                                                                            
+   </scalar>
+   <scalar title="alpha" dictRef="cml:alpha" units="units:degree">90.000000                                                                                           
+   </scalar>
+   <scalar title="beta" dictRef="cml:beta" units="units:degree">90.000000                                                                                           
+   </scalar>
+   <scalar title="gamma" dictRef="cml:gamma" units="units:degree">90.000000                                                                                           
+   </scalar>
+  </crystal>
+  <module dictRef="SCF" role="step" serial="1">
+   <propertyList>
+    <property title="Mesh" dictRef="siesta:ntm">
+     <array size="3" dataType="xsd:integer">32 30 24
+     </array>
+    </property>
+    <property title="Requested Cut-Off" dictRef="siesta:g2max">
+     <scalar dataType="xsd:double" units="siestaUnits:Ry">50.0000
+     </scalar>
+    </property>
+    <property title="Actual Cut-Off" dictRef="siesta:g2mesh">
+     <scalar dataType="xsd:double" units="siestaUnits:Ry">50.3843
+     </scalar>
+    </property>
+   </propertyList>
+   <propertyList title="Energy Decomposition">
+    <property dictRef="siesta:Eions">
+     <scalar dataType="xsd:double" units="siestaUnits:eV">815.854478                                                                                          
+     </scalar>
+    </property>
+    <property dictRef="siesta:Ena">
+     <scalar dataType="xsd:double" units="siestaUnits:eV">175.154321                                                                                          
+     </scalar>
+    </property>
+    <property dictRef="siesta:Ekin">
+     <scalar dataType="xsd:double" units="siestaUnits:eV">341.667405                                                                                          
+     </scalar>
+    </property>
+    <property dictRef="siesta:Enl">
+     <scalar dataType="xsd:double" units="siestaUnits:eV">-52.736757                                                                                          
+     </scalar>
+    </property>
+    <property dictRef="siesta:DEna">
+     <scalar dataType="xsd:double" units="siestaUnits:eV">-0.000001                                                                                           
+     </scalar>
+    </property>
+    <property dictRef="siesta:DUscf">
+     <scalar dataType="xsd:double" units="siestaUnits:eV">0.000000                                                                                            
+     </scalar>
+    </property>
+    <property dictRef="siesta:DUext">
+     <scalar dataType="xsd:double" units="siestaUnits:eV">0.000000                                                                                            
+     </scalar>
+    </property>
+    <property dictRef="siesta:Exc">
+     <scalar dataType="xsd:double" units="siestaUnits:eV">-109.951257                                                                                         
+     </scalar>
+    </property>
+    <property dictRef="siesta:Ecorrec">
+     <scalar dataType="xsd:double" units="siestaUnits:eV">0.000000                                                                                            
+     </scalar>
+    </property>
+    <property dictRef="siesta:Emad">
+     <scalar dataType="xsd:double" units="siestaUnits:eV">0.000000                                                                                            
+     </scalar>
+    </property>
+    <property dictRef="siesta:Ekinion">
+     <scalar dataType="xsd:double" units="siestaUnits:eV">0.000000                                                                                            
+     </scalar>
+    </property>
+    <property dictRef="siesta:EharrsK">
+     <scalar dataType="xsd:double" units="siestaUnits:eV">-466.430388                                                                                         
+     </scalar>
+    </property>
+    <property dictRef="siesta:EtotK">
+     <scalar dataType="xsd:double" units="siestaUnits:eV">-461.720767                                                                                         
+     </scalar>
+    </property>
+    <property dictRef="siesta:FreeEK">
+     <scalar dataType="xsd:double" units="siestaUnits:eV">-461.720767                                                                                         
+     </scalar>
+    </property>
+   </propertyList>
+   <propertyList title="SCF Cycle">
+    <property dictRef="siesta:Eharrs">
+     <scalar dataType="xsd:double" units="siestaUnits:eV">-466.4303885                                                                                        
+     </scalar>
+    </property>
+    <property dictRef="siesta:FreeE">
+     <scalar dataType="xsd:double" units="siestaUnits:eV">-461.7207670                                                                                        
+     </scalar>
+    </property>
+    <property dictRef="siesta:Ef">
+     <scalar dataType="xsd:double" units="siestaUnits:eV">-4.2475200                                                                                          
+     </scalar>
+    </property>
+   </propertyList>
+  </module>
+  <module dictRef="SCF" role="step" serial="2">
+   <propertyList title="SCF Cycle">
+    <property dictRef="siesta:Eharrs">
+     <scalar dataType="xsd:double" units="siestaUnits:eV">-466.8703788                                                                                        
+     </scalar>
+    </property>
+    <property dictRef="siesta:FreeE">
+     <scalar dataType="xsd:double" units="siestaUnits:eV">-465.2426105                                                                                        
+     </scalar>
+    </property>
+    <property dictRef="siesta:Ef">
+     <scalar dataType="xsd:double" units="siestaUnits:eV">-0.1473581                                                                                          
+     </scalar>
+    </property>
+   </propertyList>
+  </module>
+  <module dictRef="SCF" role="step" serial="3">
+   <propertyList title="SCF Cycle">
+    <property dictRef="siesta:Eharrs">
+     <scalar dataType="xsd:double" units="siestaUnits:eV">-465.9265641                                                                                        
+     </scalar>
+    </property>
+    <property dictRef="siesta:FreeE">
+     <scalar dataType="xsd:double" units="siestaUnits:eV">-465.4656875                                                                                        
+     </scalar>
+    </property>
+    <property dictRef="siesta:Ef">
+     <scalar dataType="xsd:double" units="siestaUnits:eV">-1.5861650                                                                                          
+     </scalar>
+    </property>
+   </propertyList>
+  </module>
+  <module dictRef="SCF" role="step" serial="4">
+   <propertyList title="SCF Cycle">
+    <property dictRef="siesta:Eharrs">
+     <scalar dataType="xsd:double" units="siestaUnits:eV">-465.8473753                                                                                        
+     </scalar>
+    </property>
+    <property dictRef="siesta:FreeE">
+     <scalar dataType="xsd:double" units="siestaUnits:eV">-465.5657807                                                                                        
+     </scalar>
+    </property>
+    <property dictRef="siesta:Ef">
+     <scalar dataType="xsd:double" units="siestaUnits:eV">-1.9934426                                                                                          
+     </scalar>
+    </property>
+   </propertyList>
+  </module>
+  <module dictRef="SCF" role="step" serial="5">
+   <propertyList title="SCF Cycle">
+    <property dictRef="siesta:Eharrs">
+     <scalar dataType="xsd:double" units="siestaUnits:eV">-465.8398294                                                                                        
+     </scalar>
+    </property>
+    <property dictRef="siesta:FreeE">
+     <scalar dataType="xsd:double" units="siestaUnits:eV">-465.6347506                                                                                        
+     </scalar>
+    </property>
+    <property dictRef="siesta:Ef">
+     <scalar dataType="xsd:double" units="siestaUnits:eV">-2.1115773                                                                                          
+     </scalar>
+    </property>
+   </propertyList>
+  </module>
+  <module dictRef="SCF" role="step" serial="6">
+   <propertyList title="SCF Cycle">
+    <property dictRef="siesta:Eharrs">
+     <scalar dataType="xsd:double" units="siestaUnits:eV">-465.8389845                                                                                        
+     </scalar>
+    </property>
+    <property dictRef="siesta:FreeE">
+     <scalar dataType="xsd:double" units="siestaUnits:eV">-465.6858421                                                                                        
+     </scalar>
+    </property>
+    <property dictRef="siesta:Ef">
+     <scalar dataType="xsd:double" units="siestaUnits:eV">-2.1447335                                                                                          
+     </scalar>
+    </property>
+   </propertyList>
+  </module>
+  <module dictRef="SCF" role="step" serial="7">
+   <propertyList title="SCF Cycle">
+    <property dictRef="siesta:Eharrs">
+     <scalar dataType="xsd:double" units="siestaUnits:eV">-465.8388875                                                                                        
+     </scalar>
+    </property>
+    <property dictRef="siesta:FreeE">
+     <scalar dataType="xsd:double" units="siestaUnits:eV">-465.7241289                                                                                        
+     </scalar>
+    </property>
+    <property dictRef="siesta:Ef">
+     <scalar dataType="xsd:double" units="siestaUnits:eV">-2.1530662                                                                                          
+     </scalar>
+    </property>
+   </propertyList>
+  </module>
+  <module dictRef="SCF" role="step" serial="8">
+   <propertyList title="SCF Cycle">
+    <property dictRef="siesta:Eharrs">
+     <scalar dataType="xsd:double" units="siestaUnits:eV">-465.8388705                                                                                        
+     </scalar>
+    </property>
+    <property dictRef="siesta:FreeE">
+     <scalar dataType="xsd:double" units="siestaUnits:eV">-465.7528248                                                                                        
+     </scalar>
+    </property>
+    <property dictRef="siesta:Ef">
+     <scalar dataType="xsd:double" units="siestaUnits:eV">-2.1545092                                                                                          
+     </scalar>
+    </property>
+   </propertyList>
+  </module>
+  <module dictRef="SCF" role="step" serial="9">
+   <propertyList title="SCF Cycle">
+    <property dictRef="siesta:Eharrs">
+     <scalar dataType="xsd:double" units="siestaUnits:eV">-465.8388541                                                                                        
+     </scalar>
+    </property>
+    <property dictRef="siesta:FreeE">
+     <scalar dataType="xsd:double" units="siestaUnits:eV">-465.7743277                                                                                        
+     </scalar>
+    </property>
+    <property dictRef="siesta:Ef">
+     <scalar dataType="xsd:double" units="siestaUnits:eV">-2.1542932                                                                                          
+     </scalar>
+    </property>
+   </propertyList>
+  </module>
+  <module dictRef="SCF" role="step" serial="10">
+   <propertyList title="SCF Cycle">
+    <property dictRef="siesta:Eharrs">
+     <scalar dataType="xsd:double" units="siestaUnits:eV">-465.8388422                                                                                        
+     </scalar>
+    </property>
+    <property dictRef="siesta:FreeE">
+     <scalar dataType="xsd:double" units="siestaUnits:eV">-465.7904506                                                                                        
+     </scalar>
+    </property>
+    <property dictRef="siesta:Ef">
+     <scalar dataType="xsd:double" units="siestaUnits:eV">-2.1538398                                                                                          
+     </scalar>
+    </property>
+   </propertyList>
+  </module>
+  <module dictRef="SCF" role="step" serial="11">
+   <propertyList title="SCF Cycle">
+    <property dictRef="siesta:Eharrs">
+     <scalar dataType="xsd:double" units="siestaUnits:eV">-465.8388270                                                                                        
+     </scalar>
+    </property>
+    <property dictRef="siesta:FreeE">
+     <scalar dataType="xsd:double" units="siestaUnits:eV">-465.8025346                                                                                        
+     </scalar>
+    </property>
+    <property dictRef="siesta:Ef">
+     <scalar dataType="xsd:double" units="siestaUnits:eV">-2.1534766                                                                                          
+     </scalar>
+    </property>
+   </propertyList>
+  </module>
+  <module dictRef="SCF" role="step" serial="12">
+   <propertyList title="SCF Cycle">
+    <property dictRef="siesta:Eharrs">
+     <scalar dataType="xsd:double" units="siestaUnits:eV">-465.8388056                                                                                        
+     </scalar>
+    </property>
+    <property dictRef="siesta:FreeE">
+     <scalar dataType="xsd:double" units="siestaUnits:eV">-465.8115869                                                                                        
+     </scalar>
+    </property>
+    <property dictRef="siesta:Ef">
+     <scalar dataType="xsd:double" units="siestaUnits:eV">-2.1532439                                                                                          
+     </scalar>
+    </property>
+   </propertyList>
+  </module>
+  <module dictRef="SCF" role="step" serial="13">
+   <propertyList title="SCF Cycle">
+    <property dictRef="siesta:Eharrs">
+     <scalar dataType="xsd:double" units="siestaUnits:eV">-465.8388236                                                                                        
+     </scalar>
+    </property>
+    <property dictRef="siesta:FreeE">
+     <scalar dataType="xsd:double" units="siestaUnits:eV">-465.8184098                                                                                        
+     </scalar>
+    </property>
+    <property dictRef="siesta:Ef">
+     <scalar dataType="xsd:double" units="siestaUnits:eV">-2.1530979                                                                                          
+     </scalar>
+    </property>
+   </propertyList>
+  </module>
+  <module dictRef="SCF" role="step" serial="14">
+   <propertyList title="SCF Cycle">
+    <property dictRef="siesta:Eharrs">
+     <scalar dataType="xsd:double" units="siestaUnits:eV">-465.8388676                                                                                        
+     </scalar>
+    </property>
+    <property dictRef="siesta:FreeE">
+     <scalar dataType="xsd:double" units="siestaUnits:eV">-465.8235574                                                                                        
+     </scalar>
+    </property>
+    <property dictRef="siesta:Ef">
+     <scalar dataType="xsd:double" units="siestaUnits:eV">-2.1530143                                                                                          
+     </scalar>
+    </property>
+   </propertyList>
+  </module>
+  <module dictRef="SCF" role="step" serial="15">
+   <propertyList title="SCF Cycle">
+    <property dictRef="siesta:Eharrs">
+     <scalar dataType="xsd:double" units="siestaUnits:eV">-465.8387981                                                                                        
+     </scalar>
+    </property>
+    <property dictRef="siesta:FreeE">
+     <scalar dataType="xsd:double" units="siestaUnits:eV">-465.8273155                                                                                        
+     </scalar>
+    </property>
+    <property dictRef="siesta:Ef">
+     <scalar dataType="xsd:double" units="siestaUnits:eV">-2.1529868                                                                                          
+     </scalar>
+    </property>
+   </propertyList>
+  </module>
+  <module dictRef="SCF" role="step" serial="16">
+   <propertyList title="SCF Cycle">
+    <property dictRef="siesta:Eharrs">
+     <scalar dataType="xsd:double" units="siestaUnits:eV">-465.8388245                                                                                        
+     </scalar>
+    </property>
+    <property dictRef="siesta:FreeE">
+     <scalar dataType="xsd:double" units="siestaUnits:eV">-465.8302126                                                                                        
+     </scalar>
+    </property>
+    <property dictRef="siesta:Ef">
+     <scalar dataType="xsd:double" units="siestaUnits:eV">-2.1529611                                                                                          
+     </scalar>
+    </property>
+   </propertyList>
+  </module>
+  <module dictRef="SCF" role="step" serial="17">
+   <propertyList title="SCF Cycle">
+    <property dictRef="siesta:Eharrs">
+     <scalar dataType="xsd:double" units="siestaUnits:eV">-465.8387957                                                                                        
+     </scalar>
+    </property>
+    <property dictRef="siesta:FreeE">
+     <scalar dataType="xsd:double" units="siestaUnits:eV">-465.8323368                                                                                        
+     </scalar>
+    </property>
+    <property dictRef="siesta:Ef">
+     <scalar dataType="xsd:double" units="siestaUnits:eV">-2.1529538                                                                                          
+     </scalar>
+    </property>
+   </propertyList>
+  </module>
+  <module dictRef="SCF" role="step" serial="18">
+   <propertyList title="SCF Cycle">
+    <property dictRef="siesta:Eharrs">
+     <scalar dataType="xsd:double" units="siestaUnits:eV">-465.8388083                                                                                        
+     </scalar>
+    </property>
+    <property dictRef="siesta:FreeE">
+     <scalar dataType="xsd:double" units="siestaUnits:eV">-465.8339641                                                                                        
+     </scalar>
+    </property>
+    <property dictRef="siesta:Ef">
+     <scalar dataType="xsd:double" units="siestaUnits:eV">-2.1529524                                                                                          
+     </scalar>
+    </property>
+   </propertyList>
+  </module>
+  <module dictRef="SCF" role="step" serial="19">
+   <propertyList title="SCF Cycle">
+    <property dictRef="siesta:Eharrs">
+     <scalar dataType="xsd:double" units="siestaUnits:eV">-465.8388469                                                                                        
+     </scalar>
+    </property>
+    <property dictRef="siesta:FreeE">
+     <scalar dataType="xsd:double" units="siestaUnits:eV">-465.8352138                                                                                        
+     </scalar>
+    </property>
+    <property dictRef="siesta:Ef">
+     <scalar dataType="xsd:double" units="siestaUnits:eV">-2.1529462                                                                                          
+     </scalar>
+    </property>
+   </propertyList>
+  </module>
+  <module dictRef="SCF" role="step" serial="20">
+   <propertyList title="SCF Cycle">
+    <property dictRef="siesta:Eharrs">
+     <scalar dataType="xsd:double" units="siestaUnits:eV">-465.8388382                                                                                        
+     </scalar>
+    </property>
+    <property dictRef="siesta:FreeE">
+     <scalar dataType="xsd:double" units="siestaUnits:eV">-465.8361134                                                                                        
+     </scalar>
+    </property>
+    <property dictRef="siesta:Ef">
+     <scalar dataType="xsd:double" units="siestaUnits:eV">-2.1529524                                                                                          
+     </scalar>
+    </property>
+   </propertyList>
+  </module>
+  <module dictRef="SCF" role="step" serial="21">
+   <propertyList title="SCF Cycle">
+    <property dictRef="siesta:Eharrs">
+     <scalar dataType="xsd:double" units="siestaUnits:eV">-465.8388385                                                                                        
+     </scalar>
+    </property>
+    <property dictRef="siesta:FreeE">
+     <scalar dataType="xsd:double" units="siestaUnits:eV">-465.8367948                                                                                        
+     </scalar>
+    </property>
+    <property dictRef="siesta:Ef">
+     <scalar dataType="xsd:double" units="siestaUnits:eV">-2.1529537                                                                                          
+     </scalar>
+    </property>
+   </propertyList>
+  </module>
+  <module dictRef="SCF" role="step" serial="22">
+   <propertyList title="SCF Cycle">
+    <property dictRef="siesta:Eharrs">
+     <scalar dataType="xsd:double" units="siestaUnits:eV">-465.8388680                                                                                        
+     </scalar>
+    </property>
+    <property dictRef="siesta:FreeE">
+     <scalar dataType="xsd:double" units="siestaUnits:eV">-465.8373353                                                                                        
+     </scalar>
+    </property>
+    <property dictRef="siesta:Ef">
+     <scalar dataType="xsd:double" units="siestaUnits:eV">-2.1529522                                                                                          
+     </scalar>
+    </property>
+   </propertyList>
+  </module>
+  <module dictRef="SCF" role="step" serial="23"/>
+  <propertyList title="Final KS Energy">
+   <property dictRef="siesta:E_KS">
+    <scalar dataType="xsd:double" units="siestaUnits:eV">-465.837687                                                                                         
+    </scalar>
+   </property>
+   <property dictRef="siesta:E_KS_egg">
+    <scalar dataType="xsd:double" units="siestaUnits:eV">-465.837687                                                                                         
+    </scalar>
+   </property>
+  </propertyList>
+  <propertyList title="Forces">
+   <property dictRef="siesta:forces">
+    <matrix units="siestaUnits:evpa" columns="3" rows="3" dataType="xsd:double">
+    -0.000                                                                                              
+    -0.507                                                                                              
+    0.000                                                                                               
+    0.721                                                                                               
+    0.281                                                                                               
+    0.000                                                                                               
+    -0.721                                                                                              
+    0.281                                                                                               
+    0.000                                                                                               
+    </matrix>
+   </property>
+   <property dictRef="siesta:ftot">
+    <array size="3" dataType="xsd:double">-0.000                                                                                              
+    0.002                                                                                               
+    0.000                                                                                               
+    </array>
+   </property>
+   <property dictRef="siesta:fmax">
+    <scalar dataType="xsd:double">0.0280
+    </scalar>
+   </property>
+   <property dictRef="siesta:fres">
+    <scalar dataType="xsd:double">0.0156
+    </scalar>
+   </property>
+   <property dictRef="siesta:cfmax">
+    <scalar dataType="xsd:double">0.0280
+    </scalar>
+   </property>
+  </propertyList>
+  <property dictRef="siesta:stress">
+   <matrix columns="3" rows="3" dataType="xsd:double"> -0.001                                                                                              
+   -0.000                                                                                              
+   0.000                                                                                               
+   -0.000                                                                                              
+   -0.000                                                                                              
+   -0.000                                                                                              
+   0.000                                                                                               
+   -0.000                                                                                              
+   0.001                                                                                               
+   </matrix>
+  </property>
+  <property title="Pressure (Static)" dictRef="siesta:psol">
+   <scalar dataType="xsd:double">0.0000
+   </scalar>
+  </property>
+  <property dictRef="siesta:tstress">
+   <matrix columns="3" rows="3" dataType="xsd:double"> -0.001                                                                                              
+   -0.000                                                                                              
+   0.000                                                                                               
+   -0.000                                                                                              
+   -0.000                                                                                              
+   -0.000                                                                                              
+   0.000                                                                                               
+   -0.000                                                                                              
+   0.001                                                                                               
+   </matrix>
+  </property>
+  <property title="Pressure (Total)" dictRef="siesta:tpsol">
+   <scalar dataType="xsd:double">0.0000
+   </scalar>
+  </property>
+  <molecule>
+   <atomArray>
+    <atom elementType="O" id="a1" ref="siesta:e001" x3="-0.000000" y3="-0.000152" z3="0.000000"/>
+    <atom elementType="H" id="a2" ref="siesta:e002" x3="0.760419" y3="0.587331" z3="0.000000"/>
+    <atom elementType="H" id="a3" ref="siesta:e002" x3="-0.760419" y3="0.587331" z3="0.000000"/>
+   </atomArray>
+  </molecule>
+  <lattice dictRef="siesta:ucell">
+   <latticeVector units="siestaUnits:Ang" dictRef="cml:latticeVector">
+   7.28641244894                                                                                       
+   0.00000000000                                                                                       
+   0.00000000000                                                                                       
+   </latticeVector>
+   <latticeVector units="siestaUnits:Ang" dictRef="cml:latticeVector">
+   0.00000000000                                                                                       
+   5.74695229226                                                                                       
+   0.00000000000                                                                                       
+   </latticeVector>
+   <latticeVector units="siestaUnits:Ang" dictRef="cml:latticeVector">
+   0.00000000000                                                                                       
+   0.00000000000                                                                                       
+   5.62101244894                                                                                       
+   </latticeVector>
+  </lattice>
+ </module>
+ <module title="Finalization">
+  <molecule>
+   <atomArray>
+    <atom elementType="O" id="a1" ref="siesta:e001" x3="-0.000000" y3="-0.000152" z3="0.000000"/>
+    <atom elementType="H" id="a2" ref="siesta:e002" x3="0.760419" y3="0.587331" z3="0.000000"/>
+    <atom elementType="H" id="a3" ref="siesta:e002" x3="-0.760419" y3="0.587331" z3="0.000000"/>
+   </atomArray>
+  </molecule>
+  <lattice dictRef="siesta:ucell">
+   <latticeVector units="siestaUnits:Ang" dictRef="cml:latticeVector">
+   7.28641244894                                                                                       
+   0.00000000000                                                                                       
+   0.00000000000                                                                                       
+   </latticeVector>
+   <latticeVector units="siestaUnits:Ang" dictRef="cml:latticeVector">
+   0.00000000000                                                                                       
+   5.74695229226                                                                                       
+   0.00000000000                                                                                       
+   </latticeVector>
+   <latticeVector units="siestaUnits:Ang" dictRef="cml:latticeVector">
+   0.00000000000                                                                                       
+   0.00000000000                                                                                       
+   5.62101244894                                                                                       
+   </latticeVector>
+  </lattice>
+  <propertyList title="Eigenvalues">
+   <property title="Fermi Energy" dictRef="siesta:E_Fermi">
+    <scalar dataType="xsd:double" units="siestaUnits:ev">-2.15295                                                                                            
+    </scalar>
+   </property>
+   <property title="Number of k-points" dictRef="siesta:nkpoints">
+    <scalar dataType="xsd:integer">1
+    </scalar>
+   </property>
+  </propertyList>
+  <bandList>
+   <band kpoint="0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000" weight="1.00000000000">
+    <array size="23" dataType="xsd:double">-1.818                                                                                              
+    -0.933                                                                                              
+    -0.640                                                                                              
+    -0.458                                                                                              
+    0.123                                                                                               
+    0.301                                                                                               
+    0.724                                                                                               
+    0.849                                                                                               
+    0.901                                                                                               
+    0.981                                                                                               
+    1.079                                                                                               
+    1.614                                                                                               
+    1.780                                                                                               
+    2.000                                                                                               
+    2.106                                                                                               
+    2.366                                                                                               
+    3.146                                                                                               
+    3.156                                                                                               
+    3.392                                                                                               
+    3.589                                                                                               
+    3.667                                                                                               
+    5.192                                                                                               
+    7.069                                                                                               
+    </array>
+   </band>
+  </bandList>
+  <propertyList title="Energy Decomposition">
+   <property dictRef="siesta:Eions">
+    <scalar dataType="xsd:double" units="siestaUnits:eV">815.854478                                                                                          
+    </scalar>
+   </property>
+   <property dictRef="siesta:Ena">
+    <scalar dataType="xsd:double" units="siestaUnits:eV">175.154321                                                                                          
+    </scalar>
+   </property>
+   <property dictRef="siesta:Ekin">
+    <scalar dataType="xsd:double" units="siestaUnits:eV">350.784785                                                                                          
+    </scalar>
+   </property>
+   <property dictRef="siesta:Enl">
+    <scalar dataType="xsd:double" units="siestaUnits:eV">-61.958734                                                                                          
+    </scalar>
+   </property>
+   <property dictRef="siesta:DEna">
+    <scalar dataType="xsd:double" units="siestaUnits:eV">-1.777972                                                                                           
+    </scalar>
+   </property>
+   <property dictRef="siesta:DUscf">
+    <scalar dataType="xsd:double" units="siestaUnits:eV">0.727286                                                                                            
+    </scalar>
+   </property>
+   <property dictRef="siesta:DUext">
+    <scalar dataType="xsd:double" units="siestaUnits:eV">0.000000                                                                                            
+    </scalar>
+   </property>
+   <property dictRef="siesta:Exc">
+    <scalar dataType="xsd:double" units="siestaUnits:eV">-112.912895                                                                                         
+    </scalar>
+   </property>
+   <property dictRef="siesta:Ecorrec">
+    <scalar dataType="xsd:double" units="siestaUnits:eV">0.000000                                                                                            
+    </scalar>
+   </property>
+   <property dictRef="siesta:Emad">
+    <scalar dataType="xsd:double" units="siestaUnits:eV">0.000000                                                                                            
+    </scalar>
+   </property>
+   <property dictRef="siesta:Ekinion">
+    <scalar dataType="xsd:double" units="siestaUnits:eV">0.000000                                                                                            
+    </scalar>
+   </property>
+   <property dictRef="siesta:EharrsK">
+    <scalar dataType="xsd:double" units="siestaUnits:eV">-465.838868                                                                                         
+    </scalar>
+   </property>
+   <property dictRef="siesta:EtotK">
+    <scalar dataType="xsd:double" units="siestaUnits:eV">-465.837687                                                                                         
+    </scalar>
+   </property>
+   <property dictRef="siesta:FreeEK">
+    <scalar dataType="xsd:double" units="siestaUnits:eV">-465.837687                                                                                         
+    </scalar>
+   </property>
+  </propertyList>
+  <propertyList title="Final Energy">
+   <property dictRef="siesta:Ekin">
+    <scalar dataType="xsd:double" units="siestaUnits:eV">350.784785                                                                                          
+    </scalar>
+   </property>
+   <property dictRef="siesta:Uscf">
+    <scalar dataType="xsd:double" units="siestaUnits:eV">382.616672                                                                                          
+    </scalar>
+   </property>
+   <property dictRef="siesta:DUext">
+    <scalar dataType="xsd:double" units="siestaUnits:eV">0.000000                                                                                            
+    </scalar>
+   </property>
+   <property dictRef="siesta:Exc">
+    <scalar dataType="xsd:double" units="siestaUnits:eV">-112.912895                                                                                         
+    </scalar>
+   </property>
+   <property dictRef="siesta:I-e">
+    <scalar dataType="xsd:double" units="siestaUnits:eV">-1072.820379                                                                                        
+    </scalar>
+   </property>
+   <property dictRef="siesta:I-I">
+    <scalar dataType="xsd:double" units="siestaUnits:eV">-13.505871                                                                                          
+    </scalar>
+   </property>
+   <property dictRef="siesta:Ekinion">
+    <scalar dataType="xsd:double" units="siestaUnits:eV">0.000000                                                                                            
+    </scalar>
+   </property>
+   <property dictRef="siesta:Etot">
+    <scalar dataType="xsd:double" units="siestaUnits:eV">-465.837687                                                                                         
+    </scalar>
+   </property>
+  </propertyList>
+  <propertyList title="Force Summary">
+   <property dictRef="siesta:forces">
+    <matrix units="siestaUnits:evpa" columns="3" rows="3" dataType="xsd:double">
+    -0.000                                                                                              
+    -0.507                                                                                              
+    0.000                                                                                               
+    0.721                                                                                               
+    0.281                                                                                               
+    0.000                                                                                               
+    -0.721                                                                                              
+    0.281                                                                                               
+    0.000                                                                                               
+    </matrix>
+   </property>
+   <property dictRef="siesta:ftot">
+    <array units="siestaUnits:evpa" size="3" dataType="xsd:double">-0.000                                                                                              
+    0.055                                                                                               
+    0.000                                                                                               
+    </array>
+   </property>
+  </propertyList>
+  <property dictRef="siesta:stress">
+   <matrix units="siestaUnits:eV_Ang__3" columns="3" rows="3" dataType="xsd:double"> -0.013                                                                                              
+   -0.000                                                                                              
+   0.000                                                                                               
+   -0.000                                                                                              
+   -0.002                                                                                              
+   -0.000                                                                                              
+   0.000                                                                                               
+   -0.000                                                                                              
+   0.014                                                                                               
+   </matrix>
+  </property>
+  <propertyList title="Final Pressure">
+   <property title="cell volume" dictRef="siesta:cellvol">
+    <scalar dataType="xsd:double" units="siestaUnits:Ang__3">235.3780
+    </scalar>
+   </property>
+   <property title="Pressure of Solid" dictRef="siesta:pressSol">
+    <scalar dataType="xsd:double" units="siestaUnits:kbar">0.5040
+    </scalar>
+   </property>
+   <property title="Pressure of Molecule" dictRef="siesta:pressMol">
+    <scalar dataType="xsd:double" units="siestaUnits:kbar">-2.6705
+    </scalar>
+   </property>
+  </propertyList>
+  <property title="Electric dipole" dictRef="siesta:dipol">
+   <array units="siestaUnits:atomic" size="3" dataType="xsd:double">0.000                                                                                               
+   0.558                                                                                               
+   -0.000                                                                                              
+   </array>
+  </property>
+ </module>
+ <metadata name="siesta:EndTime" content="2006-03-20T19-50-34"/>
diff --git a/examples/sax_example.f90 b/examples/sax_example.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a359594
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/sax_example.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,298 @@
+module m_handlers
+  use FoX_common
+  use FoX_sax
+  implicit none
+  private
+  ! This module shows massive overkill with the quantity
+  ! of callbacks specified. You will never need all of these
+  ! unless you are implementing an alternative interface on
+  ! top of SAX. (For example, the DOM interface uses all of 
+  ! these.
+  ! This is mainly for reference. Please see sax_example_2.f90
+  ! for a more realistic example
+  public :: characters_handler
+  public :: endDocument_handler
+  public :: endElement_handler
+  public :: endPrefixMapping_handler
+  public :: ignorableWhitespace_handler
+  public :: processingInstruction_handler
+  public :: skippedEntity_handler
+  public :: startElement_handler
+  public :: startDocument_handler
+  public :: startPrefixMapping_handler
+  public :: notationDecl_handler
+  public :: unparsedEntityDecl_handler
+  public :: error_handler
+  public :: fatalError_handler
+  public :: warning_handler
+  public :: attributeDecl_handler
+  public :: elementDecl_handler
+  public :: externalEntityDecl_handler
+  public :: internalEntityDecl_handler
+  public :: comment_handler
+  public :: endCdata_handler
+  public :: endEntity_handler
+  public :: endDTD_handler
+  public :: startCdata_handler
+  public :: startDTD_handler
+  public :: startEntity_handler
+  subroutine characters_handler(chunk)
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: chunk
+    write(*,'(a)') "PCDATA:"
+    write(unit=*,fmt="(a)") chunk
+  end subroutine characters_handler
+  subroutine endDocument_handler
+    write(*,'(a)') 'END DOCUMENT'
+  end subroutine endDocument_handler
+  subroutine endElement_handler(URI, localname, name)
+    character(len=*), intent(in)     :: URI
+    character(len=*), intent(in)     :: localname
+    character(len=*), intent(in)     :: name
+    write(unit=*,fmt="(4a)") ">>End Element: {", URI, "}", localname
+  end subroutine endElement_handler
+  subroutine endPrefixMapping_handler(prefix)
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: prefix
+    write(unit=*,fmt='(a)') "END NAMESPACE MAPPING"
+    write(unit=*,fmt='(2a)') "PREFIX:", prefix
+  end subroutine endPrefixMapping_handler
+  subroutine ignorableWhitespace_handler(chars)
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: chars
+    write(*,'(2a)') str(len(chars))//" characters of ignorable whitespace found"
+  end subroutine ignorableWhitespace_handler
+  subroutine processingInstruction_handler(name, content)
+    character(len=*), intent(in)   :: name
+    character(len=*), intent(in)   :: content
+    write(unit=*,fmt="(2a)") ">>Processing Instruction: ", name
+    write(unit=*, fmt="(a)") content
+  end subroutine processingInstruction_handler
+  subroutine skippedEntity_handler(name)
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
+    write(*,'(2a)') "Skipped entity, named "//name
+  end subroutine skippedEntity_handler
+  subroutine startDocument_handler
+    write(*,'(a)') "Document started"
+  end subroutine startDocument_handler
+  subroutine startElement_handler(URI, localname, name,attributes)
+    character(len=*), intent(in)   :: URI
+    character(len=*), intent(in)   :: localname
+    character(len=*), intent(in)   :: name
+    type(dictionary_t), intent(in) :: attributes
+    write(unit=*,fmt="(4a)") ">>Begin Element: {", URI, "}", localname
+    write(unit=*,fmt="(a,i2,a)") "--- ", getLength(attributes), " attributes:"
+    !call print_dict(attributes)
+  end subroutine startElement_handler
+  subroutine startPrefixMapping_handler(URI, prefix)
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: URI
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: prefix
+    write(unit=*,fmt='(a)') "START NAMESPACE MAPPING"
+    write(unit=*,fmt='(2a)') "PREFIX:", prefix
+    write(unit=*,fmt='(2a)') "URI:", uri
+  end subroutine startPrefixMapping_handler
+  subroutine notationDecl_handler(name, publicId, systemId)
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: publicId
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: systemId
+    write(*,'(2a)') "Notation declaration, "//name
+    write(*,'(2a)') "Public ID: ", publicId
+    write(*,'(2a)') "System ID: ", systemId
+  end subroutine notationDecl_handler
+  subroutine unparsedEntityDecl_handler(name, publicId, systemId, notation)
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: publicId
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: systemId
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: notation
+    write(*,'(2a)') "Unparsed entity declaration, "//name
+    write(*,'(2a)') "Public ID: ", publicId
+    write(*,'(2a)') "System ID: ", systemId
+    write(*,'(2a)') "Notation: ", notation
+  end subroutine unparsedEntityDecl_handler
+  subroutine error_handler(msg)
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: msg
+    write(*,'(a)') "Error encountered and caught"
+    write(*,'(a)') msg
+  end subroutine error_handler
+  subroutine fatalError_handler(msg)
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: msg
+    write(*,'(a)') "Fatal error encountered and caught"
+    write(*,'(a)') msg
+  end subroutine fatalError_handler
+  subroutine warning_handler(msg)
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: msg
+    write(*,'(a)') "Warning encountered and caught"
+    write(*,'(a)') msg
+  end subroutine warning_handler
+  subroutine attributeDecl_handler(eName, aName, type, mode, value)
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: eName
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: aName
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: type
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: mode
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: value
+    write(*,'(a)') "Attribute declared"
+    write(*,'(a)') eName
+    write(*,'(a)') aName
+    write(*,'(a)') type
+    if (present(mode)) write(*,'(a)') mode
+    if (present(value)) write(*,'(a)') value
+  end subroutine attributeDecl_handler
+  subroutine elementDecl_handler(name, model)
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: model
+    write(*,'(a)') "Element declared"
+    write(*,'(a)') name
+    write(*,'(a)') model
+  end subroutine elementDecl_handler
+  subroutine externalEntityDecl_handler(name, publicId, systemId)
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: publicId
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: systemId
+    write(*,'(a)') "External entity declared: "//name
+    write(*,'(a)') "Public Id "//publicId
+    write(*,'(a)') "System Id "//systemId
+  end subroutine externalEntityDecl_handler
+  subroutine internalEntityDecl_handler(name, value)
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: value
+    write(*,'(a)') 'Internal entity declared: '//name
+    write(*,'(a)') value
+  end subroutine internalEntityDecl_handler
+  subroutine comment_handler(comment)
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: comment
+    write(unit=*,fmt="(a)") ">>Comment: "
+    write(unit=*,fmt="(a)") comment
+  end subroutine comment_handler
+  subroutine endCdata_handler()
+    write(*,'(a)') 'End CDATA section'
+  end subroutine endCdata_handler
+  subroutine endDTD_handler()
+    write(*,'(a)') 'End DTD'
+  end subroutine endDTD_handler
+  subroutine endEntity_handler(name)
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
+    write(*,'(a)') 'End of entity expansion: '//name
+  end subroutine endEntity_handler
+  subroutine startCdata_handler()
+    write(*,'(a)') 'Start CDATA section'
+  end subroutine startCdata_handler
+  subroutine startDTD_handler(name, publicId, systemId)
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: publicId
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: systemId
+    write(*,'(a)') 'DTD started: '//name
+    write(*,'(a)') 'Public Id: '//publicId
+    write(*,'(a)') 'System Id: '//systemId
+  end subroutine startDTD_handler
+  subroutine startEntity_handler(name)
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
+    write(*,'(a)') 'Start of entity expansion: '//name
+  end subroutine startEntity_handler
+end module m_handlers
+program sax_example
+  !
+  ! Example driver for a stand-alone parsing of an xml document
+  !
+  use FoX_sax
+  use m_handlers      ! Defines begin_element, end_element, pcdata_chunk, etc
+  implicit none
+  integer :: iostat
+  type(xml_t)  :: fxml
+  call open_xml_file(fxml, "staffNS.xml", iostat=iostat)
+  if (iostat /= 0) then
+    write(*,*) "Cannot open file."
+    stop
+  endif
+  call parse(fxml,&
+    characters_handler,            &
+    endDocument_handler,           &
+    endElement_handler,            &
+    endPrefixMapping_handler,      &
+    ignorableWhitespace_handler,   &
+    processingInstruction_handler, &
+    ! setDocumentLocator
+    skippedEntity_handler,         &
+    startDocument_handler,         & 
+    startElement_handler,          &
+    startPrefixMapping_handler,    &
+    notationDecl_handler,          &
+    unparsedEntityDecl_handler,    &
+    error_handler,                 &
+    fatalError_handler,            &
+    warning_handler,               &
+    attributeDecl_handler,         &
+    elementDecl_handler,           &
+    externalEntityDecl_handler,    &
+    internalEntityDecl_handler,    &
+    comment_handler,               &
+    endCdata_handler,              &
+    endDTD_handler,                &
+    endEntity_handler,             &
+    startCdata_handler,            &
+    startDTD_handler,              &
+    startEntity_handler, validate=.true.)
+  call close_xml_t(fxml)
+end program sax_example
diff --git a/examples/sax_example_2.f90 b/examples/sax_example_2.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..461e92e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/sax_example_2.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
+module m_handlers_two
+  use FoX_common
+  use FoX_sax
+  implicit none
+  private
+  ! This shows how you might use a SAX processor
+  ! to extract character data from within certain nodes.
+  ! It will print out the character content of all scalar
+  ! nodes inside parameter nodes.
+  ! It will also remember the value of the scalar within the 
+  ! parameter node called DM.EnergyTolerance
+  ! Note that when dealing with character data, we need to 
+  ! concatenate all the character handling events in question:
+  ! we do this using some of the character handling routines 
+  ! provided as a convenience by FoX.
+  public :: characters_handler
+  public :: endElement_handler
+  public :: startDocument_handler
+  public :: startElement_handler
+  logical :: inScalar
+  logical :: inParameter
+  logical :: etolFound
+  real :: etol
+  character(200) :: c
+  public :: etol
+  subroutine characters_handler(chunk)
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: chunk
+    if (inScalar.and.inParameter) then
+      print*, "Found some scalar parameter data:"
+      print*, trim(chunk)
+      if (etolFound) then
+        c = trim(c)//" "//chunk
+      endif
+    endif
+  end subroutine characters_handler
+  subroutine endElement_handler(URI, localname, name)
+    character(len=*), intent(in)     :: URI
+    character(len=*), intent(in)     :: localname
+    character(len=*), intent(in)     :: name
+    ! Note if we are leaving a scalar or parameter element.
+    if (URI=="http://www.xml-cml.org/schema" &
+      .and. localName=="scalar") then
+      inScalar = .false.
+      if (etolFound) then
+        ! pull the data out of the concatenated string:
+        call rts(c, etol)
+      endif
+    elseif (URI=="http://www.xml-cml.org/schema" &
+      .and. localName=="parameter") then
+      inParameter = .false.
+      etolFound = .false.
+    endif
+  end subroutine endElement_handler
+  subroutine startDocument_handler
+    ! Initialize state variables
+    inScalar = .false.
+    inParameter = .false.
+    ! Initalize other module variables
+    c = ''
+  end subroutine startDocument_handler
+  subroutine startElement_handler(URI, localname, name, attributes)
+    character(len=*), intent(in)   :: URI
+    character(len=*), intent(in)   :: localname
+    character(len=*), intent(in)   :: name
+    type(dictionary_t), intent(in) :: attributes
+    integer :: i
+    ! Note if we are entering a scalar or parameter element.
+    if (URI=="http://www.xml-cml.org/schema" &
+      .and. localName=="scalar") then
+      inScalar = .true.
+    elseif (URI=="http://www.xml-cml.org/schema" &
+      .and. localName=="parameter") then
+      inParameter = .true.
+      ! Loop over the attributes, looking for the name ...
+      do i = 1, getLength(attributes)
+        if (getQName(attributes, i)=="name") then
+          ! And if the attribute is called name, check if the name
+          ! is what we are interested in.
+          print*, "name=", getValue(attributes, i)
+          etolfound = getValue(attributes, i)=="DM.EnergyTolerance"
+        endif
+      enddo
+    endif
+  end subroutine startElement_handler
+end module m_handlers_two
+program sax_example
+  use FoX_sax
+  use m_handlers_two ! above
+  implicit none
+  integer :: iostat
+  type(xml_t)  :: fxml
+  call open_xml_file(fxml, "h2o.xml", iostat=iostat)
+  if (iostat /= 0) then
+    write(*,*) "Cannot open file."
+    stop
+  endif
+  call parse(fxml,&
+    characters_handler=characters_handler, &
+    endElement_handler=endElement_handler, & 
+    startDocument_handler=startDocument_handler, & 
+    startElement_handler=startElement_handler)
+  call close_xml_t(fxml)
+  print*, "The energy tolerance requested was:", etol
+end program sax_example
diff --git a/examples/staffNS.dtd b/examples/staffNS.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7643773
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/staffNS.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+<!ELEMENT staff (employee+,emp:employee,employee) >
+<!ELEMENT employee (employeeId,name,position,salary,gender,address) >
+<!ATTLIST employee xmlns CDATA #IMPLIED>
+<!ATTLIST employee xmlns:dmstc CDATA #IMPLIED>
+<!ATTLIST employee xmlns:emp2 CDATA #IMPLIED>
+<!ELEMENT employeeId (#PCDATA) >
+<!ELEMENT name (#PCDATA) >
+<!ELEMENT position (#PCDATA) >
+<!ELEMENT salary (#PCDATA) >
+<!ELEMENT entElement1 (#PCDATA) >
+<!ELEMENT gender (#PCDATA | entElement1)* >
+<!ATTLIST entElement1 xmlns:local1 CDATA #IMPLIED >
+<!ELEMENT address (#PCDATA) >
+<!ATTLIST address dmstc:domestic CDATA #IMPLIED>
+<!ATTLIST address street CDATA #IMPLIED>
+<!ATTLIST address domestic CDATA #IMPLIED>
+<!ATTLIST address xmlns CDATA #IMPLIED>
+<!ELEMENT emp:employee (emp:employeeId,nm:name,emp:position,emp:salary,emp:gender,emp:address) >
+<!ATTLIST emp:employee xmlns:emp CDATA #IMPLIED>
+<!ATTLIST emp:employee xmlns:nm CDATA #IMPLIED>
+<!ATTLIST emp:employee defaultAttr CDATA 'defaultVal'>
+<!ELEMENT emp:employeeId (#PCDATA) >
+<!ELEMENT nm:name (#PCDATA) >
+<!ELEMENT emp:position (#PCDATA) >
+<!ELEMENT emp:salary (#PCDATA) >
+<!ELEMENT emp:gender (#PCDATA) >
+<!ELEMENT emp:address (#PCDATA) >
+<!ATTLIST emp:address emp:domestic CDATA #IMPLIED>
+<!ATTLIST emp:address street CDATA #IMPLIED>
+<!ATTLIST emp:address emp:zone ID #IMPLIED>
+<!ATTLIST emp:address emp:district CDATA 'DISTRICT'>
+<!ATTLIST emp:address emp:local1 CDATA 'FALSE'>
diff --git a/examples/staffNS.xml b/examples/staffNS.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6b2fc79
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/staffNS.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?><?TEST-STYLE PIDATA?>
+<!DOCTYPE staff PUBLIC "STAFF" "staffNS.dtd" 
+   <!ENTITY ent1 "es">
+   <!ENTITY ent2 "1900 Dallas Road">
+   <!ENTITY ent3 "Texas">
+   <!ENTITY ent4 "<entElement1 xmlns:local1='http://www.xyz.com'>Element data</entElement1><?PItarget PIdata?>">
+   <!ENTITY ent5 PUBLIC "entityURI" "entityFile" NDATA notation1>
+   <!ENTITY ent6 PUBLIC "uri" "file" NDATA notation2>
+   <!ENTITY ent1 "This entity should be discarded">
+   <!NOTATION notation1 PUBLIC "notation1File">
+   <!NOTATION notation2 SYSTEM "notation2File">
+<!-- This is comment number 1.-->
+ <employee xmlns="http://www.nist.gov" xmlns:dmstc="http://www.usa.com">
+  <employeeId>EMP0001</employeeId>
+  <name>Margaret Martin</name>
+  <position>Accountant</position>           
+  <salary>56,000</salary>
+  <gender>Female</gender>
+  <address dmstc:domestic="Yes">1230 North Ave. Dallas, Texas 98551</address>
+ </employee>
+ <employee xmlns:dmstc="http://www.usa.com">
+  <employeeId>EMP0002</employeeId>
+  <name>Martha Raynolds
+<![CDATA[This is a CDATASection with EntityReference number 2 &ent2;]]>
+<![CDATA[This is an adjacent CDATASection with a reference to a tab &tab;]]></name>
+  <position>Secretary</position>
+  <salary>35,000</salary>
+  <gender>Female</gender>
+  <address dmstc:domestic="Yes" street="Yes">&ent2; Dallas, &ent3;
+ 98554</address>
+ </employee>
+ <employee xmlns:dmstc="http://www.netzero.com">
+  <employeeId>EMP0003</employeeId>
+  <name>Roger
+ Jones</name>
+  <position>Department Manager</position>
+  <salary>100,000</salary>
+  <gender>&ent4;</gender>
+  <address dmstc:domestic="Yes" street="No">PO Box 27 Irving, texas 98553</address>
+ </employee>
+ <emp:employee xmlns:emp="http://www.nist.gov" xmlns:nm="http://www.altavista.com" >    <emp:employeeId>EMP0004</emp:employeeId>
+  <nm:name>Jeny Oconnor</nm:name>
+  <emp:position>Personnel Director</emp:position>
+  <emp:salary>95,000</emp:salary>
+  <emp:gender>Female</emp:gender>
+  <emp:address emp:domestic="Yes" street="Y&ent1;" emp:zone="CANADA" emp:local1="TRUE">27 South Road. Dallas, texas 98556</emp:address>
+ </emp:employee>
+ <employee xmlns:emp2="http://www.nist.gov">
+  <employeeId>EMP0005</employeeId>
+  <name>Robert Myers</name>
+  <position>Computer Specialist</position>
+  <salary>90,000</salary>
+  <gender>male</gender>
+  <address street="Yes" xmlns="http://www.nist.gov">1821 Nordic. Road, Irving Texas 98558</address>
+ </employee>
+ </staff>
diff --git a/examples/wcml_example.f90 b/examples/wcml_example.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5db17ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/wcml_example.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+ program wcml_example
+   use FoX_wcml
+  integer,  parameter ::  sp = selected_real_kind(6,30)
+  integer,  parameter ::  dp = selected_real_kind(14,100)
+! NB normally you will be writting to the xml file
+! from mulitple fortran files/subroutines, therefore
+! type(xmlf_t) :: myfile   (below)
+! would normally need to be treated as a global
+! variable, either in a module or a common block.
+  type(xmlf_t) :: myfile
+  integer           :: num, na
+  character(len=2)  :: elements(3)
+  real(kind=dp)      :: coords(3,3)
+  real(kind=dp)      :: adp, matrix(3,3)
+  character(len=10) :: filename
+  data coords(1:3,1)/0.0d0, 0.0d0, 0.0d0/
+  data coords(1:3,2)/0.5d0, 0.5d0, 0.5d0/
+  data coords(1:3,3)/0.4d0, 0.4d0, 0.4d0/
+  matrix = 3.141_dp
+  adp=1.234567890
+  na=3
+  elements(1) = 'Ca'
+  elements(2) = 'Si'
+  elements(3) = 'O'
+  num = 20
+  filename = 'mytest.cml'
+  call cmlBeginFile(myfile, filename=filename, unit=-1)
+  call cmlAddNamespace(myfile, prefix="myDict", URI="http://www.example.com/dict")
+  call cmlStartCml(myfile)
+  ! Add parameter
+  call cmlStartParameterList(xf=myfile, title="Input parameters")
+  call cmlAddParameter(xf=myfile, name='inputSize', value='True')
+  call cmlAddParameter(xf=myfile, name='inputSize', value=.True.)
+  call cmlAddParameter(xf=myfile, name='inputSize', value=3, units="cmlUnits:Angstrom")
+  call cmlAddParameter(xf=myfile, name='inputSize', value=3.0, units="cmlUnits:Angstrom")
+  call cmlAddParameter(xf=myfile, name='inputSize', value=3.0d0, units="cmlUnits:Angstrom")
+  call cmlAddParameter(xf=myfile, name='inputSize', value=(3.0d0, 0.0d0), units="cmlUnits:Angstrom")
+  call cmlEndParameterList(xf=myfile)
+  call cmlStartPropertyList(xf=myfile, title="Scalars")
+  call cmlAddProperty(xf=myfile, title='inputSize', value='True')
+  call cmlAddProperty(xf=myfile, title='inputSize', value=.True.)
+  call cmlAddProperty(xf=myfile, title='inputSize', value=3, units="cmlUnits:Angstrom")
+  call cmlAddProperty(xf=myfile, title='inputSize', value=3.0, units="cmlUnits:Angstrom")
+  call cmlAddProperty(xf=myfile, title='inputSize', value=3.0d0, units="cmlUnits:Angstrom")
+  call cmlAddProperty(xf=myfile, title='inputSize', value=(3.0d0, 0.0d0), units="cmlUnits:Angstrom")
+  call cmlEndPropertyList(xf=myfile)
+  call cmlStartPropertyList(xf=myfile, title="Scalars")
+  call cmlAddProperty(xf=myfile, title='inputArray', value=(/'one  ', 'two  ', 'three'/))
+  call cmlAddProperty(xf=myfile, title='inputArray', value=(/.true., .false./))
+  call cmlAddProperty(xf=myfile, title='inputArray', value=(/1, 2/), units="cmlUnits:Angstrom")
+  call cmlAddProperty(xf=myfile, title='inputArray', value=(/1.0, 2.0/), units="cmlUnits:Angstrom")
+  call cmlAddProperty(xf=myfile, title='inputArray', value=(/1.0d0, 2.0d0/), units="cmlUnits:Angstrom")
+  call cmlAddProperty(xf=myfile, title='inputArray', value=(/(1.0d0,0.0d0), (2.0d0,0.0d0)/), units="cmlUnits:Angstrom")
+  call cmlEndPropertyList(xf=myfile)
+  call cmlStartPropertyList(xf=myfile, title="Scalars")
+  call cmlStartPropertyList(myfile, dictref="castep:kpt_band")
+  call cmlAddProperty(myfile, 1, dictref="castep:spin", &
+             units="castepunits:spin")
+  call cmlAddKpoint(myfile, (/1.0d0, 2.0d0, 3.0d0/), &
+              weight=1.0d0, id="okpt:")
+  call cmlAddProperty(myfile, (/1.0, 2.0/), title="Eigenvalues", &
+              dictref="castep:eigenenergies", &
+              units="castepunits:")
+  call cmlEndPropertyList(myfile)
+  call cmlAddProperty(xf=myfile, &
+    value=matrix,&
+    title='Elastic Constant Matrix',units='units:GPa')
+  call cmlEndPropertyList(xf=myfile)
+  ! Add molecule
+  call cmlAddMolecule(xf=myfile, elements=elements,coords=coords)                               
+  ! Add molecule output in short style
+  call cmlAddMolecule(xf=myfile, elements=elements,coords=coords, style='xyz3')
+  ! Add molecule output in short style in user supplied format
+  call cmlAddMolecule(xf=myfile, elements=elements,coords=coords, style='xyz3', fmt='r6')
+  call cmlAddCrystal(xf=myfile, a=1.0, b=1.0, c=1.0, alpha=90.0, beta=90.0, gamma=90.0)
+  ! End and Close
+  call cmlEndCml(myfile)
+  call cmlFinishFile(myfile)
+end program wcml_example
diff --git a/examples/wkml_example.f90 b/examples/wkml_example.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..49248a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/wkml_example.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+program wkml_example
+! this program read car accidents data of Cambridge 
+  use FoX_wkml
+  implicit none
+  type(xmlf_t) :: myfile
+  integer i,m
+  parameter(m=10) 
+  double precision :: latitude(m), longitude(m)  
+  open(unit=90, file='wkml_example_input.txt',status='old')
+10 FORMAT(2x,F9.6,5x,F8.6)
+  do i=1,m
+    read (90,10) latitude(i), longitude(i)
+  end do
+!   print*, longitude
+  close(90)
+  call kmlBeginFile(myfile, "wkml_example.kml", -1)
+  call kmlCreatePoints(myfile, longitude, latitude)
+  call kmlFinishFile(myfile)
+end program wkml_example
diff --git a/examples/wkml_example_input.txt b/examples/wkml_example_input.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f714541
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/wkml_example_input.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+  52.178179     0.143026
+  52.210026     0.111787
+  52.204842     0.135543
+  52.176018     0.143683
+  52.173411     0.112742
+  52.209044     0.141804
+  52.213750     0.123205
+  52.226834     0.111618
+  52.214031     0.110557
+  52.207677     0.127060
diff --git a/examples/wxml_example.f90 b/examples/wxml_example.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..04e940c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/wxml_example.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+program wxml_example
+use FoX_wxml
+type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+integer :: age = 34
+real, dimension(20)  :: x
+real, dimension(4,4)  :: y
+call xml_OpenFile("simple.xml",xf)
+call xml_AddDOCTYPE(xf, "john", "hellodtd")
+call xml_AddParameterEntity(xf, 'pe', '<!ENTITY def "what a load of nonsense">')
+call xml_AddInternalEntity(xf, "abc", "A B C")
+call xml_AddElementToDTD(xf, "br", "EMPTY")
+call xml_AddAttlistToDTD(xf, "p", "class NMTOKENS #IMPLIED")
+call xml_AddPEreferenceToDTD(xf, "pe")
+call xml_AddXMLPI(xf, name="robots")
+call xml_AddPseudoAttribute(xf, "index", "yes")
+call xml_AddPseudoAttribute(xf, "follow", "no")
+call xml_AddNotation(xf, name="GIF", system="http://lzw.org")
+call xml_AddComment(xf, "a comment ...")
+call xml_AddExternalEntity(xf, "def", "http://blah", public="h", notation="GIF")
+call xml_AddXMLStylesheet(xf,href="simple.css",type="text/css",media="braille")
+call xml_AddXMLPI(xf,name="ccode", data="{hello_world();}")
+call xml_NewElement(xf,"john")
+call xml_AddAttribute(xf,"age",age)
+call xml_AddAttribute(xf,"with_markup","O'Reilly & Assoc is < OUP but > Wiley")
+call xml_NewElement(xf,"peter")
+call xml_AddComment(xf, "another comment ...")
+call xml_NewElement(xf,"tim")
+call xml_AddAttribute(xf,"age",37)
+call xml_AddAttribute(xf,"weight",123.45d0,fmt="r3")
+call xml_AddAttribute(xf,"cholesterol",167.0d0,fmt="r0")
+call xml_AddCharacters(xf,"Ping-pong")
+call xml_AddCharacters(xf,"champion")
+call xml_EndElement(xf,"tim")
+call xml_AddCharacters(xf," in years < 2004")
+call xml_AddXMLPI(xf, name="robots2")
+call xml_AddPseudoAttribute(xf, "index", "if you're nice")
+call xml_AddEntityReference(xf, 'abc')
+call xml_AddCharacters(xf, repeat("abcd   ",500))
+call xml_NewElement(xf,"data")
+call xml_AddAttribute(xf,"units","eV")
+call random_number(x)
+!call xml_AddArray(xf,x)
+call xml_EndElement(xf,"data")
+call xml_NewElement(xf,"data")
+call xml_AddAttribute(xf,"units","Ryd")
+call xml_AddEntityReference(xf, '#x2A9')
+call xml_DeclareNamespace(xf, "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml", "h")
+call xml_DeclareNamespace(xf, "http://www.w3.org/1999/svg", "svg")
+call xml_NewElement(xf, "h:html")
+call xml_NewElement(xf, "svg:svg")
+call xml_EndElement(xf, "svg:svg")
+call xml_NewElement(xf, "h:head")
+call xml_DeclareNamespace(xf,"http://www.xml-cml.org/schema", "cml")
+call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "cml:convention", "eMinerals")
+call xml_EndElement(xf, "h:head")
+!call xml_AddCharacters(xf,(/1, 2, 3, 4, 16 /))
+! xml_Close will take care to close all outstanding elements
+call xml_Close(xf)
+! Equivalent code:
+!!call xml_EndElement(xf,"data")
+!!call xml_EndElement(xf,"peter")
+!!call xml_EndElement(xf,"john")
+end program wxml_example
diff --git a/examples/xml_output_module.f90 b/examples/xml_output_module.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a783e51
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/xml_output_module.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+module example_xml_module
+  use FoX_wxml
+  implicit none
+  private
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xmlfile
+  save :: xmlfile
+  public :: initialize_xml_output
+  public :: add_paragraph
+  public :: end_xml_output
+  subroutine initialize_xml_output(title)
+     character(len=*), intent(in) :: title
+     call xml_OpenFile('output.xml', xmlfile)
+     call xml_DeclareNamespace(xmlfile, 'http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml')
+     call xml_NewElement(xmlfile, 'html')
+     call xml_NewElement(xmlfile, 'head')
+     call xml_NewElement(xmlfile, 'title')
+     call xml_AddCharacters(xmlfile, title)
+     call xml_EndElement(xmlfile, 'title')
+     call xml_EndElement(xmlfile, 'head')
+     call xml_NewElement(xmlfile, 'body')
+  end subroutine initialize_xml_output
+  subroutine add_paragraph(para, italic)
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: para
+    logical :: italic
+    call xml_NewElement(xmlfile, 'p')
+    if (italic) call xml_AddAttribute(xmlfile, 'style', 'font-style:italic')
+    call xml_AddCharacters(xmlfile, para)
+    call xml_EndElement(xmlfile, 'p')
+  end subroutine add_paragraph
+  subroutine end_xml_output
+     call xml_EndElement(xmlfile, 'body')
+     call xml_Close(xmlfile)
+  end subroutine end_xml_output
+end module example_xml_module
diff --git a/examples/xml_output_program.f90 b/examples/xml_output_program.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..339eea4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/xml_output_program.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+program example_xml_program
+  use example_xml_module
+  implicit none
+  call initialize_xml_output('XML output by FoX')
+  call add_paragraph('This output file was produced by FoX.', italic=.false.)
+  call add_paragraph('FoX is an XML output library written in Fortran', italic=.true.)
+  call end_xml_output
+end program example_xml_program
diff --git a/fsys/CMakeLists.txt b/fsys/CMakeLists.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f025f01
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fsys/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+# fox_m_fsys_parse_input.F90: fox_m_fsys_parse_input.m4
+#         m4 -I ../m4 $< > $@
+    OUTPUT ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/fox_m_fsys_parse_input.F90
+    COMMAND ${M4_PROGRAM} -I ../m4 ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/fox_m_fsys_parse_input.m4 > ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/fox_m_fsys_parse_input.F90
+    DEPENDS fox_m_fsys_parse_input.m4
+  )
+  fox_m_fsys_realtypes.f90
+#  m_ieee.f90
+  fox_m_fsys_abort_flush.F90
+  fox_m_fsys_array_str.F90
+  fox_m_fsys_format.F90
+  fox_m_fsys_parse_input.F90
+  fox_m_fsys_string.F90
+  fox_m_fsys_string_list.F90
+  fox_fsys STATIC
+  ${fox_fsys_srcs}
+  ${fox_fsys_srcs_pp}
diff --git a/fsys/fox_m_fsys_abort_flush.F90 b/fsys/fox_m_fsys_abort_flush.F90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..612523b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fsys/fox_m_fsys_abort_flush.F90
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+module fox_m_fsys_abort_flush
+  implicit none
+  public :: pxfflush
+  public :: pxfabort
+  public :: pure_pxfabort
+  ! pxf.F90 - assortment of Fortran wrappers to various
+  ! unix-y system calls.
+  !
+  ! Copyright Toby White, <tow21 at cam.ac.uk> 2005
+  ! The name pxf is intended to be reminiscent of the POSIX
+  ! fortran interfaces defined by IEEE 1003.9-1992, although
+  ! in fact I don't think that either flush or abort were
+  ! covered by said standard.
+  ! Of the preprocessor defines used here, only xlC is
+  ! automatically defined by the appropriate compiler. All
+  ! others must be defined by some other mechanism - I
+  ! recommend autoconf.
+  ! FLUSH: flushes buffered output on a given unit. Not guaranteed
+  ! to do anything at all (particularly under MPI when even FLUSHed 
+  ! buffers may not make it to the host cpu after an abort.
+  !
+  ! IMPLEMENTATION: in F2003, this is a native operation called by the
+  ! FLUSH statement.
+  ! In almost every compiler, there is a FLUSH intrinsic subroutine 
+  ! available which takes one argument, the unit to be flushed.
+  ! (some will flush all open units when no argument is given - this 
+  !  facility is not used here.
+  ! NAG complicates matters by having to USE a module to get at flush.
+  ! 
+  ! If no FLUSH is available, the subroutine is a no-op.
+  subroutine pxfflush(unit)
+#ifdef __NAG__
+    use f90_unix_io, only : flush
+    integer, intent(in) :: unit
+#if defined(F2003)
+    flush(unit)
+#elif defined(xlC)
+    call flush_(unit)
+#elif defined (FC_HAVE_FLUSH)
+    call flush(unit)
+    continue
+  end subroutine pxfflush
+  ! ABORT: terminates program execution in such a way that a backtrace
+  ! is produced. (see abort() in the C Standard Library). No arguments.
+  !
+  ! IMPLEMENTATION: In F2003, the C interoperability features mean that
+  ! the abort in stdlib.h is available to be linked against.
+  ! In several other compilers an ABORT intrinsic subroutine is available.
+  ! Again, NAG complicates matters by needing to USE a module.
+  !
+  ! In the case where no native ABORT can be found, we emulate one
+  ! by dereferencing a null pointer. This has reliably produced coredumps
+  ! on every platform I've tried it with. Just in case it doesn't (it need
+  ! not even stop execution) a stop is given to force termination.
+  subroutine pxfabort()
+#ifdef __NAG__
+    use f90_unix_proc, only : abort
+#ifdef F2003
+    interface
+      subroutine abort() bind(c)
+      end subroutine abort
+    end interface
+#define FC_HAVE_ABORT
+#ifndef FC_HAVE_ABORT
+    integer, pointer :: i
+    call pxfflush(6)
+    call abort_()
+#elif defined(FC_ABORT_ARG)
+    call abort("")
+    call abort()
+    i=>null()
+    Print*,i
+    stop
+  end subroutine pxfabort
+  ! For where we need a pxfabort that is pure, we have
+  ! this below. I am less sure of its working everywhe
+  ! also it must be used as a function not a subroutine
+  ! (otherwise it would be optimized away as side-effect
+  ! free
+  pure function pure_pxfabort() result (crash)
+    integer :: crash
+    integer, pointer :: i
+    nullify(i)
+    crash = i
+  end function pure_pxfabort
+end module fox_m_fsys_abort_flush
diff --git a/fsys/fox_m_fsys_array_str.F90 b/fsys/fox_m_fsys_array_str.F90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b495548
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fsys/fox_m_fsys_array_str.F90
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+module fox_m_fsys_array_str
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+  implicit none
+  private
+  interface destroy
+    module procedure destroy_vs
+  end interface
+  interface concat
+    module procedure vs_s_concat
+  end interface
+  interface alloc
+    module procedure vs_str_alloc
+  end interface
+  public :: str_vs
+  public :: vs_str
+  public :: vs_str_alloc
+  public :: vs_vs_alloc
+  public :: concat
+  public :: alloc
+  public :: destroy
+  pure function str_vs(vs) result(s)
+    character, dimension(:), intent(in) :: vs
+    character(len=size(vs)) :: s
+#ifdef PGF90
+!PGI crashes on this use of transfer. Knob-ends.
+    integer :: i
+    do i = 1, size(vs)
+      s(i:i) = vs(i)
+    enddo
+    s = transfer(vs, s)
+  end function str_vs
+  pure function vs_str(s) result(vs)
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: s
+    character, dimension(len(s)) :: vs
+    vs = transfer(s, vs)
+  end function vs_str
+  pure function vs_str_alloc(s) result(vs)
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: s
+    character, dimension(:), pointer :: vs
+    allocate(vs(len(s)))
+    vs = vs_str(s)
+  end function vs_str_alloc
+  pure function vs_vs_alloc(s) result(vs)
+    character, dimension(:), pointer :: s
+    character, dimension(:), pointer :: vs
+    if (associated(s)) then
+      allocate(vs(size(s)))
+      vs = s
+    else
+      vs => null()
+    endif
+  end function vs_vs_alloc
+  pure function vs_s_concat(vs, s) result(vs2)
+    character, dimension(:), intent(in) :: vs
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: s
+    character, dimension(:), pointer :: vs2
+    allocate(vs2(size(vs)+len(s)))
+    vs2(:size(vs)) = vs
+    vs2(size(vs)+1:) = vs_str(s)
+  end function vs_s_concat
+  subroutine destroy_vs(vs)
+    character, dimension(:), pointer :: vs
+    deallocate(vs)
+  end subroutine destroy_vs
+end module fox_m_fsys_array_str
diff --git a/fsys/fox_m_fsys_count_parse_input.F90 b/fsys/fox_m_fsys_count_parse_input.F90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b158d26
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fsys/fox_m_fsys_count_parse_input.F90
@@ -0,0 +1,561 @@
+module fox_m_fsys_count_parse_input
+  use fox_m_fsys_realtypes, only: sp, dp
+  implicit none
+  private
+  character(len=1), parameter :: SPACE           = achar(32)
+  character(len=1), parameter :: NEWLINE         = achar(10)
+  character(len=1), parameter :: CARRIAGE_RETURN = achar(13)
+  character(len=1), parameter :: TAB             = achar(9)
+  character(len=*), parameter :: whitespace = &
+  interface countrts
+    module procedure countstring
+    module procedure countlogical
+    module procedure countinteger
+    module procedure countrealsp
+    module procedure countrealdp
+    module procedure countcomplexsp
+    module procedure countcomplexdp
+  end interface
+  public :: countrts
+  pure function countstring(s, datatype, separator, csv) result(num)
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: s
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: datatype
+    character, intent(in), optional :: separator
+    logical, intent(in), optional :: csv
+    integer :: num
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    logical :: bracketed
+    integer :: i, j, ij, k, s_i, err, ios, length
+    real :: r, c
+    character(len=len(s)) :: s2
+    logical :: csv_, eof
+    integer :: m
+    csv_ = .false.
+    if (present(csv)) then
+      if (csv) csv_ = csv
+    endif
+    s_i = 1
+    err = 0
+    eof = .false.
+    ij = 0
+    loop: do
+      if (csv_) then
+      if (s_i>len(s)) then
+        ij = ij + 1
+        exit loop
+      endif
+      k = verify(s(s_i:), achar(10)//achar(13))
+      if (k==0) then
+        ij = ij + 1
+        exit loop
+      elseif (s(s_i+k-1:s_i+k-1)=="""") then
+        ! we have a quote-delimited string;
+        s_i = s_i + k
+        s2 = ""
+        quote: do 
+          k = index(s(s_i:), """")
+          if (k==0) then
+            err = 2
+            exit loop
+          endif
+          k = s_i + k - 1
+          s2(m:) = s(s_i:k)
+          m = m + (k-s_i+1)
+          k = k + 2
+          if (k>len(s)) then
+            err = 2
+            exit loop
+          endif
+          if (s(k:k)/="""") exit
+          s_i = k + 1
+          if (s_i > len(s)) then
+            err = 2
+            exit loop
+          endif
+          m = m + 1
+          s2(m:m) = """"
+        enddo quote
+        k  = scan(s(s_i:), whitespace)
+        if (k==0) then
+          err = 2
+          exit loop
+        endif
+      else
+        s_i = s_i + k - 1
+        k = scan(s(s_i:), achar(10)//achar(13)//",")
+        if (k==0) then
+          eof = .true.
+          k = len(s)
+        else
+          k = s_i + k - 2
+        endif
+        if (index(s(s_i:k), """")/=0) then
+          err = 2
+          exit loop
+        endif
+      endif
+      ij = ij + 1
+      s_i = k + 2
+      if (eof) exit loop
+      else
+      if (present(separator)) then
+        k = index(s(s_i:), separator)
+      else
+        k = verify(s(s_i:), whitespace)
+        if (k==0) exit loop
+        s_i = s_i + k - 1
+        k = scan(s(s_i:), whitespace)
+      endif
+      if (k==0) then
+        k = len(s)
+      else
+        k = s_i + k - 2
+      endif
+      ij = ij + 1
+      s_i = k + 2
+      if (s_i>len(s)) exit loop
+      endif
+    end do loop
+    num = ij
+    if (err/=0) num=0
+    num = 0
+  end function countstring
+  pure function countlogical(s, datatype) result(num)
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: s
+    logical, intent(in) :: datatype
+    logical :: dummy_data
+    integer :: num
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    logical :: bracketed
+    integer :: i, j, ij, k, s_i, err, ios, length
+    real :: r, c
+    s_i = 1
+    err = 0
+    ij  = 0
+    length = 1
+    loop: do 
+      k = verify(s(s_i:), whitespace)
+      if (k==0) exit loop
+      s_i = s_i + k - 1
+      if (s(s_i:s_i)==",") then
+        if (s_i+1>len(s)) then
+          err = 2
+          exit loop
+        endif
+        k = verify(s(s_i+1:), whitespace)
+        s_i = s_i + k - 1
+      endif
+      k = scan(s(s_i:), whitespace//",")
+      if (k==0) then
+        k = len(s)
+      else
+        k = s_i + k - 2
+      endif
+      if (.not.((s(s_i:k)=="true".or.s(s_i:k)=="1").or. & 
+          (s(s_i:k)=="false".or.s(s_i:k)=="0"))) then
+        err = 2
+        exit loop
+      endif
+      ij = ij + 1
+      s_i = k + 2
+      if (ij<length.and.s_i>len(s)) exit loop
+    end do loop
+    num = ij
+    if (verify(s(s_i:), whitespace)/=0) num = 0
+    if (err/=0) num=0
+    num = 0
+  end function countlogical
+  pure function countinteger(s, datatype) result(num)
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: s
+    integer, intent(in) :: datatype
+    integer :: dummy_data
+    integer num
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    logical :: bracketed
+    integer :: i, j, ij, k, s_i, err, ios, length
+    real :: r, c
+    s_i = 1
+    err = 0
+    ij  = 0
+    length = 1
+    loop: do 
+      k = verify(s(s_i:), whitespace)
+      if (k==0) exit loop
+      s_i = s_i + k - 1
+      if (s(s_i:s_i)==",") then
+        if (s_i+1>len(s)) then
+          err = 2
+          exit loop
+        endif
+        k = verify(s(s_i+1:), whitespace)
+        s_i = s_i + k - 1
+      endif
+      k = scan(s(s_i:), whitespace//",")
+      if (k==0) then
+        k = len(s)
+      else
+        k = s_i + k - 2
+      endif
+      read(s(s_i:k), *, iostat=ios) dummy_data
+      if (ios/=0) then
+        err = 2
+        exit loop
+      endif
+      ij = ij + 1
+      s_i = k + 2
+      if (ij<length.and.s_i>len(s)) exit loop
+    end do loop
+    num = ij
+    if (verify(s(s_i:), whitespace)/=0) num = 0
+    if (err/=0) num=0
+    num = 0
+end function countinteger
+  pure function countrealsp(s, datatype) result(num)
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: s
+    real(sp), intent(in) :: datatype
+    real(sp) :: dummy_data
+    integer :: num
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    logical :: bracketed
+    integer :: i, j, ij, k, s_i, err, ios, length
+    real :: r, c
+    s_i = 1
+    err = 0
+    ij  = 0
+    length = 1
+    loop: do
+      k = verify(s(s_i:), whitespace)
+      if (k==0) exit loop
+      s_i = s_i + k - 1
+      if (s(s_i:s_i)==",") then
+        if (s_i+1>len(s)) then
+          err = 2
+          exit loop
+        endif
+        k = verify(s(s_i+1:), whitespace)
+        s_i = s_i + k - 1
+      endif
+      k = scan(s(s_i:), whitespace//",")
+      if (k==0) then
+        k = len(s)
+      else
+        k = s_i + k - 2
+      endif
+      read(s(s_i:k), *, iostat=ios) dummy_data
+      if (ios/=0) then
+        err = 2
+        exit loop
+      endif
+      ij = ij + 1
+      s_i = k + 2
+      if (ij<length.and.s_i>len(s)) exit loop
+    end do loop
+    num = ij
+    if (verify(s(s_i:), whitespace)/=0) num = 0
+    if (err/=0) num=0
+    num = 0
+  end function countrealsp
+  pure function countrealdp(s, datatype) result(num)
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: s
+    real(dp), intent(in) :: datatype
+    real(dp) :: dummy_data
+    integer :: num
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    logical :: bracketed
+    integer :: i, j, ij, k, s_i, err, ios, length
+    real :: r, c
+    s_i = 1
+    err = 0
+    ij  = 0
+    length = 1
+    loop: do 
+      k = verify(s(s_i:), whitespace)
+      if (k==0) exit loop
+      s_i = s_i + k - 1
+      if (s(s_i:s_i)==",") then
+        if (s_i+1>len(s)) then
+          err = 2
+          exit loop
+        endif
+        k = verify(s(s_i+1:), whitespace)
+        s_i = s_i + k - 1
+      endif
+      k = scan(s(s_i:), whitespace//",")
+      if (k==0) then
+        k = len(s)
+      else
+        k = s_i + k - 2
+      endif
+      read(s(s_i:k), *, iostat=ios) dummy_data
+      if (ios/=0) then
+        err = 2
+        exit loop
+      endif
+      ij = ij + 1
+      s_i = k + 2
+      if (ij<length.and.s_i>len(s)) exit loop
+    end do loop
+    num = ij
+    if (verify(s(s_i:), whitespace)/=0) num = 0
+    if (err/=0) num=0
+    num = 0
+  end function countrealdp
+  pure function countcomplexsp(s, datatype) result(num)
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: s
+    complex(sp), intent(in) :: datatype
+    complex(sp) :: dummy_data
+    integer :: num
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    logical :: bracketed
+    integer :: i, j, ij, k, s_i, err, ios, length
+    real :: r, c
+    s_i = 1
+    err = 0
+    ij  = 0
+    length = 1
+    loop: do 
+      bracketed = .false.
+      k = verify(s(s_i:), whitespace)
+      if (k==0) exit loop
+      s_i = s_i + k - 1
+      select case (s(s_i:s_i))
+      case ("(")
+        bracketed = .true.
+        k = verify(s(s_i:), whitespace)
+        if (k==0) then
+          err = 2
+          exit loop
+        endif
+        s_i = s_i + k
+      case (",")
+        k = verify(s(s_i:), whitespace)
+        if (k==0) then
+          err = 2
+          exit loop
+        endif
+        s_i = s_i + k - 1
+      case ("+", "-", "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9")
+        continue
+      case default
+        err = 2
+        exit loop
+      end select
+      if (bracketed) then
+        k = index(s(s_i:), ")+i(")
+      else
+        k = scan(s(s_i:), whitespace//",")
+      endif
+      if (k==0) then
+        err = 2
+        exit loop
+      endif
+      k = s_i + k - 2
+      read(s(s_i:k), *, iostat=ios) r
+      if (ios/=0) then
+        err = 2
+        exit loop
+      endif
+      if (bracketed) then
+        s_i = k + 5
+        if (s_i>len(s)) then
+          err = 2
+          exit loop
+        endif
+      else
+        s_i = k + 2
+      endif
+      if (bracketed) then
+        k = index(s(s_i:), ")")
+        if (k==0) then
+          err = 2
+          exit loop
+        endif
+        k = s_i + k - 2
+      else
+        k = scan(s(s_i:), whitespace//",")
+        if (k==0) then
+          k = len(s)
+        else
+          k = s_i + k - 2
+        endif
+      endif
+      read(s(s_i:k), *, iostat=ios) c
+      if (ios/=0) then
+        err = 2
+        exit loop
+      endif
+      ij = ij + 1
+      s_i = k + 2
+      if (ij<length.and.s_i>len(s)) exit loop
+    end do loop
+    num = ij
+    if (verify(s(s_i:), whitespace)/=0) num = 0
+    if (err/=0) num=0
+    num = 0
+  end function countcomplexsp
+  pure function countcomplexdp(s, datatype) result(num)
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: s
+    complex(dp), intent(in) :: datatype
+    complex(dp) :: dummy_data
+    integer :: num
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    logical :: bracketed
+    integer :: i, j, ij, k, s_i, err, ios, length
+    real :: r, c
+    s_i = 1
+    err = 0
+    ij  = 0
+    length = 1
+    loop: do 
+      bracketed = .false.
+      k = verify(s(s_i:), whitespace)
+      if (k==0) exit loop
+      s_i = s_i + k - 1
+      select case (s(s_i:s_i))
+      case ("(")
+        bracketed = .true.
+        k = verify(s(s_i:), whitespace)
+        if (k==0) then
+          err = 2
+          exit loop
+        endif
+        s_i = s_i + k
+      case (",")
+        k = verify(s(s_i:), whitespace)
+        if (k==0) then
+          err = 2
+          exit loop
+        endif
+        s_i = s_i + k - 1
+      case ("+", "-", "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9")
+        continue
+      case default
+        err = 2
+        exit loop
+      end select
+      if (bracketed) then
+        k = index(s(s_i:), ")+i(")
+      else
+        k = scan(s(s_i:), whitespace//",")
+      endif
+      if (k==0) then
+        err = 2
+        exit loop
+      endif
+      k = s_i + k - 2
+      read(s(s_i:k), *, iostat=ios) r
+      if (ios/=0) then
+        err = 2
+        exit loop
+      endif
+      if (bracketed) then
+        s_i = k + 5
+        if (s_i>len(s)) then
+          err = 2
+          exit loop
+        endif
+      else
+        s_i = k + 2
+      endif
+      if (bracketed) then
+        k = index(s(s_i:), ")")
+        if (k==0) then
+          err = 2
+          exit loop
+        endif
+        k = s_i + k - 2
+      else
+        k = scan(s(s_i:), whitespace//",")
+        if (k==0) then
+          k = len(s)
+        else
+          k = s_i + k - 2
+        endif
+      endif
+      read(s(s_i:k), *, iostat=ios) c
+      if (ios/=0) then
+        err = 2
+        exit loop
+      endif
+      ij = ij + 1
+      s_i = k + 2
+      if (ij<length.and.s_i>len(s)) exit loop
+    end do loop
+    num = ij
+    if (verify(s(s_i:), whitespace)/=0) num = 0
+    if (err/=0) num=0
+    num = 0
+  end function countcomplexdp
+end module fox_m_fsys_count_parse_input
diff --git a/fsys/fox_m_fsys_count_parse_input.m4 b/fsys/fox_m_fsys_count_parse_input.m4
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..27997b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fsys/fox_m_fsys_count_parse_input.m4
@@ -0,0 +1,440 @@
+define(`TOHW_defaultdecls', `dnl
+    logical :: bracketed
+    integer :: i, j, ij, k, s_i, err, ios, length
+    real :: r, c
+define(`TOHW_check_errors', `dnl
+    num = ij
+    if (verify(s(s_i:), whitespace)/=0) num = 0
+    if (err/=0) num=0
+define(`TOHW_parse_strings_csv', `dnl
+      if (s_i>len(s)) then
+        ij = ij + 1
+        exit loop
+      endif
+      k = verify(s(s_i:), achar(10)//achar(13))
+      if (k==0) then
+        ij = ij + 1
+        exit loop
+      elseif (s(s_i+k-1:s_i+k-1)=="""") then
+        ! we have a quote-delimited string;
+        s_i = s_i + k
+        s2 = ""
+        quote: do 
+          k = index(s(s_i:), """")
+          if (k==0) then
+            err = 2
+            exit loop
+          endif
+          k = s_i + k - 1
+          s2(m:) = s(s_i:k)
+          m = m + (k-s_i+1)
+          k = k + 2
+          if (k>len(s)) then
+            err = 2
+            exit loop
+          endif
+          if (s(k:k)/="""") exit
+          s_i = k + 1
+          if (s_i > len(s)) then
+            err = 2
+            exit loop
+          endif
+          m = m + 1
+          s2(m:m) = """"
+        enddo quote
+        k  = scan(s(s_i:), whitespace)
+        if (k==0) then
+          err = 2
+          exit loop
+        endif
+      else
+        s_i = s_i + k - 1
+        k = scan(s(s_i:), achar(10)//achar(13)//",")
+        if (k==0) then
+          eof = .true.
+          k = len(s)
+        else
+          k = s_i + k - 2
+        endif
+        if (index(s(s_i:k), """")/=0) then
+          err = 2
+          exit loop
+        endif
+      endif
+      ij = ij + 1
+      s_i = k + 2
+      if (eof) exit loop
+define(`TOHW_parse_strings', `dnl
+      if (present(separator)) then
+        k = index(s(s_i:), separator)
+      else
+        k = verify(s(s_i:), whitespace)
+        if (k==0) exit loop
+        s_i = s_i + k - 1
+        k = scan(s(s_i:), whitespace)
+      endif
+      if (k==0) then
+        k = len(s)
+      else
+        k = s_i + k - 2
+      endif
+      ij = ij + 1
+      s_i = k + 2
+      if (s_i>len(s)) exit loop
+define(`TOHW_parse_logical', `dnl
+      k = verify(s(s_i:), whitespace)
+      if (k==0) exit loop
+      s_i = s_i + k - 1
+      if (s(s_i:s_i)==",") then
+        if (s_i+1>len(s)) then
+          err = 2
+          exit loop
+        endif
+        k = verify(s(s_i+1:), whitespace)
+        s_i = s_i + k - 1
+      endif
+      k = scan(s(s_i:), whitespace//",")
+      if (k==0) then
+        k = len(s)
+      else
+        k = s_i + k - 2
+      endif
+      if (.not.((s(s_i:k)=="true".or.s(s_i:k)=="1").or. & 
+          (s(s_i:k)=="false".or.s(s_i:k)=="0"))) then
+        err = 2
+        exit loop
+      endif
+      ij = ij + 1
+      s_i = k + 2
+      if (ij<length.and.s_i>len(s)) exit loop
+define(`TOHW_parse_numbers', `dnl
+      k = verify(s(s_i:), whitespace)
+      if (k==0) exit loop
+      s_i = s_i + k - 1
+      if (s(s_i:s_i)==",") then
+        if (s_i+1>len(s)) then
+          err = 2
+          exit loop
+        endif
+        k = verify(s(s_i+1:), whitespace)
+        s_i = s_i + k - 1
+      endif
+      k = scan(s(s_i:), whitespace//",")
+      if (k==0) then
+        k = len(s)
+      else
+        k = s_i + k - 2
+      endif
+      read(s(s_i:k), *, iostat=ios) dummy_data
+      if (ios/=0) then
+        err = 2
+        exit loop
+      endif
+      ij = ij + 1
+      s_i = k + 2
+      if (ij<length.and.s_i>len(s)) exit loop
+define(`TOHW_parse_complex', `dnl
+      bracketed = .false.
+      k = verify(s(s_i:), whitespace)
+      if (k==0) exit loop
+      s_i = s_i + k - 1
+      select case (s(s_i:s_i))
+      case ("(")
+        bracketed = .true.
+        k = verify(s(s_i:), whitespace)
+        if (k==0) then
+          err = 2
+          exit loop
+        endif
+        s_i = s_i + k
+      case (",")
+        k = verify(s(s_i:), whitespace)
+        if (k==0) then
+          err = 2
+          exit loop
+        endif
+        s_i = s_i + k - 1
+      case ("+", "-", "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9")
+        continue
+      case default
+        err = 2
+        exit loop
+      end select
+      if (bracketed) then
+        k = index(s(s_i:), ")+i(")
+      else
+        k = scan(s(s_i:), whitespace//",")
+      endif
+      if (k==0) then
+        err = 2
+        exit loop
+      endif
+      k = s_i + k - 2
+      read(s(s_i:k), *, iostat=ios) r
+      if (ios/=0) then
+        err = 2
+        exit loop
+      endif
+      if (bracketed) then
+        s_i = k + 5
+        if (s_i>len(s)) then
+          err = 2
+          exit loop
+        endif
+      else
+        s_i = k + 2
+      endif
+      if (bracketed) then
+        k = index(s(s_i:), ")")
+        if (k==0) then
+          err = 2
+          exit loop
+        endif
+        k = s_i + k - 2
+      else
+        k = scan(s(s_i:), whitespace//",")
+        if (k==0) then
+          k = len(s)
+        else
+          k = s_i + k - 2
+        endif
+      endif
+      read(s(s_i:k), *, iostat=ios) c
+      if (ios/=0) then
+        err = 2
+        exit loop
+      endif
+      ij = ij + 1
+      s_i = k + 2
+      if (ij<length.and.s_i>len(s)) exit loop
+module fox_m_fsys_count_parse_input
+  use fox_m_fsys_realtypes, only: sp, dp
+  implicit none
+  private
+  character(len=1), parameter :: SPACE           = achar(32)
+  character(len=1), parameter :: NEWLINE         = achar(10)
+  character(len=1), parameter :: CARRIAGE_RETURN = achar(13)
+  character(len=1), parameter :: TAB             = achar(9)
+  character(len=*), parameter :: whitespace = &
+  interface countrts
+    module procedure countstring
+    module procedure countlogical
+    module procedure countinteger
+    module procedure countrealsp
+    module procedure countrealdp
+    module procedure countcomplexsp
+    module procedure countcomplexdp
+  end interface
+  public :: countrts
+define(`m4f_thisfunc', `countstring')dnl
+  pure function m4f_thisfunc`'(s, datatype, separator, csv) result(num)
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: s
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: datatype
+    character, intent(in), optional :: separator
+    logical, intent(in), optional :: csv
+    integer :: num
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    character(len=len(s)) :: s2
+    logical :: csv_, eof
+    integer :: m
+    csv_ = .false.
+    if (present(csv)) then
+      if (csv) csv_ = csv
+    endif
+    s_i = 1
+    err = 0
+    eof = .false.
+    ij = 0
+    loop: do
+      if (csv_) then
+      else
+      endif
+    end do loop
+    num = ij
+    if (err/=0) num=0
+    num = 0
+  end function m4f_thisfunc
+define(`m4f_thisfunc', `countlogical')dnl
+  pure function m4f_thisfunc`'(s, datatype) result(num)
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: s
+    logical, intent(in) :: datatype
+    logical :: dummy_data
+    integer :: num
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    s_i = 1
+    err = 0
+    ij  = 0
+    length = 1
+    loop: do 
+    end do loop
+    num = 0
+  end function m4f_thisfunc
+define(`m4f_thisfunc', `countinteger')dnl
+  pure function m4f_thisfunc`'(s, datatype) result(num)
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: s
+    integer, intent(in) :: datatype
+    integer :: dummy_data
+    integer num
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    s_i = 1
+    err = 0
+    ij  = 0
+    length = 1
+    loop: do 
+    end do loop
+    num = 0
+end function m4f_thisfunc
+define(`m4f_thisfunc', `countrealsp')dnl
+  pure function m4f_thisfunc`'(s, datatype) result(num)
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: s
+    real(sp), intent(in) :: datatype
+    real(sp) :: dummy_data
+    integer :: num
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    s_i = 1
+    err = 0
+    ij  = 0
+    length = 1
+    loop: do
+    end do loop
+    num = 0
+  end function m4f_thisfunc
+define(`m4f_thisfunc', `countrealdp')dnl
+  pure function m4f_thisfunc`'(s, datatype) result(num)
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: s
+    real(dp), intent(in) :: datatype
+    real(dp) :: dummy_data
+    integer :: num
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    s_i = 1
+    err = 0
+    ij  = 0
+    length = 1
+    loop: do 
+    end do loop
+    num - 0
+  end function m4f_thisfunc
+define(`m4f_thisfunc', `countcomplexsp')dnl
+  pure function m4f_thisfunc`'(s, datatype) result(num)
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: s
+    complex(sp), intent(in) :: datatype
+    complex(sp) :: dummy_data
+    integer :: num
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    s_i = 1
+    err = 0
+    ij  = 0
+    length = 1
+    loop: do 
+    end do loop
+    num = 0
+  end function m4f_thisfunc
+define(`m4f_thisfunc', `countcomplexdp')dnl
+  pure function m4f_thisfunc`'(s, datatype) result(num)
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: s
+    complex(dp), intent(in) :: datatype
+    complex(dp) :: dummy_data
+    integer :: num
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    s_i = 1
+    err = 0
+    ij  = 0
+    length = 1
+    loop: do 
+    end do loop
+    num = 0
+  end function m4f_thisfunc
+end module fox_m_fsys_count_parse_input
diff --git a/fsys/fox_m_fsys_format.F90 b/fsys/fox_m_fsys_format.F90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..448f44e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fsys/fox_m_fsys_format.F90
@@ -0,0 +1,2250 @@
+module fox_m_fsys_format
+!Note that there are several oddities to this package,
+!to get round assorted compiler bugs.
+!All the _matrix_ subroutines should be straight
+!call-throughs to the relevant _array_ subroutine,
+!but with flattened arrays. (this would allow easy
+!generation of all functions up to 7 dimensions)
+!but unfortunately that breaks PGI-6.1, and causes
+!errors on Pathscale-2.4.
+!The Logical array/matrix functions should be able
+!to COUNT their length inline in the specification
+!expression, but Pathscale-2.4 gives an error on that.
+  use fox_m_fsys_abort_flush, only: pxfflush
+  use fox_m_fsys_realtypes, only: sp, dp
+  implicit none
+  private
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+  integer, parameter :: sig_sp = digits(1.0_sp)/4
+  integer, parameter :: sig_dp = digits(1.0_dp)/4 ! Approximate precision worth outputting of each type.
+  character(len=*), parameter :: digit = "0123456789:"
+  character(len=*), parameter :: hexdigit = "0123456789abcdefABCDEF"
+  interface str
+! This is for external use only: str should not be called within this
+! file.
+! All *_chk subroutines check that the fmt they are passed is valid.
+    module procedure str_string, str_string_array, str_string_matrix, &
+                     str_integer, str_integer_array, str_integer_matrix, &
+                     str_integer_fmt, str_integer_array_fmt, str_integer_matrix_fmt, &
+                     str_logical, str_logical_array, str_logical_matrix, &
+                     str_real_sp, str_real_sp_fmt_chk, &
+                     str_real_sp_array, str_real_sp_array_fmt_chk, &
+                     str_real_sp_matrix, str_real_sp_matrix_fmt_chk, &
+                     str_real_dp, str_real_dp_fmt_chk, &
+                     str_real_dp_array, str_real_dp_array_fmt_chk, &
+                     str_real_dp_matrix, str_real_dp_matrix_fmt_chk, &
+                     str_complex_sp, str_complex_sp_fmt_chk, &
+                     str_complex_sp_array, str_complex_sp_array_fmt_chk, &
+                     str_complex_sp_matrix, str_complex_sp_matrix_fmt_chk, &
+                     str_complex_dp, str_complex_dp_fmt_chk, &
+                     str_complex_dp_array, str_complex_dp_array_fmt_chk, &
+                     str_complex_dp_matrix, str_complex_dp_matrix_fmt_chk
+  end interface str
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+  interface safestr
+! This is for internal use only - no check is made on the validity of 
+! any fmt input.
+    module procedure str_string, str_string_array, str_string_matrix, &
+                     str_integer, str_integer_array, str_integer_matrix, &
+                     str_logical, str_logical_array, str_logical_matrix, &
+                     str_real_sp, str_real_sp_fmt, &
+                     str_real_sp_array, str_real_sp_array_fmt, &
+                     str_real_sp_matrix, str_real_sp_matrix_fmt, &
+                     str_real_dp, str_real_dp_fmt, &
+                     str_real_dp_array, str_real_dp_array_fmt, &
+                     str_real_dp_matrix, str_real_dp_matrix_fmt, &
+                     str_complex_sp, str_complex_sp_fmt, &
+                     str_complex_sp_array, str_complex_sp_array_fmt, &
+                     str_complex_sp_matrix, str_complex_sp_matrix_fmt, &
+                     str_complex_dp, str_complex_dp_fmt, &
+                     str_complex_dp_array, str_complex_dp_array_fmt, &
+                     str_complex_dp_matrix, str_complex_dp_matrix_fmt
+  end interface safestr
+  interface len
+    module procedure str_integer_len, str_integer_array_len, str_integer_matrix_len, &
+                     str_integer_fmt_len, str_integer_array_fmt_len, str_integer_matrix_fmt_len, &
+                     str_logical_len, str_logical_array_len, str_logical_matrix_len, &
+                     str_real_sp_len, str_real_sp_fmt_len, &
+                     str_real_sp_array_len, str_real_sp_array_fmt_len, &
+                     str_real_sp_matrix_len, str_real_sp_matrix_fmt_len, &
+                     str_real_dp_len, str_real_dp_fmt_len, &
+                     str_real_dp_array_len, str_real_dp_array_fmt_len, &
+                     str_real_dp_matrix_len, str_real_dp_matrix_fmt_len, &
+                     str_complex_sp_len, str_complex_sp_fmt_len, &
+                     str_complex_sp_array_len, str_complex_sp_array_fmt_len, &
+                     str_complex_sp_matrix_len, str_complex_sp_matrix_fmt_len, &
+                     str_complex_dp_len, str_complex_dp_fmt_len, &
+                     str_complex_dp_array_len, str_complex_dp_array_fmt_len, &
+                     str_complex_dp_matrix_len, str_complex_dp_matrix_fmt_len
+  end interface
+  interface operator(//)
+    module procedure concat_str_int, concat_int_str, &
+      concat_str_logical, concat_logical_str, &
+      concat_real_sp_str, concat_str_real_sp, &
+      concat_real_dp_str, concat_str_real_dp, &
+      concat_complex_sp_str, concat_str_complex_sp, &
+      concat_complex_dp_str, concat_str_complex_dp
+  end interface
+  public :: str
+  public :: operator(//)
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+  public :: str_to_int_10
+  public :: str_to_int_16
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+  ! NB: The len generic module procedure is used in
+  !     many initialisation statments (to set the 
+  !     length of the output string needed for the
+  !     converted number). As of the Fortran 2008
+  !     spec every specific function belonging to
+  !     a generic used in this way must be defined
+  !     in the module before use. This is enforced
+  !     by at least version 7.4.4 of the Cray 
+  !     Fortran compiler. Hence we put all the *_len
+  !     functions here at the top of the file.
+  pure function str_string_array_len(st) result(n)
+    character(len=*), dimension(:), intent(in) :: st
+    integer :: n
+    integer :: k
+    n = size(st) - 1
+    do k = 1, size(st)
+      n = n + len(st(k))
+    enddo
+  end function str_string_array_len
+  pure function str_string_matrix_len(st) result(n)
+    character(len=*), dimension(:, :), intent(in) :: st
+    integer :: n
+    n = len(st) * size(st) + size(st) - 1
+  end function str_string_matrix_len
+  pure function str_integer_len(i) result(n)
+    integer, intent(in) :: i
+    integer :: n
+    n = int(log10(real(max(abs(i),1)))) + 1 + dim(-i,0)/max(abs(i),1)
+  end function str_integer_len
+  pure function str_integer_base_len(i, b) result(n)
+    integer, intent(in) :: i, b
+    integer :: n
+    n = int(log10(real(max(abs(i),1)))/log10(real(b))) &
+      + 1 + dim(-i,0)/max(abs(i),1)
+  end function str_integer_base_len
+  pure function str_integer_fmt_len(i, fmt) result(n)
+    integer, intent(in) :: i
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: fmt
+    integer :: n
+    select case (len(fmt))
+    case(0)
+      n = 0
+    case(1)
+      if (fmt=="x") then
+        n = int(log10(real(max(abs(i),1)))/log10(16.0)) + 1 + dim(-i,0)/max(abs(i),1)
+      elseif (fmt=="d") then
+        n = int(log10(real(max(abs(i),1)))) + 1 + dim(-i,0)/max(abs(i),1)
+      else
+        return
+      endif
+    case default
+      if (fmt(1:1)/='x'.and.fmt(1:1)/='d') then
+        n = 0
+      elseif (verify(fmt(2:), digit)==0) then
+        n = str_to_int_10(fmt(2:))
+      else
+        n = 0 
+      endif
+    end select
+  end function str_integer_fmt_len
+  pure function str_integer_array_len(ia) result(n)
+    integer, dimension(:), intent(in) :: ia
+    integer :: n
+    integer :: j
+    n = size(ia) - 1
+    do j = 1, size(ia)
+      n = n + len(ia(j))
+    enddo
+  end function str_integer_array_len
+  pure function str_integer_array_fmt_len(ia, fmt) result(n)
+    integer, dimension(:), intent(in) :: ia
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: fmt
+    integer :: n
+    integer :: j
+    n = size(ia) - 1
+    do j = 1, size(ia)
+      n = n + len(ia(j), fmt)
+    enddo
+  end function str_integer_array_fmt_len
+  pure function str_integer_matrix_len(ia) result(n)
+    integer, dimension(:,:), intent(in) :: ia
+    integer :: n
+    integer :: j, k
+    n = size(ia) - 1
+    do k = 1, size(ia, 2)
+      do j = 1, size(ia, 1)
+        n = n + len(ia(j, k))
+      enddo
+    enddo
+  end function str_integer_matrix_len
+  pure function str_integer_matrix_fmt_len(ia, fmt) result(n)
+    integer, dimension(:,:), intent(in) :: ia
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: fmt
+    integer :: n
+    integer :: j, k
+    n = size(ia) - 1
+    do k = 1, size(ia, 2)
+      do j = 1, size(ia, 1)
+        n = n + len(ia(j, k), fmt)
+      enddo
+    enddo
+  end function str_integer_matrix_fmt_len
+  pure function str_logical_len(l) result (n)
+    logical, intent(in) :: l
+    integer :: n
+    if (l) then
+      n = 4
+    else
+      n = 5
+    endif
+  end function str_logical_len
+  pure function str_logical_array_len(la) result(n)
+! This function should be inlined in the declarations of
+! str_logical_array below but PGI and pathscale don't like it.
+    logical, dimension(:), intent(in)   :: la
+    integer :: n
+    n = 5*size(la) - 1 + count(.not.la)
+  end function str_logical_array_len
+  pure function str_logical_matrix_len(la) result(n)
+! This function should be inlined in the declarations of
+! str_logical_matrix below but PGI and pathscale don't like it.
+    logical, dimension(:,:), intent(in)   :: la
+    integer :: n
+    n = 5*size(la) - 1 + count(.not.la)
+  end function str_logical_matrix_len
+  pure function str_real_sp_fmt_len(x, fmt) result(n)
+    real(sp), intent(in) :: x
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: fmt
+    integer :: n
+    integer :: dec, sig
+    integer :: e
+    if (.not.checkFmt(fmt)) then
+      n = 0
+      return
+    endif
+    if (x == 0.0_sp) then
+      e = 1
+    else
+      e = floor(log10(abs(x)))
+    endif
+    if (x < 0.0_sp) then
+      n = 1
+    else
+      n = 0
+    endif
+    if (len(fmt) == 0) then
+      sig = sig_sp
+      n = n + sig + 2 + len(e) 
+      ! for the decimal point and the e
+    elseif (fmt(1:1) == "s") then
+      if (len(fmt) > 1) then
+        sig = str_to_int_10(fmt(2:))
+      else
+        sig = sig_sp
+      endif
+      sig = max(sig, 1)
+      sig = min(sig, digits(1.0_sp))
+      if (sig > 1) n = n + 1 
+      ! for the decimal point
+      n = n + sig + 1 + len(e)
+    elseif (fmt(1:1) == "r") then
+      if (len(fmt) > 1) then
+        dec = str_to_int_10(fmt(2:))
+      else
+        dec = sig_sp - e - 1
+      endif
+      dec = min(dec, digits(1.0_sp)-e)
+      dec = max(dec, 0)
+      if (dec > 0) n = n + 1
+      if (abs(x) >= 1.0_sp) n = n + 1
+      ! Need to know if there's an overflow ....
+      if (e+dec+1 > 0) then
+        if (index(real_sp_str(abs(x), e+dec+1), "!") == 1) &
+             e = e + 1
+      endif
+      n = n + abs(e) + dec
+    endif
+  end function str_real_sp_fmt_len
+  pure function str_real_sp_len(x) result(n)
+    real(sp), intent(in) :: x
+    integer :: n
+    n = len(x, "")
+  end function str_real_sp_len
+  pure function str_real_sp_array_len(xa) result(n)
+    real(sp), dimension(:), intent(in) :: xa
+    integer :: n
+    integer :: k
+    n = size(xa) - 1
+    do k = 1, size(xa)
+      n = n + len(xa(k), "")
+    enddo
+  end function str_real_sp_array_len
+  pure function str_real_sp_array_fmt_len(xa, fmt) result(n)
+    real(sp), dimension(:), intent(in) :: xa
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: fmt
+    integer :: n
+    integer :: k
+    n = size(xa) - 1
+    do k = 1, size(xa)
+      n = n + len(xa(k), fmt)
+    enddo
+  end function str_real_sp_array_fmt_len
+  pure function str_real_sp_matrix_fmt_len(xa, fmt) result(n)
+    real(sp), dimension(:,:), intent(in) :: xa
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: fmt
+    integer :: n
+    integer :: j, k
+    n = size(xa) - 1
+    do k = 1, size(xa, 2)
+      do j = 1, size(xa, 1)
+        n = n + len(xa(j,k), fmt)
+      enddo
+    enddo
+  end function str_real_sp_matrix_fmt_len
+  pure function str_real_sp_matrix_len(xa) result(n)
+    real(sp), dimension(:,:), intent(in) :: xa
+    integer :: n
+    n = len(xa, "")
+  end function str_real_sp_matrix_len
+  pure function str_real_dp_fmt_len(x, fmt) result(n)
+    real(dp), intent(in) :: x
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: fmt
+    integer :: n
+    integer :: dec, sig
+    integer :: e
+    if (.not.checkFmt(fmt)) then
+      n = 0
+      return
+    endif
+    if (x == 0.0_dp) then
+      e = 1
+    else
+      e = floor(log10(abs(x)))
+    endif
+    if (x < 0.0_dp) then
+      n = 1
+    else
+      n = 0
+    endif
+    if (len(fmt) == 0) then
+      sig = sig_dp
+      n = n + sig + 2 + len(e) 
+      ! for the decimal point and the e
+    elseif (fmt(1:1) == "s") then
+      if (len(fmt) > 1) then
+        sig = str_to_int_10(fmt(2:))
+      else
+        sig = sig_dp
+      endif
+      sig = max(sig, 1)
+      sig = min(sig, digits(1.0_dp))
+      if (sig > 1) n = n + 1 
+      ! for the decimal point
+      n = n + sig + 1 + len(e)
+    elseif (fmt(1:1) == "r") then
+      if (len(fmt) > 1) then
+        dec = str_to_int_10(fmt(2:))
+      else
+        dec = sig_dp - e - 1
+      endif
+      dec = min(dec, digits(1.0_dp)-e)
+      dec = max(dec, 0)
+      if (dec > 0) n = n + 1
+      if (abs(x) >= 1.0_dp) n = n + 1
+      ! Need to know if there's an overflow ....
+      if (e+dec+1 > 0) then
+        if (index(real_dp_str(abs(x), e+dec+1), "!") == 1) &
+             e = e + 1
+      endif
+      n = n + abs(e) + dec
+    endif
+  end function str_real_dp_fmt_len
+  pure function str_real_dp_len(x) result(n)
+    real(dp), intent(in) :: x
+    integer :: n
+    n = len(x, "")
+  end function str_real_dp_len
+  pure function str_real_dp_array_len(xa) result(n)
+    real(dp), dimension(:), intent(in) :: xa
+    integer :: n
+    integer :: k
+    n = size(xa) - 1
+    do k = 1, size(xa)
+      n = n + len(xa(k), "")
+    enddo
+  end function str_real_dp_array_len
+  pure function str_real_dp_array_fmt_len(xa, fmt) result(n)
+    real(dp), dimension(:), intent(in) :: xa
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: fmt
+    integer :: n
+    integer :: k
+    n = size(xa) - 1
+    do k = 1, size(xa)
+      n = n + len(xa(k), fmt)
+    enddo
+  end function str_real_dp_array_fmt_len
+  pure function str_real_dp_matrix_fmt_len(xa, fmt) result(n)
+    real(dp), dimension(:,:), intent(in) :: xa
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: fmt
+    integer :: n
+    integer :: j, k
+    n = size(xa) - 1
+    do k = 1, size(xa, 2)
+      do j = 1, size(xa, 1)
+        n = n + len(xa(j,k), fmt)
+      enddo
+    enddo
+  end function str_real_dp_matrix_fmt_len
+  pure function str_real_dp_matrix_len(xa) result(n)
+    real(dp), dimension(:,:), intent(in) :: xa
+    integer :: n
+    n = len(xa, "")
+  end function str_real_dp_matrix_len
+  pure function str_complex_sp_fmt_len(c, fmt) result(n)
+    complex(sp), intent(in) :: c
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: fmt
+    integer :: n
+    real(sp) :: re, im
+    re = real(c)
+    im = aimag(c)
+    n = len(re, fmt) + len(im, fmt) + 6
+  end function str_complex_sp_fmt_len
+  pure function str_complex_sp_len(c) result(n)
+    complex(sp), intent(in) :: c
+    integer :: n
+    n = len(c, "")
+  end function str_complex_sp_len
+  pure function str_complex_sp_array_fmt_len(ca, fmt) result(n)
+    complex(sp), dimension(:), intent(in) :: ca
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: fmt
+    integer :: n
+    integer :: i
+    n = size(ca) - 1
+    do i = 1, size(ca)
+      n = n + len(ca(i), fmt) 
+    enddo
+  end function str_complex_sp_array_fmt_len
+  pure function str_complex_sp_array_len(ca) result(n)
+    complex(sp), dimension(:), intent(in) :: ca
+    integer :: n
+    n = len(ca, "")
+  end function str_complex_sp_array_len
+  pure function str_complex_sp_matrix_fmt_len(ca, fmt) result(n)
+    complex(sp), dimension(:, :), intent(in) :: ca
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: fmt
+    integer :: n
+    integer :: i, j
+    n = size(ca) - 1
+    do i = 1, size(ca, 1)
+      do j = 1, size(ca, 2)
+        n = n + len(ca(i, j), fmt)
+      enddo
+    enddo
+  end function str_complex_sp_matrix_fmt_len
+  pure function str_complex_sp_matrix_len(ca) result(n)
+    complex(sp), dimension(:, :), intent(in) :: ca
+    integer :: n
+    n = len(ca, "")
+  end function str_complex_sp_matrix_len
+  pure function str_complex_dp_fmt_len(c, fmt) result(n)
+    complex(dp), intent(in) :: c
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: fmt
+    integer :: n
+    real(dp) :: re, im
+    re = real(c)
+    im = aimag(c)
+    n = len(re, fmt) + len(im, fmt) + 6
+  end function str_complex_dp_fmt_len
+  pure function str_complex_dp_len(c) result(n)
+    complex(dp), intent(in) :: c
+    integer :: n
+    n = len(c, "")
+  end function str_complex_dp_len
+  pure function str_complex_dp_array_fmt_len(ca, fmt) result(n)
+    complex(dp), dimension(:), intent(in) :: ca
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: fmt
+    integer :: n
+    integer :: i
+    n = size(ca) - 1
+    do i = 1, size(ca)
+      n = n + len(ca(i), fmt)
+    enddo
+  end function str_complex_dp_array_fmt_len
+  pure function str_complex_dp_array_len(ca) result(n)
+    complex(dp), dimension(:), intent(in) :: ca
+    integer :: n
+    n = len(ca, "")
+  end function str_complex_dp_array_len
+  pure function str_complex_dp_matrix_fmt_len(ca, fmt) result(n)
+    complex(dp), dimension(:, :), intent(in) :: ca
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: fmt
+    integer :: n
+    integer :: i, j
+    n = size(ca) - 1
+    do i = 1, size(ca, 1)
+      do j = 1, size(ca, 2)
+        n = n + len(ca(i, j), fmt)
+      enddo
+    enddo
+  end function str_complex_dp_matrix_fmt_len
+  pure function str_complex_dp_matrix_len(ca) result(n)
+    complex(dp), dimension(:, :), intent(in) :: ca
+    integer :: n
+    n = len(ca, "")
+  end function str_complex_dp_matrix_len
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+  subroutine FoX_error(msg)
+    ! Emit error message and stop.
+    ! No clean up is done here, but this can
+    ! be overridden to include clean-up routines
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: msg
+    write(0,'(a)') 'ERROR(FoX)'
+    write(0,'(a)')  msg
+    call pxfflush(0)
+    stop
+  end subroutine FoX_error
+  pure function str_to_int_10(str) result(n)
+    ! Takes a string containing digits, and returns
+    ! the integer representable by those digits.
+    ! Does not deal with negative numbers, and
+    ! presumes that the number is representable
+    ! in a default integer
+    ! Error is flagged by returning -1
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: str
+    integer :: n
+    integer :: max_power, i, j
+    if (verify(str, digit) > 0) then
+      n = -1
+      return
+    endif
+    max_power = len(str) - 1
+    n = 0
+    do i = 0, max_power
+      j = max_power - i + 1
+      n = n + (index(digit, str(j:j)) - 1) * 10**i
+    enddo
+  end function str_to_int_10
+  pure function str_to_int_16(str) result(n)
+    ! Takes a string containing hexadecimal digits, and returns
+    ! the integer representable by those digits.
+    ! Does not deal with negative numbers, and
+    ! presumes that the number is representable
+    ! in a default integer
+    ! Error is flagged by returning -1
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: str
+    integer :: n
+    character(len=len(str)) :: str_l
+    integer :: max_power, i, j
+    if (verify(str, hexdigit) == 0) then
+       str_l = to_lower(str)
+    else
+      n = -1
+      return
+    endif
+    max_power = len(str) - 1
+    n = 0
+    do i = 0, max_power
+      j = max_power - i + 1
+      n = n + (index(hexdigit, str_l(j:j)) - 1) * 16**i
+    enddo
+  contains
+    pure function to_lower(s) result(s2)
+      character(len=*), intent(in) :: s
+      character(len=len(s)) :: s2
+      character(len=*), parameter :: hex = "abcdef"
+      integer :: j, k
+      do j = 1, len(s)
+        k = index('ABCDEF', s(j:j))
+        if (k > 0) then
+          s2(j:j) = hex(k:k)
+        else
+          s2(j:j) = s(j:j)
+        endif
+      enddo
+    end function to_lower
+  end function str_to_int_16
+  pure function str_string(st) result(s)
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: st
+#ifdef DUMMYLIB
+    character(len=1) :: s
+    s = " " 
+    character(len=len(st)) :: s
+    s = st
+  end function str_string
+  pure function str_string_array(st, delimiter) result(s)
+    character(len=*), dimension(:), intent(in) :: st
+    character(len=1), intent(in), optional :: delimiter
+#ifdef DUMMYLIB
+    character(len=1) :: s
+    s = " "
+    character(len=str_string_array_len(st)) :: s
+    integer :: k, n
+    character(len=1) :: d
+    if (present(delimiter)) then
+      d = delimiter
+    else
+      d = " "
+    endif
+    n = 1
+    do k = 1, size(st) - 1
+      s(n:n+len(st(k))) = st(k)//d
+      n = n + len(st(k)) + 1
+    enddo
+    s(n:) = st(k)
+  end function str_string_array
+  pure function str_string_matrix(st, delimiter) result(s)
+    character(len=*), dimension(:, :), intent(in) :: st
+    character(len=1), intent(in), optional :: delimiter
+#ifdef DUMMYLIB
+    character(len=1) :: s
+    s = " "
+    character(len=str_string_matrix_len(st)) :: s
+    integer :: j, k, n
+    character(len=1) :: d
+    if (present(delimiter)) then
+      d = delimiter
+    else
+      d = " "
+    endif
+    s(1:len(st)) = st(1,1)
+    n = len(st) + 1
+    do j = 2, size(st, 1)
+      s(n:n+len(st)) = d//st(j,1)
+        n = n + len(st) + 1
+    enddo
+    do k = 2, size(st, 2)
+      do j = 1, size(st, 1)
+        s(n:n+len(st(j,k))) = d//st(j,k)
+        n = n + len(st) + 1
+      enddo
+    enddo
+  end function str_string_matrix
+  pure function str_integer(i) result(s)
+    integer, intent(in) :: i
+#ifdef DUMMYLIB
+    character(len=1) :: s
+    s = " "
+    character(len=str_integer_len(i)) :: s
+    integer :: b, ii, j, k, n
+    b = 10
+    if (i < 0) then
+      s(1:1) = "-"
+      n = 2
+    else
+      n = 1
+    endif
+    ii = abs(i)
+    do k = len(s) - n, 0, -1
+      j = ii/(b**k)
+      ii = ii - j*(b**k)
+      s(n:n) = digit(j+1:j+1)
+      n = n + 1
+    enddo
+  end function str_integer
+  pure function str_integer_fmt(i, fmt) result(s)
+    integer, intent(in) :: i
+    character(len=*), intent(in):: fmt
+#ifdef DUMMYLIB
+    character(len=1) :: s
+    s = " "
+    character(len=str_integer_fmt_len(i, fmt)) :: s
+    character :: f
+    integer :: b, ii, j, k, n, ls
+    if (len(fmt)>0) then
+      if (fmt(1:1)=="d") then
+        f = 'd'
+        b = 10
+      elseif (fmt(1:1)=="x") then
+        f = 'x'
+        b = 16
+      else
+        ! Undefined outcome
+        s = ""
+        return
+      endif
+    else
+      ! Undefined outcome
+      s = ""
+      return
+    endif
+    ls = str_integer_base_len(i, b)
+    n = len(s) - ls + 1
+    if (i < 0) then
+      if (n>0) s(:n) = "-"//repeat("0", n-1)
+      n = n + 1
+    else
+      if (n>1) s(:n) = repeat("0", n)
+    endif
+    ii = abs(i)
+    do k = 1, -n + 1
+      j = ii/(b**k)
+      ii = ii - j*(b**k)
+      n = n + 1
+    enddo
+    do k = len(s) - n, 0, -1
+      j = ii/(b**k)
+      ii = ii - j*(b**k)
+      s(n:n) = hexdigit(j+1:j+1)
+      n = n + 1
+    enddo
+  end function str_integer_fmt
+  pure function str_integer_array(ia) result(s)
+    integer, dimension(:), intent(in) :: ia
+#ifdef DUMMYLIB
+    character(len=1) :: s
+    character(len=len(ia, "d")) :: s
+    integer :: j, k, n
+    n = 1
+    do k = 1, size(ia) - 1
+      j = len(ia(k))
+      s(n:n+j) = str(ia(k))//" "
+      n = n + j + 1
+    enddo
+    s(n:) = str(ia(k))
+  end function str_integer_array
+  function str_integer_array_fmt(ia, fmt) result(s)
+    integer, dimension(:), intent(in) :: ia
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: fmt
+#ifdef DUMMYLIB
+    character(len=1) :: s
+    s = " "
+    character(len=len(ia, fmt)) :: s
+    integer :: j, k, n
+    n = 1
+    do k = 1, size(ia) - 1
+      j = len(ia(k), fmt)
+      s(n:n+j) = str(ia(k), fmt)//" "
+      n = n + j + 1
+    enddo
+    s(n:) = str(ia(k), fmt)
+  end function str_integer_array_fmt
+  pure function str_integer_matrix(ia) result(s)
+    integer, dimension(:,:), intent(in) :: ia
+#ifdef DUMMYLIB
+    character(len=1) :: s
+    s = " "
+    character(len=len(ia, "d")) :: s
+    integer :: j, k, n
+    s(:len(ia(1,1))) = str(ia(1,1))
+    n = len(ia(1,1)) + 1
+    do j = 2, size(ia, 1)
+      s(n:n+len(ia(j,1))) = " "//str(ia(j,1))
+      n = n + len(ia(j,1)) + 1
+    enddo
+    do k = 2, size(ia, 2) 
+      do j = 1, size(ia, 1)
+        s(n:n+len(ia(j,k))) = " "//str(ia(j,k))
+        n = n + len(ia(j,k)) + 1
+      enddo
+    enddo
+  end function str_integer_matrix
+  pure function str_integer_matrix_fmt(ia, fmt) result(s)
+    integer, dimension(:,:), intent(in) :: ia
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: fmt
+#ifdef DUMMYLIB
+    character(len=1) :: s
+    s = " "
+    character(len=len(ia, fmt)) :: s
+    integer :: j, k, n
+    s(:len(ia(1,1), fmt)) = str(ia(1,1), fmt)
+    n = len(ia(1,1), fmt) + 1
+    do j = 2, size(ia, 1)
+      s(n:n+len(ia(j,1), fmt)) = " "//str(ia(j,1), fmt)
+      n = n + len(ia(j,1), fmt) + 1
+    enddo
+    do k = 2, size(ia, 2) 
+      do j = 1, size(ia, 1)
+        s(n:n+len(ia(j,k), fmt)) = " "//str(ia(j,k), fmt)
+        n = n + len(ia(j,k), fmt) + 1
+      enddo
+    enddo
+  end function str_integer_matrix_fmt
+  pure function str_logical(l) result(s)
+    logical, intent(in) :: l
+#ifdef DUMMYLIB
+    character(len=1) :: s
+    s = " "
+! Pathscale 2.5 gets it wrong if we use merge here
+!    character(len=merge(4,5,l)) :: s
+! And g95 (sep2007) cant resolve the generic here
+    character(len=str_logical_len(l)) :: s
+    if (l) then
+      s="true"
+    else
+      s="false"
+    endif
+  end function str_logical
+  pure function str_logical_array(la) result(s)
+    logical, dimension(:), intent(in)   :: la
+#ifdef DUMMYLIB
+    character(len=1) :: s
+    s = " "
+    character(len=len(la)) :: s
+    integer :: k, n
+    n = 1
+    do k = 1, size(la) - 1
+      if (la(k)) then
+        s(n:n+3) = "true"
+        n = n + 5
+      else
+        s(n:n+4) = "false"
+        n = n + 6
+      endif
+      s(n-1:n-1) = " "
+    enddo
+    if (la(k)) then
+      s(n:) = "true"
+    else
+      s(n:) = "false"
+    endif
+  end function str_logical_array
+  pure function str_logical_matrix(la) result(s)
+    logical, dimension(:,:), intent(in)   :: la
+#ifdef DUMMYLIB
+    character(len=1) :: s
+    s = " "
+    character(len=len(la)) :: s
+    integer :: j, k, n
+    if (la(1,1)) then
+       s(:4) = "true"
+       n = 5
+    else
+       s(:5) = "false"
+       n = 6
+    endif
+    do j = 2, size(la, 1)
+      s(n:n) = " "
+      if (la(j,1)) then
+        s(n+1:n+4) = "true"
+        n = n + 5
+      else
+        s(n+1:n+5) = "false"
+        n = n + 6
+      endif
+    enddo
+    do k = 2, size(la, 2)
+      do j = 1, size(la, 1)
+        s(n:n) = " "
+        if (la(j,k)) then
+          s(n+1:n+4) = "true"
+          n = n + 5
+        else
+          s(n+1:n+5) = "false"
+          n = n + 6
+        endif
+      enddo
+    enddo
+  end function str_logical_matrix
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+  ! In order to convert real numbers to strings, we need to
+  ! perform an internal write - but how long will the 
+  ! resultant string be? We don't know & there is no way
+  ! to discover for an arbitrary format. Therefore, 
+  ! (if we have the capability; f95 or better)
+  ! we assume it will be less than 100 characters, write
+  ! it to a string of that length, then remove leading &
+  ! trailing whitespace. (this means that if the specified
+  ! format includes whitespace, this will be lost.)
+  !
+  ! If we are working with an F90-only compiler, then
+  ! we cannot do this trick - the output string will
+  ! always be 100 chars in length, though we will remove
+  ! leading whitespace. 
+  ! The standard Fortran format functions do not give us
+  ! enough control, so we write our own real number formatting
+  ! routines here. For each real type, we optionally take a
+  ! format like so:
+  ! "r<integer>" which will produce output without an exponent,
+  ! and <integer> digits after the decimal point.
+  ! or
+  ! "s<integer>": which implies scientific notation, with an 
+  ! exponent, with <integer> significant figures.
+  ! If the integer is absent, then the precision will be
+  ! half of the number of significant figures available
+  ! for that real type.
+  ! The absence of a format implies scientific notation, with
+  ! the default precision.
+  ! These routines are fairly imperfect - they are inaccurate for
+  ! the lower-end bits of the number, since they work by simple
+  ! multiplications by 10.
+  ! Also they will probably be orders of magnitude slower than library IO.
+  ! Ideally they'd be rewritten to convert from teh native format by
+  ! bit-twidding. Not sure how to do that portably though.
+  ! The format specification could be done more nicely - but unfortunately
+  ! not in F95 due to *stupid* restrictions on specification expressions.
+  ! And I wouldn't have to invent my own format specification if Fortran
+  ! had a proper IO library anyway.
+!FIXME Signed zero is not handled correctly; don't quite understand why.
+!FIXME too much duplication between sp & dp, we should m4.
+  pure function real_sp_str(x, sig) result(s)
+    real(sp), intent(in) :: x
+    integer, intent(in) :: sig
+    character(len=sig) :: s
+    ! make a string of numbers sig long of x.
+    integer :: e, i, j, k, n
+    real(sp) :: x_
+    if (sig < 1) then
+      s ="" 
+      return
+    endif
+    if (x == 0.0_sp) then
+      e = 1
+    else
+      e = floor(log10(abs(x)))
+    endif
+    x_ = abs(x)
+    ! Have to do this next in a loop rather than just exponentiating in
+    ! order to  avoid under/over-flow.
+    do i = 1, abs(e)
+      ! Have to multiply by 10^-e rather than divide by 10^e
+      ! to avoid rounding errors.
+      x_ = x_ * (10.0_sp**(-abs(e)/e))
+    enddo
+    n = 1
+    do k = sig - 2, 0, -1
+      ! This baroque way of taking int() ensures the optimizer 
+      ! stores it in j without keeping a different value in cache.
+      j = iachar(digit(int(x_)+1:int(x_)+1)) - 48
+      if (j==10) then
+        ! This can happen if, on the previous cycle, int(x_) in 
+        ! the line above gave a result approx. 1.0 less than
+        ! expected.
+        ! In this case we want to quit the cycle & just get 999... to the end
+        s(n:) = repeat("9", sig - n + 1)
+        return
+      endif
+      s(n:n) = digit(j+1:j+1)
+      n = n + 1
+      x_ = (x_ - j) * 10.0_sp
+    enddo
+    j = nint(x_)
+    if (j == 10) then
+      ! Now round ...
+      s(n:n) = "9"
+      ! Are they all 9's?
+      i = verify(s, "9", .true.)
+      if (i == 0) then
+        s(1:1) = "!"
+        ! overflow
+        return
+      endif
+      j = index(digit, s(i:i))
+      s(i:i) = digit(j+1:j+1)
+      s(i+1:) = repeat("0", sig - i + 1)
+    else
+      s(n:n) = digit(j+1:j+1)
+    endif
+  end function real_sp_str
+  function str_real_sp_fmt_chk(x, fmt) result(s)
+    real(sp), intent(in) :: x
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: fmt
+#ifdef DUMMYLIB
+    character(len=1) :: s
+    s = " "
+    character(len=len(x, fmt)) :: s
+    if (checkFmt(fmt)) then
+      s = safestr(x, fmt)
+    else
+      call FoX_error("Invalid format: "//fmt)
+    endif
+  end function str_real_sp_fmt_chk
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+  pure function str_real_sp_fmt(x, fmt) result(s)
+    real(sp), intent(in) :: x
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: fmt
+    character(len=len(x, fmt)) :: s
+    integer :: sig, dec
+    integer :: e, n
+    character(len=len(x, fmt)) :: num !this will always be enough memory.
+    if (x == 0.0_sp) then
+      e = 0
+    else
+      e = floor(log10(abs(x)))
+    endif
+    if (x < 0.0_sp) then
+      s(1:1) = "-"
+      n = 2
+    else
+      n = 1
+    endif
+    if (len(fmt) == 0) then
+      sig = sig_sp
+      num = real_sp_str(abs(x), sig)
+      if (num(1:1) == "!") then
+        e = e + 1
+        num = "1"//repeat("0",len(num)-1)
+      endif
+      if (sig == 1) then
+        s(n:n) = num
+        n = n + 1
+      else
+        s(n:n+1) = num(1:1)//"."
+        s(n+2:n+sig) = num(2:)
+        n = n + sig + 1
+      endif
+      s(n:n) = "e"
+      s(n+1:) = str(e)
+    elseif (fmt(1:1) == "s") then
+      if (len(fmt) > 1) then
+        sig = str_to_int_10(fmt(2:))
+      else
+        sig = sig_sp
+      endif
+      sig = max(sig, 1)
+      sig = min(sig, digits(1.0_sp))
+      num = real_sp_str(abs(x), sig)
+      if (num(1:1) == "!") then
+        e = e + 1
+        num = "1"//repeat("0",len(num)-1)
+      endif
+      if (sig == 1) then
+        s(n:n) = num
+        n = n + 1
+      else
+        s(n:n+1) = num(1:1)//"."
+        s(n+2:n+sig) = num(2:)
+        n = n + sig + 1
+      endif
+      s(n:n) = "e"
+      s(n+1:) = str(e)
+    elseif (fmt(1:1) == "r") then
+      if (len(fmt) > 1) then
+        dec = str_to_int_10(fmt(2:))
+      else
+        dec = sig_sp - e - 1
+      endif
+      dec = min(dec, digits(1.0_sp)-e-1)
+      dec = max(dec, 0)
+      if (e+dec+1 > 0) then
+        num = real_sp_str(abs(x), e+dec+1)
+      else
+        num = ""
+      endif
+      if (num(1:1) == "!") then
+        e = e + 1
+        num = "1"//repeat("0",len(num)-1)
+      endif
+      if (abs(x) >= 1.0_sp) then
+        s(n:n+e) = num(:e+1)
+        n = n + e + 1
+        if (dec > 0) then
+          s(n:n) = "."
+          n = n + 1
+          s(n:) = num(e+2:)
+        endif
+      else
+        s(n:n) = "0"
+        if (dec > 0) then
+          s(n+1:n+1) = "."
+          n = n + 2
+          if (dec < -e-1) then
+            s(n:) = repeat("0", dec)
+          else
+            s(n:n-e-2) = repeat("0", max(-e-1,0))
+            n = n - min(e,-1) - 1
+            if (n <= len(s)) then
+              s(n:) = num
+            endif
+          endif
+        endif
+      endif
+    endif
+  end function str_real_sp_fmt
+  pure function str_real_sp(x) result(s)
+    real(sp), intent(in) :: x
+#ifdef DUMMYLIB
+    character(len=1) :: s
+    s = " "
+    character(len=len(x)) :: s
+    s = safestr(x, "")
+  end function str_real_sp
+  pure function str_real_sp_array(xa) result(s)
+    real(sp), dimension(:), intent(in) :: xa
+#ifdef DUMMYLIB
+    character(len=1) :: s
+    s = " "
+    character(len=len(xa)) :: s
+    integer :: j, k, n
+    n = 1
+    do k = 1, size(xa) - 1
+      j = len(xa(k), "")
+      s(n:n+j) = safestr(xa(k), "")//" "
+      n = n + j + 1
+    enddo
+    s(n:) = safestr(xa(k), "")
+  end function str_real_sp_array
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+  pure function str_real_sp_array_fmt(xa, fmt) result(s)
+    real(sp), dimension(:), intent(in) :: xa
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: fmt
+    character(len=len(xa, fmt)) :: s
+    integer :: j, k, n
+    n = 1
+    do k = 1, size(xa) - 1
+      j = len(xa(k), fmt)
+      s(n:n+j) = safestr(xa(k), fmt)//" "
+      n = n + j + 1
+    enddo
+    s(n:) = safestr(xa(k), fmt)
+  end function str_real_sp_array_fmt
+  function str_real_sp_array_fmt_chk(xa, fmt) result(s)
+    real(sp), dimension(:), intent(in) :: xa
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: fmt
+#ifdef DUMMYLIB
+    character(len=1) :: s
+    s = " "
+    character(len=len(xa, fmt)) :: s
+    if (checkFmt(fmt)) then
+      s = safestr(xa, fmt)
+    else
+      call FoX_error("Invalid format: "//fmt)
+    endif
+  end function str_real_sp_array_fmt_chk
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+  pure function str_real_sp_matrix_fmt(xa, fmt) result(s)
+    real(sp), dimension(:,:), intent(in) :: xa
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: fmt
+    character(len=len(xa,fmt)) :: s
+    integer :: i, j, k, n
+    i = len(xa(1,1), fmt)
+    s(:i) = safestr(xa(1,1), fmt)
+    n = i + 1
+    do j = 2, size(xa, 1)
+      i = len(xa(j,1), fmt)
+      s(n:n+i) = " "//safestr(xa(j,1), fmt)
+      n = n + i + 1
+    enddo
+    do k = 2, size(xa, 2)
+      do j = 1, size(xa, 1)
+        i = len(xa(j,k), fmt)
+        s(n:n+i) = " "//safestr(xa(j,k), fmt)
+        n = n + i + 1
+      enddo
+    enddo
+  end function str_real_sp_matrix_fmt
+  function str_real_sp_matrix_fmt_chk(xa, fmt) result(s)
+    real(sp), dimension(:,:), intent(in) :: xa
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: fmt
+#ifdef DUMMYLIB
+    character(len=1) :: s
+    s = " "
+    character(len=len(xa,fmt)) :: s
+    if (checkFmt(fmt)) then
+      s = safestr(xa, fmt)
+    else
+      call FoX_error("Invalid format: "//fmt)
+    end if
+  end function str_real_sp_matrix_fmt_chk
+  pure function str_real_sp_matrix(xa) result(s)
+    real(sp), dimension(:,:), intent(in) :: xa
+#ifdef DUMMYLIB
+    character(len=1) :: s
+    s = " "
+    character(len=len(xa)) :: s
+    s = safestr(xa, "")
+  end function str_real_sp_matrix
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+  pure function real_dp_str(x, sig) result(s)
+    real(dp), intent(in) :: x
+    integer, intent(in) :: sig
+    character(len=sig) :: s
+    ! make a string of numbers sig long of x.
+    integer :: e, i, j, k, n
+    real(dp) :: x_
+    if (sig < 1) then
+      s ="" 
+      return
+    endif
+    if (x == 0.0_dp) then
+      e = 1
+    else
+      e = floor(log10(abs(x)))
+    endif
+    x_ = abs(x)
+    ! Have to do this next in a loop rather than just exponentiating in
+    ! order to  avoid under/over-flow.
+    do i = 1, abs(e)
+      ! Have to multiply by 10^-e rather than divide by 10^e
+      ! to avoid rounding errors.
+      x_ = x_ * (10.0_dp**(-abs(e)/e))
+    enddo
+    n = 1
+    do k = sig - 2, 0, -1
+      ! This baroque way of taking int() ensures the optimizer definitely
+      ! stores it in j without keeping a different value in cache.
+      j = iachar(digit(int(x_)+1:int(x_)+1)) - 48
+      if (j==10) then
+        ! This can happen if, on the previous cycle, int(x_) in 
+        ! the line above gave a result almost exactly 1.0 less than
+        ! expected - but FP arithmetic is not consistent.
+        ! In this case we want to quit the cycle & just get 999... to the end
+        s(n:) = repeat("9", sig - n + 1)
+        return
+      endif
+      s(n:n) = digit(j+1:j+1)
+      n = n + 1
+      x_ = (x_ - j) * 10.0_dp
+    enddo
+    j = nint(x_)
+    if (j == 10) then
+      ! Now round ...
+      s(n:n) = "9"
+      i = verify(s, "9", .true.)
+      if (i == 0) then
+        s(1:1) = "!"
+        !overflow
+        return
+      endif
+      j = index(digit, s(i:i))
+      s(i:i) = digit(j+1:j+1)
+      s(i+1:) = repeat("0", sig - i + 1)
+    else
+      s(n:n) = digit(j+1:j+1)
+    endif
+  end function real_dp_str
+  function str_real_dp_fmt_chk(x, fmt) result(s)
+    real(dp), intent(in) :: x
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: fmt
+#ifdef DUMMYLIB
+    character(len=1) :: s
+    s = " "
+    character(len=len(x, fmt)) :: s
+    if (checkFmt(fmt)) then
+      s = safestr(x, fmt)
+    else
+      call FoX_error("Invalid format: "//fmt)
+    endif
+  end function str_real_dp_fmt_chk
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+  pure function str_real_dp_fmt(x, fmt) result(s)
+    real(dp), intent(in) :: x
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: fmt
+    character(len=len(x, fmt)) :: s
+    integer :: sig, dec
+    integer :: e, n
+    character(len=len(x, fmt)) :: num !this will always be enough memory.
+    if (x == 0.0_dp) then
+      e = 0
+    else
+      e = floor(log10(abs(x)))
+    endif
+    if (x < 0.0_dp) then
+      s(1:1) = "-"
+      n = 2
+    else
+      n = 1
+    endif
+    if (len(fmt) == 0) then
+      sig = sig_dp
+      num = real_dp_str(abs(x), sig)
+      if (num(1:1) == "!") then
+        e = e + 1
+        num = "1"//repeat("0",len(num)-1)
+      endif
+      if (sig == 1) then
+        s(n:n) = num
+        n = n + 1
+      else
+        s(n:n+1) = num(1:1)//"."
+        s(n+2:n+sig) = num(2:)
+        n = n + sig + 1
+      endif
+      s(n:n) = "e"
+      s(n+1:) = safestr(e)
+    elseif (fmt(1:1) == "s") then
+      if (len(fmt) > 1) then
+        sig = str_to_int_10(fmt(2:))
+      else
+        sig = sig_dp
+      endif
+      sig = max(sig, 1)
+      sig = min(sig, digits(1.0_dp))
+      num = real_dp_str(abs(x), sig)
+      if (num(1:1) == "!") then
+        e = e + 1
+        num = "1"//repeat("0",len(num)-1)
+      endif
+      if (sig == 1) then
+        s(n:n) = num
+        n = n + 1
+      else
+        s(n:n+1) = num(1:1)//"."
+        s(n+2:n+sig) = num(2:)
+        n = n + sig + 1
+      endif
+      s(n:n) = "e"
+      s(n+1:) = safestr(e)
+    elseif (fmt(1:1) == "r") then
+      if (len(fmt) > 1) then
+        dec = str_to_int_10(fmt(2:))
+      else
+        dec = sig_dp - e - 1
+      endif
+      dec = min(dec, digits(1.0_dp)-e-1)
+      dec = max(dec, 0)
+      if (e+dec+1 > 0) then
+        num = real_dp_str(abs(x), e+dec+1)
+      else
+        num = ""
+      endif
+      if (num(1:1) == "!") then
+        e = e + 1
+        num = "1"//repeat("0",len(num)-1)
+      endif
+      if (abs(x) >= 1.0_dp) then
+        s(n:n+e) = num(:e+1)
+        n = n + e + 1
+        if (dec > 0) then
+          s(n:n) = "."
+          n = n + 1
+          s(n:) = num(e+2:)
+        endif
+      else
+        s(n:n) = "0"
+        if (dec > 0) then
+          s(n+1:n+1) = "."
+          n = n + 2
+          if (dec < -e-1) then
+            s(n:) = repeat("0", dec)
+          else
+            s(n:n-e-2) = repeat("0", max(-e-1,0))
+            n = n - min(e,-1) - 1
+            if (n <= len(s)) then
+              s(n:) = num
+            endif
+          endif
+        endif
+      endif
+    endif
+  end function str_real_dp_fmt
+  pure function str_real_dp(x) result(s)
+    real(dp), intent(in) :: x
+#ifdef DUMMYLIB
+    character(len=1) :: s
+    s = " "
+    character(len=len(x)) :: s
+    s = safestr(x, "")
+  end function str_real_dp
+  pure function str_real_dp_array(xa) result(s)
+    real(dp), dimension(:), intent(in) :: xa
+#ifdef DUMMYLIB
+    character(len=1) :: s
+    s = " "
+    character(len=len(xa)) :: s
+    integer :: j, k, n
+    n = 1
+    do k = 1, size(xa) - 1
+      j = len(xa(k), "")
+      s(n:n+j) = safestr(xa(k), "")//" "
+      n = n + j + 1
+    enddo
+    s(n:) = safestr(xa(k))
+  end function str_real_dp_array
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+  pure function str_real_dp_array_fmt(xa, fmt) result(s)
+    real(dp), dimension(:), intent(in) :: xa
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: fmt
+    character(len=len(xa, fmt)) :: s
+    integer :: j, k, n
+    n = 1
+    do k = 1, size(xa) - 1
+      j = len(xa(k), fmt)
+      s(n:n+j) = safestr(xa(k), fmt)//" "
+      n = n + j + 1
+    enddo
+    s(n:) = safestr(xa(k), fmt)
+  end function str_real_dp_array_fmt
+  function str_real_dp_array_fmt_chk(xa, fmt) result(s)
+    real(dp), dimension(:), intent(in) :: xa
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: fmt
+#ifdef DUMMYLIB
+    character(len=1) :: s
+    s = " "
+    character(len=len(xa, fmt)) :: s
+    if (checkFmt(fmt)) then
+      s = safestr(xa, fmt)
+    else
+      call FoX_error("Invalid format: "//fmt)
+    endif
+  end function str_real_dp_array_fmt_chk
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+  function str_real_dp_matrix_fmt(xa, fmt) result(s)
+    real(dp), dimension(:,:), intent(in) :: xa
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: fmt
+    character(len=len(xa,fmt)) :: s
+    integer :: i, j, k, n
+    i = len(xa(1,1), fmt)
+    s(:i) = safestr(xa(1,1), fmt)
+    n = i + 1
+    do j = 2, size(xa, 1)
+      i = len(xa(j,1), fmt)
+      s(n:n+i) = " "//safestr(xa(j,1), fmt)
+      n = n + i + 1
+    enddo
+    do k = 2, size(xa, 2)
+      do j = 1, size(xa, 1)
+        i = len(xa(j,k), fmt)
+        s(n:n+i) = " "//safestr(xa(j,k), fmt)
+        n = n + i + 1
+      enddo
+    enddo
+  end function str_real_dp_matrix_fmt
+  function str_real_dp_matrix_fmt_chk(xa, fmt) result(s)
+    real(dp), dimension(:,:), intent(in) :: xa
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: fmt
+#ifdef DUMMYLIB
+    character(len=1) :: s
+    s = " "
+    character(len=len(xa,fmt)) :: s
+    if (checkFmt(fmt)) then
+      s = safestr(xa, fmt)
+    else
+      call FoX_error("Invalid format: "//fmt)
+    end if
+  end function str_real_dp_matrix_fmt_chk
+  function str_real_dp_matrix(xa) result(s)
+    real(dp), dimension(:,:), intent(in) :: xa
+#ifdef DUMMYLIB
+    character(len=1) :: s
+    s = " "
+    character(len=len(xa)) :: s
+    s = safestr(xa, "")
+  end function str_real_dp_matrix
+! For complex numbers, there's not really much prior art, so
+! we use the easy solution: a+bi, where a & b are real numbers
+! as output above.
+  function str_complex_sp_fmt_chk(c, fmt) result(s)
+    complex(sp), intent(in) :: c
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: fmt
+#ifdef DUMMYLIB
+    character(len=1) :: s
+    s = " "
+    character(len=len(c, fmt)) :: s
+    if (checkFmt(fmt)) then
+      s = safestr(c, fmt)
+    else
+      call FoX_error("Invalid format: "//fmt)
+    endif
+  end function str_complex_sp_fmt_chk
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+  pure function str_complex_sp_fmt(c, fmt) result(s)
+    complex(sp), intent(in) :: c
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: fmt
+    character(len=len(c, fmt)) :: s
+    real(sp) :: re, im
+    integer :: i
+    re = real(c)
+    im = aimag(c)
+    i = len(re, fmt)
+    s(:i+4) = "("//safestr(re, fmt)//")+i"
+    s(i+5:)="("//safestr(im,fmt)//")"
+  end function str_complex_sp_fmt
+  pure function str_complex_sp(c) result(s)
+    complex(sp), intent(in) :: c
+#ifdef DUMMYLIB
+    character(len=1) :: s
+    s = " "
+    character(len=len(c, "")) :: s
+    s = safestr(c, "")
+  end function str_complex_sp
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+  pure function str_complex_sp_array_fmt(ca, fmt) result(s)
+    complex(sp), dimension(:), intent(in) :: ca
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: fmt
+    character(len=len(ca, fmt)) :: s
+    integer :: i, n
+    s(1:len(ca(1), fmt)) = safestr(ca(1), fmt)
+    n = len(ca(1), fmt)+1
+    do i = 2, size(ca) 
+      s(n:n+len(ca(i), fmt)) = " "//safestr(ca(i), fmt)
+      n = n + len(ca(i), fmt)+1
+    enddo
+  end function str_complex_sp_array_fmt
+  function str_complex_sp_array_fmt_chk(ca, fmt) result(s)
+    complex(sp), dimension(:), intent(in) :: ca
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: fmt
+#ifdef DUMMYLIB
+    character(len=1) :: s
+    s = " "
+    character(len=len(ca, fmt)) :: s
+    if (checkFmt(fmt)) then
+      s = safestr(ca, fmt)
+    else
+      call FoX_error("Invalid format: "//fmt)
+    endif
+  end function str_complex_sp_array_fmt_chk
+  pure function str_complex_sp_array(ca) result(s)
+    complex(sp), dimension(:), intent(in) :: ca
+#ifdef DUMMYLIB
+    character(len=1) :: s
+    s = " "
+    character(len=len(ca)) :: s
+    s = safestr(ca, "")
+  end function str_complex_sp_array
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+  pure function str_complex_sp_matrix_fmt(ca, fmt) result(s)
+    complex(sp), dimension(:, :), intent(in) :: ca
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: fmt
+    character(len=len(ca, fmt)) :: s
+    integer :: i, j, k, n
+    i = len(ca(1,1), fmt)
+    s(:i) = safestr(ca(1,1), fmt)
+    n = i + 1
+    do j = 2, size(ca, 1)
+      i = len(ca(j,1), fmt)
+      s(n:n+i) = " "//safestr(ca(j,1), fmt)
+      n = n + i + 1
+    enddo
+    do k = 2, size(ca, 2)
+      do j = 1, size(ca, 1)
+        i = len(ca(j,k), fmt)
+        s(n:n+i) = " "//safestr(ca(j,k), fmt)
+        n = n + i + 1
+      enddo
+    enddo
+  end function str_complex_sp_matrix_fmt
+  function str_complex_sp_matrix_fmt_chk(ca, fmt) result(s)
+    complex(sp), dimension(:, :), intent(in) :: ca
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: fmt
+#ifdef DUMMYLIB
+    character(len=1) :: s
+    s = " "
+    character(len=len(ca, fmt)) :: s
+    if (checkFmt(fmt)) then
+      s = safestr(ca, fmt)
+    else
+      call FoX_error("Invalid format: "//fmt)
+    endif
+  end function str_complex_sp_matrix_fmt_chk
+  pure function str_complex_sp_matrix(ca) result(s)
+    complex(sp), dimension(:, :), intent(in) :: ca
+#ifdef DUMMYLIB
+    character(len=1) :: s
+    s = " "
+    character(len=len(ca)) :: s
+    s = safestr(ca, "")
+  end function str_complex_sp_matrix
+  function str_complex_dp_fmt_chk(c, fmt) result(s)
+    complex(dp), intent(in) :: c
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: fmt
+#ifdef DUMMYLIB
+    character(len=1) :: s
+    s = " "
+    character(len=len(c, fmt)) :: s
+    if (checkFmt(fmt)) then
+      s = safestr(c, fmt)
+    else
+      call FoX_error("Invalid format: "//fmt)
+    endif
+  end function str_complex_dp_fmt_chk
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+  pure function str_complex_dp_fmt(c, fmt) result(s)
+    complex(dp), intent(in) :: c
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: fmt
+    character(len=len(c, fmt)) :: s
+    real(dp) :: re, im
+    integer :: i
+    re = real(c)
+    im = aimag(c)
+    i = len(re, fmt)
+    s(:i+4) = "("//safestr(re, fmt)//")+i"
+    s(i+5:)="("//safestr(im,fmt)//")"
+  end function str_complex_dp_fmt
+  pure function str_complex_dp(c) result(s)
+    complex(dp), intent(in) :: c
+#ifdef DUMMYLIB
+    character(len=1) :: s
+    s = " "
+    character(len=len(c, "")) :: s
+    s = safestr(c, "")
+  end function str_complex_dp
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+  pure function str_complex_dp_array_fmt(ca, fmt) result(s)
+    complex(dp), dimension(:), intent(in) :: ca
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: fmt
+    character(len=len(ca, fmt)) :: s
+    integer :: i, n
+    s(1:len(ca(1), fmt)) = safestr(ca(1), fmt)
+    n = len(ca(1), fmt)+1
+    do i = 2, size(ca) 
+      s(n:n+len(ca(i), fmt)) = " "//safestr(ca(i), fmt)
+      n = n + len(ca(i), fmt)+1
+    enddo
+  end function str_complex_dp_array_fmt
+  function str_complex_dp_array_fmt_chk(ca, fmt) result(s)
+    complex(dp), dimension(:), intent(in) :: ca
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: fmt
+#ifdef DUMMYLIB
+    character(len=1) :: s
+    s = " "
+    character(len=len(ca, fmt)) :: s
+    if (checkFmt(fmt)) then
+      s = safestr(ca, fmt)
+    else
+      call FoX_error("Invalid format: "//fmt)
+    endif
+  end function str_complex_dp_array_fmt_chk
+  pure function str_complex_dp_array(ca) result(s)
+    complex(dp), dimension(:), intent(in) :: ca
+#ifdef DUMMYLIB
+    character(len=1) :: s
+    s = " "
+    character(len=len(ca)) :: s
+    s = safestr(ca, "")
+  end function str_complex_dp_array
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+  pure function str_complex_dp_matrix_fmt(ca, fmt) result(s)
+    complex(dp), dimension(:, :), intent(in) :: ca
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: fmt
+    character(len=len(ca, fmt)) :: s
+    integer :: i, j, k, n
+    i = len(ca(1,1), fmt)
+    s(:i) = safestr(ca(1,1), fmt)
+    n = i + 1
+    do j = 2, size(ca, 1)
+      i = len(ca(j,1), fmt)
+      s(n:n+i) = " "//safestr(ca(j,1), fmt)
+      n = n + i + 1
+    enddo
+    do k = 2, size(ca, 2)
+      do j = 1, size(ca, 1)
+        i = len(ca(j,k), fmt)
+        s(n:n+i) = " "//safestr(ca(j,k), fmt)
+        n = n + i + 1
+      enddo
+    enddo
+  end function str_complex_dp_matrix_fmt
+  function str_complex_dp_matrix_fmt_chk(ca, fmt) result(s)
+    complex(dp), dimension(:, :), intent(in) :: ca
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: fmt
+#ifdef DUMMYLIB
+    character(len=1) :: s
+    s = " "
+    character(len=len(ca, fmt)) :: s
+    if (checkFmt(fmt)) then
+      s = safestr(ca, fmt)
+    else
+      call FoX_error("Invalid format: "//fmt)
+    endif
+  end function str_complex_dp_matrix_fmt_chk
+  pure function str_complex_dp_matrix(ca) result(s)
+    complex(dp), dimension(:, :), intent(in) :: ca
+#ifdef DUMMYLIB
+    character(len=1) :: s
+    s = " "
+    character(len=len(ca)) :: s
+    s = safestr(ca, "")
+  end function str_complex_dp_matrix
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+  pure function checkFmt(fmt) result(good)
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: fmt
+    logical :: good
+    ! should be ([rs]\d*)?
+    if (len(fmt) > 0) then
+      if (fmt(1:1) == "r" .or. fmt(1:1) == "s") then
+        if (len(fmt) > 1) then
+          good = (verify(fmt(2:), digit) == 0)
+        else
+          good = .true.
+        endif
+      else
+        good = .false.
+      endif
+    else
+      good = .true.
+    endif
+  end function checkFmt
+  pure function concat_str_int(s1, s2) result(s3)
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: s1
+    integer, intent(in) :: s2
+#ifdef DUMMYLIB
+    character(len=1) :: s3
+    s3 = " "
+    character(len=len(s1)+len(s2)) :: s3
+    s3 = s1//str(s2)
+  end function concat_str_int
+  pure function concat_int_str(s1, s2) result(s3)
+    integer, intent(in) :: s1
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: s2
+#ifdef DUMMYLIB
+    character(len=1) :: s3
+    s3 = " "
+    character(len=len(s1)+len(s2)) :: s3
+    s3 = str(s1)//s2
+  end function concat_int_str
+  pure function concat_str_logical(s1, s2) result(s3)
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: s1
+    logical, intent(in) :: s2
+#ifdef DUMMYLIB
+    character(len=1) :: s3
+    s3 = " "
+    character(len=len(s1)+len(s2)) :: s3
+    s3 = s1//str(s2)
+  end function concat_str_logical
+  pure function concat_logical_str(s1, s2) result(s3)
+    logical, intent(in) :: s1
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: s2
+#ifdef DUMMYLIB
+    character(len=1) :: s3
+    s3 = " "
+    character(len=len(s1)+len(s2)) :: s3
+    s3 = str(s1)//s2
+  end function concat_logical_str
+  pure function concat_str_real_sp(s1, s2) result(s3)
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: s1
+    real(sp), intent(in) :: s2
+#ifdef DUMMYLIB
+    character(len=1) :: s3
+    s3 = " "
+    character(len=len(s1)+len(s2)) :: s3
+    s3 = s1//str(s2)
+  end function concat_str_real_sp
+  pure function concat_real_sp_str(s1, s2) result(s3)
+    real(sp), intent(in) :: s1
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: s2
+#ifdef DUMMYLIB
+    character(len=1) :: s3
+    s3 = " "
+    character(len=len(s1)+len(s2)) :: s3
+    s3 = str(s1)//s2
+  end function concat_real_sp_str
+  pure function concat_str_real_dp(s1, s2) result(s3)
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: s1
+    real(dp), intent(in) :: s2
+#ifdef DUMMYLIB
+    character(len=1) :: s3
+    s3 = " "
+    character(len=len(s1)+len(s2)) :: s3
+    s3 = s1//str(s2)
+  end function concat_str_real_dp
+  pure function concat_real_dp_str(s1, s2) result(s3)
+    real(dp), intent(in) :: s1
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: s2
+#ifdef DUMMYLIB
+    character(len=1) :: s3
+    s3 = " "
+    character(len=len(s1)+len(s2)) :: s3
+    s3 = str(s1)//s2
+  end function concat_real_dp_str
+  pure function concat_str_complex_sp(s1, s2) result(s3)
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: s1
+    complex(sp), intent(in) :: s2
+#ifdef DUMMYLIB
+    character(len=1) :: s3
+    s3 = " "
+    character(len=len(s1)+len(s2)) :: s3
+    s3 = s1//str(s2)
+  end function concat_str_complex_sp
+  pure function concat_complex_sp_str(s1, s2) result(s3)
+    complex(sp), intent(in) :: s1
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: s2
+#ifdef DUMMYLIB
+    character(len=1) :: s3
+    s3 = " "
+    character(len=len(s1)+len(s2)) :: s3
+    s3 = str(s1)//s2
+  end function concat_complex_sp_str
+  pure function concat_str_complex_dp(s1, s2) result(s3)
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: s1
+    complex(dp), intent(in) :: s2
+#ifdef DUMMYLIB
+    character(len=1) :: s3
+    s3 = " "
+    character(len=len(s1)+len(s2)) :: s3
+    s3 = s1//str(s2)
+  end function concat_str_complex_dp
+  pure function concat_complex_dp_str(s1, s2) result(s3)
+    complex(dp), intent(in) :: s1
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: s2
+#ifdef DUMMYLIB
+    character(len=1) :: s3
+    s3 = " "
+    character(len=len(s1)+len(s2)) :: s3
+    s3 = str(s1)//s2
+  end function concat_complex_dp_str
+end module fox_m_fsys_format
diff --git a/fsys/fox_m_fsys_parse_input.F90 b/fsys/fox_m_fsys_parse_input.F90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e0307e9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fsys/fox_m_fsys_parse_input.F90
@@ -0,0 +1,2204 @@
+module fox_m_fsys_parse_input
+  use fox_m_fsys_realtypes, only: sp, dp
+  implicit none
+  private
+  character(len=1), parameter :: SPACE           = achar(32)
+  character(len=1), parameter :: NEWLINE         = achar(10)
+  character(len=1), parameter :: CARRIAGE_RETURN = achar(13)
+  character(len=1), parameter :: TAB             = achar(9)
+  character(len=*), parameter :: whitespace = &
+  interface rts
+    module procedure scalartostring
+    module procedure scalartological
+    module procedure scalartointeger
+    module procedure scalartorealsp
+    module procedure scalartorealdp
+    module procedure scalartocomplexsp
+    module procedure scalartocomplexdp
+    module procedure arraytostring
+    module procedure arraytological
+    module procedure arraytointeger
+    module procedure arraytorealsp
+    module procedure arraytorealdp
+    module procedure arraytocomplexsp
+    module procedure arraytocomplexdp
+    module procedure matrixtostring
+    module procedure matrixtological
+    module procedure matrixtointeger
+    module procedure matrixtorealsp
+    module procedure matrixtorealdp
+    module procedure matrixtocomplexsp
+    module procedure matrixtocomplexdp
+  end interface
+  public :: rts
+  subroutine scalartostring(s, data, separator, csv, num, iostat)
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: s
+    character(len=*), intent(out) :: data
+    character, intent(in), optional :: separator
+    logical, intent(in), optional :: csv
+    integer, intent(out), optional :: num, iostat
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    logical :: bracketed
+    integer :: i, j, ij, k, s_i, err, ios, length
+    real :: r, c
+    character(len=len(s)) :: s2
+    logical :: csv_, eof, sp
+    integer :: m
+    csv_ = .false.
+    if (present(csv)) then
+      csv_ = csv
+    endif
+    s_i = 1
+    err = 0
+    eof = .false.
+    data = ""
+    ij = 0
+    length = 1
+    loop: do
+      if (csv_) then
+              if (s_i>len(s)) then
+        data = ""
+        ij = ij + 1
+        exit loop
+      endif
+      k = verify(s(s_i:), achar(10)//achar(13))
+      if (k==0) then
+        data = ""
+        ij = ij + 1
+        exit loop
+      elseif (s(s_i+k-1:s_i+k-1)=="""") then
+        ! we have a quote-delimited string;
+        s_i = s_i + k
+        s2 = ""
+        quote: do 
+          k = index(s(s_i:), """")
+          if (k==0) then
+            err = 2
+            exit loop
+          endif
+          k = s_i + k - 1
+          s2(m:) = s(s_i:k)
+          m = m + (k-s_i+1)
+          k = k + 2
+          if (k>len(s)) then
+            err = 2
+            exit loop
+          endif
+          if (s(k:k)/="""") exit
+          s_i = k + 1
+          if (s_i > len(s)) then
+            err = 2
+            exit loop
+          endif
+          m = m + 1
+          s2(m:m) = """"
+        enddo quote
+        data = s2
+        k  = scan(s(s_i:), whitespace)
+        if (k==0) then
+          err = 2
+          exit loop
+        endif
+      else
+        s_i = s_i + k - 1
+        k = scan(s(s_i:), achar(10)//achar(13)//",")
+        if (k==0) then
+          eof = .true.
+          k = len(s)
+        else
+          if (ij+1==length.and.s(s_i+k-1:s_i+k-1)==",") err = 1
+          k = s_i + k - 2
+        endif
+        data = s(s_i:k)
+        if (index(data, """")/=0) then
+          err = 2
+          exit loop
+        endif
+      endif
+      ij = ij + 1
+      s_i = k + 2
+      if (eof) exit loop
+    if (present(num)) num = ij
+    if (ij<length) then
+      if (err==0) err = -1
+    else
+      if (verify(s(s_i:), whitespace)/=0) err = 1
+    endif
+    if (present(iostat)) then
+      iostat = err
+    else
+      select case (err)
+      case(-1)
+        write(0, *) "Error in scalartostring"
+        write(0, *) "Too few elements found"
+        stop
+      case(1)
+        write(0, *) "Error in scalartostring"
+        write(0, *) "Too many elements found"
+        stop
+      case(2)
+        write(0, *) "Error in scalartostring"
+        write(0, *) "Malformed input"
+        stop
+      end select
+    end if
+      else
+        sp = .true.
+        do i = 1, len(s)
+          if (s_i.gt.len(data)) exit ! Truncate long input... 
+                                     ! should we set iostat to 1?
+                                     ! probably not - it will break the tests.
+          if (sp) then
+            if (verify(s(i:i), whitespace)/=0) then
+              data(s_i:s_i) = s(i:i)
+              s_i = s_i + 1
+              sp = .false.
+            endif
+          else
+            if (verify(s(i:i), whitespace)==0) then
+              data(s_i:s_i) = " "
+              sp = .true.
+            else
+              data(s_i:s_i) = s(i:i)
+            endif
+            s_i = s_i + 1
+          endif
+        enddo
+        if (present(num)) num = 1
+        if (present(iostat)) iostat = 0
+      endif
+      exit
+    enddo loop
+    data = ""
+  end subroutine scalartostring
+  subroutine scalartological(s, data, num, iostat)
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: s
+    logical, intent(out) :: data
+    integer, intent(out), optional :: num, iostat
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB 
+    logical :: bracketed
+    integer :: i, j, ij, k, s_i, err, ios, length
+    real :: r, c
+    s_i = 1
+    err = 0
+    data = .false.
+    ij = 0
+    length = 1
+    loop: do i = 1, 1
+      k = verify(s(s_i:), whitespace)
+      if (k==0) exit loop
+      s_i = s_i + k - 1
+      if (s(s_i:s_i)==",") then
+        if (s_i+1>len(s)) then
+          err = 2
+          exit loop
+        endif
+        k = verify(s(s_i+1:), whitespace)
+        s_i = s_i + k - 1
+      endif
+      k = scan(s(s_i:), whitespace//",")
+      if (k==0) then
+        k = len(s)
+      else
+        k = s_i + k - 2
+      endif
+      if (s(s_i:k)=="true".or.s(s_i:k)=="1") then
+        data = .true.
+      elseif (s(s_i:k)=="false".or.s(s_i:k)=="0") then
+        data = .false.
+      else
+        err = 2
+        exit loop
+      endif
+      ij = ij + 1
+      s_i = k + 2
+      if (ij<length.and.s_i>len(s)) exit loop
+    end do loop
+    if (present(num)) num = ij
+    if (ij<length) then
+      if (err==0) err = -1
+    else
+      if (verify(s(s_i:), whitespace)/=0) err = 1
+    endif
+    if (present(iostat)) then
+      iostat = err
+    else
+      select case (err)
+      case(-1)
+        write(0, *) "Error in scalartological"
+        write(0, *) "Too few elements found"
+        stop
+      case(1)
+        write(0, *) "Error in scalartological"
+        write(0, *) "Too many elements found"
+        stop
+      case(2)
+        write(0, *) "Error in scalartological"
+        write(0, *) "Malformed input"
+        stop
+      end select
+    end if
+    data = .false.
+  end subroutine scalartological
+  subroutine scalartointeger(s, data, num, iostat)
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: s
+    integer, intent(out) :: data
+    integer, intent(out), optional :: num, iostat
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    logical :: bracketed
+    integer :: i, j, ij, k, s_i, err, ios, length
+    real :: r, c
+    s_i = 1
+    err = 0
+    data = 0
+    ij = 0
+    length = 1
+    loop: do i = 1, 1
+      k = verify(s(s_i:), whitespace)
+      if (k==0) exit loop
+      s_i = s_i + k - 1
+      if (s(s_i:s_i)==",") then
+        if (s_i+1>len(s)) then
+          err = 2
+          exit loop
+        endif
+        k = verify(s(s_i+1:), whitespace)
+        s_i = s_i + k - 1
+      endif
+      k = scan(s(s_i:), whitespace//",")
+      if (k==0) then
+        k = len(s)
+      else
+        k = s_i + k - 2
+      endif
+      read(s(s_i:k), *, iostat=ios) data
+      if (ios/=0) then
+        err = 2
+        exit loop
+      endif
+      ij = ij + 1
+      s_i = k + 2
+      if (ij<length.and.s_i>len(s)) exit loop
+    end do loop
+    if (present(num)) num = ij
+    if (ij<length) then
+      if (err==0) err = -1
+    else
+      if (verify(s(s_i:), whitespace)/=0) err = 1
+    endif
+    if (present(iostat)) then
+      iostat = err
+    else
+      select case (err)
+      case(-1)
+        write(0, *) "Error in scalartointeger"
+        write(0, *) "Too few elements found"
+        stop
+      case(1)
+        write(0, *) "Error in scalartointeger"
+        write(0, *) "Too many elements found"
+        stop
+      case(2)
+        write(0, *) "Error in scalartointeger"
+        write(0, *) "Malformed input"
+        stop
+      end select
+    end if
+    data = 0
+  end subroutine scalartointeger
+  subroutine scalartorealsp(s, data, num, iostat)
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: s
+    real(sp), intent(out) :: data
+    integer, intent(out), optional :: num, iostat
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    logical :: bracketed
+    integer :: i, j, ij, k, s_i, err, ios, length
+    real :: r, c
+    s_i = 1
+    err = 0
+    data = 0.0_sp
+    ij = 0
+    length = 1
+    loop: do i = 1, 1
+      k = verify(s(s_i:), whitespace)
+      if (k==0) exit loop
+      s_i = s_i + k - 1
+      if (s(s_i:s_i)==",") then
+        if (s_i+1>len(s)) then
+          err = 2
+          exit loop
+        endif
+        k = verify(s(s_i+1:), whitespace)
+        s_i = s_i + k - 1
+      endif
+      k = scan(s(s_i:), whitespace//",")
+      if (k==0) then
+        k = len(s)
+      else
+        k = s_i + k - 2
+      endif
+      read(s(s_i:k), *, iostat=ios) data
+      if (ios/=0) then
+        err = 2
+        exit loop
+      endif
+      ij = ij + 1
+      s_i = k + 2
+      if (ij<length.and.s_i>len(s)) exit loop
+    end do loop
+    if (present(num)) num = ij
+    if (ij<length) then
+      if (err==0) err = -1
+    else
+      if (verify(s(s_i:), whitespace)/=0) err = 1
+    endif
+    if (present(iostat)) then
+      iostat = err
+    else
+      select case (err)
+      case(-1)
+        write(0, *) "Error in scalartorealsp"
+        write(0, *) "Too few elements found"
+        stop
+      case(1)
+        write(0, *) "Error in scalartorealsp"
+        write(0, *) "Too many elements found"
+        stop
+      case(2)
+        write(0, *) "Error in scalartorealsp"
+        write(0, *) "Malformed input"
+        stop
+      end select
+    end if
+    data = 0.0_sp
+  end subroutine scalartorealsp
+  subroutine scalartorealdp(s, data, num, iostat)
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: s
+    real(dp), intent(out) :: data
+    integer, intent(out), optional :: num, iostat
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    logical :: bracketed
+    integer :: i, j, ij, k, s_i, err, ios, length
+    real :: r, c
+    s_i = 1
+    err = 0
+    data = 0.0_dp
+    ij = 0
+    length = 1
+    loop: do i = 1, 1
+      k = verify(s(s_i:), whitespace)
+      if (k==0) exit loop
+      s_i = s_i + k - 1
+      if (s(s_i:s_i)==",") then
+        if (s_i+1>len(s)) then
+          err = 2
+          exit loop
+        endif
+        k = verify(s(s_i+1:), whitespace)
+        s_i = s_i + k - 1
+      endif
+      k = scan(s(s_i:), whitespace//",")
+      if (k==0) then
+        k = len(s)
+      else
+        k = s_i + k - 2
+      endif
+      read(s(s_i:k), *, iostat=ios) data
+      if (ios/=0) then
+        err = 2
+        exit loop
+      endif
+      ij = ij + 1
+      s_i = k + 2
+      if (ij<length.and.s_i>len(s)) exit loop
+    end do loop
+    if (present(num)) num = ij
+    if (ij<length) then
+      if (err==0) err = -1
+    else
+      if (verify(s(s_i:), whitespace)/=0) err = 1
+    endif
+    if (present(iostat)) then
+      iostat = err
+    else
+      select case (err)
+      case(-1)
+        write(0, *) "Error in scalartorealdp"
+        write(0, *) "Too few elements found"
+        stop
+      case(1)
+        write(0, *) "Error in scalartorealdp"
+        write(0, *) "Too many elements found"
+        stop
+      case(2)
+        write(0, *) "Error in scalartorealdp"
+        write(0, *) "Malformed input"
+        stop
+      end select
+    end if
+    data = 0.0_dp
+  end subroutine scalartorealdp
+  subroutine scalartocomplexsp(s, data, num, iostat)
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: s
+    complex(sp), intent(out) :: data
+    integer, intent(out), optional :: num, iostat
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    logical :: bracketed
+    integer :: i, j, ij, k, s_i, err, ios, length
+    real :: r, c
+    s_i = 1
+    err = 0
+    data = 0.0_sp
+    ij = 0
+    length = 1
+    loop: do i = 1, 1
+      bracketed = .false.
+      k = verify(s(s_i:), whitespace)
+      if (k==0) exit loop
+      s_i = s_i + k - 1
+      select case (s(s_i:s_i))
+      case ("(")
+        bracketed = .true.
+        k = verify(s(s_i:), whitespace)
+        if (k==0) then
+          err = 2
+          exit loop
+        endif
+        s_i = s_i + k
+      case (",")
+        k = verify(s(s_i:), whitespace)
+        if (k==0) then
+          err = 2
+          exit loop
+        endif
+        s_i = s_i + k - 1
+      case ("+", "-", "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9")
+        continue
+      case default
+        err = 2
+        exit loop
+      end select
+      if (bracketed) then
+        k = index(s(s_i:), ")+i(")
+      else
+        k = scan(s(s_i:), whitespace//",")
+      endif
+      if (k==0) then
+        err = 2
+        exit loop
+      endif
+      k = s_i + k - 2
+      read(s(s_i:k), *, iostat=ios) r
+      if (ios/=0) then
+        err = 2
+        exit loop
+      endif
+      if (bracketed) then
+        s_i = k + 5
+        if (s_i>len(s)) then
+          err = 2
+          exit loop
+        endif
+      else
+        s_i = k + 2
+      endif
+      if (bracketed) then
+        k = index(s(s_i:), ")")
+        if (k==0) then
+          err = 2
+          exit loop
+        endif
+        k = s_i + k - 2
+      else
+        k = scan(s(s_i:), whitespace//",")
+        if (k==0) then
+          k = len(s)
+        else
+          k = s_i + k - 2
+        endif
+      endif
+      read(s(s_i:k), *, iostat=ios) c
+      if (ios/=0) then
+        err = 2
+        exit loop
+      endif
+      data = cmplx(r, c)
+      ij = ij + 1
+      s_i = k + 2
+      if (ij<length.and.s_i>len(s)) exit loop
+    end do loop
+    if (present(num)) num = ij
+    if (ij<length) then
+      if (err==0) err = -1
+    else
+      if (verify(s(s_i:), whitespace)/=0) err = 1
+    endif
+    if (present(iostat)) then
+      iostat = err
+    else
+      select case (err)
+      case(-1)
+        write(0, *) "Error in scalartocomplexsp"
+        write(0, *) "Too few elements found"
+        stop
+      case(1)
+        write(0, *) "Error in scalartocomplexsp"
+        write(0, *) "Too many elements found"
+        stop
+      case(2)
+        write(0, *) "Error in scalartocomplexsp"
+        write(0, *) "Malformed input"
+        stop
+      end select
+    end if
+    data = (0.0_sp, 0.0_sp)
+  end subroutine scalartocomplexsp
+  subroutine scalartocomplexdp(s, data, num, iostat)
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: s
+    complex(dp), intent(out) :: data
+    integer, intent(out), optional :: num, iostat
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    logical :: bracketed
+    integer :: i, j, ij, k, s_i, err, ios, length
+    real :: r, c
+    s_i = 1
+    err = 0
+    data = 0.0_dp
+    ij = 0
+    length = 1
+    loop: do i = 1, 1
+      bracketed = .false.
+      k = verify(s(s_i:), whitespace)
+      if (k==0) exit loop
+      s_i = s_i + k - 1
+      select case (s(s_i:s_i))
+      case ("(")
+        bracketed = .true.
+        k = verify(s(s_i:), whitespace)
+        if (k==0) then
+          err = 2
+          exit loop
+        endif
+        s_i = s_i + k
+      case (",")
+        k = verify(s(s_i:), whitespace)
+        if (k==0) then
+          err = 2
+          exit loop
+        endif
+        s_i = s_i + k - 1
+      case ("+", "-", "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9")
+        continue
+      case default
+        err = 2
+        exit loop
+      end select
+      if (bracketed) then
+        k = index(s(s_i:), ")+i(")
+      else
+        k = scan(s(s_i:), whitespace//",")
+      endif
+      if (k==0) then
+        err = 2
+        exit loop
+      endif
+      k = s_i + k - 2
+      read(s(s_i:k), *, iostat=ios) r
+      if (ios/=0) then
+        err = 2
+        exit loop
+      endif
+      if (bracketed) then
+        s_i = k + 5
+        if (s_i>len(s)) then
+          err = 2
+          exit loop
+        endif
+      else
+        s_i = k + 2
+      endif
+      if (bracketed) then
+        k = index(s(s_i:), ")")
+        if (k==0) then
+          err = 2
+          exit loop
+        endif
+        k = s_i + k - 2
+      else
+        k = scan(s(s_i:), whitespace//",")
+        if (k==0) then
+          k = len(s)
+        else
+          k = s_i + k - 2
+        endif
+      endif
+      read(s(s_i:k), *, iostat=ios) c
+      if (ios/=0) then
+        err = 2
+        exit loop
+      endif
+      data = cmplx(r, c)
+      ij = ij + 1
+      s_i = k + 2
+      if (ij<length.and.s_i>len(s)) exit loop
+    end do loop
+    if (present(num)) num = ij
+    if (ij<length) then
+      if (err==0) err = -1
+    else
+      if (verify(s(s_i:), whitespace)/=0) err = 1
+    endif
+    if (present(iostat)) then
+      iostat = err
+    else
+      select case (err)
+      case(-1)
+        write(0, *) "Error in scalartocomplexdp"
+        write(0, *) "Too few elements found"
+        stop
+      case(1)
+        write(0, *) "Error in scalartocomplexdp"
+        write(0, *) "Too many elements found"
+        stop
+      case(2)
+        write(0, *) "Error in scalartocomplexdp"
+        write(0, *) "Malformed input"
+        stop
+      end select
+    end if
+    data = (0.0_dp, 0.0_dp)
+  end subroutine scalartocomplexdp
+  subroutine arraytostring(s, data, separator, csv, num, iostat)
+    character(len=*) :: data(:)
+    character, intent(in), optional :: separator
+    logical, intent(in), optional :: csv
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: s
+    integer, intent(out), optional :: num
+    integer, intent(out), optional :: iostat
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    logical :: bracketed
+    integer :: i, j, ij, k, s_i, err, ios, length
+    real :: r, c
+    character(len=len(s)) :: s2
+    logical :: csv_, eof
+    integer :: m
+    csv_ = .false.
+    if (present(csv)) then
+      if (csv) csv_ = csv
+    endif
+    s_i = 1
+    err = 0
+    eof = .false.
+    data = ""
+    ij = 0
+    length = size(data)
+    loop: do i = 1, size(data)
+      if (csv_) then
+      if (s_i>len(s)) then
+        data(i) = ""
+        ij = ij + 1
+        exit loop
+      endif
+      k = verify(s(s_i:), achar(10)//achar(13))
+      if (k==0) then
+        data(i) = ""
+        ij = ij + 1
+        exit loop
+      elseif (s(s_i+k-1:s_i+k-1)=="""") then
+        ! we have a quote-delimited string;
+        s_i = s_i + k
+        s2 = ""
+        quote: do 
+          k = index(s(s_i:), """")
+          if (k==0) then
+            err = 2
+            exit loop
+          endif
+          k = s_i + k - 1
+          s2(m:) = s(s_i:k)
+          m = m + (k-s_i+1)
+          k = k + 2
+          if (k>len(s)) then
+            err = 2
+            exit loop
+          endif
+          if (s(k:k)/="""") exit
+          s_i = k + 1
+          if (s_i > len(s)) then
+            err = 2
+            exit loop
+          endif
+          m = m + 1
+          s2(m:m) = """"
+        enddo quote
+        data(i) = s2
+        k  = scan(s(s_i:), whitespace)
+        if (k==0) then
+          err = 2
+          exit loop
+        endif
+      else
+        s_i = s_i + k - 1
+        k = scan(s(s_i:), achar(10)//achar(13)//",")
+        if (k==0) then
+          eof = .true.
+          k = len(s)
+        else
+          if (ij+1==length.and.s(s_i+k-1:s_i+k-1)==",") err = 1
+          k = s_i + k - 2
+        endif
+        data(i) = s(s_i:k)
+        if (index(data(i), """")/=0) then
+          err = 2
+          exit loop
+        endif
+      endif
+      ij = ij + 1
+      s_i = k + 2
+      if (eof) exit loop
+      else
+      if (present(separator)) then
+        k = index(s(s_i:), separator)
+      else
+        k = verify(s(s_i:), whitespace)
+        if (k==0) exit loop
+        s_i = s_i + k - 1
+        k = scan(s(s_i:), whitespace)
+      endif
+      if (k==0) then
+        k = len(s)
+      else
+        k = s_i + k - 2
+      endif
+      data(i) = s(s_i:k)
+      ij = ij + 1
+      s_i = k + 2
+      if (ij<length.and.s_i>len(s)) exit loop
+      endif
+    end do loop
+    if (present(num)) num = ij
+    if (ij<size(data)) then
+      err = -1
+    else
+      if (present(separator)) then
+        if (len(s)-s_i>=0) &
+          err = 1
+      else
+        if (verify(s(s_i:), whitespace)/=0) &
+          err = 1
+      endif
+    endif
+    if (present(iostat)) then
+      iostat = err
+    else
+      select case (err)
+      case(-1)
+        write(0, *) "Error in arraytostring"
+        write(0, *) "Too few elements found"
+        stop
+      case(1)
+        write(0, *) "Error in arraytostring"
+        write(0, *) "Too many elements found"
+        stop
+      case(2)
+        write(0, *) "Error in arraytostring"
+        write(0, *) "Malformed input"
+        stop
+      end select
+    end if
+    data = ""
+  end subroutine arraytostring
+  subroutine matrixtostring(s, data, separator, csv, num, iostat)
+    character(len=*) :: data(:,:)
+    character, intent(in), optional :: separator
+    logical, intent(in), optional :: csv
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: s
+    integer, intent(out), optional :: num
+    integer, intent(out), optional :: iostat
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    logical :: bracketed
+    integer :: i, j, ij, k, s_i, err, ios, length
+    real :: r, c
+    character(len=len(s)) :: s2
+    logical :: csv_, eof
+    integer :: m
+    csv_ = .false.
+    if (present(csv)) then
+      if (csv) csv_ = csv
+    endif
+    s_i = 1
+    err = 0
+    eof = .false.
+    data = ""
+    ij = 0
+    length = size(data)
+    loop: do j = 1, size(data, 2)
+      do i = 1, size(data, 1)
+        if (csv_) then
+      if (s_i>len(s)) then
+        data(i, j) = ""
+        ij = ij + 1
+        exit loop
+      endif
+      k = verify(s(s_i:), achar(10)//achar(13))
+      if (k==0) then
+        data(i, j) = ""
+        ij = ij + 1
+        exit loop
+      elseif (s(s_i+k-1:s_i+k-1)=="""") then
+        ! we have a quote-delimited string;
+        s_i = s_i + k
+        s2 = ""
+        quote: do 
+          k = index(s(s_i:), """")
+          if (k==0) then
+            err = 2
+            exit loop
+          endif
+          k = s_i + k - 1
+          s2(m:) = s(s_i:k)
+          m = m + (k-s_i+1)
+          k = k + 2
+          if (k>len(s)) then
+            err = 2
+            exit loop
+          endif
+          if (s(k:k)/="""") exit
+          s_i = k + 1
+          if (s_i > len(s)) then
+            err = 2
+            exit loop
+          endif
+          m = m + 1
+          s2(m:m) = """"
+        enddo quote
+        data(i, j) = s2
+        k  = scan(s(s_i:), whitespace)
+        if (k==0) then
+          err = 2
+          exit loop
+        endif
+      else
+        s_i = s_i + k - 1
+        k = scan(s(s_i:), achar(10)//achar(13)//",")
+        if (k==0) then
+          eof = .true.
+          k = len(s)
+        else
+          if (ij+1==length.and.s(s_i+k-1:s_i+k-1)==",") err = 1
+          k = s_i + k - 2
+        endif
+        data(i, j) = s(s_i:k)
+        if (index(data(i, j), """")/=0) then
+          err = 2
+          exit loop
+        endif
+      endif
+      ij = ij + 1
+      s_i = k + 2
+      if (eof) exit loop
+        else
+      if (present(separator)) then
+        k = index(s(s_i:), separator)
+      else
+        k = verify(s(s_i:), whitespace)
+        if (k==0) exit loop
+        s_i = s_i + k - 1
+        k = scan(s(s_i:), whitespace)
+      endif
+      if (k==0) then
+        k = len(s)
+      else
+        k = s_i + k - 2
+      endif
+      data(i, j) = s(s_i:k)
+      ij = ij + 1
+      s_i = k + 2
+      if (ij<length.and.s_i>len(s)) exit loop
+        endif
+      end do
+    end do loop
+    if (present(num)) num = ij
+    if (ij<size(data)) then
+      err = -1
+    else
+      if (present(separator)) then
+        if (len(s)-s_i>=0) &
+          err = 1
+      else
+        if (verify(s(s_i:), whitespace)/=0) &
+          err = 1
+      endif
+    endif
+    if (present(iostat)) then
+      iostat = err
+    else
+      select case (err)
+      case(-1)
+        write(0, *) "Error in matrixtostring"
+        write(0, *) "Too few elements found"
+        stop
+      case(1)
+        write(0, *) "Error in matrixtostring"
+        write(0, *) "Too many elements found"
+        stop
+      case(2)
+        write(0, *) "Error in matrixtostring"
+        write(0, *) "Malformed input"
+        stop
+      end select
+    end if
+    data = ""
+  end subroutine matrixtostring
+  subroutine arraytological(s, data, num, iostat)
+    logical, intent(out) :: data(:)
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: s
+    integer, intent(out), optional :: num
+    integer, intent(out), optional :: iostat
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    logical :: bracketed
+    integer :: i, j, ij, k, s_i, err, ios, length
+    real :: r, c
+    s_i = 1
+    err = 0
+    data = .false.
+    ij  = 0
+    length = size(data)
+    loop: do i = 1, size(data)
+      k = verify(s(s_i:), whitespace)
+      if (k==0) exit loop
+      s_i = s_i + k - 1
+      if (s(s_i:s_i)==",") then
+        if (s_i+1>len(s)) then
+          err = 2
+          exit loop
+        endif
+        k = verify(s(s_i+1:), whitespace)
+        s_i = s_i + k - 1
+      endif
+      k = scan(s(s_i:), whitespace//",")
+      if (k==0) then
+        k = len(s)
+      else
+        k = s_i + k - 2
+      endif
+      if (s(s_i:k)=="true".or.s(s_i:k)=="1") then
+        data(i) = .true.
+      elseif (s(s_i:k)=="false".or.s(s_i:k)=="0") then
+        data(i) = .false.
+      else
+        err = 2
+        exit loop
+      endif
+      ij = ij + 1
+      s_i = k + 2
+      if (ij<length.and.s_i>len(s)) exit loop
+    end do loop
+    if (present(num)) num = ij
+    if (ij<length) then
+      if (err==0) err = -1
+    else
+      if (verify(s(s_i:), whitespace)/=0) err = 1
+    endif
+    if (present(iostat)) then
+      iostat = err
+    else
+      select case (err)
+      case(-1)
+        write(0, *) "Error in arraytological"
+        write(0, *) "Too few elements found"
+        stop
+      case(1)
+        write(0, *) "Error in arraytological"
+        write(0, *) "Too many elements found"
+        stop
+      case(2)
+        write(0, *) "Error in arraytological"
+        write(0, *) "Malformed input"
+        stop
+      end select
+    end if
+    data = .false.
+  end subroutine arraytological
+  subroutine matrixtological(s, data, num, iostat)
+    logical, intent(out) :: data(:,:)
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: s
+    integer, intent(out), optional :: num
+    integer, intent(out), optional :: iostat
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    logical :: bracketed
+    integer :: i, j, ij, k, s_i, err, ios, length
+    real :: r, c
+    s_i = 1
+    err = 0
+    data = .false.
+    ij = 0
+    length = size(data)
+    loop: do j = 1, size(data, 2)
+    do i = 1, size(data, 1)
+      k = verify(s(s_i:), whitespace)
+      if (k==0) exit loop
+      s_i = s_i + k - 1
+      if (s(s_i:s_i)==",") then
+        if (s_i+1>len(s)) then
+          err = 2
+          exit loop
+        endif
+        k = verify(s(s_i+1:), whitespace)
+        s_i = s_i + k - 1
+      endif
+      k = scan(s(s_i:), whitespace//",")
+      if (k==0) then
+        k = len(s)
+      else
+        k = s_i + k - 2
+      endif
+      if (s(s_i:k)=="true".or.s(s_i:k)=="1") then
+        data(i, j) = .true.
+      elseif (s(s_i:k)=="false".or.s(s_i:k)=="0") then
+        data(i, j) = .false.
+      else
+        err = 2
+        exit loop
+      endif
+      ij = ij + 1
+      s_i = k + 2
+      if (ij<length.and.s_i>len(s)) exit loop
+    end do
+    end do loop
+    if (present(num)) num = ij
+    if (ij<length) then
+      if (err==0) err = -1
+    else
+      if (verify(s(s_i:), whitespace)/=0) err = 1
+    endif
+    if (present(iostat)) then
+      iostat = err
+    else
+      select case (err)
+      case(-1)
+        write(0, *) "Error in matrixtological"
+        write(0, *) "Too few elements found"
+        stop
+      case(1)
+        write(0, *) "Error in matrixtological"
+        write(0, *) "Too many elements found"
+        stop
+      case(2)
+        write(0, *) "Error in matrixtological"
+        write(0, *) "Malformed input"
+        stop
+      end select
+    end if
+    data = .false.
+  end subroutine matrixtological
+  subroutine arraytointeger(s, data, num, iostat)
+    integer, intent(out) :: data(:)
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: s
+    integer, intent(out), optional :: num
+    integer, intent(out), optional :: iostat
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    logical :: bracketed
+    integer :: i, j, ij, k, s_i, err, ios, length
+    real :: r, c
+    s_i = 1
+    err = 0
+    data = 0
+    ij  = 0
+    length = size(data)
+    loop: do i = 1, size(data)
+      k = verify(s(s_i:), whitespace)
+      if (k==0) exit loop
+      s_i = s_i + k - 1
+      if (s(s_i:s_i)==",") then
+        if (s_i+1>len(s)) then
+          err = 2
+          exit loop
+        endif
+        k = verify(s(s_i+1:), whitespace)
+        s_i = s_i + k - 1
+      endif
+      k = scan(s(s_i:), whitespace//",")
+      if (k==0) then
+        k = len(s)
+      else
+        k = s_i + k - 2
+      endif
+      read(s(s_i:k), *, iostat=ios) data(i)
+      if (ios/=0) then
+        err = 2
+        exit loop
+      endif
+      ij = ij + 1
+      s_i = k + 2
+      if (ij<length.and.s_i>len(s)) exit loop
+    end do loop
+    if (present(num)) num = ij
+    if (ij<length) then
+      if (err==0) err = -1
+    else
+      if (verify(s(s_i:), whitespace)/=0) err = 1
+    endif
+    if (present(iostat)) then
+      iostat = err
+    else
+      select case (err)
+      case(-1)
+        write(0, *) "Error in arraytointeger"
+        write(0, *) "Too few elements found"
+        stop
+      case(1)
+        write(0, *) "Error in arraytointeger"
+        write(0, *) "Too many elements found"
+        stop
+      case(2)
+        write(0, *) "Error in arraytointeger"
+        write(0, *) "Malformed input"
+        stop
+      end select
+    end if
+    data = 0
+  end subroutine arraytointeger
+  subroutine matrixtointeger(s, data, num, iostat)
+    integer, intent(out) :: data(:, :)
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: s
+    integer, intent(out), optional :: num
+    integer, intent(out), optional :: iostat
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    logical :: bracketed
+    integer :: i, j, ij, k, s_i, err, ios, length
+    real :: r, c
+    s_i = 1
+    err = 0
+    data = 0
+    ij = 0
+    length = size(data)
+    loop: do j = 1, size(data, 2)
+    do i = 1, size(data, 1)
+      k = verify(s(s_i:), whitespace)
+      if (k==0) exit loop
+      s_i = s_i + k - 1
+      if (s(s_i:s_i)==",") then
+        if (s_i+1>len(s)) then
+          err = 2
+          exit loop
+        endif
+        k = verify(s(s_i+1:), whitespace)
+        s_i = s_i + k - 1
+      endif
+      k = scan(s(s_i:), whitespace//",")
+      if (k==0) then
+        k = len(s)
+      else
+        k = s_i + k - 2
+      endif
+      read(s(s_i:k), *, iostat=ios) data(i, j)
+      if (ios/=0) then
+        err = 2
+        exit loop
+      endif
+      ij = ij + 1
+      s_i = k + 2
+      if (ij<length.and.s_i>len(s)) exit loop
+    end do
+    end do loop
+    if (present(num)) num = ij
+    if (ij<length) then
+      if (err==0) err = -1
+    else
+      if (verify(s(s_i:), whitespace)/=0) err = 1
+    endif
+    if (present(iostat)) then
+      iostat = err
+    else
+      select case (err)
+      case(-1)
+        write(0, *) "Error in matrixtointeger"
+        write(0, *) "Too few elements found"
+        stop
+      case(1)
+        write(0, *) "Error in matrixtointeger"
+        write(0, *) "Too many elements found"
+        stop
+      case(2)
+        write(0, *) "Error in matrixtointeger"
+        write(0, *) "Malformed input"
+        stop
+      end select
+    end if
+    data = 0
+  end subroutine matrixtointeger
+  subroutine arraytorealsp(s, data, num, iostat)
+    real(sp), intent(out) :: data(:)
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: s
+    integer, intent(out), optional :: num
+    integer, intent(out), optional :: iostat
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    logical :: bracketed
+    integer :: i, j, ij, k, s_i, err, ios, length
+    real :: r, c
+    s_i = 1
+    err = 0
+    data = 0
+    ij  = 0
+    length = size(data)
+    loop: do i = 1, size(data)
+      k = verify(s(s_i:), whitespace)
+      if (k==0) exit loop
+      s_i = s_i + k - 1
+      if (s(s_i:s_i)==",") then
+        if (s_i+1>len(s)) then
+          err = 2
+          exit loop
+        endif
+        k = verify(s(s_i+1:), whitespace)
+        s_i = s_i + k - 1
+      endif
+      k = scan(s(s_i:), whitespace//",")
+      if (k==0) then
+        k = len(s)
+      else
+        k = s_i + k - 2
+      endif
+      read(s(s_i:k), *, iostat=ios) data(i)
+      if (ios/=0) then
+        err = 2
+        exit loop
+      endif
+      ij = ij + 1
+      s_i = k + 2
+      if (ij<length.and.s_i>len(s)) exit loop
+    end do loop
+    if (present(num)) num = ij
+    if (ij<length) then
+      if (err==0) err = -1
+    else
+      if (verify(s(s_i:), whitespace)/=0) err = 1
+    endif
+    if (present(iostat)) then
+      iostat = err
+    else
+      select case (err)
+      case(-1)
+        write(0, *) "Error in arraytorealsp"
+        write(0, *) "Too few elements found"
+        stop
+      case(1)
+        write(0, *) "Error in arraytorealsp"
+        write(0, *) "Too many elements found"
+        stop
+      case(2)
+        write(0, *) "Error in arraytorealsp"
+        write(0, *) "Malformed input"
+        stop
+      end select
+    end if
+    data = 0.0_sp
+  end subroutine arraytorealsp
+  subroutine matrixtorealsp(s, data, num, iostat)
+    real(sp), intent(out) :: data(:,:)
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: s
+    integer, intent(out), optional :: num
+    integer, intent(out), optional :: iostat
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    logical :: bracketed
+    integer :: i, j, ij, k, s_i, err, ios, length
+    real :: r, c
+    s_i = 1
+    err = 0
+    data = 0
+    ij = 0
+    length = size(data)
+    loop: do j = 1, size(data, 2)
+    do i = 1, size(data, 1)
+      k = verify(s(s_i:), whitespace)
+      if (k==0) exit loop
+      s_i = s_i + k - 1
+      if (s(s_i:s_i)==",") then
+        if (s_i+1>len(s)) then
+          err = 2
+          exit loop
+        endif
+        k = verify(s(s_i+1:), whitespace)
+        s_i = s_i + k - 1
+      endif
+      k = scan(s(s_i:), whitespace//",")
+      if (k==0) then
+        k = len(s)
+      else
+        k = s_i + k - 2
+      endif
+      read(s(s_i:k), *, iostat=ios) data(i, j)
+      if (ios/=0) then
+        err = 2
+        exit loop
+      endif
+      ij = ij + 1
+      s_i = k + 2
+      if (ij<length.and.s_i>len(s)) exit loop
+    end do
+    end do loop
+    if (present(num)) num = ij
+    if (ij<length) then
+      if (err==0) err = -1
+    else
+      if (verify(s(s_i:), whitespace)/=0) err = 1
+    endif
+    if (present(iostat)) then
+      iostat = err
+    else
+      select case (err)
+      case(-1)
+        write(0, *) "Error in matrixtorealsp"
+        write(0, *) "Too few elements found"
+        stop
+      case(1)
+        write(0, *) "Error in matrixtorealsp"
+        write(0, *) "Too many elements found"
+        stop
+      case(2)
+        write(0, *) "Error in matrixtorealsp"
+        write(0, *) "Malformed input"
+        stop
+      end select
+    end if
+    data = 0.0_sp
+  end subroutine matrixtorealsp
+  subroutine arraytorealdp(s, data, num, iostat)
+    real(dp), intent(out) :: data(:)
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: s
+    integer, intent(out), optional :: num
+    integer, intent(out), optional :: iostat
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    logical :: bracketed
+    integer :: i, j, ij, k, s_i, err, ios, length
+    real :: r, c
+    s_i = 1
+    err = 0
+    data = 0
+    ij  = 0
+    length = size(data)
+    loop: do i = 1, size(data)
+      k = verify(s(s_i:), whitespace)
+      if (k==0) exit loop
+      s_i = s_i + k - 1
+      if (s(s_i:s_i)==",") then
+        if (s_i+1>len(s)) then
+          err = 2
+          exit loop
+        endif
+        k = verify(s(s_i+1:), whitespace)
+        s_i = s_i + k - 1
+      endif
+      k = scan(s(s_i:), whitespace//",")
+      if (k==0) then
+        k = len(s)
+      else
+        k = s_i + k - 2
+      endif
+      read(s(s_i:k), *, iostat=ios) data(i)
+      if (ios/=0) then
+        err = 2
+        exit loop
+      endif
+      ij = ij + 1
+      s_i = k + 2
+      if (ij<length.and.s_i>len(s)) exit loop
+    end do loop
+    if (present(num)) num = ij
+    if (ij<length) then
+      if (err==0) err = -1
+    else
+      if (verify(s(s_i:), whitespace)/=0) err = 1
+    endif
+    if (present(iostat)) then
+      iostat = err
+    else
+      select case (err)
+      case(-1)
+        write(0, *) "Error in arraytorealdp"
+        write(0, *) "Too few elements found"
+        stop
+      case(1)
+        write(0, *) "Error in arraytorealdp"
+        write(0, *) "Too many elements found"
+        stop
+      case(2)
+        write(0, *) "Error in arraytorealdp"
+        write(0, *) "Malformed input"
+        stop
+      end select
+    end if
+    data = 0.0_dp
+  end subroutine arraytorealdp
+  subroutine matrixtorealdp(s, data, num, iostat)
+    real(dp), intent(out) :: data(:,:)
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: s
+    integer, intent(out), optional :: num
+    integer, intent(out), optional :: iostat
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    logical :: bracketed
+    integer :: i, j, ij, k, s_i, err, ios, length
+    real :: r, c
+    s_i = 1
+    err = 0
+    data = cmplx(0,0)
+    ij = 0
+    length = size(data)
+    loop: do j = 1, size(data, 2)
+    do i = 1, size(data, 1)
+      k = verify(s(s_i:), whitespace)
+      if (k==0) exit loop
+      s_i = s_i + k - 1
+      if (s(s_i:s_i)==",") then
+        if (s_i+1>len(s)) then
+          err = 2
+          exit loop
+        endif
+        k = verify(s(s_i+1:), whitespace)
+        s_i = s_i + k - 1
+      endif
+      k = scan(s(s_i:), whitespace//",")
+      if (k==0) then
+        k = len(s)
+      else
+        k = s_i + k - 2
+      endif
+      read(s(s_i:k), *, iostat=ios) data(i, j)
+      if (ios/=0) then
+        err = 2
+        exit loop
+      endif
+      ij = ij + 1
+      s_i = k + 2
+      if (ij<length.and.s_i>len(s)) exit loop
+    end do
+    end do loop
+    if (present(num)) num = ij
+    if (ij<length) then
+      if (err==0) err = -1
+    else
+      if (verify(s(s_i:), whitespace)/=0) err = 1
+    endif
+    if (present(iostat)) then
+      iostat = err
+    else
+      select case (err)
+      case(-1)
+        write(0, *) "Error in matrixtorealdp"
+        write(0, *) "Too few elements found"
+        stop
+      case(1)
+        write(0, *) "Error in matrixtorealdp"
+        write(0, *) "Too many elements found"
+        stop
+      case(2)
+        write(0, *) "Error in matrixtorealdp"
+        write(0, *) "Malformed input"
+        stop
+      end select
+    end if
+    data = 0.0_dp
+  end subroutine matrixtorealdp
+  subroutine arraytocomplexsp(s, data, num, iostat)
+    complex(sp), intent(out) :: data(:)
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: s
+    integer, intent(out), optional :: num
+    integer, intent(out), optional :: iostat
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    logical :: bracketed
+    integer :: i, j, ij, k, s_i, err, ios, length
+    real :: r, c
+    s_i = 1
+    err = 0
+    data = cmplx(0,0)
+    ij  = 0
+    length = size(data)
+    loop: do i = 1, size(data)
+      bracketed = .false.
+      k = verify(s(s_i:), whitespace)
+      if (k==0) exit loop
+      s_i = s_i + k - 1
+      select case (s(s_i:s_i))
+      case ("(")
+        bracketed = .true.
+        k = verify(s(s_i:), whitespace)
+        if (k==0) then
+          err = 2
+          exit loop
+        endif
+        s_i = s_i + k
+      case (",")
+        k = verify(s(s_i:), whitespace)
+        if (k==0) then
+          err = 2
+          exit loop
+        endif
+        s_i = s_i + k - 1
+      case ("+", "-", "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9")
+        continue
+      case default
+        err = 2
+        exit loop
+      end select
+      if (bracketed) then
+        k = index(s(s_i:), ")+i(")
+      else
+        k = scan(s(s_i:), whitespace//",")
+      endif
+      if (k==0) then
+        err = 2
+        exit loop
+      endif
+      k = s_i + k - 2
+      read(s(s_i:k), *, iostat=ios) r
+      if (ios/=0) then
+        err = 2
+        exit loop
+      endif
+      if (bracketed) then
+        s_i = k + 5
+        if (s_i>len(s)) then
+          err = 2
+          exit loop
+        endif
+      else
+        s_i = k + 2
+      endif
+      if (bracketed) then
+        k = index(s(s_i:), ")")
+        if (k==0) then
+          err = 2
+          exit loop
+        endif
+        k = s_i + k - 2
+      else
+        k = scan(s(s_i:), whitespace//",")
+        if (k==0) then
+          k = len(s)
+        else
+          k = s_i + k - 2
+        endif
+      endif
+      read(s(s_i:k), *, iostat=ios) c
+      if (ios/=0) then
+        err = 2
+        exit loop
+      endif
+      data(i) = cmplx(r, c)
+      ij = ij + 1
+      s_i = k + 2
+      if (ij<length.and.s_i>len(s)) exit loop
+    end do loop
+    if (present(num)) num = ij
+    if (ij<length) then
+      if (err==0) err = -1
+    else
+      if (verify(s(s_i:), whitespace)/=0) err = 1
+    endif
+    if (present(iostat)) then
+      iostat = err
+    else
+      select case (err)
+      case(-1)
+        write(0, *) "Error in arraytocomplexsp"
+        write(0, *) "Too few elements found"
+        stop
+      case(1)
+        write(0, *) "Error in arraytocomplexsp"
+        write(0, *) "Too many elements found"
+        stop
+      case(2)
+        write(0, *) "Error in arraytocomplexsp"
+        write(0, *) "Malformed input"
+        stop
+      end select
+    end if
+    data = (0.0_sp, 0.0_sp)
+  end subroutine arraytocomplexsp
+  subroutine matrixtocomplexsp(s, data, num, iostat)
+    complex(sp), intent(out) :: data(:,:)
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: s
+    integer, intent(out), optional :: num
+    integer, intent(out), optional :: iostat
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    logical :: bracketed
+    integer :: i, j, ij, k, s_i, err, ios, length
+    real :: r, c
+    s_i = 1
+    err = 0
+    data = cmplx(0,0)
+    ij = 0
+    length = size(data)
+    loop: do j = 1, size(data, 2)
+    do i = 1, size(data, 1)
+      bracketed = .false.
+      k = verify(s(s_i:), whitespace)
+      if (k==0) exit loop
+      s_i = s_i + k - 1
+      select case (s(s_i:s_i))
+      case ("(")
+        bracketed = .true.
+        k = verify(s(s_i:), whitespace)
+        if (k==0) then
+          err = 2
+          exit loop
+        endif
+        s_i = s_i + k
+      case (",")
+        k = verify(s(s_i:), whitespace)
+        if (k==0) then
+          err = 2
+          exit loop
+        endif
+        s_i = s_i + k - 1
+      case ("+", "-", "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9")
+        continue
+      case default
+        err = 2
+        exit loop
+      end select
+      if (bracketed) then
+        k = index(s(s_i:), ")+i(")
+      else
+        k = scan(s(s_i:), whitespace//",")
+      endif
+      if (k==0) then
+        err = 2
+        exit loop
+      endif
+      k = s_i + k - 2
+      read(s(s_i:k), *, iostat=ios) r
+      if (ios/=0) then
+        err = 2
+        exit loop
+      endif
+      if (bracketed) then
+        s_i = k + 5
+        if (s_i>len(s)) then
+          err = 2
+          exit loop
+        endif
+      else
+        s_i = k + 2
+      endif
+      if (bracketed) then
+        k = index(s(s_i:), ")")
+        if (k==0) then
+          err = 2
+          exit loop
+        endif
+        k = s_i + k - 2
+      else
+        k = scan(s(s_i:), whitespace//",")
+        if (k==0) then
+          k = len(s)
+        else
+          k = s_i + k - 2
+        endif
+      endif
+      read(s(s_i:k), *, iostat=ios) c
+      if (ios/=0) then
+        err = 2
+        exit loop
+      endif
+      data(i, j) = cmplx(r, c)
+      ij = ij + 1
+      s_i = k + 2
+      if (ij<length.and.s_i>len(s)) exit loop
+    end do
+    end do loop
+    if (present(num)) num = ij
+    if (ij<length) then
+      if (err==0) err = -1
+    else
+      if (verify(s(s_i:), whitespace)/=0) err = 1
+    endif
+    if (present(iostat)) then
+      iostat = err
+    else
+      select case (err)
+      case(-1)
+        write(0, *) "Error in matrixtocomplexsp"
+        write(0, *) "Too few elements found"
+        stop
+      case(1)
+        write(0, *) "Error in matrixtocomplexsp"
+        write(0, *) "Too many elements found"
+        stop
+      case(2)
+        write(0, *) "Error in matrixtocomplexsp"
+        write(0, *) "Malformed input"
+        stop
+      end select
+    end if
+    data = (0.0_sp, 0.0_sp)
+  end subroutine matrixtocomplexsp
+  subroutine arraytocomplexdp(s, data, num, iostat)
+    complex(dp), intent(out) :: data(:)
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: s
+    integer, intent(out), optional :: num
+    integer, intent(out), optional :: iostat
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    logical :: bracketed
+    integer :: i, j, ij, k, s_i, err, ios, length
+    real :: r, c
+    s_i = 1
+    err = 0
+    data = cmplx(0)
+    ij  = 0
+    length = size(data)
+    loop: do i = 1, size(data)
+      bracketed = .false.
+      k = verify(s(s_i:), whitespace)
+      if (k==0) exit loop
+      s_i = s_i + k - 1
+      select case (s(s_i:s_i))
+      case ("(")
+        bracketed = .true.
+        k = verify(s(s_i:), whitespace)
+        if (k==0) then
+          err = 2
+          exit loop
+        endif
+        s_i = s_i + k
+      case (",")
+        k = verify(s(s_i:), whitespace)
+        if (k==0) then
+          err = 2
+          exit loop
+        endif
+        s_i = s_i + k - 1
+      case ("+", "-", "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9")
+        continue
+      case default
+        err = 2
+        exit loop
+      end select
+      if (bracketed) then
+        k = index(s(s_i:), ")+i(")
+      else
+        k = scan(s(s_i:), whitespace//",")
+      endif
+      if (k==0) then
+        err = 2
+        exit loop
+      endif
+      k = s_i + k - 2
+      read(s(s_i:k), *, iostat=ios) r
+      if (ios/=0) then
+        err = 2
+        exit loop
+      endif
+      if (bracketed) then
+        s_i = k + 5
+        if (s_i>len(s)) then
+          err = 2
+          exit loop
+        endif
+      else
+        s_i = k + 2
+      endif
+      if (bracketed) then
+        k = index(s(s_i:), ")")
+        if (k==0) then
+          err = 2
+          exit loop
+        endif
+        k = s_i + k - 2
+      else
+        k = scan(s(s_i:), whitespace//",")
+        if (k==0) then
+          k = len(s)
+        else
+          k = s_i + k - 2
+        endif
+      endif
+      read(s(s_i:k), *, iostat=ios) c
+      if (ios/=0) then
+        err = 2
+        exit loop
+      endif
+      data(i) = cmplx(r, c)
+      ij = ij + 1
+      s_i = k + 2
+      if (ij<length.and.s_i>len(s)) exit loop
+    end do loop
+    if (present(num)) num = ij
+    if (ij<length) then
+      if (err==0) err = -1
+    else
+      if (verify(s(s_i:), whitespace)/=0) err = 1
+    endif
+    if (present(iostat)) then
+      iostat = err
+    else
+      select case (err)
+      case(-1)
+        write(0, *) "Error in arraytocomplexdp"
+        write(0, *) "Too few elements found"
+        stop
+      case(1)
+        write(0, *) "Error in arraytocomplexdp"
+        write(0, *) "Too many elements found"
+        stop
+      case(2)
+        write(0, *) "Error in arraytocomplexdp"
+        write(0, *) "Malformed input"
+        stop
+      end select
+    end if
+    data = (0.0_dp, 0.0_dp)
+  end subroutine arraytocomplexdp
+  subroutine matrixtocomplexdp(s, data, num, iostat)
+    complex(dp), intent(out) :: data(:,:)
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: s
+    integer, intent(out), optional :: num
+    integer, intent(out), optional :: iostat
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    logical :: bracketed
+    integer :: i, j, ij, k, s_i, err, ios, length
+    real :: r, c
+    s_i = 1
+    err = 0
+    data = cmplx(0,0)
+    ij = 0
+    length = size(data)
+    loop: do j = 1, size(data, 2)
+    do i = 1, size(data, 1)
+      bracketed = .false.
+      k = verify(s(s_i:), whitespace)
+      if (k==0) exit loop
+      s_i = s_i + k - 1
+      select case (s(s_i:s_i))
+      case ("(")
+        bracketed = .true.
+        k = verify(s(s_i:), whitespace)
+        if (k==0) then
+          err = 2
+          exit loop
+        endif
+        s_i = s_i + k
+      case (",")
+        k = verify(s(s_i:), whitespace)
+        if (k==0) then
+          err = 2
+          exit loop
+        endif
+        s_i = s_i + k - 1
+      case ("+", "-", "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9")
+        continue
+      case default
+        err = 2
+        exit loop
+      end select
+      if (bracketed) then
+        k = index(s(s_i:), ")+i(")
+      else
+        k = scan(s(s_i:), whitespace//",")
+      endif
+      if (k==0) then
+        err = 2
+        exit loop
+      endif
+      k = s_i + k - 2
+      read(s(s_i:k), *, iostat=ios) r
+      if (ios/=0) then
+        err = 2
+        exit loop
+      endif
+      if (bracketed) then
+        s_i = k + 5
+        if (s_i>len(s)) then
+          err = 2
+          exit loop
+        endif
+      else
+        s_i = k + 2
+      endif
+      if (bracketed) then
+        k = index(s(s_i:), ")")
+        if (k==0) then
+          err = 2
+          exit loop
+        endif
+        k = s_i + k - 2
+      else
+        k = scan(s(s_i:), whitespace//",")
+        if (k==0) then
+          k = len(s)
+        else
+          k = s_i + k - 2
+        endif
+      endif
+      read(s(s_i:k), *, iostat=ios) c
+      if (ios/=0) then
+        err = 2
+        exit loop
+      endif
+      data(i, j) = cmplx(r, c)
+      ij = ij + 1
+      s_i = k + 2
+      if (ij<length.and.s_i>len(s)) exit loop
+    end do
+    end do loop
+    if (present(num)) num = ij
+    if (ij<length) then
+      if (err==0) err = -1
+    else
+      if (verify(s(s_i:), whitespace)/=0) err = 1
+    endif
+    if (present(iostat)) then
+      iostat = err
+    else
+      select case (err)
+      case(-1)
+        write(0, *) "Error in matrixtocomplexdp"
+        write(0, *) "Too few elements found"
+        stop
+      case(1)
+        write(0, *) "Error in matrixtocomplexdp"
+        write(0, *) "Too many elements found"
+        stop
+      case(2)
+        write(0, *) "Error in matrixtocomplexdp"
+        write(0, *) "Malformed input"
+        stop
+      end select
+    end if
+    data = (0.0_dp, 0.0_dp)
+  end subroutine matrixtocomplexdp
+end module fox_m_fsys_parse_input
diff --git a/fsys/fox_m_fsys_parse_input.m4 b/fsys/fox_m_fsys_parse_input.m4
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..40c5e5e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fsys/fox_m_fsys_parse_input.m4
@@ -0,0 +1,927 @@
+define(`TOHW_defaultargs', `dnl
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: s
+    integer, intent(out), optional :: num
+    integer, intent(out), optional :: iostat
+define(`TOHW_defaultdecls', `dnl
+    logical :: bracketed
+    integer :: i, j, ij, k, s_i, err, ios, length
+    real :: r, c
+define(`TOHW_check_errors', `dnl
+    if (present(num)) num = ij
+    if (ij<length) then
+      if (err==0) err = -1
+    else
+      if (verify(s(s_i:), whitespace)/=0) err = 1
+    endif
+define(`TOHW_output_errors', `dnl
+    if (present(iostat)) then
+      iostat = err
+    else
+      select case (err)
+      case(-1)
+        write(0, *) "Error in m4f_thisfunc"
+        write(0, *) "Too few elements found"
+        stop
+      case(1)
+        write(0, *) "Error in m4f_thisfunc"
+        write(0, *) "Too many elements found"
+        stop
+      case(2)
+        write(0, *) "Error in m4f_thisfunc"
+        write(0, *) "Malformed input"
+        stop
+      end select
+    end if
+define(`TOHW_parse_strings_csv', `dnl
+      if (s_i>len(s)) then
+        $1 = ""
+        ij = ij + 1
+        exit loop
+      endif
+      k = verify(s(s_i:), achar(10)//achar(13))
+      if (k==0) then
+        $1 = ""
+        ij = ij + 1
+        exit loop
+      elseif (s(s_i+k-1:s_i+k-1)=="""") then
+        ! we have a quote-delimited string;
+        s_i = s_i + k
+        s2 = ""
+        quote: do 
+          k = index(s(s_i:), """")
+          if (k==0) then
+            err = 2
+            exit loop
+          endif
+          k = s_i + k - 1
+          s2(m:) = s(s_i:k)
+          m = m + (k-s_i+1)
+          k = k + 2
+          if (k>len(s)) then
+            err = 2
+            exit loop
+          endif
+          if (s(k:k)/="""") exit
+          s_i = k + 1
+          if (s_i > len(s)) then
+            err = 2
+            exit loop
+          endif
+          m = m + 1
+          s2(m:m) = """"
+        enddo quote
+        $1 = s2
+        k  = scan(s(s_i:), whitespace)
+        if (k==0) then
+          err = 2
+          exit loop
+        endif
+      else
+        s_i = s_i + k - 1
+        k = scan(s(s_i:), achar(10)//achar(13)//",")
+        if (k==0) then
+          eof = .true.
+          k = len(s)
+        else
+          if (ij+1==length.and.s(s_i+k-1:s_i+k-1)==",") err = 1
+          k = s_i + k - 2
+        endif
+        $1 = s(s_i:k)
+        if (index($1, """")/=0) then
+          err = 2
+          exit loop
+        endif
+      endif
+      ij = ij + 1
+      s_i = k + 2
+      if (eof) exit loop
+define(`TOHW_parse_strings', `dnl
+      if (present(separator)) then
+        k = index(s(s_i:), separator)
+      else
+        k = verify(s(s_i:), whitespace)
+        if (k==0) exit loop
+        s_i = s_i + k - 1
+        k = scan(s(s_i:), whitespace)
+      endif
+      if (k==0) then
+        k = len(s)
+      else
+        k = s_i + k - 2
+      endif
+      $1 = s(s_i:k)
+      ij = ij + 1
+      s_i = k + 2
+      if (ij<length.and.s_i>len(s)) exit loop
+define(`TOHW_parse_logical', `dnl
+      k = verify(s(s_i:), whitespace)
+      if (k==0) exit loop
+      s_i = s_i + k - 1
+      if (s(s_i:s_i)==",") then
+        if (s_i+1>len(s)) then
+          err = 2
+          exit loop
+        endif
+        k = verify(s(s_i+1:), whitespace)
+        s_i = s_i + k - 1
+      endif
+      k = scan(s(s_i:), whitespace//",")
+      if (k==0) then
+        k = len(s)
+      else
+        k = s_i + k - 2
+      endif
+      if (s(s_i:k)=="true".or.s(s_i:k)=="1") then
+        $1 = .true.
+      elseif (s(s_i:k)=="false".or.s(s_i:k)=="0") then
+        $1 = .false.
+      else
+        err = 2
+        exit loop
+      endif
+      ij = ij + 1
+      s_i = k + 2
+      if (ij<length.and.s_i>len(s)) exit loop
+define(`TOHW_parse_numbers', `dnl
+      k = verify(s(s_i:), whitespace)
+      if (k==0) exit loop
+      s_i = s_i + k - 1
+      if (s(s_i:s_i)==",") then
+        if (s_i+1>len(s)) then
+          err = 2
+          exit loop
+        endif
+        k = verify(s(s_i+1:), whitespace)
+        s_i = s_i + k - 1
+      endif
+      k = scan(s(s_i:), whitespace//",")
+      if (k==0) then
+        k = len(s)
+      else
+        k = s_i + k - 2
+      endif
+      read(s(s_i:k), *, iostat=ios) $1
+      if (ios/=0) then
+        err = 2
+        exit loop
+      endif
+      ij = ij + 1
+      s_i = k + 2
+      if (ij<length.and.s_i>len(s)) exit loop
+define(`TOHW_parse_complex', `dnl
+      bracketed = .false.
+      k = verify(s(s_i:), whitespace)
+      if (k==0) exit loop
+      s_i = s_i + k - 1
+      select case (s(s_i:s_i))
+      case ("(")
+        bracketed = .true.
+        k = verify(s(s_i:), whitespace)
+        if (k==0) then
+          err = 2
+          exit loop
+        endif
+        s_i = s_i + k
+      case (",")
+        k = verify(s(s_i:), whitespace)
+        if (k==0) then
+          err = 2
+          exit loop
+        endif
+        s_i = s_i + k - 1
+      case ("+", "-", "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9")
+        continue
+      case default
+        err = 2
+        exit loop
+      end select
+      if (bracketed) then
+        k = index(s(s_i:), ")+i(")
+      else
+        k = scan(s(s_i:), whitespace//",")
+      endif
+      if (k==0) then
+        err = 2
+        exit loop
+      endif
+      k = s_i + k - 2
+      read(s(s_i:k), *, iostat=ios) r
+      if (ios/=0) then
+        err = 2
+        exit loop
+      endif
+      if (bracketed) then
+        s_i = k + 5
+        if (s_i>len(s)) then
+          err = 2
+          exit loop
+        endif
+      else
+        s_i = k + 2
+      endif
+      if (bracketed) then
+        k = index(s(s_i:), ")")
+        if (k==0) then
+          err = 2
+          exit loop
+        endif
+        k = s_i + k - 2
+      else
+        k = scan(s(s_i:), whitespace//",")
+        if (k==0) then
+          k = len(s)
+        else
+          k = s_i + k - 2
+        endif
+      endif
+      read(s(s_i:k), *, iostat=ios) c
+      if (ios/=0) then
+        err = 2
+        exit loop
+      endif
+      $1 = cmplx(r, c)
+      ij = ij + 1
+      s_i = k + 2
+      if (ij<length.and.s_i>len(s)) exit loop
+module fox_m_fsys_parse_input
+  use fox_m_fsys_realtypes, only: sp, dp
+  implicit none
+  private
+  character(len=1), parameter :: SPACE           = achar(32)
+  character(len=1), parameter :: NEWLINE         = achar(10)
+  character(len=1), parameter :: CARRIAGE_RETURN = achar(13)
+  character(len=1), parameter :: TAB             = achar(9)
+  character(len=*), parameter :: whitespace = &
+  interface rts
+    module procedure scalartostring
+    module procedure scalartological
+    module procedure scalartointeger
+    module procedure scalartorealsp
+    module procedure scalartorealdp
+    module procedure scalartocomplexsp
+    module procedure scalartocomplexdp
+    module procedure arraytostring
+    module procedure arraytological
+    module procedure arraytointeger
+    module procedure arraytorealsp
+    module procedure arraytorealdp
+    module procedure arraytocomplexsp
+    module procedure arraytocomplexdp
+    module procedure matrixtostring
+    module procedure matrixtological
+    module procedure matrixtointeger
+    module procedure matrixtorealsp
+    module procedure matrixtorealdp
+    module procedure matrixtocomplexsp
+    module procedure matrixtocomplexdp
+  end interface
+  public :: rts
+define(`m4f_thisfunc', `scalartostring')dnl
+  subroutine m4f_thisfunc`'(s, data, separator, csv, num, iostat)
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: s
+    character(len=*), intent(out) :: data
+    character, intent(in), optional :: separator
+    logical, intent(in), optional :: csv
+    integer, intent(out), optional :: num, iostat
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    character(len=len(s)) :: s2
+    logical :: csv_, eof, sp
+    integer :: m
+    csv_ = .false.
+    if (present(csv)) then
+      csv_ = csv
+    endif
+    s_i = 1
+    err = 0
+    eof = .false.
+    data = ""
+    ij = 0
+    length = 1
+    loop: do
+      if (csv_) then
+        TOHW_parse_strings_csv(`data')
+      else
+        sp = .true.
+        do i = 1, len(s)
+          if (s_i.gt.len(data)) exit ! Truncate long input... 
+                                     ! should we set iostat to 1?
+                                     ! probably not - it will break the tests.
+          if (sp) then
+            if (verify(s(i:i), whitespace)/=0) then
+              data(s_i:s_i) = s(i:i)
+              s_i = s_i + 1
+              sp = .false.
+            endif
+          else
+            if (verify(s(i:i), whitespace)==0) then
+              data(s_i:s_i) = " "
+              sp = .true.
+            else
+              data(s_i:s_i) = s(i:i)
+            endif
+            s_i = s_i + 1
+          endif
+        enddo
+        if (present(num)) num = 1
+        if (present(iostat)) iostat = 0
+      endif
+      exit
+    enddo loop
+    data = ""
+  end subroutine m4f_thisfunc
+define(`m4f_thisfunc', `scalartological')dnl
+  subroutine m4f_thisfunc`'(s, data, num, iostat)
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: s
+    logical, intent(out) :: data
+    integer, intent(out), optional :: num, iostat
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB 
+    s_i = 1
+    err = 0
+    data = .false.
+    ij = 0
+    length = 1
+    loop: do i = 1, 1
+    end do loop
+    data = .false.
+  end subroutine m4f_thisfunc
+define(`m4f_thisfunc', `scalartointeger')dnl
+  subroutine m4f_thisfunc`'(s, data, num, iostat)
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: s
+    integer, intent(out) :: data
+    integer, intent(out), optional :: num, iostat
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    s_i = 1
+    err = 0
+    data = 0
+    ij = 0
+    length = 1
+    loop: do i = 1, 1
+    end do loop
+    data = 0
+  end subroutine m4f_thisfunc
+define(`m4f_thisfunc', `scalartorealsp')dnl
+  subroutine m4f_thisfunc`'(s, data, num, iostat)
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: s
+    real(sp), intent(out) :: data
+    integer, intent(out), optional :: num, iostat
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    s_i = 1
+    err = 0
+    data = 0.0_sp
+    ij = 0
+    length = 1
+    loop: do i = 1, 1
+    end do loop
+    data = 0.0_sp
+  end subroutine m4f_thisfunc
+define(`m4f_thisfunc', `scalartorealdp')dnl
+  subroutine m4f_thisfunc`'(s, data, num, iostat)
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: s
+    real(dp), intent(out) :: data
+    integer, intent(out), optional :: num, iostat
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    s_i = 1
+    err = 0
+    data = 0.0_dp
+    ij = 0
+    length = 1
+    loop: do i = 1, 1
+    end do loop
+    data = 0.0_dp
+  end subroutine m4f_thisfunc
+define(`m4f_thisfunc', `scalartocomplexsp')dnl
+  subroutine m4f_thisfunc`'(s, data, num, iostat)
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: s
+    complex(sp), intent(out) :: data
+    integer, intent(out), optional :: num, iostat
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    s_i = 1
+    err = 0
+    data = 0.0_sp
+    ij = 0
+    length = 1
+    loop: do i = 1, 1
+    end do loop
+    data = (0.0_sp, 0.0_sp)
+  end subroutine m4f_thisfunc
+define(`m4f_thisfunc', `scalartocomplexdp')dnl
+  subroutine m4f_thisfunc`'(s, data, num, iostat)
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: s
+    complex(dp), intent(out) :: data
+    integer, intent(out), optional :: num, iostat
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    s_i = 1
+    err = 0
+    data = 0.0_dp
+    ij = 0
+    length = 1
+    loop: do i = 1, 1
+    end do loop
+    data = (0.0_dp, 0.0_dp)
+  end subroutine m4f_thisfunc
+define(`m4f_thisfunc', `arraytostring')dnl
+  subroutine m4f_thisfunc`'(s, data, separator, csv, num, iostat)
+    character(len=*) :: data(:)
+    character, intent(in), optional :: separator
+    logical, intent(in), optional :: csv
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    character(len=len(s)) :: s2
+    logical :: csv_, eof
+    integer :: m
+    csv_ = .false.
+    if (present(csv)) then
+      if (csv) csv_ = csv
+    endif
+    s_i = 1
+    err = 0
+    eof = .false.
+    data = ""
+    ij = 0
+    length = size(data)
+    loop: do i = 1, size(data)
+      if (csv_) then
+      else
+      endif
+    end do loop
+    if (present(num)) num = ij
+    if (ij<size(data)) then
+      err = -1
+    else
+      if (present(separator)) then
+        if (len(s)-s_i>=0) &
+          err = 1
+      else
+        if (verify(s(s_i:), whitespace)/=0) &
+          err = 1
+      endif
+    endif
+    data = ""
+  end subroutine m4f_thisfunc
+define(`m4f_thisfunc', `matrixtostring')dnl
+  subroutine m4f_thisfunc`'(s, data, separator, csv, num, iostat)
+    character(len=*) :: data(:,:)
+    character, intent(in), optional :: separator
+    logical, intent(in), optional :: csv
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    character(len=len(s)) :: s2
+    logical :: csv_, eof
+    integer :: m
+    csv_ = .false.
+    if (present(csv)) then
+      if (csv) csv_ = csv
+    endif
+    s_i = 1
+    err = 0
+    eof = .false.
+    data = ""
+    ij = 0
+    length = size(data)
+    loop: do j = 1, size(data, 2)
+      do i = 1, size(data, 1)
+        if (csv_) then
+TOHW_parse_strings_csv(`data(i, j)')`'dnl
+        else
+TOHW_parse_strings(`data(i, j)')`'dnl
+        endif
+      end do
+    end do loop
+    if (present(num)) num = ij
+    if (ij<size(data)) then
+      err = -1
+    else
+      if (present(separator)) then
+        if (len(s)-s_i>=0) &
+          err = 1
+      else
+        if (verify(s(s_i:), whitespace)/=0) &
+          err = 1
+      endif
+    endif
+    data = ""
+  end subroutine m4f_thisfunc
+define(`m4f_thisfunc', `arraytological')dnl
+  subroutine m4f_thisfunc`'(s, data, num, iostat)
+    logical, intent(out) :: data(:)
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    s_i = 1
+    err = 0
+    data = .false.
+    ij  = 0
+    length = size(data)
+    loop: do i = 1, size(data)
+    end do loop
+    data = .false.
+  end subroutine m4f_thisfunc
+define(`m4f_thisfunc', `matrixtological')dnl
+  subroutine m4f_thisfunc`'(s, data, num, iostat)
+    logical, intent(out) :: data(:,:)
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    s_i = 1
+    err = 0
+    data = .false.
+    ij = 0
+    length = size(data)
+    loop: do j = 1, size(data, 2)
+    do i = 1, size(data, 1)
+TOHW_parse_logical(`data(i, j)')
+    end do
+    end do loop
+    data = .false.
+  end subroutine m4f_thisfunc
+define(`m4f_thisfunc', `arraytointeger')dnl
+  subroutine m4f_thisfunc`'(s, data, num, iostat)
+    integer, intent(out) :: data(:)
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    s_i = 1
+    err = 0
+    data = 0
+    ij  = 0
+    length = size(data)
+    loop: do i = 1, size(data)
+    end do loop
+    data = 0
+  end subroutine m4f_thisfunc
+define(`m4f_thisfunc', `matrixtointeger')dnl
+  subroutine m4f_thisfunc`'(s, data, num, iostat)
+    integer, intent(out) :: data(:, :)
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    s_i = 1
+    err = 0
+    data = 0
+    ij = 0
+    length = size(data)
+    loop: do j = 1, size(data, 2)
+    do i = 1, size(data, 1)
+TOHW_parse_numbers(`data(i, j)')
+    end do
+    end do loop
+    data = 0
+  end subroutine m4f_thisfunc
+define(`m4f_thisfunc', `arraytorealsp')dnl
+  subroutine m4f_thisfunc`'(s, data, num, iostat)
+    real(sp), intent(out) :: data(:)
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    s_i = 1
+    err = 0
+    data = 0
+    ij  = 0
+    length = size(data)
+    loop: do i = 1, size(data)
+    end do loop
+    data = 0.0_sp
+  end subroutine m4f_thisfunc
+define(`m4f_thisfunc', `matrixtorealsp')dnl
+  subroutine m4f_thisfunc`'(s, data, num, iostat)
+    real(sp), intent(out) :: data(:,:)
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    s_i = 1
+    err = 0
+    data = 0
+    ij = 0
+    length = size(data)
+    loop: do j = 1, size(data, 2)
+    do i = 1, size(data, 1)
+TOHW_parse_numbers(`data(i, j)')
+    end do
+    end do loop
+    data = 0.0_sp
+  end subroutine m4f_thisfunc
+define(`m4f_thisfunc', `arraytorealdp')dnl
+  subroutine m4f_thisfunc`'(s, data, num, iostat)
+    real(dp), intent(out) :: data(:)
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    s_i = 1
+    err = 0
+    data = 0
+    ij  = 0
+    length = size(data)
+    loop: do i = 1, size(data)
+    end do loop
+    data = 0.0_dp
+  end subroutine m4f_thisfunc
+define(`m4f_thisfunc', `matrixtorealdp')dnl
+  subroutine m4f_thisfunc`'(s, data, num, iostat)
+    real(dp), intent(out) :: data(:,:)
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    s_i = 1
+    err = 0
+    data = cmplx(0,0)
+    ij = 0
+    length = size(data)
+    loop: do j = 1, size(data, 2)
+    do i = 1, size(data, 1)
+TOHW_parse_numbers(`data(i, j)')
+    end do
+    end do loop
+    data = 0.0_dp
+  end subroutine m4f_thisfunc
+define(`m4f_thisfunc', `arraytocomplexsp')dnl
+  subroutine m4f_thisfunc`'(s, data, num, iostat)
+    complex(sp), intent(out) :: data(:)
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    s_i = 1
+    err = 0
+    data = cmplx(0,0)
+    ij  = 0
+    length = size(data)
+    loop: do i = 1, size(data)
+    end do loop
+    data = (0.0_sp, 0.0_sp)
+  end subroutine m4f_thisfunc
+define(`m4f_thisfunc', `matrixtocomplexsp')dnl
+  subroutine m4f_thisfunc`'(s, data, num, iostat)
+    complex(sp), intent(out) :: data(:,:)
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    s_i = 1
+    err = 0
+    data = cmplx(0,0)
+    ij = 0
+    length = size(data)
+    loop: do j = 1, size(data, 2)
+    do i = 1, size(data, 1)
+TOHW_parse_complex(`data(i, j)')
+    end do
+    end do loop
+    data = (0.0_sp, 0.0_sp)
+  end subroutine m4f_thisfunc
+define(`m4f_thisfunc', `arraytocomplexdp')dnl
+  subroutine m4f_thisfunc`'(s, data, num, iostat)
+    complex(dp), intent(out) :: data(:)
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    s_i = 1
+    err = 0
+    data = cmplx(0)
+    ij  = 0
+    length = size(data)
+    loop: do i = 1, size(data)
+    end do loop
+    data = (0.0_dp, 0.0_dp)
+  end subroutine m4f_thisfunc
+define(`m4f_thisfunc', `matrixtocomplexdp')dnl
+  subroutine m4f_thisfunc`'(s, data, num, iostat)
+    complex(dp), intent(out) :: data(:,:)
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    s_i = 1
+    err = 0
+    data = cmplx(0,0)
+    ij = 0
+    length = size(data)
+    loop: do j = 1, size(data, 2)
+    do i = 1, size(data, 1)
+TOHW_parse_complex(`data(i, j)')
+    end do
+    end do loop
+    data = (0.0_dp, 0.0_dp)
+  end subroutine m4f_thisfunc
+end module fox_m_fsys_parse_input
diff --git a/fsys/fox_m_fsys_realtypes.f90 b/fsys/fox_m_fsys_realtypes.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5537db9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fsys/fox_m_fsys_realtypes.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+module fox_m_fsys_realtypes
+  implicit none
+  private
+  integer, parameter :: sp = selected_real_kind(6,30)
+  integer, parameter :: dp = selected_real_kind(14,100)
+  public :: sp
+  public :: dp
+end module fox_m_fsys_realtypes
diff --git a/fsys/fox_m_fsys_string.F90 b/fsys/fox_m_fsys_string.F90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6419d2e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fsys/fox_m_fsys_string.F90
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+module fox_m_fsys_string
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+  ! Assorted generally useful string manipulation functions
+  implicit none
+  private
+  character(len=26), parameter :: lowerAlphabet = &
+    "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
+  character(len=26), parameter :: UPPERAlphabet = &
+  public :: toLower
+  function toLower(s_in) result(s)
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: s_in
+    character(len=len(s_in)) :: s
+    integer :: i, n
+    do i = 1, len(s)
+      n = index(UPPERAlphabet, s_in(i:i))
+      if (n>0) then
+        s(i:i) = lowerAlphabet(n:n)
+      else
+        s(i:i) = s_in(i:i)
+      endif
+    enddo
+  end function toLower
+end module fox_m_fsys_string
diff --git a/fsys/fox_m_fsys_string_list.F90 b/fsys/fox_m_fsys_string_list.F90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ecf4074
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fsys/fox_m_fsys_string_list.F90
@@ -0,0 +1,191 @@
+module fox_m_fsys_string_list
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+  use fox_m_fsys_array_str, only: str_vs, vs_str_alloc
+  implicit none
+  private
+  type string_t
+    character, pointer :: s(:) => null()
+  end type string_t
+  type string_list
+    type(string_t), pointer :: list(:) => null()
+  end type string_list
+  public :: string_t
+  public :: string_list
+  public :: init_string_list
+  public :: destroy_string_list
+  public :: add_string
+  public :: remove_last_string
+  public :: get_last_string
+  public :: tokenize_to_string_list
+  public :: tokenize_and_add_strings
+  public :: registered_string
+  interface destroy
+    module procedure destroy_string_list
+  end interface
+  public :: destroy
+  subroutine init_string_list(s_list)
+    type(string_list), intent(inout) :: s_list
+    allocate(s_list%list(0))
+  end subroutine init_string_list
+  subroutine destroy_string_list(s_list)
+    type(string_list), intent(inout) :: s_list
+    integer :: i
+    if (associated(s_list%list)) then
+      do i = 1, ubound(s_list%list, 1)
+        deallocate(s_list%list(i)%s)
+      enddo
+      deallocate(s_list%list)
+    endif
+  end subroutine destroy_string_list
+  subroutine add_string(s_list, s)
+    type(string_list), intent(inout) :: s_list
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: s
+    integer :: i
+    type(string_t), pointer :: temp(:)
+    temp => s_list%list
+    allocate(s_list%list(size(temp)+1))
+    do i = 1, size(temp)
+      s_list%list(i)%s => temp(i)%s
+    enddo
+    deallocate(temp)
+    s_list%list(i)%s => vs_str_alloc(s)
+  end subroutine add_string
+  subroutine remove_last_string(s_list)
+    type(string_list), intent(inout) :: s_list
+    integer :: i
+    type(string_t), pointer :: temp(:)
+    temp => s_list%list
+    allocate(s_list%list(size(temp)-1))
+    do i = 1, size(temp)-1
+      s_list%list(i)%s => temp(i)%s
+    enddo
+    deallocate(temp)
+  end subroutine remove_last_string
+  function get_last_string(s_list) result(s)
+    type(string_list), intent(in) :: s_list
+    character(len=size(s_list%list(size(s_list%list))%s)) :: s
+    s = str_vs(s_list%list(size(s_list%list))%s)
+  end function get_last_string
+  function tokenize_to_string_list(s) result(s_list)
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: s
+    type(string_list) :: s_list
+    ! tokenize a whitespace-separated list of strings
+    ! and place results in a string list
+    character(len=*), parameter :: &
+      WHITESPACE = achar(9)//achar(10)//achar(13)//achar(32)
+    integer :: i, j
+    call init_string_list(s_list)
+    i = verify(s, WHITESPACE)
+    if (i==0) return
+    j = scan(s(i:), WHITESPACE)
+    if (j==0) then
+      j = len(s)
+    else
+      j = i + j - 2
+    endif
+    do
+      call add_string(s_list, s(i:j))
+      i = j + 1
+      j = verify(s(i:), WHITESPACE)
+      if (j==0) exit
+      i = i + j - 1
+      j = scan(s(i:), WHITESPACE)
+      if (j==0) then
+        j = len(s)
+      else
+        j = i + j - 2
+      endif
+    enddo
+  end function tokenize_to_string_list
+  function registered_string(s_list, s) result(p)
+    type(string_list), intent(in) :: s_list
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: s
+    logical :: p
+    integer :: i
+    p = .false.
+    do i = 1, size(s_list%list)
+      if (str_vs(s_list%list(i)%s)//"x"==s//"x") then
+        p = .true.
+        exit
+      endif
+    enddo
+  end function registered_string
+  subroutine tokenize_and_add_strings(s_list, s, uniquify)
+    type(string_list), intent(inout) :: s_list
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: s
+    logical, intent(in), optional :: uniquify
+    ! tokenize a whitespace-separated list of strings
+    ! and place results in the given string list
+    character(len=*), parameter :: & 
+      WHITESPACE = achar(9)//achar(10)//achar(13)//achar(32)
+    integer :: i, j
+    logical :: uniquify_
+    if (present(uniquify)) then
+      uniquify_ = uniquify
+    else
+      uniquify_ = .false.
+    endif
+    i = verify(s, WHITESPACE)
+    if (i==0) return
+    j = scan(s(i:), WHITESPACE)
+    if (j==0) then
+      j = len(s)
+    else
+      j = i + j - 2
+    endif
+    do
+      if (uniquify_.and..not.registered_string(s_list, s(i:j))) &
+        call add_string(s_list, s(i:j))
+      i = j + 1
+      j = verify(s(i:), WHITESPACE)
+      if (j==0) exit
+      i = i + j - 1
+      j = scan(s(i:), WHITESPACE)
+      if (j==0) then
+        j = len(s)
+      else
+        j = i + j - 2
+      endif
+    enddo
+  end subroutine tokenize_and_add_strings
+end module fox_m_fsys_string_list
diff --git a/fsys/m_ieee.f90 b/fsys/m_ieee.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..afec6f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fsys/m_ieee.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+module m_ieee
+  implicit none
+  private
+  public :: generate_nan
+  function generate_nan() result(nan)
+    real :: nan
+    real :: zero
+    zero = 0.0
+    nan = 0.0/zero
+  end function generate_nan 
+end module m_ieee 
diff --git a/fsys/makefile b/fsys/makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aa71b8f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fsys/makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+default: install
+OBJFILES=fox_m_fsys_abort_flush.$(OBJEXT) \
+         fox_m_fsys_array_str.$(OBJEXT) \
+         fox_m_fsys_format.$(OBJEXT) \
+         fox_m_fsys_parse_input.$(OBJEXT) \
+         fox_m_fsys_count_parse_input.$(OBJEXT) \
+         fox_m_fsys_string.$(OBJEXT) \
+         fox_m_fsys_string_list.$(OBJEXT) \
+         fox_m_fsys_realtypes.$(OBJEXT)
+	m4 -I ../m4 $< > $@
+include ../arch.make
+CP=cp -p
+install: $(OBJFILES)
+	@echo "  ==> Creating $(LIBRARY) with $(OBJFILES)"
+	$(CP) $(LIBRARY) $(LIB_DIR) 
+	for i in *.$(MOD_EXT); do \
+      	    $(CP) $$i $(MOD_DIR); done
+	rm -f *.$(OBJEXT) *.$(MOD_EXT) $(LIBRARY)
+# DO NOT DELETE THIS LINE - used by make depend
+fox_m_fsys_format.$(OBJEXT): fox_m_fsys_realtypes.$(OBJEXT) fox_m_fsys_abort_flush.$(OBJEXT)
+fox_m_fsys_parse_input.$(OBJEXT): fox_m_fsys_realtypes.$(OBJEXT)
+fox_m_fsys_count_parse_input.$(OBJEXT): fox_m_fsys_realtypes.$(OBJEXT)
+fox_m_fsys_string_list.$(OBJEXT): fox_m_fsys_array_str.$(OBJEXT)
diff --git a/m4/common.m4 b/m4/common.m4
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4cefc6b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/m4/common.m4
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+dnl given a list (a, b, c) strip off the brackets:
+dnl given a variable name a, declare it as follows:
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: $1
+dnl use an optional character variable:
+    if (present($1)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "$1", $1)
+define(`TOHWM4_interfacename',module procedure `$1'`$2'`$3')dnl
+define(`TOHWM4_interfacelist', `dnl
+     TOHWM4_interfacename(`$1',`$2',`Sca')
+     TOHWM4_interfacename(`$1',`$2',`ArrSi')
+     TOHWM4_interfacename(`$1',`$2',`ArrSh')
+     TOHWM4_interfacename(`$1',`$2',`MatSi')
+     TOHWM4_interfacename(`$1',`$2',`MatSh')
+define(`TOHWM4_interfaceshortlist', `dnl
+     TOHWM4_interfacename(`$1',`$2',`Sca')
+     TOHWM4_interfacename(`$1',`$2',`Arr')
+     TOHWM4_interfacename(`$1',`$2',`Mat')
diff --git a/m4/datatypes.m4 b/m4/datatypes.m4
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6944d2a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/m4/datatypes.m4
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+define(`TOHWM4_declarationtype', `dnl
+ifelse(`$1', `CmplxDp', `complex(dp)',
+       `$1', `CmplxSp', `complex(sp)',
+       `$1', `RealDp', `real(dp)', 
+       `$1', `RealSp', `real(sp)', 
+       `$1', `Int', `integer', 
+       `$1', `Lg', `logical', 
+       `$1', `Ch', `character(len=*)')`'dnl
+define(`TOHWM4_datatype', `dnl
+ifelse(`$1', `CmplxDp', `fpx:complex',
+       `$1', `CmplxSp', `fpx:complex',
+       `$1', `RealDp', `fpx:real', 
+       `$1', `RealSp', `fpx:real', 
+       `$1', `Int', `xsd:integer', 
+       `$1', `Lg', `xsd:boolean', 
+       `$1', `Ch', `xsd:string')`'dnl
+define(`TOHWM4_types', `(CmplxDp, CmplxSp, RealDp, RealSp, Int, Lg, Ch)')dnl
diff --git a/m4/foreach.m4 b/m4/foreach.m4
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..47a17e6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/m4/foreach.m4
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+dnl Implement a foreach macro
+# foreach(x, (item_1, item_2, ..., item_n), stmt)
+define(`m4_foreach', `pushdef(`$1', `')_foreach(`$1', `$2', `$3')popdef(`$1')')
+define(`_arg1', `$1')
+        `ifelse(`$2', `()', ,
+                `define(`$1', _arg1$2)$3`'_foreach(`$1', (shift$2), `$3')')')
+# traceon(`define', `foreach', `_foreach', `ifelse')
diff --git a/m4/quantity.m4 b/m4/quantity.m4
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2508b06
--- /dev/null
+++ b/m4/quantity.m4
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+dnl This is what a subroutine looks like.
+dnl First arg is name of quantity (property/parameter)
+dnl Second arg is list of optional args
+dnl Third arg is type of property(character/logical etc.)
+dnl Fourth arg is whether scalar; assumed-size array, assumed-shape array, assumed size, matrix, or assumed-shape matrix.
+  subroutine `$1'`$3'`$4' &
+    (xf, value,dnl
+ifelse(`$4', `ArrSi', `nitems, ', `$4', `MatSi', `nrows, ncols, ')`'dnl
+ TOHWM4_dummyarglist(`$2')`'dnl
+ifelse(`$3',`Lg',`',`, units')`'dnl
+ifelse(substr($3,0,4),`Real',`, fmt)', substr($3,0,5), `Cmplx', `, fmt)',`)')
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout)              :: xf
+    TOHWM4_declarationtype(`$3'), intent(in) dnl
+ifelse(substr($4,0,3), `Arr', `, dimension(:)', substr($4,0,3), `Mat', `, dimension(:,:)') dnl
+ :: value
+ifelse(`$4', `ArrSi', `dnl
+    integer, intent(in) :: nitems
+', `$4', `MatSi', `dnl
+    integer, intent(in) :: nrows
+    integer, intent(in) :: ncols
+m4_foreach(`x', `$2', `TOHWM4_dummyargdecl(x)')
+    character(len=*), intent(in) dnl
+ifelse(`$3', `Ch', `, optional') dnl
+ :: units
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: fmt
+', substr($3,0,5), `Cmplx',`dnl
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: fmt
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    call xml_NewElement(xf, "$1")
+m4_foreach(`x', `$2', `TOHWM4_dummyarguse(x)')
+    call stmAddValue(xf=xf`'dnl
+ifelse($4, `ArrSi', `, value=value(:nitems)', $4, `MatSi', `, value=value(:nrows, :ncols)', `, value=value')`'dnl
+ifelse(`$3',`Lg',`',`, units=units')`'dnl
+ifelse(substr($3,0,4),`Real',`, fmt=fmt',substr($3,0,5),`Cmplx',`, fmt=fmt',`')`'dnl
+    call xml_EndElement(xf, "$1")
+  end subroutine `$1'`$3'`$4'
+! This file is AUTOGENERATED!!!!
+! Do not edit this file; edit m_wcml_quantity.m4 and regenerate.
+module m_wcml_$1
+  use fox_m_fsys_realtypes, only: sp, dp
+  use FoX_wxml, only: xmlf_t
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+  use FoX_wxml, only: xml_NewElement, xml_AddAttribute
+  use FoX_wxml, only: xml_EndElement
+  use m_wcml_stml, only: stmAddValue
+! Fix for pgi, requires this explicitly:
+  use m_wxml_overloads
+  implicit none
+  private
+  interface cmlAdd$1
+m4_foreach(`x', TOHWM4_types, `TOHWM4_interfacelist($1, x)')
+  end interface
+  public :: cmlAdd$1
+m4_foreach(`x', TOHWM4_types, `TOHWM4_QuantitySub($1, `$2', x, `Sca')
+m4_foreach(`x', TOHWM4_types, `TOHWM4_QuantitySub($1, `$2', x, `ArrSi')
+m4_foreach(`x', TOHWM4_types, `TOHWM4_QuantitySub($1, `$2', x, `ArrSh')
+m4_foreach(`x', TOHWM4_types, `TOHWM4_QuantitySub($1, `$2', x, `MatSi')
+m4_foreach(`x', TOHWM4_types, `TOHWM4_QuantitySub($1, `$2', x, `MatSh')
+end module m_wcml_$1
diff --git a/release.sh b/release.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..0421959
--- /dev/null
+++ b/release.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+#!/bin/sh -e
+VN=$(grep dummy common/FoX_common.F90 | awk '{print $6}' | sed -e s/-dummy//)
+if test x$VN != x\'$1\'; then
+  echo Wrong version number
+  exit 1 
+git archive --format=tar --prefix=FoX-$1/ HEAD | gzip -9 > ../FoX-$1-full.tar.gz
+openssl dgst -md5 ../FoX-$1-full.tar.gz > ../FoX-$1-digest
+openssl dgst -sha1 ../FoX-$1-full.tar.gz >> ../FoX-$1-digest
+mkdir tmpFoX
+cd tmpFoX
+tar xzf ../../FoX-$1-full.tar.gz
+  cd FoX-$1
+  make cutdown
+tar czf ../../FoX-$1.tar.gz FoX-$1
+openssl dgst -md5 ../../FoX-$1.tar.gz >> ../../FoX-$1-digest
+openssl dgst -sha1 ../../FoX-$1.tar.gz >> ../../FoX-$1-digest
+rm -rf FoX-$1
+for i in wxml wcml wkml sax dom
+  tar xzf ../../FoX-$1-full.tar.gz
+  (
+    cd FoX-$1
+    (
+      cd config; \
+       sed -e "s/CUTDOWN_TARGET=.*/CUTDOWN_TARGET=$i/" configure.ac > configure.ac.tmp ; \
+       mv configure.ac.tmp configure.ac ; \
+       make
+    )
+    make cutdown-$i
+  )
+  tar czf FoX-$1-$i.tar.gz FoX-$1
+  openssl dgst -md5 FoX-$1-$i.tar.gz >> ../../FoX-$1-digest
+  openssl dgst -sha1 FoX-$1-$i.tar.gz >> ../../FoX-$1-digest
+  rm -rf FoX-$1
+cp FoX-$1-* ../..
+cd ..
+rm -rf tmpFoX
diff --git a/sax/CMakeLists.txt b/sax/CMakeLists.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..af335f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sax/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+  FoX_sax.f90
+  m_sax_operate.F90
+  m_sax_parser.F90
+  m_sax_reader.F90
+  m_sax_tokenizer.F90
+  m_sax_types.F90
+  m_sax_xml_source.F90
+  fox_sax STATIC
+  ${fox_sax_srcs}
+  ${fox_sax_srcs_pp}
+  fox_sax
+  fox_common
+  fox_utils
+  fox_fsys
+  ${fox_BINARY_DIR}/common
+  ${fox_BINARY_DIR}/utils
+  ${fox_BINARY_DIR}/fsys
diff --git a/sax/ChangeLog b/sax/ChangeLog
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7dc8ca9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sax/ChangeLog
@@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
+Rough listing of SAX changes
+2005-08-05 09:05:57 GMT	Alberto Garcia <wdpgaara at lg.ehu.es>	patch-22
+    Summary:
+      Some changes for F (g95-F) compliance
+    Revision:
+      xmlf90-devel--agarcia--1.2--patch-22
+    Mainly the wxml and sax subsystems.
+    modified files:
+            m_dictionary.f90
+2005-05-01 23:59:29 GMT	Alberto Garcia <wdpgaara at lg.ehu.es>	patch-17
+    Summary:
+      Remove char generic from m_buffer
+    Revision:
+      xmlf90-devel--agarcia--1.2--patch-17
+    * Changes:
+    'char' was a synonym of 'str' in m_buffer. Some compilers
+    have trouble with it, as it is also the name of an intrinsic
+    routine. So it has been removed, and 'str' is now the only
+    idiom. ('char' was actually only used in m_xml_parse.f90)
+    modified files:
+     sax/m_buffer.f90 sax/m_xml_parser.f90
+2005-05-01 23:53:10 GMT	Alberto Garcia <wdpgaara at lg.ehu.es>	patch-16
+    Summary:
+      Add "recursive" attribute to xml_parse
+    Revision:
+      xmlf90-devel--agarcia--1.2--patch-16
+    * xml_parse could not be called recursively (for example, to
+      process another XML file in response to a parsing event).
+      Adding "recursive" fixes it.
+      (Bug reported by Anthony.Floyd at convergent.ca, Apr 29, 2005)
+    modified files:
+     sax/m_xml_parser.f90
+2004-12-08 17:16:13 GMT	Alberto Garcia <wdpgaara at lg.ehu.es>	patch-5
+    Summary:
+      New checks on dictionary access + strings optimization
+    Revision:
+      xmlf90-devel--agarcia--1.2--patch-5
+    * Check that character variable is long enough to contain the
+      value of the dictionary entry.
+    * Avoid temporary creation by compiler in strings module.
+    modified files:
+     sax/m_dictionary.f90 strings/m_strings.f90
+2004-12-08 16:27:58 GMT	Alberto Garcia <wdpgaara at lg.ehu.es>	patch-4
+    Summary:
+      Merge of Jon Wakelin's changes as of Oct 20, 2004
+    Changes:
+     * Modifications by Jon Wakelin to parser project.
+       Added new dictionary access method
+2004-12-08 16:08:28 GMT	Alberto Garcia <wdpgaara at lg.ehu.es>	patch-3
+    Summary:
+      SAX test example exercises entity replacement in atts
+    Revision:
+      xmlf90-devel--agarcia--1.2--patch-3
+    Examples/sax/features/test.xml contains a segment to test the
+    new feature.
+    modified files:
+     Examples/sax/features/test.xml
+2004-12-08 15:58:23 GMT	Alberto Garcia <wdpgaara at lg.ehu.es>	patch-2
+    Summary:
+      Entities replaced in pcdata and attribute values
+    Revision:
+      xmlf90-devel--agarcia--1.2--patch-2
+    * New logic to detect and replace entities in pcdata and
+      attribute values (in the latter the replacement takes place before
+      inserting the value in the dictionary).
+      m_xml_parser.f90 does not use m_entities directly.
+    modified files:
+     sax/m_entities.f90 sax/m_fsm.f90 sax/m_xml_parser.f90
+     sax/makefile
+2004-12-08 15:53:01 GMT	Alberto Garcia <wdpgaara at lg.ehu.es>	patch-1
+    Summary:
+      New error routine, new reading-buffer size default
+    Revision:
+      xmlf90-devel--agarcia--1.2--patch-1
+    * Added routine general_error to m_xml_error.f90
+    * Changed default buffer size to 80 in m_reader.f90
+    new files:
+     .arch-ids/version.info.id version.info
+    modified files:
+     sax/m_reader.f90 sax/m_xml_error.f90
+ ------------ xmlf90-1.2g released 
+April 28, 2004  (Changes from xmlf90-1.2 to xmlf90-1.2g)
+* New optional argument "record_size" in open_xmlfile. The default record 
+length is 65536, but for overly long lines it might be necessary to specify
+a larger size.
+* Wrote "init_" routines to avoid undefined status for the components
+of the buffer, dictionary, and elstack derived types (Fortran90 restriction). 
+They are called just once at the beginning of execution.
+The "reset_" routines just zero out the counters in the derived
+types. This leads to substantial savings in overhead.
+* Avoided when possible the allocation of temporaries (mostly strings) by
+the compilers. This was particularly acute in the "action" records. The
+typical idiom:
+	action =trim("Reading character in name: " // c)
+forced the allocation of a temporary.  The number of compiler allocations
+(at least with NAG) has dropped down to just those needed in the processing
+of entities.
+* Put the explicit module dependencies in the makefile.
+* Increased the standard size of the buffers and dictionaries.
+***** The program now stops when those sizes are not enough.
diff --git a/sax/FoX_sax.f90 b/sax/FoX_sax.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..17dc228
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sax/FoX_sax.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+module FoX_sax
+  use FoX_common
+  use m_sax_operate
+  implicit none
+  private
+  public :: open_xml_file
+  public :: open_xml_string
+  public :: close_xml_t
+  public :: parse
+  public :: stop_parser
+  public :: SAX_OPEN_ERROR 
+  public :: xml_t
+  public :: dictionary_t
+!SAX functions
+  public :: getIndex 
+  public :: getLength
+  public :: getLocalName
+  public :: getQName
+  public :: getURI
+  public :: getValue
+  public :: getType
+  public :: isSpecified
+  public :: isDeclared
+  public :: setSpecified
+  public :: setDeclared
+!For convenience
+  public :: hasKey
+end module FoX_sax
diff --git a/sax/m_sax_operate.F90 b/sax/m_sax_operate.F90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..531618a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sax/m_sax_operate.F90
@@ -0,0 +1,313 @@
+module m_sax_operate
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+  use m_common_error, only: FoX_error, in_error
+  use FoX_common, only : str_vs
+  use m_sax_reader, only: open_file, close_file
+  use m_sax_parser, only: sax_parser_init, sax_parser_destroy, sax_parse
+  use m_sax_types, only: ST_STOP
+  use m_sax_types, only: xml_t
+  implicit none
+  private
+  integer, parameter :: SAX_OPEN_ERROR = 1001
+  public :: xml_t
+  public :: open_xml_file
+  public :: open_xml_string
+  public :: close_xml_t
+  public :: parse
+  public :: stop_parser
+  public :: SAX_OPEN_ERROR
+  subroutine open_xml_file(xt, file, iostat, lun)
+    type(xml_t), intent(out) :: xt
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: file
+    integer, intent(out), optional :: iostat
+    integer, intent(in), optional :: lun
+#ifdef DUMMYLIB
+    if (present(iostat)) iostat = 0
+    integer :: i
+    call open_file(xt%fb, file=trim(file), iostat=i, lun=lun, es=xt%fx%error_stack)
+    if (present(iostat)) then
+      if (in_error(xt%fx%error_stack)) i = SAX_OPEN_ERROR
+      iostat = i
+      if (i/=0) return
+    else
+      if (i/=0) &
+        call FoX_error("Error opening file in open_xml_file")
+      if (in_error(xt%fx%error_stack)) & 
+        call FoX_error(str_vs(xt%fx%error_stack%stack(1)%msg))
+    endif
+    if (i==0) call sax_parser_init(xt%fx, xt%fb)
+  end subroutine open_xml_file
+  subroutine open_xml_string(xt, string)
+    type(xml_t), intent(out) :: xt
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: string
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    integer :: iostat
+    call open_file(xt%fb, string=string, iostat=iostat, es=xt%fx%error_stack)
+    call sax_parser_init(xt%fx, xt%fb)
+  end subroutine open_xml_string
+  subroutine close_xml_t(xt)
+    type(xml_t), intent(inout) :: xt
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    call close_file(xt%fb)
+    call sax_parser_destroy(xt%fx)
+  end subroutine close_xml_t
+  subroutine parse(xt,             &
+    characters_handler,            &
+    endDocument_handler,           &
+    endElement_handler,            &
+    endPrefixMapping_handler,      &
+    ignorableWhitespace_handler,   &
+    processingInstruction_handler, &
+    ! setDocumentLocator
+    skippedEntity_handler,         &
+    startDocument_handler,         & 
+    startElement_handler,          &
+    startPrefixMapping_handler,    &
+    notationDecl_handler,          &
+    unparsedEntityDecl_handler,    &
+    error_handler,                 &
+    fatalError_handler,            &
+    warning_handler,               &
+    attributeDecl_handler,         &
+    elementDecl_handler,           &
+    externalEntityDecl_handler,    &
+    internalEntityDecl_handler,    &
+    comment_handler,               &
+    endCdata_handler,              &
+    endDTD_handler,                &
+    endEntity_handler,             &
+    startCdata_handler,            &
+    startDTD_handler,              &
+    startEntity_handler,           &
+! Features / properties
+    namespaces,                    &
+    namespace_prefixes,            &
+    validate,                      &
+    xmlns_uris)
+    type(xml_t), intent(inout) :: xt
+    optional :: characters_handler
+    optional :: endDocument_handler
+    optional :: endElement_handler
+    optional :: endPrefixMapping_handler
+    optional :: ignorableWhitespace_handler
+    optional :: processingInstruction_handler
+    optional :: skippedEntity_handler
+    optional :: startElement_handler
+    optional :: startDocument_handler
+    optional :: startPrefixMapping_handler
+    optional :: notationDecl_handler
+    optional :: unparsedEntityDecl_handler
+    optional :: error_handler
+    optional :: fatalError_handler
+    optional :: warning_handler
+    optional :: attributeDecl_handler
+    optional :: elementDecl_handler
+    optional :: externalEntityDecl_handler
+    optional :: internalEntityDecl_handler
+    optional :: comment_handler
+    optional :: endCdata_handler
+    optional :: endEntity_handler
+    optional :: endDTD_handler
+    optional :: startCdata_handler
+    optional :: startDTD_handler
+    optional :: startEntity_handler
+    logical, intent(in), optional :: namespaces
+    logical, intent(in), optional :: namespace_prefixes
+    logical, intent(in), optional :: validate
+    logical, intent(in), optional :: xmlns_uris
+    interface
+      subroutine characters_handler(chunk)
+        character(len=*), intent(in) :: chunk
+      end subroutine characters_handler
+      subroutine endDocument_handler()     
+      end subroutine endDocument_handler
+      subroutine endElement_handler(namespaceURI, localName, name)
+        character(len=*), intent(in)     :: namespaceURI
+        character(len=*), intent(in)     :: localName
+        character(len=*), intent(in)     :: name
+      end subroutine endElement_handler
+      subroutine endPrefixMapping_handler(prefix)
+        character(len=*), intent(in) :: prefix
+      end subroutine endPrefixMapping_handler
+      subroutine ignorableWhitespace_handler(chars)
+        character(len=*), intent(in) :: chars
+      end subroutine ignorableWhitespace_handler
+      subroutine processingInstruction_handler(name, content)
+        character(len=*), intent(in)     :: name
+        character(len=*), intent(in)     :: content
+      end subroutine processingInstruction_handler
+      subroutine skippedEntity_handler(name)
+        character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
+      end subroutine skippedEntity_handler
+      subroutine startDocument_handler()   
+      end subroutine startDocument_handler
+      subroutine startElement_handler(namespaceURI, localName, name, attributes)
+        use FoX_common
+        character(len=*), intent(in)     :: namespaceUri
+        character(len=*), intent(in)     :: localName
+        character(len=*), intent(in)     :: name
+        type(dictionary_t), intent(in)   :: attributes
+      end subroutine startElement_handler
+      subroutine startPrefixMapping_handler(namespaceURI, prefix)
+        character(len=*), intent(in) :: namespaceURI
+        character(len=*), intent(in) :: prefix
+      end subroutine startPrefixMapping_handler
+      subroutine notationDecl_handler(name, publicId, systemId)
+        character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
+        character(len=*), intent(in) :: publicId
+        character(len=*), intent(in) :: systemId
+      end subroutine notationDecl_handler
+      subroutine unparsedEntityDecl_handler(name, publicId, systemId, notation)
+        character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
+        character(len=*), intent(in) :: publicId
+        character(len=*), intent(in) :: systemId
+        character(len=*), intent(in) :: notation
+      end subroutine unparsedEntityDecl_handler
+      subroutine error_handler(msg)
+        character(len=*), intent(in)     :: msg
+      end subroutine error_handler
+      subroutine fatalError_handler(msg)
+        character(len=*), intent(in)     :: msg
+      end subroutine fatalError_handler
+      subroutine warning_handler(msg)
+        character(len=*), intent(in)     :: msg
+      end subroutine warning_handler
+      subroutine attributeDecl_handler(eName, aName, type, mode, value)
+        character(len=*), intent(in) :: eName
+        character(len=*), intent(in) :: aName
+        character(len=*), intent(in) :: type
+        character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: mode
+        character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: value
+      end subroutine attributeDecl_handler
+      subroutine elementDecl_handler(name, model)
+        character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
+        character(len=*), intent(in) :: model
+      end subroutine elementDecl_handler
+      subroutine externalEntityDecl_handler(name, publicId, systemId)
+        character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
+        character(len=*), intent(in) :: publicId
+        character(len=*), intent(in) :: systemId
+      end subroutine externalEntityDecl_handler
+      subroutine internalEntityDecl_handler(name, value)
+        character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
+        character(len=*), intent(in) :: value
+      end subroutine internalEntityDecl_handler
+      subroutine comment_handler(comment)
+        character(len=*), intent(in) :: comment
+      end subroutine comment_handler
+      subroutine endCdata_handler()
+      end subroutine endCdata_handler
+      subroutine endDTD_handler()
+      end subroutine endDTD_handler
+      subroutine endEntity_handler(name)
+        character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
+      end subroutine endEntity_handler
+      subroutine startCdata_handler()
+      end subroutine startCdata_handler
+      subroutine startDTD_handler(name, publicId, systemId)
+        character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
+        character(len=*), intent(in) :: publicId
+        character(len=*), intent(in) :: systemId
+      end subroutine startDTD_handler
+      subroutine startEntity_handler(name)
+        character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
+      end subroutine startEntity_handler
+    end interface
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    ! FIXME check xt is initialized
+    call sax_parse(xt%fx, xt%fb,     &
+      characters_handler,            &
+      endDocument_handler,           &
+      endElement_handler,            &
+      endPrefixMapping_handler,      &
+      ignorableWhitespace_handler,   &
+      processingInstruction_handler, &
+      ! setDocumentLocator
+      skippedEntity_handler,         &
+      startDocument_handler,         & 
+      startElement_handler,          &
+      startPrefixMapping_handler,    &
+      notationDecl_handler,          &
+      unparsedEntityDecl_handler,    &
+      error_handler,                 &
+      fatalError_handler,            &
+      warning_handler,               &
+      attributeDecl_handler,         &
+      elementDecl_handler,           &
+      externalEntityDecl_handler,    &
+      internalEntityDecl_handler,    &
+      comment_handler,               &
+      endCdata_handler,              &
+      endDTD_handler,                &
+      endEntity_handler,             &
+      startCdata_handler,            &
+      startDTD_handler,              &
+      startEntity_handler,           &
+      namespaces=namespaces,                 &
+      namespace_prefixes=namespace_prefixes, &
+      validate=validate,                     &
+      xmlns_uris=xmlns_uris)
+  end subroutine parse
+  subroutine stop_parser(xt)
+    ! To be called from within a callback function;
+    ! this will stop the parser.
+    type(xml_t), intent(inout) :: xt
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    xt%fx%state = ST_STOP
+  end subroutine stop_parser
+end module m_sax_operate
diff --git a/sax/m_sax_parser.F90 b/sax/m_sax_parser.F90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6d63fd0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sax/m_sax_parser.F90
@@ -0,0 +1,3027 @@
+module m_sax_parser
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+  use fox_m_fsys_array_str, only: str_vs, vs_str_alloc, vs_vs_alloc
+  use fox_m_fsys_string_list, only: string_list, destroy_string_list, &
+    tokenize_to_string_list, registered_string, init_string_list, &
+    add_string, tokenize_and_add_strings, destroy
+  use m_common_attrs, only: init_dict, destroy_dict, reset_dict, &
+    add_item_to_dict, has_key, get_value, get_att_index_pointer, &
+    getLength, setIsId, setBase
+  use m_common_charset, only: XML1_0, XML1_1, XML_WHITESPACE
+  use m_common_element, only: element_t, existing_element, add_element, &
+    get_element, parse_dtd_element, parse_dtd_attlist, report_declarations, &
+    declared_element, attribute_t, att_value_normalize, &
+    get_attribute_declaration, &
+  use m_common_elstack, only: push_elstack, pop_elstack, init_elstack, &
+    destroy_elstack, is_empty, len, get_top_elstack, checkContentModel, &
+    elementContent, emptyContent, checkContentModelToEnd
+  use m_common_entities, only: existing_entity, init_entity_list, &
+    destroy_entity_list, add_internal_entity, is_unparsed_entity, &
+    expand_entity, expand_char_entity, pop_entity_list, size, &
+    entity_t, getEntityByIndex, getEntityByName
+  use m_common_entity_expand, only: expand_entity_value_alloc
+  use m_common_error, only: FoX_error, add_error, &
+    init_error_stack, destroy_error_stack, in_error
+  use m_common_namecheck, only: checkName, checkPublicId, &
+    checkCharacterEntityReference, likeCharacterEntityReference, &
+    checkQName, checkNCName, checkPITarget, checkNmtoken, checkNmtokens, &
+    checkRepCharEntityReference, checkNames, checkNCNames
+  use m_common_namespaces, only: getnamespaceURI, invalidNS, &
+    checkNamespaces, checkEndNamespaces, namespaceDictionary, &
+    initNamespaceDictionary, destroyNamespaceDictionary
+  use m_common_notations, only: init_notation_list, destroy_notation_list, &
+    add_notation, notation_exists
+  use m_common_struct, only: init_xml_doc_state, &
+    destroy_xml_doc_state, register_internal_PE, register_external_PE, &
+    register_internal_GE, register_external_GE
+  use FoX_utils, only: URI, parseURI, rebaseURI, copyURI, destroyURI, &
+    hasFragment, expressURI
+  use m_sax_reader, only: file_buffer_t, pop_buffer_stack, open_new_string, &
+    open_new_file, parse_xml_declaration, parse_text_declaration, &
+    reading_main_file, reading_first_entity
+  use m_sax_tokenizer, only: sax_tokenize, normalize_attribute_text, &
+    expand_pe_text
+  use m_sax_types ! everything, really
+  implicit none
+  private
+  public :: getNSDict
+  public :: sax_parser_init
+  public :: sax_parser_destroy
+  public :: sax_parse
+  function getNSDict(fx) result(ns)
+    type(sax_parser_t), target :: fx
+    type(namespaceDictionary), pointer :: ns
+    ns => fx%nsDict
+  end function getNSDict
+  subroutine sax_parser_init(fx, fb)
+    type(sax_parser_t), intent(out) :: fx
+    type(file_buffer_t), intent(in) :: fb
+#ifdef PGF90
+    type(URI), pointer :: nullURI
+    nullURI => null()
+    allocate(fx%token(0))
+    call init_error_stack(fx%error_stack)
+    call init_elstack(fx%elstack)
+    call init_dict(fx%attributes)
+    call initNamespaceDictionary(fx%nsdict)
+    call init_notation_list(fx%nlist)
+    ! FIXME do we copy correctly from fx%nlist to fx%xds%nlist?
+    allocate(fx%xds)
+    call init_xml_doc_state(fx%xds)
+    deallocate(fx%xds%inputEncoding)
+    fx%xds%inputEncoding => vs_str_alloc("us-ascii")
+    ! because it always is ...
+    if (fb%f(1)%lun>0) then
+      fx%xds%documentURI => vs_vs_alloc(fb%f(1)%filename)
+    else
+      fx%xds%documentURI => vs_str_alloc("")
+    endif
+    fx%xds%standalone = fb%standalone
+    call init_entity_list(fx%forbidden_ge_list)
+    call init_entity_list(fx%forbidden_pe_list)
+    call init_entity_list(fx%predefined_e_list)
+#ifdef PGF90
+    call add_internal_entity(fx%predefined_e_list, 'amp', '&', nullURI, .false.)
+    call add_internal_entity(fx%predefined_e_list, 'lt', '<', nullURI, .false.)
+    call add_internal_entity(fx%predefined_e_list, 'gt', '>', nullURI, .false.)
+    call add_internal_entity(fx%predefined_e_list, 'apos', "'", nullURI, .false.)
+    call add_internal_entity(fx%predefined_e_list, 'quot', '"', nullURI, .false.)
+    call add_internal_entity(fx%predefined_e_list, 'amp', '&', null(), .false.)
+    call add_internal_entity(fx%predefined_e_list, 'lt', '<', null(), .false.)
+    call add_internal_entity(fx%predefined_e_list, 'gt', '>', null(), .false.)
+    call add_internal_entity(fx%predefined_e_list, 'apos', "'", null(), .false.)
+    call add_internal_entity(fx%predefined_e_list, 'quot', '"', null(), .false.)
+  end subroutine sax_parser_init
+  subroutine sax_parser_destroy(fx)
+    type(sax_parser_t), intent(inout) :: fx
+    fx%context = CTXT_NULL
+    fx%state = ST_NULL
+    if (associated(fx%token)) deallocate(fx%token)
+    if (associated(fx%root_element)) deallocate(fx%root_element)
+    call destroy_error_stack(fx%error_stack)
+    call destroy_elstack(fx%elstack)
+    call destroy_dict(fx%attributes)
+    call destroyNamespaceDictionary(fx%nsdict)
+    call destroy_notation_list(fx%nlist)
+    if (.not.fx%xds_used) then
+      call destroy_xml_doc_state(fx%xds)
+      deallocate(fx%xds)
+    endif
+    call destroy_entity_list(fx%forbidden_ge_list)
+    call destroy_entity_list(fx%forbidden_pe_list)
+    call destroy_entity_list(fx%predefined_e_list)
+    if (associated(fx%token)) deallocate(fx%token)
+    if (associated(fx%content)) deallocate(fx%content)
+    if (associated(fx%name)) deallocate(fx%name)
+    if (associated(fx%attname)) deallocate(fx%attname)
+    if (associated(fx%publicId)) deallocate(fx%publicId)
+    if (associated(fx%systemId)) deallocate(fx%systemId)
+    if (associated(fx%Ndata)) deallocate(fx%Ndata)
+  end subroutine sax_parser_destroy
+  recursive subroutine sax_parse(fx, fb, &
+                                ! org.xml.sax
+                                ! SAX ContentHandler
+    characters_handler,            &
+    endDocument_handler,           &
+    endElement_handler,            &
+    endPrefixMapping_handler,      &
+    ignorableWhitespace_handler,   &
+    processingInstruction_handler, &
+                                ! setDocumentLocator
+    skippedEntity_handler,         &
+    startDocument_handler,         & 
+    startElement_handler,          &
+    startPrefixMapping_handler,    &
+                                ! SAX DTDHandler
+    notationDecl_handler,          &
+    unparsedEntityDecl_handler,    &
+                                ! SAX ErrorHandler
+    error_handler,                 &
+    fatalError_handler,            &
+    warning_handler,               &
+                                ! org.xml.sax.ext
+                                ! SAX DeclHandler
+    attributeDecl_handler,         &
+    elementDecl_handler,           &
+    externalEntityDecl_handler,    &
+    internalEntityDecl_handler,    &
+                                ! SAX LexicalHandler
+    comment_handler,               &
+    endCdata_handler,              &
+    endDTD_handler,                &
+    endEntity_handler,             &
+    startCdata_handler,            &
+    startDTD_handler,              &
+    startEntity_handler,           &
+    namespaces,                    &
+    namespace_prefixes,            &
+    xmlns_uris,                    &
+    validate,                      &
+    FoX_endDTD_handler,            &
+    startInCharData,               &
+    externalEntity,                &
+    xmlVersion,                    &
+    initial_entities)
+    type(sax_parser_t), intent(inout) :: fx
+    type(file_buffer_t), intent(inout) :: fb
+    optional :: characters_handler
+    optional :: endDocument_handler
+    optional :: endElement_handler
+    optional :: endPrefixMapping_handler
+    optional :: ignorableWhitespace_handler
+    optional :: processingInstruction_handler
+    optional :: skippedEntity_handler
+    optional :: startElement_handler
+    optional :: startDocument_handler
+    optional :: startPrefixMapping_handler
+    optional :: notationDecl_handler
+    optional :: unparsedEntityDecl_handler
+    optional :: error_handler
+    optional :: fatalError_handler
+    optional :: warning_handler
+    optional :: attributeDecl_handler
+    optional :: elementDecl_handler
+    optional :: externalEntityDecl_handler
+    optional :: internalEntityDecl_handler
+    optional :: comment_handler
+    optional :: endCdata_handler
+    optional :: endEntity_handler
+    optional :: endDTD_handler
+    optional :: FoX_endDTD_handler
+    optional :: startCdata_handler
+    optional :: startDTD_handler
+    optional :: startEntity_handler
+    logical, intent(in), optional :: namespaces
+    logical, intent(in), optional :: namespace_prefixes
+    logical, intent(in), optional :: xmlns_uris
+    logical, intent(in), optional :: validate
+    logical, intent(in), optional :: startInCharData
+    logical, intent(in), optional :: externalEntity
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: xmlVersion
+    type(entity_list), optional :: initial_entities
+#ifdef PGF90
+    type(URI), pointer :: nullURI
+    interface
+      subroutine characters_handler(chunk)
+        character(len=*), intent(in) :: chunk
+      end subroutine characters_handler
+      subroutine endDocument_handler()     
+      end subroutine endDocument_handler
+      subroutine endElement_handler(namespaceURI, localName, name)
+        character(len=*), intent(in)     :: namespaceURI
+        character(len=*), intent(in)     :: localName
+        character(len=*), intent(in)     :: name
+      end subroutine endElement_handler
+      subroutine endPrefixMapping_handler(prefix)
+        character(len=*), intent(in) :: prefix
+      end subroutine endPrefixMapping_handler
+      subroutine ignorableWhitespace_handler(chars)
+        character(len=*), intent(in) :: chars
+      end subroutine ignorableWhitespace_handler
+      subroutine processingInstruction_handler(name, content)
+        character(len=*), intent(in)     :: name
+        character(len=*), intent(in)     :: content
+      end subroutine processingInstruction_handler
+      subroutine skippedEntity_handler(name)
+        character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
+      end subroutine skippedEntity_handler
+      subroutine startDocument_handler()   
+      end subroutine startDocument_handler
+      subroutine startElement_handler(namespaceURI, localName, name, attributes)
+        use FoX_common
+        character(len=*), intent(in)     :: namespaceUri
+        character(len=*), intent(in)     :: localName
+        character(len=*), intent(in)     :: name
+        type(dictionary_t), intent(in)   :: attributes
+      end subroutine startElement_handler
+      subroutine startPrefixMapping_handler(namespaceURI, prefix)
+        character(len=*), intent(in) :: namespaceURI
+        character(len=*), intent(in) :: prefix
+      end subroutine startPrefixMapping_handler
+      subroutine notationDecl_handler(name, publicId, systemId)
+        character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
+        character(len=*), intent(in) :: publicId
+        character(len=*), intent(in) :: systemId
+      end subroutine notationDecl_handler
+      subroutine unparsedEntityDecl_handler(name, publicId, systemId, notation)
+        character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
+        character(len=*), intent(in) :: publicId
+        character(len=*), intent(in) :: systemId
+        character(len=*), intent(in) :: notation
+      end subroutine unparsedEntityDecl_handler
+      subroutine error_handler(msg)
+        character(len=*), intent(in)     :: msg
+      end subroutine error_handler
+      subroutine fatalError_handler(msg)
+        character(len=*), intent(in)     :: msg
+      end subroutine fatalError_handler
+      subroutine warning_handler(msg)
+        character(len=*), intent(in)     :: msg
+      end subroutine warning_handler
+      subroutine attributeDecl_handler(eName, aName, type, mode, value)
+        character(len=*), intent(in) :: eName
+        character(len=*), intent(in) :: aName
+        character(len=*), intent(in) :: type
+        character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: mode
+        character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: value
+      end subroutine attributeDecl_handler
+      subroutine elementDecl_handler(name, model)
+        character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
+        character(len=*), intent(in) :: model
+      end subroutine elementDecl_handler
+      subroutine externalEntityDecl_handler(name, publicId, systemId)
+        character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
+        character(len=*), intent(in) :: publicId
+        character(len=*), intent(in) :: systemId
+      end subroutine externalEntityDecl_handler
+      subroutine internalEntityDecl_handler(name, value)
+        character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
+        character(len=*), intent(in) :: value
+      end subroutine internalEntityDecl_handler
+      subroutine comment_handler(comment)
+        character(len=*), intent(in) :: comment
+      end subroutine comment_handler
+      subroutine endCdata_handler()
+      end subroutine endCdata_handler
+      subroutine endDTD_handler()
+      end subroutine endDTD_handler
+      subroutine FoX_endDTD_handler(state)
+        use m_common_struct, only: xml_doc_state
+        type(xml_doc_state), pointer :: state
+      end subroutine FoX_endDTD_handler
+      subroutine endEntity_handler(name)
+        character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
+      end subroutine endEntity_handler
+      subroutine startCdata_handler()
+      end subroutine startCdata_handler
+      subroutine startDTD_handler(name, publicId, systemId)
+        character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
+        character(len=*), intent(in) :: publicId
+        character(len=*), intent(in) :: systemId
+      end subroutine startDTD_handler
+      subroutine startEntity_handler(name)
+        character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
+      end subroutine startEntity_handler
+    end interface
+    logical :: validCheck, startInCharData_, processDTD, pe, nameOK, eof
+    logical :: namespaces_, namespace_prefixes_, xmlns_uris_, externalEntity_
+    integer :: i, iostat, temp_i, nextState, ignoreDepth, declSepValue
+    character, pointer :: tempString(:)
+    character :: dummy
+    type(element_t), pointer :: elem
+    type(attribute_t), pointer :: attDecl
+    type(entity_t), pointer :: ent
+    type(URI), pointer :: extSubsetURI, URIref, newURI
+    integer, pointer :: wf_stack(:), temp_wf_stack(:), extEntStack(:)
+    logical :: inExtSubset
+    type(string_list) :: id_list, idref_list
+#ifdef PGF90
+    nullURI => null()
+    tempString => null()
+    elem => null()
+    attDecl => null()
+    if (present(namespaces)) then
+      namespaces_ = namespaces
+    else
+      namespaces_ = .true.
+    endif
+    if (present(namespace_prefixes)) then
+      namespace_prefixes_ = namespace_prefixes
+    else
+      namespace_prefixes_ = .false.
+    endif
+    if (present(xmlns_uris)) then
+      xmlns_uris_ = xmlns_uris
+    else
+      xmlns_uris_ = .false.
+    endif
+    if (present(validate)) then
+      validCheck = validate
+    else
+      validCheck = .false.
+    endif
+    if (present(startInCharData)) then
+      startInCharData_ = startInCharData
+    else
+      startInCharData_ = .false.
+    endif
+    if (present(externalEntity)) then
+      externalEntity_ = externalEntity
+    else
+      externalEntity_ = .false.
+    endif
+    if (present(initial_entities)) then
+      do i = 1, size(initial_entities)
+        ent => getEntityByIndex(initial_entities, i)
+        if (ent%external) then
+          call register_external_GE(fx%xds, &
+            name=str_vs(ent%name), systemId=str_vs(ent%systemId), &
+            publicId=str_vs(ent%publicId), &
+            wfc=ent%wfc, baseURI=copyURI(ent%baseURI))
+        else
+          call register_internal_GE(fx%xds, &
+            name=str_vs(ent%name), text=str_vs(ent%text), &
+            wfc=ent%wfc, baseURI=copyURI(ent%baseURI))
+        endif
+      enddo
+    endif
+    allocate(wf_stack(1))
+    wf_stack(1) = 0
+    allocate(extEntStack(0))
+    fx%inIntSubset = .false.
+    extSubsetURI => null()
+    inExtSubset = .false.
+    declSepValue = 0
+    processDTD = .true.
+    iostat = 0
+    if (startInCharData_) then
+      fx%context = CTXT_IN_CONTENT
+      fx%state = ST_CHAR_IN_CONTENT
+      fx%well_formed = .true.
+      if (externalEntity_) call parse_text_declaration(fb, fx%error_stack)
+      if (in_error(fx%error_stack)) goto 100
+      if (present(xmlVersion)) then
+        if (xmlVersion=="1.0") then
+          fx%xds%xml_version = XML1_0
+        elseif (xmlVersion=="1.1") then
+          fx%xds%xml_version = XML1_1
+        endif
+      endif
+    elseif (reading_main_file(fb)) then
+      fx%context = CTXT_BEFORE_DTD
+      fx%state = ST_MISC
+      if (present(startDocument_handler)) then
+        call startDocument_handler()
+        if (fx%state==ST_STOP) goto 100
+      endif
+      call parse_xml_declaration(fb, fx%xds%xml_version, fx%xds%encoding, fx%xds%standalone, fx%error_stack)
+      if (in_error(fx%error_stack)) goto 100
+      call init_string_list(id_list)
+      call init_string_list(idref_list)
+    endif
+    do
+      call sax_tokenize(fx, fb, eof)
+      if (in_error(fx%error_stack)) then
+        ! Any error, we want to quit sax_tokenizer
+        call add_error(fx%error_stack, 'Error getting token')
+        goto 100
+      elseif (eof.and..not.reading_main_file(fb)) then
+        if (inExtSubset.and.reading_first_entity(fb)) then
+          if (wf_stack(1)>0) then
+            call add_error(fx%error_stack, &
+              "Unclosed conditional section or markup in external subset")
+            goto 100
+          elseif (fx%state_dtd/=ST_DTD_SUBSET) then
+            call add_error(fx%error_stack, &
+              "Markup not terminated in external subset")
+            goto 100
+          endif
+          call endDTDchecks
+          if (in_error(fx%error_stack)) goto 100
+          if (fx%state==ST_STOP) goto 100
+          inExtSubset = .false.
+          fx%state = ST_MISC
+          fx%context = CTXT_BEFORE_CONTENT
+        elseif (fx%context==CTXT_IN_DTD) then
+          if (validCheck) then
+            if (wf_stack(1)/=0) then
+              call add_error(fx%error_stack, &
+                "Markup not terminated in parameter entity")
+              goto 100
+            endif
+          endif
+          if (declSepValue==size(wf_stack)) then
+            if (wf_stack(1)/=0) then
+              call add_error(fx%error_stack, &
+                "Markup not terminated in parameter entity")
+              goto 100
+            else
+              declSepValue = 0
+            endif
+          endif
+          if (present(endEntity_handler)) then
+            call endEntity_handler('%'//pop_entity_list(fx%forbidden_pe_list))
+            if (fx%state==ST_STOP) goto 100
+          else
+            dummy = pop_entity_list(fx%forbidden_pe_list)
+          endif
+          if (fx%state_dtd==ST_DTD_ATTLIST_CONTENTS &
+            .or.fx%state_dtd==ST_DTD_ELEMENT_CONTENTS) then
+            ! stick the token back in contents ...
+            fx%content => fx%token
+            fx%token => vs_str_alloc("")
+          endif
+          if (reading_main_file(fb)) &
+            fx%inIntSubset = .true.
+        elseif (fx%context==CTXT_IN_CONTENT) then
+          if (fx%state==ST_TAG_IN_CONTENT) fx%state = ST_CHAR_IN_CONTENT
+          ! because CHAR_IN_CONTENT *always* leads to TAG_IN_CONTENT
+          ! *except* when it is the end of an entity expansion
+          if (present(endEntity_handler)) then
+            call endEntity_handler(pop_entity_list(fx%forbidden_ge_list))
+            if (fx%state==ST_STOP) goto 100
+          else
+            dummy = pop_entity_list(fx%forbidden_ge_list)
+          endif
+          if (fx%state/=ST_CHAR_IN_CONTENT.or.wf_stack(1)/=0) then
+            call add_error(fx%error_stack, 'Ill-formed entity')
+            goto 100
+          endif
+        endif
+        temp_wf_stack => wf_stack
+        allocate(wf_stack(size(temp_wf_stack)-1))
+        wf_stack = temp_wf_stack(2:)
+        ! If we are not doing validity checking, we might have 
+        ! finished PE expansion with wf_stack(1) non-zero
+        wf_stack(1) = wf_stack(1) + temp_wf_stack(1)
+        deallocate(temp_wf_stack)
+        temp_wf_stack => extEntStack
+        allocate(extEntStack(size(temp_wf_stack)-1))
+        extEntStack = temp_wf_stack(2:)
+        deallocate(temp_wf_stack)
+        call pop_buffer_stack(fb)
+        cycle
+      endif
+      if (fx%tokenType==TOK_NULL) then
+        call add_error(fx%error_stack, 'Internal error! No token found!')
+        goto 100
+      endif
+      nextState = ST_NULL
+      select case (fx%state)
+      case (ST_MISC)
+        !write(*,*) 'ST_MISC', str_vs(fx%token)
+        select case (fx%tokenType)
+        case (TOK_PI_TAG)
+          wf_stack(1) = wf_stack(1) + 1
+          nextState = ST_START_PI
+        case (TOK_BANG_TAG)
+          wf_stack(1) = wf_stack(1) + 1
+          nextState = ST_BANG_TAG
+        case (TOK_OPEN_TAG)
+          wf_stack(1) = wf_stack(1) + 1
+          nextState = ST_START_TAG
+        end select
+      case (ST_BANG_TAG)
+        !write(*,*) 'ST_BANG_TAG'
+        select case (fx%tokenType)
+        case (TOK_OPEN_SB)
+          nextState = ST_START_CDATA_DECLARATION
+        case (TOK_OPEN_COMMENT)
+          nextState = ST_START_COMMENT
+        case (TOK_NAME)
+          if (str_vs(fx%token)=='DOCTYPE') then
+            fx%context = CTXT_IN_DTD
+            nextState = ST_IN_DOCTYPE
+          endif
+        end select
+      case (ST_START_PI)
+        !write(*,*)'ST_START_PI'
+        select case (fx%tokenType)
+        case (TOK_NAME)
+          if (namespaces_) then
+            nameOk = checkNCName(str_vs(fx%token), fx%xds%xml_version)
+          else
+            nameOk = checkName(str_vs(fx%token), fx%xds%xml_version)
+          endif
+          if (nameOk) then
+            if (str_vs(fx%token)=='xml') then
+              call add_error(fx%error_stack, "XML declaration must be at start of document")
+              goto 100
+            elseif (checkPITarget(str_vs(fx%token), fx%xds%xml_version)) then
+              nextState = ST_PI_CONTENTS
+              fx%name => fx%token
+              fx%token => null()
+            else
+              call add_error(fx%error_stack, "Invalid PI target name")
+              goto 100
+            endif
+          endif
+        end select
+      case (ST_PI_CONTENTS)
+        !write(*,*)'ST_PI_CONTENTS'
+        if (validCheck) then
+          if (emptyContent(fx%elstack)) then
+            call add_error(fx%error_stack, "Content inside empty element")
+            goto 100
+          endif
+        endif
+        wf_stack(1) = wf_stack(1) - 1
+        select case(fx%tokenType)
+        case (TOK_CHAR)
+          if (present(processingInstruction_handler)) then
+            call processingInstruction_handler(str_vs(fx%name), str_vs(fx%token))
+            if (fx%state==ST_STOP) goto 100
+          endif
+          deallocate(fx%name)
+          nextState = ST_PI_END
+        case (TOK_PI_END)
+          if (present(processingInstruction_handler)) then
+            call processingInstruction_handler(str_vs(fx%name), "")
+            if (fx%state==ST_STOP) goto 100
+          endif
+          deallocate(fx%name)
+          if (fx%context==CTXT_IN_CONTENT) then
+            nextState = ST_CHAR_IN_CONTENT
+          else
+            nextState = ST_MISC
+          endif
+        end select
+      case (ST_PI_END)
+        !write(*,*)'ST_PI_END'
+        select case(fx%tokenType)
+        case (TOK_PI_END)
+          if (fx%context==CTXT_IN_CONTENT) then
+            nextState = ST_CHAR_IN_CONTENT
+          else
+            nextState = ST_MISC
+          endif
+        end select
+      case (ST_START_COMMENT)
+        !write(*,*)'ST_START_COMMENT'
+        select case (fx%tokenType)
+        case (TOK_CHAR)
+          fx%name => fx%token
+          nullify(fx%token)
+          nextState = ST_COMMENT_END
+        end select
+      case (ST_COMMENT_END)
+        !write(*,*)'ST_COMMENT_END'
+        if (validCheck) then
+          if (emptyContent(fx%elstack)) then
+            call add_error(fx%error_stack, "Content inside empty element")
+            goto 100
+          endif
+        endif
+        wf_stack(1) = wf_stack(1) - 1
+        select case (fx%tokenType)
+        case (TOK_COMMENT_END)
+          if (present(comment_handler)) then
+            call comment_handler(str_vs(fx%name))
+            if (fx%state==ST_STOP) goto 100
+          endif
+          deallocate(fx%name)
+          if (fx%context==CTXT_IN_CONTENT) then
+            nextState = ST_CHAR_IN_CONTENT
+          else
+            nextState = ST_MISC
+          endif
+        end select
+      case (ST_START_TAG)
+        !write(*,*)'ST_START_TAG', fx%context
+        select case (fx%tokenType)
+        case (TOK_NAME)
+          if (fx%context==CTXT_BEFORE_DTD &
+            .or. fx%context==CTXT_BEFORE_CONTENT &
+            .or. fx%context==CTXT_IN_CONTENT) then
+            if (namespaces_) then
+              nameOk = checkQName(str_vs(fx%token), fx%xds%xml_version)
+            else
+              nameOk = checkName(str_vs(fx%token), fx%xds%xml_version)
+            endif
+            if (.not.nameOk) then
+              call add_error(fx%error_stack, "Illegal element name")
+              goto 100
+            endif
+            fx%name => fx%token
+            nullify(fx%token)
+            nextState = ST_IN_TAG
+          elseif (fx%context == CTXT_AFTER_CONTENT) then
+            call add_error(fx%error_stack, "Cannot open second root element")
+            goto 100
+          elseif (fx%context == CTXT_IN_DTD) then
+            call add_error(fx%error_stack, "Cannot open root element before DTD is finished")
+            goto 100
+          endif
+        end select
+        !write(*,*) "ST_START_CDATA_DECLARATION"
+        select case (fx%tokenType)
+        case (TOK_NAME)
+          if (str_vs(fx%token)=="CDATA") then
+            if (fx%context/=CTXT_IN_CONTENT) then
+              call add_error(fx%error_stack, "CDATA section only allowed in text content.")
+              goto 100
+            else
+              nextState = ST_FINISH_CDATA_DECLARATION
+            endif
+          else
+            call add_error(fx%error_stack, "Unknown keyword found in marked section declaration.")
+          endif
+        end select
+        !write(*,*) "ST_FINISH_CDATA_DECLARATION"
+        select case (fx%tokenType)
+        case (TOK_OPEN_SB)
+          nextState = ST_CDATA_CONTENTS
+        end select
+      case (ST_CDATA_CONTENTS)
+        !write(*,*)'ST_CDATA_CONTENTS'
+        select case (fx%tokenType)
+        case (TOK_CHAR)
+          fx%name => fx%token
+          nullify(fx%token)
+          nextState = ST_CDATA_END
+        end select
+      case (ST_CDATA_END)
+        !write(*,*)'ST_CDATA_END'
+        if (validCheck) then
+          if (emptyContent(fx%elstack).or.elementContent(fx%elstack)) then
+            call add_error(fx%error_stack, "Content inside empty element")
+            goto 100
+          endif
+        endif
+        wf_stack(1) = wf_stack(1) - 1
+        select case(fx%tokenType)
+        case (TOK_SECTION_END)
+          if (present(startCdata_handler)) then
+            call startCdata_handler
+            if (fx%state==ST_STOP) goto 100
+          endif
+          if (size(fx%name)>0) then
+            if (present(characters_handler)) then
+              call characters_handler(str_vs(fx%name))
+              if (fx%state==ST_STOP) goto 100
+            endif
+          endif
+          if (present(endCdata_handler)) then
+            call endCdata_handler
+            if (fx%state==ST_STOP) goto 100
+          endif
+          deallocate(fx%name)
+          nextState = ST_CHAR_IN_CONTENT
+        end select
+      case (ST_IN_TAG)
+        !write(*,*)'ST_IN_TAG'
+        select case (fx%tokenType)
+        case (TOK_END_TAG)
+          if (fx%context /= CTXT_IN_CONTENT) then
+            if (associated(fx%root_element)) then
+              if (validCheck) then
+                if (str_vs(fx%name)/=str_vs(fx%root_element)) then
+                  call add_error(fx%error_stack, "Root element name does not match document name")
+                  goto 100
+                endif
+              endif
+              deallocate(fx%root_element)
+            elseif (validCheck) then
+              call add_error(fx%error_stack, "No DTD defined")
+              goto 100
+            else
+              ! We havent had a DTD, so we havent handed xds 
+              ! over to the DOM.
+              if (present(FoX_endDTD_handler)) then
+                fx%xds_used = .true.
+                call FoX_endDTD_handler(fx%xds)
+              endif
+            endif
+            fx%context = CTXT_IN_CONTENT
+          endif
+          call open_tag
+          if (in_error(fx%error_stack)) goto 100
+          if (fx%state==ST_STOP) goto 100
+          deallocate(fx%name)
+          nextState = ST_CHAR_IN_CONTENT
+        case (TOK_END_TAG_CLOSE)
+          if (fx%context==CTXT_IN_CONTENT) then
+            nextState = ST_CHAR_IN_CONTENT
+          else
+            ! only a single element in this doc
+            if (associated(fx%root_element)) then
+              if (validCheck) then
+                if (str_vs(fx%name)/=str_vs(fx%root_element)) then
+                  call add_error(fx%error_stack, "Root element name does not match document name")
+                  goto 100
+                endif
+              endif
+              deallocate(fx%root_element)
+            elseif (validCheck) then
+              call add_error(fx%error_stack, "No DTD defined")
+              goto 100
+            else
+              ! No DTD, so we havent handed over xds
+              if (present(FoX_endDTD_handler)) then
+                fx%xds_used = .true.
+                call FoX_endDTD_handler(fx%xds)
+              endif
+            endif
+          endif
+          call open_tag
+          if (in_error(fx%error_stack)) goto 100
+          if (fx%state==ST_STOP) goto 100
+          call close_tag
+          if (in_error(fx%error_stack)) goto 100
+          if (fx%state==ST_STOP) goto 100
+          deallocate(fx%name)
+          if (fx%context/=CTXT_IN_CONTENT) then
+            fx%well_formed = .true.
+            fx%context = CTXT_AFTER_CONTENT
+            nextState = ST_MISC
+          endif
+        case (TOK_NAME)
+          if (namespaces_) then
+            nameOk = checkQName(str_vs(fx%token), fx%xds%xml_version)
+          else
+            nameOk = checkName(str_vs(fx%token), fx%xds%xml_version)
+          endif
+          if (.not.nameOk) then
+            call add_error(fx%error_stack, "Illegal attribute name")
+            goto 100
+          endif
+          !Have we already had this dictionary item?
+          if (has_key(fx%attributes, str_vs(fx%token))) then
+            call add_error(fx%error_stack, "Duplicate attribute name")
+            goto 100
+          endif
+          fx%attname => fx%token
+          nullify(fx%token)
+          if (associated(elem)) then
+            attDecl => get_attribute_declaration(elem, str_vs(fx%attname))
+          else
+            attDecl => null()
+          endif
+          nextState = ST_ATT_NAME
+        end select
+      case (ST_ATT_NAME)
+        !write(*,*)'ST_ATT_NAME'
+        select case (fx%tokenType)
+        case (TOK_EQUALS)
+          nextState = ST_ATT_EQUALS
+        end select
+      case (ST_ATT_EQUALS)
+        !write(*,*)'ST_ATT_EQUALS'
+        ! token is pre-processed attribute value.
+        ! fx%name still contains attribute name
+        select case (fx%tokenType)
+        case (TOK_CHAR)
+          !First, expand all entities:
+          tempString => normalize_attribute_text(fx, fx%token)
+          deallocate(fx%token)
+          fx%token => tempString
+          tempString => null()
+          !If this attribute is not CDATA, we must process further;
+          if (associated(attDecl)) then
+            temp_i = attDecl%attType
+          else
+            temp_i = ATT_CDATA
+          endif
+          if (temp_i==ATT_CDATA) then
+            call add_item_to_dict(fx%attributes, str_vs(fx%attname), &
+              str_vs(fx%token), itype=ATT_CDATA, declared=associated(attDecl))
+          else
+            if (validCheck) then
+              if (fx%xds%standalone.and..not.attDecl%internal &
+                .and.(str_vs(fx%token)//"x"/=att_value_normalize(str_vs(fx%token))//"x")) then
+                call add_error(fx%error_stack,  &
+                  "Externally-declared attribute value normalization results in changed value "// &
+                  "in standalone document")
+                goto 100
+              endif
+            endif
+            call add_item_to_dict(fx%attributes, str_vs(fx%attname), &
+              att_value_normalize(str_vs(fx%token)), itype=temp_i, &
+              declared=.true.)
+          endif
+          deallocate(fx%attname)
+          nextState = ST_IN_TAG
+        end select
+      case (ST_CHAR_IN_CONTENT)
+        !write(*,*)'ST_CHAR_IN_CONTENT'
+        select case (fx%tokenType)
+        case (TOK_CHAR)
+          if (size(fx%token)>0) then
+            if (validCheck) then
+              if (elementContent(fx%elstack)) then
+                if (verify(str_vs(fx%token), XML_WHITESPACE)==0) then
+                  if (fx%xds%standalone.and..not.elem%internal) then
+                    call add_error(fx%error_stack, &
+                      "Externally-specified ignorable whitespace used in standalone document")
+                    goto 100
+                  endif
+                  if (present(ignorableWhitespace_handler)) then
+                    call ignorableWhitespace_handler(str_vs(fx%token))
+                    if (fx%state==ST_STOP) goto 100
+                  endif
+                else
+                  call add_error(fx%error_stack, "Forbidden content inside elementc: "//get_top_elstack(fx%elstack))
+                  goto 100
+                endif
+              elseif (emptyContent(fx%elstack)) then
+                call add_error(fx%error_stack, "Forbidden content inside element: "//get_top_elstack(fx%elstack))
+                goto 100
+              else
+                if (present(characters_handler)) then
+                  call characters_handler(str_vs(fx%token))
+                  if (fx%state==ST_STOP) goto 100
+                endif
+              endif
+            else
+              if (present(characters_handler)) then
+                call characters_handler(str_vs(fx%token))
+                if (fx%state==ST_STOP) goto 100
+              endif
+            endif
+          endif
+          nextState = ST_TAG_IN_CONTENT
+        end select
+      case (ST_TAG_IN_CONTENT)
+        !write(*,*) 'ST_TAG_IN_CONTENT'
+        select case (fx%tokenType)
+        case (TOK_ENTITY)
+          nextState = ST_START_ENTITY
+        case (TOK_PI_TAG)
+          wf_stack(1) = wf_stack(1) + 1
+          nextState = ST_START_PI
+        case (TOK_BANG_TAG)
+          wf_stack(1) = wf_stack(1) + 1
+          nextState = ST_BANG_TAG
+        case (TOK_CLOSE_TAG)
+          nextState = ST_CLOSING_TAG
+        case (TOK_OPEN_TAG)
+          wf_stack(1) = wf_stack(1) + 1
+          nextState = ST_START_TAG
+        end select
+      case (ST_START_ENTITY)
+        !write(*,*) 'ST_START_ENTITY'
+        select case (fx%tokenType)
+        case (TOK_NAME)
+          if (validCheck) then
+            elem => get_element(fx%xds%element_list, get_top_elstack(fx%elstack))
+            if (associated(elem)) then
+              if (elem%empty) then
+                call add_error(fx%error_stack, &
+                  "Forbidden content inside element")
+                goto 100
+              endif
+            else
+              call add_error(fx%error_stack, &
+                'Encountered reference to undeclared entity')
+            endif
+          endif
+          ent => getEntityByName(fx%forbidden_ge_list, str_vs(fx%token))
+          if (associated(ent)) then
+            call add_error(fx%error_stack, 'Recursive entity reference')
+            goto 100
+          endif
+          ent => getEntityByName(fx%predefined_e_list, str_vs(fx%token))
+          if (associated(ent)) then
+            if (present(startEntity_handler)) then
+              call startEntity_handler(str_vs(fx%token))
+              if (fx%state==ST_STOP) goto 100
+            endif
+            if (validCheck) then
+              if (associated(elem)) then
+                if (.not.elem%mixed.and..not.elem%any) then
+                  call add_error(fx%error_stack, &
+                    "Forbidden content inside element")
+                  goto 100
+                endif
+              endif
+            endif
+            if (present(characters_handler)) then
+              call characters_handler(expand_entity(fx%predefined_e_list, str_vs(fx%token)))
+              if (fx%state==ST_STOP) goto 100
+            endif
+            if (present(endEntity_handler)) then
+              call endEntity_handler(str_vs(fx%token))
+              if (fx%state==ST_STOP) goto 100
+            endif
+          elseif (likeCharacterEntityReference(str_vs(fx%token))) then
+            if (checkRepCharEntityReference(str_vs(fx%token), fx%xds%xml_version)) then
+              if (validCheck) then
+                if (associated(elem)) then
+                  if (.not.elem%mixed.and..not.elem%any) then
+                    call add_error(fx%error_stack, &
+                      "Forbidden content inside element")
+                    goto 100
+                  endif
+                endif
+              endif
+              if (present(characters_handler)) then
+                call characters_handler(expand_char_entity(str_vs(fx%token)))
+                if (fx%state==ST_STOP) goto 100
+              endif
+            elseif (checkCharacterEntityReference(str_vs(fx%token), fx%xds%xml_version)) then
+              call add_error(fx%error_stack, "Unable to digest character entity reference in content, sorry.")
+              goto 100
+            else
+              call add_error(fx%error_stack, "Illegal character reference")
+              goto 100
+            endif
+          elseif (existing_entity(fx%xds%entityList, str_vs(fx%token))) then
+            ent => getEntityByName(fx%xds%entityList, str_vs(fx%token))
+            if (ent%wfc.and.fx%xds%standalone) then
+              call add_error(fx%error_stack, &
+                'Externally declared entity referenced in standalone document')
+              goto 100
+            elseif (str_vs(ent%notation)/="") then
+              call add_error(fx%error_stack, &
+                'Cannot reference unparsed entity in content')
+              goto 100
+            elseif (ent%external) then
+              call open_new_file(fb, ent%baseURI, iostat)
+              if (iostat/=0) then
+                if (validCheck) then
+                  call add_error(fx%error_stack, &
+                    "Unable to retrieve external entity "//str_vs(fx%token))
+                  goto 100
+                endif
+                if (present(skippedEntity_handler)) then
+                  call skippedEntity_handler(str_vs(fx%token))
+                  if (fx%state==ST_STOP) goto 100
+                endif
+              else
+                if (present(startEntity_handler)) then
+                  call startEntity_handler(str_vs(fx%token))
+                  if (fx%state==ST_STOP) goto 100
+                endif
+#ifdef PGF90
+                call add_internal_entity(fx%forbidden_ge_list, str_vs(fx%token), "", nullURI, .false.)
+                call add_internal_entity(fx%forbidden_ge_list, str_vs(fx%token), "", null(), .false.)
+                temp_wf_stack => wf_stack
+                allocate(wf_stack(size(temp_wf_stack)+1))
+                wf_stack = (/0, temp_wf_stack/)
+                deallocate(temp_wf_stack)
+                temp_wf_stack => extEntStack
+                allocate(extEntStack(size(temp_wf_stack)+1))
+                extEntStack = (/len(fx%elstack), temp_wf_stack/)
+                deallocate(temp_wf_stack)
+                call parse_text_declaration(fb, fx%error_stack)
+                if (in_error(fx%error_stack)) goto 100
+              endif
+            else
+              if (validCheck.and.associated(elem)) then
+                if (elem%empty) then
+                  call add_error(fx%error_stack, &
+                    "Forbidden content inside element")
+                  goto 100
+                endif
+              endif
+              if (present(startEntity_handler)) then
+                call startEntity_handler(str_vs(fx%token))
+                if (fx%state==ST_STOP) goto 100
+              endif
+#ifdef PGF90
+              call add_internal_entity(fx%forbidden_ge_list, str_vs(fx%token), "", nullURI, .false.)
+              call add_internal_entity(fx%forbidden_ge_list, str_vs(fx%token), "", null(), .false.)
+              call open_new_string(fb, expand_entity(fx%xds%entityList, str_vs(fx%token)), str_vs(fx%token), baseURI=ent%baseURI)
+              temp_wf_stack => wf_stack
+              allocate(wf_stack(size(temp_wf_stack)+1))
+              wf_stack = (/0, temp_wf_stack/)
+              deallocate(temp_wf_stack)
+            endif
+          else
+            ! Unknown entity check standalone etc
+            if (fx%skippedExternal.and..not.fx%xds%standalone) then
+              if (present(skippedEntity_handler)) then
+                call skippedEntity_handler(str_vs(fx%token))
+                if (fx%state==ST_STOP) goto 100
+              endif
+            else
+              call add_error(fx%error_stack, &
+                'Encountered reference to undeclared entity')
+            endif
+          endif
+          nextState = ST_CHAR_IN_CONTENT
+        end select
+      case (ST_CLOSING_TAG)
+        !write(*,*)'ST_CLOSING_TAG'
+        select case (fx%tokenType)
+        case (TOK_NAME)
+          if (checkName(str_vs(fx%token), fx%xds%xml_version)) then
+            fx%name => fx%token
+            nullify(fx%token)
+            nextState = ST_IN_CLOSING_TAG
+          else
+            call add_error(fx%error_stack, "Closing tag: expecting a Name")
+            goto 100
+          end if
+        end select
+      case (ST_IN_CLOSING_TAG)
+        !write(*,*)'ST_IN_CLOSING_TAG'
+        select case (fx%tokenType)
+        case (TOK_END_TAG)
+          call close_tag
+          if (in_error(fx%error_stack)) goto 100
+          if (fx%state==ST_STOP) goto 100
+          deallocate(fx%name)
+          if (is_empty(fx%elstack)) then
+            if (startInCharData_) then
+              fx%well_formed = .true.
+              nextState = ST_CHAR_IN_CONTENT
+            else
+              !we're done
+              if (validCheck) then
+                call checkIdRefs
+                if (in_error(fx%error_stack)) goto 100
+              endif
+              fx%well_formed = .true.
+              nextState = ST_MISC
+              fx%context = CTXT_AFTER_CONTENT
+            endif
+          else
+            nextState = ST_CHAR_IN_CONTENT
+          endif
+        end select
+      case (ST_IN_DOCTYPE)
+        !write(*,*)'ST_IN_DOCTYPE'
+        select case (fx%tokenType)
+        case (TOK_NAME)
+          if (namespaces_) then
+            nameOk = checkQName(str_vs(fx%token), fx%xds%xml_version)
+          else
+            nameOk = checkName(str_vs(fx%token), fx%xds%xml_version)
+          endif
+          if (.not.nameOk) then
+            call add_error(fx%error_stack, "Invalid document name")
+            goto 100
+          endif
+          fx%root_element => fx%token
+          nullify(fx%token)
+          nextState = ST_DOC_NAME
+        end select
+      case (ST_DOC_NAME)
+        !write(*,*) 'ST_DOC_NAME ', str_vs(fx%token)
+        select case (fx%tokenType)
+        case (TOK_NAME)
+          if (str_vs(fx%token)=='SYSTEM') then
+            nextState = ST_DOC_SYSTEM
+          elseif (str_vs(fx%token)=='PUBLIC') then
+            nextState = ST_DOC_PUBLIC
+          endif
+        case (TOK_OPEN_SB)
+          if (present(startDTD_handler)) then
+            call startDTD_handler(str_vs(fx%root_element), "", "")
+            if (fx%state==ST_STOP) goto 100
+          endif
+          wf_stack(1) = wf_stack(1) + 1
+          nextState = ST_IN_SUBSET
+          fx%inIntSubset = .true.
+        case (TOK_END_TAG)
+          if (present(startDTD_handler)) then
+            call startDTD_handler(str_vs(fx%root_element), "", "")
+            if (fx%state==ST_STOP) goto 100
+          endif
+          wf_stack(1) = wf_stack(1) - 1
+          call endDTDchecks
+          if (in_error(fx%error_stack)) goto 100
+          if (fx%state==ST_STOP) goto 100
+          fx%context = CTXT_BEFORE_CONTENT
+          nextState = ST_MISC
+        case default
+          call add_error(fx%error_stack, "Unexpected token")
+          goto 100
+        end select
+      case (ST_DOC_PUBLIC)
+        !write(*,*) 'ST_DOC_PUBLIC'
+        select case (fx%tokenType)
+        case (TOK_CHAR)
+          if (checkPublicId(str_vs(fx%token))) then
+            fx%publicId => fx%token
+            fx%token => null()
+            nextState = ST_DOC_SYSTEM
+          else
+            call add_error(fx%error_stack, "Invalid document public id")
+            goto 100
+          endif
+        end select
+      case (ST_DOC_SYSTEM)
+        !write(*,*) 'ST_DOC_SYSTEM'
+        select case (fx%tokenType)
+        case (TOK_CHAR)
+          fx%systemId => fx%token
+          fx%token => null()
+          nextState = ST_DOC_DECL
+        end select
+      case (ST_DOC_DECL)
+        !write(*,*) 'ST_DOC_DECL'
+        select case (fx%tokenType)
+        case (TOK_OPEN_SB)
+          if (present(startDTD_handler)) then
+            if (associated(fx%publicId)) then
+              call startDTD_handler(str_vs(fx%root_element), &
+                publicId=str_vs(fx%publicId), systemId=str_vs(fx%systemId))
+            elseif (associated(fx%systemId)) then
+              call startDTD_handler(str_vs(fx%root_element), &
+                publicId="", systemId=str_vs(fx%systemId))
+            else
+              call startDTD_handler(str_vs(fx%root_element), "", "")
+            endif
+            if (fx%state==ST_STOP) goto 100
+          endif
+          if (associated(fx%systemId)) then
+            extSubsetURI => parseURI(str_vs(fx%systemId))
+            deallocate(fx%systemId)
+          endif
+          if (associated(fx%publicId)) deallocate(fx%publicId)
+          fx%inIntSubset = .true.
+          wf_stack(1) = wf_stack(1) + 1
+          nextState = ST_IN_SUBSET
+        case (TOK_END_TAG)
+          if (present(startDTD_handler)) then
+            if (associated(fx%publicId)) then
+              call startDTD_handler(str_vs(fx%root_element), publicId=str_vs(fx%publicId), systemId=str_vs(fx%systemId))
+              deallocate(fx%publicId)
+            elseif (associated(fx%systemId)) then
+              call startDTD_handler(str_vs(fx%root_element), publicId="", systemId=str_vs(fx%systemId))
+            else
+              call startDTD_handler(str_vs(fx%root_element), "", "")
+            endif
+            if (fx%state==ST_STOP) goto 100
+          endif
+          if (associated(fx%systemId)) then
+            extSubsetURI => parseURI(str_vs(fx%systemId))
+            if (.not.associated(extSubsetURI)) then
+              call add_error(fx%error_stack, "Invalid URI specified for DTD SYSTEM")
+              goto 100
+            endif
+            call open_new_file(fb, extSubsetURI, iostat)
+            if (iostat==0) then
+              fx%inIntSubset=.false.
+              call parse_text_declaration(fb, fx%error_stack)
+              if (in_error(fx%error_stack)) goto 100
+              temp_wf_stack => wf_stack
+              allocate(wf_stack(size(temp_wf_stack)+1))
+              wf_stack = (/0, temp_wf_stack/)
+              deallocate(temp_wf_stack)
+              inExtSubset = .true.
+              nextState = ST_IN_SUBSET
+            else
+              if (validCheck) then
+                call add_error(fx%error_stack, &
+                  "Unable to retrieve external subset "//str_vs(fx%systemId))
+                goto 100
+              endif
+              call endDTDchecks
+              if (in_error(fx%error_stack)) goto 100
+              if (fx%state==ST_STOP) goto 100
+              fx%context = CTXT_BEFORE_CONTENT
+              nextState = ST_MISC
+            endif
+            call destroyURI(extSubsetURI)
+          else
+            call endDTDchecks
+            if (in_error(fx%error_stack)) goto 100
+            if (fx%state==ST_STOP) goto 100
+            fx%context = CTXT_BEFORE_CONTENT
+            nextState = ST_MISC
+          endif
+          if (associated(fx%systemId)) deallocate(fx%systemId)
+          if (associated(fx%publicId)) deallocate(fx%publicId)
+        case default
+          call add_error(fx%error_stack, "Unexpected token in DTD")
+          goto 100
+        end select
+      case (ST_CLOSE_DOCTYPE)
+        !write(*,*) "ST_CLOSE_DOCTYPE"
+        select case (fx%tokenType)
+        case (TOK_END_TAG)
+          if (wf_stack(1)>1) then
+            call add_error(fx%error_stack, "Cannot end DTD while conditional section is still open")
+            goto 100
+          endif
+          if (associated(extSubsetURI)) then
+            call open_new_file(fb, extSubsetURI, iostat)
+            call destroyURI(extSubsetURI)
+            if (iostat==0) then
+              fx%inIntSubset = .false.
+              call parse_text_declaration(fb, fx%error_stack)
+              if (in_error(fx%error_stack)) goto 100
+              temp_wf_stack => wf_stack
+              allocate(wf_stack(size(temp_wf_stack)+1))
+              wf_stack = (/0, temp_wf_stack/)
+              deallocate(temp_wf_stack)
+              inExtSubset = .true.
+              nextState = ST_IN_SUBSET
+            else
+              if (validCheck) then
+                call add_error(fx%error_stack, &
+                  "Unable to retrieve external subset")
+                goto 100
+              endif
+              call endDTDchecks
+              if (in_error(fx%error_stack)) goto 100
+              if (fx%state==ST_STOP) goto 100
+              wf_stack(1) = wf_stack(1) - 1
+              nextState = ST_MISC
+              fx%context = CTXT_BEFORE_CONTENT
+            endif
+          else
+            call endDTDchecks
+            if (in_error(fx%error_stack)) goto 100
+            if (fx%state==ST_STOP) goto 100
+            wf_stack(1) = wf_stack(1) - 1
+            nextState = ST_MISC
+            fx%context = CTXT_BEFORE_CONTENT
+          endif
+        end select
+      case (ST_IN_SUBSET)
+        select case(fx%tokenType)
+        case (TOK_ENTITY)
+          nextState = ST_START_PE
+        case default
+          call parseDTD
+          if (in_error(fx%error_stack)) goto 100
+          if (fx%state==ST_STOP) goto 100
+          if (fx%state_dtd==ST_DTD_DONE) &
+            fx%state_dtd = ST_DTD_SUBSET
+        end select
+      case (ST_START_PE)
+        !write(*,*) 'ST_START_PE'
+        select case (fx%tokenType)
+        case (TOK_NAME)
+          if (existing_entity(fx%forbidden_pe_list, str_vs(fx%token))) then
+            call add_error(fx%error_stack, &
+              'Recursive entity reference')
+            goto 100
+          endif
+          ent => getEntityByName(fx%xds%PEList, str_vs(fx%token))
+          if (associated(ent)) then
+            if (ent%wfc.and.fx%xds%standalone) then
+              call add_error(fx%error_stack, &
+                "Externally declared entity used in standalone document")
+              goto 100
+            elseif (ent%external) then
+              if (present(startEntity_handler)) then
+                call startEntity_handler('%'//str_vs(fx%token))
+                if (fx%state==ST_STOP) goto 100
+              endif
+#ifdef PGF90
+              call add_internal_entity(fx%forbidden_pe_list, &
+                str_vs(fx%token), "", nullURI, .false.)
+              call add_internal_entity(fx%forbidden_pe_list, &
+                str_vs(fx%token), "", null(), .false.)
+              call open_new_file(fb, ent%baseURI, iostat, pe=.true.)
+              if (iostat/=0) then
+                if (validCheck) then
+                  call add_error(fx%error_stack, &
+                    "Unable to retrieve external parameter entity "//str_vs(fx%token))
+                  goto 100
+                endif
+                if (present(skippedEntity_handler)) then
+                  call skippedEntity_handler('%'//str_vs(fx%token))
+                  if (fx%state==ST_STOP) goto 100
+                endif
+                ! having skipped a PE, we must now not process
+                ! declarations any further (unless we are declared standalone)
+                ! (XML section 5.1)
+                fx%skippedExternal = .true.
+                processDTD = fx%xds%standalone
+              else
+                fx%inIntSubset = .false.
+                if (present(startEntity_handler)) then
+                  call startEntity_handler('%'//str_vs(fx%token))
+                  if (fx%state==ST_STOP) goto 100
+                endif
+#ifdef PGF90
+                call add_internal_entity(fx%forbidden_pe_list, &
+                  str_vs(fx%token), "", nullURI, .false.)
+                call add_internal_entity(fx%forbidden_pe_list, &
+                  str_vs(fx%token), "", null(), .false.)
+                call parse_text_declaration(fb, fx%error_stack)
+                if (in_error(fx%error_stack)) goto 100
+                allocate(temp_wf_stack(size(wf_stack)+1))
+                temp_wf_stack = (/0, wf_stack/)
+                deallocate(wf_stack)
+                wf_stack => temp_wf_stack
+                if (fx%state_dtd==ST_DTD_SUBSET) &
+                  declSepValue = size(wf_stack)
+              endif
+            else
+              ! Expand the entity,
+              if (present(startEntity_handler)) then
+                call startEntity_handler('%'//str_vs(fx%token))
+                if (fx%state==ST_STOP) goto 100
+              endif
+#ifdef PGF90
+              call add_internal_entity(fx%forbidden_pe_list, &
+                str_vs(fx%token), "", nullURI, .false.)
+              call open_new_string(fb, &
+                expand_entity(fx%xds%PEList, str_vs(fx%token)), str_vs(fx%token), baseURI=nullURI, pe=.true.)
+              call add_internal_entity(fx%forbidden_pe_list, &
+                str_vs(fx%token), "", null(), .false.)
+              call open_new_string(fb, &
+                expand_entity(fx%xds%PEList, str_vs(fx%token)), str_vs(fx%token), baseURI=null(), pe=.true.)
+              ! NB because we are just expanding a string here, anything
+              ! evaluated as a result of this string is evaluated in the
+              ! context of the currently open file, so has a baseURI of
+              ! this file
+              allocate(temp_wf_stack(size(wf_stack)+1))
+              temp_wf_stack = (/0, wf_stack/)
+              deallocate(wf_stack)
+              wf_stack => temp_wf_stack
+              if (fx%state_dtd==ST_DTD_SUBSET) &
+                declSepValue = size(wf_stack)
+            endif
+            ! and do nothing else, carry on ...
+          else
+            ! Have we previously skipped an external entity?
+            if (fx%skippedExternal.and..not.fx%xds%standalone) then
+              if (processDTD) then
+                if (present(skippedEntity_handler)) then
+                  call skippedEntity_handler('%'//str_vs(fx%token))
+                  if (fx%state==ST_STOP) goto 100
+                endif
+              endif
+            else
+              ! If not, 
+              call add_error(fx%error_stack, &
+                "Reference to undeclared parameter entity.")
+              goto 100
+            endif
+          endif
+          nextState = ST_IN_SUBSET
+        end select
+      end select
+      if (nextState/=ST_NULL) then
+        fx%state = nextState
+      else
+        call add_error(fx%error_stack, "Internal error in parser - no suitable token found")
+        goto 100
+      endif
+    end do
+100 if (associated(tempString)) deallocate(tempString)
+    if (associated(extSubsetURI)) call destroyURI(extSubsetURI)
+    call destroy_string_list(id_list)
+    call destroy_string_list(idref_list)
+    deallocate(wf_stack)
+    if (associated(extEntStack)) deallocate(extEntStack)
+    if (fx%state==ST_STOP) return
+    if (.not.eof) then
+      ! We have encountered an error before the end of a file
+      if (.not.reading_main_file(fb)) then !we are parsing an entity
+        if (inExtSubset) then
+          call add_error(fx%error_stack, "Error encountered processing external subset.")
+        else
+          call add_error(fx%error_stack, "Error encountered processing entity.")
+        endif
+        call sax_error(fx, fatalError_handler)
+      else
+        call sax_error(fx, fatalError_handler)
+      endif
+    else
+      ! EOF of main file
+      if (startInChardata_) then
+        if (fx%well_formed) then
+          if (fx%state==ST_CHAR_IN_CONTENT.and.associated(fx%token)) then
+            if (size(fx%token)>0.and.present(characters_handler)) &
+              call characters_handler(str_vs(fx%token))
+          endif
+        else
+          if (present(fatalError_handler)) &
+            call fatalError_handler("Ill-formed XML fragment")
+        endif
+      elseif (fx%well_formed.and.fx%state==ST_MISC) then
+        if (present(endDocument_handler)) &
+          call endDocument_handler()
+      else
+        call add_error(fx%error_stack, "File is not well-formed")
+        call sax_error(fx, fatalError_handler)
+      endif
+    endif
+  contains
+    subroutine parseDTD
+      integer :: nextDTDState
+#ifdef PGF90
+      type(element_t), pointer :: nullElement
+      nullElement => null()
+      nextDTDState = ST_DTD_NULL
+      select case (fx%state_dtd)
+      case (ST_DTD_SUBSET)
+        !write(*,*) "ST_DTD_SUBSET"
+        select case (fx%tokenType)
+        case (TOK_CLOSE_SB)
+          if (.not.reading_main_file(fb)) then
+            call add_error(fx%error_stack, "Cannot close DOCTYPE in external entity")
+            return
+          endif
+          wf_stack(1) = wf_stack(1) - 1
+          fx%inIntSubset = .false.
+          nextState = ST_CLOSE_DOCTYPE
+          nextDTDState = ST_DTD_DONE
+        case (TOK_SECTION_END)
+          if (wf_stack(1)==0) then
+            call add_error(fx%error_stack, "Unbalanced conditional section in parameter entity")
+            return
+          endif
+          wf_stack(1) = wf_stack(1) - 2
+          nextDTDState = ST_DTD_SUBSET
+        case (TOK_PI_TAG)
+          wf_stack(1) = wf_stack(1) + 1
+          nextDTDState = ST_DTD_START_PI
+        case (TOK_BANG_TAG)
+          wf_stack(1) = wf_stack(1) + 1
+          nextDTDState = ST_DTD_BANG_TAG
+        case default
+          call add_error(fx%error_stack, "Unexpected token in document subset")
+          return
+        end select
+      case (ST_DTD_BANG_TAG)
+        !write(*,*) 'ST_DTD_BANG_TAG'
+        select case (fx%tokenType)
+        case (TOK_OPEN_SB)
+          nextDTDState = ST_DTD_START_SECTION_DECL
+        case (TOK_OPEN_COMMENT)
+          nextDTDState = ST_DTD_START_COMMENT
+        case (TOK_NAME)
+          if (str_vs(fx%token)=='ATTLIST') then
+            nextDTDState = ST_DTD_ATTLIST
+          elseif (str_vs(fx%token)=='ELEMENT') then
+            nextDTDState = ST_DTD_ELEMENT
+          elseif (str_vs(fx%token)=='ENTITY') then
+            nextDTDState = ST_DTD_ENTITY
+          elseif (str_vs(fx%token)=='NOTATION') then
+            nextDTDState = ST_DTD_NOTATION
+          endif
+        end select
+        !write(*,*) "ST_DTD_START_SECTION_DECL"
+        select case (fx%tokenType)
+        case (TOK_NAME)
+          if (str_vs(fx%token)=="IGNORE") then
+            if (fx%context/=CTXT_IN_DTD.or.reading_main_file(fb)) then
+              call add_error(fx%error_stack, "IGNORE section only allowed in external subset.")
+              return
+            else
+              ignoreDepth = 0
+              fx%context = CTXT_IGNORE
+              nextDTDState = ST_DTD_FINISH_SECTION_DECL
+            endif
+          elseif (str_vs(fx%token)=="INCLUDE") then
+            if (fx%context/=CTXT_IN_DTD.or.reading_main_file(fb)) then
+              call add_error(fx%error_stack, "INCLUDE section only allowed in external subset.")
+              return
+            else
+              nextDTDState = ST_DTD_FINISH_SECTION_DECL
+            endif
+          else
+            call add_error(fx%error_stack, "Unknown keyword found in marked section declaration.")
+          endif
+        end select
+        !write(*,*) "ST_FINISH_SECTION_DECL"
+        select case (fx%tokenType)
+        case (TOK_OPEN_SB)
+          wf_stack(1) = wf_stack(1) + 1
+          if (fx%context==CTXT_IGNORE) then
+            nextDTDState = ST_DTD_IN_IGNORE_SECTION
+            ignoreDepth = ignoreDepth + 1
+          else
+            nextDTDState = ST_DTD_SUBSET
+          endif
+        end select
+        !write(*,*) "ST_IN_IGNORE_SECTION"
+        select case (fx%tokenType)
+        case (TOK_SECTION_START)
+          wf_stack(1) = wf_stack(1) + 2
+          ignoreDepth = ignoreDepth + 1
+          nextDTDState = ST_DTD_IN_IGNORE_SECTION
+        case (TOK_SECTION_END)
+          wf_stack(1) = wf_stack(1) - 2
+          ignoreDepth = ignoreDepth - 1
+          if (ignoreDepth==0) then
+            fx%context = CTXT_IN_DTD
+            nextDTDState = ST_DTD_SUBSET
+          else
+            nextDTDState = ST_DTD_IN_IGNORE_SECTION
+          endif
+        end select
+      case (ST_DTD_START_PI)
+        !write(*,*)'ST_DTD_START_PI'
+        select case (fx%tokenType)
+        case (TOK_NAME)
+          if (namespaces_) then
+            nameOk = checkNCName(str_vs(fx%token), fx%xds%xml_version)
+          else
+            nameOk = checkName(str_vs(fx%token), fx%xds%xml_version)
+          endif
+          if (nameOk) then
+            if (str_vs(fx%token)=='xml') then
+              call add_error(fx%error_stack, "XML declaration must be at start of document")
+              return
+            elseif (checkPITarget(str_vs(fx%token), fx%xds%xml_version)) then
+              nextDTDState = ST_DTD_PI_CONTENTS
+              fx%name => fx%token
+              fx%token => null()
+            else
+              call add_error(fx%error_stack, "Invalid PI target name")
+              return
+            endif
+          endif
+        end select
+      case (ST_DTD_PI_CONTENTS)
+        !write(*,*)'ST_DTD_PI_CONTENTS'
+        if (validCheck) then
+          if (fx%context==CTXT_IN_DTD.and.wf_stack(1)==0) then
+            call add_error(fx%error_stack, &
+              "PI not balanced in parameter entity")
+            return
+          endif
+          if (len(fx%elstack)>0) then
+            elem => &
+              get_element(fx%xds%element_list, get_top_elstack(fx%elstack))
+            if (associated(elem)) then
+              if (elem%empty) then
+                call add_error(fx%error_stack, "Content inside empty element")
+              endif
+            endif
+          endif
+        endif
+        wf_stack(1) = wf_stack(1) - 1
+        select case(fx%tokenType)
+        case (TOK_CHAR)
+          if (present(processingInstruction_handler)) then
+            call processingInstruction_handler(str_vs(fx%name), str_vs(fx%token))
+            if (fx%state==ST_STOP) return
+          endif
+          deallocate(fx%name)
+          nextDTDState = ST_DTD_PI_END
+        case (TOK_PI_END)
+          if (present(processingInstruction_handler)) then
+            call processingInstruction_handler(str_vs(fx%name), '')
+            if (fx%state==ST_STOP) return
+          endif
+          deallocate(fx%name)
+          nextDTDState = ST_DTD_SUBSET
+        end select
+      case (ST_DTD_PI_END)
+        !write(*,*)'ST_DTD_PI_END'
+        select case(fx%tokenType)
+        case (TOK_PI_END)
+          nextDTDState = ST_DTD_SUBSET
+        end select
+      case (ST_DTD_START_COMMENT)
+        !write(*,*)'ST_DTD_START_COMMENT'
+        select case (fx%tokenType)
+        case (TOK_CHAR)
+          fx%name => fx%token
+          nullify(fx%token)
+          nextDTDState = ST_DTD_COMMENT_END
+        end select
+      case (ST_DTD_COMMENT_END)
+        !write(*,*)'ST_DTD_COMMENT_END'
+        if (validCheck) then
+          if (wf_stack(1)==0) then
+            call add_error(fx%error_stack, &
+              "Comment not balanced in entity")
+            return
+          endif
+          if (len(fx%elstack)>0) then
+            elem => &
+              get_element(fx%xds%element_list, get_top_elstack(fx%elstack))
+            if (associated(elem)) then
+              if (elem%empty) then
+                call add_error(fx%error_stack, "Content inside empty element")
+              endif
+            endif
+          endif
+        endif
+        wf_stack(1) = wf_stack(1) - 1
+        select case (fx%tokenType)
+        case (TOK_COMMENT_END)
+          if (present(comment_handler)) then
+            call comment_handler(str_vs(fx%name))
+            if (fx%state==ST_STOP) return
+          endif
+          deallocate(fx%name)
+          nextDTDState = ST_DTD_SUBSET
+        end select
+      case (ST_DTD_ATTLIST)
+        !write(*,*) 'ST_DTD_ATTLIST'
+        select case (fx%tokenType)
+        case (TOK_NAME)
+          if (namespaces_) then
+            nameOk = checkQName(str_vs(fx%token), fx%xds%xml_version)
+          else
+            nameOk = checkName(str_vs(fx%token), fx%xds%xml_version)
+          endif
+          if (.not.nameOk) then
+            call add_error(fx%error_stack, "Invalid element name for ATTLIST")
+            return
+          endif
+          if (existing_element(fx%xds%element_list, str_vs(fx%token))) then
+            elem => get_element(fx%xds%element_list, str_vs(fx%token))
+          else
+            elem => add_element(fx%xds%element_list, str_vs(fx%token))
+          endif
+          nextDTDState = ST_DTD_ATTLIST_CONTENTS
+        end select
+        !write(*,*) 'ST_DTD_ATTLIST_CONTENTS'
+        select case (fx%tokenType)
+        case (TOK_ENTITY)
+          !Weve found a PEref in the middle of the element contents
+          ! Leave DTD state as it is & expand the entity ...
+          nextState = ST_START_PE
+        case (TOK_DTD_CONTENTS)
+          if (processDTD) then
+            call parse_dtd_attlist(str_vs(fx%token), fx%xds%xml_version, &
+              namespaces_, validCheck, fx%error_stack, elem, &
+              internal=reading_main_file(fb))
+          else
+#ifdef PGF90
+            call parse_dtd_attlist(str_vs(fx%token), fx%xds%xml_version, &
+              namespaces_, validCheck, fx%error_stack, nullElement, &
+              internal=reading_main_file(fb))
+            call parse_dtd_attlist(str_vs(fx%token), fx%xds%xml_version, &
+              namespaces_, validCheck, fx%error_stack, null(), &
+              internal=reading_main_file(fb))
+          endif
+          if (in_error(fx%error_stack)) return
+          ! Normalize attribute values in attlist
+          if (processDTD) then
+            do i = 1, size(elem%attlist%list)
+              if (associated(elem%attlist%list(i)%default)) then
+                tempString => elem%attlist%list(i)%default
+                elem%attlist%list(i)%default => &
+                  normalize_attribute_text(fx, tempString)
+                deallocate(tempString)
+                if (in_error(fx%error_stack)) return
+              endif
+            enddo
+          endif
+          nextDTDState = ST_DTD_ATTLIST_END
+        case (TOK_END_TAG)
+          if (validCheck) then
+            if (wf_stack(1)==0) then
+              call add_error(fx%error_stack, &
+                "ATTLIST not balanced in parameter entity")
+              return
+            endif
+          endif
+          wf_stack(1) = wf_stack(1) - 1
+          if (processDTD) then
+            call parse_dtd_attlist("", fx%xds%xml_version, &
+              namespaces_, validCheck, fx%error_stack, elem, &
+              internal=reading_main_file(fb))
+          else
+#ifdef PGF90
+            call parse_dtd_attlist("", fx%xds%xml_version, &
+              namespaces_, validCheck, fx%error_stack, nullElement, &
+              internal=reading_main_file(fb))
+            call parse_dtd_attlist("", fx%xds%xml_version, &
+              namespaces_, validCheck, fx%error_stack, null(), &
+              internal=reading_main_file(fb))
+          endif
+          if (in_error(fx%error_stack)) return
+          if (processDTD) then
+            if (present(attributeDecl_handler)) then
+              call report_declarations(elem, attributeDecl_handler)
+              if (fx%state==ST_STOP) return
+            endif
+          endif
+          nextDTDState = ST_DTD_SUBSET
+        end select
+      case (ST_DTD_ATTLIST_END)
+        !write(*,*) 'ST_DTD_ATTLIST_END'
+        select case (fx%tokenType)
+        case (TOK_END_TAG)
+          if (validCheck) then
+            if (wf_stack(1)==0) then
+              call add_error(fx%error_stack, &
+                "ATTLIST not balanced in parameter entity")
+              return
+            endif
+          endif
+          wf_stack(1) = wf_stack(1) - 1
+          if (processDTD) then
+            if (present(attributeDecl_handler)) then
+              call report_declarations(elem, attributeDecl_handler)
+              if (fx%state==ST_STOP) return
+            endif
+          endif
+          nextDTDState = ST_DTD_SUBSET
+        end select
+      case (ST_DTD_ELEMENT)
+        select case (fx%tokenType)
+        case (TOK_NAME)
+          if (namespaces_) then
+            nameOk = checkQName(str_vs(fx%token), fx%xds%xml_version)
+          else
+            nameOk = checkName(str_vs(fx%token), fx%xds%xml_version)
+          endif
+          if (.not.nameOk) then
+            call add_error(fx%error_stack, "Invalid name for ELEMENT")
+            return
+          endif
+          fx%name => fx%token
+          fx%token => null()
+          nextDTDState = ST_DTD_ELEMENT_CONTENTS
+        end select
+        !write(*,*)'ST_DTD_ELEMENT_CONTENTS'
+        select case (fx%tokenType)
+        case (TOK_OPEN_PAR)
+          ! increment well_formedness
+          wf_stack(1) = wf_stack(1) + 1
+          nextDTDState = ST_DTD_ELEMENT_CONTENTS
+        case (TOK_CLOSE_PAR)
+          ! increment well_formedness
+          wf_stack(1) = wf_stack(1) - 1
+          nextDTDState = ST_DTD_ELEMENT_CONTENTS
+        case (TOK_ENTITY)
+          !Weve found a PEref in the middle of the element contents
+          ! Leave DTD state as it is & expand the entity ...
+          nextState = ST_START_PE
+        case (TOK_DTD_CONTENTS)
+          if (declared_element(fx%xds%element_list, str_vs(fx%name))) then
+            if (validCheck) then
+              call add_error(fx%error_stack, "Duplicate Element declaration")
+              return
+            else
+              ! Ignore contents ...
+              elem => null()
+            endif
+          elseif (processDTD) then
+            if (existing_element(fx%xds%element_list, str_vs(fx%name))) then
+              elem => get_element(fx%xds%element_list, str_vs(fx%name))
+            else
+              elem => add_element(fx%xds%element_list, str_vs(fx%name))
+            endif
+          else
+            elem => null()
+          endif
+          call parse_dtd_element(str_vs(fx%token), fx%xds%xml_version, fx%error_stack, &
+            elem, reading_main_file(fb))
+          if (in_error(fx%error_stack)) return
+          nextDTDState = ST_DTD_ELEMENT_END
+        end select
+      case (ST_DTD_ELEMENT_END)
+        !write(*,*)'ST_DTD_ELEMENT_END'
+        select case (fx%tokenType)
+        case (TOK_END_TAG)
+          if (validCheck) then
+            if (wf_stack(1)==0) then
+              call add_error(fx%error_stack, &
+                "ELEMENT not balanced in parameter entity")
+              return
+            endif
+          endif
+          wf_stack(1) = wf_stack(1) - 1
+          if (processDTD.and.associated(elem)) then
+            if (present(elementDecl_handler)) then
+              call elementDecl_handler(str_vs(fx%name), str_vs(elem%model))
+              if (fx%state==ST_STOP) return
+            endif
+          endif
+          deallocate(fx%name)
+          nextDTDState = ST_DTD_SUBSET
+        end select
+      case (ST_DTD_ENTITY)
+        !write(*,*) 'ST_DTD_ENTITY'
+        select case (fx%tokenType)
+        case (TOK_NAME)
+          if (str_vs(fx%token)=="%") then
+            pe = .true.
+            ! this will be a PE
+            nextDTDState = ST_DTD_ENTITY_PE
+          else
+            pe = .false.
+            if (namespaces_) then
+              nameOk = checkNCName(str_vs(fx%token), fx%xds%xml_version)
+            else
+              nameOk = checkName(str_vs(fx%token), fx%xds%xml_version)
+            endif
+            if (.not.nameOk) then
+              call add_error(fx%error_stack, &
+                "Illegal name for general entity")
+              return
+            endif
+            fx%name => fx%token
+            fx%token => null()
+            nextDTDState = ST_DTD_ENTITY_ID
+          endif
+        end select
+      case (ST_DTD_ENTITY_PE)
+        !write(*,*) 'ST_DTD_ENTITY_PE'
+        select case (fx%tokenType)
+        case (TOK_NAME)
+          if (namespaces_) then
+            nameOk = checkNCName(str_vs(fx%token), fx%xds%xml_version)
+          else
+            nameOk = checkName(str_vs(fx%token), fx%xds%xml_version)
+          endif
+          if (.not.nameOk) then
+            call add_error(fx%error_stack, &
+              "Illegal name for parameter entity")
+            return
+          endif
+          fx%name => fx%token
+          fx%token => null()
+          nextDTDState = ST_DTD_ENTITY_ID
+        end select
+      case (ST_DTD_ENTITY_ID)
+        !write(*,*) 'ST_DTD_ENTITY_ID'
+        select case (fx%tokenType)
+        case (TOK_NAME)
+          if (str_vs(fx%token) == "PUBLIC") then
+            nextDTDState = ST_DTD_ENTITY_PUBLIC
+          elseif (str_vs(fx%token) == "SYSTEM") then
+            nextDTDState = ST_DTD_ENTITY_SYSTEM
+          else
+            call add_error(fx%error_stack, "Unexpected token in ENTITY")
+            return
+          endif
+        case (TOK_CHAR)
+          if (reading_main_file(fb)) then
+            tempString => fx%token
+          else
+            tempString => expand_pe_text(fx, fx%token, fb)
+          endif
+          fx%attname => expand_entity_value_alloc(tempString, fx%xds, fx%error_stack)
+          if (reading_main_file(fb)) then
+            tempString => null()
+          else
+            deallocate(tempString)
+          endif
+          if (in_error(fx%error_stack)) return
+          nextDTDState = ST_DTD_ENTITY_END
+        case default
+          call add_error(fx%error_stack, "Unexpected token in ENTITY")
+          return
+        end select
+      case (ST_DTD_ENTITY_PUBLIC)
+        !write(*,*) 'ST_DTD_ENTITY_PUBLIC'
+        select case (fx%tokenType)
+        case (TOK_CHAR)
+          if (checkPublicId(str_vs(fx%token))) then
+            fx%publicId => fx%token
+            fx%token => null()
+            nextDTDState = ST_DTD_ENTITY_SYSTEM
+          else
+            call add_error(fx%error_stack, "Invalid PUBLIC id in ENTITY")
+            return
+          endif
+        case default
+          call add_error(fx%error_stack, "Unexpected token in ENTITY")
+          return
+        end select
+      case (ST_DTD_ENTITY_SYSTEM)
+        !write(*,*) 'ST_DTD_ENTITY_SYSTEM'
+        select case (fx%tokenType)
+        case (TOK_CHAR)
+          fx%systemId => fx%token
+          fx%token => null()
+          nextDTDState = ST_DTD_ENTITY_NDATA
+        case default
+          call add_error(fx%error_stack, "Unexpected token in ENTITY")
+          return
+        end select
+      case (ST_DTD_ENTITY_NDATA)
+        !write(*,*) 'ST_DTD_ENTITY_NDATA'
+        select case (fx%tokenType)
+        case (TOK_END_TAG)
+          if (validCheck) then
+            if (wf_stack(1)==0) then
+              call add_error(fx%error_stack, &
+                "ENTITY not balanced in parameter entity")
+              return
+            endif
+          endif
+          wf_stack(1) = wf_stack(1) - 1
+          if (processDTD) then
+            call add_entity
+            if (in_error(fx%error_stack)) return
+            if (fx%state==ST_STOP) return
+          endif
+          deallocate(fx%name)
+          if (associated(fx%attname)) deallocate(fx%attname)
+          if (associated(fx%systemId)) deallocate(fx%systemId)
+          if (associated(fx%publicId)) deallocate(fx%publicId)
+          if (associated(fx%Ndata)) deallocate(fx%Ndata)
+          nextDTDState = ST_DTD_SUBSET
+        case (TOK_NAME)
+          if (str_vs(fx%token)=='NDATA') then
+            if (pe) then
+              call add_error(fx%error_stack, "Parameter entity cannot have NDATA declaration")
+              return
+            endif
+            nextDTDState = ST_DTD_ENTITY_NDATA_VALUE
+          else
+            call add_error(fx%error_stack, "Unexpected token in ENTITY")
+            return
+          endif
+        case default
+          call add_error(fx%error_stack, "Unexpected token in ENTITY")
+          return
+        end select
+        !write(*,*) 'ST_DTD_ENTITY_NDATA_VALUE'
+        !check is a name and exists in notationlist
+        select case (fx%tokenType)
+        case (TOK_NAME)
+          if (namespaces_) then
+            nameOk = checkNCName(str_vs(fx%token), fx%xds%xml_version)
+          else
+            nameOk = checkName(str_vs(fx%token), fx%xds%xml_version)
+          endif
+          if (.not.nameOk) then
+            call add_error(fx%error_stack, "Invalid name for Notation")
+            return
+          endif
+          fx%Ndata => fx%token
+          fx%token => null()
+          nextDTDState = ST_DTD_ENTITY_END
+        case default
+          call add_error(fx%error_stack, "Unexpected token in ENTITY")
+          return
+        end select
+      case (ST_DTD_ENTITY_END)
+        !write(*,*) 'ST_DTD_ENTITY_END'
+        select case (fx%tokenType)
+        case (TOK_END_TAG)
+          if (validCheck) then
+            if (wf_stack(1)==0) then
+              call add_error(fx%error_stack, &
+                "ENTITY not balanced in parameter entity")
+              return
+            endif
+          endif
+          wf_stack(1) = wf_stack(1) - 1
+          if (processDTD) then
+            call add_entity
+            if (in_error(fx%error_stack)) return
+            if (fx%state==ST_STOP) return
+          endif
+          deallocate(fx%name)
+          if (associated(fx%attname)) deallocate(fx%attname)
+          if (associated(fx%systemId)) deallocate(fx%systemId)
+          if (associated(fx%publicId)) deallocate(fx%publicId)
+          if (associated(fx%Ndata)) deallocate(fx%Ndata)
+          nextDTDState = ST_DTD_SUBSET
+        case default
+          call add_error(fx%error_stack, "Unexpected token at end of ENTITY")
+          return
+        end select
+      case (ST_DTD_NOTATION)
+        !write(*,*) 'ST_DTD_NOTATION'
+        select case (fx%tokenType)
+        case (TOK_NAME)
+          if (namespaces_) then
+            nameOk = checkNCName(str_vs(fx%token), fx%xds%xml_version)
+          else
+            nameOk = checkName(str_vs(fx%token), fx%xds%xml_version)
+          endif
+          if (.not.nameOk) then
+            call add_error(fx%error_stack, "Invalid name for Notation")
+            return
+          endif
+          fx%name => fx%token
+          fx%token => null()
+          nextDTDState = ST_DTD_NOTATION_ID
+        case default
+          call add_error(fx%error_stack, "Unexpected token in NOTATION")
+          return
+        end select
+      case (ST_DTD_NOTATION_ID)
+        !write(*,*)'ST_DTD_NOTATION_ID'
+        select case (fx%tokenType)
+        case (TOK_NAME)
+          if (str_vs(fx%token)=='SYSTEM') then
+            nextDTDState = ST_DTD_NOTATION_SYSTEM
+          elseif (str_vs(fx%token)=='PUBLIC') then
+            nextDTDState = ST_DTD_NOTATION_PUBLIC
+          else
+            call add_error(fx%error_stack, "Unexpected token after NOTATION")
+            return
+          endif
+        case default
+          call add_error(fx%error_stack, "Unexpected token after NOTATION")
+          return
+        end select
+        !write(*,*)'ST_DTD_NOTATION_SYSTEM'
+        select case (fx%tokenType)
+        case (TOK_CHAR)
+          fx%systemId => fx%token
+          fx%token => null()
+          nextDTDState = ST_DTD_NOTATION_END
+        case default
+          call add_error(fx%error_stack, "Unexpected token in NOTATION")
+          return
+        end select
+        !write(*,*)'ST_DTD_NOTATION_PUBLIC'
+        select case (fx%tokenType)
+        case (TOK_CHAR)
+          if (checkPublicId(str_vs(fx%token))) then
+            fx%publicId => fx%token
+            fx%token => null()
+            nextDTDState = ST_DTD_NOTATION_PUBLIC_2
+          else
+            call add_error(fx%error_stack, "Invalid PUBLIC id in NOTATION")
+            return
+          endif
+        case default
+          call add_error(fx%error_stack, "Unexpected token in NOTATION")
+          return
+        end select
+      case (ST_DTD_NOTATION_PUBLIC_2)
+        !write(*,*)'ST_DTD_NOTATION_PUBLIC_2'
+        select case (fx%tokenType)
+        case (TOK_END_TAG)
+          if (validCheck) then
+            if (wf_stack(1)==0) then
+              call add_error(fx%error_stack, &
+                "NOTATION not balanced in parameter entity")
+              return
+            endif
+            if (notation_exists(fx%nlist, str_vs(fx%name))) then
+              call add_error(fx%error_stack, "Duplicate notation declaration")
+              return
+            endif
+          endif
+          wf_stack(1) = wf_stack(1) - 1
+          if (processDTD) then
+            call add_notation(fx%nlist, str_vs(fx%name), publicId=str_vs(fx%publicId))
+            if (present(notationDecl_handler)) then
+              call notationDecl_handler(str_vs(fx%name), publicId=str_vs(fx%publicId), systemId="")
+              if (fx%state==ST_STOP) return
+            endif
+          endif
+          deallocate(fx%name)
+          deallocate(fx%publicId)
+          nextDTDState = ST_DTD_SUBSET
+        case (TOK_CHAR)
+          fx%systemId => fx%token
+          fx%token => null()
+          nextDTDState = ST_DTD_NOTATION_END
+        end select
+      case (ST_DTD_NOTATION_END)
+        !write(*,*)'ST_DTD_NOTATION_END'
+        select case (fx%tokenType)
+        case (TOK_END_TAG)
+          if (validCheck) then
+            if (wf_stack(1)==0) then
+              call add_error(fx%error_stack, &
+                "NOTATION not balanced in parameter entity")
+              return
+            endif
+            if (notation_exists(fx%nlist, str_vs(fx%name))) then
+              call add_error(fx%error_stack, "Duplicate notation declaration")
+              return
+            endif
+          endif
+          wf_stack(1) = wf_stack(1) - 1
+          if (processDTD) then
+            URIref => parseURI(str_vs(fx%systemId))
+            if (.not.associated(URIref)) then
+              call add_error(fx%error_stack, "Invalid SYSTEM literal")
+              return
+            endif
+            if (hasFragment(URIref)) then
+              call destroyURI(URIref)
+              call add_error(fx%error_stack, "SYSTEM literal may not contain fragment")
+              return
+            endif
+            ! We aren't ever going to do anything with this URI,
+            ! since we don't do NOTATIONs.
+            ! Throw it away again
+            call destroyURI(URIref)
+            if (associated(fx%publicId)) then
+              call add_notation(fx%nlist, str_vs(fx%name), &
+                publicId=str_vs(fx%publicId), systemId=str_vs(fx%systemId))
+              if (present(notationDecl_handler)) then
+                call notationDecl_handler(str_vs(fx%name), &
+                publicId=str_vs(fx%publicId), systemId=str_vs(fx%systemId))
+                if (fx%state==ST_STOP) return
+              endif
+            else
+              call add_notation(fx%nlist, str_vs(fx%name), &
+                systemId=str_vs(fx%systemId))
+              if (present(notationDecl_handler)) then
+                call notationDecl_handler(str_vs(fx%name), &
+                publicId="", systemId=str_vs(fx%systemId))
+                if (fx%state==ST_STOP) return
+              endif
+            endif
+          endif
+          if (associated(fx%publicId)) deallocate(fx%publicId)
+          deallocate(fx%systemId)
+          deallocate(fx%name)
+          nextDTDState = ST_DTD_SUBSET
+        case default
+          call add_error(fx%error_stack, "Unexpected token in NOTATION")
+          return
+        end select
+      end select
+      if (nextDTDState==ST_DTD_NULL) then
+        call add_error(fx%error_stack, &
+          "Bad token found in DTD parsing")
+      else
+        fx%state_dtd = nextDTDState
+      endif
+      if (nextState==ST_NULL) &
+        nextState = ST_IN_SUBSET
+    end subroutine parseDTD
+    subroutine open_tag
+      elem => get_element(fx%xds%element_list, str_vs(fx%name))
+      if (associated(elem)) then
+        if (validCheck) then
+          call checkAttributes(elem, fx%attributes)
+          if (.not.checkContentModel(fx%elstack, str_vs(fx%name))) then
+            call add_error(fx%error_stack, &
+              "Element "//str_vs(fx%name)//" not permitted in this context")
+            return
+          endif
+        else
+          call getDefaultAttributes(elem, fx%attributes)
+        endif
+      else
+        if (validCheck) then
+          call add_error(fx%error_stack, &
+          "Trying to use an undeclared element")
+          return
+        endif
+      endif
+      ! Check for namespace changes
+      if (namespaces_) then
+        call checkNamespaces(fx%attributes, fx%nsDict, &
+        len(fx%elstack), fx%xds, namespace_prefixes_, xmlns_uris_, &
+        fx%error_stack, startInCharData_, &
+        startPrefixMapping_handler, endPrefixMapping_handler)
+        if (fx%state==ST_STOP) return
+      endif
+      if (in_error(fx%error_stack)) return
+      call checkXmlAttributes
+      if (in_error(fx%error_stack)) return
+      if (size(extEntStack)>0) then
+        if (len(fx%elstack)==extEntStack(1)) &
+          ! This is a top-level element in the current entity
+          call setBase(fx%attributes, expressURI(fb%f(1)%baseURI))
+      endif
+      if (namespaces_.and.getURIofQName(fx,str_vs(fx%name))==invalidNS) then
+        ! no namespace was found for the current element
+        if (.not.startInCharData_) then
+          ! but we ignore this if we are parsing an entity through DOM
+          call add_error(fx%error_stack, "No namespace found for current element")
+          return
+        elseif (present(startElement_handler)) then
+          ! Record it as having an empty URI
+          call startElement_handler("", &
+            getlocalNameofQName(str_vs(fx%name)), &
+            str_vs(fx%name), fx%attributes)
+          if (fx%state==ST_STOP) return
+        endif
+      elseif (namespaces_) then
+        ! Normal state of affairs
+        if (present(startElement_handler)) then
+          call startElement_handler(getURIofQName(fx, str_vs(fx%name)), &
+          getlocalNameofQName(str_vs(fx%name)), &
+          str_vs(fx%name), fx%attributes)
+          if (fx%state==ST_STOP) return
+        endif
+      else
+        ! Non-namespace aware processing
+        if (present(startElement_handler)) then
+          call startElement_handler("", "", &
+          str_vs(fx%name), fx%attributes)
+          if (fx%state==ST_STOP) return
+        endif
+      endif
+      if (validCheck) then
+        call push_elstack(fx%elstack, str_vs(fx%name), elem%cp)
+      else
+        call push_elstack(fx%elstack, str_vs(fx%name))
+      endif
+      call reset_dict(fx%attributes)
+    end subroutine open_tag
+    subroutine close_tag
+      character :: dummy
+      wf_stack(1) = wf_stack(1) - 1
+      if (wf_stack(1)<0) then
+        call add_error(fx%error_stack, &
+          'Ill-formed entity')
+        return
+      endif
+      if (str_vs(fx%name)/=get_top_elstack(fx%elstack)) then
+        call add_error(fx%error_stack, &
+          "Mismatching close tag: trying to close "//get_top_elstack(fx%elstack) &
+          //" with "//str_vs(fx%name))
+        return
+      endif
+      if (validCheck) then
+        if (.not.checkContentModelToEnd(fx%elstack)) then
+          call add_error(fx%error_stack, &
+            "Failed to fulfil content model for "//str_vs(fx%name))
+          return
+        endif
+      endif
+      dummy = pop_elstack(fx%elstack)
+      if (present(endElement_handler)) then
+        if (namespaces_.and.getURIofQName(fx,str_vs(fx%name))==invalidNS) then
+          ! no namespace was found for the current element, we must be
+          ! closing inside a DOM entity.
+          ! Record it as having an empty URI
+          call endElement_handler("", &
+            getlocalNameofQName(str_vs(fx%name)), &
+            str_vs(fx%name))
+        elseif (namespaces_) then
+          ! Normal state of affairs
+          call endElement_handler(getURIofQName(fx, str_vs(fx%name)), &
+            getlocalnameofQName(str_vs(fx%name)), &
+            str_vs(fx%name))
+        else
+          ! Non-namespace-aware processing:
+          call endElement_handler("", "", &
+            str_vs(fx%name))
+        endif
+        if (fx%state==ST_STOP) return
+      endif
+      if (namespaces_) then
+        call checkEndNamespaces(fx%nsDict, len(fx%elstack), &
+        endPrefixMapping_handler)
+        if (fx%state==ST_STOP) return
+      endif
+    end subroutine close_tag
+    subroutine add_entity
+      !Parameter or General Entity?
+      logical :: wfc
+      wfc = fb%f(1)%pe.or.inExtSubset
+      if (pe) then
+        !Does entity with this name exist?
+        if (.not.existing_entity(fx%xds%PEList, str_vs(fx%name))) then
+          ! Internal or external?
+          if (associated(fx%attname)) then ! it's internal
+            call register_internal_PE(fx%xds, &
+              name=str_vs(fx%name), text=str_vs(fx%attname), &
+              wfc=wfc, baseURI=copyURI(fb%f(1)%baseURI))
+            ! FIXME need to expand value here before reporting ...
+            if (present(internalEntityDecl_handler)) then
+              call internalEntityDecl_handler('%'//str_vs(fx%name), str_vs(fx%attname))
+              if (fx%state==ST_STOP) return
+            endif
+          else ! PE can't have Ndata declaration
+            URIref => parseURI(str_vs(fx%systemId))
+            if (.not.associated(URIref)) then
+              call add_error(fx%error_stack, "Invalid URI specified for SYSTEM")
+            elseif (hasFragment(URIref)) then
+              call add_error(fx%error_stack, "Fragment not permitted on SYSTEM URI")
+              call destroyURI(URIref)
+            else
+              newURI => rebaseURI(fb%f(1)%baseURI, URIref)
+              call destroyURI(URIref)
+              if (associated(fx%publicId)) then
+                call register_external_PE(fx%xds, name=str_vs(fx%name), &
+                  systemId=str_vs(fx%systemId), publicId=str_vs(fx%publicId), &
+                  wfc=wfc, baseURI=newURI)
+                if (present(externalEntityDecl_handler)) &
+                  call externalEntityDecl_handler('%'//str_vs(fx%name), &
+                  systemId=str_vs(fx%systemId), publicId=str_vs(fx%publicId))
+              else
+                call register_external_PE(fx%xds, name=str_vs(fx%name), &
+                  systemId=str_vs(fx%systemId), &
+                  wfc=wfc, baseURI=newURI)
+                if (present(externalEntityDecl_handler)) &
+                  call externalEntityDecl_handler('%'//str_vs(fx%name), &
+                  systemId=str_vs(fx%systemId), publicId="")
+              endif
+            endif
+          endif
+          ! else we ignore it
+        endif
+      else !It's a general entity
+        if (.not.existing_entity(fx%xds%entityList, str_vs(fx%name))) then
+          ! Internal or external?
+          if (associated(fx%attname)) then ! it's internal
+            call register_internal_GE(fx%xds, name=str_vs(fx%name), &
+              text=str_vs(fx%attname), &
+              wfc=wfc, baseURI=copyURI(fb%f(1)%baseURI))
+            if (present(internalEntityDecl_handler)) then
+              call internalEntityDecl_handler(str_vs(fx%name),&
+              str_vs(fx%attname))
+              if (fx%state==ST_STOP) return
+            endif
+          else
+            URIref => parseURI(str_vs(fx%systemId))
+            if (.not.associated(URIref)) then
+              call add_error(fx%error_stack, "Invalid URI specified for SYSTEM")
+            elseif (hasFragment(URIref)) then
+              call add_error(fx%error_stack, "Fragment not permitted on SYSTEM URI")
+              call destroyURI(URIref)
+            else
+              newURI => rebaseURI(fb%f(1)%baseURI, URIref)
+              call destroyURI(URIref)
+              if (associated(fx%publicId).and.associated(fx%Ndata)) then
+                call register_external_GE(fx%xds, name=str_vs(fx%name), &
+                  systemId=str_vs(fx%systemId), publicId=str_vs(fx%publicId), &
+                  notation=str_vs(fx%Ndata), &
+                  wfc=wfc, baseURI=newURI)
+                if (present(unparsedEntityDecl_handler)) &
+                  call unparsedEntityDecl_handler(str_vs(fx%name), &
+                  systemId=str_vs(fx%systemId), publicId=str_vs(fx%publicId), &
+                  notation=str_vs(fx%Ndata))
+              elseif (associated(fx%Ndata)) then
+                call register_external_GE(fx%xds, name=str_vs(fx%name), &
+                  systemId=str_vs(fx%systemId), notation=str_vs(fx%Ndata), &
+                  wfc=wfc, baseURI=newURI)
+                if (present(unparsedEntityDecl_handler)) &
+                  call unparsedEntityDecl_handler(str_vs(fx%name), publicId="", &
+                  systemId=str_vs(fx%systemId), notation=str_vs(fx%Ndata))
+              elseif (associated(fx%publicId)) then
+                call register_external_GE(fx%xds, name=str_vs(fx%name), &
+                  systemId=str_vs(fx%systemId), publicId=str_vs(fx%publicId), &
+                  wfc=wfc, baseURI=newURI)
+                if (present(externalEntityDecl_handler)) &
+                  call externalEntityDecl_handler(str_vs(fx%name), &
+                  systemId=str_vs(fx%systemId), publicId=str_vs(fx%publicId))
+              else
+                call register_external_GE(fx%xds, name=str_vs(fx%name), &
+                  systemId=str_vs(fx%systemId), wfc=wfc, baseURI=newURI)
+                if (present(externalEntityDecl_handler)) &
+                  call externalEntityDecl_handler(str_vs(fx%name), &
+                  systemId=str_vs(fx%systemId), publicId="")
+              endif
+            endif
+          endif
+        endif
+      endif
+    end subroutine add_entity
+    subroutine getDefaultAttributes(el, dict)
+      type(element_t), pointer :: el
+      type(dictionary_t), intent(inout) :: dict
+      type(attribute_t), pointer :: att
+      integer :: i, ind
+      character, pointer :: attValue(:)
+      do i = 1, size(el%attlist%list)
+        att => el%attlist%list(i)
+        call get_att_index_pointer(dict, str_vs(att%name), ind, attValue)
+        if (.not.associated(attValue)) then
+          if (att%attDefault==ATT_DEFAULT &
+            .or.att%attDefault==ATT_FIXED) then
+            call add_item_to_dict(dict, &
+              str_vs(att%name), str_vs(att%default), &
+              specified=.false., declared=.true.)
+          endif
+        endif
+      end do
+    end subroutine getDefaultAttributes
+    subroutine checkAttributes(el, dict)
+      type(element_t), pointer :: el
+      type(dictionary_t), intent(inout) :: dict
+      integer :: i, j
+      type(attribute_t), pointer :: att
+      type(string_list) :: s_list
+      character, pointer :: attValue(:), s(:)
+      integer :: ind
+      logical, allocatable :: attributesLeft(:)
+      allocate(attributesLeft(getLength(dict)))
+      attributesLeft = .true.
+      do i = 1, size(el%attlist%list)
+        att => el%attlist%list(i)
+        call get_att_index_pointer(dict, str_vs(att%name), ind, attValue)
+        if (associated(attValue)) attributesLeft(ind) = .false.
+        select case(att%attDefault)
+          if (.not.associated(attValue)) then
+            if (att%attDefault==ATT_REQUIRED) then
+              ! Validity Constraint: Required Attribute
+              call add_error(fx%error_stack, &
+                "REQUIRED attribute "//str_vs(att%name)//" not present")
+              return
+            elseif (att%attDefault==ATT_DEFAULT) then
+              if (fx%xds%standalone.and..not.att%internal) then
+                ! VC: Standalone document declaration"
+                call add_error(fx%error_stack, &
+                  "Externally-specifid default attribute used in non-standalone document")
+                return
+              else
+                call add_item_to_dict(dict, &
+                  str_vs(att%name), str_vs(att%default), &
+                  specified=.false., declared=.true.)
+              endif
+            endif
+          else
+            select case(att%attType)
+            case (ATT_ID)
+              ! VC: ID
+              if (namespaces_) then
+                nameOk = checkNCName(str_vs(attValue), fx%xds%xml_version)
+              else
+                nameOk = checkName(str_vs(attValue), fx%xds%xml_version)
+              endif
+              if (.not.nameOk) then
+                call add_error(fx%error_stack, &
+                  "Attributes of type ID must have a value which is an XML Name")
+                return
+              endif
+              if (registered_string(id_list, str_vs(attValue))) then
+                call add_error(fx%error_stack, &
+                  "Cannot declare the same ID twice")
+                return
+              endif
+              call add_string(id_list, str_vs(attValue))
+              call setIsId(dict, ind, .true.)
+              ! We don't need to check for duplicate ID & xml:ids on the same
+              ! element - if we are validating we'd already have noticed,
+              ! if we're not, it's not possible
+            case (ATT_IDREF)
+              ! VC: IDREF
+              if (namespaces_) then
+                nameOk = checkNCName(str_vs(attValue), fx%xds%xml_version)
+              else
+                nameOk = checkName(str_vs(attValue), fx%xds%xml_version)
+              endif
+              if (.not.nameOk) then
+                call add_error(fx%error_stack, &
+                  "Attributes of type IDREF must have a value which is an XML Name")
+                return
+              endif
+              ! FIXME in a namespaced document they must match QName
+              if (.not.registered_string(idref_list, str_vs(attValue))) &
+                call add_string(idref_list, str_vs(attValue))
+            case (ATT_IDREFS)
+              ! VC: IDREF
+              if (namespaces_) then
+                nameOk = checkNCNames(str_vs(attValue), fx%xds%xml_version)
+              else
+                nameOk = checkNames(str_vs(attValue), fx%xds%xml_version)
+              endif
+              if (.not.nameOk) then
+                call add_error(fx%error_stack, &
+                  "Attributes of type IDREFS must have a value which contains only XML Names")
+                return
+              endif
+              call tokenize_and_add_strings(idref_list, str_vs(attValue), .true.)
+            case (ATT_ENTITY)
+              ! VC: Entity Name
+              if (namespaces_) then
+                nameOk = checkNCName(str_vs(attValue), fx%xds%xml_version)
+              else
+                nameOk = checkName(str_vs(attValue), fx%xds%xml_version)
+              endif
+              if (.not.nameOk) then
+                call add_error(fx%error_stack, &
+                  "Attributes of type ENTITY must have a value which is an XML Name")
+                return
+              endif
+              ent => getEntityByName(fx%xds%entityList, str_vs(attValue))
+              if (associated(ent)) then
+                if (.not.is_unparsed_entity(ent)) then
+                  ! Validity Constraint: Entity Name
+                  call add_error(fx%error_stack, &
+                    "Attribute "//str_vs(att%name) &
+                    //" of element "//str_vs(el%name) &
+                    //" declared as ENTITY refers to parsed entity")
+                  return
+                endif
+              else
+                ! Validity Constraint: Entity Name
+                call add_error(fx%error_stack, &
+                  "Attribute "//str_vs(att%name) &
+                  //" of element "//str_vs(el%name) &
+                  //" declared as ENTITY refers to non-existent entity")
+                return
+              endif
+            case (ATT_ENTITIES)
+              ! VC: Entity Name
+              if (namespaces_) then
+                nameOk = checkNCNames(str_vs(attValue), fx%xds%xml_version)
+              else
+                nameOk = checkNames(str_vs(attValue), fx%xds%xml_version)
+              endif
+              if (.not.nameOk) then
+                call add_error(fx%error_stack, &
+                  "Attributes of type ENTITIES must have a value which contains only XML Names")
+                return
+              endif
+              s_list = tokenize_to_string_list(str_vs(attValue))
+              do j = 1, size(s_list%list)
+                s => s_list%list(j)%s
+                ent => getEntityByName(fx%xds%entityList, str_vs(s))
+                if (associated(ent)) then
+                  if (.not.is_unparsed_entity(ent)) then
+                    ! Validity Constraint: Entity Name
+                    call add_error(fx%error_stack, &
+                      "Attribute "//str_vs(att%name) &
+                      //" of element "//str_vs(el%name) &
+                      //" declared as ENTITIES refers to parsed entity "&
+                      //str_vs(s))
+                    call destroy_string_list(s_list)
+                    return
+                  endif
+                else
+                  ! Validity Constraint: Entity Name
+                  call add_error(fx%error_stack, &
+                    "Attribute "//str_vs(att%name) &
+                    //" of element "//str_vs(el%name) &
+                    //" declared as ENTITIES refers to non-existent entity "&
+                    //str_vs(s))
+                  call destroy_string_list(s_list)
+                  return
+                endif
+              enddo
+              call destroy_string_list(s_list)
+            case (ATT_NMTOKEN)
+              ! VC Name Token
+              if (.not.checkNmtoken(str_vs(attValue), fx%xds%xml_version)) then
+                call add_error(fx%error_stack, &
+                  "Attributes of type NMTOKEN must have a value which is a NMTOKEN")
+                return
+              endif
+            case (ATT_NMTOKENS)
+              ! VC: Name Token
+              if (.not.checkNmtokens(str_vs(attValue), fx%xds%xml_version)) then
+                call add_error(fx%error_stack, &
+                  "Attributes of type NMTOKENS must have a value which contain only NMTOKENs")
+                return
+              endif
+            case (ATT_NOTATION)
+              ! VC: Notation Attributes
+              if (namespaces_) then
+                nameOk = checkNCName(str_vs(attValue), fx%xds%xml_version)
+              else
+                nameOk = checkName(str_vs(attValue), fx%xds%xml_version)
+              endif
+              if (.not.nameOk) then
+                call add_error(fx%error_stack, &
+                  "Attributes of type NOTATION must have a value which is an XML Name")
+                return
+              endif
+              if (.not.notation_exists(fx%nlist, str_vs(attValue))) then
+                ! Validity Constraint: Notation Attributes
+                call add_error(fx%error_stack, &
+                  "Attribute "//str_vs(att%name) &
+                  //" declared as NOTATION refers to non-existent notation "&
+                  //str_vs(attValue))
+                return
+              endif
+              if (att%attDefault==ATT_REQUIRED) then
+                if (.not.registered_string(att%enumerations, str_vs(attValue))) &
+                  call add_error(fx%error_stack, &
+                  "NOTATION attribute is not among declared values.")
+              endif
+            case (ATT_ENUM)
+              ! VC: Notation Attributes
+              if (.not.checkNmtoken(str_vs(attValue), fx%xds%xml_version)) then
+                call add_error(fx%error_stack, &
+                  "Attributes of type ENUM must have a value which is an NMTOKEN")
+                return
+              endif
+              if (.not.registered_string(att%enumerations, str_vs(attValue))) then
+                ! Validity Constraint: Enumeration
+                call add_error(fx%error_stack, &
+                  "Attribute "//str_vs(att%name) &
+                  //" of element "//str_vs(el%name) &
+                  //" declared as ENUM refers to undeclared enumeration "&
+                  //str_vs(attValue))
+                return
+              endif
+            end select
+          endif
+        case (ATT_FIXED)
+          if (associated(attValue)) then
+            if (str_vs(att%default)//"x"/=str_vs(attValue)//"x") then
+              ! Validity Constraint: Fixed Attribute Default
+              call add_error(fx%error_stack, &
+                "FIXED attribute has wrong value")
+              return
+            endif
+          else
+            if (fx%xds%standalone.and..not.att%internal) then
+              ! VC: Standalone document declaration"
+              call add_error(fx%error_stack, &
+                "Externally-specified default attribute used in non-standalone document")
+              return
+            else
+              call add_item_to_dict(dict, &
+                str_vs(att%name), str_vs(att%default), &
+                specified=.false., declared=.true.)
+            endif
+          endif
+        end select
+      enddo
+      if (any(attributesLeft)) &
+        call add_error(fx%error_stack, &
+        "Undeclared attributes forbidden")
+    end subroutine checkAttributes
+    subroutine checkXMLAttributes
+      integer :: ind
+      character, pointer :: attValue(:)
+      ! These must all be done with the name of the attribute,
+      ! not the nsURI/localname pair, in case we are
+      ! processing for a non-namespace aware application
+      if (has_key(fx%attributes, 'xml:space')) then
+        if (get_value(fx%attributes, 'xml:space')/='default' &
+          .and. get_value(fx%attributes, 'xml:space')/='preserve') then
+          call add_error(fx%error_stack, 'Illegal value of xml:space attribute')
+          return
+        endif
+      endif
+      call get_att_index_pointer(fx%attributes, "xml:id", ind, attValue)
+      if (associated(attValue)) then
+        ! Per xml:id spec, NCName even in non-namespace aware document
+        if (.not.checkNCName(str_vs(attValue), fx%xds%xml_version)) then
+          call add_error(fx%error_stack, &
+            "xml:id attributes must have values which are NCNames")
+          return
+        elseif (registered_string(id_list, str_vs(attValue))) then
+          call add_error(fx%error_stack, &
+            "xml:id attributes must be unique within a document")
+          return
+        endif
+        call add_string(id_list, str_vs(attValue))
+        call setIsId(fx%attributes, ind, .true.)
+      endif
+      if (has_key(fx%attributes, "xml:base")) then
+        URIref => parseURI(get_value(fx%attributes,"xml:base"))
+        if (.not.associated(URIref)) then
+          call add_error(fx%error_stack, &
+            "Invalid URI reference specified for xml:base attribute")
+        else
+          call destroyURI(URIref)
+        endif
+      endif
+      !if (has_key(fx%attributes, 'xml:lang')) then
+      !   We never care about this at the SAX level.
+      !endif
+    end subroutine checkXMLAttributes
+    subroutine endDTDchecks
+      type(element_t), pointer :: el
+      type(attribute_t), pointer :: att
+      type(entity_t), pointer :: ent
+      type(string_list) :: s_list
+      character, pointer :: s(:)
+      integer :: i, j, k
+      if (present(FoX_endDTD_handler)) then
+        fx%xds_used = .true.
+        call FoX_endDTD_handler(fx%xds)
+      endif
+      if (present(endDTD_handler)) then
+        call endDTD_handler()
+        if (fx%state==ST_STOP) return
+      endif
+      ! Check that all notations used have been declared:
+      if (validCheck) then
+        do i = 1, size(fx%xds%entityList)
+          ent => getEntityByIndex(fx%xds%entityList, i)
+          if (str_vs(ent%notation)/="" &
+            .and..not.notation_exists(fx%nlist, str_vs(ent%notation))) then
+            ! Validity Constraint: Notation Declared
+            call add_error(fx%error_stack, "Attempt to use undeclared notation")
+            exit
+          endif
+        enddo
+        validLoop: do i = 1, size(fx%xds%element_list%list)
+          el => fx%xds%element_list%list(i)
+          do j = 1, size(el%attlist%list)
+            att => el%attlist%list(j)
+            ! For NOTATION, need to check enumerated as well as default ...
+            if (att%attType==ATT_NOTATION) then
+              do k = 1, size(att%enumerations%list)
+                s => att%enumerations%list(k)%s
+                if (.not.notation_exists(fx%nlist, str_vs(s))) then
+                  ! Validity Constraint: Notation Attributes
+                  call add_error(fx%error_stack, &
+                    "Enumerated NOTATION in "//str_vs(att%name) &
+                    //" of element "//str_vs(el%name) &
+                    //" refers to non-existent notation")
+                  call destroy(s_list)
+                  exit validLoop
+                endif
+              enddo
+              if (associated(att%default)) then
+                s_list = tokenize_to_string_list(str_vs(att%default))
+                do k = 1, size(s_list%list)
+                  s => s_list%list(k)%s
+                  if (.not.notation_exists(fx%nlist, str_vs(s))) then
+                    ! Validity Constraint: Notation Attributes
+                    call add_error(fx%error_stack, &
+                      "Attribute "//str_vs(att%name) &
+                      //" of element "//str_vs(el%name) &
+                      //" declared as NOTATION refers to non-existent notation")
+                    call destroy(s_list)
+                    exit validLoop
+                  endif
+                enddo
+                call destroy(s_list)
+              endif
+            endif
+          enddo
+        enddo validLoop
+      endif
+    end subroutine endDTDchecks
+    subroutine checkIdRefs
+      integer :: i
+      character, pointer :: s(:)
+      do i = 1, size(idRef_list%list)
+        s => idRef_list%list(i)%s
+        if (.not.registered_string(id_list, str_vs(s))) then
+          call add_error(fx%error_stack, &
+            "Reference to undeclared ID "//str_vs(s))
+          return
+        endif
+      enddo
+    end subroutine checkIdRefs
+  end subroutine sax_parse
+  subroutine sax_error(fx, error_handler)
+    type(sax_parser_t), intent(inout) :: fx
+    optional :: error_handler
+    interface
+      subroutine error_handler(msg)
+        character(len=*), intent(in)     :: msg
+      end subroutine error_handler
+    end interface
+    character, dimension(:), pointer :: errmsg
+    integer :: i, m, n, n_err
+    n = size(fx%error_stack%stack)
+    n_err = n
+    do i = 1, n
+      n_err = n_err + size(fx%error_stack%stack(i)%msg) ! + spaces + size of entityref
+    enddo
+    allocate(errmsg(n_err))
+    errmsg = ''
+    n = 1
+    do i = 1, size(fx%error_stack%stack)
+      m = size(fx%error_stack%stack(i)%msg)
+      errmsg(n:n+m-1) = fx%error_stack%stack(i)%msg
+      errmsg(n+m:n+m) = " "
+      n = n + m + 1
+    enddo
+    ! FIXME put location information in here
+    if (present(error_handler)) then
+      call error_handler(str_vs(errmsg))
+      deallocate(errmsg)
+      if (fx%state==ST_STOP) return
+    else
+      call FoX_error(str_vs(errmsg))
+    endif
+  end subroutine sax_error
+  pure function URIlength(fx, qname) result(l_u)
+    type(sax_parser_t), intent(in) :: fx
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: qName
+    integer :: l_u
+    integer :: n
+    n = index(QName, ':')
+    if (n > 0) then
+      l_u = len(getnamespaceURI(fx%nsDict, QName(1:n-1)))
+    else
+      l_u = len(getnamespaceURI(fx%nsDict))
+    endif
+  end function URIlength
+  pure function getURIofQName(fx, qname) result(URI)
+    type(sax_parser_t), intent(in) :: fx
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: qName
+    character(len=URIlength(fx, qname)) :: URI
+    integer :: n
+    n = index(QName, ':')
+    if (n > 0) then
+      URI = getnamespaceURI(fx%nsDict, QName(1:n-1))
+    else
+      URI = getnamespaceURI(fx%nsDict)
+    endif
+  end function getURIofQName
+  pure function getLocalNameofQName(qname) result(localName)
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: qName
+    character(len=len(QName)-index(QName,':')) :: localName
+    localName = QName(index(QName,':')+1:)
+  end function getLocalNameofQName
+end module m_sax_parser
diff --git a/sax/m_sax_reader.F90 b/sax/m_sax_reader.F90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4693ff7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sax/m_sax_reader.F90
@@ -0,0 +1,402 @@
+module m_sax_reader
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+  use fox_m_fsys_array_str, only: str_vs, vs_str_alloc, vs_vs_alloc
+  use fox_m_fsys_format, only: operator(//)
+  use m_common_charset, only: XML1_0
+  use m_common_error,  only: error_stack, FoX_error, in_error, add_error
+  use m_common_io, only: setup_io, get_unit, io_err
+  use FoX_utils, only: URI, parseURI, copyURI, destroyURI, &
+    hasScheme, getScheme, getPath
+  use m_sax_xml_source, only: xml_source_t, &
+    get_char_from_file, push_file_chars, parse_declaration
+  implicit none
+  private
+  type file_buffer_t
+    !FIXME private
+    type(xml_source_t), pointer :: f(:) => null()
+    logical                     :: standalone = .false.
+    integer                     :: xml_version = XML1_0
+  end type file_buffer_t
+  public :: file_buffer_t
+  public :: line
+  public :: column
+  public :: open_file
+  public :: close_file
+  public :: open_new_file
+  public :: push_chars
+  public :: get_character
+  public :: get_all_characters
+  public :: open_new_string
+  public :: pop_buffer_stack
+  public :: parse_xml_declaration
+  public :: parse_text_declaration
+  public :: reading_main_file
+  public :: reading_first_entity
+  subroutine open_file(fb, iostat, file, lun, string, es)
+    type(file_buffer_t), intent(out)  :: fb
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: file
+    integer, intent(out)              :: iostat
+    integer, intent(in), optional     :: lun
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: string
+    type(error_stack), intent(inout) :: es
+    type(URI), pointer :: fileURI
+    iostat = 0
+    call setup_io()
+    if (present(string)) then
+      if (present(file)) then
+        call FoX_error("Cannot specify both file and string input to open_xml")
+      elseif (present(lun)) then
+        call FoX_error("Cannot specify lun for string input to open_xml")
+      endif
+      fileURI => parseURI("")
+      call open_new_string(fb, string, "", baseURI=fileURI)
+    else
+      fileURI => parseURI(file)
+      if (.not.associated(fileURI)) then
+        call add_error(es, "Could not open file "//file//" - not a valid URI")
+        return
+      endif
+      call open_new_file(fb, fileURI, iostat, lun)
+    endif
+    call destroyURI(fileURI)
+  end subroutine open_file
+  subroutine open_new_file(fb, baseURI, iostat, lun, pe)
+    type(file_buffer_t), intent(inout)  :: fb
+    integer, intent(out) :: iostat
+    type(URI), pointer :: baseURI
+    integer, intent(in), optional :: lun
+    logical, intent(in), optional :: pe
+    integer :: i
+    type(xml_source_t) :: f
+    type(xml_source_t), pointer :: temp(:)
+    logical :: pe_
+    if (present(pe)) then
+      pe_ = pe
+    else
+      pe_ = .false.
+    endif
+    if (hasScheme(baseURI)) then
+      if (getScheme(baseURI)/="file") then
+        iostat = io_err
+        return
+      endif
+    endif
+    call open_actual_file(f, getPath(baseURI), iostat, lun)
+    if (iostat==0) then
+      if (.not.associated(fb%f)) allocate(fb%f(0))
+      ! First file
+      temp => fb%f
+      allocate(fb%f(size(temp)+1))
+      do i = 1, size(temp)
+        fb%f(i+1)%lun = temp(i)%lun
+        fb%f(i+1)%xml_version = temp(i)%xml_version
+        fb%f(i+1)%encoding => temp(i)%encoding
+        fb%f(i+1)%filename => temp(i)%filename
+        fb%f(i+1)%line = temp(i)%line
+        fb%f(i+1)%col = temp(i)%col
+        fb%f(i+1)%startChar = temp(i)%startChar
+        fb%f(i+1)%next_chars => temp(i)%next_chars
+        fb%f(i+1)%input_string => temp(i)%input_string
+        fb%f(i+1)%baseURI => temp(i)%baseURI
+        fb%f(i+1)%pe = temp(i)%pe
+      enddo
+      deallocate(temp)
+      fb%f(1)%lun = f%lun
+      fb%f(1)%filename => f%filename
+      if (pe_) then
+        fb%f(1)%next_chars => vs_str_alloc(" ")
+      else
+        fb%f(1)%next_chars => vs_str_alloc("")
+      endif
+      fb%f(1)%pe = pe_
+      fb%f(1)%baseURI => copyURI(baseURI)
+    endif
+  end subroutine open_new_file
+  subroutine open_actual_file(f, file, iostat, lun)
+    type(xml_source_t), intent(out)    :: f
+    character(len=*), intent(in)     :: file
+    integer, intent(out)             :: iostat
+    integer, intent(in), optional    :: lun
+    if (present(lun)) then
+      f%lun = lun
+    else
+      call get_unit(f%lun, iostat)
+      if (iostat/=0) return
+    endif
+    open(unit=f%lun, file=file, form="formatted", status="old", &
+      action="read", position="rewind", iostat=iostat)
+    if (iostat/=0) return
+    f%filename => vs_str_alloc(file)
+  end subroutine open_actual_file
+  subroutine close_file(fb)
+    type(file_buffer_t), intent(inout)  :: fb
+    integer :: i
+    do i = 1, size(fb%f)
+      call close_actual_file(fb%f(i))
+    enddo
+    deallocate(fb%f)
+  end subroutine close_file
+  subroutine close_actual_file(f)
+    type(xml_source_t), intent(inout)    :: f
+    deallocate(f%filename)
+    if (f%lun>0) then
+      close(f%lun)
+    else
+      deallocate(f%input_string%s)
+      deallocate(f%input_string)
+    endif
+    if (associated(f%encoding)) deallocate(f%encoding)
+    f%line = 0
+    f%col = 0
+    deallocate(f%next_chars)
+    call destroyURI(f%baseURI)
+  end subroutine close_actual_file
+  subroutine open_new_string(fb, string, name, baseURI, pe)
+    type(file_buffer_t), intent(inout) :: fb
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: string
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
+    type(URI), pointer :: baseURI
+    logical, intent(in), optional :: pe
+    integer :: i
+    type(xml_source_t), pointer :: temp(:)
+    logical :: pe_
+    if (present(pe)) then
+      pe_ = pe
+    else
+      pe_ = .false.
+    endif
+    if (.not.associated(fb%f)) allocate(fb%f(0))
+    temp => fb%f
+    allocate(fb%f(size(temp)+1))
+    do i = 1, size(temp)
+      fb%f(i+1)%lun = temp(i)%lun
+      fb%f(i+1)%xml_version = temp(i)%xml_version
+      fb%f(i+1)%encoding => temp(i)%encoding
+      fb%f(i+1)%filename => temp(i)%filename
+      fb%f(i+1)%line = temp(i)%line
+      fb%f(i+1)%col = temp(i)%col
+      fb%f(i+1)%startChar = temp(i)%startChar
+      fb%f(i+1)%next_chars => temp(i)%next_chars
+      fb%f(i+1)%input_string => temp(i)%input_string
+      fb%f(i+1)%baseURI => temp(i)%baseURI
+      fb%f(i+1)%pe = temp(i)%pe
+    enddo
+    deallocate(temp)
+    allocate(fb%f(1)%input_string)
+    fb%f(1)%filename => vs_str_alloc(name)
+    fb%f(1)%input_string%s => vs_str_alloc(string)
+    if (pe_) then
+      fb%f(1)%next_chars => vs_str_alloc(" ")
+    else
+      fb%f(1)%next_chars => vs_str_alloc("")
+    endif
+    fb%f(1)%pe = pe_
+    if (associated(baseURI)) then
+      fb%f(1)%baseURI => copyURI(baseURI)
+    else
+      fb%f(1)%baseURI => copyURI(fb%f(2)%baseURI)
+    endif
+  end subroutine open_new_string 
+  subroutine pop_buffer_stack(fb)
+    type(file_buffer_t), intent(inout) :: fb
+    integer :: i
+    type(xml_source_t), pointer :: temp(:)
+    call close_actual_file(fb%f(1))
+    temp => fb%f
+    allocate(fb%f(size(temp)-1))
+    do i = 1, size(temp)-1
+      fb%f(i)%lun = temp(i+1)%lun
+      fb%f(i)%xml_version = temp(i+1)%xml_version
+      fb%f(i)%encoding => temp(i+1)%encoding
+      fb%f(i)%filename => temp(i+1)%filename
+      fb%f(i)%line = temp(i+1)%line
+      fb%f(i)%col = temp(i+1)%col
+      fb%f(i)%startChar = temp(i+1)%startChar
+      fb%f(i)%next_chars => temp(i+1)%next_chars
+      fb%f(i)%input_string => temp(i+1)%input_string
+      fb%f(i)%baseURI => temp(i+1)%baseURI
+      fb%f(i)%pe = temp(i+1)%pe
+    enddo
+    deallocate(temp)
+  end subroutine pop_buffer_stack
+  subroutine push_chars(fb, s)
+    type(file_buffer_t), intent(inout) :: fb
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: s
+    call push_file_chars(fb%f(1), s)
+  end subroutine push_chars
+  function get_character(fb, eof, es) result(string)
+    type(file_buffer_t), intent(inout) :: fb
+    logical, intent(out) :: eof
+    type(error_stack), intent(inout) :: es
+    character(len=1) :: string
+    type(xml_source_t), pointer :: f
+    character, pointer :: temp(:)
+    f => fb%f(1)
+    if (size(f%next_chars)>0) then
+      eof = .false.
+      string = f%next_chars(1)
+      if (size(f%next_chars)>1) then
+        temp => vs_str_alloc(str_vs(f%next_chars(2:)))
+      else
+        temp => vs_str_alloc("")
+      endif
+      deallocate(f%next_chars)
+      f%next_chars => temp
+    else
+      string = get_char_from_file(f, fb%xml_version, eof, es)
+    endif
+  end function get_character
+  function get_all_characters(fb, es) result(s)
+    type(file_buffer_t), intent(inout) :: fb
+    type(error_stack), intent(inout) :: es
+    character, pointer :: s(:)
+    logical :: eof
+    character :: c
+    character, pointer :: temp(:)
+    eof = .false.
+    s => vs_str_alloc("")
+    do while (.not.eof)
+      c = get_character(fb, eof, es)
+      if (eof.or.in_error(es)) return
+      temp => vs_str_alloc(str_vs(s)//c)
+      deallocate(s)
+      s => temp
+    enddo
+  end function get_all_characters
+  function line(fb) result(n)
+    type(file_buffer_t), intent(in) :: fb
+    integer :: n
+    n = fb%f(1)%line
+  end function line
+  function column(fb) result(n)
+    type(file_buffer_t), intent(in) :: fb
+    integer :: n
+    n = fb%f(1)%col
+  end function column
+  subroutine parse_xml_declaration(fb, xv, enc, sa, es)
+    type(file_buffer_t), intent(inout) :: fb
+    integer, intent(out) :: xv
+    character, pointer :: enc(:)
+    logical, intent(out) :: sa
+    type(error_stack), intent(inout) :: es
+    logical :: eof
+    call parse_declaration(fb%f(1), eof, es, sa)
+    if (eof.or.in_error(es)) then
+      call add_error(es, "Error parsing XML declaration")
+    else
+      fb%xml_version = fb%f(1)%xml_version
+      xv = fb%xml_version
+      enc => vs_vs_alloc(fb%f(1)%encoding)
+    endif
+  end subroutine parse_xml_declaration
+  subroutine parse_text_declaration(fb, es)
+    type(file_buffer_t), intent(inout) :: fb
+    type(error_stack), intent(inout) :: es
+    logical :: eof
+    integer :: xv
+    xv = fb%f(size(fb%f))%xml_version
+    call parse_declaration(fb%f(1), eof, es)
+    if (in_error(es)) then
+      call add_error(es, "Error parsing text declaration")
+      return
+    elseif (xv==XML1_0.and.fb%f(1)%xml_version/=XML1_0) then
+      call add_error(es, "XML 1.0 document cannot reference entities with higher version numbers")
+      return
+    endif
+  end subroutine parse_text_declaration
+  function reading_main_file(fb) result(p)
+    type(file_buffer_t), intent(in) :: fb
+    logical :: p
+    p = (size(fb%f)==1)
+  end function reading_main_file
+ function reading_first_entity(fb) result(p)
+    type(file_buffer_t), intent(in) :: fb
+    logical :: p
+    p = (size(fb%f)==2)
+  end function reading_first_entity
+end module m_sax_reader
diff --git a/sax/m_sax_tokenizer.F90 b/sax/m_sax_tokenizer.F90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..97824fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sax/m_sax_tokenizer.F90
@@ -0,0 +1,1185 @@
+module m_sax_tokenizer
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+  use fox_m_fsys_array_str, only: vs_str, str_vs, vs_str_alloc
+  use m_common_charset, only: XML_WHITESPACE, &
+    upperCase, isInitialNameChar
+  use m_common_error, only: add_error, in_error
+  use m_common_entities, only: entity_t, existing_entity, &
+    expand_entity_text, expand_char_entity, &
+    add_internal_entity, pop_entity_list, getEntityByName
+  use m_common_namecheck, only: checkName, checkCharacterEntityReference
+  use m_sax_reader, only: file_buffer_t, open_new_file, pop_buffer_stack, &
+    push_chars, get_character, get_all_characters, &
+    parse_text_declaration
+  use m_sax_types ! everything, really
+#ifdef PGF90
+  use fox_m_utils_uri, only: URI
+  implicit none
+  private
+  public :: sax_tokenize
+  public :: normalize_attribute_text
+  public :: expand_pe_text
+  subroutine sax_tokenize(fx, fb, eof)
+    type(sax_parser_t), intent(inout) :: fx
+    type(file_buffer_t), intent(inout) :: fb
+    logical, intent(out) :: eof
+    character :: c, q
+    integer :: xv, phrase
+    logical :: firstChar, ws_discard
+    character, pointer :: tempString(:)
+    xv = fx%xds%xml_version
+    if (associated(fx%token)) deallocate(fx%token)
+    fx%token => vs_str_alloc("")
+    if (fx%nextTokenType/=TOK_NULL) then
+      eof = .false.
+      fx%tokenType = fx%nextTokenType
+      fx%nextTokenType = TOK_NULL
+      return
+    endif
+    fx%tokentype = TOK_NULL
+    q = " "
+    phrase = 0
+    firstChar = .true.
+    ws_discard = .false.
+    do
+      c = get_character(fb, eof, fx%error_stack)
+      if (eof) then
+        if (fx%state==ST_CHAR_IN_CONTENT) then
+          if (phrase==1) then
+            tempString => fx%token
+            fx%token => vs_str_alloc(str_vs(fx%token)//"]")
+            deallocate(tempString)
+          elseif (phrase==2) then
+            tempString => fx%token
+            fx%token => vs_str_alloc(str_vs(fx%token)//"]]")
+            deallocate(tempString)
+          endif
+          fx%tokenType = TOK_CHAR
+        endif
+        if (fx%tokenType/=TOK_NULL) then
+          ! make sure we pass back this token before eof'ing
+          eof = .false.
+          return
+        endif
+      endif
+      if (eof.or.in_error(fx%error_stack)) return
+      if (fx%inIntSubset) then
+        tempString => fx%xds%intSubset
+        fx%xds%intSubset => vs_str_alloc(str_vs(tempString)//c)
+        deallocate(tempString)
+      endif
+      select case (fx%state)
+      case (ST_MISC)
+        if (firstChar) ws_discard = .true.
+        if (ws_discard) then
+          if (verify(c, XML_WHITESPACE)>0) then
+            if (c=="<") then
+              ws_discard = .false.
+            else
+              call add_error(fx%error_stack, "Unexpected character found outside content")
+            endif
+          endif
+        else
+          if (c=="?") then
+            fx%tokenType = TOK_PI_TAG
+          elseif (c=="!") then
+            fx%tokenType = TOK_BANG_TAG
+          elseif (isInitialNameChar(c, xv)) then
+            call push_chars(fb, c)
+            fx%tokenType = TOK_OPEN_TAG
+          else
+            call add_error(fx%error_stack, "Unexpected character after <")
+          endif
+        endif
+      case (ST_BANG_TAG)
+        if (firstChar) then
+          if (c=="-") then
+            phrase = 1
+          elseif (c=="[") then
+            fx%tokenType = TOK_OPEN_SB
+          elseif (verify(c,upperCase)==0) then
+            deallocate(fx%token)
+            fx%token => vs_str_alloc(c)
+          else
+            call add_error(fx%error_stack, "Unexpected character after <!")
+          endif
+        elseif (phrase==1) then
+          if (c=="-") then
+            fx%tokenType = TOK_OPEN_COMMENT
+          else
+            call add_error(fx%error_stack, "Unexpected character after <!-")
+          endif
+        elseif (verify(c,XML_WHITESPACE)>0) then
+          tempString => fx%token
+          fx%token => vs_str_alloc(str_vs(tempString)//c)
+          deallocate(tempString)
+        else
+          call push_chars(fb, c)
+          fx%tokenType = TOK_NAME
+        endif
+      case (ST_START_PI)
+        ! grab until whitespace or ?
+        if (verify(c, XML_WHITESPACE//"?")>0) then
+          tempString => fx%token
+          fx%token => vs_str_alloc(str_vs(tempString)//c)
+          deallocate(tempString)
+        else
+          fx%tokenType = TOK_NAME
+          if (c=="?") call push_chars(fb, c)
+        endif
+      case (ST_PI_CONTENTS)
+        if (firstChar) ws_discard = .true.
+        if (ws_discard) then
+          if (verify(c, XML_WHITESPACE)/=0) then
+            ws_discard = .false.
+          else
+            cycle
+          endif
+        endif
+        if (phrase==1) then
+          if (c==">") then
+            fx%tokenType = TOK_CHAR
+            fx%nextTokenType = TOK_PI_END
+          elseif (c=="?") then
+            ! The last ? didn't mean anything, but this one might.
+            tempString => fx%token
+            fx%token => vs_str_alloc(str_vs(tempString)//"?")
+            deallocate(tempString)
+          else
+            phrase = 0
+            tempString => fx%token
+            fx%token => vs_str_alloc(str_vs(tempString)//"?"//c)
+            deallocate(tempString)
+          endif
+        elseif (c=="?") then
+          phrase = 1
+        else
+          tempString => fx%token
+          fx%token => vs_str_alloc(str_vs(tempString)//c)
+          deallocate(tempString)
+        endif
+      case (ST_START_COMMENT)
+        select case(phrase)
+        case (0)
+          if (c=="-") then
+            phrase = 1
+          else
+          tempString => fx%token
+          fx%token => vs_str_alloc(str_vs(tempString)//c)
+          deallocate(tempString)
+          endif
+        case (1)
+          if (c=="-") then
+            phrase = 2
+          else
+          tempString => fx%token
+          fx%token => vs_str_alloc(str_vs(tempString)//"-"//c)
+          deallocate(tempString)
+            phrase = 0
+          endif
+        case (2)
+          if (c==">") then
+            fx%tokenType = TOK_CHAR
+            fx%nextTokenType = TOK_COMMENT_END
+            exit
+          else
+            call add_error(fx%error_stack, &
+              "Expecting > after -- inside a comment.")
+          endif
+        end select
+      case (ST_START_TAG)
+        ! grab until whitespace or /, >
+        if (verify(c, XML_WHITESPACE//"/>")>0) then
+          tempString => fx%token
+          fx%token => vs_str_alloc(str_vs(tempString)//c)
+          deallocate(tempString)
+        else
+          fx%tokenType = TOK_NAME
+          if (c==">") then
+            fx%nextTokenType = TOK_END_TAG
+          else
+            call push_chars(fb, c)
+          endif
+        endif
+        if (firstChar) then
+          if (verify(c, XML_WHITESPACE)==0) then
+            call add_error(fx%error_stack, &
+              "Whitespace not allowed around CDATA in section declaration")
+          else
+            deallocate(fx%token)
+            fx%token => vs_str_alloc(c)
+            ws_discard = .false.
+          endif
+        else
+          if (verify(c, XML_WHITESPACE)==0) then
+            call add_error(fx%error_stack, &
+              "Whitespace not allowed around CDATA in section declaration")
+          elseif (c=="[") then
+            fx%tokenType = TOK_NAME
+            if (c=="[") fx%nextTokenType = TOK_OPEN_SB
+          else
+            tempString => fx%token
+            fx%token => vs_str_alloc(str_vs(tempString)//c)
+            deallocate(tempString)
+          endif
+        endif
+      case (ST_CDATA_CONTENTS)
+        select case(phrase)
+        case (0)
+          if (c=="]") then
+            phrase = 1
+          else
+            tempString => fx%token
+            fx%token => vs_str_alloc(str_vs(tempString)//c)
+            deallocate(tempString)
+          endif
+        case (1)
+          if (c=="]") then
+            phrase = 2
+          else
+            tempString => fx%token
+            fx%token => vs_str_alloc(str_vs(tempString)//"]"//c)
+            deallocate(tempString)
+            phrase = 0
+          endif
+        case (2)
+          if (c==">") then
+            fx%tokenType = TOK_CHAR
+            fx%nextTokenType = TOK_SECTION_END
+          elseif (c=="]") then
+            tempString => fx%token
+            fx%token => vs_str_alloc(str_vs(tempString)//"]")
+            deallocate(tempString)
+          else
+            tempString => fx%token
+            fx%token => vs_str_alloc(str_vs(tempString)//"]]"//c)
+            deallocate(tempString)
+            phrase = 0
+          endif
+        end select
+      case (ST_IN_TAG)
+        if (firstChar) then
+          if (verify(c,XML_WHITESPACE//"/>")>0) then
+            call add_error(fx%error_stack, &
+              "Whitespace required inside tag")
+            exit
+          endif
+          ws_discard = .true.
+        endif
+        if (ws_discard) then
+          if (verify(c,XML_WHITESPACE)>0) then
+            if (c==">") then
+              fx%tokenType = TOK_END_TAG
+            elseif (c=="/") then
+              phrase = 1
+              ws_discard = .false.
+            else
+              deallocate(fx%token)
+              fx%token => vs_str_alloc(c)
+              ws_discard = .false.
+            endif
+          endif
+        else
+          if (phrase==1) then
+            if (c==">") then
+              fx%tokenType = TOK_END_TAG_CLOSE
+            else
+              call add_error(fx%error_stack, &
+                "Unexpected character after / in element tag")
+              exit
+            endif
+          else
+            if (verify(c,XML_WHITESPACE//"=/>")==0) then
+              fx%tokenType = TOK_NAME
+              if (c=="=") then
+                fx%nextTokenType = TOK_EQUALS
+              elseif (c==">") then
+                fx%nextTokenType = TOK_END_TAG
+              else
+                call push_chars(fb, c)
+              endif
+            else
+              tempString => fx%token
+              fx%token => vs_str_alloc(str_vs(tempString)//c)
+              deallocate(tempString)
+            endif
+          endif
+        endif
+      case (ST_ATT_NAME)
+        if (firstChar) ws_discard = .true.
+        if (ws_discard) then
+          if (verify(c,XML_WHITESPACE)>0) then
+            if (c=="=") then
+              fx%tokenType = TOK_EQUALS
+            else
+              call add_error(fx%error_stack, &
+                "Unexpected character in element tag, expected =")
+            endif
+          endif
+        endif
+      case (ST_ATT_EQUALS)
+        if (firstChar) ws_discard = .true.
+        if (ws_discard) then
+          if (verify(c,XML_WHITESPACE)>0) then
+            if (verify(c,"'""")==0) then
+              q = c
+              ws_discard = .false.
+            else
+              call add_error(fx%error_stack, "Expecting "" or '")
+            endif
+          endif
+        else
+          if (c==q) then
+            fx%tokenType = TOK_CHAR
+          else
+            tempString => fx%token
+            fx%token => vs_str_alloc(str_vs(tempString)//c)
+            deallocate(tempString)
+          endif
+        endif
+      case (ST_CHAR_IN_CONTENT)
+        if (c=="<".or.c=="&") then
+          if (phrase==1) then
+            tempString => fx%token
+            fx%token => vs_str_alloc(str_vs(tempString)//"]")
+            deallocate(tempString)
+          elseif (phrase==2) then
+            tempString => fx%token
+            fx%token => vs_str_alloc(str_vs(tempString)//"]]")
+            deallocate(tempString)
+          endif
+          fx%tokenType = TOK_CHAR
+          if (c=="<") then
+            call push_chars(fb, c)
+          elseif (c=="&") then
+            fx%nextTokenType = TOK_ENTITY
+          endif
+        elseif (c=="]") then
+          if (phrase==0) then
+            phrase = 1
+          elseif (phrase==1) then
+            phrase = 2
+          else
+            tempString => fx%token
+            fx%token => vs_str_alloc(str_vs(tempString)//"]")
+            deallocate(tempString)
+          endif
+        elseif (c==">") then
+          if (phrase==1) then
+            phrase = 0
+            tempString => fx%token
+            fx%token => vs_str_alloc(str_vs(tempString)//"]>")
+            deallocate(tempString)
+          elseif (phrase==2) then
+            call add_error(fx%error_stack, "]]> forbidden in character context")
+          else
+            tempString => fx%token
+            fx%token => vs_str_alloc(str_vs(tempString)//">")
+            deallocate(tempString)
+          endif
+        elseif (phrase==1) then
+          tempString => fx%token
+          fx%token => vs_str_alloc(str_vs(tempString)//"]"//c)
+          deallocate(tempString)
+        elseif (phrase==2) then
+          tempString => fx%token
+          fx%token => vs_str_alloc(str_vs(tempString)//"]]"//c)
+          deallocate(tempString)
+        else
+          tempString => fx%token
+          fx%token => vs_str_alloc(str_vs(tempString)//c)
+          deallocate(tempString)
+        endif
+      case (ST_TAG_IN_CONTENT)
+        if (phrase==0) then
+          if (c=="<") then
+            phrase = 1
+            ws_discard = .false.
+          elseif (c=="&") then
+            fx%tokenType = TOK_ENTITY
+          else
+            call add_error(fx%error_stack, "Unexpected character found in content")
+          endif
+        elseif (phrase==1) then
+          if (c=="?") then
+            fx%tokenType = TOK_PI_TAG
+          elseif (c=="!") then
+            fx%tokenType = TOK_BANG_TAG
+          elseif (c=="/") then
+            fx%tokenType = TOK_CLOSE_TAG
+          elseif (isInitialNameChar(c, xv)) then
+            call push_chars(fb, c)
+            fx%tokenType = TOK_OPEN_TAG
+          else
+            call add_error(fx%error_stack, "Unexpected character after <")
+          endif
+        endif
+      case (ST_START_ENTITY)
+        if (verify(c,XML_WHITESPACE//";")>0) then
+          tempString => fx%token
+          fx%token => vs_str_alloc(str_vs(tempString)//c)
+          deallocate(tempString)
+        elseif (c==";") then
+          fx%tokenType = TOK_NAME
+        else
+          call add_error(fx%error_stack, "Entity reference must be terminated with a ;")
+        endif
+      case (ST_CLOSING_TAG)
+        if (verify(c,XML_WHITESPACE//">")>0) then
+          tempString => fx%token
+          fx%token => vs_str_alloc(str_vs(tempString)//c)
+          deallocate(tempString)
+        else
+          fx%tokenType = TOK_NAME
+          if (c==">") fx%nextTokenType = TOK_END_TAG
+        endif
+      case (ST_IN_CLOSING_TAG)
+        if (verify(c, XML_WHITESPACE)>0) then
+          if (c==">") then
+            fx%tokenType = TOK_END_TAG
+          else
+            call add_error(fx%error_stack, "Unexpected character - expecting >")
+          endif
+        endif
+        if (firstChar) then
+          if (verify(c, XML_WHITESPACE)>0) then
+            if (c==">") then
+              fx%tokenType = TOK_END_TAG
+            elseif (c=="[") then
+              fx%tokenType = TOK_OPEN_SB
+            else
+              call add_error(fx%error_stack, &
+                "Missing whitespace in doctype delcaration.")
+            endif
+          else
+            ws_discard = .true.
+          endif
+        endif
+        if (ws_discard) then
+          if (verify(c, XML_WHITESPACE)>0) then
+            if (verify(c, "'""")==0) then
+              q = c
+              deallocate(fx%token)
+              fx%token => vs_str_alloc("")
+              ws_discard = .false.
+            elseif (c=="[") then
+              fx%tokenType = TOK_OPEN_SB
+            elseif (c==">") then
+              fx%tokenType = TOK_END_TAG
+            else
+              deallocate(fx%token)
+              fx%token => vs_str_alloc(c)
+              ws_discard = .false.
+            endif
+          endif
+        else
+          if (q/=" ".and.c==q) then
+            fx%tokenType = TOK_CHAR
+          elseif (q==" ".and.verify(c, ">")==0.and.(fx%state==ST_IN_DOCTYPE)) then
+            fx%nextTokenType = TOK_END_TAG
+            fx%tokenType = TOK_NAME
+          elseif (q==" ".and.verify(c, XML_WHITESPACE)==0) then
+            call push_chars(fb, c)
+            fx%tokenType = TOK_NAME
+          else
+            tempString => fx%token
+            fx%token => vs_str_alloc(str_vs(tempString)//c)
+            deallocate(tempString)
+          endif
+        endif
+      case (ST_IN_SUBSET)
+        call tokenizeDTD
+      case (ST_START_PE)
+        if (verify(c,XML_WHITESPACE//";")>0) then
+          tempString => fx%token
+          fx%token => vs_str_alloc(str_vs(tempString)//c)
+          deallocate(tempString)
+        elseif (c==";") then
+          fx%tokenType = TOK_NAME
+        else
+          call add_error(fx%error_stack, "Entity reference must be terminated with a ;")
+        endif
+      end select
+      firstChar = .false.
+      if (fx%tokenType/=TOK_NULL) exit
+    enddo
+  contains
+    subroutine tokenizeDTD
+      if (c=="%") then
+        if (fx%state_dtd==ST_DTD_START_COMMENT &
+          .or.fx%state_dtd==ST_DTD_START_PI &
+          .or.fx%state_dtd==ST_DTD_PI_CONTENTS &
+          .or.fx%state_dtd==ST_DTD_ENTITY &
+          .or.fx%state_dtd==ST_DTD_NOTATION_SYSTEM &
+          .or.fx%state_dtd==ST_DTD_NOTATION_PUBLIC &
+          .or.fx%state_dtd==ST_DTD_NOTATION_PUBLIC_2 &
+          .or.fx%state_dtd==ST_DTD_ENTITY_PUBLIC &
+          .or.fx%state_dtd==ST_DTD_ENTITY_SYSTEM) then
+          ! % is perfectly legitimate
+          continue
+        elseif (fx%state_dtd==ST_DTD_SUBSET) then
+          if (.not.fx%spaceBeforeEntity) then
+            fx%spaceBeforeEntity = .true.
+            call push_chars(fb, c)
+            c = " "
+          else
+            fx%spaceBeforeEntity = .false.
+            fx%tokenType = TOK_ENTITY
+            return
+          endif
+        elseif (fx%state_dtd==ST_DTD_ATTLIST_CONTENTS &
+          .and. q/="") then
+            ! We are inside a ATTLIST attvalue, so apparent PErefs arent.
+            continue
+        elseif (fx%inIntSubset) then
+          call add_error(fx%error_stack, &
+            "Parameter entity reference not permitted inside markup for internal subset")
+          return
+        elseif (fx%state_dtd==ST_DTD_ATTLIST_CONTENTS &
+          .or.fx%state_dtd==ST_DTD_ELEMENT_CONTENTS) then
+          if (.not.associated(fx%content)) then
+            ! content will not always be empty here;
+            ! if we have two PErefs bang next to each other.
+            fx%content => fx%token
+            fx%token => vs_str_alloc("")
+          endif
+          fx%tokenType = TOK_ENTITY
+          return
+        elseif (fx%state_dtd==ST_DTD_ENTITY_ID) then
+          ! % is ok if we are in the external subset
+          continue
+        else
+          if (.not.fx%spaceBeforeEntity) then
+            fx%spaceBeforeEntity = .true.
+            call push_chars(fb, c)
+            c = " "
+          else
+            fx%spaceBeforeEntity = .false.
+            fx%tokenType = TOK_ENTITY
+            return
+          endif
+        endif
+      endif
+      select case(fx%state_dtd)
+      case (ST_DTD_SUBSET)
+        if (firstChar) ws_discard = .true.
+        if (ws_discard) then
+          if (verify(c, XML_WHITESPACE)>0) then
+            if (c=="]") then
+              phrase = 1
+              q = c
+              ws_discard = .false.
+            elseif (c=="<") then
+              phrase = 1
+              q = c
+              ws_discard = .false.
+            else
+              call add_error(fx%error_stack, "Unexpected character found in document subset")
+            endif
+          endif
+        elseif (phrase==1) then
+          if (q=="<") then
+            if (c=="?") then
+              fx%tokenType = TOK_PI_TAG
+            elseif (c=="!") then
+              fx%tokenType = TOK_BANG_TAG
+            else
+              call add_error(fx%error_stack, "Unexpected character, expecting ! or ?")
+            endif
+          elseif (q=="]") then
+            if (c=="]") then
+              phrase = 2
+            else
+              fx%tokenType = TOK_CLOSE_SB
+              call push_chars(fb, c)
+              if (fx%inIntSubset) then
+                tempString => fx%xds%intSubset
+                allocate(fx%xds%intSubset(size(tempString)-2))
+                fx%xds%intSubset = tempString(:size(tempString)-2)
+                deallocate(tempString)
+              endif
+            endif
+          endif
+        elseif (phrase==2) then
+          if (c==">") then
+            fx%tokenType = TOK_SECTION_END
+          else
+            call add_error(fx%error_stack, "Unexpected character, expecting >")
+          endif
+        endif
+      case (ST_DTD_BANG_TAG)
+        if (firstChar) then
+          if (c=="-") then
+            phrase = 1
+          elseif (c=="[") then
+            fx%tokenType = TOK_OPEN_SB
+          elseif (verify(c,upperCase)==0) then
+            deallocate(fx%token)
+            fx%token => vs_str_alloc(c)
+          else
+            call add_error(fx%error_stack, "Unexpected character after <!")
+          endif
+        elseif (phrase==1) then
+          if (c=="-") then
+            fx%tokenType = TOK_OPEN_COMMENT
+          else
+            call add_error(fx%error_stack, "Unexpected character after <!-")
+          endif
+        elseif (verify(c,XML_WHITESPACE)>0) then
+          tempString => fx%token
+          fx%token => vs_str_alloc(str_vs(tempString)//c)
+          deallocate(tempString)
+        else
+          call push_chars(fb, c)
+          fx%tokenType = TOK_NAME
+        endif
+        if (firstChar) then
+          ws_discard = .true.
+        endif
+        if (ws_discard) then
+          if (verify(c, XML_WHITESPACE)/=0) then
+            deallocate(fx%token)
+            fx%token => vs_str_alloc(c)
+            ws_discard = .false.
+          endif
+        else
+          if (verify(c, XML_WHITESPACE//"[")>0) then
+            tempString => fx%token
+            fx%token => vs_str_alloc(str_vs(tempString)//c)
+            deallocate(tempString)
+          else
+            fx%tokenType = TOK_NAME
+            if (c=="[") fx%nextTokenType = TOK_OPEN_SB
+          endif
+        endif
+        if (verify(c, XML_WHITESPACE)>0) then
+          if (c/="[") then
+            call add_error(fx%error_stack, &
+              "Unexpected token found, expecting [")
+          else
+            fx%tokenType = TOK_OPEN_SB
+          endif
+        endif
+        select case(phrase)
+        case (0)
+          if (c=="<".or.c=="]") then
+            phrase = 1
+            q = c
+          endif
+        case (1)
+          if ((q=="<".and.c=="!").or.(q=="]".and.c=="]")) then
+            phrase = 2
+          else
+            phrase = 0
+          endif
+        case (2)
+          if (q=="<".and.c=="[") then
+            fx%tokenType = TOK_SECTION_START
+          elseif (q=="]".and.c==">") then
+            fx%tokenType = TOK_SECTION_END
+          else
+            phrase = 0
+          endif
+        end select
+      case (ST_DTD_START_PI)
+        ! grab until whitespace or ?
+        if (verify(c, XML_WHITESPACE//"?")>0) then
+          tempString => fx%token
+          fx%token => vs_str_alloc(str_vs(tempString)//c)
+          deallocate(tempString)
+        else
+          fx%tokenType = TOK_NAME
+          if (c=="?") call push_chars(fb, c)
+        endif
+      case (ST_DTD_PI_CONTENTS)
+        if (firstChar) ws_discard = .true.
+        if (ws_discard) then
+          if (verify(c, XML_WHITESPACE)/=0) then
+            ws_discard = .false.
+          else
+            return
+          endif
+        endif
+        if (phrase==1) then
+          if (c==">") then
+            fx%tokenType = TOK_CHAR
+            fx%nextTokenType = TOK_PI_END
+          elseif (c=="?") then
+            ! The last ? didn't mean anything, but this one might.
+            tempString => fx%token
+            fx%token => vs_str_alloc(str_vs(tempString)//"?")
+            deallocate(tempString)
+          else
+            phrase = 0
+            tempString => fx%token
+            fx%token => vs_str_alloc(str_vs(tempString)//"?"//c)
+            deallocate(tempString)
+          endif
+        elseif (c=="?") then
+          phrase = 1
+        else
+          tempString => fx%token
+          fx%token => vs_str_alloc(str_vs(tempString)//c)
+          deallocate(tempString)
+        endif
+      case (ST_DTD_START_COMMENT)
+        select case(phrase)
+        case (0)
+          if (c=="-") then
+            phrase = 1
+          else
+          tempString => fx%token
+          fx%token => vs_str_alloc(str_vs(tempString)//c)
+          deallocate(tempString)
+          endif
+        case (1)
+          if (c=="-") then
+            phrase = 2
+          else
+          tempString => fx%token
+          fx%token => vs_str_alloc(str_vs(tempString)//"-"//c)
+          deallocate(tempString)
+            phrase = 0
+          endif
+        case (2)
+          if (c==">") then
+            fx%tokenType = TOK_CHAR
+            tempString => fx%token
+            fx%token => vs_str_alloc(str_vs(tempString)//c)
+            deallocate(tempString)
+            fx%nextTokenType = TOK_COMMENT_END
+          else
+            call add_error(fx%error_stack, &
+              "Expecting > after -- inside a comment.")
+          endif
+        end select
+        if (firstChar) ws_discard = .true.
+        if (ws_discard) then
+          if (verify(c,XML_WHITESPACE)>0) then
+            deallocate(fx%token)
+            fx%token => vs_str_alloc(c)
+            ws_discard = .false.
+          endif
+        elseif (verify(c,XML_WHITESPACE//">")>0) then
+          tempString => fx%token
+          fx%token => vs_str_alloc(str_vs(tempString)//c)
+          deallocate(tempString)
+        else
+          if (c==">") then
+            fx%nextTokenType = TOK_END_TAG
+          else
+            call push_chars(fb, c)
+          endif
+          fx%tokenType = TOK_NAME
+        endif
+        if (c==">") then
+          if (associated(fx%content)) then
+            deallocate(fx%token)
+            fx%token => fx%content
+            fx%content => null()
+          endif
+          fx%tokenType = TOK_DTD_CONTENTS
+          fx%nextTokenType = TOK_END_TAG
+        else
+          if (associated(fx%content)) then
+            deallocate(fx%token)
+            fx%token => vs_str_alloc(str_vs(fx%content)//c)
+            deallocate(fx%content)
+          else
+            tempString => fx%token
+            fx%token => vs_str_alloc(str_vs(tempString)//c)
+            deallocate(tempString)
+          endif
+          if (c=="(") then
+            fx%tokenType = TOK_OPEN_PAR
+            fx%content => fx%token
+            fx%token => vs_str_alloc("")
+          elseif (c==")") then
+            fx%tokenType = TOK_CLOSE_PAR
+            fx%content => fx%token
+            fx%token => vs_str_alloc("")
+          endif
+        endif
+        if (c==">") then
+          fx%tokenType = TOK_DTD_CONTENTS
+          fx%nextTokenType = TOK_END_TAG
+        elseif (associated(fx%content)) then
+          deallocate(fx%token)
+          fx%token => vs_str_alloc(str_vs(fx%content)//c)
+          deallocate(fx%content)
+        else
+          tempString => fx%token
+          fx%token => vs_str_alloc(str_vs(tempString)//c)
+          deallocate(tempString)
+        endif
+        if (c=="'".or.c=="""") then
+          if (q==c) then
+            q = ""
+          else
+            q = c
+          endif
+        endif
+        if (firstChar) then
+          if (verify(c, XML_WHITESPACE)>0) then
+            if (c==">") then
+              fx%tokenType = TOK_END_TAG
+            else
+              call add_error(fx%error_stack, "Missing whitespace in DTD.")
+            endif
+          else
+            ws_discard = .true.
+          endif
+        elseif (ws_discard) then
+          if (verify(c, XML_WHITESPACE)>0) then
+            if (verify(c, "'""")==0) then
+              q = c
+              deallocate(fx%token)
+              fx%token => vs_str_alloc("")
+              ws_discard = .false.
+            elseif (c==">") then
+              fx%tokenType = TOK_END_TAG
+            else
+              deallocate(fx%token)
+              fx%token => vs_str_alloc(c)
+              ws_discard = .false.
+            endif
+          endif
+        else
+          if (q/=" ".and.c==q) then
+            fx%tokenType = TOK_CHAR
+          elseif (q==" ".and.verify(c, XML_WHITESPACE//">")==0) then
+            fx%tokenType = TOK_NAME
+            if (c==">") then
+              fx%nextTokenType = TOK_END_TAG
+            else
+              call push_chars(fb, c)
+            endif
+          else
+            tempString => fx%token
+            fx%token => vs_str_alloc(str_vs(tempString)//c)
+            deallocate(tempString)
+          endif
+        endif
+      end select
+    end subroutine tokenizeDTD
+  end subroutine sax_tokenize
+  recursive function normalize_attribute_text(fx, s_in) result(s_out)
+    type(sax_parser_t), intent(inout) :: fx
+    character, dimension(:), intent(in) :: s_in
+    character, dimension(:), pointer :: s_out
+    character, dimension(:), pointer :: s_temp, s_temp2, s_ent, tempString
+    character :: dummy
+    integer :: i, i2, j
+    type(entity_t), pointer :: ent
+#ifdef PGF90
+    type(URI), pointer :: nullURI
+    nullURI => null()
+    ! Condense all whitespace, only if we are validating,
+    ! Expand all &
+    ! Complain about < and &
+    allocate(s_temp(size(s_in))) ! in the first instance
+    allocate(s_out(0)) ! in case we return early ...
+    s_ent => null()
+    tempString => null()
+    i2 = 1
+    i = 1
+    do 
+      if (i > size(s_in)) exit
+      ! Firstly, all whitespace must become 0x20
+      if (verify(s_in(i),XML_WHITESPACE)==0) then
+        s_temp(i2) = " "
+        ! Then, < is always illegal
+        i = i + 1
+        i2 = i2 + 1
+      elseif (s_in(i)=='<') then
+        call add_error(fx%error_stack, "Illegal < found in attribute.")
+        goto 100
+        ! Then, expand <
+      elseif (s_in(i)=='&') then
+        j = index(str_vs(s_in(i+1:)), ';')
+        if (j==0) then
+          call add_error(fx%error_stack, "Illegal & found in attribute")
+          goto 100
+        elseif (j==1) then
+          call add_error(fx%error_stack, "No entity reference found")
+          goto 100
+        endif
+        allocate(tempString(j-1))
+        tempString = s_in(i+1:i+j-1)
+        if (existing_entity(fx%predefined_e_list, str_vs(tempString))) then
+          ! Expand immediately
+          s_temp(i2) = expand_entity_text(fx%predefined_e_list, str_vs(tempString))
+          i = i + j + 1
+          i2 = i2 + 1
+        elseif (checkCharacterEntityReference(str_vs(tempString), fx%xds%xml_version)) then
+          ! Expand all character entities
+          s_temp(i2) = expand_char_entity(str_vs(tempString))
+          i = i + j  + 1
+          i2 = i2 + 1 ! fixme
+        elseif (checkName(str_vs(tempString), fx%xds%xml_version)) then
+          ent => getEntityByName(fx%forbidden_ge_list, str_vs(tempString))
+          if (associated(ent)) then
+            call add_error(fx%error_stack, 'Recursive entity expansion')
+            goto 100
+          else
+            ent => getEntityByName(fx%xds%entityList, str_vs(tempString))
+          endif
+          if (associated(ent)) then
+            if (ent%wfc.and.fx%xds%standalone) then
+              call add_error(fx%error_stack, 'Externally declared entity referenced in standalone document')
+              goto 100
+            endif
+            !is it the right sort of entity?
+            if (ent%external) then
+              call add_error(fx%error_stack, "External entity forbidden in attribute")
+              goto 100
+            endif
+#ifdef PGF90
+            call add_internal_entity(fx%forbidden_ge_list, str_vs(tempString), "", nullURI, .false.)
+            call add_internal_entity(fx%forbidden_ge_list, str_vs(tempString), "", null(), .false.)
+            ! Recursively expand entity, checking for errors.
+            s_ent => normalize_attribute_text(fx, &
+              vs_str(expand_entity_text(fx%xds%entityList, str_vs(tempString))))
+            dummy = pop_entity_list(fx%forbidden_ge_list)
+            if (in_error(fx%error_stack)) then
+              goto 100
+            endif
+            allocate(s_temp2(size(s_temp)+size(s_ent)-j))
+            s_temp2(:i2-1) = s_temp(:i2-1)
+            s_temp2(i2:i2+size(s_ent)-1) = s_ent
+            deallocate(s_temp)
+            s_temp => s_temp2
+            nullify(s_temp2)
+            i = i + j + 1
+            i2 = i2 + size(s_ent)
+            deallocate(s_ent)
+          else
+            s_temp(i2:i2+j) = s_in(i:i+j)
+            i = i + j + 1
+            i2 = i2 + j + 1
+            if (.not.fx%skippedExternal.or.fx%xds%standalone) then
+              call add_error(fx%error_stack, "Undeclared entity encountered in standalone document.")
+              goto 100
+            endif
+          endif
+        else
+          call add_error(fx%error_stack, "Illegal entity reference")
+          goto 100
+        endif
+        deallocate(tempString)
+      else
+        s_temp(i2) = s_in(i)
+        i = i + 1
+        i2 = i2 + 1
+      endif
+    enddo
+    deallocate(s_out)
+    allocate(s_out(i2-1))
+    s_out = s_temp(:i2-1)
+100 deallocate(s_temp)
+    if (associated(s_ent))  deallocate(s_ent)
+    if (associated(tempString)) deallocate(tempString)
+  end function normalize_attribute_text
+  recursive function expand_pe_text(fx, s_in, fb) result(s_out)
+    type(sax_parser_t), intent(inout) :: fx
+    character, dimension(:), intent(in) :: s_in
+    type(file_buffer_t), intent(inout) :: fb
+    character, dimension(:), pointer :: s_out
+    character, dimension(:), pointer :: s_temp, s_temp2, s_ent, tempString
+    character :: dummy
+    integer :: i, i2, j, iostat
+    type(entity_t), pointer :: ent
+#ifdef PGF90
+    type(URI), pointer :: nullURI
+    nullURI => null()
+    ! Expand all %PE;
+    allocate(s_temp(size(s_in))) ! in the first instance
+    allocate(s_out(0)) ! in case we return early ...
+    s_ent => null()
+    tempString => null()
+    s_temp2 => null()
+    i2 = 1
+    i = 1
+    do while (i <= size(s_in))
+      if (s_in(i)=='%') then
+        j = index(str_vs(s_in(i+1:)), ';')
+        if (j==0) then
+          call add_error(fx%error_stack, "Illegal % found in attribute")
+          goto 100
+        elseif (j==1) then
+          call add_error(fx%error_stack, "No entity reference found")
+          goto 100
+        endif
+        allocate(tempString(j-1))
+        tempString = s_in(i+1:i+j-1)
+        if (checkName(str_vs(tempString), fx%xds%xml_version)) then
+          ent => getEntityByName(fx%forbidden_pe_list, str_vs(tempString))
+          if (associated(ent)) then
+            call add_error(fx%error_stack, 'Recursive entity expansion')
+            goto 100
+          endif
+          ent => getEntityByName(fx%xds%peList, str_vs(tempString))
+          if (associated(ent)) then
+            if (ent%wfc.and.fx%xds%standalone) then
+              call add_error(fx%error_stack, &
+                "Externally declared entity used in standalone document")
+              goto 100
+            elseif (str_vs(ent%notation)/="") then
+              call add_error(fx%error_stack, "Unparsed entity reference forbidden in entity value")
+              goto 100
+            endif
+#ifdef PGF90
+            call add_internal_entity(fx%forbidden_pe_list, str_vs(tempString), "", nullURI, .false.)
+            call add_internal_entity(fx%forbidden_pe_list, str_vs(tempString), "", null(), .false.)
+            ! Recursively expand entity, checking for errors.
+            if (ent%external) then
+              call open_new_file(fb, ent%baseURI, iostat)
+              if (iostat/=0) then
+                call add_error(fx%error_stack, "Unable to access external parameter entity")
+                goto 100
+              endif
+              call parse_text_declaration(fb, fx%error_stack)
+              if (in_error(fx%error_stack)) goto 100
+              s_temp2 => get_all_characters(fb, fx%error_stack)
+              call pop_buffer_stack(fb)
+              if (in_error(fx%error_stack)) goto 100
+              s_ent => expand_pe_text(fx, s_temp2, fb)
+              deallocate(s_temp2)
+            else
+              s_ent => expand_pe_text(fx, &
+                vs_str(expand_entity_text(fx%xds%peList, str_vs(tempString))), fb)
+            endif
+            dummy = pop_entity_list(fx%forbidden_pe_list)
+            if (in_error(fx%error_stack)) then
+              goto 100
+            endif
+            allocate(s_temp2(size(s_temp)+size(s_ent)-j))
+            s_temp2(:i2-1) = s_temp(:i2-1)
+            s_temp2(i2:i2+size(s_ent)-1) = s_ent
+            deallocate(s_temp)
+            s_temp => s_temp2
+            s_temp2 => null()
+            i = i + j + 1
+            i2 = i2 + size(s_ent)
+            deallocate(s_ent)
+          else
+            s_temp(i2:i2+j) = s_in(i:i+j)
+            i = i + j + 1
+            i2 = i2 + j + 1
+            if (.not.fx%skippedExternal.or.fx%xds%standalone) then
+              call add_error(fx%error_stack, "Reference to undeclared parameter entity encountered in standalone document.")
+              goto 100
+            endif
+          endif
+        else
+          call add_error(fx%error_stack, "Illegal parameter entity reference")
+          goto 100
+        endif
+        deallocate(tempString)
+      else
+        s_temp(i2) = s_in(i)
+        i = i + 1
+        i2 = i2 + 1
+      endif
+    enddo
+    deallocate(s_out)
+    allocate(s_out(i2-1))
+    s_out = s_temp(:i2-1)
+100 deallocate(s_temp)
+    if (associated(s_temp2))  deallocate(s_temp2)
+    if (associated(s_ent))  deallocate(s_ent)
+    if (associated(tempString)) deallocate(tempString)
+  end function expand_pe_text
+end module m_sax_tokenizer
diff --git a/sax/m_sax_types.F90 b/sax/m_sax_types.F90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b0148a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sax/m_sax_types.F90
@@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
+module m_sax_types
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+  use m_common_attrs, only: dictionary_t
+  use m_common_elstack, only: elstack_t
+  use m_common_entities, only: entity_list
+  use m_common_error, only: error_stack
+  use m_common_namespaces, only: namespacedictionary
+  use m_common_notations, only: notation_list
+  use m_common_struct, only: xml_doc_state
+  use m_sax_reader, only: file_buffer_t
+  implicit none
+  ! Context
+  integer, parameter :: CTXT_NULL = -1
+  integer, parameter :: CTXT_INIT = 0
+  integer, parameter :: CTXT_BEFORE_DTD = 1
+  integer, parameter :: CTXT_IN_DTD = 2
+  integer, parameter :: CTXT_IGNORE = 3
+  integer, parameter :: CTXT_BEFORE_CONTENT = 4
+  integer, parameter :: CTXT_IN_CONTENT = 5
+  integer, parameter :: CTXT_AFTER_CONTENT = 6
+  ! State
+  integer, parameter :: ST_STOP                     = -1
+  integer, parameter :: ST_NULL                     = 0
+  integer, parameter :: ST_MISC                     = 1
+  integer, parameter :: ST_BANG_TAG                 = 2
+  integer, parameter :: ST_START_PI                 = 3
+  integer, parameter :: ST_PI_CONTENTS              = 4
+  integer, parameter :: ST_PI_END                   = 5
+  integer, parameter :: ST_START_COMMENT            = 6
+  integer, parameter :: ST_COMMENT_END              = 7
+  integer, parameter :: ST_START_TAG                = 8
+  integer, parameter :: ST_START_CDATA_DECLARATION  = 9
+  integer, parameter :: ST_FINISH_CDATA_DECLARATION = 10
+  integer, parameter :: ST_IN_TAG                   = 11
+  integer, parameter :: ST_ATT_NAME                 = 12
+  integer, parameter :: ST_ATT_EQUALS               = 13
+  integer, parameter :: ST_CHAR_IN_CONTENT          = 14
+  integer, parameter :: ST_CLOSING_TAG              = 15
+  integer, parameter :: ST_CDATA_CONTENTS           = 16
+  integer, parameter :: ST_IN_CLOSING_TAG           = 17
+  integer, parameter :: ST_TAG_IN_CONTENT           = 18
+  integer, parameter :: ST_CDATA_END                = 19
+  integer, parameter :: ST_IN_DOCTYPE               = 20
+  integer, parameter :: ST_DOC_NAME                 = 21
+  integer, parameter :: ST_DOC_SYSTEM               = 22
+  integer, parameter :: ST_DOC_PUBLIC               = 23
+  integer, parameter :: ST_DOC_DECL                 = 24
+  integer, parameter :: ST_CLOSE_DOCTYPE            = 25
+  integer, parameter :: ST_START_ENTITY             = 26
+  integer, parameter :: ST_START_PE                 = 27
+  integer, parameter :: ST_IN_SUBSET                = 28
+! DTD states
+  integer, parameter :: ST_DTD_NULL                = 50
+  integer, parameter :: ST_DTD_SUBSET              = 51
+  integer, parameter :: ST_DTD_START_SECTION_DECL  = 52
+  integer, parameter :: ST_DTD_FINISH_SECTION_DECL = 53
+  integer, parameter :: ST_DTD_IN_IGNORE_SECTION   = 54
+  integer, parameter :: ST_DTD_BANG_TAG            = 55
+  integer, parameter :: ST_DTD_START_PI            = 56
+  integer, parameter :: ST_DTD_PI_CONTENTS         = 57
+  integer, parameter :: ST_DTD_PI_END              = 58
+  integer, parameter :: ST_DTD_COMMENT_END         = 59
+  integer, parameter :: ST_DTD_START_COMMENT       = 60
+  integer, parameter :: ST_DTD_ATTLIST             = 61
+  integer, parameter :: ST_DTD_ELEMENT             = 62
+  integer, parameter :: ST_DTD_ENTITY              = 63
+  integer, parameter :: ST_DTD_NOTATION            = 64
+  integer, parameter :: ST_DTD_NOTATION_ID         = 65
+  integer, parameter :: ST_DTD_NOTATION_SYSTEM     = 66
+  integer, parameter :: ST_DTD_NOTATION_PUBLIC     = 67
+  integer, parameter :: ST_DTD_NOTATION_PUBLIC_2   = 68
+  integer, parameter :: ST_DTD_NOTATION_END        = 69
+  integer, parameter :: ST_DTD_ENTITY_PE           = 70
+  integer, parameter :: ST_DTD_ENTITY_ID           = 71
+  integer, parameter :: ST_DTD_ENTITY_PUBLIC       = 72
+  integer, parameter :: ST_DTD_ENTITY_SYSTEM       = 73
+  integer, parameter :: ST_DTD_ENTITY_NDATA        = 74
+  integer, parameter :: ST_DTD_ENTITY_NDATA_VALUE  = 75
+  integer, parameter :: ST_DTD_ENTITY_END          = 76
+  integer, parameter :: ST_DTD_ATTLIST_CONTENTS    = 77
+  integer, parameter :: ST_DTD_ATTLIST_END         = 78
+  integer, parameter :: ST_DTD_ELEMENT_CONTENTS    = 79
+  integer, parameter :: ST_DTD_ELEMENT_END         = 80
+  integer, parameter :: ST_DTD_DONE                = 81
+! token types
+  integer, parameter :: TOK_NULL = 0
+  integer, parameter :: TOK_PI_TAG = 1 ! <?
+  integer, parameter :: TOK_BANG_TAG = 2 ! <!
+  integer, parameter :: TOK_OPEN_TAG = 3 ! <
+  integer, parameter :: TOK_OPEN_SB = 4 ! [
+  integer, parameter :: TOK_CLOSE_SB = 5 ! [
+  integer, parameter :: TOK_OPEN_COMMENT = 6 ! --
+  integer, parameter :: TOK_NAME = 7 ! name (+token)
+  integer, parameter :: TOK_CHAR = 8 ! character data (+token)
+  integer, parameter :: TOK_PI_END = 9 ! ?>
+  integer, parameter :: TOK_COMMENT_END = 10 ! -->
+  integer, parameter :: TOK_SECTION_START = 11 ! <![
+  integer, parameter :: TOK_SECTION_END = 12 ! ]]>
+  integer, parameter :: TOK_END_TAG = 13 ! >
+  integer, parameter :: TOK_END_TAG_CLOSE = 14 ! />
+  integer, parameter :: TOK_CLOSE_TAG = 15 ! </
+  integer, parameter :: TOK_ENTITY = 16 ! % or &
+  integer, parameter :: TOK_EQUALS = 17 ! =
+  integer, parameter :: TOK_DTD_CONTENTS = 18 ! for element and attlist
+  integer, parameter :: TOK_OPEN_PAR = 19 ! (
+  integer, parameter :: TOK_CLOSE_PAR = 20 ! )
+  type sax_parser_t
+    type(xml_doc_state), pointer :: xds
+    logical :: xds_used = .false. ! is the xds used by DOM? If so, we must
+                                  ! not destroy it once we are finished
+    integer :: context 
+    integer :: state = ST_NULL
+    integer :: state_dtd = ST_DTD_SUBSET
+    logical :: well_formed = .false.
+    logical :: skippedExternal = .false.
+    character, dimension(:), pointer :: token => null()
+    character, dimension(:), pointer :: content => null()
+    integer :: tokenType = TOK_NULL
+    integer :: nextTokenType = TOK_NULL
+    character, dimension(:), pointer :: name => null()
+    character, dimension(:), pointer :: attname => null()
+    logical :: error = .false.
+    type(error_stack) :: error_stack
+    ! Aspects of document structure
+    character, dimension(:), pointer :: root_element => null()
+    type(elstack_t) :: elstack
+    type(dictionary_t) :: attributes
+    type(namespacedictionary) :: nsdict
+    type(notation_list) :: nlist
+    type(entity_list) :: predefined_e_list
+    type(entity_list) :: forbidden_pe_list
+    type(entity_list) :: forbidden_ge_list
+    character(len=1), dimension(:), pointer :: PublicId => null()
+    character(len=1), dimension(:), pointer :: SystemId => null()
+    character(len=1), dimension(:), pointer :: Ndata => null()
+    logical :: inIntSubset = .false.
+    logical :: spaceBeforeEntity = .false.
+  end type sax_parser_t
+  type xml_t
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    type(file_buffer_t) :: fb
+    type(sax_parser_t) :: fx
+    integer :: i = 0
+  end type xml_t
+end module m_sax_types
diff --git a/sax/m_sax_xml_source.F90 b/sax/m_sax_xml_source.F90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..21c238e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sax/m_sax_xml_source.F90
@@ -0,0 +1,438 @@
+module m_sax_xml_source
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+  use fox_m_fsys_array_str, only: str_vs, vs_str_alloc
+  use fox_m_fsys_format, only: operator(//)
+  use m_common_error,  only: error_stack, add_error, in_error
+  use m_common_charset, only: XML_WHITESPACE, XML_INITIALENCODINGCHARS, &
+    XML_ENCODINGCHARS, XML1_0, XML1_1, isXML1_0_NameChar, &
+    isLegalChar, isUSASCII, allowed_encoding
+  use m_common_io, only: io_eor, io_eof
+  use FoX_utils, only: URI
+  implicit none
+  private
+  type buffer_t
+    character, dimension(:), pointer :: s
+    integer :: pos = 1
+  end type buffer_t
+  type xml_source_t
+    !FIXME private
+    integer            :: lun = -1
+    integer            :: xml_version = XML1_0
+    character, pointer :: encoding(:) => null()
+    logical            :: isUSASCII
+    character, pointer :: filename(:) => null()
+    type(URI), pointer :: baseURI => null()
+    integer            :: line = 0
+    integer            :: col = 0
+    integer            :: startChar = 1 ! First character after XML decl
+    character, pointer :: next_chars(:) => null()   ! pushback buffer
+    type(buffer_t), pointer :: input_string => null()
+    logical :: pe = .false. ! is this a parameter entity?
+    logical :: eof = .false.! need to keep track of this at the end of pes
+  end type xml_source_t
+  public :: buffer_t
+  public :: xml_source_t
+  public :: get_char_from_file
+  public :: push_file_chars
+  public :: parse_declaration
+  function get_char_from_file(f, xv, eof, es) result(string)
+    type(xml_source_t), intent(inout) :: f
+    integer, intent(in) :: xv
+    logical, intent(out) :: eof
+    type(error_stack), intent(inout) :: es
+    character(len=1) :: string
+    integer :: iostat
+    logical :: pending
+    character :: c, c2
+    pending = .false.
+    eof = .false.
+    c = read_single_char(f, iostat)
+    if (iostat==io_eof) then
+      eof = .true.
+      return
+    elseif (iostat/=0) then
+      call add_error(es, "Error reading "//str_vs(f%filename))
+      return
+    endif
+    if (.not.isLegalChar(c, f%isUSASCII, xv)) then
+      call add_error(es, "Illegal character found at " &
+        //str_vs(f%filename)//":"//f%line//":"//f%col)
+      return
+    endif
+    if (c==achar(13)) then
+      c = achar(10)
+      c2 = read_single_char(f, iostat)
+      if (iostat==io_eof) then
+        ! the file has just ended on a single CR. Report is as a LF.
+        ! Ignore the eof just now, it'll be picked up if we need to 
+        ! perform another read.
+        eof = .false.
+      elseif (iostat/=0) then
+        call add_error(es, "Error reading "//str_vs(f%filename))
+        return
+      elseif (c2/=achar(10)) then
+        ! then we keep c2, otherwise we'd just ignore it.
+        pending = .true.
+      endif
+    endif
+    string = c
+    if (pending) then
+      ! we have one character left over, put in the pushback buffer
+      deallocate(f%next_chars)
+      allocate(f%next_chars(1))
+      f%next_chars = c2
+    endif
+    if (c==achar(10)) then
+      f%line = f%line + 1
+      f%col = 0
+    else
+      f%col = f%col + 1
+    endif
+  end function get_char_from_file
+  function read_single_char(f, iostat) result(c)
+    type(xml_source_t), intent(inout) :: f
+    integer, intent(out) :: iostat
+    character :: c
+    if (f%eof) then
+      c = ""
+      iostat = io_eof
+      return
+    endif
+    if (f%lun==-1) then
+      if (f%input_string%pos>size(f%input_string%s)) then
+        c = ""
+        if (f%pe) then
+          iostat = 0
+        else
+          iostat = io_eof
+        endif
+        f%eof = .true.
+      else
+        iostat = 0
+        c = f%input_string%s(f%input_string%pos)
+        f%input_string%pos = f%input_string%pos + 1
+      endif
+    else
+      read (unit=f%lun, iostat=iostat, advance="no", fmt="(a1)") c
+      if (iostat==io_eor) then
+        iostat = 0
+#ifdef FC_EOR_LF
+        c = achar(10)
+        c = achar(13)
+      elseif (iostat==io_eof) then
+        if (f%pe) iostat = 0
+        c = ""
+        f%eof = .true.
+      endif
+    endif
+  end function read_single_char
+  subroutine rewind_source(f)
+    type(xml_source_t), intent(inout) :: f
+    if (f%lun==-1) then
+      f%input_string%pos = 1
+    else
+      rewind(f%lun)
+    endif
+  end subroutine rewind_source
+  subroutine push_file_chars(f, s)
+    type(xml_source_t), intent(inout) :: f
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: s
+    character, dimension(:), pointer :: nc
+    nc => vs_str_alloc(s//str_vs(f%next_chars))
+    deallocate(f%next_chars)
+    f%next_chars => nc
+  end subroutine push_file_chars
+  subroutine parse_declaration(f, eof, es, standalone)
+    type(xml_source_t), intent(inout) :: f
+    logical, intent(out) :: eof
+    type(error_stack), intent(inout) :: es
+    logical, intent(out), optional :: standalone
+    integer :: parse_state, xd_par
+    character :: c, q
+    character, pointer :: ch(:), ch2(:)
+    integer, parameter :: XD_0      = 0
+    integer, parameter :: XD_START  = 1
+    integer, parameter :: XD_TARGET = 2
+    integer, parameter :: XD_MISC   = 3
+    integer, parameter :: XD_PA     = 4
+    integer, parameter :: XD_EQ     = 5
+    integer, parameter :: XD_QUOTE  = 6
+    integer, parameter :: XD_PV     = 7
+    integer, parameter :: XD_END    = 8
+    integer, parameter :: XD_SPACE  = 9
+    integer, parameter :: xd_nothing = 0
+    integer, parameter :: xd_version = 1
+    integer, parameter :: xd_encoding = 2
+    integer, parameter :: xd_standalone = 3
+    f%xml_version = XML1_0
+    if (present(standalone)) standalone = .false.
+    f%startChar = 1
+    parse_state = XD_0
+    xd_par = xd_nothing
+    ch => null()
+    do
+      c = get_char_from_file(f, XML1_0, eof, es)
+      if (eof) then
+        call rewind_source(f)
+        exit
+      elseif (in_error(es)) then
+        goto 100
+      endif
+      f%startChar = f%startChar + 1
+      select case (parse_state)
+      case (XD_0)
+        if (c=="<") then
+          parse_state = XD_START
+        else
+          call rewind_source(f)
+          exit
+        endif
+      case (XD_START)
+        if (c=="?") then
+          parse_state = XD_TARGET
+          ch => vs_str_alloc("")
+        else
+          call rewind_source(f)
+          exit
+        endif
+      case (XD_TARGET)
+        if (isXML1_0_NameChar(c)) then
+          ch2 => vs_str_alloc(str_vs(ch)//c)
+          deallocate(ch)
+          ch => ch2
+        elseif (verify(c, XML_WHITESPACE)==0 &
+          .and.str_vs(ch)=="xml") then
+          deallocate(ch)
+          parse_state = XD_MISC
+        else
+          call rewind_source(f)
+          deallocate(ch)
+          exit
+        endif
+      case (XD_SPACE)
+        if (verify(c, XML_WHITESPACE)==0) then
+          parse_state = XD_MISC
+        elseif (c=="?") then
+          parse_state = XD_END
+        else
+          call add_error(es, &
+            "Missing space in XML declaration")
+        endif
+      case (XD_MISC)
+        if (c=="?") then
+          parse_state = XD_END
+        elseif (isXML1_0_NameChar(c)) then
+          ch => vs_str_alloc(c)
+          parse_state = XD_PA
+        elseif (verify(c, XML_WHITESPACE)>0) then
+          call add_error(es, &
+            "Unexpected character in XML declaration")
+        endif
+      case (XD_PA)
+        if (isXML1_0_NameChar(c)) then
+          ch2 => vs_str_alloc(str_vs(ch)//c)
+          deallocate(ch)
+          ch => ch2
+        elseif (verify(c, XML_WHITESPACE//"=")==0) then
+          select case (str_vs(ch))
+          case ("version")
+            select case (xd_par)
+            case (xd_nothing)
+              xd_par = xd_version
+            case default
+              call add_error(es, &
+                "Cannot specify version twice in XML declaration")
+            end select
+          case ("encoding")
+            select case (xd_par)
+            case (xd_nothing)
+              if (present(standalone)) then
+                call add_error(es, &
+                  "Must specify version before encoding in XML declaration")
+              else
+                xd_par = xd_encoding
+              endif
+            case (xd_version)
+              xd_par = xd_encoding
+            case (xd_encoding)
+              call add_error(es, &
+                "Cannot specify encoding twice in XML declaration")
+            case (xd_standalone)
+              call add_error(es, &
+                "Cannot specify encoding after standalone in XML declaration")
+            end select
+          case ("standalone")
+            if (.not.present(standalone)) &
+              call add_error(es, &
+              "Cannot specify standalone in text declaration")
+            select case (xd_par)
+            case (xd_nothing)
+              call add_error(es, &
+                "Must specify version before standalone in XML declaration")
+            case (xd_version, xd_encoding)
+              xd_par = xd_standalone
+            case (xd_standalone)
+              call add_error(es, &
+                "Cannot specify standalone twice in XML declaration")
+            end select
+          case default
+            call add_error(es, &
+              "Unknown parameter "//str_vs(ch)//" in XML declaration, "//&
+              "expecting version, encoding or standalone")
+          end select
+          deallocate(ch)
+          if (c=="=") then
+            parse_state = XD_QUOTE
+          else
+            parse_state = XD_EQ
+          endif
+        else
+          call add_error(es, &
+            "Unexpected character found in XML declaration")
+        endif
+      case (XD_EQ)
+        if (c=="=") then
+          parse_state = XD_QUOTE
+        elseif (verify(c, XML_WHITESPACE)>0) then
+          call add_error(es, &
+            "Unexpected character found in XML declaration; expecting ""=""")
+        endif
+      case (XD_QUOTE)
+        if (verify(c, "'""")==0) then
+          q = c
+          parse_state = XD_PV
+          ch => vs_str_alloc("")
+        elseif (verify(c, XML_WHITESPACE)>0) then
+          call add_error(es, &
+            "Unexpected character found in XML declaration; expecting "" or '")
+        endif
+      case (XD_PV)
+        if (c==q) then
+          select case (xd_par)
+          case (xd_version)
+            if (str_vs(ch)//"x"=="1.0x") then
+              f%xml_version = XML1_0
+              deallocate(ch)
+            elseif (str_vs(ch)//"x"=="1.1x") then
+              f%xml_version = XML1_1
+              deallocate(ch)
+            else
+              call add_error(es, &
+                "Unknown version number "//str_vs(ch)//" found in XML declaration; expecting 1.0 or 1.1")
+            endif
+          case (xd_encoding)
+            if (size(ch)==0) then
+              call add_error(es, &
+                "Empty value for encoding not allowed in XML declaration")
+            elseif (size(ch)==1.and.verify(ch(1), XML_INITIALENCODINGCHARS)>0) then
+              call add_error(es, &
+                "Invalid encoding found in XML declaration; illegal characters in encoding name")
+            elseif (size(ch)>1.and. &
+              (verify(ch(1), XML_INITIALENCODINGCHARS)>0 &
+              .or.verify(str_vs(ch(2:)), XML_ENCODINGCHARS)>0)) then
+              call add_error(es, &
+                "Invalid encoding found in XML declaration; illegal characters in encoding name")
+            elseif (.not.allowed_encoding(str_vs(ch))) then
+              call add_error(es, "Unknown character encoding in XML declaration")
+            else
+              f%encoding => ch
+              f%isUSASCII = isUSASCII(str_vs(ch))
+              ch => null()
+            endif
+          case (xd_standalone)
+            if (str_vs(ch)//"x"=="yesx") then
+              standalone = .true.
+              deallocate(ch)
+            elseif (str_vs(ch)//"x"=="nox") then
+              standalone = .false.
+              deallocate(ch)
+            else
+              call add_error(es, &
+                "Invalid value for standalone found in XML declaration; expecting yes or no")
+            endif
+          end select
+          parse_state = XD_SPACE
+        else
+          ch2 => vs_str_alloc(str_vs(ch)//c)
+          deallocate(ch)
+          ch => ch2
+        endif
+      case (XD_END)
+        if (c==">") then
+          exit
+        else
+          call add_error(es, &
+            "Unexpected character found in XML declaration; expecting >")
+        endif
+      end select
+    end do
+    if (.not.associated(f%encoding)) then
+      if (present(standalone).or.parse_state/=XD_END) then
+        f%encoding => vs_str_alloc("utf-8")
+      else
+        call add_error(es, "Missing encoding in text declaration")
+      endif
+    endif
+100 if (associated(ch)) deallocate(ch)
+    ! if there is no XML declaraion, or if parsing caused an error, then
+    if (parse_state/=XD_END.or.in_error(es)) f%startChar = 1
+  end subroutine parse_declaration
+end module m_sax_xml_source
diff --git a/sax/makefile b/sax/makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f36ca41
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sax/makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+default: install
+OBJFILES= m_sax_types.$(OBJEXT) m_sax_tokenizer.$(OBJEXT) \
+          m_sax_reader.$(OBJEXT) m_sax_parser.$(OBJEXT) \
+          m_sax_operate.$(OBJEXT) m_sax_xml_source.$(OBJEXT) \
+          FoX_sax.$(OBJEXT)
+include ../arch.make
+CP=cp -p
+install: $(OBJFILES)
+	@echo "  ==> Creating $(LIBRARY) with $(OBJFILES)"
+	$(CP) $(LIBRARY) $(LIB_DIR) 
+	for i in *.$(MOD_EXT) ; do  \
+           $(CP) $$i $(MOD_DIR);done
+	(cd test; make) | tee -a ../sax_lib_check.out
+	rm -f *.$(OBJEXT)  *.$(MOD_EXT) $(LIBRARY)
+# DO NOT DELETE THIS LINE - used by make depend
+FoX_sax.$(OBJEXT): m_sax_operate.$(OBJEXT)
+m_sax_operate.$(OBJEXT): m_sax_parser.$(OBJEXT) m_sax_reader.$(OBJEXT) m_sax_types.$(OBJEXT)
+m_sax_parser.$(OBJEXT): m_sax_reader.$(OBJEXT) m_sax_tokenizer.$(OBJEXT) m_sax_types.$(OBJEXT)
+m_sax_reader.$(OBJEXT): m_sax_xml_source.$(OBJEXT)
+m_sax_tokenizer.$(OBJEXT): m_sax_reader.$(OBJEXT) m_sax_types.$(OBJEXT)
+m_sax_types.$(OBJEXT): m_sax_reader.$(OBJEXT)
diff --git a/sax/test/Makefile b/sax/test/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..81d6544
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sax/test/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+include ../../arch.make
+INCFLAGS=`../../FoX-config --fcflags`
+testdrivers: sax_well_formed.ns.yes.exe sax_well_formed.ns.no.exe sax_valid.ns.yes.exe sax_valid.ns.no.exe
+sax_well_formed.ns.yes.exe: sax_well_formed.ns.yes.f90
+	$(FC) $(FFLAGS) $(INCFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) $(FCFLAGS_free_f90) $(LINK_O_FLAG) $@ $< `../../FoX-config --libs --sax`
+sax_well_formed.ns.no.exe: sax_well_formed.ns.no.f90
+	$(FC) $(FFLAGS) $(INCFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) $(FCFLAGS_free_f90) $(LINK_O_FLAG) $@ $< `../../FoX-config --libs --sax`
+sax_valid.ns.yes.exe: sax_valid.ns.yes.f90
+	$(FC) $(FFLAGS) $(INCFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) $(FCFLAGS_free_f90) $(LINK_O_FLAG) $@ $< `../../FoX-config --libs --sax`
+sax_valid.ns.no.exe: sax_valid.ns.no.f90
+	$(FC) $(FFLAGS) $(INCFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) $(FCFLAGS_free_f90) $(LINK_O_FLAG) $@ $< `../../FoX-config --libs --sax`
+	$(FC) $(FFLAGS) $(INCFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) $(FCFLAGS_free_f90) $(LINK_O_FLAG) $@ $< m_handlers.$(OBJEXT) `../../FoX-config --libs --sax`
+check: clean m_handlers.$(OBJEXT)
+	./run_tests.sh
+	rm -f *.$(OBJEXT) *.exe
diff --git a/sax/test/SAX_test.xml b/sax/test/SAX_test.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..559480a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sax/test/SAX_test.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<!DOCTYPE public test>
+<!-- A Comment: Illustration of Allowable Constructs -->
+<!-- Test of XML parsing 
+      Alberto Garcia, May-June 2003 -->
+<test xmlns="http://www.uszla.me.uk/namespaces/test" xmlns:pqr="http://sjkldhf" version   =  "0.1">
+  <pqr:preamble>A small file exercising all the features
+          in the parser...
+    <blah xmlns="http://www.uszla.me.uk/nsother" pqr:attr="namespaced attribute">
+      <pqr:ppp xmlns:pqr="http://lalala"/>
+    </blah>
+  </pqr:preamble>
+<title>Mary had a <little> lamb who liked standard entities</title>
+<text>This is some text, with character references (&#x4F; W)
+and some cdata sections inside to make it more interesting. How about this
+                   <begin> 
+                    pepe 
+                   </end> ]]>    ?
+<single what="An 'empty' tag" />
+<tag which="has" a="lot" no="really" loads="o" fa="t" t="r" i="b" u="t" e="s" in="it"/>
+<pqr:misc pqr:disposition="throw_away" with_entity=""you""
+         other_att = 'single quotes to enclose "Oh!"...'  >
+In the next pcdata chunk there is an unknown entity
+1.24 ¬known;3.45
+(It was flagged, but the parser continued)
+In the following chunk there is a character reference out of range of the
+char() intrinsic... remove it from test.xml if it gives you trouble.
+Offending reference: ඀ 
+2.454 9.455
+<![CDATA[ <<<<< some hairy cdata!>>>]]]<<<>!?  ]]>
diff --git a/sax/test/input_1.xml b/sax/test/input_1.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..559480a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sax/test/input_1.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<!DOCTYPE public test>
+<!-- A Comment: Illustration of Allowable Constructs -->
+<!-- Test of XML parsing 
+      Alberto Garcia, May-June 2003 -->
+<test xmlns="http://www.uszla.me.uk/namespaces/test" xmlns:pqr="http://sjkldhf" version   =  "0.1">
+  <pqr:preamble>A small file exercising all the features
+          in the parser...
+    <blah xmlns="http://www.uszla.me.uk/nsother" pqr:attr="namespaced attribute">
+      <pqr:ppp xmlns:pqr="http://lalala"/>
+    </blah>
+  </pqr:preamble>
+<title>Mary had a <little> lamb who liked standard entities</title>
+<text>This is some text, with character references (&#x4F; W)
+and some cdata sections inside to make it more interesting. How about this
+                   <begin> 
+                    pepe 
+                   </end> ]]>    ?
+<single what="An 'empty' tag" />
+<tag which="has" a="lot" no="really" loads="o" fa="t" t="r" i="b" u="t" e="s" in="it"/>
+<pqr:misc pqr:disposition="throw_away" with_entity=""you""
+         other_att = 'single quotes to enclose "Oh!"...'  >
+In the next pcdata chunk there is an unknown entity
+1.24 ¬known;3.45
+(It was flagged, but the parser continued)
+In the following chunk there is a character reference out of range of the
+char() intrinsic... remove it from test.xml if it gives you trouble.
+Offending reference: ඀ 
+2.454 9.455
+<![CDATA[ <<<<< some hairy cdata!>>>]]]<<<>!?  ]]>
diff --git a/sax/test/input_2.xml b/sax/test/input_2.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6e9075c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sax/test/input_2.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             [...]
+<!DOCTYPE public test>
+<!-- this file has over 1024 whitespace characters before the DOCTYPE -->
+<!-- A Comment: Illustration of Allowable Constructs -->
+<!-- Test of XML parsing 
+      Alberto Garcia, May-June 2003 -->
+<test xmlns="http://www.uszla.me.uk/namespaces/test" xmlns:pqr="http://sjkldhf" version   =  "0.1">
+  <pqr:preamble>A small file exercising all the features
+          in the parser...
+    <blah xmlns="http://www.uszla.me.uk/nsother" pqr:attr="namespaced attribute">
+      <pqr:ppp xmlns:pqr="http://lalala"/>
+    </blah>
+  </pqr:preamble>
+<title>Mary had a <little> lamb who liked standard entities</title>
+<text>This is some text, with character references (&#x4F; W)
+and some cdata sections inside to make it more interesting. How about this
+                   <begin> 
+                    pepe 
+                   </end> ]]>    ?
+<single what="An 'empty' tag" />
+<tag which="has" a="lot" no="really" loads="o" fa="t" t="r" i="b" u="t" e="s" in="it"/>
+<pqr:misc pqr:disposition="throw_away" with_entity=""you""
+         other_att = 'single quotes to enclose "Oh!"...'  >
+In the next pcdata chunk there is an unknown entity
+1.24 ¬known;3.45
+(It was flagged, but the parser continued)
+In the following chunk there is a character reference out of range of the
+char() intrinsic... remove it from test.xml if it gives you trouble.
+Offending reference: ඀ 
+2.454 9.455
+<![CDATA[ <<<<< some hairy cdata!>>>]]]<<<>!?  ]]>
diff --git a/sax/test/input_3.xml b/sax/test/input_3.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..974b671
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sax/test/input_3.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<!DOCTYPE public teeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee [...]
+<!-- A Comment: Illustration of Allowable Constructs -->
+<!-- The above is to ensure correct handling of really long (>1024) character Names. -->
+<!-- Test of XML parsing 
+      Alberto Garcia, May-June 2003 -->
+<test xmlns="http://www.uszla.me.uk/namespaces/test" xmlns:pqr="http://sjkldhf" version   =  "0.1">
+  <pqr:preamble>A small file exercising all the features
+          in the parser...
+    <blah xmlns="http://www.uszla.me.uk/nsother" pqr:attr="namespaced attribute">
+      <pqr:ppp xmlns:pqr="http://lalala"/>
+    </blah>
+  </pqr:preamble>
+<title>Mary had a <little> lamb who liked standard entities</title>
+<text>This is some text, with character references (&#x4F; W)
+and some cdata sections inside to make it more interesting. How about this
+                   <begin> 
+                    pepe 
+                   </end> ]]>    ?
+<single what="An 'empty' tag" />
+<tag which="has" a="lot" no="really" loads="o" fa="t" t="r" i="b" u="t" e="s" in="it"/>
+<pqr:misc pqr:disposition="throw_away" with_entity=""you""
+         other_att = 'single quotes to enclose "Oh!"...'  >
+In the next pcdata chunk there is an unknown entity
+1.24 ¬known;3.45
+(It was flagged, but the parser continued)
+In the following chunk there is a character reference out of range of the
+char() intrinsic... remove it from test.xml if it gives you trouble.
+Offending reference: ඀ 
+2.454 9.455
+<![CDATA[ <<<<< some hairy cdata!>>>]]]<<<>!?  ]]>
diff --git a/sax/test/m_canonicalize.f90 b/sax/test/m_canonicalize.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0edc037
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sax/test/m_canonicalize.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+module m_handlers
+  use FoX_common
+  use FoX_sax
+  implicit none
+  private
+  ! A prototype of a specific language processor.
+  ! It defines the routines that are called from xml_parser in response
+  ! to particular events.
+  ! In this particular example we just print the names of the elements
+  ! and the content of the pcdata chunks, as well as any comments, XML
+  ! and SGML declarations, etc.
+  ! A module such as this could use "utility routines" to convert pcdata
+  ! to numerical arrays, and to populate specific data structures.
+  public :: start_document_handler, end_document_handler
+  public :: begin_element_handler, end_element_handler
+  public :: characters_handler
+  public :: comment_handler, processing_instruction_handler
+  public :: start_prefix_handler, end_prefix_handler
+contains  !=============================================================
+  subroutine start_document_handler()
+    print*,'Document begun!!'
+  end subroutine start_document_handler
+  subroutine end_document_handler()
+    print*,'Document finished!!'
+  end subroutine end_document_handler
+  subroutine begin_element_handler(URI, localname, name,attributes)
+    character(len=*), intent(in)   :: URI
+    character(len=*), intent(in)   :: localname
+    character(len=*), intent(in)   :: name
+    type(dictionary_t), intent(in) :: attributes
+    write(unit=*,fmt="(4a)") ">>Begin Element: {", URI, "}", localname
+    write(unit=*,fmt="(a,i2,a)") "--- ", len(attributes), " attributes:"
+    call print_dict(attributes)
+  end subroutine begin_element_handler
+  !--------------------------------------------------
+  subroutine end_element_handler(URI, localname, name)
+    character(len=*), intent(in)     :: URI
+    character(len=*), intent(in)     :: localname
+    character(len=*), intent(in)     :: name
+    write(unit=*,fmt="(4a)") ">>End Element: {", URI, "}", localname
+  end subroutine end_element_handler
+  !--------------------------------------------------
+  subroutine characters_handler(chunk)
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: chunk
+    write(*,'(a)') "PCDATA:"
+    write(unit=*,fmt="(a)",advance="no") chunk
+  end subroutine characters_handler
+  !--------------------------------------------------
+  subroutine comment_handler(comment)
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: comment
+    write(unit=*,fmt="(a)") ">>Comment: "
+    write(unit=*,fmt="(a)") comment
+  end subroutine comment_handler
+  subroutine processing_instruction_handler(name, content, attributes)
+    character(len=*), intent(in)   :: name
+    character(len=*), intent(in)   :: content
+    type(dictionary_t), intent(in) :: attributes
+    write(unit=*,fmt="(2a)") ">>Processing Instruction: ", name
+    write(unit=*, fmt="(a)") content
+    call print_dict(attributes)
+  end subroutine processing_instruction_handler
+  subroutine start_prefix_handler(URI, prefix)
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: URI
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: prefix
+    write(unit=*,fmt='(a)') "START NAMESPACE MAPPING"
+    write(unit=*,fmt='(2a)') "PREFIX:", prefix
+    write(unit=*,fmt='(2a)') "URI:", uri
+  end subroutine start_prefix_handler
+  subroutine end_prefix_handler(prefix)
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: prefix
+    write(unit=*,fmt='(a)') "END NAMESPACE MAPPING"
+    write(unit=*,fmt='(2a)') "PREFIX:", prefix
+  end subroutine end_prefix_handler
+end module m_handlers
diff --git a/sax/test/m_handlers.f90 b/sax/test/m_handlers.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0edc037
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sax/test/m_handlers.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+module m_handlers
+  use FoX_common
+  use FoX_sax
+  implicit none
+  private
+  ! A prototype of a specific language processor.
+  ! It defines the routines that are called from xml_parser in response
+  ! to particular events.
+  ! In this particular example we just print the names of the elements
+  ! and the content of the pcdata chunks, as well as any comments, XML
+  ! and SGML declarations, etc.
+  ! A module such as this could use "utility routines" to convert pcdata
+  ! to numerical arrays, and to populate specific data structures.
+  public :: start_document_handler, end_document_handler
+  public :: begin_element_handler, end_element_handler
+  public :: characters_handler
+  public :: comment_handler, processing_instruction_handler
+  public :: start_prefix_handler, end_prefix_handler
+contains  !=============================================================
+  subroutine start_document_handler()
+    print*,'Document begun!!'
+  end subroutine start_document_handler
+  subroutine end_document_handler()
+    print*,'Document finished!!'
+  end subroutine end_document_handler
+  subroutine begin_element_handler(URI, localname, name,attributes)
+    character(len=*), intent(in)   :: URI
+    character(len=*), intent(in)   :: localname
+    character(len=*), intent(in)   :: name
+    type(dictionary_t), intent(in) :: attributes
+    write(unit=*,fmt="(4a)") ">>Begin Element: {", URI, "}", localname
+    write(unit=*,fmt="(a,i2,a)") "--- ", len(attributes), " attributes:"
+    call print_dict(attributes)
+  end subroutine begin_element_handler
+  !--------------------------------------------------
+  subroutine end_element_handler(URI, localname, name)
+    character(len=*), intent(in)     :: URI
+    character(len=*), intent(in)     :: localname
+    character(len=*), intent(in)     :: name
+    write(unit=*,fmt="(4a)") ">>End Element: {", URI, "}", localname
+  end subroutine end_element_handler
+  !--------------------------------------------------
+  subroutine characters_handler(chunk)
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: chunk
+    write(*,'(a)') "PCDATA:"
+    write(unit=*,fmt="(a)",advance="no") chunk
+  end subroutine characters_handler
+  !--------------------------------------------------
+  subroutine comment_handler(comment)
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: comment
+    write(unit=*,fmt="(a)") ">>Comment: "
+    write(unit=*,fmt="(a)") comment
+  end subroutine comment_handler
+  subroutine processing_instruction_handler(name, content, attributes)
+    character(len=*), intent(in)   :: name
+    character(len=*), intent(in)   :: content
+    type(dictionary_t), intent(in) :: attributes
+    write(unit=*,fmt="(2a)") ">>Processing Instruction: ", name
+    write(unit=*, fmt="(a)") content
+    call print_dict(attributes)
+  end subroutine processing_instruction_handler
+  subroutine start_prefix_handler(URI, prefix)
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: URI
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: prefix
+    write(unit=*,fmt='(a)') "START NAMESPACE MAPPING"
+    write(unit=*,fmt='(2a)') "PREFIX:", prefix
+    write(unit=*,fmt='(2a)') "URI:", uri
+  end subroutine start_prefix_handler
+  subroutine end_prefix_handler(prefix)
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: prefix
+    write(unit=*,fmt='(a)') "END NAMESPACE MAPPING"
+    write(unit=*,fmt='(2a)') "PREFIX:", prefix
+  end subroutine end_prefix_handler
+end module m_handlers
diff --git a/sax/test/passed.sh b/sax/test/passed.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..daf021f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sax/test/passed.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+if [ $1 = yes ]; then
+  echo 'PASSED: ' $2
+  echo 'PASSED: ' $2 >> tests.out
+  echo -n '1' >> passed.score
+  echo 'FAILED: ' $2
+  echo 'FAILED: ' $2 >> tests.out
+  echo -n '1' >> failed.score
diff --git a/sax/test/run_tests.sh b/sax/test/run_tests.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..1a05e7f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sax/test/run_tests.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+#!/bin/sh -e
+INCFLAGS=`../../FoX-config --fcflags`
+export INCFLAGS
+rm -f passed.score failed.score
+rm -f tests.out failed.out
+touch passed.score failed.score
+# I don't know why make won't do this ...
+make m_handlers.o
+for t in test_sax*.sh
+  ./$t
+echo RESULT sax/ Test Results:
+echo RESULT sax/ Passed: `wc -l passed.score| cut -f 1 -d 'p'`
+echo RESULT sax/ Failed: `wc -l failed.score| cut -f 1 -d 'f'`
+echo RESULT sax/ See sax/test/failed.out for details of failed tests.
diff --git a/sax/test/sax_valid.ns.no.f90 b/sax/test/sax_valid.ns.no.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cb7fbac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sax/test/sax_valid.ns.no.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+module m_handlers
+  use FoX_common
+  use FoX_sax
+  implicit none
+  private
+    public :: error_handler
+    public :: fatalError_handler
+  subroutine error_handler(msg)
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: msg
+    write(*,'(a)') "Error encountered and caught"
+    write(*,'(a)') msg
+  end subroutine error_handler
+  subroutine fatalError_handler(msg)
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: msg
+    write(*,'(a)') "Fatal error encountered and caught"
+    write(*,'(a)') msg
+  end subroutine fatalError_handler
+end module m_handlers
+program sax_well_formed
+  !
+  ! Check for well-formedness - nothing happens on success;
+  ! error message omitted and execution halt on any failure.
+  !
+  use FoX_sax
+  use m_handlers
+  implicit none
+  integer :: iostat
+  type(xml_t)  :: fxml
+  call open_xml_file(fxml, "test.xml", iostat=iostat)
+  if (iostat /= 0) then
+    write(*,*) "Cannot open file."
+    stop
+  endif
+  call parse(fxml,&
+    error_handler=error_handler,                 &
+    fatalError_handler=fatalError_handler, &
+    namespaces=.false.,  &
+    validate=.true.)
+  call close_xml_t(fxml)
+  print*, "Finished"
+end program sax_well_formed
diff --git a/sax/test/sax_valid.ns.yes.f90 b/sax/test/sax_valid.ns.yes.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dbf34d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sax/test/sax_valid.ns.yes.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+module m_handlers
+  use FoX_common
+  use FoX_sax
+  implicit none
+  private
+    public :: error_handler
+    public :: fatalError_handler
+  subroutine error_handler(msg)
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: msg
+    write(*,'(a)') "Error encountered and caught"
+    write(*,'(a)') msg
+  end subroutine error_handler
+  subroutine fatalError_handler(msg)
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: msg
+    write(*,'(a)') "Fatal error encountered and caught"
+    write(*,'(a)') msg
+  end subroutine fatalError_handler
+end module m_handlers
+program sax_well_formed
+  !
+  ! Check for well-formedness - nothing happens on success;
+  ! error message omitted and execution halt on any failure.
+  !
+  use FoX_sax
+  use m_handlers
+  implicit none
+  integer :: iostat
+  type(xml_t)  :: fxml
+  call open_xml_file(fxml, "test.xml", iostat=iostat)
+  if (iostat /= 0) then
+    write(*,*) "Cannot open file."
+    stop
+  endif
+  call parse(fxml,&
+    error_handler=error_handler,                 &
+    fatalError_handler=fatalError_handler, &
+    namespaces=.true.,  &
+    validate=.true.)
+  call close_xml_t(fxml)
+  print*, "Finished"
+end program sax_well_formed
diff --git a/sax/test/sax_well_formed.ns.no.f90 b/sax/test/sax_well_formed.ns.no.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d7d35c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sax/test/sax_well_formed.ns.no.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+module m_handlers
+  use FoX_common
+  use FoX_sax
+  implicit none
+  private
+    public :: error_handler
+    public :: fatalError_handler
+  subroutine error_handler(msg)
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: msg
+    write(*,'(a)') "Error encountered and caught"
+    write(*,'(a)') msg
+  end subroutine error_handler
+  subroutine fatalError_handler(msg)
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: msg
+    write(*,'(a)') "Fatal error encountered and caught"
+    write(*,'(a)') msg
+  end subroutine fatalError_handler
+end module m_handlers
+program sax_well_formed
+  !
+  ! Check for well-formedness - nothing happens on success;
+  ! error message omitted and execution halt on any failure.
+  !
+  use FoX_sax
+  use m_handlers
+  implicit none
+  integer :: iostat
+  type(xml_t)  :: fxml
+  call open_xml_file(fxml, "test.xml", iostat=iostat)
+  if (iostat /= 0) then
+    write(*,*) "Cannot open file."
+    stop
+  endif
+  call parse(fxml,&
+    error_handler=error_handler,                 &
+    fatalError_handler=fatalError_handler,       &
+    namespaces=.false., validate=.false.)
+  call close_xml_t(fxml)
+  print*, "Finished"
+end program sax_well_formed
diff --git a/sax/test/sax_well_formed.ns.yes.f90 b/sax/test/sax_well_formed.ns.yes.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cf503a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sax/test/sax_well_formed.ns.yes.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+module m_handlers
+  use FoX_common
+  use FoX_sax
+  implicit none
+  private
+    public :: error_handler
+    public :: fatalError_handler
+  subroutine error_handler(msg)
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: msg
+    write(*,'(a)') "Error encountered and caught"
+    write(*,'(a)') msg
+  end subroutine error_handler
+  subroutine fatalError_handler(msg)
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: msg
+    write(*,'(a)') "Fatal error encountered and caught"
+    write(*,'(a)') msg
+  end subroutine fatalError_handler
+end module m_handlers
+program sax_well_formed
+  !
+  ! Check for well-formedness - nothing happens on success;
+  ! error message omitted and execution halt on any failure.
+  !
+  use FoX_sax
+  use m_handlers
+  implicit none
+  integer :: iostat
+  type(xml_t)  :: fxml
+  call open_xml_file(fxml, "test.xml", iostat=iostat)
+  if (iostat /= 0) then
+    write(*,*) "Cannot open file."
+    stop
+  endif
+  call parse(fxml,&
+    error_handler=error_handler,                 &
+    fatalError_handler=fatalError_handler,       &
+    namespaces=.true., validate=.false.)
+  call close_xml_t(fxml)
+  print*, "Finished"
+end program sax_well_formed
diff --git a/sax/test/test.sh b/sax/test/test.sh
new file mode 120000
index 0000000..58f5e3f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sax/test/test.sh
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/sax/test/test2.xml b/sax/test/test2.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d3ee0a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sax/test/test2.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" standalone="yts
diff --git a/sax/test/test_sax_fsm_1.in b/sax/test/test_sax_fsm_1.in
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2eaf7fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sax/test/test_sax_fsm_1.in
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+<?xml version="1.1" encoding="us-ascii" standalone="yes"?>
diff --git a/sax/test/test_sax_parser.sh b/sax/test/test_sax_parser.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..e521c92
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sax/test/test_sax_parser.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+#!/bin/sh -e
+for t in ${0%.sh}_*.f90
+  TEST=${t%.f90}
+  ./test.sh $TEST
diff --git a/sax/test/test_sax_parser_1.f90 b/sax/test/test_sax_parser_1.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cffaa66
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sax/test/test_sax_parser_1.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+program test_sax_reader
+  use m_common_array_str
+  use m_sax_parser
+  use m_sax_reader
+  use m_sax_types
+  type(file_buffer_t) :: fb
+  type(sax_parser_t) :: fx
+  integer :: iostat
+  call open_file(fb, file="test_sax_fsm_1.in", iostat=iostat)
+  call sax_parser_init(fx, "test_sax_fsm_1.in")
+  call sax_parse(fx, fb)
+  write(*,'(i0)') fx%xds%xml_version
+  write(*,'(a)') str_vs(fx%xds%encoding)
+  write(*,'(l1)') fx%xds%standalone
+  call sax_parser_destroy(fx)
+  call close_file(fb) 
+end program test_sax_reader
diff --git a/sax/test/test_sax_parser_1.out b/sax/test/test_sax_parser_1.out
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e1cf991
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sax/test/test_sax_parser_1.out
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
diff --git a/sax/test/test_sax_parser_2.f90 b/sax/test/test_sax_parser_2.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2b6074d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sax/test/test_sax_parser_2.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+program test_sax_reader
+  use m_sax_operate
+  use m_handlers
+  type(xml_t) :: xt
+  call open_xml_string(xt, &
+"<?xml version='1.0'?><!--comment--><?abc xyz?><pqr:aaa xmlns:pqr='lalala' "//&
+"att='value' att2='valuejhg'> <!--c--><![CDATA[<>]]> <b/> jhg </pqr:aaa><")
+  call parse(xt, &
+       startDocument_handler=start_document_handler, &
+       endDocument_handler=end_document_handler, &
+       startElement_handler=begin_element_handler, &
+       endElement_handler=end_element_handler, &
+       startPrefixMapping_handler=start_prefix_handler, &
+       endPrefixMapping_handler=end_prefix_handler, &
+       characters_handler=characters_handler)
+  call close_xml_t(xt)
+end program test_sax_reader
diff --git a/sax/test/test_sax_parser_2.out b/sax/test/test_sax_parser_2.out
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f113422
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sax/test/test_sax_parser_2.out
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+ Document begun!!
+>>Begin Element: {lalala}aaa
+---  2 attributes:
+att [ {}att ]  = value
+att2 [ {}att2 ]  = valuejhg
+ >>Begin Element: {}b
+---  0 attributes:
+>>End Element: {}b
+ jhg >>End Element: {lalala}aaa
+ Document finished!!
diff --git a/sax/test/test_sax_parser_3.f90 b/sax/test/test_sax_parser_3.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e9cbd18
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sax/test/test_sax_parser_3.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+program test_sax_reader
+  use m_sax_operate
+  use m_handlers
+  type(xml_t) :: xt
+  integer :: i
+  call open_xml_file(xt, "testin.xml", i)
+  call parse(xt, &
+       startDocument_handler=start_document_handler, &
+       endDocument_handler=end_document_handler, &
+       startElement_handler=begin_element_handler, &
+       endElement_handler=end_element_handler, &
+       startPrefixMapping_handler=start_prefix_handler, &
+       endPrefixMapping_handler=end_prefix_handler, &
+       characters_handler=characters_handler)
+  call close_xml_t(xt)
+end program test_sax_reader
diff --git a/sax/test/test_sax_parser_3.out b/sax/test/test_sax_parser_3.out
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fc9eac9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sax/test/test_sax_parser_3.out
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+ Document begun!!
+>>Begin Element: {}test
+---  2 attributes:
+notcdata [ {}notcdata ]  = ab cd
+att [ {}att ]  = arse bum
+ bumPCDATA:
+>>Begin Element: {}abc
+---  0 attributes:
+>>End Element: {}abc
+>>Begin Element: {}error
+---  1 attributes:
+xml:space [ {http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace}space ]  = preserve
+>>End Element: {}error
+>>End Element: {}test
+ Document finished!!
diff --git a/sax/test/test_sax_reader.sh b/sax/test/test_sax_reader.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..e521c92
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sax/test/test_sax_reader.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+#!/bin/sh -e
+for t in ${0%.sh}_*.f90
+  TEST=${t%.f90}
+  ./test.sh $TEST
diff --git a/sax/test/test_sax_reader_1.f90 b/sax/test/test_sax_reader_1.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c7412c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sax/test/test_sax_reader_1.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+program test_sax_reader
+  use m_sax_reader
+  type(file_buffer_t) :: fb
+  integer :: iostat
+  character(1) :: c
+  call open_file(fb, file="test_sax_reader_1.in",  iostat=iostat)
+  c = read_char(fb, iostat)
+  write(*,'(2a)') 'char:', c
+  write(*,'(a,i0)') 'iost:', iostat
+  call close_file(fb) 
+end program test_sax_reader
diff --git a/sax/test/test_sax_reader_1.in b/sax/test/test_sax_reader_1.in
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2b5d411
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sax/test/test_sax_reader_1.in
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
diff --git a/sax/test/test_sax_reader_1.out b/sax/test/test_sax_reader_1.out
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f67ebef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sax/test/test_sax_reader_1.out
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
diff --git a/sax/test/test_sax_reader_10.f90 b/sax/test/test_sax_reader_10.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7099b85
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sax/test/test_sax_reader_10.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+program test_sax_reader
+  use m_sax_reader
+  character(15) :: buf
+  type(file_buffer_t) :: fb
+  integer :: iostat
+  call open_file(fb, file="test_sax_reader_10.in", iostat=iostat)
+  buf = get_characters(fb, 15, iostat) 
+  call dump_string(buf)
+  write(*,'(a,i0)') 'iost:', iostat
+  call put_characters(fb, 7)
+  buf = get_characters(fb, 15, iostat) 
+  call dump_string(buf)
+  write(*,'(a,i0)') 'iost:', iostat
+  call close_file(fb) 
+end program test_sax_reader
diff --git a/sax/test/test_sax_reader_10.in b/sax/test/test_sax_reader_10.in
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..559480a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sax/test/test_sax_reader_10.in
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<!DOCTYPE public test>
+<!-- A Comment: Illustration of Allowable Constructs -->
+<!-- Test of XML parsing 
+      Alberto Garcia, May-June 2003 -->
+<test xmlns="http://www.uszla.me.uk/namespaces/test" xmlns:pqr="http://sjkldhf" version   =  "0.1">
+  <pqr:preamble>A small file exercising all the features
+          in the parser...
+    <blah xmlns="http://www.uszla.me.uk/nsother" pqr:attr="namespaced attribute">
+      <pqr:ppp xmlns:pqr="http://lalala"/>
+    </blah>
+  </pqr:preamble>
+<title>Mary had a <little> lamb who liked standard entities</title>
+<text>This is some text, with character references (&#x4F; W)
+and some cdata sections inside to make it more interesting. How about this
+                   <begin> 
+                    pepe 
+                   </end> ]]>    ?
+<single what="An 'empty' tag" />
+<tag which="has" a="lot" no="really" loads="o" fa="t" t="r" i="b" u="t" e="s" in="it"/>
+<pqr:misc pqr:disposition="throw_away" with_entity=""you""
+         other_att = 'single quotes to enclose "Oh!"...'  >
+In the next pcdata chunk there is an unknown entity
+1.24 ¬known;3.45
+(It was flagged, but the parser continued)
+In the following chunk there is a character reference out of range of the
+char() intrinsic... remove it from test.xml if it gives you trouble.
+Offending reference: ඀ 
+2.454 9.455
+<![CDATA[ <<<<< some hairy cdata!>>>]]]<<<>!?  ]]>
diff --git a/sax/test/test_sax_reader_10.out b/sax/test/test_sax_reader_10.out
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..79f4767
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sax/test/test_sax_reader_10.out
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+ <?xml version="
+ rsion="1.0"?>
diff --git a/sax/test/test_sax_reader_11.f90.fix b/sax/test/test_sax_reader_11.f90.fix
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aac2c4e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sax/test/test_sax_reader_11.f90.fix
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+program test_sax_reader
+  use m_sax_reader
+  character(21) :: buf
+  character :: c
+  type(file_buffer_t) :: fb
+  integer :: iostat
+  call open_file(fb, file="test_sax_reader_11a.in", iostat=iostat)
+  buf = get_characters(fb, 21, iostat) 
+  c = get_next_character_discarding_whitespace(fb, iostat) 
+  write(*,'(3a)') 'char:', c, ':'
+  write(*,'(a,i0)') 'iost:', iostat
+  call close_file(fb) 
+  call open_file(fb, file="test_sax_reader_11b.in", iostat=iostat) 
+  buf = get_characters(fb, 21, iostat) 
+  c = get_next_character_discarding_whitespace(fb, iostat) 
+  write(*,'(3a)') 'char:', c, ':'
+  write(*,'(a,i0)') 'iost:', iostat
+  call put_characters(fb, 10)
+  c = get_next_character_discarding_whitespace(fb, iostat) 
+  write(*,'(3a)') 'char:', c, ':'
+  write(*,'(a,i0)') 'iost:', iostat
+  call close_file(fb) 
+end program test_sax_reader
diff --git a/sax/test/test_sax_reader_11.out b/sax/test/test_sax_reader_11.out
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4214176
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sax/test/test_sax_reader_11.out
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+End of file.
diff --git a/sax/test/test_sax_reader_11a.in b/sax/test/test_sax_reader_11a.in
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..59b484e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sax/test/test_sax_reader_11a.in
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
diff --git a/sax/test/test_sax_reader_11b.in b/sax/test/test_sax_reader_11b.in
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6e9075c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sax/test/test_sax_reader_11b.in
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             [...]
+<!DOCTYPE public test>
+<!-- this file has over 1024 whitespace characters before the DOCTYPE -->
+<!-- A Comment: Illustration of Allowable Constructs -->
+<!-- Test of XML parsing 
+      Alberto Garcia, May-June 2003 -->
+<test xmlns="http://www.uszla.me.uk/namespaces/test" xmlns:pqr="http://sjkldhf" version   =  "0.1">
+  <pqr:preamble>A small file exercising all the features
+          in the parser...
+    <blah xmlns="http://www.uszla.me.uk/nsother" pqr:attr="namespaced attribute">
+      <pqr:ppp xmlns:pqr="http://lalala"/>
+    </blah>
+  </pqr:preamble>
+<title>Mary had a <little> lamb who liked standard entities</title>
+<text>This is some text, with character references (&#x4F; W)
+and some cdata sections inside to make it more interesting. How about this
+                   <begin> 
+                    pepe 
+                   </end> ]]>    ?
+<single what="An 'empty' tag" />
+<tag which="has" a="lot" no="really" loads="o" fa="t" t="r" i="b" u="t" e="s" in="it"/>
+<pqr:misc pqr:disposition="throw_away" with_entity=""you""
+         other_att = 'single quotes to enclose "Oh!"...'  >
+In the next pcdata chunk there is an unknown entity
+1.24 ¬known;3.45
+(It was flagged, but the parser continued)
+In the following chunk there is a character reference out of range of the
+char() intrinsic... remove it from test.xml if it gives you trouble.
+Offending reference: ඀ 
+2.454 9.455
+<![CDATA[ <<<<< some hairy cdata!>>>]]]<<<>!?  ]]>
diff --git a/sax/test/test_sax_reader_12.f90.fix b/sax/test/test_sax_reader_12.f90.fix
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..306b1b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sax/test/test_sax_reader_12.f90.fix
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+program test_sax_reader
+  use m_sax_reader
+  character(40) :: buf
+  character :: c
+  type(file_buffer_t) :: fb
+  integer :: iostat
+  ! test 1: move 40 chars in, and then pick up the name
+  call open_file(fb, file="test_sax_reader_12a.in", iostat=iostat)
+  buf = get_characters(fb, 40, iostat) 
+  call get_characters_until_not_one_of(fb, 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ', iostat) 
+  write(*,'(3a)') 'char:', retrieve_namebuffer(fb), ':'
+  write(*,'(a,i0)') 'iost:', iostat
+  call close_file(fb) 
+  ! test 2: move 40 chars in, and then pick up the name, which is now 2004 chars long.
+  call open_file(fb, file="test_sax_reader_12b.in", iostat=iostat) 
+  buf = get_characters(fb, 40, iostat) 
+  call get_characters_until_not_one_of(fb, 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ', iostat) 
+  print*, len_namebuffer(fb)
+  write(*,'(3a)') 'char:', retrieve_namebuffer(fb), ':'
+  write(*,'(a,i0)') 'iost:', iostat
+  call get_characters_until_not_one_of(fb, 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ', iostat) 
+  print*, len_namebuffer(fb)
+  write(*,'(3a)') 'char:', retrieve_namebuffer(fb), ':'
+  write(*,'(a,i0)') 'iost:', iostat
+  call close_file(fb) 
+end program test_sax_reader
diff --git a/sax/test/test_sax_reader_12.out b/sax/test/test_sax_reader_12.out
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1d7eab0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sax/test/test_sax_reader_12.out
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+ 2004
+char:teeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee [...]
+ 0
diff --git a/sax/test/test_sax_reader_12a.in b/sax/test/test_sax_reader_12a.in
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..559480a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sax/test/test_sax_reader_12a.in
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<!DOCTYPE public test>
+<!-- A Comment: Illustration of Allowable Constructs -->
+<!-- Test of XML parsing 
+      Alberto Garcia, May-June 2003 -->
+<test xmlns="http://www.uszla.me.uk/namespaces/test" xmlns:pqr="http://sjkldhf" version   =  "0.1">
+  <pqr:preamble>A small file exercising all the features
+          in the parser...
+    <blah xmlns="http://www.uszla.me.uk/nsother" pqr:attr="namespaced attribute">
+      <pqr:ppp xmlns:pqr="http://lalala"/>
+    </blah>
+  </pqr:preamble>
+<title>Mary had a <little> lamb who liked standard entities</title>
+<text>This is some text, with character references (&#x4F; W)
+and some cdata sections inside to make it more interesting. How about this
+                   <begin> 
+                    pepe 
+                   </end> ]]>    ?
+<single what="An 'empty' tag" />
+<tag which="has" a="lot" no="really" loads="o" fa="t" t="r" i="b" u="t" e="s" in="it"/>
+<pqr:misc pqr:disposition="throw_away" with_entity=""you""
+         other_att = 'single quotes to enclose "Oh!"...'  >
+In the next pcdata chunk there is an unknown entity
+1.24 ¬known;3.45
+(It was flagged, but the parser continued)
+In the following chunk there is a character reference out of range of the
+char() intrinsic... remove it from test.xml if it gives you trouble.
+Offending reference: ඀ 
+2.454 9.455
+<![CDATA[ <<<<< some hairy cdata!>>>]]]<<<>!?  ]]>
diff --git a/sax/test/test_sax_reader_12b.in b/sax/test/test_sax_reader_12b.in
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..974b671
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sax/test/test_sax_reader_12b.in
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<!DOCTYPE public teeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee [...]
+<!-- A Comment: Illustration of Allowable Constructs -->
+<!-- The above is to ensure correct handling of really long (>1024) character Names. -->
+<!-- Test of XML parsing 
+      Alberto Garcia, May-June 2003 -->
+<test xmlns="http://www.uszla.me.uk/namespaces/test" xmlns:pqr="http://sjkldhf" version   =  "0.1">
+  <pqr:preamble>A small file exercising all the features
+          in the parser...
+    <blah xmlns="http://www.uszla.me.uk/nsother" pqr:attr="namespaced attribute">
+      <pqr:ppp xmlns:pqr="http://lalala"/>
+    </blah>
+  </pqr:preamble>
+<title>Mary had a <little> lamb who liked standard entities</title>
+<text>This is some text, with character references (&#x4F; W)
+and some cdata sections inside to make it more interesting. How about this
+                   <begin> 
+                    pepe 
+                   </end> ]]>    ?
+<single what="An 'empty' tag" />
+<tag which="has" a="lot" no="really" loads="o" fa="t" t="r" i="b" u="t" e="s" in="it"/>
+<pqr:misc pqr:disposition="throw_away" with_entity=""you""
+         other_att = 'single quotes to enclose "Oh!"...'  >
+In the next pcdata chunk there is an unknown entity
+1.24 ¬known;3.45
+(It was flagged, but the parser continued)
+In the following chunk there is a character reference out of range of the
+char() intrinsic... remove it from test.xml if it gives you trouble.
+Offending reference: ඀ 
+2.454 9.455
+<![CDATA[ <<<<< some hairy cdata!>>>]]]<<<>!?  ]]>
diff --git a/sax/test/test_sax_reader_13.f90.fix b/sax/test/test_sax_reader_13.f90.fix
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c1a0a5c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sax/test/test_sax_reader_13.f90.fix
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+program test_sax_reader
+  use m_sax_reader
+  character :: c
+  type(file_buffer_t) :: fb
+  integer :: iostat
+! test 1: quick & easy
+  call open_file(fb, file="test_sax_reader_13.in", iostat=iostat)
+  call get_characters_until_one_of(fb, '&<', iostat) 
+  write(*,'(3a)') 'char:', retrieve_namebuffer(fb), ':'
+  write(*,'(a,i0)') 'iost:', iostat
+  call close_file(fb) 
+! test two - string over 1000 chars
+  call open_file(fb, file="test_sax_reader_13b.in", iostat=iostat) 
+  call get_characters_until_one_of(fb, '&<', iostat) 
+  write(*,'(3a)') 'char:', retrieve_namebuffer(fb), ':'
+  write(*,'(a,i0)') 'iost:', iostat
+  call close_file(fb) 
+end program test_sax_reader
diff --git a/sax/test/test_sax_reader_13.in b/sax/test/test_sax_reader_13.in
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fc48053
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sax/test/test_sax_reader_13.in
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+This is some text & this is some more.
diff --git a/sax/test/test_sax_reader_13.out b/sax/test/test_sax_reader_13.out
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..350be75
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sax/test/test_sax_reader_13.out
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+End of file.
+char:This is some text :
+End of file.
+char:ttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt [...]
diff --git a/sax/test/test_sax_reader_13b.in b/sax/test/test_sax_reader_13b.in
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..56c5c9b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sax/test/test_sax_reader_13b.in
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+tttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt [...]
diff --git a/sax/test/test_sax_reader_14.f90.fix b/sax/test/test_sax_reader_14.f90.fix
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4fb5c67
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sax/test/test_sax_reader_14.f90.fix
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+program test_sax_reader
+  use m_sax_reader
+  character :: c
+  type(file_buffer_t) :: fb
+  integer :: iostat
+! test 1: quick & easy
+  call open_file(fb, file="test_sax_reader_14.in", iostat=iostat)
+  call get_characters_until_all_of(fb, '--', iostat) 
+  write(*,'(3a)') 'char:', retrieve_namebuffer(fb), ':'
+  write(*,'(a,i0)') 'iost:', iostat
+  call close_file(fb) 
+! test two - string over 1000 chars
+  call open_file(fb, file="test_sax_reader_14b.in", iostat=iostat) 
+  call get_characters_until_all_of(fb, '--', iostat) 
+  write(*,'(3a)') 'char:', retrieve_namebuffer(fb), ':'
+  write(*,'(a,i0)') 'iost:', iostat
+  call close_file(fb) 
+end program test_sax_reader
diff --git a/sax/test/test_sax_reader_14.in b/sax/test/test_sax_reader_14.in
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..af52b18
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sax/test/test_sax_reader_14.in
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+This is some text -- this is some more.
diff --git a/sax/test/test_sax_reader_14.out b/sax/test/test_sax_reader_14.out
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..350be75
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sax/test/test_sax_reader_14.out
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+End of file.
+char:This is some text :
+End of file.
+char:ttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt [...]
diff --git a/sax/test/test_sax_reader_14b.in b/sax/test/test_sax_reader_14b.in
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..38b56df
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sax/test/test_sax_reader_14b.in
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+tttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt [...]
diff --git a/sax/test/test_sax_reader_15.f90.fix b/sax/test/test_sax_reader_15.f90.fix
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..85d872c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sax/test/test_sax_reader_15.f90.fix
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+module checksub
+function check(c) result(p)
+character, intent(in) :: c
+logical :: p
+p = (c=='c')
+end function check
+end module checksub
+program test_sax_reader
+  use checksub
+  use m_sax_reader
+  character :: c
+  type(file_buffer_t) :: fb
+  integer :: iostat
+! test 1: quick & easy
+  call open_file(fb, string="abcdef", iostat=iostat)
+  call get_characters_until_condition(fb, check, .true., iostat) 
+  write(*,'(3a)') 'char:', retrieve_namebuffer(fb), ':'
+  write(*,'(a,i0)') 'iost:', iostat
+  call close_file(fb) 
+end program test_sax_reader
diff --git a/sax/test/test_sax_reader_2.f90 b/sax/test/test_sax_reader_2.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d9de13b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sax/test/test_sax_reader_2.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+program test_sax_reader
+  use m_sax_reader
+  type(file_buffer_t) :: fb
+  integer :: iostat
+  character(3) :: c
+  call open_file(fb, file="test_sax_reader_2.in", iostat=iostat)
+  c = read_chars(fb, 3, iostat)
+  write(*,'(2a)') 'char:', c
+  write(*,'(a,i0)') 'iost:', iostat
+  call close_file(fb) 
+end program test_sax_reader
diff --git a/sax/test/test_sax_reader_2.in b/sax/test/test_sax_reader_2.in
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2b5d411
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sax/test/test_sax_reader_2.in
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
diff --git a/sax/test/test_sax_reader_2.out b/sax/test/test_sax_reader_2.out
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cce81f3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sax/test/test_sax_reader_2.out
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
diff --git a/sax/test/test_sax_reader_3.f90 b/sax/test/test_sax_reader_3.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c00f93c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sax/test/test_sax_reader_3.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+program test_sax_reader
+  use m_sax_reader
+  type(file_buffer_t) :: fb
+  character(len=1) :: c
+  character(len=3) :: s
+  integer :: iostat
+  call open_file(fb, file="test_sax_reader_3.in", iostat=iostat)
+  s = read_chars(fb, 3, iostat)
+  call push_chars(fb, 'x')
+  c = read_char(fb, iostat)
+  write(*,'(3a)') 'char:', s, ':'
+  write(*,'(3a)') 'char:', c, ':'
+  write(*,'(a,i0)') 'iost:', iostat
+  call close_file(fb) 
+end program test_sax_reader
diff --git a/sax/test/test_sax_reader_3.in b/sax/test/test_sax_reader_3.in
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2b5d411
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sax/test/test_sax_reader_3.in
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
diff --git a/sax/test/test_sax_reader_3.out b/sax/test/test_sax_reader_3.out
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..32717b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sax/test/test_sax_reader_3.out
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
diff --git a/sax/test/test_sax_reader_4.f90 b/sax/test/test_sax_reader_4.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cadfc74
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sax/test/test_sax_reader_4.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+program test_sax_reader
+  use m_sax_reader
+  type(file_buffer_t) :: fb
+  character(len=3) :: s
+  integer :: iostat
+  call open_file(fb, file="test_sax_reader_4.in", iostat=iostat)
+  call push_chars(fb, "a")
+  s = read_chars(fb, 3, iostat)
+  write(*,'(3a)') 'char:', s, ':'
+  write(*,'(a,i0)') 'iost:', iostat
+  call close_file(fb) 
+end program test_sax_reader
diff --git a/sax/test/test_sax_reader_4.in b/sax/test/test_sax_reader_4.in
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2b5d411
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sax/test/test_sax_reader_4.in
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
diff --git a/sax/test/test_sax_reader_4.out b/sax/test/test_sax_reader_4.out
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2dfdb1e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sax/test/test_sax_reader_4.out
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
diff --git a/sax/test/test_sax_reader_5.f90 b/sax/test/test_sax_reader_5.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8b9d369
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sax/test/test_sax_reader_5.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+program test_sax_reader
+  use m_sax_reader
+  type(file_buffer_t) :: fb
+  character(len=5) :: s
+  integer :: iostat
+  call open_file(fb, file="test_sax_reader_5.in", iostat=iostat)
+  call push_chars(fb, "abc")
+  s = read_chars(fb, 5, iostat)
+  write(*,'(3a)') 'char:', s, ':'
+  write(*,'(a,i0)') 'iost:', iostat
+  call close_file(fb) 
+end program test_sax_reader
diff --git a/sax/test/test_sax_reader_5.in b/sax/test/test_sax_reader_5.in
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2b5d411
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sax/test/test_sax_reader_5.in
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
diff --git a/sax/test/test_sax_reader_5.out b/sax/test/test_sax_reader_5.out
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..23909a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sax/test/test_sax_reader_5.out
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
diff --git a/sax/test/testin.xml b/sax/test/testin.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..47882b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sax/test/testin.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+<?xml version='1.0'?>
+<?PI pi1?>
+<!-- comment 1 -->
+<!DOCTYPE test PUBLIC "abarse" "bum" [
+<!NOTATION note SYSTEM "bum">
+<!ENTITY qr "  &lkj;  &pqr;">
+<!ENTITY lkj " &yt;">
+<!ENTITY pqr " bum">
+<?PI pi2?>
+<!ENTITY yt "arse">
+<!ENTITY % qr '<!ENTITY a "b" >'>
+<!ENTITY % pc "%qr;">
+<!ENTITY % pc2 "qr;">
+<!ENTITY % twoqr "%qr;">
+<!-- comment 2 -->
+<!ENTITY % qr2 SYSTEM "kjlh">
+<!ENTITY % qr3 PUBLIC "kjlh" "jhg">
+<!ENTITY qr "lkj">
+<!ENTITY qr2 SYSTEM "arse">
+<!ENTITY qr3 SYSTEM "arse" NDATA note>
+<!ENTITY qr4 PUBLIC "arse" "poo">
+<!ENTITY qr5 PUBLIC "arse" "poo" NDATA note>
+<!ENTITY qr6 "<">
+<!ENTITY trouble "<abc/>">
+<!ATTLIST termdef
+id      ID      #REQUIRED
+name    CDATA   #IMPLIED>
+<!ATTLIST termdef
+id      ID      #REQUIRED
+name    CDATA   #IMPLIED>
+<!ATTLIST list
+type    (bullets|ordered|glossary)  "ordered">
+<!ATTLIST form
+method  CDATA   #FIXED "POST">
+<!ATTLIST test
+default CDATA "default">
+<!ENTITY content "<abc/>">
+<?PI pi3?>
+<!-- comment 3 -->
+<test notcdata="  ab 
+ cd " att="&qr;">
+<?PI pi4?>
+<!-- comment 4 -->
+<error xml:space="preserve"/>
+<?PI pi5?>
+<!-- comment 5 -->
diff --git a/utils/CMakeLists.txt b/utils/CMakeLists.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e590cdd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+  FoX_utils.f90
+  fox_m_utils_mtprng.F90
+  fox_m_utils_uri.F90
+  fox_m_utils_uuid.F90
+  fox_utils STATIC
+  ${fox_utils_srcs}
+  ${fox_utils_srcs_pp}
+  fox_utils
+  fox_fsys
+  ${fox_BINARY_DIR}/fsys
diff --git a/utils/FoX_utils.f90 b/utils/FoX_utils.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..560f91e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/FoX_utils.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+module FoX_utils
+  use fox_m_utils_uuid
+  use fox_m_utils_uri
+  implicit none
+  private
+  public :: generate_uuid
+  public :: URI
+  public :: parseURI
+  public :: rebaseURI
+  public :: copyURI
+  public :: destroyURI
+  public :: expressURI
+  public :: hasFragment
+  public :: hasScheme
+  public :: getScheme
+  public :: getPath
+end module FoX_utils
diff --git a/utils/fox_m_utils_mtprng.F90 b/utils/fox_m_utils_mtprng.F90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..90a766d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/fox_m_utils_mtprng.F90
@@ -0,0 +1,360 @@
+module fox_m_utils_mtprng
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+! From the Algorithmic Conjurings of Scott Robert Ladd comes...
+!  mtprng.f90 (a Fortran 95 module)
+!  An implementation of the Mersenne Twister algorithm for generating
+!  psuedo-random sequences.
+!  History
+!  -------
+!   1.0.0   Initial release
+!   1.1.0   6 February 2002
+!           Updated to support algorithm revisions posted
+!           by Matsumoto and Nishimura on 26 January 2002
+!   1.5.0   12 December 2003
+!           Added to hypatia project
+!           Minor style changes
+!           Tightened code
+!           Now state based; no static variables
+!           Removed mtprng_rand_real53
+!   2.0.0   4 January 2004
+!           Corrected erroneous unsigned bit manipulations
+!           Doubled resolution by using 64-bit math
+!           Added mtprng_rand64
+!  Version for distribution with FoX <http://uszla.me.uk/FoX>
+!  Very small cosmetic changes to fit FoX naming scheme and
+!  avoid additional dependencies.
+!  Toby White <tow at uszla.me.uk>, 2007
+!  ============================
+!  Copyright (C) 1997,2002 Makoto Matsumoto and Takuji Nishimura.
+!  Any feedback is very welcome. For any question, comments, see
+!  http://www.math.keio.ac.jp/matumoto/emt.html or email
+!  matumoto at math.keio.ac.jp
+!  This notice applies *only* to this specific expression of this
+!  algorithm, and does not imply ownership or invention of the
+!  implemented algorithm.
+!  If you modify this file, you may insert additional notices
+!  immediately following this sentence.
+!  Copyright 2001, 2002, 2004 Scott Robert Ladd.
+!  All rights reserved, except as noted herein.
+!  This computer program source file is supplied "AS IS". Scott Robert
+!  Ladd (hereinafter referred to as "Author") disclaims all warranties,
+!  expressed or implied, including, without limitation, the warranties
+!  of merchantability and of fitness for any purpose. The Author
+!  assumes no liability for direct, indirect, incidental, special,
+!  exemplary, or consequential damages, which may result from the use
+!  of this software, even if advised of the possibility of such damage.
+!  The Author hereby grants anyone permission to use, copy, modify, and
+!  distribute this source code, or portions hereof, for any purpose,
+!  without fee, subject to the following restrictions:
+!      1. The origin of this source code must not be misrepresented.
+!      2. Altered versions must be plainly marked as such and must not
+!         be misrepresented as being the original source.
+!      3. This Copyright notice may not be removed or altered from any
+!         source or altered source distribution.
+!  The Author specifically permits (without fee) and encourages the use
+!  of this source code for entertainment, education, or decoration. If
+!  you use this source code in a product, acknowledgment is not required
+!  but would be appreciated.
+!  Acknowledgement:
+!      This license is based on the wonderful simple license that
+!      accompanies libpng.
+!  For more information on this software package, please visit
+!  Scott's web site, Coyote Gulch Productions, at:
+!      http://www.coyotegulch.com
+    implicit none
+    ! Kind types for 64-, 32-, 16-, and 8-bit signed integers
+    integer, parameter :: INT64 = selected_int_kind(18)
+    integer, parameter :: INT32 = selected_int_kind(9)
+    integer, parameter :: INT16 = selected_int_kind(4)
+    integer, parameter :: INT08 = selected_int_kind(2)
+    ! Kind types for IEEE 754/IEC 60559 single- and double-precision reals
+    integer, parameter :: IEEE32 = selected_real_kind(  6,  37 )
+    integer, parameter :: IEEE64 = selected_real_kind( 15, 307 )
+    !------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    ! Everything is private unless explicitly made public
+    private
+    public :: mtprng_state, &
+              mtprng_init, mtprng_init_by_array, &
+              mtprng_rand64, mtprng_rand, mtprng_rand_range, &
+              mtprng_rand_real1, mtprng_rand_real2, mtprng_rand_real3
+    !------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    ! Constants
+    integer(INT32), parameter :: N = 624_INT32
+    integer(INT32), parameter :: M = 397_INT32
+    !------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    ! types
+    type mtprng_state
+        integer(INT32)                   :: mti = -1
+        integer(INT64), dimension(0:N-1) :: mt
+    end type 
+    !--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    !  Initializes the generator with "seed"
+    subroutine mtprng_init(seed, state)
+        ! arguments
+        integer(INT32),     intent(in)  :: seed
+        type(mtprng_state), intent(out) :: state
+        ! working storage
+        integer :: i
+        ! save seed        
+        state%mt(0) = seed
+        ! Set the seed using values suggested by Matsumoto & Nishimura, using
+        !   a generator by Knuth. See original source for details.
+        do i = 1, N - 1
+            state%mt(i) = iand(4294967295_INT64,1812433253_INT64 * ieor(state%mt(i-1),ishft(state%mt(i-1),-30_INT64)) + i)
+        end do
+        state%mti = N
+    end subroutine mtprng_init
+    !--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    ! Initialize with an array of seeds
+    subroutine mtprng_init_by_array(init_key, state)
+        ! arguments
+        integer(INT32), dimension(:), intent(in) :: init_key
+        type(mtprng_state), intent(out) :: state
+        ! working storage
+        integer :: key_length
+        integer :: i
+        integer :: j
+        integer :: k
+        call mtprng_init(19650218_INT32,state)
+        i = 1
+        j = 0
+        key_length = size(init_key)
+        do k = max(N,key_length), 0, -1
+            state%mt(i) = ieor(state%mt(i),(ieor(state%mt(i-1),ishft(state%mt(i-1),-30_INT64) * 1664525_INT64))) + init_key(j) + j
+            i = i + 1
+            j = j + 1
+            if (i >= N) then
+                state%mt(0) = state%mt(N-1)
+                i = 1
+            end if
+            if (j >= key_length) j = 0
+        end do
+        do k = N-1, 0, -1
+            state%mt(i) = ieor(state%mt(i),(ieor(state%mt(i-1),ishft(state%mt(i-1),-30_INT64) * 1566083941_INT64))) - i
+            i = i + 1
+            if (i>=N) then
+                state%mt(0) = state%mt(N-1)
+                i = 1
+            end if
+        end do
+        state%mt(0) = 1073741824_INT64 ! 0x40000000, assuring non-zero initial array 
+    end subroutine mtprng_init_by_array
+    !--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    !   Obtain the next 32-bit integer in the psuedo-random sequence
+    function mtprng_rand64(state) result(r)
+        ! arguments
+        type(mtprng_state), intent(inout) :: state
+        !return type
+        integer(INT64) :: r
+        ! internal constants
+        integer(INT64), dimension(0:1), parameter :: mag01 = (/ 0_INT64, -1727483681_INT64 /)
+        ! Period parameters
+        integer(INT64), parameter :: UPPER_MASK =  2147483648_INT64
+        integer(INT64), parameter :: LOWER_MASK =  2147483647_INT64
+        ! Tempering parameters
+        integer(INT64), parameter :: TEMPERING_B = -1658038656_INT64
+        integer(INT64), parameter :: TEMPERING_C =  -272236544_INT64
+        ! Note: variable names match those in original example
+        integer(INT32) :: kk
+        ! Generate N words at a time
+        if (state%mti >= N) then
+            ! The value -1 acts as a flag saying that the seed has not been set.
+            if (state%mti == -1) call mtprng_init(4357_INT32,state)
+            ! Fill the mt array
+            do kk = 0, N - M - 1
+                r = ior(iand(state%mt(kk),UPPER_MASK),iand(state%mt(kk+1),LOWER_MASK))
+                state%mt(kk) = ieor(ieor(state%mt(kk + M),ishft(r,-1_INT64)),mag01(iand(r,1_INT64)))
+            end do
+            do kk = N - M, N - 2
+                r = ior(iand(state%mt(kk),UPPER_MASK),iand(state%mt(kk+1),LOWER_MASK))
+                state%mt(kk) = ieor(ieor(state%mt(kk + (M - N)),ishft(r,-1_INT64)),mag01(iand(r,1_INT64)))
+            end do
+            r = ior(iand(state%mt(N-1),UPPER_MASK),iand(state%mt(0),LOWER_MASK))
+            state%mt(N-1) = ieor(ieor(state%mt(M-1),ishft(r,-1)),mag01(iand(r,1_INT64)))
+            ! Start using the array from first element
+            state%mti = 0
+        end if
+        ! Here is where we actually calculate the number with a series of
+        !   transformations 
+        r = state%mt(state%mti)
+        state%mti = state%mti + 1
+        r = ieor(r,ishft(r,-11))
+        r = iand(4294967295_INT64,ieor(r,iand(ishft(r, 7),TEMPERING_B)))
+        r = iand(4294967295_INT64,ieor(r,iand(ishft(r,15),TEMPERING_C)))
+        r = ieor(r,ishft(r,-18))
+    end function mtprng_rand64
+    !--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    !   Obtain the next 32-bit integer in the psuedo-random sequence
+    function mtprng_rand(state) result(r)
+        ! arguments
+        type(mtprng_state), intent(inout) :: state
+        !return type
+        integer(INT32) :: r
+        ! working storage
+        integer(INT64) :: x
+        ! done
+        x = mtprng_rand64(state)
+        if (x > 2147483647_INT64) then
+            r = x - 4294967296_INT64
+        else
+            r = x
+        end if
+    end function mtprng_rand
+    !---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    !   Obtain a psuedorandom integer in the range [lo,hi]
+    function mtprng_rand_range(state, lo, hi) result(r)
+        ! arguments
+        type(mtprng_state), intent(inout) :: state
+        integer, intent(in) :: lo
+        integer, intent(in) :: hi
+        ! return type
+        integer(INT32) :: r
+        ! Use real value to caluclate range
+        r = lo + floor((hi - lo + 1.0_IEEE64) * mtprng_rand_real2(state))
+    end function mtprng_rand_range
+    !--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    !   Obtain a psuedorandom real number in the range [0,1], i.e., a number
+    !   greater than or equal to 0 and less than or equal to 1.
+    function mtprng_rand_real1(state) result(r)
+        ! arguments
+        type(mtprng_state), intent(inout) :: state
+        ! return type
+        real(IEEE64) :: r
+        ! Local constant; precalculated to avoid division below
+        real(IEEE64), parameter :: factor = 1.0_IEEE64 / 4294967295.0_IEEE64
+        ! compute
+        r = real(mtprng_rand64(state),IEEE64) * factor
+    end function mtprng_rand_real1
+    !--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    !   Obtain a psuedorandom real number in the range [0,1), i.e., a number
+    !   greater than or equal to 0 and less than 1.
+    function mtprng_rand_real2(state) result(r)
+        ! arguments
+        type(mtprng_state), intent(inout) :: state
+        ! return type
+        real(IEEE64) :: r
+        ! Local constant; precalculated to avoid division below
+        real(IEEE64), parameter :: factor = 1.0_IEEE64 / 4294967296.0_IEEE64
+        ! compute
+        r = real(mtprng_rand64(state),IEEE64) * factor
+    end function mtprng_rand_real2
+    !--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    !   Obtain a psuedorandom real number in the range (0,1), i.e., a number
+    !   greater than 0 and less than 1.
+    function mtprng_rand_real3(state) result(r)
+        ! arguments
+        type(mtprng_state), intent(inout) :: state
+        ! return type
+        real(IEEE64) :: r
+        ! Local constant; precalculated to avoid division below
+        real(IEEE64), parameter :: factor = 1.0_IEEE64 / 4294967296.0_IEEE64
+        r = (real(mtprng_rand64(state),IEEE64) + 0.5_IEEE64) * factor
+    end function mtprng_rand_real3
+end module fox_m_utils_mtprng
diff --git a/utils/fox_m_utils_uri.F90 b/utils/fox_m_utils_uri.F90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..be6fefc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/fox_m_utils_uri.F90
@@ -0,0 +1,1013 @@
+module fox_m_utils_uri
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+  ! Manipulate URIs and URI references a la RFC 2396
+  ! NB: ...
+  ! Forbidden (ASCII control) characters are not handled correctly
+  ! checking of reg names (not hosts) is done wrongly
+  ! checking of ipv6/X is untested
+  use fox_m_fsys_array_str, only: str_vs, vs_str_alloc, vs_vs_alloc
+  use fox_m_fsys_format, only: str_to_int_10, str_to_int_16, str
+  use fox_m_fsys_string, only: toLower
+  implicit none
+  private
+  type path_segment
+    character, pointer :: s(:) => null()
+  end type path_segment
+  type URI
+    private
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    character, pointer :: scheme(:) => null()
+    character, pointer :: authority(:) => null()
+    character, pointer :: userinfo(:) => null()
+    character, pointer :: host(:) => null()
+    integer :: port = -1
+    character, pointer :: path(:) => null()
+    type(path_segment), pointer :: segments(:) => null()
+    character, pointer :: query(:) => null()
+    character, pointer :: fragment(:) => null()
+    integer :: i
+  end type URI
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+  character(len=*), parameter :: lowalpha = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
+  character(len=*), parameter :: upalpha = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"
+  character(len=*), parameter :: alpha = lowalpha//upalpha
+  character(len=*), parameter :: digit = "0123456789"
+  character(len=*), parameter :: hexdigit = "0123456789abcdefABCDEF"
+  character(len=*), parameter :: alphanum = alpha//digit
+  character(len=*), parameter :: unreserved = alphanum//"-._~"
+  character(len=*), parameter :: gen_delims  = ":/?#[]@"
+  character(len=*), parameter :: sub_delims  = "!$&'()*+,;="
+  character(len=*), parameter :: reserved = gen_delims//sub_delims
+  character(len=*), parameter :: pchar = unreserved//":@&=+$,"
+  character(len=*), parameter :: uric_no_slash = unreserved//";?:@&=+$,"
+  character(len=*), parameter :: uric = unreserved//reserved
+  character(len=*), parameter :: unwise = "{}|\^[]`"
+  public :: URI
+  public :: parseURI
+  public :: expressURI
+  public :: isAbsoluteURI
+  public :: rebaseURI
+  public :: copyURI
+  public :: destroyURI
+  public :: hasScheme
+  public :: getScheme
+  public :: hasAuthority
+  public :: getAuthority
+  public :: hasUserinfo
+  public :: getUserinfo
+  public :: hasHost
+  public :: getHost
+  public :: hasPort
+  public :: getPort
+  public :: getPath
+  public :: hasQuery
+  public :: getQuery
+  public :: hasFragment
+  public :: getFragment
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+  public :: dumpURI
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+  function unEscape_alloc(s) result(c)
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: s
+    character, pointer :: c(:)
+    integer :: i, j, n
+    character(len(s)) :: t
+    c => null()
+    i = 1
+    j = 0
+    do while (i<=len(s))
+      j = j + 1
+      if (s(i:i)=="%") then
+        if (i+2>len(s)) return
+        if (verify(s(i+1:i+2), hexdigit)/=0) return
+        n = str_to_int_16(s(i+1:i+2))
+        t(j:j) = achar(n)
+        i = i + 3
+      else
+        t(j:j) = s(i:i)
+        i = i + 1
+      endif
+    enddo
+    c => vs_str_alloc(t(:j))
+  end function unEscape_alloc
+  function verifyWithPctEncoding(s, chars) result(p)
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: s
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: chars
+    logical :: p
+    integer :: i
+    p = .false.
+    i = 1
+    do while (i<=len(s))
+      if (s(i:i)=="%") then
+        if (i+2>len(s)) return
+        if (verify(s(i+1:i+2), hexdigit)>0) return
+        i = i + 3
+      else
+        if (verify(s(i:i),chars)>0) return
+        i = i + 1
+      endif
+    enddo
+    p = .true.
+  end function verifyWithPctEncoding
+  pure function pctEncode_len(s, chars) result(n)
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: s
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: chars
+    integer :: n
+    integer :: i
+    n = 0
+    do i = 1, len(s)
+      n = n + 1
+      if (verify(s(i:i), unwise)==0.or.verify(s(i:i), chars)>0) n = n + 2
+    enddo
+  end function pctEncode_len
+  function pctEncode(s, chars) result(ps)
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: s
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: chars
+    character(len=pctEncode_len(s, chars)) :: ps
+    integer :: i, n
+    n = 1
+    do i = 1, len(s)
+      if (verify(s(i:i), unwise)==0.or.verify(s(i:i), chars)>0) then
+        ps(n:n+2) = "%"//str(iachar(s(i:i)), "x2")
+        n = n + 3
+      else
+        ps(n:n) = s(i:i)
+        n = n + 1
+      endif
+    enddo
+  end function pctEncode
+  function checkOpaquePart(part) result(p)
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: part
+    logical :: p
+    if (len(part)>0) then
+      p = verify(part(1:1), uric_no_slash)==0
+      if (p.and.len(part)>1) &
+        p = verify(part(1:1), uric)==0
+    endif
+  end function checkOpaquePart
+  function checkScheme(scheme) result(p)
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: scheme
+    logical :: p
+    p = len(scheme)>0 
+    if (p) then
+      p = verify(scheme(1:1), lowalpha//upalpha)==0
+      if (p.and.len(scheme)>1) then
+        p = verify(scheme(2:), alphanum//"+-.")==0
+      endif
+    endif
+  end function checkScheme
+  function checkIpvX(host) result(p)
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: host
+    logical :: p
+    integer :: i, n1, n2
+    p = (len(host)>5).and.(host(1:1)=="[".and.host(len(host):len(host))=="]")
+    if (p) then
+      ! Try IPvFuture:
+      p = (verify(host(2:2),"Vv")==0 &
+        .and.verify(host(3:3),hexdigit)==0 &
+        .and.host(4:4)=="." &
+        .and.verify(host(3:3),unreserved//sub_delims//":")==0)
+      if (.not.p) then ! is it IPv6?
+        n1 = 0
+        do i = 1, 4
+          n2 = index(host(n1+1:), ":")
+          if (n2==0.or.n2>6) return
+          n2 = n2 + n1
+          if (verify(host(n1+1:n2-1),hexdigit)>0) return
+          n1 = n2
+        enddo
+        n2 = index(host(n1+1:), ":")
+        if (n2==0) then
+          ! this must be ipv4 format
+          do i = 1, 3
+            n2 = index(host(n1+1:), ".")
+            if (n2==0) return
+            n2 = n2 + n1
+            if (verify(host(n1+1:n2-1),digit)>0) return
+            if (str_to_int_10(host(n1+1:n2-1))>255) return
+            n1 = n2
+          enddo
+          ! Now there must be 3 or less digits followed by ]
+          n2 = len(host)-1
+          if (verify(host(n1+1:n2-1),digit)>0) return
+          if (str_to_int_10(host(n1+1:n2-1))>255) return 
+        elseif (n2<6) then
+          n2 = n2 + n1
+          if (verify(host(n1+1:n2-1),hexdigit)>0) return
+          ! Now there must be 4 or less digits followed by ]
+          n1 = n2
+          n2 = len(host)
+          if (n2-n1>4) return
+          if (verify(host(n1+1:n2-1),hexdigit)>0) return
+        endif
+        p = .true.
+      endif
+    endif
+  end function checkIpvX
+  function checkHost(host) result(p)
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: host
+    logical :: p
+    p = checkIpvX(host)
+    if (.not.p) &
+      p = verifyWithPctEncoding(host, unreserved//sub_delims)
+  end function checkHost
+  function checkAuthority(authority, userinfo, host, port) result(p)
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: authority
+    character, pointer :: userinfo(:), host(:)
+    integer :: port
+    logical :: p
+    integer :: i1, i2
+    p = .true.
+    if (len(authority)==0) return
+    i1 = index(authority, "@")
+    if (i1>0) then
+      i2 = index(authority(i1+1:), ":")
+    else
+      i2 = index(authority, ":")
+    endif
+    if (i1==0) then
+      userinfo => null()
+    else
+      p = verifyWithPctEncoding(authority(:i1-1), unreserved//sub_delims//":")
+      if (p) userinfo => unEscape_alloc(authority(:i1-1))
+    endif
+    if (i2==0) then
+      i2 = len(authority)+1
+    else
+      i2 = i1 + i2
+      p = p.and.verify(authority(i2+1:), digit)==0
+      if (p) port = str_to_int_10(authority(i2+1:))
+    endif
+    p = p.and.checkHost(authority(i1+1:i2-1))
+    if (p) then
+      host => vs_str_alloc(authority(i1+1:i2-1))
+    else
+      if (associated(userinfo)) deallocate(userinfo)
+    end if
+  end function checkAuthority
+  function checkPathSegment(segment) result(p)
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: segment
+    logical :: p
+    integer :: i1
+    i1 = index(segment, ";")
+    if (i1>0) then
+      p = verifyWithPctEncoding(segment(:i1-1), pchar) &
+        .and.verifyWithPctEncoding(segment(i1+1:), pchar)
+    else
+      p = verifyWithPctEncoding(segment, unreserved//pchar)
+    endif
+  end function checkPathSegment
+  function checkNonOpaquePath(path, segments) result(p)
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: path
+    type(path_segment), pointer :: segments(:)
+    logical :: p
+    integer :: i, i1, i2
+    type(path_segment), pointer :: temp(:)
+    p = .true.
+    i1 = index(path, "/")
+    if (i1==1) then
+      allocate(segments(1))
+      segments(1)%s => vs_str_alloc("/")
+    else
+      allocate(segments(0))
+      i1 = 0
+    endif
+    do
+      i2 = index(path(i1+1:), "/")
+      if (i2==0) then
+        i2 = len(path)
+      else
+        i2 = i1 + i2
+      endif
+      if (checkPathSegment(path(i1+1:i2-1))) then
+        allocate(temp(size(segments)+1))
+        do i = 1, size(segments)
+          temp(i)%s => segments(i)%s
+        enddo
+        temp(i)%s => unEscape_alloc(path(i1+1:i2))
+        deallocate(segments)
+        segments => temp
+      else
+        do i = 1, size(segments)
+          deallocate(segments(i)%s)
+        enddo
+        deallocate(segments)
+        p = .false.
+        return
+      endif
+      if (i2==len(path)) exit
+      i1 = i2
+    end do
+  end function checkNonOpaquePath
+  function checkPath(path, segments) result(p)
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: path
+    type(path_segment), pointer :: segments(:)
+    logical :: p
+    p = checkNonOpaquePath(path, segments)
+    if (.not.p) then
+      p = checkOpaquePart(path)
+      if (p) allocate(segments(0))
+    endif
+  end function checkPath
+  function checkQuery(query) result(p)
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: query
+    logical :: p
+    p = verifyWithPctEncoding(query, uric)
+  end function checkQuery
+  function checkFragment(fragment) result(p)
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: fragment
+    logical :: p
+    p = verifyWithPctEncoding(fragment, uric)
+  end function checkFragment
+  function parseURI(URIstring) result(u)
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: URIstring
+    type(URI), pointer :: u
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    character, pointer, dimension(:) :: scheme, authority, &
+      userinfo, host, path, query, fragment
+    integer :: port
+    type(path_segment), pointer :: segments(:)
+    integer :: i1, i2, i3, i4
+    logical :: p
+    u => null()
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    scheme => null()
+    authority => null()
+    userinfo => null()
+    host => null()
+    port = -1
+    path => null()
+    segments => null()
+    query => null()
+    fragment => null()
+    i1 = index(URIstring, ":")
+    if (i1>0) then 
+      p = checkScheme(URIstring(:i1-1))
+      if (p) then
+        scheme => vs_str_alloc(toLower(URIstring(:i1-1)))
+      else
+        i1 = 0
+      endif
+    endif
+    ! if either i1==0 or the scheme doesn't validate, there is no scheme..
+    if (len(URIstring)>=i1+3) then
+      if (URIstring(i1+1:i1+2)=="//") then
+        i2 = scan(URIstring(i1+3:), "/#?")
+        if (i2==0) then
+          i2 = len(URIstring) + 1
+        else
+          i2 = i1 + i2 + 2
+        endif
+        p = checkAuthority(URIstring(i1+3:i2-1), userinfo, host, port)
+        if (.not.p) then
+          call cleanUp
+          return
+        endif
+        authority => vs_str_alloc(URIstring(i1+3:i2-1))
+      else
+        i2 = i1 + 1
+      endif
+    else
+      i2 = i1 + 1
+    endif
+    if (i2>len(URIstring)) then
+      path => vs_str_alloc("")
+      allocate(segments(1))
+      segments(1)%s => vs_str_alloc("")
+      call produceResult
+      return
+    endif
+    i3 = scan(URIstring(i2:),"#?")
+    if (i3==0) then
+      i3 = len(URIstring) + 1
+    else
+      i3 = i2 + i3 - 1
+    endif
+    p = checkPath(URIstring(i2:i3-1), segments)
+    if (.not.p) then
+      call cleanUp
+      return
+    endif
+    path => unEscape_alloc(URIstring(i2:i3-1))
+    if (i3>len(URIstring)) then
+      call produceResult
+      return
+    endif
+    if (URIstring(i3:i3)=="?") then
+      i4 = index(URIstring(i3+1:), "#")
+      if (i4==0) then
+        i4 = len(URIstring) + 1
+      else
+        i4 = i3 + i4
+      endif
+      p = checkQuery(URIstring(i3+1:i4-1))
+      if (.not.p) then
+        call cleanUp
+        return
+      endif
+      query => vs_str_alloc(URIstring(i3+1:i4-1))
+    else
+      i4 = i3
+    endif
+    if (i4>len(URIstring)) then
+      call produceResult
+      return
+    endif
+    p = checkFragment(URIstring(i4+1:))
+    if (.not.p) then
+      call cleanUp
+      return
+    endif
+    fragment => vs_str_alloc(URIstring(i4+1:))
+    call produceResult
+    contains
+      subroutine cleanUp
+        integer :: i
+        if (associated(scheme)) deallocate(scheme)
+        if (associated(authority)) deallocate(authority)
+        if (associated(userinfo)) deallocate(userinfo)
+        if (associated(host)) deallocate(host)
+        if (associated(path)) deallocate(path)
+        if (associated(query)) deallocate(query)
+        if (associated(fragment)) deallocate(fragment)
+        if (associated(segments)) then
+          do i = 1, size(segments)
+            deallocate(segments(i)%s)
+          enddo
+          deallocate(segments)
+        endif
+      end subroutine cleanUp
+      subroutine produceResult
+        allocate(u)
+        u%scheme => scheme
+        u%authority => authority
+        u%userinfo => userinfo
+        u%host => host
+        u%port = port
+        u%path => path
+        u%segments => segments
+        u%query => query
+        u%fragment => fragment
+        u%segments => segments
+      end subroutine produceResult
+  end function parseURI
+  function isAbsoluteURI(u) result(p)
+    type(URI), intent(in) :: u
+    logical :: p
+#ifdef DUMMYLIB
+    p = .false.
+    p = associated(u%scheme).or.associated(u%authority)
+    if (.not.p.and.size(u%segments(1)%s)>0) then
+      p = u%segments(1)%s(1)=="/"
+    endif
+  end function isAbsoluteURI
+  function rebaseURI(u1, u2) result(u3)
+    type(URI), pointer :: u1, u2
+    type(URI), pointer :: u3
+    u3 => null()
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    if (associated(u2%scheme).or.associated(u2%authority)) then
+      u3 => copyURI(u2)
+      return
+    endif
+    allocate(u3)
+    if (associated(u1%scheme)) u3%scheme => vs_vs_alloc(u1%scheme)
+    if (associated(u1%authority)) u3%authority => vs_vs_alloc(u1%authority)
+    u3%segments => appendPaths(u1%segments, u2%segments)
+    u3%path => expressSegments(u3%segments)
+    if (associated(u2%query)) u3%query => vs_vs_alloc(u2%query)
+    if (associated(u2%fragment)) u3%fragment => vs_vs_alloc(u2%fragment)
+  end function rebaseURI
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+  function appendPaths(seg1, seg2) result(seg3)
+    type(path_segment), pointer :: seg1(:), seg2(:)
+    type(path_segment), pointer :: seg3(:)
+    type(path_segment), pointer :: temp(:)
+    integer :: i, n, n2
+    if (size(seg2(1)%s)==0) then
+      seg3 => normalizePath(seg1)
+      return
+    elseif (seg2(1)%s(1)=="/") then
+      seg3 => normalizePath(seg2)
+      return
+    endif
+    n = size(seg1) + size(seg2)
+    i = size(seg1)
+    if (seg1(i)%s(size(seg1(i)%s))/="/") &
+      n = n - 1
+    allocate(temp(n))
+    n2 = 1
+    do i = 1, size(seg1)
+      if (i==size(seg1).and.seg1(i)%s(size(seg1(i)%s))/="/") exit ! it's a file
+      temp(n2)%s => vs_vs_alloc(seg1(i)%s)
+      n2 = n2 + 1
+    enddo
+    do i = 1, size(seg2)
+      temp(n2)%s => vs_vs_alloc(seg2(i)%s)
+      n2 = n2 + 1
+    enddo
+    seg3 => normalizePath(temp)
+    do i = 1, size(temp)
+      deallocate(temp(i)%s)
+    enddo
+    deallocate(temp)
+  end function appendPaths
+  function normalizepath(seg1) result(seg2)
+    type(path_segment), pointer :: seg1(:)
+    type(path_segment), pointer :: seg2(:)
+    integer :: i, n, n2, parents
+    character, pointer :: tmp(:) 
+    ! If the last of the input segments are
+    ! equal to '.' or '..', append a slash
+    ! so the rest of the subroutine works.
+    if ((str_vs(seg1(size(seg1))%s) == '.').or. &
+        (str_vs(seg1(size(seg1))%s) == '..')) then
+        tmp => vs_vs_alloc(seg1(size(seg1))%s)
+        deallocate(seg1(size(seg1))%s)
+        seg1(size(seg1))%s => vs_str_alloc(str_vs(tmp)//"/")
+        deallocate(tmp)
+    endif
+    n = 0
+    parents = 0
+    do i = 1, size(seg1)
+      if (str_vs(seg1(i)%s)//"x"=="./x") then
+        continue
+      elseif (str_vs(seg1(i)%s)//"x"=="../x") then
+        if (n>0) then
+          n = n - 1
+        else
+          parents = parents + 1
+        endif
+      else
+        n = n + 1
+      endif
+    enddo
+    n = n + parents
+    allocate(seg2(n))
+    n2 = parents
+    do i = 1, parents
+      seg2(i)%s => vs_str_alloc("../")
+    enddo
+    do i = 1, size(seg1)
+      if (str_vs(seg1(i)%s)//"x"=="./x") then
+        continue
+      elseif (str_vs(seg1(i)%s)//"x"=="../x") then
+        if (n2>parents) then
+          if (n2<=n) deallocate(seg2(n2)%s)
+          n2 = n2 - 1
+        endif
+      else
+        n2 = n2 + 1
+        if (n2>0.and.n2<=n) &
+          seg2(n2)%s => vs_vs_alloc(seg1(i)%s)
+      endif
+    enddo
+  end function normalizepath
+  function expressSegments(seg1) result(s)
+    type(path_segment), pointer :: seg1(:)
+    character, pointer :: s(:)
+    integer :: i, n
+    n = 0
+    do i = 1, size(seg1)
+      n = n + size(seg1(i)%s)
+    enddo
+    allocate(s(n))
+    n = 1
+    do i = 1, size(seg1)
+      s(n:n+size(seg1(i)%s)-1) = seg1(i)%s
+      n = n + size(seg1(i)%s)
+    enddo
+  end function expressSegments
+  pure function expressURI_len(u) result(n)
+    type(URI), intent(in) :: u
+    integer :: n
+    n = 0
+    if (associated(u%scheme)) &
+      n = size(u%scheme) + 1
+    if (associated(u%authority)) &
+      n = n + pctEncode_len(str_vs(u%authority), unreserved//sub_delims//"@:") + 2
+    !FIXME - I suspect that ';' as the first character of a segment should be escaped
+    n = n + pctEncode_len(str_vs(u%path), pchar//";"//"/")
+    if (associated(u%query)) &
+      n = n + pctEncode_len(str_vs(u%query), uric) + 1
+    if (associated(u%fragment)) &
+      n = n + pctEncode_len(str_vs(u%fragment), uric) + 1
+  end function expressURI_len
+  function expressURI(u) result(URIstring)
+    type(URI), intent(in) :: u
+    character(len=expressURI_len(u)) :: URIstring
+    integer :: i, j
+    URIstring=""
+    i = 1
+    if (associated(u%scheme)) then
+      URIstring(:size(u%scheme)+1) = str_vs(u%scheme)//":"
+      i = i + size(u%scheme) + 1
+    endif
+    if (associated(u%authority)) then
+      j = pctEncode_len(str_vs(u%authority), unreserved//sub_delims//"@:")
+      URIstring(i:i+j+1) = &
+        "//"//pctEncode(str_vs(u%authority), unreserved//sub_delims//"@:")
+      i = i + j + 2
+    endif
+    if (size(u%path)>0) then
+      !FIXME - I suspect that ';' as the first character of a segment should be escaped
+      j = pctEncode_len(str_vs(u%path), pchar//";"//"/")
+      URIstring(i:i+j-1) = pctEncode(str_vs(u%path), pchar//";"//"/")
+      i = i + j
+    endif
+    if (associated(u%query)) then
+      j = pctEncode_len(str_vs(u%query), uric)
+      URIstring(i:i+j) = "?"//pctEncode(str_vs(u%query), uric)
+      i = i + j + 1
+    endif
+    if (associated(u%fragment)) then
+      j = pctEncode_len(str_vs(u%fragment), uric)
+      URIstring(i:i+j) = "#"//pctEncode(str_vs(u%fragment), uric)
+    endif
+  end function expressURI
+  subroutine dumpURI(u)
+    type(URI), intent(in) :: u
+    integer :: i
+    if (associated(u%scheme)) then
+      write(*,*) "scheme: ", str_vs(u%scheme)
+    else
+      write(*,*) "scheme UNDEFINED"
+    endif
+    if (associated(u%authority)) then
+      write(*,*) "authority: ", str_vs(u%authority)
+    else
+      write(*,*) "authority UNDEFINED"
+    endif
+    if (associated(u%userinfo)) then
+      write(*,*) "userinfo: ", str_vs(u%userinfo)
+    else
+      write(*,*) "userinfo UNDEFINED"
+    endif
+    if (associated(u%host)) then
+      write(*,*) "host: ", str_vs(u%host)
+    else
+      write(*,*) "host UNDEFINED"
+    endif
+    if (u%port>0) then
+      write(*,*) "port: ", str(u%port)
+    else
+      write(*,*) "port UNDEFINED"
+    endif
+    if (associated(u%path)) then
+      write(*,*) "path: ", str_vs(u%path)
+    else
+      write(*,*) "path UNDEFINED"
+    endif
+    if (associated(u%segments)) then
+      do i = 1, size(u%segments)
+        write(*,*) "    segment: ", str_vs(u%segments(i)%s)
+      enddo
+    endif
+    if (associated(u%query)) then
+      write(*,*) "query: ", str_vs(u%query)
+    else
+      write(*,*) "query UNDEFINED"
+    endif
+    if (associated(u%fragment)) then
+      write(*,*) "fragment: ", str_vs(u%fragment)
+    else
+      write(*,*) "fragment UNDEFINED"
+    endif
+  end subroutine dumpURI
+  function copyURI(u1) result(u2)
+    type(URI), pointer :: u1
+    type(URI), pointer :: u2
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    integer :: i
+    if (.not.associated(u1)) then
+      u2 => null()
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+      return
+    endif
+    allocate(u2)
+    u2%scheme => vs_vs_alloc(u1%scheme)
+    u2%authority => vs_vs_alloc(u1%authority)
+    u2%userinfo => vs_vs_alloc(u1%userinfo)
+    u2%host => vs_vs_alloc(u1%host)
+    u2%port = u1%port
+    u2%path => vs_vs_alloc(u1%path)
+    allocate(u2%segments(size(u1%segments)))
+    do i = 1, size(u1%segments)
+      u2%segments(i)%s => vs_vs_alloc(u1%segments(i)%s)
+    enddo
+    u2%query => vs_vs_alloc(u1%query)
+    u2%fragment => vs_vs_alloc(u1%fragment)
+  end function copyURI
+  subroutine destroyURI(u)
+    type(URI), pointer :: u
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    integer :: i
+    if (associated(u%scheme)) deallocate(u%scheme)
+    if (associated(u%authority)) deallocate(u%authority)
+    if (associated(u%userinfo)) deallocate(u%userinfo)
+    if (associated(u%host)) deallocate(u%host)
+    if (associated(u%path)) deallocate(u%path)
+    if (associated(u%segments)) then
+      do i = 1, size(u%segments)
+        deallocate(u%segments(i)%s)
+      enddo
+      deallocate(u%segments)
+    endif
+    if (associated(u%query)) deallocate(u%query)
+    if (associated(u%fragment)) deallocate(u%fragment)
+    deallocate(u)
+  end subroutine destroyURI
+  function hasScheme(u) result(p)
+    type(URI), pointer :: u
+    logical :: p
+    p = .false.
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    if (.not.associated(u)) return
+    p = associated(u%scheme)
+  end function hasScheme
+  function getScheme(u) result(s)
+    type(URI), pointer :: u
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    character(len=size(u%scheme)) :: s
+    s = str_vs(u%scheme)
+    character(len=1) :: s
+    s = ""
+  end function getScheme
+  function hasAuthority(u) result(p)
+    type(URI), pointer :: u
+    logical :: p
+    p = .false.
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    if (.not.associated(u)) return
+    p = associated(u%authority)
+  end function hasAuthority
+  function getAuthority(u) result(s)
+    type(URI), pointer :: u
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    character(len=size(u%authority)) :: s
+    s = str_vs(u%authority)
+    character(len=1) :: s
+    s = ""
+  end function getAuthority
+  function hasUserinfo(u) result(p)
+    type(URI), pointer :: u
+    logical :: p
+    p = .false.
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    if (.not.associated(u)) return
+    p = associated(u%userinfo)
+  end function hasUserinfo
+  function getUserinfo(u) result(s)
+    type(URI), pointer :: u
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    character(len=size(u%userinfo)) :: s
+    s = str_vs(u%userinfo)
+    character(len=1) :: s
+    s = ""
+  end function getUserinfo
+  function hasHost(u) result(p)
+    type(URI), pointer :: u
+    logical :: p
+    p = .false.
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    if (.not.associated(u)) return
+    p = associated(u%host)
+  end function hasHost
+  function getHost(u) result(s)
+    type(URI), pointer :: u
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    character(len=size(u%host)) :: s
+    s = str_vs(u%host)
+    character(len=1) :: s
+    s = ""
+  end function getHost
+  function hasPort(u) result(p)
+    type(URI), pointer :: u
+    logical :: p
+    p = .false.
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    if (.not.associated(u)) return
+    p = u%port > 0
+  end function hasPort
+  function getPort(u) result(n)
+    type(URI), pointer :: u
+    integer :: n
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    n = u%port
+    n = 0
+  end function getPort
+  function getPath(u) result(s)
+    type(URI), pointer :: u
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    character(len=size(u%path)) :: s
+    s = str_vs(u%path)
+    character(len=1) :: s
+    s = ""
+  end function getPath
+  function hasQuery(u) result(p)
+    type(URI), pointer :: u
+    logical :: p
+    p = .false.
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    if (.not.associated(u)) return
+    p = associated(u%query)
+  end function hasQuery
+  function getQuery(u) result(s)
+    type(URI), pointer :: u
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    character(len=size(u%query)) :: s
+    s = str_vs(u%query)
+    character(len=1) :: s
+    s = ""
+  end function getQuery
+  function hasFragment(u) result(p)
+    type(URI), pointer :: u
+    logical :: p
+    p = .false.
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    if (.not.associated(u)) return
+    p = associated(u%fragment)
+  end function hasFragment
+  function getFragment(u) result(s)
+    type(URI), pointer :: u
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    character(len=size(u%fragment)) :: s
+    s = str_vs(u%fragment)
+    character(len=1) :: s
+    s = ""
+  end function getFragment
+end module fox_m_utils_uri
diff --git a/utils/fox_m_utils_uuid.F90 b/utils/fox_m_utils_uuid.F90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fd9c272
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/fox_m_utils_uuid.F90
@@ -0,0 +1,247 @@
+module fox_m_utils_uuid
+  !This generates UUIDs according to RFC 4122
+  ! Only types 1 (time-based) and 4 (pseudo-RNG-based) are implemented.
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+  use fox_m_utils_mtprng, only : mtprng_state, mtprng_init, mtprng_rand64
+  implicit none
+  private
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+  integer, parameter :: i4b = selected_int_kind(9)
+  integer, parameter :: i8b = selected_int_kind(18)
+  character, parameter :: hexdigits(0:15) = &
+    (/'0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','a','b','c','d','e','f'/)
+  type(mtprng_state), save :: rng_state
+  logical, save :: initialized = .false.
+  integer, save :: values_save ! must be default for date_and_time
+  integer(kind=i4b), save :: hires_count = 0
+! clock-seq holds a random number constant for the lifetime of the program
+! using this module. That's the best we can do per S 4.1.5
+  integer, save :: clock_seq = 0
+  public :: generate_uuid
+  function generate_uuid(version) result(uuid)
+    integer, intent(in), optional :: version
+    character(len=36) :: uuid
+#ifdef DUMMYLIB
+    uuid = ""
+    integer(kind=i8b) :: timestamp, node
+    integer(kind=i4b) :: clock_sequence
+    integer(kind=i4b) :: time_low, time_mid, time_hi_and_version
+    integer(kind=i4b) :: clk_seq_hi_res, clk_seq_low
+    integer :: values(8) ! must be default for date_and_time
+    integer(kind=i4b) :: variant, v
+    if (.not.initialized) then
+      ! Use the current date and time to init mtprng
+      ! but this gives limited varaibility, so mix 
+      ! the result up.  Can we do better? In any
+      ! case, this gets passed through a quick 
+      ! generator inside mtprng_init.
+      call date_and_time(values=values)
+      values(7) = values(7)*1000+values(5)*100+values(3)*10+values(1)
+      values(8) = values(2)*1000+values(4)*100+values(6)*10+values(8)
+      call mtprng_init(int(values(7)*10000+values(8), i4b), rng_state)
+      clock_seq = int(mtprng_rand64(rng_state), i4b)
+      initialized = .true.
+    endif
+    variant = 1
+    if (present(version)) then
+      v = version
+    else
+      v = 4
+    endif
+    select case (v)
+    case (0)
+      ! Nil UUID  - S 4.1.7
+      uuid = repeat('0',8)//'-'//repeat('0',4)//'-'//repeat('0',4)// &
+        '-'//repeat('0',4)//'-'//repeat('0',12)
+      return
+    case(1)
+      call date_and_time(values=values)
+      ! In case of too-frequent requests, we will replace time_low
+      ! with the count below ...
+      if (all(values==values_save)) then
+        hires_count = hires_count + 1
+      else
+        hires_count = 0
+      endif
+    case(2-3)
+      !Unimplemented
+      uuid = ''
+      return
+    case(4)
+      continue
+    case(5)
+      !Unimplemented
+      uuid = ''
+      return
+    case default
+      !Unspecified
+      uuid = ''
+      return
+    end select
+!4.1.4 Timestamp
+    select case(v)
+    case(1)
+      timestamp = get_utc_since_1582(values)
+    case(4)
+      timestamp = ior(mtprng_rand64(rng_state), ishft(mtprng_rand64(rng_state), 28))
+    end select
+!4.1.5 Clock Sequence
+    ! 14 bits
+    select case(v)
+    case(1)
+      clock_sequence = clock_seq
+    case(4)
+      clock_sequence = int(mtprng_rand64(rng_state), i4b)
+    end select
+!4.1.6 Node
+    ! 48 bits
+    select case(v)
+    case(1)
+      node = ior(mtprng_rand64(rng_state), ishft(mtprng_rand64(rng_state), 16))
+      ! No MAC address accessible - see section 4.5 !FIXME
+    case(4)
+      node = ior(mtprng_rand64(rng_state), ishft(mtprng_rand64(rng_state), 16))
+    end select
+    time_low = ibits(timestamp, 0, 32)
+    time_mid = ibits(timestamp, 32, 16)
+    if (hires_count==0) then
+      time_hi_and_version = ior(int(ibits(timestamp, 48, 12), i4b), ishft(v, 12))
+    else
+      time_hi_and_version = ior(hires_count, ishft(v, 12))
+    endif
+    clk_seq_low = ibits(clock_sequence, 0, 8)
+    clk_seq_hi_res = ior(ibits(clock_sequence, 8, 6), ishft(variant, 6))
+    uuid = int32ToHexOctets(time_low, 4)//"-"// &
+      int32ToHexOctets(time_mid, 2)//"-"// &
+      int32ToHexOctets(time_hi_and_version, 2)//"-"// & 
+      int32ToHexOctets(clk_seq_hi_res, 1)// &
+      int32ToHexOctets(clk_seq_low, 1)//"-"// &
+      int64ToHexOctets(node, 6)
+  contains
+    function int32ToHexOctets(b, n) result(s)
+      integer(i4b), intent(in) :: b
+      integer, intent(in) :: n ! number of octets to print
+      character(len=2*n) :: s
+      integer :: i
+      do i = 0, 2*n-1
+        s(2*n-i:2*n-i) = hexdigits(ibits(b, i*4, 4))
+      enddo
+    end function int32ToHexOctets
+    function int64ToHexOctets(b, n) result(s)
+      integer(i8b), intent(in) :: b
+      integer, intent(in) :: n ! number of octets to print
+      character(len=2*n) :: s
+      integer :: i
+      do i = 0, 2*n-1
+        s(2*n-i:2*n-i) = hexdigits(ibits(b, i*4, 4))
+      enddo
+    end function int64ToHexOctets
+  end function generate_uuid
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+  function get_utc_since_1582(values) result(ns)
+    ! This subroutine is a little broken. It only works
+    ! for times after 1/1/2006 and takes no account
+    ! of any future leapseconds. It ought to serve regardless.
+    ! It returns the number of 100-ns intervals since 1582-10-15-00-00-00
+    integer, dimension(8), intent(in) :: values
+    integer(kind=i8b) :: ns
+    integer :: days
+    integer :: years
+    integer, parameter :: days_in_normal_year(12) = &
+      (/31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31/)
+    ns = 23_i8b * 1000_i8b * 1000_i8b * 10_i8b ! 23 leap seconds until 24:00:00 31/12/2005
+    ! A count of the 100-nanosecond intervals since the
+    ! beginning of the day.
+    ns = ns &
+      ! milliseconds
+      + int(values(8), i8b)             * 10_i8b * 1000_i8b &
+      ! seconds
+      + int(values(7), i8b)             * 10_i8b * 1000_i8b * 1000_i8b &
+      ! minutes (with timezone adjustment)
+      + int(values(6) + values(4), i8b) * 10_i8b * 1000_i8b * 1000_i8b * 60_i8b &
+      ! hours
+      + int(values(5), i8b)             * 10_i8b * 1000_i8b * 1000_i8b * 60_i8b * 60_i8b
+    ! Number of days this year:
+    days = sum(days_in_normal_year(:values(2)-1))
+    days = days + values(3) - 1 !add days in current month
+    if (values(2)>2 .and. isLeapYear(values(1))) then
+      days = days + 1
+    endif
+    !That's all the time since the turn of this year
+    days = days + 78 ! From the start of 15th Oct to the end of 31st Dec in 1582
+    !That's the additional time before the turn of the year 1583
+    days = days + 102  ! 102 leap years from 1584 to 2000 inclusive
+    ! That's all the intercalataed days until 2000
+    years = values(1) - 2000 - 1 ! years since 2000 - not including this year
+    days = days + years/4 - years/100 + years/400 !Add extra leap days to this total:
+    ! That's all out intercalated days - remaining years are all 365 days long.
+    years = years + 418 ! Add the years from 1583-2000 inclusive back on.
+    ! Multiply by number of time units in one day & add to today's total.
+    ns = ns + 864000000000_i8b * (int(days,i8b) + 365_i8b * int(years,i8b))
+  contains
+    function isLeapYear(y) result(p)
+      integer, intent(in) :: y
+      logical :: p
+      p = (mod(y,4)==0 .and. .not.mod(y,100)==0 .or. mod(y,400)==0)
+    end function isLeapYear
+  end function get_utc_since_1582
+end module fox_m_utils_uuid
diff --git a/utils/makefile b/utils/makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9d4e96f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+default: install
+OBJFILES=FoX_utils.$(OBJEXT) fox_m_utils_mtprng.$(OBJEXT) \
+         fox_m_utils_uuid.$(OBJEXT) fox_m_utils_uri.$(OBJEXT)
+include ../arch.make
+CP=cp -p
+install: $(OBJFILES)
+	@echo "  ==> Creating $(LIBRARY) with $(OBJFILES)"
+	$(CP) $(LIBRARY) $(LIB_DIR) 
+	for i in *.$(MOD_EXT); do \
+      	    $(CP) $$i $(MOD_DIR); done
+	rm -f *.$(OBJEXT)  *.$(MOD_EXT) $(LIBRARY)
+	(cd test; make) | tee -a ../utils_lib_check.out
+# DO NOT DELETE THIS LINE - used by make depend
+FoX_utils.$(OBJEXT): fox_m_utils_uuid.$(OBJEXT) fox_m_utils_uri.$(OBJEXT)
+fox_m_utils_uuid.$(OBJEXT): fox_m_utils_mtprng.$(OBJEXT)
diff --git a/utils/test/Makefile b/utils/test/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9205669
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/test/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+include ../../arch.make
+INCFLAGS=`../../FoX-config --fcflags`
+.f90.exe: ../libFoX_utils.$(LIBEXT)
+	$(FC) $(FFLAGS) $(INCFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) $(FCFLAGS_free_f90) $(LINK_O_FLAG) $@ $< `../../FoX-config --libs`
+check: clean
+	OBJEXT=$(OBJEXT) ./run_tests.sh
+	rm -f *.$(OBJEXT) *.exe
diff --git a/utils/test/run_tests.sh b/utils/test/run_tests.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..6cc8786
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/test/run_tests.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+#!/bin/sh -e
+INCFLAGS=`../../FoX-config --fcflags`
+export INCFLAGS
+rm -f passed.score failed.score
+rm -f tests.out failed.out
+touch passed.score failed.score
+./test.sh test_UUID
+./test.sh test_nullURI
+./test.sh test_baseURI
+./test.sh test_rfc2396
+./test.sh test_rfc2396b
+./test.sh test_URI
+echo RESULT utils/ Test Results:
+echo RESULT utils/ Passed: `wc -l passed.score| cut -f 1 -d 'p'`
+echo RESULT utils/ Failed: `wc -l failed.score| cut -f 1 -d 'f'`
+echo RESULT utils/ See utils/test/failed.out for details of failed tests.
diff --git a/utils/test/test.sh b/utils/test/test.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..f8d8da2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/test/test.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+# Core files off, because they are huge on a Mac
+ulimit -c 0
+# NB Note that we ensure all locally-produced files 
+# have Unix line endings only by using 'tr', in
+# order to compare properly to our canonical versions.
+if ! make $1.exe; then
+  echo $1 >> failed.out
+  echo "------------" >> failed.out
+  echo Cannot compile $1 >> failed.out
+  echo "------------" >> failed.out
+  ./$1.exe 2>&1 | tr -d '\15' | grep -v 'STOP' > test.out
+  if test -f $1.xml
+  then
+    tr -d '\15' < test.xml | grep -v UUID > test.xml.tmp; mv test.xml.tmp test.xml
+    if test -f test.xml
+    then
+      if diff test.xml $1.xml > /dev/null; then
+        passed=yes
+      else
+        echo $1 >> failed.out
+        echo "------------" >> failed.out
+        diff -u test.xml $1.xml >> failed.out
+        echo "------------" >> failed.out
+      fi
+    else
+      echo $1 >> failed.out
+      echo " -----------"
+      echo "test.xml not produced"
+      echo " -----------"
+    fi
+  elif test -f $1.out
+  then
+    # Note that for most of the test.sh files we only check
+    # that the DIFFerences are in one direction. Here, we need
+    # to check both directions as the "test_input" file reports
+    # errors in a non-standard way (by adding lines). 
+    # FIXME: Better to correct test_input?
+    if diff -B -b test.out $1.out | grep "^[><]" > /dev/null; then
+      echo $1 >> failed.out
+      echo "------------" >> failed.out
+      diff -u test.out $1.out >> failed.out
+      echo "------------" >> failed.out
+    else
+      passed=yes
+    fi
+  else
+    echo $1 >> failed.out
+    echo "------------" >> failed.out
+    echo No test output found for $1
+    echo "------------" >> failed.out
+  fi
+if [ $passed = yes ]; then
+  echo 'PASSED: ' $1 
+  echo 'PASSED: ' $1 >> tests.out
+  echo '1' >> passed.score
+  echo 'FAILED: ' $1 
+  echo 'FAILED: ' $1 >> tests.out
+  echo '1' >> failed.score
diff --git a/utils/test/test_URI.f90 b/utils/test/test_URI.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b785763
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/test/test_URI.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+program testURI
+  use fox_m_utils_uri
+  type(URI), pointer :: u
+  u => parseURI("file:///C:/a%20ctivity.xml")
+  call check
+  contains
+    subroutine check
+      character(len=100) :: us
+      if (associated(u))  then
+        call dumpURI(u)
+        us = expressURI(u)
+        print*, us
+        print*
+        call destroyURI(u)
+      else
+        print*, "parsing failed"
+      endif
+    end subroutine check
+end program testURI
diff --git a/utils/test/test_URI.out b/utils/test/test_URI.out
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4e08571
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/test/test_URI.out
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+ scheme: file
+ authority: 
+ userinfo UNDEFINED
+ path: /C:/a ctivity.xml
+     segment: /
+     segment: C:/
+     segment: a ctivity.xml
+ fragment UNDEFINED
+ file:///C:/a%20ctivity.xml                                                                          
diff --git a/utils/test/test_UUID.f90 b/utils/test/test_UUID.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b47c587
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/test/test_UUID.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+program testUUID
+  use fox_m_utils_uuid
+  ! This just checks that we can generate the various 
+  ! types of UUID (without crashing) and checks that 
+  ! they have the correct syntax. We could also check 
+  ! that the UUID changes for each call and I think 
+  ! there is an additional check we could make within
+  ! the UUID itself. But for now this is enough.
+  character(len=36) :: uuid
+  print*, 'Version 0'
+  uuid = generate_uuid(0) 
+  if ((check_uuid(uuid)).and.(uuid =='00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000')) then
+    print*, "OK (is null)"
+  else
+    print*, "Error: ", uuid
+  endif
+  print*, 'Version 1'
+  uuid = generate_uuid(1) 
+  if (check_uuid(uuid)) then
+     print*, "OK"
+  else 
+     print*, "Error: ", uuid
+  endif
+  print*, 'Version 2'
+  uuid = generate_uuid(2) 
+  if (uuid == '' ) then
+     print*, "OK (not implemented)"
+  else 
+     print*, "Error: ", uuid
+  endif
+  print*, 'Version 3'
+  uuid = generate_uuid(3) 
+  if (uuid == '' ) then
+     print*, "OK (not implemented)"
+  else 
+     print*, "Error: ", uuid
+  endif
+  print*, 'Version 4'
+  uuid = generate_uuid(4) 
+  if (check_uuid(uuid)) then
+     print*, "OK"
+  else 
+     print*, "Error: ", uuid
+  endif
+  print*, 'Version 5'
+  uuid = generate_uuid(5) 
+  if (uuid == '' ) then
+     print*, "OK (not implemented)"
+  else 
+     print*, "Error: ", uuid
+  endif
+  function check_uuid(chars) result(lout)
+    ! Return true if the string is permitted by the UUID
+    ! BFN in RFC
+    character(len=*) :: chars
+    character(len=22), parameter :: hex = '0123456789abcdefABCDEF'
+    logical :: lout
+    lout = (len_trim(chars) == 36)
+    if (lout) then
+        lout = lout.and.(verify(chars(1:8), hex) == 0) 
+        lout = lout.and.(verify(chars(9:9), '-') == 0) 
+        lout = lout.and.(verify(chars(10:13), hex) == 0) 
+        lout = lout.and.(verify(chars(14:14), '-') == 0) 
+        lout = lout.and.(verify(chars(15:18), hex) == 0) 
+        lout = lout.and.(verify(chars(19:19), '-') == 0) 
+        lout = lout.and.(verify(chars(20:23), hex) == 0) 
+        lout = lout.and.(verify(chars(24:24), '-') == 0) 
+        lout = lout.and.(verify(chars(25:36), hex) == 0) 
+    endif
+  end function check_uuid
+end program testUUID
diff --git a/utils/test/test_UUID.out b/utils/test/test_UUID.out
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..043cb94
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/test/test_UUID.out
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+ Version 0
+ OK (is null)
+ Version 1
+ OK
+ Version 2
+ OK (not implemented)
+ Version 3
+ OK (not implemented)
+ Version 4
+ OK
+ Version 5
+ OK (not implemented)
diff --git a/utils/test/test_baseURI.f90 b/utils/test/test_baseURI.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fdf212f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/test/test_baseURI.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+program test_baseURI
+  use fox_m_utils_uri
+  type(URI), pointer :: u, base, u3
+  base => parseURI("/here/we/are")
+  u => parseURI("http://tow:bum@www.example.org:80/dir1/dir2/test.html?a=b;c=d#frag")
+  call check
+  u => parseURI("http://tow:bum@www.example.org:80/dir1/dir2/test.html?a=b;c=d")
+  call check
+  u => parseURI("http://tow:bum@www.example.org:80/dir1/dir2/test.html#frag")
+  call check
+  u => parseURI("http://tow:bum@www.example.org:80#frag")
+  call check
+  u => parseURI("http://tow:bum@www.example.org:80/%7E%20tow/?frag")
+  call check
+  u => parseURI("file:///Users/tow/devel/FoX/")
+  call check
+  u => parseURI("file:/Users/tow/devel/FoX/")
+  call check
+  u => parseURI("//p/Users/tow/devel/FoX/")
+  call check
+  u => parseURI("/p/Users/tow/devel/FoX/")
+  call check
+  u => parseURI("Users/tow/devel/FoX/")
+  call check
+  u => parseURI("./Users/../tow/devel/FoX/")
+  call check
+  u3 => parseURI("../../../../../tow/devel/FoX/")
+  u => rebaseURI(base, u3)
+  call check
+  call destroyURI(u3)
+  call destroyURI(base)
+  contains
+    subroutine check
+      character(len=100) :: us
+      if (associated(u))  then
+        call dumpURI(u)
+        us = expressURI(u)
+        print*, us
+        print*
+        call destroyURI(u)
+      else
+        print*, "parsing failed"
+      endif
+    end subroutine check
+end program test_baseURI
diff --git a/utils/test/test_baseURI.out b/utils/test/test_baseURI.out
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4eaa866
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/test/test_baseURI.out
@@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
+ scheme: http
+ authority: tow:bum at www.example.org:80
+ userinfo: tow:bum
+ host: www.example.org
+ port: 80
+ path: /dir1/dir2/test.html
+     segment: /
+     segment: dir1/
+     segment: dir2/
+     segment: test.html
+ query: a=b;c=d
+ fragment: frag
+ http://tow:bum@www.example.org:80/dir1/dir2/test.html?a=b;c=d#frag                                  
+ scheme: http
+ authority: tow:bum at www.example.org:80
+ userinfo: tow:bum
+ host: www.example.org
+ port: 80
+ path: /dir1/dir2/test.html
+     segment: /
+     segment: dir1/
+     segment: dir2/
+     segment: test.html
+ query: a=b;c=d
+ fragment UNDEFINED
+ http://tow:bum@www.example.org:80/dir1/dir2/test.html?a=b;c=d                                       
+ scheme: http
+ authority: tow:bum at www.example.org:80
+ userinfo: tow:bum
+ host: www.example.org
+ port: 80
+ path: /dir1/dir2/test.html
+     segment: /
+     segment: dir1/
+     segment: dir2/
+     segment: test.html
+ fragment: frag
+ http://tow:bum@www.example.org:80/dir1/dir2/test.html#frag                                          
+ scheme: http
+ authority: tow:bum at www.example.org:80
+ userinfo: tow:bum
+ host: www.example.org
+ port: 80
+ path: 
+     segment: 
+ fragment: frag
+ http://tow:bum@www.example.org:80#frag                                                              
+ scheme: http
+ authority: tow:bum at www.example.org:80
+ userinfo: tow:bum
+ host: www.example.org
+ port: 80
+ path: /~ tow/
+     segment: /
+     segment: ~ tow/
+ query: frag
+ fragment UNDEFINED
+ http://tow:bum@www.example.org:80/~%20tow/?frag                                                     
+ scheme: file
+ authority: 
+ userinfo UNDEFINED
+ path: /Users/tow/devel/FoX/
+     segment: /
+     segment: Users/
+     segment: tow/
+     segment: devel/
+     segment: FoX/
+ fragment UNDEFINED
+ file:///Users/tow/devel/FoX/                                                                        
+ scheme: file
+ authority UNDEFINED
+ userinfo UNDEFINED
+ path: /Users/tow/devel/FoX/
+     segment: /
+     segment: Users/
+     segment: tow/
+     segment: devel/
+     segment: FoX/
+ fragment UNDEFINED
+ file:/Users/tow/devel/FoX/                                                                          
+ scheme UNDEFINED
+ authority: p
+ userinfo UNDEFINED
+ host: p
+ path: /Users/tow/devel/FoX/
+     segment: /
+     segment: Users/
+     segment: tow/
+     segment: devel/
+     segment: FoX/
+ fragment UNDEFINED
+ //p/Users/tow/devel/FoX/                                                                            
+ scheme UNDEFINED
+ authority UNDEFINED
+ userinfo UNDEFINED
+ path: /p/Users/tow/devel/FoX/
+     segment: /
+     segment: p/
+     segment: Users/
+     segment: tow/
+     segment: devel/
+     segment: FoX/
+ fragment UNDEFINED
+ /p/Users/tow/devel/FoX/                                                                             
+ scheme UNDEFINED
+ authority UNDEFINED
+ userinfo UNDEFINED
+ path: Users/tow/devel/FoX/
+     segment: Users/
+     segment: tow/
+     segment: devel/
+     segment: FoX/
+ fragment UNDEFINED
+ Users/tow/devel/FoX/                                                                                
+ scheme UNDEFINED
+ authority UNDEFINED
+ userinfo UNDEFINED
+ path: ./Users/../tow/devel/FoX/
+     segment: ./
+     segment: Users/
+     segment: ../
+     segment: tow/
+     segment: devel/
+     segment: FoX/
+ fragment UNDEFINED
+ ./Users/../tow/devel/FoX/                                                                           
+ scheme UNDEFINED
+ authority UNDEFINED
+ userinfo UNDEFINED
+ path: ../../tow/devel/FoX/
+     segment: ../
+     segment: ../
+     segment: tow/
+     segment: devel/
+     segment: FoX/
+ fragment UNDEFINED
+ ../../tow/devel/FoX/                                                                                
diff --git a/utils/test/test_nullURI.f90 b/utils/test/test_nullURI.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9f0d210
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/test/test_nullURI.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+program parse_nullURI
+  ! Check that URIs can be parsed and expressed, even if all 
+  ! elements are not defined. This is intended to catch 
+  ! cases where the parser returns undefined variables.
+  use fox_m_utils_uri
+  type(URI), pointer :: u
+  print*, "Testing empty URI"
+  u => parseURI("")
+  call check
+  print*, "All parts defined"
+  u => parseURI("http://uname:pass@www.example.org:80/dir1/dir2/test.html?a=b;c=d#frag")
+  call check
+  print*, "No #frag"
+  u => parseURI("http://uname:pass@www.example.org:80/dir1/dir2/test.html?a=b;c=d")
+  call check
+  print*, "No ?query"
+  u => parseURI("http://uname:pass@www.example.org:80/dir1/dir2/test.html#frag")
+  call check
+  print*, "No /path"
+  u => parseURI("http://uname:pass@www.example.org:80?a=b;c=d#frag")
+  call check
+  print*, "No :port"
+  u => parseURI("http://uname:pass@www.example.org/dir1/dir2/test.html?a=b;c=d#frag")
+  call check
+  print*, "No user@"
+  u => parseURI("http://www.example.org:80/dir1/dir2/test.html?a=b;c=d#frag")
+  call check
+  print*, "No pass"
+  u => parseURI("http://uname@www.example.org:80/dir1/dir2/test.html?a=b;c=d#frag")
+  call check
+  print*, "No scheme"
+  u => parseURI("uname at www.example.org:80/dir1/dir2/test.html?a=b;c=d#frag")
+  call check
+  contains
+    subroutine check
+      character(len=100) :: us
+      if (associated(u))  then
+        call dumpURI(u)
+        us = expressURI(u)
+        print*, us
+        print*
+        call destroyURI(u)
+      else
+        print*, "parsing failed"
+      endif
+    end subroutine check
+end program parse_nullURI
diff --git a/utils/test/test_nullURI.out b/utils/test/test_nullURI.out
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..71e30cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/test/test_nullURI.out
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+ Testing empty URI
+ scheme UNDEFINED
+ authority UNDEFINED
+ userinfo UNDEFINED
+ path: 
+     segment: 
+ fragment UNDEFINED
+ All parts defined
+ scheme: http
+ authority: uname:pass at www.example.org:80
+ userinfo: uname:pass
+ host: www.example.org
+ port: 80
+ path: /dir1/dir2/test.html
+     segment: /
+     segment: dir1/
+     segment: dir2/
+     segment: test.html
+ query: a=b;c=d
+ fragment: frag
+ http://uname:pass@www.example.org:80/dir1/dir2/test.html?a=b;c=d#frag                               
+ No #frag
+ scheme: http
+ authority: uname:pass at www.example.org:80
+ userinfo: uname:pass
+ host: www.example.org
+ port: 80
+ path: /dir1/dir2/test.html
+     segment: /
+     segment: dir1/
+     segment: dir2/
+     segment: test.html
+ query: a=b;c=d
+ fragment UNDEFINED
+ http://uname:pass@www.example.org:80/dir1/dir2/test.html?a=b;c=d                                    
+ No ?query
+ scheme: http
+ authority: uname:pass at www.example.org:80
+ userinfo: uname:pass
+ host: www.example.org
+ port: 80
+ path: /dir1/dir2/test.html
+     segment: /
+     segment: dir1/
+     segment: dir2/
+     segment: test.html
+ fragment: frag
+ http://uname:pass@www.example.org:80/dir1/dir2/test.html#frag                                       
+ No /path
+ scheme: http
+ authority: uname:pass at www.example.org:80
+ userinfo: uname:pass
+ host: www.example.org
+ port: 80
+ path: 
+     segment: 
+ query: a=b;c=d
+ fragment: frag
+ http://uname:pass@www.example.org:80?a=b;c=d#frag                                                   
+ No :port
+ scheme: http
+ authority: uname:pass at www.example.org
+ userinfo: uname:pass
+ host: www.example.org
+ path: /dir1/dir2/test.html
+     segment: /
+     segment: dir1/
+     segment: dir2/
+     segment: test.html
+ query: a=b;c=d
+ fragment: frag
+ http://uname:pass@www.example.org/dir1/dir2/test.html?a=b;c=d#frag                                  
+ No user@
+ scheme: http
+ authority: www.example.org:80
+ userinfo UNDEFINED
+ host: www.example.org
+ port: 80
+ path: /dir1/dir2/test.html
+     segment: /
+     segment: dir1/
+     segment: dir2/
+     segment: test.html
+ query: a=b;c=d
+ fragment: frag
+ http://www.example.org:80/dir1/dir2/test.html?a=b;c=d#frag                                          
+ No pass
+ scheme: http
+ authority: uname at www.example.org:80
+ userinfo: uname
+ host: www.example.org
+ port: 80
+ path: /dir1/dir2/test.html
+     segment: /
+     segment: dir1/
+     segment: dir2/
+     segment: test.html
+ query: a=b;c=d
+ fragment: frag
+ http://uname@www.example.org:80/dir1/dir2/test.html?a=b;c=d#frag                                    
+ No scheme
+ scheme UNDEFINED
+ authority UNDEFINED
+ userinfo UNDEFINED
+ path: uname at www.example.org:80/dir1/dir2/test.html
+     segment: uname at www.example.org:80/
+     segment: dir1/
+     segment: dir2/
+     segment: test.html
+ query: a=b;c=d
+ fragment: frag
+ uname at www.example.org:80/dir1/dir2/test.html?a=b;c=d#frag                                           
diff --git a/utils/test/test_rfc2396.f90 b/utils/test/test_rfc2396.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..428d222
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/test/test_rfc2396.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
+program test_rfc2396
+  use fox_m_utils_uri
+  ! These URI examples come from appendix C of RFC 2396 and as such 
+  ! are a derivative work subject to the following:
+  !
+  ! Copyright (C) The Internet Society (1998).  All Rights Reserved.
+  !
+  ! This document and translations of it may be copied and furnished to
+  ! others, and derivative works that comment on or otherwise explain it
+  ! or assist in its implementation may be prepared, copied, published
+  ! and distributed, in whole or in part, without restriction of any
+  ! kind, provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are
+  ! included on all such copies and derivative works.  However, this
+  ! document itself may not be modified in any way, such as by removing
+  ! the copyright notice or references to the Internet Society or other
+  ! Internet organizations, except as needed for the purpose of
+  ! developing Internet standards in which case the procedures for
+  ! copyrights defined in the Internet Standards process must be
+  ! followed, or as required to translate it into languages other than
+  ! English.
+  ! 
+  type(URI), pointer :: u, base, u3
+  base => parseURI("http://a/b/c/d;p?q")
+  u3 => parseURI("g:h")
+  u => rebaseURI(base, u3)
+  call check
+  u3 => parseURI("g")
+  u => rebaseURI(base, u3)
+  call check
+  u3 => parseURI("./g")
+  u => rebaseURI(base, u3)
+  call check
+  u3 => parseURI("g/")
+  u => rebaseURI(base, u3)
+  call check
+  u3 => parseURI("/g")
+  u => rebaseURI(base, u3)
+  call check
+  u3 => parseURI("//g")
+  u => rebaseURI(base, u3)
+  call check
+  ! RFC 2396 says this should give 'http://a/b/c/?y' but
+  ! 3986 says "http://a/b/c/d;p?y" - we do the latter
+  u3 => parseURI("?y")
+  u => rebaseURI(base, u3)
+  call check
+  u3 => parseURI("g?y")
+  u => rebaseURI(base, u3)
+  call check
+! FIXME - what is this supposed to give
+!         the RFC says (current docuent)#s ?
+!  u3 => parseURI("#s")
+!  u => rebaseURI(base, u3)
+!  call check
+  u3 => parseURI("g#s")
+  u => rebaseURI(base, u3)
+  call check
+  u3 => parseURI("g?y#s")
+  u => rebaseURI(base, u3)
+  call check
+  u3 => parseURI(";x")
+  u => rebaseURI(base, u3)
+  call check
+  u3 => parseURI("g;x")
+  u => rebaseURI(base, u3)
+  call check
+  u3 => parseURI("g;x?y#s")
+  u => rebaseURI(base, u3)
+  call check
+  u3 => parseURI(".")
+  u => rebaseURI(base, u3)
+  call check
+  u3 => parseURI("./")
+  u => rebaseURI(base, u3)
+  call check
+  u3 => parseURI("..")
+  u => rebaseURI(base, u3)
+  call check
+  u3 => parseURI("../")
+  u => rebaseURI(base, u3)
+  call check
+  u3 => parseURI("../g")
+  u => rebaseURI(base, u3)
+  call check
+  u3 => parseURI("../..")
+  u => rebaseURI(base, u3)
+  call check
+  u3 => parseURI("../../")
+  u => rebaseURI(base, u3)
+  call check
+  u3 => parseURI("../../g")
+  u => rebaseURI(base, u3)
+  call check
+  call destroyURI(base)
+  contains
+    subroutine check
+      character(len=100) :: us
+      if (associated(u))  then
+        us = expressURI(u)
+        print*, us
+        print*
+        call destroyURI(u)
+        call destroyURI(u3)
+      else
+        print*, "parsing failed"
+      endif
+    end subroutine check
+end program test_rfc2396
diff --git a/utils/test/test_rfc2396.out b/utils/test/test_rfc2396.out
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..53f2b13
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/test/test_rfc2396.out
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+ g:h                                                                                                 
+ http://a/b/c/g                                                                                      
+ http://a/b/c/g                                                                                      
+ http://a/b/c/g/                                                                                     
+ http://a/g                                                                                          
+ //g                                                                                                 
+ http://a/b/c/d;p?y                                                                                  
+ http://a/b/c/g?y                                                                                    
+ http://a/b/c/g#s                                                                                    
+ http://a/b/c/g?y#s                                                                                  
+ http://a/b/c/;x                                                                                     
+ http://a/b/c/g;x                                                                                    
+ http://a/b/c/g;x?y#s                                                                                
+ http://a/b/c/                                                                                       
+ http://a/b/c/                                                                                       
+ http://a/b/                                                                                         
+ http://a/b/                                                                                         
+ http://a/b/g                                                                                        
+ http://a/                                                                                           
+ http://a/                                                                                           
+ http://a/g                                                                                          
diff --git a/utils/test/test_rfc2396b.f90 b/utils/test/test_rfc2396b.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..306a06e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/test/test_rfc2396b.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
+program test_rfc2396
+  use fox_m_utils_uri
+  ! These URI examples come from appendix C of RFC 2396 and as such 
+  ! are a derivative work subject to the following:
+  !
+  ! Copyright (C) The Internet Society (1998).  All Rights Reserved.
+  !
+  ! This document and translations of it may be copied and furnished to
+  ! others, and derivative works that comment on or otherwise explain it
+  ! or assist in its implementation may be prepared, copied, published
+  ! and distributed, in whole or in part, without restriction of any
+  ! kind, provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are
+  ! included on all such copies and derivative works.  However, this
+  ! document itself may not be modified in any way, such as by removing
+  ! the copyright notice or references to the Internet Society or other
+  ! Internet organizations, except as needed for the purpose of
+  ! developing Internet standards in which case the procedures for
+  ! copyrights defined in the Internet Standards process must be
+  ! followed, or as required to translate it into languages other than
+  ! English.
+  ! 
+  type(URI), pointer :: u, base, u3
+  base => parseURI("http://a/b/c/d;p?q")
+  u3 => parseURI("")
+  u => rebaseURI(base, u3)
+  call check
+  ! RFC 2396 and 3986 differ in the next
+  ! four cases. We follow 3986 and should
+  ! return http://a/g in all four cases.
+  u3 => parseURI("../../../g")
+  u => rebaseURI(base, u3)
+  call check
+  u3 => parseURI("../../../../g")
+  u => rebaseURI(base, u3)
+  call check
+  u3 => parseURI("/./g")
+  u => rebaseURI(base, u3)
+  call check
+  u3 => parseURI("/../g")
+  u => rebaseURI(base, u3)
+  call check
+  u3 => parseURI("g.")
+  u => rebaseURI(base, u3)
+  call check
+  u3 => parseURI(".g")
+  u => rebaseURI(base, u3)
+  call check
+  u3 => parseURI("g..")
+  u => rebaseURI(base, u3)
+  call check
+  u3 => parseURI("..g")
+  u => rebaseURI(base, u3)
+  call check
+  u3 => parseURI("./../g")
+  u => rebaseURI(base, u3)
+  call check
+  u3 => parseURI("./g/.")
+  u => rebaseURI(base, u3)
+  call check
+  u3 => parseURI("g/./h")
+  u => rebaseURI(base, u3)
+  call check
+  u3 => parseURI("g/../h")
+  u => rebaseURI(base, u3)
+  call check
+  u3 => parseURI("g;x=1/./y")
+  u => rebaseURI(base, u3)
+  call check
+  u3 => parseURI("g;x=1/../y")
+  u => rebaseURI(base, u3)
+  call check
+  u3 => parseURI("g?y/./x")
+  u => rebaseURI(base, u3)
+  call check
+  u3 => parseURI("g?y/../x")
+  u => rebaseURI(base, u3)
+  call check
+  u3 => parseURI("g#s/./x")
+  u => rebaseURI(base, u3)
+  call check
+  u3 => parseURI("g#s/../x")
+  u => rebaseURI(base, u3)
+  call check
+  ! We are 'strictly conforming' not 'backwards
+  ! compatable' for the following:
+  u3 => parseURI("http:g")
+  u => rebaseURI(base, u3)
+  call check
+  call destroyURI(base)
+  contains
+    subroutine check
+      character(len=100) :: us
+      if (associated(u))  then
+        us = expressURI(u)
+        print*, us
+        print*
+        call destroyURI(u)
+        call destroyURI(u3)
+      else
+        print*, "parsing failed"
+      endif
+    end subroutine check
+end program test_rfc2396
diff --git a/utils/test/test_rfc2396b.out b/utils/test/test_rfc2396b.out
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bc9ca2d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/test/test_rfc2396b.out
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+ http://a/b/c/d;p                                                                                    
+ http://a/g                                                                                          
+ http://a/g                                                                                          
+ http://a/g                                                                                          
+ http://a/g                                                                                          
+ http://a/b/c/g.                                                                                     
+ http://a/b/c/.g                                                                                     
+ http://a/b/c/g..                                                                                    
+ http://a/b/c/..g                                                                                    
+ http://a/b/g                                                                                        
+ http://a/b/c/g/                                                                                     
+ http://a/b/c/g/h                                                                                    
+ http://a/b/c/h                                                                                      
+ http://a/b/c/g;x=1/y                                                                                
+ http://a/b/c/y                                                                                      
+ http://a/b/c/g?y/./x                                                                                
+ http://a/b/c/g?y/../x                                                                               
+ http://a/b/c/g#s/./x                                                                                
+ http://a/b/c/g#s/../x                                                                               
+ http:g                                                                                              
diff --git a/wcml/CMakeLists.txt b/wcml/CMakeLists.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ebef6da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+# m_wcml_coma.F90: m_wcml_coma.m4
+#         m4 -I ../m4 $< > $@
+    COMMAND ${M4_PROGRAM} -I ../m4 ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/m_wcml_coma.m4 > ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/m_wcml_coma.F90
+    DEPENDS m_wcml_coma.m4
+  )
+  # m_wcml_geometry.F90: m_wcml_geometry.m4
+  #         m4 -I ../m4 $< > $@
+    OUTPUT ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/m_wcml_geometry.F90
+    COMMAND ${M4_PROGRAM} -I ../m4 ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/m_wcml_geometry.m4 > ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/m_wcml_geometry.F90
+    DEPENDS m_wcml_geometry.m4
+  )
+  # m_wcml_lattice.F90: m_wcml_lattice.m4
+  #         m4 -I ../m4 $< > $@
+    OUTPUT ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/m_wcml_lattice.F90
+    COMMAND ${M4_PROGRAM} -I ../m4 ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/m_wcml_lattice.m4 > ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/m_wcml_lattice.F90
+    DEPENDS m_wcml_lattice.m4
+  )
+  # m_wcml_lists.F90: m_wcml_lists.m4
+  #         m4 -I ../m4 $< > $@
+    OUTPUT ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/m_wcml_lists.F90
+    COMMAND ${M4_PROGRAM} -I ../m4 ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/m_wcml_lists.m4 > ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/m_wcml_lists.F90
+    DEPENDS m_wcml_lists.m4
+  )
+  # m_wcml_molecule.F90: m_wcml_molecule.m4
+  #         m4 -I ../m4 $< > $@
+    OUTPUT ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/m_wcml_molecule.F90
+    COMMAND ${M4_PROGRAM} -I ../m4 ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/m_wcml_molecule.m4 > ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/m_wcml_molecule.F90
+    DEPENDS m_wcml_molecule.m4
+  )
+  # m_wcml_parameter.F90: m_wcml_parameter.m4
+  #         m4 -I ../m4 $< > $@
+    OUTPUT ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/m_wcml_parameter.F90
+    COMMAND ${M4_PROGRAM} -I ../m4 ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/m_wcml_parameter.m4 > ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/m_wcml_parameter.F90
+    DEPENDS m_wcml_parameter.m4
+  )
+  # m_wcml_property.F90: m_wcml_property.m4
+  #         m4 -I ../m4 $< > $@
+    OUTPUT ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/m_wcml_property.F90
+    COMMAND ${M4_PROGRAM} -I ../m4 ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/m_wcml_property.m4 > ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/m_wcml_property.F90
+    DEPENDS m_wcml_property.m4
+  )
+  # m_wcml_stml.F90: m_wcml_stml.m4
+  #         m4 -I ../m4 $< > $@
+    COMMAND ${M4_PROGRAM} -I ../m4 ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/m_wcml_stml.m4 > ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/m_wcml_stml.F90
+    DEPENDS m_wcml_stml.m4
+  )
+  FoX_wcml.f90
+  m_wcml_coma.F90
+  m_wcml_core.F90
+  m_wcml_geometry.F90
+  m_wcml_lattice.F90
+  m_wcml_lists.F90
+  m_wcml_metadata.F90
+  m_wcml_molecule.F90
+  m_wcml_parameter.F90
+  m_wcml_property.F90
+  m_wcml_stml.F90
+  fox_wcml STATIC
+  ${fox_wcml_srcs}
+  ${fox_wcml_srcs_pp}
+  fox_wcml
+  fox_utils
+  fox_wxml
+  ${fox_BINARY_DIR}/fsys
+  ${fox_BINARY_DIR}/utils
+  ${fox_BINARY_DIR}/wxml
+  ${fox_BINARY_DIR}/common
diff --git a/wcml/FoX_wcml.f90 b/wcml/FoX_wcml.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b6411f3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/FoX_wcml.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+module FoX_wcml
+  use FoX_wxml, only: xmlf_t
+  use m_wcml_core
+  use m_wcml_coma
+  use m_wcml_geometry
+  use m_wcml_lattice
+  use m_wcml_lists
+  use m_wcml_metadata
+  use m_wcml_molecule
+  use m_wcml_parameter
+  use m_wcml_property
+  use m_wcml_stml
+  implicit none
+  private
+  public :: xmlf_t
+  public :: cmlBeginFile
+  public :: cmlFinishFile
+  public :: cmlAddNamespace
+  public :: cmlStartCml
+  public :: cmlEndCml
+  public :: cmlStartModule
+  public :: cmlEndModule
+  public :: cmlStartStep
+  public :: cmlEndStep
+!  public :: cmlAddLength
+!  public :: cmlAddAngle
+!  public :: cmlAddTorsion
+!TOHW we don't use these ever
+  public :: cmlAddCrystal
+  public :: cmlAddLattice
+  public :: cmlStartPropertyList
+  public :: cmlEndPropertyList
+  public :: cmlAddProperty
+  public :: cmlStartParameterList
+  public :: cmlEndParameterList
+  public :: cmlAddParameter
+  public :: cmlStartMetadataList
+  public :: cmlEndMetadataList
+  public :: cmlAddMetadata
+  public :: cmlStartMolecule
+  public :: cmlEndMolecule
+  public :: cmlAddAtoms
+  public :: cmlAddParticles
+  public :: cmlAddMolecule
+  public :: cmlStartBand
+  public :: cmlEndBand
+  public :: cmlAddBandList
+  public :: cmlAddEigenValue
+  public :: cmlAddEigenValueVector
+  public :: cmlStartKPoint
+  public :: cmlEndKPoint
+  public :: cmlAddKPoint
+  public :: cmlStartKPointList
+  public :: cmlEndKPointList
+  public :: cmlAddSymmetry
+end module FoX_wcml
diff --git a/wcml/m_wcml_coma.F90 b/wcml/m_wcml_coma.F90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f01eb2e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/m_wcml_coma.F90
@@ -0,0 +1,674 @@
+module m_wcml_coma
+  ! Implements routines relating to electronic structure
+  use fox_m_fsys_realtypes, only: sp, dp
+  use FoX_wxml, only: xmlf_t
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+  use FoX_wxml, only: xml_NewElement, xml_AddAttribute
+  use FoX_wxml, only: xml_EndElement
+  use m_wcml_stml, only: stmAddValue
+! Fix for pgi, requires this explicitly:
+  use m_wxml_overloads
+  implicit none
+  private
+  public :: cmlStartKpoint
+  public :: cmlEndKpoint
+  public :: cmlAddKpoint
+  public :: cmlStartBand
+  public :: cmlEndBand
+  public :: cmlAddBandList
+  public :: cmlAddEigenValue
+  public :: cmlAddEigenValueVector
+  public :: cmlAddSymmetry
+  interface cmlAddEigenValue
+    module procedure cmlAddEigenValueSP
+    module procedure cmlAddEigenValueDP
+  end interface
+  interface cmlAddEigenValueVector
+    module procedure cmlAddEigenValueVectorSP
+    module procedure cmlAddEigenValueVectorDP
+    module procedure cmlAddEigenValueVectorCmplxSP
+    module procedure cmlAddEigenValueVectorCmplxDP
+  end interface
+  interface cmlStartKpoint
+    module procedure cmlStartKpointSP
+    module procedure cmlStartKpointDP
+  end interface
+  interface cmlAddKpoint
+    module procedure cmlAddKpointSP
+    module procedure cmlAddKpointDP
+  end interface
+  interface cmlAddBandList
+    module procedure cmlAddBandListSP
+    module procedure cmlAddBandListDP
+  end interface
+  interface cmlAddSymmetry
+    module procedure cmlAddSymmetrySP
+    module procedure cmlAddSymmetryDP
+    module procedure cmlAddSymmetryNoOps
+  end interface
+  subroutine cmlStartKPointsp(xf, coords, weight, kptfmt, wtfmt &
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout)              :: xf
+    real(kind=sp), dimension(3), intent(in)  :: coords
+    real(kind=sp), intent(in), optional      :: weight
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional   :: kptfmt
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional   :: wtfmt
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: dictRef
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: convention
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: title
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: ref
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: label
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    call xml_NewElement(xf, "kpoint")
+    if (present(dictRef)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "dictRef", dictRef)
+    if (present(convention)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "convention", convention)
+    if (present(title)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "title", title)
+    if (present(id)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "id", id)
+    if (present(ref)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "ref", ref)
+    if (present(label)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "label", label)
+    call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "coords", coords, kptfmt)
+    if (present(weight)) &
+       call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "weight", weight, wtfmt)
+  end subroutine cmlStartKPointsp
+  subroutine cmlAddKPointsp(xf, coords, weight, kptfmt, wtfmt &
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout)             :: xf
+    real(kind=sp), dimension(3), intent(in) :: coords
+    real(kind=sp), intent(in), optional     :: weight
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional   :: kptfmt
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional   :: wtfmt
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: dictRef
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: convention
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: title
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: ref
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: label
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    call cmlStartKpoint(xf, coords, weight, kptfmt, wtfmt &
+    call cmlEndKpoint(xf)
+  end subroutine cmlAddKPointsp
+  subroutine cmlAddEigenValuesp(xf, value, units, fmt &
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout)            :: xf
+    real(kind=sp), intent(in)              :: value
+    character(len=*), intent(in)           :: units
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: fmt
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: dictRef
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: convention
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: title
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: type
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    call xml_NewElement(xf, "eigen")
+    if (present(dictRef)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "dictRef", dictRef)
+    if (present(convention)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "convention", convention)
+    if (present(title)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "title", title)
+    if (present(id)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "id", id)
+    if (present(type)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "type", type)
+    call stmAddValue(xf=xf, value=value, fmt=fmt, units=units)
+    call xml_EndElement(xf, "eigen")
+  end subroutine cmlAddEigenValuesp
+  subroutine cmlAddEigenValueVectorsp(xf, eigval, eigvec, units, valfmt, vecfmt &
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout)            :: xf
+    real(kind=sp), intent(in)              :: eigval
+    real(kind=sp), intent(in)              :: eigvec(:,:)
+    character(len=*), intent(in)           :: units
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: valfmt
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: vecfmt
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: dictRef
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: convention
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: title
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: type
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    call xml_NewElement(xf, "eigen")
+    if (present(dictRef)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "dictRef", dictRef)
+    if (present(convention)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "convention", convention)
+    if (present(title)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "title", title)
+    if (present(id)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "id", id)
+    if (present(type)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "type", type)
+    call stmAddValue(xf=xf, value=eigval, fmt=valfmt, units=units)
+!FIXME check 2nd dimension of matrix is 3
+    call stmAddValue(xf=xf, value=eigvec, fmt=vecfmt, units="units:dimensionless")
+    call xml_EndElement(xf, "eigen")
+  end subroutine cmlAddEigenValueVectorsp
+  subroutine cmlAddEigenValueVectorCmplxsp(xf, eigval, eigvec, units, vecfmt, valfmt &
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout)            :: xf
+    real(kind=sp), intent(in)              :: eigval
+    complex(kind=sp), intent(in)           :: eigvec(:,:)
+    character(len=*), intent(in)           :: units
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: vecfmt
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: valfmt
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: dictRef
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: convention
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: title
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: type
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    call xml_NewElement(xf, "eigen")
+    if (present(dictRef)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "dictRef", dictRef)
+    if (present(convention)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "convention", convention)
+    if (present(title)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "title", title)
+    if (present(id)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "id", id)
+    if (present(type)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "type", type)
+    call stmAddValue(xf=xf, value=eigval, fmt=valfmt, units=units)
+    call stmAddValue(xf=xf, value=eigvec, fmt=vecfmt, units="units:dimensionless")
+    call xml_EndElement(xf, "eigen")
+  end subroutine cmlAddEigenValueVectorCmplxsp
+  subroutine cmlAddBandListsp(xf, values, fmt, units, spin &
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout)            :: xf
+    real(kind=sp), intent(in)              :: values(:)
+    character(len=*), intent(in)           :: units
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: spin
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: fmt
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: dictRef
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: convention
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: title
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: type
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    call xml_NewElement(xf, "bandList")
+    if (present(spin)) then
+      if (spin=="up".or.spin=="down") then
+        call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "spin", spin)
+      else
+        !error
+      endif
+    endif
+    if (present(dictRef)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "dictRef", dictRef)
+    if (present(convention)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "convention", convention)
+    if (present(title)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "title", title)
+    if (present(id)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "id", id)
+    if (present(type)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "type", type)
+    call xml_NewElement(xf, "eigen")
+    call stmAddValue(xf=xf, value=values, fmt=fmt, units=units)
+    call xml_EndElement(xf, "eigen")
+    call xml_EndElement(xf, "bandList")
+  end subroutine cmlAddBandListsp
+  subroutine cmlAddSymmetrysp(xf, sym_ops, sym_disps, spaceGroup, pointGroup &
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout)                 :: xf
+    real(kind=sp), intent(in)                   :: sym_ops(:,:,:)
+    real(kind=sp), intent(in), optional         :: sym_disps(:,:)
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional      :: spaceGroup
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional      :: pointGroup
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: dictRef
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: convention
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: title
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: type
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    integer :: i, n
+    real(kind=sp) :: seitzMatrix(4,4)
+    call xml_NewElement(xf, "symmetry")
+    if (present(dictRef)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "dictRef", dictRef)
+    if (present(convention)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "convention", convention)
+    if (present(title)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "title", title)
+    if (present(id)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "id", id)
+    if (present(type)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "type", type)
+    if (present(spaceGroup)) &
+      call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "spaceGroup", spaceGroup)
+    if (present(pointGroup)) &
+      call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "pointGroup", pointGroup)
+    if (present(sym_disps)) then
+      if (size(sym_ops, 3)/=size(sym_disps, 2)) then
+        ! FIXME error
+      endif
+    endif
+    n = size(sym_ops, 3)
+    do i = 1, n
+      !Convert the 3x3 rotation and 1x3 translation into a 4x4 Seitz matrix
+      if (.not.present(sym_disps)) then
+        seitzMatrix = reshape((/sym_ops(:,1,i), 0.0_sp, &
+                                sym_ops(:,2,i), 0.0_sp, &
+                                sym_ops(:,3,i), 0.0_sp, &
+                                0.0_sp, 0.0_sp, 0.0_sp, 1.0_sp/), (/4,4/))
+      else
+        seitzMatrix = reshape((/sym_ops(:,1,i), sym_disps(1,i), &
+                                sym_ops(:,2,i), sym_disps(2,i), &
+                                sym_ops(:,3,i), sym_disps(3,i), &
+                                0.0_sp, 0.0_sp, 0.0_sp, 1.0_sp/), (/4,4/))
+      endif
+      call xml_NewElement(xf, "transform3")
+      call xml_AddCharacters(xf, chars=seitzMatrix) 
+      call xml_EndElement(xf, "transform3")
+    end do
+    call xml_EndElement(xf, "symmetry")
+    end subroutine cmlAddSymmetrysp
+  subroutine cmlStartKPointdp(xf, coords, weight, kptfmt, wtfmt &
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout)              :: xf
+    real(kind=dp), dimension(3), intent(in)  :: coords
+    real(kind=dp), intent(in), optional      :: weight
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional   :: kptfmt
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional   :: wtfmt
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: dictRef
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: convention
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: title
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: ref
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: label
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    call xml_NewElement(xf, "kpoint")
+    if (present(dictRef)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "dictRef", dictRef)
+    if (present(convention)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "convention", convention)
+    if (present(title)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "title", title)
+    if (present(id)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "id", id)
+    if (present(ref)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "ref", ref)
+    if (present(label)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "label", label)
+    call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "coords", coords, kptfmt)
+    if (present(weight)) &
+       call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "weight", weight, wtfmt)
+  end subroutine cmlStartKPointdp
+  subroutine cmlAddKPointdp(xf, coords, weight, kptfmt, wtfmt &
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout)             :: xf
+    real(kind=dp), dimension(3), intent(in) :: coords
+    real(kind=dp), intent(in), optional     :: weight
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional   :: kptfmt
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional   :: wtfmt
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: dictRef
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: convention
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: title
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: ref
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: label
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    call cmlStartKpoint(xf, coords, weight, kptfmt, wtfmt &
+    call cmlEndKpoint(xf)
+  end subroutine cmlAddKPointdp
+  subroutine cmlAddEigenValuedp(xf, value, units, fmt &
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout)            :: xf
+    real(kind=dp), intent(in)              :: value
+    character(len=*), intent(in)           :: units
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: fmt
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: dictRef
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: convention
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: title
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: type
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    call xml_NewElement(xf, "eigen")
+    if (present(dictRef)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "dictRef", dictRef)
+    if (present(convention)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "convention", convention)
+    if (present(title)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "title", title)
+    if (present(id)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "id", id)
+    if (present(type)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "type", type)
+    call stmAddValue(xf=xf, value=value, fmt=fmt, units=units)
+    call xml_EndElement(xf, "eigen")
+  end subroutine cmlAddEigenValuedp
+  subroutine cmlAddEigenValueVectordp(xf, eigval, eigvec, units, valfmt, vecfmt &
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout)            :: xf
+    real(kind=dp), intent(in)              :: eigval
+    real(kind=dp), intent(in)              :: eigvec(:,:)
+    character(len=*), intent(in)           :: units
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: valfmt
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: vecfmt
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: dictRef
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: convention
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: title
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: type
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    call xml_NewElement(xf, "eigen")
+    if (present(dictRef)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "dictRef", dictRef)
+    if (present(convention)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "convention", convention)
+    if (present(title)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "title", title)
+    if (present(id)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "id", id)
+    if (present(type)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "type", type)
+    call stmAddValue(xf=xf, value=eigval, fmt=valfmt, units=units)
+!FIXME check 2nd dimension of matrix is 3
+    call stmAddValue(xf=xf, value=eigvec, fmt=vecfmt, units="units:dimensionless")
+    call xml_EndElement(xf, "eigen")
+  end subroutine cmlAddEigenValueVectordp
+  subroutine cmlAddEigenValueVectorCmplxdp(xf, eigval, eigvec, units, vecfmt, valfmt &
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout)            :: xf
+    real(kind=dp), intent(in)              :: eigval
+    complex(kind=dp), intent(in)           :: eigvec(:,:)
+    character(len=*), intent(in)           :: units
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: vecfmt
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: valfmt
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: dictRef
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: convention
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: title
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: type
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    call xml_NewElement(xf, "eigen")
+    if (present(dictRef)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "dictRef", dictRef)
+    if (present(convention)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "convention", convention)
+    if (present(title)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "title", title)
+    if (present(id)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "id", id)
+    if (present(type)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "type", type)
+    call stmAddValue(xf=xf, value=eigval, fmt=valfmt, units=units)
+    call stmAddValue(xf=xf, value=eigvec, fmt=vecfmt, units="units:dimensionless")
+    call xml_EndElement(xf, "eigen")
+  end subroutine cmlAddEigenValueVectorCmplxdp
+  subroutine cmlAddBandListdp(xf, values, fmt, units, spin &
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout)            :: xf
+    real(kind=dp), intent(in)              :: values(:)
+    character(len=*), intent(in)           :: units
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: spin
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: fmt
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: dictRef
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: convention
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: title
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: type
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    call xml_NewElement(xf, "bandList")
+    if (present(spin)) then
+      if (spin=="up".or.spin=="down") then
+        call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "spin", spin)
+      else
+        !error
+      endif
+    endif
+    if (present(dictRef)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "dictRef", dictRef)
+    if (present(convention)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "convention", convention)
+    if (present(title)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "title", title)
+    if (present(id)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "id", id)
+    if (present(type)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "type", type)
+    call xml_NewElement(xf, "eigen")
+    call stmAddValue(xf=xf, value=values, fmt=fmt, units=units)
+    call xml_EndElement(xf, "eigen")
+    call xml_EndElement(xf, "bandList")
+  end subroutine cmlAddBandListdp
+  subroutine cmlAddSymmetrydp(xf, sym_ops, sym_disps, spaceGroup, pointGroup &
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout)                 :: xf
+    real(kind=dp), intent(in)                   :: sym_ops(:,:,:)
+    real(kind=dp), intent(in), optional         :: sym_disps(:,:)
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional      :: spaceGroup
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional      :: pointGroup
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: dictRef
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: convention
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: title
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: type
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    integer :: i, n
+    real(kind=dp) :: seitzMatrix(4,4)
+    call xml_NewElement(xf, "symmetry")
+    if (present(dictRef)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "dictRef", dictRef)
+    if (present(convention)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "convention", convention)
+    if (present(title)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "title", title)
+    if (present(id)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "id", id)
+    if (present(type)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "type", type)
+    if (present(spaceGroup)) &
+      call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "spaceGroup", spaceGroup)
+    if (present(pointGroup)) &
+      call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "pointGroup", pointGroup)
+    if (present(sym_disps)) then
+      if (size(sym_ops, 3)/=size(sym_disps, 2)) then
+        ! FIXME error
+      endif
+    endif
+    n = size(sym_ops, 3)
+    do i = 1, n
+      !Convert the 3x3 rotation and 1x3 translation into a 4x4 Seitz matrix
+      if (.not.present(sym_disps)) then
+        seitzMatrix = reshape((/sym_ops(:,1,i), 0.0_dp, &
+                                sym_ops(:,2,i), 0.0_dp, &
+                                sym_ops(:,3,i), 0.0_dp, &
+                                0.0_dp, 0.0_dp, 0.0_dp, 1.0_dp/), (/4,4/))
+      else
+        seitzMatrix = reshape((/sym_ops(:,1,i), sym_disps(1,i), &
+                                sym_ops(:,2,i), sym_disps(2,i), &
+                                sym_ops(:,3,i), sym_disps(3,i), &
+                                0.0_dp, 0.0_dp, 0.0_dp, 1.0_dp/), (/4,4/))
+      endif
+      call xml_NewElement(xf, "transform3")
+      call xml_AddCharacters(xf, chars=seitzMatrix) 
+      call xml_EndElement(xf, "transform3")
+    end do
+    call xml_EndElement(xf, "symmetry")
+    end subroutine cmlAddSymmetrydp
+  subroutine cmlStartBand(xf, spin &
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout)            :: xf
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: spin
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: dictRef
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: convention
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: title
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: ref
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: label
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    call xml_NewElement(xf, "band")
+    if (present(spin)) then
+      if (spin=="up".or.spin=="down") then
+        call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "spin", spin)
+      else
+        !error
+      endif
+    endif
+    if (present(dictRef)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "dictRef", dictRef)
+    if (present(convention)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "convention", convention)
+    if (present(title)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "title", title)
+    if (present(id)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "id", id)
+    if (present(ref)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "ref", ref)
+    if (present(label)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "label", label)
+  end subroutine cmlStartBand
+  subroutine cmlEndKpoint(xf)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    call xml_EndElement(xf, "kpoint")
+  end subroutine cmlEndKpoint
+  subroutine cmlEndBand(xf)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    call xml_EndElement(xf, "band")
+  end subroutine cmlEndBand
+  subroutine cmlAddSymmetryNoOps(xf, spaceGroup, pointGroup &
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout)                 :: xf
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional      :: spaceGroup
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional      :: pointGroup
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: dictRef
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: convention
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: title
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: type
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    call xml_NewElement(xf, "symmetry")
+    if (present(dictRef)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "dictRef", dictRef)
+    if (present(convention)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "convention", convention)
+    if (present(title)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "title", title)
+    if (present(id)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "id", id)
+    if (present(type)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "type", type)
+    if (present(spaceGroup)) &
+      call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "spaceGroup", spaceGroup)
+    if (present(pointGroup)) &
+      call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "pointGroup", pointGroup)
+    call xml_EndElement(xf, "symmetry")
+    end subroutine cmlAddSymmetryNoOps
+end module m_wcml_coma
diff --git a/wcml/m_wcml_coma.m4 b/wcml/m_wcml_coma.m4
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a1e657d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/m_wcml_coma.m4
@@ -0,0 +1,344 @@
+dnl Below we only use arguments with a type of xsd:string
+define(`TOHWM4_bandargs', `(dictRef,convention,title,id,ref,label)')dnl
+define(`TOHWM4_eigenargs', `(dictRef,convention,title,id,type)')dnl
+define(`TOHWM4_bandargslist', `dnl
+m4_foreach(`x', TOHWM4_bandargs, `,x')dnl
+define(`TOHWM4_eigenargslist', `dnl
+m4_foreach(`x', TOHWM4_eigenargs, `,x')dnl
+define(`TOHWM4_coma_real_subs', `dnl`'
+  subroutine cmlStartKPoint$1(xf, coords, weight, kptfmt, wtfmt &
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout)              :: xf
+    real(kind=$1), dimension(3), intent(in)  :: coords
+    real(kind=$1), intent(in), optional      :: weight
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional   :: kptfmt
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional   :: wtfmt
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    call xml_NewElement(xf, "kpoint")
+    call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "coords", coords, kptfmt)
+    if (present(weight)) &
+       call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "weight", weight, wtfmt)
+  end subroutine cmlStartKPoint$1
+  subroutine cmlAddKPoint$1(xf, coords, weight, kptfmt, wtfmt &
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout)             :: xf
+    real(kind=$1), dimension(3), intent(in) :: coords
+    real(kind=$1), intent(in), optional     :: weight
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional   :: kptfmt
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional   :: wtfmt
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    call cmlStartKpoint(xf, coords, weight, kptfmt, wtfmt &
+    call cmlEndKpoint(xf)
+  end subroutine cmlAddKPoint$1
+  subroutine cmlAddEigenValue$1(xf, value, units, fmt &
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout)            :: xf
+    real(kind=$1), intent(in)              :: value
+    character(len=*), intent(in)           :: units
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: fmt
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    call xml_NewElement(xf, "eigen")
+    call stmAddValue(xf=xf, value=value, fmt=fmt, units=units)
+    call xml_EndElement(xf, "eigen")
+  end subroutine cmlAddEigenValue$1
+  subroutine cmlAddEigenValueVector$1(xf, eigval, eigvec, units, valfmt, vecfmt &
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout)            :: xf
+    real(kind=$1), intent(in)              :: eigval
+    real(kind=$1), intent(in)              :: eigvec(:,:)
+    character(len=*), intent(in)           :: units
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: valfmt
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: vecfmt
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    call xml_NewElement(xf, "eigen")
+    call stmAddValue(xf=xf, value=eigval, fmt=valfmt, units=units)
+!FIXME check 2nd dimension of matrix is 3
+    call stmAddValue(xf=xf, value=eigvec, fmt=vecfmt, units="units:dimensionless")
+    call xml_EndElement(xf, "eigen")
+  end subroutine cmlAddEigenValueVector$1
+  subroutine cmlAddEigenValueVectorCmplx$1(xf, eigval, eigvec, units, vecfmt, valfmt &
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout)            :: xf
+    real(kind=$1), intent(in)              :: eigval
+    complex(kind=$1), intent(in)           :: eigvec(:,:)
+    character(len=*), intent(in)           :: units
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: vecfmt
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: valfmt
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    call xml_NewElement(xf, "eigen")
+    call stmAddValue(xf=xf, value=eigval, fmt=valfmt, units=units)
+    call stmAddValue(xf=xf, value=eigvec, fmt=vecfmt, units="units:dimensionless")
+    call xml_EndElement(xf, "eigen")
+  end subroutine cmlAddEigenValueVectorCmplx$1
+  subroutine cmlAddBandList$1(xf, values, fmt, units, spin &
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout)            :: xf
+    real(kind=$1), intent(in)              :: values(:)
+    character(len=*), intent(in)           :: units
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: spin
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: fmt
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    call xml_NewElement(xf, "bandList")
+    if (present(spin)) then
+      if (spin=="up".or.spin=="down") then
+        call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "spin", spin)
+      else
+        !error
+      endif
+    endif
+    call xml_NewElement(xf, "eigen")
+    call stmAddValue(xf=xf, value=values, fmt=fmt, units=units)
+    call xml_EndElement(xf, "eigen")
+    call xml_EndElement(xf, "bandList")
+  end subroutine cmlAddBandList$1
+  subroutine cmlAddSymmetry$1(xf, sym_ops, sym_disps, spaceGroup, pointGroup &
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout)                 :: xf
+    real(kind=$1), intent(in)                   :: sym_ops(:,:,:)
+    real(kind=$1), intent(in), optional         :: sym_disps(:,:)
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional      :: spaceGroup
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional      :: pointGroup
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    integer :: i, n
+    real(kind=$1) :: seitzMatrix(4,4)
+    call xml_NewElement(xf, "symmetry")
+    if (present(spaceGroup)) &
+      call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "spaceGroup", spaceGroup)
+    if (present(pointGroup)) &
+      call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "pointGroup", pointGroup)
+    if (present(sym_disps)) then
+      if (size(sym_ops, 3)/=size(sym_disps, 2)) then
+        ! FIXME error
+      endif
+    endif
+    n = size(sym_ops, 3)
+    do i = 1, n
+      !Convert the 3x3 rotation and 1x3 translation into a 4x4 Seitz matrix
+      if (.not.present(sym_disps)) then
+        seitzMatrix = reshape((/sym_ops(:,1,i), 0.0_$1, &
+                                sym_ops(:,2,i), 0.0_$1, &
+                                sym_ops(:,3,i), 0.0_$1, &
+                                0.0_$1, 0.0_$1, 0.0_$1, 1.0_$1/), (/4,4/))
+      else
+        seitzMatrix = reshape((/sym_ops(:,1,i), sym_disps(1,i), &
+                                sym_ops(:,2,i), sym_disps(2,i), &
+                                sym_ops(:,3,i), sym_disps(3,i), &
+                                0.0_$1, 0.0_$1, 0.0_$1, 1.0_$1/), (/4,4/))
+      endif
+      call xml_NewElement(xf, "transform3")
+      call xml_AddCharacters(xf, chars=seitzMatrix) 
+      call xml_EndElement(xf, "transform3")
+    end do
+    call xml_EndElement(xf, "symmetry")
+    end subroutine cmlAddSymmetry$1
+define(`TOHWM4_coma_subs', `dnl
+  subroutine cmlStartBand(xf, spin &
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout)            :: xf
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: spin
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    call xml_NewElement(xf, "band")
+    if (present(spin)) then
+      if (spin=="up".or.spin=="down") then
+        call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "spin", spin)
+      else
+        !error
+      endif
+    endif
+  end subroutine cmlStartBand
+  subroutine cmlEndKpoint(xf)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    call xml_EndElement(xf, "kpoint")
+  end subroutine cmlEndKpoint
+  subroutine cmlEndBand(xf)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    call xml_EndElement(xf, "band")
+  end subroutine cmlEndBand
+  subroutine cmlAddSymmetryNoOps(xf, spaceGroup, pointGroup &
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout)                 :: xf
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional      :: spaceGroup
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional      :: pointGroup
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    call xml_NewElement(xf, "symmetry")
+    if (present(spaceGroup)) &
+      call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "spaceGroup", spaceGroup)
+    if (present(pointGroup)) &
+      call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "pointGroup", pointGroup)
+    call xml_EndElement(xf, "symmetry")
+    end subroutine cmlAddSymmetryNoOps
+module m_wcml_coma
+  ! Implements routines relating to electronic structure
+  use fox_m_fsys_realtypes, only: sp, dp
+  use FoX_wxml, only: xmlf_t
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+  use FoX_wxml, only: xml_NewElement, xml_AddAttribute
+  use FoX_wxml, only: xml_EndElement
+  use m_wcml_stml, only: stmAddValue
+! Fix for pgi, requires this explicitly:
+  use m_wxml_overloads
+  implicit none
+  private
+  public :: cmlStartKpoint
+  public :: cmlEndKpoint
+  public :: cmlAddKpoint
+  public :: cmlStartBand
+  public :: cmlEndBand
+  public :: cmlAddBandList
+  public :: cmlAddEigenValue
+  public :: cmlAddEigenValueVector
+  public :: cmlAddSymmetry
+  interface cmlAddEigenValue
+    module procedure cmlAddEigenValueSP
+    module procedure cmlAddEigenValueDP
+  end interface
+  interface cmlAddEigenValueVector
+    module procedure cmlAddEigenValueVectorSP
+    module procedure cmlAddEigenValueVectorDP
+    module procedure cmlAddEigenValueVectorCmplxSP
+    module procedure cmlAddEigenValueVectorCmplxDP
+  end interface
+  interface cmlStartKpoint
+    module procedure cmlStartKpointSP
+    module procedure cmlStartKpointDP
+  end interface
+  interface cmlAddKpoint
+    module procedure cmlAddKpointSP
+    module procedure cmlAddKpointDP
+  end interface
+  interface cmlAddBandList
+    module procedure cmlAddBandListSP
+    module procedure cmlAddBandListDP
+  end interface
+  interface cmlAddSymmetry
+    module procedure cmlAddSymmetrySP
+    module procedure cmlAddSymmetryDP
+    module procedure cmlAddSymmetryNoOps
+  end interface
+end module m_wcml_coma
diff --git a/wcml/m_wcml_core.F90 b/wcml/m_wcml_core.F90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d65d006
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/m_wcml_core.F90
@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
+module m_wcml_core
+  use FoX_wxml, only: xmlf_t
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+  use m_common_error, only: FoX_error
+  use FoX_common, only: FoX_version
+  use FoX_utils, only: generate_uuid
+  use FoX_wxml, only: xml_OpenFile, xml_Close
+  use FoX_wxml, only: xml_NewElement, xml_AddAttribute
+  use FoX_wxml, only: xml_EndElement, xml_DeclareNamespace
+  use FoX_wxml, only: xmlf_Name, xmlf_OpenTag
+  use m_wcml_metadata, only: cmlAddMetadata
+  implicit none
+  private
+  public :: cmlBeginFile
+  public :: cmlFinishFile
+  public :: cmlAddNamespace
+  public :: cmlStartCml
+  public :: cmlEndCml
+  subroutine cmlBeginFile(xf, filename, unit, replace)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(out) :: xf
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: filename
+    integer, intent(in) :: unit
+    logical, intent(in), optional :: replace
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    if (unit==-1) then
+      call xml_OpenFile(filename, xf, preserve_whitespace=.false., replace=replace)
+    else
+      call xml_OpenFile(filename, xf, preserve_whitespace=.false., unit=unit, replace=replace)
+    endif
+  end subroutine cmlBeginFile
+  subroutine cmlFinishFile(xf)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    call xml_Close(xf)
+  end subroutine cmlFinishFile
+  subroutine cmlAddNamespace(xf, prefix, URI)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf  
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: prefix
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: URI
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    if (xmlf_OpenTag(xf) /= "") &
+      call FoX_error("Cannot do cmlAddNamespace after starting CML output")
+    call xml_DeclareNamespace(xf, URI, prefix)
+  end subroutine cmlAddNamespace
+  subroutine cmlStartCml(xf, id, title, convention, dictref, fileId, version)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: title
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: convention
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: dictref
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: fileId
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: version
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    call xml_DeclareNamespace(xf, 'http://www.xml-cml.org/schema')
+    call xml_DeclareNamespace(xf, 'http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema', 'xsd')
+    call xml_DeclareNamespace(xf, 'http://www.uszla.me.uk/fpx', 'fpx')
+    call xml_DeclareNamespace(xf, 'http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/', 'dc')
+    call xml_DeclareNamespace(xf, 'http://www.uszla.me.uk/FoX/units', 'units')
+    call xml_DeclareNamespace(xf, 'http://www.xml-cml.org/units/units', 'cmlUnits')
+    call xml_DeclareNamespace(xf, 'http://www.xml-cml.org/units/siUnits', 'siUnits')
+    call xml_DeclareNamespace(xf, 'http://www.xml-cml.org/units/atomic', 'atomicUnits')
+! FIXME TOHW we may want other namespaces in here - particularly for units
+! once PMR has stabilized that.
+    call xml_NewElement(xf, 'cml')
+    if (present(id)) call xml_AddAttribute(xf, 'id', id)
+    if (present(title)) call xml_AddAttribute(xf, 'title', title)
+    if (present(dictref)) call xml_AddAttribute(xf, 'dictRef', dictref)
+    if (present(convention)) then
+      call xml_AddAttribute(xf, 'convention', convention)
+    else
+      call xml_AddAttribute(xf, 'convention', 'CMLComp')
+    endif
+    if (present(fileId)) then
+      call xml_AddAttribute(xf, 'fileId', fileId)
+    else
+      call xml_AddAttribute(xf, 'fileId', xmlf_Name(xf))
+    endif
+    if (present(version)) then
+      call xml_AddAttribute(xf, 'version', version)
+    endif
+    call cmlAddMetadata(xf, name='UUID', content=generate_uuid(1))
+  end subroutine cmlStartCml
+  subroutine cmlEndCml(xf)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    call cmlAddMetadata(xf, name='dc:contributor', content='FoX-'//FoX_version//' (http://www1.gly.bris.ac.uk/~walker/FoX)')
+    call xml_EndElement(xf, 'cml')
+  end subroutine cmlEndCml
+end module m_wcml_core
diff --git a/wcml/m_wcml_geometry.F90 b/wcml/m_wcml_geometry.F90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fcb5c0f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/m_wcml_geometry.F90
@@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
+! This file is AUTOGENERATED
+! To update, edit m_wcml_geometry.m4 and regenerate
+module m_wcml_geometry
+  use fox_m_fsys_realtypes, only: sp, dp
+  use FoX_wxml, only: xmlf_t
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+  use FoX_wxml, only: xml_NewElement, xml_EndElement
+  use FoX_wxml, only: xml_AddAttribute, xml_AddCharacters
+! Fix for pgi, requires this explicitly:
+  use m_wxml_overloads
+  implicit none
+  private
+  interface cmlAddLength
+    module procedure cmlAddLength_SP, cmlAddLength_DP
+  end interface
+  interface cmlAddAngle
+    module procedure cmlAddAngle_SP, cmlAddAngle_DP
+  end interface
+  interface cmlAddTorsion
+    module procedure cmlAddTorsion_SP, cmlAddTorsion_DP
+  end interface
+  public :: cmlAddLength
+  public :: cmlAddAngle
+  public :: cmlAddTorsion
+  subroutine cmlAddLength_sp(xf, id, atomRef1, atomRef2, length, fmt)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: id
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: atomRef1
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: atomRef2
+    real(kind=sp), intent(in)    :: length
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: fmt
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    call xml_NewElement(xf, "length")
+    call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "id", id)
+    call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "atomRefs2", atomRef1//" "//atomRef2)
+    call xml_AddCharacters(xf, length, fmt)
+    call xml_EndElement(xf, "length")
+  end subroutine cmlAddLength_sp
+  subroutine cmlAddAngle_sp(xf, id, atomRef1, atomRef2, atomRef3, angle, fmt)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: id
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: atomRef1
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: atomRef2
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: atomRef3
+    real(kind=sp), intent(in)     :: angle
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: fmt
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    call xml_NewElement(xf, "angle")
+    call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "id", id)
+    call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "atomRefs3", atomRef1//" "//atomRef2//" "//atomRef3)
+    call xml_AddCharacters(xf, angle, fmt)
+    call xml_EndElement(xf, "angle")
+  end subroutine cmlAddAngle_sp
+  subroutine cmlAddTorsion_sp(xf, id, atomRef1, atomRef2, atomRef3, atomRef4, torsion, fmt)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: id
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: atomRef1
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: atomRef2
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: atomRef3        ! ref to third atom
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: atomRef4
+    real(kind=sp), intent(in)    :: torsion
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: fmt
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    call xml_NewElement(xf, "torsion")
+    call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "id", id)
+    call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "atomRefs4", &
+         atomRef1//" "//atomRef2//" "//atomRef3//" "//atomRef4)
+    call xml_AddCharacters(xf, torsion, fmt)
+    call xml_EndElement(xf, "torsion")
+  end subroutine cmlAddTorsion_sp
+  subroutine cmlAddLength_dp(xf, id, atomRef1, atomRef2, length, fmt)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: id
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: atomRef1
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: atomRef2
+    real(kind=dp), intent(in)    :: length
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: fmt
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    call xml_NewElement(xf, "length")
+    call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "id", id)
+    call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "atomRefs2", atomRef1//" "//atomRef2)
+    call xml_AddCharacters(xf, length, fmt)
+    call xml_EndElement(xf, "length")
+  end subroutine cmlAddLength_dp
+  subroutine cmlAddAngle_dp(xf, id, atomRef1, atomRef2, atomRef3, angle, fmt)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: id
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: atomRef1
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: atomRef2
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: atomRef3
+    real(kind=dp), intent(in)     :: angle
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: fmt
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    call xml_NewElement(xf, "angle")
+    call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "id", id)
+    call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "atomRefs3", atomRef1//" "//atomRef2//" "//atomRef3)
+    call xml_AddCharacters(xf, angle, fmt)
+    call xml_EndElement(xf, "angle")
+  end subroutine cmlAddAngle_dp
+  subroutine cmlAddTorsion_dp(xf, id, atomRef1, atomRef2, atomRef3, atomRef4, torsion, fmt)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: id
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: atomRef1
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: atomRef2
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: atomRef3        ! ref to third atom
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: atomRef4
+    real(kind=dp), intent(in)    :: torsion
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: fmt
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    call xml_NewElement(xf, "torsion")
+    call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "id", id)
+    call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "atomRefs4", &
+         atomRef1//" "//atomRef2//" "//atomRef3//" "//atomRef4)
+    call xml_AddCharacters(xf, torsion, fmt)
+    call xml_EndElement(xf, "torsion")
+  end subroutine cmlAddTorsion_dp
+end module m_wcml_geometry
diff --git a/wcml/m_wcml_geometry.m4 b/wcml/m_wcml_geometry.m4
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..71e6b0b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/m_wcml_geometry.m4
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+define(`TOHWM4_geometry_subs', `dnl
+  subroutine cmlAddLength_$1(xf, id, atomRef1, atomRef2, length, fmt)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: id
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: atomRef1
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: atomRef2
+    real(kind=$1), intent(in)    :: length
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: fmt
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    call xml_NewElement(xf, "length")
+    call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "id", id)
+    call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "atomRefs2", atomRef1//" "//atomRef2)
+    call xml_AddCharacters(xf, length, fmt)
+    call xml_EndElement(xf, "length")
+  end subroutine cmlAddLength_$1
+  subroutine cmlAddAngle_$1(xf, id, atomRef1, atomRef2, atomRef3, angle, fmt)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: id
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: atomRef1
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: atomRef2
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: atomRef3
+    real(kind=$1), intent(in)     :: angle
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: fmt
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    call xml_NewElement(xf, "angle")
+    call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "id", id)
+    call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "atomRefs3", atomRef1//" "//atomRef2//" "//atomRef3)
+    call xml_AddCharacters(xf, angle, fmt)
+    call xml_EndElement(xf, "angle")
+  end subroutine cmlAddAngle_$1
+  subroutine cmlAddTorsion_$1(xf, id, atomRef1, atomRef2, atomRef3, atomRef4, torsion, fmt)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: id
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: atomRef1
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: atomRef2
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: atomRef3        ! ref to third atom
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: atomRef4
+    real(kind=$1), intent(in)    :: torsion
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: fmt
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    call xml_NewElement(xf, "torsion")
+    call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "id", id)
+    call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "atomRefs4", &
+         atomRef1//" "//atomRef2//" "//atomRef3//" "//atomRef4)
+    call xml_AddCharacters(xf, torsion, fmt)
+    call xml_EndElement(xf, "torsion")
+  end subroutine cmlAddTorsion_$1
+! This file is AUTOGENERATED
+! To update, edit m_wcml_geometry.m4 and regenerate
+module m_wcml_geometry
+  use fox_m_fsys_realtypes, only: sp, dp
+  use FoX_wxml, only: xmlf_t
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+  use FoX_wxml, only: xml_NewElement, xml_EndElement
+  use FoX_wxml, only: xml_AddAttribute, xml_AddCharacters
+! Fix for pgi, requires this explicitly:
+  use m_wxml_overloads
+  implicit none
+  private
+  interface cmlAddLength
+    module procedure cmlAddLength_SP, cmlAddLength_DP
+  end interface
+  interface cmlAddAngle
+    module procedure cmlAddAngle_SP, cmlAddAngle_DP
+  end interface
+  interface cmlAddTorsion
+    module procedure cmlAddTorsion_SP, cmlAddTorsion_DP
+  end interface
+  public :: cmlAddLength
+  public :: cmlAddAngle
+  public :: cmlAddTorsion
+end module m_wcml_geometry
diff --git a/wcml/m_wcml_lattice.F90 b/wcml/m_wcml_lattice.F90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b83bd62
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/m_wcml_lattice.F90
@@ -0,0 +1,242 @@
+! This file is AUTOGENERATED
+! To update, edit m_wcml_lattice.m4 and regenerate
+module m_wcml_lattice
+!FIXME: unimplemented bits:
+! periodicity of latticevectors ...
+! conversion between lattices & crystals ...
+! <lattice> can also contain xtal coords or a <matrix>
+  use fox_m_fsys_realtypes, only: sp, dp
+  use FoX_wxml, only: xmlf_t
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+  use FoX_wxml, only: xml_NewElement, xml_EndElement
+  use FoX_wxml, only: xml_AddAttribute, xml_AddCharacters
+! Fix for pgi, requires this explicitly:
+  use m_wxml_overloads
+  implicit none
+  private
+  character(len=*), parameter :: U_ANGSTR = "units:angstrom"
+  character(len=*), parameter :: U_DEGREE = "units:degree"
+  interface cmlAddCrystal
+     module procedure cmlAddCrystalSP
+     module procedure cmlAddCrystalDP
+  end interface
+  interface cmlAddLattice
+    module procedure cmlAddLatticeSP
+    module procedure cmlAddLatticeDP
+  end interface
+  public :: cmlAddCrystal
+  public :: cmlAddLattice
+  subroutine cmlAddCrystalsp(xf, a, b, c, alpha, beta, gamma, z,&
+    id, title, dictref, convention, lenunits, angunits, spaceGroup, lenfmt, angfmt)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    real(kind=sp), intent(in)               :: a, b, c
+    real(kind=sp), intent(in)               :: alpha
+    real(kind=sp), intent(in)               :: beta
+    real(kind=sp), intent(in)               :: gamma
+    integer, intent(in), optional           :: z
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: title
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: dictref
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: convention
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: lenunits
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: angunits
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: spaceGroup
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: lenfmt
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: angfmt
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    call xml_NewElement(xf=xf, name="crystal")
+    if (present(id))      call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "id", id)
+    if (present(title))   call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "title", title)
+    if (present(dictref)) call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "dictRef", dictRef)
+    if (present(convention)) call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "convention", convention)
+    if (present(z)) call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "z", z)
+    call xml_NewElement(xf=xf, name="cellParameter")
+    call xml_AddAttribute(xf=xf, name="latticeType", value="real")
+    call xml_AddAttribute(xf=xf, name="parameterType", value="length")
+    if (present(lenunits)) then
+      call xml_AddAttribute(xf=xf, name="units", value=lenunits)
+    else
+      call xml_AddAttribute(xf=xf, name="units", value=U_ANGSTR)
+    endif
+    call xml_AddCharacters(xf=xf, chars=(/a, b, c/), fmt=lenfmt)
+    call xml_EndElement(xf=xf, name="cellParameter")
+    call xml_NewElement(xf=xf, name="cellParameter")
+    call xml_AddAttribute(xf=xf, name="latticeType", value="real")
+    call xml_AddAttribute(xf=xf, name="parameterType", value="angle")
+    if (present(angunits)) then
+      call xml_AddAttribute(xf=xf, name="units", value=angunits)
+    else
+      call xml_AddAttribute(xf=xf, name="units", value=U_DEGREE)
+    endif
+    call xml_AddCharacters(xf=xf, chars=(/alpha, beta, gamma/), fmt=angfmt)
+    call xml_EndElement(xf=xf, name="cellParameter")
+    if (present(spaceGroup)) then
+      call xml_NewElement(xf, "symmetry")
+      call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "spaceGroup", spaceGroup)
+      call xml_EndElement(xf, "symmetry")
+    endif
+    call xml_EndElement(xf, "crystal")
+  end subroutine cmlAddCrystalsp
+  subroutine cmlAddLatticesp(xf, cell, units, title, id, dictref, convention, latticeType, spaceType, fmt)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    real(kind=sp), intent(in)              :: cell(3,3)
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: units       
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: title
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: dictref
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: convention
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: latticeType
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: spaceType
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: fmt
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    integer :: i
+    call xml_NewElement(xf, "lattice")
+    if (present(id)) call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "id", id)
+    if (present(title)) call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "title", title)
+    if (present(dictref)) call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "dictRef", dictref)
+    if (present(convention)) call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "convention", convention)
+    if (present(latticeType)) call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "latticeType", latticeType)
+    if (present(spaceType)) call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "spaceType", spaceType)
+    do i = 1,3
+      call xml_NewElement(xf, "latticeVector")
+      if (present(units)) then
+        call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "units", units)
+      else
+        call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "units", U_ANGSTR)
+      endif
+      call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "dictRef", "cml:latticeVector")
+      call xml_AddCharacters(xf, cell(:,i), fmt)
+      call xml_EndElement(xf, "latticeVector")
+    enddo
+    call xml_EndElement(xf, "lattice")
+  end subroutine cmlAddLatticesp
+  subroutine cmlAddCrystaldp(xf, a, b, c, alpha, beta, gamma, z,&
+    id, title, dictref, convention, lenunits, angunits, spaceGroup, lenfmt, angfmt)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    real(kind=dp), intent(in)               :: a, b, c
+    real(kind=dp), intent(in)               :: alpha
+    real(kind=dp), intent(in)               :: beta
+    real(kind=dp), intent(in)               :: gamma
+    integer, intent(in), optional           :: z
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: title
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: dictref
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: convention
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: lenunits
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: angunits
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: spaceGroup
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: lenfmt
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: angfmt
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    call xml_NewElement(xf=xf, name="crystal")
+    if (present(id))      call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "id", id)
+    if (present(title))   call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "title", title)
+    if (present(dictref)) call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "dictRef", dictRef)
+    if (present(convention)) call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "convention", convention)
+    if (present(z)) call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "z", z)
+    call xml_NewElement(xf=xf, name="cellParameter")
+    call xml_AddAttribute(xf=xf, name="latticeType", value="real")
+    call xml_AddAttribute(xf=xf, name="parameterType", value="length")
+    if (present(lenunits)) then
+      call xml_AddAttribute(xf=xf, name="units", value=lenunits)
+    else
+      call xml_AddAttribute(xf=xf, name="units", value=U_ANGSTR)
+    endif
+    call xml_AddCharacters(xf=xf, chars=(/a, b, c/), fmt=lenfmt)
+    call xml_EndElement(xf=xf, name="cellParameter")
+    call xml_NewElement(xf=xf, name="cellParameter")
+    call xml_AddAttribute(xf=xf, name="latticeType", value="real")
+    call xml_AddAttribute(xf=xf, name="parameterType", value="angle")
+    if (present(angunits)) then
+      call xml_AddAttribute(xf=xf, name="units", value=angunits)
+    else
+      call xml_AddAttribute(xf=xf, name="units", value=U_DEGREE)
+    endif
+    call xml_AddCharacters(xf=xf, chars=(/alpha, beta, gamma/), fmt=angfmt)
+    call xml_EndElement(xf=xf, name="cellParameter")
+    if (present(spaceGroup)) then
+      call xml_NewElement(xf, "symmetry")
+      call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "spaceGroup", spaceGroup)
+      call xml_EndElement(xf, "symmetry")
+    endif
+    call xml_EndElement(xf, "crystal")
+  end subroutine cmlAddCrystaldp
+  subroutine cmlAddLatticedp(xf, cell, units, title, id, dictref, convention, latticeType, spaceType, fmt)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    real(kind=dp), intent(in)              :: cell(3,3)
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: units       
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: title
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: dictref
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: convention
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: latticeType
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: spaceType
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: fmt
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    integer :: i
+    call xml_NewElement(xf, "lattice")
+    if (present(id)) call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "id", id)
+    if (present(title)) call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "title", title)
+    if (present(dictref)) call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "dictRef", dictref)
+    if (present(convention)) call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "convention", convention)
+    if (present(latticeType)) call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "latticeType", latticeType)
+    if (present(spaceType)) call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "spaceType", spaceType)
+    do i = 1,3
+      call xml_NewElement(xf, "latticeVector")
+      if (present(units)) then
+        call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "units", units)
+      else
+        call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "units", U_ANGSTR)
+      endif
+      call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "dictRef", "cml:latticeVector")
+      call xml_AddCharacters(xf, cell(:,i), fmt)
+      call xml_EndElement(xf, "latticeVector")
+    enddo
+    call xml_EndElement(xf, "lattice")
+  end subroutine cmlAddLatticedp
+end module m_wcml_lattice
diff --git a/wcml/m_wcml_lattice.m4 b/wcml/m_wcml_lattice.m4
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0e975b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/m_wcml_lattice.m4
@@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
+define(`TOHWM4_lattice_subs', `dnl
+  subroutine cmlAddCrystal$1(xf, a, b, c, alpha, beta, gamma, z,&
+    id, title, dictref, convention, lenunits, angunits, spaceGroup, lenfmt, angfmt)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    real(kind=$1), intent(in)               :: a, b, c
+    real(kind=$1), intent(in)               :: alpha
+    real(kind=$1), intent(in)               :: beta
+    real(kind=$1), intent(in)               :: gamma
+    integer, intent(in), optional           :: z
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: title
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: dictref
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: convention
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: lenunits
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: angunits
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: spaceGroup
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: lenfmt
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: angfmt
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    call xml_NewElement(xf=xf, name="crystal")
+    if (present(id))      call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "id", id)
+    if (present(title))   call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "title", title)
+    if (present(dictref)) call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "dictRef", dictRef)
+    if (present(convention)) call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "convention", convention)
+    if (present(z)) call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "z", z)
+    call xml_NewElement(xf=xf, name="cellParameter")
+    call xml_AddAttribute(xf=xf, name="latticeType", value="real")
+    call xml_AddAttribute(xf=xf, name="parameterType", value="length")
+    if (present(lenunits)) then
+      call xml_AddAttribute(xf=xf, name="units", value=lenunits)
+    else
+      call xml_AddAttribute(xf=xf, name="units", value=U_ANGSTR)
+    endif
+    call xml_AddCharacters(xf=xf, chars=(/a, b, c/), fmt=lenfmt)
+    call xml_EndElement(xf=xf, name="cellParameter")
+    call xml_NewElement(xf=xf, name="cellParameter")
+    call xml_AddAttribute(xf=xf, name="latticeType", value="real")
+    call xml_AddAttribute(xf=xf, name="parameterType", value="angle")
+    if (present(angunits)) then
+      call xml_AddAttribute(xf=xf, name="units", value=angunits)
+    else
+      call xml_AddAttribute(xf=xf, name="units", value=U_DEGREE)
+    endif
+    call xml_AddCharacters(xf=xf, chars=(/alpha, beta, gamma/), fmt=angfmt)
+    call xml_EndElement(xf=xf, name="cellParameter")
+    if (present(spaceGroup)) then
+      call xml_NewElement(xf, "symmetry")
+      call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "spaceGroup", spaceGroup)
+      call xml_EndElement(xf, "symmetry")
+    endif
+    call xml_EndElement(xf, "crystal")
+  end subroutine cmlAddCrystal$1
+  subroutine cmlAddLattice$1(xf, cell, units, title, id, dictref, convention, latticeType, spaceType, fmt)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    real(kind=$1), intent(in)              :: cell(3,3)
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: units       
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: title
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: dictref
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: convention
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: latticeType
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: spaceType
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: fmt
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    integer :: i
+    call xml_NewElement(xf, "lattice")
+    if (present(id)) call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "id", id)
+    if (present(title)) call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "title", title)
+    if (present(dictref)) call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "dictRef", dictref)
+    if (present(convention)) call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "convention", convention)
+    if (present(latticeType)) call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "latticeType", latticeType)
+    if (present(spaceType)) call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "spaceType", spaceType)
+    do i = 1,3
+      call xml_NewElement(xf, "latticeVector")
+      if (present(units)) then
+        call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "units", units)
+      else
+        call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "units", U_ANGSTR)
+      endif
+      call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "dictRef", "cml:latticeVector")
+      call xml_AddCharacters(xf, cell(:,i), fmt)
+      call xml_EndElement(xf, "latticeVector")
+    enddo
+    call xml_EndElement(xf, "lattice")
+  end subroutine cmlAddLattice$1
+! This file is AUTOGENERATED
+! To update, edit m_wcml_lattice.m4 and regenerate
+module m_wcml_lattice
+!FIXME: unimplemented bits:
+! periodicity of latticevectors ...
+! conversion between lattices & crystals ...
+! <lattice> can also contain xtal coords or a <matrix>
+  use fox_m_fsys_realtypes, only: sp, dp
+  use FoX_wxml, only: xmlf_t
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+  use FoX_wxml, only: xml_NewElement, xml_EndElement
+  use FoX_wxml, only: xml_AddAttribute, xml_AddCharacters
+! Fix for pgi, requires this explicitly:
+  use m_wxml_overloads
+  implicit none
+  private
+  character(len=*), parameter :: U_ANGSTR = "units:angstrom"
+  character(len=*), parameter :: U_DEGREE = "units:degree"
+  interface cmlAddCrystal
+     module procedure cmlAddCrystalSP
+     module procedure cmlAddCrystalDP
+  end interface
+  interface cmlAddLattice
+    module procedure cmlAddLatticeSP
+    module procedure cmlAddLatticeDP
+  end interface
+  public :: cmlAddCrystal
+  public :: cmlAddLattice
+end module m_wcml_lattice
diff --git a/wcml/m_wcml_lists.F90 b/wcml/m_wcml_lists.F90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ba865f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/m_wcml_lists.F90
@@ -0,0 +1,282 @@
+! This file is AUTOGENERATED!!!!
+! Do not edit this file; edit m_wcml_metadata.m4 and regenerate.
+module m_wcml_lists
+  use FoX_wxml, only: xmlf_t
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+  use FoX_common, only: str
+  use FoX_wxml, only: xml_NewElement, xml_EndElement
+  use FoX_wxml, only: xml_AddAttribute
+  implicit none
+  private
+  public :: cmlStartMetadataList
+  public :: cmlEndMetadataList
+  public :: cmlStartPropertyList
+  public :: cmlEndPropertyList
+  public :: cmlStartParameterList
+  public :: cmlEndParameterList
+  public :: cmlStartBandList
+  public :: cmlEndBandList
+  public :: cmlStartKpointList
+  public :: cmlEndKpointList
+  public :: cmlStartModule
+  public :: cmlEndModule
+  public :: cmlStartStep
+  public :: cmlEndStep
+  subroutine cmlStartmetadataList(xf, dictRef, convention, title, id, name, role)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: dictRef
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: convention
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: title
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: name
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: role
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    call xml_NewElement(xf, "metadataList")
+    if (present(dictRef)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "dictRef", dictRef)
+    if (present(convention)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "convention", convention)
+    if (present(title)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "title", title)
+    if (present(id)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "id", id)
+    if (present(name)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "name", name)
+    if (present(role)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "role", role)
+  end subroutine cmlStartmetadataList
+  subroutine cmlEndmetadataList(xf)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    call xml_EndElement(xf, "metadataList")
+  end subroutine cmlEndmetadataList
+  subroutine cmlStartpropertyList(xf, dictRef, convention, title, id, ref, role)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: dictRef
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: convention
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: title
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: ref
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: role
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    call xml_NewElement(xf, "propertyList")
+    if (present(dictRef)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "dictRef", dictRef)
+    if (present(convention)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "convention", convention)
+    if (present(title)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "title", title)
+    if (present(id)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "id", id)
+    if (present(ref)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "ref", ref)
+    if (present(role)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "role", role)
+  end subroutine cmlStartpropertyList
+  subroutine cmlEndpropertyList(xf)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    call xml_EndElement(xf, "propertyList")
+  end subroutine cmlEndpropertyList
+  subroutine cmlStartparameterList(xf, dictRef, convention, title, id, ref, role)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: dictRef
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: convention
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: title
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: ref
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: role
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    call xml_NewElement(xf, "parameterList")
+    if (present(dictRef)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "dictRef", dictRef)
+    if (present(convention)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "convention", convention)
+    if (present(title)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "title", title)
+    if (present(id)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "id", id)
+    if (present(ref)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "ref", ref)
+    if (present(role)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "role", role)
+  end subroutine cmlStartparameterList
+  subroutine cmlEndparameterList(xf)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    call xml_EndElement(xf, "parameterList")
+  end subroutine cmlEndparameterList
+  subroutine cmlStartbandList(xf, dictRef, convention, title, id, ref, role)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: dictRef
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: convention
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: title
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: ref
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: role
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    call xml_NewElement(xf, "bandList")
+    if (present(dictRef)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "dictRef", dictRef)
+    if (present(convention)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "convention", convention)
+    if (present(title)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "title", title)
+    if (present(id)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "id", id)
+    if (present(ref)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "ref", ref)
+    if (present(role)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "role", role)
+  end subroutine cmlStartbandList
+  subroutine cmlEndbandList(xf)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    call xml_EndElement(xf, "bandList")
+  end subroutine cmlEndbandList
+!FIXME what attributes
+  subroutine cmlStartkpointList(xf, dictRef, convention, title, id, ref, role)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: dictRef
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: convention
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: title
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: ref
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: role
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    call xml_NewElement(xf, "kpointList")
+    if (present(dictRef)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "dictRef", dictRef)
+    if (present(convention)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "convention", convention)
+    if (present(title)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "title", title)
+    if (present(id)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "id", id)
+    if (present(ref)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "ref", ref)
+    if (present(role)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "role", role)
+  end subroutine cmlStartkpointList
+  subroutine cmlEndkpointList(xf)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    call xml_EndElement(xf, "kpointList")
+  end subroutine cmlEndkpointList
+!FIXME what attributes
+  subroutine cmlStartmodule(xf, serial, title, id, convention, dictRef, role)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: serial
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: title
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: convention
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: dictRef
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: role
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    call xml_NewElement(xf, "module")
+    if (present(serial)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "serial", serial)
+    if (present(title)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "title", title)
+    if (present(id)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "id", id)
+    if (present(convention)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "convention", convention)
+    if (present(dictRef)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "dictRef", dictRef)
+    if (present(role)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "role", role)
+  end subroutine cmlStartmodule
+  subroutine cmlEndmodule(xf)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    call xml_EndElement(xf, "module")
+  end subroutine cmlEndmodule
+  subroutine cmlStartStep(xf, type, index, id, title, convention)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: type
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
+    integer, intent(in), optional :: index
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: title
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: convention
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    if (present(index)) then
+      call cmlStartModule(xf=xf, id=id, title=title, convention=convention, &
+        dictRef=type, role='step', serial=str(index))
+    else
+      call cmlStartModule(xf=xf, id=id, title=title, convention=convention, &
+        dictRef=type, role='step')
+    endif
+  end subroutine cmlStartStep
+  subroutine cmlEndStep(xf)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    call xml_EndElement(xf, 'module')
+  end subroutine cmlEndStep
+end module m_wcml_lists
diff --git a/wcml/m_wcml_lists.m4 b/wcml/m_wcml_lists.m4
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..48b85f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/m_wcml_lists.m4
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+define(`TOHWM4_list_subs', `dnl
+  subroutine cmlStart$1(xf, TOHWM4_dummyarglist($2))
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+m4_foreach(`x', `$2', `TOHWM4_dummyargdecl(x)')
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    call xml_NewElement(xf, "$1")
+m4_foreach(`x', `$2', TOHWM4_dummyarguse(x))
+  end subroutine cmlStart$1
+  subroutine cmlEnd$1(xf)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    call xml_EndElement(xf, "$1")
+  end subroutine cmlEnd$1
+! This file is AUTOGENERATED!!!!
+! Do not edit this file; edit m_wcml_metadata.m4 and regenerate.
+module m_wcml_lists
+  use FoX_wxml, only: xmlf_t
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+  use FoX_common, only: str
+  use FoX_wxml, only: xml_NewElement, xml_EndElement
+  use FoX_wxml, only: xml_AddAttribute
+  implicit none
+  private
+  public :: cmlStartMetadataList
+  public :: cmlEndMetadataList
+  public :: cmlStartPropertyList
+  public :: cmlEndPropertyList
+  public :: cmlStartParameterList
+  public :: cmlEndParameterList
+  public :: cmlStartBandList
+  public :: cmlEndBandList
+  public :: cmlStartKpointList
+  public :: cmlEndKpointList
+  public :: cmlStartModule
+  public :: cmlEndModule
+  public :: cmlStartStep
+  public :: cmlEndStep
+TOHWM4_list_subs(`metadataList', (`dictRef', `convention', `title', `id', `name', `role'))
+TOHWM4_list_subs(`propertyList', (dictRef, convention, title, id, ref, role))
+TOHWM4_list_subs(`parameterList', (dictRef, convention, title, id, ref, role))
+TOHWM4_list_subs(`bandList', (dictRef, convention, title, id, ref, role))
+!FIXME what attributes
+TOHWM4_list_subs(`kpointList', (dictRef, convention, title, id, ref, role))
+!FIXME what attributes
+TOHWM4_list_subs(`module', (serial, title, id, convention, dictRef, role))
+  subroutine cmlStartStep(xf, type, index, id, title, convention)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: type
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
+    integer, intent(in), optional :: index
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: title
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: convention
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    if (present(index)) then
+      call cmlStartModule(xf=xf, id=id, title=title, convention=convention, &
+        dictRef=type, role='step', serial=str(index))
+    else
+      call cmlStartModule(xf=xf, id=id, title=title, convention=convention, &
+        dictRef=type, role='step')
+    endif
+  end subroutine cmlStartStep
+  subroutine cmlEndStep(xf)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    call xml_EndElement(xf, 'module')
+  end subroutine cmlEndStep
+end module m_wcml_lists
diff --git a/wcml/m_wcml_metadata.F90 b/wcml/m_wcml_metadata.F90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f831be1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/m_wcml_metadata.F90
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+module m_wcml_metadata
+  use FoX_wxml, only: xmlf_t
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+  use FoX_wxml, only: xml_NewElement, xml_EndElement
+  use FoX_wxml, only: xml_AddAttribute
+  implicit none
+  private
+  public :: cmlAddMetadata
+   subroutine cmlAddMetadata(xf, name, content, convention, dictRef, id, title )
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: content
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: convention
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: dictRef
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: title
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    call xml_NewElement(xf, "metadata")
+    call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "name", name)
+    call xml_AddAttribute(xf, name="content", value=content  )
+    if (present(dictref)) call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "dictRef", dictref)
+    if (present(id)) call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "id", title)
+    if (present(title)) call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "title", title)
+    if (present(convention)) call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "convention", convention)
+    call xml_EndElement(xf, "metadata")
+   end subroutine cmlAddMetadata
+end module m_wcml_metadata
diff --git a/wcml/m_wcml_molecule.F90 b/wcml/m_wcml_molecule.F90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aba401f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/m_wcml_molecule.F90
@@ -0,0 +1,1644 @@
+! This file is AUTOGENERATED
+! To change, edit m_wcml_molecule.m4 and regenerate
+module m_wcml_molecule
+  use fox_m_fsys_realtypes, only: sp, dp
+  use FoX_wxml, only: xmlf_t
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+  use fox_m_fsys_format, only: str
+  use m_common_error, only: FoX_error
+  use FoX_wxml, only: xml_NewElement, xml_EndElement
+  use FoX_wxml, only: xml_AddAttribute, xml_AddCharacters, xml_AddNewline
+! Fix for pgi, requires this explicitly:
+  use m_wxml_overloads
+  implicit none
+  private
+  interface cmlAddMolecule
+    module procedure cmlAddMoleculeSP
+    module procedure cmlAddMoleculeSP_sh
+    module procedure cmlAddMolecule_3_SP
+    module procedure cmlAddMolecule_3_SP_sh
+    module procedure cmlAddMoleculeDP
+    module procedure cmlAddMoleculeDP_sh
+    module procedure cmlAddMolecule_3_DP
+    module procedure cmlAddMolecule_3_DP_sh
+  end interface
+  interface cmlAddAtoms
+    module procedure cmlAddAtomsSP
+    module procedure cmlAddAtomsSP_sh
+    module procedure cmlAddAtoms_3_SP
+    module procedure cmlAddAtoms_3_SP_sh
+    module procedure cmlAddAtomsDP
+    module procedure cmlAddAtomsDP_sh
+    module procedure cmlAddAtoms_3_DP
+    module procedure cmlAddAtoms_3_DP_sh
+  end interface
+  interface cmlAddParticles
+    module procedure cmlAddParticlesSP
+    module procedure cmlAddParticlesSP_sh
+    module procedure cmlAddParticles_3_SP
+    module procedure cmlAddParticles_3_SP_sh
+    module procedure cmlAddParticlesDP
+    module procedure cmlAddParticlesDP_sh
+    module procedure cmlAddParticles_3_DP
+    module procedure cmlAddParticles_3_DP_sh
+  end interface
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+  interface cmlAddCoords
+    module procedure cmlAddCoords_sp
+    module procedure cmlAddCoords_dp
+  end interface
+  interface addDlpolyMatrix
+    module procedure addDlpolyMatrix_sp
+    module procedure addDlpolyMatrix_3_sp
+    module procedure addDlpolyMatrix_dp
+    module procedure addDlpolyMatrix_3_dp
+  end interface
+  public :: cmlStartMolecule
+  public :: cmlEndMolecule
+  public :: cmlAddAtoms
+  public :: cmlAddParticles
+  public :: cmlAddMolecule
+  subroutine cmlStartMolecule(xf &
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: dictRef
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: convention
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: title
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: ref
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: formula
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: chirality
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: role
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    call xml_NewElement(xf, "molecule")
+    if (present(dictRef)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "dictRef", dictRef)
+    if (present(convention)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "convention", convention)
+    if (present(title)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "title", title)
+    if (present(id)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "id", id)
+    if (present(ref)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "ref", ref)
+    if (present(formula)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "formula", formula)
+    if (present(chirality)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "chirality", chirality)
+    if (present(role)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "role", role)
+  end subroutine cmlStartMolecule
+  subroutine cmlEndMolecule(xf)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    call xml_EndElement(xf, "molecule")
+  end subroutine cmlEndMolecule
+  subroutine cmlAddMoleculesp(xf, elements, atomRefs, coords, occupancies, atomIds, style, fmt &
+,dictRef,convention,title,id,ref,formula,chirality,role , &
+bondAtom1Refs, bondAtom2Refs, bondOrders, bondIds, nobondcheck)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    real(kind=sp), intent(in)              :: coords(:, :)
+    character(len=*), intent(in)           :: elements(:)
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: atomRefs(:) 
+    real(kind=sp), intent(in), optional :: occupancies(:)
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: atomIds(:)
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: fmt
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: style
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: dictRef
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: convention
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: title
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: ref
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: formula
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: chirality
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: role
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: bondAtom1Refs(:)
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: bondAtom2Refs(:)
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: bondOrders(:)
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: bondIds(:)
+    logical, intent(in), optional          :: nobondcheck
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    call cmlStartMolecule(xf &
+    call cmlAddAtoms(xf, elements, atomRefs, coords, occupancies, atomIds, style, fmt)
+    if (present(bondAtom1Refs)) then
+      if (present(bondAtom2Refs).and.present(bondOrders)) then
+        if (present(atomIds)) then
+          call checkBondIdRefs(atomIds, bondAtom1Refs, bondAtom2Refs, nobondcheck)
+          call addBondArray(xf, bondAtom1Refs, bondAtom2Refs, bondOrders, bondIds)
+        else
+          call FoX_error("AtomIds must be provided to add bonds")
+        endif
+      else
+        call FoX_error("Two AtomRefs arrays and a bondOrder array must be provided to add bonds")
+      endif
+    endif
+    call cmlEndMolecule(xf)
+  end subroutine cmlAddMoleculesp
+  subroutine cmlAddMoleculesp_sh(xf, natoms, elements, atomRefs, coords, occupancies, atomIds, style, fmt &
+,dictRef,convention,title,id,ref,formula,chirality,role , &
+bondAtom1Refs, bondAtom2Refs, bondOrders, bondIds, nobondcheck)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    integer, intent(in) :: natoms
+    real(kind=sp), intent(in)              :: coords(3, natoms)
+    character(len=*), intent(in)           :: elements(natoms)
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: atomRefs(natoms) 
+    real(kind=sp), intent(in), optional :: occupancies(natoms) 
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: atomIds(natoms) 
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: fmt
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: style
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: dictRef
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: convention
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: title
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: ref
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: formula
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: chirality
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: role
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: bondAtom1Refs(:)
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: bondAtom2Refs(:)
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: bondOrders(:)
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: bondIds(:)
+    logical, intent(in), optional :: nobondcheck
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    call cmlStartMolecule(xf &
+    call cmlAddAtoms(xf, natoms, elements, atomRefs, coords, occupancies, atomIds, style, fmt)
+    if (present(bondAtom1Refs)) then
+      if (present(bondAtom2Refs).and.present(bondOrders)) then
+        if (present(atomIds)) then
+          call checkBondIdRefs(atomIds, bondAtom1Refs, bondAtom2Refs, nobondcheck)
+          call addBondArray(xf, bondAtom1Refs, bondAtom2Refs, bondOrders, bondIds)
+        else
+          call FoX_error("AtomIds must be provided to add bonds")
+        endif
+        call addBondArray(xf, bondAtom1Refs, bondAtom2Refs, bondOrders, bondIds)
+      else
+        call FoX_error("Two AtomRefs arrays and a bondOrder array must be provided to add bonds")
+      endif
+    endif
+    call cmlEndMolecule(xf)
+  end subroutine cmlAddMoleculesp_sh
+  subroutine cmlAddMolecule_3_sp(xf, elements, x, y, z, atomRefs, occupancies, atomIds, style, fmt &
+,dictRef,convention,title,id,ref,formula,chirality,role , &
+bondAtom1Refs, bondAtom2Refs, bondOrders, bondIds, nobondcheck)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    real(kind=sp), intent(in)              :: x(:)
+    real(kind=sp), intent(in)              :: y(:)
+    real(kind=sp), intent(in)              :: z(:)
+    character(len=*), intent(in)           :: elements(:)
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: atomRefs(:) 
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: atomIds(:) 
+    real(kind=sp), intent(in), optional :: occupancies(:) 
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: fmt
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: style
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: dictRef
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: convention
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: title
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: ref
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: formula
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: chirality
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: role
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: bondAtom1Refs(:)
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: bondAtom2Refs(:)
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: bondOrders(:)
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: bondIds(:)
+    logical, intent(in), optional :: nobondcheck
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    call cmlStartMolecule(xf &
+    call cmlAddAtoms(xf, elements, x, y, z, atomRefs, occupancies, atomIds, style, fmt)
+    if (present(bondAtom1Refs)) then
+      if (present(bondAtom2Refs).and.present(bondOrders)) then
+        if (present(atomIds)) then
+          call checkBondIdRefs(atomIds, bondAtom1Refs, bondAtom2Refs, nobondcheck)
+          call addBondArray(xf, bondAtom1Refs, bondAtom2Refs, bondOrders, bondIds)
+        else
+          call FoX_error("AtomIds must be provided to add bonds")
+        endif
+        call addBondArray(xf, bondAtom1Refs, bondAtom2Refs, bondOrders, bondIds)
+      else
+        call FoX_error("Two AtomRefs arrays and a bondOrder array must be provided to add bonds")
+      endif
+    endif
+    call cmlEndMolecule(xf)
+  end subroutine cmlAddMolecule_3_sp
+  subroutine cmlAddMolecule_3_sp_sh(xf, natoms, elements, x, y, z, atomRefs, occupancies, atomIds, style, fmt &
+,dictRef,convention,title,id,ref,formula,chirality,role , &
+bondAtom1Refs, bondAtom2Refs, bondOrders, bondIds, nobondcheck)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    integer, intent(in) :: natoms
+    real(kind=sp), intent(in)              :: x(natoms)
+    real(kind=sp), intent(in)              :: y(natoms)
+    real(kind=sp), intent(in)              :: z(natoms)
+    character(len=*), intent(in)           :: elements(natoms)
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: atomRefs(natoms)
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: atomIds(natoms)
+    real(kind=sp), intent(in), optional :: occupancies(natoms)
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: fmt
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: style
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: dictRef
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: convention
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: title
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: ref
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: formula
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: chirality
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: role
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: bondAtom1Refs(:)
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: bondAtom2Refs(:)
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: bondOrders(:)
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: bondIds(:)
+    logical, intent(in), optional :: nobondcheck
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    call cmlStartMolecule(xf &
+    call cmlAddAtoms(xf, natoms, elements, x, y, z, atomRefs, occupancies, atomIds, style, fmt)
+    if (present(bondAtom1Refs)) then
+      if (present(bondAtom2Refs).and.present(bondOrders)) then
+        if (present(atomIds)) then
+          call checkBondIdRefs(atomIds, bondAtom1Refs, bondAtom2Refs, nobondcheck)
+          call addBondArray(xf, bondAtom1Refs, bondAtom2Refs, bondOrders, bondIds)
+        else
+          call FoX_error("AtomIds must be provided to add bonds")
+        endif
+      else
+        call FoX_error("Two AtomRefs arrays and a bondOrder array must be provided to add bonds")
+      endif
+    endif
+    call cmlEndMolecule(xf)
+  end subroutine cmlAddMolecule_3_sp_sh
+  subroutine cmlAddAtomssp(xf, elements, atomRefs, coords, occupancies, atomIds, style, fmt)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    real(kind=sp), intent(in)              :: coords(:, :)
+    character(len=*), intent(in)           :: elements(:)
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: atomRefs(:) 
+    real(kind=sp), intent(in), optional :: occupancies(:)
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: atomIds(:)
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: fmt
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: style
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    integer          :: i, natoms
+    if (present(style)) then
+      if (style=="DL_POLY") then
+        if (present(atomRefs).or.present(occupancies).or.present(atomIds).or.present(fmt)) &
+          call FoX_error("With DL_POLY style, no optional arguments permitted.")
+        call addDlpolyMatrix(xf, coords, elements)
+        return
+      endif
+    endif
+    call xml_NewElement(xf, "atomArray")
+    natoms = size(coords,2)
+    do i = 1, natoms
+      call xml_NewElement(xf, "atom")
+      call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "elementType", trim(elements(i)))
+      call cmlAddCoords(xf, coords=coords(:,i), style=style, fmt=fmt)
+      if (present(occupancies)) call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "occupancy", occupancies(i))
+      if (present(atomRefs)) call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "ref", atomRefs(i))
+      if (present(atomIds)) call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "id", atomIds(i))
+      call xml_EndElement(xf, "atom")
+     enddo
+    call xml_EndElement(xf, "atomArray")
+  end subroutine cmlAddAtomssp
+  subroutine cmlAddAtomssp_sh(xf, natoms, elements, atomRefs, coords, occupancies, atomIds, style, fmt)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    integer, intent(in) :: natoms
+    real(kind=sp), intent(in)              :: coords(3, natoms)
+    character(len=*), intent(in)           :: elements(natoms)
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: atomRefs(natoms) 
+    real(kind=sp), intent(in), optional :: occupancies(natoms) 
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: atomIds(natoms) 
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: fmt
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: style
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    integer          :: i
+    if (present(style)) then
+      if (style=="DL_POLY") then
+        if (present(atomRefs).or.present(occupancies).or.present(atomIds).or.present(fmt)) &
+          call FoX_error("With DL_POLY style, no optional arguments permitted.")
+        call addDlpolyMatrix(xf, coords(:,:natoms), elements)
+        return
+      endif
+    endif
+    call xml_NewElement(xf, "atomArray")
+    do i = 1, natoms
+      call xml_NewElement(xf, "atom")
+      call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "elementType", trim(elements(i)))
+      call cmlAddCoords(xf, coords=coords(:,i), style=style, fmt=fmt)
+      if (present(occupancies)) call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "occupancy", occupancies(i))
+      if (present(atomRefs)) call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "ref", atomRefs(i))
+      if (present(atomIds)) call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "id", atomIds(i))
+      call xml_EndElement(xf, "atom")
+     enddo
+    call xml_EndElement(xf, "atomArray")
+  end subroutine cmlAddAtomssp_sh
+  subroutine cmlAddAtoms_3_sp(xf, elements, x, y, z, atomRefs, occupancies, atomIds, style, fmt)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    real(kind=sp), intent(in)              :: x(:)
+    real(kind=sp), intent(in)              :: y(:)
+    real(kind=sp), intent(in)              :: z(:)
+    character(len=*), intent(in)           :: elements(:)
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: atomRefs(:) 
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: atomIds(:) 
+    real(kind=sp), intent(in), optional :: occupancies(:) 
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: fmt
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: style
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    integer          :: i, natoms
+    if (present(style)) then
+      if (style=="DL_POLY") then
+        if (present(atomRefs).or.present(occupancies).or.present(atomIds).or.present(fmt)) &
+          call FoX_error("With DL_POLY style, no optional arguments permitted.")
+        call addDlpolyMatrix(xf, x, y, z, elements)
+        return
+      endif
+    endif
+    call xml_NewElement(xf, "atomArray")
+    natoms = size(x)
+    do i = 1, natoms
+      call xml_NewElement(xf, "atom")
+      call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "elementType", trim(elements(i)))
+      call cmlAddCoords(xf, coords=(/x(i),y(i),z(i)/), style=style, fmt=fmt)
+      if (present(occupancies)) call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "occupancy", occupancies(i))
+      if (present(atomRefs)) call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "ref", atomRefs(i))
+      if (present(atomIds)) call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "id", atomIds(i))
+      call xml_EndElement(xf, "atom")
+     enddo
+    call xml_EndElement(xf, "atomArray")
+  end subroutine cmlAddAtoms_3_sp
+  subroutine cmlAddAtoms_3_sp_sh(xf, natoms, elements, x, y, z, atomRefs, occupancies, atomIds, style, fmt)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    integer, intent(in) :: natoms
+    real(kind=sp), intent(in)              :: x(natoms)
+    real(kind=sp), intent(in)              :: y(natoms)
+    real(kind=sp), intent(in)              :: z(natoms)
+    character(len=*), intent(in)           :: elements(natoms)
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: atomRefs(natoms)
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: atomIds(natoms)
+    real(kind=sp), intent(in), optional :: occupancies(natoms)
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: fmt
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: style
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    integer          :: i
+    if (present(style)) then
+      if (style=="DL_POLY") then
+        if (present(atomRefs).or.present(occupancies).or.present(atomIds).or.present(fmt)) &
+          call FoX_error("With DL_POLY style, no optional arguments permitted.")
+        call addDlpolyMatrix(xf, x(:natoms), y(:natoms), z(:natoms), elements)
+        return
+      endif
+    endif
+    call xml_NewElement(xf, "atomArray")
+    do i = 1, natoms
+      call xml_NewElement(xf, "atom")
+      call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "elementType", trim(elements(i)))
+      call cmlAddCoords(xf, coords=(/x(i),y(i),z(i)/), style=style, fmt=fmt)
+      if (present(occupancies)) call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "occupancy", occupancies(i))
+      if (present(atomRefs)) call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "ref", atomRefs(i))
+      if (present(atomIds)) call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "id", atomIds(i))
+      call xml_EndElement(xf, "atom")
+     enddo
+    call xml_EndElement(xf, "atomArray")
+  end subroutine cmlAddAtoms_3_sp_sh
+  subroutine cmlAddParticlessp(xf, elements, atomRefs, coords, occupancies, atomIds, style, fmt)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    real(kind=sp), intent(in)              :: coords(:, :)
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: elements(:)
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: atomRefs(:) 
+    real(kind=sp), intent(in), optional :: occupancies(:)
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: atomIds(:)
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: fmt
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: style
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    integer          :: i, natoms
+    if (present(style)) then
+      if (style=="DL_POLY") then
+        if (present(atomRefs).or.present(occupancies).or.present(atomIds).or.present(fmt)) &
+          call FoX_error("With DL_POLY style, no optional arguments permitted.")
+        call addDlpolyMatrix(xf, coords, elements)
+        return
+      endif
+    endif
+    call xml_NewElement(xf, "atomArray")
+    natoms = size(coords,2)
+    do i = 1, natoms
+      call xml_NewElement(xf, "particle")
+      if (present(elements)) call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "elementType", trim(elements(i)))
+      call cmlAddCoords(xf, coords=coords(:,i), style=style, fmt=fmt)
+      if (present(occupancies)) call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "occupancy", occupancies(i))
+      if (present(atomRefs)) call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "ref", atomRefs(i))
+      if (present(atomIds)) call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "id", atomIds(i))
+      call xml_EndElement(xf, "particle")
+     enddo
+    call xml_EndElement(xf, "atomArray")
+  end subroutine cmlAddParticlessp
+  subroutine cmlAddParticlessp_sh(xf, natoms, elements, atomRefs, coords, occupancies, atomIds, style, fmt)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    integer, intent(in) :: natoms
+    real(kind=sp), intent(in)              :: coords(3, natoms)
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: elements(natoms)
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: atomRefs(natoms) 
+    real(kind=sp), intent(in), optional :: occupancies(natoms) 
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: atomIds(natoms) 
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: fmt
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: style
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    integer          :: i
+    if (present(style)) then
+      if (style=="DL_POLY") then
+        if (present(atomRefs).or.present(occupancies).or.present(atomIds).or.present(fmt)) &
+          call FoX_error("With DL_POLY style, no optional arguments permitted.")
+        call addDlpolyMatrix(xf, coords(:,:natoms), elements)
+        return
+      endif
+    endif
+    call xml_NewElement(xf, "atomArray")
+    do i = 1, natoms
+      call xml_NewElement(xf, "particle")
+      if (present(elements)) call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "elementType", trim(elements(i)))
+      call cmlAddCoords(xf, coords=coords(:,i), style=style, fmt=fmt)
+      if (present(occupancies)) call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "occupancy", occupancies(i))
+      if (present(atomRefs)) call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "ref", atomRefs(i))
+      if (present(atomIds)) call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "id", atomIds(i))
+      call xml_EndElement(xf, "particle")
+     enddo
+    call xml_EndElement(xf, "atomArray")
+  end subroutine cmlAddParticlessp_sh
+  subroutine cmlAddParticles_3_sp(xf, elements, x, y, z, atomRefs, occupancies, atomIds, style, fmt)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    real(kind=sp), intent(in)              :: x(:)
+    real(kind=sp), intent(in)              :: y(:)
+    real(kind=sp), intent(in)              :: z(:)
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: elements(:)
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: atomRefs(:) 
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: atomIds(:) 
+    real(kind=sp), intent(in), optional :: occupancies(:) 
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: fmt
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: style
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    integer          :: i, natoms
+    if (present(style)) then
+      if (style=="DL_POLY") then
+        if (present(atomRefs).or.present(occupancies).or.present(atomIds).or.present(fmt)) &
+          call FoX_error("With DL_POLY style, no optional arguments permitted.")
+        call addDlpolyMatrix(xf, x, y, z, elements)
+        return
+      endif
+    endif
+    call xml_NewElement(xf, "atomArray")
+    natoms = size(x)
+    do i = 1, natoms
+      call xml_NewElement(xf, "particle")
+      if (present(elements)) call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "elementType", trim(elements(i)))
+      call cmlAddCoords(xf, coords=(/x(i),y(i),z(i)/), style=style, fmt=fmt)
+      if (present(occupancies)) call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "occupancy", occupancies(i))
+      if (present(atomRefs)) call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "ref", atomRefs(i))
+      if (present(atomIds)) call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "id", atomIds(i))
+      call xml_EndElement(xf, "particle")
+     enddo
+    call xml_EndElement(xf, "atomArray")
+  end subroutine cmlAddParticles_3_sp
+  subroutine cmlAddParticles_3_sp_sh(xf, natoms, elements, x, y, z, atomRefs, occupancies, atomIds, style, fmt)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    integer, intent(in) :: natoms
+    real(kind=sp), intent(in)              :: x(natoms)
+    real(kind=sp), intent(in)              :: y(natoms)
+    real(kind=sp), intent(in)              :: z(natoms)
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: elements(natoms)
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: atomRefs(natoms)
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: atomIds(natoms)
+    real(kind=sp), intent(in), optional :: occupancies(natoms)
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: fmt
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: style
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    integer          :: i
+    if (present(style)) then
+      if (style=="DL_POLY") then
+        if (present(atomRefs).or.present(occupancies).or.present(atomIds).or.present(fmt)) &
+          call FoX_error("With DL_POLY style, no optional arguments permitted.")
+        call addDlpolyMatrix(xf, x(:natoms), y(:natoms), z(:natoms), elements)
+        return
+      endif
+    endif
+    call xml_NewElement(xf, "atomArray")
+    do i = 1, natoms
+      call xml_NewElement(xf, "particle")
+      if (present(elements)) call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "elementType", trim(elements(i)))
+      call cmlAddCoords(xf, coords=(/x(i),y(i),z(i)/), style=style, fmt=fmt)
+      if (present(occupancies)) call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "occupancy", occupancies(i))
+      if (present(atomRefs)) call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "ref", atomRefs(i))
+      if (present(atomIds)) call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "id", atomIds(i))
+      call xml_EndElement(xf, "particle")
+     enddo
+    call xml_EndElement(xf, "atomArray")
+  end subroutine cmlAddParticles_3_sp_sh
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+  subroutine cmlAddCoords_sp(xf, coords, style, fmt)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    real(kind=sp), intent(in), dimension(:) :: coords
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional  :: style
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional  :: fmt
+    if (present(style)) then
+      select case(style)
+      case ("x3") 
+        call addcoords_x3_sp(xf, coords, fmt)
+      case ("cartesian") 
+        call addcoords_x3_sp(xf, coords, fmt)
+      case ("xFrac")
+        call addcoords_xfrac_sp(xf, coords, fmt)
+      case ("fractional")
+        call addcoords_xfrac_sp(xf, coords, fmt)
+      case ("xyz3")
+        call addcoords_xyz3_sp(xf, coords, fmt)
+      case ("xyzFrac")
+        call addcoords_xyzfrac_sp(xf, coords, fmt)
+      case default
+        call FoX_error("Invalid style specification for atomic coordinates")
+      end select
+    else
+      call addcoords_x3_sp(xf, coords, fmt)
+    endif
+  end subroutine cmlAddCoords_sp
+  subroutine addcoords_xyz3_sp(xf, coords, fmt)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout)              :: xf
+    real(kind=sp), intent(in), dimension(:) :: coords
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional   :: fmt
+    select case (size(coords))
+    case (2)
+      call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "xy2", coords,fmt)
+    case(3)
+      call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "xyz3", coords,fmt)
+    end select
+  end subroutine addcoords_xyz3_sp
+  subroutine addcoords_xyzfrac_sp(xf, coords, fmt)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout)             :: xf
+    real(kind=sp), intent(in), dimension(:) :: coords
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional  :: fmt
+    select case (size(coords))
+    case (2)
+      call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "xyFract", coords, fmt)
+    case(3)
+      call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "xyzFract", coords, fmt)
+    end select
+  end subroutine addcoords_xyzfrac_sp
+  subroutine addcoords_x3_sp(xf, coords, fmt)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout)            :: xf
+    real(kind=sp), intent(in), dimension(:):: coords
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: fmt
+    select case(size(coords))
+    case(2)
+      call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "x2", coords(1), fmt)
+      call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "y2", coords(2), fmt)
+    case(3)
+      call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "x3", coords(1), fmt)
+      call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "y3", coords(2), fmt)
+      call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "z3", coords(3), fmt)
+    end select
+  end subroutine addcoords_x3_sp
+  subroutine addcoords_xfrac_sp(xf, coords, fmt)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout)             :: xf
+    real(kind=sp), intent(in), dimension(:) :: coords
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional  :: fmt
+    call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "xFract", coords(1), fmt)
+    call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "yFract", coords(2), fmt)
+    call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "zFract", coords(3), fmt)
+  end subroutine addcoords_xfrac_sp
+  subroutine addDlpolyMatrix_sp(xf, coords, elems)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout)                :: xf
+    real(kind=sp), intent(in), dimension(:, :) :: coords
+    character(len=2), intent(in), dimension(:) :: elems
+    integer :: natoms, i
+    natoms = size(elems)
+    call xml_NewElement(xf, "matrix")
+    call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "nrows", size(elems))
+    call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "ncols", 11)
+    call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "dataType", "xsd:string")
+    call xml_AddNewline(xf)
+    do i = 1, natoms
+      call xml_AddCharacters(xf, elems(i)//"  "//str(i))
+      call xml_AddNewline(xf)
+      call xml_AddCharacters(xf, str(coords(1,i))//" "//str(coords(2,i))//" "//str(coords(3,i)))
+      call xml_AddNewline(xf)
+      call xml_AddCharacters(xf, "0 0 0")
+      call xml_AddNewline(xf)
+      call xml_AddCharacters(xf, "0 0 0")
+      call xml_AddNewline(xf)
+    enddo
+    call xml_EndElement(xf, "matrix")
+  end subroutine addDlpolyMatrix_sp
+  subroutine addDlpolyMatrix_3_sp(xf, x, y, z, elems)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout)                :: xf
+    real(kind=sp), intent(in), dimension(:)    :: x, y, z
+    character(len=2), intent(in), dimension(:) :: elems
+    integer :: natoms, i
+    natoms = size(elems)
+    call xml_NewElement(xf, "matrix")
+    call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "nrows", size(elems))
+    call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "ncols", 11)
+    call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "dataType", "xsd:string")
+    call xml_AddNewline(xf)
+    do i = 1, natoms
+      call xml_AddCharacters(xf, elems(i)//"  "//str(i))
+      call xml_AddNewline(xf)
+      call xml_AddCharacters(xf, str(x(i))//" "//str(y(i))//" "//str(z(i)))
+      call xml_AddNewline(xf)
+      call xml_AddCharacters(xf, "0 0 0")
+      call xml_AddNewline(xf)
+      call xml_AddCharacters(xf, "0 0 0")
+      call xml_AddNewline(xf)
+    enddo
+    call xml_EndElement(xf, "matrix")
+  end subroutine addDlpolyMatrix_3_sp
+  subroutine cmlAddMoleculedp(xf, elements, atomRefs, coords, occupancies, atomIds, style, fmt &
+,dictRef,convention,title,id,ref,formula,chirality,role , &
+bondAtom1Refs, bondAtom2Refs, bondOrders, bondIds, nobondcheck)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    real(kind=dp), intent(in)              :: coords(:, :)
+    character(len=*), intent(in)           :: elements(:)
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: atomRefs(:) 
+    real(kind=dp), intent(in), optional :: occupancies(:)
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: atomIds(:)
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: fmt
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: style
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: dictRef
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: convention
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: title
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: ref
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: formula
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: chirality
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: role
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: bondAtom1Refs(:)
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: bondAtom2Refs(:)
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: bondOrders(:)
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: bondIds(:)
+    logical, intent(in), optional          :: nobondcheck
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    call cmlStartMolecule(xf &
+    call cmlAddAtoms(xf, elements, atomRefs, coords, occupancies, atomIds, style, fmt)
+    if (present(bondAtom1Refs)) then
+      if (present(bondAtom2Refs).and.present(bondOrders)) then
+        if (present(atomIds)) then
+          call checkBondIdRefs(atomIds, bondAtom1Refs, bondAtom2Refs, nobondcheck)
+          call addBondArray(xf, bondAtom1Refs, bondAtom2Refs, bondOrders, bondIds)
+        else
+          call FoX_error("AtomIds must be provided to add bonds")
+        endif
+      else
+        call FoX_error("Two AtomRefs arrays and a bondOrder array must be provided to add bonds")
+      endif
+    endif
+    call cmlEndMolecule(xf)
+  end subroutine cmlAddMoleculedp
+  subroutine cmlAddMoleculedp_sh(xf, natoms, elements, atomRefs, coords, occupancies, atomIds, style, fmt &
+,dictRef,convention,title,id,ref,formula,chirality,role , &
+bondAtom1Refs, bondAtom2Refs, bondOrders, bondIds, nobondcheck)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    integer, intent(in) :: natoms
+    real(kind=dp), intent(in)              :: coords(3, natoms)
+    character(len=*), intent(in)           :: elements(natoms)
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: atomRefs(natoms) 
+    real(kind=dp), intent(in), optional :: occupancies(natoms) 
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: atomIds(natoms) 
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: fmt
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: style
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: dictRef
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: convention
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: title
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: ref
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: formula
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: chirality
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: role
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: bondAtom1Refs(:)
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: bondAtom2Refs(:)
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: bondOrders(:)
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: bondIds(:)
+    logical, intent(in), optional :: nobondcheck
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    call cmlStartMolecule(xf &
+    call cmlAddAtoms(xf, natoms, elements, atomRefs, coords, occupancies, atomIds, style, fmt)
+    if (present(bondAtom1Refs)) then
+      if (present(bondAtom2Refs).and.present(bondOrders)) then
+        if (present(atomIds)) then
+          call checkBondIdRefs(atomIds, bondAtom1Refs, bondAtom2Refs, nobondcheck)
+          call addBondArray(xf, bondAtom1Refs, bondAtom2Refs, bondOrders, bondIds)
+        else
+          call FoX_error("AtomIds must be provided to add bonds")
+        endif
+        call addBondArray(xf, bondAtom1Refs, bondAtom2Refs, bondOrders, bondIds)
+      else
+        call FoX_error("Two AtomRefs arrays and a bondOrder array must be provided to add bonds")
+      endif
+    endif
+    call cmlEndMolecule(xf)
+  end subroutine cmlAddMoleculedp_sh
+  subroutine cmlAddMolecule_3_dp(xf, elements, x, y, z, atomRefs, occupancies, atomIds, style, fmt &
+,dictRef,convention,title,id,ref,formula,chirality,role , &
+bondAtom1Refs, bondAtom2Refs, bondOrders, bondIds, nobondcheck)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    real(kind=dp), intent(in)              :: x(:)
+    real(kind=dp), intent(in)              :: y(:)
+    real(kind=dp), intent(in)              :: z(:)
+    character(len=*), intent(in)           :: elements(:)
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: atomRefs(:) 
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: atomIds(:) 
+    real(kind=dp), intent(in), optional :: occupancies(:) 
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: fmt
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: style
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: dictRef
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: convention
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: title
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: ref
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: formula
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: chirality
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: role
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: bondAtom1Refs(:)
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: bondAtom2Refs(:)
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: bondOrders(:)
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: bondIds(:)
+    logical, intent(in), optional :: nobondcheck
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    call cmlStartMolecule(xf &
+    call cmlAddAtoms(xf, elements, x, y, z, atomRefs, occupancies, atomIds, style, fmt)
+    if (present(bondAtom1Refs)) then
+      if (present(bondAtom2Refs).and.present(bondOrders)) then
+        if (present(atomIds)) then
+          call checkBondIdRefs(atomIds, bondAtom1Refs, bondAtom2Refs, nobondcheck)
+          call addBondArray(xf, bondAtom1Refs, bondAtom2Refs, bondOrders, bondIds)
+        else
+          call FoX_error("AtomIds must be provided to add bonds")
+        endif
+        call addBondArray(xf, bondAtom1Refs, bondAtom2Refs, bondOrders, bondIds)
+      else
+        call FoX_error("Two AtomRefs arrays and a bondOrder array must be provided to add bonds")
+      endif
+    endif
+    call cmlEndMolecule(xf)
+  end subroutine cmlAddMolecule_3_dp
+  subroutine cmlAddMolecule_3_dp_sh(xf, natoms, elements, x, y, z, atomRefs, occupancies, atomIds, style, fmt &
+,dictRef,convention,title,id,ref,formula,chirality,role , &
+bondAtom1Refs, bondAtom2Refs, bondOrders, bondIds, nobondcheck)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    integer, intent(in) :: natoms
+    real(kind=dp), intent(in)              :: x(natoms)
+    real(kind=dp), intent(in)              :: y(natoms)
+    real(kind=dp), intent(in)              :: z(natoms)
+    character(len=*), intent(in)           :: elements(natoms)
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: atomRefs(natoms)
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: atomIds(natoms)
+    real(kind=dp), intent(in), optional :: occupancies(natoms)
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: fmt
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: style
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: dictRef
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: convention
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: title
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: ref
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: formula
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: chirality
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: role
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: bondAtom1Refs(:)
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: bondAtom2Refs(:)
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: bondOrders(:)
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: bondIds(:)
+    logical, intent(in), optional :: nobondcheck
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    call cmlStartMolecule(xf &
+    call cmlAddAtoms(xf, natoms, elements, x, y, z, atomRefs, occupancies, atomIds, style, fmt)
+    if (present(bondAtom1Refs)) then
+      if (present(bondAtom2Refs).and.present(bondOrders)) then
+        if (present(atomIds)) then
+          call checkBondIdRefs(atomIds, bondAtom1Refs, bondAtom2Refs, nobondcheck)
+          call addBondArray(xf, bondAtom1Refs, bondAtom2Refs, bondOrders, bondIds)
+        else
+          call FoX_error("AtomIds must be provided to add bonds")
+        endif
+      else
+        call FoX_error("Two AtomRefs arrays and a bondOrder array must be provided to add bonds")
+      endif
+    endif
+    call cmlEndMolecule(xf)
+  end subroutine cmlAddMolecule_3_dp_sh
+  subroutine cmlAddAtomsdp(xf, elements, atomRefs, coords, occupancies, atomIds, style, fmt)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    real(kind=dp), intent(in)              :: coords(:, :)
+    character(len=*), intent(in)           :: elements(:)
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: atomRefs(:) 
+    real(kind=dp), intent(in), optional :: occupancies(:)
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: atomIds(:)
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: fmt
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: style
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    integer          :: i, natoms
+    if (present(style)) then
+      if (style=="DL_POLY") then
+        if (present(atomRefs).or.present(occupancies).or.present(atomIds).or.present(fmt)) &
+          call FoX_error("With DL_POLY style, no optional arguments permitted.")
+        call addDlpolyMatrix(xf, coords, elements)
+        return
+      endif
+    endif
+    call xml_NewElement(xf, "atomArray")
+    natoms = size(coords,2)
+    do i = 1, natoms
+      call xml_NewElement(xf, "atom")
+      call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "elementType", trim(elements(i)))
+      call cmlAddCoords(xf, coords=coords(:,i), style=style, fmt=fmt)
+      if (present(occupancies)) call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "occupancy", occupancies(i))
+      if (present(atomRefs)) call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "ref", atomRefs(i))
+      if (present(atomIds)) call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "id", atomIds(i))
+      call xml_EndElement(xf, "atom")
+     enddo
+    call xml_EndElement(xf, "atomArray")
+  end subroutine cmlAddAtomsdp
+  subroutine cmlAddAtomsdp_sh(xf, natoms, elements, atomRefs, coords, occupancies, atomIds, style, fmt)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    integer, intent(in) :: natoms
+    real(kind=dp), intent(in)              :: coords(3, natoms)
+    character(len=*), intent(in)           :: elements(natoms)
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: atomRefs(natoms) 
+    real(kind=dp), intent(in), optional :: occupancies(natoms) 
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: atomIds(natoms) 
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: fmt
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: style
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    integer          :: i
+    if (present(style)) then
+      if (style=="DL_POLY") then
+        if (present(atomRefs).or.present(occupancies).or.present(atomIds).or.present(fmt)) &
+          call FoX_error("With DL_POLY style, no optional arguments permitted.")
+        call addDlpolyMatrix(xf, coords(:,:natoms), elements)
+        return
+      endif
+    endif
+    call xml_NewElement(xf, "atomArray")
+    do i = 1, natoms
+      call xml_NewElement(xf, "atom")
+      call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "elementType", trim(elements(i)))
+      call cmlAddCoords(xf, coords=coords(:,i), style=style, fmt=fmt)
+      if (present(occupancies)) call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "occupancy", occupancies(i))
+      if (present(atomRefs)) call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "ref", atomRefs(i))
+      if (present(atomIds)) call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "id", atomIds(i))
+      call xml_EndElement(xf, "atom")
+     enddo
+    call xml_EndElement(xf, "atomArray")
+  end subroutine cmlAddAtomsdp_sh
+  subroutine cmlAddAtoms_3_dp(xf, elements, x, y, z, atomRefs, occupancies, atomIds, style, fmt)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    real(kind=dp), intent(in)              :: x(:)
+    real(kind=dp), intent(in)              :: y(:)
+    real(kind=dp), intent(in)              :: z(:)
+    character(len=*), intent(in)           :: elements(:)
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: atomRefs(:) 
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: atomIds(:) 
+    real(kind=dp), intent(in), optional :: occupancies(:) 
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: fmt
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: style
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    integer          :: i, natoms
+    if (present(style)) then
+      if (style=="DL_POLY") then
+        if (present(atomRefs).or.present(occupancies).or.present(atomIds).or.present(fmt)) &
+          call FoX_error("With DL_POLY style, no optional arguments permitted.")
+        call addDlpolyMatrix(xf, x, y, z, elements)
+        return
+      endif
+    endif
+    call xml_NewElement(xf, "atomArray")
+    natoms = size(x)
+    do i = 1, natoms
+      call xml_NewElement(xf, "atom")
+      call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "elementType", trim(elements(i)))
+      call cmlAddCoords(xf, coords=(/x(i),y(i),z(i)/), style=style, fmt=fmt)
+      if (present(occupancies)) call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "occupancy", occupancies(i))
+      if (present(atomRefs)) call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "ref", atomRefs(i))
+      if (present(atomIds)) call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "id", atomIds(i))
+      call xml_EndElement(xf, "atom")
+     enddo
+    call xml_EndElement(xf, "atomArray")
+  end subroutine cmlAddAtoms_3_dp
+  subroutine cmlAddAtoms_3_dp_sh(xf, natoms, elements, x, y, z, atomRefs, occupancies, atomIds, style, fmt)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    integer, intent(in) :: natoms
+    real(kind=dp), intent(in)              :: x(natoms)
+    real(kind=dp), intent(in)              :: y(natoms)
+    real(kind=dp), intent(in)              :: z(natoms)
+    character(len=*), intent(in)           :: elements(natoms)
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: atomRefs(natoms)
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: atomIds(natoms)
+    real(kind=dp), intent(in), optional :: occupancies(natoms)
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: fmt
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: style
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    integer          :: i
+    if (present(style)) then
+      if (style=="DL_POLY") then
+        if (present(atomRefs).or.present(occupancies).or.present(atomIds).or.present(fmt)) &
+          call FoX_error("With DL_POLY style, no optional arguments permitted.")
+        call addDlpolyMatrix(xf, x(:natoms), y(:natoms), z(:natoms), elements)
+        return
+      endif
+    endif
+    call xml_NewElement(xf, "atomArray")
+    do i = 1, natoms
+      call xml_NewElement(xf, "atom")
+      call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "elementType", trim(elements(i)))
+      call cmlAddCoords(xf, coords=(/x(i),y(i),z(i)/), style=style, fmt=fmt)
+      if (present(occupancies)) call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "occupancy", occupancies(i))
+      if (present(atomRefs)) call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "ref", atomRefs(i))
+      if (present(atomIds)) call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "id", atomIds(i))
+      call xml_EndElement(xf, "atom")
+     enddo
+    call xml_EndElement(xf, "atomArray")
+  end subroutine cmlAddAtoms_3_dp_sh
+  subroutine cmlAddParticlesdp(xf, elements, atomRefs, coords, occupancies, atomIds, style, fmt)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    real(kind=dp), intent(in)              :: coords(:, :)
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: elements(:)
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: atomRefs(:) 
+    real(kind=dp), intent(in), optional :: occupancies(:)
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: atomIds(:)
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: fmt
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: style
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    integer          :: i, natoms
+    if (present(style)) then
+      if (style=="DL_POLY") then
+        if (present(atomRefs).or.present(occupancies).or.present(atomIds).or.present(fmt)) &
+          call FoX_error("With DL_POLY style, no optional arguments permitted.")
+        call addDlpolyMatrix(xf, coords, elements)
+        return
+      endif
+    endif
+    call xml_NewElement(xf, "atomArray")
+    natoms = size(coords,2)
+    do i = 1, natoms
+      call xml_NewElement(xf, "particle")
+      if (present(elements)) call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "elementType", trim(elements(i)))
+      call cmlAddCoords(xf, coords=coords(:,i), style=style, fmt=fmt)
+      if (present(occupancies)) call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "occupancy", occupancies(i))
+      if (present(atomRefs)) call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "ref", atomRefs(i))
+      if (present(atomIds)) call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "id", atomIds(i))
+      call xml_EndElement(xf, "particle")
+     enddo
+    call xml_EndElement(xf, "atomArray")
+  end subroutine cmlAddParticlesdp
+  subroutine cmlAddParticlesdp_sh(xf, natoms, elements, atomRefs, coords, occupancies, atomIds, style, fmt)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    integer, intent(in) :: natoms
+    real(kind=dp), intent(in)              :: coords(3, natoms)
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: elements(natoms)
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: atomRefs(natoms) 
+    real(kind=dp), intent(in), optional :: occupancies(natoms) 
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: atomIds(natoms) 
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: fmt
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: style
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    integer          :: i
+    if (present(style)) then
+      if (style=="DL_POLY") then
+        if (present(atomRefs).or.present(occupancies).or.present(atomIds).or.present(fmt)) &
+          call FoX_error("With DL_POLY style, no optional arguments permitted.")
+        call addDlpolyMatrix(xf, coords(:,:natoms), elements)
+        return
+      endif
+    endif
+    call xml_NewElement(xf, "atomArray")
+    do i = 1, natoms
+      call xml_NewElement(xf, "particle")
+      if (present(elements)) call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "elementType", trim(elements(i)))
+      call cmlAddCoords(xf, coords=coords(:,i), style=style, fmt=fmt)
+      if (present(occupancies)) call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "occupancy", occupancies(i))
+      if (present(atomRefs)) call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "ref", atomRefs(i))
+      if (present(atomIds)) call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "id", atomIds(i))
+      call xml_EndElement(xf, "particle")
+     enddo
+    call xml_EndElement(xf, "atomArray")
+  end subroutine cmlAddParticlesdp_sh
+  subroutine cmlAddParticles_3_dp(xf, elements, x, y, z, atomRefs, occupancies, atomIds, style, fmt)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    real(kind=dp), intent(in)              :: x(:)
+    real(kind=dp), intent(in)              :: y(:)
+    real(kind=dp), intent(in)              :: z(:)
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: elements(:)
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: atomRefs(:) 
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: atomIds(:) 
+    real(kind=dp), intent(in), optional :: occupancies(:) 
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: fmt
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: style
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    integer          :: i, natoms
+    if (present(style)) then
+      if (style=="DL_POLY") then
+        if (present(atomRefs).or.present(occupancies).or.present(atomIds).or.present(fmt)) &
+          call FoX_error("With DL_POLY style, no optional arguments permitted.")
+        call addDlpolyMatrix(xf, x, y, z, elements)
+        return
+      endif
+    endif
+    call xml_NewElement(xf, "atomArray")
+    natoms = size(x)
+    do i = 1, natoms
+      call xml_NewElement(xf, "particle")
+      if (present(elements)) call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "elementType", trim(elements(i)))
+      call cmlAddCoords(xf, coords=(/x(i),y(i),z(i)/), style=style, fmt=fmt)
+      if (present(occupancies)) call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "occupancy", occupancies(i))
+      if (present(atomRefs)) call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "ref", atomRefs(i))
+      if (present(atomIds)) call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "id", atomIds(i))
+      call xml_EndElement(xf, "particle")
+     enddo
+    call xml_EndElement(xf, "atomArray")
+  end subroutine cmlAddParticles_3_dp
+  subroutine cmlAddParticles_3_dp_sh(xf, natoms, elements, x, y, z, atomRefs, occupancies, atomIds, style, fmt)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    integer, intent(in) :: natoms
+    real(kind=dp), intent(in)              :: x(natoms)
+    real(kind=dp), intent(in)              :: y(natoms)
+    real(kind=dp), intent(in)              :: z(natoms)
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: elements(natoms)
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: atomRefs(natoms)
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: atomIds(natoms)
+    real(kind=dp), intent(in), optional :: occupancies(natoms)
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: fmt
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: style
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    integer          :: i
+    if (present(style)) then
+      if (style=="DL_POLY") then
+        if (present(atomRefs).or.present(occupancies).or.present(atomIds).or.present(fmt)) &
+          call FoX_error("With DL_POLY style, no optional arguments permitted.")
+        call addDlpolyMatrix(xf, x(:natoms), y(:natoms), z(:natoms), elements)
+        return
+      endif
+    endif
+    call xml_NewElement(xf, "atomArray")
+    do i = 1, natoms
+      call xml_NewElement(xf, "particle")
+      if (present(elements)) call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "elementType", trim(elements(i)))
+      call cmlAddCoords(xf, coords=(/x(i),y(i),z(i)/), style=style, fmt=fmt)
+      if (present(occupancies)) call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "occupancy", occupancies(i))
+      if (present(atomRefs)) call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "ref", atomRefs(i))
+      if (present(atomIds)) call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "id", atomIds(i))
+      call xml_EndElement(xf, "particle")
+     enddo
+    call xml_EndElement(xf, "atomArray")
+  end subroutine cmlAddParticles_3_dp_sh
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+  subroutine cmlAddCoords_dp(xf, coords, style, fmt)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    real(kind=dp), intent(in), dimension(:) :: coords
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional  :: style
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional  :: fmt
+    if (present(style)) then
+      select case(style)
+      case ("x3") 
+        call addcoords_x3_dp(xf, coords, fmt)
+      case ("cartesian") 
+        call addcoords_x3_dp(xf, coords, fmt)
+      case ("xFrac")
+        call addcoords_xfrac_dp(xf, coords, fmt)
+      case ("fractional")
+        call addcoords_xfrac_dp(xf, coords, fmt)
+      case ("xyz3")
+        call addcoords_xyz3_dp(xf, coords, fmt)
+      case ("xyzFrac")
+        call addcoords_xyzfrac_dp(xf, coords, fmt)
+      case default
+        call FoX_error("Invalid style specification for atomic coordinates")
+      end select
+    else
+      call addcoords_x3_dp(xf, coords, fmt)
+    endif
+  end subroutine cmlAddCoords_dp
+  subroutine addcoords_xyz3_dp(xf, coords, fmt)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout)              :: xf
+    real(kind=dp), intent(in), dimension(:) :: coords
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional   :: fmt
+    select case (size(coords))
+    case (2)
+      call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "xy2", coords,fmt)
+    case(3)
+      call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "xyz3", coords,fmt)
+    end select
+  end subroutine addcoords_xyz3_dp
+  subroutine addcoords_xyzfrac_dp(xf, coords, fmt)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout)             :: xf
+    real(kind=dp), intent(in), dimension(:) :: coords
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional  :: fmt
+    select case (size(coords))
+    case (2)
+      call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "xyFract", coords, fmt)
+    case(3)
+      call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "xyzFract", coords, fmt)
+    end select
+  end subroutine addcoords_xyzfrac_dp
+  subroutine addcoords_x3_dp(xf, coords, fmt)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout)            :: xf
+    real(kind=dp), intent(in), dimension(:):: coords
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: fmt
+    select case(size(coords))
+    case(2)
+      call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "x2", coords(1), fmt)
+      call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "y2", coords(2), fmt)
+    case(3)
+      call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "x3", coords(1), fmt)
+      call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "y3", coords(2), fmt)
+      call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "z3", coords(3), fmt)
+    end select
+  end subroutine addcoords_x3_dp
+  subroutine addcoords_xfrac_dp(xf, coords, fmt)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout)             :: xf
+    real(kind=dp), intent(in), dimension(:) :: coords
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional  :: fmt
+    call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "xFract", coords(1), fmt)
+    call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "yFract", coords(2), fmt)
+    call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "zFract", coords(3), fmt)
+  end subroutine addcoords_xfrac_dp
+  subroutine addDlpolyMatrix_dp(xf, coords, elems)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout)                :: xf
+    real(kind=dp), intent(in), dimension(:, :) :: coords
+    character(len=2), intent(in), dimension(:) :: elems
+    integer :: natoms, i
+    natoms = size(elems)
+    call xml_NewElement(xf, "matrix")
+    call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "nrows", size(elems))
+    call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "ncols", 11)
+    call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "dataType", "xsd:string")
+    call xml_AddNewline(xf)
+    do i = 1, natoms
+      call xml_AddCharacters(xf, elems(i)//"  "//str(i))
+      call xml_AddNewline(xf)
+      call xml_AddCharacters(xf, str(coords(1,i))//" "//str(coords(2,i))//" "//str(coords(3,i)))
+      call xml_AddNewline(xf)
+      call xml_AddCharacters(xf, "0 0 0")
+      call xml_AddNewline(xf)
+      call xml_AddCharacters(xf, "0 0 0")
+      call xml_AddNewline(xf)
+    enddo
+    call xml_EndElement(xf, "matrix")
+  end subroutine addDlpolyMatrix_dp
+  subroutine addDlpolyMatrix_3_dp(xf, x, y, z, elems)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout)                :: xf
+    real(kind=dp), intent(in), dimension(:)    :: x, y, z
+    character(len=2), intent(in), dimension(:) :: elems
+    integer :: natoms, i
+    natoms = size(elems)
+    call xml_NewElement(xf, "matrix")
+    call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "nrows", size(elems))
+    call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "ncols", 11)
+    call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "dataType", "xsd:string")
+    call xml_AddNewline(xf)
+    do i = 1, natoms
+      call xml_AddCharacters(xf, elems(i)//"  "//str(i))
+      call xml_AddNewline(xf)
+      call xml_AddCharacters(xf, str(x(i))//" "//str(y(i))//" "//str(z(i)))
+      call xml_AddNewline(xf)
+      call xml_AddCharacters(xf, "0 0 0")
+      call xml_AddNewline(xf)
+      call xml_AddCharacters(xf, "0 0 0")
+      call xml_AddNewline(xf)
+    enddo
+    call xml_EndElement(xf, "matrix")
+  end subroutine addDlpolyMatrix_3_dp
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+  subroutine addBondArray(xf, atom1Refs, atom2Refs, orders, bondIds)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout)            :: xf
+    character(len=*), intent(in)           :: atom1Refs(:)
+    character(len=*), intent(in)           :: atom2Refs(:)
+    character(len=*), intent(in)           :: orders(:)
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: bondIds(:)
+    integer                                :: nbonds
+    integer                                :: i
+    nbonds = size(atom1Refs)
+    ! Basic argument verification
+    if (size(atom2Refs).ne.nbonds) &
+      call FoX_error("Length of atomRef arrays must match in WCML addBondArray")
+    if (size(orders).ne.nbonds) &
+      call FoX_error("Length of atomRef and order arrays must match in WCML addBondArray")
+    if (present(bondIds)) then
+      if (size(bondIds).ne.nbonds) &
+        call FoX_error("Length of atomRef and bondId arrays must match in WCML addBondArray")
+    endif
+    ! Add the bond array
+    call xml_NewElement(xf, "bondArray")
+       do i = 1, nbonds
+         call xml_NewElement(xf, "bond")
+             call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "atomRefs2", atom1Refs(i)//" "//atom2Refs(i))
+             call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "order", orders(i))
+             if (present(bondIds)) & 
+               call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "id", bondIds(i)) 
+         call xml_EndElement(xf, "bond")
+       enddo 
+    call xml_EndElement(xf, "bondArray")
+  end subroutine addBondArray
+  subroutine checkBondIdRefs(atomArrayIds, bondAtom1Refs, bondAtom2Refs, nobondcheck)
+    character(len=*), intent(in)           :: atomArrayIds(:)
+    character(len=*), intent(in)           :: bondAtom1Refs(:)
+    character(len=*), intent(in)           :: bondAtom2Refs(:)
+    logical, intent(in), optional          :: nobondcheck
+    logical                                :: bondmatrix(size(atomArrayIds),size(atomArrayIds))
+    integer                                :: nbonds
+    integer                                :: natoms
+    integer                                :: i
+    integer                                :: j
+    logical                                :: bond1OK
+    logical                                :: bond2OK
+    integer                                :: atom1num
+    integer                                :: atom2num
+    if (present(nobondcheck)) then
+      if (nobondcheck) return ! skip all checks
+    endif
+    bondmatrix = .false.
+    natoms = size(atomArrayIds)
+    nbonds = size(bondAtom1Refs)
+    if (size(bondAtom2Refs).ne.nbonds) &
+      call FoX_error("Length of atomRef arrays must match in WCML checkBondIdRefs")
+    do i = 1, nbonds
+      if (bondAtom1Refs(i).eq.bondAtom2Refs(i)) &
+        call FoX_error("The two atomRefs in a bond must be different")
+      bond1OK = .false.
+      bond2OK = .false.
+      do j = 1, natoms
+        if (bondAtom1Refs(i).eq.atomArrayIds(j)) &
+          bond1OK = .true.
+          atom1num = j
+        if (bondAtom2Refs(i).eq.atomArrayIds(j)) &
+          bond2OK = .true.
+          atom2num = j
+        if (bond1OK.and.bond2OK) exit
+      enddo
+      if (.not.bond1OK) call FoX_error(bondAtom1Refs(i) // " not found in checkBondIdRefs")
+      if (.not.bond2OK) call FoX_error(bondAtom2Refs(i) // " not found in checkBondIdRefs")
+      ! Both atoms bust have been found to get here...
+      if (bondmatrix(atom1num,atom2num)) then
+        ! Seen this bond before
+        call FoX_error("A bond cannot be added twice.")
+      else
+        ! We've seen this bond (both ways) - so don't forget
+        bondmatrix(atom1num,atom2num) = .true.
+        bondmatrix(atom2num,atom1num) = .true.
+      endif
+    enddo
+  end subroutine checkBondIdRefs
+end module m_wcml_molecule
diff --git a/wcml/m_wcml_molecule.m4 b/wcml/m_wcml_molecule.m4
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..92ec22d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/m_wcml_molecule.m4
@@ -0,0 +1,786 @@
+dnl Below we only use arguments with a type of xsd:string
+define(`TOHWM4_moleculeargs', `(dictRef,convention,title,id,ref,formula,chirality,role)')dnl
+define(`TOHWM4_moleculeargslist', `dnl
+m4_foreach(`x', TOHWM4_moleculeargs, `,x')dnl
+    if (present(style)) then
+      if (style=="DL_POLY") then
+        if (present(atomRefs).or.present(occupancies).or.present(atomIds).or.present(fmt)) &
+          call FoX_error("With DL_POLY style, no optional arguments permitted.")
+        call addDlpolyMatrix(xf, $1, elements)
+        return
+      endif
+    endif
+define(`TOHWM4_writeatom', `
+    do i = 1, natoms
+      call xml_NewElement(xf, "atom")
+      call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "elementType", trim(elements(i)))
+      call cmlAddCoords(xf, coords=$1, style=style, fmt=fmt)
+      if (present(occupancies)) call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "occupancy", occupancies(i))
+      if (present(atomRefs)) call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "ref", atomRefs(i))
+      if (present(atomIds)) call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "id", atomIds(i))
+      call xml_EndElement(xf, "atom")
+     enddo
+define(`TOHWM4_writeparticle', `
+    do i = 1, natoms
+      call xml_NewElement(xf, "particle")
+      if (present(elements)) call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "elementType", trim(elements(i)))
+      call cmlAddCoords(xf, coords=$1, style=style, fmt=fmt)
+      if (present(occupancies)) call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "occupancy", occupancies(i))
+      if (present(atomRefs)) call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "ref", atomRefs(i))
+      if (present(atomIds)) call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "id", atomIds(i))
+      call xml_EndElement(xf, "particle")
+     enddo
+define(`TOHWM4_molecule_subs', ``'dnl
+  subroutine cmlAddMolecule$1(xf, elements, atomRefs, coords, occupancies, atomIds, style, fmt &
+TOHWM4_moleculeargslist , &
+bondAtom1Refs, bondAtom2Refs, bondOrders, bondIds, nobondcheck)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    real(kind=$1), intent(in)              :: coords(:, :)
+    character(len=*), intent(in)           :: elements(:)
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: atomRefs(:) 
+    real(kind=$1), intent(in), optional :: occupancies(:)
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: atomIds(:)
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: fmt
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: style
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: bondAtom1Refs(:)
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: bondAtom2Refs(:)
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: bondOrders(:)
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: bondIds(:)
+    logical, intent(in), optional          :: nobondcheck
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    call cmlStartMolecule(xf &
+    call cmlAddAtoms(xf, elements, atomRefs, coords, occupancies, atomIds, style, fmt)
+    if (present(bondAtom1Refs)) then
+      if (present(bondAtom2Refs).and.present(bondOrders)) then
+        if (present(atomIds)) then
+          call checkBondIdRefs(atomIds, bondAtom1Refs, bondAtom2Refs, nobondcheck)
+          call addBondArray(xf, bondAtom1Refs, bondAtom2Refs, bondOrders, bondIds)
+        else
+          call FoX_error("AtomIds must be provided to add bonds")
+        endif
+      else
+        call FoX_error("Two AtomRefs arrays and a bondOrder array must be provided to add bonds")
+      endif
+    endif
+    call cmlEndMolecule(xf)
+  end subroutine cmlAddMolecule$1
+  subroutine cmlAddMolecule$1_sh(xf, natoms, elements, atomRefs, coords, occupancies, atomIds, style, fmt &
+TOHWM4_moleculeargslist , &
+bondAtom1Refs, bondAtom2Refs, bondOrders, bondIds, nobondcheck)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    integer, intent(in) :: natoms
+    real(kind=$1), intent(in)              :: coords(3, natoms)
+    character(len=*), intent(in)           :: elements(natoms)
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: atomRefs(natoms) 
+    real(kind=$1), intent(in), optional :: occupancies(natoms) 
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: atomIds(natoms) 
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: fmt
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: style
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: bondAtom1Refs(:)
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: bondAtom2Refs(:)
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: bondOrders(:)
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: bondIds(:)
+    logical, intent(in), optional :: nobondcheck
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    call cmlStartMolecule(xf &
+    call cmlAddAtoms(xf, natoms, elements, atomRefs, coords, occupancies, atomIds, style, fmt)
+    if (present(bondAtom1Refs)) then
+      if (present(bondAtom2Refs).and.present(bondOrders)) then
+        if (present(atomIds)) then
+          call checkBondIdRefs(atomIds, bondAtom1Refs, bondAtom2Refs, nobondcheck)
+          call addBondArray(xf, bondAtom1Refs, bondAtom2Refs, bondOrders, bondIds)
+        else
+          call FoX_error("AtomIds must be provided to add bonds")
+        endif
+        call addBondArray(xf, bondAtom1Refs, bondAtom2Refs, bondOrders, bondIds)
+      else
+        call FoX_error("Two AtomRefs arrays and a bondOrder array must be provided to add bonds")
+      endif
+    endif
+    call cmlEndMolecule(xf)
+  end subroutine cmlAddMolecule$1_sh
+  subroutine cmlAddMolecule_3_$1(xf, elements, x, y, z, atomRefs, occupancies, atomIds, style, fmt &
+TOHWM4_moleculeargslist , &
+bondAtom1Refs, bondAtom2Refs, bondOrders, bondIds, nobondcheck)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    real(kind=$1), intent(in)              :: x(:)
+    real(kind=$1), intent(in)              :: y(:)
+    real(kind=$1), intent(in)              :: z(:)
+    character(len=*), intent(in)           :: elements(:)
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: atomRefs(:) 
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: atomIds(:) 
+    real(kind=$1), intent(in), optional :: occupancies(:) 
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: fmt
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: style
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: bondAtom1Refs(:)
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: bondAtom2Refs(:)
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: bondOrders(:)
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: bondIds(:)
+    logical, intent(in), optional :: nobondcheck
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    call cmlStartMolecule(xf &
+    call cmlAddAtoms(xf, elements, x, y, z, atomRefs, occupancies, atomIds, style, fmt)
+    if (present(bondAtom1Refs)) then
+      if (present(bondAtom2Refs).and.present(bondOrders)) then
+        if (present(atomIds)) then
+          call checkBondIdRefs(atomIds, bondAtom1Refs, bondAtom2Refs, nobondcheck)
+          call addBondArray(xf, bondAtom1Refs, bondAtom2Refs, bondOrders, bondIds)
+        else
+          call FoX_error("AtomIds must be provided to add bonds")
+        endif
+        call addBondArray(xf, bondAtom1Refs, bondAtom2Refs, bondOrders, bondIds)
+      else
+        call FoX_error("Two AtomRefs arrays and a bondOrder array must be provided to add bonds")
+      endif
+    endif
+    call cmlEndMolecule(xf)
+  end subroutine cmlAddMolecule_3_$1
+  subroutine cmlAddMolecule_3_$1_sh(xf, natoms, elements, x, y, z, atomRefs, occupancies, atomIds, style, fmt &
+TOHWM4_moleculeargslist , &
+bondAtom1Refs, bondAtom2Refs, bondOrders, bondIds, nobondcheck)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    integer, intent(in) :: natoms
+    real(kind=$1), intent(in)              :: x(natoms)
+    real(kind=$1), intent(in)              :: y(natoms)
+    real(kind=$1), intent(in)              :: z(natoms)
+    character(len=*), intent(in)           :: elements(natoms)
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: atomRefs(natoms)
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: atomIds(natoms)
+    real(kind=$1), intent(in), optional :: occupancies(natoms)
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: fmt
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: style
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: bondAtom1Refs(:)
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: bondAtom2Refs(:)
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: bondOrders(:)
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: bondIds(:)
+    logical, intent(in), optional :: nobondcheck
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    call cmlStartMolecule(xf &
+    call cmlAddAtoms(xf, natoms, elements, x, y, z, atomRefs, occupancies, atomIds, style, fmt)
+    if (present(bondAtom1Refs)) then
+      if (present(bondAtom2Refs).and.present(bondOrders)) then
+        if (present(atomIds)) then
+          call checkBondIdRefs(atomIds, bondAtom1Refs, bondAtom2Refs, nobondcheck)
+          call addBondArray(xf, bondAtom1Refs, bondAtom2Refs, bondOrders, bondIds)
+        else
+          call FoX_error("AtomIds must be provided to add bonds")
+        endif
+      else
+        call FoX_error("Two AtomRefs arrays and a bondOrder array must be provided to add bonds")
+      endif
+    endif
+    call cmlEndMolecule(xf)
+  end subroutine cmlAddMolecule_3_$1_sh
+  subroutine cmlAddAtoms$1(xf, elements, atomRefs, coords, occupancies, atomIds, style, fmt)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    real(kind=$1), intent(in)              :: coords(:, :)
+    character(len=*), intent(in)           :: elements(:)
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: atomRefs(:) 
+    real(kind=$1), intent(in), optional :: occupancies(:)
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: atomIds(:)
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: fmt
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: style
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    integer          :: i, natoms
+    call xml_NewElement(xf, "atomArray")
+    natoms = size(coords,2)
+    call xml_EndElement(xf, "atomArray")
+  end subroutine cmlAddAtoms$1
+  subroutine cmlAddAtoms$1_sh(xf, natoms, elements, atomRefs, coords, occupancies, atomIds, style, fmt)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    integer, intent(in) :: natoms
+    real(kind=$1), intent(in)              :: coords(3, natoms)
+    character(len=*), intent(in)           :: elements(natoms)
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: atomRefs(natoms) 
+    real(kind=$1), intent(in), optional :: occupancies(natoms) 
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: atomIds(natoms) 
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: fmt
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: style
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    integer          :: i
+    call xml_NewElement(xf, "atomArray")
+    call xml_EndElement(xf, "atomArray")
+  end subroutine cmlAddAtoms$1_sh
+  subroutine cmlAddAtoms_3_$1(xf, elements, x, y, z, atomRefs, occupancies, atomIds, style, fmt)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    real(kind=$1), intent(in)              :: x(:)
+    real(kind=$1), intent(in)              :: y(:)
+    real(kind=$1), intent(in)              :: z(:)
+    character(len=*), intent(in)           :: elements(:)
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: atomRefs(:) 
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: atomIds(:) 
+    real(kind=$1), intent(in), optional :: occupancies(:) 
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: fmt
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: style
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    integer          :: i, natoms
+TOHWM4_dlpolymoleculecheck(`x, y, z')`'
+    call xml_NewElement(xf, "atomArray")
+    natoms = size(x)
+    call xml_EndElement(xf, "atomArray")
+  end subroutine cmlAddAtoms_3_$1
+  subroutine cmlAddAtoms_3_$1_sh(xf, natoms, elements, x, y, z, atomRefs, occupancies, atomIds, style, fmt)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    integer, intent(in) :: natoms
+    real(kind=$1), intent(in)              :: x(natoms)
+    real(kind=$1), intent(in)              :: y(natoms)
+    real(kind=$1), intent(in)              :: z(natoms)
+    character(len=*), intent(in)           :: elements(natoms)
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: atomRefs(natoms)
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: atomIds(natoms)
+    real(kind=$1), intent(in), optional :: occupancies(natoms)
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: fmt
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: style
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    integer          :: i
+TOHWM4_dlpolymoleculecheck(`x(:natoms), y(:natoms), z(:natoms)')`'
+    call xml_NewElement(xf, "atomArray")
+    call xml_EndElement(xf, "atomArray")
+  end subroutine cmlAddAtoms_3_$1_sh
+  subroutine cmlAddParticles$1(xf, elements, atomRefs, coords, occupancies, atomIds, style, fmt)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    real(kind=$1), intent(in)              :: coords(:, :)
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: elements(:)
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: atomRefs(:) 
+    real(kind=$1), intent(in), optional :: occupancies(:)
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: atomIds(:)
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: fmt
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: style
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    integer          :: i, natoms
+    call xml_NewElement(xf, "atomArray")
+    natoms = size(coords,2)
+    call xml_EndElement(xf, "atomArray")
+  end subroutine cmlAddParticles$1
+  subroutine cmlAddParticles$1_sh(xf, natoms, elements, atomRefs, coords, occupancies, atomIds, style, fmt)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    integer, intent(in) :: natoms
+    real(kind=$1), intent(in)              :: coords(3, natoms)
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: elements(natoms)
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: atomRefs(natoms) 
+    real(kind=$1), intent(in), optional :: occupancies(natoms) 
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: atomIds(natoms) 
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: fmt
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: style
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    integer          :: i
+    call xml_NewElement(xf, "atomArray")
+    call xml_EndElement(xf, "atomArray")
+  end subroutine cmlAddParticles$1_sh
+  subroutine cmlAddParticles_3_$1(xf, elements, x, y, z, atomRefs, occupancies, atomIds, style, fmt)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    real(kind=$1), intent(in)              :: x(:)
+    real(kind=$1), intent(in)              :: y(:)
+    real(kind=$1), intent(in)              :: z(:)
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: elements(:)
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: atomRefs(:) 
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: atomIds(:) 
+    real(kind=$1), intent(in), optional :: occupancies(:) 
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: fmt
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: style
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    integer          :: i, natoms
+TOHWM4_dlpolymoleculecheck(`x, y, z')`'
+    call xml_NewElement(xf, "atomArray")
+    natoms = size(x)
+    call xml_EndElement(xf, "atomArray")
+  end subroutine cmlAddParticles_3_$1
+  subroutine cmlAddParticles_3_$1_sh(xf, natoms, elements, x, y, z, atomRefs, occupancies, atomIds, style, fmt)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    integer, intent(in) :: natoms
+    real(kind=$1), intent(in)              :: x(natoms)
+    real(kind=$1), intent(in)              :: y(natoms)
+    real(kind=$1), intent(in)              :: z(natoms)
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: elements(natoms)
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: atomRefs(natoms)
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: atomIds(natoms)
+    real(kind=$1), intent(in), optional :: occupancies(natoms)
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: fmt
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: style
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    integer          :: i
+TOHWM4_dlpolymoleculecheck(`x(:natoms), y(:natoms), z(:natoms)')`'
+    call xml_NewElement(xf, "atomArray")
+    call xml_EndElement(xf, "atomArray")
+  end subroutine cmlAddParticles_3_$1_sh
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+  subroutine cmlAddCoords_$1(xf, coords, style, fmt)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    real(kind=$1), intent(in), dimension(:) :: coords
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional  :: style
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional  :: fmt
+    if (present(style)) then
+      select case(style)
+      case ("x3") 
+        call addcoords_x3_$1(xf, coords, fmt)
+      case ("cartesian") 
+        call addcoords_x3_$1(xf, coords, fmt)
+      case ("xFrac")
+        call addcoords_xfrac_$1(xf, coords, fmt)
+      case ("fractional")
+        call addcoords_xfrac_$1(xf, coords, fmt)
+      case ("xyz3")
+        call addcoords_xyz3_$1(xf, coords, fmt)
+      case ("xyzFrac")
+        call addcoords_xyzfrac_$1(xf, coords, fmt)
+      case default
+        call FoX_error("Invalid style specification for atomic coordinates")
+      end select
+    else
+      call addcoords_x3_$1(xf, coords, fmt)
+    endif
+  end subroutine cmlAddCoords_$1
+  subroutine addcoords_xyz3_$1(xf, coords, fmt)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout)              :: xf
+    real(kind=$1), intent(in), dimension(:) :: coords
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional   :: fmt
+    select case (size(coords))
+    case (2)
+      call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "xy2", coords,fmt)
+    case(3)
+      call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "xyz3", coords,fmt)
+    end select
+  end subroutine addcoords_xyz3_$1
+  subroutine addcoords_xyzfrac_$1(xf, coords, fmt)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout)             :: xf
+    real(kind=$1), intent(in), dimension(:) :: coords
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional  :: fmt
+    select case (size(coords))
+    case (2)
+      call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "xyFract", coords, fmt)
+    case(3)
+      call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "xyzFract", coords, fmt)
+    end select
+  end subroutine addcoords_xyzfrac_$1
+  subroutine addcoords_x3_$1(xf, coords, fmt)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout)            :: xf
+    real(kind=$1), intent(in), dimension(:):: coords
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: fmt
+    select case(size(coords))
+    case(2)
+      call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "x2", coords(1), fmt)
+      call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "y2", coords(2), fmt)
+    case(3)
+      call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "x3", coords(1), fmt)
+      call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "y3", coords(2), fmt)
+      call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "z3", coords(3), fmt)
+    end select
+  end subroutine addcoords_x3_$1
+  subroutine addcoords_xfrac_$1(xf, coords, fmt)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout)             :: xf
+    real(kind=$1), intent(in), dimension(:) :: coords
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional  :: fmt
+    call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "xFract", coords(1), fmt)
+    call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "yFract", coords(2), fmt)
+    call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "zFract", coords(3), fmt)
+  end subroutine addcoords_xfrac_$1
+  subroutine addDlpolyMatrix_$1(xf, coords, elems)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout)                :: xf
+    real(kind=$1), intent(in), dimension(:, :) :: coords
+    character(len=2), intent(in), dimension(:) :: elems
+    integer :: natoms, i
+    natoms = size(elems)
+    call xml_NewElement(xf, "matrix")
+    call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "nrows", size(elems))
+    call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "ncols", 11)
+    call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "dataType", "xsd:string")
+    call xml_AddNewline(xf)
+    do i = 1, natoms
+      call xml_AddCharacters(xf, elems(i)//"  "//str(i))
+      call xml_AddNewline(xf)
+      call xml_AddCharacters(xf, str(coords(1,i))//" "//str(coords(2,i))//" "//str(coords(3,i)))
+      call xml_AddNewline(xf)
+      call xml_AddCharacters(xf, "0 0 0")
+      call xml_AddNewline(xf)
+      call xml_AddCharacters(xf, "0 0 0")
+      call xml_AddNewline(xf)
+    enddo
+    call xml_EndElement(xf, "matrix")
+  end subroutine addDlpolyMatrix_$1
+  subroutine addDlpolyMatrix_3_$1(xf, x, y, z, elems)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout)                :: xf
+    real(kind=$1), intent(in), dimension(:)    :: x, y, z
+    character(len=2), intent(in), dimension(:) :: elems
+    integer :: natoms, i
+    natoms = size(elems)
+    call xml_NewElement(xf, "matrix")
+    call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "nrows", size(elems))
+    call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "ncols", 11)
+    call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "dataType", "xsd:string")
+    call xml_AddNewline(xf)
+    do i = 1, natoms
+      call xml_AddCharacters(xf, elems(i)//"  "//str(i))
+      call xml_AddNewline(xf)
+      call xml_AddCharacters(xf, str(x(i))//" "//str(y(i))//" "//str(z(i)))
+      call xml_AddNewline(xf)
+      call xml_AddCharacters(xf, "0 0 0")
+      call xml_AddNewline(xf)
+      call xml_AddCharacters(xf, "0 0 0")
+      call xml_AddNewline(xf)
+    enddo
+    call xml_EndElement(xf, "matrix")
+  end subroutine addDlpolyMatrix_3_$1
+! This file is AUTOGENERATED
+! To change, edit m_wcml_molecule.m4 and regenerate
+module m_wcml_molecule
+  use fox_m_fsys_realtypes, only: sp, dp
+  use FoX_wxml, only: xmlf_t
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+  use fox_m_fsys_format, only: str
+  use m_common_error, only: FoX_error
+  use FoX_wxml, only: xml_NewElement, xml_EndElement
+  use FoX_wxml, only: xml_AddAttribute, xml_AddCharacters, xml_AddNewline
+! Fix for pgi, requires this explicitly:
+  use m_wxml_overloads
+  implicit none
+  private
+  interface cmlAddMolecule
+    module procedure cmlAddMoleculeSP
+    module procedure cmlAddMoleculeSP_sh
+    module procedure cmlAddMolecule_3_SP
+    module procedure cmlAddMolecule_3_SP_sh
+    module procedure cmlAddMoleculeDP
+    module procedure cmlAddMoleculeDP_sh
+    module procedure cmlAddMolecule_3_DP
+    module procedure cmlAddMolecule_3_DP_sh
+  end interface
+  interface cmlAddAtoms
+    module procedure cmlAddAtomsSP
+    module procedure cmlAddAtomsSP_sh
+    module procedure cmlAddAtoms_3_SP
+    module procedure cmlAddAtoms_3_SP_sh
+    module procedure cmlAddAtomsDP
+    module procedure cmlAddAtomsDP_sh
+    module procedure cmlAddAtoms_3_DP
+    module procedure cmlAddAtoms_3_DP_sh
+  end interface
+  interface cmlAddParticles
+    module procedure cmlAddParticlesSP
+    module procedure cmlAddParticlesSP_sh
+    module procedure cmlAddParticles_3_SP
+    module procedure cmlAddParticles_3_SP_sh
+    module procedure cmlAddParticlesDP
+    module procedure cmlAddParticlesDP_sh
+    module procedure cmlAddParticles_3_DP
+    module procedure cmlAddParticles_3_DP_sh
+  end interface
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+  interface cmlAddCoords
+    module procedure cmlAddCoords_sp
+    module procedure cmlAddCoords_dp
+  end interface
+  interface addDlpolyMatrix
+    module procedure addDlpolyMatrix_sp
+    module procedure addDlpolyMatrix_3_sp
+    module procedure addDlpolyMatrix_dp
+    module procedure addDlpolyMatrix_3_dp
+  end interface
+  public :: cmlStartMolecule
+  public :: cmlEndMolecule
+  public :: cmlAddAtoms
+  public :: cmlAddParticles
+  public :: cmlAddMolecule
+  subroutine cmlStartMolecule(xf &
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    call xml_NewElement(xf, "molecule")
+  end subroutine cmlStartMolecule
+  subroutine cmlEndMolecule(xf)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    call xml_EndElement(xf, "molecule")
+  end subroutine cmlEndMolecule
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+  subroutine addBondArray(xf, atom1Refs, atom2Refs, orders, bondIds)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout)            :: xf
+    character(len=*), intent(in)           :: atom1Refs(:)
+    character(len=*), intent(in)           :: atom2Refs(:)
+    character(len=*), intent(in)           :: orders(:)
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: bondIds(:)
+    integer                                :: nbonds
+    integer                                :: i
+    nbonds = size(atom1Refs)
+    ! Basic argument verification
+    if (size(atom2Refs).ne.nbonds) &
+      call FoX_error("Length of atomRef arrays must match in WCML addBondArray")
+    if (size(orders).ne.nbonds) &
+      call FoX_error("Length of atomRef and order arrays must match in WCML addBondArray")
+    if (present(bondIds)) then
+      if (size(bondIds).ne.nbonds) &
+        call FoX_error("Length of atomRef and bondId arrays must match in WCML addBondArray")
+    endif
+    ! Add the bond array
+    call xml_NewElement(xf, "bondArray")
+       do i = 1, nbonds
+         call xml_NewElement(xf, "bond")
+             call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "atomRefs2", atom1Refs(i)//" "//atom2Refs(i))
+             call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "order", orders(i))
+             if (present(bondIds)) & 
+               call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "id", bondIds(i)) 
+         call xml_EndElement(xf, "bond")
+       enddo 
+    call xml_EndElement(xf, "bondArray")
+  end subroutine addBondArray
+  subroutine checkBondIdRefs(atomArrayIds, bondAtom1Refs, bondAtom2Refs, nobondcheck)
+    character(len=*), intent(in)           :: atomArrayIds(:)
+    character(len=*), intent(in)           :: bondAtom1Refs(:)
+    character(len=*), intent(in)           :: bondAtom2Refs(:)
+    logical, intent(in), optional          :: nobondcheck
+    logical                                :: bondmatrix(size(atomArrayIds),size(atomArrayIds))
+    integer                                :: nbonds
+    integer                                :: natoms
+    integer                                :: i
+    integer                                :: j
+    logical                                :: bond1OK
+    logical                                :: bond2OK
+    integer                                :: atom1num
+    integer                                :: atom2num
+    if (present(nobondcheck)) then
+      if (nobondcheck) return ! skip all checks
+    endif
+    bondmatrix = .false.
+    natoms = size(atomArrayIds)
+    nbonds = size(bondAtom1Refs)
+    if (size(bondAtom2Refs).ne.nbonds) &
+      call FoX_error("Length of atomRef arrays must match in WCML checkBondIdRefs")
+    do i = 1, nbonds
+      if (bondAtom1Refs(i).eq.bondAtom2Refs(i)) &
+        call FoX_error("The two atomRefs in a bond must be different")
+      bond1OK = .false.
+      bond2OK = .false.
+      do j = 1, natoms
+        if (bondAtom1Refs(i).eq.atomArrayIds(j)) &
+          bond1OK = .true.
+          atom1num = j
+        if (bondAtom2Refs(i).eq.atomArrayIds(j)) &
+          bond2OK = .true.
+          atom2num = j
+        if (bond1OK.and.bond2OK) exit
+      enddo
+      if (.not.bond1OK) call FoX_error(bondAtom1Refs(i) // " not found in checkBondIdRefs")
+      if (.not.bond2OK) call FoX_error(bondAtom2Refs(i) // " not found in checkBondIdRefs")
+      ! Both atoms bust have been found to get here...
+      if (bondmatrix(atom1num,atom2num)) then
+        ! Seen this bond before
+        call FoX_error("A bond cannot be added twice.")
+      else
+        ! We've seen this bond (both ways) - so don't forget
+        bondmatrix(atom1num,atom2num) = .true.
+        bondmatrix(atom2num,atom1num) = .true.
+      endif
+    enddo
+  end subroutine checkBondIdRefs
+end module m_wcml_molecule
diff --git a/wcml/m_wcml_parameter.F90 b/wcml/m_wcml_parameter.F90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cb02060
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/m_wcml_parameter.F90
@@ -0,0 +1,1262 @@
+! This file is AUTOGENERATED!!!!
+! Do not edit this file; edit m_wcml_quantity.m4 and regenerate.
+module m_wcml_parameter
+  use fox_m_fsys_realtypes, only: sp, dp
+  use FoX_wxml, only: xmlf_t
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+  use FoX_wxml, only: xml_NewElement, xml_AddAttribute
+  use FoX_wxml, only: xml_EndElement
+  use m_wcml_stml, only: stmAddValue
+! Fix for pgi, requires this explicitly:
+  use m_wxml_overloads
+  implicit none
+  private
+  interface cmlAddparameter
+     module procedure parameterCmplxDpSca
+     module procedure parameterCmplxDpArrSi
+     module procedure parameterCmplxDpArrSh
+     module procedure parameterCmplxDpMatSi
+     module procedure parameterCmplxDpMatSh
+     module procedure parameterCmplxSpSca
+     module procedure parameterCmplxSpArrSi
+     module procedure parameterCmplxSpArrSh
+     module procedure parameterCmplxSpMatSi
+     module procedure parameterCmplxSpMatSh
+     module procedure parameterRealDpSca
+     module procedure parameterRealDpArrSi
+     module procedure parameterRealDpArrSh
+     module procedure parameterRealDpMatSi
+     module procedure parameterRealDpMatSh
+     module procedure parameterRealSpSca
+     module procedure parameterRealSpArrSi
+     module procedure parameterRealSpArrSh
+     module procedure parameterRealSpMatSi
+     module procedure parameterRealSpMatSh
+     module procedure parameterIntSca
+     module procedure parameterIntArrSi
+     module procedure parameterIntArrSh
+     module procedure parameterIntMatSi
+     module procedure parameterIntMatSh
+     module procedure parameterLgSca
+     module procedure parameterLgArrSi
+     module procedure parameterLgArrSh
+     module procedure parameterLgMatSi
+     module procedure parameterLgMatSh
+     module procedure parameterChSca
+     module procedure parameterChArrSi
+     module procedure parameterChArrSh
+     module procedure parameterChMatSi
+     module procedure parameterChMatSh
+  end interface
+  public :: cmlAddparameter
+  subroutine parameterCmplxDpSca &
+    (xf, value, ref, title, id, convention, dictRef, constraint, name, role, units, fmt)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout)              :: xf
+    complex(dp), intent(in)   :: value
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: ref
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: title
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: convention
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: dictRef
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: constraint
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: name
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: role
+    character(len=*), intent(in)   :: units
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: fmt
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    call xml_NewElement(xf, "parameter")
+    if (present(ref)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "ref", ref)
+    if (present(title)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "title", title)
+    if (present(id)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "id", id)
+    if (present(convention)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "convention", convention)
+    if (present(dictRef)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "dictRef", dictRef)
+    if (present(constraint)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "constraint", constraint)
+    if (present(name)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "name", name)
+    if (present(role)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "role", role)
+    call stmAddValue(xf=xf, value=value, units=units, fmt=fmt)
+    call xml_EndElement(xf, "parameter")
+  end subroutine parameterCmplxDpSca
+  subroutine parameterCmplxSpSca &
+    (xf, value, ref, title, id, convention, dictRef, constraint, name, role, units, fmt)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout)              :: xf
+    complex(sp), intent(in)   :: value
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: ref
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: title
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: convention
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: dictRef
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: constraint
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: name
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: role
+    character(len=*), intent(in)   :: units
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: fmt
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    call xml_NewElement(xf, "parameter")
+    if (present(ref)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "ref", ref)
+    if (present(title)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "title", title)
+    if (present(id)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "id", id)
+    if (present(convention)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "convention", convention)
+    if (present(dictRef)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "dictRef", dictRef)
+    if (present(constraint)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "constraint", constraint)
+    if (present(name)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "name", name)
+    if (present(role)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "role", role)
+    call stmAddValue(xf=xf, value=value, units=units, fmt=fmt)
+    call xml_EndElement(xf, "parameter")
+  end subroutine parameterCmplxSpSca
+  subroutine parameterRealDpSca &
+    (xf, value, ref, title, id, convention, dictRef, constraint, name, role, units, fmt)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout)              :: xf
+    real(dp), intent(in)   :: value
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: ref
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: title
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: convention
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: dictRef
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: constraint
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: name
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: role
+    character(len=*), intent(in)   :: units
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: fmt
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    call xml_NewElement(xf, "parameter")
+    if (present(ref)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "ref", ref)
+    if (present(title)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "title", title)
+    if (present(id)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "id", id)
+    if (present(convention)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "convention", convention)
+    if (present(dictRef)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "dictRef", dictRef)
+    if (present(constraint)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "constraint", constraint)
+    if (present(name)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "name", name)
+    if (present(role)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "role", role)
+    call stmAddValue(xf=xf, value=value, units=units, fmt=fmt)
+    call xml_EndElement(xf, "parameter")
+  end subroutine parameterRealDpSca
+  subroutine parameterRealSpSca &
+    (xf, value, ref, title, id, convention, dictRef, constraint, name, role, units, fmt)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout)              :: xf
+    real(sp), intent(in)   :: value
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: ref
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: title
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: convention
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: dictRef
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: constraint
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: name
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: role
+    character(len=*), intent(in)   :: units
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: fmt
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    call xml_NewElement(xf, "parameter")
+    if (present(ref)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "ref", ref)
+    if (present(title)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "title", title)
+    if (present(id)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "id", id)
+    if (present(convention)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "convention", convention)
+    if (present(dictRef)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "dictRef", dictRef)
+    if (present(constraint)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "constraint", constraint)
+    if (present(name)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "name", name)
+    if (present(role)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "role", role)
+    call stmAddValue(xf=xf, value=value, units=units, fmt=fmt)
+    call xml_EndElement(xf, "parameter")
+  end subroutine parameterRealSpSca
+  subroutine parameterIntSca &
+    (xf, value, ref, title, id, convention, dictRef, constraint, name, role, units)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout)              :: xf
+    integer, intent(in)   :: value
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: ref
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: title
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: convention
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: dictRef
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: constraint
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: name
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: role
+    character(len=*), intent(in)   :: units
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    call xml_NewElement(xf, "parameter")
+    if (present(ref)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "ref", ref)
+    if (present(title)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "title", title)
+    if (present(id)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "id", id)
+    if (present(convention)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "convention", convention)
+    if (present(dictRef)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "dictRef", dictRef)
+    if (present(constraint)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "constraint", constraint)
+    if (present(name)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "name", name)
+    if (present(role)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "role", role)
+    call stmAddValue(xf=xf, value=value, units=units)
+    call xml_EndElement(xf, "parameter")
+  end subroutine parameterIntSca
+  subroutine parameterLgSca &
+    (xf, value, ref, title, id, convention, dictRef, constraint, name, role)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout)              :: xf
+    logical, intent(in)   :: value
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: ref
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: title
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: convention
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: dictRef
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: constraint
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: name
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: role
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    call xml_NewElement(xf, "parameter")
+    if (present(ref)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "ref", ref)
+    if (present(title)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "title", title)
+    if (present(id)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "id", id)
+    if (present(convention)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "convention", convention)
+    if (present(dictRef)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "dictRef", dictRef)
+    if (present(constraint)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "constraint", constraint)
+    if (present(name)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "name", name)
+    if (present(role)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "role", role)
+    call stmAddValue(xf=xf, value=value)
+    call xml_EndElement(xf, "parameter")
+  end subroutine parameterLgSca
+  subroutine parameterChSca &
+    (xf, value, ref, title, id, convention, dictRef, constraint, name, role, units)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout)              :: xf
+    character(len=*), intent(in)   :: value
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: ref
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: title
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: convention
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: dictRef
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: constraint
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: name
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: role
+    character(len=*), intent(in) , optional  :: units
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    call xml_NewElement(xf, "parameter")
+    if (present(ref)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "ref", ref)
+    if (present(title)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "title", title)
+    if (present(id)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "id", id)
+    if (present(convention)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "convention", convention)
+    if (present(dictRef)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "dictRef", dictRef)
+    if (present(constraint)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "constraint", constraint)
+    if (present(name)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "name", name)
+    if (present(role)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "role", role)
+    call stmAddValue(xf=xf, value=value, units=units)
+    call xml_EndElement(xf, "parameter")
+  end subroutine parameterChSca
+  subroutine parameterCmplxDpArrSi &
+    (xf, value,nitems,  ref, title, id, convention, dictRef, constraint, name, role, units, fmt)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout)              :: xf
+    complex(dp), intent(in) , dimension(:)  :: value
+    integer, intent(in) :: nitems
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: ref
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: title
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: convention
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: dictRef
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: constraint
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: name
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: role
+    character(len=*), intent(in)   :: units
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: fmt
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    call xml_NewElement(xf, "parameter")
+    if (present(ref)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "ref", ref)
+    if (present(title)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "title", title)
+    if (present(id)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "id", id)
+    if (present(convention)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "convention", convention)
+    if (present(dictRef)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "dictRef", dictRef)
+    if (present(constraint)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "constraint", constraint)
+    if (present(name)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "name", name)
+    if (present(role)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "role", role)
+    call stmAddValue(xf=xf, value=value(:nitems), units=units, fmt=fmt)
+    call xml_EndElement(xf, "parameter")
+  end subroutine parameterCmplxDpArrSi
+  subroutine parameterCmplxSpArrSi &
+    (xf, value,nitems,  ref, title, id, convention, dictRef, constraint, name, role, units, fmt)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout)              :: xf
+    complex(sp), intent(in) , dimension(:)  :: value
+    integer, intent(in) :: nitems
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: ref
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: title
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: convention
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: dictRef
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: constraint
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: name
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: role
+    character(len=*), intent(in)   :: units
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: fmt
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    call xml_NewElement(xf, "parameter")
+    if (present(ref)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "ref", ref)
+    if (present(title)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "title", title)
+    if (present(id)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "id", id)
+    if (present(convention)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "convention", convention)
+    if (present(dictRef)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "dictRef", dictRef)
+    if (present(constraint)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "constraint", constraint)
+    if (present(name)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "name", name)
+    if (present(role)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "role", role)
+    call stmAddValue(xf=xf, value=value(:nitems), units=units, fmt=fmt)
+    call xml_EndElement(xf, "parameter")
+  end subroutine parameterCmplxSpArrSi
+  subroutine parameterRealDpArrSi &
+    (xf, value,nitems,  ref, title, id, convention, dictRef, constraint, name, role, units, fmt)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout)              :: xf
+    real(dp), intent(in) , dimension(:)  :: value
+    integer, intent(in) :: nitems
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: ref
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: title
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: convention
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: dictRef
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: constraint
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: name
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: role
+    character(len=*), intent(in)   :: units
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: fmt
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    call xml_NewElement(xf, "parameter")
+    if (present(ref)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "ref", ref)
+    if (present(title)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "title", title)
+    if (present(id)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "id", id)
+    if (present(convention)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "convention", convention)
+    if (present(dictRef)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "dictRef", dictRef)
+    if (present(constraint)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "constraint", constraint)
+    if (present(name)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "name", name)
+    if (present(role)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "role", role)
+    call stmAddValue(xf=xf, value=value(:nitems), units=units, fmt=fmt)
+    call xml_EndElement(xf, "parameter")
+  end subroutine parameterRealDpArrSi
+  subroutine parameterRealSpArrSi &
+    (xf, value,nitems,  ref, title, id, convention, dictRef, constraint, name, role, units, fmt)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout)              :: xf
+    real(sp), intent(in) , dimension(:)  :: value
+    integer, intent(in) :: nitems
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: ref
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: title
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: convention
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: dictRef
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: constraint
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: name
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: role
+    character(len=*), intent(in)   :: units
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: fmt
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    call xml_NewElement(xf, "parameter")
+    if (present(ref)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "ref", ref)
+    if (present(title)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "title", title)
+    if (present(id)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "id", id)
+    if (present(convention)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "convention", convention)
+    if (present(dictRef)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "dictRef", dictRef)
+    if (present(constraint)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "constraint", constraint)
+    if (present(name)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "name", name)
+    if (present(role)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "role", role)
+    call stmAddValue(xf=xf, value=value(:nitems), units=units, fmt=fmt)
+    call xml_EndElement(xf, "parameter")
+  end subroutine parameterRealSpArrSi
+  subroutine parameterIntArrSi &
+    (xf, value,nitems,  ref, title, id, convention, dictRef, constraint, name, role, units)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout)              :: xf
+    integer, intent(in) , dimension(:)  :: value
+    integer, intent(in) :: nitems
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: ref
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: title
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: convention
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: dictRef
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: constraint
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: name
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: role
+    character(len=*), intent(in)   :: units
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    call xml_NewElement(xf, "parameter")
+    if (present(ref)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "ref", ref)
+    if (present(title)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "title", title)
+    if (present(id)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "id", id)
+    if (present(convention)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "convention", convention)
+    if (present(dictRef)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "dictRef", dictRef)
+    if (present(constraint)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "constraint", constraint)
+    if (present(name)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "name", name)
+    if (present(role)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "role", role)
+    call stmAddValue(xf=xf, value=value(:nitems), units=units)
+    call xml_EndElement(xf, "parameter")
+  end subroutine parameterIntArrSi
+  subroutine parameterLgArrSi &
+    (xf, value,nitems,  ref, title, id, convention, dictRef, constraint, name, role)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout)              :: xf
+    logical, intent(in) , dimension(:)  :: value
+    integer, intent(in) :: nitems
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: ref
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: title
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: convention
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: dictRef
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: constraint
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: name
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: role
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    call xml_NewElement(xf, "parameter")
+    if (present(ref)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "ref", ref)
+    if (present(title)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "title", title)
+    if (present(id)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "id", id)
+    if (present(convention)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "convention", convention)
+    if (present(dictRef)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "dictRef", dictRef)
+    if (present(constraint)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "constraint", constraint)
+    if (present(name)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "name", name)
+    if (present(role)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "role", role)
+    call stmAddValue(xf=xf, value=value(:nitems))
+    call xml_EndElement(xf, "parameter")
+  end subroutine parameterLgArrSi
+  subroutine parameterChArrSi &
+    (xf, value,nitems,  ref, title, id, convention, dictRef, constraint, name, role, units)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout)              :: xf
+    character(len=*), intent(in) , dimension(:)  :: value
+    integer, intent(in) :: nitems
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: ref
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: title
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: convention
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: dictRef
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: constraint
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: name
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: role
+    character(len=*), intent(in) , optional  :: units
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    call xml_NewElement(xf, "parameter")
+    if (present(ref)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "ref", ref)
+    if (present(title)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "title", title)
+    if (present(id)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "id", id)
+    if (present(convention)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "convention", convention)
+    if (present(dictRef)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "dictRef", dictRef)
+    if (present(constraint)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "constraint", constraint)
+    if (present(name)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "name", name)
+    if (present(role)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "role", role)
+    call stmAddValue(xf=xf, value=value(:nitems), units=units)
+    call xml_EndElement(xf, "parameter")
+  end subroutine parameterChArrSi
+  subroutine parameterCmplxDpArrSh &
+    (xf, value, ref, title, id, convention, dictRef, constraint, name, role, units, fmt)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout)              :: xf
+    complex(dp), intent(in) , dimension(:)  :: value
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: ref
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: title
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: convention
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: dictRef
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: constraint
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: name
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: role
+    character(len=*), intent(in)   :: units
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: fmt
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    call xml_NewElement(xf, "parameter")
+    if (present(ref)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "ref", ref)
+    if (present(title)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "title", title)
+    if (present(id)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "id", id)
+    if (present(convention)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "convention", convention)
+    if (present(dictRef)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "dictRef", dictRef)
+    if (present(constraint)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "constraint", constraint)
+    if (present(name)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "name", name)
+    if (present(role)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "role", role)
+    call stmAddValue(xf=xf, value=value, units=units, fmt=fmt)
+    call xml_EndElement(xf, "parameter")
+  end subroutine parameterCmplxDpArrSh
+  subroutine parameterCmplxSpArrSh &
+    (xf, value, ref, title, id, convention, dictRef, constraint, name, role, units, fmt)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout)              :: xf
+    complex(sp), intent(in) , dimension(:)  :: value
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: ref
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: title
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: convention
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: dictRef
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: constraint
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: name
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: role
+    character(len=*), intent(in)   :: units
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: fmt
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    call xml_NewElement(xf, "parameter")
+    if (present(ref)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "ref", ref)
+    if (present(title)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "title", title)
+    if (present(id)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "id", id)
+    if (present(convention)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "convention", convention)
+    if (present(dictRef)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "dictRef", dictRef)
+    if (present(constraint)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "constraint", constraint)
+    if (present(name)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "name", name)
+    if (present(role)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "role", role)
+    call stmAddValue(xf=xf, value=value, units=units, fmt=fmt)
+    call xml_EndElement(xf, "parameter")
+  end subroutine parameterCmplxSpArrSh
+  subroutine parameterRealDpArrSh &
+    (xf, value, ref, title, id, convention, dictRef, constraint, name, role, units, fmt)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout)              :: xf
+    real(dp), intent(in) , dimension(:)  :: value
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: ref
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: title
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: convention
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: dictRef
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: constraint
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: name
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: role
+    character(len=*), intent(in)   :: units
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: fmt
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    call xml_NewElement(xf, "parameter")
+    if (present(ref)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "ref", ref)
+    if (present(title)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "title", title)
+    if (present(id)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "id", id)
+    if (present(convention)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "convention", convention)
+    if (present(dictRef)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "dictRef", dictRef)
+    if (present(constraint)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "constraint", constraint)
+    if (present(name)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "name", name)
+    if (present(role)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "role", role)
+    call stmAddValue(xf=xf, value=value, units=units, fmt=fmt)
+    call xml_EndElement(xf, "parameter")
+  end subroutine parameterRealDpArrSh
+  subroutine parameterRealSpArrSh &
+    (xf, value, ref, title, id, convention, dictRef, constraint, name, role, units, fmt)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout)              :: xf
+    real(sp), intent(in) , dimension(:)  :: value
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: ref
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: title
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: convention
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: dictRef
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: constraint
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: name
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: role
+    character(len=*), intent(in)   :: units
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: fmt
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    call xml_NewElement(xf, "parameter")
+    if (present(ref)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "ref", ref)
+    if (present(title)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "title", title)
+    if (present(id)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "id", id)
+    if (present(convention)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "convention", convention)
+    if (present(dictRef)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "dictRef", dictRef)
+    if (present(constraint)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "constraint", constraint)
+    if (present(name)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "name", name)
+    if (present(role)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "role", role)
+    call stmAddValue(xf=xf, value=value, units=units, fmt=fmt)
+    call xml_EndElement(xf, "parameter")
+  end subroutine parameterRealSpArrSh
+  subroutine parameterIntArrSh &
+    (xf, value, ref, title, id, convention, dictRef, constraint, name, role, units)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout)              :: xf
+    integer, intent(in) , dimension(:)  :: value
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: ref
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: title
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: convention
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: dictRef
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: constraint
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: name
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: role
+    character(len=*), intent(in)   :: units
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    call xml_NewElement(xf, "parameter")
+    if (present(ref)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "ref", ref)
+    if (present(title)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "title", title)
+    if (present(id)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "id", id)
+    if (present(convention)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "convention", convention)
+    if (present(dictRef)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "dictRef", dictRef)
+    if (present(constraint)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "constraint", constraint)
+    if (present(name)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "name", name)
+    if (present(role)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "role", role)
+    call stmAddValue(xf=xf, value=value, units=units)
+    call xml_EndElement(xf, "parameter")
+  end subroutine parameterIntArrSh
+  subroutine parameterLgArrSh &
+    (xf, value, ref, title, id, convention, dictRef, constraint, name, role)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout)              :: xf
+    logical, intent(in) , dimension(:)  :: value
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: ref
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: title
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: convention
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: dictRef
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: constraint
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: name
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: role
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    call xml_NewElement(xf, "parameter")
+    if (present(ref)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "ref", ref)
+    if (present(title)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "title", title)
+    if (present(id)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "id", id)
+    if (present(convention)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "convention", convention)
+    if (present(dictRef)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "dictRef", dictRef)
+    if (present(constraint)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "constraint", constraint)
+    if (present(name)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "name", name)
+    if (present(role)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "role", role)
+    call stmAddValue(xf=xf, value=value)
+    call xml_EndElement(xf, "parameter")
+  end subroutine parameterLgArrSh
+  subroutine parameterChArrSh &
+    (xf, value, ref, title, id, convention, dictRef, constraint, name, role, units)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout)              :: xf
+    character(len=*), intent(in) , dimension(:)  :: value
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: ref
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: title
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: convention
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: dictRef
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: constraint
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: name
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: role
+    character(len=*), intent(in) , optional  :: units
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    call xml_NewElement(xf, "parameter")
+    if (present(ref)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "ref", ref)
+    if (present(title)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "title", title)
+    if (present(id)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "id", id)
+    if (present(convention)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "convention", convention)
+    if (present(dictRef)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "dictRef", dictRef)
+    if (present(constraint)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "constraint", constraint)
+    if (present(name)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "name", name)
+    if (present(role)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "role", role)
+    call stmAddValue(xf=xf, value=value, units=units)
+    call xml_EndElement(xf, "parameter")
+  end subroutine parameterChArrSh
+  subroutine parameterCmplxDpMatSi &
+    (xf, value,nrows, ncols,  ref, title, id, convention, dictRef, constraint, name, role, units, fmt)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout)              :: xf
+    complex(dp), intent(in) , dimension(:,:)  :: value
+    integer, intent(in) :: nrows
+    integer, intent(in) :: ncols
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: ref
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: title
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: convention
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: dictRef
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: constraint
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: name
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: role
+    character(len=*), intent(in)   :: units
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: fmt
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    call xml_NewElement(xf, "parameter")
+    if (present(ref)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "ref", ref)
+    if (present(title)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "title", title)
+    if (present(id)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "id", id)
+    if (present(convention)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "convention", convention)
+    if (present(dictRef)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "dictRef", dictRef)
+    if (present(constraint)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "constraint", constraint)
+    if (present(name)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "name", name)
+    if (present(role)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "role", role)
+    call stmAddValue(xf=xf, value=value(:nrows, :ncols), units=units, fmt=fmt)
+    call xml_EndElement(xf, "parameter")
+  end subroutine parameterCmplxDpMatSi
+  subroutine parameterCmplxSpMatSi &
+    (xf, value,nrows, ncols,  ref, title, id, convention, dictRef, constraint, name, role, units, fmt)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout)              :: xf
+    complex(sp), intent(in) , dimension(:,:)  :: value
+    integer, intent(in) :: nrows
+    integer, intent(in) :: ncols
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: ref
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: title
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: convention
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: dictRef
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: constraint
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: name
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: role
+    character(len=*), intent(in)   :: units
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: fmt
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    call xml_NewElement(xf, "parameter")
+    if (present(ref)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "ref", ref)
+    if (present(title)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "title", title)
+    if (present(id)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "id", id)
+    if (present(convention)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "convention", convention)
+    if (present(dictRef)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "dictRef", dictRef)
+    if (present(constraint)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "constraint", constraint)
+    if (present(name)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "name", name)
+    if (present(role)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "role", role)
+    call stmAddValue(xf=xf, value=value(:nrows, :ncols), units=units, fmt=fmt)
+    call xml_EndElement(xf, "parameter")
+  end subroutine parameterCmplxSpMatSi
+  subroutine parameterRealDpMatSi &
+    (xf, value,nrows, ncols,  ref, title, id, convention, dictRef, constraint, name, role, units, fmt)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout)              :: xf
+    real(dp), intent(in) , dimension(:,:)  :: value
+    integer, intent(in) :: nrows
+    integer, intent(in) :: ncols
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: ref
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: title
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: convention
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: dictRef
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: constraint
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: name
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: role
+    character(len=*), intent(in)   :: units
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: fmt
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    call xml_NewElement(xf, "parameter")
+    if (present(ref)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "ref", ref)
+    if (present(title)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "title", title)
+    if (present(id)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "id", id)
+    if (present(convention)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "convention", convention)
+    if (present(dictRef)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "dictRef", dictRef)
+    if (present(constraint)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "constraint", constraint)
+    if (present(name)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "name", name)
+    if (present(role)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "role", role)
+    call stmAddValue(xf=xf, value=value(:nrows, :ncols), units=units, fmt=fmt)
+    call xml_EndElement(xf, "parameter")
+  end subroutine parameterRealDpMatSi
+  subroutine parameterRealSpMatSi &
+    (xf, value,nrows, ncols,  ref, title, id, convention, dictRef, constraint, name, role, units, fmt)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout)              :: xf
+    real(sp), intent(in) , dimension(:,:)  :: value
+    integer, intent(in) :: nrows
+    integer, intent(in) :: ncols
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: ref
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: title
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: convention
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: dictRef
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: constraint
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: name
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: role
+    character(len=*), intent(in)   :: units
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: fmt
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    call xml_NewElement(xf, "parameter")
+    if (present(ref)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "ref", ref)
+    if (present(title)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "title", title)
+    if (present(id)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "id", id)
+    if (present(convention)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "convention", convention)
+    if (present(dictRef)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "dictRef", dictRef)
+    if (present(constraint)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "constraint", constraint)
+    if (present(name)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "name", name)
+    if (present(role)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "role", role)
+    call stmAddValue(xf=xf, value=value(:nrows, :ncols), units=units, fmt=fmt)
+    call xml_EndElement(xf, "parameter")
+  end subroutine parameterRealSpMatSi
+  subroutine parameterIntMatSi &
+    (xf, value,nrows, ncols,  ref, title, id, convention, dictRef, constraint, name, role, units)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout)              :: xf
+    integer, intent(in) , dimension(:,:)  :: value
+    integer, intent(in) :: nrows
+    integer, intent(in) :: ncols
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: ref
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: title
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: convention
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: dictRef
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: constraint
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: name
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: role
+    character(len=*), intent(in)   :: units
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    call xml_NewElement(xf, "parameter")
+    if (present(ref)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "ref", ref)
+    if (present(title)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "title", title)
+    if (present(id)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "id", id)
+    if (present(convention)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "convention", convention)
+    if (present(dictRef)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "dictRef", dictRef)
+    if (present(constraint)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "constraint", constraint)
+    if (present(name)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "name", name)
+    if (present(role)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "role", role)
+    call stmAddValue(xf=xf, value=value(:nrows, :ncols), units=units)
+    call xml_EndElement(xf, "parameter")
+  end subroutine parameterIntMatSi
+  subroutine parameterLgMatSi &
+    (xf, value,nrows, ncols,  ref, title, id, convention, dictRef, constraint, name, role)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout)              :: xf
+    logical, intent(in) , dimension(:,:)  :: value
+    integer, intent(in) :: nrows
+    integer, intent(in) :: ncols
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: ref
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: title
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: convention
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: dictRef
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: constraint
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: name
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: role
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    call xml_NewElement(xf, "parameter")
+    if (present(ref)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "ref", ref)
+    if (present(title)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "title", title)
+    if (present(id)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "id", id)
+    if (present(convention)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "convention", convention)
+    if (present(dictRef)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "dictRef", dictRef)
+    if (present(constraint)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "constraint", constraint)
+    if (present(name)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "name", name)
+    if (present(role)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "role", role)
+    call stmAddValue(xf=xf, value=value(:nrows, :ncols))
+    call xml_EndElement(xf, "parameter")
+  end subroutine parameterLgMatSi
+  subroutine parameterChMatSi &
+    (xf, value,nrows, ncols,  ref, title, id, convention, dictRef, constraint, name, role, units)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout)              :: xf
+    character(len=*), intent(in) , dimension(:,:)  :: value
+    integer, intent(in) :: nrows
+    integer, intent(in) :: ncols
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: ref
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: title
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: convention
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: dictRef
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: constraint
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: name
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: role
+    character(len=*), intent(in) , optional  :: units
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    call xml_NewElement(xf, "parameter")
+    if (present(ref)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "ref", ref)
+    if (present(title)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "title", title)
+    if (present(id)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "id", id)
+    if (present(convention)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "convention", convention)
+    if (present(dictRef)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "dictRef", dictRef)
+    if (present(constraint)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "constraint", constraint)
+    if (present(name)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "name", name)
+    if (present(role)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "role", role)
+    call stmAddValue(xf=xf, value=value(:nrows, :ncols), units=units)
+    call xml_EndElement(xf, "parameter")
+  end subroutine parameterChMatSi
+  subroutine parameterCmplxDpMatSh &
+    (xf, value, ref, title, id, convention, dictRef, constraint, name, role, units, fmt)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout)              :: xf
+    complex(dp), intent(in) , dimension(:,:)  :: value
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: ref
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: title
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: convention
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: dictRef
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: constraint
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: name
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: role
+    character(len=*), intent(in)   :: units
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: fmt
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    call xml_NewElement(xf, "parameter")
+    if (present(ref)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "ref", ref)
+    if (present(title)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "title", title)
+    if (present(id)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "id", id)
+    if (present(convention)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "convention", convention)
+    if (present(dictRef)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "dictRef", dictRef)
+    if (present(constraint)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "constraint", constraint)
+    if (present(name)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "name", name)
+    if (present(role)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "role", role)
+    call stmAddValue(xf=xf, value=value, units=units, fmt=fmt)
+    call xml_EndElement(xf, "parameter")
+  end subroutine parameterCmplxDpMatSh
+  subroutine parameterCmplxSpMatSh &
+    (xf, value, ref, title, id, convention, dictRef, constraint, name, role, units, fmt)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout)              :: xf
+    complex(sp), intent(in) , dimension(:,:)  :: value
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: ref
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: title
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: convention
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: dictRef
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: constraint
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: name
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: role
+    character(len=*), intent(in)   :: units
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: fmt
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    call xml_NewElement(xf, "parameter")
+    if (present(ref)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "ref", ref)
+    if (present(title)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "title", title)
+    if (present(id)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "id", id)
+    if (present(convention)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "convention", convention)
+    if (present(dictRef)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "dictRef", dictRef)
+    if (present(constraint)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "constraint", constraint)
+    if (present(name)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "name", name)
+    if (present(role)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "role", role)
+    call stmAddValue(xf=xf, value=value, units=units, fmt=fmt)
+    call xml_EndElement(xf, "parameter")
+  end subroutine parameterCmplxSpMatSh
+  subroutine parameterRealDpMatSh &
+    (xf, value, ref, title, id, convention, dictRef, constraint, name, role, units, fmt)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout)              :: xf
+    real(dp), intent(in) , dimension(:,:)  :: value
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: ref
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: title
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: convention
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: dictRef
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: constraint
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: name
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: role
+    character(len=*), intent(in)   :: units
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: fmt
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    call xml_NewElement(xf, "parameter")
+    if (present(ref)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "ref", ref)
+    if (present(title)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "title", title)
+    if (present(id)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "id", id)
+    if (present(convention)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "convention", convention)
+    if (present(dictRef)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "dictRef", dictRef)
+    if (present(constraint)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "constraint", constraint)
+    if (present(name)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "name", name)
+    if (present(role)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "role", role)
+    call stmAddValue(xf=xf, value=value, units=units, fmt=fmt)
+    call xml_EndElement(xf, "parameter")
+  end subroutine parameterRealDpMatSh
+  subroutine parameterRealSpMatSh &
+    (xf, value, ref, title, id, convention, dictRef, constraint, name, role, units, fmt)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout)              :: xf
+    real(sp), intent(in) , dimension(:,:)  :: value
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: ref
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: title
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: convention
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: dictRef
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: constraint
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: name
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: role
+    character(len=*), intent(in)   :: units
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: fmt
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    call xml_NewElement(xf, "parameter")
+    if (present(ref)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "ref", ref)
+    if (present(title)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "title", title)
+    if (present(id)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "id", id)
+    if (present(convention)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "convention", convention)
+    if (present(dictRef)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "dictRef", dictRef)
+    if (present(constraint)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "constraint", constraint)
+    if (present(name)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "name", name)
+    if (present(role)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "role", role)
+    call stmAddValue(xf=xf, value=value, units=units, fmt=fmt)
+    call xml_EndElement(xf, "parameter")
+  end subroutine parameterRealSpMatSh
+  subroutine parameterIntMatSh &
+    (xf, value, ref, title, id, convention, dictRef, constraint, name, role, units)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout)              :: xf
+    integer, intent(in) , dimension(:,:)  :: value
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: ref
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: title
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: convention
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: dictRef
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: constraint
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: name
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: role
+    character(len=*), intent(in)   :: units
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    call xml_NewElement(xf, "parameter")
+    if (present(ref)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "ref", ref)
+    if (present(title)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "title", title)
+    if (present(id)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "id", id)
+    if (present(convention)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "convention", convention)
+    if (present(dictRef)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "dictRef", dictRef)
+    if (present(constraint)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "constraint", constraint)
+    if (present(name)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "name", name)
+    if (present(role)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "role", role)
+    call stmAddValue(xf=xf, value=value, units=units)
+    call xml_EndElement(xf, "parameter")
+  end subroutine parameterIntMatSh
+  subroutine parameterLgMatSh &
+    (xf, value, ref, title, id, convention, dictRef, constraint, name, role)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout)              :: xf
+    logical, intent(in) , dimension(:,:)  :: value
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: ref
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: title
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: convention
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: dictRef
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: constraint
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: name
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: role
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    call xml_NewElement(xf, "parameter")
+    if (present(ref)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "ref", ref)
+    if (present(title)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "title", title)
+    if (present(id)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "id", id)
+    if (present(convention)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "convention", convention)
+    if (present(dictRef)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "dictRef", dictRef)
+    if (present(constraint)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "constraint", constraint)
+    if (present(name)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "name", name)
+    if (present(role)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "role", role)
+    call stmAddValue(xf=xf, value=value)
+    call xml_EndElement(xf, "parameter")
+  end subroutine parameterLgMatSh
+  subroutine parameterChMatSh &
+    (xf, value, ref, title, id, convention, dictRef, constraint, name, role, units)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout)              :: xf
+    character(len=*), intent(in) , dimension(:,:)  :: value
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: ref
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: title
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: convention
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: dictRef
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: constraint
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: name
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: role
+    character(len=*), intent(in) , optional  :: units
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    call xml_NewElement(xf, "parameter")
+    if (present(ref)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "ref", ref)
+    if (present(title)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "title", title)
+    if (present(id)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "id", id)
+    if (present(convention)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "convention", convention)
+    if (present(dictRef)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "dictRef", dictRef)
+    if (present(constraint)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "constraint", constraint)
+    if (present(name)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "name", name)
+    if (present(role)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "role", role)
+    call stmAddValue(xf=xf, value=value, units=units)
+    call xml_EndElement(xf, "parameter")
+  end subroutine parameterChMatSh
+end module m_wcml_parameter
diff --git a/wcml/m_wcml_parameter.m4 b/wcml/m_wcml_parameter.m4
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..16a29f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/m_wcml_parameter.m4
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+TOHWM4_wcml_quantity(`parameter', `(ref, title, id, convention, dictRef, constraint, name, role)')
diff --git a/wcml/m_wcml_property.F90 b/wcml/m_wcml_property.F90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5f34e2e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/m_wcml_property.F90
@@ -0,0 +1,1122 @@
+! This file is AUTOGENERATED!!!!
+! Do not edit this file; edit m_wcml_quantity.m4 and regenerate.
+module m_wcml_property
+  use fox_m_fsys_realtypes, only: sp, dp
+  use FoX_wxml, only: xmlf_t
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+  use FoX_wxml, only: xml_NewElement, xml_AddAttribute
+  use FoX_wxml, only: xml_EndElement
+  use m_wcml_stml, only: stmAddValue
+! Fix for pgi, requires this explicitly:
+  use m_wxml_overloads
+  implicit none
+  private
+  interface cmlAddproperty
+     module procedure propertyCmplxDpSca
+     module procedure propertyCmplxDpArrSi
+     module procedure propertyCmplxDpArrSh
+     module procedure propertyCmplxDpMatSi
+     module procedure propertyCmplxDpMatSh
+     module procedure propertyCmplxSpSca
+     module procedure propertyCmplxSpArrSi
+     module procedure propertyCmplxSpArrSh
+     module procedure propertyCmplxSpMatSi
+     module procedure propertyCmplxSpMatSh
+     module procedure propertyRealDpSca
+     module procedure propertyRealDpArrSi
+     module procedure propertyRealDpArrSh
+     module procedure propertyRealDpMatSi
+     module procedure propertyRealDpMatSh
+     module procedure propertyRealSpSca
+     module procedure propertyRealSpArrSi
+     module procedure propertyRealSpArrSh
+     module procedure propertyRealSpMatSi
+     module procedure propertyRealSpMatSh
+     module procedure propertyIntSca
+     module procedure propertyIntArrSi
+     module procedure propertyIntArrSh
+     module procedure propertyIntMatSi
+     module procedure propertyIntMatSh
+     module procedure propertyLgSca
+     module procedure propertyLgArrSi
+     module procedure propertyLgArrSh
+     module procedure propertyLgMatSi
+     module procedure propertyLgMatSh
+     module procedure propertyChSca
+     module procedure propertyChArrSi
+     module procedure propertyChArrSh
+     module procedure propertyChMatSi
+     module procedure propertyChMatSh
+  end interface
+  public :: cmlAddproperty
+  subroutine propertyCmplxDpSca &
+    (xf, value, dictRef, convention, title, id, ref, role, units, fmt)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout)              :: xf
+    complex(dp), intent(in)   :: value
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: dictRef
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: convention
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: title
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: ref
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: role
+    character(len=*), intent(in)   :: units
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: fmt
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    call xml_NewElement(xf, "property")
+    if (present(dictRef)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "dictRef", dictRef)
+    if (present(convention)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "convention", convention)
+    if (present(title)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "title", title)
+    if (present(id)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "id", id)
+    if (present(ref)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "ref", ref)
+    if (present(role)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "role", role)
+    call stmAddValue(xf=xf, value=value, units=units, fmt=fmt)
+    call xml_EndElement(xf, "property")
+  end subroutine propertyCmplxDpSca
+  subroutine propertyCmplxSpSca &
+    (xf, value, dictRef, convention, title, id, ref, role, units, fmt)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout)              :: xf
+    complex(sp), intent(in)   :: value
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: dictRef
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: convention
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: title
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: ref
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: role
+    character(len=*), intent(in)   :: units
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: fmt
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    call xml_NewElement(xf, "property")
+    if (present(dictRef)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "dictRef", dictRef)
+    if (present(convention)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "convention", convention)
+    if (present(title)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "title", title)
+    if (present(id)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "id", id)
+    if (present(ref)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "ref", ref)
+    if (present(role)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "role", role)
+    call stmAddValue(xf=xf, value=value, units=units, fmt=fmt)
+    call xml_EndElement(xf, "property")
+  end subroutine propertyCmplxSpSca
+  subroutine propertyRealDpSca &
+    (xf, value, dictRef, convention, title, id, ref, role, units, fmt)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout)              :: xf
+    real(dp), intent(in)   :: value
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: dictRef
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: convention
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: title
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: ref
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: role
+    character(len=*), intent(in)   :: units
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: fmt
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    call xml_NewElement(xf, "property")
+    if (present(dictRef)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "dictRef", dictRef)
+    if (present(convention)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "convention", convention)
+    if (present(title)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "title", title)
+    if (present(id)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "id", id)
+    if (present(ref)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "ref", ref)
+    if (present(role)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "role", role)
+    call stmAddValue(xf=xf, value=value, units=units, fmt=fmt)
+    call xml_EndElement(xf, "property")
+  end subroutine propertyRealDpSca
+  subroutine propertyRealSpSca &
+    (xf, value, dictRef, convention, title, id, ref, role, units, fmt)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout)              :: xf
+    real(sp), intent(in)   :: value
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: dictRef
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: convention
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: title
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: ref
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: role
+    character(len=*), intent(in)   :: units
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: fmt
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    call xml_NewElement(xf, "property")
+    if (present(dictRef)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "dictRef", dictRef)
+    if (present(convention)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "convention", convention)
+    if (present(title)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "title", title)
+    if (present(id)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "id", id)
+    if (present(ref)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "ref", ref)
+    if (present(role)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "role", role)
+    call stmAddValue(xf=xf, value=value, units=units, fmt=fmt)
+    call xml_EndElement(xf, "property")
+  end subroutine propertyRealSpSca
+  subroutine propertyIntSca &
+    (xf, value, dictRef, convention, title, id, ref, role, units)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout)              :: xf
+    integer, intent(in)   :: value
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: dictRef
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: convention
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: title
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: ref
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: role
+    character(len=*), intent(in)   :: units
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    call xml_NewElement(xf, "property")
+    if (present(dictRef)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "dictRef", dictRef)
+    if (present(convention)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "convention", convention)
+    if (present(title)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "title", title)
+    if (present(id)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "id", id)
+    if (present(ref)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "ref", ref)
+    if (present(role)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "role", role)
+    call stmAddValue(xf=xf, value=value, units=units)
+    call xml_EndElement(xf, "property")
+  end subroutine propertyIntSca
+  subroutine propertyLgSca &
+    (xf, value, dictRef, convention, title, id, ref, role)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout)              :: xf
+    logical, intent(in)   :: value
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: dictRef
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: convention
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: title
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: ref
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: role
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    call xml_NewElement(xf, "property")
+    if (present(dictRef)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "dictRef", dictRef)
+    if (present(convention)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "convention", convention)
+    if (present(title)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "title", title)
+    if (present(id)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "id", id)
+    if (present(ref)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "ref", ref)
+    if (present(role)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "role", role)
+    call stmAddValue(xf=xf, value=value)
+    call xml_EndElement(xf, "property")
+  end subroutine propertyLgSca
+  subroutine propertyChSca &
+    (xf, value, dictRef, convention, title, id, ref, role, units)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout)              :: xf
+    character(len=*), intent(in)   :: value
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: dictRef
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: convention
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: title
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: ref
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: role
+    character(len=*), intent(in) , optional  :: units
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    call xml_NewElement(xf, "property")
+    if (present(dictRef)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "dictRef", dictRef)
+    if (present(convention)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "convention", convention)
+    if (present(title)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "title", title)
+    if (present(id)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "id", id)
+    if (present(ref)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "ref", ref)
+    if (present(role)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "role", role)
+    call stmAddValue(xf=xf, value=value, units=units)
+    call xml_EndElement(xf, "property")
+  end subroutine propertyChSca
+  subroutine propertyCmplxDpArrSi &
+    (xf, value,nitems,  dictRef, convention, title, id, ref, role, units, fmt)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout)              :: xf
+    complex(dp), intent(in) , dimension(:)  :: value
+    integer, intent(in) :: nitems
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: dictRef
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: convention
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: title
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: ref
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: role
+    character(len=*), intent(in)   :: units
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: fmt
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    call xml_NewElement(xf, "property")
+    if (present(dictRef)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "dictRef", dictRef)
+    if (present(convention)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "convention", convention)
+    if (present(title)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "title", title)
+    if (present(id)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "id", id)
+    if (present(ref)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "ref", ref)
+    if (present(role)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "role", role)
+    call stmAddValue(xf=xf, value=value(:nitems), units=units, fmt=fmt)
+    call xml_EndElement(xf, "property")
+  end subroutine propertyCmplxDpArrSi
+  subroutine propertyCmplxSpArrSi &
+    (xf, value,nitems,  dictRef, convention, title, id, ref, role, units, fmt)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout)              :: xf
+    complex(sp), intent(in) , dimension(:)  :: value
+    integer, intent(in) :: nitems
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: dictRef
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: convention
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: title
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: ref
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: role
+    character(len=*), intent(in)   :: units
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: fmt
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    call xml_NewElement(xf, "property")
+    if (present(dictRef)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "dictRef", dictRef)
+    if (present(convention)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "convention", convention)
+    if (present(title)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "title", title)
+    if (present(id)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "id", id)
+    if (present(ref)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "ref", ref)
+    if (present(role)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "role", role)
+    call stmAddValue(xf=xf, value=value(:nitems), units=units, fmt=fmt)
+    call xml_EndElement(xf, "property")
+  end subroutine propertyCmplxSpArrSi
+  subroutine propertyRealDpArrSi &
+    (xf, value,nitems,  dictRef, convention, title, id, ref, role, units, fmt)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout)              :: xf
+    real(dp), intent(in) , dimension(:)  :: value
+    integer, intent(in) :: nitems
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: dictRef
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: convention
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: title
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: ref
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: role
+    character(len=*), intent(in)   :: units
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: fmt
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    call xml_NewElement(xf, "property")
+    if (present(dictRef)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "dictRef", dictRef)
+    if (present(convention)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "convention", convention)
+    if (present(title)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "title", title)
+    if (present(id)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "id", id)
+    if (present(ref)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "ref", ref)
+    if (present(role)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "role", role)
+    call stmAddValue(xf=xf, value=value(:nitems), units=units, fmt=fmt)
+    call xml_EndElement(xf, "property")
+  end subroutine propertyRealDpArrSi
+  subroutine propertyRealSpArrSi &
+    (xf, value,nitems,  dictRef, convention, title, id, ref, role, units, fmt)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout)              :: xf
+    real(sp), intent(in) , dimension(:)  :: value
+    integer, intent(in) :: nitems
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: dictRef
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: convention
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: title
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: ref
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: role
+    character(len=*), intent(in)   :: units
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: fmt
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    call xml_NewElement(xf, "property")
+    if (present(dictRef)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "dictRef", dictRef)
+    if (present(convention)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "convention", convention)
+    if (present(title)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "title", title)
+    if (present(id)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "id", id)
+    if (present(ref)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "ref", ref)
+    if (present(role)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "role", role)
+    call stmAddValue(xf=xf, value=value(:nitems), units=units, fmt=fmt)
+    call xml_EndElement(xf, "property")
+  end subroutine propertyRealSpArrSi
+  subroutine propertyIntArrSi &
+    (xf, value,nitems,  dictRef, convention, title, id, ref, role, units)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout)              :: xf
+    integer, intent(in) , dimension(:)  :: value
+    integer, intent(in) :: nitems
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: dictRef
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: convention
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: title
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: ref
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: role
+    character(len=*), intent(in)   :: units
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    call xml_NewElement(xf, "property")
+    if (present(dictRef)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "dictRef", dictRef)
+    if (present(convention)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "convention", convention)
+    if (present(title)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "title", title)
+    if (present(id)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "id", id)
+    if (present(ref)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "ref", ref)
+    if (present(role)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "role", role)
+    call stmAddValue(xf=xf, value=value(:nitems), units=units)
+    call xml_EndElement(xf, "property")
+  end subroutine propertyIntArrSi
+  subroutine propertyLgArrSi &
+    (xf, value,nitems,  dictRef, convention, title, id, ref, role)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout)              :: xf
+    logical, intent(in) , dimension(:)  :: value
+    integer, intent(in) :: nitems
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: dictRef
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: convention
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: title
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: ref
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: role
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    call xml_NewElement(xf, "property")
+    if (present(dictRef)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "dictRef", dictRef)
+    if (present(convention)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "convention", convention)
+    if (present(title)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "title", title)
+    if (present(id)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "id", id)
+    if (present(ref)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "ref", ref)
+    if (present(role)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "role", role)
+    call stmAddValue(xf=xf, value=value(:nitems))
+    call xml_EndElement(xf, "property")
+  end subroutine propertyLgArrSi
+  subroutine propertyChArrSi &
+    (xf, value,nitems,  dictRef, convention, title, id, ref, role, units)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout)              :: xf
+    character(len=*), intent(in) , dimension(:)  :: value
+    integer, intent(in) :: nitems
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: dictRef
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: convention
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: title
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: ref
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: role
+    character(len=*), intent(in) , optional  :: units
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    call xml_NewElement(xf, "property")
+    if (present(dictRef)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "dictRef", dictRef)
+    if (present(convention)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "convention", convention)
+    if (present(title)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "title", title)
+    if (present(id)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "id", id)
+    if (present(ref)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "ref", ref)
+    if (present(role)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "role", role)
+    call stmAddValue(xf=xf, value=value(:nitems), units=units)
+    call xml_EndElement(xf, "property")
+  end subroutine propertyChArrSi
+  subroutine propertyCmplxDpArrSh &
+    (xf, value, dictRef, convention, title, id, ref, role, units, fmt)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout)              :: xf
+    complex(dp), intent(in) , dimension(:)  :: value
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: dictRef
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: convention
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: title
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: ref
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: role
+    character(len=*), intent(in)   :: units
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: fmt
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    call xml_NewElement(xf, "property")
+    if (present(dictRef)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "dictRef", dictRef)
+    if (present(convention)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "convention", convention)
+    if (present(title)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "title", title)
+    if (present(id)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "id", id)
+    if (present(ref)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "ref", ref)
+    if (present(role)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "role", role)
+    call stmAddValue(xf=xf, value=value, units=units, fmt=fmt)
+    call xml_EndElement(xf, "property")
+  end subroutine propertyCmplxDpArrSh
+  subroutine propertyCmplxSpArrSh &
+    (xf, value, dictRef, convention, title, id, ref, role, units, fmt)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout)              :: xf
+    complex(sp), intent(in) , dimension(:)  :: value
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: dictRef
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: convention
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: title
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: ref
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: role
+    character(len=*), intent(in)   :: units
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: fmt
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    call xml_NewElement(xf, "property")
+    if (present(dictRef)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "dictRef", dictRef)
+    if (present(convention)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "convention", convention)
+    if (present(title)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "title", title)
+    if (present(id)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "id", id)
+    if (present(ref)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "ref", ref)
+    if (present(role)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "role", role)
+    call stmAddValue(xf=xf, value=value, units=units, fmt=fmt)
+    call xml_EndElement(xf, "property")
+  end subroutine propertyCmplxSpArrSh
+  subroutine propertyRealDpArrSh &
+    (xf, value, dictRef, convention, title, id, ref, role, units, fmt)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout)              :: xf
+    real(dp), intent(in) , dimension(:)  :: value
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: dictRef
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: convention
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: title
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: ref
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: role
+    character(len=*), intent(in)   :: units
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: fmt
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    call xml_NewElement(xf, "property")
+    if (present(dictRef)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "dictRef", dictRef)
+    if (present(convention)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "convention", convention)
+    if (present(title)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "title", title)
+    if (present(id)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "id", id)
+    if (present(ref)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "ref", ref)
+    if (present(role)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "role", role)
+    call stmAddValue(xf=xf, value=value, units=units, fmt=fmt)
+    call xml_EndElement(xf, "property")
+  end subroutine propertyRealDpArrSh
+  subroutine propertyRealSpArrSh &
+    (xf, value, dictRef, convention, title, id, ref, role, units, fmt)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout)              :: xf
+    real(sp), intent(in) , dimension(:)  :: value
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: dictRef
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: convention
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: title
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: ref
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: role
+    character(len=*), intent(in)   :: units
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: fmt
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    call xml_NewElement(xf, "property")
+    if (present(dictRef)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "dictRef", dictRef)
+    if (present(convention)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "convention", convention)
+    if (present(title)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "title", title)
+    if (present(id)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "id", id)
+    if (present(ref)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "ref", ref)
+    if (present(role)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "role", role)
+    call stmAddValue(xf=xf, value=value, units=units, fmt=fmt)
+    call xml_EndElement(xf, "property")
+  end subroutine propertyRealSpArrSh
+  subroutine propertyIntArrSh &
+    (xf, value, dictRef, convention, title, id, ref, role, units)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout)              :: xf
+    integer, intent(in) , dimension(:)  :: value
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: dictRef
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: convention
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: title
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: ref
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: role
+    character(len=*), intent(in)   :: units
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    call xml_NewElement(xf, "property")
+    if (present(dictRef)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "dictRef", dictRef)
+    if (present(convention)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "convention", convention)
+    if (present(title)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "title", title)
+    if (present(id)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "id", id)
+    if (present(ref)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "ref", ref)
+    if (present(role)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "role", role)
+    call stmAddValue(xf=xf, value=value, units=units)
+    call xml_EndElement(xf, "property")
+  end subroutine propertyIntArrSh
+  subroutine propertyLgArrSh &
+    (xf, value, dictRef, convention, title, id, ref, role)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout)              :: xf
+    logical, intent(in) , dimension(:)  :: value
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: dictRef
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: convention
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: title
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: ref
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: role
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    call xml_NewElement(xf, "property")
+    if (present(dictRef)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "dictRef", dictRef)
+    if (present(convention)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "convention", convention)
+    if (present(title)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "title", title)
+    if (present(id)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "id", id)
+    if (present(ref)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "ref", ref)
+    if (present(role)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "role", role)
+    call stmAddValue(xf=xf, value=value)
+    call xml_EndElement(xf, "property")
+  end subroutine propertyLgArrSh
+  subroutine propertyChArrSh &
+    (xf, value, dictRef, convention, title, id, ref, role, units)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout)              :: xf
+    character(len=*), intent(in) , dimension(:)  :: value
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: dictRef
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: convention
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: title
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: ref
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: role
+    character(len=*), intent(in) , optional  :: units
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    call xml_NewElement(xf, "property")
+    if (present(dictRef)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "dictRef", dictRef)
+    if (present(convention)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "convention", convention)
+    if (present(title)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "title", title)
+    if (present(id)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "id", id)
+    if (present(ref)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "ref", ref)
+    if (present(role)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "role", role)
+    call stmAddValue(xf=xf, value=value, units=units)
+    call xml_EndElement(xf, "property")
+  end subroutine propertyChArrSh
+  subroutine propertyCmplxDpMatSi &
+    (xf, value,nrows, ncols,  dictRef, convention, title, id, ref, role, units, fmt)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout)              :: xf
+    complex(dp), intent(in) , dimension(:,:)  :: value
+    integer, intent(in) :: nrows
+    integer, intent(in) :: ncols
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: dictRef
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: convention
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: title
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: ref
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: role
+    character(len=*), intent(in)   :: units
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: fmt
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    call xml_NewElement(xf, "property")
+    if (present(dictRef)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "dictRef", dictRef)
+    if (present(convention)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "convention", convention)
+    if (present(title)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "title", title)
+    if (present(id)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "id", id)
+    if (present(ref)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "ref", ref)
+    if (present(role)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "role", role)
+    call stmAddValue(xf=xf, value=value(:nrows, :ncols), units=units, fmt=fmt)
+    call xml_EndElement(xf, "property")
+  end subroutine propertyCmplxDpMatSi
+  subroutine propertyCmplxSpMatSi &
+    (xf, value,nrows, ncols,  dictRef, convention, title, id, ref, role, units, fmt)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout)              :: xf
+    complex(sp), intent(in) , dimension(:,:)  :: value
+    integer, intent(in) :: nrows
+    integer, intent(in) :: ncols
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: dictRef
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: convention
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: title
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: ref
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: role
+    character(len=*), intent(in)   :: units
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: fmt
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    call xml_NewElement(xf, "property")
+    if (present(dictRef)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "dictRef", dictRef)
+    if (present(convention)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "convention", convention)
+    if (present(title)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "title", title)
+    if (present(id)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "id", id)
+    if (present(ref)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "ref", ref)
+    if (present(role)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "role", role)
+    call stmAddValue(xf=xf, value=value(:nrows, :ncols), units=units, fmt=fmt)
+    call xml_EndElement(xf, "property")
+  end subroutine propertyCmplxSpMatSi
+  subroutine propertyRealDpMatSi &
+    (xf, value,nrows, ncols,  dictRef, convention, title, id, ref, role, units, fmt)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout)              :: xf
+    real(dp), intent(in) , dimension(:,:)  :: value
+    integer, intent(in) :: nrows
+    integer, intent(in) :: ncols
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: dictRef
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: convention
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: title
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: ref
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: role
+    character(len=*), intent(in)   :: units
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: fmt
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    call xml_NewElement(xf, "property")
+    if (present(dictRef)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "dictRef", dictRef)
+    if (present(convention)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "convention", convention)
+    if (present(title)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "title", title)
+    if (present(id)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "id", id)
+    if (present(ref)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "ref", ref)
+    if (present(role)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "role", role)
+    call stmAddValue(xf=xf, value=value(:nrows, :ncols), units=units, fmt=fmt)
+    call xml_EndElement(xf, "property")
+  end subroutine propertyRealDpMatSi
+  subroutine propertyRealSpMatSi &
+    (xf, value,nrows, ncols,  dictRef, convention, title, id, ref, role, units, fmt)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout)              :: xf
+    real(sp), intent(in) , dimension(:,:)  :: value
+    integer, intent(in) :: nrows
+    integer, intent(in) :: ncols
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: dictRef
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: convention
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: title
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: ref
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: role
+    character(len=*), intent(in)   :: units
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: fmt
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    call xml_NewElement(xf, "property")
+    if (present(dictRef)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "dictRef", dictRef)
+    if (present(convention)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "convention", convention)
+    if (present(title)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "title", title)
+    if (present(id)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "id", id)
+    if (present(ref)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "ref", ref)
+    if (present(role)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "role", role)
+    call stmAddValue(xf=xf, value=value(:nrows, :ncols), units=units, fmt=fmt)
+    call xml_EndElement(xf, "property")
+  end subroutine propertyRealSpMatSi
+  subroutine propertyIntMatSi &
+    (xf, value,nrows, ncols,  dictRef, convention, title, id, ref, role, units)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout)              :: xf
+    integer, intent(in) , dimension(:,:)  :: value
+    integer, intent(in) :: nrows
+    integer, intent(in) :: ncols
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: dictRef
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: convention
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: title
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: ref
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: role
+    character(len=*), intent(in)   :: units
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    call xml_NewElement(xf, "property")
+    if (present(dictRef)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "dictRef", dictRef)
+    if (present(convention)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "convention", convention)
+    if (present(title)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "title", title)
+    if (present(id)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "id", id)
+    if (present(ref)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "ref", ref)
+    if (present(role)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "role", role)
+    call stmAddValue(xf=xf, value=value(:nrows, :ncols), units=units)
+    call xml_EndElement(xf, "property")
+  end subroutine propertyIntMatSi
+  subroutine propertyLgMatSi &
+    (xf, value,nrows, ncols,  dictRef, convention, title, id, ref, role)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout)              :: xf
+    logical, intent(in) , dimension(:,:)  :: value
+    integer, intent(in) :: nrows
+    integer, intent(in) :: ncols
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: dictRef
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: convention
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: title
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: ref
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: role
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    call xml_NewElement(xf, "property")
+    if (present(dictRef)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "dictRef", dictRef)
+    if (present(convention)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "convention", convention)
+    if (present(title)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "title", title)
+    if (present(id)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "id", id)
+    if (present(ref)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "ref", ref)
+    if (present(role)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "role", role)
+    call stmAddValue(xf=xf, value=value(:nrows, :ncols))
+    call xml_EndElement(xf, "property")
+  end subroutine propertyLgMatSi
+  subroutine propertyChMatSi &
+    (xf, value,nrows, ncols,  dictRef, convention, title, id, ref, role, units)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout)              :: xf
+    character(len=*), intent(in) , dimension(:,:)  :: value
+    integer, intent(in) :: nrows
+    integer, intent(in) :: ncols
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: dictRef
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: convention
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: title
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: ref
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: role
+    character(len=*), intent(in) , optional  :: units
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    call xml_NewElement(xf, "property")
+    if (present(dictRef)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "dictRef", dictRef)
+    if (present(convention)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "convention", convention)
+    if (present(title)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "title", title)
+    if (present(id)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "id", id)
+    if (present(ref)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "ref", ref)
+    if (present(role)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "role", role)
+    call stmAddValue(xf=xf, value=value(:nrows, :ncols), units=units)
+    call xml_EndElement(xf, "property")
+  end subroutine propertyChMatSi
+  subroutine propertyCmplxDpMatSh &
+    (xf, value, dictRef, convention, title, id, ref, role, units, fmt)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout)              :: xf
+    complex(dp), intent(in) , dimension(:,:)  :: value
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: dictRef
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: convention
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: title
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: ref
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: role
+    character(len=*), intent(in)   :: units
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: fmt
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    call xml_NewElement(xf, "property")
+    if (present(dictRef)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "dictRef", dictRef)
+    if (present(convention)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "convention", convention)
+    if (present(title)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "title", title)
+    if (present(id)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "id", id)
+    if (present(ref)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "ref", ref)
+    if (present(role)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "role", role)
+    call stmAddValue(xf=xf, value=value, units=units, fmt=fmt)
+    call xml_EndElement(xf, "property")
+  end subroutine propertyCmplxDpMatSh
+  subroutine propertyCmplxSpMatSh &
+    (xf, value, dictRef, convention, title, id, ref, role, units, fmt)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout)              :: xf
+    complex(sp), intent(in) , dimension(:,:)  :: value
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: dictRef
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: convention
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: title
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: ref
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: role
+    character(len=*), intent(in)   :: units
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: fmt
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    call xml_NewElement(xf, "property")
+    if (present(dictRef)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "dictRef", dictRef)
+    if (present(convention)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "convention", convention)
+    if (present(title)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "title", title)
+    if (present(id)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "id", id)
+    if (present(ref)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "ref", ref)
+    if (present(role)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "role", role)
+    call stmAddValue(xf=xf, value=value, units=units, fmt=fmt)
+    call xml_EndElement(xf, "property")
+  end subroutine propertyCmplxSpMatSh
+  subroutine propertyRealDpMatSh &
+    (xf, value, dictRef, convention, title, id, ref, role, units, fmt)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout)              :: xf
+    real(dp), intent(in) , dimension(:,:)  :: value
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: dictRef
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: convention
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: title
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: ref
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: role
+    character(len=*), intent(in)   :: units
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: fmt
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    call xml_NewElement(xf, "property")
+    if (present(dictRef)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "dictRef", dictRef)
+    if (present(convention)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "convention", convention)
+    if (present(title)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "title", title)
+    if (present(id)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "id", id)
+    if (present(ref)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "ref", ref)
+    if (present(role)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "role", role)
+    call stmAddValue(xf=xf, value=value, units=units, fmt=fmt)
+    call xml_EndElement(xf, "property")
+  end subroutine propertyRealDpMatSh
+  subroutine propertyRealSpMatSh &
+    (xf, value, dictRef, convention, title, id, ref, role, units, fmt)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout)              :: xf
+    real(sp), intent(in) , dimension(:,:)  :: value
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: dictRef
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: convention
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: title
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: ref
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: role
+    character(len=*), intent(in)   :: units
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: fmt
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    call xml_NewElement(xf, "property")
+    if (present(dictRef)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "dictRef", dictRef)
+    if (present(convention)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "convention", convention)
+    if (present(title)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "title", title)
+    if (present(id)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "id", id)
+    if (present(ref)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "ref", ref)
+    if (present(role)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "role", role)
+    call stmAddValue(xf=xf, value=value, units=units, fmt=fmt)
+    call xml_EndElement(xf, "property")
+  end subroutine propertyRealSpMatSh
+  subroutine propertyIntMatSh &
+    (xf, value, dictRef, convention, title, id, ref, role, units)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout)              :: xf
+    integer, intent(in) , dimension(:,:)  :: value
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: dictRef
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: convention
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: title
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: ref
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: role
+    character(len=*), intent(in)   :: units
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    call xml_NewElement(xf, "property")
+    if (present(dictRef)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "dictRef", dictRef)
+    if (present(convention)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "convention", convention)
+    if (present(title)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "title", title)
+    if (present(id)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "id", id)
+    if (present(ref)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "ref", ref)
+    if (present(role)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "role", role)
+    call stmAddValue(xf=xf, value=value, units=units)
+    call xml_EndElement(xf, "property")
+  end subroutine propertyIntMatSh
+  subroutine propertyLgMatSh &
+    (xf, value, dictRef, convention, title, id, ref, role)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout)              :: xf
+    logical, intent(in) , dimension(:,:)  :: value
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: dictRef
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: convention
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: title
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: ref
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: role
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    call xml_NewElement(xf, "property")
+    if (present(dictRef)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "dictRef", dictRef)
+    if (present(convention)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "convention", convention)
+    if (present(title)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "title", title)
+    if (present(id)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "id", id)
+    if (present(ref)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "ref", ref)
+    if (present(role)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "role", role)
+    call stmAddValue(xf=xf, value=value)
+    call xml_EndElement(xf, "property")
+  end subroutine propertyLgMatSh
+  subroutine propertyChMatSh &
+    (xf, value, dictRef, convention, title, id, ref, role, units)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout)              :: xf
+    character(len=*), intent(in) , dimension(:,:)  :: value
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: dictRef
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: convention
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: title
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: ref
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: role
+    character(len=*), intent(in) , optional  :: units
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    call xml_NewElement(xf, "property")
+    if (present(dictRef)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "dictRef", dictRef)
+    if (present(convention)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "convention", convention)
+    if (present(title)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "title", title)
+    if (present(id)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "id", id)
+    if (present(ref)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "ref", ref)
+    if (present(role)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "role", role)
+    call stmAddValue(xf=xf, value=value, units=units)
+    call xml_EndElement(xf, "property")
+  end subroutine propertyChMatSh
+end module m_wcml_property
diff --git a/wcml/m_wcml_property.m4 b/wcml/m_wcml_property.m4
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6ebab7b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/m_wcml_property.m4
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+TOHWM4_wcml_quantity(`property', `(dictRef, convention, title, id, ref, role)')
diff --git a/wcml/m_wcml_stml.F90 b/wcml/m_wcml_stml.F90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..092a237
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/m_wcml_stml.F90
@@ -0,0 +1,1001 @@
+ ! This file is AUTOGENERATED!!!!
+! Do not edit this file; edit m_wcml_stml.m4 and regenerate.
+module m_wcml_stml
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+  use FoX_wxml, only: xmlf_t
+  use FoX_wxml, only: xml_NewElement, xml_EndElement
+  use FoX_wxml, only: xml_AddCharacters, xml_AddAttribute
+! Fix for pgi, requires this explicitly:
+  use m_wxml_overloads
+  implicit none
+  private
+  integer, private, parameter ::  sp = selected_real_kind(6,30)
+  integer, private, parameter ::  dp = selected_real_kind(14,100)
+  interface stmAddValue
+     module procedure stmAddCmplxDpSca
+     module procedure stmAddCmplxSpSca
+     module procedure stmAddRealDpSca
+     module procedure stmAddRealSpSca
+     module procedure stmAddIntSca
+     module procedure stmAddLgSca
+     module procedure stmAddChSca
+     module procedure stmAddCmplxDpArr
+     module procedure stmAddCmplxSpArr
+     module procedure stmAddRealDpArr
+     module procedure stmAddRealSpArr
+     module procedure stmAddIntArr
+     module procedure stmAddLgArr
+     module procedure stmAddChArr
+     module procedure stmAddCmplxDpMat
+     module procedure stmAddCmplxSpMat
+     module procedure stmAddRealDpMat
+     module procedure stmAddRealSpMat
+     module procedure stmAddIntMat
+     module procedure stmAddLgMat
+     module procedure stmAddChMat
+  end interface stmAddValue
+  interface stmAddScalar
+     module procedure stmAddCmplxDpSca
+     module procedure stmAddCmplxSpSca
+     module procedure stmAddRealDpSca
+     module procedure stmAddRealSpSca
+     module procedure stmAddIntSca
+     module procedure stmAddLgSca
+     module procedure stmAddChSca
+  end interface stmAddScalar
+  interface stmAddArray
+     module procedure stmAddCmplxDpArr
+     module procedure stmAddCmplxSpArr
+     module procedure stmAddRealDpArr
+     module procedure stmAddRealSpArr
+     module procedure stmAddIntArr
+     module procedure stmAddLgArr
+     module procedure stmAddChArr
+  end interface stmAddArray
+  interface stmAddMatrix
+     module procedure stmAddCmplxDpMat
+     module procedure stmAddCmplxSpMat
+     module procedure stmAddRealDpMat
+     module procedure stmAddRealSpMat
+     module procedure stmAddIntMat
+     module procedure stmAddLgMat
+     module procedure stmAddChMat
+  end interface stmAddMatrix
+  public :: stmAddValue
+  public :: stmAddScalar
+  public :: stmAddArray
+  public :: stmAddMatrix
+  subroutine stmAddCmplxDpSca(xf, value, &
+id, title, dictRef, convention, errorValue, errorBasis, min, max, ref &
+, units, fmt)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    complex(dp), intent(in)  :: value
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: title
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: dictRef
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: convention
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: errorValue
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: errorBasis
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: min
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: max
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: ref
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: units
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: fmt
+    call xml_NewElement(xf, "scalar")
+    call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "dataType", "fpx:complex")
+    if (present(id)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "id", id)
+    if (present(title)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "title", title)
+    if (present(dictRef)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "dictRef", dictRef)
+    if (present(convention)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "convention", convention)
+    if (present(errorValue)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "errorValue", errorValue)
+    if (present(errorBasis)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "errorBasis", errorBasis)
+    if (present(min)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "min", min)
+    if (present(max)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "max", max)
+    if (present(ref)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "ref", ref)
+    if (present(units)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "units", units)
+    call xml_AddCharacters(xf, value, fmt)
+    call xml_EndElement(xf, "scalar")
+  end subroutine stmAddCmplxDpSca
+  subroutine stmAddCmplxSpSca(xf, value, &
+id, title, dictRef, convention, errorValue, errorBasis, min, max, ref &
+, units, fmt)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    complex(sp), intent(in)  :: value
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: title
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: dictRef
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: convention
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: errorValue
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: errorBasis
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: min
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: max
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: ref
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: units
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: fmt
+    call xml_NewElement(xf, "scalar")
+    call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "dataType", "fpx:complex")
+    if (present(id)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "id", id)
+    if (present(title)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "title", title)
+    if (present(dictRef)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "dictRef", dictRef)
+    if (present(convention)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "convention", convention)
+    if (present(errorValue)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "errorValue", errorValue)
+    if (present(errorBasis)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "errorBasis", errorBasis)
+    if (present(min)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "min", min)
+    if (present(max)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "max", max)
+    if (present(ref)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "ref", ref)
+    if (present(units)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "units", units)
+    call xml_AddCharacters(xf, value, fmt)
+    call xml_EndElement(xf, "scalar")
+  end subroutine stmAddCmplxSpSca
+  subroutine stmAddRealDpSca(xf, value, &
+id, title, dictRef, convention, errorValue, errorBasis, min, max, ref &
+, units, fmt)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    real(dp), intent(in)  :: value
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: title
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: dictRef
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: convention
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: errorValue
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: errorBasis
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: min
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: max
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: ref
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: units
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: fmt
+    call xml_NewElement(xf, "scalar")
+    call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "dataType", "fpx:real")
+    if (present(id)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "id", id)
+    if (present(title)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "title", title)
+    if (present(dictRef)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "dictRef", dictRef)
+    if (present(convention)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "convention", convention)
+    if (present(errorValue)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "errorValue", errorValue)
+    if (present(errorBasis)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "errorBasis", errorBasis)
+    if (present(min)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "min", min)
+    if (present(max)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "max", max)
+    if (present(ref)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "ref", ref)
+    if (present(units)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "units", units)
+    call xml_AddCharacters(xf, value, fmt)
+    call xml_EndElement(xf, "scalar")
+  end subroutine stmAddRealDpSca
+  subroutine stmAddRealSpSca(xf, value, &
+id, title, dictRef, convention, errorValue, errorBasis, min, max, ref &
+, units, fmt)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    real(sp), intent(in)  :: value
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: title
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: dictRef
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: convention
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: errorValue
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: errorBasis
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: min
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: max
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: ref
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: units
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: fmt
+    call xml_NewElement(xf, "scalar")
+    call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "dataType", "fpx:real")
+    if (present(id)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "id", id)
+    if (present(title)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "title", title)
+    if (present(dictRef)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "dictRef", dictRef)
+    if (present(convention)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "convention", convention)
+    if (present(errorValue)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "errorValue", errorValue)
+    if (present(errorBasis)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "errorBasis", errorBasis)
+    if (present(min)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "min", min)
+    if (present(max)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "max", max)
+    if (present(ref)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "ref", ref)
+    if (present(units)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "units", units)
+    call xml_AddCharacters(xf, value, fmt)
+    call xml_EndElement(xf, "scalar")
+  end subroutine stmAddRealSpSca
+  subroutine stmAddIntSca(xf, value, &
+id, title, dictRef, convention, errorValue, errorBasis, min, max, ref &
+, units)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    integer, intent(in)  :: value
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: title
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: dictRef
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: convention
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: errorValue
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: errorBasis
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: min
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: max
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: ref
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: units
+    call xml_NewElement(xf, "scalar")
+    call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "dataType", "xsd:integer")
+    if (present(id)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "id", id)
+    if (present(title)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "title", title)
+    if (present(dictRef)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "dictRef", dictRef)
+    if (present(convention)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "convention", convention)
+    if (present(errorValue)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "errorValue", errorValue)
+    if (present(errorBasis)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "errorBasis", errorBasis)
+    if (present(min)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "min", min)
+    if (present(max)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "max", max)
+    if (present(ref)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "ref", ref)
+    if (present(units)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "units", units)
+    call xml_AddCharacters(xf, value)
+    call xml_EndElement(xf, "scalar")
+  end subroutine stmAddIntSca
+  subroutine stmAddLgSca(xf, value, &
+id, title, dictRef, convention, errorValue, errorBasis, min, max, ref &
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    logical, intent(in)  :: value
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: title
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: dictRef
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: convention
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: errorValue
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: errorBasis
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: min
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: max
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: ref
+    call xml_NewElement(xf, "scalar")
+    call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "dataType", "xsd:boolean")
+    if (present(id)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "id", id)
+    if (present(title)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "title", title)
+    if (present(dictRef)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "dictRef", dictRef)
+    if (present(convention)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "convention", convention)
+    if (present(errorValue)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "errorValue", errorValue)
+    if (present(errorBasis)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "errorBasis", errorBasis)
+    if (present(min)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "min", min)
+    if (present(max)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "max", max)
+    if (present(ref)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "ref", ref)
+    call xml_AddCharacters(xf, value)
+    call xml_EndElement(xf, "scalar")
+  end subroutine stmAddLgSca
+  subroutine stmAddChSca(xf, value, &
+id, title, dictRef, convention, errorValue, errorBasis, min, max, ref &
+, units, dataType )
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    character(len=*), intent(in)  :: value
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: title
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: dictRef
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: convention
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: errorValue
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: errorBasis
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: min
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: max
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: ref
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: units
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: dataType
+    call xml_NewElement(xf, "scalar")
+    if (present(dataType)) then
+      call xml_addAttribute(xf, "dataType", dataType)
+    else
+    call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "dataType", "xsd:string")
+    endif
+    if (present(id)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "id", id)
+    if (present(title)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "title", title)
+    if (present(dictRef)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "dictRef", dictRef)
+    if (present(convention)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "convention", convention)
+    if (present(errorValue)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "errorValue", errorValue)
+    if (present(errorBasis)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "errorBasis", errorBasis)
+    if (present(min)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "min", min)
+    if (present(max)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "max", max)
+    if (present(ref)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "ref", ref)
+    if (present(units)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "units", units)
+    call xml_AddCharacters(xf, value)
+    call xml_EndElement(xf, "scalar")
+  end subroutine stmAddChSca
+  subroutine stmAddCmplxDpArr(xf, value, &
+id, title, dictRef, convention, errorValue, errorBasis, min, max, ref &
+, units, fmt)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    complex(dp), intent(in) , dimension(:) :: value
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: title
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: dictRef
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: convention
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: errorValue
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: errorBasis
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: min
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: max
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: ref
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: units
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: fmt
+    call xml_NewElement(xf, "array")
+    call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "size", size(value))
+    call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "dataType", "fpx:complex")
+    if (present(id)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "id", id)
+    if (present(title)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "title", title)
+    if (present(dictRef)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "dictRef", dictRef)
+    if (present(convention)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "convention", convention)
+    if (present(errorValue)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "errorValue", errorValue)
+    if (present(errorBasis)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "errorBasis", errorBasis)
+    if (present(min)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "min", min)
+    if (present(max)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "max", max)
+    if (present(ref)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "ref", ref)
+    if (present(units)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "units", units)
+    call xml_AddCharacters(xf, value, fmt)
+    call xml_EndElement(xf, "array")
+  end subroutine stmAddCmplxDpArr
+  subroutine stmAddCmplxSpArr(xf, value, &
+id, title, dictRef, convention, errorValue, errorBasis, min, max, ref &
+, units, fmt)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    complex(sp), intent(in) , dimension(:) :: value
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: title
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: dictRef
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: convention
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: errorValue
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: errorBasis
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: min
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: max
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: ref
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: units
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: fmt
+    call xml_NewElement(xf, "array")
+    call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "size", size(value))
+    call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "dataType", "fpx:complex")
+    if (present(id)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "id", id)
+    if (present(title)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "title", title)
+    if (present(dictRef)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "dictRef", dictRef)
+    if (present(convention)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "convention", convention)
+    if (present(errorValue)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "errorValue", errorValue)
+    if (present(errorBasis)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "errorBasis", errorBasis)
+    if (present(min)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "min", min)
+    if (present(max)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "max", max)
+    if (present(ref)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "ref", ref)
+    if (present(units)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "units", units)
+    call xml_AddCharacters(xf, value, fmt)
+    call xml_EndElement(xf, "array")
+  end subroutine stmAddCmplxSpArr
+  subroutine stmAddRealDpArr(xf, value, &
+id, title, dictRef, convention, errorValue, errorBasis, min, max, ref &
+, units, fmt)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    real(dp), intent(in) , dimension(:) :: value
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: title
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: dictRef
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: convention
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: errorValue
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: errorBasis
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: min
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: max
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: ref
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: units
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: fmt
+    call xml_NewElement(xf, "array")
+    call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "size", size(value))
+    call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "dataType", "fpx:real")
+    if (present(id)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "id", id)
+    if (present(title)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "title", title)
+    if (present(dictRef)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "dictRef", dictRef)
+    if (present(convention)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "convention", convention)
+    if (present(errorValue)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "errorValue", errorValue)
+    if (present(errorBasis)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "errorBasis", errorBasis)
+    if (present(min)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "min", min)
+    if (present(max)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "max", max)
+    if (present(ref)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "ref", ref)
+    if (present(units)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "units", units)
+    call xml_AddCharacters(xf, value, fmt)
+    call xml_EndElement(xf, "array")
+  end subroutine stmAddRealDpArr
+  subroutine stmAddRealSpArr(xf, value, &
+id, title, dictRef, convention, errorValue, errorBasis, min, max, ref &
+, units, fmt)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    real(sp), intent(in) , dimension(:) :: value
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: title
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: dictRef
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: convention
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: errorValue
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: errorBasis
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: min
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: max
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: ref
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: units
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: fmt
+    call xml_NewElement(xf, "array")
+    call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "size", size(value))
+    call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "dataType", "fpx:real")
+    if (present(id)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "id", id)
+    if (present(title)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "title", title)
+    if (present(dictRef)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "dictRef", dictRef)
+    if (present(convention)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "convention", convention)
+    if (present(errorValue)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "errorValue", errorValue)
+    if (present(errorBasis)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "errorBasis", errorBasis)
+    if (present(min)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "min", min)
+    if (present(max)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "max", max)
+    if (present(ref)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "ref", ref)
+    if (present(units)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "units", units)
+    call xml_AddCharacters(xf, value, fmt)
+    call xml_EndElement(xf, "array")
+  end subroutine stmAddRealSpArr
+  subroutine stmAddIntArr(xf, value, &
+id, title, dictRef, convention, errorValue, errorBasis, min, max, ref &
+, units)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    integer, intent(in) , dimension(:) :: value
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: title
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: dictRef
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: convention
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: errorValue
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: errorBasis
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: min
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: max
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: ref
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: units
+    call xml_NewElement(xf, "array")
+    call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "size", size(value))
+    call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "dataType", "xsd:integer")
+    if (present(id)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "id", id)
+    if (present(title)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "title", title)
+    if (present(dictRef)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "dictRef", dictRef)
+    if (present(convention)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "convention", convention)
+    if (present(errorValue)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "errorValue", errorValue)
+    if (present(errorBasis)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "errorBasis", errorBasis)
+    if (present(min)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "min", min)
+    if (present(max)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "max", max)
+    if (present(ref)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "ref", ref)
+    if (present(units)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "units", units)
+    call xml_AddCharacters(xf, value)
+    call xml_EndElement(xf, "array")
+  end subroutine stmAddIntArr
+  subroutine stmAddLgArr(xf, value, &
+id, title, dictRef, convention, errorValue, errorBasis, min, max, ref &
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    logical, intent(in) , dimension(:) :: value
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: title
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: dictRef
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: convention
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: errorValue
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: errorBasis
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: min
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: max
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: ref
+    call xml_NewElement(xf, "array")
+    call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "size", size(value))
+    call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "dataType", "xsd:boolean")
+    if (present(id)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "id", id)
+    if (present(title)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "title", title)
+    if (present(dictRef)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "dictRef", dictRef)
+    if (present(convention)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "convention", convention)
+    if (present(errorValue)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "errorValue", errorValue)
+    if (present(errorBasis)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "errorBasis", errorBasis)
+    if (present(min)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "min", min)
+    if (present(max)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "max", max)
+    if (present(ref)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "ref", ref)
+    call xml_AddCharacters(xf, value)
+    call xml_EndElement(xf, "array")
+  end subroutine stmAddLgArr
+  subroutine stmAddChArr(xf, value, &
+id, title, dictRef, convention, errorValue, errorBasis, min, max, ref &
+, units, dataType , delimiter)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    character(len=*), intent(in) , dimension(:) :: value
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: title
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: dictRef
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: convention
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: errorValue
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: errorBasis
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: min
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: max
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: ref
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: units
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: dataType
+    character(len=1), intent(in), optional :: delimiter
+    call xml_NewElement(xf, "array")
+    call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "size", size(value))
+    if (present(delimiter)) then
+      call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "delimiter", delimiter)
+    else
+      call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "delimiter", " ")
+    endif
+    if (present(dataType)) then
+      call xml_addAttribute(xf, "dataType", dataType)
+    else
+    call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "dataType", "xsd:string")
+    endif
+    if (present(id)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "id", id)
+    if (present(title)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "title", title)
+    if (present(dictRef)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "dictRef", dictRef)
+    if (present(convention)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "convention", convention)
+    if (present(errorValue)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "errorValue", errorValue)
+    if (present(errorBasis)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "errorBasis", errorBasis)
+    if (present(min)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "min", min)
+    if (present(max)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "max", max)
+    if (present(ref)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "ref", ref)
+    if (present(units)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "units", units)
+    call xml_AddCharacters(xf, value, delimiter)
+    call xml_EndElement(xf, "array")
+  end subroutine stmAddChArr
+  subroutine stmAddCmplxDpMat(xf, value, &
+id, title, dictRef, convention, errorValue, errorBasis, min, max, ref &
+, units, fmt)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    complex(dp), intent(in) , dimension(:,:) :: value
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: title
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: dictRef
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: convention
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: errorValue
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: errorBasis
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: min
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: max
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: ref
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: units
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: fmt
+    call xml_NewElement(xf, "matrix")
+    call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "rows", size(value,1))
+    call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "columns", size(value,2))
+    call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "dataType", "fpx:complex")
+    if (present(id)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "id", id)
+    if (present(title)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "title", title)
+    if (present(dictRef)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "dictRef", dictRef)
+    if (present(convention)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "convention", convention)
+    if (present(errorValue)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "errorValue", errorValue)
+    if (present(errorBasis)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "errorBasis", errorBasis)
+    if (present(min)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "min", min)
+    if (present(max)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "max", max)
+    if (present(ref)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "ref", ref)
+    if (present(units)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "units", units)
+    call xml_AddCharacters(xf, value, fmt)
+    call xml_EndElement(xf, "matrix")
+  end subroutine stmAddCmplxDpMat
+  subroutine stmAddCmplxSpMat(xf, value, &
+id, title, dictRef, convention, errorValue, errorBasis, min, max, ref &
+, units, fmt)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    complex(sp), intent(in) , dimension(:,:) :: value
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: title
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: dictRef
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: convention
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: errorValue
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: errorBasis
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: min
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: max
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: ref
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: units
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: fmt
+    call xml_NewElement(xf, "matrix")
+    call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "rows", size(value,1))
+    call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "columns", size(value,2))
+    call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "dataType", "fpx:complex")
+    if (present(id)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "id", id)
+    if (present(title)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "title", title)
+    if (present(dictRef)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "dictRef", dictRef)
+    if (present(convention)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "convention", convention)
+    if (present(errorValue)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "errorValue", errorValue)
+    if (present(errorBasis)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "errorBasis", errorBasis)
+    if (present(min)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "min", min)
+    if (present(max)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "max", max)
+    if (present(ref)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "ref", ref)
+    if (present(units)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "units", units)
+    call xml_AddCharacters(xf, value, fmt)
+    call xml_EndElement(xf, "matrix")
+  end subroutine stmAddCmplxSpMat
+  subroutine stmAddRealDpMat(xf, value, &
+id, title, dictRef, convention, errorValue, errorBasis, min, max, ref &
+, units, fmt)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    real(dp), intent(in) , dimension(:,:) :: value
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: title
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: dictRef
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: convention
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: errorValue
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: errorBasis
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: min
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: max
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: ref
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: units
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: fmt
+    call xml_NewElement(xf, "matrix")
+    call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "rows", size(value,1))
+    call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "columns", size(value,2))
+    call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "dataType", "fpx:real")
+    if (present(id)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "id", id)
+    if (present(title)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "title", title)
+    if (present(dictRef)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "dictRef", dictRef)
+    if (present(convention)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "convention", convention)
+    if (present(errorValue)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "errorValue", errorValue)
+    if (present(errorBasis)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "errorBasis", errorBasis)
+    if (present(min)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "min", min)
+    if (present(max)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "max", max)
+    if (present(ref)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "ref", ref)
+    if (present(units)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "units", units)
+    call xml_AddCharacters(xf, value, fmt)
+    call xml_EndElement(xf, "matrix")
+  end subroutine stmAddRealDpMat
+  subroutine stmAddRealSpMat(xf, value, &
+id, title, dictRef, convention, errorValue, errorBasis, min, max, ref &
+, units, fmt)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    real(sp), intent(in) , dimension(:,:) :: value
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: title
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: dictRef
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: convention
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: errorValue
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: errorBasis
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: min
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: max
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: ref
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: units
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: fmt
+    call xml_NewElement(xf, "matrix")
+    call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "rows", size(value,1))
+    call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "columns", size(value,2))
+    call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "dataType", "fpx:real")
+    if (present(id)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "id", id)
+    if (present(title)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "title", title)
+    if (present(dictRef)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "dictRef", dictRef)
+    if (present(convention)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "convention", convention)
+    if (present(errorValue)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "errorValue", errorValue)
+    if (present(errorBasis)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "errorBasis", errorBasis)
+    if (present(min)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "min", min)
+    if (present(max)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "max", max)
+    if (present(ref)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "ref", ref)
+    if (present(units)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "units", units)
+    call xml_AddCharacters(xf, value, fmt)
+    call xml_EndElement(xf, "matrix")
+  end subroutine stmAddRealSpMat
+  subroutine stmAddIntMat(xf, value, &
+id, title, dictRef, convention, errorValue, errorBasis, min, max, ref &
+, units)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    integer, intent(in) , dimension(:,:) :: value
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: title
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: dictRef
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: convention
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: errorValue
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: errorBasis
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: min
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: max
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: ref
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: units
+    call xml_NewElement(xf, "matrix")
+    call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "rows", size(value,1))
+    call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "columns", size(value,2))
+    call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "dataType", "xsd:integer")
+    if (present(id)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "id", id)
+    if (present(title)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "title", title)
+    if (present(dictRef)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "dictRef", dictRef)
+    if (present(convention)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "convention", convention)
+    if (present(errorValue)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "errorValue", errorValue)
+    if (present(errorBasis)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "errorBasis", errorBasis)
+    if (present(min)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "min", min)
+    if (present(max)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "max", max)
+    if (present(ref)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "ref", ref)
+    if (present(units)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "units", units)
+    call xml_AddCharacters(xf, value)
+    call xml_EndElement(xf, "matrix")
+  end subroutine stmAddIntMat
+  subroutine stmAddLgMat(xf, value, &
+id, title, dictRef, convention, errorValue, errorBasis, min, max, ref &
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    logical, intent(in) , dimension(:,:) :: value
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: title
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: dictRef
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: convention
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: errorValue
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: errorBasis
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: min
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: max
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: ref
+    call xml_NewElement(xf, "matrix")
+    call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "rows", size(value,1))
+    call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "columns", size(value,2))
+    call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "dataType", "xsd:boolean")
+    if (present(id)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "id", id)
+    if (present(title)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "title", title)
+    if (present(dictRef)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "dictRef", dictRef)
+    if (present(convention)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "convention", convention)
+    if (present(errorValue)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "errorValue", errorValue)
+    if (present(errorBasis)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "errorBasis", errorBasis)
+    if (present(min)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "min", min)
+    if (present(max)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "max", max)
+    if (present(ref)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "ref", ref)
+    call xml_AddCharacters(xf, value)
+    call xml_EndElement(xf, "matrix")
+  end subroutine stmAddLgMat
+  subroutine stmAddChMat(xf, value, &
+id, title, dictRef, convention, errorValue, errorBasis, min, max, ref &
+, units, dataType , delimiter)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    character(len=*), intent(in) , dimension(:,:) :: value
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: title
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: dictRef
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: convention
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: errorValue
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: errorBasis
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: min
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: max
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: ref
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: units
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: dataType
+    character(len=1), intent(in), optional :: delimiter
+    call xml_NewElement(xf, "matrix")
+    call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "rows", size(value,1))
+    call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "columns", size(value,2))
+    if (present(delimiter)) then
+      call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "delimiter", delimiter)
+    else
+      call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "delimiter", " ")
+    endif
+    if (present(dataType)) then
+      call xml_addAttribute(xf, "dataType", dataType)
+    else
+    call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "dataType", "xsd:string")
+    endif
+    if (present(id)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "id", id)
+    if (present(title)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "title", title)
+    if (present(dictRef)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "dictRef", dictRef)
+    if (present(convention)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "convention", convention)
+    if (present(errorValue)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "errorValue", errorValue)
+    if (present(errorBasis)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "errorBasis", errorBasis)
+    if (present(min)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "min", min)
+    if (present(max)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "max", max)
+    if (present(ref)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "ref", ref)
+    if (present(units)) call xml_addAttribute(xf, "units", units)
+    call xml_AddCharacters(xf, value, delimiter)
+    call xml_EndElement(xf, "matrix")
+  end subroutine stmAddChMat
+end module m_wcml_stml
diff --git a/wcml/m_wcml_stml.m4 b/wcml/m_wcml_stml.m4
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2c39ea4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/m_wcml_stml.m4
@@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
+define(`TOHWM4_splitlines', `dnl
+dnl Cannot for the life of me do this splitting correctly in m4 alone.
+esyscmd(`echo "'$1`" | awk \{i=1\;while\(i\<\(\length\(\)-132\)\)\{print\ \substr\(\$\0,i,131\)\"\&\"\;i+=131\}print\ substr\(\$\0,i,132\)\} -') dnl
+') dnl
+define(`TOHWM4_subroutinename', `stmAdd$1')dnl
+define(`TOHWM4_interfacename',`module procedure TOHWM4_subroutinename(`$1',`$2',`$3',`$4')')dnl
+define(`TOHWM4_interfacelist', `dnl
+     module procedure stmAdd$1$2
+define(`TOHWM4_dummyargcall', `,`$1'=`$1'')dnl
+  subroutine stmAdd$1$3(xf, value, &
+TOHWM4_dummyarglist($2) &
+ifelse(`$1', `Lg', `', `, units')`'dnl
+ifelse(`$1', `Ch', `, dataType ifelse(`$3', `Sca', `', `, delimiter')')`'dnl
+ifelse(substr($1,0,4), `Real', `, fmt', substr($1,0,5), `Cmplx', `, fmt')`'dnl
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    TOHWM4_declarationtype($1), intent(in) dnl
+ifelse(`$3', `Arr', `, dimension(:)', `$3', `Mat', `, dimension(:,:)') dnl 
+:: value
+m4_foreach(`x', `$2', `TOHWM4_dummyargdecl(x)')
+ifelse(`$1', `Lg', `', `dnl
+ifelse(`$1', `Ch', `dnl
+ifelse(`$3', `Sca', `', `dnl
+    character(len=1), intent(in), optional :: delimiter
+ifelse(`$3', `Sca', `dnl
+    call xml_NewElement(xf, "scalar")
+', `$3', `Arr', `dnl
+    call xml_NewElement(xf, "array")
+    call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "size", size(value))
+', `$3', `Mat', `dnl
+    call xml_NewElement(xf, "matrix")
+    call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "rows", size(value,1))
+    call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "columns", size(value,2))
+ifelse(`$1', `Ch', `dnl
+ifelse(`$3', `Sca', `', `dnl
+    if (present(delimiter)) then
+      call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "delimiter", delimiter)
+    else
+      call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "delimiter", " ")
+    endif
+    if (present(dataType)) then
+      call xml_addAttribute(xf, "dataType", dataType)
+    else
+    call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "dataType", dnl
+ifelse(`$1', `Ch', `    endif')
+m4_foreach(`x', $2, `TOHWM4_dummyarguse(x)')
+ifelse(`$1', `Lg', `', `dnl
+    call xml_AddCharacters(xf, value`'dnl
+ifelse(substr($1,0,4), `Real', `, fmt)', substr($1,0,5), `Cmplx', `, fmt)',
+`$1', `Ch', `ifelse(`$3', `Sca', `)', `, delimiter)')', `)')
+ifelse(`$3', `Sca', `dnl
+    call xml_EndElement(xf, "scalar")
+', `$3', `Arr', `dnl
+    call xml_EndElement(xf, "array")
+', `$3', `Mat', `dnl
+    call xml_EndElement(xf, "matrix")
+  end subroutine stmAdd$1$3
+! This file is AUTOGENERATED!!!!
+! Do not edit this file; edit m_wcml_stml.m4 and regenerate.
+module m_wcml_stml
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+  use FoX_wxml, only: xmlf_t
+  use FoX_wxml, only: xml_NewElement, xml_EndElement
+  use FoX_wxml, only: xml_AddCharacters, xml_AddAttribute
+! Fix for pgi, requires this explicitly:
+  use m_wxml_overloads
+  implicit none
+  private
+  integer, private, parameter ::  sp = selected_real_kind(6,30)
+  integer, private, parameter ::  dp = selected_real_kind(14,100)
+  interface stmAddValue
+m4_foreach(`x', TOHWM4_types, `TOHWM4_interfacelist(x, `Sca')')
+m4_foreach(`x', TOHWM4_types, `TOHWM4_interfacelist(x, `Arr')')
+m4_foreach(`x', TOHWM4_types, `TOHWM4_interfacelist(x, `Mat')')
+  end interface stmAddValue
+  interface stmAddScalar
+m4_foreach(`x', TOHWM4_types, `TOHWM4_interfacelist(x, `Sca')')
+  end interface stmAddScalar
+  interface stmAddArray
+m4_foreach(`x', TOHWM4_types, `TOHWM4_interfacelist(x, `Arr')')
+  end interface stmAddArray
+  interface stmAddMatrix
+m4_foreach(`x', TOHWM4_types, `TOHWM4_interfacelist(x, `Mat')')
+  end interface stmAddMatrix
+  public :: stmAddValue
+  public :: stmAddScalar
+  public :: stmAddArray
+  public :: stmAddMatrix
+m4_foreach(`x', TOHWM4_types, `TOHWM4_stml_sub(x,`(id, title, dictRef, convention, errorValue, errorBasis, min, max, ref)',`Sca')
+m4_foreach(`x', TOHWM4_types, `TOHWM4_stml_sub(x,`(id, title, dictRef, convention, errorValue, errorBasis, min, max, ref)',`Arr')
+m4_foreach(`x', TOHWM4_types, `TOHWM4_stml_sub(x,`(id, title, dictRef, convention, errorValue, errorBasis, min, max, ref)',`Mat')
+end module m_wcml_stml
diff --git a/wcml/makefile b/wcml/makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ee54829
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+default: install
+OBJFILES=FoX_wcml.$(OBJEXT) m_wcml_coma.$(OBJEXT) m_wcml_core.$(OBJEXT) m_wcml_stml.$(OBJEXT) \
+         m_wcml_parameter.$(OBJEXT) m_wcml_property.$(OBJEXT) m_wcml_metadata.$(OBJEXT) \
+         m_wcml_lattice.$(OBJEXT) m_wcml_geometry.$(OBJEXT) m_wcml_molecule.$(OBJEXT) \
+         m_wcml_lists.$(OBJEXT)
+	m4 -I ../m4 $< > $@
+include ../arch.make
+CP=cp -p
+install: $(OBJFILES)
+	@echo "  ==> Creating $(LIBRARY) with $(OBJFILES)"
+	$(CP) $(LIBRARY) $(LIB_DIR) ;
+	for i in *.$(MOD_EXT) ; do  \
+           $(CP) $$i $(MOD_DIR); done
+	(cd test; make) | tee -a ../wcml_lib_check.out
+	rm -f *.$(OBJEXT)  *.$(MOD_EXT) $(LIBRARY)
+m_wcml_coma.F90: m_wcml_coma.m4
+m_wcml_geometry.F90: m_wcml_geometry.m4
+m_wcml_lattice.F90: m_wcml_lattice.m4
+m_wcml_lists.F90: m_wcml_lists.m4
+m_wcml_molecule.F90: m_wcml_molecule.m4
+m_wcml_parameter.F90: m_wcml_parameter.m4 ../m4/quantity.m4 ../m4/foreach.m4 ../m4/datatypes.m4 ../m4/common.m4
+m_wcml_property.F90: m_wcml_property.m4 ../m4/quantity.m4 ../m4/foreach.m4 ../m4/datatypes.m4 ../m4/common.m4 
+m_wcml_stml.F90: m_wcml_stml.m4 ../m4/foreach.m4 ../m4/common.m4 ../m4/datatypes.m4
+# DO NOT DELETE THIS LINE - used by make depend
+FoX_wcml.$(OBJEXT): m_wcml_coma.$(OBJEXT) m_wcml_core.$(OBJEXT) m_wcml_geometry.$(OBJEXT) m_wcml_lattice.$(OBJEXT)
+FoX_wcml.$(OBJEXT): m_wcml_lists.$(OBJEXT) m_wcml_metadata.$(OBJEXT) m_wcml_molecule.$(OBJEXT)
+FoX_wcml.$(OBJEXT): m_wcml_parameter.$(OBJEXT) m_wcml_property.$(OBJEXT) m_wcml_stml.$(OBJEXT)
+m_wcml_coma.$(OBJEXT): m_wcml_stml.$(OBJEXT)
+m_wcml_core.$(OBJEXT): m_wcml_metadata.$(OBJEXT)
+m_wcml_parameter.$(OBJEXT): m_wcml_stml.$(OBJEXT)
+m_wcml_property.$(OBJEXT): m_wcml_stml.$(OBJEXT)
diff --git a/wcml/test/Makefile b/wcml/test/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7928aa2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+include ../../arch.make
+INCFLAGS=`../../FoX-config --fcflags`
+	$(FC) $(FFLAGS) $(INCFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) $(FCFLAGS_free_f90) $(LINK_O_FLAG) $@ $< `../../FoX-config --libs --wcml`
+check: clean
+	./run_tests.sh
+	rm -f *.$(OBJEXT) *.exe
diff --git a/wcml/test/passed.sh b/wcml/test/passed.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..daf021f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/passed.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+if [ $1 = yes ]; then
+  echo 'PASSED: ' $2
+  echo 'PASSED: ' $2 >> tests.out
+  echo -n '1' >> passed.score
+  echo 'FAILED: ' $2
+  echo 'FAILED: ' $2 >> tests.out
+  echo -n '1' >> failed.score
diff --git a/wcml/test/run_tests.sh b/wcml/test/run_tests.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..ad5b361
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/run_tests.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+INCFLAGS=`../../FoX-config --fcflags`
+export INCFLAGS
+rm -f passed.score failed.score
+rm -f tests.out failed.out
+touch passed.score failed.score
+for t in test_cml?*.sh
+  ./$t
+echo RESULT wcml/ Test Results:
+echo RESULT wcml/ Passed: `wc -l passed.score| cut -f 1 -d 'p'`
+echo RESULT wcml/ Failed: `wc -l failed.score| cut -f 1 -d 'f'`
+echo RESULT wcml/ See wcml/test/failed.out for details of failed tests.
diff --git a/wcml/test/test.sh b/wcml/test/test.sh
new file mode 120000
index 0000000..58f5e3f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test.sh
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cml.sh b/wcml/test/test_cml.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..e521c92
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cml.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+#!/bin/sh -e
+for t in ${0%.sh}_*.f90
+  TEST=${t%.f90}
+  ./test.sh $TEST
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlAddBandList.sh b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddBandList.sh
new file mode 120000
index 0000000..1b6b382
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddBandList.sh
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlAddBandList_1.f90 b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddBandList_1.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a89a883
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddBandList_1.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wcml
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call cmlBeginFile(xf, filename, unit=-1)
+  call cmlStartCml(xf)
+  call cmlAddBandList(xf, values=(/1.0, 2.0, 3.0/), units="units:eV")
+  call cmlFinishFile(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlAddBandList_1.xml b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddBandList_1.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..92d86c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddBandList_1.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<cml convention="CMLComp" fileId="test.xml" xmlns="http://www.xml-cml.org/schema" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:fpx="http://www.uszla.me.uk/fpx" xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" xmlns:units="http://www.uszla.me.uk/FoX/units" xmlns:cmlUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/units" xmlns:siUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/siUnits" xmlns:atomicUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/atomic">
+  <bandList>
+    <eigen>
+      <array size="3" dataType="fpx:real" units="units:eV">1.00000e0 2.00000e0 3.00000e0</array>
+    </eigen>
+  </bandList>
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlAddBandList_2.f90 b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddBandList_2.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5708e7c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddBandList_2.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wcml
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call cmlBeginFile(xf, filename, unit=-1)
+  call cmlStartCml(xf)
+  call cmlAddBandList(xf, spin="up", values=(/1.0, 2.0, 3.0/), units="units:eV")
+  call cmlFinishFile(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlAddBandList_2.xml b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddBandList_2.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d2bfee9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddBandList_2.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<cml convention="CMLComp" fileId="test.xml" xmlns="http://www.xml-cml.org/schema" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:fpx="http://www.uszla.me.uk/fpx" xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" xmlns:units="http://www.uszla.me.uk/FoX/units" xmlns:cmlUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/units" xmlns:siUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/siUnits" xmlns:atomicUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/atomic">
+  <bandList spin="up">
+    <eigen>
+      <array size="3" dataType="fpx:real" units="units:eV">1.00000e0 2.00000e0 3.00000e0</array>
+    </eigen>
+  </bandList>
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlAddBandList_3.f90 b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddBandList_3.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3b05f0e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddBandList_3.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wcml
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call cmlBeginFile(xf, filename, unit=-1)
+  call cmlStartCml(xf)
+  call cmlAddBandList(xf, values=(/1.0d0, 2.0d0, 3.0d0/), units="units:eV")
+  call cmlFinishFile(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlAddBandList_3.xml b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddBandList_3.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2b6bae8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddBandList_3.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<cml convention="CMLComp" fileId="test.xml" xmlns="http://www.xml-cml.org/schema" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:fpx="http://www.uszla.me.uk/fpx" xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" xmlns:units="http://www.uszla.me.uk/FoX/units" xmlns:cmlUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/units" xmlns:siUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/siUnits" xmlns:atomicUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/atomic">
+  <bandList>
+    <eigen>
+      <array size="3" dataType="fpx:real" units="units:eV">1.000000000000e0 2.000000000000e0 3.000000000000e0</array>
+    </eigen>
+  </bandList>
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlAddBandList_4.f90 b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddBandList_4.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..defcf27
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddBandList_4.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wcml
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call cmlBeginFile(xf, filename, unit=-1)
+  call cmlStartCml(xf)
+  call cmlAddBandList(xf, spin="up", values=(/1.0d0, 2.0d0, 3.0d0/), units="units:eV")
+  call cmlFinishFile(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlAddBandList_4.xml b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddBandList_4.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0663726
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddBandList_4.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<cml convention="CMLComp" fileId="test.xml" xmlns="http://www.xml-cml.org/schema" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:fpx="http://www.uszla.me.uk/fpx" xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" xmlns:units="http://www.uszla.me.uk/FoX/units" xmlns:cmlUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/units" xmlns:siUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/siUnits" xmlns:atomicUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/atomic">
+  <bandList spin="up">
+    <eigen>
+      <array size="3" dataType="fpx:real" units="units:eV">1.000000000000e0 2.000000000000e0 3.000000000000e0</array>
+    </eigen>
+  </bandList>
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlAddCrystal.sh b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddCrystal.sh
new file mode 120000
index 0000000..1b6b382
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddCrystal.sh
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlAddCrystal_1.f90 b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddCrystal_1.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2983a0e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddCrystal_1.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wcml
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  double precision, dimension(3) :: lens, angs
+  lens = (/1.0, 1.0, 1.0/)
+  angs = (/90.0, 90.0, 90.0/)
+  call cmlBeginFile(xf, filename, unit=-1)
+  call cmlStartCml(xf)
+  call cmlAddCrystal(xf, lens(1), lens(2), lens(3), angs(1), angs(2), angs(3), &
+       lenfmt="r3", angfmt="r3")
+  call cmlFinishFile(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlAddCrystal_1.xml b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddCrystal_1.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..453c8b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddCrystal_1.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<cml convention="CMLComp" fileId="test.xml" xmlns="http://www.xml-cml.org/schema" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:fpx="http://www.uszla.me.uk/fpx" xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" xmlns:units="http://www.uszla.me.uk/FoX/units" xmlns:cmlUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/units" xmlns:siUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/siUnits" xmlns:atomicUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/atomic">
+  <crystal>
+    <cellParameter latticeType="real" parameterType="length" units="units:angstrom">1.000 1.000 1.000</cellParameter>
+    <cellParameter latticeType="real" parameterType="angle" units="units:degree">90.000 90.000 90.000</cellParameter>
+  </crystal>
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlAddCrystal_2.f90 b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddCrystal_2.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2ba8e5c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddCrystal_2.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wcml
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  double precision, dimension(3) :: lens, angs
+  lens = (/1.0d0, 1.0d0, 1.0d0/)
+  angs = (/90.0d0, 90.0d0, 90.0d0/)
+  call cmlBeginFile(xf, filename, unit=-1)
+  call cmlStartCml(xf)
+  call cmlAddCrystal(xf, lens(1), lens(2), lens(3), angs(1), angs(2), angs(3), &
+       lenfmt="r3", angfmt="r3")
+  call cmlFinishFile(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlAddCrystal_2.xml b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddCrystal_2.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..453c8b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddCrystal_2.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<cml convention="CMLComp" fileId="test.xml" xmlns="http://www.xml-cml.org/schema" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:fpx="http://www.uszla.me.uk/fpx" xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" xmlns:units="http://www.uszla.me.uk/FoX/units" xmlns:cmlUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/units" xmlns:siUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/siUnits" xmlns:atomicUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/atomic">
+  <crystal>
+    <cellParameter latticeType="real" parameterType="length" units="units:angstrom">1.000 1.000 1.000</cellParameter>
+    <cellParameter latticeType="real" parameterType="angle" units="units:degree">90.000 90.000 90.000</cellParameter>
+  </crystal>
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlAddEigenValue.sh b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddEigenValue.sh
new file mode 120000
index 0000000..1b6b382
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddEigenValue.sh
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlAddEigenValueVector.sh b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddEigenValueVector.sh
new file mode 120000
index 0000000..1b6b382
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddEigenValueVector.sh
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlAddEigenValueVector_1.f90 b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddEigenValueVector_1.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..987a68a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddEigenValueVector_1.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wcml
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call cmlBeginFile(xf, filename, unit=-1)
+  call cmlStartCml(xf)
+  call cmlStartBand(xf)
+  call cmlAddEigenValueVector(xf, eigval=5.43, &
+    eigvec=reshape((/1.0, 2.0, 3.0/), (/1,3/)), units="units:eV")
+  call cmlEndBand(xf)
+  call cmlFinishFile(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlAddEigenValueVector_1.xml b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddEigenValueVector_1.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..511d031
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddEigenValueVector_1.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<cml convention="CMLComp" fileId="test.xml" xmlns="http://www.xml-cml.org/schema" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:fpx="http://www.uszla.me.uk/fpx" xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" xmlns:units="http://www.uszla.me.uk/FoX/units" xmlns:cmlUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/units" xmlns:siUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/siUnits" xmlns:atomicUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/atomic">
+  <band>
+    <eigen>
+      <scalar dataType="fpx:real" units="units:eV">5.43000e0</scalar>
+      <matrix rows="1" columns="3" dataType="fpx:real" units="units:dimensionless">1.00000e0 2.00000e0 3.00000e0</matrix>
+    </eigen>
+  </band>
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlAddEigenValueVector_2.f90 b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddEigenValueVector_2.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..59641c5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddEigenValueVector_2.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wcml
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call cmlBeginFile(xf, filename, unit=-1)
+  call cmlStartCml(xf)
+  call cmlStartBand(xf)
+  call cmlAddEigenValueVector(xf, eigval=5.43d0, &
+    eigvec=reshape((/1.0d0, 2.0d0, 3.0d0/), (/1,3/)), units="units:eV")
+  call cmlEndBand(xf)
+  call cmlFinishFile(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlAddEigenValueVector_2.xml b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddEigenValueVector_2.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1981a5c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddEigenValueVector_2.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<cml convention="CMLComp" fileId="test.xml" xmlns="http://www.xml-cml.org/schema" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:fpx="http://www.uszla.me.uk/fpx" xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" xmlns:units="http://www.uszla.me.uk/FoX/units" xmlns:cmlUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/units" xmlns:siUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/siUnits" xmlns:atomicUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/atomic">
+  <band>
+    <eigen>
+      <scalar dataType="fpx:real" units="units:eV">5.430000000000e0</scalar>
+      <matrix rows="1" columns="3" dataType="fpx:real" units="units:dimensionless">1.000000000000e0 2.000000000000e0 3.000000000000e0</matrix>
+    </eigen>
+  </band>
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlAddEigenValueVector_3.f90 b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddEigenValueVector_3.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dadc33d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddEigenValueVector_3.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wcml
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call cmlBeginFile(xf, filename, unit=-1)
+  call cmlStartCml(xf)
+  call cmlStartBand(xf)
+  call cmlAddEigenValueVector(xf, eigval=5.43, &
+    eigvec=reshape((/(1.0,0.0), (2.0,0.0), (3.0,0.0)/), (/1,3/)), units="units:eV")
+  call cmlEndBand(xf)
+  call cmlFinishFile(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlAddEigenValueVector_3.xml b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddEigenValueVector_3.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..36172e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddEigenValueVector_3.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<cml convention="CMLComp" fileId="test.xml" xmlns="http://www.xml-cml.org/schema" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:fpx="http://www.uszla.me.uk/fpx" xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" xmlns:units="http://www.uszla.me.uk/FoX/units" xmlns:cmlUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/units" xmlns:siUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/siUnits" xmlns:atomicUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/atomic">
+  <band>
+    <eigen>
+      <scalar dataType="fpx:real" units="units:eV">5.43000e0</scalar>
+      <matrix rows="1" columns="3" dataType="fpx:complex" units="units:dimensionless">(1.00000e0)+i(0.00000e0) (2.00000e0)+i(0.00000e0) (3.00000e0)+i(0.00000e0)</matrix>
+    </eigen>
+  </band>
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlAddEigenValueVector_4.f90 b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddEigenValueVector_4.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b63f8ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddEigenValueVector_4.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wcml
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call cmlBeginFile(xf, filename, unit=-1)
+  call cmlStartCml(xf)
+  call cmlStartBand(xf)
+  call cmlAddEigenValueVector(xf, eigval=5.43d0, &
+    eigvec=reshape((/(1.0d0,0.0d0), (2.0d0,0.0d0), (3.0d0,0.0d0)/), (/1,3/)), units="units:eV")
+  call cmlEndBand(xf)
+  call cmlFinishFile(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlAddEigenValueVector_4.xml b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddEigenValueVector_4.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b3e1d7c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddEigenValueVector_4.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<cml convention="CMLComp" fileId="test.xml" xmlns="http://www.xml-cml.org/schema" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:fpx="http://www.uszla.me.uk/fpx" xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" xmlns:units="http://www.uszla.me.uk/FoX/units" xmlns:cmlUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/units" xmlns:siUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/siUnits" xmlns:atomicUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/atomic">
+  <band>
+    <eigen>
+      <scalar dataType="fpx:real" units="units:eV">5.430000000000e0</scalar>
+      <matrix rows="1" columns="3" dataType="fpx:complex" units="units:dimensionless">(1.000000000000e0)+i(0.000000000000e0) (2.000000000000e0)+i(0.000000000000e0) (3.000000000000e0)+i(0.000000000000e0)</matrix>
+    </eigen>
+  </band>
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlAddEigenValue_1.f90 b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddEigenValue_1.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0e75e6f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddEigenValue_1.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wcml
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call cmlBeginFile(xf, filename, unit=-1)
+  call cmlStartCml(xf)
+  call cmlStartBand(xf)
+  call cmlAddEigenValue(xf, 5.43, units="units:eV")
+  call cmlEndBand(xf)
+  call cmlFinishFile(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlAddEigenValue_1.xml b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddEigenValue_1.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..269d48d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddEigenValue_1.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<cml convention="CMLComp" fileId="test.xml" xmlns="http://www.xml-cml.org/schema" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:fpx="http://www.uszla.me.uk/fpx" xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" xmlns:units="http://www.uszla.me.uk/FoX/units" xmlns:cmlUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/units" xmlns:siUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/siUnits" xmlns:atomicUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/atomic">
+  <band>
+    <eigen>
+      <scalar dataType="fpx:real" units="units:eV">5.43000e0</scalar>
+    </eigen>
+  </band>
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlAddEigenValue_2.f90 b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddEigenValue_2.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5828dd9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddEigenValue_2.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wcml
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call cmlBeginFile(xf, filename, unit=-1)
+  call cmlStartCml(xf)
+  call cmlStartBand(xf)
+  call cmlAddEigenValue(xf, 5.43d0, units="units:eV")
+  call cmlEndBand(xf)
+  call cmlFinishFile(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlAddEigenValue_2.xml b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddEigenValue_2.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8507639
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddEigenValue_2.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<cml convention="CMLComp" fileId="test.xml" xmlns="http://www.xml-cml.org/schema" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:fpx="http://www.uszla.me.uk/fpx" xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" xmlns:units="http://www.uszla.me.uk/FoX/units" xmlns:cmlUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/units" xmlns:siUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/siUnits" xmlns:atomicUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/atomic">
+  <band>
+    <eigen>
+      <scalar dataType="fpx:real" units="units:eV">5.430000000000e0</scalar>
+    </eigen>
+  </band>
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlAddKpoint.sh b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddKpoint.sh
new file mode 120000
index 0000000..1b6b382
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddKpoint.sh
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlAddKpoint_1.f90 b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddKpoint_1.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9e89b7d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddKpoint_1.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wcml
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call cmlBeginFile(xf, filename, unit=-1)
+  call cmlStartCml(xf)
+  call cmlAddKpoint(xf, coords=(/1.0, 2.0, 3.0/))
+  call cmlFinishFile(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlAddKpoint_1.xml b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddKpoint_1.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3e461cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddKpoint_1.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<cml convention="CMLComp" fileId="test.xml" xmlns="http://www.xml-cml.org/schema" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:fpx="http://www.uszla.me.uk/fpx" xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" xmlns:units="http://www.uszla.me.uk/FoX/units" xmlns:cmlUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/units" xmlns:siUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/siUnits" xmlns:atomicUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/atomic">
+  <kpoint coords="1.00000e0 2.00000e0 3.00000e0"/>
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlAddKpoint_2.f90 b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddKpoint_2.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3836687
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddKpoint_2.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wcml
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call cmlBeginFile(xf, filename, unit=-1)
+  call cmlStartCml(xf)
+  call cmlAddKpoint(xf, coords=(/1.0d0, 2.0d0, 3.0d0/))
+  call cmlFinishFile(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlAddKpoint_2.xml b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddKpoint_2.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..da8d832
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddKpoint_2.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<cml convention="CMLComp" fileId="test.xml" xmlns="http://www.xml-cml.org/schema" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:fpx="http://www.uszla.me.uk/fpx" xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" xmlns:units="http://www.uszla.me.uk/FoX/units" xmlns:cmlUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/units" xmlns:siUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/siUnits" xmlns:atomicUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/atomic">
+  <kpoint coords="1.000000000000e0 2.000000000000e0 3.000000000000e0"/>
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlAddKpoint_3.f90 b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddKpoint_3.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ff33e03
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddKpoint_3.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wcml
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call cmlBeginFile(xf, filename, unit=-1)
+  call cmlStartCml(xf)
+  call cmlAddKpoint(xf, coords=(/1.0, 2.0, 3.0/), weight=0.75)
+  call cmlFinishFile(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlAddKpoint_3.xml b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddKpoint_3.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cc8d922
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddKpoint_3.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<cml convention="CMLComp" fileId="test.xml" xmlns="http://www.xml-cml.org/schema" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:fpx="http://www.uszla.me.uk/fpx" xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" xmlns:units="http://www.uszla.me.uk/FoX/units" xmlns:cmlUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/units" xmlns:siUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/siUnits" xmlns:atomicUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/atomic">
+  <kpoint coords="1.00000e0 2.00000e0 3.00000e0" weight="7.50000e-1"/>
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlAddKpoint_4.f90 b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddKpoint_4.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3f03bd7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddKpoint_4.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wcml
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call cmlBeginFile(xf, filename, unit=-1)
+  call cmlStartCml(xf)
+  call cmlAddKpoint(xf, coords=(/1.0d0, 2.0d0, 3.0d0/), weight=0.75d0)
+  call cmlFinishFile(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlAddKpoint_4.xml b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddKpoint_4.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..947f465
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddKpoint_4.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<cml convention="CMLComp" fileId="test.xml" xmlns="http://www.xml-cml.org/schema" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:fpx="http://www.uszla.me.uk/fpx" xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" xmlns:units="http://www.uszla.me.uk/FoX/units" xmlns:cmlUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/units" xmlns:siUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/siUnits" xmlns:atomicUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/atomic">
+  <kpoint coords="1.000000000000e0 2.000000000000e0 3.000000000000e0" weight="7.500000000000e-1"/>
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlAddLattice.sh b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddLattice.sh
new file mode 120000
index 0000000..1b6b382
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddLattice.sh
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlAddLattice_1.f90 b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddLattice_1.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..106b53b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddLattice_1.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wcml
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  real, dimension(3,3) :: ucell
+  ucell = reshape((/  1.0, 0.5, 0.5,   &
+                      0.0, 1.0, 0.0,   &
+                      0.0, 0.0, 1.0/), &
+                   (/3,3/))
+  call cmlBeginFile(xf, filename, unit=-1)
+  call cmlStartCml(xf)
+  call cmlAddLattice(xf, cell=ucell, fmt="s3")
+  call cmlFinishFile(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlAddLattice_1.xml b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddLattice_1.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..50cb5a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddLattice_1.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<cml convention="CMLComp" fileId="test.xml" xmlns="http://www.xml-cml.org/schema" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:fpx="http://www.uszla.me.uk/fpx" xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" xmlns:units="http://www.uszla.me.uk/FoX/units" xmlns:cmlUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/units" xmlns:siUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/siUnits" xmlns:atomicUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/atomic">
+  <lattice>
+    <latticeVector units="units:angstrom" dictRef="cml:latticeVector">1.00e0 5.00e-1 5.00e-1</latticeVector>
+    <latticeVector units="units:angstrom" dictRef="cml:latticeVector">0.00e0 1.00e0 0.00e0</latticeVector>
+    <latticeVector units="units:angstrom" dictRef="cml:latticeVector">0.00e0 0.00e0 1.00e0</latticeVector>
+  </lattice>
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlAddLattice_2.f90 b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddLattice_2.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c239e89
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddLattice_2.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wcml
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  double precision, dimension(3,3) :: ucell
+  ucell = reshape((/  1.0d0, 0.5d0, 0.5d0,   &
+                      0.0d0, 1.0d0, 0.0d0,   &
+                      0.0d0, 0.0d0, 1.0d0/), &
+                   (/3,3/))
+  call cmlBeginFile(xf, filename, unit=-1)
+  call cmlStartCml(xf)
+  call cmlAddLattice(xf, cell=ucell, fmt="s3")
+  call cmlFinishFile(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlAddLattice_2.xml b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddLattice_2.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..50cb5a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddLattice_2.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<cml convention="CMLComp" fileId="test.xml" xmlns="http://www.xml-cml.org/schema" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:fpx="http://www.uszla.me.uk/fpx" xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" xmlns:units="http://www.uszla.me.uk/FoX/units" xmlns:cmlUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/units" xmlns:siUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/siUnits" xmlns:atomicUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/atomic">
+  <lattice>
+    <latticeVector units="units:angstrom" dictRef="cml:latticeVector">1.00e0 5.00e-1 5.00e-1</latticeVector>
+    <latticeVector units="units:angstrom" dictRef="cml:latticeVector">0.00e0 1.00e0 0.00e0</latticeVector>
+    <latticeVector units="units:angstrom" dictRef="cml:latticeVector">0.00e0 0.00e0 1.00e0</latticeVector>
+  </lattice>
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlAddMetadata.sh b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddMetadata.sh
new file mode 120000
index 0000000..1b6b382
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddMetadata.sh
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlAddMetadata_1.f90 b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddMetadata_1.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d82f811
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddMetadata_1.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wcml
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call cmlBeginFile(xf, filename, unit=-1)
+  call cmlStartCml(xf)
+  call cmlAddMetadata(xf, name="name", content="value")
+  call cmlFinishFile(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlAddMetadata_1.xml b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddMetadata_1.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..99252cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddMetadata_1.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<cml convention="CMLComp" fileId="test.xml" xmlns="http://www.xml-cml.org/schema" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:fpx="http://www.uszla.me.uk/fpx" xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" xmlns:units="http://www.uszla.me.uk/FoX/units" xmlns:cmlUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/units" xmlns:siUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/siUnits" xmlns:atomicUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/atomic">
+  <metadata name="name" content="value"/>
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlAddMolecule.sh b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddMolecule.sh
new file mode 120000
index 0000000..1b6b382
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddMolecule.sh
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlAddMolecule_1.f90 b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddMolecule_1.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c32cd76
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddMolecule_1.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wcml
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  real, dimension(3,4) :: coords
+  character(len=2), dimension(4) :: elems
+  coords = reshape((/  0.0,    0.0, 0.0,   &
+                       0.0,  1.203, 0.0,   &
+                    -0.934, -0.579, 0.0,   &
+                     0.934, -0.579, 0.0/), &
+                   (/3,4/))
+  elems = (/"C ", "O ", "H ", "H "/)
+  call cmlBeginFile(xf, filename, unit=-1)
+  call cmlStartCml(xf)
+  call cmlAddMolecule(xf, coords=coords, elements=elems, title="Formaldehyde")
+  call cmlFinishFile(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlAddMolecule_1.xml b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddMolecule_1.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..777081f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddMolecule_1.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<cml convention="CMLComp" fileId="test.xml" xmlns="http://www.xml-cml.org/schema" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:fpx="http://www.uszla.me.uk/fpx" xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" xmlns:units="http://www.uszla.me.uk/FoX/units" xmlns:cmlUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/units" xmlns:siUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/siUnits" xmlns:atomicUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/atomic">
+  <molecule title="Formaldehyde">
+    <atomArray>
+      <atom elementType="C" x3="0.00000e0" y3="0.00000e0" z3="0.00000e0"/>
+      <atom elementType="O" x3="0.00000e0" y3="1.20300e0" z3="0.00000e0"/>
+      <atom elementType="H" x3="-9.34000e-1" y3="-5.79000e-1" z3="0.00000e0"/>
+      <atom elementType="H" x3="9.34000e-1" y3="-5.79000e-1" z3="0.00000e0"/>
+    </atomArray>
+  </molecule>
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlAddMolecule_10.f90 b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddMolecule_10.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..62261e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddMolecule_10.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wcml
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  real, dimension(3,4) :: coords
+  character(len=2), dimension(4) :: elems
+  coords = reshape((/  0.0,    0.0, 0.0,   &
+                       0.0,  1.203, 0.0,   &
+                    -0.934, -0.579, 0.0,   &
+                     0.934, -0.579, 0.0/), &
+                   (/3,4/))
+  elems = (/"C ", "O ", "H ", "H "/)
+  call cmlBeginFile(xf, filename, unit=-1)
+  call cmlStartCml(xf)
+  call cmlAddMolecule(xf, coords=coords, elements=elems, title="Formaldehyde", &
+    atomIds=(/"c1", "o1", "h1", "h2"/), bondAtom1Refs=(/"c1", "c1", "c1"/), &
+    bondAtom2Refs=(/"o1", "h1", "h2"/), bondOrders=(/"D", "S", "S"/), &
+    bondIds=(/"c1_o1", "c1_h1", "c1_h2"/))
+  call cmlFinishFile(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlAddMolecule_10.xml b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddMolecule_10.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5e05fc2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddMolecule_10.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<cml convention="CMLComp" fileId="test.xml" xmlns="http://www.xml-cml.org/schema" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:fpx="http://www.uszla.me.uk/fpx" xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" xmlns:units="http://www.uszla.me.uk/FoX/units" xmlns:cmlUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/units" xmlns:siUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/siUnits" xmlns:atomicUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/atomic">
+  <molecule title="Formaldehyde">
+    <atomArray>
+      <atom elementType="C" x3="0.00000e0" y3="0.00000e0" z3="0.00000e0" id="c1"/>
+      <atom elementType="O" x3="0.00000e0" y3="1.20300e0" z3="0.00000e0" id="o1"/>
+      <atom elementType="H" x3="-9.34000e-1" y3="-5.79000e-1" z3="0.00000e0" id="h1"/>
+      <atom elementType="H" x3="9.34000e-1" y3="-5.79000e-1" z3="0.00000e0" id="h2"/>
+    </atomArray>
+    <bondArray>
+      <bond atomRefs2="c1 o1" order="D" id="c1_o1"/>
+      <bond atomRefs2="c1 h1" order="S" id="c1_h1"/>
+      <bond atomRefs2="c1 h2" order="S" id="c1_h2"/>
+    </bondArray>
+  </molecule>
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlAddMolecule_11.f90 b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddMolecule_11.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9016780
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddMolecule_11.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wcml
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  real, dimension(3,4) :: coords
+  character(len=2), dimension(4) :: elems
+  coords = reshape((/  0.0,    0.0, 0.0,   &
+                       0.0,  1.203, 0.0,   &
+                    -0.934, -0.579, 0.0,   &
+                     0.934, -0.579, 0.0/), &
+                   (/3,4/))
+  elems = (/"C ", "O ", "H ", "H "/)
+  call cmlBeginFile(xf, filename, unit=-1)
+  call cmlStartCml(xf)
+  call cmlAddMolecule(xf, coords=coords, elements=elems, title="Formaldehyde", &
+    atomIds=(/"c1", "o1", "h1", "h2"/), bondAtom1Refs=(/"c1", "c1", "c1"/), &
+    bondAtom2Refs=(/"o1", "h1", "h7"/), bondOrders=(/"D", "S", "S"/), &
+    bondIds=(/"c1_o1", "c1_h1", "c1_h7"/))
+  call cmlFinishFile(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlAddMolecule_11.out b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddMolecule_11.out
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..911b5e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddMolecule_11.out
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+h7 not found in checkBondIdRefs
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlAddMolecule_12.f90 b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddMolecule_12.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..16ef689
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddMolecule_12.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wcml
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  real, dimension(3,4) :: coords
+  character(len=2), dimension(4) :: elems
+  coords = reshape((/  0.0,    0.0, 0.0,   &
+                       0.0,  1.203, 0.0,   &
+                    -0.934, -0.579, 0.0,   &
+                     0.934, -0.579, 0.0/), &
+                   (/3,4/))
+  elems = (/"C ", "O ", "H ", "H "/)
+  call cmlBeginFile(xf, filename, unit=-1)
+  call cmlStartCml(xf)
+  call cmlAddMolecule(xf, coords=coords, elements=elems, title="Formaldehyde", &
+    atomIds=(/"c1", "o1", "h1", "h2"/), bondAtom1Refs=(/"c1", "c1", "c1"/), &
+    bondAtom2Refs=(/"o1", "h1", "h1"/), bondOrders=(/"D", "S", "S"/))
+  call cmlFinishFile(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlAddMolecule_12.out b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddMolecule_12.out
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3a7e5f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddMolecule_12.out
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+A bond cannot be added twice.
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlAddMolecule_13.f90 b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddMolecule_13.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ea605fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddMolecule_13.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wcml
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  real, dimension(3,4) :: coords
+  character(len=2), dimension(4) :: elems
+  coords = reshape((/  0.0,    0.0, 0.0,   &
+                       0.0,  1.203, 0.0,   &
+                    -0.934, -0.579, 0.0,   &
+                     0.934, -0.579, 0.0/), &
+                   (/3,4/))
+  elems = (/"C ", "O ", "H ", "H "/)
+  call cmlBeginFile(xf, filename, unit=-1)
+  call cmlStartCml(xf)
+  call cmlAddMolecule(xf, coords=coords, elements=elems, title="Formaldehyde", &
+    atomIds=(/"c1", "o1", "h1", "h2"/), bondAtom1Refs=(/"c1", "c1", "c1", "c1"/), &
+    bondAtom2Refs=(/"o1", "h1", "h2", "c1"/), bondOrders=(/"D", "S", "S", "S"/))
+  call cmlFinishFile(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlAddMolecule_13.out b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddMolecule_13.out
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ee64de4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddMolecule_13.out
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+The two atomRefs in a bond must be different
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlAddMolecule_2.f90 b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddMolecule_2.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..31f41c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddMolecule_2.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wcml
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  real, dimension(3,4) :: coords
+  character(len=2), dimension(4) :: elems
+  coords = reshape((/  0.0,    0.0, 0.0,   &
+                       0.0,  1.203, 0.0,   &
+                    -0.934, -0.579, 0.0,   &
+                     0.934, -0.579, 0.0/), &
+                   (/3,4/))
+  elems = (/"C ", "O ", "H ", "H "/)
+  call cmlBeginFile(xf, filename, unit=-1)
+  call cmlStartCml(xf)
+  call cmlAddMolecule(xf, coords=coords, elements=elems, title="Formaldehyde", style="fractional")
+  call cmlFinishFile(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlAddMolecule_2.xml b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddMolecule_2.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5a1c65a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddMolecule_2.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<cml convention="CMLComp" fileId="test.xml" xmlns="http://www.xml-cml.org/schema" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:fpx="http://www.uszla.me.uk/fpx" xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" xmlns:units="http://www.uszla.me.uk/FoX/units" xmlns:cmlUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/units" xmlns:siUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/siUnits" xmlns:atomicUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/atomic">
+  <molecule title="Formaldehyde">
+    <atomArray>
+      <atom elementType="C" xFract="0.00000e0" yFract="0.00000e0" zFract="0.00000e0"/>
+      <atom elementType="O" xFract="0.00000e0" yFract="1.20300e0" zFract="0.00000e0"/>
+      <atom elementType="H" xFract="-9.34000e-1" yFract="-5.79000e-1" zFract="0.00000e0"/>
+      <atom elementType="H" xFract="9.34000e-1" yFract="-5.79000e-1" zFract="0.00000e0"/>
+    </atomArray>
+  </molecule>
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlAddMolecule_3.f90 b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddMolecule_3.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e2528a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddMolecule_3.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wcml
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  real, dimension(3,4) :: coords
+  character(len=2), dimension(4) :: elems
+  coords = reshape((/  0.0,    0.0, 0.0,   &
+                       0.0,  1.203, 0.0,   &
+                    -0.934, -0.579, 0.0,   &
+                     0.934, -0.579, 0.0/), &
+                   (/3,4/))
+  elems = (/"C ", "O ", "H ", "H "/)
+  call cmlBeginFile(xf, filename, unit=-1)
+  call cmlStartCml(xf)
+  call cmlAddMolecule(xf, coords=coords, elements=elems, title="Formaldehyde", style="DL_POLY")
+  call cmlFinishFile(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlAddMolecule_3.xml b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddMolecule_3.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8204820
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddMolecule_3.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<cml convention="CMLComp" fileId="test.xml" xmlns="http://www.xml-cml.org/schema" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:fpx="http://www.uszla.me.uk/fpx" xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" xmlns:units="http://www.uszla.me.uk/FoX/units" xmlns:cmlUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/units" xmlns:siUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/siUnits" xmlns:atomicUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/atomic">
+  <molecule title="Formaldehyde">
+    <matrix nrows="4" ncols="11" dataType="xsd:string">
+      C   1
+      0.00000e0 0.00000e0 0.00000e0
+      0 0 0
+      0 0 0
+      O   2
+      0.00000e0 1.20300e0 0.00000e0
+      0 0 0
+      0 0 0
+      H   3
+      -9.34000e-1 -5.79000e-1 0.00000e0
+      0 0 0
+      0 0 0
+      H   4
+      9.34000e-1 -5.79000e-1 0.00000e0
+      0 0 0
+      0 0 0
+      </matrix>
+  </molecule>
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlAddMolecule_4.f90 b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddMolecule_4.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a9c43f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddMolecule_4.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wcml
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  real, dimension(3,4) :: coords
+  character(len=2), dimension(4) :: elems
+  coords = reshape((/  0.0,    0.0, 0.0,   &
+                       0.0,  1.203, 0.0,   &
+                    -0.934, -0.579, 0.0,   &
+                     0.934, -0.579, 0.0/), &
+                   (/3,4/))
+  elems = (/"C ", "O ", "H ", "H "/)
+  call cmlBeginFile(xf, filename, unit=-1)
+  call cmlStartCml(xf)
+  call cmlAddMolecule(xf, x=coords(1,:), y=coords(2,:), z=coords(3,:), elements=elems, title="Formaldehyde")
+  call cmlFinishFile(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlAddMolecule_4.xml b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddMolecule_4.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..777081f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddMolecule_4.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<cml convention="CMLComp" fileId="test.xml" xmlns="http://www.xml-cml.org/schema" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:fpx="http://www.uszla.me.uk/fpx" xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" xmlns:units="http://www.uszla.me.uk/FoX/units" xmlns:cmlUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/units" xmlns:siUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/siUnits" xmlns:atomicUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/atomic">
+  <molecule title="Formaldehyde">
+    <atomArray>
+      <atom elementType="C" x3="0.00000e0" y3="0.00000e0" z3="0.00000e0"/>
+      <atom elementType="O" x3="0.00000e0" y3="1.20300e0" z3="0.00000e0"/>
+      <atom elementType="H" x3="-9.34000e-1" y3="-5.79000e-1" z3="0.00000e0"/>
+      <atom elementType="H" x3="9.34000e-1" y3="-5.79000e-1" z3="0.00000e0"/>
+    </atomArray>
+  </molecule>
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlAddMolecule_5.f90 b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddMolecule_5.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a43d3d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddMolecule_5.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wcml
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  real, dimension(3,4) :: coords
+  character(len=2), dimension(4) :: elems
+  coords = reshape((/  0.0,    0.0, 0.0,   &
+                       0.0,  1.203, 0.0,   &
+                    -0.934, -0.579, 0.0,   &
+                     0.934, -0.579, 0.0/), &
+                   (/3,4/))
+  elems = (/"C ", "O ", "H ", "H "/)
+  call cmlBeginFile(xf, filename, unit=-1)
+  call cmlStartCml(xf)
+  call cmlAddMolecule(xf, x=coords(1,:), y=coords(2,:), z=coords(3,:), elements=elems, style="fractional", title="Formaldehyde")
+  call cmlFinishFile(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlAddMolecule_5.xml b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddMolecule_5.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5a1c65a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddMolecule_5.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<cml convention="CMLComp" fileId="test.xml" xmlns="http://www.xml-cml.org/schema" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:fpx="http://www.uszla.me.uk/fpx" xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" xmlns:units="http://www.uszla.me.uk/FoX/units" xmlns:cmlUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/units" xmlns:siUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/siUnits" xmlns:atomicUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/atomic">
+  <molecule title="Formaldehyde">
+    <atomArray>
+      <atom elementType="C" xFract="0.00000e0" yFract="0.00000e0" zFract="0.00000e0"/>
+      <atom elementType="O" xFract="0.00000e0" yFract="1.20300e0" zFract="0.00000e0"/>
+      <atom elementType="H" xFract="-9.34000e-1" yFract="-5.79000e-1" zFract="0.00000e0"/>
+      <atom elementType="H" xFract="9.34000e-1" yFract="-5.79000e-1" zFract="0.00000e0"/>
+    </atomArray>
+  </molecule>
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlAddMolecule_6.f90 b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddMolecule_6.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..67f125d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddMolecule_6.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wcml
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  real, dimension(3,4) :: coords
+  character(len=2), dimension(4) :: elems
+  coords = reshape((/  0.0,    0.0, 0.0,   &
+                       0.0,  1.203, 0.0,   &
+                    -0.934, -0.579, 0.0,   &
+                     0.934, -0.579, 0.0/), &
+                   (/3,4/))
+  elems = (/"C ", "O ", "H ", "H "/)
+  call cmlBeginFile(xf, filename, unit=-1)
+  call cmlStartCml(xf)
+  call cmlAddMolecule(xf, x=coords(1,:), y=coords(2,:), z=coords(3,:), elements=elems, title="Formaldehyde", style="DL_POLY")
+  call cmlFinishFile(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlAddMolecule_6.xml b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddMolecule_6.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8204820
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddMolecule_6.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<cml convention="CMLComp" fileId="test.xml" xmlns="http://www.xml-cml.org/schema" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:fpx="http://www.uszla.me.uk/fpx" xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" xmlns:units="http://www.uszla.me.uk/FoX/units" xmlns:cmlUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/units" xmlns:siUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/siUnits" xmlns:atomicUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/atomic">
+  <molecule title="Formaldehyde">
+    <matrix nrows="4" ncols="11" dataType="xsd:string">
+      C   1
+      0.00000e0 0.00000e0 0.00000e0
+      0 0 0
+      0 0 0
+      O   2
+      0.00000e0 1.20300e0 0.00000e0
+      0 0 0
+      0 0 0
+      H   3
+      -9.34000e-1 -5.79000e-1 0.00000e0
+      0 0 0
+      0 0 0
+      H   4
+      9.34000e-1 -5.79000e-1 0.00000e0
+      0 0 0
+      0 0 0
+      </matrix>
+  </molecule>
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlAddMolecule_7.f90 b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddMolecule_7.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6859739
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddMolecule_7.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wcml
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  real, dimension(3,4) :: coords
+  character(len=2), dimension(4) :: elems
+  coords = reshape((/  0.0,    0.0, 0.0,   &
+                       0.0,  1.203, 0.0,   &
+                    -0.934, -0.579, 0.0,   &
+                     0.934, -0.579, 0.0/), &
+                   (/3,4/))
+  elems = (/"C ", "O ", "H ", "H "/)
+  call cmlBeginFile(xf, filename, unit=-1)
+  call cmlStartCml(xf)
+  call cmlStartMolecule(xf, title="Formaldehyde")
+  call cmlAddAtoms(xf, coords=coords, elements=elems)
+  call cmlEndMolecule(xf)
+  call cmlFinishFile(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlAddMolecule_7.xml b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddMolecule_7.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..777081f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddMolecule_7.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<cml convention="CMLComp" fileId="test.xml" xmlns="http://www.xml-cml.org/schema" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:fpx="http://www.uszla.me.uk/fpx" xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" xmlns:units="http://www.uszla.me.uk/FoX/units" xmlns:cmlUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/units" xmlns:siUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/siUnits" xmlns:atomicUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/atomic">
+  <molecule title="Formaldehyde">
+    <atomArray>
+      <atom elementType="C" x3="0.00000e0" y3="0.00000e0" z3="0.00000e0"/>
+      <atom elementType="O" x3="0.00000e0" y3="1.20300e0" z3="0.00000e0"/>
+      <atom elementType="H" x3="-9.34000e-1" y3="-5.79000e-1" z3="0.00000e0"/>
+      <atom elementType="H" x3="9.34000e-1" y3="-5.79000e-1" z3="0.00000e0"/>
+    </atomArray>
+  </molecule>
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlAddMolecule_8.f90 b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddMolecule_8.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3ef6a9e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddMolecule_8.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wcml
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  real, dimension(3,4) :: coords
+  character(len=2), dimension(4) :: elems
+  coords = reshape((/  0.0,    0.0, 0.0,   &
+                       0.0,  1.203, 0.0,   &
+                    -0.934, -0.579, 0.0,   &
+                     0.934, -0.579, 0.0/), &
+                   (/3,4/))
+  elems = (/"C ", "O ", "H ", "H "/)
+  call cmlBeginFile(xf, filename, unit=-1)
+  call cmlStartCml(xf)
+  call cmlStartMolecule(xf, title="Formaldehyde")
+  call cmlAddAtoms(xf, coords=coords, elements=elems)
+  call cmlAddParticles(xf, coords=coords)
+  call cmlEndMolecule(xf)
+  call cmlFinishFile(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlAddMolecule_8.xml b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddMolecule_8.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ff0251a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddMolecule_8.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<cml convention="CMLComp" fileId="test.xml" xmlns="http://www.xml-cml.org/schema" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:fpx="http://www.uszla.me.uk/fpx" xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" xmlns:units="http://www.uszla.me.uk/FoX/units" xmlns:cmlUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/units" xmlns:siUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/siUnits" xmlns:atomicUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/atomic">
+  <molecule title="Formaldehyde">
+    <atomArray>
+      <atom elementType="C" x3="0.00000e0" y3="0.00000e0" z3="0.00000e0"/>
+      <atom elementType="O" x3="0.00000e0" y3="1.20300e0" z3="0.00000e0"/>
+      <atom elementType="H" x3="-9.34000e-1" y3="-5.79000e-1" z3="0.00000e0"/>
+      <atom elementType="H" x3="9.34000e-1" y3="-5.79000e-1" z3="0.00000e0"/>
+    </atomArray>
+    <atomArray>
+      <particle x3="0.00000e0" y3="0.00000e0" z3="0.00000e0"/>
+      <particle x3="0.00000e0" y3="1.20300e0" z3="0.00000e0"/>
+      <particle x3="-9.34000e-1" y3="-5.79000e-1" z3="0.00000e0"/>
+      <particle x3="9.34000e-1" y3="-5.79000e-1" z3="0.00000e0"/>
+    </atomArray>
+  </molecule>
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlAddMolecule_9.f90 b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddMolecule_9.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..afd6ac8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddMolecule_9.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wcml
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  real, dimension(3,4) :: coords
+  character(len=2), dimension(4) :: elems
+  coords = reshape((/  0.0,    0.0, 0.0,   &
+                       0.0,  1.203, 0.0,   &
+                    -0.934, -0.579, 0.0,   &
+                     0.934, -0.579, 0.0/), &
+                   (/3,4/))
+  elems = (/"C ", "O ", "H ", "H "/)
+  call cmlBeginFile(xf, filename, unit=-1)
+  call cmlStartCml(xf)
+  call cmlAddMolecule(xf, coords=coords, elements=elems, title="Formaldehyde", &
+    atomIds=(/"c1", "o1", "h1", "h2"/), bondAtom1Refs=(/"c1", "c1", "c1"/), &
+    bondAtom2Refs=(/"o1", "h1", "h2"/), bondOrders=(/"D", "S", "S"/))
+  call cmlFinishFile(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlAddMolecule_9.xml b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddMolecule_9.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9c50fb6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddMolecule_9.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<cml convention="CMLComp" fileId="test.xml" xmlns="http://www.xml-cml.org/schema" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:fpx="http://www.uszla.me.uk/fpx" xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" xmlns:units="http://www.uszla.me.uk/FoX/units" xmlns:cmlUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/units" xmlns:siUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/siUnits" xmlns:atomicUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/atomic">
+  <molecule title="Formaldehyde">
+    <atomArray>
+      <atom elementType="C" x3="0.00000e0" y3="0.00000e0" z3="0.00000e0" id="c1"/>
+      <atom elementType="O" x3="0.00000e0" y3="1.20300e0" z3="0.00000e0" id="o1"/>
+      <atom elementType="H" x3="-9.34000e-1" y3="-5.79000e-1" z3="0.00000e0" id="h1"/>
+      <atom elementType="H" x3="9.34000e-1" y3="-5.79000e-1" z3="0.00000e0" id="h2"/>
+    </atomArray>
+    <bondArray>
+      <bond atomRefs2="c1 o1" order="D"/>
+      <bond atomRefs2="c1 h1" order="S"/>
+      <bond atomRefs2="c1 h2" order="S"/>
+    </bondArray>
+  </molecule>
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlAddNamespace.sh b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddNamespace.sh
new file mode 120000
index 0000000..1b6b382
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddNamespace.sh
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlAddNamespace_0.f90 b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddNamespace_0.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..63fb0db
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddNamespace_0.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wcml
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call cmlAddNamespace(xf, 'xhtml', 'http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml')
+end program test
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlAddNamespace_0.out b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddNamespace_0.out
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..91de3dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddNamespace_0.out
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Tried to manipulate an XML File which is not open
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlAddNamespace_1.f90 b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddNamespace_1.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d63e53d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddNamespace_1.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wcml
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call cmlBeginFile(xf, filename, unit=-1)
+  call cmlAddNamespace(xf, 'xhtml', 'http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml')
+  call cmlFinishFile(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlAddNamespace_1.out b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddNamespace_1.out
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..69d83be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddNamespace_1.out
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+ERROR(wxml) in writing to file 
+Invalid XML document produced: No root element
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlAddNamespace_2.f90 b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddNamespace_2.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e17c808
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddNamespace_2.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wcml
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call cmlBeginFile(xf, filename, unit=-1)
+  call cmlAddNamespace(xf, 'xhtml', 'http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml')
+  call cmlStartCml(xf)
+  call cmlFinishFile(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlAddNamespace_2.xml b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddNamespace_2.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a3bde28
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddNamespace_2.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<cml convention="CMLComp" fileId="test.xml" xmlns="http://www.xml-cml.org/schema" xmlns:xhtml="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:fpx="http://www.uszla.me.uk/fpx" xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" xmlns:units="http://www.uszla.me.uk/FoX/units" xmlns:cmlUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/units" xmlns:siUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/siUnits" xmlns:atomicUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/atomic">
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlAddNamespace_3.f90 b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddNamespace_3.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6f946d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddNamespace_3.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wcml
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call cmlBeginFile(xf, filename, unit=-1)
+  call cmlStartCml(xf)
+  call cmlAddNamespace(xf, 'xhtml', 'http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml')
+  call cmlFinishFile(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlAddNamespace_3.out b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddNamespace_3.out
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9f911a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddNamespace_3.out
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Cannot do cmlAddNamespace after starting CML output
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlAddParameter.sh b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddParameter.sh
new file mode 120000
index 0000000..1b6b382
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddParameter.sh
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlAddParameter_1.f90 b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddParameter_1.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b4cfebc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddParameter_1.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wcml
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call cmlBeginFile(xf, filename, unit=-1)
+  call cmlStartCml(xf)
+  call cmlAddParameter(xf, name="name", value="value")
+  call cmlFinishFile(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlAddParameter_1.xml b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddParameter_1.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2964895
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddParameter_1.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<cml convention="CMLComp" fileId="test.xml" xmlns="http://www.xml-cml.org/schema" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:fpx="http://www.uszla.me.uk/fpx" xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" xmlns:units="http://www.uszla.me.uk/FoX/units" xmlns:cmlUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/units" xmlns:siUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/siUnits" xmlns:atomicUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/atomic">
+  <parameter name="name">
+    <scalar dataType="xsd:string">value</scalar>
+  </parameter>
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlAddParameter_10.f90 b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddParameter_10.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a8429c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddParameter_10.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wcml
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call cmlBeginFile(xf, filename, unit=-1)
+  call cmlStartCml(xf)
+  call cmlAddParameter(xf, name="name", value=(/1, 1/), units="siUnits:m")
+  call cmlFinishFile(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlAddParameter_10.xml b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddParameter_10.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e21a26f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddParameter_10.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<cml convention="CMLComp" fileId="test.xml" xmlns="http://www.xml-cml.org/schema" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:fpx="http://www.uszla.me.uk/fpx" xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" xmlns:units="http://www.uszla.me.uk/FoX/units" xmlns:cmlUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/units" xmlns:siUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/siUnits" xmlns:atomicUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/atomic">
+  <parameter name="name">
+    <array size="2" dataType="xsd:integer" units="siUnits:m">1 1</array>
+  </parameter>
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlAddParameter_11.f90 b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddParameter_11.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..020706d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddParameter_11.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wcml
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call cmlBeginFile(xf, filename, unit=-1)
+  call cmlStartCml(xf)
+  call cmlAddParameter(xf, name="name", value=(/2.0, 3.0/), fmt="s3", units="siUnits:m")
+  call cmlFinishFile(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlAddParameter_11.xml b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddParameter_11.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..61b5f07
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddParameter_11.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<cml convention="CMLComp" fileId="test.xml" xmlns="http://www.xml-cml.org/schema" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:fpx="http://www.uszla.me.uk/fpx" xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" xmlns:units="http://www.uszla.me.uk/FoX/units" xmlns:cmlUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/units" xmlns:siUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/siUnits" xmlns:atomicUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/atomic">
+  <parameter name="name">
+    <array size="2" dataType="fpx:real" units="siUnits:m">2.00e0 3.00e0</array>
+  </parameter>
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlAddParameter_12.f90 b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddParameter_12.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b5a7672
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddParameter_12.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wcml
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call cmlBeginFile(xf, filename, unit=-1)
+  call cmlStartCml(xf)
+  call cmlAddParameter(xf, name="name", value=(/2.0d0, 3.0d0/), fmt="s3", units="siUnits:m")
+  call cmlFinishFile(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlAddParameter_12.xml b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddParameter_12.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..61b5f07
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddParameter_12.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<cml convention="CMLComp" fileId="test.xml" xmlns="http://www.xml-cml.org/schema" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:fpx="http://www.uszla.me.uk/fpx" xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" xmlns:units="http://www.uszla.me.uk/FoX/units" xmlns:cmlUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/units" xmlns:siUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/siUnits" xmlns:atomicUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/atomic">
+  <parameter name="name">
+    <array size="2" dataType="fpx:real" units="siUnits:m">2.00e0 3.00e0</array>
+  </parameter>
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlAddParameter_13.f90 b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddParameter_13.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..81cd8c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddParameter_13.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_common, only: str
+  use FoX_wcml
+  use FoX_wxml, only: xml_AddCharacters
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call cmlBeginFile(xf, filename, unit=-1)
+  call cmlStartCml(xf)
+  call cmlAddParameter(xf, name="name", value=(/(1.0,2.0), (3.0,-4.0)/), fmt="s3", units="siUnits:m")
+  call cmlFinishFile(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlAddParameter_13.xml b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddParameter_13.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..836db3e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddParameter_13.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<cml convention="CMLComp" fileId="test.xml" xmlns="http://www.xml-cml.org/schema" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:fpx="http://www.uszla.me.uk/fpx" xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" xmlns:units="http://www.uszla.me.uk/FoX/units" xmlns:cmlUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/units" xmlns:siUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/siUnits" xmlns:atomicUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/atomic">
+  <parameter name="name">
+    <array size="2" dataType="fpx:complex" units="siUnits:m">(1.00e0)+i(2.00e0) (3.00e0)+i(-4.00e0)</array>
+  </parameter>
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlAddParameter_14.f90 b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddParameter_14.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9066698
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddParameter_14.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wcml
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call cmlBeginFile(xf, filename, unit=-1)
+  call cmlStartCml(xf)
+  call cmlAddParameter(xf, name="name", value=(/(1.0d0,2.0d0), (3.0d0,-4.0d0)/), units="siUnits:m", fmt="s3")
+  call cmlFinishFile(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlAddParameter_14.xml b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddParameter_14.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..836db3e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddParameter_14.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<cml convention="CMLComp" fileId="test.xml" xmlns="http://www.xml-cml.org/schema" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:fpx="http://www.uszla.me.uk/fpx" xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" xmlns:units="http://www.uszla.me.uk/FoX/units" xmlns:cmlUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/units" xmlns:siUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/siUnits" xmlns:atomicUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/atomic">
+  <parameter name="name">
+    <array size="2" dataType="fpx:complex" units="siUnits:m">(1.00e0)+i(2.00e0) (3.00e0)+i(-4.00e0)</array>
+  </parameter>
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlAddParameter_15.f90 b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddParameter_15.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7fdd42b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddParameter_15.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wcml
+  use FoX_common, only: str
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call cmlBeginFile(xf, filename, unit=-1)
+  call cmlStartCml(xf)
+  call cmlAddParameter(xf, name="name", &
+    value=reshape((/"value1", "value2", "value3", "value4"/), (/2,2/)))
+  call cmlFinishFile(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlAddParameter_15.xml b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddParameter_15.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9a2605d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddParameter_15.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<cml convention="CMLComp" fileId="test.xml" xmlns="http://www.xml-cml.org/schema" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:fpx="http://www.uszla.me.uk/fpx" xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" xmlns:units="http://www.uszla.me.uk/FoX/units" xmlns:cmlUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/units" xmlns:siUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/siUnits" xmlns:atomicUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/atomic">
+  <parameter name="name">
+    <matrix rows="2" columns="2" delimiter=" " dataType="xsd:string">value1 value2 value3 value4</matrix>
+  </parameter>
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlAddParameter_16.f90 b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddParameter_16.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..68b857f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddParameter_16.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wcml
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call cmlBeginFile(xf, filename, unit=-1)
+  call cmlStartCml(xf)
+  call cmlAddParameter(xf, name="name", value=reshape((/.true., .false., .true., .false./),(/2,2/)))
+  call cmlFinishFile(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlAddParameter_16.xml b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddParameter_16.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f309dd3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddParameter_16.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<cml convention="CMLComp" fileId="test.xml" xmlns="http://www.xml-cml.org/schema" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:fpx="http://www.uszla.me.uk/fpx" xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" xmlns:units="http://www.uszla.me.uk/FoX/units" xmlns:cmlUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/units" xmlns:siUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/siUnits" xmlns:atomicUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/atomic">
+  <parameter name="name">
+    <matrix rows="2" columns="2" dataType="xsd:boolean">true false true false</matrix>
+  </parameter>
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlAddParameter_17.f90 b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddParameter_17.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3ccb64e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddParameter_17.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wcml
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call cmlBeginFile(xf, filename, unit=-1)
+  call cmlStartCml(xf)
+  call cmlAddParameter(xf, name="name", value=reshape((/1, 1, 2, 2/),(/2,2/)), units="siUnits:m")
+  call cmlFinishFile(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlAddParameter_17.xml b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddParameter_17.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..863639d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddParameter_17.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<cml convention="CMLComp" fileId="test.xml" xmlns="http://www.xml-cml.org/schema" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:fpx="http://www.uszla.me.uk/fpx" xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" xmlns:units="http://www.uszla.me.uk/FoX/units" xmlns:cmlUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/units" xmlns:siUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/siUnits" xmlns:atomicUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/atomic">
+  <parameter name="name">
+    <matrix rows="2" columns="2" dataType="xsd:integer" units="siUnits:m">1 1 2 2</matrix>
+  </parameter>
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlAddParameter_18.f90 b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddParameter_18.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..246f871
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddParameter_18.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wcml
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call cmlBeginFile(xf, filename, unit=-1)
+  call cmlStartCml(xf)
+  call cmlAddParameter(xf, name="name", value=reshape((/2.0, 3.0, -4.0, -10.0/),(/2,2/)), fmt="s3", units="siUnits:m")
+  call cmlFinishFile(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlAddParameter_18.xml b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddParameter_18.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4c65961
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddParameter_18.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<cml convention="CMLComp" fileId="test.xml" xmlns="http://www.xml-cml.org/schema" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:fpx="http://www.uszla.me.uk/fpx" xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" xmlns:units="http://www.uszla.me.uk/FoX/units" xmlns:cmlUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/units" xmlns:siUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/siUnits" xmlns:atomicUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/atomic">
+  <parameter name="name">
+    <matrix rows="2" columns="2" dataType="fpx:real" units="siUnits:m">2.00e0 3.00e0 -4.00e0 -1.00e1</matrix>
+  </parameter>
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlAddParameter_19.f90 b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddParameter_19.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2db5820
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddParameter_19.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wcml
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call cmlBeginFile(xf, filename, unit=-1)
+  call cmlStartCml(xf)
+  call cmlAddParameter(xf, name="name", value=reshape((/2.0d0, 3.0d0, -4.0d0, -10.0d0/),(/2,2/)), fmt="s3", units="siUnits:m")
+  call cmlFinishFile(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlAddParameter_19.xml b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddParameter_19.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4c65961
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddParameter_19.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<cml convention="CMLComp" fileId="test.xml" xmlns="http://www.xml-cml.org/schema" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:fpx="http://www.uszla.me.uk/fpx" xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" xmlns:units="http://www.uszla.me.uk/FoX/units" xmlns:cmlUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/units" xmlns:siUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/siUnits" xmlns:atomicUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/atomic">
+  <parameter name="name">
+    <matrix rows="2" columns="2" dataType="fpx:real" units="siUnits:m">2.00e0 3.00e0 -4.00e0 -1.00e1</matrix>
+  </parameter>
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlAddParameter_2.f90 b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddParameter_2.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0ac2f60
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddParameter_2.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wcml
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call cmlBeginFile(xf, filename, unit=-1)
+  call cmlStartCml(xf)
+  call cmlAddParameter(xf, name="name", value=.true.)
+  call cmlFinishFile(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlAddParameter_2.xml b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddParameter_2.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fd78117
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddParameter_2.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<cml convention="CMLComp" fileId="test.xml" xmlns="http://www.xml-cml.org/schema" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:fpx="http://www.uszla.me.uk/fpx" xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" xmlns:units="http://www.uszla.me.uk/FoX/units" xmlns:cmlUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/units" xmlns:siUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/siUnits" xmlns:atomicUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/atomic">
+  <parameter name="name">
+    <scalar dataType="xsd:boolean">true</scalar>
+  </parameter>
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlAddParameter_20.f90 b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddParameter_20.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ac55148
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddParameter_20.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_common, only: str
+  use FoX_wcml
+  use FoX_wxml, only: xml_AddCharacters
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call cmlBeginFile(xf, filename, unit=-1)
+  call cmlStartCml(xf)
+  call cmlAddParameter(xf, name="name", &
+    value=reshape((/(1.0,2.0), (3.0,-4.0), (-1.0,2.5),(3.4,-10.9)/),(/2,2/)), fmt="s3", units="siUnits:m")
+  call cmlFinishFile(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlAddParameter_20.xml b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddParameter_20.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6227b14
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddParameter_20.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<cml convention="CMLComp" fileId="test.xml" xmlns="http://www.xml-cml.org/schema" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:fpx="http://www.uszla.me.uk/fpx" xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" xmlns:units="http://www.uszla.me.uk/FoX/units" xmlns:cmlUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/units" xmlns:siUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/siUnits" xmlns:atomicUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/atomic">
+  <parameter name="name">
+    <matrix rows="2" columns="2" dataType="fpx:complex" units="siUnits:m">(1.00e0)+i(2.00e0) (3.00e0)+i(-4.00e0) (-1.00e0)+i(2.50e0) (3.40e0)+i(-1.09e1)</matrix>
+  </parameter>
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlAddParameter_21.f90 b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddParameter_21.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6d9e416
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddParameter_21.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_common, only: str
+  use FoX_wcml
+  use FoX_wxml, only: xml_AddCharacters
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call cmlBeginFile(xf, filename, unit=-1)
+  call cmlStartCml(xf)
+  call cmlAddParameter(xf, name="name", &
+    value=reshape((/(1.0d0,2.0d0), (3.0d0,-4.0d0), (-1.0d0,2.5d0),(3.4d0,-10.9d0)/),(/2,2/)), fmt="s3", units="siUnits:m")
+  call cmlFinishFile(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlAddParameter_21.xml b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddParameter_21.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6227b14
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddParameter_21.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<cml convention="CMLComp" fileId="test.xml" xmlns="http://www.xml-cml.org/schema" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:fpx="http://www.uszla.me.uk/fpx" xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" xmlns:units="http://www.uszla.me.uk/FoX/units" xmlns:cmlUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/units" xmlns:siUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/siUnits" xmlns:atomicUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/atomic">
+  <parameter name="name">
+    <matrix rows="2" columns="2" dataType="fpx:complex" units="siUnits:m">(1.00e0)+i(2.00e0) (3.00e0)+i(-4.00e0) (-1.00e0)+i(2.50e0) (3.40e0)+i(-1.09e1)</matrix>
+  </parameter>
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlAddParameter_22.f90 b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddParameter_22.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fae6523
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddParameter_22.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_common, only: str
+  use FoX_wcml
+  use FoX_wxml, only: xml_AddCharacters
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call cmlBeginFile(xf, filename, unit=-1)
+  call cmlStartCml(xf)
+  call cmlAddParameter(xf, name="name", value=(1.0,2.0), units="siUnits:m")
+  call cmlFinishFile(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlAddParameter_22.xml b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddParameter_22.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..afcb50b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddParameter_22.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<cml convention="CMLComp" fileId="test.xml" xmlns="http://www.xml-cml.org/schema" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:fpx="http://www.uszla.me.uk/fpx" xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" xmlns:units="http://www.uszla.me.uk/FoX/units" xmlns:cmlUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/units" xmlns:siUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/siUnits" xmlns:atomicUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/atomic">
+  <parameter name="name">
+    <scalar dataType="fpx:complex" units="siUnits:m">(1.00000e0)+i(2.00000e0)</scalar>
+  </parameter>
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlAddParameter_23.f90 b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddParameter_23.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..02c268e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddParameter_23.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wcml
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call cmlBeginFile(xf, filename, unit=-1)
+  call cmlStartCml(xf)
+  call cmlAddParameter(xf, name="name", value=(1.0d0,2.0d0), units="siUnits:m")
+  call cmlFinishFile(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlAddParameter_23.xml b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddParameter_23.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7f24089
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddParameter_23.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<cml convention="CMLComp" fileId="test.xml" xmlns="http://www.xml-cml.org/schema" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:fpx="http://www.uszla.me.uk/fpx" xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" xmlns:units="http://www.uszla.me.uk/FoX/units" xmlns:cmlUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/units" xmlns:siUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/siUnits" xmlns:atomicUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/atomic">
+  <parameter name="name">
+    <scalar dataType="fpx:complex" units="siUnits:m">(1.000000000000e0)+i(2.000000000000e0)</scalar>
+  </parameter>
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlAddParameter_24.f90 b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddParameter_24.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..722cd4c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddParameter_24.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_common, only: str
+  use FoX_wcml
+  use FoX_wxml, only: xml_AddCharacters
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call cmlBeginFile(xf, filename, unit=-1)
+  call cmlStartCml(xf)
+  call cmlAddParameter(xf, name="name", value=(/(1.0,2.0), (3.0,-4.0)/), units="siUnits:m")
+  call cmlFinishFile(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlAddParameter_24.xml b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddParameter_24.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e0dee6a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddParameter_24.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<cml convention="CMLComp" fileId="test.xml" xmlns="http://www.xml-cml.org/schema" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:fpx="http://www.uszla.me.uk/fpx" xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" xmlns:units="http://www.uszla.me.uk/FoX/units" xmlns:cmlUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/units" xmlns:siUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/siUnits" xmlns:atomicUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/atomic">
+  <parameter name="name">
+    <array size="2" dataType="fpx:complex" units="siUnits:m">(1.00000e0)+i(2.00000e0) (3.00000e0)+i(-4.00000e0)</array>
+  </parameter>
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlAddParameter_25.f90 b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddParameter_25.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..80ca7ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddParameter_25.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wcml
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call cmlBeginFile(xf, filename, unit=-1)
+  call cmlStartCml(xf)
+  call cmlAddParameter(xf, name="name", value=(/(1.0d0,2.0d0), (3.0d0,-4.0d0)/), units="siUnits:m")
+  call cmlFinishFile(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlAddParameter_25.xml b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddParameter_25.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..373ce31
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddParameter_25.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<cml convention="CMLComp" fileId="test.xml" xmlns="http://www.xml-cml.org/schema" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:fpx="http://www.uszla.me.uk/fpx" xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" xmlns:units="http://www.uszla.me.uk/FoX/units" xmlns:cmlUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/units" xmlns:siUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/siUnits" xmlns:atomicUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/atomic">
+  <parameter name="name">
+    <array size="2" dataType="fpx:complex" units="siUnits:m">(1.000000000000e0)+i(2.000000000000e0) (3.000000000000e0)+i(-4.000000000000e0)</array>
+  </parameter>
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlAddParameter_3.f90 b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddParameter_3.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..76f8278
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddParameter_3.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wcml
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call cmlBeginFile(xf, filename, unit=-1)
+  call cmlStartCml(xf)
+  call cmlAddParameter(xf, name="name", value=1, units="siUnits:m")
+  call cmlFinishFile(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlAddParameter_3.xml b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddParameter_3.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9056fc9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddParameter_3.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<cml convention="CMLComp" fileId="test.xml" xmlns="http://www.xml-cml.org/schema" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:fpx="http://www.uszla.me.uk/fpx" xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" xmlns:units="http://www.uszla.me.uk/FoX/units" xmlns:cmlUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/units" xmlns:siUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/siUnits" xmlns:atomicUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/atomic">
+  <parameter name="name">
+    <scalar dataType="xsd:integer" units="siUnits:m">1</scalar>
+  </parameter>
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlAddParameter_4.f90 b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddParameter_4.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..770b9b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddParameter_4.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wcml
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call cmlBeginFile(xf, filename, unit=-1)
+  call cmlStartCml(xf)
+  call cmlAddParameter(xf, name="name", value=2.0, fmt="s3", units="siUnits:m")
+  call cmlFinishFile(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlAddParameter_4.xml b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddParameter_4.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cd1ceb4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddParameter_4.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<cml convention="CMLComp" fileId="test.xml" xmlns="http://www.xml-cml.org/schema" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:fpx="http://www.uszla.me.uk/fpx" xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" xmlns:units="http://www.uszla.me.uk/FoX/units" xmlns:cmlUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/units" xmlns:siUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/siUnits" xmlns:atomicUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/atomic">
+  <parameter name="name">
+    <scalar dataType="fpx:real" units="siUnits:m">2.00e0</scalar>
+  </parameter>
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlAddParameter_5.f90 b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddParameter_5.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..728dae8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddParameter_5.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wcml
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call cmlBeginFile(xf, filename, unit=-1)
+  call cmlStartCml(xf)
+  call cmlAddParameter(xf, name="name", value=2.0d0, fmt="s3", units="siUnits:m")
+  call cmlFinishFile(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlAddParameter_5.xml b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddParameter_5.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cd1ceb4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddParameter_5.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<cml convention="CMLComp" fileId="test.xml" xmlns="http://www.xml-cml.org/schema" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:fpx="http://www.uszla.me.uk/fpx" xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" xmlns:units="http://www.uszla.me.uk/FoX/units" xmlns:cmlUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/units" xmlns:siUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/siUnits" xmlns:atomicUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/atomic">
+  <parameter name="name">
+    <scalar dataType="fpx:real" units="siUnits:m">2.00e0</scalar>
+  </parameter>
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlAddParameter_6.f90 b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddParameter_6.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b1c0f42
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddParameter_6.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_common, only: str
+  use FoX_wcml
+  use FoX_wxml, only: xml_AddCharacters
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call cmlBeginFile(xf, filename, unit=-1)
+  call cmlStartCml(xf)
+  call cmlAddParameter(xf, name="name", value=(1.0,2.0), fmt="s3", units="siUnits:m")
+  call cmlFinishFile(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlAddParameter_6.xml b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddParameter_6.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6e17d74
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddParameter_6.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<cml convention="CMLComp" fileId="test.xml" xmlns="http://www.xml-cml.org/schema" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:fpx="http://www.uszla.me.uk/fpx" xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" xmlns:units="http://www.uszla.me.uk/FoX/units" xmlns:cmlUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/units" xmlns:siUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/siUnits" xmlns:atomicUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/atomic">
+  <parameter name="name">
+    <scalar dataType="fpx:complex" units="siUnits:m">(1.00e0)+i(2.00e0)</scalar>
+  </parameter>
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlAddParameter_7.f90 b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddParameter_7.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3d34f47
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddParameter_7.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wcml
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call cmlBeginFile(xf, filename, unit=-1)
+  call cmlStartCml(xf)
+  call cmlAddParameter(xf, name="name", value=(1.0d0,2.0d0), units="siUnits:m", fmt="s3")
+  call cmlFinishFile(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlAddParameter_7.xml b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddParameter_7.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6e17d74
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddParameter_7.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<cml convention="CMLComp" fileId="test.xml" xmlns="http://www.xml-cml.org/schema" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:fpx="http://www.uszla.me.uk/fpx" xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" xmlns:units="http://www.uszla.me.uk/FoX/units" xmlns:cmlUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/units" xmlns:siUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/siUnits" xmlns:atomicUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/atomic">
+  <parameter name="name">
+    <scalar dataType="fpx:complex" units="siUnits:m">(1.00e0)+i(2.00e0)</scalar>
+  </parameter>
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlAddParameter_8.f90 b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddParameter_8.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..69e91e2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddParameter_8.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wcml
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call cmlBeginFile(xf, filename, unit=-1)
+  call cmlStartCml(xf)
+  call cmlAddParameter(xf, name="name", value=(/"value1", "value2"/))
+  call cmlFinishFile(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlAddParameter_8.xml b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddParameter_8.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..58bdc74
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddParameter_8.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<cml convention="CMLComp" fileId="test.xml" xmlns="http://www.xml-cml.org/schema" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:fpx="http://www.uszla.me.uk/fpx" xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" xmlns:units="http://www.uszla.me.uk/FoX/units" xmlns:cmlUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/units" xmlns:siUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/siUnits" xmlns:atomicUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/atomic">
+  <parameter name="name">
+    <array size="2" delimiter=" " dataType="xsd:string">value1 value2</array>
+  </parameter>
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlAddParameter_9.f90 b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddParameter_9.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9904de0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddParameter_9.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wcml
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call cmlBeginFile(xf, filename, unit=-1)
+  call cmlStartCml(xf)
+  call cmlAddParameter(xf, name="name", value=(/.true., .false./))
+  call cmlFinishFile(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlAddParameter_9.xml b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddParameter_9.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..af4e204
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddParameter_9.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<cml convention="CMLComp" fileId="test.xml" xmlns="http://www.xml-cml.org/schema" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:fpx="http://www.uszla.me.uk/fpx" xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" xmlns:units="http://www.uszla.me.uk/FoX/units" xmlns:cmlUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/units" xmlns:siUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/siUnits" xmlns:atomicUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/atomic">
+  <parameter name="name">
+    <array size="2" dataType="xsd:boolean">true false</array>
+  </parameter>
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlAddProperty.sh b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddProperty.sh
new file mode 120000
index 0000000..1b6b382
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddProperty.sh
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlAddProperty_1.f90 b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddProperty_1.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..93166ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddProperty_1.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wcml
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call cmlBeginFile(xf, filename, unit=-1)
+  call cmlStartCml(xf)
+  call cmlAddProperty(xf, title="name", value="value")
+  call cmlFinishFile(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlAddProperty_1.xml b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddProperty_1.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fe61210
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddProperty_1.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<cml convention="CMLComp" fileId="test.xml" xmlns="http://www.xml-cml.org/schema" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:fpx="http://www.uszla.me.uk/fpx" xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" xmlns:units="http://www.uszla.me.uk/FoX/units" xmlns:cmlUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/units" xmlns:siUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/siUnits" xmlns:atomicUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/atomic">
+  <property title="name">
+    <scalar dataType="xsd:string">value</scalar>
+  </property>
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlAddProperty_10.f90 b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddProperty_10.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1e9ae0b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddProperty_10.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wcml
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call cmlBeginFile(xf, filename, unit=-1)
+  call cmlStartCml(xf)
+  call cmlAddProperty(xf, title="name", value=(/1, 1/), units="siUnits:m")
+  call cmlFinishFile(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlAddProperty_10.xml b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddProperty_10.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bf8faba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddProperty_10.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<cml convention="CMLComp" fileId="test.xml" xmlns="http://www.xml-cml.org/schema" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:fpx="http://www.uszla.me.uk/fpx" xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" xmlns:units="http://www.uszla.me.uk/FoX/units" xmlns:cmlUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/units" xmlns:siUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/siUnits" xmlns:atomicUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/atomic">
+  <property title="name">
+    <array size="2" dataType="xsd:integer" units="siUnits:m">1 1</array>
+  </property>
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlAddProperty_11.f90 b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddProperty_11.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6c8c566
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddProperty_11.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wcml
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call cmlBeginFile(xf, filename, unit=-1)
+  call cmlStartCml(xf)
+  call cmlAddProperty(xf, title="name", value=(/2.0, 3.0/), fmt="s3", units="siUnits:m")
+  call cmlFinishFile(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlAddProperty_11.xml b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddProperty_11.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..293eef5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddProperty_11.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<cml convention="CMLComp" fileId="test.xml" xmlns="http://www.xml-cml.org/schema" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:fpx="http://www.uszla.me.uk/fpx" xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" xmlns:units="http://www.uszla.me.uk/FoX/units" xmlns:cmlUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/units" xmlns:siUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/siUnits" xmlns:atomicUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/atomic">
+  <property title="name">
+    <array size="2" dataType="fpx:real" units="siUnits:m">2.00e0 3.00e0</array>
+  </property>
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlAddProperty_12.f90 b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddProperty_12.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1ecc652
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddProperty_12.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wcml
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call cmlBeginFile(xf, filename, unit=-1)
+  call cmlStartCml(xf)
+  call cmlAddProperty(xf, title="name", value=(/2.0d0, 3.0d0/), fmt="s3", units="siUnits:m")
+  call cmlFinishFile(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlAddProperty_12.xml b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddProperty_12.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..293eef5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddProperty_12.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<cml convention="CMLComp" fileId="test.xml" xmlns="http://www.xml-cml.org/schema" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:fpx="http://www.uszla.me.uk/fpx" xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" xmlns:units="http://www.uszla.me.uk/FoX/units" xmlns:cmlUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/units" xmlns:siUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/siUnits" xmlns:atomicUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/atomic">
+  <property title="name">
+    <array size="2" dataType="fpx:real" units="siUnits:m">2.00e0 3.00e0</array>
+  </property>
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlAddProperty_13.f90 b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddProperty_13.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d860400
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddProperty_13.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_common, only: str
+  use FoX_wcml
+  use FoX_wxml, only: xml_AddCharacters
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call cmlBeginFile(xf, filename, unit=-1)
+  call cmlStartCml(xf)
+  call cmlAddProperty(xf, title="name", value=(/(1.0,2.0), (3.0,-4.0)/), fmt="s3", units="siUnits:m")
+  call cmlFinishFile(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlAddProperty_13.xml b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddProperty_13.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0623265
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddProperty_13.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<cml convention="CMLComp" fileId="test.xml" xmlns="http://www.xml-cml.org/schema" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:fpx="http://www.uszla.me.uk/fpx" xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" xmlns:units="http://www.uszla.me.uk/FoX/units" xmlns:cmlUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/units" xmlns:siUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/siUnits" xmlns:atomicUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/atomic">
+  <property title="name">
+    <array size="2" dataType="fpx:complex" units="siUnits:m">(1.00e0)+i(2.00e0) (3.00e0)+i(-4.00e0)</array>
+  </property>
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlAddProperty_14.f90 b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddProperty_14.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..54c4890
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddProperty_14.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wcml
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call cmlBeginFile(xf, filename, unit=-1)
+  call cmlStartCml(xf)
+  call cmlAddProperty(xf, title="name", value=(/(1.0d0,2.0d0), (3.0d0,-4.0d0)/), units="siUnits:m", fmt="s3")
+  call cmlFinishFile(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlAddProperty_14.xml b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddProperty_14.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0623265
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddProperty_14.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<cml convention="CMLComp" fileId="test.xml" xmlns="http://www.xml-cml.org/schema" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:fpx="http://www.uszla.me.uk/fpx" xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" xmlns:units="http://www.uszla.me.uk/FoX/units" xmlns:cmlUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/units" xmlns:siUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/siUnits" xmlns:atomicUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/atomic">
+  <property title="name">
+    <array size="2" dataType="fpx:complex" units="siUnits:m">(1.00e0)+i(2.00e0) (3.00e0)+i(-4.00e0)</array>
+  </property>
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlAddProperty_15.f90 b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddProperty_15.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b308d52
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddProperty_15.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wcml
+  use FoX_common, only: str
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call cmlBeginFile(xf, filename, unit=-1)
+  call cmlStartCml(xf)
+  call cmlAddProperty(xf, title="name", &
+    value=reshape((/"value1", "value2", "value3", "value4"/), (/2,2/)))
+  call cmlFinishFile(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlAddProperty_15.xml b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddProperty_15.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..52e93a3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddProperty_15.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<cml convention="CMLComp" fileId="test.xml" xmlns="http://www.xml-cml.org/schema" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:fpx="http://www.uszla.me.uk/fpx" xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" xmlns:units="http://www.uszla.me.uk/FoX/units" xmlns:cmlUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/units" xmlns:siUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/siUnits" xmlns:atomicUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/atomic">
+  <property title="name">
+    <matrix rows="2" columns="2" delimiter=" " dataType="xsd:string">value1 value2 value3 value4</matrix>
+  </property>
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlAddProperty_16.f90 b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddProperty_16.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dabf65c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddProperty_16.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wcml
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call cmlBeginFile(xf, filename, unit=-1)
+  call cmlStartCml(xf)
+  call cmlAddProperty(xf, title="name", value=reshape((/.true., .false., .true., .false./),(/2,2/)))
+  call cmlFinishFile(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlAddProperty_16.xml b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddProperty_16.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4330533
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddProperty_16.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<cml convention="CMLComp" fileId="test.xml" xmlns="http://www.xml-cml.org/schema" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:fpx="http://www.uszla.me.uk/fpx" xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" xmlns:units="http://www.uszla.me.uk/FoX/units" xmlns:cmlUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/units" xmlns:siUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/siUnits" xmlns:atomicUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/atomic">
+  <property title="name">
+    <matrix rows="2" columns="2" dataType="xsd:boolean">true false true false</matrix>
+  </property>
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlAddProperty_17.f90 b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddProperty_17.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..de1cf1c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddProperty_17.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wcml
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call cmlBeginFile(xf, filename, unit=-1)
+  call cmlStartCml(xf)
+  call cmlAddProperty(xf, title="name", value=reshape((/1, 1, 2, 2/),(/2,2/)), units="siUnits:m")
+  call cmlFinishFile(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlAddProperty_17.xml b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddProperty_17.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0f9973a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddProperty_17.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<cml convention="CMLComp" fileId="test.xml" xmlns="http://www.xml-cml.org/schema" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:fpx="http://www.uszla.me.uk/fpx" xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" xmlns:units="http://www.uszla.me.uk/FoX/units" xmlns:cmlUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/units" xmlns:siUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/siUnits" xmlns:atomicUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/atomic">
+  <property title="name">
+    <matrix rows="2" columns="2" dataType="xsd:integer" units="siUnits:m">1 1 2 2</matrix>
+  </property>
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlAddProperty_18.f90 b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddProperty_18.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eb0d83d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddProperty_18.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wcml
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call cmlBeginFile(xf, filename, unit=-1)
+  call cmlStartCml(xf)
+  call cmlAddProperty(xf, title="name", value=reshape((/2.0, 3.0, -4.0, -10.0/),(/2,2/)), fmt="s3", units="siUnits:m")
+  call cmlFinishFile(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlAddProperty_18.xml b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddProperty_18.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e3e10b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddProperty_18.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<cml convention="CMLComp" fileId="test.xml" xmlns="http://www.xml-cml.org/schema" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:fpx="http://www.uszla.me.uk/fpx" xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" xmlns:units="http://www.uszla.me.uk/FoX/units" xmlns:cmlUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/units" xmlns:siUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/siUnits" xmlns:atomicUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/atomic">
+  <property title="name">
+    <matrix rows="2" columns="2" dataType="fpx:real" units="siUnits:m">2.00e0 3.00e0 -4.00e0 -1.00e1</matrix>
+  </property>
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlAddProperty_19.f90 b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddProperty_19.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..22fc0ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddProperty_19.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wcml
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call cmlBeginFile(xf, filename, unit=-1)
+  call cmlStartCml(xf)
+  call cmlAddProperty(xf, title="name", value=reshape((/2.0d0, 3.0d0, -4.0d0, -10.0d0/),(/2,2/)), fmt="s3", units="siUnits:m")
+  call cmlFinishFile(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlAddProperty_19.xml b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddProperty_19.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e3e10b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddProperty_19.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<cml convention="CMLComp" fileId="test.xml" xmlns="http://www.xml-cml.org/schema" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:fpx="http://www.uszla.me.uk/fpx" xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" xmlns:units="http://www.uszla.me.uk/FoX/units" xmlns:cmlUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/units" xmlns:siUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/siUnits" xmlns:atomicUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/atomic">
+  <property title="name">
+    <matrix rows="2" columns="2" dataType="fpx:real" units="siUnits:m">2.00e0 3.00e0 -4.00e0 -1.00e1</matrix>
+  </property>
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlAddProperty_2.f90 b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddProperty_2.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..68f2604
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddProperty_2.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wcml
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call cmlBeginFile(xf, filename, unit=-1)
+  call cmlStartCml(xf)
+  call cmlAddProperty(xf, title="name", value=.true.)
+  call cmlFinishFile(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlAddProperty_2.xml b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddProperty_2.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f8e8be6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddProperty_2.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<cml convention="CMLComp" fileId="test.xml" xmlns="http://www.xml-cml.org/schema" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:fpx="http://www.uszla.me.uk/fpx" xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" xmlns:units="http://www.uszla.me.uk/FoX/units" xmlns:cmlUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/units" xmlns:siUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/siUnits" xmlns:atomicUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/atomic">
+  <property title="name">
+    <scalar dataType="xsd:boolean">true</scalar>
+  </property>
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlAddProperty_20.f90 b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddProperty_20.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a40c708
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddProperty_20.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_common, only: str
+  use FoX_wcml
+  use FoX_wxml, only: xml_AddCharacters
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call cmlBeginFile(xf, filename, unit=-1)
+  call cmlStartCml(xf)
+  call cmlAddProperty(xf, title="name", &
+    value=reshape((/(1.0,2.0), (3.0,-4.0), (-1.0,2.5),(3.4,-10.9)/),(/2,2/)), fmt="s3", units="siUnits:m")
+  call cmlFinishFile(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlAddProperty_20.xml b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddProperty_20.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4317576
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddProperty_20.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<cml convention="CMLComp" fileId="test.xml" xmlns="http://www.xml-cml.org/schema" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:fpx="http://www.uszla.me.uk/fpx" xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" xmlns:units="http://www.uszla.me.uk/FoX/units" xmlns:cmlUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/units" xmlns:siUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/siUnits" xmlns:atomicUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/atomic">
+  <property title="name">
+    <matrix rows="2" columns="2" dataType="fpx:complex" units="siUnits:m">(1.00e0)+i(2.00e0) (3.00e0)+i(-4.00e0) (-1.00e0)+i(2.50e0) (3.40e0)+i(-1.09e1)</matrix>
+  </property>
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlAddProperty_21.f90 b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddProperty_21.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f7ce0e9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddProperty_21.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_common, only: str
+  use FoX_wcml
+  use FoX_wxml, only: xml_AddCharacters
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call cmlBeginFile(xf, filename, unit=-1)
+  call cmlStartCml(xf)
+  call cmlAddProperty(xf, title="name", &
+    value=reshape((/(1.0d0,2.0d0), (3.0d0,-4.0d0), (-1.0d0,2.5d0),(3.4d0,-10.9d0)/),(/2,2/)), fmt="s3", units="siUnits:m")
+  call cmlFinishFile(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlAddProperty_21.xml b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddProperty_21.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4317576
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddProperty_21.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<cml convention="CMLComp" fileId="test.xml" xmlns="http://www.xml-cml.org/schema" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:fpx="http://www.uszla.me.uk/fpx" xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" xmlns:units="http://www.uszla.me.uk/FoX/units" xmlns:cmlUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/units" xmlns:siUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/siUnits" xmlns:atomicUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/atomic">
+  <property title="name">
+    <matrix rows="2" columns="2" dataType="fpx:complex" units="siUnits:m">(1.00e0)+i(2.00e0) (3.00e0)+i(-4.00e0) (-1.00e0)+i(2.50e0) (3.40e0)+i(-1.09e1)</matrix>
+  </property>
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlAddProperty_3.f90 b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddProperty_3.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4d7870a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddProperty_3.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wcml
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call cmlBeginFile(xf, filename, unit=-1)
+  call cmlStartCml(xf)
+  call cmlAddProperty(xf, title="name", value=1, units="siUnits:m")
+  call cmlFinishFile(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlAddProperty_3.xml b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddProperty_3.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..23da8eb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddProperty_3.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<cml convention="CMLComp" fileId="test.xml" xmlns="http://www.xml-cml.org/schema" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:fpx="http://www.uszla.me.uk/fpx" xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" xmlns:units="http://www.uszla.me.uk/FoX/units" xmlns:cmlUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/units" xmlns:siUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/siUnits" xmlns:atomicUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/atomic">
+  <property title="name">
+    <scalar dataType="xsd:integer" units="siUnits:m">1</scalar>
+  </property>
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlAddProperty_4.f90 b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddProperty_4.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..886b798
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddProperty_4.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wcml
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call cmlBeginFile(xf, filename, unit=-1)
+  call cmlStartCml(xf)
+  call cmlAddProperty(xf, title="name", value=2.0, fmt="s3", units="siUnits:m")
+  call cmlFinishFile(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlAddProperty_4.xml b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddProperty_4.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2c16499
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddProperty_4.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<cml convention="CMLComp" fileId="test.xml" xmlns="http://www.xml-cml.org/schema" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:fpx="http://www.uszla.me.uk/fpx" xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" xmlns:units="http://www.uszla.me.uk/FoX/units" xmlns:cmlUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/units" xmlns:siUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/siUnits" xmlns:atomicUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/atomic">
+  <property title="name">
+    <scalar dataType="fpx:real" units="siUnits:m">2.00e0</scalar>
+  </property>
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlAddProperty_5.f90 b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddProperty_5.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3425088
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddProperty_5.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wcml
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call cmlBeginFile(xf, filename, unit=-1)
+  call cmlStartCml(xf)
+  call cmlAddProperty(xf, title="name", value=2.0d0, fmt="s3", units="siUnits:m")
+  call cmlFinishFile(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlAddProperty_5.xml b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddProperty_5.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2c16499
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddProperty_5.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<cml convention="CMLComp" fileId="test.xml" xmlns="http://www.xml-cml.org/schema" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:fpx="http://www.uszla.me.uk/fpx" xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" xmlns:units="http://www.uszla.me.uk/FoX/units" xmlns:cmlUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/units" xmlns:siUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/siUnits" xmlns:atomicUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/atomic">
+  <property title="name">
+    <scalar dataType="fpx:real" units="siUnits:m">2.00e0</scalar>
+  </property>
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlAddProperty_6.f90 b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddProperty_6.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..26421ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddProperty_6.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_common, only: str
+  use FoX_wcml
+  use FoX_wxml, only: xml_AddCharacters
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call cmlBeginFile(xf, filename, unit=-1)
+  call cmlStartCml(xf)
+  call cmlAddProperty(xf, title="name", value=(1.0,2.0), fmt="s3", units="siUnits:m")
+  call cmlFinishFile(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlAddProperty_6.xml b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddProperty_6.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..89d2402
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddProperty_6.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<cml convention="CMLComp" fileId="test.xml" xmlns="http://www.xml-cml.org/schema" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:fpx="http://www.uszla.me.uk/fpx" xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" xmlns:units="http://www.uszla.me.uk/FoX/units" xmlns:cmlUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/units" xmlns:siUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/siUnits" xmlns:atomicUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/atomic">
+  <property title="name">
+    <scalar dataType="fpx:complex" units="siUnits:m">(1.00e0)+i(2.00e0)</scalar>
+  </property>
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlAddProperty_7.f90 b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddProperty_7.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dea2edb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddProperty_7.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wcml
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call cmlBeginFile(xf, filename, unit=-1)
+  call cmlStartCml(xf)
+  call cmlAddProperty(xf, title="name", value=(1.0d0,2.0d0), units="siUnits:m", fmt="s3")
+  call cmlFinishFile(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlAddProperty_7.xml b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddProperty_7.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..89d2402
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddProperty_7.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<cml convention="CMLComp" fileId="test.xml" xmlns="http://www.xml-cml.org/schema" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:fpx="http://www.uszla.me.uk/fpx" xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" xmlns:units="http://www.uszla.me.uk/FoX/units" xmlns:cmlUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/units" xmlns:siUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/siUnits" xmlns:atomicUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/atomic">
+  <property title="name">
+    <scalar dataType="fpx:complex" units="siUnits:m">(1.00e0)+i(2.00e0)</scalar>
+  </property>
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlAddProperty_8.f90 b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddProperty_8.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eeb53b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddProperty_8.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wcml
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call cmlBeginFile(xf, filename, unit=-1)
+  call cmlStartCml(xf)
+  call cmlAddProperty(xf, title="name", value=(/"value1", "value2"/))
+  call cmlFinishFile(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlAddProperty_8.xml b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddProperty_8.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8bf8575
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddProperty_8.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<cml convention="CMLComp" fileId="test.xml" xmlns="http://www.xml-cml.org/schema" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:fpx="http://www.uszla.me.uk/fpx" xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" xmlns:units="http://www.uszla.me.uk/FoX/units" xmlns:cmlUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/units" xmlns:siUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/siUnits" xmlns:atomicUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/atomic">
+  <property title="name">
+    <array size="2" delimiter=" " dataType="xsd:string">value1 value2</array>
+  </property>
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlAddProperty_9.f90 b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddProperty_9.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f0d6494
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddProperty_9.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wcml
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call cmlBeginFile(xf, filename, unit=-1)
+  call cmlStartCml(xf)
+  call cmlAddProperty(xf, title="name", value=(/.true., .false./))
+  call cmlFinishFile(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlAddProperty_9.xml b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddProperty_9.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b2a5d5d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddProperty_9.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<cml convention="CMLComp" fileId="test.xml" xmlns="http://www.xml-cml.org/schema" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:fpx="http://www.uszla.me.uk/fpx" xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" xmlns:units="http://www.uszla.me.uk/FoX/units" xmlns:cmlUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/units" xmlns:siUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/siUnits" xmlns:atomicUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/atomic">
+  <property title="name">
+    <array size="2" dataType="xsd:boolean">true false</array>
+  </property>
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlAddSymmetry.sh b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddSymmetry.sh
new file mode 120000
index 0000000..1b6b382
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddSymmetry.sh
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlAddSymmetry_1.f90 b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddSymmetry_1.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9c0a8d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddSymmetry_1.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wcml
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call cmlBeginFile(xf, filename, unit=-1)
+  call cmlStartCml(xf)
+  call cmlAddSymmetry(xf, spaceGroup="P -4 21 m")
+  call cmlFinishFile(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlAddSymmetry_1.xml b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddSymmetry_1.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..359f22f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddSymmetry_1.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<cml convention="CMLComp" fileId="test.xml" xmlns="http://www.xml-cml.org/schema" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:fpx="http://www.uszla.me.uk/fpx" xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" xmlns:units="http://www.uszla.me.uk/FoX/units" xmlns:cmlUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/units" xmlns:siUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/siUnits" xmlns:atomicUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/atomic">
+  <symmetry spaceGroup="P -4 21 m"/>
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlAddSymmetry_2.f90 b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddSymmetry_2.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5e733c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddSymmetry_2.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wcml
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call cmlBeginFile(xf, filename, unit=-1)
+  call cmlStartCml(xf)
+  call cmlAddSymmetry(xf, pointGroup="C2v")
+  call cmlFinishFile(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlAddSymmetry_2.xml b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddSymmetry_2.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9f6e3fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddSymmetry_2.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<cml convention="CMLComp" fileId="test.xml" xmlns="http://www.xml-cml.org/schema" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:fpx="http://www.uszla.me.uk/fpx" xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" xmlns:units="http://www.uszla.me.uk/FoX/units" xmlns:cmlUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/units" xmlns:siUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/siUnits" xmlns:atomicUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/atomic">
+  <symmetry pointGroup="C2v"/>
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlAddSymmetry_3.f90 b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddSymmetry_3.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f512385
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddSymmetry_3.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wcml
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  real :: sym_ops(3,3,2)
+  sym_ops(:,:,1) = reshape((/1.0, 0.0, 0.0, &
+                             0.0, 1.0, 0.0, &
+                             0.0, 0.0, 1.0/), (/3,3/))
+  sym_ops(:,:,2) = reshape((/1.0, 0.0, 0.0, &
+                             0.0, 1.0, 0.0, &
+                             0.0, 0.0, 1.0/), (/3,3/))
+  call cmlBeginFile(xf, filename, unit=-1)
+  call cmlStartCml(xf)
+  call cmlAddSymmetry(xf, pointGroup="C2v", sym_ops=sym_ops)
+  call cmlFinishFile(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlAddSymmetry_3.xml b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddSymmetry_3.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eb16a27
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddSymmetry_3.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<cml convention="CMLComp" fileId="test.xml" xmlns="http://www.xml-cml.org/schema" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:fpx="http://www.uszla.me.uk/fpx" xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" xmlns:units="http://www.uszla.me.uk/FoX/units" xmlns:cmlUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/units" xmlns:siUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/siUnits" xmlns:atomicUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/atomic">
+  <symmetry pointGroup="C2v">
+    <transform3>1.00000e0 0.00000e0 0.00000e0 0.00000e0 0.00000e0 1.00000e0 0.00000e0 0.00000e0 0.00000e0 0.00000e0 1.00000e0 0.00000e0 0.00000e0 0.00000e0 0.00000e0 1.00000e0</transform3>
+    <transform3>1.00000e0 0.00000e0 0.00000e0 0.00000e0 0.00000e0 1.00000e0 0.00000e0 0.00000e0 0.00000e0 0.00000e0 1.00000e0 0.00000e0 0.00000e0 0.00000e0 0.00000e0 1.00000e0</transform3>
+  </symmetry>
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlAddSymmetry_4.f90 b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddSymmetry_4.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..14094d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddSymmetry_4.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wcml
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  real :: sym_ops(3,3,2)
+  real :: sym_disps(3,2)
+  sym_ops(:,:,1) = reshape((/1.0, 0.0, 0.0, &
+                             0.0, 1.0, 0.0, &
+                             0.0, 0.0, 1.0/), (/3,3/))
+  sym_ops(:,:,2) = reshape((/1.0, 0.0, 0.0, &
+                             0.0, 1.0, 0.0, &
+                             0.0, 0.0, 1.0/), (/3,3/))
+  sym_disps(:,1) = (/0.5, 0.5, 0.5/)
+  sym_disps(:,2) = (/-0.5, -0.5, -0.5/)
+  call cmlBeginFile(xf, filename, unit=-1)
+  call cmlStartCml(xf)
+  call cmlAddSymmetry(xf, spaceGroup="P -4 21 m", &
+    sym_ops=sym_ops, sym_disps=sym_disps)
+  call cmlFinishFile(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlAddSymmetry_4.xml b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddSymmetry_4.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..85d9fec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlAddSymmetry_4.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<cml convention="CMLComp" fileId="test.xml" xmlns="http://www.xml-cml.org/schema" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:fpx="http://www.uszla.me.uk/fpx" xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" xmlns:units="http://www.uszla.me.uk/FoX/units" xmlns:cmlUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/units" xmlns:siUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/siUnits" xmlns:atomicUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/atomic">
+  <symmetry spaceGroup="P -4 21 m">
+    <transform3>1.00000e0 0.00000e0 0.00000e0 5.00000e-1 0.00000e0 1.00000e0 0.00000e0 5.00000e-1 0.00000e0 0.00000e0 1.00000e0 5.00000e-1 0.00000e0 0.00000e0 0.00000e0 1.00000e0</transform3>
+    <transform3>1.00000e0 0.00000e0 0.00000e0 -5.00000e-1 0.00000e0 1.00000e0 0.00000e0 -5.00000e-1 0.00000e0 0.00000e0 1.00000e0 -5.00000e-1 0.00000e0 0.00000e0 0.00000e0 1.00000e0</transform3>
+  </symmetry>
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlBeginFile.sh b/wcml/test/test_cmlBeginFile.sh
new file mode 120000
index 0000000..1b6b382
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlBeginFile.sh
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlBeginFile_1.f90 b/wcml/test/test_cmlBeginFile_1.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dc71d9e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlBeginFile_1.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+program test_cmlBeginFile
+  use FoX_wcml
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf1
+  call cmlBeginFile(xf1, filename, unit=-1)
+  call cmlFinishFile(xf1)
+end program test_cmlBeginFile
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlBeginFile_1.out b/wcml/test/test_cmlBeginFile_1.out
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..69d83be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlBeginFile_1.out
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+ERROR(wxml) in writing to file 
+Invalid XML document produced: No root element
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlBeginFile_2.f90 b/wcml/test/test_cmlBeginFile_2.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9087140
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlBeginFile_2.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+program test_xml_Openfile
+  use FoX_wcml
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf1
+  integer :: n
+  call cmlBeginFile(xf1, filename, unit=20)
+  inquire(file=filename, number=n)
+  if (n==20) then
+    write(*,'(a)') "file is attached"
+  else
+    write(*,'(a)') "file is not attached"
+  endif
+end program test_xml_Openfile
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlBeginFile_2.out b/wcml/test/test_cmlBeginFile_2.out
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..356d098
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlBeginFile_2.out
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+file is attached
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlEndBand.sh b/wcml/test/test_cmlEndBand.sh
new file mode 120000
index 0000000..1b6b382
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlEndBand.sh
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlEndBand_1.f90 b/wcml/test/test_cmlEndBand_1.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..65730f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlEndBand_1.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wcml
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call cmlBeginFile(xf, filename, unit=-1)
+  call cmlStartCml(xf)
+  call cmlStartBand(xf)
+  call cmlEndBand(xf)
+  call cmlFinishFile(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlEndBand_1.xml b/wcml/test/test_cmlEndBand_1.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dc6c330
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlEndBand_1.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<cml convention="CMLComp" fileId="test.xml" xmlns="http://www.xml-cml.org/schema" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:fpx="http://www.uszla.me.uk/fpx" xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" xmlns:units="http://www.uszla.me.uk/FoX/units" xmlns:cmlUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/units" xmlns:siUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/siUnits" xmlns:atomicUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/atomic">
+  <band/>
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlEndCml.sh b/wcml/test/test_cmlEndCml.sh
new file mode 120000
index 0000000..1b6b382
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlEndCml.sh
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlEndCml_0.f90 b/wcml/test/test_cmlEndCml_0.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..94fc02d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlEndCml_0.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wcml
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call cmlEndCml(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlEndCml_0.out b/wcml/test/test_cmlEndCml_0.out
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..91de3dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlEndCml_0.out
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Tried to manipulate an XML File which is not open
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlEndCml_1.f90 b/wcml/test/test_cmlEndCml_1.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2061ba2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlEndCml_1.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wcml
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call cmlBeginFile(xf, filename, unit=-1)
+  call cmlEndCml(xf)
+  call cmlFinishFile(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlEndCml_1.out b/wcml/test/test_cmlEndCml_1.out
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..81f9349
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlEndCml_1.out
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+ERROR(wxml) in writing to file 
+Trying to close cml but no tags are open.
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlEndCml_2.f90 b/wcml/test/test_cmlEndCml_2.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..694afd4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlEndCml_2.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wcml
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call cmlBeginFile(xf, filename, unit=-1)
+  call cmlStartCml(xf)
+  call cmlEndCml(xf)
+  call cmlFinishFile(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlEndCml_2.xml b/wcml/test/test_cmlEndCml_2.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..376032c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlEndCml_2.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<cml convention="CMLComp" fileId="test.xml" xmlns="http://www.xml-cml.org/schema" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:fpx="http://www.uszla.me.uk/fpx" xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" xmlns:units="http://www.uszla.me.uk/FoX/units" xmlns:cmlUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/units" xmlns:siUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/siUnits" xmlns:atomicUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/atomic">
+  <metadata name="dc:contributor" content="FoX-4.1.2 (http://www1.gly.bris.ac.uk/~walker/FoX)"/>
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlEndKpoint.sh b/wcml/test/test_cmlEndKpoint.sh
new file mode 120000
index 0000000..1b6b382
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlEndKpoint.sh
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlEndKpointList.sh b/wcml/test/test_cmlEndKpointList.sh
new file mode 120000
index 0000000..1b6b382
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlEndKpointList.sh
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlEndKpointList_1.f90 b/wcml/test/test_cmlEndKpointList_1.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e199ee5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlEndKpointList_1.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wcml
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call cmlBeginFile(xf, filename, unit=-1)
+  call cmlStartCml(xf)
+  call cmlStartKpointList(xf)
+  call cmlEndKpointList(xf)
+  call cmlFinishFile(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlEndKpointList_1.xml b/wcml/test/test_cmlEndKpointList_1.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3d112b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlEndKpointList_1.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<cml convention="CMLComp" fileId="test.xml" xmlns="http://www.xml-cml.org/schema" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:fpx="http://www.uszla.me.uk/fpx" xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" xmlns:units="http://www.uszla.me.uk/FoX/units" xmlns:cmlUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/units" xmlns:siUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/siUnits" xmlns:atomicUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/atomic">
+  <kpointList/>
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlEndKpoint_1.f90 b/wcml/test/test_cmlEndKpoint_1.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e2b31cd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlEndKpoint_1.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wcml
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call cmlBeginFile(xf, filename, unit=-1)
+  call cmlStartCml(xf)
+  call cmlStartKpoint(xf, coords=(/1.0, 2.0, 3.0/))
+  call cmlEndKpoint(xf)
+  call cmlFinishFile(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlEndKpoint_1.xml b/wcml/test/test_cmlEndKpoint_1.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3e461cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlEndKpoint_1.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<cml convention="CMLComp" fileId="test.xml" xmlns="http://www.xml-cml.org/schema" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:fpx="http://www.uszla.me.uk/fpx" xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" xmlns:units="http://www.uszla.me.uk/FoX/units" xmlns:cmlUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/units" xmlns:siUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/siUnits" xmlns:atomicUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/atomic">
+  <kpoint coords="1.00000e0 2.00000e0 3.00000e0"/>
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlEndMetadataList.sh b/wcml/test/test_cmlEndMetadataList.sh
new file mode 120000
index 0000000..1b6b382
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlEndMetadataList.sh
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlEndMetadataList_1.f90 b/wcml/test/test_cmlEndMetadataList_1.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4d2e5ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlEndMetadataList_1.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wcml
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call cmlBeginFile(xf, filename, unit=-1)
+  call cmlStartCml(xf)
+  call cmlStartMetadataList(xf, role="testing")
+  call cmlEndMetadataList(xf)
+  call cmlFinishFile(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlEndMetadataList_1.xml b/wcml/test/test_cmlEndMetadataList_1.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..42d3e44
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlEndMetadataList_1.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<cml convention="CMLComp" fileId="test.xml" xmlns="http://www.xml-cml.org/schema" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:fpx="http://www.uszla.me.uk/fpx" xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" xmlns:units="http://www.uszla.me.uk/FoX/units" xmlns:cmlUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/units" xmlns:siUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/siUnits" xmlns:atomicUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/atomic">
+  <metadataList role="testing"/>
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlEndModule.sh b/wcml/test/test_cmlEndModule.sh
new file mode 120000
index 0000000..1b6b382
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlEndModule.sh
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlEndModule_1.f90 b/wcml/test/test_cmlEndModule_1.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4c38ae1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlEndModule_1.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wcml
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call cmlBeginFile(xf, filename, unit=-1)
+  call cmlStartCml(xf)
+  call cmlStartModule(xf)
+  call cmlEndModule(xf)
+  call cmlFinishFile(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlEndModule_1.xml b/wcml/test/test_cmlEndModule_1.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..81161ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlEndModule_1.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<cml convention="CMLComp" fileId="test.xml" xmlns="http://www.xml-cml.org/schema" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:fpx="http://www.uszla.me.uk/fpx" xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" xmlns:units="http://www.uszla.me.uk/FoX/units" xmlns:cmlUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/units" xmlns:siUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/siUnits" xmlns:atomicUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/atomic">
+  <module/>
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlEndParameterList.sh b/wcml/test/test_cmlEndParameterList.sh
new file mode 120000
index 0000000..1b6b382
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlEndParameterList.sh
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlEndParameterList_1.f90 b/wcml/test/test_cmlEndParameterList_1.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b4fe3a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlEndParameterList_1.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wcml
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call cmlBeginFile(xf, filename, unit=-1)
+  call cmlStartCml(xf)
+  call cmlStartParameterList(xf, role="testing")
+  call cmlEndParameterList(xf)
+  call cmlFinishFile(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlEndParameterList_1.xml b/wcml/test/test_cmlEndParameterList_1.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e2b4b42
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlEndParameterList_1.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<cml convention="CMLComp" fileId="test.xml" xmlns="http://www.xml-cml.org/schema" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:fpx="http://www.uszla.me.uk/fpx" xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" xmlns:units="http://www.uszla.me.uk/FoX/units" xmlns:cmlUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/units" xmlns:siUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/siUnits" xmlns:atomicUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/atomic">
+  <parameterList role="testing"/>
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlEndPropertyList.sh b/wcml/test/test_cmlEndPropertyList.sh
new file mode 120000
index 0000000..1b6b382
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlEndPropertyList.sh
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlEndPropertyList_1.f90 b/wcml/test/test_cmlEndPropertyList_1.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..72f7057
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlEndPropertyList_1.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wcml
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call cmlBeginFile(xf, filename, unit=-1)
+  call cmlStartCml(xf)
+  call cmlStartPropertyList(xf)
+  call cmlEndPropertyList(xf)
+  call cmlFinishFile(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlEndPropertyList_1.xml b/wcml/test/test_cmlEndPropertyList_1.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4c4646e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlEndPropertyList_1.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<cml convention="CMLComp" fileId="test.xml" xmlns="http://www.xml-cml.org/schema" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:fpx="http://www.uszla.me.uk/fpx" xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" xmlns:units="http://www.uszla.me.uk/FoX/units" xmlns:cmlUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/units" xmlns:siUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/siUnits" xmlns:atomicUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/atomic">
+  <propertyList/>
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlEndStep.sh b/wcml/test/test_cmlEndStep.sh
new file mode 120000
index 0000000..1b6b382
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlEndStep.sh
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlEndStep_1.f90 b/wcml/test/test_cmlEndStep_1.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1137c35
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlEndStep_1.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wcml
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call cmlBeginFile(xf, filename, unit=-1)
+  call cmlStartCml(xf)
+  call cmlStartStep(xf)
+  call cmlEndStep(xf)
+  call cmlFinishFile(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlEndStep_1.xml b/wcml/test/test_cmlEndStep_1.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eed367f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlEndStep_1.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<cml convention="CMLComp" fileId="test.xml" xmlns="http://www.xml-cml.org/schema" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:fpx="http://www.uszla.me.uk/fpx" xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" xmlns:units="http://www.uszla.me.uk/FoX/units" xmlns:cmlUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/units" xmlns:siUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/siUnits" xmlns:atomicUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/atomic">
+  <module role="step"/>
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlFinishFile.sh b/wcml/test/test_cmlFinishFile.sh
new file mode 120000
index 0000000..1b6b382
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlFinishFile.sh
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlFinishFile_1.f90 b/wcml/test/test_cmlFinishFile_1.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..89f2048
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlFinishFile_1.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wcml
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call cmlFinishFile(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlFinishFile_1.out b/wcml/test/test_cmlFinishFile_1.out
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1a8c037
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlFinishFile_1.out
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Tried to close XML file which is not open
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlFinishFile_2.f90 b/wcml/test/test_cmlFinishFile_2.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f5e0454
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlFinishFile_2.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wcml
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call cmlBeginFile(xf, filename, unit=-1)
+  call cmlFinishFile(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlFinishFile_2.out b/wcml/test/test_cmlFinishFile_2.out
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..69d83be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlFinishFile_2.out
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+ERROR(wxml) in writing to file 
+Invalid XML document produced: No root element
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlFinishFile_3.f90 b/wcml/test/test_cmlFinishFile_3.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4541088
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlFinishFile_3.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wcml
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call cmlBeginFile(xf, filename, unit=-1)
+  call cmlStartCml(xf)
+  call cmlFinishFile(xf)
+  call cmlFinishFile(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlFinishFile_3.out b/wcml/test/test_cmlFinishFile_3.out
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1a8c037
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlFinishFile_3.out
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Tried to close XML file which is not open
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlStartBand.sh b/wcml/test/test_cmlStartBand.sh
new file mode 120000
index 0000000..1b6b382
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlStartBand.sh
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlStartBand_1.f90 b/wcml/test/test_cmlStartBand_1.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d940400
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlStartBand_1.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wcml
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call cmlBeginFile(xf, filename, unit=-1)
+  call cmlStartCml(xf)
+  call cmlStartBand(xf)
+  call cmlFinishFile(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlStartBand_1.xml b/wcml/test/test_cmlStartBand_1.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dc6c330
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlStartBand_1.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<cml convention="CMLComp" fileId="test.xml" xmlns="http://www.xml-cml.org/schema" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:fpx="http://www.uszla.me.uk/fpx" xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" xmlns:units="http://www.uszla.me.uk/FoX/units" xmlns:cmlUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/units" xmlns:siUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/siUnits" xmlns:atomicUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/atomic">
+  <band/>
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlStartBand_2.f90 b/wcml/test/test_cmlStartBand_2.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3e278d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlStartBand_2.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wcml
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call cmlBeginFile(xf, filename, unit=-1)
+  call cmlStartCml(xf)
+  call cmlStartBand(xf, label="a1")
+  call cmlFinishFile(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlStartBand_2.xml b/wcml/test/test_cmlStartBand_2.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4f6ba61
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlStartBand_2.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<cml convention="CMLComp" fileId="test.xml" xmlns="http://www.xml-cml.org/schema" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:fpx="http://www.uszla.me.uk/fpx" xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" xmlns:units="http://www.uszla.me.uk/FoX/units" xmlns:cmlUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/units" xmlns:siUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/siUnits" xmlns:atomicUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/atomic">
+  <band label="a1"/>
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlStartBand_3.f90 b/wcml/test/test_cmlStartBand_3.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2e0bfcd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlStartBand_3.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wcml
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call cmlBeginFile(xf, filename, unit=-1)
+  call cmlStartCml(xf)
+  call cmlStartBand(xf, label="a1", spin="up")
+  call cmlFinishFile(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlStartBand_3.xml b/wcml/test/test_cmlStartBand_3.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cab85f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlStartBand_3.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<cml convention="CMLComp" fileId="test.xml" xmlns="http://www.xml-cml.org/schema" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:fpx="http://www.uszla.me.uk/fpx" xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" xmlns:units="http://www.uszla.me.uk/FoX/units" xmlns:cmlUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/units" xmlns:siUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/siUnits" xmlns:atomicUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/atomic">
+  <band spin="up" label="a1"/>
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlStartBand_4.f90 b/wcml/test/test_cmlStartBand_4.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b112be2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlStartBand_4.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wcml
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call cmlBeginFile(xf, filename, unit=-1)
+  call cmlStartCml(xf)
+  call cmlStartBand(xf, label="a1", spin="down")
+  call cmlFinishFile(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlStartBand_4.xml b/wcml/test/test_cmlStartBand_4.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f495a92
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlStartBand_4.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<cml convention="CMLComp" fileId="test.xml" xmlns="http://www.xml-cml.org/schema" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:fpx="http://www.uszla.me.uk/fpx" xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" xmlns:units="http://www.uszla.me.uk/FoX/units" xmlns:cmlUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/units" xmlns:siUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/siUnits" xmlns:atomicUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/atomic">
+  <band spin="down" label="a1"/>
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlStartCml.sh b/wcml/test/test_cmlStartCml.sh
new file mode 120000
index 0000000..1b6b382
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlStartCml.sh
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlStartCml_0.f90 b/wcml/test/test_cmlStartCml_0.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f3ef88b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlStartCml_0.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wcml
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call cmlStartCml(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlStartCml_0.out b/wcml/test/test_cmlStartCml_0.out
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..91de3dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlStartCml_0.out
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Tried to manipulate an XML File which is not open
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlStartCml_1.f90 b/wcml/test/test_cmlStartCml_1.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3b26f7b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlStartCml_1.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wcml
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call cmlBeginFile(xf, filename, unit=-1)
+  call cmlStartCml(xf)
+  call cmlFinishFile(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlStartCml_1.xml b/wcml/test/test_cmlStartCml_1.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1258ef5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlStartCml_1.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<cml convention="CMLComp" fileId="test.xml" xmlns="http://www.xml-cml.org/schema" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:fpx="http://www.uszla.me.uk/fpx" xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" xmlns:units="http://www.uszla.me.uk/FoX/units" xmlns:cmlUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/units" xmlns:siUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/siUnits" xmlns:atomicUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/atomic">
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlStartCml_2.f90 b/wcml/test/test_cmlStartCml_2.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1f4d72a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlStartCml_2.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wcml
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call cmlBeginFile(xf, filename, unit=-1)
+  call cmlStartCml(xf, fileId='cmltest')
+  call cmlFinishFile(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlStartCml_2.xml b/wcml/test/test_cmlStartCml_2.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a50cf1c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlStartCml_2.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<cml convention="CMLComp" fileId="cmltest" xmlns="http://www.xml-cml.org/schema" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:fpx="http://www.uszla.me.uk/fpx" xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" xmlns:units="http://www.uszla.me.uk/FoX/units" xmlns:cmlUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/units" xmlns:siUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/siUnits" xmlns:atomicUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/atomic">
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlStartCml_3.f90 b/wcml/test/test_cmlStartCml_3.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bddac7a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlStartCml_3.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wcml
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call cmlBeginFile(xf, filename, unit=-1)
+  call cmlStartCml(xf, version="2.5")
+  call cmlFinishFile(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlStartCml_3.xml b/wcml/test/test_cmlStartCml_3.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ce35182
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlStartCml_3.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<cml convention="CMLComp" fileId="test.xml" version="2.5" xmlns="http://www.xml-cml.org/schema" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:fpx="http://www.uszla.me.uk/fpx" xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" xmlns:units="http://www.uszla.me.uk/FoX/units" xmlns:cmlUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/units" xmlns:siUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/siUnits" xmlns:atomicUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/atomic">
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlStartKpoint.sh b/wcml/test/test_cmlStartKpoint.sh
new file mode 120000
index 0000000..1b6b382
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlStartKpoint.sh
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlStartKpointList.sh b/wcml/test/test_cmlStartKpointList.sh
new file mode 120000
index 0000000..1b6b382
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlStartKpointList.sh
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlStartKpointList_1.f90 b/wcml/test/test_cmlStartKpointList_1.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..acae5eb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlStartKpointList_1.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wcml
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call cmlBeginFile(xf, filename, unit=-1)
+  call cmlStartCml(xf)
+  call cmlStartKpointList(xf)
+  call cmlFinishFile(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlStartKpointList_1.xml b/wcml/test/test_cmlStartKpointList_1.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3d112b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlStartKpointList_1.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<cml convention="CMLComp" fileId="test.xml" xmlns="http://www.xml-cml.org/schema" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:fpx="http://www.uszla.me.uk/fpx" xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" xmlns:units="http://www.uszla.me.uk/FoX/units" xmlns:cmlUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/units" xmlns:siUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/siUnits" xmlns:atomicUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/atomic">
+  <kpointList/>
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlStartKpoint_1.f90 b/wcml/test/test_cmlStartKpoint_1.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fbb3039
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlStartKpoint_1.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wcml
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call cmlBeginFile(xf, filename, unit=-1)
+  call cmlStartCml(xf)
+  call cmlStartKpoint(xf, coords=(/1.0, 2.0, 3.0/))
+  call cmlFinishFile(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlStartKpoint_1.xml b/wcml/test/test_cmlStartKpoint_1.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3e461cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlStartKpoint_1.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<cml convention="CMLComp" fileId="test.xml" xmlns="http://www.xml-cml.org/schema" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:fpx="http://www.uszla.me.uk/fpx" xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" xmlns:units="http://www.uszla.me.uk/FoX/units" xmlns:cmlUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/units" xmlns:siUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/siUnits" xmlns:atomicUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/atomic">
+  <kpoint coords="1.00000e0 2.00000e0 3.00000e0"/>
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlStartKpoint_2.f90 b/wcml/test/test_cmlStartKpoint_2.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1a923af
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlStartKpoint_2.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wcml
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call cmlBeginFile(xf, filename, unit=-1)
+  call cmlStartCml(xf)
+  call cmlStartKpoint(xf, coords=(/1.0, 2.0, 3.0/), weight=0.75)
+  call cmlFinishFile(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlStartKpoint_2.xml b/wcml/test/test_cmlStartKpoint_2.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cc8d922
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlStartKpoint_2.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<cml convention="CMLComp" fileId="test.xml" xmlns="http://www.xml-cml.org/schema" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:fpx="http://www.uszla.me.uk/fpx" xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" xmlns:units="http://www.uszla.me.uk/FoX/units" xmlns:cmlUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/units" xmlns:siUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/siUnits" xmlns:atomicUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/atomic">
+  <kpoint coords="1.00000e0 2.00000e0 3.00000e0" weight="7.50000e-1"/>
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlStartKpoint_3.f90 b/wcml/test/test_cmlStartKpoint_3.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cd4700e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlStartKpoint_3.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wcml
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call cmlBeginFile(xf, filename, unit=-1)
+  call cmlStartCml(xf)
+  call cmlStartKpoint(xf, coords=(/1.0d0, 2.0d0, 3.0d0/))
+  call cmlFinishFile(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlStartKpoint_3.xml b/wcml/test/test_cmlStartKpoint_3.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..da8d832
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlStartKpoint_3.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<cml convention="CMLComp" fileId="test.xml" xmlns="http://www.xml-cml.org/schema" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:fpx="http://www.uszla.me.uk/fpx" xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" xmlns:units="http://www.uszla.me.uk/FoX/units" xmlns:cmlUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/units" xmlns:siUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/siUnits" xmlns:atomicUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/atomic">
+  <kpoint coords="1.000000000000e0 2.000000000000e0 3.000000000000e0"/>
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlStartKpoint_4.f90 b/wcml/test/test_cmlStartKpoint_4.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0e3aa46
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlStartKpoint_4.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wcml
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call cmlBeginFile(xf, filename, unit=-1)
+  call cmlStartCml(xf)
+  call cmlStartKpoint(xf, coords=(/1.0d0, 2.0d0, 3.0d0/), weight=0.75d0)
+  call cmlFinishFile(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlStartKpoint_4.xml b/wcml/test/test_cmlStartKpoint_4.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..947f465
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlStartKpoint_4.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<cml convention="CMLComp" fileId="test.xml" xmlns="http://www.xml-cml.org/schema" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:fpx="http://www.uszla.me.uk/fpx" xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" xmlns:units="http://www.uszla.me.uk/FoX/units" xmlns:cmlUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/units" xmlns:siUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/siUnits" xmlns:atomicUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/atomic">
+  <kpoint coords="1.000000000000e0 2.000000000000e0 3.000000000000e0" weight="7.500000000000e-1"/>
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlStartMetadataList.sh b/wcml/test/test_cmlStartMetadataList.sh
new file mode 120000
index 0000000..1b6b382
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlStartMetadataList.sh
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlStartMetadataList_1.f90 b/wcml/test/test_cmlStartMetadataList_1.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..43617c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlStartMetadataList_1.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wcml
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call cmlBeginFile(xf, filename, unit=-1)
+  call cmlStartCml(xf)
+  call cmlStartMetadataList(xf)
+  call cmlFinishFile(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlStartMetadataList_1.xml b/wcml/test/test_cmlStartMetadataList_1.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5825381
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlStartMetadataList_1.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<cml convention="CMLComp" fileId="test.xml" xmlns="http://www.xml-cml.org/schema" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:fpx="http://www.uszla.me.uk/fpx" xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" xmlns:units="http://www.uszla.me.uk/FoX/units" xmlns:cmlUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/units" xmlns:siUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/siUnits" xmlns:atomicUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/atomic">
+  <metadataList/>
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlStartMetadataList_2.f90 b/wcml/test/test_cmlStartMetadataList_2.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6477ad0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlStartMetadataList_2.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wcml
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call cmlBeginFile(xf, filename, unit=-1)
+  call cmlStartCml(xf)
+  call cmlStartMetadataList(xf, name="A test list")
+  call cmlFinishFile(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlStartMetadataList_2.xml b/wcml/test/test_cmlStartMetadataList_2.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fecc150
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlStartMetadataList_2.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<cml convention="CMLComp" fileId="test.xml" xmlns="http://www.xml-cml.org/schema" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:fpx="http://www.uszla.me.uk/fpx" xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" xmlns:units="http://www.uszla.me.uk/FoX/units" xmlns:cmlUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/units" xmlns:siUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/siUnits" xmlns:atomicUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/atomic">
+  <metadataList name="A test list"/>
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlStartMetadataList_3.f90 b/wcml/test/test_cmlStartMetadataList_3.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..132c7e4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlStartMetadataList_3.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wcml
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call cmlBeginFile(xf, filename, unit=-1)
+  call cmlStartCml(xf)
+  call cmlStartMetadataList(xf, role="testing")
+  call cmlFinishFile(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlStartMetadataList_3.xml b/wcml/test/test_cmlStartMetadataList_3.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..42d3e44
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlStartMetadataList_3.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<cml convention="CMLComp" fileId="test.xml" xmlns="http://www.xml-cml.org/schema" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:fpx="http://www.uszla.me.uk/fpx" xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" xmlns:units="http://www.uszla.me.uk/FoX/units" xmlns:cmlUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/units" xmlns:siUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/siUnits" xmlns:atomicUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/atomic">
+  <metadataList role="testing"/>
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlStartModule.sh b/wcml/test/test_cmlStartModule.sh
new file mode 120000
index 0000000..1b6b382
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlStartModule.sh
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlStartModule_1.f90 b/wcml/test/test_cmlStartModule_1.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f989e5f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlStartModule_1.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wcml
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call cmlBeginFile(xf, filename, unit=-1)
+  call cmlStartCml(xf)
+  call cmlStartModule(xf)
+  call cmlFinishFile(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlStartModule_1.xml b/wcml/test/test_cmlStartModule_1.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..81161ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlStartModule_1.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<cml convention="CMLComp" fileId="test.xml" xmlns="http://www.xml-cml.org/schema" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:fpx="http://www.uszla.me.uk/fpx" xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" xmlns:units="http://www.uszla.me.uk/FoX/units" xmlns:cmlUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/units" xmlns:siUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/siUnits" xmlns:atomicUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/atomic">
+  <module/>
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlStartModule_2.f90 b/wcml/test/test_cmlStartModule_2.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2eb970d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlStartModule_2.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wcml
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call cmlBeginFile(xf, filename, unit=-1)
+  call cmlStartCml(xf)
+  call cmlStartModule(xf, serial="One")
+  call cmlFinishFile(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlStartModule_2.xml b/wcml/test/test_cmlStartModule_2.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b95bf78
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlStartModule_2.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<cml convention="CMLComp" fileId="test.xml" xmlns="http://www.xml-cml.org/schema" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:fpx="http://www.uszla.me.uk/fpx" xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" xmlns:units="http://www.uszla.me.uk/FoX/units" xmlns:cmlUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/units" xmlns:siUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/siUnits" xmlns:atomicUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/atomic">
+  <module serial="One"/>
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlStartModule_3.f90 b/wcml/test/test_cmlStartModule_3.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9a3b807
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlStartModule_3.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wcml
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call cmlBeginFile(xf, filename, unit=-1)
+  call cmlStartCml(xf)
+  call cmlStartModule(xf, role="CG")
+  call cmlFinishFile(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlStartModule_3.xml b/wcml/test/test_cmlStartModule_3.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c71bf6a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlStartModule_3.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<cml convention="CMLComp" fileId="test.xml" xmlns="http://www.xml-cml.org/schema" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:fpx="http://www.uszla.me.uk/fpx" xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" xmlns:units="http://www.uszla.me.uk/FoX/units" xmlns:cmlUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/units" xmlns:siUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/siUnits" xmlns:atomicUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/atomic">
+  <module role="CG"/>
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlStartParameterList.sh b/wcml/test/test_cmlStartParameterList.sh
new file mode 120000
index 0000000..1b6b382
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlStartParameterList.sh
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlStartParameterList_1.f90 b/wcml/test/test_cmlStartParameterList_1.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3b7e906
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlStartParameterList_1.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wcml
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call cmlBeginFile(xf, filename, unit=-1)
+  call cmlStartCml(xf)
+  call cmlStartParameterList(xf)
+  call cmlFinishFile(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlStartParameterList_1.xml b/wcml/test/test_cmlStartParameterList_1.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ae76496
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlStartParameterList_1.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<cml convention="CMLComp" fileId="test.xml" xmlns="http://www.xml-cml.org/schema" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:fpx="http://www.uszla.me.uk/fpx" xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" xmlns:units="http://www.uszla.me.uk/FoX/units" xmlns:cmlUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/units" xmlns:siUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/siUnits" xmlns:atomicUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/atomic">
+  <parameterList/>
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlStartParameterList_2.f90 b/wcml/test/test_cmlStartParameterList_2.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0103fa8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlStartParameterList_2.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wcml
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call cmlBeginFile(xf, filename, unit=-1)
+  call cmlStartCml(xf)
+  call cmlStartParameterList(xf, ref="myRef")
+  call cmlFinishFile(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlStartParameterList_2.xml b/wcml/test/test_cmlStartParameterList_2.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..af5ec0f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlStartParameterList_2.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<cml convention="CMLComp" fileId="test.xml" xmlns="http://www.xml-cml.org/schema" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:fpx="http://www.uszla.me.uk/fpx" xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" xmlns:units="http://www.uszla.me.uk/FoX/units" xmlns:cmlUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/units" xmlns:siUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/siUnits" xmlns:atomicUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/atomic">
+  <parameterList ref="myRef"/>
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlStartParameterList_3.f90 b/wcml/test/test_cmlStartParameterList_3.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c2ffcb6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlStartParameterList_3.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wcml
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call cmlBeginFile(xf, filename, unit=-1)
+  call cmlStartCml(xf)
+  call cmlStartParameterList(xf, role="testing")
+  call cmlFinishFile(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlStartParameterList_3.xml b/wcml/test/test_cmlStartParameterList_3.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e2b4b42
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlStartParameterList_3.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<cml convention="CMLComp" fileId="test.xml" xmlns="http://www.xml-cml.org/schema" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:fpx="http://www.uszla.me.uk/fpx" xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" xmlns:units="http://www.uszla.me.uk/FoX/units" xmlns:cmlUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/units" xmlns:siUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/siUnits" xmlns:atomicUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/atomic">
+  <parameterList role="testing"/>
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlStartPropertyList.sh b/wcml/test/test_cmlStartPropertyList.sh
new file mode 120000
index 0000000..1b6b382
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlStartPropertyList.sh
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlStartPropertyList_1.f90 b/wcml/test/test_cmlStartPropertyList_1.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..00ed040
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlStartPropertyList_1.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wcml
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call cmlBeginFile(xf, filename, unit=-1)
+  call cmlStartCml(xf)
+  call cmlStartPropertyList(xf)
+  call cmlFinishFile(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlStartPropertyList_1.xml b/wcml/test/test_cmlStartPropertyList_1.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4c4646e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlStartPropertyList_1.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<cml convention="CMLComp" fileId="test.xml" xmlns="http://www.xml-cml.org/schema" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:fpx="http://www.uszla.me.uk/fpx" xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" xmlns:units="http://www.uszla.me.uk/FoX/units" xmlns:cmlUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/units" xmlns:siUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/siUnits" xmlns:atomicUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/atomic">
+  <propertyList/>
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlStartPropertyList_2.f90 b/wcml/test/test_cmlStartPropertyList_2.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0f1e94e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlStartPropertyList_2.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wcml
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call cmlBeginFile(xf, filename, unit=-1)
+  call cmlStartCml(xf)
+  call cmlStartPropertyList(xf, ref="myRef")
+  call cmlFinishFile(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlStartPropertyList_2.xml b/wcml/test/test_cmlStartPropertyList_2.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..db02dbe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlStartPropertyList_2.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<cml convention="CMLComp" fileId="test.xml" xmlns="http://www.xml-cml.org/schema" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:fpx="http://www.uszla.me.uk/fpx" xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" xmlns:units="http://www.uszla.me.uk/FoX/units" xmlns:cmlUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/units" xmlns:siUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/siUnits" xmlns:atomicUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/atomic">
+  <propertyList ref="myRef"/>
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlStartPropertyList_3.f90 b/wcml/test/test_cmlStartPropertyList_3.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..90d5d6a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlStartPropertyList_3.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wcml
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call cmlBeginFile(xf, filename, unit=-1)
+  call cmlStartCml(xf)
+  call cmlStartPropertyList(xf, role="testing")
+  call cmlFinishFile(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlStartPropertyList_3.xml b/wcml/test/test_cmlStartPropertyList_3.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e9d9f9c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlStartPropertyList_3.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<cml convention="CMLComp" fileId="test.xml" xmlns="http://www.xml-cml.org/schema" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:fpx="http://www.uszla.me.uk/fpx" xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" xmlns:units="http://www.uszla.me.uk/FoX/units" xmlns:cmlUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/units" xmlns:siUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/siUnits" xmlns:atomicUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/atomic">
+  <propertyList role="testing"/>
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlStartStep.sh b/wcml/test/test_cmlStartStep.sh
new file mode 120000
index 0000000..1b6b382
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlStartStep.sh
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlStartStep_1.f90 b/wcml/test/test_cmlStartStep_1.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..18dd18b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlStartStep_1.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wcml
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call cmlBeginFile(xf, filename, unit=-1)
+  call cmlStartCml(xf)
+  call cmlStartStep(xf)
+  call cmlFinishFile(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlStartStep_1.xml b/wcml/test/test_cmlStartStep_1.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eed367f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlStartStep_1.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<cml convention="CMLComp" fileId="test.xml" xmlns="http://www.xml-cml.org/schema" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:fpx="http://www.uszla.me.uk/fpx" xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" xmlns:units="http://www.uszla.me.uk/FoX/units" xmlns:cmlUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/units" xmlns:siUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/siUnits" xmlns:atomicUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/atomic">
+  <module role="step"/>
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlStartStep_2.f90 b/wcml/test/test_cmlStartStep_2.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a48a993
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlStartStep_2.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wcml
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call cmlBeginFile(xf, filename, unit=-1)
+  call cmlStartCml(xf)
+  call cmlStartStep(xf, index=100)
+  call cmlFinishFile(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlStartStep_2.xml b/wcml/test/test_cmlStartStep_2.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5daf78b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlStartStep_2.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<cml convention="CMLComp" fileId="test.xml" xmlns="http://www.xml-cml.org/schema" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:fpx="http://www.uszla.me.uk/fpx" xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" xmlns:units="http://www.uszla.me.uk/FoX/units" xmlns:cmlUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/units" xmlns:siUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/siUnits" xmlns:atomicUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/atomic">
+  <module serial="100" role="step"/>
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlStartStep_3.f90 b/wcml/test/test_cmlStartStep_3.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1478e8d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlStartStep_3.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wcml
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call cmlBeginFile(xf, filename, unit=-1)
+  call cmlStartCml(xf)
+  call cmlStartStep(xf, type="CG")
+  call cmlFinishFile(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wcml/test/test_cmlStartStep_3.xml b/wcml/test/test_cmlStartStep_3.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8211683
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wcml/test/test_cmlStartStep_3.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<cml convention="CMLComp" fileId="test.xml" xmlns="http://www.xml-cml.org/schema" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:fpx="http://www.uszla.me.uk/fpx" xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" xmlns:units="http://www.uszla.me.uk/FoX/units" xmlns:cmlUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/units" xmlns:siUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/siUnits" xmlns:atomicUnits="http://www.xml-cml.org/units/atomic">
+  <module dictRef="CG" role="step"/>
diff --git a/wkml/CMakeLists.txt b/wkml/CMakeLists.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c82a2e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+# m_wkml_coverage.f90: m_wkml_coverage.m4
+#         m4 -I ../m4 $< > $@
+    OUTPUT ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/m_wkml_coverage.F90
+    COMMAND ${M4_PROGRAM} -I ../m4 ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/m_wkml_coverage.m4 > ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/m_wkml_coverage.F90
+    DEPENDS m_wkml_coverage.m4
+  )
+  FoX_wkml.f90
+  m_wkml_lowlevel.F90
+  m_wkml_color.F90
+  m_wkml_styling.F90
+  m_wkml_features.F90
+  m_wkml_coverage.F90
+  m_wkml_core.F90
+  m_wkml_contours.F90
+  m_contours.F90
+  m_wkml_color_def.F90
+  m_wkml_chart.F90
+  fox_wkml STATIC
+  ${fox_wkml_srcs}
+  ${fox_wkml_srcs_pp}
+  fox_wkml
+  fox_utils
+  fox_wxml
+  ${fox_BINARY_DIR}/fsys
+  ${fox_BINARY_DIR}/utils
+  ${fox_BINARY_DIR}/wxml
+  ${fox_BINARY_DIR}/common
diff --git a/wkml/FoX_wkml.f90 b/wkml/FoX_wkml.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2126111
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/FoX_wkml.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+module FoX_wkml
+  use FoX_wxml
+  use m_wkml_color
+  use m_wkml_lowlevel
+  use m_wkml_styling
+  use m_wkml_core
+  use m_wkml_contours
+  use m_wkml_features
+  use m_wkml_coverage
+  use m_wkml_chart
+  implicit none
+  private
+  public :: xmlf_t
+! file management function
+  public :: kmlBeginFile
+  public :: kmlFinishFile
+  public :: kmlOpenDocument
+  public :: kmlCloseDocument
+  public :: kmlOpenFolder
+  public :: kmlCloseFolder
+! feature function
+  public :: kmlCreatePoints
+  public :: kmlCreateLine
+  public :: kmlStartRegion
+  public :: kmlEndRegion
+  public :: kmlAddInnerBoundary
+! color handling functions and variables
+  public :: color_t  
+  public :: kmlGetCustomColor
+  public :: kmlSetCustomColor
+! style handling functions
+  public :: kmlCreatePointStyle
+  public :: kmlCreateLineStyle
+  public :: kmlCreatePolygonStyle
+! coverage functions
+  public :: kmlCreateContours
+  public :: kmlCreateCells
+!  public :: kmlCreateRGBCells
+end module FoX_wkml
diff --git a/wkml/m_contours.F90 b/wkml/m_contours.F90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5a92c65
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/m_contours.F90
@@ -0,0 +1,2138 @@
+module m_contours
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+!  use m_common_format
+! change to by GT to test in FoX4.0.3
+   use fox_common
+   use m_common_error
+  implicit none
+  private
+  type richline
+    real, pointer :: x(:) => null()
+    real, pointer :: y(:) => null()
+    integer, pointer :: contains_lt(:) => null() ! used for polygons
+    integer, pointer :: contains_eq(:) => null() ! used for polygons
+    integer, pointer :: contains_gt(:) => null() ! used for polygons
+    integer, pointer :: borders_lt(:) => null() ! used for polygons
+    integer, pointer :: borders_eq(:) => null() ! used for polygons
+    integer, pointer :: borders_gt(:) => null() ! used for polygons
+    integer :: mountain = 0 ! used for polygons - is this a valley (1) or a mountain (2)?
+    logical :: boundary = .false. ! Does part of this line run along a boundary?
+    integer :: se = 0           ! used temporarily for unterminated lines
+    integer :: ee = 0           ! used temporarily for unterminated lines
+    logical :: sedone = .false. ! used temporarily for unterminated lines
+    logical :: eedone = .false. ! used temporarily for unterminated lines
+    logical :: uphill           ! when this line terminates at an edge, is that edge going clockwise uphill?
+    real :: area
+  end type richline
+  type line
+    real, pointer :: x(:) => null()
+    real, pointer :: y(:) => null()
+  end type line
+  type lineList
+    type(line), pointer :: list(:) => null()
+  end type lineList
+  type richlineList
+    type(richline), pointer :: list(:) => null()
+  end type richlineList
+  type contourLines
+    type(richlineList), pointer :: polys(:) => null()
+    type(richlineList), pointer :: lines(:) => null()
+    type(richline) :: current
+    integer :: current_se, current_ee
+    real, pointer :: contours(:)
+  end type contourLines
+  type polygon
+    type(line) :: outerBoundary
+    type(lineList) :: innerBoundaries
+  end type polygon
+  type polygonList
+    type(polygon), pointer :: list(:) => null()
+  end type polygonList
+  type contourObject
+    type(lineList), pointer :: lines(:) => null() ! List of lines at each contour level, 0th is boundary box
+    type(polygonList), pointer :: polys(:) => null() ! List of polygons for each between-contour-layer.
+    real, pointer :: contours(:) => null()
+    real, pointer :: zmax => null()
+  end type contourObject
+  public :: line
+  public :: lineList
+  public :: polygon
+  public :: polygonList
+  public :: contourObject
+  public :: destroy_contourObject
+  public :: make_contours_on_simplest_grid  
+  public :: make_contours_on_a_simple_grid
+  public :: make_contours_on_a_complex_grid
+  logical :: debug = .false.
+! This module provides a set of routines to calculate contour lines & contour polygons from a set of 2D data on
+! a putatively rectangular grid (ie the grid can be scaled later, but all interpolation herein is strictly
+! linear and univariate)
+! There are only two points of entry:
+! make_contours_on_a_simple_grid - which makes the contours and scales them onto a simple rectangular grid
+! make_contours_on_a_complex_grid - which does bivariate linear interpolation onto a topologically rectangular grid.
+! The product of either of these is a contourObject, as described above.
+! This contains:
+!   a real array of the contour values
+!   a list of lists of lines, one list for each contour value, and a 0th list containing the boundary box.
+!   a list of lists of polygons, one list for each between-contour-values, one above, and one below.
+!   each polygon contains an outerBoundary, and a list of innerBoundaries, each of which are lines
+!   each line is two real arrays, one of x values, one of y.
+! The algorithm must give us:
+!  A set of contour lines
+!  A set of polygons (potentially within inner and outer boundaries) and knowledge
+!   of whether the contained points are greater or smaller than the associated contour level.
+! The algorithm is as follows:
+!  1: use TOMS 531 to generate contour lines.
+!      This will produce some whole polygons, and some lines (terminating at boundaries.
+!  2: If there are no lines, then add the box perimeter as an additional polygon.
+!  3: For all lines terminating at boundaries, walk round the box, constructing the smallest 
+!      possible polygon consisting of line segments and boundary segments. Note that this polygon
+!      references only contours at its own level, or the level above.
+!  4: Search over all contour lines at a given level (both those which are polygons as found
+!      in step 1, and joined up lines from step 2) and see if any other polygons - from the same
+!      contour level, or one above or one below - are within them.
+!     If they are, we can tell whether the area between them contains points higher or lower
+!      than the given contour value, from simple logic.
+!  5: Check over all polygons which contain boundary segments - which other boundary polygons
+!      do they share an edge with (these must be either at the same contour level, or one above).
+!  6: There are probably some polygons whose status we don't know about - but we can work this
+!      out from the fact that they border polygons whose status we *do* know about.
+!  7: Finally - it is possible that only one contour level is visible. If so, then working out
+!      polygon status by logic above fails - we need to test a point inside the polygon. Do so,
+!      and propagate this information.
+!  8: Copy all the information from the temporary structure we've been using into
+!      a contourObject (duplicating all innerBoundaries).
+!  9: Scale all points as appropriate.
+  subroutine init_line(thisLine)
+    type(richline), intent(inout) :: thisLine
+    allocate(thisLine%x(0))
+    allocate(thisLine%y(0))
+  end subroutine init_line
+  subroutine destroy_contourLines(cp)
+    type(contourLines), intent(inout) :: cp
+    integer :: i, j
+    do i = 0, size(cp%contours)
+      do j = 1, size(cp%polys(i)%list)
+        deallocate(cp%polys(i)%list(j)%x)
+        deallocate(cp%polys(i)%list(j)%y)
+        deallocate(cp%polys(i)%list(j)%contains_lt)
+        deallocate(cp%polys(i)%list(j)%contains_eq)
+        deallocate(cp%polys(i)%list(j)%contains_gt)
+        deallocate(cp%polys(i)%list(j)%borders_lt)
+        deallocate(cp%polys(i)%list(j)%borders_eq)
+        deallocate(cp%polys(i)%list(j)%borders_gt)
+      enddo
+      do j = 1, size(cp%lines(i)%list)
+        deallocate(cp%lines(i)%list(j)%x)
+        deallocate(cp%lines(i)%list(j)%y)
+      enddo
+      deallocate(cp%polys(i)%list)
+      deallocate(cp%lines(i)%list)
+    enddo
+    deallocate(cp%polys)
+    deallocate(cp%lines)
+    deallocate(cp%contours)
+  end subroutine destroy_contourLines
+  subroutine init_contourObject(o, nx, ny, cv, zmax)
+    type(contourObject), intent(inout) :: o
+    integer, intent(in) :: nx, ny
+    real, intent(in) :: cv(:)
+    real, intent(in), optional :: zmax
+    integer :: i, k, ncv
+    ncv = size(cv)
+    allocate(o%contours(ncv))
+    o%contours = cv
+    allocate(o%lines(0:ncv))
+    allocate(o%polys(0:ncv))
+    ! Put in bounding box:
+    allocate(o%lines(0)%list(1))
+    allocate(o%lines(0)%list(1)%x(2*nx+2*ny-3))
+    allocate(o%lines(0)%list(1)%y(2*nx+2*ny-3))
+    o%lines(0)%list(1)%x(1) = 1.0
+    o%lines(0)%list(1)%y(1) = 1.0
+    k = 2
+    do i = 2, ny
+      o%lines(0)%list(1)%x(k) = 1.0
+      o%lines(0)%list(1)%y(k) = i
+      k = k + 1
+    enddo
+    do i = 2, nx
+      o%lines(0)%list(1)%x(k) = i
+      o%lines(0)%list(1)%y(k) = ny
+      k = k + 1
+    enddo
+    do i = ny - 1, 1, -1
+      o%lines(0)%list(1)%x(k) = nx
+      o%lines(0)%list(1)%y(k) = i
+      k = k + 1
+    enddo
+    do i = nx - 1, 1, -1
+      o%lines(0)%list(1)%x(k) = i
+      o%lines(0)%list(1)%y(k) = 1.0
+      k = k + 1
+    enddo
+    ! Everything else
+    allocate(o%polys(0)%list(0))
+    do i = 1, size(cv)
+      allocate(o%lines(i)%list(0))
+      allocate(o%polys(i)%list(0))
+    enddo
+    if (present(zmax)) then
+      allocate(o%zmax)
+      o%zmax = zmax
+    endif
+  end subroutine init_contourObject
+  subroutine destroy_contourObject(o)
+    type(contourObject), intent(inout) :: o
+    integer :: i, j, k
+    do i = 0, size(o%contours)
+      do j = 1, size(o%lines(i)%list)
+        deallocate(o%lines(i)%list(j)%x)
+        deallocate(o%lines(i)%list(j)%y)
+      enddo
+      deallocate(o%lines(i)%list)
+      do j = 1, size(o%polys(i)%list)
+        deallocate(o%polys(i)%list(j)%outerBoundary%x)
+        deallocate(o%polys(i)%list(j)%outerBoundary%y)
+        do k = 1, size(o%polys(i)%list(j)%innerBoundaries%list)
+          deallocate(o%polys(i)%list(j)%innerBoundaries%list(k)%x)
+          deallocate(o%polys(i)%list(j)%innerBoundaries%list(k)%y)
+        enddo
+        deallocate(o%polys(i)%list(j)%innerBoundaries%list)
+      enddo
+      deallocate(o%polys(i)%list)
+    enddo
+    deallocate(o%lines)
+    deallocate(o%polys)
+    deallocate(o%contours)
+    if (associated(o%zmax)) deallocate(o%zmax)
+  end subroutine destroy_contourObject
+  subroutine add_point(thisLine, x, y)
+    type(richline), intent(inout) :: thisLine
+    real, intent(in) :: x, y
+    real, pointer :: t(:)
+    ! Don't add the same point twice. Sometimes it wants to.
+    if (size(thisLine%x)>0) then
+      if (abs(thisLine%x(size(thisLine%x))-x)<1e-5 &
+        .and.abs(thisLine%y(size(thisLine%y))-y)<1e-5) return
+    endif
+    t => thisLine%x
+    allocate(thisLine%x(size(t)+1))
+    thisLine%x(:size(t)) = t
+    thisLine%x(size(t)+1) = x
+    deallocate(t)
+    t => thisLine%y
+    allocate(thisLine%y(size(t)+1))
+    thisLine%y(:size(t)) = t
+    thisLine%y(size(t)+1) = y
+    deallocate(t)
+  end subroutine add_point
+  subroutine add_line(plot, ci, se, ee, uphill)
+    type(contourLines), intent(inout) :: plot
+    integer, intent(in) :: ci, se, ee
+    logical, intent(in) :: uphill
+    type(richline), pointer :: tempLines(:)
+    integer :: i
+    ! Don't add line if there's only one point!
+    if (size(plot%current%x)==1) then
+      deallocate(plot%current%x)
+      deallocate(plot%current%y)
+      return
+    endif
+    tempLines => plot%lines(ci)%list
+    allocate(plot%lines(ci)%list(size(tempLines)+1))
+    do i = 1, size(tempLines)
+      plot%lines(ci)%list(i)%x => tempLines(i)%x
+      plot%lines(ci)%list(i)%y => tempLines(i)%y
+      plot%lines(ci)%list(i)%se = tempLines(i)%se
+      plot%lines(ci)%list(i)%ee = tempLines(i)%ee
+      plot%lines(ci)%list(i)%uphill = tempLines(i)%uphill
+    enddo
+    deallocate(tempLines)
+    plot%lines(ci)%list(i)%x => plot%current%x
+    plot%lines(ci)%list(i)%y => plot%current%y
+    plot%lines(ci)%list(i)%se = se
+    plot%lines(ci)%list(i)%ee = ee
+    plot%lines(ci)%list(i)%uphill = uphill
+    nullify(plot%current%x)
+    nullify(plot%current%y)
+  end subroutine add_line
+  subroutine shave_polygon(l)
+    type(richline) :: l
+    real :: x1, x2, x3, y1, y2, y3
+    real, pointer :: x(:), y(:), tempx(:), tempy(:)
+    integer :: i, shrink, ix1, ix2, ix3
+    x => l%x; y=> l%y
+    i = 1
+    shrink = 1
+    ! print*, "STARTING LENGTH ", size(x)
+    do while (.false.)!(shrink<size(x)+3.and.size(x)>2)
+      ix1 = i
+      ix2 = mod(i, size(x))+1
+      ix3 = mod(i+1, size(x))+1
+      x1 = x(ix1); y1 = y(ix1)
+      x2 = x(ix2); y2 = y(ix2)
+      x3 = x(ix3); y3 = y(ix3)
+      if (x2==x3.and.y2==y3) then
+        shrink = 1
+      elseif (x1==x3.and.y1==y3) then
+        shrink = 1
+        i = modulo(i-1, size(x))
+      else
+        i = i + 1
+        if (i>size(x)) i = 1
+        shrink = shrink + 1
+      endif
+      ! print*, shrink, size(x)
+      if (shrink==1) then
+        !print*, "SHRINKING"
+        tempx => x
+        tempy => y
+        allocate(x(size(tempx)-1))
+        allocate(y(size(tempx)-1))
+        if (ix3==1) then
+          ! Lose one item from the end of the array
+          x = tempx(:ix1)
+          y = tempy(:ix1)
+        elseif (ix3==2) then
+          ! Lose one item from the beginning of the array
+          x = tempx(2:)
+          y = tempy(2:)
+        else
+          ! Lose an item from the middle
+          x(:ix1) = tempx(:ix1)
+          x(ix2:) = tempx(ix3:)
+          y(:ix1) = tempy(:ix1)
+          y(ix2:) = tempy(ix3:)
+        endif
+        deallocate(tempx)
+        deallocate(tempy)
+      endif
+    enddo
+    ! print*, "ENDING LENGTH ", size(x)
+    ! Stupid KML requires last & first coordinate the same, so restore that:
+    tempx => x
+    tempy => y
+    allocate(x(size(tempx)+1))
+    allocate(y(size(tempx)+1))
+    x(:size(tempx)) = tempx
+    y(:size(tempx)) = tempy
+    x(size(x)) = x(1)
+    y(size(x)) = y(1)
+    deallocate(tempx)
+    deallocate(tempy)
+    l%x => x; l%y => y
+  end subroutine shave_polygon
+  subroutine shave_polygons(plot)
+    type(contourLines), intent(inout) :: plot
+    integer :: i, j
+    do i = lbound(plot%polys, 1), ubound(plot%polys, 1)
+      do j = 1, size(plot%polys(i)%list)
+        call shave_polygon(plot%polys(i)%list(j))
+      enddo
+      ! FIXME and remove if necessary
+    enddo
+  end subroutine shave_polygons
+  subroutine add_polygon(plot, ci)
+    type(contourLines), intent(inout) :: plot
+    integer, intent(in) :: ci
+    type(richline), pointer :: tempLines(:)
+    integer :: i
+    real :: area
+    ! Check polygon for wrong bits
+    call shave_polygon(plot%current)
+    ! Don't record empty polygons:
+    if (size(plot%current%x)<4) then
+      deallocate(plot%current%x)
+      deallocate(plot%current%y)
+      return
+    endif
+    ! Record area of polygon
+    area = 0.0
+    do i = 1, size(plot%current%x)-1
+      area = area + plot%current%x(i)*plot%current%y(i+1) - plot%current%x(i+1)*plot%current%y(i)
+    enddo
+    area = area + plot%current%x(i)*plot%current%y(1) - plot%current%x(1)*plot%current%y(i)
+    tempLines => plot%polys(ci)%list
+    allocate(plot%polys(ci)%list(size(tempLines)+1))
+    do i = 1, size(tempLines)
+      plot%polys(ci)%list(i)%x => tempLines(i)%x
+      plot%polys(ci)%list(i)%y => tempLines(i)%y
+      plot%polys(ci)%list(i)%mountain = tempLines(i)%mountain
+      plot%polys(ci)%list(i)%boundary = tempLines(i)%boundary
+      plot%polys(ci)%list(i)%se = tempLines(i)%se
+      plot%polys(ci)%list(i)%area = tempLines(i)%area
+    enddo
+    deallocate(tempLines)
+    plot%polys(ci)%list(i)%x => plot%current%x
+    plot%polys(ci)%list(i)%y => plot%current%y
+    plot%polys(ci)%list(i)%area = area
+    nullify(plot%current%x)
+    nullify(plot%current%y)
+  end subroutine add_polygon
+  subroutine concatenate_lines(l1, l2, forward)
+    type(richline), intent(inout) :: l1
+    type(richline), intent(in) :: l2
+    logical, intent(in) :: forward
+    type(line) :: t
+    t%x => l1%x
+    t%y => l1%y
+    allocate(l1%x(size(t%x)+size(l2%x)))
+    allocate(l1%y(size(t%y)+size(l2%y)))
+    l1%x(:size(t%x)) = t%x
+    l1%y(:size(t%y)) = t%y
+    if (forward) then
+      l1%x(size(t%x)+1:) = l2%x
+      l1%y(size(t%y)+1:) = l2%y
+    else
+      l1%x(size(t%x)+1:) = l2%x(size(l2%x):1:-1)
+      l1%y(size(t%y)+1:) = l2%y(size(l2%y):1:-1)
+    endif
+    deallocate(t%x)
+    deallocate(t%y)
+    l1%uphill = l2%uphill.eqv.forward
+  end subroutine concatenate_lines
+  subroutine simpleScalePoints(x, y, thisX, thisY)
+    real, intent(in) :: x(:), y(:)
+    real, intent(inout) :: thisX(:), thisY(:)
+    !simple linear interpolation on a rectilinear grid
+    integer :: i, j
+    real :: t
+    do i = 1, size(thisX)
+      t = thisX(i)
+      if (int(t)==size(x)) then
+        thisX(i) = x(size(x))
+      else
+        thisX(i) = x(int(t)) + (x(int(t)+1) - x(int(t))) * (t - floor(t))
+      endif
+      t = thisY(i)
+      if (int(t)==size(y)) then
+        thisY(i) = y(size(y))
+      else
+        thisY(i) = y(int(t)) + (y(int(t)+1) - y(int(t))) * (t - floor(t))
+      endif
+    end do
+  end subroutine simpleScalePoints
+  subroutine complexScalePoints(x, y, thisX, thisY)
+    real, intent(in) :: x(:,:), y(:,:)
+    real, intent(inout) :: thisX(:), thisY(:)
+    ! simplest possible rescaling: linear interpolation & find where they cross.
+    integer :: i, j, tx1, tx2, ty1, ty2
+    real :: tx, ty, txfrac, tyfrac 
+    real, dimension(2) :: bottomPoint, topPoint, bottomToTop, scaledT
+    do i = 1, size(thisX)
+      tx = thisX(i)
+      ty = thisY(i)
+      ! Mark out the square in rectilinear space within which this point exists: from (tx1, ty1) to (tx2, ty2)
+      tx1 = int(tx)
+      ty1 = int(ty)
+      if (int(tx)==size(x,1)) then
+        tx2 = tx1
+      else
+        tx2 = tx1 + 1
+      endif
+      if (int(ty)==size(y,2)) then
+        ty2 = ty1
+      else
+        ty2 = ty1 + 1
+      endif
+      txfrac = tx - tx1
+      tyfrac = ty - ty1
+      ! The true coordinate box is from (x(tx1,ty1),y(tx1,ty1)) up to (x(tx2,ty2),y(tx2,ty2))
+      ! Find the point along the bottom and top lines of that box which is txfrac of the way along:
+      bottomPoint = (/ x(tx1,ty1) + txfrac * (x(tx2,ty1) - x(tx1,ty1)), &
+        y(tx1,ty1) + txfrac * (y(tx2,ty1) - y(tx1,ty1)) /)
+      topPoint = (/ x(tx1,ty2) + txfrac * (x(tx2,ty2) - x(tx1,ty2)), &
+        y(tx1,ty2) + txfrac * (y(tx2,ty2) - y(tx1,ty2)) /)
+      ! Draw a line between these two points, and go tyfrac of the way up the line:
+      bottomToTop = topPoint - bottomPoint
+      scaledT = bottomPoint + tyfrac * bottomToTop
+      thisX(i) = scaledT(1)
+      thisY(i) = scaledT(2)
+    enddo
+  end subroutine complexScalePoints
+  subroutine scale_contours_simple(cp, x, y)
+    type(contourObject), intent(inout) :: cp
+    real, intent(in) :: x(:), y(:)
+    integer :: i, j, k
+    real, pointer :: thisX(:), thisY(:)
+    do i = 0, size(cp%contours)
+      do j = 1, size(cp%lines(i)%list)
+        thisX => cp%lines(i)%list(j)%x
+        thisY => cp%lines(i)%list(j)%y
+        call simpleScalePoints(x, y, thisX, thisY)
+      enddo
+      do j = 1, size(cp%polys(i)%list)
+        thisX => cp%polys(i)%list(j)%outerBoundary%x
+        thisY => cp%polys(i)%list(j)%outerBoundary%y
+        call simplescalePoints(x, y, thisX, thisY)
+        do k = 1, size(cp%polys(i)%list(j)%innerBoundaries%list)
+          thisX => cp%polys(i)%list(j)%innerBoundaries%list(k)%x
+          thisY => cp%polys(i)%list(j)%innerBoundaries%list(k)%y
+          call simpleScalePoints(x, y, thisX, thisY)
+        enddo
+      enddo
+    enddo
+  end subroutine scale_contours_simple
+  subroutine scale_contours_complex(cp, x, y)
+    type(contourObject), intent(inout) :: cp
+    real, intent(in) :: x(:,:), y(:,:)
+    integer :: i, j, k
+    real, pointer :: thisX(:), thisY(:)
+    do i = 0, size(cp%contours)
+      do j = 1, size(cp%lines(i)%list)
+        thisX => cp%lines(i)%list(j)%x
+        thisY => cp%lines(i)%list(j)%y
+        call complexScalePoints(x, y, thisX, thisY)
+      enddo
+      do j = 1, size(cp%polys(i)%list)
+        thisX => cp%polys(i)%list(j)%outerBoundary%x
+        thisY => cp%polys(i)%list(j)%outerBoundary%y
+        call complexScalePoints(x, y, thisX, thisY)
+        do k = 1, size(cp%polys(i)%list(j)%innerBoundaries%list)
+          thisX => cp%polys(i)%list(j)%innerBoundaries%list(k)%x
+          thisY => cp%polys(i)%list(j)%innerBoundaries%list(k)%y
+          call complexScalePoints(x, y, thisX, thisY)
+        enddo
+      enddo
+    enddo
+  end subroutine scale_contours_complex
+  function make_contours_on_simplest_grid(e, w, n, s, z, contour_values, ncv, ignore_gt) result(o)
+    real, intent(in) :: e, w, n, s, z(:,:)
+    real, intent(in), optional :: contour_values(:)
+    integer, intent(in), optional :: ncv
+    real, intent(in), optional :: ignore_gt
+    type(contourObject) :: o
+    type(contourLines) :: cp
+    integer :: i, ncv_
+    real :: x(size(z,1)), y(size(z,2))
+    real :: zmin, zmax, zinc
+    real, allocatable :: contour_values_(:)
+    if (present(contour_values)) then
+      if (present(ncv)) then
+        call FoX_error('cannot specify ncv and contour_values at the same time')
+      endif
+      do i = 2, size(contour_values)
+        if (contour_values(i)<=contour_values(i-1)) then
+          call FoX_error('contour values must be monotonically increasing')
+        endif
+      enddo
+      if (present(ignore_gt)) then
+        if (contour_values(size(contour_values))>ignore_gt) then
+          call FoX_error('cannot have contours above the maximum value')
+        endif
+        allocate(contour_values_(size(contour_values)+1))
+        contour_values_(:size(contour_values)) = contour_values
+        contour_values_(size(contour_values_)) = contour_values(size(contour_values)) + &
+          0.999*(ignore_gt-contour_values(size(contour_values)))
+      else
+        allocate(contour_values_(size(contour_values)))
+        contour_values_ = contour_values
+      endif
+    else
+      if (present(ncv)) then
+        ncv_ = ncv
+      else
+        ncv_ = 5
+      endif
+      zmin = minval(z)
+      if (present(ignore_gt)) then
+        allocate(contour_values_(ncv_+1))
+        zmax = minval(abs(z-ignore_gt))
+      else
+        allocate(contour_values_(ncv_))
+        zmax = maxval(z)
+      endif
+      zinc = (zmax-zmin)/(ncv_+1)
+      do i = 1, ncv_
+        contour_values_(i) = zmin + i * zinc 
+      enddo
+      if (present(ignore_gt)) then
+        contour_values_(i) = zmin + (i-0.001)*zinc
+      endif
+    endif
+    ! Note that we need extra poly lists - to surround areas which are less than the minimum contour, or larger than the greatest
+    call gcontr(z, contour_values_, o, ignoreval=ignore_gt)
+    do i = 1, size(z,1)
+      x(i) = w + (i-1)*(e-w)/(size(z,1)-1)
+    enddo
+    do i = 1, size(z,2)
+      y(i) = n - (i-1)*(n-s)/(size(z,2)-1)
+    enddo
+    call scale_contours_simple(o, x, y)
+  end function make_contours_on_simplest_grid
+  function make_contours_on_a_simple_grid(x, y, z, contour_values, ncv, ignore_gt) result(o)
+    real, intent(in) :: x(:), y(:), z(:,:)
+    real, intent(in), optional :: contour_values(:)
+    integer, intent(in), optional :: ncv
+    real, intent(in), optional :: ignore_gt
+    type(contourObject) :: o
+    type(contourLines) :: cp
+    integer :: i, ncv_
+    real :: zmin, zmax, zinc
+    real, allocatable :: contour_values_(:)
+    if (size(x)/=size(z,1)) then
+      call FoX_error('wrong number of x coordinates')
+    elseif (size(y)/=size(z,2)) then
+      call FoX_error('wrong number of x coordinates')
+    endif
+    if (present(contour_values)) then
+      if (present(ncv)) then
+        call FoX_error('cannot specify ncv and contour_values at the same time')
+      endif
+      do i = 2, size(contour_values)
+        if (contour_values(i)<=contour_values(i-1)) then
+          call FoX_error('contour values must be monotonically increasing')
+        endif
+      enddo
+      if (present(ignore_gt)) then
+        if (contour_values(size(contour_values))>ignore_gt) then
+          call FoX_error('cannot have contours above the maximum value')
+        endif
+        allocate(contour_values_(size(contour_values)+1))
+        contour_values_(:size(contour_values)) = contour_values
+        contour_values_(size(contour_values_)) = contour_values(size(contour_values)) + &
+          0.999*(ignore_gt-contour_values(size(contour_values)))
+      else
+        allocate(contour_values_(size(contour_values)))
+        contour_values_ = contour_values
+      endif
+    else
+      if (present(ncv)) then
+        ncv_ = ncv
+      else
+        ncv_ = 5
+      endif
+      zmin = minval(z)
+      if (present(ignore_gt)) then
+        allocate(contour_values_(ncv_+1))
+        zmax = minval(abs(z-ignore_gt))
+      else
+        allocate(contour_values_(ncv_))
+        zmax = maxval(z)
+      endif
+      zinc = (zmax-zmin)/(ncv_+1)
+      do i = 1, ncv_
+        contour_values_(i) = zmin + i * zinc 
+      enddo
+      if (present(ignore_gt)) then
+        contour_values_(i) = zmin + (i-0.001)*zinc
+      endif
+    endif
+    ! Note that we need extra poly lists - to surround areas which are less than the minimum contour, or larger than the greatest
+    call gcontr(z, contour_values_, o, ignoreval=ignore_gt)
+    call scale_contours_simple(o, x, y)
+  end function make_contours_on_a_simple_grid
+  function make_contours_on_a_complex_grid(x, y, z, contour_values, ncv, ignore_gt) result(o)
+    real, intent(in) :: x(:,:), y(:,:), z(:,:)
+    real, intent(in), optional :: contour_values(:)
+    integer, intent(in), optional :: ncv
+    real, intent(in), optional :: ignore_gt
+    type(contourObject) :: o
+    type(contourLines) :: cp
+    integer :: i, ncv_
+    real :: zmin, zmax, zinc
+    real, allocatable :: contour_values_(:)
+    if (size(x,1)/=size(z,1).and.size(y,1)/=size(z,2)) then
+      call FoX_error('wrong number of coordinates in the x direction')
+    elseif (size(x,2)/=size(z,2).and.size(y,2)/=size(z,2)) then
+      call FoX_error('wrong number of coordinates in the y direction')
+    endif
+    if (present(contour_values)) then
+      if (present(ncv)) then
+        call FoX_error('cannot specify ncv and contour_values at the same time')
+      endif
+      do i = 2, size(contour_values)
+        if (contour_values(i)<=contour_values(i-1)) then
+          call FoX_error('contour values must be monotonically increasing')
+        endif
+      enddo
+      if (present(ignore_gt)) then
+        if (contour_values(size(contour_values))>ignore_gt) then
+          call FoX_error('cannot have contours above the maximum value')
+        endif
+        allocate(contour_values_(size(contour_values)+1))
+        contour_values_(:size(contour_values)) = contour_values
+        contour_values_(size(contour_values_)) = ignore_gt
+      else
+        allocate(contour_values_(size(contour_values)))
+        contour_values_ = contour_values
+      endif
+    else
+      if (present(ncv)) then
+        ncv_ = ncv
+      else
+        ncv_ = 5
+      endif
+      zmin = minval(z)
+      if (present(ignore_gt)) then
+        allocate(contour_values_(ncv_+1))
+        zmax = minval(abs(z-ignore_gt))
+      else
+        allocate(contour_values_(ncv_))
+        zmax = maxval(z)
+      endif
+      zinc = (zmax-zmin)/(ncv_+1)
+      do i = 1, ncv_
+        contour_values_(i) = zmin + i * zinc 
+      enddo
+      if (present(ignore_gt)) then
+        contour_values_(i) = zmin + (i-0.001)*zinc
+      endif
+    endif
+    ! Note that we need extra poly lists - to surround areas which are less than the minimum contour, or larger than the greatest
+    call gcontr(z, contour_values_, o, ignoreval=ignore_gt)
+    call scale_contours_complex(o, x, y)
+  end function make_contours_on_a_complex_grid
+  subroutine draw(x, y, nx, ny, icv, iflag, cp, uphill)
+    real, intent(in) :: x, y
+    integer, intent(in) :: nx, ny
+    integer, intent(in) :: icv
+    integer, intent(in) :: iflag
+    type(contourLines), intent(inout) :: cp
+    logical, intent(in) :: uphill
+    select case (iflag)
+    case (1)
+      ! carry on along the way ...
+      call add_point(cp%current, x, y)
+    case (2)
+      if (x==1.0) then
+        cp%current_se = 1
+      else if (y==ny) then
+        cp%current_se = 2
+      else if (x==nx) then
+        cp%current_se = 3
+      else if (y==1) then
+        cp%current_se = 4
+      else
+        cp%current_se = 0
+      endif
+      call init_line(cp%current)
+      call add_point(cp%current, x, y)
+    case (3)
+      cp%current_se = 0
+      call init_line(cp%current)
+      call add_point(cp%current, x, y)
+    case (4)
+      call add_point(cp%current, x, y)
+      if (cp%current_se==0) then
+        call add_polygon(cp, icv)
+      else
+        if (x==1) then
+          cp%current_ee = 1
+        else if (y==ny) then
+          cp%current_ee = 2
+        else if (x==nx) then
+          cp%current_ee = 3
+        else if (y==1) then
+          cp%current_ee = 4
+        else
+          cp%current_ee = 0
+        endif
+        call add_line(cp, icv, cp%current_se, cp%current_ee, uphill)
+      endif
+    case (5) 
+      call add_point(cp%current, x, y)
+      call add_polygon(cp, icv)
+      ! If we were going uphill, and clockwise ...
+      if (uphill.eqv.(cp%polys(icv)%list(size(cp%polys(icv)%list))%area<0.0)) then
+        cp%polys(icv)%list(size(cp%polys(icv)%list))%mountain = 2
+      else
+        cp%polys(icv)%list(size(cp%polys(icv)%list))%mountain = 1
+      endif
+    end select
+  end subroutine draw
+  SUBROUTINE GCONTR(Z, CV, o, ignoreval)
+    !
+    !     *****     FORMAL ARGUMENTS     ***********************************
+    !
+    !     THE ORIGIN), ETC.
+    !
+    !
+    !
+    !
+    !
+    !
+    !
+    !
+    !
+    !         CALL DRAW (X,Y,IFLAG)
+    !         SUBSCRIPT OF Z.
+    !             1 - CONTINUE A CONTOUR,
+    !             2 - START A CONTOUR AT A BOUNDARY,
+    !             3 - START A CONTOUR NOT AT A BOUNDARY,
+    !             4 - FINISH A CONTOUR AT A BOUNDARY,
+    !                 NOTE THAT REQUESTS 1, 4 AND 5 ARE FOR PEN-DOWN
+    !                 MOVES, AND THAT REQUESTS 2 AND 3 ARE FOR PEN-UP
+    !                 MOVES.
+    !                 IS TAKEN TO CORRESPOND TO Z(1,1).
+    !         IFLAG/10 IS THE CONTOUR NUMBER.
+    !
+    !     *****     EXTERNAL SUBPROGRAMS     *******************************
+    !
+    !
+    !     ******************************************************************
+    !
+    REAL, intent(in) :: Z(:,:)
+    REAL, intent(in) :: CV(:)
+    type(contourObject), intent(out) :: o
+    real, intent(in), optional :: ignoreval
+    ! If we encounter any values greater than ignoreval, we ignore them, and do
+    ! not draw contours through the region
+    ! This lets us do contour plots over incomplete data sets - set all incomplete
+    ! data to be greater than ignoreval
+    real :: x, y
+    integer :: i, j, imin, imax, jmin, jmax
+    real :: dmax, cval
+    integer :: ibkey
+    integer :: icv, icur, iflag, ii, iedge, ix, jcur, jump, jj, ks, k, l, idir, nxidir, ni, m, n
+    real :: zz, z1, z2
+    integer :: nx, ny, ncv
+    integer, allocatable :: tempList(:)
+    integer :: se, ee
+    INTEGER L1(4), L2(4), IJ(2)
+    !
+    !
+    INTEGER I1(2), I2(2), I3(6)
+    !
+    !
+    REAL XINT(4)
+    !
+    !
+    REAL XY(2)
+    !
+    !
+    logical :: contourTest(2, size(z,1), size(z,2), size(cv))
+    ! 2 for vertical/horizontal
+    ! 1 for each point (though we don't need the last surely?)
+    ! 1 for each contour value
+    logical :: uphill, uphills(4)
+    ! need to keep track of boundaries as well:
+    integer :: boundary1, boundary2
+    real :: highpoint(2), firstpoint(2)
+    type(contourLines) :: cp
+    logical jump_to ! To avoid the assigned goto deleted from 
+                    ! Fortran 95 - if .false. goto 100
+                    !              if .true. goto 280...
+    EQUIVALENCE (L2(1),IMAX), (L2(2),JMAX), (L2(3),IMIN), (L2(4),JMIN)
+    EQUIVALENCE (IJ(1),I), (IJ(2),J)
+    EQUIVALENCE (XY(1),X), (XY(2),Y)
+    !
+    !  Initialize contour plot
+    nx = size(z, 1)
+    ny = size(z, 2)
+    ncv = size(cv)
+    L1 = (/nx, ny, -1, -1/)
+    I1 = (/1, 0/)
+    I2 = (/1,-1/)
+    I3 = (/1,0,0,1,1,0/)
+    allocate(cp%contours(ncv))
+    cp%contours = cv
+    allocate(cp%polys(0:ncv))
+    allocate(cp%lines(0:ncv))
+    do i = 0, ncv
+      allocate(cp%polys(i)%list(0))
+      allocate(cp%lines(i)%list(0))
+    enddo
+    !if (present(ignoreval)) then
+    !  dmax = ignoreval
+    !else
+      DMAX = huge(z)
+    !endif
+    !
+    !     TO Z(1,1).
+    !
+    X = 1.0
+    Y = 1.0
+    ICUR = 1
+    JCUR = 1
+    !
+    !
+    contourTest = .false.
+    !
+    !          1.  THE END POINTS ARE NOT EXCLUDED,
+    !              VALUE.
+    !
+    !     BOUNDARIES.
+    !
+    IBKEY = 0
+10  I = ICUR
+    J = JCUR
+20  IMAX = I
+    IMIN = -I
+    JMAX = J
+    JMIN = -J
+    IDIR = 0
+    !     DIRECTION ZERO IS +I, 1 IS +J, 2 IS -I, 3 IS -J.
+30  NXIDIR = IDIR + 1
+    K = NXIDIR
+    IF (NXIDIR.GT.3) NXIDIR = 0
+40  I = IABS(I)
+    J = IABS(J)
+    IF (Z(I,J).GT.DMAX) GO TO 140
+    L = 1
+50  IF (IJ(L).GE.L1(L)) GO TO 130 
+    II = I + I1(L)
+    JJ = J + I1(3-L)
+    IF (Z(II,JJ).GT.DMAX) GO TO 130
+    ! ASSIGN 100 TO JUMP
+    jump_to = .false.
+60  IX = 1
+    IF (IJ(3-L).EQ.1) GO TO 80
+    II = I - I1(3-L)
+    JJ = J - I1(L)
+    IF (Z(II,JJ).GT.DMAX) GO TO 70
+    II = I + I2(L)
+    JJ = J + I2(3-L)
+    IF (Z(II,JJ).LT.DMAX) IX = 0
+70  IF (IJ(3-L).GE.L1(3-L)) GO TO 90
+80  II = I + I1(3-L)
+    JJ = J + I1(L)
+    IF (Z(II,JJ).GT.DMAX) GO TO 90
+    IF (Z(I+1,J+1).LT.DMAX) then ! GO TO JUMP, (100, 280)
+      if (jump_to) then
+        go to 280
+      else 
+        go to 100
+      endif
+    endif
+90  IX = IX + 2
+    !GO TO JUMP, (100, 280)
+    if (jump_to) then
+      go to 280
+    else 
+      go to 100
+    endif
+100 IF (IX.EQ.3) GO TO 130
+    IF (IX+IBKEY.EQ.0) GO TO 130
+    II = I + I1(L)
+    JJ = J + I1(3-L)
+    ! The two points of interest are:
+    Z1 = Z(I,J)
+    Z2 = Z(II,JJ)
+    DO 120 ICV = 1, NCV
+      if (contourTest(l, i, j, icv)) goto 120 ! We've checked this edge before for this contour
+      IF (CV(ICV).LE.MIN(Z1,Z2)) GO TO 110 ! Nope, not this one.
+      IF (CV(ICV).LE.MAX(Z1,Z2)) then
+        GO TO 190 ! Yes, the contour crosses here.
+      endif
+110   continue
+      contourTest(l, i, j, icv) = .true.
+120 continue
+130 L = L + 1
+    IF (L.LE.2) GO TO 50 ! search vertically instead of horizontally
+140 L = MOD(IDIR,2) + 1 
+    IJ(L) = ISIGN(IJ(L),L1(K))
+    !
+    !
+150 IF (IJ(L).GE.L1(K)) GO TO 170
+    IJ(L) = IJ(L) + 1
+    IF (IJ(L).GT.L2(K)) GO TO 160
+    GO TO 40
+160 L2(K) = IJ(L)
+    GO TO 30
+    NXIDIR = NXIDIR + 1
+    IJ(L) = L1(K)
+    K = NXIDIR
+    L = 3 - L
+    IJ(L) = L2(K)
+    IF (NXIDIR.GT.3) NXIDIR = 0
+    GO TO 150
+180 IF (IBKEY.NE.0) goto 300
+    IBKEY = 1
+    GO TO 10
+    !
+    !
+190 continue ! At this point, z1 and z2 hold the two points of interest
+    IEDGE = L ! horizontal or vertical?
+    CVAL = CV(ICV) ! contour value of interest
+    IF (IX.NE.1) IEDGE = IEDGE + 2 ! ... ?
+    IFLAG = 2 + IBKEY ! We've only just found one, so this is the start of a line at either a boundary or inside. (according to ibkey)
+    XINT(IEDGE) = (CVAL-Z1)/(Z2-Z1) ! Linear interpolation to find fraction in the y-direction
+200 XY(L) = FLOAT(IJ(L)) + XINT(IEDGE) ! X (or Y, according to L) is the value at current ij +- the interpolate along the line
+    XY(3-L) = FLOAT(IJ(3-L)) ! and the other one is constant of course
+    contourTest(l, i, j, icv) = .true.
+    call draw(x, y, nx, ny, icv, iflag, cp, uphill)
+    IF (IFLAG.LT.4)  then ! we need to carry on with the present line ...
+      GO TO 210
+    endif
+    ! Otherwise we've just finished a line, so we go back to the beginning:
+    ICUR = I
+    JCUR = J
+    GO TO 20
+    !
+    !
+210 NI = 1
+    IF (IEDGE.LT.3) GO TO 220
+    I = I - I3(IEDGE)
+    J = J - I3(IEDGE+2)
+220 DO K=1,4
+      IF (K.EQ.IEDGE) cycle
+      II = I + I3(K)
+      JJ = J + I3(K+1)
+      Z1 = Z(II,JJ)
+      II = I + I3(K+1)
+      JJ = J + I3(K+2)
+      Z2 = Z(II,JJ)
+      IF (CVAL.LE.MIN(Z1,Z2)) cycle
+      IF (CVAL.GT.MAX(Z1,Z2)) cycle
+      uphills(k) = z2>z1
+      IF (K.EQ.1) GO TO 230
+      IF (K.NE.4) GO TO 240
+230   ZZ = Z1
+      Z1 = Z2
+      Z2 = ZZ
+240   XINT(K) = (CVAL-Z1)/(Z2-Z1)
+      NI = NI + 1
+      KS = K
+    enddo
+    IF (NI.EQ.2) GO TO 260
+    !
+    !     ANY CELL.
+    !
+    KS = 5 - IEDGE
+    IF (XINT(3).LT.XINT(1)) GO TO 260
+    KS = 3 - IEDGE
+    IF (KS.LE.0) KS = KS + 4
+    !
+    !
+260 L = KS
+    IFLAG = 1
+    ! ASSIGN 280 TO JUMP
+    jump_to = .true.
+    IF (KS.LT.3) GO TO 270
+    I = I + I3(KS)
+    J = J + I3(KS+2)
+    L = KS - 2
+270 continue
+    if (.not.contourTest(l, i, j, icv)) goto 60
+    IFLAG = 5
+    GO TO 290
+280 IF (IX.NE.0) IFLAG = 4
+290 IEDGE = KS + 2
+    IF (IEDGE.GT.4) IEDGE = IEDGE - 4
+    uphill = uphills(ks)
+    GO TO 200
+300 continue
+    call init_contourObject(o, nx, ny, cv, ignoreval)
+    call addLinesToContourObject(cp, o)
+    if (size(cp%lines)>1) then
+      call joinUpLines(cp, nx, ny)
+    else
+      ! We need to add the box perimeter
+      ! If we only add the corners, then Google Earth seemsto get a bit unhappy,
+      ! and doesn't join them up nicely ...
+      call init_line(cp%current)
+      do i = 2, ny
+        call add_point(cp%current, 1.0, real(i))
+      enddo
+      do i = 2, nx
+        call add_point(cp%current, real(i), real(ny))
+      enddo
+      do i = ny - 1, 1, -1
+        call add_point(cp%current, real(nx), real(i))
+      enddo
+      do i = nx - 1, 1, -1
+        call add_point(cp%current, real(i), 1.0)
+      enddo
+      ! Which level should this be at? Well, whatever level (1,1) should be at.
+      k = whichLevel(z(1,1), cv)
+      call add_polygon(cp, whichLevel(z(1,1), cv))
+    endif
+    call polygonsInPolygons(cp, z)
+    !call shave_polygons(cp)
+    call addPolygonsToContourObject(cp, o)
+    call destroy_contourLines(cp)
+  end subroutine gcontr
+  function whichLevel(z, cv) result(level)
+    real, intent(in) :: z
+    real, intent(in) :: cv(:)
+    integer :: level
+    integer :: i
+    if (z<cv(1)) then
+      level = 0
+      return
+    endif
+    do i = 1, size(cv)-1
+      if (z>cv(i) .and. z<cv(i+1)) then
+        level = i
+        return
+      endif
+    enddo
+    level = i + 1
+  end function whichLevel
+  function checkPointOnPolygon(l, x, y) result(p)
+    type(richline), intent(in) :: l
+    real, intent(in) :: x, y
+    logical :: p
+    integer :: i, j
+    p = .false.
+    do i = 1, size(l%x)
+      if (abs(l%x(i)-x)<0.01 .and. abs(l%y(i)-y)<0.01) then
+        p = .true.
+        return
+!        print*, 'point nearly on polygon:'
+!        print*, 'point', x,y
+!        print*, 'polygon', l%x(i), l%y(i)
+      endif
+    enddo
+  end function checkPointOnPolygon
+  function pointInPolygon(l, x, y) result(p)
+    type(richline), intent(in) :: l
+    real, intent(in) :: x, y
+    logical :: p
+    integer :: i, j
+    p = .false.
+    j = 1
+    do i = 1, size(l%x)
+      j = j + 1
+      if (j>size(l%x)) j = 1
+      if ((l%y(i) < y .and. l%y(j) >= y) .or. (l%y(j)<y .and. l%y(i) >= y)) then
+        if ( l%x(i) &
+          +(y-l%y(i))/(l%y(j)-l%y(i))*(l%x(j)-l%x(i)) &
+          < x ) then
+          p = .not. p
+        endif
+      endif
+    enddo
+  end function pointInPolygon
+  function nextLineOnEdge(list, current, edge, minLine, forward, lastlinelength, lastse, whichhill) &
+    result(minGap)
+    type(richline), intent(in) :: list(:)
+    type(richline), intent(in) :: current
+    integer, intent(in) :: edge ! which edge are we on?
+    integer, intent(inout) :: minLine ! on input, current j so we know not to find the same line (-1 if a different level)
+                                      ! on output, the j of the line that has been found.
+    logical, intent(inout) :: forward !on entrance, which way round is the current line.
+                                      ! on exit, which way round is the line we found?
+    integer, intent(in) :: lastlinelength ! what is the length of the last line segment we added to current?
+    integer, intent(in) :: lastse ! on which edge started the last line segment we added to current?
+    logical, intent(in) :: whichhill ! are we searching in the correct (up|down)hill direction?
+    real :: minGap
+    real :: p, px, py, pnew, pold, pnewnew, area, minArea
+    integer :: i, j, ix, ix2, c_j, b, c, thisse
+    logical :: c_f
+    c_j = minLine
+    c_f = forward
+    ! First work out where we are starting from:
+    px = current%x(size(current%x))
+    py = current%y(size(current%x))
+    if (edge==1.or.edge==3) then
+      p = py
+    elseif (edge==2.or.edge==4) then
+      p = px
+    endif
+    minGap = -1.0
+    minArea = 1.0
+    minLine = 0
+    ! Now loop over all lines in the list we are looking at, and check (with setpnew) how
+    ! close they are to the current endpoint.
+    do j = 1, size(list)
+      ! We are allowed to find only the end of the line in the direction we did not start with!
+      ! This means that if a) we are comparing lines on the same level
+      !                    b) the line index is the same (these are both checked by j==c_j)
+      !                    c) if this line goes forward the initial point of the line is the same as our finish point,
+      !                       if this line goes backward, the final point of the line is the same as our finish point.
+      !                 then it is the line we are coming from, we should not use it.
+      if (debug) print*,"DEBUG going to check ", j, c_j, list(j)%se==edge, list(j)%ee==edge, j==c_j, c_f
+      if (debug) print*, "DEBUG starts at ", list(j)%x(1), list(j)%y(1)
+      if (debug) print*, "DEBUG ends at ", list(j)%x(size(list(j)%x)), list(j)%y(size(list(j)%x))
+      ! For each line, check its starting point:
+      if (list(j)%se==edge.and..not.(j==c_j &
+        .and.list(j)%x(1)==px.and.list(j)%y(1)==py)) &
+        then
+        ix = 1
+        ix2 = size(list(j)%x)
+        call setpnew(.true.)
+      endif
+      ! And it's ending point.
+      if (list(j)%ee==edge.and..not.(j==c_j &
+        .and.list(j)%x(size(list(j)%x))==px.and.list(j)%y(size(list(j)%x))==py)) &
+        then
+        ix = size(list(j)%x)
+        ix2 = 1
+        call setpnew(.false.)
+      endif
+    enddo
+  contains
+    subroutine setpnew(whichWay)
+      logical, intent(in) :: whichWay
+      integer :: lastix
+      lastix = size(current%x)-lastlinelength+1
+      select case(edge)
+      case(1)
+        pold = current%y(lastix)
+        pnew = list(j)%y(ix)
+        pnewnew = list(j)%y(ix2)
+      case(2)
+        pold = current%x(lastix)
+        pnew = list(j)%x(ix)
+        pnewnew = list(j)%x(ix2)
+      case(3)
+        pold = 2.0*p - current%y(lastix)
+        pnew = 2.0*p - list(j)%y(ix)
+        pnewnew = 2.0*p - list(j)%y(ix2)
+      case(4)
+        pold = 2.0*p - current%x(lastix)
+        pnew = 2.0*p - list(j)%x(ix)
+        pnewnew = 2.0*p - list(j)%x(ix2)
+      end select
+      ! Next if statement does the following:
+      ! Where this line hits the edge at the current endpoint, then the distance
+      ! (pnew-p) is zero. However, this is only the closest line for our purposes
+      ! if the area between the two lines is > 0; ie the line heads off pointing
+      ! further along our tour round the perimeter.
+      ! Indeed, in case there is more than one line present for which this
+      ! is the case, we need to pick the line for which the area is the
+      ! smallest positive value available.
+      if (debug) print*, "DEBUG pp", p, pnew
+      if (pnew>p .and. ((pnew-p)<minGap .or. minLine==0)) then
+        ! Also, we want to record this as minimum only if - we have had no minimum
+        ! before (so minLine==0) or it is a lower gap than previously recorded.
+        if (debug) print*, "DEBUG best so far"
+        minGap = pnew - p
+        minLine = j
+        forward = whichWay
+      elseif (pnew==p) then
+        ! compare the starting and finishing edges ...
+        if (whichWay) then
+          thisse = list(j)%ee
+        else
+          thisse = list(j)%se
+        endif
+        b = modulo(thisse - lastse, 4)
+        c = modulo(edge - lastse, 4)
+        if (debug) print*, "DEBUG bc", lastse, thisse, edge, b, c, p, pold, pnewnew
+        if (b==0.and.c>0) then
+          if (debug) print*, "DEBUG linetype 1"
+          ! we started on a different side, and the candidate line will finish
+          ! on the same, other, side.
+          ! To know if we want it we must calculate the area of the polygon
+          ! inscribed by the two lines. If it is negative, then it goes the
+          ! right way round.
+          area = 0.0
+          do i = size(current%x)-lastlinelength+1, size(current%x)-1
+            area = area + current%x(i)*current%y(i+1)-current%x(i+1)*current%y(i)
+            if (debug) print*, "DEBUG a", current%x(i), current%y(i), area
+          enddo
+          if (whichWay) then
+            area = area + current%x(i)*list(j)%y(1) - list(j)%x(1)*current%y(i)
+            if (debug) print*, "DEBUG a", current%x(i), current%y(i), area
+            do i = 1, size(list(j)%x)-1
+              area = area + list(j)%x(i)*list(j)%y(i+1) - list(j)%x(i+1)*list(j)%y(i)
+              if (debug) print*, "DEBUG a", list(j)%x(i), list(j)%y(i), area
+            enddo
+          else
+            if (debug) print*, "DEBUG a", current%x(i), current%y(i), area
+            area = area + current%x(i)*list(j)%y(size(list(j)%x)) - list(j)%x(size(list(j)%x))*current%y(i)
+            do i = size(list(j)%x), 2, -1
+              area = area + list(j)%x(i)*list(j)%y(i-1) - list(j)%x(i-1)*list(j)%y(i)
+              if (debug) print*, "DEBUG a", list(j)%x(i), list(j)%y(i), area
+            enddo
+          endif
+          area = area + list(j)%x(i)*current%y(size(current%x)-lastlinelength+1) &
+            - current%x(size(current%x)-lastlinelength+1)*list(j)%y(i)
+          if (debug) print*, "DEBUG area", current%x(size(current%x)-lastlinelength+1), &
+            current%y(size(current%x)-lastlinelength+1), area
+        elseif (b<c) then
+          if (debug) print*, "DEBUG linetype 2"
+          area = 1.0
+          ! Then this line is not the one we want, mark its area positive
+        elseif (b>c) then
+          if (debug) print*, "DEBUG linetype 3"
+          ! Then this is a genuine candidate line, mark its area negative
+          area = -1.0
+          ! FIXME we might need to calculate this area correctly in some cases ...
+        elseif (c==0) then
+          if (debug) print*, "DEBUG linetype 4"
+          ! Last line started on this edge, and the candidate line finishes there
+          ! too. Are they correctly ordered ...
+          if ((pold<p .and. p<pnewnew) &
+            .or. (pnewnew<=pold .and. pold<p) &
+            .or. (p<pnewnew .and. pnewnew<=pold)) then
+            area = -1.0
+          else
+            area = 1.0
+          endif
+        else
+          if (debug) print*, "DEBUG linetype 5"
+          ! Last line started on another edge, but the candidate line will finish on
+          ! this edge. We only want it if it goes clockwise ...
+          if (pnewnew>p) then
+            area = -1.0
+          else
+            area = 1.0
+          endif
+        endif
+        if (debug) print*, "DEBUG same line", area, c_j, whichhill
+        if ((abs(area)<1e-3 .and. whichhill) &
+          !These are essentially the same line, but on different levels
+          ! (if it were on the same level, it could only be the same line
+          ! & that is excluded above)
+          ! then we only want this if we are changing levels in the correct direction.
+          .or. area<0.0) &
+          ! The two lines are separated in the right direction
+          then
+          minGap = 0.0
+          if (debug) print*, "DEBUG checked area", area, minArea
+          if (minArea==1.0 .or. area>minArea) then
+            if (debug) print*, "DEBUG best so far"
+            minArea = area
+            minLine = j
+            forward = whichWay
+          endif
+        endif
+      endif
+    end subroutine setpnew
+  end function nextLineOnEdge
+  subroutine joinUpLines(cp, nx, ny)
+    type(contourLines), intent(inout) :: cp
+    integer, intent(in) :: nx, ny
+    type(richline), pointer :: l
+    integer :: i, ii, j, jj, ix, jjj
+    integer :: s, ce, once, lastlinelength, lastse
+    integer :: minLine, minLine1, minLine2, minLevel
+    logical :: forward, forward1, forward2, allOneLevel
+    real :: x, y, minGap1, minGap2
+    logical :: infinite1, infinite2, infinite3, uphill
+    ! This is the algorithm:
+    ! For each line on each contour:
+    ! Is (se|ee)done set? If so then this side of the line is already part of a polygon started on the level below.
+    ! Start a new polygon with the points of the current line.
+    ! Start at the end of the line. Follow the edge of the box counterclockwise
+    !    until we hit the end of another line. (finding the line is complex - see nextLineOnEdge above)
+    ! Concatenate the new line onto our polygon. Set its (se|ee)done variable so we know we've counted it.
+    ! Continue round until we hit the other end of the line we started with.
+    ! Add the completed polygon to the list of polygons
+    ! Repeat, starting from the *end* of the line instead.
+    do i = 1, size(cp%contours)
+      ! At each contour level:
+      j = 1
+      allOneLevel = .true.
+      do j = 1, size(cp%lines(i)%list)
+        if (cp%lines(i)%list(j)%se==0) then
+          cycle
+        elseif (cp%lines(i)%list(j)%ee==0) then
+          cycle
+        endif
+        do s = 1, 2 ! 1 = start at beginning of line, 2 = start at end
+          !(we need to do two sides of each line)
+          ! For each line discovered at this level ...
+          ! Start at one end of the line
+          l => cp%lines(i)%list(j)
+!          debug = (i==3.and.j==1.and.s==1)
+          if (debug) then
+            if (s==1) then
+              if (debug) print*, "DEBUG from ",  l%x(1), l%y(1), " to ",l%x(size(l%x)), l%y(size(l%y)), l%uphill
+            elseif (s==2) then
+              if (debug) print*, "DEBUG from ", l%x(size(l%x)), l%y(size(l%y)), " to ", l%x(1), l%y(1), l%uphill
+            endif
+          endif
+          if (s==1) then
+            if (l%eedone) cycle
+            allocate(cp%current%x(size(l%x)))
+            allocate(cp%current%y(size(l%y)))
+            cp%current%x = l%x
+            cp%current%y = l%y
+            cp%current%uphill = l%uphill
+            ce = l%ee
+            l%eedone = .true.
+            lastse = l%se
+          elseif (s==2) then
+            if (l%sedone) cycle
+            allocate(cp%current%x(size(l%x)))
+            allocate(cp%current%y(size(l%y)))
+            cp%current%x = l%x(size(l%x):1:-1)
+            cp%current%y = l%y(size(l%y):1:-1)
+            cp%current%uphill = .not.l%uphill
+            ce = l%se
+            l%sedone = .true.
+            lastse = l%ee
+          endif
+          if (debug) print*, "DEBUG uphill", cp%current%uphill
+          if (debug) then 
+          open(file="line."//str(i)//"."//str(j)//"."//str(s)//".dat", unit=8, status="unknown")
+            do jjj = 1, size(cp%current%x)
+              write(8, *) cp%current%x(jjj), cp%current%y(jjj)
+            enddo
+          endif
+          once = 1
+          forward = (s==1)
+          minLevel = i
+          minLine = j
+          lastlinelength = size(l%x)
+          do
+            if (ce==5) ce = 1
+            if (once==5) then
+              ! We may have to check the side we are starting on twice.
+              call FoX_error("GCONTR INTERNAL ERROR GONE ROUND BOX")
+            endif
+            x = cp%current%x(size(cp%current%x)) ! Get coordinates at the end of the line we are building
+            y = cp%current%y(size(cp%current%y))
+            if (minLevel==i) then ! we are on the current level.
+              minLine1 = minLine
+              minLine2 = 0 
+              if (debug) print*, "DEBUG checking from lower level"
+            else
+              minLine1 = 0 
+              minLine2 = minLine
+              if (debug) print*, "DEBUG checking from upper level"
+            endif
+            forward1 = forward
+            forward2 = forward
+            if (debug) print*, "DEBUG checking lower level", (minLevel>i.and..not.cp%current%uphill)
+            minGap1 = nextLineOnEdge(cp%lines(i)%list, cp%current, ce, minLine1, forward1, lastlinelength, lastse, &
+              (minLevel>i.and..not.cp%current%uphill))
+            ii = i + 1
+            minGap2 = -1.0
+            if (ii<=size(cp%contours)) then
+              if (debug) print*, "DEBUG checking upper level", (minLevel==i.and.cp%current%uphill)
+               minGap2 = nextLineOnEdge(cp%lines(ii)%list, cp%current, ce, minLine2, forward2, lastlinelength, lastse, &
+                (minLevel==i.and.cp%current%uphill))
+            endif
+            if (debug) print*, "DEBUG next line (",s,")", minLine1, minLine2, minGap1, minGap2, forward1, forward2, forward
+            if (minLine1==0.and.minLine2==0) then
+              ! Didn't find anything
+              if (debug) print*, "DEBUG round corner"
+              minLine = 0
+            elseif (minLine2==0 & ! There is no candidate line for the next level up
+              .or. (minLine1>0.and.(minGap1<minGap2))) & ! There are two candidate lines, but the one on this level is closer
+              then ! two lines are equidistant, stay at current level
+              ! next line is on the current level
+              if (debug) print*, "DEBUG to lower level"
+              minLine = minLine1
+              minLevel = i
+              forward = forward1
+            elseif (minLine1==0 & ! There is no candidate line for this level
+              .or. (minLine2>0.and.(minGap2<minGap1))) & ! There are two candidate lines, but the one for the next level is closer
+              then ! two lines are equidistant, stay at current level
+              ! next line is on the next level
+              if (debug) print*, "DEBUG to upper level"
+              minLine = minLine2
+              minLevel = ii
+              forward = forward2
+              allOneLevel = .false.
+            elseif (minGap2==minGap1) then
+              !there are two equidistant candidate lines; but in all such cases we want that from the lower (current) level
+              if (debug) print*, "DEBUG same to lower level"
+              minLine = minLine1
+              minLevel = i
+              forward = forward1
+            endif
+            if (minLine==0) then
+              ! Nothing on this side. Add corner to polygon & check next side ...
+              select case(ce)
+              case(1)
+                call add_point(cp%current, 1.0, real(ny))
+                if (debug) write(8,*) 1.0, real(ny)
+              case(2)
+                call add_point(cp%current, real(nx), real(ny))
+                if (debug) write(8,*) real(nx), real(ny)
+              case(3)
+                call add_point(cp%current, real(nx), 1.0)
+                if (debug) write(8,*) real(nx), 1.0
+              case(4)
+                call add_point(cp%current, 1.0, 1.0)
+                if (debug) write(8,*) 1.0, 1.0
+              end select
+              ce = ce + 1
+              once = once + 1
+            else if (minLevel==i.and.minLine==j) then
+              ! We've just found the other end of this line, so this polygon is now complete.
+              if (debug) print*, "DEBUG found ok"
+              exit
+            else
+              ! Add the points from the new line we've found to the end of the old line
+              l => cp%lines(minLevel)%list(minLine)
+              if (forward) then
+                ce = l%ee
+                if (l%eedone) then
+                  call FoX_error("GCONTR INTERNAL ERROR: Adding line twice")
+                endif
+                if (debug) then
+                  print*, "DEBUG now from ", l%x(1), l%y(1), " to ", l%x(size(l%x)), l%y(size(l%x)), l%uphill
+                  do jjj = 1, size(l%x)
+                    write(8,*) l%x(jjj), l%y(jjj)
+                  enddo
+                endif
+                l%eedone = .true.
+                lastse = l%se
+              else
+                ce = l%se
+                if (l%sedone) then
+                  call FoX_error("GCONTR INTERNAL ERROR: Adding line twice")
+                endif
+                if (debug) then
+                  print*, "DEBUG now from ", l%x(size(l%x)), l%y(size(l%y)), " to ", l%x(1), l%y(1), l%uphill
+                  do jjj = size(l%x), 1, -1
+                    write(8,*) l%x(jjj), l%y(jjj)
+                  enddo
+                endif
+                l%sedone = .true.
+                lastse = l%ee
+              endif
+              call concatenate_lines(cp%current, l, forward)
+              lastlinelength = size(l%x)
+            end if
+          enddo
+          uphill = cp%current%uphill
+          call add_polygon(cp, i)
+          cp%polys(i)%list(size(cp%polys(i)%list))%boundary = .true.
+          if (.not.allOneLevel) then
+            ! This is a mountain, since it starts on level i but also goes up to level i+1
+            cp%polys(i)%list(size(cp%polys(i)%list))%mountain = 2
+          else
+            ! Then we need to remember the starting edge of this polygon to test later:
+            if (s==1) then
+              cp%polys(i)%list(size(cp%polys(i)%list))%se = cp%lines(i)%list(j)%se
+            else
+              cp%polys(i)%list(size(cp%polys(i)%list))%se = cp%lines(i)%list(j)%ee
+            endif
+            if (uphill) then ! the created polygon is a mountain
+              cp%polys(i)%list(size(cp%polys(i)%list))%mountain = 2
+            else
+              cp%polys(i)%list(size(cp%polys(i)%list))%mountain = 1
+            endif
+          endif
+          if (debug) close(8)
+        enddo 
+      enddo
+    enddo
+  end subroutine joinUpLines
+  subroutine polygonsInPolygons(cp, z)
+    type(contourLines), intent(inout) :: cp
+    real, dimension(:,:), intent(in) :: z
+    integer :: i, j, ii, jj, k, kk
+    integer, pointer :: tempList(:)
+    real :: x, y, testX, testY, z1, z2, a
+    do i = 1, size(cp%contours)
+      ! Go over all contour levels
+      do j = 1, size(cp%polys(i)%list)
+        ! For each level, go over all contours
+        allocate(cp%polys(i)%list(j)%contains_lt(0))
+        allocate(cp%polys(i)%list(j)%contains_eq(0))
+        allocate(cp%polys(i)%list(j)%contains_gt(0))
+        allocate(cp%polys(i)%list(j)%borders_lt(0))
+        allocate(cp%polys(i)%list(j)%borders_eq(0))
+        allocate(cp%polys(i)%list(j)%borders_gt(0))
+        if (cp%polys(i)%list(j)%mountain==0) then
+          call FoX_error("SHOULDNT BE HERE")
+        endif
+        a = cp%polys(i)%list(j)%area
+        if (a==0.0) cycle
+        ! If this polygon has zero area, it's not going to contain anything (by convention)
+        ii = i - 1
+        ! Find the contour level *below* the current one.
+        if (ii>0) then 
+          ! Does part of this polygon lie on the boundary?
+          do jj = 1, size(cp%polys(ii)%list)
+            if (cp%polys(ii)%list(jj)%boundary) cycle ! a polygon lying on the boundary will never be within another.
+            if (cp%polys(ii)%list(jj)%area > a) cycle ! A bigger polygon cant be inside a smaller.
+            ! Go over all contours at this level - to find out if they are contained
+            ! by the previous one.
+            ! First, find a point that is definitely not lying on the current polygon
+            do kk = 1, size(cp%polys(ii)%list(jj)%x)
+              x = cp%polys(ii)%list(jj)%x(kk)
+              y = cp%polys(ii)%list(jj)%y(kk)
+              if (.not.checkPointOnPolygon(cp%polys(i)%list(j), x, y)) exit
+              ! FIXME this is a horribly inefficient loop. Need proper sorting really.
+            enddo
+            if (kk==size(cp%polys(ii)%list(jj)%x).and.(cp%polys(i)%list(j)%mountain==2)) cycle
+            ! If we left the above loop with all points on the polygon, then we
+            ! only include this if we are in a valley
+            if (pointInPolygon(cp%polys(i)%list(j), x, y)) then
+              ! This is definitively a valley, and so is the contained polygon.
+              cp%polys(i)%list(j)%mountain = 1
+              cp%polys(ii)%list(jj)%mountain = 1
+              tempList => cp%polys(i)%list(j)%contains_lt
+              allocate(cp%polys(i)%list(j)%contains_lt(size(tempList)+1))
+              cp%polys(i)%list(j)%contains_lt(:size(tempList)) = tempList
+              cp%polys(i)%list(j)%contains_lt(size(tempList)+1) = jj
+              deallocate(tempList)
+            endif
+          end do
+        endif
+        ii = i + 1
+        if (ii<=size(cp%contours)) then
+          do jj = 1, size(cp%polys(ii)%list)
+            if (cp%polys(ii)%list(jj)%boundary) cycle ! a polygon lying on the boundary will never be within another.
+            if (cp%polys(ii)%list(jj)%area > a) cycle ! A bigger polygon cant be inside a smaller.
+            ! Go over all contours at this level - to find out if they are contained
+            ! by the previous one.
+            ! First, find a point that is definitely not lying on the current polygon
+            do kk = 1, size(cp%polys(ii)%list(jj)%x)
+              x = cp%polys(ii)%list(jj)%x(kk)
+              y = cp%polys(ii)%list(jj)%y(kk)
+              if (.not.checkPointOnPolygon(cp%polys(i)%list(j), x, y)) exit
+              ! FIXME this is a horribly inefficient loop. Need proper sorting really.
+            enddo
+            if (kk==size(cp%polys(ii)%list(jj)%x).and.(cp%polys(i)%list(j)%mountain==1)) cycle
+            ! If we left the above loop with all points on the polygon, then we
+            ! only include this if we are in a mountain
+            if (pointInPolygon(cp%polys(i)%list(j), x, y)) then
+              cp%polys(i)%list(j)%mountain = 2
+              cp%polys(ii)%list(jj)%mountain = 2
+              tempList => cp%polys(i)%list(j)%contains_gt
+              allocate(cp%polys(i)%list(j)%contains_gt(size(tempList)+1))
+              cp%polys(i)%list(j)%contains_gt(:size(tempList)) = tempList
+              cp%polys(i)%list(j)%contains_gt(size(tempList)+1) = jj
+              deallocate(tempList)
+            endif
+          end do
+        endif
+        ! Check all other polygons at the same level - are any contained?
+        ii = i
+        do jj = 1, size(cp%polys(ii)%list)
+          if (cp%polys(ii)%list(jj)%boundary) cycle ! a polygon lying on the boundary will never be within another.
+          if (cp%polys(ii)%list(jj)%area > a) cycle ! A bigger polygon cant be inside a smaller.
+          if (jj==j) cycle ! A polygon can't be inside itself
+          ! Go over all contours at this level - to find out if they are contained
+          ! by the previous one.
+          ! First, find a point that is definitely not lying on the current polygon
+          do kk = 1, size(cp%polys(ii)%list(jj)%x)
+            x = cp%polys(ii)%list(jj)%x(kk)
+            y = cp%polys(ii)%list(jj)%y(kk)
+            if (.not.checkPointOnPolygon(cp%polys(i)%list(j), x, y)) exit
+            ! FIXME this is a horribly inefficient loop. Need proper sorting really.
+          enddo
+          ! It will never be the case that we exit the loop above normally
+          if (pointInPolygon(cp%polys(i)%list(j), x, y)) then
+            ! propagate mountain/valleyness between two the two polygons, whichever way we can ...
+            if (cp%polys(i)%list(j)%mountain==1) then
+              cp%polys(ii)%list(jj)%mountain = 2
+            elseif (cp%polys(i)%list(j)%mountain==2) then
+              cp%polys(ii)%list(jj)%mountain = 1
+            elseif (cp%polys(ii)%list(jj)%mountain==1) then
+              cp%polys(i)%list(j)%mountain = 2
+            elseif (cp%polys(ii)%list(jj)%mountain==2) then
+              cp%polys(i)%list(j)%mountain = 1
+            endif
+            tempList => cp%polys(i)%list(j)%contains_eq
+            allocate(cp%polys(i)%list(j)%contains_eq(size(tempList)+1))
+            cp%polys(i)%list(j)%contains_eq(:size(tempList)) = tempList
+            cp%polys(i)%list(j)%contains_eq(size(tempList)+1) = jj
+            deallocate(tempList)
+          endif
+        end do
+      enddo
+    enddo
+!!$    ! We also need to know which (boundary-adhering) polygons are next to which other (b-a) polygons.
+!!$    ! In principle, we can get this information from the joinUpLines subroutine, but keeping
+!!$    ! track of the indices is an arse. Instead, this brute force attack will work, since it relies
+!!$    ! on floating point comparisons ... it looks inefficient, but shouldn't be too bad on normal datasets though.
+!!$    do i = 1, size(cp%contours)
+!!$      do j = 1, size(cp%polys(i)%list)
+!!$        if (cp%polys(i)%list(j)%boundary) then
+!!$          l1: do jj = j+1, size(cp%polys(i)%list)
+!!$            if (cp%polys(i)%list(jj)%boundary) then
+!!$              do k = 1, size(cp%polys(i)%list(j)%x)
+!!$                do kk = 1, size(cp%polys(i)%list(jj)%x)
+!!$                  if (cp%polys(i)%list(j)%x(k)==cp%polys(i)%list(jj)%x(kk)) then
+!!$                    if (cp%polys(i)%list(j)%y(k)==cp%polys(i)%list(jj)%y(kk)) then
+!!$                      tempList => cp%polys(i)%list(j)%borders_eq
+!!$                      allocate(cp%polys(i)%list(j)%borders_eq(size(tempList)+1))
+!!$                      cp%polys(i)%list(j)%borders_eq(:size(tempList)) = tempList
+!!$                      cp%polys(i)%list(j)%borders_eq(size(tempList)+1) = jj
+!!$                      deallocate(tempList)
+!!$                      tempList => cp%polys(i)%list(jj)%borders_eq
+!!$                      allocate(cp%polys(i)%list(jj)%borders_eq(size(tempList)+1))
+!!$                      cp%polys(i)%list(jj)%borders_eq(:size(tempList)) = tempList
+!!$                      cp%polys(i)%list(jj)%borders_eq(size(tempList)+1) = j
+!!$                      deallocate(tempList)
+!!$                      cycle l1
+!!$                    endif
+!!$                  endif
+!!$                enddo
+!!$              enddo
+!!$            endif
+!!$          enddo l1
+!!$          ii = i + 1
+!!$          if (ii<=size(cp%contours)) then
+!!$            l2: do jj = 1, size(cp%polys(ii)%list)
+!!$              if (cp%polys(ii)%list(jj)%boundary) then
+!!$                do k = 1, size(cp%polys(i)%list(j)%x)
+!!$                  do kk = 1, size(cp%polys(ii)%list(jj)%x)
+!!$                    if (cp%polys(i)%list(j)%x(k)==cp%polys(ii)%list(jj)%x(kk)) then
+!!$                      if (cp%polys(i)%list(j)%y(k)==cp%polys(ii)%list(jj)%y(kk)) then
+!!$                        tempList => cp%polys(i)%list(j)%borders_gt
+!!$                        allocate(cp%polys(i)%list(j)%borders_gt(size(tempList)+1))
+!!$                        cp%polys(i)%list(j)%borders_gt(:size(tempList)) = tempList
+!!$                        cp%polys(i)%list(j)%borders_gt(size(tempList)+1) = jj
+!!$                        deallocate(tempList)
+!!$                        tempList => cp%polys(ii)%list(jj)%borders_lt
+!!$                        allocate(cp%polys(ii)%list(jj)%borders_lt(size(tempList)+1))
+!!$                        cp%polys(ii)%list(jj)%borders_lt(:size(tempList)) = tempList
+!!$                        cp%polys(ii)%list(jj)%borders_lt(size(tempList)+1) = j
+!!$                        deallocate(tempList)
+!!$                        cycle l2
+!!$                      endif
+!!$                    endif
+!!$                  enddo
+!!$                enddo
+!!$              endif
+!!$            enddo l2
+!!$          endif
+!!$        endif
+!!$      enddo
+!!$    enddo
+!!$    ! Calculating which polygons are *above* their contour (mountains) and which are *below* (valleys)
+!!$    ! Rules: if contains_gt has any in it, it is a mountain, and so are the contained polygons,
+!!$    !           and any contains_eq are valleys and so are any polygons contained within that.
+!!$    !        if contains_lt has any in it, it is a valley, and so are the contained polygons,
+!!$    !           and any contains_eq are mountains (and so are any polygons contained within that.
+!!$    ! Those rules are captured by the code above. What is not captured ...
+!!$    !        if the polygon contains no other, nor is itself contained, then 
+!!$    !           it can only be that part of this polygon is a boundary. Test a point on the boundary.
+!!$    !   The first point in any such polygon lies on the boundary, as does the last point
+!!$    !     (by construction, due to the way we walked the boundaries in JoinUpLines.
+!!$    !   Therefore - test the value halfway between the first and last points -- it will lie
+!!$    !     on the boundary, and have the characteristics of the inside of the polygon.
+!!$    !     If it is greater than the contour, this is a mountain, if less, a valley.
+!!$    do i = 1, size(cp%contours)
+!!$      do j = 1, size(cp%polys(i)%list)
+!!$        if (cp%polys(i)%list(j)%boundary.and.cp%polys(i)%list(j)%mountain/=0) then
+!!$         ! if (cp%polys(i)%list(j)%mountain==1) then
+!!$         !   do k = 1, size(cp%polys(i)%list(j)%borders_eq)
+!!$         !     jj = cp%polys(i)%list(j)%borders_eq(k)
+!!$         !     cp%polys(i)%list(jj)%mountain = 2
+!!$         !   enddo
+!!$         !   do k = 1, size(cp%polys(i)%list(j)%borders_lt)
+!!$         !     jj = cp%polys(i)%list(j)%borders_lt(k)
+!!$         !     cp%polys(i-1)%list(jj)%mountain = 1
+!!$         !   enddo
+!!$         !   do k = 1, size(cp%polys(i)%list(j)%borders_gt)
+!!$         !     jj = cp%polys(i)%list(j)%borders_gt(k)
+!!$         !     cp%polys(i+1)%list(jj)%mountain = 2
+!!$         !   enddo
+!!$          if (cp%polys(i)%list(j)%mountain==2) then
+!!$            do k = 1, size(cp%polys(i)%list(j)%borders_eq)
+!!$              jj = cp%polys(i)%list(j)%borders_eq(k)
+!!$              cp%polys(i)%list(jj)%mountain = 1
+!!$            enddo
+!!$            !do k = 1, size(cp%polys(i)%list(j)%borders_lt)
+!!$            !  jj = cp%polys(i)%list(j)%borders_lt(k)
+!!$            !  cp%polys(i-1)%list(jj)%mountain = 1
+!!$            !enddo
+!!$            do k = 1, size(cp%polys(i)%list(j)%borders_gt)
+!!$              jj = cp%polys(i)%list(j)%borders_gt(k)
+!!$              cp%polys(i+1)%list(jj)%mountain = 2
+!!$            enddo
+!!$          endif
+!!$          do k = 1, size(cp%polys(i)%list(j)%contains_eq)
+!!$            jj = cp%polys(i)%list(j)%contains_eq(k)
+!!$            if (cp%polys(i)%list(j)%mountain==1) then
+!!$              cp%polys(i)%list(jj)%mountain = 2
+!!$            else
+!!$              cp%polys(i)%list(jj)%mountain = 1
+!!$            endif
+!!$          enddo
+!!$        endif
+!!$      enddo
+!!$    enddo
+!!$    ! After all that, in 99% of cases we have assigned everywhere. However, it is possible
+!!$    ! in regions where only one contour line is present, that we may have some unassigned
+!!$    ! regions left over ...
+!!$    do i = 1, size(cp%contours)
+!!$      do j = 1, size(cp%polys(i)%list)
+!!$        if (cp%polys(i)%list(j)%mountain==0) then
+!!$          !the mountain-ness has not yet been set;
+!!$          ! Find a grid point between the first & last points - this is guaranteed to be on 
+!!$          ! the boundary, and to be a grid point with the correct magnitude ...
+!!$          ! This will *fail* if the first and last points are not separated by a grid point - 
+!!$          ! but I don't think such polygons can be generated by the algorithm above.
+!!$          ! Find the next grid point after 1, in the direction of the last one:
+!!$          if (cp%polys(i)%list(j)%x(1) < cp%polys(i)%list(j)%x(size(cp%polys(i)%list(j)%x))) then
+!!$            testX = ceiling(cp%polys(i)%list(j)%x(1))
+!!$          else
+!!$            testX = floor(cp%polys(i)%list(j)%x(1))
+!!$          endif
+!!$          if (cp%polys(i)%list(j)%y(1) < cp%polys(i)%list(j)%y(size(cp%polys(i)%list(j)%y))) then
+!!$            testY = ceiling(cp%polys(i)%list(j)%y(1))
+!!$          else
+!!$            testY = floor(cp%polys(i)%list(j)%y(1))
+!!$          endif
+!!$          select case(cp%polys(i)%list(j)%se)
+!!$          case(1)
+!!$            z1 = z(1, int(testY))
+!!$          case(2)
+!!$            z1 = z(int(testX), size(z,2))
+!!$          case(3)
+!!$            z1 = z(size(z,1), int(testY))
+!!$          case(4)
+!!$            z1 = z(int(testX), 1)
+!!$          end select
+!!$          if (z1>cp%contours(i)) then
+!!$            cp%polys(i)%list(j)%mountain = 1
+!!$          else
+!!$            cp%polys(i)%list(j)%mountain = 2
+!!$          endif
+!!$          ! There might be single polygons within here which we need to notify (there can only be 
+!!$          ! a single layer - if there were a stack we would have notified them already.
+!!$          do k = 1, size(cp%polys(i)%list(j)%contains_eq)
+!!$            jj = cp%polys(i)%list(j)%contains_eq(k)
+!!$            if (cp%polys(i)%list(j)%mountain==1) then
+!!$              cp%polys(i)%list(jj)%mountain = 2
+!!$            else
+!!$              cp%polys(i)%list(jj)%mountain = 1
+!!$            endif
+!!$          enddo
+!!$        endif
+!!$      enddo
+!!$    enddo
+  end subroutine polygonsInPolygons
+  subroutine addLineToLineList(l, ls)
+    type(richline), intent(in) :: l
+    type(lineList), intent(inout) :: ls
+    integer :: i
+    type(line), pointer :: t(:)
+    t => ls%list
+    allocate(ls%list(size(t)+1))
+    do i = 1, size(t)
+      ls%list(i)%x => t(i)%x
+      ls%list(i)%y => t(i)%y
+    enddo
+    deallocate(t)
+    allocate(ls%list(i)%x(size(l%x)))
+    allocate(ls%list(i)%y(size(l%y)))
+    ls%list(i)%x = l%x
+    ls%list(i)%y = l%y
+  end subroutine addLineToLineList
+  subroutine addPolygonToPolygonList(cp, c, n, ls)
+    type(contourLines), intent(in) :: cp
+    integer, intent(in) :: c, n
+    type(polygonList), intent(inout) :: ls
+    integer :: i, j, j2, k
+    type(polygon), pointer :: t(:)
+    t => ls%list
+    allocate(ls%list(size(t)+1))
+    do i = 1, size(t)
+      ls%list(i)%outerBoundary%x => t(i)%outerBoundary%x
+      ls%list(i)%outerBoundary%y => t(i)%outerBoundary%y
+      ls%list(i)%innerBoundaries%list => t(i)%innerBoundaries%list
+    enddo
+    deallocate(t)
+    ! Now add new one:
+    allocate(ls%list(i)%outerBoundary%x(size(cp%polys(c)%list(n)%x)))
+    allocate(ls%list(i)%outerBoundary%y(size(cp%polys(c)%list(n)%y)))
+    ls%list(i)%outerBoundary%x = cp%polys(c)%list(n)%x
+    ls%list(i)%outerBoundary%y = cp%polys(c)%list(n)%y
+    ! And add all the relevant innerBoundaries:
+    allocate(ls%list(i)%innerBoundaries%list( &
+      size(cp%polys(c)%list(n)%contains_lt)&
+      +size(cp%polys(c)%list(n)%contains_eq) &
+      +size(cp%polys(c)%list(n)%contains_gt)))
+    do j = 1, size(cp%polys(c)%list(n)%contains_lt)
+      k = cp%polys(c)%list(n)%contains_lt(j)
+      allocate(ls%list(i)%innerBoundaries%list(j)%x(size(cp%polys(c-1)%list(k)%x)))
+      allocate(ls%list(i)%innerBoundaries%list(j)%y(size(cp%polys(c-1)%list(k)%y)))
+      ls%list(i)%innerBoundaries%list(j)%x = cp%polys(c-1)%list(k)%x
+      ls%list(i)%innerBoundaries%list(j)%y = cp%polys(c-1)%list(k)%y
+    enddo
+    do j = 1, size(cp%polys(c)%list(n)%contains_eq)
+      k = cp%polys(c)%list(n)%contains_eq(j)
+      j2 = size(cp%polys(c)%list(n)%contains_lt) + j
+      allocate(ls%list(i)%innerBoundaries%list(j2)%x(size(cp%polys(c)%list(k)%x)))
+      allocate(ls%list(i)%innerBoundaries%list(j2)%y(size(cp%polys(c)%list(k)%y)))
+      ls%list(i)%innerBoundaries%list(j2)%x = cp%polys(c)%list(k)%x
+      ls%list(i)%innerBoundaries%list(j2)%y = cp%polys(c)%list(k)%y
+    enddo
+    do j = 1, size(cp%polys(c)%list(n)%contains_gt)
+      k = cp%polys(c)%list(n)%contains_gt(j)
+      j2 = size(cp%polys(c)%list(n)%contains_lt) + size(cp%polys(c)%list(n)%contains_eq) + j
+      allocate(ls%list(i)%innerBoundaries%list(j2)%x(size(cp%polys(c+1)%list(k)%x)))
+      allocate(ls%list(i)%innerBoundaries%list(j2)%y(size(cp%polys(c+1)%list(k)%y)))
+      ls%list(i)%innerBoundaries%list(j2)%x = cp%polys(c+1)%list(k)%x
+      ls%list(i)%innerBoundaries%list(j2)%y = cp%polys(c+1)%list(k)%y
+    enddo
+  end subroutine addPolygonToPolygonList
+  subroutine addLinesToContourObject(cp, o)
+    type(contourLines), intent(in) :: cp
+    type(contourObject), intent(inout) :: o
+    integer :: i, j, k
+    if (debug) open(file="alllines.dat", unit=9, status='replace', action='write')
+    do i = lbound(cp%contours, 1), ubound(cp%contours, 1)
+      if (debug) write(9, *) "LEVEL", i
+        do j = 1, size(cp%lines(i)%list)
+          if (debug) then
+            write(9, *) "LINE", size(cp%lines(i)%list(j)%x)
+            do k = 1, size(cp%lines(i)%list(j)%x)
+              write(9, *) cp%lines(i)%list(j)%x(k), cp%lines(i)%list(j)%y(k)
+            enddo
+          endif
+        call addLineToLineList(cp%lines(i)%list(j), o%lines(i))
+      enddo
+      do j = 1, size(cp%polys(i)%list)
+        if (debug) then
+          write(9, *) "LINE", size(cp%polys(i)%list(j)%x)+1
+          do k = 1, size(cp%polys(i)%list(j)%x)
+            write(9, *) cp%polys(i)%list(j)%x(k), cp%polys(i)%list(j)%y(k)
+          enddo
+          write(9, *) cp%polys(i)%list(j)%x(1), cp%polys(i)%list(j)%y(1)
+        endif
+        call addLineToLineList(cp%polys(i)%list(j), o%lines(i))
+      enddo
+    enddo
+    if (debug) close(9)
+  end subroutine addLinesToContourObject
+  subroutine addPolygonsToContourObject(cp, o)
+    type(contourLines), intent(in) :: cp
+    type(contourObject), intent(inout) :: o
+    integer :: i, j, ii
+    do i = 1, size(cp%contours)
+      do j = 1, size(cp%polys(i)%list)
+        if (cp%polys(i)%list(j)%mountain==1) then
+          ii = i - 1
+        elseif (cp%polys(i)%list(j)%mountain==2) then
+          ii = i
+        else
+        endif
+        ! print*, "AREA", i, j, cp%polys(i)%list(j)%area
+        if (cp%polys(i)%list(j)%area==0.0) cycle
+        call addPolygonToPolygonList(cp, i, j, o%polys(ii))
+      enddo
+    enddo
+  end subroutine addPolygonsToContourObject
+end module m_contours
diff --git a/wkml/m_wkml_chart.F90 b/wkml/m_wkml_chart.F90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c6f2767
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/m_wkml_chart.F90
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+module m_wkml_chart
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+  use m_common_error, only: FoX_error
+  use FoX_wxml
+  use m_wkml_lowlevel
+  use FoX_common, only: str
+  implicit none
+  private
+  public :: kmlAddChart
+  interface kmlAddChart
+   module procedure kmlAddChart_sp
+   module procedure kmlAddChart_dp
+  end interface kmlAddChart
+    subroutine kmlAddChart_sp(xf,charttype,chartsize,chartdata,chartscale,charttitle,chartlabel)
+      type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+      real,intent(in) :: chartdata(:)
+      integer :: i
+      character(len=*), intent(in) :: charttype,chartscale,chartsize,charttitle
+      character(len=6),allocatable :: chartdata_chr(:)
+!      character(len=*), intent(in),optional :: chartlabelx,chartlabely
+      character(len=*), intent(in),optional :: chartlabel      
+      print*,'run kmlAddChart_sp'    
+      allocate(chartdata_chr(size(chartdata)))
+      Do i=1, size(chartdata)
+       chartdata_chr(i)=trim(str(chartdata(i),fmt="r4"))
+      End do
+     call xml_NewElement(xf,'description')
+!      call xml_AddCharacters(xf,'<![CDATA[<img src="http://chart.apis.google.com/chart?"'//&
+     call xml_AddCharacters(xf,'<img src="http://chart.apis.google.com/chart?'//&
+//'"/>', parsed=.false.)
+     call xml_EndElement(xf,'description')
+    end subroutine kmlAddChart_sp
+    subroutine kmlAddChart_dp(xf,charttype,chartsize,chartdata,chartscale,charttitle,chartlabel)
+      type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+      double precision,intent(in) :: chartdata(:)
+      character(len=*), intent(in) :: charttype,chartscale,chartsize,charttitle
+      character(len=6),allocatable :: chartdata_chr(:)
+!      character(len=*), intent(in),optional :: chartlabelx,chartlabely
+      character(len=*), intent(in),optional :: chartlabel
+      logical                               :: document_pretty_print
+      integer                               :: i
+      print*,'run kmlAddChart_dp'  
+      allocate(chartdata_chr(size(chartdata)))
+      Do i=1, size(chartdata)
+       chartdata_chr(i)=trim(str(chartdata(i),fmt="r4"))
+      End do
+     print*,'chartdata_chr',chartdata_chr
+     call xml_NewElement(xf,'description')
+     call xml_AddCharacters(xf,'<img src="http://chart.apis.google.com/chart?'//&
+            "cht="//trim(charttype)//"&"//"chs="//trim(chartsize)//"&"//&
+            "chd=t:",parsed=.false.)
+     ! We need to turn off indenting in the XML document for the next bit (just
+     ! for the data section). We save the state to restore it after this section
+     document_pretty_print = xmlf_GetPretty_print(xf)
+     call xmlf_SetPretty_print(xf, .false.)
+     call xml_AddNewLine(xf)
+     do i = 1, size(chartdata_chr)-1
+       call xml_AddCharacters(xf,chartdata_chr(i)//",")
+       call xml_AddNewLine(xf)
+     enddo
+     call xml_AddCharacters(xf,chartdata_chr(i))
+     call xml_AddCharacters(xf,"&"//"chds="//trim(chartscale)//"&"&
+            //"chtt="//trim(charttitle)//"&"&
+            //"chxt=x,y"//"&"&
+            //"chxl="//trim(chartlabel)//""&
+            //'"/>', parsed=.false.)
+     ! Restore the value of xf%pretty_print 
+     call xmlf_SetPretty_print(xf, document_pretty_print)
+     call xml_EndElement(xf,'description')
+    end subroutine kmlAddChart_dp
+end module m_wkml_chart
diff --git a/wkml/m_wkml_color.F90 b/wkml/m_wkml_color.F90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b6e6a77
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/m_wkml_color.F90
@@ -0,0 +1,240 @@
+module m_wkml_color
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xmlf_t
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xml_NewElement, xml_EndElement, xml_AddCharacters
+  use FoX_common
+  use m_common_error
+  use m_wkml_color_def, only: colorArray
+  implicit none
+  private
+  type color_t
+    private
+    character(len=8) :: hex
+  end type color_t
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+  integer, parameter :: defaultAlpha = 249
+  type(color_t), parameter :: defaultCI(5) = &
+    (/color_t('eef00000'), color_t('eeb00030'), &
+    color_t('ee700070'), color_t('ee3000b0'), color_t('ee0000f0')/)
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+  character(len=*), parameter :: hexdigits = '0123456789abcdefABCDEF'
+  interface kmlGetCustomColor
+    module procedure kmlGetColor_index
+    module procedure kmlGetColor_byName
+  end interface kmlGetCustomColor
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+  interface kmlAddColor
+    module procedure kmlAddColor_c
+    module procedure kmlAddColor_h
+  end interface kmlAddColor
+  interface kmlAddBgColor
+    module procedure kmlAddBgColor_c
+    module procedure kmlAddBgColor_h
+  end interface kmlAddBgColor
+  interface kmlAddTextColor
+    module procedure kmlAddTextColor_c
+    module procedure kmlAddTextColor_h
+  end interface kmlAddTextColor
+  public :: color_t
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+  public :: defaultCI
+  public :: kmlGetCustomColor
+  public :: kmlSetCustomColor
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+  public :: kmlGetColorHex
+  public :: kmlAddColor
+  public :: kmlAddBgColor
+  public :: kmlAddTextColor
+! this one is used for MCHSIM like coloring
+  public :: kmlMakeColorMap
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+  function checkColorHex(h) result(p)
+    character(len=8) :: h
+    logical :: p
+    p = (verify(h, hexdigits)==0)
+  end function checkColorHex
+  subroutine kmlAddColor_c(xf, col)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    type(color_t), intent(in) :: col
+    call xml_NewElement(xf, 'color')
+    call xml_AddCharacters(xf, col%hex)
+    call xml_EndElement(xf, 'color')
+  end subroutine kmlAddColor_c
+  subroutine kmlAddColor_h(xf, col)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    character(len=8), intent(in) :: col
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    integer, pointer :: p
+    if (.not.checkColorHex(col)) then
+      print*, col
+      print*, verify(col, hexdigits)
+      print*, "Invalid color value"
+      nullify(p)
+      print*, p
+    endif
+    call xml_NewElement(xf, 'color')
+    call xml_AddCharacters(xf, col)
+    call xml_EndElement(xf, 'color')
+  end subroutine kmlAddColor_h
+  subroutine kmlAddBgColor_c(xf, col)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    type(color_t), intent(in) :: col
+    call xml_NewElement(xf, 'bgColor')
+    call xml_AddCharacters(xf, col%hex)
+    call xml_EndElement(xf, 'bgColor')
+  end subroutine kmlAddBgColor_c
+  subroutine kmlAddBgColor_h(xf, col)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    character(len=8), intent(in) :: col
+    if (.not.checkColorHex(col)) then
+      call FoX_error("Invalid color value")
+    endif
+    call xml_NewElement(xf, 'bgColor')
+    call xml_AddCharacters(xf, col)
+    call xml_EndElement(xf, 'bgColor')
+  end subroutine kmlAddBgColor_h
+  subroutine kmlAddTextColor_c(xf, col)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    type(color_t), intent(in) :: col
+    call xml_NewElement(xf, 'textcolor')
+    call xml_AddCharacters(xf, col%hex)
+    call xml_EndElement(xf, 'textcolor')
+  end subroutine kmlAddTextColor_c
+  subroutine kmlAddTextColor_h(xf, col)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    character(len=8), intent(in) :: col
+    if (.not.checkColorHex(col)) then
+      call FoX_error("Invalid color value")
+    endif
+    call xml_NewElement(xf, 'textcolor')
+    call xml_AddCharacters(xf, col)
+    call xml_EndElement(xf, 'textcolor')
+  end subroutine kmlAddTextColor_h
+  subroutine kmlSetCustomColor(myCI, colorhex)
+    type(color_t), intent(out) :: myCI
+    character(len=8), intent(in) :: colorhex
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    if (.not.checkColorHex(colorhex)) then
+      call FoX_error("Invalid color value")
+    endif
+    myCI%hex = colorhex
+  end subroutine kmlSetCustomColor
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+  function kmlGetColorHex(col) result(h)
+    type(color_t), intent(in) :: col
+    character(len=8) :: h
+    h = col%hex
+  end function kmlGetColorHex
+  function kmlGetColor_index(i) result(c)
+    integer, intent(in) :: i
+    type(color_t) :: c
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    if (i>size(colorArray).or.(i<1)) then
+      call FoX_error("Invalid index in kmlGetColor (by index)")
+    endif
+    ! Note - 'x2' argument is the format string
+    c%hex = str(defaultAlpha, 'x2')//str(colorArray(i)%b, 'x2') &
+      //str(colorArray(i)%g, 'x2')//str(colorArray(i)%r, 'x2')
+  end function kmlGetColor_index
+  function kmlGetColor_byName(name) result(c)
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
+    type(color_t) :: c
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    integer :: i
+    logical :: found
+    found = .false.
+    do i = 1, size(colorArray)
+      if (trim(colorArray(i)%name)==name) then
+        c%hex = str(defaultAlpha, 'x2')//str(colorArray(i)%b, 'x2') &
+          //str(colorArray(i)%g, 'x2')//str(colorArray(i)%r, 'x2')
+        found = .true.
+      endif
+    enddo
+    if (.not.found) then
+      call FoX_error("Invalid name in kmlGetColor (by name)")
+    endif
+  end function kmlGetColor_byName
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+  function kmlMakeColorMap(numcolors, start, finish) result(colormap)
+    integer, intent(in) :: numcolors
+    type(color_t), intent(in), optional :: start, finish
+    type(color_t), pointer :: colormap(:)
+    integer :: i, red, blue
+    if (present(start).neqv.present(finish)) then
+      print*, 'Must specify both of start and finish in kmlMakeColorMap'
+    endif
+    ! FIXME do something with start & finish
+    allocate(colormap(numcolors))
+    do i = 1, numcolors
+      red = (256.0/numcolors)*i-1
+      blue = 256 - red
+      colormap(i)%hex = "e0"//str(red, "x2")//str(40)//str(blue, "x2")
+    enddo
+  end function kmlMakeColorMap
+end module m_wkml_color
diff --git a/wkml/m_wkml_color_def.F90 b/wkml/m_wkml_color_def.F90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4a90152
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/m_wkml_color_def.F90
@@ -0,0 +1,829 @@
+module m_wkml_color_def
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+!Standard Fortran 95 allows 19 continuation line for fixed-form and 39 for free-form
+  implicit none
+  private
+  type color
+    integer       :: r, g, b
+    character(20) :: name
+  end type color
+  public :: color
+  public :: colorarray
+  type(color), parameter :: colorArray0(39) = (/ &
+    color(255, 250, 250, 'snow                '), &
+    color(248, 248, 255, 'ghost white         '), &
+    color(248, 248, 255, 'GhostWhite          '), &
+    color(245, 245, 245, 'white smoke         '), &
+    color(245, 245, 245, 'WhiteSmoke          '), &
+    color(220, 220, 220, 'gainsboro           '), &
+    color(255, 250, 240, 'floral white        '), &
+    color(255, 250, 240, 'FloralWhite         '), &
+    color(253, 245, 230, 'old lace            '), &
+    color(253, 245, 230, 'OldLace             '), &
+    color(250, 240, 230, 'linen               '), &
+    color(250, 235, 215, 'antique white       '), &
+    color(250, 235, 215, 'AntiqueWhite        '), &
+    color(255, 239, 213, 'papaya whip         '), &
+    color(255, 239, 213, 'PapayaWhip          '), &
+    color(255, 235, 205, 'blanched almond     '), &
+    color(255, 235, 205, 'BlanchedAlmond      '), &
+    color(255, 228, 196, 'bisque              '), &
+    color(255, 218, 185, 'peach puff          '), &
+    color(255, 218, 185, 'PeachPuff           '), &
+    color(255, 222, 173, 'navajo white        '), &
+    color(255, 222, 173, 'NavajoWhite         '), &
+    color(255, 228, 181, 'moccasin            '), &
+    color(255, 248, 220, 'cornsilk            '), &
+    color(255, 255, 240, 'ivory               '), &
+    color(255, 250, 205, 'lemon chiffon       '), &
+    color(255, 250, 205, 'LemonChiffon        '), &
+    color(255, 245, 238, 'seashell            '), &
+    color(240, 255, 240, 'honeydew            '), &
+    color(245, 255, 250, 'mint cream          '), &
+    color(245, 255, 250, 'MintCream           '), &
+    color(240, 255, 255, 'azure               '), &
+    color(240, 248, 255, 'alice blue          '), &
+    color(240, 248, 255, 'AliceBlue           '), &
+    color(230, 230, 250, 'lavender            '), &
+    color(255, 240, 245, 'lavender blush      '), &
+    color(255, 240, 245, 'LavenderBlush       '), &
+    color(255, 228, 225, 'misty rose          '), &
+    color(255, 228, 225, 'MistyRose           ')/)
+  type(color), parameter :: colorArray1(39) = (/ &
+    color(255, 255, 255, 'white               '), &
+    color(0, 0, 0, 'black               '), &
+    color(47, 79, 79, 'dark slate gray     '), &
+    color(47, 79, 79, 'DarkSlateGray       '), &
+    color(47, 79, 79, 'dark slate grey     '), &
+    color(47, 79, 79, 'DarkSlateGrey       '), &
+    color(105, 105, 105, 'dim gray            '), &
+    color(105, 105, 105, 'DimGray             '), &
+    color(105, 105, 105, 'dim grey            '), &
+    color(105, 105, 105, 'DimGrey             '), &
+    color(112, 128, 144, 'slate gray          '), &
+    color(112, 128, 144, 'SlateGray           '), &
+    color(112, 128, 144, 'slate grey          '), &
+    color(112, 128, 144, 'SlateGrey           '), &
+    color(119, 136, 153, 'light slate gray    '), &
+    color(119, 136, 153, 'LightSlateGray      '), &
+    color(119, 136, 153, 'light slate grey    '), &
+    color(119, 136, 153, 'LightSlateGrey      '), &
+    color(190, 190, 190, 'gray                '), &
+    color(190, 190, 190, 'grey                '), &
+    color(211, 211, 211, 'light grey          '), &
+    color(211, 211, 211, 'LightGrey           '), &
+    color(211, 211, 211, 'light gray          '), &
+    color(211, 211, 211, 'LightGray           '), &
+    color(25, 25, 112, 'midnight blue       '), &
+    color(25, 25, 112, 'MidnightBlue        '), &
+    color(0, 0, 128, 'navy                '), &
+    color(0, 0, 128, 'navy blue           '), &
+    color(0, 0, 128, 'NavyBlue            '), &
+    color(100, 149, 237, 'cornflower blue     '), &
+    color(100, 149, 237, 'CornflowerBlue      '), &
+    color(72, 61, 139, 'dark slate blue     '), &
+    color(72, 61, 139, 'DarkSlateBlue       '), &
+    color(106, 90, 205, 'slate blue          '), &
+    color(106, 90, 205, 'SlateBlue           '), &
+    color(123, 104, 238, 'medium slate blue   '), &
+    color(123, 104, 238, 'MediumSlateBlue     '), &
+    color(132, 112, 255, 'light slate blue    '), &
+    color(132, 112, 255, 'LightSlateBlue      ')/)
+  type(color), parameter :: colorArray2(39) = (/ &
+    color(0, 0, 205, 'medium blue         '), &
+    color(0, 0, 205, 'MediumBlue          '), &
+    color(65, 105, 225, 'royal blue          '), &
+    color(65, 105, 225, 'RoyalBlue           '), &
+    color(0, 0, 255, 'blue                '), &
+    color(30, 144, 255, 'dodger blue         '), &
+    color(30, 144, 255, 'DodgerBlue          '), &
+    color(0, 191, 255, 'deep sky blue       '), &
+    color(0, 191, 255, 'DeepSkyBlue         '), &
+    color(135, 206, 235, 'sky blue            '), &
+    color(135, 206, 235, 'SkyBlue             '), &
+    color(135, 206, 250, 'light sky blue      '), &
+    color(135, 206, 250, 'LightSkyBlue        '), &
+    color(70, 130, 180, 'steel blue          '), &
+    color(70, 130, 180, 'SteelBlue           '), &
+    color(176, 196, 222, 'light steel blue    '), &
+    color(176, 196, 222, 'LightSteelBlue      '), &
+    color(173, 216, 230, 'light blue          '), &
+    color(173, 216, 230, 'LightBlue           '), &
+    color(176, 224, 230, 'powder blue         '), &
+    color(176, 224, 230, 'PowderBlue          '), &
+    color(175, 238, 238, 'pale turquoise      '), &
+    color(175, 238, 238, 'PaleTurquoise       '), &
+    color(0, 206, 209, 'dark turquoise      '), &
+    color(0, 206, 209, 'DarkTurquoise       '), &
+    color(72, 209, 204, 'medium turquoise    '), &
+    color(72, 209, 204, 'MediumTurquoise     '), &
+    color(64, 224, 208, 'turquoise           '), &
+    color(0, 255, 255, 'cyan                '), &
+    color(224, 255, 255, 'light cyan          '), &
+    color(224, 255, 255, 'LightCyan           '), &
+    color(95, 158, 160, 'cadet blue          '), &
+    color(95, 158, 160, 'CadetBlue           '), &
+    color(102, 205, 170, 'medium aquamarine   '), &
+    color(102, 205, 170, 'MediumAquamarine    '), &
+    color(127, 255, 212, 'aquamarine          '), &
+    color(0, 100, 0, 'dark green          '), &
+    color(0, 100, 0, 'DarkGreen           '), &
+    color(85, 107, 47, 'dark olive green    ')/)
+  type(color), parameter :: colorArray3(39) = (/ &
+    color(85, 107, 47, 'DarkOliveGreen      '), &
+    color(143, 188, 143, 'dark sea green      '), &
+    color(143, 188, 143, 'DarkSeaGreen        '), &
+    color(46, 139, 87, 'sea green           '), &
+    color(46, 139, 87, 'SeaGreen            '), &
+    color(60, 179, 113, 'medium sea green    '), &
+    color(60, 179, 113, 'MediumSeaGreen      '), &
+    color(32, 178, 170, 'light sea green     '), &
+    color(32, 178, 170, 'LightSeaGreen       '), &
+    color(152, 251, 152, 'pale green          '), &
+    color(152, 251, 152, 'PaleGreen           '), &
+    color(0, 255, 127, 'spring green        '), &
+    color(0, 255, 127, 'SpringGreen         '), &
+    color(124, 252, 0, 'lawn green          '), &
+    color(124, 252, 0, 'LawnGreen           '), &
+    color(0, 255, 0, 'green               '), &
+    color(127, 255, 0, 'chartreuse          '), &
+    color(0, 250, 154, 'medium spring green '), &
+    color(0, 250, 154, 'MediumSpringGreen   '), &
+    color(173, 255, 47, 'green yellow        '), &
+    color(173, 255, 47, 'GreenYellow         '), &
+    color(50, 205, 50, 'lime green          '), &
+    color(50, 205, 50, 'LimeGreen           '), &
+    color(154, 205, 50, 'yellow green        '), &
+    color(154, 205, 50, 'YellowGreen         '), &
+    color(34, 139, 34, 'forest green        '), &
+    color(34, 139, 34, 'ForestGreen         '), &
+    color(107, 142, 35, 'olive drab          '), &
+    color(107, 142, 35, 'OliveDrab           '), &
+    color(189, 183, 107, 'dark khaki          '), &
+    color(189, 183, 107, 'DarkKhaki           '), &
+    color(240, 230, 140, 'khaki               '), &
+    color(238, 232, 170, 'pale goldenrod      '), &
+    color(238, 232, 170, 'PaleGoldenrod       '), &
+    color(250, 250, 210, 'LightGoldenrodYellow'), &
+    color(255, 255, 224, 'light yellow        '), &
+    color(255, 255, 224, 'LightYellow         '), &
+    color(255, 255, 0, 'yellow              '), &
+    color(255, 215, 0, 'gold                ')/)
+  type(color), parameter :: colorArray4(39) = (/ &
+    color(238, 221, 130, 'light goldenrod     '), &
+    color(238, 221, 130, 'LightGoldenrod      '), &
+    color(218, 165, 32, 'goldenrod           '), &
+    color(184, 134, 11, 'dark goldenrod      '), &
+    color(184, 134, 11, 'DarkGoldenrod       '), &
+    color(188, 143, 143, 'rosy brown          '), &
+    color(188, 143, 143, 'RosyBrown           '), &
+    color(205, 92, 92, 'indian red          '), &
+    color(205, 92, 92, 'IndianRed           '), &
+    color(139, 69, 19, 'saddle brown        '), &
+    color(139, 69, 19, 'SaddleBrown         '), &
+    color(160, 82, 45, 'sienna              '), &
+    color(205, 133, 63, 'peru                '), &
+    color(222, 184, 135, 'burlywood           '), &
+    color(245, 245, 220, 'beige               '), &
+    color(245, 222, 179, 'wheat               '), &
+    color(244, 164, 96, 'sandy brown         '), &
+    color(244, 164, 96, 'SandyBrown          '), &
+    color(210, 180, 140, 'tan                 '), &
+    color(210, 105, 30, 'chocolate           '), &
+    color(178, 34, 34, 'firebrick           '), &
+    color(165, 42, 42, 'brown               '), &
+    color(233, 150, 122, 'dark salmon         '), &
+    color(233, 150, 122, 'DarkSalmon          '), &
+    color(250, 128, 114, 'salmon              '), &
+    color(255, 160, 122, 'light salmon        '), &
+    color(255, 160, 122, 'LightSalmon         '), &
+    color(255, 165, 0, 'orange              '), &
+    color(255, 140, 0, 'dark orange         '), &
+    color(255, 140, 0, 'DarkOrange          '), &
+    color(255, 127, 80, 'coral               '), &
+    color(240, 128, 128, 'light coral         '), &
+    color(240, 128, 128, 'LightCoral          '), &
+    color(255, 99, 71, 'tomato              '), &
+    color(255, 69, 0, 'orange red          '), &
+    color(255, 69, 0, 'OrangeRed           '), &
+    color(255, 0, 0, 'red                 '), &
+    color(255, 105, 180, 'hot pink            '), &
+    color(255, 105, 180, 'HotPink             ')/)
+  type(color), parameter :: colorArray5(39) = (/ &
+    color(255, 20, 147, 'deep pink           '), &
+    color(255, 20, 147, 'DeepPink            '), &
+    color(255, 192, 203, 'pink                '), &
+    color(255, 182, 193, 'light pink          '), &
+    color(255, 182, 193, 'LightPink           '), &
+    color(219, 112, 147, 'pale violet red     '), &
+    color(219, 112, 147, 'PaleVioletRed       '), &
+    color(176, 48, 96, 'maroon              '), &
+    color(199, 21, 133, 'medium violet red   '), &
+    color(199, 21, 133, 'MediumVioletRed     '), &
+    color(208, 32, 144, 'violet red          '), &
+    color(208, 32, 144, 'VioletRed           '), &
+    color(255, 0, 255, 'magenta             '), &
+    color(238, 130, 238, 'violet              '), &
+    color(221, 160, 221, 'plum                '), &
+    color(218, 112, 214, 'orchid              '), &
+    color(186, 85, 211, 'medium orchid       '), &
+    color(186, 85, 211, 'MediumOrchid        '), &
+    color(153, 50, 204, 'dark orchid         '), &
+    color(153, 50, 204, 'DarkOrchid          '), &
+    color(148, 0, 211, 'dark violet         '), &
+    color(148, 0, 211, 'DarkViolet          '), &
+    color(138, 43, 226, 'blue violet         '), &
+    color(138, 43, 226, 'BlueViolet          '), &
+    color(160, 32, 240, 'purple              '), &
+    color(147, 112, 219, 'medium purple       '), &
+    color(147, 112, 219, 'MediumPurple        '), &
+    color(216, 191, 216, 'thistle             '), &
+    color(255, 250, 250, 'snow1               '), &
+    color(238, 233, 233, 'snow2               '), &
+    color(205, 201, 201, 'snow3               '), &
+    color(139, 137, 137, 'snow4               '), &
+    color(255, 245, 238, 'seashell1           '), &
+    color(238, 229, 222, 'seashell2           '), &
+    color(205, 197, 191, 'seashell3           '), &
+    color(139, 134, 130, 'seashell4           '), &
+    color(255, 239, 219, 'AntiqueWhite1       '), &
+    color(238, 223, 204, 'AntiqueWhite2       '), &
+    color(205, 192, 176, 'AntiqueWhite3       ')/)
+  type(color), parameter :: colorArray6(39) = (/ &
+    color(139, 131, 120, 'AntiqueWhite4       '), &
+    color(255, 228, 196, 'bisque1             '), &
+    color(238, 213, 183, 'bisque2             '), &
+    color(205, 183, 158, 'bisque3             '), &
+    color(139, 125, 107, 'bisque4             '), &
+    color(255, 218, 185, 'PeachPuff1          '), &
+    color(238, 203, 173, 'PeachPuff2          '), &
+    color(205, 175, 149, 'PeachPuff3          '), &
+    color(139, 119, 101, 'PeachPuff4          '), &
+    color(255, 222, 173, 'NavajoWhite1        '), &
+    color(238, 207, 161, 'NavajoWhite2        '), &
+    color(205, 179, 139, 'NavajoWhite3        '), &
+    color(139, 121, 94, 'NavajoWhite4        '), &
+    color(255, 250, 205, 'LemonChiffon1       '), &
+    color(238, 233, 191, 'LemonChiffon2       '), &
+    color(205, 201, 165, 'LemonChiffon3       '), &
+    color(139, 137, 112, 'LemonChiffon4       '), &
+    color(255, 248, 220, 'cornsilk1           '), &
+    color(238, 232, 205, 'cornsilk2           '), &
+    color(205, 200, 177, 'cornsilk3           '), &
+    color(139, 136, 120, 'cornsilk4           '), &
+    color(255, 255, 240, 'ivory1              '), &
+    color(238, 238, 224, 'ivory2              '), &
+    color(205, 205, 193, 'ivory3              '), &
+    color(139, 139, 131, 'ivory4              '), &
+    color(240, 255, 240, 'honeydew1           '), &
+    color(224, 238, 224, 'honeydew2           '), &
+    color(193, 205, 193, 'honeydew3           '), &
+    color(131, 139, 131, 'honeydew4           '), &
+    color(255, 240, 245, 'LavenderBlush1      '), &
+    color(238, 224, 229, 'LavenderBlush2      '), &
+    color(205, 193, 197, 'LavenderBlush3      '), &
+    color(139, 131, 134, 'LavenderBlush4      '), &
+    color(255, 228, 225, 'MistyRose1          '), &
+    color(238, 213, 210, 'MistyRose2          '), &
+    color(205, 183, 181, 'MistyRose3          '), &
+    color(139, 125, 123, 'MistyRose4          '), &
+    color(240, 255, 255, 'azure1              '), &
+    color(224, 238, 238, 'azure2              ')/)
+  type(color), parameter :: colorArray7(39) = (/ &
+    color(193, 205, 205, 'azure3              '), &
+    color(131, 139, 139, 'azure4              '), &
+    color(131, 111, 255, 'SlateBlue1          '), &
+    color(122, 103, 238, 'SlateBlue2          '), &
+    color(105, 89, 205, 'SlateBlue3          '), &
+    color(71, 60, 139, 'SlateBlue4          '), &
+    color(72, 118, 255, 'RoyalBlue1          '), &
+    color(67, 110, 238, 'RoyalBlue2          '), &
+    color(58, 95, 205, 'RoyalBlue3          '), &
+    color(39, 64, 139, 'RoyalBlue4          '), &
+    color(0, 0, 255, 'blue1               '), &
+    color(0, 0, 238, 'blue2               '), &
+    color(0, 0, 205, 'blue3               '), &
+    color(0, 0, 139, 'blue4               '), &
+    color(30, 144, 255, 'DodgerBlue1         '), &
+    color(28, 134, 238, 'DodgerBlue2         '), &
+    color(24, 116, 205, 'DodgerBlue3         '), &
+    color(16, 78, 139, 'DodgerBlue4         '), &
+    color(99, 184, 255, 'SteelBlue1          '), &
+    color(92, 172, 238, 'SteelBlue2          '), &
+    color(79, 148, 205, 'SteelBlue3          '), &
+    color(54, 100, 139, 'SteelBlue4          '), &
+    color(0, 191, 255, 'DeepSkyBlue1        '), &
+    color(0, 178, 238, 'DeepSkyBlue2        '), &
+    color(0, 154, 205, 'DeepSkyBlue3        '), &
+    color(0, 104, 139, 'DeepSkyBlue4        '), &
+    color(135, 206, 255, 'SkyBlue1            '), &
+    color(126, 192, 238, 'SkyBlue2            '), &
+    color(108, 166, 205, 'SkyBlue3            '), &
+    color(74, 112, 139, 'SkyBlue4            '), &
+    color(176, 226, 255, 'LightSkyBlue1       '), &
+    color(164, 211, 238, 'LightSkyBlue2       '), &
+    color(141, 182, 205, 'LightSkyBlue3       '), &
+    color(96, 123, 139, 'LightSkyBlue4       '), &
+    color(198, 226, 255, 'SlateGray1          '), &
+    color(185, 211, 238, 'SlateGray2          '), &
+    color(159, 182, 205, 'SlateGray3          '), &
+    color(108, 123, 139, 'SlateGray4          '), &
+    color(202, 225, 255, 'LightSteelBlue1     ')/)
+  type(color), parameter :: colorArray8(39) = (/ &
+    color(188, 210, 238, 'LightSteelBlue2     '), &
+    color(162, 181, 205, 'LightSteelBlue3     '), &
+    color(110, 123, 139, 'LightSteelBlue4     '), &
+    color(191, 239, 255, 'LightBlue1          '), &
+    color(178, 223, 238, 'LightBlue2          '), &
+    color(154, 192, 205, 'LightBlue3          '), &
+    color(104, 131, 139, 'LightBlue4          '), &
+    color(224, 255, 255, 'LightCyan1          '), &
+    color(209, 238, 238, 'LightCyan2          '), &
+    color(180, 205, 205, 'LightCyan3          '), &
+    color(122, 139, 139, 'LightCyan4          '), &
+    color(187, 255, 255, 'PaleTurquoise1      '), &
+    color(174, 238, 238, 'PaleTurquoise2      '), &
+    color(150, 205, 205, 'PaleTurquoise3      '), &
+    color(102, 139, 139, 'PaleTurquoise4      '), &
+    color(152, 245, 255, 'CadetBlue1          '), &
+    color(142, 229, 238, 'CadetBlue2          '), &
+    color(122, 197, 205, 'CadetBlue3          '), &
+    color(83, 134, 139, 'CadetBlue4          '), &
+    color(0, 245, 255, 'turquoise1          '), &
+    color(0, 229, 238, 'turquoise2          '), &
+    color(0, 197, 205, 'turquoise3          '), &
+    color(0, 134, 139, 'turquoise4          '), &
+    color(0, 255, 255, 'cyan1               '), &
+    color(0, 238, 238, 'cyan2               '), &
+    color(0, 205, 205, 'cyan3               '), &
+    color(0, 139, 139, 'cyan4               '), &
+    color(151, 255, 255, 'DarkSlateGray1      '), &
+    color(141, 238, 238, 'DarkSlateGray2      '), &
+    color(121, 205, 205, 'DarkSlateGray3      '), &
+    color(82, 139, 139, 'DarkSlateGray4      '), &
+    color(127, 255, 212, 'aquamarine1         '), &
+    color(118, 238, 198, 'aquamarine2         '), &
+    color(102, 205, 170, 'aquamarine3         '), &
+    color(69, 139, 116, 'aquamarine4         '), &
+    color(193, 255, 193, 'DarkSeaGreen1       '), &
+    color(180, 238, 180, 'DarkSeaGreen2       '), &
+    color(155, 205, 155, 'DarkSeaGreen3       '), &
+    color(105, 139, 105, 'DarkSeaGreen4       ')/)
+  type(color), parameter :: colorArray9(39) = (/ &
+    color(84, 255, 159, 'SeaGreen1           '), &
+    color(78, 238, 148, 'SeaGreen2           '), &
+    color(67, 205, 128, 'SeaGreen3           '), &
+    color(46, 139, 87, 'SeaGreen4           '), &
+    color(154, 255, 154, 'PaleGreen1          '), &
+    color(144, 238, 144, 'PaleGreen2          '), &
+    color(124, 205, 124, 'PaleGreen3          '), &
+    color(84, 139, 84, 'PaleGreen4          '), &
+    color(0, 255, 127, 'SpringGreen1        '), &
+    color(0, 238, 118, 'SpringGreen2        '), &
+    color(0, 205, 102, 'SpringGreen3        '), &
+    color(0, 139, 69, 'SpringGreen4        '), &
+    color(0, 255, 0, 'green1              '), &
+    color(0, 238, 0, 'green2              '), &
+    color(0, 205, 0, 'green3              '), &
+    color(0, 139, 0, 'green4              '), &
+    color(127, 255, 0, 'chartreuse1         '), &
+    color(118, 238, 0, 'chartreuse2         '), &
+    color(102, 205, 0, 'chartreuse3         '), &
+    color(69, 139, 0, 'chartreuse4         '), &
+    color(192, 255, 62, 'OliveDrab1          '), &
+    color(179, 238, 58, 'OliveDrab2          '), &
+    color(154, 205, 50, 'OliveDrab3          '), &
+    color(105, 139, 34, 'OliveDrab4          '), &
+    color(202, 255, 112, 'DarkOliveGreen1     '), &
+    color(188, 238, 104, 'DarkOliveGreen2     '), &
+    color(162, 205, 90, 'DarkOliveGreen3     '), &
+    color(110, 139, 61, 'DarkOliveGreen4     '), &
+    color(255, 246, 143, 'khaki1              '), &
+    color(238, 230, 133, 'khaki2              '), &
+    color(205, 198, 115, 'khaki3              '), &
+    color(139, 134, 78, 'khaki4              '), &
+    color(255, 236, 139, 'LightGoldenrod1     '), &
+    color(238, 220, 130, 'LightGoldenrod2     '), &
+    color(205, 190, 112, 'LightGoldenrod3     '), &
+    color(139, 129, 76, 'LightGoldenrod4     '), &
+    color(255, 255, 224, 'LightYellow1        '), &
+    color(238, 238, 209, 'LightYellow2        '), &
+    color(205, 205, 180, 'LightYellow3        ')/)
+  type(color), parameter :: colorArray10(39) = (/ &
+    color(139, 139, 122, 'LightYellow4        '), &
+    color(255, 255, 0, 'yellow1             '), &
+    color(238, 238, 0, 'yellow2             '), &
+    color(205, 205, 0, 'yellow3             '), &
+    color(139, 139, 0, 'yellow4             '), &
+    color(255, 215, 0, 'gold1               '), &
+    color(238, 201, 0, 'gold2               '), &
+    color(205, 173, 0, 'gold3               '), &
+    color(139, 117, 0, 'gold4               '), &
+    color(255, 193, 37, 'goldenrod1          '), &
+    color(238, 180, 34, 'goldenrod2          '), &
+    color(205, 155, 29, 'goldenrod3          '), &
+    color(139, 105, 20, 'goldenrod4          '), &
+    color(255, 185, 15, 'DarkGoldenrod1      '), &
+    color(238, 173, 14, 'DarkGoldenrod2      '), &
+    color(205, 149, 12, 'DarkGoldenrod3      '), &
+    color(139, 101, 8, 'DarkGoldenrod4      '), &
+    color(255, 193, 193, 'RosyBrown1          '), &
+    color(238, 180, 180, 'RosyBrown2          '), &
+    color(205, 155, 155, 'RosyBrown3          '), &
+    color(139, 105, 105, 'RosyBrown4          '), &
+    color(255, 106, 106, 'IndianRed1          '), &
+    color(238, 99, 99, 'IndianRed2          '), &
+    color(205, 85, 85, 'IndianRed3          '), &
+    color(139, 58, 58, 'IndianRed4          '), &
+    color(255, 130, 71, 'sienna1             '), &
+    color(238, 121, 66, 'sienna2             '), &
+    color(205, 104, 57, 'sienna3             '), &
+    color(139, 71, 38, 'sienna4             '), &
+    color(255, 211, 155, 'burlywood1          '), &
+    color(238, 197, 145, 'burlywood2          '), &
+    color(205, 170, 125, 'burlywood3          '), &
+    color(139, 115, 85, 'burlywood4          '), &
+    color(255, 231, 186, 'wheat1              '), &
+    color(238, 216, 174, 'wheat2              '), &
+    color(205, 186, 150, 'wheat3              '), &
+    color(139, 126, 102, 'wheat4              '), &
+    color(255, 165, 79, 'tan1                '), &
+    color(238, 154, 73, 'tan2                ')/)
+  type(color), parameter :: colorArray11(39) = (/ &
+    color(205, 133, 63, 'tan3                '), &
+    color(139, 90, 43, 'tan4                '), &
+    color(255, 127, 36, 'chocolate1          '), &
+    color(238, 118, 33, 'chocolate2          '), &
+    color(205, 102, 29, 'chocolate3          '), &
+    color(139, 69, 19, 'chocolate4          '), &
+    color(255, 48, 48, 'firebrick1          '), &
+    color(238, 44, 44, 'firebrick2          '), &
+    color(205, 38, 38, 'firebrick3          '), &
+    color(139, 26, 26, 'firebrick4          '), &
+    color(255, 64, 64, 'brown1              '), &
+    color(238, 59, 59, 'brown2              '), &
+    color(205, 51, 51, 'brown3              '), &
+    color(139, 35, 35, 'brown4              '), &
+    color(255, 140, 105, 'salmon1             '), &
+    color(238, 130, 98, 'salmon2             '), &
+    color(205, 112, 84, 'salmon3             '), &
+    color(139, 76, 57, 'salmon4             '), &
+    color(255, 160, 122, 'LightSalmon1        '), &
+    color(238, 149, 114, 'LightSalmon2        '), &
+    color(205, 129, 98, 'LightSalmon3        '), &
+    color(139, 87, 66, 'LightSalmon4        '), &
+    color(255, 165, 0, 'orange1             '), &
+    color(238, 154, 0, 'orange2             '), &
+    color(205, 133, 0, 'orange3             '), &
+    color(139, 90, 0, 'orange4             '), &
+    color(255, 127, 0, 'DarkOrange1         '), &
+    color(238, 118, 0, 'DarkOrange2         '), &
+    color(205, 102, 0, 'DarkOrange3         '), &
+    color(139, 69, 0, 'DarkOrange4         '), &
+    color(255, 114, 86, 'coral1              '), &
+    color(238, 106, 80, 'coral2              '), &
+    color(205, 91, 69, 'coral3              '), &
+    color(139, 62, 47, 'coral4              '), &
+    color(255, 99, 71, 'tomato1             '), &
+    color(238, 92, 66, 'tomato2             '), &
+    color(205, 79, 57, 'tomato3             '), &
+    color(139, 54, 38, 'tomato4             '), &
+    color(255, 69, 0, 'OrangeRed1          ')/)
+  type(color), parameter :: colorArray12(39) = (/ &
+    color(238, 64, 0, 'OrangeRed2          '), &
+    color(205, 55, 0, 'OrangeRed3          '), &
+    color(139, 37, 0, 'OrangeRed4          '), &
+    color(255, 0, 0, 'red1                '), &
+    color(238, 0, 0, 'red2                '), &
+    color(205, 0, 0, 'red3                '), &
+    color(139, 0, 0, 'red4                '), &
+    color(255, 20, 147, 'DeepPink1           '), &
+    color(238, 18, 137, 'DeepPink2           '), &
+    color(205, 16, 118, 'DeepPink3           '), &
+    color(139, 10, 80, 'DeepPink4           '), &
+    color(255, 110, 180, 'HotPink1            '), &
+    color(238, 106, 167, 'HotPink2            '), &
+    color(205, 96, 144, 'HotPink3            '), &
+    color(139, 58, 98, 'HotPink4            '), &
+    color(255, 181, 197, 'pink1               '), &
+    color(238, 169, 184, 'pink2               '), &
+    color(205, 145, 158, 'pink3               '), &
+    color(139, 99, 108, 'pink4               '), &
+    color(255, 174, 185, 'LightPink1          '), &
+    color(238, 162, 173, 'LightPink2          '), &
+    color(205, 140, 149, 'LightPink3          '), &
+    color(139, 95, 101, 'LightPink4          '), &
+    color(255, 130, 171, 'PaleVioletRed1      '), &
+    color(238, 121, 159, 'PaleVioletRed2      '), &
+    color(205, 104, 137, 'PaleVioletRed3      '), &
+    color(139, 71, 93, 'PaleVioletRed4      '), &
+    color(255, 52, 179, 'maroon1             '), &
+    color(238, 48, 167, 'maroon2             '), &
+    color(205, 41, 144, 'maroon3             '), &
+    color(139, 28, 98, 'maroon4             '), &
+    color(255, 62, 150, 'VioletRed1          '), &
+    color(238, 58, 140, 'VioletRed2          '), &
+    color(205, 50, 120, 'VioletRed3          '), &
+    color(139, 34, 82, 'VioletRed4          '), &
+    color(255, 0, 255, 'magenta1            '), &
+    color(238, 0, 238, 'magenta2            '), &
+    color(205, 0, 205, 'magenta3            '), &
+    color(139, 0, 139, 'magenta4            ')/)
+  type(color), parameter :: colorArray13(39) = (/ &
+    color(255, 131, 250, 'orchid1             '), &
+    color(238, 122, 233, 'orchid2             '), &
+    color(205, 105, 201, 'orchid3             '), &
+    color(139, 71, 137, 'orchid4             '), &
+    color(255, 187, 255, 'plum1               '), &
+    color(238, 174, 238, 'plum2               '), &
+    color(205, 150, 205, 'plum3               '), &
+    color(139, 102, 139, 'plum4               '), &
+    color(224, 102, 255, 'MediumOrchid1       '), &
+    color(209, 95, 238, 'MediumOrchid2       '), &
+    color(180, 82, 205, 'MediumOrchid3       '), &
+    color(122, 55, 139, 'MediumOrchid4       '), &
+    color(191, 62, 255, 'DarkOrchid1         '), &
+    color(178, 58, 238, 'DarkOrchid2         '), &
+    color(154, 50, 205, 'DarkOrchid3         '), &
+    color(104, 34, 139, 'DarkOrchid4         '), &
+    color(155, 48, 255, 'purple1             '), &
+    color(145, 44, 238, 'purple2             '), &
+    color(125, 38, 205, 'purple3             '), &
+    color(85, 26, 139, 'purple4             '), &
+    color(171, 130, 255, 'MediumPurple1       '), &
+    color(159, 121, 238, 'MediumPurple2       '), &
+    color(137, 104, 205, 'MediumPurple3       '), &
+    color(93, 71, 139, 'MediumPurple4       '), &
+    color(255, 225, 255, 'thistle1            '), &
+    color(238, 210, 238, 'thistle2            '), &
+    color(205, 181, 205, 'thistle3            '), &
+    color(139, 123, 139, 'thistle4            '), &
+    color(0, 0, 0, 'gray0               '), &
+    color(0, 0, 0, 'grey0               '), &
+    color(3, 3, 3, 'gray1               '), &
+    color(3, 3, 3, 'grey1               '), &
+    color(5, 5, 5, 'gray2               '), &
+    color(5, 5, 5, 'grey2               '), &
+    color(8, 8, 8, 'gray3               '), &
+    color(8, 8, 8, 'grey3               '), &
+    color(10, 10, 10, 'gray4               '), &
+    color(10, 10, 10, 'grey4               '), &
+    color(13, 13, 13, 'gray5               ')/)
+  type(color), parameter :: colorArray14(39) = (/ &
+    color(13, 13, 13, 'grey5               '), &
+    color(15, 15, 15, 'gray6               '), &
+    color(15, 15, 15, 'grey6               '), &
+    color(18, 18, 18, 'gray7               '), &
+    color(18, 18, 18, 'grey7               '), &
+    color(20, 20, 20, 'gray8               '), &
+    color(20, 20, 20, 'grey8               '), &
+    color(23, 23, 23, 'gray9               '), &
+    color(23, 23, 23, 'grey9               '), &
+    color(26, 26, 26, 'gray10              '), &
+    color(26, 26, 26, 'grey10              '), &
+    color(28, 28, 28, 'gray11              '), &
+    color(28, 28, 28, 'grey11              '), &
+    color(31, 31, 31, 'gray12              '), &
+    color(31, 31, 31, 'grey12              '), &
+    color(33, 33, 33, 'gray13              '), &
+    color(33, 33, 33, 'grey13              '), &
+    color(36, 36, 36, 'gray14              '), &
+    color(36, 36, 36, 'grey14              '), &
+    color(38, 38, 38, 'gray15              '), &
+    color(38, 38, 38, 'grey15              '), &
+    color(41, 41, 41, 'gray16              '), &
+    color(41, 41, 41, 'grey16              '), &
+    color(43, 43, 43, 'gray17              '), &
+    color(43, 43, 43, 'grey17              '), &
+    color(46, 46, 46, 'gray18              '), &
+    color(46, 46, 46, 'grey18              '), &
+    color(48, 48, 48, 'gray19              '), &
+    color(48, 48, 48, 'grey19              '), &
+    color(51, 51, 51, 'gray20              '), &
+    color(51, 51, 51, 'grey20              '), &
+    color(54, 54, 54, 'gray21              '), &
+    color(54, 54, 54, 'grey21              '), &
+    color(56, 56, 56, 'gray22              '), &
+    color(56, 56, 56, 'grey22              '), &
+    color(59, 59, 59, 'gray23              '), &
+    color(59, 59, 59, 'grey23              '), &
+    color(61, 61, 61, 'gray24              '), &
+    color(61, 61, 61, 'grey24              ')/)
+  type(color), parameter :: colorArray15(39) = (/ &
+    color(64, 64, 64, 'gray25              '), &
+    color(64, 64, 64, 'grey25              '), &
+    color(66, 66, 66, 'gray26              '), &
+    color(66, 66, 66, 'grey26              '), &
+    color(69, 69, 69, 'gray27              '), &
+    color(69, 69, 69, 'grey27              '), &
+    color(71, 71, 71, 'gray28              '), &
+    color(71, 71, 71, 'grey28              '), &
+    color(74, 74, 74, 'gray29              '), &
+    color(74, 74, 74, 'grey29              '), &
+    color(77, 77, 77, 'gray30              '), &
+    color(77, 77, 77, 'grey30              '), &
+    color(79, 79, 79, 'gray31              '), &
+    color(79, 79, 79, 'grey31              '), &
+    color(82, 82, 82, 'gray32              '), &
+    color(82, 82, 82, 'grey32              '), &
+    color(84, 84, 84, 'gray33              '), &
+    color(84, 84, 84, 'grey33              '), &
+    color(87, 87, 87, 'gray34              '), &
+    color(87, 87, 87, 'grey34              '), &
+    color(89, 89, 89, 'gray35              '), &
+    color(89, 89, 89, 'grey35              '), &
+    color(92, 92, 92, 'gray36              '), &
+    color(92, 92, 92, 'grey36              '), &
+    color(94, 94, 94, 'gray37              '), &
+    color(94, 94, 94, 'grey37              '), &
+    color(97, 97, 97, 'gray38              '), &
+    color(97, 97, 97, 'grey38              '), &
+    color(99, 99, 99, 'gray39              '), &
+    color(99, 99, 99, 'grey39              '), &
+    color(102, 102, 102, 'gray40              '), &
+    color(102, 102, 102, 'grey40              '), &
+    color(105, 105, 105, 'gray41              '), &
+    color(105, 105, 105, 'grey41              '), &
+    color(107, 107, 107, 'gray42              '), &
+    color(107, 107, 107, 'grey42              '), &
+    color(110, 110, 110, 'gray43              '), &
+    color(110, 110, 110, 'grey43              '), &
+    color(112, 112, 112, 'gray44              ')/)
+  type(color), parameter :: colorArray16(39) = (/ &
+    color(112, 112, 112, 'grey44              '), &
+    color(115, 115, 115, 'gray45              '), &
+    color(115, 115, 115, 'grey45              '), &
+    color(117, 117, 117, 'gray46              '), &
+    color(117, 117, 117, 'grey46              '), &
+    color(120, 120, 120, 'gray47              '), &
+    color(120, 120, 120, 'grey47              '), &
+    color(122, 122, 122, 'gray48              '), &
+    color(122, 122, 122, 'grey48              '), &
+    color(125, 125, 125, 'gray49              '), &
+    color(125, 125, 125, 'grey49              '), &
+    color(127, 127, 127, 'gray50              '), &
+    color(127, 127, 127, 'grey50              '), &
+    color(130, 130, 130, 'gray51              '), &
+    color(130, 130, 130, 'grey51              '), &
+    color(133, 133, 133, 'gray52              '), &
+    color(133, 133, 133, 'grey52              '), &
+    color(135, 135, 135, 'gray53              '), &
+    color(135, 135, 135, 'grey53              '), &
+    color(138, 138, 138, 'gray54              '), &
+    color(138, 138, 138, 'grey54              '), &
+    color(140, 140, 140, 'gray55              '), &
+    color(140, 140, 140, 'grey55              '), &
+    color(143, 143, 143, 'gray56              '), &
+    color(143, 143, 143, 'grey56              '), &
+    color(145, 145, 145, 'gray57              '), &
+    color(145, 145, 145, 'grey57              '), &
+    color(148, 148, 148, 'gray58              '), &
+    color(148, 148, 148, 'grey58              '), &
+    color(150, 150, 150, 'gray59              '), &
+    color(150, 150, 150, 'grey59              '), &
+    color(153, 153, 153, 'gray60              '), &
+    color(153, 153, 153, 'grey60              '), &
+    color(156, 156, 156, 'gray61              '), &
+    color(156, 156, 156, 'grey61              '), &
+    color(158, 158, 158, 'gray62              '), &
+    color(158, 158, 158, 'grey62              '), &
+    color(161, 161, 161, 'gray63              '), &
+    color(161, 161, 161, 'grey63              ')/)
+  type(color), parameter :: colorArray17(39) = (/ &
+    color(163, 163, 163, 'gray64              '), &
+    color(163, 163, 163, 'grey64              '), &
+    color(166, 166, 166, 'gray65              '), &
+    color(166, 166, 166, 'grey65              '), &
+    color(168, 168, 168, 'gray66              '), &
+    color(168, 168, 168, 'grey66              '), &
+    color(171, 171, 171, 'gray67              '), &
+    color(171, 171, 171, 'grey67              '), &
+    color(173, 173, 173, 'gray68              '), &
+    color(173, 173, 173, 'grey68              '), &
+    color(176, 176, 176, 'gray69              '), &
+    color(176, 176, 176, 'grey69              '), &
+    color(179, 179, 179, 'gray70              '), &
+    color(179, 179, 179, 'grey70              '), &
+    color(181, 181, 181, 'gray71              '), &
+    color(181, 181, 181, 'grey71              '), &
+    color(184, 184, 184, 'gray72              '), &
+    color(184, 184, 184, 'grey72              '), &
+    color(186, 186, 186, 'gray73              '), &
+    color(186, 186, 186, 'grey73              '), &
+    color(189, 189, 189, 'gray74              '), &
+    color(189, 189, 189, 'grey74              '), &
+    color(191, 191, 191, 'gray75              '), &
+    color(191, 191, 191, 'grey75              '), &
+    color(194, 194, 194, 'gray76              '), &
+    color(194, 194, 194, 'grey76              '), &
+    color(196, 196, 196, 'gray77              '), &
+    color(196, 196, 196, 'grey77              '), &
+    color(199, 199, 199, 'gray78              '), &
+    color(199, 199, 199, 'grey78              '), &
+    color(201, 201, 201, 'gray79              '), &
+    color(201, 201, 201, 'grey79              '), &
+    color(204, 204, 204, 'gray80              '), &
+    color(204, 204, 204, 'grey80              '), &
+    color(207, 207, 207, 'gray81              '), &
+    color(207, 207, 207, 'grey81              '), &
+    color(209, 209, 209, 'gray82              '), &
+    color(209, 209, 209, 'grey82              '), &
+    color(212, 212, 212, 'gray83              ')/)
+  type(color), parameter :: colorArray18(39) = (/ &
+    color(212, 212, 212, 'grey83              '), &
+    color(214, 214, 214, 'gray84              '), &
+    color(214, 214, 214, 'grey84              '), &
+    color(217, 217, 217, 'gray85              '), &
+    color(217, 217, 217, 'grey85              '), &
+    color(219, 219, 219, 'gray86              '), &
+    color(219, 219, 219, 'grey86              '), &
+    color(222, 222, 222, 'gray87              '), &
+    color(222, 222, 222, 'grey87              '), &
+    color(224, 224, 224, 'gray88              '), &
+    color(224, 224, 224, 'grey88              '), &
+    color(227, 227, 227, 'gray89              '), &
+    color(227, 227, 227, 'grey89              '), &
+    color(229, 229, 229, 'gray90              '), &
+    color(229, 229, 229, 'grey90              '), &
+    color(232, 232, 232, 'gray91              '), &
+    color(232, 232, 232, 'grey91              '), &
+    color(235, 235, 235, 'gray92              '), &
+    color(235, 235, 235, 'grey92              '), &
+    color(237, 237, 237, 'gray93              '), &
+    color(237, 237, 237, 'grey93              '), &
+    color(240, 240, 240, 'gray94              '), &
+    color(240, 240, 240, 'grey94              '), &
+    color(242, 242, 242, 'gray95              '), &
+    color(242, 242, 242, 'grey95              '), &
+    color(245, 245, 245, 'gray96              '), &
+    color(245, 245, 245, 'grey96              '), &
+    color(247, 247, 247, 'gray97              '), &
+    color(247, 247, 247, 'grey97              '), &
+    color(250, 250, 250, 'gray98              '), &
+    color(250, 250, 250, 'grey98              '), &
+    color(252, 252, 252, 'gray99              '), &
+    color(252, 252, 252, 'grey99              '), &
+    color(255, 255, 255, 'gray100             '), &
+    color(255, 255, 255, 'grey100             '), &
+    color(169, 169, 169, 'dark grey           '), &
+    color(169, 169, 169, 'DarkGrey            '), &
+    color(169, 169, 169, 'dark gray           '), &
+    color(169, 169, 169, 'DarkGray            ')/)
+  type(color), parameter :: colorArray19(10) = (/ &
+    color(0, 0, 139, 'dark blue           '), &
+    color(0, 0, 139, 'DarkBlue            '), &
+    color(0, 139, 139, 'dark cyan           '), &
+    color(0, 139, 139, 'DarkCyan            '), &
+    color(139, 0, 139, 'dark magenta        '), &
+    color(139, 0, 139, 'DarkMagenta         '), &
+    color(139, 0, 0, 'dark red            '), &
+    color(139, 0, 0, 'DarkRed             '), &
+    color(144, 238, 144, 'light green         '), &
+    color(144, 238, 144, 'LightGreen          ')/)
+  type(color), parameter :: colorArray(751) = (/ &
+    colorArray0, &
+    colorArray1, &
+    colorArray2, &
+    colorArray3, &
+    colorArray4, &
+    colorArray5, &
+    colorArray6, &
+    colorArray7, &
+    colorArray8, &
+    colorArray9, &
+    colorArray10, &
+    colorArray11, &
+    colorArray12, &
+    colorArray13, &
+    colorArray14, &
+    colorArray15, &
+    colorArray16, &
+    colorArray17, &
+    colorArray18, &
+    colorArray19 /)
+end module m_wkml_color_def
diff --git a/wkml/m_wkml_contours.F90 b/wkml/m_wkml_contours.F90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cde373e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/m_wkml_contours.F90
@@ -0,0 +1,300 @@
+module m_wkml_contours
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+  use m_common_error
+  use m_contours, only: contourObject, destroy_contourObject
+  use m_contours, only: make_contours_on_simplest_grid
+  use m_contours, only: make_contours_on_a_simple_grid
+  use m_contours, only: make_contours_on_a_complex_grid
+  use fox_m_fsys_realtypes, only : sp, dp
+  use m_wkml_color, only: color_t
+  use FoX_wxml, only: xmlf_t
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+  use FoX_common, only: str, operator(//)
+  use m_wkml_color, only: kmlGetColorHex
+  use m_wkml_lowlevel, only: kmlOpenFolder, kmlCloseFolder, kmlOpenPlacemark, kmlClosePlacemark
+  use m_wkml_features, only: kmlCreateLine, kmlStartRegion, kmlAddInnerBoundary, kmlEndRegion
+  use m_wkml_styling, only: kmlCreateLineStyle, kmlCreatePolygonStyle 
+  implicit none
+  private
+  interface kmlCreateContours
+    module procedure kmlCreateContours_sp
+    module procedure kmlCreateContours_longlat_sp
+    module procedure kmlCreateContours_longlat2_sp
+!    module procedure kmlCreateContours_dp
+!    module procedure kmlCreateContours_longlat_dp
+  end interface kmlCreateContours
+  public :: kmlCreateContours
+  subroutine kmlCreateContours_sp(xf, east, west, north, south, values, &
+    mask, colormap, height, contour_values, num_levels, name, lines, regions)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    real(sp), intent(in) :: east, west, north, south
+    real(sp), intent(in), optional :: values(:,:)
+    real(sp), intent(in), optional :: mask
+    type(color_t), intent(in), optional :: colormap(:)
+    real(sp), intent(in), optional :: height
+    real(sp), intent(in), optional :: contour_values(:)
+    integer, intent(in), optional :: num_levels
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
+    logical, intent(in), optional :: lines, regions
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    type(contourObject) :: o
+    o = make_contours_on_simplest_grid(east, west, north, south, values, contour_values, num_levels, mask)
+    call kmlOutputContours(xf, o, height, colormap, name, lines, regions)
+    call destroy_contourObject(o)
+  end subroutine kmlCreateContours_sp
+  subroutine kmlCreateContours_longlat_sp(xf, longitude, latitude, values, &
+    mask, colormap, height, contour_values, num_levels, name, lines, regions)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    real(sp), intent(in) :: longitude(:), latitude(:)
+    real(sp), intent(in), optional :: values(:,:)
+    real(sp), intent(in), optional :: mask
+    type(color_t), intent(in), optional :: colormap(:)
+    real(sp), intent(in), optional :: height
+    real(sp), intent(in), optional :: contour_values(:)
+    integer, intent(in), optional :: num_levels
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
+    logical, intent(in), optional :: lines, regions
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    type(contourObject) :: o
+    o = make_contours_on_a_simple_grid(longitude, latitude, values, contour_values, num_levels, mask)
+    call kmlOutputContours(xf, o, height, colormap, name, lines, regions)
+    call destroy_contourObject(o)
+  end subroutine kmlCreateContours_longlat_sp
+  subroutine kmlCreateContours_longlat2_sp(xf, longitude, latitude, values, &
+    mask, colormap, height, contour_values, num_levels, name, lines, regions)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    real(sp), intent(in) :: longitude(:,:), latitude(:,:)
+    real(sp), intent(in), optional :: values(:,:)
+    real(sp), intent(in), optional :: mask
+    type(color_t), intent(in), optional :: colormap(:)
+    real(sp), intent(in), optional :: height
+    real(sp), intent(in), optional :: contour_values(:)
+    integer, intent(in), optional :: num_levels
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
+    logical, intent(in), optional :: lines, regions
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    type(contourObject) :: o
+    o = make_contours_on_a_complex_grid(longitude, latitude, values, contour_values, num_levels, mask)
+    call kmlOutputContours(xf, o, height, colormap, name, lines, regions)
+    call destroy_contourObject(o)
+  end subroutine kmlCreateContours_longlat2_sp
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+  subroutine kmlOutputContours(xf, o, height, colormap, name, lines, regions)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    type(contourObject), intent(in) :: o
+    real(sp), intent(in), optional :: height
+    type(color_t), intent(in), optional :: colormap(:)
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
+    logical, intent(in), optional :: lines, regions
+    logical :: lines_, regions_
+    if (present(lines)) then
+      lines_ = lines
+    else
+      lines_ = .false.
+    endif
+    if (present(regions)) then
+      regions_ = regions
+    else
+      regions_ = .false.
+    endif
+    call kmlOpenFolder(xf, name=name)
+    if (lines_) call outputContourLines(xf, o, height=height, colormap=colormap)
+    if (regions_) call outputContourRegions(xf, o, height=height, colormap=colormap)
+    call kmlCloseFolder(xf)
+  end subroutine kmlOutputContours
+  subroutine kmlCreateContours_old(xf, z, x, y, x_complex, y_complex, &
+    contour_values, ncv, ignore_gt, lines, regions, colormap, name)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    real, intent(in) :: z(:,:)
+    real, intent(in), optional :: x(:), y(:)
+    real, intent(in), optional :: x_complex(:,:), y_complex(:,:)
+    real, intent(in), optional :: contour_values(:)
+    integer, intent(in), optional :: ncv
+    real, intent(in), optional :: ignore_gt
+    logical, intent(in), optional :: lines, regions
+    type(color_t), optional :: colormap(:)
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: name
+    logical :: lines_, regions_
+    type(contourObject) :: o
+    if (.not.(present(x).and.present(y).and. &
+      .not.present(x_complex).and..not.present(y_complex)) &
+      .and..not.(present(x_complex).and.present(y_complex).and. &
+      .not.present(x).and..not.present(y))) then
+      call FoX_error('Can only specify simple x & y OR complex x & y')
+    endif
+    if (present(lines)) then
+      lines_ = lines
+    else
+      lines_ = .false.
+    endif
+    if (present(regions)) then
+      regions_ = regions
+    else
+      regions_ = .false.
+    endif
+    if (present(x)) then
+      o = make_contours_on_a_simple_grid(x, y, z, contour_values, ncv, ignore_gt)
+    else
+      o = make_contours_on_a_complex_grid(x_complex, y_complex, z, contour_values, ncv, ignore_gt)
+    endif
+    call kmlOpenFolder(xf, name=name)
+    if (lines_) call outputContourLines(xf, o, colormap=colormap)
+    if (regions_) call outputContourRegions(xf, o, colormap=colormap)
+    call kmlCloseFolder(xf)
+    call destroy_contourObject(o)
+  end subroutine kmlCreateContours_old
+  subroutine outputContourLines(xf, cp, height, colormap)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    type(contourObject), intent(in) :: cp
+    real, intent(in), optional :: height
+    type(color_t), intent(in), optional :: colormap(:)
+    integer :: colornum
+    integer :: i, j
+    if (present(colormap)) then
+      if (size(colormap)<size(cp%contours)) then
+        call FoX_error("More contours than colours in outputContourLines")
+      endif
+    endif
+    call kmlOpenFolder(xf, name='Contour Lines')
+    call kmlOpenPlacemark(xf, name='Bounding Box')
+    call kmlCreateLineStyle(xf, width=5, colorhex='ffffffff')
+    call kmlCreateLine(xf, cp%lines(0)%list(1)%x, cp%lines(0)%list(1)%y)
+    call kmlClosePlacemark(xf)
+    do i = 1, size(cp%contours)
+      if (i==size(cp%contours).and.associated(cp%zmax)) then
+        call kmlOpenFolder(xf, name='Border of undefined region')
+      else
+        call kmlOpenFolder(xf, name=str(cp%contours(i)))
+      endif
+      do j = 1, size(cp%lines(i)%list)
+        call kmlOpenPlacemark(xf)
+        if (present(colormap)) then
+          call kmlCreateLineStyle(xf, width=3, color=colormap(i))
+        else
+          colornum = i*255/(size(cp%contours)+1)
+          call kmlCreateLineStyle(xf, width=3, colorhex='ff'//str(255-colornum, 'x2')//'00'//str(colornum, 'x2'))
+        endif
+        call kmlCreateLine(xf, cp%lines(i)%list(j)%x, cp%lines(i)%list(j)%y)
+        call kmlClosePlacemark(xf)
+      enddo
+      call kmlCloseFolder(xf)
+    enddo
+    call kmlCloseFolder(xf) ! Contour Lines
+  end subroutine outputContourLines
+  subroutine outputContourRegions(xf, cp, height, colormap)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    type(contourObject), intent(in) :: cp
+    real(sp), intent(in), optional :: height
+    type(color_t), intent(in), optional :: colormap(:)
+    integer :: colornum
+    integer :: i, j, k
+    character(len=8) :: colorhex
+    if (present(colormap)) then
+      if (size(colormap)<size(cp%contours+1)) then
+        call FoX_error("More contours than colours in outputContourRegions")
+      endif
+    endif
+    call kmlOpenFolder(xf, name='Contour Regions')
+    do i = 0, size(cp%contours)
+      if (i==0) then
+        call kmlOpenFolder(xf, name="Less than "//str(cp%contours(1)))
+      elseif (i<size(cp%contours)-1) then
+        call kmlOpenFolder(xf, name="Between "//str(cp%contours(i))//" and "//str(cp%contours(i+1)))
+      elseif (i==size(cp%contours)-1) then
+        if (associated(cp%zmax)) then
+          call kmlOpenFolder(xf, name="More than "//str(cp%contours(i)))
+        else
+          call kmlOpenFolder(xf, name="Between "//str(cp%contours(i))//" and "//str(cp%contours(i+1)))
+        endif
+      elseif (i==size(cp%contours)) then
+        if (associated(cp%zmax)) then
+          call kmlOpenFolder(xf, name="Region of undefined values")
+        else
+          call kmlOpenFolder(xf, name="More than "//str(cp%contours(i)))
+        endif
+      endif
+      do j = 1, size(cp%polys(i)%list)
+        if (associated(cp%zmax).and.i==size(cp%contours)) then
+          colorhex="00000000"
+        elseif (present(colormap)) then
+          colorhex = kmlGetColorHex(colormap(i))
+        else
+          colornum = i*255/(size(cp%contours)+1)
+          colorhex = "c0"//str(255-colornum, "x2")//"ff"//str(colornum, "x2")
+        endif
+        ! FIXME here we should use height to adjust height of the polygon, but currently we haven't stored
+        ! that information in cp.
+        call kmlStartRegion(xf, cp%polys(i)%list(j)%outerBoundary%x, cp%polys(i)%list(j)%outerBoundary%y, &
+          name=str(i)//' '//str(j), fillcolorhex=colorhex)
+        do k = 1, size(cp%polys(i)%list(j)%innerBoundaries%list)
+          call kmlAddInnerBoundary(xf, cp%polys(i)%list(j)%outerBoundary%x, cp%polys(i)%list(j)%outerBoundary%y)
+        enddo
+        call kmlEndRegion(xf)
+      enddo
+      call kmlCloseFolder(xf)
+    enddo
+    call kmlCloseFolder(xf)
+  end subroutine outputContourRegions
+end module m_wkml_contours
diff --git a/wkml/m_wkml_core.F90 b/wkml/m_wkml_core.F90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0bcca50
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/m_wkml_core.F90
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+module m_wkml_core
+  use FoX_wxml, only: xmlf_t
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+  use m_common_error, only: FoX_error
+  use FoX_wxml, only: xml_OpenFile, xml_Close, xml_DeclareNamespace, &
+    xml_NewElement, xml_EndElement, xmlf_OpenTag
+  use m_wkml_lowlevel, only: kmlOpenDocument, kmlCloseDocument
+  implicit none
+  private
+  public :: kmlBeginFile
+  public :: kmlFinishFile
+  public :: kmlAddNamespace
+  subroutine kmlBeginFile(xf, filename, unit, replace, docName)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(out) :: xf
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: filename
+    integer, intent(in) :: unit
+    logical, intent(in), optional :: replace
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: docName
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    if (unit==-1) then
+      call xml_OpenFile(filename, xf, replace=replace)
+    else
+      call xml_OpenFile(filename, xf, unit=unit, replace=replace)
+    endif
+    call xml_DeclareNamespace(xf, 'http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2')
+    call xml_NewElement(xf, 'kml')
+    if (present(docName)) then
+      call kmlOpenDocument(xf, docName)
+    else
+      call kmlOpenDocument(xf, 'WKML output')
+    endif
+  end subroutine kmlBeginFile
+  subroutine kmlFinishFile(xf)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    call kmlCloseDocument(xf)
+    call xml_EndElement(xf, 'kml')
+    call xml_Close(xf)
+  end subroutine kmlFinishFile
+  subroutine kmlAddNamespace(xf, prefix, URI)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: prefix
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: URI
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    if (xmlf_OpenTag(xf) /= "") &
+      call FoX_error("Cannot do kmlAddNamespace after document output")
+    call xml_DeclareNamespace(xf, URI, prefix)
+  end subroutine kmlAddNamespace
+end module m_wkml_core
diff --git a/wkml/m_wkml_coverage.F90 b/wkml/m_wkml_coverage.F90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..adb584f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/m_wkml_coverage.F90
@@ -0,0 +1,1190 @@
+module m_wkml_coverage
+  use fox_m_fsys_realtypes, only: sp, dp
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xmlf_t
+  use m_wkml_color, only: color_t
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xml_NewElement, xml_EndElement, xml_AddAttribute, xml_AddNewLine, xml_AddCharacters
+  use m_common_error, only: FoX_error
+  use FoX_common, only: str
+  use m_common_error
+  use m_wkml_lowlevel, only: kmlOpenFolder, kmlCloseFolder, kmlopenplacemark, & 
+       kmlAddname, kmlAddstyleurl, kmlopenpolygon, kmladdextrude, kmladdaltitudemode, & 
+       kmlopenouterboundaryis, kmlopenlinearring, kmlcloselinearring, & 
+       kmlcloseouterboundaryis, kmlclosepolygon, kmlcloseplacemark, &
+       kmlOpenTimeStamp, kmlCloseTimeStamp, kmlAddwhen
+  use m_wkml_color, only: kmlSetCustomColor, kmlMakeColorMap
+  use m_wkml_features, only: kmlStartRegion, kmlEndRegion
+  use m_wkml_styling, only: kmlCreatePolygonStyle
+  use m_wkml_chart
+  implicit none
+  private
+  interface kmlCreateRGBCells
+    module procedure kmlCreateRGBCells_sp
+    module procedure kmlCreateRGBCells_dp
+  end interface kmlCreateRGBCells
+  interface kmlCreateCells
+    module procedure kmlCreateCells_sp
+    module procedure kmlCreateCells_dp
+    module procedure kmlCreateCells_longlat_sp
+    module procedure kmlCreateCells_longlat_dp
+    module procedure kmlCreateCells_longlat2_sp
+    module procedure kmlCreateCells_longlat2_dp
+    module procedure kmlCreateCells3_dp
+    module procedure kmlCreateCells3_sp
+  end interface kmlCreateCells
+  public :: kmlCreateRGBCells
+  public :: kmlCreateCells
+  !this subroutine is used for creating cells (pixels),this version is used for SIG and assing rgb color auto
+  subroutine kmlCreateRGBCells_sp(xf, east, west, south, north, reflectance, rgb, numbit)
+    type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+    real(sp), intent(in)  :: east, west, south, north
+    real(sp), intent(in), optional :: reflectance(:,:)
+    integer, intent(in), optional :: numbit !! color interval
+    character, intent(in), optional :: rgb
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    call kmlCreateRGBCells(xf, real(east, dp), real(west, dp), &
+      real(south, dp), real(north, dp), real(reflectance, dp), rgb, numbit)
+  end subroutine kmlCreateRGBCells_sp
+  subroutine kmlCreateRGBCells_dp(xf, east, west, south, north, reflectance, rgb, numbit)
+    type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+    real(dp), intent(in)  :: east, west, south, north
+    real(dp), intent(in), optional :: reflectance(:,:)
+    integer, intent(in), optional :: numbit !! color interval
+    character, intent(in), optional :: rgb
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    integer :: numbit_
+    integer :: i, dn
+    type(color_t), allocatable :: colormap(:)
+    if (rgb/="r" .and. rgb/="g" .and. rgb/="b") then
+      call FoX_error("Must use one of r, g, or b in CreateRGBCells")
+    endif
+    if (present(numbit)) then
+      if (numbit<1.or.numbit>256) then
+        call FoX_error("numbit out of range")
+      elseif (mod(256, numbit)/=0) then
+        call FoX_error("numbit must be a power of 2")
+      endif
+      numbit_ = numbit ! Check for sensible values
+    else
+      numbit_ = 256
+    endif
+    allocate(colormap(numbit_))
+    do i = 1, numbit_
+      dn = 256/i - 1
+      if (rgb=="b") then
+        call kmlSetCustomColor(colormap(i), "EE"//str(dn, "x")//"00"//"00")
+      elseif (rgb=="g") then
+        call kmlSetCustomColor(colormap(i), "EE"//"00"//str(dn, "x")//"00")
+      elseif (rgb=="r") then
+        call kmlSetCustomColor(colormap(i), "EE"//"00"//"00"//str(dn, "x"))
+      endif
+    enddo
+    call kmlCreateCells(xf, east=east, west=west, south=south, north=north, &
+      values=reflectance, mask=1.0d0, colormap=colormap)
+  end subroutine kmlCreateRGBCells_dp
+! createCells was called createCells2/createCells3
+! Its function is to produce coloured cells, with the colour varying
+! according to value.
+! value must be passed in as a 2D array.
+! x/y coords may be specified either by:
+! 1: simple EWSN coords to specify the corners of the array
+!     ie, a very simple rectangular spaced grid with equal spacing of points.
+! 2: two 1-D arrays, one of longitude, one of latitude (of the same lengths as value(:,:))
+!     ie a rectangular grid, but with irregular spacing
+! 3: two 2-D arrays, one for longitude, one for latitude (both of the same size as value(:,:))
+!     ie a topologically rectilinear, but otherwise irregular grid.
+! FIXME in the simplest case (1: above) we should make sure and document where the EWNS are
+! expected to be in relationship to the grid points. Currently we assume coincident.
+  subroutine kmlCreateCells_sp(xf, &
+east, west, south, north, values, &
+    mask, colormap, height, contour_values, num_levels, name)
+    type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+    real(sp), intent(in) :: east, west, south, north
+    real(sp), intent(in) :: values(:,:)
+    real(sp), intent(in), optional :: mask
+    type(color_t), target, optional :: colormap(:)
+    real(sp), intent(in), optional :: height
+    real(sp), intent(in), optional :: contour_values(:)
+    integer, intent(in), optional :: num_levels
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: name
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    integer  :: i, ic, j, k, m, n, numcolors
+    real(sp) :: square(3,4), lat, long, average
+    real(sp) :: minvalue, lat_inc, long_inc, valueres !resolution of input value
+    character(len=15), allocatable :: styleURL(:) ! FIXME this ought to be dynamically sized,
+                                     ! but this allows up to 10^9 separate IDs in one doc.
+    type(color_t), pointer :: defaultMap(:), thisColor
+    m = size(values, 1)
+    n = size(values, 2)
+    if (present(contour_values).and.present(num_levels)) then
+      call FoX_error("Cannot specify both contour_values and num_levels in kmlCreateCells")
+    elseif (present(contour_values)) then
+      if (present(colormap)) then
+        if (size(colormap)/=size(contour_values)+1) then
+          call FoX_error("colormap must be one item longer than contour_values in kmlCreateCells")
+        endif
+      endif
+      numcolors = size(contour_values)+1
+    elseif (present(num_levels)) then
+      if (present(colormap)) then
+        if (size(colormap)/=num_levels+1) then
+          call FoX_error("colormap must be one item longer than num_levels in kmlCreateCells")
+        endif
+      endif
+      numcolors = num_levels+1
+    else
+      if (present(colormap)) then
+        numcolors = size(colormap)
+      else
+        numcolors = 5
+      endif
+    endif
+    if (.not.present(colormap)) defaultMap => kmlMakeColorMap(numcolors)
+    minvalue = minval(values)
+    if (present(mask)) then
+      valueres = (maxval(values, mask=(values<mask))-minvalue)/(numcolors-1)
+    else
+      valueres = (maxval(values)-minvalue)/(numcolors-1)
+    endif
+    call kmlOpenFolder(xf, name=name)
+! When we have a working style-handling policy, replace here.
+!!$    allocate(styleURL(numcolors))
+!!$    do i = 1, numcolors
+!!$      styleURL(i) = xmlf_NewId(xf)
+!!$      if (present(colormap)) then
+!!$        call kmlCreatePolygonStyle(xf, color=colormap(i), id=trim(styleURL(i)))
+!!$      else
+!!$        call kmlCreatePolygonStyle(xf, color=defaultMap(i), id=trim(styleURL(i)))
+!!$      endif
+!!$    end do
+    lat_inc = (east-west)/m ! Increment in latitude
+    long_inc = (north-south)/n ! Increment in longitude
+    do i = 1, m
+      long = west+long_inc*(i-0.5) ! Subtract 0.5 so that cells are *centred* on the long/lat point.
+      do j = 1, n
+        ! Plot from north to south in order to match data structure
+        lat = north+lat_inc*(i-0.5)
+        if (present(mask)) then
+          if (values(i,j)>=mask) cycle
+        endif
+        square(1, :) = (/long, long, long+long_inc, long+long_inc/)       ! x-coords
+        square(2, :) = (/lat, lat-lat_inc, lat-lat_inc, lat/)             ! y-coords
+        if (present(height)) then                                           ! z-coords
+          square(3,:) = height*((/values(i,j), values(i+1,j), values(i+1,j+1), values(i+1,j+1)/)-minValue)
+        endif
+        if (present(contour_values)) then
+          ! New logic by GT: this version works, 07032009
+          do ic=1, size(contour_values)-1
+            if (values(i,j) .lt. contour_values(1)) then
+              k = ic
+            else if ((values(i,j) >= contour_values(ic)) &
+                .and. (values(i,j) < contour_values(ic+1))) then
+              k = ic+1
+            end if
+          end do
+        else
+          k = int(floor((values(i, j)-minvalue)/valueres))
+        endif
+        if (present(colormap)) then
+          thisColor => colormap(k+1)
+        else
+          thisColor => defaultMap(k+1)
+        endif
+        if (present(colormap)) then
+          if (present(height)) then
+            call kmlStartRegion(xf, square, &
+              extrude=.true., altitudeMode="relativeToGround", fillcolor=colorMap(k+1))
+          else
+            call kmlStartRegion(xf, square(:2,:), fillcolor=colorMap(k+1))
+          endif
+        else
+          if (present(height)) then
+            call kmlStartRegion(xf, square, &
+              extrude=.true., altitudeMode="relativeToGround", fillcolor=defaultMap(k+1))
+          else
+            call kmlStartRegion(xf, square(:2,:), fillcolor=defaultMap(k+1))
+          endif
+        endif
+        call kmlEndRegion(xf)
+      end do
+    end do
+    call kmlCloseFolder(xf)
+    if (.not.present(colormap)) deallocate(defaultMap)
+  end subroutine kmlCreateCells_sp
+  subroutine kmlCreateCells_dp(xf, &
+east, west, south, north, values, &
+    mask, colormap, height, contour_values, num_levels, name)
+    type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+    real(dp), intent(in) :: east, west, south, north
+    real(dp), intent(in) :: values(:,:)
+    real(dp), intent(in), optional :: mask
+    type(color_t), target, optional :: colormap(:)
+    real(dp), intent(in), optional :: height
+    real(dp), intent(in), optional :: contour_values(:)
+    integer, intent(in), optional :: num_levels
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: name
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    integer  :: i, ic, j, k, m, n, numcolors
+    real(dp) :: square(3,4), lat, long, average
+    real(dp) :: minvalue, lat_inc, long_inc, valueres !resolution of input value
+    character(len=15), allocatable :: styleURL(:) ! FIXME this ought to be dynamically sized,
+                                     ! but this allows up to 10^9 separate IDs in one doc.
+    type(color_t), pointer :: defaultMap(:), thisColor
+    m = size(values, 1)
+    n = size(values, 2)
+    if (present(contour_values).and.present(num_levels)) then
+      call FoX_error("Cannot specify both contour_values and num_levels in kmlCreateCells")
+    elseif (present(contour_values)) then
+      if (present(colormap)) then
+        if (size(colormap)/=size(contour_values)+1) then
+          call FoX_error("colormap must be one item longer than contour_values in kmlCreateCells")
+        endif
+      endif
+      numcolors = size(contour_values)+1
+    elseif (present(num_levels)) then
+      if (present(colormap)) then
+        if (size(colormap)/=num_levels+1) then
+          call FoX_error("colormap must be one item longer than num_levels in kmlCreateCells")
+        endif
+      endif
+      numcolors = num_levels+1
+    else
+      if (present(colormap)) then
+        numcolors = size(colormap)
+      else
+        numcolors = 5
+      endif
+    endif
+    if (.not.present(colormap)) defaultMap => kmlMakeColorMap(numcolors)
+    minvalue = minval(values)
+    if (present(mask)) then
+      valueres = (maxval(values, mask=(values<mask))-minvalue)/(numcolors-1)
+    else
+      valueres = (maxval(values)-minvalue)/(numcolors-1)
+    endif
+    call kmlOpenFolder(xf, name=name)
+! When we have a working style-handling policy, replace here.
+!!$    allocate(styleURL(numcolors))
+!!$    do i = 1, numcolors
+!!$      styleURL(i) = xmlf_NewId(xf)
+!!$      if (present(colormap)) then
+!!$        call kmlCreatePolygonStyle(xf, color=colormap(i), id=trim(styleURL(i)))
+!!$      else
+!!$        call kmlCreatePolygonStyle(xf, color=defaultMap(i), id=trim(styleURL(i)))
+!!$      endif
+!!$    end do
+    lat_inc = (east-west)/m ! Increment in latitude
+    long_inc = (north-south)/n ! Increment in longitude
+    do i = 1, m
+      long = west+long_inc*(i-0.5) ! Subtract 0.5 so that cells are *centred* on the long/lat point.
+      do j = 1, n
+        ! Plot from north to south in order to match data structure
+        lat = north+lat_inc*(i-0.5)
+        if (present(mask)) then
+          if (values(i,j)>=mask) cycle
+        endif
+        square(1, :) = (/long, long, long+long_inc, long+long_inc/)       ! x-coords
+        square(2, :) = (/lat, lat-lat_inc, lat-lat_inc, lat/)             ! y-coords
+        if (present(height)) then                                           ! z-coords
+          square(3,:) = height*((/values(i,j), values(i+1,j), values(i+1,j+1), values(i+1,j+1)/)-minValue)
+        endif
+        if (present(contour_values)) then
+          ! New logic by GT: this version works, 07032009
+          do ic=1, size(contour_values)-1
+            if (values(i,j) .lt. contour_values(1)) then
+              k = ic
+            else if ((values(i,j) >= contour_values(ic)) &
+                .and. (values(i,j) < contour_values(ic+1))) then
+              k = ic+1
+            end if
+          end do
+        else
+          k = int(floor((values(i, j)-minvalue)/valueres))
+        endif
+        if (present(colormap)) then
+          thisColor => colormap(k+1)
+        else
+          thisColor => defaultMap(k+1)
+        endif
+        if (present(colormap)) then
+          if (present(height)) then
+            call kmlStartRegion(xf, square, &
+              extrude=.true., altitudeMode="relativeToGround", fillcolor=colorMap(k+1))
+          else
+            call kmlStartRegion(xf, square(:2,:), fillcolor=colorMap(k+1))
+          endif
+        else
+          if (present(height)) then
+            call kmlStartRegion(xf, square, &
+              extrude=.true., altitudeMode="relativeToGround", fillcolor=defaultMap(k+1))
+          else
+            call kmlStartRegion(xf, square(:2,:), fillcolor=defaultMap(k+1))
+          endif
+        endif
+        call kmlEndRegion(xf)
+      end do
+    end do
+    call kmlCloseFolder(xf)
+    if (.not.present(colormap)) deallocate(defaultMap)
+  end subroutine kmlCreateCells_dp
+  subroutine kmlCreateCells_longlat_sp(xf, &
+longitude, latitude, values, &
+    mask, colormap, height, contour_values, num_levels, name)
+    type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+    real(sp), intent(in) :: longitude(:), latitude(:)
+    real(sp), intent(in) :: values(:,:)
+    real(sp), intent(in), optional :: mask
+    type(color_t), target, optional :: colormap(:)
+    real(sp), intent(in), optional :: height
+    real(sp), intent(in), optional :: contour_values(:)
+    integer, intent(in), optional :: num_levels
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: name
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    integer  :: i, ic, j, k, m, n, numcolors
+    real(sp) :: square(3,4), lat, long, average
+    real(sp) :: minvalue, lat_inc, long_inc, valueres !resolution of input value
+    character(len=15), allocatable :: styleURL(:) ! FIXME this ought to be dynamically sized,
+                                     ! but this allows up to 10^9 separate IDs in one doc.
+    type(color_t), pointer :: defaultMap(:), thisColor
+    m = size(values, 1)
+    n = size(values, 2)
+    if (present(contour_values).and.present(num_levels)) then
+      call FoX_error("Cannot specify both contour_values and num_levels in kmlCreateCells")
+    elseif (present(contour_values)) then
+      if (present(colormap)) then
+        if (size(colormap)/=size(contour_values)+1) then
+          call FoX_error("colormap must be one item longer than contour_values in kmlCreateCells")
+        endif
+      endif
+      numcolors = size(contour_values)+1
+    elseif (present(num_levels)) then
+      if (present(colormap)) then
+        if (size(colormap)/=num_levels+1) then
+          call FoX_error("colormap must be one item longer than num_levels in kmlCreateCells")
+        endif
+      endif
+      numcolors = num_levels+1
+    else
+      if (present(colormap)) then
+        numcolors = size(colormap)
+      else
+        numcolors = 5
+      endif
+    endif
+    if (.not.present(colormap)) defaultMap => kmlMakeColorMap(numcolors)
+    minvalue = minval(values)
+    if (present(mask)) then
+      valueres = (maxval(values, mask=(values<mask))-minvalue)/(numcolors-1)
+    else
+      valueres = (maxval(values)-minvalue)/(numcolors-1)
+    endif
+    call kmlOpenFolder(xf, name=name)
+! When we have a working style-handling policy, replace here.
+!!$    allocate(styleURL(numcolors))
+!!$    do i = 1, numcolors
+!!$      styleURL(i) = xmlf_NewId(xf)
+!!$      if (present(colormap)) then
+!!$        call kmlCreatePolygonStyle(xf, color=colormap(i), id=trim(styleURL(i)))
+!!$      else
+!!$        call kmlCreatePolygonStyle(xf, color=defaultMap(i), id=trim(styleURL(i)))
+!!$      endif
+!!$    end do
+    ! To help with .m4 and make the autogenerated code like GTs code. Rewrite valueres here...
+    ! but only for longlat arguments - not sure why!
+    if (.not.present(mask)) then
+       valueres = maxval(values)/(numcolors-1)
+    endif
+    do i = 1, m-1
+      do j = 1, n-1
+        if (present(mask)) then
+          if (any(values(i:i+1, j:j+1)>=mask)) cycle ! Dont draw the cell if any of its vertices are masked out
+        endif
+        square(1, :) = (/longitude(i), longitude(i+1), longitude(i+1), longitude(i)/) ! x-coords
+        square(2, :) = (/latitude(j), latitude(j), latitude(j+1), latitude(j+1)/)     ! y-coords
+        if (present(height)) then                                           ! z-coords
+          square(3,:) = height*((/values(i,j), values(i+1,j), values(i+1,j+1), values(i+1,j+1)/)-minValue)
+        endif
+        average = sum(values(i:i+1,j:j+1))/4.0d0
+        ! Colour the cell according to the average of the 4 values defining the cell.
+        if (present(contour_values)) then
+           do ic=1, size(contour_values)-1
+              if (average .lt. contour_values(1)) then  
+                 k = 0
+              else if ((average >= contour_values(ic)) .and. (average < contour_values(ic+1))) then
+                 k = ic
+              else if ((average >= contour_values(ic))) then
+                 k = ic+1
+              end if
+           end do
+        else
+          k = int(floor((average-minvalue)/valueres))
+        endif
+        if (present(colormap)) then
+          thisColor => colormap(k+1)
+        else
+          thisColor => defaultMap(k+1)
+        endif
+        if (present(colormap)) then
+          if (present(height)) then
+            call kmlStartRegion(xf, square, &
+              extrude=.true., altitudeMode="relativeToGround", &
+              fillcolor=colorMap(k+1), description=str(values(i,j),FMT="r5"))
+          else
+            call kmlStartRegion(xf, square(:2,:), &
+              fillcolor=colorMap(k+1), description=str(values(i,j),FMT="r5"))
+          endif
+        else
+          if (present(height)) then
+            call kmlStartRegion(xf, square, &
+              extrude=.true., altitudeMode="relativeToGround", &
+              fillcolor=defaultMap(k+1), description=str(values(i,j),FMT="r5"))
+          else
+            call kmlStartRegion(xf, square(:2,:), &
+              fillcolor=defaultMap(k+1), description=str(values(i,j),FMT="r5"))
+          endif
+        endif
+        call kmlEndRegion(xf)
+      end do
+    end do
+    call kmlCloseFolder(xf)
+    if (.not.present(colormap)) deallocate(defaultMap)
+  end subroutine kmlCreateCells_longlat_sp
+  subroutine kmlCreateCells_longlat_dp(xf, &
+longitude, latitude, values, &
+    mask, colormap, height, contour_values, num_levels, name)
+    type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+    real(dp), intent(in) :: longitude(:), latitude(:)
+    real(dp), intent(in) :: values(:,:)
+    real(dp), intent(in), optional :: mask
+    type(color_t), target, optional :: colormap(:)
+    real(dp), intent(in), optional :: height
+    real(dp), intent(in), optional :: contour_values(:)
+    integer, intent(in), optional :: num_levels
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: name
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    integer  :: i, ic, j, k, m, n, numcolors
+    real(dp) :: square(3,4), lat, long, average
+    real(dp) :: minvalue, lat_inc, long_inc, valueres !resolution of input value
+    character(len=15), allocatable :: styleURL(:) ! FIXME this ought to be dynamically sized,
+                                     ! but this allows up to 10^9 separate IDs in one doc.
+    type(color_t), pointer :: defaultMap(:), thisColor
+    m = size(values, 1)
+    n = size(values, 2)
+    if (present(contour_values).and.present(num_levels)) then
+      call FoX_error("Cannot specify both contour_values and num_levels in kmlCreateCells")
+    elseif (present(contour_values)) then
+      if (present(colormap)) then
+        if (size(colormap)/=size(contour_values)+1) then
+          call FoX_error("colormap must be one item longer than contour_values in kmlCreateCells")
+        endif
+      endif
+      numcolors = size(contour_values)+1
+    elseif (present(num_levels)) then
+      if (present(colormap)) then
+        if (size(colormap)/=num_levels+1) then
+          call FoX_error("colormap must be one item longer than num_levels in kmlCreateCells")
+        endif
+      endif
+      numcolors = num_levels+1
+    else
+      if (present(colormap)) then
+        numcolors = size(colormap)
+      else
+        numcolors = 5
+      endif
+    endif
+    if (.not.present(colormap)) defaultMap => kmlMakeColorMap(numcolors)
+    minvalue = minval(values)
+    if (present(mask)) then
+      valueres = (maxval(values, mask=(values<mask))-minvalue)/(numcolors-1)
+    else
+      valueres = (maxval(values)-minvalue)/(numcolors-1)
+    endif
+    call kmlOpenFolder(xf, name=name)
+! When we have a working style-handling policy, replace here.
+!!$    allocate(styleURL(numcolors))
+!!$    do i = 1, numcolors
+!!$      styleURL(i) = xmlf_NewId(xf)
+!!$      if (present(colormap)) then
+!!$        call kmlCreatePolygonStyle(xf, color=colormap(i), id=trim(styleURL(i)))
+!!$      else
+!!$        call kmlCreatePolygonStyle(xf, color=defaultMap(i), id=trim(styleURL(i)))
+!!$      endif
+!!$    end do
+    ! To help with .m4 and make the autogenerated code like GTs code. Rewrite valueres here...
+    ! but only for longlat arguments - not sure why!
+    if (.not.present(mask)) then
+       valueres = maxval(values)/(numcolors-1)
+    endif
+    do i = 1, m-1
+      do j = 1, n-1
+        if (present(mask)) then
+          if (any(values(i:i+1, j:j+1)>=mask)) cycle ! Dont draw the cell if any of its vertices are masked out
+        endif
+        square(1, :) = (/longitude(i), longitude(i+1), longitude(i+1), longitude(i)/) ! x-coords
+        square(2, :) = (/latitude(j), latitude(j), latitude(j+1), latitude(j+1)/)     ! y-coords
+        if (present(height)) then                                           ! z-coords
+          square(3,:) = height*((/values(i,j), values(i+1,j), values(i+1,j+1), values(i+1,j+1)/)-minValue)
+        endif
+        average = sum(values(i:i+1,j:j+1))/4.0d0
+        ! Colour the cell according to the average of the 4 values defining the cell.
+        if (present(contour_values)) then
+           do ic=1, size(contour_values)-1
+              if (average .lt. contour_values(1)) then  
+                 k = 0
+              else if ((average >= contour_values(ic)) .and. (average < contour_values(ic+1))) then
+                 k = ic
+              else if ((average >= contour_values(ic))) then
+                 k = ic+1
+              end if
+           end do
+        else
+          k = int(floor((average-minvalue)/valueres))
+        endif
+        if (present(colormap)) then
+          thisColor => colormap(k+1)
+        else
+          thisColor => defaultMap(k+1)
+        endif
+        if (present(colormap)) then
+          if (present(height)) then
+            call kmlStartRegion(xf, square, &
+              extrude=.true., altitudeMode="relativeToGround", &
+              fillcolor=colorMap(k+1), description=str(values(i,j),FMT="r5"))
+          else
+            call kmlStartRegion(xf, square(:2,:), &
+              fillcolor=colorMap(k+1), description=str(values(i,j),FMT="r5"))
+          endif
+        else
+          if (present(height)) then
+            call kmlStartRegion(xf, square, &
+              extrude=.true., altitudeMode="relativeToGround", &
+              fillcolor=defaultMap(k+1), description=str(values(i,j),FMT="r5"))
+          else
+            call kmlStartRegion(xf, square(:2,:), &
+              fillcolor=defaultMap(k+1), description=str(values(i,j),FMT="r5"))
+          endif
+        endif
+        call kmlEndRegion(xf)
+      end do
+    end do
+    call kmlCloseFolder(xf)
+    if (.not.present(colormap)) deallocate(defaultMap)
+  end subroutine kmlCreateCells_longlat_dp
+  subroutine kmlCreateCells_longlat2_sp(xf, &
+longitude, latitude, values, &
+    mask, colormap, height, contour_values, num_levels, name)
+    type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+    real(sp), intent(in) :: longitude(:,:), latitude(:,:)
+    real(sp), intent(in) :: values(:,:)
+    real(sp), intent(in), optional :: mask
+    type(color_t), target, optional :: colormap(:)
+    real(sp), intent(in), optional :: height
+    real(sp), intent(in), optional :: contour_values(:)
+    integer, intent(in), optional :: num_levels
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: name
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    integer  :: i, ic, j, k, m, n, numcolors
+    real(sp) :: square(3,4), lat, long, average
+    real(sp) :: minvalue, lat_inc, long_inc, valueres !resolution of input value
+    character(len=15), allocatable :: styleURL(:) ! FIXME this ought to be dynamically sized,
+                                     ! but this allows up to 10^9 separate IDs in one doc.
+    type(color_t), pointer :: defaultMap(:), thisColor
+    m = size(values, 1)
+    n = size(values, 2)
+    if (present(contour_values).and.present(num_levels)) then
+      call FoX_error("Cannot specify both contour_values and num_levels in kmlCreateCells")
+    elseif (present(contour_values)) then
+      if (present(colormap)) then
+        if (size(colormap)/=size(contour_values)+1) then
+          call FoX_error("colormap must be one item longer than contour_values in kmlCreateCells")
+        endif
+      endif
+      numcolors = size(contour_values)+1
+    elseif (present(num_levels)) then
+      if (present(colormap)) then
+        if (size(colormap)/=num_levels+1) then
+          call FoX_error("colormap must be one item longer than num_levels in kmlCreateCells")
+        endif
+      endif
+      numcolors = num_levels+1
+    else
+      if (present(colormap)) then
+        numcolors = size(colormap)
+      else
+        numcolors = 5
+      endif
+    endif
+    if (.not.present(colormap)) defaultMap => kmlMakeColorMap(numcolors)
+    minvalue = minval(values)
+    if (present(mask)) then
+      valueres = (maxval(values, mask=(values<mask))-minvalue)/(numcolors-1)
+    else
+      valueres = (maxval(values)-minvalue)/(numcolors-1)
+    endif
+    call kmlOpenFolder(xf, name=name)
+! When we have a working style-handling policy, replace here.
+!!$    allocate(styleURL(numcolors))
+!!$    do i = 1, numcolors
+!!$      styleURL(i) = xmlf_NewId(xf)
+!!$      if (present(colormap)) then
+!!$        call kmlCreatePolygonStyle(xf, color=colormap(i), id=trim(styleURL(i)))
+!!$      else
+!!$        call kmlCreatePolygonStyle(xf, color=defaultMap(i), id=trim(styleURL(i)))
+!!$      endif
+!!$    end do
+    do i = 1, m-1
+      do j = 1, n-1
+        if (present(mask)) then
+          if (any(values(i:i+1, j:j+1)>=mask)) cycle ! Dont draw the cell if any of its vertices are masked out
+        endif
+        square(1, :) = (/longitude(i,j), longitude(i+1,j), longitude(i+1,j+1), longitude(i,j+1)/) ! x-coords
+        square(2, :) = (/latitude(i,j), latitude(i+1,j), latitude(i+1,j+1), latitude(i,j+1)/)     ! y-coords
+        if (present(height)) then                                                                         ! z-coords
+          square(3,:) = height*((/values(i,j), values(i+1,j), values(i+1,j+1), values(i+1,j+1)/)-minValue)
+        endif
+        average = sum(values(i:i+1,j:j+1))/4.0d0
+        ! Colour the cell according to the average of the 4 values defining the cell.
+        if (present(contour_values)) then
+          do ic=1, size(contour_values)-1    
+            if (average .lt. contour_values(1)) then 
+              k = 0                              
+            else if ((average >= contour_values(ic)) .and. (average < contour_values(ic+1))) then 
+              k = ic+1 
+            end if      
+          end do                         
+        else
+          k = int(floor((average-minvalue)/valueres))
+        endif
+        if (present(colormap)) then
+          if (present(height)) then
+            call kmlStartRegion(xf, square, &
+              extrude=.true., altitudeMode="relativeToGround", fillcolor=colorMap(k+1))
+          else
+            call kmlStartRegion(xf, square(:2,:), fillcolor=colorMap(k+1))
+          endif
+        else
+          if (present(height)) then
+            call kmlStartRegion(xf, square, &
+              extrude=.true., altitudeMode="relativeToGround", fillcolor=defaultMap(k+1))
+          else
+            call kmlStartRegion(xf, square(:2,:), fillcolor=defaultMap(k+1))
+          endif
+        endif
+        call kmlEndRegion(xf)
+      end do
+    end do
+    call kmlCloseFolder(xf)
+    if (.not.present(colormap)) deallocate(defaultMap)
+  end subroutine kmlCreateCells_longlat2_sp
+  subroutine kmlCreateCells_longlat2_dp(xf, &
+longitude, latitude, values, &
+    mask, colormap, height, contour_values, num_levels, name)
+    type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+    real(dp), intent(in) :: longitude(:,:), latitude(:,:)
+    real(dp), intent(in) :: values(:,:)
+    real(dp), intent(in), optional :: mask
+    type(color_t), target, optional :: colormap(:)
+    real(dp), intent(in), optional :: height
+    real(dp), intent(in), optional :: contour_values(:)
+    integer, intent(in), optional :: num_levels
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: name
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    integer  :: i, ic, j, k, m, n, numcolors
+    real(dp) :: square(3,4), lat, long, average
+    real(dp) :: minvalue, lat_inc, long_inc, valueres !resolution of input value
+    character(len=15), allocatable :: styleURL(:) ! FIXME this ought to be dynamically sized,
+                                     ! but this allows up to 10^9 separate IDs in one doc.
+    type(color_t), pointer :: defaultMap(:), thisColor
+    m = size(values, 1)
+    n = size(values, 2)
+    if (present(contour_values).and.present(num_levels)) then
+      call FoX_error("Cannot specify both contour_values and num_levels in kmlCreateCells")
+    elseif (present(contour_values)) then
+      if (present(colormap)) then
+        if (size(colormap)/=size(contour_values)+1) then
+          call FoX_error("colormap must be one item longer than contour_values in kmlCreateCells")
+        endif
+      endif
+      numcolors = size(contour_values)+1
+    elseif (present(num_levels)) then
+      if (present(colormap)) then
+        if (size(colormap)/=num_levels+1) then
+          call FoX_error("colormap must be one item longer than num_levels in kmlCreateCells")
+        endif
+      endif
+      numcolors = num_levels+1
+    else
+      if (present(colormap)) then
+        numcolors = size(colormap)
+      else
+        numcolors = 5
+      endif
+    endif
+    if (.not.present(colormap)) defaultMap => kmlMakeColorMap(numcolors)
+    minvalue = minval(values)
+    if (present(mask)) then
+      valueres = (maxval(values, mask=(values<mask))-minvalue)/(numcolors-1)
+    else
+      valueres = (maxval(values)-minvalue)/(numcolors-1)
+    endif
+    call kmlOpenFolder(xf, name=name)
+! When we have a working style-handling policy, replace here.
+!!$    allocate(styleURL(numcolors))
+!!$    do i = 1, numcolors
+!!$      styleURL(i) = xmlf_NewId(xf)
+!!$      if (present(colormap)) then
+!!$        call kmlCreatePolygonStyle(xf, color=colormap(i), id=trim(styleURL(i)))
+!!$      else
+!!$        call kmlCreatePolygonStyle(xf, color=defaultMap(i), id=trim(styleURL(i)))
+!!$      endif
+!!$    end do
+    do i = 1, m-1
+      do j = 1, n-1
+        if (present(mask)) then
+          if (any(values(i:i+1, j:j+1)>=mask)) cycle ! Dont draw the cell if any of its vertices are masked out
+        endif
+        square(1, :) = (/longitude(i,j), longitude(i+1,j), longitude(i+1,j+1), longitude(i,j+1)/) ! x-coords
+        square(2, :) = (/latitude(i,j), latitude(i+1,j), latitude(i+1,j+1), latitude(i,j+1)/)     ! y-coords
+        if (present(height)) then                                                                         ! z-coords
+          square(3,:) = height*((/values(i,j), values(i+1,j), values(i+1,j+1), values(i+1,j+1)/)-minValue)
+        endif
+        average = sum(values(i:i+1,j:j+1))/4.0d0
+        ! Colour the cell according to the average of the 4 values defining the cell.
+        if (present(contour_values)) then
+          do ic=1, size(contour_values)-1    
+            if (average .lt. contour_values(1)) then 
+              k = 0                              
+            else if ((average >= contour_values(ic)) .and. (average < contour_values(ic+1))) then 
+              k = ic+1 
+            end if      
+          end do                         
+        else
+          k = int(floor((average-minvalue)/valueres))
+        endif
+        if (present(colormap)) then
+          if (present(height)) then
+            call kmlStartRegion(xf, square, &
+              extrude=.true., altitudeMode="relativeToGround", fillcolor=colorMap(k+1))
+          else
+            call kmlStartRegion(xf, square(:2,:), fillcolor=colorMap(k+1))
+          endif
+        else
+          if (present(height)) then
+            call kmlStartRegion(xf, square, &
+              extrude=.true., altitudeMode="relativeToGround", fillcolor=defaultMap(k+1))
+          else
+            call kmlStartRegion(xf, square(:2,:), fillcolor=defaultMap(k+1))
+          endif
+        endif
+        call kmlEndRegion(xf)
+      end do
+    end do
+    call kmlCloseFolder(xf)
+    if (.not.present(colormap)) deallocate(defaultMap)
+  end subroutine kmlCreateCells_longlat2_dp
+  subroutine kmlcreateCells3_dp(xf,longitude,latitude,values,myCI,mask,outline,time,vizvalues,dataname)
+      !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
+      ! this subroutine is going to read X, Y ,Z, stylecolor
+      ! each XYZ is a vector, this is used for testing glimmer or netcdf situation 01302007 GT
+      type(xmlf_t),     intent(inout)        :: xf 
+      real(dp),         intent(in)           :: longitude(:)
+      real(dp),         intent(in)           :: latitude(:)
+      real(dp),         intent(in)           :: values(:,:)
+      type(color_t),    intent(in)           :: myCI(:) 
+      real(dp),         intent(in), optional :: mask ! usually represent no data
+      logical,          intent(in), optional :: outline
+      character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: time
+      real(dp),         intent(in), optional :: vizvalues(:)
+      character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: dataname
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+      integer :: i, j, k, x, y
+      integer :: nx, ny, nnx, nny  ! numbers at X(long), numbers at Y(Lat)
+      type(color_t), allocatable :: valuehex(:,:)
+      integer,dimension(4) :: xp=(/0,1,1,0/)  ! id for coordintes
+      integer,dimension(4) :: yp=(/0,0,1,1/)
+      character(LEN=8) :: stylecolor, colorhextmp
+      character(15) :: lonchar, latchar, elchar
+      character(50) :: coords
+      real(dp) :: valueres
+!      if (present(valuescale)) then
+!      values=valuescale*values
+!      end if
+! get the size of x and y vector
+      nx=size(longitude)
+      ny=size(latitude)
+!      nnx=size(values,1)
+!      nny=size(values,2)
+!        do i=1,nx-1
+!         write(*,400), lon(i)
+!        end do
+! allocate the memory for x and y
+!     allocate(lon(nx))
+!     allocate(lat(ny))
+! allocate the memory for values
+     allocate(valuehex(nx,ny))
+!    if (present(vizvalues)) then
+      do k=1, size(vizvalues)-1
+        do i=1,nx
+         do j=1,ny
+          if (values(i,j) .lt. vizvalues(1)) then
+          valuehex(i,j)= myCI(1)
+          end if
+          if ((values(i,j) >= vizvalues(k)) .and. (values(i,j) < vizvalues(k+1))) then
+          valuehex(i,j)= myCI(k+1)
+          end if
+          if (values(i,j) .GT. vizvalues(k+1)) then
+          valuehex(i,j)= myCI(k+2)
+          end if
+         end do
+        end do
+      end do
+!     else
+!     dividing passed in values to how many colors scales
+!       valueres=(MAXVAL(values,MASK = values .LT. mask)-MINVAL(values))/size(myCI)
+!       do k=1, size(myCI)
+!        do i=1,nx
+!         do j=1,ny
+!         if (values(i,j) >= MINVAL(values)+valueres*(k-1)) then
+!             valuehex(i,j)= myCI(k) !sometime this line is not used
+!         end if
+!         end do
+!        end do
+!       end do
+!     end if
+! adding style function in 071307 GT
+!       do i=1,size(myCI)
+!         call kmlCreatePolygonStyle(xf,color=myCI(i),id=str(i))
+!       end do
+      do i=1,nx-1
+           do j=1, ny-1
+!          if(all(values(i:i+1,j:j+1)==mask)) cycle
+          if (values(i,j) == mask) cycle
+          call kmlOpenPlacemark(xf)
+           call kmlAddname(xf,"srf_dep")
+           ! adding time funtion by GT 10042008
+           if (present(time)) then
+            call kmlOpenTimeStamp(xf)
+            call kmlAddwhen(xf,time)
+            call kmlCloseTimeStamp(xf)
+           end if
+!          add by GT for extended data 21/04/2008
+           if (present(dataname)) then
+           call xml_NewElement(xf,"ExtendedData")
+            call xml_NewElement(xf,"Data")
+               call xml_AddAttribute(xf,"name", dataname)
+               call xml_NewElement(xf,"displayName")
+                 call xml_AddCharacters(xf,dataname)
+               call xml_EndElement(xf,"displayName")
+               call xml_NewElement(xf,"value")
+                 call xml_AddCharacters(xf,str(values(i,j),fmt="r5"))
+               call xml_EndElement(xf,"value")
+            call xml_EndElement(xf,"Data")
+            call xml_EndElement(xf,"ExtendedData")
+            end if
+!           call kmlAddstyleUrl(xf,"#"//stylecolor)
+            if (present(outline)) then
+            call kmlCreatePolygonStyle(xf,color=valuehex(i,j),outline=outline)
+            else
+            call kmlCreatePolygonStyle(xf,color=valuehex(i,j))
+            end if
+!            call kmlAddstyleUrl(xf,"#"//valuehex(i,j))
+           call kmlOpenPolygon(xf)
+             call kmlAddextrude(xf,.true.)
+             call kmlAddaltitudeMode(xf,"clampToGround")
+           call kmlOpenouterBoundaryIs(xf)
+             call kmlOpenLinearRing(xf)
+                call xml_NewElement(xf,name="coordinates")
+                      coords=str(longitude(i))//","//str(latitude(j))//","//str(values(i,j))
+                      call xml_AddCharacters(xf,coords)
+                      call xml_AddNewLine(xf) ! this function is missing in FOX2.0.2 version
+                      coords=str(longitude(i))//","//str(latitude(j+1))//","//str(values(i,j))
+                      call xml_AddCharacters(xf,coords)
+                      call xml_AddNewLine(xf) ! this function is missing in FOX2.0.2 version
+                      coords=str(longitude(i+1))//","//str(latitude(j+1))//","//str(values(i,j))
+                      call xml_AddCharacters(xf,coords)
+                      call xml_AddNewLine(xf) ! this function is missing in FOX2.0.2 version
+                      coords=str(longitude(i+1))//","//str(latitude(j))//","//str(values(i,j))
+                      call xml_AddCharacters(xf,coords)
+                      call xml_AddNewLine(xf) ! this function is missing in FOX2.0.2 version
+               call xml_EndElement(xf,name="coordinates")
+             call kmlCloseLinearRing(xf)
+           call kmlCloseouterBoundaryIs(xf)
+           call kmlClosePolygon(xf)
+          call kmlClosePlacemark(xf)
+          end do
+       end do
+!      deallocate(longitude)
+!      deallocate(latitude)
+!      deallocate(values)
+       deallocate(valuehex)
+  end subroutine kmlCreateCells3_dp
+  subroutine kmlcreateCells3_sp(xf,longitude,latitude,values,myCI,mask,outline,time,vizvalues,dataname)
+      !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
+      ! this subroutine is going to read X, Y ,Z, stylecolor
+      ! each XYZ is a vector, this is used for testing glimmer or netcdf situation 01302007 GT
+      type(xmlf_t),     intent(inout)        :: xf 
+      real(sp),         intent(in)           :: longitude(:)
+      real(sp),         intent(in)           :: latitude(:)
+      real(sp),         intent(in)           :: values(:,:)
+      type(color_t),    intent(in)           :: myCI(:) 
+      real(sp),         intent(in), optional :: mask ! usually represent no data
+      logical,          intent(in), optional :: outline
+      character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: time
+      real(sp),         intent(in), optional :: vizvalues(:)
+      character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: dataname
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+      integer :: i, j, k, x, y
+      integer :: nx, ny, nnx, nny  ! numbers at X(long), numbers at Y(Lat)
+      type(color_t), allocatable :: valuehex(:,:)
+      integer,dimension(4) :: xp=(/0,1,1,0/)  ! id for coordintes
+      integer,dimension(4) :: yp=(/0,0,1,1/)
+      character(LEN=8) :: stylecolor, colorhextmp
+      character(15) :: lonchar, latchar, elchar
+      character(50) :: coords
+      real(sp) :: valueres
+!      if (present(valuescale)) then
+!      values=valuescale*values
+!      end if
+! get the size of x and y vector
+      nx=size(longitude)
+      ny=size(latitude)
+!      nnx=size(values,1)
+!      nny=size(values,2)
+!        do i=1,nx-1
+!         write(*,400), lon(i)
+!        end do
+! allocate the memory for x and y
+!     allocate(lon(nx))
+!     allocate(lat(ny))
+! allocate the memory for values
+     allocate(valuehex(nx,ny))
+!    if (present(vizvalues)) then
+      do k=1, size(vizvalues)-1
+        do i=1,nx
+         do j=1,ny
+          if (values(i,j) .lt. vizvalues(1)) then
+          valuehex(i,j)= myCI(1)
+          end if
+          if ((values(i,j) >= vizvalues(k)) .and. (values(i,j) < vizvalues(k+1))) then
+          valuehex(i,j)= myCI(k+1)
+          end if
+          if (values(i,j) .GT. vizvalues(k+1)) then
+          valuehex(i,j)= myCI(k+2)
+          end if
+         end do
+        end do
+      end do
+!     else
+!     dividing passed in values to how many colors scales
+!       valueres=(MAXVAL(values,MASK = values .LT. mask)-MINVAL(values))/size(myCI)
+!       do k=1, size(myCI)
+!        do i=1,nx
+!         do j=1,ny
+!         if (values(i,j) >= MINVAL(values)+valueres*(k-1)) then
+!             valuehex(i,j)= myCI(k) !sometime this line is not used
+!         end if
+!         end do
+!        end do
+!       end do
+!     end if
+! adding style function in 071307 GT
+!       do i=1,size(myCI)
+!         call kmlCreatePolygonStyle(xf,color=myCI(i),id=str(i))
+!       end do
+      do i=1,nx-1
+           do j=1, ny-1
+!          if(all(values(i:i+1,j:j+1)==mask)) cycle
+          if (values(i,j) == mask) cycle
+          call kmlOpenPlacemark(xf)
+           call kmlAddname(xf,"srf_dep")
+           ! adding time funtion by GT 10042008
+           if (present(time)) then
+            call kmlOpenTimeStamp(xf)
+            call kmlAddwhen(xf,time)
+            call kmlCloseTimeStamp(xf)
+           end if
+!          add by GT for extended data 21/04/2008
+           if (present(dataname)) then
+           call xml_NewElement(xf,"ExtendedData")
+            call xml_NewElement(xf,"Data")
+               call xml_AddAttribute(xf,"name", dataname)
+               call xml_NewElement(xf,"displayName")
+                 call xml_AddCharacters(xf,dataname)
+               call xml_EndElement(xf,"displayName")
+               call xml_NewElement(xf,"value")
+                 call xml_AddCharacters(xf,str(values(i,j),fmt="r5"))
+               call xml_EndElement(xf,"value")
+            call xml_EndElement(xf,"Data")
+            call xml_EndElement(xf,"ExtendedData")
+            end if
+!           call kmlAddstyleUrl(xf,"#"//stylecolor)
+            if (present(outline)) then
+            call kmlCreatePolygonStyle(xf,color=valuehex(i,j),outline=outline)
+            else
+            call kmlCreatePolygonStyle(xf,color=valuehex(i,j))
+            end if
+!            call kmlAddstyleUrl(xf,"#"//valuehex(i,j))
+           call kmlOpenPolygon(xf)
+             call kmlAddextrude(xf,.true.)
+             call kmlAddaltitudeMode(xf,"clampToGround")
+           call kmlOpenouterBoundaryIs(xf)
+             call kmlOpenLinearRing(xf)
+                call xml_NewElement(xf,name="coordinates")
+                      coords=str(longitude(i))//","//str(latitude(j))//","//str(values(i,j))
+                      call xml_AddCharacters(xf,coords)
+                      call xml_AddNewLine(xf) ! this function is missing in FOX2.0.2 version
+                      coords=str(longitude(i))//","//str(latitude(j+1))//","//str(values(i,j))
+                      call xml_AddCharacters(xf,coords)
+                      call xml_AddNewLine(xf) ! this function is missing in FOX2.0.2 version
+                      coords=str(longitude(i+1))//","//str(latitude(j+1))//","//str(values(i,j))
+                      call xml_AddCharacters(xf,coords)
+                      call xml_AddNewLine(xf) ! this function is missing in FOX2.0.2 version
+                      coords=str(longitude(i+1))//","//str(latitude(j))//","//str(values(i,j))
+                      call xml_AddCharacters(xf,coords)
+                      call xml_AddNewLine(xf) ! this function is missing in FOX2.0.2 version
+               call xml_EndElement(xf,name="coordinates")
+             call kmlCloseLinearRing(xf)
+           call kmlCloseouterBoundaryIs(xf)
+           call kmlClosePolygon(xf)
+          call kmlClosePlacemark(xf)
+          end do
+       end do
+!      deallocate(longitude)
+!      deallocate(latitude)
+!      deallocate(values)
+       deallocate(valuehex)
+  end subroutine kmlCreateCells3_sp
+end module m_wkml_coverage
diff --git a/wkml/m_wkml_coverage.m4 b/wkml/m_wkml_coverage.m4
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..37a936b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/m_wkml_coverage.m4
@@ -0,0 +1,523 @@
+  subroutine kmlcreateCells3_$1(xf,longitude,latitude,values,myCI,mask,outline,time,vizvalues,dataname)
+      !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
+      ! this subroutine is going to read X, Y ,Z, stylecolor
+      ! each XYZ is a vector, this is used for testing glimmer or netcdf situation 01302007 GT
+      type(xmlf_t),     intent(inout)        :: xf 
+      real($1),         intent(in)           :: longitude(:)
+      real($1),         intent(in)           :: latitude(:)
+      real($1),         intent(in)           :: values(:,:)
+      type(color_t),    intent(in)           :: myCI(:) 
+      real($1),         intent(in), optional :: mask ! usually represent no data
+      logical,          intent(in), optional :: outline
+      character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: time
+      real($1),         intent(in), optional :: vizvalues(:)
+      character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: dataname
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+      integer :: i, j, k, x, y
+      integer :: nx, ny, nnx, nny  ! numbers at X(long), numbers at Y(Lat)
+      type(color_t), allocatable :: valuehex(:,:)
+      integer,dimension(4) :: xp=(/0,1,1,0/)  ! id for coordintes
+      integer,dimension(4) :: yp=(/0,0,1,1/)
+      character(LEN=8) :: stylecolor, colorhextmp
+      character(15) :: lonchar, latchar, elchar
+      character(50) :: coords
+      real($1) :: valueres
+!      if (present(valuescale)) then
+!      values=valuescale*values
+!      end if
+! get the size of x and y vector
+      nx=size(longitude)
+      ny=size(latitude)
+!      nnx=size(values,1)
+!      nny=size(values,2)
+!        do i=1,nx-1
+!         write(*,400), lon(i)
+!        end do
+! allocate the memory for x and y
+!     allocate(lon(nx))
+!     allocate(lat(ny))
+! allocate the memory for values
+     allocate(valuehex(nx,ny))
+!    if (present(vizvalues)) then
+      do k=1, size(vizvalues)-1
+        do i=1,nx
+         do j=1,ny
+          if (values(i,j) .lt. vizvalues(1)) then
+          valuehex(i,j)= myCI(1)
+          end if
+          if ((values(i,j) >= vizvalues(k)) .and. (values(i,j) < vizvalues(k+1))) then
+          valuehex(i,j)= myCI(k+1)
+          end if
+          if (values(i,j) .GT. vizvalues(k+1)) then
+          valuehex(i,j)= myCI(k+2)
+          end if
+         end do
+        end do
+      end do
+!     else
+!     dividing passed in values to how many colors scales
+!       valueres=(MAXVAL(values,MASK = values .LT. mask)-MINVAL(values))/size(myCI)
+!       do k=1, size(myCI)
+!        do i=1,nx
+!         do j=1,ny
+!         if (values(i,j) >= MINVAL(values)+valueres*(k-1)) then
+!             valuehex(i,j)= myCI(k) !sometime this line is not used
+!         end if
+!         end do
+!        end do
+!       end do
+!     end if
+! adding style function in 071307 GT
+!       do i=1,size(myCI)
+!         call kmlCreatePolygonStyle(xf,color=myCI(i),id=str(i))
+!       end do
+      do i=1,nx-1
+           do j=1, ny-1
+!          if(all(values(i:i+1,j:j+1)==mask)) cycle
+          if (values(i,j) == mask) cycle
+          call kmlOpenPlacemark(xf)
+           call kmlAddname(xf,"srf_dep")
+           ! adding time funtion by GT 10042008
+           if (present(time)) then
+            call kmlOpenTimeStamp(xf)
+            call kmlAddwhen(xf,time)
+            call kmlCloseTimeStamp(xf)
+           end if
+!          add by GT for extended data 21/04/2008
+           if (present(dataname)) then
+           call xml_NewElement(xf,"ExtendedData")
+            call xml_NewElement(xf,"Data")
+               call xml_AddAttribute(xf,"name", dataname)
+               call xml_NewElement(xf,"displayName")
+                 call xml_AddCharacters(xf,dataname)
+               call xml_EndElement(xf,"displayName")
+               call xml_NewElement(xf,"value")
+                 call xml_AddCharacters(xf,str(values(i,j),fmt="r5"))
+               call xml_EndElement(xf,"value")
+            call xml_EndElement(xf,"Data")
+            call xml_EndElement(xf,"ExtendedData")
+            end if
+!           call kmlAddstyleUrl(xf,"#"//stylecolor)
+            if (present(outline)) then
+            call kmlCreatePolygonStyle(xf,color=valuehex(i,j),outline=outline)
+            else
+            call kmlCreatePolygonStyle(xf,color=valuehex(i,j))
+            end if
+!            call kmlAddstyleUrl(xf,"#"//valuehex(i,j))
+           call kmlOpenPolygon(xf)
+             call kmlAddextrude(xf,.true.)
+             call kmlAddaltitudeMode(xf,"clampToGround")
+           call kmlOpenouterBoundaryIs(xf)
+             call kmlOpenLinearRing(xf)
+                call xml_NewElement(xf,name="coordinates")
+                      coords=str(longitude(i))//","//str(latitude(j))//","//str(values(i,j))
+                      call xml_AddCharacters(xf,coords)
+                      call xml_AddNewLine(xf) ! this function is missing in FOX2.0.2 version
+                      coords=str(longitude(i))//","//str(latitude(j+1))//","//str(values(i,j))
+                      call xml_AddCharacters(xf,coords)
+                      call xml_AddNewLine(xf) ! this function is missing in FOX2.0.2 version
+                      coords=str(longitude(i+1))//","//str(latitude(j+1))//","//str(values(i,j))
+                      call xml_AddCharacters(xf,coords)
+                      call xml_AddNewLine(xf) ! this function is missing in FOX2.0.2 version
+                      coords=str(longitude(i+1))//","//str(latitude(j))//","//str(values(i,j))
+                      call xml_AddCharacters(xf,coords)
+                      call xml_AddNewLine(xf) ! this function is missing in FOX2.0.2 version
+               call xml_EndElement(xf,name="coordinates")
+             call kmlCloseLinearRing(xf)
+           call kmlCloseouterBoundaryIs(xf)
+           call kmlClosePolygon(xf)
+          call kmlClosePlacemark(xf)
+          end do
+       end do
+!      deallocate(longitude)
+!      deallocate(latitude)
+!      deallocate(values)
+       deallocate(valuehex)
+  end subroutine kmlCreateCells3_$1')`'dnl
+  subroutine $1_$2(xf, &
+$3, values, &
+    mask, colormap, height, contour_values, num_levels, name)
+    type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+    real($2), intent(in) :: $4
+    real($2), intent(in) :: values(:,:)
+    real($2), intent(in), optional :: mask
+    type(color_t), target, optional :: colormap(:)
+    real($2), intent(in), optional :: height
+    real($2), intent(in), optional :: contour_values(:)
+    integer, intent(in), optional :: num_levels
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: name
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    integer  :: i, ic, j, k, m, n, numcolors
+    real($2) :: square(3,4), lat, long, average
+    real($2) :: minvalue, lat_inc, long_inc, valueres !resolution of input value
+    character(len=15), allocatable :: styleURL(:) ! FIXME this ought to be dynamically sized,
+                                     ! but this allows up to 10^9 separate IDs in one doc.
+    type(color_t), pointer :: defaultMap(:), thisColor
+    m = size(values, 1)
+    n = size(values, 2)
+    if (present(contour_values).and.present(num_levels)) then
+      call FoX_error("Cannot specify both contour_values and num_levels in kmlCreateCells")
+    elseif (present(contour_values)) then
+      if (present(colormap)) then
+        if (size(colormap)/=size(contour_values)+1) then
+          call FoX_error("colormap must be one item longer than contour_values in kmlCreateCells")
+        endif
+      endif
+      numcolors = size(contour_values)+1
+    elseif (present(num_levels)) then
+      if (present(colormap)) then
+        if (size(colormap)/=num_levels+1) then
+          call FoX_error("colormap must be one item longer than num_levels in kmlCreateCells")
+        endif
+      endif
+      numcolors = num_levels+1
+    else
+      if (present(colormap)) then
+        numcolors = size(colormap)
+      else
+        numcolors = 5
+      endif
+    endif
+    if (.not.present(colormap)) defaultMap => kmlMakeColorMap(numcolors)
+    minvalue = minval(values)
+    if (present(mask)) then
+      valueres = (maxval(values, mask=(values<mask))-minvalue)/(numcolors-1)
+    else
+      valueres = (maxval(values)-minvalue)/(numcolors-1)
+    endif
+    call kmlOpenFolder(xf, name=name)
+! When we have a working style-handling policy, replace here.
+!!$    allocate(styleURL(numcolors))
+!!$    do i = 1, numcolors
+!!$      styleURL(i) = xmlf_NewId(xf)
+!!$      if (present(colormap)) then
+!!$        call kmlCreatePolygonStyle(xf, color=colormap(i), id=trim(styleURL(i)))
+!!$      else
+!!$        call kmlCreatePolygonStyle(xf, color=defaultMap(i), id=trim(styleURL(i)))
+!!$      endif
+!!$    end do
+    call kmlCloseFolder(xf)
+    if (.not.present(colormap)) deallocate(defaultMap)
+  end subroutine $1_$2
+define(`TOHW_m4_wkml_spdp_createCells', `'`dnl
+TOHW_m4_wkml_createCells(`$1', `sp', `$2', `$3', `$4')`'dnl
+TOHW_m4_wkml_createCells(`$1', `dp', `$2', `$3', `$4')`'dnl
+module m_wkml_coverage
+  use fox_m_fsys_realtypes, only: sp, dp
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xmlf_t
+  use m_wkml_color, only: color_t
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xml_NewElement, xml_EndElement, xml_AddAttribute, xml_AddNewLine, xml_AddCharacters
+  use m_common_error, only: FoX_error
+  use FoX_common, only: str
+  use m_common_error
+  use m_wkml_lowlevel, only: kmlOpenFolder, kmlCloseFolder, kmlopenplacemark, & 
+       kmlAddname, kmlAddstyleurl, kmlopenpolygon, kmladdextrude, kmladdaltitudemode, & 
+       kmlopenouterboundaryis, kmlopenlinearring, kmlcloselinearring, & 
+       kmlcloseouterboundaryis, kmlclosepolygon, kmlcloseplacemark, &
+       kmlOpenTimeStamp, kmlCloseTimeStamp, kmlAddwhen
+  use m_wkml_color, only: kmlSetCustomColor, kmlMakeColorMap
+  use m_wkml_features, only: kmlStartRegion, kmlEndRegion
+  use m_wkml_styling, only: kmlCreatePolygonStyle
+  use m_wkml_chart
+  implicit none
+  private
+  interface kmlCreateRGBCells
+    module procedure kmlCreateRGBCells_sp
+    module procedure kmlCreateRGBCells_dp
+  end interface kmlCreateRGBCells
+  interface kmlCreateCells
+    module procedure kmlCreateCells_sp
+    module procedure kmlCreateCells_dp
+    module procedure kmlCreateCells_longlat_sp
+    module procedure kmlCreateCells_longlat_dp
+    module procedure kmlCreateCells_longlat2_sp
+    module procedure kmlCreateCells_longlat2_dp
+    module procedure kmlCreateCells3_dp
+    module procedure kmlCreateCells3_sp
+  end interface kmlCreateCells
+  public :: kmlCreateRGBCells
+  public :: kmlCreateCells
+  !this subroutine is used for creating cells (pixels),this version is used for SIG and assing rgb color auto
+  subroutine kmlCreateRGBCells_sp(xf, east, west, south, north, reflectance, rgb, numbit)
+    type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+    real(sp), intent(in)  :: east, west, south, north
+    real(sp), intent(in), optional :: reflectance(:,:)
+    integer, intent(in), optional :: numbit !! color interval
+    character, intent(in), optional :: rgb
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    call kmlCreateRGBCells(xf, real(east, dp), real(west, dp), &
+      real(south, dp), real(north, dp), real(reflectance, dp), rgb, numbit)
+  end subroutine kmlCreateRGBCells_sp
+  subroutine kmlCreateRGBCells_dp(xf, east, west, south, north, reflectance, rgb, numbit)
+    type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+    real(dp), intent(in)  :: east, west, south, north
+    real(dp), intent(in), optional :: reflectance(:,:)
+    integer, intent(in), optional :: numbit !! color interval
+    character, intent(in), optional :: rgb
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    integer :: numbit_
+    integer :: i, dn
+    type(color_t), allocatable :: colormap(:)
+    if (rgb/="r" .and. rgb/="g" .and. rgb/="b") then
+      call FoX_error("Must use one of r, g, or b in CreateRGBCells")
+    endif
+    if (present(numbit)) then
+      if (numbit<1.or.numbit>256) then
+        call FoX_error("numbit out of range")
+      elseif (mod(256, numbit)/=0) then
+        call FoX_error("numbit must be a power of 2")
+      endif
+      numbit_ = numbit ! Check for sensible values
+    else
+      numbit_ = 256
+    endif
+    allocate(colormap(numbit_))
+    do i = 1, numbit_
+      dn = 256/i - 1
+      if (rgb=="b") then
+        call kmlSetCustomColor(colormap(i), "EE"//str(dn, "x")//"00"//"00")
+      elseif (rgb=="g") then
+        call kmlSetCustomColor(colormap(i), "EE"//"00"//str(dn, "x")//"00")
+      elseif (rgb=="r") then
+        call kmlSetCustomColor(colormap(i), "EE"//"00"//"00"//str(dn, "x"))
+      endif
+    enddo
+    call kmlCreateCells(xf, east=east, west=west, south=south, north=north, &
+      values=reflectance, mask=1.0d0, colormap=colormap)
+  end subroutine kmlCreateRGBCells_dp
+! createCells was called createCells2/createCells3
+! Its function is to produce coloured cells, with the colour varying
+! according to value.
+! value must be passed in as a 2D array.
+! x/y coords may be specified either by:
+! 1: simple EWSN coords to specify the corners of the array
+!     ie, a very simple rectangular spaced grid with equal spacing of points.
+! 2: two 1-D arrays, one of longitude, one of latitude (of the same lengths as value(:,:))
+!     ie a rectangular grid, but with irregular spacing
+! 3: two 2-D arrays, one for longitude, one for latitude (both of the same size as value(:,:))
+!     ie a topologically rectilinear, but otherwise irregular grid.
+! FIXME in the simplest case (1: above) we should make sure and document where the EWNS are
+! expected to be in relationship to the grid points. Currently we assume coincident.
+TOHW_m4_wkml_spdp_createCells(`kmlCreateCells', `east, west, south, north', `east, west, south, north', `'`dnl
+    lat_inc = (east-west)/m ! Increment in latitude
+    long_inc = (north-south)/n ! Increment in longitude
+    do i = 1, m
+      long = west+long_inc*(i-0.5) ! Subtract 0.5 so that cells are *centred* on the long/lat point.
+      do j = 1, n
+        ! Plot from north to south in order to match data structure
+        lat = north+lat_inc*(i-0.5)
+        if (present(mask)) then
+          if (values(i,j)>=mask) cycle
+        endif
+        square(1, :) = (/long, long, long+long_inc, long+long_inc/)       ! x-coords
+        square(2, :) = (/lat, lat-lat_inc, lat-lat_inc, lat/)             ! y-coords
+        if (present(height)) then                                           ! z-coords
+          square(3,:) = height*((/values(i,j), values(i+1,j), values(i+1,j+1), values(i+1,j+1)/)-minValue)
+        endif
+        if (present(contour_values)) then
+          ! New logic by GT: this version works, 07032009
+          do ic=1, size(contour_values)-1
+            if (values(i,j) .lt. contour_values(1)) then
+              k = ic
+            else if ((values(i,j) >= contour_values(ic)) &
+                .and. (values(i,j) < contour_values(ic+1))) then
+              k = ic+1
+            end if
+          end do
+        else
+          k = int(floor((values(i, j)-minvalue)/valueres))
+        endif
+        if (present(colormap)) then
+          thisColor => colormap(k+1)
+        else
+          thisColor => defaultMap(k+1)
+        endif
+        if (present(colormap)) then
+          if (present(height)) then
+            call kmlStartRegion(xf, square, &
+              extrude=.true., altitudeMode="relativeToGround", fillcolor=colorMap(k+1))
+          else
+            call kmlStartRegion(xf, square(:2,:), fillcolor=colorMap(k+1))
+          endif
+        else
+          if (present(height)) then
+            call kmlStartRegion(xf, square, &
+              extrude=.true., altitudeMode="relativeToGround", fillcolor=defaultMap(k+1))
+          else
+            call kmlStartRegion(xf, square(:2,:), fillcolor=defaultMap(k+1))
+          endif
+        endif
+        call kmlEndRegion(xf)
+      end do
+    end do
+TOHW_m4_wkml_spdp_createCells(`kmlCreateCells_longlat', `longitude, latitude', `longitude(:), latitude(:)', `'`dnl
+    ! To help with .m4 and make the autogenerated code like GTs code. Rewrite valueres here...
+    ! but only for longlat arguments - not sure why!
+    if (.not.present(mask)) then
+       valueres = maxval(values)/(numcolors-1)
+    endif
+    do i = 1, m-1
+      do j = 1, n-1
+        if (present(mask)) then
+          if (any(values(i:i+1, j:j+1)>=mask)) cycle ! Dont draw the cell if any of its vertices are masked out
+        endif
+        square(1, :) = (/longitude(i), longitude(i+1), longitude(i+1), longitude(i)/) ! x-coords
+        square(2, :) = (/latitude(j), latitude(j), latitude(j+1), latitude(j+1)/)     ! y-coords
+        if (present(height)) then                                           ! z-coords
+          square(3,:) = height*((/values(i,j), values(i+1,j), values(i+1,j+1), values(i+1,j+1)/)-minValue)
+        endif
+        average = sum(values(i:i+1,j:j+1))/4.0d0
+        ! Colour the cell according to the average of the 4 values defining the cell.
+        if (present(contour_values)) then
+           do ic=1, size(contour_values)-1
+              if (average .lt. contour_values(1)) then  
+                 k = 0
+              else if ((average >= contour_values(ic)) .and. (average < contour_values(ic+1))) then
+                 k = ic
+              else if ((average >= contour_values(ic))) then
+                 k = ic+1
+              end if
+           end do
+        else
+          k = int(floor((average-minvalue)/valueres))
+        endif
+        if (present(colormap)) then
+          thisColor => colormap(k+1)
+        else
+          thisColor => defaultMap(k+1)
+        endif
+        if (present(colormap)) then
+          if (present(height)) then
+            call kmlStartRegion(xf, square, &
+              extrude=.true., altitudeMode="relativeToGround", &
+              fillcolor=colorMap(k+1), description=str(values(i,j),FMT="r5"))
+          else
+            call kmlStartRegion(xf, square(:2,:), &
+              fillcolor=colorMap(k+1), description=str(values(i,j),FMT="r5"))
+          endif
+        else
+          if (present(height)) then
+            call kmlStartRegion(xf, square, &
+              extrude=.true., altitudeMode="relativeToGround", &
+              fillcolor=defaultMap(k+1), description=str(values(i,j),FMT="r5"))
+          else
+            call kmlStartRegion(xf, square(:2,:), &
+              fillcolor=defaultMap(k+1), description=str(values(i,j),FMT="r5"))
+          endif
+        endif
+        call kmlEndRegion(xf)
+      end do
+    end do
+TOHW_m4_wkml_spdp_createCells(`kmlCreateCells_longlat2', `longitude, latitude', `longitude(:,:), latitude(:,:)', `'`dnl
+    do i = 1, m-1
+      do j = 1, n-1
+        if (present(mask)) then
+          if (any(values(i:i+1, j:j+1)>=mask)) cycle ! Dont draw the cell if any of its vertices are masked out
+        endif
+        square(1, :) = (/longitude(i,j), longitude(i+1,j), longitude(i+1,j+1), longitude(i,j+1)/) ! x-coords
+        square(2, :) = (/latitude(i,j), latitude(i+1,j), latitude(i+1,j+1), latitude(i,j+1)/)     ! y-coords
+        if (present(height)) then                                                                         ! z-coords
+          square(3,:) = height*((/values(i,j), values(i+1,j), values(i+1,j+1), values(i+1,j+1)/)-minValue)
+        endif
+        average = sum(values(i:i+1,j:j+1))/4.0d0
+        ! Colour the cell according to the average of the 4 values defining the cell.
+        if (present(contour_values)) then
+          do ic=1, size(contour_values)-1    
+            if (average .lt. contour_values(1)) then 
+              k = 0                              
+            else if ((average >= contour_values(ic)) .and. (average < contour_values(ic+1))) then 
+              k = ic+1 
+            end if      
+          end do                         
+        else
+          k = int(floor((average-minvalue)/valueres))
+        endif
+        if (present(colormap)) then
+          if (present(height)) then
+            call kmlStartRegion(xf, square, &
+              extrude=.true., altitudeMode="relativeToGround", fillcolor=colorMap(k+1))
+          else
+            call kmlStartRegion(xf, square(:2,:), fillcolor=colorMap(k+1))
+          endif
+        else
+          if (present(height)) then
+            call kmlStartRegion(xf, square, &
+              extrude=.true., altitudeMode="relativeToGround", fillcolor=defaultMap(k+1))
+          else
+            call kmlStartRegion(xf, square(:2,:), fillcolor=defaultMap(k+1))
+          endif
+        endif
+        call kmlEndRegion(xf)
+      end do
+    end do
+end module m_wkml_coverage
diff --git a/wkml/m_wkml_features.F90 b/wkml/m_wkml_features.F90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3a4d397
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/m_wkml_features.F90
@@ -0,0 +1,1157 @@
+module m_wkml_features
+  use fox_m_fsys_realtypes, only : sp, dp
+  use FoX_wxml, only: xmlf_t
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+  use m_common_error, only: FoX_error
+  use FoX_common, only:  str, operator(//)
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xml_AddAttribute, xml_NewElement, xml_EndElement, xml_AddCharacters, xmlf_OpenTag
+  use m_wkml_lowlevel, only: kmlOpenFolder, kmlCloseFolder, kmlOpenPlacemark, kmlClosePlacemark, &
+    kmlAddCoordinates, kmlOpenInnerBoundaryIs, kmlCloseInnerBoundaryIs, kmlOpenOuterBoundaryIs, kmlCloseOuterBoundaryIs, &
+    kmlAddDescription, kmlAddStyleURL, kmlOpenPoint, kmlClosePoint, kmlAddAltitudeMode, kmlAddExtrude, &
+    kmlOpenLineString, kmlCloseLineString, kmlOpenLinearRing, kmlCloseLinearRing, kmlOpenPolygon, kmlClosePolygon, &
+    kmlAddwhen, kmlOpenTimeStamp, kmlCloseTimeStamp, kmlAddname,kmlAddtessellate
+  use m_wkml_styling, only: kmlCreatePointStyle, kmlCreateLineStyle, kmlCreatePolygonStyle, &
+    kmlOpenStyle, kmlCloseStyle
+  use m_wkml_chart
+  use m_wkml_Color, only: col => color_t
+  implicit none
+  private
+  interface kmlAddPoint
+    module procedure kmlAddPoint_dp
+    module procedure kmlAddPoint_sp
+  end interface kmlAddPoint
+  interface kmlCreatePoints
+    module procedure kmlCreatePoints_0d_sp
+    module procedure kmlCreatePoints_1d_sp
+    module procedure kmlCreatePoints_2d_sp
+    module procedure kmlCreatePoints_0d_dp
+    module procedure kmlCreatePoints_1d_dp
+    module procedure kmlCreatePoints_2d_dp
+  end interface kmlCreatePoints
+  interface kmlCreateLine
+    module procedure kmlCreateLine_1d_sp
+    module procedure kmlCreateLine_2d_sp
+    module procedure kmlCreateLine_1d_dp
+    module procedure kmlCreateLine_2d_dp
+  end interface kmlCreateLine
+  interface kmlStartRegion
+    module procedure kmlStartPolygon_1d_sp
+    module procedure kmlStartPolygon_2d_sp
+    module procedure kmlStartPolygon_1d_dp
+    module procedure kmlStartPolygon_2d_dp
+  end interface kmlStartRegion
+  interface kmlAddInnerBoundary
+    module procedure kmlAddInnerBoundary_1d_sp
+    module procedure kmlAddInnerBoundary_2d_sp
+    module procedure kmlAddInnerBoundary_1d_dp
+    module procedure kmlAddInnerBoundary_2d_dp
+  end interface kmlAddInnerBoundary
+  public :: kmlAddPoint
+  public :: kmlCreatePoints
+  public :: kmlCreateLine
+  public :: kmlStartRegion
+  public :: kmlAddInnerBoundary
+  public :: kmlEndRegion
+! First, routines for adding a series of individual points
+! a) Add a single point (single and double precision)
+  subroutine kmlAddPoint_sp(xf, longitude, latitude, z, extrude, altitudeMode)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    real(sp), intent(in) :: longitude,latitude
+    real(sp), intent(in), optional :: z
+    logical, intent(in), optional :: extrude
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: altitudeMode
+! No need for tessellate - it has no effect on a Point according to KML documentation
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    call kmlOpenPoint(xf)
+    if (present(extrude)) call kmlAddExtrude(xf, extrude)
+    if (present(altitudeMode)) call kmlAddAltitudeMode(xf, altitudeMode)
+    call kmlAddCoordinates(xf, longitude, latitude, z)
+    call kmlClosePoint(xf)
+  end subroutine kmlAddPoint_sp
+  subroutine kmlAddPoint_dp(xf, longitude, latitude, z, extrude, altitudeMode)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    real(dp), intent(in) :: longitude,latitude
+    real(dp), intent(in), optional :: z
+    logical, intent(in), optional :: extrude
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: altitudeMode
+! No need for tessellate - it has no effect on a Point according to KML documentation
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    call kmlOpenPoint(xf)
+    if (present(extrude)) call kmlAddExtrude(xf, extrude)
+    if (present(altitudeMode)) call kmlAddAltitudeMode(xf, altitudeMode)
+    call kmlAddCoordinates(xf, longitude, latitude, z)
+    call kmlClosePoint(xf)
+  end subroutine kmlAddPoint_dp
+! Now - interfaces for a series of points. We have 0d (a single point, but with all options,
+! for symmetry), 1d (2 arrays, one for long, one for lat) and 2d (one array, 1st dim 2, holding
+! long and lat).
+! 0d/2d work by simply rearranging args and immediately calling 1d.
+! We do this once for single precision, and again for double precision. This is
+! done by cut & pasting but really we should autogenerate through m4.
+! We do not also provide assumed-size-array versions of these, since doing this
+! by hand involves too much room for error. After autogeneration it would be easy
+! though.
+! Interface 0: Single long/lat point, optional altitude
+  subroutine kmlCreatePoints_0d_sp(xf, longitude, latitude, altitude, &
+    extrude, altitudeMode, description,description_numbers,&
+    name, color, colorname, colorhex, scale, styleURL,&
+    charttype,chartscale,chartsize,chartdata,charttitle,&
+    chartlabel,dataname,values)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    real(sp), intent(in) :: longitude
+    real(sp), intent(in) :: latitude
+    real(sp), intent(in), optional :: altitude
+    logical, intent(in), optional :: extrude
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: altitudeMode
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: name
+    type(col), intent(in), optional :: color
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: colorname
+    character(len=8), intent(in), optional :: colorhex
+    real(sp), intent(in), optional :: scale ! FIXME what if this is an integer
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: description(:)
+    real(sp), intent(in), optional :: description_numbers(:)
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: styleURL
+! variables for kmlAddChart
+    character(len=*), intent(in),optional :: charttype,chartscale,chartsize,charttitle,chartlabel
+    real(sp), intent(in), optional :: chartdata(:)
+! variable for extended data
+    character(len=*), intent(in),optional :: dataname
+    integer :: k
+    real(sp), intent(in), optional :: values(:)
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    ! Need to check presence explicitly since we mutate altitude with (//)
+    if (present(altitude)) then
+      call kmlCreatePoints(xf, (/longitude/), (/latitude/), (/altitude/), &
+        extrude=extrude, altitudeMode=altitudeMode, &
+        name=name, color=color, colorname=colorname, colorhex=colorhex, &
+        scale=scale, styleURL=styleURL,description_numbers=description_numbers,&
+        description=description,charttype=charttype,&
+        chartscale=chartscale,chartsize=chartsize,chartdata=chartdata,&
+        charttitle=charttitle,chartlabel=chartlabel,dataname=dataname,values=values)
+    else
+      call kmlCreatePoints(xf, (/longitude/), (/latitude/), &
+        extrude=extrude, altitudeMode=altitudeMode, &
+        name=name, color=color, colorname=colorname, colorhex=colorhex, &
+        scale=scale,description=description,&
+        description_numbers=description_numbers,styleURL=styleURL,&
+        charttype=charttype,chartscale=chartscale,chartsize=chartsize,&
+        charttitle=charttitle,chartdata=chartdata,chartlabel=chartlabel,&
+        dataname=dataname,values=values)
+    endif
+  end subroutine kmlCreatePoints_0d_sp
+! Interface 1: separate long & lat arrays, optional altitude
+  subroutine kmlCreatePoints_1d_sp(xf, longitude, latitude, altitude, &
+    extrude, altitudeMode, description,description_numbers,&
+    name, color, colorname, colorhex, &
+    scale, styleURL,time,&
+    charttype,chartscale,chartsize,chartdata,charttitle,chartlabel,&
+    dataname, values)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    real(sp), intent(in) :: longitude(:)
+    real(sp), intent(in) :: latitude(:)
+    real(sp), intent(in), optional :: altitude(:)
+    logical, intent(in), optional :: extrude
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: altitudeMode
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: name
+    type(col), intent(in), optional :: color
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: colorname
+    character(len=8), intent(in), optional :: colorhex
+    real(sp), intent(in), optional :: scale ! FIXME what if this is an integer
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: description(:)
+    real(sp), intent(in), optional :: description_numbers(:)
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: styleURL
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: time(:)
+    integer :: i, n
+! variables for kmlAddChart
+    character(len=*), intent(in),optional :: charttype,chartscale,chartsize,charttitle
+    character(len=*), intent(in),optional :: chartlabel
+    real(sp), intent(in),optional :: chartdata(:)
+! variable for extended data
+    character(len=*), intent(in),optional :: dataname
+    integer :: k
+    real(sp), intent(in), optional :: values(:)
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    n = size(longitude)
+    if (n/=size(latitude)) then
+      call FoX_error("Incommensurate sizes for longitude and latitude arrays in kmlCreatePoints")
+    endif
+    if (present(altitude)) then
+      if (n/=size(altitude)) then
+        call FoX_error("Incommensurate sizes for longitude and altitude arraysin kmlCreatePoints")
+      endif
+    endif
+    if (present(styleURL)) then
+      if (present(color).or.present(scale)) then
+        call FoX_error("cannot specify styleURL as well as color or scale")
+      endif
+    endif
+    call kmlOpenFolder(xf, name=name)
+    do i = 1, n
+      call kmlOpenPlacemark(xf)
+      if (present(color).or.present(colorname).or.present(colorhex).or.present(scale)) then
+        if (present(scale)) then
+          call kmlCreatePointStyle(xf, scale=scale, color=color, colorname=colorname, colorhex=colorhex)
+        else
+          call kmlCreatePointStyle(xf, color=color, colorname=colorname, colorhex=colorhex)
+        endif
+      elseif (present(styleURL)) then
+        call kmlAddStyleURL(xf, styleURL)
+      endif
+! remove description and will replace by extended data in the future 24042008
+      if (present(description).and.present(description_numbers)) then
+        call kmlAddDescription(xf, description(i)//achar(13)//str(description_numbers(i)))
+      elseif (present(description)) then
+        call kmlAddDescription(xf, description(i))
+      elseif (present(description_numbers)) then
+        call kmlAddDescription(xf, str(description_numbers(i)))
+      endif
+! add by GT 24042008 for adding chart functions
+      if (present(charttype).and.present(chartsize).and.present(chartdata)&
+       .and.present(chartscale).and.present(charttitle).and.present(chartlabel)) then
+        call kmlAddChart(xf,charttype,chartsize,chartdata,chartscale,&
+        charttitle,chartlabel)
+      end if
+      ! adding time funtion by GT 17102007
+      if (present(time)) then
+        call kmlOpenTimeStamp(xf)
+         call kmlAddwhen(xf,time(i))
+        call kmlCloseTimeStamp(xf)
+      end if
+      ! Extended Data
+      if (present(dataname)) then
+        call xml_NewElement(xf,'ExtendedData')
+        do k=1,size(values)
+          call xml_NewElement(xf,'Data')
+           call xml_AddAttribute(xf,'name', dataname)
+           call xml_NewElement(xf,'displayName')
+            call xml_AddCharacters(xf,dataname)
+           call xml_EndElement(xf,'displayName')
+           call xml_NewElement(xf,'value')
+            call xml_AddCharacters(xf,str(values(k),fmt="r5"))
+           call xml_EndElement(xf,'value')
+          call xml_EndElement(xf,'Data')
+        end do
+        call xml_EndElement(xf,'ExtendedData')
+      end if
+      if (present(altitude)) then
+        call kmlAddPoint(xf, longitude(i), latitude(i), altitude(i), extrude=extrude, altitudeMode=altitudeMode)
+      else
+        call kmlAddPoint(xf, longitude(i), latitude(i), extrude=extrude, altitudeMode=altitudeMode)
+      endif
+      call kmlClosePlacemark(xf)
+    enddo
+    call kmlCloseFolder(xf)
+  end subroutine kmlCreatePoints_1d_sp
+! Interface 2: combined long & lat array, optional altitude
+  subroutine kmlCreatePoints_2d_sp(xf, coords, altitude, &
+    extrude, altitudeMode,description,description_numbers,&
+    name, color, colorname, colorhex, scale, styleURL,&
+    charttype,chartscale,chartsize,chartdata,charttitle,chartlabel,&
+    dataname,values)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    real(sp), intent(in) :: coords(:,:)
+    real(sp), intent(in), optional :: altitude(:)
+    logical, intent(in), optional :: extrude
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: altitudeMode
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: name
+    type(col), intent(in), optional :: color
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: colorname
+    character(len=8), intent(in), optional :: colorhex
+    real(sp), intent(in), optional :: scale ! FIXME what if this is an integer
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: description(:)
+    real(sp), intent(in), optional :: description_numbers(:)
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: styleURL
+! variables for kmlAddChart
+    character(len=*), intent(in),optional :: charttype,chartscale,chartsize,charttitle,chartlabel
+    real(sp), intent(in), optional :: chartdata(:)
+! variable for extended data
+    character(len=*), intent(in),optional :: dataname
+    integer :: k
+    real(sp), intent(in), optional :: values(:)
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB    
+    if (size(coords,1)==2) then
+      call kmlCreatePoints(xf, coords(1,:), coords(2,:), altitude, &
+        extrude=extrude, altitudeMode=altitudeMode, &
+        name=name, color=color, scale=scale, styleURL=styleURL,&
+        description_numbers=description_numbers,description=description,&
+        charttype=charttype,chartscale=chartscale,chartsize=chartsize,&
+        chartdata=chartdata,chartlabel=chartlabel,dataname=dataname,values=values)
+    elseif (size(coords,1)==3) then
+      if (present(altitude)) then
+        call FoX_error("Cannot specify 3-dimensional coords with separate altitude in kmlCreatePoints")
+      endif
+      call kmlCreatePoints(xf, coords(1,:), coords(2,:), coords(3,:), &
+        extrude=extrude, altitudeMode=altitudeMode, &
+        name=name, color=color, scale=scale,styleURL=styleURL,&
+        description_numbers=description_numbers,description=description,&
+        charttype=charttype,chartscale=chartscale,chartsize=chartsize,&
+        charttitle=charttitle,chartdata=chartdata,chartlabel=chartlabel,&
+        dataname=dataname,values=values)
+    else
+      call FoX_error("coords array first dimension is wrong in kmlCreatePoints - must be 2 or 3")
+    endif
+  end subroutine kmlCreatePoints_2d_sp
+! Interface 0: Single long/lat point, optional altitude
+  subroutine kmlCreatePoints_0d_dp(xf, longitude, latitude, altitude, &
+    extrude, altitudeMode,description,description_numbers,&
+    name, color, colorname, colorhex, scale, styleURL,&
+    charttype,chartscale,chartsize,chartdata,charttitle,&
+    chartlabel,dataname,values)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    real(dp), intent(in) :: longitude
+    real(dp), intent(in) :: latitude
+    real(dp), intent(in), optional :: altitude
+    logical, intent(in), optional :: extrude
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: altitudeMode
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: name
+    type(col), intent(in), optional :: color
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: colorname
+    character(len=8), intent(in), optional :: colorhex
+    real(dp), intent(in), optional :: scale ! FIXME what if this is an integer
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: description(:)
+    real(dp), intent(in), optional :: description_numbers(:)
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: styleURL
+! variables for kmlAddChart
+    character(len=*), intent(in),optional :: charttype,chartscale,chartsize,charttitle,chartlabel
+    real(dp), intent(in), optional :: chartdata(:)
+! variable for extended data
+    character(len=*), intent(in),optional :: dataname
+    integer :: k
+    real(dp), intent(in), optional :: values(:)
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    ! Need to check presence explicitly since we mutate altitude with (//)
+    if (present(altitude)) then
+      call kmlCreatePoints(xf, (/longitude/), (/latitude/), (/altitude/), &
+        extrude=extrude, altitudeMode=altitudeMode, &
+        name=name, color=color, colorname=colorname, colorhex=colorhex, &
+        scale=scale, styleURL=styleURL,charttype=charttype,&
+        description_numbers=description_numbers,description=description,&
+        chartscale=chartscale,chartsize=chartsize,chartdata=chartdata,&
+        charttitle=charttitle,chartlabel=chartlabel,dataname=dataname, values=values)
+    else
+      call kmlCreatePoints(xf, (/longitude/), (/latitude/), &
+        extrude=extrude, altitudeMode=altitudeMode, &
+        name=name, color=color, colorname=colorname, colorhex=colorhex, &
+        scale=scale, styleURL=styleURL,charttype=charttype,&
+        description_numbers=description_numbers,description=description,&
+        chartscale=chartscale,chartsize=chartsize,chartdata=chartdata,&
+        charttitle=charttitle,chartlabel=chartlabel,dataname=dataname, values=values)
+    endif
+  end subroutine kmlCreatePoints_0d_dp
+! Interface 1: separate long & lat arrays, optional altitude
+  subroutine kmlCreatePoints_1d_dp(xf, longitude, latitude, altitude, &
+    extrude, altitudeMode, description_numbers,description,&
+    name, color, colorname, colorhex, scale, styleURL, time,&
+    charttype,chartscale,chartsize,chartdata,charttitle,chartlabel,&
+    dataname, values)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    real(dp), intent(in) :: longitude(:)
+    real(dp), intent(in) :: latitude(:)
+    real(dp), intent(in), optional :: altitude(:)
+    logical, intent(in), optional :: extrude
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: altitudeMode
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: name
+    type(col), intent(in), optional :: color
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: colorname
+    character(len=8), intent(in), optional :: colorhex
+    real(dp), intent(in), optional :: scale ! FIXME what if this is an integer
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: description(:) ! FIXME need to check length of array if present
+    real(dp), intent(in), optional :: description_numbers(:)
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: styleURL
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: time(:)    
+    integer :: i, n
+    character, pointer :: tempStyleUrl(:)
+! variables for kmlAddChart
+    character(len=*), intent(in),optional :: charttype,chartscale,chartsize,charttitle,chartlabel
+    real(dp), intent(in), optional :: chartdata(:)
+! variable for extended data
+    character(len=*), intent(in),optional :: dataname
+    integer :: k
+    real(dp), intent(in), optional :: values(:)
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    n = size(longitude)
+    if (n/=size(latitude)) then
+      call FoX_error("Incommensurate sizes for longitude and latitude arrays in kmlCreatePoints")
+    endif
+    if (present(altitude)) then
+      if (n/=size(altitude)) then
+        call FoX_error("Incommensurate sizes for longitude and altitude arraysin kmlCreatePoints")
+      endif
+    endif
+    if (present(styleURL)) then
+      if (present(color).or.present(scale)) then
+        call FoX_error("cannot specify styleURL as well as color or scale")
+      endif
+    endif
+    call kmlOpenFolder(xf, name=name)
+    do i = 1, n
+      call kmlOpenPlacemark(xf)
+      if (present(color).or.present(colorname).or.present(colorhex).or.present(scale)) then
+        if (present(scale)) then
+          call kmlCreatePointStyle(xf, scale=scale, color=color, colorname=colorname, colorhex=colorhex)
+        else
+          call kmlCreatePointStyle(xf, color=color, colorname=colorname, colorhex=colorhex)
+        endif
+      elseif (present(styleURL)) then
+        call kmlAddStyleURL(xf, styleURL)
+      endif
+! remove description and use extended data instead 24042008
+      if (present(description).and.present(description_numbers)) then
+        call kmlAddDescription(xf, description(i)//achar(13)//str(description_numbers(i)))
+      elseif (present(description)) then
+        call kmlAddDescription(xf, description(i))
+      elseif (present(description_numbers)) then
+        call kmlAddDescription(xf, str(description_numbers(i)))
+      endif
+! add by GT 24042008 for adding chart functions
+      if (present(charttype).and.present(chartsize).and.  & 
+          present(chartdata).and.present(chartscale).and. & 
+          present(charttitle) ) then
+        call kmlAddChart(xf,charttype,chartsize,chartdata,chartscale,charttitle,chartlabel)
+      end if
+    ! adding time funtion by GT 17102007
+      if (present(time)) then
+        call kmlOpenTimeStamp(xf)
+         call kmlAddwhen(xf,time(i))
+        call kmlCloseTimeStamp(xf)
+      end if
+    ! add by GT for extended data 24/04/2008
+      if (present(dataname)) then
+        call xml_NewElement(xf,'ExtendedData')
+        do k=1,size(values)
+          call xml_NewElement(xf,'Data')
+           call xml_AddAttribute(xf,'name', dataname)
+           call xml_NewElement(xf,'displayName')
+            call xml_AddCharacters(xf,dataname)
+           call xml_EndElement(xf,'displayName')
+           call xml_NewElement(xf,'value')
+            call xml_AddCharacters(xf,str(values(k),fmt="r5"))
+           call xml_EndElement(xf,'value')
+          call xml_EndElement(xf,'Data')
+        end do
+        call xml_EndElement(xf,'ExtendedData')
+      end if
+      if (present(altitude)) then
+        call kmlAddPoint(xf, longitude(i), latitude(i), altitude(i), extrude=extrude, altitudeMode=altitudeMode)
+      else
+        call kmlAddPoint(xf, longitude(i), latitude(i), extrude=extrude, altitudeMode=altitudeMode)
+      endif
+      call kmlClosePlacemark(xf)
+    enddo
+    call kmlCloseFolder(xf)
+  end subroutine kmlCreatePoints_1d_dp
+! Interface 2: combined long & lat array, optional altitude
+  subroutine kmlCreatePoints_2d_dp(xf, coords, altitude, &
+    extrude, altitudeMode, &
+    name, color, colorname, colorhex, &
+    description, description_numbers,scale, styleURL,&
+    charttype,chartscale,chartsize,chartdata,charttitle,&
+    chartlabel,dataname, values)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    real(dp), intent(in) :: coords(:,:)
+    real(dp), intent(in), optional :: altitude(:)
+    logical, intent(in), optional :: extrude
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: altitudeMode
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: name
+    type(col), intent(in), optional :: color
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: colorname
+    character(len=8), intent(in), optional :: colorhex
+    real(dp), intent(in), optional :: scale ! FIXME what if this is an integer
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: description(:)
+    real(dp), intent(in), optional :: description_numbers(:)
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: styleURL
+!    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: time    
+! variables for kmlAddChart
+    character(len=*), intent(in),optional :: charttype,chartscale,chartsize,charttitle,chartlabel
+    real(dp), intent(in), optional :: chartdata(:)
+! variable for extended data
+    character(len=*), intent(in),optional :: dataname
+    integer :: k
+    real(dp), intent(in), optional :: values(:)
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    if (size(coords,1)==2) then
+      call kmlCreatePoints(xf, coords(1,:), coords(2,:), altitude, &
+        extrude=extrude, altitudeMode=altitudeMode, &
+        name=name, color=color, colorname=colorname, colorhex=colorhex, &
+        scale=scale,styleURL=styleURL,charttype=charttype,&
+        description_numbers=description_numbers,description=description,&
+        chartscale=chartscale,chartsize=chartsize,chartdata=chartdata,&
+        charttitle=charttitle,chartlabel=chartlabel,dataname=dataname, values=values)
+    elseif (size(coords,1)==3) then
+      if (present(altitude)) then
+        call FoX_error("Cannot specify 3-dimensional coords with separate altitude in kmlCreatePoints")
+      endif
+      call kmlCreatePoints(xf, coords(1,:), coords(2,:), coords(3,:), &
+        extrude=extrude, altitudeMode=altitudeMode, &
+        name=name, color=color, colorname=colorname, colorhex=colorhex, &
+        scale=scale,styleURL=styleURL,charttype=charttype, &
+        description_numbers=description_numbers,description=description,&
+        chartscale=chartscale,chartsize=chartsize,chartdata=chartdata,&
+        charttitle=charttitle,chartlabel=chartlabel,&
+        dataname=dataname, values=values)
+    else
+      call FoX_error("coords array first dimension is wrong in kmlCreatePoints - must be 2 or 3")
+    endif
+  end subroutine kmlCreatePoints_2d_dp
+! Now commands to create lines - only one interface really (array (x), array(y), optional(z))
+! but specified for both single and double precision, assumed-size and assumed-shape arrays
+! all those kmlCreateLine subroutines assumes that long and lat has to be the same size
+! this function is the easiest case, wchih just allows to create a line segment
+! lat and long is a sigle value  07/03/2008 GT
+  subroutine kmlCreateLine_seg_sh_dp(xf,xi,yi,xe,ye,zi,ze,tessellate,altmode,&
+                                     name,linewidth,description_ch,styleURL)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) ::xf
+    real(dp), intent(in) :: xi,yi,xe,ye ! start x coor and end coord
+    character(len=*),intent(in), optional :: name, styleURL,altmode,linewidth,description_ch
+    logical, intent(in),optional :: tessellate
+    real(dp), intent(in),optional :: zi,ze
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    integer :: i, nodes
+    character(len=1) :: palm
+    palm="#"
+    call kmlOpenPlacemark(xf)
+    if(present(name)) then
+      call kmlAddname(xf,name)
+    else
+      call kmlAddname(xf,'')
+    end if
+    if (present(description_ch)) then
+      call kmlAdddescription(xf, description_ch)
+    end if
+    if (present(styleURL)) then
+      call kmlAddstyleUrl(xf,palm//styleURL)
+    else
+      call kmlAddstyleUrl(xf,palm//styleURL)
+    end if
+    call kmlOpenLineString(xf)
+    if(present(tessellate)) then
+      call kmlAddtessellate(xf,tessellate)
+    else
+      call kmlAddtessellate(xf,.true.)
+    end if
+    if(present(altmode)) then
+      call kmlAddaltitudeMode(xf,altmode)
+    else
+      call kmlAddaltitudeMode(xf,"relativeToGround")
+    end if
+    call xml_NewElement(xf,'coordinates')
+     call xml_AddCharacters(xf,xi)
+     call xml_AddCharacters(xf,',')
+     call xml_AddCharacters(xf,yi)
+     if (present(zi)) then
+       call xml_AddCharacters(xf,',')
+       call xml_AddCharacters(xf,zi)
+     end if
+     call xml_AddCharacters(xf,' ')
+     call xml_AddCharacters(xf,xe)
+     call xml_AddCharacters(xf,',')
+     call xml_AddCharacters(xf,ye)
+     if (present(ze)) then
+       call xml_AddCharacters(xf,',')
+       call xml_AddCharacters(xf,ze)
+     end if
+     call xml_AddCharacters(xf,' ')  !adding space
+    call xml_EndElement(xf,'coordinates')
+    call kmlCloseLineString(xf)
+    call kmlClosePlacemark(xf)
+  end subroutine kmlCreateLine_seg_sh_dp
+! Interface 1: separate long & lat arrays, optional altitude
+  subroutine kmlCreateLine_1d_sp(xf, longitude, latitude, altitude, &
+    closed, extrude, tessellate, altitudeMode, &
+    name, color, colorname, colorhex, &
+    width, description, styleURL)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    real(sp), intent(in) :: longitude(:)
+    real(sp), intent(in) :: latitude(:)
+    real(sp), intent(in), optional :: altitude(:)
+    logical, intent(in), optional :: closed
+    logical, intent(in), optional :: extrude
+    logical, intent(in), optional :: tessellate
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: altitudeMode
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: name
+    type(col), intent(in), optional :: color
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: colorname
+    character(len=8), intent(in), optional :: colorhex
+    integer, intent(in), optional :: width
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: description
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: styleURL
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB    
+    integer :: n
+    logical :: closed_, needPlacemark
+    if (present(closed)) then
+      closed_ = closed
+    else
+      closed_ = .false.
+    endif
+    needPlacemark = (xmlf_OpenTag(xf)/="Placemark".and.xmlf_OpenTag(xf)/="outerBoundaryIs".and.xmlf_OpenTag(xf)/="innerBoundaryIs")
+    if (needPlacemark) call kmlOpenPlacemark(xf, name=name, description=description, styleurl=styleurl)
+    n = size(longitude)
+    if (closed_.and.n<3) then
+      call FoX_error("Not enough points on closed path")
+    endif
+    n = size(longitude)
+    if (n/=size(latitude)) then
+      call FoX_error("Incommensurate sizes for longitude and latitude arrays in kmlCreateLine")
+    endif
+    if (present(altitude)) then
+      if (n/=size(altitude)) then
+        call FoX_error("Incommensurate sizes for longitude and altitude arrays in kmlCreateLine")
+      endif
+    endif
+    if (present(styleURL)) then
+      if (present(color).or.present(width)) then
+        call FoX_error("cannot specify styleURL as well as color or width")
+      endif
+    endif
+    if (closed_) then
+      call kmlOpenLinearRing(xf, altitudeMode=altitudeMode, tessellate=tessellate, extrude=extrude)
+    else
+      call kmlOpenLineString(xf, altitudeMode=altitudeMode, tessellate=tessellate, extrude=extrude)
+    endif
+    if (present(color).or.present(colorname).or.present(colorhex).or.present(width)) then
+      call kmlCreateLineStyle(xf, color=color, colorname=colorname, colorhex=colorhex, width=width)
+    elseif (present(styleURL)) then
+      call kmlAddStyleURL(xf, styleURL)
+    endif
+    if (present(description)) call kmlAddDescription(xf, description)
+    call kmlAddCoordinates(xf, longitude, latitude, altitude, repeat=closed_)
+    if (closed_) then
+      call kmlCloseLinearRing(xf)
+    else
+      call kmlCloseLineString(xf)
+    endif
+    if (needPlacemark) call kmlClosePlacemark(xf)
+  end subroutine kmlCreateLine_1d_sp
+! Interface 2: combined long & lat array, optional altitude
+  subroutine kmlCreateLine_2d_sp(xf, coords, altitude, &
+    closed, extrude, tessellate, altitudeMode, &
+    name, color, colorname, colorhex, &
+    width, description, styleURL)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    real(sp), intent(in) :: coords(:,:)
+    real(sp), intent(in), optional :: altitude(:)
+    logical, intent(in), optional :: closed
+    logical, intent(in), optional :: extrude
+    logical, intent(in), optional :: tessellate
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: altitudeMode
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: name
+    type(col), intent(in), optional :: color
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: colorname
+    character(len=8), intent(in), optional :: colorhex
+    integer, intent(in), optional :: width
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: description
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: styleURL
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB    
+    if (size(coords,1)==2) then
+      call kmlCreateLine(xf, coords(1,:), coords(2,:), altitude, &
+        closed=closed, extrude=extrude, tessellate=tessellate, altitudeMode=altitudeMode, &
+        name=name, color=color, colorname=colorname, colorhex=colorhex, &
+        width=width, description=description, styleURL=styleURL)
+    elseif (size(coords,1)==3) then
+      if (present(altitude)) then
+        call FoX_error("Cannot specify 3-dimensional coords with separate altitude in kmlCreateLine")
+      endif
+      call kmlCreateLine(xf, coords(1,:), coords(2,:), coords(3,:), &
+        closed=closed, extrude=extrude, tessellate=tessellate, altitudeMode=altitudeMode, &
+        name=name, color=color, colorname=colorname, colorhex=colorhex, &
+        width=width, description=description, styleURL=styleURL)
+    else
+      call FoX_error("coords array first dimension is wrong in kmlCreateLine - must be 2 or 3")
+    endif
+  end subroutine kmlCreateLine_2d_sp
+! Interface 1: separate long & lat arrays, optional altitude
+  subroutine kmlCreateLine_1d_dp(xf, longitude, latitude, altitude, &
+    closed, extrude, tessellate, altitudeMode, &
+    name, color, colorname, colorhex, &
+    width, description, styleURL)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    real(dp), intent(in) :: longitude(:)
+    real(dp), intent(in) :: latitude(:)
+    real(dp), intent(in), optional :: altitude(:)
+    logical, intent(in), optional :: closed
+    logical, intent(in), optional :: extrude
+    logical, intent(in), optional :: tessellate
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: altitudeMode
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: name
+    type(col), intent(in), optional :: color
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: colorname
+    character(len=8), intent(in), optional :: colorhex
+    integer, intent(in), optional :: width
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: description
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: styleURL
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB    
+    integer :: n
+    logical :: closed_, needPlacemark
+    if (present(closed)) then
+      closed_ = closed
+    else
+      closed_ = .false.
+    endif
+    needPlacemark = (xmlf_OpenTag(xf)/="Placemark".and.xmlf_OpenTag(xf)/="outerBoundaryIs".and.xmlf_OpenTag(xf)/="innerBoundaryIs")
+    if (needPlacemark) call kmlOpenPlacemark(xf, name=name, description=description, styleurl=styleurl)
+    n = size(longitude)
+    if (closed_.and.n<3) then
+      call FoX_error("Not enough points on closed path")
+    endif
+    n = size(longitude)
+    if (n/=size(latitude)) then
+      call FoX_error("Incommensurate sizes for longitude and latitude arrays in kmlCreateLine")
+    endif
+    if (present(altitude)) then
+      if (n/=size(altitude)) then
+        call FoX_error("Incommensurate sizes for longitude and altitude arrays in kmlCreateLine")
+      endif
+    endif
+    if (present(styleURL)) then
+      if (present(color).or.present(width)) then
+        call FoX_error("cannot specify styleURL as well as color or width")
+      endif
+    endif
+    if (closed_) then
+      call kmlOpenLinearRing(xf, altitudeMode=altitudeMode, tessellate=tessellate, extrude=extrude)
+    else
+      call kmlOpenLineString(xf, altitudeMode=altitudeMode, tessellate=tessellate, extrude=extrude)
+    endif
+    if (present(color).or.present(colorname).or.present(colorhex).or.present(width)) then
+      call kmlCreateLineStyle(xf, color=color, colorname=colorname, colorhex=colorhex, width=width)
+    elseif (present(styleURL)) then
+      call kmlAddStyleURL(xf, styleURL)
+    endif
+    if (present(description)) call kmlAddDescription(xf, description)
+    call kmlAddCoordinates(xf, longitude, latitude, altitude, repeat=closed_)
+    if (closed_) then
+      call kmlCloseLinearRing(xf)
+    else
+      call kmlCloseLineString(xf)
+    endif
+    if (needPlacemark) call kmlClosePlacemark(xf)
+  end subroutine kmlCreateLine_1d_dp
+! Interface 2: combined long & lat array, optional altitude
+  subroutine kmlCreateLine_2d_dp(xf, coords, altitude, &
+    closed, extrude, tessellate, altitudeMode, &
+    name, color, colorname, colorhex, &
+    width, description, styleURL)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    real(dp), intent(in) :: coords(:,:)
+    real(dp), intent(in), optional :: altitude(:)
+    logical, intent(in), optional :: closed
+    logical, intent(in), optional :: extrude
+    logical, intent(in), optional :: tessellate
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: altitudeMode
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: name
+    type(col), intent(in), optional :: color
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: colorname
+    character(len=8), intent(in), optional :: colorhex
+    integer, intent(in), optional :: width
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: description
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: styleURL
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB    
+    if (size(coords,1)==2) then
+      call kmlCreateLine(xf, coords(1,:), coords(2,:), altitude, &
+        closed=closed, extrude=extrude, tessellate=tessellate, altitudeMode=altitudeMode, &
+        name=name, color=color, colorname=colorname, colorhex=colorhex, &
+        width=width, description=description, styleURL=styleURL)
+    elseif (size(coords,1)==3) then
+      if (present(altitude)) then
+        call FoX_error("Cannot specify 3-dimensional coords with separate altitude in kmlCreateLine")
+      endif
+      call kmlCreateLine(xf, coords(1,:), coords(2,:), coords(3,:), &
+        closed=closed, extrude=extrude, tessellate=tessellate, altitudeMode=altitudeMode, &
+        name=name, color=color, colorname=colorname, colorhex=colorhex, &
+        width=width, description=description, styleURL=styleURL)
+    else
+      call FoX_error("coords array first dimension is wrong in kmlCreateLine - must be 2 or 3")
+    endif
+  end subroutine kmlCreateLine_2d_dp
+  subroutine kmlStartPolygon_1d_sp(xf, longitude, latitude, altitude, &
+    extrude, tessellate, altitudeMode, &
+    name, fillcolor, fillcolorname, fillcolorhex, &
+    linecolor, linecolorname, linecolorhex, linewidth, description, styleURL)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    real(sp), intent(in) :: longitude(:)
+    real(sp), intent(in) :: latitude(:)
+    real(sp), intent(in), optional :: altitude(:)
+    logical, intent(in), optional :: extrude
+    logical, intent(in), optional :: tessellate
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: altitudeMode
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: name
+    type(col), intent(in), optional :: fillcolor
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: fillcolorname
+    character(len=8), intent(in), optional :: fillcolorhex
+    type(col), intent(in), optional :: linecolor
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: linecolorname
+    character(len=8), intent(in), optional :: linecolorhex
+    integer, intent(in), optional :: linewidth
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: description
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: styleURL
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB    
+    integer :: n
+    logical :: needPlacemark, outline, fill
+    n = size(longitude)
+    outline = present(linecolor).or.present(linecolorname).or.present(linecolorhex).or.present(linewidth)
+    fill = present(fillcolor).or.present(fillcolorname).or.present(fillcolorhex)
+    call kmlOpenPlacemark(xf, name=name, description=description)
+    if (fill.or.outline) then
+      call kmlOpenStyle(xf)
+      if (outline) then
+        call kmlCreateLineStyle(xf, color=linecolor, colorname=linecolorname, colorhex=linecolorhex, &
+          width=linewidth)
+      endif
+      if (fill) then
+        call kmlCreatePolygonStyle(xf, color=fillcolor, colorname=fillcolorname, colorhex=fillcolorhex, &
+          fill=fill, outline=outline)
+      endif
+      call kmlCloseStyle(xf)
+    elseif (present(styleUrl)) then
+      call kmlAddStyleUrl(xf, styleUrl)
+    endif
+    call kmlOpenPolygon(xf, extrude=extrude, tessellate=tessellate, altitudeMode=altitudeMode)
+    call kmlOpenOuterBoundaryIs(xf)
+    call kmlCreateLine(xf, longitude, latitude, altitude, closed=.true.)
+    call kmlCloseOuterBoundaryIs(xf)
+    ! Leave polygon unclosed, we might add innerboundaries ...
+  end subroutine kmlStartPolygon_1d_sp
+  subroutine kmlStartPolygon_2d_sp(xf, coords, altitude, &
+    extrude, tessellate, altitudeMode, &
+    name, fillcolor, fillcolorname, fillcolorhex, &
+    linecolor, linecolorname, linecolorhex, linewidth, description, styleURL)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    real(sp), intent(in) :: coords(:,:)
+    real(sp), intent(in), optional :: altitude(:)
+    logical, intent(in), optional :: extrude
+    logical, intent(in), optional :: tessellate
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: altitudeMode
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: name
+    type(col), intent(in), optional :: fillcolor
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: fillcolorname
+    character(len=8), intent(in), optional :: fillcolorhex
+    type(col), intent(in), optional :: linecolor
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: linecolorname
+    character(len=8), intent(in), optional :: linecolorhex
+    integer, intent(in), optional :: linewidth
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: description
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: styleURL
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB    
+    if (size(coords,1)==2) then
+      call kmlStartRegion(xf, coords(1,:), coords(2,:), altitude, &
+        extrude=extrude, tessellate=tessellate, altitudeMode=altitudeMode, &
+        name=name, fillcolor=fillcolor, fillcolorname=fillcolorname, fillcolorhex=fillcolorhex, &
+        linecolor=linecolor, linecolorname=linecolorname, linecolorhex=linecolorhex, &
+        linewidth=linewidth, description=description, styleURL=styleURL)
+    elseif (size(coords,1)==3) then
+      if (present(altitude)) then
+        call FoX_error("Cannot specify 3-dimensional coords with separate altitude in kmlStartPolygon")
+      endif
+      call kmlStartRegion(xf, coords(1,:), coords(2,:), coords(3,:), &
+        extrude=extrude, tessellate=tessellate, altitudeMode=altitudeMode, &
+        name=name, fillcolor=fillcolor, fillcolorname=fillcolorname, fillcolorhex=fillcolorhex, &
+        linecolor=linecolor, linecolorname=linecolorname, linecolorhex=linecolorhex, &
+        linewidth=linewidth, description=description, styleURL=styleURL)
+    else
+      call FoX_error("coords array first dimension is wrong in kmlStartPolygon - must be 2 or 3")
+    endif
+  end subroutine kmlStartPolygon_2d_sp
+  subroutine kmlStartPolygon_1d_dp(xf, longitude, latitude, altitude, &
+    extrude, tessellate, altitudeMode, &
+    name, fillcolor, fillcolorname, fillcolorhex, &
+    linecolor, linecolorname, linecolorhex, linewidth, description, styleURL)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    real(dp), intent(in) :: longitude(:)
+    real(dp), intent(in) :: latitude(:)
+    real(dp), intent(in), optional :: altitude(:)
+    logical, intent(in), optional :: extrude
+    logical, intent(in), optional :: tessellate
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: altitudeMode
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: name
+    type(col), intent(in), optional :: fillcolor
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: fillcolorname
+    character(len=8), intent(in), optional :: fillcolorhex
+    type(col), intent(in), optional :: linecolor
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: linecolorname
+    character(len=8), intent(in), optional :: linecolorhex
+    integer, intent(in), optional :: linewidth
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: description
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: styleURL
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB    
+    integer :: n
+    logical :: needPlacemark, outline, fill
+    n = size(longitude)
+    outline = present(linecolor).or.present(linecolorname).or.present(linecolorhex).or.present(linewidth)
+    fill = present(fillcolor).or.present(fillcolorname).or.present(fillcolorhex)
+    call kmlOpenPlacemark(xf, name=name, description=description)
+    if (fill.or.outline) then
+      call kmlOpenStyle(xf)
+      if (outline) then
+        call kmlCreateLineStyle(xf, color=linecolor, colorname=linecolorname, colorhex=linecolorhex, &
+          width=linewidth)
+      endif
+      if (fill) then
+        call kmlCreatePolygonStyle(xf, color=fillcolor, colorname=fillcolorname, colorhex=fillcolorhex, &
+          fill=fill, outline=outline)
+      endif
+      call kmlCloseStyle(xf)
+    elseif (present(styleUrl)) then
+      call kmlAddStyleUrl(xf, styleUrl)
+    endif
+    call kmlOpenPolygon(xf, extrude=extrude, tessellate=tessellate, altitudeMode=altitudeMode)
+    call kmlOpenOuterBoundaryIs(xf)
+    call kmlCreateLine(xf, longitude, latitude, altitude, closed=.true.)
+    call kmlCloseOuterBoundaryIs(xf)
+    ! Leave polygon unclosed, we might add innerboundaries ...
+  end subroutine kmlStartPolygon_1d_dp
+  subroutine kmlStartPolygon_2d_dp(xf, coords, altitude, extrude, &
+                                   tessellate, altitudeMode, name,&
+                                   fillcolor, fillcolorname, fillcolorhex, &
+                                   linecolor, linecolorname, linecolorhex, &
+                                   linewidth, description, styleURL)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    real(dp), intent(in) :: coords(:,:)
+    real(dp), intent(in), optional :: altitude(:)
+    logical, intent(in), optional :: extrude
+    logical, intent(in), optional :: tessellate
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: altitudeMode
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: name
+    type(col), intent(in), optional :: fillcolor
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: fillcolorname
+    character(len=8), intent(in), optional :: fillcolorhex
+    type(col), intent(in), optional :: linecolor
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: linecolorname
+    character(len=8), intent(in), optional :: linecolorhex
+    integer, intent(in), optional :: linewidth
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: description
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: styleURL
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB    
+    if (size(coords,1)==2) then
+      call kmlStartRegion(xf, coords(1,:), coords(2,:), altitude, &
+        extrude=extrude, tessellate=tessellate, altitudeMode=altitudeMode, &
+        name=name, fillcolor=fillcolor, fillcolorname=fillcolorname, fillcolorhex=fillcolorhex, &
+        linecolor=linecolor, linecolorname=linecolorname, linecolorhex=linecolorhex, &
+        linewidth=linewidth, description=description, styleURL=styleURL)
+    elseif (size(coords,1)==3) then
+      if (present(altitude)) then
+        call FoX_error("Cannot specify 3-dimensional coords with separate altitude in kmlStartPolygon")
+      endif
+      call kmlStartRegion(xf, coords(1,:), coords(2,:), coords(3,:), &
+        extrude=extrude, tessellate=tessellate, altitudeMode=altitudeMode, &
+        name=name, fillcolor=fillcolor, fillcolorname=fillcolorname, fillcolorhex=fillcolorhex, &
+        linecolor=linecolor, linecolorname=linecolorname, linecolorhex=linecolorhex, &
+        linewidth=linewidth, description=description, styleURL=styleURL)
+    else
+      call FoX_error("coords array first dimension is wrong in kmlStartPolygon - must be 2 or 3")
+    endif
+  end subroutine kmlStartPolygon_2d_dp
+  subroutine kmlAddInnerBoundary_1d_sp(xf, longitude, latitude, altitude)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    real(sp), intent(in) :: longitude(:)
+    real(sp), intent(in) :: latitude(:)
+    real(sp), intent(in), optional :: altitude(:)
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    integer :: n
+    n = size(longitude)
+    if (xmlf_OpenTag(xf)/="Polygon") then
+      call FoX_error("Can only add an inner boundary inside a polygon")
+    endif
+    call kmlOpenInnerBoundaryIs(xf)
+    call kmlCreateLine(xf, longitude, latitude, altitude, closed=.true.)
+    call kmlCloseInnerBoundaryIs(xf)
+  end subroutine kmlAddInnerBoundary_1d_sp
+  subroutine kmlAddInnerBoundary_2d_sp(xf, coords, altitude)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    real(sp), intent(in) :: coords(:,:)
+    real(sp), intent(in), optional :: altitude(:)
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB    
+    if (size(coords,1)==2) then
+      call kmlAddInnerBoundary(xf, coords(1,:), coords(2,:), altitude)
+    elseif (size(coords,1)==3) then
+      if (present(altitude)) then
+        call FoX_error("Cannot specify 3-dimensional coords with separate altitude in kmlAddInnerBoundary")
+      endif
+      call kmlAddInnerBoundary(xf, coords(1,:), coords(2,:), coords(3,:))
+    else
+      call FoX_error("coords array first dimension is wrong in kmlAddInnerBoundary - must be 2 or 3")
+    endif
+  end subroutine kmlAddInnerBoundary_2d_sp
+  subroutine kmlAddInnerBoundary_1d_dp(xf, longitude, latitude, altitude)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    real(dp), intent(in) :: longitude(:)
+    real(dp), intent(in) :: latitude(:)
+    real(dp), intent(in), optional :: altitude(:)
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB    
+    integer :: n
+    n = size(longitude)
+    if (xmlf_OpenTag(xf)/="Polygon") then
+      call FoX_error("Can only add an inner boundary inside a polygon")
+    endif
+    call kmlOpenInnerBoundaryIs(xf)
+    call kmlCreateLine(xf, longitude, latitude, altitude, closed=.true.)
+    call kmlCloseInnerBoundaryIs(xf)
+  end subroutine kmlAddInnerBoundary_1d_dp
+  subroutine kmlAddInnerBoundary_2d_dp(xf, coords, altitude)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    real(dp), intent(in) :: coords(:,:)
+    real(dp), intent(in), optional :: altitude(:)
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    if (size(coords,1)==2) then
+      call kmlAddInnerBoundary(xf, coords(1,:), coords(2,:), altitude)
+    elseif (size(coords,1)==3) then
+      if (present(altitude)) then
+        call FoX_error("Cannot specify 3-dimensional coords with separate altitude in kmlAddInnerBoundary")
+      endif
+      call kmlAddInnerBoundary(xf, coords(1,:), coords(2,:), coords(3,:))
+    else
+      call FoX_error("coords array first dimension is wrong in kmlAddInnerBoundary - must be 2 or 3")
+    endif
+  end subroutine kmlAddInnerBoundary_2d_dp
+  subroutine kmlEndRegion(xf)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    call kmlClosePolygon(xf)
+    call kmlClosePlacemark(xf)
+  end subroutine kmlEndRegion
+end module m_wkml_features
diff --git a/wkml/m_wkml_lowlevel.F90 b/wkml/m_wkml_lowlevel.F90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..749bebf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/m_wkml_lowlevel.F90
@@ -0,0 +1,1611 @@
+module m_wkml_lowlevel
+#ifdef DUMMYLIB
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xmlf_t
+  use m_common_error
+  use fox_m_fsys_realtypes
+  use FoX_wxml
+  use FoX_common
+  use FoX_utils, only: URI, parseURI, expressURI, destroyURI
+  implicit none
+  private
+  ! Subroutines public to users of FoX_wkml (rexported in that module)
+  public kmlOpenDocument
+  public kmlOpenFolder
+  public kmlCloseFolder
+  public kmlCloseDocument
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+  ! Subroutines public inside wkml for kmlAdd
+  public kmlAddname,kmlAddopen,kmlAddoutline,kmlAddextrude, &
+    kmlAddfill,kmlAddvisibility,kmlAddtessellate,kmlAddrefreshVisibility,kmlAddflyToView,kmlAddaddress,kmlAddphoneNumber,  &
+    kmlAdddescription,kmlAdddescription_ch,kmlAdddescription_sp,kmlAdddescription_dp,&
+    kmlAddaltitudeMode,kmlAddrefreshMode,kmlAddviewrefreshMode,kmlAddviewRefreshTime,&
+    kmlAddbegin,kmlAddend,kmlAddcolorMode,kmlAddmessage,kmlAddcookie,kmlAddlinkName, &
+    kmlAddlinkDescription, &
+    kmlAdddrawOrder,kmlAddsouth,kmlAddeast,kmlAddwest,kmlAddheading,kmlAddhref,kmlAddkey,kmlAddlongitude,kmlAddlatitude, &
+    kmlAddaltitude,kmlAddminRefreshPeriod,kmlAddlistItemType,kmlAddmaxAltitude,kmlAddminAltitude,kmlAddminLodPixels, &
+    kmlAddmaxLodPixels,kmlAddminFadeExtent,kmlAddmaxFadeExtent,kmlAddrange,kmlAddtilt,kmlAddroll,kmlAddrequest,kmlAddrotation, &
+    kmlAddscale,kmlAddtargetHref,kmlAddviewBoundScale,kmlAddwhen,kmlAddwidth, & 
+    kmlAddIcon_href,kmlAddIcon_refresh,kmlAddIcon_view, kmlAddStyleURL
+  public :: kmlAddCoordinates
+  ! Subroutines public inside wkml for kmlOpen and kmlClose
+  public kmlOpencoordinates,kmlClosecoordinates,kmlOpenItemIcon,kmlCloseItemIcon,kmlAddstate, &
+    kmlOpenAddressDetail,kmlCloseAddressDetail, kmlOpenChange,kmlCloseChange, &
+    kmlOpenContainer,kmlCloseContainer,kmlOpenCreate,kmlCloseCreate,kmlOpenDelete,kmlCloseDelete, &
+    kmlOpenFeature,kmlCloseFeature,kmlOpenGeometry,kmlCloseGeometry, &
+    kmlOpenGeometryCollection,kmlCloseGeometryCollection,kmlOpenGroundOverlay,kmlCloseGroundOverlay,kmlOpenIcon,kmlCloseIcon, &
+    kmlOpenLatLonAltBox,kmlCloseLatLonAltBox,kmlOpenLatLonBox,kmlCloseLatLonBox, &  
+    kmlOpenLink,kmlCloseLink,kmlOpenLocation,kmlCloseLocation,kmlOpenLod,kmlCloseLod,kmlOpenLookAt,kmlCloseLookAt, &
+    kmlOpenModel,kmlCloseModel,kmlOpenMultiGeometry,kmlCloseMultiGeometry,kmlOpenNetworkLink,kmlCloseNetworkLink, &
+    kmlOpenNetworkLinkControl,kmlCloseNetworkLinkControl,kmlOpenObject,kmlCloseObject,kmlOpenObjArrayField,kmlCloseObjArrayField, &
+    kmlOpenObjField,kmlCloseObjField,kmlOpenOrientation,kmlCloseOrientation,kmlOpenOverlay,kmlCloseOverlay, &
+    kmlOpenPair,kmlClosePair,kmlOpenPlacemark,kmlClosePlacemark,kmlOpenPoint,kmlClosePoint, &
+    kmlOpenRegion,kmlCloseRegion,kmlOpenResponse,kmlCloseResponse,kmlOpenScale,kmlCloseScale, &
+    kmlOpenSchema,kmlCloseSchema,kmlOpenSchemaField,kmlCloseSchemaField,kmlOpenScreenOverlay,kmlCloseScreenOverlay, &  
+    kmlOpenSimpleArrayField,kmlCloseSimpleArrayField,kmlOpenSimpleField,kmlCloseSimpleField,kmlOpenSnippet,kmlCloseSnippet, &
+    kmlOpenStatus,kmlCloseStatus,kmlOpenTimePrimitive,kmlCloseTimePrimitive,kmlOpenTimeSpan,kmlCloseTimeSpan,kmlOpenTimeStamp, &
+    kmlCloseTimeStamp,kmlOpenUpdate,kmlCloseUpdate,kmlOpenUrl,kmlCloseUrl
+  ! kmlAdddescription support more data type
+  interface kmlAdddescription
+    module procedure kmlAdddescription_ch
+    module procedure kmlAdddescription_sp
+    module procedure kmlAdddescription_dp
+  end interface
+  interface kmlAddlongitude
+    module procedure kmlAddlongitude_dp
+    module procedure kmlAddlongitude_sp
+  end interface
+  interface kmlAddlatitude
+    module procedure kmlAddlatitude_dp
+    module procedure kmlAddlatitude_sp
+  end interface
+  interface kmlAddCoordinates
+    module procedure kmlAddCoordinates_sp
+    module procedure kmlAddCoordinates_dp
+    module procedure kmlAddCoordinates_array_sp
+    module procedure kmlAddCoordinates_array_dp
+  end interface kmlAddCoordinates
+  interface kmlAddScale
+    module procedure kmlAddScale_int
+    module procedure kmlAddScale_sp
+    module procedure kmlAddScale_dp
+  end interface kmlAddScale
+  public :: kmlOpenInnerBoundaryIs, kmlCloseInnerBoundaryIs
+  public :: kmlOpenOuterBoundaryIs, kmlCloseOuterBoundaryIs
+  public :: kmlOpenLineString, kmlCloseLineString
+  public :: kmlOpenLinearRing, kmlCloseLinearRing
+  public :: kmlOpenPolygon, kmlClosePolygon
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+  subroutine kmlAddNamespace(xf, prefix, URI)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: prefix
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: URI
+    if (xmlf_OpenTag(xf) /= "") &
+      call FoX_error("Cannot do kmlAddNamespace after document output")
+    call xml_DeclareNamespace(xf, URI, prefix)
+  end subroutine kmlAddNamespace
+  subroutine kmlAddname(xf, name)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    character(len=*), intent(in) ::  name
+    call xml_NewElement(xf, 'name')
+    call xml_AddCharacters(xf, name)
+    call xml_EndElement(xf, 'name')
+  end subroutine kmlAddname
+  subroutine kmlAddopen(xf, folderopen)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    logical, intent(in) :: folderopen
+    character :: f
+    f = merge('1', '0', folderopen)
+    call xml_NewElement(xf, 'open')
+    call xml_AddCharacters(xf, f)
+    call xml_EndElement(xf, 'open')
+  end subroutine kmlAddopen
+  subroutine kmlAddoutline(xf, outline)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    logical, intent(in) :: outline
+    character :: o
+    o = merge('1', '0', outline)
+    call xml_NewElement(xf, 'outline')
+    call xml_AddCharacters(xf, outline)
+    call xml_EndElement(xf, 'outline')
+  end subroutine kmlAddoutline
+  subroutine kmlAddextrude(xf, extrude)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    logical, intent(in) :: extrude
+    character :: e
+    e = merge('1', '0', extrude)
+    call xml_NewElement(xf, 'extrude')
+    call xml_AddCharacters(xf, e)
+    call xml_EndElement(xf, 'extrude')
+  end subroutine kmlAddextrude
+  subroutine kmlAddfill(xf, fill)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    logical, intent(in) :: fill
+    character :: f
+    f = merge('1', '0', fill)
+    call xml_NewElement(xf, 'fill')
+    call xml_AddCharacters(xf, f)
+    call xml_EndElement(xf, 'fill')
+  end subroutine kmlAddfill
+  subroutine kmlAddvisibility(xf, visibility)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    logical, intent(in) :: visibility
+    character :: v
+    v = merge('1', '0', visibility)
+    call xml_NewElement(xf, 'visibility')
+    call xml_AddCharacters(xf, v)
+    call xml_EndElement(xf, 'visibility')
+  end subroutine kmlAddvisibility
+  subroutine kmlAddtessellate(xf, tessellate)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    logical, intent(in) :: tessellate
+    character :: t
+    t = merge('1', '0', tessellate)
+    call xml_NewElement(xf, 'tessellate')
+    call xml_AddCharacters(xf, t)
+    call xml_EndElement(xf, 'tessellate')
+  end subroutine kmlAddtessellate
+  subroutine kmlAddrefreshVisibility(xf, rvisibility)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    character(len=1), intent(in) :: rvisibility
+    call xml_NewElement(xf,'refreshVisibility')
+    call xml_AddCharacters(xf,rvisibility)
+    call xml_EndElement(xf,'refreshVisibility')
+  end subroutine kmlAddrefreshVisibility
+  subroutine kmlAddflyToView(xf, flytoview)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    character(len=1), intent(in) :: flytoview
+    call xml_NewElement(xf,'flyToView')
+    call xml_AddCharacters(xf,flytoview)
+    call xml_EndElement(xf,'flyToView')
+  end subroutine kmlAddflyToView
+  subroutine kmlAddaddress(xf, address)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: address
+    call xml_NewElement(xf,'address')
+    call xml_AddCharacters(xf,address)
+    call xml_EndElement(xf,'address')
+  end subroutine kmlAddaddress
+  subroutine kmlAddphoneNumber(xf, phone)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: phone
+    call xml_NewElement(xf,'phoneNumber')
+    call xml_AddCharacters(xf,phone)
+    call xml_EndElement(xf,'phoneNumber')
+  end subroutine kmlAddphoneNumber
+  !input as string
+  subroutine kmlAdddescription_ch(xf, description)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: description
+    call xml_NewElement(xf,'description')
+    call xml_AddCharacters(xf,description)
+    call xml_EndElement(xf,'description')
+  end subroutine kmlAdddescription_ch
+  ! input as real and convert to string using wxml_common function str
+  subroutine kmlAdddescription_sp(xf, description2)
+    use Fox_wxml
+    use FoX_common
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    real, intent(in) :: description2
+    call xml_NewElement(xf,'description')
+    !           call xml_AddCharacters(xf,str(description2))
+    call xml_AddCharacters(xf,description2,'r')
+    call xml_EndElement(xf,'description')
+  end subroutine kmlAdddescription_sp
+  ! input as real and convert to string using wxml_common function str
+  subroutine kmlAdddescription_dp(xf, description2)
+    use Fox_wxml
+    use FoX_common
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    double precision, intent(in) :: description2
+    call xml_NewElement(xf,'description')
+    !           call xml_AddCharacters(xf,str(description2))
+    call xml_AddCharacters(xf,description2,'r')
+    call xml_EndElement(xf,'description')
+  end subroutine kmlAdddescription_dp
+  subroutine kmlAddaltitudeMode(xf, altitudemode)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: altitudemode
+    if (altitudemode/='clampToGround' &
+      .and.altitudemode/='relativeToGround' &
+      .and.altitudeMode/='absolute') then
+      call FoX_error('unknown altitudeMode value')
+    endif
+    call xml_NewElement(xf, 'altitudeMode')
+    call xml_AddCharacters(xf, altitudemode)
+    call xml_EndElement(xf,'altitudeMode')
+  end subroutine kmlAddaltitudeMode
+  subroutine kmlAddrefreshMode(xf, refreshmode)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: refreshmode
+    call xml_NewElement(xf,'refreshMode')
+    call xml_AddCharacters(xf,refreshmode)
+    call xml_EndElement(xf,'refreshMode')
+  end subroutine kmlAddrefreshMode
+  subroutine kmlAddrefreshInterval(xf, refreshinterval)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: refreshinterval
+    call xml_NewElement(xf,'refreshInterval')
+    call xml_AddCharacters(xf,refreshinterval)
+    call xml_EndElement(xf,'refreshInterval')
+  end subroutine kmlAddrefreshInterval
+  subroutine kmlAddviewrefreshMode(xf, viewrmode)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: viewrmode
+    call xml_NewElement(xf,'viewRefreshMode')
+    call xml_AddCharacters(xf,viewrmode)
+    call xml_EndElement(xf,'viewRefreshMode')
+  end subroutine kmlAddviewrefreshMode
+  subroutine kmlAddviewRefreshTime(xf, viewrtime)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: viewrtime
+    call xml_NewElement(xf,'viewRefreshTime')
+    call xml_AddCharacters(xf,viewrtime)
+    call xml_EndElement(xf,'viewRefreshTime')
+  end subroutine kmlAddviewRefreshTime
+  !<begin>1876-08-01</begin>
+  subroutine kmlAddbegin(xf, begin)  ! 1984-08-11   date format
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: begin
+    call xml_NewElement(xf,'begin')
+    call xml_AddCharacters(xf,begin)
+    call xml_EndElement(xf,'begin')
+  end subroutine kmlAddbegin
+  !<end>1876-08-01</end>
+  subroutine kmlAddend(xf, enddate)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: enddate
+    call xml_NewElement(xf,'end')
+    call xml_AddCharacters(xf,enddate)
+    call xml_EndElement(xf,'end')
+  end subroutine kmlAddend
+  !<colorMode>normal<colorMode>       <!-- kml:colorModeEnum:normal or random -->
+  subroutine kmlAddcolorMode(xf, colormode)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: colormode
+    if (colorMode/="normal".and.colormode/="random") then
+      call FoX_error("Invalid value for colormode in kmlAddColorMode")
+    endif
+    call xml_NewElement(xf, 'colorMode')
+    call xml_AddCharacters(xf, colormode)
+    call xml_EndElement(xf,'colorMode')
+  end subroutine kmlAddcolorMode
+  ! <message>This is a pop-up message. You will only see this once</message>
+  subroutine kmlAddmessage(xf, message)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: message
+    call xml_NewElement(xf,'message')
+    call xml_AddCharacters(xf,message)
+    call xml_EndElement(xf,'message')
+  end subroutine kmlAddmessage
+  !<cookie>cookie=sometext</cookie>
+  subroutine kmlAddcookie(xf, cookie)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: cookie
+    call xml_NewElement(xf,'cookie')
+    call xml_AddCharacters(xf,cookie)
+    call xml_EndElement(xf,'cookie')
+  end subroutine kmlAddcookie
+  !<linkName>New KML features</linkName>
+  subroutine kmlAddlinkName(xf, linkName)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: linkName
+    call xml_NewElement(xf,'linkName')
+    call xml_AddCharacters(xf,linkName)
+    call xml_EndElement(xf,'linkName')
+  end subroutine kmlAddlinkName
+  !<linkDescription><![CDATA[KML now has new features available!]]></linkDescription>
+  subroutine kmlAddlinkDescription(xf, linkDescription)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: linkDescription
+    call xml_NewElement(xf,'linkDescription')
+    call xml_AddCharacters(xf,linkDescription)
+    call xml_EndElement(xf,'linkDescription')
+  end subroutine kmlAddlinkDescription
+  ! <drawOrder>0</drawOrder>                  <!-- int -->
+  subroutine kmlAdddrawOrder(xf, drawOrder)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    character(len=1), intent(in) :: drawOrder
+    call xml_NewElement(xf,'drawOrder')
+    call xml_AddCharacters(xf,drawOrder)
+    call xml_EndElement(xf,'drawOrder')
+  end subroutine kmlAdddrawOrder
+  !<north>48.25475939255556</north>
+  subroutine kmlAddnorth(xf, north)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: north
+    call xml_NewElement(xf,'north')
+    call xml_AddCharacters(xf,north)
+    call xml_EndElement(xf,'north')
+  end subroutine kmlAddnorth
+  !<south>48.25207367852141</south>
+  subroutine kmlAddsouth(xf, south)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: south
+    call xml_NewElement(xf,'south')
+    call xml_AddCharacters(xf,south)
+    call xml_EndElement(xf,'south')
+  end subroutine kmlAddsouth
+  !<east>-90.86591508839973</east>
+  subroutine kmlAddeast(xf, east)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: east
+    call xml_NewElement(xf,'east')
+    call xml_AddCharacters(xf,east)
+    call xml_EndElement(xf,'east')
+  end subroutine kmlAddeast
+  !<west>-90.8714285289695</west>
+  subroutine kmlAddwest(xf, west)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: west
+    call xml_NewElement(xf,'west')
+    call xml_AddCharacters(xf,west)
+    call xml_EndElement(xf,'west')
+  end subroutine kmlAddwest
+  !<heading>0</heading>  0-180
+  subroutine kmlAddheading(xf, heading)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    real(dp), intent(in) :: heading
+    ! Note that according to the schema the heading 
+    ! is a kml:angle360Type which can be between 
+    ! -360 and 360 degrees. This is not what the 
+    ! google docs say (0 -> 360), but we follow the
+    ! schema here. Also, as this derived from a schema 1.0 
+    ! data type, we need to include the fmt argument to 
+    ! avoid exponentail notation.
+    !
+    ! Schema: http://schemas.opengis.net/kml/2.2.0/ogckml22.xsd
+    ! Google docs: http://code.google.com/apis/kml/documentation/kmlreference.html#iconstyle
+    !
+    if (heading<-360.0_dp.or.heading>360.0_dp) then
+      call FoX_error("invalid value for heading")
+    endif
+    call xml_NewElement(xf, 'heading')
+    call xml_AddCharacters(xf, heading, fmt='r10')
+    call xml_EndElement(xf, 'heading')
+  end subroutine kmlAddheading
+  !<href>C:/Documents and Settings/All Users/Documents/My Pictures/Sample Pictures/Sunset.jpg</href>
+  subroutine kmlAddhref(xf, url)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: url
+    type(URI), pointer :: u
+    call xml_NewElement(xf,'href')
+    u => parseURI(url)
+    if (.not.associated(u)) then
+      call FoX_error("Invalid URI")
+    endif
+    call xml_AddCharacters(xf,expressURI(u))
+    call destroyURI(u)
+    call xml_EndElement(xf,'href')
+  end subroutine kmlAddhref
+  !<key>normal</key>   normal or highlight
+  subroutine kmlAddkey(xf, key)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: key
+    call xml_NewElement(xf,'key')
+    call xml_AddCharacters(xf,key)
+    call xml_EndElement(xf,'key')
+  end subroutine kmlAddkey
+  !<longitude>39.55375305703105</longitude>
+  subroutine kmlAddlongitude_dp(xf, longitude)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    double precision, intent(in) :: longitude
+    !        character(len=*), intent(in) :: longitude
+    call xml_NewElement(xf,'longitude')
+    call xml_AddCharacters(xf,longitude)
+    call xml_EndElement(xf,'longitude')
+  end subroutine kmlAddlongitude_dp
+  !<longitude>39.55375305703105</longitude>
+  subroutine kmlAddlongitude_sp(xf, longitude)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    real, intent(in) :: longitude
+    !        character(len=*), intent(in) :: longitude
+    call xml_NewElement(xf,'longitude')
+    call xml_AddCharacters(xf,longitude)
+    call xml_EndElement(xf,'longitude')
+  end subroutine kmlAddlongitude_sp
+  !<latitude>-118.9813220168456</latitude>
+  subroutine kmlAddlatitude_dp(xf, latitude)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    double precision, intent(in) :: latitude
+    !        character(len=*), intent(in) :: latitude
+    call xml_NewElement(xf,'latitude')
+    call xml_AddCharacters(xf,latitude)
+    call xml_EndElement(xf,'latitude')
+  end subroutine kmlAddlatitude_dp
+  !<latitude>-118.9813220168456</latitude>
+  subroutine kmlAddlatitude_sp(xf, latitude)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    real, intent(in) :: latitude
+    !        character(len=*), intent(in) :: latitude
+    call xml_NewElement(xf,'latitude')
+    call xml_AddCharacters(xf,latitude)
+    call xml_EndElement(xf,'latitude')
+  end subroutine kmlAddlatitude_sp
+  !<altitude>1223</altitude>
+  subroutine kmlAddaltitude(xf, altitude)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: altitude
+    call xml_NewElement(xf,'altitude')
+    call xml_AddCharacters(xf,altitude)
+    call xml_EndElement(xf,'altitude')
+  end subroutine kmlAddaltitude
+  ! seconds default=0
+  subroutine kmlAddminRefreshPeriod(xf, minRefreshPeriod)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: minRefreshPeriod
+    call xml_NewElement(xf,'minRefreshPeriod')
+    call xml_AddCharacters(xf,minRefreshPeriod)
+    call xml_EndElement(xf,'minRefreshPeriod')
+  end subroutine kmlAddminRefreshPeriod
+  !<listItemType>checkHideChildren</listItemType>
+  subroutine kmlAddlistItemType(xf, listItemType)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: listItemType
+    call xml_NewElement(xf,'listItemType')
+    call xml_AddCharacters(xf,listItemType)
+    call xml_EndElement(xf,'listItemType')
+  end subroutine kmlAddlistItemType
+  !<maxAltitude>0</maxAltitude>
+  !Defaults to 0; specified in meters above sea level (and is affected by the <altitudeMode> specification)
+  subroutine kmlAddmaxAltitude(xf, maxAltitude)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: maxAltitude
+    call xml_NewElement(xf,'maxAltitude')
+    call xml_AddCharacters(xf,maxAltitude)
+    call xml_EndElement(xf,'maxAltitude')
+  end subroutine kmlAddmaxAltitude
+  !<minAltitude>0</minAltitude>
+  subroutine kmlAddminAltitude(xf, minAltitude)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: minAltitude
+    call xml_NewElement(xf,'minAltitude')
+    call xml_AddCharacters(xf,minAltitude)
+    call xml_EndElement(xf,'minAltitude')
+  end subroutine kmlAddminAltitude
+  !<minLodPixels>128</minLodPixels>
+  !<minLodPixels> (default = 0) Measurement in screen pixels that represents the minimum limit 
+  !of the visibility range for a given Region. Google Earth calculates the size of the Region
+  ! when projected onto screen space. Then it computes the square root of the Region's area
+  ! (if, for example, the Region is square and the viewpoint is directly above the Region,
+  ! and the Region is not tilted, this measurement is equal to the width of the projected
+  ! Region). If this measurement falls within the limits defined by <minLodPixels> and 
+  !<maxLodPixels> (and if the <LatLonAltBox> is in view), the Region is active. If
+  ! this limit is not reached, the associated geometry is considered to be too far 
+  !from the user's viewpoint to be drawn.
+  subroutine kmlAddminLodPixels(xf, minLodPixels)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: minLodPixels
+    call xml_NewElement(xf,'minLodPixels')
+    call xml_AddCharacters(xf,minLodPixels)
+    call xml_EndElement(xf,'minLodPixels')
+  end subroutine kmlAddminLodPixels
+  !<maxLodPixels>1024</maxLodPixels>
+  !<maxLodPixels> (default = -1) Measurement in screen pixels that represents the maximum 
+  !limit of the visibility range for a given Region.
+  subroutine kmlAddmaxLodPixels(xf, maxLodPixels)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: maxLodPixels
+    call xml_NewElement(xf,'maxLodPixels')
+    call xml_AddCharacters(xf,maxLodPixels)
+    call xml_EndElement(xf,'maxLodPixels')
+  end subroutine kmlAddmaxLodPixels
+  !<minFadeExtent>128</minFadeExtent>
+  !minFadeExtent> (default = 0) Distance over which the geometry fades, from fully opaque to fully transparent. This ramp value, expressed in screen pixels, is applied at the minimum end of the LOD (visibility) limits.
+  subroutine kmlAddminFadeExtent(xf, minFadeExtent)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: minFadeExtent
+    call xml_NewElement(xf,'minFadeExtent')
+    call xml_AddCharacters(xf,minFadeExtent)
+    call xml_EndElement(xf,'minFadeExtent')
+  end subroutine kmlAddminFadeExtent
+  !<maxFadeExtent>128</maxFadeExtent>
+  !<maxFadeExtent> (default = 0) Distance over which the geometry fades, from fully transparent to fully opaque. This ramp value, expressed in screen pixels, is applied at the maximum end of the LOD (visibility) limits.
+  subroutine kmlAddmaxFadeExtent(xf, maxFadeExtent)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: maxFadeExtent
+    call xml_NewElement(xf,'maxFadeExtent')
+    call xml_AddCharacters(xf,maxFadeExtent)
+    call xml_EndElement(xf,'maxFadeExtent')
+  end subroutine kmlAddmaxFadeExtent
+  !<range>500</range>
+  subroutine kmlAddrange(xf, range1)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: range1
+    call xml_NewElement(xf,'range')
+    call xml_AddCharacters(xf,range1)
+    call xml_EndElement(xf,'range')
+  end subroutine kmlAddrange
+  !<tilt>45</tilt>
+  subroutine kmlAddtilt(xf, tilt)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: tilt
+    call xml_NewElement(xf,'tilt')
+    call xml_AddCharacters(xf,tilt)
+    call xml_EndElement(xf,'tilt')
+  end subroutine kmlAddtilt
+  !<roll>0</roll>          <!-- kml:angle360 -->
+  subroutine kmlAddroll(xf, roll)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: roll
+    call xml_NewElement(xf,'roll')
+    call xml_AddCharacters(xf,roll)
+    call xml_EndElement(xf,'roll')
+  end subroutine kmlAddroll
+  !<request>geocode</request>  !currently, it is geocode
+  subroutine kmlAddrequest(xf, geocode)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: geocode
+    call xml_NewElement(xf,'request')
+    call xml_AddCharacters(xf,geocode)
+    call xml_EndElement(xf,'request')
+  end subroutine kmlAddrequest
+  !<rotation>39.37878630116985</rotation>
+  !Indicates the angle of rotation of the parent object. A value of 0 means no rotation.
+  ! The value is an angle in degrees counterclockwise starting from north. Use ±180 to
+  ! indicate the rotation of the parent object from 0. The center of the <rotation>, 
+  !if not (.5,.5), is specified in <rotationXY>.
+  subroutine kmlAddrotation(xf, rotation)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: rotation
+    call xml_NewElement(xf,'rotation')
+    call xml_AddCharacters(xf,rotation)
+    call xml_EndElement(xf,'rotation')
+  end subroutine kmlAddrotation
+  subroutine kmlAddScale_int(xf, scale)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    integer, intent(in) :: scale
+    call xml_NewElement(xf, 'scale')
+    call xml_AddCharacters(xf, scale)
+    call xml_EndElement(xf, 'scale')
+  end subroutine kmlAddScale_int
+  subroutine kmlAddScale_sp(xf, scale)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    real(sp), intent(in) :: scale
+    call xml_NewElement(xf, 'scale')
+    call xml_AddCharacters(xf, str(scale, "r"))
+    call xml_EndElement(xf, 'scale')
+  end subroutine kmlAddScale_sp
+  subroutine kmlAddScale_dp(xf, scale)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    real(dp), intent(in) :: scale
+    call xml_NewElement(xf, 'scale')
+    call xml_AddCharacters(xf, str(scale, "r"))
+    call xml_EndElement(xf, 'scale')
+  end subroutine kmlAddScale_dp
+  !<targetHref>http://www/~sam/January14Data/Point.kml</targetHref>
+  subroutine kmlAddtargetHref(xf, targetHref)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: targetHref
+    call xml_NewElement(xf,'targetHref')
+    call xml_AddCharacters(xf,targetHref)
+    call xml_EndElement(xf,'targetHref')
+  end subroutine kmlAddtargetHref
+  !<viewBoundScale>
+  !Scales the BBOX parameters before sending them to the server. Default = 1. A value < 1 specifies to use less than the full view (screen). A value >1 specifies to fetch an area that extends beyond the edges of the current view.
+  subroutine kmlAddviewBoundScale(xf, viewBoundScale)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: viewBoundScale
+    call xml_NewElement(xf,'viewBoundScale')
+    call xml_AddCharacters(xf,viewBoundScale)
+    call xml_EndElement(xf,'viewBoundScale')
+  end subroutine kmlAddviewBoundScale
+  !<when>1997</when>
+  !<when>1997-07</when>
+  !<when>1997-07-16</when>
+  !<when>1997-07-16T07:30:15Z</when>
+  !<when>1997-07-16T10:30:15+03:00</when>
+  subroutine kmlAddwhen(xf, when)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: when
+    call xml_NewElement(xf,'when')
+    call xml_AddCharacters(xf,when)
+    call xml_EndElement(xf,'when')
+  end subroutine kmlAddwhen
+  subroutine kmlAddwidth(xf, width)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    integer, intent(in) :: width
+    call xml_NewElement(xf, 'width')
+    call xml_AddCharacters(xf, width)
+    call xml_EndElement(xf, 'width')
+  end subroutine kmlAddwidth
+  !<coordinates>-90.86948943473118,48.25450093195546</coordinates>
+  !A single tuple consisting of floating point values for longitude, 
+  !latitude, and altitude (in that order). Longitude and latitude 
+  !values are in degrees, where longitude ≥ -180 and <= 180 latitude 
+  ! ≥ -90 and ≤ 90 altitude values (optional) are in meters above 
+  !sea level Do not include spaces between the three values that describe a coordinate.
+  subroutine kmlAddcoordinates_sp(xf, x, y, z)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    real(sp), intent(in) :: x,y
+    real(sp), intent(in), optional :: z
+    call xml_NewElement(xf, 'coordinates')
+    call xml_AddCharacters(xf, x, 'r6')
+    call xml_AddCharacters(xf, ',')
+    call xml_AddCharacters(xf, y, 'r6')
+    if (present(z)) then
+      call xml_AddCharacters(xf, ',')
+      call xml_AddCharacters(xf, z, 'r6')
+    endif
+    call xml_EndElement(xf, 'coordinates')
+  end subroutine kmlAddcoordinates_sp
+  subroutine kmlAddcoordinates_dp(xf, x, y, z)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    real(dp), intent(in) :: x,y
+    real(dp), intent(in), optional :: z
+    call xml_NewElement(xf, 'coordinates')
+    call xml_AddCharacters(xf, x, 'r6')
+    call xml_AddCharacters(xf, ',')
+    call xml_AddCharacters(xf, y, 'r6')
+    if (present(z)) then
+      call xml_AddCharacters(xf, ',')
+      call xml_AddCharacters(xf, z, 'r6')
+    endif
+    call xml_EndElement(xf,'coordinates')
+  end subroutine kmlAddcoordinates_dp
+  subroutine kmlAddIcon_href(xf, url,id)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: url
+    call xml_NewElement(xf,'Icon')
+    if (present(id)) call xml_AddAttribute(xf,'id', id)
+    call kmlAddhref(xf,url)
+    call xml_EndElement(xf,'Icon')
+  end subroutine kmlAddIcon_href
+  subroutine kmlAddIcon_refresh(xf, url, rmode, rinterval,id)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: url, rmode, rinterval
+    call xml_NewElement(xf,'Icon')
+    if (present(id)) call xml_AddAttribute(xf,'id', id)
+    call kmlAddhref(xf,url)
+    call kmlAddrefreshMode(xf,rmode)
+    call kmlAddrefreshInterval(xf,rinterval)
+    call xml_EndElement(xf,'Icon')
+  end subroutine kmlAddIcon_refresh
+  subroutine kmlAddIcon_view(xf, url, rmode, rinterval,vrmode, vrtime, vbscale,id)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: url, rmode, rinterval,vrmode, vrtime,vbscale
+    call xml_NewElement(xf,'Icon')
+    if (present(id)) call xml_AddAttribute(xf,'id', id)
+    call kmlAddhref(xf,url)
+    call kmlAddrefreshMode(xf,rmode)
+    call kmlAddrefreshInterval(xf,rinterval)
+    call kmlAddviewRefreshMode(xf,vrmode)
+    call kmlAddviewRefreshTime(xf,vrtime)
+    call kmlAddviewBoundScale(xf, vbscale)
+    call xml_EndElement(xf,'Icon')
+  end subroutine kmlAddIcon_view
+  subroutine kmlOpencoordinates(xf)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    call xml_NewElement(xf,'coordinates')
+  end subroutine kmlOpencoordinates
+  subroutine kmlClosecoordinates(xf)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    call xml_EndElement(xf,'coordinates')
+  end subroutine kmlClosecoordinates
+  subroutine kmlOpenItemIcon(xf)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    call xml_NewElement(xf,'ItemIcon')
+  end subroutine kmlOpenItemIcon
+  subroutine kmlCloseItemIcon(xf)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    call xml_EndElement(xf,'ItemIcon')
+  end subroutine kmlCloseItemIcon
+  !<state> - specifies the current state of the NetworkLink or Folder. Possible values are open, closed, error, fetching0, fetching1, and fetching2. These values can be combined by inserting a space between two values (no comma).
+  !<!-- kml:itemIconModeEnum:open, closed, error, fetching0, fetching1, or fetching2 -->
+  subroutine kmlAddstate(xf, state)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: state
+    call xml_NewElement(xf,'state')
+    call xml_AddCharacters(xf,state)
+    call xml_EndElement(xf,'state')
+  end subroutine kmlAddstate
+  subroutine kmlOpenAddressDetail(xf,id)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
+    call xml_NewElement(xf,'AddressDetail')
+    if (present(id)) call xml_AddAttribute(xf,'id', id)
+  end subroutine kmlOpenAddressDetail
+  subroutine kmlCloseAddressDetail(xf)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    call xml_EndElement(xf,'AddressDetail')
+  end subroutine kmlCloseAddressDetail
+  subroutine kmlOpenChange(xf,id)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
+    call xml_NewElement(xf,'Change')
+    if (present(id)) call xml_AddAttribute(xf,'id', id)
+  end subroutine kmlOpenChange
+  subroutine kmlCloseChange(xf)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    call xml_EndElement(xf,'Change')
+  end subroutine kmlCloseChange
+  subroutine kmlOpenContainer(xf,id)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
+    call xml_NewElement(xf,'Container')
+    if (present(id)) call xml_AddAttribute(xf,'id', id)
+  end subroutine kmlOpenContainer
+  subroutine kmlCloseContainer(xf)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    call xml_EndElement(xf,'Container')
+  end subroutine kmlCloseContainer
+  subroutine kmlOpenCreate(xf,id)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
+    call xml_NewElement(xf,'Create')
+    if (present(id)) call xml_AddAttribute(xf,'id', id)
+  end subroutine kmlOpenCreate
+  subroutine kmlCloseCreate(xf)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    call xml_EndElement(xf,'Create')
+  end subroutine kmlCloseCreate
+  subroutine kmlOpenDelete(xf,id)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
+    call xml_NewElement(xf,'Delete')
+    if (present(id)) call xml_AddAttribute(xf,'id', id)
+  end subroutine kmlOpenDelete
+  subroutine kmlCloseDelete(xf)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    call xml_EndElement(xf,'Delete')
+  end subroutine kmlCloseDelete
+  subroutine kmlOpenDocument(xf,name,id)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    character(len=*), intent(in):: name
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    call xml_NewElement(xf,'Document')
+    if (present(id)) call xml_AddAttribute(xf,'id', id)
+    call kmladdname(xf,name)
+  end subroutine kmlOpenDocument
+  subroutine kmlCloseDocument(xf)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    call xml_EndElement(xf,'Document')
+  end subroutine kmlCloseDocument
+  subroutine kmlOpenFolder(xf,id,name)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional:: name
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    call xml_NewElement(xf,'Folder')
+    if (present(id)) call xml_AddAttribute(xf,'id', id)
+    if (present(name)) then
+      call kmladdname(xf,name)
+    end if
+  end subroutine kmlOpenFolder
+  subroutine kmlCloseFolder(xf)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    call xml_EndElement(xf,'Folder')
+  end subroutine kmlCloseFolder
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+  subroutine kmlOpenFeature(xf,id)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
+    call xml_NewElement(xf,'Feature')
+    if (present(id)) call xml_AddAttribute(xf,'id', id)
+  end subroutine kmlOpenFeature
+  subroutine kmlCloseFeature(xf)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    call xml_EndElement(xf,'Feature')
+  end subroutine kmlCloseFeature
+  subroutine kmlOpenGeometry(xf,id)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
+    call xml_NewElement(xf,'Geometry')
+    if (present(id)) call xml_AddAttribute(xf,'id', id)
+  end subroutine kmlOpenGeometry
+  subroutine kmlCloseGeometry(xf)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    call xml_EndElement(xf,'Geometry')
+  end subroutine kmlCloseGeometry
+  subroutine kmlOpenGeometryCollection(xf,id)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
+    call xml_NewElement(xf,'GeometryCollection')
+    if (present(id)) call xml_AddAttribute(xf,'id', id)
+  end subroutine kmlOpenGeometryCollection
+  subroutine kmlCloseGeometryCollection(xf)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    call xml_EndElement(xf,'GeometryCollection')
+  end subroutine kmlCloseGeometryCollection
+  subroutine kmlOpenGroundOverlay(xf,id)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
+    call xml_NewElement(xf,'GroundOverlay')
+    if (present(id)) call xml_AddAttribute(xf,'id', id)
+  end subroutine kmlOpenGroundOverlay
+  subroutine kmlCloseGroundOverlay(xf)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    call xml_EndElement(xf,'GroundOverlay')
+  end subroutine kmlCloseGroundOverlay
+  subroutine kmlOpenIcon(xf,id)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
+    call xml_NewElement(xf,'Icon')
+    if (present(id)) call xml_AddAttribute(xf,'id', id)
+  end subroutine kmlOpenIcon
+  subroutine kmlCloseIcon(xf)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    call xml_EndElement(xf,'Icon')
+  end subroutine kmlCloseIcon
+  subroutine kmlOpenLatLonAltBox(xf,id)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
+    call xml_NewElement(xf,'LatLonAltBox')
+    if (present(id)) call xml_AddAttribute(xf,'id', id)
+  end subroutine kmlOpenLatLonAltBox
+  subroutine kmlCloseLatLonAltBox(xf)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    call xml_EndElement(xf,'LatLonAltBox')
+  end subroutine kmlCloseLatLonAltBox
+  subroutine kmlOpenLatLonBox(xf,id)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
+    call xml_NewElement(xf,'LatLonBox')
+    if (present(id)) call xml_AddAttribute(xf,'id', id)
+  end subroutine kmlOpenLatLonBox
+  subroutine kmlCloseLatLonBox(xf)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    call xml_EndElement(xf,'LatLonBox')
+  end subroutine kmlCloseLatLonBox
+  !<styleUrl>#myIconStyleID</styleUrl>
+  !<styleUrl>http://someserver.com/somestylefile.xml#restaurant</styleUrl>
+  subroutine kmlAddstyleUrl(xf, styleUrl)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: styleUrl
+    call xml_NewElement(xf, 'styleUrl')
+    call xml_AddCharacters(xf, styleUrl)
+    call xml_EndElement(xf, 'styleUrl')
+  end subroutine kmlAddstyleUrl
+  subroutine kmlAddCoordinates_array_sp(xf, x, y, z, repeat)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    real(sp), intent(in) :: x(:)
+    real(sp), intent(in) :: y(:)
+    real(sp), intent(in), optional :: z(:)
+    logical, intent(in), optional :: repeat
+    integer :: nodes, i
+    logical :: repeat_
+    if (present(repeat)) then
+      repeat_ = repeat
+    else
+      repeat_ = .false.
+    endif
+    nodes = size(x)
+    if (nodes/=size(y)) then
+      call FoX_error("Inconsistent array lengths in kmlAddCoordinates")
+    endif
+    if (present(z)) then
+      if (nodes/=size(z)) then
+        call FoX_error("Inconsistent array lengths in kmlAddCoordinates")
+      endif
+    endif
+    call xml_NewElement(xf, 'coordinates')
+    call xml_AddNewline(xf)
+    do i = 1, nodes
+      call xml_AddCharacters(xf, str(x(i), 'r6')//','//str(y(i), 'r6'))
+      if (present(z)) then
+        call xml_AddCharacters(xf, ','//str(z(i), 'r6'))
+      end if
+      call xml_AddNewline(xf)
+    end do
+    if (repeat_) then
+      call xml_AddCharacters(xf, str(x(1), 'r6')//','//str(y(1), 'r6'))
+      if (present(z)) then
+        call xml_AddCharacters(xf, ','//str(z(1), 'r6'))
+      end if
+      call xml_AddNewline(xf)
+    endif
+    call xml_EndElement(xf, 'coordinates')
+  end subroutine kmlAddCoordinates_array_sp
+  subroutine kmlAddCoordinates_array_dp(xf, x, y, z, repeat)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    real(dp), intent(in) :: x(:)
+    real(dp), intent(in) :: y(:)
+    real(dp), intent(in), optional :: z(:)
+    logical, intent(in), optional :: repeat
+    integer :: nodes, i
+    logical :: repeat_
+    if (present(repeat)) then
+      repeat_ = repeat
+    else
+      repeat_ = .false.
+    endif
+    nodes = size(x)
+    if (nodes/=size(y)) then
+      call FoX_error("Inconsistent array lengths in kmlAddCoordinates")
+    endif
+    if (present(z)) then
+      if (nodes/=size(z)) then
+        call FoX_error("Inconsistent array lengths in kmlAddCoordinates")
+      endif
+    endif
+    call xml_NewElement(xf, 'coordinates')
+    call xml_AddNewline(xf)
+    do i = 1, nodes
+      call xml_AddCharacters(xf, str(x(i), 'r6')//','//str(y(i), 'r6'))
+      if (present(z)) then
+        call xml_AddCharacters(xf, ','//str(z(i), 'r6'))
+      end if
+      call xml_AddNewline(xf)
+    end do
+    if (repeat_) then
+      call xml_AddCharacters(xf, str(x(1), 'r6')//','//str(y(1), 'r6'))
+      if (present(z)) then
+        call xml_AddCharacters(xf, ','//str(z(1), 'r6'))
+      end if
+      call xml_AddNewline(xf)
+    endif
+    call xml_EndElement(xf, 'coordinates')
+  end subroutine kmlAddCoordinates_array_dp
+  subroutine kmlOpenLink(xf,id)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
+    call xml_NewElement(xf,'Link')
+    if (present(id)) call xml_AddAttribute(xf,'id', id)
+  end subroutine kmlOpenLink
+  subroutine kmlCloseLink(xf)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    call xml_EndElement(xf,'Link')
+  end subroutine kmlCloseLink
+  subroutine kmlOpenLocation(xf,id)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
+    call xml_NewElement(xf,'Location')
+    if (present(id)) call xml_AddAttribute(xf,'id', id)
+  end subroutine kmlOpenLocation
+  subroutine kmlCloseLocation(xf)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    call xml_EndElement(xf,'Location')
+  end subroutine kmlCloseLocation
+  subroutine kmlOpenLod(xf,id)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
+    call xml_NewElement(xf,'Lod')
+    if (present(id)) call xml_AddAttribute(xf,'id', id)
+  end subroutine kmlOpenLod
+  subroutine kmlCloseLod(xf)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    call xml_EndElement(xf,'Lod')
+  end subroutine kmlCloseLod
+  subroutine kmlOpenLookAt(xf,id)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
+    call xml_NewElement(xf,'LookAt')
+    if (present(id)) call xml_AddAttribute(xf,'id', id)
+  end subroutine kmlOpenLookAt
+  subroutine kmlCloseLookAt(xf)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    call xml_EndElement(xf,'LookAt')
+  end subroutine kmlCloseLookAt
+  subroutine kmlOpenModel(xf,id)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
+    call xml_NewElement(xf,'Model')
+    if (present(id)) call xml_AddAttribute(xf,'id', id)
+  end subroutine kmlOpenModel
+  subroutine kmlCloseModel(xf)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    call xml_EndElement(xf,'Model')
+  end subroutine kmlCloseModel
+  subroutine kmlOpenMultiGeometry(xf,id)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
+    call xml_NewElement(xf,'MultiGeometry')
+    if (present(id)) call xml_AddAttribute(xf,'id', id)
+  end subroutine kmlOpenMultiGeometry
+  subroutine kmlCloseMultiGeometry(xf)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    call xml_EndElement(xf,'MultiGeometry')
+  end subroutine kmlCloseMultiGeometry
+  subroutine kmlOpenNetworkLink(xf,id)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
+    call xml_NewElement(xf,'NetworkLink')
+    if (present(id)) call xml_AddAttribute(xf,'id', id)
+  end subroutine kmlOpenNetworkLink
+  subroutine kmlCloseNetworkLink(xf)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    call xml_EndElement(xf,'NetworkLink')
+  end subroutine kmlCloseNetworkLink
+  subroutine kmlOpenNetworkLinkControl(xf,id)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
+    call xml_NewElement(xf,'NetworkLinkControl')
+    if (present(id)) call xml_AddAttribute(xf,'id', id)
+  end subroutine kmlOpenNetworkLinkControl
+  subroutine kmlCloseNetworkLinkControl(xf)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    call xml_EndElement(xf,'NetworkLinkControl')
+  end subroutine kmlCloseNetworkLinkControl
+  !<!-- abstract element; do not create -->
+  subroutine kmlOpenObject(xf,id,targetid)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id, targetid
+    call xml_NewElement(xf,'Object')
+    if (present(id)) call xml_AddAttribute(xf,'id', id)
+    if (present(targetid)) call xml_AddAttribute(xf,'targetId', targetid)
+  end subroutine kmlOpenObject
+  subroutine kmlCloseObject(xf)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    call xml_EndElement(xf,'Object')
+  end subroutine kmlCloseObject
+  subroutine kmlOpenObjArrayField(xf,id)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
+    call xml_NewElement(xf,'ObjArrayField')
+    if (present(id)) call xml_AddAttribute(xf,'id', id)
+  end subroutine kmlOpenObjArrayField
+  subroutine kmlCloseObjArrayField(xf)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    call xml_EndElement(xf,'ObjArrayField')
+  end subroutine kmlCloseObjArrayField
+  subroutine kmlOpenObjField(xf,id)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
+    call xml_NewElement(xf,'ObjField')
+    if (present(id)) call xml_AddAttribute(xf,'id', id)
+  end subroutine kmlOpenObjField
+  subroutine kmlCloseObjField(xf)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    call xml_EndElement(xf,'ObjField')
+  end subroutine kmlCloseObjField
+  subroutine kmlOpenOrientation(xf,id)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
+    call xml_NewElement(xf,'Orientation')
+    if (present(id)) call xml_AddAttribute(xf,'id', id)
+  end subroutine kmlOpenOrientation
+  subroutine kmlCloseOrientation(xf)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    call xml_EndElement(xf,'Orientation')
+  end subroutine kmlCloseOrientation
+  subroutine kmlOpenOverlay(xf,id)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
+    call xml_NewElement(xf,'Overlay')
+    if (present(id)) call xml_AddAttribute(xf,'id', id)
+  end subroutine kmlOpenOverlay
+  subroutine kmlCloseOverlay(xf)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    call xml_EndElement(xf,'Overlay')
+  end subroutine kmlCloseOverlay
+  subroutine kmlOpenPair(xf,id)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
+    call xml_NewElement(xf,'Pair')
+    if (present(id)) call xml_AddAttribute(xf,'id', id)
+  end subroutine kmlOpenPair
+  subroutine kmlClosePair(xf)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    call xml_EndElement(xf,'Pair')
+  end subroutine kmlClosePair
+  subroutine kmlOpenPlacemark(xf, id, name, description, styleurl)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: name
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: description
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: styleurl
+    call xml_NewElement(xf,'Placemark')
+    if (present(id)) call xml_AddAttribute(xf, 'id', id)
+    if (present(name)) call kmlAddName(xf, name)
+    if (present(description)) call kmlAddDescription(xf, description)
+    if (present(styleurl)) call kmlAddStyleURL(xf, styleurl)
+  end subroutine kmlOpenPlacemark
+  subroutine kmlClosePlacemark(xf)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    call xml_EndElement(xf,'Placemark')
+  end subroutine kmlClosePlacemark
+  subroutine kmlOpenPoint(xf,id)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
+    call xml_NewElement(xf,'Point')
+    if (present(id)) call xml_AddAttribute(xf,'id', id)
+  end subroutine kmlOpenPoint
+  subroutine kmlClosePoint(xf)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    call xml_EndElement(xf,'Point')
+  end subroutine kmlClosePoint
+  subroutine kmlOpenRegion(xf,id)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
+    call xml_NewElement(xf,'Region')
+    if (present(id)) call xml_AddAttribute(xf,'id', id)
+  end subroutine kmlOpenRegion
+  subroutine kmlCloseRegion(xf)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    call xml_EndElement(xf,'Region')
+  end subroutine kmlCloseRegion
+  !he accuracy attribute indicates how accurately the given address was able to be geocoded
+  subroutine kmlOpenResponse(xf,accuracy)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: accuracy
+    call xml_NewElement(xf,'Response')
+    if (present(accuracy)) call xml_AddAttribute(xf,'accuracy', accuracy)
+  end subroutine kmlOpenResponse
+  subroutine kmlCloseResponse(xf)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    call xml_EndElement(xf,'Response')
+  end subroutine kmlCloseResponse
+  subroutine kmlOpenScale(xf,id)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
+    call xml_NewElement(xf,'Scale')
+    if (present(id)) call xml_AddAttribute(xf,'id', id)
+  end subroutine kmlOpenScale
+  subroutine kmlCloseScale(xf)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    call xml_EndElement(xf,'Scale')
+  end subroutine kmlCloseScale
+  !Specifies a custom KML schema that is typically used to extend and add metadata to KML objects. The "name" attribute is required. Currently, the only value for parent is "Placemark."
+  subroutine kmlOpenSchema(xf,name1,parent)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: name1
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: parent
+    call xml_NewElement(xf,'Schema')
+    call xml_AddAttribute(xf,'name', name1)
+    if (present(parent)) call xml_AddAttribute(xf,'parent', parent)
+  end subroutine kmlOpenSchema
+  subroutine kmlCloseSchema(xf)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    call xml_EndElement(xf,'Schema')
+  end subroutine kmlCloseSchema
+  !<!-- abstract element; do not create -->
+  subroutine kmlOpenSchemaField(xf,id)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
+    call xml_NewElement(xf,'SchemaField')
+    if (present(id)) call xml_AddAttribute(xf,'id', id)
+  end subroutine kmlOpenSchemaField
+  subroutine kmlCloseSchemaField(xf)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    call xml_EndElement(xf,'SchemaField')
+  end subroutine kmlCloseSchemaField
+  subroutine kmlOpenScreenOverlay(xf,id)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
+    call xml_NewElement(xf,'ScreenOverlay')
+    if (present(id)) call xml_AddAttribute(xf,'id', id)
+  end subroutine kmlOpenScreenOverlay
+  subroutine kmlCloseScreenOverlay(xf)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    call xml_EndElement(xf,'ScreenOverlay')
+  end subroutine kmlCloseScreenOverlay
+  subroutine kmlOpenSimpleArrayField(xf,id)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
+    call xml_NewElement(xf,'SimpleArrayField')
+    if (present(id)) call xml_AddAttribute(xf,'id', id)
+  end subroutine kmlOpenSimpleArrayField
+  subroutine kmlCloseSimpleArrayField(xf)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    call xml_EndElement(xf,'SimpleArrayField')
+  end subroutine kmlCloseSimpleArrayField
+  !<SimpleField name="AREA" type="double"></SimpleField>
+  subroutine kmlOpenSimpleField(xf,name1,type1)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: name1, type1
+    call xml_NewElement(xf,'SimpleField')
+    call xml_AddAttribute(xf,'name', name1)
+    call xml_AddAttribute(xf,'type', type1)
+  end subroutine kmlOpenSimpleField
+  subroutine kmlCloseSimpleField(xf)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    call xml_EndElement(xf,'SimpleField')
+  end subroutine kmlCloseSimpleField
+  !A short description of the feature. In Google Earth, this description is displayed in the
+  ! Places panel under the name of the feature. If a Snippet is not supplied, the first two 
+  !lines of the <description> are used. In Google Earth, if a Placemark contains both a  
+  !description and a Snippet, the <Snippet> appears beneath the Placemark in the Places 
+  !panel, and the <description> appears in the Placemark's description balloon. This tag
+  ! does not support HTML markup. <Snippet> has a maxLines attribute, an integer that
+  ! specifies the maximum number of lines to display. Default for maxLines is 2.
+  subroutine kmlOpenSnippet(xf,maxlines)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: maxlines
+    call xml_NewElement(xf,'Snippet')
+    if (present(maxlines)) call xml_AddAttribute(xf,'maxLines', maxlines)
+  end subroutine kmlOpenSnippet
+  subroutine kmlCloseSnippet(xf)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    call xml_EndElement(xf,'Snippet')
+  end subroutine kmlCloseSnippet
+  subroutine kmlOpenStatus(xf,id)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
+    call xml_NewElement(xf,'Status')
+    if (present(id)) call xml_AddAttribute(xf,'id', id)
+  end subroutine kmlOpenStatus
+  subroutine kmlCloseStatus(xf)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    call xml_EndElement(xf,'Status')
+  end subroutine kmlCloseStatus
+  subroutine kmlOpenTimePrimitive(xf,id)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
+    call xml_NewElement(xf,'TimePrimitive')
+    if (present(id)) call xml_AddAttribute(xf,'id', id)
+  end subroutine kmlOpenTimePrimitive
+  subroutine kmlCloseTimePrimitive(xf)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    call xml_EndElement(xf,'TimePrimitive')
+  end subroutine kmlCloseTimePrimitive
+  subroutine kmlOpenTimeSpan(xf,id)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
+    call xml_NewElement(xf,'TimeSpan')
+    if (present(id)) call xml_AddAttribute(xf,'id', id)
+  end subroutine kmlOpenTimeSpan
+  subroutine kmlCloseTimeSpan(xf)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    call xml_EndElement(xf,'TimeSpan')
+  end subroutine kmlCloseTimeSpan
+  subroutine kmlOpenTimeStamp(xf,id)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
+    call xml_NewElement(xf,'TimeStamp')
+    if (present(id)) call xml_AddAttribute(xf,'id', id)
+  end subroutine kmlOpenTimeStamp
+  subroutine kmlCloseTimeStamp(xf)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    call xml_EndElement(xf,'TimeStamp')
+  end subroutine kmlCloseTimeStamp
+  subroutine kmlOpenUpdate(xf,id)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
+    call xml_NewElement(xf,'Update')
+    if (present(id)) call xml_AddAttribute(xf,'id', id)
+  end subroutine kmlOpenUpdate
+  subroutine kmlCloseUpdate(xf)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    call xml_EndElement(xf,'Update')
+  end subroutine kmlCloseUpdate
+  !This element is deprecated in KML Release 2.1 and has been replaced by <Link>, which provides the additional functionality of Regions.
+  subroutine kmlOpenUrl(xf,id)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
+    call xml_NewElement(xf,'Url')
+    if (present(id)) call xml_AddAttribute(xf,'id', id)
+  end subroutine kmlOpenUrl
+  subroutine kmlCloseUrl(xf)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    call xml_EndElement(xf,'Url')
+  end subroutine kmlCloseUrl
+  subroutine kmlOpenOuterBoundaryIs(xf,id)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
+    call xml_NewElement(xf, 'outerBoundaryIs')
+    if (present(id)) call xml_AddAttribute(xf,'id', id)
+  end subroutine kmlOpenOuterBoundaryIs
+  subroutine kmlCloseouterBoundaryIs(xf)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    call xml_EndElement(xf, 'outerBoundaryIs')
+  end subroutine kmlCloseouterBoundaryIs
+  subroutine kmlOpenInnerBoundaryIs(xf,id)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
+    call xml_NewElement(xf, 'innerBoundaryIs')
+    if (present(id)) call xml_AddAttribute(xf,'id', id)
+  end subroutine kmlOpenInnerBoundaryIs
+  subroutine kmlCloseInnerBoundaryIs(xf)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    call xml_EndElement(xf, 'innerBoundaryIs')
+  end subroutine kmlCloseInnerBoundaryIs
+  subroutine kmlOpenLinearRing(xf, id, altitudeMode, tessellate, extrude)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: altitudeMode
+    logical, intent(in), optional :: tessellate
+    logical, intent(in), optional :: extrude
+    if (present(extrude).and.present(altitudeMode)) then
+      if (extrude.and.altitudeMode=='clampToGround') then
+        print*, "Inconsistent settings for extrude and altitudeMode"
+      endif
+    endif
+    call xml_NewElement(xf, 'LinearRing')
+    if (present(id)) call xml_AddAttribute(xf,'id', id)
+    if (present(tessellate)) call kmlAddtessellate(xf, tessellate)
+    if (present(altitudeMode)) call kmlAddAltitudeMode(xf, altitudeMode)
+    if (present(extrude)) call kmlAddExtrude(xf, extrude)
+  end subroutine kmlOpenLinearRing
+  subroutine kmlCloseLinearRing(xf)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    call xml_EndElement(xf,'LinearRing')
+  end subroutine kmlCloseLinearRing
+  subroutine kmlOpenLineString(xf, id, altitudeMode, tessellate, extrude)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: altitudeMode
+    logical, intent(in), optional :: tessellate
+    logical, intent(in), optional :: extrude
+    if (present(extrude).and.present(altitudeMode)) then
+      if (extrude.and.altitudeMode=='clampToGround') then
+        print*, "Inconsistent settings for extrude and altitudeMode"
+      endif
+    endif
+    call xml_NewElement(xf, 'LineString')
+    if (present(id)) call xml_AddAttribute(xf,'id', id)
+    if (present(tessellate)) call kmlAddtessellate(xf, tessellate)
+    if (present(altitudeMode)) call kmlAddAltitudeMode(xf, altitudeMode)
+    if (present(extrude)) call kmlAddExtrude(xf, extrude)
+  end subroutine kmlOpenLineString
+  subroutine kmlCloseLineString(xf)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    call xml_EndElement(xf,'LineString')
+  end subroutine kmlCloseLineString
+  subroutine kmlOpenPolygon(xf, id, altitudeMode, tessellate, extrude)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: altitudeMode
+    logical, intent(in), optional :: tessellate
+    logical, intent(in), optional :: extrude
+    if (present(extrude).and.present(altitudeMode)) then
+      if (extrude.and.altitudeMode=='clampToGround') then
+        print*, "Inconsistent settings for extrude and altitudeMode"
+      endif
+    endif
+    call xml_NewElement(xf, 'Polygon')
+    if (present(id)) call xml_AddAttribute(xf,'id', id)
+    if (present(tessellate)) call kmlAddtessellate(xf, tessellate)
+    if (present(altitudeMode)) call kmlAddAltitudeMode(xf, altitudeMode)
+    if (present(extrude)) call kmlAddExtrude(xf, extrude)
+  end subroutine kmlOpenPolygon
+  subroutine kmlClosePolygon(xf)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    call xml_EndElement(xf,'Polygon')
+  end subroutine kmlClosePolygon  
+end module m_wkml_lowlevel
diff --git a/wkml/m_wkml_styling.F90 b/wkml/m_wkml_styling.F90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f28f021
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/m_wkml_styling.F90
@@ -0,0 +1,771 @@
+module m_wkml_styling
+  use fox_m_fsys_realtypes, only : sp, dp
+  use FoX_wxml, only: xmlf_t
+  use m_wkml_color, only: col => color_t
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+  use m_common_error
+  use FoX_wxml, only: xmlf_OpenTag, &
+    xml_NewElement, xml_EndElement, xml_AddAttribute
+  use m_wkml_color, only: kmlAddColor, kmlAddBgColor, kmlAddTextColor, kmlGetCustomColor
+  use m_wkml_lowlevel, only: kmlAddFill, kmlAddWidth, kmlAddColorMode, kmlAddHref, &
+    kmlAddkey, kmlAddOutline, kmlAddScale, kmlAddStyleUrl, kmlAddHeading, &
+    kmlOpenIcon, kmlCloseIcon, kmlOpenPair, kmlClosePair, kmlAddwidth,kmlAddcolorMode, &
+    kmlOpenPlacemark,kmlClosePlacemark,kmlAddname,kmlOpenPolygon,kmlClosePolygon
+  implicit none
+  private
+  interface kmlCreatePointStyle
+    module procedure kmlAddPointStyle_s_none_hd_none
+    module procedure kmlAddPointStyle_s_int
+    module procedure kmlAddPointStyle_s_sp
+    module procedure kmlAddPointStyle_s_dp
+    module procedure kmlAddPointStyle_s_none_hd_dp
+    module procedure kmlAddPointStyle_s_none_hd_int
+    module procedure kmlAddPointStyle_s_none_hd_sp
+  end interface kmlCreatePointStyle
+  public :: kmlCreatePointStyle
+  public :: kmlCreateLineStyle
+  public :: kmlCreatePolygonStyle
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+  public :: kmlOpenStyle, kmlCloseStyle
+  ! add by GT 18/04/2008
+  public :: kmlAddLegend
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+  subroutine mostOfPointStyle(xf, color, colorhex, colorname, colormode, heading, iconhref, id)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    type(col), intent(in), optional :: color
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: colorhex
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: colorname
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: colormode
+    real(dp), intent(in), optional :: heading
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: iconhref
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
+    logical :: needStyle
+    needStyle = (xmlf_openTag(xf)/='Style')
+    if (needStyle) then
+      call kmlOpenStyle(xf, id)
+      call kmlOpenIconStyle(xf)
+    else
+      call kmlOpenIconStyle(xf, id)
+    endif
+    if (count((/present(color), present(colorhex), present(colorname)/))>1) then
+      print*, "Cannot specify more than one of color, colorhex, and colorname"
+    endif
+    if (present(color)) then
+      call kmlAddColor(xf, color)
+    elseif (present(colorhex)) then
+      call kmlAddColor(xf, colorhex)
+    elseif (present(colorname)) then
+      call kmlAddColor(xf, kmlGetCustomColor(colorname))
+    endif
+    if (present(colormode)) call kmlAddColorMode(xf, colormode)
+    if (present(heading)) call kmlAddHeading(xf, heading)
+    if (present(iconhref)) then
+      call kmlOpenIcon(xf)
+      call kmlAddHref(xf, iconhref)
+      call kmlCloseIcon(xf)
+    endif
+  end subroutine mostOfPointStyle
+  subroutine kmlAddPointStyle_s_none_hd_none(xf, color, colorhex, colorname, colormode, iconhref, id)
+    ! We temporarily ignore hotspot
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    type(col), intent(in), optional :: color
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: colorhex
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: colorname
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: colormode
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: iconhref
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    logical :: needStyle
+    needStyle = (xmlf_openTag(xf)/='Style')
+    call mostOfPointStyle(xf, color, colorhex, colorname, colormode, iconhref=iconhref, id=id)
+    call kmlCloseIconStyle(xf)
+    if (needStyle) call kmlCloseStyle(xf)
+  end subroutine kmlAddPointStyle_s_none_hd_none
+  subroutine kmlAddPointStyle_s_none_hd_int(xf, color, colorhex, colorname, colormode, heading, iconhref, id)
+    ! We temporarily ignore hotspot
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    type(col), intent(in), optional :: color
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: colorhex
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: colorname
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: colormode
+    integer, intent(in) :: heading
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: iconhref
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    logical :: needStyle
+    needStyle = (xmlf_openTag(xf)/='Style')
+    call mostOfPointStyle(xf, color, colorhex, colorname, colormode, real(heading,dp), iconhref, id)
+    call kmlCloseIconStyle(xf)
+    if (needStyle) call kmlCloseStyle(xf)
+  end subroutine kmlAddPointStyle_s_none_hd_int
+  subroutine kmlAddPointStyle_s_none_hd_sp(xf, color, colorhex, colorname, colormode, heading, iconhref, id)
+    ! We temporarily ignore hotspot
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    type(col), intent(in), optional :: color
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: colorhex
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: colorname
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: colormode
+    real(sp), intent(in) :: heading
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: iconhref
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    logical :: needStyle
+    needStyle = (xmlf_openTag(xf)/='Style')
+    call mostOfPointStyle(xf, color, colorhex, colorname, colormode, real(heading,dp), iconhref, id)
+    call kmlCloseIconStyle(xf)
+    if (needStyle) call kmlCloseStyle(xf)
+  end subroutine kmlAddPointStyle_s_none_hd_sp
+  subroutine kmlAddPointStyle_s_none_hd_dp(xf, color, colorhex, colorname, colormode, heading, iconhref, id)
+    ! We temporarily ignore hotspot
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    type(col), intent(in), optional :: color
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: colorhex
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: colorname
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: colormode
+    real(dp), intent(in) :: heading
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: iconhref
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    logical :: needStyle
+    needStyle = (xmlf_openTag(xf)/='Style')
+    call mostOfPointStyle(xf, color, colorhex, colorname, colormode, heading, iconhref, id)
+    call kmlCloseIconStyle(xf)
+    if (needStyle) call kmlCloseStyle(xf)
+  end subroutine kmlAddPointStyle_s_none_hd_dp
+  subroutine kmlAddPointStyle_s_int(xf, scale, color, colorhex, colorname, colormode, heading, iconhref, id)
+    ! We temporarily ignore hotspot
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    integer, intent(in) :: scale
+    type(col), intent(in), optional :: color
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: colorhex
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: colorname
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: colormode
+    integer, intent(in), optional :: heading
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: iconhref
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    logical :: needStyle
+    needStyle = (xmlf_openTag(xf)/='Style')
+    if (present(heading)) then
+      call mostOfPointStyle(xf, color, colorhex, colorname, colormode, real(heading,dp), iconhref, id)
+    else
+      call mostOfPointStyle(xf, color, colorhex, colorname, colormode, iconhref=iconhref, id=id)
+    endif
+    call kmlAddScale(xf, scale)
+    call kmlCloseIconStyle(xf)
+    if (needStyle) call kmlCloseStyle(xf)
+  end subroutine kmlAddPointStyle_s_int
+  subroutine kmlAddPointStyle_s_sp(xf, scale, color, colorhex, colorname, colormode, heading, iconhref, id)
+    ! We temporarily ignore hotspot
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    real(sp), intent(in) :: scale
+    type(col), intent(in), optional :: color
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: colorhex
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: colorname
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: colormode
+    real(sp), intent(in), optional :: heading
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: iconhref
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    logical :: needStyle
+    needStyle = (xmlf_openTag(xf)/='Style')
+    if (present(heading)) then
+      call mostOfPointStyle(xf, color, colorhex, colorname, colormode, real(heading,dp), iconhref, id)
+    else
+      call mostOfPointStyle(xf, color, colorhex, colorname, colormode, iconhref=iconhref, id=id)
+    endif
+    call kmlAddScale(xf, scale)
+    call kmlCloseIconStyle(xf)
+    if (needStyle) call kmlCloseStyle(xf)
+  end subroutine kmlAddPointStyle_s_sp
+  subroutine kmlAddPointStyle_s_dp(xf, scale, color, colorhex, colorname, colormode, heading, iconhref, id)
+    ! We temporarily ignore hotspot
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    real(dp), intent(in) :: scale
+    type(col), intent(in), optional :: color
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: colorhex
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: colorname
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: colormode
+    real(dp), intent(in), optional :: heading
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: iconhref
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    logical :: needStyle
+    needStyle = (xmlf_openTag(xf)/='Style')
+    call mostOfPointStyle(xf, color, colorhex, colorname, colormode, heading, iconhref, id)
+    call kmlAddScale(xf, scale)
+    call kmlCloseIconStyle(xf)
+    if (needStyle) call kmlCloseStyle(xf)
+  end subroutine kmlAddPointStyle_s_dp
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+  subroutine kmlCreatePointStyleOld(xf,normalurl,normalscale,stylemap,highlighturl,highlightscale,&
+    normalcolor,highlightcolor,color,shape)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: normalurl, highlighturl,normalcolor
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional ::  highlightcolor
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: shape, stylemap  
+    character(len=8), intent(in),optional :: color
+    character(len=1) :: palm
+    real, intent(in),optional :: normalscale,highlightscale
+    palm="#"
+    !         print*, 'call kmlCreatePointStyle'
+    if (present(color)) then
+      if (present(normalcolor)) then
+        call kmlOpenStyle(xf,normalcolor)
+      else
+        call kmlOpenStyle(xf,"inactive-"//stylemap)
+      end if
+      call kmlOpenIconStyle(xf)
+      !          print*, 'call kmlCreatePointStyle addcolor'
+      call kmlAddcolor(xf,color)
+      call kmlAddcolorMode(xf,"normal")
+      call kmlOpenIcon(xf)
+      if (present(normalurl)) then
+        call kmlAddhref(xf,normalurl)
+      else
+        if (present(shape)) then
+          ! print for debug
+          !            print*, 'call kmlCreatePointStyle shape'
+          call kmlAddhref(xf,"http://cete.niees.group.cam.ac.uk/googlemaptest/icons/"//shape//".png")
+        else
+          !              print*, 'call kmlCreatePointStyle circle'
+          call kmlAddhref(xf,"http://cete.niees.group.cam.ac.uk/googlemaptest/icons/circle.png")             
+        end if
+      end if
+      call kmlCloseIcon(xf)
+      call kmlCloseIconStyle(xf)
+      call kmlOpenLabelStyle(xf)
+      !          print*, 'call OpenLabelStyle'  
+      if (present(normalscale)) then
+        call kmlAddscale(xf,normalscale)
+      else
+        call kmlAddscale(xf,0.2)
+      end if
+      call kmlCloseLabelStyle(xf)
+      !          print*, 'call CloseLabelStyle'
+      call kmlCloseStyle(xf)
+      if (present(highlightcolor)) then
+        call kmlOpenStyle(xf,highlightcolor)
+        !         print*, 'call kmlOpenStyle highlightcolor'
+      else
+        call kmlOpenStyle(xf,"active-"//stylemap)
+        !         print*, 'call kmlOpenStyle active'
+      end if
+      call kmlOpenIconStyle(xf)
+      !            print*, 'call kmlOpenIconStyle'
+      if (present(highlightcolor)) then
+        call kmlAddcolor(xf,highlightcolor)
+      else
+        call kmlAddcolor(xf,"FF00FFFF")
+      end if
+      call kmlAddcolorMode(xf,"normal")
+      call kmlOpenIcon(xf)
+      if (present(highlighturl)) then
+        call kmlAddhref(xf,highlighturl)
+      else
+        if (present(shape)) then
+          !               print*, 'call if present shape'
+          call kmlAddhref(xf,"http://cete.niees.group.cam.ac.uk/googlemaptest/icons/"//shape//".png")
+        else
+          call kmlAddhref(xf,"http://cete.niees.group.cam.ac.uk/googlemaptest/icons/circle.png")
+        end if
+      end if
+      call kmlCloseIcon(xf)
+      call kmlCloseIconStyle(xf)
+      call kmlOpenLabelStyle(xf)
+      if (present(highlightscale)) then
+        call kmlAddscale(xf,highlightscale)
+      else
+        call kmlAddscale(xf,0.5)
+      end if
+      call kmlCloseLabelStyle(xf)
+      call kmlCloseStyle(xf)
+      if (present(stylemap)) then
+        call kmlOpenStyleMap(xf,stylemap)
+      else
+        call kmlOpenStyleMap(xf,"point")
+      end if
+      call kmlOpenPair(xf)
+      call kmlAddkey(xf,"normal")
+      if (present(normalcolor)) then
+        call kmlAddstyleUrl(xf,palm//normalcolor)
+      else
+        call kmlAddstyleUrl(xf,palm//"inactive-"//stylemap)
+      end if
+      call kmlClosePair(xf)
+      call kmlOpenPair(xf)
+      call kmlAddkey(xf,"highlight")
+      if (present(highlightcolor)) then
+        call kmlAddstyleUrl(xf,palm//highlightcolor)
+      else
+        call kmlAddstyleUrl(xf,palm//"active-"//stylemap)
+      end if
+      call kmlClosePair(xf)
+      call kmlCloseStyleMap(xf)
+    else !if user did not giving color, then using default
+      call kmlOpenStyle(xf,"inactive-"//stylemap)
+      !          print*, 'start kmlOpenstyle'
+      call kmlOpenIconStyle(xf)
+      call kmlAddcolor(xf,"FF0000FF") ! default is red
+      call kmlAddcolorMode(xf,"normal")
+      call kmlOpenIcon(xf)
+      !               print*, 'start kmlOpenIcon'
+      if (present(shape)) then
+        call kmlAddhref(xf,"http://cete.niees.group.cam.ac.uk/googlemaptest/icons/"//shape//".png")
+      else
+        call kmlAddhref(xf,"http://cete.niees.group.cam.ac.uk/googlemaptest/icons/circle.png")
+      end if
+      call kmlCloseIcon(xf)
+      call kmlCloseIconStyle(xf)
+      call kmlOpenLabelStyle(xf)
+      !          print*, 'start kmlOpenLabelStyle'
+      if (present(normalscale)) then
+        call kmlAddscale(xf,normalscale)
+      else
+        call kmlAddscale(xf,0.2)
+      end if
+      call kmlCloseLabelStyle(xf)
+      call kmlCloseStyle(xf)
+      call kmlOpenStyle(xf,"active-"//stylemap)
+      call kmlOpenIconStyle(xf)
+      call kmlAddcolor(xf,"FF00FFFF") ! default is yellow
+      call kmlAddcolorMode(xf,"normal")
+      call kmlOpenIcon(xf)
+      if (present(shape)) then
+        call kmlAddhref(xf,"http://cete.niees.group.cam.ac.uk/googlemaptest/icons/"//shape//".png")
+      else
+        call kmlAddhref(xf,"http://cete.niees.group.cam.ac.uk/googlemaptest/icons/circle.png")
+      end if
+      call kmlCloseIcon(xf)
+      call kmlCloseIconStyle(xf)
+      call kmlOpenLabelStyle(xf)
+      if (present(highlightscale)) then
+        call kmlAddscale(xf,highlightscale)
+      else
+        call kmlAddscale(xf,0.5)
+      end if
+      call kmlCloseLabelStyle(xf)
+      call kmlCloseStyle(xf)
+      if (present(stylemap)) then
+        call kmlOpenStyleMap(xf,stylemap)
+      else
+        call kmlOpenStyleMap(xf,"point")
+      end if
+      call kmlOpenPair(xf)
+      call kmlAddkey(xf,"normal")
+      call kmlAddstyleUrl(xf,palm//"inactive-"//stylemap)
+      call kmlClosePair(xf)
+      call kmlOpenPair(xf)
+      call kmlAddkey(xf,"highlight")
+      call kmlAddstyleUrl(xf,palm//"active-"//stylemap)
+      call kmlClosePair(xf)
+      call kmlCloseStyleMap(xf)
+    end if
+  end subroutine kmlCreatePointStyleOld
+  ! Here we have four almost identical implementations; we need them
+  ! so that we can have width as an effectively optional argument that may be 
+  ! integer or real. (we can't do that with an actual optional argument and
+  ! preserve the keyword form). All of these are presented through a single
+  ! interface above.
+  subroutine mostOfLineStyle(xf, color, colorhex, colorname, colormode, id)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    type(col), intent(in), optional :: color
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: colorhex
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: colorname
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: colormode, id
+    logical :: needStyle
+    needStyle = (xmlf_openTag(xf)/='Style')
+    if (needStyle) then
+      call kmlOpenStyle(xf, id)
+      call kmlOpenLineStyle(xf)
+    else
+      call kmlOpenLineStyle(xf, id)
+    endif
+    if (count((/present(color), present(colorhex), present(colorname)/))>1) then
+      print*, "Cannot specify more than one of color, colorhex, and colorname"
+    endif
+    if (present(color)) then
+      call kmlAddColor(xf, color)
+    elseif (present(colorhex)) then
+      call kmlAddColor(xf, colorhex)
+    elseif (present(colorname)) then
+      call kmlAddColor(xf, kmlGetCustomColor(colorname))
+    endif
+    if (present(colormode)) call kmlAddColorMode(xf, colormode)
+  end subroutine mostOfLineStyle
+  subroutine kmlCreateLineStyle(xf, width, color, colorhex, colorname, colormode, id)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    integer, intent(in), optional :: width
+    type(col), intent(in) , optional:: color
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: colorhex
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: colorname
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: colormode, id
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    logical :: needStyle
+    needStyle = (xmlf_openTag(xf)/='Style')
+    call mostOfLineStyle(xf, color, colorhex, colorname, colormode, id)
+    if (present(width)) call kmlAddWidth(xf, width)
+    call kmlCloseLineStyle(xf)
+    if (needStyle) call kmlCloseStyle(xf)
+  end subroutine kmlCreateLineStyle
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+!!!! add the old version by GT 08/03/2008
+  subroutine kmlCreateLineStyle_old(xf,stylemap,color,width)
+          type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+         character(len=*), intent(in) :: stylemap
+         character(len=*), intent(in), optional ::  color
+         integer, intent(in),optional :: width
+         character(len=1) :: palm
+         !color has to be: blue, green,yellow,purple,red,orange
+         palm="#"
+         call kmlOpenStyle(xf,stylemap)
+         if(present(color)) then
+            if(present(width)) then
+              call kmlAddLineStyle(xf, color=color,width=width)
+            else
+              call kmlAddLineStyle(xf, color=color)
+            end if
+         else
+            if(present(width)) then
+              call kmlAddLineStyle(xf, color="EE0000FF",width=width)
+             else
+              call kmlAddLineStyle(xf, color="EE0000FF")
+             end if
+          end if
+          call kmlCloseStyle(xf)
+          end subroutine kmlCreateLineStyle_old
+!!! add the old version by GT 08/03/2008
+         subroutine kmlAddLineStyle(xf, color, width,colormode,id)
+         type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+         character(len=*), intent(in) :: color
+         character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: colormode, id
+         integer, intent(in), optional :: width
+         if (present(id)) call kmlOpenStyle(xf,id)
+          call kmlOpenLineStyle(xf)
+            call kmlAddcolor(xf,color)
+            if (present(colormode)) then
+            call kmlAddcolorMode(xf,colormode)
+            else
+            call kmlAddcolorMode(xf,"normal")
+            end if
+            if  (present(width)) then
+            call kmlAddwidth(xf,width)
+            else
+            call kmlAddwidth(xf,2)
+            end if
+          call kmlCloseLineStyle(xf)
+         end subroutine kmlAddLineStyle
+  subroutine kmlAddLabelStyle_scale(xf, scale1,id)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
+    real, intent(in) :: scale1
+    !         character(len=*), intent(in) :: scale1
+    call xml_NewElement(xf,'LabelStyle')
+    if (present(id)) call xml_AddAttribute(xf,'id', id)
+    call kmlAddscale(xf,scale1)
+    call xml_EndElement(xf,'LabelStyle')
+  end subroutine kmlAddLabelStyle_scale
+  subroutine kmlAddLabelStyle_color(xf, scale1, color, colormode,id)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
+    real, intent(in) :: scale1
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: color,colormode
+    call xml_NewElement(xf,'LabelStyle')
+    if (present(id)) call xml_AddAttribute(xf,'id', id)
+    call kmlAddcolor(xf,color)
+    call kmlAddcolorMode(xf,colormode)
+    call kmlAddscale(xf,scale1)
+    call xml_EndElement(xf,'LabelStyle')
+  end subroutine kmlAddLabelStyle_color
+  subroutine kmlAddBalloonStyle(xf, bgcolor, textcolor,id)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: bgcolor, textcolor
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
+    call xml_NewElement(xf,'BolloonStyle')
+    if (present(id)) call xml_AddAttribute(xf,'id', id)
+    call kmlAddbgcolor(xf, bgcolor)
+    call kmlAddtextcolor(xf, textcolor)
+    call xml_EndElement(xf, 'BalloonStyle')
+  end subroutine kmlAddBalloonStyle
+  !Specifies how a Feature is displayed in the list view. The list view is a hierarchy of containers and children; in Google Earth, this is the Places panel.
+  subroutine kmlAddListStyle_bgcolor(xf, bgcolor)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: bgcolor
+    call xml_NewElement(xf, 'ListStyle')
+    call kmlAddbgcolor(xf, bgcolor)
+    call xml_EndElement(xf, 'ListStyle')
+  end subroutine kmlAddListStyle_bgcolor
+  subroutine kmlOpenListStyle(xf,id)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
+    call xml_NewElement(xf,'ListStyle')
+    if (present(id)) call xml_AddAttribute(xf,'id', id)
+  end subroutine kmlOpenListStyle
+  subroutine kmlCloseListStyle(xf)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    call xml_EndElement(xf,'ListStyle')
+  end subroutine kmlCloseListStyle
+  subroutine kmlOpenLabelStyle(xf,id)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
+    call xml_NewElement(xf,'LabelStyle')
+    if (present(id)) call xml_AddAttribute(xf,'id', id)
+  end subroutine kmlOpenLabelStyle
+  subroutine kmlCloseLabelStyle(xf)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    call xml_EndElement(xf,'LabelStyle')
+  end subroutine kmlCloseLabelStyle
+  subroutine kmlOpenBalloonStyle(xf,id)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
+    call xml_NewElement(xf,'BalloonStyle')
+    if (present(id)) call xml_AddAttribute(xf,'id', id)
+  end subroutine kmlOpenBalloonStyle
+  subroutine kmlCloseBalloonStyle(xf)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    call xml_EndElement(xf,'BalloonStyle')
+  end subroutine kmlCloseBalloonStyle
+  subroutine kmlOpenColorStyle(xf,id)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
+    call xml_NewElement(xf,'ColorStyle')
+    if (present(id)) call xml_AddAttribute(xf,'id', id)
+  end subroutine kmlOpenColorStyle
+  subroutine kmlCloseColorStyle(xf)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    call xml_EndElement(xf,'ColorStyle')
+  end subroutine kmlCloseColorStyle
+  subroutine kmlOpenIconStyle(xf,id)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
+    call xml_NewElement(xf,'IconStyle')
+    if (present(id)) call xml_AddAttribute(xf,'id', id)
+  end subroutine kmlOpenIconStyle
+  subroutine kmlCloseIconStyle(xf)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    call xml_EndElement(xf,'IconStyle')
+  end subroutine kmlCloseIconStyle
+  subroutine kmlOpenLineStyle(xf,id)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
+    call xml_NewElement(xf,'LineStyle')
+    if (present(id)) call xml_AddAttribute(xf,'id', id)
+  end subroutine kmlOpenLineStyle
+  subroutine kmlCloseLineStyle(xf)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    call xml_EndElement(xf,'LineStyle')
+  end subroutine kmlCloseLineStyle
+  subroutine kmlOpenPolyStyle(xf,id)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
+    call xml_NewElement(xf,'PolyStyle')
+    if (present(id)) call xml_AddAttribute(xf,'id', id)
+  end subroutine kmlOpenPolyStyle
+  subroutine kmlClosePolyStyle(xf)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    call xml_EndElement(xf,'PolyStyle')
+  end subroutine kmlClosePolyStyle
+  subroutine kmlOpenStyle(xf,id)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
+    call xml_NewElement(xf,'Style')
+    if (present(id)) call xml_AddAttribute(xf,'id', id)
+  end subroutine kmlOpenStyle
+  subroutine kmlCloseStyle(xf)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    call xml_EndElement(xf,'Style')
+  end subroutine kmlCloseStyle
+  subroutine kmlOpenStyleMap(xf,id)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
+    call xml_NewElement(xf,'StyleMap')
+    if (present(id)) call xml_AddAttribute(xf,'id', id)
+  end subroutine kmlOpenStyleMap
+  subroutine kmlCloseStyleMap(xf)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    call xml_EndElement(xf,'StyleMap')
+  end subroutine kmlCloseStyleMap
+  !<!-- abstract element; do not create -->
+  !<!-- StyleSelector id="ID" -->                 <!-- Style,StyleMap -->
+  !<!-- /StyleSelector -->
+  subroutine kmlOpenStyleSelector(xf,id)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
+    call xml_NewElement(xf,'StyleSelector')
+    if (present(id)) call xml_AddAttribute(xf,'id', id)
+  end subroutine kmlOpenStyleSelector
+  subroutine kmlCloseStyleSelector(xf)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    call xml_EndElement(xf,'StyleSelector')
+  end subroutine kmlCloseStyleSelector
+  subroutine kmlCreatePolygonStyle(xf, color, colorhex, colorname, colormode, fill, outline, id)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    logical, intent(in), optional :: fill
+    logical, intent(in), optional :: outline
+    type(col), intent(in), optional :: color
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: colorhex
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: colorname
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: colormode
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    logical :: needStyle
+    needStyle = (xmlf_OpenTag(xf)/='Style')
+    if (needStyle) call kmlOpenStyle(xf,id)
+    call kmlOpenPolyStyle(xf)
+    if (count((/present(color), present(colorhex), present(colorname)/))>1) then
+      print*, "Cannot specify more than one of color, colorhex, and colorname"
+    endif
+    if (present(color)) then
+      call kmlAddColor(xf, color)
+    elseif (present(colorhex)) then
+      call kmlAddColor(xf, colorhex)
+    elseif (present(colorname)) then
+      call kmlAddColor(xf, kmlGetCustomColor(colorname))
+    endif
+    if (present(colormode)) call kmlAddColorMode(xf, colormode)
+    if (present(fill)) call kmlAddFill(xf,fill)
+    if (present(outline)) call kmlAddoutline(xf,outline)
+    call kmlClosePolyStyle(xf)
+    if (needStyle) call kmlCloseStyle(xf)
+  end subroutine kmlCreatePolygonStyle
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+  subroutine kmlAddLegend(xf,myCI,vizvalues)
+    ! add by GY 18/04/2008
+    use m_wkml_color !required for derived type color
+    use FoX_common   !required for function str
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    integer :: i
+    double precision, intent(in) :: vizvalues(:)
+    type(color_t),intent(in) :: myCI(:)
+         do i=1,size(myCI)
+          if (i == 1) then
+          call kmlOpenPlacemark(xf)
+           call kmlAddname(xf,"less than"//str(vizvalues(1),fmt="r3"))
+            call kmlCreatePolygonStyle(xf,color=myCI(i))
+            call kmlOpenPolygon(xf)
+            call kmlClosePolygon(xf)
+          call kmlClosePlacemark(xf)
+          end if
+          if (i /= 1 .and. i /= size(myCI)) then
+          call kmlOpenPlacemark(xf)
+           call kmlAddname(xf,str(vizvalues(i-1),fmt="r3")//"-"//str(vizvalues(i),fmt="r3"))
+            call kmlCreatePolygonStyle(xf,color=myCI(i))
+            call kmlOpenPolygon(xf)
+            call kmlClosePolygon(xf)
+          call kmlClosePlacemark(xf)
+          end if
+          if (i == size(myCI)) then 
+          call kmlOpenPlacemark(xf)
+           call kmlAddname(xf,"greater than"//str(vizvalues(i-1),fmt="r3"))
+            call kmlCreatePolygonStyle(xf,color=myCI(i))
+            call kmlOpenPolygon(xf)
+            call kmlClosePolygon(xf)
+          call kmlClosePlacemark(xf)
+          end if
+          end do
+   end subroutine kmlAddLegend
+end module m_wkml_styling
diff --git a/wkml/makefile b/wkml/makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..df3eaf1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+default: install
+OBJFILES=FoX_wkml.$(OBJEXT) m_wkml_lowlevel.$(OBJEXT) m_wkml_color.$(OBJEXT) m_wkml_styling.$(OBJEXT) m_wkml_features.$(OBJEXT) m_wkml_coverage.$(OBJEXT) m_wkml_core.$(OBJEXT) m_wkml_contours.$(OBJEXT) m_contours.$(OBJEXT) m_wkml_color_def.$(OBJEXT) m_wkml_chart.$(OBJEXT)
+	m4 -I ../m4 $< > $@
+include ../arch.make
+# Uncomment one of the following lines for debugging/profiling support
+CP=cp -p
+install: $(OBJFILES)
+	@echo "  ==> Updating $(LIBRARY) with $(OBJFILES)"
+	$(CP) $(LIBRARY) $(LIB_DIR) ;
+	for i in *.$(MOD_EXT) ; do  \
+           $(CP) $$i $(MOD_DIR); done
+	(cd test; make) | tee -a ../wkml_lib_check.out
+	rm -f *.$(OBJEXT)  *.$(MOD_EXT) $(LIBRARY)
+# DO NOT DELETE THIS LINE - used by make depend
+FoX_wkml.$(OBJEXT): m_wkml_color.$(OBJEXT) m_wkml_contours.$(OBJEXT) m_wkml_core.$(OBJEXT) m_wkml_coverage.$(OBJEXT)
+FoX_wkml.$(OBJEXT): m_wkml_features.$(OBJEXT) m_wkml_lowlevel.$(OBJEXT) m_wkml_styling.$(OBJEXT) m_wkml_chart.$(OBJEXT)
+m_wkml_color.$(OBJEXT): m_wkml_color_def.$(OBJEXT)
+m_wkml_contours.$(OBJEXT): m_contours.$(OBJEXT) m_wkml_color.$(OBJEXT) m_wkml_features.$(OBJEXT)
+m_wkml_contours.$(OBJEXT): m_wkml_lowlevel.$(OBJEXT) m_wkml_styling.$(OBJEXT)
+m_wkml_core.$(OBJEXT): m_wkml_color.$(OBJEXT) m_wkml_lowlevel.$(OBJEXT) m_wkml_styling.$(OBJEXT)
+m_wkml_coverage.$(OBJEXT): m_wkml_color.$(OBJEXT) m_wkml_core.$(OBJEXT) m_wkml_lowlevel.$(OBJEXT)
+m_wkml_coverage.$(OBJEXT): m_wkml_styling.$(OBJEXT) m_wkml_chart.$(OBJEXT) m_wkml_features.$(OBJEXT)
+m_wkml_features.$(OBJEXT): m_wkml_color.$(OBJEXT) m_wkml_core.$(OBJEXT) m_wkml_lowlevel.$(OBJEXT)
+m_wkml_features.$(OBJEXT): m_wkml_styling.$(OBJEXT) m_wkml_chart.$(OBJEXT)
+m_wkml_lowlevel.$(OBJEXT): m_wkml_color.$(OBJEXT)
+m_wkml_styling.$(OBJEXT): m_wkml_color.$(OBJEXT) m_wkml_lowlevel.$(OBJEXT)
+m_wkml_chart.$(OBJEXT): m_wkml_lowlevel.$(OBJEXT)
diff --git a/wkml/rgb.txt b/wkml/rgb.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..62eb896
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/rgb.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,753 @@
+! $Xorg: rgb.txt,v 1.3 2000/08/17 19:54:00 cpqbld Exp $
+255 250 250		snow
+248 248 255		ghost white
+248 248 255		GhostWhite
+245 245 245		white smoke
+245 245 245		WhiteSmoke
+220 220 220		gainsboro
+255 250 240		floral white
+255 250 240		FloralWhite
+253 245 230		old lace
+253 245 230		OldLace
+250 240 230		linen
+250 235 215		antique white
+250 235 215		AntiqueWhite
+255 239 213		papaya whip
+255 239 213		PapayaWhip
+255 235 205		blanched almond
+255 235 205		BlanchedAlmond
+255 228 196		bisque
+255 218 185		peach puff
+255 218 185		PeachPuff
+255 222 173		navajo white
+255 222 173		NavajoWhite
+255 228 181		moccasin
+255 248 220		cornsilk
+255 255 240		ivory
+255 250 205		lemon chiffon
+255 250 205		LemonChiffon
+255 245 238		seashell
+240 255 240		honeydew
+245 255 250		mint cream
+245 255 250		MintCream
+240 255 255		azure
+240 248 255		alice blue
+240 248 255		AliceBlue
+230 230 250		lavender
+255 240 245		lavender blush
+255 240 245		LavenderBlush
+255 228 225		misty rose
+255 228 225		MistyRose
+255 255 255		white
+  0   0   0		black
+ 47  79  79		dark slate gray
+ 47  79  79		DarkSlateGray
+ 47  79  79		dark slate grey
+ 47  79  79		DarkSlateGrey
+105 105 105		dim gray
+105 105 105		DimGray
+105 105 105		dim grey
+105 105 105		DimGrey
+112 128 144		slate gray
+112 128 144		SlateGray
+112 128 144		slate grey
+112 128 144		SlateGrey
+119 136 153		light slate gray
+119 136 153		LightSlateGray
+119 136 153		light slate grey
+119 136 153		LightSlateGrey
+190 190 190		gray
+190 190 190		grey
+211 211 211		light grey
+211 211 211		LightGrey
+211 211 211		light gray
+211 211 211		LightGray
+ 25  25 112		midnight blue
+ 25  25 112		MidnightBlue
+  0   0 128		navy
+  0   0 128		navy blue
+  0   0 128		NavyBlue
+100 149 237		cornflower blue
+100 149 237		CornflowerBlue
+ 72  61 139		dark slate blue
+ 72  61 139		DarkSlateBlue
+106  90 205		slate blue
+106  90 205		SlateBlue
+123 104 238		medium slate blue
+123 104 238		MediumSlateBlue
+132 112 255		light slate blue
+132 112 255		LightSlateBlue
+  0   0 205		medium blue
+  0   0 205		MediumBlue
+ 65 105 225		royal blue
+ 65 105 225		RoyalBlue
+  0   0 255		blue
+ 30 144 255		dodger blue
+ 30 144 255		DodgerBlue
+  0 191 255		deep sky blue
+  0 191 255		DeepSkyBlue
+135 206 235		sky blue
+135 206 235		SkyBlue
+135 206 250		light sky blue
+135 206 250		LightSkyBlue
+ 70 130 180		steel blue
+ 70 130 180		SteelBlue
+176 196 222		light steel blue
+176 196 222		LightSteelBlue
+173 216 230		light blue
+173 216 230		LightBlue
+176 224 230		powder blue
+176 224 230		PowderBlue
+175 238 238		pale turquoise
+175 238 238		PaleTurquoise
+  0 206 209		dark turquoise
+  0 206 209		DarkTurquoise
+ 72 209 204		medium turquoise
+ 72 209 204		MediumTurquoise
+ 64 224 208		turquoise
+  0 255 255		cyan
+224 255 255		light cyan
+224 255 255		LightCyan
+ 95 158 160		cadet blue
+ 95 158 160		CadetBlue
+102 205 170		medium aquamarine
+102 205 170		MediumAquamarine
+127 255 212		aquamarine
+  0 100   0		dark green
+  0 100   0		DarkGreen
+ 85 107  47		dark olive green
+ 85 107  47		DarkOliveGreen
+143 188 143		dark sea green
+143 188 143		DarkSeaGreen
+ 46 139  87		sea green
+ 46 139  87		SeaGreen
+ 60 179 113		medium sea green
+ 60 179 113		MediumSeaGreen
+ 32 178 170		light sea green
+ 32 178 170		LightSeaGreen
+152 251 152		pale green
+152 251 152		PaleGreen
+  0 255 127		spring green
+  0 255 127		SpringGreen
+124 252   0		lawn green
+124 252   0		LawnGreen
+  0 255   0		green
+127 255   0		chartreuse
+  0 250 154		medium spring green
+  0 250 154		MediumSpringGreen
+173 255  47		green yellow
+173 255  47		GreenYellow
+ 50 205  50		lime green
+ 50 205  50		LimeGreen
+154 205  50		yellow green
+154 205  50		YellowGreen
+ 34 139  34		forest green
+ 34 139  34		ForestGreen
+107 142  35		olive drab
+107 142  35		OliveDrab
+189 183 107		dark khaki
+189 183 107		DarkKhaki
+240 230 140		khaki
+238 232 170		pale goldenrod
+238 232 170		PaleGoldenrod
+250 250 210		light goldenrod yellow
+250 250 210		LightGoldenrodYellow
+255 255 224		light yellow
+255 255 224		LightYellow
+255 255   0		yellow
+255 215   0 		gold
+238 221 130		light goldenrod
+238 221 130		LightGoldenrod
+218 165  32		goldenrod
+184 134  11		dark goldenrod
+184 134  11		DarkGoldenrod
+188 143 143		rosy brown
+188 143 143		RosyBrown
+205  92  92		indian red
+205  92  92		IndianRed
+139  69  19		saddle brown
+139  69  19		SaddleBrown
+160  82  45		sienna
+205 133  63		peru
+222 184 135		burlywood
+245 245 220		beige
+245 222 179		wheat
+244 164  96		sandy brown
+244 164  96		SandyBrown
+210 180 140		tan
+210 105  30		chocolate
+178  34  34		firebrick
+165  42  42		brown
+233 150 122		dark salmon
+233 150 122		DarkSalmon
+250 128 114		salmon
+255 160 122		light salmon
+255 160 122		LightSalmon
+255 165   0		orange
+255 140   0		dark orange
+255 140   0		DarkOrange
+255 127  80		coral
+240 128 128		light coral
+240 128 128		LightCoral
+255  99  71		tomato
+255  69   0		orange red
+255  69   0		OrangeRed
+255   0   0		red
+255 105 180		hot pink
+255 105 180		HotPink
+255  20 147		deep pink
+255  20 147		DeepPink
+255 192 203		pink
+255 182 193		light pink
+255 182 193		LightPink
+219 112 147		pale violet red
+219 112 147		PaleVioletRed
+176  48  96		maroon
+199  21 133		medium violet red
+199  21 133		MediumVioletRed
+208  32 144		violet red
+208  32 144		VioletRed
+255   0 255		magenta
+238 130 238		violet
+221 160 221		plum
+218 112 214		orchid
+186  85 211		medium orchid
+186  85 211		MediumOrchid
+153  50 204		dark orchid
+153  50 204		DarkOrchid
+148   0 211		dark violet
+148   0 211		DarkViolet
+138  43 226		blue violet
+138  43 226		BlueViolet
+160  32 240		purple
+147 112 219		medium purple
+147 112 219		MediumPurple
+216 191 216		thistle
+255 250 250		snow1
+238 233 233		snow2
+205 201 201		snow3
+139 137 137		snow4
+255 245 238		seashell1
+238 229 222		seashell2
+205 197 191		seashell3
+139 134 130		seashell4
+255 239 219		AntiqueWhite1
+238 223 204		AntiqueWhite2
+205 192 176		AntiqueWhite3
+139 131 120		AntiqueWhite4
+255 228 196		bisque1
+238 213 183		bisque2
+205 183 158		bisque3
+139 125 107		bisque4
+255 218 185		PeachPuff1
+238 203 173		PeachPuff2
+205 175 149		PeachPuff3
+139 119 101		PeachPuff4
+255 222 173		NavajoWhite1
+238 207 161		NavajoWhite2
+205 179 139		NavajoWhite3
+139 121	 94		NavajoWhite4
+255 250 205		LemonChiffon1
+238 233 191		LemonChiffon2
+205 201 165		LemonChiffon3
+139 137 112		LemonChiffon4
+255 248 220		cornsilk1
+238 232 205		cornsilk2
+205 200 177		cornsilk3
+139 136 120		cornsilk4
+255 255 240		ivory1
+238 238 224		ivory2
+205 205 193		ivory3
+139 139 131		ivory4
+240 255 240		honeydew1
+224 238 224		honeydew2
+193 205 193		honeydew3
+131 139 131		honeydew4
+255 240 245		LavenderBlush1
+238 224 229		LavenderBlush2
+205 193 197		LavenderBlush3
+139 131 134		LavenderBlush4
+255 228 225		MistyRose1
+238 213 210		MistyRose2
+205 183 181		MistyRose3
+139 125 123		MistyRose4
+240 255 255		azure1
+224 238 238		azure2
+193 205 205		azure3
+131 139 139		azure4
+131 111 255		SlateBlue1
+122 103 238		SlateBlue2
+105  89 205		SlateBlue3
+ 71  60 139		SlateBlue4
+ 72 118 255		RoyalBlue1
+ 67 110 238		RoyalBlue2
+ 58  95 205		RoyalBlue3
+ 39  64 139		RoyalBlue4
+  0   0 255		blue1
+  0   0 238		blue2
+  0   0 205		blue3
+  0   0 139		blue4
+ 30 144 255		DodgerBlue1
+ 28 134 238		DodgerBlue2
+ 24 116 205		DodgerBlue3
+ 16  78 139		DodgerBlue4
+ 99 184 255		SteelBlue1
+ 92 172 238		SteelBlue2
+ 79 148 205		SteelBlue3
+ 54 100 139		SteelBlue4
+  0 191 255		DeepSkyBlue1
+  0 178 238		DeepSkyBlue2
+  0 154 205		DeepSkyBlue3
+  0 104 139		DeepSkyBlue4
+135 206 255		SkyBlue1
+126 192 238		SkyBlue2
+108 166 205		SkyBlue3
+ 74 112 139		SkyBlue4
+176 226 255		LightSkyBlue1
+164 211 238		LightSkyBlue2
+141 182 205		LightSkyBlue3
+ 96 123 139		LightSkyBlue4
+198 226 255		SlateGray1
+185 211 238		SlateGray2
+159 182 205		SlateGray3
+108 123 139		SlateGray4
+202 225 255		LightSteelBlue1
+188 210 238		LightSteelBlue2
+162 181 205		LightSteelBlue3
+110 123 139		LightSteelBlue4
+191 239 255		LightBlue1
+178 223 238		LightBlue2
+154 192 205		LightBlue3
+104 131 139		LightBlue4
+224 255 255		LightCyan1
+209 238 238		LightCyan2
+180 205 205		LightCyan3
+122 139 139		LightCyan4
+187 255 255		PaleTurquoise1
+174 238 238		PaleTurquoise2
+150 205 205		PaleTurquoise3
+102 139 139		PaleTurquoise4
+152 245 255		CadetBlue1
+142 229 238		CadetBlue2
+122 197 205		CadetBlue3
+ 83 134 139		CadetBlue4
+  0 245 255		turquoise1
+  0 229 238		turquoise2
+  0 197 205		turquoise3
+  0 134 139		turquoise4
+  0 255 255		cyan1
+  0 238 238		cyan2
+  0 205 205		cyan3
+  0 139 139		cyan4
+151 255 255		DarkSlateGray1
+141 238 238		DarkSlateGray2
+121 205 205		DarkSlateGray3
+ 82 139 139		DarkSlateGray4
+127 255 212		aquamarine1
+118 238 198		aquamarine2
+102 205 170		aquamarine3
+ 69 139 116		aquamarine4
+193 255 193		DarkSeaGreen1
+180 238 180		DarkSeaGreen2
+155 205 155		DarkSeaGreen3
+105 139 105		DarkSeaGreen4
+ 84 255 159		SeaGreen1
+ 78 238 148		SeaGreen2
+ 67 205 128		SeaGreen3
+ 46 139	 87		SeaGreen4
+154 255 154		PaleGreen1
+144 238 144		PaleGreen2
+124 205 124		PaleGreen3
+ 84 139	 84		PaleGreen4
+  0 255 127		SpringGreen1
+  0 238 118		SpringGreen2
+  0 205 102		SpringGreen3
+  0 139	 69		SpringGreen4
+  0 255	  0		green1
+  0 238	  0		green2
+  0 205	  0		green3
+  0 139	  0		green4
+127 255	  0		chartreuse1
+118 238	  0		chartreuse2
+102 205	  0		chartreuse3
+ 69 139	  0		chartreuse4
+192 255	 62		OliveDrab1
+179 238	 58		OliveDrab2
+154 205	 50		OliveDrab3
+105 139	 34		OliveDrab4
+202 255 112		DarkOliveGreen1
+188 238 104		DarkOliveGreen2
+162 205	 90		DarkOliveGreen3
+110 139	 61		DarkOliveGreen4
+255 246 143		khaki1
+238 230 133		khaki2
+205 198 115		khaki3
+139 134	 78		khaki4
+255 236 139		LightGoldenrod1
+238 220 130		LightGoldenrod2
+205 190 112		LightGoldenrod3
+139 129	 76		LightGoldenrod4
+255 255 224		LightYellow1
+238 238 209		LightYellow2
+205 205 180		LightYellow3
+139 139 122		LightYellow4
+255 255	  0		yellow1
+238 238	  0		yellow2
+205 205	  0		yellow3
+139 139	  0		yellow4
+255 215	  0		gold1
+238 201	  0		gold2
+205 173	  0		gold3
+139 117	  0		gold4
+255 193	 37		goldenrod1
+238 180	 34		goldenrod2
+205 155	 29		goldenrod3
+139 105	 20		goldenrod4
+255 185	 15		DarkGoldenrod1
+238 173	 14		DarkGoldenrod2
+205 149	 12		DarkGoldenrod3
+139 101	  8		DarkGoldenrod4
+255 193 193		RosyBrown1
+238 180 180		RosyBrown2
+205 155 155		RosyBrown3
+139 105 105		RosyBrown4
+255 106 106		IndianRed1
+238  99	 99		IndianRed2
+205  85	 85		IndianRed3
+139  58	 58		IndianRed4
+255 130	 71		sienna1
+238 121	 66		sienna2
+205 104	 57		sienna3
+139  71	 38		sienna4
+255 211 155		burlywood1
+238 197 145		burlywood2
+205 170 125		burlywood3
+139 115	 85		burlywood4
+255 231 186		wheat1
+238 216 174		wheat2
+205 186 150		wheat3
+139 126 102		wheat4
+255 165	 79		tan1
+238 154	 73		tan2
+205 133	 63		tan3
+139  90	 43		tan4
+255 127	 36		chocolate1
+238 118	 33		chocolate2
+205 102	 29		chocolate3
+139  69	 19		chocolate4
+255  48	 48		firebrick1
+238  44	 44		firebrick2
+205  38	 38		firebrick3
+139  26	 26		firebrick4
+255  64	 64		brown1
+238  59	 59		brown2
+205  51	 51		brown3
+139  35	 35		brown4
+255 140 105		salmon1
+238 130	 98		salmon2
+205 112	 84		salmon3
+139  76	 57		salmon4
+255 160 122		LightSalmon1
+238 149 114		LightSalmon2
+205 129	 98		LightSalmon3
+139  87	 66		LightSalmon4
+255 165	  0		orange1
+238 154	  0		orange2
+205 133	  0		orange3
+139  90	  0		orange4
+255 127	  0		DarkOrange1
+238 118	  0		DarkOrange2
+205 102	  0		DarkOrange3
+139  69	  0		DarkOrange4
+255 114	 86		coral1
+238 106	 80		coral2
+205  91	 69		coral3
+139  62	 47		coral4
+255  99	 71		tomato1
+238  92	 66		tomato2
+205  79	 57		tomato3
+139  54	 38		tomato4
+255  69	  0		OrangeRed1
+238  64	  0		OrangeRed2
+205  55	  0		OrangeRed3
+139  37	  0		OrangeRed4
+255   0	  0		red1
+238   0	  0		red2
+205   0	  0		red3
+139   0	  0		red4
+255  20 147		DeepPink1
+238  18 137		DeepPink2
+205  16 118		DeepPink3
+139  10	 80		DeepPink4
+255 110 180		HotPink1
+238 106 167		HotPink2
+205  96 144		HotPink3
+139  58  98		HotPink4
+255 181 197		pink1
+238 169 184		pink2
+205 145 158		pink3
+139  99 108		pink4
+255 174 185		LightPink1
+238 162 173		LightPink2
+205 140 149		LightPink3
+139  95 101		LightPink4
+255 130 171		PaleVioletRed1
+238 121 159		PaleVioletRed2
+205 104 137		PaleVioletRed3
+139  71	 93		PaleVioletRed4
+255  52 179		maroon1
+238  48 167		maroon2
+205  41 144		maroon3
+139  28	 98		maroon4
+255  62 150		VioletRed1
+238  58 140		VioletRed2
+205  50 120		VioletRed3
+139  34	 82		VioletRed4
+255   0 255		magenta1
+238   0 238		magenta2
+205   0 205		magenta3
+139   0 139		magenta4
+255 131 250		orchid1
+238 122 233		orchid2
+205 105 201		orchid3
+139  71 137		orchid4
+255 187 255		plum1
+238 174 238		plum2
+205 150 205		plum3
+139 102 139		plum4
+224 102 255		MediumOrchid1
+209  95 238		MediumOrchid2
+180  82 205		MediumOrchid3
+122  55 139		MediumOrchid4
+191  62 255		DarkOrchid1
+178  58 238		DarkOrchid2
+154  50 205		DarkOrchid3
+104  34 139		DarkOrchid4
+155  48 255		purple1
+145  44 238		purple2
+125  38 205		purple3
+ 85  26 139		purple4
+171 130 255		MediumPurple1
+159 121 238		MediumPurple2
+137 104 205		MediumPurple3
+ 93  71 139		MediumPurple4
+255 225 255		thistle1
+238 210 238		thistle2
+205 181 205		thistle3
+139 123 139		thistle4
+  0   0   0		gray0
+  0   0   0		grey0
+  3   3   3		gray1
+  3   3   3		grey1
+  5   5   5		gray2
+  5   5   5		grey2
+  8   8   8		gray3
+  8   8   8		grey3
+ 10  10  10 		gray4
+ 10  10  10 		grey4
+ 13  13  13 		gray5
+ 13  13  13 		grey5
+ 15  15  15 		gray6
+ 15  15  15 		grey6
+ 18  18  18 		gray7
+ 18  18  18 		grey7
+ 20  20  20 		gray8
+ 20  20  20 		grey8
+ 23  23  23 		gray9
+ 23  23  23 		grey9
+ 26  26  26 		gray10
+ 26  26  26 		grey10
+ 28  28  28 		gray11
+ 28  28  28 		grey11
+ 31  31  31 		gray12
+ 31  31  31 		grey12
+ 33  33  33 		gray13
+ 33  33  33 		grey13
+ 36  36  36 		gray14
+ 36  36  36 		grey14
+ 38  38  38 		gray15
+ 38  38  38 		grey15
+ 41  41  41 		gray16
+ 41  41  41 		grey16
+ 43  43  43 		gray17
+ 43  43  43 		grey17
+ 46  46  46 		gray18
+ 46  46  46 		grey18
+ 48  48  48 		gray19
+ 48  48  48 		grey19
+ 51  51  51 		gray20
+ 51  51  51 		grey20
+ 54  54  54 		gray21
+ 54  54  54 		grey21
+ 56  56  56 		gray22
+ 56  56  56 		grey22
+ 59  59  59 		gray23
+ 59  59  59 		grey23
+ 61  61  61 		gray24
+ 61  61  61 		grey24
+ 64  64  64 		gray25
+ 64  64  64 		grey25
+ 66  66  66 		gray26
+ 66  66  66 		grey26
+ 69  69  69 		gray27
+ 69  69  69 		grey27
+ 71  71  71 		gray28
+ 71  71  71 		grey28
+ 74  74  74 		gray29
+ 74  74  74 		grey29
+ 77  77  77 		gray30
+ 77  77  77 		grey30
+ 79  79  79 		gray31
+ 79  79  79 		grey31
+ 82  82  82 		gray32
+ 82  82  82 		grey32
+ 84  84  84 		gray33
+ 84  84  84 		grey33
+ 87  87  87 		gray34
+ 87  87  87 		grey34
+ 89  89  89 		gray35
+ 89  89  89 		grey35
+ 92  92  92 		gray36
+ 92  92  92 		grey36
+ 94  94  94 		gray37
+ 94  94  94 		grey37
+ 97  97  97 		gray38
+ 97  97  97 		grey38
+ 99  99  99 		gray39
+ 99  99  99 		grey39
+102 102 102 		gray40
+102 102 102 		grey40
+105 105 105 		gray41
+105 105 105 		grey41
+107 107 107 		gray42
+107 107 107 		grey42
+110 110 110 		gray43
+110 110 110 		grey43
+112 112 112 		gray44
+112 112 112 		grey44
+115 115 115 		gray45
+115 115 115 		grey45
+117 117 117 		gray46
+117 117 117 		grey46
+120 120 120 		gray47
+120 120 120 		grey47
+122 122 122 		gray48
+122 122 122 		grey48
+125 125 125 		gray49
+125 125 125 		grey49
+127 127 127 		gray50
+127 127 127 		grey50
+130 130 130 		gray51
+130 130 130 		grey51
+133 133 133 		gray52
+133 133 133 		grey52
+135 135 135 		gray53
+135 135 135 		grey53
+138 138 138 		gray54
+138 138 138 		grey54
+140 140 140 		gray55
+140 140 140 		grey55
+143 143 143 		gray56
+143 143 143 		grey56
+145 145 145 		gray57
+145 145 145 		grey57
+148 148 148 		gray58
+148 148 148 		grey58
+150 150 150 		gray59
+150 150 150 		grey59
+153 153 153 		gray60
+153 153 153 		grey60
+156 156 156 		gray61
+156 156 156 		grey61
+158 158 158 		gray62
+158 158 158 		grey62
+161 161 161 		gray63
+161 161 161 		grey63
+163 163 163 		gray64
+163 163 163 		grey64
+166 166 166 		gray65
+166 166 166 		grey65
+168 168 168 		gray66
+168 168 168 		grey66
+171 171 171 		gray67
+171 171 171 		grey67
+173 173 173 		gray68
+173 173 173 		grey68
+176 176 176 		gray69
+176 176 176 		grey69
+179 179 179 		gray70
+179 179 179 		grey70
+181 181 181 		gray71
+181 181 181 		grey71
+184 184 184 		gray72
+184 184 184 		grey72
+186 186 186 		gray73
+186 186 186 		grey73
+189 189 189 		gray74
+189 189 189 		grey74
+191 191 191 		gray75
+191 191 191 		grey75
+194 194 194 		gray76
+194 194 194 		grey76
+196 196 196 		gray77
+196 196 196 		grey77
+199 199 199 		gray78
+199 199 199 		grey78
+201 201 201 		gray79
+201 201 201 		grey79
+204 204 204 		gray80
+204 204 204 		grey80
+207 207 207 		gray81
+207 207 207 		grey81
+209 209 209 		gray82
+209 209 209 		grey82
+212 212 212 		gray83
+212 212 212 		grey83
+214 214 214 		gray84
+214 214 214 		grey84
+217 217 217 		gray85
+217 217 217 		grey85
+219 219 219 		gray86
+219 219 219 		grey86
+222 222 222 		gray87
+222 222 222 		grey87
+224 224 224 		gray88
+224 224 224 		grey88
+227 227 227 		gray89
+227 227 227 		grey89
+229 229 229 		gray90
+229 229 229 		grey90
+232 232 232 		gray91
+232 232 232 		grey91
+235 235 235 		gray92
+235 235 235 		grey92
+237 237 237 		gray93
+237 237 237 		grey93
+240 240 240 		gray94
+240 240 240 		grey94
+242 242 242 		gray95
+242 242 242 		grey95
+245 245 245 		gray96
+245 245 245 		grey96
+247 247 247 		gray97
+247 247 247 		grey97
+250 250 250 		gray98
+250 250 250 		grey98
+252 252 252 		gray99
+252 252 252 		grey99
+255 255 255 		gray100
+255 255 255 		grey100
+169 169 169		dark grey
+169 169 169		DarkGrey
+169 169 169		dark gray
+169 169 169		DarkGray
+0     0 139		dark blue
+0     0 139		DarkBlue
+0   139 139		dark cyan
+0   139 139		DarkCyan
+139   0 139		dark magenta
+139   0 139		DarkMagenta
+139   0   0		dark red
+139   0   0		DarkRed
+144 238 144		light green
+144 238 144		LightGreen
diff --git a/wkml/rgb2wkml.py b/wkml/rgb2wkml.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2ee67e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/rgb2wkml.py
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+# A script to read in the X11 color file, and create a fortran module exporting the defined colors.
+# This will fail on any file with more than (maxContLines-1)^2 colors.
+from string import Template
+maxContLines=39 # in f95
+header = """module m_wkml_color_def
+  implicit none
+  private
+  type color
+    integer       :: r, g, b
+    character(20) :: name
+  end type color
+  public :: color
+  public :: colorarray
+c = Template("color($r, $g, $b, '$name')")
+fIn = open("rgb.txt")
+fIn.readline() # throw away the first line, which is the CVS tag.
+colors = []
+for line in fIn:
+    values = line.split()
+    (r, g, b) = [int(x) for x in values[:3]]
+    name = ' '.join(values[3:])
+    if len(name)>20: continue
+    name = name+(20-len(name))*' '
+    colors.append({'r':r, 'g':g, 'b':b, 'name':name})
+numArraysNeeded = len(colors)/(maxContLines) + 1
+print header
+ii = 0
+for i in range(numArraysNeeded-1):
+    print "  type(color), parameter :: colorArray%d(%d)" % (i, maxContLines) , 
+    print "= (/ &" 
+    for j in range(maxContLines-1):
+        print "    "+c.substitute(colors[ii])+', &'
+        ii += 1
+    print "    "+c.substitute(colors[ii])+'/)'
+    ii += 1
+    print
+print "  type(color), parameter :: colorArray%d(%d)" % (numArraysNeeded-1, len(colors)-ii) , 
+print "= (/ &"
+for j in range(len(colors)-ii-1):
+    print "    "+c.substitute(colors[ii])+', &'
+    ii += 1
+print "    "+c.substitute(colors[ii])+'/)'
+print "  type(color), parameter :: colorArray(%d)" % len(colors), 
+print "= (/ &"
+for i in range(numArraysNeeded-1):
+    print "    colorArray%d" % i+", &"
+print "    colorArray%d" % (numArraysNeeded-1), 
+print "/)"
+print "end module m_wkml_color_def"
diff --git a/wkml/test/Makefile b/wkml/test/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b54a9c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+include ../../arch.make
+INCFLAGS=`../../FoX-config --fcflags`
+	$(FC) $(FFLAGS) $(INCFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) $(FCFLAGS_free_f90) $(LINK_O_FLAG) $@ $< `../../FoX-config --libs --wkml`
+check: clean
+	./run_tests.sh
+validate: clean
+	wget http://schemas.opengis.net/kml/2.2.0/ogckml22.xsd
+	wget http://schemas.opengis.net/kml/2.2.0/atom-author-link.xsd
+	xmllint --noout --schema ./ogckml22.xsd *.xml
+	rm -f *.xsd
+	rm -f *.$(MOD_EXT) *.$(OBJEXT) *.exe 
+	rm -rf test_kmlContours_*_real.*
+	rm -f test.xml test.out
diff --git a/wkml/test/m_contours_test_data_sp.f90 b/wkml/test/m_contours_test_data_sp.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e9c6a92
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/m_contours_test_data_sp.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,2510 @@
+module m_contours_test_data_sp
+    implicit none
+    real, save :: lat(69)
+    real, save :: long(61)    
+    real, save :: cdata(61,69)
+  contains
+  subroutine setup_values()
+    lat = (/54.0284767, 54.0275720, 54.0266672, 54.0257625, 54.0248577,  & 
+            54.0239530, 54.0230482, 54.0221435, 54.0212387, 54.0203340,  & 
+            54.0194292, 54.0185245, 54.0176198, 54.0167150, 54.0158103,  & 
+            54.0149055, 54.0140008, 54.0130960, 54.0121913, 54.0112865,  & 
+            54.0103818, 54.0094770, 54.0085723, 54.0076675, 54.0067628,  & 
+            54.0058580, 54.0049533, 54.0040486, 54.0031438, 54.0022391,  & 
+            54.0013343, 54.0004296, 53.9995248, 53.9986201, 53.9977153,  & 
+            53.9968106, 53.9959058, 53.9950011, 53.9940963, 53.9931916,  & 
+            53.9922868, 53.9913821, 53.9904774, 53.9895726, 53.9886679,  & 
+            53.9877631, 53.9868584, 53.9859536, 53.9850489, 53.9841441,  & 
+            53.9832394, 53.9823346, 53.9814299, 53.9805251, 53.9796204,  & 
+            53.9787156, 53.9778109, 53.9769062, 53.9760014, 53.9750967,  & 
+            53.9741919, 53.9732872, 53.9723824, 53.9714777, 53.9705729,  & 
+            53.9696682, 53.9687634, 53.9678587, 53.9669539/)
+    long = (/-2.58483291, -2.58332071, -2.58180851, -2.58029631, -2.57878411,  & 
+             -2.57727191, -2.57575971, -2.57424751, -2.57273531, -2.57122311,  & 
+             -2.56971092, -2.56819872, -2.56668652, -2.56517432, -2.56366212,  & 
+             -2.56214992, -2.56063772, -2.55912552, -2.55761332, -2.55610112,  & 
+             -2.55458892, -2.55307672, -2.55156453, -2.55005233, -2.54854013,  & 
+             -2.54702793, -2.54551573, -2.54400353, -2.54249133, -2.54097913,  & 
+             -2.53946693, -2.53795473, -2.53644253, -2.53493033, -2.53341814,  & 
+             -2.53190594, -2.53039374, -2.52888154, -2.52736934, -2.52585714,  & 
+             -2.52434494, -2.52283274, -2.52132054, -2.51980834, -2.51829614,  & 
+             -2.51678394, -2.51527175, -2.51375955, -2.51224735, -2.51073515,  & 
+             -2.50922295, -2.50771075, -2.50619855, -2.50468635, -2.50317415,  & 
+             -2.50166195, -2.50014975, -2.49863756, -2.49712536, -2.49561316,  & 
+             -2.49410096/)
+    cdata(1:61,1:69) = 999.99 ! Default lower value.
+    cdata(36,3) = 0.00616706
+    cdata(37,3) = 0.00481977
+    cdata(38,3) = 0.00509886
+    cdata(35,4) = 0.00756250
+    cdata(36,4) = 0.00695615
+    cdata(37,4) = 0.00914379
+    cdata(38,4) = 0.00689374
+    cdata(39,4) = 0.00583093
+    cdata(34,5) = 0.00005960
+    cdata(35,5) = 0.00119947
+    cdata(36,5) = 0.00107482
+    cdata(37,5) = 0.00247414
+    cdata(38,5) = 0.00269155
+    cdata(39,5) = 0.00289034
+    cdata(40,5) = 0.00505787
+    cdata(31,6) = 0.00506948
+    cdata(32,6) = 0.00686257
+    cdata(33,6) = 0.00667866
+    cdata(34,6) = 0.00311344
+    cdata(35,6) = 0.00006820
+    cdata(36,6) = 0.00004644
+    cdata(37,6) = 0.00021612
+    cdata(38,6) = 0.00024954
+    cdata(39,6) = 0.00019023
+    cdata(40,6) = 0.00061590
+    cdata(41,6) = 0.00477377
+    cdata(31,7) = 0.00673268
+    cdata(32,7) = 0.01311297
+    cdata(33,7) = 0.01946568
+    cdata(34,7) = 0.00592741
+    cdata(35,7) = 0.00000000
+    cdata(36,7) = 0.00000000
+    cdata(37,7) = 0.00000344
+    cdata(38,7) = 0.00000428
+    cdata(39,7) = 0.00000295
+    cdata(40,7) = 0.00002355
+    cdata(41,7) = 0.00037610
+    cdata(42,7) = 0.00387419
+    cdata(30,8) = 0.00411663
+    cdata(31,8) = 0.00506699
+    cdata(32,8) = 0.01263546
+    cdata(33,8) = 0.01726360
+    cdata(34,8) = 0.01342023
+    cdata(35,8) = 0.00257313
+    cdata(36,8) = 0.00000000
+    cdata(37,8) = 0.00000000
+    cdata(38,8) = 0.00000000
+    cdata(39,8) = 0.00000000
+    cdata(40,8) = 0.00000000
+    cdata(41,8) = 0.00000840
+    cdata(42,8) = 0.00005044
+    cdata(43,8) = 0.00000000
+    cdata(44,8) = 0.00710936
+    cdata(45,8) = 0.00783479
+    cdata(46,8) = 0.00843280
+    cdata(47,8) = 0.00460664
+    cdata(48,8) = 0.01395032
+    cdata(49,8) = 0.00800765
+    cdata(29,9) = 0.00698481
+    cdata(30,9) = 0.00459982
+    cdata(31,9) = 0.00623931
+    cdata(32,9) = 0.00601139
+    cdata(33,9) = 0.00899016
+    cdata(34,9) = 0.00213625
+    cdata(35,9) = 0.00897135
+    cdata(36,9) = 0.00055919
+    cdata(37,9) = 0.00000000
+    cdata(38,9) = 0.00000000
+    cdata(39,9) = 0.00000000
+    cdata(40,9) = 0.00000000
+    cdata(41,9) = 0.00000000
+    cdata(42,9) = 0.00000000
+    cdata(43,9) = 0.00000000
+    cdata(44,9) = 0.00153623
+    cdata(45,9) = 0.00028091
+    cdata(46,9) = 0.00529903
+    cdata(47,9) = 0.00760552
+    cdata(48,9) = 0.00695206
+    cdata(49,9) = 0.00671141
+    cdata(50,9) = 0.00640517
+    cdata(29,10) = 0.00532274
+    cdata(30,10) = 0.00680656
+    cdata(31,10) = 0.00743832
+    cdata(32,10) = 0.00814906
+    cdata(33,10) = 0.00616611
+    cdata(34,10) = 0.00603163
+    cdata(35,10) = 0.00098301
+    cdata(36,10) = 0.00775116
+    cdata(37,10) = 0.00591654
+    cdata(38,10) = 0.00000000
+    cdata(39,10) = 0.00000000
+    cdata(40,10) = 0.00000000
+    cdata(41,10) = 0.00000000
+    cdata(42,10) = 0.00000000
+    cdata(43,10) = 0.00000000
+    cdata(44,10) = 0.00005484
+    cdata(45,10) = 0.00000412
+    cdata(46,10) = 0.00199723
+    cdata(47,10) = 0.00370010
+    cdata(48,10) = 0.00456393
+    cdata(49,10) = 0.00532383
+    cdata(50,10) = 0.00585177
+    cdata(51,10) = 0.00654994
+    cdata(52,10) = 0.00496370
+    cdata(29,11) = 0.00476086
+    cdata(30,11) = 0.00708296
+    cdata(31,11) = 0.00597552
+    cdata(32,11) = 0.00665200
+    cdata(33,11) = 0.00703345
+    cdata(34,11) = 0.00769500
+    cdata(35,11) = 0.00568928
+    cdata(36,11) = 0.00919842
+    cdata(37,11) = 0.00103106
+    cdata(38,11) = 0.00001565
+    cdata(39,11) = 0.00000000
+    cdata(40,11) = 0.00000000
+    cdata(41,11) = 0.00000000
+    cdata(42,11) = 0.00000000
+    cdata(43,11) = 0.00000000
+    cdata(44,11) = 0.00000000
+    cdata(45,11) = 0.00000000
+    cdata(46,11) = 0.00000000
+    cdata(47,11) = 0.00000000
+    cdata(48,11) = 0.00003786
+    cdata(49,11) = 0.00117533
+    cdata(50,11) = 0.00509545
+    cdata(51,11) = 0.00731784
+    cdata(29,12) = 0.00433407
+    cdata(30,12) = 0.00511225
+    cdata(31,12) = 0.00576725
+    cdata(32,12) = 0.00598703
+    cdata(33,12) = 0.00652969
+    cdata(34,12) = 0.00602929
+    cdata(35,12) = 0.00405588
+    cdata(36,12) = 0.00055612
+    cdata(37,12) = 0.00003927
+    cdata(38,12) = 0.00819381
+    cdata(39,12) = 0.00000000
+    cdata(40,12) = 0.00000000
+    cdata(41,12) = 0.00000297
+    cdata(42,12) = 0.00022239
+    cdata(43,12) = 0.00237492
+    cdata(44,12) = 0.00000000
+    cdata(45,12) = 0.00000000
+    cdata(46,12) = 0.00000000
+    cdata(47,12) = 0.00000000
+    cdata(48,12) = 0.00000000
+    cdata(49,12) = 0.00005987
+    cdata(50,12) = 0.00056971
+    cdata(29,13) = 0.00390205
+    cdata(30,13) = 0.00416395
+    cdata(31,13) = 0.00482529
+    cdata(32,13) = 0.00554494
+    cdata(33,13) = 0.00573153
+    cdata(34,13) = 0.00469053
+    cdata(35,13) = 0.00471092
+    cdata(36,13) = 0.00111587
+    cdata(37,13) = 0.00007316
+    cdata(38,13) = 0.01375505
+    cdata(39,13) = 0.00838628
+    cdata(40,13) = 0.00000000
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+    cdata(45,54) = 0.00000000
+    cdata(46,54) = 0.00000000
+    cdata(47,54) = 0.00000000
+    cdata(48,54) = 0.00001298
+    cdata(49,54) = 0.00053474
+    cdata(50,54) = 0.00934513
+    cdata(51,54) = 0.00000000
+    cdata(52,54) = 0.02923353
+    cdata(53,54) = 0.00516892
+    cdata(54,54) = 0.00318495
+    cdata(55,54) = 0.00665226
+    cdata(56,54) = 0.00728322
+    cdata(57,54) = 0.00941158
+    cdata(58,54) = 0.00855525
+    cdata(59,54) = 0.00504905
+    cdata(13,55) = 0.00643452
+    cdata(14,55) = 0.00659616
+    cdata(15,55) = 0.00574912
+    cdata(16,55) = 0.00695192
+    cdata(17,55) = 0.00399526
+    cdata(18,55) = 0.00494740
+    cdata(19,55) = 0.00285177
+    cdata(20,55) = 0.00322243
+    cdata(21,55) = 0.00060793
+    cdata(22,55) = 0.00003616
+    cdata(23,55) = 0.00225306
+    cdata(24,55) = 0.00226563
+    cdata(25,55) = 0.00000000
+    cdata(26,55) = 0.00009750
+    cdata(27,55) = 0.00000000
+    cdata(28,55) = 0.00001624
+    cdata(29,55) = 0.00016370
+    cdata(30,55) = 0.00427892
+    cdata(31,55) = 0.01114781
+    cdata(32,55) = 0.01542724
+    cdata(33,55) = 0.00720009
+    cdata(34,55) = 0.00000000
+    cdata(35,55) = 0.00000000
+    cdata(36,55) = 0.00000000
+    cdata(37,55) = 0.00000000
+    cdata(38,55) = 0.00000000
+    cdata(39,55) = 0.00000000
+    cdata(40,55) = 0.00227838
+    cdata(41,55) = 0.00880188
+    cdata(42,55) = 0.00000000
+    cdata(43,55) = 0.00000000
+    cdata(44,55) = 0.00000000
+    cdata(45,55) = 0.00522036
+    cdata(46,55) = 0.00000000
+    cdata(47,55) = 0.00000000
+    cdata(48,55) = 0.00000314
+    cdata(49,55) = 0.00000291
+    cdata(50,55) = 0.00000000
+    cdata(51,55) = 0.00000000
+    cdata(52,55) = 0.00255980
+    cdata(53,55) = 0.00001899
+    cdata(54,55) = 0.00000387
+    cdata(55,55) = 0.00268160
+    cdata(56,55) = 0.00665723
+    cdata(57,55) = 0.00508445
+    cdata(58,55) = 0.00517226
+    cdata(14,56) = 0.00714879
+    cdata(15,56) = 0.00694943
+    cdata(16,56) = 0.00591440
+    cdata(17,56) = 0.00515664
+    cdata(18,56) = 0.00383844
+    cdata(19,56) = 0.00178493
+    cdata(20,56) = 0.00093328
+    cdata(21,56) = 0.00176321
+    cdata(22,56) = 0.00418739
+    cdata(23,56) = 0.00023470
+    cdata(24,56) = 0.00000000
+    cdata(25,56) = 0.00000000
+    cdata(26,56) = 0.00202940
+    cdata(27,56) = 0.00455700
+    cdata(28,56) = 0.00071983
+    cdata(29,56) = 0.00194988
+    cdata(30,56) = 0.00334499
+    cdata(31,56) = 0.00023051
+    cdata(32,56) = 0.00432332
+    cdata(33,56) = 0.01113707
+    cdata(34,56) = 0.00903826
+    cdata(35,56) = 0.00000000
+    cdata(36,56) = 0.00000000
+    cdata(37,56) = 0.00000000
+    cdata(38,56) = 0.00000000
+    cdata(39,56) = 0.00000000
+    cdata(40,56) = 0.00713191
+    cdata(41,56) = 0.00699442
+    cdata(42,56) = 0.00733940
+    cdata(43,56) = 0.00041216
+    cdata(44,56) = 0.00371812
+    cdata(45,56) = 0.00000000
+    cdata(46,56) = 0.00000000
+    cdata(47,56) = 0.00000725
+    cdata(48,56) = 0.00030579
+    cdata(49,56) = 0.00325353
+    cdata(50,56) = 0.00000000
+    cdata(51,56) = 0.00000000
+    cdata(52,56) = 0.00001405
+    cdata(53,56) = 0.00069645
+    cdata(54,56) = 0.00604126
+    cdata(55,56) = 0.00644769
+    cdata(56,56) = 0.00603991
+    cdata(57,56) = 0.00413882
+    cdata(58,56) = 0.01374297
+    cdata(15,57) = 0.00754953
+    cdata(16,57) = 0.00581481
+    cdata(17,57) = 0.00439743
+    cdata(18,57) = 0.00312465
+    cdata(19,57) = 0.00183436
+    cdata(20,57) = 0.00535112
+    cdata(21,57) = 0.00576991
+    cdata(22,57) = 0.00000000
+    cdata(23,57) = 0.00000000
+    cdata(24,57) = 0.00000000
+    cdata(25,57) = 0.00000000
+    cdata(26,57) = 0.00000000
+    cdata(27,57) = 0.00000000
+    cdata(28,57) = 0.00572724
+    cdata(29,57) = 0.00353097
+    cdata(30,57) = 0.00004941
+    cdata(31,57) = 0.00000000
+    cdata(32,57) = 0.00000000
+    cdata(33,57) = 0.00000000
+    cdata(34,57) = 0.00781165
+    cdata(35,57) = 0.01153778
+    cdata(36,57) = 0.00000000
+    cdata(37,57) = 0.00000000
+    cdata(38,57) = 0.00000000
+    cdata(39,57) = 0.00000000
+    cdata(40,57) = 0.00470279
+    cdata(41,57) = 0.00017324
+    cdata(42,57) = 0.00527251
+    cdata(43,57) = 0.00000000
+    cdata(44,57) = 0.00000000
+    cdata(45,57) = 0.00000000
+    cdata(46,57) = 0.00000000
+    cdata(47,57) = 0.00000601
+    cdata(48,57) = 0.00027053
+    cdata(49,57) = 0.00295491
+    cdata(50,57) = 0.00005995
+    cdata(51,57) = 0.00102249
+    cdata(52,57) = 0.00690258
+    cdata(53,57) = 0.01294435
+    cdata(54,57) = 0.00850163
+    cdata(55,57) = 0.00453863
+    cdata(56,57) = 0.00447441
+    cdata(57,57) = 0.00286165
+    cdata(58,57) = 0.00549232
+    cdata(16,58) = 0.00608173
+    cdata(17,58) = 0.00454933
+    cdata(18,58) = 0.00256287
+    cdata(19,58) = 0.00216823
+    cdata(20,58) = 0.00929317
+    cdata(21,58) = 0.00002065
+    cdata(22,58) = 0.00000986
+    cdata(23,58) = 0.00000000
+    cdata(24,58) = 0.00000000
+    cdata(25,58) = 0.00009361
+    cdata(26,58) = 0.00000000
+    cdata(27,58) = 0.00025078
+    cdata(28,58) = 0.00615836
+    cdata(29,58) = 0.00000000
+    cdata(30,58) = 0.00000000
+    cdata(31,58) = 0.00000000
+    cdata(32,58) = 0.00000000
+    cdata(33,58) = 0.00000000
+    cdata(34,58) = 0.00000000
+    cdata(35,58) = 0.01444292
+    cdata(36,58) = 0.00000000
+    cdata(37,58) = 0.00000000
+    cdata(38,58) = 0.00805238
+    cdata(39,58) = 0.00845905
+    cdata(40,58) = 0.00000000
+    cdata(41,58) = 0.00000000
+    cdata(42,58) = 0.00000000
+    cdata(43,58) = 0.00968108
+    cdata(44,58) = 0.00472818
+    cdata(45,58) = 0.00069900
+    cdata(46,58) = 0.00497421
+    cdata(47,58) = 0.00454747
+    cdata(48,58) = 0.00000461
+    cdata(49,58) = 0.00000000
+    cdata(50,58) = 0.00000000
+    cdata(51,58) = 0.00691868
+    cdata(52,58) = 0.00702639
+    cdata(53,58) = 0.00519771
+    cdata(54,58) = 0.00435246
+    cdata(55,58) = 0.00375564
+    cdata(56,58) = 0.00328936
+    cdata(17,59) = 0.00502408
+    cdata(18,59) = 0.00188505
+    cdata(19,59) = 0.00307530
+    cdata(20,59) = 0.00311449
+    cdata(21,59) = 0.00040207
+    cdata(22,59) = 0.00028036
+    cdata(23,59) = 0.00338255
+    cdata(24,59) = 0.00609011
+    cdata(25,59) = 0.00112950
+    cdata(26,59) = 0.00007019
+    cdata(27,59) = 0.00225498
+    cdata(28,59) = 0.00395746
+    cdata(29,59) = 0.00000000
+    cdata(30,59) = 0.00000000
+    cdata(31,59) = 0.00000000
+    cdata(32,59) = 0.00000000
+    cdata(33,59) = 0.00000000
+    cdata(34,59) = 0.00000000
+    cdata(35,59) = 0.00833235
+    cdata(36,59) = 0.00000000
+    cdata(37,59) = 0.00000000
+    cdata(38,59) = 0.00528764
+    cdata(39,59) = 0.00239311
+    cdata(40,59) = 0.00000000
+    cdata(41,59) = 0.00000000
+    cdata(42,59) = 0.00000000
+    cdata(43,59) = 0.00000000
+    cdata(44,59) = 0.00000000
+    cdata(45,59) = 0.00000000
+    cdata(46,59) = 0.00000000
+    cdata(47,59) = 0.00062160
+    cdata(48,59) = 0.00502170
+    cdata(49,59) = 0.00479613
+    cdata(50,59) = 0.00025867
+    cdata(51,59) = 0.00224532
+    cdata(52,59) = 0.00991617
+    cdata(53,59) = 0.00456168
+    cdata(54,59) = 0.00578436
+    cdata(55,59) = 0.00633152
+    cdata(20,60) = 0.00256529
+    cdata(21,60) = 0.00257738
+    cdata(22,60) = 0.00222918
+    cdata(23,60) = 0.00304242
+    cdata(24,60) = 0.00394162
+    cdata(25,60) = 0.00382303
+    cdata(26,60) = 0.00327189
+    cdata(27,60) = 0.00824851
+    cdata(28,60) = 0.00000000
+    cdata(29,60) = 0.00000000
+    cdata(30,60) = 0.00000000
+    cdata(31,60) = 0.00000000
+    cdata(32,60) = 0.00000000
+    cdata(33,60) = 0.00000000
+    cdata(34,60) = 0.00000000
+    cdata(35,60) = 0.01069501
+    cdata(36,60) = 0.00039847
+    cdata(37,60) = 0.00347890
+    cdata(38,60) = 0.00021506
+    cdata(39,60) = 0.00000000
+    cdata(40,60) = 0.00000000
+    cdata(41,60) = 0.00000000
+    cdata(42,60) = 0.00000000
+    cdata(43,60) = 0.00000000
+    cdata(44,60) = 0.00000000
+    cdata(45,60) = 0.00000000
+    cdata(46,60) = 0.00000000
+    cdata(47,60) = 0.00000000
+    cdata(48,60) = 0.00000000
+    cdata(49,60) = 0.00007563
+    cdata(50,60) = 0.00105931
+    cdata(51,60) = 0.00697028
+    cdata(52,60) = 0.00683652
+    cdata(53,60) = 0.00746510
+    cdata(54,60) = 0.00480558
+    cdata(22,61) = 0.00283777
+    cdata(23,61) = 0.00273178
+    cdata(24,61) = 0.00256387
+    cdata(25,61) = 0.00246463
+    cdata(26,61) = 0.00264785
+    cdata(27,61) = 0.00464329
+    cdata(28,61) = 0.00011102
+    cdata(29,61) = 0.00000000
+    cdata(30,61) = 0.00000000
+    cdata(31,61) = 0.00000000
+    cdata(32,61) = 0.00000000
+    cdata(33,61) = 0.00000000
+    cdata(34,61) = 0.00360989
+    cdata(35,61) = 0.01859893
+    cdata(36,61) = 0.00891056
+    cdata(37,61) = 0.00038302
+    cdata(38,61) = 0.00348285
+    cdata(39,61) = 0.00000000
+    cdata(40,61) = 0.00000000
+    cdata(41,61) = 0.00000000
+    cdata(42,61) = 0.00000000
+    cdata(43,61) = 0.00000000
+    cdata(44,61) = 0.00000000
+    cdata(45,61) = 0.00000000
+    cdata(46,61) = 0.00000000
+    cdata(47,61) = 0.00000000
+    cdata(48,61) = 0.00001378
+    cdata(49,61) = 0.00010032
+    cdata(50,61) = 0.00121175
+    cdata(51,61) = 0.00556812
+    cdata(52,61) = 0.00525006
+    cdata(53,61) = 0.00417813
+    cdata(24,62) = 0.00304361
+    cdata(25,62) = 0.00323513
+    cdata(26,62) = 0.00358566
+    cdata(27,62) = 0.00272860
+    cdata(28,62) = 0.00132461
+    cdata(29,62) = 0.00015476
+    cdata(30,62) = 0.00000000
+    cdata(31,62) = 0.00000000
+    cdata(32,62) = 0.00000000
+    cdata(33,62) = 0.00000000
+    cdata(34,62) = 0.00021896
+    cdata(35,62) = 0.03703412
+    cdata(36,62) = 0.00000000
+    cdata(37,62) = 0.00000000
+    cdata(38,62) = 0.00000000
+    cdata(39,62) = 0.00000000
+    cdata(40,62) = 0.00000000
+    cdata(41,62) = 0.00000000
+    cdata(42,62) = 0.00000000
+    cdata(43,62) = 0.00000000
+    cdata(44,62) = 0.00000000
+    cdata(45,62) = 0.00000000
+    cdata(46,62) = 0.00000000
+    cdata(47,62) = 0.00003217
+    cdata(48,62) = 0.00043463
+    cdata(49,62) = 0.00105298
+    cdata(50,62) = 0.00520997
+    cdata(51,62) = 0.00444147
+    cdata(52,62) = 0.00503285
+    cdata(28,63) = 0.00006058
+    cdata(29,63) = 0.00000000
+    cdata(30,63) = 0.00332142
+    cdata(31,63) = 0.00569759
+    cdata(32,63) = 0.00699221
+    cdata(33,63) = 0.00313138
+    cdata(34,63) = 0.00035814
+    cdata(35,63) = 0.02115736
+    cdata(36,63) = 0.00000000
+    cdata(37,63) = 0.00000000
+    cdata(38,63) = 0.00000000
+    cdata(39,63) = 0.00000000
+    cdata(40,63) = 0.00000000
+    cdata(41,63) = 0.00000000
+    cdata(42,63) = 0.00000000
+    cdata(43,63) = 0.00000000
+    cdata(44,63) = 0.00000000
+    cdata(45,63) = 0.00000000
+    cdata(46,63) = 0.00002042
+    cdata(47,63) = 0.00054306
+    cdata(48,63) = 0.00389703
+    cdata(49,63) = 0.00511363
+    cdata(50,63) = 0.00448001
+    cdata(51,63) = 0.00442748
+    cdata(52,63) = 0.00405549
+    cdata(44,64) = 0.00000000
+    cdata(45,64) = 0.00001455
+    cdata(46,64) = 0.00055659
+    cdata(47,64) = 0.00464444
+    cdata(48,64) = 0.00445083
+    cdata(49,64) = 0.00418098
+    cdata(50,64) = 0.00453074
+    cdata(51,64) = 0.00465456
+    cdata(46,65) = 0.00000000
+    cdata(47,65) = 0.00000000
+    cdata(48,65) = 0.00019890
+    cdata(49,65) = 0.00313446
+    cdata(50,65) = 0.00023373
+    cdata(51,65) = 0.00521070
+    cdata(48,66) = 0.00000000
+    cdata(49,66) = 0.00000000
+    cdata(50,66) = 0.00000000
+  end subroutine setup_values
+end module m_contours_test_data_sp
diff --git a/wkml/test/passed.sh b/wkml/test/passed.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..daf021f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/passed.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+if [ $1 = yes ]; then
+  echo 'PASSED: ' $2
+  echo 'PASSED: ' $2 >> tests.out
+  echo -n '1' >> passed.score
+  echo 'FAILED: ' $2
+  echo 'FAILED: ' $2 >> tests.out
+  echo -n '1' >> failed.score
diff --git a/wkml/test/run_tests.sh b/wkml/test/run_tests.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..019b811
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/run_tests.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+#!/bin/sh -e
+export INCFLAGS=`../../FoX-config --fcflags --wkml`
+make clean
+rm -f passed.score failed.score
+rm -f tests.out failed.out
+touch passed.score failed.score
+for t in test_kml*.sh
+  ./$t
+echo RESULT wkml/ Test Results:
+echo RESULT wkml/ Passed: `wc -l passed.score| cut -f 1 -d 'p'`
+echo RESULT wkml/ Failed: `wc -l failed.score| cut -f 1 -d 'f'`
+echo RESULT wkml/ See wkml/test/failed.out for details of failed tests.
diff --git a/wkml/test/test.sh b/wkml/test/test.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..794109d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+# Core files off, because they are huge on a Mac
+ulimit -c 0
+# NB Note that we ensure all locally-produced files 
+# have Unix line endings only by using 'tr', in
+# order to compare properly to our canonical versions.
+if ! make $1.exe; then
+  echo $1 >> failed.out
+  echo "------------" >> failed.out
+  echo Cannot compile $1 >> failed.out
+  echo "------------" >> failed.out
+  ./$1.exe 2>&1 | tr -d '\15' | grep -v 'STOP' > test.out
+  if test -f $1.xml
+  then
+    tr -d '\15' < test.xml | grep -v UUID > test.xml.tmp; mv test.xml.tmp test.xml
+    if test -f test.xml
+    then
+      if diff test.xml $1.xml > /dev/null; then
+        passed=yes
+      else
+        echo $1 >> failed.out
+        echo "------------" >> failed.out
+        diff -u test.xml $1.xml >> failed.out
+        echo "------------" >> failed.out
+      fi
+    else
+      echo $1 >> failed.out
+      echo " -----------"
+      echo "test.xml not produced"
+      echo " -----------"
+    fi
+  elif test -f $1.out
+  then
+    # Note that for most of the test.sh files we only check
+    # that the DIFFerences are in one direction. Here, we need
+    # to check both directions as the "test_input" file reports
+    # errors in a non-standard way (by adding lines). 
+    # FIXME: Better to correct test_input?
+    if diff -B test.out $1.out | grep "^[><]" > /dev/null; then
+      echo $1 >> failed.out
+      echo "------------" >> failed.out
+      diff -u test.out $1.out >> failed.out
+      echo "------------" >> failed.out
+    else
+      passed=yes
+    fi
+  else
+    echo $1 >> failed.out
+    echo "------------" >> failed.out
+    echo No test output found for $1
+    echo "------------" >> failed.out
+  fi
+if [ $passed = yes ]; then
+  echo 'PASSED: ' $1 
+  echo 'PASSED: ' $1 >> tests.out
+  echo '1' >> passed.score
+  echo 'FAILED: ' $1 
+  echo 'FAILED: ' $1 >> tests.out
+  echo '1' >> failed.score
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlAddInnerBoundary.sh b/wkml/test/test_kmlAddInnerBoundary.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..e521c92
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlAddInnerBoundary.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+#!/bin/sh -e
+for t in ${0%.sh}_*.f90
+  TEST=${t%.f90}
+  ./test.sh $TEST
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlAddInnerBoundary_0.f90 b/wkml/test/test_kmlAddInnerBoundary_0.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7d2b778
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlAddInnerBoundary_0.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wkml
+  implicit none
+  type(xmlf_t) :: myfile
+  call kmlAddInnerBoundary(myfile, (/10.25, 10.25, 10.75, 10.75/), &
+                                   (/10.25, 10.75, 10.75, 10.25/))
+  call kmlEndRegion(myfile)
+  call kmlFinishFile(myfile)
+end program test
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlAddInnerBoundary_0.out b/wkml/test/test_kmlAddInnerBoundary_0.out
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f099eb6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlAddInnerBoundary_0.out
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Can only add an inner boundary inside a polygon
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlAddInnerBoundary_1.f90 b/wkml/test/test_kmlAddInnerBoundary_1.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..74fd5de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlAddInnerBoundary_1.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wkml
+  implicit none
+  type(xmlf_t) :: myfile
+  call kmlBeginFile(myfile, "test.xml", -1)
+  call kmlStartRegion(myfile, (/10.0, 10.0, 11.0, 11.0/), & 
+                              (/10.0, 11.0, 11.0, 10.0/))
+  call kmlAddInnerBoundary(myfile, (/10.25, 10.25, 10.75, 10.75/), &
+                                   (/10.25, 10.75, 10.75, 10.25/))
+  call kmlEndRegion(myfile)
+  call kmlFinishFile(myfile)
+end program test
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlAddInnerBoundary_1.xml b/wkml/test/test_kmlAddInnerBoundary_1.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..65e4cdc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlAddInnerBoundary_1.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<kml xmlns="http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2">
+  <Document>
+    <name>WKML output</name>
+    <Placemark>
+      <Polygon>
+        <outerBoundaryIs>
+          <LinearRing>
+            <coordinates>
+              10.000000,10.000000
+              10.000000,11.000000
+              11.000000,11.000000
+              11.000000,10.000000
+              10.000000,10.000000
+              </coordinates>
+          </LinearRing>
+        </outerBoundaryIs>
+        <innerBoundaryIs>
+          <LinearRing>
+            <coordinates>
+              10.250000,10.250000
+              10.250000,10.750000
+              10.750000,10.750000
+              10.750000,10.250000
+              10.250000,10.250000
+              </coordinates>
+          </LinearRing>
+        </innerBoundaryIs>
+      </Polygon>
+    </Placemark>
+  </Document>
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlAddInnerBoundary_10.f90 b/wkml/test/test_kmlAddInnerBoundary_10.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..38335ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlAddInnerBoundary_10.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wkml
+  implicit none
+  type(xmlf_t) :: myfile
+  call kmlBeginFile(myfile, "test.xml", -1)
+  call kmlStartRegion(myfile, (/10.0, 10.0, 11.0, 11.0/), & 
+                              (/10.0, 11.0, 11.0, 10.0/))
+  call kmlAddInnerBoundary(myfile, reshape((/10.25D0, 10.25D0, 1.1D0,& 
+                 10.25D0, 10.75D0, 1.2D0, 10.75D0, 10.75D0, 1.3D0, 10.75D0, 10.25D0, 1.4D0/),(/3,4/)))
+  call kmlEndRegion(myfile)
+  call kmlFinishFile(myfile)
+end program test
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlAddInnerBoundary_10.xml b/wkml/test/test_kmlAddInnerBoundary_10.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7a3580a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlAddInnerBoundary_10.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<kml xmlns="http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2">
+  <Document>
+    <name>WKML output</name>
+    <Placemark>
+      <Polygon>
+        <outerBoundaryIs>
+          <LinearRing>
+            <coordinates>
+              10.000000,10.000000
+              10.000000,11.000000
+              11.000000,11.000000
+              11.000000,10.000000
+              10.000000,10.000000
+              </coordinates>
+          </LinearRing>
+        </outerBoundaryIs>
+        <innerBoundaryIs>
+          <LinearRing>
+            <coordinates>
+              10.250000,10.250000,1.100000
+              10.250000,10.750000,1.200000
+              10.750000,10.750000,1.300000
+              10.750000,10.250000,1.400000
+              10.250000,10.250000,1.100000
+              </coordinates>
+          </LinearRing>
+        </innerBoundaryIs>
+      </Polygon>
+    </Placemark>
+  </Document>
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlAddInnerBoundary_11.f90 b/wkml/test/test_kmlAddInnerBoundary_11.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4d82a77
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlAddInnerBoundary_11.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wkml
+  implicit none
+  type(xmlf_t) :: myfile
+  call kmlBeginFile(myfile, "test.xml", -1)
+  call kmlStartRegion(myfile, (/10.0, 10.0, 11.0, 11.0/), & 
+                              (/10.0, 11.0, 11.0, 10.0/))
+  call kmlAddInnerBoundary(myfile, (/10.25, 10.75, 10.75/), &
+                                   (/10.25, 10.75, 10.75, 10.25/))
+  call kmlEndRegion(myfile)
+  call kmlFinishFile(myfile)
+end program test
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlAddInnerBoundary_11.out b/wkml/test/test_kmlAddInnerBoundary_11.out
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8d83936
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlAddInnerBoundary_11.out
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Incommensurate sizes for longitude and latitude arrays in kmlCreateLine
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlAddInnerBoundary_12.f90 b/wkml/test/test_kmlAddInnerBoundary_12.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..74ef4a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlAddInnerBoundary_12.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wkml
+  implicit none
+  type(xmlf_t) :: myfile
+  call kmlBeginFile(myfile, "test.xml", -1)
+  call kmlStartRegion(myfile, (/10.0, 10.0, 11.0, 11.0/), & 
+                              (/10.0, 11.0, 11.0, 10.0/))
+  call kmlAddInnerBoundary(myfile, (/10.25D0, 10.75D0, 10.75D0/), &
+                                   (/10.25D0, 10.75D0, 10.75D0, 10.25D0/))
+  call kmlEndRegion(myfile)
+  call kmlFinishFile(myfile)
+end program test
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlAddInnerBoundary_12.out b/wkml/test/test_kmlAddInnerBoundary_12.out
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8d83936
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlAddInnerBoundary_12.out
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Incommensurate sizes for longitude and latitude arrays in kmlCreateLine
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlAddInnerBoundary_13.f90 b/wkml/test/test_kmlAddInnerBoundary_13.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..23f3b14
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlAddInnerBoundary_13.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wkml
+  implicit none
+  type(xmlf_t) :: myfile
+  call kmlBeginFile(myfile, "test.xml", -1)
+  call kmlStartRegion(myfile, (/10.0, 10.0, 11.0, 11.0/), & 
+                              (/10.0, 11.0, 11.0, 10.0/))
+  call kmlAddInnerBoundary(myfile, reshape((/10.25, 10.25,& 
+                 10.25, 10.75, 10.75, 10.75, 10.75, 10.25/),(/4,2/)))
+  call kmlEndRegion(myfile)
+  call kmlFinishFile(myfile)
+end program test
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlAddInnerBoundary_13.out b/wkml/test/test_kmlAddInnerBoundary_13.out
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..70ae330
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlAddInnerBoundary_13.out
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+coords array first dimension is wrong in kmlAddInnerBoundary - must be 2 or 3
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlAddInnerBoundary_14.f90 b/wkml/test/test_kmlAddInnerBoundary_14.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e31fbd2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlAddInnerBoundary_14.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wkml
+  implicit none
+  type(xmlf_t) :: myfile
+  call kmlBeginFile(myfile, "test.xml", -1)
+  call kmlStartRegion(myfile, (/10.0, 10.0, 11.0, 11.0/), & 
+                              (/10.0, 11.0, 11.0, 10.0/))
+  call kmlAddInnerBoundary(myfile, reshape((/10.25D0, 10.25D0,& 
+                 10.25D0, 10.75D0, 10.75D0, 10.75D0, 10.75D0, 10.25D0/),(/4,2/)))
+  call kmlEndRegion(myfile)
+  call kmlFinishFile(myfile)
+end program test
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlAddInnerBoundary_14.out b/wkml/test/test_kmlAddInnerBoundary_14.out
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..70ae330
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlAddInnerBoundary_14.out
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+coords array first dimension is wrong in kmlAddInnerBoundary - must be 2 or 3
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlAddInnerBoundary_15.f90 b/wkml/test/test_kmlAddInnerBoundary_15.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d969415
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlAddInnerBoundary_15.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wkml
+  implicit none
+  type(xmlf_t) :: myfile
+  call kmlBeginFile(myfile, "test.xml", -1)
+  call kmlStartRegion(myfile, (/10.0, 10.0, 11.0, 11.0/), & 
+                              (/10.0, 11.0, 11.0, 10.0/))
+  call kmlAddInnerBoundary(myfile, (/10.25, 10.25, 10.75, 10.75/), &
+                                   (/10.25, 10.75, 10.75, 10.25/), &
+                           altitude=(/1.2, 1.3, 1.4/))
+  call kmlEndRegion(myfile)
+  call kmlFinishFile(myfile)
+end program test
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlAddInnerBoundary_15.out b/wkml/test/test_kmlAddInnerBoundary_15.out
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..828b3bf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlAddInnerBoundary_15.out
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Incommensurate sizes for longitude and altitude arrays in kmlCreateLine
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlAddInnerBoundary_16.f90 b/wkml/test/test_kmlAddInnerBoundary_16.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3dc8c90
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlAddInnerBoundary_16.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wkml
+  implicit none
+  type(xmlf_t) :: myfile
+  call kmlBeginFile(myfile, "test.xml", -1)
+  call kmlStartRegion(myfile, (/10.0, 10.0, 11.0, 11.0/), & 
+                              (/10.0, 11.0, 11.0, 10.0/))
+  call kmlAddInnerBoundary(myfile, (/10.25D0, 10.25D0, 10.75D0, 10.75D0/), &
+                                   (/10.25D0, 10.75D0, 10.75D0, 10.25D0/), &
+                           altitude=(/1.2D0, 1.3D0, 1.4D0/))
+  call kmlEndRegion(myfile)
+  call kmlFinishFile(myfile)
+end program test
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlAddInnerBoundary_16.out b/wkml/test/test_kmlAddInnerBoundary_16.out
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..828b3bf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlAddInnerBoundary_16.out
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Incommensurate sizes for longitude and altitude arrays in kmlCreateLine
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlAddInnerBoundary_17.f90 b/wkml/test/test_kmlAddInnerBoundary_17.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2b41eb4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlAddInnerBoundary_17.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wkml
+  implicit none
+  type(xmlf_t) :: myfile
+  call kmlBeginFile(myfile, "test.xml", -1)
+  call kmlStartRegion(myfile, (/10.0, 10.0, 11.0, 11.0/), & 
+                              (/10.0, 11.0, 11.0, 10.0/))
+  call kmlAddInnerBoundary(myfile, reshape((/10.25, 10.25,& 
+                 10.25, 10.75, 10.75, 10.75, 10.75, 10.25/),(/2,4/)), &
+                           altitude=(/1.2, 1.3, 1.4/))
+  call kmlEndRegion(myfile)
+  call kmlFinishFile(myfile)
+end program test
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlAddInnerBoundary_17.out b/wkml/test/test_kmlAddInnerBoundary_17.out
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..828b3bf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlAddInnerBoundary_17.out
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Incommensurate sizes for longitude and altitude arrays in kmlCreateLine
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlAddInnerBoundary_18.f90 b/wkml/test/test_kmlAddInnerBoundary_18.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..df74d21
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlAddInnerBoundary_18.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wkml
+  implicit none
+  type(xmlf_t) :: myfile
+  call kmlBeginFile(myfile, "test.xml", -1)
+  call kmlStartRegion(myfile, (/10.0, 10.0, 11.0, 11.0/), & 
+                              (/10.0, 11.0, 11.0, 10.0/))
+  call kmlAddInnerBoundary(myfile, reshape((/10.25D0, 10.25D0,& 
+                 10.25D0, 10.75D0, 10.75D0, 10.75D0, 10.75D0, 10.25D0/),(/2,4/)),&
+                           altitude=(/1.2D0, 1.3D0, 1.4D0/))
+  call kmlEndRegion(myfile)
+  call kmlFinishFile(myfile)
+end program test
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlAddInnerBoundary_18.out b/wkml/test/test_kmlAddInnerBoundary_18.out
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..828b3bf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlAddInnerBoundary_18.out
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Incommensurate sizes for longitude and altitude arrays in kmlCreateLine
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlAddInnerBoundary_2.f90 b/wkml/test/test_kmlAddInnerBoundary_2.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e71d942
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlAddInnerBoundary_2.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wkml
+  implicit none
+  type(xmlf_t) :: myfile
+  call kmlBeginFile(myfile, "test.xml", -1)
+  call kmlStartRegion(myfile, (/10.0, 10.0, 11.0, 11.0/), & 
+                              (/10.0, 11.0, 11.0, 10.0/))
+  call kmlAddInnerBoundary(myfile, (/10.25D0, 10.25D0, 10.75D0, 10.75D0/), &
+                                   (/10.25D0, 10.75D0, 10.75D0, 10.25D0/))
+  call kmlEndRegion(myfile)
+  call kmlFinishFile(myfile)
+end program test
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlAddInnerBoundary_2.xml b/wkml/test/test_kmlAddInnerBoundary_2.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..65e4cdc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlAddInnerBoundary_2.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<kml xmlns="http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2">
+  <Document>
+    <name>WKML output</name>
+    <Placemark>
+      <Polygon>
+        <outerBoundaryIs>
+          <LinearRing>
+            <coordinates>
+              10.000000,10.000000
+              10.000000,11.000000
+              11.000000,11.000000
+              11.000000,10.000000
+              10.000000,10.000000
+              </coordinates>
+          </LinearRing>
+        </outerBoundaryIs>
+        <innerBoundaryIs>
+          <LinearRing>
+            <coordinates>
+              10.250000,10.250000
+              10.250000,10.750000
+              10.750000,10.750000
+              10.750000,10.250000
+              10.250000,10.250000
+              </coordinates>
+          </LinearRing>
+        </innerBoundaryIs>
+      </Polygon>
+    </Placemark>
+  </Document>
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlAddInnerBoundary_3.f90 b/wkml/test/test_kmlAddInnerBoundary_3.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fcb27de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlAddInnerBoundary_3.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wkml
+  implicit none
+  type(xmlf_t) :: myfile
+  call kmlBeginFile(myfile, "test.xml", -1)
+  call kmlStartRegion(myfile, (/10.0, 10.0, 11.0, 11.0/), & 
+                              (/10.0, 11.0, 11.0, 10.0/))
+  call kmlAddInnerBoundary(myfile, reshape((/10.25, 10.25,& 
+                 10.25, 10.75, 10.75, 10.75, 10.75, 10.25/),(/2,4/)))
+  call kmlEndRegion(myfile)
+  call kmlFinishFile(myfile)
+end program test
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlAddInnerBoundary_3.xml b/wkml/test/test_kmlAddInnerBoundary_3.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..65e4cdc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlAddInnerBoundary_3.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<kml xmlns="http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2">
+  <Document>
+    <name>WKML output</name>
+    <Placemark>
+      <Polygon>
+        <outerBoundaryIs>
+          <LinearRing>
+            <coordinates>
+              10.000000,10.000000
+              10.000000,11.000000
+              11.000000,11.000000
+              11.000000,10.000000
+              10.000000,10.000000
+              </coordinates>
+          </LinearRing>
+        </outerBoundaryIs>
+        <innerBoundaryIs>
+          <LinearRing>
+            <coordinates>
+              10.250000,10.250000
+              10.250000,10.750000
+              10.750000,10.750000
+              10.750000,10.250000
+              10.250000,10.250000
+              </coordinates>
+          </LinearRing>
+        </innerBoundaryIs>
+      </Polygon>
+    </Placemark>
+  </Document>
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlAddInnerBoundary_4.f90 b/wkml/test/test_kmlAddInnerBoundary_4.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e610aaf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlAddInnerBoundary_4.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wkml
+  implicit none
+  type(xmlf_t) :: myfile
+  call kmlBeginFile(myfile, "test.xml", -1)
+  call kmlStartRegion(myfile, (/10.0, 10.0, 11.0, 11.0/), & 
+                              (/10.0, 11.0, 11.0, 10.0/))
+  call kmlAddInnerBoundary(myfile, reshape((/10.25D0, 10.25D0,& 
+                 10.25D0, 10.75D0, 10.75D0, 10.75D0, 10.75D0, 10.25D0/),(/2,4/)))
+  call kmlEndRegion(myfile)
+  call kmlFinishFile(myfile)
+end program test
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlAddInnerBoundary_4.xml b/wkml/test/test_kmlAddInnerBoundary_4.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..65e4cdc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlAddInnerBoundary_4.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<kml xmlns="http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2">
+  <Document>
+    <name>WKML output</name>
+    <Placemark>
+      <Polygon>
+        <outerBoundaryIs>
+          <LinearRing>
+            <coordinates>
+              10.000000,10.000000
+              10.000000,11.000000
+              11.000000,11.000000
+              11.000000,10.000000
+              10.000000,10.000000
+              </coordinates>
+          </LinearRing>
+        </outerBoundaryIs>
+        <innerBoundaryIs>
+          <LinearRing>
+            <coordinates>
+              10.250000,10.250000
+              10.250000,10.750000
+              10.750000,10.750000
+              10.750000,10.250000
+              10.250000,10.250000
+              </coordinates>
+          </LinearRing>
+        </innerBoundaryIs>
+      </Polygon>
+    </Placemark>
+  </Document>
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlAddInnerBoundary_5.f90 b/wkml/test/test_kmlAddInnerBoundary_5.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..db8dd31
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlAddInnerBoundary_5.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wkml
+  implicit none
+  type(xmlf_t) :: myfile
+  call kmlBeginFile(myfile, "test.xml", -1)
+  call kmlStartRegion(myfile, (/10.0, 10.0, 11.0, 11.0/), & 
+                              (/10.0, 11.0, 11.0, 10.0/))
+  call kmlAddInnerBoundary(myfile, (/10.25, 10.25, 10.75, 10.75/), &
+                                   (/10.25, 10.75, 10.75, 10.25/), &
+                           altitude=(/1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4/))
+  call kmlEndRegion(myfile)
+  call kmlFinishFile(myfile)
+end program test
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlAddInnerBoundary_5.xml b/wkml/test/test_kmlAddInnerBoundary_5.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7a3580a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlAddInnerBoundary_5.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<kml xmlns="http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2">
+  <Document>
+    <name>WKML output</name>
+    <Placemark>
+      <Polygon>
+        <outerBoundaryIs>
+          <LinearRing>
+            <coordinates>
+              10.000000,10.000000
+              10.000000,11.000000
+              11.000000,11.000000
+              11.000000,10.000000
+              10.000000,10.000000
+              </coordinates>
+          </LinearRing>
+        </outerBoundaryIs>
+        <innerBoundaryIs>
+          <LinearRing>
+            <coordinates>
+              10.250000,10.250000,1.100000
+              10.250000,10.750000,1.200000
+              10.750000,10.750000,1.300000
+              10.750000,10.250000,1.400000
+              10.250000,10.250000,1.100000
+              </coordinates>
+          </LinearRing>
+        </innerBoundaryIs>
+      </Polygon>
+    </Placemark>
+  </Document>
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlAddInnerBoundary_6.f90 b/wkml/test/test_kmlAddInnerBoundary_6.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cd17ed1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlAddInnerBoundary_6.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wkml
+  implicit none
+  type(xmlf_t) :: myfile
+  call kmlBeginFile(myfile, "test.xml", -1)
+  call kmlStartRegion(myfile, (/10.0, 10.0, 11.0, 11.0/), & 
+                              (/10.0, 11.0, 11.0, 10.0/))
+  call kmlAddInnerBoundary(myfile, (/10.25D0, 10.25D0, 10.75D0, 10.75D0/), &
+                                   (/10.25D0, 10.75D0, 10.75D0, 10.25D0/), &
+                           altitude=(/1.1D0, 1.2D0, 1.3D0, 1.4D0/))
+  call kmlEndRegion(myfile)
+  call kmlFinishFile(myfile)
+end program test
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlAddInnerBoundary_6.xml b/wkml/test/test_kmlAddInnerBoundary_6.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7a3580a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlAddInnerBoundary_6.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<kml xmlns="http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2">
+  <Document>
+    <name>WKML output</name>
+    <Placemark>
+      <Polygon>
+        <outerBoundaryIs>
+          <LinearRing>
+            <coordinates>
+              10.000000,10.000000
+              10.000000,11.000000
+              11.000000,11.000000
+              11.000000,10.000000
+              10.000000,10.000000
+              </coordinates>
+          </LinearRing>
+        </outerBoundaryIs>
+        <innerBoundaryIs>
+          <LinearRing>
+            <coordinates>
+              10.250000,10.250000,1.100000
+              10.250000,10.750000,1.200000
+              10.750000,10.750000,1.300000
+              10.750000,10.250000,1.400000
+              10.250000,10.250000,1.100000
+              </coordinates>
+          </LinearRing>
+        </innerBoundaryIs>
+      </Polygon>
+    </Placemark>
+  </Document>
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlAddInnerBoundary_7.f90 b/wkml/test/test_kmlAddInnerBoundary_7.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d138bbf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlAddInnerBoundary_7.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wkml
+  implicit none
+  type(xmlf_t) :: myfile
+  call kmlBeginFile(myfile, "test.xml", -1)
+  call kmlStartRegion(myfile, (/10.0, 10.0, 11.0, 11.0/), & 
+                              (/10.0, 11.0, 11.0, 10.0/))
+  call kmlAddInnerBoundary(myfile, reshape((/10.25, 10.25,& 
+                 10.25, 10.75, 10.75, 10.75, 10.75, 10.25/),(/2,4/)), &
+                           altitude=(/1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4/))
+  call kmlEndRegion(myfile)
+  call kmlFinishFile(myfile)
+end program test
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlAddInnerBoundary_7.xml b/wkml/test/test_kmlAddInnerBoundary_7.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7a3580a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlAddInnerBoundary_7.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<kml xmlns="http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2">
+  <Document>
+    <name>WKML output</name>
+    <Placemark>
+      <Polygon>
+        <outerBoundaryIs>
+          <LinearRing>
+            <coordinates>
+              10.000000,10.000000
+              10.000000,11.000000
+              11.000000,11.000000
+              11.000000,10.000000
+              10.000000,10.000000
+              </coordinates>
+          </LinearRing>
+        </outerBoundaryIs>
+        <innerBoundaryIs>
+          <LinearRing>
+            <coordinates>
+              10.250000,10.250000,1.100000
+              10.250000,10.750000,1.200000
+              10.750000,10.750000,1.300000
+              10.750000,10.250000,1.400000
+              10.250000,10.250000,1.100000
+              </coordinates>
+          </LinearRing>
+        </innerBoundaryIs>
+      </Polygon>
+    </Placemark>
+  </Document>
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlAddInnerBoundary_8.f90 b/wkml/test/test_kmlAddInnerBoundary_8.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8c17eba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlAddInnerBoundary_8.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wkml
+  implicit none
+  type(xmlf_t) :: myfile
+  call kmlBeginFile(myfile, "test.xml", -1)
+  call kmlStartRegion(myfile, (/10.0, 10.0, 11.0, 11.0/), & 
+                              (/10.0, 11.0, 11.0, 10.0/))
+  call kmlAddInnerBoundary(myfile, reshape((/10.25D0, 10.25D0,& 
+                 10.25D0, 10.75D0, 10.75D0, 10.75D0, 10.75D0, 10.25D0/),(/2,4/)),&
+                           altitude=(/1.1D0, 1.2D0, 1.3D0, 1.4D0/))
+  call kmlEndRegion(myfile)
+  call kmlFinishFile(myfile)
+end program test
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlAddInnerBoundary_8.xml b/wkml/test/test_kmlAddInnerBoundary_8.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7a3580a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlAddInnerBoundary_8.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<kml xmlns="http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2">
+  <Document>
+    <name>WKML output</name>
+    <Placemark>
+      <Polygon>
+        <outerBoundaryIs>
+          <LinearRing>
+            <coordinates>
+              10.000000,10.000000
+              10.000000,11.000000
+              11.000000,11.000000
+              11.000000,10.000000
+              10.000000,10.000000
+              </coordinates>
+          </LinearRing>
+        </outerBoundaryIs>
+        <innerBoundaryIs>
+          <LinearRing>
+            <coordinates>
+              10.250000,10.250000,1.100000
+              10.250000,10.750000,1.200000
+              10.750000,10.750000,1.300000
+              10.750000,10.250000,1.400000
+              10.250000,10.250000,1.100000
+              </coordinates>
+          </LinearRing>
+        </innerBoundaryIs>
+      </Polygon>
+    </Placemark>
+  </Document>
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlAddInnerBoundary_9.f90 b/wkml/test/test_kmlAddInnerBoundary_9.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..836fedb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlAddInnerBoundary_9.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wkml
+  implicit none
+  type(xmlf_t) :: myfile
+  call kmlBeginFile(myfile, "test.xml", -1)
+  call kmlStartRegion(myfile, (/10.0, 10.0, 11.0, 11.0/), & 
+                              (/10.0, 11.0, 11.0, 10.0/))
+  call kmlAddInnerBoundary(myfile, reshape((/10.25, 10.25, 1.1,& 
+                 10.25, 10.75, 1.2, 10.75, 10.75, 1.3, 10.75, 10.25, 1.4/),(/3,4/)))
+  call kmlEndRegion(myfile)
+  call kmlFinishFile(myfile)
+end program test
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlAddInnerBoundary_9.xml b/wkml/test/test_kmlAddInnerBoundary_9.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7a3580a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlAddInnerBoundary_9.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<kml xmlns="http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2">
+  <Document>
+    <name>WKML output</name>
+    <Placemark>
+      <Polygon>
+        <outerBoundaryIs>
+          <LinearRing>
+            <coordinates>
+              10.000000,10.000000
+              10.000000,11.000000
+              11.000000,11.000000
+              11.000000,10.000000
+              10.000000,10.000000
+              </coordinates>
+          </LinearRing>
+        </outerBoundaryIs>
+        <innerBoundaryIs>
+          <LinearRing>
+            <coordinates>
+              10.250000,10.250000,1.100000
+              10.250000,10.750000,1.200000
+              10.750000,10.750000,1.300000
+              10.750000,10.250000,1.400000
+              10.250000,10.250000,1.100000
+              </coordinates>
+          </LinearRing>
+        </innerBoundaryIs>
+      </Polygon>
+    </Placemark>
+  </Document>
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlColorMap.sh b/wkml/test/test_kmlColorMap.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..e521c92
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlColorMap.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+#!/bin/sh -e
+for t in ${0%.sh}_*.f90
+  TEST=${t%.f90}
+  ./test.sh $TEST
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlColorMap_1.f90 b/wkml/test/test_kmlColorMap_1.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fb3600c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlColorMap_1.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wkml
+  implicit none
+  type(color_t) :: colourmap(1)
+  type(xmlf_t) :: myfile
+  colourmap(1) = kmlGetCustomColor('red')
+  call kmlBeginFile(myfile, "test.xml", -1)
+  call kmlCreatePointStyle(myfile, id='myid', color=colourmap(1))
+  call kmlFinishFile(myfile)
+end program test
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlColorMap_1.xml b/wkml/test/test_kmlColorMap_1.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..af1bcfd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlColorMap_1.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<kml xmlns="http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2">
+  <Document>
+    <name>WKML output</name>
+    <Style id="myid">
+      <IconStyle>
+        <color>f90000ff</color>
+      </IconStyle>
+    </Style>
+  </Document>
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlColorMap_2.f90 b/wkml/test/test_kmlColorMap_2.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1073f3b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlColorMap_2.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wkml
+  implicit none
+  type(color_t) :: colourmap(1)
+  type(xmlf_t) :: myfile
+  call kmlSetCustomColor(colourmap(1), 'f90000ff')
+  call kmlBeginFile(myfile, "test.xml", -1)
+  call kmlCreatePointStyle(myfile, id='myid', color=colourmap(1))
+  call kmlFinishFile(myfile)
+end program test
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlColorMap_2.xml b/wkml/test/test_kmlColorMap_2.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..af1bcfd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlColorMap_2.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<kml xmlns="http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2">
+  <Document>
+    <name>WKML output</name>
+    <Style id="myid">
+      <IconStyle>
+        <color>f90000ff</color>
+      </IconStyle>
+    </Style>
+  </Document>
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlColorMap_3.f90 b/wkml/test/test_kmlColorMap_3.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..11b411b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlColorMap_3.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wkml
+  implicit none
+  type(color_t) :: colourmap(1)
+  type(xmlf_t) :: myfile
+  colourmap(1) = kmlGetCustomColor(193)
+  call kmlBeginFile(myfile, "test.xml", -1)
+  call kmlCreatePointStyle(myfile, id='myid', color=colourmap(1))
+  call kmlFinishFile(myfile)
+end program test
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlColorMap_3.xml b/wkml/test/test_kmlColorMap_3.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..af1bcfd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlColorMap_3.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<kml xmlns="http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2">
+  <Document>
+    <name>WKML output</name>
+    <Style id="myid">
+      <IconStyle>
+        <color>f90000ff</color>
+      </IconStyle>
+    </Style>
+  </Document>
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlColorMap_4.f90 b/wkml/test/test_kmlColorMap_4.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5c47b75
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlColorMap_4.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wkml
+  implicit none
+  type(color_t) :: colourmap(1)
+  type(xmlf_t) :: myfile
+  colourmap(1) = kmlGetCustomColor('redshbutnotacolorihope')
+  call kmlBeginFile(myfile, "test.xml", -1)
+  call kmlCreatePointStyle(myfile, id='myid', color=colourmap(1))
+  call kmlFinishFile(myfile)
+end program test
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlColorMap_4.out b/wkml/test/test_kmlColorMap_4.out
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d79b8bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlColorMap_4.out
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Invalid name in kmlGetColor (by name)
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlColorMap_5.f90 b/wkml/test/test_kmlColorMap_5.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6ebdfbb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlColorMap_5.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wkml
+  implicit none
+  type(color_t) :: colourmap(1)
+  type(xmlf_t) :: myfile
+  call kmlSetCustomColor(colourmap(1), 'j90000ff')
+  call kmlBeginFile(myfile, "test.xml", -1)
+  call kmlCreatePointStyle(myfile, id='myid', color=colourmap(1))
+  call kmlFinishFile(myfile)
+end program test
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlColorMap_5.out b/wkml/test/test_kmlColorMap_5.out
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f624a7e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlColorMap_5.out
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Invalid color value
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlColorMap_6.f90 b/wkml/test/test_kmlColorMap_6.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2f14b3a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlColorMap_6.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wkml
+  implicit none
+  type(color_t) :: colourmap(1)
+  type(xmlf_t) :: myfile
+  colourmap(1) = kmlGetCustomColor(19300001)
+  call kmlBeginFile(myfile, "test.xml", -1)
+  call kmlCreatePointStyle(myfile, id='myid', color=colourmap(1))
+  call kmlFinishFile(myfile)
+end program test
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlColorMap_6.out b/wkml/test/test_kmlColorMap_6.out
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a1262cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlColorMap_6.out
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Invalid index in kmlGetColor (by index)
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlColorMap_7.f90 b/wkml/test/test_kmlColorMap_7.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..347f5a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlColorMap_7.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wkml
+  implicit none
+  type(color_t) :: colourmap(1)
+  type(xmlf_t) :: myfile
+  colourmap(1) = kmlGetCustomColor(0)
+  call kmlBeginFile(myfile, "test.xml", -1)
+  call kmlCreatePointStyle(myfile, id='myid', color=colourmap(1))
+  call kmlFinishFile(myfile)
+end program test
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlColorMap_7.out b/wkml/test/test_kmlColorMap_7.out
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a1262cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlColorMap_7.out
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Invalid index in kmlGetColor (by index)
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlColorMap_8.f90 b/wkml/test/test_kmlColorMap_8.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9c970c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlColorMap_8.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wkml
+  implicit none
+  type(color_t) :: colourmap(1)
+  type(xmlf_t) :: myfile
+  colourmap(1) = kmlGetCustomColor(-1)
+  call kmlBeginFile(myfile, "test.xml", -1)
+  call kmlCreatePointStyle(myfile, id='myid', color=colourmap(1))
+  call kmlFinishFile(myfile)
+end program test
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlColorMap_8.out b/wkml/test/test_kmlColorMap_8.out
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a1262cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlColorMap_8.out
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Invalid index in kmlGetColor (by index)
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlContours.sh b/wkml/test/test_kmlContours.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..73a3314
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlContours.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+#!/bin/sh -e
+rm -f ${0%.sh}_*_real.*
+for t in ${0%.sh}_*.f90
+  TEST=${t%.f90}
+  cat m_contours_test_data_sp.f90 $TEST.f90 > "$TEST"_real.f90
+  if [ -f $TEST.xml ]; then ln -s $TEST.xml "$TEST"_real.xml; fi
+  if [ -f $TEST.out ]; then ln -s $TEST.out "$TEST"_real.out; fi
+  ./test.sh "$TEST"_real
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlContours_1.f90 b/wkml/test/test_kmlContours_1.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d7bc242
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlContours_1.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+program test
+use FoX_wkml
+use m_contours_test_data_sp, only : long, lat, cdata, setup_values
+implicit none
+type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+call setup_values()
+call kmlBeginFile(xf,"test.xml", -1)
+call kmlCreateContours(xf,long,lat,values=cdata,name='test contours', & 
+                       contour_values=(/0.0,0.001,0.002,0.003,0.004,   &
+                                        0.005,0.006,0.007,0.01,0.02/), & 
+                       regions=.true.)
+call kmlFinishFile(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlContours_1.xml b/wkml/test/test_kmlContours_1.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0a1d0b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlContours_1.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,143007 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<kml xmlns="http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2">
+  <Document>
+    <name>WKML output</name>
+    <Folder>
+      <name>test contours</name>
+      <Folder>
+        <name>Contour Regions</name>
+        <Folder>
+          <name>Less than 0.00000e0</name>
+        </Folder>
+        <Folder>
+          <name>Between 0.00000e0 and 1.00000e-3</name>
+          <Placemark>
+            <name>1 1</name>
+            <Style>
+              <PolyStyle>
+                <color>c0e8ff17</color>
+                <fill>1</fill>
+                <outline>false</outline>
+              </PolyStyle>
+            </Style>
+            <Polygon>
+              <outerBoundaryIs>
+                <LinearRing>
+                  <coordinates>
+                    -2.559866,54.009476
+                    -2.559125,54.009581
+                    -2.559063,54.009476
+                    -2.559125,54.009356
+                    -2.559866,54.009476
+                    -2.559866,54.009476
+                    -2.559866,54.009476
+                    </coordinates>
+                </LinearRing>
+              </outerBoundaryIs>
+            </Polygon>
+          </Placemark>
+          <Placemark>
+            <name>1 2</name>
+            <Style>
+              <PolyStyle>
+                <color>c0e8ff17</color>
+                <fill>1</fill>
+                <outline>false</outline>
+              </PolyStyle>
+            </Style>
+            <Polygon>
+              <outerBoundaryIs>
+                <LinearRing>
+                  <coordinates>
+                    -2.538138,54.006763
+                    -2.537955,54.006844
+                    -2.536443,54.007387
+                    -2.536213,54.006763
+                    -2.536443,54.006529
+                    -2.537515,54.005861
+                    -2.536443,54.005198
+                    -2.535370,54.005861
+                    -2.534930,54.006014
+                    -2.534389,54.005861
+                    -2.534411,54.004951
+                    -2.534930,54.004703
+                    -2.536443,54.004774
+                    -2.537955,54.004927
+                    -2.537981,54.004951
+                    -2.538651,54.005861
+                    -2.538138,54.006763
+                    -2.538138,54.006763
+                    -2.538138,54.006763
+                    </coordinates>
+                </LinearRing>
+              </outerBoundaryIs>
+            </Polygon>
+          </Placemark>
+          <Placemark>
+            <name>1 3</name>
+            <Style>
+              <PolyStyle>
+                <color>c0e8ff17</color>
+                <fill>1</fill>
+                <outline>false</outline>
+              </PolyStyle>
+            </Style>
+            <Polygon>
+              <outerBoundaryIs>
+                <LinearRing>
+                  <coordinates>
+                    -2.532344,54.004951
+                    -2.532323,54.005861
+                    -2.531906,54.005938
+                    -2.530394,54.006481
+                    -2.530216,54.005861
+                    -2.530394,54.005628
+                    -2.531623,54.004951
+                    -2.531849,54.004049
+                    -2.531881,54.003143
+                    -2.531878,54.002242
+                    -2.531785,54.001336
+                    -2.531906,54.001284
+                    -2.533418,54.001226
+                    -2.534435,54.001336
+                    -2.533418,54.001474
+                    -2.532051,54.002242
+                    -2.532024,54.003143
+                    -2.532223,54.004049
+                    -2.532344,54.004951
+                    -2.532344,54.004951
+                    -2.532344,54.004951
+                    </coordinates>
+                </LinearRing>
+              </outerBoundaryIs>
+            </Polygon>
+          </Placemark>
+          <Placemark>
+            <name>1 4</name>
+            <Style>
+              <PolyStyle>
+                <color>c0e8ff17</color>
+                <fill>1</fill>
+                <outline>false</outline>
+              </PolyStyle>
+            </Style>
+            <Polygon>
+              <outerBoundaryIs>
+                <LinearRing>
+                  <coordinates>
+                    -2.527519,54.004951
+                    -2.527548,54.005861
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+                    -2.523100,54.008574
+                    -2.523293,54.009476
+                    -2.524345,54.010110
+                    -2.524534,54.010386
+                    -2.524345,54.010472
+                    -2.522981,54.011288
+                    -2.523218,54.012194
+                    -2.524345,54.012866
+                    -2.524480,54.013095
+                    -2.524503,54.014001
+                    -2.524401,54.014907
+                    -2.524545,54.015813
+                    -2.525857,54.016600
+                    -2.526079,54.016719
+                    -2.526037,54.017620
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+                    -2.530216,54.018526
+                    -2.530291,54.017620
+                    -2.528882,54.016781
+                    -2.528659,54.016719
+                    -2.528695,54.015813
+                    -2.527369,54.015007
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+                    -2.527269,54.014001
+                    -2.527245,54.013095
+                    -2.525857,54.012275
+                    -2.525472,54.012194
+                    -2.525857,54.012156
+                    -2.527303,54.011288
+                    -2.527180,54.010386
+                    -2.527369,54.010239
+                    -2.528688,54.009476
+                    -2.528882,54.009209
+                    -2.529449,54.009476
+                    -2.530394,54.009986
+                    -2.531240,54.009476
+                    -2.531906,54.009237
+                    -2.533418,54.009151
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+                    -2.534587,54.007668
+                    -2.534930,54.007521
+                    -2.535999,54.007668
+                    -2.535026,54.008574
+                    -2.535546,54.009476
+                    -2.534930,54.010110
+                    -2.534527,54.010386
+                    -2.533535,54.011288
+                    -2.533418,54.011402
+                    -2.531906,54.011593
+                    -2.530394,54.011550
+                    -2.529187,54.012194
+                    -2.528882,54.012861
+                    -2.528620,54.013095
+                    -2.527755,54.014001
+                    -2.528749,54.014907
+                    -2.528882,54.014978
+                    -2.530394,54.015636
+                    -2.531784,54.015813
+                    -2.531021,54.016719
+                    -2.531738,54.017620
+                    -2.531906,54.017806
+                    -2.532098,54.018526
+                    -2.531906,54.018569
+                    -2.530394,54.019403
+                    -2.530348,54.019427
+                    -2.529137,54.020333
+                    -2.530394,54.021087
+                    -2.531906,54.021182
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+                    -2.532494,54.022145
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+                    -2.534930,54.024858
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+                    -2.530394,54.024267
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+                    -2.524075,54.023051
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+                    -2.518296,54.021330
+                    -2.518080,54.021239
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.017329
+                    -2.511205,54.017620
+                    -2.512247,54.018250
+                    -2.513760,54.018278
+                    -2.515272,54.018269
+                    -2.516479,54.017620
+                    -2.515332,54.016719
+                    -2.515272,54.016681
+                    -2.513760,54.015851
+                    -2.512247,54.015937
+                    -2.510735,54.016042
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014611
+                    -2.512247,54.014568
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+                    -2.515272,54.010391
+                    -2.515265,54.010386
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+                    -2.515272,54.009328
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+                    -2.516784,54.006820
+                    -2.516719,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006743
+                    -2.518296,54.006710
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+                    -2.518399,54.007668
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+                    -2.521321,54.008470
+                    -2.522661,54.007668
+                    -2.522393,54.006763
+                    -2.522779,54.005861
+                    -2.522833,54.005818
+                    -2.524127,54.004951
+                    -2.524345,54.004712
+                    -2.525322,54.004049
+                    -2.525578,54.003143
+                    -2.525101,54.002242
+                    -2.524345,54.001718
+                    -2.523992,54.001336
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+                    -2.518296,53.999648
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+                    -2.504686,53.991351
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+                    -2.512247,53.986182
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+                    -2.510735,53.979716
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+                    -2.504686,53.979473
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+                    -2.515272,53.970575
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+                    -2.528882,53.974881
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
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+                    -2.515117,53.996811
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+                    -2.512247,53.994684
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+                    -2.506199,53.994331
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+                    -2.504686,53.993263
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+                    -2.504686,53.992667
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+                    -2.504686,53.991828
+                    -2.504591,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991351
+                    -2.506199,53.990870
+                    -2.506870,53.990479
+                    -2.506199,53.989882
+                    -2.506080,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.989496
+                    -2.507711,53.989372
+                    -2.509123,53.988667
+                    -2.509223,53.988600
+                    -2.510735,53.988400
+                    -2.511908,53.987765
+                    -2.512247,53.987598
+                    -2.513530,53.986859
+                    -2.512247,53.986182
+                    -2.511112,53.986859
+                    -2.510735,53.987136
+                    -2.509223,53.987083
+                    -2.507711,53.986959
+                    -2.507632,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986826
+                    -2.509223,53.986230
+                    -2.509702,53.985953
+                    -2.509223,53.985686
+                    -2.507711,53.985095
+                    -2.507559,53.985052
+                    -2.507711,53.984933
+                    -2.508872,53.984141
+                    -2.508989,53.983240
+                    -2.508977,53.982334
+                    -2.509223,53.981900
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+                    -2.510735,53.981423
+                    -2.512167,53.980527
+                    -2.510735,53.979716
+                    -2.509385,53.980527
+                    -2.509223,53.981071
+                    -2.509171,53.980527
+                    -2.508632,53.979621
+                    -2.507711,53.979068
+                    -2.506783,53.979621
+                    -2.506199,53.979793
+                    -2.504686,53.979907
+                    -2.504124,53.979621
+                    -2.504686,53.979473
+                    -2.506113,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978691
+                    -2.507711,53.978586
+                    -2.509223,53.977828
+                    -2.509258,53.977809
+                    -2.510516,53.976908
+                    -2.510171,53.976002
+                    -2.510735,53.975167
+                    -2.510826,53.975101
+                    -2.511023,53.974195
+                    -2.512247,53.973336
+                    -2.512377,53.973289
+                    -2.513760,53.973136
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+                    -2.515272,53.972282
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+                    -2.515272,53.970771
+                    -2.513760,53.970747
+                    -2.513347,53.970575
+                    -2.512247,53.969960
+                    -2.511135,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.970733
+                    -2.510502,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
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+                    -2.531906,53.973389
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+                    -2.530394,53.974376
+                    -2.530093,53.974195
+                    -2.528882,53.973546
+                    -2.527803,53.974195
+                    -2.528882,53.974881
+                    -2.529245,53.975101
+                    -2.528882,53.975239
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+                    -2.525857,53.977098
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+                    -2.524100,53.977809
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+                    -2.521321,53.976092
+                    -2.519808,53.976192
+                    -2.518409,53.976908
+                    -2.519808,53.977618
+                    -2.521321,53.977718
+                    -2.521607,53.977809
+                    -2.521449,53.978715
+                    -2.522833,53.979502
+                    -2.523005,53.979621
+                    -2.522833,53.979826
+                    -2.521656,53.980527
+                    -2.521623,53.981433
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+                    -2.521321,53.982444
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+                    -2.521321,53.984032
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+                    -2.534527,54.010386
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+                    -2.532098,54.018526
+                    -2.531906,54.018569
+                    -2.530394,54.019403
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+                    -2.530394,54.021087
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+                    -2.519162,54.021239
+                    -2.518296,54.021330
+                    -2.518080,54.021239
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+                    -2.513760,54.019618
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+                    -2.512247,54.019289
+                    -2.510735,54.018612
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.017329
+                    -2.511205,54.017620
+                    -2.512247,54.018250
+                    -2.513760,54.018278
+                    -2.515272,54.018269
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+                    -2.515272,54.016681
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+                    -2.512247,54.015937
+                    -2.510735,54.016042
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014611
+                    -2.512247,54.014568
+                    -2.513266,54.014001
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+                    -2.514092,54.012194
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+                    -2.515272,54.010391
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+                    -2.515272,54.009328
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+                    -2.518190,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.006820
+                    -2.516719,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006743
+                    -2.518296,54.006710
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+                    -2.518399,54.007668
+                    -2.519808,54.008412
+                    -2.521321,54.008470
+                    -2.522661,54.007668
+                    -2.522393,54.006763
+                    -2.522779,54.005861
+                    -2.522833,54.005818
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+                    -2.524345,54.004712
+                    -2.525322,54.004049
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+                    -2.525101,54.002242
+                    -2.524345,54.001718
+                    -2.523992,54.001336
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+                    -2.522413,54.000430
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+                    -2.519808,53.999729
+                    -2.518296,53.999648
+                    -2.518061,53.999524
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+                    -2.516641,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.997808
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+                    -2.515117,53.996811
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+                    -2.512247,53.994684
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+                    -2.509223,53.994441
+                    -2.507711,53.994350
+                    -2.506199,53.994331
+                    -2.505938,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993263
+                    -2.504536,53.993192
+                    -2.504686,53.992667
+                    -2.505067,53.992286
+                    -2.504686,53.991828
+                    -2.504591,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991351
+                    -2.506199,53.990870
+                    -2.506870,53.990479
+                    -2.506199,53.989882
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+                    -2.506199,53.989496
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+                    -2.509123,53.988667
+                    -2.509223,53.988600
+                    -2.510735,53.988400
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+                    -2.512247,53.987598
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+                    -2.512247,53.986182
+                    -2.511112,53.986859
+                    -2.510735,53.987136
+                    -2.509223,53.987083
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+                    -2.507632,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986826
+                    -2.509223,53.986230
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+                    -2.509223,53.985686
+                    -2.507711,53.985095
+                    -2.507559,53.985052
+                    -2.507711,53.984933
+                    -2.508872,53.984141
+                    -2.508989,53.983240
+                    -2.508977,53.982334
+                    -2.509223,53.981900
+                    -2.510583,53.981433
+                    -2.510735,53.981423
+                    -2.512167,53.980527
+                    -2.510735,53.979716
+                    -2.509385,53.980527
+                    -2.509223,53.981071
+                    -2.509171,53.980527
+                    -2.508632,53.979621
+                    -2.507711,53.979068
+                    -2.506783,53.979621
+                    -2.506199,53.979793
+                    -2.504686,53.979907
+                    -2.504124,53.979621
+                    -2.504686,53.979473
+                    -2.506113,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978691
+                    -2.507711,53.978586
+                    -2.509223,53.977828
+                    -2.509258,53.977809
+                    -2.510516,53.976908
+                    -2.510171,53.976002
+                    -2.510735,53.975167
+                    -2.510826,53.975101
+                    -2.511023,53.974195
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+                    -2.512377,53.973289
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+                    -2.515272,53.972282
+                    -2.516620,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.970771
+                    -2.513760,53.970747
+                    -2.513347,53.970575
+                    -2.512247,53.969960
+                    -2.511135,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.970733
+                    -2.510502,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
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+                    -2.531906,53.973389
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+                    -2.530394,53.974376
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+                    -2.527803,53.974195
+                    -2.528882,53.974881
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+                    -2.528882,53.975239
+                    -2.527369,53.975477
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+                    -2.526036,53.976908
+                    -2.525857,53.977098
+                    -2.524621,53.977809
+                    -2.524345,53.977923
+                    -2.524100,53.977809
+                    -2.522833,53.977079
+                    -2.522676,53.976908
+                    -2.521321,53.976092
+                    -2.519808,53.976192
+                    -2.518409,53.976908
+                    -2.519808,53.977618
+                    -2.521321,53.977718
+                    -2.521607,53.977809
+                    -2.521449,53.978715
+                    -2.522833,53.979502
+                    -2.523005,53.979621
+                    -2.522833,53.979826
+                    -2.521656,53.980527
+                    -2.521623,53.981433
+                    -2.521906,53.982334
+                    -2.521321,53.982444
+                    -2.519994,53.983240
+                    -2.521321,53.984032
+                    -2.521436,53.984141
+                    -2.521321,53.984284
+                    -2.519808,53.984370
+                    -2.518671,53.985052
+                    -2.519808,53.985729
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+                    -2.519808,53.986220
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+                    -2.519808,53.987546
+                    -2.520031,53.987765
+                    -2.519808,53.987899
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+                    -2.513760,54.018278
+                    -2.515272,54.018269
+                    -2.516479,54.017620
+                    -2.515332,54.016719
+                    -2.515272,54.016681
+                    -2.513760,54.015851
+                    -2.512247,54.015937
+                    -2.510735,54.016042
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014611
+                    -2.512247,54.014568
+                    -2.513266,54.014001
+                    -2.513397,54.013095
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+                    -2.514092,54.012194
+                    -2.515272,54.012899
+                    -2.516452,54.012194
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+                    -2.515272,54.010391
+                    -2.515265,54.010386
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+                    -2.515272,54.009328
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+                    -2.516784,54.006820
+                    -2.516719,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006743
+                    -2.518296,54.006710
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+                    -2.518399,54.007668
+                    -2.519808,54.008412
+                    -2.521321,54.008470
+                    -2.522661,54.007668
+                    -2.522393,54.006763
+                    -2.522779,54.005861
+                    -2.522833,54.005818
+                    -2.524127,54.004951
+                    -2.524345,54.004712
+                    -2.525322,54.004049
+                    -2.525578,54.003143
+                    -2.525101,54.002242
+                    -2.524345,54.001718
+                    -2.523992,54.001336
+                    -2.522833,54.000640
+                    -2.522413,54.000430
+                    -2.521321,53.999782
+                    -2.519808,53.999729
+                    -2.518296,53.999648
+                    -2.518061,53.999524
+                    -2.516784,53.998713
+                    -2.516641,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.997808
+                    -2.515121,53.997717
+                    -2.515117,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996010
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+                    -2.512247,53.994684
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+                    -2.506199,53.994331
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+                    -2.504686,53.992667
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+                    -2.504686,53.991828
+                    -2.504591,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991351
+                    -2.506199,53.990870
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+                    -2.506199,53.989882
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+                    -2.506199,53.989496
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+                    -2.509223,53.988600
+                    -2.510735,53.988400
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+                    -2.512247,53.987598
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+                    -2.512247,53.986182
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+                    -2.510735,53.987136
+                    -2.509223,53.987083
+                    -2.507711,53.986959
+                    -2.507632,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986826
+                    -2.509223,53.986230
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+                    -2.509223,53.985686
+                    -2.507711,53.985095
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+                    -2.507711,53.984933
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+                    -2.508989,53.983240
+                    -2.508977,53.982334
+                    -2.509223,53.981900
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+                    -2.510735,53.981423
+                    -2.512167,53.980527
+                    -2.510735,53.979716
+                    -2.509385,53.980527
+                    -2.509223,53.981071
+                    -2.509171,53.980527
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+                    -2.507711,53.979068
+                    -2.506783,53.979621
+                    -2.506199,53.979793
+                    -2.504686,53.979907
+                    -2.504124,53.979621
+                    -2.504686,53.979473
+                    -2.506113,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978691
+                    -2.507711,53.978586
+                    -2.509223,53.977828
+                    -2.509258,53.977809
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+                    -2.510735,53.975167
+                    -2.510826,53.975101
+                    -2.511023,53.974195
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+                    -2.515272,53.970771
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+                    -2.512247,53.969960
+                    -2.511135,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.970733
+                    -2.510502,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
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+                    -2.528882,53.974881
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+                    -2.534527,54.010386
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+                    -2.528620,54.013095
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+                    -2.532098,54.018526
+                    -2.531906,54.018569
+                    -2.530394,54.019403
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+                    -2.530394,54.021087
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
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+                    -2.513760,54.018278
+                    -2.515272,54.018269
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+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014611
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+                    -2.515272,54.009328
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+                    -2.516784,54.006820
+                    -2.516719,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006743
+                    -2.518296,54.006710
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+                    -2.518399,54.007668
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+                    -2.521321,54.008470
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+                    -2.522393,54.006763
+                    -2.522779,54.005861
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+                    -2.524345,54.004712
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+                    -2.525101,54.002242
+                    -2.524345,54.001718
+                    -2.523992,54.001336
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+                    -2.518296,53.999648
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+                    -2.506199,53.994331
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+                    -2.504686,53.993263
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+                    -2.504686,53.992667
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+                    -2.504686,53.991828
+                    -2.504591,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991351
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+                    -2.506199,53.989496
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+                    -2.509223,53.988600
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+                    -2.512247,53.986182
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+                    -2.509223,53.987083
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+                    -2.507632,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986826
+                    -2.509223,53.986230
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+                    -2.509223,53.985686
+                    -2.507711,53.985095
+                    -2.507559,53.985052
+                    -2.507711,53.984933
+                    -2.508872,53.984141
+                    -2.508989,53.983240
+                    -2.508977,53.982334
+                    -2.509223,53.981900
+                    -2.510583,53.981433
+                    -2.510735,53.981423
+                    -2.512167,53.980527
+                    -2.510735,53.979716
+                    -2.509385,53.980527
+                    -2.509223,53.981071
+                    -2.509171,53.980527
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+                    -2.507711,53.979068
+                    -2.506783,53.979621
+                    -2.506199,53.979793
+                    -2.504686,53.979907
+                    -2.504124,53.979621
+                    -2.504686,53.979473
+                    -2.506113,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978691
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+                    -2.509223,53.977828
+                    -2.509258,53.977809
+                    -2.510516,53.976908
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+                    -2.510735,53.975167
+                    -2.510826,53.975101
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+                    -2.515272,53.970771
+                    -2.513760,53.970747
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+                    -2.511135,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.970733
+                    -2.510502,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
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+                    -2.519808,53.971477
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+                    -2.522833,53.972383
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+                    -2.528882,54.012861
+                    -2.528620,54.013095
+                    -2.527755,54.014001
+                    -2.528749,54.014907
+                    -2.528882,54.014978
+                    -2.530394,54.015636
+                    -2.531784,54.015813
+                    -2.531021,54.016719
+                    -2.531738,54.017620
+                    -2.531906,54.017806
+                    -2.532098,54.018526
+                    -2.531906,54.018569
+                    -2.530394,54.019403
+                    -2.530348,54.019427
+                    -2.529137,54.020333
+                    -2.530394,54.021087
+                    -2.531906,54.021182
+                    -2.531985,54.021239
+                    -2.532494,54.022145
+                    -2.533418,54.022698
+                    -2.533673,54.023051
+                    -2.533881,54.023952
+                    -2.534930,54.024577
+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533683,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.024696
+                    -2.531906,54.024792
+                    -2.530394,54.024267
+                    -2.528882,54.024234
+                    -2.527369,54.024224
+                    -2.525857,54.024029
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+                    -2.524345,54.023180
+                    -2.524075,54.023051
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+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.521108,54.022145
+                    -2.520336,54.021239
+                    -2.519808,54.020915
+                    -2.519162,54.021239
+                    -2.518296,54.021330
+                    -2.518080,54.021239
+                    -2.517541,54.020333
+                    -2.516784,54.019885
+                    -2.515272,54.019675
+                    -2.513760,54.019618
+                    -2.512480,54.019427
+                    -2.512247,54.019289
+                    -2.510735,54.018612
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.017329
+                    -2.511205,54.017620
+                    -2.512247,54.018250
+                    -2.513760,54.018278
+                    -2.515272,54.018269
+                    -2.516479,54.017620
+                    -2.515332,54.016719
+                    -2.515272,54.016681
+                    -2.513760,54.015851
+                    -2.512247,54.015937
+                    -2.510735,54.016042
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014611
+                    -2.512247,54.014568
+                    -2.513266,54.014001
+                    -2.513397,54.013095
+                    -2.513656,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.012070
+                    -2.514092,54.012194
+                    -2.515272,54.012899
+                    -2.516452,54.012194
+                    -2.516478,54.011288
+                    -2.515272,54.010391
+                    -2.515265,54.010386
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+                    -2.515272,54.009328
+                    -2.516651,54.008574
+                    -2.516784,54.008512
+                    -2.518190,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.006820
+                    -2.516719,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006743
+                    -2.518296,54.006710
+                    -2.518537,54.006763
+                    -2.518399,54.007668
+                    -2.519808,54.008412
+                    -2.521321,54.008470
+                    -2.522661,54.007668
+                    -2.522393,54.006763
+                    -2.522779,54.005861
+                    -2.522833,54.005818
+                    -2.524127,54.004951
+                    -2.524345,54.004712
+                    -2.525322,54.004049
+                    -2.525578,54.003143
+                    -2.525101,54.002242
+                    -2.524345,54.001718
+                    -2.523992,54.001336
+                    -2.522833,54.000640
+                    -2.522413,54.000430
+                    -2.521321,53.999782
+                    -2.519808,53.999729
+                    -2.518296,53.999648
+                    -2.518061,53.999524
+                    -2.516784,53.998713
+                    -2.516641,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.997808
+                    -2.515121,53.997717
+                    -2.515117,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996010
+                    -2.513308,53.995910
+                    -2.512763,53.995004
+                    -2.512247,53.994684
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+                    -2.509223,53.994441
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+                    -2.506199,53.994331
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+                    -2.504536,53.993192
+                    -2.504686,53.992667
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+                    -2.504686,53.991828
+                    -2.504591,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991351
+                    -2.506199,53.990870
+                    -2.506870,53.990479
+                    -2.506199,53.989882
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+                    -2.506199,53.989496
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+                    -2.509223,53.988600
+                    -2.510735,53.988400
+                    -2.511908,53.987765
+                    -2.512247,53.987598
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+                    -2.512247,53.986182
+                    -2.511112,53.986859
+                    -2.510735,53.987136
+                    -2.509223,53.987083
+                    -2.507711,53.986959
+                    -2.507632,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986826
+                    -2.509223,53.986230
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+                    -2.509223,53.985686
+                    -2.507711,53.985095
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+                    -2.507711,53.984933
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+                    -2.508989,53.983240
+                    -2.508977,53.982334
+                    -2.509223,53.981900
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+                    -2.510735,53.981423
+                    -2.512167,53.980527
+                    -2.510735,53.979716
+                    -2.509385,53.980527
+                    -2.509223,53.981071
+                    -2.509171,53.980527
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+                    -2.507711,53.979068
+                    -2.506783,53.979621
+                    -2.506199,53.979793
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+                    -2.504124,53.979621
+                    -2.504686,53.979473
+                    -2.506113,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978691
+                    -2.507711,53.978586
+                    -2.509223,53.977828
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+                    -2.510735,53.975167
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+                    -2.511023,53.974195
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+                    -2.515272,53.970771
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+                    -2.512247,53.969960
+                    -2.511135,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.970733
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+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
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+                    -2.528882,53.974881
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+                    -2.528882,53.975239
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+                    -2.521321,53.977718
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+                    -2.521623,53.981433
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+                    -2.534527,54.010386
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+                    -2.533418,54.011402
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+                    -2.530394,54.011550
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+                    -2.528620,54.013095
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+                    -2.531906,54.018569
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
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+                    -2.515272,54.018269
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+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014611
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+                    -2.515272,54.009328
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+                    -2.518190,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.006820
+                    -2.516719,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006743
+                    -2.518296,54.006710
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+                    -2.518399,54.007668
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+                    -2.521321,54.008470
+                    -2.522661,54.007668
+                    -2.522393,54.006763
+                    -2.522779,54.005861
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+                    -2.524345,54.004712
+                    -2.525322,54.004049
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+                    -2.525101,54.002242
+                    -2.524345,54.001718
+                    -2.523992,54.001336
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+                    -2.518296,53.999648
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+                    -2.506199,53.994331
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+                    -2.504686,53.993263
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+                    -2.504686,53.992667
+                    -2.505067,53.992286
+                    -2.504686,53.991828
+                    -2.504591,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991351
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+                    -2.506199,53.989882
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+                    -2.506199,53.989496
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+                    -2.509223,53.988600
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+                    -2.512247,53.987598
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+                    -2.512247,53.986182
+                    -2.511112,53.986859
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+                    -2.507711,53.986826
+                    -2.509223,53.986230
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+                    -2.509223,53.985686
+                    -2.507711,53.985095
+                    -2.507559,53.985052
+                    -2.507711,53.984933
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+                    -2.508989,53.983240
+                    -2.508977,53.982334
+                    -2.509223,53.981900
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+                    -2.510735,53.981423
+                    -2.512167,53.980527
+                    -2.510735,53.979716
+                    -2.509385,53.980527
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+                    -2.523100,54.008574
+                    -2.523293,54.009476
+                    -2.524345,54.010110
+                    -2.524534,54.010386
+                    -2.524345,54.010472
+                    -2.522981,54.011288
+                    -2.523218,54.012194
+                    -2.524345,54.012866
+                    -2.524480,54.013095
+                    -2.524503,54.014001
+                    -2.524401,54.014907
+                    -2.524545,54.015813
+                    -2.525857,54.016600
+                    -2.526079,54.016719
+                    -2.526037,54.017620
+                    -2.527369,54.018416
+                    -2.527554,54.018526
+                    -2.528882,54.019318
+                    -2.530216,54.018526
+                    -2.530291,54.017620
+                    -2.528882,54.016781
+                    -2.528659,54.016719
+                    -2.528695,54.015813
+                    -2.527369,54.015007
+                    -2.527318,54.014907
+                    -2.527269,54.014001
+                    -2.527245,54.013095
+                    -2.525857,54.012275
+                    -2.525472,54.012194
+                    -2.525857,54.012156
+                    -2.527303,54.011288
+                    -2.527180,54.010386
+                    -2.527369,54.010239
+                    -2.528688,54.009476
+                    -2.528882,54.009209
+                    -2.529449,54.009476
+                    -2.530394,54.009986
+                    -2.531240,54.009476
+                    -2.531906,54.009237
+                    -2.533418,54.009151
+                    -2.534746,54.008574
+                    -2.534587,54.007668
+                    -2.534930,54.007521
+                    -2.535999,54.007668
+                    -2.535026,54.008574
+                    -2.535546,54.009476
+                    -2.534930,54.010110
+                    -2.534527,54.010386
+                    -2.533535,54.011288
+                    -2.533418,54.011402
+                    -2.531906,54.011593
+                    -2.530394,54.011550
+                    -2.529187,54.012194
+                    -2.528882,54.012861
+                    -2.528620,54.013095
+                    -2.527755,54.014001
+                    -2.528749,54.014907
+                    -2.528882,54.014978
+                    -2.530394,54.015636
+                    -2.531784,54.015813
+                    -2.531021,54.016719
+                    -2.531738,54.017620
+                    -2.531906,54.017806
+                    -2.532098,54.018526
+                    -2.531906,54.018569
+                    -2.530394,54.019403
+                    -2.530348,54.019427
+                    -2.529137,54.020333
+                    -2.530394,54.021087
+                    -2.531906,54.021182
+                    -2.531985,54.021239
+                    -2.532494,54.022145
+                    -2.533418,54.022698
+                    -2.533673,54.023051
+                    -2.533881,54.023952
+                    -2.534930,54.024577
+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533683,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.024696
+                    -2.531906,54.024792
+                    -2.530394,54.024267
+                    -2.528882,54.024234
+                    -2.527369,54.024224
+                    -2.525857,54.024029
+                    -2.525717,54.023952
+                    -2.524345,54.023180
+                    -2.524075,54.023051
+                    -2.522833,54.022369
+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.521108,54.022145
+                    -2.520336,54.021239
+                    -2.519808,54.020915
+                    -2.519162,54.021239
+                    -2.518296,54.021330
+                    -2.518080,54.021239
+                    -2.517541,54.020333
+                    -2.516784,54.019885
+                    -2.515272,54.019675
+                    -2.513760,54.019618
+                    -2.512480,54.019427
+                    -2.512247,54.019289
+                    -2.510735,54.018612
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.017329
+                    -2.511205,54.017620
+                    -2.512247,54.018250
+                    -2.513760,54.018278
+                    -2.515272,54.018269
+                    -2.516479,54.017620
+                    -2.515332,54.016719
+                    -2.515272,54.016681
+                    -2.513760,54.015851
+                    -2.512247,54.015937
+                    -2.510735,54.016042
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014611
+                    -2.512247,54.014568
+                    -2.513266,54.014001
+                    -2.513397,54.013095
+                    -2.513656,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.012070
+                    -2.514092,54.012194
+                    -2.515272,54.012899
+                    -2.516452,54.012194
+                    -2.516478,54.011288
+                    -2.515272,54.010391
+                    -2.515265,54.010386
+                    -2.515076,54.009476
+                    -2.515272,54.009328
+                    -2.516651,54.008574
+                    -2.516784,54.008512
+                    -2.518190,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.006820
+                    -2.516719,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006743
+                    -2.518296,54.006710
+                    -2.518537,54.006763
+                    -2.518399,54.007668
+                    -2.519808,54.008412
+                    -2.521321,54.008470
+                    -2.522661,54.007668
+                    -2.522393,54.006763
+                    -2.522779,54.005861
+                    -2.522833,54.005818
+                    -2.524127,54.004951
+                    -2.524345,54.004712
+                    -2.525322,54.004049
+                    -2.525578,54.003143
+                    -2.525101,54.002242
+                    -2.524345,54.001718
+                    -2.523992,54.001336
+                    -2.522833,54.000640
+                    -2.522413,54.000430
+                    -2.521321,53.999782
+                    -2.519808,53.999729
+                    -2.518296,53.999648
+                    -2.518061,53.999524
+                    -2.516784,53.998713
+                    -2.516641,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.997808
+                    -2.515121,53.997717
+                    -2.515117,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996010
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+                    -2.512247,53.994684
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+                    -2.506199,53.994331
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+                    -2.504536,53.993192
+                    -2.504686,53.992667
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+                    -2.504686,53.991828
+                    -2.504591,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991351
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+                    -2.506870,53.990479
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+                    -2.506199,53.989496
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+                    -2.509223,53.988600
+                    -2.510735,53.988400
+                    -2.511908,53.987765
+                    -2.512247,53.987598
+                    -2.513530,53.986859
+                    -2.512247,53.986182
+                    -2.511112,53.986859
+                    -2.510735,53.987136
+                    -2.509223,53.987083
+                    -2.507711,53.986959
+                    -2.507632,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986826
+                    -2.509223,53.986230
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+                    -2.509223,53.985686
+                    -2.507711,53.985095
+                    -2.507559,53.985052
+                    -2.507711,53.984933
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+                    -2.508989,53.983240
+                    -2.508977,53.982334
+                    -2.509223,53.981900
+                    -2.510583,53.981433
+                    -2.510735,53.981423
+                    -2.512167,53.980527
+                    -2.510735,53.979716
+                    -2.509385,53.980527
+                    -2.509223,53.981071
+                    -2.509171,53.980527
+                    -2.508632,53.979621
+                    -2.507711,53.979068
+                    -2.506783,53.979621
+                    -2.506199,53.979793
+                    -2.504686,53.979907
+                    -2.504124,53.979621
+                    -2.504686,53.979473
+                    -2.506113,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978691
+                    -2.507711,53.978586
+                    -2.509223,53.977828
+                    -2.509258,53.977809
+                    -2.510516,53.976908
+                    -2.510171,53.976002
+                    -2.510735,53.975167
+                    -2.510826,53.975101
+                    -2.511023,53.974195
+                    -2.512247,53.973336
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+                    -2.513760,53.973136
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+                    -2.516620,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.970771
+                    -2.513760,53.970747
+                    -2.513347,53.970575
+                    -2.512247,53.969960
+                    -2.511135,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.970733
+                    -2.510502,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
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+                    -2.531906,53.973389
+                    -2.530503,53.974195
+                    -2.530394,53.974376
+                    -2.530093,53.974195
+                    -2.528882,53.973546
+                    -2.527803,53.974195
+                    -2.528882,53.974881
+                    -2.529245,53.975101
+                    -2.528882,53.975239
+                    -2.527369,53.975477
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+                    -2.525857,53.977098
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+                    -2.524345,53.977923
+                    -2.524100,53.977809
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+                    -2.521321,53.976092
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+                    -2.519808,53.977618
+                    -2.521321,53.977718
+                    -2.521607,53.977809
+                    -2.521449,53.978715
+                    -2.522833,53.979502
+                    -2.523005,53.979621
+                    -2.522833,53.979826
+                    -2.521656,53.980527
+                    -2.521623,53.981433
+                    -2.521906,53.982334
+                    -2.521321,53.982444
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+                    -2.521321,53.984032
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+                    -2.535026,54.008574
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+                    -2.534527,54.010386
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+                    -2.533418,54.011402
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+                    -2.530394,54.011550
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+                    -2.528620,54.013095
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+                    -2.531906,54.018569
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+                    -2.530394,54.021087
+                    -2.531906,54.021182
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.017329
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+                    -2.513760,54.018278
+                    -2.515272,54.018269
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+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014611
+                    -2.512247,54.014568
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+                    -2.513397,54.013095
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+                    -2.515272,54.009328
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+                    -2.516784,54.006820
+                    -2.516719,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006743
+                    -2.518296,54.006710
+                    -2.518537,54.006763
+                    -2.518399,54.007668
+                    -2.519808,54.008412
+                    -2.521321,54.008470
+                    -2.522661,54.007668
+                    -2.522393,54.006763
+                    -2.522779,54.005861
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+                    -2.525101,54.002242
+                    -2.524345,54.001718
+                    -2.523992,54.001336
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+                    -2.518296,53.999648
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+                    -2.512247,53.994684
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+                    -2.509223,53.994441
+                    -2.507711,53.994350
+                    -2.506199,53.994331
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+                    -2.504686,53.993263
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+                    -2.504686,53.992667
+                    -2.505067,53.992286
+                    -2.504686,53.991828
+                    -2.504591,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991351
+                    -2.506199,53.990870
+                    -2.506870,53.990479
+                    -2.506199,53.989882
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+                    -2.506199,53.989496
+                    -2.507711,53.989372
+                    -2.509123,53.988667
+                    -2.509223,53.988600
+                    -2.510735,53.988400
+                    -2.511908,53.987765
+                    -2.512247,53.987598
+                    -2.513530,53.986859
+                    -2.512247,53.986182
+                    -2.511112,53.986859
+                    -2.510735,53.987136
+                    -2.509223,53.987083
+                    -2.507711,53.986959
+                    -2.507632,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986826
+                    -2.509223,53.986230
+                    -2.509702,53.985953
+                    -2.509223,53.985686
+                    -2.507711,53.985095
+                    -2.507559,53.985052
+                    -2.507711,53.984933
+                    -2.508872,53.984141
+                    -2.508989,53.983240
+                    -2.508977,53.982334
+                    -2.509223,53.981900
+                    -2.510583,53.981433
+                    -2.510735,53.981423
+                    -2.512167,53.980527
+                    -2.510735,53.979716
+                    -2.509385,53.980527
+                    -2.509223,53.981071
+                    -2.509171,53.980527
+                    -2.508632,53.979621
+                    -2.507711,53.979068
+                    -2.506783,53.979621
+                    -2.506199,53.979793
+                    -2.504686,53.979907
+                    -2.504124,53.979621
+                    -2.504686,53.979473
+                    -2.506113,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978691
+                    -2.507711,53.978586
+                    -2.509223,53.977828
+                    -2.509258,53.977809
+                    -2.510516,53.976908
+                    -2.510171,53.976002
+                    -2.510735,53.975167
+                    -2.510826,53.975101
+                    -2.511023,53.974195
+                    -2.512247,53.973336
+                    -2.512377,53.973289
+                    -2.513760,53.973136
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+                    -2.515272,53.972282
+                    -2.516620,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.970771
+                    -2.513760,53.970747
+                    -2.513347,53.970575
+                    -2.512247,53.969960
+                    -2.511135,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.970733
+                    -2.510502,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
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+                    -2.531906,53.973389
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+                    -2.530394,53.974376
+                    -2.530093,53.974195
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+                    -2.527803,53.974195
+                    -2.528882,53.974881
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+                    -2.528882,53.975239
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+                    -2.525857,53.977098
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+                    -2.524100,53.977809
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+                    -2.521321,53.976092
+                    -2.519808,53.976192
+                    -2.518409,53.976908
+                    -2.519808,53.977618
+                    -2.521321,53.977718
+                    -2.521607,53.977809
+                    -2.521449,53.978715
+                    -2.522833,53.979502
+                    -2.523005,53.979621
+                    -2.522833,53.979826
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+                    -2.521623,53.981433
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+                    -2.521321,53.982444
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+                    -2.521321,53.984032
+                    -2.521436,53.984141
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+                    -2.534527,54.010386
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+                    -2.532098,54.018526
+                    -2.531906,54.018569
+                    -2.530394,54.019403
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+                    -2.530394,54.021087
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+                    -2.519162,54.021239
+                    -2.518296,54.021330
+                    -2.518080,54.021239
+                    -2.517541,54.020333
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+                    -2.513760,54.019618
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+                    -2.512247,54.019289
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.017329
+                    -2.511205,54.017620
+                    -2.512247,54.018250
+                    -2.513760,54.018278
+                    -2.515272,54.018269
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+                    -2.515272,54.016681
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+                    -2.510735,54.016042
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014611
+                    -2.512247,54.014568
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+                    -2.515272,54.010391
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+                    -2.515272,54.009328
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+                    -2.518190,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.006820
+                    -2.516719,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006743
+                    -2.518296,54.006710
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+                    -2.518399,54.007668
+                    -2.519808,54.008412
+                    -2.521321,54.008470
+                    -2.522661,54.007668
+                    -2.522393,54.006763
+                    -2.522779,54.005861
+                    -2.522833,54.005818
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+                    -2.524345,54.004712
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+                    -2.525101,54.002242
+                    -2.524345,54.001718
+                    -2.523992,54.001336
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+                    -2.522413,54.000430
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+                    -2.518296,53.999648
+                    -2.518061,53.999524
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+                    -2.516641,53.998618
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+                    -2.515117,53.996811
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+                    -2.512247,53.994684
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+                    -2.509223,53.994441
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+                    -2.506199,53.994331
+                    -2.505938,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993263
+                    -2.504536,53.993192
+                    -2.504686,53.992667
+                    -2.505067,53.992286
+                    -2.504686,53.991828
+                    -2.504591,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991351
+                    -2.506199,53.990870
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+                    -2.506199,53.989882
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+                    -2.506199,53.989496
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+                    -2.509223,53.988600
+                    -2.510735,53.988400
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+                    -2.512247,53.987598
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+                    -2.512247,53.986182
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+                    -2.510735,53.987136
+                    -2.509223,53.987083
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+                    -2.507632,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986826
+                    -2.509223,53.986230
+                    -2.509702,53.985953
+                    -2.509223,53.985686
+                    -2.507711,53.985095
+                    -2.507559,53.985052
+                    -2.507711,53.984933
+                    -2.508872,53.984141
+                    -2.508989,53.983240
+                    -2.508977,53.982334
+                    -2.509223,53.981900
+                    -2.510583,53.981433
+                    -2.510735,53.981423
+                    -2.512167,53.980527
+                    -2.510735,53.979716
+                    -2.509385,53.980527
+                    -2.509223,53.981071
+                    -2.509171,53.980527
+                    -2.508632,53.979621
+                    -2.507711,53.979068
+                    -2.506783,53.979621
+                    -2.506199,53.979793
+                    -2.504686,53.979907
+                    -2.504124,53.979621
+                    -2.504686,53.979473
+                    -2.506113,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978691
+                    -2.507711,53.978586
+                    -2.509223,53.977828
+                    -2.509258,53.977809
+                    -2.510516,53.976908
+                    -2.510171,53.976002
+                    -2.510735,53.975167
+                    -2.510826,53.975101
+                    -2.511023,53.974195
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+                    -2.512377,53.973289
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+                    -2.516620,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.970771
+                    -2.513760,53.970747
+                    -2.513347,53.970575
+                    -2.512247,53.969960
+                    -2.511135,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.970733
+                    -2.510502,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
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+                    -2.531906,53.973389
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+                    -2.530394,53.974376
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+                    -2.527803,53.974195
+                    -2.528882,53.974881
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+                    -2.528882,53.975239
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+                    -2.525857,53.977098
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+                    -2.524345,53.977923
+                    -2.524100,53.977809
+                    -2.522833,53.977079
+                    -2.522676,53.976908
+                    -2.521321,53.976092
+                    -2.519808,53.976192
+                    -2.518409,53.976908
+                    -2.519808,53.977618
+                    -2.521321,53.977718
+                    -2.521607,53.977809
+                    -2.521449,53.978715
+                    -2.522833,53.979502
+                    -2.523005,53.979621
+                    -2.522833,53.979826
+                    -2.521656,53.980527
+                    -2.521623,53.981433
+                    -2.521906,53.982334
+                    -2.521321,53.982444
+                    -2.519994,53.983240
+                    -2.521321,53.984032
+                    -2.521436,53.984141
+                    -2.521321,53.984284
+                    -2.519808,53.984370
+                    -2.518671,53.985052
+                    -2.519808,53.985729
+                    -2.519926,53.985953
+                    -2.519808,53.986220
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+                    -2.519808,53.987546
+                    -2.520031,53.987765
+                    -2.519808,53.987899
+                    -2.518590,53.988667
+                    -2.518491,53.989577
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+                    -2.510735,53.992133
+                    -2.512247,53.992205
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+                    -2.512247,54.015937
+                    -2.510735,54.016042
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014611
+                    -2.512247,54.014568
+                    -2.513266,54.014001
+                    -2.513397,54.013095
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+                    -2.513760,54.012070
+                    -2.514092,54.012194
+                    -2.515272,54.012899
+                    -2.516452,54.012194
+                    -2.516478,54.011288
+                    -2.515272,54.010391
+                    -2.515265,54.010386
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+                    -2.515272,54.009328
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+                    -2.516784,54.006820
+                    -2.516719,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006743
+                    -2.518296,54.006710
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+                    -2.518399,54.007668
+                    -2.519808,54.008412
+                    -2.521321,54.008470
+                    -2.522661,54.007668
+                    -2.522393,54.006763
+                    -2.522779,54.005861
+                    -2.522833,54.005818
+                    -2.524127,54.004951
+                    -2.524345,54.004712
+                    -2.525322,54.004049
+                    -2.525578,54.003143
+                    -2.525101,54.002242
+                    -2.524345,54.001718
+                    -2.523992,54.001336
+                    -2.522833,54.000640
+                    -2.522413,54.000430
+                    -2.521321,53.999782
+                    -2.519808,53.999729
+                    -2.518296,53.999648
+                    -2.518061,53.999524
+                    -2.516784,53.998713
+                    -2.516641,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.997808
+                    -2.515121,53.997717
+                    -2.515117,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996010
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+                    -2.512247,53.994684
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+                    -2.506199,53.994331
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+                    -2.504686,53.992667
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+                    -2.504686,53.991828
+                    -2.504591,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991351
+                    -2.506199,53.990870
+                    -2.506870,53.990479
+                    -2.506199,53.989882
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+                    -2.506199,53.989496
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+                    -2.509223,53.988600
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+                    -2.512247,53.987598
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+                    -2.512247,53.986182
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+                    -2.510735,53.987136
+                    -2.509223,53.987083
+                    -2.507711,53.986959
+                    -2.507632,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986826
+                    -2.509223,53.986230
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+                    -2.509223,53.985686
+                    -2.507711,53.985095
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+                    -2.507711,53.984933
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+                    -2.508989,53.983240
+                    -2.508977,53.982334
+                    -2.509223,53.981900
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+                    -2.510735,53.981423
+                    -2.512167,53.980527
+                    -2.510735,53.979716
+                    -2.509385,53.980527
+                    -2.509223,53.981071
+                    -2.509171,53.980527
+                    -2.508632,53.979621
+                    -2.507711,53.979068
+                    -2.506783,53.979621
+                    -2.506199,53.979793
+                    -2.504686,53.979907
+                    -2.504124,53.979621
+                    -2.504686,53.979473
+                    -2.506113,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978691
+                    -2.507711,53.978586
+                    -2.509223,53.977828
+                    -2.509258,53.977809
+                    -2.510516,53.976908
+                    -2.510171,53.976002
+                    -2.510735,53.975167
+                    -2.510826,53.975101
+                    -2.511023,53.974195
+                    -2.512247,53.973336
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+                    -2.515272,53.970771
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+                    -2.512247,53.969960
+                    -2.511135,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.970733
+                    -2.510502,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
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+                    -2.528882,53.972383
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+                    -2.528882,53.974881
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+                    -2.528882,53.975239
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+                    -2.521321,53.977718
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+                    -2.521623,53.981433
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+                    -2.521321,53.982444
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+                    -2.534527,54.010386
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+                    -2.528620,54.013095
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+                    -2.532098,54.018526
+                    -2.531906,54.018569
+                    -2.530394,54.019403
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+                    -2.530394,54.021087
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.017329
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+                    -2.513760,54.018278
+                    -2.515272,54.018269
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+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014611
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+                    -2.515272,54.009328
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+                    -2.516784,54.006820
+                    -2.516719,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006743
+                    -2.518296,54.006710
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+                    -2.518399,54.007668
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+                    -2.521321,54.008470
+                    -2.522661,54.007668
+                    -2.522393,54.006763
+                    -2.522779,54.005861
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+                    -2.524345,54.004712
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+                    -2.525101,54.002242
+                    -2.524345,54.001718
+                    -2.523992,54.001336
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+                    -2.518296,53.999648
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+                    -2.506199,53.994331
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+                    -2.504686,53.993263
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+                    -2.504686,53.992667
+                    -2.505067,53.992286
+                    -2.504686,53.991828
+                    -2.504591,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991351
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+                    -2.506199,53.989496
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+                    -2.509223,53.988600
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+                    -2.512247,53.987598
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+                    -2.512247,53.986182
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+                    -2.509223,53.987083
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+                    -2.507711,53.986826
+                    -2.509223,53.986230
+                    -2.509702,53.985953
+                    -2.509223,53.985686
+                    -2.507711,53.985095
+                    -2.507559,53.985052
+                    -2.507711,53.984933
+                    -2.508872,53.984141
+                    -2.508989,53.983240
+                    -2.508977,53.982334
+                    -2.509223,53.981900
+                    -2.510583,53.981433
+                    -2.510735,53.981423
+                    -2.512167,53.980527
+                    -2.510735,53.979716
+                    -2.509385,53.980527
+                    -2.509223,53.981071
+                    -2.509171,53.980527
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+                    -2.507711,53.979068
+                    -2.506783,53.979621
+                    -2.506199,53.979793
+                    -2.504686,53.979907
+                    -2.504124,53.979621
+                    -2.504686,53.979473
+                    -2.506113,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978691
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+                    -2.509223,53.977828
+                    -2.509258,53.977809
+                    -2.510516,53.976908
+                    -2.510171,53.976002
+                    -2.510735,53.975167
+                    -2.510826,53.975101
+                    -2.511023,53.974195
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+                    -2.512377,53.973289
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+                    -2.516620,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.970771
+                    -2.513760,53.970747
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+                    -2.512247,53.969960
+                    -2.511135,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.970733
+                    -2.510502,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
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+                    -2.529753,54.012194
+                    -2.529149,54.013095
+                    -2.528882,54.013557
+                    -2.528390,54.014001
+                    -2.528882,54.014416
+                    -2.529220,54.014907
+                    -2.530394,54.015460
+                    -2.531906,54.015660
+                    -2.533418,54.015803
+                    -2.533451,54.015813
+                    -2.533418,54.015875
+                    -2.531906,54.016438
+                    -2.531649,54.016719
+                    -2.531906,54.017005
+                    -2.532278,54.017620
+                    -2.532530,54.018526
+                    -2.531906,54.018679
+                    -2.530573,54.019427
+                    -2.530394,54.019608
+                    -2.529393,54.020333
+                    -2.530394,54.020934
+                    -2.531906,54.021058
+                    -2.532165,54.021239
+                    -2.533081,54.022145
+                    -2.533418,54.022346
+                    -2.533928,54.023051
+                    -2.534377,54.023952
+                    -2.534930,54.024282
+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.024973
+                    -2.531906,54.024997
+                    -2.530906,54.024858
+                    -2.530394,54.024668
+                    -2.528882,54.024601
+                    -2.527369,54.024558
+                    -2.525857,54.024234
+                    -2.525354,54.023952
+                    -2.524345,54.023385
+                    -2.523643,54.023051
+                    -2.522833,54.022608
+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520895,54.022145
+                    -2.519808,54.021316
+                    -2.518296,54.021449
+                    -2.517778,54.021239
+                    -2.516784,54.020333
+                    -2.516782,54.020333
+                    -2.515272,54.019918
+                    -2.513760,54.019823
+                    -2.512247,54.019608
+                    -2.511929,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.018812
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.017029
+                    -2.511685,54.017620
+                    -2.512247,54.017959
+                    -2.513760,54.018030
+                    -2.515272,54.018011
+                    -2.516001,54.017620
+                    -2.515272,54.017067
+                    -2.514959,54.016719
+                    -2.513760,54.016032
+                    -2.512247,54.016199
+                    -2.510735,54.016376
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014316
+                    -2.512247,54.014225
+                    -2.512650,54.014001
+                    -2.513033,54.013095
+                    -2.513552,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011950
+                    -2.514424,54.012194
+                    -2.515272,54.012699
+                    -2.516120,54.012194
+                    -2.516173,54.011288
+                    -2.515272,54.010615
+                    -2.515049,54.010386
+                    -2.514692,54.009476
+                    -2.515272,54.009032
+                    -2.516110,54.008574
+                    -2.516784,54.008265
+                    -2.517776,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007068
+                    -2.516414,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006648
+                    -2.518296,54.006610
+                    -2.519015,54.006763
+                    -2.518799,54.007668
+                    -2.519808,54.008203
+                    -2.521321,54.008365
+                    -2.522489,54.007668
+                    -2.521802,54.006763
+                    -2.522414,54.005861
+                    -2.522833,54.005542
+                    -2.523714,54.004951
+                    -2.524345,54.004250
+                    -2.524645,54.004049
+                    -2.525298,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002242
+                    -2.524345,54.002242
+                    -2.524343,54.002242
+                    -2.522833,54.002314
+                    -2.522709,54.002242
+                    -2.522833,54.002166
+                    -2.523511,54.001336
+                    -2.522833,54.000926
+                    -2.521824,54.000430
+                    -2.521321,54.000134
+                    -2.519808,54.000001
+                    -2.518296,53.999887
+                    -2.517596,53.999524
+                    -2.516784,53.999009
+                    -2.516189,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998079
+                    -2.514690,53.997717
+                    -2.514786,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996205
+                    -2.512451,53.995910
+                    -2.512247,53.995624
+                    -2.512144,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994298
+                    -2.509223,53.994780
+                    -2.507711,53.994608
+                    -2.506199,53.994570
+                    -2.505677,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993440
+                    -2.504184,53.993192
+                    -2.504555,53.992286
+                    -2.504268,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991256
+                    -2.506143,53.990479
+                    -2.505748,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.989272
+                    -2.507711,53.989167
+                    -2.508711,53.988667
+                    -2.509223,53.988314
+                    -2.510735,53.988123
+                    -2.511397,53.987765
+                    -2.510735,53.987408
+                    -2.509223,53.987317
+                    -2.507711,53.987327
+                    -2.507339,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986697
+                    -2.509085,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985219
+                    -2.507094,53.985052
+                    -2.507711,53.984566
+                    -2.508335,53.984141
+                    -2.508582,53.983240
+                    -2.508578,53.982334
+                    -2.509081,53.981433
+                    -2.509120,53.980527
+                    -2.508041,53.979621
+                    -2.507711,53.979425
+                    -2.507378,53.979621
+                    -2.506199,53.979969
+                    -2.504686,53.980193
+                    -2.503559,53.979621
+                    -2.504686,53.979321
+                    -2.505830,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978620
+                    -2.507711,53.978457
+                    -2.508972,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977661
+                    -2.510298,53.976908
+                    -2.509410,53.976002
+                    -2.510494,53.975101
+                    -2.510461,53.974195
+                    -2.510735,53.974013
+                    -2.511903,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.973079
+                    -2.513760,53.972878
+                    -2.514615,53.972383
+                    -2.515272,53.972063
+                    -2.516250,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.970962
+                    -2.513760,53.970957
+                    -2.512832,53.970575
+                    -2.512247,53.970246
+                    -2.511656,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.970942
+                    -2.510198,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
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+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532049,53.972383
+                    -2.531988,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973489
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+                    -2.530394,53.974667
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+                    -2.528882,53.975415
+                    -2.527369,53.975854
+                    -2.527121,53.976002
+                    -2.526215,53.976908
+                    -2.525857,53.977294
+                    -2.524955,53.977809
+                    -2.524345,53.978052
+                    -2.523803,53.977809
+                    -2.522833,53.977251
+                    -2.522520,53.976908
+                    -2.521321,53.976188
+                    -2.519808,53.976383
+                    -2.518785,53.976908
+                    -2.519808,53.977427
+                    -2.521321,53.977623
+                    -2.521894,53.977809
+                    -2.521667,53.978715
+                    -2.522833,53.979373
+                    -2.523176,53.979621
+                    -2.522833,53.980021
+                    -2.521991,53.980527
+                    -2.521926,53.981433
+                    -2.522491,53.982334
+                    -2.521321,53.982558
+                    -2.520180,53.983240
+                    -2.521321,53.983922
+                    -2.521553,53.984141
+                    -2.521321,53.984427
+                    -2.519808,53.984594
+                    -2.519046,53.985052
+                    -2.519808,53.985510
+                    -2.520043,53.985953
+                    -2.519808,53.986492
+                    -2.519196,53.986859
+                    -2.519808,53.987255
+                    -2.520327,53.987765
+                    -2.519808,53.988090
+                    -2.518884,53.988667
+                    -2.518685,53.989577
+                    -2.518296,53.989720
+                    -2.516784,53.989778
+                    -2.515272,53.989801
+                    -2.513760,53.990021
+                    -2.512992,53.990479
+                    -2.512247,53.990645
+                    -2.510735,53.990784
+                    -2.509536,53.991385
+                    -2.510735,53.991981
+                    -2.512247,53.992124
+                    -2.513484,53.991385
+                    -2.513760,53.990936
+                    -2.515272,53.991160
+                    -2.516784,53.991179
+                    -2.518296,53.991237
+                    -2.519808,53.991332
+                    -2.521321,53.991294
+                    -2.521983,53.991385
+                    -2.522833,53.991890
+                    -2.523445,53.992286
+                    -2.524270,53.993192
+                    -2.523283,53.994098
+                    -2.522833,53.994479
+                    -2.521321,53.994489
+                    -2.519808,53.994741
+                    -2.519390,53.995004
+                    -2.518909,53.995910
+                    -2.519808,53.996444
+                    -2.521321,53.996477
+                    -2.522273,53.995910
+                    -2.522833,53.995509
+                    -2.524345,53.995624
+                    -2.525857,53.995733
+                    -2.526139,53.995910
+                    -2.526402,53.996811
+                    -2.525857,53.997397
+                    -2.525376,53.997717
+                    -2.525857,53.998003
+                    -2.526980,53.998618
+                    -2.527369,53.998852
+                    -2.528398,53.999524
+                    -2.528882,53.999815
+                    -2.529405,53.999524
+                    -2.530394,53.999209
+                    -2.530545,53.999524
+                    -2.530586,54.000430
+                    -2.530394,54.000583
+                    -2.529136,54.001336
+                    -2.529063,54.002242
+                    -2.529066,54.003143
+                    -2.529091,54.004049
+                    -2.528882,54.004226
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+                    -2.527727,54.005861
+                    -2.527369,54.006314
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+                    -2.525857,54.007835
+                    -2.524345,54.007988
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+                    -2.524345,54.010563
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+                    -2.524345,54.012637
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+                    -2.528509,54.015813
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+                    -2.527262,54.014907
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+                    -2.525857,54.012113
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+                    -2.531784,54.003143
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
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+                    -2.510735,54.017029
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+                    -2.515272,54.017067
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+                    -2.510735,54.016376
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014316
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+                    -2.513760,54.011950
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+                    -2.519808,54.008203
+                    -2.521321,54.008365
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+                    -2.521802,54.006763
+                    -2.522414,54.005861
+                    -2.522833,54.005542
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+                    -2.524345,54.004250
+                    -2.524645,54.004049
+                    -2.525298,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002242
+                    -2.524345,54.002242
+                    -2.524343,54.002242
+                    -2.522833,54.002314
+                    -2.522709,54.002242
+                    -2.522833,54.002166
+                    -2.523511,54.001336
+                    -2.522833,54.000926
+                    -2.521824,54.000430
+                    -2.521321,54.000134
+                    -2.519808,54.000001
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+                    -2.506199,53.994570
+                    -2.505677,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993440
+                    -2.504184,53.993192
+                    -2.504555,53.992286
+                    -2.504268,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991256
+                    -2.506143,53.990479
+                    -2.505748,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.989272
+                    -2.507711,53.989167
+                    -2.508711,53.988667
+                    -2.509223,53.988314
+                    -2.510735,53.988123
+                    -2.511397,53.987765
+                    -2.510735,53.987408
+                    -2.509223,53.987317
+                    -2.507711,53.987327
+                    -2.507339,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986697
+                    -2.509085,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985219
+                    -2.507094,53.985052
+                    -2.507711,53.984566
+                    -2.508335,53.984141
+                    -2.508582,53.983240
+                    -2.508578,53.982334
+                    -2.509081,53.981433
+                    -2.509120,53.980527
+                    -2.508041,53.979621
+                    -2.507711,53.979425
+                    -2.507378,53.979621
+                    -2.506199,53.979969
+                    -2.504686,53.980193
+                    -2.503559,53.979621
+                    -2.504686,53.979321
+                    -2.505830,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978620
+                    -2.507711,53.978457
+                    -2.508972,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977661
+                    -2.510298,53.976908
+                    -2.509410,53.976002
+                    -2.510494,53.975101
+                    -2.510461,53.974195
+                    -2.510735,53.974013
+                    -2.511903,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.973079
+                    -2.513760,53.972878
+                    -2.514615,53.972383
+                    -2.515272,53.972063
+                    -2.516250,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.970962
+                    -2.513760,53.970957
+                    -2.512832,53.970575
+                    -2.512247,53.970246
+                    -2.511656,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.970942
+                    -2.510198,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532049,53.972383
+                    -2.531988,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973489
+                    -2.530681,53.974195
+                    -2.530394,53.974667
+                    -2.529709,53.975101
+                    -2.528882,53.975415
+                    -2.527369,53.975854
+                    -2.527121,53.976002
+                    -2.526215,53.976908
+                    -2.525857,53.977294
+                    -2.524955,53.977809
+                    -2.524345,53.978052
+                    -2.523803,53.977809
+                    -2.522833,53.977251
+                    -2.522520,53.976908
+                    -2.521321,53.976188
+                    -2.519808,53.976383
+                    -2.518785,53.976908
+                    -2.519808,53.977427
+                    -2.521321,53.977623
+                    -2.521894,53.977809
+                    -2.521667,53.978715
+                    -2.522833,53.979373
+                    -2.523176,53.979621
+                    -2.522833,53.980021
+                    -2.521991,53.980527
+                    -2.521926,53.981433
+                    -2.522491,53.982334
+                    -2.521321,53.982558
+                    -2.520180,53.983240
+                    -2.521321,53.983922
+                    -2.521553,53.984141
+                    -2.521321,53.984427
+                    -2.519808,53.984594
+                    -2.519046,53.985052
+                    -2.519808,53.985510
+                    -2.520043,53.985953
+                    -2.519808,53.986492
+                    -2.519196,53.986859
+                    -2.519808,53.987255
+                    -2.520327,53.987765
+                    -2.519808,53.988090
+                    -2.518884,53.988667
+                    -2.518685,53.989577
+                    -2.518296,53.989720
+                    -2.516784,53.989778
+                    -2.515272,53.989801
+                    -2.513760,53.990021
+                    -2.512992,53.990479
+                    -2.512247,53.990645
+                    -2.510735,53.990784
+                    -2.509536,53.991385
+                    -2.510735,53.991981
+                    -2.512247,53.992124
+                    -2.513484,53.991385
+                    -2.513760,53.990936
+                    -2.515272,53.991160
+                    -2.516784,53.991179
+                    -2.518296,53.991237
+                    -2.519808,53.991332
+                    -2.521321,53.991294
+                    -2.521983,53.991385
+                    -2.522833,53.991890
+                    -2.523445,53.992286
+                    -2.524270,53.993192
+                    -2.523283,53.994098
+                    -2.522833,53.994479
+                    -2.521321,53.994489
+                    -2.519808,53.994741
+                    -2.519390,53.995004
+                    -2.518909,53.995910
+                    -2.519808,53.996444
+                    -2.521321,53.996477
+                    -2.522273,53.995910
+                    -2.522833,53.995509
+                    -2.524345,53.995624
+                    -2.525857,53.995733
+                    -2.526139,53.995910
+                    -2.526402,53.996811
+                    -2.525857,53.997397
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+                    -2.525857,53.998003
+                    -2.526980,53.998618
+                    -2.527369,53.998852
+                    -2.528398,53.999524
+                    -2.528882,53.999815
+                    -2.529405,53.999524
+                    -2.530394,53.999209
+                    -2.530545,53.999524
+                    -2.530586,54.000430
+                    -2.530394,54.000583
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+                    -2.529066,54.003143
+                    -2.529091,54.004049
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+                    -2.518296,54.021449
+                    -2.517778,54.021239
+                    -2.516784,54.020333
+                    -2.516782,54.020333
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+                    -2.512247,54.019608
+                    -2.511929,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.018812
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.017029
+                    -2.511685,54.017620
+                    -2.512247,54.017959
+                    -2.513760,54.018030
+                    -2.515272,54.018011
+                    -2.516001,54.017620
+                    -2.515272,54.017067
+                    -2.514959,54.016719
+                    -2.513760,54.016032
+                    -2.512247,54.016199
+                    -2.510735,54.016376
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014316
+                    -2.512247,54.014225
+                    -2.512650,54.014001
+                    -2.513033,54.013095
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+                    -2.513760,54.011950
+                    -2.514424,54.012194
+                    -2.515272,54.012699
+                    -2.516120,54.012194
+                    -2.516173,54.011288
+                    -2.515272,54.010615
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+                    -2.515272,54.009032
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+                    -2.516784,54.007068
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+                    -2.516784,54.006648
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+                    -2.519015,54.006763
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+                    -2.519808,54.008203
+                    -2.521321,54.008365
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+                    -2.521802,54.006763
+                    -2.522414,54.005861
+                    -2.522833,54.005542
+                    -2.523714,54.004951
+                    -2.524345,54.004250
+                    -2.524645,54.004049
+                    -2.525298,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002242
+                    -2.524345,54.002242
+                    -2.524343,54.002242
+                    -2.522833,54.002314
+                    -2.522709,54.002242
+                    -2.522833,54.002166
+                    -2.523511,54.001336
+                    -2.522833,54.000926
+                    -2.521824,54.000430
+                    -2.521321,54.000134
+                    -2.519808,54.000001
+                    -2.518296,53.999887
+                    -2.517596,53.999524
+                    -2.516784,53.999009
+                    -2.516189,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998079
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+                    -2.506199,53.994570
+                    -2.505677,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993440
+                    -2.504184,53.993192
+                    -2.504555,53.992286
+                    -2.504268,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991256
+                    -2.506143,53.990479
+                    -2.505748,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.989272
+                    -2.507711,53.989167
+                    -2.508711,53.988667
+                    -2.509223,53.988314
+                    -2.510735,53.988123
+                    -2.511397,53.987765
+                    -2.510735,53.987408
+                    -2.509223,53.987317
+                    -2.507711,53.987327
+                    -2.507339,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986697
+                    -2.509085,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985219
+                    -2.507094,53.985052
+                    -2.507711,53.984566
+                    -2.508335,53.984141
+                    -2.508582,53.983240
+                    -2.508578,53.982334
+                    -2.509081,53.981433
+                    -2.509120,53.980527
+                    -2.508041,53.979621
+                    -2.507711,53.979425
+                    -2.507378,53.979621
+                    -2.506199,53.979969
+                    -2.504686,53.980193
+                    -2.503559,53.979621
+                    -2.504686,53.979321
+                    -2.505830,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978620
+                    -2.507711,53.978457
+                    -2.508972,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977661
+                    -2.510298,53.976908
+                    -2.509410,53.976002
+                    -2.510494,53.975101
+                    -2.510461,53.974195
+                    -2.510735,53.974013
+                    -2.511903,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.973079
+                    -2.513760,53.972878
+                    -2.514615,53.972383
+                    -2.515272,53.972063
+                    -2.516250,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.970962
+                    -2.513760,53.970957
+                    -2.512832,53.970575
+                    -2.512247,53.970246
+                    -2.511656,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.970942
+                    -2.510198,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532049,53.972383
+                    -2.531988,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973489
+                    -2.530681,53.974195
+                    -2.530394,53.974667
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+                    -2.528882,53.975415
+                    -2.527369,53.975854
+                    -2.527121,53.976002
+                    -2.526215,53.976908
+                    -2.525857,53.977294
+                    -2.524955,53.977809
+                    -2.524345,53.978052
+                    -2.523803,53.977809
+                    -2.522833,53.977251
+                    -2.522520,53.976908
+                    -2.521321,53.976188
+                    -2.519808,53.976383
+                    -2.518785,53.976908
+                    -2.519808,53.977427
+                    -2.521321,53.977623
+                    -2.521894,53.977809
+                    -2.521667,53.978715
+                    -2.522833,53.979373
+                    -2.523176,53.979621
+                    -2.522833,53.980021
+                    -2.521991,53.980527
+                    -2.521926,53.981433
+                    -2.522491,53.982334
+                    -2.521321,53.982558
+                    -2.520180,53.983240
+                    -2.521321,53.983922
+                    -2.521553,53.984141
+                    -2.521321,53.984427
+                    -2.519808,53.984594
+                    -2.519046,53.985052
+                    -2.519808,53.985510
+                    -2.520043,53.985953
+                    -2.519808,53.986492
+                    -2.519196,53.986859
+                    -2.519808,53.987255
+                    -2.520327,53.987765
+                    -2.519808,53.988090
+                    -2.518884,53.988667
+                    -2.518685,53.989577
+                    -2.518296,53.989720
+                    -2.516784,53.989778
+                    -2.515272,53.989801
+                    -2.513760,53.990021
+                    -2.512992,53.990479
+                    -2.512247,53.990645
+                    -2.510735,53.990784
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+                    -2.510735,53.991981
+                    -2.512247,53.992124
+                    -2.513484,53.991385
+                    -2.513760,53.990936
+                    -2.515272,53.991160
+                    -2.516784,53.991179
+                    -2.518296,53.991237
+                    -2.519808,53.991332
+                    -2.521321,53.991294
+                    -2.521983,53.991385
+                    -2.522833,53.991890
+                    -2.523445,53.992286
+                    -2.524270,53.993192
+                    -2.523283,53.994098
+                    -2.522833,53.994479
+                    -2.521321,53.994489
+                    -2.519808,53.994741
+                    -2.519390,53.995004
+                    -2.518909,53.995910
+                    -2.519808,53.996444
+                    -2.521321,53.996477
+                    -2.522273,53.995910
+                    -2.522833,53.995509
+                    -2.524345,53.995624
+                    -2.525857,53.995733
+                    -2.526139,53.995910
+                    -2.526402,53.996811
+                    -2.525857,53.997397
+                    -2.525376,53.997717
+                    -2.525857,53.998003
+                    -2.526980,53.998618
+                    -2.527369,53.998852
+                    -2.528398,53.999524
+                    -2.528882,53.999815
+                    -2.529405,53.999524
+                    -2.530394,53.999209
+                    -2.530545,53.999524
+                    -2.530586,54.000430
+                    -2.530394,54.000583
+                    -2.529136,54.001336
+                    -2.529063,54.002242
+                    -2.529066,54.003143
+                    -2.529091,54.004049
+                    -2.528882,54.004226
+                    -2.527669,54.004951
+                    -2.527727,54.005861
+                    -2.527369,54.006314
+                    -2.526613,54.006763
+                    -2.526042,54.007668
+                    -2.525857,54.007835
+                    -2.524345,54.007988
+                    -2.523368,54.008574
+                    -2.523753,54.009476
+                    -2.524345,54.009833
+                    -2.524723,54.010386
+                    -2.524345,54.010563
+                    -2.523130,54.011288
+                    -2.523603,54.012194
+                    -2.524345,54.012637
+                    -2.524615,54.013095
+                    -2.524662,54.014001
+                    -2.524457,54.014907
+                    -2.524746,54.015813
+                    -2.525857,54.016476
+                    -2.526302,54.016719
+                    -2.526218,54.017620
+                    -2.527369,54.018307
+                    -2.527738,54.018526
+                    -2.528882,54.019208
+                    -2.530030,54.018526
+                    -2.530181,54.017620
+                    -2.528882,54.016848
+                    -2.528437,54.016719
+                    -2.528509,54.015813
+                    -2.527369,54.015121
+                    -2.527262,54.014907
+                    -2.527104,54.014001
+                    -2.527109,54.013095
+                    -2.525857,54.012351
+                    -2.525087,54.012194
+                    -2.525857,54.012113
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+                    -2.526991,54.010386
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+                    -2.531784,54.003143
+                    -2.531783,54.002242
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+                    -2.534930,54.000387
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+                    -2.533418,54.001746
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+                    -2.518296,54.021449
+                    -2.517778,54.021239
+                    -2.516784,54.020333
+                    -2.516782,54.020333
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+                    -2.512247,54.019608
+                    -2.511929,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.018812
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.017029
+                    -2.511685,54.017620
+                    -2.512247,54.017959
+                    -2.513760,54.018030
+                    -2.515272,54.018011
+                    -2.516001,54.017620
+                    -2.515272,54.017067
+                    -2.514959,54.016719
+                    -2.513760,54.016032
+                    -2.512247,54.016199
+                    -2.510735,54.016376
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014316
+                    -2.512247,54.014225
+                    -2.512650,54.014001
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+                    -2.513760,54.011950
+                    -2.514424,54.012194
+                    -2.515272,54.012699
+                    -2.516120,54.012194
+                    -2.516173,54.011288
+                    -2.515272,54.010615
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+                    -2.515272,54.009032
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+                    -2.516784,54.007068
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+                    -2.516784,54.006648
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+                    -2.519015,54.006763
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+                    -2.519808,54.008203
+                    -2.521321,54.008365
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+                    -2.521802,54.006763
+                    -2.522414,54.005861
+                    -2.522833,54.005542
+                    -2.523714,54.004951
+                    -2.524345,54.004250
+                    -2.524645,54.004049
+                    -2.525298,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002242
+                    -2.524345,54.002242
+                    -2.524343,54.002242
+                    -2.522833,54.002314
+                    -2.522709,54.002242
+                    -2.522833,54.002166
+                    -2.523511,54.001336
+                    -2.522833,54.000926
+                    -2.521824,54.000430
+                    -2.521321,54.000134
+                    -2.519808,54.000001
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+                    -2.517596,53.999524
+                    -2.516784,53.999009
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+                    -2.515272,53.998079
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+                    -2.504184,53.993192
+                    -2.504555,53.992286
+                    -2.504268,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991256
+                    -2.506143,53.990479
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+                    -2.506199,53.989272
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+                    -2.509223,53.988314
+                    -2.510735,53.988123
+                    -2.511397,53.987765
+                    -2.510735,53.987408
+                    -2.509223,53.987317
+                    -2.507711,53.987327
+                    -2.507339,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986697
+                    -2.509085,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985219
+                    -2.507094,53.985052
+                    -2.507711,53.984566
+                    -2.508335,53.984141
+                    -2.508582,53.983240
+                    -2.508578,53.982334
+                    -2.509081,53.981433
+                    -2.509120,53.980527
+                    -2.508041,53.979621
+                    -2.507711,53.979425
+                    -2.507378,53.979621
+                    -2.506199,53.979969
+                    -2.504686,53.980193
+                    -2.503559,53.979621
+                    -2.504686,53.979321
+                    -2.505830,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978620
+                    -2.507711,53.978457
+                    -2.508972,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977661
+                    -2.510298,53.976908
+                    -2.509410,53.976002
+                    -2.510494,53.975101
+                    -2.510461,53.974195
+                    -2.510735,53.974013
+                    -2.511903,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.973079
+                    -2.513760,53.972878
+                    -2.514615,53.972383
+                    -2.515272,53.972063
+                    -2.516250,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.970962
+                    -2.513760,53.970957
+                    -2.512832,53.970575
+                    -2.512247,53.970246
+                    -2.511656,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.970942
+                    -2.510198,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532049,53.972383
+                    -2.531988,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973489
+                    -2.530681,53.974195
+                    -2.530394,53.974667
+                    -2.529709,53.975101
+                    -2.528882,53.975415
+                    -2.527369,53.975854
+                    -2.527121,53.976002
+                    -2.526215,53.976908
+                    -2.525857,53.977294
+                    -2.524955,53.977809
+                    -2.524345,53.978052
+                    -2.523803,53.977809
+                    -2.522833,53.977251
+                    -2.522520,53.976908
+                    -2.521321,53.976188
+                    -2.519808,53.976383
+                    -2.518785,53.976908
+                    -2.519808,53.977427
+                    -2.521321,53.977623
+                    -2.521894,53.977809
+                    -2.521667,53.978715
+                    -2.522833,53.979373
+                    -2.523176,53.979621
+                    -2.522833,53.980021
+                    -2.521991,53.980527
+                    -2.521926,53.981433
+                    -2.522491,53.982334
+                    -2.521321,53.982558
+                    -2.520180,53.983240
+                    -2.521321,53.983922
+                    -2.521553,53.984141
+                    -2.521321,53.984427
+                    -2.519808,53.984594
+                    -2.519046,53.985052
+                    -2.519808,53.985510
+                    -2.520043,53.985953
+                    -2.519808,53.986492
+                    -2.519196,53.986859
+                    -2.519808,53.987255
+                    -2.520327,53.987765
+                    -2.519808,53.988090
+                    -2.518884,53.988667
+                    -2.518685,53.989577
+                    -2.518296,53.989720
+                    -2.516784,53.989778
+                    -2.515272,53.989801
+                    -2.513760,53.990021
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+                    -2.512247,53.990645
+                    -2.510735,53.990784
+                    -2.509536,53.991385
+                    -2.510735,53.991981
+                    -2.512247,53.992124
+                    -2.513484,53.991385
+                    -2.513760,53.990936
+                    -2.515272,53.991160
+                    -2.516784,53.991179
+                    -2.518296,53.991237
+                    -2.519808,53.991332
+                    -2.521321,53.991294
+                    -2.521983,53.991385
+                    -2.522833,53.991890
+                    -2.523445,53.992286
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+                    -2.522833,53.994479
+                    -2.521321,53.994489
+                    -2.519808,53.994741
+                    -2.519390,53.995004
+                    -2.518909,53.995910
+                    -2.519808,53.996444
+                    -2.521321,53.996477
+                    -2.522273,53.995910
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+                    -2.526139,53.995910
+                    -2.526402,53.996811
+                    -2.525857,53.997397
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+                    -2.525857,53.998003
+                    -2.526980,53.998618
+                    -2.527369,53.998852
+                    -2.528398,53.999524
+                    -2.528882,53.999815
+                    -2.529405,53.999524
+                    -2.530394,53.999209
+                    -2.530545,53.999524
+                    -2.530586,54.000430
+                    -2.530394,54.000583
+                    -2.529136,54.001336
+                    -2.529063,54.002242
+                    -2.529066,54.003143
+                    -2.529091,54.004049
+                    -2.528882,54.004226
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+                    -2.527727,54.005861
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+                    -2.526042,54.007668
+                    -2.525857,54.007835
+                    -2.524345,54.007988
+                    -2.523368,54.008574
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+                    -2.524345,54.009833
+                    -2.524723,54.010386
+                    -2.524345,54.010563
+                    -2.523130,54.011288
+                    -2.523603,54.012194
+                    -2.524345,54.012637
+                    -2.524615,54.013095
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+                    -2.524457,54.014907
+                    -2.524746,54.015813
+                    -2.525857,54.016476
+                    -2.526302,54.016719
+                    -2.526218,54.017620
+                    -2.527369,54.018307
+                    -2.527738,54.018526
+                    -2.528882,54.019208
+                    -2.530030,54.018526
+                    -2.530181,54.017620
+                    -2.528882,54.016848
+                    -2.528437,54.016719
+                    -2.528509,54.015813
+                    -2.527369,54.015121
+                    -2.527262,54.014907
+                    -2.527104,54.014001
+                    -2.527109,54.013095
+                    -2.525857,54.012351
+                    -2.525087,54.012194
+                    -2.525857,54.012113
+                    -2.527236,54.011288
+                    -2.526991,54.010386
+                    -2.527369,54.010091
+                    -2.528434,54.009476
+                    -2.528882,54.008861
+                    -2.529454,54.008574
+                    -2.529939,54.007668
+                    -2.530369,54.006763
+                    -2.530037,54.005861
+                    -2.530394,54.005389
+                    -2.531195,54.004951
+                    -2.531741,54.004049
+                    -2.531784,54.003143
+                    -2.531783,54.002242
+                    -2.531657,54.001336
+                    -2.531906,54.001226
+                    -2.533418,54.001002
+                    -2.534930,54.000540
+                    -2.535070,54.000430
+                    -2.534930,54.000387
+                    -2.533418,53.999696
+                    -2.533363,53.999524
+                    -2.533262,53.998618
+                    -2.533418,53.998017
+                    -2.534930,53.998346
+                    -2.535233,53.998618
+                    -2.536443,53.999362
+                    -2.536750,53.999524
+                    -2.536836,54.000430
+                    -2.536443,54.000545
+                    -2.535082,54.001336
+                    -2.534930,54.001746
+                    -2.533418,54.001746
+                    -2.532543,54.002242
+                    -2.532480,54.003143
+                    -2.532830,54.004049
+                    -2.533004,54.004951
+                    -2.532934,54.005861
+                    -2.531906,54.006047
+                    -2.530512,54.006763
+                    -2.531906,54.007525
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+                    -2.519015,54.006763
+                    -2.518799,54.007668
+                    -2.519808,54.008203
+                    -2.521321,54.008365
+                    -2.522489,54.007668
+                    -2.521802,54.006763
+                    -2.522414,54.005861
+                    -2.522833,54.005542
+                    -2.523714,54.004951
+                    -2.524345,54.004250
+                    -2.524645,54.004049
+                    -2.525298,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002242
+                    -2.524345,54.002242
+                    -2.524343,54.002242
+                    -2.522833,54.002314
+                    -2.522709,54.002242
+                    -2.522833,54.002166
+                    -2.523511,54.001336
+                    -2.522833,54.000926
+                    -2.521824,54.000430
+                    -2.521321,54.000134
+                    -2.519808,54.000001
+                    -2.518296,53.999887
+                    -2.517596,53.999524
+                    -2.516784,53.999009
+                    -2.516189,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998079
+                    -2.514690,53.997717
+                    -2.514786,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996205
+                    -2.512451,53.995910
+                    -2.512247,53.995624
+                    -2.512144,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994298
+                    -2.509223,53.994780
+                    -2.507711,53.994608
+                    -2.506199,53.994570
+                    -2.505677,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993440
+                    -2.504184,53.993192
+                    -2.504555,53.992286
+                    -2.504268,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991256
+                    -2.506143,53.990479
+                    -2.505748,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.989272
+                    -2.507711,53.989167
+                    -2.508711,53.988667
+                    -2.509223,53.988314
+                    -2.510735,53.988123
+                    -2.511397,53.987765
+                    -2.510735,53.987408
+                    -2.509223,53.987317
+                    -2.507711,53.987327
+                    -2.507339,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986697
+                    -2.509085,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985219
+                    -2.507094,53.985052
+                    -2.507711,53.984566
+                    -2.508335,53.984141
+                    -2.508582,53.983240
+                    -2.508578,53.982334
+                    -2.509081,53.981433
+                    -2.509120,53.980527
+                    -2.508041,53.979621
+                    -2.507711,53.979425
+                    -2.507378,53.979621
+                    -2.506199,53.979969
+                    -2.504686,53.980193
+                    -2.503559,53.979621
+                    -2.504686,53.979321
+                    -2.505830,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978620
+                    -2.507711,53.978457
+                    -2.508972,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977661
+                    -2.510298,53.976908
+                    -2.509410,53.976002
+                    -2.510494,53.975101
+                    -2.510461,53.974195
+                    -2.510735,53.974013
+                    -2.511903,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.973079
+                    -2.513760,53.972878
+                    -2.514615,53.972383
+                    -2.515272,53.972063
+                    -2.516250,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.970962
+                    -2.513760,53.970957
+                    -2.512832,53.970575
+                    -2.512247,53.970246
+                    -2.511656,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.970942
+                    -2.510198,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532049,53.972383
+                    -2.531988,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973489
+                    -2.530681,53.974195
+                    -2.530394,53.974667
+                    -2.529709,53.975101
+                    -2.528882,53.975415
+                    -2.527369,53.975854
+                    -2.527121,53.976002
+                    -2.526215,53.976908
+                    -2.525857,53.977294
+                    -2.524955,53.977809
+                    -2.524345,53.978052
+                    -2.523803,53.977809
+                    -2.522833,53.977251
+                    -2.522520,53.976908
+                    -2.521321,53.976188
+                    -2.519808,53.976383
+                    -2.518785,53.976908
+                    -2.519808,53.977427
+                    -2.521321,53.977623
+                    -2.521894,53.977809
+                    -2.521667,53.978715
+                    -2.522833,53.979373
+                    -2.523176,53.979621
+                    -2.522833,53.980021
+                    -2.521991,53.980527
+                    -2.521926,53.981433
+                    -2.522491,53.982334
+                    -2.521321,53.982558
+                    -2.520180,53.983240
+                    -2.521321,53.983922
+                    -2.521553,53.984141
+                    -2.521321,53.984427
+                    -2.519808,53.984594
+                    -2.519046,53.985052
+                    -2.519808,53.985510
+                    -2.520043,53.985953
+                    -2.519808,53.986492
+                    -2.519196,53.986859
+                    -2.519808,53.987255
+                    -2.520327,53.987765
+                    -2.519808,53.988090
+                    -2.518884,53.988667
+                    -2.518685,53.989577
+                    -2.518296,53.989720
+                    -2.516784,53.989778
+                    -2.515272,53.989801
+                    -2.513760,53.990021
+                    -2.512992,53.990479
+                    -2.512247,53.990645
+                    -2.510735,53.990784
+                    -2.509536,53.991385
+                    -2.510735,53.991981
+                    -2.512247,53.992124
+                    -2.513484,53.991385
+                    -2.513760,53.990936
+                    -2.515272,53.991160
+                    -2.516784,53.991179
+                    -2.518296,53.991237
+                    -2.519808,53.991332
+                    -2.521321,53.991294
+                    -2.521983,53.991385
+                    -2.522833,53.991890
+                    -2.523445,53.992286
+                    -2.524270,53.993192
+                    -2.523283,53.994098
+                    -2.522833,53.994479
+                    -2.521321,53.994489
+                    -2.519808,53.994741
+                    -2.519390,53.995004
+                    -2.518909,53.995910
+                    -2.519808,53.996444
+                    -2.521321,53.996477
+                    -2.522273,53.995910
+                    -2.522833,53.995509
+                    -2.524345,53.995624
+                    -2.525857,53.995733
+                    -2.526139,53.995910
+                    -2.526402,53.996811
+                    -2.525857,53.997397
+                    -2.525376,53.997717
+                    -2.525857,53.998003
+                    -2.526980,53.998618
+                    -2.527369,53.998852
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+                    -2.528882,53.999815
+                    -2.529405,53.999524
+                    -2.530394,53.999209
+                    -2.530545,53.999524
+                    -2.530586,54.000430
+                    -2.530394,54.000583
+                    -2.529136,54.001336
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+                    -2.529066,54.003143
+                    -2.529091,54.004049
+                    -2.528882,54.004226
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+                    -2.525857,54.007835
+                    -2.524345,54.007988
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+                    -2.518296,54.021449
+                    -2.517778,54.021239
+                    -2.516784,54.020333
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.017029
+                    -2.511685,54.017620
+                    -2.512247,54.017959
+                    -2.513760,54.018030
+                    -2.515272,54.018011
+                    -2.516001,54.017620
+                    -2.515272,54.017067
+                    -2.514959,54.016719
+                    -2.513760,54.016032
+                    -2.512247,54.016199
+                    -2.510735,54.016376
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014316
+                    -2.512247,54.014225
+                    -2.512650,54.014001
+                    -2.513033,54.013095
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+                    -2.513760,54.011950
+                    -2.514424,54.012194
+                    -2.515272,54.012699
+                    -2.516120,54.012194
+                    -2.516173,54.011288
+                    -2.515272,54.010615
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+                    -2.515272,54.009032
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+                    -2.516784,54.007068
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+                    -2.516784,54.006648
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+                    -2.519015,54.006763
+                    -2.518799,54.007668
+                    -2.519808,54.008203
+                    -2.521321,54.008365
+                    -2.522489,54.007668
+                    -2.521802,54.006763
+                    -2.522414,54.005861
+                    -2.522833,54.005542
+                    -2.523714,54.004951
+                    -2.524345,54.004250
+                    -2.524645,54.004049
+                    -2.525298,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002242
+                    -2.524345,54.002242
+                    -2.524343,54.002242
+                    -2.522833,54.002314
+                    -2.522709,54.002242
+                    -2.522833,54.002166
+                    -2.523511,54.001336
+                    -2.522833,54.000926
+                    -2.521824,54.000430
+                    -2.521321,54.000134
+                    -2.519808,54.000001
+                    -2.518296,53.999887
+                    -2.517596,53.999524
+                    -2.516784,53.999009
+                    -2.516189,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998079
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+                    -2.506199,53.994570
+                    -2.505677,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993440
+                    -2.504184,53.993192
+                    -2.504555,53.992286
+                    -2.504268,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991256
+                    -2.506143,53.990479
+                    -2.505748,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.989272
+                    -2.507711,53.989167
+                    -2.508711,53.988667
+                    -2.509223,53.988314
+                    -2.510735,53.988123
+                    -2.511397,53.987765
+                    -2.510735,53.987408
+                    -2.509223,53.987317
+                    -2.507711,53.987327
+                    -2.507339,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986697
+                    -2.509085,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985219
+                    -2.507094,53.985052
+                    -2.507711,53.984566
+                    -2.508335,53.984141
+                    -2.508582,53.983240
+                    -2.508578,53.982334
+                    -2.509081,53.981433
+                    -2.509120,53.980527
+                    -2.508041,53.979621
+                    -2.507711,53.979425
+                    -2.507378,53.979621
+                    -2.506199,53.979969
+                    -2.504686,53.980193
+                    -2.503559,53.979621
+                    -2.504686,53.979321
+                    -2.505830,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978620
+                    -2.507711,53.978457
+                    -2.508972,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977661
+                    -2.510298,53.976908
+                    -2.509410,53.976002
+                    -2.510494,53.975101
+                    -2.510461,53.974195
+                    -2.510735,53.974013
+                    -2.511903,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.973079
+                    -2.513760,53.972878
+                    -2.514615,53.972383
+                    -2.515272,53.972063
+                    -2.516250,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.970962
+                    -2.513760,53.970957
+                    -2.512832,53.970575
+                    -2.512247,53.970246
+                    -2.511656,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.970942
+                    -2.510198,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532049,53.972383
+                    -2.531988,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973489
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+                    -2.530394,53.974667
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+                    -2.528882,53.975415
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+                    -2.527121,53.976002
+                    -2.526215,53.976908
+                    -2.525857,53.977294
+                    -2.524955,53.977809
+                    -2.524345,53.978052
+                    -2.523803,53.977809
+                    -2.522833,53.977251
+                    -2.522520,53.976908
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+                    -2.519808,53.976383
+                    -2.518785,53.976908
+                    -2.519808,53.977427
+                    -2.521321,53.977623
+                    -2.521894,53.977809
+                    -2.521667,53.978715
+                    -2.522833,53.979373
+                    -2.523176,53.979621
+                    -2.522833,53.980021
+                    -2.521991,53.980527
+                    -2.521926,53.981433
+                    -2.522491,53.982334
+                    -2.521321,53.982558
+                    -2.520180,53.983240
+                    -2.521321,53.983922
+                    -2.521553,53.984141
+                    -2.521321,53.984427
+                    -2.519808,53.984594
+                    -2.519046,53.985052
+                    -2.519808,53.985510
+                    -2.520043,53.985953
+                    -2.519808,53.986492
+                    -2.519196,53.986859
+                    -2.519808,53.987255
+                    -2.520327,53.987765
+                    -2.519808,53.988090
+                    -2.518884,53.988667
+                    -2.518685,53.989577
+                    -2.518296,53.989720
+                    -2.516784,53.989778
+                    -2.515272,53.989801
+                    -2.513760,53.990021
+                    -2.512992,53.990479
+                    -2.512247,53.990645
+                    -2.510735,53.990784
+                    -2.509536,53.991385
+                    -2.510735,53.991981
+                    -2.512247,53.992124
+                    -2.513484,53.991385
+                    -2.513760,53.990936
+                    -2.515272,53.991160
+                    -2.516784,53.991179
+                    -2.518296,53.991237
+                    -2.519808,53.991332
+                    -2.521321,53.991294
+                    -2.521983,53.991385
+                    -2.522833,53.991890
+                    -2.523445,53.992286
+                    -2.524270,53.993192
+                    -2.523283,53.994098
+                    -2.522833,53.994479
+                    -2.521321,53.994489
+                    -2.519808,53.994741
+                    -2.519390,53.995004
+                    -2.518909,53.995910
+                    -2.519808,53.996444
+                    -2.521321,53.996477
+                    -2.522273,53.995910
+                    -2.522833,53.995509
+                    -2.524345,53.995624
+                    -2.525857,53.995733
+                    -2.526139,53.995910
+                    -2.526402,53.996811
+                    -2.525857,53.997397
+                    -2.525376,53.997717
+                    -2.525857,53.998003
+                    -2.526980,53.998618
+                    -2.527369,53.998852
+                    -2.528398,53.999524
+                    -2.528882,53.999815
+                    -2.529405,53.999524
+                    -2.530394,53.999209
+                    -2.530545,53.999524
+                    -2.530586,54.000430
+                    -2.530394,54.000583
+                    -2.529136,54.001336
+                    -2.529063,54.002242
+                    -2.529066,54.003143
+                    -2.529091,54.004049
+                    -2.528882,54.004226
+                    -2.527669,54.004951
+                    -2.527727,54.005861
+                    -2.527369,54.006314
+                    -2.526613,54.006763
+                    -2.526042,54.007668
+                    -2.525857,54.007835
+                    -2.524345,54.007988
+                    -2.523368,54.008574
+                    -2.523753,54.009476
+                    -2.524345,54.009833
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+                    -2.524345,54.010563
+                    -2.523130,54.011288
+                    -2.523603,54.012194
+                    -2.524345,54.012637
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+                    -2.524746,54.015813
+                    -2.525857,54.016476
+                    -2.526302,54.016719
+                    -2.526218,54.017620
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+                    -2.527738,54.018526
+                    -2.528882,54.019208
+                    -2.530030,54.018526
+                    -2.530181,54.017620
+                    -2.528882,54.016848
+                    -2.528437,54.016719
+                    -2.528509,54.015813
+                    -2.527369,54.015121
+                    -2.527262,54.014907
+                    -2.527104,54.014001
+                    -2.527109,54.013095
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+                    -2.525857,54.012113
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+                    -2.518296,54.021449
+                    -2.517778,54.021239
+                    -2.516784,54.020333
+                    -2.516782,54.020333
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+                    -2.513760,54.019823
+                    -2.512247,54.019608
+                    -2.511929,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.018812
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.017029
+                    -2.511685,54.017620
+                    -2.512247,54.017959
+                    -2.513760,54.018030
+                    -2.515272,54.018011
+                    -2.516001,54.017620
+                    -2.515272,54.017067
+                    -2.514959,54.016719
+                    -2.513760,54.016032
+                    -2.512247,54.016199
+                    -2.510735,54.016376
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014316
+                    -2.512247,54.014225
+                    -2.512650,54.014001
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+                    -2.513760,54.011950
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+                    -2.515272,54.012699
+                    -2.516120,54.012194
+                    -2.516173,54.011288
+                    -2.515272,54.010615
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+                    -2.515272,54.009032
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+                    -2.517776,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007068
+                    -2.516414,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006648
+                    -2.518296,54.006610
+                    -2.519015,54.006763
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+                    -2.519808,54.008203
+                    -2.521321,54.008365
+                    -2.522489,54.007668
+                    -2.521802,54.006763
+                    -2.522414,54.005861
+                    -2.522833,54.005542
+                    -2.523714,54.004951
+                    -2.524345,54.004250
+                    -2.524645,54.004049
+                    -2.525298,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002242
+                    -2.524345,54.002242
+                    -2.524343,54.002242
+                    -2.522833,54.002314
+                    -2.522709,54.002242
+                    -2.522833,54.002166
+                    -2.523511,54.001336
+                    -2.522833,54.000926
+                    -2.521824,54.000430
+                    -2.521321,54.000134
+                    -2.519808,54.000001
+                    -2.518296,53.999887
+                    -2.517596,53.999524
+                    -2.516784,53.999009
+                    -2.516189,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998079
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+                    -2.513760,53.996205
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+                    -2.512247,53.995624
+                    -2.512144,53.995004
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+                    -2.506199,53.994570
+                    -2.505677,53.994098
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+                    -2.504184,53.993192
+                    -2.504555,53.992286
+                    -2.504268,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991256
+                    -2.506143,53.990479
+                    -2.505748,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.989272
+                    -2.507711,53.989167
+                    -2.508711,53.988667
+                    -2.509223,53.988314
+                    -2.510735,53.988123
+                    -2.511397,53.987765
+                    -2.510735,53.987408
+                    -2.509223,53.987317
+                    -2.507711,53.987327
+                    -2.507339,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986697
+                    -2.509085,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985219
+                    -2.507094,53.985052
+                    -2.507711,53.984566
+                    -2.508335,53.984141
+                    -2.508582,53.983240
+                    -2.508578,53.982334
+                    -2.509081,53.981433
+                    -2.509120,53.980527
+                    -2.508041,53.979621
+                    -2.507711,53.979425
+                    -2.507378,53.979621
+                    -2.506199,53.979969
+                    -2.504686,53.980193
+                    -2.503559,53.979621
+                    -2.504686,53.979321
+                    -2.505830,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978620
+                    -2.507711,53.978457
+                    -2.508972,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977661
+                    -2.510298,53.976908
+                    -2.509410,53.976002
+                    -2.510494,53.975101
+                    -2.510461,53.974195
+                    -2.510735,53.974013
+                    -2.511903,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.973079
+                    -2.513760,53.972878
+                    -2.514615,53.972383
+                    -2.515272,53.972063
+                    -2.516250,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.970962
+                    -2.513760,53.970957
+                    -2.512832,53.970575
+                    -2.512247,53.970246
+                    -2.511656,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.970942
+                    -2.510198,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532049,53.972383
+                    -2.531988,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973489
+                    -2.530681,53.974195
+                    -2.530394,53.974667
+                    -2.529709,53.975101
+                    -2.528882,53.975415
+                    -2.527369,53.975854
+                    -2.527121,53.976002
+                    -2.526215,53.976908
+                    -2.525857,53.977294
+                    -2.524955,53.977809
+                    -2.524345,53.978052
+                    -2.523803,53.977809
+                    -2.522833,53.977251
+                    -2.522520,53.976908
+                    -2.521321,53.976188
+                    -2.519808,53.976383
+                    -2.518785,53.976908
+                    -2.519808,53.977427
+                    -2.521321,53.977623
+                    -2.521894,53.977809
+                    -2.521667,53.978715
+                    -2.522833,53.979373
+                    -2.523176,53.979621
+                    -2.522833,53.980021
+                    -2.521991,53.980527
+                    -2.521926,53.981433
+                    -2.522491,53.982334
+                    -2.521321,53.982558
+                    -2.520180,53.983240
+                    -2.521321,53.983922
+                    -2.521553,53.984141
+                    -2.521321,53.984427
+                    -2.519808,53.984594
+                    -2.519046,53.985052
+                    -2.519808,53.985510
+                    -2.520043,53.985953
+                    -2.519808,53.986492
+                    -2.519196,53.986859
+                    -2.519808,53.987255
+                    -2.520327,53.987765
+                    -2.519808,53.988090
+                    -2.518884,53.988667
+                    -2.518685,53.989577
+                    -2.518296,53.989720
+                    -2.516784,53.989778
+                    -2.515272,53.989801
+                    -2.513760,53.990021
+                    -2.512992,53.990479
+                    -2.512247,53.990645
+                    -2.510735,53.990784
+                    -2.509536,53.991385
+                    -2.510735,53.991981
+                    -2.512247,53.992124
+                    -2.513484,53.991385
+                    -2.513760,53.990936
+                    -2.515272,53.991160
+                    -2.516784,53.991179
+                    -2.518296,53.991237
+                    -2.519808,53.991332
+                    -2.521321,53.991294
+                    -2.521983,53.991385
+                    -2.522833,53.991890
+                    -2.523445,53.992286
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+                    -2.523283,53.994098
+                    -2.522833,53.994479
+                    -2.521321,53.994489
+                    -2.519808,53.994741
+                    -2.519390,53.995004
+                    -2.518909,53.995910
+                    -2.519808,53.996444
+                    -2.521321,53.996477
+                    -2.522273,53.995910
+                    -2.522833,53.995509
+                    -2.524345,53.995624
+                    -2.525857,53.995733
+                    -2.526139,53.995910
+                    -2.526402,53.996811
+                    -2.525857,53.997397
+                    -2.525376,53.997717
+                    -2.525857,53.998003
+                    -2.526980,53.998618
+                    -2.527369,53.998852
+                    -2.528398,53.999524
+                    -2.528882,53.999815
+                    -2.529405,53.999524
+                    -2.530394,53.999209
+                    -2.530545,53.999524
+                    -2.530586,54.000430
+                    -2.530394,54.000583
+                    -2.529136,54.001336
+                    -2.529063,54.002242
+                    -2.529066,54.003143
+                    -2.529091,54.004049
+                    -2.528882,54.004226
+                    -2.527669,54.004951
+                    -2.527727,54.005861
+                    -2.527369,54.006314
+                    -2.526613,54.006763
+                    -2.526042,54.007668
+                    -2.525857,54.007835
+                    -2.524345,54.007988
+                    -2.523368,54.008574
+                    -2.523753,54.009476
+                    -2.524345,54.009833
+                    -2.524723,54.010386
+                    -2.524345,54.010563
+                    -2.523130,54.011288
+                    -2.523603,54.012194
+                    -2.524345,54.012637
+                    -2.524615,54.013095
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+                    -2.524457,54.014907
+                    -2.524746,54.015813
+                    -2.525857,54.016476
+                    -2.526302,54.016719
+                    -2.526218,54.017620
+                    -2.527369,54.018307
+                    -2.527738,54.018526
+                    -2.528882,54.019208
+                    -2.530030,54.018526
+                    -2.530181,54.017620
+                    -2.528882,54.016848
+                    -2.528437,54.016719
+                    -2.528509,54.015813
+                    -2.527369,54.015121
+                    -2.527262,54.014907
+                    -2.527104,54.014001
+                    -2.527109,54.013095
+                    -2.525857,54.012351
+                    -2.525087,54.012194
+                    -2.525857,54.012113
+                    -2.527236,54.011288
+                    -2.526991,54.010386
+                    -2.527369,54.010091
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+                    -2.510735,54.018812
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.017029
+                    -2.511685,54.017620
+                    -2.512247,54.017959
+                    -2.513760,54.018030
+                    -2.515272,54.018011
+                    -2.516001,54.017620
+                    -2.515272,54.017067
+                    -2.514959,54.016719
+                    -2.513760,54.016032
+                    -2.512247,54.016199
+                    -2.510735,54.016376
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014316
+                    -2.512247,54.014225
+                    -2.512650,54.014001
+                    -2.513033,54.013095
+                    -2.513552,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011950
+                    -2.514424,54.012194
+                    -2.515272,54.012699
+                    -2.516120,54.012194
+                    -2.516173,54.011288
+                    -2.515272,54.010615
+                    -2.515049,54.010386
+                    -2.514692,54.009476
+                    -2.515272,54.009032
+                    -2.516110,54.008574
+                    -2.516784,54.008265
+                    -2.517776,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007068
+                    -2.516414,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006648
+                    -2.518296,54.006610
+                    -2.519015,54.006763
+                    -2.518799,54.007668
+                    -2.519808,54.008203
+                    -2.521321,54.008365
+                    -2.522489,54.007668
+                    -2.521802,54.006763
+                    -2.522414,54.005861
+                    -2.522833,54.005542
+                    -2.523714,54.004951
+                    -2.524345,54.004250
+                    -2.524645,54.004049
+                    -2.525298,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002242
+                    -2.524345,54.002242
+                    -2.524343,54.002242
+                    -2.522833,54.002314
+                    -2.522709,54.002242
+                    -2.522833,54.002166
+                    -2.523511,54.001336
+                    -2.522833,54.000926
+                    -2.521824,54.000430
+                    -2.521321,54.000134
+                    -2.519808,54.000001
+                    -2.518296,53.999887
+                    -2.517596,53.999524
+                    -2.516784,53.999009
+                    -2.516189,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998079
+                    -2.514690,53.997717
+                    -2.514786,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996205
+                    -2.512451,53.995910
+                    -2.512247,53.995624
+                    -2.512144,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994298
+                    -2.509223,53.994780
+                    -2.507711,53.994608
+                    -2.506199,53.994570
+                    -2.505677,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993440
+                    -2.504184,53.993192
+                    -2.504555,53.992286
+                    -2.504268,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991256
+                    -2.506143,53.990479
+                    -2.505748,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.989272
+                    -2.507711,53.989167
+                    -2.508711,53.988667
+                    -2.509223,53.988314
+                    -2.510735,53.988123
+                    -2.511397,53.987765
+                    -2.510735,53.987408
+                    -2.509223,53.987317
+                    -2.507711,53.987327
+                    -2.507339,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986697
+                    -2.509085,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985219
+                    -2.507094,53.985052
+                    -2.507711,53.984566
+                    -2.508335,53.984141
+                    -2.508582,53.983240
+                    -2.508578,53.982334
+                    -2.509081,53.981433
+                    -2.509120,53.980527
+                    -2.508041,53.979621
+                    -2.507711,53.979425
+                    -2.507378,53.979621
+                    -2.506199,53.979969
+                    -2.504686,53.980193
+                    -2.503559,53.979621
+                    -2.504686,53.979321
+                    -2.505830,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978620
+                    -2.507711,53.978457
+                    -2.508972,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977661
+                    -2.510298,53.976908
+                    -2.509410,53.976002
+                    -2.510494,53.975101
+                    -2.510461,53.974195
+                    -2.510735,53.974013
+                    -2.511903,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.973079
+                    -2.513760,53.972878
+                    -2.514615,53.972383
+                    -2.515272,53.972063
+                    -2.516250,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.970962
+                    -2.513760,53.970957
+                    -2.512832,53.970575
+                    -2.512247,53.970246
+                    -2.511656,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.970942
+                    -2.510198,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532049,53.972383
+                    -2.531988,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973489
+                    -2.530681,53.974195
+                    -2.530394,53.974667
+                    -2.529709,53.975101
+                    -2.528882,53.975415
+                    -2.527369,53.975854
+                    -2.527121,53.976002
+                    -2.526215,53.976908
+                    -2.525857,53.977294
+                    -2.524955,53.977809
+                    -2.524345,53.978052
+                    -2.523803,53.977809
+                    -2.522833,53.977251
+                    -2.522520,53.976908
+                    -2.521321,53.976188
+                    -2.519808,53.976383
+                    -2.518785,53.976908
+                    -2.519808,53.977427
+                    -2.521321,53.977623
+                    -2.521894,53.977809
+                    -2.521667,53.978715
+                    -2.522833,53.979373
+                    -2.523176,53.979621
+                    -2.522833,53.980021
+                    -2.521991,53.980527
+                    -2.521926,53.981433
+                    -2.522491,53.982334
+                    -2.521321,53.982558
+                    -2.520180,53.983240
+                    -2.521321,53.983922
+                    -2.521553,53.984141
+                    -2.521321,53.984427
+                    -2.519808,53.984594
+                    -2.519046,53.985052
+                    -2.519808,53.985510
+                    -2.520043,53.985953
+                    -2.519808,53.986492
+                    -2.519196,53.986859
+                    -2.519808,53.987255
+                    -2.520327,53.987765
+                    -2.519808,53.988090
+                    -2.518884,53.988667
+                    -2.518685,53.989577
+                    -2.518296,53.989720
+                    -2.516784,53.989778
+                    -2.515272,53.989801
+                    -2.513760,53.990021
+                    -2.512992,53.990479
+                    -2.512247,53.990645
+                    -2.510735,53.990784
+                    -2.509536,53.991385
+                    -2.510735,53.991981
+                    -2.512247,53.992124
+                    -2.513484,53.991385
+                    -2.513760,53.990936
+                    -2.515272,53.991160
+                    -2.516784,53.991179
+                    -2.518296,53.991237
+                    -2.519808,53.991332
+                    -2.521321,53.991294
+                    -2.521983,53.991385
+                    -2.522833,53.991890
+                    -2.523445,53.992286
+                    -2.524270,53.993192
+                    -2.523283,53.994098
+                    -2.522833,53.994479
+                    -2.521321,53.994489
+                    -2.519808,53.994741
+                    -2.519390,53.995004
+                    -2.518909,53.995910
+                    -2.519808,53.996444
+                    -2.521321,53.996477
+                    -2.522273,53.995910
+                    -2.522833,53.995509
+                    -2.524345,53.995624
+                    -2.525857,53.995733
+                    -2.526139,53.995910
+                    -2.526402,53.996811
+                    -2.525857,53.997397
+                    -2.525376,53.997717
+                    -2.525857,53.998003
+                    -2.526980,53.998618
+                    -2.527369,53.998852
+                    -2.528398,53.999524
+                    -2.528882,53.999815
+                    -2.529405,53.999524
+                    -2.530394,53.999209
+                    -2.530545,53.999524
+                    -2.530586,54.000430
+                    -2.530394,54.000583
+                    -2.529136,54.001336
+                    -2.529063,54.002242
+                    -2.529066,54.003143
+                    -2.529091,54.004049
+                    -2.528882,54.004226
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+                    -2.527727,54.005861
+                    -2.527369,54.006314
+                    -2.526613,54.006763
+                    -2.526042,54.007668
+                    -2.525857,54.007835
+                    -2.524345,54.007988
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+                    -2.524345,54.009833
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+                    -2.524345,54.010563
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+                    -2.524345,54.012637
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+                    -2.525857,54.016476
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+                    -2.528882,54.016848
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+                    -2.527262,54.014907
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+                    -2.525857,54.012113
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+                    -2.531783,54.002242
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.017029
+                    -2.511685,54.017620
+                    -2.512247,54.017959
+                    -2.513760,54.018030
+                    -2.515272,54.018011
+                    -2.516001,54.017620
+                    -2.515272,54.017067
+                    -2.514959,54.016719
+                    -2.513760,54.016032
+                    -2.512247,54.016199
+                    -2.510735,54.016376
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014316
+                    -2.512247,54.014225
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+                    -2.513033,54.013095
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+                    -2.513760,54.011950
+                    -2.514424,54.012194
+                    -2.515272,54.012699
+                    -2.516120,54.012194
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+                    -2.515272,54.010615
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+                    -2.515272,54.009032
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+                    -2.516784,54.007068
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+                    -2.516784,54.006648
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+                    -2.519015,54.006763
+                    -2.518799,54.007668
+                    -2.519808,54.008203
+                    -2.521321,54.008365
+                    -2.522489,54.007668
+                    -2.521802,54.006763
+                    -2.522414,54.005861
+                    -2.522833,54.005542
+                    -2.523714,54.004951
+                    -2.524345,54.004250
+                    -2.524645,54.004049
+                    -2.525298,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002242
+                    -2.524345,54.002242
+                    -2.524343,54.002242
+                    -2.522833,54.002314
+                    -2.522709,54.002242
+                    -2.522833,54.002166
+                    -2.523511,54.001336
+                    -2.522833,54.000926
+                    -2.521824,54.000430
+                    -2.521321,54.000134
+                    -2.519808,54.000001
+                    -2.518296,53.999887
+                    -2.517596,53.999524
+                    -2.516784,53.999009
+                    -2.516189,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998079
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+                    -2.504184,53.993192
+                    -2.504555,53.992286
+                    -2.504268,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991256
+                    -2.506143,53.990479
+                    -2.505748,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.989272
+                    -2.507711,53.989167
+                    -2.508711,53.988667
+                    -2.509223,53.988314
+                    -2.510735,53.988123
+                    -2.511397,53.987765
+                    -2.510735,53.987408
+                    -2.509223,53.987317
+                    -2.507711,53.987327
+                    -2.507339,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986697
+                    -2.509085,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985219
+                    -2.507094,53.985052
+                    -2.507711,53.984566
+                    -2.508335,53.984141
+                    -2.508582,53.983240
+                    -2.508578,53.982334
+                    -2.509081,53.981433
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+                    -2.507378,53.979621
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+                    -2.504686,53.980193
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+                    -2.504686,53.979321
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+                    -2.506199,53.978620
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+                    -2.509223,53.977661
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+                    -2.509410,53.976002
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+                    -2.515272,53.972063
+                    -2.516250,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.970962
+                    -2.513760,53.970957
+                    -2.512832,53.970575
+                    -2.512247,53.970246
+                    -2.511656,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.970942
+                    -2.510198,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532049,53.972383
+                    -2.531988,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973489
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+                    -2.530394,53.974667
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+                    -2.528882,53.975415
+                    -2.527369,53.975854
+                    -2.527121,53.976002
+                    -2.526215,53.976908
+                    -2.525857,53.977294
+                    -2.524955,53.977809
+                    -2.524345,53.978052
+                    -2.523803,53.977809
+                    -2.522833,53.977251
+                    -2.522520,53.976908
+                    -2.521321,53.976188
+                    -2.519808,53.976383
+                    -2.518785,53.976908
+                    -2.519808,53.977427
+                    -2.521321,53.977623
+                    -2.521894,53.977809
+                    -2.521667,53.978715
+                    -2.522833,53.979373
+                    -2.523176,53.979621
+                    -2.522833,53.980021
+                    -2.521991,53.980527
+                    -2.521926,53.981433
+                    -2.522491,53.982334
+                    -2.521321,53.982558
+                    -2.520180,53.983240
+                    -2.521321,53.983922
+                    -2.521553,53.984141
+                    -2.521321,53.984427
+                    -2.519808,53.984594
+                    -2.519046,53.985052
+                    -2.519808,53.985510
+                    -2.520043,53.985953
+                    -2.519808,53.986492
+                    -2.519196,53.986859
+                    -2.519808,53.987255
+                    -2.520327,53.987765
+                    -2.519808,53.988090
+                    -2.518884,53.988667
+                    -2.518685,53.989577
+                    -2.518296,53.989720
+                    -2.516784,53.989778
+                    -2.515272,53.989801
+                    -2.513760,53.990021
+                    -2.512992,53.990479
+                    -2.512247,53.990645
+                    -2.510735,53.990784
+                    -2.509536,53.991385
+                    -2.510735,53.991981
+                    -2.512247,53.992124
+                    -2.513484,53.991385
+                    -2.513760,53.990936
+                    -2.515272,53.991160
+                    -2.516784,53.991179
+                    -2.518296,53.991237
+                    -2.519808,53.991332
+                    -2.521321,53.991294
+                    -2.521983,53.991385
+                    -2.522833,53.991890
+                    -2.523445,53.992286
+                    -2.524270,53.993192
+                    -2.523283,53.994098
+                    -2.522833,53.994479
+                    -2.521321,53.994489
+                    -2.519808,53.994741
+                    -2.519390,53.995004
+                    -2.518909,53.995910
+                    -2.519808,53.996444
+                    -2.521321,53.996477
+                    -2.522273,53.995910
+                    -2.522833,53.995509
+                    -2.524345,53.995624
+                    -2.525857,53.995733
+                    -2.526139,53.995910
+                    -2.526402,53.996811
+                    -2.525857,53.997397
+                    -2.525376,53.997717
+                    -2.525857,53.998003
+                    -2.526980,53.998618
+                    -2.527369,53.998852
+                    -2.528398,53.999524
+                    -2.528882,53.999815
+                    -2.529405,53.999524
+                    -2.530394,53.999209
+                    -2.530545,53.999524
+                    -2.530586,54.000430
+                    -2.530394,54.000583
+                    -2.529136,54.001336
+                    -2.529063,54.002242
+                    -2.529066,54.003143
+                    -2.529091,54.004049
+                    -2.528882,54.004226
+                    -2.527669,54.004951
+                    -2.527727,54.005861
+                    -2.527369,54.006314
+                    -2.526613,54.006763
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+                    -2.525857,54.007835
+                    -2.524345,54.007988
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+                    -2.524345,54.009833
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+                    -2.520895,54.022145
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+                    -2.518296,54.021449
+                    -2.517778,54.021239
+                    -2.516784,54.020333
+                    -2.516782,54.020333
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+                    -2.512247,54.019608
+                    -2.511929,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.018812
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.017029
+                    -2.511685,54.017620
+                    -2.512247,54.017959
+                    -2.513760,54.018030
+                    -2.515272,54.018011
+                    -2.516001,54.017620
+                    -2.515272,54.017067
+                    -2.514959,54.016719
+                    -2.513760,54.016032
+                    -2.512247,54.016199
+                    -2.510735,54.016376
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014316
+                    -2.512247,54.014225
+                    -2.512650,54.014001
+                    -2.513033,54.013095
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+                    -2.513760,54.011950
+                    -2.514424,54.012194
+                    -2.515272,54.012699
+                    -2.516120,54.012194
+                    -2.516173,54.011288
+                    -2.515272,54.010615
+                    -2.515049,54.010386
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+                    -2.515272,54.009032
+                    -2.516110,54.008574
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+                    -2.516784,54.007068
+                    -2.516414,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006648
+                    -2.518296,54.006610
+                    -2.519015,54.006763
+                    -2.518799,54.007668
+                    -2.519808,54.008203
+                    -2.521321,54.008365
+                    -2.522489,54.007668
+                    -2.521802,54.006763
+                    -2.522414,54.005861
+                    -2.522833,54.005542
+                    -2.523714,54.004951
+                    -2.524345,54.004250
+                    -2.524645,54.004049
+                    -2.525298,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002242
+                    -2.524345,54.002242
+                    -2.524343,54.002242
+                    -2.522833,54.002314
+                    -2.522709,54.002242
+                    -2.522833,54.002166
+                    -2.523511,54.001336
+                    -2.522833,54.000926
+                    -2.521824,54.000430
+                    -2.521321,54.000134
+                    -2.519808,54.000001
+                    -2.518296,53.999887
+                    -2.517596,53.999524
+                    -2.516784,53.999009
+                    -2.516189,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998079
+                    -2.514690,53.997717
+                    -2.514786,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996205
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+                    -2.512144,53.995004
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+                    -2.506199,53.994570
+                    -2.505677,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993440
+                    -2.504184,53.993192
+                    -2.504555,53.992286
+                    -2.504268,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991256
+                    -2.506143,53.990479
+                    -2.505748,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.989272
+                    -2.507711,53.989167
+                    -2.508711,53.988667
+                    -2.509223,53.988314
+                    -2.510735,53.988123
+                    -2.511397,53.987765
+                    -2.510735,53.987408
+                    -2.509223,53.987317
+                    -2.507711,53.987327
+                    -2.507339,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986697
+                    -2.509085,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985219
+                    -2.507094,53.985052
+                    -2.507711,53.984566
+                    -2.508335,53.984141
+                    -2.508582,53.983240
+                    -2.508578,53.982334
+                    -2.509081,53.981433
+                    -2.509120,53.980527
+                    -2.508041,53.979621
+                    -2.507711,53.979425
+                    -2.507378,53.979621
+                    -2.506199,53.979969
+                    -2.504686,53.980193
+                    -2.503559,53.979621
+                    -2.504686,53.979321
+                    -2.505830,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978620
+                    -2.507711,53.978457
+                    -2.508972,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977661
+                    -2.510298,53.976908
+                    -2.509410,53.976002
+                    -2.510494,53.975101
+                    -2.510461,53.974195
+                    -2.510735,53.974013
+                    -2.511903,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.973079
+                    -2.513760,53.972878
+                    -2.514615,53.972383
+                    -2.515272,53.972063
+                    -2.516250,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.970962
+                    -2.513760,53.970957
+                    -2.512832,53.970575
+                    -2.512247,53.970246
+                    -2.511656,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.970942
+                    -2.510198,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532049,53.972383
+                    -2.531988,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973489
+                    -2.530681,53.974195
+                    -2.530394,53.974667
+                    -2.529709,53.975101
+                    -2.528882,53.975415
+                    -2.527369,53.975854
+                    -2.527121,53.976002
+                    -2.526215,53.976908
+                    -2.525857,53.977294
+                    -2.524955,53.977809
+                    -2.524345,53.978052
+                    -2.523803,53.977809
+                    -2.522833,53.977251
+                    -2.522520,53.976908
+                    -2.521321,53.976188
+                    -2.519808,53.976383
+                    -2.518785,53.976908
+                    -2.519808,53.977427
+                    -2.521321,53.977623
+                    -2.521894,53.977809
+                    -2.521667,53.978715
+                    -2.522833,53.979373
+                    -2.523176,53.979621
+                    -2.522833,53.980021
+                    -2.521991,53.980527
+                    -2.521926,53.981433
+                    -2.522491,53.982334
+                    -2.521321,53.982558
+                    -2.520180,53.983240
+                    -2.521321,53.983922
+                    -2.521553,53.984141
+                    -2.521321,53.984427
+                    -2.519808,53.984594
+                    -2.519046,53.985052
+                    -2.519808,53.985510
+                    -2.520043,53.985953
+                    -2.519808,53.986492
+                    -2.519196,53.986859
+                    -2.519808,53.987255
+                    -2.520327,53.987765
+                    -2.519808,53.988090
+                    -2.518884,53.988667
+                    -2.518685,53.989577
+                    -2.518296,53.989720
+                    -2.516784,53.989778
+                    -2.515272,53.989801
+                    -2.513760,53.990021
+                    -2.512992,53.990479
+                    -2.512247,53.990645
+                    -2.510735,53.990784
+                    -2.509536,53.991385
+                    -2.510735,53.991981
+                    -2.512247,53.992124
+                    -2.513484,53.991385
+                    -2.513760,53.990936
+                    -2.515272,53.991160
+                    -2.516784,53.991179
+                    -2.518296,53.991237
+                    -2.519808,53.991332
+                    -2.521321,53.991294
+                    -2.521983,53.991385
+                    -2.522833,53.991890
+                    -2.523445,53.992286
+                    -2.524270,53.993192
+                    -2.523283,53.994098
+                    -2.522833,53.994479
+                    -2.521321,53.994489
+                    -2.519808,53.994741
+                    -2.519390,53.995004
+                    -2.518909,53.995910
+                    -2.519808,53.996444
+                    -2.521321,53.996477
+                    -2.522273,53.995910
+                    -2.522833,53.995509
+                    -2.524345,53.995624
+                    -2.525857,53.995733
+                    -2.526139,53.995910
+                    -2.526402,53.996811
+                    -2.525857,53.997397
+                    -2.525376,53.997717
+                    -2.525857,53.998003
+                    -2.526980,53.998618
+                    -2.527369,53.998852
+                    -2.528398,53.999524
+                    -2.528882,53.999815
+                    -2.529405,53.999524
+                    -2.530394,53.999209
+                    -2.530545,53.999524
+                    -2.530586,54.000430
+                    -2.530394,54.000583
+                    -2.529136,54.001336
+                    -2.529063,54.002242
+                    -2.529066,54.003143
+                    -2.529091,54.004049
+                    -2.528882,54.004226
+                    -2.527669,54.004951
+                    -2.527727,54.005861
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+                    -2.532278,54.017620
+                    -2.532530,54.018526
+                    -2.531906,54.018679
+                    -2.530573,54.019427
+                    -2.530394,54.019608
+                    -2.529393,54.020333
+                    -2.530394,54.020934
+                    -2.531906,54.021058
+                    -2.532165,54.021239
+                    -2.533081,54.022145
+                    -2.533418,54.022346
+                    -2.533928,54.023051
+                    -2.534377,54.023952
+                    -2.534930,54.024282
+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.024973
+                    -2.531906,54.024997
+                    -2.530906,54.024858
+                    -2.530394,54.024668
+                    -2.528882,54.024601
+                    -2.527369,54.024558
+                    -2.525857,54.024234
+                    -2.525354,54.023952
+                    -2.524345,54.023385
+                    -2.523643,54.023051
+                    -2.522833,54.022608
+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520895,54.022145
+                    -2.519808,54.021316
+                    -2.518296,54.021449
+                    -2.517778,54.021239
+                    -2.516784,54.020333
+                    -2.516782,54.020333
+                    -2.515272,54.019918
+                    -2.513760,54.019823
+                    -2.512247,54.019608
+                    -2.511929,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.018812
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.017029
+                    -2.511685,54.017620
+                    -2.512247,54.017959
+                    -2.513760,54.018030
+                    -2.515272,54.018011
+                    -2.516001,54.017620
+                    -2.515272,54.017067
+                    -2.514959,54.016719
+                    -2.513760,54.016032
+                    -2.512247,54.016199
+                    -2.510735,54.016376
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014316
+                    -2.512247,54.014225
+                    -2.512650,54.014001
+                    -2.513033,54.013095
+                    -2.513552,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011950
+                    -2.514424,54.012194
+                    -2.515272,54.012699
+                    -2.516120,54.012194
+                    -2.516173,54.011288
+                    -2.515272,54.010615
+                    -2.515049,54.010386
+                    -2.514692,54.009476
+                    -2.515272,54.009032
+                    -2.516110,54.008574
+                    -2.516784,54.008265
+                    -2.517776,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007068
+                    -2.516414,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006648
+                    -2.518296,54.006610
+                    -2.519015,54.006763
+                    -2.518799,54.007668
+                    -2.519808,54.008203
+                    -2.521321,54.008365
+                    -2.522489,54.007668
+                    -2.521802,54.006763
+                    -2.522414,54.005861
+                    -2.522833,54.005542
+                    -2.523714,54.004951
+                    -2.524345,54.004250
+                    -2.524645,54.004049
+                    -2.525298,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002242
+                    -2.524345,54.002242
+                    -2.524343,54.002242
+                    -2.522833,54.002314
+                    -2.522709,54.002242
+                    -2.522833,54.002166
+                    -2.523511,54.001336
+                    -2.522833,54.000926
+                    -2.521824,54.000430
+                    -2.521321,54.000134
+                    -2.519808,54.000001
+                    -2.518296,53.999887
+                    -2.517596,53.999524
+                    -2.516784,53.999009
+                    -2.516189,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998079
+                    -2.514690,53.997717
+                    -2.514786,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996205
+                    -2.512451,53.995910
+                    -2.512247,53.995624
+                    -2.512144,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994298
+                    -2.509223,53.994780
+                    -2.507711,53.994608
+                    -2.506199,53.994570
+                    -2.505677,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993440
+                    -2.504184,53.993192
+                    -2.504555,53.992286
+                    -2.504268,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991256
+                    -2.506143,53.990479
+                    -2.505748,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.989272
+                    -2.507711,53.989167
+                    -2.508711,53.988667
+                    -2.509223,53.988314
+                    -2.510735,53.988123
+                    -2.511397,53.987765
+                    -2.510735,53.987408
+                    -2.509223,53.987317
+                    -2.507711,53.987327
+                    -2.507339,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986697
+                    -2.509085,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985219
+                    -2.507094,53.985052
+                    -2.507711,53.984566
+                    -2.508335,53.984141
+                    -2.508582,53.983240
+                    -2.508578,53.982334
+                    -2.509081,53.981433
+                    -2.509120,53.980527
+                    -2.508041,53.979621
+                    -2.507711,53.979425
+                    -2.507378,53.979621
+                    -2.506199,53.979969
+                    -2.504686,53.980193
+                    -2.503559,53.979621
+                    -2.504686,53.979321
+                    -2.505830,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978620
+                    -2.507711,53.978457
+                    -2.508972,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977661
+                    -2.510298,53.976908
+                    -2.509410,53.976002
+                    -2.510494,53.975101
+                    -2.510461,53.974195
+                    -2.510735,53.974013
+                    -2.511903,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.973079
+                    -2.513760,53.972878
+                    -2.514615,53.972383
+                    -2.515272,53.972063
+                    -2.516250,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.970962
+                    -2.513760,53.970957
+                    -2.512832,53.970575
+                    -2.512247,53.970246
+                    -2.511656,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.970942
+                    -2.510198,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532049,53.972383
+                    -2.531988,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973489
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+                    -2.530394,53.974667
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+                    -2.528882,53.975415
+                    -2.527369,53.975854
+                    -2.527121,53.976002
+                    -2.526215,53.976908
+                    -2.525857,53.977294
+                    -2.524955,53.977809
+                    -2.524345,53.978052
+                    -2.523803,53.977809
+                    -2.522833,53.977251
+                    -2.522520,53.976908
+                    -2.521321,53.976188
+                    -2.519808,53.976383
+                    -2.518785,53.976908
+                    -2.519808,53.977427
+                    -2.521321,53.977623
+                    -2.521894,53.977809
+                    -2.521667,53.978715
+                    -2.522833,53.979373
+                    -2.523176,53.979621
+                    -2.522833,53.980021
+                    -2.521991,53.980527
+                    -2.521926,53.981433
+                    -2.522491,53.982334
+                    -2.521321,53.982558
+                    -2.520180,53.983240
+                    -2.521321,53.983922
+                    -2.521553,53.984141
+                    -2.521321,53.984427
+                    -2.519808,53.984594
+                    -2.519046,53.985052
+                    -2.519808,53.985510
+                    -2.520043,53.985953
+                    -2.519808,53.986492
+                    -2.519196,53.986859
+                    -2.519808,53.987255
+                    -2.520327,53.987765
+                    -2.519808,53.988090
+                    -2.518884,53.988667
+                    -2.518685,53.989577
+                    -2.518296,53.989720
+                    -2.516784,53.989778
+                    -2.515272,53.989801
+                    -2.513760,53.990021
+                    -2.512992,53.990479
+                    -2.512247,53.990645
+                    -2.510735,53.990784
+                    -2.509536,53.991385
+                    -2.510735,53.991981
+                    -2.512247,53.992124
+                    -2.513484,53.991385
+                    -2.513760,53.990936
+                    -2.515272,53.991160
+                    -2.516784,53.991179
+                    -2.518296,53.991237
+                    -2.519808,53.991332
+                    -2.521321,53.991294
+                    -2.521983,53.991385
+                    -2.522833,53.991890
+                    -2.523445,53.992286
+                    -2.524270,53.993192
+                    -2.523283,53.994098
+                    -2.522833,53.994479
+                    -2.521321,53.994489
+                    -2.519808,53.994741
+                    -2.519390,53.995004
+                    -2.518909,53.995910
+                    -2.519808,53.996444
+                    -2.521321,53.996477
+                    -2.522273,53.995910
+                    -2.522833,53.995509
+                    -2.524345,53.995624
+                    -2.525857,53.995733
+                    -2.526139,53.995910
+                    -2.526402,53.996811
+                    -2.525857,53.997397
+                    -2.525376,53.997717
+                    -2.525857,53.998003
+                    -2.526980,53.998618
+                    -2.527369,53.998852
+                    -2.528398,53.999524
+                    -2.528882,53.999815
+                    -2.529405,53.999524
+                    -2.530394,53.999209
+                    -2.530545,53.999524
+                    -2.530586,54.000430
+                    -2.530394,54.000583
+                    -2.529136,54.001336
+                    -2.529063,54.002242
+                    -2.529066,54.003143
+                    -2.529091,54.004049
+                    -2.528882,54.004226
+                    -2.527669,54.004951
+                    -2.527727,54.005861
+                    -2.527369,54.006314
+                    -2.526613,54.006763
+                    -2.526042,54.007668
+                    -2.525857,54.007835
+                    -2.524345,54.007988
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+                    -2.524345,54.009833
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+                    -2.524345,54.010563
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+                    -2.524345,54.012637
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+                    -2.524746,54.015813
+                    -2.525857,54.016476
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+                    -2.530030,54.018526
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+                    -2.528882,54.016848
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+                    -2.528509,54.015813
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+                    -2.525857,54.012113
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+                    -2.531784,54.003143
+                    -2.531783,54.002242
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+                    -2.533418,54.001746
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.017029
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+                    -2.513760,54.018030
+                    -2.515272,54.018011
+                    -2.516001,54.017620
+                    -2.515272,54.017067
+                    -2.514959,54.016719
+                    -2.513760,54.016032
+                    -2.512247,54.016199
+                    -2.510735,54.016376
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014316
+                    -2.512247,54.014225
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+                    -2.513033,54.013095
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+                    -2.513760,54.011950
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+                    -2.515272,54.012699
+                    -2.516120,54.012194
+                    -2.516173,54.011288
+                    -2.515272,54.010615
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+                    -2.519015,54.006763
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+                    -2.519808,54.008203
+                    -2.521321,54.008365
+                    -2.522489,54.007668
+                    -2.521802,54.006763
+                    -2.522414,54.005861
+                    -2.522833,54.005542
+                    -2.523714,54.004951
+                    -2.524345,54.004250
+                    -2.524645,54.004049
+                    -2.525298,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002242
+                    -2.524345,54.002242
+                    -2.524343,54.002242
+                    -2.522833,54.002314
+                    -2.522709,54.002242
+                    -2.522833,54.002166
+                    -2.523511,54.001336
+                    -2.522833,54.000926
+                    -2.521824,54.000430
+                    -2.521321,54.000134
+                    -2.519808,54.000001
+                    -2.518296,53.999887
+                    -2.517596,53.999524
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+                    -2.516189,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998079
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+                    -2.504184,53.993192
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+                    -2.504268,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991256
+                    -2.506143,53.990479
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+                    -2.508711,53.988667
+                    -2.509223,53.988314
+                    -2.510735,53.988123
+                    -2.511397,53.987765
+                    -2.510735,53.987408
+                    -2.509223,53.987317
+                    -2.507711,53.987327
+                    -2.507339,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986697
+                    -2.509085,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985219
+                    -2.507094,53.985052
+                    -2.507711,53.984566
+                    -2.508335,53.984141
+                    -2.508582,53.983240
+                    -2.508578,53.982334
+                    -2.509081,53.981433
+                    -2.509120,53.980527
+                    -2.508041,53.979621
+                    -2.507711,53.979425
+                    -2.507378,53.979621
+                    -2.506199,53.979969
+                    -2.504686,53.980193
+                    -2.503559,53.979621
+                    -2.504686,53.979321
+                    -2.505830,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978620
+                    -2.507711,53.978457
+                    -2.508972,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977661
+                    -2.510298,53.976908
+                    -2.509410,53.976002
+                    -2.510494,53.975101
+                    -2.510461,53.974195
+                    -2.510735,53.974013
+                    -2.511903,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.973079
+                    -2.513760,53.972878
+                    -2.514615,53.972383
+                    -2.515272,53.972063
+                    -2.516250,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.970962
+                    -2.513760,53.970957
+                    -2.512832,53.970575
+                    -2.512247,53.970246
+                    -2.511656,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.970942
+                    -2.510198,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532049,53.972383
+                    -2.531988,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973489
+                    -2.530681,53.974195
+                    -2.530394,53.974667
+                    -2.529709,53.975101
+                    -2.528882,53.975415
+                    -2.527369,53.975854
+                    -2.527121,53.976002
+                    -2.526215,53.976908
+                    -2.525857,53.977294
+                    -2.524955,53.977809
+                    -2.524345,53.978052
+                    -2.523803,53.977809
+                    -2.522833,53.977251
+                    -2.522520,53.976908
+                    -2.521321,53.976188
+                    -2.519808,53.976383
+                    -2.518785,53.976908
+                    -2.519808,53.977427
+                    -2.521321,53.977623
+                    -2.521894,53.977809
+                    -2.521667,53.978715
+                    -2.522833,53.979373
+                    -2.523176,53.979621
+                    -2.522833,53.980021
+                    -2.521991,53.980527
+                    -2.521926,53.981433
+                    -2.522491,53.982334
+                    -2.521321,53.982558
+                    -2.520180,53.983240
+                    -2.521321,53.983922
+                    -2.521553,53.984141
+                    -2.521321,53.984427
+                    -2.519808,53.984594
+                    -2.519046,53.985052
+                    -2.519808,53.985510
+                    -2.520043,53.985953
+                    -2.519808,53.986492
+                    -2.519196,53.986859
+                    -2.519808,53.987255
+                    -2.520327,53.987765
+                    -2.519808,53.988090
+                    -2.518884,53.988667
+                    -2.518685,53.989577
+                    -2.518296,53.989720
+                    -2.516784,53.989778
+                    -2.515272,53.989801
+                    -2.513760,53.990021
+                    -2.512992,53.990479
+                    -2.512247,53.990645
+                    -2.510735,53.990784
+                    -2.509536,53.991385
+                    -2.510735,53.991981
+                    -2.512247,53.992124
+                    -2.513484,53.991385
+                    -2.513760,53.990936
+                    -2.515272,53.991160
+                    -2.516784,53.991179
+                    -2.518296,53.991237
+                    -2.519808,53.991332
+                    -2.521321,53.991294
+                    -2.521983,53.991385
+                    -2.522833,53.991890
+                    -2.523445,53.992286
+                    -2.524270,53.993192
+                    -2.523283,53.994098
+                    -2.522833,53.994479
+                    -2.521321,53.994489
+                    -2.519808,53.994741
+                    -2.519390,53.995004
+                    -2.518909,53.995910
+                    -2.519808,53.996444
+                    -2.521321,53.996477
+                    -2.522273,53.995910
+                    -2.522833,53.995509
+                    -2.524345,53.995624
+                    -2.525857,53.995733
+                    -2.526139,53.995910
+                    -2.526402,53.996811
+                    -2.525857,53.997397
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+                    -2.525857,53.998003
+                    -2.526980,53.998618
+                    -2.527369,53.998852
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+                    -2.528882,53.999815
+                    -2.529405,53.999524
+                    -2.530394,53.999209
+                    -2.530545,53.999524
+                    -2.530586,54.000430
+                    -2.530394,54.000583
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.017029
+                    -2.511685,54.017620
+                    -2.512247,54.017959
+                    -2.513760,54.018030
+                    -2.515272,54.018011
+                    -2.516001,54.017620
+                    -2.515272,54.017067
+                    -2.514959,54.016719
+                    -2.513760,54.016032
+                    -2.512247,54.016199
+                    -2.510735,54.016376
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014316
+                    -2.512247,54.014225
+                    -2.512650,54.014001
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+                    -2.513760,54.011950
+                    -2.514424,54.012194
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+                    -2.516120,54.012194
+                    -2.516173,54.011288
+                    -2.515272,54.010615
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+                    -2.515272,54.009032
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+                    -2.516784,54.007068
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+                    -2.516784,54.006648
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+                    -2.519015,54.006763
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+                    -2.519808,54.008203
+                    -2.521321,54.008365
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+                    -2.521802,54.006763
+                    -2.522414,54.005861
+                    -2.522833,54.005542
+                    -2.523714,54.004951
+                    -2.524345,54.004250
+                    -2.524645,54.004049
+                    -2.525298,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002242
+                    -2.524345,54.002242
+                    -2.524343,54.002242
+                    -2.522833,54.002314
+                    -2.522709,54.002242
+                    -2.522833,54.002166
+                    -2.523511,54.001336
+                    -2.522833,54.000926
+                    -2.521824,54.000430
+                    -2.521321,54.000134
+                    -2.519808,54.000001
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+                    -2.517596,53.999524
+                    -2.516784,53.999009
+                    -2.516189,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998079
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+                    -2.505677,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993440
+                    -2.504184,53.993192
+                    -2.504555,53.992286
+                    -2.504268,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991256
+                    -2.506143,53.990479
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+                    -2.506199,53.989272
+                    -2.507711,53.989167
+                    -2.508711,53.988667
+                    -2.509223,53.988314
+                    -2.510735,53.988123
+                    -2.511397,53.987765
+                    -2.510735,53.987408
+                    -2.509223,53.987317
+                    -2.507711,53.987327
+                    -2.507339,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986697
+                    -2.509085,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985219
+                    -2.507094,53.985052
+                    -2.507711,53.984566
+                    -2.508335,53.984141
+                    -2.508582,53.983240
+                    -2.508578,53.982334
+                    -2.509081,53.981433
+                    -2.509120,53.980527
+                    -2.508041,53.979621
+                    -2.507711,53.979425
+                    -2.507378,53.979621
+                    -2.506199,53.979969
+                    -2.504686,53.980193
+                    -2.503559,53.979621
+                    -2.504686,53.979321
+                    -2.505830,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978620
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+                    -2.508972,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977661
+                    -2.510298,53.976908
+                    -2.509410,53.976002
+                    -2.510494,53.975101
+                    -2.510461,53.974195
+                    -2.510735,53.974013
+                    -2.511903,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.973079
+                    -2.513760,53.972878
+                    -2.514615,53.972383
+                    -2.515272,53.972063
+                    -2.516250,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.970962
+                    -2.513760,53.970957
+                    -2.512832,53.970575
+                    -2.512247,53.970246
+                    -2.511656,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.970942
+                    -2.510198,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532049,53.972383
+                    -2.531988,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973489
+                    -2.530681,53.974195
+                    -2.530394,53.974667
+                    -2.529709,53.975101
+                    -2.528882,53.975415
+                    -2.527369,53.975854
+                    -2.527121,53.976002
+                    -2.526215,53.976908
+                    -2.525857,53.977294
+                    -2.524955,53.977809
+                    -2.524345,53.978052
+                    -2.523803,53.977809
+                    -2.522833,53.977251
+                    -2.522520,53.976908
+                    -2.521321,53.976188
+                    -2.519808,53.976383
+                    -2.518785,53.976908
+                    -2.519808,53.977427
+                    -2.521321,53.977623
+                    -2.521894,53.977809
+                    -2.521667,53.978715
+                    -2.522833,53.979373
+                    -2.523176,53.979621
+                    -2.522833,53.980021
+                    -2.521991,53.980527
+                    -2.521926,53.981433
+                    -2.522491,53.982334
+                    -2.521321,53.982558
+                    -2.520180,53.983240
+                    -2.521321,53.983922
+                    -2.521553,53.984141
+                    -2.521321,53.984427
+                    -2.519808,53.984594
+                    -2.519046,53.985052
+                    -2.519808,53.985510
+                    -2.520043,53.985953
+                    -2.519808,53.986492
+                    -2.519196,53.986859
+                    -2.519808,53.987255
+                    -2.520327,53.987765
+                    -2.519808,53.988090
+                    -2.518884,53.988667
+                    -2.518685,53.989577
+                    -2.518296,53.989720
+                    -2.516784,53.989778
+                    -2.515272,53.989801
+                    -2.513760,53.990021
+                    -2.512992,53.990479
+                    -2.512247,53.990645
+                    -2.510735,53.990784
+                    -2.509536,53.991385
+                    -2.510735,53.991981
+                    -2.512247,53.992124
+                    -2.513484,53.991385
+                    -2.513760,53.990936
+                    -2.515272,53.991160
+                    -2.516784,53.991179
+                    -2.518296,53.991237
+                    -2.519808,53.991332
+                    -2.521321,53.991294
+                    -2.521983,53.991385
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+                    -2.519808,53.996444
+                    -2.521321,53.996477
+                    -2.522273,53.995910
+                    -2.522833,53.995509
+                    -2.524345,53.995624
+                    -2.525857,53.995733
+                    -2.526139,53.995910
+                    -2.526402,53.996811
+                    -2.525857,53.997397
+                    -2.525376,53.997717
+                    -2.525857,53.998003
+                    -2.526980,53.998618
+                    -2.527369,53.998852
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+                    -2.528882,53.999815
+                    -2.529405,53.999524
+                    -2.530394,53.999209
+                    -2.530545,53.999524
+                    -2.530586,54.000430
+                    -2.530394,54.000583
+                    -2.529136,54.001336
+                    -2.529063,54.002242
+                    -2.529066,54.003143
+                    -2.529091,54.004049
+                    -2.528882,54.004226
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+                    -2.527727,54.005861
+                    -2.527369,54.006314
+                    -2.526613,54.006763
+                    -2.526042,54.007668
+                    -2.525857,54.007835
+                    -2.524345,54.007988
+                    -2.523368,54.008574
+                    -2.523753,54.009476
+                    -2.524345,54.009833
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+                    -2.524345,54.010563
+                    -2.523130,54.011288
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+                    -2.524345,54.012637
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+                    -2.524746,54.015813
+                    -2.525857,54.016476
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+                    -2.528882,54.019208
+                    -2.530030,54.018526
+                    -2.530181,54.017620
+                    -2.528882,54.016848
+                    -2.528437,54.016719
+                    -2.528509,54.015813
+                    -2.527369,54.015121
+                    -2.527262,54.014907
+                    -2.527104,54.014001
+                    -2.527109,54.013095
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+                    -2.525087,54.012194
+                    -2.525857,54.012113
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+                    -2.526991,54.010386
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+                    -2.531784,54.003143
+                    -2.531783,54.002242
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+                    -2.534930,54.000387
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+                    -2.533418,54.001746
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+                    -2.517778,54.021239
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+                    -2.516782,54.020333
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+                    -2.511929,54.019427
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.017029
+                    -2.511685,54.017620
+                    -2.512247,54.017959
+                    -2.513760,54.018030
+                    -2.515272,54.018011
+                    -2.516001,54.017620
+                    -2.515272,54.017067
+                    -2.514959,54.016719
+                    -2.513760,54.016032
+                    -2.512247,54.016199
+                    -2.510735,54.016376
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014316
+                    -2.512247,54.014225
+                    -2.512650,54.014001
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+                    -2.513760,54.011950
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+                    -2.516120,54.012194
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+                    -2.516784,54.007068
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+                    -2.516784,54.006648
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+                    -2.521321,54.008365
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+                    -2.521802,54.006763
+                    -2.522414,54.005861
+                    -2.522833,54.005542
+                    -2.523714,54.004951
+                    -2.524345,54.004250
+                    -2.524645,54.004049
+                    -2.525298,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002242
+                    -2.524345,54.002242
+                    -2.524343,54.002242
+                    -2.522833,54.002314
+                    -2.522709,54.002242
+                    -2.522833,54.002166
+                    -2.523511,54.001336
+                    -2.522833,54.000926
+                    -2.521824,54.000430
+                    -2.521321,54.000134
+                    -2.519808,54.000001
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+                    -2.504268,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991256
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+                    -2.509223,53.988314
+                    -2.510735,53.988123
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+                    -2.510735,53.987408
+                    -2.509223,53.987317
+                    -2.507711,53.987327
+                    -2.507339,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986697
+                    -2.509085,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985219
+                    -2.507094,53.985052
+                    -2.507711,53.984566
+                    -2.508335,53.984141
+                    -2.508582,53.983240
+                    -2.508578,53.982334
+                    -2.509081,53.981433
+                    -2.509120,53.980527
+                    -2.508041,53.979621
+                    -2.507711,53.979425
+                    -2.507378,53.979621
+                    -2.506199,53.979969
+                    -2.504686,53.980193
+                    -2.503559,53.979621
+                    -2.504686,53.979321
+                    -2.505830,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978620
+                    -2.507711,53.978457
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+                    -2.509223,53.977661
+                    -2.510298,53.976908
+                    -2.509410,53.976002
+                    -2.510494,53.975101
+                    -2.510461,53.974195
+                    -2.510735,53.974013
+                    -2.511903,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.973079
+                    -2.513760,53.972878
+                    -2.514615,53.972383
+                    -2.515272,53.972063
+                    -2.516250,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.970962
+                    -2.513760,53.970957
+                    -2.512832,53.970575
+                    -2.512247,53.970246
+                    -2.511656,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.970942
+                    -2.510198,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532049,53.972383
+                    -2.531988,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973489
+                    -2.530681,53.974195
+                    -2.530394,53.974667
+                    -2.529709,53.975101
+                    -2.528882,53.975415
+                    -2.527369,53.975854
+                    -2.527121,53.976002
+                    -2.526215,53.976908
+                    -2.525857,53.977294
+                    -2.524955,53.977809
+                    -2.524345,53.978052
+                    -2.523803,53.977809
+                    -2.522833,53.977251
+                    -2.522520,53.976908
+                    -2.521321,53.976188
+                    -2.519808,53.976383
+                    -2.518785,53.976908
+                    -2.519808,53.977427
+                    -2.521321,53.977623
+                    -2.521894,53.977809
+                    -2.521667,53.978715
+                    -2.522833,53.979373
+                    -2.523176,53.979621
+                    -2.522833,53.980021
+                    -2.521991,53.980527
+                    -2.521926,53.981433
+                    -2.522491,53.982334
+                    -2.521321,53.982558
+                    -2.520180,53.983240
+                    -2.521321,53.983922
+                    -2.521553,53.984141
+                    -2.521321,53.984427
+                    -2.519808,53.984594
+                    -2.519046,53.985052
+                    -2.519808,53.985510
+                    -2.520043,53.985953
+                    -2.519808,53.986492
+                    -2.519196,53.986859
+                    -2.519808,53.987255
+                    -2.520327,53.987765
+                    -2.519808,53.988090
+                    -2.518884,53.988667
+                    -2.518685,53.989577
+                    -2.518296,53.989720
+                    -2.516784,53.989778
+                    -2.515272,53.989801
+                    -2.513760,53.990021
+                    -2.512992,53.990479
+                    -2.512247,53.990645
+                    -2.510735,53.990784
+                    -2.509536,53.991385
+                    -2.510735,53.991981
+                    -2.512247,53.992124
+                    -2.513484,53.991385
+                    -2.513760,53.990936
+                    -2.515272,53.991160
+                    -2.516784,53.991179
+                    -2.518296,53.991237
+                    -2.519808,53.991332
+                    -2.521321,53.991294
+                    -2.521983,53.991385
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+                    -2.523445,53.992286
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+                    -2.522833,53.994479
+                    -2.521321,53.994489
+                    -2.519808,53.994741
+                    -2.519390,53.995004
+                    -2.518909,53.995910
+                    -2.519808,53.996444
+                    -2.521321,53.996477
+                    -2.522273,53.995910
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+                    -2.526139,53.995910
+                    -2.526402,53.996811
+                    -2.525857,53.997397
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+                    -2.525857,53.998003
+                    -2.526980,53.998618
+                    -2.527369,53.998852
+                    -2.528398,53.999524
+                    -2.528882,53.999815
+                    -2.529405,53.999524
+                    -2.530394,53.999209
+                    -2.530545,53.999524
+                    -2.530586,54.000430
+                    -2.530394,54.000583
+                    -2.529136,54.001336
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+                    -2.529066,54.003143
+                    -2.529091,54.004049
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+                    -2.527727,54.005861
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+                    -2.526042,54.007668
+                    -2.525857,54.007835
+                    -2.524345,54.007988
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+                    -2.524345,54.009833
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+                    -2.524345,54.010563
+                    -2.523130,54.011288
+                    -2.523603,54.012194
+                    -2.524345,54.012637
+                    -2.524615,54.013095
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+                    -2.524457,54.014907
+                    -2.524746,54.015813
+                    -2.525857,54.016476
+                    -2.526302,54.016719
+                    -2.526218,54.017620
+                    -2.527369,54.018307
+                    -2.527738,54.018526
+                    -2.528882,54.019208
+                    -2.530030,54.018526
+                    -2.530181,54.017620
+                    -2.528882,54.016848
+                    -2.528437,54.016719
+                    -2.528509,54.015813
+                    -2.527369,54.015121
+                    -2.527262,54.014907
+                    -2.527104,54.014001
+                    -2.527109,54.013095
+                    -2.525857,54.012351
+                    -2.525087,54.012194
+                    -2.525857,54.012113
+                    -2.527236,54.011288
+                    -2.526991,54.010386
+                    -2.527369,54.010091
+                    -2.528434,54.009476
+                    -2.528882,54.008861
+                    -2.529454,54.008574
+                    -2.529939,54.007668
+                    -2.530369,54.006763
+                    -2.530037,54.005861
+                    -2.530394,54.005389
+                    -2.531195,54.004951
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+                    -2.531784,54.003143
+                    -2.531783,54.002242
+                    -2.531657,54.001336
+                    -2.531906,54.001226
+                    -2.533418,54.001002
+                    -2.534930,54.000540
+                    -2.535070,54.000430
+                    -2.534930,54.000387
+                    -2.533418,53.999696
+                    -2.533363,53.999524
+                    -2.533262,53.998618
+                    -2.533418,53.998017
+                    -2.534930,53.998346
+                    -2.535233,53.998618
+                    -2.536443,53.999362
+                    -2.536750,53.999524
+                    -2.536836,54.000430
+                    -2.536443,54.000545
+                    -2.535082,54.001336
+                    -2.534930,54.001746
+                    -2.533418,54.001746
+                    -2.532543,54.002242
+                    -2.532480,54.003143
+                    -2.532830,54.004049
+                    -2.533004,54.004951
+                    -2.532934,54.005861
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+                    -2.530512,54.006763
+                    -2.531906,54.007525
+                    -2.532440,54.007668
+                    -2.531906,54.008040
+                    -2.531053,54.008574
+                    -2.531906,54.008994
+                    -2.533418,54.008822
+                    -2.533994,54.008574
+                    -2.534227,54.007668
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+                    -2.535949,54.006763
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+                    -2.536443,54.005470
+                    -2.535810,54.005861
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+                    -2.524343,54.002242
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+                    -2.522709,54.002242
+                    -2.522833,54.002166
+                    -2.523511,54.001336
+                    -2.522833,54.000926
+                    -2.521824,54.000430
+                    -2.521321,54.000134
+                    -2.519808,54.000001
+                    -2.518296,53.999887
+                    -2.517596,53.999524
+                    -2.516784,53.999009
+                    -2.516189,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998079
+                    -2.514690,53.997717
+                    -2.514786,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996205
+                    -2.512451,53.995910
+                    -2.512247,53.995624
+                    -2.512144,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994298
+                    -2.509223,53.994780
+                    -2.507711,53.994608
+                    -2.506199,53.994570
+                    -2.505677,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993440
+                    -2.504184,53.993192
+                    -2.504555,53.992286
+                    -2.504268,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991256
+                    -2.506143,53.990479
+                    -2.505748,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.989272
+                    -2.507711,53.989167
+                    -2.508711,53.988667
+                    -2.509223,53.988314
+                    -2.510735,53.988123
+                    -2.511397,53.987765
+                    -2.510735,53.987408
+                    -2.509223,53.987317
+                    -2.507711,53.987327
+                    -2.507339,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986697
+                    -2.509085,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985219
+                    -2.507094,53.985052
+                    -2.507711,53.984566
+                    -2.508335,53.984141
+                    -2.508582,53.983240
+                    -2.508578,53.982334
+                    -2.509081,53.981433
+                    -2.509120,53.980527
+                    -2.508041,53.979621
+                    -2.507711,53.979425
+                    -2.507378,53.979621
+                    -2.506199,53.979969
+                    -2.504686,53.980193
+                    -2.503559,53.979621
+                    -2.504686,53.979321
+                    -2.505830,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978620
+                    -2.507711,53.978457
+                    -2.508972,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977661
+                    -2.510298,53.976908
+                    -2.509410,53.976002
+                    -2.510494,53.975101
+                    -2.510461,53.974195
+                    -2.510735,53.974013
+                    -2.511903,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.973079
+                    -2.513760,53.972878
+                    -2.514615,53.972383
+                    -2.515272,53.972063
+                    -2.516250,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.970962
+                    -2.513760,53.970957
+                    -2.512832,53.970575
+                    -2.512247,53.970246
+                    -2.511656,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.970942
+                    -2.510198,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532049,53.972383
+                    -2.531988,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973489
+                    -2.530681,53.974195
+                    -2.530394,53.974667
+                    -2.529709,53.975101
+                    -2.528882,53.975415
+                    -2.527369,53.975854
+                    -2.527121,53.976002
+                    -2.526215,53.976908
+                    -2.525857,53.977294
+                    -2.524955,53.977809
+                    -2.524345,53.978052
+                    -2.523803,53.977809
+                    -2.522833,53.977251
+                    -2.522520,53.976908
+                    -2.521321,53.976188
+                    -2.519808,53.976383
+                    -2.518785,53.976908
+                    -2.519808,53.977427
+                    -2.521321,53.977623
+                    -2.521894,53.977809
+                    -2.521667,53.978715
+                    -2.522833,53.979373
+                    -2.523176,53.979621
+                    -2.522833,53.980021
+                    -2.521991,53.980527
+                    -2.521926,53.981433
+                    -2.522491,53.982334
+                    -2.521321,53.982558
+                    -2.520180,53.983240
+                    -2.521321,53.983922
+                    -2.521553,53.984141
+                    -2.521321,53.984427
+                    -2.519808,53.984594
+                    -2.519046,53.985052
+                    -2.519808,53.985510
+                    -2.520043,53.985953
+                    -2.519808,53.986492
+                    -2.519196,53.986859
+                    -2.519808,53.987255
+                    -2.520327,53.987765
+                    -2.519808,53.988090
+                    -2.518884,53.988667
+                    -2.518685,53.989577
+                    -2.518296,53.989720
+                    -2.516784,53.989778
+                    -2.515272,53.989801
+                    -2.513760,53.990021
+                    -2.512992,53.990479
+                    -2.512247,53.990645
+                    -2.510735,53.990784
+                    -2.509536,53.991385
+                    -2.510735,53.991981
+                    -2.512247,53.992124
+                    -2.513484,53.991385
+                    -2.513760,53.990936
+                    -2.515272,53.991160
+                    -2.516784,53.991179
+                    -2.518296,53.991237
+                    -2.519808,53.991332
+                    -2.521321,53.991294
+                    -2.521983,53.991385
+                    -2.522833,53.991890
+                    -2.523445,53.992286
+                    -2.524270,53.993192
+                    -2.523283,53.994098
+                    -2.522833,53.994479
+                    -2.521321,53.994489
+                    -2.519808,53.994741
+                    -2.519390,53.995004
+                    -2.518909,53.995910
+                    -2.519808,53.996444
+                    -2.521321,53.996477
+                    -2.522273,53.995910
+                    -2.522833,53.995509
+                    -2.524345,53.995624
+                    -2.525857,53.995733
+                    -2.526139,53.995910
+                    -2.526402,53.996811
+                    -2.525857,53.997397
+                    -2.525376,53.997717
+                    -2.525857,53.998003
+                    -2.526980,53.998618
+                    -2.527369,53.998852
+                    -2.528398,53.999524
+                    -2.528882,53.999815
+                    -2.529405,53.999524
+                    -2.530394,53.999209
+                    -2.530545,53.999524
+                    -2.530586,54.000430
+                    -2.530394,54.000583
+                    -2.529136,54.001336
+                    -2.529063,54.002242
+                    -2.529066,54.003143
+                    -2.529091,54.004049
+                    -2.528882,54.004226
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+                    -2.527727,54.005861
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+                    -2.525857,54.007835
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+                    -2.518296,54.021449
+                    -2.517778,54.021239
+                    -2.516784,54.020333
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+                    -2.512247,54.019608
+                    -2.511929,54.019427
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.017029
+                    -2.511685,54.017620
+                    -2.512247,54.017959
+                    -2.513760,54.018030
+                    -2.515272,54.018011
+                    -2.516001,54.017620
+                    -2.515272,54.017067
+                    -2.514959,54.016719
+                    -2.513760,54.016032
+                    -2.512247,54.016199
+                    -2.510735,54.016376
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014316
+                    -2.512247,54.014225
+                    -2.512650,54.014001
+                    -2.513033,54.013095
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+                    -2.513760,54.011950
+                    -2.514424,54.012194
+                    -2.515272,54.012699
+                    -2.516120,54.012194
+                    -2.516173,54.011288
+                    -2.515272,54.010615
+                    -2.515049,54.010386
+                    -2.514692,54.009476
+                    -2.515272,54.009032
+                    -2.516110,54.008574
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+                    -2.517776,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007068
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+                    -2.516784,54.006648
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+                    -2.519015,54.006763
+                    -2.518799,54.007668
+                    -2.519808,54.008203
+                    -2.521321,54.008365
+                    -2.522489,54.007668
+                    -2.521802,54.006763
+                    -2.522414,54.005861
+                    -2.522833,54.005542
+                    -2.523714,54.004951
+                    -2.524345,54.004250
+                    -2.524645,54.004049
+                    -2.525298,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002242
+                    -2.524345,54.002242
+                    -2.524343,54.002242
+                    -2.522833,54.002314
+                    -2.522709,54.002242
+                    -2.522833,54.002166
+                    -2.523511,54.001336
+                    -2.522833,54.000926
+                    -2.521824,54.000430
+                    -2.521321,54.000134
+                    -2.519808,54.000001
+                    -2.518296,53.999887
+                    -2.517596,53.999524
+                    -2.516784,53.999009
+                    -2.516189,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998079
+                    -2.514690,53.997717
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+                    -2.512247,53.995624
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+                    -2.507711,53.994608
+                    -2.506199,53.994570
+                    -2.505677,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993440
+                    -2.504184,53.993192
+                    -2.504555,53.992286
+                    -2.504268,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991256
+                    -2.506143,53.990479
+                    -2.505748,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.989272
+                    -2.507711,53.989167
+                    -2.508711,53.988667
+                    -2.509223,53.988314
+                    -2.510735,53.988123
+                    -2.511397,53.987765
+                    -2.510735,53.987408
+                    -2.509223,53.987317
+                    -2.507711,53.987327
+                    -2.507339,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986697
+                    -2.509085,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985219
+                    -2.507094,53.985052
+                    -2.507711,53.984566
+                    -2.508335,53.984141
+                    -2.508582,53.983240
+                    -2.508578,53.982334
+                    -2.509081,53.981433
+                    -2.509120,53.980527
+                    -2.508041,53.979621
+                    -2.507711,53.979425
+                    -2.507378,53.979621
+                    -2.506199,53.979969
+                    -2.504686,53.980193
+                    -2.503559,53.979621
+                    -2.504686,53.979321
+                    -2.505830,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978620
+                    -2.507711,53.978457
+                    -2.508972,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977661
+                    -2.510298,53.976908
+                    -2.509410,53.976002
+                    -2.510494,53.975101
+                    -2.510461,53.974195
+                    -2.510735,53.974013
+                    -2.511903,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.973079
+                    -2.513760,53.972878
+                    -2.514615,53.972383
+                    -2.515272,53.972063
+                    -2.516250,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.970962
+                    -2.513760,53.970957
+                    -2.512832,53.970575
+                    -2.512247,53.970246
+                    -2.511656,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.970942
+                    -2.510198,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532049,53.972383
+                    -2.531988,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973489
+                    -2.530681,53.974195
+                    -2.530394,53.974667
+                    -2.529709,53.975101
+                    -2.528882,53.975415
+                    -2.527369,53.975854
+                    -2.527121,53.976002
+                    -2.526215,53.976908
+                    -2.525857,53.977294
+                    -2.524955,53.977809
+                    -2.524345,53.978052
+                    -2.523803,53.977809
+                    -2.522833,53.977251
+                    -2.522520,53.976908
+                    -2.521321,53.976188
+                    -2.519808,53.976383
+                    -2.518785,53.976908
+                    -2.519808,53.977427
+                    -2.521321,53.977623
+                    -2.521894,53.977809
+                    -2.521667,53.978715
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+                    -2.523176,53.979621
+                    -2.522833,53.980021
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+                    -2.522491,53.982334
+                    -2.521321,53.982558
+                    -2.520180,53.983240
+                    -2.521321,53.983922
+                    -2.521553,53.984141
+                    -2.521321,53.984427
+                    -2.519808,53.984594
+                    -2.519046,53.985052
+                    -2.519808,53.985510
+                    -2.520043,53.985953
+                    -2.519808,53.986492
+                    -2.519196,53.986859
+                    -2.519808,53.987255
+                    -2.520327,53.987765
+                    -2.519808,53.988090
+                    -2.518884,53.988667
+                    -2.518685,53.989577
+                    -2.518296,53.989720
+                    -2.516784,53.989778
+                    -2.515272,53.989801
+                    -2.513760,53.990021
+                    -2.512992,53.990479
+                    -2.512247,53.990645
+                    -2.510735,53.990784
+                    -2.509536,53.991385
+                    -2.510735,53.991981
+                    -2.512247,53.992124
+                    -2.513484,53.991385
+                    -2.513760,53.990936
+                    -2.515272,53.991160
+                    -2.516784,53.991179
+                    -2.518296,53.991237
+                    -2.519808,53.991332
+                    -2.521321,53.991294
+                    -2.521983,53.991385
+                    -2.522833,53.991890
+                    -2.523445,53.992286
+                    -2.524270,53.993192
+                    -2.523283,53.994098
+                    -2.522833,53.994479
+                    -2.521321,53.994489
+                    -2.519808,53.994741
+                    -2.519390,53.995004
+                    -2.518909,53.995910
+                    -2.519808,53.996444
+                    -2.521321,53.996477
+                    -2.522273,53.995910
+                    -2.522833,53.995509
+                    -2.524345,53.995624
+                    -2.525857,53.995733
+                    -2.526139,53.995910
+                    -2.526402,53.996811
+                    -2.525857,53.997397
+                    -2.525376,53.997717
+                    -2.525857,53.998003
+                    -2.526980,53.998618
+                    -2.527369,53.998852
+                    -2.528398,53.999524
+                    -2.528882,53.999815
+                    -2.529405,53.999524
+                    -2.530394,53.999209
+                    -2.530545,53.999524
+                    -2.530586,54.000430
+                    -2.530394,54.000583
+                    -2.529136,54.001336
+                    -2.529063,54.002242
+                    -2.529066,54.003143
+                    -2.529091,54.004049
+                    -2.528882,54.004226
+                    -2.527669,54.004951
+                    -2.527727,54.005861
+                    -2.527369,54.006314
+                    -2.526613,54.006763
+                    -2.526042,54.007668
+                    -2.525857,54.007835
+                    -2.524345,54.007988
+                    -2.523368,54.008574
+                    -2.523753,54.009476
+                    -2.524345,54.009833
+                    -2.524723,54.010386
+                    -2.524345,54.010563
+                    -2.523130,54.011288
+                    -2.523603,54.012194
+                    -2.524345,54.012637
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+                    -2.524746,54.015813
+                    -2.525857,54.016476
+                    -2.526302,54.016719
+                    -2.526218,54.017620
+                    -2.527369,54.018307
+                    -2.527738,54.018526
+                    -2.528882,54.019208
+                    -2.530030,54.018526
+                    -2.530181,54.017620
+                    -2.528882,54.016848
+                    -2.528437,54.016719
+                    -2.528509,54.015813
+                    -2.527369,54.015121
+                    -2.527262,54.014907
+                    -2.527104,54.014001
+                    -2.527109,54.013095
+                    -2.525857,54.012351
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+                    -2.525857,54.012113
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+                    -2.531784,54.003143
+                    -2.531783,54.002242
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.017029
+                    -2.511685,54.017620
+                    -2.512247,54.017959
+                    -2.513760,54.018030
+                    -2.515272,54.018011
+                    -2.516001,54.017620
+                    -2.515272,54.017067
+                    -2.514959,54.016719
+                    -2.513760,54.016032
+                    -2.512247,54.016199
+                    -2.510735,54.016376
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014316
+                    -2.512247,54.014225
+                    -2.512650,54.014001
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+                    -2.513760,54.011950
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+                    -2.516120,54.012194
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+                    -2.515272,54.010615
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+                    -2.515272,54.009032
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+                    -2.516784,54.007068
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+                    -2.516784,54.006648
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+                    -2.519808,54.008203
+                    -2.521321,54.008365
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+                    -2.521802,54.006763
+                    -2.522414,54.005861
+                    -2.522833,54.005542
+                    -2.523714,54.004951
+                    -2.524345,54.004250
+                    -2.524645,54.004049
+                    -2.525298,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002242
+                    -2.524345,54.002242
+                    -2.524343,54.002242
+                    -2.522833,54.002314
+                    -2.522709,54.002242
+                    -2.522833,54.002166
+                    -2.523511,54.001336
+                    -2.522833,54.000926
+                    -2.521824,54.000430
+                    -2.521321,54.000134
+                    -2.519808,54.000001
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+                    -2.517596,53.999524
+                    -2.516784,53.999009
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+                    -2.515272,53.998079
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+                    -2.504184,53.993192
+                    -2.504555,53.992286
+                    -2.504268,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991256
+                    -2.506143,53.990479
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+                    -2.506199,53.989272
+                    -2.507711,53.989167
+                    -2.508711,53.988667
+                    -2.509223,53.988314
+                    -2.510735,53.988123
+                    -2.511397,53.987765
+                    -2.510735,53.987408
+                    -2.509223,53.987317
+                    -2.507711,53.987327
+                    -2.507339,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986697
+                    -2.509085,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985219
+                    -2.507094,53.985052
+                    -2.507711,53.984566
+                    -2.508335,53.984141
+                    -2.508582,53.983240
+                    -2.508578,53.982334
+                    -2.509081,53.981433
+                    -2.509120,53.980527
+                    -2.508041,53.979621
+                    -2.507711,53.979425
+                    -2.507378,53.979621
+                    -2.506199,53.979969
+                    -2.504686,53.980193
+                    -2.503559,53.979621
+                    -2.504686,53.979321
+                    -2.505830,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978620
+                    -2.507711,53.978457
+                    -2.508972,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977661
+                    -2.510298,53.976908
+                    -2.509410,53.976002
+                    -2.510494,53.975101
+                    -2.510461,53.974195
+                    -2.510735,53.974013
+                    -2.511903,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.973079
+                    -2.513760,53.972878
+                    -2.514615,53.972383
+                    -2.515272,53.972063
+                    -2.516250,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.970962
+                    -2.513760,53.970957
+                    -2.512832,53.970575
+                    -2.512247,53.970246
+                    -2.511656,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.970942
+                    -2.510198,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532049,53.972383
+                    -2.531988,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973489
+                    -2.530681,53.974195
+                    -2.530394,53.974667
+                    -2.529709,53.975101
+                    -2.528882,53.975415
+                    -2.527369,53.975854
+                    -2.527121,53.976002
+                    -2.526215,53.976908
+                    -2.525857,53.977294
+                    -2.524955,53.977809
+                    -2.524345,53.978052
+                    -2.523803,53.977809
+                    -2.522833,53.977251
+                    -2.522520,53.976908
+                    -2.521321,53.976188
+                    -2.519808,53.976383
+                    -2.518785,53.976908
+                    -2.519808,53.977427
+                    -2.521321,53.977623
+                    -2.521894,53.977809
+                    -2.521667,53.978715
+                    -2.522833,53.979373
+                    -2.523176,53.979621
+                    -2.522833,53.980021
+                    -2.521991,53.980527
+                    -2.521926,53.981433
+                    -2.522491,53.982334
+                    -2.521321,53.982558
+                    -2.520180,53.983240
+                    -2.521321,53.983922
+                    -2.521553,53.984141
+                    -2.521321,53.984427
+                    -2.519808,53.984594
+                    -2.519046,53.985052
+                    -2.519808,53.985510
+                    -2.520043,53.985953
+                    -2.519808,53.986492
+                    -2.519196,53.986859
+                    -2.519808,53.987255
+                    -2.520327,53.987765
+                    -2.519808,53.988090
+                    -2.518884,53.988667
+                    -2.518685,53.989577
+                    -2.518296,53.989720
+                    -2.516784,53.989778
+                    -2.515272,53.989801
+                    -2.513760,53.990021
+                    -2.512992,53.990479
+                    -2.512247,53.990645
+                    -2.510735,53.990784
+                    -2.509536,53.991385
+                    -2.510735,53.991981
+                    -2.512247,53.992124
+                    -2.513484,53.991385
+                    -2.513760,53.990936
+                    -2.515272,53.991160
+                    -2.516784,53.991179
+                    -2.518296,53.991237
+                    -2.519808,53.991332
+                    -2.521321,53.991294
+                    -2.521983,53.991385
+                    -2.522833,53.991890
+                    -2.523445,53.992286
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+                    -2.522833,53.994479
+                    -2.521321,53.994489
+                    -2.519808,53.994741
+                    -2.519390,53.995004
+                    -2.518909,53.995910
+                    -2.519808,53.996444
+                    -2.521321,53.996477
+                    -2.522273,53.995910
+                    -2.522833,53.995509
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+                    -2.525857,53.995733
+                    -2.526139,53.995910
+                    -2.526402,53.996811
+                    -2.525857,53.997397
+                    -2.525376,53.997717
+                    -2.525857,53.998003
+                    -2.526980,53.998618
+                    -2.527369,53.998852
+                    -2.528398,53.999524
+                    -2.528882,53.999815
+                    -2.529405,53.999524
+                    -2.530394,53.999209
+                    -2.530545,53.999524
+                    -2.530586,54.000430
+                    -2.530394,54.000583
+                    -2.529136,54.001336
+                    -2.529063,54.002242
+                    -2.529066,54.003143
+                    -2.529091,54.004049
+                    -2.528882,54.004226
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+                    -2.527727,54.005861
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+                    -2.526042,54.007668
+                    -2.525857,54.007835
+                    -2.524345,54.007988
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+                    -2.524345,54.009833
+                    -2.524723,54.010386
+                    -2.524345,54.010563
+                    -2.523130,54.011288
+                    -2.523603,54.012194
+                    -2.524345,54.012637
+                    -2.524615,54.013095
+                    -2.524662,54.014001
+                    -2.524457,54.014907
+                    -2.524746,54.015813
+                    -2.525857,54.016476
+                    -2.526302,54.016719
+                    -2.526218,54.017620
+                    -2.527369,54.018307
+                    -2.527738,54.018526
+                    -2.528882,54.019208
+                    -2.530030,54.018526
+                    -2.530181,54.017620
+                    -2.528882,54.016848
+                    -2.528437,54.016719
+                    -2.528509,54.015813
+                    -2.527369,54.015121
+                    -2.527262,54.014907
+                    -2.527104,54.014001
+                    -2.527109,54.013095
+                    -2.525857,54.012351
+                    -2.525087,54.012194
+                    -2.525857,54.012113
+                    -2.527236,54.011288
+                    -2.526991,54.010386
+                    -2.527369,54.010091
+                    -2.528434,54.009476
+                    -2.528882,54.008861
+                    -2.529454,54.008574
+                    -2.529939,54.007668
+                    -2.530369,54.006763
+                    -2.530037,54.005861
+                    -2.530394,54.005389
+                    -2.531195,54.004951
+                    -2.531741,54.004049
+                    -2.531784,54.003143
+                    -2.531783,54.002242
+                    -2.531657,54.001336
+                    -2.531906,54.001226
+                    -2.533418,54.001002
+                    -2.534930,54.000540
+                    -2.535070,54.000430
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+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014316
+                    -2.512247,54.014225
+                    -2.512650,54.014001
+                    -2.513033,54.013095
+                    -2.513552,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011950
+                    -2.514424,54.012194
+                    -2.515272,54.012699
+                    -2.516120,54.012194
+                    -2.516173,54.011288
+                    -2.515272,54.010615
+                    -2.515049,54.010386
+                    -2.514692,54.009476
+                    -2.515272,54.009032
+                    -2.516110,54.008574
+                    -2.516784,54.008265
+                    -2.517776,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007068
+                    -2.516414,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006648
+                    -2.518296,54.006610
+                    -2.519015,54.006763
+                    -2.518799,54.007668
+                    -2.519808,54.008203
+                    -2.521321,54.008365
+                    -2.522489,54.007668
+                    -2.521802,54.006763
+                    -2.522414,54.005861
+                    -2.522833,54.005542
+                    -2.523714,54.004951
+                    -2.524345,54.004250
+                    -2.524645,54.004049
+                    -2.525298,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002242
+                    -2.524345,54.002242
+                    -2.524343,54.002242
+                    -2.522833,54.002314
+                    -2.522709,54.002242
+                    -2.522833,54.002166
+                    -2.523511,54.001336
+                    -2.522833,54.000926
+                    -2.521824,54.000430
+                    -2.521321,54.000134
+                    -2.519808,54.000001
+                    -2.518296,53.999887
+                    -2.517596,53.999524
+                    -2.516784,53.999009
+                    -2.516189,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998079
+                    -2.514690,53.997717
+                    -2.514786,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996205
+                    -2.512451,53.995910
+                    -2.512247,53.995624
+                    -2.512144,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994298
+                    -2.509223,53.994780
+                    -2.507711,53.994608
+                    -2.506199,53.994570
+                    -2.505677,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993440
+                    -2.504184,53.993192
+                    -2.504555,53.992286
+                    -2.504268,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991256
+                    -2.506143,53.990479
+                    -2.505748,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.989272
+                    -2.507711,53.989167
+                    -2.508711,53.988667
+                    -2.509223,53.988314
+                    -2.510735,53.988123
+                    -2.511397,53.987765
+                    -2.510735,53.987408
+                    -2.509223,53.987317
+                    -2.507711,53.987327
+                    -2.507339,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986697
+                    -2.509085,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985219
+                    -2.507094,53.985052
+                    -2.507711,53.984566
+                    -2.508335,53.984141
+                    -2.508582,53.983240
+                    -2.508578,53.982334
+                    -2.509081,53.981433
+                    -2.509120,53.980527
+                    -2.508041,53.979621
+                    -2.507711,53.979425
+                    -2.507378,53.979621
+                    -2.506199,53.979969
+                    -2.504686,53.980193
+                    -2.503559,53.979621
+                    -2.504686,53.979321
+                    -2.505830,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978620
+                    -2.507711,53.978457
+                    -2.508972,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977661
+                    -2.510298,53.976908
+                    -2.509410,53.976002
+                    -2.510494,53.975101
+                    -2.510461,53.974195
+                    -2.510735,53.974013
+                    -2.511903,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.973079
+                    -2.513760,53.972878
+                    -2.514615,53.972383
+                    -2.515272,53.972063
+                    -2.516250,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.970962
+                    -2.513760,53.970957
+                    -2.512832,53.970575
+                    -2.512247,53.970246
+                    -2.511656,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.970942
+                    -2.510198,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532049,53.972383
+                    -2.531988,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973489
+                    -2.530681,53.974195
+                    -2.530394,53.974667
+                    -2.529709,53.975101
+                    -2.528882,53.975415
+                    -2.527369,53.975854
+                    -2.527121,53.976002
+                    -2.526215,53.976908
+                    -2.525857,53.977294
+                    -2.524955,53.977809
+                    -2.524345,53.978052
+                    -2.523803,53.977809
+                    -2.522833,53.977251
+                    -2.522520,53.976908
+                    -2.521321,53.976188
+                    -2.519808,53.976383
+                    -2.518785,53.976908
+                    -2.519808,53.977427
+                    -2.521321,53.977623
+                    -2.521894,53.977809
+                    -2.521667,53.978715
+                    -2.522833,53.979373
+                    -2.523176,53.979621
+                    -2.522833,53.980021
+                    -2.521991,53.980527
+                    -2.521926,53.981433
+                    -2.522491,53.982334
+                    -2.521321,53.982558
+                    -2.520180,53.983240
+                    -2.521321,53.983922
+                    -2.521553,53.984141
+                    -2.521321,53.984427
+                    -2.519808,53.984594
+                    -2.519046,53.985052
+                    -2.519808,53.985510
+                    -2.520043,53.985953
+                    -2.519808,53.986492
+                    -2.519196,53.986859
+                    -2.519808,53.987255
+                    -2.520327,53.987765
+                    -2.519808,53.988090
+                    -2.518884,53.988667
+                    -2.518685,53.989577
+                    -2.518296,53.989720
+                    -2.516784,53.989778
+                    -2.515272,53.989801
+                    -2.513760,53.990021
+                    -2.512992,53.990479
+                    -2.512247,53.990645
+                    -2.510735,53.990784
+                    -2.509536,53.991385
+                    -2.510735,53.991981
+                    -2.512247,53.992124
+                    -2.513484,53.991385
+                    -2.513760,53.990936
+                    -2.515272,53.991160
+                    -2.516784,53.991179
+                    -2.518296,53.991237
+                    -2.519808,53.991332
+                    -2.521321,53.991294
+                    -2.521983,53.991385
+                    -2.522833,53.991890
+                    -2.523445,53.992286
+                    -2.524270,53.993192
+                    -2.523283,53.994098
+                    -2.522833,53.994479
+                    -2.521321,53.994489
+                    -2.519808,53.994741
+                    -2.519390,53.995004
+                    -2.518909,53.995910
+                    -2.519808,53.996444
+                    -2.521321,53.996477
+                    -2.522273,53.995910
+                    -2.522833,53.995509
+                    -2.524345,53.995624
+                    -2.525857,53.995733
+                    -2.526139,53.995910
+                    -2.526402,53.996811
+                    -2.525857,53.997397
+                    -2.525376,53.997717
+                    -2.525857,53.998003
+                    -2.526980,53.998618
+                    -2.527369,53.998852
+                    -2.528398,53.999524
+                    -2.528882,53.999815
+                    -2.529405,53.999524
+                    -2.530394,53.999209
+                    -2.530545,53.999524
+                    -2.530586,54.000430
+                    -2.530394,54.000583
+                    -2.529136,54.001336
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+                    -2.529066,54.003143
+                    -2.529091,54.004049
+                    -2.528882,54.004226
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+                    -2.525857,54.007835
+                    -2.524345,54.007988
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+                    -2.524345,54.009833
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+                    -2.524345,54.010563
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+                    -2.525857,54.016476
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+                    -2.525857,54.012113
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.017029
+                    -2.511685,54.017620
+                    -2.512247,54.017959
+                    -2.513760,54.018030
+                    -2.515272,54.018011
+                    -2.516001,54.017620
+                    -2.515272,54.017067
+                    -2.514959,54.016719
+                    -2.513760,54.016032
+                    -2.512247,54.016199
+                    -2.510735,54.016376
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014316
+                    -2.512247,54.014225
+                    -2.512650,54.014001
+                    -2.513033,54.013095
+                    -2.513552,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011950
+                    -2.514424,54.012194
+                    -2.515272,54.012699
+                    -2.516120,54.012194
+                    -2.516173,54.011288
+                    -2.515272,54.010615
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+                    -2.515272,54.009032
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+                    -2.516784,54.007068
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+                    -2.519015,54.006763
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+                    -2.519808,54.008203
+                    -2.521321,54.008365
+                    -2.522489,54.007668
+                    -2.521802,54.006763
+                    -2.522414,54.005861
+                    -2.522833,54.005542
+                    -2.523714,54.004951
+                    -2.524345,54.004250
+                    -2.524645,54.004049
+                    -2.525298,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002242
+                    -2.524345,54.002242
+                    -2.524343,54.002242
+                    -2.522833,54.002314
+                    -2.522709,54.002242
+                    -2.522833,54.002166
+                    -2.523511,54.001336
+                    -2.522833,54.000926
+                    -2.521824,54.000430
+                    -2.521321,54.000134
+                    -2.519808,54.000001
+                    -2.518296,53.999887
+                    -2.517596,53.999524
+                    -2.516784,53.999009
+                    -2.516189,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998079
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+                    -2.506199,53.994570
+                    -2.505677,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993440
+                    -2.504184,53.993192
+                    -2.504555,53.992286
+                    -2.504268,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991256
+                    -2.506143,53.990479
+                    -2.505748,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.989272
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+                    -2.508711,53.988667
+                    -2.509223,53.988314
+                    -2.510735,53.988123
+                    -2.511397,53.987765
+                    -2.510735,53.987408
+                    -2.509223,53.987317
+                    -2.507711,53.987327
+                    -2.507339,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986697
+                    -2.509085,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985219
+                    -2.507094,53.985052
+                    -2.507711,53.984566
+                    -2.508335,53.984141
+                    -2.508582,53.983240
+                    -2.508578,53.982334
+                    -2.509081,53.981433
+                    -2.509120,53.980527
+                    -2.508041,53.979621
+                    -2.507711,53.979425
+                    -2.507378,53.979621
+                    -2.506199,53.979969
+                    -2.504686,53.980193
+                    -2.503559,53.979621
+                    -2.504686,53.979321
+                    -2.505830,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978620
+                    -2.507711,53.978457
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+                    -2.509223,53.977661
+                    -2.510298,53.976908
+                    -2.509410,53.976002
+                    -2.510494,53.975101
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+                    -2.513760,53.972878
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+                    -2.516250,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.970962
+                    -2.513760,53.970957
+                    -2.512832,53.970575
+                    -2.512247,53.970246
+                    -2.511656,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.970942
+                    -2.510198,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532049,53.972383
+                    -2.531988,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973489
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+                    -2.530394,53.974667
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+                    -2.528882,53.975415
+                    -2.527369,53.975854
+                    -2.527121,53.976002
+                    -2.526215,53.976908
+                    -2.525857,53.977294
+                    -2.524955,53.977809
+                    -2.524345,53.978052
+                    -2.523803,53.977809
+                    -2.522833,53.977251
+                    -2.522520,53.976908
+                    -2.521321,53.976188
+                    -2.519808,53.976383
+                    -2.518785,53.976908
+                    -2.519808,53.977427
+                    -2.521321,53.977623
+                    -2.521894,53.977809
+                    -2.521667,53.978715
+                    -2.522833,53.979373
+                    -2.523176,53.979621
+                    -2.522833,53.980021
+                    -2.521991,53.980527
+                    -2.521926,53.981433
+                    -2.522491,53.982334
+                    -2.521321,53.982558
+                    -2.520180,53.983240
+                    -2.521321,53.983922
+                    -2.521553,53.984141
+                    -2.521321,53.984427
+                    -2.519808,53.984594
+                    -2.519046,53.985052
+                    -2.519808,53.985510
+                    -2.520043,53.985953
+                    -2.519808,53.986492
+                    -2.519196,53.986859
+                    -2.519808,53.987255
+                    -2.520327,53.987765
+                    -2.519808,53.988090
+                    -2.518884,53.988667
+                    -2.518685,53.989577
+                    -2.518296,53.989720
+                    -2.516784,53.989778
+                    -2.515272,53.989801
+                    -2.513760,53.990021
+                    -2.512992,53.990479
+                    -2.512247,53.990645
+                    -2.510735,53.990784
+                    -2.509536,53.991385
+                    -2.510735,53.991981
+                    -2.512247,53.992124
+                    -2.513484,53.991385
+                    -2.513760,53.990936
+                    -2.515272,53.991160
+                    -2.516784,53.991179
+                    -2.518296,53.991237
+                    -2.519808,53.991332
+                    -2.521321,53.991294
+                    -2.521983,53.991385
+                    -2.522833,53.991890
+                    -2.523445,53.992286
+                    -2.524270,53.993192
+                    -2.523283,53.994098
+                    -2.522833,53.994479
+                    -2.521321,53.994489
+                    -2.519808,53.994741
+                    -2.519390,53.995004
+                    -2.518909,53.995910
+                    -2.519808,53.996444
+                    -2.521321,53.996477
+                    -2.522273,53.995910
+                    -2.522833,53.995509
+                    -2.524345,53.995624
+                    -2.525857,53.995733
+                    -2.526139,53.995910
+                    -2.526402,53.996811
+                    -2.525857,53.997397
+                    -2.525376,53.997717
+                    -2.525857,53.998003
+                    -2.526980,53.998618
+                    -2.527369,53.998852
+                    -2.528398,53.999524
+                    -2.528882,53.999815
+                    -2.529405,53.999524
+                    -2.530394,53.999209
+                    -2.530545,53.999524
+                    -2.530586,54.000430
+                    -2.530394,54.000583
+                    -2.529136,54.001336
+                    -2.529063,54.002242
+                    -2.529066,54.003143
+                    -2.529091,54.004049
+                    -2.528882,54.004226
+                    -2.527669,54.004951
+                    -2.527727,54.005861
+                    -2.527369,54.006314
+                    -2.526613,54.006763
+                    -2.526042,54.007668
+                    -2.525857,54.007835
+                    -2.524345,54.007988
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+                    -2.524345,54.009833
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+                    -2.524345,54.010563
+                    -2.523130,54.011288
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+                    -2.524345,54.012637
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+                    -2.525857,54.012113
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.017029
+                    -2.511685,54.017620
+                    -2.512247,54.017959
+                    -2.513760,54.018030
+                    -2.515272,54.018011
+                    -2.516001,54.017620
+                    -2.515272,54.017067
+                    -2.514959,54.016719
+                    -2.513760,54.016032
+                    -2.512247,54.016199
+                    -2.510735,54.016376
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014316
+                    -2.512247,54.014225
+                    -2.512650,54.014001
+                    -2.513033,54.013095
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+                    -2.513760,54.011950
+                    -2.514424,54.012194
+                    -2.515272,54.012699
+                    -2.516120,54.012194
+                    -2.516173,54.011288
+                    -2.515272,54.010615
+                    -2.515049,54.010386
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+                    -2.515272,54.009032
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+                    -2.517776,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007068
+                    -2.516414,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006648
+                    -2.518296,54.006610
+                    -2.519015,54.006763
+                    -2.518799,54.007668
+                    -2.519808,54.008203
+                    -2.521321,54.008365
+                    -2.522489,54.007668
+                    -2.521802,54.006763
+                    -2.522414,54.005861
+                    -2.522833,54.005542
+                    -2.523714,54.004951
+                    -2.524345,54.004250
+                    -2.524645,54.004049
+                    -2.525298,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002242
+                    -2.524345,54.002242
+                    -2.524343,54.002242
+                    -2.522833,54.002314
+                    -2.522709,54.002242
+                    -2.522833,54.002166
+                    -2.523511,54.001336
+                    -2.522833,54.000926
+                    -2.521824,54.000430
+                    -2.521321,54.000134
+                    -2.519808,54.000001
+                    -2.518296,53.999887
+                    -2.517596,53.999524
+                    -2.516784,53.999009
+                    -2.516189,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998079
+                    -2.514690,53.997717
+                    -2.514786,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996205
+                    -2.512451,53.995910
+                    -2.512247,53.995624
+                    -2.512144,53.995004
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+                    -2.506199,53.994570
+                    -2.505677,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993440
+                    -2.504184,53.993192
+                    -2.504555,53.992286
+                    -2.504268,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991256
+                    -2.506143,53.990479
+                    -2.505748,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.989272
+                    -2.507711,53.989167
+                    -2.508711,53.988667
+                    -2.509223,53.988314
+                    -2.510735,53.988123
+                    -2.511397,53.987765
+                    -2.510735,53.987408
+                    -2.509223,53.987317
+                    -2.507711,53.987327
+                    -2.507339,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986697
+                    -2.509085,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985219
+                    -2.507094,53.985052
+                    -2.507711,53.984566
+                    -2.508335,53.984141
+                    -2.508582,53.983240
+                    -2.508578,53.982334
+                    -2.509081,53.981433
+                    -2.509120,53.980527
+                    -2.508041,53.979621
+                    -2.507711,53.979425
+                    -2.507378,53.979621
+                    -2.506199,53.979969
+                    -2.504686,53.980193
+                    -2.503559,53.979621
+                    -2.504686,53.979321
+                    -2.505830,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978620
+                    -2.507711,53.978457
+                    -2.508972,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977661
+                    -2.510298,53.976908
+                    -2.509410,53.976002
+                    -2.510494,53.975101
+                    -2.510461,53.974195
+                    -2.510735,53.974013
+                    -2.511903,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.973079
+                    -2.513760,53.972878
+                    -2.514615,53.972383
+                    -2.515272,53.972063
+                    -2.516250,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.970962
+                    -2.513760,53.970957
+                    -2.512832,53.970575
+                    -2.512247,53.970246
+                    -2.511656,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.970942
+                    -2.510198,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532049,53.972383
+                    -2.531988,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973489
+                    -2.530681,53.974195
+                    -2.530394,53.974667
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+                    -2.528882,53.975415
+                    -2.527369,53.975854
+                    -2.527121,53.976002
+                    -2.526215,53.976908
+                    -2.525857,53.977294
+                    -2.524955,53.977809
+                    -2.524345,53.978052
+                    -2.523803,53.977809
+                    -2.522833,53.977251
+                    -2.522520,53.976908
+                    -2.521321,53.976188
+                    -2.519808,53.976383
+                    -2.518785,53.976908
+                    -2.519808,53.977427
+                    -2.521321,53.977623
+                    -2.521894,53.977809
+                    -2.521667,53.978715
+                    -2.522833,53.979373
+                    -2.523176,53.979621
+                    -2.522833,53.980021
+                    -2.521991,53.980527
+                    -2.521926,53.981433
+                    -2.522491,53.982334
+                    -2.521321,53.982558
+                    -2.520180,53.983240
+                    -2.521321,53.983922
+                    -2.521553,53.984141
+                    -2.521321,53.984427
+                    -2.519808,53.984594
+                    -2.519046,53.985052
+                    -2.519808,53.985510
+                    -2.520043,53.985953
+                    -2.519808,53.986492
+                    -2.519196,53.986859
+                    -2.519808,53.987255
+                    -2.520327,53.987765
+                    -2.519808,53.988090
+                    -2.518884,53.988667
+                    -2.518685,53.989577
+                    -2.518296,53.989720
+                    -2.516784,53.989778
+                    -2.515272,53.989801
+                    -2.513760,53.990021
+                    -2.512992,53.990479
+                    -2.512247,53.990645
+                    -2.510735,53.990784
+                    -2.509536,53.991385
+                    -2.510735,53.991981
+                    -2.512247,53.992124
+                    -2.513484,53.991385
+                    -2.513760,53.990936
+                    -2.515272,53.991160
+                    -2.516784,53.991179
+                    -2.518296,53.991237
+                    -2.519808,53.991332
+                    -2.521321,53.991294
+                    -2.521983,53.991385
+                    -2.522833,53.991890
+                    -2.523445,53.992286
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+                    -2.523283,53.994098
+                    -2.522833,53.994479
+                    -2.521321,53.994489
+                    -2.519808,53.994741
+                    -2.519390,53.995004
+                    -2.518909,53.995910
+                    -2.519808,53.996444
+                    -2.521321,53.996477
+                    -2.522273,53.995910
+                    -2.522833,53.995509
+                    -2.524345,53.995624
+                    -2.525857,53.995733
+                    -2.526139,53.995910
+                    -2.526402,53.996811
+                    -2.525857,53.997397
+                    -2.525376,53.997717
+                    -2.525857,53.998003
+                    -2.526980,53.998618
+                    -2.527369,53.998852
+                    -2.528398,53.999524
+                    -2.528882,53.999815
+                    -2.529405,53.999524
+                    -2.530394,53.999209
+                    -2.530545,53.999524
+                    -2.530586,54.000430
+                    -2.530394,54.000583
+                    -2.529136,54.001336
+                    -2.529063,54.002242
+                    -2.529066,54.003143
+                    -2.529091,54.004049
+                    -2.528882,54.004226
+                    -2.527669,54.004951
+                    -2.527727,54.005861
+                    -2.527369,54.006314
+                    -2.526613,54.006763
+                    -2.526042,54.007668
+                    -2.525857,54.007835
+                    -2.524345,54.007988
+                    -2.523368,54.008574
+                    -2.523753,54.009476
+                    -2.524345,54.009833
+                    -2.524723,54.010386
+                    -2.524345,54.010563
+                    -2.523130,54.011288
+                    -2.523603,54.012194
+                    -2.524345,54.012637
+                    -2.524615,54.013095
+                    -2.524662,54.014001
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+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.024973
+                    -2.531906,54.024997
+                    -2.530906,54.024858
+                    -2.530394,54.024668
+                    -2.528882,54.024601
+                    -2.527369,54.024558
+                    -2.525857,54.024234
+                    -2.525354,54.023952
+                    -2.524345,54.023385
+                    -2.523643,54.023051
+                    -2.522833,54.022608
+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520895,54.022145
+                    -2.519808,54.021316
+                    -2.518296,54.021449
+                    -2.517778,54.021239
+                    -2.516784,54.020333
+                    -2.516782,54.020333
+                    -2.515272,54.019918
+                    -2.513760,54.019823
+                    -2.512247,54.019608
+                    -2.511929,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.018812
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.017029
+                    -2.511685,54.017620
+                    -2.512247,54.017959
+                    -2.513760,54.018030
+                    -2.515272,54.018011
+                    -2.516001,54.017620
+                    -2.515272,54.017067
+                    -2.514959,54.016719
+                    -2.513760,54.016032
+                    -2.512247,54.016199
+                    -2.510735,54.016376
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014316
+                    -2.512247,54.014225
+                    -2.512650,54.014001
+                    -2.513033,54.013095
+                    -2.513552,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011950
+                    -2.514424,54.012194
+                    -2.515272,54.012699
+                    -2.516120,54.012194
+                    -2.516173,54.011288
+                    -2.515272,54.010615
+                    -2.515049,54.010386
+                    -2.514692,54.009476
+                    -2.515272,54.009032
+                    -2.516110,54.008574
+                    -2.516784,54.008265
+                    -2.517776,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007068
+                    -2.516414,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006648
+                    -2.518296,54.006610
+                    -2.519015,54.006763
+                    -2.518799,54.007668
+                    -2.519808,54.008203
+                    -2.521321,54.008365
+                    -2.522489,54.007668
+                    -2.521802,54.006763
+                    -2.522414,54.005861
+                    -2.522833,54.005542
+                    -2.523714,54.004951
+                    -2.524345,54.004250
+                    -2.524645,54.004049
+                    -2.525298,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002242
+                    -2.524345,54.002242
+                    -2.524343,54.002242
+                    -2.522833,54.002314
+                    -2.522709,54.002242
+                    -2.522833,54.002166
+                    -2.523511,54.001336
+                    -2.522833,54.000926
+                    -2.521824,54.000430
+                    -2.521321,54.000134
+                    -2.519808,54.000001
+                    -2.518296,53.999887
+                    -2.517596,53.999524
+                    -2.516784,53.999009
+                    -2.516189,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998079
+                    -2.514690,53.997717
+                    -2.514786,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996205
+                    -2.512451,53.995910
+                    -2.512247,53.995624
+                    -2.512144,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994298
+                    -2.509223,53.994780
+                    -2.507711,53.994608
+                    -2.506199,53.994570
+                    -2.505677,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993440
+                    -2.504184,53.993192
+                    -2.504555,53.992286
+                    -2.504268,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991256
+                    -2.506143,53.990479
+                    -2.505748,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.989272
+                    -2.507711,53.989167
+                    -2.508711,53.988667
+                    -2.509223,53.988314
+                    -2.510735,53.988123
+                    -2.511397,53.987765
+                    -2.510735,53.987408
+                    -2.509223,53.987317
+                    -2.507711,53.987327
+                    -2.507339,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986697
+                    -2.509085,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985219
+                    -2.507094,53.985052
+                    -2.507711,53.984566
+                    -2.508335,53.984141
+                    -2.508582,53.983240
+                    -2.508578,53.982334
+                    -2.509081,53.981433
+                    -2.509120,53.980527
+                    -2.508041,53.979621
+                    -2.507711,53.979425
+                    -2.507378,53.979621
+                    -2.506199,53.979969
+                    -2.504686,53.980193
+                    -2.503559,53.979621
+                    -2.504686,53.979321
+                    -2.505830,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978620
+                    -2.507711,53.978457
+                    -2.508972,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977661
+                    -2.510298,53.976908
+                    -2.509410,53.976002
+                    -2.510494,53.975101
+                    -2.510461,53.974195
+                    -2.510735,53.974013
+                    -2.511903,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.973079
+                    -2.513760,53.972878
+                    -2.514615,53.972383
+                    -2.515272,53.972063
+                    -2.516250,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.970962
+                    -2.513760,53.970957
+                    -2.512832,53.970575
+                    -2.512247,53.970246
+                    -2.511656,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.970942
+                    -2.510198,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532049,53.972383
+                    -2.531988,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973489
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+                    -2.530394,53.974667
+                    -2.529709,53.975101
+                    -2.528882,53.975415
+                    -2.527369,53.975854
+                    -2.527121,53.976002
+                    -2.526215,53.976908
+                    -2.525857,53.977294
+                    -2.524955,53.977809
+                    -2.524345,53.978052
+                    -2.523803,53.977809
+                    -2.522833,53.977251
+                    -2.522520,53.976908
+                    -2.521321,53.976188
+                    -2.519808,53.976383
+                    -2.518785,53.976908
+                    -2.519808,53.977427
+                    -2.521321,53.977623
+                    -2.521894,53.977809
+                    -2.521667,53.978715
+                    -2.522833,53.979373
+                    -2.523176,53.979621
+                    -2.522833,53.980021
+                    -2.521991,53.980527
+                    -2.521926,53.981433
+                    -2.522491,53.982334
+                    -2.521321,53.982558
+                    -2.520180,53.983240
+                    -2.521321,53.983922
+                    -2.521553,53.984141
+                    -2.521321,53.984427
+                    -2.519808,53.984594
+                    -2.519046,53.985052
+                    -2.519808,53.985510
+                    -2.520043,53.985953
+                    -2.519808,53.986492
+                    -2.519196,53.986859
+                    -2.519808,53.987255
+                    -2.520327,53.987765
+                    -2.519808,53.988090
+                    -2.518884,53.988667
+                    -2.518685,53.989577
+                    -2.518296,53.989720
+                    -2.516784,53.989778
+                    -2.515272,53.989801
+                    -2.513760,53.990021
+                    -2.512992,53.990479
+                    -2.512247,53.990645
+                    -2.510735,53.990784
+                    -2.509536,53.991385
+                    -2.510735,53.991981
+                    -2.512247,53.992124
+                    -2.513484,53.991385
+                    -2.513760,53.990936
+                    -2.515272,53.991160
+                    -2.516784,53.991179
+                    -2.518296,53.991237
+                    -2.519808,53.991332
+                    -2.521321,53.991294
+                    -2.521983,53.991385
+                    -2.522833,53.991890
+                    -2.523445,53.992286
+                    -2.524270,53.993192
+                    -2.523283,53.994098
+                    -2.522833,53.994479
+                    -2.521321,53.994489
+                    -2.519808,53.994741
+                    -2.519390,53.995004
+                    -2.518909,53.995910
+                    -2.519808,53.996444
+                    -2.521321,53.996477
+                    -2.522273,53.995910
+                    -2.522833,53.995509
+                    -2.524345,53.995624
+                    -2.525857,53.995733
+                    -2.526139,53.995910
+                    -2.526402,53.996811
+                    -2.525857,53.997397
+                    -2.525376,53.997717
+                    -2.525857,53.998003
+                    -2.526980,53.998618
+                    -2.527369,53.998852
+                    -2.528398,53.999524
+                    -2.528882,53.999815
+                    -2.529405,53.999524
+                    -2.530394,53.999209
+                    -2.530545,53.999524
+                    -2.530586,54.000430
+                    -2.530394,54.000583
+                    -2.529136,54.001336
+                    -2.529063,54.002242
+                    -2.529066,54.003143
+                    -2.529091,54.004049
+                    -2.528882,54.004226
+                    -2.527669,54.004951
+                    -2.527727,54.005861
+                    -2.527369,54.006314
+                    -2.526613,54.006763
+                    -2.526042,54.007668
+                    -2.525857,54.007835
+                    -2.524345,54.007988
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+                    -2.524345,54.009833
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+                    -2.524345,54.010563
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+                    -2.524345,54.012637
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+                    -2.524746,54.015813
+                    -2.525857,54.016476
+                    -2.526302,54.016719
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+                    -2.528882,54.016848
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+                    -2.528509,54.015813
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+                    -2.527262,54.014907
+                    -2.527104,54.014001
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+                    -2.525857,54.012113
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+                    -2.531784,54.003143
+                    -2.531783,54.002242
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+                    -2.533418,54.001746
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+                    -2.517778,54.021239
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.017029
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+                    -2.513760,54.018030
+                    -2.515272,54.018011
+                    -2.516001,54.017620
+                    -2.515272,54.017067
+                    -2.514959,54.016719
+                    -2.513760,54.016032
+                    -2.512247,54.016199
+                    -2.510735,54.016376
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014316
+                    -2.512247,54.014225
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+                    -2.513033,54.013095
+                    -2.513552,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011950
+                    -2.514424,54.012194
+                    -2.515272,54.012699
+                    -2.516120,54.012194
+                    -2.516173,54.011288
+                    -2.515272,54.010615
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+                    -2.515272,54.009032
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+                    -2.516784,54.007068
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+                    -2.516784,54.006648
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+                    -2.519015,54.006763
+                    -2.518799,54.007668
+                    -2.519808,54.008203
+                    -2.521321,54.008365
+                    -2.522489,54.007668
+                    -2.521802,54.006763
+                    -2.522414,54.005861
+                    -2.522833,54.005542
+                    -2.523714,54.004951
+                    -2.524345,54.004250
+                    -2.524645,54.004049
+                    -2.525298,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002242
+                    -2.524345,54.002242
+                    -2.524343,54.002242
+                    -2.522833,54.002314
+                    -2.522709,54.002242
+                    -2.522833,54.002166
+                    -2.523511,54.001336
+                    -2.522833,54.000926
+                    -2.521824,54.000430
+                    -2.521321,54.000134
+                    -2.519808,54.000001
+                    -2.518296,53.999887
+                    -2.517596,53.999524
+                    -2.516784,53.999009
+                    -2.516189,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998079
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+                    -2.513760,53.996205
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+                    -2.505677,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993440
+                    -2.504184,53.993192
+                    -2.504555,53.992286
+                    -2.504268,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991256
+                    -2.506143,53.990479
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+                    -2.506199,53.989272
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+                    -2.508711,53.988667
+                    -2.509223,53.988314
+                    -2.510735,53.988123
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+                    -2.510735,53.987408
+                    -2.509223,53.987317
+                    -2.507711,53.987327
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+                    -2.507711,53.986697
+                    -2.509085,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985219
+                    -2.507094,53.985052
+                    -2.507711,53.984566
+                    -2.508335,53.984141
+                    -2.508582,53.983240
+                    -2.508578,53.982334
+                    -2.509081,53.981433
+                    -2.509120,53.980527
+                    -2.508041,53.979621
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+                    -2.507378,53.979621
+                    -2.506199,53.979969
+                    -2.504686,53.980193
+                    -2.503559,53.979621
+                    -2.504686,53.979321
+                    -2.505830,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978620
+                    -2.507711,53.978457
+                    -2.508972,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977661
+                    -2.510298,53.976908
+                    -2.509410,53.976002
+                    -2.510494,53.975101
+                    -2.510461,53.974195
+                    -2.510735,53.974013
+                    -2.511903,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.973079
+                    -2.513760,53.972878
+                    -2.514615,53.972383
+                    -2.515272,53.972063
+                    -2.516250,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.970962
+                    -2.513760,53.970957
+                    -2.512832,53.970575
+                    -2.512247,53.970246
+                    -2.511656,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.970942
+                    -2.510198,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532049,53.972383
+                    -2.531988,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973489
+                    -2.530681,53.974195
+                    -2.530394,53.974667
+                    -2.529709,53.975101
+                    -2.528882,53.975415
+                    -2.527369,53.975854
+                    -2.527121,53.976002
+                    -2.526215,53.976908
+                    -2.525857,53.977294
+                    -2.524955,53.977809
+                    -2.524345,53.978052
+                    -2.523803,53.977809
+                    -2.522833,53.977251
+                    -2.522520,53.976908
+                    -2.521321,53.976188
+                    -2.519808,53.976383
+                    -2.518785,53.976908
+                    -2.519808,53.977427
+                    -2.521321,53.977623
+                    -2.521894,53.977809
+                    -2.521667,53.978715
+                    -2.522833,53.979373
+                    -2.523176,53.979621
+                    -2.522833,53.980021
+                    -2.521991,53.980527
+                    -2.521926,53.981433
+                    -2.522491,53.982334
+                    -2.521321,53.982558
+                    -2.520180,53.983240
+                    -2.521321,53.983922
+                    -2.521553,53.984141
+                    -2.521321,53.984427
+                    -2.519808,53.984594
+                    -2.519046,53.985052
+                    -2.519808,53.985510
+                    -2.520043,53.985953
+                    -2.519808,53.986492
+                    -2.519196,53.986859
+                    -2.519808,53.987255
+                    -2.520327,53.987765
+                    -2.519808,53.988090
+                    -2.518884,53.988667
+                    -2.518685,53.989577
+                    -2.518296,53.989720
+                    -2.516784,53.989778
+                    -2.515272,53.989801
+                    -2.513760,53.990021
+                    -2.512992,53.990479
+                    -2.512247,53.990645
+                    -2.510735,53.990784
+                    -2.509536,53.991385
+                    -2.510735,53.991981
+                    -2.512247,53.992124
+                    -2.513484,53.991385
+                    -2.513760,53.990936
+                    -2.515272,53.991160
+                    -2.516784,53.991179
+                    -2.518296,53.991237
+                    -2.519808,53.991332
+                    -2.521321,53.991294
+                    -2.521983,53.991385
+                    -2.522833,53.991890
+                    -2.523445,53.992286
+                    -2.524270,53.993192
+                    -2.523283,53.994098
+                    -2.522833,53.994479
+                    -2.521321,53.994489
+                    -2.519808,53.994741
+                    -2.519390,53.995004
+                    -2.518909,53.995910
+                    -2.519808,53.996444
+                    -2.521321,53.996477
+                    -2.522273,53.995910
+                    -2.522833,53.995509
+                    -2.524345,53.995624
+                    -2.525857,53.995733
+                    -2.526139,53.995910
+                    -2.526402,53.996811
+                    -2.525857,53.997397
+                    -2.525376,53.997717
+                    -2.525857,53.998003
+                    -2.526980,53.998618
+                    -2.527369,53.998852
+                    -2.528398,53.999524
+                    -2.528882,53.999815
+                    -2.529405,53.999524
+                    -2.530394,53.999209
+                    -2.530545,53.999524
+                    -2.530586,54.000430
+                    -2.530394,54.000583
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+                    -2.529066,54.003143
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.017029
+                    -2.511685,54.017620
+                    -2.512247,54.017959
+                    -2.513760,54.018030
+                    -2.515272,54.018011
+                    -2.516001,54.017620
+                    -2.515272,54.017067
+                    -2.514959,54.016719
+                    -2.513760,54.016032
+                    -2.512247,54.016199
+                    -2.510735,54.016376
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014316
+                    -2.512247,54.014225
+                    -2.512650,54.014001
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+                    -2.513760,54.011950
+                    -2.514424,54.012194
+                    -2.515272,54.012699
+                    -2.516120,54.012194
+                    -2.516173,54.011288
+                    -2.515272,54.010615
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+                    -2.515272,54.009032
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+                    -2.517776,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007068
+                    -2.516414,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006648
+                    -2.518296,54.006610
+                    -2.519015,54.006763
+                    -2.518799,54.007668
+                    -2.519808,54.008203
+                    -2.521321,54.008365
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+                    -2.521802,54.006763
+                    -2.522414,54.005861
+                    -2.522833,54.005542
+                    -2.523714,54.004951
+                    -2.524345,54.004250
+                    -2.524645,54.004049
+                    -2.525298,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002242
+                    -2.524345,54.002242
+                    -2.524343,54.002242
+                    -2.522833,54.002314
+                    -2.522709,54.002242
+                    -2.522833,54.002166
+                    -2.523511,54.001336
+                    -2.522833,54.000926
+                    -2.521824,54.000430
+                    -2.521321,54.000134
+                    -2.519808,54.000001
+                    -2.518296,53.999887
+                    -2.517596,53.999524
+                    -2.516784,53.999009
+                    -2.516189,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998079
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+                    -2.506199,53.994570
+                    -2.505677,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993440
+                    -2.504184,53.993192
+                    -2.504555,53.992286
+                    -2.504268,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991256
+                    -2.506143,53.990479
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+                    -2.506199,53.989272
+                    -2.507711,53.989167
+                    -2.508711,53.988667
+                    -2.509223,53.988314
+                    -2.510735,53.988123
+                    -2.511397,53.987765
+                    -2.510735,53.987408
+                    -2.509223,53.987317
+                    -2.507711,53.987327
+                    -2.507339,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986697
+                    -2.509085,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985219
+                    -2.507094,53.985052
+                    -2.507711,53.984566
+                    -2.508335,53.984141
+                    -2.508582,53.983240
+                    -2.508578,53.982334
+                    -2.509081,53.981433
+                    -2.509120,53.980527
+                    -2.508041,53.979621
+                    -2.507711,53.979425
+                    -2.507378,53.979621
+                    -2.506199,53.979969
+                    -2.504686,53.980193
+                    -2.503559,53.979621
+                    -2.504686,53.979321
+                    -2.505830,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978620
+                    -2.507711,53.978457
+                    -2.508972,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977661
+                    -2.510298,53.976908
+                    -2.509410,53.976002
+                    -2.510494,53.975101
+                    -2.510461,53.974195
+                    -2.510735,53.974013
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+                    -2.512247,53.973079
+                    -2.513760,53.972878
+                    -2.514615,53.972383
+                    -2.515272,53.972063
+                    -2.516250,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.970962
+                    -2.513760,53.970957
+                    -2.512832,53.970575
+                    -2.512247,53.970246
+                    -2.511656,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.970942
+                    -2.510198,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532049,53.972383
+                    -2.531988,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973489
+                    -2.530681,53.974195
+                    -2.530394,53.974667
+                    -2.529709,53.975101
+                    -2.528882,53.975415
+                    -2.527369,53.975854
+                    -2.527121,53.976002
+                    -2.526215,53.976908
+                    -2.525857,53.977294
+                    -2.524955,53.977809
+                    -2.524345,53.978052
+                    -2.523803,53.977809
+                    -2.522833,53.977251
+                    -2.522520,53.976908
+                    -2.521321,53.976188
+                    -2.519808,53.976383
+                    -2.518785,53.976908
+                    -2.519808,53.977427
+                    -2.521321,53.977623
+                    -2.521894,53.977809
+                    -2.521667,53.978715
+                    -2.522833,53.979373
+                    -2.523176,53.979621
+                    -2.522833,53.980021
+                    -2.521991,53.980527
+                    -2.521926,53.981433
+                    -2.522491,53.982334
+                    -2.521321,53.982558
+                    -2.520180,53.983240
+                    -2.521321,53.983922
+                    -2.521553,53.984141
+                    -2.521321,53.984427
+                    -2.519808,53.984594
+                    -2.519046,53.985052
+                    -2.519808,53.985510
+                    -2.520043,53.985953
+                    -2.519808,53.986492
+                    -2.519196,53.986859
+                    -2.519808,53.987255
+                    -2.520327,53.987765
+                    -2.519808,53.988090
+                    -2.518884,53.988667
+                    -2.518685,53.989577
+                    -2.518296,53.989720
+                    -2.516784,53.989778
+                    -2.515272,53.989801
+                    -2.513760,53.990021
+                    -2.512992,53.990479
+                    -2.512247,53.990645
+                    -2.510735,53.990784
+                    -2.509536,53.991385
+                    -2.510735,53.991981
+                    -2.512247,53.992124
+                    -2.513484,53.991385
+                    -2.513760,53.990936
+                    -2.515272,53.991160
+                    -2.516784,53.991179
+                    -2.518296,53.991237
+                    -2.519808,53.991332
+                    -2.521321,53.991294
+                    -2.521983,53.991385
+                    -2.522833,53.991890
+                    -2.523445,53.992286
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+                    -2.522833,53.994479
+                    -2.521321,53.994489
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+                    -2.519390,53.995004
+                    -2.518909,53.995910
+                    -2.519808,53.996444
+                    -2.521321,53.996477
+                    -2.522273,53.995910
+                    -2.522833,53.995509
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+                    -2.536443,54.007835
+                    -2.535416,54.008574
+                    -2.536386,54.009476
+                    -2.535171,54.010386
+                    -2.534930,54.010625
+                    -2.534018,54.011288
+                    -2.533418,54.011869
+                    -2.531906,54.011970
+                    -2.530394,54.011855
+                    -2.529753,54.012194
+                    -2.529149,54.013095
+                    -2.528882,54.013557
+                    -2.528390,54.014001
+                    -2.528882,54.014416
+                    -2.529220,54.014907
+                    -2.530394,54.015460
+                    -2.531906,54.015660
+                    -2.533418,54.015803
+                    -2.533451,54.015813
+                    -2.533418,54.015875
+                    -2.531906,54.016438
+                    -2.531649,54.016719
+                    -2.531906,54.017005
+                    -2.532278,54.017620
+                    -2.532530,54.018526
+                    -2.531906,54.018679
+                    -2.530573,54.019427
+                    -2.530394,54.019608
+                    -2.529393,54.020333
+                    -2.530394,54.020934
+                    -2.531906,54.021058
+                    -2.532165,54.021239
+                    -2.533081,54.022145
+                    -2.533418,54.022346
+                    -2.533928,54.023051
+                    -2.534377,54.023952
+                    -2.534930,54.024282
+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.024973
+                    -2.531906,54.024997
+                    -2.530906,54.024858
+                    -2.530394,54.024668
+                    -2.528882,54.024601
+                    -2.527369,54.024558
+                    -2.525857,54.024234
+                    -2.525354,54.023952
+                    -2.524345,54.023385
+                    -2.523643,54.023051
+                    -2.522833,54.022608
+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520895,54.022145
+                    -2.519808,54.021316
+                    -2.518296,54.021449
+                    -2.517778,54.021239
+                    -2.516784,54.020333
+                    -2.516782,54.020333
+                    -2.515272,54.019918
+                    -2.513760,54.019823
+                    -2.512247,54.019608
+                    -2.511929,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.018812
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.017029
+                    -2.511685,54.017620
+                    -2.512247,54.017959
+                    -2.513760,54.018030
+                    -2.515272,54.018011
+                    -2.516001,54.017620
+                    -2.515272,54.017067
+                    -2.514959,54.016719
+                    -2.513760,54.016032
+                    -2.512247,54.016199
+                    -2.510735,54.016376
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014316
+                    -2.512247,54.014225
+                    -2.512650,54.014001
+                    -2.513033,54.013095
+                    -2.513552,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011950
+                    -2.514424,54.012194
+                    -2.515272,54.012699
+                    -2.516120,54.012194
+                    -2.516173,54.011288
+                    -2.515272,54.010615
+                    -2.515049,54.010386
+                    -2.514692,54.009476
+                    -2.515272,54.009032
+                    -2.516110,54.008574
+                    -2.516784,54.008265
+                    -2.517776,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007068
+                    -2.516414,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006648
+                    -2.518296,54.006610
+                    -2.519015,54.006763
+                    -2.518799,54.007668
+                    -2.519808,54.008203
+                    -2.521321,54.008365
+                    -2.522489,54.007668
+                    -2.521802,54.006763
+                    -2.522414,54.005861
+                    -2.522833,54.005542
+                    -2.523714,54.004951
+                    -2.524345,54.004250
+                    -2.524645,54.004049
+                    -2.525298,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002242
+                    -2.524345,54.002242
+                    -2.524343,54.002242
+                    -2.522833,54.002314
+                    -2.522709,54.002242
+                    -2.522833,54.002166
+                    -2.523511,54.001336
+                    -2.522833,54.000926
+                    -2.521824,54.000430
+                    -2.521321,54.000134
+                    -2.519808,54.000001
+                    -2.518296,53.999887
+                    -2.517596,53.999524
+                    -2.516784,53.999009
+                    -2.516189,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998079
+                    -2.514690,53.997717
+                    -2.514786,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996205
+                    -2.512451,53.995910
+                    -2.512247,53.995624
+                    -2.512144,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994298
+                    -2.509223,53.994780
+                    -2.507711,53.994608
+                    -2.506199,53.994570
+                    -2.505677,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993440
+                    -2.504184,53.993192
+                    -2.504555,53.992286
+                    -2.504268,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991256
+                    -2.506143,53.990479
+                    -2.505748,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.989272
+                    -2.507711,53.989167
+                    -2.508711,53.988667
+                    -2.509223,53.988314
+                    -2.510735,53.988123
+                    -2.511397,53.987765
+                    -2.510735,53.987408
+                    -2.509223,53.987317
+                    -2.507711,53.987327
+                    -2.507339,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986697
+                    -2.509085,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985219
+                    -2.507094,53.985052
+                    -2.507711,53.984566
+                    -2.508335,53.984141
+                    -2.508582,53.983240
+                    -2.508578,53.982334
+                    -2.509081,53.981433
+                    -2.509120,53.980527
+                    -2.508041,53.979621
+                    -2.507711,53.979425
+                    -2.507378,53.979621
+                    -2.506199,53.979969
+                    -2.504686,53.980193
+                    -2.503559,53.979621
+                    -2.504686,53.979321
+                    -2.505830,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978620
+                    -2.507711,53.978457
+                    -2.508972,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977661
+                    -2.510298,53.976908
+                    -2.509410,53.976002
+                    -2.510494,53.975101
+                    -2.510461,53.974195
+                    -2.510735,53.974013
+                    -2.511903,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.973079
+                    -2.513760,53.972878
+                    -2.514615,53.972383
+                    -2.515272,53.972063
+                    -2.516250,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.970962
+                    -2.513760,53.970957
+                    -2.512832,53.970575
+                    -2.512247,53.970246
+                    -2.511656,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.970942
+                    -2.510198,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
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+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532049,53.972383
+                    -2.531988,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973489
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+                    -2.530394,53.974667
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+                    -2.528882,53.975415
+                    -2.527369,53.975854
+                    -2.527121,53.976002
+                    -2.526215,53.976908
+                    -2.525857,53.977294
+                    -2.524955,53.977809
+                    -2.524345,53.978052
+                    -2.523803,53.977809
+                    -2.522833,53.977251
+                    -2.522520,53.976908
+                    -2.521321,53.976188
+                    -2.519808,53.976383
+                    -2.518785,53.976908
+                    -2.519808,53.977427
+                    -2.521321,53.977623
+                    -2.521894,53.977809
+                    -2.521667,53.978715
+                    -2.522833,53.979373
+                    -2.523176,53.979621
+                    -2.522833,53.980021
+                    -2.521991,53.980527
+                    -2.521926,53.981433
+                    -2.522491,53.982334
+                    -2.521321,53.982558
+                    -2.520180,53.983240
+                    -2.521321,53.983922
+                    -2.521553,53.984141
+                    -2.521321,53.984427
+                    -2.519808,53.984594
+                    -2.519046,53.985052
+                    -2.519808,53.985510
+                    -2.520043,53.985953
+                    -2.519808,53.986492
+                    -2.519196,53.986859
+                    -2.519808,53.987255
+                    -2.520327,53.987765
+                    -2.519808,53.988090
+                    -2.518884,53.988667
+                    -2.518685,53.989577
+                    -2.518296,53.989720
+                    -2.516784,53.989778
+                    -2.515272,53.989801
+                    -2.513760,53.990021
+                    -2.512992,53.990479
+                    -2.512247,53.990645
+                    -2.510735,53.990784
+                    -2.509536,53.991385
+                    -2.510735,53.991981
+                    -2.512247,53.992124
+                    -2.513484,53.991385
+                    -2.513760,53.990936
+                    -2.515272,53.991160
+                    -2.516784,53.991179
+                    -2.518296,53.991237
+                    -2.519808,53.991332
+                    -2.521321,53.991294
+                    -2.521983,53.991385
+                    -2.522833,53.991890
+                    -2.523445,53.992286
+                    -2.524270,53.993192
+                    -2.523283,53.994098
+                    -2.522833,53.994479
+                    -2.521321,53.994489
+                    -2.519808,53.994741
+                    -2.519390,53.995004
+                    -2.518909,53.995910
+                    -2.519808,53.996444
+                    -2.521321,53.996477
+                    -2.522273,53.995910
+                    -2.522833,53.995509
+                    -2.524345,53.995624
+                    -2.525857,53.995733
+                    -2.526139,53.995910
+                    -2.526402,53.996811
+                    -2.525857,53.997397
+                    -2.525376,53.997717
+                    -2.525857,53.998003
+                    -2.526980,53.998618
+                    -2.527369,53.998852
+                    -2.528398,53.999524
+                    -2.528882,53.999815
+                    -2.529405,53.999524
+                    -2.530394,53.999209
+                    -2.530545,53.999524
+                    -2.530586,54.000430
+                    -2.530394,54.000583
+                    -2.529136,54.001336
+                    -2.529063,54.002242
+                    -2.529066,54.003143
+                    -2.529091,54.004049
+                    -2.528882,54.004226
+                    -2.527669,54.004951
+                    -2.527727,54.005861
+                    -2.527369,54.006314
+                    -2.526613,54.006763
+                    -2.526042,54.007668
+                    -2.525857,54.007835
+                    -2.524345,54.007988
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+                    -2.524345,54.009833
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+                    -2.524345,54.010563
+                    -2.523130,54.011288
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+                    -2.524345,54.012637
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+                    -2.524746,54.015813
+                    -2.525857,54.016476
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+                    -2.528882,54.016848
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+                    -2.528509,54.015813
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+                    -2.527262,54.014907
+                    -2.527104,54.014001
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+                    -2.525857,54.012113
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+                    -2.531784,54.003143
+                    -2.531783,54.002242
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+                    -2.535070,54.000430
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+                    -2.533418,54.001746
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.017029
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+                    -2.513760,54.018030
+                    -2.515272,54.018011
+                    -2.516001,54.017620
+                    -2.515272,54.017067
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+                    -2.513760,54.016032
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+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014316
+                    -2.512247,54.014225
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+                    -2.513760,54.011950
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+                    -2.515272,54.012699
+                    -2.516120,54.012194
+                    -2.516173,54.011288
+                    -2.515272,54.010615
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+                    -2.515272,54.009032
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+                    -2.516784,54.007068
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+                    -2.519015,54.006763
+                    -2.518799,54.007668
+                    -2.519808,54.008203
+                    -2.521321,54.008365
+                    -2.522489,54.007668
+                    -2.521802,54.006763
+                    -2.522414,54.005861
+                    -2.522833,54.005542
+                    -2.523714,54.004951
+                    -2.524345,54.004250
+                    -2.524645,54.004049
+                    -2.525298,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002242
+                    -2.524345,54.002242
+                    -2.524343,54.002242
+                    -2.522833,54.002314
+                    -2.522709,54.002242
+                    -2.522833,54.002166
+                    -2.523511,54.001336
+                    -2.522833,54.000926
+                    -2.521824,54.000430
+                    -2.521321,54.000134
+                    -2.519808,54.000001
+                    -2.518296,53.999887
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+                    -2.514690,53.997717
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+                    -2.513760,53.996205
+                    -2.512451,53.995910
+                    -2.512247,53.995624
+                    -2.512144,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994298
+                    -2.509223,53.994780
+                    -2.507711,53.994608
+                    -2.506199,53.994570
+                    -2.505677,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993440
+                    -2.504184,53.993192
+                    -2.504555,53.992286
+                    -2.504268,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991256
+                    -2.506143,53.990479
+                    -2.505748,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.989272
+                    -2.507711,53.989167
+                    -2.508711,53.988667
+                    -2.509223,53.988314
+                    -2.510735,53.988123
+                    -2.511397,53.987765
+                    -2.510735,53.987408
+                    -2.509223,53.987317
+                    -2.507711,53.987327
+                    -2.507339,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986697
+                    -2.509085,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985219
+                    -2.507094,53.985052
+                    -2.507711,53.984566
+                    -2.508335,53.984141
+                    -2.508582,53.983240
+                    -2.508578,53.982334
+                    -2.509081,53.981433
+                    -2.509120,53.980527
+                    -2.508041,53.979621
+                    -2.507711,53.979425
+                    -2.507378,53.979621
+                    -2.506199,53.979969
+                    -2.504686,53.980193
+                    -2.503559,53.979621
+                    -2.504686,53.979321
+                    -2.505830,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978620
+                    -2.507711,53.978457
+                    -2.508972,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977661
+                    -2.510298,53.976908
+                    -2.509410,53.976002
+                    -2.510494,53.975101
+                    -2.510461,53.974195
+                    -2.510735,53.974013
+                    -2.511903,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.973079
+                    -2.513760,53.972878
+                    -2.514615,53.972383
+                    -2.515272,53.972063
+                    -2.516250,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.970962
+                    -2.513760,53.970957
+                    -2.512832,53.970575
+                    -2.512247,53.970246
+                    -2.511656,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.970942
+                    -2.510198,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532049,53.972383
+                    -2.531988,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973489
+                    -2.530681,53.974195
+                    -2.530394,53.974667
+                    -2.529709,53.975101
+                    -2.528882,53.975415
+                    -2.527369,53.975854
+                    -2.527121,53.976002
+                    -2.526215,53.976908
+                    -2.525857,53.977294
+                    -2.524955,53.977809
+                    -2.524345,53.978052
+                    -2.523803,53.977809
+                    -2.522833,53.977251
+                    -2.522520,53.976908
+                    -2.521321,53.976188
+                    -2.519808,53.976383
+                    -2.518785,53.976908
+                    -2.519808,53.977427
+                    -2.521321,53.977623
+                    -2.521894,53.977809
+                    -2.521667,53.978715
+                    -2.522833,53.979373
+                    -2.523176,53.979621
+                    -2.522833,53.980021
+                    -2.521991,53.980527
+                    -2.521926,53.981433
+                    -2.522491,53.982334
+                    -2.521321,53.982558
+                    -2.520180,53.983240
+                    -2.521321,53.983922
+                    -2.521553,53.984141
+                    -2.521321,53.984427
+                    -2.519808,53.984594
+                    -2.519046,53.985052
+                    -2.519808,53.985510
+                    -2.520043,53.985953
+                    -2.519808,53.986492
+                    -2.519196,53.986859
+                    -2.519808,53.987255
+                    -2.520327,53.987765
+                    -2.519808,53.988090
+                    -2.518884,53.988667
+                    -2.518685,53.989577
+                    -2.518296,53.989720
+                    -2.516784,53.989778
+                    -2.515272,53.989801
+                    -2.513760,53.990021
+                    -2.512992,53.990479
+                    -2.512247,53.990645
+                    -2.510735,53.990784
+                    -2.509536,53.991385
+                    -2.510735,53.991981
+                    -2.512247,53.992124
+                    -2.513484,53.991385
+                    -2.513760,53.990936
+                    -2.515272,53.991160
+                    -2.516784,53.991179
+                    -2.518296,53.991237
+                    -2.519808,53.991332
+                    -2.521321,53.991294
+                    -2.521983,53.991385
+                    -2.522833,53.991890
+                    -2.523445,53.992286
+                    -2.524270,53.993192
+                    -2.523283,53.994098
+                    -2.522833,53.994479
+                    -2.521321,53.994489
+                    -2.519808,53.994741
+                    -2.519390,53.995004
+                    -2.518909,53.995910
+                    -2.519808,53.996444
+                    -2.521321,53.996477
+                    -2.522273,53.995910
+                    -2.522833,53.995509
+                    -2.524345,53.995624
+                    -2.525857,53.995733
+                    -2.526139,53.995910
+                    -2.526402,53.996811
+                    -2.525857,53.997397
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+                    -2.525857,53.998003
+                    -2.526980,53.998618
+                    -2.527369,53.998852
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+                    -2.528882,53.999815
+                    -2.529405,53.999524
+                    -2.530394,53.999209
+                    -2.530545,53.999524
+                    -2.530586,54.000430
+                    -2.530394,54.000583
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+                    -2.529066,54.003143
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+                    -2.518296,54.021449
+                    -2.517778,54.021239
+                    -2.516784,54.020333
+                    -2.516782,54.020333
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+                    -2.513760,54.019823
+                    -2.512247,54.019608
+                    -2.511929,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.018812
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.017029
+                    -2.511685,54.017620
+                    -2.512247,54.017959
+                    -2.513760,54.018030
+                    -2.515272,54.018011
+                    -2.516001,54.017620
+                    -2.515272,54.017067
+                    -2.514959,54.016719
+                    -2.513760,54.016032
+                    -2.512247,54.016199
+                    -2.510735,54.016376
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014316
+                    -2.512247,54.014225
+                    -2.512650,54.014001
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+                    -2.513760,54.011950
+                    -2.514424,54.012194
+                    -2.515272,54.012699
+                    -2.516120,54.012194
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+                    -2.515272,54.010615
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+                    -2.515272,54.009032
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+                    -2.516784,54.007068
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+                    -2.516784,54.006648
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+                    -2.521321,54.008365
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+                    -2.521802,54.006763
+                    -2.522414,54.005861
+                    -2.522833,54.005542
+                    -2.523714,54.004951
+                    -2.524345,54.004250
+                    -2.524645,54.004049
+                    -2.525298,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002242
+                    -2.524345,54.002242
+                    -2.524343,54.002242
+                    -2.522833,54.002314
+                    -2.522709,54.002242
+                    -2.522833,54.002166
+                    -2.523511,54.001336
+                    -2.522833,54.000926
+                    -2.521824,54.000430
+                    -2.521321,54.000134
+                    -2.519808,54.000001
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+                    -2.517596,53.999524
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+                    -2.516189,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998079
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+                    -2.506199,53.994570
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+                    -2.504686,53.993440
+                    -2.504184,53.993192
+                    -2.504555,53.992286
+                    -2.504268,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991256
+                    -2.506143,53.990479
+                    -2.505748,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.989272
+                    -2.507711,53.989167
+                    -2.508711,53.988667
+                    -2.509223,53.988314
+                    -2.510735,53.988123
+                    -2.511397,53.987765
+                    -2.510735,53.987408
+                    -2.509223,53.987317
+                    -2.507711,53.987327
+                    -2.507339,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986697
+                    -2.509085,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985219
+                    -2.507094,53.985052
+                    -2.507711,53.984566
+                    -2.508335,53.984141
+                    -2.508582,53.983240
+                    -2.508578,53.982334
+                    -2.509081,53.981433
+                    -2.509120,53.980527
+                    -2.508041,53.979621
+                    -2.507711,53.979425
+                    -2.507378,53.979621
+                    -2.506199,53.979969
+                    -2.504686,53.980193
+                    -2.503559,53.979621
+                    -2.504686,53.979321
+                    -2.505830,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978620
+                    -2.507711,53.978457
+                    -2.508972,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977661
+                    -2.510298,53.976908
+                    -2.509410,53.976002
+                    -2.510494,53.975101
+                    -2.510461,53.974195
+                    -2.510735,53.974013
+                    -2.511903,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.973079
+                    -2.513760,53.972878
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+                    -2.515272,53.972063
+                    -2.516250,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.970962
+                    -2.513760,53.970957
+                    -2.512832,53.970575
+                    -2.512247,53.970246
+                    -2.511656,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.970942
+                    -2.510198,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532049,53.972383
+                    -2.531988,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973489
+                    -2.530681,53.974195
+                    -2.530394,53.974667
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+                    -2.528882,53.975415
+                    -2.527369,53.975854
+                    -2.527121,53.976002
+                    -2.526215,53.976908
+                    -2.525857,53.977294
+                    -2.524955,53.977809
+                    -2.524345,53.978052
+                    -2.523803,53.977809
+                    -2.522833,53.977251
+                    -2.522520,53.976908
+                    -2.521321,53.976188
+                    -2.519808,53.976383
+                    -2.518785,53.976908
+                    -2.519808,53.977427
+                    -2.521321,53.977623
+                    -2.521894,53.977809
+                    -2.521667,53.978715
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+                    -2.523176,53.979621
+                    -2.522833,53.980021
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+                    -2.521321,53.982558
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+                    -2.521321,53.983922
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+                    -2.521321,53.984427
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+                    -2.519808,53.985510
+                    -2.520043,53.985953
+                    -2.519808,53.986492
+                    -2.519196,53.986859
+                    -2.519808,53.987255
+                    -2.520327,53.987765
+                    -2.519808,53.988090
+                    -2.518884,53.988667
+                    -2.518685,53.989577
+                    -2.518296,53.989720
+                    -2.516784,53.989778
+                    -2.515272,53.989801
+                    -2.513760,53.990021
+                    -2.512992,53.990479
+                    -2.512247,53.990645
+                    -2.510735,53.990784
+                    -2.509536,53.991385
+                    -2.510735,53.991981
+                    -2.512247,53.992124
+                    -2.513484,53.991385
+                    -2.513760,53.990936
+                    -2.515272,53.991160
+                    -2.516784,53.991179
+                    -2.518296,53.991237
+                    -2.519808,53.991332
+                    -2.521321,53.991294
+                    -2.521983,53.991385
+                    -2.522833,53.991890
+                    -2.523445,53.992286
+                    -2.524270,53.993192
+                    -2.523283,53.994098
+                    -2.522833,53.994479
+                    -2.521321,53.994489
+                    -2.519808,53.994741
+                    -2.519390,53.995004
+                    -2.518909,53.995910
+                    -2.519808,53.996444
+                    -2.521321,53.996477
+                    -2.522273,53.995910
+                    -2.522833,53.995509
+                    -2.524345,53.995624
+                    -2.525857,53.995733
+                    -2.526139,53.995910
+                    -2.526402,53.996811
+                    -2.525857,53.997397
+                    -2.525376,53.997717
+                    -2.525857,53.998003
+                    -2.526980,53.998618
+                    -2.527369,53.998852
+                    -2.528398,53.999524
+                    -2.528882,53.999815
+                    -2.529405,53.999524
+                    -2.530394,53.999209
+                    -2.530545,53.999524
+                    -2.530586,54.000430
+                    -2.530394,54.000583
+                    -2.529136,54.001336
+                    -2.529063,54.002242
+                    -2.529066,54.003143
+                    -2.529091,54.004049
+                    -2.528882,54.004226
+                    -2.527669,54.004951
+                    -2.527727,54.005861
+                    -2.527369,54.006314
+                    -2.526613,54.006763
+                    -2.526042,54.007668
+                    -2.525857,54.007835
+                    -2.524345,54.007988
+                    -2.523368,54.008574
+                    -2.523753,54.009476
+                    -2.524345,54.009833
+                    -2.524723,54.010386
+                    -2.524345,54.010563
+                    -2.523130,54.011288
+                    -2.523603,54.012194
+                    -2.524345,54.012637
+                    -2.524615,54.013095
+                    -2.524662,54.014001
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+                    -2.524746,54.015813
+                    -2.525857,54.016476
+                    -2.526302,54.016719
+                    -2.526218,54.017620
+                    -2.527369,54.018307
+                    -2.527738,54.018526
+                    -2.528882,54.019208
+                    -2.530030,54.018526
+                    -2.530181,54.017620
+                    -2.528882,54.016848
+                    -2.528437,54.016719
+                    -2.528509,54.015813
+                    -2.527369,54.015121
+                    -2.527262,54.014907
+                    -2.527104,54.014001
+                    -2.527109,54.013095
+                    -2.525857,54.012351
+                    -2.525087,54.012194
+                    -2.525857,54.012113
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+                    -2.526991,54.010386
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+                    -2.531784,54.003143
+                    -2.531783,54.002242
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+                    -2.534930,54.000387
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+                    -2.533418,54.001746
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+                    -2.520895,54.022145
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+                    -2.518296,54.021449
+                    -2.517778,54.021239
+                    -2.516784,54.020333
+                    -2.516782,54.020333
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+                    -2.511929,54.019427
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.017029
+                    -2.511685,54.017620
+                    -2.512247,54.017959
+                    -2.513760,54.018030
+                    -2.515272,54.018011
+                    -2.516001,54.017620
+                    -2.515272,54.017067
+                    -2.514959,54.016719
+                    -2.513760,54.016032
+                    -2.512247,54.016199
+                    -2.510735,54.016376
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014316
+                    -2.512247,54.014225
+                    -2.512650,54.014001
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+                    -2.513760,54.011950
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+                    -2.515272,54.012699
+                    -2.516120,54.012194
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+                    -2.515272,54.010615
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+                    -2.515272,54.009032
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+                    -2.516784,54.007068
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+                    -2.516784,54.006648
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+                    -2.519015,54.006763
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+                    -2.519808,54.008203
+                    -2.521321,54.008365
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+                    -2.521802,54.006763
+                    -2.522414,54.005861
+                    -2.522833,54.005542
+                    -2.523714,54.004951
+                    -2.524345,54.004250
+                    -2.524645,54.004049
+                    -2.525298,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002242
+                    -2.524345,54.002242
+                    -2.524343,54.002242
+                    -2.522833,54.002314
+                    -2.522709,54.002242
+                    -2.522833,54.002166
+                    -2.523511,54.001336
+                    -2.522833,54.000926
+                    -2.521824,54.000430
+                    -2.521321,54.000134
+                    -2.519808,54.000001
+                    -2.518296,53.999887
+                    -2.517596,53.999524
+                    -2.516784,53.999009
+                    -2.516189,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998079
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+                    -2.513760,53.996205
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+                    -2.506199,53.994570
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+                    -2.504184,53.993192
+                    -2.504555,53.992286
+                    -2.504268,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991256
+                    -2.506143,53.990479
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+                    -2.506199,53.989272
+                    -2.507711,53.989167
+                    -2.508711,53.988667
+                    -2.509223,53.988314
+                    -2.510735,53.988123
+                    -2.511397,53.987765
+                    -2.510735,53.987408
+                    -2.509223,53.987317
+                    -2.507711,53.987327
+                    -2.507339,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986697
+                    -2.509085,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985219
+                    -2.507094,53.985052
+                    -2.507711,53.984566
+                    -2.508335,53.984141
+                    -2.508582,53.983240
+                    -2.508578,53.982334
+                    -2.509081,53.981433
+                    -2.509120,53.980527
+                    -2.508041,53.979621
+                    -2.507711,53.979425
+                    -2.507378,53.979621
+                    -2.506199,53.979969
+                    -2.504686,53.980193
+                    -2.503559,53.979621
+                    -2.504686,53.979321
+                    -2.505830,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978620
+                    -2.507711,53.978457
+                    -2.508972,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977661
+                    -2.510298,53.976908
+                    -2.509410,53.976002
+                    -2.510494,53.975101
+                    -2.510461,53.974195
+                    -2.510735,53.974013
+                    -2.511903,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.973079
+                    -2.513760,53.972878
+                    -2.514615,53.972383
+                    -2.515272,53.972063
+                    -2.516250,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.970962
+                    -2.513760,53.970957
+                    -2.512832,53.970575
+                    -2.512247,53.970246
+                    -2.511656,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.970942
+                    -2.510198,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532049,53.972383
+                    -2.531988,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973489
+                    -2.530681,53.974195
+                    -2.530394,53.974667
+                    -2.529709,53.975101
+                    -2.528882,53.975415
+                    -2.527369,53.975854
+                    -2.527121,53.976002
+                    -2.526215,53.976908
+                    -2.525857,53.977294
+                    -2.524955,53.977809
+                    -2.524345,53.978052
+                    -2.523803,53.977809
+                    -2.522833,53.977251
+                    -2.522520,53.976908
+                    -2.521321,53.976188
+                    -2.519808,53.976383
+                    -2.518785,53.976908
+                    -2.519808,53.977427
+                    -2.521321,53.977623
+                    -2.521894,53.977809
+                    -2.521667,53.978715
+                    -2.522833,53.979373
+                    -2.523176,53.979621
+                    -2.522833,53.980021
+                    -2.521991,53.980527
+                    -2.521926,53.981433
+                    -2.522491,53.982334
+                    -2.521321,53.982558
+                    -2.520180,53.983240
+                    -2.521321,53.983922
+                    -2.521553,53.984141
+                    -2.521321,53.984427
+                    -2.519808,53.984594
+                    -2.519046,53.985052
+                    -2.519808,53.985510
+                    -2.520043,53.985953
+                    -2.519808,53.986492
+                    -2.519196,53.986859
+                    -2.519808,53.987255
+                    -2.520327,53.987765
+                    -2.519808,53.988090
+                    -2.518884,53.988667
+                    -2.518685,53.989577
+                    -2.518296,53.989720
+                    -2.516784,53.989778
+                    -2.515272,53.989801
+                    -2.513760,53.990021
+                    -2.512992,53.990479
+                    -2.512247,53.990645
+                    -2.510735,53.990784
+                    -2.509536,53.991385
+                    -2.510735,53.991981
+                    -2.512247,53.992124
+                    -2.513484,53.991385
+                    -2.513760,53.990936
+                    -2.515272,53.991160
+                    -2.516784,53.991179
+                    -2.518296,53.991237
+                    -2.519808,53.991332
+                    -2.521321,53.991294
+                    -2.521983,53.991385
+                    -2.522833,53.991890
+                    -2.523445,53.992286
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+                    -2.522833,53.994479
+                    -2.521321,53.994489
+                    -2.519808,53.994741
+                    -2.519390,53.995004
+                    -2.518909,53.995910
+                    -2.519808,53.996444
+                    -2.521321,53.996477
+                    -2.522273,53.995910
+                    -2.522833,53.995509
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+                    -2.525857,53.995733
+                    -2.526139,53.995910
+                    -2.526402,53.996811
+                    -2.525857,53.997397
+                    -2.525376,53.997717
+                    -2.525857,53.998003
+                    -2.526980,53.998618
+                    -2.527369,53.998852
+                    -2.528398,53.999524
+                    -2.528882,53.999815
+                    -2.529405,53.999524
+                    -2.530394,53.999209
+                    -2.530545,53.999524
+                    -2.530586,54.000430
+                    -2.530394,54.000583
+                    -2.529136,54.001336
+                    -2.529063,54.002242
+                    -2.529066,54.003143
+                    -2.529091,54.004049
+                    -2.528882,54.004226
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+                    -2.527727,54.005861
+                    -2.527369,54.006314
+                    -2.526613,54.006763
+                    -2.526042,54.007668
+                    -2.525857,54.007835
+                    -2.524345,54.007988
+                    -2.523368,54.008574
+                    -2.523753,54.009476
+                    -2.524345,54.009833
+                    -2.524723,54.010386
+                    -2.524345,54.010563
+                    -2.523130,54.011288
+                    -2.523603,54.012194
+                    -2.524345,54.012637
+                    -2.524615,54.013095
+                    -2.524662,54.014001
+                    -2.524457,54.014907
+                    -2.524746,54.015813
+                    -2.525857,54.016476
+                    -2.526302,54.016719
+                    -2.526218,54.017620
+                    -2.527369,54.018307
+                    -2.527738,54.018526
+                    -2.528882,54.019208
+                    -2.530030,54.018526
+                    -2.530181,54.017620
+                    -2.528882,54.016848
+                    -2.528437,54.016719
+                    -2.528509,54.015813
+                    -2.527369,54.015121
+                    -2.527262,54.014907
+                    -2.527104,54.014001
+                    -2.527109,54.013095
+                    -2.525857,54.012351
+                    -2.525087,54.012194
+                    -2.525857,54.012113
+                    -2.527236,54.011288
+                    -2.526991,54.010386
+                    -2.527369,54.010091
+                    -2.528434,54.009476
+                    -2.528882,54.008861
+                    -2.529454,54.008574
+                    -2.529939,54.007668
+                    -2.530369,54.006763
+                    -2.530037,54.005861
+                    -2.530394,54.005389
+                    -2.531195,54.004951
+                    -2.531741,54.004049
+                    -2.531784,54.003143
+                    -2.531783,54.002242
+                    -2.531657,54.001336
+                    -2.531906,54.001226
+                    -2.533418,54.001002
+                    -2.534930,54.000540
+                    -2.535070,54.000430
+                    -2.534930,54.000387
+                    -2.533418,53.999696
+                    -2.533363,53.999524
+                    -2.533262,53.998618
+                    -2.533418,53.998017
+                    -2.534930,53.998346
+                    -2.535233,53.998618
+                    -2.536443,53.999362
+                    -2.536750,53.999524
+                    -2.536836,54.000430
+                    -2.536443,54.000545
+                    -2.535082,54.001336
+                    -2.534930,54.001746
+                    -2.533418,54.001746
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+                    -2.516110,54.008574
+                    -2.516784,54.008265
+                    -2.517776,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007068
+                    -2.516414,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006648
+                    -2.518296,54.006610
+                    -2.519015,54.006763
+                    -2.518799,54.007668
+                    -2.519808,54.008203
+                    -2.521321,54.008365
+                    -2.522489,54.007668
+                    -2.521802,54.006763
+                    -2.522414,54.005861
+                    -2.522833,54.005542
+                    -2.523714,54.004951
+                    -2.524345,54.004250
+                    -2.524645,54.004049
+                    -2.525298,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002242
+                    -2.524345,54.002242
+                    -2.524343,54.002242
+                    -2.522833,54.002314
+                    -2.522709,54.002242
+                    -2.522833,54.002166
+                    -2.523511,54.001336
+                    -2.522833,54.000926
+                    -2.521824,54.000430
+                    -2.521321,54.000134
+                    -2.519808,54.000001
+                    -2.518296,53.999887
+                    -2.517596,53.999524
+                    -2.516784,53.999009
+                    -2.516189,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998079
+                    -2.514690,53.997717
+                    -2.514786,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996205
+                    -2.512451,53.995910
+                    -2.512247,53.995624
+                    -2.512144,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994298
+                    -2.509223,53.994780
+                    -2.507711,53.994608
+                    -2.506199,53.994570
+                    -2.505677,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993440
+                    -2.504184,53.993192
+                    -2.504555,53.992286
+                    -2.504268,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991256
+                    -2.506143,53.990479
+                    -2.505748,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.989272
+                    -2.507711,53.989167
+                    -2.508711,53.988667
+                    -2.509223,53.988314
+                    -2.510735,53.988123
+                    -2.511397,53.987765
+                    -2.510735,53.987408
+                    -2.509223,53.987317
+                    -2.507711,53.987327
+                    -2.507339,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986697
+                    -2.509085,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985219
+                    -2.507094,53.985052
+                    -2.507711,53.984566
+                    -2.508335,53.984141
+                    -2.508582,53.983240
+                    -2.508578,53.982334
+                    -2.509081,53.981433
+                    -2.509120,53.980527
+                    -2.508041,53.979621
+                    -2.507711,53.979425
+                    -2.507378,53.979621
+                    -2.506199,53.979969
+                    -2.504686,53.980193
+                    -2.503559,53.979621
+                    -2.504686,53.979321
+                    -2.505830,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978620
+                    -2.507711,53.978457
+                    -2.508972,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977661
+                    -2.510298,53.976908
+                    -2.509410,53.976002
+                    -2.510494,53.975101
+                    -2.510461,53.974195
+                    -2.510735,53.974013
+                    -2.511903,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.973079
+                    -2.513760,53.972878
+                    -2.514615,53.972383
+                    -2.515272,53.972063
+                    -2.516250,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.970962
+                    -2.513760,53.970957
+                    -2.512832,53.970575
+                    -2.512247,53.970246
+                    -2.511656,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.970942
+                    -2.510198,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532049,53.972383
+                    -2.531988,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973489
+                    -2.530681,53.974195
+                    -2.530394,53.974667
+                    -2.529709,53.975101
+                    -2.528882,53.975415
+                    -2.527369,53.975854
+                    -2.527121,53.976002
+                    -2.526215,53.976908
+                    -2.525857,53.977294
+                    -2.524955,53.977809
+                    -2.524345,53.978052
+                    -2.523803,53.977809
+                    -2.522833,53.977251
+                    -2.522520,53.976908
+                    -2.521321,53.976188
+                    -2.519808,53.976383
+                    -2.518785,53.976908
+                    -2.519808,53.977427
+                    -2.521321,53.977623
+                    -2.521894,53.977809
+                    -2.521667,53.978715
+                    -2.522833,53.979373
+                    -2.523176,53.979621
+                    -2.522833,53.980021
+                    -2.521991,53.980527
+                    -2.521926,53.981433
+                    -2.522491,53.982334
+                    -2.521321,53.982558
+                    -2.520180,53.983240
+                    -2.521321,53.983922
+                    -2.521553,53.984141
+                    -2.521321,53.984427
+                    -2.519808,53.984594
+                    -2.519046,53.985052
+                    -2.519808,53.985510
+                    -2.520043,53.985953
+                    -2.519808,53.986492
+                    -2.519196,53.986859
+                    -2.519808,53.987255
+                    -2.520327,53.987765
+                    -2.519808,53.988090
+                    -2.518884,53.988667
+                    -2.518685,53.989577
+                    -2.518296,53.989720
+                    -2.516784,53.989778
+                    -2.515272,53.989801
+                    -2.513760,53.990021
+                    -2.512992,53.990479
+                    -2.512247,53.990645
+                    -2.510735,53.990784
+                    -2.509536,53.991385
+                    -2.510735,53.991981
+                    -2.512247,53.992124
+                    -2.513484,53.991385
+                    -2.513760,53.990936
+                    -2.515272,53.991160
+                    -2.516784,53.991179
+                    -2.518296,53.991237
+                    -2.519808,53.991332
+                    -2.521321,53.991294
+                    -2.521983,53.991385
+                    -2.522833,53.991890
+                    -2.523445,53.992286
+                    -2.524270,53.993192
+                    -2.523283,53.994098
+                    -2.522833,53.994479
+                    -2.521321,53.994489
+                    -2.519808,53.994741
+                    -2.519390,53.995004
+                    -2.518909,53.995910
+                    -2.519808,53.996444
+                    -2.521321,53.996477
+                    -2.522273,53.995910
+                    -2.522833,53.995509
+                    -2.524345,53.995624
+                    -2.525857,53.995733
+                    -2.526139,53.995910
+                    -2.526402,53.996811
+                    -2.525857,53.997397
+                    -2.525376,53.997717
+                    -2.525857,53.998003
+                    -2.526980,53.998618
+                    -2.527369,53.998852
+                    -2.528398,53.999524
+                    -2.528882,53.999815
+                    -2.529405,53.999524
+                    -2.530394,53.999209
+                    -2.530545,53.999524
+                    -2.530586,54.000430
+                    -2.530394,54.000583
+                    -2.529136,54.001336
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+                    -2.529066,54.003143
+                    -2.529091,54.004049
+                    -2.528882,54.004226
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+                    -2.527727,54.005861
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+                    -2.525857,54.007835
+                    -2.524345,54.007988
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+                    -2.517778,54.021239
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.017029
+                    -2.511685,54.017620
+                    -2.512247,54.017959
+                    -2.513760,54.018030
+                    -2.515272,54.018011
+                    -2.516001,54.017620
+                    -2.515272,54.017067
+                    -2.514959,54.016719
+                    -2.513760,54.016032
+                    -2.512247,54.016199
+                    -2.510735,54.016376
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014316
+                    -2.512247,54.014225
+                    -2.512650,54.014001
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+                    -2.513760,54.011950
+                    -2.514424,54.012194
+                    -2.515272,54.012699
+                    -2.516120,54.012194
+                    -2.516173,54.011288
+                    -2.515272,54.010615
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+                    -2.515272,54.009032
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+                    -2.516784,54.007068
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+                    -2.516784,54.006648
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+                    -2.519015,54.006763
+                    -2.518799,54.007668
+                    -2.519808,54.008203
+                    -2.521321,54.008365
+                    -2.522489,54.007668
+                    -2.521802,54.006763
+                    -2.522414,54.005861
+                    -2.522833,54.005542
+                    -2.523714,54.004951
+                    -2.524345,54.004250
+                    -2.524645,54.004049
+                    -2.525298,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002242
+                    -2.524345,54.002242
+                    -2.524343,54.002242
+                    -2.522833,54.002314
+                    -2.522709,54.002242
+                    -2.522833,54.002166
+                    -2.523511,54.001336
+                    -2.522833,54.000926
+                    -2.521824,54.000430
+                    -2.521321,54.000134
+                    -2.519808,54.000001
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+                    -2.517596,53.999524
+                    -2.516784,53.999009
+                    -2.516189,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998079
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+                    -2.506199,53.994570
+                    -2.505677,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993440
+                    -2.504184,53.993192
+                    -2.504555,53.992286
+                    -2.504268,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991256
+                    -2.506143,53.990479
+                    -2.505748,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.989272
+                    -2.507711,53.989167
+                    -2.508711,53.988667
+                    -2.509223,53.988314
+                    -2.510735,53.988123
+                    -2.511397,53.987765
+                    -2.510735,53.987408
+                    -2.509223,53.987317
+                    -2.507711,53.987327
+                    -2.507339,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986697
+                    -2.509085,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985219
+                    -2.507094,53.985052
+                    -2.507711,53.984566
+                    -2.508335,53.984141
+                    -2.508582,53.983240
+                    -2.508578,53.982334
+                    -2.509081,53.981433
+                    -2.509120,53.980527
+                    -2.508041,53.979621
+                    -2.507711,53.979425
+                    -2.507378,53.979621
+                    -2.506199,53.979969
+                    -2.504686,53.980193
+                    -2.503559,53.979621
+                    -2.504686,53.979321
+                    -2.505830,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978620
+                    -2.507711,53.978457
+                    -2.508972,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977661
+                    -2.510298,53.976908
+                    -2.509410,53.976002
+                    -2.510494,53.975101
+                    -2.510461,53.974195
+                    -2.510735,53.974013
+                    -2.511903,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.973079
+                    -2.513760,53.972878
+                    -2.514615,53.972383
+                    -2.515272,53.972063
+                    -2.516250,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.970962
+                    -2.513760,53.970957
+                    -2.512832,53.970575
+                    -2.512247,53.970246
+                    -2.511656,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.970942
+                    -2.510198,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
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+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532049,53.972383
+                    -2.531988,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973489
+                    -2.530681,53.974195
+                    -2.530394,53.974667
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+                    -2.515788,54.012194
+                    -2.515867,54.011288
+                    -2.515272,54.010844
+                    -2.514832,54.010386
+                    -2.514307,54.009476
+                    -2.515272,54.008737
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+                    -2.516784,54.008017
+                    -2.517363,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007316
+                    -2.516109,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006553
+                    -2.518296,54.006510
+                    -2.519492,54.006763
+                    -2.519199,54.007668
+                    -2.519808,54.007988
+                    -2.521321,54.008265
+                    -2.522317,54.007668
+                    -2.521321,54.006791
+                    -2.520991,54.006763
+                    -2.521321,54.006686
+                    -2.522049,54.005861
+                    -2.522833,54.005265
+                    -2.523300,54.004951
+                    -2.524236,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003878
+                    -2.525018,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002509
+                    -2.522833,54.002900
+                    -2.521720,54.002242
+                    -2.521321,54.001822
+                    -2.520399,54.001336
+                    -2.521027,54.000430
+                    -2.519808,54.000268
+                    -2.518296,54.000125
+                    -2.517132,53.999524
+                    -2.516784,53.999305
+                    -2.515737,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998346
+                    -2.514259,53.997717
+                    -2.514455,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996401
+                    -2.512247,53.996654
+                    -2.512128,53.995910
+                    -2.511941,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994403
+                    -2.509305,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995104
+                    -2.508646,53.995004
+                    -2.507711,53.994861
+                    -2.506199,53.994803
+                    -2.505416,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993611
+                    -2.503833,53.993192
+                    -2.504364,53.992286
+                    -2.503945,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991151
+                    -2.505954,53.990479
+                    -2.505415,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.989048
+                    -2.507711,53.988962
+                    -2.508298,53.988667
+                    -2.509223,53.988032
+                    -2.510735,53.987842
+                    -2.510886,53.987765
+                    -2.510735,53.987684
+                    -2.509223,53.987546
+                    -2.507711,53.987699
+                    -2.507046,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986568
+                    -2.508847,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985348
+                    -2.506630,53.985052
+                    -2.507711,53.984203
+                    -2.507798,53.984141
+                    -2.508176,53.983240
+                    -2.508179,53.982334
+                    -2.508656,53.981433
+                    -2.509068,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979640
+                    -2.506199,53.980145
+                    -2.504686,53.980474
+                    -2.503174,53.979697
+                    -2.503053,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979545
+                    -2.504686,53.979173
+                    -2.505547,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978543
+                    -2.507711,53.978324
+                    -2.508714,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977509
+                    -2.510079,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976150
+                    -2.509074,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975859
+                    -2.510239,53.975101
+                    -2.510114,53.974195
+                    -2.510735,53.973789
+                    -2.511539,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972850
+                    -2.513760,53.972616
+                    -2.514164,53.972383
+                    -2.515272,53.971839
+                    -2.515880,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971157
+                    -2.513760,53.971171
+                    -2.512317,53.970575
+                    -2.512247,53.970537
+                    -2.512177,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.971157
+                    -2.509895,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532120,53.972383
+                    -2.532028,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973594
+                    -2.530858,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974824
+                    -2.532288,53.975101
+                    -2.532450,53.976002
+                    -2.532220,53.976908
+                    -2.532299,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978477
+                    -2.533920,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979321
+                    -2.535560,53.979621
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+                    -2.537955,53.980780
+                    -2.538391,53.980527
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+                    -2.540061,53.980527
+                    -2.540104,53.981433
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+                    -2.541074,53.982334
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+                    -2.542491,53.983893
+                    -2.543291,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984571
+                    -2.545516,53.984857
+                    -2.547028,53.984904
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+                    -2.548540,53.985515
+                    -2.550052,53.985548
+                    -2.550668,53.985953
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+                    -2.552340,53.986859
+                    -2.552461,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985820
+                    -2.554589,53.985724
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+                    -2.556696,53.985953
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+                    -2.558665,53.985953
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+                    -2.553077,53.989348
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016733
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+                    -2.512247,54.017673
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+                    -2.515272,54.017754
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+                    -2.515272,54.017429
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+                    -2.510735,54.015813
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+                    -2.510735,54.014020
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+                    -2.515272,54.010844
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+                    -2.516784,54.007316
+                    -2.516109,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006553
+                    -2.518296,54.006510
+                    -2.519492,54.006763
+                    -2.519199,54.007668
+                    -2.519808,54.007988
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+                    -2.521321,54.006791
+                    -2.520991,54.006763
+                    -2.521321,54.006686
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+                    -2.522833,54.005265
+                    -2.523300,54.004951
+                    -2.524236,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003878
+                    -2.525018,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002509
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+                    -2.521321,54.001822
+                    -2.520399,54.001336
+                    -2.521027,54.000430
+                    -2.519808,54.000268
+                    -2.518296,54.000125
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+                    -2.515272,53.998346
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+                    -2.514455,53.996811
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+                    -2.509305,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995104
+                    -2.508646,53.995004
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+                    -2.506199,53.994803
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+                    -2.504686,53.993611
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+                    -2.503945,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991151
+                    -2.505954,53.990479
+                    -2.505415,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.989048
+                    -2.507711,53.988962
+                    -2.508298,53.988667
+                    -2.509223,53.988032
+                    -2.510735,53.987842
+                    -2.510886,53.987765
+                    -2.510735,53.987684
+                    -2.509223,53.987546
+                    -2.507711,53.987699
+                    -2.507046,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986568
+                    -2.508847,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985348
+                    -2.506630,53.985052
+                    -2.507711,53.984203
+                    -2.507798,53.984141
+                    -2.508176,53.983240
+                    -2.508179,53.982334
+                    -2.508656,53.981433
+                    -2.509068,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979640
+                    -2.506199,53.980145
+                    -2.504686,53.980474
+                    -2.503174,53.979697
+                    -2.503053,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979545
+                    -2.504686,53.979173
+                    -2.505547,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978543
+                    -2.507711,53.978324
+                    -2.508714,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977509
+                    -2.510079,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976150
+                    -2.509074,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975859
+                    -2.510239,53.975101
+                    -2.510114,53.974195
+                    -2.510735,53.973789
+                    -2.511539,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972850
+                    -2.513760,53.972616
+                    -2.514164,53.972383
+                    -2.515272,53.971839
+                    -2.515880,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971157
+                    -2.513760,53.971171
+                    -2.512317,53.970575
+                    -2.512247,53.970537
+                    -2.512177,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.971157
+                    -2.509895,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532120,53.972383
+                    -2.532028,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973594
+                    -2.530858,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974824
+                    -2.532288,53.975101
+                    -2.532450,53.976002
+                    -2.532220,53.976908
+                    -2.532299,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978477
+                    -2.533920,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979321
+                    -2.535560,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.980150
+                    -2.537535,53.980527
+                    -2.537955,53.980780
+                    -2.538391,53.980527
+                    -2.539467,53.980293
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+                    -2.540104,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.982272
+                    -2.541074,53.982334
+                    -2.541396,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983893
+                    -2.543291,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984571
+                    -2.545516,53.984857
+                    -2.547028,53.984904
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+                    -2.548540,53.985515
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+                    -2.552340,53.986859
+                    -2.552461,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985820
+                    -2.554589,53.985724
+                    -2.556101,53.985701
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+                    -2.513760,54.020019
+                    -2.512247,54.019828
+                    -2.511544,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.019008
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016733
+                    -2.512166,54.017620
+                    -2.512247,54.017673
+                    -2.513760,54.017782
+                    -2.515272,54.017754
+                    -2.515522,54.017620
+                    -2.515272,54.017429
+                    -2.514633,54.016719
+                    -2.513760,54.016223
+                    -2.512247,54.016452
+                    -2.510735,54.016700
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014020
+                    -2.510962,54.014001
+                    -2.512247,54.013796
+                    -2.512670,54.013095
+                    -2.513449,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011827
+                    -2.514756,54.012194
+                    -2.515272,54.012504
+                    -2.515788,54.012194
+                    -2.515867,54.011288
+                    -2.515272,54.010844
+                    -2.514832,54.010386
+                    -2.514307,54.009476
+                    -2.515272,54.008737
+                    -2.515569,54.008574
+                    -2.516784,54.008017
+                    -2.517363,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007316
+                    -2.516109,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006553
+                    -2.518296,54.006510
+                    -2.519492,54.006763
+                    -2.519199,54.007668
+                    -2.519808,54.007988
+                    -2.521321,54.008265
+                    -2.522317,54.007668
+                    -2.521321,54.006791
+                    -2.520991,54.006763
+                    -2.521321,54.006686
+                    -2.522049,54.005861
+                    -2.522833,54.005265
+                    -2.523300,54.004951
+                    -2.524236,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003878
+                    -2.525018,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002509
+                    -2.522833,54.002900
+                    -2.521720,54.002242
+                    -2.521321,54.001822
+                    -2.520399,54.001336
+                    -2.521027,54.000430
+                    -2.519808,54.000268
+                    -2.518296,54.000125
+                    -2.517132,53.999524
+                    -2.516784,53.999305
+                    -2.515737,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998346
+                    -2.514259,53.997717
+                    -2.514455,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996401
+                    -2.512247,53.996654
+                    -2.512128,53.995910
+                    -2.511941,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994403
+                    -2.509305,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995104
+                    -2.508646,53.995004
+                    -2.507711,53.994861
+                    -2.506199,53.994803
+                    -2.505416,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993611
+                    -2.503833,53.993192
+                    -2.504364,53.992286
+                    -2.503945,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991151
+                    -2.505954,53.990479
+                    -2.505415,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.989048
+                    -2.507711,53.988962
+                    -2.508298,53.988667
+                    -2.509223,53.988032
+                    -2.510735,53.987842
+                    -2.510886,53.987765
+                    -2.510735,53.987684
+                    -2.509223,53.987546
+                    -2.507711,53.987699
+                    -2.507046,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986568
+                    -2.508847,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985348
+                    -2.506630,53.985052
+                    -2.507711,53.984203
+                    -2.507798,53.984141
+                    -2.508176,53.983240
+                    -2.508179,53.982334
+                    -2.508656,53.981433
+                    -2.509068,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979640
+                    -2.506199,53.980145
+                    -2.504686,53.980474
+                    -2.503174,53.979697
+                    -2.503053,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979545
+                    -2.504686,53.979173
+                    -2.505547,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978543
+                    -2.507711,53.978324
+                    -2.508714,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977509
+                    -2.510079,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976150
+                    -2.509074,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975859
+                    -2.510239,53.975101
+                    -2.510114,53.974195
+                    -2.510735,53.973789
+                    -2.511539,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972850
+                    -2.513760,53.972616
+                    -2.514164,53.972383
+                    -2.515272,53.971839
+                    -2.515880,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971157
+                    -2.513760,53.971171
+                    -2.512317,53.970575
+                    -2.512247,53.970537
+                    -2.512177,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.971157
+                    -2.509895,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532120,53.972383
+                    -2.532028,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973594
+                    -2.530858,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974824
+                    -2.532288,53.975101
+                    -2.532450,53.976002
+                    -2.532220,53.976908
+                    -2.532299,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978477
+                    -2.533920,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979321
+                    -2.535560,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.980150
+                    -2.537535,53.980527
+                    -2.537955,53.980780
+                    -2.538391,53.980527
+                    -2.539467,53.980293
+                    -2.540061,53.980527
+                    -2.540104,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.982272
+                    -2.541074,53.982334
+                    -2.541396,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983893
+                    -2.543291,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984571
+                    -2.545516,53.984857
+                    -2.547028,53.984904
+                    -2.547761,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985515
+                    -2.550052,53.985548
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+                    -2.550789,53.986859
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+                    -2.552340,53.986859
+                    -2.552461,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985820
+                    -2.554589,53.985724
+                    -2.556101,53.985701
+                    -2.556696,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986506
+                    -2.558665,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985648
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+                    -2.560638,53.986650
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+                    -2.563662,53.989716
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+                    -2.563662,53.993592
+                    -2.562150,53.993492
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+                    -2.560555,53.993192
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+                    -2.553077,53.989348
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+                    -2.553077,53.989768
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016733
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+                    -2.512247,54.017673
+                    -2.513760,54.017782
+                    -2.515272,54.017754
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+                    -2.515272,54.017429
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+                    -2.512247,54.016452
+                    -2.510735,54.016700
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014020
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+                    -2.512247,54.013796
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+                    -2.513760,54.011827
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+                    -2.515272,54.012504
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+                    -2.515867,54.011288
+                    -2.515272,54.010844
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+                    -2.515272,54.008737
+                    -2.515569,54.008574
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+                    -2.517363,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007316
+                    -2.516109,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006553
+                    -2.518296,54.006510
+                    -2.519492,54.006763
+                    -2.519199,54.007668
+                    -2.519808,54.007988
+                    -2.521321,54.008265
+                    -2.522317,54.007668
+                    -2.521321,54.006791
+                    -2.520991,54.006763
+                    -2.521321,54.006686
+                    -2.522049,54.005861
+                    -2.522833,54.005265
+                    -2.523300,54.004951
+                    -2.524236,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003878
+                    -2.525018,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002509
+                    -2.522833,54.002900
+                    -2.521720,54.002242
+                    -2.521321,54.001822
+                    -2.520399,54.001336
+                    -2.521027,54.000430
+                    -2.519808,54.000268
+                    -2.518296,54.000125
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+                    -2.515272,53.998346
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+                    -2.514455,53.996811
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+                    -2.509305,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995104
+                    -2.508646,53.995004
+                    -2.507711,53.994861
+                    -2.506199,53.994803
+                    -2.505416,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993611
+                    -2.503833,53.993192
+                    -2.504364,53.992286
+                    -2.503945,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991151
+                    -2.505954,53.990479
+                    -2.505415,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.989048
+                    -2.507711,53.988962
+                    -2.508298,53.988667
+                    -2.509223,53.988032
+                    -2.510735,53.987842
+                    -2.510886,53.987765
+                    -2.510735,53.987684
+                    -2.509223,53.987546
+                    -2.507711,53.987699
+                    -2.507046,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986568
+                    -2.508847,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985348
+                    -2.506630,53.985052
+                    -2.507711,53.984203
+                    -2.507798,53.984141
+                    -2.508176,53.983240
+                    -2.508179,53.982334
+                    -2.508656,53.981433
+                    -2.509068,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979640
+                    -2.506199,53.980145
+                    -2.504686,53.980474
+                    -2.503174,53.979697
+                    -2.503053,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979545
+                    -2.504686,53.979173
+                    -2.505547,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978543
+                    -2.507711,53.978324
+                    -2.508714,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977509
+                    -2.510079,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976150
+                    -2.509074,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975859
+                    -2.510239,53.975101
+                    -2.510114,53.974195
+                    -2.510735,53.973789
+                    -2.511539,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972850
+                    -2.513760,53.972616
+                    -2.514164,53.972383
+                    -2.515272,53.971839
+                    -2.515880,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971157
+                    -2.513760,53.971171
+                    -2.512317,53.970575
+                    -2.512247,53.970537
+                    -2.512177,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.971157
+                    -2.509895,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532120,53.972383
+                    -2.532028,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973594
+                    -2.530858,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974824
+                    -2.532288,53.975101
+                    -2.532450,53.976002
+                    -2.532220,53.976908
+                    -2.532299,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978477
+                    -2.533920,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979321
+                    -2.535560,53.979621
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+                    -2.530394,54.020782
+                    -2.531906,54.020934
+                    -2.532345,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.022083
+                    -2.533478,54.022145
+                    -2.534184,54.023051
+                    -2.534874,54.023952
+                    -2.534930,54.023986
+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025111
+                    -2.531906,54.025154
+                    -2.530394,54.024930
+                    -2.528882,54.024920
+                    -2.527369,54.024892
+                    -2.527293,54.024858
+                    -2.525857,54.024439
+                    -2.524990,54.023952
+                    -2.524345,54.023585
+                    -2.523211,54.023051
+                    -2.522833,54.022841
+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520682,54.022145
+                    -2.519808,54.021478
+                    -2.518296,54.021564
+                    -2.517477,54.021239
+                    -2.516784,54.020610
+                    -2.515893,54.020333
+                    -2.515272,54.020162
+                    -2.513760,54.020019
+                    -2.512247,54.019828
+                    -2.511544,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.019008
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016733
+                    -2.512166,54.017620
+                    -2.512247,54.017673
+                    -2.513760,54.017782
+                    -2.515272,54.017754
+                    -2.515522,54.017620
+                    -2.515272,54.017429
+                    -2.514633,54.016719
+                    -2.513760,54.016223
+                    -2.512247,54.016452
+                    -2.510735,54.016700
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014020
+                    -2.510962,54.014001
+                    -2.512247,54.013796
+                    -2.512670,54.013095
+                    -2.513449,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011827
+                    -2.514756,54.012194
+                    -2.515272,54.012504
+                    -2.515788,54.012194
+                    -2.515867,54.011288
+                    -2.515272,54.010844
+                    -2.514832,54.010386
+                    -2.514307,54.009476
+                    -2.515272,54.008737
+                    -2.515569,54.008574
+                    -2.516784,54.008017
+                    -2.517363,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007316
+                    -2.516109,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006553
+                    -2.518296,54.006510
+                    -2.519492,54.006763
+                    -2.519199,54.007668
+                    -2.519808,54.007988
+                    -2.521321,54.008265
+                    -2.522317,54.007668
+                    -2.521321,54.006791
+                    -2.520991,54.006763
+                    -2.521321,54.006686
+                    -2.522049,54.005861
+                    -2.522833,54.005265
+                    -2.523300,54.004951
+                    -2.524236,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003878
+                    -2.525018,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002509
+                    -2.522833,54.002900
+                    -2.521720,54.002242
+                    -2.521321,54.001822
+                    -2.520399,54.001336
+                    -2.521027,54.000430
+                    -2.519808,54.000268
+                    -2.518296,54.000125
+                    -2.517132,53.999524
+                    -2.516784,53.999305
+                    -2.515737,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998346
+                    -2.514259,53.997717
+                    -2.514455,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996401
+                    -2.512247,53.996654
+                    -2.512128,53.995910
+                    -2.511941,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994403
+                    -2.509305,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995104
+                    -2.508646,53.995004
+                    -2.507711,53.994861
+                    -2.506199,53.994803
+                    -2.505416,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993611
+                    -2.503833,53.993192
+                    -2.504364,53.992286
+                    -2.503945,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991151
+                    -2.505954,53.990479
+                    -2.505415,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.989048
+                    -2.507711,53.988962
+                    -2.508298,53.988667
+                    -2.509223,53.988032
+                    -2.510735,53.987842
+                    -2.510886,53.987765
+                    -2.510735,53.987684
+                    -2.509223,53.987546
+                    -2.507711,53.987699
+                    -2.507046,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986568
+                    -2.508847,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985348
+                    -2.506630,53.985052
+                    -2.507711,53.984203
+                    -2.507798,53.984141
+                    -2.508176,53.983240
+                    -2.508179,53.982334
+                    -2.508656,53.981433
+                    -2.509068,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979640
+                    -2.506199,53.980145
+                    -2.504686,53.980474
+                    -2.503174,53.979697
+                    -2.503053,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979545
+                    -2.504686,53.979173
+                    -2.505547,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978543
+                    -2.507711,53.978324
+                    -2.508714,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977509
+                    -2.510079,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976150
+                    -2.509074,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975859
+                    -2.510239,53.975101
+                    -2.510114,53.974195
+                    -2.510735,53.973789
+                    -2.511539,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972850
+                    -2.513760,53.972616
+                    -2.514164,53.972383
+                    -2.515272,53.971839
+                    -2.515880,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971157
+                    -2.513760,53.971171
+                    -2.512317,53.970575
+                    -2.512247,53.970537
+                    -2.512177,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.971157
+                    -2.509895,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532120,53.972383
+                    -2.532028,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973594
+                    -2.530858,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974824
+                    -2.532288,53.975101
+                    -2.532450,53.976002
+                    -2.532220,53.976908
+                    -2.532299,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978477
+                    -2.533920,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979321
+                    -2.535560,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.980150
+                    -2.537535,53.980527
+                    -2.537955,53.980780
+                    -2.538391,53.980527
+                    -2.539467,53.980293
+                    -2.540061,53.980527
+                    -2.540104,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.982272
+                    -2.541074,53.982334
+                    -2.541396,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983893
+                    -2.543291,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984571
+                    -2.545516,53.984857
+                    -2.547028,53.984904
+                    -2.547761,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985515
+                    -2.550052,53.985548
+                    -2.550668,53.985953
+                    -2.550789,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987327
+                    -2.552340,53.986859
+                    -2.552461,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985820
+                    -2.554589,53.985724
+                    -2.556101,53.985701
+                    -2.556696,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986506
+                    -2.558665,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985648
+                    -2.559381,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986650
+                    -2.562150,53.986540
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+                    -2.563662,53.989716
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+                    -2.565174,53.991675
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+                    -2.563662,53.993592
+                    -2.562150,53.993492
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+                    -2.560638,53.994269
+                    -2.560342,53.994098
+                    -2.560555,53.993192
+                    -2.560579,53.992286
+                    -2.560069,53.991385
+                    -2.559941,53.990479
+                    -2.559125,53.989992
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+                    -2.554589,53.988123
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+                    -2.552111,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989348
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+                    -2.553077,53.989768
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+                    -2.531906,54.025154
+                    -2.530394,54.024930
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+                    -2.527293,54.024858
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+                    -2.524345,54.023585
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016733
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+                    -2.512247,54.017673
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+                    -2.515272,54.017754
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+                    -2.515272,54.017429
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+                    -2.513760,54.016223
+                    -2.512247,54.016452
+                    -2.510735,54.016700
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014020
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+                    -2.512247,54.013796
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+                    -2.513760,54.011827
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+                    -2.515272,54.012504
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+                    -2.515867,54.011288
+                    -2.515272,54.010844
+                    -2.514832,54.010386
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+                    -2.515272,54.008737
+                    -2.515569,54.008574
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+                    -2.517363,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007316
+                    -2.516109,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006553
+                    -2.518296,54.006510
+                    -2.519492,54.006763
+                    -2.519199,54.007668
+                    -2.519808,54.007988
+                    -2.521321,54.008265
+                    -2.522317,54.007668
+                    -2.521321,54.006791
+                    -2.520991,54.006763
+                    -2.521321,54.006686
+                    -2.522049,54.005861
+                    -2.522833,54.005265
+                    -2.523300,54.004951
+                    -2.524236,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003878
+                    -2.525018,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002509
+                    -2.522833,54.002900
+                    -2.521720,54.002242
+                    -2.521321,54.001822
+                    -2.520399,54.001336
+                    -2.521027,54.000430
+                    -2.519808,54.000268
+                    -2.518296,54.000125
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+                    -2.516784,53.999305
+                    -2.515737,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998346
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+                    -2.514455,53.996811
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+                    -2.510735,53.994403
+                    -2.509305,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995104
+                    -2.508646,53.995004
+                    -2.507711,53.994861
+                    -2.506199,53.994803
+                    -2.505416,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993611
+                    -2.503833,53.993192
+                    -2.504364,53.992286
+                    -2.503945,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991151
+                    -2.505954,53.990479
+                    -2.505415,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.989048
+                    -2.507711,53.988962
+                    -2.508298,53.988667
+                    -2.509223,53.988032
+                    -2.510735,53.987842
+                    -2.510886,53.987765
+                    -2.510735,53.987684
+                    -2.509223,53.987546
+                    -2.507711,53.987699
+                    -2.507046,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986568
+                    -2.508847,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985348
+                    -2.506630,53.985052
+                    -2.507711,53.984203
+                    -2.507798,53.984141
+                    -2.508176,53.983240
+                    -2.508179,53.982334
+                    -2.508656,53.981433
+                    -2.509068,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979640
+                    -2.506199,53.980145
+                    -2.504686,53.980474
+                    -2.503174,53.979697
+                    -2.503053,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979545
+                    -2.504686,53.979173
+                    -2.505547,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978543
+                    -2.507711,53.978324
+                    -2.508714,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977509
+                    -2.510079,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976150
+                    -2.509074,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975859
+                    -2.510239,53.975101
+                    -2.510114,53.974195
+                    -2.510735,53.973789
+                    -2.511539,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972850
+                    -2.513760,53.972616
+                    -2.514164,53.972383
+                    -2.515272,53.971839
+                    -2.515880,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971157
+                    -2.513760,53.971171
+                    -2.512317,53.970575
+                    -2.512247,53.970537
+                    -2.512177,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.971157
+                    -2.509895,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
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+                    -2.535525,54.010386
+                    -2.534930,54.010978
+                    -2.534500,54.011288
+                    -2.533925,54.012194
+                    -2.534930,54.012694
+                    -2.536010,54.013095
+                    -2.534930,54.013371
+                    -2.533418,54.013133
+                    -2.533339,54.013095
+                    -2.531906,54.012446
+                    -2.530760,54.012194
+                    -2.530394,54.012151
+                    -2.530318,54.012194
+                    -2.529480,54.013095
+                    -2.528923,54.014001
+                    -2.529591,54.014907
+                    -2.530394,54.015288
+                    -2.531906,54.015493
+                    -2.533418,54.015627
+                    -2.534219,54.015813
+                    -2.533501,54.016719
+                    -2.533418,54.016895
+                    -2.532698,54.017620
+                    -2.532962,54.018526
+                    -2.531906,54.018779
+                    -2.530758,54.019427
+                    -2.530394,54.019794
+                    -2.529648,54.020333
+                    -2.530394,54.020782
+                    -2.531906,54.020934
+                    -2.532345,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.022083
+                    -2.533478,54.022145
+                    -2.534184,54.023051
+                    -2.534874,54.023952
+                    -2.534930,54.023986
+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025111
+                    -2.531906,54.025154
+                    -2.530394,54.024930
+                    -2.528882,54.024920
+                    -2.527369,54.024892
+                    -2.527293,54.024858
+                    -2.525857,54.024439
+                    -2.524990,54.023952
+                    -2.524345,54.023585
+                    -2.523211,54.023051
+                    -2.522833,54.022841
+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520682,54.022145
+                    -2.519808,54.021478
+                    -2.518296,54.021564
+                    -2.517477,54.021239
+                    -2.516784,54.020610
+                    -2.515893,54.020333
+                    -2.515272,54.020162
+                    -2.513760,54.020019
+                    -2.512247,54.019828
+                    -2.511544,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.019008
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016733
+                    -2.512166,54.017620
+                    -2.512247,54.017673
+                    -2.513760,54.017782
+                    -2.515272,54.017754
+                    -2.515522,54.017620
+                    -2.515272,54.017429
+                    -2.514633,54.016719
+                    -2.513760,54.016223
+                    -2.512247,54.016452
+                    -2.510735,54.016700
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014020
+                    -2.510962,54.014001
+                    -2.512247,54.013796
+                    -2.512670,54.013095
+                    -2.513449,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011827
+                    -2.514756,54.012194
+                    -2.515272,54.012504
+                    -2.515788,54.012194
+                    -2.515867,54.011288
+                    -2.515272,54.010844
+                    -2.514832,54.010386
+                    -2.514307,54.009476
+                    -2.515272,54.008737
+                    -2.515569,54.008574
+                    -2.516784,54.008017
+                    -2.517363,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007316
+                    -2.516109,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006553
+                    -2.518296,54.006510
+                    -2.519492,54.006763
+                    -2.519199,54.007668
+                    -2.519808,54.007988
+                    -2.521321,54.008265
+                    -2.522317,54.007668
+                    -2.521321,54.006791
+                    -2.520991,54.006763
+                    -2.521321,54.006686
+                    -2.522049,54.005861
+                    -2.522833,54.005265
+                    -2.523300,54.004951
+                    -2.524236,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003878
+                    -2.525018,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002509
+                    -2.522833,54.002900
+                    -2.521720,54.002242
+                    -2.521321,54.001822
+                    -2.520399,54.001336
+                    -2.521027,54.000430
+                    -2.519808,54.000268
+                    -2.518296,54.000125
+                    -2.517132,53.999524
+                    -2.516784,53.999305
+                    -2.515737,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998346
+                    -2.514259,53.997717
+                    -2.514455,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996401
+                    -2.512247,53.996654
+                    -2.512128,53.995910
+                    -2.511941,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994403
+                    -2.509305,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995104
+                    -2.508646,53.995004
+                    -2.507711,53.994861
+                    -2.506199,53.994803
+                    -2.505416,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993611
+                    -2.503833,53.993192
+                    -2.504364,53.992286
+                    -2.503945,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991151
+                    -2.505954,53.990479
+                    -2.505415,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.989048
+                    -2.507711,53.988962
+                    -2.508298,53.988667
+                    -2.509223,53.988032
+                    -2.510735,53.987842
+                    -2.510886,53.987765
+                    -2.510735,53.987684
+                    -2.509223,53.987546
+                    -2.507711,53.987699
+                    -2.507046,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986568
+                    -2.508847,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985348
+                    -2.506630,53.985052
+                    -2.507711,53.984203
+                    -2.507798,53.984141
+                    -2.508176,53.983240
+                    -2.508179,53.982334
+                    -2.508656,53.981433
+                    -2.509068,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979640
+                    -2.506199,53.980145
+                    -2.504686,53.980474
+                    -2.503174,53.979697
+                    -2.503053,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979545
+                    -2.504686,53.979173
+                    -2.505547,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978543
+                    -2.507711,53.978324
+                    -2.508714,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977509
+                    -2.510079,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976150
+                    -2.509074,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975859
+                    -2.510239,53.975101
+                    -2.510114,53.974195
+                    -2.510735,53.973789
+                    -2.511539,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972850
+                    -2.513760,53.972616
+                    -2.514164,53.972383
+                    -2.515272,53.971839
+                    -2.515880,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971157
+                    -2.513760,53.971171
+                    -2.512317,53.970575
+                    -2.512247,53.970537
+                    -2.512177,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.971157
+                    -2.509895,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532120,53.972383
+                    -2.532028,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973594
+                    -2.530858,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974824
+                    -2.532288,53.975101
+                    -2.532450,53.976002
+                    -2.532220,53.976908
+                    -2.532299,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978477
+                    -2.533920,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979321
+                    -2.535560,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.980150
+                    -2.537535,53.980527
+                    -2.537955,53.980780
+                    -2.538391,53.980527
+                    -2.539467,53.980293
+                    -2.540061,53.980527
+                    -2.540104,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.982272
+                    -2.541074,53.982334
+                    -2.541396,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983893
+                    -2.543291,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984571
+                    -2.545516,53.984857
+                    -2.547028,53.984904
+                    -2.547761,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985515
+                    -2.550052,53.985548
+                    -2.550668,53.985953
+                    -2.550789,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987327
+                    -2.552340,53.986859
+                    -2.552461,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985820
+                    -2.554589,53.985724
+                    -2.556101,53.985701
+                    -2.556696,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986506
+                    -2.558665,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985648
+                    -2.559381,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986650
+                    -2.562150,53.986540
+                    -2.562557,53.986859
+                    -2.563226,53.987765
+                    -2.563652,53.988667
+                    -2.563593,53.989577
+                    -2.563662,53.989716
+                    -2.563896,53.990479
+                    -2.565174,53.991070
+                    -2.565419,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991675
+                    -2.564244,53.992286
+                    -2.563873,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.993592
+                    -2.562150,53.993492
+                    -2.561225,53.994098
+                    -2.560638,53.994269
+                    -2.560342,53.994098
+                    -2.560555,53.993192
+                    -2.560579,53.992286
+                    -2.560069,53.991385
+                    -2.559941,53.990479
+                    -2.559125,53.989992
+                    -2.557613,53.989878
+                    -2.557270,53.989577
+                    -2.556101,53.988948
+                    -2.555504,53.988667
+                    -2.554589,53.988123
+                    -2.553077,53.988090
+                    -2.552111,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989348
+                    -2.553780,53.989577
+                    -2.553077,53.989768
+                    -2.551603,53.990479
+                    -2.552092,53.991385
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+                    -2.550052,53.991561
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+                    -2.531906,54.025154
+                    -2.530394,54.024930
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+                    -2.527293,54.024858
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+                    -2.524345,54.023585
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+                    -2.518296,54.021564
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016733
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+                    -2.512247,54.017673
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+                    -2.515272,54.017754
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+                    -2.515272,54.017429
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+                    -2.512247,54.016452
+                    -2.510735,54.016700
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014020
+                    -2.510962,54.014001
+                    -2.512247,54.013796
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+                    -2.513449,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011827
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+                    -2.515272,54.012504
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+                    -2.515867,54.011288
+                    -2.515272,54.010844
+                    -2.514832,54.010386
+                    -2.514307,54.009476
+                    -2.515272,54.008737
+                    -2.515569,54.008574
+                    -2.516784,54.008017
+                    -2.517363,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007316
+                    -2.516109,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006553
+                    -2.518296,54.006510
+                    -2.519492,54.006763
+                    -2.519199,54.007668
+                    -2.519808,54.007988
+                    -2.521321,54.008265
+                    -2.522317,54.007668
+                    -2.521321,54.006791
+                    -2.520991,54.006763
+                    -2.521321,54.006686
+                    -2.522049,54.005861
+                    -2.522833,54.005265
+                    -2.523300,54.004951
+                    -2.524236,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003878
+                    -2.525018,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002509
+                    -2.522833,54.002900
+                    -2.521720,54.002242
+                    -2.521321,54.001822
+                    -2.520399,54.001336
+                    -2.521027,54.000430
+                    -2.519808,54.000268
+                    -2.518296,54.000125
+                    -2.517132,53.999524
+                    -2.516784,53.999305
+                    -2.515737,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998346
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+                    -2.514455,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996401
+                    -2.512247,53.996654
+                    -2.512128,53.995910
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+                    -2.510735,53.994403
+                    -2.509305,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995104
+                    -2.508646,53.995004
+                    -2.507711,53.994861
+                    -2.506199,53.994803
+                    -2.505416,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993611
+                    -2.503833,53.993192
+                    -2.504364,53.992286
+                    -2.503945,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991151
+                    -2.505954,53.990479
+                    -2.505415,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.989048
+                    -2.507711,53.988962
+                    -2.508298,53.988667
+                    -2.509223,53.988032
+                    -2.510735,53.987842
+                    -2.510886,53.987765
+                    -2.510735,53.987684
+                    -2.509223,53.987546
+                    -2.507711,53.987699
+                    -2.507046,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986568
+                    -2.508847,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985348
+                    -2.506630,53.985052
+                    -2.507711,53.984203
+                    -2.507798,53.984141
+                    -2.508176,53.983240
+                    -2.508179,53.982334
+                    -2.508656,53.981433
+                    -2.509068,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979640
+                    -2.506199,53.980145
+                    -2.504686,53.980474
+                    -2.503174,53.979697
+                    -2.503053,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979545
+                    -2.504686,53.979173
+                    -2.505547,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978543
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+                    -2.509223,53.976150
+                    -2.509074,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975859
+                    -2.510239,53.975101
+                    -2.510114,53.974195
+                    -2.510735,53.973789
+                    -2.511539,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972850
+                    -2.513760,53.972616
+                    -2.514164,53.972383
+                    -2.515272,53.971839
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+                    -2.515272,53.971157
+                    -2.513760,53.971171
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+                    -2.512247,53.970537
+                    -2.512177,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.971157
+                    -2.509895,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532120,53.972383
+                    -2.532028,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973594
+                    -2.530858,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974824
+                    -2.532288,53.975101
+                    -2.532450,53.976002
+                    -2.532220,53.976908
+                    -2.532299,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978477
+                    -2.533920,53.978715
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+                    -2.535560,53.979621
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+                    -2.537535,53.980527
+                    -2.537955,53.980780
+                    -2.538391,53.980527
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+                    -2.540061,53.980527
+                    -2.540104,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.982272
+                    -2.541074,53.982334
+                    -2.541396,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983893
+                    -2.543291,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984571
+                    -2.545516,53.984857
+                    -2.547028,53.984904
+                    -2.547761,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985515
+                    -2.550052,53.985548
+                    -2.550668,53.985953
+                    -2.550789,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987327
+                    -2.552340,53.986859
+                    -2.552461,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985820
+                    -2.554589,53.985724
+                    -2.556101,53.985701
+                    -2.556696,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986506
+                    -2.558665,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985648
+                    -2.559381,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986650
+                    -2.562150,53.986540
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+                    -2.563593,53.989577
+                    -2.563662,53.989716
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+                    -2.565174,53.991675
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+                    -2.563662,53.993592
+                    -2.562150,53.993492
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+                    -2.560342,53.994098
+                    -2.560555,53.993192
+                    -2.560579,53.992286
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+                    -2.559941,53.990479
+                    -2.559125,53.989992
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+                    -2.557270,53.989577
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+                    -2.555504,53.988667
+                    -2.554589,53.988123
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+                    -2.552111,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989348
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+                    -2.553077,53.989768
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+                    -2.550052,53.991561
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016733
+                    -2.512166,54.017620
+                    -2.512247,54.017673
+                    -2.513760,54.017782
+                    -2.515272,54.017754
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+                    -2.515272,54.017429
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+                    -2.513760,54.016223
+                    -2.512247,54.016452
+                    -2.510735,54.016700
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014020
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+                    -2.512247,54.013796
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+                    -2.513760,54.011827
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+                    -2.515272,54.008737
+                    -2.515569,54.008574
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+                    -2.517363,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007316
+                    -2.516109,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006553
+                    -2.518296,54.006510
+                    -2.519492,54.006763
+                    -2.519199,54.007668
+                    -2.519808,54.007988
+                    -2.521321,54.008265
+                    -2.522317,54.007668
+                    -2.521321,54.006791
+                    -2.520991,54.006763
+                    -2.521321,54.006686
+                    -2.522049,54.005861
+                    -2.522833,54.005265
+                    -2.523300,54.004951
+                    -2.524236,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003878
+                    -2.525018,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002509
+                    -2.522833,54.002900
+                    -2.521720,54.002242
+                    -2.521321,54.001822
+                    -2.520399,54.001336
+                    -2.521027,54.000430
+                    -2.519808,54.000268
+                    -2.518296,54.000125
+                    -2.517132,53.999524
+                    -2.516784,53.999305
+                    -2.515737,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998346
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+                    -2.514455,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996401
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+                    -2.509305,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995104
+                    -2.508646,53.995004
+                    -2.507711,53.994861
+                    -2.506199,53.994803
+                    -2.505416,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993611
+                    -2.503833,53.993192
+                    -2.504364,53.992286
+                    -2.503945,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991151
+                    -2.505954,53.990479
+                    -2.505415,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.989048
+                    -2.507711,53.988962
+                    -2.508298,53.988667
+                    -2.509223,53.988032
+                    -2.510735,53.987842
+                    -2.510886,53.987765
+                    -2.510735,53.987684
+                    -2.509223,53.987546
+                    -2.507711,53.987699
+                    -2.507046,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986568
+                    -2.508847,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985348
+                    -2.506630,53.985052
+                    -2.507711,53.984203
+                    -2.507798,53.984141
+                    -2.508176,53.983240
+                    -2.508179,53.982334
+                    -2.508656,53.981433
+                    -2.509068,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979640
+                    -2.506199,53.980145
+                    -2.504686,53.980474
+                    -2.503174,53.979697
+                    -2.503053,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979545
+                    -2.504686,53.979173
+                    -2.505547,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978543
+                    -2.507711,53.978324
+                    -2.508714,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977509
+                    -2.510079,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976150
+                    -2.509074,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975859
+                    -2.510239,53.975101
+                    -2.510114,53.974195
+                    -2.510735,53.973789
+                    -2.511539,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972850
+                    -2.513760,53.972616
+                    -2.514164,53.972383
+                    -2.515272,53.971839
+                    -2.515880,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971157
+                    -2.513760,53.971171
+                    -2.512317,53.970575
+                    -2.512247,53.970537
+                    -2.512177,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.971157
+                    -2.509895,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532120,53.972383
+                    -2.532028,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973594
+                    -2.530858,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974824
+                    -2.532288,53.975101
+                    -2.532450,53.976002
+                    -2.532220,53.976908
+                    -2.532299,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978477
+                    -2.533920,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979321
+                    -2.535560,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.980150
+                    -2.537535,53.980527
+                    -2.537955,53.980780
+                    -2.538391,53.980527
+                    -2.539467,53.980293
+                    -2.540061,53.980527
+                    -2.540104,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.982272
+                    -2.541074,53.982334
+                    -2.541396,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983893
+                    -2.543291,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984571
+                    -2.545516,53.984857
+                    -2.547028,53.984904
+                    -2.547761,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985515
+                    -2.550052,53.985548
+                    -2.550668,53.985953
+                    -2.550789,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987327
+                    -2.552340,53.986859
+                    -2.552461,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985820
+                    -2.554589,53.985724
+                    -2.556101,53.985701
+                    -2.556696,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986506
+                    -2.558665,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985648
+                    -2.559381,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986650
+                    -2.562150,53.986540
+                    -2.562557,53.986859
+                    -2.563226,53.987765
+                    -2.563652,53.988667
+                    -2.563593,53.989577
+                    -2.563662,53.989716
+                    -2.563896,53.990479
+                    -2.565174,53.991070
+                    -2.565419,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991675
+                    -2.564244,53.992286
+                    -2.563873,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.993592
+                    -2.562150,53.993492
+                    -2.561225,53.994098
+                    -2.560638,53.994269
+                    -2.560342,53.994098
+                    -2.560555,53.993192
+                    -2.560579,53.992286
+                    -2.560069,53.991385
+                    -2.559941,53.990479
+                    -2.559125,53.989992
+                    -2.557613,53.989878
+                    -2.557270,53.989577
+                    -2.556101,53.988948
+                    -2.555504,53.988667
+                    -2.554589,53.988123
+                    -2.553077,53.988090
+                    -2.552111,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989348
+                    -2.553780,53.989577
+                    -2.553077,53.989768
+                    -2.551603,53.990479
+                    -2.552092,53.991385
+                    -2.551564,53.991408
+                    -2.550052,53.991561
+                    -2.549431,53.991385
+                    -2.549721,53.990479
+                    -2.548540,53.990216
+                    -2.547655,53.990479
+                    -2.547028,53.990607
+                    -2.545516,53.991127
+                    -2.544003,53.991041
+                    -2.542491,53.990765
+                    -2.541804,53.991385
+                    -2.541728,53.992286
+                    -2.540979,53.992438
+                    -2.540032,53.992286
+                    -2.539467,53.991404
+                    -2.539448,53.991385
+                    -2.537955,53.991122
+                    -2.537551,53.991385
+                    -2.537955,53.991995
+                    -2.538621,53.992286
+                    -2.537955,53.992844
+                    -2.536443,53.992982
+                    -2.536077,53.993192
+                    -2.536115,53.994098
+                    -2.536443,53.994784
+                    -2.536925,53.995004
+                    -2.536443,53.995242
+                    -2.536140,53.995910
+                    -2.535879,53.996811
+                    -2.534930,53.997455
+                    -2.533532,53.997717
+                    -2.534930,53.998008
+                    -2.535604,53.998618
+                    -2.536443,53.999133
+                    -2.537185,53.999524
+                    -2.537236,54.000430
+                    -2.536443,54.000659
+                    -2.535281,54.001336
+                    -2.535004,54.002242
+                    -2.534930,54.002280
+                    -2.534775,54.002242
+                    -2.533418,54.002028
+                    -2.533036,54.002242
+                    -2.532935,54.003143
+                    -2.533418,54.004021
+                    -2.533576,54.004049
+                    -2.534930,54.004126
+                    -2.536443,54.004374
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+                    -2.508298,53.988667
+                    -2.509223,53.988032
+                    -2.510735,53.987842
+                    -2.510886,53.987765
+                    -2.510735,53.987684
+                    -2.509223,53.987546
+                    -2.507711,53.987699
+                    -2.507046,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986568
+                    -2.508847,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985348
+                    -2.506630,53.985052
+                    -2.507711,53.984203
+                    -2.507798,53.984141
+                    -2.508176,53.983240
+                    -2.508179,53.982334
+                    -2.508656,53.981433
+                    -2.509068,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979640
+                    -2.506199,53.980145
+                    -2.504686,53.980474
+                    -2.503174,53.979697
+                    -2.503053,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979545
+                    -2.504686,53.979173
+                    -2.505547,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978543
+                    -2.507711,53.978324
+                    -2.508714,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977509
+                    -2.510079,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976150
+                    -2.509074,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975859
+                    -2.510239,53.975101
+                    -2.510114,53.974195
+                    -2.510735,53.973789
+                    -2.511539,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972850
+                    -2.513760,53.972616
+                    -2.514164,53.972383
+                    -2.515272,53.971839
+                    -2.515880,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971157
+                    -2.513760,53.971171
+                    -2.512317,53.970575
+                    -2.512247,53.970537
+                    -2.512177,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.971157
+                    -2.509895,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532120,53.972383
+                    -2.532028,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973594
+                    -2.530858,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974824
+                    -2.532288,53.975101
+                    -2.532450,53.976002
+                    -2.532220,53.976908
+                    -2.532299,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978477
+                    -2.533920,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979321
+                    -2.535560,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.980150
+                    -2.537535,53.980527
+                    -2.537955,53.980780
+                    -2.538391,53.980527
+                    -2.539467,53.980293
+                    -2.540061,53.980527
+                    -2.540104,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.982272
+                    -2.541074,53.982334
+                    -2.541396,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983893
+                    -2.543291,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984571
+                    -2.545516,53.984857
+                    -2.547028,53.984904
+                    -2.547761,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985515
+                    -2.550052,53.985548
+                    -2.550668,53.985953
+                    -2.550789,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987327
+                    -2.552340,53.986859
+                    -2.552461,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985820
+                    -2.554589,53.985724
+                    -2.556101,53.985701
+                    -2.556696,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986506
+                    -2.558665,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985648
+                    -2.559381,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986650
+                    -2.562150,53.986540
+                    -2.562557,53.986859
+                    -2.563226,53.987765
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+                    -2.563593,53.989577
+                    -2.563662,53.989716
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+                    -2.565174,53.991675
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+                    -2.563662,53.993592
+                    -2.562150,53.993492
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+                    -2.560342,53.994098
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+                    -2.560579,53.992286
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+                    -2.559941,53.990479
+                    -2.559125,53.989992
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+                    -2.557270,53.989577
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+                    -2.555504,53.988667
+                    -2.554589,53.988123
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+                    -2.552111,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989348
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+                    -2.553077,53.989768
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+                    -2.550052,53.991561
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016733
+                    -2.512166,54.017620
+                    -2.512247,54.017673
+                    -2.513760,54.017782
+                    -2.515272,54.017754
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+                    -2.515272,54.017429
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+                    -2.513760,54.016223
+                    -2.512247,54.016452
+                    -2.510735,54.016700
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014020
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+                    -2.512247,54.013796
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+                    -2.513760,54.011827
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+                    -2.515569,54.008574
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+                    -2.517363,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007316
+                    -2.516109,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006553
+                    -2.518296,54.006510
+                    -2.519492,54.006763
+                    -2.519199,54.007668
+                    -2.519808,54.007988
+                    -2.521321,54.008265
+                    -2.522317,54.007668
+                    -2.521321,54.006791
+                    -2.520991,54.006763
+                    -2.521321,54.006686
+                    -2.522049,54.005861
+                    -2.522833,54.005265
+                    -2.523300,54.004951
+                    -2.524236,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003878
+                    -2.525018,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002509
+                    -2.522833,54.002900
+                    -2.521720,54.002242
+                    -2.521321,54.001822
+                    -2.520399,54.001336
+                    -2.521027,54.000430
+                    -2.519808,54.000268
+                    -2.518296,54.000125
+                    -2.517132,53.999524
+                    -2.516784,53.999305
+                    -2.515737,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998346
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+                    -2.514455,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996401
+                    -2.512247,53.996654
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+                    -2.509305,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995104
+                    -2.508646,53.995004
+                    -2.507711,53.994861
+                    -2.506199,53.994803
+                    -2.505416,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993611
+                    -2.503833,53.993192
+                    -2.504364,53.992286
+                    -2.503945,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991151
+                    -2.505954,53.990479
+                    -2.505415,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.989048
+                    -2.507711,53.988962
+                    -2.508298,53.988667
+                    -2.509223,53.988032
+                    -2.510735,53.987842
+                    -2.510886,53.987765
+                    -2.510735,53.987684
+                    -2.509223,53.987546
+                    -2.507711,53.987699
+                    -2.507046,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986568
+                    -2.508847,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985348
+                    -2.506630,53.985052
+                    -2.507711,53.984203
+                    -2.507798,53.984141
+                    -2.508176,53.983240
+                    -2.508179,53.982334
+                    -2.508656,53.981433
+                    -2.509068,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979640
+                    -2.506199,53.980145
+                    -2.504686,53.980474
+                    -2.503174,53.979697
+                    -2.503053,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979545
+                    -2.504686,53.979173
+                    -2.505547,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978543
+                    -2.507711,53.978324
+                    -2.508714,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977509
+                    -2.510079,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976150
+                    -2.509074,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975859
+                    -2.510239,53.975101
+                    -2.510114,53.974195
+                    -2.510735,53.973789
+                    -2.511539,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972850
+                    -2.513760,53.972616
+                    -2.514164,53.972383
+                    -2.515272,53.971839
+                    -2.515880,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971157
+                    -2.513760,53.971171
+                    -2.512317,53.970575
+                    -2.512247,53.970537
+                    -2.512177,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.971157
+                    -2.509895,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532120,53.972383
+                    -2.532028,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973594
+                    -2.530858,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974824
+                    -2.532288,53.975101
+                    -2.532450,53.976002
+                    -2.532220,53.976908
+                    -2.532299,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978477
+                    -2.533920,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979321
+                    -2.535560,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.980150
+                    -2.537535,53.980527
+                    -2.537955,53.980780
+                    -2.538391,53.980527
+                    -2.539467,53.980293
+                    -2.540061,53.980527
+                    -2.540104,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.982272
+                    -2.541074,53.982334
+                    -2.541396,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983893
+                    -2.543291,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984571
+                    -2.545516,53.984857
+                    -2.547028,53.984904
+                    -2.547761,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985515
+                    -2.550052,53.985548
+                    -2.550668,53.985953
+                    -2.550789,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987327
+                    -2.552340,53.986859
+                    -2.552461,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985820
+                    -2.554589,53.985724
+                    -2.556101,53.985701
+                    -2.556696,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986506
+                    -2.558665,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985648
+                    -2.559381,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986650
+                    -2.562150,53.986540
+                    -2.562557,53.986859
+                    -2.563226,53.987765
+                    -2.563652,53.988667
+                    -2.563593,53.989577
+                    -2.563662,53.989716
+                    -2.563896,53.990479
+                    -2.565174,53.991070
+                    -2.565419,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991675
+                    -2.564244,53.992286
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+                    -2.563662,53.993592
+                    -2.562150,53.993492
+                    -2.561225,53.994098
+                    -2.560638,53.994269
+                    -2.560342,53.994098
+                    -2.560555,53.993192
+                    -2.560579,53.992286
+                    -2.560069,53.991385
+                    -2.559941,53.990479
+                    -2.559125,53.989992
+                    -2.557613,53.989878
+                    -2.557270,53.989577
+                    -2.556101,53.988948
+                    -2.555504,53.988667
+                    -2.554589,53.988123
+                    -2.553077,53.988090
+                    -2.552111,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989348
+                    -2.553780,53.989577
+                    -2.553077,53.989768
+                    -2.551603,53.990479
+                    -2.552092,53.991385
+                    -2.551564,53.991408
+                    -2.550052,53.991561
+                    -2.549431,53.991385
+                    -2.549721,53.990479
+                    -2.548540,53.990216
+                    -2.547655,53.990479
+                    -2.547028,53.990607
+                    -2.545516,53.991127
+                    -2.544003,53.991041
+                    -2.542491,53.990765
+                    -2.541804,53.991385
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+                    -2.540979,53.992438
+                    -2.540032,53.992286
+                    -2.539467,53.991404
+                    -2.539448,53.991385
+                    -2.537955,53.991122
+                    -2.537551,53.991385
+                    -2.537955,53.991995
+                    -2.538621,53.992286
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+                    -2.518296,54.000125
+                    -2.517132,53.999524
+                    -2.516784,53.999305
+                    -2.515737,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998346
+                    -2.514259,53.997717
+                    -2.514455,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996401
+                    -2.512247,53.996654
+                    -2.512128,53.995910
+                    -2.511941,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994403
+                    -2.509305,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995104
+                    -2.508646,53.995004
+                    -2.507711,53.994861
+                    -2.506199,53.994803
+                    -2.505416,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993611
+                    -2.503833,53.993192
+                    -2.504364,53.992286
+                    -2.503945,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991151
+                    -2.505954,53.990479
+                    -2.505415,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.989048
+                    -2.507711,53.988962
+                    -2.508298,53.988667
+                    -2.509223,53.988032
+                    -2.510735,53.987842
+                    -2.510886,53.987765
+                    -2.510735,53.987684
+                    -2.509223,53.987546
+                    -2.507711,53.987699
+                    -2.507046,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986568
+                    -2.508847,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985348
+                    -2.506630,53.985052
+                    -2.507711,53.984203
+                    -2.507798,53.984141
+                    -2.508176,53.983240
+                    -2.508179,53.982334
+                    -2.508656,53.981433
+                    -2.509068,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979640
+                    -2.506199,53.980145
+                    -2.504686,53.980474
+                    -2.503174,53.979697
+                    -2.503053,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979545
+                    -2.504686,53.979173
+                    -2.505547,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978543
+                    -2.507711,53.978324
+                    -2.508714,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977509
+                    -2.510079,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976150
+                    -2.509074,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975859
+                    -2.510239,53.975101
+                    -2.510114,53.974195
+                    -2.510735,53.973789
+                    -2.511539,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972850
+                    -2.513760,53.972616
+                    -2.514164,53.972383
+                    -2.515272,53.971839
+                    -2.515880,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971157
+                    -2.513760,53.971171
+                    -2.512317,53.970575
+                    -2.512247,53.970537
+                    -2.512177,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.971157
+                    -2.509895,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532120,53.972383
+                    -2.532028,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973594
+                    -2.530858,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974824
+                    -2.532288,53.975101
+                    -2.532450,53.976002
+                    -2.532220,53.976908
+                    -2.532299,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978477
+                    -2.533920,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979321
+                    -2.535560,53.979621
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+                    -2.537535,53.980527
+                    -2.537955,53.980780
+                    -2.538391,53.980527
+                    -2.539467,53.980293
+                    -2.540061,53.980527
+                    -2.540104,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.982272
+                    -2.541074,53.982334
+                    -2.541396,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983893
+                    -2.543291,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984571
+                    -2.545516,53.984857
+                    -2.547028,53.984904
+                    -2.547761,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985515
+                    -2.550052,53.985548
+                    -2.550668,53.985953
+                    -2.550789,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987327
+                    -2.552340,53.986859
+                    -2.552461,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985820
+                    -2.554589,53.985724
+                    -2.556101,53.985701
+                    -2.556696,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986506
+                    -2.558665,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985648
+                    -2.559381,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986650
+                    -2.562150,53.986540
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+                    -2.563662,53.989716
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+                    -2.563662,53.993592
+                    -2.562150,53.993492
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+                    -2.560342,53.994098
+                    -2.560555,53.993192
+                    -2.560579,53.992286
+                    -2.560069,53.991385
+                    -2.559941,53.990479
+                    -2.559125,53.989992
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+                    -2.555504,53.988667
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+                    -2.552111,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989348
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+                    -2.553077,53.989768
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016733
+                    -2.512166,54.017620
+                    -2.512247,54.017673
+                    -2.513760,54.017782
+                    -2.515272,54.017754
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+                    -2.515272,54.017429
+                    -2.514633,54.016719
+                    -2.513760,54.016223
+                    -2.512247,54.016452
+                    -2.510735,54.016700
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014020
+                    -2.510962,54.014001
+                    -2.512247,54.013796
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+                    -2.513760,54.011827
+                    -2.514756,54.012194
+                    -2.515272,54.012504
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+                    -2.515867,54.011288
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+                    -2.514832,54.010386
+                    -2.514307,54.009476
+                    -2.515272,54.008737
+                    -2.515569,54.008574
+                    -2.516784,54.008017
+                    -2.517363,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007316
+                    -2.516109,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006553
+                    -2.518296,54.006510
+                    -2.519492,54.006763
+                    -2.519199,54.007668
+                    -2.519808,54.007988
+                    -2.521321,54.008265
+                    -2.522317,54.007668
+                    -2.521321,54.006791
+                    -2.520991,54.006763
+                    -2.521321,54.006686
+                    -2.522049,54.005861
+                    -2.522833,54.005265
+                    -2.523300,54.004951
+                    -2.524236,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003878
+                    -2.525018,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002509
+                    -2.522833,54.002900
+                    -2.521720,54.002242
+                    -2.521321,54.001822
+                    -2.520399,54.001336
+                    -2.521027,54.000430
+                    -2.519808,54.000268
+                    -2.518296,54.000125
+                    -2.517132,53.999524
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+                    -2.515737,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998346
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+                    -2.514455,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996401
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+                    -2.510735,53.994403
+                    -2.509305,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995104
+                    -2.508646,53.995004
+                    -2.507711,53.994861
+                    -2.506199,53.994803
+                    -2.505416,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993611
+                    -2.503833,53.993192
+                    -2.504364,53.992286
+                    -2.503945,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991151
+                    -2.505954,53.990479
+                    -2.505415,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.989048
+                    -2.507711,53.988962
+                    -2.508298,53.988667
+                    -2.509223,53.988032
+                    -2.510735,53.987842
+                    -2.510886,53.987765
+                    -2.510735,53.987684
+                    -2.509223,53.987546
+                    -2.507711,53.987699
+                    -2.507046,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986568
+                    -2.508847,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985348
+                    -2.506630,53.985052
+                    -2.507711,53.984203
+                    -2.507798,53.984141
+                    -2.508176,53.983240
+                    -2.508179,53.982334
+                    -2.508656,53.981433
+                    -2.509068,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979640
+                    -2.506199,53.980145
+                    -2.504686,53.980474
+                    -2.503174,53.979697
+                    -2.503053,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979545
+                    -2.504686,53.979173
+                    -2.505547,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978543
+                    -2.507711,53.978324
+                    -2.508714,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977509
+                    -2.510079,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976150
+                    -2.509074,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975859
+                    -2.510239,53.975101
+                    -2.510114,53.974195
+                    -2.510735,53.973789
+                    -2.511539,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972850
+                    -2.513760,53.972616
+                    -2.514164,53.972383
+                    -2.515272,53.971839
+                    -2.515880,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971157
+                    -2.513760,53.971171
+                    -2.512317,53.970575
+                    -2.512247,53.970537
+                    -2.512177,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.971157
+                    -2.509895,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532120,53.972383
+                    -2.532028,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973594
+                    -2.530858,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974824
+                    -2.532288,53.975101
+                    -2.532450,53.976002
+                    -2.532220,53.976908
+                    -2.532299,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978477
+                    -2.533920,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979321
+                    -2.535560,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.980150
+                    -2.537535,53.980527
+                    -2.537955,53.980780
+                    -2.538391,53.980527
+                    -2.539467,53.980293
+                    -2.540061,53.980527
+                    -2.540104,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.982272
+                    -2.541074,53.982334
+                    -2.541396,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983893
+                    -2.543291,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984571
+                    -2.545516,53.984857
+                    -2.547028,53.984904
+                    -2.547761,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985515
+                    -2.550052,53.985548
+                    -2.550668,53.985953
+                    -2.550789,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987327
+                    -2.552340,53.986859
+                    -2.552461,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985820
+                    -2.554589,53.985724
+                    -2.556101,53.985701
+                    -2.556696,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986506
+                    -2.558665,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985648
+                    -2.559381,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986650
+                    -2.562150,53.986540
+                    -2.562557,53.986859
+                    -2.563226,53.987765
+                    -2.563652,53.988667
+                    -2.563593,53.989577
+                    -2.563662,53.989716
+                    -2.563896,53.990479
+                    -2.565174,53.991070
+                    -2.565419,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991675
+                    -2.564244,53.992286
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+                    -2.563662,53.993592
+                    -2.562150,53.993492
+                    -2.561225,53.994098
+                    -2.560638,53.994269
+                    -2.560342,53.994098
+                    -2.560555,53.993192
+                    -2.560579,53.992286
+                    -2.560069,53.991385
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+                    -2.559125,53.989992
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+                    -2.555504,53.988667
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+                    -2.515272,54.008737
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+                    -2.516784,54.008017
+                    -2.517363,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007316
+                    -2.516109,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006553
+                    -2.518296,54.006510
+                    -2.519492,54.006763
+                    -2.519199,54.007668
+                    -2.519808,54.007988
+                    -2.521321,54.008265
+                    -2.522317,54.007668
+                    -2.521321,54.006791
+                    -2.520991,54.006763
+                    -2.521321,54.006686
+                    -2.522049,54.005861
+                    -2.522833,54.005265
+                    -2.523300,54.004951
+                    -2.524236,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003878
+                    -2.525018,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002509
+                    -2.522833,54.002900
+                    -2.521720,54.002242
+                    -2.521321,54.001822
+                    -2.520399,54.001336
+                    -2.521027,54.000430
+                    -2.519808,54.000268
+                    -2.518296,54.000125
+                    -2.517132,53.999524
+                    -2.516784,53.999305
+                    -2.515737,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998346
+                    -2.514259,53.997717
+                    -2.514455,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996401
+                    -2.512247,53.996654
+                    -2.512128,53.995910
+                    -2.511941,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994403
+                    -2.509305,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995104
+                    -2.508646,53.995004
+                    -2.507711,53.994861
+                    -2.506199,53.994803
+                    -2.505416,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993611
+                    -2.503833,53.993192
+                    -2.504364,53.992286
+                    -2.503945,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991151
+                    -2.505954,53.990479
+                    -2.505415,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.989048
+                    -2.507711,53.988962
+                    -2.508298,53.988667
+                    -2.509223,53.988032
+                    -2.510735,53.987842
+                    -2.510886,53.987765
+                    -2.510735,53.987684
+                    -2.509223,53.987546
+                    -2.507711,53.987699
+                    -2.507046,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986568
+                    -2.508847,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985348
+                    -2.506630,53.985052
+                    -2.507711,53.984203
+                    -2.507798,53.984141
+                    -2.508176,53.983240
+                    -2.508179,53.982334
+                    -2.508656,53.981433
+                    -2.509068,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979640
+                    -2.506199,53.980145
+                    -2.504686,53.980474
+                    -2.503174,53.979697
+                    -2.503053,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979545
+                    -2.504686,53.979173
+                    -2.505547,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978543
+                    -2.507711,53.978324
+                    -2.508714,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977509
+                    -2.510079,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976150
+                    -2.509074,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975859
+                    -2.510239,53.975101
+                    -2.510114,53.974195
+                    -2.510735,53.973789
+                    -2.511539,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972850
+                    -2.513760,53.972616
+                    -2.514164,53.972383
+                    -2.515272,53.971839
+                    -2.515880,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971157
+                    -2.513760,53.971171
+                    -2.512317,53.970575
+                    -2.512247,53.970537
+                    -2.512177,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.971157
+                    -2.509895,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532120,53.972383
+                    -2.532028,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973594
+                    -2.530858,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974824
+                    -2.532288,53.975101
+                    -2.532450,53.976002
+                    -2.532220,53.976908
+                    -2.532299,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978477
+                    -2.533920,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979321
+                    -2.535560,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.980150
+                    -2.537535,53.980527
+                    -2.537955,53.980780
+                    -2.538391,53.980527
+                    -2.539467,53.980293
+                    -2.540061,53.980527
+                    -2.540104,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.982272
+                    -2.541074,53.982334
+                    -2.541396,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983893
+                    -2.543291,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984571
+                    -2.545516,53.984857
+                    -2.547028,53.984904
+                    -2.547761,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985515
+                    -2.550052,53.985548
+                    -2.550668,53.985953
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+                    -2.551564,53.987327
+                    -2.552340,53.986859
+                    -2.552461,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985820
+                    -2.554589,53.985724
+                    -2.556101,53.985701
+                    -2.556696,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986506
+                    -2.558665,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985648
+                    -2.559381,53.985953
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+                    -2.562150,53.986540
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+                    -2.563662,53.993592
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+                    -2.560342,53.994098
+                    -2.560555,53.993192
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+                    -2.554589,53.988123
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+                    -2.553077,53.989348
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+                    -2.553077,53.989768
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016733
+                    -2.512166,54.017620
+                    -2.512247,54.017673
+                    -2.513760,54.017782
+                    -2.515272,54.017754
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+                    -2.515272,54.017429
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+                    -2.513760,54.016223
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+                    -2.510735,54.016700
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014020
+                    -2.510962,54.014001
+                    -2.512247,54.013796
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+                    -2.513760,54.011827
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+                    -2.514307,54.009476
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+                    -2.515569,54.008574
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+                    -2.516784,54.007316
+                    -2.516109,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006553
+                    -2.518296,54.006510
+                    -2.519492,54.006763
+                    -2.519199,54.007668
+                    -2.519808,54.007988
+                    -2.521321,54.008265
+                    -2.522317,54.007668
+                    -2.521321,54.006791
+                    -2.520991,54.006763
+                    -2.521321,54.006686
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+                    -2.522833,54.005265
+                    -2.523300,54.004951
+                    -2.524236,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003878
+                    -2.525018,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002509
+                    -2.522833,54.002900
+                    -2.521720,54.002242
+                    -2.521321,54.001822
+                    -2.520399,54.001336
+                    -2.521027,54.000430
+                    -2.519808,54.000268
+                    -2.518296,54.000125
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+                    -2.515737,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998346
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+                    -2.514455,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996401
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+                    -2.509305,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995104
+                    -2.508646,53.995004
+                    -2.507711,53.994861
+                    -2.506199,53.994803
+                    -2.505416,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993611
+                    -2.503833,53.993192
+                    -2.504364,53.992286
+                    -2.503945,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991151
+                    -2.505954,53.990479
+                    -2.505415,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.989048
+                    -2.507711,53.988962
+                    -2.508298,53.988667
+                    -2.509223,53.988032
+                    -2.510735,53.987842
+                    -2.510886,53.987765
+                    -2.510735,53.987684
+                    -2.509223,53.987546
+                    -2.507711,53.987699
+                    -2.507046,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986568
+                    -2.508847,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985348
+                    -2.506630,53.985052
+                    -2.507711,53.984203
+                    -2.507798,53.984141
+                    -2.508176,53.983240
+                    -2.508179,53.982334
+                    -2.508656,53.981433
+                    -2.509068,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979640
+                    -2.506199,53.980145
+                    -2.504686,53.980474
+                    -2.503174,53.979697
+                    -2.503053,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979545
+                    -2.504686,53.979173
+                    -2.505547,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978543
+                    -2.507711,53.978324
+                    -2.508714,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977509
+                    -2.510079,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976150
+                    -2.509074,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975859
+                    -2.510239,53.975101
+                    -2.510114,53.974195
+                    -2.510735,53.973789
+                    -2.511539,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972850
+                    -2.513760,53.972616
+                    -2.514164,53.972383
+                    -2.515272,53.971839
+                    -2.515880,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971157
+                    -2.513760,53.971171
+                    -2.512317,53.970575
+                    -2.512247,53.970537
+                    -2.512177,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.971157
+                    -2.509895,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532120,53.972383
+                    -2.532028,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973594
+                    -2.530858,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974824
+                    -2.532288,53.975101
+                    -2.532450,53.976002
+                    -2.532220,53.976908
+                    -2.532299,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978477
+                    -2.533920,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979321
+                    -2.535560,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.980150
+                    -2.537535,53.980527
+                    -2.537955,53.980780
+                    -2.538391,53.980527
+                    -2.539467,53.980293
+                    -2.540061,53.980527
+                    -2.540104,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.982272
+                    -2.541074,53.982334
+                    -2.541396,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983893
+                    -2.543291,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984571
+                    -2.545516,53.984857
+                    -2.547028,53.984904
+                    -2.547761,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985515
+                    -2.550052,53.985548
+                    -2.550668,53.985953
+                    -2.550789,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987327
+                    -2.552340,53.986859
+                    -2.552461,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985820
+                    -2.554589,53.985724
+                    -2.556101,53.985701
+                    -2.556696,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986506
+                    -2.558665,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985648
+                    -2.559381,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986650
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+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016733
+                    -2.512166,54.017620
+                    -2.512247,54.017673
+                    -2.513760,54.017782
+                    -2.515272,54.017754
+                    -2.515522,54.017620
+                    -2.515272,54.017429
+                    -2.514633,54.016719
+                    -2.513760,54.016223
+                    -2.512247,54.016452
+                    -2.510735,54.016700
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014020
+                    -2.510962,54.014001
+                    -2.512247,54.013796
+                    -2.512670,54.013095
+                    -2.513449,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011827
+                    -2.514756,54.012194
+                    -2.515272,54.012504
+                    -2.515788,54.012194
+                    -2.515867,54.011288
+                    -2.515272,54.010844
+                    -2.514832,54.010386
+                    -2.514307,54.009476
+                    -2.515272,54.008737
+                    -2.515569,54.008574
+                    -2.516784,54.008017
+                    -2.517363,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007316
+                    -2.516109,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006553
+                    -2.518296,54.006510
+                    -2.519492,54.006763
+                    -2.519199,54.007668
+                    -2.519808,54.007988
+                    -2.521321,54.008265
+                    -2.522317,54.007668
+                    -2.521321,54.006791
+                    -2.520991,54.006763
+                    -2.521321,54.006686
+                    -2.522049,54.005861
+                    -2.522833,54.005265
+                    -2.523300,54.004951
+                    -2.524236,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003878
+                    -2.525018,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002509
+                    -2.522833,54.002900
+                    -2.521720,54.002242
+                    -2.521321,54.001822
+                    -2.520399,54.001336
+                    -2.521027,54.000430
+                    -2.519808,54.000268
+                    -2.518296,54.000125
+                    -2.517132,53.999524
+                    -2.516784,53.999305
+                    -2.515737,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998346
+                    -2.514259,53.997717
+                    -2.514455,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996401
+                    -2.512247,53.996654
+                    -2.512128,53.995910
+                    -2.511941,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994403
+                    -2.509305,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995104
+                    -2.508646,53.995004
+                    -2.507711,53.994861
+                    -2.506199,53.994803
+                    -2.505416,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993611
+                    -2.503833,53.993192
+                    -2.504364,53.992286
+                    -2.503945,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991151
+                    -2.505954,53.990479
+                    -2.505415,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.989048
+                    -2.507711,53.988962
+                    -2.508298,53.988667
+                    -2.509223,53.988032
+                    -2.510735,53.987842
+                    -2.510886,53.987765
+                    -2.510735,53.987684
+                    -2.509223,53.987546
+                    -2.507711,53.987699
+                    -2.507046,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986568
+                    -2.508847,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985348
+                    -2.506630,53.985052
+                    -2.507711,53.984203
+                    -2.507798,53.984141
+                    -2.508176,53.983240
+                    -2.508179,53.982334
+                    -2.508656,53.981433
+                    -2.509068,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979640
+                    -2.506199,53.980145
+                    -2.504686,53.980474
+                    -2.503174,53.979697
+                    -2.503053,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979545
+                    -2.504686,53.979173
+                    -2.505547,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978543
+                    -2.507711,53.978324
+                    -2.508714,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977509
+                    -2.510079,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976150
+                    -2.509074,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975859
+                    -2.510239,53.975101
+                    -2.510114,53.974195
+                    -2.510735,53.973789
+                    -2.511539,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972850
+                    -2.513760,53.972616
+                    -2.514164,53.972383
+                    -2.515272,53.971839
+                    -2.515880,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971157
+                    -2.513760,53.971171
+                    -2.512317,53.970575
+                    -2.512247,53.970537
+                    -2.512177,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.971157
+                    -2.509895,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532120,53.972383
+                    -2.532028,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973594
+                    -2.530858,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974824
+                    -2.532288,53.975101
+                    -2.532450,53.976002
+                    -2.532220,53.976908
+                    -2.532299,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978477
+                    -2.533920,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979321
+                    -2.535560,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.980150
+                    -2.537535,53.980527
+                    -2.537955,53.980780
+                    -2.538391,53.980527
+                    -2.539467,53.980293
+                    -2.540061,53.980527
+                    -2.540104,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.982272
+                    -2.541074,53.982334
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+                    -2.542491,53.983893
+                    -2.543291,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984571
+                    -2.545516,53.984857
+                    -2.547028,53.984904
+                    -2.547761,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985515
+                    -2.550052,53.985548
+                    -2.550668,53.985953
+                    -2.550789,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987327
+                    -2.552340,53.986859
+                    -2.552461,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985820
+                    -2.554589,53.985724
+                    -2.556101,53.985701
+                    -2.556696,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986506
+                    -2.558665,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985648
+                    -2.559381,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986650
+                    -2.562150,53.986540
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+                    -2.563593,53.989577
+                    -2.563662,53.989716
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+                    -2.563662,53.993592
+                    -2.562150,53.993492
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+                    -2.560342,53.994098
+                    -2.560555,53.993192
+                    -2.560579,53.992286
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+                    -2.559125,53.989992
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+                    -2.555504,53.988667
+                    -2.554589,53.988123
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+                    -2.552111,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989348
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+                    -2.553077,53.989768
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016733
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+                    -2.512247,54.017673
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+                    -2.515272,54.017754
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+                    -2.515272,54.017429
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+                    -2.513760,54.016223
+                    -2.512247,54.016452
+                    -2.510735,54.016700
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014020
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+                    -2.512247,54.013796
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+                    -2.513760,54.011827
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+                    -2.515272,54.012504
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+                    -2.515272,54.010844
+                    -2.514832,54.010386
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+                    -2.515272,54.008737
+                    -2.515569,54.008574
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+                    -2.517363,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007316
+                    -2.516109,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006553
+                    -2.518296,54.006510
+                    -2.519492,54.006763
+                    -2.519199,54.007668
+                    -2.519808,54.007988
+                    -2.521321,54.008265
+                    -2.522317,54.007668
+                    -2.521321,54.006791
+                    -2.520991,54.006763
+                    -2.521321,54.006686
+                    -2.522049,54.005861
+                    -2.522833,54.005265
+                    -2.523300,54.004951
+                    -2.524236,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003878
+                    -2.525018,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002509
+                    -2.522833,54.002900
+                    -2.521720,54.002242
+                    -2.521321,54.001822
+                    -2.520399,54.001336
+                    -2.521027,54.000430
+                    -2.519808,54.000268
+                    -2.518296,54.000125
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+                    -2.515737,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998346
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+                    -2.514455,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996401
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+                    -2.509305,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995104
+                    -2.508646,53.995004
+                    -2.507711,53.994861
+                    -2.506199,53.994803
+                    -2.505416,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993611
+                    -2.503833,53.993192
+                    -2.504364,53.992286
+                    -2.503945,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991151
+                    -2.505954,53.990479
+                    -2.505415,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.989048
+                    -2.507711,53.988962
+                    -2.508298,53.988667
+                    -2.509223,53.988032
+                    -2.510735,53.987842
+                    -2.510886,53.987765
+                    -2.510735,53.987684
+                    -2.509223,53.987546
+                    -2.507711,53.987699
+                    -2.507046,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986568
+                    -2.508847,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985348
+                    -2.506630,53.985052
+                    -2.507711,53.984203
+                    -2.507798,53.984141
+                    -2.508176,53.983240
+                    -2.508179,53.982334
+                    -2.508656,53.981433
+                    -2.509068,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979640
+                    -2.506199,53.980145
+                    -2.504686,53.980474
+                    -2.503174,53.979697
+                    -2.503053,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979545
+                    -2.504686,53.979173
+                    -2.505547,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978543
+                    -2.507711,53.978324
+                    -2.508714,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977509
+                    -2.510079,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976150
+                    -2.509074,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975859
+                    -2.510239,53.975101
+                    -2.510114,53.974195
+                    -2.510735,53.973789
+                    -2.511539,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972850
+                    -2.513760,53.972616
+                    -2.514164,53.972383
+                    -2.515272,53.971839
+                    -2.515880,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971157
+                    -2.513760,53.971171
+                    -2.512317,53.970575
+                    -2.512247,53.970537
+                    -2.512177,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.971157
+                    -2.509895,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532120,53.972383
+                    -2.532028,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973594
+                    -2.530858,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974824
+                    -2.532288,53.975101
+                    -2.532450,53.976002
+                    -2.532220,53.976908
+                    -2.532299,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978477
+                    -2.533920,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979321
+                    -2.535560,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.980150
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+                    -2.538391,53.980527
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+                    -2.533478,54.022145
+                    -2.534184,54.023051
+                    -2.534874,54.023952
+                    -2.534930,54.023986
+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025111
+                    -2.531906,54.025154
+                    -2.530394,54.024930
+                    -2.528882,54.024920
+                    -2.527369,54.024892
+                    -2.527293,54.024858
+                    -2.525857,54.024439
+                    -2.524990,54.023952
+                    -2.524345,54.023585
+                    -2.523211,54.023051
+                    -2.522833,54.022841
+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520682,54.022145
+                    -2.519808,54.021478
+                    -2.518296,54.021564
+                    -2.517477,54.021239
+                    -2.516784,54.020610
+                    -2.515893,54.020333
+                    -2.515272,54.020162
+                    -2.513760,54.020019
+                    -2.512247,54.019828
+                    -2.511544,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.019008
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016733
+                    -2.512166,54.017620
+                    -2.512247,54.017673
+                    -2.513760,54.017782
+                    -2.515272,54.017754
+                    -2.515522,54.017620
+                    -2.515272,54.017429
+                    -2.514633,54.016719
+                    -2.513760,54.016223
+                    -2.512247,54.016452
+                    -2.510735,54.016700
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014020
+                    -2.510962,54.014001
+                    -2.512247,54.013796
+                    -2.512670,54.013095
+                    -2.513449,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011827
+                    -2.514756,54.012194
+                    -2.515272,54.012504
+                    -2.515788,54.012194
+                    -2.515867,54.011288
+                    -2.515272,54.010844
+                    -2.514832,54.010386
+                    -2.514307,54.009476
+                    -2.515272,54.008737
+                    -2.515569,54.008574
+                    -2.516784,54.008017
+                    -2.517363,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007316
+                    -2.516109,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006553
+                    -2.518296,54.006510
+                    -2.519492,54.006763
+                    -2.519199,54.007668
+                    -2.519808,54.007988
+                    -2.521321,54.008265
+                    -2.522317,54.007668
+                    -2.521321,54.006791
+                    -2.520991,54.006763
+                    -2.521321,54.006686
+                    -2.522049,54.005861
+                    -2.522833,54.005265
+                    -2.523300,54.004951
+                    -2.524236,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003878
+                    -2.525018,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002509
+                    -2.522833,54.002900
+                    -2.521720,54.002242
+                    -2.521321,54.001822
+                    -2.520399,54.001336
+                    -2.521027,54.000430
+                    -2.519808,54.000268
+                    -2.518296,54.000125
+                    -2.517132,53.999524
+                    -2.516784,53.999305
+                    -2.515737,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998346
+                    -2.514259,53.997717
+                    -2.514455,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996401
+                    -2.512247,53.996654
+                    -2.512128,53.995910
+                    -2.511941,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994403
+                    -2.509305,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995104
+                    -2.508646,53.995004
+                    -2.507711,53.994861
+                    -2.506199,53.994803
+                    -2.505416,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993611
+                    -2.503833,53.993192
+                    -2.504364,53.992286
+                    -2.503945,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991151
+                    -2.505954,53.990479
+                    -2.505415,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.989048
+                    -2.507711,53.988962
+                    -2.508298,53.988667
+                    -2.509223,53.988032
+                    -2.510735,53.987842
+                    -2.510886,53.987765
+                    -2.510735,53.987684
+                    -2.509223,53.987546
+                    -2.507711,53.987699
+                    -2.507046,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986568
+                    -2.508847,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985348
+                    -2.506630,53.985052
+                    -2.507711,53.984203
+                    -2.507798,53.984141
+                    -2.508176,53.983240
+                    -2.508179,53.982334
+                    -2.508656,53.981433
+                    -2.509068,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979640
+                    -2.506199,53.980145
+                    -2.504686,53.980474
+                    -2.503174,53.979697
+                    -2.503053,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979545
+                    -2.504686,53.979173
+                    -2.505547,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978543
+                    -2.507711,53.978324
+                    -2.508714,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977509
+                    -2.510079,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976150
+                    -2.509074,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975859
+                    -2.510239,53.975101
+                    -2.510114,53.974195
+                    -2.510735,53.973789
+                    -2.511539,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972850
+                    -2.513760,53.972616
+                    -2.514164,53.972383
+                    -2.515272,53.971839
+                    -2.515880,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971157
+                    -2.513760,53.971171
+                    -2.512317,53.970575
+                    -2.512247,53.970537
+                    -2.512177,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.971157
+                    -2.509895,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532120,53.972383
+                    -2.532028,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973594
+                    -2.530858,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974824
+                    -2.532288,53.975101
+                    -2.532450,53.976002
+                    -2.532220,53.976908
+                    -2.532299,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978477
+                    -2.533920,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979321
+                    -2.535560,53.979621
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+                    -2.537535,53.980527
+                    -2.537955,53.980780
+                    -2.538391,53.980527
+                    -2.539467,53.980293
+                    -2.540061,53.980527
+                    -2.540104,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.982272
+                    -2.541074,53.982334
+                    -2.541396,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983893
+                    -2.543291,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984571
+                    -2.545516,53.984857
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+                    -2.547761,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985515
+                    -2.550052,53.985548
+                    -2.550668,53.985953
+                    -2.550789,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987327
+                    -2.552340,53.986859
+                    -2.552461,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985820
+                    -2.554589,53.985724
+                    -2.556101,53.985701
+                    -2.556696,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986506
+                    -2.558665,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985648
+                    -2.559381,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986650
+                    -2.562150,53.986540
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+                    -2.563662,53.989716
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+                    -2.563662,53.993592
+                    -2.562150,53.993492
+                    -2.561225,53.994098
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+                    -2.560342,53.994098
+                    -2.560555,53.993192
+                    -2.560579,53.992286
+                    -2.560069,53.991385
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+                    -2.559125,53.989992
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+                    -2.555504,53.988667
+                    -2.554589,53.988123
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+                    -2.552111,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989348
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+                    -2.553077,53.989768
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+                    -2.531906,54.025154
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+                    -2.527293,54.024858
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+                    -2.524345,54.023585
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016733
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+                    -2.512247,54.017673
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+                    -2.515272,54.017754
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+                    -2.515272,54.017429
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+                    -2.510735,54.016700
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014020
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+                    -2.512247,54.013796
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+                    -2.513760,54.011827
+                    -2.514756,54.012194
+                    -2.515272,54.012504
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+                    -2.515867,54.011288
+                    -2.515272,54.010844
+                    -2.514832,54.010386
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+                    -2.515569,54.008574
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+                    -2.517363,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007316
+                    -2.516109,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006553
+                    -2.518296,54.006510
+                    -2.519492,54.006763
+                    -2.519199,54.007668
+                    -2.519808,54.007988
+                    -2.521321,54.008265
+                    -2.522317,54.007668
+                    -2.521321,54.006791
+                    -2.520991,54.006763
+                    -2.521321,54.006686
+                    -2.522049,54.005861
+                    -2.522833,54.005265
+                    -2.523300,54.004951
+                    -2.524236,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003878
+                    -2.525018,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002509
+                    -2.522833,54.002900
+                    -2.521720,54.002242
+                    -2.521321,54.001822
+                    -2.520399,54.001336
+                    -2.521027,54.000430
+                    -2.519808,54.000268
+                    -2.518296,54.000125
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+                    -2.515737,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998346
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+                    -2.514455,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996401
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+                    -2.509305,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995104
+                    -2.508646,53.995004
+                    -2.507711,53.994861
+                    -2.506199,53.994803
+                    -2.505416,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993611
+                    -2.503833,53.993192
+                    -2.504364,53.992286
+                    -2.503945,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991151
+                    -2.505954,53.990479
+                    -2.505415,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.989048
+                    -2.507711,53.988962
+                    -2.508298,53.988667
+                    -2.509223,53.988032
+                    -2.510735,53.987842
+                    -2.510886,53.987765
+                    -2.510735,53.987684
+                    -2.509223,53.987546
+                    -2.507711,53.987699
+                    -2.507046,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986568
+                    -2.508847,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985348
+                    -2.506630,53.985052
+                    -2.507711,53.984203
+                    -2.507798,53.984141
+                    -2.508176,53.983240
+                    -2.508179,53.982334
+                    -2.508656,53.981433
+                    -2.509068,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979640
+                    -2.506199,53.980145
+                    -2.504686,53.980474
+                    -2.503174,53.979697
+                    -2.503053,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979545
+                    -2.504686,53.979173
+                    -2.505547,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978543
+                    -2.507711,53.978324
+                    -2.508714,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977509
+                    -2.510079,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976150
+                    -2.509074,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975859
+                    -2.510239,53.975101
+                    -2.510114,53.974195
+                    -2.510735,53.973789
+                    -2.511539,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972850
+                    -2.513760,53.972616
+                    -2.514164,53.972383
+                    -2.515272,53.971839
+                    -2.515880,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971157
+                    -2.513760,53.971171
+                    -2.512317,53.970575
+                    -2.512247,53.970537
+                    -2.512177,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.971157
+                    -2.509895,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
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+                    -2.534930,54.012694
+                    -2.536010,54.013095
+                    -2.534930,54.013371
+                    -2.533418,54.013133
+                    -2.533339,54.013095
+                    -2.531906,54.012446
+                    -2.530760,54.012194
+                    -2.530394,54.012151
+                    -2.530318,54.012194
+                    -2.529480,54.013095
+                    -2.528923,54.014001
+                    -2.529591,54.014907
+                    -2.530394,54.015288
+                    -2.531906,54.015493
+                    -2.533418,54.015627
+                    -2.534219,54.015813
+                    -2.533501,54.016719
+                    -2.533418,54.016895
+                    -2.532698,54.017620
+                    -2.532962,54.018526
+                    -2.531906,54.018779
+                    -2.530758,54.019427
+                    -2.530394,54.019794
+                    -2.529648,54.020333
+                    -2.530394,54.020782
+                    -2.531906,54.020934
+                    -2.532345,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.022083
+                    -2.533478,54.022145
+                    -2.534184,54.023051
+                    -2.534874,54.023952
+                    -2.534930,54.023986
+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025111
+                    -2.531906,54.025154
+                    -2.530394,54.024930
+                    -2.528882,54.024920
+                    -2.527369,54.024892
+                    -2.527293,54.024858
+                    -2.525857,54.024439
+                    -2.524990,54.023952
+                    -2.524345,54.023585
+                    -2.523211,54.023051
+                    -2.522833,54.022841
+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520682,54.022145
+                    -2.519808,54.021478
+                    -2.518296,54.021564
+                    -2.517477,54.021239
+                    -2.516784,54.020610
+                    -2.515893,54.020333
+                    -2.515272,54.020162
+                    -2.513760,54.020019
+                    -2.512247,54.019828
+                    -2.511544,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.019008
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016733
+                    -2.512166,54.017620
+                    -2.512247,54.017673
+                    -2.513760,54.017782
+                    -2.515272,54.017754
+                    -2.515522,54.017620
+                    -2.515272,54.017429
+                    -2.514633,54.016719
+                    -2.513760,54.016223
+                    -2.512247,54.016452
+                    -2.510735,54.016700
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014020
+                    -2.510962,54.014001
+                    -2.512247,54.013796
+                    -2.512670,54.013095
+                    -2.513449,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011827
+                    -2.514756,54.012194
+                    -2.515272,54.012504
+                    -2.515788,54.012194
+                    -2.515867,54.011288
+                    -2.515272,54.010844
+                    -2.514832,54.010386
+                    -2.514307,54.009476
+                    -2.515272,54.008737
+                    -2.515569,54.008574
+                    -2.516784,54.008017
+                    -2.517363,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007316
+                    -2.516109,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006553
+                    -2.518296,54.006510
+                    -2.519492,54.006763
+                    -2.519199,54.007668
+                    -2.519808,54.007988
+                    -2.521321,54.008265
+                    -2.522317,54.007668
+                    -2.521321,54.006791
+                    -2.520991,54.006763
+                    -2.521321,54.006686
+                    -2.522049,54.005861
+                    -2.522833,54.005265
+                    -2.523300,54.004951
+                    -2.524236,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003878
+                    -2.525018,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002509
+                    -2.522833,54.002900
+                    -2.521720,54.002242
+                    -2.521321,54.001822
+                    -2.520399,54.001336
+                    -2.521027,54.000430
+                    -2.519808,54.000268
+                    -2.518296,54.000125
+                    -2.517132,53.999524
+                    -2.516784,53.999305
+                    -2.515737,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998346
+                    -2.514259,53.997717
+                    -2.514455,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996401
+                    -2.512247,53.996654
+                    -2.512128,53.995910
+                    -2.511941,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994403
+                    -2.509305,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995104
+                    -2.508646,53.995004
+                    -2.507711,53.994861
+                    -2.506199,53.994803
+                    -2.505416,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993611
+                    -2.503833,53.993192
+                    -2.504364,53.992286
+                    -2.503945,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991151
+                    -2.505954,53.990479
+                    -2.505415,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.989048
+                    -2.507711,53.988962
+                    -2.508298,53.988667
+                    -2.509223,53.988032
+                    -2.510735,53.987842
+                    -2.510886,53.987765
+                    -2.510735,53.987684
+                    -2.509223,53.987546
+                    -2.507711,53.987699
+                    -2.507046,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986568
+                    -2.508847,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985348
+                    -2.506630,53.985052
+                    -2.507711,53.984203
+                    -2.507798,53.984141
+                    -2.508176,53.983240
+                    -2.508179,53.982334
+                    -2.508656,53.981433
+                    -2.509068,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979640
+                    -2.506199,53.980145
+                    -2.504686,53.980474
+                    -2.503174,53.979697
+                    -2.503053,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979545
+                    -2.504686,53.979173
+                    -2.505547,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978543
+                    -2.507711,53.978324
+                    -2.508714,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977509
+                    -2.510079,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976150
+                    -2.509074,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975859
+                    -2.510239,53.975101
+                    -2.510114,53.974195
+                    -2.510735,53.973789
+                    -2.511539,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972850
+                    -2.513760,53.972616
+                    -2.514164,53.972383
+                    -2.515272,53.971839
+                    -2.515880,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971157
+                    -2.513760,53.971171
+                    -2.512317,53.970575
+                    -2.512247,53.970537
+                    -2.512177,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.971157
+                    -2.509895,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532120,53.972383
+                    -2.532028,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973594
+                    -2.530858,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974824
+                    -2.532288,53.975101
+                    -2.532450,53.976002
+                    -2.532220,53.976908
+                    -2.532299,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978477
+                    -2.533920,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979321
+                    -2.535560,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.980150
+                    -2.537535,53.980527
+                    -2.537955,53.980780
+                    -2.538391,53.980527
+                    -2.539467,53.980293
+                    -2.540061,53.980527
+                    -2.540104,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.982272
+                    -2.541074,53.982334
+                    -2.541396,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983893
+                    -2.543291,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984571
+                    -2.545516,53.984857
+                    -2.547028,53.984904
+                    -2.547761,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985515
+                    -2.550052,53.985548
+                    -2.550668,53.985953
+                    -2.550789,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987327
+                    -2.552340,53.986859
+                    -2.552461,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985820
+                    -2.554589,53.985724
+                    -2.556101,53.985701
+                    -2.556696,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986506
+                    -2.558665,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985648
+                    -2.559381,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986650
+                    -2.562150,53.986540
+                    -2.562557,53.986859
+                    -2.563226,53.987765
+                    -2.563652,53.988667
+                    -2.563593,53.989577
+                    -2.563662,53.989716
+                    -2.563896,53.990479
+                    -2.565174,53.991070
+                    -2.565419,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991675
+                    -2.564244,53.992286
+                    -2.563873,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.993592
+                    -2.562150,53.993492
+                    -2.561225,53.994098
+                    -2.560638,53.994269
+                    -2.560342,53.994098
+                    -2.560555,53.993192
+                    -2.560579,53.992286
+                    -2.560069,53.991385
+                    -2.559941,53.990479
+                    -2.559125,53.989992
+                    -2.557613,53.989878
+                    -2.557270,53.989577
+                    -2.556101,53.988948
+                    -2.555504,53.988667
+                    -2.554589,53.988123
+                    -2.553077,53.988090
+                    -2.552111,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989348
+                    -2.553780,53.989577
+                    -2.553077,53.989768
+                    -2.551603,53.990479
+                    -2.552092,53.991385
+                    -2.551564,53.991408
+                    -2.550052,53.991561
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+                    -2.531906,54.025154
+                    -2.530394,54.024930
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+                    -2.527293,54.024858
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+                    -2.524345,54.023585
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+                    -2.521321,54.022145
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016733
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+                    -2.512247,54.017673
+                    -2.513760,54.017782
+                    -2.515272,54.017754
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+                    -2.515272,54.017429
+                    -2.514633,54.016719
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+                    -2.512247,54.016452
+                    -2.510735,54.016700
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014020
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+                    -2.512247,54.013796
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+                    -2.513449,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011827
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+                    -2.515272,54.012504
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+                    -2.515867,54.011288
+                    -2.515272,54.010844
+                    -2.514832,54.010386
+                    -2.514307,54.009476
+                    -2.515272,54.008737
+                    -2.515569,54.008574
+                    -2.516784,54.008017
+                    -2.517363,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007316
+                    -2.516109,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006553
+                    -2.518296,54.006510
+                    -2.519492,54.006763
+                    -2.519199,54.007668
+                    -2.519808,54.007988
+                    -2.521321,54.008265
+                    -2.522317,54.007668
+                    -2.521321,54.006791
+                    -2.520991,54.006763
+                    -2.521321,54.006686
+                    -2.522049,54.005861
+                    -2.522833,54.005265
+                    -2.523300,54.004951
+                    -2.524236,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003878
+                    -2.525018,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002509
+                    -2.522833,54.002900
+                    -2.521720,54.002242
+                    -2.521321,54.001822
+                    -2.520399,54.001336
+                    -2.521027,54.000430
+                    -2.519808,54.000268
+                    -2.518296,54.000125
+                    -2.517132,53.999524
+                    -2.516784,53.999305
+                    -2.515737,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998346
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+                    -2.514455,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996401
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+                    -2.510735,53.994403
+                    -2.509305,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995104
+                    -2.508646,53.995004
+                    -2.507711,53.994861
+                    -2.506199,53.994803
+                    -2.505416,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993611
+                    -2.503833,53.993192
+                    -2.504364,53.992286
+                    -2.503945,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991151
+                    -2.505954,53.990479
+                    -2.505415,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.989048
+                    -2.507711,53.988962
+                    -2.508298,53.988667
+                    -2.509223,53.988032
+                    -2.510735,53.987842
+                    -2.510886,53.987765
+                    -2.510735,53.987684
+                    -2.509223,53.987546
+                    -2.507711,53.987699
+                    -2.507046,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986568
+                    -2.508847,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985348
+                    -2.506630,53.985052
+                    -2.507711,53.984203
+                    -2.507798,53.984141
+                    -2.508176,53.983240
+                    -2.508179,53.982334
+                    -2.508656,53.981433
+                    -2.509068,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979640
+                    -2.506199,53.980145
+                    -2.504686,53.980474
+                    -2.503174,53.979697
+                    -2.503053,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979545
+                    -2.504686,53.979173
+                    -2.505547,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978543
+                    -2.507711,53.978324
+                    -2.508714,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977509
+                    -2.510079,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976150
+                    -2.509074,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975859
+                    -2.510239,53.975101
+                    -2.510114,53.974195
+                    -2.510735,53.973789
+                    -2.511539,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972850
+                    -2.513760,53.972616
+                    -2.514164,53.972383
+                    -2.515272,53.971839
+                    -2.515880,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971157
+                    -2.513760,53.971171
+                    -2.512317,53.970575
+                    -2.512247,53.970537
+                    -2.512177,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.971157
+                    -2.509895,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532120,53.972383
+                    -2.532028,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973594
+                    -2.530858,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974824
+                    -2.532288,53.975101
+                    -2.532450,53.976002
+                    -2.532220,53.976908
+                    -2.532299,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978477
+                    -2.533920,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979321
+                    -2.535560,53.979621
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+                    -2.537955,53.980780
+                    -2.538391,53.980527
+                    -2.539467,53.980293
+                    -2.540061,53.980527
+                    -2.540104,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.982272
+                    -2.541074,53.982334
+                    -2.541396,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983893
+                    -2.543291,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984571
+                    -2.545516,53.984857
+                    -2.547028,53.984904
+                    -2.547761,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985515
+                    -2.550052,53.985548
+                    -2.550668,53.985953
+                    -2.550789,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987327
+                    -2.552340,53.986859
+                    -2.552461,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985820
+                    -2.554589,53.985724
+                    -2.556101,53.985701
+                    -2.556696,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986506
+                    -2.558665,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985648
+                    -2.559381,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986650
+                    -2.562150,53.986540
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+                    -2.563662,53.989716
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+                    -2.563662,53.993592
+                    -2.562150,53.993492
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+                    -2.560638,53.994269
+                    -2.560342,53.994098
+                    -2.560555,53.993192
+                    -2.560579,53.992286
+                    -2.560069,53.991385
+                    -2.559941,53.990479
+                    -2.559125,53.989992
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+                    -2.557270,53.989577
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+                    -2.555504,53.988667
+                    -2.554589,53.988123
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+                    -2.552111,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989348
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+                    -2.553077,53.989768
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+                    -2.550052,53.991561
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016733
+                    -2.512166,54.017620
+                    -2.512247,54.017673
+                    -2.513760,54.017782
+                    -2.515272,54.017754
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+                    -2.515272,54.017429
+                    -2.514633,54.016719
+                    -2.513760,54.016223
+                    -2.512247,54.016452
+                    -2.510735,54.016700
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014020
+                    -2.510962,54.014001
+                    -2.512247,54.013796
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+                    -2.513760,54.011827
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+                    -2.515867,54.011288
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+                    -2.515272,54.008737
+                    -2.515569,54.008574
+                    -2.516784,54.008017
+                    -2.517363,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007316
+                    -2.516109,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006553
+                    -2.518296,54.006510
+                    -2.519492,54.006763
+                    -2.519199,54.007668
+                    -2.519808,54.007988
+                    -2.521321,54.008265
+                    -2.522317,54.007668
+                    -2.521321,54.006791
+                    -2.520991,54.006763
+                    -2.521321,54.006686
+                    -2.522049,54.005861
+                    -2.522833,54.005265
+                    -2.523300,54.004951
+                    -2.524236,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003878
+                    -2.525018,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002509
+                    -2.522833,54.002900
+                    -2.521720,54.002242
+                    -2.521321,54.001822
+                    -2.520399,54.001336
+                    -2.521027,54.000430
+                    -2.519808,54.000268
+                    -2.518296,54.000125
+                    -2.517132,53.999524
+                    -2.516784,53.999305
+                    -2.515737,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998346
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+                    -2.514455,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996401
+                    -2.512247,53.996654
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+                    -2.510735,53.994403
+                    -2.509305,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995104
+                    -2.508646,53.995004
+                    -2.507711,53.994861
+                    -2.506199,53.994803
+                    -2.505416,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993611
+                    -2.503833,53.993192
+                    -2.504364,53.992286
+                    -2.503945,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991151
+                    -2.505954,53.990479
+                    -2.505415,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.989048
+                    -2.507711,53.988962
+                    -2.508298,53.988667
+                    -2.509223,53.988032
+                    -2.510735,53.987842
+                    -2.510886,53.987765
+                    -2.510735,53.987684
+                    -2.509223,53.987546
+                    -2.507711,53.987699
+                    -2.507046,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986568
+                    -2.508847,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985348
+                    -2.506630,53.985052
+                    -2.507711,53.984203
+                    -2.507798,53.984141
+                    -2.508176,53.983240
+                    -2.508179,53.982334
+                    -2.508656,53.981433
+                    -2.509068,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979640
+                    -2.506199,53.980145
+                    -2.504686,53.980474
+                    -2.503174,53.979697
+                    -2.503053,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979545
+                    -2.504686,53.979173
+                    -2.505547,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978543
+                    -2.507711,53.978324
+                    -2.508714,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977509
+                    -2.510079,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976150
+                    -2.509074,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975859
+                    -2.510239,53.975101
+                    -2.510114,53.974195
+                    -2.510735,53.973789
+                    -2.511539,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972850
+                    -2.513760,53.972616
+                    -2.514164,53.972383
+                    -2.515272,53.971839
+                    -2.515880,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971157
+                    -2.513760,53.971171
+                    -2.512317,53.970575
+                    -2.512247,53.970537
+                    -2.512177,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.971157
+                    -2.509895,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532120,53.972383
+                    -2.532028,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973594
+                    -2.530858,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974824
+                    -2.532288,53.975101
+                    -2.532450,53.976002
+                    -2.532220,53.976908
+                    -2.532299,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978477
+                    -2.533920,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979321
+                    -2.535560,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.980150
+                    -2.537535,53.980527
+                    -2.537955,53.980780
+                    -2.538391,53.980527
+                    -2.539467,53.980293
+                    -2.540061,53.980527
+                    -2.540104,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.982272
+                    -2.541074,53.982334
+                    -2.541396,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983893
+                    -2.543291,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984571
+                    -2.545516,53.984857
+                    -2.547028,53.984904
+                    -2.547761,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985515
+                    -2.550052,53.985548
+                    -2.550668,53.985953
+                    -2.550789,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987327
+                    -2.552340,53.986859
+                    -2.552461,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985820
+                    -2.554589,53.985724
+                    -2.556101,53.985701
+                    -2.556696,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986506
+                    -2.558665,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985648
+                    -2.559381,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986650
+                    -2.562150,53.986540
+                    -2.562557,53.986859
+                    -2.563226,53.987765
+                    -2.563652,53.988667
+                    -2.563593,53.989577
+                    -2.563662,53.989716
+                    -2.563896,53.990479
+                    -2.565174,53.991070
+                    -2.565419,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991675
+                    -2.564244,53.992286
+                    -2.563873,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.993592
+                    -2.562150,53.993492
+                    -2.561225,53.994098
+                    -2.560638,53.994269
+                    -2.560342,53.994098
+                    -2.560555,53.993192
+                    -2.560579,53.992286
+                    -2.560069,53.991385
+                    -2.559941,53.990479
+                    -2.559125,53.989992
+                    -2.557613,53.989878
+                    -2.557270,53.989577
+                    -2.556101,53.988948
+                    -2.555504,53.988667
+                    -2.554589,53.988123
+                    -2.553077,53.988090
+                    -2.552111,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989348
+                    -2.553780,53.989577
+                    -2.553077,53.989768
+                    -2.551603,53.990479
+                    -2.552092,53.991385
+                    -2.551564,53.991408
+                    -2.550052,53.991561
+                    -2.549431,53.991385
+                    -2.549721,53.990479
+                    -2.548540,53.990216
+                    -2.547655,53.990479
+                    -2.547028,53.990607
+                    -2.545516,53.991127
+                    -2.544003,53.991041
+                    -2.542491,53.990765
+                    -2.541804,53.991385
+                    -2.541728,53.992286
+                    -2.540979,53.992438
+                    -2.540032,53.992286
+                    -2.539467,53.991404
+                    -2.539448,53.991385
+                    -2.537955,53.991122
+                    -2.537551,53.991385
+                    -2.537955,53.991995
+                    -2.538621,53.992286
+                    -2.537955,53.992844
+                    -2.536443,53.992982
+                    -2.536077,53.993192
+                    -2.536115,53.994098
+                    -2.536443,53.994784
+                    -2.536925,53.995004
+                    -2.536443,53.995242
+                    -2.536140,53.995910
+                    -2.535879,53.996811
+                    -2.534930,53.997455
+                    -2.533532,53.997717
+                    -2.534930,53.998008
+                    -2.535604,53.998618
+                    -2.536443,53.999133
+                    -2.537185,53.999524
+                    -2.537236,54.000430
+                    -2.536443,54.000659
+                    -2.535281,54.001336
+                    -2.535004,54.002242
+                    -2.534930,54.002280
+                    -2.534775,54.002242
+                    -2.533418,54.002028
+                    -2.533036,54.002242
+                    -2.532935,54.003143
+                    -2.533418,54.004021
+                    -2.533576,54.004049
+                    -2.534930,54.004126
+                    -2.536443,54.004374
+                    -2.537955,54.004331
+                    -2.538513,54.004049
+                    -2.539013,54.003143
+                    -2.539467,54.002995
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+                    -2.510735,53.987684
+                    -2.509223,53.987546
+                    -2.507711,53.987699
+                    -2.507046,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986568
+                    -2.508847,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985348
+                    -2.506630,53.985052
+                    -2.507711,53.984203
+                    -2.507798,53.984141
+                    -2.508176,53.983240
+                    -2.508179,53.982334
+                    -2.508656,53.981433
+                    -2.509068,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979640
+                    -2.506199,53.980145
+                    -2.504686,53.980474
+                    -2.503174,53.979697
+                    -2.503053,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979545
+                    -2.504686,53.979173
+                    -2.505547,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978543
+                    -2.507711,53.978324
+                    -2.508714,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977509
+                    -2.510079,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976150
+                    -2.509074,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975859
+                    -2.510239,53.975101
+                    -2.510114,53.974195
+                    -2.510735,53.973789
+                    -2.511539,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972850
+                    -2.513760,53.972616
+                    -2.514164,53.972383
+                    -2.515272,53.971839
+                    -2.515880,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971157
+                    -2.513760,53.971171
+                    -2.512317,53.970575
+                    -2.512247,53.970537
+                    -2.512177,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.971157
+                    -2.509895,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532120,53.972383
+                    -2.532028,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973594
+                    -2.530858,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974824
+                    -2.532288,53.975101
+                    -2.532450,53.976002
+                    -2.532220,53.976908
+                    -2.532299,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978477
+                    -2.533920,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979321
+                    -2.535560,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.980150
+                    -2.537535,53.980527
+                    -2.537955,53.980780
+                    -2.538391,53.980527
+                    -2.539467,53.980293
+                    -2.540061,53.980527
+                    -2.540104,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.982272
+                    -2.541074,53.982334
+                    -2.541396,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983893
+                    -2.543291,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984571
+                    -2.545516,53.984857
+                    -2.547028,53.984904
+                    -2.547761,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985515
+                    -2.550052,53.985548
+                    -2.550668,53.985953
+                    -2.550789,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987327
+                    -2.552340,53.986859
+                    -2.552461,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985820
+                    -2.554589,53.985724
+                    -2.556101,53.985701
+                    -2.556696,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986506
+                    -2.558665,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985648
+                    -2.559381,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986650
+                    -2.562150,53.986540
+                    -2.562557,53.986859
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+                    -2.563662,53.989716
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+                    -2.563662,53.993592
+                    -2.562150,53.993492
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+                    -2.560342,53.994098
+                    -2.560555,53.993192
+                    -2.560579,53.992286
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+                    -2.559941,53.990479
+                    -2.559125,53.989992
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+                    -2.557270,53.989577
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+                    -2.555504,53.988667
+                    -2.554589,53.988123
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+                    -2.552111,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989348
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+                    -2.553077,53.989768
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016733
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+                    -2.512247,54.017673
+                    -2.513760,54.017782
+                    -2.515272,54.017754
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+                    -2.515272,54.017429
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+                    -2.513760,54.016223
+                    -2.512247,54.016452
+                    -2.510735,54.016700
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014020
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+                    -2.512247,54.013796
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+                    -2.513760,54.011827
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+                    -2.515569,54.008574
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+                    -2.517363,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007316
+                    -2.516109,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006553
+                    -2.518296,54.006510
+                    -2.519492,54.006763
+                    -2.519199,54.007668
+                    -2.519808,54.007988
+                    -2.521321,54.008265
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+                    -2.521321,54.006791
+                    -2.520991,54.006763
+                    -2.521321,54.006686
+                    -2.522049,54.005861
+                    -2.522833,54.005265
+                    -2.523300,54.004951
+                    -2.524236,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003878
+                    -2.525018,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002509
+                    -2.522833,54.002900
+                    -2.521720,54.002242
+                    -2.521321,54.001822
+                    -2.520399,54.001336
+                    -2.521027,54.000430
+                    -2.519808,54.000268
+                    -2.518296,54.000125
+                    -2.517132,53.999524
+                    -2.516784,53.999305
+                    -2.515737,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998346
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+                    -2.514455,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996401
+                    -2.512247,53.996654
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+                    -2.510735,53.994403
+                    -2.509305,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995104
+                    -2.508646,53.995004
+                    -2.507711,53.994861
+                    -2.506199,53.994803
+                    -2.505416,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993611
+                    -2.503833,53.993192
+                    -2.504364,53.992286
+                    -2.503945,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991151
+                    -2.505954,53.990479
+                    -2.505415,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.989048
+                    -2.507711,53.988962
+                    -2.508298,53.988667
+                    -2.509223,53.988032
+                    -2.510735,53.987842
+                    -2.510886,53.987765
+                    -2.510735,53.987684
+                    -2.509223,53.987546
+                    -2.507711,53.987699
+                    -2.507046,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986568
+                    -2.508847,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985348
+                    -2.506630,53.985052
+                    -2.507711,53.984203
+                    -2.507798,53.984141
+                    -2.508176,53.983240
+                    -2.508179,53.982334
+                    -2.508656,53.981433
+                    -2.509068,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979640
+                    -2.506199,53.980145
+                    -2.504686,53.980474
+                    -2.503174,53.979697
+                    -2.503053,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979545
+                    -2.504686,53.979173
+                    -2.505547,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978543
+                    -2.507711,53.978324
+                    -2.508714,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977509
+                    -2.510079,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976150
+                    -2.509074,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975859
+                    -2.510239,53.975101
+                    -2.510114,53.974195
+                    -2.510735,53.973789
+                    -2.511539,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972850
+                    -2.513760,53.972616
+                    -2.514164,53.972383
+                    -2.515272,53.971839
+                    -2.515880,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971157
+                    -2.513760,53.971171
+                    -2.512317,53.970575
+                    -2.512247,53.970537
+                    -2.512177,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.971157
+                    -2.509895,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532120,53.972383
+                    -2.532028,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973594
+                    -2.530858,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974824
+                    -2.532288,53.975101
+                    -2.532450,53.976002
+                    -2.532220,53.976908
+                    -2.532299,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978477
+                    -2.533920,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979321
+                    -2.535560,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.980150
+                    -2.537535,53.980527
+                    -2.537955,53.980780
+                    -2.538391,53.980527
+                    -2.539467,53.980293
+                    -2.540061,53.980527
+                    -2.540104,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.982272
+                    -2.541074,53.982334
+                    -2.541396,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983893
+                    -2.543291,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984571
+                    -2.545516,53.984857
+                    -2.547028,53.984904
+                    -2.547761,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985515
+                    -2.550052,53.985548
+                    -2.550668,53.985953
+                    -2.550789,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987327
+                    -2.552340,53.986859
+                    -2.552461,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985820
+                    -2.554589,53.985724
+                    -2.556101,53.985701
+                    -2.556696,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986506
+                    -2.558665,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985648
+                    -2.559381,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986650
+                    -2.562150,53.986540
+                    -2.562557,53.986859
+                    -2.563226,53.987765
+                    -2.563652,53.988667
+                    -2.563593,53.989577
+                    -2.563662,53.989716
+                    -2.563896,53.990479
+                    -2.565174,53.991070
+                    -2.565419,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991675
+                    -2.564244,53.992286
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+                    -2.563662,53.993592
+                    -2.562150,53.993492
+                    -2.561225,53.994098
+                    -2.560638,53.994269
+                    -2.560342,53.994098
+                    -2.560555,53.993192
+                    -2.560579,53.992286
+                    -2.560069,53.991385
+                    -2.559941,53.990479
+                    -2.559125,53.989992
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+                    -2.557270,53.989577
+                    -2.556101,53.988948
+                    -2.555504,53.988667
+                    -2.554589,53.988123
+                    -2.553077,53.988090
+                    -2.552111,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989348
+                    -2.553780,53.989577
+                    -2.553077,53.989768
+                    -2.551603,53.990479
+                    -2.552092,53.991385
+                    -2.551564,53.991408
+                    -2.550052,53.991561
+                    -2.549431,53.991385
+                    -2.549721,53.990479
+                    -2.548540,53.990216
+                    -2.547655,53.990479
+                    -2.547028,53.990607
+                    -2.545516,53.991127
+                    -2.544003,53.991041
+                    -2.542491,53.990765
+                    -2.541804,53.991385
+                    -2.541728,53.992286
+                    -2.540979,53.992438
+                    -2.540032,53.992286
+                    -2.539467,53.991404
+                    -2.539448,53.991385
+                    -2.537955,53.991122
+                    -2.537551,53.991385
+                    -2.537955,53.991995
+                    -2.538621,53.992286
+                    -2.537955,53.992844
+                    -2.536443,53.992982
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+                    -2.536115,53.994098
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+                    -2.514259,53.997717
+                    -2.514455,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996401
+                    -2.512247,53.996654
+                    -2.512128,53.995910
+                    -2.511941,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994403
+                    -2.509305,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995104
+                    -2.508646,53.995004
+                    -2.507711,53.994861
+                    -2.506199,53.994803
+                    -2.505416,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993611
+                    -2.503833,53.993192
+                    -2.504364,53.992286
+                    -2.503945,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991151
+                    -2.505954,53.990479
+                    -2.505415,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.989048
+                    -2.507711,53.988962
+                    -2.508298,53.988667
+                    -2.509223,53.988032
+                    -2.510735,53.987842
+                    -2.510886,53.987765
+                    -2.510735,53.987684
+                    -2.509223,53.987546
+                    -2.507711,53.987699
+                    -2.507046,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986568
+                    -2.508847,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985348
+                    -2.506630,53.985052
+                    -2.507711,53.984203
+                    -2.507798,53.984141
+                    -2.508176,53.983240
+                    -2.508179,53.982334
+                    -2.508656,53.981433
+                    -2.509068,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979640
+                    -2.506199,53.980145
+                    -2.504686,53.980474
+                    -2.503174,53.979697
+                    -2.503053,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979545
+                    -2.504686,53.979173
+                    -2.505547,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978543
+                    -2.507711,53.978324
+                    -2.508714,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977509
+                    -2.510079,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976150
+                    -2.509074,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975859
+                    -2.510239,53.975101
+                    -2.510114,53.974195
+                    -2.510735,53.973789
+                    -2.511539,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972850
+                    -2.513760,53.972616
+                    -2.514164,53.972383
+                    -2.515272,53.971839
+                    -2.515880,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971157
+                    -2.513760,53.971171
+                    -2.512317,53.970575
+                    -2.512247,53.970537
+                    -2.512177,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.971157
+                    -2.509895,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532120,53.972383
+                    -2.532028,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973594
+                    -2.530858,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974824
+                    -2.532288,53.975101
+                    -2.532450,53.976002
+                    -2.532220,53.976908
+                    -2.532299,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978477
+                    -2.533920,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979321
+                    -2.535560,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.980150
+                    -2.537535,53.980527
+                    -2.537955,53.980780
+                    -2.538391,53.980527
+                    -2.539467,53.980293
+                    -2.540061,53.980527
+                    -2.540104,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.982272
+                    -2.541074,53.982334
+                    -2.541396,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983893
+                    -2.543291,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984571
+                    -2.545516,53.984857
+                    -2.547028,53.984904
+                    -2.547761,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985515
+                    -2.550052,53.985548
+                    -2.550668,53.985953
+                    -2.550789,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987327
+                    -2.552340,53.986859
+                    -2.552461,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985820
+                    -2.554589,53.985724
+                    -2.556101,53.985701
+                    -2.556696,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986506
+                    -2.558665,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985648
+                    -2.559381,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986650
+                    -2.562150,53.986540
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+                    -2.563662,53.989716
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+                    -2.563662,53.993592
+                    -2.562150,53.993492
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+                    -2.560342,53.994098
+                    -2.560555,53.993192
+                    -2.560579,53.992286
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+                    -2.559941,53.990479
+                    -2.559125,53.989992
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+                    -2.557270,53.989577
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+                    -2.555504,53.988667
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+                    -2.552111,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989348
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+                    -2.553077,53.989768
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016733
+                    -2.512166,54.017620
+                    -2.512247,54.017673
+                    -2.513760,54.017782
+                    -2.515272,54.017754
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+                    -2.515272,54.017429
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+                    -2.513760,54.016223
+                    -2.512247,54.016452
+                    -2.510735,54.016700
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014020
+                    -2.510962,54.014001
+                    -2.512247,54.013796
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+                    -2.513760,54.011827
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+                    -2.515867,54.011288
+                    -2.515272,54.010844
+                    -2.514832,54.010386
+                    -2.514307,54.009476
+                    -2.515272,54.008737
+                    -2.515569,54.008574
+                    -2.516784,54.008017
+                    -2.517363,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007316
+                    -2.516109,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006553
+                    -2.518296,54.006510
+                    -2.519492,54.006763
+                    -2.519199,54.007668
+                    -2.519808,54.007988
+                    -2.521321,54.008265
+                    -2.522317,54.007668
+                    -2.521321,54.006791
+                    -2.520991,54.006763
+                    -2.521321,54.006686
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+                    -2.522833,54.005265
+                    -2.523300,54.004951
+                    -2.524236,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003878
+                    -2.525018,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002509
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+                    -2.521720,54.002242
+                    -2.521321,54.001822
+                    -2.520399,54.001336
+                    -2.521027,54.000430
+                    -2.519808,54.000268
+                    -2.518296,54.000125
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+                    -2.516784,53.999305
+                    -2.515737,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998346
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+                    -2.514455,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996401
+                    -2.512247,53.996654
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+                    -2.509305,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995104
+                    -2.508646,53.995004
+                    -2.507711,53.994861
+                    -2.506199,53.994803
+                    -2.505416,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993611
+                    -2.503833,53.993192
+                    -2.504364,53.992286
+                    -2.503945,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991151
+                    -2.505954,53.990479
+                    -2.505415,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.989048
+                    -2.507711,53.988962
+                    -2.508298,53.988667
+                    -2.509223,53.988032
+                    -2.510735,53.987842
+                    -2.510886,53.987765
+                    -2.510735,53.987684
+                    -2.509223,53.987546
+                    -2.507711,53.987699
+                    -2.507046,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986568
+                    -2.508847,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985348
+                    -2.506630,53.985052
+                    -2.507711,53.984203
+                    -2.507798,53.984141
+                    -2.508176,53.983240
+                    -2.508179,53.982334
+                    -2.508656,53.981433
+                    -2.509068,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979640
+                    -2.506199,53.980145
+                    -2.504686,53.980474
+                    -2.503174,53.979697
+                    -2.503053,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979545
+                    -2.504686,53.979173
+                    -2.505547,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978543
+                    -2.507711,53.978324
+                    -2.508714,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977509
+                    -2.510079,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976150
+                    -2.509074,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975859
+                    -2.510239,53.975101
+                    -2.510114,53.974195
+                    -2.510735,53.973789
+                    -2.511539,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972850
+                    -2.513760,53.972616
+                    -2.514164,53.972383
+                    -2.515272,53.971839
+                    -2.515880,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971157
+                    -2.513760,53.971171
+                    -2.512317,53.970575
+                    -2.512247,53.970537
+                    -2.512177,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.971157
+                    -2.509895,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532120,53.972383
+                    -2.532028,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973594
+                    -2.530858,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974824
+                    -2.532288,53.975101
+                    -2.532450,53.976002
+                    -2.532220,53.976908
+                    -2.532299,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978477
+                    -2.533920,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979321
+                    -2.535560,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.980150
+                    -2.537535,53.980527
+                    -2.537955,53.980780
+                    -2.538391,53.980527
+                    -2.539467,53.980293
+                    -2.540061,53.980527
+                    -2.540104,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.982272
+                    -2.541074,53.982334
+                    -2.541396,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983893
+                    -2.543291,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984571
+                    -2.545516,53.984857
+                    -2.547028,53.984904
+                    -2.547761,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985515
+                    -2.550052,53.985548
+                    -2.550668,53.985953
+                    -2.550789,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987327
+                    -2.552340,53.986859
+                    -2.552461,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985820
+                    -2.554589,53.985724
+                    -2.556101,53.985701
+                    -2.556696,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986506
+                    -2.558665,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985648
+                    -2.559381,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986650
+                    -2.562150,53.986540
+                    -2.562557,53.986859
+                    -2.563226,53.987765
+                    -2.563652,53.988667
+                    -2.563593,53.989577
+                    -2.563662,53.989716
+                    -2.563896,53.990479
+                    -2.565174,53.991070
+                    -2.565419,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991675
+                    -2.564244,53.992286
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+                    -2.563662,53.993592
+                    -2.562150,53.993492
+                    -2.561225,53.994098
+                    -2.560638,53.994269
+                    -2.560342,53.994098
+                    -2.560555,53.993192
+                    -2.560579,53.992286
+                    -2.560069,53.991385
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+                    -2.559125,53.989992
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+                    -2.555504,53.988667
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+                    -2.552111,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989348
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+                    -2.516784,54.007316
+                    -2.516109,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006553
+                    -2.518296,54.006510
+                    -2.519492,54.006763
+                    -2.519199,54.007668
+                    -2.519808,54.007988
+                    -2.521321,54.008265
+                    -2.522317,54.007668
+                    -2.521321,54.006791
+                    -2.520991,54.006763
+                    -2.521321,54.006686
+                    -2.522049,54.005861
+                    -2.522833,54.005265
+                    -2.523300,54.004951
+                    -2.524236,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003878
+                    -2.525018,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002509
+                    -2.522833,54.002900
+                    -2.521720,54.002242
+                    -2.521321,54.001822
+                    -2.520399,54.001336
+                    -2.521027,54.000430
+                    -2.519808,54.000268
+                    -2.518296,54.000125
+                    -2.517132,53.999524
+                    -2.516784,53.999305
+                    -2.515737,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998346
+                    -2.514259,53.997717
+                    -2.514455,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996401
+                    -2.512247,53.996654
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+                    -2.511941,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994403
+                    -2.509305,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995104
+                    -2.508646,53.995004
+                    -2.507711,53.994861
+                    -2.506199,53.994803
+                    -2.505416,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993611
+                    -2.503833,53.993192
+                    -2.504364,53.992286
+                    -2.503945,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991151
+                    -2.505954,53.990479
+                    -2.505415,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.989048
+                    -2.507711,53.988962
+                    -2.508298,53.988667
+                    -2.509223,53.988032
+                    -2.510735,53.987842
+                    -2.510886,53.987765
+                    -2.510735,53.987684
+                    -2.509223,53.987546
+                    -2.507711,53.987699
+                    -2.507046,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986568
+                    -2.508847,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985348
+                    -2.506630,53.985052
+                    -2.507711,53.984203
+                    -2.507798,53.984141
+                    -2.508176,53.983240
+                    -2.508179,53.982334
+                    -2.508656,53.981433
+                    -2.509068,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979640
+                    -2.506199,53.980145
+                    -2.504686,53.980474
+                    -2.503174,53.979697
+                    -2.503053,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979545
+                    -2.504686,53.979173
+                    -2.505547,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978543
+                    -2.507711,53.978324
+                    -2.508714,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977509
+                    -2.510079,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976150
+                    -2.509074,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975859
+                    -2.510239,53.975101
+                    -2.510114,53.974195
+                    -2.510735,53.973789
+                    -2.511539,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972850
+                    -2.513760,53.972616
+                    -2.514164,53.972383
+                    -2.515272,53.971839
+                    -2.515880,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971157
+                    -2.513760,53.971171
+                    -2.512317,53.970575
+                    -2.512247,53.970537
+                    -2.512177,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.971157
+                    -2.509895,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532120,53.972383
+                    -2.532028,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973594
+                    -2.530858,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974824
+                    -2.532288,53.975101
+                    -2.532450,53.976002
+                    -2.532220,53.976908
+                    -2.532299,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978477
+                    -2.533920,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979321
+                    -2.535560,53.979621
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+                    -2.537955,53.980780
+                    -2.538391,53.980527
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+                    -2.540061,53.980527
+                    -2.540104,53.981433
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+                    -2.541074,53.982334
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+                    -2.542491,53.983893
+                    -2.543291,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984571
+                    -2.545516,53.984857
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+                    -2.547761,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985515
+                    -2.550052,53.985548
+                    -2.550668,53.985953
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+                    -2.552340,53.986859
+                    -2.552461,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985820
+                    -2.554589,53.985724
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+                    -2.556696,53.985953
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+                    -2.558665,53.985953
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+                    -2.559381,53.985953
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+                    -2.553077,53.989348
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016733
+                    -2.512166,54.017620
+                    -2.512247,54.017673
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+                    -2.515272,54.017754
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+                    -2.515272,54.017429
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+                    -2.510735,54.016700
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
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+                    -2.510735,54.014020
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+                    -2.516784,54.007316
+                    -2.516109,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006553
+                    -2.518296,54.006510
+                    -2.519492,54.006763
+                    -2.519199,54.007668
+                    -2.519808,54.007988
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+                    -2.521321,54.006791
+                    -2.520991,54.006763
+                    -2.521321,54.006686
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+                    -2.522833,54.005265
+                    -2.523300,54.004951
+                    -2.524236,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003878
+                    -2.525018,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002509
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+                    -2.521321,54.001822
+                    -2.520399,54.001336
+                    -2.521027,54.000430
+                    -2.519808,54.000268
+                    -2.518296,54.000125
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+                    -2.515272,53.998346
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+                    -2.509305,53.995004
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+                    -2.508646,53.995004
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+                    -2.506199,53.994803
+                    -2.505416,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993611
+                    -2.503833,53.993192
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+                    -2.503945,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991151
+                    -2.505954,53.990479
+                    -2.505415,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.989048
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+                    -2.508298,53.988667
+                    -2.509223,53.988032
+                    -2.510735,53.987842
+                    -2.510886,53.987765
+                    -2.510735,53.987684
+                    -2.509223,53.987546
+                    -2.507711,53.987699
+                    -2.507046,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986568
+                    -2.508847,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985348
+                    -2.506630,53.985052
+                    -2.507711,53.984203
+                    -2.507798,53.984141
+                    -2.508176,53.983240
+                    -2.508179,53.982334
+                    -2.508656,53.981433
+                    -2.509068,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979640
+                    -2.506199,53.980145
+                    -2.504686,53.980474
+                    -2.503174,53.979697
+                    -2.503053,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979545
+                    -2.504686,53.979173
+                    -2.505547,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978543
+                    -2.507711,53.978324
+                    -2.508714,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977509
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+                    -2.509223,53.976150
+                    -2.509074,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975859
+                    -2.510239,53.975101
+                    -2.510114,53.974195
+                    -2.510735,53.973789
+                    -2.511539,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972850
+                    -2.513760,53.972616
+                    -2.514164,53.972383
+                    -2.515272,53.971839
+                    -2.515880,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971157
+                    -2.513760,53.971171
+                    -2.512317,53.970575
+                    -2.512247,53.970537
+                    -2.512177,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.971157
+                    -2.509895,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532120,53.972383
+                    -2.532028,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973594
+                    -2.530858,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974824
+                    -2.532288,53.975101
+                    -2.532450,53.976002
+                    -2.532220,53.976908
+                    -2.532299,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978477
+                    -2.533920,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979321
+                    -2.535560,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.980150
+                    -2.537535,53.980527
+                    -2.537955,53.980780
+                    -2.538391,53.980527
+                    -2.539467,53.980293
+                    -2.540061,53.980527
+                    -2.540104,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.982272
+                    -2.541074,53.982334
+                    -2.541396,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983893
+                    -2.543291,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984571
+                    -2.545516,53.984857
+                    -2.547028,53.984904
+                    -2.547761,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985515
+                    -2.550052,53.985548
+                    -2.550668,53.985953
+                    -2.550789,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987327
+                    -2.552340,53.986859
+                    -2.552461,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985820
+                    -2.554589,53.985724
+                    -2.556101,53.985701
+                    -2.556696,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986506
+                    -2.558665,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985648
+                    -2.559381,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986650
+                    -2.562150,53.986540
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+                    -2.512166,54.017620
+                    -2.512247,54.017673
+                    -2.513760,54.017782
+                    -2.515272,54.017754
+                    -2.515522,54.017620
+                    -2.515272,54.017429
+                    -2.514633,54.016719
+                    -2.513760,54.016223
+                    -2.512247,54.016452
+                    -2.510735,54.016700
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014020
+                    -2.510962,54.014001
+                    -2.512247,54.013796
+                    -2.512670,54.013095
+                    -2.513449,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011827
+                    -2.514756,54.012194
+                    -2.515272,54.012504
+                    -2.515788,54.012194
+                    -2.515867,54.011288
+                    -2.515272,54.010844
+                    -2.514832,54.010386
+                    -2.514307,54.009476
+                    -2.515272,54.008737
+                    -2.515569,54.008574
+                    -2.516784,54.008017
+                    -2.517363,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007316
+                    -2.516109,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006553
+                    -2.518296,54.006510
+                    -2.519492,54.006763
+                    -2.519199,54.007668
+                    -2.519808,54.007988
+                    -2.521321,54.008265
+                    -2.522317,54.007668
+                    -2.521321,54.006791
+                    -2.520991,54.006763
+                    -2.521321,54.006686
+                    -2.522049,54.005861
+                    -2.522833,54.005265
+                    -2.523300,54.004951
+                    -2.524236,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003878
+                    -2.525018,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002509
+                    -2.522833,54.002900
+                    -2.521720,54.002242
+                    -2.521321,54.001822
+                    -2.520399,54.001336
+                    -2.521027,54.000430
+                    -2.519808,54.000268
+                    -2.518296,54.000125
+                    -2.517132,53.999524
+                    -2.516784,53.999305
+                    -2.515737,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998346
+                    -2.514259,53.997717
+                    -2.514455,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996401
+                    -2.512247,53.996654
+                    -2.512128,53.995910
+                    -2.511941,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994403
+                    -2.509305,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995104
+                    -2.508646,53.995004
+                    -2.507711,53.994861
+                    -2.506199,53.994803
+                    -2.505416,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993611
+                    -2.503833,53.993192
+                    -2.504364,53.992286
+                    -2.503945,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991151
+                    -2.505954,53.990479
+                    -2.505415,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.989048
+                    -2.507711,53.988962
+                    -2.508298,53.988667
+                    -2.509223,53.988032
+                    -2.510735,53.987842
+                    -2.510886,53.987765
+                    -2.510735,53.987684
+                    -2.509223,53.987546
+                    -2.507711,53.987699
+                    -2.507046,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986568
+                    -2.508847,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985348
+                    -2.506630,53.985052
+                    -2.507711,53.984203
+                    -2.507798,53.984141
+                    -2.508176,53.983240
+                    -2.508179,53.982334
+                    -2.508656,53.981433
+                    -2.509068,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979640
+                    -2.506199,53.980145
+                    -2.504686,53.980474
+                    -2.503174,53.979697
+                    -2.503053,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979545
+                    -2.504686,53.979173
+                    -2.505547,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978543
+                    -2.507711,53.978324
+                    -2.508714,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977509
+                    -2.510079,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976150
+                    -2.509074,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975859
+                    -2.510239,53.975101
+                    -2.510114,53.974195
+                    -2.510735,53.973789
+                    -2.511539,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972850
+                    -2.513760,53.972616
+                    -2.514164,53.972383
+                    -2.515272,53.971839
+                    -2.515880,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971157
+                    -2.513760,53.971171
+                    -2.512317,53.970575
+                    -2.512247,53.970537
+                    -2.512177,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.971157
+                    -2.509895,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532120,53.972383
+                    -2.532028,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973594
+                    -2.530858,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974824
+                    -2.532288,53.975101
+                    -2.532450,53.976002
+                    -2.532220,53.976908
+                    -2.532299,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978477
+                    -2.533920,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979321
+                    -2.535560,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.980150
+                    -2.537535,53.980527
+                    -2.537955,53.980780
+                    -2.538391,53.980527
+                    -2.539467,53.980293
+                    -2.540061,53.980527
+                    -2.540104,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.982272
+                    -2.541074,53.982334
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+                    -2.542491,53.983893
+                    -2.543291,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984571
+                    -2.545516,53.984857
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+                    -2.547761,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985515
+                    -2.550052,53.985548
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+                    -2.551564,53.987327
+                    -2.552340,53.986859
+                    -2.552461,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985820
+                    -2.554589,53.985724
+                    -2.556101,53.985701
+                    -2.556696,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986506
+                    -2.558665,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985648
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+                    -2.563662,53.989716
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+                    -2.563662,53.993592
+                    -2.562150,53.993492
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+                    -2.560342,53.994098
+                    -2.560555,53.993192
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+                    -2.554589,53.988123
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+                    -2.553077,53.989348
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+                    -2.553077,53.989768
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016733
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+                    -2.512247,54.017673
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+                    -2.515272,54.017754
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+                    -2.515272,54.017429
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+                    -2.512247,54.016452
+                    -2.510735,54.016700
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014020
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+                    -2.513760,54.011827
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+                    -2.515272,54.010844
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+                    -2.515569,54.008574
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+                    -2.516784,54.007316
+                    -2.516109,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006553
+                    -2.518296,54.006510
+                    -2.519492,54.006763
+                    -2.519199,54.007668
+                    -2.519808,54.007988
+                    -2.521321,54.008265
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+                    -2.521321,54.006791
+                    -2.520991,54.006763
+                    -2.521321,54.006686
+                    -2.522049,54.005861
+                    -2.522833,54.005265
+                    -2.523300,54.004951
+                    -2.524236,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003878
+                    -2.525018,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002509
+                    -2.522833,54.002900
+                    -2.521720,54.002242
+                    -2.521321,54.001822
+                    -2.520399,54.001336
+                    -2.521027,54.000430
+                    -2.519808,54.000268
+                    -2.518296,54.000125
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+                    -2.515272,53.998346
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+                    -2.514455,53.996811
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+                    -2.509305,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995104
+                    -2.508646,53.995004
+                    -2.507711,53.994861
+                    -2.506199,53.994803
+                    -2.505416,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993611
+                    -2.503833,53.993192
+                    -2.504364,53.992286
+                    -2.503945,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991151
+                    -2.505954,53.990479
+                    -2.505415,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.989048
+                    -2.507711,53.988962
+                    -2.508298,53.988667
+                    -2.509223,53.988032
+                    -2.510735,53.987842
+                    -2.510886,53.987765
+                    -2.510735,53.987684
+                    -2.509223,53.987546
+                    -2.507711,53.987699
+                    -2.507046,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986568
+                    -2.508847,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985348
+                    -2.506630,53.985052
+                    -2.507711,53.984203
+                    -2.507798,53.984141
+                    -2.508176,53.983240
+                    -2.508179,53.982334
+                    -2.508656,53.981433
+                    -2.509068,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979640
+                    -2.506199,53.980145
+                    -2.504686,53.980474
+                    -2.503174,53.979697
+                    -2.503053,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979545
+                    -2.504686,53.979173
+                    -2.505547,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978543
+                    -2.507711,53.978324
+                    -2.508714,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977509
+                    -2.510079,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976150
+                    -2.509074,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975859
+                    -2.510239,53.975101
+                    -2.510114,53.974195
+                    -2.510735,53.973789
+                    -2.511539,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972850
+                    -2.513760,53.972616
+                    -2.514164,53.972383
+                    -2.515272,53.971839
+                    -2.515880,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971157
+                    -2.513760,53.971171
+                    -2.512317,53.970575
+                    -2.512247,53.970537
+                    -2.512177,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.971157
+                    -2.509895,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532120,53.972383
+                    -2.532028,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973594
+                    -2.530858,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974824
+                    -2.532288,53.975101
+                    -2.532450,53.976002
+                    -2.532220,53.976908
+                    -2.532299,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978477
+                    -2.533920,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979321
+                    -2.535560,53.979621
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+                    -2.540104,53.981433
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+                    -2.534874,54.023952
+                    -2.534930,54.023986
+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025111
+                    -2.531906,54.025154
+                    -2.530394,54.024930
+                    -2.528882,54.024920
+                    -2.527369,54.024892
+                    -2.527293,54.024858
+                    -2.525857,54.024439
+                    -2.524990,54.023952
+                    -2.524345,54.023585
+                    -2.523211,54.023051
+                    -2.522833,54.022841
+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520682,54.022145
+                    -2.519808,54.021478
+                    -2.518296,54.021564
+                    -2.517477,54.021239
+                    -2.516784,54.020610
+                    -2.515893,54.020333
+                    -2.515272,54.020162
+                    -2.513760,54.020019
+                    -2.512247,54.019828
+                    -2.511544,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.019008
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016733
+                    -2.512166,54.017620
+                    -2.512247,54.017673
+                    -2.513760,54.017782
+                    -2.515272,54.017754
+                    -2.515522,54.017620
+                    -2.515272,54.017429
+                    -2.514633,54.016719
+                    -2.513760,54.016223
+                    -2.512247,54.016452
+                    -2.510735,54.016700
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014020
+                    -2.510962,54.014001
+                    -2.512247,54.013796
+                    -2.512670,54.013095
+                    -2.513449,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011827
+                    -2.514756,54.012194
+                    -2.515272,54.012504
+                    -2.515788,54.012194
+                    -2.515867,54.011288
+                    -2.515272,54.010844
+                    -2.514832,54.010386
+                    -2.514307,54.009476
+                    -2.515272,54.008737
+                    -2.515569,54.008574
+                    -2.516784,54.008017
+                    -2.517363,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007316
+                    -2.516109,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006553
+                    -2.518296,54.006510
+                    -2.519492,54.006763
+                    -2.519199,54.007668
+                    -2.519808,54.007988
+                    -2.521321,54.008265
+                    -2.522317,54.007668
+                    -2.521321,54.006791
+                    -2.520991,54.006763
+                    -2.521321,54.006686
+                    -2.522049,54.005861
+                    -2.522833,54.005265
+                    -2.523300,54.004951
+                    -2.524236,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003878
+                    -2.525018,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002509
+                    -2.522833,54.002900
+                    -2.521720,54.002242
+                    -2.521321,54.001822
+                    -2.520399,54.001336
+                    -2.521027,54.000430
+                    -2.519808,54.000268
+                    -2.518296,54.000125
+                    -2.517132,53.999524
+                    -2.516784,53.999305
+                    -2.515737,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998346
+                    -2.514259,53.997717
+                    -2.514455,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996401
+                    -2.512247,53.996654
+                    -2.512128,53.995910
+                    -2.511941,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994403
+                    -2.509305,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995104
+                    -2.508646,53.995004
+                    -2.507711,53.994861
+                    -2.506199,53.994803
+                    -2.505416,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993611
+                    -2.503833,53.993192
+                    -2.504364,53.992286
+                    -2.503945,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991151
+                    -2.505954,53.990479
+                    -2.505415,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.989048
+                    -2.507711,53.988962
+                    -2.508298,53.988667
+                    -2.509223,53.988032
+                    -2.510735,53.987842
+                    -2.510886,53.987765
+                    -2.510735,53.987684
+                    -2.509223,53.987546
+                    -2.507711,53.987699
+                    -2.507046,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986568
+                    -2.508847,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985348
+                    -2.506630,53.985052
+                    -2.507711,53.984203
+                    -2.507798,53.984141
+                    -2.508176,53.983240
+                    -2.508179,53.982334
+                    -2.508656,53.981433
+                    -2.509068,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979640
+                    -2.506199,53.980145
+                    -2.504686,53.980474
+                    -2.503174,53.979697
+                    -2.503053,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979545
+                    -2.504686,53.979173
+                    -2.505547,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978543
+                    -2.507711,53.978324
+                    -2.508714,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977509
+                    -2.510079,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976150
+                    -2.509074,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975859
+                    -2.510239,53.975101
+                    -2.510114,53.974195
+                    -2.510735,53.973789
+                    -2.511539,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972850
+                    -2.513760,53.972616
+                    -2.514164,53.972383
+                    -2.515272,53.971839
+                    -2.515880,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971157
+                    -2.513760,53.971171
+                    -2.512317,53.970575
+                    -2.512247,53.970537
+                    -2.512177,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.971157
+                    -2.509895,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532120,53.972383
+                    -2.532028,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973594
+                    -2.530858,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974824
+                    -2.532288,53.975101
+                    -2.532450,53.976002
+                    -2.532220,53.976908
+                    -2.532299,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978477
+                    -2.533920,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979321
+                    -2.535560,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.980150
+                    -2.537535,53.980527
+                    -2.537955,53.980780
+                    -2.538391,53.980527
+                    -2.539467,53.980293
+                    -2.540061,53.980527
+                    -2.540104,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.982272
+                    -2.541074,53.982334
+                    -2.541396,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983893
+                    -2.543291,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984571
+                    -2.545516,53.984857
+                    -2.547028,53.984904
+                    -2.547761,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985515
+                    -2.550052,53.985548
+                    -2.550668,53.985953
+                    -2.550789,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987327
+                    -2.552340,53.986859
+                    -2.552461,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985820
+                    -2.554589,53.985724
+                    -2.556101,53.985701
+                    -2.556696,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986506
+                    -2.558665,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985648
+                    -2.559381,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986650
+                    -2.562150,53.986540
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+                    -2.563593,53.989577
+                    -2.563662,53.989716
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+                    -2.565174,53.991675
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+                    -2.563873,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.993592
+                    -2.562150,53.993492
+                    -2.561225,53.994098
+                    -2.560638,53.994269
+                    -2.560342,53.994098
+                    -2.560555,53.993192
+                    -2.560579,53.992286
+                    -2.560069,53.991385
+                    -2.559941,53.990479
+                    -2.559125,53.989992
+                    -2.557613,53.989878
+                    -2.557270,53.989577
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+                    -2.555504,53.988667
+                    -2.554589,53.988123
+                    -2.553077,53.988090
+                    -2.552111,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989348
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+                    -2.553077,53.989768
+                    -2.551603,53.990479
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+                    -2.531906,54.025154
+                    -2.530394,54.024930
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+                    -2.527293,54.024858
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+                    -2.524345,54.023585
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+                    -2.511544,54.019427
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016733
+                    -2.512166,54.017620
+                    -2.512247,54.017673
+                    -2.513760,54.017782
+                    -2.515272,54.017754
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+                    -2.515272,54.017429
+                    -2.514633,54.016719
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+                    -2.512247,54.016452
+                    -2.510735,54.016700
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014020
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+                    -2.512247,54.013796
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+                    -2.513449,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011827
+                    -2.514756,54.012194
+                    -2.515272,54.012504
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+                    -2.515867,54.011288
+                    -2.515272,54.010844
+                    -2.514832,54.010386
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+                    -2.515272,54.008737
+                    -2.515569,54.008574
+                    -2.516784,54.008017
+                    -2.517363,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007316
+                    -2.516109,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006553
+                    -2.518296,54.006510
+                    -2.519492,54.006763
+                    -2.519199,54.007668
+                    -2.519808,54.007988
+                    -2.521321,54.008265
+                    -2.522317,54.007668
+                    -2.521321,54.006791
+                    -2.520991,54.006763
+                    -2.521321,54.006686
+                    -2.522049,54.005861
+                    -2.522833,54.005265
+                    -2.523300,54.004951
+                    -2.524236,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003878
+                    -2.525018,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002509
+                    -2.522833,54.002900
+                    -2.521720,54.002242
+                    -2.521321,54.001822
+                    -2.520399,54.001336
+                    -2.521027,54.000430
+                    -2.519808,54.000268
+                    -2.518296,54.000125
+                    -2.517132,53.999524
+                    -2.516784,53.999305
+                    -2.515737,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998346
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+                    -2.514455,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996401
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+                    -2.511941,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994403
+                    -2.509305,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995104
+                    -2.508646,53.995004
+                    -2.507711,53.994861
+                    -2.506199,53.994803
+                    -2.505416,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993611
+                    -2.503833,53.993192
+                    -2.504364,53.992286
+                    -2.503945,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991151
+                    -2.505954,53.990479
+                    -2.505415,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.989048
+                    -2.507711,53.988962
+                    -2.508298,53.988667
+                    -2.509223,53.988032
+                    -2.510735,53.987842
+                    -2.510886,53.987765
+                    -2.510735,53.987684
+                    -2.509223,53.987546
+                    -2.507711,53.987699
+                    -2.507046,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986568
+                    -2.508847,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985348
+                    -2.506630,53.985052
+                    -2.507711,53.984203
+                    -2.507798,53.984141
+                    -2.508176,53.983240
+                    -2.508179,53.982334
+                    -2.508656,53.981433
+                    -2.509068,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979640
+                    -2.506199,53.980145
+                    -2.504686,53.980474
+                    -2.503174,53.979697
+                    -2.503053,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979545
+                    -2.504686,53.979173
+                    -2.505547,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978543
+                    -2.507711,53.978324
+                    -2.508714,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977509
+                    -2.510079,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976150
+                    -2.509074,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975859
+                    -2.510239,53.975101
+                    -2.510114,53.974195
+                    -2.510735,53.973789
+                    -2.511539,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972850
+                    -2.513760,53.972616
+                    -2.514164,53.972383
+                    -2.515272,53.971839
+                    -2.515880,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971157
+                    -2.513760,53.971171
+                    -2.512317,53.970575
+                    -2.512247,53.970537
+                    -2.512177,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.971157
+                    -2.509895,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
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+                    -2.534930,54.013371
+                    -2.533418,54.013133
+                    -2.533339,54.013095
+                    -2.531906,54.012446
+                    -2.530760,54.012194
+                    -2.530394,54.012151
+                    -2.530318,54.012194
+                    -2.529480,54.013095
+                    -2.528923,54.014001
+                    -2.529591,54.014907
+                    -2.530394,54.015288
+                    -2.531906,54.015493
+                    -2.533418,54.015627
+                    -2.534219,54.015813
+                    -2.533501,54.016719
+                    -2.533418,54.016895
+                    -2.532698,54.017620
+                    -2.532962,54.018526
+                    -2.531906,54.018779
+                    -2.530758,54.019427
+                    -2.530394,54.019794
+                    -2.529648,54.020333
+                    -2.530394,54.020782
+                    -2.531906,54.020934
+                    -2.532345,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.022083
+                    -2.533478,54.022145
+                    -2.534184,54.023051
+                    -2.534874,54.023952
+                    -2.534930,54.023986
+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025111
+                    -2.531906,54.025154
+                    -2.530394,54.024930
+                    -2.528882,54.024920
+                    -2.527369,54.024892
+                    -2.527293,54.024858
+                    -2.525857,54.024439
+                    -2.524990,54.023952
+                    -2.524345,54.023585
+                    -2.523211,54.023051
+                    -2.522833,54.022841
+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520682,54.022145
+                    -2.519808,54.021478
+                    -2.518296,54.021564
+                    -2.517477,54.021239
+                    -2.516784,54.020610
+                    -2.515893,54.020333
+                    -2.515272,54.020162
+                    -2.513760,54.020019
+                    -2.512247,54.019828
+                    -2.511544,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.019008
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016733
+                    -2.512166,54.017620
+                    -2.512247,54.017673
+                    -2.513760,54.017782
+                    -2.515272,54.017754
+                    -2.515522,54.017620
+                    -2.515272,54.017429
+                    -2.514633,54.016719
+                    -2.513760,54.016223
+                    -2.512247,54.016452
+                    -2.510735,54.016700
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014020
+                    -2.510962,54.014001
+                    -2.512247,54.013796
+                    -2.512670,54.013095
+                    -2.513449,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011827
+                    -2.514756,54.012194
+                    -2.515272,54.012504
+                    -2.515788,54.012194
+                    -2.515867,54.011288
+                    -2.515272,54.010844
+                    -2.514832,54.010386
+                    -2.514307,54.009476
+                    -2.515272,54.008737
+                    -2.515569,54.008574
+                    -2.516784,54.008017
+                    -2.517363,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007316
+                    -2.516109,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006553
+                    -2.518296,54.006510
+                    -2.519492,54.006763
+                    -2.519199,54.007668
+                    -2.519808,54.007988
+                    -2.521321,54.008265
+                    -2.522317,54.007668
+                    -2.521321,54.006791
+                    -2.520991,54.006763
+                    -2.521321,54.006686
+                    -2.522049,54.005861
+                    -2.522833,54.005265
+                    -2.523300,54.004951
+                    -2.524236,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003878
+                    -2.525018,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002509
+                    -2.522833,54.002900
+                    -2.521720,54.002242
+                    -2.521321,54.001822
+                    -2.520399,54.001336
+                    -2.521027,54.000430
+                    -2.519808,54.000268
+                    -2.518296,54.000125
+                    -2.517132,53.999524
+                    -2.516784,53.999305
+                    -2.515737,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998346
+                    -2.514259,53.997717
+                    -2.514455,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996401
+                    -2.512247,53.996654
+                    -2.512128,53.995910
+                    -2.511941,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994403
+                    -2.509305,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995104
+                    -2.508646,53.995004
+                    -2.507711,53.994861
+                    -2.506199,53.994803
+                    -2.505416,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993611
+                    -2.503833,53.993192
+                    -2.504364,53.992286
+                    -2.503945,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991151
+                    -2.505954,53.990479
+                    -2.505415,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.989048
+                    -2.507711,53.988962
+                    -2.508298,53.988667
+                    -2.509223,53.988032
+                    -2.510735,53.987842
+                    -2.510886,53.987765
+                    -2.510735,53.987684
+                    -2.509223,53.987546
+                    -2.507711,53.987699
+                    -2.507046,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986568
+                    -2.508847,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985348
+                    -2.506630,53.985052
+                    -2.507711,53.984203
+                    -2.507798,53.984141
+                    -2.508176,53.983240
+                    -2.508179,53.982334
+                    -2.508656,53.981433
+                    -2.509068,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979640
+                    -2.506199,53.980145
+                    -2.504686,53.980474
+                    -2.503174,53.979697
+                    -2.503053,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979545
+                    -2.504686,53.979173
+                    -2.505547,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978543
+                    -2.507711,53.978324
+                    -2.508714,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977509
+                    -2.510079,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976150
+                    -2.509074,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975859
+                    -2.510239,53.975101
+                    -2.510114,53.974195
+                    -2.510735,53.973789
+                    -2.511539,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972850
+                    -2.513760,53.972616
+                    -2.514164,53.972383
+                    -2.515272,53.971839
+                    -2.515880,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971157
+                    -2.513760,53.971171
+                    -2.512317,53.970575
+                    -2.512247,53.970537
+                    -2.512177,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.971157
+                    -2.509895,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532120,53.972383
+                    -2.532028,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973594
+                    -2.530858,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974824
+                    -2.532288,53.975101
+                    -2.532450,53.976002
+                    -2.532220,53.976908
+                    -2.532299,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978477
+                    -2.533920,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979321
+                    -2.535560,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.980150
+                    -2.537535,53.980527
+                    -2.537955,53.980780
+                    -2.538391,53.980527
+                    -2.539467,53.980293
+                    -2.540061,53.980527
+                    -2.540104,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.982272
+                    -2.541074,53.982334
+                    -2.541396,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983893
+                    -2.543291,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984571
+                    -2.545516,53.984857
+                    -2.547028,53.984904
+                    -2.547761,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985515
+                    -2.550052,53.985548
+                    -2.550668,53.985953
+                    -2.550789,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987327
+                    -2.552340,53.986859
+                    -2.552461,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985820
+                    -2.554589,53.985724
+                    -2.556101,53.985701
+                    -2.556696,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986506
+                    -2.558665,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985648
+                    -2.559381,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986650
+                    -2.562150,53.986540
+                    -2.562557,53.986859
+                    -2.563226,53.987765
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+                    -2.563593,53.989577
+                    -2.563662,53.989716
+                    -2.563896,53.990479
+                    -2.565174,53.991070
+                    -2.565419,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991675
+                    -2.564244,53.992286
+                    -2.563873,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.993592
+                    -2.562150,53.993492
+                    -2.561225,53.994098
+                    -2.560638,53.994269
+                    -2.560342,53.994098
+                    -2.560555,53.993192
+                    -2.560579,53.992286
+                    -2.560069,53.991385
+                    -2.559941,53.990479
+                    -2.559125,53.989992
+                    -2.557613,53.989878
+                    -2.557270,53.989577
+                    -2.556101,53.988948
+                    -2.555504,53.988667
+                    -2.554589,53.988123
+                    -2.553077,53.988090
+                    -2.552111,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989348
+                    -2.553780,53.989577
+                    -2.553077,53.989768
+                    -2.551603,53.990479
+                    -2.552092,53.991385
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+                    -2.550052,53.991561
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+                    -2.531906,54.025154
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+                    -2.527293,54.024858
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+                    -2.524345,54.023585
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016733
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+                    -2.512247,54.017673
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+                    -2.515272,54.017754
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+                    -2.515272,54.017429
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+                    -2.510735,54.016700
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014020
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+                    -2.512247,54.013796
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+                    -2.513760,54.011827
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+                    -2.515272,54.012504
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+                    -2.515867,54.011288
+                    -2.515272,54.010844
+                    -2.514832,54.010386
+                    -2.514307,54.009476
+                    -2.515272,54.008737
+                    -2.515569,54.008574
+                    -2.516784,54.008017
+                    -2.517363,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007316
+                    -2.516109,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006553
+                    -2.518296,54.006510
+                    -2.519492,54.006763
+                    -2.519199,54.007668
+                    -2.519808,54.007988
+                    -2.521321,54.008265
+                    -2.522317,54.007668
+                    -2.521321,54.006791
+                    -2.520991,54.006763
+                    -2.521321,54.006686
+                    -2.522049,54.005861
+                    -2.522833,54.005265
+                    -2.523300,54.004951
+                    -2.524236,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003878
+                    -2.525018,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002509
+                    -2.522833,54.002900
+                    -2.521720,54.002242
+                    -2.521321,54.001822
+                    -2.520399,54.001336
+                    -2.521027,54.000430
+                    -2.519808,54.000268
+                    -2.518296,54.000125
+                    -2.517132,53.999524
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+                    -2.515737,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998346
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+                    -2.514455,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996401
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+                    -2.509305,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995104
+                    -2.508646,53.995004
+                    -2.507711,53.994861
+                    -2.506199,53.994803
+                    -2.505416,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993611
+                    -2.503833,53.993192
+                    -2.504364,53.992286
+                    -2.503945,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991151
+                    -2.505954,53.990479
+                    -2.505415,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.989048
+                    -2.507711,53.988962
+                    -2.508298,53.988667
+                    -2.509223,53.988032
+                    -2.510735,53.987842
+                    -2.510886,53.987765
+                    -2.510735,53.987684
+                    -2.509223,53.987546
+                    -2.507711,53.987699
+                    -2.507046,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986568
+                    -2.508847,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985348
+                    -2.506630,53.985052
+                    -2.507711,53.984203
+                    -2.507798,53.984141
+                    -2.508176,53.983240
+                    -2.508179,53.982334
+                    -2.508656,53.981433
+                    -2.509068,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979640
+                    -2.506199,53.980145
+                    -2.504686,53.980474
+                    -2.503174,53.979697
+                    -2.503053,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979545
+                    -2.504686,53.979173
+                    -2.505547,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978543
+                    -2.507711,53.978324
+                    -2.508714,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977509
+                    -2.510079,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976150
+                    -2.509074,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975859
+                    -2.510239,53.975101
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+                    -2.510735,53.973789
+                    -2.511539,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972850
+                    -2.513760,53.972616
+                    -2.514164,53.972383
+                    -2.515272,53.971839
+                    -2.515880,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971157
+                    -2.513760,53.971171
+                    -2.512317,53.970575
+                    -2.512247,53.970537
+                    -2.512177,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.971157
+                    -2.509895,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532120,53.972383
+                    -2.532028,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973594
+                    -2.530858,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974824
+                    -2.532288,53.975101
+                    -2.532450,53.976002
+                    -2.532220,53.976908
+                    -2.532299,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978477
+                    -2.533920,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979321
+                    -2.535560,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.980150
+                    -2.537535,53.980527
+                    -2.537955,53.980780
+                    -2.538391,53.980527
+                    -2.539467,53.980293
+                    -2.540061,53.980527
+                    -2.540104,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.982272
+                    -2.541074,53.982334
+                    -2.541396,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983893
+                    -2.543291,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984571
+                    -2.545516,53.984857
+                    -2.547028,53.984904
+                    -2.547761,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985515
+                    -2.550052,53.985548
+                    -2.550668,53.985953
+                    -2.550789,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987327
+                    -2.552340,53.986859
+                    -2.552461,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985820
+                    -2.554589,53.985724
+                    -2.556101,53.985701
+                    -2.556696,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986506
+                    -2.558665,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985648
+                    -2.559381,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986650
+                    -2.562150,53.986540
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+                    -2.563662,53.989716
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+                    -2.565174,53.991675
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+                    -2.563662,53.993592
+                    -2.562150,53.993492
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+                    -2.560638,53.994269
+                    -2.560342,53.994098
+                    -2.560555,53.993192
+                    -2.560579,53.992286
+                    -2.560069,53.991385
+                    -2.559941,53.990479
+                    -2.559125,53.989992
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+                    -2.557270,53.989577
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+                    -2.555504,53.988667
+                    -2.554589,53.988123
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+                    -2.552111,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989348
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+                    -2.553077,53.989768
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+                    -2.550052,53.991561
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016733
+                    -2.512166,54.017620
+                    -2.512247,54.017673
+                    -2.513760,54.017782
+                    -2.515272,54.017754
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+                    -2.515272,54.017429
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+                    -2.513760,54.016223
+                    -2.512247,54.016452
+                    -2.510735,54.016700
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014020
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+                    -2.512247,54.013796
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+                    -2.513760,54.011827
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+                    -2.515867,54.011288
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+                    -2.515272,54.008737
+                    -2.515569,54.008574
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+                    -2.517363,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007316
+                    -2.516109,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006553
+                    -2.518296,54.006510
+                    -2.519492,54.006763
+                    -2.519199,54.007668
+                    -2.519808,54.007988
+                    -2.521321,54.008265
+                    -2.522317,54.007668
+                    -2.521321,54.006791
+                    -2.520991,54.006763
+                    -2.521321,54.006686
+                    -2.522049,54.005861
+                    -2.522833,54.005265
+                    -2.523300,54.004951
+                    -2.524236,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003878
+                    -2.525018,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002509
+                    -2.522833,54.002900
+                    -2.521720,54.002242
+                    -2.521321,54.001822
+                    -2.520399,54.001336
+                    -2.521027,54.000430
+                    -2.519808,54.000268
+                    -2.518296,54.000125
+                    -2.517132,53.999524
+                    -2.516784,53.999305
+                    -2.515737,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998346
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+                    -2.514455,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996401
+                    -2.512247,53.996654
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+                    -2.509305,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995104
+                    -2.508646,53.995004
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+                    -2.506199,53.994803
+                    -2.505416,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993611
+                    -2.503833,53.993192
+                    -2.504364,53.992286
+                    -2.503945,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991151
+                    -2.505954,53.990479
+                    -2.505415,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.989048
+                    -2.507711,53.988962
+                    -2.508298,53.988667
+                    -2.509223,53.988032
+                    -2.510735,53.987842
+                    -2.510886,53.987765
+                    -2.510735,53.987684
+                    -2.509223,53.987546
+                    -2.507711,53.987699
+                    -2.507046,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986568
+                    -2.508847,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985348
+                    -2.506630,53.985052
+                    -2.507711,53.984203
+                    -2.507798,53.984141
+                    -2.508176,53.983240
+                    -2.508179,53.982334
+                    -2.508656,53.981433
+                    -2.509068,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979640
+                    -2.506199,53.980145
+                    -2.504686,53.980474
+                    -2.503174,53.979697
+                    -2.503053,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979545
+                    -2.504686,53.979173
+                    -2.505547,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978543
+                    -2.507711,53.978324
+                    -2.508714,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977509
+                    -2.510079,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976150
+                    -2.509074,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975859
+                    -2.510239,53.975101
+                    -2.510114,53.974195
+                    -2.510735,53.973789
+                    -2.511539,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972850
+                    -2.513760,53.972616
+                    -2.514164,53.972383
+                    -2.515272,53.971839
+                    -2.515880,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971157
+                    -2.513760,53.971171
+                    -2.512317,53.970575
+                    -2.512247,53.970537
+                    -2.512177,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.971157
+                    -2.509895,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532120,53.972383
+                    -2.532028,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973594
+                    -2.530858,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974824
+                    -2.532288,53.975101
+                    -2.532450,53.976002
+                    -2.532220,53.976908
+                    -2.532299,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978477
+                    -2.533920,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979321
+                    -2.535560,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.980150
+                    -2.537535,53.980527
+                    -2.537955,53.980780
+                    -2.538391,53.980527
+                    -2.539467,53.980293
+                    -2.540061,53.980527
+                    -2.540104,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.982272
+                    -2.541074,53.982334
+                    -2.541396,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983893
+                    -2.543291,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984571
+                    -2.545516,53.984857
+                    -2.547028,53.984904
+                    -2.547761,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985515
+                    -2.550052,53.985548
+                    -2.550668,53.985953
+                    -2.550789,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987327
+                    -2.552340,53.986859
+                    -2.552461,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985820
+                    -2.554589,53.985724
+                    -2.556101,53.985701
+                    -2.556696,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986506
+                    -2.558665,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985648
+                    -2.559381,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986650
+                    -2.562150,53.986540
+                    -2.562557,53.986859
+                    -2.563226,53.987765
+                    -2.563652,53.988667
+                    -2.563593,53.989577
+                    -2.563662,53.989716
+                    -2.563896,53.990479
+                    -2.565174,53.991070
+                    -2.565419,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991675
+                    -2.564244,53.992286
+                    -2.563873,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.993592
+                    -2.562150,53.993492
+                    -2.561225,53.994098
+                    -2.560638,53.994269
+                    -2.560342,53.994098
+                    -2.560555,53.993192
+                    -2.560579,53.992286
+                    -2.560069,53.991385
+                    -2.559941,53.990479
+                    -2.559125,53.989992
+                    -2.557613,53.989878
+                    -2.557270,53.989577
+                    -2.556101,53.988948
+                    -2.555504,53.988667
+                    -2.554589,53.988123
+                    -2.553077,53.988090
+                    -2.552111,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989348
+                    -2.553780,53.989577
+                    -2.553077,53.989768
+                    -2.551603,53.990479
+                    -2.552092,53.991385
+                    -2.551564,53.991408
+                    -2.550052,53.991561
+                    -2.549431,53.991385
+                    -2.549721,53.990479
+                    -2.548540,53.990216
+                    -2.547655,53.990479
+                    -2.547028,53.990607
+                    -2.545516,53.991127
+                    -2.544003,53.991041
+                    -2.542491,53.990765
+                    -2.541804,53.991385
+                    -2.541728,53.992286
+                    -2.540979,53.992438
+                    -2.540032,53.992286
+                    -2.539467,53.991404
+                    -2.539448,53.991385
+                    -2.537955,53.991122
+                    -2.537551,53.991385
+                    -2.537955,53.991995
+                    -2.538621,53.992286
+                    -2.537955,53.992844
+                    -2.536443,53.992982
+                    -2.536077,53.993192
+                    -2.536115,53.994098
+                    -2.536443,53.994784
+                    -2.536925,53.995004
+                    -2.536443,53.995242
+                    -2.536140,53.995910
+                    -2.535879,53.996811
+                    -2.534930,53.997455
+                    -2.533532,53.997717
+                    -2.534930,53.998008
+                    -2.535604,53.998618
+                    -2.536443,53.999133
+                    -2.537185,53.999524
+                    -2.537236,54.000430
+                    -2.536443,54.000659
+                    -2.535281,54.001336
+                    -2.535004,54.002242
+                    -2.534930,54.002280
+                    -2.534775,54.002242
+                    -2.533418,54.002028
+                    -2.533036,54.002242
+                    -2.532935,54.003143
+                    -2.533418,54.004021
+                    -2.533576,54.004049
+                    -2.534930,54.004126
+                    -2.536443,54.004374
+                    -2.537955,54.004331
+                    -2.538513,54.004049
+                    -2.539013,54.003143
+                    -2.539467,54.002995
+                    -2.539936,54.003143
+                    -2.540011,54.004049
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+                    -2.507711,53.987699
+                    -2.507046,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986568
+                    -2.508847,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985348
+                    -2.506630,53.985052
+                    -2.507711,53.984203
+                    -2.507798,53.984141
+                    -2.508176,53.983240
+                    -2.508179,53.982334
+                    -2.508656,53.981433
+                    -2.509068,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979640
+                    -2.506199,53.980145
+                    -2.504686,53.980474
+                    -2.503174,53.979697
+                    -2.503053,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979545
+                    -2.504686,53.979173
+                    -2.505547,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978543
+                    -2.507711,53.978324
+                    -2.508714,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977509
+                    -2.510079,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976150
+                    -2.509074,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975859
+                    -2.510239,53.975101
+                    -2.510114,53.974195
+                    -2.510735,53.973789
+                    -2.511539,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972850
+                    -2.513760,53.972616
+                    -2.514164,53.972383
+                    -2.515272,53.971839
+                    -2.515880,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971157
+                    -2.513760,53.971171
+                    -2.512317,53.970575
+                    -2.512247,53.970537
+                    -2.512177,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.971157
+                    -2.509895,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532120,53.972383
+                    -2.532028,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973594
+                    -2.530858,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974824
+                    -2.532288,53.975101
+                    -2.532450,53.976002
+                    -2.532220,53.976908
+                    -2.532299,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978477
+                    -2.533920,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979321
+                    -2.535560,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.980150
+                    -2.537535,53.980527
+                    -2.537955,53.980780
+                    -2.538391,53.980527
+                    -2.539467,53.980293
+                    -2.540061,53.980527
+                    -2.540104,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.982272
+                    -2.541074,53.982334
+                    -2.541396,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983893
+                    -2.543291,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984571
+                    -2.545516,53.984857
+                    -2.547028,53.984904
+                    -2.547761,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985515
+                    -2.550052,53.985548
+                    -2.550668,53.985953
+                    -2.550789,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987327
+                    -2.552340,53.986859
+                    -2.552461,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985820
+                    -2.554589,53.985724
+                    -2.556101,53.985701
+                    -2.556696,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986506
+                    -2.558665,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985648
+                    -2.559381,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986650
+                    -2.562150,53.986540
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+                    -2.563593,53.989577
+                    -2.563662,53.989716
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+                    -2.563662,53.993592
+                    -2.562150,53.993492
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+                    -2.560342,53.994098
+                    -2.560555,53.993192
+                    -2.560579,53.992286
+                    -2.560069,53.991385
+                    -2.559941,53.990479
+                    -2.559125,53.989992
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+                    -2.557270,53.989577
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+                    -2.555504,53.988667
+                    -2.554589,53.988123
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+                    -2.552111,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989348
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+                    -2.553077,53.989768
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+                    -2.550052,53.991561
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016733
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+                    -2.512247,54.017673
+                    -2.513760,54.017782
+                    -2.515272,54.017754
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+                    -2.515272,54.017429
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+                    -2.513760,54.016223
+                    -2.512247,54.016452
+                    -2.510735,54.016700
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014020
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+                    -2.512247,54.013796
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+                    -2.513760,54.011827
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+                    -2.515867,54.011288
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+                    -2.515272,54.008737
+                    -2.515569,54.008574
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+                    -2.517363,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007316
+                    -2.516109,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006553
+                    -2.518296,54.006510
+                    -2.519492,54.006763
+                    -2.519199,54.007668
+                    -2.519808,54.007988
+                    -2.521321,54.008265
+                    -2.522317,54.007668
+                    -2.521321,54.006791
+                    -2.520991,54.006763
+                    -2.521321,54.006686
+                    -2.522049,54.005861
+                    -2.522833,54.005265
+                    -2.523300,54.004951
+                    -2.524236,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003878
+                    -2.525018,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002509
+                    -2.522833,54.002900
+                    -2.521720,54.002242
+                    -2.521321,54.001822
+                    -2.520399,54.001336
+                    -2.521027,54.000430
+                    -2.519808,54.000268
+                    -2.518296,54.000125
+                    -2.517132,53.999524
+                    -2.516784,53.999305
+                    -2.515737,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998346
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+                    -2.514455,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996401
+                    -2.512247,53.996654
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+                    -2.510735,53.994403
+                    -2.509305,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995104
+                    -2.508646,53.995004
+                    -2.507711,53.994861
+                    -2.506199,53.994803
+                    -2.505416,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993611
+                    -2.503833,53.993192
+                    -2.504364,53.992286
+                    -2.503945,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991151
+                    -2.505954,53.990479
+                    -2.505415,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.989048
+                    -2.507711,53.988962
+                    -2.508298,53.988667
+                    -2.509223,53.988032
+                    -2.510735,53.987842
+                    -2.510886,53.987765
+                    -2.510735,53.987684
+                    -2.509223,53.987546
+                    -2.507711,53.987699
+                    -2.507046,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986568
+                    -2.508847,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985348
+                    -2.506630,53.985052
+                    -2.507711,53.984203
+                    -2.507798,53.984141
+                    -2.508176,53.983240
+                    -2.508179,53.982334
+                    -2.508656,53.981433
+                    -2.509068,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979640
+                    -2.506199,53.980145
+                    -2.504686,53.980474
+                    -2.503174,53.979697
+                    -2.503053,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979545
+                    -2.504686,53.979173
+                    -2.505547,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978543
+                    -2.507711,53.978324
+                    -2.508714,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977509
+                    -2.510079,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976150
+                    -2.509074,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975859
+                    -2.510239,53.975101
+                    -2.510114,53.974195
+                    -2.510735,53.973789
+                    -2.511539,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972850
+                    -2.513760,53.972616
+                    -2.514164,53.972383
+                    -2.515272,53.971839
+                    -2.515880,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971157
+                    -2.513760,53.971171
+                    -2.512317,53.970575
+                    -2.512247,53.970537
+                    -2.512177,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.971157
+                    -2.509895,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532120,53.972383
+                    -2.532028,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973594
+                    -2.530858,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974824
+                    -2.532288,53.975101
+                    -2.532450,53.976002
+                    -2.532220,53.976908
+                    -2.532299,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978477
+                    -2.533920,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979321
+                    -2.535560,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.980150
+                    -2.537535,53.980527
+                    -2.537955,53.980780
+                    -2.538391,53.980527
+                    -2.539467,53.980293
+                    -2.540061,53.980527
+                    -2.540104,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.982272
+                    -2.541074,53.982334
+                    -2.541396,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983893
+                    -2.543291,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984571
+                    -2.545516,53.984857
+                    -2.547028,53.984904
+                    -2.547761,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985515
+                    -2.550052,53.985548
+                    -2.550668,53.985953
+                    -2.550789,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987327
+                    -2.552340,53.986859
+                    -2.552461,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985820
+                    -2.554589,53.985724
+                    -2.556101,53.985701
+                    -2.556696,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986506
+                    -2.558665,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985648
+                    -2.559381,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986650
+                    -2.562150,53.986540
+                    -2.562557,53.986859
+                    -2.563226,53.987765
+                    -2.563652,53.988667
+                    -2.563593,53.989577
+                    -2.563662,53.989716
+                    -2.563896,53.990479
+                    -2.565174,53.991070
+                    -2.565419,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991675
+                    -2.564244,53.992286
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+                    -2.563662,53.993592
+                    -2.562150,53.993492
+                    -2.561225,53.994098
+                    -2.560638,53.994269
+                    -2.560342,53.994098
+                    -2.560555,53.993192
+                    -2.560579,53.992286
+                    -2.560069,53.991385
+                    -2.559941,53.990479
+                    -2.559125,53.989992
+                    -2.557613,53.989878
+                    -2.557270,53.989577
+                    -2.556101,53.988948
+                    -2.555504,53.988667
+                    -2.554589,53.988123
+                    -2.553077,53.988090
+                    -2.552111,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989348
+                    -2.553780,53.989577
+                    -2.553077,53.989768
+                    -2.551603,53.990479
+                    -2.552092,53.991385
+                    -2.551564,53.991408
+                    -2.550052,53.991561
+                    -2.549431,53.991385
+                    -2.549721,53.990479
+                    -2.548540,53.990216
+                    -2.547655,53.990479
+                    -2.547028,53.990607
+                    -2.545516,53.991127
+                    -2.544003,53.991041
+                    -2.542491,53.990765
+                    -2.541804,53.991385
+                    -2.541728,53.992286
+                    -2.540979,53.992438
+                    -2.540032,53.992286
+                    -2.539467,53.991404
+                    -2.539448,53.991385
+                    -2.537955,53.991122
+                    -2.537551,53.991385
+                    -2.537955,53.991995
+                    -2.538621,53.992286
+                    -2.537955,53.992844
+                    -2.536443,53.992982
+                    -2.536077,53.993192
+                    -2.536115,53.994098
+                    -2.536443,53.994784
+                    -2.536925,53.995004
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+                    -2.514455,53.996811
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+                    -2.511941,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994403
+                    -2.509305,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995104
+                    -2.508646,53.995004
+                    -2.507711,53.994861
+                    -2.506199,53.994803
+                    -2.505416,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993611
+                    -2.503833,53.993192
+                    -2.504364,53.992286
+                    -2.503945,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991151
+                    -2.505954,53.990479
+                    -2.505415,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.989048
+                    -2.507711,53.988962
+                    -2.508298,53.988667
+                    -2.509223,53.988032
+                    -2.510735,53.987842
+                    -2.510886,53.987765
+                    -2.510735,53.987684
+                    -2.509223,53.987546
+                    -2.507711,53.987699
+                    -2.507046,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986568
+                    -2.508847,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985348
+                    -2.506630,53.985052
+                    -2.507711,53.984203
+                    -2.507798,53.984141
+                    -2.508176,53.983240
+                    -2.508179,53.982334
+                    -2.508656,53.981433
+                    -2.509068,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979640
+                    -2.506199,53.980145
+                    -2.504686,53.980474
+                    -2.503174,53.979697
+                    -2.503053,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979545
+                    -2.504686,53.979173
+                    -2.505547,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978543
+                    -2.507711,53.978324
+                    -2.508714,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977509
+                    -2.510079,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976150
+                    -2.509074,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975859
+                    -2.510239,53.975101
+                    -2.510114,53.974195
+                    -2.510735,53.973789
+                    -2.511539,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972850
+                    -2.513760,53.972616
+                    -2.514164,53.972383
+                    -2.515272,53.971839
+                    -2.515880,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971157
+                    -2.513760,53.971171
+                    -2.512317,53.970575
+                    -2.512247,53.970537
+                    -2.512177,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.971157
+                    -2.509895,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532120,53.972383
+                    -2.532028,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973594
+                    -2.530858,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974824
+                    -2.532288,53.975101
+                    -2.532450,53.976002
+                    -2.532220,53.976908
+                    -2.532299,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978477
+                    -2.533920,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979321
+                    -2.535560,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.980150
+                    -2.537535,53.980527
+                    -2.537955,53.980780
+                    -2.538391,53.980527
+                    -2.539467,53.980293
+                    -2.540061,53.980527
+                    -2.540104,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.982272
+                    -2.541074,53.982334
+                    -2.541396,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983893
+                    -2.543291,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984571
+                    -2.545516,53.984857
+                    -2.547028,53.984904
+                    -2.547761,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985515
+                    -2.550052,53.985548
+                    -2.550668,53.985953
+                    -2.550789,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987327
+                    -2.552340,53.986859
+                    -2.552461,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985820
+                    -2.554589,53.985724
+                    -2.556101,53.985701
+                    -2.556696,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986506
+                    -2.558665,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985648
+                    -2.559381,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986650
+                    -2.562150,53.986540
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+                    -2.563662,53.989716
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+                    -2.563662,53.993592
+                    -2.562150,53.993492
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+                    -2.560342,53.994098
+                    -2.560555,53.993192
+                    -2.560579,53.992286
+                    -2.560069,53.991385
+                    -2.559941,53.990479
+                    -2.559125,53.989992
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+                    -2.552111,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989348
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+                    -2.553077,53.989768
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016733
+                    -2.512166,54.017620
+                    -2.512247,54.017673
+                    -2.513760,54.017782
+                    -2.515272,54.017754
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+                    -2.515272,54.017429
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+                    -2.513760,54.016223
+                    -2.512247,54.016452
+                    -2.510735,54.016700
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014020
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+                    -2.512247,54.013796
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+                    -2.513760,54.011827
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+                    -2.515867,54.011288
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+                    -2.514307,54.009476
+                    -2.515272,54.008737
+                    -2.515569,54.008574
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+                    -2.517363,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007316
+                    -2.516109,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006553
+                    -2.518296,54.006510
+                    -2.519492,54.006763
+                    -2.519199,54.007668
+                    -2.519808,54.007988
+                    -2.521321,54.008265
+                    -2.522317,54.007668
+                    -2.521321,54.006791
+                    -2.520991,54.006763
+                    -2.521321,54.006686
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+                    -2.522833,54.005265
+                    -2.523300,54.004951
+                    -2.524236,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003878
+                    -2.525018,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002509
+                    -2.522833,54.002900
+                    -2.521720,54.002242
+                    -2.521321,54.001822
+                    -2.520399,54.001336
+                    -2.521027,54.000430
+                    -2.519808,54.000268
+                    -2.518296,54.000125
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+                    -2.515272,53.998346
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+                    -2.514455,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996401
+                    -2.512247,53.996654
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+                    -2.509305,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995104
+                    -2.508646,53.995004
+                    -2.507711,53.994861
+                    -2.506199,53.994803
+                    -2.505416,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993611
+                    -2.503833,53.993192
+                    -2.504364,53.992286
+                    -2.503945,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991151
+                    -2.505954,53.990479
+                    -2.505415,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.989048
+                    -2.507711,53.988962
+                    -2.508298,53.988667
+                    -2.509223,53.988032
+                    -2.510735,53.987842
+                    -2.510886,53.987765
+                    -2.510735,53.987684
+                    -2.509223,53.987546
+                    -2.507711,53.987699
+                    -2.507046,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986568
+                    -2.508847,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985348
+                    -2.506630,53.985052
+                    -2.507711,53.984203
+                    -2.507798,53.984141
+                    -2.508176,53.983240
+                    -2.508179,53.982334
+                    -2.508656,53.981433
+                    -2.509068,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979640
+                    -2.506199,53.980145
+                    -2.504686,53.980474
+                    -2.503174,53.979697
+                    -2.503053,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979545
+                    -2.504686,53.979173
+                    -2.505547,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978543
+                    -2.507711,53.978324
+                    -2.508714,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977509
+                    -2.510079,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976150
+                    -2.509074,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975859
+                    -2.510239,53.975101
+                    -2.510114,53.974195
+                    -2.510735,53.973789
+                    -2.511539,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972850
+                    -2.513760,53.972616
+                    -2.514164,53.972383
+                    -2.515272,53.971839
+                    -2.515880,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971157
+                    -2.513760,53.971171
+                    -2.512317,53.970575
+                    -2.512247,53.970537
+                    -2.512177,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.971157
+                    -2.509895,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532120,53.972383
+                    -2.532028,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973594
+                    -2.530858,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974824
+                    -2.532288,53.975101
+                    -2.532450,53.976002
+                    -2.532220,53.976908
+                    -2.532299,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978477
+                    -2.533920,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979321
+                    -2.535560,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.980150
+                    -2.537535,53.980527
+                    -2.537955,53.980780
+                    -2.538391,53.980527
+                    -2.539467,53.980293
+                    -2.540061,53.980527
+                    -2.540104,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.982272
+                    -2.541074,53.982334
+                    -2.541396,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983893
+                    -2.543291,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984571
+                    -2.545516,53.984857
+                    -2.547028,53.984904
+                    -2.547761,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985515
+                    -2.550052,53.985548
+                    -2.550668,53.985953
+                    -2.550789,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987327
+                    -2.552340,53.986859
+                    -2.552461,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985820
+                    -2.554589,53.985724
+                    -2.556101,53.985701
+                    -2.556696,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986506
+                    -2.558665,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985648
+                    -2.559381,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986650
+                    -2.562150,53.986540
+                    -2.562557,53.986859
+                    -2.563226,53.987765
+                    -2.563652,53.988667
+                    -2.563593,53.989577
+                    -2.563662,53.989716
+                    -2.563896,53.990479
+                    -2.565174,53.991070
+                    -2.565419,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991675
+                    -2.564244,53.992286
+                    -2.563873,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.993592
+                    -2.562150,53.993492
+                    -2.561225,53.994098
+                    -2.560638,53.994269
+                    -2.560342,53.994098
+                    -2.560555,53.993192
+                    -2.560579,53.992286
+                    -2.560069,53.991385
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+                    -2.559125,53.989992
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+                    -2.557270,53.989577
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+                    -2.555504,53.988667
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+                    -2.552111,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989348
+                    -2.553780,53.989577
+                    -2.553077,53.989768
+                    -2.551603,53.990479
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+                    -2.516784,54.006553
+                    -2.518296,54.006510
+                    -2.519492,54.006763
+                    -2.519199,54.007668
+                    -2.519808,54.007988
+                    -2.521321,54.008265
+                    -2.522317,54.007668
+                    -2.521321,54.006791
+                    -2.520991,54.006763
+                    -2.521321,54.006686
+                    -2.522049,54.005861
+                    -2.522833,54.005265
+                    -2.523300,54.004951
+                    -2.524236,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003878
+                    -2.525018,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002509
+                    -2.522833,54.002900
+                    -2.521720,54.002242
+                    -2.521321,54.001822
+                    -2.520399,54.001336
+                    -2.521027,54.000430
+                    -2.519808,54.000268
+                    -2.518296,54.000125
+                    -2.517132,53.999524
+                    -2.516784,53.999305
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+                    -2.515272,53.998346
+                    -2.514259,53.997717
+                    -2.514455,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996401
+                    -2.512247,53.996654
+                    -2.512128,53.995910
+                    -2.511941,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994403
+                    -2.509305,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995104
+                    -2.508646,53.995004
+                    -2.507711,53.994861
+                    -2.506199,53.994803
+                    -2.505416,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993611
+                    -2.503833,53.993192
+                    -2.504364,53.992286
+                    -2.503945,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991151
+                    -2.505954,53.990479
+                    -2.505415,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.989048
+                    -2.507711,53.988962
+                    -2.508298,53.988667
+                    -2.509223,53.988032
+                    -2.510735,53.987842
+                    -2.510886,53.987765
+                    -2.510735,53.987684
+                    -2.509223,53.987546
+                    -2.507711,53.987699
+                    -2.507046,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986568
+                    -2.508847,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985348
+                    -2.506630,53.985052
+                    -2.507711,53.984203
+                    -2.507798,53.984141
+                    -2.508176,53.983240
+                    -2.508179,53.982334
+                    -2.508656,53.981433
+                    -2.509068,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979640
+                    -2.506199,53.980145
+                    -2.504686,53.980474
+                    -2.503174,53.979697
+                    -2.503053,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979545
+                    -2.504686,53.979173
+                    -2.505547,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978543
+                    -2.507711,53.978324
+                    -2.508714,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977509
+                    -2.510079,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976150
+                    -2.509074,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975859
+                    -2.510239,53.975101
+                    -2.510114,53.974195
+                    -2.510735,53.973789
+                    -2.511539,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972850
+                    -2.513760,53.972616
+                    -2.514164,53.972383
+                    -2.515272,53.971839
+                    -2.515880,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971157
+                    -2.513760,53.971171
+                    -2.512317,53.970575
+                    -2.512247,53.970537
+                    -2.512177,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.971157
+                    -2.509895,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532120,53.972383
+                    -2.532028,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973594
+                    -2.530858,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974824
+                    -2.532288,53.975101
+                    -2.532450,53.976002
+                    -2.532220,53.976908
+                    -2.532299,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978477
+                    -2.533920,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979321
+                    -2.535560,53.979621
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+                    -2.537955,53.980780
+                    -2.538391,53.980527
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+                    -2.540061,53.980527
+                    -2.540104,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.982272
+                    -2.541074,53.982334
+                    -2.541396,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983893
+                    -2.543291,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984571
+                    -2.545516,53.984857
+                    -2.547028,53.984904
+                    -2.547761,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985515
+                    -2.550052,53.985548
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+                    -2.552340,53.986859
+                    -2.552461,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985820
+                    -2.554589,53.985724
+                    -2.556101,53.985701
+                    -2.556696,53.985953
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+                    -2.558665,53.985953
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+                    -2.559381,53.985953
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+                    -2.553077,53.989348
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+                    -2.553077,53.989768
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016733
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+                    -2.512247,54.017673
+                    -2.513760,54.017782
+                    -2.515272,54.017754
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+                    -2.515272,54.017429
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+                    -2.510735,54.016700
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014020
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+                    -2.516784,54.007316
+                    -2.516109,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006553
+                    -2.518296,54.006510
+                    -2.519492,54.006763
+                    -2.519199,54.007668
+                    -2.519808,54.007988
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+                    -2.521321,54.006791
+                    -2.520991,54.006763
+                    -2.521321,54.006686
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+                    -2.522833,54.005265
+                    -2.523300,54.004951
+                    -2.524236,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003878
+                    -2.525018,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002509
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+                    -2.521321,54.001822
+                    -2.520399,54.001336
+                    -2.521027,54.000430
+                    -2.519808,54.000268
+                    -2.518296,54.000125
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+                    -2.515272,53.998346
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+                    -2.509305,53.995004
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+                    -2.508646,53.995004
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+                    -2.506199,53.994803
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+                    -2.504686,53.993611
+                    -2.503833,53.993192
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+                    -2.503945,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991151
+                    -2.505954,53.990479
+                    -2.505415,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.989048
+                    -2.507711,53.988962
+                    -2.508298,53.988667
+                    -2.509223,53.988032
+                    -2.510735,53.987842
+                    -2.510886,53.987765
+                    -2.510735,53.987684
+                    -2.509223,53.987546
+                    -2.507711,53.987699
+                    -2.507046,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986568
+                    -2.508847,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985348
+                    -2.506630,53.985052
+                    -2.507711,53.984203
+                    -2.507798,53.984141
+                    -2.508176,53.983240
+                    -2.508179,53.982334
+                    -2.508656,53.981433
+                    -2.509068,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979640
+                    -2.506199,53.980145
+                    -2.504686,53.980474
+                    -2.503174,53.979697
+                    -2.503053,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979545
+                    -2.504686,53.979173
+                    -2.505547,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978543
+                    -2.507711,53.978324
+                    -2.508714,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977509
+                    -2.510079,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976150
+                    -2.509074,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975859
+                    -2.510239,53.975101
+                    -2.510114,53.974195
+                    -2.510735,53.973789
+                    -2.511539,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972850
+                    -2.513760,53.972616
+                    -2.514164,53.972383
+                    -2.515272,53.971839
+                    -2.515880,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971157
+                    -2.513760,53.971171
+                    -2.512317,53.970575
+                    -2.512247,53.970537
+                    -2.512177,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.971157
+                    -2.509895,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532120,53.972383
+                    -2.532028,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973594
+                    -2.530858,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974824
+                    -2.532288,53.975101
+                    -2.532450,53.976002
+                    -2.532220,53.976908
+                    -2.532299,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978477
+                    -2.533920,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979321
+                    -2.535560,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.980150
+                    -2.537535,53.980527
+                    -2.537955,53.980780
+                    -2.538391,53.980527
+                    -2.539467,53.980293
+                    -2.540061,53.980527
+                    -2.540104,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.982272
+                    -2.541074,53.982334
+                    -2.541396,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983893
+                    -2.543291,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984571
+                    -2.545516,53.984857
+                    -2.547028,53.984904
+                    -2.547761,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985515
+                    -2.550052,53.985548
+                    -2.550668,53.985953
+                    -2.550789,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987327
+                    -2.552340,53.986859
+                    -2.552461,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985820
+                    -2.554589,53.985724
+                    -2.556101,53.985701
+                    -2.556696,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986506
+                    -2.558665,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985648
+                    -2.559381,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986650
+                    -2.562150,53.986540
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+                    -2.515272,54.017754
+                    -2.515522,54.017620
+                    -2.515272,54.017429
+                    -2.514633,54.016719
+                    -2.513760,54.016223
+                    -2.512247,54.016452
+                    -2.510735,54.016700
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014020
+                    -2.510962,54.014001
+                    -2.512247,54.013796
+                    -2.512670,54.013095
+                    -2.513449,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011827
+                    -2.514756,54.012194
+                    -2.515272,54.012504
+                    -2.515788,54.012194
+                    -2.515867,54.011288
+                    -2.515272,54.010844
+                    -2.514832,54.010386
+                    -2.514307,54.009476
+                    -2.515272,54.008737
+                    -2.515569,54.008574
+                    -2.516784,54.008017
+                    -2.517363,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007316
+                    -2.516109,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006553
+                    -2.518296,54.006510
+                    -2.519492,54.006763
+                    -2.519199,54.007668
+                    -2.519808,54.007988
+                    -2.521321,54.008265
+                    -2.522317,54.007668
+                    -2.521321,54.006791
+                    -2.520991,54.006763
+                    -2.521321,54.006686
+                    -2.522049,54.005861
+                    -2.522833,54.005265
+                    -2.523300,54.004951
+                    -2.524236,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003878
+                    -2.525018,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002509
+                    -2.522833,54.002900
+                    -2.521720,54.002242
+                    -2.521321,54.001822
+                    -2.520399,54.001336
+                    -2.521027,54.000430
+                    -2.519808,54.000268
+                    -2.518296,54.000125
+                    -2.517132,53.999524
+                    -2.516784,53.999305
+                    -2.515737,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998346
+                    -2.514259,53.997717
+                    -2.514455,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996401
+                    -2.512247,53.996654
+                    -2.512128,53.995910
+                    -2.511941,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994403
+                    -2.509305,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995104
+                    -2.508646,53.995004
+                    -2.507711,53.994861
+                    -2.506199,53.994803
+                    -2.505416,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993611
+                    -2.503833,53.993192
+                    -2.504364,53.992286
+                    -2.503945,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991151
+                    -2.505954,53.990479
+                    -2.505415,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.989048
+                    -2.507711,53.988962
+                    -2.508298,53.988667
+                    -2.509223,53.988032
+                    -2.510735,53.987842
+                    -2.510886,53.987765
+                    -2.510735,53.987684
+                    -2.509223,53.987546
+                    -2.507711,53.987699
+                    -2.507046,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986568
+                    -2.508847,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985348
+                    -2.506630,53.985052
+                    -2.507711,53.984203
+                    -2.507798,53.984141
+                    -2.508176,53.983240
+                    -2.508179,53.982334
+                    -2.508656,53.981433
+                    -2.509068,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979640
+                    -2.506199,53.980145
+                    -2.504686,53.980474
+                    -2.503174,53.979697
+                    -2.503053,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979545
+                    -2.504686,53.979173
+                    -2.505547,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978543
+                    -2.507711,53.978324
+                    -2.508714,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977509
+                    -2.510079,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976150
+                    -2.509074,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975859
+                    -2.510239,53.975101
+                    -2.510114,53.974195
+                    -2.510735,53.973789
+                    -2.511539,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972850
+                    -2.513760,53.972616
+                    -2.514164,53.972383
+                    -2.515272,53.971839
+                    -2.515880,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971157
+                    -2.513760,53.971171
+                    -2.512317,53.970575
+                    -2.512247,53.970537
+                    -2.512177,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.971157
+                    -2.509895,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532120,53.972383
+                    -2.532028,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973594
+                    -2.530858,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974824
+                    -2.532288,53.975101
+                    -2.532450,53.976002
+                    -2.532220,53.976908
+                    -2.532299,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978477
+                    -2.533920,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979321
+                    -2.535560,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.980150
+                    -2.537535,53.980527
+                    -2.537955,53.980780
+                    -2.538391,53.980527
+                    -2.539467,53.980293
+                    -2.540061,53.980527
+                    -2.540104,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.982272
+                    -2.541074,53.982334
+                    -2.541396,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983893
+                    -2.543291,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984571
+                    -2.545516,53.984857
+                    -2.547028,53.984904
+                    -2.547761,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985515
+                    -2.550052,53.985548
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+                    -2.552340,53.986859
+                    -2.552461,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985820
+                    -2.554589,53.985724
+                    -2.556101,53.985701
+                    -2.556696,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986506
+                    -2.558665,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985648
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+                    -2.563662,53.993592
+                    -2.562150,53.993492
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+                    -2.560342,53.994098
+                    -2.560555,53.993192
+                    -2.560579,53.992286
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+                    -2.554589,53.988123
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+                    -2.553077,53.989348
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+                    -2.553077,53.989768
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016733
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+                    -2.512247,54.017673
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+                    -2.515272,54.017754
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+                    -2.515272,54.017429
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+                    -2.512247,54.016452
+                    -2.510735,54.016700
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014020
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+                    -2.512247,54.013796
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+                    -2.513760,54.011827
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+                    -2.515272,54.010844
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+                    -2.515569,54.008574
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+                    -2.517363,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007316
+                    -2.516109,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006553
+                    -2.518296,54.006510
+                    -2.519492,54.006763
+                    -2.519199,54.007668
+                    -2.519808,54.007988
+                    -2.521321,54.008265
+                    -2.522317,54.007668
+                    -2.521321,54.006791
+                    -2.520991,54.006763
+                    -2.521321,54.006686
+                    -2.522049,54.005861
+                    -2.522833,54.005265
+                    -2.523300,54.004951
+                    -2.524236,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003878
+                    -2.525018,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002509
+                    -2.522833,54.002900
+                    -2.521720,54.002242
+                    -2.521321,54.001822
+                    -2.520399,54.001336
+                    -2.521027,54.000430
+                    -2.519808,54.000268
+                    -2.518296,54.000125
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+                    -2.515737,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998346
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+                    -2.514455,53.996811
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+                    -2.509305,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995104
+                    -2.508646,53.995004
+                    -2.507711,53.994861
+                    -2.506199,53.994803
+                    -2.505416,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993611
+                    -2.503833,53.993192
+                    -2.504364,53.992286
+                    -2.503945,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991151
+                    -2.505954,53.990479
+                    -2.505415,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.989048
+                    -2.507711,53.988962
+                    -2.508298,53.988667
+                    -2.509223,53.988032
+                    -2.510735,53.987842
+                    -2.510886,53.987765
+                    -2.510735,53.987684
+                    -2.509223,53.987546
+                    -2.507711,53.987699
+                    -2.507046,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986568
+                    -2.508847,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985348
+                    -2.506630,53.985052
+                    -2.507711,53.984203
+                    -2.507798,53.984141
+                    -2.508176,53.983240
+                    -2.508179,53.982334
+                    -2.508656,53.981433
+                    -2.509068,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979640
+                    -2.506199,53.980145
+                    -2.504686,53.980474
+                    -2.503174,53.979697
+                    -2.503053,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979545
+                    -2.504686,53.979173
+                    -2.505547,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978543
+                    -2.507711,53.978324
+                    -2.508714,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977509
+                    -2.510079,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976150
+                    -2.509074,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975859
+                    -2.510239,53.975101
+                    -2.510114,53.974195
+                    -2.510735,53.973789
+                    -2.511539,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972850
+                    -2.513760,53.972616
+                    -2.514164,53.972383
+                    -2.515272,53.971839
+                    -2.515880,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971157
+                    -2.513760,53.971171
+                    -2.512317,53.970575
+                    -2.512247,53.970537
+                    -2.512177,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.971157
+                    -2.509895,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532120,53.972383
+                    -2.532028,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973594
+                    -2.530858,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974824
+                    -2.532288,53.975101
+                    -2.532450,53.976002
+                    -2.532220,53.976908
+                    -2.532299,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978477
+                    -2.533920,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979321
+                    -2.535560,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.980150
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+                    -2.538391,53.980527
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+                    -2.540104,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.982272
+                    -2.541074,53.982334
+                    -2.541396,53.983240
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+                    -2.533418,54.025111
+                    -2.531906,54.025154
+                    -2.530394,54.024930
+                    -2.528882,54.024920
+                    -2.527369,54.024892
+                    -2.527293,54.024858
+                    -2.525857,54.024439
+                    -2.524990,54.023952
+                    -2.524345,54.023585
+                    -2.523211,54.023051
+                    -2.522833,54.022841
+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520682,54.022145
+                    -2.519808,54.021478
+                    -2.518296,54.021564
+                    -2.517477,54.021239
+                    -2.516784,54.020610
+                    -2.515893,54.020333
+                    -2.515272,54.020162
+                    -2.513760,54.020019
+                    -2.512247,54.019828
+                    -2.511544,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.019008
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016733
+                    -2.512166,54.017620
+                    -2.512247,54.017673
+                    -2.513760,54.017782
+                    -2.515272,54.017754
+                    -2.515522,54.017620
+                    -2.515272,54.017429
+                    -2.514633,54.016719
+                    -2.513760,54.016223
+                    -2.512247,54.016452
+                    -2.510735,54.016700
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014020
+                    -2.510962,54.014001
+                    -2.512247,54.013796
+                    -2.512670,54.013095
+                    -2.513449,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011827
+                    -2.514756,54.012194
+                    -2.515272,54.012504
+                    -2.515788,54.012194
+                    -2.515867,54.011288
+                    -2.515272,54.010844
+                    -2.514832,54.010386
+                    -2.514307,54.009476
+                    -2.515272,54.008737
+                    -2.515569,54.008574
+                    -2.516784,54.008017
+                    -2.517363,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007316
+                    -2.516109,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006553
+                    -2.518296,54.006510
+                    -2.519492,54.006763
+                    -2.519199,54.007668
+                    -2.519808,54.007988
+                    -2.521321,54.008265
+                    -2.522317,54.007668
+                    -2.521321,54.006791
+                    -2.520991,54.006763
+                    -2.521321,54.006686
+                    -2.522049,54.005861
+                    -2.522833,54.005265
+                    -2.523300,54.004951
+                    -2.524236,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003878
+                    -2.525018,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002509
+                    -2.522833,54.002900
+                    -2.521720,54.002242
+                    -2.521321,54.001822
+                    -2.520399,54.001336
+                    -2.521027,54.000430
+                    -2.519808,54.000268
+                    -2.518296,54.000125
+                    -2.517132,53.999524
+                    -2.516784,53.999305
+                    -2.515737,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998346
+                    -2.514259,53.997717
+                    -2.514455,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996401
+                    -2.512247,53.996654
+                    -2.512128,53.995910
+                    -2.511941,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994403
+                    -2.509305,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995104
+                    -2.508646,53.995004
+                    -2.507711,53.994861
+                    -2.506199,53.994803
+                    -2.505416,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993611
+                    -2.503833,53.993192
+                    -2.504364,53.992286
+                    -2.503945,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991151
+                    -2.505954,53.990479
+                    -2.505415,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.989048
+                    -2.507711,53.988962
+                    -2.508298,53.988667
+                    -2.509223,53.988032
+                    -2.510735,53.987842
+                    -2.510886,53.987765
+                    -2.510735,53.987684
+                    -2.509223,53.987546
+                    -2.507711,53.987699
+                    -2.507046,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986568
+                    -2.508847,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985348
+                    -2.506630,53.985052
+                    -2.507711,53.984203
+                    -2.507798,53.984141
+                    -2.508176,53.983240
+                    -2.508179,53.982334
+                    -2.508656,53.981433
+                    -2.509068,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979640
+                    -2.506199,53.980145
+                    -2.504686,53.980474
+                    -2.503174,53.979697
+                    -2.503053,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979545
+                    -2.504686,53.979173
+                    -2.505547,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978543
+                    -2.507711,53.978324
+                    -2.508714,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977509
+                    -2.510079,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976150
+                    -2.509074,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975859
+                    -2.510239,53.975101
+                    -2.510114,53.974195
+                    -2.510735,53.973789
+                    -2.511539,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972850
+                    -2.513760,53.972616
+                    -2.514164,53.972383
+                    -2.515272,53.971839
+                    -2.515880,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971157
+                    -2.513760,53.971171
+                    -2.512317,53.970575
+                    -2.512247,53.970537
+                    -2.512177,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.971157
+                    -2.509895,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532120,53.972383
+                    -2.532028,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973594
+                    -2.530858,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974824
+                    -2.532288,53.975101
+                    -2.532450,53.976002
+                    -2.532220,53.976908
+                    -2.532299,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978477
+                    -2.533920,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979321
+                    -2.535560,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.980150
+                    -2.537535,53.980527
+                    -2.537955,53.980780
+                    -2.538391,53.980527
+                    -2.539467,53.980293
+                    -2.540061,53.980527
+                    -2.540104,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.982272
+                    -2.541074,53.982334
+                    -2.541396,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983893
+                    -2.543291,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984571
+                    -2.545516,53.984857
+                    -2.547028,53.984904
+                    -2.547761,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985515
+                    -2.550052,53.985548
+                    -2.550668,53.985953
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+                    -2.551564,53.987327
+                    -2.552340,53.986859
+                    -2.552461,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985820
+                    -2.554589,53.985724
+                    -2.556101,53.985701
+                    -2.556696,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986506
+                    -2.558665,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985648
+                    -2.559381,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986650
+                    -2.562150,53.986540
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+                    -2.563593,53.989577
+                    -2.563662,53.989716
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+                    -2.563662,53.993592
+                    -2.562150,53.993492
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+                    -2.560638,53.994269
+                    -2.560342,53.994098
+                    -2.560555,53.993192
+                    -2.560579,53.992286
+                    -2.560069,53.991385
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+                    -2.559125,53.989992
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+                    -2.555504,53.988667
+                    -2.554589,53.988123
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+                    -2.552111,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989348
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+                    -2.553077,53.989768
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+                    -2.531906,54.025154
+                    -2.530394,54.024930
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+                    -2.527293,54.024858
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+                    -2.524345,54.023585
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016733
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+                    -2.512247,54.017673
+                    -2.513760,54.017782
+                    -2.515272,54.017754
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+                    -2.515272,54.017429
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+                    -2.512247,54.016452
+                    -2.510735,54.016700
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014020
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+                    -2.512247,54.013796
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+                    -2.513760,54.011827
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+                    -2.515272,54.012504
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+                    -2.515867,54.011288
+                    -2.515272,54.010844
+                    -2.514832,54.010386
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+                    -2.515272,54.008737
+                    -2.515569,54.008574
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+                    -2.517363,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007316
+                    -2.516109,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006553
+                    -2.518296,54.006510
+                    -2.519492,54.006763
+                    -2.519199,54.007668
+                    -2.519808,54.007988
+                    -2.521321,54.008265
+                    -2.522317,54.007668
+                    -2.521321,54.006791
+                    -2.520991,54.006763
+                    -2.521321,54.006686
+                    -2.522049,54.005861
+                    -2.522833,54.005265
+                    -2.523300,54.004951
+                    -2.524236,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003878
+                    -2.525018,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002509
+                    -2.522833,54.002900
+                    -2.521720,54.002242
+                    -2.521321,54.001822
+                    -2.520399,54.001336
+                    -2.521027,54.000430
+                    -2.519808,54.000268
+                    -2.518296,54.000125
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+                    -2.516784,53.999305
+                    -2.515737,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998346
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+                    -2.514455,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996401
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+                    -2.509305,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995104
+                    -2.508646,53.995004
+                    -2.507711,53.994861
+                    -2.506199,53.994803
+                    -2.505416,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993611
+                    -2.503833,53.993192
+                    -2.504364,53.992286
+                    -2.503945,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991151
+                    -2.505954,53.990479
+                    -2.505415,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.989048
+                    -2.507711,53.988962
+                    -2.508298,53.988667
+                    -2.509223,53.988032
+                    -2.510735,53.987842
+                    -2.510886,53.987765
+                    -2.510735,53.987684
+                    -2.509223,53.987546
+                    -2.507711,53.987699
+                    -2.507046,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986568
+                    -2.508847,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985348
+                    -2.506630,53.985052
+                    -2.507711,53.984203
+                    -2.507798,53.984141
+                    -2.508176,53.983240
+                    -2.508179,53.982334
+                    -2.508656,53.981433
+                    -2.509068,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979640
+                    -2.506199,53.980145
+                    -2.504686,53.980474
+                    -2.503174,53.979697
+                    -2.503053,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979545
+                    -2.504686,53.979173
+                    -2.505547,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978543
+                    -2.507711,53.978324
+                    -2.508714,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977509
+                    -2.510079,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976150
+                    -2.509074,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975859
+                    -2.510239,53.975101
+                    -2.510114,53.974195
+                    -2.510735,53.973789
+                    -2.511539,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972850
+                    -2.513760,53.972616
+                    -2.514164,53.972383
+                    -2.515272,53.971839
+                    -2.515880,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971157
+                    -2.513760,53.971171
+                    -2.512317,53.970575
+                    -2.512247,53.970537
+                    -2.512177,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.971157
+                    -2.509895,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
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+                    -2.511288,54.008574
+                    -2.512247,54.008036
+                    -2.513760,54.008217
+                    -2.515272,54.008346
+                    -2.516784,54.007769
+                    -2.516949,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007568
+                    -2.515805,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006457
+                    -2.518296,54.006405
+                    -2.519572,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.004989
+                    -2.517935,54.004951
+                    -2.518296,54.004869
+                    -2.519808,54.004879
+                    -2.521321,54.004912
+                    -2.522253,54.004951
+                    -2.522833,54.004989
+                    -2.522887,54.004951
+                    -2.524040,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003572
+                    -2.524738,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002771
+                    -2.523275,54.003143
+                    -2.522833,54.003220
+                    -2.522650,54.003143
+                    -2.521321,54.002352
+                    -2.519808,54.002280
+                    -2.518791,54.002242
+                    -2.519218,54.001336
+                    -2.518918,54.000430
+                    -2.518296,54.000368
+                    -2.516784,54.000163
+                    -2.516657,54.000430
+                    -2.515272,54.000802
+                    -2.513760,54.000926
+                    -2.512247,54.000912
+                    -2.512030,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,54.000287
+                    -2.513760,54.000168
+                    -2.515272,54.000053
+                    -2.516576,53.999524
+                    -2.515285,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998613
+                    -2.513828,53.997717
+                    -2.514124,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996596
+                    -2.512902,53.996811
+                    -2.512247,53.997011
+                    -2.512120,53.996811
+                    -2.511971,53.995910
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+                    -2.509546,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995390
+                    -2.507711,53.995275
+                    -2.506199,53.995147
+                    -2.506126,53.995004
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+                    -2.503622,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991051
+                    -2.505764,53.990479
+                    -2.505083,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.988824
+                    -2.507711,53.988757
+                    -2.507885,53.988667
+                    -2.507711,53.988361
+                    -2.506199,53.988190
+                    -2.505894,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987536
+                    -2.506753,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986440
+                    -2.508609,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985476
+                    -2.506199,53.985062
+                    -2.505932,53.985052
+                    -2.506199,53.985019
+                    -2.507264,53.984141
+                    -2.507711,53.983374
+                    -2.507769,53.983240
+                    -2.507780,53.982334
+                    -2.508230,53.981433
+                    -2.509016,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979673
+                    -2.506199,53.980322
+                    -2.505308,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.980742
+                    -2.504331,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.979926
+                    -2.502673,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979306
+                    -2.504686,53.979020
+                    -2.505264,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978472
+                    -2.507711,53.978190
+                    -2.508457,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977351
+                    -2.509861,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976340
+                    -2.508877,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975668
+                    -2.509983,53.975101
+                    -2.509767,53.974195
+                    -2.510735,53.973560
+                    -2.511175,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972631
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+                    -2.513760,53.972216
+                    -2.515272,53.971620
+                    -2.515510,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971353
+                    -2.513760,53.971381
+                    -2.512247,53.971324
+                    -2.510735,53.971367
+                    -2.509591,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
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+                    -2.532192,53.972383
+                    -2.532069,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973694
+                    -2.531035,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974719
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+                    -2.532632,53.976002
+                    -2.532325,53.976908
+                    -2.532430,53.977809
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+                    -2.534087,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979220
+                    -2.535770,53.979621
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+                    -2.537899,53.980527
+                    -2.537955,53.980560
+                    -2.538012,53.980527
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+                    -2.540271,53.980527
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+                    -2.563725,53.988667
+                    -2.563742,53.989577
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+                    -2.562150,53.994384
+                    -2.563662,53.994493
+                    -2.564169,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995681
+                    -2.565449,53.995910
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+                    -2.565174,53.997011
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+                    -2.562150,53.996921
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+                    -2.554589,53.992558
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
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+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013624
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+                    -2.513760,54.009128
+                    -2.512247,54.009271
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+                    -2.512247,54.008036
+                    -2.513760,54.008217
+                    -2.515272,54.008346
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+                    -2.516949,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007568
+                    -2.515805,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006457
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+                    -2.518296,54.004989
+                    -2.517935,54.004951
+                    -2.518296,54.004869
+                    -2.519808,54.004879
+                    -2.521321,54.004912
+                    -2.522253,54.004951
+                    -2.522833,54.004989
+                    -2.522887,54.004951
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+                    -2.524345,54.003572
+                    -2.524738,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002771
+                    -2.523275,54.003143
+                    -2.522833,54.003220
+                    -2.522650,54.003143
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+                    -2.519808,54.002280
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+                    -2.512247,54.000287
+                    -2.513760,54.000168
+                    -2.515272,54.000053
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+                    -2.515285,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998613
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+                    -2.514124,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996596
+                    -2.512902,53.996811
+                    -2.512247,53.997011
+                    -2.512120,53.996811
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+                    -2.511738,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994498
+                    -2.509546,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995390
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+                    -2.504686,53.991051
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+                    -2.507711,53.988361
+                    -2.506199,53.988190
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+                    -2.506199,53.987536
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+                    -2.507711,53.986440
+                    -2.508609,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985476
+                    -2.506199,53.985062
+                    -2.505932,53.985052
+                    -2.506199,53.985019
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+                    -2.507711,53.983374
+                    -2.507769,53.983240
+                    -2.507780,53.982334
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+                    -2.507711,53.979673
+                    -2.506199,53.980322
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+                    -2.504331,53.980527
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+                    -2.503174,53.979306
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+                    -2.507711,53.978190
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+                    -2.509223,53.975668
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+                    -2.513760,53.972216
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+                    -2.515510,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971353
+                    -2.513760,53.971381
+                    -2.512247,53.971324
+                    -2.510735,53.971367
+                    -2.509591,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
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+                    -2.532430,53.977809
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+                    -2.534930,53.979220
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+                    -2.537899,53.980527
+                    -2.537955,53.980560
+                    -2.538012,53.980527
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+                    -2.540271,53.980527
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+                    -2.540979,53.982067
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+                    -2.544003,53.984408
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+                    -2.552094,53.986859
+                    -2.552256,53.985953
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+                    -2.556894,53.985953
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+                    -2.558437,53.985953
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+                    -2.559507,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986583
+                    -2.562150,53.986430
+                    -2.562692,53.986859
+                    -2.563584,53.987765
+                    -2.563662,53.987927
+                    -2.563725,53.988667
+                    -2.563742,53.989577
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+                    -2.565174,53.990932
+                    -2.565529,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991809
+                    -2.564443,53.992286
+                    -2.563981,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.993797
+                    -2.562150,53.993850
+                    -2.561768,53.994098
+                    -2.562150,53.994384
+                    -2.563662,53.994493
+                    -2.564169,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995681
+                    -2.565449,53.995910
+                    -2.565354,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997011
+                    -2.563662,53.996959
+                    -2.562150,53.996921
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+                    -2.561833,53.995910
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+                    -2.560003,53.993192
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+                    -2.559125,53.990130
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+                    -2.553077,53.988199
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+                    -2.553077,53.989220
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+                    -2.554589,53.989758
+                    -2.555222,53.990479
+                    -2.554871,53.991385
+                    -2.555085,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992558
+                    -2.553203,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993340
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+                    -2.551564,53.991461
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+                    -2.510735,54.014001
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+                    -2.513760,54.009128
+                    -2.512247,54.009271
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+                    -2.512247,54.008036
+                    -2.513760,54.008217
+                    -2.515272,54.008346
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+                    -2.516784,54.007568
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+                    -2.516784,54.006457
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+                    -2.518296,54.004869
+                    -2.519808,54.004879
+                    -2.521321,54.004912
+                    -2.522253,54.004951
+                    -2.522833,54.004989
+                    -2.522887,54.004951
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+                    -2.524345,54.003572
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+                    -2.524345,54.002771
+                    -2.523275,54.003143
+                    -2.522833,54.003220
+                    -2.522650,54.003143
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+                    -2.519808,54.002280
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+                    -2.518296,54.000368
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+                    -2.515272,54.000802
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+                    -2.512247,54.000287
+                    -2.513760,54.000168
+                    -2.515272,54.000053
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+                    -2.515272,53.998613
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+                    -2.513760,53.996596
+                    -2.512902,53.996811
+                    -2.512247,53.997011
+                    -2.512120,53.996811
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+                    -2.509223,53.995390
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+                    -2.506199,53.995147
+                    -2.506126,53.995004
+                    -2.505155,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993783
+                    -2.503481,53.993192
+                    -2.504174,53.992286
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+                    -2.504686,53.991051
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+                    -2.505083,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.988824
+                    -2.507711,53.988757
+                    -2.507885,53.988667
+                    -2.507711,53.988361
+                    -2.506199,53.988190
+                    -2.505894,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987536
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+                    -2.507711,53.986440
+                    -2.508609,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985476
+                    -2.506199,53.985062
+                    -2.505932,53.985052
+                    -2.506199,53.985019
+                    -2.507264,53.984141
+                    -2.507711,53.983374
+                    -2.507769,53.983240
+                    -2.507780,53.982334
+                    -2.508230,53.981433
+                    -2.509016,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979673
+                    -2.506199,53.980322
+                    -2.505308,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.980742
+                    -2.504331,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.979926
+                    -2.502673,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979306
+                    -2.504686,53.979020
+                    -2.505264,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978472
+                    -2.507711,53.978190
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+                    -2.509223,53.977351
+                    -2.509861,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976340
+                    -2.508877,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975668
+                    -2.509983,53.975101
+                    -2.509767,53.974195
+                    -2.510735,53.973560
+                    -2.511175,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972631
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+                    -2.513760,53.972216
+                    -2.515272,53.971620
+                    -2.515510,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971353
+                    -2.513760,53.971381
+                    -2.512247,53.971324
+                    -2.510735,53.971367
+                    -2.509591,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532192,53.972383
+                    -2.532069,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973694
+                    -2.531035,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974719
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+                    -2.532632,53.976002
+                    -2.532325,53.976908
+                    -2.532430,53.977809
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+                    -2.538012,53.980527
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+                    -2.540271,53.980527
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+                    -2.540979,53.982067
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+                    -2.541536,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983812
+                    -2.543557,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984408
+                    -2.545516,53.984790
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+                    -2.552094,53.986859
+                    -2.552256,53.985953
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+                    -2.556894,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986387
+                    -2.558437,53.985953
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+                    -2.559507,53.985953
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+                    -2.562150,53.986430
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+                    -2.563584,53.987765
+                    -2.563662,53.987927
+                    -2.563725,53.988667
+                    -2.563742,53.989577
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+                    -2.565174,53.991809
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+                    -2.562150,53.993850
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+                    -2.562150,53.994384
+                    -2.563662,53.994493
+                    -2.564169,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995681
+                    -2.565449,53.995910
+                    -2.565354,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997011
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+                    -2.562150,53.996921
+                    -2.561152,53.996811
+                    -2.561833,53.995910
+                    -2.561703,53.995004
+                    -2.560638,53.994427
+                    -2.560068,53.994098
+                    -2.560003,53.993192
+                    -2.559929,53.992286
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+                    -2.559125,53.990130
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+                    -2.554589,53.988242
+                    -2.553077,53.988199
+                    -2.552293,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989220
+                    -2.554185,53.989577
+                    -2.554589,53.989758
+                    -2.555222,53.990479
+                    -2.554871,53.991385
+                    -2.555085,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992558
+                    -2.553203,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993340
+                    -2.551960,53.994098
+                    -2.551564,53.994274
+                    -2.550052,53.994784
+                    -2.549759,53.995004
+                    -2.548540,53.995748
+                    -2.548110,53.995910
+                    -2.547028,53.996377
+                    -2.546340,53.995910
+                    -2.546838,53.995004
+                    -2.547028,53.994846
+                    -2.548540,53.994508
+                    -2.549342,53.994098
+                    -2.550052,53.993888
+                    -2.551564,53.993306
+                    -2.551875,53.993192
+                    -2.552858,53.992286
+                    -2.551564,53.991461
+                    -2.550052,53.991771
+                    -2.548700,53.991385
+                    -2.548540,53.990588
+                    -2.547028,53.990788
+                    -2.545516,53.991370
+                    -2.544003,53.991284
+                    -2.542728,53.991385
+                    -2.544003,53.991885
+                    -2.544125,53.992286
+                    -2.544003,53.992801
+                    -2.542491,53.992305
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+                    -2.539467,53.994756
+                    -2.539711,53.995004
+                    -2.539467,53.995075
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+                    -2.512247,54.009271
+                    -2.511288,54.008574
+                    -2.512247,54.008036
+                    -2.513760,54.008217
+                    -2.515272,54.008346
+                    -2.516784,54.007769
+                    -2.516949,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007568
+                    -2.515805,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006457
+                    -2.518296,54.006405
+                    -2.519572,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.004989
+                    -2.517935,54.004951
+                    -2.518296,54.004869
+                    -2.519808,54.004879
+                    -2.521321,54.004912
+                    -2.522253,54.004951
+                    -2.522833,54.004989
+                    -2.522887,54.004951
+                    -2.524040,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003572
+                    -2.524738,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002771
+                    -2.523275,54.003143
+                    -2.522833,54.003220
+                    -2.522650,54.003143
+                    -2.521321,54.002352
+                    -2.519808,54.002280
+                    -2.518791,54.002242
+                    -2.519218,54.001336
+                    -2.518918,54.000430
+                    -2.518296,54.000368
+                    -2.516784,54.000163
+                    -2.516657,54.000430
+                    -2.515272,54.000802
+                    -2.513760,54.000926
+                    -2.512247,54.000912
+                    -2.512030,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,54.000287
+                    -2.513760,54.000168
+                    -2.515272,54.000053
+                    -2.516576,53.999524
+                    -2.515285,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998613
+                    -2.513828,53.997717
+                    -2.514124,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996596
+                    -2.512902,53.996811
+                    -2.512247,53.997011
+                    -2.512120,53.996811
+                    -2.511971,53.995910
+                    -2.511738,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994498
+                    -2.509546,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995390
+                    -2.507711,53.995275
+                    -2.506199,53.995147
+                    -2.506126,53.995004
+                    -2.505155,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993783
+                    -2.503481,53.993192
+                    -2.504174,53.992286
+                    -2.503622,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991051
+                    -2.505764,53.990479
+                    -2.505083,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.988824
+                    -2.507711,53.988757
+                    -2.507885,53.988667
+                    -2.507711,53.988361
+                    -2.506199,53.988190
+                    -2.505894,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987536
+                    -2.506753,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986440
+                    -2.508609,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985476
+                    -2.506199,53.985062
+                    -2.505932,53.985052
+                    -2.506199,53.985019
+                    -2.507264,53.984141
+                    -2.507711,53.983374
+                    -2.507769,53.983240
+                    -2.507780,53.982334
+                    -2.508230,53.981433
+                    -2.509016,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979673
+                    -2.506199,53.980322
+                    -2.505308,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.980742
+                    -2.504331,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.979926
+                    -2.502673,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979306
+                    -2.504686,53.979020
+                    -2.505264,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978472
+                    -2.507711,53.978190
+                    -2.508457,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977351
+                    -2.509861,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976340
+                    -2.508877,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975668
+                    -2.509983,53.975101
+                    -2.509767,53.974195
+                    -2.510735,53.973560
+                    -2.511175,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972631
+                    -2.513632,53.972383
+                    -2.513760,53.972216
+                    -2.515272,53.971620
+                    -2.515510,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971353
+                    -2.513760,53.971381
+                    -2.512247,53.971324
+                    -2.510735,53.971367
+                    -2.509591,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532192,53.972383
+                    -2.532069,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973694
+                    -2.531035,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974719
+                    -2.532435,53.975101
+                    -2.532632,53.976002
+                    -2.532325,53.976908
+                    -2.532430,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978400
+                    -2.534087,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979220
+                    -2.535770,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.980021
+                    -2.537899,53.980527
+                    -2.537955,53.980560
+                    -2.538012,53.980527
+                    -2.539467,53.980212
+                    -2.540271,53.980527
+                    -2.540317,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.982067
+                    -2.541379,53.982334
+                    -2.541536,53.983240
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+                    -2.544003,53.984408
+                    -2.545516,53.984790
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+                    -2.559507,53.985953
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+                    -2.562150,53.986430
+                    -2.562692,53.986859
+                    -2.563584,53.987765
+                    -2.563662,53.987927
+                    -2.563725,53.988667
+                    -2.563742,53.989577
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+                    -2.565174,53.991809
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+                    -2.563662,53.993797
+                    -2.562150,53.993850
+                    -2.561768,53.994098
+                    -2.562150,53.994384
+                    -2.563662,53.994493
+                    -2.564169,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995681
+                    -2.565449,53.995910
+                    -2.565354,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997011
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+                    -2.562150,53.996921
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+                    -2.561833,53.995910
+                    -2.561703,53.995004
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+                    -2.553077,53.989220
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+                    -2.555085,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992558
+                    -2.553203,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993340
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+                    -2.518296,54.021688
+                    -2.517175,54.021239
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+                    -2.514747,54.020333
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013624
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+                    -2.512307,54.013095
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+                    -2.515272,54.011073
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+                    -2.513760,54.009128
+                    -2.512247,54.009271
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+                    -2.512247,54.008036
+                    -2.513760,54.008217
+                    -2.515272,54.008346
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+                    -2.516949,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007568
+                    -2.515805,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006457
+                    -2.518296,54.006405
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+                    -2.518296,54.004989
+                    -2.517935,54.004951
+                    -2.518296,54.004869
+                    -2.519808,54.004879
+                    -2.521321,54.004912
+                    -2.522253,54.004951
+                    -2.522833,54.004989
+                    -2.522887,54.004951
+                    -2.524040,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003572
+                    -2.524738,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002771
+                    -2.523275,54.003143
+                    -2.522833,54.003220
+                    -2.522650,54.003143
+                    -2.521321,54.002352
+                    -2.519808,54.002280
+                    -2.518791,54.002242
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+                    -2.518918,54.000430
+                    -2.518296,54.000368
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+                    -2.516657,54.000430
+                    -2.515272,54.000802
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+                    -2.512247,54.000912
+                    -2.512030,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,54.000287
+                    -2.513760,54.000168
+                    -2.515272,54.000053
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+                    -2.515285,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998613
+                    -2.513828,53.997717
+                    -2.514124,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996596
+                    -2.512902,53.996811
+                    -2.512247,53.997011
+                    -2.512120,53.996811
+                    -2.511971,53.995910
+                    -2.511738,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994498
+                    -2.509546,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995390
+                    -2.507711,53.995275
+                    -2.506199,53.995147
+                    -2.506126,53.995004
+                    -2.505155,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993783
+                    -2.503481,53.993192
+                    -2.504174,53.992286
+                    -2.503622,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991051
+                    -2.505764,53.990479
+                    -2.505083,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.988824
+                    -2.507711,53.988757
+                    -2.507885,53.988667
+                    -2.507711,53.988361
+                    -2.506199,53.988190
+                    -2.505894,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987536
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+                    -2.507711,53.986440
+                    -2.508609,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985476
+                    -2.506199,53.985062
+                    -2.505932,53.985052
+                    -2.506199,53.985019
+                    -2.507264,53.984141
+                    -2.507711,53.983374
+                    -2.507769,53.983240
+                    -2.507780,53.982334
+                    -2.508230,53.981433
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+                    -2.507711,53.979673
+                    -2.506199,53.980322
+                    -2.505308,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.980742
+                    -2.504331,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.979926
+                    -2.502673,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979306
+                    -2.504686,53.979020
+                    -2.505264,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978472
+                    -2.507711,53.978190
+                    -2.508457,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977351
+                    -2.509861,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976340
+                    -2.508877,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975668
+                    -2.509983,53.975101
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+                    -2.511175,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972631
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+                    -2.513760,53.972216
+                    -2.515272,53.971620
+                    -2.515510,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971353
+                    -2.513760,53.971381
+                    -2.512247,53.971324
+                    -2.510735,53.971367
+                    -2.509591,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
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+                    -2.534930,53.979220
+                    -2.535770,53.979621
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+                    -2.537899,53.980527
+                    -2.537955,53.980560
+                    -2.538012,53.980527
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+                    -2.540271,53.980527
+                    -2.540317,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.982067
+                    -2.541379,53.982334
+                    -2.541536,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983812
+                    -2.543557,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984408
+                    -2.545516,53.984790
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+                    -2.551034,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987174
+                    -2.552094,53.986859
+                    -2.552256,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985777
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+                    -2.556894,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986387
+                    -2.558437,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985496
+                    -2.559507,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986583
+                    -2.562150,53.986430
+                    -2.562692,53.986859
+                    -2.563584,53.987765
+                    -2.563662,53.987927
+                    -2.563725,53.988667
+                    -2.563742,53.989577
+                    -2.564202,53.990479
+                    -2.565174,53.990932
+                    -2.565529,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991809
+                    -2.564443,53.992286
+                    -2.563981,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.993797
+                    -2.562150,53.993850
+                    -2.561768,53.994098
+                    -2.562150,53.994384
+                    -2.563662,53.994493
+                    -2.564169,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995681
+                    -2.565449,53.995910
+                    -2.565354,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997011
+                    -2.563662,53.996959
+                    -2.562150,53.996921
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+                    -2.561833,53.995910
+                    -2.561703,53.995004
+                    -2.560638,53.994427
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+                    -2.560003,53.993192
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+                    -2.559125,53.990130
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+                    -2.553077,53.988199
+                    -2.552293,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989220
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+                    -2.554589,53.989758
+                    -2.555222,53.990479
+                    -2.554871,53.991385
+                    -2.555085,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992558
+                    -2.553203,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993340
+                    -2.551960,53.994098
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+                    -2.550052,53.994784
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+                    -2.551564,53.991461
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
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+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013624
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+                    -2.513760,54.009128
+                    -2.512247,54.009271
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+                    -2.512247,54.008036
+                    -2.513760,54.008217
+                    -2.515272,54.008346
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+                    -2.516949,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007568
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+                    -2.516784,54.006457
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+                    -2.518296,54.004989
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+                    -2.518296,54.004869
+                    -2.519808,54.004879
+                    -2.521321,54.004912
+                    -2.522253,54.004951
+                    -2.522833,54.004989
+                    -2.522887,54.004951
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+                    -2.524345,54.003572
+                    -2.524738,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002771
+                    -2.523275,54.003143
+                    -2.522833,54.003220
+                    -2.522650,54.003143
+                    -2.521321,54.002352
+                    -2.519808,54.002280
+                    -2.518791,54.002242
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+                    -2.518296,54.000368
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+                    -2.515272,54.000802
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+                    -2.512247,54.000912
+                    -2.512030,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,54.000287
+                    -2.513760,54.000168
+                    -2.515272,54.000053
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+                    -2.515272,53.998613
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+                    -2.513760,53.996596
+                    -2.512902,53.996811
+                    -2.512247,53.997011
+                    -2.512120,53.996811
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+                    -2.509546,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995390
+                    -2.507711,53.995275
+                    -2.506199,53.995147
+                    -2.506126,53.995004
+                    -2.505155,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993783
+                    -2.503481,53.993192
+                    -2.504174,53.992286
+                    -2.503622,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991051
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+                    -2.505083,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.988824
+                    -2.507711,53.988757
+                    -2.507885,53.988667
+                    -2.507711,53.988361
+                    -2.506199,53.988190
+                    -2.505894,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987536
+                    -2.506753,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986440
+                    -2.508609,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985476
+                    -2.506199,53.985062
+                    -2.505932,53.985052
+                    -2.506199,53.985019
+                    -2.507264,53.984141
+                    -2.507711,53.983374
+                    -2.507769,53.983240
+                    -2.507780,53.982334
+                    -2.508230,53.981433
+                    -2.509016,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979673
+                    -2.506199,53.980322
+                    -2.505308,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.980742
+                    -2.504331,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.979926
+                    -2.502673,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979306
+                    -2.504686,53.979020
+                    -2.505264,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978472
+                    -2.507711,53.978190
+                    -2.508457,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977351
+                    -2.509861,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976340
+                    -2.508877,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975668
+                    -2.509983,53.975101
+                    -2.509767,53.974195
+                    -2.510735,53.973560
+                    -2.511175,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972631
+                    -2.513632,53.972383
+                    -2.513760,53.972216
+                    -2.515272,53.971620
+                    -2.515510,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971353
+                    -2.513760,53.971381
+                    -2.512247,53.971324
+                    -2.510735,53.971367
+                    -2.509591,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532192,53.972383
+                    -2.532069,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973694
+                    -2.531035,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974719
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+                    -2.532632,53.976002
+                    -2.532325,53.976908
+                    -2.532430,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978400
+                    -2.534087,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979220
+                    -2.535770,53.979621
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+                    -2.538012,53.980527
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+                    -2.540271,53.980527
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+                    -2.540979,53.982067
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+                    -2.541536,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983812
+                    -2.543557,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984408
+                    -2.545516,53.984790
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+                    -2.548005,53.985052
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+                    -2.550052,53.985410
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+                    -2.552094,53.986859
+                    -2.552256,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985777
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+                    -2.556101,53.985610
+                    -2.556894,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986387
+                    -2.558437,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985496
+                    -2.559507,53.985953
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+                    -2.562150,53.986430
+                    -2.562692,53.986859
+                    -2.563584,53.987765
+                    -2.563662,53.987927
+                    -2.563725,53.988667
+                    -2.563742,53.989577
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+                    -2.565174,53.991809
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+                    -2.563662,53.993797
+                    -2.562150,53.993850
+                    -2.561768,53.994098
+                    -2.562150,53.994384
+                    -2.563662,53.994493
+                    -2.564169,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995681
+                    -2.565449,53.995910
+                    -2.565354,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997011
+                    -2.563662,53.996959
+                    -2.562150,53.996921
+                    -2.561152,53.996811
+                    -2.561833,53.995910
+                    -2.561703,53.995004
+                    -2.560638,53.994427
+                    -2.560068,53.994098
+                    -2.560003,53.993192
+                    -2.559929,53.992286
+                    -2.559858,53.991385
+                    -2.559708,53.990479
+                    -2.559125,53.990130
+                    -2.557613,53.990035
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+                    -2.554589,53.988242
+                    -2.553077,53.988199
+                    -2.552293,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989220
+                    -2.554185,53.989577
+                    -2.554589,53.989758
+                    -2.555222,53.990479
+                    -2.554871,53.991385
+                    -2.555085,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992558
+                    -2.553203,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993340
+                    -2.551960,53.994098
+                    -2.551564,53.994274
+                    -2.550052,53.994784
+                    -2.549759,53.995004
+                    -2.548540,53.995748
+                    -2.548110,53.995910
+                    -2.547028,53.996377
+                    -2.546340,53.995910
+                    -2.546838,53.995004
+                    -2.547028,53.994846
+                    -2.548540,53.994508
+                    -2.549342,53.994098
+                    -2.550052,53.993888
+                    -2.551564,53.993306
+                    -2.551875,53.993192
+                    -2.552858,53.992286
+                    -2.551564,53.991461
+                    -2.550052,53.991771
+                    -2.548700,53.991385
+                    -2.548540,53.990588
+                    -2.547028,53.990788
+                    -2.545516,53.991370
+                    -2.544003,53.991284
+                    -2.542728,53.991385
+                    -2.544003,53.991885
+                    -2.544125,53.992286
+                    -2.544003,53.992801
+                    -2.542491,53.992305
+                    -2.540979,53.992596
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+                    -2.539467,53.994756
+                    -2.539711,53.995004
+                    -2.539467,53.995075
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+                    -2.512247,54.009271
+                    -2.511288,54.008574
+                    -2.512247,54.008036
+                    -2.513760,54.008217
+                    -2.515272,54.008346
+                    -2.516784,54.007769
+                    -2.516949,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007568
+                    -2.515805,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006457
+                    -2.518296,54.006405
+                    -2.519572,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.004989
+                    -2.517935,54.004951
+                    -2.518296,54.004869
+                    -2.519808,54.004879
+                    -2.521321,54.004912
+                    -2.522253,54.004951
+                    -2.522833,54.004989
+                    -2.522887,54.004951
+                    -2.524040,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003572
+                    -2.524738,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002771
+                    -2.523275,54.003143
+                    -2.522833,54.003220
+                    -2.522650,54.003143
+                    -2.521321,54.002352
+                    -2.519808,54.002280
+                    -2.518791,54.002242
+                    -2.519218,54.001336
+                    -2.518918,54.000430
+                    -2.518296,54.000368
+                    -2.516784,54.000163
+                    -2.516657,54.000430
+                    -2.515272,54.000802
+                    -2.513760,54.000926
+                    -2.512247,54.000912
+                    -2.512030,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,54.000287
+                    -2.513760,54.000168
+                    -2.515272,54.000053
+                    -2.516576,53.999524
+                    -2.515285,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998613
+                    -2.513828,53.997717
+                    -2.514124,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996596
+                    -2.512902,53.996811
+                    -2.512247,53.997011
+                    -2.512120,53.996811
+                    -2.511971,53.995910
+                    -2.511738,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994498
+                    -2.509546,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995390
+                    -2.507711,53.995275
+                    -2.506199,53.995147
+                    -2.506126,53.995004
+                    -2.505155,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993783
+                    -2.503481,53.993192
+                    -2.504174,53.992286
+                    -2.503622,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991051
+                    -2.505764,53.990479
+                    -2.505083,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.988824
+                    -2.507711,53.988757
+                    -2.507885,53.988667
+                    -2.507711,53.988361
+                    -2.506199,53.988190
+                    -2.505894,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987536
+                    -2.506753,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986440
+                    -2.508609,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985476
+                    -2.506199,53.985062
+                    -2.505932,53.985052
+                    -2.506199,53.985019
+                    -2.507264,53.984141
+                    -2.507711,53.983374
+                    -2.507769,53.983240
+                    -2.507780,53.982334
+                    -2.508230,53.981433
+                    -2.509016,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979673
+                    -2.506199,53.980322
+                    -2.505308,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.980742
+                    -2.504331,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.979926
+                    -2.502673,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979306
+                    -2.504686,53.979020
+                    -2.505264,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978472
+                    -2.507711,53.978190
+                    -2.508457,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977351
+                    -2.509861,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976340
+                    -2.508877,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975668
+                    -2.509983,53.975101
+                    -2.509767,53.974195
+                    -2.510735,53.973560
+                    -2.511175,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972631
+                    -2.513632,53.972383
+                    -2.513760,53.972216
+                    -2.515272,53.971620
+                    -2.515510,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971353
+                    -2.513760,53.971381
+                    -2.512247,53.971324
+                    -2.510735,53.971367
+                    -2.509591,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532192,53.972383
+                    -2.532069,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973694
+                    -2.531035,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974719
+                    -2.532435,53.975101
+                    -2.532632,53.976002
+                    -2.532325,53.976908
+                    -2.532430,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978400
+                    -2.534087,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979220
+                    -2.535770,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.980021
+                    -2.537899,53.980527
+                    -2.537955,53.980560
+                    -2.538012,53.980527
+                    -2.539467,53.980212
+                    -2.540271,53.980527
+                    -2.540317,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.982067
+                    -2.541379,53.982334
+                    -2.541536,53.983240
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+                    -2.544003,53.984408
+                    -2.545516,53.984790
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+                    -2.559507,53.985953
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+                    -2.562150,53.986430
+                    -2.562692,53.986859
+                    -2.563584,53.987765
+                    -2.563662,53.987927
+                    -2.563725,53.988667
+                    -2.563742,53.989577
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+                    -2.565174,53.991809
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+                    -2.563662,53.993797
+                    -2.562150,53.993850
+                    -2.561768,53.994098
+                    -2.562150,53.994384
+                    -2.563662,53.994493
+                    -2.564169,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995681
+                    -2.565449,53.995910
+                    -2.565354,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997011
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+                    -2.562150,53.996921
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+                    -2.561833,53.995910
+                    -2.561703,53.995004
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+                    -2.553077,53.989220
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+                    -2.555085,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992558
+                    -2.553203,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993340
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+                    -2.518296,54.021688
+                    -2.517175,54.021239
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+                    -2.514747,54.020333
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013624
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+                    -2.512307,54.013095
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+                    -2.515272,54.011073
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+                    -2.513760,54.009128
+                    -2.512247,54.009271
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+                    -2.512247,54.008036
+                    -2.513760,54.008217
+                    -2.515272,54.008346
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+                    -2.516949,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007568
+                    -2.515805,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006457
+                    -2.518296,54.006405
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+                    -2.518296,54.004989
+                    -2.517935,54.004951
+                    -2.518296,54.004869
+                    -2.519808,54.004879
+                    -2.521321,54.004912
+                    -2.522253,54.004951
+                    -2.522833,54.004989
+                    -2.522887,54.004951
+                    -2.524040,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003572
+                    -2.524738,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002771
+                    -2.523275,54.003143
+                    -2.522833,54.003220
+                    -2.522650,54.003143
+                    -2.521321,54.002352
+                    -2.519808,54.002280
+                    -2.518791,54.002242
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+                    -2.518918,54.000430
+                    -2.518296,54.000368
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+                    -2.516657,54.000430
+                    -2.515272,54.000802
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+                    -2.512247,54.000912
+                    -2.512030,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,54.000287
+                    -2.513760,54.000168
+                    -2.515272,54.000053
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+                    -2.515285,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998613
+                    -2.513828,53.997717
+                    -2.514124,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996596
+                    -2.512902,53.996811
+                    -2.512247,53.997011
+                    -2.512120,53.996811
+                    -2.511971,53.995910
+                    -2.511738,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994498
+                    -2.509546,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995390
+                    -2.507711,53.995275
+                    -2.506199,53.995147
+                    -2.506126,53.995004
+                    -2.505155,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993783
+                    -2.503481,53.993192
+                    -2.504174,53.992286
+                    -2.503622,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991051
+                    -2.505764,53.990479
+                    -2.505083,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.988824
+                    -2.507711,53.988757
+                    -2.507885,53.988667
+                    -2.507711,53.988361
+                    -2.506199,53.988190
+                    -2.505894,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987536
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+                    -2.507711,53.986440
+                    -2.508609,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985476
+                    -2.506199,53.985062
+                    -2.505932,53.985052
+                    -2.506199,53.985019
+                    -2.507264,53.984141
+                    -2.507711,53.983374
+                    -2.507769,53.983240
+                    -2.507780,53.982334
+                    -2.508230,53.981433
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+                    -2.507711,53.979673
+                    -2.506199,53.980322
+                    -2.505308,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.980742
+                    -2.504331,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.979926
+                    -2.502673,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979306
+                    -2.504686,53.979020
+                    -2.505264,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978472
+                    -2.507711,53.978190
+                    -2.508457,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977351
+                    -2.509861,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976340
+                    -2.508877,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975668
+                    -2.509983,53.975101
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+                    -2.511175,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972631
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+                    -2.513760,53.972216
+                    -2.515272,53.971620
+                    -2.515510,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971353
+                    -2.513760,53.971381
+                    -2.512247,53.971324
+                    -2.510735,53.971367
+                    -2.509591,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
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+                    -2.534930,53.979220
+                    -2.535770,53.979621
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+                    -2.537899,53.980527
+                    -2.537955,53.980560
+                    -2.538012,53.980527
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+                    -2.540271,53.980527
+                    -2.540317,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.982067
+                    -2.541379,53.982334
+                    -2.541536,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983812
+                    -2.543557,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984408
+                    -2.545516,53.984790
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+                    -2.551034,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987174
+                    -2.552094,53.986859
+                    -2.552256,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985777
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+                    -2.556894,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986387
+                    -2.558437,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985496
+                    -2.559507,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986583
+                    -2.562150,53.986430
+                    -2.562692,53.986859
+                    -2.563584,53.987765
+                    -2.563662,53.987927
+                    -2.563725,53.988667
+                    -2.563742,53.989577
+                    -2.564202,53.990479
+                    -2.565174,53.990932
+                    -2.565529,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991809
+                    -2.564443,53.992286
+                    -2.563981,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.993797
+                    -2.562150,53.993850
+                    -2.561768,53.994098
+                    -2.562150,53.994384
+                    -2.563662,53.994493
+                    -2.564169,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995681
+                    -2.565449,53.995910
+                    -2.565354,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997011
+                    -2.563662,53.996959
+                    -2.562150,53.996921
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+                    -2.561833,53.995910
+                    -2.561703,53.995004
+                    -2.560638,53.994427
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+                    -2.560003,53.993192
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+                    -2.559125,53.990130
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+                    -2.553077,53.988199
+                    -2.552293,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989220
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+                    -2.554589,53.989758
+                    -2.555222,53.990479
+                    -2.554871,53.991385
+                    -2.555085,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992558
+                    -2.553203,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993340
+                    -2.551960,53.994098
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+                    -2.550052,53.994784
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+                    -2.551564,53.991461
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
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+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013624
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+                    -2.513760,54.009128
+                    -2.512247,54.009271
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+                    -2.512247,54.008036
+                    -2.513760,54.008217
+                    -2.515272,54.008346
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+                    -2.516949,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007568
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+                    -2.516784,54.006457
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+                    -2.518296,54.004989
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+                    -2.518296,54.004869
+                    -2.519808,54.004879
+                    -2.521321,54.004912
+                    -2.522253,54.004951
+                    -2.522833,54.004989
+                    -2.522887,54.004951
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+                    -2.524345,54.003572
+                    -2.524738,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002771
+                    -2.523275,54.003143
+                    -2.522833,54.003220
+                    -2.522650,54.003143
+                    -2.521321,54.002352
+                    -2.519808,54.002280
+                    -2.518791,54.002242
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+                    -2.518296,54.000368
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+                    -2.515272,54.000802
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+                    -2.512247,54.000912
+                    -2.512030,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,54.000287
+                    -2.513760,54.000168
+                    -2.515272,54.000053
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+                    -2.515272,53.998613
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+                    -2.513760,53.996596
+                    -2.512902,53.996811
+                    -2.512247,53.997011
+                    -2.512120,53.996811
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+                    -2.509546,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995390
+                    -2.507711,53.995275
+                    -2.506199,53.995147
+                    -2.506126,53.995004
+                    -2.505155,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993783
+                    -2.503481,53.993192
+                    -2.504174,53.992286
+                    -2.503622,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991051
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+                    -2.505083,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.988824
+                    -2.507711,53.988757
+                    -2.507885,53.988667
+                    -2.507711,53.988361
+                    -2.506199,53.988190
+                    -2.505894,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987536
+                    -2.506753,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986440
+                    -2.508609,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985476
+                    -2.506199,53.985062
+                    -2.505932,53.985052
+                    -2.506199,53.985019
+                    -2.507264,53.984141
+                    -2.507711,53.983374
+                    -2.507769,53.983240
+                    -2.507780,53.982334
+                    -2.508230,53.981433
+                    -2.509016,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979673
+                    -2.506199,53.980322
+                    -2.505308,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.980742
+                    -2.504331,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.979926
+                    -2.502673,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979306
+                    -2.504686,53.979020
+                    -2.505264,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978472
+                    -2.507711,53.978190
+                    -2.508457,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977351
+                    -2.509861,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976340
+                    -2.508877,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975668
+                    -2.509983,53.975101
+                    -2.509767,53.974195
+                    -2.510735,53.973560
+                    -2.511175,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972631
+                    -2.513632,53.972383
+                    -2.513760,53.972216
+                    -2.515272,53.971620
+                    -2.515510,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971353
+                    -2.513760,53.971381
+                    -2.512247,53.971324
+                    -2.510735,53.971367
+                    -2.509591,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532192,53.972383
+                    -2.532069,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973694
+                    -2.531035,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974719
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+                    -2.532632,53.976002
+                    -2.532325,53.976908
+                    -2.532430,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978400
+                    -2.534087,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979220
+                    -2.535770,53.979621
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+                    -2.538012,53.980527
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+                    -2.540271,53.980527
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+                    -2.540979,53.982067
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+                    -2.541536,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983812
+                    -2.543557,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984408
+                    -2.545516,53.984790
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+                    -2.548005,53.985052
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+                    -2.550052,53.985410
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+                    -2.552094,53.986859
+                    -2.552256,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985777
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+                    -2.556101,53.985610
+                    -2.556894,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986387
+                    -2.558437,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985496
+                    -2.559507,53.985953
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+                    -2.562150,53.986430
+                    -2.562692,53.986859
+                    -2.563584,53.987765
+                    -2.563662,53.987927
+                    -2.563725,53.988667
+                    -2.563742,53.989577
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+                    -2.565174,53.991809
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+                    -2.563662,53.993797
+                    -2.562150,53.993850
+                    -2.561768,53.994098
+                    -2.562150,53.994384
+                    -2.563662,53.994493
+                    -2.564169,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995681
+                    -2.565449,53.995910
+                    -2.565354,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997011
+                    -2.563662,53.996959
+                    -2.562150,53.996921
+                    -2.561152,53.996811
+                    -2.561833,53.995910
+                    -2.561703,53.995004
+                    -2.560638,53.994427
+                    -2.560068,53.994098
+                    -2.560003,53.993192
+                    -2.559929,53.992286
+                    -2.559858,53.991385
+                    -2.559708,53.990479
+                    -2.559125,53.990130
+                    -2.557613,53.990035
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+                    -2.554589,53.988242
+                    -2.553077,53.988199
+                    -2.552293,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989220
+                    -2.554185,53.989577
+                    -2.554589,53.989758
+                    -2.555222,53.990479
+                    -2.554871,53.991385
+                    -2.555085,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992558
+                    -2.553203,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993340
+                    -2.551960,53.994098
+                    -2.551564,53.994274
+                    -2.550052,53.994784
+                    -2.549759,53.995004
+                    -2.548540,53.995748
+                    -2.548110,53.995910
+                    -2.547028,53.996377
+                    -2.546340,53.995910
+                    -2.546838,53.995004
+                    -2.547028,53.994846
+                    -2.548540,53.994508
+                    -2.549342,53.994098
+                    -2.550052,53.993888
+                    -2.551564,53.993306
+                    -2.551875,53.993192
+                    -2.552858,53.992286
+                    -2.551564,53.991461
+                    -2.550052,53.991771
+                    -2.548700,53.991385
+                    -2.548540,53.990588
+                    -2.547028,53.990788
+                    -2.545516,53.991370
+                    -2.544003,53.991284
+                    -2.542728,53.991385
+                    -2.544003,53.991885
+                    -2.544125,53.992286
+                    -2.544003,53.992801
+                    -2.542491,53.992305
+                    -2.540979,53.992596
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+                    -2.539467,53.994756
+                    -2.539711,53.995004
+                    -2.539467,53.995075
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+                    -2.512247,54.009271
+                    -2.511288,54.008574
+                    -2.512247,54.008036
+                    -2.513760,54.008217
+                    -2.515272,54.008346
+                    -2.516784,54.007769
+                    -2.516949,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007568
+                    -2.515805,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006457
+                    -2.518296,54.006405
+                    -2.519572,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.004989
+                    -2.517935,54.004951
+                    -2.518296,54.004869
+                    -2.519808,54.004879
+                    -2.521321,54.004912
+                    -2.522253,54.004951
+                    -2.522833,54.004989
+                    -2.522887,54.004951
+                    -2.524040,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003572
+                    -2.524738,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002771
+                    -2.523275,54.003143
+                    -2.522833,54.003220
+                    -2.522650,54.003143
+                    -2.521321,54.002352
+                    -2.519808,54.002280
+                    -2.518791,54.002242
+                    -2.519218,54.001336
+                    -2.518918,54.000430
+                    -2.518296,54.000368
+                    -2.516784,54.000163
+                    -2.516657,54.000430
+                    -2.515272,54.000802
+                    -2.513760,54.000926
+                    -2.512247,54.000912
+                    -2.512030,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,54.000287
+                    -2.513760,54.000168
+                    -2.515272,54.000053
+                    -2.516576,53.999524
+                    -2.515285,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998613
+                    -2.513828,53.997717
+                    -2.514124,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996596
+                    -2.512902,53.996811
+                    -2.512247,53.997011
+                    -2.512120,53.996811
+                    -2.511971,53.995910
+                    -2.511738,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994498
+                    -2.509546,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995390
+                    -2.507711,53.995275
+                    -2.506199,53.995147
+                    -2.506126,53.995004
+                    -2.505155,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993783
+                    -2.503481,53.993192
+                    -2.504174,53.992286
+                    -2.503622,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991051
+                    -2.505764,53.990479
+                    -2.505083,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.988824
+                    -2.507711,53.988757
+                    -2.507885,53.988667
+                    -2.507711,53.988361
+                    -2.506199,53.988190
+                    -2.505894,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987536
+                    -2.506753,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986440
+                    -2.508609,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985476
+                    -2.506199,53.985062
+                    -2.505932,53.985052
+                    -2.506199,53.985019
+                    -2.507264,53.984141
+                    -2.507711,53.983374
+                    -2.507769,53.983240
+                    -2.507780,53.982334
+                    -2.508230,53.981433
+                    -2.509016,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979673
+                    -2.506199,53.980322
+                    -2.505308,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.980742
+                    -2.504331,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.979926
+                    -2.502673,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979306
+                    -2.504686,53.979020
+                    -2.505264,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978472
+                    -2.507711,53.978190
+                    -2.508457,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977351
+                    -2.509861,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976340
+                    -2.508877,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975668
+                    -2.509983,53.975101
+                    -2.509767,53.974195
+                    -2.510735,53.973560
+                    -2.511175,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972631
+                    -2.513632,53.972383
+                    -2.513760,53.972216
+                    -2.515272,53.971620
+                    -2.515510,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971353
+                    -2.513760,53.971381
+                    -2.512247,53.971324
+                    -2.510735,53.971367
+                    -2.509591,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532192,53.972383
+                    -2.532069,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973694
+                    -2.531035,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974719
+                    -2.532435,53.975101
+                    -2.532632,53.976002
+                    -2.532325,53.976908
+                    -2.532430,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978400
+                    -2.534087,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979220
+                    -2.535770,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.980021
+                    -2.537899,53.980527
+                    -2.537955,53.980560
+                    -2.538012,53.980527
+                    -2.539467,53.980212
+                    -2.540271,53.980527
+                    -2.540317,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.982067
+                    -2.541379,53.982334
+                    -2.541536,53.983240
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+                    -2.544003,53.984408
+                    -2.545516,53.984790
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+                    -2.559507,53.985953
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+                    -2.562150,53.986430
+                    -2.562692,53.986859
+                    -2.563584,53.987765
+                    -2.563662,53.987927
+                    -2.563725,53.988667
+                    -2.563742,53.989577
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+                    -2.565174,53.991809
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+                    -2.563662,53.993797
+                    -2.562150,53.993850
+                    -2.561768,53.994098
+                    -2.562150,53.994384
+                    -2.563662,53.994493
+                    -2.564169,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995681
+                    -2.565449,53.995910
+                    -2.565354,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997011
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+                    -2.562150,53.996921
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+                    -2.561833,53.995910
+                    -2.561703,53.995004
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+                    -2.553077,53.989220
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+                    -2.555085,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992558
+                    -2.553203,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993340
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+                    -2.518296,54.021688
+                    -2.517175,54.021239
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+                    -2.514747,54.020333
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013624
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+                    -2.512307,54.013095
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+                    -2.515272,54.011073
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+                    -2.513760,54.009128
+                    -2.512247,54.009271
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+                    -2.512247,54.008036
+                    -2.513760,54.008217
+                    -2.515272,54.008346
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+                    -2.516949,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007568
+                    -2.515805,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006457
+                    -2.518296,54.006405
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+                    -2.518296,54.004989
+                    -2.517935,54.004951
+                    -2.518296,54.004869
+                    -2.519808,54.004879
+                    -2.521321,54.004912
+                    -2.522253,54.004951
+                    -2.522833,54.004989
+                    -2.522887,54.004951
+                    -2.524040,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003572
+                    -2.524738,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002771
+                    -2.523275,54.003143
+                    -2.522833,54.003220
+                    -2.522650,54.003143
+                    -2.521321,54.002352
+                    -2.519808,54.002280
+                    -2.518791,54.002242
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+                    -2.518918,54.000430
+                    -2.518296,54.000368
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+                    -2.516657,54.000430
+                    -2.515272,54.000802
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+                    -2.512247,54.000912
+                    -2.512030,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,54.000287
+                    -2.513760,54.000168
+                    -2.515272,54.000053
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+                    -2.515285,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998613
+                    -2.513828,53.997717
+                    -2.514124,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996596
+                    -2.512902,53.996811
+                    -2.512247,53.997011
+                    -2.512120,53.996811
+                    -2.511971,53.995910
+                    -2.511738,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994498
+                    -2.509546,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995390
+                    -2.507711,53.995275
+                    -2.506199,53.995147
+                    -2.506126,53.995004
+                    -2.505155,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993783
+                    -2.503481,53.993192
+                    -2.504174,53.992286
+                    -2.503622,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991051
+                    -2.505764,53.990479
+                    -2.505083,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.988824
+                    -2.507711,53.988757
+                    -2.507885,53.988667
+                    -2.507711,53.988361
+                    -2.506199,53.988190
+                    -2.505894,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987536
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+                    -2.507711,53.986440
+                    -2.508609,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985476
+                    -2.506199,53.985062
+                    -2.505932,53.985052
+                    -2.506199,53.985019
+                    -2.507264,53.984141
+                    -2.507711,53.983374
+                    -2.507769,53.983240
+                    -2.507780,53.982334
+                    -2.508230,53.981433
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+                    -2.507711,53.979673
+                    -2.506199,53.980322
+                    -2.505308,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.980742
+                    -2.504331,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.979926
+                    -2.502673,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979306
+                    -2.504686,53.979020
+                    -2.505264,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978472
+                    -2.507711,53.978190
+                    -2.508457,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977351
+                    -2.509861,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976340
+                    -2.508877,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975668
+                    -2.509983,53.975101
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+                    -2.511175,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972631
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+                    -2.513760,53.972216
+                    -2.515272,53.971620
+                    -2.515510,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971353
+                    -2.513760,53.971381
+                    -2.512247,53.971324
+                    -2.510735,53.971367
+                    -2.509591,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
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+                    -2.534930,53.979220
+                    -2.535770,53.979621
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+                    -2.537899,53.980527
+                    -2.537955,53.980560
+                    -2.538012,53.980527
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+                    -2.540271,53.980527
+                    -2.540317,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.982067
+                    -2.541379,53.982334
+                    -2.541536,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983812
+                    -2.543557,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984408
+                    -2.545516,53.984790
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+                    -2.551034,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987174
+                    -2.552094,53.986859
+                    -2.552256,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985777
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+                    -2.556894,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986387
+                    -2.558437,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985496
+                    -2.559507,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986583
+                    -2.562150,53.986430
+                    -2.562692,53.986859
+                    -2.563584,53.987765
+                    -2.563662,53.987927
+                    -2.563725,53.988667
+                    -2.563742,53.989577
+                    -2.564202,53.990479
+                    -2.565174,53.990932
+                    -2.565529,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991809
+                    -2.564443,53.992286
+                    -2.563981,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.993797
+                    -2.562150,53.993850
+                    -2.561768,53.994098
+                    -2.562150,53.994384
+                    -2.563662,53.994493
+                    -2.564169,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995681
+                    -2.565449,53.995910
+                    -2.565354,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997011
+                    -2.563662,53.996959
+                    -2.562150,53.996921
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+                    -2.561833,53.995910
+                    -2.561703,53.995004
+                    -2.560638,53.994427
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+                    -2.560003,53.993192
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+                    -2.559125,53.990130
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+                    -2.553077,53.988199
+                    -2.552293,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989220
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+                    -2.554589,53.989758
+                    -2.555222,53.990479
+                    -2.554871,53.991385
+                    -2.555085,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992558
+                    -2.553203,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993340
+                    -2.551960,53.994098
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+                    -2.550052,53.994784
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+                    -2.551564,53.991461
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
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+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013624
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+                    -2.513760,54.009128
+                    -2.512247,54.009271
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+                    -2.512247,54.008036
+                    -2.513760,54.008217
+                    -2.515272,54.008346
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+                    -2.516949,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007568
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+                    -2.516784,54.006457
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+                    -2.518296,54.004989
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+                    -2.518296,54.004869
+                    -2.519808,54.004879
+                    -2.521321,54.004912
+                    -2.522253,54.004951
+                    -2.522833,54.004989
+                    -2.522887,54.004951
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+                    -2.524345,54.003572
+                    -2.524738,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002771
+                    -2.523275,54.003143
+                    -2.522833,54.003220
+                    -2.522650,54.003143
+                    -2.521321,54.002352
+                    -2.519808,54.002280
+                    -2.518791,54.002242
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+                    -2.518296,54.000368
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+                    -2.515272,54.000802
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+                    -2.512247,54.000912
+                    -2.512030,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,54.000287
+                    -2.513760,54.000168
+                    -2.515272,54.000053
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+                    -2.515272,53.998613
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+                    -2.513760,53.996596
+                    -2.512902,53.996811
+                    -2.512247,53.997011
+                    -2.512120,53.996811
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+                    -2.509546,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995390
+                    -2.507711,53.995275
+                    -2.506199,53.995147
+                    -2.506126,53.995004
+                    -2.505155,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993783
+                    -2.503481,53.993192
+                    -2.504174,53.992286
+                    -2.503622,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991051
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+                    -2.505083,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.988824
+                    -2.507711,53.988757
+                    -2.507885,53.988667
+                    -2.507711,53.988361
+                    -2.506199,53.988190
+                    -2.505894,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987536
+                    -2.506753,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986440
+                    -2.508609,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985476
+                    -2.506199,53.985062
+                    -2.505932,53.985052
+                    -2.506199,53.985019
+                    -2.507264,53.984141
+                    -2.507711,53.983374
+                    -2.507769,53.983240
+                    -2.507780,53.982334
+                    -2.508230,53.981433
+                    -2.509016,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979673
+                    -2.506199,53.980322
+                    -2.505308,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.980742
+                    -2.504331,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.979926
+                    -2.502673,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979306
+                    -2.504686,53.979020
+                    -2.505264,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978472
+                    -2.507711,53.978190
+                    -2.508457,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977351
+                    -2.509861,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976340
+                    -2.508877,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975668
+                    -2.509983,53.975101
+                    -2.509767,53.974195
+                    -2.510735,53.973560
+                    -2.511175,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972631
+                    -2.513632,53.972383
+                    -2.513760,53.972216
+                    -2.515272,53.971620
+                    -2.515510,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971353
+                    -2.513760,53.971381
+                    -2.512247,53.971324
+                    -2.510735,53.971367
+                    -2.509591,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532192,53.972383
+                    -2.532069,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973694
+                    -2.531035,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974719
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+                    -2.532632,53.976002
+                    -2.532325,53.976908
+                    -2.532430,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978400
+                    -2.534087,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979220
+                    -2.535770,53.979621
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+                    -2.538012,53.980527
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+                    -2.540271,53.980527
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+                    -2.540979,53.982067
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+                    -2.541536,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983812
+                    -2.543557,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984408
+                    -2.545516,53.984790
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+                    -2.548005,53.985052
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+                    -2.550052,53.985410
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+                    -2.552094,53.986859
+                    -2.552256,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985777
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+                    -2.556101,53.985610
+                    -2.556894,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986387
+                    -2.558437,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985496
+                    -2.559507,53.985953
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+                    -2.562150,53.986430
+                    -2.562692,53.986859
+                    -2.563584,53.987765
+                    -2.563662,53.987927
+                    -2.563725,53.988667
+                    -2.563742,53.989577
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+                    -2.565174,53.991809
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+                    -2.563662,53.993797
+                    -2.562150,53.993850
+                    -2.561768,53.994098
+                    -2.562150,53.994384
+                    -2.563662,53.994493
+                    -2.564169,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995681
+                    -2.565449,53.995910
+                    -2.565354,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997011
+                    -2.563662,53.996959
+                    -2.562150,53.996921
+                    -2.561152,53.996811
+                    -2.561833,53.995910
+                    -2.561703,53.995004
+                    -2.560638,53.994427
+                    -2.560068,53.994098
+                    -2.560003,53.993192
+                    -2.559929,53.992286
+                    -2.559858,53.991385
+                    -2.559708,53.990479
+                    -2.559125,53.990130
+                    -2.557613,53.990035
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+                    -2.554589,53.988242
+                    -2.553077,53.988199
+                    -2.552293,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989220
+                    -2.554185,53.989577
+                    -2.554589,53.989758
+                    -2.555222,53.990479
+                    -2.554871,53.991385
+                    -2.555085,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992558
+                    -2.553203,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993340
+                    -2.551960,53.994098
+                    -2.551564,53.994274
+                    -2.550052,53.994784
+                    -2.549759,53.995004
+                    -2.548540,53.995748
+                    -2.548110,53.995910
+                    -2.547028,53.996377
+                    -2.546340,53.995910
+                    -2.546838,53.995004
+                    -2.547028,53.994846
+                    -2.548540,53.994508
+                    -2.549342,53.994098
+                    -2.550052,53.993888
+                    -2.551564,53.993306
+                    -2.551875,53.993192
+                    -2.552858,53.992286
+                    -2.551564,53.991461
+                    -2.550052,53.991771
+                    -2.548700,53.991385
+                    -2.548540,53.990588
+                    -2.547028,53.990788
+                    -2.545516,53.991370
+                    -2.544003,53.991284
+                    -2.542728,53.991385
+                    -2.544003,53.991885
+                    -2.544125,53.992286
+                    -2.544003,53.992801
+                    -2.542491,53.992305
+                    -2.540979,53.992596
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+                    -2.539467,53.994756
+                    -2.539711,53.995004
+                    -2.539467,53.995075
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+                    -2.512247,54.009271
+                    -2.511288,54.008574
+                    -2.512247,54.008036
+                    -2.513760,54.008217
+                    -2.515272,54.008346
+                    -2.516784,54.007769
+                    -2.516949,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007568
+                    -2.515805,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006457
+                    -2.518296,54.006405
+                    -2.519572,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.004989
+                    -2.517935,54.004951
+                    -2.518296,54.004869
+                    -2.519808,54.004879
+                    -2.521321,54.004912
+                    -2.522253,54.004951
+                    -2.522833,54.004989
+                    -2.522887,54.004951
+                    -2.524040,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003572
+                    -2.524738,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002771
+                    -2.523275,54.003143
+                    -2.522833,54.003220
+                    -2.522650,54.003143
+                    -2.521321,54.002352
+                    -2.519808,54.002280
+                    -2.518791,54.002242
+                    -2.519218,54.001336
+                    -2.518918,54.000430
+                    -2.518296,54.000368
+                    -2.516784,54.000163
+                    -2.516657,54.000430
+                    -2.515272,54.000802
+                    -2.513760,54.000926
+                    -2.512247,54.000912
+                    -2.512030,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,54.000287
+                    -2.513760,54.000168
+                    -2.515272,54.000053
+                    -2.516576,53.999524
+                    -2.515285,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998613
+                    -2.513828,53.997717
+                    -2.514124,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996596
+                    -2.512902,53.996811
+                    -2.512247,53.997011
+                    -2.512120,53.996811
+                    -2.511971,53.995910
+                    -2.511738,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994498
+                    -2.509546,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995390
+                    -2.507711,53.995275
+                    -2.506199,53.995147
+                    -2.506126,53.995004
+                    -2.505155,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993783
+                    -2.503481,53.993192
+                    -2.504174,53.992286
+                    -2.503622,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991051
+                    -2.505764,53.990479
+                    -2.505083,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.988824
+                    -2.507711,53.988757
+                    -2.507885,53.988667
+                    -2.507711,53.988361
+                    -2.506199,53.988190
+                    -2.505894,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987536
+                    -2.506753,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986440
+                    -2.508609,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985476
+                    -2.506199,53.985062
+                    -2.505932,53.985052
+                    -2.506199,53.985019
+                    -2.507264,53.984141
+                    -2.507711,53.983374
+                    -2.507769,53.983240
+                    -2.507780,53.982334
+                    -2.508230,53.981433
+                    -2.509016,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979673
+                    -2.506199,53.980322
+                    -2.505308,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.980742
+                    -2.504331,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.979926
+                    -2.502673,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979306
+                    -2.504686,53.979020
+                    -2.505264,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978472
+                    -2.507711,53.978190
+                    -2.508457,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977351
+                    -2.509861,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976340
+                    -2.508877,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975668
+                    -2.509983,53.975101
+                    -2.509767,53.974195
+                    -2.510735,53.973560
+                    -2.511175,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972631
+                    -2.513632,53.972383
+                    -2.513760,53.972216
+                    -2.515272,53.971620
+                    -2.515510,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971353
+                    -2.513760,53.971381
+                    -2.512247,53.971324
+                    -2.510735,53.971367
+                    -2.509591,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532192,53.972383
+                    -2.532069,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973694
+                    -2.531035,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974719
+                    -2.532435,53.975101
+                    -2.532632,53.976002
+                    -2.532325,53.976908
+                    -2.532430,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978400
+                    -2.534087,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979220
+                    -2.535770,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.980021
+                    -2.537899,53.980527
+                    -2.537955,53.980560
+                    -2.538012,53.980527
+                    -2.539467,53.980212
+                    -2.540271,53.980527
+                    -2.540317,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.982067
+                    -2.541379,53.982334
+                    -2.541536,53.983240
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+                    -2.544003,53.984408
+                    -2.545516,53.984790
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+                    -2.559507,53.985953
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+                    -2.562150,53.986430
+                    -2.562692,53.986859
+                    -2.563584,53.987765
+                    -2.563662,53.987927
+                    -2.563725,53.988667
+                    -2.563742,53.989577
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+                    -2.565174,53.991809
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+                    -2.563662,53.993797
+                    -2.562150,53.993850
+                    -2.561768,53.994098
+                    -2.562150,53.994384
+                    -2.563662,53.994493
+                    -2.564169,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995681
+                    -2.565449,53.995910
+                    -2.565354,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997011
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+                    -2.562150,53.996921
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+                    -2.561833,53.995910
+                    -2.561703,53.995004
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+                    -2.553077,53.989220
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+                    -2.555085,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992558
+                    -2.553203,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993340
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+                    -2.518296,54.021688
+                    -2.517175,54.021239
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+                    -2.514747,54.020333
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013624
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+                    -2.512307,54.013095
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+                    -2.515272,54.011073
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+                    -2.513760,54.009128
+                    -2.512247,54.009271
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+                    -2.512247,54.008036
+                    -2.513760,54.008217
+                    -2.515272,54.008346
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+                    -2.516949,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007568
+                    -2.515805,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006457
+                    -2.518296,54.006405
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+                    -2.518296,54.004989
+                    -2.517935,54.004951
+                    -2.518296,54.004869
+                    -2.519808,54.004879
+                    -2.521321,54.004912
+                    -2.522253,54.004951
+                    -2.522833,54.004989
+                    -2.522887,54.004951
+                    -2.524040,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003572
+                    -2.524738,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002771
+                    -2.523275,54.003143
+                    -2.522833,54.003220
+                    -2.522650,54.003143
+                    -2.521321,54.002352
+                    -2.519808,54.002280
+                    -2.518791,54.002242
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+                    -2.518918,54.000430
+                    -2.518296,54.000368
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+                    -2.516657,54.000430
+                    -2.515272,54.000802
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+                    -2.512247,54.000912
+                    -2.512030,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,54.000287
+                    -2.513760,54.000168
+                    -2.515272,54.000053
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+                    -2.515285,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998613
+                    -2.513828,53.997717
+                    -2.514124,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996596
+                    -2.512902,53.996811
+                    -2.512247,53.997011
+                    -2.512120,53.996811
+                    -2.511971,53.995910
+                    -2.511738,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994498
+                    -2.509546,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995390
+                    -2.507711,53.995275
+                    -2.506199,53.995147
+                    -2.506126,53.995004
+                    -2.505155,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993783
+                    -2.503481,53.993192
+                    -2.504174,53.992286
+                    -2.503622,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991051
+                    -2.505764,53.990479
+                    -2.505083,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.988824
+                    -2.507711,53.988757
+                    -2.507885,53.988667
+                    -2.507711,53.988361
+                    -2.506199,53.988190
+                    -2.505894,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987536
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+                    -2.507711,53.986440
+                    -2.508609,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985476
+                    -2.506199,53.985062
+                    -2.505932,53.985052
+                    -2.506199,53.985019
+                    -2.507264,53.984141
+                    -2.507711,53.983374
+                    -2.507769,53.983240
+                    -2.507780,53.982334
+                    -2.508230,53.981433
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+                    -2.507711,53.979673
+                    -2.506199,53.980322
+                    -2.505308,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.980742
+                    -2.504331,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.979926
+                    -2.502673,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979306
+                    -2.504686,53.979020
+                    -2.505264,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978472
+                    -2.507711,53.978190
+                    -2.508457,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977351
+                    -2.509861,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976340
+                    -2.508877,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975668
+                    -2.509983,53.975101
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+                    -2.511175,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972631
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+                    -2.513760,53.972216
+                    -2.515272,53.971620
+                    -2.515510,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971353
+                    -2.513760,53.971381
+                    -2.512247,53.971324
+                    -2.510735,53.971367
+                    -2.509591,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
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+                    -2.534930,53.979220
+                    -2.535770,53.979621
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+                    -2.537899,53.980527
+                    -2.537955,53.980560
+                    -2.538012,53.980527
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+                    -2.540271,53.980527
+                    -2.540317,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.982067
+                    -2.541379,53.982334
+                    -2.541536,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983812
+                    -2.543557,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984408
+                    -2.545516,53.984790
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+                    -2.551034,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987174
+                    -2.552094,53.986859
+                    -2.552256,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985777
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+                    -2.556894,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986387
+                    -2.558437,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985496
+                    -2.559507,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986583
+                    -2.562150,53.986430
+                    -2.562692,53.986859
+                    -2.563584,53.987765
+                    -2.563662,53.987927
+                    -2.563725,53.988667
+                    -2.563742,53.989577
+                    -2.564202,53.990479
+                    -2.565174,53.990932
+                    -2.565529,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991809
+                    -2.564443,53.992286
+                    -2.563981,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.993797
+                    -2.562150,53.993850
+                    -2.561768,53.994098
+                    -2.562150,53.994384
+                    -2.563662,53.994493
+                    -2.564169,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995681
+                    -2.565449,53.995910
+                    -2.565354,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997011
+                    -2.563662,53.996959
+                    -2.562150,53.996921
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+                    -2.561833,53.995910
+                    -2.561703,53.995004
+                    -2.560638,53.994427
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+                    -2.560003,53.993192
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+                    -2.559125,53.990130
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+                    -2.553077,53.988199
+                    -2.552293,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989220
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+                    -2.554589,53.989758
+                    -2.555222,53.990479
+                    -2.554871,53.991385
+                    -2.555085,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992558
+                    -2.553203,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993340
+                    -2.551960,53.994098
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+                    -2.550052,53.994784
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+                    -2.551564,53.991461
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
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+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013624
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+                    -2.513760,54.009128
+                    -2.512247,54.009271
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+                    -2.512247,54.008036
+                    -2.513760,54.008217
+                    -2.515272,54.008346
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+                    -2.516949,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007568
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+                    -2.516784,54.006457
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+                    -2.518296,54.004989
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+                    -2.518296,54.004869
+                    -2.519808,54.004879
+                    -2.521321,54.004912
+                    -2.522253,54.004951
+                    -2.522833,54.004989
+                    -2.522887,54.004951
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+                    -2.524345,54.003572
+                    -2.524738,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002771
+                    -2.523275,54.003143
+                    -2.522833,54.003220
+                    -2.522650,54.003143
+                    -2.521321,54.002352
+                    -2.519808,54.002280
+                    -2.518791,54.002242
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+                    -2.518296,54.000368
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+                    -2.515272,54.000802
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+                    -2.512247,54.000912
+                    -2.512030,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,54.000287
+                    -2.513760,54.000168
+                    -2.515272,54.000053
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+                    -2.515272,53.998613
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+                    -2.513760,53.996596
+                    -2.512902,53.996811
+                    -2.512247,53.997011
+                    -2.512120,53.996811
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+                    -2.509546,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995390
+                    -2.507711,53.995275
+                    -2.506199,53.995147
+                    -2.506126,53.995004
+                    -2.505155,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993783
+                    -2.503481,53.993192
+                    -2.504174,53.992286
+                    -2.503622,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991051
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+                    -2.505083,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.988824
+                    -2.507711,53.988757
+                    -2.507885,53.988667
+                    -2.507711,53.988361
+                    -2.506199,53.988190
+                    -2.505894,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987536
+                    -2.506753,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986440
+                    -2.508609,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985476
+                    -2.506199,53.985062
+                    -2.505932,53.985052
+                    -2.506199,53.985019
+                    -2.507264,53.984141
+                    -2.507711,53.983374
+                    -2.507769,53.983240
+                    -2.507780,53.982334
+                    -2.508230,53.981433
+                    -2.509016,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979673
+                    -2.506199,53.980322
+                    -2.505308,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.980742
+                    -2.504331,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.979926
+                    -2.502673,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979306
+                    -2.504686,53.979020
+                    -2.505264,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978472
+                    -2.507711,53.978190
+                    -2.508457,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977351
+                    -2.509861,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976340
+                    -2.508877,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975668
+                    -2.509983,53.975101
+                    -2.509767,53.974195
+                    -2.510735,53.973560
+                    -2.511175,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972631
+                    -2.513632,53.972383
+                    -2.513760,53.972216
+                    -2.515272,53.971620
+                    -2.515510,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971353
+                    -2.513760,53.971381
+                    -2.512247,53.971324
+                    -2.510735,53.971367
+                    -2.509591,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532192,53.972383
+                    -2.532069,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973694
+                    -2.531035,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974719
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+                    -2.532632,53.976002
+                    -2.532325,53.976908
+                    -2.532430,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978400
+                    -2.534087,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979220
+                    -2.535770,53.979621
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+                    -2.538012,53.980527
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+                    -2.540271,53.980527
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+                    -2.540979,53.982067
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+                    -2.541536,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983812
+                    -2.543557,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984408
+                    -2.545516,53.984790
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+                    -2.548005,53.985052
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+                    -2.550052,53.985410
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+                    -2.552094,53.986859
+                    -2.552256,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985777
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+                    -2.556101,53.985610
+                    -2.556894,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986387
+                    -2.558437,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985496
+                    -2.559507,53.985953
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+                    -2.562150,53.986430
+                    -2.562692,53.986859
+                    -2.563584,53.987765
+                    -2.563662,53.987927
+                    -2.563725,53.988667
+                    -2.563742,53.989577
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+                    -2.565174,53.991809
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+                    -2.563662,53.993797
+                    -2.562150,53.993850
+                    -2.561768,53.994098
+                    -2.562150,53.994384
+                    -2.563662,53.994493
+                    -2.564169,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995681
+                    -2.565449,53.995910
+                    -2.565354,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997011
+                    -2.563662,53.996959
+                    -2.562150,53.996921
+                    -2.561152,53.996811
+                    -2.561833,53.995910
+                    -2.561703,53.995004
+                    -2.560638,53.994427
+                    -2.560068,53.994098
+                    -2.560003,53.993192
+                    -2.559929,53.992286
+                    -2.559858,53.991385
+                    -2.559708,53.990479
+                    -2.559125,53.990130
+                    -2.557613,53.990035
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+                    -2.554589,53.988242
+                    -2.553077,53.988199
+                    -2.552293,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989220
+                    -2.554185,53.989577
+                    -2.554589,53.989758
+                    -2.555222,53.990479
+                    -2.554871,53.991385
+                    -2.555085,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992558
+                    -2.553203,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993340
+                    -2.551960,53.994098
+                    -2.551564,53.994274
+                    -2.550052,53.994784
+                    -2.549759,53.995004
+                    -2.548540,53.995748
+                    -2.548110,53.995910
+                    -2.547028,53.996377
+                    -2.546340,53.995910
+                    -2.546838,53.995004
+                    -2.547028,53.994846
+                    -2.548540,53.994508
+                    -2.549342,53.994098
+                    -2.550052,53.993888
+                    -2.551564,53.993306
+                    -2.551875,53.993192
+                    -2.552858,53.992286
+                    -2.551564,53.991461
+                    -2.550052,53.991771
+                    -2.548700,53.991385
+                    -2.548540,53.990588
+                    -2.547028,53.990788
+                    -2.545516,53.991370
+                    -2.544003,53.991284
+                    -2.542728,53.991385
+                    -2.544003,53.991885
+                    -2.544125,53.992286
+                    -2.544003,53.992801
+                    -2.542491,53.992305
+                    -2.540979,53.992596
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+                    -2.539467,53.994756
+                    -2.539711,53.995004
+                    -2.539467,53.995075
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+                    -2.512247,54.009271
+                    -2.511288,54.008574
+                    -2.512247,54.008036
+                    -2.513760,54.008217
+                    -2.515272,54.008346
+                    -2.516784,54.007769
+                    -2.516949,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007568
+                    -2.515805,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006457
+                    -2.518296,54.006405
+                    -2.519572,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.004989
+                    -2.517935,54.004951
+                    -2.518296,54.004869
+                    -2.519808,54.004879
+                    -2.521321,54.004912
+                    -2.522253,54.004951
+                    -2.522833,54.004989
+                    -2.522887,54.004951
+                    -2.524040,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003572
+                    -2.524738,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002771
+                    -2.523275,54.003143
+                    -2.522833,54.003220
+                    -2.522650,54.003143
+                    -2.521321,54.002352
+                    -2.519808,54.002280
+                    -2.518791,54.002242
+                    -2.519218,54.001336
+                    -2.518918,54.000430
+                    -2.518296,54.000368
+                    -2.516784,54.000163
+                    -2.516657,54.000430
+                    -2.515272,54.000802
+                    -2.513760,54.000926
+                    -2.512247,54.000912
+                    -2.512030,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,54.000287
+                    -2.513760,54.000168
+                    -2.515272,54.000053
+                    -2.516576,53.999524
+                    -2.515285,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998613
+                    -2.513828,53.997717
+                    -2.514124,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996596
+                    -2.512902,53.996811
+                    -2.512247,53.997011
+                    -2.512120,53.996811
+                    -2.511971,53.995910
+                    -2.511738,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994498
+                    -2.509546,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995390
+                    -2.507711,53.995275
+                    -2.506199,53.995147
+                    -2.506126,53.995004
+                    -2.505155,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993783
+                    -2.503481,53.993192
+                    -2.504174,53.992286
+                    -2.503622,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991051
+                    -2.505764,53.990479
+                    -2.505083,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.988824
+                    -2.507711,53.988757
+                    -2.507885,53.988667
+                    -2.507711,53.988361
+                    -2.506199,53.988190
+                    -2.505894,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987536
+                    -2.506753,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986440
+                    -2.508609,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985476
+                    -2.506199,53.985062
+                    -2.505932,53.985052
+                    -2.506199,53.985019
+                    -2.507264,53.984141
+                    -2.507711,53.983374
+                    -2.507769,53.983240
+                    -2.507780,53.982334
+                    -2.508230,53.981433
+                    -2.509016,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979673
+                    -2.506199,53.980322
+                    -2.505308,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.980742
+                    -2.504331,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.979926
+                    -2.502673,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979306
+                    -2.504686,53.979020
+                    -2.505264,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978472
+                    -2.507711,53.978190
+                    -2.508457,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977351
+                    -2.509861,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976340
+                    -2.508877,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975668
+                    -2.509983,53.975101
+                    -2.509767,53.974195
+                    -2.510735,53.973560
+                    -2.511175,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972631
+                    -2.513632,53.972383
+                    -2.513760,53.972216
+                    -2.515272,53.971620
+                    -2.515510,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971353
+                    -2.513760,53.971381
+                    -2.512247,53.971324
+                    -2.510735,53.971367
+                    -2.509591,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532192,53.972383
+                    -2.532069,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973694
+                    -2.531035,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974719
+                    -2.532435,53.975101
+                    -2.532632,53.976002
+                    -2.532325,53.976908
+                    -2.532430,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978400
+                    -2.534087,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979220
+                    -2.535770,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.980021
+                    -2.537899,53.980527
+                    -2.537955,53.980560
+                    -2.538012,53.980527
+                    -2.539467,53.980212
+                    -2.540271,53.980527
+                    -2.540317,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.982067
+                    -2.541379,53.982334
+                    -2.541536,53.983240
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+                    -2.544003,53.984408
+                    -2.545516,53.984790
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+                    -2.559507,53.985953
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+                    -2.562150,53.986430
+                    -2.562692,53.986859
+                    -2.563584,53.987765
+                    -2.563662,53.987927
+                    -2.563725,53.988667
+                    -2.563742,53.989577
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+                    -2.565174,53.991809
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+                    -2.563662,53.993797
+                    -2.562150,53.993850
+                    -2.561768,53.994098
+                    -2.562150,53.994384
+                    -2.563662,53.994493
+                    -2.564169,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995681
+                    -2.565449,53.995910
+                    -2.565354,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997011
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+                    -2.562150,53.996921
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+                    -2.561833,53.995910
+                    -2.561703,53.995004
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+                    -2.553077,53.989220
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+                    -2.555085,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992558
+                    -2.553203,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993340
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+                    -2.518296,54.021688
+                    -2.517175,54.021239
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+                    -2.514747,54.020333
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013624
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+                    -2.512307,54.013095
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+                    -2.515272,54.011073
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+                    -2.513760,54.009128
+                    -2.512247,54.009271
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+                    -2.512247,54.008036
+                    -2.513760,54.008217
+                    -2.515272,54.008346
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+                    -2.516949,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007568
+                    -2.515805,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006457
+                    -2.518296,54.006405
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+                    -2.518296,54.004989
+                    -2.517935,54.004951
+                    -2.518296,54.004869
+                    -2.519808,54.004879
+                    -2.521321,54.004912
+                    -2.522253,54.004951
+                    -2.522833,54.004989
+                    -2.522887,54.004951
+                    -2.524040,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003572
+                    -2.524738,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002771
+                    -2.523275,54.003143
+                    -2.522833,54.003220
+                    -2.522650,54.003143
+                    -2.521321,54.002352
+                    -2.519808,54.002280
+                    -2.518791,54.002242
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+                    -2.518918,54.000430
+                    -2.518296,54.000368
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+                    -2.516657,54.000430
+                    -2.515272,54.000802
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+                    -2.512247,54.000912
+                    -2.512030,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,54.000287
+                    -2.513760,54.000168
+                    -2.515272,54.000053
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+                    -2.515285,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998613
+                    -2.513828,53.997717
+                    -2.514124,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996596
+                    -2.512902,53.996811
+                    -2.512247,53.997011
+                    -2.512120,53.996811
+                    -2.511971,53.995910
+                    -2.511738,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994498
+                    -2.509546,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995390
+                    -2.507711,53.995275
+                    -2.506199,53.995147
+                    -2.506126,53.995004
+                    -2.505155,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993783
+                    -2.503481,53.993192
+                    -2.504174,53.992286
+                    -2.503622,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991051
+                    -2.505764,53.990479
+                    -2.505083,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.988824
+                    -2.507711,53.988757
+                    -2.507885,53.988667
+                    -2.507711,53.988361
+                    -2.506199,53.988190
+                    -2.505894,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987536
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+                    -2.507711,53.986440
+                    -2.508609,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985476
+                    -2.506199,53.985062
+                    -2.505932,53.985052
+                    -2.506199,53.985019
+                    -2.507264,53.984141
+                    -2.507711,53.983374
+                    -2.507769,53.983240
+                    -2.507780,53.982334
+                    -2.508230,53.981433
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+                    -2.507711,53.979673
+                    -2.506199,53.980322
+                    -2.505308,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.980742
+                    -2.504331,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.979926
+                    -2.502673,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979306
+                    -2.504686,53.979020
+                    -2.505264,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978472
+                    -2.507711,53.978190
+                    -2.508457,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977351
+                    -2.509861,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976340
+                    -2.508877,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975668
+                    -2.509983,53.975101
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+                    -2.511175,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972631
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+                    -2.513760,53.972216
+                    -2.515272,53.971620
+                    -2.515510,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971353
+                    -2.513760,53.971381
+                    -2.512247,53.971324
+                    -2.510735,53.971367
+                    -2.509591,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
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+                    -2.534930,53.979220
+                    -2.535770,53.979621
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+                    -2.537899,53.980527
+                    -2.537955,53.980560
+                    -2.538012,53.980527
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+                    -2.540271,53.980527
+                    -2.540317,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.982067
+                    -2.541379,53.982334
+                    -2.541536,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983812
+                    -2.543557,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984408
+                    -2.545516,53.984790
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+                    -2.551034,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987174
+                    -2.552094,53.986859
+                    -2.552256,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985777
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+                    -2.556894,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986387
+                    -2.558437,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985496
+                    -2.559507,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986583
+                    -2.562150,53.986430
+                    -2.562692,53.986859
+                    -2.563584,53.987765
+                    -2.563662,53.987927
+                    -2.563725,53.988667
+                    -2.563742,53.989577
+                    -2.564202,53.990479
+                    -2.565174,53.990932
+                    -2.565529,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991809
+                    -2.564443,53.992286
+                    -2.563981,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.993797
+                    -2.562150,53.993850
+                    -2.561768,53.994098
+                    -2.562150,53.994384
+                    -2.563662,53.994493
+                    -2.564169,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995681
+                    -2.565449,53.995910
+                    -2.565354,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997011
+                    -2.563662,53.996959
+                    -2.562150,53.996921
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+                    -2.561833,53.995910
+                    -2.561703,53.995004
+                    -2.560638,53.994427
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+                    -2.560003,53.993192
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+                    -2.559125,53.990130
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+                    -2.553077,53.988199
+                    -2.552293,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989220
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+                    -2.554589,53.989758
+                    -2.555222,53.990479
+                    -2.554871,53.991385
+                    -2.555085,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992558
+                    -2.553203,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993340
+                    -2.551960,53.994098
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+                    -2.550052,53.994784
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+                    -2.551564,53.991461
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
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+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013624
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+                    -2.513760,54.009128
+                    -2.512247,54.009271
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+                    -2.512247,54.008036
+                    -2.513760,54.008217
+                    -2.515272,54.008346
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+                    -2.516949,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007568
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+                    -2.516784,54.006457
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+                    -2.518296,54.004989
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+                    -2.518296,54.004869
+                    -2.519808,54.004879
+                    -2.521321,54.004912
+                    -2.522253,54.004951
+                    -2.522833,54.004989
+                    -2.522887,54.004951
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+                    -2.524345,54.003572
+                    -2.524738,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002771
+                    -2.523275,54.003143
+                    -2.522833,54.003220
+                    -2.522650,54.003143
+                    -2.521321,54.002352
+                    -2.519808,54.002280
+                    -2.518791,54.002242
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+                    -2.518296,54.000368
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+                    -2.515272,54.000802
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+                    -2.512247,54.000912
+                    -2.512030,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,54.000287
+                    -2.513760,54.000168
+                    -2.515272,54.000053
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+                    -2.515272,53.998613
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+                    -2.513760,53.996596
+                    -2.512902,53.996811
+                    -2.512247,53.997011
+                    -2.512120,53.996811
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+                    -2.509546,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995390
+                    -2.507711,53.995275
+                    -2.506199,53.995147
+                    -2.506126,53.995004
+                    -2.505155,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993783
+                    -2.503481,53.993192
+                    -2.504174,53.992286
+                    -2.503622,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991051
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+                    -2.505083,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.988824
+                    -2.507711,53.988757
+                    -2.507885,53.988667
+                    -2.507711,53.988361
+                    -2.506199,53.988190
+                    -2.505894,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987536
+                    -2.506753,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986440
+                    -2.508609,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985476
+                    -2.506199,53.985062
+                    -2.505932,53.985052
+                    -2.506199,53.985019
+                    -2.507264,53.984141
+                    -2.507711,53.983374
+                    -2.507769,53.983240
+                    -2.507780,53.982334
+                    -2.508230,53.981433
+                    -2.509016,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979673
+                    -2.506199,53.980322
+                    -2.505308,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.980742
+                    -2.504331,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.979926
+                    -2.502673,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979306
+                    -2.504686,53.979020
+                    -2.505264,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978472
+                    -2.507711,53.978190
+                    -2.508457,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977351
+                    -2.509861,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976340
+                    -2.508877,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975668
+                    -2.509983,53.975101
+                    -2.509767,53.974195
+                    -2.510735,53.973560
+                    -2.511175,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972631
+                    -2.513632,53.972383
+                    -2.513760,53.972216
+                    -2.515272,53.971620
+                    -2.515510,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971353
+                    -2.513760,53.971381
+                    -2.512247,53.971324
+                    -2.510735,53.971367
+                    -2.509591,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532192,53.972383
+                    -2.532069,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973694
+                    -2.531035,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974719
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+                    -2.532632,53.976002
+                    -2.532325,53.976908
+                    -2.532430,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978400
+                    -2.534087,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979220
+                    -2.535770,53.979621
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+                    -2.538012,53.980527
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+                    -2.540271,53.980527
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+                    -2.540979,53.982067
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+                    -2.541536,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983812
+                    -2.543557,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984408
+                    -2.545516,53.984790
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+                    -2.548005,53.985052
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+                    -2.550052,53.985410
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+                    -2.552094,53.986859
+                    -2.552256,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985777
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+                    -2.556101,53.985610
+                    -2.556894,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986387
+                    -2.558437,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985496
+                    -2.559507,53.985953
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+                    -2.562150,53.986430
+                    -2.562692,53.986859
+                    -2.563584,53.987765
+                    -2.563662,53.987927
+                    -2.563725,53.988667
+                    -2.563742,53.989577
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+                    -2.565174,53.991809
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+                    -2.563662,53.993797
+                    -2.562150,53.993850
+                    -2.561768,53.994098
+                    -2.562150,53.994384
+                    -2.563662,53.994493
+                    -2.564169,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995681
+                    -2.565449,53.995910
+                    -2.565354,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997011
+                    -2.563662,53.996959
+                    -2.562150,53.996921
+                    -2.561152,53.996811
+                    -2.561833,53.995910
+                    -2.561703,53.995004
+                    -2.560638,53.994427
+                    -2.560068,53.994098
+                    -2.560003,53.993192
+                    -2.559929,53.992286
+                    -2.559858,53.991385
+                    -2.559708,53.990479
+                    -2.559125,53.990130
+                    -2.557613,53.990035
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+                    -2.554589,53.988242
+                    -2.553077,53.988199
+                    -2.552293,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989220
+                    -2.554185,53.989577
+                    -2.554589,53.989758
+                    -2.555222,53.990479
+                    -2.554871,53.991385
+                    -2.555085,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992558
+                    -2.553203,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993340
+                    -2.551960,53.994098
+                    -2.551564,53.994274
+                    -2.550052,53.994784
+                    -2.549759,53.995004
+                    -2.548540,53.995748
+                    -2.548110,53.995910
+                    -2.547028,53.996377
+                    -2.546340,53.995910
+                    -2.546838,53.995004
+                    -2.547028,53.994846
+                    -2.548540,53.994508
+                    -2.549342,53.994098
+                    -2.550052,53.993888
+                    -2.551564,53.993306
+                    -2.551875,53.993192
+                    -2.552858,53.992286
+                    -2.551564,53.991461
+                    -2.550052,53.991771
+                    -2.548700,53.991385
+                    -2.548540,53.990588
+                    -2.547028,53.990788
+                    -2.545516,53.991370
+                    -2.544003,53.991284
+                    -2.542728,53.991385
+                    -2.544003,53.991885
+                    -2.544125,53.992286
+                    -2.544003,53.992801
+                    -2.542491,53.992305
+                    -2.540979,53.992596
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+                    -2.539467,53.994756
+                    -2.539711,53.995004
+                    -2.539467,53.995075
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+                    -2.512247,54.009271
+                    -2.511288,54.008574
+                    -2.512247,54.008036
+                    -2.513760,54.008217
+                    -2.515272,54.008346
+                    -2.516784,54.007769
+                    -2.516949,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007568
+                    -2.515805,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006457
+                    -2.518296,54.006405
+                    -2.519572,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.004989
+                    -2.517935,54.004951
+                    -2.518296,54.004869
+                    -2.519808,54.004879
+                    -2.521321,54.004912
+                    -2.522253,54.004951
+                    -2.522833,54.004989
+                    -2.522887,54.004951
+                    -2.524040,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003572
+                    -2.524738,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002771
+                    -2.523275,54.003143
+                    -2.522833,54.003220
+                    -2.522650,54.003143
+                    -2.521321,54.002352
+                    -2.519808,54.002280
+                    -2.518791,54.002242
+                    -2.519218,54.001336
+                    -2.518918,54.000430
+                    -2.518296,54.000368
+                    -2.516784,54.000163
+                    -2.516657,54.000430
+                    -2.515272,54.000802
+                    -2.513760,54.000926
+                    -2.512247,54.000912
+                    -2.512030,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,54.000287
+                    -2.513760,54.000168
+                    -2.515272,54.000053
+                    -2.516576,53.999524
+                    -2.515285,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998613
+                    -2.513828,53.997717
+                    -2.514124,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996596
+                    -2.512902,53.996811
+                    -2.512247,53.997011
+                    -2.512120,53.996811
+                    -2.511971,53.995910
+                    -2.511738,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994498
+                    -2.509546,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995390
+                    -2.507711,53.995275
+                    -2.506199,53.995147
+                    -2.506126,53.995004
+                    -2.505155,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993783
+                    -2.503481,53.993192
+                    -2.504174,53.992286
+                    -2.503622,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991051
+                    -2.505764,53.990479
+                    -2.505083,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.988824
+                    -2.507711,53.988757
+                    -2.507885,53.988667
+                    -2.507711,53.988361
+                    -2.506199,53.988190
+                    -2.505894,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987536
+                    -2.506753,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986440
+                    -2.508609,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985476
+                    -2.506199,53.985062
+                    -2.505932,53.985052
+                    -2.506199,53.985019
+                    -2.507264,53.984141
+                    -2.507711,53.983374
+                    -2.507769,53.983240
+                    -2.507780,53.982334
+                    -2.508230,53.981433
+                    -2.509016,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979673
+                    -2.506199,53.980322
+                    -2.505308,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.980742
+                    -2.504331,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.979926
+                    -2.502673,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979306
+                    -2.504686,53.979020
+                    -2.505264,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978472
+                    -2.507711,53.978190
+                    -2.508457,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977351
+                    -2.509861,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976340
+                    -2.508877,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975668
+                    -2.509983,53.975101
+                    -2.509767,53.974195
+                    -2.510735,53.973560
+                    -2.511175,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972631
+                    -2.513632,53.972383
+                    -2.513760,53.972216
+                    -2.515272,53.971620
+                    -2.515510,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971353
+                    -2.513760,53.971381
+                    -2.512247,53.971324
+                    -2.510735,53.971367
+                    -2.509591,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532192,53.972383
+                    -2.532069,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973694
+                    -2.531035,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974719
+                    -2.532435,53.975101
+                    -2.532632,53.976002
+                    -2.532325,53.976908
+                    -2.532430,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978400
+                    -2.534087,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979220
+                    -2.535770,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.980021
+                    -2.537899,53.980527
+                    -2.537955,53.980560
+                    -2.538012,53.980527
+                    -2.539467,53.980212
+                    -2.540271,53.980527
+                    -2.540317,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.982067
+                    -2.541379,53.982334
+                    -2.541536,53.983240
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+                    -2.544003,53.984408
+                    -2.545516,53.984790
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+                    -2.559507,53.985953
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+                    -2.562150,53.986430
+                    -2.562692,53.986859
+                    -2.563584,53.987765
+                    -2.563662,53.987927
+                    -2.563725,53.988667
+                    -2.563742,53.989577
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+                    -2.565174,53.991809
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+                    -2.563662,53.993797
+                    -2.562150,53.993850
+                    -2.561768,53.994098
+                    -2.562150,53.994384
+                    -2.563662,53.994493
+                    -2.564169,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995681
+                    -2.565449,53.995910
+                    -2.565354,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997011
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+                    -2.562150,53.996921
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+                    -2.561833,53.995910
+                    -2.561703,53.995004
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+                    -2.553077,53.989220
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+                    -2.555085,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992558
+                    -2.553203,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993340
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+                    -2.518296,54.021688
+                    -2.517175,54.021239
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+                    -2.514747,54.020333
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013624
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+                    -2.512307,54.013095
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+                    -2.515272,54.011073
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+                    -2.513760,54.009128
+                    -2.512247,54.009271
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+                    -2.512247,54.008036
+                    -2.513760,54.008217
+                    -2.515272,54.008346
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+                    -2.516949,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007568
+                    -2.515805,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006457
+                    -2.518296,54.006405
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+                    -2.518296,54.004989
+                    -2.517935,54.004951
+                    -2.518296,54.004869
+                    -2.519808,54.004879
+                    -2.521321,54.004912
+                    -2.522253,54.004951
+                    -2.522833,54.004989
+                    -2.522887,54.004951
+                    -2.524040,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003572
+                    -2.524738,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002771
+                    -2.523275,54.003143
+                    -2.522833,54.003220
+                    -2.522650,54.003143
+                    -2.521321,54.002352
+                    -2.519808,54.002280
+                    -2.518791,54.002242
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+                    -2.518918,54.000430
+                    -2.518296,54.000368
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+                    -2.516657,54.000430
+                    -2.515272,54.000802
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+                    -2.512247,54.000912
+                    -2.512030,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,54.000287
+                    -2.513760,54.000168
+                    -2.515272,54.000053
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+                    -2.515285,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998613
+                    -2.513828,53.997717
+                    -2.514124,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996596
+                    -2.512902,53.996811
+                    -2.512247,53.997011
+                    -2.512120,53.996811
+                    -2.511971,53.995910
+                    -2.511738,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994498
+                    -2.509546,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995390
+                    -2.507711,53.995275
+                    -2.506199,53.995147
+                    -2.506126,53.995004
+                    -2.505155,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993783
+                    -2.503481,53.993192
+                    -2.504174,53.992286
+                    -2.503622,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991051
+                    -2.505764,53.990479
+                    -2.505083,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.988824
+                    -2.507711,53.988757
+                    -2.507885,53.988667
+                    -2.507711,53.988361
+                    -2.506199,53.988190
+                    -2.505894,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987536
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+                    -2.507711,53.986440
+                    -2.508609,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985476
+                    -2.506199,53.985062
+                    -2.505932,53.985052
+                    -2.506199,53.985019
+                    -2.507264,53.984141
+                    -2.507711,53.983374
+                    -2.507769,53.983240
+                    -2.507780,53.982334
+                    -2.508230,53.981433
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+                    -2.507711,53.979673
+                    -2.506199,53.980322
+                    -2.505308,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.980742
+                    -2.504331,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.979926
+                    -2.502673,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979306
+                    -2.504686,53.979020
+                    -2.505264,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978472
+                    -2.507711,53.978190
+                    -2.508457,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977351
+                    -2.509861,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976340
+                    -2.508877,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975668
+                    -2.509983,53.975101
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+                    -2.511175,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972631
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+                    -2.513760,53.972216
+                    -2.515272,53.971620
+                    -2.515510,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971353
+                    -2.513760,53.971381
+                    -2.512247,53.971324
+                    -2.510735,53.971367
+                    -2.509591,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
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+                    -2.534930,53.979220
+                    -2.535770,53.979621
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+                    -2.537899,53.980527
+                    -2.537955,53.980560
+                    -2.538012,53.980527
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+                    -2.540271,53.980527
+                    -2.540317,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.982067
+                    -2.541379,53.982334
+                    -2.541536,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983812
+                    -2.543557,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984408
+                    -2.545516,53.984790
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+                    -2.551034,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987174
+                    -2.552094,53.986859
+                    -2.552256,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985777
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+                    -2.556894,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986387
+                    -2.558437,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985496
+                    -2.559507,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986583
+                    -2.562150,53.986430
+                    -2.562692,53.986859
+                    -2.563584,53.987765
+                    -2.563662,53.987927
+                    -2.563725,53.988667
+                    -2.563742,53.989577
+                    -2.564202,53.990479
+                    -2.565174,53.990932
+                    -2.565529,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991809
+                    -2.564443,53.992286
+                    -2.563981,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.993797
+                    -2.562150,53.993850
+                    -2.561768,53.994098
+                    -2.562150,53.994384
+                    -2.563662,53.994493
+                    -2.564169,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995681
+                    -2.565449,53.995910
+                    -2.565354,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997011
+                    -2.563662,53.996959
+                    -2.562150,53.996921
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+                    -2.561833,53.995910
+                    -2.561703,53.995004
+                    -2.560638,53.994427
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+                    -2.560003,53.993192
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+                    -2.559125,53.990130
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+                    -2.553077,53.988199
+                    -2.552293,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989220
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+                    -2.554589,53.989758
+                    -2.555222,53.990479
+                    -2.554871,53.991385
+                    -2.555085,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992558
+                    -2.553203,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993340
+                    -2.551960,53.994098
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+                    -2.550052,53.994784
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+                    -2.551564,53.991461
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
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+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013624
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+                    -2.513760,54.009128
+                    -2.512247,54.009271
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+                    -2.512247,54.008036
+                    -2.513760,54.008217
+                    -2.515272,54.008346
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+                    -2.516949,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007568
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+                    -2.516784,54.006457
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+                    -2.518296,54.004989
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+                    -2.518296,54.004869
+                    -2.519808,54.004879
+                    -2.521321,54.004912
+                    -2.522253,54.004951
+                    -2.522833,54.004989
+                    -2.522887,54.004951
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+                    -2.524345,54.003572
+                    -2.524738,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002771
+                    -2.523275,54.003143
+                    -2.522833,54.003220
+                    -2.522650,54.003143
+                    -2.521321,54.002352
+                    -2.519808,54.002280
+                    -2.518791,54.002242
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+                    -2.518296,54.000368
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+                    -2.515272,54.000802
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+                    -2.512247,54.000912
+                    -2.512030,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,54.000287
+                    -2.513760,54.000168
+                    -2.515272,54.000053
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+                    -2.515272,53.998613
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+                    -2.513760,53.996596
+                    -2.512902,53.996811
+                    -2.512247,53.997011
+                    -2.512120,53.996811
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+                    -2.509546,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995390
+                    -2.507711,53.995275
+                    -2.506199,53.995147
+                    -2.506126,53.995004
+                    -2.505155,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993783
+                    -2.503481,53.993192
+                    -2.504174,53.992286
+                    -2.503622,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991051
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+                    -2.505083,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.988824
+                    -2.507711,53.988757
+                    -2.507885,53.988667
+                    -2.507711,53.988361
+                    -2.506199,53.988190
+                    -2.505894,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987536
+                    -2.506753,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986440
+                    -2.508609,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985476
+                    -2.506199,53.985062
+                    -2.505932,53.985052
+                    -2.506199,53.985019
+                    -2.507264,53.984141
+                    -2.507711,53.983374
+                    -2.507769,53.983240
+                    -2.507780,53.982334
+                    -2.508230,53.981433
+                    -2.509016,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979673
+                    -2.506199,53.980322
+                    -2.505308,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.980742
+                    -2.504331,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.979926
+                    -2.502673,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979306
+                    -2.504686,53.979020
+                    -2.505264,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978472
+                    -2.507711,53.978190
+                    -2.508457,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977351
+                    -2.509861,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976340
+                    -2.508877,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975668
+                    -2.509983,53.975101
+                    -2.509767,53.974195
+                    -2.510735,53.973560
+                    -2.511175,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972631
+                    -2.513632,53.972383
+                    -2.513760,53.972216
+                    -2.515272,53.971620
+                    -2.515510,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971353
+                    -2.513760,53.971381
+                    -2.512247,53.971324
+                    -2.510735,53.971367
+                    -2.509591,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532192,53.972383
+                    -2.532069,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973694
+                    -2.531035,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974719
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+                    -2.532632,53.976002
+                    -2.532325,53.976908
+                    -2.532430,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978400
+                    -2.534087,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979220
+                    -2.535770,53.979621
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+                    -2.538012,53.980527
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+                    -2.540271,53.980527
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+                    -2.540979,53.982067
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+                    -2.541536,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983812
+                    -2.543557,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984408
+                    -2.545516,53.984790
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+                    -2.548005,53.985052
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+                    -2.550052,53.985410
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+                    -2.552094,53.986859
+                    -2.552256,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985777
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+                    -2.556101,53.985610
+                    -2.556894,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986387
+                    -2.558437,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985496
+                    -2.559507,53.985953
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+                    -2.562150,53.986430
+                    -2.562692,53.986859
+                    -2.563584,53.987765
+                    -2.563662,53.987927
+                    -2.563725,53.988667
+                    -2.563742,53.989577
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+                    -2.565174,53.991809
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+                    -2.563662,53.993797
+                    -2.562150,53.993850
+                    -2.561768,53.994098
+                    -2.562150,53.994384
+                    -2.563662,53.994493
+                    -2.564169,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995681
+                    -2.565449,53.995910
+                    -2.565354,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997011
+                    -2.563662,53.996959
+                    -2.562150,53.996921
+                    -2.561152,53.996811
+                    -2.561833,53.995910
+                    -2.561703,53.995004
+                    -2.560638,53.994427
+                    -2.560068,53.994098
+                    -2.560003,53.993192
+                    -2.559929,53.992286
+                    -2.559858,53.991385
+                    -2.559708,53.990479
+                    -2.559125,53.990130
+                    -2.557613,53.990035
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+                    -2.554589,53.988242
+                    -2.553077,53.988199
+                    -2.552293,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989220
+                    -2.554185,53.989577
+                    -2.554589,53.989758
+                    -2.555222,53.990479
+                    -2.554871,53.991385
+                    -2.555085,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992558
+                    -2.553203,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993340
+                    -2.551960,53.994098
+                    -2.551564,53.994274
+                    -2.550052,53.994784
+                    -2.549759,53.995004
+                    -2.548540,53.995748
+                    -2.548110,53.995910
+                    -2.547028,53.996377
+                    -2.546340,53.995910
+                    -2.546838,53.995004
+                    -2.547028,53.994846
+                    -2.548540,53.994508
+                    -2.549342,53.994098
+                    -2.550052,53.993888
+                    -2.551564,53.993306
+                    -2.551875,53.993192
+                    -2.552858,53.992286
+                    -2.551564,53.991461
+                    -2.550052,53.991771
+                    -2.548700,53.991385
+                    -2.548540,53.990588
+                    -2.547028,53.990788
+                    -2.545516,53.991370
+                    -2.544003,53.991284
+                    -2.542728,53.991385
+                    -2.544003,53.991885
+                    -2.544125,53.992286
+                    -2.544003,53.992801
+                    -2.542491,53.992305
+                    -2.540979,53.992596
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+                    -2.539467,53.994756
+                    -2.539711,53.995004
+                    -2.539467,53.995075
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+                    -2.512247,54.009271
+                    -2.511288,54.008574
+                    -2.512247,54.008036
+                    -2.513760,54.008217
+                    -2.515272,54.008346
+                    -2.516784,54.007769
+                    -2.516949,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007568
+                    -2.515805,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006457
+                    -2.518296,54.006405
+                    -2.519572,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.004989
+                    -2.517935,54.004951
+                    -2.518296,54.004869
+                    -2.519808,54.004879
+                    -2.521321,54.004912
+                    -2.522253,54.004951
+                    -2.522833,54.004989
+                    -2.522887,54.004951
+                    -2.524040,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003572
+                    -2.524738,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002771
+                    -2.523275,54.003143
+                    -2.522833,54.003220
+                    -2.522650,54.003143
+                    -2.521321,54.002352
+                    -2.519808,54.002280
+                    -2.518791,54.002242
+                    -2.519218,54.001336
+                    -2.518918,54.000430
+                    -2.518296,54.000368
+                    -2.516784,54.000163
+                    -2.516657,54.000430
+                    -2.515272,54.000802
+                    -2.513760,54.000926
+                    -2.512247,54.000912
+                    -2.512030,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,54.000287
+                    -2.513760,54.000168
+                    -2.515272,54.000053
+                    -2.516576,53.999524
+                    -2.515285,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998613
+                    -2.513828,53.997717
+                    -2.514124,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996596
+                    -2.512902,53.996811
+                    -2.512247,53.997011
+                    -2.512120,53.996811
+                    -2.511971,53.995910
+                    -2.511738,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994498
+                    -2.509546,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995390
+                    -2.507711,53.995275
+                    -2.506199,53.995147
+                    -2.506126,53.995004
+                    -2.505155,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993783
+                    -2.503481,53.993192
+                    -2.504174,53.992286
+                    -2.503622,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991051
+                    -2.505764,53.990479
+                    -2.505083,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.988824
+                    -2.507711,53.988757
+                    -2.507885,53.988667
+                    -2.507711,53.988361
+                    -2.506199,53.988190
+                    -2.505894,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987536
+                    -2.506753,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986440
+                    -2.508609,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985476
+                    -2.506199,53.985062
+                    -2.505932,53.985052
+                    -2.506199,53.985019
+                    -2.507264,53.984141
+                    -2.507711,53.983374
+                    -2.507769,53.983240
+                    -2.507780,53.982334
+                    -2.508230,53.981433
+                    -2.509016,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979673
+                    -2.506199,53.980322
+                    -2.505308,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.980742
+                    -2.504331,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.979926
+                    -2.502673,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979306
+                    -2.504686,53.979020
+                    -2.505264,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978472
+                    -2.507711,53.978190
+                    -2.508457,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977351
+                    -2.509861,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976340
+                    -2.508877,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975668
+                    -2.509983,53.975101
+                    -2.509767,53.974195
+                    -2.510735,53.973560
+                    -2.511175,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972631
+                    -2.513632,53.972383
+                    -2.513760,53.972216
+                    -2.515272,53.971620
+                    -2.515510,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971353
+                    -2.513760,53.971381
+                    -2.512247,53.971324
+                    -2.510735,53.971367
+                    -2.509591,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532192,53.972383
+                    -2.532069,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973694
+                    -2.531035,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974719
+                    -2.532435,53.975101
+                    -2.532632,53.976002
+                    -2.532325,53.976908
+                    -2.532430,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978400
+                    -2.534087,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979220
+                    -2.535770,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.980021
+                    -2.537899,53.980527
+                    -2.537955,53.980560
+                    -2.538012,53.980527
+                    -2.539467,53.980212
+                    -2.540271,53.980527
+                    -2.540317,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.982067
+                    -2.541379,53.982334
+                    -2.541536,53.983240
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+                    -2.544003,53.984408
+                    -2.545516,53.984790
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+                    -2.559507,53.985953
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+                    -2.562150,53.986430
+                    -2.562692,53.986859
+                    -2.563584,53.987765
+                    -2.563662,53.987927
+                    -2.563725,53.988667
+                    -2.563742,53.989577
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+                    -2.565174,53.991809
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+                    -2.563662,53.993797
+                    -2.562150,53.993850
+                    -2.561768,53.994098
+                    -2.562150,53.994384
+                    -2.563662,53.994493
+                    -2.564169,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995681
+                    -2.565449,53.995910
+                    -2.565354,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997011
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+                    -2.562150,53.996921
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+                    -2.561833,53.995910
+                    -2.561703,53.995004
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+                    -2.553077,53.989220
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+                    -2.555085,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992558
+                    -2.553203,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993340
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+                    -2.518296,54.021688
+                    -2.517175,54.021239
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+                    -2.514747,54.020333
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013624
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+                    -2.512307,54.013095
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+                    -2.515272,54.011073
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+                    -2.513760,54.009128
+                    -2.512247,54.009271
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+                    -2.512247,54.008036
+                    -2.513760,54.008217
+                    -2.515272,54.008346
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+                    -2.516949,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007568
+                    -2.515805,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006457
+                    -2.518296,54.006405
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+                    -2.518296,54.004989
+                    -2.517935,54.004951
+                    -2.518296,54.004869
+                    -2.519808,54.004879
+                    -2.521321,54.004912
+                    -2.522253,54.004951
+                    -2.522833,54.004989
+                    -2.522887,54.004951
+                    -2.524040,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003572
+                    -2.524738,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002771
+                    -2.523275,54.003143
+                    -2.522833,54.003220
+                    -2.522650,54.003143
+                    -2.521321,54.002352
+                    -2.519808,54.002280
+                    -2.518791,54.002242
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+                    -2.518918,54.000430
+                    -2.518296,54.000368
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+                    -2.516657,54.000430
+                    -2.515272,54.000802
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+                    -2.512247,54.000912
+                    -2.512030,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,54.000287
+                    -2.513760,54.000168
+                    -2.515272,54.000053
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+                    -2.515285,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998613
+                    -2.513828,53.997717
+                    -2.514124,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996596
+                    -2.512902,53.996811
+                    -2.512247,53.997011
+                    -2.512120,53.996811
+                    -2.511971,53.995910
+                    -2.511738,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994498
+                    -2.509546,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995390
+                    -2.507711,53.995275
+                    -2.506199,53.995147
+                    -2.506126,53.995004
+                    -2.505155,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993783
+                    -2.503481,53.993192
+                    -2.504174,53.992286
+                    -2.503622,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991051
+                    -2.505764,53.990479
+                    -2.505083,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.988824
+                    -2.507711,53.988757
+                    -2.507885,53.988667
+                    -2.507711,53.988361
+                    -2.506199,53.988190
+                    -2.505894,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987536
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+                    -2.507711,53.986440
+                    -2.508609,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985476
+                    -2.506199,53.985062
+                    -2.505932,53.985052
+                    -2.506199,53.985019
+                    -2.507264,53.984141
+                    -2.507711,53.983374
+                    -2.507769,53.983240
+                    -2.507780,53.982334
+                    -2.508230,53.981433
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+                    -2.507711,53.979673
+                    -2.506199,53.980322
+                    -2.505308,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.980742
+                    -2.504331,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.979926
+                    -2.502673,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979306
+                    -2.504686,53.979020
+                    -2.505264,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978472
+                    -2.507711,53.978190
+                    -2.508457,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977351
+                    -2.509861,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976340
+                    -2.508877,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975668
+                    -2.509983,53.975101
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+                    -2.511175,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972631
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+                    -2.513760,53.972216
+                    -2.515272,53.971620
+                    -2.515510,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971353
+                    -2.513760,53.971381
+                    -2.512247,53.971324
+                    -2.510735,53.971367
+                    -2.509591,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
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+                    -2.534930,53.979220
+                    -2.535770,53.979621
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+                    -2.537899,53.980527
+                    -2.537955,53.980560
+                    -2.538012,53.980527
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+                    -2.540271,53.980527
+                    -2.540317,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.982067
+                    -2.541379,53.982334
+                    -2.541536,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983812
+                    -2.543557,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984408
+                    -2.545516,53.984790
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+                    -2.551034,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987174
+                    -2.552094,53.986859
+                    -2.552256,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985777
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+                    -2.556894,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986387
+                    -2.558437,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985496
+                    -2.559507,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986583
+                    -2.562150,53.986430
+                    -2.562692,53.986859
+                    -2.563584,53.987765
+                    -2.563662,53.987927
+                    -2.563725,53.988667
+                    -2.563742,53.989577
+                    -2.564202,53.990479
+                    -2.565174,53.990932
+                    -2.565529,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991809
+                    -2.564443,53.992286
+                    -2.563981,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.993797
+                    -2.562150,53.993850
+                    -2.561768,53.994098
+                    -2.562150,53.994384
+                    -2.563662,53.994493
+                    -2.564169,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995681
+                    -2.565449,53.995910
+                    -2.565354,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997011
+                    -2.563662,53.996959
+                    -2.562150,53.996921
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+                    -2.561833,53.995910
+                    -2.561703,53.995004
+                    -2.560638,53.994427
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+                    -2.560003,53.993192
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+                    -2.559125,53.990130
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+                    -2.553077,53.988199
+                    -2.552293,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989220
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+                    -2.554589,53.989758
+                    -2.555222,53.990479
+                    -2.554871,53.991385
+                    -2.555085,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992558
+                    -2.553203,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993340
+                    -2.551960,53.994098
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+                    -2.550052,53.994784
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+                    -2.551564,53.991461
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
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+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013624
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+                    -2.513760,54.009128
+                    -2.512247,54.009271
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+                    -2.512247,54.008036
+                    -2.513760,54.008217
+                    -2.515272,54.008346
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+                    -2.516949,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007568
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+                    -2.516784,54.006457
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+                    -2.518296,54.004989
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+                    -2.518296,54.004869
+                    -2.519808,54.004879
+                    -2.521321,54.004912
+                    -2.522253,54.004951
+                    -2.522833,54.004989
+                    -2.522887,54.004951
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+                    -2.524345,54.003572
+                    -2.524738,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002771
+                    -2.523275,54.003143
+                    -2.522833,54.003220
+                    -2.522650,54.003143
+                    -2.521321,54.002352
+                    -2.519808,54.002280
+                    -2.518791,54.002242
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+                    -2.518296,54.000368
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+                    -2.515272,54.000802
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+                    -2.512247,54.000912
+                    -2.512030,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,54.000287
+                    -2.513760,54.000168
+                    -2.515272,54.000053
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+                    -2.515272,53.998613
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+                    -2.513760,53.996596
+                    -2.512902,53.996811
+                    -2.512247,53.997011
+                    -2.512120,53.996811
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+                    -2.509546,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995390
+                    -2.507711,53.995275
+                    -2.506199,53.995147
+                    -2.506126,53.995004
+                    -2.505155,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993783
+                    -2.503481,53.993192
+                    -2.504174,53.992286
+                    -2.503622,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991051
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+                    -2.505083,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.988824
+                    -2.507711,53.988757
+                    -2.507885,53.988667
+                    -2.507711,53.988361
+                    -2.506199,53.988190
+                    -2.505894,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987536
+                    -2.506753,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986440
+                    -2.508609,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985476
+                    -2.506199,53.985062
+                    -2.505932,53.985052
+                    -2.506199,53.985019
+                    -2.507264,53.984141
+                    -2.507711,53.983374
+                    -2.507769,53.983240
+                    -2.507780,53.982334
+                    -2.508230,53.981433
+                    -2.509016,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979673
+                    -2.506199,53.980322
+                    -2.505308,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.980742
+                    -2.504331,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.979926
+                    -2.502673,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979306
+                    -2.504686,53.979020
+                    -2.505264,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978472
+                    -2.507711,53.978190
+                    -2.508457,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977351
+                    -2.509861,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976340
+                    -2.508877,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975668
+                    -2.509983,53.975101
+                    -2.509767,53.974195
+                    -2.510735,53.973560
+                    -2.511175,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972631
+                    -2.513632,53.972383
+                    -2.513760,53.972216
+                    -2.515272,53.971620
+                    -2.515510,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971353
+                    -2.513760,53.971381
+                    -2.512247,53.971324
+                    -2.510735,53.971367
+                    -2.509591,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532192,53.972383
+                    -2.532069,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973694
+                    -2.531035,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974719
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+                    -2.532632,53.976002
+                    -2.532325,53.976908
+                    -2.532430,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978400
+                    -2.534087,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979220
+                    -2.535770,53.979621
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+                    -2.538012,53.980527
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+                    -2.540271,53.980527
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+                    -2.540979,53.982067
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+                    -2.541536,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983812
+                    -2.543557,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984408
+                    -2.545516,53.984790
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+                    -2.548005,53.985052
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+                    -2.550052,53.985410
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+                    -2.552094,53.986859
+                    -2.552256,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985777
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+                    -2.556101,53.985610
+                    -2.556894,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986387
+                    -2.558437,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985496
+                    -2.559507,53.985953
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+                    -2.562150,53.986430
+                    -2.562692,53.986859
+                    -2.563584,53.987765
+                    -2.563662,53.987927
+                    -2.563725,53.988667
+                    -2.563742,53.989577
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+                    -2.565174,53.991809
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+                    -2.563662,53.993797
+                    -2.562150,53.993850
+                    -2.561768,53.994098
+                    -2.562150,53.994384
+                    -2.563662,53.994493
+                    -2.564169,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995681
+                    -2.565449,53.995910
+                    -2.565354,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997011
+                    -2.563662,53.996959
+                    -2.562150,53.996921
+                    -2.561152,53.996811
+                    -2.561833,53.995910
+                    -2.561703,53.995004
+                    -2.560638,53.994427
+                    -2.560068,53.994098
+                    -2.560003,53.993192
+                    -2.559929,53.992286
+                    -2.559858,53.991385
+                    -2.559708,53.990479
+                    -2.559125,53.990130
+                    -2.557613,53.990035
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+                    -2.554589,53.988242
+                    -2.553077,53.988199
+                    -2.552293,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989220
+                    -2.554185,53.989577
+                    -2.554589,53.989758
+                    -2.555222,53.990479
+                    -2.554871,53.991385
+                    -2.555085,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992558
+                    -2.553203,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993340
+                    -2.551960,53.994098
+                    -2.551564,53.994274
+                    -2.550052,53.994784
+                    -2.549759,53.995004
+                    -2.548540,53.995748
+                    -2.548110,53.995910
+                    -2.547028,53.996377
+                    -2.546340,53.995910
+                    -2.546838,53.995004
+                    -2.547028,53.994846
+                    -2.548540,53.994508
+                    -2.549342,53.994098
+                    -2.550052,53.993888
+                    -2.551564,53.993306
+                    -2.551875,53.993192
+                    -2.552858,53.992286
+                    -2.551564,53.991461
+                    -2.550052,53.991771
+                    -2.548700,53.991385
+                    -2.548540,53.990588
+                    -2.547028,53.990788
+                    -2.545516,53.991370
+                    -2.544003,53.991284
+                    -2.542728,53.991385
+                    -2.544003,53.991885
+                    -2.544125,53.992286
+                    -2.544003,53.992801
+                    -2.542491,53.992305
+                    -2.540979,53.992596
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+                    -2.539467,53.994756
+                    -2.539711,53.995004
+                    -2.539467,53.995075
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+                    -2.512247,54.009271
+                    -2.511288,54.008574
+                    -2.512247,54.008036
+                    -2.513760,54.008217
+                    -2.515272,54.008346
+                    -2.516784,54.007769
+                    -2.516949,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007568
+                    -2.515805,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006457
+                    -2.518296,54.006405
+                    -2.519572,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.004989
+                    -2.517935,54.004951
+                    -2.518296,54.004869
+                    -2.519808,54.004879
+                    -2.521321,54.004912
+                    -2.522253,54.004951
+                    -2.522833,54.004989
+                    -2.522887,54.004951
+                    -2.524040,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003572
+                    -2.524738,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002771
+                    -2.523275,54.003143
+                    -2.522833,54.003220
+                    -2.522650,54.003143
+                    -2.521321,54.002352
+                    -2.519808,54.002280
+                    -2.518791,54.002242
+                    -2.519218,54.001336
+                    -2.518918,54.000430
+                    -2.518296,54.000368
+                    -2.516784,54.000163
+                    -2.516657,54.000430
+                    -2.515272,54.000802
+                    -2.513760,54.000926
+                    -2.512247,54.000912
+                    -2.512030,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,54.000287
+                    -2.513760,54.000168
+                    -2.515272,54.000053
+                    -2.516576,53.999524
+                    -2.515285,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998613
+                    -2.513828,53.997717
+                    -2.514124,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996596
+                    -2.512902,53.996811
+                    -2.512247,53.997011
+                    -2.512120,53.996811
+                    -2.511971,53.995910
+                    -2.511738,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994498
+                    -2.509546,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995390
+                    -2.507711,53.995275
+                    -2.506199,53.995147
+                    -2.506126,53.995004
+                    -2.505155,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993783
+                    -2.503481,53.993192
+                    -2.504174,53.992286
+                    -2.503622,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991051
+                    -2.505764,53.990479
+                    -2.505083,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.988824
+                    -2.507711,53.988757
+                    -2.507885,53.988667
+                    -2.507711,53.988361
+                    -2.506199,53.988190
+                    -2.505894,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987536
+                    -2.506753,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986440
+                    -2.508609,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985476
+                    -2.506199,53.985062
+                    -2.505932,53.985052
+                    -2.506199,53.985019
+                    -2.507264,53.984141
+                    -2.507711,53.983374
+                    -2.507769,53.983240
+                    -2.507780,53.982334
+                    -2.508230,53.981433
+                    -2.509016,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979673
+                    -2.506199,53.980322
+                    -2.505308,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.980742
+                    -2.504331,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.979926
+                    -2.502673,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979306
+                    -2.504686,53.979020
+                    -2.505264,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978472
+                    -2.507711,53.978190
+                    -2.508457,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977351
+                    -2.509861,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976340
+                    -2.508877,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975668
+                    -2.509983,53.975101
+                    -2.509767,53.974195
+                    -2.510735,53.973560
+                    -2.511175,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972631
+                    -2.513632,53.972383
+                    -2.513760,53.972216
+                    -2.515272,53.971620
+                    -2.515510,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971353
+                    -2.513760,53.971381
+                    -2.512247,53.971324
+                    -2.510735,53.971367
+                    -2.509591,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532192,53.972383
+                    -2.532069,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973694
+                    -2.531035,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974719
+                    -2.532435,53.975101
+                    -2.532632,53.976002
+                    -2.532325,53.976908
+                    -2.532430,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978400
+                    -2.534087,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979220
+                    -2.535770,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.980021
+                    -2.537899,53.980527
+                    -2.537955,53.980560
+                    -2.538012,53.980527
+                    -2.539467,53.980212
+                    -2.540271,53.980527
+                    -2.540317,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.982067
+                    -2.541379,53.982334
+                    -2.541536,53.983240
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+                    -2.544003,53.984408
+                    -2.545516,53.984790
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+                    -2.559507,53.985953
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+                    -2.562150,53.986430
+                    -2.562692,53.986859
+                    -2.563584,53.987765
+                    -2.563662,53.987927
+                    -2.563725,53.988667
+                    -2.563742,53.989577
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+                    -2.565174,53.991809
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+                    -2.563662,53.993797
+                    -2.562150,53.993850
+                    -2.561768,53.994098
+                    -2.562150,53.994384
+                    -2.563662,53.994493
+                    -2.564169,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995681
+                    -2.565449,53.995910
+                    -2.565354,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997011
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+                    -2.562150,53.996921
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+                    -2.561833,53.995910
+                    -2.561703,53.995004
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+                    -2.553077,53.989220
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+                    -2.555085,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992558
+                    -2.553203,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993340
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+                    -2.518296,54.021688
+                    -2.517175,54.021239
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+                    -2.514747,54.020333
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013624
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+                    -2.512307,54.013095
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+                    -2.515272,54.011073
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+                    -2.513760,54.009128
+                    -2.512247,54.009271
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+                    -2.512247,54.008036
+                    -2.513760,54.008217
+                    -2.515272,54.008346
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+                    -2.516949,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007568
+                    -2.515805,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006457
+                    -2.518296,54.006405
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+                    -2.518296,54.004989
+                    -2.517935,54.004951
+                    -2.518296,54.004869
+                    -2.519808,54.004879
+                    -2.521321,54.004912
+                    -2.522253,54.004951
+                    -2.522833,54.004989
+                    -2.522887,54.004951
+                    -2.524040,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003572
+                    -2.524738,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002771
+                    -2.523275,54.003143
+                    -2.522833,54.003220
+                    -2.522650,54.003143
+                    -2.521321,54.002352
+                    -2.519808,54.002280
+                    -2.518791,54.002242
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+                    -2.518918,54.000430
+                    -2.518296,54.000368
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+                    -2.516657,54.000430
+                    -2.515272,54.000802
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+                    -2.512247,54.000912
+                    -2.512030,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,54.000287
+                    -2.513760,54.000168
+                    -2.515272,54.000053
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+                    -2.515285,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998613
+                    -2.513828,53.997717
+                    -2.514124,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996596
+                    -2.512902,53.996811
+                    -2.512247,53.997011
+                    -2.512120,53.996811
+                    -2.511971,53.995910
+                    -2.511738,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994498
+                    -2.509546,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995390
+                    -2.507711,53.995275
+                    -2.506199,53.995147
+                    -2.506126,53.995004
+                    -2.505155,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993783
+                    -2.503481,53.993192
+                    -2.504174,53.992286
+                    -2.503622,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991051
+                    -2.505764,53.990479
+                    -2.505083,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.988824
+                    -2.507711,53.988757
+                    -2.507885,53.988667
+                    -2.507711,53.988361
+                    -2.506199,53.988190
+                    -2.505894,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987536
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+                    -2.507711,53.986440
+                    -2.508609,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985476
+                    -2.506199,53.985062
+                    -2.505932,53.985052
+                    -2.506199,53.985019
+                    -2.507264,53.984141
+                    -2.507711,53.983374
+                    -2.507769,53.983240
+                    -2.507780,53.982334
+                    -2.508230,53.981433
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+                    -2.507711,53.979673
+                    -2.506199,53.980322
+                    -2.505308,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.980742
+                    -2.504331,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.979926
+                    -2.502673,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979306
+                    -2.504686,53.979020
+                    -2.505264,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978472
+                    -2.507711,53.978190
+                    -2.508457,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977351
+                    -2.509861,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976340
+                    -2.508877,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975668
+                    -2.509983,53.975101
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+                    -2.511175,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972631
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+                    -2.513760,53.972216
+                    -2.515272,53.971620
+                    -2.515510,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971353
+                    -2.513760,53.971381
+                    -2.512247,53.971324
+                    -2.510735,53.971367
+                    -2.509591,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
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+                    -2.534930,53.979220
+                    -2.535770,53.979621
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+                    -2.537899,53.980527
+                    -2.537955,53.980560
+                    -2.538012,53.980527
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+                    -2.540271,53.980527
+                    -2.540317,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.982067
+                    -2.541379,53.982334
+                    -2.541536,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983812
+                    -2.543557,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984408
+                    -2.545516,53.984790
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+                    -2.551034,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987174
+                    -2.552094,53.986859
+                    -2.552256,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985777
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+                    -2.556894,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986387
+                    -2.558437,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985496
+                    -2.559507,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986583
+                    -2.562150,53.986430
+                    -2.562692,53.986859
+                    -2.563584,53.987765
+                    -2.563662,53.987927
+                    -2.563725,53.988667
+                    -2.563742,53.989577
+                    -2.564202,53.990479
+                    -2.565174,53.990932
+                    -2.565529,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991809
+                    -2.564443,53.992286
+                    -2.563981,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.993797
+                    -2.562150,53.993850
+                    -2.561768,53.994098
+                    -2.562150,53.994384
+                    -2.563662,53.994493
+                    -2.564169,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995681
+                    -2.565449,53.995910
+                    -2.565354,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997011
+                    -2.563662,53.996959
+                    -2.562150,53.996921
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+                    -2.561833,53.995910
+                    -2.561703,53.995004
+                    -2.560638,53.994427
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+                    -2.560003,53.993192
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+                    -2.559125,53.990130
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+                    -2.553077,53.988199
+                    -2.552293,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989220
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+                    -2.554589,53.989758
+                    -2.555222,53.990479
+                    -2.554871,53.991385
+                    -2.555085,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992558
+                    -2.553203,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993340
+                    -2.551960,53.994098
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+                    -2.550052,53.994784
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+                    -2.551564,53.991461
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
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+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013624
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+                    -2.513760,54.009128
+                    -2.512247,54.009271
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+                    -2.512247,54.008036
+                    -2.513760,54.008217
+                    -2.515272,54.008346
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+                    -2.516949,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007568
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+                    -2.516784,54.006457
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+                    -2.518296,54.004989
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+                    -2.518296,54.004869
+                    -2.519808,54.004879
+                    -2.521321,54.004912
+                    -2.522253,54.004951
+                    -2.522833,54.004989
+                    -2.522887,54.004951
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+                    -2.524345,54.003572
+                    -2.524738,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002771
+                    -2.523275,54.003143
+                    -2.522833,54.003220
+                    -2.522650,54.003143
+                    -2.521321,54.002352
+                    -2.519808,54.002280
+                    -2.518791,54.002242
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+                    -2.518296,54.000368
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+                    -2.515272,54.000802
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+                    -2.512247,54.000912
+                    -2.512030,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,54.000287
+                    -2.513760,54.000168
+                    -2.515272,54.000053
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+                    -2.515272,53.998613
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+                    -2.513760,53.996596
+                    -2.512902,53.996811
+                    -2.512247,53.997011
+                    -2.512120,53.996811
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+                    -2.509546,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995390
+                    -2.507711,53.995275
+                    -2.506199,53.995147
+                    -2.506126,53.995004
+                    -2.505155,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993783
+                    -2.503481,53.993192
+                    -2.504174,53.992286
+                    -2.503622,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991051
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+                    -2.505083,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.988824
+                    -2.507711,53.988757
+                    -2.507885,53.988667
+                    -2.507711,53.988361
+                    -2.506199,53.988190
+                    -2.505894,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987536
+                    -2.506753,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986440
+                    -2.508609,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985476
+                    -2.506199,53.985062
+                    -2.505932,53.985052
+                    -2.506199,53.985019
+                    -2.507264,53.984141
+                    -2.507711,53.983374
+                    -2.507769,53.983240
+                    -2.507780,53.982334
+                    -2.508230,53.981433
+                    -2.509016,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979673
+                    -2.506199,53.980322
+                    -2.505308,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.980742
+                    -2.504331,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.979926
+                    -2.502673,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979306
+                    -2.504686,53.979020
+                    -2.505264,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978472
+                    -2.507711,53.978190
+                    -2.508457,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977351
+                    -2.509861,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976340
+                    -2.508877,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975668
+                    -2.509983,53.975101
+                    -2.509767,53.974195
+                    -2.510735,53.973560
+                    -2.511175,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972631
+                    -2.513632,53.972383
+                    -2.513760,53.972216
+                    -2.515272,53.971620
+                    -2.515510,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971353
+                    -2.513760,53.971381
+                    -2.512247,53.971324
+                    -2.510735,53.971367
+                    -2.509591,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532192,53.972383
+                    -2.532069,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973694
+                    -2.531035,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974719
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+                    -2.532632,53.976002
+                    -2.532325,53.976908
+                    -2.532430,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978400
+                    -2.534087,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979220
+                    -2.535770,53.979621
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+                    -2.538012,53.980527
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+                    -2.540271,53.980527
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+                    -2.540979,53.982067
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+                    -2.541536,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983812
+                    -2.543557,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984408
+                    -2.545516,53.984790
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+                    -2.548005,53.985052
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+                    -2.550052,53.985410
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+                    -2.552094,53.986859
+                    -2.552256,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985777
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+                    -2.556101,53.985610
+                    -2.556894,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986387
+                    -2.558437,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985496
+                    -2.559507,53.985953
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+                    -2.562150,53.986430
+                    -2.562692,53.986859
+                    -2.563584,53.987765
+                    -2.563662,53.987927
+                    -2.563725,53.988667
+                    -2.563742,53.989577
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+                    -2.565174,53.991809
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+                    -2.563662,53.993797
+                    -2.562150,53.993850
+                    -2.561768,53.994098
+                    -2.562150,53.994384
+                    -2.563662,53.994493
+                    -2.564169,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995681
+                    -2.565449,53.995910
+                    -2.565354,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997011
+                    -2.563662,53.996959
+                    -2.562150,53.996921
+                    -2.561152,53.996811
+                    -2.561833,53.995910
+                    -2.561703,53.995004
+                    -2.560638,53.994427
+                    -2.560068,53.994098
+                    -2.560003,53.993192
+                    -2.559929,53.992286
+                    -2.559858,53.991385
+                    -2.559708,53.990479
+                    -2.559125,53.990130
+                    -2.557613,53.990035
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+                    -2.554589,53.988242
+                    -2.553077,53.988199
+                    -2.552293,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989220
+                    -2.554185,53.989577
+                    -2.554589,53.989758
+                    -2.555222,53.990479
+                    -2.554871,53.991385
+                    -2.555085,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992558
+                    -2.553203,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993340
+                    -2.551960,53.994098
+                    -2.551564,53.994274
+                    -2.550052,53.994784
+                    -2.549759,53.995004
+                    -2.548540,53.995748
+                    -2.548110,53.995910
+                    -2.547028,53.996377
+                    -2.546340,53.995910
+                    -2.546838,53.995004
+                    -2.547028,53.994846
+                    -2.548540,53.994508
+                    -2.549342,53.994098
+                    -2.550052,53.993888
+                    -2.551564,53.993306
+                    -2.551875,53.993192
+                    -2.552858,53.992286
+                    -2.551564,53.991461
+                    -2.550052,53.991771
+                    -2.548700,53.991385
+                    -2.548540,53.990588
+                    -2.547028,53.990788
+                    -2.545516,53.991370
+                    -2.544003,53.991284
+                    -2.542728,53.991385
+                    -2.544003,53.991885
+                    -2.544125,53.992286
+                    -2.544003,53.992801
+                    -2.542491,53.992305
+                    -2.540979,53.992596
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+                    -2.539467,53.994756
+                    -2.539711,53.995004
+                    -2.539467,53.995075
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+                    -2.512247,54.009271
+                    -2.511288,54.008574
+                    -2.512247,54.008036
+                    -2.513760,54.008217
+                    -2.515272,54.008346
+                    -2.516784,54.007769
+                    -2.516949,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007568
+                    -2.515805,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006457
+                    -2.518296,54.006405
+                    -2.519572,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.004989
+                    -2.517935,54.004951
+                    -2.518296,54.004869
+                    -2.519808,54.004879
+                    -2.521321,54.004912
+                    -2.522253,54.004951
+                    -2.522833,54.004989
+                    -2.522887,54.004951
+                    -2.524040,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003572
+                    -2.524738,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002771
+                    -2.523275,54.003143
+                    -2.522833,54.003220
+                    -2.522650,54.003143
+                    -2.521321,54.002352
+                    -2.519808,54.002280
+                    -2.518791,54.002242
+                    -2.519218,54.001336
+                    -2.518918,54.000430
+                    -2.518296,54.000368
+                    -2.516784,54.000163
+                    -2.516657,54.000430
+                    -2.515272,54.000802
+                    -2.513760,54.000926
+                    -2.512247,54.000912
+                    -2.512030,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,54.000287
+                    -2.513760,54.000168
+                    -2.515272,54.000053
+                    -2.516576,53.999524
+                    -2.515285,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998613
+                    -2.513828,53.997717
+                    -2.514124,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996596
+                    -2.512902,53.996811
+                    -2.512247,53.997011
+                    -2.512120,53.996811
+                    -2.511971,53.995910
+                    -2.511738,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994498
+                    -2.509546,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995390
+                    -2.507711,53.995275
+                    -2.506199,53.995147
+                    -2.506126,53.995004
+                    -2.505155,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993783
+                    -2.503481,53.993192
+                    -2.504174,53.992286
+                    -2.503622,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991051
+                    -2.505764,53.990479
+                    -2.505083,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.988824
+                    -2.507711,53.988757
+                    -2.507885,53.988667
+                    -2.507711,53.988361
+                    -2.506199,53.988190
+                    -2.505894,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987536
+                    -2.506753,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986440
+                    -2.508609,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985476
+                    -2.506199,53.985062
+                    -2.505932,53.985052
+                    -2.506199,53.985019
+                    -2.507264,53.984141
+                    -2.507711,53.983374
+                    -2.507769,53.983240
+                    -2.507780,53.982334
+                    -2.508230,53.981433
+                    -2.509016,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979673
+                    -2.506199,53.980322
+                    -2.505308,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.980742
+                    -2.504331,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.979926
+                    -2.502673,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979306
+                    -2.504686,53.979020
+                    -2.505264,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978472
+                    -2.507711,53.978190
+                    -2.508457,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977351
+                    -2.509861,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976340
+                    -2.508877,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975668
+                    -2.509983,53.975101
+                    -2.509767,53.974195
+                    -2.510735,53.973560
+                    -2.511175,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972631
+                    -2.513632,53.972383
+                    -2.513760,53.972216
+                    -2.515272,53.971620
+                    -2.515510,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971353
+                    -2.513760,53.971381
+                    -2.512247,53.971324
+                    -2.510735,53.971367
+                    -2.509591,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532192,53.972383
+                    -2.532069,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973694
+                    -2.531035,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974719
+                    -2.532435,53.975101
+                    -2.532632,53.976002
+                    -2.532325,53.976908
+                    -2.532430,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978400
+                    -2.534087,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979220
+                    -2.535770,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.980021
+                    -2.537899,53.980527
+                    -2.537955,53.980560
+                    -2.538012,53.980527
+                    -2.539467,53.980212
+                    -2.540271,53.980527
+                    -2.540317,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.982067
+                    -2.541379,53.982334
+                    -2.541536,53.983240
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+                    -2.544003,53.984408
+                    -2.545516,53.984790
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+                    -2.559507,53.985953
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+                    -2.562150,53.986430
+                    -2.562692,53.986859
+                    -2.563584,53.987765
+                    -2.563662,53.987927
+                    -2.563725,53.988667
+                    -2.563742,53.989577
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+                    -2.565174,53.991809
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+                    -2.563662,53.993797
+                    -2.562150,53.993850
+                    -2.561768,53.994098
+                    -2.562150,53.994384
+                    -2.563662,53.994493
+                    -2.564169,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995681
+                    -2.565449,53.995910
+                    -2.565354,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997011
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+                    -2.562150,53.996921
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+                    -2.561833,53.995910
+                    -2.561703,53.995004
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+                    -2.553077,53.989220
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+                    -2.555085,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992558
+                    -2.553203,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993340
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+                    -2.518296,54.021688
+                    -2.517175,54.021239
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+                    -2.514747,54.020333
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013624
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+                    -2.512307,54.013095
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+                    -2.515272,54.011073
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+                    -2.513760,54.009128
+                    -2.512247,54.009271
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+                    -2.512247,54.008036
+                    -2.513760,54.008217
+                    -2.515272,54.008346
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+                    -2.516949,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007568
+                    -2.515805,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006457
+                    -2.518296,54.006405
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+                    -2.518296,54.004989
+                    -2.517935,54.004951
+                    -2.518296,54.004869
+                    -2.519808,54.004879
+                    -2.521321,54.004912
+                    -2.522253,54.004951
+                    -2.522833,54.004989
+                    -2.522887,54.004951
+                    -2.524040,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003572
+                    -2.524738,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002771
+                    -2.523275,54.003143
+                    -2.522833,54.003220
+                    -2.522650,54.003143
+                    -2.521321,54.002352
+                    -2.519808,54.002280
+                    -2.518791,54.002242
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+                    -2.518918,54.000430
+                    -2.518296,54.000368
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+                    -2.516657,54.000430
+                    -2.515272,54.000802
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+                    -2.512247,54.000912
+                    -2.512030,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,54.000287
+                    -2.513760,54.000168
+                    -2.515272,54.000053
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+                    -2.515285,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998613
+                    -2.513828,53.997717
+                    -2.514124,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996596
+                    -2.512902,53.996811
+                    -2.512247,53.997011
+                    -2.512120,53.996811
+                    -2.511971,53.995910
+                    -2.511738,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994498
+                    -2.509546,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995390
+                    -2.507711,53.995275
+                    -2.506199,53.995147
+                    -2.506126,53.995004
+                    -2.505155,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993783
+                    -2.503481,53.993192
+                    -2.504174,53.992286
+                    -2.503622,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991051
+                    -2.505764,53.990479
+                    -2.505083,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.988824
+                    -2.507711,53.988757
+                    -2.507885,53.988667
+                    -2.507711,53.988361
+                    -2.506199,53.988190
+                    -2.505894,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987536
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+                    -2.507711,53.986440
+                    -2.508609,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985476
+                    -2.506199,53.985062
+                    -2.505932,53.985052
+                    -2.506199,53.985019
+                    -2.507264,53.984141
+                    -2.507711,53.983374
+                    -2.507769,53.983240
+                    -2.507780,53.982334
+                    -2.508230,53.981433
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+                    -2.507711,53.979673
+                    -2.506199,53.980322
+                    -2.505308,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.980742
+                    -2.504331,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.979926
+                    -2.502673,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979306
+                    -2.504686,53.979020
+                    -2.505264,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978472
+                    -2.507711,53.978190
+                    -2.508457,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977351
+                    -2.509861,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976340
+                    -2.508877,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975668
+                    -2.509983,53.975101
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+                    -2.511175,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972631
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+                    -2.513760,53.972216
+                    -2.515272,53.971620
+                    -2.515510,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971353
+                    -2.513760,53.971381
+                    -2.512247,53.971324
+                    -2.510735,53.971367
+                    -2.509591,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
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+                    -2.534930,53.979220
+                    -2.535770,53.979621
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+                    -2.537899,53.980527
+                    -2.537955,53.980560
+                    -2.538012,53.980527
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+                    -2.540271,53.980527
+                    -2.540317,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.982067
+                    -2.541379,53.982334
+                    -2.541536,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983812
+                    -2.543557,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984408
+                    -2.545516,53.984790
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+                    -2.551034,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987174
+                    -2.552094,53.986859
+                    -2.552256,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985777
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+                    -2.556894,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986387
+                    -2.558437,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985496
+                    -2.559507,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986583
+                    -2.562150,53.986430
+                    -2.562692,53.986859
+                    -2.563584,53.987765
+                    -2.563662,53.987927
+                    -2.563725,53.988667
+                    -2.563742,53.989577
+                    -2.564202,53.990479
+                    -2.565174,53.990932
+                    -2.565529,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991809
+                    -2.564443,53.992286
+                    -2.563981,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.993797
+                    -2.562150,53.993850
+                    -2.561768,53.994098
+                    -2.562150,53.994384
+                    -2.563662,53.994493
+                    -2.564169,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995681
+                    -2.565449,53.995910
+                    -2.565354,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997011
+                    -2.563662,53.996959
+                    -2.562150,53.996921
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+                    -2.561833,53.995910
+                    -2.561703,53.995004
+                    -2.560638,53.994427
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+                    -2.560003,53.993192
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+                    -2.559125,53.990130
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+                    -2.553077,53.988199
+                    -2.552293,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989220
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+                    -2.554589,53.989758
+                    -2.555222,53.990479
+                    -2.554871,53.991385
+                    -2.555085,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992558
+                    -2.553203,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993340
+                    -2.551960,53.994098
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+                    -2.550052,53.994784
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+                    -2.551564,53.991461
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
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+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013624
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+                    -2.513760,54.009128
+                    -2.512247,54.009271
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+                    -2.512247,54.008036
+                    -2.513760,54.008217
+                    -2.515272,54.008346
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+                    -2.516949,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007568
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+                    -2.516784,54.006457
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+                    -2.518296,54.004989
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+                    -2.518296,54.004869
+                    -2.519808,54.004879
+                    -2.521321,54.004912
+                    -2.522253,54.004951
+                    -2.522833,54.004989
+                    -2.522887,54.004951
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+                    -2.524345,54.003572
+                    -2.524738,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002771
+                    -2.523275,54.003143
+                    -2.522833,54.003220
+                    -2.522650,54.003143
+                    -2.521321,54.002352
+                    -2.519808,54.002280
+                    -2.518791,54.002242
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+                    -2.518296,54.000368
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+                    -2.515272,54.000802
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+                    -2.512247,54.000912
+                    -2.512030,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,54.000287
+                    -2.513760,54.000168
+                    -2.515272,54.000053
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+                    -2.515272,53.998613
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+                    -2.513760,53.996596
+                    -2.512902,53.996811
+                    -2.512247,53.997011
+                    -2.512120,53.996811
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+                    -2.509546,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995390
+                    -2.507711,53.995275
+                    -2.506199,53.995147
+                    -2.506126,53.995004
+                    -2.505155,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993783
+                    -2.503481,53.993192
+                    -2.504174,53.992286
+                    -2.503622,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991051
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+                    -2.505083,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.988824
+                    -2.507711,53.988757
+                    -2.507885,53.988667
+                    -2.507711,53.988361
+                    -2.506199,53.988190
+                    -2.505894,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987536
+                    -2.506753,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986440
+                    -2.508609,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985476
+                    -2.506199,53.985062
+                    -2.505932,53.985052
+                    -2.506199,53.985019
+                    -2.507264,53.984141
+                    -2.507711,53.983374
+                    -2.507769,53.983240
+                    -2.507780,53.982334
+                    -2.508230,53.981433
+                    -2.509016,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979673
+                    -2.506199,53.980322
+                    -2.505308,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.980742
+                    -2.504331,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.979926
+                    -2.502673,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979306
+                    -2.504686,53.979020
+                    -2.505264,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978472
+                    -2.507711,53.978190
+                    -2.508457,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977351
+                    -2.509861,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976340
+                    -2.508877,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975668
+                    -2.509983,53.975101
+                    -2.509767,53.974195
+                    -2.510735,53.973560
+                    -2.511175,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972631
+                    -2.513632,53.972383
+                    -2.513760,53.972216
+                    -2.515272,53.971620
+                    -2.515510,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971353
+                    -2.513760,53.971381
+                    -2.512247,53.971324
+                    -2.510735,53.971367
+                    -2.509591,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532192,53.972383
+                    -2.532069,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973694
+                    -2.531035,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974719
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+                    -2.532632,53.976002
+                    -2.532325,53.976908
+                    -2.532430,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978400
+                    -2.534087,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979220
+                    -2.535770,53.979621
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+                    -2.538012,53.980527
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+                    -2.540271,53.980527
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+                    -2.540979,53.982067
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+                    -2.541536,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983812
+                    -2.543557,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984408
+                    -2.545516,53.984790
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+                    -2.548005,53.985052
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+                    -2.550052,53.985410
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+                    -2.552094,53.986859
+                    -2.552256,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985777
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+                    -2.556101,53.985610
+                    -2.556894,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986387
+                    -2.558437,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985496
+                    -2.559507,53.985953
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+                    -2.562150,53.986430
+                    -2.562692,53.986859
+                    -2.563584,53.987765
+                    -2.563662,53.987927
+                    -2.563725,53.988667
+                    -2.563742,53.989577
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+                    -2.565174,53.991809
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+                    -2.563662,53.993797
+                    -2.562150,53.993850
+                    -2.561768,53.994098
+                    -2.562150,53.994384
+                    -2.563662,53.994493
+                    -2.564169,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995681
+                    -2.565449,53.995910
+                    -2.565354,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997011
+                    -2.563662,53.996959
+                    -2.562150,53.996921
+                    -2.561152,53.996811
+                    -2.561833,53.995910
+                    -2.561703,53.995004
+                    -2.560638,53.994427
+                    -2.560068,53.994098
+                    -2.560003,53.993192
+                    -2.559929,53.992286
+                    -2.559858,53.991385
+                    -2.559708,53.990479
+                    -2.559125,53.990130
+                    -2.557613,53.990035
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+                    -2.554589,53.988242
+                    -2.553077,53.988199
+                    -2.552293,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989220
+                    -2.554185,53.989577
+                    -2.554589,53.989758
+                    -2.555222,53.990479
+                    -2.554871,53.991385
+                    -2.555085,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992558
+                    -2.553203,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993340
+                    -2.551960,53.994098
+                    -2.551564,53.994274
+                    -2.550052,53.994784
+                    -2.549759,53.995004
+                    -2.548540,53.995748
+                    -2.548110,53.995910
+                    -2.547028,53.996377
+                    -2.546340,53.995910
+                    -2.546838,53.995004
+                    -2.547028,53.994846
+                    -2.548540,53.994508
+                    -2.549342,53.994098
+                    -2.550052,53.993888
+                    -2.551564,53.993306
+                    -2.551875,53.993192
+                    -2.552858,53.992286
+                    -2.551564,53.991461
+                    -2.550052,53.991771
+                    -2.548700,53.991385
+                    -2.548540,53.990588
+                    -2.547028,53.990788
+                    -2.545516,53.991370
+                    -2.544003,53.991284
+                    -2.542728,53.991385
+                    -2.544003,53.991885
+                    -2.544125,53.992286
+                    -2.544003,53.992801
+                    -2.542491,53.992305
+                    -2.540979,53.992596
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+                    -2.539467,53.994756
+                    -2.539711,53.995004
+                    -2.539467,53.995075
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+                    -2.512247,54.009271
+                    -2.511288,54.008574
+                    -2.512247,54.008036
+                    -2.513760,54.008217
+                    -2.515272,54.008346
+                    -2.516784,54.007769
+                    -2.516949,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007568
+                    -2.515805,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006457
+                    -2.518296,54.006405
+                    -2.519572,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.004989
+                    -2.517935,54.004951
+                    -2.518296,54.004869
+                    -2.519808,54.004879
+                    -2.521321,54.004912
+                    -2.522253,54.004951
+                    -2.522833,54.004989
+                    -2.522887,54.004951
+                    -2.524040,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003572
+                    -2.524738,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002771
+                    -2.523275,54.003143
+                    -2.522833,54.003220
+                    -2.522650,54.003143
+                    -2.521321,54.002352
+                    -2.519808,54.002280
+                    -2.518791,54.002242
+                    -2.519218,54.001336
+                    -2.518918,54.000430
+                    -2.518296,54.000368
+                    -2.516784,54.000163
+                    -2.516657,54.000430
+                    -2.515272,54.000802
+                    -2.513760,54.000926
+                    -2.512247,54.000912
+                    -2.512030,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,54.000287
+                    -2.513760,54.000168
+                    -2.515272,54.000053
+                    -2.516576,53.999524
+                    -2.515285,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998613
+                    -2.513828,53.997717
+                    -2.514124,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996596
+                    -2.512902,53.996811
+                    -2.512247,53.997011
+                    -2.512120,53.996811
+                    -2.511971,53.995910
+                    -2.511738,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994498
+                    -2.509546,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995390
+                    -2.507711,53.995275
+                    -2.506199,53.995147
+                    -2.506126,53.995004
+                    -2.505155,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993783
+                    -2.503481,53.993192
+                    -2.504174,53.992286
+                    -2.503622,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991051
+                    -2.505764,53.990479
+                    -2.505083,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.988824
+                    -2.507711,53.988757
+                    -2.507885,53.988667
+                    -2.507711,53.988361
+                    -2.506199,53.988190
+                    -2.505894,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987536
+                    -2.506753,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986440
+                    -2.508609,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985476
+                    -2.506199,53.985062
+                    -2.505932,53.985052
+                    -2.506199,53.985019
+                    -2.507264,53.984141
+                    -2.507711,53.983374
+                    -2.507769,53.983240
+                    -2.507780,53.982334
+                    -2.508230,53.981433
+                    -2.509016,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979673
+                    -2.506199,53.980322
+                    -2.505308,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.980742
+                    -2.504331,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.979926
+                    -2.502673,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979306
+                    -2.504686,53.979020
+                    -2.505264,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978472
+                    -2.507711,53.978190
+                    -2.508457,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977351
+                    -2.509861,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976340
+                    -2.508877,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975668
+                    -2.509983,53.975101
+                    -2.509767,53.974195
+                    -2.510735,53.973560
+                    -2.511175,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972631
+                    -2.513632,53.972383
+                    -2.513760,53.972216
+                    -2.515272,53.971620
+                    -2.515510,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971353
+                    -2.513760,53.971381
+                    -2.512247,53.971324
+                    -2.510735,53.971367
+                    -2.509591,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532192,53.972383
+                    -2.532069,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973694
+                    -2.531035,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974719
+                    -2.532435,53.975101
+                    -2.532632,53.976002
+                    -2.532325,53.976908
+                    -2.532430,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978400
+                    -2.534087,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979220
+                    -2.535770,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.980021
+                    -2.537899,53.980527
+                    -2.537955,53.980560
+                    -2.538012,53.980527
+                    -2.539467,53.980212
+                    -2.540271,53.980527
+                    -2.540317,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.982067
+                    -2.541379,53.982334
+                    -2.541536,53.983240
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+                    -2.544003,53.984408
+                    -2.545516,53.984790
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+                    -2.559507,53.985953
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+                    -2.562150,53.986430
+                    -2.562692,53.986859
+                    -2.563584,53.987765
+                    -2.563662,53.987927
+                    -2.563725,53.988667
+                    -2.563742,53.989577
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+                    -2.565174,53.991809
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+                    -2.563662,53.993797
+                    -2.562150,53.993850
+                    -2.561768,53.994098
+                    -2.562150,53.994384
+                    -2.563662,53.994493
+                    -2.564169,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995681
+                    -2.565449,53.995910
+                    -2.565354,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997011
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+                    -2.562150,53.996921
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+                    -2.561833,53.995910
+                    -2.561703,53.995004
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+                    -2.553077,53.989220
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+                    -2.555085,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992558
+                    -2.553203,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993340
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+                    -2.518296,54.021688
+                    -2.517175,54.021239
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+                    -2.514747,54.020333
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013624
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+                    -2.512307,54.013095
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+                    -2.515272,54.011073
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+                    -2.513760,54.009128
+                    -2.512247,54.009271
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+                    -2.512247,54.008036
+                    -2.513760,54.008217
+                    -2.515272,54.008346
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+                    -2.516949,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007568
+                    -2.515805,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006457
+                    -2.518296,54.006405
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+                    -2.518296,54.004989
+                    -2.517935,54.004951
+                    -2.518296,54.004869
+                    -2.519808,54.004879
+                    -2.521321,54.004912
+                    -2.522253,54.004951
+                    -2.522833,54.004989
+                    -2.522887,54.004951
+                    -2.524040,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003572
+                    -2.524738,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002771
+                    -2.523275,54.003143
+                    -2.522833,54.003220
+                    -2.522650,54.003143
+                    -2.521321,54.002352
+                    -2.519808,54.002280
+                    -2.518791,54.002242
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+                    -2.518918,54.000430
+                    -2.518296,54.000368
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+                    -2.516657,54.000430
+                    -2.515272,54.000802
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+                    -2.512247,54.000912
+                    -2.512030,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,54.000287
+                    -2.513760,54.000168
+                    -2.515272,54.000053
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+                    -2.515285,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998613
+                    -2.513828,53.997717
+                    -2.514124,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996596
+                    -2.512902,53.996811
+                    -2.512247,53.997011
+                    -2.512120,53.996811
+                    -2.511971,53.995910
+                    -2.511738,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994498
+                    -2.509546,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995390
+                    -2.507711,53.995275
+                    -2.506199,53.995147
+                    -2.506126,53.995004
+                    -2.505155,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993783
+                    -2.503481,53.993192
+                    -2.504174,53.992286
+                    -2.503622,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991051
+                    -2.505764,53.990479
+                    -2.505083,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.988824
+                    -2.507711,53.988757
+                    -2.507885,53.988667
+                    -2.507711,53.988361
+                    -2.506199,53.988190
+                    -2.505894,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987536
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+                    -2.507711,53.986440
+                    -2.508609,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985476
+                    -2.506199,53.985062
+                    -2.505932,53.985052
+                    -2.506199,53.985019
+                    -2.507264,53.984141
+                    -2.507711,53.983374
+                    -2.507769,53.983240
+                    -2.507780,53.982334
+                    -2.508230,53.981433
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+                    -2.507711,53.979673
+                    -2.506199,53.980322
+                    -2.505308,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.980742
+                    -2.504331,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.979926
+                    -2.502673,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979306
+                    -2.504686,53.979020
+                    -2.505264,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978472
+                    -2.507711,53.978190
+                    -2.508457,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977351
+                    -2.509861,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976340
+                    -2.508877,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975668
+                    -2.509983,53.975101
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+                    -2.511175,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972631
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+                    -2.513760,53.972216
+                    -2.515272,53.971620
+                    -2.515510,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971353
+                    -2.513760,53.971381
+                    -2.512247,53.971324
+                    -2.510735,53.971367
+                    -2.509591,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
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+                    -2.534930,53.979220
+                    -2.535770,53.979621
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+                    -2.537899,53.980527
+                    -2.537955,53.980560
+                    -2.538012,53.980527
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+                    -2.540271,53.980527
+                    -2.540317,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.982067
+                    -2.541379,53.982334
+                    -2.541536,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983812
+                    -2.543557,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984408
+                    -2.545516,53.984790
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+                    -2.551034,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987174
+                    -2.552094,53.986859
+                    -2.552256,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985777
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+                    -2.556894,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986387
+                    -2.558437,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985496
+                    -2.559507,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986583
+                    -2.562150,53.986430
+                    -2.562692,53.986859
+                    -2.563584,53.987765
+                    -2.563662,53.987927
+                    -2.563725,53.988667
+                    -2.563742,53.989577
+                    -2.564202,53.990479
+                    -2.565174,53.990932
+                    -2.565529,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991809
+                    -2.564443,53.992286
+                    -2.563981,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.993797
+                    -2.562150,53.993850
+                    -2.561768,53.994098
+                    -2.562150,53.994384
+                    -2.563662,53.994493
+                    -2.564169,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995681
+                    -2.565449,53.995910
+                    -2.565354,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997011
+                    -2.563662,53.996959
+                    -2.562150,53.996921
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+                    -2.561833,53.995910
+                    -2.561703,53.995004
+                    -2.560638,53.994427
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+                    -2.560003,53.993192
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+                    -2.559125,53.990130
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+                    -2.553077,53.988199
+                    -2.552293,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989220
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+                    -2.554589,53.989758
+                    -2.555222,53.990479
+                    -2.554871,53.991385
+                    -2.555085,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992558
+                    -2.553203,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993340
+                    -2.551960,53.994098
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+                    -2.550052,53.994784
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+                    -2.551564,53.991461
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
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+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013624
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+                    -2.513760,54.009128
+                    -2.512247,54.009271
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+                    -2.512247,54.008036
+                    -2.513760,54.008217
+                    -2.515272,54.008346
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+                    -2.516949,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007568
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+                    -2.516784,54.006457
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+                    -2.518296,54.004989
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+                    -2.518296,54.004869
+                    -2.519808,54.004879
+                    -2.521321,54.004912
+                    -2.522253,54.004951
+                    -2.522833,54.004989
+                    -2.522887,54.004951
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+                    -2.524345,54.003572
+                    -2.524738,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002771
+                    -2.523275,54.003143
+                    -2.522833,54.003220
+                    -2.522650,54.003143
+                    -2.521321,54.002352
+                    -2.519808,54.002280
+                    -2.518791,54.002242
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+                    -2.518296,54.000368
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+                    -2.515272,54.000802
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+                    -2.512247,54.000912
+                    -2.512030,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,54.000287
+                    -2.513760,54.000168
+                    -2.515272,54.000053
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+                    -2.515272,53.998613
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+                    -2.513760,53.996596
+                    -2.512902,53.996811
+                    -2.512247,53.997011
+                    -2.512120,53.996811
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+                    -2.509546,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995390
+                    -2.507711,53.995275
+                    -2.506199,53.995147
+                    -2.506126,53.995004
+                    -2.505155,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993783
+                    -2.503481,53.993192
+                    -2.504174,53.992286
+                    -2.503622,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991051
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+                    -2.505083,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.988824
+                    -2.507711,53.988757
+                    -2.507885,53.988667
+                    -2.507711,53.988361
+                    -2.506199,53.988190
+                    -2.505894,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987536
+                    -2.506753,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986440
+                    -2.508609,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985476
+                    -2.506199,53.985062
+                    -2.505932,53.985052
+                    -2.506199,53.985019
+                    -2.507264,53.984141
+                    -2.507711,53.983374
+                    -2.507769,53.983240
+                    -2.507780,53.982334
+                    -2.508230,53.981433
+                    -2.509016,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979673
+                    -2.506199,53.980322
+                    -2.505308,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.980742
+                    -2.504331,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.979926
+                    -2.502673,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979306
+                    -2.504686,53.979020
+                    -2.505264,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978472
+                    -2.507711,53.978190
+                    -2.508457,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977351
+                    -2.509861,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976340
+                    -2.508877,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975668
+                    -2.509983,53.975101
+                    -2.509767,53.974195
+                    -2.510735,53.973560
+                    -2.511175,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972631
+                    -2.513632,53.972383
+                    -2.513760,53.972216
+                    -2.515272,53.971620
+                    -2.515510,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971353
+                    -2.513760,53.971381
+                    -2.512247,53.971324
+                    -2.510735,53.971367
+                    -2.509591,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532192,53.972383
+                    -2.532069,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973694
+                    -2.531035,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974719
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+                    -2.532632,53.976002
+                    -2.532325,53.976908
+                    -2.532430,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978400
+                    -2.534087,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979220
+                    -2.535770,53.979621
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+                    -2.538012,53.980527
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+                    -2.540271,53.980527
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+                    -2.540979,53.982067
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+                    -2.541536,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983812
+                    -2.543557,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984408
+                    -2.545516,53.984790
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+                    -2.548005,53.985052
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+                    -2.550052,53.985410
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+                    -2.552094,53.986859
+                    -2.552256,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985777
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+                    -2.556101,53.985610
+                    -2.556894,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986387
+                    -2.558437,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985496
+                    -2.559507,53.985953
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+                    -2.562150,53.986430
+                    -2.562692,53.986859
+                    -2.563584,53.987765
+                    -2.563662,53.987927
+                    -2.563725,53.988667
+                    -2.563742,53.989577
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+                    -2.565174,53.991809
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+                    -2.563662,53.993797
+                    -2.562150,53.993850
+                    -2.561768,53.994098
+                    -2.562150,53.994384
+                    -2.563662,53.994493
+                    -2.564169,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995681
+                    -2.565449,53.995910
+                    -2.565354,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997011
+                    -2.563662,53.996959
+                    -2.562150,53.996921
+                    -2.561152,53.996811
+                    -2.561833,53.995910
+                    -2.561703,53.995004
+                    -2.560638,53.994427
+                    -2.560068,53.994098
+                    -2.560003,53.993192
+                    -2.559929,53.992286
+                    -2.559858,53.991385
+                    -2.559708,53.990479
+                    -2.559125,53.990130
+                    -2.557613,53.990035
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+                    -2.554589,53.988242
+                    -2.553077,53.988199
+                    -2.552293,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989220
+                    -2.554185,53.989577
+                    -2.554589,53.989758
+                    -2.555222,53.990479
+                    -2.554871,53.991385
+                    -2.555085,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992558
+                    -2.553203,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993340
+                    -2.551960,53.994098
+                    -2.551564,53.994274
+                    -2.550052,53.994784
+                    -2.549759,53.995004
+                    -2.548540,53.995748
+                    -2.548110,53.995910
+                    -2.547028,53.996377
+                    -2.546340,53.995910
+                    -2.546838,53.995004
+                    -2.547028,53.994846
+                    -2.548540,53.994508
+                    -2.549342,53.994098
+                    -2.550052,53.993888
+                    -2.551564,53.993306
+                    -2.551875,53.993192
+                    -2.552858,53.992286
+                    -2.551564,53.991461
+                    -2.550052,53.991771
+                    -2.548700,53.991385
+                    -2.548540,53.990588
+                    -2.547028,53.990788
+                    -2.545516,53.991370
+                    -2.544003,53.991284
+                    -2.542728,53.991385
+                    -2.544003,53.991885
+                    -2.544125,53.992286
+                    -2.544003,53.992801
+                    -2.542491,53.992305
+                    -2.540979,53.992596
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+                    -2.539467,53.994756
+                    -2.539711,53.995004
+                    -2.539467,53.995075
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+                    -2.512247,54.009271
+                    -2.511288,54.008574
+                    -2.512247,54.008036
+                    -2.513760,54.008217
+                    -2.515272,54.008346
+                    -2.516784,54.007769
+                    -2.516949,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007568
+                    -2.515805,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006457
+                    -2.518296,54.006405
+                    -2.519572,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.004989
+                    -2.517935,54.004951
+                    -2.518296,54.004869
+                    -2.519808,54.004879
+                    -2.521321,54.004912
+                    -2.522253,54.004951
+                    -2.522833,54.004989
+                    -2.522887,54.004951
+                    -2.524040,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003572
+                    -2.524738,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002771
+                    -2.523275,54.003143
+                    -2.522833,54.003220
+                    -2.522650,54.003143
+                    -2.521321,54.002352
+                    -2.519808,54.002280
+                    -2.518791,54.002242
+                    -2.519218,54.001336
+                    -2.518918,54.000430
+                    -2.518296,54.000368
+                    -2.516784,54.000163
+                    -2.516657,54.000430
+                    -2.515272,54.000802
+                    -2.513760,54.000926
+                    -2.512247,54.000912
+                    -2.512030,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,54.000287
+                    -2.513760,54.000168
+                    -2.515272,54.000053
+                    -2.516576,53.999524
+                    -2.515285,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998613
+                    -2.513828,53.997717
+                    -2.514124,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996596
+                    -2.512902,53.996811
+                    -2.512247,53.997011
+                    -2.512120,53.996811
+                    -2.511971,53.995910
+                    -2.511738,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994498
+                    -2.509546,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995390
+                    -2.507711,53.995275
+                    -2.506199,53.995147
+                    -2.506126,53.995004
+                    -2.505155,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993783
+                    -2.503481,53.993192
+                    -2.504174,53.992286
+                    -2.503622,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991051
+                    -2.505764,53.990479
+                    -2.505083,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.988824
+                    -2.507711,53.988757
+                    -2.507885,53.988667
+                    -2.507711,53.988361
+                    -2.506199,53.988190
+                    -2.505894,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987536
+                    -2.506753,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986440
+                    -2.508609,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985476
+                    -2.506199,53.985062
+                    -2.505932,53.985052
+                    -2.506199,53.985019
+                    -2.507264,53.984141
+                    -2.507711,53.983374
+                    -2.507769,53.983240
+                    -2.507780,53.982334
+                    -2.508230,53.981433
+                    -2.509016,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979673
+                    -2.506199,53.980322
+                    -2.505308,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.980742
+                    -2.504331,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.979926
+                    -2.502673,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979306
+                    -2.504686,53.979020
+                    -2.505264,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978472
+                    -2.507711,53.978190
+                    -2.508457,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977351
+                    -2.509861,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976340
+                    -2.508877,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975668
+                    -2.509983,53.975101
+                    -2.509767,53.974195
+                    -2.510735,53.973560
+                    -2.511175,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972631
+                    -2.513632,53.972383
+                    -2.513760,53.972216
+                    -2.515272,53.971620
+                    -2.515510,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971353
+                    -2.513760,53.971381
+                    -2.512247,53.971324
+                    -2.510735,53.971367
+                    -2.509591,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532192,53.972383
+                    -2.532069,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973694
+                    -2.531035,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974719
+                    -2.532435,53.975101
+                    -2.532632,53.976002
+                    -2.532325,53.976908
+                    -2.532430,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978400
+                    -2.534087,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979220
+                    -2.535770,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.980021
+                    -2.537899,53.980527
+                    -2.537955,53.980560
+                    -2.538012,53.980527
+                    -2.539467,53.980212
+                    -2.540271,53.980527
+                    -2.540317,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.982067
+                    -2.541379,53.982334
+                    -2.541536,53.983240
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+                    -2.544003,53.984408
+                    -2.545516,53.984790
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+                    -2.559507,53.985953
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+                    -2.562150,53.986430
+                    -2.562692,53.986859
+                    -2.563584,53.987765
+                    -2.563662,53.987927
+                    -2.563725,53.988667
+                    -2.563742,53.989577
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+                    -2.565174,53.991809
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+                    -2.563662,53.993797
+                    -2.562150,53.993850
+                    -2.561768,53.994098
+                    -2.562150,53.994384
+                    -2.563662,53.994493
+                    -2.564169,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995681
+                    -2.565449,53.995910
+                    -2.565354,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997011
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+                    -2.562150,53.996921
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+                    -2.561833,53.995910
+                    -2.561703,53.995004
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+                    -2.553077,53.989220
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+                    -2.555085,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992558
+                    -2.553203,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993340
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+                    -2.518296,54.021688
+                    -2.517175,54.021239
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+                    -2.514747,54.020333
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013624
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+                    -2.512307,54.013095
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+                    -2.515272,54.011073
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+                    -2.513760,54.009128
+                    -2.512247,54.009271
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+                    -2.512247,54.008036
+                    -2.513760,54.008217
+                    -2.515272,54.008346
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+                    -2.516949,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007568
+                    -2.515805,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006457
+                    -2.518296,54.006405
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+                    -2.518296,54.004989
+                    -2.517935,54.004951
+                    -2.518296,54.004869
+                    -2.519808,54.004879
+                    -2.521321,54.004912
+                    -2.522253,54.004951
+                    -2.522833,54.004989
+                    -2.522887,54.004951
+                    -2.524040,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003572
+                    -2.524738,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002771
+                    -2.523275,54.003143
+                    -2.522833,54.003220
+                    -2.522650,54.003143
+                    -2.521321,54.002352
+                    -2.519808,54.002280
+                    -2.518791,54.002242
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+                    -2.518918,54.000430
+                    -2.518296,54.000368
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+                    -2.516657,54.000430
+                    -2.515272,54.000802
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+                    -2.512247,54.000912
+                    -2.512030,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,54.000287
+                    -2.513760,54.000168
+                    -2.515272,54.000053
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+                    -2.515285,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998613
+                    -2.513828,53.997717
+                    -2.514124,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996596
+                    -2.512902,53.996811
+                    -2.512247,53.997011
+                    -2.512120,53.996811
+                    -2.511971,53.995910
+                    -2.511738,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994498
+                    -2.509546,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995390
+                    -2.507711,53.995275
+                    -2.506199,53.995147
+                    -2.506126,53.995004
+                    -2.505155,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993783
+                    -2.503481,53.993192
+                    -2.504174,53.992286
+                    -2.503622,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991051
+                    -2.505764,53.990479
+                    -2.505083,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.988824
+                    -2.507711,53.988757
+                    -2.507885,53.988667
+                    -2.507711,53.988361
+                    -2.506199,53.988190
+                    -2.505894,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987536
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+                    -2.507711,53.986440
+                    -2.508609,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985476
+                    -2.506199,53.985062
+                    -2.505932,53.985052
+                    -2.506199,53.985019
+                    -2.507264,53.984141
+                    -2.507711,53.983374
+                    -2.507769,53.983240
+                    -2.507780,53.982334
+                    -2.508230,53.981433
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+                    -2.507711,53.979673
+                    -2.506199,53.980322
+                    -2.505308,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.980742
+                    -2.504331,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.979926
+                    -2.502673,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979306
+                    -2.504686,53.979020
+                    -2.505264,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978472
+                    -2.507711,53.978190
+                    -2.508457,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977351
+                    -2.509861,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976340
+                    -2.508877,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975668
+                    -2.509983,53.975101
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+                    -2.511175,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972631
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+                    -2.513760,53.972216
+                    -2.515272,53.971620
+                    -2.515510,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971353
+                    -2.513760,53.971381
+                    -2.512247,53.971324
+                    -2.510735,53.971367
+                    -2.509591,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
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+                    -2.534930,53.979220
+                    -2.535770,53.979621
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+                    -2.537899,53.980527
+                    -2.537955,53.980560
+                    -2.538012,53.980527
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+                    -2.540271,53.980527
+                    -2.540317,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.982067
+                    -2.541379,53.982334
+                    -2.541536,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983812
+                    -2.543557,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984408
+                    -2.545516,53.984790
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+                    -2.551034,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987174
+                    -2.552094,53.986859
+                    -2.552256,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985777
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+                    -2.556894,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986387
+                    -2.558437,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985496
+                    -2.559507,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986583
+                    -2.562150,53.986430
+                    -2.562692,53.986859
+                    -2.563584,53.987765
+                    -2.563662,53.987927
+                    -2.563725,53.988667
+                    -2.563742,53.989577
+                    -2.564202,53.990479
+                    -2.565174,53.990932
+                    -2.565529,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991809
+                    -2.564443,53.992286
+                    -2.563981,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.993797
+                    -2.562150,53.993850
+                    -2.561768,53.994098
+                    -2.562150,53.994384
+                    -2.563662,53.994493
+                    -2.564169,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995681
+                    -2.565449,53.995910
+                    -2.565354,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997011
+                    -2.563662,53.996959
+                    -2.562150,53.996921
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+                    -2.561833,53.995910
+                    -2.561703,53.995004
+                    -2.560638,53.994427
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+                    -2.560003,53.993192
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+                    -2.559125,53.990130
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+                    -2.553077,53.988199
+                    -2.552293,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989220
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+                    -2.554589,53.989758
+                    -2.555222,53.990479
+                    -2.554871,53.991385
+                    -2.555085,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992558
+                    -2.553203,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993340
+                    -2.551960,53.994098
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+                    -2.550052,53.994784
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+                    -2.551564,53.991461
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
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+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013624
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+                    -2.513760,54.009128
+                    -2.512247,54.009271
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+                    -2.512247,54.008036
+                    -2.513760,54.008217
+                    -2.515272,54.008346
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+                    -2.516949,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007568
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+                    -2.516784,54.006457
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+                    -2.518296,54.004989
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+                    -2.518296,54.004869
+                    -2.519808,54.004879
+                    -2.521321,54.004912
+                    -2.522253,54.004951
+                    -2.522833,54.004989
+                    -2.522887,54.004951
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+                    -2.524345,54.003572
+                    -2.524738,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002771
+                    -2.523275,54.003143
+                    -2.522833,54.003220
+                    -2.522650,54.003143
+                    -2.521321,54.002352
+                    -2.519808,54.002280
+                    -2.518791,54.002242
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+                    -2.518296,54.000368
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+                    -2.515272,54.000802
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+                    -2.512247,54.000912
+                    -2.512030,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,54.000287
+                    -2.513760,54.000168
+                    -2.515272,54.000053
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+                    -2.515272,53.998613
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+                    -2.513760,53.996596
+                    -2.512902,53.996811
+                    -2.512247,53.997011
+                    -2.512120,53.996811
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+                    -2.509546,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995390
+                    -2.507711,53.995275
+                    -2.506199,53.995147
+                    -2.506126,53.995004
+                    -2.505155,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993783
+                    -2.503481,53.993192
+                    -2.504174,53.992286
+                    -2.503622,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991051
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+                    -2.505083,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.988824
+                    -2.507711,53.988757
+                    -2.507885,53.988667
+                    -2.507711,53.988361
+                    -2.506199,53.988190
+                    -2.505894,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987536
+                    -2.506753,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986440
+                    -2.508609,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985476
+                    -2.506199,53.985062
+                    -2.505932,53.985052
+                    -2.506199,53.985019
+                    -2.507264,53.984141
+                    -2.507711,53.983374
+                    -2.507769,53.983240
+                    -2.507780,53.982334
+                    -2.508230,53.981433
+                    -2.509016,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979673
+                    -2.506199,53.980322
+                    -2.505308,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.980742
+                    -2.504331,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.979926
+                    -2.502673,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979306
+                    -2.504686,53.979020
+                    -2.505264,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978472
+                    -2.507711,53.978190
+                    -2.508457,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977351
+                    -2.509861,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976340
+                    -2.508877,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975668
+                    -2.509983,53.975101
+                    -2.509767,53.974195
+                    -2.510735,53.973560
+                    -2.511175,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972631
+                    -2.513632,53.972383
+                    -2.513760,53.972216
+                    -2.515272,53.971620
+                    -2.515510,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971353
+                    -2.513760,53.971381
+                    -2.512247,53.971324
+                    -2.510735,53.971367
+                    -2.509591,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532192,53.972383
+                    -2.532069,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973694
+                    -2.531035,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974719
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+                    -2.532632,53.976002
+                    -2.532325,53.976908
+                    -2.532430,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978400
+                    -2.534087,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979220
+                    -2.535770,53.979621
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+                    -2.538012,53.980527
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+                    -2.540271,53.980527
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+                    -2.540979,53.982067
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+                    -2.541536,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983812
+                    -2.543557,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984408
+                    -2.545516,53.984790
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+                    -2.548005,53.985052
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+                    -2.550052,53.985410
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+                    -2.552094,53.986859
+                    -2.552256,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985777
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+                    -2.556101,53.985610
+                    -2.556894,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986387
+                    -2.558437,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985496
+                    -2.559507,53.985953
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+                    -2.562150,53.986430
+                    -2.562692,53.986859
+                    -2.563584,53.987765
+                    -2.563662,53.987927
+                    -2.563725,53.988667
+                    -2.563742,53.989577
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+                    -2.565174,53.991809
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+                    -2.563662,53.993797
+                    -2.562150,53.993850
+                    -2.561768,53.994098
+                    -2.562150,53.994384
+                    -2.563662,53.994493
+                    -2.564169,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995681
+                    -2.565449,53.995910
+                    -2.565354,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997011
+                    -2.563662,53.996959
+                    -2.562150,53.996921
+                    -2.561152,53.996811
+                    -2.561833,53.995910
+                    -2.561703,53.995004
+                    -2.560638,53.994427
+                    -2.560068,53.994098
+                    -2.560003,53.993192
+                    -2.559929,53.992286
+                    -2.559858,53.991385
+                    -2.559708,53.990479
+                    -2.559125,53.990130
+                    -2.557613,53.990035
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+                    -2.554589,53.988242
+                    -2.553077,53.988199
+                    -2.552293,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989220
+                    -2.554185,53.989577
+                    -2.554589,53.989758
+                    -2.555222,53.990479
+                    -2.554871,53.991385
+                    -2.555085,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992558
+                    -2.553203,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993340
+                    -2.551960,53.994098
+                    -2.551564,53.994274
+                    -2.550052,53.994784
+                    -2.549759,53.995004
+                    -2.548540,53.995748
+                    -2.548110,53.995910
+                    -2.547028,53.996377
+                    -2.546340,53.995910
+                    -2.546838,53.995004
+                    -2.547028,53.994846
+                    -2.548540,53.994508
+                    -2.549342,53.994098
+                    -2.550052,53.993888
+                    -2.551564,53.993306
+                    -2.551875,53.993192
+                    -2.552858,53.992286
+                    -2.551564,53.991461
+                    -2.550052,53.991771
+                    -2.548700,53.991385
+                    -2.548540,53.990588
+                    -2.547028,53.990788
+                    -2.545516,53.991370
+                    -2.544003,53.991284
+                    -2.542728,53.991385
+                    -2.544003,53.991885
+                    -2.544125,53.992286
+                    -2.544003,53.992801
+                    -2.542491,53.992305
+                    -2.540979,53.992596
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+                    -2.539467,53.994756
+                    -2.539711,53.995004
+                    -2.539467,53.995075
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+                    -2.512247,54.009271
+                    -2.511288,54.008574
+                    -2.512247,54.008036
+                    -2.513760,54.008217
+                    -2.515272,54.008346
+                    -2.516784,54.007769
+                    -2.516949,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007568
+                    -2.515805,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006457
+                    -2.518296,54.006405
+                    -2.519572,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.004989
+                    -2.517935,54.004951
+                    -2.518296,54.004869
+                    -2.519808,54.004879
+                    -2.521321,54.004912
+                    -2.522253,54.004951
+                    -2.522833,54.004989
+                    -2.522887,54.004951
+                    -2.524040,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003572
+                    -2.524738,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002771
+                    -2.523275,54.003143
+                    -2.522833,54.003220
+                    -2.522650,54.003143
+                    -2.521321,54.002352
+                    -2.519808,54.002280
+                    -2.518791,54.002242
+                    -2.519218,54.001336
+                    -2.518918,54.000430
+                    -2.518296,54.000368
+                    -2.516784,54.000163
+                    -2.516657,54.000430
+                    -2.515272,54.000802
+                    -2.513760,54.000926
+                    -2.512247,54.000912
+                    -2.512030,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,54.000287
+                    -2.513760,54.000168
+                    -2.515272,54.000053
+                    -2.516576,53.999524
+                    -2.515285,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998613
+                    -2.513828,53.997717
+                    -2.514124,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996596
+                    -2.512902,53.996811
+                    -2.512247,53.997011
+                    -2.512120,53.996811
+                    -2.511971,53.995910
+                    -2.511738,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994498
+                    -2.509546,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995390
+                    -2.507711,53.995275
+                    -2.506199,53.995147
+                    -2.506126,53.995004
+                    -2.505155,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993783
+                    -2.503481,53.993192
+                    -2.504174,53.992286
+                    -2.503622,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991051
+                    -2.505764,53.990479
+                    -2.505083,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.988824
+                    -2.507711,53.988757
+                    -2.507885,53.988667
+                    -2.507711,53.988361
+                    -2.506199,53.988190
+                    -2.505894,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987536
+                    -2.506753,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986440
+                    -2.508609,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985476
+                    -2.506199,53.985062
+                    -2.505932,53.985052
+                    -2.506199,53.985019
+                    -2.507264,53.984141
+                    -2.507711,53.983374
+                    -2.507769,53.983240
+                    -2.507780,53.982334
+                    -2.508230,53.981433
+                    -2.509016,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979673
+                    -2.506199,53.980322
+                    -2.505308,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.980742
+                    -2.504331,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.979926
+                    -2.502673,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979306
+                    -2.504686,53.979020
+                    -2.505264,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978472
+                    -2.507711,53.978190
+                    -2.508457,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977351
+                    -2.509861,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976340
+                    -2.508877,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975668
+                    -2.509983,53.975101
+                    -2.509767,53.974195
+                    -2.510735,53.973560
+                    -2.511175,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972631
+                    -2.513632,53.972383
+                    -2.513760,53.972216
+                    -2.515272,53.971620
+                    -2.515510,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971353
+                    -2.513760,53.971381
+                    -2.512247,53.971324
+                    -2.510735,53.971367
+                    -2.509591,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532192,53.972383
+                    -2.532069,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973694
+                    -2.531035,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974719
+                    -2.532435,53.975101
+                    -2.532632,53.976002
+                    -2.532325,53.976908
+                    -2.532430,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978400
+                    -2.534087,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979220
+                    -2.535770,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.980021
+                    -2.537899,53.980527
+                    -2.537955,53.980560
+                    -2.538012,53.980527
+                    -2.539467,53.980212
+                    -2.540271,53.980527
+                    -2.540317,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.982067
+                    -2.541379,53.982334
+                    -2.541536,53.983240
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+                    -2.544003,53.984408
+                    -2.545516,53.984790
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+                    -2.559507,53.985953
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+                    -2.562150,53.986430
+                    -2.562692,53.986859
+                    -2.563584,53.987765
+                    -2.563662,53.987927
+                    -2.563725,53.988667
+                    -2.563742,53.989577
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+                    -2.565174,53.991809
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+                    -2.563662,53.993797
+                    -2.562150,53.993850
+                    -2.561768,53.994098
+                    -2.562150,53.994384
+                    -2.563662,53.994493
+                    -2.564169,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995681
+                    -2.565449,53.995910
+                    -2.565354,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997011
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+                    -2.562150,53.996921
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+                    -2.561833,53.995910
+                    -2.561703,53.995004
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+                    -2.553077,53.989220
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+                    -2.555085,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992558
+                    -2.553203,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993340
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+                    -2.518296,54.021688
+                    -2.517175,54.021239
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+                    -2.514747,54.020333
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013624
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+                    -2.512307,54.013095
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+                    -2.515272,54.011073
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+                    -2.513760,54.009128
+                    -2.512247,54.009271
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+                    -2.512247,54.008036
+                    -2.513760,54.008217
+                    -2.515272,54.008346
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+                    -2.516949,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007568
+                    -2.515805,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006457
+                    -2.518296,54.006405
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+                    -2.518296,54.004989
+                    -2.517935,54.004951
+                    -2.518296,54.004869
+                    -2.519808,54.004879
+                    -2.521321,54.004912
+                    -2.522253,54.004951
+                    -2.522833,54.004989
+                    -2.522887,54.004951
+                    -2.524040,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003572
+                    -2.524738,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002771
+                    -2.523275,54.003143
+                    -2.522833,54.003220
+                    -2.522650,54.003143
+                    -2.521321,54.002352
+                    -2.519808,54.002280
+                    -2.518791,54.002242
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+                    -2.518918,54.000430
+                    -2.518296,54.000368
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+                    -2.516657,54.000430
+                    -2.515272,54.000802
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+                    -2.512247,54.000912
+                    -2.512030,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,54.000287
+                    -2.513760,54.000168
+                    -2.515272,54.000053
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+                    -2.515285,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998613
+                    -2.513828,53.997717
+                    -2.514124,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996596
+                    -2.512902,53.996811
+                    -2.512247,53.997011
+                    -2.512120,53.996811
+                    -2.511971,53.995910
+                    -2.511738,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994498
+                    -2.509546,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995390
+                    -2.507711,53.995275
+                    -2.506199,53.995147
+                    -2.506126,53.995004
+                    -2.505155,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993783
+                    -2.503481,53.993192
+                    -2.504174,53.992286
+                    -2.503622,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991051
+                    -2.505764,53.990479
+                    -2.505083,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.988824
+                    -2.507711,53.988757
+                    -2.507885,53.988667
+                    -2.507711,53.988361
+                    -2.506199,53.988190
+                    -2.505894,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987536
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+                    -2.507711,53.986440
+                    -2.508609,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985476
+                    -2.506199,53.985062
+                    -2.505932,53.985052
+                    -2.506199,53.985019
+                    -2.507264,53.984141
+                    -2.507711,53.983374
+                    -2.507769,53.983240
+                    -2.507780,53.982334
+                    -2.508230,53.981433
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+                    -2.507711,53.979673
+                    -2.506199,53.980322
+                    -2.505308,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.980742
+                    -2.504331,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.979926
+                    -2.502673,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979306
+                    -2.504686,53.979020
+                    -2.505264,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978472
+                    -2.507711,53.978190
+                    -2.508457,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977351
+                    -2.509861,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976340
+                    -2.508877,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975668
+                    -2.509983,53.975101
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+                    -2.511175,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972631
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+                    -2.513760,53.972216
+                    -2.515272,53.971620
+                    -2.515510,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971353
+                    -2.513760,53.971381
+                    -2.512247,53.971324
+                    -2.510735,53.971367
+                    -2.509591,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
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+                    -2.534930,53.979220
+                    -2.535770,53.979621
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+                    -2.537899,53.980527
+                    -2.537955,53.980560
+                    -2.538012,53.980527
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+                    -2.540271,53.980527
+                    -2.540317,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.982067
+                    -2.541379,53.982334
+                    -2.541536,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983812
+                    -2.543557,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984408
+                    -2.545516,53.984790
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+                    -2.551034,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987174
+                    -2.552094,53.986859
+                    -2.552256,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985777
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+                    -2.556894,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986387
+                    -2.558437,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985496
+                    -2.559507,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986583
+                    -2.562150,53.986430
+                    -2.562692,53.986859
+                    -2.563584,53.987765
+                    -2.563662,53.987927
+                    -2.563725,53.988667
+                    -2.563742,53.989577
+                    -2.564202,53.990479
+                    -2.565174,53.990932
+                    -2.565529,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991809
+                    -2.564443,53.992286
+                    -2.563981,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.993797
+                    -2.562150,53.993850
+                    -2.561768,53.994098
+                    -2.562150,53.994384
+                    -2.563662,53.994493
+                    -2.564169,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995681
+                    -2.565449,53.995910
+                    -2.565354,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997011
+                    -2.563662,53.996959
+                    -2.562150,53.996921
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+                    -2.561833,53.995910
+                    -2.561703,53.995004
+                    -2.560638,53.994427
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+                    -2.560003,53.993192
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+                    -2.559125,53.990130
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+                    -2.553077,53.988199
+                    -2.552293,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989220
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+                    -2.554589,53.989758
+                    -2.555222,53.990479
+                    -2.554871,53.991385
+                    -2.555085,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992558
+                    -2.553203,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993340
+                    -2.551960,53.994098
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+                    -2.550052,53.994784
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+                    -2.551564,53.991461
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
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+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013624
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+                    -2.513760,54.009128
+                    -2.512247,54.009271
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+                    -2.512247,54.008036
+                    -2.513760,54.008217
+                    -2.515272,54.008346
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+                    -2.516949,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007568
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+                    -2.516784,54.006457
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+                    -2.518296,54.004989
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+                    -2.518296,54.004869
+                    -2.519808,54.004879
+                    -2.521321,54.004912
+                    -2.522253,54.004951
+                    -2.522833,54.004989
+                    -2.522887,54.004951
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+                    -2.524345,54.003572
+                    -2.524738,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002771
+                    -2.523275,54.003143
+                    -2.522833,54.003220
+                    -2.522650,54.003143
+                    -2.521321,54.002352
+                    -2.519808,54.002280
+                    -2.518791,54.002242
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+                    -2.518296,54.000368
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+                    -2.515272,54.000802
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+                    -2.512247,54.000912
+                    -2.512030,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,54.000287
+                    -2.513760,54.000168
+                    -2.515272,54.000053
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+                    -2.515272,53.998613
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+                    -2.513760,53.996596
+                    -2.512902,53.996811
+                    -2.512247,53.997011
+                    -2.512120,53.996811
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+                    -2.509546,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995390
+                    -2.507711,53.995275
+                    -2.506199,53.995147
+                    -2.506126,53.995004
+                    -2.505155,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993783
+                    -2.503481,53.993192
+                    -2.504174,53.992286
+                    -2.503622,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991051
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+                    -2.505083,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.988824
+                    -2.507711,53.988757
+                    -2.507885,53.988667
+                    -2.507711,53.988361
+                    -2.506199,53.988190
+                    -2.505894,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987536
+                    -2.506753,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986440
+                    -2.508609,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985476
+                    -2.506199,53.985062
+                    -2.505932,53.985052
+                    -2.506199,53.985019
+                    -2.507264,53.984141
+                    -2.507711,53.983374
+                    -2.507769,53.983240
+                    -2.507780,53.982334
+                    -2.508230,53.981433
+                    -2.509016,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979673
+                    -2.506199,53.980322
+                    -2.505308,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.980742
+                    -2.504331,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.979926
+                    -2.502673,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979306
+                    -2.504686,53.979020
+                    -2.505264,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978472
+                    -2.507711,53.978190
+                    -2.508457,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977351
+                    -2.509861,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976340
+                    -2.508877,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975668
+                    -2.509983,53.975101
+                    -2.509767,53.974195
+                    -2.510735,53.973560
+                    -2.511175,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972631
+                    -2.513632,53.972383
+                    -2.513760,53.972216
+                    -2.515272,53.971620
+                    -2.515510,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971353
+                    -2.513760,53.971381
+                    -2.512247,53.971324
+                    -2.510735,53.971367
+                    -2.509591,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532192,53.972383
+                    -2.532069,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973694
+                    -2.531035,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974719
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+                    -2.532632,53.976002
+                    -2.532325,53.976908
+                    -2.532430,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978400
+                    -2.534087,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979220
+                    -2.535770,53.979621
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+                    -2.538012,53.980527
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+                    -2.540271,53.980527
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+                    -2.540979,53.982067
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+                    -2.541536,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983812
+                    -2.543557,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984408
+                    -2.545516,53.984790
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+                    -2.548005,53.985052
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+                    -2.550052,53.985410
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+                    -2.552094,53.986859
+                    -2.552256,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985777
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+                    -2.556101,53.985610
+                    -2.556894,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986387
+                    -2.558437,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985496
+                    -2.559507,53.985953
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+                    -2.562150,53.986430
+                    -2.562692,53.986859
+                    -2.563584,53.987765
+                    -2.563662,53.987927
+                    -2.563725,53.988667
+                    -2.563742,53.989577
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+                    -2.565174,53.991809
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+                    -2.563662,53.993797
+                    -2.562150,53.993850
+                    -2.561768,53.994098
+                    -2.562150,53.994384
+                    -2.563662,53.994493
+                    -2.564169,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995681
+                    -2.565449,53.995910
+                    -2.565354,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997011
+                    -2.563662,53.996959
+                    -2.562150,53.996921
+                    -2.561152,53.996811
+                    -2.561833,53.995910
+                    -2.561703,53.995004
+                    -2.560638,53.994427
+                    -2.560068,53.994098
+                    -2.560003,53.993192
+                    -2.559929,53.992286
+                    -2.559858,53.991385
+                    -2.559708,53.990479
+                    -2.559125,53.990130
+                    -2.557613,53.990035
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+                    -2.554589,53.988242
+                    -2.553077,53.988199
+                    -2.552293,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989220
+                    -2.554185,53.989577
+                    -2.554589,53.989758
+                    -2.555222,53.990479
+                    -2.554871,53.991385
+                    -2.555085,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992558
+                    -2.553203,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993340
+                    -2.551960,53.994098
+                    -2.551564,53.994274
+                    -2.550052,53.994784
+                    -2.549759,53.995004
+                    -2.548540,53.995748
+                    -2.548110,53.995910
+                    -2.547028,53.996377
+                    -2.546340,53.995910
+                    -2.546838,53.995004
+                    -2.547028,53.994846
+                    -2.548540,53.994508
+                    -2.549342,53.994098
+                    -2.550052,53.993888
+                    -2.551564,53.993306
+                    -2.551875,53.993192
+                    -2.552858,53.992286
+                    -2.551564,53.991461
+                    -2.550052,53.991771
+                    -2.548700,53.991385
+                    -2.548540,53.990588
+                    -2.547028,53.990788
+                    -2.545516,53.991370
+                    -2.544003,53.991284
+                    -2.542728,53.991385
+                    -2.544003,53.991885
+                    -2.544125,53.992286
+                    -2.544003,53.992801
+                    -2.542491,53.992305
+                    -2.540979,53.992596
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+                    -2.539467,53.994756
+                    -2.539711,53.995004
+                    -2.539467,53.995075
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+                    -2.512247,54.009271
+                    -2.511288,54.008574
+                    -2.512247,54.008036
+                    -2.513760,54.008217
+                    -2.515272,54.008346
+                    -2.516784,54.007769
+                    -2.516949,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007568
+                    -2.515805,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006457
+                    -2.518296,54.006405
+                    -2.519572,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.004989
+                    -2.517935,54.004951
+                    -2.518296,54.004869
+                    -2.519808,54.004879
+                    -2.521321,54.004912
+                    -2.522253,54.004951
+                    -2.522833,54.004989
+                    -2.522887,54.004951
+                    -2.524040,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003572
+                    -2.524738,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002771
+                    -2.523275,54.003143
+                    -2.522833,54.003220
+                    -2.522650,54.003143
+                    -2.521321,54.002352
+                    -2.519808,54.002280
+                    -2.518791,54.002242
+                    -2.519218,54.001336
+                    -2.518918,54.000430
+                    -2.518296,54.000368
+                    -2.516784,54.000163
+                    -2.516657,54.000430
+                    -2.515272,54.000802
+                    -2.513760,54.000926
+                    -2.512247,54.000912
+                    -2.512030,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,54.000287
+                    -2.513760,54.000168
+                    -2.515272,54.000053
+                    -2.516576,53.999524
+                    -2.515285,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998613
+                    -2.513828,53.997717
+                    -2.514124,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996596
+                    -2.512902,53.996811
+                    -2.512247,53.997011
+                    -2.512120,53.996811
+                    -2.511971,53.995910
+                    -2.511738,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994498
+                    -2.509546,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995390
+                    -2.507711,53.995275
+                    -2.506199,53.995147
+                    -2.506126,53.995004
+                    -2.505155,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993783
+                    -2.503481,53.993192
+                    -2.504174,53.992286
+                    -2.503622,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991051
+                    -2.505764,53.990479
+                    -2.505083,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.988824
+                    -2.507711,53.988757
+                    -2.507885,53.988667
+                    -2.507711,53.988361
+                    -2.506199,53.988190
+                    -2.505894,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987536
+                    -2.506753,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986440
+                    -2.508609,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985476
+                    -2.506199,53.985062
+                    -2.505932,53.985052
+                    -2.506199,53.985019
+                    -2.507264,53.984141
+                    -2.507711,53.983374
+                    -2.507769,53.983240
+                    -2.507780,53.982334
+                    -2.508230,53.981433
+                    -2.509016,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979673
+                    -2.506199,53.980322
+                    -2.505308,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.980742
+                    -2.504331,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.979926
+                    -2.502673,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979306
+                    -2.504686,53.979020
+                    -2.505264,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978472
+                    -2.507711,53.978190
+                    -2.508457,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977351
+                    -2.509861,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976340
+                    -2.508877,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975668
+                    -2.509983,53.975101
+                    -2.509767,53.974195
+                    -2.510735,53.973560
+                    -2.511175,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972631
+                    -2.513632,53.972383
+                    -2.513760,53.972216
+                    -2.515272,53.971620
+                    -2.515510,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971353
+                    -2.513760,53.971381
+                    -2.512247,53.971324
+                    -2.510735,53.971367
+                    -2.509591,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532192,53.972383
+                    -2.532069,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973694
+                    -2.531035,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974719
+                    -2.532435,53.975101
+                    -2.532632,53.976002
+                    -2.532325,53.976908
+                    -2.532430,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978400
+                    -2.534087,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979220
+                    -2.535770,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.980021
+                    -2.537899,53.980527
+                    -2.537955,53.980560
+                    -2.538012,53.980527
+                    -2.539467,53.980212
+                    -2.540271,53.980527
+                    -2.540317,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.982067
+                    -2.541379,53.982334
+                    -2.541536,53.983240
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+                    -2.544003,53.984408
+                    -2.545516,53.984790
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+                    -2.559507,53.985953
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+                    -2.562150,53.986430
+                    -2.562692,53.986859
+                    -2.563584,53.987765
+                    -2.563662,53.987927
+                    -2.563725,53.988667
+                    -2.563742,53.989577
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+                    -2.565174,53.991809
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+                    -2.563662,53.993797
+                    -2.562150,53.993850
+                    -2.561768,53.994098
+                    -2.562150,53.994384
+                    -2.563662,53.994493
+                    -2.564169,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995681
+                    -2.565449,53.995910
+                    -2.565354,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997011
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+                    -2.562150,53.996921
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+                    -2.561833,53.995910
+                    -2.561703,53.995004
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+                    -2.553077,53.989220
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+                    -2.555085,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992558
+                    -2.553203,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993340
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+                    -2.518296,54.021688
+                    -2.517175,54.021239
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+                    -2.514747,54.020333
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013624
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+                    -2.512307,54.013095
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+                    -2.515272,54.011073
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+                    -2.513760,54.009128
+                    -2.512247,54.009271
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+                    -2.512247,54.008036
+                    -2.513760,54.008217
+                    -2.515272,54.008346
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+                    -2.516949,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007568
+                    -2.515805,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006457
+                    -2.518296,54.006405
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+                    -2.518296,54.004989
+                    -2.517935,54.004951
+                    -2.518296,54.004869
+                    -2.519808,54.004879
+                    -2.521321,54.004912
+                    -2.522253,54.004951
+                    -2.522833,54.004989
+                    -2.522887,54.004951
+                    -2.524040,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003572
+                    -2.524738,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002771
+                    -2.523275,54.003143
+                    -2.522833,54.003220
+                    -2.522650,54.003143
+                    -2.521321,54.002352
+                    -2.519808,54.002280
+                    -2.518791,54.002242
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+                    -2.518918,54.000430
+                    -2.518296,54.000368
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+                    -2.516657,54.000430
+                    -2.515272,54.000802
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+                    -2.512247,54.000912
+                    -2.512030,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,54.000287
+                    -2.513760,54.000168
+                    -2.515272,54.000053
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+                    -2.515285,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998613
+                    -2.513828,53.997717
+                    -2.514124,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996596
+                    -2.512902,53.996811
+                    -2.512247,53.997011
+                    -2.512120,53.996811
+                    -2.511971,53.995910
+                    -2.511738,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994498
+                    -2.509546,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995390
+                    -2.507711,53.995275
+                    -2.506199,53.995147
+                    -2.506126,53.995004
+                    -2.505155,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993783
+                    -2.503481,53.993192
+                    -2.504174,53.992286
+                    -2.503622,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991051
+                    -2.505764,53.990479
+                    -2.505083,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.988824
+                    -2.507711,53.988757
+                    -2.507885,53.988667
+                    -2.507711,53.988361
+                    -2.506199,53.988190
+                    -2.505894,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987536
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+                    -2.507711,53.986440
+                    -2.508609,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985476
+                    -2.506199,53.985062
+                    -2.505932,53.985052
+                    -2.506199,53.985019
+                    -2.507264,53.984141
+                    -2.507711,53.983374
+                    -2.507769,53.983240
+                    -2.507780,53.982334
+                    -2.508230,53.981433
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+                    -2.507711,53.979673
+                    -2.506199,53.980322
+                    -2.505308,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.980742
+                    -2.504331,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.979926
+                    -2.502673,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979306
+                    -2.504686,53.979020
+                    -2.505264,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978472
+                    -2.507711,53.978190
+                    -2.508457,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977351
+                    -2.509861,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976340
+                    -2.508877,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975668
+                    -2.509983,53.975101
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+                    -2.511175,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972631
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+                    -2.513760,53.972216
+                    -2.515272,53.971620
+                    -2.515510,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971353
+                    -2.513760,53.971381
+                    -2.512247,53.971324
+                    -2.510735,53.971367
+                    -2.509591,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
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+                    -2.534930,53.979220
+                    -2.535770,53.979621
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+                    -2.537899,53.980527
+                    -2.537955,53.980560
+                    -2.538012,53.980527
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+                    -2.540271,53.980527
+                    -2.540317,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.982067
+                    -2.541379,53.982334
+                    -2.541536,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983812
+                    -2.543557,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984408
+                    -2.545516,53.984790
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+                    -2.551034,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987174
+                    -2.552094,53.986859
+                    -2.552256,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985777
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+                    -2.556894,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986387
+                    -2.558437,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985496
+                    -2.559507,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986583
+                    -2.562150,53.986430
+                    -2.562692,53.986859
+                    -2.563584,53.987765
+                    -2.563662,53.987927
+                    -2.563725,53.988667
+                    -2.563742,53.989577
+                    -2.564202,53.990479
+                    -2.565174,53.990932
+                    -2.565529,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991809
+                    -2.564443,53.992286
+                    -2.563981,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.993797
+                    -2.562150,53.993850
+                    -2.561768,53.994098
+                    -2.562150,53.994384
+                    -2.563662,53.994493
+                    -2.564169,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995681
+                    -2.565449,53.995910
+                    -2.565354,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997011
+                    -2.563662,53.996959
+                    -2.562150,53.996921
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+                    -2.561833,53.995910
+                    -2.561703,53.995004
+                    -2.560638,53.994427
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+                    -2.560003,53.993192
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+                    -2.559125,53.990130
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+                    -2.553077,53.988199
+                    -2.552293,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989220
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+                    -2.554589,53.989758
+                    -2.555222,53.990479
+                    -2.554871,53.991385
+                    -2.555085,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992558
+                    -2.553203,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993340
+                    -2.551960,53.994098
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+                    -2.550052,53.994784
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+                    -2.551564,53.991461
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
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+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013624
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+                    -2.513760,54.009128
+                    -2.512247,54.009271
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+                    -2.512247,54.008036
+                    -2.513760,54.008217
+                    -2.515272,54.008346
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+                    -2.516949,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007568
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+                    -2.516784,54.006457
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+                    -2.518296,54.004989
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+                    -2.518296,54.004869
+                    -2.519808,54.004879
+                    -2.521321,54.004912
+                    -2.522253,54.004951
+                    -2.522833,54.004989
+                    -2.522887,54.004951
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+                    -2.524345,54.003572
+                    -2.524738,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002771
+                    -2.523275,54.003143
+                    -2.522833,54.003220
+                    -2.522650,54.003143
+                    -2.521321,54.002352
+                    -2.519808,54.002280
+                    -2.518791,54.002242
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+                    -2.518296,54.000368
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+                    -2.515272,54.000802
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+                    -2.512247,54.000912
+                    -2.512030,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,54.000287
+                    -2.513760,54.000168
+                    -2.515272,54.000053
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+                    -2.515272,53.998613
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+                    -2.513760,53.996596
+                    -2.512902,53.996811
+                    -2.512247,53.997011
+                    -2.512120,53.996811
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+                    -2.509546,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995390
+                    -2.507711,53.995275
+                    -2.506199,53.995147
+                    -2.506126,53.995004
+                    -2.505155,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993783
+                    -2.503481,53.993192
+                    -2.504174,53.992286
+                    -2.503622,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991051
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+                    -2.505083,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.988824
+                    -2.507711,53.988757
+                    -2.507885,53.988667
+                    -2.507711,53.988361
+                    -2.506199,53.988190
+                    -2.505894,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987536
+                    -2.506753,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986440
+                    -2.508609,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985476
+                    -2.506199,53.985062
+                    -2.505932,53.985052
+                    -2.506199,53.985019
+                    -2.507264,53.984141
+                    -2.507711,53.983374
+                    -2.507769,53.983240
+                    -2.507780,53.982334
+                    -2.508230,53.981433
+                    -2.509016,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979673
+                    -2.506199,53.980322
+                    -2.505308,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.980742
+                    -2.504331,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.979926
+                    -2.502673,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979306
+                    -2.504686,53.979020
+                    -2.505264,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978472
+                    -2.507711,53.978190
+                    -2.508457,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977351
+                    -2.509861,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976340
+                    -2.508877,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975668
+                    -2.509983,53.975101
+                    -2.509767,53.974195
+                    -2.510735,53.973560
+                    -2.511175,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972631
+                    -2.513632,53.972383
+                    -2.513760,53.972216
+                    -2.515272,53.971620
+                    -2.515510,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971353
+                    -2.513760,53.971381
+                    -2.512247,53.971324
+                    -2.510735,53.971367
+                    -2.509591,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532192,53.972383
+                    -2.532069,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973694
+                    -2.531035,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974719
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+                    -2.532632,53.976002
+                    -2.532325,53.976908
+                    -2.532430,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978400
+                    -2.534087,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979220
+                    -2.535770,53.979621
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+                    -2.538012,53.980527
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+                    -2.540271,53.980527
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+                    -2.540979,53.982067
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+                    -2.541536,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983812
+                    -2.543557,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984408
+                    -2.545516,53.984790
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+                    -2.548005,53.985052
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+                    -2.550052,53.985410
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+                    -2.552094,53.986859
+                    -2.552256,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985777
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+                    -2.556101,53.985610
+                    -2.556894,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986387
+                    -2.558437,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985496
+                    -2.559507,53.985953
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+                    -2.562150,53.986430
+                    -2.562692,53.986859
+                    -2.563584,53.987765
+                    -2.563662,53.987927
+                    -2.563725,53.988667
+                    -2.563742,53.989577
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+                    -2.565174,53.991809
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+                    -2.563662,53.993797
+                    -2.562150,53.993850
+                    -2.561768,53.994098
+                    -2.562150,53.994384
+                    -2.563662,53.994493
+                    -2.564169,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995681
+                    -2.565449,53.995910
+                    -2.565354,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997011
+                    -2.563662,53.996959
+                    -2.562150,53.996921
+                    -2.561152,53.996811
+                    -2.561833,53.995910
+                    -2.561703,53.995004
+                    -2.560638,53.994427
+                    -2.560068,53.994098
+                    -2.560003,53.993192
+                    -2.559929,53.992286
+                    -2.559858,53.991385
+                    -2.559708,53.990479
+                    -2.559125,53.990130
+                    -2.557613,53.990035
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+                    -2.554589,53.988242
+                    -2.553077,53.988199
+                    -2.552293,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989220
+                    -2.554185,53.989577
+                    -2.554589,53.989758
+                    -2.555222,53.990479
+                    -2.554871,53.991385
+                    -2.555085,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992558
+                    -2.553203,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993340
+                    -2.551960,53.994098
+                    -2.551564,53.994274
+                    -2.550052,53.994784
+                    -2.549759,53.995004
+                    -2.548540,53.995748
+                    -2.548110,53.995910
+                    -2.547028,53.996377
+                    -2.546340,53.995910
+                    -2.546838,53.995004
+                    -2.547028,53.994846
+                    -2.548540,53.994508
+                    -2.549342,53.994098
+                    -2.550052,53.993888
+                    -2.551564,53.993306
+                    -2.551875,53.993192
+                    -2.552858,53.992286
+                    -2.551564,53.991461
+                    -2.550052,53.991771
+                    -2.548700,53.991385
+                    -2.548540,53.990588
+                    -2.547028,53.990788
+                    -2.545516,53.991370
+                    -2.544003,53.991284
+                    -2.542728,53.991385
+                    -2.544003,53.991885
+                    -2.544125,53.992286
+                    -2.544003,53.992801
+                    -2.542491,53.992305
+                    -2.540979,53.992596
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+                    -2.539467,53.994756
+                    -2.539711,53.995004
+                    -2.539467,53.995075
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+                    -2.512247,54.009271
+                    -2.511288,54.008574
+                    -2.512247,54.008036
+                    -2.513760,54.008217
+                    -2.515272,54.008346
+                    -2.516784,54.007769
+                    -2.516949,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007568
+                    -2.515805,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006457
+                    -2.518296,54.006405
+                    -2.519572,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.004989
+                    -2.517935,54.004951
+                    -2.518296,54.004869
+                    -2.519808,54.004879
+                    -2.521321,54.004912
+                    -2.522253,54.004951
+                    -2.522833,54.004989
+                    -2.522887,54.004951
+                    -2.524040,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003572
+                    -2.524738,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002771
+                    -2.523275,54.003143
+                    -2.522833,54.003220
+                    -2.522650,54.003143
+                    -2.521321,54.002352
+                    -2.519808,54.002280
+                    -2.518791,54.002242
+                    -2.519218,54.001336
+                    -2.518918,54.000430
+                    -2.518296,54.000368
+                    -2.516784,54.000163
+                    -2.516657,54.000430
+                    -2.515272,54.000802
+                    -2.513760,54.000926
+                    -2.512247,54.000912
+                    -2.512030,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,54.000287
+                    -2.513760,54.000168
+                    -2.515272,54.000053
+                    -2.516576,53.999524
+                    -2.515285,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998613
+                    -2.513828,53.997717
+                    -2.514124,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996596
+                    -2.512902,53.996811
+                    -2.512247,53.997011
+                    -2.512120,53.996811
+                    -2.511971,53.995910
+                    -2.511738,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994498
+                    -2.509546,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995390
+                    -2.507711,53.995275
+                    -2.506199,53.995147
+                    -2.506126,53.995004
+                    -2.505155,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993783
+                    -2.503481,53.993192
+                    -2.504174,53.992286
+                    -2.503622,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991051
+                    -2.505764,53.990479
+                    -2.505083,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.988824
+                    -2.507711,53.988757
+                    -2.507885,53.988667
+                    -2.507711,53.988361
+                    -2.506199,53.988190
+                    -2.505894,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987536
+                    -2.506753,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986440
+                    -2.508609,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985476
+                    -2.506199,53.985062
+                    -2.505932,53.985052
+                    -2.506199,53.985019
+                    -2.507264,53.984141
+                    -2.507711,53.983374
+                    -2.507769,53.983240
+                    -2.507780,53.982334
+                    -2.508230,53.981433
+                    -2.509016,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979673
+                    -2.506199,53.980322
+                    -2.505308,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.980742
+                    -2.504331,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.979926
+                    -2.502673,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979306
+                    -2.504686,53.979020
+                    -2.505264,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978472
+                    -2.507711,53.978190
+                    -2.508457,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977351
+                    -2.509861,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976340
+                    -2.508877,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975668
+                    -2.509983,53.975101
+                    -2.509767,53.974195
+                    -2.510735,53.973560
+                    -2.511175,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972631
+                    -2.513632,53.972383
+                    -2.513760,53.972216
+                    -2.515272,53.971620
+                    -2.515510,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971353
+                    -2.513760,53.971381
+                    -2.512247,53.971324
+                    -2.510735,53.971367
+                    -2.509591,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532192,53.972383
+                    -2.532069,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973694
+                    -2.531035,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974719
+                    -2.532435,53.975101
+                    -2.532632,53.976002
+                    -2.532325,53.976908
+                    -2.532430,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978400
+                    -2.534087,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979220
+                    -2.535770,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.980021
+                    -2.537899,53.980527
+                    -2.537955,53.980560
+                    -2.538012,53.980527
+                    -2.539467,53.980212
+                    -2.540271,53.980527
+                    -2.540317,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.982067
+                    -2.541379,53.982334
+                    -2.541536,53.983240
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+                    -2.544003,53.984408
+                    -2.545516,53.984790
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+                    -2.559507,53.985953
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+                    -2.562150,53.986430
+                    -2.562692,53.986859
+                    -2.563584,53.987765
+                    -2.563662,53.987927
+                    -2.563725,53.988667
+                    -2.563742,53.989577
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+                    -2.565174,53.991809
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+                    -2.563662,53.993797
+                    -2.562150,53.993850
+                    -2.561768,53.994098
+                    -2.562150,53.994384
+                    -2.563662,53.994493
+                    -2.564169,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995681
+                    -2.565449,53.995910
+                    -2.565354,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997011
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+                    -2.562150,53.996921
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+                    -2.561833,53.995910
+                    -2.561703,53.995004
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+                    -2.553077,53.989220
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+                    -2.555085,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992558
+                    -2.553203,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993340
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+                    -2.518296,54.021688
+                    -2.517175,54.021239
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+                    -2.514747,54.020333
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013624
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+                    -2.512307,54.013095
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+                    -2.515272,54.011073
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+                    -2.513760,54.009128
+                    -2.512247,54.009271
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+                    -2.512247,54.008036
+                    -2.513760,54.008217
+                    -2.515272,54.008346
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+                    -2.516949,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007568
+                    -2.515805,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006457
+                    -2.518296,54.006405
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+                    -2.518296,54.004989
+                    -2.517935,54.004951
+                    -2.518296,54.004869
+                    -2.519808,54.004879
+                    -2.521321,54.004912
+                    -2.522253,54.004951
+                    -2.522833,54.004989
+                    -2.522887,54.004951
+                    -2.524040,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003572
+                    -2.524738,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002771
+                    -2.523275,54.003143
+                    -2.522833,54.003220
+                    -2.522650,54.003143
+                    -2.521321,54.002352
+                    -2.519808,54.002280
+                    -2.518791,54.002242
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+                    -2.518918,54.000430
+                    -2.518296,54.000368
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+                    -2.516657,54.000430
+                    -2.515272,54.000802
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+                    -2.512247,54.000912
+                    -2.512030,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,54.000287
+                    -2.513760,54.000168
+                    -2.515272,54.000053
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+                    -2.515285,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998613
+                    -2.513828,53.997717
+                    -2.514124,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996596
+                    -2.512902,53.996811
+                    -2.512247,53.997011
+                    -2.512120,53.996811
+                    -2.511971,53.995910
+                    -2.511738,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994498
+                    -2.509546,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995390
+                    -2.507711,53.995275
+                    -2.506199,53.995147
+                    -2.506126,53.995004
+                    -2.505155,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993783
+                    -2.503481,53.993192
+                    -2.504174,53.992286
+                    -2.503622,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991051
+                    -2.505764,53.990479
+                    -2.505083,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.988824
+                    -2.507711,53.988757
+                    -2.507885,53.988667
+                    -2.507711,53.988361
+                    -2.506199,53.988190
+                    -2.505894,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987536
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+                    -2.507711,53.986440
+                    -2.508609,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985476
+                    -2.506199,53.985062
+                    -2.505932,53.985052
+                    -2.506199,53.985019
+                    -2.507264,53.984141
+                    -2.507711,53.983374
+                    -2.507769,53.983240
+                    -2.507780,53.982334
+                    -2.508230,53.981433
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+                    -2.507711,53.979673
+                    -2.506199,53.980322
+                    -2.505308,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.980742
+                    -2.504331,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.979926
+                    -2.502673,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979306
+                    -2.504686,53.979020
+                    -2.505264,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978472
+                    -2.507711,53.978190
+                    -2.508457,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977351
+                    -2.509861,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976340
+                    -2.508877,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975668
+                    -2.509983,53.975101
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+                    -2.511175,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972631
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+                    -2.513760,53.972216
+                    -2.515272,53.971620
+                    -2.515510,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971353
+                    -2.513760,53.971381
+                    -2.512247,53.971324
+                    -2.510735,53.971367
+                    -2.509591,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
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+                    -2.534930,53.979220
+                    -2.535770,53.979621
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+                    -2.537899,53.980527
+                    -2.537955,53.980560
+                    -2.538012,53.980527
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+                    -2.540271,53.980527
+                    -2.540317,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.982067
+                    -2.541379,53.982334
+                    -2.541536,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983812
+                    -2.543557,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984408
+                    -2.545516,53.984790
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+                    -2.551034,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987174
+                    -2.552094,53.986859
+                    -2.552256,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985777
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+                    -2.556894,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986387
+                    -2.558437,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985496
+                    -2.559507,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986583
+                    -2.562150,53.986430
+                    -2.562692,53.986859
+                    -2.563584,53.987765
+                    -2.563662,53.987927
+                    -2.563725,53.988667
+                    -2.563742,53.989577
+                    -2.564202,53.990479
+                    -2.565174,53.990932
+                    -2.565529,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991809
+                    -2.564443,53.992286
+                    -2.563981,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.993797
+                    -2.562150,53.993850
+                    -2.561768,53.994098
+                    -2.562150,53.994384
+                    -2.563662,53.994493
+                    -2.564169,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995681
+                    -2.565449,53.995910
+                    -2.565354,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997011
+                    -2.563662,53.996959
+                    -2.562150,53.996921
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+                    -2.561833,53.995910
+                    -2.561703,53.995004
+                    -2.560638,53.994427
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+                    -2.560003,53.993192
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+                    -2.559125,53.990130
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+                    -2.553077,53.988199
+                    -2.552293,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989220
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+                    -2.554589,53.989758
+                    -2.555222,53.990479
+                    -2.554871,53.991385
+                    -2.555085,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992558
+                    -2.553203,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993340
+                    -2.551960,53.994098
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+                    -2.550052,53.994784
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+                    -2.551564,53.991461
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
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+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013624
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+                    -2.513760,54.009128
+                    -2.512247,54.009271
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+                    -2.512247,54.008036
+                    -2.513760,54.008217
+                    -2.515272,54.008346
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+                    -2.516949,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007568
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+                    -2.516784,54.006457
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+                    -2.518296,54.004989
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+                    -2.518296,54.004869
+                    -2.519808,54.004879
+                    -2.521321,54.004912
+                    -2.522253,54.004951
+                    -2.522833,54.004989
+                    -2.522887,54.004951
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+                    -2.524345,54.003572
+                    -2.524738,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002771
+                    -2.523275,54.003143
+                    -2.522833,54.003220
+                    -2.522650,54.003143
+                    -2.521321,54.002352
+                    -2.519808,54.002280
+                    -2.518791,54.002242
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+                    -2.518296,54.000368
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+                    -2.515272,54.000802
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+                    -2.512247,54.000912
+                    -2.512030,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,54.000287
+                    -2.513760,54.000168
+                    -2.515272,54.000053
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+                    -2.515272,53.998613
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+                    -2.513760,53.996596
+                    -2.512902,53.996811
+                    -2.512247,53.997011
+                    -2.512120,53.996811
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+                    -2.509546,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995390
+                    -2.507711,53.995275
+                    -2.506199,53.995147
+                    -2.506126,53.995004
+                    -2.505155,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993783
+                    -2.503481,53.993192
+                    -2.504174,53.992286
+                    -2.503622,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991051
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+                    -2.505083,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.988824
+                    -2.507711,53.988757
+                    -2.507885,53.988667
+                    -2.507711,53.988361
+                    -2.506199,53.988190
+                    -2.505894,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987536
+                    -2.506753,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986440
+                    -2.508609,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985476
+                    -2.506199,53.985062
+                    -2.505932,53.985052
+                    -2.506199,53.985019
+                    -2.507264,53.984141
+                    -2.507711,53.983374
+                    -2.507769,53.983240
+                    -2.507780,53.982334
+                    -2.508230,53.981433
+                    -2.509016,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979673
+                    -2.506199,53.980322
+                    -2.505308,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.980742
+                    -2.504331,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.979926
+                    -2.502673,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979306
+                    -2.504686,53.979020
+                    -2.505264,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978472
+                    -2.507711,53.978190
+                    -2.508457,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977351
+                    -2.509861,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976340
+                    -2.508877,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975668
+                    -2.509983,53.975101
+                    -2.509767,53.974195
+                    -2.510735,53.973560
+                    -2.511175,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972631
+                    -2.513632,53.972383
+                    -2.513760,53.972216
+                    -2.515272,53.971620
+                    -2.515510,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971353
+                    -2.513760,53.971381
+                    -2.512247,53.971324
+                    -2.510735,53.971367
+                    -2.509591,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532192,53.972383
+                    -2.532069,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973694
+                    -2.531035,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974719
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+                    -2.532632,53.976002
+                    -2.532325,53.976908
+                    -2.532430,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978400
+                    -2.534087,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979220
+                    -2.535770,53.979621
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+                    -2.538012,53.980527
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+                    -2.540271,53.980527
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+                    -2.540979,53.982067
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+                    -2.541536,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983812
+                    -2.543557,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984408
+                    -2.545516,53.984790
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+                    -2.548005,53.985052
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+                    -2.550052,53.985410
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+                    -2.552094,53.986859
+                    -2.552256,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985777
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+                    -2.556101,53.985610
+                    -2.556894,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986387
+                    -2.558437,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985496
+                    -2.559507,53.985953
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+                    -2.562150,53.986430
+                    -2.562692,53.986859
+                    -2.563584,53.987765
+                    -2.563662,53.987927
+                    -2.563725,53.988667
+                    -2.563742,53.989577
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+                    -2.565174,53.991809
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+                    -2.563662,53.993797
+                    -2.562150,53.993850
+                    -2.561768,53.994098
+                    -2.562150,53.994384
+                    -2.563662,53.994493
+                    -2.564169,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995681
+                    -2.565449,53.995910
+                    -2.565354,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997011
+                    -2.563662,53.996959
+                    -2.562150,53.996921
+                    -2.561152,53.996811
+                    -2.561833,53.995910
+                    -2.561703,53.995004
+                    -2.560638,53.994427
+                    -2.560068,53.994098
+                    -2.560003,53.993192
+                    -2.559929,53.992286
+                    -2.559858,53.991385
+                    -2.559708,53.990479
+                    -2.559125,53.990130
+                    -2.557613,53.990035
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+                    -2.554589,53.988242
+                    -2.553077,53.988199
+                    -2.552293,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989220
+                    -2.554185,53.989577
+                    -2.554589,53.989758
+                    -2.555222,53.990479
+                    -2.554871,53.991385
+                    -2.555085,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992558
+                    -2.553203,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993340
+                    -2.551960,53.994098
+                    -2.551564,53.994274
+                    -2.550052,53.994784
+                    -2.549759,53.995004
+                    -2.548540,53.995748
+                    -2.548110,53.995910
+                    -2.547028,53.996377
+                    -2.546340,53.995910
+                    -2.546838,53.995004
+                    -2.547028,53.994846
+                    -2.548540,53.994508
+                    -2.549342,53.994098
+                    -2.550052,53.993888
+                    -2.551564,53.993306
+                    -2.551875,53.993192
+                    -2.552858,53.992286
+                    -2.551564,53.991461
+                    -2.550052,53.991771
+                    -2.548700,53.991385
+                    -2.548540,53.990588
+                    -2.547028,53.990788
+                    -2.545516,53.991370
+                    -2.544003,53.991284
+                    -2.542728,53.991385
+                    -2.544003,53.991885
+                    -2.544125,53.992286
+                    -2.544003,53.992801
+                    -2.542491,53.992305
+                    -2.540979,53.992596
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+                    -2.539467,53.994756
+                    -2.539711,53.995004
+                    -2.539467,53.995075
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+                    -2.512247,54.009271
+                    -2.511288,54.008574
+                    -2.512247,54.008036
+                    -2.513760,54.008217
+                    -2.515272,54.008346
+                    -2.516784,54.007769
+                    -2.516949,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007568
+                    -2.515805,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006457
+                    -2.518296,54.006405
+                    -2.519572,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.004989
+                    -2.517935,54.004951
+                    -2.518296,54.004869
+                    -2.519808,54.004879
+                    -2.521321,54.004912
+                    -2.522253,54.004951
+                    -2.522833,54.004989
+                    -2.522887,54.004951
+                    -2.524040,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003572
+                    -2.524738,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002771
+                    -2.523275,54.003143
+                    -2.522833,54.003220
+                    -2.522650,54.003143
+                    -2.521321,54.002352
+                    -2.519808,54.002280
+                    -2.518791,54.002242
+                    -2.519218,54.001336
+                    -2.518918,54.000430
+                    -2.518296,54.000368
+                    -2.516784,54.000163
+                    -2.516657,54.000430
+                    -2.515272,54.000802
+                    -2.513760,54.000926
+                    -2.512247,54.000912
+                    -2.512030,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,54.000287
+                    -2.513760,54.000168
+                    -2.515272,54.000053
+                    -2.516576,53.999524
+                    -2.515285,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998613
+                    -2.513828,53.997717
+                    -2.514124,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996596
+                    -2.512902,53.996811
+                    -2.512247,53.997011
+                    -2.512120,53.996811
+                    -2.511971,53.995910
+                    -2.511738,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994498
+                    -2.509546,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995390
+                    -2.507711,53.995275
+                    -2.506199,53.995147
+                    -2.506126,53.995004
+                    -2.505155,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993783
+                    -2.503481,53.993192
+                    -2.504174,53.992286
+                    -2.503622,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991051
+                    -2.505764,53.990479
+                    -2.505083,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.988824
+                    -2.507711,53.988757
+                    -2.507885,53.988667
+                    -2.507711,53.988361
+                    -2.506199,53.988190
+                    -2.505894,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987536
+                    -2.506753,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986440
+                    -2.508609,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985476
+                    -2.506199,53.985062
+                    -2.505932,53.985052
+                    -2.506199,53.985019
+                    -2.507264,53.984141
+                    -2.507711,53.983374
+                    -2.507769,53.983240
+                    -2.507780,53.982334
+                    -2.508230,53.981433
+                    -2.509016,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979673
+                    -2.506199,53.980322
+                    -2.505308,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.980742
+                    -2.504331,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.979926
+                    -2.502673,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979306
+                    -2.504686,53.979020
+                    -2.505264,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978472
+                    -2.507711,53.978190
+                    -2.508457,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977351
+                    -2.509861,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976340
+                    -2.508877,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975668
+                    -2.509983,53.975101
+                    -2.509767,53.974195
+                    -2.510735,53.973560
+                    -2.511175,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972631
+                    -2.513632,53.972383
+                    -2.513760,53.972216
+                    -2.515272,53.971620
+                    -2.515510,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971353
+                    -2.513760,53.971381
+                    -2.512247,53.971324
+                    -2.510735,53.971367
+                    -2.509591,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532192,53.972383
+                    -2.532069,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973694
+                    -2.531035,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974719
+                    -2.532435,53.975101
+                    -2.532632,53.976002
+                    -2.532325,53.976908
+                    -2.532430,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978400
+                    -2.534087,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979220
+                    -2.535770,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.980021
+                    -2.537899,53.980527
+                    -2.537955,53.980560
+                    -2.538012,53.980527
+                    -2.539467,53.980212
+                    -2.540271,53.980527
+                    -2.540317,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.982067
+                    -2.541379,53.982334
+                    -2.541536,53.983240
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+                    -2.544003,53.984408
+                    -2.545516,53.984790
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+                    -2.559507,53.985953
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+                    -2.562150,53.986430
+                    -2.562692,53.986859
+                    -2.563584,53.987765
+                    -2.563662,53.987927
+                    -2.563725,53.988667
+                    -2.563742,53.989577
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+                    -2.565174,53.991809
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+                    -2.563662,53.993797
+                    -2.562150,53.993850
+                    -2.561768,53.994098
+                    -2.562150,53.994384
+                    -2.563662,53.994493
+                    -2.564169,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995681
+                    -2.565449,53.995910
+                    -2.565354,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997011
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+                    -2.562150,53.996921
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+                    -2.561833,53.995910
+                    -2.561703,53.995004
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+                    -2.553077,53.989220
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+                    -2.555085,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992558
+                    -2.553203,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993340
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+                    -2.518296,54.021688
+                    -2.517175,54.021239
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+                    -2.514747,54.020333
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013624
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+                    -2.512307,54.013095
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+                    -2.515272,54.011073
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+                    -2.513760,54.009128
+                    -2.512247,54.009271
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+                    -2.512247,54.008036
+                    -2.513760,54.008217
+                    -2.515272,54.008346
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+                    -2.516949,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007568
+                    -2.515805,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006457
+                    -2.518296,54.006405
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+                    -2.518296,54.004989
+                    -2.517935,54.004951
+                    -2.518296,54.004869
+                    -2.519808,54.004879
+                    -2.521321,54.004912
+                    -2.522253,54.004951
+                    -2.522833,54.004989
+                    -2.522887,54.004951
+                    -2.524040,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003572
+                    -2.524738,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002771
+                    -2.523275,54.003143
+                    -2.522833,54.003220
+                    -2.522650,54.003143
+                    -2.521321,54.002352
+                    -2.519808,54.002280
+                    -2.518791,54.002242
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+                    -2.518918,54.000430
+                    -2.518296,54.000368
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+                    -2.516657,54.000430
+                    -2.515272,54.000802
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+                    -2.512247,54.000912
+                    -2.512030,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,54.000287
+                    -2.513760,54.000168
+                    -2.515272,54.000053
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+                    -2.515285,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998613
+                    -2.513828,53.997717
+                    -2.514124,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996596
+                    -2.512902,53.996811
+                    -2.512247,53.997011
+                    -2.512120,53.996811
+                    -2.511971,53.995910
+                    -2.511738,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994498
+                    -2.509546,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995390
+                    -2.507711,53.995275
+                    -2.506199,53.995147
+                    -2.506126,53.995004
+                    -2.505155,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993783
+                    -2.503481,53.993192
+                    -2.504174,53.992286
+                    -2.503622,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991051
+                    -2.505764,53.990479
+                    -2.505083,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.988824
+                    -2.507711,53.988757
+                    -2.507885,53.988667
+                    -2.507711,53.988361
+                    -2.506199,53.988190
+                    -2.505894,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987536
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+                    -2.507711,53.986440
+                    -2.508609,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985476
+                    -2.506199,53.985062
+                    -2.505932,53.985052
+                    -2.506199,53.985019
+                    -2.507264,53.984141
+                    -2.507711,53.983374
+                    -2.507769,53.983240
+                    -2.507780,53.982334
+                    -2.508230,53.981433
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+                    -2.507711,53.979673
+                    -2.506199,53.980322
+                    -2.505308,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.980742
+                    -2.504331,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.979926
+                    -2.502673,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979306
+                    -2.504686,53.979020
+                    -2.505264,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978472
+                    -2.507711,53.978190
+                    -2.508457,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977351
+                    -2.509861,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976340
+                    -2.508877,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975668
+                    -2.509983,53.975101
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+                    -2.511175,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972631
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+                    -2.513760,53.972216
+                    -2.515272,53.971620
+                    -2.515510,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971353
+                    -2.513760,53.971381
+                    -2.512247,53.971324
+                    -2.510735,53.971367
+                    -2.509591,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
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+                    -2.534930,53.979220
+                    -2.535770,53.979621
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+                    -2.537899,53.980527
+                    -2.537955,53.980560
+                    -2.538012,53.980527
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+                    -2.540271,53.980527
+                    -2.540317,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.982067
+                    -2.541379,53.982334
+                    -2.541536,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983812
+                    -2.543557,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984408
+                    -2.545516,53.984790
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+                    -2.551034,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987174
+                    -2.552094,53.986859
+                    -2.552256,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985777
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+                    -2.556894,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986387
+                    -2.558437,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985496
+                    -2.559507,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986583
+                    -2.562150,53.986430
+                    -2.562692,53.986859
+                    -2.563584,53.987765
+                    -2.563662,53.987927
+                    -2.563725,53.988667
+                    -2.563742,53.989577
+                    -2.564202,53.990479
+                    -2.565174,53.990932
+                    -2.565529,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991809
+                    -2.564443,53.992286
+                    -2.563981,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.993797
+                    -2.562150,53.993850
+                    -2.561768,53.994098
+                    -2.562150,53.994384
+                    -2.563662,53.994493
+                    -2.564169,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995681
+                    -2.565449,53.995910
+                    -2.565354,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997011
+                    -2.563662,53.996959
+                    -2.562150,53.996921
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+                    -2.561833,53.995910
+                    -2.561703,53.995004
+                    -2.560638,53.994427
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+                    -2.560003,53.993192
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+                    -2.559125,53.990130
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+                    -2.553077,53.988199
+                    -2.552293,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989220
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+                    -2.554589,53.989758
+                    -2.555222,53.990479
+                    -2.554871,53.991385
+                    -2.555085,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992558
+                    -2.553203,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993340
+                    -2.551960,53.994098
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+                    -2.550052,53.994784
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+                    -2.551564,53.991461
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
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+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013624
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+                    -2.513760,54.009128
+                    -2.512247,54.009271
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+                    -2.512247,54.008036
+                    -2.513760,54.008217
+                    -2.515272,54.008346
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+                    -2.516949,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007568
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+                    -2.516784,54.006457
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+                    -2.518296,54.004989
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+                    -2.518296,54.004869
+                    -2.519808,54.004879
+                    -2.521321,54.004912
+                    -2.522253,54.004951
+                    -2.522833,54.004989
+                    -2.522887,54.004951
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+                    -2.524345,54.003572
+                    -2.524738,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002771
+                    -2.523275,54.003143
+                    -2.522833,54.003220
+                    -2.522650,54.003143
+                    -2.521321,54.002352
+                    -2.519808,54.002280
+                    -2.518791,54.002242
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+                    -2.518296,54.000368
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+                    -2.515272,54.000802
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+                    -2.512247,54.000912
+                    -2.512030,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,54.000287
+                    -2.513760,54.000168
+                    -2.515272,54.000053
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+                    -2.515272,53.998613
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+                    -2.513760,53.996596
+                    -2.512902,53.996811
+                    -2.512247,53.997011
+                    -2.512120,53.996811
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+                    -2.509546,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995390
+                    -2.507711,53.995275
+                    -2.506199,53.995147
+                    -2.506126,53.995004
+                    -2.505155,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993783
+                    -2.503481,53.993192
+                    -2.504174,53.992286
+                    -2.503622,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991051
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+                    -2.505083,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.988824
+                    -2.507711,53.988757
+                    -2.507885,53.988667
+                    -2.507711,53.988361
+                    -2.506199,53.988190
+                    -2.505894,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987536
+                    -2.506753,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986440
+                    -2.508609,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985476
+                    -2.506199,53.985062
+                    -2.505932,53.985052
+                    -2.506199,53.985019
+                    -2.507264,53.984141
+                    -2.507711,53.983374
+                    -2.507769,53.983240
+                    -2.507780,53.982334
+                    -2.508230,53.981433
+                    -2.509016,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979673
+                    -2.506199,53.980322
+                    -2.505308,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.980742
+                    -2.504331,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.979926
+                    -2.502673,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979306
+                    -2.504686,53.979020
+                    -2.505264,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978472
+                    -2.507711,53.978190
+                    -2.508457,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977351
+                    -2.509861,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976340
+                    -2.508877,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975668
+                    -2.509983,53.975101
+                    -2.509767,53.974195
+                    -2.510735,53.973560
+                    -2.511175,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972631
+                    -2.513632,53.972383
+                    -2.513760,53.972216
+                    -2.515272,53.971620
+                    -2.515510,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971353
+                    -2.513760,53.971381
+                    -2.512247,53.971324
+                    -2.510735,53.971367
+                    -2.509591,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532192,53.972383
+                    -2.532069,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973694
+                    -2.531035,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974719
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+                    -2.532632,53.976002
+                    -2.532325,53.976908
+                    -2.532430,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978400
+                    -2.534087,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979220
+                    -2.535770,53.979621
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+                    -2.538012,53.980527
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+                    -2.540271,53.980527
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+                    -2.540979,53.982067
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+                    -2.541536,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983812
+                    -2.543557,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984408
+                    -2.545516,53.984790
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+                    -2.548005,53.985052
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+                    -2.550052,53.985410
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+                    -2.552094,53.986859
+                    -2.552256,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985777
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+                    -2.556101,53.985610
+                    -2.556894,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986387
+                    -2.558437,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985496
+                    -2.559507,53.985953
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+                    -2.562150,53.986430
+                    -2.562692,53.986859
+                    -2.563584,53.987765
+                    -2.563662,53.987927
+                    -2.563725,53.988667
+                    -2.563742,53.989577
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+                    -2.565174,53.991809
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+                    -2.563662,53.993797
+                    -2.562150,53.993850
+                    -2.561768,53.994098
+                    -2.562150,53.994384
+                    -2.563662,53.994493
+                    -2.564169,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995681
+                    -2.565449,53.995910
+                    -2.565354,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997011
+                    -2.563662,53.996959
+                    -2.562150,53.996921
+                    -2.561152,53.996811
+                    -2.561833,53.995910
+                    -2.561703,53.995004
+                    -2.560638,53.994427
+                    -2.560068,53.994098
+                    -2.560003,53.993192
+                    -2.559929,53.992286
+                    -2.559858,53.991385
+                    -2.559708,53.990479
+                    -2.559125,53.990130
+                    -2.557613,53.990035
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+                    -2.554589,53.988242
+                    -2.553077,53.988199
+                    -2.552293,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989220
+                    -2.554185,53.989577
+                    -2.554589,53.989758
+                    -2.555222,53.990479
+                    -2.554871,53.991385
+                    -2.555085,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992558
+                    -2.553203,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993340
+                    -2.551960,53.994098
+                    -2.551564,53.994274
+                    -2.550052,53.994784
+                    -2.549759,53.995004
+                    -2.548540,53.995748
+                    -2.548110,53.995910
+                    -2.547028,53.996377
+                    -2.546340,53.995910
+                    -2.546838,53.995004
+                    -2.547028,53.994846
+                    -2.548540,53.994508
+                    -2.549342,53.994098
+                    -2.550052,53.993888
+                    -2.551564,53.993306
+                    -2.551875,53.993192
+                    -2.552858,53.992286
+                    -2.551564,53.991461
+                    -2.550052,53.991771
+                    -2.548700,53.991385
+                    -2.548540,53.990588
+                    -2.547028,53.990788
+                    -2.545516,53.991370
+                    -2.544003,53.991284
+                    -2.542728,53.991385
+                    -2.544003,53.991885
+                    -2.544125,53.992286
+                    -2.544003,53.992801
+                    -2.542491,53.992305
+                    -2.540979,53.992596
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+                    -2.539467,53.994756
+                    -2.539711,53.995004
+                    -2.539467,53.995075
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+                    -2.512247,54.009271
+                    -2.511288,54.008574
+                    -2.512247,54.008036
+                    -2.513760,54.008217
+                    -2.515272,54.008346
+                    -2.516784,54.007769
+                    -2.516949,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007568
+                    -2.515805,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006457
+                    -2.518296,54.006405
+                    -2.519572,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.004989
+                    -2.517935,54.004951
+                    -2.518296,54.004869
+                    -2.519808,54.004879
+                    -2.521321,54.004912
+                    -2.522253,54.004951
+                    -2.522833,54.004989
+                    -2.522887,54.004951
+                    -2.524040,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003572
+                    -2.524738,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002771
+                    -2.523275,54.003143
+                    -2.522833,54.003220
+                    -2.522650,54.003143
+                    -2.521321,54.002352
+                    -2.519808,54.002280
+                    -2.518791,54.002242
+                    -2.519218,54.001336
+                    -2.518918,54.000430
+                    -2.518296,54.000368
+                    -2.516784,54.000163
+                    -2.516657,54.000430
+                    -2.515272,54.000802
+                    -2.513760,54.000926
+                    -2.512247,54.000912
+                    -2.512030,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,54.000287
+                    -2.513760,54.000168
+                    -2.515272,54.000053
+                    -2.516576,53.999524
+                    -2.515285,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998613
+                    -2.513828,53.997717
+                    -2.514124,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996596
+                    -2.512902,53.996811
+                    -2.512247,53.997011
+                    -2.512120,53.996811
+                    -2.511971,53.995910
+                    -2.511738,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994498
+                    -2.509546,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995390
+                    -2.507711,53.995275
+                    -2.506199,53.995147
+                    -2.506126,53.995004
+                    -2.505155,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993783
+                    -2.503481,53.993192
+                    -2.504174,53.992286
+                    -2.503622,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991051
+                    -2.505764,53.990479
+                    -2.505083,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.988824
+                    -2.507711,53.988757
+                    -2.507885,53.988667
+                    -2.507711,53.988361
+                    -2.506199,53.988190
+                    -2.505894,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987536
+                    -2.506753,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986440
+                    -2.508609,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985476
+                    -2.506199,53.985062
+                    -2.505932,53.985052
+                    -2.506199,53.985019
+                    -2.507264,53.984141
+                    -2.507711,53.983374
+                    -2.507769,53.983240
+                    -2.507780,53.982334
+                    -2.508230,53.981433
+                    -2.509016,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979673
+                    -2.506199,53.980322
+                    -2.505308,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.980742
+                    -2.504331,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.979926
+                    -2.502673,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979306
+                    -2.504686,53.979020
+                    -2.505264,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978472
+                    -2.507711,53.978190
+                    -2.508457,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977351
+                    -2.509861,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976340
+                    -2.508877,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975668
+                    -2.509983,53.975101
+                    -2.509767,53.974195
+                    -2.510735,53.973560
+                    -2.511175,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972631
+                    -2.513632,53.972383
+                    -2.513760,53.972216
+                    -2.515272,53.971620
+                    -2.515510,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971353
+                    -2.513760,53.971381
+                    -2.512247,53.971324
+                    -2.510735,53.971367
+                    -2.509591,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532192,53.972383
+                    -2.532069,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973694
+                    -2.531035,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974719
+                    -2.532435,53.975101
+                    -2.532632,53.976002
+                    -2.532325,53.976908
+                    -2.532430,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978400
+                    -2.534087,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979220
+                    -2.535770,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.980021
+                    -2.537899,53.980527
+                    -2.537955,53.980560
+                    -2.538012,53.980527
+                    -2.539467,53.980212
+                    -2.540271,53.980527
+                    -2.540317,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.982067
+                    -2.541379,53.982334
+                    -2.541536,53.983240
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+                    -2.544003,53.984408
+                    -2.545516,53.984790
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+                    -2.559507,53.985953
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+                    -2.562150,53.986430
+                    -2.562692,53.986859
+                    -2.563584,53.987765
+                    -2.563662,53.987927
+                    -2.563725,53.988667
+                    -2.563742,53.989577
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+                    -2.565174,53.991809
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+                    -2.563662,53.993797
+                    -2.562150,53.993850
+                    -2.561768,53.994098
+                    -2.562150,53.994384
+                    -2.563662,53.994493
+                    -2.564169,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995681
+                    -2.565449,53.995910
+                    -2.565354,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997011
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+                    -2.562150,53.996921
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+                    -2.561833,53.995910
+                    -2.561703,53.995004
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+                    -2.553077,53.989220
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+                    -2.555085,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992558
+                    -2.553203,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993340
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+                    -2.518296,54.021688
+                    -2.517175,54.021239
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+                    -2.514747,54.020333
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013624
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+                    -2.512307,54.013095
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+                    -2.515272,54.011073
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+                    -2.513760,54.009128
+                    -2.512247,54.009271
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+                    -2.512247,54.008036
+                    -2.513760,54.008217
+                    -2.515272,54.008346
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+                    -2.516949,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007568
+                    -2.515805,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006457
+                    -2.518296,54.006405
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+                    -2.518296,54.004989
+                    -2.517935,54.004951
+                    -2.518296,54.004869
+                    -2.519808,54.004879
+                    -2.521321,54.004912
+                    -2.522253,54.004951
+                    -2.522833,54.004989
+                    -2.522887,54.004951
+                    -2.524040,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003572
+                    -2.524738,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002771
+                    -2.523275,54.003143
+                    -2.522833,54.003220
+                    -2.522650,54.003143
+                    -2.521321,54.002352
+                    -2.519808,54.002280
+                    -2.518791,54.002242
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+                    -2.518918,54.000430
+                    -2.518296,54.000368
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+                    -2.516657,54.000430
+                    -2.515272,54.000802
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+                    -2.512247,54.000912
+                    -2.512030,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,54.000287
+                    -2.513760,54.000168
+                    -2.515272,54.000053
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+                    -2.515285,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998613
+                    -2.513828,53.997717
+                    -2.514124,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996596
+                    -2.512902,53.996811
+                    -2.512247,53.997011
+                    -2.512120,53.996811
+                    -2.511971,53.995910
+                    -2.511738,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994498
+                    -2.509546,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995390
+                    -2.507711,53.995275
+                    -2.506199,53.995147
+                    -2.506126,53.995004
+                    -2.505155,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993783
+                    -2.503481,53.993192
+                    -2.504174,53.992286
+                    -2.503622,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991051
+                    -2.505764,53.990479
+                    -2.505083,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.988824
+                    -2.507711,53.988757
+                    -2.507885,53.988667
+                    -2.507711,53.988361
+                    -2.506199,53.988190
+                    -2.505894,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987536
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+                    -2.507711,53.986440
+                    -2.508609,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985476
+                    -2.506199,53.985062
+                    -2.505932,53.985052
+                    -2.506199,53.985019
+                    -2.507264,53.984141
+                    -2.507711,53.983374
+                    -2.507769,53.983240
+                    -2.507780,53.982334
+                    -2.508230,53.981433
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+                    -2.507711,53.979673
+                    -2.506199,53.980322
+                    -2.505308,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.980742
+                    -2.504331,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.979926
+                    -2.502673,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979306
+                    -2.504686,53.979020
+                    -2.505264,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978472
+                    -2.507711,53.978190
+                    -2.508457,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977351
+                    -2.509861,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976340
+                    -2.508877,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975668
+                    -2.509983,53.975101
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+                    -2.511175,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972631
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+                    -2.513760,53.972216
+                    -2.515272,53.971620
+                    -2.515510,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971353
+                    -2.513760,53.971381
+                    -2.512247,53.971324
+                    -2.510735,53.971367
+                    -2.509591,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
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+                    -2.534930,53.979220
+                    -2.535770,53.979621
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+                    -2.537899,53.980527
+                    -2.537955,53.980560
+                    -2.538012,53.980527
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+                    -2.540271,53.980527
+                    -2.540317,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.982067
+                    -2.541379,53.982334
+                    -2.541536,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983812
+                    -2.543557,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984408
+                    -2.545516,53.984790
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+                    -2.551034,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987174
+                    -2.552094,53.986859
+                    -2.552256,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985777
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+                    -2.556894,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986387
+                    -2.558437,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985496
+                    -2.559507,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986583
+                    -2.562150,53.986430
+                    -2.562692,53.986859
+                    -2.563584,53.987765
+                    -2.563662,53.987927
+                    -2.563725,53.988667
+                    -2.563742,53.989577
+                    -2.564202,53.990479
+                    -2.565174,53.990932
+                    -2.565529,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991809
+                    -2.564443,53.992286
+                    -2.563981,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.993797
+                    -2.562150,53.993850
+                    -2.561768,53.994098
+                    -2.562150,53.994384
+                    -2.563662,53.994493
+                    -2.564169,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995681
+                    -2.565449,53.995910
+                    -2.565354,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997011
+                    -2.563662,53.996959
+                    -2.562150,53.996921
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+                    -2.561833,53.995910
+                    -2.561703,53.995004
+                    -2.560638,53.994427
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+                    -2.560003,53.993192
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+                    -2.559125,53.990130
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+                    -2.553077,53.988199
+                    -2.552293,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989220
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+                    -2.554589,53.989758
+                    -2.555222,53.990479
+                    -2.554871,53.991385
+                    -2.555085,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992558
+                    -2.553203,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993340
+                    -2.551960,53.994098
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+                    -2.550052,53.994784
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+                    -2.551564,53.991461
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
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+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013624
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+                    -2.513760,54.009128
+                    -2.512247,54.009271
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+                    -2.512247,54.008036
+                    -2.513760,54.008217
+                    -2.515272,54.008346
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+                    -2.516949,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007568
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+                    -2.516784,54.006457
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+                    -2.518296,54.004989
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+                    -2.518296,54.004869
+                    -2.519808,54.004879
+                    -2.521321,54.004912
+                    -2.522253,54.004951
+                    -2.522833,54.004989
+                    -2.522887,54.004951
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+                    -2.524345,54.003572
+                    -2.524738,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002771
+                    -2.523275,54.003143
+                    -2.522833,54.003220
+                    -2.522650,54.003143
+                    -2.521321,54.002352
+                    -2.519808,54.002280
+                    -2.518791,54.002242
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+                    -2.518296,54.000368
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+                    -2.515272,54.000802
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+                    -2.512247,54.000912
+                    -2.512030,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,54.000287
+                    -2.513760,54.000168
+                    -2.515272,54.000053
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+                    -2.515272,53.998613
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+                    -2.513760,53.996596
+                    -2.512902,53.996811
+                    -2.512247,53.997011
+                    -2.512120,53.996811
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+                    -2.509546,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995390
+                    -2.507711,53.995275
+                    -2.506199,53.995147
+                    -2.506126,53.995004
+                    -2.505155,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993783
+                    -2.503481,53.993192
+                    -2.504174,53.992286
+                    -2.503622,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991051
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+                    -2.505083,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.988824
+                    -2.507711,53.988757
+                    -2.507885,53.988667
+                    -2.507711,53.988361
+                    -2.506199,53.988190
+                    -2.505894,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987536
+                    -2.506753,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986440
+                    -2.508609,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985476
+                    -2.506199,53.985062
+                    -2.505932,53.985052
+                    -2.506199,53.985019
+                    -2.507264,53.984141
+                    -2.507711,53.983374
+                    -2.507769,53.983240
+                    -2.507780,53.982334
+                    -2.508230,53.981433
+                    -2.509016,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979673
+                    -2.506199,53.980322
+                    -2.505308,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.980742
+                    -2.504331,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.979926
+                    -2.502673,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979306
+                    -2.504686,53.979020
+                    -2.505264,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978472
+                    -2.507711,53.978190
+                    -2.508457,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977351
+                    -2.509861,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976340
+                    -2.508877,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975668
+                    -2.509983,53.975101
+                    -2.509767,53.974195
+                    -2.510735,53.973560
+                    -2.511175,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972631
+                    -2.513632,53.972383
+                    -2.513760,53.972216
+                    -2.515272,53.971620
+                    -2.515510,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971353
+                    -2.513760,53.971381
+                    -2.512247,53.971324
+                    -2.510735,53.971367
+                    -2.509591,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532192,53.972383
+                    -2.532069,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973694
+                    -2.531035,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974719
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+                    -2.532632,53.976002
+                    -2.532325,53.976908
+                    -2.532430,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978400
+                    -2.534087,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979220
+                    -2.535770,53.979621
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+                    -2.538012,53.980527
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+                    -2.540271,53.980527
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+                    -2.540979,53.982067
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+                    -2.541536,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983812
+                    -2.543557,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984408
+                    -2.545516,53.984790
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+                    -2.548005,53.985052
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+                    -2.550052,53.985410
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+                    -2.552094,53.986859
+                    -2.552256,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985777
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+                    -2.556101,53.985610
+                    -2.556894,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986387
+                    -2.558437,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985496
+                    -2.559507,53.985953
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+                    -2.562150,53.986430
+                    -2.562692,53.986859
+                    -2.563584,53.987765
+                    -2.563662,53.987927
+                    -2.563725,53.988667
+                    -2.563742,53.989577
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+                    -2.565174,53.991809
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+                    -2.563662,53.993797
+                    -2.562150,53.993850
+                    -2.561768,53.994098
+                    -2.562150,53.994384
+                    -2.563662,53.994493
+                    -2.564169,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995681
+                    -2.565449,53.995910
+                    -2.565354,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997011
+                    -2.563662,53.996959
+                    -2.562150,53.996921
+                    -2.561152,53.996811
+                    -2.561833,53.995910
+                    -2.561703,53.995004
+                    -2.560638,53.994427
+                    -2.560068,53.994098
+                    -2.560003,53.993192
+                    -2.559929,53.992286
+                    -2.559858,53.991385
+                    -2.559708,53.990479
+                    -2.559125,53.990130
+                    -2.557613,53.990035
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+                    -2.554589,53.988242
+                    -2.553077,53.988199
+                    -2.552293,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989220
+                    -2.554185,53.989577
+                    -2.554589,53.989758
+                    -2.555222,53.990479
+                    -2.554871,53.991385
+                    -2.555085,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992558
+                    -2.553203,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993340
+                    -2.551960,53.994098
+                    -2.551564,53.994274
+                    -2.550052,53.994784
+                    -2.549759,53.995004
+                    -2.548540,53.995748
+                    -2.548110,53.995910
+                    -2.547028,53.996377
+                    -2.546340,53.995910
+                    -2.546838,53.995004
+                    -2.547028,53.994846
+                    -2.548540,53.994508
+                    -2.549342,53.994098
+                    -2.550052,53.993888
+                    -2.551564,53.993306
+                    -2.551875,53.993192
+                    -2.552858,53.992286
+                    -2.551564,53.991461
+                    -2.550052,53.991771
+                    -2.548700,53.991385
+                    -2.548540,53.990588
+                    -2.547028,53.990788
+                    -2.545516,53.991370
+                    -2.544003,53.991284
+                    -2.542728,53.991385
+                    -2.544003,53.991885
+                    -2.544125,53.992286
+                    -2.544003,53.992801
+                    -2.542491,53.992305
+                    -2.540979,53.992596
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+                    -2.539467,53.994756
+                    -2.539711,53.995004
+                    -2.539467,53.995075
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+                    -2.512247,54.009271
+                    -2.511288,54.008574
+                    -2.512247,54.008036
+                    -2.513760,54.008217
+                    -2.515272,54.008346
+                    -2.516784,54.007769
+                    -2.516949,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007568
+                    -2.515805,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006457
+                    -2.518296,54.006405
+                    -2.519572,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.004989
+                    -2.517935,54.004951
+                    -2.518296,54.004869
+                    -2.519808,54.004879
+                    -2.521321,54.004912
+                    -2.522253,54.004951
+                    -2.522833,54.004989
+                    -2.522887,54.004951
+                    -2.524040,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003572
+                    -2.524738,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002771
+                    -2.523275,54.003143
+                    -2.522833,54.003220
+                    -2.522650,54.003143
+                    -2.521321,54.002352
+                    -2.519808,54.002280
+                    -2.518791,54.002242
+                    -2.519218,54.001336
+                    -2.518918,54.000430
+                    -2.518296,54.000368
+                    -2.516784,54.000163
+                    -2.516657,54.000430
+                    -2.515272,54.000802
+                    -2.513760,54.000926
+                    -2.512247,54.000912
+                    -2.512030,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,54.000287
+                    -2.513760,54.000168
+                    -2.515272,54.000053
+                    -2.516576,53.999524
+                    -2.515285,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998613
+                    -2.513828,53.997717
+                    -2.514124,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996596
+                    -2.512902,53.996811
+                    -2.512247,53.997011
+                    -2.512120,53.996811
+                    -2.511971,53.995910
+                    -2.511738,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994498
+                    -2.509546,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995390
+                    -2.507711,53.995275
+                    -2.506199,53.995147
+                    -2.506126,53.995004
+                    -2.505155,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993783
+                    -2.503481,53.993192
+                    -2.504174,53.992286
+                    -2.503622,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991051
+                    -2.505764,53.990479
+                    -2.505083,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.988824
+                    -2.507711,53.988757
+                    -2.507885,53.988667
+                    -2.507711,53.988361
+                    -2.506199,53.988190
+                    -2.505894,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987536
+                    -2.506753,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986440
+                    -2.508609,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985476
+                    -2.506199,53.985062
+                    -2.505932,53.985052
+                    -2.506199,53.985019
+                    -2.507264,53.984141
+                    -2.507711,53.983374
+                    -2.507769,53.983240
+                    -2.507780,53.982334
+                    -2.508230,53.981433
+                    -2.509016,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979673
+                    -2.506199,53.980322
+                    -2.505308,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.980742
+                    -2.504331,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.979926
+                    -2.502673,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979306
+                    -2.504686,53.979020
+                    -2.505264,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978472
+                    -2.507711,53.978190
+                    -2.508457,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977351
+                    -2.509861,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976340
+                    -2.508877,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975668
+                    -2.509983,53.975101
+                    -2.509767,53.974195
+                    -2.510735,53.973560
+                    -2.511175,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972631
+                    -2.513632,53.972383
+                    -2.513760,53.972216
+                    -2.515272,53.971620
+                    -2.515510,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971353
+                    -2.513760,53.971381
+                    -2.512247,53.971324
+                    -2.510735,53.971367
+                    -2.509591,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532192,53.972383
+                    -2.532069,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973694
+                    -2.531035,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974719
+                    -2.532435,53.975101
+                    -2.532632,53.976002
+                    -2.532325,53.976908
+                    -2.532430,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978400
+                    -2.534087,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979220
+                    -2.535770,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.980021
+                    -2.537899,53.980527
+                    -2.537955,53.980560
+                    -2.538012,53.980527
+                    -2.539467,53.980212
+                    -2.540271,53.980527
+                    -2.540317,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.982067
+                    -2.541379,53.982334
+                    -2.541536,53.983240
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+                    -2.544003,53.984408
+                    -2.545516,53.984790
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+                    -2.559507,53.985953
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+                    -2.562150,53.986430
+                    -2.562692,53.986859
+                    -2.563584,53.987765
+                    -2.563662,53.987927
+                    -2.563725,53.988667
+                    -2.563742,53.989577
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+                    -2.565174,53.991809
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+                    -2.563662,53.993797
+                    -2.562150,53.993850
+                    -2.561768,53.994098
+                    -2.562150,53.994384
+                    -2.563662,53.994493
+                    -2.564169,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995681
+                    -2.565449,53.995910
+                    -2.565354,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997011
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+                    -2.562150,53.996921
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+                    -2.561833,53.995910
+                    -2.561703,53.995004
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+                    -2.553077,53.989220
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+                    -2.555085,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992558
+                    -2.553203,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993340
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+                    -2.518296,54.021688
+                    -2.517175,54.021239
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+                    -2.514747,54.020333
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013624
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+                    -2.512307,54.013095
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+                    -2.515272,54.011073
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+                    -2.513760,54.009128
+                    -2.512247,54.009271
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+                    -2.512247,54.008036
+                    -2.513760,54.008217
+                    -2.515272,54.008346
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+                    -2.516949,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007568
+                    -2.515805,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006457
+                    -2.518296,54.006405
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+                    -2.518296,54.004989
+                    -2.517935,54.004951
+                    -2.518296,54.004869
+                    -2.519808,54.004879
+                    -2.521321,54.004912
+                    -2.522253,54.004951
+                    -2.522833,54.004989
+                    -2.522887,54.004951
+                    -2.524040,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003572
+                    -2.524738,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002771
+                    -2.523275,54.003143
+                    -2.522833,54.003220
+                    -2.522650,54.003143
+                    -2.521321,54.002352
+                    -2.519808,54.002280
+                    -2.518791,54.002242
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+                    -2.518918,54.000430
+                    -2.518296,54.000368
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+                    -2.516657,54.000430
+                    -2.515272,54.000802
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+                    -2.512247,54.000912
+                    -2.512030,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,54.000287
+                    -2.513760,54.000168
+                    -2.515272,54.000053
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+                    -2.515285,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998613
+                    -2.513828,53.997717
+                    -2.514124,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996596
+                    -2.512902,53.996811
+                    -2.512247,53.997011
+                    -2.512120,53.996811
+                    -2.511971,53.995910
+                    -2.511738,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994498
+                    -2.509546,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995390
+                    -2.507711,53.995275
+                    -2.506199,53.995147
+                    -2.506126,53.995004
+                    -2.505155,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993783
+                    -2.503481,53.993192
+                    -2.504174,53.992286
+                    -2.503622,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991051
+                    -2.505764,53.990479
+                    -2.505083,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.988824
+                    -2.507711,53.988757
+                    -2.507885,53.988667
+                    -2.507711,53.988361
+                    -2.506199,53.988190
+                    -2.505894,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987536
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+                    -2.507711,53.986440
+                    -2.508609,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985476
+                    -2.506199,53.985062
+                    -2.505932,53.985052
+                    -2.506199,53.985019
+                    -2.507264,53.984141
+                    -2.507711,53.983374
+                    -2.507769,53.983240
+                    -2.507780,53.982334
+                    -2.508230,53.981433
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+                    -2.507711,53.979673
+                    -2.506199,53.980322
+                    -2.505308,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.980742
+                    -2.504331,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.979926
+                    -2.502673,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979306
+                    -2.504686,53.979020
+                    -2.505264,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978472
+                    -2.507711,53.978190
+                    -2.508457,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977351
+                    -2.509861,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976340
+                    -2.508877,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975668
+                    -2.509983,53.975101
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+                    -2.511175,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972631
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+                    -2.513760,53.972216
+                    -2.515272,53.971620
+                    -2.515510,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971353
+                    -2.513760,53.971381
+                    -2.512247,53.971324
+                    -2.510735,53.971367
+                    -2.509591,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
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+                    -2.534930,53.979220
+                    -2.535770,53.979621
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+                    -2.537899,53.980527
+                    -2.537955,53.980560
+                    -2.538012,53.980527
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+                    -2.540271,53.980527
+                    -2.540317,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.982067
+                    -2.541379,53.982334
+                    -2.541536,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983812
+                    -2.543557,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984408
+                    -2.545516,53.984790
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+                    -2.551034,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987174
+                    -2.552094,53.986859
+                    -2.552256,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985777
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+                    -2.556894,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986387
+                    -2.558437,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985496
+                    -2.559507,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986583
+                    -2.562150,53.986430
+                    -2.562692,53.986859
+                    -2.563584,53.987765
+                    -2.563662,53.987927
+                    -2.563725,53.988667
+                    -2.563742,53.989577
+                    -2.564202,53.990479
+                    -2.565174,53.990932
+                    -2.565529,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991809
+                    -2.564443,53.992286
+                    -2.563981,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.993797
+                    -2.562150,53.993850
+                    -2.561768,53.994098
+                    -2.562150,53.994384
+                    -2.563662,53.994493
+                    -2.564169,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995681
+                    -2.565449,53.995910
+                    -2.565354,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997011
+                    -2.563662,53.996959
+                    -2.562150,53.996921
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+                    -2.561833,53.995910
+                    -2.561703,53.995004
+                    -2.560638,53.994427
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+                    -2.560003,53.993192
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+                    -2.559125,53.990130
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+                    -2.553077,53.988199
+                    -2.552293,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989220
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+                    -2.554589,53.989758
+                    -2.555222,53.990479
+                    -2.554871,53.991385
+                    -2.555085,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992558
+                    -2.553203,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993340
+                    -2.551960,53.994098
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+                    -2.550052,53.994784
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+                    -2.551564,53.991461
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
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+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013624
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+                    -2.513760,54.009128
+                    -2.512247,54.009271
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+                    -2.512247,54.008036
+                    -2.513760,54.008217
+                    -2.515272,54.008346
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+                    -2.516949,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007568
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+                    -2.516784,54.006457
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+                    -2.518296,54.004989
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+                    -2.518296,54.004869
+                    -2.519808,54.004879
+                    -2.521321,54.004912
+                    -2.522253,54.004951
+                    -2.522833,54.004989
+                    -2.522887,54.004951
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+                    -2.524345,54.003572
+                    -2.524738,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002771
+                    -2.523275,54.003143
+                    -2.522833,54.003220
+                    -2.522650,54.003143
+                    -2.521321,54.002352
+                    -2.519808,54.002280
+                    -2.518791,54.002242
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+                    -2.518296,54.000368
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+                    -2.515272,54.000802
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+                    -2.512247,54.000912
+                    -2.512030,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,54.000287
+                    -2.513760,54.000168
+                    -2.515272,54.000053
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+                    -2.515272,53.998613
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+                    -2.513760,53.996596
+                    -2.512902,53.996811
+                    -2.512247,53.997011
+                    -2.512120,53.996811
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+                    -2.509546,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995390
+                    -2.507711,53.995275
+                    -2.506199,53.995147
+                    -2.506126,53.995004
+                    -2.505155,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993783
+                    -2.503481,53.993192
+                    -2.504174,53.992286
+                    -2.503622,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991051
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+                    -2.505083,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.988824
+                    -2.507711,53.988757
+                    -2.507885,53.988667
+                    -2.507711,53.988361
+                    -2.506199,53.988190
+                    -2.505894,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987536
+                    -2.506753,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986440
+                    -2.508609,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985476
+                    -2.506199,53.985062
+                    -2.505932,53.985052
+                    -2.506199,53.985019
+                    -2.507264,53.984141
+                    -2.507711,53.983374
+                    -2.507769,53.983240
+                    -2.507780,53.982334
+                    -2.508230,53.981433
+                    -2.509016,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979673
+                    -2.506199,53.980322
+                    -2.505308,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.980742
+                    -2.504331,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.979926
+                    -2.502673,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979306
+                    -2.504686,53.979020
+                    -2.505264,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978472
+                    -2.507711,53.978190
+                    -2.508457,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977351
+                    -2.509861,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976340
+                    -2.508877,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975668
+                    -2.509983,53.975101
+                    -2.509767,53.974195
+                    -2.510735,53.973560
+                    -2.511175,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972631
+                    -2.513632,53.972383
+                    -2.513760,53.972216
+                    -2.515272,53.971620
+                    -2.515510,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971353
+                    -2.513760,53.971381
+                    -2.512247,53.971324
+                    -2.510735,53.971367
+                    -2.509591,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532192,53.972383
+                    -2.532069,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973694
+                    -2.531035,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974719
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+                    -2.532632,53.976002
+                    -2.532325,53.976908
+                    -2.532430,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978400
+                    -2.534087,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979220
+                    -2.535770,53.979621
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+                    -2.538012,53.980527
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+                    -2.540271,53.980527
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+                    -2.540979,53.982067
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+                    -2.541536,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983812
+                    -2.543557,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984408
+                    -2.545516,53.984790
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+                    -2.548005,53.985052
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+                    -2.550052,53.985410
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+                    -2.552094,53.986859
+                    -2.552256,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985777
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+                    -2.556101,53.985610
+                    -2.556894,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986387
+                    -2.558437,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985496
+                    -2.559507,53.985953
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+                    -2.562150,53.986430
+                    -2.562692,53.986859
+                    -2.563584,53.987765
+                    -2.563662,53.987927
+                    -2.563725,53.988667
+                    -2.563742,53.989577
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+                    -2.565174,53.991809
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+                    -2.563662,53.993797
+                    -2.562150,53.993850
+                    -2.561768,53.994098
+                    -2.562150,53.994384
+                    -2.563662,53.994493
+                    -2.564169,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995681
+                    -2.565449,53.995910
+                    -2.565354,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997011
+                    -2.563662,53.996959
+                    -2.562150,53.996921
+                    -2.561152,53.996811
+                    -2.561833,53.995910
+                    -2.561703,53.995004
+                    -2.560638,53.994427
+                    -2.560068,53.994098
+                    -2.560003,53.993192
+                    -2.559929,53.992286
+                    -2.559858,53.991385
+                    -2.559708,53.990479
+                    -2.559125,53.990130
+                    -2.557613,53.990035
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+                    -2.554589,53.988242
+                    -2.553077,53.988199
+                    -2.552293,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989220
+                    -2.554185,53.989577
+                    -2.554589,53.989758
+                    -2.555222,53.990479
+                    -2.554871,53.991385
+                    -2.555085,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992558
+                    -2.553203,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993340
+                    -2.551960,53.994098
+                    -2.551564,53.994274
+                    -2.550052,53.994784
+                    -2.549759,53.995004
+                    -2.548540,53.995748
+                    -2.548110,53.995910
+                    -2.547028,53.996377
+                    -2.546340,53.995910
+                    -2.546838,53.995004
+                    -2.547028,53.994846
+                    -2.548540,53.994508
+                    -2.549342,53.994098
+                    -2.550052,53.993888
+                    -2.551564,53.993306
+                    -2.551875,53.993192
+                    -2.552858,53.992286
+                    -2.551564,53.991461
+                    -2.550052,53.991771
+                    -2.548700,53.991385
+                    -2.548540,53.990588
+                    -2.547028,53.990788
+                    -2.545516,53.991370
+                    -2.544003,53.991284
+                    -2.542728,53.991385
+                    -2.544003,53.991885
+                    -2.544125,53.992286
+                    -2.544003,53.992801
+                    -2.542491,53.992305
+                    -2.540979,53.992596
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+                    -2.539467,53.994756
+                    -2.539711,53.995004
+                    -2.539467,53.995075
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+                    -2.512247,54.009271
+                    -2.511288,54.008574
+                    -2.512247,54.008036
+                    -2.513760,54.008217
+                    -2.515272,54.008346
+                    -2.516784,54.007769
+                    -2.516949,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007568
+                    -2.515805,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006457
+                    -2.518296,54.006405
+                    -2.519572,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.004989
+                    -2.517935,54.004951
+                    -2.518296,54.004869
+                    -2.519808,54.004879
+                    -2.521321,54.004912
+                    -2.522253,54.004951
+                    -2.522833,54.004989
+                    -2.522887,54.004951
+                    -2.524040,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003572
+                    -2.524738,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002771
+                    -2.523275,54.003143
+                    -2.522833,54.003220
+                    -2.522650,54.003143
+                    -2.521321,54.002352
+                    -2.519808,54.002280
+                    -2.518791,54.002242
+                    -2.519218,54.001336
+                    -2.518918,54.000430
+                    -2.518296,54.000368
+                    -2.516784,54.000163
+                    -2.516657,54.000430
+                    -2.515272,54.000802
+                    -2.513760,54.000926
+                    -2.512247,54.000912
+                    -2.512030,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,54.000287
+                    -2.513760,54.000168
+                    -2.515272,54.000053
+                    -2.516576,53.999524
+                    -2.515285,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998613
+                    -2.513828,53.997717
+                    -2.514124,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996596
+                    -2.512902,53.996811
+                    -2.512247,53.997011
+                    -2.512120,53.996811
+                    -2.511971,53.995910
+                    -2.511738,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994498
+                    -2.509546,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995390
+                    -2.507711,53.995275
+                    -2.506199,53.995147
+                    -2.506126,53.995004
+                    -2.505155,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993783
+                    -2.503481,53.993192
+                    -2.504174,53.992286
+                    -2.503622,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991051
+                    -2.505764,53.990479
+                    -2.505083,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.988824
+                    -2.507711,53.988757
+                    -2.507885,53.988667
+                    -2.507711,53.988361
+                    -2.506199,53.988190
+                    -2.505894,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987536
+                    -2.506753,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986440
+                    -2.508609,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985476
+                    -2.506199,53.985062
+                    -2.505932,53.985052
+                    -2.506199,53.985019
+                    -2.507264,53.984141
+                    -2.507711,53.983374
+                    -2.507769,53.983240
+                    -2.507780,53.982334
+                    -2.508230,53.981433
+                    -2.509016,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979673
+                    -2.506199,53.980322
+                    -2.505308,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.980742
+                    -2.504331,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.979926
+                    -2.502673,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979306
+                    -2.504686,53.979020
+                    -2.505264,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978472
+                    -2.507711,53.978190
+                    -2.508457,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977351
+                    -2.509861,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976340
+                    -2.508877,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975668
+                    -2.509983,53.975101
+                    -2.509767,53.974195
+                    -2.510735,53.973560
+                    -2.511175,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972631
+                    -2.513632,53.972383
+                    -2.513760,53.972216
+                    -2.515272,53.971620
+                    -2.515510,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971353
+                    -2.513760,53.971381
+                    -2.512247,53.971324
+                    -2.510735,53.971367
+                    -2.509591,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532192,53.972383
+                    -2.532069,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973694
+                    -2.531035,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974719
+                    -2.532435,53.975101
+                    -2.532632,53.976002
+                    -2.532325,53.976908
+                    -2.532430,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978400
+                    -2.534087,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979220
+                    -2.535770,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.980021
+                    -2.537899,53.980527
+                    -2.537955,53.980560
+                    -2.538012,53.980527
+                    -2.539467,53.980212
+                    -2.540271,53.980527
+                    -2.540317,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.982067
+                    -2.541379,53.982334
+                    -2.541536,53.983240
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+                    -2.544003,53.984408
+                    -2.545516,53.984790
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+                    -2.559507,53.985953
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+                    -2.562150,53.986430
+                    -2.562692,53.986859
+                    -2.563584,53.987765
+                    -2.563662,53.987927
+                    -2.563725,53.988667
+                    -2.563742,53.989577
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+                    -2.565174,53.991809
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+                    -2.563662,53.993797
+                    -2.562150,53.993850
+                    -2.561768,53.994098
+                    -2.562150,53.994384
+                    -2.563662,53.994493
+                    -2.564169,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995681
+                    -2.565449,53.995910
+                    -2.565354,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997011
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+                    -2.562150,53.996921
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+                    -2.561833,53.995910
+                    -2.561703,53.995004
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+                    -2.553077,53.989220
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+                    -2.555085,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992558
+                    -2.553203,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993340
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+                    -2.518296,54.021688
+                    -2.517175,54.021239
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+                    -2.514747,54.020333
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013624
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+                    -2.512307,54.013095
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+                    -2.515272,54.011073
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+                    -2.513760,54.009128
+                    -2.512247,54.009271
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+                    -2.512247,54.008036
+                    -2.513760,54.008217
+                    -2.515272,54.008346
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+                    -2.516949,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007568
+                    -2.515805,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006457
+                    -2.518296,54.006405
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+                    -2.518296,54.004989
+                    -2.517935,54.004951
+                    -2.518296,54.004869
+                    -2.519808,54.004879
+                    -2.521321,54.004912
+                    -2.522253,54.004951
+                    -2.522833,54.004989
+                    -2.522887,54.004951
+                    -2.524040,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003572
+                    -2.524738,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002771
+                    -2.523275,54.003143
+                    -2.522833,54.003220
+                    -2.522650,54.003143
+                    -2.521321,54.002352
+                    -2.519808,54.002280
+                    -2.518791,54.002242
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+                    -2.518918,54.000430
+                    -2.518296,54.000368
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+                    -2.516657,54.000430
+                    -2.515272,54.000802
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+                    -2.512247,54.000912
+                    -2.512030,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,54.000287
+                    -2.513760,54.000168
+                    -2.515272,54.000053
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+                    -2.515285,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998613
+                    -2.513828,53.997717
+                    -2.514124,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996596
+                    -2.512902,53.996811
+                    -2.512247,53.997011
+                    -2.512120,53.996811
+                    -2.511971,53.995910
+                    -2.511738,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994498
+                    -2.509546,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995390
+                    -2.507711,53.995275
+                    -2.506199,53.995147
+                    -2.506126,53.995004
+                    -2.505155,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993783
+                    -2.503481,53.993192
+                    -2.504174,53.992286
+                    -2.503622,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991051
+                    -2.505764,53.990479
+                    -2.505083,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.988824
+                    -2.507711,53.988757
+                    -2.507885,53.988667
+                    -2.507711,53.988361
+                    -2.506199,53.988190
+                    -2.505894,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987536
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+                    -2.507711,53.986440
+                    -2.508609,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985476
+                    -2.506199,53.985062
+                    -2.505932,53.985052
+                    -2.506199,53.985019
+                    -2.507264,53.984141
+                    -2.507711,53.983374
+                    -2.507769,53.983240
+                    -2.507780,53.982334
+                    -2.508230,53.981433
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+                    -2.507711,53.979673
+                    -2.506199,53.980322
+                    -2.505308,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.980742
+                    -2.504331,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.979926
+                    -2.502673,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979306
+                    -2.504686,53.979020
+                    -2.505264,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978472
+                    -2.507711,53.978190
+                    -2.508457,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977351
+                    -2.509861,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976340
+                    -2.508877,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975668
+                    -2.509983,53.975101
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+                    -2.511175,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972631
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+                    -2.513760,53.972216
+                    -2.515272,53.971620
+                    -2.515510,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971353
+                    -2.513760,53.971381
+                    -2.512247,53.971324
+                    -2.510735,53.971367
+                    -2.509591,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
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+                    -2.534930,53.979220
+                    -2.535770,53.979621
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+                    -2.537899,53.980527
+                    -2.537955,53.980560
+                    -2.538012,53.980527
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+                    -2.540271,53.980527
+                    -2.540317,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.982067
+                    -2.541379,53.982334
+                    -2.541536,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983812
+                    -2.543557,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984408
+                    -2.545516,53.984790
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+                    -2.551034,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987174
+                    -2.552094,53.986859
+                    -2.552256,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985777
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+                    -2.556894,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986387
+                    -2.558437,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985496
+                    -2.559507,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986583
+                    -2.562150,53.986430
+                    -2.562692,53.986859
+                    -2.563584,53.987765
+                    -2.563662,53.987927
+                    -2.563725,53.988667
+                    -2.563742,53.989577
+                    -2.564202,53.990479
+                    -2.565174,53.990932
+                    -2.565529,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991809
+                    -2.564443,53.992286
+                    -2.563981,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.993797
+                    -2.562150,53.993850
+                    -2.561768,53.994098
+                    -2.562150,53.994384
+                    -2.563662,53.994493
+                    -2.564169,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995681
+                    -2.565449,53.995910
+                    -2.565354,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997011
+                    -2.563662,53.996959
+                    -2.562150,53.996921
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+                    -2.561833,53.995910
+                    -2.561703,53.995004
+                    -2.560638,53.994427
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+                    -2.560003,53.993192
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+                    -2.559125,53.990130
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+                    -2.553077,53.988199
+                    -2.552293,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989220
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+                    -2.554589,53.989758
+                    -2.555222,53.990479
+                    -2.554871,53.991385
+                    -2.555085,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992558
+                    -2.553203,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993340
+                    -2.551960,53.994098
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+                    -2.550052,53.994784
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+                    -2.551564,53.991461
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
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+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013624
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+                    -2.513760,54.009128
+                    -2.512247,54.009271
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+                    -2.512247,54.008036
+                    -2.513760,54.008217
+                    -2.515272,54.008346
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+                    -2.516949,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007568
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+                    -2.516784,54.006457
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+                    -2.518296,54.004989
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+                    -2.518296,54.004869
+                    -2.519808,54.004879
+                    -2.521321,54.004912
+                    -2.522253,54.004951
+                    -2.522833,54.004989
+                    -2.522887,54.004951
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+                    -2.524345,54.003572
+                    -2.524738,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002771
+                    -2.523275,54.003143
+                    -2.522833,54.003220
+                    -2.522650,54.003143
+                    -2.521321,54.002352
+                    -2.519808,54.002280
+                    -2.518791,54.002242
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+                    -2.518296,54.000368
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+                    -2.515272,54.000802
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+                    -2.512247,54.000912
+                    -2.512030,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,54.000287
+                    -2.513760,54.000168
+                    -2.515272,54.000053
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+                    -2.515272,53.998613
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+                    -2.513760,53.996596
+                    -2.512902,53.996811
+                    -2.512247,53.997011
+                    -2.512120,53.996811
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+                    -2.509546,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995390
+                    -2.507711,53.995275
+                    -2.506199,53.995147
+                    -2.506126,53.995004
+                    -2.505155,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993783
+                    -2.503481,53.993192
+                    -2.504174,53.992286
+                    -2.503622,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991051
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+                    -2.505083,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.988824
+                    -2.507711,53.988757
+                    -2.507885,53.988667
+                    -2.507711,53.988361
+                    -2.506199,53.988190
+                    -2.505894,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987536
+                    -2.506753,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986440
+                    -2.508609,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985476
+                    -2.506199,53.985062
+                    -2.505932,53.985052
+                    -2.506199,53.985019
+                    -2.507264,53.984141
+                    -2.507711,53.983374
+                    -2.507769,53.983240
+                    -2.507780,53.982334
+                    -2.508230,53.981433
+                    -2.509016,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979673
+                    -2.506199,53.980322
+                    -2.505308,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.980742
+                    -2.504331,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.979926
+                    -2.502673,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979306
+                    -2.504686,53.979020
+                    -2.505264,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978472
+                    -2.507711,53.978190
+                    -2.508457,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977351
+                    -2.509861,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976340
+                    -2.508877,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975668
+                    -2.509983,53.975101
+                    -2.509767,53.974195
+                    -2.510735,53.973560
+                    -2.511175,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972631
+                    -2.513632,53.972383
+                    -2.513760,53.972216
+                    -2.515272,53.971620
+                    -2.515510,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971353
+                    -2.513760,53.971381
+                    -2.512247,53.971324
+                    -2.510735,53.971367
+                    -2.509591,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532192,53.972383
+                    -2.532069,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973694
+                    -2.531035,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974719
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+                    -2.532632,53.976002
+                    -2.532325,53.976908
+                    -2.532430,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978400
+                    -2.534087,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979220
+                    -2.535770,53.979621
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+                    -2.538012,53.980527
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+                    -2.540271,53.980527
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+                    -2.540979,53.982067
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+                    -2.541536,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983812
+                    -2.543557,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984408
+                    -2.545516,53.984790
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+                    -2.548005,53.985052
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+                    -2.550052,53.985410
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+                    -2.552094,53.986859
+                    -2.552256,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985777
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+                    -2.556101,53.985610
+                    -2.556894,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986387
+                    -2.558437,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985496
+                    -2.559507,53.985953
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+                    -2.562150,53.986430
+                    -2.562692,53.986859
+                    -2.563584,53.987765
+                    -2.563662,53.987927
+                    -2.563725,53.988667
+                    -2.563742,53.989577
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+                    -2.565174,53.991809
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+                    -2.563662,53.993797
+                    -2.562150,53.993850
+                    -2.561768,53.994098
+                    -2.562150,53.994384
+                    -2.563662,53.994493
+                    -2.564169,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995681
+                    -2.565449,53.995910
+                    -2.565354,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997011
+                    -2.563662,53.996959
+                    -2.562150,53.996921
+                    -2.561152,53.996811
+                    -2.561833,53.995910
+                    -2.561703,53.995004
+                    -2.560638,53.994427
+                    -2.560068,53.994098
+                    -2.560003,53.993192
+                    -2.559929,53.992286
+                    -2.559858,53.991385
+                    -2.559708,53.990479
+                    -2.559125,53.990130
+                    -2.557613,53.990035
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+                    -2.554589,53.988242
+                    -2.553077,53.988199
+                    -2.552293,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989220
+                    -2.554185,53.989577
+                    -2.554589,53.989758
+                    -2.555222,53.990479
+                    -2.554871,53.991385
+                    -2.555085,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992558
+                    -2.553203,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993340
+                    -2.551960,53.994098
+                    -2.551564,53.994274
+                    -2.550052,53.994784
+                    -2.549759,53.995004
+                    -2.548540,53.995748
+                    -2.548110,53.995910
+                    -2.547028,53.996377
+                    -2.546340,53.995910
+                    -2.546838,53.995004
+                    -2.547028,53.994846
+                    -2.548540,53.994508
+                    -2.549342,53.994098
+                    -2.550052,53.993888
+                    -2.551564,53.993306
+                    -2.551875,53.993192
+                    -2.552858,53.992286
+                    -2.551564,53.991461
+                    -2.550052,53.991771
+                    -2.548700,53.991385
+                    -2.548540,53.990588
+                    -2.547028,53.990788
+                    -2.545516,53.991370
+                    -2.544003,53.991284
+                    -2.542728,53.991385
+                    -2.544003,53.991885
+                    -2.544125,53.992286
+                    -2.544003,53.992801
+                    -2.542491,53.992305
+                    -2.540979,53.992596
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+                    -2.539467,53.994756
+                    -2.539711,53.995004
+                    -2.539467,53.995075
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+                    -2.512247,54.009271
+                    -2.511288,54.008574
+                    -2.512247,54.008036
+                    -2.513760,54.008217
+                    -2.515272,54.008346
+                    -2.516784,54.007769
+                    -2.516949,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007568
+                    -2.515805,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006457
+                    -2.518296,54.006405
+                    -2.519572,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.004989
+                    -2.517935,54.004951
+                    -2.518296,54.004869
+                    -2.519808,54.004879
+                    -2.521321,54.004912
+                    -2.522253,54.004951
+                    -2.522833,54.004989
+                    -2.522887,54.004951
+                    -2.524040,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003572
+                    -2.524738,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002771
+                    -2.523275,54.003143
+                    -2.522833,54.003220
+                    -2.522650,54.003143
+                    -2.521321,54.002352
+                    -2.519808,54.002280
+                    -2.518791,54.002242
+                    -2.519218,54.001336
+                    -2.518918,54.000430
+                    -2.518296,54.000368
+                    -2.516784,54.000163
+                    -2.516657,54.000430
+                    -2.515272,54.000802
+                    -2.513760,54.000926
+                    -2.512247,54.000912
+                    -2.512030,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,54.000287
+                    -2.513760,54.000168
+                    -2.515272,54.000053
+                    -2.516576,53.999524
+                    -2.515285,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998613
+                    -2.513828,53.997717
+                    -2.514124,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996596
+                    -2.512902,53.996811
+                    -2.512247,53.997011
+                    -2.512120,53.996811
+                    -2.511971,53.995910
+                    -2.511738,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994498
+                    -2.509546,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995390
+                    -2.507711,53.995275
+                    -2.506199,53.995147
+                    -2.506126,53.995004
+                    -2.505155,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993783
+                    -2.503481,53.993192
+                    -2.504174,53.992286
+                    -2.503622,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991051
+                    -2.505764,53.990479
+                    -2.505083,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.988824
+                    -2.507711,53.988757
+                    -2.507885,53.988667
+                    -2.507711,53.988361
+                    -2.506199,53.988190
+                    -2.505894,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987536
+                    -2.506753,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986440
+                    -2.508609,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985476
+                    -2.506199,53.985062
+                    -2.505932,53.985052
+                    -2.506199,53.985019
+                    -2.507264,53.984141
+                    -2.507711,53.983374
+                    -2.507769,53.983240
+                    -2.507780,53.982334
+                    -2.508230,53.981433
+                    -2.509016,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979673
+                    -2.506199,53.980322
+                    -2.505308,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.980742
+                    -2.504331,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.979926
+                    -2.502673,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979306
+                    -2.504686,53.979020
+                    -2.505264,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978472
+                    -2.507711,53.978190
+                    -2.508457,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977351
+                    -2.509861,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976340
+                    -2.508877,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975668
+                    -2.509983,53.975101
+                    -2.509767,53.974195
+                    -2.510735,53.973560
+                    -2.511175,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972631
+                    -2.513632,53.972383
+                    -2.513760,53.972216
+                    -2.515272,53.971620
+                    -2.515510,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971353
+                    -2.513760,53.971381
+                    -2.512247,53.971324
+                    -2.510735,53.971367
+                    -2.509591,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532192,53.972383
+                    -2.532069,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973694
+                    -2.531035,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974719
+                    -2.532435,53.975101
+                    -2.532632,53.976002
+                    -2.532325,53.976908
+                    -2.532430,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978400
+                    -2.534087,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979220
+                    -2.535770,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.980021
+                    -2.537899,53.980527
+                    -2.537955,53.980560
+                    -2.538012,53.980527
+                    -2.539467,53.980212
+                    -2.540271,53.980527
+                    -2.540317,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.982067
+                    -2.541379,53.982334
+                    -2.541536,53.983240
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+                    -2.544003,53.984408
+                    -2.545516,53.984790
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+                    -2.559507,53.985953
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+                    -2.562150,53.986430
+                    -2.562692,53.986859
+                    -2.563584,53.987765
+                    -2.563662,53.987927
+                    -2.563725,53.988667
+                    -2.563742,53.989577
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+                    -2.565174,53.991809
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+                    -2.563662,53.993797
+                    -2.562150,53.993850
+                    -2.561768,53.994098
+                    -2.562150,53.994384
+                    -2.563662,53.994493
+                    -2.564169,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995681
+                    -2.565449,53.995910
+                    -2.565354,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997011
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+                    -2.562150,53.996921
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+                    -2.561833,53.995910
+                    -2.561703,53.995004
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+                    -2.553077,53.989220
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+                    -2.555085,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992558
+                    -2.553203,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993340
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+                    -2.518296,54.021688
+                    -2.517175,54.021239
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+                    -2.514747,54.020333
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013624
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+                    -2.512307,54.013095
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+                    -2.515272,54.011073
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+                    -2.513760,54.009128
+                    -2.512247,54.009271
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+                    -2.512247,54.008036
+                    -2.513760,54.008217
+                    -2.515272,54.008346
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+                    -2.516949,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007568
+                    -2.515805,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006457
+                    -2.518296,54.006405
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+                    -2.518296,54.004989
+                    -2.517935,54.004951
+                    -2.518296,54.004869
+                    -2.519808,54.004879
+                    -2.521321,54.004912
+                    -2.522253,54.004951
+                    -2.522833,54.004989
+                    -2.522887,54.004951
+                    -2.524040,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003572
+                    -2.524738,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002771
+                    -2.523275,54.003143
+                    -2.522833,54.003220
+                    -2.522650,54.003143
+                    -2.521321,54.002352
+                    -2.519808,54.002280
+                    -2.518791,54.002242
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+                    -2.518918,54.000430
+                    -2.518296,54.000368
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+                    -2.516657,54.000430
+                    -2.515272,54.000802
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+                    -2.512247,54.000912
+                    -2.512030,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,54.000287
+                    -2.513760,54.000168
+                    -2.515272,54.000053
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+                    -2.515285,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998613
+                    -2.513828,53.997717
+                    -2.514124,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996596
+                    -2.512902,53.996811
+                    -2.512247,53.997011
+                    -2.512120,53.996811
+                    -2.511971,53.995910
+                    -2.511738,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994498
+                    -2.509546,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995390
+                    -2.507711,53.995275
+                    -2.506199,53.995147
+                    -2.506126,53.995004
+                    -2.505155,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993783
+                    -2.503481,53.993192
+                    -2.504174,53.992286
+                    -2.503622,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991051
+                    -2.505764,53.990479
+                    -2.505083,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.988824
+                    -2.507711,53.988757
+                    -2.507885,53.988667
+                    -2.507711,53.988361
+                    -2.506199,53.988190
+                    -2.505894,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987536
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+                    -2.507711,53.986440
+                    -2.508609,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985476
+                    -2.506199,53.985062
+                    -2.505932,53.985052
+                    -2.506199,53.985019
+                    -2.507264,53.984141
+                    -2.507711,53.983374
+                    -2.507769,53.983240
+                    -2.507780,53.982334
+                    -2.508230,53.981433
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+                    -2.507711,53.979673
+                    -2.506199,53.980322
+                    -2.505308,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.980742
+                    -2.504331,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.979926
+                    -2.502673,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979306
+                    -2.504686,53.979020
+                    -2.505264,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978472
+                    -2.507711,53.978190
+                    -2.508457,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977351
+                    -2.509861,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976340
+                    -2.508877,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975668
+                    -2.509983,53.975101
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+                    -2.511175,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972631
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+                    -2.513760,53.972216
+                    -2.515272,53.971620
+                    -2.515510,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971353
+                    -2.513760,53.971381
+                    -2.512247,53.971324
+                    -2.510735,53.971367
+                    -2.509591,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
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+                    -2.534930,53.979220
+                    -2.535770,53.979621
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+                    -2.537899,53.980527
+                    -2.537955,53.980560
+                    -2.538012,53.980527
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+                    -2.540271,53.980527
+                    -2.540317,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.982067
+                    -2.541379,53.982334
+                    -2.541536,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983812
+                    -2.543557,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984408
+                    -2.545516,53.984790
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+                    -2.551034,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987174
+                    -2.552094,53.986859
+                    -2.552256,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985777
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+                    -2.556894,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986387
+                    -2.558437,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985496
+                    -2.559507,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986583
+                    -2.562150,53.986430
+                    -2.562692,53.986859
+                    -2.563584,53.987765
+                    -2.563662,53.987927
+                    -2.563725,53.988667
+                    -2.563742,53.989577
+                    -2.564202,53.990479
+                    -2.565174,53.990932
+                    -2.565529,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991809
+                    -2.564443,53.992286
+                    -2.563981,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.993797
+                    -2.562150,53.993850
+                    -2.561768,53.994098
+                    -2.562150,53.994384
+                    -2.563662,53.994493
+                    -2.564169,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995681
+                    -2.565449,53.995910
+                    -2.565354,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997011
+                    -2.563662,53.996959
+                    -2.562150,53.996921
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+                    -2.561833,53.995910
+                    -2.561703,53.995004
+                    -2.560638,53.994427
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+                    -2.560003,53.993192
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+                    -2.559125,53.990130
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+                    -2.553077,53.988199
+                    -2.552293,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989220
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+                    -2.554589,53.989758
+                    -2.555222,53.990479
+                    -2.554871,53.991385
+                    -2.555085,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992558
+                    -2.553203,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993340
+                    -2.551960,53.994098
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+                    -2.550052,53.994784
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+                    -2.551564,53.991461
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
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+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013624
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+                    -2.513760,54.009128
+                    -2.512247,54.009271
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+                    -2.512247,54.008036
+                    -2.513760,54.008217
+                    -2.515272,54.008346
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+                    -2.516949,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007568
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+                    -2.516784,54.006457
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+                    -2.518296,54.004989
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+                    -2.518296,54.004869
+                    -2.519808,54.004879
+                    -2.521321,54.004912
+                    -2.522253,54.004951
+                    -2.522833,54.004989
+                    -2.522887,54.004951
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+                    -2.524345,54.003572
+                    -2.524738,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002771
+                    -2.523275,54.003143
+                    -2.522833,54.003220
+                    -2.522650,54.003143
+                    -2.521321,54.002352
+                    -2.519808,54.002280
+                    -2.518791,54.002242
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+                    -2.518296,54.000368
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+                    -2.515272,54.000802
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+                    -2.512247,54.000912
+                    -2.512030,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,54.000287
+                    -2.513760,54.000168
+                    -2.515272,54.000053
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+                    -2.515272,53.998613
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+                    -2.513760,53.996596
+                    -2.512902,53.996811
+                    -2.512247,53.997011
+                    -2.512120,53.996811
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+                    -2.509546,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995390
+                    -2.507711,53.995275
+                    -2.506199,53.995147
+                    -2.506126,53.995004
+                    -2.505155,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993783
+                    -2.503481,53.993192
+                    -2.504174,53.992286
+                    -2.503622,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991051
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+                    -2.505083,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.988824
+                    -2.507711,53.988757
+                    -2.507885,53.988667
+                    -2.507711,53.988361
+                    -2.506199,53.988190
+                    -2.505894,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987536
+                    -2.506753,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986440
+                    -2.508609,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985476
+                    -2.506199,53.985062
+                    -2.505932,53.985052
+                    -2.506199,53.985019
+                    -2.507264,53.984141
+                    -2.507711,53.983374
+                    -2.507769,53.983240
+                    -2.507780,53.982334
+                    -2.508230,53.981433
+                    -2.509016,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979673
+                    -2.506199,53.980322
+                    -2.505308,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.980742
+                    -2.504331,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.979926
+                    -2.502673,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979306
+                    -2.504686,53.979020
+                    -2.505264,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978472
+                    -2.507711,53.978190
+                    -2.508457,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977351
+                    -2.509861,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976340
+                    -2.508877,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975668
+                    -2.509983,53.975101
+                    -2.509767,53.974195
+                    -2.510735,53.973560
+                    -2.511175,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972631
+                    -2.513632,53.972383
+                    -2.513760,53.972216
+                    -2.515272,53.971620
+                    -2.515510,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971353
+                    -2.513760,53.971381
+                    -2.512247,53.971324
+                    -2.510735,53.971367
+                    -2.509591,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532192,53.972383
+                    -2.532069,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973694
+                    -2.531035,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974719
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+                    -2.532632,53.976002
+                    -2.532325,53.976908
+                    -2.532430,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978400
+                    -2.534087,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979220
+                    -2.535770,53.979621
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+                    -2.538012,53.980527
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+                    -2.540271,53.980527
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+                    -2.540979,53.982067
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+                    -2.541536,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983812
+                    -2.543557,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984408
+                    -2.545516,53.984790
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+                    -2.548005,53.985052
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+                    -2.550052,53.985410
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+                    -2.552094,53.986859
+                    -2.552256,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985777
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+                    -2.556101,53.985610
+                    -2.556894,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986387
+                    -2.558437,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985496
+                    -2.559507,53.985953
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+                    -2.562150,53.986430
+                    -2.562692,53.986859
+                    -2.563584,53.987765
+                    -2.563662,53.987927
+                    -2.563725,53.988667
+                    -2.563742,53.989577
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+                    -2.565174,53.991809
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+                    -2.563662,53.993797
+                    -2.562150,53.993850
+                    -2.561768,53.994098
+                    -2.562150,53.994384
+                    -2.563662,53.994493
+                    -2.564169,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995681
+                    -2.565449,53.995910
+                    -2.565354,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997011
+                    -2.563662,53.996959
+                    -2.562150,53.996921
+                    -2.561152,53.996811
+                    -2.561833,53.995910
+                    -2.561703,53.995004
+                    -2.560638,53.994427
+                    -2.560068,53.994098
+                    -2.560003,53.993192
+                    -2.559929,53.992286
+                    -2.559858,53.991385
+                    -2.559708,53.990479
+                    -2.559125,53.990130
+                    -2.557613,53.990035
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+                    -2.554589,53.988242
+                    -2.553077,53.988199
+                    -2.552293,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989220
+                    -2.554185,53.989577
+                    -2.554589,53.989758
+                    -2.555222,53.990479
+                    -2.554871,53.991385
+                    -2.555085,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992558
+                    -2.553203,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993340
+                    -2.551960,53.994098
+                    -2.551564,53.994274
+                    -2.550052,53.994784
+                    -2.549759,53.995004
+                    -2.548540,53.995748
+                    -2.548110,53.995910
+                    -2.547028,53.996377
+                    -2.546340,53.995910
+                    -2.546838,53.995004
+                    -2.547028,53.994846
+                    -2.548540,53.994508
+                    -2.549342,53.994098
+                    -2.550052,53.993888
+                    -2.551564,53.993306
+                    -2.551875,53.993192
+                    -2.552858,53.992286
+                    -2.551564,53.991461
+                    -2.550052,53.991771
+                    -2.548700,53.991385
+                    -2.548540,53.990588
+                    -2.547028,53.990788
+                    -2.545516,53.991370
+                    -2.544003,53.991284
+                    -2.542728,53.991385
+                    -2.544003,53.991885
+                    -2.544125,53.992286
+                    -2.544003,53.992801
+                    -2.542491,53.992305
+                    -2.540979,53.992596
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+                    -2.539467,53.994756
+                    -2.539711,53.995004
+                    -2.539467,53.995075
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+                    -2.563834,53.989577
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+                    -2.565174,53.991938
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+                    -2.563662,53.994002
+                    -2.562754,53.994098
+                    -2.563662,53.994217
+                    -2.564441,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995500
+                    -2.565673,53.995910
+                    -2.565434,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997097
+                    -2.563662,53.997035
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+                    -2.560638,53.996758
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+                    -2.561408,53.995004
+                    -2.560638,53.994589
+                    -2.559794,53.994098
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+                    -2.559278,53.992286
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+                    -2.559476,53.990479
+                    -2.559125,53.990269
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+                    -2.554589,53.988357
+                    -2.553077,53.988309
+                    -2.552475,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989096
+                    -2.554589,53.989577
+                    -2.554591,53.989577
+                    -2.555382,53.990479
+                    -2.554967,53.991385
+                    -2.555212,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992629
+                    -2.553352,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993516
+                    -2.552220,53.994098
+                    -2.551564,53.994389
+                    -2.550220,53.995004
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+                    -2.539467,54.000430
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+                    -2.540979,54.003253
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+                    -2.534930,54.021468
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+                    -2.533418,54.021802
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+                    -2.534930,54.023347
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+                    -2.534930,54.024858
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+                    -2.512892,54.020333
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013219
+                    -2.511132,54.013095
+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010386
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
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+                    -2.509223,54.006763
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+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507804,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
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+                    -2.510735,54.006476
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+                    -2.512247,54.007430
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+                    -2.513760,54.006543
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+                    -2.513760,54.007621
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+                    -2.513760,54.007697
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+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
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+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
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+                    -2.511535,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994603
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+                    -2.509223,53.995676
+                    -2.507711,53.995881
+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.995004
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+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
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+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
+                    -2.503298,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.990951
+                    -2.505574,53.990479
+                    -2.504750,53.989577
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
+                    -2.503174,53.987865
+                    -2.502978,53.987765
+                    -2.502391,53.986859
+                    -2.501662,53.986278
+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507805,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979707
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977199
+                    -2.509642,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976536
+                    -2.508680,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975477
+                    -2.509727,53.975101
+                    -2.509420,53.974195
+                    -2.509223,53.973737
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532263,53.972383
+                    -2.532110,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973799
+                    -2.531213,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974609
+                    -2.532582,53.975101
+                    -2.532813,53.976002
+                    -2.532429,53.976908
+                    -2.532561,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978324
+                    -2.534255,53.978715
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+                    -2.535980,53.979621
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+                    -2.537955,53.980460
+                    -2.539467,53.980131
+                    -2.540480,53.980527
+                    -2.540529,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.981862
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+                    -2.541675,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983727
+                    -2.543824,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984251
+                    -2.545516,53.984723
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+                    -2.548250,53.985052
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+                    -2.551564,53.987031
+                    -2.551849,53.986859
+                    -2.552051,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985734
+                    -2.554589,53.985572
+                    -2.556101,53.985529
+                    -2.557093,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986268
+                    -2.558210,53.985953
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+                    -2.562150,53.986325
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+                    -2.563834,53.989577
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+                    -2.565174,53.991938
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+                    -2.564089,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.994002
+                    -2.562754,53.994098
+                    -2.563662,53.994217
+                    -2.564441,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995500
+                    -2.565673,53.995910
+                    -2.565434,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997097
+                    -2.563662,53.997035
+                    -2.562150,53.997006
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+                    -2.560476,53.996811
+                    -2.560638,53.996758
+                    -2.561651,53.995910
+                    -2.561408,53.995004
+                    -2.560638,53.994589
+                    -2.559794,53.994098
+                    -2.559450,53.993192
+                    -2.559278,53.992286
+                    -2.559646,53.991385
+                    -2.559476,53.990479
+                    -2.559125,53.990269
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+                    -2.556919,53.989577
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+                    -2.554589,53.988357
+                    -2.553077,53.988309
+                    -2.552475,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989096
+                    -2.554589,53.989577
+                    -2.554591,53.989577
+                    -2.555382,53.990479
+                    -2.554967,53.991385
+                    -2.555212,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992629
+                    -2.553352,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993516
+                    -2.552220,53.994098
+                    -2.551564,53.994389
+                    -2.550220,53.995004
+                    -2.550052,53.995094
+                    -2.548701,53.995910
+                    -2.548540,53.996134
+                    -2.547212,53.996811
+                    -2.547028,53.996849
+                    -2.545516,53.997107
+                    -2.544523,53.997717
+                    -2.544003,53.997850
+                    -2.542532,53.998618
+                    -2.542491,53.998704
+                    -2.540979,53.999200
+                    -2.539467,53.999133
+                    -2.538427,53.999524
+                    -2.539467,54.000416
+                    -2.539470,54.000430
+                    -2.539467,54.000430
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+                    -2.536443,54.000893
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+                    -2.536443,54.002185
+                    -2.537955,54.001899
+                    -2.538270,54.002242
+                    -2.539467,54.002643
+                    -2.540979,54.003100
+                    -2.541093,54.003143
+                    -2.540979,54.003253
+                    -2.540686,54.004049
+                    -2.539467,54.004793
+                    -2.539227,54.004951
+                    -2.539467,54.005146
+                    -2.540979,54.005017
+                    -2.542491,54.004955
+                    -2.542647,54.004951
+                    -2.544003,54.004884
+                    -2.545066,54.004049
+                    -2.545124,54.003143
+                    -2.545516,54.002433
+                    -2.545584,54.002242
+                    -2.545613,54.001336
+                    -2.546579,54.000430
+                    -2.546451,53.999524
+                    -2.547028,53.999329
+                    -2.547270,53.999524
+                    -2.547328,54.000430
+                    -2.547840,54.001336
+                    -2.548540,54.001989
+                    -2.549071,54.002242
+                    -2.549126,54.003143
+                    -2.549153,54.004049
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+                    -2.519808,54.021802
+                    -2.518296,54.021807
+                    -2.516874,54.021239
+                    -2.516784,54.021158
+                    -2.515272,54.020634
+                    -2.513760,54.020495
+                    -2.512892,54.020333
+                    -2.512247,54.020262
+                    -2.510772,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.019408
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013219
+                    -2.511132,54.013095
+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010386
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
+                    -2.509223,54.007668
+                    -2.509223,54.006763
+                    -2.507711,54.005861
+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507804,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
+                    -2.512909,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.006543
+                    -2.514566,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.007621
+                    -2.513497,54.007668
+                    -2.513760,54.007697
+                    -2.515272,54.007835
+                    -2.515810,54.007668
+                    -2.515500,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006362
+                    -2.518296,54.006305
+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
+                    -2.514052,53.998618
+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
+                    -2.511967,53.996811
+                    -2.511814,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994603
+                    -2.509787,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995676
+                    -2.507711,53.995881
+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.995004
+                    -2.504894,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.994131
+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
+                    -2.503298,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.990951
+                    -2.505574,53.990479
+                    -2.504750,53.989577
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
+                    -2.503174,53.987865
+                    -2.502978,53.987765
+                    -2.502391,53.986859
+                    -2.501662,53.986278
+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507805,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979707
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977199
+                    -2.509642,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976536
+                    -2.508680,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975477
+                    -2.509727,53.975101
+                    -2.509420,53.974195
+                    -2.509223,53.973737
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532263,53.972383
+                    -2.532110,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973799
+                    -2.531213,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974609
+                    -2.532582,53.975101
+                    -2.532813,53.976002
+                    -2.532429,53.976908
+                    -2.532561,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978324
+                    -2.534255,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979120
+                    -2.535980,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.979897
+                    -2.537955,53.980460
+                    -2.539467,53.980131
+                    -2.540480,53.980527
+                    -2.540529,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.981862
+                    -2.541685,53.982334
+                    -2.541675,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983727
+                    -2.543824,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984251
+                    -2.545516,53.984723
+                    -2.547028,53.984809
+                    -2.548250,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985229
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+                    -2.551280,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987031
+                    -2.551849,53.986859
+                    -2.552051,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985734
+                    -2.554589,53.985572
+                    -2.556101,53.985529
+                    -2.557093,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986268
+                    -2.558210,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985348
+                    -2.559633,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986511
+                    -2.562150,53.986325
+                    -2.562827,53.986859
+                    -2.563662,53.987660
+                    -2.563892,53.987765
+                    -2.563788,53.988667
+                    -2.563834,53.989577
+                    -2.564508,53.990479
+                    -2.565174,53.990788
+                    -2.565639,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991938
+                    -2.564643,53.992286
+                    -2.564089,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.994002
+                    -2.562754,53.994098
+                    -2.563662,53.994217
+                    -2.564441,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995500
+                    -2.565673,53.995910
+                    -2.565434,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997097
+                    -2.563662,53.997035
+                    -2.562150,53.997006
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+                    -2.560476,53.996811
+                    -2.560638,53.996758
+                    -2.561651,53.995910
+                    -2.561408,53.995004
+                    -2.560638,53.994589
+                    -2.559794,53.994098
+                    -2.559450,53.993192
+                    -2.559278,53.992286
+                    -2.559646,53.991385
+                    -2.559476,53.990479
+                    -2.559125,53.990269
+                    -2.557613,53.990188
+                    -2.556919,53.989577
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+                    -2.554589,53.988357
+                    -2.553077,53.988309
+                    -2.552475,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989096
+                    -2.554589,53.989577
+                    -2.554591,53.989577
+                    -2.555382,53.990479
+                    -2.554967,53.991385
+                    -2.555212,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992629
+                    -2.553352,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993516
+                    -2.552220,53.994098
+                    -2.551564,53.994389
+                    -2.550220,53.995004
+                    -2.550052,53.995094
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+                    -2.545543,54.009476
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+                    -2.537955,54.015136
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+                    -2.534930,54.017572
+                    -2.535380,54.017620
+                    -2.534930,54.017830
+                    -2.534142,54.018526
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+                    -2.530394,54.020476
+                    -2.531906,54.020681
+                    -2.532521,54.020333
+                    -2.533418,54.019561
+                    -2.534621,54.020333
+                    -2.534930,54.020572
+                    -2.535562,54.021239
+                    -2.534930,54.021468
+                    -2.534297,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.020791
+                    -2.532704,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.021802
+                    -2.533756,54.022145
+                    -2.534694,54.023051
+                    -2.534930,54.023347
+                    -2.535730,54.023952
+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025397
+                    -2.531906,54.025459
+                    -2.530394,54.025202
+                    -2.528882,54.025354
+                    -2.527369,54.025507
+                    -2.525898,54.024858
+                    -2.525857,54.024844
+                    -2.524345,54.023952
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+                    -2.521321,54.022145
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+                    -2.518296,54.021807
+                    -2.516874,54.021239
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+                    -2.512247,54.020262
+                    -2.510772,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.019408
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013219
+                    -2.511132,54.013095
+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010386
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
+                    -2.509223,54.007668
+                    -2.509223,54.006763
+                    -2.507711,54.005861
+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507804,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
+                    -2.512909,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.006543
+                    -2.514566,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.007621
+                    -2.513497,54.007668
+                    -2.513760,54.007697
+                    -2.515272,54.007835
+                    -2.515810,54.007668
+                    -2.515500,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006362
+                    -2.518296,54.006305
+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
+                    -2.514052,53.998618
+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
+                    -2.511967,53.996811
+                    -2.511814,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994603
+                    -2.509787,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995676
+                    -2.507711,53.995881
+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.995004
+                    -2.504894,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.994131
+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
+                    -2.503298,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.990951
+                    -2.505574,53.990479
+                    -2.504750,53.989577
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
+                    -2.503174,53.987865
+                    -2.502978,53.987765
+                    -2.502391,53.986859
+                    -2.501662,53.986278
+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507805,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979707
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977199
+                    -2.509642,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976536
+                    -2.508680,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975477
+                    -2.509727,53.975101
+                    -2.509420,53.974195
+                    -2.509223,53.973737
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532263,53.972383
+                    -2.532110,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973799
+                    -2.531213,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974609
+                    -2.532582,53.975101
+                    -2.532813,53.976002
+                    -2.532429,53.976908
+                    -2.532561,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978324
+                    -2.534255,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979120
+                    -2.535980,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.979897
+                    -2.537955,53.980460
+                    -2.539467,53.980131
+                    -2.540480,53.980527
+                    -2.540529,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.981862
+                    -2.541685,53.982334
+                    -2.541675,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983727
+                    -2.543824,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984251
+                    -2.545516,53.984723
+                    -2.547028,53.984809
+                    -2.548250,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985229
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+                    -2.551280,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987031
+                    -2.551849,53.986859
+                    -2.552051,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985734
+                    -2.554589,53.985572
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+                    -2.557093,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986268
+                    -2.558210,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985348
+                    -2.559633,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986511
+                    -2.562150,53.986325
+                    -2.562827,53.986859
+                    -2.563662,53.987660
+                    -2.563892,53.987765
+                    -2.563788,53.988667
+                    -2.563834,53.989577
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+                    -2.565639,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991938
+                    -2.564643,53.992286
+                    -2.564089,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.994002
+                    -2.562754,53.994098
+                    -2.563662,53.994217
+                    -2.564441,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995500
+                    -2.565673,53.995910
+                    -2.565434,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997097
+                    -2.563662,53.997035
+                    -2.562150,53.997006
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+                    -2.560638,53.996758
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+                    -2.561408,53.995004
+                    -2.560638,53.994589
+                    -2.559794,53.994098
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+                    -2.559125,53.990269
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+                    -2.552475,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989096
+                    -2.554589,53.989577
+                    -2.554591,53.989577
+                    -2.555382,53.990479
+                    -2.554967,53.991385
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+                    -2.554589,53.992629
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+                    -2.553077,53.993516
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+                    -2.534930,54.017572
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+                    -2.534930,54.017830
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+                    -2.530394,54.020476
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+                    -2.532521,54.020333
+                    -2.533418,54.019561
+                    -2.534621,54.020333
+                    -2.534930,54.020572
+                    -2.535562,54.021239
+                    -2.534930,54.021468
+                    -2.534297,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.020791
+                    -2.532704,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.021802
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+                    -2.534694,54.023051
+                    -2.534930,54.023347
+                    -2.535730,54.023952
+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025397
+                    -2.531906,54.025459
+                    -2.530394,54.025202
+                    -2.528882,54.025354
+                    -2.527369,54.025507
+                    -2.525898,54.024858
+                    -2.525857,54.024844
+                    -2.524345,54.023952
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+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520257,54.022145
+                    -2.519808,54.021802
+                    -2.518296,54.021807
+                    -2.516874,54.021239
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+                    -2.515272,54.020634
+                    -2.513760,54.020495
+                    -2.512892,54.020333
+                    -2.512247,54.020262
+                    -2.510772,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.019408
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013219
+                    -2.511132,54.013095
+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010386
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
+                    -2.509223,54.007668
+                    -2.509223,54.006763
+                    -2.507711,54.005861
+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507804,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
+                    -2.512909,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.006543
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+                    -2.513760,54.007621
+                    -2.513497,54.007668
+                    -2.513760,54.007697
+                    -2.515272,54.007835
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+                    -2.515500,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006362
+                    -2.518296,54.006305
+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
+                    -2.514052,53.998618
+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
+                    -2.511967,53.996811
+                    -2.511814,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994603
+                    -2.509787,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995676
+                    -2.507711,53.995881
+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.995004
+                    -2.504894,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
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+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
+                    -2.503298,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.990951
+                    -2.505574,53.990479
+                    -2.504750,53.989577
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
+                    -2.503174,53.987865
+                    -2.502978,53.987765
+                    -2.502391,53.986859
+                    -2.501662,53.986278
+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507805,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979707
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977199
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+                    -2.509223,53.976536
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+                    -2.509223,53.975477
+                    -2.509727,53.975101
+                    -2.509420,53.974195
+                    -2.509223,53.973737
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532263,53.972383
+                    -2.532110,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973799
+                    -2.531213,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974609
+                    -2.532582,53.975101
+                    -2.532813,53.976002
+                    -2.532429,53.976908
+                    -2.532561,53.977809
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+                    -2.535980,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.979897
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+                    -2.539467,53.980131
+                    -2.540480,53.980527
+                    -2.540529,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.981862
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+                    -2.541675,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983727
+                    -2.543824,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984251
+                    -2.545516,53.984723
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+                    -2.548250,53.985052
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+                    -2.551078,53.985953
+                    -2.551280,53.986859
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+                    -2.551849,53.986859
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+                    -2.557093,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986268
+                    -2.558210,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985348
+                    -2.559633,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986511
+                    -2.562150,53.986325
+                    -2.562827,53.986859
+                    -2.563662,53.987660
+                    -2.563892,53.987765
+                    -2.563788,53.988667
+                    -2.563834,53.989577
+                    -2.564508,53.990479
+                    -2.565174,53.990788
+                    -2.565639,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991938
+                    -2.564643,53.992286
+                    -2.564089,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.994002
+                    -2.562754,53.994098
+                    -2.563662,53.994217
+                    -2.564441,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995500
+                    -2.565673,53.995910
+                    -2.565434,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997097
+                    -2.563662,53.997035
+                    -2.562150,53.997006
+                    -2.560638,53.996882
+                    -2.560476,53.996811
+                    -2.560638,53.996758
+                    -2.561651,53.995910
+                    -2.561408,53.995004
+                    -2.560638,53.994589
+                    -2.559794,53.994098
+                    -2.559450,53.993192
+                    -2.559278,53.992286
+                    -2.559646,53.991385
+                    -2.559476,53.990479
+                    -2.559125,53.990269
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+                    -2.556919,53.989577
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+                    -2.555106,53.988667
+                    -2.554589,53.988357
+                    -2.553077,53.988309
+                    -2.552475,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989096
+                    -2.554589,53.989577
+                    -2.554591,53.989577
+                    -2.555382,53.990479
+                    -2.554967,53.991385
+                    -2.555212,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992629
+                    -2.553352,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993516
+                    -2.552220,53.994098
+                    -2.551564,53.994389
+                    -2.550220,53.995004
+                    -2.550052,53.995094
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+                    -2.539467,54.000430
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+                    -2.537955,54.001899
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+                    -2.540979,54.003253
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+                    -2.540979,54.005017
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+                    -2.534930,54.017572
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+                    -2.534930,54.017830
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+                    -2.533418,54.019561
+                    -2.534621,54.020333
+                    -2.534930,54.020572
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+                    -2.534930,54.021468
+                    -2.534297,54.021239
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+                    -2.532704,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.021802
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+                    -2.534694,54.023051
+                    -2.534930,54.023347
+                    -2.535730,54.023952
+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025397
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+                    -2.530394,54.025202
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+                    -2.525857,54.024844
+                    -2.524345,54.023952
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+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520257,54.022145
+                    -2.519808,54.021802
+                    -2.518296,54.021807
+                    -2.516874,54.021239
+                    -2.516784,54.021158
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+                    -2.513760,54.020495
+                    -2.512892,54.020333
+                    -2.512247,54.020262
+                    -2.510772,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.019408
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013219
+                    -2.511132,54.013095
+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010386
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
+                    -2.509223,54.007668
+                    -2.509223,54.006763
+                    -2.507711,54.005861
+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507804,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
+                    -2.512909,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.006543
+                    -2.514566,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.007621
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+                    -2.513760,54.007697
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+                    -2.515500,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006362
+                    -2.518296,54.006305
+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
+                    -2.514052,53.998618
+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
+                    -2.511967,53.996811
+                    -2.511814,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994603
+                    -2.509787,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995676
+                    -2.507711,53.995881
+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.995004
+                    -2.504894,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.994131
+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
+                    -2.503298,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.990951
+                    -2.505574,53.990479
+                    -2.504750,53.989577
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
+                    -2.503174,53.987865
+                    -2.502978,53.987765
+                    -2.502391,53.986859
+                    -2.501662,53.986278
+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507805,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979707
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977199
+                    -2.509642,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976536
+                    -2.508680,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975477
+                    -2.509727,53.975101
+                    -2.509420,53.974195
+                    -2.509223,53.973737
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532263,53.972383
+                    -2.532110,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973799
+                    -2.531213,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974609
+                    -2.532582,53.975101
+                    -2.532813,53.976002
+                    -2.532429,53.976908
+                    -2.532561,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978324
+                    -2.534255,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979120
+                    -2.535980,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.979897
+                    -2.537955,53.980460
+                    -2.539467,53.980131
+                    -2.540480,53.980527
+                    -2.540529,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.981862
+                    -2.541685,53.982334
+                    -2.541675,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983727
+                    -2.543824,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984251
+                    -2.545516,53.984723
+                    -2.547028,53.984809
+                    -2.548250,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985229
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+                    -2.551280,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987031
+                    -2.551849,53.986859
+                    -2.552051,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985734
+                    -2.554589,53.985572
+                    -2.556101,53.985529
+                    -2.557093,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986268
+                    -2.558210,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985348
+                    -2.559633,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986511
+                    -2.562150,53.986325
+                    -2.562827,53.986859
+                    -2.563662,53.987660
+                    -2.563892,53.987765
+                    -2.563788,53.988667
+                    -2.563834,53.989577
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+                    -2.565174,53.990788
+                    -2.565639,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991938
+                    -2.564643,53.992286
+                    -2.564089,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.994002
+                    -2.562754,53.994098
+                    -2.563662,53.994217
+                    -2.564441,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995500
+                    -2.565673,53.995910
+                    -2.565434,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997097
+                    -2.563662,53.997035
+                    -2.562150,53.997006
+                    -2.560638,53.996882
+                    -2.560476,53.996811
+                    -2.560638,53.996758
+                    -2.561651,53.995910
+                    -2.561408,53.995004
+                    -2.560638,53.994589
+                    -2.559794,53.994098
+                    -2.559450,53.993192
+                    -2.559278,53.992286
+                    -2.559646,53.991385
+                    -2.559476,53.990479
+                    -2.559125,53.990269
+                    -2.557613,53.990188
+                    -2.556919,53.989577
+                    -2.556101,53.989139
+                    -2.555106,53.988667
+                    -2.554589,53.988357
+                    -2.553077,53.988309
+                    -2.552475,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989096
+                    -2.554589,53.989577
+                    -2.554591,53.989577
+                    -2.555382,53.990479
+                    -2.554967,53.991385
+                    -2.555212,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992629
+                    -2.553352,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993516
+                    -2.552220,53.994098
+                    -2.551564,53.994389
+                    -2.550220,53.995004
+                    -2.550052,53.995094
+                    -2.548701,53.995910
+                    -2.548540,53.996134
+                    -2.547212,53.996811
+                    -2.547028,53.996849
+                    -2.545516,53.997107
+                    -2.544523,53.997717
+                    -2.544003,53.997850
+                    -2.542532,53.998618
+                    -2.542491,53.998704
+                    -2.540979,53.999200
+                    -2.539467,53.999133
+                    -2.538427,53.999524
+                    -2.539467,54.000416
+                    -2.539470,54.000430
+                    -2.539467,54.000430
+                    -2.537955,54.000583
+                    -2.536443,54.000893
+                    -2.535680,54.001336
+                    -2.536443,54.002185
+                    -2.537955,54.001899
+                    -2.538270,54.002242
+                    -2.539467,54.002643
+                    -2.540979,54.003100
+                    -2.541093,54.003143
+                    -2.540979,54.003253
+                    -2.540686,54.004049
+                    -2.539467,54.004793
+                    -2.539227,54.004951
+                    -2.539467,54.005146
+                    -2.540979,54.005017
+                    -2.542491,54.004955
+                    -2.542647,54.004951
+                    -2.544003,54.004884
+                    -2.545066,54.004049
+                    -2.545124,54.003143
+                    -2.545516,54.002433
+                    -2.545584,54.002242
+                    -2.545613,54.001336
+                    -2.546579,54.000430
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+                    -2.530394,54.025202
+                    -2.528882,54.025354
+                    -2.527369,54.025507
+                    -2.525898,54.024858
+                    -2.525857,54.024844
+                    -2.524345,54.023952
+                    -2.522833,54.023051
+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520257,54.022145
+                    -2.519808,54.021802
+                    -2.518296,54.021807
+                    -2.516874,54.021239
+                    -2.516784,54.021158
+                    -2.515272,54.020634
+                    -2.513760,54.020495
+                    -2.512892,54.020333
+                    -2.512247,54.020262
+                    -2.510772,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.019408
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013219
+                    -2.511132,54.013095
+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010386
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
+                    -2.509223,54.007668
+                    -2.509223,54.006763
+                    -2.507711,54.005861
+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507804,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
+                    -2.512909,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.006543
+                    -2.514566,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.007621
+                    -2.513497,54.007668
+                    -2.513760,54.007697
+                    -2.515272,54.007835
+                    -2.515810,54.007668
+                    -2.515500,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006362
+                    -2.518296,54.006305
+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
+                    -2.514052,53.998618
+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
+                    -2.511967,53.996811
+                    -2.511814,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994603
+                    -2.509787,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995676
+                    -2.507711,53.995881
+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.995004
+                    -2.504894,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.994131
+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
+                    -2.503298,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.990951
+                    -2.505574,53.990479
+                    -2.504750,53.989577
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
+                    -2.503174,53.987865
+                    -2.502978,53.987765
+                    -2.502391,53.986859
+                    -2.501662,53.986278
+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507805,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979707
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977199
+                    -2.509642,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976536
+                    -2.508680,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975477
+                    -2.509727,53.975101
+                    -2.509420,53.974195
+                    -2.509223,53.973737
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532263,53.972383
+                    -2.532110,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973799
+                    -2.531213,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974609
+                    -2.532582,53.975101
+                    -2.532813,53.976002
+                    -2.532429,53.976908
+                    -2.532561,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978324
+                    -2.534255,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979120
+                    -2.535980,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.979897
+                    -2.537955,53.980460
+                    -2.539467,53.980131
+                    -2.540480,53.980527
+                    -2.540529,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.981862
+                    -2.541685,53.982334
+                    -2.541675,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983727
+                    -2.543824,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984251
+                    -2.545516,53.984723
+                    -2.547028,53.984809
+                    -2.548250,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985229
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+                    -2.551280,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987031
+                    -2.551849,53.986859
+                    -2.552051,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985734
+                    -2.554589,53.985572
+                    -2.556101,53.985529
+                    -2.557093,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986268
+                    -2.558210,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985348
+                    -2.559633,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986511
+                    -2.562150,53.986325
+                    -2.562827,53.986859
+                    -2.563662,53.987660
+                    -2.563892,53.987765
+                    -2.563788,53.988667
+                    -2.563834,53.989577
+                    -2.564508,53.990479
+                    -2.565174,53.990788
+                    -2.565639,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991938
+                    -2.564643,53.992286
+                    -2.564089,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.994002
+                    -2.562754,53.994098
+                    -2.563662,53.994217
+                    -2.564441,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995500
+                    -2.565673,53.995910
+                    -2.565434,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997097
+                    -2.563662,53.997035
+                    -2.562150,53.997006
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+                    -2.560476,53.996811
+                    -2.560638,53.996758
+                    -2.561651,53.995910
+                    -2.561408,53.995004
+                    -2.560638,53.994589
+                    -2.559794,53.994098
+                    -2.559450,53.993192
+                    -2.559278,53.992286
+                    -2.559646,53.991385
+                    -2.559476,53.990479
+                    -2.559125,53.990269
+                    -2.557613,53.990188
+                    -2.556919,53.989577
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+                    -2.554589,53.988357
+                    -2.553077,53.988309
+                    -2.552475,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989096
+                    -2.554589,53.989577
+                    -2.554591,53.989577
+                    -2.555382,53.990479
+                    -2.554967,53.991385
+                    -2.555212,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992629
+                    -2.553352,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993516
+                    -2.552220,53.994098
+                    -2.551564,53.994389
+                    -2.550220,53.995004
+                    -2.550052,53.995094
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+                    -2.545543,54.009476
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+                    -2.545516,54.013314
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+                    -2.537955,54.015136
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+                    -2.534930,54.017572
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+                    -2.534930,54.017830
+                    -2.534142,54.018526
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+                    -2.530394,54.020476
+                    -2.531906,54.020681
+                    -2.532521,54.020333
+                    -2.533418,54.019561
+                    -2.534621,54.020333
+                    -2.534930,54.020572
+                    -2.535562,54.021239
+                    -2.534930,54.021468
+                    -2.534297,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.020791
+                    -2.532704,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.021802
+                    -2.533756,54.022145
+                    -2.534694,54.023051
+                    -2.534930,54.023347
+                    -2.535730,54.023952
+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025397
+                    -2.531906,54.025459
+                    -2.530394,54.025202
+                    -2.528882,54.025354
+                    -2.527369,54.025507
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+                    -2.525857,54.024844
+                    -2.524345,54.023952
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+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520257,54.022145
+                    -2.519808,54.021802
+                    -2.518296,54.021807
+                    -2.516874,54.021239
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+                    -2.515272,54.020634
+                    -2.513760,54.020495
+                    -2.512892,54.020333
+                    -2.512247,54.020262
+                    -2.510772,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.019408
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013219
+                    -2.511132,54.013095
+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010386
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
+                    -2.509223,54.007668
+                    -2.509223,54.006763
+                    -2.507711,54.005861
+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507804,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
+                    -2.512909,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.006543
+                    -2.514566,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.007621
+                    -2.513497,54.007668
+                    -2.513760,54.007697
+                    -2.515272,54.007835
+                    -2.515810,54.007668
+                    -2.515500,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006362
+                    -2.518296,54.006305
+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
+                    -2.514052,53.998618
+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
+                    -2.511967,53.996811
+                    -2.511814,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994603
+                    -2.509787,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995676
+                    -2.507711,53.995881
+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.995004
+                    -2.504894,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.994131
+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
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+                    -2.504750,53.989577
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
+                    -2.503174,53.987865
+                    -2.502978,53.987765
+                    -2.502391,53.986859
+                    -2.501662,53.986278
+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507805,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979707
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977199
+                    -2.509642,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976536
+                    -2.508680,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975477
+                    -2.509727,53.975101
+                    -2.509420,53.974195
+                    -2.509223,53.973737
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532263,53.972383
+                    -2.532110,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973799
+                    -2.531213,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974609
+                    -2.532582,53.975101
+                    -2.532813,53.976002
+                    -2.532429,53.976908
+                    -2.532561,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978324
+                    -2.534255,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979120
+                    -2.535980,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.979897
+                    -2.537955,53.980460
+                    -2.539467,53.980131
+                    -2.540480,53.980527
+                    -2.540529,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.981862
+                    -2.541685,53.982334
+                    -2.541675,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983727
+                    -2.543824,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984251
+                    -2.545516,53.984723
+                    -2.547028,53.984809
+                    -2.548250,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985229
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+                    -2.551280,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987031
+                    -2.551849,53.986859
+                    -2.552051,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985734
+                    -2.554589,53.985572
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+                    -2.557093,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986268
+                    -2.558210,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985348
+                    -2.559633,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986511
+                    -2.562150,53.986325
+                    -2.562827,53.986859
+                    -2.563662,53.987660
+                    -2.563892,53.987765
+                    -2.563788,53.988667
+                    -2.563834,53.989577
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+                    -2.565639,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991938
+                    -2.564643,53.992286
+                    -2.564089,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.994002
+                    -2.562754,53.994098
+                    -2.563662,53.994217
+                    -2.564441,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995500
+                    -2.565673,53.995910
+                    -2.565434,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997097
+                    -2.563662,53.997035
+                    -2.562150,53.997006
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+                    -2.560638,53.996758
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+                    -2.561408,53.995004
+                    -2.560638,53.994589
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+                    -2.559125,53.990269
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+                    -2.552475,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989096
+                    -2.554589,53.989577
+                    -2.554591,53.989577
+                    -2.555382,53.990479
+                    -2.554967,53.991385
+                    -2.555212,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992629
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+                    -2.553077,53.993516
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+                    -2.534930,54.017572
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+                    -2.534930,54.017830
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+                    -2.530394,54.020476
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+                    -2.532521,54.020333
+                    -2.533418,54.019561
+                    -2.534621,54.020333
+                    -2.534930,54.020572
+                    -2.535562,54.021239
+                    -2.534930,54.021468
+                    -2.534297,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.020791
+                    -2.532704,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.021802
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+                    -2.534694,54.023051
+                    -2.534930,54.023347
+                    -2.535730,54.023952
+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025397
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+                    -2.530394,54.025202
+                    -2.528882,54.025354
+                    -2.527369,54.025507
+                    -2.525898,54.024858
+                    -2.525857,54.024844
+                    -2.524345,54.023952
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+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520257,54.022145
+                    -2.519808,54.021802
+                    -2.518296,54.021807
+                    -2.516874,54.021239
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+                    -2.515272,54.020634
+                    -2.513760,54.020495
+                    -2.512892,54.020333
+                    -2.512247,54.020262
+                    -2.510772,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.019408
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013219
+                    -2.511132,54.013095
+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010386
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
+                    -2.509223,54.007668
+                    -2.509223,54.006763
+                    -2.507711,54.005861
+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507804,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
+                    -2.512909,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.006543
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+                    -2.513760,54.007621
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+                    -2.513760,54.007697
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+                    -2.515500,54.006763
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+                    -2.518296,54.006305
+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
+                    -2.514052,53.998618
+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
+                    -2.511967,53.996811
+                    -2.511814,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994603
+                    -2.509787,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995676
+                    -2.507711,53.995881
+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.995004
+                    -2.504894,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.994131
+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
+                    -2.503298,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.990951
+                    -2.505574,53.990479
+                    -2.504750,53.989577
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
+                    -2.503174,53.987865
+                    -2.502978,53.987765
+                    -2.502391,53.986859
+                    -2.501662,53.986278
+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507805,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979707
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977199
+                    -2.509642,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976536
+                    -2.508680,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975477
+                    -2.509727,53.975101
+                    -2.509420,53.974195
+                    -2.509223,53.973737
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532263,53.972383
+                    -2.532110,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973799
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+                    -2.531906,53.974609
+                    -2.532582,53.975101
+                    -2.532813,53.976002
+                    -2.532429,53.976908
+                    -2.532561,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978324
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+                    -2.536443,53.979897
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+                    -2.539467,53.980131
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+                    -2.540529,53.981433
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+                    -2.541675,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983727
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+                    -2.548540,53.985229
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+                    -2.551849,53.986859
+                    -2.552051,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985734
+                    -2.554589,53.985572
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+                    -2.557093,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986268
+                    -2.558210,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985348
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+                    -2.560638,53.986511
+                    -2.562150,53.986325
+                    -2.562827,53.986859
+                    -2.563662,53.987660
+                    -2.563892,53.987765
+                    -2.563788,53.988667
+                    -2.563834,53.989577
+                    -2.564508,53.990479
+                    -2.565174,53.990788
+                    -2.565639,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991938
+                    -2.564643,53.992286
+                    -2.564089,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.994002
+                    -2.562754,53.994098
+                    -2.563662,53.994217
+                    -2.564441,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995500
+                    -2.565673,53.995910
+                    -2.565434,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997097
+                    -2.563662,53.997035
+                    -2.562150,53.997006
+                    -2.560638,53.996882
+                    -2.560476,53.996811
+                    -2.560638,53.996758
+                    -2.561651,53.995910
+                    -2.561408,53.995004
+                    -2.560638,53.994589
+                    -2.559794,53.994098
+                    -2.559450,53.993192
+                    -2.559278,53.992286
+                    -2.559646,53.991385
+                    -2.559476,53.990479
+                    -2.559125,53.990269
+                    -2.557613,53.990188
+                    -2.556919,53.989577
+                    -2.556101,53.989139
+                    -2.555106,53.988667
+                    -2.554589,53.988357
+                    -2.553077,53.988309
+                    -2.552475,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989096
+                    -2.554589,53.989577
+                    -2.554591,53.989577
+                    -2.555382,53.990479
+                    -2.554967,53.991385
+                    -2.555212,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992629
+                    -2.553352,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993516
+                    -2.552220,53.994098
+                    -2.551564,53.994389
+                    -2.550220,53.995004
+                    -2.550052,53.995094
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+                    -2.539467,54.000430
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+                    -2.540979,54.003253
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+                    -2.534930,54.017572
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+                    -2.534930,54.017830
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+                    -2.534930,54.020572
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+                    -2.534930,54.021468
+                    -2.534297,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.020791
+                    -2.532704,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.021802
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+                    -2.534694,54.023051
+                    -2.534930,54.023347
+                    -2.535730,54.023952
+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025397
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+                    -2.530394,54.025202
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+                    -2.525857,54.024844
+                    -2.524345,54.023952
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+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520257,54.022145
+                    -2.519808,54.021802
+                    -2.518296,54.021807
+                    -2.516874,54.021239
+                    -2.516784,54.021158
+                    -2.515272,54.020634
+                    -2.513760,54.020495
+                    -2.512892,54.020333
+                    -2.512247,54.020262
+                    -2.510772,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.019408
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013219
+                    -2.511132,54.013095
+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010386
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
+                    -2.509223,54.007668
+                    -2.509223,54.006763
+                    -2.507711,54.005861
+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507804,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
+                    -2.512909,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.006543
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+                    -2.513760,54.007621
+                    -2.513497,54.007668
+                    -2.513760,54.007697
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+                    -2.515810,54.007668
+                    -2.515500,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006362
+                    -2.518296,54.006305
+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
+                    -2.514052,53.998618
+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
+                    -2.511967,53.996811
+                    -2.511814,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994603
+                    -2.509787,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995676
+                    -2.507711,53.995881
+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.995004
+                    -2.504894,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.994131
+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
+                    -2.503298,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.990951
+                    -2.505574,53.990479
+                    -2.504750,53.989577
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
+                    -2.503174,53.987865
+                    -2.502978,53.987765
+                    -2.502391,53.986859
+                    -2.501662,53.986278
+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507805,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979707
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977199
+                    -2.509642,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976536
+                    -2.508680,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975477
+                    -2.509727,53.975101
+                    -2.509420,53.974195
+                    -2.509223,53.973737
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532263,53.972383
+                    -2.532110,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973799
+                    -2.531213,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974609
+                    -2.532582,53.975101
+                    -2.532813,53.976002
+                    -2.532429,53.976908
+                    -2.532561,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978324
+                    -2.534255,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979120
+                    -2.535980,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.979897
+                    -2.537955,53.980460
+                    -2.539467,53.980131
+                    -2.540480,53.980527
+                    -2.540529,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.981862
+                    -2.541685,53.982334
+                    -2.541675,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983727
+                    -2.543824,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984251
+                    -2.545516,53.984723
+                    -2.547028,53.984809
+                    -2.548250,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985229
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+                    -2.551280,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987031
+                    -2.551849,53.986859
+                    -2.552051,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985734
+                    -2.554589,53.985572
+                    -2.556101,53.985529
+                    -2.557093,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986268
+                    -2.558210,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985348
+                    -2.559633,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986511
+                    -2.562150,53.986325
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+                    -2.563662,53.987660
+                    -2.563892,53.987765
+                    -2.563788,53.988667
+                    -2.563834,53.989577
+                    -2.564508,53.990479
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+                    -2.565639,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991938
+                    -2.564643,53.992286
+                    -2.564089,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.994002
+                    -2.562754,53.994098
+                    -2.563662,53.994217
+                    -2.564441,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995500
+                    -2.565673,53.995910
+                    -2.565434,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997097
+                    -2.563662,53.997035
+                    -2.562150,53.997006
+                    -2.560638,53.996882
+                    -2.560476,53.996811
+                    -2.560638,53.996758
+                    -2.561651,53.995910
+                    -2.561408,53.995004
+                    -2.560638,53.994589
+                    -2.559794,53.994098
+                    -2.559450,53.993192
+                    -2.559278,53.992286
+                    -2.559646,53.991385
+                    -2.559476,53.990479
+                    -2.559125,53.990269
+                    -2.557613,53.990188
+                    -2.556919,53.989577
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+                    -2.555106,53.988667
+                    -2.554589,53.988357
+                    -2.553077,53.988309
+                    -2.552475,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989096
+                    -2.554589,53.989577
+                    -2.554591,53.989577
+                    -2.555382,53.990479
+                    -2.554967,53.991385
+                    -2.555212,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992629
+                    -2.553352,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993516
+                    -2.552220,53.994098
+                    -2.551564,53.994389
+                    -2.550220,53.995004
+                    -2.550052,53.995094
+                    -2.548701,53.995910
+                    -2.548540,53.996134
+                    -2.547212,53.996811
+                    -2.547028,53.996849
+                    -2.545516,53.997107
+                    -2.544523,53.997717
+                    -2.544003,53.997850
+                    -2.542532,53.998618
+                    -2.542491,53.998704
+                    -2.540979,53.999200
+                    -2.539467,53.999133
+                    -2.538427,53.999524
+                    -2.539467,54.000416
+                    -2.539470,54.000430
+                    -2.539467,54.000430
+                    -2.537955,54.000583
+                    -2.536443,54.000893
+                    -2.535680,54.001336
+                    -2.536443,54.002185
+                    -2.537955,54.001899
+                    -2.538270,54.002242
+                    -2.539467,54.002643
+                    -2.540979,54.003100
+                    -2.541093,54.003143
+                    -2.540979,54.003253
+                    -2.540686,54.004049
+                    -2.539467,54.004793
+                    -2.539227,54.004951
+                    -2.539467,54.005146
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+                    -2.533418,54.020791
+                    -2.532704,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.021802
+                    -2.533756,54.022145
+                    -2.534694,54.023051
+                    -2.534930,54.023347
+                    -2.535730,54.023952
+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025397
+                    -2.531906,54.025459
+                    -2.530394,54.025202
+                    -2.528882,54.025354
+                    -2.527369,54.025507
+                    -2.525898,54.024858
+                    -2.525857,54.024844
+                    -2.524345,54.023952
+                    -2.522833,54.023051
+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520257,54.022145
+                    -2.519808,54.021802
+                    -2.518296,54.021807
+                    -2.516874,54.021239
+                    -2.516784,54.021158
+                    -2.515272,54.020634
+                    -2.513760,54.020495
+                    -2.512892,54.020333
+                    -2.512247,54.020262
+                    -2.510772,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.019408
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013219
+                    -2.511132,54.013095
+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010386
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
+                    -2.509223,54.007668
+                    -2.509223,54.006763
+                    -2.507711,54.005861
+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507804,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
+                    -2.512909,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.006543
+                    -2.514566,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.007621
+                    -2.513497,54.007668
+                    -2.513760,54.007697
+                    -2.515272,54.007835
+                    -2.515810,54.007668
+                    -2.515500,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006362
+                    -2.518296,54.006305
+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
+                    -2.514052,53.998618
+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
+                    -2.511967,53.996811
+                    -2.511814,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994603
+                    -2.509787,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995676
+                    -2.507711,53.995881
+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.995004
+                    -2.504894,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.994131
+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
+                    -2.503298,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.990951
+                    -2.505574,53.990479
+                    -2.504750,53.989577
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
+                    -2.503174,53.987865
+                    -2.502978,53.987765
+                    -2.502391,53.986859
+                    -2.501662,53.986278
+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507805,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979707
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977199
+                    -2.509642,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976536
+                    -2.508680,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975477
+                    -2.509727,53.975101
+                    -2.509420,53.974195
+                    -2.509223,53.973737
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532263,53.972383
+                    -2.532110,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973799
+                    -2.531213,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974609
+                    -2.532582,53.975101
+                    -2.532813,53.976002
+                    -2.532429,53.976908
+                    -2.532561,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978324
+                    -2.534255,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979120
+                    -2.535980,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.979897
+                    -2.537955,53.980460
+                    -2.539467,53.980131
+                    -2.540480,53.980527
+                    -2.540529,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.981862
+                    -2.541685,53.982334
+                    -2.541675,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983727
+                    -2.543824,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984251
+                    -2.545516,53.984723
+                    -2.547028,53.984809
+                    -2.548250,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985229
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+                    -2.551280,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987031
+                    -2.551849,53.986859
+                    -2.552051,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985734
+                    -2.554589,53.985572
+                    -2.556101,53.985529
+                    -2.557093,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986268
+                    -2.558210,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985348
+                    -2.559633,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986511
+                    -2.562150,53.986325
+                    -2.562827,53.986859
+                    -2.563662,53.987660
+                    -2.563892,53.987765
+                    -2.563788,53.988667
+                    -2.563834,53.989577
+                    -2.564508,53.990479
+                    -2.565174,53.990788
+                    -2.565639,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991938
+                    -2.564643,53.992286
+                    -2.564089,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.994002
+                    -2.562754,53.994098
+                    -2.563662,53.994217
+                    -2.564441,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995500
+                    -2.565673,53.995910
+                    -2.565434,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997097
+                    -2.563662,53.997035
+                    -2.562150,53.997006
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+                    -2.560476,53.996811
+                    -2.560638,53.996758
+                    -2.561651,53.995910
+                    -2.561408,53.995004
+                    -2.560638,53.994589
+                    -2.559794,53.994098
+                    -2.559450,53.993192
+                    -2.559278,53.992286
+                    -2.559646,53.991385
+                    -2.559476,53.990479
+                    -2.559125,53.990269
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+                    -2.554589,53.988357
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+                    -2.552475,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989096
+                    -2.554589,53.989577
+                    -2.554591,53.989577
+                    -2.555382,53.990479
+                    -2.554967,53.991385
+                    -2.555212,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992629
+                    -2.553352,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993516
+                    -2.552220,53.994098
+                    -2.551564,53.994389
+                    -2.550220,53.995004
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+                    -2.545543,54.009476
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+                    -2.534930,54.017572
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+                    -2.534930,54.017830
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+                    -2.530394,54.020476
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+                    -2.533418,54.019561
+                    -2.534621,54.020333
+                    -2.534930,54.020572
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+                    -2.534930,54.021468
+                    -2.534297,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.020791
+                    -2.532704,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.021802
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+                    -2.534694,54.023051
+                    -2.534930,54.023347
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+                    -2.534930,54.024858
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+                    -2.530394,54.025202
+                    -2.528882,54.025354
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+                    -2.525857,54.024844
+                    -2.524345,54.023952
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+                    -2.521321,54.022145
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+                    -2.512247,54.020262
+                    -2.510772,54.019427
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013219
+                    -2.511132,54.013095
+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010386
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
+                    -2.509223,54.007668
+                    -2.509223,54.006763
+                    -2.507711,54.005861
+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507804,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
+                    -2.512909,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.006543
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+                    -2.513760,54.007621
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+                    -2.513760,54.007697
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+                    -2.515810,54.007668
+                    -2.515500,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006362
+                    -2.518296,54.006305
+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
+                    -2.514052,53.998618
+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
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+                    -2.511814,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.995004
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+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.995004
+                    -2.504894,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.994131
+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
+                    -2.503298,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.990951
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+                    -2.504750,53.989577
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
+                    -2.503174,53.987865
+                    -2.502978,53.987765
+                    -2.502391,53.986859
+                    -2.501662,53.986278
+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507805,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979707
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977199
+                    -2.509642,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976536
+                    -2.508680,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975477
+                    -2.509727,53.975101
+                    -2.509420,53.974195
+                    -2.509223,53.973737
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532263,53.972383
+                    -2.532110,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973799
+                    -2.531213,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974609
+                    -2.532582,53.975101
+                    -2.532813,53.976002
+                    -2.532429,53.976908
+                    -2.532561,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978324
+                    -2.534255,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979120
+                    -2.535980,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.979897
+                    -2.537955,53.980460
+                    -2.539467,53.980131
+                    -2.540480,53.980527
+                    -2.540529,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.981862
+                    -2.541685,53.982334
+                    -2.541675,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983727
+                    -2.543824,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984251
+                    -2.545516,53.984723
+                    -2.547028,53.984809
+                    -2.548250,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985229
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+                    -2.551280,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987031
+                    -2.551849,53.986859
+                    -2.552051,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985734
+                    -2.554589,53.985572
+                    -2.556101,53.985529
+                    -2.557093,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986268
+                    -2.558210,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985348
+                    -2.559633,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986511
+                    -2.562150,53.986325
+                    -2.562827,53.986859
+                    -2.563662,53.987660
+                    -2.563892,53.987765
+                    -2.563788,53.988667
+                    -2.563834,53.989577
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+                    -2.565639,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991938
+                    -2.564643,53.992286
+                    -2.564089,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.994002
+                    -2.562754,53.994098
+                    -2.563662,53.994217
+                    -2.564441,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995500
+                    -2.565673,53.995910
+                    -2.565434,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997097
+                    -2.563662,53.997035
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+                    -2.560638,53.996758
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+                    -2.561408,53.995004
+                    -2.560638,53.994589
+                    -2.559794,53.994098
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+                    -2.559125,53.990269
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+                    -2.553077,53.989096
+                    -2.554589,53.989577
+                    -2.554591,53.989577
+                    -2.555382,53.990479
+                    -2.554967,53.991385
+                    -2.555212,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992629
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+                    -2.553077,53.993516
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+                    -2.534930,54.017572
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+                    -2.534930,54.017830
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+                    -2.530394,54.020476
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+                    -2.532521,54.020333
+                    -2.533418,54.019561
+                    -2.534621,54.020333
+                    -2.534930,54.020572
+                    -2.535562,54.021239
+                    -2.534930,54.021468
+                    -2.534297,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.020791
+                    -2.532704,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.021802
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+                    -2.534694,54.023051
+                    -2.534930,54.023347
+                    -2.535730,54.023952
+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025397
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+                    -2.530394,54.025202
+                    -2.528882,54.025354
+                    -2.527369,54.025507
+                    -2.525898,54.024858
+                    -2.525857,54.024844
+                    -2.524345,54.023952
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+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520257,54.022145
+                    -2.519808,54.021802
+                    -2.518296,54.021807
+                    -2.516874,54.021239
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+                    -2.515272,54.020634
+                    -2.513760,54.020495
+                    -2.512892,54.020333
+                    -2.512247,54.020262
+                    -2.510772,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.019408
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013219
+                    -2.511132,54.013095
+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010386
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
+                    -2.509223,54.007668
+                    -2.509223,54.006763
+                    -2.507711,54.005861
+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507804,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
+                    -2.512909,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.006543
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+                    -2.513760,54.007621
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+                    -2.513760,54.007697
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+                    -2.515500,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006362
+                    -2.518296,54.006305
+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
+                    -2.514052,53.998618
+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
+                    -2.511967,53.996811
+                    -2.511814,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994603
+                    -2.509787,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995676
+                    -2.507711,53.995881
+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.995004
+                    -2.504894,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
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+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
+                    -2.503298,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.990951
+                    -2.505574,53.990479
+                    -2.504750,53.989577
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
+                    -2.503174,53.987865
+                    -2.502978,53.987765
+                    -2.502391,53.986859
+                    -2.501662,53.986278
+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507805,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979707
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977199
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+                    -2.509223,53.976536
+                    -2.508680,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975477
+                    -2.509727,53.975101
+                    -2.509420,53.974195
+                    -2.509223,53.973737
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532263,53.972383
+                    -2.532110,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973799
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+                    -2.531906,53.974609
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+                    -2.540529,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.981862
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+                    -2.541675,53.983240
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+                    -2.544003,53.984251
+                    -2.545516,53.984723
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+                    -2.551564,53.987031
+                    -2.551849,53.986859
+                    -2.552051,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985734
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+                    -2.556101,53.985529
+                    -2.557093,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986268
+                    -2.558210,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985348
+                    -2.559633,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986511
+                    -2.562150,53.986325
+                    -2.562827,53.986859
+                    -2.563662,53.987660
+                    -2.563892,53.987765
+                    -2.563788,53.988667
+                    -2.563834,53.989577
+                    -2.564508,53.990479
+                    -2.565174,53.990788
+                    -2.565639,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991938
+                    -2.564643,53.992286
+                    -2.564089,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.994002
+                    -2.562754,53.994098
+                    -2.563662,53.994217
+                    -2.564441,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995500
+                    -2.565673,53.995910
+                    -2.565434,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997097
+                    -2.563662,53.997035
+                    -2.562150,53.997006
+                    -2.560638,53.996882
+                    -2.560476,53.996811
+                    -2.560638,53.996758
+                    -2.561651,53.995910
+                    -2.561408,53.995004
+                    -2.560638,53.994589
+                    -2.559794,53.994098
+                    -2.559450,53.993192
+                    -2.559278,53.992286
+                    -2.559646,53.991385
+                    -2.559476,53.990479
+                    -2.559125,53.990269
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+                    -2.556919,53.989577
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+                    -2.554589,53.988357
+                    -2.553077,53.988309
+                    -2.552475,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989096
+                    -2.554589,53.989577
+                    -2.554591,53.989577
+                    -2.555382,53.990479
+                    -2.554967,53.991385
+                    -2.555212,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992629
+                    -2.553352,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993516
+                    -2.552220,53.994098
+                    -2.551564,53.994389
+                    -2.550220,53.995004
+                    -2.550052,53.995094
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+                    -2.539467,54.000430
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+                    -2.534930,54.017830
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+                    -2.534930,54.021468
+                    -2.534297,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.020791
+                    -2.532704,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.021802
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+                    -2.534694,54.023051
+                    -2.534930,54.023347
+                    -2.535730,54.023952
+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025397
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+                    -2.530394,54.025202
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+                    -2.525857,54.024844
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+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520257,54.022145
+                    -2.519808,54.021802
+                    -2.518296,54.021807
+                    -2.516874,54.021239
+                    -2.516784,54.021158
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+                    -2.513760,54.020495
+                    -2.512892,54.020333
+                    -2.512247,54.020262
+                    -2.510772,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.019408
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013219
+                    -2.511132,54.013095
+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010386
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
+                    -2.509223,54.007668
+                    -2.509223,54.006763
+                    -2.507711,54.005861
+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507804,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
+                    -2.512909,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.006543
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+                    -2.513760,54.007621
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+                    -2.513760,54.007697
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+                    -2.515500,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006362
+                    -2.518296,54.006305
+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
+                    -2.514052,53.998618
+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
+                    -2.511967,53.996811
+                    -2.511814,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994603
+                    -2.509787,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995676
+                    -2.507711,53.995881
+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.995004
+                    -2.504894,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.994131
+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
+                    -2.503298,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.990951
+                    -2.505574,53.990479
+                    -2.504750,53.989577
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
+                    -2.503174,53.987865
+                    -2.502978,53.987765
+                    -2.502391,53.986859
+                    -2.501662,53.986278
+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507805,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979707
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977199
+                    -2.509642,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976536
+                    -2.508680,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975477
+                    -2.509727,53.975101
+                    -2.509420,53.974195
+                    -2.509223,53.973737
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532263,53.972383
+                    -2.532110,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973799
+                    -2.531213,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974609
+                    -2.532582,53.975101
+                    -2.532813,53.976002
+                    -2.532429,53.976908
+                    -2.532561,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978324
+                    -2.534255,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979120
+                    -2.535980,53.979621
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+                    -2.537955,53.980460
+                    -2.539467,53.980131
+                    -2.540480,53.980527
+                    -2.540529,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.981862
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+                    -2.541675,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983727
+                    -2.543824,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984251
+                    -2.545516,53.984723
+                    -2.547028,53.984809
+                    -2.548250,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985229
+                    -2.550052,53.985271
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+                    -2.551280,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987031
+                    -2.551849,53.986859
+                    -2.552051,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985734
+                    -2.554589,53.985572
+                    -2.556101,53.985529
+                    -2.557093,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986268
+                    -2.558210,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985348
+                    -2.559633,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986511
+                    -2.562150,53.986325
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+                    -2.563662,53.987660
+                    -2.563892,53.987765
+                    -2.563788,53.988667
+                    -2.563834,53.989577
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+                    -2.565639,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991938
+                    -2.564643,53.992286
+                    -2.564089,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.994002
+                    -2.562754,53.994098
+                    -2.563662,53.994217
+                    -2.564441,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995500
+                    -2.565673,53.995910
+                    -2.565434,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997097
+                    -2.563662,53.997035
+                    -2.562150,53.997006
+                    -2.560638,53.996882
+                    -2.560476,53.996811
+                    -2.560638,53.996758
+                    -2.561651,53.995910
+                    -2.561408,53.995004
+                    -2.560638,53.994589
+                    -2.559794,53.994098
+                    -2.559450,53.993192
+                    -2.559278,53.992286
+                    -2.559646,53.991385
+                    -2.559476,53.990479
+                    -2.559125,53.990269
+                    -2.557613,53.990188
+                    -2.556919,53.989577
+                    -2.556101,53.989139
+                    -2.555106,53.988667
+                    -2.554589,53.988357
+                    -2.553077,53.988309
+                    -2.552475,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989096
+                    -2.554589,53.989577
+                    -2.554591,53.989577
+                    -2.555382,53.990479
+                    -2.554967,53.991385
+                    -2.555212,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992629
+                    -2.553352,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993516
+                    -2.552220,53.994098
+                    -2.551564,53.994389
+                    -2.550220,53.995004
+                    -2.550052,53.995094
+                    -2.548701,53.995910
+                    -2.548540,53.996134
+                    -2.547212,53.996811
+                    -2.547028,53.996849
+                    -2.545516,53.997107
+                    -2.544523,53.997717
+                    -2.544003,53.997850
+                    -2.542532,53.998618
+                    -2.542491,53.998704
+                    -2.540979,53.999200
+                    -2.539467,53.999133
+                    -2.538427,53.999524
+                    -2.539467,54.000416
+                    -2.539470,54.000430
+                    -2.539467,54.000430
+                    -2.537955,54.000583
+                    -2.536443,54.000893
+                    -2.535680,54.001336
+                    -2.536443,54.002185
+                    -2.537955,54.001899
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+                    -2.531906,54.020681
+                    -2.532521,54.020333
+                    -2.533418,54.019561
+                    -2.534621,54.020333
+                    -2.534930,54.020572
+                    -2.535562,54.021239
+                    -2.534930,54.021468
+                    -2.534297,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.020791
+                    -2.532704,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.021802
+                    -2.533756,54.022145
+                    -2.534694,54.023051
+                    -2.534930,54.023347
+                    -2.535730,54.023952
+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025397
+                    -2.531906,54.025459
+                    -2.530394,54.025202
+                    -2.528882,54.025354
+                    -2.527369,54.025507
+                    -2.525898,54.024858
+                    -2.525857,54.024844
+                    -2.524345,54.023952
+                    -2.522833,54.023051
+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520257,54.022145
+                    -2.519808,54.021802
+                    -2.518296,54.021807
+                    -2.516874,54.021239
+                    -2.516784,54.021158
+                    -2.515272,54.020634
+                    -2.513760,54.020495
+                    -2.512892,54.020333
+                    -2.512247,54.020262
+                    -2.510772,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.019408
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013219
+                    -2.511132,54.013095
+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010386
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
+                    -2.509223,54.007668
+                    -2.509223,54.006763
+                    -2.507711,54.005861
+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507804,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
+                    -2.512909,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.006543
+                    -2.514566,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.007621
+                    -2.513497,54.007668
+                    -2.513760,54.007697
+                    -2.515272,54.007835
+                    -2.515810,54.007668
+                    -2.515500,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006362
+                    -2.518296,54.006305
+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
+                    -2.514052,53.998618
+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
+                    -2.511967,53.996811
+                    -2.511814,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994603
+                    -2.509787,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995676
+                    -2.507711,53.995881
+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.995004
+                    -2.504894,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.994131
+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
+                    -2.503298,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.990951
+                    -2.505574,53.990479
+                    -2.504750,53.989577
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
+                    -2.503174,53.987865
+                    -2.502978,53.987765
+                    -2.502391,53.986859
+                    -2.501662,53.986278
+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507805,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979707
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977199
+                    -2.509642,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976536
+                    -2.508680,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975477
+                    -2.509727,53.975101
+                    -2.509420,53.974195
+                    -2.509223,53.973737
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532263,53.972383
+                    -2.532110,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973799
+                    -2.531213,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974609
+                    -2.532582,53.975101
+                    -2.532813,53.976002
+                    -2.532429,53.976908
+                    -2.532561,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978324
+                    -2.534255,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979120
+                    -2.535980,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.979897
+                    -2.537955,53.980460
+                    -2.539467,53.980131
+                    -2.540480,53.980527
+                    -2.540529,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.981862
+                    -2.541685,53.982334
+                    -2.541675,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983727
+                    -2.543824,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984251
+                    -2.545516,53.984723
+                    -2.547028,53.984809
+                    -2.548250,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985229
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+                    -2.551280,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987031
+                    -2.551849,53.986859
+                    -2.552051,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985734
+                    -2.554589,53.985572
+                    -2.556101,53.985529
+                    -2.557093,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986268
+                    -2.558210,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985348
+                    -2.559633,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986511
+                    -2.562150,53.986325
+                    -2.562827,53.986859
+                    -2.563662,53.987660
+                    -2.563892,53.987765
+                    -2.563788,53.988667
+                    -2.563834,53.989577
+                    -2.564508,53.990479
+                    -2.565174,53.990788
+                    -2.565639,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991938
+                    -2.564643,53.992286
+                    -2.564089,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.994002
+                    -2.562754,53.994098
+                    -2.563662,53.994217
+                    -2.564441,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995500
+                    -2.565673,53.995910
+                    -2.565434,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997097
+                    -2.563662,53.997035
+                    -2.562150,53.997006
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+                    -2.560476,53.996811
+                    -2.560638,53.996758
+                    -2.561651,53.995910
+                    -2.561408,53.995004
+                    -2.560638,53.994589
+                    -2.559794,53.994098
+                    -2.559450,53.993192
+                    -2.559278,53.992286
+                    -2.559646,53.991385
+                    -2.559476,53.990479
+                    -2.559125,53.990269
+                    -2.557613,53.990188
+                    -2.556919,53.989577
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+                    -2.555106,53.988667
+                    -2.554589,53.988357
+                    -2.553077,53.988309
+                    -2.552475,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989096
+                    -2.554589,53.989577
+                    -2.554591,53.989577
+                    -2.555382,53.990479
+                    -2.554967,53.991385
+                    -2.555212,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992629
+                    -2.553352,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993516
+                    -2.552220,53.994098
+                    -2.551564,53.994389
+                    -2.550220,53.995004
+                    -2.550052,53.995094
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+                    -2.539467,54.000430
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+                    -2.545543,54.009476
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+                    -2.537955,54.015136
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+                    -2.534930,54.017572
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+                    -2.534930,54.017830
+                    -2.534142,54.018526
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+                    -2.530394,54.020476
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+                    -2.532521,54.020333
+                    -2.533418,54.019561
+                    -2.534621,54.020333
+                    -2.534930,54.020572
+                    -2.535562,54.021239
+                    -2.534930,54.021468
+                    -2.534297,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.020791
+                    -2.532704,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.021802
+                    -2.533756,54.022145
+                    -2.534694,54.023051
+                    -2.534930,54.023347
+                    -2.535730,54.023952
+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025397
+                    -2.531906,54.025459
+                    -2.530394,54.025202
+                    -2.528882,54.025354
+                    -2.527369,54.025507
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+                    -2.525857,54.024844
+                    -2.524345,54.023952
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+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520257,54.022145
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+                    -2.512247,54.020262
+                    -2.510772,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.019408
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013219
+                    -2.511132,54.013095
+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010386
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
+                    -2.509223,54.007668
+                    -2.509223,54.006763
+                    -2.507711,54.005861
+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507804,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
+                    -2.512909,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.006543
+                    -2.514566,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.007621
+                    -2.513497,54.007668
+                    -2.513760,54.007697
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+                    -2.515810,54.007668
+                    -2.515500,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006362
+                    -2.518296,54.006305
+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
+                    -2.514052,53.998618
+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
+                    -2.511967,53.996811
+                    -2.511814,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994603
+                    -2.509787,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995676
+                    -2.507711,53.995881
+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.995004
+                    -2.504894,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.994131
+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
+                    -2.503298,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.990951
+                    -2.505574,53.990479
+                    -2.504750,53.989577
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
+                    -2.503174,53.987865
+                    -2.502978,53.987765
+                    -2.502391,53.986859
+                    -2.501662,53.986278
+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507805,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979707
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977199
+                    -2.509642,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976536
+                    -2.508680,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975477
+                    -2.509727,53.975101
+                    -2.509420,53.974195
+                    -2.509223,53.973737
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532263,53.972383
+                    -2.532110,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973799
+                    -2.531213,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974609
+                    -2.532582,53.975101
+                    -2.532813,53.976002
+                    -2.532429,53.976908
+                    -2.532561,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978324
+                    -2.534255,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979120
+                    -2.535980,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.979897
+                    -2.537955,53.980460
+                    -2.539467,53.980131
+                    -2.540480,53.980527
+                    -2.540529,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.981862
+                    -2.541685,53.982334
+                    -2.541675,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983727
+                    -2.543824,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984251
+                    -2.545516,53.984723
+                    -2.547028,53.984809
+                    -2.548250,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985229
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+                    -2.551280,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987031
+                    -2.551849,53.986859
+                    -2.552051,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985734
+                    -2.554589,53.985572
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+                    -2.557093,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986268
+                    -2.558210,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985348
+                    -2.559633,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986511
+                    -2.562150,53.986325
+                    -2.562827,53.986859
+                    -2.563662,53.987660
+                    -2.563892,53.987765
+                    -2.563788,53.988667
+                    -2.563834,53.989577
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+                    -2.565639,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991938
+                    -2.564643,53.992286
+                    -2.564089,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.994002
+                    -2.562754,53.994098
+                    -2.563662,53.994217
+                    -2.564441,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995500
+                    -2.565673,53.995910
+                    -2.565434,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997097
+                    -2.563662,53.997035
+                    -2.562150,53.997006
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+                    -2.560638,53.996758
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+                    -2.561408,53.995004
+                    -2.560638,53.994589
+                    -2.559794,53.994098
+                    -2.559450,53.993192
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+                    -2.559125,53.990269
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+                    -2.552475,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989096
+                    -2.554589,53.989577
+                    -2.554591,53.989577
+                    -2.555382,53.990479
+                    -2.554967,53.991385
+                    -2.555212,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992629
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+                    -2.553077,53.993516
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+                    -2.534930,54.017572
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+                    -2.534930,54.017830
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+                    -2.530394,54.020476
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+                    -2.532521,54.020333
+                    -2.533418,54.019561
+                    -2.534621,54.020333
+                    -2.534930,54.020572
+                    -2.535562,54.021239
+                    -2.534930,54.021468
+                    -2.534297,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.020791
+                    -2.532704,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.021802
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+                    -2.534694,54.023051
+                    -2.534930,54.023347
+                    -2.535730,54.023952
+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025397
+                    -2.531906,54.025459
+                    -2.530394,54.025202
+                    -2.528882,54.025354
+                    -2.527369,54.025507
+                    -2.525898,54.024858
+                    -2.525857,54.024844
+                    -2.524345,54.023952
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+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520257,54.022145
+                    -2.519808,54.021802
+                    -2.518296,54.021807
+                    -2.516874,54.021239
+                    -2.516784,54.021158
+                    -2.515272,54.020634
+                    -2.513760,54.020495
+                    -2.512892,54.020333
+                    -2.512247,54.020262
+                    -2.510772,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.019408
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013219
+                    -2.511132,54.013095
+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010386
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
+                    -2.509223,54.007668
+                    -2.509223,54.006763
+                    -2.507711,54.005861
+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507804,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
+                    -2.512909,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.006543
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+                    -2.513760,54.007621
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+                    -2.513760,54.007697
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+                    -2.515500,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006362
+                    -2.518296,54.006305
+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
+                    -2.514052,53.998618
+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
+                    -2.511967,53.996811
+                    -2.511814,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994603
+                    -2.509787,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995676
+                    -2.507711,53.995881
+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.995004
+                    -2.504894,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.994131
+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
+                    -2.503298,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.990951
+                    -2.505574,53.990479
+                    -2.504750,53.989577
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
+                    -2.503174,53.987865
+                    -2.502978,53.987765
+                    -2.502391,53.986859
+                    -2.501662,53.986278
+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507805,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979707
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977199
+                    -2.509642,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976536
+                    -2.508680,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975477
+                    -2.509727,53.975101
+                    -2.509420,53.974195
+                    -2.509223,53.973737
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
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+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
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+                    -2.531906,53.974609
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+                    -2.534255,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979120
+                    -2.535980,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.979897
+                    -2.537955,53.980460
+                    -2.539467,53.980131
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+                    -2.540529,53.981433
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+                    -2.541675,53.983240
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+                    -2.544003,53.984251
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+                    -2.551849,53.986859
+                    -2.552051,53.985953
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+                    -2.556101,53.985529
+                    -2.557093,53.985953
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+                    -2.558210,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985348
+                    -2.559633,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986511
+                    -2.562150,53.986325
+                    -2.562827,53.986859
+                    -2.563662,53.987660
+                    -2.563892,53.987765
+                    -2.563788,53.988667
+                    -2.563834,53.989577
+                    -2.564508,53.990479
+                    -2.565174,53.990788
+                    -2.565639,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991938
+                    -2.564643,53.992286
+                    -2.564089,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.994002
+                    -2.562754,53.994098
+                    -2.563662,53.994217
+                    -2.564441,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995500
+                    -2.565673,53.995910
+                    -2.565434,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997097
+                    -2.563662,53.997035
+                    -2.562150,53.997006
+                    -2.560638,53.996882
+                    -2.560476,53.996811
+                    -2.560638,53.996758
+                    -2.561651,53.995910
+                    -2.561408,53.995004
+                    -2.560638,53.994589
+                    -2.559794,53.994098
+                    -2.559450,53.993192
+                    -2.559278,53.992286
+                    -2.559646,53.991385
+                    -2.559476,53.990479
+                    -2.559125,53.990269
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+                    -2.554589,53.988357
+                    -2.553077,53.988309
+                    -2.552475,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989096
+                    -2.554589,53.989577
+                    -2.554591,53.989577
+                    -2.555382,53.990479
+                    -2.554967,53.991385
+                    -2.555212,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992629
+                    -2.553352,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993516
+                    -2.552220,53.994098
+                    -2.551564,53.994389
+                    -2.550220,53.995004
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+                    -2.533418,54.019561
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+                    -2.534930,54.020572
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+                    -2.534930,54.021468
+                    -2.534297,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.020791
+                    -2.532704,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.021802
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+                    -2.534694,54.023051
+                    -2.534930,54.023347
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+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025397
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+                    -2.530394,54.025202
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+                    -2.525857,54.024844
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+                    -2.521321,54.022145
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+                    -2.516874,54.021239
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+                    -2.513760,54.020495
+                    -2.512892,54.020333
+                    -2.512247,54.020262
+                    -2.510772,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.019408
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013219
+                    -2.511132,54.013095
+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010386
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
+                    -2.509223,54.007668
+                    -2.509223,54.006763
+                    -2.507711,54.005861
+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507804,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
+                    -2.512909,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.006543
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+                    -2.513760,54.007621
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+                    -2.513760,54.007697
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+                    -2.515500,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006362
+                    -2.518296,54.006305
+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
+                    -2.514052,53.998618
+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
+                    -2.511967,53.996811
+                    -2.511814,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994603
+                    -2.509787,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995676
+                    -2.507711,53.995881
+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.995004
+                    -2.504894,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.994131
+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
+                    -2.503298,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.990951
+                    -2.505574,53.990479
+                    -2.504750,53.989577
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
+                    -2.503174,53.987865
+                    -2.502978,53.987765
+                    -2.502391,53.986859
+                    -2.501662,53.986278
+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507805,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979707
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977199
+                    -2.509642,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976536
+                    -2.508680,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975477
+                    -2.509727,53.975101
+                    -2.509420,53.974195
+                    -2.509223,53.973737
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532263,53.972383
+                    -2.532110,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973799
+                    -2.531213,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974609
+                    -2.532582,53.975101
+                    -2.532813,53.976002
+                    -2.532429,53.976908
+                    -2.532561,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978324
+                    -2.534255,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979120
+                    -2.535980,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.979897
+                    -2.537955,53.980460
+                    -2.539467,53.980131
+                    -2.540480,53.980527
+                    -2.540529,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.981862
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+                    -2.541675,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983727
+                    -2.543824,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984251
+                    -2.545516,53.984723
+                    -2.547028,53.984809
+                    -2.548250,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985229
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+                    -2.551280,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987031
+                    -2.551849,53.986859
+                    -2.552051,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985734
+                    -2.554589,53.985572
+                    -2.556101,53.985529
+                    -2.557093,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986268
+                    -2.558210,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985348
+                    -2.559633,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986511
+                    -2.562150,53.986325
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+                    -2.563892,53.987765
+                    -2.563788,53.988667
+                    -2.563834,53.989577
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+                    -2.565639,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991938
+                    -2.564643,53.992286
+                    -2.564089,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.994002
+                    -2.562754,53.994098
+                    -2.563662,53.994217
+                    -2.564441,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995500
+                    -2.565673,53.995910
+                    -2.565434,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997097
+                    -2.563662,53.997035
+                    -2.562150,53.997006
+                    -2.560638,53.996882
+                    -2.560476,53.996811
+                    -2.560638,53.996758
+                    -2.561651,53.995910
+                    -2.561408,53.995004
+                    -2.560638,53.994589
+                    -2.559794,53.994098
+                    -2.559450,53.993192
+                    -2.559278,53.992286
+                    -2.559646,53.991385
+                    -2.559476,53.990479
+                    -2.559125,53.990269
+                    -2.557613,53.990188
+                    -2.556919,53.989577
+                    -2.556101,53.989139
+                    -2.555106,53.988667
+                    -2.554589,53.988357
+                    -2.553077,53.988309
+                    -2.552475,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989096
+                    -2.554589,53.989577
+                    -2.554591,53.989577
+                    -2.555382,53.990479
+                    -2.554967,53.991385
+                    -2.555212,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992629
+                    -2.553352,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993516
+                    -2.552220,53.994098
+                    -2.551564,53.994389
+                    -2.550220,53.995004
+                    -2.550052,53.995094
+                    -2.548701,53.995910
+                    -2.548540,53.996134
+                    -2.547212,53.996811
+                    -2.547028,53.996849
+                    -2.545516,53.997107
+                    -2.544523,53.997717
+                    -2.544003,53.997850
+                    -2.542532,53.998618
+                    -2.542491,53.998704
+                    -2.540979,53.999200
+                    -2.539467,53.999133
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+                    -2.535380,54.017620
+                    -2.534930,54.017830
+                    -2.534142,54.018526
+                    -2.533418,54.019046
+                    -2.531906,54.018989
+                    -2.531129,54.019427
+                    -2.530394,54.020166
+                    -2.530159,54.020333
+                    -2.530394,54.020476
+                    -2.531906,54.020681
+                    -2.532521,54.020333
+                    -2.533418,54.019561
+                    -2.534621,54.020333
+                    -2.534930,54.020572
+                    -2.535562,54.021239
+                    -2.534930,54.021468
+                    -2.534297,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.020791
+                    -2.532704,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.021802
+                    -2.533756,54.022145
+                    -2.534694,54.023051
+                    -2.534930,54.023347
+                    -2.535730,54.023952
+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025397
+                    -2.531906,54.025459
+                    -2.530394,54.025202
+                    -2.528882,54.025354
+                    -2.527369,54.025507
+                    -2.525898,54.024858
+                    -2.525857,54.024844
+                    -2.524345,54.023952
+                    -2.522833,54.023051
+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520257,54.022145
+                    -2.519808,54.021802
+                    -2.518296,54.021807
+                    -2.516874,54.021239
+                    -2.516784,54.021158
+                    -2.515272,54.020634
+                    -2.513760,54.020495
+                    -2.512892,54.020333
+                    -2.512247,54.020262
+                    -2.510772,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.019408
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013219
+                    -2.511132,54.013095
+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010386
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
+                    -2.509223,54.007668
+                    -2.509223,54.006763
+                    -2.507711,54.005861
+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507804,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
+                    -2.512909,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.006543
+                    -2.514566,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.007621
+                    -2.513497,54.007668
+                    -2.513760,54.007697
+                    -2.515272,54.007835
+                    -2.515810,54.007668
+                    -2.515500,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006362
+                    -2.518296,54.006305
+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
+                    -2.514052,53.998618
+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
+                    -2.511967,53.996811
+                    -2.511814,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994603
+                    -2.509787,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995676
+                    -2.507711,53.995881
+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.995004
+                    -2.504894,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.994131
+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
+                    -2.503298,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.990951
+                    -2.505574,53.990479
+                    -2.504750,53.989577
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
+                    -2.503174,53.987865
+                    -2.502978,53.987765
+                    -2.502391,53.986859
+                    -2.501662,53.986278
+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507805,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979707
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977199
+                    -2.509642,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976536
+                    -2.508680,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975477
+                    -2.509727,53.975101
+                    -2.509420,53.974195
+                    -2.509223,53.973737
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532263,53.972383
+                    -2.532110,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973799
+                    -2.531213,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974609
+                    -2.532582,53.975101
+                    -2.532813,53.976002
+                    -2.532429,53.976908
+                    -2.532561,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978324
+                    -2.534255,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979120
+                    -2.535980,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.979897
+                    -2.537955,53.980460
+                    -2.539467,53.980131
+                    -2.540480,53.980527
+                    -2.540529,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.981862
+                    -2.541685,53.982334
+                    -2.541675,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983727
+                    -2.543824,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984251
+                    -2.545516,53.984723
+                    -2.547028,53.984809
+                    -2.548250,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985229
+                    -2.550052,53.985271
+                    -2.551078,53.985953
+                    -2.551280,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987031
+                    -2.551849,53.986859
+                    -2.552051,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985734
+                    -2.554589,53.985572
+                    -2.556101,53.985529
+                    -2.557093,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986268
+                    -2.558210,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985348
+                    -2.559633,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986511
+                    -2.562150,53.986325
+                    -2.562827,53.986859
+                    -2.563662,53.987660
+                    -2.563892,53.987765
+                    -2.563788,53.988667
+                    -2.563834,53.989577
+                    -2.564508,53.990479
+                    -2.565174,53.990788
+                    -2.565639,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991938
+                    -2.564643,53.992286
+                    -2.564089,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.994002
+                    -2.562754,53.994098
+                    -2.563662,53.994217
+                    -2.564441,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995500
+                    -2.565673,53.995910
+                    -2.565434,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997097
+                    -2.563662,53.997035
+                    -2.562150,53.997006
+                    -2.560638,53.996882
+                    -2.560476,53.996811
+                    -2.560638,53.996758
+                    -2.561651,53.995910
+                    -2.561408,53.995004
+                    -2.560638,53.994589
+                    -2.559794,53.994098
+                    -2.559450,53.993192
+                    -2.559278,53.992286
+                    -2.559646,53.991385
+                    -2.559476,53.990479
+                    -2.559125,53.990269
+                    -2.557613,53.990188
+                    -2.556919,53.989577
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+                    -2.555106,53.988667
+                    -2.554589,53.988357
+                    -2.553077,53.988309
+                    -2.552475,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989096
+                    -2.554589,53.989577
+                    -2.554591,53.989577
+                    -2.555382,53.990479
+                    -2.554967,53.991385
+                    -2.555212,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992629
+                    -2.553352,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993516
+                    -2.552220,53.994098
+                    -2.551564,53.994389
+                    -2.550220,53.995004
+                    -2.550052,53.995094
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+                    -2.539467,54.000430
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+                    -2.545543,54.009476
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+                    -2.534930,54.017572
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+                    -2.534930,54.017830
+                    -2.534142,54.018526
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+                    -2.530394,54.020476
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+                    -2.532521,54.020333
+                    -2.533418,54.019561
+                    -2.534621,54.020333
+                    -2.534930,54.020572
+                    -2.535562,54.021239
+                    -2.534930,54.021468
+                    -2.534297,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.020791
+                    -2.532704,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.021802
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+                    -2.534694,54.023051
+                    -2.534930,54.023347
+                    -2.535730,54.023952
+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025397
+                    -2.531906,54.025459
+                    -2.530394,54.025202
+                    -2.528882,54.025354
+                    -2.527369,54.025507
+                    -2.525898,54.024858
+                    -2.525857,54.024844
+                    -2.524345,54.023952
+                    -2.522833,54.023051
+                    -2.521321,54.022145
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+                    -2.519808,54.021802
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+                    -2.516874,54.021239
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+                    -2.512247,54.020262
+                    -2.510772,54.019427
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013219
+                    -2.511132,54.013095
+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010386
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
+                    -2.509223,54.007668
+                    -2.509223,54.006763
+                    -2.507711,54.005861
+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507804,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
+                    -2.512909,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.006543
+                    -2.514566,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.007621
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+                    -2.513760,54.007697
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+                    -2.515810,54.007668
+                    -2.515500,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006362
+                    -2.518296,54.006305
+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
+                    -2.514052,53.998618
+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
+                    -2.511967,53.996811
+                    -2.511814,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994603
+                    -2.509787,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995676
+                    -2.507711,53.995881
+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.995004
+                    -2.504894,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.994131
+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
+                    -2.503298,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.990951
+                    -2.505574,53.990479
+                    -2.504750,53.989577
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
+                    -2.503174,53.987865
+                    -2.502978,53.987765
+                    -2.502391,53.986859
+                    -2.501662,53.986278
+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507805,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979707
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977199
+                    -2.509642,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976536
+                    -2.508680,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975477
+                    -2.509727,53.975101
+                    -2.509420,53.974195
+                    -2.509223,53.973737
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532263,53.972383
+                    -2.532110,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973799
+                    -2.531213,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974609
+                    -2.532582,53.975101
+                    -2.532813,53.976002
+                    -2.532429,53.976908
+                    -2.532561,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978324
+                    -2.534255,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979120
+                    -2.535980,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.979897
+                    -2.537955,53.980460
+                    -2.539467,53.980131
+                    -2.540480,53.980527
+                    -2.540529,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.981862
+                    -2.541685,53.982334
+                    -2.541675,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983727
+                    -2.543824,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984251
+                    -2.545516,53.984723
+                    -2.547028,53.984809
+                    -2.548250,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985229
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+                    -2.551564,53.987031
+                    -2.551849,53.986859
+                    -2.552051,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985734
+                    -2.554589,53.985572
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+                    -2.557093,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986268
+                    -2.558210,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985348
+                    -2.559633,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986511
+                    -2.562150,53.986325
+                    -2.562827,53.986859
+                    -2.563662,53.987660
+                    -2.563892,53.987765
+                    -2.563788,53.988667
+                    -2.563834,53.989577
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+                    -2.565174,53.990788
+                    -2.565639,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991938
+                    -2.564643,53.992286
+                    -2.564089,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.994002
+                    -2.562754,53.994098
+                    -2.563662,53.994217
+                    -2.564441,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995500
+                    -2.565673,53.995910
+                    -2.565434,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997097
+                    -2.563662,53.997035
+                    -2.562150,53.997006
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+                    -2.560476,53.996811
+                    -2.560638,53.996758
+                    -2.561651,53.995910
+                    -2.561408,53.995004
+                    -2.560638,53.994589
+                    -2.559794,53.994098
+                    -2.559450,53.993192
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+                    -2.559476,53.990479
+                    -2.559125,53.990269
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+                    -2.552475,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989096
+                    -2.554589,53.989577
+                    -2.554591,53.989577
+                    -2.555382,53.990479
+                    -2.554967,53.991385
+                    -2.555212,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992629
+                    -2.553352,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993516
+                    -2.552220,53.994098
+                    -2.551564,53.994389
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+                    -2.545543,54.009476
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+                    -2.534930,54.017572
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+                    -2.534930,54.017830
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+                    -2.530394,54.020476
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+                    -2.532521,54.020333
+                    -2.533418,54.019561
+                    -2.534621,54.020333
+                    -2.534930,54.020572
+                    -2.535562,54.021239
+                    -2.534930,54.021468
+                    -2.534297,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.020791
+                    -2.532704,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.021802
+                    -2.533756,54.022145
+                    -2.534694,54.023051
+                    -2.534930,54.023347
+                    -2.535730,54.023952
+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025397
+                    -2.531906,54.025459
+                    -2.530394,54.025202
+                    -2.528882,54.025354
+                    -2.527369,54.025507
+                    -2.525898,54.024858
+                    -2.525857,54.024844
+                    -2.524345,54.023952
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+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520257,54.022145
+                    -2.519808,54.021802
+                    -2.518296,54.021807
+                    -2.516874,54.021239
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+                    -2.515272,54.020634
+                    -2.513760,54.020495
+                    -2.512892,54.020333
+                    -2.512247,54.020262
+                    -2.510772,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.019408
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013219
+                    -2.511132,54.013095
+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010386
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
+                    -2.509223,54.007668
+                    -2.509223,54.006763
+                    -2.507711,54.005861
+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507804,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
+                    -2.512909,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.006543
+                    -2.514566,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.007621
+                    -2.513497,54.007668
+                    -2.513760,54.007697
+                    -2.515272,54.007835
+                    -2.515810,54.007668
+                    -2.515500,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006362
+                    -2.518296,54.006305
+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
+                    -2.514052,53.998618
+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
+                    -2.511967,53.996811
+                    -2.511814,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994603
+                    -2.509787,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995676
+                    -2.507711,53.995881
+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.995004
+                    -2.504894,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.994131
+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
+                    -2.503298,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.990951
+                    -2.505574,53.990479
+                    -2.504750,53.989577
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
+                    -2.503174,53.987865
+                    -2.502978,53.987765
+                    -2.502391,53.986859
+                    -2.501662,53.986278
+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507805,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979707
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977199
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+                    -2.509223,53.976536
+                    -2.508680,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975477
+                    -2.509727,53.975101
+                    -2.509420,53.974195
+                    -2.509223,53.973737
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
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+                    -2.512247,53.969669
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+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
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+                    -2.531906,53.973799
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+                    -2.531906,53.974609
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+                    -2.532813,53.976002
+                    -2.532429,53.976908
+                    -2.532561,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978324
+                    -2.534255,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979120
+                    -2.535980,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.979897
+                    -2.537955,53.980460
+                    -2.539467,53.980131
+                    -2.540480,53.980527
+                    -2.540529,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.981862
+                    -2.541685,53.982334
+                    -2.541675,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983727
+                    -2.543824,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984251
+                    -2.545516,53.984723
+                    -2.547028,53.984809
+                    -2.548250,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985229
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+                    -2.551564,53.987031
+                    -2.551849,53.986859
+                    -2.552051,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985734
+                    -2.554589,53.985572
+                    -2.556101,53.985529
+                    -2.557093,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986268
+                    -2.558210,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985348
+                    -2.559633,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986511
+                    -2.562150,53.986325
+                    -2.562827,53.986859
+                    -2.563662,53.987660
+                    -2.563892,53.987765
+                    -2.563788,53.988667
+                    -2.563834,53.989577
+                    -2.564508,53.990479
+                    -2.565174,53.990788
+                    -2.565639,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991938
+                    -2.564643,53.992286
+                    -2.564089,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.994002
+                    -2.562754,53.994098
+                    -2.563662,53.994217
+                    -2.564441,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995500
+                    -2.565673,53.995910
+                    -2.565434,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997097
+                    -2.563662,53.997035
+                    -2.562150,53.997006
+                    -2.560638,53.996882
+                    -2.560476,53.996811
+                    -2.560638,53.996758
+                    -2.561651,53.995910
+                    -2.561408,53.995004
+                    -2.560638,53.994589
+                    -2.559794,53.994098
+                    -2.559450,53.993192
+                    -2.559278,53.992286
+                    -2.559646,53.991385
+                    -2.559476,53.990479
+                    -2.559125,53.990269
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+                    -2.556919,53.989577
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+                    -2.555106,53.988667
+                    -2.554589,53.988357
+                    -2.553077,53.988309
+                    -2.552475,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989096
+                    -2.554589,53.989577
+                    -2.554591,53.989577
+                    -2.555382,53.990479
+                    -2.554967,53.991385
+                    -2.555212,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992629
+                    -2.553352,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993516
+                    -2.552220,53.994098
+                    -2.551564,53.994389
+                    -2.550220,53.995004
+                    -2.550052,53.995094
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+                    -2.534930,54.017572
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+                    -2.534930,54.017830
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+                    -2.533418,54.019561
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+                    -2.534930,54.020572
+                    -2.535562,54.021239
+                    -2.534930,54.021468
+                    -2.534297,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.020791
+                    -2.532704,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.021802
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+                    -2.534694,54.023051
+                    -2.534930,54.023347
+                    -2.535730,54.023952
+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025397
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+                    -2.530394,54.025202
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+                    -2.525857,54.024844
+                    -2.524345,54.023952
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+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520257,54.022145
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+                    -2.518296,54.021807
+                    -2.516874,54.021239
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+                    -2.515272,54.020634
+                    -2.513760,54.020495
+                    -2.512892,54.020333
+                    -2.512247,54.020262
+                    -2.510772,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.019408
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013219
+                    -2.511132,54.013095
+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010386
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
+                    -2.509223,54.007668
+                    -2.509223,54.006763
+                    -2.507711,54.005861
+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507804,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
+                    -2.512909,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.006543
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+                    -2.513760,54.007621
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+                    -2.513760,54.007697
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+                    -2.515500,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006362
+                    -2.518296,54.006305
+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
+                    -2.514052,53.998618
+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
+                    -2.511967,53.996811
+                    -2.511814,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994603
+                    -2.509787,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995676
+                    -2.507711,53.995881
+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.995004
+                    -2.504894,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.994131
+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
+                    -2.503298,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.990951
+                    -2.505574,53.990479
+                    -2.504750,53.989577
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
+                    -2.503174,53.987865
+                    -2.502978,53.987765
+                    -2.502391,53.986859
+                    -2.501662,53.986278
+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507805,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979707
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977199
+                    -2.509642,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976536
+                    -2.508680,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975477
+                    -2.509727,53.975101
+                    -2.509420,53.974195
+                    -2.509223,53.973737
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532263,53.972383
+                    -2.532110,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973799
+                    -2.531213,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974609
+                    -2.532582,53.975101
+                    -2.532813,53.976002
+                    -2.532429,53.976908
+                    -2.532561,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978324
+                    -2.534255,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979120
+                    -2.535980,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.979897
+                    -2.537955,53.980460
+                    -2.539467,53.980131
+                    -2.540480,53.980527
+                    -2.540529,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.981862
+                    -2.541685,53.982334
+                    -2.541675,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983727
+                    -2.543824,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984251
+                    -2.545516,53.984723
+                    -2.547028,53.984809
+                    -2.548250,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985229
+                    -2.550052,53.985271
+                    -2.551078,53.985953
+                    -2.551280,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987031
+                    -2.551849,53.986859
+                    -2.552051,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985734
+                    -2.554589,53.985572
+                    -2.556101,53.985529
+                    -2.557093,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986268
+                    -2.558210,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985348
+                    -2.559633,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986511
+                    -2.562150,53.986325
+                    -2.562827,53.986859
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+                    -2.563892,53.987765
+                    -2.563788,53.988667
+                    -2.563834,53.989577
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+                    -2.565639,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991938
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+                    -2.564089,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.994002
+                    -2.562754,53.994098
+                    -2.563662,53.994217
+                    -2.564441,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995500
+                    -2.565673,53.995910
+                    -2.565434,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997097
+                    -2.563662,53.997035
+                    -2.562150,53.997006
+                    -2.560638,53.996882
+                    -2.560476,53.996811
+                    -2.560638,53.996758
+                    -2.561651,53.995910
+                    -2.561408,53.995004
+                    -2.560638,53.994589
+                    -2.559794,53.994098
+                    -2.559450,53.993192
+                    -2.559278,53.992286
+                    -2.559646,53.991385
+                    -2.559476,53.990479
+                    -2.559125,53.990269
+                    -2.557613,53.990188
+                    -2.556919,53.989577
+                    -2.556101,53.989139
+                    -2.555106,53.988667
+                    -2.554589,53.988357
+                    -2.553077,53.988309
+                    -2.552475,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989096
+                    -2.554589,53.989577
+                    -2.554591,53.989577
+                    -2.555382,53.990479
+                    -2.554967,53.991385
+                    -2.555212,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992629
+                    -2.553352,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993516
+                    -2.552220,53.994098
+                    -2.551564,53.994389
+                    -2.550220,53.995004
+                    -2.550052,53.995094
+                    -2.548701,53.995910
+                    -2.548540,53.996134
+                    -2.547212,53.996811
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+                    -2.540387,54.014907
+                    -2.539467,54.015040
+                    -2.537955,54.015136
+                    -2.536443,54.015050
+                    -2.535531,54.015813
+                    -2.534930,54.015965
+                    -2.533894,54.016719
+                    -2.534930,54.017572
+                    -2.535380,54.017620
+                    -2.534930,54.017830
+                    -2.534142,54.018526
+                    -2.533418,54.019046
+                    -2.531906,54.018989
+                    -2.531129,54.019427
+                    -2.530394,54.020166
+                    -2.530159,54.020333
+                    -2.530394,54.020476
+                    -2.531906,54.020681
+                    -2.532521,54.020333
+                    -2.533418,54.019561
+                    -2.534621,54.020333
+                    -2.534930,54.020572
+                    -2.535562,54.021239
+                    -2.534930,54.021468
+                    -2.534297,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.020791
+                    -2.532704,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.021802
+                    -2.533756,54.022145
+                    -2.534694,54.023051
+                    -2.534930,54.023347
+                    -2.535730,54.023952
+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025397
+                    -2.531906,54.025459
+                    -2.530394,54.025202
+                    -2.528882,54.025354
+                    -2.527369,54.025507
+                    -2.525898,54.024858
+                    -2.525857,54.024844
+                    -2.524345,54.023952
+                    -2.522833,54.023051
+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520257,54.022145
+                    -2.519808,54.021802
+                    -2.518296,54.021807
+                    -2.516874,54.021239
+                    -2.516784,54.021158
+                    -2.515272,54.020634
+                    -2.513760,54.020495
+                    -2.512892,54.020333
+                    -2.512247,54.020262
+                    -2.510772,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.019408
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013219
+                    -2.511132,54.013095
+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010386
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
+                    -2.509223,54.007668
+                    -2.509223,54.006763
+                    -2.507711,54.005861
+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507804,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
+                    -2.512909,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.006543
+                    -2.514566,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.007621
+                    -2.513497,54.007668
+                    -2.513760,54.007697
+                    -2.515272,54.007835
+                    -2.515810,54.007668
+                    -2.515500,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006362
+                    -2.518296,54.006305
+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
+                    -2.514052,53.998618
+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
+                    -2.511967,53.996811
+                    -2.511814,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994603
+                    -2.509787,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995676
+                    -2.507711,53.995881
+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.995004
+                    -2.504894,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.994131
+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
+                    -2.503298,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.990951
+                    -2.505574,53.990479
+                    -2.504750,53.989577
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
+                    -2.503174,53.987865
+                    -2.502978,53.987765
+                    -2.502391,53.986859
+                    -2.501662,53.986278
+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507805,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979707
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977199
+                    -2.509642,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976536
+                    -2.508680,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975477
+                    -2.509727,53.975101
+                    -2.509420,53.974195
+                    -2.509223,53.973737
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532263,53.972383
+                    -2.532110,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973799
+                    -2.531213,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974609
+                    -2.532582,53.975101
+                    -2.532813,53.976002
+                    -2.532429,53.976908
+                    -2.532561,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978324
+                    -2.534255,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979120
+                    -2.535980,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.979897
+                    -2.537955,53.980460
+                    -2.539467,53.980131
+                    -2.540480,53.980527
+                    -2.540529,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.981862
+                    -2.541685,53.982334
+                    -2.541675,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983727
+                    -2.543824,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984251
+                    -2.545516,53.984723
+                    -2.547028,53.984809
+                    -2.548250,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985229
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+                    -2.551280,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987031
+                    -2.551849,53.986859
+                    -2.552051,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985734
+                    -2.554589,53.985572
+                    -2.556101,53.985529
+                    -2.557093,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986268
+                    -2.558210,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985348
+                    -2.559633,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986511
+                    -2.562150,53.986325
+                    -2.562827,53.986859
+                    -2.563662,53.987660
+                    -2.563892,53.987765
+                    -2.563788,53.988667
+                    -2.563834,53.989577
+                    -2.564508,53.990479
+                    -2.565174,53.990788
+                    -2.565639,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991938
+                    -2.564643,53.992286
+                    -2.564089,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.994002
+                    -2.562754,53.994098
+                    -2.563662,53.994217
+                    -2.564441,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995500
+                    -2.565673,53.995910
+                    -2.565434,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997097
+                    -2.563662,53.997035
+                    -2.562150,53.997006
+                    -2.560638,53.996882
+                    -2.560476,53.996811
+                    -2.560638,53.996758
+                    -2.561651,53.995910
+                    -2.561408,53.995004
+                    -2.560638,53.994589
+                    -2.559794,53.994098
+                    -2.559450,53.993192
+                    -2.559278,53.992286
+                    -2.559646,53.991385
+                    -2.559476,53.990479
+                    -2.559125,53.990269
+                    -2.557613,53.990188
+                    -2.556919,53.989577
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+                    -2.555106,53.988667
+                    -2.554589,53.988357
+                    -2.553077,53.988309
+                    -2.552475,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989096
+                    -2.554589,53.989577
+                    -2.554591,53.989577
+                    -2.555382,53.990479
+                    -2.554967,53.991385
+                    -2.555212,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992629
+                    -2.553352,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993516
+                    -2.552220,53.994098
+                    -2.551564,53.994389
+                    -2.550220,53.995004
+                    -2.550052,53.995094
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+                    -2.539467,54.000430
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+                    -2.545543,54.009476
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+                    -2.534930,54.017572
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+                    -2.534930,54.017830
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+                    -2.530394,54.020476
+                    -2.531906,54.020681
+                    -2.532521,54.020333
+                    -2.533418,54.019561
+                    -2.534621,54.020333
+                    -2.534930,54.020572
+                    -2.535562,54.021239
+                    -2.534930,54.021468
+                    -2.534297,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.020791
+                    -2.532704,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.021802
+                    -2.533756,54.022145
+                    -2.534694,54.023051
+                    -2.534930,54.023347
+                    -2.535730,54.023952
+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025397
+                    -2.531906,54.025459
+                    -2.530394,54.025202
+                    -2.528882,54.025354
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+                    -2.525898,54.024858
+                    -2.525857,54.024844
+                    -2.524345,54.023952
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+                    -2.521321,54.022145
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013219
+                    -2.511132,54.013095
+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010386
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
+                    -2.509223,54.007668
+                    -2.509223,54.006763
+                    -2.507711,54.005861
+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507804,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
+                    -2.512909,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.006543
+                    -2.514566,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.007621
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+                    -2.513760,54.007697
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+                    -2.515810,54.007668
+                    -2.515500,54.006763
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+                    -2.518296,54.006305
+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
+                    -2.514052,53.998618
+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
+                    -2.511967,53.996811
+                    -2.511814,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994603
+                    -2.509787,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995676
+                    -2.507711,53.995881
+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.995004
+                    -2.504894,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.994131
+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
+                    -2.503298,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.990951
+                    -2.505574,53.990479
+                    -2.504750,53.989577
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
+                    -2.503174,53.987865
+                    -2.502978,53.987765
+                    -2.502391,53.986859
+                    -2.501662,53.986278
+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507805,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979707
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977199
+                    -2.509642,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976536
+                    -2.508680,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975477
+                    -2.509727,53.975101
+                    -2.509420,53.974195
+                    -2.509223,53.973737
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532263,53.972383
+                    -2.532110,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973799
+                    -2.531213,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974609
+                    -2.532582,53.975101
+                    -2.532813,53.976002
+                    -2.532429,53.976908
+                    -2.532561,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978324
+                    -2.534255,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979120
+                    -2.535980,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.979897
+                    -2.537955,53.980460
+                    -2.539467,53.980131
+                    -2.540480,53.980527
+                    -2.540529,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.981862
+                    -2.541685,53.982334
+                    -2.541675,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983727
+                    -2.543824,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984251
+                    -2.545516,53.984723
+                    -2.547028,53.984809
+                    -2.548250,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985229
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+                    -2.551280,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987031
+                    -2.551849,53.986859
+                    -2.552051,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985734
+                    -2.554589,53.985572
+                    -2.556101,53.985529
+                    -2.557093,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986268
+                    -2.558210,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985348
+                    -2.559633,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986511
+                    -2.562150,53.986325
+                    -2.562827,53.986859
+                    -2.563662,53.987660
+                    -2.563892,53.987765
+                    -2.563788,53.988667
+                    -2.563834,53.989577
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+                    -2.565174,53.990788
+                    -2.565639,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991938
+                    -2.564643,53.992286
+                    -2.564089,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.994002
+                    -2.562754,53.994098
+                    -2.563662,53.994217
+                    -2.564441,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995500
+                    -2.565673,53.995910
+                    -2.565434,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997097
+                    -2.563662,53.997035
+                    -2.562150,53.997006
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+                    -2.560476,53.996811
+                    -2.560638,53.996758
+                    -2.561651,53.995910
+                    -2.561408,53.995004
+                    -2.560638,53.994589
+                    -2.559794,53.994098
+                    -2.559450,53.993192
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+                    -2.559476,53.990479
+                    -2.559125,53.990269
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+                    -2.554589,53.988357
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+                    -2.552475,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989096
+                    -2.554589,53.989577
+                    -2.554591,53.989577
+                    -2.555382,53.990479
+                    -2.554967,53.991385
+                    -2.555212,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992629
+                    -2.553352,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993516
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+                    -2.551564,53.994389
+                    -2.550220,53.995004
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+                    -2.545543,54.009476
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+                    -2.537955,54.015136
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+                    -2.534930,54.017572
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+                    -2.534930,54.017830
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+                    -2.530394,54.020166
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+                    -2.530394,54.020476
+                    -2.531906,54.020681
+                    -2.532521,54.020333
+                    -2.533418,54.019561
+                    -2.534621,54.020333
+                    -2.534930,54.020572
+                    -2.535562,54.021239
+                    -2.534930,54.021468
+                    -2.534297,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.020791
+                    -2.532704,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.021802
+                    -2.533756,54.022145
+                    -2.534694,54.023051
+                    -2.534930,54.023347
+                    -2.535730,54.023952
+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025397
+                    -2.531906,54.025459
+                    -2.530394,54.025202
+                    -2.528882,54.025354
+                    -2.527369,54.025507
+                    -2.525898,54.024858
+                    -2.525857,54.024844
+                    -2.524345,54.023952
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+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520257,54.022145
+                    -2.519808,54.021802
+                    -2.518296,54.021807
+                    -2.516874,54.021239
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+                    -2.515272,54.020634
+                    -2.513760,54.020495
+                    -2.512892,54.020333
+                    -2.512247,54.020262
+                    -2.510772,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.019408
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013219
+                    -2.511132,54.013095
+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010386
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
+                    -2.509223,54.007668
+                    -2.509223,54.006763
+                    -2.507711,54.005861
+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507804,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
+                    -2.512909,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.006543
+                    -2.514566,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.007621
+                    -2.513497,54.007668
+                    -2.513760,54.007697
+                    -2.515272,54.007835
+                    -2.515810,54.007668
+                    -2.515500,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006362
+                    -2.518296,54.006305
+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
+                    -2.514052,53.998618
+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
+                    -2.511967,53.996811
+                    -2.511814,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994603
+                    -2.509787,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995676
+                    -2.507711,53.995881
+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.995004
+                    -2.504894,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.994131
+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
+                    -2.503298,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.990951
+                    -2.505574,53.990479
+                    -2.504750,53.989577
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
+                    -2.503174,53.987865
+                    -2.502978,53.987765
+                    -2.502391,53.986859
+                    -2.501662,53.986278
+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507805,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979707
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977199
+                    -2.509642,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976536
+                    -2.508680,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975477
+                    -2.509727,53.975101
+                    -2.509420,53.974195
+                    -2.509223,53.973737
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
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+                    -2.512247,53.969669
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+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
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+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532263,53.972383
+                    -2.532110,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973799
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+                    -2.531906,53.974609
+                    -2.532582,53.975101
+                    -2.532813,53.976002
+                    -2.532429,53.976908
+                    -2.532561,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978324
+                    -2.534255,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979120
+                    -2.535980,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.979897
+                    -2.537955,53.980460
+                    -2.539467,53.980131
+                    -2.540480,53.980527
+                    -2.540529,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.981862
+                    -2.541685,53.982334
+                    -2.541675,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983727
+                    -2.543824,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984251
+                    -2.545516,53.984723
+                    -2.547028,53.984809
+                    -2.548250,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985229
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+                    -2.551280,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987031
+                    -2.551849,53.986859
+                    -2.552051,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985734
+                    -2.554589,53.985572
+                    -2.556101,53.985529
+                    -2.557093,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986268
+                    -2.558210,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985348
+                    -2.559633,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986511
+                    -2.562150,53.986325
+                    -2.562827,53.986859
+                    -2.563662,53.987660
+                    -2.563892,53.987765
+                    -2.563788,53.988667
+                    -2.563834,53.989577
+                    -2.564508,53.990479
+                    -2.565174,53.990788
+                    -2.565639,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991938
+                    -2.564643,53.992286
+                    -2.564089,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.994002
+                    -2.562754,53.994098
+                    -2.563662,53.994217
+                    -2.564441,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995500
+                    -2.565673,53.995910
+                    -2.565434,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997097
+                    -2.563662,53.997035
+                    -2.562150,53.997006
+                    -2.560638,53.996882
+                    -2.560476,53.996811
+                    -2.560638,53.996758
+                    -2.561651,53.995910
+                    -2.561408,53.995004
+                    -2.560638,53.994589
+                    -2.559794,53.994098
+                    -2.559450,53.993192
+                    -2.559278,53.992286
+                    -2.559646,53.991385
+                    -2.559476,53.990479
+                    -2.559125,53.990269
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+                    -2.556919,53.989577
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+                    -2.555106,53.988667
+                    -2.554589,53.988357
+                    -2.553077,53.988309
+                    -2.552475,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989096
+                    -2.554589,53.989577
+                    -2.554591,53.989577
+                    -2.555382,53.990479
+                    -2.554967,53.991385
+                    -2.555212,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992629
+                    -2.553352,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993516
+                    -2.552220,53.994098
+                    -2.551564,53.994389
+                    -2.550220,53.995004
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+                    -2.534930,54.017572
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+                    -2.534930,54.017830
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+                    -2.530394,54.020476
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+                    -2.533418,54.019561
+                    -2.534621,54.020333
+                    -2.534930,54.020572
+                    -2.535562,54.021239
+                    -2.534930,54.021468
+                    -2.534297,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.020791
+                    -2.532704,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.021802
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+                    -2.534694,54.023051
+                    -2.534930,54.023347
+                    -2.535730,54.023952
+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025397
+                    -2.531906,54.025459
+                    -2.530394,54.025202
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+                    -2.527369,54.025507
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+                    -2.525857,54.024844
+                    -2.524345,54.023952
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+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520257,54.022145
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+                    -2.518296,54.021807
+                    -2.516874,54.021239
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+                    -2.515272,54.020634
+                    -2.513760,54.020495
+                    -2.512892,54.020333
+                    -2.512247,54.020262
+                    -2.510772,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.019408
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013219
+                    -2.511132,54.013095
+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010386
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
+                    -2.509223,54.007668
+                    -2.509223,54.006763
+                    -2.507711,54.005861
+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507804,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
+                    -2.512909,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.006543
+                    -2.514566,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.007621
+                    -2.513497,54.007668
+                    -2.513760,54.007697
+                    -2.515272,54.007835
+                    -2.515810,54.007668
+                    -2.515500,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006362
+                    -2.518296,54.006305
+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
+                    -2.514052,53.998618
+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
+                    -2.511967,53.996811
+                    -2.511814,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994603
+                    -2.509787,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995676
+                    -2.507711,53.995881
+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.995004
+                    -2.504894,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.994131
+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
+                    -2.503298,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.990951
+                    -2.505574,53.990479
+                    -2.504750,53.989577
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
+                    -2.503174,53.987865
+                    -2.502978,53.987765
+                    -2.502391,53.986859
+                    -2.501662,53.986278
+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507805,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979707
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977199
+                    -2.509642,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976536
+                    -2.508680,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975477
+                    -2.509727,53.975101
+                    -2.509420,53.974195
+                    -2.509223,53.973737
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532263,53.972383
+                    -2.532110,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973799
+                    -2.531213,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974609
+                    -2.532582,53.975101
+                    -2.532813,53.976002
+                    -2.532429,53.976908
+                    -2.532561,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978324
+                    -2.534255,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979120
+                    -2.535980,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.979897
+                    -2.537955,53.980460
+                    -2.539467,53.980131
+                    -2.540480,53.980527
+                    -2.540529,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.981862
+                    -2.541685,53.982334
+                    -2.541675,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983727
+                    -2.543824,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984251
+                    -2.545516,53.984723
+                    -2.547028,53.984809
+                    -2.548250,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985229
+                    -2.550052,53.985271
+                    -2.551078,53.985953
+                    -2.551280,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987031
+                    -2.551849,53.986859
+                    -2.552051,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985734
+                    -2.554589,53.985572
+                    -2.556101,53.985529
+                    -2.557093,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986268
+                    -2.558210,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985348
+                    -2.559633,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986511
+                    -2.562150,53.986325
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+                    -2.563788,53.988667
+                    -2.563834,53.989577
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+                    -2.565639,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991938
+                    -2.564643,53.992286
+                    -2.564089,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.994002
+                    -2.562754,53.994098
+                    -2.563662,53.994217
+                    -2.564441,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995500
+                    -2.565673,53.995910
+                    -2.565434,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997097
+                    -2.563662,53.997035
+                    -2.562150,53.997006
+                    -2.560638,53.996882
+                    -2.560476,53.996811
+                    -2.560638,53.996758
+                    -2.561651,53.995910
+                    -2.561408,53.995004
+                    -2.560638,53.994589
+                    -2.559794,53.994098
+                    -2.559450,53.993192
+                    -2.559278,53.992286
+                    -2.559646,53.991385
+                    -2.559476,53.990479
+                    -2.559125,53.990269
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+                    -2.556919,53.989577
+                    -2.556101,53.989139
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+                    -2.554589,53.988357
+                    -2.553077,53.988309
+                    -2.552475,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989096
+                    -2.554589,53.989577
+                    -2.554591,53.989577
+                    -2.555382,53.990479
+                    -2.554967,53.991385
+                    -2.555212,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992629
+                    -2.553352,53.993192
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+                    -2.546923,54.013095
+                    -2.545516,54.013314
+                    -2.544657,54.013095
+                    -2.544003,54.012847
+                    -2.543664,54.013095
+                    -2.543307,54.014001
+                    -2.542491,54.014521
+                    -2.540979,54.014540
+                    -2.540387,54.014907
+                    -2.539467,54.015040
+                    -2.537955,54.015136
+                    -2.536443,54.015050
+                    -2.535531,54.015813
+                    -2.534930,54.015965
+                    -2.533894,54.016719
+                    -2.534930,54.017572
+                    -2.535380,54.017620
+                    -2.534930,54.017830
+                    -2.534142,54.018526
+                    -2.533418,54.019046
+                    -2.531906,54.018989
+                    -2.531129,54.019427
+                    -2.530394,54.020166
+                    -2.530159,54.020333
+                    -2.530394,54.020476
+                    -2.531906,54.020681
+                    -2.532521,54.020333
+                    -2.533418,54.019561
+                    -2.534621,54.020333
+                    -2.534930,54.020572
+                    -2.535562,54.021239
+                    -2.534930,54.021468
+                    -2.534297,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.020791
+                    -2.532704,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.021802
+                    -2.533756,54.022145
+                    -2.534694,54.023051
+                    -2.534930,54.023347
+                    -2.535730,54.023952
+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025397
+                    -2.531906,54.025459
+                    -2.530394,54.025202
+                    -2.528882,54.025354
+                    -2.527369,54.025507
+                    -2.525898,54.024858
+                    -2.525857,54.024844
+                    -2.524345,54.023952
+                    -2.522833,54.023051
+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520257,54.022145
+                    -2.519808,54.021802
+                    -2.518296,54.021807
+                    -2.516874,54.021239
+                    -2.516784,54.021158
+                    -2.515272,54.020634
+                    -2.513760,54.020495
+                    -2.512892,54.020333
+                    -2.512247,54.020262
+                    -2.510772,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.019408
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013219
+                    -2.511132,54.013095
+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010386
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
+                    -2.509223,54.007668
+                    -2.509223,54.006763
+                    -2.507711,54.005861
+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507804,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
+                    -2.512909,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.006543
+                    -2.514566,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.007621
+                    -2.513497,54.007668
+                    -2.513760,54.007697
+                    -2.515272,54.007835
+                    -2.515810,54.007668
+                    -2.515500,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006362
+                    -2.518296,54.006305
+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
+                    -2.514052,53.998618
+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
+                    -2.511967,53.996811
+                    -2.511814,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994603
+                    -2.509787,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995676
+                    -2.507711,53.995881
+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.995004
+                    -2.504894,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.994131
+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
+                    -2.503298,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.990951
+                    -2.505574,53.990479
+                    -2.504750,53.989577
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
+                    -2.503174,53.987865
+                    -2.502978,53.987765
+                    -2.502391,53.986859
+                    -2.501662,53.986278
+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507805,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979707
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977199
+                    -2.509642,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976536
+                    -2.508680,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975477
+                    -2.509727,53.975101
+                    -2.509420,53.974195
+                    -2.509223,53.973737
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532263,53.972383
+                    -2.532110,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973799
+                    -2.531213,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974609
+                    -2.532582,53.975101
+                    -2.532813,53.976002
+                    -2.532429,53.976908
+                    -2.532561,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978324
+                    -2.534255,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979120
+                    -2.535980,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.979897
+                    -2.537955,53.980460
+                    -2.539467,53.980131
+                    -2.540480,53.980527
+                    -2.540529,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.981862
+                    -2.541685,53.982334
+                    -2.541675,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983727
+                    -2.543824,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984251
+                    -2.545516,53.984723
+                    -2.547028,53.984809
+                    -2.548250,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985229
+                    -2.550052,53.985271
+                    -2.551078,53.985953
+                    -2.551280,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987031
+                    -2.551849,53.986859
+                    -2.552051,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985734
+                    -2.554589,53.985572
+                    -2.556101,53.985529
+                    -2.557093,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986268
+                    -2.558210,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985348
+                    -2.559633,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986511
+                    -2.562150,53.986325
+                    -2.562827,53.986859
+                    -2.563662,53.987660
+                    -2.563892,53.987765
+                    -2.563788,53.988667
+                    -2.563834,53.989577
+                    -2.564508,53.990479
+                    -2.565174,53.990788
+                    -2.565639,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991938
+                    -2.564643,53.992286
+                    -2.564089,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.994002
+                    -2.562754,53.994098
+                    -2.563662,53.994217
+                    -2.564441,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995500
+                    -2.565673,53.995910
+                    -2.565434,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997097
+                    -2.563662,53.997035
+                    -2.562150,53.997006
+                    -2.560638,53.996882
+                    -2.560476,53.996811
+                    -2.560638,53.996758
+                    -2.561651,53.995910
+                    -2.561408,53.995004
+                    -2.560638,53.994589
+                    -2.559794,53.994098
+                    -2.559450,53.993192
+                    -2.559278,53.992286
+                    -2.559646,53.991385
+                    -2.559476,53.990479
+                    -2.559125,53.990269
+                    -2.557613,53.990188
+                    -2.556919,53.989577
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+                    -2.555106,53.988667
+                    -2.554589,53.988357
+                    -2.553077,53.988309
+                    -2.552475,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989096
+                    -2.554589,53.989577
+                    -2.554591,53.989577
+                    -2.555382,53.990479
+                    -2.554967,53.991385
+                    -2.555212,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992629
+                    -2.553352,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993516
+                    -2.552220,53.994098
+                    -2.551564,53.994389
+                    -2.550220,53.995004
+                    -2.550052,53.995094
+                    -2.548701,53.995910
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+                    -2.542491,53.998704
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+                    -2.539470,54.000430
+                    -2.539467,54.000430
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+                    -2.545543,54.009476
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+                    -2.545516,54.013314
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+                    -2.537955,54.015136
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+                    -2.534930,54.017572
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+                    -2.534930,54.017830
+                    -2.534142,54.018526
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+                    -2.530394,54.020476
+                    -2.531906,54.020681
+                    -2.532521,54.020333
+                    -2.533418,54.019561
+                    -2.534621,54.020333
+                    -2.534930,54.020572
+                    -2.535562,54.021239
+                    -2.534930,54.021468
+                    -2.534297,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.020791
+                    -2.532704,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.021802
+                    -2.533756,54.022145
+                    -2.534694,54.023051
+                    -2.534930,54.023347
+                    -2.535730,54.023952
+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025397
+                    -2.531906,54.025459
+                    -2.530394,54.025202
+                    -2.528882,54.025354
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+                    -2.525857,54.024844
+                    -2.524345,54.023952
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+                    -2.512247,54.020262
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013219
+                    -2.511132,54.013095
+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010386
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
+                    -2.509223,54.007668
+                    -2.509223,54.006763
+                    -2.507711,54.005861
+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507804,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
+                    -2.512909,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.006543
+                    -2.514566,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.007621
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+                    -2.515810,54.007668
+                    -2.515500,54.006763
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+                    -2.518296,54.006305
+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
+                    -2.514052,53.998618
+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
+                    -2.511967,53.996811
+                    -2.511814,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994603
+                    -2.509787,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995676
+                    -2.507711,53.995881
+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.995004
+                    -2.504894,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.994131
+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
+                    -2.503298,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.990951
+                    -2.505574,53.990479
+                    -2.504750,53.989577
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
+                    -2.503174,53.987865
+                    -2.502978,53.987765
+                    -2.502391,53.986859
+                    -2.501662,53.986278
+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507805,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979707
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977199
+                    -2.509642,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976536
+                    -2.508680,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975477
+                    -2.509727,53.975101
+                    -2.509420,53.974195
+                    -2.509223,53.973737
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532263,53.972383
+                    -2.532110,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973799
+                    -2.531213,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974609
+                    -2.532582,53.975101
+                    -2.532813,53.976002
+                    -2.532429,53.976908
+                    -2.532561,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978324
+                    -2.534255,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979120
+                    -2.535980,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.979897
+                    -2.537955,53.980460
+                    -2.539467,53.980131
+                    -2.540480,53.980527
+                    -2.540529,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.981862
+                    -2.541685,53.982334
+                    -2.541675,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983727
+                    -2.543824,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984251
+                    -2.545516,53.984723
+                    -2.547028,53.984809
+                    -2.548250,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985229
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+                    -2.551280,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987031
+                    -2.551849,53.986859
+                    -2.552051,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985734
+                    -2.554589,53.985572
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+                    -2.557093,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986268
+                    -2.558210,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985348
+                    -2.559633,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986511
+                    -2.562150,53.986325
+                    -2.562827,53.986859
+                    -2.563662,53.987660
+                    -2.563892,53.987765
+                    -2.563788,53.988667
+                    -2.563834,53.989577
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+                    -2.565174,53.990788
+                    -2.565639,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991938
+                    -2.564643,53.992286
+                    -2.564089,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.994002
+                    -2.562754,53.994098
+                    -2.563662,53.994217
+                    -2.564441,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995500
+                    -2.565673,53.995910
+                    -2.565434,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997097
+                    -2.563662,53.997035
+                    -2.562150,53.997006
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+                    -2.560476,53.996811
+                    -2.560638,53.996758
+                    -2.561651,53.995910
+                    -2.561408,53.995004
+                    -2.560638,53.994589
+                    -2.559794,53.994098
+                    -2.559450,53.993192
+                    -2.559278,53.992286
+                    -2.559646,53.991385
+                    -2.559476,53.990479
+                    -2.559125,53.990269
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+                    -2.554589,53.988357
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+                    -2.552475,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989096
+                    -2.554589,53.989577
+                    -2.554591,53.989577
+                    -2.555382,53.990479
+                    -2.554967,53.991385
+                    -2.555212,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992629
+                    -2.553352,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993516
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+                    -2.551564,53.994389
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+                    -2.545543,54.009476
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+                    -2.537955,54.015136
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+                    -2.534930,54.017572
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+                    -2.534930,54.017830
+                    -2.534142,54.018526
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+                    -2.530394,54.020166
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+                    -2.530394,54.020476
+                    -2.531906,54.020681
+                    -2.532521,54.020333
+                    -2.533418,54.019561
+                    -2.534621,54.020333
+                    -2.534930,54.020572
+                    -2.535562,54.021239
+                    -2.534930,54.021468
+                    -2.534297,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.020791
+                    -2.532704,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.021802
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+                    -2.534694,54.023051
+                    -2.534930,54.023347
+                    -2.535730,54.023952
+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025397
+                    -2.531906,54.025459
+                    -2.530394,54.025202
+                    -2.528882,54.025354
+                    -2.527369,54.025507
+                    -2.525898,54.024858
+                    -2.525857,54.024844
+                    -2.524345,54.023952
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+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520257,54.022145
+                    -2.519808,54.021802
+                    -2.518296,54.021807
+                    -2.516874,54.021239
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+                    -2.515272,54.020634
+                    -2.513760,54.020495
+                    -2.512892,54.020333
+                    -2.512247,54.020262
+                    -2.510772,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.019408
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013219
+                    -2.511132,54.013095
+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010386
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
+                    -2.509223,54.007668
+                    -2.509223,54.006763
+                    -2.507711,54.005861
+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507804,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
+                    -2.512909,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.006543
+                    -2.514566,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.007621
+                    -2.513497,54.007668
+                    -2.513760,54.007697
+                    -2.515272,54.007835
+                    -2.515810,54.007668
+                    -2.515500,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006362
+                    -2.518296,54.006305
+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
+                    -2.514052,53.998618
+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
+                    -2.511967,53.996811
+                    -2.511814,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994603
+                    -2.509787,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995676
+                    -2.507711,53.995881
+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.995004
+                    -2.504894,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.994131
+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
+                    -2.503298,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.990951
+                    -2.505574,53.990479
+                    -2.504750,53.989577
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
+                    -2.503174,53.987865
+                    -2.502978,53.987765
+                    -2.502391,53.986859
+                    -2.501662,53.986278
+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507805,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979707
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977199
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+                    -2.509223,53.976536
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+                    -2.509223,53.975477
+                    -2.509727,53.975101
+                    -2.509420,53.974195
+                    -2.509223,53.973737
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532263,53.972383
+                    -2.532110,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973799
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+                    -2.531906,53.974609
+                    -2.532582,53.975101
+                    -2.532813,53.976002
+                    -2.532429,53.976908
+                    -2.532561,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978324
+                    -2.534255,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979120
+                    -2.535980,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.979897
+                    -2.537955,53.980460
+                    -2.539467,53.980131
+                    -2.540480,53.980527
+                    -2.540529,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.981862
+                    -2.541685,53.982334
+                    -2.541675,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983727
+                    -2.543824,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984251
+                    -2.545516,53.984723
+                    -2.547028,53.984809
+                    -2.548250,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985229
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+                    -2.551280,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987031
+                    -2.551849,53.986859
+                    -2.552051,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985734
+                    -2.554589,53.985572
+                    -2.556101,53.985529
+                    -2.557093,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986268
+                    -2.558210,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985348
+                    -2.559633,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986511
+                    -2.562150,53.986325
+                    -2.562827,53.986859
+                    -2.563662,53.987660
+                    -2.563892,53.987765
+                    -2.563788,53.988667
+                    -2.563834,53.989577
+                    -2.564508,53.990479
+                    -2.565174,53.990788
+                    -2.565639,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991938
+                    -2.564643,53.992286
+                    -2.564089,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.994002
+                    -2.562754,53.994098
+                    -2.563662,53.994217
+                    -2.564441,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995500
+                    -2.565673,53.995910
+                    -2.565434,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997097
+                    -2.563662,53.997035
+                    -2.562150,53.997006
+                    -2.560638,53.996882
+                    -2.560476,53.996811
+                    -2.560638,53.996758
+                    -2.561651,53.995910
+                    -2.561408,53.995004
+                    -2.560638,53.994589
+                    -2.559794,53.994098
+                    -2.559450,53.993192
+                    -2.559278,53.992286
+                    -2.559646,53.991385
+                    -2.559476,53.990479
+                    -2.559125,53.990269
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+                    -2.556919,53.989577
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+                    -2.554589,53.988357
+                    -2.553077,53.988309
+                    -2.552475,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989096
+                    -2.554589,53.989577
+                    -2.554591,53.989577
+                    -2.555382,53.990479
+                    -2.554967,53.991385
+                    -2.555212,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992629
+                    -2.553352,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993516
+                    -2.552220,53.994098
+                    -2.551564,53.994389
+                    -2.550220,53.995004
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+                    -2.534930,54.017572
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+                    -2.534930,54.017830
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+                    -2.533418,54.019561
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+                    -2.534930,54.020572
+                    -2.535562,54.021239
+                    -2.534930,54.021468
+                    -2.534297,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.020791
+                    -2.532704,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.021802
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+                    -2.534694,54.023051
+                    -2.534930,54.023347
+                    -2.535730,54.023952
+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025397
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+                    -2.530394,54.025202
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+                    -2.525857,54.024844
+                    -2.524345,54.023952
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+                    -2.520257,54.022145
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+                    -2.518296,54.021807
+                    -2.516874,54.021239
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+                    -2.515272,54.020634
+                    -2.513760,54.020495
+                    -2.512892,54.020333
+                    -2.512247,54.020262
+                    -2.510772,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.019408
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013219
+                    -2.511132,54.013095
+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010386
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
+                    -2.509223,54.007668
+                    -2.509223,54.006763
+                    -2.507711,54.005861
+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507804,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
+                    -2.512909,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.006543
+                    -2.514566,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.007621
+                    -2.513497,54.007668
+                    -2.513760,54.007697
+                    -2.515272,54.007835
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+                    -2.515500,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006362
+                    -2.518296,54.006305
+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
+                    -2.514052,53.998618
+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
+                    -2.511967,53.996811
+                    -2.511814,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994603
+                    -2.509787,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995676
+                    -2.507711,53.995881
+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.995004
+                    -2.504894,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.994131
+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
+                    -2.503298,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.990951
+                    -2.505574,53.990479
+                    -2.504750,53.989577
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
+                    -2.503174,53.987865
+                    -2.502978,53.987765
+                    -2.502391,53.986859
+                    -2.501662,53.986278
+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507805,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979707
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977199
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+                    -2.509223,53.976536
+                    -2.508680,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975477
+                    -2.509727,53.975101
+                    -2.509420,53.974195
+                    -2.509223,53.973737
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532263,53.972383
+                    -2.532110,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973799
+                    -2.531213,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974609
+                    -2.532582,53.975101
+                    -2.532813,53.976002
+                    -2.532429,53.976908
+                    -2.532561,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978324
+                    -2.534255,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979120
+                    -2.535980,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.979897
+                    -2.537955,53.980460
+                    -2.539467,53.980131
+                    -2.540480,53.980527
+                    -2.540529,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.981862
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+                    -2.541675,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983727
+                    -2.543824,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984251
+                    -2.545516,53.984723
+                    -2.547028,53.984809
+                    -2.548250,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985229
+                    -2.550052,53.985271
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+                    -2.551280,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987031
+                    -2.551849,53.986859
+                    -2.552051,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985734
+                    -2.554589,53.985572
+                    -2.556101,53.985529
+                    -2.557093,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986268
+                    -2.558210,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985348
+                    -2.559633,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986511
+                    -2.562150,53.986325
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+                    -2.563892,53.987765
+                    -2.563788,53.988667
+                    -2.563834,53.989577
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+                    -2.565639,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991938
+                    -2.564643,53.992286
+                    -2.564089,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.994002
+                    -2.562754,53.994098
+                    -2.563662,53.994217
+                    -2.564441,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995500
+                    -2.565673,53.995910
+                    -2.565434,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997097
+                    -2.563662,53.997035
+                    -2.562150,53.997006
+                    -2.560638,53.996882
+                    -2.560476,53.996811
+                    -2.560638,53.996758
+                    -2.561651,53.995910
+                    -2.561408,53.995004
+                    -2.560638,53.994589
+                    -2.559794,53.994098
+                    -2.559450,53.993192
+                    -2.559278,53.992286
+                    -2.559646,53.991385
+                    -2.559476,53.990479
+                    -2.559125,53.990269
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+                    -2.556919,53.989577
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+                    -2.554589,53.988357
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+                    -2.552475,53.988667
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+                    -2.545276,54.008574
+                    -2.545516,54.008508
+                    -2.545647,54.008574
+                    -2.545543,54.009476
+                    -2.545887,54.010386
+                    -2.546272,54.011288
+                    -2.547028,54.011602
+                    -2.547345,54.012194
+                    -2.547028,54.013038
+                    -2.546923,54.013095
+                    -2.545516,54.013314
+                    -2.544657,54.013095
+                    -2.544003,54.012847
+                    -2.543664,54.013095
+                    -2.543307,54.014001
+                    -2.542491,54.014521
+                    -2.540979,54.014540
+                    -2.540387,54.014907
+                    -2.539467,54.015040
+                    -2.537955,54.015136
+                    -2.536443,54.015050
+                    -2.535531,54.015813
+                    -2.534930,54.015965
+                    -2.533894,54.016719
+                    -2.534930,54.017572
+                    -2.535380,54.017620
+                    -2.534930,54.017830
+                    -2.534142,54.018526
+                    -2.533418,54.019046
+                    -2.531906,54.018989
+                    -2.531129,54.019427
+                    -2.530394,54.020166
+                    -2.530159,54.020333
+                    -2.530394,54.020476
+                    -2.531906,54.020681
+                    -2.532521,54.020333
+                    -2.533418,54.019561
+                    -2.534621,54.020333
+                    -2.534930,54.020572
+                    -2.535562,54.021239
+                    -2.534930,54.021468
+                    -2.534297,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.020791
+                    -2.532704,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.021802
+                    -2.533756,54.022145
+                    -2.534694,54.023051
+                    -2.534930,54.023347
+                    -2.535730,54.023952
+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025397
+                    -2.531906,54.025459
+                    -2.530394,54.025202
+                    -2.528882,54.025354
+                    -2.527369,54.025507
+                    -2.525898,54.024858
+                    -2.525857,54.024844
+                    -2.524345,54.023952
+                    -2.522833,54.023051
+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520257,54.022145
+                    -2.519808,54.021802
+                    -2.518296,54.021807
+                    -2.516874,54.021239
+                    -2.516784,54.021158
+                    -2.515272,54.020634
+                    -2.513760,54.020495
+                    -2.512892,54.020333
+                    -2.512247,54.020262
+                    -2.510772,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.019408
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013219
+                    -2.511132,54.013095
+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010386
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
+                    -2.509223,54.007668
+                    -2.509223,54.006763
+                    -2.507711,54.005861
+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507804,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
+                    -2.512909,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.006543
+                    -2.514566,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.007621
+                    -2.513497,54.007668
+                    -2.513760,54.007697
+                    -2.515272,54.007835
+                    -2.515810,54.007668
+                    -2.515500,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006362
+                    -2.518296,54.006305
+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
+                    -2.514052,53.998618
+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
+                    -2.511967,53.996811
+                    -2.511814,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994603
+                    -2.509787,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995676
+                    -2.507711,53.995881
+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.995004
+                    -2.504894,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.994131
+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
+                    -2.503298,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.990951
+                    -2.505574,53.990479
+                    -2.504750,53.989577
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
+                    -2.503174,53.987865
+                    -2.502978,53.987765
+                    -2.502391,53.986859
+                    -2.501662,53.986278
+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507805,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979707
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977199
+                    -2.509642,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976536
+                    -2.508680,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975477
+                    -2.509727,53.975101
+                    -2.509420,53.974195
+                    -2.509223,53.973737
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532263,53.972383
+                    -2.532110,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973799
+                    -2.531213,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974609
+                    -2.532582,53.975101
+                    -2.532813,53.976002
+                    -2.532429,53.976908
+                    -2.532561,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978324
+                    -2.534255,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979120
+                    -2.535980,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.979897
+                    -2.537955,53.980460
+                    -2.539467,53.980131
+                    -2.540480,53.980527
+                    -2.540529,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.981862
+                    -2.541685,53.982334
+                    -2.541675,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983727
+                    -2.543824,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984251
+                    -2.545516,53.984723
+                    -2.547028,53.984809
+                    -2.548250,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985229
+                    -2.550052,53.985271
+                    -2.551078,53.985953
+                    -2.551280,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987031
+                    -2.551849,53.986859
+                    -2.552051,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985734
+                    -2.554589,53.985572
+                    -2.556101,53.985529
+                    -2.557093,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986268
+                    -2.558210,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985348
+                    -2.559633,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986511
+                    -2.562150,53.986325
+                    -2.562827,53.986859
+                    -2.563662,53.987660
+                    -2.563892,53.987765
+                    -2.563788,53.988667
+                    -2.563834,53.989577
+                    -2.564508,53.990479
+                    -2.565174,53.990788
+                    -2.565639,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991938
+                    -2.564643,53.992286
+                    -2.564089,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.994002
+                    -2.562754,53.994098
+                    -2.563662,53.994217
+                    -2.564441,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995500
+                    -2.565673,53.995910
+                    -2.565434,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997097
+                    -2.563662,53.997035
+                    -2.562150,53.997006
+                    -2.560638,53.996882
+                    -2.560476,53.996811
+                    -2.560638,53.996758
+                    -2.561651,53.995910
+                    -2.561408,53.995004
+                    -2.560638,53.994589
+                    -2.559794,53.994098
+                    -2.559450,53.993192
+                    -2.559278,53.992286
+                    -2.559646,53.991385
+                    -2.559476,53.990479
+                    -2.559125,53.990269
+                    -2.557613,53.990188
+                    -2.556919,53.989577
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+                    -2.555106,53.988667
+                    -2.554589,53.988357
+                    -2.553077,53.988309
+                    -2.552475,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989096
+                    -2.554589,53.989577
+                    -2.554591,53.989577
+                    -2.555382,53.990479
+                    -2.554967,53.991385
+                    -2.555212,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992629
+                    -2.553352,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993516
+                    -2.552220,53.994098
+                    -2.551564,53.994389
+                    -2.550220,53.995004
+                    -2.550052,53.995094
+                    -2.548701,53.995910
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+                    -2.542491,53.998704
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+                    -2.539470,54.000430
+                    -2.539467,54.000430
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+                    -2.545543,54.009476
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+                    -2.537955,54.015136
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+                    -2.534930,54.017572
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+                    -2.534930,54.017830
+                    -2.534142,54.018526
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+                    -2.530394,54.020476
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+                    -2.532521,54.020333
+                    -2.533418,54.019561
+                    -2.534621,54.020333
+                    -2.534930,54.020572
+                    -2.535562,54.021239
+                    -2.534930,54.021468
+                    -2.534297,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.020791
+                    -2.532704,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.021802
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+                    -2.534694,54.023051
+                    -2.534930,54.023347
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+                    -2.534930,54.024858
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+                    -2.530394,54.025202
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+                    -2.524345,54.023952
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+                    -2.513760,54.020495
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+                    -2.512247,54.020262
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+                    -2.510735,54.019408
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013219
+                    -2.511132,54.013095
+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010386
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
+                    -2.509223,54.007668
+                    -2.509223,54.006763
+                    -2.507711,54.005861
+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507804,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
+                    -2.512909,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.006543
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+                    -2.513760,54.007621
+                    -2.513497,54.007668
+                    -2.513760,54.007697
+                    -2.515272,54.007835
+                    -2.515810,54.007668
+                    -2.515500,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006362
+                    -2.518296,54.006305
+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
+                    -2.514052,53.998618
+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
+                    -2.511967,53.996811
+                    -2.511814,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994603
+                    -2.509787,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995676
+                    -2.507711,53.995881
+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.995004
+                    -2.504894,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.994131
+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
+                    -2.503298,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.990951
+                    -2.505574,53.990479
+                    -2.504750,53.989577
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
+                    -2.503174,53.987865
+                    -2.502978,53.987765
+                    -2.502391,53.986859
+                    -2.501662,53.986278
+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507805,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979707
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977199
+                    -2.509642,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976536
+                    -2.508680,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975477
+                    -2.509727,53.975101
+                    -2.509420,53.974195
+                    -2.509223,53.973737
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532263,53.972383
+                    -2.532110,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973799
+                    -2.531213,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974609
+                    -2.532582,53.975101
+                    -2.532813,53.976002
+                    -2.532429,53.976908
+                    -2.532561,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978324
+                    -2.534255,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979120
+                    -2.535980,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.979897
+                    -2.537955,53.980460
+                    -2.539467,53.980131
+                    -2.540480,53.980527
+                    -2.540529,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.981862
+                    -2.541685,53.982334
+                    -2.541675,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983727
+                    -2.543824,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984251
+                    -2.545516,53.984723
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+                    -2.548250,53.985052
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+                    -2.551849,53.986859
+                    -2.552051,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985734
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+                    -2.557093,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986268
+                    -2.558210,53.985953
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+                    -2.559633,53.985953
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+                    -2.562150,53.986325
+                    -2.562827,53.986859
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+                    -2.563788,53.988667
+                    -2.563834,53.989577
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+                    -2.565639,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991938
+                    -2.564643,53.992286
+                    -2.564089,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.994002
+                    -2.562754,53.994098
+                    -2.563662,53.994217
+                    -2.564441,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995500
+                    -2.565673,53.995910
+                    -2.565434,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997097
+                    -2.563662,53.997035
+                    -2.562150,53.997006
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+                    -2.560638,53.996758
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+                    -2.561408,53.995004
+                    -2.560638,53.994589
+                    -2.559794,53.994098
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+                    -2.559125,53.990269
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+                    -2.552475,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989096
+                    -2.554589,53.989577
+                    -2.554591,53.989577
+                    -2.555382,53.990479
+                    -2.554967,53.991385
+                    -2.555212,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992629
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+                    -2.553077,53.993516
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+                    -2.545543,54.009476
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+                    -2.537955,54.015136
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+                    -2.534930,54.017572
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+                    -2.534930,54.017830
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+                    -2.530394,54.020476
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+                    -2.532521,54.020333
+                    -2.533418,54.019561
+                    -2.534621,54.020333
+                    -2.534930,54.020572
+                    -2.535562,54.021239
+                    -2.534930,54.021468
+                    -2.534297,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.020791
+                    -2.532704,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.021802
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+                    -2.534694,54.023051
+                    -2.534930,54.023347
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+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025397
+                    -2.531906,54.025459
+                    -2.530394,54.025202
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+                    -2.525898,54.024858
+                    -2.525857,54.024844
+                    -2.524345,54.023952
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+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520257,54.022145
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+                    -2.518296,54.021807
+                    -2.516874,54.021239
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+                    -2.515272,54.020634
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+                    -2.512892,54.020333
+                    -2.512247,54.020262
+                    -2.510772,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.019408
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013219
+                    -2.511132,54.013095
+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010386
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
+                    -2.509223,54.007668
+                    -2.509223,54.006763
+                    -2.507711,54.005861
+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507804,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
+                    -2.512909,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.006543
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+                    -2.513760,54.007621
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+                    -2.513760,54.007697
+                    -2.515272,54.007835
+                    -2.515810,54.007668
+                    -2.515500,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006362
+                    -2.518296,54.006305
+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
+                    -2.514052,53.998618
+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
+                    -2.511967,53.996811
+                    -2.511814,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994603
+                    -2.509787,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995676
+                    -2.507711,53.995881
+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.995004
+                    -2.504894,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
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+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
+                    -2.503298,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.990951
+                    -2.505574,53.990479
+                    -2.504750,53.989577
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
+                    -2.503174,53.987865
+                    -2.502978,53.987765
+                    -2.502391,53.986859
+                    -2.501662,53.986278
+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507805,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979707
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
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+                    -2.509642,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976536
+                    -2.508680,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975477
+                    -2.509727,53.975101
+                    -2.509420,53.974195
+                    -2.509223,53.973737
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532263,53.972383
+                    -2.532110,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973799
+                    -2.531213,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974609
+                    -2.532582,53.975101
+                    -2.532813,53.976002
+                    -2.532429,53.976908
+                    -2.532561,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978324
+                    -2.534255,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979120
+                    -2.535980,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.979897
+                    -2.537955,53.980460
+                    -2.539467,53.980131
+                    -2.540480,53.980527
+                    -2.540529,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.981862
+                    -2.541685,53.982334
+                    -2.541675,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983727
+                    -2.543824,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984251
+                    -2.545516,53.984723
+                    -2.547028,53.984809
+                    -2.548250,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985229
+                    -2.550052,53.985271
+                    -2.551078,53.985953
+                    -2.551280,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987031
+                    -2.551849,53.986859
+                    -2.552051,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985734
+                    -2.554589,53.985572
+                    -2.556101,53.985529
+                    -2.557093,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986268
+                    -2.558210,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985348
+                    -2.559633,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986511
+                    -2.562150,53.986325
+                    -2.562827,53.986859
+                    -2.563662,53.987660
+                    -2.563892,53.987765
+                    -2.563788,53.988667
+                    -2.563834,53.989577
+                    -2.564508,53.990479
+                    -2.565174,53.990788
+                    -2.565639,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991938
+                    -2.564643,53.992286
+                    -2.564089,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.994002
+                    -2.562754,53.994098
+                    -2.563662,53.994217
+                    -2.564441,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995500
+                    -2.565673,53.995910
+                    -2.565434,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997097
+                    -2.563662,53.997035
+                    -2.562150,53.997006
+                    -2.560638,53.996882
+                    -2.560476,53.996811
+                    -2.560638,53.996758
+                    -2.561651,53.995910
+                    -2.561408,53.995004
+                    -2.560638,53.994589
+                    -2.559794,53.994098
+                    -2.559450,53.993192
+                    -2.559278,53.992286
+                    -2.559646,53.991385
+                    -2.559476,53.990479
+                    -2.559125,53.990269
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+                    -2.556919,53.989577
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+                    -2.554589,53.988357
+                    -2.553077,53.988309
+                    -2.552475,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989096
+                    -2.554589,53.989577
+                    -2.554591,53.989577
+                    -2.555382,53.990479
+                    -2.554967,53.991385
+                    -2.555212,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992629
+                    -2.553352,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993516
+                    -2.552220,53.994098
+                    -2.551564,53.994389
+                    -2.550220,53.995004
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+                    -2.534930,54.017572
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+                    -2.534930,54.017830
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+                    -2.530394,54.020476
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+                    -2.532521,54.020333
+                    -2.533418,54.019561
+                    -2.534621,54.020333
+                    -2.534930,54.020572
+                    -2.535562,54.021239
+                    -2.534930,54.021468
+                    -2.534297,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.020791
+                    -2.532704,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.021802
+                    -2.533756,54.022145
+                    -2.534694,54.023051
+                    -2.534930,54.023347
+                    -2.535730,54.023952
+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025397
+                    -2.531906,54.025459
+                    -2.530394,54.025202
+                    -2.528882,54.025354
+                    -2.527369,54.025507
+                    -2.525898,54.024858
+                    -2.525857,54.024844
+                    -2.524345,54.023952
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+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520257,54.022145
+                    -2.519808,54.021802
+                    -2.518296,54.021807
+                    -2.516874,54.021239
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+                    -2.515272,54.020634
+                    -2.513760,54.020495
+                    -2.512892,54.020333
+                    -2.512247,54.020262
+                    -2.510772,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.019408
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013219
+                    -2.511132,54.013095
+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010386
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
+                    -2.509223,54.007668
+                    -2.509223,54.006763
+                    -2.507711,54.005861
+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507804,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
+                    -2.512909,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.006543
+                    -2.514566,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.007621
+                    -2.513497,54.007668
+                    -2.513760,54.007697
+                    -2.515272,54.007835
+                    -2.515810,54.007668
+                    -2.515500,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006362
+                    -2.518296,54.006305
+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
+                    -2.514052,53.998618
+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
+                    -2.511967,53.996811
+                    -2.511814,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994603
+                    -2.509787,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995676
+                    -2.507711,53.995881
+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.995004
+                    -2.504894,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.994131
+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
+                    -2.503298,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.990951
+                    -2.505574,53.990479
+                    -2.504750,53.989577
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
+                    -2.503174,53.987865
+                    -2.502978,53.987765
+                    -2.502391,53.986859
+                    -2.501662,53.986278
+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507805,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979707
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977199
+                    -2.509642,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976536
+                    -2.508680,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975477
+                    -2.509727,53.975101
+                    -2.509420,53.974195
+                    -2.509223,53.973737
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532263,53.972383
+                    -2.532110,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973799
+                    -2.531213,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974609
+                    -2.532582,53.975101
+                    -2.532813,53.976002
+                    -2.532429,53.976908
+                    -2.532561,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978324
+                    -2.534255,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979120
+                    -2.535980,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.979897
+                    -2.537955,53.980460
+                    -2.539467,53.980131
+                    -2.540480,53.980527
+                    -2.540529,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.981862
+                    -2.541685,53.982334
+                    -2.541675,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983727
+                    -2.543824,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984251
+                    -2.545516,53.984723
+                    -2.547028,53.984809
+                    -2.548250,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985229
+                    -2.550052,53.985271
+                    -2.551078,53.985953
+                    -2.551280,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987031
+                    -2.551849,53.986859
+                    -2.552051,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985734
+                    -2.554589,53.985572
+                    -2.556101,53.985529
+                    -2.557093,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986268
+                    -2.558210,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985348
+                    -2.559633,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986511
+                    -2.562150,53.986325
+                    -2.562827,53.986859
+                    -2.563662,53.987660
+                    -2.563892,53.987765
+                    -2.563788,53.988667
+                    -2.563834,53.989577
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+                    -2.565639,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991938
+                    -2.564643,53.992286
+                    -2.564089,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.994002
+                    -2.562754,53.994098
+                    -2.563662,53.994217
+                    -2.564441,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995500
+                    -2.565673,53.995910
+                    -2.565434,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997097
+                    -2.563662,53.997035
+                    -2.562150,53.997006
+                    -2.560638,53.996882
+                    -2.560476,53.996811
+                    -2.560638,53.996758
+                    -2.561651,53.995910
+                    -2.561408,53.995004
+                    -2.560638,53.994589
+                    -2.559794,53.994098
+                    -2.559450,53.993192
+                    -2.559278,53.992286
+                    -2.559646,53.991385
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+                    -2.537306,54.011288
+                    -2.537955,54.011998
+                    -2.539467,54.011998
+                    -2.540979,54.011598
+                    -2.542491,54.012117
+                    -2.544003,54.011455
+                    -2.544692,54.011288
+                    -2.544784,54.010386
+                    -2.545437,54.009476
+                    -2.545276,54.008574
+                    -2.545516,54.008508
+                    -2.545647,54.008574
+                    -2.545543,54.009476
+                    -2.545887,54.010386
+                    -2.546272,54.011288
+                    -2.547028,54.011602
+                    -2.547345,54.012194
+                    -2.547028,54.013038
+                    -2.546923,54.013095
+                    -2.545516,54.013314
+                    -2.544657,54.013095
+                    -2.544003,54.012847
+                    -2.543664,54.013095
+                    -2.543307,54.014001
+                    -2.542491,54.014521
+                    -2.540979,54.014540
+                    -2.540387,54.014907
+                    -2.539467,54.015040
+                    -2.537955,54.015136
+                    -2.536443,54.015050
+                    -2.535531,54.015813
+                    -2.534930,54.015965
+                    -2.533894,54.016719
+                    -2.534930,54.017572
+                    -2.535380,54.017620
+                    -2.534930,54.017830
+                    -2.534142,54.018526
+                    -2.533418,54.019046
+                    -2.531906,54.018989
+                    -2.531129,54.019427
+                    -2.530394,54.020166
+                    -2.530159,54.020333
+                    -2.530394,54.020476
+                    -2.531906,54.020681
+                    -2.532521,54.020333
+                    -2.533418,54.019561
+                    -2.534621,54.020333
+                    -2.534930,54.020572
+                    -2.535562,54.021239
+                    -2.534930,54.021468
+                    -2.534297,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.020791
+                    -2.532704,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.021802
+                    -2.533756,54.022145
+                    -2.534694,54.023051
+                    -2.534930,54.023347
+                    -2.535730,54.023952
+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025397
+                    -2.531906,54.025459
+                    -2.530394,54.025202
+                    -2.528882,54.025354
+                    -2.527369,54.025507
+                    -2.525898,54.024858
+                    -2.525857,54.024844
+                    -2.524345,54.023952
+                    -2.522833,54.023051
+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520257,54.022145
+                    -2.519808,54.021802
+                    -2.518296,54.021807
+                    -2.516874,54.021239
+                    -2.516784,54.021158
+                    -2.515272,54.020634
+                    -2.513760,54.020495
+                    -2.512892,54.020333
+                    -2.512247,54.020262
+                    -2.510772,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.019408
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013219
+                    -2.511132,54.013095
+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010386
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
+                    -2.509223,54.007668
+                    -2.509223,54.006763
+                    -2.507711,54.005861
+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507804,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
+                    -2.512909,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.006543
+                    -2.514566,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.007621
+                    -2.513497,54.007668
+                    -2.513760,54.007697
+                    -2.515272,54.007835
+                    -2.515810,54.007668
+                    -2.515500,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006362
+                    -2.518296,54.006305
+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
+                    -2.514052,53.998618
+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
+                    -2.511967,53.996811
+                    -2.511814,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994603
+                    -2.509787,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995676
+                    -2.507711,53.995881
+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.995004
+                    -2.504894,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.994131
+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
+                    -2.503298,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.990951
+                    -2.505574,53.990479
+                    -2.504750,53.989577
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
+                    -2.503174,53.987865
+                    -2.502978,53.987765
+                    -2.502391,53.986859
+                    -2.501662,53.986278
+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507805,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979707
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977199
+                    -2.509642,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976536
+                    -2.508680,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975477
+                    -2.509727,53.975101
+                    -2.509420,53.974195
+                    -2.509223,53.973737
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532263,53.972383
+                    -2.532110,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973799
+                    -2.531213,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974609
+                    -2.532582,53.975101
+                    -2.532813,53.976002
+                    -2.532429,53.976908
+                    -2.532561,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978324
+                    -2.534255,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979120
+                    -2.535980,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.979897
+                    -2.537955,53.980460
+                    -2.539467,53.980131
+                    -2.540480,53.980527
+                    -2.540529,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.981862
+                    -2.541685,53.982334
+                    -2.541675,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983727
+                    -2.543824,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984251
+                    -2.545516,53.984723
+                    -2.547028,53.984809
+                    -2.548250,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985229
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+                    -2.551078,53.985953
+                    -2.551280,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987031
+                    -2.551849,53.986859
+                    -2.552051,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985734
+                    -2.554589,53.985572
+                    -2.556101,53.985529
+                    -2.557093,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986268
+                    -2.558210,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985348
+                    -2.559633,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986511
+                    -2.562150,53.986325
+                    -2.562827,53.986859
+                    -2.563662,53.987660
+                    -2.563892,53.987765
+                    -2.563788,53.988667
+                    -2.563834,53.989577
+                    -2.564508,53.990479
+                    -2.565174,53.990788
+                    -2.565639,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991938
+                    -2.564643,53.992286
+                    -2.564089,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.994002
+                    -2.562754,53.994098
+                    -2.563662,53.994217
+                    -2.564441,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995500
+                    -2.565673,53.995910
+                    -2.565434,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997097
+                    -2.563662,53.997035
+                    -2.562150,53.997006
+                    -2.560638,53.996882
+                    -2.560476,53.996811
+                    -2.560638,53.996758
+                    -2.561651,53.995910
+                    -2.561408,53.995004
+                    -2.560638,53.994589
+                    -2.559794,53.994098
+                    -2.559450,53.993192
+                    -2.559278,53.992286
+                    -2.559646,53.991385
+                    -2.559476,53.990479
+                    -2.559125,53.990269
+                    -2.557613,53.990188
+                    -2.556919,53.989577
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+                    -2.555106,53.988667
+                    -2.554589,53.988357
+                    -2.553077,53.988309
+                    -2.552475,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989096
+                    -2.554589,53.989577
+                    -2.554591,53.989577
+                    -2.555382,53.990479
+                    -2.554967,53.991385
+                    -2.555212,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992629
+                    -2.553352,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993516
+                    -2.552220,53.994098
+                    -2.551564,53.994389
+                    -2.550220,53.995004
+                    -2.550052,53.995094
+                    -2.548701,53.995910
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+                    -2.542491,53.998704
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+                    -2.539470,54.000430
+                    -2.539467,54.000430
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+                    -2.545543,54.009476
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+                    -2.545516,54.013314
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+                    -2.537955,54.015136
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+                    -2.534930,54.017572
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+                    -2.534930,54.017830
+                    -2.534142,54.018526
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+                    -2.530394,54.020476
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+                    -2.532521,54.020333
+                    -2.533418,54.019561
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+                    -2.534930,54.020572
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+                    -2.534930,54.021468
+                    -2.534297,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.020791
+                    -2.532704,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.021802
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+                    -2.534694,54.023051
+                    -2.534930,54.023347
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+                    -2.534930,54.024858
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+                    -2.531906,54.025459
+                    -2.530394,54.025202
+                    -2.528882,54.025354
+                    -2.527369,54.025507
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+                    -2.525857,54.024844
+                    -2.524345,54.023952
+                    -2.522833,54.023051
+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520257,54.022145
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+                    -2.512247,54.020262
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013219
+                    -2.511132,54.013095
+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010386
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
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+                    -2.509223,54.006763
+                    -2.507711,54.005861
+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507804,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
+                    -2.512909,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.006543
+                    -2.514566,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.007621
+                    -2.513497,54.007668
+                    -2.513760,54.007697
+                    -2.515272,54.007835
+                    -2.515810,54.007668
+                    -2.515500,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006362
+                    -2.518296,54.006305
+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
+                    -2.514052,53.998618
+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
+                    -2.511967,53.996811
+                    -2.511814,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994603
+                    -2.509787,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995676
+                    -2.507711,53.995881
+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.995004
+                    -2.504894,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.994131
+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
+                    -2.503298,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.990951
+                    -2.505574,53.990479
+                    -2.504750,53.989577
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
+                    -2.503174,53.987865
+                    -2.502978,53.987765
+                    -2.502391,53.986859
+                    -2.501662,53.986278
+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507805,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979707
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977199
+                    -2.509642,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976536
+                    -2.508680,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975477
+                    -2.509727,53.975101
+                    -2.509420,53.974195
+                    -2.509223,53.973737
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532263,53.972383
+                    -2.532110,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973799
+                    -2.531213,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974609
+                    -2.532582,53.975101
+                    -2.532813,53.976002
+                    -2.532429,53.976908
+                    -2.532561,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978324
+                    -2.534255,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979120
+                    -2.535980,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.979897
+                    -2.537955,53.980460
+                    -2.539467,53.980131
+                    -2.540480,53.980527
+                    -2.540529,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.981862
+                    -2.541685,53.982334
+                    -2.541675,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983727
+                    -2.543824,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984251
+                    -2.545516,53.984723
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+                    -2.548250,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985229
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+                    -2.551280,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987031
+                    -2.551849,53.986859
+                    -2.552051,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985734
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+                    -2.557093,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986268
+                    -2.558210,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985348
+                    -2.559633,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986511
+                    -2.562150,53.986325
+                    -2.562827,53.986859
+                    -2.563662,53.987660
+                    -2.563892,53.987765
+                    -2.563788,53.988667
+                    -2.563834,53.989577
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+                    -2.565639,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991938
+                    -2.564643,53.992286
+                    -2.564089,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.994002
+                    -2.562754,53.994098
+                    -2.563662,53.994217
+                    -2.564441,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995500
+                    -2.565673,53.995910
+                    -2.565434,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997097
+                    -2.563662,53.997035
+                    -2.562150,53.997006
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+                    -2.560476,53.996811
+                    -2.560638,53.996758
+                    -2.561651,53.995910
+                    -2.561408,53.995004
+                    -2.560638,53.994589
+                    -2.559794,53.994098
+                    -2.559450,53.993192
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+                    -2.559125,53.990269
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+                    -2.554589,53.988357
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+                    -2.552475,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989096
+                    -2.554589,53.989577
+                    -2.554591,53.989577
+                    -2.555382,53.990479
+                    -2.554967,53.991385
+                    -2.555212,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992629
+                    -2.553352,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993516
+                    -2.552220,53.994098
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+                    -2.545543,54.009476
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+                    -2.537955,54.015136
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+                    -2.534930,54.017572
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+                    -2.534930,54.017830
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+                    -2.530394,54.020476
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+                    -2.532521,54.020333
+                    -2.533418,54.019561
+                    -2.534621,54.020333
+                    -2.534930,54.020572
+                    -2.535562,54.021239
+                    -2.534930,54.021468
+                    -2.534297,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.020791
+                    -2.532704,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.021802
+                    -2.533756,54.022145
+                    -2.534694,54.023051
+                    -2.534930,54.023347
+                    -2.535730,54.023952
+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025397
+                    -2.531906,54.025459
+                    -2.530394,54.025202
+                    -2.528882,54.025354
+                    -2.527369,54.025507
+                    -2.525898,54.024858
+                    -2.525857,54.024844
+                    -2.524345,54.023952
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+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520257,54.022145
+                    -2.519808,54.021802
+                    -2.518296,54.021807
+                    -2.516874,54.021239
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+                    -2.515272,54.020634
+                    -2.513760,54.020495
+                    -2.512892,54.020333
+                    -2.512247,54.020262
+                    -2.510772,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.019408
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013219
+                    -2.511132,54.013095
+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010386
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
+                    -2.509223,54.007668
+                    -2.509223,54.006763
+                    -2.507711,54.005861
+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507804,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
+                    -2.512909,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.006543
+                    -2.514566,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.007621
+                    -2.513497,54.007668
+                    -2.513760,54.007697
+                    -2.515272,54.007835
+                    -2.515810,54.007668
+                    -2.515500,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006362
+                    -2.518296,54.006305
+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
+                    -2.514052,53.998618
+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
+                    -2.511967,53.996811
+                    -2.511814,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994603
+                    -2.509787,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995676
+                    -2.507711,53.995881
+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.995004
+                    -2.504894,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.994131
+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
+                    -2.503298,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.990951
+                    -2.505574,53.990479
+                    -2.504750,53.989577
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
+                    -2.503174,53.987865
+                    -2.502978,53.987765
+                    -2.502391,53.986859
+                    -2.501662,53.986278
+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507805,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979707
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977199
+                    -2.509642,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976536
+                    -2.508680,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975477
+                    -2.509727,53.975101
+                    -2.509420,53.974195
+                    -2.509223,53.973737
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532263,53.972383
+                    -2.532110,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973799
+                    -2.531213,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974609
+                    -2.532582,53.975101
+                    -2.532813,53.976002
+                    -2.532429,53.976908
+                    -2.532561,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978324
+                    -2.534255,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979120
+                    -2.535980,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.979897
+                    -2.537955,53.980460
+                    -2.539467,53.980131
+                    -2.540480,53.980527
+                    -2.540529,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.981862
+                    -2.541685,53.982334
+                    -2.541675,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983727
+                    -2.543824,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984251
+                    -2.545516,53.984723
+                    -2.547028,53.984809
+                    -2.548250,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985229
+                    -2.550052,53.985271
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+                    -2.551280,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987031
+                    -2.551849,53.986859
+                    -2.552051,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985734
+                    -2.554589,53.985572
+                    -2.556101,53.985529
+                    -2.557093,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986268
+                    -2.558210,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985348
+                    -2.559633,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986511
+                    -2.562150,53.986325
+                    -2.562827,53.986859
+                    -2.563662,53.987660
+                    -2.563892,53.987765
+                    -2.563788,53.988667
+                    -2.563834,53.989577
+                    -2.564508,53.990479
+                    -2.565174,53.990788
+                    -2.565639,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991938
+                    -2.564643,53.992286
+                    -2.564089,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.994002
+                    -2.562754,53.994098
+                    -2.563662,53.994217
+                    -2.564441,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995500
+                    -2.565673,53.995910
+                    -2.565434,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997097
+                    -2.563662,53.997035
+                    -2.562150,53.997006
+                    -2.560638,53.996882
+                    -2.560476,53.996811
+                    -2.560638,53.996758
+                    -2.561651,53.995910
+                    -2.561408,53.995004
+                    -2.560638,53.994589
+                    -2.559794,53.994098
+                    -2.559450,53.993192
+                    -2.559278,53.992286
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+                    -2.559476,53.990479
+                    -2.559125,53.990269
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+                    -2.554589,53.988357
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+                    -2.552475,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989096
+                    -2.554589,53.989577
+                    -2.554591,53.989577
+                    -2.555382,53.990479
+                    -2.554967,53.991385
+                    -2.555212,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992629
+                    -2.553352,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993516
+                    -2.552220,53.994098
+                    -2.551564,53.994389
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+                    -2.534930,54.017572
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+                    -2.534930,54.017830
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+                    -2.530394,54.020476
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+                    -2.533418,54.019561
+                    -2.534621,54.020333
+                    -2.534930,54.020572
+                    -2.535562,54.021239
+                    -2.534930,54.021468
+                    -2.534297,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.020791
+                    -2.532704,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.021802
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+                    -2.534694,54.023051
+                    -2.534930,54.023347
+                    -2.535730,54.023952
+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025397
+                    -2.531906,54.025459
+                    -2.530394,54.025202
+                    -2.528882,54.025354
+                    -2.527369,54.025507
+                    -2.525898,54.024858
+                    -2.525857,54.024844
+                    -2.524345,54.023952
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+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520257,54.022145
+                    -2.519808,54.021802
+                    -2.518296,54.021807
+                    -2.516874,54.021239
+                    -2.516784,54.021158
+                    -2.515272,54.020634
+                    -2.513760,54.020495
+                    -2.512892,54.020333
+                    -2.512247,54.020262
+                    -2.510772,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.019408
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013219
+                    -2.511132,54.013095
+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010386
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
+                    -2.509223,54.007668
+                    -2.509223,54.006763
+                    -2.507711,54.005861
+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507804,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
+                    -2.512909,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.006543
+                    -2.514566,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.007621
+                    -2.513497,54.007668
+                    -2.513760,54.007697
+                    -2.515272,54.007835
+                    -2.515810,54.007668
+                    -2.515500,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006362
+                    -2.518296,54.006305
+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
+                    -2.514052,53.998618
+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
+                    -2.511967,53.996811
+                    -2.511814,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994603
+                    -2.509787,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995676
+                    -2.507711,53.995881
+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.995004
+                    -2.504894,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.994131
+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
+                    -2.503298,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.990951
+                    -2.505574,53.990479
+                    -2.504750,53.989577
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
+                    -2.503174,53.987865
+                    -2.502978,53.987765
+                    -2.502391,53.986859
+                    -2.501662,53.986278
+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507805,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979707
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977199
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+                    -2.509223,53.976536
+                    -2.508680,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975477
+                    -2.509727,53.975101
+                    -2.509420,53.974195
+                    -2.509223,53.973737
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532263,53.972383
+                    -2.532110,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973799
+                    -2.531213,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974609
+                    -2.532582,53.975101
+                    -2.532813,53.976002
+                    -2.532429,53.976908
+                    -2.532561,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978324
+                    -2.534255,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979120
+                    -2.535980,53.979621
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+                    -2.537955,53.980460
+                    -2.539467,53.980131
+                    -2.540480,53.980527
+                    -2.540529,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.981862
+                    -2.541685,53.982334
+                    -2.541675,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983727
+                    -2.543824,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984251
+                    -2.545516,53.984723
+                    -2.547028,53.984809
+                    -2.548250,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985229
+                    -2.550052,53.985271
+                    -2.551078,53.985953
+                    -2.551280,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987031
+                    -2.551849,53.986859
+                    -2.552051,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985734
+                    -2.554589,53.985572
+                    -2.556101,53.985529
+                    -2.557093,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986268
+                    -2.558210,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985348
+                    -2.559633,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986511
+                    -2.562150,53.986325
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+                    -2.563892,53.987765
+                    -2.563788,53.988667
+                    -2.563834,53.989577
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+                    -2.565639,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991938
+                    -2.564643,53.992286
+                    -2.564089,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.994002
+                    -2.562754,53.994098
+                    -2.563662,53.994217
+                    -2.564441,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995500
+                    -2.565673,53.995910
+                    -2.565434,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997097
+                    -2.563662,53.997035
+                    -2.562150,53.997006
+                    -2.560638,53.996882
+                    -2.560476,53.996811
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+                    -2.540979,54.008212
+                    -2.539467,54.008350
+                    -2.537955,54.008026
+                    -2.536795,54.008574
+                    -2.537324,54.009476
+                    -2.536443,54.010234
+                    -2.536232,54.010386
+                    -2.536443,54.010673
+                    -2.537306,54.011288
+                    -2.537955,54.011998
+                    -2.539467,54.011998
+                    -2.540979,54.011598
+                    -2.542491,54.012117
+                    -2.544003,54.011455
+                    -2.544692,54.011288
+                    -2.544784,54.010386
+                    -2.545437,54.009476
+                    -2.545276,54.008574
+                    -2.545516,54.008508
+                    -2.545647,54.008574
+                    -2.545543,54.009476
+                    -2.545887,54.010386
+                    -2.546272,54.011288
+                    -2.547028,54.011602
+                    -2.547345,54.012194
+                    -2.547028,54.013038
+                    -2.546923,54.013095
+                    -2.545516,54.013314
+                    -2.544657,54.013095
+                    -2.544003,54.012847
+                    -2.543664,54.013095
+                    -2.543307,54.014001
+                    -2.542491,54.014521
+                    -2.540979,54.014540
+                    -2.540387,54.014907
+                    -2.539467,54.015040
+                    -2.537955,54.015136
+                    -2.536443,54.015050
+                    -2.535531,54.015813
+                    -2.534930,54.015965
+                    -2.533894,54.016719
+                    -2.534930,54.017572
+                    -2.535380,54.017620
+                    -2.534930,54.017830
+                    -2.534142,54.018526
+                    -2.533418,54.019046
+                    -2.531906,54.018989
+                    -2.531129,54.019427
+                    -2.530394,54.020166
+                    -2.530159,54.020333
+                    -2.530394,54.020476
+                    -2.531906,54.020681
+                    -2.532521,54.020333
+                    -2.533418,54.019561
+                    -2.534621,54.020333
+                    -2.534930,54.020572
+                    -2.535562,54.021239
+                    -2.534930,54.021468
+                    -2.534297,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.020791
+                    -2.532704,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.021802
+                    -2.533756,54.022145
+                    -2.534694,54.023051
+                    -2.534930,54.023347
+                    -2.535730,54.023952
+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025397
+                    -2.531906,54.025459
+                    -2.530394,54.025202
+                    -2.528882,54.025354
+                    -2.527369,54.025507
+                    -2.525898,54.024858
+                    -2.525857,54.024844
+                    -2.524345,54.023952
+                    -2.522833,54.023051
+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520257,54.022145
+                    -2.519808,54.021802
+                    -2.518296,54.021807
+                    -2.516874,54.021239
+                    -2.516784,54.021158
+                    -2.515272,54.020634
+                    -2.513760,54.020495
+                    -2.512892,54.020333
+                    -2.512247,54.020262
+                    -2.510772,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.019408
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013219
+                    -2.511132,54.013095
+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010386
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
+                    -2.509223,54.007668
+                    -2.509223,54.006763
+                    -2.507711,54.005861
+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507804,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
+                    -2.512909,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.006543
+                    -2.514566,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.007621
+                    -2.513497,54.007668
+                    -2.513760,54.007697
+                    -2.515272,54.007835
+                    -2.515810,54.007668
+                    -2.515500,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006362
+                    -2.518296,54.006305
+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
+                    -2.514052,53.998618
+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
+                    -2.511967,53.996811
+                    -2.511814,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994603
+                    -2.509787,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995676
+                    -2.507711,53.995881
+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.995004
+                    -2.504894,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.994131
+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
+                    -2.503298,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.990951
+                    -2.505574,53.990479
+                    -2.504750,53.989577
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
+                    -2.503174,53.987865
+                    -2.502978,53.987765
+                    -2.502391,53.986859
+                    -2.501662,53.986278
+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507805,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979707
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977199
+                    -2.509642,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976536
+                    -2.508680,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975477
+                    -2.509727,53.975101
+                    -2.509420,53.974195
+                    -2.509223,53.973737
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532263,53.972383
+                    -2.532110,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973799
+                    -2.531213,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974609
+                    -2.532582,53.975101
+                    -2.532813,53.976002
+                    -2.532429,53.976908
+                    -2.532561,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978324
+                    -2.534255,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979120
+                    -2.535980,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.979897
+                    -2.537955,53.980460
+                    -2.539467,53.980131
+                    -2.540480,53.980527
+                    -2.540529,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.981862
+                    -2.541685,53.982334
+                    -2.541675,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983727
+                    -2.543824,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984251
+                    -2.545516,53.984723
+                    -2.547028,53.984809
+                    -2.548250,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985229
+                    -2.550052,53.985271
+                    -2.551078,53.985953
+                    -2.551280,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987031
+                    -2.551849,53.986859
+                    -2.552051,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985734
+                    -2.554589,53.985572
+                    -2.556101,53.985529
+                    -2.557093,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986268
+                    -2.558210,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985348
+                    -2.559633,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986511
+                    -2.562150,53.986325
+                    -2.562827,53.986859
+                    -2.563662,53.987660
+                    -2.563892,53.987765
+                    -2.563788,53.988667
+                    -2.563834,53.989577
+                    -2.564508,53.990479
+                    -2.565174,53.990788
+                    -2.565639,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991938
+                    -2.564643,53.992286
+                    -2.564089,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.994002
+                    -2.562754,53.994098
+                    -2.563662,53.994217
+                    -2.564441,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995500
+                    -2.565673,53.995910
+                    -2.565434,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997097
+                    -2.563662,53.997035
+                    -2.562150,53.997006
+                    -2.560638,53.996882
+                    -2.560476,53.996811
+                    -2.560638,53.996758
+                    -2.561651,53.995910
+                    -2.561408,53.995004
+                    -2.560638,53.994589
+                    -2.559794,53.994098
+                    -2.559450,53.993192
+                    -2.559278,53.992286
+                    -2.559646,53.991385
+                    -2.559476,53.990479
+                    -2.559125,53.990269
+                    -2.557613,53.990188
+                    -2.556919,53.989577
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+                    -2.555106,53.988667
+                    -2.554589,53.988357
+                    -2.553077,53.988309
+                    -2.552475,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989096
+                    -2.554589,53.989577
+                    -2.554591,53.989577
+                    -2.555382,53.990479
+                    -2.554967,53.991385
+                    -2.555212,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992629
+                    -2.553352,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993516
+                    -2.552220,53.994098
+                    -2.551564,53.994389
+                    -2.550220,53.995004
+                    -2.550052,53.995094
+                    -2.548701,53.995910
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+                    -2.542491,53.998704
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+                    -2.539467,54.000416
+                    -2.539470,54.000430
+                    -2.539467,54.000430
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+                    -2.540979,54.003253
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+                    -2.542491,54.004955
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+                    -2.545543,54.009476
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+                    -2.537955,54.015136
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+                    -2.534930,54.017572
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+                    -2.534930,54.017830
+                    -2.534142,54.018526
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+                    -2.530394,54.020476
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+                    -2.532521,54.020333
+                    -2.533418,54.019561
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+                    -2.534930,54.020572
+                    -2.535562,54.021239
+                    -2.534930,54.021468
+                    -2.534297,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.020791
+                    -2.532704,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.021802
+                    -2.533756,54.022145
+                    -2.534694,54.023051
+                    -2.534930,54.023347
+                    -2.535730,54.023952
+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025397
+                    -2.531906,54.025459
+                    -2.530394,54.025202
+                    -2.528882,54.025354
+                    -2.527369,54.025507
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+                    -2.525857,54.024844
+                    -2.524345,54.023952
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+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520257,54.022145
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+                    -2.512247,54.020262
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013219
+                    -2.511132,54.013095
+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010386
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
+                    -2.509223,54.007668
+                    -2.509223,54.006763
+                    -2.507711,54.005861
+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507804,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
+                    -2.512909,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.006543
+                    -2.514566,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.007621
+                    -2.513497,54.007668
+                    -2.513760,54.007697
+                    -2.515272,54.007835
+                    -2.515810,54.007668
+                    -2.515500,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006362
+                    -2.518296,54.006305
+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
+                    -2.514052,53.998618
+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
+                    -2.511967,53.996811
+                    -2.511814,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994603
+                    -2.509787,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995676
+                    -2.507711,53.995881
+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.995004
+                    -2.504894,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.994131
+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
+                    -2.503298,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.990951
+                    -2.505574,53.990479
+                    -2.504750,53.989577
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
+                    -2.503174,53.987865
+                    -2.502978,53.987765
+                    -2.502391,53.986859
+                    -2.501662,53.986278
+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507805,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979707
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977199
+                    -2.509642,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976536
+                    -2.508680,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975477
+                    -2.509727,53.975101
+                    -2.509420,53.974195
+                    -2.509223,53.973737
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532263,53.972383
+                    -2.532110,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973799
+                    -2.531213,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974609
+                    -2.532582,53.975101
+                    -2.532813,53.976002
+                    -2.532429,53.976908
+                    -2.532561,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978324
+                    -2.534255,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979120
+                    -2.535980,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.979897
+                    -2.537955,53.980460
+                    -2.539467,53.980131
+                    -2.540480,53.980527
+                    -2.540529,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.981862
+                    -2.541685,53.982334
+                    -2.541675,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983727
+                    -2.543824,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984251
+                    -2.545516,53.984723
+                    -2.547028,53.984809
+                    -2.548250,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985229
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+                    -2.551280,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987031
+                    -2.551849,53.986859
+                    -2.552051,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985734
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+                    -2.557093,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986268
+                    -2.558210,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985348
+                    -2.559633,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986511
+                    -2.562150,53.986325
+                    -2.562827,53.986859
+                    -2.563662,53.987660
+                    -2.563892,53.987765
+                    -2.563788,53.988667
+                    -2.563834,53.989577
+                    -2.564508,53.990479
+                    -2.565174,53.990788
+                    -2.565639,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991938
+                    -2.564643,53.992286
+                    -2.564089,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.994002
+                    -2.562754,53.994098
+                    -2.563662,53.994217
+                    -2.564441,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995500
+                    -2.565673,53.995910
+                    -2.565434,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997097
+                    -2.563662,53.997035
+                    -2.562150,53.997006
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+                    -2.560476,53.996811
+                    -2.560638,53.996758
+                    -2.561651,53.995910
+                    -2.561408,53.995004
+                    -2.560638,53.994589
+                    -2.559794,53.994098
+                    -2.559450,53.993192
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+                    -2.559476,53.990479
+                    -2.559125,53.990269
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+                    -2.554589,53.988357
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+                    -2.552475,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989096
+                    -2.554589,53.989577
+                    -2.554591,53.989577
+                    -2.555382,53.990479
+                    -2.554967,53.991385
+                    -2.555212,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992629
+                    -2.553352,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993516
+                    -2.552220,53.994098
+                    -2.551564,53.994389
+                    -2.550220,53.995004
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+                    -2.545543,54.009476
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+                    -2.537955,54.015136
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+                    -2.534930,54.017572
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+                    -2.534930,54.017830
+                    -2.534142,54.018526
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+                    -2.530394,54.020476
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+                    -2.532521,54.020333
+                    -2.533418,54.019561
+                    -2.534621,54.020333
+                    -2.534930,54.020572
+                    -2.535562,54.021239
+                    -2.534930,54.021468
+                    -2.534297,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.020791
+                    -2.532704,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.021802
+                    -2.533756,54.022145
+                    -2.534694,54.023051
+                    -2.534930,54.023347
+                    -2.535730,54.023952
+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025397
+                    -2.531906,54.025459
+                    -2.530394,54.025202
+                    -2.528882,54.025354
+                    -2.527369,54.025507
+                    -2.525898,54.024858
+                    -2.525857,54.024844
+                    -2.524345,54.023952
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+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520257,54.022145
+                    -2.519808,54.021802
+                    -2.518296,54.021807
+                    -2.516874,54.021239
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+                    -2.515272,54.020634
+                    -2.513760,54.020495
+                    -2.512892,54.020333
+                    -2.512247,54.020262
+                    -2.510772,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.019408
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013219
+                    -2.511132,54.013095
+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010386
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
+                    -2.509223,54.007668
+                    -2.509223,54.006763
+                    -2.507711,54.005861
+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507804,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
+                    -2.512909,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.006543
+                    -2.514566,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.007621
+                    -2.513497,54.007668
+                    -2.513760,54.007697
+                    -2.515272,54.007835
+                    -2.515810,54.007668
+                    -2.515500,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006362
+                    -2.518296,54.006305
+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
+                    -2.514052,53.998618
+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
+                    -2.511967,53.996811
+                    -2.511814,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994603
+                    -2.509787,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995676
+                    -2.507711,53.995881
+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.995004
+                    -2.504894,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.994131
+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
+                    -2.503298,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.990951
+                    -2.505574,53.990479
+                    -2.504750,53.989577
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
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+                    -2.502978,53.987765
+                    -2.502391,53.986859
+                    -2.501662,53.986278
+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507805,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979707
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977199
+                    -2.509642,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976536
+                    -2.508680,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975477
+                    -2.509727,53.975101
+                    -2.509420,53.974195
+                    -2.509223,53.973737
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532263,53.972383
+                    -2.532110,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973799
+                    -2.531213,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974609
+                    -2.532582,53.975101
+                    -2.532813,53.976002
+                    -2.532429,53.976908
+                    -2.532561,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978324
+                    -2.534255,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979120
+                    -2.535980,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.979897
+                    -2.537955,53.980460
+                    -2.539467,53.980131
+                    -2.540480,53.980527
+                    -2.540529,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.981862
+                    -2.541685,53.982334
+                    -2.541675,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983727
+                    -2.543824,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984251
+                    -2.545516,53.984723
+                    -2.547028,53.984809
+                    -2.548250,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985229
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+                    -2.551280,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987031
+                    -2.551849,53.986859
+                    -2.552051,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985734
+                    -2.554589,53.985572
+                    -2.556101,53.985529
+                    -2.557093,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986268
+                    -2.558210,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985348
+                    -2.559633,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986511
+                    -2.562150,53.986325
+                    -2.562827,53.986859
+                    -2.563662,53.987660
+                    -2.563892,53.987765
+                    -2.563788,53.988667
+                    -2.563834,53.989577
+                    -2.564508,53.990479
+                    -2.565174,53.990788
+                    -2.565639,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991938
+                    -2.564643,53.992286
+                    -2.564089,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.994002
+                    -2.562754,53.994098
+                    -2.563662,53.994217
+                    -2.564441,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995500
+                    -2.565673,53.995910
+                    -2.565434,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997097
+                    -2.563662,53.997035
+                    -2.562150,53.997006
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+                    -2.560476,53.996811
+                    -2.560638,53.996758
+                    -2.561651,53.995910
+                    -2.561408,53.995004
+                    -2.560638,53.994589
+                    -2.559794,53.994098
+                    -2.559450,53.993192
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+                    -2.559476,53.990479
+                    -2.559125,53.990269
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+                    -2.554589,53.988357
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+                    -2.552475,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989096
+                    -2.554589,53.989577
+                    -2.554591,53.989577
+                    -2.555382,53.990479
+                    -2.554967,53.991385
+                    -2.555212,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992629
+                    -2.553352,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993516
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+                    -2.534930,54.017572
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+                    -2.534930,54.017830
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+                    -2.530394,54.020476
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+                    -2.533418,54.019561
+                    -2.534621,54.020333
+                    -2.534930,54.020572
+                    -2.535562,54.021239
+                    -2.534930,54.021468
+                    -2.534297,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.020791
+                    -2.532704,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.021802
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+                    -2.534694,54.023051
+                    -2.534930,54.023347
+                    -2.535730,54.023952
+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025397
+                    -2.531906,54.025459
+                    -2.530394,54.025202
+                    -2.528882,54.025354
+                    -2.527369,54.025507
+                    -2.525898,54.024858
+                    -2.525857,54.024844
+                    -2.524345,54.023952
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+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520257,54.022145
+                    -2.519808,54.021802
+                    -2.518296,54.021807
+                    -2.516874,54.021239
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+                    -2.515272,54.020634
+                    -2.513760,54.020495
+                    -2.512892,54.020333
+                    -2.512247,54.020262
+                    -2.510772,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.019408
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013219
+                    -2.511132,54.013095
+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010386
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
+                    -2.509223,54.007668
+                    -2.509223,54.006763
+                    -2.507711,54.005861
+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507804,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
+                    -2.512909,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.006543
+                    -2.514566,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.007621
+                    -2.513497,54.007668
+                    -2.513760,54.007697
+                    -2.515272,54.007835
+                    -2.515810,54.007668
+                    -2.515500,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006362
+                    -2.518296,54.006305
+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
+                    -2.514052,53.998618
+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
+                    -2.511967,53.996811
+                    -2.511814,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994603
+                    -2.509787,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995676
+                    -2.507711,53.995881
+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.995004
+                    -2.504894,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
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+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
+                    -2.503298,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.990951
+                    -2.505574,53.990479
+                    -2.504750,53.989577
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
+                    -2.503174,53.987865
+                    -2.502978,53.987765
+                    -2.502391,53.986859
+                    -2.501662,53.986278
+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507805,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979707
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977199
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+                    -2.509223,53.976536
+                    -2.508680,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975477
+                    -2.509727,53.975101
+                    -2.509420,53.974195
+                    -2.509223,53.973737
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532263,53.972383
+                    -2.532110,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973799
+                    -2.531213,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974609
+                    -2.532582,53.975101
+                    -2.532813,53.976002
+                    -2.532429,53.976908
+                    -2.532561,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978324
+                    -2.534255,53.978715
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+                    -2.535980,53.979621
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+                    -2.537955,53.980460
+                    -2.539467,53.980131
+                    -2.540480,53.980527
+                    -2.540529,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.981862
+                    -2.541685,53.982334
+                    -2.541675,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983727
+                    -2.543824,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984251
+                    -2.545516,53.984723
+                    -2.547028,53.984809
+                    -2.548250,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985229
+                    -2.550052,53.985271
+                    -2.551078,53.985953
+                    -2.551280,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987031
+                    -2.551849,53.986859
+                    -2.552051,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985734
+                    -2.554589,53.985572
+                    -2.556101,53.985529
+                    -2.557093,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986268
+                    -2.558210,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985348
+                    -2.559633,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986511
+                    -2.562150,53.986325
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+                    -2.563834,53.989577
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+                    -2.565174,53.991938
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+                    -2.563662,53.994002
+                    -2.562754,53.994098
+                    -2.563662,53.994217
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+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010386
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
+                    -2.509223,54.007668
+                    -2.509223,54.006763
+                    -2.507711,54.005861
+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507804,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
+                    -2.512909,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.006543
+                    -2.514566,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.007621
+                    -2.513497,54.007668
+                    -2.513760,54.007697
+                    -2.515272,54.007835
+                    -2.515810,54.007668
+                    -2.515500,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006362
+                    -2.518296,54.006305
+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
+                    -2.514052,53.998618
+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
+                    -2.511967,53.996811
+                    -2.511814,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994603
+                    -2.509787,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995676
+                    -2.507711,53.995881
+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.995004
+                    -2.504894,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.994131
+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
+                    -2.503298,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.990951
+                    -2.505574,53.990479
+                    -2.504750,53.989577
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
+                    -2.503174,53.987865
+                    -2.502978,53.987765
+                    -2.502391,53.986859
+                    -2.501662,53.986278
+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507805,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979707
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977199
+                    -2.509642,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976536
+                    -2.508680,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975477
+                    -2.509727,53.975101
+                    -2.509420,53.974195
+                    -2.509223,53.973737
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532263,53.972383
+                    -2.532110,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973799
+                    -2.531213,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974609
+                    -2.532582,53.975101
+                    -2.532813,53.976002
+                    -2.532429,53.976908
+                    -2.532561,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978324
+                    -2.534255,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979120
+                    -2.535980,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.979897
+                    -2.537955,53.980460
+                    -2.539467,53.980131
+                    -2.540480,53.980527
+                    -2.540529,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.981862
+                    -2.541685,53.982334
+                    -2.541675,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983727
+                    -2.543824,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984251
+                    -2.545516,53.984723
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+                    -2.548250,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985229
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+                    -2.551849,53.986859
+                    -2.552051,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985734
+                    -2.554589,53.985572
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+                    -2.557093,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986268
+                    -2.558210,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985348
+                    -2.559633,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986511
+                    -2.562150,53.986325
+                    -2.562827,53.986859
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+                    -2.563788,53.988667
+                    -2.563834,53.989577
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+                    -2.565639,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991938
+                    -2.564643,53.992286
+                    -2.564089,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.994002
+                    -2.562754,53.994098
+                    -2.563662,53.994217
+                    -2.564441,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995500
+                    -2.565673,53.995910
+                    -2.565434,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997097
+                    -2.563662,53.997035
+                    -2.562150,53.997006
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+                    -2.560638,53.996758
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+                    -2.561408,53.995004
+                    -2.560638,53.994589
+                    -2.559794,53.994098
+                    -2.559450,53.993192
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+                    -2.559476,53.990479
+                    -2.559125,53.990269
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+                    -2.552475,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989096
+                    -2.554589,53.989577
+                    -2.554591,53.989577
+                    -2.555382,53.990479
+                    -2.554967,53.991385
+                    -2.555212,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992629
+                    -2.553352,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993516
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+                    -2.551564,53.994389
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+                    -2.545543,54.009476
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+                    -2.534930,54.017572
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+                    -2.534930,54.017830
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+                    -2.530394,54.020476
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+                    -2.532521,54.020333
+                    -2.533418,54.019561
+                    -2.534621,54.020333
+                    -2.534930,54.020572
+                    -2.535562,54.021239
+                    -2.534930,54.021468
+                    -2.534297,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.020791
+                    -2.532704,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.021802
+                    -2.533756,54.022145
+                    -2.534694,54.023051
+                    -2.534930,54.023347
+                    -2.535730,54.023952
+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025397
+                    -2.531906,54.025459
+                    -2.530394,54.025202
+                    -2.528882,54.025354
+                    -2.527369,54.025507
+                    -2.525898,54.024858
+                    -2.525857,54.024844
+                    -2.524345,54.023952
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+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520257,54.022145
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+                    -2.518296,54.021807
+                    -2.516874,54.021239
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+                    -2.515272,54.020634
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+                    -2.512892,54.020333
+                    -2.512247,54.020262
+                    -2.510772,54.019427
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013219
+                    -2.511132,54.013095
+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010386
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
+                    -2.509223,54.007668
+                    -2.509223,54.006763
+                    -2.507711,54.005861
+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507804,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
+                    -2.512909,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.006543
+                    -2.514566,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.007621
+                    -2.513497,54.007668
+                    -2.513760,54.007697
+                    -2.515272,54.007835
+                    -2.515810,54.007668
+                    -2.515500,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006362
+                    -2.518296,54.006305
+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
+                    -2.514052,53.998618
+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
+                    -2.511967,53.996811
+                    -2.511814,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994603
+                    -2.509787,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995676
+                    -2.507711,53.995881
+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.995004
+                    -2.504894,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.994131
+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
+                    -2.503298,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.990951
+                    -2.505574,53.990479
+                    -2.504750,53.989577
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
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+                    -2.502978,53.987765
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+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507805,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979707
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977199
+                    -2.509642,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976536
+                    -2.508680,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975477
+                    -2.509727,53.975101
+                    -2.509420,53.974195
+                    -2.509223,53.973737
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532263,53.972383
+                    -2.532110,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973799
+                    -2.531213,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974609
+                    -2.532582,53.975101
+                    -2.532813,53.976002
+                    -2.532429,53.976908
+                    -2.532561,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978324
+                    -2.534255,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979120
+                    -2.535980,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.979897
+                    -2.537955,53.980460
+                    -2.539467,53.980131
+                    -2.540480,53.980527
+                    -2.540529,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.981862
+                    -2.541685,53.982334
+                    -2.541675,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983727
+                    -2.543824,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984251
+                    -2.545516,53.984723
+                    -2.547028,53.984809
+                    -2.548250,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985229
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+                    -2.551280,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987031
+                    -2.551849,53.986859
+                    -2.552051,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985734
+                    -2.554589,53.985572
+                    -2.556101,53.985529
+                    -2.557093,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986268
+                    -2.558210,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985348
+                    -2.559633,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986511
+                    -2.562150,53.986325
+                    -2.562827,53.986859
+                    -2.563662,53.987660
+                    -2.563892,53.987765
+                    -2.563788,53.988667
+                    -2.563834,53.989577
+                    -2.564508,53.990479
+                    -2.565174,53.990788
+                    -2.565639,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991938
+                    -2.564643,53.992286
+                    -2.564089,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.994002
+                    -2.562754,53.994098
+                    -2.563662,53.994217
+                    -2.564441,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995500
+                    -2.565673,53.995910
+                    -2.565434,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997097
+                    -2.563662,53.997035
+                    -2.562150,53.997006
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+                    -2.560476,53.996811
+                    -2.560638,53.996758
+                    -2.561651,53.995910
+                    -2.561408,53.995004
+                    -2.560638,53.994589
+                    -2.559794,53.994098
+                    -2.559450,53.993192
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+                    -2.559476,53.990479
+                    -2.559125,53.990269
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+                    -2.554589,53.988357
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+                    -2.552475,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989096
+                    -2.554589,53.989577
+                    -2.554591,53.989577
+                    -2.555382,53.990479
+                    -2.554967,53.991385
+                    -2.555212,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992629
+                    -2.553352,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993516
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+                    -2.534930,54.017572
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+                    -2.534930,54.017830
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+                    -2.530394,54.020476
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+                    -2.533418,54.019561
+                    -2.534621,54.020333
+                    -2.534930,54.020572
+                    -2.535562,54.021239
+                    -2.534930,54.021468
+                    -2.534297,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.020791
+                    -2.532704,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.021802
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+                    -2.534694,54.023051
+                    -2.534930,54.023347
+                    -2.535730,54.023952
+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025397
+                    -2.531906,54.025459
+                    -2.530394,54.025202
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+                    -2.525898,54.024858
+                    -2.525857,54.024844
+                    -2.524345,54.023952
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+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520257,54.022145
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+                    -2.518296,54.021807
+                    -2.516874,54.021239
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+                    -2.515272,54.020634
+                    -2.513760,54.020495
+                    -2.512892,54.020333
+                    -2.512247,54.020262
+                    -2.510772,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.019408
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013219
+                    -2.511132,54.013095
+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010386
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
+                    -2.509223,54.007668
+                    -2.509223,54.006763
+                    -2.507711,54.005861
+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507804,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
+                    -2.512909,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.006543
+                    -2.514566,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.007621
+                    -2.513497,54.007668
+                    -2.513760,54.007697
+                    -2.515272,54.007835
+                    -2.515810,54.007668
+                    -2.515500,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006362
+                    -2.518296,54.006305
+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
+                    -2.514052,53.998618
+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
+                    -2.511967,53.996811
+                    -2.511814,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994603
+                    -2.509787,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995676
+                    -2.507711,53.995881
+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.995004
+                    -2.504894,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
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+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
+                    -2.503298,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.990951
+                    -2.505574,53.990479
+                    -2.504750,53.989577
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
+                    -2.503174,53.987865
+                    -2.502978,53.987765
+                    -2.502391,53.986859
+                    -2.501662,53.986278
+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507805,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979707
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977199
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+                    -2.509223,53.976536
+                    -2.508680,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975477
+                    -2.509727,53.975101
+                    -2.509420,53.974195
+                    -2.509223,53.973737
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532263,53.972383
+                    -2.532110,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973799
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+                    -2.531906,53.974609
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+                    -2.532429,53.976908
+                    -2.532561,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978324
+                    -2.534255,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979120
+                    -2.535980,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.979897
+                    -2.537955,53.980460
+                    -2.539467,53.980131
+                    -2.540480,53.980527
+                    -2.540529,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.981862
+                    -2.541685,53.982334
+                    -2.541675,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983727
+                    -2.543824,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984251
+                    -2.545516,53.984723
+                    -2.547028,53.984809
+                    -2.548250,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985229
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+                    -2.551280,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987031
+                    -2.551849,53.986859
+                    -2.552051,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985734
+                    -2.554589,53.985572
+                    -2.556101,53.985529
+                    -2.557093,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986268
+                    -2.558210,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985348
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+                    -2.560638,53.986511
+                    -2.562150,53.986325
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+                    -2.563834,53.989577
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+                    -2.565174,53.991938
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+                    -2.562754,53.994098
+                    -2.563662,53.994217
+                    -2.564441,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995500
+                    -2.565673,53.995910
+                    -2.565434,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997097
+                    -2.563662,53.997035
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+                    -2.560476,53.996811
+                    -2.560638,53.996758
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+                    -2.561408,53.995004
+                    -2.560638,53.994589
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+                    -2.559476,53.990479
+                    -2.559125,53.990269
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+                    -2.554589,53.988357
+                    -2.553077,53.988309
+                    -2.552475,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989096
+                    -2.554589,53.989577
+                    -2.554591,53.989577
+                    -2.555382,53.990479
+                    -2.554967,53.991385
+                    -2.555212,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992629
+                    -2.553352,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993516
+                    -2.552220,53.994098
+                    -2.551564,53.994389
+                    -2.550220,53.995004
+                    -2.550052,53.995094
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+                    -2.539467,54.000430
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+                    -2.537955,54.001899
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+                    -2.540979,54.003253
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+                    -2.540979,54.005017
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+                    -2.534930,54.017572
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+                    -2.534930,54.017830
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+                    -2.533418,54.019561
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+                    -2.534930,54.020572
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+                    -2.534930,54.021468
+                    -2.534297,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.020791
+                    -2.532704,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.021802
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+                    -2.534694,54.023051
+                    -2.534930,54.023347
+                    -2.535730,54.023952
+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025397
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+                    -2.530394,54.025202
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+                    -2.525857,54.024844
+                    -2.524345,54.023952
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+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520257,54.022145
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+                    -2.518296,54.021807
+                    -2.516874,54.021239
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+                    -2.515272,54.020634
+                    -2.513760,54.020495
+                    -2.512892,54.020333
+                    -2.512247,54.020262
+                    -2.510772,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.019408
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013219
+                    -2.511132,54.013095
+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010386
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
+                    -2.509223,54.007668
+                    -2.509223,54.006763
+                    -2.507711,54.005861
+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507804,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
+                    -2.512909,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.006543
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+                    -2.513760,54.007621
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+                    -2.513760,54.007697
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+                    -2.515500,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006362
+                    -2.518296,54.006305
+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
+                    -2.514052,53.998618
+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
+                    -2.511967,53.996811
+                    -2.511814,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994603
+                    -2.509787,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995676
+                    -2.507711,53.995881
+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.995004
+                    -2.504894,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.994131
+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
+                    -2.503298,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.990951
+                    -2.505574,53.990479
+                    -2.504750,53.989577
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
+                    -2.503174,53.987865
+                    -2.502978,53.987765
+                    -2.502391,53.986859
+                    -2.501662,53.986278
+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507805,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979707
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977199
+                    -2.509642,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976536
+                    -2.508680,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975477
+                    -2.509727,53.975101
+                    -2.509420,53.974195
+                    -2.509223,53.973737
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532263,53.972383
+                    -2.532110,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973799
+                    -2.531213,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974609
+                    -2.532582,53.975101
+                    -2.532813,53.976002
+                    -2.532429,53.976908
+                    -2.532561,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978324
+                    -2.534255,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979120
+                    -2.535980,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.979897
+                    -2.537955,53.980460
+                    -2.539467,53.980131
+                    -2.540480,53.980527
+                    -2.540529,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.981862
+                    -2.541685,53.982334
+                    -2.541675,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983727
+                    -2.543824,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984251
+                    -2.545516,53.984723
+                    -2.547028,53.984809
+                    -2.548250,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985229
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+                    -2.551280,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987031
+                    -2.551849,53.986859
+                    -2.552051,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985734
+                    -2.554589,53.985572
+                    -2.556101,53.985529
+                    -2.557093,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986268
+                    -2.558210,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985348
+                    -2.559633,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986511
+                    -2.562150,53.986325
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+                    -2.563892,53.987765
+                    -2.563788,53.988667
+                    -2.563834,53.989577
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+                    -2.565639,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991938
+                    -2.564643,53.992286
+                    -2.564089,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.994002
+                    -2.562754,53.994098
+                    -2.563662,53.994217
+                    -2.564441,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995500
+                    -2.565673,53.995910
+                    -2.565434,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997097
+                    -2.563662,53.997035
+                    -2.562150,53.997006
+                    -2.560638,53.996882
+                    -2.560476,53.996811
+                    -2.560638,53.996758
+                    -2.561651,53.995910
+                    -2.561408,53.995004
+                    -2.560638,53.994589
+                    -2.559794,53.994098
+                    -2.559450,53.993192
+                    -2.559278,53.992286
+                    -2.559646,53.991385
+                    -2.559476,53.990479
+                    -2.559125,53.990269
+                    -2.557613,53.990188
+                    -2.556919,53.989577
+                    -2.556101,53.989139
+                    -2.555106,53.988667
+                    -2.554589,53.988357
+                    -2.553077,53.988309
+                    -2.552475,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989096
+                    -2.554589,53.989577
+                    -2.554591,53.989577
+                    -2.555382,53.990479
+                    -2.554967,53.991385
+                    -2.555212,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992629
+                    -2.553352,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993516
+                    -2.552220,53.994098
+                    -2.551564,53.994389
+                    -2.550220,53.995004
+                    -2.550052,53.995094
+                    -2.548701,53.995910
+                    -2.548540,53.996134
+                    -2.547212,53.996811
+                    -2.547028,53.996849
+                    -2.545516,53.997107
+                    -2.544523,53.997717
+                    -2.544003,53.997850
+                    -2.542532,53.998618
+                    -2.542491,53.998704
+                    -2.540979,53.999200
+                    -2.539467,53.999133
+                    -2.538427,53.999524
+                    -2.539467,54.000416
+                    -2.539470,54.000430
+                    -2.539467,54.000430
+                    -2.537955,54.000583
+                    -2.536443,54.000893
+                    -2.535680,54.001336
+                    -2.536443,54.002185
+                    -2.537955,54.001899
+                    -2.538270,54.002242
+                    -2.539467,54.002643
+                    -2.540979,54.003100
+                    -2.541093,54.003143
+                    -2.540979,54.003253
+                    -2.540686,54.004049
+                    -2.539467,54.004793
+                    -2.539227,54.004951
+                    -2.539467,54.005146
+                    -2.540979,54.005017
+                    -2.542491,54.004955
+                    -2.542647,54.004951
+                    -2.544003,54.004884
+                    -2.545066,54.004049
+                    -2.545124,54.003143
+                    -2.545516,54.002433
+                    -2.545584,54.002242
+                    -2.545613,54.001336
+                    -2.546579,54.000430
+                    -2.546451,53.999524
+                    -2.547028,53.999329
+                    -2.547270,53.999524
+                    -2.547328,54.000430
+                    -2.547840,54.001336
+                    -2.548540,54.001989
+                    -2.549071,54.002242
+                    -2.549126,54.003143
+                    -2.549153,54.004049
+                    -2.548540,54.004254
+                    -2.547075,54.004049
+                    -2.547028,54.004045
+                    -2.546971,54.004049
+                    -2.546099,54.004951
+                    -2.546524,54.005861
+                    -2.546896,54.006763
+                    -2.547028,54.006901
+                    -2.547601,54.006763
+                    -2.548540,54.006677
+                    -2.550052,54.006414
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+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013219
+                    -2.511132,54.013095
+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010386
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
+                    -2.509223,54.007668
+                    -2.509223,54.006763
+                    -2.507711,54.005861
+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507804,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
+                    -2.512909,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.006543
+                    -2.514566,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.007621
+                    -2.513497,54.007668
+                    -2.513760,54.007697
+                    -2.515272,54.007835
+                    -2.515810,54.007668
+                    -2.515500,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006362
+                    -2.518296,54.006305
+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
+                    -2.514052,53.998618
+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
+                    -2.511967,53.996811
+                    -2.511814,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994603
+                    -2.509787,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995676
+                    -2.507711,53.995881
+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.995004
+                    -2.504894,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.994131
+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
+                    -2.503298,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.990951
+                    -2.505574,53.990479
+                    -2.504750,53.989577
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
+                    -2.503174,53.987865
+                    -2.502978,53.987765
+                    -2.502391,53.986859
+                    -2.501662,53.986278
+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507805,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979707
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977199
+                    -2.509642,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976536
+                    -2.508680,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975477
+                    -2.509727,53.975101
+                    -2.509420,53.974195
+                    -2.509223,53.973737
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532263,53.972383
+                    -2.532110,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973799
+                    -2.531213,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974609
+                    -2.532582,53.975101
+                    -2.532813,53.976002
+                    -2.532429,53.976908
+                    -2.532561,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978324
+                    -2.534255,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979120
+                    -2.535980,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.979897
+                    -2.537955,53.980460
+                    -2.539467,53.980131
+                    -2.540480,53.980527
+                    -2.540529,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.981862
+                    -2.541685,53.982334
+                    -2.541675,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983727
+                    -2.543824,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984251
+                    -2.545516,53.984723
+                    -2.547028,53.984809
+                    -2.548250,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985229
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+                    -2.551280,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987031
+                    -2.551849,53.986859
+                    -2.552051,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985734
+                    -2.554589,53.985572
+                    -2.556101,53.985529
+                    -2.557093,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986268
+                    -2.558210,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985348
+                    -2.559633,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986511
+                    -2.562150,53.986325
+                    -2.562827,53.986859
+                    -2.563662,53.987660
+                    -2.563892,53.987765
+                    -2.563788,53.988667
+                    -2.563834,53.989577
+                    -2.564508,53.990479
+                    -2.565174,53.990788
+                    -2.565639,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991938
+                    -2.564643,53.992286
+                    -2.564089,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.994002
+                    -2.562754,53.994098
+                    -2.563662,53.994217
+                    -2.564441,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995500
+                    -2.565673,53.995910
+                    -2.565434,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997097
+                    -2.563662,53.997035
+                    -2.562150,53.997006
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+                    -2.560476,53.996811
+                    -2.560638,53.996758
+                    -2.561651,53.995910
+                    -2.561408,53.995004
+                    -2.560638,53.994589
+                    -2.559794,53.994098
+                    -2.559450,53.993192
+                    -2.559278,53.992286
+                    -2.559646,53.991385
+                    -2.559476,53.990479
+                    -2.559125,53.990269
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+                    -2.556919,53.989577
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+                    -2.554589,53.988357
+                    -2.553077,53.988309
+                    -2.552475,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989096
+                    -2.554589,53.989577
+                    -2.554591,53.989577
+                    -2.555382,53.990479
+                    -2.554967,53.991385
+                    -2.555212,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992629
+                    -2.553352,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993516
+                    -2.552220,53.994098
+                    -2.551564,53.994389
+                    -2.550220,53.995004
+                    -2.550052,53.995094
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+                    -2.545543,54.009476
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+                    -2.545516,54.013314
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+                    -2.537955,54.015136
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+                    -2.534930,54.017572
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+                    -2.534930,54.017830
+                    -2.534142,54.018526
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+                    -2.530394,54.020166
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+                    -2.530394,54.020476
+                    -2.531906,54.020681
+                    -2.532521,54.020333
+                    -2.533418,54.019561
+                    -2.534621,54.020333
+                    -2.534930,54.020572
+                    -2.535562,54.021239
+                    -2.534930,54.021468
+                    -2.534297,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.020791
+                    -2.532704,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.021802
+                    -2.533756,54.022145
+                    -2.534694,54.023051
+                    -2.534930,54.023347
+                    -2.535730,54.023952
+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025397
+                    -2.531906,54.025459
+                    -2.530394,54.025202
+                    -2.528882,54.025354
+                    -2.527369,54.025507
+                    -2.525898,54.024858
+                    -2.525857,54.024844
+                    -2.524345,54.023952
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+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520257,54.022145
+                    -2.519808,54.021802
+                    -2.518296,54.021807
+                    -2.516874,54.021239
+                    -2.516784,54.021158
+                    -2.515272,54.020634
+                    -2.513760,54.020495
+                    -2.512892,54.020333
+                    -2.512247,54.020262
+                    -2.510772,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.019408
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013219
+                    -2.511132,54.013095
+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010386
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
+                    -2.509223,54.007668
+                    -2.509223,54.006763
+                    -2.507711,54.005861
+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507804,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
+                    -2.512909,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.006543
+                    -2.514566,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.007621
+                    -2.513497,54.007668
+                    -2.513760,54.007697
+                    -2.515272,54.007835
+                    -2.515810,54.007668
+                    -2.515500,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006362
+                    -2.518296,54.006305
+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
+                    -2.514052,53.998618
+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
+                    -2.511967,53.996811
+                    -2.511814,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994603
+                    -2.509787,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995676
+                    -2.507711,53.995881
+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.995004
+                    -2.504894,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.994131
+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
+                    -2.503298,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.990951
+                    -2.505574,53.990479
+                    -2.504750,53.989577
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
+                    -2.503174,53.987865
+                    -2.502978,53.987765
+                    -2.502391,53.986859
+                    -2.501662,53.986278
+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507805,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979707
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977199
+                    -2.509642,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976536
+                    -2.508680,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975477
+                    -2.509727,53.975101
+                    -2.509420,53.974195
+                    -2.509223,53.973737
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532263,53.972383
+                    -2.532110,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973799
+                    -2.531213,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974609
+                    -2.532582,53.975101
+                    -2.532813,53.976002
+                    -2.532429,53.976908
+                    -2.532561,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978324
+                    -2.534255,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979120
+                    -2.535980,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.979897
+                    -2.537955,53.980460
+                    -2.539467,53.980131
+                    -2.540480,53.980527
+                    -2.540529,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.981862
+                    -2.541685,53.982334
+                    -2.541675,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983727
+                    -2.543824,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984251
+                    -2.545516,53.984723
+                    -2.547028,53.984809
+                    -2.548250,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985229
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+                    -2.551280,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987031
+                    -2.551849,53.986859
+                    -2.552051,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985734
+                    -2.554589,53.985572
+                    -2.556101,53.985529
+                    -2.557093,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986268
+                    -2.558210,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985348
+                    -2.559633,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986511
+                    -2.562150,53.986325
+                    -2.562827,53.986859
+                    -2.563662,53.987660
+                    -2.563892,53.987765
+                    -2.563788,53.988667
+                    -2.563834,53.989577
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+                    -2.565639,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991938
+                    -2.564643,53.992286
+                    -2.564089,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.994002
+                    -2.562754,53.994098
+                    -2.563662,53.994217
+                    -2.564441,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995500
+                    -2.565673,53.995910
+                    -2.565434,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997097
+                    -2.563662,53.997035
+                    -2.562150,53.997006
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+                    -2.560476,53.996811
+                    -2.560638,53.996758
+                    -2.561651,53.995910
+                    -2.561408,53.995004
+                    -2.560638,53.994589
+                    -2.559794,53.994098
+                    -2.559450,53.993192
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+                    -2.559476,53.990479
+                    -2.559125,53.990269
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+                    -2.554589,53.988357
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+                    -2.552475,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989096
+                    -2.554589,53.989577
+                    -2.554591,53.989577
+                    -2.555382,53.990479
+                    -2.554967,53.991385
+                    -2.555212,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992629
+                    -2.553352,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993516
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+                    -2.534930,54.017572
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+                    -2.534930,54.017830
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+                    -2.530394,54.020476
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+                    -2.532521,54.020333
+                    -2.533418,54.019561
+                    -2.534621,54.020333
+                    -2.534930,54.020572
+                    -2.535562,54.021239
+                    -2.534930,54.021468
+                    -2.534297,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.020791
+                    -2.532704,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.021802
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+                    -2.534694,54.023051
+                    -2.534930,54.023347
+                    -2.535730,54.023952
+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025397
+                    -2.531906,54.025459
+                    -2.530394,54.025202
+                    -2.528882,54.025354
+                    -2.527369,54.025507
+                    -2.525898,54.024858
+                    -2.525857,54.024844
+                    -2.524345,54.023952
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+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520257,54.022145
+                    -2.519808,54.021802
+                    -2.518296,54.021807
+                    -2.516874,54.021239
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+                    -2.515272,54.020634
+                    -2.513760,54.020495
+                    -2.512892,54.020333
+                    -2.512247,54.020262
+                    -2.510772,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.019408
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013219
+                    -2.511132,54.013095
+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010386
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
+                    -2.509223,54.007668
+                    -2.509223,54.006763
+                    -2.507711,54.005861
+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507804,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
+                    -2.512909,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.006543
+                    -2.514566,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.007621
+                    -2.513497,54.007668
+                    -2.513760,54.007697
+                    -2.515272,54.007835
+                    -2.515810,54.007668
+                    -2.515500,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006362
+                    -2.518296,54.006305
+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
+                    -2.514052,53.998618
+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
+                    -2.511967,53.996811
+                    -2.511814,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994603
+                    -2.509787,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995676
+                    -2.507711,53.995881
+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.995004
+                    -2.504894,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.994131
+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
+                    -2.503298,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.990951
+                    -2.505574,53.990479
+                    -2.504750,53.989577
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
+                    -2.503174,53.987865
+                    -2.502978,53.987765
+                    -2.502391,53.986859
+                    -2.501662,53.986278
+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507805,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979707
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977199
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+                    -2.509223,53.976536
+                    -2.508680,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975477
+                    -2.509727,53.975101
+                    -2.509420,53.974195
+                    -2.509223,53.973737
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532263,53.972383
+                    -2.532110,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973799
+                    -2.531213,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974609
+                    -2.532582,53.975101
+                    -2.532813,53.976002
+                    -2.532429,53.976908
+                    -2.532561,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978324
+                    -2.534255,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979120
+                    -2.535980,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.979897
+                    -2.537955,53.980460
+                    -2.539467,53.980131
+                    -2.540480,53.980527
+                    -2.540529,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.981862
+                    -2.541685,53.982334
+                    -2.541675,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983727
+                    -2.543824,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984251
+                    -2.545516,53.984723
+                    -2.547028,53.984809
+                    -2.548250,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985229
+                    -2.550052,53.985271
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+                    -2.551280,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987031
+                    -2.551849,53.986859
+                    -2.552051,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985734
+                    -2.554589,53.985572
+                    -2.556101,53.985529
+                    -2.557093,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986268
+                    -2.558210,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985348
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+                    -2.563892,53.987765
+                    -2.563788,53.988667
+                    -2.563834,53.989577
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+                    -2.565174,53.990788
+                    -2.565639,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991938
+                    -2.564643,53.992286
+                    -2.564089,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.994002
+                    -2.562754,53.994098
+                    -2.563662,53.994217
+                    -2.564441,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995500
+                    -2.565673,53.995910
+                    -2.565434,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997097
+                    -2.563662,53.997035
+                    -2.562150,53.997006
+                    -2.560638,53.996882
+                    -2.560476,53.996811
+                    -2.560638,53.996758
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+                    -2.561408,53.995004
+                    -2.560638,53.994589
+                    -2.559794,53.994098
+                    -2.559450,53.993192
+                    -2.559278,53.992286
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+                    -2.559476,53.990479
+                    -2.559125,53.990269
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+                    -2.556919,53.989577
+                    -2.556101,53.989139
+                    -2.555106,53.988667
+                    -2.554589,53.988357
+                    -2.553077,53.988309
+                    -2.552475,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989096
+                    -2.554589,53.989577
+                    -2.554591,53.989577
+                    -2.555382,53.990479
+                    -2.554967,53.991385
+                    -2.555212,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992629
+                    -2.553352,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993516
+                    -2.552220,53.994098
+                    -2.551564,53.994389
+                    -2.550220,53.995004
+                    -2.550052,53.995094
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+                    -2.539467,54.000430
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+                    -2.537955,54.001899
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+                    -2.540979,54.003253
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+                    -2.539467,54.005146
+                    -2.540979,54.005017
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+                    -2.534930,54.017572
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+                    -2.534930,54.017830
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+                    -2.533418,54.019561
+                    -2.534621,54.020333
+                    -2.534930,54.020572
+                    -2.535562,54.021239
+                    -2.534930,54.021468
+                    -2.534297,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.020791
+                    -2.532704,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.021802
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+                    -2.534694,54.023051
+                    -2.534930,54.023347
+                    -2.535730,54.023952
+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025397
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+                    -2.530394,54.025202
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+                    -2.525857,54.024844
+                    -2.524345,54.023952
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+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520257,54.022145
+                    -2.519808,54.021802
+                    -2.518296,54.021807
+                    -2.516874,54.021239
+                    -2.516784,54.021158
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+                    -2.513760,54.020495
+                    -2.512892,54.020333
+                    -2.512247,54.020262
+                    -2.510772,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.019408
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013219
+                    -2.511132,54.013095
+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010386
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
+                    -2.509223,54.007668
+                    -2.509223,54.006763
+                    -2.507711,54.005861
+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507804,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
+                    -2.512909,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.006543
+                    -2.514566,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.007621
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+                    -2.513760,54.007697
+                    -2.515272,54.007835
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+                    -2.515500,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006362
+                    -2.518296,54.006305
+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
+                    -2.514052,53.998618
+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
+                    -2.511967,53.996811
+                    -2.511814,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994603
+                    -2.509787,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995676
+                    -2.507711,53.995881
+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.995004
+                    -2.504894,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.994131
+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
+                    -2.503298,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.990951
+                    -2.505574,53.990479
+                    -2.504750,53.989577
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
+                    -2.503174,53.987865
+                    -2.502978,53.987765
+                    -2.502391,53.986859
+                    -2.501662,53.986278
+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507805,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979707
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977199
+                    -2.509642,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976536
+                    -2.508680,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975477
+                    -2.509727,53.975101
+                    -2.509420,53.974195
+                    -2.509223,53.973737
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532263,53.972383
+                    -2.532110,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973799
+                    -2.531213,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974609
+                    -2.532582,53.975101
+                    -2.532813,53.976002
+                    -2.532429,53.976908
+                    -2.532561,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978324
+                    -2.534255,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979120
+                    -2.535980,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.979897
+                    -2.537955,53.980460
+                    -2.539467,53.980131
+                    -2.540480,53.980527
+                    -2.540529,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.981862
+                    -2.541685,53.982334
+                    -2.541675,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983727
+                    -2.543824,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984251
+                    -2.545516,53.984723
+                    -2.547028,53.984809
+                    -2.548250,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985229
+                    -2.550052,53.985271
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+                    -2.551280,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987031
+                    -2.551849,53.986859
+                    -2.552051,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985734
+                    -2.554589,53.985572
+                    -2.556101,53.985529
+                    -2.557093,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986268
+                    -2.558210,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985348
+                    -2.559633,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986511
+                    -2.562150,53.986325
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+                    -2.563788,53.988667
+                    -2.563834,53.989577
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+                    -2.565639,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991938
+                    -2.564643,53.992286
+                    -2.564089,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.994002
+                    -2.562754,53.994098
+                    -2.563662,53.994217
+                    -2.564441,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995500
+                    -2.565673,53.995910
+                    -2.565434,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997097
+                    -2.563662,53.997035
+                    -2.562150,53.997006
+                    -2.560638,53.996882
+                    -2.560476,53.996811
+                    -2.560638,53.996758
+                    -2.561651,53.995910
+                    -2.561408,53.995004
+                    -2.560638,53.994589
+                    -2.559794,53.994098
+                    -2.559450,53.993192
+                    -2.559278,53.992286
+                    -2.559646,53.991385
+                    -2.559476,53.990479
+                    -2.559125,53.990269
+                    -2.557613,53.990188
+                    -2.556919,53.989577
+                    -2.556101,53.989139
+                    -2.555106,53.988667
+                    -2.554589,53.988357
+                    -2.553077,53.988309
+                    -2.552475,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989096
+                    -2.554589,53.989577
+                    -2.554591,53.989577
+                    -2.555382,53.990479
+                    -2.554967,53.991385
+                    -2.555212,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992629
+                    -2.553352,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993516
+                    -2.552220,53.994098
+                    -2.551564,53.994389
+                    -2.550220,53.995004
+                    -2.550052,53.995094
+                    -2.548701,53.995910
+                    -2.548540,53.996134
+                    -2.547212,53.996811
+                    -2.547028,53.996849
+                    -2.545516,53.997107
+                    -2.544523,53.997717
+                    -2.544003,53.997850
+                    -2.542532,53.998618
+                    -2.542491,53.998704
+                    -2.540979,53.999200
+                    -2.539467,53.999133
+                    -2.538427,53.999524
+                    -2.539467,54.000416
+                    -2.539470,54.000430
+                    -2.539467,54.000430
+                    -2.537955,54.000583
+                    -2.536443,54.000893
+                    -2.535680,54.001336
+                    -2.536443,54.002185
+                    -2.537955,54.001899
+                    -2.538270,54.002242
+                    -2.539467,54.002643
+                    -2.540979,54.003100
+                    -2.541093,54.003143
+                    -2.540979,54.003253
+                    -2.540686,54.004049
+                    -2.539467,54.004793
+                    -2.539227,54.004951
+                    -2.539467,54.005146
+                    -2.540979,54.005017
+                    -2.542491,54.004955
+                    -2.542647,54.004951
+                    -2.544003,54.004884
+                    -2.545066,54.004049
+                    -2.545124,54.003143
+                    -2.545516,54.002433
+                    -2.545584,54.002242
+                    -2.545613,54.001336
+                    -2.546579,54.000430
+                    -2.546451,53.999524
+                    -2.547028,53.999329
+                    -2.547270,53.999524
+                    -2.547328,54.000430
+                    -2.547840,54.001336
+                    -2.548540,54.001989
+                    -2.549071,54.002242
+                    -2.549126,54.003143
+                    -2.549153,54.004049
+                    -2.548540,54.004254
+                    -2.547075,54.004049
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+                    -2.516874,54.021239
+                    -2.516784,54.021158
+                    -2.515272,54.020634
+                    -2.513760,54.020495
+                    -2.512892,54.020333
+                    -2.512247,54.020262
+                    -2.510772,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.019408
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013219
+                    -2.511132,54.013095
+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010386
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
+                    -2.509223,54.007668
+                    -2.509223,54.006763
+                    -2.507711,54.005861
+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507804,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
+                    -2.512909,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.006543
+                    -2.514566,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.007621
+                    -2.513497,54.007668
+                    -2.513760,54.007697
+                    -2.515272,54.007835
+                    -2.515810,54.007668
+                    -2.515500,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006362
+                    -2.518296,54.006305
+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
+                    -2.514052,53.998618
+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
+                    -2.511967,53.996811
+                    -2.511814,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994603
+                    -2.509787,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995676
+                    -2.507711,53.995881
+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.995004
+                    -2.504894,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.994131
+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
+                    -2.503298,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.990951
+                    -2.505574,53.990479
+                    -2.504750,53.989577
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
+                    -2.503174,53.987865
+                    -2.502978,53.987765
+                    -2.502391,53.986859
+                    -2.501662,53.986278
+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507805,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979707
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977199
+                    -2.509642,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976536
+                    -2.508680,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975477
+                    -2.509727,53.975101
+                    -2.509420,53.974195
+                    -2.509223,53.973737
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532263,53.972383
+                    -2.532110,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973799
+                    -2.531213,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974609
+                    -2.532582,53.975101
+                    -2.532813,53.976002
+                    -2.532429,53.976908
+                    -2.532561,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978324
+                    -2.534255,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979120
+                    -2.535980,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.979897
+                    -2.537955,53.980460
+                    -2.539467,53.980131
+                    -2.540480,53.980527
+                    -2.540529,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.981862
+                    -2.541685,53.982334
+                    -2.541675,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983727
+                    -2.543824,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984251
+                    -2.545516,53.984723
+                    -2.547028,53.984809
+                    -2.548250,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985229
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+                    -2.551280,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987031
+                    -2.551849,53.986859
+                    -2.552051,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985734
+                    -2.554589,53.985572
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+                    -2.557093,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986268
+                    -2.558210,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985348
+                    -2.559633,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986511
+                    -2.562150,53.986325
+                    -2.562827,53.986859
+                    -2.563662,53.987660
+                    -2.563892,53.987765
+                    -2.563788,53.988667
+                    -2.563834,53.989577
+                    -2.564508,53.990479
+                    -2.565174,53.990788
+                    -2.565639,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991938
+                    -2.564643,53.992286
+                    -2.564089,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.994002
+                    -2.562754,53.994098
+                    -2.563662,53.994217
+                    -2.564441,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995500
+                    -2.565673,53.995910
+                    -2.565434,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997097
+                    -2.563662,53.997035
+                    -2.562150,53.997006
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+                    -2.560476,53.996811
+                    -2.560638,53.996758
+                    -2.561651,53.995910
+                    -2.561408,53.995004
+                    -2.560638,53.994589
+                    -2.559794,53.994098
+                    -2.559450,53.993192
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+                    -2.559476,53.990479
+                    -2.559125,53.990269
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+                    -2.554589,53.988357
+                    -2.553077,53.988309
+                    -2.552475,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989096
+                    -2.554589,53.989577
+                    -2.554591,53.989577
+                    -2.555382,53.990479
+                    -2.554967,53.991385
+                    -2.555212,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992629
+                    -2.553352,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993516
+                    -2.552220,53.994098
+                    -2.551564,53.994389
+                    -2.550220,53.995004
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+                    -2.545543,54.009476
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+                    -2.537955,54.015136
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+                    -2.534930,54.017572
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+                    -2.534930,54.017830
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+                    -2.530394,54.020476
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+                    -2.532521,54.020333
+                    -2.533418,54.019561
+                    -2.534621,54.020333
+                    -2.534930,54.020572
+                    -2.535562,54.021239
+                    -2.534930,54.021468
+                    -2.534297,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.020791
+                    -2.532704,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.021802
+                    -2.533756,54.022145
+                    -2.534694,54.023051
+                    -2.534930,54.023347
+                    -2.535730,54.023952
+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025397
+                    -2.531906,54.025459
+                    -2.530394,54.025202
+                    -2.528882,54.025354
+                    -2.527369,54.025507
+                    -2.525898,54.024858
+                    -2.525857,54.024844
+                    -2.524345,54.023952
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+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520257,54.022145
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+                    -2.512247,54.020262
+                    -2.510772,54.019427
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013219
+                    -2.511132,54.013095
+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010386
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
+                    -2.509223,54.007668
+                    -2.509223,54.006763
+                    -2.507711,54.005861
+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507804,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
+                    -2.512909,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.006543
+                    -2.514566,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.007621
+                    -2.513497,54.007668
+                    -2.513760,54.007697
+                    -2.515272,54.007835
+                    -2.515810,54.007668
+                    -2.515500,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006362
+                    -2.518296,54.006305
+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
+                    -2.514052,53.998618
+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
+                    -2.511967,53.996811
+                    -2.511814,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994603
+                    -2.509787,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995676
+                    -2.507711,53.995881
+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.995004
+                    -2.504894,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.994131
+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
+                    -2.503298,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.990951
+                    -2.505574,53.990479
+                    -2.504750,53.989577
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
+                    -2.503174,53.987865
+                    -2.502978,53.987765
+                    -2.502391,53.986859
+                    -2.501662,53.986278
+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507805,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979707
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977199
+                    -2.509642,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976536
+                    -2.508680,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975477
+                    -2.509727,53.975101
+                    -2.509420,53.974195
+                    -2.509223,53.973737
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532263,53.972383
+                    -2.532110,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973799
+                    -2.531213,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974609
+                    -2.532582,53.975101
+                    -2.532813,53.976002
+                    -2.532429,53.976908
+                    -2.532561,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978324
+                    -2.534255,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979120
+                    -2.535980,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.979897
+                    -2.537955,53.980460
+                    -2.539467,53.980131
+                    -2.540480,53.980527
+                    -2.540529,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.981862
+                    -2.541685,53.982334
+                    -2.541675,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983727
+                    -2.543824,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984251
+                    -2.545516,53.984723
+                    -2.547028,53.984809
+                    -2.548250,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985229
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+                    -2.551280,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987031
+                    -2.551849,53.986859
+                    -2.552051,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985734
+                    -2.554589,53.985572
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+                    -2.557093,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986268
+                    -2.558210,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985348
+                    -2.559633,53.985953
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+                    -2.562150,53.986325
+                    -2.562827,53.986859
+                    -2.563662,53.987660
+                    -2.563892,53.987765
+                    -2.563788,53.988667
+                    -2.563834,53.989577
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+                    -2.565639,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991938
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+                    -2.564089,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.994002
+                    -2.562754,53.994098
+                    -2.563662,53.994217
+                    -2.564441,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995500
+                    -2.565673,53.995910
+                    -2.565434,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997097
+                    -2.563662,53.997035
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+                    -2.560638,53.996758
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+                    -2.561408,53.995004
+                    -2.560638,53.994589
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+                    -2.553077,53.989096
+                    -2.554589,53.989577
+                    -2.554591,53.989577
+                    -2.555382,53.990479
+                    -2.554967,53.991385
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+                    -2.554589,53.992629
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+                    -2.553077,53.993516
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+                    -2.534930,54.017572
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+                    -2.534930,54.017830
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+                    -2.530394,54.020476
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+                    -2.533418,54.019561
+                    -2.534621,54.020333
+                    -2.534930,54.020572
+                    -2.535562,54.021239
+                    -2.534930,54.021468
+                    -2.534297,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.020791
+                    -2.532704,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.021802
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+                    -2.534694,54.023051
+                    -2.534930,54.023347
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+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025397
+                    -2.531906,54.025459
+                    -2.530394,54.025202
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+                    -2.527369,54.025507
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+                    -2.525857,54.024844
+                    -2.524345,54.023952
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+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520257,54.022145
+                    -2.519808,54.021802
+                    -2.518296,54.021807
+                    -2.516874,54.021239
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+                    -2.515272,54.020634
+                    -2.513760,54.020495
+                    -2.512892,54.020333
+                    -2.512247,54.020262
+                    -2.510772,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.019408
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013219
+                    -2.511132,54.013095
+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010386
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
+                    -2.509223,54.007668
+                    -2.509223,54.006763
+                    -2.507711,54.005861
+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507804,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
+                    -2.512909,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.006543
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+                    -2.513760,54.007621
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+                    -2.513760,54.007697
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+                    -2.515500,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006362
+                    -2.518296,54.006305
+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
+                    -2.514052,53.998618
+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
+                    -2.511967,53.996811
+                    -2.511814,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994603
+                    -2.509787,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995676
+                    -2.507711,53.995881
+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.995004
+                    -2.504894,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
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+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
+                    -2.503298,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.990951
+                    -2.505574,53.990479
+                    -2.504750,53.989577
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
+                    -2.503174,53.987865
+                    -2.502978,53.987765
+                    -2.502391,53.986859
+                    -2.501662,53.986278
+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507805,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979707
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977199
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+                    -2.509223,53.976536
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+                    -2.509223,53.975477
+                    -2.509727,53.975101
+                    -2.509420,53.974195
+                    -2.509223,53.973737
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
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+                    -2.512247,53.969669
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+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532263,53.972383
+                    -2.532110,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973799
+                    -2.531213,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974609
+                    -2.532582,53.975101
+                    -2.532813,53.976002
+                    -2.532429,53.976908
+                    -2.532561,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978324
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+                    -2.535980,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.979897
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+                    -2.539467,53.980131
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+                    -2.540529,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.981862
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+                    -2.541675,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983727
+                    -2.543824,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984251
+                    -2.545516,53.984723
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+                    -2.548250,53.985052
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+                    -2.551564,53.987031
+                    -2.551849,53.986859
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+                    -2.558210,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985348
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+                    -2.562150,53.986325
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+                    -2.563788,53.988667
+                    -2.563834,53.989577
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+                    -2.565174,53.991938
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+                    -2.564089,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.994002
+                    -2.562754,53.994098
+                    -2.563662,53.994217
+                    -2.564441,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995500
+                    -2.565673,53.995910
+                    -2.565434,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997097
+                    -2.563662,53.997035
+                    -2.562150,53.997006
+                    -2.560638,53.996882
+                    -2.560476,53.996811
+                    -2.560638,53.996758
+                    -2.561651,53.995910
+                    -2.561408,53.995004
+                    -2.560638,53.994589
+                    -2.559794,53.994098
+                    -2.559450,53.993192
+                    -2.559278,53.992286
+                    -2.559646,53.991385
+                    -2.559476,53.990479
+                    -2.559125,53.990269
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+                    -2.556919,53.989577
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+                    -2.555106,53.988667
+                    -2.554589,53.988357
+                    -2.553077,53.988309
+                    -2.552475,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989096
+                    -2.554589,53.989577
+                    -2.554591,53.989577
+                    -2.555382,53.990479
+                    -2.554967,53.991385
+                    -2.555212,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992629
+                    -2.553352,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993516
+                    -2.552220,53.994098
+                    -2.551564,53.994389
+                    -2.550220,53.995004
+                    -2.550052,53.995094
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+                    -2.539467,54.000430
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+                    -2.540979,54.003253
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+                    -2.534930,54.017572
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+                    -2.534930,54.017830
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+                    -2.533418,54.019561
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+                    -2.534930,54.021468
+                    -2.534297,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.020791
+                    -2.532704,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.021802
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+                    -2.534694,54.023051
+                    -2.534930,54.023347
+                    -2.535730,54.023952
+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025397
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+                    -2.530394,54.025202
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+                    -2.525857,54.024844
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+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520257,54.022145
+                    -2.519808,54.021802
+                    -2.518296,54.021807
+                    -2.516874,54.021239
+                    -2.516784,54.021158
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+                    -2.513760,54.020495
+                    -2.512892,54.020333
+                    -2.512247,54.020262
+                    -2.510772,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.019408
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013219
+                    -2.511132,54.013095
+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010386
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
+                    -2.509223,54.007668
+                    -2.509223,54.006763
+                    -2.507711,54.005861
+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507804,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
+                    -2.512909,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.006543
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+                    -2.513760,54.007621
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+                    -2.513760,54.007697
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+                    -2.515500,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006362
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+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
+                    -2.514052,53.998618
+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
+                    -2.511967,53.996811
+                    -2.511814,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994603
+                    -2.509787,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995676
+                    -2.507711,53.995881
+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.995004
+                    -2.504894,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.994131
+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
+                    -2.503298,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.990951
+                    -2.505574,53.990479
+                    -2.504750,53.989577
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
+                    -2.503174,53.987865
+                    -2.502978,53.987765
+                    -2.502391,53.986859
+                    -2.501662,53.986278
+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507805,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979707
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977199
+                    -2.509642,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976536
+                    -2.508680,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975477
+                    -2.509727,53.975101
+                    -2.509420,53.974195
+                    -2.509223,53.973737
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532263,53.972383
+                    -2.532110,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973799
+                    -2.531213,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974609
+                    -2.532582,53.975101
+                    -2.532813,53.976002
+                    -2.532429,53.976908
+                    -2.532561,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978324
+                    -2.534255,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979120
+                    -2.535980,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.979897
+                    -2.537955,53.980460
+                    -2.539467,53.980131
+                    -2.540480,53.980527
+                    -2.540529,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.981862
+                    -2.541685,53.982334
+                    -2.541675,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983727
+                    -2.543824,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984251
+                    -2.545516,53.984723
+                    -2.547028,53.984809
+                    -2.548250,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985229
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+                    -2.551280,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987031
+                    -2.551849,53.986859
+                    -2.552051,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985734
+                    -2.554589,53.985572
+                    -2.556101,53.985529
+                    -2.557093,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986268
+                    -2.558210,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985348
+                    -2.559633,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986511
+                    -2.562150,53.986325
+                    -2.562827,53.986859
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+                    -2.563892,53.987765
+                    -2.563788,53.988667
+                    -2.563834,53.989577
+                    -2.564508,53.990479
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+                    -2.565639,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991938
+                    -2.564643,53.992286
+                    -2.564089,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.994002
+                    -2.562754,53.994098
+                    -2.563662,53.994217
+                    -2.564441,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995500
+                    -2.565673,53.995910
+                    -2.565434,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997097
+                    -2.563662,53.997035
+                    -2.562150,53.997006
+                    -2.560638,53.996882
+                    -2.560476,53.996811
+                    -2.560638,53.996758
+                    -2.561651,53.995910
+                    -2.561408,53.995004
+                    -2.560638,53.994589
+                    -2.559794,53.994098
+                    -2.559450,53.993192
+                    -2.559278,53.992286
+                    -2.559646,53.991385
+                    -2.559476,53.990479
+                    -2.559125,53.990269
+                    -2.557613,53.990188
+                    -2.556919,53.989577
+                    -2.556101,53.989139
+                    -2.555106,53.988667
+                    -2.554589,53.988357
+                    -2.553077,53.988309
+                    -2.552475,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989096
+                    -2.554589,53.989577
+                    -2.554591,53.989577
+                    -2.555382,53.990479
+                    -2.554967,53.991385
+                    -2.555212,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992629
+                    -2.553352,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993516
+                    -2.552220,53.994098
+                    -2.551564,53.994389
+                    -2.550220,53.995004
+                    -2.550052,53.995094
+                    -2.548701,53.995910
+                    -2.548540,53.996134
+                    -2.547212,53.996811
+                    -2.547028,53.996849
+                    -2.545516,53.997107
+                    -2.544523,53.997717
+                    -2.544003,53.997850
+                    -2.542532,53.998618
+                    -2.542491,53.998704
+                    -2.540979,53.999200
+                    -2.539467,53.999133
+                    -2.538427,53.999524
+                    -2.539467,54.000416
+                    -2.539470,54.000430
+                    -2.539467,54.000430
+                    -2.537955,54.000583
+                    -2.536443,54.000893
+                    -2.535680,54.001336
+                    -2.536443,54.002185
+                    -2.537955,54.001899
+                    -2.538270,54.002242
+                    -2.539467,54.002643
+                    -2.540979,54.003100
+                    -2.541093,54.003143
+                    -2.540979,54.003253
+                    -2.540686,54.004049
+                    -2.539467,54.004793
+                    -2.539227,54.004951
+                    -2.539467,54.005146
+                    -2.540979,54.005017
+                    -2.542491,54.004955
+                    -2.542647,54.004951
+                    -2.544003,54.004884
+                    -2.545066,54.004049
+                    -2.545124,54.003143
+                    -2.545516,54.002433
+                    -2.545584,54.002242
+                    -2.545613,54.001336
+                    -2.546579,54.000430
+                    -2.546451,53.999524
+                    -2.547028,53.999329
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+                    -2.527369,54.025507
+                    -2.525898,54.024858
+                    -2.525857,54.024844
+                    -2.524345,54.023952
+                    -2.522833,54.023051
+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520257,54.022145
+                    -2.519808,54.021802
+                    -2.518296,54.021807
+                    -2.516874,54.021239
+                    -2.516784,54.021158
+                    -2.515272,54.020634
+                    -2.513760,54.020495
+                    -2.512892,54.020333
+                    -2.512247,54.020262
+                    -2.510772,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.019408
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013219
+                    -2.511132,54.013095
+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010386
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
+                    -2.509223,54.007668
+                    -2.509223,54.006763
+                    -2.507711,54.005861
+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507804,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
+                    -2.512909,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.006543
+                    -2.514566,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.007621
+                    -2.513497,54.007668
+                    -2.513760,54.007697
+                    -2.515272,54.007835
+                    -2.515810,54.007668
+                    -2.515500,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006362
+                    -2.518296,54.006305
+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
+                    -2.514052,53.998618
+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
+                    -2.511967,53.996811
+                    -2.511814,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994603
+                    -2.509787,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995676
+                    -2.507711,53.995881
+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.995004
+                    -2.504894,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.994131
+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
+                    -2.503298,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.990951
+                    -2.505574,53.990479
+                    -2.504750,53.989577
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
+                    -2.503174,53.987865
+                    -2.502978,53.987765
+                    -2.502391,53.986859
+                    -2.501662,53.986278
+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507805,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979707
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977199
+                    -2.509642,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976536
+                    -2.508680,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975477
+                    -2.509727,53.975101
+                    -2.509420,53.974195
+                    -2.509223,53.973737
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532263,53.972383
+                    -2.532110,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973799
+                    -2.531213,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974609
+                    -2.532582,53.975101
+                    -2.532813,53.976002
+                    -2.532429,53.976908
+                    -2.532561,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978324
+                    -2.534255,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979120
+                    -2.535980,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.979897
+                    -2.537955,53.980460
+                    -2.539467,53.980131
+                    -2.540480,53.980527
+                    -2.540529,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.981862
+                    -2.541685,53.982334
+                    -2.541675,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983727
+                    -2.543824,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984251
+                    -2.545516,53.984723
+                    -2.547028,53.984809
+                    -2.548250,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985229
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+                    -2.551280,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987031
+                    -2.551849,53.986859
+                    -2.552051,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985734
+                    -2.554589,53.985572
+                    -2.556101,53.985529
+                    -2.557093,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986268
+                    -2.558210,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985348
+                    -2.559633,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986511
+                    -2.562150,53.986325
+                    -2.562827,53.986859
+                    -2.563662,53.987660
+                    -2.563892,53.987765
+                    -2.563788,53.988667
+                    -2.563834,53.989577
+                    -2.564508,53.990479
+                    -2.565174,53.990788
+                    -2.565639,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991938
+                    -2.564643,53.992286
+                    -2.564089,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.994002
+                    -2.562754,53.994098
+                    -2.563662,53.994217
+                    -2.564441,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995500
+                    -2.565673,53.995910
+                    -2.565434,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997097
+                    -2.563662,53.997035
+                    -2.562150,53.997006
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+                    -2.560476,53.996811
+                    -2.560638,53.996758
+                    -2.561651,53.995910
+                    -2.561408,53.995004
+                    -2.560638,53.994589
+                    -2.559794,53.994098
+                    -2.559450,53.993192
+                    -2.559278,53.992286
+                    -2.559646,53.991385
+                    -2.559476,53.990479
+                    -2.559125,53.990269
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+                    -2.554589,53.988357
+                    -2.553077,53.988309
+                    -2.552475,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989096
+                    -2.554589,53.989577
+                    -2.554591,53.989577
+                    -2.555382,53.990479
+                    -2.554967,53.991385
+                    -2.555212,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992629
+                    -2.553352,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993516
+                    -2.552220,53.994098
+                    -2.551564,53.994389
+                    -2.550220,53.995004
+                    -2.550052,53.995094
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+                    -2.545543,54.009476
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+                    -2.537955,54.015136
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+                    -2.534930,54.017572
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+                    -2.534930,54.017830
+                    -2.534142,54.018526
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+                    -2.530394,54.020476
+                    -2.531906,54.020681
+                    -2.532521,54.020333
+                    -2.533418,54.019561
+                    -2.534621,54.020333
+                    -2.534930,54.020572
+                    -2.535562,54.021239
+                    -2.534930,54.021468
+                    -2.534297,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.020791
+                    -2.532704,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.021802
+                    -2.533756,54.022145
+                    -2.534694,54.023051
+                    -2.534930,54.023347
+                    -2.535730,54.023952
+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025397
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+                    -2.530394,54.025202
+                    -2.528882,54.025354
+                    -2.527369,54.025507
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+                    -2.525857,54.024844
+                    -2.524345,54.023952
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+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520257,54.022145
+                    -2.519808,54.021802
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+                    -2.516874,54.021239
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+                    -2.513760,54.020495
+                    -2.512892,54.020333
+                    -2.512247,54.020262
+                    -2.510772,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.019408
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013219
+                    -2.511132,54.013095
+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010386
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
+                    -2.509223,54.007668
+                    -2.509223,54.006763
+                    -2.507711,54.005861
+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507804,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
+                    -2.512909,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.006543
+                    -2.514566,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.007621
+                    -2.513497,54.007668
+                    -2.513760,54.007697
+                    -2.515272,54.007835
+                    -2.515810,54.007668
+                    -2.515500,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006362
+                    -2.518296,54.006305
+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
+                    -2.514052,53.998618
+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
+                    -2.511967,53.996811
+                    -2.511814,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994603
+                    -2.509787,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995676
+                    -2.507711,53.995881
+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.995004
+                    -2.504894,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.994131
+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
+                    -2.503298,53.991385
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+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
+                    -2.503174,53.987865
+                    -2.502978,53.987765
+                    -2.502391,53.986859
+                    -2.501662,53.986278
+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507805,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979707
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977199
+                    -2.509642,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976536
+                    -2.508680,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975477
+                    -2.509727,53.975101
+                    -2.509420,53.974195
+                    -2.509223,53.973737
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532263,53.972383
+                    -2.532110,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973799
+                    -2.531213,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974609
+                    -2.532582,53.975101
+                    -2.532813,53.976002
+                    -2.532429,53.976908
+                    -2.532561,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978324
+                    -2.534255,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979120
+                    -2.535980,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.979897
+                    -2.537955,53.980460
+                    -2.539467,53.980131
+                    -2.540480,53.980527
+                    -2.540529,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.981862
+                    -2.541685,53.982334
+                    -2.541675,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983727
+                    -2.543824,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984251
+                    -2.545516,53.984723
+                    -2.547028,53.984809
+                    -2.548250,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985229
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+                    -2.551280,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987031
+                    -2.551849,53.986859
+                    -2.552051,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985734
+                    -2.554589,53.985572
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+                    -2.557093,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986268
+                    -2.558210,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985348
+                    -2.559633,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986511
+                    -2.562150,53.986325
+                    -2.562827,53.986859
+                    -2.563662,53.987660
+                    -2.563892,53.987765
+                    -2.563788,53.988667
+                    -2.563834,53.989577
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+                    -2.565639,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991938
+                    -2.564643,53.992286
+                    -2.564089,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.994002
+                    -2.562754,53.994098
+                    -2.563662,53.994217
+                    -2.564441,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995500
+                    -2.565673,53.995910
+                    -2.565434,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997097
+                    -2.563662,53.997035
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+                    -2.560638,53.996758
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+                    -2.561408,53.995004
+                    -2.560638,53.994589
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+                    -2.552475,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989096
+                    -2.554589,53.989577
+                    -2.554591,53.989577
+                    -2.555382,53.990479
+                    -2.554967,53.991385
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+                    -2.554589,53.992629
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+                    -2.553077,53.993516
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+                    -2.534930,54.017572
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+                    -2.534930,54.017830
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+                    -2.530394,54.020476
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+                    -2.533418,54.019561
+                    -2.534621,54.020333
+                    -2.534930,54.020572
+                    -2.535562,54.021239
+                    -2.534930,54.021468
+                    -2.534297,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.020791
+                    -2.532704,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.021802
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+                    -2.534694,54.023051
+                    -2.534930,54.023347
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+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025397
+                    -2.531906,54.025459
+                    -2.530394,54.025202
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+                    -2.525857,54.024844
+                    -2.524345,54.023952
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+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520257,54.022145
+                    -2.519808,54.021802
+                    -2.518296,54.021807
+                    -2.516874,54.021239
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+                    -2.515272,54.020634
+                    -2.513760,54.020495
+                    -2.512892,54.020333
+                    -2.512247,54.020262
+                    -2.510772,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.019408
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013219
+                    -2.511132,54.013095
+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010386
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
+                    -2.509223,54.007668
+                    -2.509223,54.006763
+                    -2.507711,54.005861
+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507804,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
+                    -2.512909,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.006543
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+                    -2.513760,54.007621
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+                    -2.513760,54.007697
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+                    -2.515500,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006362
+                    -2.518296,54.006305
+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
+                    -2.514052,53.998618
+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
+                    -2.511967,53.996811
+                    -2.511814,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994603
+                    -2.509787,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995676
+                    -2.507711,53.995881
+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.995004
+                    -2.504894,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
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+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
+                    -2.503298,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.990951
+                    -2.505574,53.990479
+                    -2.504750,53.989577
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
+                    -2.503174,53.987865
+                    -2.502978,53.987765
+                    -2.502391,53.986859
+                    -2.501662,53.986278
+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507805,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979707
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977199
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+                    -2.509223,53.976536
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+                    -2.509223,53.975477
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+                    -2.509420,53.974195
+                    -2.509223,53.973737
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532263,53.972383
+                    -2.532110,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973799
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+                    -2.531906,53.974609
+                    -2.532582,53.975101
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+                    -2.532561,53.977809
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+                    -2.540529,53.981433
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+                    -2.542491,53.983727
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+                    -2.544003,53.984251
+                    -2.545516,53.984723
+                    -2.547028,53.984809
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+                    -2.551564,53.987031
+                    -2.551849,53.986859
+                    -2.552051,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985734
+                    -2.554589,53.985572
+                    -2.556101,53.985529
+                    -2.557093,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986268
+                    -2.558210,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985348
+                    -2.559633,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986511
+                    -2.562150,53.986325
+                    -2.562827,53.986859
+                    -2.563662,53.987660
+                    -2.563892,53.987765
+                    -2.563788,53.988667
+                    -2.563834,53.989577
+                    -2.564508,53.990479
+                    -2.565174,53.990788
+                    -2.565639,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991938
+                    -2.564643,53.992286
+                    -2.564089,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.994002
+                    -2.562754,53.994098
+                    -2.563662,53.994217
+                    -2.564441,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995500
+                    -2.565673,53.995910
+                    -2.565434,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997097
+                    -2.563662,53.997035
+                    -2.562150,53.997006
+                    -2.560638,53.996882
+                    -2.560476,53.996811
+                    -2.560638,53.996758
+                    -2.561651,53.995910
+                    -2.561408,53.995004
+                    -2.560638,53.994589
+                    -2.559794,53.994098
+                    -2.559450,53.993192
+                    -2.559278,53.992286
+                    -2.559646,53.991385
+                    -2.559476,53.990479
+                    -2.559125,53.990269
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+                    -2.556919,53.989577
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+                    -2.555106,53.988667
+                    -2.554589,53.988357
+                    -2.553077,53.988309
+                    -2.552475,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989096
+                    -2.554589,53.989577
+                    -2.554591,53.989577
+                    -2.555382,53.990479
+                    -2.554967,53.991385
+                    -2.555212,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992629
+                    -2.553352,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993516
+                    -2.552220,53.994098
+                    -2.551564,53.994389
+                    -2.550220,53.995004
+                    -2.550052,53.995094
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+                    -2.539467,54.000430
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+                    -2.537955,54.001899
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+                    -2.539467,54.002643
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+                    -2.540979,54.003253
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+                    -2.534930,54.017572
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+                    -2.534930,54.017830
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+                    -2.533418,54.019561
+                    -2.534621,54.020333
+                    -2.534930,54.020572
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+                    -2.534930,54.021468
+                    -2.534297,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.020791
+                    -2.532704,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.021802
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+                    -2.534694,54.023051
+                    -2.534930,54.023347
+                    -2.535730,54.023952
+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025397
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+                    -2.530394,54.025202
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+                    -2.525898,54.024858
+                    -2.525857,54.024844
+                    -2.524345,54.023952
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+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520257,54.022145
+                    -2.519808,54.021802
+                    -2.518296,54.021807
+                    -2.516874,54.021239
+                    -2.516784,54.021158
+                    -2.515272,54.020634
+                    -2.513760,54.020495
+                    -2.512892,54.020333
+                    -2.512247,54.020262
+                    -2.510772,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.019408
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013219
+                    -2.511132,54.013095
+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010386
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
+                    -2.509223,54.007668
+                    -2.509223,54.006763
+                    -2.507711,54.005861
+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507804,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
+                    -2.512909,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.006543
+                    -2.514566,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.007621
+                    -2.513497,54.007668
+                    -2.513760,54.007697
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+                    -2.515500,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006362
+                    -2.518296,54.006305
+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
+                    -2.514052,53.998618
+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
+                    -2.511967,53.996811
+                    -2.511814,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994603
+                    -2.509787,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995676
+                    -2.507711,53.995881
+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.995004
+                    -2.504894,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.994131
+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
+                    -2.503298,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.990951
+                    -2.505574,53.990479
+                    -2.504750,53.989577
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
+                    -2.503174,53.987865
+                    -2.502978,53.987765
+                    -2.502391,53.986859
+                    -2.501662,53.986278
+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507805,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979707
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977199
+                    -2.509642,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976536
+                    -2.508680,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975477
+                    -2.509727,53.975101
+                    -2.509420,53.974195
+                    -2.509223,53.973737
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532263,53.972383
+                    -2.532110,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973799
+                    -2.531213,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974609
+                    -2.532582,53.975101
+                    -2.532813,53.976002
+                    -2.532429,53.976908
+                    -2.532561,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978324
+                    -2.534255,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979120
+                    -2.535980,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.979897
+                    -2.537955,53.980460
+                    -2.539467,53.980131
+                    -2.540480,53.980527
+                    -2.540529,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.981862
+                    -2.541685,53.982334
+                    -2.541675,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983727
+                    -2.543824,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984251
+                    -2.545516,53.984723
+                    -2.547028,53.984809
+                    -2.548250,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985229
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+                    -2.551280,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987031
+                    -2.551849,53.986859
+                    -2.552051,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985734
+                    -2.554589,53.985572
+                    -2.556101,53.985529
+                    -2.557093,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986268
+                    -2.558210,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985348
+                    -2.559633,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986511
+                    -2.562150,53.986325
+                    -2.562827,53.986859
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+                    -2.563892,53.987765
+                    -2.563788,53.988667
+                    -2.563834,53.989577
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+                    -2.565174,53.990788
+                    -2.565639,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991938
+                    -2.564643,53.992286
+                    -2.564089,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.994002
+                    -2.562754,53.994098
+                    -2.563662,53.994217
+                    -2.564441,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995500
+                    -2.565673,53.995910
+                    -2.565434,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997097
+                    -2.563662,53.997035
+                    -2.562150,53.997006
+                    -2.560638,53.996882
+                    -2.560476,53.996811
+                    -2.560638,53.996758
+                    -2.561651,53.995910
+                    -2.561408,53.995004
+                    -2.560638,53.994589
+                    -2.559794,53.994098
+                    -2.559450,53.993192
+                    -2.559278,53.992286
+                    -2.559646,53.991385
+                    -2.559476,53.990479
+                    -2.559125,53.990269
+                    -2.557613,53.990188
+                    -2.556919,53.989577
+                    -2.556101,53.989139
+                    -2.555106,53.988667
+                    -2.554589,53.988357
+                    -2.553077,53.988309
+                    -2.552475,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989096
+                    -2.554589,53.989577
+                    -2.554591,53.989577
+                    -2.555382,53.990479
+                    -2.554967,53.991385
+                    -2.555212,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992629
+                    -2.553352,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993516
+                    -2.552220,53.994098
+                    -2.551564,53.994389
+                    -2.550220,53.995004
+                    -2.550052,53.995094
+                    -2.548701,53.995910
+                    -2.548540,53.996134
+                    -2.547212,53.996811
+                    -2.547028,53.996849
+                    -2.545516,53.997107
+                    -2.544523,53.997717
+                    -2.544003,53.997850
+                    -2.542532,53.998618
+                    -2.542491,53.998704
+                    -2.540979,53.999200
+                    -2.539467,53.999133
+                    -2.538427,53.999524
+                    -2.539467,54.000416
+                    -2.539470,54.000430
+                    -2.539467,54.000430
+                    -2.537955,54.000583
+                    -2.536443,54.000893
+                    -2.535680,54.001336
+                    -2.536443,54.002185
+                    -2.537955,54.001899
+                    -2.538270,54.002242
+                    -2.539467,54.002643
+                    -2.540979,54.003100
+                    -2.541093,54.003143
+                    -2.540979,54.003253
+                    -2.540686,54.004049
+                    -2.539467,54.004793
+                    -2.539227,54.004951
+                    -2.539467,54.005146
+                    -2.540979,54.005017
+                    -2.542491,54.004955
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+                    -2.533418,54.021802
+                    -2.533756,54.022145
+                    -2.534694,54.023051
+                    -2.534930,54.023347
+                    -2.535730,54.023952
+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025397
+                    -2.531906,54.025459
+                    -2.530394,54.025202
+                    -2.528882,54.025354
+                    -2.527369,54.025507
+                    -2.525898,54.024858
+                    -2.525857,54.024844
+                    -2.524345,54.023952
+                    -2.522833,54.023051
+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520257,54.022145
+                    -2.519808,54.021802
+                    -2.518296,54.021807
+                    -2.516874,54.021239
+                    -2.516784,54.021158
+                    -2.515272,54.020634
+                    -2.513760,54.020495
+                    -2.512892,54.020333
+                    -2.512247,54.020262
+                    -2.510772,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.019408
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013219
+                    -2.511132,54.013095
+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010386
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
+                    -2.509223,54.007668
+                    -2.509223,54.006763
+                    -2.507711,54.005861
+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507804,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
+                    -2.512909,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.006543
+                    -2.514566,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.007621
+                    -2.513497,54.007668
+                    -2.513760,54.007697
+                    -2.515272,54.007835
+                    -2.515810,54.007668
+                    -2.515500,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006362
+                    -2.518296,54.006305
+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
+                    -2.514052,53.998618
+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
+                    -2.511967,53.996811
+                    -2.511814,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994603
+                    -2.509787,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995676
+                    -2.507711,53.995881
+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.995004
+                    -2.504894,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.994131
+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
+                    -2.503298,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.990951
+                    -2.505574,53.990479
+                    -2.504750,53.989577
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
+                    -2.503174,53.987865
+                    -2.502978,53.987765
+                    -2.502391,53.986859
+                    -2.501662,53.986278
+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507805,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979707
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977199
+                    -2.509642,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976536
+                    -2.508680,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975477
+                    -2.509727,53.975101
+                    -2.509420,53.974195
+                    -2.509223,53.973737
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532263,53.972383
+                    -2.532110,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973799
+                    -2.531213,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974609
+                    -2.532582,53.975101
+                    -2.532813,53.976002
+                    -2.532429,53.976908
+                    -2.532561,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978324
+                    -2.534255,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979120
+                    -2.535980,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.979897
+                    -2.537955,53.980460
+                    -2.539467,53.980131
+                    -2.540480,53.980527
+                    -2.540529,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.981862
+                    -2.541685,53.982334
+                    -2.541675,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983727
+                    -2.543824,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984251
+                    -2.545516,53.984723
+                    -2.547028,53.984809
+                    -2.548250,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985229
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+                    -2.551280,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987031
+                    -2.551849,53.986859
+                    -2.552051,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985734
+                    -2.554589,53.985572
+                    -2.556101,53.985529
+                    -2.557093,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986268
+                    -2.558210,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985348
+                    -2.559633,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986511
+                    -2.562150,53.986325
+                    -2.562827,53.986859
+                    -2.563662,53.987660
+                    -2.563892,53.987765
+                    -2.563788,53.988667
+                    -2.563834,53.989577
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+                    -2.565174,53.990788
+                    -2.565639,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991938
+                    -2.564643,53.992286
+                    -2.564089,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.994002
+                    -2.562754,53.994098
+                    -2.563662,53.994217
+                    -2.564441,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995500
+                    -2.565673,53.995910
+                    -2.565434,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997097
+                    -2.563662,53.997035
+                    -2.562150,53.997006
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+                    -2.560476,53.996811
+                    -2.560638,53.996758
+                    -2.561651,53.995910
+                    -2.561408,53.995004
+                    -2.560638,53.994589
+                    -2.559794,53.994098
+                    -2.559450,53.993192
+                    -2.559278,53.992286
+                    -2.559646,53.991385
+                    -2.559476,53.990479
+                    -2.559125,53.990269
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+                    -2.556919,53.989577
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+                    -2.554589,53.988357
+                    -2.553077,53.988309
+                    -2.552475,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989096
+                    -2.554589,53.989577
+                    -2.554591,53.989577
+                    -2.555382,53.990479
+                    -2.554967,53.991385
+                    -2.555212,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992629
+                    -2.553352,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993516
+                    -2.552220,53.994098
+                    -2.551564,53.994389
+                    -2.550220,53.995004
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+                    -2.545543,54.009476
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+                    -2.534930,54.017572
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+                    -2.534930,54.017830
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+                    -2.530394,54.020476
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+                    -2.532521,54.020333
+                    -2.533418,54.019561
+                    -2.534621,54.020333
+                    -2.534930,54.020572
+                    -2.535562,54.021239
+                    -2.534930,54.021468
+                    -2.534297,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.020791
+                    -2.532704,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.021802
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+                    -2.534694,54.023051
+                    -2.534930,54.023347
+                    -2.535730,54.023952
+                    -2.534930,54.024858
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+                    -2.530394,54.025202
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+                    -2.525857,54.024844
+                    -2.524345,54.023952
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+                    -2.521321,54.022145
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+                    -2.512247,54.020262
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013219
+                    -2.511132,54.013095
+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010386
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
+                    -2.509223,54.007668
+                    -2.509223,54.006763
+                    -2.507711,54.005861
+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507804,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
+                    -2.512909,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.006543
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+                    -2.513760,54.007621
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+                    -2.513760,54.007697
+                    -2.515272,54.007835
+                    -2.515810,54.007668
+                    -2.515500,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006362
+                    -2.518296,54.006305
+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
+                    -2.514052,53.998618
+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
+                    -2.511967,53.996811
+                    -2.511814,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994603
+                    -2.509787,53.995004
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+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.995004
+                    -2.504894,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.994131
+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
+                    -2.503298,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.990951
+                    -2.505574,53.990479
+                    -2.504750,53.989577
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
+                    -2.503174,53.987865
+                    -2.502978,53.987765
+                    -2.502391,53.986859
+                    -2.501662,53.986278
+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507805,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979707
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977199
+                    -2.509642,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976536
+                    -2.508680,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975477
+                    -2.509727,53.975101
+                    -2.509420,53.974195
+                    -2.509223,53.973737
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532263,53.972383
+                    -2.532110,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973799
+                    -2.531213,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974609
+                    -2.532582,53.975101
+                    -2.532813,53.976002
+                    -2.532429,53.976908
+                    -2.532561,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978324
+                    -2.534255,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979120
+                    -2.535980,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.979897
+                    -2.537955,53.980460
+                    -2.539467,53.980131
+                    -2.540480,53.980527
+                    -2.540529,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.981862
+                    -2.541685,53.982334
+                    -2.541675,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983727
+                    -2.543824,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984251
+                    -2.545516,53.984723
+                    -2.547028,53.984809
+                    -2.548250,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985229
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+                    -2.551280,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987031
+                    -2.551849,53.986859
+                    -2.552051,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985734
+                    -2.554589,53.985572
+                    -2.556101,53.985529
+                    -2.557093,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986268
+                    -2.558210,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985348
+                    -2.559633,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986511
+                    -2.562150,53.986325
+                    -2.562827,53.986859
+                    -2.563662,53.987660
+                    -2.563892,53.987765
+                    -2.563788,53.988667
+                    -2.563834,53.989577
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+                    -2.565639,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991938
+                    -2.564643,53.992286
+                    -2.564089,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.994002
+                    -2.562754,53.994098
+                    -2.563662,53.994217
+                    -2.564441,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995500
+                    -2.565673,53.995910
+                    -2.565434,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997097
+                    -2.563662,53.997035
+                    -2.562150,53.997006
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+                    -2.560638,53.996758
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+                    -2.561408,53.995004
+                    -2.560638,53.994589
+                    -2.559794,53.994098
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+                    -2.559125,53.990269
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+                    -2.552475,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989096
+                    -2.554589,53.989577
+                    -2.554591,53.989577
+                    -2.555382,53.990479
+                    -2.554967,53.991385
+                    -2.555212,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992629
+                    -2.553352,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993516
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+                    -2.534930,54.017572
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+                    -2.534930,54.017830
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+                    -2.530394,54.020476
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+                    -2.532521,54.020333
+                    -2.533418,54.019561
+                    -2.534621,54.020333
+                    -2.534930,54.020572
+                    -2.535562,54.021239
+                    -2.534930,54.021468
+                    -2.534297,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.020791
+                    -2.532704,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.021802
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+                    -2.534694,54.023051
+                    -2.534930,54.023347
+                    -2.535730,54.023952
+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025397
+                    -2.531906,54.025459
+                    -2.530394,54.025202
+                    -2.528882,54.025354
+                    -2.527369,54.025507
+                    -2.525898,54.024858
+                    -2.525857,54.024844
+                    -2.524345,54.023952
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+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520257,54.022145
+                    -2.519808,54.021802
+                    -2.518296,54.021807
+                    -2.516874,54.021239
+                    -2.516784,54.021158
+                    -2.515272,54.020634
+                    -2.513760,54.020495
+                    -2.512892,54.020333
+                    -2.512247,54.020262
+                    -2.510772,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.019408
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013219
+                    -2.511132,54.013095
+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010386
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
+                    -2.509223,54.007668
+                    -2.509223,54.006763
+                    -2.507711,54.005861
+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507804,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
+                    -2.512909,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.006543
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+                    -2.513760,54.007621
+                    -2.513497,54.007668
+                    -2.513760,54.007697
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+                    -2.515500,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006362
+                    -2.518296,54.006305
+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
+                    -2.514052,53.998618
+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
+                    -2.511967,53.996811
+                    -2.511814,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994603
+                    -2.509787,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995676
+                    -2.507711,53.995881
+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.995004
+                    -2.504894,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
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+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
+                    -2.503298,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.990951
+                    -2.505574,53.990479
+                    -2.504750,53.989577
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
+                    -2.503174,53.987865
+                    -2.502978,53.987765
+                    -2.502391,53.986859
+                    -2.501662,53.986278
+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507805,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979707
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977199
+                    -2.509642,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976536
+                    -2.508680,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975477
+                    -2.509727,53.975101
+                    -2.509420,53.974195
+                    -2.509223,53.973737
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532263,53.972383
+                    -2.532110,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973799
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+                    -2.531906,53.974609
+                    -2.532582,53.975101
+                    -2.532813,53.976002
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+                    -2.532561,53.977809
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+                    -2.539467,53.980131
+                    -2.540480,53.980527
+                    -2.540529,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.981862
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+                    -2.541675,53.983240
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+                    -2.543824,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984251
+                    -2.545516,53.984723
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+                    -2.548250,53.985052
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+                    -2.551564,53.987031
+                    -2.551849,53.986859
+                    -2.552051,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985734
+                    -2.554589,53.985572
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+                    -2.557093,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986268
+                    -2.558210,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985348
+                    -2.559633,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986511
+                    -2.562150,53.986325
+                    -2.562827,53.986859
+                    -2.563662,53.987660
+                    -2.563892,53.987765
+                    -2.563788,53.988667
+                    -2.563834,53.989577
+                    -2.564508,53.990479
+                    -2.565174,53.990788
+                    -2.565639,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991938
+                    -2.564643,53.992286
+                    -2.564089,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.994002
+                    -2.562754,53.994098
+                    -2.563662,53.994217
+                    -2.564441,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995500
+                    -2.565673,53.995910
+                    -2.565434,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997097
+                    -2.563662,53.997035
+                    -2.562150,53.997006
+                    -2.560638,53.996882
+                    -2.560476,53.996811
+                    -2.560638,53.996758
+                    -2.561651,53.995910
+                    -2.561408,53.995004
+                    -2.560638,53.994589
+                    -2.559794,53.994098
+                    -2.559450,53.993192
+                    -2.559278,53.992286
+                    -2.559646,53.991385
+                    -2.559476,53.990479
+                    -2.559125,53.990269
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+                    -2.556919,53.989577
+                    -2.556101,53.989139
+                    -2.555106,53.988667
+                    -2.554589,53.988357
+                    -2.553077,53.988309
+                    -2.552475,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989096
+                    -2.554589,53.989577
+                    -2.554591,53.989577
+                    -2.555382,53.990479
+                    -2.554967,53.991385
+                    -2.555212,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992629
+                    -2.553352,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993516
+                    -2.552220,53.994098
+                    -2.551564,53.994389
+                    -2.550220,53.995004
+                    -2.550052,53.995094
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+                    -2.539467,54.000430
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+                    -2.534930,54.017572
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+                    -2.534930,54.017830
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+                    -2.533418,54.019561
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+                    -2.534930,54.020572
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+                    -2.534930,54.021468
+                    -2.534297,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.020791
+                    -2.532704,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.021802
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+                    -2.534694,54.023051
+                    -2.534930,54.023347
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+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025397
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+                    -2.530394,54.025202
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+                    -2.525857,54.024844
+                    -2.524345,54.023952
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+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520257,54.022145
+                    -2.519808,54.021802
+                    -2.518296,54.021807
+                    -2.516874,54.021239
+                    -2.516784,54.021158
+                    -2.515272,54.020634
+                    -2.513760,54.020495
+                    -2.512892,54.020333
+                    -2.512247,54.020262
+                    -2.510772,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.019408
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013219
+                    -2.511132,54.013095
+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010386
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
+                    -2.509223,54.007668
+                    -2.509223,54.006763
+                    -2.507711,54.005861
+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507804,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
+                    -2.512909,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.006543
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+                    -2.513760,54.007621
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+                    -2.513760,54.007697
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+                    -2.515500,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006362
+                    -2.518296,54.006305
+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
+                    -2.514052,53.998618
+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
+                    -2.511967,53.996811
+                    -2.511814,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994603
+                    -2.509787,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995676
+                    -2.507711,53.995881
+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.995004
+                    -2.504894,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.994131
+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
+                    -2.503298,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.990951
+                    -2.505574,53.990479
+                    -2.504750,53.989577
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
+                    -2.503174,53.987865
+                    -2.502978,53.987765
+                    -2.502391,53.986859
+                    -2.501662,53.986278
+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507805,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979707
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977199
+                    -2.509642,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976536
+                    -2.508680,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975477
+                    -2.509727,53.975101
+                    -2.509420,53.974195
+                    -2.509223,53.973737
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532263,53.972383
+                    -2.532110,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973799
+                    -2.531213,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974609
+                    -2.532582,53.975101
+                    -2.532813,53.976002
+                    -2.532429,53.976908
+                    -2.532561,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978324
+                    -2.534255,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979120
+                    -2.535980,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.979897
+                    -2.537955,53.980460
+                    -2.539467,53.980131
+                    -2.540480,53.980527
+                    -2.540529,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.981862
+                    -2.541685,53.982334
+                    -2.541675,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983727
+                    -2.543824,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984251
+                    -2.545516,53.984723
+                    -2.547028,53.984809
+                    -2.548250,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985229
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+                    -2.551078,53.985953
+                    -2.551280,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987031
+                    -2.551849,53.986859
+                    -2.552051,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985734
+                    -2.554589,53.985572
+                    -2.556101,53.985529
+                    -2.557093,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986268
+                    -2.558210,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985348
+                    -2.559633,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986511
+                    -2.562150,53.986325
+                    -2.562827,53.986859
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+                    -2.563892,53.987765
+                    -2.563788,53.988667
+                    -2.563834,53.989577
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+                    -2.565639,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991938
+                    -2.564643,53.992286
+                    -2.564089,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.994002
+                    -2.562754,53.994098
+                    -2.563662,53.994217
+                    -2.564441,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995500
+                    -2.565673,53.995910
+                    -2.565434,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997097
+                    -2.563662,53.997035
+                    -2.562150,53.997006
+                    -2.560638,53.996882
+                    -2.560476,53.996811
+                    -2.560638,53.996758
+                    -2.561651,53.995910
+                    -2.561408,53.995004
+                    -2.560638,53.994589
+                    -2.559794,53.994098
+                    -2.559450,53.993192
+                    -2.559278,53.992286
+                    -2.559646,53.991385
+                    -2.559476,53.990479
+                    -2.559125,53.990269
+                    -2.557613,53.990188
+                    -2.556919,53.989577
+                    -2.556101,53.989139
+                    -2.555106,53.988667
+                    -2.554589,53.988357
+                    -2.553077,53.988309
+                    -2.552475,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989096
+                    -2.554589,53.989577
+                    -2.554591,53.989577
+                    -2.555382,53.990479
+                    -2.554967,53.991385
+                    -2.555212,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992629
+                    -2.553352,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993516
+                    -2.552220,53.994098
+                    -2.551564,53.994389
+                    -2.550220,53.995004
+                    -2.550052,53.995094
+                    -2.548701,53.995910
+                    -2.548540,53.996134
+                    -2.547212,53.996811
+                    -2.547028,53.996849
+                    -2.545516,53.997107
+                    -2.544523,53.997717
+                    -2.544003,53.997850
+                    -2.542532,53.998618
+                    -2.542491,53.998704
+                    -2.540979,53.999200
+                    -2.539467,53.999133
+                    -2.538427,53.999524
+                    -2.539467,54.000416
+                    -2.539470,54.000430
+                    -2.539467,54.000430
+                    -2.537955,54.000583
+                    -2.536443,54.000893
+                    -2.535680,54.001336
+                    -2.536443,54.002185
+                    -2.537955,54.001899
+                    -2.538270,54.002242
+                    -2.539467,54.002643
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+                    -2.532521,54.020333
+                    -2.533418,54.019561
+                    -2.534621,54.020333
+                    -2.534930,54.020572
+                    -2.535562,54.021239
+                    -2.534930,54.021468
+                    -2.534297,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.020791
+                    -2.532704,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.021802
+                    -2.533756,54.022145
+                    -2.534694,54.023051
+                    -2.534930,54.023347
+                    -2.535730,54.023952
+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025397
+                    -2.531906,54.025459
+                    -2.530394,54.025202
+                    -2.528882,54.025354
+                    -2.527369,54.025507
+                    -2.525898,54.024858
+                    -2.525857,54.024844
+                    -2.524345,54.023952
+                    -2.522833,54.023051
+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520257,54.022145
+                    -2.519808,54.021802
+                    -2.518296,54.021807
+                    -2.516874,54.021239
+                    -2.516784,54.021158
+                    -2.515272,54.020634
+                    -2.513760,54.020495
+                    -2.512892,54.020333
+                    -2.512247,54.020262
+                    -2.510772,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.019408
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013219
+                    -2.511132,54.013095
+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010386
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
+                    -2.509223,54.007668
+                    -2.509223,54.006763
+                    -2.507711,54.005861
+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507804,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
+                    -2.512909,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.006543
+                    -2.514566,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.007621
+                    -2.513497,54.007668
+                    -2.513760,54.007697
+                    -2.515272,54.007835
+                    -2.515810,54.007668
+                    -2.515500,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006362
+                    -2.518296,54.006305
+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
+                    -2.514052,53.998618
+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
+                    -2.511967,53.996811
+                    -2.511814,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994603
+                    -2.509787,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995676
+                    -2.507711,53.995881
+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.995004
+                    -2.504894,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.994131
+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
+                    -2.503298,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.990951
+                    -2.505574,53.990479
+                    -2.504750,53.989577
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
+                    -2.503174,53.987865
+                    -2.502978,53.987765
+                    -2.502391,53.986859
+                    -2.501662,53.986278
+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507805,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979707
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977199
+                    -2.509642,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976536
+                    -2.508680,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975477
+                    -2.509727,53.975101
+                    -2.509420,53.974195
+                    -2.509223,53.973737
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532263,53.972383
+                    -2.532110,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973799
+                    -2.531213,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974609
+                    -2.532582,53.975101
+                    -2.532813,53.976002
+                    -2.532429,53.976908
+                    -2.532561,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978324
+                    -2.534255,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979120
+                    -2.535980,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.979897
+                    -2.537955,53.980460
+                    -2.539467,53.980131
+                    -2.540480,53.980527
+                    -2.540529,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.981862
+                    -2.541685,53.982334
+                    -2.541675,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983727
+                    -2.543824,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984251
+                    -2.545516,53.984723
+                    -2.547028,53.984809
+                    -2.548250,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985229
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+                    -2.551280,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987031
+                    -2.551849,53.986859
+                    -2.552051,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985734
+                    -2.554589,53.985572
+                    -2.556101,53.985529
+                    -2.557093,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986268
+                    -2.558210,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985348
+                    -2.559633,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986511
+                    -2.562150,53.986325
+                    -2.562827,53.986859
+                    -2.563662,53.987660
+                    -2.563892,53.987765
+                    -2.563788,53.988667
+                    -2.563834,53.989577
+                    -2.564508,53.990479
+                    -2.565174,53.990788
+                    -2.565639,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991938
+                    -2.564643,53.992286
+                    -2.564089,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.994002
+                    -2.562754,53.994098
+                    -2.563662,53.994217
+                    -2.564441,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995500
+                    -2.565673,53.995910
+                    -2.565434,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997097
+                    -2.563662,53.997035
+                    -2.562150,53.997006
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+                    -2.560476,53.996811
+                    -2.560638,53.996758
+                    -2.561651,53.995910
+                    -2.561408,53.995004
+                    -2.560638,53.994589
+                    -2.559794,53.994098
+                    -2.559450,53.993192
+                    -2.559278,53.992286
+                    -2.559646,53.991385
+                    -2.559476,53.990479
+                    -2.559125,53.990269
+                    -2.557613,53.990188
+                    -2.556919,53.989577
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+                    -2.554589,53.988357
+                    -2.553077,53.988309
+                    -2.552475,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989096
+                    -2.554589,53.989577
+                    -2.554591,53.989577
+                    -2.555382,53.990479
+                    -2.554967,53.991385
+                    -2.555212,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992629
+                    -2.553352,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993516
+                    -2.552220,53.994098
+                    -2.551564,53.994389
+                    -2.550220,53.995004
+                    -2.550052,53.995094
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+                    -2.545543,54.009476
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+                    -2.534930,54.017572
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+                    -2.534930,54.017830
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+                    -2.530394,54.020476
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+                    -2.532521,54.020333
+                    -2.533418,54.019561
+                    -2.534621,54.020333
+                    -2.534930,54.020572
+                    -2.535562,54.021239
+                    -2.534930,54.021468
+                    -2.534297,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.020791
+                    -2.532704,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.021802
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+                    -2.534694,54.023051
+                    -2.534930,54.023347
+                    -2.535730,54.023952
+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025397
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+                    -2.530394,54.025202
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+                    -2.525857,54.024844
+                    -2.524345,54.023952
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+                    -2.521321,54.022145
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+                    -2.512247,54.020262
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013219
+                    -2.511132,54.013095
+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010386
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
+                    -2.509223,54.007668
+                    -2.509223,54.006763
+                    -2.507711,54.005861
+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507804,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
+                    -2.512909,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.006543
+                    -2.514566,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.007621
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+                    -2.513760,54.007697
+                    -2.515272,54.007835
+                    -2.515810,54.007668
+                    -2.515500,54.006763
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+                    -2.518296,54.006305
+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
+                    -2.514052,53.998618
+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
+                    -2.511967,53.996811
+                    -2.511814,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994603
+                    -2.509787,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995676
+                    -2.507711,53.995881
+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.995004
+                    -2.504894,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.994131
+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
+                    -2.503298,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.990951
+                    -2.505574,53.990479
+                    -2.504750,53.989577
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
+                    -2.503174,53.987865
+                    -2.502978,53.987765
+                    -2.502391,53.986859
+                    -2.501662,53.986278
+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507805,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979707
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977199
+                    -2.509642,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976536
+                    -2.508680,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975477
+                    -2.509727,53.975101
+                    -2.509420,53.974195
+                    -2.509223,53.973737
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532263,53.972383
+                    -2.532110,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973799
+                    -2.531213,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974609
+                    -2.532582,53.975101
+                    -2.532813,53.976002
+                    -2.532429,53.976908
+                    -2.532561,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978324
+                    -2.534255,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979120
+                    -2.535980,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.979897
+                    -2.537955,53.980460
+                    -2.539467,53.980131
+                    -2.540480,53.980527
+                    -2.540529,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.981862
+                    -2.541685,53.982334
+                    -2.541675,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983727
+                    -2.543824,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984251
+                    -2.545516,53.984723
+                    -2.547028,53.984809
+                    -2.548250,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985229
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+                    -2.551280,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987031
+                    -2.551849,53.986859
+                    -2.552051,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985734
+                    -2.554589,53.985572
+                    -2.556101,53.985529
+                    -2.557093,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986268
+                    -2.558210,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985348
+                    -2.559633,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986511
+                    -2.562150,53.986325
+                    -2.562827,53.986859
+                    -2.563662,53.987660
+                    -2.563892,53.987765
+                    -2.563788,53.988667
+                    -2.563834,53.989577
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+                    -2.565174,53.990788
+                    -2.565639,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991938
+                    -2.564643,53.992286
+                    -2.564089,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.994002
+                    -2.562754,53.994098
+                    -2.563662,53.994217
+                    -2.564441,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995500
+                    -2.565673,53.995910
+                    -2.565434,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997097
+                    -2.563662,53.997035
+                    -2.562150,53.997006
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+                    -2.560638,53.996758
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+                    -2.561408,53.995004
+                    -2.560638,53.994589
+                    -2.559794,53.994098
+                    -2.559450,53.993192
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+                    -2.559125,53.990269
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+                    -2.554589,53.988357
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+                    -2.552475,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989096
+                    -2.554589,53.989577
+                    -2.554591,53.989577
+                    -2.555382,53.990479
+                    -2.554967,53.991385
+                    -2.555212,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992629
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+                    -2.553077,53.993516
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+                    -2.551564,53.994389
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+                    -2.545543,54.009476
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+                    -2.537955,54.015136
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+                    -2.534930,54.017572
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+                    -2.534930,54.017830
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+                    -2.530394,54.020476
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+                    -2.532521,54.020333
+                    -2.533418,54.019561
+                    -2.534621,54.020333
+                    -2.534930,54.020572
+                    -2.535562,54.021239
+                    -2.534930,54.021468
+                    -2.534297,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.020791
+                    -2.532704,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.021802
+                    -2.533756,54.022145
+                    -2.534694,54.023051
+                    -2.534930,54.023347
+                    -2.535730,54.023952
+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025397
+                    -2.531906,54.025459
+                    -2.530394,54.025202
+                    -2.528882,54.025354
+                    -2.527369,54.025507
+                    -2.525898,54.024858
+                    -2.525857,54.024844
+                    -2.524345,54.023952
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+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520257,54.022145
+                    -2.519808,54.021802
+                    -2.518296,54.021807
+                    -2.516874,54.021239
+                    -2.516784,54.021158
+                    -2.515272,54.020634
+                    -2.513760,54.020495
+                    -2.512892,54.020333
+                    -2.512247,54.020262
+                    -2.510772,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.019408
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013219
+                    -2.511132,54.013095
+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010386
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
+                    -2.509223,54.007668
+                    -2.509223,54.006763
+                    -2.507711,54.005861
+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507804,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
+                    -2.512909,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.006543
+                    -2.514566,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.007621
+                    -2.513497,54.007668
+                    -2.513760,54.007697
+                    -2.515272,54.007835
+                    -2.515810,54.007668
+                    -2.515500,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006362
+                    -2.518296,54.006305
+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
+                    -2.514052,53.998618
+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
+                    -2.511967,53.996811
+                    -2.511814,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994603
+                    -2.509787,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995676
+                    -2.507711,53.995881
+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.995004
+                    -2.504894,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.994131
+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
+                    -2.503298,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.990951
+                    -2.505574,53.990479
+                    -2.504750,53.989577
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
+                    -2.503174,53.987865
+                    -2.502978,53.987765
+                    -2.502391,53.986859
+                    -2.501662,53.986278
+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507805,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979707
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977199
+                    -2.509642,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976536
+                    -2.508680,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975477
+                    -2.509727,53.975101
+                    -2.509420,53.974195
+                    -2.509223,53.973737
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
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+                    -2.532263,53.972383
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+                    -2.531906,53.973799
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+                    -2.531906,53.974609
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+                    -2.532813,53.976002
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+                    -2.533418,53.978324
+                    -2.534255,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979120
+                    -2.535980,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.979897
+                    -2.537955,53.980460
+                    -2.539467,53.980131
+                    -2.540480,53.980527
+                    -2.540529,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.981862
+                    -2.541685,53.982334
+                    -2.541675,53.983240
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+                    -2.543824,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984251
+                    -2.545516,53.984723
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+                    -2.548250,53.985052
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+                    -2.551564,53.987031
+                    -2.551849,53.986859
+                    -2.552051,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985734
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+                    -2.556101,53.985529
+                    -2.557093,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986268
+                    -2.558210,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985348
+                    -2.559633,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986511
+                    -2.562150,53.986325
+                    -2.562827,53.986859
+                    -2.563662,53.987660
+                    -2.563892,53.987765
+                    -2.563788,53.988667
+                    -2.563834,53.989577
+                    -2.564508,53.990479
+                    -2.565174,53.990788
+                    -2.565639,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991938
+                    -2.564643,53.992286
+                    -2.564089,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.994002
+                    -2.562754,53.994098
+                    -2.563662,53.994217
+                    -2.564441,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995500
+                    -2.565673,53.995910
+                    -2.565434,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997097
+                    -2.563662,53.997035
+                    -2.562150,53.997006
+                    -2.560638,53.996882
+                    -2.560476,53.996811
+                    -2.560638,53.996758
+                    -2.561651,53.995910
+                    -2.561408,53.995004
+                    -2.560638,53.994589
+                    -2.559794,53.994098
+                    -2.559450,53.993192
+                    -2.559278,53.992286
+                    -2.559646,53.991385
+                    -2.559476,53.990479
+                    -2.559125,53.990269
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+                    -2.556919,53.989577
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+                    -2.554589,53.988357
+                    -2.553077,53.988309
+                    -2.552475,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989096
+                    -2.554589,53.989577
+                    -2.554591,53.989577
+                    -2.555382,53.990479
+                    -2.554967,53.991385
+                    -2.555212,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992629
+                    -2.553352,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993516
+                    -2.552220,53.994098
+                    -2.551564,53.994389
+                    -2.550220,53.995004
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+                    -2.534930,54.017572
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+                    -2.534930,54.017830
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+                    -2.533418,54.019561
+                    -2.534621,54.020333
+                    -2.534930,54.020572
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+                    -2.534930,54.021468
+                    -2.534297,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.020791
+                    -2.532704,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.021802
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+                    -2.534694,54.023051
+                    -2.534930,54.023347
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+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025397
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+                    -2.530394,54.025202
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+                    -2.524345,54.023952
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+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520257,54.022145
+                    -2.519808,54.021802
+                    -2.518296,54.021807
+                    -2.516874,54.021239
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+                    -2.515272,54.020634
+                    -2.513760,54.020495
+                    -2.512892,54.020333
+                    -2.512247,54.020262
+                    -2.510772,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.019408
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013219
+                    -2.511132,54.013095
+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010386
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
+                    -2.509223,54.007668
+                    -2.509223,54.006763
+                    -2.507711,54.005861
+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507804,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
+                    -2.512909,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.006543
+                    -2.514566,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.007621
+                    -2.513497,54.007668
+                    -2.513760,54.007697
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+                    -2.515810,54.007668
+                    -2.515500,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006362
+                    -2.518296,54.006305
+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
+                    -2.514052,53.998618
+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
+                    -2.511967,53.996811
+                    -2.511814,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994603
+                    -2.509787,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995676
+                    -2.507711,53.995881
+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.995004
+                    -2.504894,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.994131
+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
+                    -2.503298,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.990951
+                    -2.505574,53.990479
+                    -2.504750,53.989577
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
+                    -2.503174,53.987865
+                    -2.502978,53.987765
+                    -2.502391,53.986859
+                    -2.501662,53.986278
+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507805,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979707
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977199
+                    -2.509642,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976536
+                    -2.508680,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975477
+                    -2.509727,53.975101
+                    -2.509420,53.974195
+                    -2.509223,53.973737
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532263,53.972383
+                    -2.532110,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973799
+                    -2.531213,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974609
+                    -2.532582,53.975101
+                    -2.532813,53.976002
+                    -2.532429,53.976908
+                    -2.532561,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978324
+                    -2.534255,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979120
+                    -2.535980,53.979621
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+                    -2.537955,53.980460
+                    -2.539467,53.980131
+                    -2.540480,53.980527
+                    -2.540529,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.981862
+                    -2.541685,53.982334
+                    -2.541675,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983727
+                    -2.543824,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984251
+                    -2.545516,53.984723
+                    -2.547028,53.984809
+                    -2.548250,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985229
+                    -2.550052,53.985271
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+                    -2.551280,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987031
+                    -2.551849,53.986859
+                    -2.552051,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985734
+                    -2.554589,53.985572
+                    -2.556101,53.985529
+                    -2.557093,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986268
+                    -2.558210,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985348
+                    -2.559633,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986511
+                    -2.562150,53.986325
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+                    -2.563662,53.987660
+                    -2.563892,53.987765
+                    -2.563788,53.988667
+                    -2.563834,53.989577
+                    -2.564508,53.990479
+                    -2.565174,53.990788
+                    -2.565639,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991938
+                    -2.564643,53.992286
+                    -2.564089,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.994002
+                    -2.562754,53.994098
+                    -2.563662,53.994217
+                    -2.564441,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995500
+                    -2.565673,53.995910
+                    -2.565434,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997097
+                    -2.563662,53.997035
+                    -2.562150,53.997006
+                    -2.560638,53.996882
+                    -2.560476,53.996811
+                    -2.560638,53.996758
+                    -2.561651,53.995910
+                    -2.561408,53.995004
+                    -2.560638,53.994589
+                    -2.559794,53.994098
+                    -2.559450,53.993192
+                    -2.559278,53.992286
+                    -2.559646,53.991385
+                    -2.559476,53.990479
+                    -2.559125,53.990269
+                    -2.557613,53.990188
+                    -2.556919,53.989577
+                    -2.556101,53.989139
+                    -2.555106,53.988667
+                    -2.554589,53.988357
+                    -2.553077,53.988309
+                    -2.552475,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989096
+                    -2.554589,53.989577
+                    -2.554591,53.989577
+                    -2.555382,53.990479
+                    -2.554967,53.991385
+                    -2.555212,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992629
+                    -2.553352,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993516
+                    -2.552220,53.994098
+                    -2.551564,53.994389
+                    -2.550220,53.995004
+                    -2.550052,53.995094
+                    -2.548701,53.995910
+                    -2.548540,53.996134
+                    -2.547212,53.996811
+                    -2.547028,53.996849
+                    -2.545516,53.997107
+                    -2.544523,53.997717
+                    -2.544003,53.997850
+                    -2.542532,53.998618
+                    -2.542491,53.998704
+                    -2.540979,53.999200
+                    -2.539467,53.999133
+                    -2.538427,53.999524
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+                    -2.534930,54.017830
+                    -2.534142,54.018526
+                    -2.533418,54.019046
+                    -2.531906,54.018989
+                    -2.531129,54.019427
+                    -2.530394,54.020166
+                    -2.530159,54.020333
+                    -2.530394,54.020476
+                    -2.531906,54.020681
+                    -2.532521,54.020333
+                    -2.533418,54.019561
+                    -2.534621,54.020333
+                    -2.534930,54.020572
+                    -2.535562,54.021239
+                    -2.534930,54.021468
+                    -2.534297,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.020791
+                    -2.532704,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.021802
+                    -2.533756,54.022145
+                    -2.534694,54.023051
+                    -2.534930,54.023347
+                    -2.535730,54.023952
+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025397
+                    -2.531906,54.025459
+                    -2.530394,54.025202
+                    -2.528882,54.025354
+                    -2.527369,54.025507
+                    -2.525898,54.024858
+                    -2.525857,54.024844
+                    -2.524345,54.023952
+                    -2.522833,54.023051
+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520257,54.022145
+                    -2.519808,54.021802
+                    -2.518296,54.021807
+                    -2.516874,54.021239
+                    -2.516784,54.021158
+                    -2.515272,54.020634
+                    -2.513760,54.020495
+                    -2.512892,54.020333
+                    -2.512247,54.020262
+                    -2.510772,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.019408
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013219
+                    -2.511132,54.013095
+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010386
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
+                    -2.509223,54.007668
+                    -2.509223,54.006763
+                    -2.507711,54.005861
+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507804,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
+                    -2.512909,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.006543
+                    -2.514566,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.007621
+                    -2.513497,54.007668
+                    -2.513760,54.007697
+                    -2.515272,54.007835
+                    -2.515810,54.007668
+                    -2.515500,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006362
+                    -2.518296,54.006305
+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
+                    -2.514052,53.998618
+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
+                    -2.511967,53.996811
+                    -2.511814,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994603
+                    -2.509787,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995676
+                    -2.507711,53.995881
+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.995004
+                    -2.504894,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.994131
+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
+                    -2.503298,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.990951
+                    -2.505574,53.990479
+                    -2.504750,53.989577
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
+                    -2.503174,53.987865
+                    -2.502978,53.987765
+                    -2.502391,53.986859
+                    -2.501662,53.986278
+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507805,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979707
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977199
+                    -2.509642,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976536
+                    -2.508680,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975477
+                    -2.509727,53.975101
+                    -2.509420,53.974195
+                    -2.509223,53.973737
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532263,53.972383
+                    -2.532110,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973799
+                    -2.531213,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974609
+                    -2.532582,53.975101
+                    -2.532813,53.976002
+                    -2.532429,53.976908
+                    -2.532561,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978324
+                    -2.534255,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979120
+                    -2.535980,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.979897
+                    -2.537955,53.980460
+                    -2.539467,53.980131
+                    -2.540480,53.980527
+                    -2.540529,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.981862
+                    -2.541685,53.982334
+                    -2.541675,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983727
+                    -2.543824,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984251
+                    -2.545516,53.984723
+                    -2.547028,53.984809
+                    -2.548250,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985229
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+                    -2.551280,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987031
+                    -2.551849,53.986859
+                    -2.552051,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985734
+                    -2.554589,53.985572
+                    -2.556101,53.985529
+                    -2.557093,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986268
+                    -2.558210,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985348
+                    -2.559633,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986511
+                    -2.562150,53.986325
+                    -2.562827,53.986859
+                    -2.563662,53.987660
+                    -2.563892,53.987765
+                    -2.563788,53.988667
+                    -2.563834,53.989577
+                    -2.564508,53.990479
+                    -2.565174,53.990788
+                    -2.565639,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991938
+                    -2.564643,53.992286
+                    -2.564089,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.994002
+                    -2.562754,53.994098
+                    -2.563662,53.994217
+                    -2.564441,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995500
+                    -2.565673,53.995910
+                    -2.565434,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997097
+                    -2.563662,53.997035
+                    -2.562150,53.997006
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+                    -2.560476,53.996811
+                    -2.560638,53.996758
+                    -2.561651,53.995910
+                    -2.561408,53.995004
+                    -2.560638,53.994589
+                    -2.559794,53.994098
+                    -2.559450,53.993192
+                    -2.559278,53.992286
+                    -2.559646,53.991385
+                    -2.559476,53.990479
+                    -2.559125,53.990269
+                    -2.557613,53.990188
+                    -2.556919,53.989577
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+                    -2.555106,53.988667
+                    -2.554589,53.988357
+                    -2.553077,53.988309
+                    -2.552475,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989096
+                    -2.554589,53.989577
+                    -2.554591,53.989577
+                    -2.555382,53.990479
+                    -2.554967,53.991385
+                    -2.555212,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992629
+                    -2.553352,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993516
+                    -2.552220,53.994098
+                    -2.551564,53.994389
+                    -2.550220,53.995004
+                    -2.550052,53.995094
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+                    -2.545543,54.009476
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+                    -2.534930,54.017572
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+                    -2.534930,54.017830
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+                    -2.530394,54.020476
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+                    -2.533418,54.019561
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+                    -2.534930,54.020572
+                    -2.535562,54.021239
+                    -2.534930,54.021468
+                    -2.534297,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.020791
+                    -2.532704,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.021802
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+                    -2.534694,54.023051
+                    -2.534930,54.023347
+                    -2.535730,54.023952
+                    -2.534930,54.024858
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+                    -2.530394,54.025202
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+                    -2.525857,54.024844
+                    -2.524345,54.023952
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+                    -2.521321,54.022145
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+                    -2.512247,54.020262
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+                    -2.510735,54.019408
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013219
+                    -2.511132,54.013095
+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010386
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
+                    -2.509223,54.007668
+                    -2.509223,54.006763
+                    -2.507711,54.005861
+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507804,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
+                    -2.512909,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.006543
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+                    -2.513760,54.007621
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+                    -2.513760,54.007697
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+                    -2.515810,54.007668
+                    -2.515500,54.006763
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+                    -2.518296,54.006305
+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
+                    -2.514052,53.998618
+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
+                    -2.511967,53.996811
+                    -2.511814,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994603
+                    -2.509787,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995676
+                    -2.507711,53.995881
+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.995004
+                    -2.504894,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.994131
+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
+                    -2.503298,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.990951
+                    -2.505574,53.990479
+                    -2.504750,53.989577
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
+                    -2.503174,53.987865
+                    -2.502978,53.987765
+                    -2.502391,53.986859
+                    -2.501662,53.986278
+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507805,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979707
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977199
+                    -2.509642,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976536
+                    -2.508680,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975477
+                    -2.509727,53.975101
+                    -2.509420,53.974195
+                    -2.509223,53.973737
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532263,53.972383
+                    -2.532110,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973799
+                    -2.531213,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974609
+                    -2.532582,53.975101
+                    -2.532813,53.976002
+                    -2.532429,53.976908
+                    -2.532561,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978324
+                    -2.534255,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979120
+                    -2.535980,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.979897
+                    -2.537955,53.980460
+                    -2.539467,53.980131
+                    -2.540480,53.980527
+                    -2.540529,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.981862
+                    -2.541685,53.982334
+                    -2.541675,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983727
+                    -2.543824,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984251
+                    -2.545516,53.984723
+                    -2.547028,53.984809
+                    -2.548250,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985229
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+                    -2.551280,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987031
+                    -2.551849,53.986859
+                    -2.552051,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985734
+                    -2.554589,53.985572
+                    -2.556101,53.985529
+                    -2.557093,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986268
+                    -2.558210,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985348
+                    -2.559633,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986511
+                    -2.562150,53.986325
+                    -2.562827,53.986859
+                    -2.563662,53.987660
+                    -2.563892,53.987765
+                    -2.563788,53.988667
+                    -2.563834,53.989577
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+                    -2.565174,53.990788
+                    -2.565639,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991938
+                    -2.564643,53.992286
+                    -2.564089,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.994002
+                    -2.562754,53.994098
+                    -2.563662,53.994217
+                    -2.564441,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995500
+                    -2.565673,53.995910
+                    -2.565434,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997097
+                    -2.563662,53.997035
+                    -2.562150,53.997006
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+                    -2.560638,53.996758
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+                    -2.561408,53.995004
+                    -2.560638,53.994589
+                    -2.559794,53.994098
+                    -2.559450,53.993192
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+                    -2.559125,53.990269
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+                    -2.552475,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989096
+                    -2.554589,53.989577
+                    -2.554591,53.989577
+                    -2.555382,53.990479
+                    -2.554967,53.991385
+                    -2.555212,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992629
+                    -2.553352,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993516
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+                    -2.551564,53.994389
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+                    -2.545543,54.009476
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+                    -2.537955,54.015136
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+                    -2.534930,54.017572
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+                    -2.534930,54.017830
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+                    -2.530394,54.020476
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+                    -2.532521,54.020333
+                    -2.533418,54.019561
+                    -2.534621,54.020333
+                    -2.534930,54.020572
+                    -2.535562,54.021239
+                    -2.534930,54.021468
+                    -2.534297,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.020791
+                    -2.532704,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.021802
+                    -2.533756,54.022145
+                    -2.534694,54.023051
+                    -2.534930,54.023347
+                    -2.535730,54.023952
+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025397
+                    -2.531906,54.025459
+                    -2.530394,54.025202
+                    -2.528882,54.025354
+                    -2.527369,54.025507
+                    -2.525898,54.024858
+                    -2.525857,54.024844
+                    -2.524345,54.023952
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+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520257,54.022145
+                    -2.519808,54.021802
+                    -2.518296,54.021807
+                    -2.516874,54.021239
+                    -2.516784,54.021158
+                    -2.515272,54.020634
+                    -2.513760,54.020495
+                    -2.512892,54.020333
+                    -2.512247,54.020262
+                    -2.510772,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.019408
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013219
+                    -2.511132,54.013095
+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010386
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
+                    -2.509223,54.007668
+                    -2.509223,54.006763
+                    -2.507711,54.005861
+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507804,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
+                    -2.512909,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.006543
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+                    -2.513760,54.007621
+                    -2.513497,54.007668
+                    -2.513760,54.007697
+                    -2.515272,54.007835
+                    -2.515810,54.007668
+                    -2.515500,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006362
+                    -2.518296,54.006305
+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
+                    -2.514052,53.998618
+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
+                    -2.511967,53.996811
+                    -2.511814,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994603
+                    -2.509787,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995676
+                    -2.507711,53.995881
+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.995004
+                    -2.504894,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.994131
+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
+                    -2.503298,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.990951
+                    -2.505574,53.990479
+                    -2.504750,53.989577
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
+                    -2.503174,53.987865
+                    -2.502978,53.987765
+                    -2.502391,53.986859
+                    -2.501662,53.986278
+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507805,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979707
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977199
+                    -2.509642,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976536
+                    -2.508680,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975477
+                    -2.509727,53.975101
+                    -2.509420,53.974195
+                    -2.509223,53.973737
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
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+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
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+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
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+                    -2.531906,53.973799
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+                    -2.531906,53.974609
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+                    -2.532813,53.976002
+                    -2.532429,53.976908
+                    -2.532561,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978324
+                    -2.534255,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979120
+                    -2.535980,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.979897
+                    -2.537955,53.980460
+                    -2.539467,53.980131
+                    -2.540480,53.980527
+                    -2.540529,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.981862
+                    -2.541685,53.982334
+                    -2.541675,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983727
+                    -2.543824,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984251
+                    -2.545516,53.984723
+                    -2.547028,53.984809
+                    -2.548250,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985229
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+                    -2.551564,53.987031
+                    -2.551849,53.986859
+                    -2.552051,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985734
+                    -2.554589,53.985572
+                    -2.556101,53.985529
+                    -2.557093,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986268
+                    -2.558210,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985348
+                    -2.559633,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986511
+                    -2.562150,53.986325
+                    -2.562827,53.986859
+                    -2.563662,53.987660
+                    -2.563892,53.987765
+                    -2.563788,53.988667
+                    -2.563834,53.989577
+                    -2.564508,53.990479
+                    -2.565174,53.990788
+                    -2.565639,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991938
+                    -2.564643,53.992286
+                    -2.564089,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.994002
+                    -2.562754,53.994098
+                    -2.563662,53.994217
+                    -2.564441,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995500
+                    -2.565673,53.995910
+                    -2.565434,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997097
+                    -2.563662,53.997035
+                    -2.562150,53.997006
+                    -2.560638,53.996882
+                    -2.560476,53.996811
+                    -2.560638,53.996758
+                    -2.561651,53.995910
+                    -2.561408,53.995004
+                    -2.560638,53.994589
+                    -2.559794,53.994098
+                    -2.559450,53.993192
+                    -2.559278,53.992286
+                    -2.559646,53.991385
+                    -2.559476,53.990479
+                    -2.559125,53.990269
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+                    -2.556919,53.989577
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+                    -2.555106,53.988667
+                    -2.554589,53.988357
+                    -2.553077,53.988309
+                    -2.552475,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989096
+                    -2.554589,53.989577
+                    -2.554591,53.989577
+                    -2.555382,53.990479
+                    -2.554967,53.991385
+                    -2.555212,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992629
+                    -2.553352,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993516
+                    -2.552220,53.994098
+                    -2.551564,53.994389
+                    -2.550220,53.995004
+                    -2.550052,53.995094
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+                    -2.534930,54.017572
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+                    -2.534930,54.017830
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+                    -2.533418,54.019561
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+                    -2.534930,54.020572
+                    -2.535562,54.021239
+                    -2.534930,54.021468
+                    -2.534297,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.020791
+                    -2.532704,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.021802
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+                    -2.534694,54.023051
+                    -2.534930,54.023347
+                    -2.535730,54.023952
+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025397
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+                    -2.530394,54.025202
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+                    -2.525857,54.024844
+                    -2.524345,54.023952
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+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520257,54.022145
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+                    -2.518296,54.021807
+                    -2.516874,54.021239
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+                    -2.515272,54.020634
+                    -2.513760,54.020495
+                    -2.512892,54.020333
+                    -2.512247,54.020262
+                    -2.510772,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.019408
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013219
+                    -2.511132,54.013095
+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010386
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
+                    -2.509223,54.007668
+                    -2.509223,54.006763
+                    -2.507711,54.005861
+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507804,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
+                    -2.512909,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.006543
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+                    -2.513760,54.007621
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+                    -2.513760,54.007697
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+                    -2.515500,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006362
+                    -2.518296,54.006305
+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
+                    -2.514052,53.998618
+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
+                    -2.511967,53.996811
+                    -2.511814,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994603
+                    -2.509787,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995676
+                    -2.507711,53.995881
+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.995004
+                    -2.504894,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.994131
+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
+                    -2.503298,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.990951
+                    -2.505574,53.990479
+                    -2.504750,53.989577
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
+                    -2.503174,53.987865
+                    -2.502978,53.987765
+                    -2.502391,53.986859
+                    -2.501662,53.986278
+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507805,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979707
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977199
+                    -2.509642,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976536
+                    -2.508680,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975477
+                    -2.509727,53.975101
+                    -2.509420,53.974195
+                    -2.509223,53.973737
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532263,53.972383
+                    -2.532110,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973799
+                    -2.531213,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974609
+                    -2.532582,53.975101
+                    -2.532813,53.976002
+                    -2.532429,53.976908
+                    -2.532561,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978324
+                    -2.534255,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979120
+                    -2.535980,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.979897
+                    -2.537955,53.980460
+                    -2.539467,53.980131
+                    -2.540480,53.980527
+                    -2.540529,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.981862
+                    -2.541685,53.982334
+                    -2.541675,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983727
+                    -2.543824,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984251
+                    -2.545516,53.984723
+                    -2.547028,53.984809
+                    -2.548250,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985229
+                    -2.550052,53.985271
+                    -2.551078,53.985953
+                    -2.551280,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987031
+                    -2.551849,53.986859
+                    -2.552051,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985734
+                    -2.554589,53.985572
+                    -2.556101,53.985529
+                    -2.557093,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986268
+                    -2.558210,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985348
+                    -2.559633,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986511
+                    -2.562150,53.986325
+                    -2.562827,53.986859
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+                    -2.563892,53.987765
+                    -2.563788,53.988667
+                    -2.563834,53.989577
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+                    -2.565639,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991938
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+                    -2.564089,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.994002
+                    -2.562754,53.994098
+                    -2.563662,53.994217
+                    -2.564441,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995500
+                    -2.565673,53.995910
+                    -2.565434,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997097
+                    -2.563662,53.997035
+                    -2.562150,53.997006
+                    -2.560638,53.996882
+                    -2.560476,53.996811
+                    -2.560638,53.996758
+                    -2.561651,53.995910
+                    -2.561408,53.995004
+                    -2.560638,53.994589
+                    -2.559794,53.994098
+                    -2.559450,53.993192
+                    -2.559278,53.992286
+                    -2.559646,53.991385
+                    -2.559476,53.990479
+                    -2.559125,53.990269
+                    -2.557613,53.990188
+                    -2.556919,53.989577
+                    -2.556101,53.989139
+                    -2.555106,53.988667
+                    -2.554589,53.988357
+                    -2.553077,53.988309
+                    -2.552475,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989096
+                    -2.554589,53.989577
+                    -2.554591,53.989577
+                    -2.555382,53.990479
+                    -2.554967,53.991385
+                    -2.555212,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992629
+                    -2.553352,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993516
+                    -2.552220,53.994098
+                    -2.551564,53.994389
+                    -2.550220,53.995004
+                    -2.550052,53.995094
+                    -2.548701,53.995910
+                    -2.548540,53.996134
+                    -2.547212,53.996811
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+                    -2.540387,54.014907
+                    -2.539467,54.015040
+                    -2.537955,54.015136
+                    -2.536443,54.015050
+                    -2.535531,54.015813
+                    -2.534930,54.015965
+                    -2.533894,54.016719
+                    -2.534930,54.017572
+                    -2.535380,54.017620
+                    -2.534930,54.017830
+                    -2.534142,54.018526
+                    -2.533418,54.019046
+                    -2.531906,54.018989
+                    -2.531129,54.019427
+                    -2.530394,54.020166
+                    -2.530159,54.020333
+                    -2.530394,54.020476
+                    -2.531906,54.020681
+                    -2.532521,54.020333
+                    -2.533418,54.019561
+                    -2.534621,54.020333
+                    -2.534930,54.020572
+                    -2.535562,54.021239
+                    -2.534930,54.021468
+                    -2.534297,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.020791
+                    -2.532704,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.021802
+                    -2.533756,54.022145
+                    -2.534694,54.023051
+                    -2.534930,54.023347
+                    -2.535730,54.023952
+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025397
+                    -2.531906,54.025459
+                    -2.530394,54.025202
+                    -2.528882,54.025354
+                    -2.527369,54.025507
+                    -2.525898,54.024858
+                    -2.525857,54.024844
+                    -2.524345,54.023952
+                    -2.522833,54.023051
+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520257,54.022145
+                    -2.519808,54.021802
+                    -2.518296,54.021807
+                    -2.516874,54.021239
+                    -2.516784,54.021158
+                    -2.515272,54.020634
+                    -2.513760,54.020495
+                    -2.512892,54.020333
+                    -2.512247,54.020262
+                    -2.510772,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.019408
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013219
+                    -2.511132,54.013095
+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010386
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
+                    -2.509223,54.007668
+                    -2.509223,54.006763
+                    -2.507711,54.005861
+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507804,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
+                    -2.512909,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.006543
+                    -2.514566,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.007621
+                    -2.513497,54.007668
+                    -2.513760,54.007697
+                    -2.515272,54.007835
+                    -2.515810,54.007668
+                    -2.515500,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006362
+                    -2.518296,54.006305
+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
+                    -2.514052,53.998618
+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
+                    -2.511967,53.996811
+                    -2.511814,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994603
+                    -2.509787,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995676
+                    -2.507711,53.995881
+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.995004
+                    -2.504894,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.994131
+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
+                    -2.503298,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.990951
+                    -2.505574,53.990479
+                    -2.504750,53.989577
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
+                    -2.503174,53.987865
+                    -2.502978,53.987765
+                    -2.502391,53.986859
+                    -2.501662,53.986278
+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507805,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979707
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977199
+                    -2.509642,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976536
+                    -2.508680,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975477
+                    -2.509727,53.975101
+                    -2.509420,53.974195
+                    -2.509223,53.973737
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532263,53.972383
+                    -2.532110,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973799
+                    -2.531213,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974609
+                    -2.532582,53.975101
+                    -2.532813,53.976002
+                    -2.532429,53.976908
+                    -2.532561,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978324
+                    -2.534255,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979120
+                    -2.535980,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.979897
+                    -2.537955,53.980460
+                    -2.539467,53.980131
+                    -2.540480,53.980527
+                    -2.540529,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.981862
+                    -2.541685,53.982334
+                    -2.541675,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983727
+                    -2.543824,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984251
+                    -2.545516,53.984723
+                    -2.547028,53.984809
+                    -2.548250,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985229
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+                    -2.551280,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987031
+                    -2.551849,53.986859
+                    -2.552051,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985734
+                    -2.554589,53.985572
+                    -2.556101,53.985529
+                    -2.557093,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986268
+                    -2.558210,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985348
+                    -2.559633,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986511
+                    -2.562150,53.986325
+                    -2.562827,53.986859
+                    -2.563662,53.987660
+                    -2.563892,53.987765
+                    -2.563788,53.988667
+                    -2.563834,53.989577
+                    -2.564508,53.990479
+                    -2.565174,53.990788
+                    -2.565639,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991938
+                    -2.564643,53.992286
+                    -2.564089,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.994002
+                    -2.562754,53.994098
+                    -2.563662,53.994217
+                    -2.564441,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995500
+                    -2.565673,53.995910
+                    -2.565434,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997097
+                    -2.563662,53.997035
+                    -2.562150,53.997006
+                    -2.560638,53.996882
+                    -2.560476,53.996811
+                    -2.560638,53.996758
+                    -2.561651,53.995910
+                    -2.561408,53.995004
+                    -2.560638,53.994589
+                    -2.559794,53.994098
+                    -2.559450,53.993192
+                    -2.559278,53.992286
+                    -2.559646,53.991385
+                    -2.559476,53.990479
+                    -2.559125,53.990269
+                    -2.557613,53.990188
+                    -2.556919,53.989577
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+                    -2.555106,53.988667
+                    -2.554589,53.988357
+                    -2.553077,53.988309
+                    -2.552475,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989096
+                    -2.554589,53.989577
+                    -2.554591,53.989577
+                    -2.555382,53.990479
+                    -2.554967,53.991385
+                    -2.555212,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992629
+                    -2.553352,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993516
+                    -2.552220,53.994098
+                    -2.551564,53.994389
+                    -2.550220,53.995004
+                    -2.550052,53.995094
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+                    -2.539467,54.000430
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+                    -2.545543,54.009476
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+                    -2.534930,54.017572
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+                    -2.534930,54.017830
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+                    -2.530394,54.020476
+                    -2.531906,54.020681
+                    -2.532521,54.020333
+                    -2.533418,54.019561
+                    -2.534621,54.020333
+                    -2.534930,54.020572
+                    -2.535562,54.021239
+                    -2.534930,54.021468
+                    -2.534297,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.020791
+                    -2.532704,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.021802
+                    -2.533756,54.022145
+                    -2.534694,54.023051
+                    -2.534930,54.023347
+                    -2.535730,54.023952
+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025397
+                    -2.531906,54.025459
+                    -2.530394,54.025202
+                    -2.528882,54.025354
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+                    -2.525898,54.024858
+                    -2.525857,54.024844
+                    -2.524345,54.023952
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+                    -2.521321,54.022145
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013219
+                    -2.511132,54.013095
+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010386
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
+                    -2.509223,54.007668
+                    -2.509223,54.006763
+                    -2.507711,54.005861
+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507804,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
+                    -2.512909,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.006543
+                    -2.514566,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.007621
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+                    -2.513760,54.007697
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+                    -2.515810,54.007668
+                    -2.515500,54.006763
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+                    -2.518296,54.006305
+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
+                    -2.514052,53.998618
+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
+                    -2.511967,53.996811
+                    -2.511814,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994603
+                    -2.509787,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995676
+                    -2.507711,53.995881
+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.995004
+                    -2.504894,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.994131
+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
+                    -2.503298,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.990951
+                    -2.505574,53.990479
+                    -2.504750,53.989577
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
+                    -2.503174,53.987865
+                    -2.502978,53.987765
+                    -2.502391,53.986859
+                    -2.501662,53.986278
+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507805,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979707
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977199
+                    -2.509642,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976536
+                    -2.508680,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975477
+                    -2.509727,53.975101
+                    -2.509420,53.974195
+                    -2.509223,53.973737
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532263,53.972383
+                    -2.532110,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973799
+                    -2.531213,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974609
+                    -2.532582,53.975101
+                    -2.532813,53.976002
+                    -2.532429,53.976908
+                    -2.532561,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978324
+                    -2.534255,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979120
+                    -2.535980,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.979897
+                    -2.537955,53.980460
+                    -2.539467,53.980131
+                    -2.540480,53.980527
+                    -2.540529,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.981862
+                    -2.541685,53.982334
+                    -2.541675,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983727
+                    -2.543824,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984251
+                    -2.545516,53.984723
+                    -2.547028,53.984809
+                    -2.548250,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985229
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+                    -2.551280,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987031
+                    -2.551849,53.986859
+                    -2.552051,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985734
+                    -2.554589,53.985572
+                    -2.556101,53.985529
+                    -2.557093,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986268
+                    -2.558210,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985348
+                    -2.559633,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986511
+                    -2.562150,53.986325
+                    -2.562827,53.986859
+                    -2.563662,53.987660
+                    -2.563892,53.987765
+                    -2.563788,53.988667
+                    -2.563834,53.989577
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+                    -2.565174,53.990788
+                    -2.565639,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991938
+                    -2.564643,53.992286
+                    -2.564089,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.994002
+                    -2.562754,53.994098
+                    -2.563662,53.994217
+                    -2.564441,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995500
+                    -2.565673,53.995910
+                    -2.565434,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997097
+                    -2.563662,53.997035
+                    -2.562150,53.997006
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+                    -2.560476,53.996811
+                    -2.560638,53.996758
+                    -2.561651,53.995910
+                    -2.561408,53.995004
+                    -2.560638,53.994589
+                    -2.559794,53.994098
+                    -2.559450,53.993192
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+                    -2.559476,53.990479
+                    -2.559125,53.990269
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+                    -2.554589,53.988357
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+                    -2.552475,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989096
+                    -2.554589,53.989577
+                    -2.554591,53.989577
+                    -2.555382,53.990479
+                    -2.554967,53.991385
+                    -2.555212,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992629
+                    -2.553352,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993516
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+                    -2.551564,53.994389
+                    -2.550220,53.995004
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+                    -2.545543,54.009476
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+                    -2.537955,54.015136
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+                    -2.534930,54.017572
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+                    -2.534930,54.017830
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+                    -2.530394,54.020166
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+                    -2.530394,54.020476
+                    -2.531906,54.020681
+                    -2.532521,54.020333
+                    -2.533418,54.019561
+                    -2.534621,54.020333
+                    -2.534930,54.020572
+                    -2.535562,54.021239
+                    -2.534930,54.021468
+                    -2.534297,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.020791
+                    -2.532704,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.021802
+                    -2.533756,54.022145
+                    -2.534694,54.023051
+                    -2.534930,54.023347
+                    -2.535730,54.023952
+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025397
+                    -2.531906,54.025459
+                    -2.530394,54.025202
+                    -2.528882,54.025354
+                    -2.527369,54.025507
+                    -2.525898,54.024858
+                    -2.525857,54.024844
+                    -2.524345,54.023952
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+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520257,54.022145
+                    -2.519808,54.021802
+                    -2.518296,54.021807
+                    -2.516874,54.021239
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+                    -2.515272,54.020634
+                    -2.513760,54.020495
+                    -2.512892,54.020333
+                    -2.512247,54.020262
+                    -2.510772,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.019408
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013219
+                    -2.511132,54.013095
+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010386
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
+                    -2.509223,54.007668
+                    -2.509223,54.006763
+                    -2.507711,54.005861
+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507804,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
+                    -2.512909,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.006543
+                    -2.514566,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.007621
+                    -2.513497,54.007668
+                    -2.513760,54.007697
+                    -2.515272,54.007835
+                    -2.515810,54.007668
+                    -2.515500,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006362
+                    -2.518296,54.006305
+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
+                    -2.514052,53.998618
+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
+                    -2.511967,53.996811
+                    -2.511814,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994603
+                    -2.509787,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995676
+                    -2.507711,53.995881
+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.995004
+                    -2.504894,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.994131
+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
+                    -2.503298,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.990951
+                    -2.505574,53.990479
+                    -2.504750,53.989577
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
+                    -2.503174,53.987865
+                    -2.502978,53.987765
+                    -2.502391,53.986859
+                    -2.501662,53.986278
+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507805,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979707
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977199
+                    -2.509642,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976536
+                    -2.508680,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975477
+                    -2.509727,53.975101
+                    -2.509420,53.974195
+                    -2.509223,53.973737
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
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+                    -2.512247,53.969669
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+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
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+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532263,53.972383
+                    -2.532110,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973799
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+                    -2.531906,53.974609
+                    -2.532582,53.975101
+                    -2.532813,53.976002
+                    -2.532429,53.976908
+                    -2.532561,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978324
+                    -2.534255,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979120
+                    -2.535980,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.979897
+                    -2.537955,53.980460
+                    -2.539467,53.980131
+                    -2.540480,53.980527
+                    -2.540529,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.981862
+                    -2.541685,53.982334
+                    -2.541675,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983727
+                    -2.543824,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984251
+                    -2.545516,53.984723
+                    -2.547028,53.984809
+                    -2.548250,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985229
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+                    -2.551280,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987031
+                    -2.551849,53.986859
+                    -2.552051,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985734
+                    -2.554589,53.985572
+                    -2.556101,53.985529
+                    -2.557093,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986268
+                    -2.558210,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985348
+                    -2.559633,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986511
+                    -2.562150,53.986325
+                    -2.562827,53.986859
+                    -2.563662,53.987660
+                    -2.563892,53.987765
+                    -2.563788,53.988667
+                    -2.563834,53.989577
+                    -2.564508,53.990479
+                    -2.565174,53.990788
+                    -2.565639,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991938
+                    -2.564643,53.992286
+                    -2.564089,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.994002
+                    -2.562754,53.994098
+                    -2.563662,53.994217
+                    -2.564441,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995500
+                    -2.565673,53.995910
+                    -2.565434,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997097
+                    -2.563662,53.997035
+                    -2.562150,53.997006
+                    -2.560638,53.996882
+                    -2.560476,53.996811
+                    -2.560638,53.996758
+                    -2.561651,53.995910
+                    -2.561408,53.995004
+                    -2.560638,53.994589
+                    -2.559794,53.994098
+                    -2.559450,53.993192
+                    -2.559278,53.992286
+                    -2.559646,53.991385
+                    -2.559476,53.990479
+                    -2.559125,53.990269
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+                    -2.556919,53.989577
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+                    -2.555106,53.988667
+                    -2.554589,53.988357
+                    -2.553077,53.988309
+                    -2.552475,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989096
+                    -2.554589,53.989577
+                    -2.554591,53.989577
+                    -2.555382,53.990479
+                    -2.554967,53.991385
+                    -2.555212,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992629
+                    -2.553352,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993516
+                    -2.552220,53.994098
+                    -2.551564,53.994389
+                    -2.550220,53.995004
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+                    -2.534930,54.017572
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+                    -2.534930,54.017830
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+                    -2.530394,54.020476
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+                    -2.533418,54.019561
+                    -2.534621,54.020333
+                    -2.534930,54.020572
+                    -2.535562,54.021239
+                    -2.534930,54.021468
+                    -2.534297,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.020791
+                    -2.532704,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.021802
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+                    -2.534694,54.023051
+                    -2.534930,54.023347
+                    -2.535730,54.023952
+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025397
+                    -2.531906,54.025459
+                    -2.530394,54.025202
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+                    -2.527369,54.025507
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+                    -2.525857,54.024844
+                    -2.524345,54.023952
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+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520257,54.022145
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+                    -2.518296,54.021807
+                    -2.516874,54.021239
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+                    -2.515272,54.020634
+                    -2.513760,54.020495
+                    -2.512892,54.020333
+                    -2.512247,54.020262
+                    -2.510772,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.019408
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013219
+                    -2.511132,54.013095
+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010386
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
+                    -2.509223,54.007668
+                    -2.509223,54.006763
+                    -2.507711,54.005861
+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507804,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
+                    -2.512909,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.006543
+                    -2.514566,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.007621
+                    -2.513497,54.007668
+                    -2.513760,54.007697
+                    -2.515272,54.007835
+                    -2.515810,54.007668
+                    -2.515500,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006362
+                    -2.518296,54.006305
+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
+                    -2.514052,53.998618
+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
+                    -2.511967,53.996811
+                    -2.511814,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994603
+                    -2.509787,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995676
+                    -2.507711,53.995881
+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.995004
+                    -2.504894,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.994131
+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
+                    -2.503298,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.990951
+                    -2.505574,53.990479
+                    -2.504750,53.989577
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
+                    -2.503174,53.987865
+                    -2.502978,53.987765
+                    -2.502391,53.986859
+                    -2.501662,53.986278
+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507805,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979707
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977199
+                    -2.509642,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976536
+                    -2.508680,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975477
+                    -2.509727,53.975101
+                    -2.509420,53.974195
+                    -2.509223,53.973737
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532263,53.972383
+                    -2.532110,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973799
+                    -2.531213,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974609
+                    -2.532582,53.975101
+                    -2.532813,53.976002
+                    -2.532429,53.976908
+                    -2.532561,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978324
+                    -2.534255,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979120
+                    -2.535980,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.979897
+                    -2.537955,53.980460
+                    -2.539467,53.980131
+                    -2.540480,53.980527
+                    -2.540529,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.981862
+                    -2.541685,53.982334
+                    -2.541675,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983727
+                    -2.543824,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984251
+                    -2.545516,53.984723
+                    -2.547028,53.984809
+                    -2.548250,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985229
+                    -2.550052,53.985271
+                    -2.551078,53.985953
+                    -2.551280,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987031
+                    -2.551849,53.986859
+                    -2.552051,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985734
+                    -2.554589,53.985572
+                    -2.556101,53.985529
+                    -2.557093,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986268
+                    -2.558210,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985348
+                    -2.559633,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986511
+                    -2.562150,53.986325
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+                    -2.563788,53.988667
+                    -2.563834,53.989577
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+                    -2.565639,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991938
+                    -2.564643,53.992286
+                    -2.564089,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.994002
+                    -2.562754,53.994098
+                    -2.563662,53.994217
+                    -2.564441,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995500
+                    -2.565673,53.995910
+                    -2.565434,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997097
+                    -2.563662,53.997035
+                    -2.562150,53.997006
+                    -2.560638,53.996882
+                    -2.560476,53.996811
+                    -2.560638,53.996758
+                    -2.561651,53.995910
+                    -2.561408,53.995004
+                    -2.560638,53.994589
+                    -2.559794,53.994098
+                    -2.559450,53.993192
+                    -2.559278,53.992286
+                    -2.559646,53.991385
+                    -2.559476,53.990479
+                    -2.559125,53.990269
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+                    -2.556919,53.989577
+                    -2.556101,53.989139
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+                    -2.554589,53.988357
+                    -2.553077,53.988309
+                    -2.552475,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989096
+                    -2.554589,53.989577
+                    -2.554591,53.989577
+                    -2.555382,53.990479
+                    -2.554967,53.991385
+                    -2.555212,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992629
+                    -2.553352,53.993192
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+                    -2.546923,54.013095
+                    -2.545516,54.013314
+                    -2.544657,54.013095
+                    -2.544003,54.012847
+                    -2.543664,54.013095
+                    -2.543307,54.014001
+                    -2.542491,54.014521
+                    -2.540979,54.014540
+                    -2.540387,54.014907
+                    -2.539467,54.015040
+                    -2.537955,54.015136
+                    -2.536443,54.015050
+                    -2.535531,54.015813
+                    -2.534930,54.015965
+                    -2.533894,54.016719
+                    -2.534930,54.017572
+                    -2.535380,54.017620
+                    -2.534930,54.017830
+                    -2.534142,54.018526
+                    -2.533418,54.019046
+                    -2.531906,54.018989
+                    -2.531129,54.019427
+                    -2.530394,54.020166
+                    -2.530159,54.020333
+                    -2.530394,54.020476
+                    -2.531906,54.020681
+                    -2.532521,54.020333
+                    -2.533418,54.019561
+                    -2.534621,54.020333
+                    -2.534930,54.020572
+                    -2.535562,54.021239
+                    -2.534930,54.021468
+                    -2.534297,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.020791
+                    -2.532704,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.021802
+                    -2.533756,54.022145
+                    -2.534694,54.023051
+                    -2.534930,54.023347
+                    -2.535730,54.023952
+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025397
+                    -2.531906,54.025459
+                    -2.530394,54.025202
+                    -2.528882,54.025354
+                    -2.527369,54.025507
+                    -2.525898,54.024858
+                    -2.525857,54.024844
+                    -2.524345,54.023952
+                    -2.522833,54.023051
+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520257,54.022145
+                    -2.519808,54.021802
+                    -2.518296,54.021807
+                    -2.516874,54.021239
+                    -2.516784,54.021158
+                    -2.515272,54.020634
+                    -2.513760,54.020495
+                    -2.512892,54.020333
+                    -2.512247,54.020262
+                    -2.510772,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.019408
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013219
+                    -2.511132,54.013095
+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010386
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
+                    -2.509223,54.007668
+                    -2.509223,54.006763
+                    -2.507711,54.005861
+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507804,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
+                    -2.512909,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.006543
+                    -2.514566,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.007621
+                    -2.513497,54.007668
+                    -2.513760,54.007697
+                    -2.515272,54.007835
+                    -2.515810,54.007668
+                    -2.515500,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006362
+                    -2.518296,54.006305
+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
+                    -2.514052,53.998618
+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
+                    -2.511967,53.996811
+                    -2.511814,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994603
+                    -2.509787,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995676
+                    -2.507711,53.995881
+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.995004
+                    -2.504894,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.994131
+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
+                    -2.503298,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.990951
+                    -2.505574,53.990479
+                    -2.504750,53.989577
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
+                    -2.503174,53.987865
+                    -2.502978,53.987765
+                    -2.502391,53.986859
+                    -2.501662,53.986278
+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507805,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979707
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977199
+                    -2.509642,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976536
+                    -2.508680,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975477
+                    -2.509727,53.975101
+                    -2.509420,53.974195
+                    -2.509223,53.973737
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532263,53.972383
+                    -2.532110,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973799
+                    -2.531213,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974609
+                    -2.532582,53.975101
+                    -2.532813,53.976002
+                    -2.532429,53.976908
+                    -2.532561,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978324
+                    -2.534255,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979120
+                    -2.535980,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.979897
+                    -2.537955,53.980460
+                    -2.539467,53.980131
+                    -2.540480,53.980527
+                    -2.540529,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.981862
+                    -2.541685,53.982334
+                    -2.541675,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983727
+                    -2.543824,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984251
+                    -2.545516,53.984723
+                    -2.547028,53.984809
+                    -2.548250,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985229
+                    -2.550052,53.985271
+                    -2.551078,53.985953
+                    -2.551280,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987031
+                    -2.551849,53.986859
+                    -2.552051,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985734
+                    -2.554589,53.985572
+                    -2.556101,53.985529
+                    -2.557093,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986268
+                    -2.558210,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985348
+                    -2.559633,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986511
+                    -2.562150,53.986325
+                    -2.562827,53.986859
+                    -2.563662,53.987660
+                    -2.563892,53.987765
+                    -2.563788,53.988667
+                    -2.563834,53.989577
+                    -2.564508,53.990479
+                    -2.565174,53.990788
+                    -2.565639,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991938
+                    -2.564643,53.992286
+                    -2.564089,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.994002
+                    -2.562754,53.994098
+                    -2.563662,53.994217
+                    -2.564441,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995500
+                    -2.565673,53.995910
+                    -2.565434,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997097
+                    -2.563662,53.997035
+                    -2.562150,53.997006
+                    -2.560638,53.996882
+                    -2.560476,53.996811
+                    -2.560638,53.996758
+                    -2.561651,53.995910
+                    -2.561408,53.995004
+                    -2.560638,53.994589
+                    -2.559794,53.994098
+                    -2.559450,53.993192
+                    -2.559278,53.992286
+                    -2.559646,53.991385
+                    -2.559476,53.990479
+                    -2.559125,53.990269
+                    -2.557613,53.990188
+                    -2.556919,53.989577
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+                    -2.555106,53.988667
+                    -2.554589,53.988357
+                    -2.553077,53.988309
+                    -2.552475,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989096
+                    -2.554589,53.989577
+                    -2.554591,53.989577
+                    -2.555382,53.990479
+                    -2.554967,53.991385
+                    -2.555212,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992629
+                    -2.553352,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993516
+                    -2.552220,53.994098
+                    -2.551564,53.994389
+                    -2.550220,53.995004
+                    -2.550052,53.995094
+                    -2.548701,53.995910
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+                    -2.542491,53.998704
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+                    -2.539470,54.000430
+                    -2.539467,54.000430
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+                    -2.545543,54.009476
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+                    -2.545516,54.013314
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+                    -2.537955,54.015136
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+                    -2.534930,54.017572
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+                    -2.534930,54.017830
+                    -2.534142,54.018526
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+                    -2.530394,54.020476
+                    -2.531906,54.020681
+                    -2.532521,54.020333
+                    -2.533418,54.019561
+                    -2.534621,54.020333
+                    -2.534930,54.020572
+                    -2.535562,54.021239
+                    -2.534930,54.021468
+                    -2.534297,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.020791
+                    -2.532704,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.021802
+                    -2.533756,54.022145
+                    -2.534694,54.023051
+                    -2.534930,54.023347
+                    -2.535730,54.023952
+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025397
+                    -2.531906,54.025459
+                    -2.530394,54.025202
+                    -2.528882,54.025354
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+                    -2.525857,54.024844
+                    -2.524345,54.023952
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+                    -2.512247,54.020262
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013219
+                    -2.511132,54.013095
+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010386
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
+                    -2.509223,54.007668
+                    -2.509223,54.006763
+                    -2.507711,54.005861
+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507804,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
+                    -2.512909,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.006543
+                    -2.514566,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.007621
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+                    -2.515810,54.007668
+                    -2.515500,54.006763
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+                    -2.518296,54.006305
+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
+                    -2.514052,53.998618
+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
+                    -2.511967,53.996811
+                    -2.511814,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994603
+                    -2.509787,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995676
+                    -2.507711,53.995881
+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.995004
+                    -2.504894,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.994131
+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
+                    -2.503298,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.990951
+                    -2.505574,53.990479
+                    -2.504750,53.989577
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
+                    -2.503174,53.987865
+                    -2.502978,53.987765
+                    -2.502391,53.986859
+                    -2.501662,53.986278
+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507805,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979707
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977199
+                    -2.509642,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976536
+                    -2.508680,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975477
+                    -2.509727,53.975101
+                    -2.509420,53.974195
+                    -2.509223,53.973737
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532263,53.972383
+                    -2.532110,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973799
+                    -2.531213,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974609
+                    -2.532582,53.975101
+                    -2.532813,53.976002
+                    -2.532429,53.976908
+                    -2.532561,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978324
+                    -2.534255,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979120
+                    -2.535980,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.979897
+                    -2.537955,53.980460
+                    -2.539467,53.980131
+                    -2.540480,53.980527
+                    -2.540529,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.981862
+                    -2.541685,53.982334
+                    -2.541675,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983727
+                    -2.543824,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984251
+                    -2.545516,53.984723
+                    -2.547028,53.984809
+                    -2.548250,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985229
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+                    -2.551280,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987031
+                    -2.551849,53.986859
+                    -2.552051,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985734
+                    -2.554589,53.985572
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+                    -2.557093,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986268
+                    -2.558210,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985348
+                    -2.559633,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986511
+                    -2.562150,53.986325
+                    -2.562827,53.986859
+                    -2.563662,53.987660
+                    -2.563892,53.987765
+                    -2.563788,53.988667
+                    -2.563834,53.989577
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+                    -2.565174,53.990788
+                    -2.565639,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991938
+                    -2.564643,53.992286
+                    -2.564089,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.994002
+                    -2.562754,53.994098
+                    -2.563662,53.994217
+                    -2.564441,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995500
+                    -2.565673,53.995910
+                    -2.565434,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997097
+                    -2.563662,53.997035
+                    -2.562150,53.997006
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+                    -2.560476,53.996811
+                    -2.560638,53.996758
+                    -2.561651,53.995910
+                    -2.561408,53.995004
+                    -2.560638,53.994589
+                    -2.559794,53.994098
+                    -2.559450,53.993192
+                    -2.559278,53.992286
+                    -2.559646,53.991385
+                    -2.559476,53.990479
+                    -2.559125,53.990269
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+                    -2.554589,53.988357
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+                    -2.552475,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989096
+                    -2.554589,53.989577
+                    -2.554591,53.989577
+                    -2.555382,53.990479
+                    -2.554967,53.991385
+                    -2.555212,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992629
+                    -2.553352,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993516
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+                    -2.551564,53.994389
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+                    -2.545543,54.009476
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+                    -2.537955,54.015136
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+                    -2.534930,54.017572
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+                    -2.534930,54.017830
+                    -2.534142,54.018526
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+                    -2.530394,54.020166
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+                    -2.530394,54.020476
+                    -2.531906,54.020681
+                    -2.532521,54.020333
+                    -2.533418,54.019561
+                    -2.534621,54.020333
+                    -2.534930,54.020572
+                    -2.535562,54.021239
+                    -2.534930,54.021468
+                    -2.534297,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.020791
+                    -2.532704,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.021802
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+                    -2.534694,54.023051
+                    -2.534930,54.023347
+                    -2.535730,54.023952
+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025397
+                    -2.531906,54.025459
+                    -2.530394,54.025202
+                    -2.528882,54.025354
+                    -2.527369,54.025507
+                    -2.525898,54.024858
+                    -2.525857,54.024844
+                    -2.524345,54.023952
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+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520257,54.022145
+                    -2.519808,54.021802
+                    -2.518296,54.021807
+                    -2.516874,54.021239
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+                    -2.515272,54.020634
+                    -2.513760,54.020495
+                    -2.512892,54.020333
+                    -2.512247,54.020262
+                    -2.510772,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.019408
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013219
+                    -2.511132,54.013095
+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010386
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
+                    -2.509223,54.007668
+                    -2.509223,54.006763
+                    -2.507711,54.005861
+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507804,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
+                    -2.512909,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.006543
+                    -2.514566,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.007621
+                    -2.513497,54.007668
+                    -2.513760,54.007697
+                    -2.515272,54.007835
+                    -2.515810,54.007668
+                    -2.515500,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006362
+                    -2.518296,54.006305
+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
+                    -2.514052,53.998618
+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
+                    -2.511967,53.996811
+                    -2.511814,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994603
+                    -2.509787,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995676
+                    -2.507711,53.995881
+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.995004
+                    -2.504894,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.994131
+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
+                    -2.503298,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.990951
+                    -2.505574,53.990479
+                    -2.504750,53.989577
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
+                    -2.503174,53.987865
+                    -2.502978,53.987765
+                    -2.502391,53.986859
+                    -2.501662,53.986278
+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507805,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979707
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977199
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+                    -2.509223,53.976536
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+                    -2.509223,53.975477
+                    -2.509727,53.975101
+                    -2.509420,53.974195
+                    -2.509223,53.973737
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532263,53.972383
+                    -2.532110,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973799
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+                    -2.531906,53.974609
+                    -2.532582,53.975101
+                    -2.532813,53.976002
+                    -2.532429,53.976908
+                    -2.532561,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978324
+                    -2.534255,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979120
+                    -2.535980,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.979897
+                    -2.537955,53.980460
+                    -2.539467,53.980131
+                    -2.540480,53.980527
+                    -2.540529,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.981862
+                    -2.541685,53.982334
+                    -2.541675,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983727
+                    -2.543824,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984251
+                    -2.545516,53.984723
+                    -2.547028,53.984809
+                    -2.548250,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985229
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+                    -2.551280,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987031
+                    -2.551849,53.986859
+                    -2.552051,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985734
+                    -2.554589,53.985572
+                    -2.556101,53.985529
+                    -2.557093,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986268
+                    -2.558210,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985348
+                    -2.559633,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986511
+                    -2.562150,53.986325
+                    -2.562827,53.986859
+                    -2.563662,53.987660
+                    -2.563892,53.987765
+                    -2.563788,53.988667
+                    -2.563834,53.989577
+                    -2.564508,53.990479
+                    -2.565174,53.990788
+                    -2.565639,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991938
+                    -2.564643,53.992286
+                    -2.564089,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.994002
+                    -2.562754,53.994098
+                    -2.563662,53.994217
+                    -2.564441,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995500
+                    -2.565673,53.995910
+                    -2.565434,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997097
+                    -2.563662,53.997035
+                    -2.562150,53.997006
+                    -2.560638,53.996882
+                    -2.560476,53.996811
+                    -2.560638,53.996758
+                    -2.561651,53.995910
+                    -2.561408,53.995004
+                    -2.560638,53.994589
+                    -2.559794,53.994098
+                    -2.559450,53.993192
+                    -2.559278,53.992286
+                    -2.559646,53.991385
+                    -2.559476,53.990479
+                    -2.559125,53.990269
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+                    -2.556919,53.989577
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+                    -2.554589,53.988357
+                    -2.553077,53.988309
+                    -2.552475,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989096
+                    -2.554589,53.989577
+                    -2.554591,53.989577
+                    -2.555382,53.990479
+                    -2.554967,53.991385
+                    -2.555212,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992629
+                    -2.553352,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993516
+                    -2.552220,53.994098
+                    -2.551564,53.994389
+                    -2.550220,53.995004
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+                    -2.534930,54.017572
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+                    -2.534930,54.017830
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+                    -2.533418,54.019561
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+                    -2.534930,54.020572
+                    -2.535562,54.021239
+                    -2.534930,54.021468
+                    -2.534297,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.020791
+                    -2.532704,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.021802
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+                    -2.534694,54.023051
+                    -2.534930,54.023347
+                    -2.535730,54.023952
+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025397
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+                    -2.530394,54.025202
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+                    -2.525857,54.024844
+                    -2.524345,54.023952
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+                    -2.520257,54.022145
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+                    -2.518296,54.021807
+                    -2.516874,54.021239
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+                    -2.515272,54.020634
+                    -2.513760,54.020495
+                    -2.512892,54.020333
+                    -2.512247,54.020262
+                    -2.510772,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.019408
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013219
+                    -2.511132,54.013095
+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010386
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
+                    -2.509223,54.007668
+                    -2.509223,54.006763
+                    -2.507711,54.005861
+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507804,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
+                    -2.512909,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.006543
+                    -2.514566,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.007621
+                    -2.513497,54.007668
+                    -2.513760,54.007697
+                    -2.515272,54.007835
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+                    -2.515500,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006362
+                    -2.518296,54.006305
+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
+                    -2.514052,53.998618
+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
+                    -2.511967,53.996811
+                    -2.511814,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994603
+                    -2.509787,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995676
+                    -2.507711,53.995881
+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.995004
+                    -2.504894,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.994131
+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
+                    -2.503298,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.990951
+                    -2.505574,53.990479
+                    -2.504750,53.989577
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
+                    -2.503174,53.987865
+                    -2.502978,53.987765
+                    -2.502391,53.986859
+                    -2.501662,53.986278
+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507805,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979707
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977199
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+                    -2.509223,53.976536
+                    -2.508680,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975477
+                    -2.509727,53.975101
+                    -2.509420,53.974195
+                    -2.509223,53.973737
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532263,53.972383
+                    -2.532110,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973799
+                    -2.531213,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974609
+                    -2.532582,53.975101
+                    -2.532813,53.976002
+                    -2.532429,53.976908
+                    -2.532561,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978324
+                    -2.534255,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979120
+                    -2.535980,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.979897
+                    -2.537955,53.980460
+                    -2.539467,53.980131
+                    -2.540480,53.980527
+                    -2.540529,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.981862
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+                    -2.541675,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983727
+                    -2.543824,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984251
+                    -2.545516,53.984723
+                    -2.547028,53.984809
+                    -2.548250,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985229
+                    -2.550052,53.985271
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+                    -2.551280,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987031
+                    -2.551849,53.986859
+                    -2.552051,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985734
+                    -2.554589,53.985572
+                    -2.556101,53.985529
+                    -2.557093,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986268
+                    -2.558210,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985348
+                    -2.559633,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986511
+                    -2.562150,53.986325
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+                    -2.563892,53.987765
+                    -2.563788,53.988667
+                    -2.563834,53.989577
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+                    -2.565639,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991938
+                    -2.564643,53.992286
+                    -2.564089,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.994002
+                    -2.562754,53.994098
+                    -2.563662,53.994217
+                    -2.564441,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995500
+                    -2.565673,53.995910
+                    -2.565434,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997097
+                    -2.563662,53.997035
+                    -2.562150,53.997006
+                    -2.560638,53.996882
+                    -2.560476,53.996811
+                    -2.560638,53.996758
+                    -2.561651,53.995910
+                    -2.561408,53.995004
+                    -2.560638,53.994589
+                    -2.559794,53.994098
+                    -2.559450,53.993192
+                    -2.559278,53.992286
+                    -2.559646,53.991385
+                    -2.559476,53.990479
+                    -2.559125,53.990269
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+                    -2.556919,53.989577
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+                    -2.554589,53.988357
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+                    -2.552475,53.988667
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+                    -2.545276,54.008574
+                    -2.545516,54.008508
+                    -2.545647,54.008574
+                    -2.545543,54.009476
+                    -2.545887,54.010386
+                    -2.546272,54.011288
+                    -2.547028,54.011602
+                    -2.547345,54.012194
+                    -2.547028,54.013038
+                    -2.546923,54.013095
+                    -2.545516,54.013314
+                    -2.544657,54.013095
+                    -2.544003,54.012847
+                    -2.543664,54.013095
+                    -2.543307,54.014001
+                    -2.542491,54.014521
+                    -2.540979,54.014540
+                    -2.540387,54.014907
+                    -2.539467,54.015040
+                    -2.537955,54.015136
+                    -2.536443,54.015050
+                    -2.535531,54.015813
+                    -2.534930,54.015965
+                    -2.533894,54.016719
+                    -2.534930,54.017572
+                    -2.535380,54.017620
+                    -2.534930,54.017830
+                    -2.534142,54.018526
+                    -2.533418,54.019046
+                    -2.531906,54.018989
+                    -2.531129,54.019427
+                    -2.530394,54.020166
+                    -2.530159,54.020333
+                    -2.530394,54.020476
+                    -2.531906,54.020681
+                    -2.532521,54.020333
+                    -2.533418,54.019561
+                    -2.534621,54.020333
+                    -2.534930,54.020572
+                    -2.535562,54.021239
+                    -2.534930,54.021468
+                    -2.534297,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.020791
+                    -2.532704,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.021802
+                    -2.533756,54.022145
+                    -2.534694,54.023051
+                    -2.534930,54.023347
+                    -2.535730,54.023952
+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025397
+                    -2.531906,54.025459
+                    -2.530394,54.025202
+                    -2.528882,54.025354
+                    -2.527369,54.025507
+                    -2.525898,54.024858
+                    -2.525857,54.024844
+                    -2.524345,54.023952
+                    -2.522833,54.023051
+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520257,54.022145
+                    -2.519808,54.021802
+                    -2.518296,54.021807
+                    -2.516874,54.021239
+                    -2.516784,54.021158
+                    -2.515272,54.020634
+                    -2.513760,54.020495
+                    -2.512892,54.020333
+                    -2.512247,54.020262
+                    -2.510772,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.019408
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013219
+                    -2.511132,54.013095
+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010386
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
+                    -2.509223,54.007668
+                    -2.509223,54.006763
+                    -2.507711,54.005861
+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507804,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
+                    -2.512909,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.006543
+                    -2.514566,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.007621
+                    -2.513497,54.007668
+                    -2.513760,54.007697
+                    -2.515272,54.007835
+                    -2.515810,54.007668
+                    -2.515500,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006362
+                    -2.518296,54.006305
+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
+                    -2.514052,53.998618
+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
+                    -2.511967,53.996811
+                    -2.511814,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994603
+                    -2.509787,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995676
+                    -2.507711,53.995881
+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.995004
+                    -2.504894,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.994131
+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
+                    -2.503298,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.990951
+                    -2.505574,53.990479
+                    -2.504750,53.989577
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
+                    -2.503174,53.987865
+                    -2.502978,53.987765
+                    -2.502391,53.986859
+                    -2.501662,53.986278
+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507805,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979707
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977199
+                    -2.509642,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976536
+                    -2.508680,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975477
+                    -2.509727,53.975101
+                    -2.509420,53.974195
+                    -2.509223,53.973737
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532263,53.972383
+                    -2.532110,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973799
+                    -2.531213,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974609
+                    -2.532582,53.975101
+                    -2.532813,53.976002
+                    -2.532429,53.976908
+                    -2.532561,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978324
+                    -2.534255,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979120
+                    -2.535980,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.979897
+                    -2.537955,53.980460
+                    -2.539467,53.980131
+                    -2.540480,53.980527
+                    -2.540529,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.981862
+                    -2.541685,53.982334
+                    -2.541675,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983727
+                    -2.543824,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984251
+                    -2.545516,53.984723
+                    -2.547028,53.984809
+                    -2.548250,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985229
+                    -2.550052,53.985271
+                    -2.551078,53.985953
+                    -2.551280,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987031
+                    -2.551849,53.986859
+                    -2.552051,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985734
+                    -2.554589,53.985572
+                    -2.556101,53.985529
+                    -2.557093,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986268
+                    -2.558210,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985348
+                    -2.559633,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986511
+                    -2.562150,53.986325
+                    -2.562827,53.986859
+                    -2.563662,53.987660
+                    -2.563892,53.987765
+                    -2.563788,53.988667
+                    -2.563834,53.989577
+                    -2.564508,53.990479
+                    -2.565174,53.990788
+                    -2.565639,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991938
+                    -2.564643,53.992286
+                    -2.564089,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.994002
+                    -2.562754,53.994098
+                    -2.563662,53.994217
+                    -2.564441,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995500
+                    -2.565673,53.995910
+                    -2.565434,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997097
+                    -2.563662,53.997035
+                    -2.562150,53.997006
+                    -2.560638,53.996882
+                    -2.560476,53.996811
+                    -2.560638,53.996758
+                    -2.561651,53.995910
+                    -2.561408,53.995004
+                    -2.560638,53.994589
+                    -2.559794,53.994098
+                    -2.559450,53.993192
+                    -2.559278,53.992286
+                    -2.559646,53.991385
+                    -2.559476,53.990479
+                    -2.559125,53.990269
+                    -2.557613,53.990188
+                    -2.556919,53.989577
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+                    -2.555106,53.988667
+                    -2.554589,53.988357
+                    -2.553077,53.988309
+                    -2.552475,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989096
+                    -2.554589,53.989577
+                    -2.554591,53.989577
+                    -2.555382,53.990479
+                    -2.554967,53.991385
+                    -2.555212,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992629
+                    -2.553352,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993516
+                    -2.552220,53.994098
+                    -2.551564,53.994389
+                    -2.550220,53.995004
+                    -2.550052,53.995094
+                    -2.548701,53.995910
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+                    -2.542491,53.998704
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+                    -2.539470,54.000430
+                    -2.539467,54.000430
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+                    -2.545543,54.009476
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+                    -2.537955,54.015136
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+                    -2.534930,54.017572
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+                    -2.534930,54.017830
+                    -2.534142,54.018526
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+                    -2.530394,54.020476
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+                    -2.532521,54.020333
+                    -2.533418,54.019561
+                    -2.534621,54.020333
+                    -2.534930,54.020572
+                    -2.535562,54.021239
+                    -2.534930,54.021468
+                    -2.534297,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.020791
+                    -2.532704,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.021802
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+                    -2.534694,54.023051
+                    -2.534930,54.023347
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+                    -2.534930,54.024858
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+                    -2.530394,54.025202
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+                    -2.524345,54.023952
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+                    -2.513760,54.020495
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+                    -2.512247,54.020262
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+                    -2.510735,54.019408
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013219
+                    -2.511132,54.013095
+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010386
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
+                    -2.509223,54.007668
+                    -2.509223,54.006763
+                    -2.507711,54.005861
+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507804,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
+                    -2.512909,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.006543
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+                    -2.567862,54.014001
+                    -2.567682,54.013095
+                    -2.568195,54.012194
+                    -2.568199,54.012189
+                    -2.569711,54.011445
+                    -2.569841,54.011288
+                    -2.570258,54.010386
+                    -2.570472,54.009476
+                    -2.570300,54.008574
+                    -2.570868,54.007668
+                    -2.571223,54.007397
+                    -2.572463,54.007668
+                    -2.572735,54.007759
+                    -2.573629,54.007668
+                    -2.574248,54.007640
+                    -2.575710,54.006763
+                    -2.575200,54.005861
+                    -2.574824,54.004951
+                    -2.574793,54.004049
+                    -2.574248,54.003558
+                    -2.573442,54.003143
+                    -2.574248,54.002733
+                    -2.574917,54.003143
+                    -2.575760,54.003482
+                    -2.576842,54.004049
+                    -2.577062,54.004951
+                    -2.577272,54.005046
+                    -2.578574,54.005861
+                    -2.578784,54.005990
+                    -2.579371,54.005861
+                    -2.580296,54.005427
+                    -2.580296,54.004951
+                    -2.580296,54.004049
+                    -2.580296,54.003143
+                    -2.580296,54.002242
+                    -2.581809,54.001336
+                    -2.581809,54.000430
+                    -2.581809,53.999782
+                    -2.580296,54.000001
+                    -2.579865,54.000430
+                    -2.578784,54.001036
+                    -2.577634,54.000430
+                    -2.578150,53.999524
+                    -2.578784,53.999019
+                    -2.579470,53.998618
+                    -2.578784,53.997717
+                    -2.578784,53.997107
+                    -2.577410,53.997717
+                    -2.577272,53.997798
+                    -2.575760,53.997965
+                    -2.574248,53.997760
+                    -2.573943,53.997717
+                    -2.572735,53.997641
+                    -2.572574,53.997717
+                    -2.571223,53.998199
+                    -2.569711,53.998480
+                    -2.568647,53.997717
+                    -2.568199,53.997035
+                    -2.566687,53.997607
+                    -2.566315,53.997717
+                    -2.565174,53.998494
+                    -2.564599,53.998618
+                    -2.563662,53.999033
+                    -2.563310,53.999524
+                    -2.563359,54.000430
+                    -2.563662,54.000945
+                    -2.565174,54.001288
+                    -2.566126,54.000430
+                    -2.566687,53.999991
+                    -2.567395,54.000430
+                    -2.566909,54.001336
+                    -2.566687,54.001660
+                    -2.566048,54.002242
+                    -2.565174,54.002547
+                    -2.563744,54.002242
+                    -2.563662,54.002223
+                    -2.562150,54.002118
+                    -2.562001,54.002242
+                    -2.560638,54.002972
+                    -2.559125,54.002795
+                    -2.557613,54.002991
+                    -2.556437,54.003143
+                    -2.556101,54.003520
+                    -2.555231,54.004049
+                    -2.554589,54.004192
+                    -2.554164,54.004049
+                    -2.553077,54.003701
+                    -2.551564,54.003448
+                    -2.550052,54.003196
+                    -2.550029,54.003143
+                    -2.550052,54.003062
+                    -2.550157,54.002242
+                    -2.550052,54.002013
+                    -2.548540,54.001350
+                    -2.548523,54.001336
+                    -2.548152,54.000430
+                    -2.547638,53.999524
+                    -2.547028,53.999038
+                    -2.545573,53.999524
+                    -2.545516,53.999815
+                    -2.545318,53.999524
+                    -2.544003,53.999486
+                    -2.543734,53.999524
+                    -2.543431,54.000430
+                    -2.544003,54.000773
+                    -2.545077,54.001336
+                    -2.544969,54.002242
+                    -2.544049,54.003143
+                    -2.544003,54.003296
+                    -2.543654,54.004049
+                    -2.542491,54.004426
+                    -2.541217,54.004049
+                    -2.542015,54.003143
+                    -2.540979,54.002733
+                    -2.539467,54.002471
+                    -2.538790,54.002242
+                    -2.537958,54.001336
+                    -2.539467,54.000564
+                    -2.539856,54.000430
+                    -2.540979,53.999624
+                    -2.541210,53.999524
+                    -2.542491,53.998981
+                    -2.542662,53.998618
+                    -2.544003,53.997917
+                    -2.544791,53.997717
+                    -2.545516,53.997269
+                    -2.547028,53.996978
+                    -2.547842,53.996811
+                    -2.548540,53.996453
+                    -2.548933,53.995910
+                    -2.550052,53.995237
+                    -2.550477,53.995004
+                    -2.551564,53.994508
+                    -2.552480,53.994098
+                    -2.553077,53.993692
+                    -2.553502,53.993192
+                    -2.554589,53.992691
+                    -2.555337,53.992286
+                    -2.555063,53.991385
+                    -2.555542,53.990479
+                    -2.554915,53.989577
+                    -2.556101,53.989234
+                    -2.556743,53.989577
+                    -2.557613,53.990340
+                    -2.559125,53.990412
+                    -2.559243,53.990479
+                    -2.559435,53.991385
+                    -2.559125,53.991981
+                    -2.558651,53.991385
+                    -2.557613,53.990674
+                    -2.557268,53.991385
+                    -2.557374,53.992286
+                    -2.556171,53.993192
+                    -2.556101,53.993220
+                    -2.555592,53.994098
+                    -2.554589,53.994675
+                    -2.553653,53.995004
+                    -2.553077,53.995323
+                    -2.552295,53.995910
+                    -2.551564,53.996634
+                    -2.551266,53.996811
+                    -2.551564,53.997545
+                    -2.552118,53.997717
+                    -2.551564,53.997874
+                    -2.551299,53.998618
+                    -2.551267,53.999524
+                    -2.551564,53.999748
+                    -2.552588,53.999524
+                    -2.553077,53.999348
+                    -2.553292,53.999524
+                    -2.554389,54.000430
+                    -2.553077,54.000797
+                    -2.551564,54.000916
+                    -2.550667,54.001336
+                    -2.551564,54.001555
+                    -2.553077,54.001489
+                    -2.554589,54.001536
+                    -2.556101,54.001479
+                    -2.557613,54.001374
+                    -2.557775,54.001336
+                    -2.558192,54.000430
+                    -2.557613,54.000063
+                    -2.556101,53.999958
+                    -2.555304,53.999524
+                    -2.556101,53.999085
+                    -2.557613,53.999109
+                    -2.559125,53.999515
+                    -2.559165,53.999524
+                    -2.560638,53.999629
+                    -2.560749,53.999524
+                    -2.561058,53.998618
+                    -2.560638,53.998203
+                    -2.559332,53.997717
+                    -2.559125,53.997526
+                    -2.558072,53.996811
+                    -2.558307,53.995910
+                    -2.559125,53.995571
+                    -2.559859,53.995004
+                    -2.560638,53.994746
+                    -2.561113,53.995004
+                    -2.561468,53.995910
+                    -2.560638,53.996606
+                    -2.560013,53.996811
+                    -2.560638,53.997073
+                    -2.562150,53.997092
+                    -2.563662,53.997121
+                    -2.565174,53.997188
+                    -2.565513,53.996811
+                    -2.565897,53.995910
+                    -2.566687,53.995337
+                    -2.567453,53.995910
+                    -2.568199,53.996644
+                    -2.569711,53.996296
+                    -2.571223,53.996100
+                    -2.571763,53.995910
+                    -2.572735,53.995166
+                    -2.574248,53.995261
+                    -2.575760,53.995295
+                    -2.577272,53.995590
+                    -2.577272,53.995004
+                    -2.577272,53.994098
+                    -2.577272,53.993506
+                    -2.575760,53.993645
+                    -2.574248,53.993664
+                    -2.573482,53.993192
+                    -2.574211,53.992286
+                    -2.572927,53.991385
+                    -2.572735,53.990479
+                    -2.572735,53.989577
+                    -2.571223,53.988667
+                    -2.571223,53.987765
+                    -2.571223,53.986859
+                    -2.571223,53.985953
+                    -2.571223,53.985052
+                    -2.571223,53.984141
+                    -2.571223,53.983240
+                    -2.569711,53.982334
+                    -2.568199,53.981433
+                    -2.568199,53.980527
+                    -2.566687,53.980422
+                    -2.566642,53.980527
+                    -2.566687,53.980594
+                    -2.567366,53.981433
+                    -2.566867,53.982334
+                    -2.566687,53.982463
+                    -2.565174,53.982949
+                    -2.564847,53.983240
+                    -2.563662,53.984098
+                    -2.563172,53.983240
+                    -2.563662,53.982592
+                    -2.564274,53.982334
+                    -2.564177,53.981433
+                    -2.564258,53.980527
+                    -2.564110,53.979621
+                    -2.563662,53.979430
+                    -2.563347,53.979621
+                    -2.562150,53.980117
+                    -2.561663,53.979621
+                    -2.562150,53.978791
+                    -2.562275,53.978715
+                    -2.562311,53.977809
+                    -2.562150,53.977184
+                    -2.562069,53.976908
+                    -2.560638,53.976002
+                    -2.559125,53.976002
+                    -2.557613,53.976002
+                    -2.556101,53.975101
+                    -2.554589,53.975101
+                    -2.553077,53.974195
+                    -2.551564,53.974195
+                    -2.550052,53.973289
+                    -2.548540,53.973289
+                    -2.547028,53.973289
+                    -2.545516,53.973289
+                    -2.544003,53.972383
+                    -2.542491,53.972383
+                    -2.540979,53.972383
+                    -2.539467,53.972383
+                    -2.539114,53.972383
+                    -2.537955,53.972511
+                    -2.537566,53.972383
+                    -2.536443,53.972383
+                    -2.534930,53.972383
+                    -2.534520,53.972383
+                    -2.534693,53.973289
+                    -2.534689,53.974195
+                    -2.534082,53.975101
+                    -2.533841,53.976002
+                    -2.534302,53.976908
+                    -2.534930,53.977599
+                    -2.535281,53.977809
+                    -2.536443,53.978300
+                    -2.537583,53.978715
+                    -2.537955,53.978853
+                    -2.539467,53.979197
+                    -2.540600,53.979621
+                    -2.539467,53.980045
+                    -2.537955,53.980379
+                    -2.536443,53.979774
+                    -2.536191,53.979621
+                    -2.534930,53.979020
+                    -2.534422,53.978715
+                    -2.533418,53.978248
+                    -2.532692,53.977809
+                    -2.532534,53.976908
+                    -2.532995,53.976002
+                    -2.532729,53.975101
+                    -2.531906,53.974504
+                    -2.531390,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.973899
+                    -2.532151,53.973289
+                    -2.532335,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.509223,53.970575
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.507711,53.973289
+                    -2.506199,53.974195
+                    -2.506199,53.974695
+                    -2.507711,53.974624
+                    -2.509223,53.974471
+                    -2.509471,53.975101
+                    -2.509223,53.975286
+                    -2.508483,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.976727
+                    -2.509424,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.977046
+                    -2.507943,53.977809
+                    -2.507711,53.977928
+                    -2.506199,53.978324
+                    -2.504698,53.978715
+                    -2.504686,53.978724
+                    -2.503174,53.978820
+                    -2.501912,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.980379
+                    -2.503458,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981261
+                    -2.506199,53.980699
+                    -2.506251,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979740
+                    -2.508913,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.981400
+                    -2.507437,53.981433
+                    -2.506199,53.981981
+                    -2.505402,53.982334
+                    -2.506153,53.983240
+                    -2.504686,53.984075
+                    -2.503340,53.983240
+                    -2.503315,53.982334
+                    -2.503174,53.982158
+                    -2.503108,53.982334
+                    -2.502276,53.983240
+                    -2.501662,53.983650
+                    -2.501465,53.984141
+                    -2.501470,53.985052
+                    -2.500645,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.986812
+                    -2.501724,53.986859
+                    -2.501853,53.987765
+                    -2.501662,53.987875
+                    -2.501662,53.988667
+                    -2.501662,53.989577
+                    -2.501662,53.990479
+                    -2.501662,53.991385
+                    -2.501662,53.992286
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.994374
+                    -2.502756,53.995004
+                    -2.502268,53.995910
+                    -2.502043,53.996811
+                    -2.501662,53.997188
+                    -2.501662,53.997717
+                    -2.503174,53.998618
+                    -2.503174,53.999524
+                    -2.503174,54.000430
+                    -2.503174,54.001336
+                    -2.503174,54.002242
+                    -2.503174,54.002943
+                    -2.503642,54.003143
+                    -2.504686,54.003787
+                    -2.506199,54.003572
+                    -2.506657,54.003143
+                    -2.506199,54.002643
+                    -2.504943,54.002242
+                    -2.504686,54.001966
+                    -2.503619,54.001336
+                    -2.504376,54.000430
+                    -2.504686,54.000268
+                    -2.504805,54.000430
+                    -2.505791,54.001336
+                    -2.506199,54.001470
+                    -2.506429,54.001336
+                    -2.507711,54.001060
+                    -2.509223,54.001098
+                    -2.509353,54.001336
+                    -2.509223,54.001451
+                    -2.508916,54.002242
+                    -2.508814,54.003143
+                    -2.509223,54.003611
+                    -2.510028,54.004049
+                    -2.510735,54.004264
+                    -2.512247,54.004250
+                    -2.513568,54.004951
+                    -2.513760,54.005365
+                    -2.515272,54.005213
+                    -2.516784,54.005160
+                    -2.518296,54.005313
+                    -2.519095,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.006205
+                    -2.516784,54.006267
+                    -2.515272,54.006715
+                    -2.513760,54.006286
+                    -2.512247,54.006443
+                    -2.510735,54.006019
+                    -2.510520,54.005861
+                    -2.509223,54.005494
+                    -2.508151,54.004951
+                    -2.507711,54.004722
+                    -2.506199,54.004493
+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.507711,54.005861
+                    -2.509223,54.006763
+                    -2.509223,54.007668
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.009738
+                    -2.512247,54.009829
+                    -2.513760,54.009881
+                    -2.514182,54.010386
+                    -2.514624,54.011288
+                    -2.513760,54.011459
+                    -2.513138,54.012194
+                    -2.512247,54.012938
+                    -2.510739,54.012194
+                    -2.510735,54.012179
+                    -2.510735,54.012194
+                    -2.510735,54.013095
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510120,54.019427
+                    -2.510414,54.020333
+                    -2.510735,54.020576
+                    -2.512247,54.020777
+                    -2.513760,54.020877
+                    -2.515272,54.020867
+                    -2.516324,54.021239
+                    -2.516784,54.021444
+                    -2.518296,54.021926
+                    -2.519808,54.021964
+                    -2.520044,54.022145
+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.522833,54.023051
+                    -2.524345,54.023952
+                    -2.525857,54.024858
+                    -2.527369,54.025760
+                    -2.527610,54.025760
+                    -2.528882,54.025569
+                    -2.530394,54.025335
+                    -2.531906,54.025612
+                    -2.533418,54.025540
+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.536155,54.023952
+                    -2.534938,54.023051
+                    -2.534930,54.023042
+                    -2.533896,54.022145
+                    -2.533418,54.021659
+                    -2.532884,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.020901
+                    -2.534075,54.021239
+                    -2.534930,54.021549
+                    -2.535783,54.021239
+                    -2.534930,54.020343
+                    -2.534921,54.020333
+                    -2.533652,54.019427
+                    -2.534908,54.018526
+                    -2.534930,54.018507
+                    -2.536443,54.017925
+                    -2.537919,54.018526
+                    -2.537955,54.018545
+                    -2.539412,54.019427
+                    -2.539467,54.019446
+                    -2.539500,54.019427
+                    -2.540979,54.018931
+                    -2.541684,54.019427
+                    -2.541801,54.020333
+                    -2.540979,54.020667
+                    -2.539688,54.021239
+                    -2.539467,54.021425
+                    -2.539280,54.022145
+                    -2.539467,54.022651
+                    -2.540979,54.022145
+                    -2.541867,54.021239
+                    -2.542491,54.020705
+                    -2.542491,54.020333
+                    -2.542491,54.019427
+                    -2.542491,54.018526
+                    -2.542491,54.017620
+                    -2.542491,54.016719
+                    -2.542491,54.016342
+                    -2.540979,54.016185
+                    -2.539467,54.016352
+                    -2.538643,54.016719
+                    -2.537955,54.017415
+                    -2.536443,54.017558
+                    -2.534930,54.017406
+                    -2.534091,54.016719
+                    -2.534930,54.016109
+                    -2.536090,54.015813
+                    -2.536443,54.015517
+                    -2.537955,54.015317
+                    -2.539467,54.015250
+                    -2.540979,54.015203
+                    -2.542214,54.014907
+                    -2.542491,54.014859
+                    -2.543845,54.014001
+                    -2.544003,54.013610
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diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlContours_2.f90 b/wkml/test/test_kmlContours_2.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f47cf6b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlContours_2.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+program test
+use FoX_wkml
+use m_contours_test_data_sp, only : long, lat, cdata, setup_values
+implicit none
+type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+real :: latpoints(61,69)
+real :: longpoints(61,69)
+integer :: i
+call setup_values()
+forall(i = 1:69) latpoints(:,i) = lat(i)
+forall(i = 1:61) longpoints(i,:) = long(i)
+call kmlBeginFile(xf,"test.xml", -1)
+call kmlCreateContours(xf,longpoints,latpoints,values=cdata,name='test contours', & 
+                       contour_values=(/0.0,0.001,0.002,0.003,0.004,   &
+                                        0.005,0.006,0.007,0.01,0.02/), & 
+                       regions=.true.)
+call kmlFinishFile(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlContours_2.xml b/wkml/test/test_kmlContours_2.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0a1d0b0
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+                    -2.533881,54.023952
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+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533683,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.024696
+                    -2.531906,54.024792
+                    -2.530394,54.024267
+                    -2.528882,54.024234
+                    -2.527369,54.024224
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+                    -2.524345,54.023180
+                    -2.524075,54.023051
+                    -2.522833,54.022369
+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.521108,54.022145
+                    -2.520336,54.021239
+                    -2.519808,54.020915
+                    -2.519162,54.021239
+                    -2.518296,54.021330
+                    -2.518080,54.021239
+                    -2.517541,54.020333
+                    -2.516784,54.019885
+                    -2.515272,54.019675
+                    -2.513760,54.019618
+                    -2.512480,54.019427
+                    -2.512247,54.019289
+                    -2.510735,54.018612
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.017329
+                    -2.511205,54.017620
+                    -2.512247,54.018250
+                    -2.513760,54.018278
+                    -2.515272,54.018269
+                    -2.516479,54.017620
+                    -2.515332,54.016719
+                    -2.515272,54.016681
+                    -2.513760,54.015851
+                    -2.512247,54.015937
+                    -2.510735,54.016042
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014611
+                    -2.512247,54.014568
+                    -2.513266,54.014001
+                    -2.513397,54.013095
+                    -2.513656,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.012070
+                    -2.514092,54.012194
+                    -2.515272,54.012899
+                    -2.516452,54.012194
+                    -2.516478,54.011288
+                    -2.515272,54.010391
+                    -2.515265,54.010386
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+                    -2.515272,54.009328
+                    -2.516651,54.008574
+                    -2.516784,54.008512
+                    -2.518190,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.006820
+                    -2.516719,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006743
+                    -2.518296,54.006710
+                    -2.518537,54.006763
+                    -2.518399,54.007668
+                    -2.519808,54.008412
+                    -2.521321,54.008470
+                    -2.522661,54.007668
+                    -2.522393,54.006763
+                    -2.522779,54.005861
+                    -2.522833,54.005818
+                    -2.524127,54.004951
+                    -2.524345,54.004712
+                    -2.525322,54.004049
+                    -2.525578,54.003143
+                    -2.525101,54.002242
+                    -2.524345,54.001718
+                    -2.523992,54.001336
+                    -2.522833,54.000640
+                    -2.522413,54.000430
+                    -2.521321,53.999782
+                    -2.519808,53.999729
+                    -2.518296,53.999648
+                    -2.518061,53.999524
+                    -2.516784,53.998713
+                    -2.516641,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.997808
+                    -2.515121,53.997717
+                    -2.515117,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996010
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+                    -2.512247,53.994684
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+                    -2.509223,53.994441
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+                    -2.506199,53.994331
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+                    -2.504686,53.992667
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+                    -2.504686,53.991828
+                    -2.504591,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991351
+                    -2.506199,53.990870
+                    -2.506870,53.990479
+                    -2.506199,53.989882
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+                    -2.506199,53.989496
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+                    -2.509123,53.988667
+                    -2.509223,53.988600
+                    -2.510735,53.988400
+                    -2.511908,53.987765
+                    -2.512247,53.987598
+                    -2.513530,53.986859
+                    -2.512247,53.986182
+                    -2.511112,53.986859
+                    -2.510735,53.987136
+                    -2.509223,53.987083
+                    -2.507711,53.986959
+                    -2.507632,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986826
+                    -2.509223,53.986230
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+                    -2.509223,53.985686
+                    -2.507711,53.985095
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+                    -2.507711,53.984933
+                    -2.508872,53.984141
+                    -2.508989,53.983240
+                    -2.508977,53.982334
+                    -2.509223,53.981900
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+                    -2.510735,53.981423
+                    -2.512167,53.980527
+                    -2.510735,53.979716
+                    -2.509385,53.980527
+                    -2.509223,53.981071
+                    -2.509171,53.980527
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+                    -2.507711,53.979068
+                    -2.506783,53.979621
+                    -2.506199,53.979793
+                    -2.504686,53.979907
+                    -2.504124,53.979621
+                    -2.504686,53.979473
+                    -2.506113,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978691
+                    -2.507711,53.978586
+                    -2.509223,53.977828
+                    -2.509258,53.977809
+                    -2.510516,53.976908
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+                    -2.510735,53.975167
+                    -2.510826,53.975101
+                    -2.511023,53.974195
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+                    -2.515272,53.970771
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+                    -2.512247,53.969960
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+                    -2.510735,53.970733
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+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
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+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
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+                    -2.528882,53.974881
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+                    -2.528882,53.975239
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+                    -2.521321,53.977718
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+                    -2.521623,53.981433
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+                    -2.534527,54.010386
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+                    -2.533418,54.011402
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+                    -2.528620,54.013095
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+                    -2.531906,54.018569
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
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+                    -2.515272,54.018269
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+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014611
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+                    -2.516784,54.006820
+                    -2.516719,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006743
+                    -2.518296,54.006710
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+                    -2.518399,54.007668
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+                    -2.521321,54.008470
+                    -2.522661,54.007668
+                    -2.522393,54.006763
+                    -2.522779,54.005861
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+                    -2.524345,54.004712
+                    -2.525322,54.004049
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+                    -2.525101,54.002242
+                    -2.524345,54.001718
+                    -2.523992,54.001336
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+                    -2.522413,54.000430
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+                    -2.518296,53.999648
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+                    -2.506199,53.994331
+                    -2.505938,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993263
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+                    -2.504686,53.992667
+                    -2.505067,53.992286
+                    -2.504686,53.991828
+                    -2.504591,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991351
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+                    -2.506199,53.989882
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+                    -2.506199,53.989496
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+                    -2.509223,53.988600
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+                    -2.512247,53.987598
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+                    -2.512247,53.986182
+                    -2.511112,53.986859
+                    -2.510735,53.987136
+                    -2.509223,53.987083
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+                    -2.507632,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986826
+                    -2.509223,53.986230
+                    -2.509702,53.985953
+                    -2.509223,53.985686
+                    -2.507711,53.985095
+                    -2.507559,53.985052
+                    -2.507711,53.984933
+                    -2.508872,53.984141
+                    -2.508989,53.983240
+                    -2.508977,53.982334
+                    -2.509223,53.981900
+                    -2.510583,53.981433
+                    -2.510735,53.981423
+                    -2.512167,53.980527
+                    -2.510735,53.979716
+                    -2.509385,53.980527
+                    -2.509223,53.981071
+                    -2.509171,53.980527
+                    -2.508632,53.979621
+                    -2.507711,53.979068
+                    -2.506783,53.979621
+                    -2.506199,53.979793
+                    -2.504686,53.979907
+                    -2.504124,53.979621
+                    -2.504686,53.979473
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+                    -2.509223,53.977828
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+                    -2.530291,54.017620
+                    -2.528882,54.016781
+                    -2.528659,54.016719
+                    -2.528695,54.015813
+                    -2.527369,54.015007
+                    -2.527318,54.014907
+                    -2.527269,54.014001
+                    -2.527245,54.013095
+                    -2.525857,54.012275
+                    -2.525472,54.012194
+                    -2.525857,54.012156
+                    -2.527303,54.011288
+                    -2.527180,54.010386
+                    -2.527369,54.010239
+                    -2.528688,54.009476
+                    -2.528882,54.009209
+                    -2.529449,54.009476
+                    -2.530394,54.009986
+                    -2.531240,54.009476
+                    -2.531906,54.009237
+                    -2.533418,54.009151
+                    -2.534746,54.008574
+                    -2.534587,54.007668
+                    -2.534930,54.007521
+                    -2.535999,54.007668
+                    -2.535026,54.008574
+                    -2.535546,54.009476
+                    -2.534930,54.010110
+                    -2.534527,54.010386
+                    -2.533535,54.011288
+                    -2.533418,54.011402
+                    -2.531906,54.011593
+                    -2.530394,54.011550
+                    -2.529187,54.012194
+                    -2.528882,54.012861
+                    -2.528620,54.013095
+                    -2.527755,54.014001
+                    -2.528749,54.014907
+                    -2.528882,54.014978
+                    -2.530394,54.015636
+                    -2.531784,54.015813
+                    -2.531021,54.016719
+                    -2.531738,54.017620
+                    -2.531906,54.017806
+                    -2.532098,54.018526
+                    -2.531906,54.018569
+                    -2.530394,54.019403
+                    -2.530348,54.019427
+                    -2.529137,54.020333
+                    -2.530394,54.021087
+                    -2.531906,54.021182
+                    -2.531985,54.021239
+                    -2.532494,54.022145
+                    -2.533418,54.022698
+                    -2.533673,54.023051
+                    -2.533881,54.023952
+                    -2.534930,54.024577
+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533683,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.024696
+                    -2.531906,54.024792
+                    -2.530394,54.024267
+                    -2.528882,54.024234
+                    -2.527369,54.024224
+                    -2.525857,54.024029
+                    -2.525717,54.023952
+                    -2.524345,54.023180
+                    -2.524075,54.023051
+                    -2.522833,54.022369
+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.521108,54.022145
+                    -2.520336,54.021239
+                    -2.519808,54.020915
+                    -2.519162,54.021239
+                    -2.518296,54.021330
+                    -2.518080,54.021239
+                    -2.517541,54.020333
+                    -2.516784,54.019885
+                    -2.515272,54.019675
+                    -2.513760,54.019618
+                    -2.512480,54.019427
+                    -2.512247,54.019289
+                    -2.510735,54.018612
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.017329
+                    -2.511205,54.017620
+                    -2.512247,54.018250
+                    -2.513760,54.018278
+                    -2.515272,54.018269
+                    -2.516479,54.017620
+                    -2.515332,54.016719
+                    -2.515272,54.016681
+                    -2.513760,54.015851
+                    -2.512247,54.015937
+                    -2.510735,54.016042
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014611
+                    -2.512247,54.014568
+                    -2.513266,54.014001
+                    -2.513397,54.013095
+                    -2.513656,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.012070
+                    -2.514092,54.012194
+                    -2.515272,54.012899
+                    -2.516452,54.012194
+                    -2.516478,54.011288
+                    -2.515272,54.010391
+                    -2.515265,54.010386
+                    -2.515076,54.009476
+                    -2.515272,54.009328
+                    -2.516651,54.008574
+                    -2.516784,54.008512
+                    -2.518190,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.006820
+                    -2.516719,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006743
+                    -2.518296,54.006710
+                    -2.518537,54.006763
+                    -2.518399,54.007668
+                    -2.519808,54.008412
+                    -2.521321,54.008470
+                    -2.522661,54.007668
+                    -2.522393,54.006763
+                    -2.522779,54.005861
+                    -2.522833,54.005818
+                    -2.524127,54.004951
+                    -2.524345,54.004712
+                    -2.525322,54.004049
+                    -2.525578,54.003143
+                    -2.525101,54.002242
+                    -2.524345,54.001718
+                    -2.523992,54.001336
+                    -2.522833,54.000640
+                    -2.522413,54.000430
+                    -2.521321,53.999782
+                    -2.519808,53.999729
+                    -2.518296,53.999648
+                    -2.518061,53.999524
+                    -2.516784,53.998713
+                    -2.516641,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.997808
+                    -2.515121,53.997717
+                    -2.515117,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996010
+                    -2.513308,53.995910
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+                    -2.512247,53.994684
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+                    -2.509223,53.994441
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+                    -2.506199,53.994331
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+                    -2.504686,53.993263
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+                    -2.504686,53.992667
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+                    -2.504686,53.991828
+                    -2.504591,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991351
+                    -2.506199,53.990870
+                    -2.506870,53.990479
+                    -2.506199,53.989882
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+                    -2.506199,53.989496
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+                    -2.509223,53.988600
+                    -2.510735,53.988400
+                    -2.511908,53.987765
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+                    -2.512247,53.986182
+                    -2.511112,53.986859
+                    -2.510735,53.987136
+                    -2.509223,53.987083
+                    -2.507711,53.986959
+                    -2.507632,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986826
+                    -2.509223,53.986230
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+                    -2.509223,53.985686
+                    -2.507711,53.985095
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+                    -2.507711,53.984933
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+                    -2.508989,53.983240
+                    -2.508977,53.982334
+                    -2.509223,53.981900
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+                    -2.510735,53.981423
+                    -2.512167,53.980527
+                    -2.510735,53.979716
+                    -2.509385,53.980527
+                    -2.509223,53.981071
+                    -2.509171,53.980527
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+                    -2.507711,53.979068
+                    -2.506783,53.979621
+                    -2.506199,53.979793
+                    -2.504686,53.979907
+                    -2.504124,53.979621
+                    -2.504686,53.979473
+                    -2.506113,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978691
+                    -2.507711,53.978586
+                    -2.509223,53.977828
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+                    -2.510516,53.976908
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+                    -2.510735,53.975167
+                    -2.510826,53.975101
+                    -2.511023,53.974195
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+                    -2.513760,53.973136
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+                    -2.515272,53.970771
+                    -2.513760,53.970747
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+                    -2.512247,53.969960
+                    -2.511135,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.970733
+                    -2.510502,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
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+                    -2.528882,53.972383
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+                    -2.531906,53.973389
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+                    -2.527803,53.974195
+                    -2.528882,53.974881
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+                    -2.528882,53.975239
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+                    -2.521321,53.977718
+                    -2.521607,53.977809
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+                    -2.522833,53.979826
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+                    -2.521623,53.981433
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+                    -2.521321,53.982444
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+                    -2.521321,53.984032
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+                    -2.535026,54.008574
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+                    -2.534527,54.010386
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+                    -2.533418,54.011402
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+                    -2.528620,54.013095
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+                    -2.531906,54.018569
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+                    -2.530394,54.021087
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.017329
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+                    -2.513760,54.018278
+                    -2.515272,54.018269
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+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014611
+                    -2.512247,54.014568
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+                    -2.515272,54.009328
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+                    -2.516784,54.006820
+                    -2.516719,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006743
+                    -2.518296,54.006710
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+                    -2.518399,54.007668
+                    -2.519808,54.008412
+                    -2.521321,54.008470
+                    -2.522661,54.007668
+                    -2.522393,54.006763
+                    -2.522779,54.005861
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+                    -2.524127,54.004951
+                    -2.524345,54.004712
+                    -2.525322,54.004049
+                    -2.525578,54.003143
+                    -2.525101,54.002242
+                    -2.524345,54.001718
+                    -2.523992,54.001336
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+                    -2.518296,53.999648
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+                    -2.516641,53.998618
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+                    -2.509223,53.994441
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+                    -2.506199,53.994331
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+                    -2.504686,53.992667
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+                    -2.504686,53.991828
+                    -2.504591,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991351
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+                    -2.506199,53.989496
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+                    -2.509223,53.988600
+                    -2.510735,53.988400
+                    -2.511908,53.987765
+                    -2.512247,53.987598
+                    -2.513530,53.986859
+                    -2.512247,53.986182
+                    -2.511112,53.986859
+                    -2.510735,53.987136
+                    -2.509223,53.987083
+                    -2.507711,53.986959
+                    -2.507632,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986826
+                    -2.509223,53.986230
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+                    -2.509223,53.985686
+                    -2.507711,53.985095
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+                    -2.507711,53.984933
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+                    -2.508989,53.983240
+                    -2.508977,53.982334
+                    -2.509223,53.981900
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+                    -2.510735,53.981423
+                    -2.512167,53.980527
+                    -2.510735,53.979716
+                    -2.509385,53.980527
+                    -2.509223,53.981071
+                    -2.509171,53.980527
+                    -2.508632,53.979621
+                    -2.507711,53.979068
+                    -2.506783,53.979621
+                    -2.506199,53.979793
+                    -2.504686,53.979907
+                    -2.504124,53.979621
+                    -2.504686,53.979473
+                    -2.506113,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978691
+                    -2.507711,53.978586
+                    -2.509223,53.977828
+                    -2.509258,53.977809
+                    -2.510516,53.976908
+                    -2.510171,53.976002
+                    -2.510735,53.975167
+                    -2.510826,53.975101
+                    -2.511023,53.974195
+                    -2.512247,53.973336
+                    -2.512377,53.973289
+                    -2.513760,53.973136
+                    -2.515066,53.972383
+                    -2.515272,53.972282
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+                    -2.515272,53.970771
+                    -2.513760,53.970747
+                    -2.513347,53.970575
+                    -2.512247,53.969960
+                    -2.511135,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.970733
+                    -2.510502,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
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+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
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+                    -2.531906,53.973389
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+                    -2.530394,53.974376
+                    -2.530093,53.974195
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+                    -2.527803,53.974195
+                    -2.528882,53.974881
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+                    -2.528882,53.975239
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+                    -2.525857,53.977098
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+                    -2.524100,53.977809
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+                    -2.521321,53.976092
+                    -2.519808,53.976192
+                    -2.518409,53.976908
+                    -2.519808,53.977618
+                    -2.521321,53.977718
+                    -2.521607,53.977809
+                    -2.521449,53.978715
+                    -2.522833,53.979502
+                    -2.523005,53.979621
+                    -2.522833,53.979826
+                    -2.521656,53.980527
+                    -2.521623,53.981433
+                    -2.521906,53.982334
+                    -2.521321,53.982444
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+                    -2.521321,53.984032
+                    -2.521436,53.984141
+                    -2.521321,53.984284
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+                    -2.532098,54.018526
+                    -2.531906,54.018569
+                    -2.530394,54.019403
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+                    -2.513760,54.019618
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+                    -2.512247,54.019289
+                    -2.510735,54.018612
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.017329
+                    -2.511205,54.017620
+                    -2.512247,54.018250
+                    -2.513760,54.018278
+                    -2.515272,54.018269
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+                    -2.515272,54.016681
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+                    -2.512247,54.015937
+                    -2.510735,54.016042
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014611
+                    -2.512247,54.014568
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+                    -2.515272,54.009328
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+                    -2.518190,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.006820
+                    -2.516719,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006743
+                    -2.518296,54.006710
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+                    -2.518399,54.007668
+                    -2.519808,54.008412
+                    -2.521321,54.008470
+                    -2.522661,54.007668
+                    -2.522393,54.006763
+                    -2.522779,54.005861
+                    -2.522833,54.005818
+                    -2.524127,54.004951
+                    -2.524345,54.004712
+                    -2.525322,54.004049
+                    -2.525578,54.003143
+                    -2.525101,54.002242
+                    -2.524345,54.001718
+                    -2.523992,54.001336
+                    -2.522833,54.000640
+                    -2.522413,54.000430
+                    -2.521321,53.999782
+                    -2.519808,53.999729
+                    -2.518296,53.999648
+                    -2.518061,53.999524
+                    -2.516784,53.998713
+                    -2.516641,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.997808
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+                    -2.515117,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996010
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+                    -2.512247,53.994684
+                    -2.510735,53.994198
+                    -2.509223,53.994441
+                    -2.507711,53.994350
+                    -2.506199,53.994331
+                    -2.505938,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993263
+                    -2.504536,53.993192
+                    -2.504686,53.992667
+                    -2.505067,53.992286
+                    -2.504686,53.991828
+                    -2.504591,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991351
+                    -2.506199,53.990870
+                    -2.506870,53.990479
+                    -2.506199,53.989882
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+                    -2.506199,53.989496
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+                    -2.509123,53.988667
+                    -2.509223,53.988600
+                    -2.510735,53.988400
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+                    -2.512247,53.987598
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+                    -2.512247,53.986182
+                    -2.511112,53.986859
+                    -2.510735,53.987136
+                    -2.509223,53.987083
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+                    -2.507632,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986826
+                    -2.509223,53.986230
+                    -2.509702,53.985953
+                    -2.509223,53.985686
+                    -2.507711,53.985095
+                    -2.507559,53.985052
+                    -2.507711,53.984933
+                    -2.508872,53.984141
+                    -2.508989,53.983240
+                    -2.508977,53.982334
+                    -2.509223,53.981900
+                    -2.510583,53.981433
+                    -2.510735,53.981423
+                    -2.512167,53.980527
+                    -2.510735,53.979716
+                    -2.509385,53.980527
+                    -2.509223,53.981071
+                    -2.509171,53.980527
+                    -2.508632,53.979621
+                    -2.507711,53.979068
+                    -2.506783,53.979621
+                    -2.506199,53.979793
+                    -2.504686,53.979907
+                    -2.504124,53.979621
+                    -2.504686,53.979473
+                    -2.506113,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978691
+                    -2.507711,53.978586
+                    -2.509223,53.977828
+                    -2.509258,53.977809
+                    -2.510516,53.976908
+                    -2.510171,53.976002
+                    -2.510735,53.975167
+                    -2.510826,53.975101
+                    -2.511023,53.974195
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+                    -2.512377,53.973289
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+                    -2.516620,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.970771
+                    -2.513760,53.970747
+                    -2.513347,53.970575
+                    -2.512247,53.969960
+                    -2.511135,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.970733
+                    -2.510502,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
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+                    -2.531906,53.973389
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+                    -2.530394,53.974376
+                    -2.530093,53.974195
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+                    -2.527803,53.974195
+                    -2.528882,53.974881
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+                    -2.528882,53.975239
+                    -2.527369,53.975477
+                    -2.526489,53.976002
+                    -2.526036,53.976908
+                    -2.525857,53.977098
+                    -2.524621,53.977809
+                    -2.524345,53.977923
+                    -2.524100,53.977809
+                    -2.522833,53.977079
+                    -2.522676,53.976908
+                    -2.521321,53.976092
+                    -2.519808,53.976192
+                    -2.518409,53.976908
+                    -2.519808,53.977618
+                    -2.521321,53.977718
+                    -2.521607,53.977809
+                    -2.521449,53.978715
+                    -2.522833,53.979502
+                    -2.523005,53.979621
+                    -2.522833,53.979826
+                    -2.521656,53.980527
+                    -2.521623,53.981433
+                    -2.521906,53.982334
+                    -2.521321,53.982444
+                    -2.519994,53.983240
+                    -2.521321,53.984032
+                    -2.521436,53.984141
+                    -2.521321,53.984284
+                    -2.519808,53.984370
+                    -2.518671,53.985052
+                    -2.519808,53.985729
+                    -2.519926,53.985953
+                    -2.519808,53.986220
+                    -2.518746,53.986859
+                    -2.519808,53.987546
+                    -2.520031,53.987765
+                    -2.519808,53.987899
+                    -2.518590,53.988667
+                    -2.518491,53.989577
+                    -2.518296,53.989649
+                    -2.516784,53.989677
+                    -2.515272,53.989687
+                    -2.513760,53.989797
+                    -2.512620,53.990479
+                    -2.512247,53.990564
+                    -2.510735,53.990631
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+                    -2.510735,53.992133
+                    -2.512247,53.992205
+                    -2.513622,53.991385
+                    -2.513760,53.991160
+                    -2.515272,53.991275
+                    -2.516784,53.991280
+                    -2.518296,53.991313
+                    -2.519808,53.991370
+                    -2.521321,53.991342
+                    -2.521650,53.991385
+                    -2.522833,53.992090
+                    -2.523139,53.992286
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+                    -2.521321,53.994284
+                    -2.519808,53.994393
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+                    -2.518602,53.995910
+                    -2.519808,53.996630
+                    -2.521321,53.996644
+                    -2.522553,53.995910
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+                    -2.516784,54.006820
+                    -2.516719,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006743
+                    -2.518296,54.006710
+                    -2.518537,54.006763
+                    -2.518399,54.007668
+                    -2.519808,54.008412
+                    -2.521321,54.008470
+                    -2.522661,54.007668
+                    -2.522393,54.006763
+                    -2.522779,54.005861
+                    -2.522833,54.005818
+                    -2.524127,54.004951
+                    -2.524345,54.004712
+                    -2.525322,54.004049
+                    -2.525578,54.003143
+                    -2.525101,54.002242
+                    -2.524345,54.001718
+                    -2.523992,54.001336
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+                    -2.522413,54.000430
+                    -2.521321,53.999782
+                    -2.519808,53.999729
+                    -2.518296,53.999648
+                    -2.518061,53.999524
+                    -2.516784,53.998713
+                    -2.516641,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.997808
+                    -2.515121,53.997717
+                    -2.515117,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996010
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+                    -2.512247,53.994684
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+                    -2.506199,53.994331
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+                    -2.504686,53.992667
+                    -2.505067,53.992286
+                    -2.504686,53.991828
+                    -2.504591,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991351
+                    -2.506199,53.990870
+                    -2.506870,53.990479
+                    -2.506199,53.989882
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+                    -2.506199,53.989496
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+                    -2.509123,53.988667
+                    -2.509223,53.988600
+                    -2.510735,53.988400
+                    -2.511908,53.987765
+                    -2.512247,53.987598
+                    -2.513530,53.986859
+                    -2.512247,53.986182
+                    -2.511112,53.986859
+                    -2.510735,53.987136
+                    -2.509223,53.987083
+                    -2.507711,53.986959
+                    -2.507632,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986826
+                    -2.509223,53.986230
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+                    -2.509223,53.985686
+                    -2.507711,53.985095
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+                    -2.507711,53.984933
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+                    -2.508989,53.983240
+                    -2.508977,53.982334
+                    -2.509223,53.981900
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+                    -2.510735,53.981423
+                    -2.512167,53.980527
+                    -2.510735,53.979716
+                    -2.509385,53.980527
+                    -2.509223,53.981071
+                    -2.509171,53.980527
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+                    -2.507711,53.979068
+                    -2.506783,53.979621
+                    -2.506199,53.979793
+                    -2.504686,53.979907
+                    -2.504124,53.979621
+                    -2.504686,53.979473
+                    -2.506113,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978691
+                    -2.507711,53.978586
+                    -2.509223,53.977828
+                    -2.509258,53.977809
+                    -2.510516,53.976908
+                    -2.510171,53.976002
+                    -2.510735,53.975167
+                    -2.510826,53.975101
+                    -2.511023,53.974195
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+                    -2.515272,53.970771
+                    -2.513760,53.970747
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+                    -2.512247,53.969960
+                    -2.511135,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.970733
+                    -2.510502,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
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+                    -2.528882,53.972383
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+                    -2.531906,53.973389
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+                    -2.528882,53.974881
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+                    -2.528882,53.975239
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+                    -2.524100,53.977809
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+                    -2.519808,53.977618
+                    -2.521321,53.977718
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+                    -2.522833,53.979826
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+                    -2.521623,53.981433
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+                    -2.534527,54.010386
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+                    -2.533418,54.011402
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+                    -2.528620,54.013095
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+                    -2.532098,54.018526
+                    -2.531906,54.018569
+                    -2.530394,54.019403
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+                    -2.530394,54.021087
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+                    -2.518080,54.021239
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+                    -2.513760,54.019618
+                    -2.512480,54.019427
+                    -2.512247,54.019289
+                    -2.510735,54.018612
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.017329
+                    -2.511205,54.017620
+                    -2.512247,54.018250
+                    -2.513760,54.018278
+                    -2.515272,54.018269
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+                    -2.515272,54.016681
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+                    -2.510735,54.016042
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014611
+                    -2.512247,54.014568
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+                    -2.515272,54.009328
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+                    -2.518190,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.006820
+                    -2.516719,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006743
+                    -2.518296,54.006710
+                    -2.518537,54.006763
+                    -2.518399,54.007668
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+                    -2.521321,54.008470
+                    -2.522661,54.007668
+                    -2.522393,54.006763
+                    -2.522779,54.005861
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+                    -2.524127,54.004951
+                    -2.524345,54.004712
+                    -2.525322,54.004049
+                    -2.525578,54.003143
+                    -2.525101,54.002242
+                    -2.524345,54.001718
+                    -2.523992,54.001336
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+                    -2.522413,54.000430
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+                    -2.518296,53.999648
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+                    -2.516641,53.998618
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+                    -2.515117,53.996811
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+                    -2.509223,53.994441
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+                    -2.506199,53.994331
+                    -2.505938,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993263
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+                    -2.504686,53.992667
+                    -2.505067,53.992286
+                    -2.504686,53.991828
+                    -2.504591,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991351
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+                    -2.506199,53.989496
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+                    -2.509223,53.988600
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+                    -2.512247,53.986182
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+                    -2.509223,53.987083
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+                    -2.507711,53.986826
+                    -2.509223,53.986230
+                    -2.509702,53.985953
+                    -2.509223,53.985686
+                    -2.507711,53.985095
+                    -2.507559,53.985052
+                    -2.507711,53.984933
+                    -2.508872,53.984141
+                    -2.508989,53.983240
+                    -2.508977,53.982334
+                    -2.509223,53.981900
+                    -2.510583,53.981433
+                    -2.510735,53.981423
+                    -2.512167,53.980527
+                    -2.510735,53.979716
+                    -2.509385,53.980527
+                    -2.509223,53.981071
+                    -2.509171,53.980527
+                    -2.508632,53.979621
+                    -2.507711,53.979068
+                    -2.506783,53.979621
+                    -2.506199,53.979793
+                    -2.504686,53.979907
+                    -2.504124,53.979621
+                    -2.504686,53.979473
+                    -2.506113,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978691
+                    -2.507711,53.978586
+                    -2.509223,53.977828
+                    -2.509258,53.977809
+                    -2.510516,53.976908
+                    -2.510171,53.976002
+                    -2.510735,53.975167
+                    -2.510826,53.975101
+                    -2.511023,53.974195
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+                    -2.516620,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.970771
+                    -2.513760,53.970747
+                    -2.513347,53.970575
+                    -2.512247,53.969960
+                    -2.511135,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.970733
+                    -2.510502,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
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+                    -2.531906,53.973389
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+                    -2.530394,53.974376
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+                    -2.527803,53.974195
+                    -2.528882,53.974881
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+                    -2.528882,53.975239
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+                    -2.521321,53.977718
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+                    -2.522833,53.979502
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+                    -2.524345,54.023180
+                    -2.524075,54.023051
+                    -2.522833,54.022369
+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.521108,54.022145
+                    -2.520336,54.021239
+                    -2.519808,54.020915
+                    -2.519162,54.021239
+                    -2.518296,54.021330
+                    -2.518080,54.021239
+                    -2.517541,54.020333
+                    -2.516784,54.019885
+                    -2.515272,54.019675
+                    -2.513760,54.019618
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+                    -2.512247,54.019289
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.017329
+                    -2.511205,54.017620
+                    -2.512247,54.018250
+                    -2.513760,54.018278
+                    -2.515272,54.018269
+                    -2.516479,54.017620
+                    -2.515332,54.016719
+                    -2.515272,54.016681
+                    -2.513760,54.015851
+                    -2.512247,54.015937
+                    -2.510735,54.016042
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014611
+                    -2.512247,54.014568
+                    -2.513266,54.014001
+                    -2.513397,54.013095
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+                    -2.513760,54.012070
+                    -2.514092,54.012194
+                    -2.515272,54.012899
+                    -2.516452,54.012194
+                    -2.516478,54.011288
+                    -2.515272,54.010391
+                    -2.515265,54.010386
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+                    -2.515272,54.009328
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+                    -2.516784,54.008512
+                    -2.518190,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.006820
+                    -2.516719,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006743
+                    -2.518296,54.006710
+                    -2.518537,54.006763
+                    -2.518399,54.007668
+                    -2.519808,54.008412
+                    -2.521321,54.008470
+                    -2.522661,54.007668
+                    -2.522393,54.006763
+                    -2.522779,54.005861
+                    -2.522833,54.005818
+                    -2.524127,54.004951
+                    -2.524345,54.004712
+                    -2.525322,54.004049
+                    -2.525578,54.003143
+                    -2.525101,54.002242
+                    -2.524345,54.001718
+                    -2.523992,54.001336
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+                    -2.522413,54.000430
+                    -2.521321,53.999782
+                    -2.519808,53.999729
+                    -2.518296,53.999648
+                    -2.518061,53.999524
+                    -2.516784,53.998713
+                    -2.516641,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.997808
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+                    -2.515117,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996010
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+                    -2.512247,53.994684
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+                    -2.506199,53.994331
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+                    -2.504686,53.992667
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+                    -2.504686,53.991828
+                    -2.504591,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991351
+                    -2.506199,53.990870
+                    -2.506870,53.990479
+                    -2.506199,53.989882
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+                    -2.506199,53.989496
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+                    -2.509223,53.988600
+                    -2.510735,53.988400
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+                    -2.512247,53.987598
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+                    -2.512247,53.986182
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+                    -2.510735,53.987136
+                    -2.509223,53.987083
+                    -2.507711,53.986959
+                    -2.507632,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986826
+                    -2.509223,53.986230
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+                    -2.509223,53.985686
+                    -2.507711,53.985095
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+                    -2.507711,53.984933
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+                    -2.508989,53.983240
+                    -2.508977,53.982334
+                    -2.509223,53.981900
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+                    -2.510735,53.981423
+                    -2.512167,53.980527
+                    -2.510735,53.979716
+                    -2.509385,53.980527
+                    -2.509223,53.981071
+                    -2.509171,53.980527
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+                    -2.506783,53.979621
+                    -2.506199,53.979793
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+                    -2.504124,53.979621
+                    -2.504686,53.979473
+                    -2.506113,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978691
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+                    -2.509223,53.977828
+                    -2.509258,53.977809
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+                    -2.510735,53.975167
+                    -2.510826,53.975101
+                    -2.511023,53.974195
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+                    -2.515272,53.970771
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+                    -2.510735,53.970733
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+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
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+                    -2.528882,53.974881
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+                    -2.534527,54.010386
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+                    -2.528620,54.013095
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+                    -2.531906,54.018569
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
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+                    -2.515272,54.018269
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+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014611
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+                    -2.516784,54.006820
+                    -2.516719,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006743
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+                    -2.518399,54.007668
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+                    -2.522393,54.006763
+                    -2.522779,54.005861
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+                    -2.524345,54.004712
+                    -2.525322,54.004049
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+                    -2.524345,54.001718
+                    -2.523992,54.001336
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+                    -2.518296,53.999648
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+                    -2.516641,53.998618
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+                    -2.506199,53.994331
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+                    -2.504686,53.993263
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+                    -2.504686,53.992667
+                    -2.505067,53.992286
+                    -2.504686,53.991828
+                    -2.504591,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991351
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+                    -2.506199,53.989882
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+                    -2.506199,53.989496
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+                    -2.509223,53.988600
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+                    -2.512247,53.986182
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+                    -2.509223,53.987083
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+                    -2.507632,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986826
+                    -2.509223,53.986230
+                    -2.509702,53.985953
+                    -2.509223,53.985686
+                    -2.507711,53.985095
+                    -2.507559,53.985052
+                    -2.507711,53.984933
+                    -2.508872,53.984141
+                    -2.508989,53.983240
+                    -2.508977,53.982334
+                    -2.509223,53.981900
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+                    -2.510735,53.981423
+                    -2.512167,53.980527
+                    -2.510735,53.979716
+                    -2.509385,53.980527
+                    -2.509223,53.981071
+                    -2.509171,53.980527
+                    -2.508632,53.979621
+                    -2.507711,53.979068
+                    -2.506783,53.979621
+                    -2.506199,53.979793
+                    -2.504686,53.979907
+                    -2.504124,53.979621
+                    -2.504686,53.979473
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+                    -2.509223,53.977828
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+                    -2.529220,54.014907
+                    -2.530394,54.015460
+                    -2.531906,54.015660
+                    -2.533418,54.015803
+                    -2.533451,54.015813
+                    -2.533418,54.015875
+                    -2.531906,54.016438
+                    -2.531649,54.016719
+                    -2.531906,54.017005
+                    -2.532278,54.017620
+                    -2.532530,54.018526
+                    -2.531906,54.018679
+                    -2.530573,54.019427
+                    -2.530394,54.019608
+                    -2.529393,54.020333
+                    -2.530394,54.020934
+                    -2.531906,54.021058
+                    -2.532165,54.021239
+                    -2.533081,54.022145
+                    -2.533418,54.022346
+                    -2.533928,54.023051
+                    -2.534377,54.023952
+                    -2.534930,54.024282
+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.024973
+                    -2.531906,54.024997
+                    -2.530906,54.024858
+                    -2.530394,54.024668
+                    -2.528882,54.024601
+                    -2.527369,54.024558
+                    -2.525857,54.024234
+                    -2.525354,54.023952
+                    -2.524345,54.023385
+                    -2.523643,54.023051
+                    -2.522833,54.022608
+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520895,54.022145
+                    -2.519808,54.021316
+                    -2.518296,54.021449
+                    -2.517778,54.021239
+                    -2.516784,54.020333
+                    -2.516782,54.020333
+                    -2.515272,54.019918
+                    -2.513760,54.019823
+                    -2.512247,54.019608
+                    -2.511929,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.018812
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.017029
+                    -2.511685,54.017620
+                    -2.512247,54.017959
+                    -2.513760,54.018030
+                    -2.515272,54.018011
+                    -2.516001,54.017620
+                    -2.515272,54.017067
+                    -2.514959,54.016719
+                    -2.513760,54.016032
+                    -2.512247,54.016199
+                    -2.510735,54.016376
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014316
+                    -2.512247,54.014225
+                    -2.512650,54.014001
+                    -2.513033,54.013095
+                    -2.513552,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011950
+                    -2.514424,54.012194
+                    -2.515272,54.012699
+                    -2.516120,54.012194
+                    -2.516173,54.011288
+                    -2.515272,54.010615
+                    -2.515049,54.010386
+                    -2.514692,54.009476
+                    -2.515272,54.009032
+                    -2.516110,54.008574
+                    -2.516784,54.008265
+                    -2.517776,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007068
+                    -2.516414,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006648
+                    -2.518296,54.006610
+                    -2.519015,54.006763
+                    -2.518799,54.007668
+                    -2.519808,54.008203
+                    -2.521321,54.008365
+                    -2.522489,54.007668
+                    -2.521802,54.006763
+                    -2.522414,54.005861
+                    -2.522833,54.005542
+                    -2.523714,54.004951
+                    -2.524345,54.004250
+                    -2.524645,54.004049
+                    -2.525298,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002242
+                    -2.524345,54.002242
+                    -2.524343,54.002242
+                    -2.522833,54.002314
+                    -2.522709,54.002242
+                    -2.522833,54.002166
+                    -2.523511,54.001336
+                    -2.522833,54.000926
+                    -2.521824,54.000430
+                    -2.521321,54.000134
+                    -2.519808,54.000001
+                    -2.518296,53.999887
+                    -2.517596,53.999524
+                    -2.516784,53.999009
+                    -2.516189,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998079
+                    -2.514690,53.997717
+                    -2.514786,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996205
+                    -2.512451,53.995910
+                    -2.512247,53.995624
+                    -2.512144,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994298
+                    -2.509223,53.994780
+                    -2.507711,53.994608
+                    -2.506199,53.994570
+                    -2.505677,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993440
+                    -2.504184,53.993192
+                    -2.504555,53.992286
+                    -2.504268,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991256
+                    -2.506143,53.990479
+                    -2.505748,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.989272
+                    -2.507711,53.989167
+                    -2.508711,53.988667
+                    -2.509223,53.988314
+                    -2.510735,53.988123
+                    -2.511397,53.987765
+                    -2.510735,53.987408
+                    -2.509223,53.987317
+                    -2.507711,53.987327
+                    -2.507339,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986697
+                    -2.509085,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985219
+                    -2.507094,53.985052
+                    -2.507711,53.984566
+                    -2.508335,53.984141
+                    -2.508582,53.983240
+                    -2.508578,53.982334
+                    -2.509081,53.981433
+                    -2.509120,53.980527
+                    -2.508041,53.979621
+                    -2.507711,53.979425
+                    -2.507378,53.979621
+                    -2.506199,53.979969
+                    -2.504686,53.980193
+                    -2.503559,53.979621
+                    -2.504686,53.979321
+                    -2.505830,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978620
+                    -2.507711,53.978457
+                    -2.508972,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977661
+                    -2.510298,53.976908
+                    -2.509410,53.976002
+                    -2.510494,53.975101
+                    -2.510461,53.974195
+                    -2.510735,53.974013
+                    -2.511903,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.973079
+                    -2.513760,53.972878
+                    -2.514615,53.972383
+                    -2.515272,53.972063
+                    -2.516250,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.970962
+                    -2.513760,53.970957
+                    -2.512832,53.970575
+                    -2.512247,53.970246
+                    -2.511656,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.970942
+                    -2.510198,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532049,53.972383
+                    -2.531988,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973489
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+                    -2.530394,53.974667
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+                    -2.528882,53.975415
+                    -2.527369,53.975854
+                    -2.527121,53.976002
+                    -2.526215,53.976908
+                    -2.525857,53.977294
+                    -2.524955,53.977809
+                    -2.524345,53.978052
+                    -2.523803,53.977809
+                    -2.522833,53.977251
+                    -2.522520,53.976908
+                    -2.521321,53.976188
+                    -2.519808,53.976383
+                    -2.518785,53.976908
+                    -2.519808,53.977427
+                    -2.521321,53.977623
+                    -2.521894,53.977809
+                    -2.521667,53.978715
+                    -2.522833,53.979373
+                    -2.523176,53.979621
+                    -2.522833,53.980021
+                    -2.521991,53.980527
+                    -2.521926,53.981433
+                    -2.522491,53.982334
+                    -2.521321,53.982558
+                    -2.520180,53.983240
+                    -2.521321,53.983922
+                    -2.521553,53.984141
+                    -2.521321,53.984427
+                    -2.519808,53.984594
+                    -2.519046,53.985052
+                    -2.519808,53.985510
+                    -2.520043,53.985953
+                    -2.519808,53.986492
+                    -2.519196,53.986859
+                    -2.519808,53.987255
+                    -2.520327,53.987765
+                    -2.519808,53.988090
+                    -2.518884,53.988667
+                    -2.518685,53.989577
+                    -2.518296,53.989720
+                    -2.516784,53.989778
+                    -2.515272,53.989801
+                    -2.513760,53.990021
+                    -2.512992,53.990479
+                    -2.512247,53.990645
+                    -2.510735,53.990784
+                    -2.509536,53.991385
+                    -2.510735,53.991981
+                    -2.512247,53.992124
+                    -2.513484,53.991385
+                    -2.513760,53.990936
+                    -2.515272,53.991160
+                    -2.516784,53.991179
+                    -2.518296,53.991237
+                    -2.519808,53.991332
+                    -2.521321,53.991294
+                    -2.521983,53.991385
+                    -2.522833,53.991890
+                    -2.523445,53.992286
+                    -2.524270,53.993192
+                    -2.523283,53.994098
+                    -2.522833,53.994479
+                    -2.521321,53.994489
+                    -2.519808,53.994741
+                    -2.519390,53.995004
+                    -2.518909,53.995910
+                    -2.519808,53.996444
+                    -2.521321,53.996477
+                    -2.522273,53.995910
+                    -2.522833,53.995509
+                    -2.524345,53.995624
+                    -2.525857,53.995733
+                    -2.526139,53.995910
+                    -2.526402,53.996811
+                    -2.525857,53.997397
+                    -2.525376,53.997717
+                    -2.525857,53.998003
+                    -2.526980,53.998618
+                    -2.527369,53.998852
+                    -2.528398,53.999524
+                    -2.528882,53.999815
+                    -2.529405,53.999524
+                    -2.530394,53.999209
+                    -2.530545,53.999524
+                    -2.530586,54.000430
+                    -2.530394,54.000583
+                    -2.529136,54.001336
+                    -2.529063,54.002242
+                    -2.529066,54.003143
+                    -2.529091,54.004049
+                    -2.528882,54.004226
+                    -2.527669,54.004951
+                    -2.527727,54.005861
+                    -2.527369,54.006314
+                    -2.526613,54.006763
+                    -2.526042,54.007668
+                    -2.525857,54.007835
+                    -2.524345,54.007988
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+                    -2.524345,54.009833
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+                    -2.524345,54.010563
+                    -2.523130,54.011288
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+                    -2.524345,54.012637
+                    -2.524615,54.013095
+                    -2.524662,54.014001
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+                    -2.524746,54.015813
+                    -2.525857,54.016476
+                    -2.526302,54.016719
+                    -2.526218,54.017620
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+                    -2.527738,54.018526
+                    -2.528882,54.019208
+                    -2.530030,54.018526
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+                    -2.528882,54.016848
+                    -2.528437,54.016719
+                    -2.528509,54.015813
+                    -2.527369,54.015121
+                    -2.527262,54.014907
+                    -2.527104,54.014001
+                    -2.527109,54.013095
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+                    -2.525857,54.012113
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+                    -2.531784,54.003143
+                    -2.531783,54.002242
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+                    -2.535070,54.000430
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+                    -2.533418,54.001746
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.017029
+                    -2.511685,54.017620
+                    -2.512247,54.017959
+                    -2.513760,54.018030
+                    -2.515272,54.018011
+                    -2.516001,54.017620
+                    -2.515272,54.017067
+                    -2.514959,54.016719
+                    -2.513760,54.016032
+                    -2.512247,54.016199
+                    -2.510735,54.016376
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014316
+                    -2.512247,54.014225
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+                    -2.513033,54.013095
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+                    -2.513760,54.011950
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+                    -2.515272,54.012699
+                    -2.516120,54.012194
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+                    -2.515272,54.010615
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+                    -2.516784,54.007068
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+                    -2.516784,54.006648
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+                    -2.519015,54.006763
+                    -2.518799,54.007668
+                    -2.519808,54.008203
+                    -2.521321,54.008365
+                    -2.522489,54.007668
+                    -2.521802,54.006763
+                    -2.522414,54.005861
+                    -2.522833,54.005542
+                    -2.523714,54.004951
+                    -2.524345,54.004250
+                    -2.524645,54.004049
+                    -2.525298,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002242
+                    -2.524345,54.002242
+                    -2.524343,54.002242
+                    -2.522833,54.002314
+                    -2.522709,54.002242
+                    -2.522833,54.002166
+                    -2.523511,54.001336
+                    -2.522833,54.000926
+                    -2.521824,54.000430
+                    -2.521321,54.000134
+                    -2.519808,54.000001
+                    -2.518296,53.999887
+                    -2.517596,53.999524
+                    -2.516784,53.999009
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+                    -2.504686,53.993440
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+                    -2.504268,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991256
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+                    -2.506199,53.989272
+                    -2.507711,53.989167
+                    -2.508711,53.988667
+                    -2.509223,53.988314
+                    -2.510735,53.988123
+                    -2.511397,53.987765
+                    -2.510735,53.987408
+                    -2.509223,53.987317
+                    -2.507711,53.987327
+                    -2.507339,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986697
+                    -2.509085,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985219
+                    -2.507094,53.985052
+                    -2.507711,53.984566
+                    -2.508335,53.984141
+                    -2.508582,53.983240
+                    -2.508578,53.982334
+                    -2.509081,53.981433
+                    -2.509120,53.980527
+                    -2.508041,53.979621
+                    -2.507711,53.979425
+                    -2.507378,53.979621
+                    -2.506199,53.979969
+                    -2.504686,53.980193
+                    -2.503559,53.979621
+                    -2.504686,53.979321
+                    -2.505830,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978620
+                    -2.507711,53.978457
+                    -2.508972,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977661
+                    -2.510298,53.976908
+                    -2.509410,53.976002
+                    -2.510494,53.975101
+                    -2.510461,53.974195
+                    -2.510735,53.974013
+                    -2.511903,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.973079
+                    -2.513760,53.972878
+                    -2.514615,53.972383
+                    -2.515272,53.972063
+                    -2.516250,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.970962
+                    -2.513760,53.970957
+                    -2.512832,53.970575
+                    -2.512247,53.970246
+                    -2.511656,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.970942
+                    -2.510198,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532049,53.972383
+                    -2.531988,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973489
+                    -2.530681,53.974195
+                    -2.530394,53.974667
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+                    -2.528882,53.975415
+                    -2.527369,53.975854
+                    -2.527121,53.976002
+                    -2.526215,53.976908
+                    -2.525857,53.977294
+                    -2.524955,53.977809
+                    -2.524345,53.978052
+                    -2.523803,53.977809
+                    -2.522833,53.977251
+                    -2.522520,53.976908
+                    -2.521321,53.976188
+                    -2.519808,53.976383
+                    -2.518785,53.976908
+                    -2.519808,53.977427
+                    -2.521321,53.977623
+                    -2.521894,53.977809
+                    -2.521667,53.978715
+                    -2.522833,53.979373
+                    -2.523176,53.979621
+                    -2.522833,53.980021
+                    -2.521991,53.980527
+                    -2.521926,53.981433
+                    -2.522491,53.982334
+                    -2.521321,53.982558
+                    -2.520180,53.983240
+                    -2.521321,53.983922
+                    -2.521553,53.984141
+                    -2.521321,53.984427
+                    -2.519808,53.984594
+                    -2.519046,53.985052
+                    -2.519808,53.985510
+                    -2.520043,53.985953
+                    -2.519808,53.986492
+                    -2.519196,53.986859
+                    -2.519808,53.987255
+                    -2.520327,53.987765
+                    -2.519808,53.988090
+                    -2.518884,53.988667
+                    -2.518685,53.989577
+                    -2.518296,53.989720
+                    -2.516784,53.989778
+                    -2.515272,53.989801
+                    -2.513760,53.990021
+                    -2.512992,53.990479
+                    -2.512247,53.990645
+                    -2.510735,53.990784
+                    -2.509536,53.991385
+                    -2.510735,53.991981
+                    -2.512247,53.992124
+                    -2.513484,53.991385
+                    -2.513760,53.990936
+                    -2.515272,53.991160
+                    -2.516784,53.991179
+                    -2.518296,53.991237
+                    -2.519808,53.991332
+                    -2.521321,53.991294
+                    -2.521983,53.991385
+                    -2.522833,53.991890
+                    -2.523445,53.992286
+                    -2.524270,53.993192
+                    -2.523283,53.994098
+                    -2.522833,53.994479
+                    -2.521321,53.994489
+                    -2.519808,53.994741
+                    -2.519390,53.995004
+                    -2.518909,53.995910
+                    -2.519808,53.996444
+                    -2.521321,53.996477
+                    -2.522273,53.995910
+                    -2.522833,53.995509
+                    -2.524345,53.995624
+                    -2.525857,53.995733
+                    -2.526139,53.995910
+                    -2.526402,53.996811
+                    -2.525857,53.997397
+                    -2.525376,53.997717
+                    -2.525857,53.998003
+                    -2.526980,53.998618
+                    -2.527369,53.998852
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+                    -2.528882,53.999815
+                    -2.529405,53.999524
+                    -2.530394,53.999209
+                    -2.530545,53.999524
+                    -2.530586,54.000430
+                    -2.530394,54.000583
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+                    -2.529066,54.003143
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+                    -2.518296,54.021449
+                    -2.517778,54.021239
+                    -2.516784,54.020333
+                    -2.516782,54.020333
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+                    -2.511929,54.019427
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.017029
+                    -2.511685,54.017620
+                    -2.512247,54.017959
+                    -2.513760,54.018030
+                    -2.515272,54.018011
+                    -2.516001,54.017620
+                    -2.515272,54.017067
+                    -2.514959,54.016719
+                    -2.513760,54.016032
+                    -2.512247,54.016199
+                    -2.510735,54.016376
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014316
+                    -2.512247,54.014225
+                    -2.512650,54.014001
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+                    -2.513760,54.011950
+                    -2.514424,54.012194
+                    -2.515272,54.012699
+                    -2.516120,54.012194
+                    -2.516173,54.011288
+                    -2.515272,54.010615
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+                    -2.515272,54.009032
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+                    -2.516784,54.007068
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+                    -2.516784,54.006648
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+                    -2.519015,54.006763
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+                    -2.519808,54.008203
+                    -2.521321,54.008365
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+                    -2.521802,54.006763
+                    -2.522414,54.005861
+                    -2.522833,54.005542
+                    -2.523714,54.004951
+                    -2.524345,54.004250
+                    -2.524645,54.004049
+                    -2.525298,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002242
+                    -2.524345,54.002242
+                    -2.524343,54.002242
+                    -2.522833,54.002314
+                    -2.522709,54.002242
+                    -2.522833,54.002166
+                    -2.523511,54.001336
+                    -2.522833,54.000926
+                    -2.521824,54.000430
+                    -2.521321,54.000134
+                    -2.519808,54.000001
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+                    -2.517596,53.999524
+                    -2.516784,53.999009
+                    -2.516189,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998079
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+                    -2.506199,53.994570
+                    -2.505677,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993440
+                    -2.504184,53.993192
+                    -2.504555,53.992286
+                    -2.504268,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991256
+                    -2.506143,53.990479
+                    -2.505748,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.989272
+                    -2.507711,53.989167
+                    -2.508711,53.988667
+                    -2.509223,53.988314
+                    -2.510735,53.988123
+                    -2.511397,53.987765
+                    -2.510735,53.987408
+                    -2.509223,53.987317
+                    -2.507711,53.987327
+                    -2.507339,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986697
+                    -2.509085,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985219
+                    -2.507094,53.985052
+                    -2.507711,53.984566
+                    -2.508335,53.984141
+                    -2.508582,53.983240
+                    -2.508578,53.982334
+                    -2.509081,53.981433
+                    -2.509120,53.980527
+                    -2.508041,53.979621
+                    -2.507711,53.979425
+                    -2.507378,53.979621
+                    -2.506199,53.979969
+                    -2.504686,53.980193
+                    -2.503559,53.979621
+                    -2.504686,53.979321
+                    -2.505830,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978620
+                    -2.507711,53.978457
+                    -2.508972,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977661
+                    -2.510298,53.976908
+                    -2.509410,53.976002
+                    -2.510494,53.975101
+                    -2.510461,53.974195
+                    -2.510735,53.974013
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+                    -2.512247,53.973079
+                    -2.513760,53.972878
+                    -2.514615,53.972383
+                    -2.515272,53.972063
+                    -2.516250,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.970962
+                    -2.513760,53.970957
+                    -2.512832,53.970575
+                    -2.512247,53.970246
+                    -2.511656,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.970942
+                    -2.510198,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532049,53.972383
+                    -2.531988,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973489
+                    -2.530681,53.974195
+                    -2.530394,53.974667
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+                    -2.528882,53.975415
+                    -2.527369,53.975854
+                    -2.527121,53.976002
+                    -2.526215,53.976908
+                    -2.525857,53.977294
+                    -2.524955,53.977809
+                    -2.524345,53.978052
+                    -2.523803,53.977809
+                    -2.522833,53.977251
+                    -2.522520,53.976908
+                    -2.521321,53.976188
+                    -2.519808,53.976383
+                    -2.518785,53.976908
+                    -2.519808,53.977427
+                    -2.521321,53.977623
+                    -2.521894,53.977809
+                    -2.521667,53.978715
+                    -2.522833,53.979373
+                    -2.523176,53.979621
+                    -2.522833,53.980021
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+                    -2.521926,53.981433
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+                    -2.521321,53.982558
+                    -2.520180,53.983240
+                    -2.521321,53.983922
+                    -2.521553,53.984141
+                    -2.521321,53.984427
+                    -2.519808,53.984594
+                    -2.519046,53.985052
+                    -2.519808,53.985510
+                    -2.520043,53.985953
+                    -2.519808,53.986492
+                    -2.519196,53.986859
+                    -2.519808,53.987255
+                    -2.520327,53.987765
+                    -2.519808,53.988090
+                    -2.518884,53.988667
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+                    -2.518296,53.989720
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+                    -2.515272,53.989801
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+                    -2.512247,53.990645
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+                    -2.510735,53.991981
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+                    -2.519808,53.991332
+                    -2.521321,53.991294
+                    -2.521983,53.991385
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+                    -2.523445,53.992286
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+                    -2.522833,53.994479
+                    -2.521321,53.994489
+                    -2.519808,53.994741
+                    -2.519390,53.995004
+                    -2.518909,53.995910
+                    -2.519808,53.996444
+                    -2.521321,53.996477
+                    -2.522273,53.995910
+                    -2.522833,53.995509
+                    -2.524345,53.995624
+                    -2.525857,53.995733
+                    -2.526139,53.995910
+                    -2.526402,53.996811
+                    -2.525857,53.997397
+                    -2.525376,53.997717
+                    -2.525857,53.998003
+                    -2.526980,53.998618
+                    -2.527369,53.998852
+                    -2.528398,53.999524
+                    -2.528882,53.999815
+                    -2.529405,53.999524
+                    -2.530394,53.999209
+                    -2.530545,53.999524
+                    -2.530586,54.000430
+                    -2.530394,54.000583
+                    -2.529136,54.001336
+                    -2.529063,54.002242
+                    -2.529066,54.003143
+                    -2.529091,54.004049
+                    -2.528882,54.004226
+                    -2.527669,54.004951
+                    -2.527727,54.005861
+                    -2.527369,54.006314
+                    -2.526613,54.006763
+                    -2.526042,54.007668
+                    -2.525857,54.007835
+                    -2.524345,54.007988
+                    -2.523368,54.008574
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+                    -2.524345,54.009833
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+                    -2.524345,54.010563
+                    -2.523130,54.011288
+                    -2.523603,54.012194
+                    -2.524345,54.012637
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+                    -2.524746,54.015813
+                    -2.525857,54.016476
+                    -2.526302,54.016719
+                    -2.526218,54.017620
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+                    -2.527738,54.018526
+                    -2.528882,54.019208
+                    -2.530030,54.018526
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+                    -2.528882,54.016848
+                    -2.528437,54.016719
+                    -2.528509,54.015813
+                    -2.527369,54.015121
+                    -2.527262,54.014907
+                    -2.527104,54.014001
+                    -2.527109,54.013095
+                    -2.525857,54.012351
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+                    -2.525857,54.012113
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+                    -2.526991,54.010386
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+                    -2.531784,54.003143
+                    -2.531783,54.002242
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+                    -2.534930,54.000387
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+                    -2.533418,54.001746
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+                    -2.517778,54.021239
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+                    -2.516782,54.020333
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.017029
+                    -2.511685,54.017620
+                    -2.512247,54.017959
+                    -2.513760,54.018030
+                    -2.515272,54.018011
+                    -2.516001,54.017620
+                    -2.515272,54.017067
+                    -2.514959,54.016719
+                    -2.513760,54.016032
+                    -2.512247,54.016199
+                    -2.510735,54.016376
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014316
+                    -2.512247,54.014225
+                    -2.512650,54.014001
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+                    -2.513760,54.011950
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+                    -2.516784,54.007068
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+                    -2.516784,54.006648
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+                    -2.519808,54.008203
+                    -2.521321,54.008365
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+                    -2.521802,54.006763
+                    -2.522414,54.005861
+                    -2.522833,54.005542
+                    -2.523714,54.004951
+                    -2.524345,54.004250
+                    -2.524645,54.004049
+                    -2.525298,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002242
+                    -2.524345,54.002242
+                    -2.524343,54.002242
+                    -2.522833,54.002314
+                    -2.522709,54.002242
+                    -2.522833,54.002166
+                    -2.523511,54.001336
+                    -2.522833,54.000926
+                    -2.521824,54.000430
+                    -2.521321,54.000134
+                    -2.519808,54.000001
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+                    -2.516784,53.999009
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+                    -2.504555,53.992286
+                    -2.504268,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991256
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+                    -2.506199,53.989272
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+                    -2.509223,53.988314
+                    -2.510735,53.988123
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+                    -2.510735,53.987408
+                    -2.509223,53.987317
+                    -2.507711,53.987327
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+                    -2.507711,53.986697
+                    -2.509085,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985219
+                    -2.507094,53.985052
+                    -2.507711,53.984566
+                    -2.508335,53.984141
+                    -2.508582,53.983240
+                    -2.508578,53.982334
+                    -2.509081,53.981433
+                    -2.509120,53.980527
+                    -2.508041,53.979621
+                    -2.507711,53.979425
+                    -2.507378,53.979621
+                    -2.506199,53.979969
+                    -2.504686,53.980193
+                    -2.503559,53.979621
+                    -2.504686,53.979321
+                    -2.505830,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978620
+                    -2.507711,53.978457
+                    -2.508972,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977661
+                    -2.510298,53.976908
+                    -2.509410,53.976002
+                    -2.510494,53.975101
+                    -2.510461,53.974195
+                    -2.510735,53.974013
+                    -2.511903,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.973079
+                    -2.513760,53.972878
+                    -2.514615,53.972383
+                    -2.515272,53.972063
+                    -2.516250,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.970962
+                    -2.513760,53.970957
+                    -2.512832,53.970575
+                    -2.512247,53.970246
+                    -2.511656,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.970942
+                    -2.510198,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532049,53.972383
+                    -2.531988,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973489
+                    -2.530681,53.974195
+                    -2.530394,53.974667
+                    -2.529709,53.975101
+                    -2.528882,53.975415
+                    -2.527369,53.975854
+                    -2.527121,53.976002
+                    -2.526215,53.976908
+                    -2.525857,53.977294
+                    -2.524955,53.977809
+                    -2.524345,53.978052
+                    -2.523803,53.977809
+                    -2.522833,53.977251
+                    -2.522520,53.976908
+                    -2.521321,53.976188
+                    -2.519808,53.976383
+                    -2.518785,53.976908
+                    -2.519808,53.977427
+                    -2.521321,53.977623
+                    -2.521894,53.977809
+                    -2.521667,53.978715
+                    -2.522833,53.979373
+                    -2.523176,53.979621
+                    -2.522833,53.980021
+                    -2.521991,53.980527
+                    -2.521926,53.981433
+                    -2.522491,53.982334
+                    -2.521321,53.982558
+                    -2.520180,53.983240
+                    -2.521321,53.983922
+                    -2.521553,53.984141
+                    -2.521321,53.984427
+                    -2.519808,53.984594
+                    -2.519046,53.985052
+                    -2.519808,53.985510
+                    -2.520043,53.985953
+                    -2.519808,53.986492
+                    -2.519196,53.986859
+                    -2.519808,53.987255
+                    -2.520327,53.987765
+                    -2.519808,53.988090
+                    -2.518884,53.988667
+                    -2.518685,53.989577
+                    -2.518296,53.989720
+                    -2.516784,53.989778
+                    -2.515272,53.989801
+                    -2.513760,53.990021
+                    -2.512992,53.990479
+                    -2.512247,53.990645
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+                    -2.509536,53.991385
+                    -2.510735,53.991981
+                    -2.512247,53.992124
+                    -2.513484,53.991385
+                    -2.513760,53.990936
+                    -2.515272,53.991160
+                    -2.516784,53.991179
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+                    -2.521321,53.991294
+                    -2.521983,53.991385
+                    -2.522833,53.991890
+                    -2.523445,53.992286
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+                    -2.522833,53.994479
+                    -2.521321,53.994489
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+                    -2.519390,53.995004
+                    -2.518909,53.995910
+                    -2.519808,53.996444
+                    -2.521321,53.996477
+                    -2.522273,53.995910
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+                    -2.525857,53.997397
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+                    -2.525857,53.998003
+                    -2.526980,53.998618
+                    -2.527369,53.998852
+                    -2.528398,53.999524
+                    -2.528882,53.999815
+                    -2.529405,53.999524
+                    -2.530394,53.999209
+                    -2.530545,53.999524
+                    -2.530586,54.000430
+                    -2.530394,54.000583
+                    -2.529136,54.001336
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+                    -2.529066,54.003143
+                    -2.529091,54.004049
+                    -2.528882,54.004226
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+                    -2.525857,54.007835
+                    -2.524345,54.007988
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+                    -2.524345,54.009833
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+                    -2.524345,54.010563
+                    -2.523130,54.011288
+                    -2.523603,54.012194
+                    -2.524345,54.012637
+                    -2.524615,54.013095
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+                    -2.524457,54.014907
+                    -2.524746,54.015813
+                    -2.525857,54.016476
+                    -2.526302,54.016719
+                    -2.526218,54.017620
+                    -2.527369,54.018307
+                    -2.527738,54.018526
+                    -2.528882,54.019208
+                    -2.530030,54.018526
+                    -2.530181,54.017620
+                    -2.528882,54.016848
+                    -2.528437,54.016719
+                    -2.528509,54.015813
+                    -2.527369,54.015121
+                    -2.527262,54.014907
+                    -2.527104,54.014001
+                    -2.527109,54.013095
+                    -2.525857,54.012351
+                    -2.525087,54.012194
+                    -2.525857,54.012113
+                    -2.527236,54.011288
+                    -2.526991,54.010386
+                    -2.527369,54.010091
+                    -2.528434,54.009476
+                    -2.528882,54.008861
+                    -2.529454,54.008574
+                    -2.529939,54.007668
+                    -2.530369,54.006763
+                    -2.530037,54.005861
+                    -2.530394,54.005389
+                    -2.531195,54.004951
+                    -2.531741,54.004049
+                    -2.531784,54.003143
+                    -2.531783,54.002242
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+                    -2.531906,54.001226
+                    -2.533418,54.001002
+                    -2.534930,54.000540
+                    -2.535070,54.000430
+                    -2.534930,54.000387
+                    -2.533418,53.999696
+                    -2.533363,53.999524
+                    -2.533262,53.998618
+                    -2.533418,53.998017
+                    -2.534930,53.998346
+                    -2.535233,53.998618
+                    -2.536443,53.999362
+                    -2.536750,53.999524
+                    -2.536836,54.000430
+                    -2.536443,54.000545
+                    -2.535082,54.001336
+                    -2.534930,54.001746
+                    -2.533418,54.001746
+                    -2.532543,54.002242
+                    -2.532480,54.003143
+                    -2.532830,54.004049
+                    -2.533004,54.004951
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+                    -2.531906,54.007525
+                    -2.532440,54.007668
+                    -2.531906,54.008040
+                    -2.531053,54.008574
+                    -2.531906,54.008994
+                    -2.533418,54.008822
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+                    -2.521802,54.006763
+                    -2.522414,54.005861
+                    -2.522833,54.005542
+                    -2.523714,54.004951
+                    -2.524345,54.004250
+                    -2.524645,54.004049
+                    -2.525298,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002242
+                    -2.524345,54.002242
+                    -2.524343,54.002242
+                    -2.522833,54.002314
+                    -2.522709,54.002242
+                    -2.522833,54.002166
+                    -2.523511,54.001336
+                    -2.522833,54.000926
+                    -2.521824,54.000430
+                    -2.521321,54.000134
+                    -2.519808,54.000001
+                    -2.518296,53.999887
+                    -2.517596,53.999524
+                    -2.516784,53.999009
+                    -2.516189,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998079
+                    -2.514690,53.997717
+                    -2.514786,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996205
+                    -2.512451,53.995910
+                    -2.512247,53.995624
+                    -2.512144,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994298
+                    -2.509223,53.994780
+                    -2.507711,53.994608
+                    -2.506199,53.994570
+                    -2.505677,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993440
+                    -2.504184,53.993192
+                    -2.504555,53.992286
+                    -2.504268,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991256
+                    -2.506143,53.990479
+                    -2.505748,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.989272
+                    -2.507711,53.989167
+                    -2.508711,53.988667
+                    -2.509223,53.988314
+                    -2.510735,53.988123
+                    -2.511397,53.987765
+                    -2.510735,53.987408
+                    -2.509223,53.987317
+                    -2.507711,53.987327
+                    -2.507339,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986697
+                    -2.509085,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985219
+                    -2.507094,53.985052
+                    -2.507711,53.984566
+                    -2.508335,53.984141
+                    -2.508582,53.983240
+                    -2.508578,53.982334
+                    -2.509081,53.981433
+                    -2.509120,53.980527
+                    -2.508041,53.979621
+                    -2.507711,53.979425
+                    -2.507378,53.979621
+                    -2.506199,53.979969
+                    -2.504686,53.980193
+                    -2.503559,53.979621
+                    -2.504686,53.979321
+                    -2.505830,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978620
+                    -2.507711,53.978457
+                    -2.508972,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977661
+                    -2.510298,53.976908
+                    -2.509410,53.976002
+                    -2.510494,53.975101
+                    -2.510461,53.974195
+                    -2.510735,53.974013
+                    -2.511903,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.973079
+                    -2.513760,53.972878
+                    -2.514615,53.972383
+                    -2.515272,53.972063
+                    -2.516250,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.970962
+                    -2.513760,53.970957
+                    -2.512832,53.970575
+                    -2.512247,53.970246
+                    -2.511656,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.970942
+                    -2.510198,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532049,53.972383
+                    -2.531988,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973489
+                    -2.530681,53.974195
+                    -2.530394,53.974667
+                    -2.529709,53.975101
+                    -2.528882,53.975415
+                    -2.527369,53.975854
+                    -2.527121,53.976002
+                    -2.526215,53.976908
+                    -2.525857,53.977294
+                    -2.524955,53.977809
+                    -2.524345,53.978052
+                    -2.523803,53.977809
+                    -2.522833,53.977251
+                    -2.522520,53.976908
+                    -2.521321,53.976188
+                    -2.519808,53.976383
+                    -2.518785,53.976908
+                    -2.519808,53.977427
+                    -2.521321,53.977623
+                    -2.521894,53.977809
+                    -2.521667,53.978715
+                    -2.522833,53.979373
+                    -2.523176,53.979621
+                    -2.522833,53.980021
+                    -2.521991,53.980527
+                    -2.521926,53.981433
+                    -2.522491,53.982334
+                    -2.521321,53.982558
+                    -2.520180,53.983240
+                    -2.521321,53.983922
+                    -2.521553,53.984141
+                    -2.521321,53.984427
+                    -2.519808,53.984594
+                    -2.519046,53.985052
+                    -2.519808,53.985510
+                    -2.520043,53.985953
+                    -2.519808,53.986492
+                    -2.519196,53.986859
+                    -2.519808,53.987255
+                    -2.520327,53.987765
+                    -2.519808,53.988090
+                    -2.518884,53.988667
+                    -2.518685,53.989577
+                    -2.518296,53.989720
+                    -2.516784,53.989778
+                    -2.515272,53.989801
+                    -2.513760,53.990021
+                    -2.512992,53.990479
+                    -2.512247,53.990645
+                    -2.510735,53.990784
+                    -2.509536,53.991385
+                    -2.510735,53.991981
+                    -2.512247,53.992124
+                    -2.513484,53.991385
+                    -2.513760,53.990936
+                    -2.515272,53.991160
+                    -2.516784,53.991179
+                    -2.518296,53.991237
+                    -2.519808,53.991332
+                    -2.521321,53.991294
+                    -2.521983,53.991385
+                    -2.522833,53.991890
+                    -2.523445,53.992286
+                    -2.524270,53.993192
+                    -2.523283,53.994098
+                    -2.522833,53.994479
+                    -2.521321,53.994489
+                    -2.519808,53.994741
+                    -2.519390,53.995004
+                    -2.518909,53.995910
+                    -2.519808,53.996444
+                    -2.521321,53.996477
+                    -2.522273,53.995910
+                    -2.522833,53.995509
+                    -2.524345,53.995624
+                    -2.525857,53.995733
+                    -2.526139,53.995910
+                    -2.526402,53.996811
+                    -2.525857,53.997397
+                    -2.525376,53.997717
+                    -2.525857,53.998003
+                    -2.526980,53.998618
+                    -2.527369,53.998852
+                    -2.528398,53.999524
+                    -2.528882,53.999815
+                    -2.529405,53.999524
+                    -2.530394,53.999209
+                    -2.530545,53.999524
+                    -2.530586,54.000430
+                    -2.530394,54.000583
+                    -2.529136,54.001336
+                    -2.529063,54.002242
+                    -2.529066,54.003143
+                    -2.529091,54.004049
+                    -2.528882,54.004226
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+                    -2.527727,54.005861
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+                    -2.525857,54.007835
+                    -2.524345,54.007988
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+                    -2.522833,54.022608
+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520895,54.022145
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+                    -2.518296,54.021449
+                    -2.517778,54.021239
+                    -2.516784,54.020333
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+                    -2.511929,54.019427
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.017029
+                    -2.511685,54.017620
+                    -2.512247,54.017959
+                    -2.513760,54.018030
+                    -2.515272,54.018011
+                    -2.516001,54.017620
+                    -2.515272,54.017067
+                    -2.514959,54.016719
+                    -2.513760,54.016032
+                    -2.512247,54.016199
+                    -2.510735,54.016376
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014316
+                    -2.512247,54.014225
+                    -2.512650,54.014001
+                    -2.513033,54.013095
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+                    -2.513760,54.011950
+                    -2.514424,54.012194
+                    -2.515272,54.012699
+                    -2.516120,54.012194
+                    -2.516173,54.011288
+                    -2.515272,54.010615
+                    -2.515049,54.010386
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+                    -2.515272,54.009032
+                    -2.516110,54.008574
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+                    -2.516784,54.007068
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+                    -2.516784,54.006648
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+                    -2.519015,54.006763
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+                    -2.519808,54.008203
+                    -2.521321,54.008365
+                    -2.522489,54.007668
+                    -2.521802,54.006763
+                    -2.522414,54.005861
+                    -2.522833,54.005542
+                    -2.523714,54.004951
+                    -2.524345,54.004250
+                    -2.524645,54.004049
+                    -2.525298,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002242
+                    -2.524345,54.002242
+                    -2.524343,54.002242
+                    -2.522833,54.002314
+                    -2.522709,54.002242
+                    -2.522833,54.002166
+                    -2.523511,54.001336
+                    -2.522833,54.000926
+                    -2.521824,54.000430
+                    -2.521321,54.000134
+                    -2.519808,54.000001
+                    -2.518296,53.999887
+                    -2.517596,53.999524
+                    -2.516784,53.999009
+                    -2.516189,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998079
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+                    -2.506199,53.994570
+                    -2.505677,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993440
+                    -2.504184,53.993192
+                    -2.504555,53.992286
+                    -2.504268,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991256
+                    -2.506143,53.990479
+                    -2.505748,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.989272
+                    -2.507711,53.989167
+                    -2.508711,53.988667
+                    -2.509223,53.988314
+                    -2.510735,53.988123
+                    -2.511397,53.987765
+                    -2.510735,53.987408
+                    -2.509223,53.987317
+                    -2.507711,53.987327
+                    -2.507339,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986697
+                    -2.509085,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985219
+                    -2.507094,53.985052
+                    -2.507711,53.984566
+                    -2.508335,53.984141
+                    -2.508582,53.983240
+                    -2.508578,53.982334
+                    -2.509081,53.981433
+                    -2.509120,53.980527
+                    -2.508041,53.979621
+                    -2.507711,53.979425
+                    -2.507378,53.979621
+                    -2.506199,53.979969
+                    -2.504686,53.980193
+                    -2.503559,53.979621
+                    -2.504686,53.979321
+                    -2.505830,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978620
+                    -2.507711,53.978457
+                    -2.508972,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977661
+                    -2.510298,53.976908
+                    -2.509410,53.976002
+                    -2.510494,53.975101
+                    -2.510461,53.974195
+                    -2.510735,53.974013
+                    -2.511903,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.973079
+                    -2.513760,53.972878
+                    -2.514615,53.972383
+                    -2.515272,53.972063
+                    -2.516250,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.970962
+                    -2.513760,53.970957
+                    -2.512832,53.970575
+                    -2.512247,53.970246
+                    -2.511656,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.970942
+                    -2.510198,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532049,53.972383
+                    -2.531988,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973489
+                    -2.530681,53.974195
+                    -2.530394,53.974667
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+                    -2.528882,53.975415
+                    -2.527369,53.975854
+                    -2.527121,53.976002
+                    -2.526215,53.976908
+                    -2.525857,53.977294
+                    -2.524955,53.977809
+                    -2.524345,53.978052
+                    -2.523803,53.977809
+                    -2.522833,53.977251
+                    -2.522520,53.976908
+                    -2.521321,53.976188
+                    -2.519808,53.976383
+                    -2.518785,53.976908
+                    -2.519808,53.977427
+                    -2.521321,53.977623
+                    -2.521894,53.977809
+                    -2.521667,53.978715
+                    -2.522833,53.979373
+                    -2.523176,53.979621
+                    -2.522833,53.980021
+                    -2.521991,53.980527
+                    -2.521926,53.981433
+                    -2.522491,53.982334
+                    -2.521321,53.982558
+                    -2.520180,53.983240
+                    -2.521321,53.983922
+                    -2.521553,53.984141
+                    -2.521321,53.984427
+                    -2.519808,53.984594
+                    -2.519046,53.985052
+                    -2.519808,53.985510
+                    -2.520043,53.985953
+                    -2.519808,53.986492
+                    -2.519196,53.986859
+                    -2.519808,53.987255
+                    -2.520327,53.987765
+                    -2.519808,53.988090
+                    -2.518884,53.988667
+                    -2.518685,53.989577
+                    -2.518296,53.989720
+                    -2.516784,53.989778
+                    -2.515272,53.989801
+                    -2.513760,53.990021
+                    -2.512992,53.990479
+                    -2.512247,53.990645
+                    -2.510735,53.990784
+                    -2.509536,53.991385
+                    -2.510735,53.991981
+                    -2.512247,53.992124
+                    -2.513484,53.991385
+                    -2.513760,53.990936
+                    -2.515272,53.991160
+                    -2.516784,53.991179
+                    -2.518296,53.991237
+                    -2.519808,53.991332
+                    -2.521321,53.991294
+                    -2.521983,53.991385
+                    -2.522833,53.991890
+                    -2.523445,53.992286
+                    -2.524270,53.993192
+                    -2.523283,53.994098
+                    -2.522833,53.994479
+                    -2.521321,53.994489
+                    -2.519808,53.994741
+                    -2.519390,53.995004
+                    -2.518909,53.995910
+                    -2.519808,53.996444
+                    -2.521321,53.996477
+                    -2.522273,53.995910
+                    -2.522833,53.995509
+                    -2.524345,53.995624
+                    -2.525857,53.995733
+                    -2.526139,53.995910
+                    -2.526402,53.996811
+                    -2.525857,53.997397
+                    -2.525376,53.997717
+                    -2.525857,53.998003
+                    -2.526980,53.998618
+                    -2.527369,53.998852
+                    -2.528398,53.999524
+                    -2.528882,53.999815
+                    -2.529405,53.999524
+                    -2.530394,53.999209
+                    -2.530545,53.999524
+                    -2.530586,54.000430
+                    -2.530394,54.000583
+                    -2.529136,54.001336
+                    -2.529063,54.002242
+                    -2.529066,54.003143
+                    -2.529091,54.004049
+                    -2.528882,54.004226
+                    -2.527669,54.004951
+                    -2.527727,54.005861
+                    -2.527369,54.006314
+                    -2.526613,54.006763
+                    -2.526042,54.007668
+                    -2.525857,54.007835
+                    -2.524345,54.007988
+                    -2.523368,54.008574
+                    -2.523753,54.009476
+                    -2.524345,54.009833
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+                    -2.524345,54.010563
+                    -2.523130,54.011288
+                    -2.523603,54.012194
+                    -2.524345,54.012637
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+                    -2.524746,54.015813
+                    -2.525857,54.016476
+                    -2.526302,54.016719
+                    -2.526218,54.017620
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+                    -2.527738,54.018526
+                    -2.528882,54.019208
+                    -2.530030,54.018526
+                    -2.530181,54.017620
+                    -2.528882,54.016848
+                    -2.528437,54.016719
+                    -2.528509,54.015813
+                    -2.527369,54.015121
+                    -2.527262,54.014907
+                    -2.527104,54.014001
+                    -2.527109,54.013095
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+                    -2.525857,54.012113
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+                    -2.526991,54.010386
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+                    -2.518296,54.021449
+                    -2.517778,54.021239
+                    -2.516784,54.020333
+                    -2.516782,54.020333
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+                    -2.510735,54.018812
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.017029
+                    -2.511685,54.017620
+                    -2.512247,54.017959
+                    -2.513760,54.018030
+                    -2.515272,54.018011
+                    -2.516001,54.017620
+                    -2.515272,54.017067
+                    -2.514959,54.016719
+                    -2.513760,54.016032
+                    -2.512247,54.016199
+                    -2.510735,54.016376
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014316
+                    -2.512247,54.014225
+                    -2.512650,54.014001
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+                    -2.513760,54.011950
+                    -2.514424,54.012194
+                    -2.515272,54.012699
+                    -2.516120,54.012194
+                    -2.516173,54.011288
+                    -2.515272,54.010615
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+                    -2.515272,54.009032
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+                    -2.516784,54.007068
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+                    -2.516784,54.006648
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+                    -2.519015,54.006763
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+                    -2.519808,54.008203
+                    -2.521321,54.008365
+                    -2.522489,54.007668
+                    -2.521802,54.006763
+                    -2.522414,54.005861
+                    -2.522833,54.005542
+                    -2.523714,54.004951
+                    -2.524345,54.004250
+                    -2.524645,54.004049
+                    -2.525298,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002242
+                    -2.524345,54.002242
+                    -2.524343,54.002242
+                    -2.522833,54.002314
+                    -2.522709,54.002242
+                    -2.522833,54.002166
+                    -2.523511,54.001336
+                    -2.522833,54.000926
+                    -2.521824,54.000430
+                    -2.521321,54.000134
+                    -2.519808,54.000001
+                    -2.518296,53.999887
+                    -2.517596,53.999524
+                    -2.516784,53.999009
+                    -2.516189,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998079
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+                    -2.513760,53.996205
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+                    -2.504686,53.993440
+                    -2.504184,53.993192
+                    -2.504555,53.992286
+                    -2.504268,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991256
+                    -2.506143,53.990479
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+                    -2.506199,53.989272
+                    -2.507711,53.989167
+                    -2.508711,53.988667
+                    -2.509223,53.988314
+                    -2.510735,53.988123
+                    -2.511397,53.987765
+                    -2.510735,53.987408
+                    -2.509223,53.987317
+                    -2.507711,53.987327
+                    -2.507339,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986697
+                    -2.509085,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985219
+                    -2.507094,53.985052
+                    -2.507711,53.984566
+                    -2.508335,53.984141
+                    -2.508582,53.983240
+                    -2.508578,53.982334
+                    -2.509081,53.981433
+                    -2.509120,53.980527
+                    -2.508041,53.979621
+                    -2.507711,53.979425
+                    -2.507378,53.979621
+                    -2.506199,53.979969
+                    -2.504686,53.980193
+                    -2.503559,53.979621
+                    -2.504686,53.979321
+                    -2.505830,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978620
+                    -2.507711,53.978457
+                    -2.508972,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977661
+                    -2.510298,53.976908
+                    -2.509410,53.976002
+                    -2.510494,53.975101
+                    -2.510461,53.974195
+                    -2.510735,53.974013
+                    -2.511903,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.973079
+                    -2.513760,53.972878
+                    -2.514615,53.972383
+                    -2.515272,53.972063
+                    -2.516250,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.970962
+                    -2.513760,53.970957
+                    -2.512832,53.970575
+                    -2.512247,53.970246
+                    -2.511656,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.970942
+                    -2.510198,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532049,53.972383
+                    -2.531988,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973489
+                    -2.530681,53.974195
+                    -2.530394,53.974667
+                    -2.529709,53.975101
+                    -2.528882,53.975415
+                    -2.527369,53.975854
+                    -2.527121,53.976002
+                    -2.526215,53.976908
+                    -2.525857,53.977294
+                    -2.524955,53.977809
+                    -2.524345,53.978052
+                    -2.523803,53.977809
+                    -2.522833,53.977251
+                    -2.522520,53.976908
+                    -2.521321,53.976188
+                    -2.519808,53.976383
+                    -2.518785,53.976908
+                    -2.519808,53.977427
+                    -2.521321,53.977623
+                    -2.521894,53.977809
+                    -2.521667,53.978715
+                    -2.522833,53.979373
+                    -2.523176,53.979621
+                    -2.522833,53.980021
+                    -2.521991,53.980527
+                    -2.521926,53.981433
+                    -2.522491,53.982334
+                    -2.521321,53.982558
+                    -2.520180,53.983240
+                    -2.521321,53.983922
+                    -2.521553,53.984141
+                    -2.521321,53.984427
+                    -2.519808,53.984594
+                    -2.519046,53.985052
+                    -2.519808,53.985510
+                    -2.520043,53.985953
+                    -2.519808,53.986492
+                    -2.519196,53.986859
+                    -2.519808,53.987255
+                    -2.520327,53.987765
+                    -2.519808,53.988090
+                    -2.518884,53.988667
+                    -2.518685,53.989577
+                    -2.518296,53.989720
+                    -2.516784,53.989778
+                    -2.515272,53.989801
+                    -2.513760,53.990021
+                    -2.512992,53.990479
+                    -2.512247,53.990645
+                    -2.510735,53.990784
+                    -2.509536,53.991385
+                    -2.510735,53.991981
+                    -2.512247,53.992124
+                    -2.513484,53.991385
+                    -2.513760,53.990936
+                    -2.515272,53.991160
+                    -2.516784,53.991179
+                    -2.518296,53.991237
+                    -2.519808,53.991332
+                    -2.521321,53.991294
+                    -2.521983,53.991385
+                    -2.522833,53.991890
+                    -2.523445,53.992286
+                    -2.524270,53.993192
+                    -2.523283,53.994098
+                    -2.522833,53.994479
+                    -2.521321,53.994489
+                    -2.519808,53.994741
+                    -2.519390,53.995004
+                    -2.518909,53.995910
+                    -2.519808,53.996444
+                    -2.521321,53.996477
+                    -2.522273,53.995910
+                    -2.522833,53.995509
+                    -2.524345,53.995624
+                    -2.525857,53.995733
+                    -2.526139,53.995910
+                    -2.526402,53.996811
+                    -2.525857,53.997397
+                    -2.525376,53.997717
+                    -2.525857,53.998003
+                    -2.526980,53.998618
+                    -2.527369,53.998852
+                    -2.528398,53.999524
+                    -2.528882,53.999815
+                    -2.529405,53.999524
+                    -2.530394,53.999209
+                    -2.530545,53.999524
+                    -2.530586,54.000430
+                    -2.530394,54.000583
+                    -2.529136,54.001336
+                    -2.529063,54.002242
+                    -2.529066,54.003143
+                    -2.529091,54.004049
+                    -2.528882,54.004226
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+                    -2.527727,54.005861
+                    -2.527369,54.006314
+                    -2.526613,54.006763
+                    -2.526042,54.007668
+                    -2.525857,54.007835
+                    -2.524345,54.007988
+                    -2.523368,54.008574
+                    -2.523753,54.009476
+                    -2.524345,54.009833
+                    -2.524723,54.010386
+                    -2.524345,54.010563
+                    -2.523130,54.011288
+                    -2.523603,54.012194
+                    -2.524345,54.012637
+                    -2.524615,54.013095
+                    -2.524662,54.014001
+                    -2.524457,54.014907
+                    -2.524746,54.015813
+                    -2.525857,54.016476
+                    -2.526302,54.016719
+                    -2.526218,54.017620
+                    -2.527369,54.018307
+                    -2.527738,54.018526
+                    -2.528882,54.019208
+                    -2.530030,54.018526
+                    -2.530181,54.017620
+                    -2.528882,54.016848
+                    -2.528437,54.016719
+                    -2.528509,54.015813
+                    -2.527369,54.015121
+                    -2.527262,54.014907
+                    -2.527104,54.014001
+                    -2.527109,54.013095
+                    -2.525857,54.012351
+                    -2.525087,54.012194
+                    -2.525857,54.012113
+                    -2.527236,54.011288
+                    -2.526991,54.010386
+                    -2.527369,54.010091
+                    -2.528434,54.009476
+                    -2.528882,54.008861
+                    -2.529454,54.008574
+                    -2.529939,54.007668
+                    -2.530369,54.006763
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+                    -2.511685,54.017620
+                    -2.512247,54.017959
+                    -2.513760,54.018030
+                    -2.515272,54.018011
+                    -2.516001,54.017620
+                    -2.515272,54.017067
+                    -2.514959,54.016719
+                    -2.513760,54.016032
+                    -2.512247,54.016199
+                    -2.510735,54.016376
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014316
+                    -2.512247,54.014225
+                    -2.512650,54.014001
+                    -2.513033,54.013095
+                    -2.513552,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011950
+                    -2.514424,54.012194
+                    -2.515272,54.012699
+                    -2.516120,54.012194
+                    -2.516173,54.011288
+                    -2.515272,54.010615
+                    -2.515049,54.010386
+                    -2.514692,54.009476
+                    -2.515272,54.009032
+                    -2.516110,54.008574
+                    -2.516784,54.008265
+                    -2.517776,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007068
+                    -2.516414,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006648
+                    -2.518296,54.006610
+                    -2.519015,54.006763
+                    -2.518799,54.007668
+                    -2.519808,54.008203
+                    -2.521321,54.008365
+                    -2.522489,54.007668
+                    -2.521802,54.006763
+                    -2.522414,54.005861
+                    -2.522833,54.005542
+                    -2.523714,54.004951
+                    -2.524345,54.004250
+                    -2.524645,54.004049
+                    -2.525298,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002242
+                    -2.524345,54.002242
+                    -2.524343,54.002242
+                    -2.522833,54.002314
+                    -2.522709,54.002242
+                    -2.522833,54.002166
+                    -2.523511,54.001336
+                    -2.522833,54.000926
+                    -2.521824,54.000430
+                    -2.521321,54.000134
+                    -2.519808,54.000001
+                    -2.518296,53.999887
+                    -2.517596,53.999524
+                    -2.516784,53.999009
+                    -2.516189,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998079
+                    -2.514690,53.997717
+                    -2.514786,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996205
+                    -2.512451,53.995910
+                    -2.512247,53.995624
+                    -2.512144,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994298
+                    -2.509223,53.994780
+                    -2.507711,53.994608
+                    -2.506199,53.994570
+                    -2.505677,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993440
+                    -2.504184,53.993192
+                    -2.504555,53.992286
+                    -2.504268,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991256
+                    -2.506143,53.990479
+                    -2.505748,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.989272
+                    -2.507711,53.989167
+                    -2.508711,53.988667
+                    -2.509223,53.988314
+                    -2.510735,53.988123
+                    -2.511397,53.987765
+                    -2.510735,53.987408
+                    -2.509223,53.987317
+                    -2.507711,53.987327
+                    -2.507339,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986697
+                    -2.509085,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985219
+                    -2.507094,53.985052
+                    -2.507711,53.984566
+                    -2.508335,53.984141
+                    -2.508582,53.983240
+                    -2.508578,53.982334
+                    -2.509081,53.981433
+                    -2.509120,53.980527
+                    -2.508041,53.979621
+                    -2.507711,53.979425
+                    -2.507378,53.979621
+                    -2.506199,53.979969
+                    -2.504686,53.980193
+                    -2.503559,53.979621
+                    -2.504686,53.979321
+                    -2.505830,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978620
+                    -2.507711,53.978457
+                    -2.508972,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977661
+                    -2.510298,53.976908
+                    -2.509410,53.976002
+                    -2.510494,53.975101
+                    -2.510461,53.974195
+                    -2.510735,53.974013
+                    -2.511903,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.973079
+                    -2.513760,53.972878
+                    -2.514615,53.972383
+                    -2.515272,53.972063
+                    -2.516250,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.970962
+                    -2.513760,53.970957
+                    -2.512832,53.970575
+                    -2.512247,53.970246
+                    -2.511656,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.970942
+                    -2.510198,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532049,53.972383
+                    -2.531988,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973489
+                    -2.530681,53.974195
+                    -2.530394,53.974667
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+                    -2.528882,53.975415
+                    -2.527369,53.975854
+                    -2.527121,53.976002
+                    -2.526215,53.976908
+                    -2.525857,53.977294
+                    -2.524955,53.977809
+                    -2.524345,53.978052
+                    -2.523803,53.977809
+                    -2.522833,53.977251
+                    -2.522520,53.976908
+                    -2.521321,53.976188
+                    -2.519808,53.976383
+                    -2.518785,53.976908
+                    -2.519808,53.977427
+                    -2.521321,53.977623
+                    -2.521894,53.977809
+                    -2.521667,53.978715
+                    -2.522833,53.979373
+                    -2.523176,53.979621
+                    -2.522833,53.980021
+                    -2.521991,53.980527
+                    -2.521926,53.981433
+                    -2.522491,53.982334
+                    -2.521321,53.982558
+                    -2.520180,53.983240
+                    -2.521321,53.983922
+                    -2.521553,53.984141
+                    -2.521321,53.984427
+                    -2.519808,53.984594
+                    -2.519046,53.985052
+                    -2.519808,53.985510
+                    -2.520043,53.985953
+                    -2.519808,53.986492
+                    -2.519196,53.986859
+                    -2.519808,53.987255
+                    -2.520327,53.987765
+                    -2.519808,53.988090
+                    -2.518884,53.988667
+                    -2.518685,53.989577
+                    -2.518296,53.989720
+                    -2.516784,53.989778
+                    -2.515272,53.989801
+                    -2.513760,53.990021
+                    -2.512992,53.990479
+                    -2.512247,53.990645
+                    -2.510735,53.990784
+                    -2.509536,53.991385
+                    -2.510735,53.991981
+                    -2.512247,53.992124
+                    -2.513484,53.991385
+                    -2.513760,53.990936
+                    -2.515272,53.991160
+                    -2.516784,53.991179
+                    -2.518296,53.991237
+                    -2.519808,53.991332
+                    -2.521321,53.991294
+                    -2.521983,53.991385
+                    -2.522833,53.991890
+                    -2.523445,53.992286
+                    -2.524270,53.993192
+                    -2.523283,53.994098
+                    -2.522833,53.994479
+                    -2.521321,53.994489
+                    -2.519808,53.994741
+                    -2.519390,53.995004
+                    -2.518909,53.995910
+                    -2.519808,53.996444
+                    -2.521321,53.996477
+                    -2.522273,53.995910
+                    -2.522833,53.995509
+                    -2.524345,53.995624
+                    -2.525857,53.995733
+                    -2.526139,53.995910
+                    -2.526402,53.996811
+                    -2.525857,53.997397
+                    -2.525376,53.997717
+                    -2.525857,53.998003
+                    -2.526980,53.998618
+                    -2.527369,53.998852
+                    -2.528398,53.999524
+                    -2.528882,53.999815
+                    -2.529405,53.999524
+                    -2.530394,53.999209
+                    -2.530545,53.999524
+                    -2.530586,54.000430
+                    -2.530394,54.000583
+                    -2.529136,54.001336
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+                    -2.529066,54.003143
+                    -2.529091,54.004049
+                    -2.528882,54.004226
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+                    -2.527727,54.005861
+                    -2.527369,54.006314
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+                    -2.525857,54.007835
+                    -2.524345,54.007988
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+                    -2.524345,54.009833
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+                    -2.524345,54.010563
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+                    -2.525857,54.016476
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+                    -2.525857,54.012113
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.017029
+                    -2.511685,54.017620
+                    -2.512247,54.017959
+                    -2.513760,54.018030
+                    -2.515272,54.018011
+                    -2.516001,54.017620
+                    -2.515272,54.017067
+                    -2.514959,54.016719
+                    -2.513760,54.016032
+                    -2.512247,54.016199
+                    -2.510735,54.016376
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014316
+                    -2.512247,54.014225
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+                    -2.513033,54.013095
+                    -2.513552,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011950
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+                    -2.515272,54.012699
+                    -2.516120,54.012194
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+                    -2.515272,54.010615
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+                    -2.515272,54.009032
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+                    -2.516784,54.007068
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+                    -2.516784,54.006648
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+                    -2.519015,54.006763
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+                    -2.519808,54.008203
+                    -2.521321,54.008365
+                    -2.522489,54.007668
+                    -2.521802,54.006763
+                    -2.522414,54.005861
+                    -2.522833,54.005542
+                    -2.523714,54.004951
+                    -2.524345,54.004250
+                    -2.524645,54.004049
+                    -2.525298,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002242
+                    -2.524345,54.002242
+                    -2.524343,54.002242
+                    -2.522833,54.002314
+                    -2.522709,54.002242
+                    -2.522833,54.002166
+                    -2.523511,54.001336
+                    -2.522833,54.000926
+                    -2.521824,54.000430
+                    -2.521321,54.000134
+                    -2.519808,54.000001
+                    -2.518296,53.999887
+                    -2.517596,53.999524
+                    -2.516784,53.999009
+                    -2.516189,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998079
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+                    -2.504686,53.993440
+                    -2.504184,53.993192
+                    -2.504555,53.992286
+                    -2.504268,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991256
+                    -2.506143,53.990479
+                    -2.505748,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.989272
+                    -2.507711,53.989167
+                    -2.508711,53.988667
+                    -2.509223,53.988314
+                    -2.510735,53.988123
+                    -2.511397,53.987765
+                    -2.510735,53.987408
+                    -2.509223,53.987317
+                    -2.507711,53.987327
+                    -2.507339,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986697
+                    -2.509085,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985219
+                    -2.507094,53.985052
+                    -2.507711,53.984566
+                    -2.508335,53.984141
+                    -2.508582,53.983240
+                    -2.508578,53.982334
+                    -2.509081,53.981433
+                    -2.509120,53.980527
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+                    -2.507711,53.979425
+                    -2.507378,53.979621
+                    -2.506199,53.979969
+                    -2.504686,53.980193
+                    -2.503559,53.979621
+                    -2.504686,53.979321
+                    -2.505830,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978620
+                    -2.507711,53.978457
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+                    -2.509223,53.977661
+                    -2.510298,53.976908
+                    -2.509410,53.976002
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+                    -2.513760,53.972878
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+                    -2.516250,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.970962
+                    -2.513760,53.970957
+                    -2.512832,53.970575
+                    -2.512247,53.970246
+                    -2.511656,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.970942
+                    -2.510198,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532049,53.972383
+                    -2.531988,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973489
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+                    -2.530394,53.974667
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+                    -2.528882,53.975415
+                    -2.527369,53.975854
+                    -2.527121,53.976002
+                    -2.526215,53.976908
+                    -2.525857,53.977294
+                    -2.524955,53.977809
+                    -2.524345,53.978052
+                    -2.523803,53.977809
+                    -2.522833,53.977251
+                    -2.522520,53.976908
+                    -2.521321,53.976188
+                    -2.519808,53.976383
+                    -2.518785,53.976908
+                    -2.519808,53.977427
+                    -2.521321,53.977623
+                    -2.521894,53.977809
+                    -2.521667,53.978715
+                    -2.522833,53.979373
+                    -2.523176,53.979621
+                    -2.522833,53.980021
+                    -2.521991,53.980527
+                    -2.521926,53.981433
+                    -2.522491,53.982334
+                    -2.521321,53.982558
+                    -2.520180,53.983240
+                    -2.521321,53.983922
+                    -2.521553,53.984141
+                    -2.521321,53.984427
+                    -2.519808,53.984594
+                    -2.519046,53.985052
+                    -2.519808,53.985510
+                    -2.520043,53.985953
+                    -2.519808,53.986492
+                    -2.519196,53.986859
+                    -2.519808,53.987255
+                    -2.520327,53.987765
+                    -2.519808,53.988090
+                    -2.518884,53.988667
+                    -2.518685,53.989577
+                    -2.518296,53.989720
+                    -2.516784,53.989778
+                    -2.515272,53.989801
+                    -2.513760,53.990021
+                    -2.512992,53.990479
+                    -2.512247,53.990645
+                    -2.510735,53.990784
+                    -2.509536,53.991385
+                    -2.510735,53.991981
+                    -2.512247,53.992124
+                    -2.513484,53.991385
+                    -2.513760,53.990936
+                    -2.515272,53.991160
+                    -2.516784,53.991179
+                    -2.518296,53.991237
+                    -2.519808,53.991332
+                    -2.521321,53.991294
+                    -2.521983,53.991385
+                    -2.522833,53.991890
+                    -2.523445,53.992286
+                    -2.524270,53.993192
+                    -2.523283,53.994098
+                    -2.522833,53.994479
+                    -2.521321,53.994489
+                    -2.519808,53.994741
+                    -2.519390,53.995004
+                    -2.518909,53.995910
+                    -2.519808,53.996444
+                    -2.521321,53.996477
+                    -2.522273,53.995910
+                    -2.522833,53.995509
+                    -2.524345,53.995624
+                    -2.525857,53.995733
+                    -2.526139,53.995910
+                    -2.526402,53.996811
+                    -2.525857,53.997397
+                    -2.525376,53.997717
+                    -2.525857,53.998003
+                    -2.526980,53.998618
+                    -2.527369,53.998852
+                    -2.528398,53.999524
+                    -2.528882,53.999815
+                    -2.529405,53.999524
+                    -2.530394,53.999209
+                    -2.530545,53.999524
+                    -2.530586,54.000430
+                    -2.530394,54.000583
+                    -2.529136,54.001336
+                    -2.529063,54.002242
+                    -2.529066,54.003143
+                    -2.529091,54.004049
+                    -2.528882,54.004226
+                    -2.527669,54.004951
+                    -2.527727,54.005861
+                    -2.527369,54.006314
+                    -2.526613,54.006763
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+                    -2.525857,54.007835
+                    -2.524345,54.007988
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+                    -2.524345,54.009833
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+                    -2.518296,54.021449
+                    -2.517778,54.021239
+                    -2.516784,54.020333
+                    -2.516782,54.020333
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+                    -2.512247,54.019608
+                    -2.511929,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.018812
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.017029
+                    -2.511685,54.017620
+                    -2.512247,54.017959
+                    -2.513760,54.018030
+                    -2.515272,54.018011
+                    -2.516001,54.017620
+                    -2.515272,54.017067
+                    -2.514959,54.016719
+                    -2.513760,54.016032
+                    -2.512247,54.016199
+                    -2.510735,54.016376
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014316
+                    -2.512247,54.014225
+                    -2.512650,54.014001
+                    -2.513033,54.013095
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+                    -2.513760,54.011950
+                    -2.514424,54.012194
+                    -2.515272,54.012699
+                    -2.516120,54.012194
+                    -2.516173,54.011288
+                    -2.515272,54.010615
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+                    -2.515272,54.009032
+                    -2.516110,54.008574
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+                    -2.517776,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007068
+                    -2.516414,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006648
+                    -2.518296,54.006610
+                    -2.519015,54.006763
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+                    -2.519808,54.008203
+                    -2.521321,54.008365
+                    -2.522489,54.007668
+                    -2.521802,54.006763
+                    -2.522414,54.005861
+                    -2.522833,54.005542
+                    -2.523714,54.004951
+                    -2.524345,54.004250
+                    -2.524645,54.004049
+                    -2.525298,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002242
+                    -2.524345,54.002242
+                    -2.524343,54.002242
+                    -2.522833,54.002314
+                    -2.522709,54.002242
+                    -2.522833,54.002166
+                    -2.523511,54.001336
+                    -2.522833,54.000926
+                    -2.521824,54.000430
+                    -2.521321,54.000134
+                    -2.519808,54.000001
+                    -2.518296,53.999887
+                    -2.517596,53.999524
+                    -2.516784,53.999009
+                    -2.516189,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998079
+                    -2.514690,53.997717
+                    -2.514786,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996205
+                    -2.512451,53.995910
+                    -2.512247,53.995624
+                    -2.512144,53.995004
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+                    -2.506199,53.994570
+                    -2.505677,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993440
+                    -2.504184,53.993192
+                    -2.504555,53.992286
+                    -2.504268,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991256
+                    -2.506143,53.990479
+                    -2.505748,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.989272
+                    -2.507711,53.989167
+                    -2.508711,53.988667
+                    -2.509223,53.988314
+                    -2.510735,53.988123
+                    -2.511397,53.987765
+                    -2.510735,53.987408
+                    -2.509223,53.987317
+                    -2.507711,53.987327
+                    -2.507339,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986697
+                    -2.509085,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985219
+                    -2.507094,53.985052
+                    -2.507711,53.984566
+                    -2.508335,53.984141
+                    -2.508582,53.983240
+                    -2.508578,53.982334
+                    -2.509081,53.981433
+                    -2.509120,53.980527
+                    -2.508041,53.979621
+                    -2.507711,53.979425
+                    -2.507378,53.979621
+                    -2.506199,53.979969
+                    -2.504686,53.980193
+                    -2.503559,53.979621
+                    -2.504686,53.979321
+                    -2.505830,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978620
+                    -2.507711,53.978457
+                    -2.508972,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977661
+                    -2.510298,53.976908
+                    -2.509410,53.976002
+                    -2.510494,53.975101
+                    -2.510461,53.974195
+                    -2.510735,53.974013
+                    -2.511903,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.973079
+                    -2.513760,53.972878
+                    -2.514615,53.972383
+                    -2.515272,53.972063
+                    -2.516250,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.970962
+                    -2.513760,53.970957
+                    -2.512832,53.970575
+                    -2.512247,53.970246
+                    -2.511656,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.970942
+                    -2.510198,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532049,53.972383
+                    -2.531988,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973489
+                    -2.530681,53.974195
+                    -2.530394,53.974667
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+                    -2.528882,53.975415
+                    -2.527369,53.975854
+                    -2.527121,53.976002
+                    -2.526215,53.976908
+                    -2.525857,53.977294
+                    -2.524955,53.977809
+                    -2.524345,53.978052
+                    -2.523803,53.977809
+                    -2.522833,53.977251
+                    -2.522520,53.976908
+                    -2.521321,53.976188
+                    -2.519808,53.976383
+                    -2.518785,53.976908
+                    -2.519808,53.977427
+                    -2.521321,53.977623
+                    -2.521894,53.977809
+                    -2.521667,53.978715
+                    -2.522833,53.979373
+                    -2.523176,53.979621
+                    -2.522833,53.980021
+                    -2.521991,53.980527
+                    -2.521926,53.981433
+                    -2.522491,53.982334
+                    -2.521321,53.982558
+                    -2.520180,53.983240
+                    -2.521321,53.983922
+                    -2.521553,53.984141
+                    -2.521321,53.984427
+                    -2.519808,53.984594
+                    -2.519046,53.985052
+                    -2.519808,53.985510
+                    -2.520043,53.985953
+                    -2.519808,53.986492
+                    -2.519196,53.986859
+                    -2.519808,53.987255
+                    -2.520327,53.987765
+                    -2.519808,53.988090
+                    -2.518884,53.988667
+                    -2.518685,53.989577
+                    -2.518296,53.989720
+                    -2.516784,53.989778
+                    -2.515272,53.989801
+                    -2.513760,53.990021
+                    -2.512992,53.990479
+                    -2.512247,53.990645
+                    -2.510735,53.990784
+                    -2.509536,53.991385
+                    -2.510735,53.991981
+                    -2.512247,53.992124
+                    -2.513484,53.991385
+                    -2.513760,53.990936
+                    -2.515272,53.991160
+                    -2.516784,53.991179
+                    -2.518296,53.991237
+                    -2.519808,53.991332
+                    -2.521321,53.991294
+                    -2.521983,53.991385
+                    -2.522833,53.991890
+                    -2.523445,53.992286
+                    -2.524270,53.993192
+                    -2.523283,53.994098
+                    -2.522833,53.994479
+                    -2.521321,53.994489
+                    -2.519808,53.994741
+                    -2.519390,53.995004
+                    -2.518909,53.995910
+                    -2.519808,53.996444
+                    -2.521321,53.996477
+                    -2.522273,53.995910
+                    -2.522833,53.995509
+                    -2.524345,53.995624
+                    -2.525857,53.995733
+                    -2.526139,53.995910
+                    -2.526402,53.996811
+                    -2.525857,53.997397
+                    -2.525376,53.997717
+                    -2.525857,53.998003
+                    -2.526980,53.998618
+                    -2.527369,53.998852
+                    -2.528398,53.999524
+                    -2.528882,53.999815
+                    -2.529405,53.999524
+                    -2.530394,53.999209
+                    -2.530545,53.999524
+                    -2.530586,54.000430
+                    -2.530394,54.000583
+                    -2.529136,54.001336
+                    -2.529063,54.002242
+                    -2.529066,54.003143
+                    -2.529091,54.004049
+                    -2.528882,54.004226
+                    -2.527669,54.004951
+                    -2.527727,54.005861
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+                    -2.526613,54.006763
+                    -2.526042,54.007668
+                    -2.525857,54.007835
+                    -2.524345,54.007988
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+                    -2.530394,54.019608
+                    -2.529393,54.020333
+                    -2.530394,54.020934
+                    -2.531906,54.021058
+                    -2.532165,54.021239
+                    -2.533081,54.022145
+                    -2.533418,54.022346
+                    -2.533928,54.023051
+                    -2.534377,54.023952
+                    -2.534930,54.024282
+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.024973
+                    -2.531906,54.024997
+                    -2.530906,54.024858
+                    -2.530394,54.024668
+                    -2.528882,54.024601
+                    -2.527369,54.024558
+                    -2.525857,54.024234
+                    -2.525354,54.023952
+                    -2.524345,54.023385
+                    -2.523643,54.023051
+                    -2.522833,54.022608
+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520895,54.022145
+                    -2.519808,54.021316
+                    -2.518296,54.021449
+                    -2.517778,54.021239
+                    -2.516784,54.020333
+                    -2.516782,54.020333
+                    -2.515272,54.019918
+                    -2.513760,54.019823
+                    -2.512247,54.019608
+                    -2.511929,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.018812
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.017029
+                    -2.511685,54.017620
+                    -2.512247,54.017959
+                    -2.513760,54.018030
+                    -2.515272,54.018011
+                    -2.516001,54.017620
+                    -2.515272,54.017067
+                    -2.514959,54.016719
+                    -2.513760,54.016032
+                    -2.512247,54.016199
+                    -2.510735,54.016376
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014316
+                    -2.512247,54.014225
+                    -2.512650,54.014001
+                    -2.513033,54.013095
+                    -2.513552,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011950
+                    -2.514424,54.012194
+                    -2.515272,54.012699
+                    -2.516120,54.012194
+                    -2.516173,54.011288
+                    -2.515272,54.010615
+                    -2.515049,54.010386
+                    -2.514692,54.009476
+                    -2.515272,54.009032
+                    -2.516110,54.008574
+                    -2.516784,54.008265
+                    -2.517776,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007068
+                    -2.516414,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006648
+                    -2.518296,54.006610
+                    -2.519015,54.006763
+                    -2.518799,54.007668
+                    -2.519808,54.008203
+                    -2.521321,54.008365
+                    -2.522489,54.007668
+                    -2.521802,54.006763
+                    -2.522414,54.005861
+                    -2.522833,54.005542
+                    -2.523714,54.004951
+                    -2.524345,54.004250
+                    -2.524645,54.004049
+                    -2.525298,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002242
+                    -2.524345,54.002242
+                    -2.524343,54.002242
+                    -2.522833,54.002314
+                    -2.522709,54.002242
+                    -2.522833,54.002166
+                    -2.523511,54.001336
+                    -2.522833,54.000926
+                    -2.521824,54.000430
+                    -2.521321,54.000134
+                    -2.519808,54.000001
+                    -2.518296,53.999887
+                    -2.517596,53.999524
+                    -2.516784,53.999009
+                    -2.516189,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998079
+                    -2.514690,53.997717
+                    -2.514786,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996205
+                    -2.512451,53.995910
+                    -2.512247,53.995624
+                    -2.512144,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994298
+                    -2.509223,53.994780
+                    -2.507711,53.994608
+                    -2.506199,53.994570
+                    -2.505677,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993440
+                    -2.504184,53.993192
+                    -2.504555,53.992286
+                    -2.504268,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991256
+                    -2.506143,53.990479
+                    -2.505748,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.989272
+                    -2.507711,53.989167
+                    -2.508711,53.988667
+                    -2.509223,53.988314
+                    -2.510735,53.988123
+                    -2.511397,53.987765
+                    -2.510735,53.987408
+                    -2.509223,53.987317
+                    -2.507711,53.987327
+                    -2.507339,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986697
+                    -2.509085,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985219
+                    -2.507094,53.985052
+                    -2.507711,53.984566
+                    -2.508335,53.984141
+                    -2.508582,53.983240
+                    -2.508578,53.982334
+                    -2.509081,53.981433
+                    -2.509120,53.980527
+                    -2.508041,53.979621
+                    -2.507711,53.979425
+                    -2.507378,53.979621
+                    -2.506199,53.979969
+                    -2.504686,53.980193
+                    -2.503559,53.979621
+                    -2.504686,53.979321
+                    -2.505830,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978620
+                    -2.507711,53.978457
+                    -2.508972,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977661
+                    -2.510298,53.976908
+                    -2.509410,53.976002
+                    -2.510494,53.975101
+                    -2.510461,53.974195
+                    -2.510735,53.974013
+                    -2.511903,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.973079
+                    -2.513760,53.972878
+                    -2.514615,53.972383
+                    -2.515272,53.972063
+                    -2.516250,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.970962
+                    -2.513760,53.970957
+                    -2.512832,53.970575
+                    -2.512247,53.970246
+                    -2.511656,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.970942
+                    -2.510198,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532049,53.972383
+                    -2.531988,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973489
+                    -2.530681,53.974195
+                    -2.530394,53.974667
+                    -2.529709,53.975101
+                    -2.528882,53.975415
+                    -2.527369,53.975854
+                    -2.527121,53.976002
+                    -2.526215,53.976908
+                    -2.525857,53.977294
+                    -2.524955,53.977809
+                    -2.524345,53.978052
+                    -2.523803,53.977809
+                    -2.522833,53.977251
+                    -2.522520,53.976908
+                    -2.521321,53.976188
+                    -2.519808,53.976383
+                    -2.518785,53.976908
+                    -2.519808,53.977427
+                    -2.521321,53.977623
+                    -2.521894,53.977809
+                    -2.521667,53.978715
+                    -2.522833,53.979373
+                    -2.523176,53.979621
+                    -2.522833,53.980021
+                    -2.521991,53.980527
+                    -2.521926,53.981433
+                    -2.522491,53.982334
+                    -2.521321,53.982558
+                    -2.520180,53.983240
+                    -2.521321,53.983922
+                    -2.521553,53.984141
+                    -2.521321,53.984427
+                    -2.519808,53.984594
+                    -2.519046,53.985052
+                    -2.519808,53.985510
+                    -2.520043,53.985953
+                    -2.519808,53.986492
+                    -2.519196,53.986859
+                    -2.519808,53.987255
+                    -2.520327,53.987765
+                    -2.519808,53.988090
+                    -2.518884,53.988667
+                    -2.518685,53.989577
+                    -2.518296,53.989720
+                    -2.516784,53.989778
+                    -2.515272,53.989801
+                    -2.513760,53.990021
+                    -2.512992,53.990479
+                    -2.512247,53.990645
+                    -2.510735,53.990784
+                    -2.509536,53.991385
+                    -2.510735,53.991981
+                    -2.512247,53.992124
+                    -2.513484,53.991385
+                    -2.513760,53.990936
+                    -2.515272,53.991160
+                    -2.516784,53.991179
+                    -2.518296,53.991237
+                    -2.519808,53.991332
+                    -2.521321,53.991294
+                    -2.521983,53.991385
+                    -2.522833,53.991890
+                    -2.523445,53.992286
+                    -2.524270,53.993192
+                    -2.523283,53.994098
+                    -2.522833,53.994479
+                    -2.521321,53.994489
+                    -2.519808,53.994741
+                    -2.519390,53.995004
+                    -2.518909,53.995910
+                    -2.519808,53.996444
+                    -2.521321,53.996477
+                    -2.522273,53.995910
+                    -2.522833,53.995509
+                    -2.524345,53.995624
+                    -2.525857,53.995733
+                    -2.526139,53.995910
+                    -2.526402,53.996811
+                    -2.525857,53.997397
+                    -2.525376,53.997717
+                    -2.525857,53.998003
+                    -2.526980,53.998618
+                    -2.527369,53.998852
+                    -2.528398,53.999524
+                    -2.528882,53.999815
+                    -2.529405,53.999524
+                    -2.530394,53.999209
+                    -2.530545,53.999524
+                    -2.530586,54.000430
+                    -2.530394,54.000583
+                    -2.529136,54.001336
+                    -2.529063,54.002242
+                    -2.529066,54.003143
+                    -2.529091,54.004049
+                    -2.528882,54.004226
+                    -2.527669,54.004951
+                    -2.527727,54.005861
+                    -2.527369,54.006314
+                    -2.526613,54.006763
+                    -2.526042,54.007668
+                    -2.525857,54.007835
+                    -2.524345,54.007988
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+                    -2.524345,54.009833
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+                    -2.524345,54.010563
+                    -2.523130,54.011288
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+                    -2.524345,54.012637
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+                    -2.524746,54.015813
+                    -2.525857,54.016476
+                    -2.526302,54.016719
+                    -2.526218,54.017620
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+                    -2.527738,54.018526
+                    -2.528882,54.019208
+                    -2.530030,54.018526
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+                    -2.528882,54.016848
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+                    -2.528509,54.015813
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+                    -2.527262,54.014907
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+                    -2.525857,54.012113
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+                    -2.531784,54.003143
+                    -2.531783,54.002242
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+                    -2.533418,54.001746
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.017029
+                    -2.511685,54.017620
+                    -2.512247,54.017959
+                    -2.513760,54.018030
+                    -2.515272,54.018011
+                    -2.516001,54.017620
+                    -2.515272,54.017067
+                    -2.514959,54.016719
+                    -2.513760,54.016032
+                    -2.512247,54.016199
+                    -2.510735,54.016376
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014316
+                    -2.512247,54.014225
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+                    -2.513033,54.013095
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+                    -2.513760,54.011950
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+                    -2.515272,54.012699
+                    -2.516120,54.012194
+                    -2.516173,54.011288
+                    -2.515272,54.010615
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+                    -2.515272,54.009032
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+                    -2.516784,54.007068
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+                    -2.516784,54.006648
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+                    -2.519015,54.006763
+                    -2.518799,54.007668
+                    -2.519808,54.008203
+                    -2.521321,54.008365
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+                    -2.521802,54.006763
+                    -2.522414,54.005861
+                    -2.522833,54.005542
+                    -2.523714,54.004951
+                    -2.524345,54.004250
+                    -2.524645,54.004049
+                    -2.525298,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002242
+                    -2.524345,54.002242
+                    -2.524343,54.002242
+                    -2.522833,54.002314
+                    -2.522709,54.002242
+                    -2.522833,54.002166
+                    -2.523511,54.001336
+                    -2.522833,54.000926
+                    -2.521824,54.000430
+                    -2.521321,54.000134
+                    -2.519808,54.000001
+                    -2.518296,53.999887
+                    -2.517596,53.999524
+                    -2.516784,53.999009
+                    -2.516189,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998079
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+                    -2.505677,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993440
+                    -2.504184,53.993192
+                    -2.504555,53.992286
+                    -2.504268,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991256
+                    -2.506143,53.990479
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+                    -2.506199,53.989272
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+                    -2.509223,53.988314
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+                    -2.510735,53.987408
+                    -2.509223,53.987317
+                    -2.507711,53.987327
+                    -2.507339,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986697
+                    -2.509085,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985219
+                    -2.507094,53.985052
+                    -2.507711,53.984566
+                    -2.508335,53.984141
+                    -2.508582,53.983240
+                    -2.508578,53.982334
+                    -2.509081,53.981433
+                    -2.509120,53.980527
+                    -2.508041,53.979621
+                    -2.507711,53.979425
+                    -2.507378,53.979621
+                    -2.506199,53.979969
+                    -2.504686,53.980193
+                    -2.503559,53.979621
+                    -2.504686,53.979321
+                    -2.505830,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978620
+                    -2.507711,53.978457
+                    -2.508972,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977661
+                    -2.510298,53.976908
+                    -2.509410,53.976002
+                    -2.510494,53.975101
+                    -2.510461,53.974195
+                    -2.510735,53.974013
+                    -2.511903,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.973079
+                    -2.513760,53.972878
+                    -2.514615,53.972383
+                    -2.515272,53.972063
+                    -2.516250,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.970962
+                    -2.513760,53.970957
+                    -2.512832,53.970575
+                    -2.512247,53.970246
+                    -2.511656,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.970942
+                    -2.510198,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532049,53.972383
+                    -2.531988,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973489
+                    -2.530681,53.974195
+                    -2.530394,53.974667
+                    -2.529709,53.975101
+                    -2.528882,53.975415
+                    -2.527369,53.975854
+                    -2.527121,53.976002
+                    -2.526215,53.976908
+                    -2.525857,53.977294
+                    -2.524955,53.977809
+                    -2.524345,53.978052
+                    -2.523803,53.977809
+                    -2.522833,53.977251
+                    -2.522520,53.976908
+                    -2.521321,53.976188
+                    -2.519808,53.976383
+                    -2.518785,53.976908
+                    -2.519808,53.977427
+                    -2.521321,53.977623
+                    -2.521894,53.977809
+                    -2.521667,53.978715
+                    -2.522833,53.979373
+                    -2.523176,53.979621
+                    -2.522833,53.980021
+                    -2.521991,53.980527
+                    -2.521926,53.981433
+                    -2.522491,53.982334
+                    -2.521321,53.982558
+                    -2.520180,53.983240
+                    -2.521321,53.983922
+                    -2.521553,53.984141
+                    -2.521321,53.984427
+                    -2.519808,53.984594
+                    -2.519046,53.985052
+                    -2.519808,53.985510
+                    -2.520043,53.985953
+                    -2.519808,53.986492
+                    -2.519196,53.986859
+                    -2.519808,53.987255
+                    -2.520327,53.987765
+                    -2.519808,53.988090
+                    -2.518884,53.988667
+                    -2.518685,53.989577
+                    -2.518296,53.989720
+                    -2.516784,53.989778
+                    -2.515272,53.989801
+                    -2.513760,53.990021
+                    -2.512992,53.990479
+                    -2.512247,53.990645
+                    -2.510735,53.990784
+                    -2.509536,53.991385
+                    -2.510735,53.991981
+                    -2.512247,53.992124
+                    -2.513484,53.991385
+                    -2.513760,53.990936
+                    -2.515272,53.991160
+                    -2.516784,53.991179
+                    -2.518296,53.991237
+                    -2.519808,53.991332
+                    -2.521321,53.991294
+                    -2.521983,53.991385
+                    -2.522833,53.991890
+                    -2.523445,53.992286
+                    -2.524270,53.993192
+                    -2.523283,53.994098
+                    -2.522833,53.994479
+                    -2.521321,53.994489
+                    -2.519808,53.994741
+                    -2.519390,53.995004
+                    -2.518909,53.995910
+                    -2.519808,53.996444
+                    -2.521321,53.996477
+                    -2.522273,53.995910
+                    -2.522833,53.995509
+                    -2.524345,53.995624
+                    -2.525857,53.995733
+                    -2.526139,53.995910
+                    -2.526402,53.996811
+                    -2.525857,53.997397
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+                    -2.525857,53.998003
+                    -2.526980,53.998618
+                    -2.527369,53.998852
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+                    -2.528882,53.999815
+                    -2.529405,53.999524
+                    -2.530394,53.999209
+                    -2.530545,53.999524
+                    -2.530586,54.000430
+                    -2.530394,54.000583
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+                    -2.529066,54.003143
+                    -2.529091,54.004049
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+                    -2.520895,54.022145
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+                    -2.518296,54.021449
+                    -2.517778,54.021239
+                    -2.516784,54.020333
+                    -2.516782,54.020333
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+                    -2.512247,54.019608
+                    -2.511929,54.019427
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.017029
+                    -2.511685,54.017620
+                    -2.512247,54.017959
+                    -2.513760,54.018030
+                    -2.515272,54.018011
+                    -2.516001,54.017620
+                    -2.515272,54.017067
+                    -2.514959,54.016719
+                    -2.513760,54.016032
+                    -2.512247,54.016199
+                    -2.510735,54.016376
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014316
+                    -2.512247,54.014225
+                    -2.512650,54.014001
+                    -2.513033,54.013095
+                    -2.513552,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011950
+                    -2.514424,54.012194
+                    -2.515272,54.012699
+                    -2.516120,54.012194
+                    -2.516173,54.011288
+                    -2.515272,54.010615
+                    -2.515049,54.010386
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+                    -2.515272,54.009032
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+                    -2.517776,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007068
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+                    -2.516784,54.006648
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+                    -2.519015,54.006763
+                    -2.518799,54.007668
+                    -2.519808,54.008203
+                    -2.521321,54.008365
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+                    -2.521802,54.006763
+                    -2.522414,54.005861
+                    -2.522833,54.005542
+                    -2.523714,54.004951
+                    -2.524345,54.004250
+                    -2.524645,54.004049
+                    -2.525298,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002242
+                    -2.524345,54.002242
+                    -2.524343,54.002242
+                    -2.522833,54.002314
+                    -2.522709,54.002242
+                    -2.522833,54.002166
+                    -2.523511,54.001336
+                    -2.522833,54.000926
+                    -2.521824,54.000430
+                    -2.521321,54.000134
+                    -2.519808,54.000001
+                    -2.518296,53.999887
+                    -2.517596,53.999524
+                    -2.516784,53.999009
+                    -2.516189,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998079
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+                    -2.506199,53.994570
+                    -2.505677,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993440
+                    -2.504184,53.993192
+                    -2.504555,53.992286
+                    -2.504268,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991256
+                    -2.506143,53.990479
+                    -2.505748,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.989272
+                    -2.507711,53.989167
+                    -2.508711,53.988667
+                    -2.509223,53.988314
+                    -2.510735,53.988123
+                    -2.511397,53.987765
+                    -2.510735,53.987408
+                    -2.509223,53.987317
+                    -2.507711,53.987327
+                    -2.507339,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986697
+                    -2.509085,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985219
+                    -2.507094,53.985052
+                    -2.507711,53.984566
+                    -2.508335,53.984141
+                    -2.508582,53.983240
+                    -2.508578,53.982334
+                    -2.509081,53.981433
+                    -2.509120,53.980527
+                    -2.508041,53.979621
+                    -2.507711,53.979425
+                    -2.507378,53.979621
+                    -2.506199,53.979969
+                    -2.504686,53.980193
+                    -2.503559,53.979621
+                    -2.504686,53.979321
+                    -2.505830,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978620
+                    -2.507711,53.978457
+                    -2.508972,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977661
+                    -2.510298,53.976908
+                    -2.509410,53.976002
+                    -2.510494,53.975101
+                    -2.510461,53.974195
+                    -2.510735,53.974013
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+                    -2.512247,53.973079
+                    -2.513760,53.972878
+                    -2.514615,53.972383
+                    -2.515272,53.972063
+                    -2.516250,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.970962
+                    -2.513760,53.970957
+                    -2.512832,53.970575
+                    -2.512247,53.970246
+                    -2.511656,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.970942
+                    -2.510198,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532049,53.972383
+                    -2.531988,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973489
+                    -2.530681,53.974195
+                    -2.530394,53.974667
+                    -2.529709,53.975101
+                    -2.528882,53.975415
+                    -2.527369,53.975854
+                    -2.527121,53.976002
+                    -2.526215,53.976908
+                    -2.525857,53.977294
+                    -2.524955,53.977809
+                    -2.524345,53.978052
+                    -2.523803,53.977809
+                    -2.522833,53.977251
+                    -2.522520,53.976908
+                    -2.521321,53.976188
+                    -2.519808,53.976383
+                    -2.518785,53.976908
+                    -2.519808,53.977427
+                    -2.521321,53.977623
+                    -2.521894,53.977809
+                    -2.521667,53.978715
+                    -2.522833,53.979373
+                    -2.523176,53.979621
+                    -2.522833,53.980021
+                    -2.521991,53.980527
+                    -2.521926,53.981433
+                    -2.522491,53.982334
+                    -2.521321,53.982558
+                    -2.520180,53.983240
+                    -2.521321,53.983922
+                    -2.521553,53.984141
+                    -2.521321,53.984427
+                    -2.519808,53.984594
+                    -2.519046,53.985052
+                    -2.519808,53.985510
+                    -2.520043,53.985953
+                    -2.519808,53.986492
+                    -2.519196,53.986859
+                    -2.519808,53.987255
+                    -2.520327,53.987765
+                    -2.519808,53.988090
+                    -2.518884,53.988667
+                    -2.518685,53.989577
+                    -2.518296,53.989720
+                    -2.516784,53.989778
+                    -2.515272,53.989801
+                    -2.513760,53.990021
+                    -2.512992,53.990479
+                    -2.512247,53.990645
+                    -2.510735,53.990784
+                    -2.509536,53.991385
+                    -2.510735,53.991981
+                    -2.512247,53.992124
+                    -2.513484,53.991385
+                    -2.513760,53.990936
+                    -2.515272,53.991160
+                    -2.516784,53.991179
+                    -2.518296,53.991237
+                    -2.519808,53.991332
+                    -2.521321,53.991294
+                    -2.521983,53.991385
+                    -2.522833,53.991890
+                    -2.523445,53.992286
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+                    -2.519808,53.996444
+                    -2.521321,53.996477
+                    -2.522273,53.995910
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+                    -2.524345,53.995624
+                    -2.525857,53.995733
+                    -2.526139,53.995910
+                    -2.526402,53.996811
+                    -2.525857,53.997397
+                    -2.525376,53.997717
+                    -2.525857,53.998003
+                    -2.526980,53.998618
+                    -2.527369,53.998852
+                    -2.528398,53.999524
+                    -2.528882,53.999815
+                    -2.529405,53.999524
+                    -2.530394,53.999209
+                    -2.530545,53.999524
+                    -2.530586,54.000430
+                    -2.530394,54.000583
+                    -2.529136,54.001336
+                    -2.529063,54.002242
+                    -2.529066,54.003143
+                    -2.529091,54.004049
+                    -2.528882,54.004226
+                    -2.527669,54.004951
+                    -2.527727,54.005861
+                    -2.527369,54.006314
+                    -2.526613,54.006763
+                    -2.526042,54.007668
+                    -2.525857,54.007835
+                    -2.524345,54.007988
+                    -2.523368,54.008574
+                    -2.523753,54.009476
+                    -2.524345,54.009833
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+                    -2.524345,54.010563
+                    -2.523130,54.011288
+                    -2.523603,54.012194
+                    -2.524345,54.012637
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+                    -2.524746,54.015813
+                    -2.525857,54.016476
+                    -2.526302,54.016719
+                    -2.526218,54.017620
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+                    -2.527738,54.018526
+                    -2.528882,54.019208
+                    -2.530030,54.018526
+                    -2.530181,54.017620
+                    -2.528882,54.016848
+                    -2.528437,54.016719
+                    -2.528509,54.015813
+                    -2.527369,54.015121
+                    -2.527262,54.014907
+                    -2.527104,54.014001
+                    -2.527109,54.013095
+                    -2.525857,54.012351
+                    -2.525087,54.012194
+                    -2.525857,54.012113
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+                    -2.526991,54.010386
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+                    -2.531784,54.003143
+                    -2.531783,54.002242
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+                    -2.534930,54.000387
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+                    -2.535082,54.001336
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+                    -2.533418,54.001746
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+                    -2.520895,54.022145
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+                    -2.518296,54.021449
+                    -2.517778,54.021239
+                    -2.516784,54.020333
+                    -2.516782,54.020333
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+                    -2.511929,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.018812
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.017029
+                    -2.511685,54.017620
+                    -2.512247,54.017959
+                    -2.513760,54.018030
+                    -2.515272,54.018011
+                    -2.516001,54.017620
+                    -2.515272,54.017067
+                    -2.514959,54.016719
+                    -2.513760,54.016032
+                    -2.512247,54.016199
+                    -2.510735,54.016376
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014316
+                    -2.512247,54.014225
+                    -2.512650,54.014001
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+                    -2.513760,54.011950
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+                    -2.516784,54.007068
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+                    -2.516784,54.006648
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+                    -2.519808,54.008203
+                    -2.521321,54.008365
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+                    -2.521802,54.006763
+                    -2.522414,54.005861
+                    -2.522833,54.005542
+                    -2.523714,54.004951
+                    -2.524345,54.004250
+                    -2.524645,54.004049
+                    -2.525298,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002242
+                    -2.524345,54.002242
+                    -2.524343,54.002242
+                    -2.522833,54.002314
+                    -2.522709,54.002242
+                    -2.522833,54.002166
+                    -2.523511,54.001336
+                    -2.522833,54.000926
+                    -2.521824,54.000430
+                    -2.521321,54.000134
+                    -2.519808,54.000001
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+                    -2.504268,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991256
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+                    -2.506199,53.989272
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+                    -2.509223,53.988314
+                    -2.510735,53.988123
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+                    -2.510735,53.987408
+                    -2.509223,53.987317
+                    -2.507711,53.987327
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+                    -2.507711,53.986697
+                    -2.509085,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985219
+                    -2.507094,53.985052
+                    -2.507711,53.984566
+                    -2.508335,53.984141
+                    -2.508582,53.983240
+                    -2.508578,53.982334
+                    -2.509081,53.981433
+                    -2.509120,53.980527
+                    -2.508041,53.979621
+                    -2.507711,53.979425
+                    -2.507378,53.979621
+                    -2.506199,53.979969
+                    -2.504686,53.980193
+                    -2.503559,53.979621
+                    -2.504686,53.979321
+                    -2.505830,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978620
+                    -2.507711,53.978457
+                    -2.508972,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977661
+                    -2.510298,53.976908
+                    -2.509410,53.976002
+                    -2.510494,53.975101
+                    -2.510461,53.974195
+                    -2.510735,53.974013
+                    -2.511903,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.973079
+                    -2.513760,53.972878
+                    -2.514615,53.972383
+                    -2.515272,53.972063
+                    -2.516250,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.970962
+                    -2.513760,53.970957
+                    -2.512832,53.970575
+                    -2.512247,53.970246
+                    -2.511656,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.970942
+                    -2.510198,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532049,53.972383
+                    -2.531988,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973489
+                    -2.530681,53.974195
+                    -2.530394,53.974667
+                    -2.529709,53.975101
+                    -2.528882,53.975415
+                    -2.527369,53.975854
+                    -2.527121,53.976002
+                    -2.526215,53.976908
+                    -2.525857,53.977294
+                    -2.524955,53.977809
+                    -2.524345,53.978052
+                    -2.523803,53.977809
+                    -2.522833,53.977251
+                    -2.522520,53.976908
+                    -2.521321,53.976188
+                    -2.519808,53.976383
+                    -2.518785,53.976908
+                    -2.519808,53.977427
+                    -2.521321,53.977623
+                    -2.521894,53.977809
+                    -2.521667,53.978715
+                    -2.522833,53.979373
+                    -2.523176,53.979621
+                    -2.522833,53.980021
+                    -2.521991,53.980527
+                    -2.521926,53.981433
+                    -2.522491,53.982334
+                    -2.521321,53.982558
+                    -2.520180,53.983240
+                    -2.521321,53.983922
+                    -2.521553,53.984141
+                    -2.521321,53.984427
+                    -2.519808,53.984594
+                    -2.519046,53.985052
+                    -2.519808,53.985510
+                    -2.520043,53.985953
+                    -2.519808,53.986492
+                    -2.519196,53.986859
+                    -2.519808,53.987255
+                    -2.520327,53.987765
+                    -2.519808,53.988090
+                    -2.518884,53.988667
+                    -2.518685,53.989577
+                    -2.518296,53.989720
+                    -2.516784,53.989778
+                    -2.515272,53.989801
+                    -2.513760,53.990021
+                    -2.512992,53.990479
+                    -2.512247,53.990645
+                    -2.510735,53.990784
+                    -2.509536,53.991385
+                    -2.510735,53.991981
+                    -2.512247,53.992124
+                    -2.513484,53.991385
+                    -2.513760,53.990936
+                    -2.515272,53.991160
+                    -2.516784,53.991179
+                    -2.518296,53.991237
+                    -2.519808,53.991332
+                    -2.521321,53.991294
+                    -2.521983,53.991385
+                    -2.522833,53.991890
+                    -2.523445,53.992286
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+                    -2.522833,53.994479
+                    -2.521321,53.994489
+                    -2.519808,53.994741
+                    -2.519390,53.995004
+                    -2.518909,53.995910
+                    -2.519808,53.996444
+                    -2.521321,53.996477
+                    -2.522273,53.995910
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+                    -2.525857,53.995733
+                    -2.526139,53.995910
+                    -2.526402,53.996811
+                    -2.525857,53.997397
+                    -2.525376,53.997717
+                    -2.525857,53.998003
+                    -2.526980,53.998618
+                    -2.527369,53.998852
+                    -2.528398,53.999524
+                    -2.528882,53.999815
+                    -2.529405,53.999524
+                    -2.530394,53.999209
+                    -2.530545,53.999524
+                    -2.530586,54.000430
+                    -2.530394,54.000583
+                    -2.529136,54.001336
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+                    -2.529066,54.003143
+                    -2.529091,54.004049
+                    -2.528882,54.004226
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+                    -2.527727,54.005861
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+                    -2.525857,54.007835
+                    -2.524345,54.007988
+                    -2.523368,54.008574
+                    -2.523753,54.009476
+                    -2.524345,54.009833
+                    -2.524723,54.010386
+                    -2.524345,54.010563
+                    -2.523130,54.011288
+                    -2.523603,54.012194
+                    -2.524345,54.012637
+                    -2.524615,54.013095
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+                    -2.524457,54.014907
+                    -2.524746,54.015813
+                    -2.525857,54.016476
+                    -2.526302,54.016719
+                    -2.526218,54.017620
+                    -2.527369,54.018307
+                    -2.527738,54.018526
+                    -2.528882,54.019208
+                    -2.530030,54.018526
+                    -2.530181,54.017620
+                    -2.528882,54.016848
+                    -2.528437,54.016719
+                    -2.528509,54.015813
+                    -2.527369,54.015121
+                    -2.527262,54.014907
+                    -2.527104,54.014001
+                    -2.527109,54.013095
+                    -2.525857,54.012351
+                    -2.525087,54.012194
+                    -2.525857,54.012113
+                    -2.527236,54.011288
+                    -2.526991,54.010386
+                    -2.527369,54.010091
+                    -2.528434,54.009476
+                    -2.528882,54.008861
+                    -2.529454,54.008574
+                    -2.529939,54.007668
+                    -2.530369,54.006763
+                    -2.530037,54.005861
+                    -2.530394,54.005389
+                    -2.531195,54.004951
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+                    -2.531784,54.003143
+                    -2.531783,54.002242
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+                    -2.531906,54.001226
+                    -2.533418,54.001002
+                    -2.534930,54.000540
+                    -2.535070,54.000430
+                    -2.534930,54.000387
+                    -2.533418,53.999696
+                    -2.533363,53.999524
+                    -2.533262,53.998618
+                    -2.533418,53.998017
+                    -2.534930,53.998346
+                    -2.535233,53.998618
+                    -2.536443,53.999362
+                    -2.536750,53.999524
+                    -2.536836,54.000430
+                    -2.536443,54.000545
+                    -2.535082,54.001336
+                    -2.534930,54.001746
+                    -2.533418,54.001746
+                    -2.532543,54.002242
+                    -2.532480,54.003143
+                    -2.532830,54.004049
+                    -2.533004,54.004951
+                    -2.532934,54.005861
+                    -2.531906,54.006047
+                    -2.530512,54.006763
+                    -2.531906,54.007525
+                    -2.532440,54.007668
+                    -2.531906,54.008040
+                    -2.531053,54.008574
+                    -2.531906,54.008994
+                    -2.533418,54.008822
+                    -2.533994,54.008574
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+                    -2.534930,54.007363
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+                    -2.536443,54.005470
+                    -2.535810,54.005861
+                    -2.534930,54.006171
+                    -2.533848,54.005861
+                    -2.533801,54.004951
+                    -2.534930,54.004416
+                    -2.536443,54.004574
+                    -2.537955,54.004626
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+                    -2.521824,54.000430
+                    -2.521321,54.000134
+                    -2.519808,54.000001
+                    -2.518296,53.999887
+                    -2.517596,53.999524
+                    -2.516784,53.999009
+                    -2.516189,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998079
+                    -2.514690,53.997717
+                    -2.514786,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996205
+                    -2.512451,53.995910
+                    -2.512247,53.995624
+                    -2.512144,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994298
+                    -2.509223,53.994780
+                    -2.507711,53.994608
+                    -2.506199,53.994570
+                    -2.505677,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993440
+                    -2.504184,53.993192
+                    -2.504555,53.992286
+                    -2.504268,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991256
+                    -2.506143,53.990479
+                    -2.505748,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.989272
+                    -2.507711,53.989167
+                    -2.508711,53.988667
+                    -2.509223,53.988314
+                    -2.510735,53.988123
+                    -2.511397,53.987765
+                    -2.510735,53.987408
+                    -2.509223,53.987317
+                    -2.507711,53.987327
+                    -2.507339,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986697
+                    -2.509085,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985219
+                    -2.507094,53.985052
+                    -2.507711,53.984566
+                    -2.508335,53.984141
+                    -2.508582,53.983240
+                    -2.508578,53.982334
+                    -2.509081,53.981433
+                    -2.509120,53.980527
+                    -2.508041,53.979621
+                    -2.507711,53.979425
+                    -2.507378,53.979621
+                    -2.506199,53.979969
+                    -2.504686,53.980193
+                    -2.503559,53.979621
+                    -2.504686,53.979321
+                    -2.505830,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978620
+                    -2.507711,53.978457
+                    -2.508972,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977661
+                    -2.510298,53.976908
+                    -2.509410,53.976002
+                    -2.510494,53.975101
+                    -2.510461,53.974195
+                    -2.510735,53.974013
+                    -2.511903,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.973079
+                    -2.513760,53.972878
+                    -2.514615,53.972383
+                    -2.515272,53.972063
+                    -2.516250,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.970962
+                    -2.513760,53.970957
+                    -2.512832,53.970575
+                    -2.512247,53.970246
+                    -2.511656,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.970942
+                    -2.510198,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532049,53.972383
+                    -2.531988,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973489
+                    -2.530681,53.974195
+                    -2.530394,53.974667
+                    -2.529709,53.975101
+                    -2.528882,53.975415
+                    -2.527369,53.975854
+                    -2.527121,53.976002
+                    -2.526215,53.976908
+                    -2.525857,53.977294
+                    -2.524955,53.977809
+                    -2.524345,53.978052
+                    -2.523803,53.977809
+                    -2.522833,53.977251
+                    -2.522520,53.976908
+                    -2.521321,53.976188
+                    -2.519808,53.976383
+                    -2.518785,53.976908
+                    -2.519808,53.977427
+                    -2.521321,53.977623
+                    -2.521894,53.977809
+                    -2.521667,53.978715
+                    -2.522833,53.979373
+                    -2.523176,53.979621
+                    -2.522833,53.980021
+                    -2.521991,53.980527
+                    -2.521926,53.981433
+                    -2.522491,53.982334
+                    -2.521321,53.982558
+                    -2.520180,53.983240
+                    -2.521321,53.983922
+                    -2.521553,53.984141
+                    -2.521321,53.984427
+                    -2.519808,53.984594
+                    -2.519046,53.985052
+                    -2.519808,53.985510
+                    -2.520043,53.985953
+                    -2.519808,53.986492
+                    -2.519196,53.986859
+                    -2.519808,53.987255
+                    -2.520327,53.987765
+                    -2.519808,53.988090
+                    -2.518884,53.988667
+                    -2.518685,53.989577
+                    -2.518296,53.989720
+                    -2.516784,53.989778
+                    -2.515272,53.989801
+                    -2.513760,53.990021
+                    -2.512992,53.990479
+                    -2.512247,53.990645
+                    -2.510735,53.990784
+                    -2.509536,53.991385
+                    -2.510735,53.991981
+                    -2.512247,53.992124
+                    -2.513484,53.991385
+                    -2.513760,53.990936
+                    -2.515272,53.991160
+                    -2.516784,53.991179
+                    -2.518296,53.991237
+                    -2.519808,53.991332
+                    -2.521321,53.991294
+                    -2.521983,53.991385
+                    -2.522833,53.991890
+                    -2.523445,53.992286
+                    -2.524270,53.993192
+                    -2.523283,53.994098
+                    -2.522833,53.994479
+                    -2.521321,53.994489
+                    -2.519808,53.994741
+                    -2.519390,53.995004
+                    -2.518909,53.995910
+                    -2.519808,53.996444
+                    -2.521321,53.996477
+                    -2.522273,53.995910
+                    -2.522833,53.995509
+                    -2.524345,53.995624
+                    -2.525857,53.995733
+                    -2.526139,53.995910
+                    -2.526402,53.996811
+                    -2.525857,53.997397
+                    -2.525376,53.997717
+                    -2.525857,53.998003
+                    -2.526980,53.998618
+                    -2.527369,53.998852
+                    -2.528398,53.999524
+                    -2.528882,53.999815
+                    -2.529405,53.999524
+                    -2.530394,53.999209
+                    -2.530545,53.999524
+                    -2.530586,54.000430
+                    -2.530394,54.000583
+                    -2.529136,54.001336
+                    -2.529063,54.002242
+                    -2.529066,54.003143
+                    -2.529091,54.004049
+                    -2.528882,54.004226
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+                    -2.527727,54.005861
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+                    -2.522833,54.022608
+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520895,54.022145
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+                    -2.518296,54.021449
+                    -2.517778,54.021239
+                    -2.516784,54.020333
+                    -2.516782,54.020333
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+                    -2.512247,54.019608
+                    -2.511929,54.019427
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.017029
+                    -2.511685,54.017620
+                    -2.512247,54.017959
+                    -2.513760,54.018030
+                    -2.515272,54.018011
+                    -2.516001,54.017620
+                    -2.515272,54.017067
+                    -2.514959,54.016719
+                    -2.513760,54.016032
+                    -2.512247,54.016199
+                    -2.510735,54.016376
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014316
+                    -2.512247,54.014225
+                    -2.512650,54.014001
+                    -2.513033,54.013095
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+                    -2.513760,54.011950
+                    -2.514424,54.012194
+                    -2.515272,54.012699
+                    -2.516120,54.012194
+                    -2.516173,54.011288
+                    -2.515272,54.010615
+                    -2.515049,54.010386
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+                    -2.515272,54.009032
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+                    -2.517776,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007068
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+                    -2.516784,54.006648
+                    -2.518296,54.006610
+                    -2.519015,54.006763
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+                    -2.519808,54.008203
+                    -2.521321,54.008365
+                    -2.522489,54.007668
+                    -2.521802,54.006763
+                    -2.522414,54.005861
+                    -2.522833,54.005542
+                    -2.523714,54.004951
+                    -2.524345,54.004250
+                    -2.524645,54.004049
+                    -2.525298,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002242
+                    -2.524345,54.002242
+                    -2.524343,54.002242
+                    -2.522833,54.002314
+                    -2.522709,54.002242
+                    -2.522833,54.002166
+                    -2.523511,54.001336
+                    -2.522833,54.000926
+                    -2.521824,54.000430
+                    -2.521321,54.000134
+                    -2.519808,54.000001
+                    -2.518296,53.999887
+                    -2.517596,53.999524
+                    -2.516784,53.999009
+                    -2.516189,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998079
+                    -2.514690,53.997717
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+                    -2.512144,53.995004
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+                    -2.507711,53.994608
+                    -2.506199,53.994570
+                    -2.505677,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993440
+                    -2.504184,53.993192
+                    -2.504555,53.992286
+                    -2.504268,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991256
+                    -2.506143,53.990479
+                    -2.505748,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.989272
+                    -2.507711,53.989167
+                    -2.508711,53.988667
+                    -2.509223,53.988314
+                    -2.510735,53.988123
+                    -2.511397,53.987765
+                    -2.510735,53.987408
+                    -2.509223,53.987317
+                    -2.507711,53.987327
+                    -2.507339,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986697
+                    -2.509085,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985219
+                    -2.507094,53.985052
+                    -2.507711,53.984566
+                    -2.508335,53.984141
+                    -2.508582,53.983240
+                    -2.508578,53.982334
+                    -2.509081,53.981433
+                    -2.509120,53.980527
+                    -2.508041,53.979621
+                    -2.507711,53.979425
+                    -2.507378,53.979621
+                    -2.506199,53.979969
+                    -2.504686,53.980193
+                    -2.503559,53.979621
+                    -2.504686,53.979321
+                    -2.505830,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978620
+                    -2.507711,53.978457
+                    -2.508972,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977661
+                    -2.510298,53.976908
+                    -2.509410,53.976002
+                    -2.510494,53.975101
+                    -2.510461,53.974195
+                    -2.510735,53.974013
+                    -2.511903,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.973079
+                    -2.513760,53.972878
+                    -2.514615,53.972383
+                    -2.515272,53.972063
+                    -2.516250,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.970962
+                    -2.513760,53.970957
+                    -2.512832,53.970575
+                    -2.512247,53.970246
+                    -2.511656,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.970942
+                    -2.510198,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532049,53.972383
+                    -2.531988,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973489
+                    -2.530681,53.974195
+                    -2.530394,53.974667
+                    -2.529709,53.975101
+                    -2.528882,53.975415
+                    -2.527369,53.975854
+                    -2.527121,53.976002
+                    -2.526215,53.976908
+                    -2.525857,53.977294
+                    -2.524955,53.977809
+                    -2.524345,53.978052
+                    -2.523803,53.977809
+                    -2.522833,53.977251
+                    -2.522520,53.976908
+                    -2.521321,53.976188
+                    -2.519808,53.976383
+                    -2.518785,53.976908
+                    -2.519808,53.977427
+                    -2.521321,53.977623
+                    -2.521894,53.977809
+                    -2.521667,53.978715
+                    -2.522833,53.979373
+                    -2.523176,53.979621
+                    -2.522833,53.980021
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+                    -2.522491,53.982334
+                    -2.521321,53.982558
+                    -2.520180,53.983240
+                    -2.521321,53.983922
+                    -2.521553,53.984141
+                    -2.521321,53.984427
+                    -2.519808,53.984594
+                    -2.519046,53.985052
+                    -2.519808,53.985510
+                    -2.520043,53.985953
+                    -2.519808,53.986492
+                    -2.519196,53.986859
+                    -2.519808,53.987255
+                    -2.520327,53.987765
+                    -2.519808,53.988090
+                    -2.518884,53.988667
+                    -2.518685,53.989577
+                    -2.518296,53.989720
+                    -2.516784,53.989778
+                    -2.515272,53.989801
+                    -2.513760,53.990021
+                    -2.512992,53.990479
+                    -2.512247,53.990645
+                    -2.510735,53.990784
+                    -2.509536,53.991385
+                    -2.510735,53.991981
+                    -2.512247,53.992124
+                    -2.513484,53.991385
+                    -2.513760,53.990936
+                    -2.515272,53.991160
+                    -2.516784,53.991179
+                    -2.518296,53.991237
+                    -2.519808,53.991332
+                    -2.521321,53.991294
+                    -2.521983,53.991385
+                    -2.522833,53.991890
+                    -2.523445,53.992286
+                    -2.524270,53.993192
+                    -2.523283,53.994098
+                    -2.522833,53.994479
+                    -2.521321,53.994489
+                    -2.519808,53.994741
+                    -2.519390,53.995004
+                    -2.518909,53.995910
+                    -2.519808,53.996444
+                    -2.521321,53.996477
+                    -2.522273,53.995910
+                    -2.522833,53.995509
+                    -2.524345,53.995624
+                    -2.525857,53.995733
+                    -2.526139,53.995910
+                    -2.526402,53.996811
+                    -2.525857,53.997397
+                    -2.525376,53.997717
+                    -2.525857,53.998003
+                    -2.526980,53.998618
+                    -2.527369,53.998852
+                    -2.528398,53.999524
+                    -2.528882,53.999815
+                    -2.529405,53.999524
+                    -2.530394,53.999209
+                    -2.530545,53.999524
+                    -2.530586,54.000430
+                    -2.530394,54.000583
+                    -2.529136,54.001336
+                    -2.529063,54.002242
+                    -2.529066,54.003143
+                    -2.529091,54.004049
+                    -2.528882,54.004226
+                    -2.527669,54.004951
+                    -2.527727,54.005861
+                    -2.527369,54.006314
+                    -2.526613,54.006763
+                    -2.526042,54.007668
+                    -2.525857,54.007835
+                    -2.524345,54.007988
+                    -2.523368,54.008574
+                    -2.523753,54.009476
+                    -2.524345,54.009833
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+                    -2.524345,54.010563
+                    -2.523130,54.011288
+                    -2.523603,54.012194
+                    -2.524345,54.012637
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+                    -2.524746,54.015813
+                    -2.525857,54.016476
+                    -2.526302,54.016719
+                    -2.526218,54.017620
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+                    -2.527738,54.018526
+                    -2.528882,54.019208
+                    -2.530030,54.018526
+                    -2.530181,54.017620
+                    -2.528882,54.016848
+                    -2.528437,54.016719
+                    -2.528509,54.015813
+                    -2.527369,54.015121
+                    -2.527262,54.014907
+                    -2.527104,54.014001
+                    -2.527109,54.013095
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+                    -2.525087,54.012194
+                    -2.525857,54.012113
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+                    -2.526991,54.010386
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+                    -2.531784,54.003143
+                    -2.531783,54.002242
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.017029
+                    -2.511685,54.017620
+                    -2.512247,54.017959
+                    -2.513760,54.018030
+                    -2.515272,54.018011
+                    -2.516001,54.017620
+                    -2.515272,54.017067
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+                    -2.513760,54.016032
+                    -2.512247,54.016199
+                    -2.510735,54.016376
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014316
+                    -2.512247,54.014225
+                    -2.512650,54.014001
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+                    -2.513760,54.011950
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+                    -2.515272,54.010615
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+                    -2.516784,54.007068
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+                    -2.516784,54.006648
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+                    -2.519808,54.008203
+                    -2.521321,54.008365
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+                    -2.521802,54.006763
+                    -2.522414,54.005861
+                    -2.522833,54.005542
+                    -2.523714,54.004951
+                    -2.524345,54.004250
+                    -2.524645,54.004049
+                    -2.525298,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002242
+                    -2.524345,54.002242
+                    -2.524343,54.002242
+                    -2.522833,54.002314
+                    -2.522709,54.002242
+                    -2.522833,54.002166
+                    -2.523511,54.001336
+                    -2.522833,54.000926
+                    -2.521824,54.000430
+                    -2.521321,54.000134
+                    -2.519808,54.000001
+                    -2.518296,53.999887
+                    -2.517596,53.999524
+                    -2.516784,53.999009
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+                    -2.515272,53.998079
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+                    -2.504184,53.993192
+                    -2.504555,53.992286
+                    -2.504268,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991256
+                    -2.506143,53.990479
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+                    -2.506199,53.989272
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+                    -2.508711,53.988667
+                    -2.509223,53.988314
+                    -2.510735,53.988123
+                    -2.511397,53.987765
+                    -2.510735,53.987408
+                    -2.509223,53.987317
+                    -2.507711,53.987327
+                    -2.507339,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986697
+                    -2.509085,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985219
+                    -2.507094,53.985052
+                    -2.507711,53.984566
+                    -2.508335,53.984141
+                    -2.508582,53.983240
+                    -2.508578,53.982334
+                    -2.509081,53.981433
+                    -2.509120,53.980527
+                    -2.508041,53.979621
+                    -2.507711,53.979425
+                    -2.507378,53.979621
+                    -2.506199,53.979969
+                    -2.504686,53.980193
+                    -2.503559,53.979621
+                    -2.504686,53.979321
+                    -2.505830,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978620
+                    -2.507711,53.978457
+                    -2.508972,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977661
+                    -2.510298,53.976908
+                    -2.509410,53.976002
+                    -2.510494,53.975101
+                    -2.510461,53.974195
+                    -2.510735,53.974013
+                    -2.511903,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.973079
+                    -2.513760,53.972878
+                    -2.514615,53.972383
+                    -2.515272,53.972063
+                    -2.516250,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.970962
+                    -2.513760,53.970957
+                    -2.512832,53.970575
+                    -2.512247,53.970246
+                    -2.511656,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.970942
+                    -2.510198,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532049,53.972383
+                    -2.531988,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973489
+                    -2.530681,53.974195
+                    -2.530394,53.974667
+                    -2.529709,53.975101
+                    -2.528882,53.975415
+                    -2.527369,53.975854
+                    -2.527121,53.976002
+                    -2.526215,53.976908
+                    -2.525857,53.977294
+                    -2.524955,53.977809
+                    -2.524345,53.978052
+                    -2.523803,53.977809
+                    -2.522833,53.977251
+                    -2.522520,53.976908
+                    -2.521321,53.976188
+                    -2.519808,53.976383
+                    -2.518785,53.976908
+                    -2.519808,53.977427
+                    -2.521321,53.977623
+                    -2.521894,53.977809
+                    -2.521667,53.978715
+                    -2.522833,53.979373
+                    -2.523176,53.979621
+                    -2.522833,53.980021
+                    -2.521991,53.980527
+                    -2.521926,53.981433
+                    -2.522491,53.982334
+                    -2.521321,53.982558
+                    -2.520180,53.983240
+                    -2.521321,53.983922
+                    -2.521553,53.984141
+                    -2.521321,53.984427
+                    -2.519808,53.984594
+                    -2.519046,53.985052
+                    -2.519808,53.985510
+                    -2.520043,53.985953
+                    -2.519808,53.986492
+                    -2.519196,53.986859
+                    -2.519808,53.987255
+                    -2.520327,53.987765
+                    -2.519808,53.988090
+                    -2.518884,53.988667
+                    -2.518685,53.989577
+                    -2.518296,53.989720
+                    -2.516784,53.989778
+                    -2.515272,53.989801
+                    -2.513760,53.990021
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+                    -2.512247,53.990645
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+                    -2.509536,53.991385
+                    -2.510735,53.991981
+                    -2.512247,53.992124
+                    -2.513484,53.991385
+                    -2.513760,53.990936
+                    -2.515272,53.991160
+                    -2.516784,53.991179
+                    -2.518296,53.991237
+                    -2.519808,53.991332
+                    -2.521321,53.991294
+                    -2.521983,53.991385
+                    -2.522833,53.991890
+                    -2.523445,53.992286
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+                    -2.522833,53.994479
+                    -2.521321,53.994489
+                    -2.519808,53.994741
+                    -2.519390,53.995004
+                    -2.518909,53.995910
+                    -2.519808,53.996444
+                    -2.521321,53.996477
+                    -2.522273,53.995910
+                    -2.522833,53.995509
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+                    -2.525857,53.995733
+                    -2.526139,53.995910
+                    -2.526402,53.996811
+                    -2.525857,53.997397
+                    -2.525376,53.997717
+                    -2.525857,53.998003
+                    -2.526980,53.998618
+                    -2.527369,53.998852
+                    -2.528398,53.999524
+                    -2.528882,53.999815
+                    -2.529405,53.999524
+                    -2.530394,53.999209
+                    -2.530545,53.999524
+                    -2.530586,54.000430
+                    -2.530394,54.000583
+                    -2.529136,54.001336
+                    -2.529063,54.002242
+                    -2.529066,54.003143
+                    -2.529091,54.004049
+                    -2.528882,54.004226
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+                    -2.527727,54.005861
+                    -2.527369,54.006314
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+                    -2.525857,54.007835
+                    -2.524345,54.007988
+                    -2.523368,54.008574
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+                    -2.524345,54.009833
+                    -2.524723,54.010386
+                    -2.524345,54.010563
+                    -2.523130,54.011288
+                    -2.523603,54.012194
+                    -2.524345,54.012637
+                    -2.524615,54.013095
+                    -2.524662,54.014001
+                    -2.524457,54.014907
+                    -2.524746,54.015813
+                    -2.525857,54.016476
+                    -2.526302,54.016719
+                    -2.526218,54.017620
+                    -2.527369,54.018307
+                    -2.527738,54.018526
+                    -2.528882,54.019208
+                    -2.530030,54.018526
+                    -2.530181,54.017620
+                    -2.528882,54.016848
+                    -2.528437,54.016719
+                    -2.528509,54.015813
+                    -2.527369,54.015121
+                    -2.527262,54.014907
+                    -2.527104,54.014001
+                    -2.527109,54.013095
+                    -2.525857,54.012351
+                    -2.525087,54.012194
+                    -2.525857,54.012113
+                    -2.527236,54.011288
+                    -2.526991,54.010386
+                    -2.527369,54.010091
+                    -2.528434,54.009476
+                    -2.528882,54.008861
+                    -2.529454,54.008574
+                    -2.529939,54.007668
+                    -2.530369,54.006763
+                    -2.530037,54.005861
+                    -2.530394,54.005389
+                    -2.531195,54.004951
+                    -2.531741,54.004049
+                    -2.531784,54.003143
+                    -2.531783,54.002242
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+                    -2.531906,54.001226
+                    -2.533418,54.001002
+                    -2.534930,54.000540
+                    -2.535070,54.000430
+                    -2.534930,54.000387
+                    -2.533418,53.999696
+                    -2.533363,53.999524
+                    -2.533262,53.998618
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+                    -2.513033,54.013095
+                    -2.513552,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011950
+                    -2.514424,54.012194
+                    -2.515272,54.012699
+                    -2.516120,54.012194
+                    -2.516173,54.011288
+                    -2.515272,54.010615
+                    -2.515049,54.010386
+                    -2.514692,54.009476
+                    -2.515272,54.009032
+                    -2.516110,54.008574
+                    -2.516784,54.008265
+                    -2.517776,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007068
+                    -2.516414,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006648
+                    -2.518296,54.006610
+                    -2.519015,54.006763
+                    -2.518799,54.007668
+                    -2.519808,54.008203
+                    -2.521321,54.008365
+                    -2.522489,54.007668
+                    -2.521802,54.006763
+                    -2.522414,54.005861
+                    -2.522833,54.005542
+                    -2.523714,54.004951
+                    -2.524345,54.004250
+                    -2.524645,54.004049
+                    -2.525298,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002242
+                    -2.524345,54.002242
+                    -2.524343,54.002242
+                    -2.522833,54.002314
+                    -2.522709,54.002242
+                    -2.522833,54.002166
+                    -2.523511,54.001336
+                    -2.522833,54.000926
+                    -2.521824,54.000430
+                    -2.521321,54.000134
+                    -2.519808,54.000001
+                    -2.518296,53.999887
+                    -2.517596,53.999524
+                    -2.516784,53.999009
+                    -2.516189,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998079
+                    -2.514690,53.997717
+                    -2.514786,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996205
+                    -2.512451,53.995910
+                    -2.512247,53.995624
+                    -2.512144,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994298
+                    -2.509223,53.994780
+                    -2.507711,53.994608
+                    -2.506199,53.994570
+                    -2.505677,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993440
+                    -2.504184,53.993192
+                    -2.504555,53.992286
+                    -2.504268,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991256
+                    -2.506143,53.990479
+                    -2.505748,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.989272
+                    -2.507711,53.989167
+                    -2.508711,53.988667
+                    -2.509223,53.988314
+                    -2.510735,53.988123
+                    -2.511397,53.987765
+                    -2.510735,53.987408
+                    -2.509223,53.987317
+                    -2.507711,53.987327
+                    -2.507339,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986697
+                    -2.509085,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985219
+                    -2.507094,53.985052
+                    -2.507711,53.984566
+                    -2.508335,53.984141
+                    -2.508582,53.983240
+                    -2.508578,53.982334
+                    -2.509081,53.981433
+                    -2.509120,53.980527
+                    -2.508041,53.979621
+                    -2.507711,53.979425
+                    -2.507378,53.979621
+                    -2.506199,53.979969
+                    -2.504686,53.980193
+                    -2.503559,53.979621
+                    -2.504686,53.979321
+                    -2.505830,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978620
+                    -2.507711,53.978457
+                    -2.508972,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977661
+                    -2.510298,53.976908
+                    -2.509410,53.976002
+                    -2.510494,53.975101
+                    -2.510461,53.974195
+                    -2.510735,53.974013
+                    -2.511903,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.973079
+                    -2.513760,53.972878
+                    -2.514615,53.972383
+                    -2.515272,53.972063
+                    -2.516250,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.970962
+                    -2.513760,53.970957
+                    -2.512832,53.970575
+                    -2.512247,53.970246
+                    -2.511656,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.970942
+                    -2.510198,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532049,53.972383
+                    -2.531988,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973489
+                    -2.530681,53.974195
+                    -2.530394,53.974667
+                    -2.529709,53.975101
+                    -2.528882,53.975415
+                    -2.527369,53.975854
+                    -2.527121,53.976002
+                    -2.526215,53.976908
+                    -2.525857,53.977294
+                    -2.524955,53.977809
+                    -2.524345,53.978052
+                    -2.523803,53.977809
+                    -2.522833,53.977251
+                    -2.522520,53.976908
+                    -2.521321,53.976188
+                    -2.519808,53.976383
+                    -2.518785,53.976908
+                    -2.519808,53.977427
+                    -2.521321,53.977623
+                    -2.521894,53.977809
+                    -2.521667,53.978715
+                    -2.522833,53.979373
+                    -2.523176,53.979621
+                    -2.522833,53.980021
+                    -2.521991,53.980527
+                    -2.521926,53.981433
+                    -2.522491,53.982334
+                    -2.521321,53.982558
+                    -2.520180,53.983240
+                    -2.521321,53.983922
+                    -2.521553,53.984141
+                    -2.521321,53.984427
+                    -2.519808,53.984594
+                    -2.519046,53.985052
+                    -2.519808,53.985510
+                    -2.520043,53.985953
+                    -2.519808,53.986492
+                    -2.519196,53.986859
+                    -2.519808,53.987255
+                    -2.520327,53.987765
+                    -2.519808,53.988090
+                    -2.518884,53.988667
+                    -2.518685,53.989577
+                    -2.518296,53.989720
+                    -2.516784,53.989778
+                    -2.515272,53.989801
+                    -2.513760,53.990021
+                    -2.512992,53.990479
+                    -2.512247,53.990645
+                    -2.510735,53.990784
+                    -2.509536,53.991385
+                    -2.510735,53.991981
+                    -2.512247,53.992124
+                    -2.513484,53.991385
+                    -2.513760,53.990936
+                    -2.515272,53.991160
+                    -2.516784,53.991179
+                    -2.518296,53.991237
+                    -2.519808,53.991332
+                    -2.521321,53.991294
+                    -2.521983,53.991385
+                    -2.522833,53.991890
+                    -2.523445,53.992286
+                    -2.524270,53.993192
+                    -2.523283,53.994098
+                    -2.522833,53.994479
+                    -2.521321,53.994489
+                    -2.519808,53.994741
+                    -2.519390,53.995004
+                    -2.518909,53.995910
+                    -2.519808,53.996444
+                    -2.521321,53.996477
+                    -2.522273,53.995910
+                    -2.522833,53.995509
+                    -2.524345,53.995624
+                    -2.525857,53.995733
+                    -2.526139,53.995910
+                    -2.526402,53.996811
+                    -2.525857,53.997397
+                    -2.525376,53.997717
+                    -2.525857,53.998003
+                    -2.526980,53.998618
+                    -2.527369,53.998852
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+                    -2.528882,53.999815
+                    -2.529405,53.999524
+                    -2.530394,53.999209
+                    -2.530545,53.999524
+                    -2.530586,54.000430
+                    -2.530394,54.000583
+                    -2.529136,54.001336
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+                    -2.529066,54.003143
+                    -2.529091,54.004049
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+                    -2.524345,54.007988
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+                    -2.525857,54.012113
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.017029
+                    -2.511685,54.017620
+                    -2.512247,54.017959
+                    -2.513760,54.018030
+                    -2.515272,54.018011
+                    -2.516001,54.017620
+                    -2.515272,54.017067
+                    -2.514959,54.016719
+                    -2.513760,54.016032
+                    -2.512247,54.016199
+                    -2.510735,54.016376
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014316
+                    -2.512247,54.014225
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+                    -2.513033,54.013095
+                    -2.513552,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011950
+                    -2.514424,54.012194
+                    -2.515272,54.012699
+                    -2.516120,54.012194
+                    -2.516173,54.011288
+                    -2.515272,54.010615
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+                    -2.515272,54.009032
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+                    -2.516784,54.007068
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+                    -2.516784,54.006648
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+                    -2.519015,54.006763
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+                    -2.519808,54.008203
+                    -2.521321,54.008365
+                    -2.522489,54.007668
+                    -2.521802,54.006763
+                    -2.522414,54.005861
+                    -2.522833,54.005542
+                    -2.523714,54.004951
+                    -2.524345,54.004250
+                    -2.524645,54.004049
+                    -2.525298,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002242
+                    -2.524345,54.002242
+                    -2.524343,54.002242
+                    -2.522833,54.002314
+                    -2.522709,54.002242
+                    -2.522833,54.002166
+                    -2.523511,54.001336
+                    -2.522833,54.000926
+                    -2.521824,54.000430
+                    -2.521321,54.000134
+                    -2.519808,54.000001
+                    -2.518296,53.999887
+                    -2.517596,53.999524
+                    -2.516784,53.999009
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+                    -2.515272,53.998079
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+                    -2.504686,53.993440
+                    -2.504184,53.993192
+                    -2.504555,53.992286
+                    -2.504268,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991256
+                    -2.506143,53.990479
+                    -2.505748,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.989272
+                    -2.507711,53.989167
+                    -2.508711,53.988667
+                    -2.509223,53.988314
+                    -2.510735,53.988123
+                    -2.511397,53.987765
+                    -2.510735,53.987408
+                    -2.509223,53.987317
+                    -2.507711,53.987327
+                    -2.507339,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986697
+                    -2.509085,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985219
+                    -2.507094,53.985052
+                    -2.507711,53.984566
+                    -2.508335,53.984141
+                    -2.508582,53.983240
+                    -2.508578,53.982334
+                    -2.509081,53.981433
+                    -2.509120,53.980527
+                    -2.508041,53.979621
+                    -2.507711,53.979425
+                    -2.507378,53.979621
+                    -2.506199,53.979969
+                    -2.504686,53.980193
+                    -2.503559,53.979621
+                    -2.504686,53.979321
+                    -2.505830,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978620
+                    -2.507711,53.978457
+                    -2.508972,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977661
+                    -2.510298,53.976908
+                    -2.509410,53.976002
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+                    -2.510461,53.974195
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+                    -2.514615,53.972383
+                    -2.515272,53.972063
+                    -2.516250,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.970962
+                    -2.513760,53.970957
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+                    -2.512247,53.970246
+                    -2.511656,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.970942
+                    -2.510198,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
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+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532049,53.972383
+                    -2.531988,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973489
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+                    -2.530394,53.974667
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+                    -2.528882,53.975415
+                    -2.527369,53.975854
+                    -2.527121,53.976002
+                    -2.526215,53.976908
+                    -2.525857,53.977294
+                    -2.524955,53.977809
+                    -2.524345,53.978052
+                    -2.523803,53.977809
+                    -2.522833,53.977251
+                    -2.522520,53.976908
+                    -2.521321,53.976188
+                    -2.519808,53.976383
+                    -2.518785,53.976908
+                    -2.519808,53.977427
+                    -2.521321,53.977623
+                    -2.521894,53.977809
+                    -2.521667,53.978715
+                    -2.522833,53.979373
+                    -2.523176,53.979621
+                    -2.522833,53.980021
+                    -2.521991,53.980527
+                    -2.521926,53.981433
+                    -2.522491,53.982334
+                    -2.521321,53.982558
+                    -2.520180,53.983240
+                    -2.521321,53.983922
+                    -2.521553,53.984141
+                    -2.521321,53.984427
+                    -2.519808,53.984594
+                    -2.519046,53.985052
+                    -2.519808,53.985510
+                    -2.520043,53.985953
+                    -2.519808,53.986492
+                    -2.519196,53.986859
+                    -2.519808,53.987255
+                    -2.520327,53.987765
+                    -2.519808,53.988090
+                    -2.518884,53.988667
+                    -2.518685,53.989577
+                    -2.518296,53.989720
+                    -2.516784,53.989778
+                    -2.515272,53.989801
+                    -2.513760,53.990021
+                    -2.512992,53.990479
+                    -2.512247,53.990645
+                    -2.510735,53.990784
+                    -2.509536,53.991385
+                    -2.510735,53.991981
+                    -2.512247,53.992124
+                    -2.513484,53.991385
+                    -2.513760,53.990936
+                    -2.515272,53.991160
+                    -2.516784,53.991179
+                    -2.518296,53.991237
+                    -2.519808,53.991332
+                    -2.521321,53.991294
+                    -2.521983,53.991385
+                    -2.522833,53.991890
+                    -2.523445,53.992286
+                    -2.524270,53.993192
+                    -2.523283,53.994098
+                    -2.522833,53.994479
+                    -2.521321,53.994489
+                    -2.519808,53.994741
+                    -2.519390,53.995004
+                    -2.518909,53.995910
+                    -2.519808,53.996444
+                    -2.521321,53.996477
+                    -2.522273,53.995910
+                    -2.522833,53.995509
+                    -2.524345,53.995624
+                    -2.525857,53.995733
+                    -2.526139,53.995910
+                    -2.526402,53.996811
+                    -2.525857,53.997397
+                    -2.525376,53.997717
+                    -2.525857,53.998003
+                    -2.526980,53.998618
+                    -2.527369,53.998852
+                    -2.528398,53.999524
+                    -2.528882,53.999815
+                    -2.529405,53.999524
+                    -2.530394,53.999209
+                    -2.530545,53.999524
+                    -2.530586,54.000430
+                    -2.530394,54.000583
+                    -2.529136,54.001336
+                    -2.529063,54.002242
+                    -2.529066,54.003143
+                    -2.529091,54.004049
+                    -2.528882,54.004226
+                    -2.527669,54.004951
+                    -2.527727,54.005861
+                    -2.527369,54.006314
+                    -2.526613,54.006763
+                    -2.526042,54.007668
+                    -2.525857,54.007835
+                    -2.524345,54.007988
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+                    -2.524345,54.009833
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+                    -2.524345,54.010563
+                    -2.523130,54.011288
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+                    -2.524345,54.012637
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+                    -2.524746,54.015813
+                    -2.525857,54.016476
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+                    -2.525857,54.012113
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+                    -2.518296,54.021449
+                    -2.517778,54.021239
+                    -2.516784,54.020333
+                    -2.516782,54.020333
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+                    -2.512247,54.019608
+                    -2.511929,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.018812
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.017029
+                    -2.511685,54.017620
+                    -2.512247,54.017959
+                    -2.513760,54.018030
+                    -2.515272,54.018011
+                    -2.516001,54.017620
+                    -2.515272,54.017067
+                    -2.514959,54.016719
+                    -2.513760,54.016032
+                    -2.512247,54.016199
+                    -2.510735,54.016376
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014316
+                    -2.512247,54.014225
+                    -2.512650,54.014001
+                    -2.513033,54.013095
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+                    -2.513760,54.011950
+                    -2.514424,54.012194
+                    -2.515272,54.012699
+                    -2.516120,54.012194
+                    -2.516173,54.011288
+                    -2.515272,54.010615
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+                    -2.515272,54.009032
+                    -2.516110,54.008574
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+                    -2.516784,54.007068
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+                    -2.516784,54.006648
+                    -2.518296,54.006610
+                    -2.519015,54.006763
+                    -2.518799,54.007668
+                    -2.519808,54.008203
+                    -2.521321,54.008365
+                    -2.522489,54.007668
+                    -2.521802,54.006763
+                    -2.522414,54.005861
+                    -2.522833,54.005542
+                    -2.523714,54.004951
+                    -2.524345,54.004250
+                    -2.524645,54.004049
+                    -2.525298,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002242
+                    -2.524345,54.002242
+                    -2.524343,54.002242
+                    -2.522833,54.002314
+                    -2.522709,54.002242
+                    -2.522833,54.002166
+                    -2.523511,54.001336
+                    -2.522833,54.000926
+                    -2.521824,54.000430
+                    -2.521321,54.000134
+                    -2.519808,54.000001
+                    -2.518296,53.999887
+                    -2.517596,53.999524
+                    -2.516784,53.999009
+                    -2.516189,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998079
+                    -2.514690,53.997717
+                    -2.514786,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996205
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+                    -2.506199,53.994570
+                    -2.505677,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993440
+                    -2.504184,53.993192
+                    -2.504555,53.992286
+                    -2.504268,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991256
+                    -2.506143,53.990479
+                    -2.505748,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.989272
+                    -2.507711,53.989167
+                    -2.508711,53.988667
+                    -2.509223,53.988314
+                    -2.510735,53.988123
+                    -2.511397,53.987765
+                    -2.510735,53.987408
+                    -2.509223,53.987317
+                    -2.507711,53.987327
+                    -2.507339,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986697
+                    -2.509085,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985219
+                    -2.507094,53.985052
+                    -2.507711,53.984566
+                    -2.508335,53.984141
+                    -2.508582,53.983240
+                    -2.508578,53.982334
+                    -2.509081,53.981433
+                    -2.509120,53.980527
+                    -2.508041,53.979621
+                    -2.507711,53.979425
+                    -2.507378,53.979621
+                    -2.506199,53.979969
+                    -2.504686,53.980193
+                    -2.503559,53.979621
+                    -2.504686,53.979321
+                    -2.505830,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978620
+                    -2.507711,53.978457
+                    -2.508972,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977661
+                    -2.510298,53.976908
+                    -2.509410,53.976002
+                    -2.510494,53.975101
+                    -2.510461,53.974195
+                    -2.510735,53.974013
+                    -2.511903,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.973079
+                    -2.513760,53.972878
+                    -2.514615,53.972383
+                    -2.515272,53.972063
+                    -2.516250,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.970962
+                    -2.513760,53.970957
+                    -2.512832,53.970575
+                    -2.512247,53.970246
+                    -2.511656,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.970942
+                    -2.510198,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532049,53.972383
+                    -2.531988,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973489
+                    -2.530681,53.974195
+                    -2.530394,53.974667
+                    -2.529709,53.975101
+                    -2.528882,53.975415
+                    -2.527369,53.975854
+                    -2.527121,53.976002
+                    -2.526215,53.976908
+                    -2.525857,53.977294
+                    -2.524955,53.977809
+                    -2.524345,53.978052
+                    -2.523803,53.977809
+                    -2.522833,53.977251
+                    -2.522520,53.976908
+                    -2.521321,53.976188
+                    -2.519808,53.976383
+                    -2.518785,53.976908
+                    -2.519808,53.977427
+                    -2.521321,53.977623
+                    -2.521894,53.977809
+                    -2.521667,53.978715
+                    -2.522833,53.979373
+                    -2.523176,53.979621
+                    -2.522833,53.980021
+                    -2.521991,53.980527
+                    -2.521926,53.981433
+                    -2.522491,53.982334
+                    -2.521321,53.982558
+                    -2.520180,53.983240
+                    -2.521321,53.983922
+                    -2.521553,53.984141
+                    -2.521321,53.984427
+                    -2.519808,53.984594
+                    -2.519046,53.985052
+                    -2.519808,53.985510
+                    -2.520043,53.985953
+                    -2.519808,53.986492
+                    -2.519196,53.986859
+                    -2.519808,53.987255
+                    -2.520327,53.987765
+                    -2.519808,53.988090
+                    -2.518884,53.988667
+                    -2.518685,53.989577
+                    -2.518296,53.989720
+                    -2.516784,53.989778
+                    -2.515272,53.989801
+                    -2.513760,53.990021
+                    -2.512992,53.990479
+                    -2.512247,53.990645
+                    -2.510735,53.990784
+                    -2.509536,53.991385
+                    -2.510735,53.991981
+                    -2.512247,53.992124
+                    -2.513484,53.991385
+                    -2.513760,53.990936
+                    -2.515272,53.991160
+                    -2.516784,53.991179
+                    -2.518296,53.991237
+                    -2.519808,53.991332
+                    -2.521321,53.991294
+                    -2.521983,53.991385
+                    -2.522833,53.991890
+                    -2.523445,53.992286
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+                    -2.523283,53.994098
+                    -2.522833,53.994479
+                    -2.521321,53.994489
+                    -2.519808,53.994741
+                    -2.519390,53.995004
+                    -2.518909,53.995910
+                    -2.519808,53.996444
+                    -2.521321,53.996477
+                    -2.522273,53.995910
+                    -2.522833,53.995509
+                    -2.524345,53.995624
+                    -2.525857,53.995733
+                    -2.526139,53.995910
+                    -2.526402,53.996811
+                    -2.525857,53.997397
+                    -2.525376,53.997717
+                    -2.525857,53.998003
+                    -2.526980,53.998618
+                    -2.527369,53.998852
+                    -2.528398,53.999524
+                    -2.528882,53.999815
+                    -2.529405,53.999524
+                    -2.530394,53.999209
+                    -2.530545,53.999524
+                    -2.530586,54.000430
+                    -2.530394,54.000583
+                    -2.529136,54.001336
+                    -2.529063,54.002242
+                    -2.529066,54.003143
+                    -2.529091,54.004049
+                    -2.528882,54.004226
+                    -2.527669,54.004951
+                    -2.527727,54.005861
+                    -2.527369,54.006314
+                    -2.526613,54.006763
+                    -2.526042,54.007668
+                    -2.525857,54.007835
+                    -2.524345,54.007988
+                    -2.523368,54.008574
+                    -2.523753,54.009476
+                    -2.524345,54.009833
+                    -2.524723,54.010386
+                    -2.524345,54.010563
+                    -2.523130,54.011288
+                    -2.523603,54.012194
+                    -2.524345,54.012637
+                    -2.524615,54.013095
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+                    -2.524457,54.014907
+                    -2.524746,54.015813
+                    -2.525857,54.016476
+                    -2.526302,54.016719
+                    -2.526218,54.017620
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+                    -2.528882,54.024601
+                    -2.527369,54.024558
+                    -2.525857,54.024234
+                    -2.525354,54.023952
+                    -2.524345,54.023385
+                    -2.523643,54.023051
+                    -2.522833,54.022608
+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520895,54.022145
+                    -2.519808,54.021316
+                    -2.518296,54.021449
+                    -2.517778,54.021239
+                    -2.516784,54.020333
+                    -2.516782,54.020333
+                    -2.515272,54.019918
+                    -2.513760,54.019823
+                    -2.512247,54.019608
+                    -2.511929,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.018812
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.017029
+                    -2.511685,54.017620
+                    -2.512247,54.017959
+                    -2.513760,54.018030
+                    -2.515272,54.018011
+                    -2.516001,54.017620
+                    -2.515272,54.017067
+                    -2.514959,54.016719
+                    -2.513760,54.016032
+                    -2.512247,54.016199
+                    -2.510735,54.016376
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014316
+                    -2.512247,54.014225
+                    -2.512650,54.014001
+                    -2.513033,54.013095
+                    -2.513552,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011950
+                    -2.514424,54.012194
+                    -2.515272,54.012699
+                    -2.516120,54.012194
+                    -2.516173,54.011288
+                    -2.515272,54.010615
+                    -2.515049,54.010386
+                    -2.514692,54.009476
+                    -2.515272,54.009032
+                    -2.516110,54.008574
+                    -2.516784,54.008265
+                    -2.517776,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007068
+                    -2.516414,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006648
+                    -2.518296,54.006610
+                    -2.519015,54.006763
+                    -2.518799,54.007668
+                    -2.519808,54.008203
+                    -2.521321,54.008365
+                    -2.522489,54.007668
+                    -2.521802,54.006763
+                    -2.522414,54.005861
+                    -2.522833,54.005542
+                    -2.523714,54.004951
+                    -2.524345,54.004250
+                    -2.524645,54.004049
+                    -2.525298,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002242
+                    -2.524345,54.002242
+                    -2.524343,54.002242
+                    -2.522833,54.002314
+                    -2.522709,54.002242
+                    -2.522833,54.002166
+                    -2.523511,54.001336
+                    -2.522833,54.000926
+                    -2.521824,54.000430
+                    -2.521321,54.000134
+                    -2.519808,54.000001
+                    -2.518296,53.999887
+                    -2.517596,53.999524
+                    -2.516784,53.999009
+                    -2.516189,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998079
+                    -2.514690,53.997717
+                    -2.514786,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996205
+                    -2.512451,53.995910
+                    -2.512247,53.995624
+                    -2.512144,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994298
+                    -2.509223,53.994780
+                    -2.507711,53.994608
+                    -2.506199,53.994570
+                    -2.505677,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993440
+                    -2.504184,53.993192
+                    -2.504555,53.992286
+                    -2.504268,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991256
+                    -2.506143,53.990479
+                    -2.505748,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.989272
+                    -2.507711,53.989167
+                    -2.508711,53.988667
+                    -2.509223,53.988314
+                    -2.510735,53.988123
+                    -2.511397,53.987765
+                    -2.510735,53.987408
+                    -2.509223,53.987317
+                    -2.507711,53.987327
+                    -2.507339,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986697
+                    -2.509085,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985219
+                    -2.507094,53.985052
+                    -2.507711,53.984566
+                    -2.508335,53.984141
+                    -2.508582,53.983240
+                    -2.508578,53.982334
+                    -2.509081,53.981433
+                    -2.509120,53.980527
+                    -2.508041,53.979621
+                    -2.507711,53.979425
+                    -2.507378,53.979621
+                    -2.506199,53.979969
+                    -2.504686,53.980193
+                    -2.503559,53.979621
+                    -2.504686,53.979321
+                    -2.505830,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978620
+                    -2.507711,53.978457
+                    -2.508972,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977661
+                    -2.510298,53.976908
+                    -2.509410,53.976002
+                    -2.510494,53.975101
+                    -2.510461,53.974195
+                    -2.510735,53.974013
+                    -2.511903,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.973079
+                    -2.513760,53.972878
+                    -2.514615,53.972383
+                    -2.515272,53.972063
+                    -2.516250,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.970962
+                    -2.513760,53.970957
+                    -2.512832,53.970575
+                    -2.512247,53.970246
+                    -2.511656,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.970942
+                    -2.510198,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532049,53.972383
+                    -2.531988,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973489
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+                    -2.530394,53.974667
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+                    -2.528882,53.975415
+                    -2.527369,53.975854
+                    -2.527121,53.976002
+                    -2.526215,53.976908
+                    -2.525857,53.977294
+                    -2.524955,53.977809
+                    -2.524345,53.978052
+                    -2.523803,53.977809
+                    -2.522833,53.977251
+                    -2.522520,53.976908
+                    -2.521321,53.976188
+                    -2.519808,53.976383
+                    -2.518785,53.976908
+                    -2.519808,53.977427
+                    -2.521321,53.977623
+                    -2.521894,53.977809
+                    -2.521667,53.978715
+                    -2.522833,53.979373
+                    -2.523176,53.979621
+                    -2.522833,53.980021
+                    -2.521991,53.980527
+                    -2.521926,53.981433
+                    -2.522491,53.982334
+                    -2.521321,53.982558
+                    -2.520180,53.983240
+                    -2.521321,53.983922
+                    -2.521553,53.984141
+                    -2.521321,53.984427
+                    -2.519808,53.984594
+                    -2.519046,53.985052
+                    -2.519808,53.985510
+                    -2.520043,53.985953
+                    -2.519808,53.986492
+                    -2.519196,53.986859
+                    -2.519808,53.987255
+                    -2.520327,53.987765
+                    -2.519808,53.988090
+                    -2.518884,53.988667
+                    -2.518685,53.989577
+                    -2.518296,53.989720
+                    -2.516784,53.989778
+                    -2.515272,53.989801
+                    -2.513760,53.990021
+                    -2.512992,53.990479
+                    -2.512247,53.990645
+                    -2.510735,53.990784
+                    -2.509536,53.991385
+                    -2.510735,53.991981
+                    -2.512247,53.992124
+                    -2.513484,53.991385
+                    -2.513760,53.990936
+                    -2.515272,53.991160
+                    -2.516784,53.991179
+                    -2.518296,53.991237
+                    -2.519808,53.991332
+                    -2.521321,53.991294
+                    -2.521983,53.991385
+                    -2.522833,53.991890
+                    -2.523445,53.992286
+                    -2.524270,53.993192
+                    -2.523283,53.994098
+                    -2.522833,53.994479
+                    -2.521321,53.994489
+                    -2.519808,53.994741
+                    -2.519390,53.995004
+                    -2.518909,53.995910
+                    -2.519808,53.996444
+                    -2.521321,53.996477
+                    -2.522273,53.995910
+                    -2.522833,53.995509
+                    -2.524345,53.995624
+                    -2.525857,53.995733
+                    -2.526139,53.995910
+                    -2.526402,53.996811
+                    -2.525857,53.997397
+                    -2.525376,53.997717
+                    -2.525857,53.998003
+                    -2.526980,53.998618
+                    -2.527369,53.998852
+                    -2.528398,53.999524
+                    -2.528882,53.999815
+                    -2.529405,53.999524
+                    -2.530394,53.999209
+                    -2.530545,53.999524
+                    -2.530586,54.000430
+                    -2.530394,54.000583
+                    -2.529136,54.001336
+                    -2.529063,54.002242
+                    -2.529066,54.003143
+                    -2.529091,54.004049
+                    -2.528882,54.004226
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+                    -2.527727,54.005861
+                    -2.527369,54.006314
+                    -2.526613,54.006763
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+                    -2.525857,54.007835
+                    -2.524345,54.007988
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+                    -2.524345,54.010563
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+                    -2.528509,54.015813
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+                    -2.525857,54.012113
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.017029
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+                    -2.513760,54.018030
+                    -2.515272,54.018011
+                    -2.516001,54.017620
+                    -2.515272,54.017067
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+                    -2.513760,54.016032
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+                    -2.510735,54.016376
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014316
+                    -2.512247,54.014225
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+                    -2.513033,54.013095
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+                    -2.513760,54.011950
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+                    -2.515272,54.012699
+                    -2.516120,54.012194
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+                    -2.515272,54.010615
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+                    -2.515272,54.009032
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+                    -2.516784,54.007068
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+                    -2.516784,54.006648
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+                    -2.519015,54.006763
+                    -2.518799,54.007668
+                    -2.519808,54.008203
+                    -2.521321,54.008365
+                    -2.522489,54.007668
+                    -2.521802,54.006763
+                    -2.522414,54.005861
+                    -2.522833,54.005542
+                    -2.523714,54.004951
+                    -2.524345,54.004250
+                    -2.524645,54.004049
+                    -2.525298,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002242
+                    -2.524345,54.002242
+                    -2.524343,54.002242
+                    -2.522833,54.002314
+                    -2.522709,54.002242
+                    -2.522833,54.002166
+                    -2.523511,54.001336
+                    -2.522833,54.000926
+                    -2.521824,54.000430
+                    -2.521321,54.000134
+                    -2.519808,54.000001
+                    -2.518296,53.999887
+                    -2.517596,53.999524
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+                    -2.516189,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998079
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+                    -2.504686,53.993440
+                    -2.504184,53.993192
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+                    -2.504268,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991256
+                    -2.506143,53.990479
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+                    -2.506199,53.989272
+                    -2.507711,53.989167
+                    -2.508711,53.988667
+                    -2.509223,53.988314
+                    -2.510735,53.988123
+                    -2.511397,53.987765
+                    -2.510735,53.987408
+                    -2.509223,53.987317
+                    -2.507711,53.987327
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+                    -2.507711,53.986697
+                    -2.509085,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985219
+                    -2.507094,53.985052
+                    -2.507711,53.984566
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+                    -2.508582,53.983240
+                    -2.508578,53.982334
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+                    -2.504686,53.979321
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+                    -2.506199,53.978620
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+                    -2.508972,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977661
+                    -2.510298,53.976908
+                    -2.509410,53.976002
+                    -2.510494,53.975101
+                    -2.510461,53.974195
+                    -2.510735,53.974013
+                    -2.511903,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.973079
+                    -2.513760,53.972878
+                    -2.514615,53.972383
+                    -2.515272,53.972063
+                    -2.516250,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.970962
+                    -2.513760,53.970957
+                    -2.512832,53.970575
+                    -2.512247,53.970246
+                    -2.511656,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.970942
+                    -2.510198,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532049,53.972383
+                    -2.531988,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973489
+                    -2.530681,53.974195
+                    -2.530394,53.974667
+                    -2.529709,53.975101
+                    -2.528882,53.975415
+                    -2.527369,53.975854
+                    -2.527121,53.976002
+                    -2.526215,53.976908
+                    -2.525857,53.977294
+                    -2.524955,53.977809
+                    -2.524345,53.978052
+                    -2.523803,53.977809
+                    -2.522833,53.977251
+                    -2.522520,53.976908
+                    -2.521321,53.976188
+                    -2.519808,53.976383
+                    -2.518785,53.976908
+                    -2.519808,53.977427
+                    -2.521321,53.977623
+                    -2.521894,53.977809
+                    -2.521667,53.978715
+                    -2.522833,53.979373
+                    -2.523176,53.979621
+                    -2.522833,53.980021
+                    -2.521991,53.980527
+                    -2.521926,53.981433
+                    -2.522491,53.982334
+                    -2.521321,53.982558
+                    -2.520180,53.983240
+                    -2.521321,53.983922
+                    -2.521553,53.984141
+                    -2.521321,53.984427
+                    -2.519808,53.984594
+                    -2.519046,53.985052
+                    -2.519808,53.985510
+                    -2.520043,53.985953
+                    -2.519808,53.986492
+                    -2.519196,53.986859
+                    -2.519808,53.987255
+                    -2.520327,53.987765
+                    -2.519808,53.988090
+                    -2.518884,53.988667
+                    -2.518685,53.989577
+                    -2.518296,53.989720
+                    -2.516784,53.989778
+                    -2.515272,53.989801
+                    -2.513760,53.990021
+                    -2.512992,53.990479
+                    -2.512247,53.990645
+                    -2.510735,53.990784
+                    -2.509536,53.991385
+                    -2.510735,53.991981
+                    -2.512247,53.992124
+                    -2.513484,53.991385
+                    -2.513760,53.990936
+                    -2.515272,53.991160
+                    -2.516784,53.991179
+                    -2.518296,53.991237
+                    -2.519808,53.991332
+                    -2.521321,53.991294
+                    -2.521983,53.991385
+                    -2.522833,53.991890
+                    -2.523445,53.992286
+                    -2.524270,53.993192
+                    -2.523283,53.994098
+                    -2.522833,53.994479
+                    -2.521321,53.994489
+                    -2.519808,53.994741
+                    -2.519390,53.995004
+                    -2.518909,53.995910
+                    -2.519808,53.996444
+                    -2.521321,53.996477
+                    -2.522273,53.995910
+                    -2.522833,53.995509
+                    -2.524345,53.995624
+                    -2.525857,53.995733
+                    -2.526139,53.995910
+                    -2.526402,53.996811
+                    -2.525857,53.997397
+                    -2.525376,53.997717
+                    -2.525857,53.998003
+                    -2.526980,53.998618
+                    -2.527369,53.998852
+                    -2.528398,53.999524
+                    -2.528882,53.999815
+                    -2.529405,53.999524
+                    -2.530394,53.999209
+                    -2.530545,53.999524
+                    -2.530586,54.000430
+                    -2.530394,54.000583
+                    -2.529136,54.001336
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+                    -2.529066,54.003143
+                    -2.529091,54.004049
+                    -2.528882,54.004226
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+                    -2.525857,54.007835
+                    -2.524345,54.007988
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+                    -2.518296,54.021449
+                    -2.517778,54.021239
+                    -2.516784,54.020333
+                    -2.516782,54.020333
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+                    -2.513760,54.019823
+                    -2.512247,54.019608
+                    -2.511929,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.018812
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.017029
+                    -2.511685,54.017620
+                    -2.512247,54.017959
+                    -2.513760,54.018030
+                    -2.515272,54.018011
+                    -2.516001,54.017620
+                    -2.515272,54.017067
+                    -2.514959,54.016719
+                    -2.513760,54.016032
+                    -2.512247,54.016199
+                    -2.510735,54.016376
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014316
+                    -2.512247,54.014225
+                    -2.512650,54.014001
+                    -2.513033,54.013095
+                    -2.513552,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011950
+                    -2.514424,54.012194
+                    -2.515272,54.012699
+                    -2.516120,54.012194
+                    -2.516173,54.011288
+                    -2.515272,54.010615
+                    -2.515049,54.010386
+                    -2.514692,54.009476
+                    -2.515272,54.009032
+                    -2.516110,54.008574
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+                    -2.517776,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007068
+                    -2.516414,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006648
+                    -2.518296,54.006610
+                    -2.519015,54.006763
+                    -2.518799,54.007668
+                    -2.519808,54.008203
+                    -2.521321,54.008365
+                    -2.522489,54.007668
+                    -2.521802,54.006763
+                    -2.522414,54.005861
+                    -2.522833,54.005542
+                    -2.523714,54.004951
+                    -2.524345,54.004250
+                    -2.524645,54.004049
+                    -2.525298,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002242
+                    -2.524345,54.002242
+                    -2.524343,54.002242
+                    -2.522833,54.002314
+                    -2.522709,54.002242
+                    -2.522833,54.002166
+                    -2.523511,54.001336
+                    -2.522833,54.000926
+                    -2.521824,54.000430
+                    -2.521321,54.000134
+                    -2.519808,54.000001
+                    -2.518296,53.999887
+                    -2.517596,53.999524
+                    -2.516784,53.999009
+                    -2.516189,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998079
+                    -2.514690,53.997717
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+                    -2.513760,53.996205
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+                    -2.512247,53.995624
+                    -2.512144,53.995004
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+                    -2.506199,53.994570
+                    -2.505677,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993440
+                    -2.504184,53.993192
+                    -2.504555,53.992286
+                    -2.504268,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991256
+                    -2.506143,53.990479
+                    -2.505748,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.989272
+                    -2.507711,53.989167
+                    -2.508711,53.988667
+                    -2.509223,53.988314
+                    -2.510735,53.988123
+                    -2.511397,53.987765
+                    -2.510735,53.987408
+                    -2.509223,53.987317
+                    -2.507711,53.987327
+                    -2.507339,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986697
+                    -2.509085,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985219
+                    -2.507094,53.985052
+                    -2.507711,53.984566
+                    -2.508335,53.984141
+                    -2.508582,53.983240
+                    -2.508578,53.982334
+                    -2.509081,53.981433
+                    -2.509120,53.980527
+                    -2.508041,53.979621
+                    -2.507711,53.979425
+                    -2.507378,53.979621
+                    -2.506199,53.979969
+                    -2.504686,53.980193
+                    -2.503559,53.979621
+                    -2.504686,53.979321
+                    -2.505830,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978620
+                    -2.507711,53.978457
+                    -2.508972,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977661
+                    -2.510298,53.976908
+                    -2.509410,53.976002
+                    -2.510494,53.975101
+                    -2.510461,53.974195
+                    -2.510735,53.974013
+                    -2.511903,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.973079
+                    -2.513760,53.972878
+                    -2.514615,53.972383
+                    -2.515272,53.972063
+                    -2.516250,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.970962
+                    -2.513760,53.970957
+                    -2.512832,53.970575
+                    -2.512247,53.970246
+                    -2.511656,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.970942
+                    -2.510198,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532049,53.972383
+                    -2.531988,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973489
+                    -2.530681,53.974195
+                    -2.530394,53.974667
+                    -2.529709,53.975101
+                    -2.528882,53.975415
+                    -2.527369,53.975854
+                    -2.527121,53.976002
+                    -2.526215,53.976908
+                    -2.525857,53.977294
+                    -2.524955,53.977809
+                    -2.524345,53.978052
+                    -2.523803,53.977809
+                    -2.522833,53.977251
+                    -2.522520,53.976908
+                    -2.521321,53.976188
+                    -2.519808,53.976383
+                    -2.518785,53.976908
+                    -2.519808,53.977427
+                    -2.521321,53.977623
+                    -2.521894,53.977809
+                    -2.521667,53.978715
+                    -2.522833,53.979373
+                    -2.523176,53.979621
+                    -2.522833,53.980021
+                    -2.521991,53.980527
+                    -2.521926,53.981433
+                    -2.522491,53.982334
+                    -2.521321,53.982558
+                    -2.520180,53.983240
+                    -2.521321,53.983922
+                    -2.521553,53.984141
+                    -2.521321,53.984427
+                    -2.519808,53.984594
+                    -2.519046,53.985052
+                    -2.519808,53.985510
+                    -2.520043,53.985953
+                    -2.519808,53.986492
+                    -2.519196,53.986859
+                    -2.519808,53.987255
+                    -2.520327,53.987765
+                    -2.519808,53.988090
+                    -2.518884,53.988667
+                    -2.518685,53.989577
+                    -2.518296,53.989720
+                    -2.516784,53.989778
+                    -2.515272,53.989801
+                    -2.513760,53.990021
+                    -2.512992,53.990479
+                    -2.512247,53.990645
+                    -2.510735,53.990784
+                    -2.509536,53.991385
+                    -2.510735,53.991981
+                    -2.512247,53.992124
+                    -2.513484,53.991385
+                    -2.513760,53.990936
+                    -2.515272,53.991160
+                    -2.516784,53.991179
+                    -2.518296,53.991237
+                    -2.519808,53.991332
+                    -2.521321,53.991294
+                    -2.521983,53.991385
+                    -2.522833,53.991890
+                    -2.523445,53.992286
+                    -2.524270,53.993192
+                    -2.523283,53.994098
+                    -2.522833,53.994479
+                    -2.521321,53.994489
+                    -2.519808,53.994741
+                    -2.519390,53.995004
+                    -2.518909,53.995910
+                    -2.519808,53.996444
+                    -2.521321,53.996477
+                    -2.522273,53.995910
+                    -2.522833,53.995509
+                    -2.524345,53.995624
+                    -2.525857,53.995733
+                    -2.526139,53.995910
+                    -2.526402,53.996811
+                    -2.525857,53.997397
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+                    -2.534930,54.010625
+                    -2.534018,54.011288
+                    -2.533418,54.011869
+                    -2.531906,54.011970
+                    -2.530394,54.011855
+                    -2.529753,54.012194
+                    -2.529149,54.013095
+                    -2.528882,54.013557
+                    -2.528390,54.014001
+                    -2.528882,54.014416
+                    -2.529220,54.014907
+                    -2.530394,54.015460
+                    -2.531906,54.015660
+                    -2.533418,54.015803
+                    -2.533451,54.015813
+                    -2.533418,54.015875
+                    -2.531906,54.016438
+                    -2.531649,54.016719
+                    -2.531906,54.017005
+                    -2.532278,54.017620
+                    -2.532530,54.018526
+                    -2.531906,54.018679
+                    -2.530573,54.019427
+                    -2.530394,54.019608
+                    -2.529393,54.020333
+                    -2.530394,54.020934
+                    -2.531906,54.021058
+                    -2.532165,54.021239
+                    -2.533081,54.022145
+                    -2.533418,54.022346
+                    -2.533928,54.023051
+                    -2.534377,54.023952
+                    -2.534930,54.024282
+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.024973
+                    -2.531906,54.024997
+                    -2.530906,54.024858
+                    -2.530394,54.024668
+                    -2.528882,54.024601
+                    -2.527369,54.024558
+                    -2.525857,54.024234
+                    -2.525354,54.023952
+                    -2.524345,54.023385
+                    -2.523643,54.023051
+                    -2.522833,54.022608
+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520895,54.022145
+                    -2.519808,54.021316
+                    -2.518296,54.021449
+                    -2.517778,54.021239
+                    -2.516784,54.020333
+                    -2.516782,54.020333
+                    -2.515272,54.019918
+                    -2.513760,54.019823
+                    -2.512247,54.019608
+                    -2.511929,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.018812
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.017029
+                    -2.511685,54.017620
+                    -2.512247,54.017959
+                    -2.513760,54.018030
+                    -2.515272,54.018011
+                    -2.516001,54.017620
+                    -2.515272,54.017067
+                    -2.514959,54.016719
+                    -2.513760,54.016032
+                    -2.512247,54.016199
+                    -2.510735,54.016376
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014316
+                    -2.512247,54.014225
+                    -2.512650,54.014001
+                    -2.513033,54.013095
+                    -2.513552,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011950
+                    -2.514424,54.012194
+                    -2.515272,54.012699
+                    -2.516120,54.012194
+                    -2.516173,54.011288
+                    -2.515272,54.010615
+                    -2.515049,54.010386
+                    -2.514692,54.009476
+                    -2.515272,54.009032
+                    -2.516110,54.008574
+                    -2.516784,54.008265
+                    -2.517776,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007068
+                    -2.516414,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006648
+                    -2.518296,54.006610
+                    -2.519015,54.006763
+                    -2.518799,54.007668
+                    -2.519808,54.008203
+                    -2.521321,54.008365
+                    -2.522489,54.007668
+                    -2.521802,54.006763
+                    -2.522414,54.005861
+                    -2.522833,54.005542
+                    -2.523714,54.004951
+                    -2.524345,54.004250
+                    -2.524645,54.004049
+                    -2.525298,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002242
+                    -2.524345,54.002242
+                    -2.524343,54.002242
+                    -2.522833,54.002314
+                    -2.522709,54.002242
+                    -2.522833,54.002166
+                    -2.523511,54.001336
+                    -2.522833,54.000926
+                    -2.521824,54.000430
+                    -2.521321,54.000134
+                    -2.519808,54.000001
+                    -2.518296,53.999887
+                    -2.517596,53.999524
+                    -2.516784,53.999009
+                    -2.516189,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998079
+                    -2.514690,53.997717
+                    -2.514786,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996205
+                    -2.512451,53.995910
+                    -2.512247,53.995624
+                    -2.512144,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994298
+                    -2.509223,53.994780
+                    -2.507711,53.994608
+                    -2.506199,53.994570
+                    -2.505677,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993440
+                    -2.504184,53.993192
+                    -2.504555,53.992286
+                    -2.504268,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991256
+                    -2.506143,53.990479
+                    -2.505748,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.989272
+                    -2.507711,53.989167
+                    -2.508711,53.988667
+                    -2.509223,53.988314
+                    -2.510735,53.988123
+                    -2.511397,53.987765
+                    -2.510735,53.987408
+                    -2.509223,53.987317
+                    -2.507711,53.987327
+                    -2.507339,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986697
+                    -2.509085,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985219
+                    -2.507094,53.985052
+                    -2.507711,53.984566
+                    -2.508335,53.984141
+                    -2.508582,53.983240
+                    -2.508578,53.982334
+                    -2.509081,53.981433
+                    -2.509120,53.980527
+                    -2.508041,53.979621
+                    -2.507711,53.979425
+                    -2.507378,53.979621
+                    -2.506199,53.979969
+                    -2.504686,53.980193
+                    -2.503559,53.979621
+                    -2.504686,53.979321
+                    -2.505830,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978620
+                    -2.507711,53.978457
+                    -2.508972,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977661
+                    -2.510298,53.976908
+                    -2.509410,53.976002
+                    -2.510494,53.975101
+                    -2.510461,53.974195
+                    -2.510735,53.974013
+                    -2.511903,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.973079
+                    -2.513760,53.972878
+                    -2.514615,53.972383
+                    -2.515272,53.972063
+                    -2.516250,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.970962
+                    -2.513760,53.970957
+                    -2.512832,53.970575
+                    -2.512247,53.970246
+                    -2.511656,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.970942
+                    -2.510198,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532049,53.972383
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+                    -2.531906,53.973489
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+                    -2.530394,53.974667
+                    -2.529709,53.975101
+                    -2.528882,53.975415
+                    -2.527369,53.975854
+                    -2.527121,53.976002
+                    -2.526215,53.976908
+                    -2.525857,53.977294
+                    -2.524955,53.977809
+                    -2.524345,53.978052
+                    -2.523803,53.977809
+                    -2.522833,53.977251
+                    -2.522520,53.976908
+                    -2.521321,53.976188
+                    -2.519808,53.976383
+                    -2.518785,53.976908
+                    -2.519808,53.977427
+                    -2.521321,53.977623
+                    -2.521894,53.977809
+                    -2.521667,53.978715
+                    -2.522833,53.979373
+                    -2.523176,53.979621
+                    -2.522833,53.980021
+                    -2.521991,53.980527
+                    -2.521926,53.981433
+                    -2.522491,53.982334
+                    -2.521321,53.982558
+                    -2.520180,53.983240
+                    -2.521321,53.983922
+                    -2.521553,53.984141
+                    -2.521321,53.984427
+                    -2.519808,53.984594
+                    -2.519046,53.985052
+                    -2.519808,53.985510
+                    -2.520043,53.985953
+                    -2.519808,53.986492
+                    -2.519196,53.986859
+                    -2.519808,53.987255
+                    -2.520327,53.987765
+                    -2.519808,53.988090
+                    -2.518884,53.988667
+                    -2.518685,53.989577
+                    -2.518296,53.989720
+                    -2.516784,53.989778
+                    -2.515272,53.989801
+                    -2.513760,53.990021
+                    -2.512992,53.990479
+                    -2.512247,53.990645
+                    -2.510735,53.990784
+                    -2.509536,53.991385
+                    -2.510735,53.991981
+                    -2.512247,53.992124
+                    -2.513484,53.991385
+                    -2.513760,53.990936
+                    -2.515272,53.991160
+                    -2.516784,53.991179
+                    -2.518296,53.991237
+                    -2.519808,53.991332
+                    -2.521321,53.991294
+                    -2.521983,53.991385
+                    -2.522833,53.991890
+                    -2.523445,53.992286
+                    -2.524270,53.993192
+                    -2.523283,53.994098
+                    -2.522833,53.994479
+                    -2.521321,53.994489
+                    -2.519808,53.994741
+                    -2.519390,53.995004
+                    -2.518909,53.995910
+                    -2.519808,53.996444
+                    -2.521321,53.996477
+                    -2.522273,53.995910
+                    -2.522833,53.995509
+                    -2.524345,53.995624
+                    -2.525857,53.995733
+                    -2.526139,53.995910
+                    -2.526402,53.996811
+                    -2.525857,53.997397
+                    -2.525376,53.997717
+                    -2.525857,53.998003
+                    -2.526980,53.998618
+                    -2.527369,53.998852
+                    -2.528398,53.999524
+                    -2.528882,53.999815
+                    -2.529405,53.999524
+                    -2.530394,53.999209
+                    -2.530545,53.999524
+                    -2.530586,54.000430
+                    -2.530394,54.000583
+                    -2.529136,54.001336
+                    -2.529063,54.002242
+                    -2.529066,54.003143
+                    -2.529091,54.004049
+                    -2.528882,54.004226
+                    -2.527669,54.004951
+                    -2.527727,54.005861
+                    -2.527369,54.006314
+                    -2.526613,54.006763
+                    -2.526042,54.007668
+                    -2.525857,54.007835
+                    -2.524345,54.007988
+                    -2.523368,54.008574
+                    -2.523753,54.009476
+                    -2.524345,54.009833
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+                    -2.524345,54.010563
+                    -2.523130,54.011288
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+                    -2.524345,54.012637
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+                    -2.524457,54.014907
+                    -2.524746,54.015813
+                    -2.525857,54.016476
+                    -2.526302,54.016719
+                    -2.526218,54.017620
+                    -2.527369,54.018307
+                    -2.527738,54.018526
+                    -2.528882,54.019208
+                    -2.530030,54.018526
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+                    -2.528882,54.016848
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+                    -2.528509,54.015813
+                    -2.527369,54.015121
+                    -2.527262,54.014907
+                    -2.527104,54.014001
+                    -2.527109,54.013095
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+                    -2.525857,54.012113
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+                    -2.526991,54.010386
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+                    -2.531784,54.003143
+                    -2.531783,54.002242
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+                    -2.535070,54.000430
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+                    -2.533418,54.001746
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.017029
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+                    -2.513760,54.018030
+                    -2.515272,54.018011
+                    -2.516001,54.017620
+                    -2.515272,54.017067
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+                    -2.513760,54.016032
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+                    -2.510735,54.016376
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014316
+                    -2.512247,54.014225
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+                    -2.513033,54.013095
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+                    -2.513760,54.011950
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+                    -2.515272,54.012699
+                    -2.516120,54.012194
+                    -2.516173,54.011288
+                    -2.515272,54.010615
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+                    -2.515272,54.009032
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+                    -2.516784,54.007068
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+                    -2.516784,54.006648
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+                    -2.519015,54.006763
+                    -2.518799,54.007668
+                    -2.519808,54.008203
+                    -2.521321,54.008365
+                    -2.522489,54.007668
+                    -2.521802,54.006763
+                    -2.522414,54.005861
+                    -2.522833,54.005542
+                    -2.523714,54.004951
+                    -2.524345,54.004250
+                    -2.524645,54.004049
+                    -2.525298,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002242
+                    -2.524345,54.002242
+                    -2.524343,54.002242
+                    -2.522833,54.002314
+                    -2.522709,54.002242
+                    -2.522833,54.002166
+                    -2.523511,54.001336
+                    -2.522833,54.000926
+                    -2.521824,54.000430
+                    -2.521321,54.000134
+                    -2.519808,54.000001
+                    -2.518296,53.999887
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+                    -2.512247,53.995624
+                    -2.512144,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994298
+                    -2.509223,53.994780
+                    -2.507711,53.994608
+                    -2.506199,53.994570
+                    -2.505677,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993440
+                    -2.504184,53.993192
+                    -2.504555,53.992286
+                    -2.504268,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991256
+                    -2.506143,53.990479
+                    -2.505748,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.989272
+                    -2.507711,53.989167
+                    -2.508711,53.988667
+                    -2.509223,53.988314
+                    -2.510735,53.988123
+                    -2.511397,53.987765
+                    -2.510735,53.987408
+                    -2.509223,53.987317
+                    -2.507711,53.987327
+                    -2.507339,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986697
+                    -2.509085,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985219
+                    -2.507094,53.985052
+                    -2.507711,53.984566
+                    -2.508335,53.984141
+                    -2.508582,53.983240
+                    -2.508578,53.982334
+                    -2.509081,53.981433
+                    -2.509120,53.980527
+                    -2.508041,53.979621
+                    -2.507711,53.979425
+                    -2.507378,53.979621
+                    -2.506199,53.979969
+                    -2.504686,53.980193
+                    -2.503559,53.979621
+                    -2.504686,53.979321
+                    -2.505830,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978620
+                    -2.507711,53.978457
+                    -2.508972,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977661
+                    -2.510298,53.976908
+                    -2.509410,53.976002
+                    -2.510494,53.975101
+                    -2.510461,53.974195
+                    -2.510735,53.974013
+                    -2.511903,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.973079
+                    -2.513760,53.972878
+                    -2.514615,53.972383
+                    -2.515272,53.972063
+                    -2.516250,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.970962
+                    -2.513760,53.970957
+                    -2.512832,53.970575
+                    -2.512247,53.970246
+                    -2.511656,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.970942
+                    -2.510198,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532049,53.972383
+                    -2.531988,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973489
+                    -2.530681,53.974195
+                    -2.530394,53.974667
+                    -2.529709,53.975101
+                    -2.528882,53.975415
+                    -2.527369,53.975854
+                    -2.527121,53.976002
+                    -2.526215,53.976908
+                    -2.525857,53.977294
+                    -2.524955,53.977809
+                    -2.524345,53.978052
+                    -2.523803,53.977809
+                    -2.522833,53.977251
+                    -2.522520,53.976908
+                    -2.521321,53.976188
+                    -2.519808,53.976383
+                    -2.518785,53.976908
+                    -2.519808,53.977427
+                    -2.521321,53.977623
+                    -2.521894,53.977809
+                    -2.521667,53.978715
+                    -2.522833,53.979373
+                    -2.523176,53.979621
+                    -2.522833,53.980021
+                    -2.521991,53.980527
+                    -2.521926,53.981433
+                    -2.522491,53.982334
+                    -2.521321,53.982558
+                    -2.520180,53.983240
+                    -2.521321,53.983922
+                    -2.521553,53.984141
+                    -2.521321,53.984427
+                    -2.519808,53.984594
+                    -2.519046,53.985052
+                    -2.519808,53.985510
+                    -2.520043,53.985953
+                    -2.519808,53.986492
+                    -2.519196,53.986859
+                    -2.519808,53.987255
+                    -2.520327,53.987765
+                    -2.519808,53.988090
+                    -2.518884,53.988667
+                    -2.518685,53.989577
+                    -2.518296,53.989720
+                    -2.516784,53.989778
+                    -2.515272,53.989801
+                    -2.513760,53.990021
+                    -2.512992,53.990479
+                    -2.512247,53.990645
+                    -2.510735,53.990784
+                    -2.509536,53.991385
+                    -2.510735,53.991981
+                    -2.512247,53.992124
+                    -2.513484,53.991385
+                    -2.513760,53.990936
+                    -2.515272,53.991160
+                    -2.516784,53.991179
+                    -2.518296,53.991237
+                    -2.519808,53.991332
+                    -2.521321,53.991294
+                    -2.521983,53.991385
+                    -2.522833,53.991890
+                    -2.523445,53.992286
+                    -2.524270,53.993192
+                    -2.523283,53.994098
+                    -2.522833,53.994479
+                    -2.521321,53.994489
+                    -2.519808,53.994741
+                    -2.519390,53.995004
+                    -2.518909,53.995910
+                    -2.519808,53.996444
+                    -2.521321,53.996477
+                    -2.522273,53.995910
+                    -2.522833,53.995509
+                    -2.524345,53.995624
+                    -2.525857,53.995733
+                    -2.526139,53.995910
+                    -2.526402,53.996811
+                    -2.525857,53.997397
+                    -2.525376,53.997717
+                    -2.525857,53.998003
+                    -2.526980,53.998618
+                    -2.527369,53.998852
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+                    -2.528882,53.999815
+                    -2.529405,53.999524
+                    -2.530394,53.999209
+                    -2.530545,53.999524
+                    -2.530586,54.000430
+                    -2.530394,54.000583
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+                    -2.529066,54.003143
+                    -2.529091,54.004049
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+                    -2.520895,54.022145
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+                    -2.518296,54.021449
+                    -2.517778,54.021239
+                    -2.516784,54.020333
+                    -2.516782,54.020333
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+                    -2.513760,54.019823
+                    -2.512247,54.019608
+                    -2.511929,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.018812
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.017029
+                    -2.511685,54.017620
+                    -2.512247,54.017959
+                    -2.513760,54.018030
+                    -2.515272,54.018011
+                    -2.516001,54.017620
+                    -2.515272,54.017067
+                    -2.514959,54.016719
+                    -2.513760,54.016032
+                    -2.512247,54.016199
+                    -2.510735,54.016376
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014316
+                    -2.512247,54.014225
+                    -2.512650,54.014001
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+                    -2.513760,54.011950
+                    -2.514424,54.012194
+                    -2.515272,54.012699
+                    -2.516120,54.012194
+                    -2.516173,54.011288
+                    -2.515272,54.010615
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+                    -2.515272,54.009032
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+                    -2.516784,54.007068
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+                    -2.516784,54.006648
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+                    -2.519808,54.008203
+                    -2.521321,54.008365
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+                    -2.521802,54.006763
+                    -2.522414,54.005861
+                    -2.522833,54.005542
+                    -2.523714,54.004951
+                    -2.524345,54.004250
+                    -2.524645,54.004049
+                    -2.525298,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002242
+                    -2.524345,54.002242
+                    -2.524343,54.002242
+                    -2.522833,54.002314
+                    -2.522709,54.002242
+                    -2.522833,54.002166
+                    -2.523511,54.001336
+                    -2.522833,54.000926
+                    -2.521824,54.000430
+                    -2.521321,54.000134
+                    -2.519808,54.000001
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+                    -2.517596,53.999524
+                    -2.516784,53.999009
+                    -2.516189,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998079
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+                    -2.507711,53.994608
+                    -2.506199,53.994570
+                    -2.505677,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993440
+                    -2.504184,53.993192
+                    -2.504555,53.992286
+                    -2.504268,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991256
+                    -2.506143,53.990479
+                    -2.505748,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.989272
+                    -2.507711,53.989167
+                    -2.508711,53.988667
+                    -2.509223,53.988314
+                    -2.510735,53.988123
+                    -2.511397,53.987765
+                    -2.510735,53.987408
+                    -2.509223,53.987317
+                    -2.507711,53.987327
+                    -2.507339,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986697
+                    -2.509085,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985219
+                    -2.507094,53.985052
+                    -2.507711,53.984566
+                    -2.508335,53.984141
+                    -2.508582,53.983240
+                    -2.508578,53.982334
+                    -2.509081,53.981433
+                    -2.509120,53.980527
+                    -2.508041,53.979621
+                    -2.507711,53.979425
+                    -2.507378,53.979621
+                    -2.506199,53.979969
+                    -2.504686,53.980193
+                    -2.503559,53.979621
+                    -2.504686,53.979321
+                    -2.505830,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978620
+                    -2.507711,53.978457
+                    -2.508972,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977661
+                    -2.510298,53.976908
+                    -2.509410,53.976002
+                    -2.510494,53.975101
+                    -2.510461,53.974195
+                    -2.510735,53.974013
+                    -2.511903,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.973079
+                    -2.513760,53.972878
+                    -2.514615,53.972383
+                    -2.515272,53.972063
+                    -2.516250,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.970962
+                    -2.513760,53.970957
+                    -2.512832,53.970575
+                    -2.512247,53.970246
+                    -2.511656,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.970942
+                    -2.510198,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532049,53.972383
+                    -2.531988,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973489
+                    -2.530681,53.974195
+                    -2.530394,53.974667
+                    -2.529709,53.975101
+                    -2.528882,53.975415
+                    -2.527369,53.975854
+                    -2.527121,53.976002
+                    -2.526215,53.976908
+                    -2.525857,53.977294
+                    -2.524955,53.977809
+                    -2.524345,53.978052
+                    -2.523803,53.977809
+                    -2.522833,53.977251
+                    -2.522520,53.976908
+                    -2.521321,53.976188
+                    -2.519808,53.976383
+                    -2.518785,53.976908
+                    -2.519808,53.977427
+                    -2.521321,53.977623
+                    -2.521894,53.977809
+                    -2.521667,53.978715
+                    -2.522833,53.979373
+                    -2.523176,53.979621
+                    -2.522833,53.980021
+                    -2.521991,53.980527
+                    -2.521926,53.981433
+                    -2.522491,53.982334
+                    -2.521321,53.982558
+                    -2.520180,53.983240
+                    -2.521321,53.983922
+                    -2.521553,53.984141
+                    -2.521321,53.984427
+                    -2.519808,53.984594
+                    -2.519046,53.985052
+                    -2.519808,53.985510
+                    -2.520043,53.985953
+                    -2.519808,53.986492
+                    -2.519196,53.986859
+                    -2.519808,53.987255
+                    -2.520327,53.987765
+                    -2.519808,53.988090
+                    -2.518884,53.988667
+                    -2.518685,53.989577
+                    -2.518296,53.989720
+                    -2.516784,53.989778
+                    -2.515272,53.989801
+                    -2.513760,53.990021
+                    -2.512992,53.990479
+                    -2.512247,53.990645
+                    -2.510735,53.990784
+                    -2.509536,53.991385
+                    -2.510735,53.991981
+                    -2.512247,53.992124
+                    -2.513484,53.991385
+                    -2.513760,53.990936
+                    -2.515272,53.991160
+                    -2.516784,53.991179
+                    -2.518296,53.991237
+                    -2.519808,53.991332
+                    -2.521321,53.991294
+                    -2.521983,53.991385
+                    -2.522833,53.991890
+                    -2.523445,53.992286
+                    -2.524270,53.993192
+                    -2.523283,53.994098
+                    -2.522833,53.994479
+                    -2.521321,53.994489
+                    -2.519808,53.994741
+                    -2.519390,53.995004
+                    -2.518909,53.995910
+                    -2.519808,53.996444
+                    -2.521321,53.996477
+                    -2.522273,53.995910
+                    -2.522833,53.995509
+                    -2.524345,53.995624
+                    -2.525857,53.995733
+                    -2.526139,53.995910
+                    -2.526402,53.996811
+                    -2.525857,53.997397
+                    -2.525376,53.997717
+                    -2.525857,53.998003
+                    -2.526980,53.998618
+                    -2.527369,53.998852
+                    -2.528398,53.999524
+                    -2.528882,53.999815
+                    -2.529405,53.999524
+                    -2.530394,53.999209
+                    -2.530545,53.999524
+                    -2.530586,54.000430
+                    -2.530394,54.000583
+                    -2.529136,54.001336
+                    -2.529063,54.002242
+                    -2.529066,54.003143
+                    -2.529091,54.004049
+                    -2.528882,54.004226
+                    -2.527669,54.004951
+                    -2.527727,54.005861
+                    -2.527369,54.006314
+                    -2.526613,54.006763
+                    -2.526042,54.007668
+                    -2.525857,54.007835
+                    -2.524345,54.007988
+                    -2.523368,54.008574
+                    -2.523753,54.009476
+                    -2.524345,54.009833
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+                    -2.524345,54.010563
+                    -2.523130,54.011288
+                    -2.523603,54.012194
+                    -2.524345,54.012637
+                    -2.524615,54.013095
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+                    -2.524746,54.015813
+                    -2.525857,54.016476
+                    -2.526302,54.016719
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+                    -2.528882,54.019208
+                    -2.530030,54.018526
+                    -2.530181,54.017620
+                    -2.528882,54.016848
+                    -2.528437,54.016719
+                    -2.528509,54.015813
+                    -2.527369,54.015121
+                    -2.527262,54.014907
+                    -2.527104,54.014001
+                    -2.527109,54.013095
+                    -2.525857,54.012351
+                    -2.525087,54.012194
+                    -2.525857,54.012113
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+                    -2.526991,54.010386
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+                    -2.531784,54.003143
+                    -2.531783,54.002242
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+                    -2.533418,54.001746
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+                    -2.518296,54.021449
+                    -2.517778,54.021239
+                    -2.516784,54.020333
+                    -2.516782,54.020333
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+                    -2.511929,54.019427
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.017029
+                    -2.511685,54.017620
+                    -2.512247,54.017959
+                    -2.513760,54.018030
+                    -2.515272,54.018011
+                    -2.516001,54.017620
+                    -2.515272,54.017067
+                    -2.514959,54.016719
+                    -2.513760,54.016032
+                    -2.512247,54.016199
+                    -2.510735,54.016376
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014316
+                    -2.512247,54.014225
+                    -2.512650,54.014001
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+                    -2.513760,54.011950
+                    -2.514424,54.012194
+                    -2.515272,54.012699
+                    -2.516120,54.012194
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+                    -2.515272,54.010615
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+                    -2.516784,54.007068
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+                    -2.516784,54.006648
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+                    -2.519808,54.008203
+                    -2.521321,54.008365
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+                    -2.521802,54.006763
+                    -2.522414,54.005861
+                    -2.522833,54.005542
+                    -2.523714,54.004951
+                    -2.524345,54.004250
+                    -2.524645,54.004049
+                    -2.525298,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002242
+                    -2.524345,54.002242
+                    -2.524343,54.002242
+                    -2.522833,54.002314
+                    -2.522709,54.002242
+                    -2.522833,54.002166
+                    -2.523511,54.001336
+                    -2.522833,54.000926
+                    -2.521824,54.000430
+                    -2.521321,54.000134
+                    -2.519808,54.000001
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+                    -2.517596,53.999524
+                    -2.516784,53.999009
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+                    -2.504184,53.993192
+                    -2.504555,53.992286
+                    -2.504268,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991256
+                    -2.506143,53.990479
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+                    -2.506199,53.989272
+                    -2.507711,53.989167
+                    -2.508711,53.988667
+                    -2.509223,53.988314
+                    -2.510735,53.988123
+                    -2.511397,53.987765
+                    -2.510735,53.987408
+                    -2.509223,53.987317
+                    -2.507711,53.987327
+                    -2.507339,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986697
+                    -2.509085,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985219
+                    -2.507094,53.985052
+                    -2.507711,53.984566
+                    -2.508335,53.984141
+                    -2.508582,53.983240
+                    -2.508578,53.982334
+                    -2.509081,53.981433
+                    -2.509120,53.980527
+                    -2.508041,53.979621
+                    -2.507711,53.979425
+                    -2.507378,53.979621
+                    -2.506199,53.979969
+                    -2.504686,53.980193
+                    -2.503559,53.979621
+                    -2.504686,53.979321
+                    -2.505830,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978620
+                    -2.507711,53.978457
+                    -2.508972,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977661
+                    -2.510298,53.976908
+                    -2.509410,53.976002
+                    -2.510494,53.975101
+                    -2.510461,53.974195
+                    -2.510735,53.974013
+                    -2.511903,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.973079
+                    -2.513760,53.972878
+                    -2.514615,53.972383
+                    -2.515272,53.972063
+                    -2.516250,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.970962
+                    -2.513760,53.970957
+                    -2.512832,53.970575
+                    -2.512247,53.970246
+                    -2.511656,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.970942
+                    -2.510198,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532049,53.972383
+                    -2.531988,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973489
+                    -2.530681,53.974195
+                    -2.530394,53.974667
+                    -2.529709,53.975101
+                    -2.528882,53.975415
+                    -2.527369,53.975854
+                    -2.527121,53.976002
+                    -2.526215,53.976908
+                    -2.525857,53.977294
+                    -2.524955,53.977809
+                    -2.524345,53.978052
+                    -2.523803,53.977809
+                    -2.522833,53.977251
+                    -2.522520,53.976908
+                    -2.521321,53.976188
+                    -2.519808,53.976383
+                    -2.518785,53.976908
+                    -2.519808,53.977427
+                    -2.521321,53.977623
+                    -2.521894,53.977809
+                    -2.521667,53.978715
+                    -2.522833,53.979373
+                    -2.523176,53.979621
+                    -2.522833,53.980021
+                    -2.521991,53.980527
+                    -2.521926,53.981433
+                    -2.522491,53.982334
+                    -2.521321,53.982558
+                    -2.520180,53.983240
+                    -2.521321,53.983922
+                    -2.521553,53.984141
+                    -2.521321,53.984427
+                    -2.519808,53.984594
+                    -2.519046,53.985052
+                    -2.519808,53.985510
+                    -2.520043,53.985953
+                    -2.519808,53.986492
+                    -2.519196,53.986859
+                    -2.519808,53.987255
+                    -2.520327,53.987765
+                    -2.519808,53.988090
+                    -2.518884,53.988667
+                    -2.518685,53.989577
+                    -2.518296,53.989720
+                    -2.516784,53.989778
+                    -2.515272,53.989801
+                    -2.513760,53.990021
+                    -2.512992,53.990479
+                    -2.512247,53.990645
+                    -2.510735,53.990784
+                    -2.509536,53.991385
+                    -2.510735,53.991981
+                    -2.512247,53.992124
+                    -2.513484,53.991385
+                    -2.513760,53.990936
+                    -2.515272,53.991160
+                    -2.516784,53.991179
+                    -2.518296,53.991237
+                    -2.519808,53.991332
+                    -2.521321,53.991294
+                    -2.521983,53.991385
+                    -2.522833,53.991890
+                    -2.523445,53.992286
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+                    -2.522833,53.994479
+                    -2.521321,53.994489
+                    -2.519808,53.994741
+                    -2.519390,53.995004
+                    -2.518909,53.995910
+                    -2.519808,53.996444
+                    -2.521321,53.996477
+                    -2.522273,53.995910
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+                    -2.525857,53.995733
+                    -2.526139,53.995910
+                    -2.526402,53.996811
+                    -2.525857,53.997397
+                    -2.525376,53.997717
+                    -2.525857,53.998003
+                    -2.526980,53.998618
+                    -2.527369,53.998852
+                    -2.528398,53.999524
+                    -2.528882,53.999815
+                    -2.529405,53.999524
+                    -2.530394,53.999209
+                    -2.530545,53.999524
+                    -2.530586,54.000430
+                    -2.530394,54.000583
+                    -2.529136,54.001336
+                    -2.529063,54.002242
+                    -2.529066,54.003143
+                    -2.529091,54.004049
+                    -2.528882,54.004226
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+                    -2.527727,54.005861
+                    -2.527369,54.006314
+                    -2.526613,54.006763
+                    -2.526042,54.007668
+                    -2.525857,54.007835
+                    -2.524345,54.007988
+                    -2.523368,54.008574
+                    -2.523753,54.009476
+                    -2.524345,54.009833
+                    -2.524723,54.010386
+                    -2.524345,54.010563
+                    -2.523130,54.011288
+                    -2.523603,54.012194
+                    -2.524345,54.012637
+                    -2.524615,54.013095
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+                    -2.524457,54.014907
+                    -2.524746,54.015813
+                    -2.525857,54.016476
+                    -2.526302,54.016719
+                    -2.526218,54.017620
+                    -2.527369,54.018307
+                    -2.527738,54.018526
+                    -2.528882,54.019208
+                    -2.530030,54.018526
+                    -2.530181,54.017620
+                    -2.528882,54.016848
+                    -2.528437,54.016719
+                    -2.528509,54.015813
+                    -2.527369,54.015121
+                    -2.527262,54.014907
+                    -2.527104,54.014001
+                    -2.527109,54.013095
+                    -2.525857,54.012351
+                    -2.525087,54.012194
+                    -2.525857,54.012113
+                    -2.527236,54.011288
+                    -2.526991,54.010386
+                    -2.527369,54.010091
+                    -2.528434,54.009476
+                    -2.528882,54.008861
+                    -2.529454,54.008574
+                    -2.529939,54.007668
+                    -2.530369,54.006763
+                    -2.530037,54.005861
+                    -2.530394,54.005389
+                    -2.531195,54.004951
+                    -2.531741,54.004049
+                    -2.531784,54.003143
+                    -2.531783,54.002242
+                    -2.531657,54.001336
+                    -2.531906,54.001226
+                    -2.533418,54.001002
+                    -2.534930,54.000540
+                    -2.535070,54.000430
+                    -2.534930,54.000387
+                    -2.533418,53.999696
+                    -2.533363,53.999524
+                    -2.533262,53.998618
+                    -2.533418,53.998017
+                    -2.534930,53.998346
+                    -2.535233,53.998618
+                    -2.536443,53.999362
+                    -2.536750,53.999524
+                    -2.536836,54.000430
+                    -2.536443,54.000545
+                    -2.535082,54.001336
+                    -2.534930,54.001746
+                    -2.533418,54.001746
+                    -2.532543,54.002242
+                    -2.532480,54.003143
+                    -2.532830,54.004049
+                    -2.533004,54.004951
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+                    -2.533925,54.012194
+                    -2.534930,54.012694
+                    -2.536010,54.013095
+                    -2.534930,54.013371
+                    -2.533418,54.013133
+                    -2.533339,54.013095
+                    -2.531906,54.012446
+                    -2.530760,54.012194
+                    -2.530394,54.012151
+                    -2.530318,54.012194
+                    -2.529480,54.013095
+                    -2.528923,54.014001
+                    -2.529591,54.014907
+                    -2.530394,54.015288
+                    -2.531906,54.015493
+                    -2.533418,54.015627
+                    -2.534219,54.015813
+                    -2.533501,54.016719
+                    -2.533418,54.016895
+                    -2.532698,54.017620
+                    -2.532962,54.018526
+                    -2.531906,54.018779
+                    -2.530758,54.019427
+                    -2.530394,54.019794
+                    -2.529648,54.020333
+                    -2.530394,54.020782
+                    -2.531906,54.020934
+                    -2.532345,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.022083
+                    -2.533478,54.022145
+                    -2.534184,54.023051
+                    -2.534874,54.023952
+                    -2.534930,54.023986
+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025111
+                    -2.531906,54.025154
+                    -2.530394,54.024930
+                    -2.528882,54.024920
+                    -2.527369,54.024892
+                    -2.527293,54.024858
+                    -2.525857,54.024439
+                    -2.524990,54.023952
+                    -2.524345,54.023585
+                    -2.523211,54.023051
+                    -2.522833,54.022841
+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520682,54.022145
+                    -2.519808,54.021478
+                    -2.518296,54.021564
+                    -2.517477,54.021239
+                    -2.516784,54.020610
+                    -2.515893,54.020333
+                    -2.515272,54.020162
+                    -2.513760,54.020019
+                    -2.512247,54.019828
+                    -2.511544,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.019008
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016733
+                    -2.512166,54.017620
+                    -2.512247,54.017673
+                    -2.513760,54.017782
+                    -2.515272,54.017754
+                    -2.515522,54.017620
+                    -2.515272,54.017429
+                    -2.514633,54.016719
+                    -2.513760,54.016223
+                    -2.512247,54.016452
+                    -2.510735,54.016700
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014020
+                    -2.510962,54.014001
+                    -2.512247,54.013796
+                    -2.512670,54.013095
+                    -2.513449,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011827
+                    -2.514756,54.012194
+                    -2.515272,54.012504
+                    -2.515788,54.012194
+                    -2.515867,54.011288
+                    -2.515272,54.010844
+                    -2.514832,54.010386
+                    -2.514307,54.009476
+                    -2.515272,54.008737
+                    -2.515569,54.008574
+                    -2.516784,54.008017
+                    -2.517363,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007316
+                    -2.516109,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006553
+                    -2.518296,54.006510
+                    -2.519492,54.006763
+                    -2.519199,54.007668
+                    -2.519808,54.007988
+                    -2.521321,54.008265
+                    -2.522317,54.007668
+                    -2.521321,54.006791
+                    -2.520991,54.006763
+                    -2.521321,54.006686
+                    -2.522049,54.005861
+                    -2.522833,54.005265
+                    -2.523300,54.004951
+                    -2.524236,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003878
+                    -2.525018,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002509
+                    -2.522833,54.002900
+                    -2.521720,54.002242
+                    -2.521321,54.001822
+                    -2.520399,54.001336
+                    -2.521027,54.000430
+                    -2.519808,54.000268
+                    -2.518296,54.000125
+                    -2.517132,53.999524
+                    -2.516784,53.999305
+                    -2.515737,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998346
+                    -2.514259,53.997717
+                    -2.514455,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996401
+                    -2.512247,53.996654
+                    -2.512128,53.995910
+                    -2.511941,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994403
+                    -2.509305,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995104
+                    -2.508646,53.995004
+                    -2.507711,53.994861
+                    -2.506199,53.994803
+                    -2.505416,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993611
+                    -2.503833,53.993192
+                    -2.504364,53.992286
+                    -2.503945,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991151
+                    -2.505954,53.990479
+                    -2.505415,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.989048
+                    -2.507711,53.988962
+                    -2.508298,53.988667
+                    -2.509223,53.988032
+                    -2.510735,53.987842
+                    -2.510886,53.987765
+                    -2.510735,53.987684
+                    -2.509223,53.987546
+                    -2.507711,53.987699
+                    -2.507046,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986568
+                    -2.508847,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985348
+                    -2.506630,53.985052
+                    -2.507711,53.984203
+                    -2.507798,53.984141
+                    -2.508176,53.983240
+                    -2.508179,53.982334
+                    -2.508656,53.981433
+                    -2.509068,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979640
+                    -2.506199,53.980145
+                    -2.504686,53.980474
+                    -2.503174,53.979697
+                    -2.503053,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979545
+                    -2.504686,53.979173
+                    -2.505547,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978543
+                    -2.507711,53.978324
+                    -2.508714,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977509
+                    -2.510079,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976150
+                    -2.509074,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975859
+                    -2.510239,53.975101
+                    -2.510114,53.974195
+                    -2.510735,53.973789
+                    -2.511539,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972850
+                    -2.513760,53.972616
+                    -2.514164,53.972383
+                    -2.515272,53.971839
+                    -2.515880,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971157
+                    -2.513760,53.971171
+                    -2.512317,53.970575
+                    -2.512247,53.970537
+                    -2.512177,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.971157
+                    -2.509895,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532120,53.972383
+                    -2.532028,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973594
+                    -2.530858,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974824
+                    -2.532288,53.975101
+                    -2.532450,53.976002
+                    -2.532220,53.976908
+                    -2.532299,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978477
+                    -2.533920,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979321
+                    -2.535560,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.980150
+                    -2.537535,53.980527
+                    -2.537955,53.980780
+                    -2.538391,53.980527
+                    -2.539467,53.980293
+                    -2.540061,53.980527
+                    -2.540104,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.982272
+                    -2.541074,53.982334
+                    -2.541396,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983893
+                    -2.543291,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984571
+                    -2.545516,53.984857
+                    -2.547028,53.984904
+                    -2.547761,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985515
+                    -2.550052,53.985548
+                    -2.550668,53.985953
+                    -2.550789,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987327
+                    -2.552340,53.986859
+                    -2.552461,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985820
+                    -2.554589,53.985724
+                    -2.556101,53.985701
+                    -2.556696,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986506
+                    -2.558665,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985648
+                    -2.559381,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986650
+                    -2.562150,53.986540
+                    -2.562557,53.986859
+                    -2.563226,53.987765
+                    -2.563652,53.988667
+                    -2.563593,53.989577
+                    -2.563662,53.989716
+                    -2.563896,53.990479
+                    -2.565174,53.991070
+                    -2.565419,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991675
+                    -2.564244,53.992286
+                    -2.563873,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.993592
+                    -2.562150,53.993492
+                    -2.561225,53.994098
+                    -2.560638,53.994269
+                    -2.560342,53.994098
+                    -2.560555,53.993192
+                    -2.560579,53.992286
+                    -2.560069,53.991385
+                    -2.559941,53.990479
+                    -2.559125,53.989992
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+                    -2.557270,53.989577
+                    -2.556101,53.988948
+                    -2.555504,53.988667
+                    -2.554589,53.988123
+                    -2.553077,53.988090
+                    -2.552111,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989348
+                    -2.553780,53.989577
+                    -2.553077,53.989768
+                    -2.551603,53.990479
+                    -2.552092,53.991385
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+                    -2.531906,54.025154
+                    -2.530394,54.024930
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+                    -2.527293,54.024858
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+                    -2.524345,54.023585
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016733
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+                    -2.512247,54.017673
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+                    -2.515272,54.017429
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+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014020
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+                    -2.512247,54.013796
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+                    -2.513760,54.011827
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+                    -2.515272,54.012504
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+                    -2.515272,54.010844
+                    -2.514832,54.010386
+                    -2.514307,54.009476
+                    -2.515272,54.008737
+                    -2.515569,54.008574
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+                    -2.517363,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007316
+                    -2.516109,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006553
+                    -2.518296,54.006510
+                    -2.519492,54.006763
+                    -2.519199,54.007668
+                    -2.519808,54.007988
+                    -2.521321,54.008265
+                    -2.522317,54.007668
+                    -2.521321,54.006791
+                    -2.520991,54.006763
+                    -2.521321,54.006686
+                    -2.522049,54.005861
+                    -2.522833,54.005265
+                    -2.523300,54.004951
+                    -2.524236,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003878
+                    -2.525018,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002509
+                    -2.522833,54.002900
+                    -2.521720,54.002242
+                    -2.521321,54.001822
+                    -2.520399,54.001336
+                    -2.521027,54.000430
+                    -2.519808,54.000268
+                    -2.518296,54.000125
+                    -2.517132,53.999524
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+                    -2.515737,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998346
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+                    -2.514455,53.996811
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+                    -2.510735,53.994403
+                    -2.509305,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995104
+                    -2.508646,53.995004
+                    -2.507711,53.994861
+                    -2.506199,53.994803
+                    -2.505416,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993611
+                    -2.503833,53.993192
+                    -2.504364,53.992286
+                    -2.503945,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991151
+                    -2.505954,53.990479
+                    -2.505415,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.989048
+                    -2.507711,53.988962
+                    -2.508298,53.988667
+                    -2.509223,53.988032
+                    -2.510735,53.987842
+                    -2.510886,53.987765
+                    -2.510735,53.987684
+                    -2.509223,53.987546
+                    -2.507711,53.987699
+                    -2.507046,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986568
+                    -2.508847,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985348
+                    -2.506630,53.985052
+                    -2.507711,53.984203
+                    -2.507798,53.984141
+                    -2.508176,53.983240
+                    -2.508179,53.982334
+                    -2.508656,53.981433
+                    -2.509068,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979640
+                    -2.506199,53.980145
+                    -2.504686,53.980474
+                    -2.503174,53.979697
+                    -2.503053,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979545
+                    -2.504686,53.979173
+                    -2.505547,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978543
+                    -2.507711,53.978324
+                    -2.508714,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977509
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+                    -2.509223,53.976150
+                    -2.509074,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975859
+                    -2.510239,53.975101
+                    -2.510114,53.974195
+                    -2.510735,53.973789
+                    -2.511539,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972850
+                    -2.513760,53.972616
+                    -2.514164,53.972383
+                    -2.515272,53.971839
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+                    -2.515272,53.971157
+                    -2.513760,53.971171
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+                    -2.512247,53.970537
+                    -2.512177,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.971157
+                    -2.509895,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532120,53.972383
+                    -2.532028,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973594
+                    -2.530858,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974824
+                    -2.532288,53.975101
+                    -2.532450,53.976002
+                    -2.532220,53.976908
+                    -2.532299,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978477
+                    -2.533920,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979321
+                    -2.535560,53.979621
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+                    -2.537955,53.980780
+                    -2.538391,53.980527
+                    -2.539467,53.980293
+                    -2.540061,53.980527
+                    -2.540104,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.982272
+                    -2.541074,53.982334
+                    -2.541396,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983893
+                    -2.543291,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984571
+                    -2.545516,53.984857
+                    -2.547028,53.984904
+                    -2.547761,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985515
+                    -2.550052,53.985548
+                    -2.550668,53.985953
+                    -2.550789,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987327
+                    -2.552340,53.986859
+                    -2.552461,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985820
+                    -2.554589,53.985724
+                    -2.556101,53.985701
+                    -2.556696,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986506
+                    -2.558665,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985648
+                    -2.559381,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986650
+                    -2.562150,53.986540
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+                    -2.563593,53.989577
+                    -2.563662,53.989716
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+                    -2.565174,53.991675
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+                    -2.563662,53.993592
+                    -2.562150,53.993492
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+                    -2.560342,53.994098
+                    -2.560555,53.993192
+                    -2.560579,53.992286
+                    -2.560069,53.991385
+                    -2.559941,53.990479
+                    -2.559125,53.989992
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+                    -2.557270,53.989577
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+                    -2.555504,53.988667
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+                    -2.552111,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989348
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+                    -2.553077,53.989768
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+                    -2.550052,53.991561
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016733
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+                    -2.512247,54.017673
+                    -2.513760,54.017782
+                    -2.515272,54.017754
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+                    -2.515272,54.017429
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+                    -2.513760,54.016223
+                    -2.512247,54.016452
+                    -2.510735,54.016700
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014020
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+                    -2.512247,54.013796
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+                    -2.513760,54.011827
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+                    -2.515272,54.008737
+                    -2.515569,54.008574
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+                    -2.516784,54.007316
+                    -2.516109,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006553
+                    -2.518296,54.006510
+                    -2.519492,54.006763
+                    -2.519199,54.007668
+                    -2.519808,54.007988
+                    -2.521321,54.008265
+                    -2.522317,54.007668
+                    -2.521321,54.006791
+                    -2.520991,54.006763
+                    -2.521321,54.006686
+                    -2.522049,54.005861
+                    -2.522833,54.005265
+                    -2.523300,54.004951
+                    -2.524236,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003878
+                    -2.525018,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002509
+                    -2.522833,54.002900
+                    -2.521720,54.002242
+                    -2.521321,54.001822
+                    -2.520399,54.001336
+                    -2.521027,54.000430
+                    -2.519808,54.000268
+                    -2.518296,54.000125
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+                    -2.516784,53.999305
+                    -2.515737,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998346
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+                    -2.514455,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996401
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+                    -2.509305,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995104
+                    -2.508646,53.995004
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+                    -2.506199,53.994803
+                    -2.505416,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993611
+                    -2.503833,53.993192
+                    -2.504364,53.992286
+                    -2.503945,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991151
+                    -2.505954,53.990479
+                    -2.505415,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.989048
+                    -2.507711,53.988962
+                    -2.508298,53.988667
+                    -2.509223,53.988032
+                    -2.510735,53.987842
+                    -2.510886,53.987765
+                    -2.510735,53.987684
+                    -2.509223,53.987546
+                    -2.507711,53.987699
+                    -2.507046,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986568
+                    -2.508847,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985348
+                    -2.506630,53.985052
+                    -2.507711,53.984203
+                    -2.507798,53.984141
+                    -2.508176,53.983240
+                    -2.508179,53.982334
+                    -2.508656,53.981433
+                    -2.509068,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979640
+                    -2.506199,53.980145
+                    -2.504686,53.980474
+                    -2.503174,53.979697
+                    -2.503053,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979545
+                    -2.504686,53.979173
+                    -2.505547,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978543
+                    -2.507711,53.978324
+                    -2.508714,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977509
+                    -2.510079,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976150
+                    -2.509074,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975859
+                    -2.510239,53.975101
+                    -2.510114,53.974195
+                    -2.510735,53.973789
+                    -2.511539,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972850
+                    -2.513760,53.972616
+                    -2.514164,53.972383
+                    -2.515272,53.971839
+                    -2.515880,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971157
+                    -2.513760,53.971171
+                    -2.512317,53.970575
+                    -2.512247,53.970537
+                    -2.512177,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.971157
+                    -2.509895,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532120,53.972383
+                    -2.532028,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973594
+                    -2.530858,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974824
+                    -2.532288,53.975101
+                    -2.532450,53.976002
+                    -2.532220,53.976908
+                    -2.532299,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978477
+                    -2.533920,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979321
+                    -2.535560,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.980150
+                    -2.537535,53.980527
+                    -2.537955,53.980780
+                    -2.538391,53.980527
+                    -2.539467,53.980293
+                    -2.540061,53.980527
+                    -2.540104,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.982272
+                    -2.541074,53.982334
+                    -2.541396,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983893
+                    -2.543291,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984571
+                    -2.545516,53.984857
+                    -2.547028,53.984904
+                    -2.547761,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985515
+                    -2.550052,53.985548
+                    -2.550668,53.985953
+                    -2.550789,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987327
+                    -2.552340,53.986859
+                    -2.552461,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985820
+                    -2.554589,53.985724
+                    -2.556101,53.985701
+                    -2.556696,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986506
+                    -2.558665,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985648
+                    -2.559381,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986650
+                    -2.562150,53.986540
+                    -2.562557,53.986859
+                    -2.563226,53.987765
+                    -2.563652,53.988667
+                    -2.563593,53.989577
+                    -2.563662,53.989716
+                    -2.563896,53.990479
+                    -2.565174,53.991070
+                    -2.565419,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991675
+                    -2.564244,53.992286
+                    -2.563873,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.993592
+                    -2.562150,53.993492
+                    -2.561225,53.994098
+                    -2.560638,53.994269
+                    -2.560342,53.994098
+                    -2.560555,53.993192
+                    -2.560579,53.992286
+                    -2.560069,53.991385
+                    -2.559941,53.990479
+                    -2.559125,53.989992
+                    -2.557613,53.989878
+                    -2.557270,53.989577
+                    -2.556101,53.988948
+                    -2.555504,53.988667
+                    -2.554589,53.988123
+                    -2.553077,53.988090
+                    -2.552111,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989348
+                    -2.553780,53.989577
+                    -2.553077,53.989768
+                    -2.551603,53.990479
+                    -2.552092,53.991385
+                    -2.551564,53.991408
+                    -2.550052,53.991561
+                    -2.549431,53.991385
+                    -2.549721,53.990479
+                    -2.548540,53.990216
+                    -2.547655,53.990479
+                    -2.547028,53.990607
+                    -2.545516,53.991127
+                    -2.544003,53.991041
+                    -2.542491,53.990765
+                    -2.541804,53.991385
+                    -2.541728,53.992286
+                    -2.540979,53.992438
+                    -2.540032,53.992286
+                    -2.539467,53.991404
+                    -2.539448,53.991385
+                    -2.537955,53.991122
+                    -2.537551,53.991385
+                    -2.537955,53.991995
+                    -2.538621,53.992286
+                    -2.537955,53.992844
+                    -2.536443,53.992982
+                    -2.536077,53.993192
+                    -2.536115,53.994098
+                    -2.536443,53.994784
+                    -2.536925,53.995004
+                    -2.536443,53.995242
+                    -2.536140,53.995910
+                    -2.535879,53.996811
+                    -2.534930,53.997455
+                    -2.533532,53.997717
+                    -2.534930,53.998008
+                    -2.535604,53.998618
+                    -2.536443,53.999133
+                    -2.537185,53.999524
+                    -2.537236,54.000430
+                    -2.536443,54.000659
+                    -2.535281,54.001336
+                    -2.535004,54.002242
+                    -2.534930,54.002280
+                    -2.534775,54.002242
+                    -2.533418,54.002028
+                    -2.533036,54.002242
+                    -2.532935,54.003143
+                    -2.533418,54.004021
+                    -2.533576,54.004049
+                    -2.534930,54.004126
+                    -2.536443,54.004374
+                    -2.537955,54.004331
+                    -2.538513,54.004049
+                    -2.539013,54.003143
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+                    -2.510886,53.987765
+                    -2.510735,53.987684
+                    -2.509223,53.987546
+                    -2.507711,53.987699
+                    -2.507046,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986568
+                    -2.508847,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985348
+                    -2.506630,53.985052
+                    -2.507711,53.984203
+                    -2.507798,53.984141
+                    -2.508176,53.983240
+                    -2.508179,53.982334
+                    -2.508656,53.981433
+                    -2.509068,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979640
+                    -2.506199,53.980145
+                    -2.504686,53.980474
+                    -2.503174,53.979697
+                    -2.503053,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979545
+                    -2.504686,53.979173
+                    -2.505547,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978543
+                    -2.507711,53.978324
+                    -2.508714,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977509
+                    -2.510079,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976150
+                    -2.509074,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975859
+                    -2.510239,53.975101
+                    -2.510114,53.974195
+                    -2.510735,53.973789
+                    -2.511539,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972850
+                    -2.513760,53.972616
+                    -2.514164,53.972383
+                    -2.515272,53.971839
+                    -2.515880,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971157
+                    -2.513760,53.971171
+                    -2.512317,53.970575
+                    -2.512247,53.970537
+                    -2.512177,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.971157
+                    -2.509895,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532120,53.972383
+                    -2.532028,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973594
+                    -2.530858,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974824
+                    -2.532288,53.975101
+                    -2.532450,53.976002
+                    -2.532220,53.976908
+                    -2.532299,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978477
+                    -2.533920,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979321
+                    -2.535560,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.980150
+                    -2.537535,53.980527
+                    -2.537955,53.980780
+                    -2.538391,53.980527
+                    -2.539467,53.980293
+                    -2.540061,53.980527
+                    -2.540104,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.982272
+                    -2.541074,53.982334
+                    -2.541396,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983893
+                    -2.543291,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984571
+                    -2.545516,53.984857
+                    -2.547028,53.984904
+                    -2.547761,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985515
+                    -2.550052,53.985548
+                    -2.550668,53.985953
+                    -2.550789,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987327
+                    -2.552340,53.986859
+                    -2.552461,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985820
+                    -2.554589,53.985724
+                    -2.556101,53.985701
+                    -2.556696,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986506
+                    -2.558665,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985648
+                    -2.559381,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986650
+                    -2.562150,53.986540
+                    -2.562557,53.986859
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+                    -2.563662,53.989716
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+                    -2.563662,53.993592
+                    -2.562150,53.993492
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+                    -2.560342,53.994098
+                    -2.560555,53.993192
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+                    -2.559941,53.990479
+                    -2.559125,53.989992
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+                    -2.557270,53.989577
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+                    -2.555504,53.988667
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+                    -2.552111,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989348
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+                    -2.553077,53.989768
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016733
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+                    -2.512247,54.017673
+                    -2.513760,54.017782
+                    -2.515272,54.017754
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+                    -2.515272,54.017429
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+                    -2.513760,54.016223
+                    -2.512247,54.016452
+                    -2.510735,54.016700
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014020
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+                    -2.513760,54.011827
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+                    -2.515867,54.011288
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+                    -2.515569,54.008574
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+                    -2.516784,54.007316
+                    -2.516109,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006553
+                    -2.518296,54.006510
+                    -2.519492,54.006763
+                    -2.519199,54.007668
+                    -2.519808,54.007988
+                    -2.521321,54.008265
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+                    -2.521321,54.006791
+                    -2.520991,54.006763
+                    -2.521321,54.006686
+                    -2.522049,54.005861
+                    -2.522833,54.005265
+                    -2.523300,54.004951
+                    -2.524236,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003878
+                    -2.525018,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002509
+                    -2.522833,54.002900
+                    -2.521720,54.002242
+                    -2.521321,54.001822
+                    -2.520399,54.001336
+                    -2.521027,54.000430
+                    -2.519808,54.000268
+                    -2.518296,54.000125
+                    -2.517132,53.999524
+                    -2.516784,53.999305
+                    -2.515737,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998346
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+                    -2.514455,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996401
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+                    -2.510735,53.994403
+                    -2.509305,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995104
+                    -2.508646,53.995004
+                    -2.507711,53.994861
+                    -2.506199,53.994803
+                    -2.505416,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993611
+                    -2.503833,53.993192
+                    -2.504364,53.992286
+                    -2.503945,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991151
+                    -2.505954,53.990479
+                    -2.505415,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.989048
+                    -2.507711,53.988962
+                    -2.508298,53.988667
+                    -2.509223,53.988032
+                    -2.510735,53.987842
+                    -2.510886,53.987765
+                    -2.510735,53.987684
+                    -2.509223,53.987546
+                    -2.507711,53.987699
+                    -2.507046,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986568
+                    -2.508847,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985348
+                    -2.506630,53.985052
+                    -2.507711,53.984203
+                    -2.507798,53.984141
+                    -2.508176,53.983240
+                    -2.508179,53.982334
+                    -2.508656,53.981433
+                    -2.509068,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979640
+                    -2.506199,53.980145
+                    -2.504686,53.980474
+                    -2.503174,53.979697
+                    -2.503053,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979545
+                    -2.504686,53.979173
+                    -2.505547,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978543
+                    -2.507711,53.978324
+                    -2.508714,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977509
+                    -2.510079,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976150
+                    -2.509074,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975859
+                    -2.510239,53.975101
+                    -2.510114,53.974195
+                    -2.510735,53.973789
+                    -2.511539,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972850
+                    -2.513760,53.972616
+                    -2.514164,53.972383
+                    -2.515272,53.971839
+                    -2.515880,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971157
+                    -2.513760,53.971171
+                    -2.512317,53.970575
+                    -2.512247,53.970537
+                    -2.512177,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.971157
+                    -2.509895,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532120,53.972383
+                    -2.532028,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973594
+                    -2.530858,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974824
+                    -2.532288,53.975101
+                    -2.532450,53.976002
+                    -2.532220,53.976908
+                    -2.532299,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978477
+                    -2.533920,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979321
+                    -2.535560,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.980150
+                    -2.537535,53.980527
+                    -2.537955,53.980780
+                    -2.538391,53.980527
+                    -2.539467,53.980293
+                    -2.540061,53.980527
+                    -2.540104,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.982272
+                    -2.541074,53.982334
+                    -2.541396,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983893
+                    -2.543291,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984571
+                    -2.545516,53.984857
+                    -2.547028,53.984904
+                    -2.547761,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985515
+                    -2.550052,53.985548
+                    -2.550668,53.985953
+                    -2.550789,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987327
+                    -2.552340,53.986859
+                    -2.552461,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985820
+                    -2.554589,53.985724
+                    -2.556101,53.985701
+                    -2.556696,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986506
+                    -2.558665,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985648
+                    -2.559381,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986650
+                    -2.562150,53.986540
+                    -2.562557,53.986859
+                    -2.563226,53.987765
+                    -2.563652,53.988667
+                    -2.563593,53.989577
+                    -2.563662,53.989716
+                    -2.563896,53.990479
+                    -2.565174,53.991070
+                    -2.565419,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991675
+                    -2.564244,53.992286
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+                    -2.563662,53.993592
+                    -2.562150,53.993492
+                    -2.561225,53.994098
+                    -2.560638,53.994269
+                    -2.560342,53.994098
+                    -2.560555,53.993192
+                    -2.560579,53.992286
+                    -2.560069,53.991385
+                    -2.559941,53.990479
+                    -2.559125,53.989992
+                    -2.557613,53.989878
+                    -2.557270,53.989577
+                    -2.556101,53.988948
+                    -2.555504,53.988667
+                    -2.554589,53.988123
+                    -2.553077,53.988090
+                    -2.552111,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989348
+                    -2.553780,53.989577
+                    -2.553077,53.989768
+                    -2.551603,53.990479
+                    -2.552092,53.991385
+                    -2.551564,53.991408
+                    -2.550052,53.991561
+                    -2.549431,53.991385
+                    -2.549721,53.990479
+                    -2.548540,53.990216
+                    -2.547655,53.990479
+                    -2.547028,53.990607
+                    -2.545516,53.991127
+                    -2.544003,53.991041
+                    -2.542491,53.990765
+                    -2.541804,53.991385
+                    -2.541728,53.992286
+                    -2.540979,53.992438
+                    -2.540032,53.992286
+                    -2.539467,53.991404
+                    -2.539448,53.991385
+                    -2.537955,53.991122
+                    -2.537551,53.991385
+                    -2.537955,53.991995
+                    -2.538621,53.992286
+                    -2.537955,53.992844
+                    -2.536443,53.992982
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+                    -2.515272,53.998346
+                    -2.514259,53.997717
+                    -2.514455,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996401
+                    -2.512247,53.996654
+                    -2.512128,53.995910
+                    -2.511941,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994403
+                    -2.509305,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995104
+                    -2.508646,53.995004
+                    -2.507711,53.994861
+                    -2.506199,53.994803
+                    -2.505416,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993611
+                    -2.503833,53.993192
+                    -2.504364,53.992286
+                    -2.503945,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991151
+                    -2.505954,53.990479
+                    -2.505415,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.989048
+                    -2.507711,53.988962
+                    -2.508298,53.988667
+                    -2.509223,53.988032
+                    -2.510735,53.987842
+                    -2.510886,53.987765
+                    -2.510735,53.987684
+                    -2.509223,53.987546
+                    -2.507711,53.987699
+                    -2.507046,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986568
+                    -2.508847,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985348
+                    -2.506630,53.985052
+                    -2.507711,53.984203
+                    -2.507798,53.984141
+                    -2.508176,53.983240
+                    -2.508179,53.982334
+                    -2.508656,53.981433
+                    -2.509068,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979640
+                    -2.506199,53.980145
+                    -2.504686,53.980474
+                    -2.503174,53.979697
+                    -2.503053,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979545
+                    -2.504686,53.979173
+                    -2.505547,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978543
+                    -2.507711,53.978324
+                    -2.508714,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977509
+                    -2.510079,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976150
+                    -2.509074,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975859
+                    -2.510239,53.975101
+                    -2.510114,53.974195
+                    -2.510735,53.973789
+                    -2.511539,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972850
+                    -2.513760,53.972616
+                    -2.514164,53.972383
+                    -2.515272,53.971839
+                    -2.515880,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971157
+                    -2.513760,53.971171
+                    -2.512317,53.970575
+                    -2.512247,53.970537
+                    -2.512177,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.971157
+                    -2.509895,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532120,53.972383
+                    -2.532028,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973594
+                    -2.530858,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974824
+                    -2.532288,53.975101
+                    -2.532450,53.976002
+                    -2.532220,53.976908
+                    -2.532299,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978477
+                    -2.533920,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979321
+                    -2.535560,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.980150
+                    -2.537535,53.980527
+                    -2.537955,53.980780
+                    -2.538391,53.980527
+                    -2.539467,53.980293
+                    -2.540061,53.980527
+                    -2.540104,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.982272
+                    -2.541074,53.982334
+                    -2.541396,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983893
+                    -2.543291,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984571
+                    -2.545516,53.984857
+                    -2.547028,53.984904
+                    -2.547761,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985515
+                    -2.550052,53.985548
+                    -2.550668,53.985953
+                    -2.550789,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987327
+                    -2.552340,53.986859
+                    -2.552461,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985820
+                    -2.554589,53.985724
+                    -2.556101,53.985701
+                    -2.556696,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986506
+                    -2.558665,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985648
+                    -2.559381,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986650
+                    -2.562150,53.986540
+                    -2.562557,53.986859
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+                    -2.563593,53.989577
+                    -2.563662,53.989716
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+                    -2.565174,53.991675
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+                    -2.563873,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.993592
+                    -2.562150,53.993492
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+                    -2.560638,53.994269
+                    -2.560342,53.994098
+                    -2.560555,53.993192
+                    -2.560579,53.992286
+                    -2.560069,53.991385
+                    -2.559941,53.990479
+                    -2.559125,53.989992
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+                    -2.557270,53.989577
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+                    -2.555504,53.988667
+                    -2.554589,53.988123
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+                    -2.552111,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989348
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+                    -2.553077,53.989768
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+                    -2.515272,54.020162
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016733
+                    -2.512166,54.017620
+                    -2.512247,54.017673
+                    -2.513760,54.017782
+                    -2.515272,54.017754
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+                    -2.515272,54.017429
+                    -2.514633,54.016719
+                    -2.513760,54.016223
+                    -2.512247,54.016452
+                    -2.510735,54.016700
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014020
+                    -2.510962,54.014001
+                    -2.512247,54.013796
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+                    -2.513760,54.011827
+                    -2.514756,54.012194
+                    -2.515272,54.012504
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+                    -2.515867,54.011288
+                    -2.515272,54.010844
+                    -2.514832,54.010386
+                    -2.514307,54.009476
+                    -2.515272,54.008737
+                    -2.515569,54.008574
+                    -2.516784,54.008017
+                    -2.517363,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007316
+                    -2.516109,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006553
+                    -2.518296,54.006510
+                    -2.519492,54.006763
+                    -2.519199,54.007668
+                    -2.519808,54.007988
+                    -2.521321,54.008265
+                    -2.522317,54.007668
+                    -2.521321,54.006791
+                    -2.520991,54.006763
+                    -2.521321,54.006686
+                    -2.522049,54.005861
+                    -2.522833,54.005265
+                    -2.523300,54.004951
+                    -2.524236,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003878
+                    -2.525018,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002509
+                    -2.522833,54.002900
+                    -2.521720,54.002242
+                    -2.521321,54.001822
+                    -2.520399,54.001336
+                    -2.521027,54.000430
+                    -2.519808,54.000268
+                    -2.518296,54.000125
+                    -2.517132,53.999524
+                    -2.516784,53.999305
+                    -2.515737,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998346
+                    -2.514259,53.997717
+                    -2.514455,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996401
+                    -2.512247,53.996654
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+                    -2.511941,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994403
+                    -2.509305,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995104
+                    -2.508646,53.995004
+                    -2.507711,53.994861
+                    -2.506199,53.994803
+                    -2.505416,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993611
+                    -2.503833,53.993192
+                    -2.504364,53.992286
+                    -2.503945,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991151
+                    -2.505954,53.990479
+                    -2.505415,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.989048
+                    -2.507711,53.988962
+                    -2.508298,53.988667
+                    -2.509223,53.988032
+                    -2.510735,53.987842
+                    -2.510886,53.987765
+                    -2.510735,53.987684
+                    -2.509223,53.987546
+                    -2.507711,53.987699
+                    -2.507046,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986568
+                    -2.508847,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985348
+                    -2.506630,53.985052
+                    -2.507711,53.984203
+                    -2.507798,53.984141
+                    -2.508176,53.983240
+                    -2.508179,53.982334
+                    -2.508656,53.981433
+                    -2.509068,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979640
+                    -2.506199,53.980145
+                    -2.504686,53.980474
+                    -2.503174,53.979697
+                    -2.503053,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979545
+                    -2.504686,53.979173
+                    -2.505547,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978543
+                    -2.507711,53.978324
+                    -2.508714,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977509
+                    -2.510079,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976150
+                    -2.509074,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975859
+                    -2.510239,53.975101
+                    -2.510114,53.974195
+                    -2.510735,53.973789
+                    -2.511539,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972850
+                    -2.513760,53.972616
+                    -2.514164,53.972383
+                    -2.515272,53.971839
+                    -2.515880,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971157
+                    -2.513760,53.971171
+                    -2.512317,53.970575
+                    -2.512247,53.970537
+                    -2.512177,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.971157
+                    -2.509895,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532120,53.972383
+                    -2.532028,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973594
+                    -2.530858,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974824
+                    -2.532288,53.975101
+                    -2.532450,53.976002
+                    -2.532220,53.976908
+                    -2.532299,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978477
+                    -2.533920,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979321
+                    -2.535560,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.980150
+                    -2.537535,53.980527
+                    -2.537955,53.980780
+                    -2.538391,53.980527
+                    -2.539467,53.980293
+                    -2.540061,53.980527
+                    -2.540104,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.982272
+                    -2.541074,53.982334
+                    -2.541396,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983893
+                    -2.543291,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984571
+                    -2.545516,53.984857
+                    -2.547028,53.984904
+                    -2.547761,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985515
+                    -2.550052,53.985548
+                    -2.550668,53.985953
+                    -2.550789,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987327
+                    -2.552340,53.986859
+                    -2.552461,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985820
+                    -2.554589,53.985724
+                    -2.556101,53.985701
+                    -2.556696,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986506
+                    -2.558665,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985648
+                    -2.559381,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986650
+                    -2.562150,53.986540
+                    -2.562557,53.986859
+                    -2.563226,53.987765
+                    -2.563652,53.988667
+                    -2.563593,53.989577
+                    -2.563662,53.989716
+                    -2.563896,53.990479
+                    -2.565174,53.991070
+                    -2.565419,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991675
+                    -2.564244,53.992286
+                    -2.563873,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.993592
+                    -2.562150,53.993492
+                    -2.561225,53.994098
+                    -2.560638,53.994269
+                    -2.560342,53.994098
+                    -2.560555,53.993192
+                    -2.560579,53.992286
+                    -2.560069,53.991385
+                    -2.559941,53.990479
+                    -2.559125,53.989992
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+                    -2.557270,53.989577
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+                    -2.555504,53.988667
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+                    -2.553077,53.988090
+                    -2.552111,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989348
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+                    -2.516784,54.007316
+                    -2.516109,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006553
+                    -2.518296,54.006510
+                    -2.519492,54.006763
+                    -2.519199,54.007668
+                    -2.519808,54.007988
+                    -2.521321,54.008265
+                    -2.522317,54.007668
+                    -2.521321,54.006791
+                    -2.520991,54.006763
+                    -2.521321,54.006686
+                    -2.522049,54.005861
+                    -2.522833,54.005265
+                    -2.523300,54.004951
+                    -2.524236,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003878
+                    -2.525018,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002509
+                    -2.522833,54.002900
+                    -2.521720,54.002242
+                    -2.521321,54.001822
+                    -2.520399,54.001336
+                    -2.521027,54.000430
+                    -2.519808,54.000268
+                    -2.518296,54.000125
+                    -2.517132,53.999524
+                    -2.516784,53.999305
+                    -2.515737,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998346
+                    -2.514259,53.997717
+                    -2.514455,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996401
+                    -2.512247,53.996654
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+                    -2.511941,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994403
+                    -2.509305,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995104
+                    -2.508646,53.995004
+                    -2.507711,53.994861
+                    -2.506199,53.994803
+                    -2.505416,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993611
+                    -2.503833,53.993192
+                    -2.504364,53.992286
+                    -2.503945,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991151
+                    -2.505954,53.990479
+                    -2.505415,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.989048
+                    -2.507711,53.988962
+                    -2.508298,53.988667
+                    -2.509223,53.988032
+                    -2.510735,53.987842
+                    -2.510886,53.987765
+                    -2.510735,53.987684
+                    -2.509223,53.987546
+                    -2.507711,53.987699
+                    -2.507046,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986568
+                    -2.508847,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985348
+                    -2.506630,53.985052
+                    -2.507711,53.984203
+                    -2.507798,53.984141
+                    -2.508176,53.983240
+                    -2.508179,53.982334
+                    -2.508656,53.981433
+                    -2.509068,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979640
+                    -2.506199,53.980145
+                    -2.504686,53.980474
+                    -2.503174,53.979697
+                    -2.503053,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979545
+                    -2.504686,53.979173
+                    -2.505547,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978543
+                    -2.507711,53.978324
+                    -2.508714,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977509
+                    -2.510079,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976150
+                    -2.509074,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975859
+                    -2.510239,53.975101
+                    -2.510114,53.974195
+                    -2.510735,53.973789
+                    -2.511539,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972850
+                    -2.513760,53.972616
+                    -2.514164,53.972383
+                    -2.515272,53.971839
+                    -2.515880,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971157
+                    -2.513760,53.971171
+                    -2.512317,53.970575
+                    -2.512247,53.970537
+                    -2.512177,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.971157
+                    -2.509895,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532120,53.972383
+                    -2.532028,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973594
+                    -2.530858,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974824
+                    -2.532288,53.975101
+                    -2.532450,53.976002
+                    -2.532220,53.976908
+                    -2.532299,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978477
+                    -2.533920,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979321
+                    -2.535560,53.979621
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+                    -2.537955,53.980780
+                    -2.538391,53.980527
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+                    -2.540061,53.980527
+                    -2.540104,53.981433
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+                    -2.541074,53.982334
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+                    -2.542491,53.983893
+                    -2.543291,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984571
+                    -2.545516,53.984857
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+                    -2.547761,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985515
+                    -2.550052,53.985548
+                    -2.550668,53.985953
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+                    -2.552340,53.986859
+                    -2.552461,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985820
+                    -2.554589,53.985724
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+                    -2.556696,53.985953
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+                    -2.558665,53.985953
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+                    -2.559381,53.985953
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+                    -2.553077,53.989348
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016733
+                    -2.512166,54.017620
+                    -2.512247,54.017673
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+                    -2.515272,54.017754
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+                    -2.515272,54.017429
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+                    -2.510735,54.016700
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
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+                    -2.510735,54.014020
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+                    -2.516784,54.007316
+                    -2.516109,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006553
+                    -2.518296,54.006510
+                    -2.519492,54.006763
+                    -2.519199,54.007668
+                    -2.519808,54.007988
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+                    -2.521321,54.006791
+                    -2.520991,54.006763
+                    -2.521321,54.006686
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+                    -2.522833,54.005265
+                    -2.523300,54.004951
+                    -2.524236,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003878
+                    -2.525018,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002509
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+                    -2.521321,54.001822
+                    -2.520399,54.001336
+                    -2.521027,54.000430
+                    -2.519808,54.000268
+                    -2.518296,54.000125
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+                    -2.515272,53.998346
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+                    -2.509305,53.995004
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+                    -2.508646,53.995004
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+                    -2.506199,53.994803
+                    -2.505416,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993611
+                    -2.503833,53.993192
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+                    -2.503945,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991151
+                    -2.505954,53.990479
+                    -2.505415,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.989048
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+                    -2.508298,53.988667
+                    -2.509223,53.988032
+                    -2.510735,53.987842
+                    -2.510886,53.987765
+                    -2.510735,53.987684
+                    -2.509223,53.987546
+                    -2.507711,53.987699
+                    -2.507046,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986568
+                    -2.508847,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985348
+                    -2.506630,53.985052
+                    -2.507711,53.984203
+                    -2.507798,53.984141
+                    -2.508176,53.983240
+                    -2.508179,53.982334
+                    -2.508656,53.981433
+                    -2.509068,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979640
+                    -2.506199,53.980145
+                    -2.504686,53.980474
+                    -2.503174,53.979697
+                    -2.503053,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979545
+                    -2.504686,53.979173
+                    -2.505547,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978543
+                    -2.507711,53.978324
+                    -2.508714,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977509
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+                    -2.509223,53.976150
+                    -2.509074,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975859
+                    -2.510239,53.975101
+                    -2.510114,53.974195
+                    -2.510735,53.973789
+                    -2.511539,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972850
+                    -2.513760,53.972616
+                    -2.514164,53.972383
+                    -2.515272,53.971839
+                    -2.515880,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971157
+                    -2.513760,53.971171
+                    -2.512317,53.970575
+                    -2.512247,53.970537
+                    -2.512177,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.971157
+                    -2.509895,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532120,53.972383
+                    -2.532028,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973594
+                    -2.530858,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974824
+                    -2.532288,53.975101
+                    -2.532450,53.976002
+                    -2.532220,53.976908
+                    -2.532299,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978477
+                    -2.533920,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979321
+                    -2.535560,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.980150
+                    -2.537535,53.980527
+                    -2.537955,53.980780
+                    -2.538391,53.980527
+                    -2.539467,53.980293
+                    -2.540061,53.980527
+                    -2.540104,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.982272
+                    -2.541074,53.982334
+                    -2.541396,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983893
+                    -2.543291,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984571
+                    -2.545516,53.984857
+                    -2.547028,53.984904
+                    -2.547761,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985515
+                    -2.550052,53.985548
+                    -2.550668,53.985953
+                    -2.550789,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987327
+                    -2.552340,53.986859
+                    -2.552461,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985820
+                    -2.554589,53.985724
+                    -2.556101,53.985701
+                    -2.556696,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986506
+                    -2.558665,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985648
+                    -2.559381,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986650
+                    -2.562150,53.986540
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+                    -2.512166,54.017620
+                    -2.512247,54.017673
+                    -2.513760,54.017782
+                    -2.515272,54.017754
+                    -2.515522,54.017620
+                    -2.515272,54.017429
+                    -2.514633,54.016719
+                    -2.513760,54.016223
+                    -2.512247,54.016452
+                    -2.510735,54.016700
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014020
+                    -2.510962,54.014001
+                    -2.512247,54.013796
+                    -2.512670,54.013095
+                    -2.513449,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011827
+                    -2.514756,54.012194
+                    -2.515272,54.012504
+                    -2.515788,54.012194
+                    -2.515867,54.011288
+                    -2.515272,54.010844
+                    -2.514832,54.010386
+                    -2.514307,54.009476
+                    -2.515272,54.008737
+                    -2.515569,54.008574
+                    -2.516784,54.008017
+                    -2.517363,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007316
+                    -2.516109,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006553
+                    -2.518296,54.006510
+                    -2.519492,54.006763
+                    -2.519199,54.007668
+                    -2.519808,54.007988
+                    -2.521321,54.008265
+                    -2.522317,54.007668
+                    -2.521321,54.006791
+                    -2.520991,54.006763
+                    -2.521321,54.006686
+                    -2.522049,54.005861
+                    -2.522833,54.005265
+                    -2.523300,54.004951
+                    -2.524236,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003878
+                    -2.525018,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002509
+                    -2.522833,54.002900
+                    -2.521720,54.002242
+                    -2.521321,54.001822
+                    -2.520399,54.001336
+                    -2.521027,54.000430
+                    -2.519808,54.000268
+                    -2.518296,54.000125
+                    -2.517132,53.999524
+                    -2.516784,53.999305
+                    -2.515737,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998346
+                    -2.514259,53.997717
+                    -2.514455,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996401
+                    -2.512247,53.996654
+                    -2.512128,53.995910
+                    -2.511941,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994403
+                    -2.509305,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995104
+                    -2.508646,53.995004
+                    -2.507711,53.994861
+                    -2.506199,53.994803
+                    -2.505416,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993611
+                    -2.503833,53.993192
+                    -2.504364,53.992286
+                    -2.503945,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991151
+                    -2.505954,53.990479
+                    -2.505415,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.989048
+                    -2.507711,53.988962
+                    -2.508298,53.988667
+                    -2.509223,53.988032
+                    -2.510735,53.987842
+                    -2.510886,53.987765
+                    -2.510735,53.987684
+                    -2.509223,53.987546
+                    -2.507711,53.987699
+                    -2.507046,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986568
+                    -2.508847,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985348
+                    -2.506630,53.985052
+                    -2.507711,53.984203
+                    -2.507798,53.984141
+                    -2.508176,53.983240
+                    -2.508179,53.982334
+                    -2.508656,53.981433
+                    -2.509068,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979640
+                    -2.506199,53.980145
+                    -2.504686,53.980474
+                    -2.503174,53.979697
+                    -2.503053,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979545
+                    -2.504686,53.979173
+                    -2.505547,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978543
+                    -2.507711,53.978324
+                    -2.508714,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977509
+                    -2.510079,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976150
+                    -2.509074,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975859
+                    -2.510239,53.975101
+                    -2.510114,53.974195
+                    -2.510735,53.973789
+                    -2.511539,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972850
+                    -2.513760,53.972616
+                    -2.514164,53.972383
+                    -2.515272,53.971839
+                    -2.515880,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971157
+                    -2.513760,53.971171
+                    -2.512317,53.970575
+                    -2.512247,53.970537
+                    -2.512177,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.971157
+                    -2.509895,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532120,53.972383
+                    -2.532028,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973594
+                    -2.530858,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974824
+                    -2.532288,53.975101
+                    -2.532450,53.976002
+                    -2.532220,53.976908
+                    -2.532299,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978477
+                    -2.533920,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979321
+                    -2.535560,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.980150
+                    -2.537535,53.980527
+                    -2.537955,53.980780
+                    -2.538391,53.980527
+                    -2.539467,53.980293
+                    -2.540061,53.980527
+                    -2.540104,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.982272
+                    -2.541074,53.982334
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+                    -2.542491,53.983893
+                    -2.543291,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984571
+                    -2.545516,53.984857
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+                    -2.547761,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985515
+                    -2.550052,53.985548
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+                    -2.551564,53.987327
+                    -2.552340,53.986859
+                    -2.552461,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985820
+                    -2.554589,53.985724
+                    -2.556101,53.985701
+                    -2.556696,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986506
+                    -2.558665,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985648
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+                    -2.563662,53.989716
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+                    -2.563662,53.993592
+                    -2.562150,53.993492
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+                    -2.560342,53.994098
+                    -2.560555,53.993192
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+                    -2.554589,53.988123
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+                    -2.553077,53.989348
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+                    -2.553077,53.989768
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016733
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+                    -2.512247,54.017673
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+                    -2.515272,54.017754
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+                    -2.515272,54.017429
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+                    -2.512247,54.016452
+                    -2.510735,54.016700
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014020
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+                    -2.513760,54.011827
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+                    -2.515272,54.010844
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+                    -2.515569,54.008574
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+                    -2.516784,54.007316
+                    -2.516109,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006553
+                    -2.518296,54.006510
+                    -2.519492,54.006763
+                    -2.519199,54.007668
+                    -2.519808,54.007988
+                    -2.521321,54.008265
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+                    -2.521321,54.006791
+                    -2.520991,54.006763
+                    -2.521321,54.006686
+                    -2.522049,54.005861
+                    -2.522833,54.005265
+                    -2.523300,54.004951
+                    -2.524236,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003878
+                    -2.525018,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002509
+                    -2.522833,54.002900
+                    -2.521720,54.002242
+                    -2.521321,54.001822
+                    -2.520399,54.001336
+                    -2.521027,54.000430
+                    -2.519808,54.000268
+                    -2.518296,54.000125
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+                    -2.515272,53.998346
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+                    -2.514455,53.996811
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+                    -2.509305,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995104
+                    -2.508646,53.995004
+                    -2.507711,53.994861
+                    -2.506199,53.994803
+                    -2.505416,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993611
+                    -2.503833,53.993192
+                    -2.504364,53.992286
+                    -2.503945,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991151
+                    -2.505954,53.990479
+                    -2.505415,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.989048
+                    -2.507711,53.988962
+                    -2.508298,53.988667
+                    -2.509223,53.988032
+                    -2.510735,53.987842
+                    -2.510886,53.987765
+                    -2.510735,53.987684
+                    -2.509223,53.987546
+                    -2.507711,53.987699
+                    -2.507046,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986568
+                    -2.508847,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985348
+                    -2.506630,53.985052
+                    -2.507711,53.984203
+                    -2.507798,53.984141
+                    -2.508176,53.983240
+                    -2.508179,53.982334
+                    -2.508656,53.981433
+                    -2.509068,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979640
+                    -2.506199,53.980145
+                    -2.504686,53.980474
+                    -2.503174,53.979697
+                    -2.503053,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979545
+                    -2.504686,53.979173
+                    -2.505547,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978543
+                    -2.507711,53.978324
+                    -2.508714,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977509
+                    -2.510079,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976150
+                    -2.509074,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975859
+                    -2.510239,53.975101
+                    -2.510114,53.974195
+                    -2.510735,53.973789
+                    -2.511539,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972850
+                    -2.513760,53.972616
+                    -2.514164,53.972383
+                    -2.515272,53.971839
+                    -2.515880,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971157
+                    -2.513760,53.971171
+                    -2.512317,53.970575
+                    -2.512247,53.970537
+                    -2.512177,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.971157
+                    -2.509895,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532120,53.972383
+                    -2.532028,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973594
+                    -2.530858,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974824
+                    -2.532288,53.975101
+                    -2.532450,53.976002
+                    -2.532220,53.976908
+                    -2.532299,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978477
+                    -2.533920,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979321
+                    -2.535560,53.979621
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+                    -2.540104,53.981433
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+                    -2.534874,54.023952
+                    -2.534930,54.023986
+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025111
+                    -2.531906,54.025154
+                    -2.530394,54.024930
+                    -2.528882,54.024920
+                    -2.527369,54.024892
+                    -2.527293,54.024858
+                    -2.525857,54.024439
+                    -2.524990,54.023952
+                    -2.524345,54.023585
+                    -2.523211,54.023051
+                    -2.522833,54.022841
+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520682,54.022145
+                    -2.519808,54.021478
+                    -2.518296,54.021564
+                    -2.517477,54.021239
+                    -2.516784,54.020610
+                    -2.515893,54.020333
+                    -2.515272,54.020162
+                    -2.513760,54.020019
+                    -2.512247,54.019828
+                    -2.511544,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.019008
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016733
+                    -2.512166,54.017620
+                    -2.512247,54.017673
+                    -2.513760,54.017782
+                    -2.515272,54.017754
+                    -2.515522,54.017620
+                    -2.515272,54.017429
+                    -2.514633,54.016719
+                    -2.513760,54.016223
+                    -2.512247,54.016452
+                    -2.510735,54.016700
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014020
+                    -2.510962,54.014001
+                    -2.512247,54.013796
+                    -2.512670,54.013095
+                    -2.513449,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011827
+                    -2.514756,54.012194
+                    -2.515272,54.012504
+                    -2.515788,54.012194
+                    -2.515867,54.011288
+                    -2.515272,54.010844
+                    -2.514832,54.010386
+                    -2.514307,54.009476
+                    -2.515272,54.008737
+                    -2.515569,54.008574
+                    -2.516784,54.008017
+                    -2.517363,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007316
+                    -2.516109,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006553
+                    -2.518296,54.006510
+                    -2.519492,54.006763
+                    -2.519199,54.007668
+                    -2.519808,54.007988
+                    -2.521321,54.008265
+                    -2.522317,54.007668
+                    -2.521321,54.006791
+                    -2.520991,54.006763
+                    -2.521321,54.006686
+                    -2.522049,54.005861
+                    -2.522833,54.005265
+                    -2.523300,54.004951
+                    -2.524236,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003878
+                    -2.525018,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002509
+                    -2.522833,54.002900
+                    -2.521720,54.002242
+                    -2.521321,54.001822
+                    -2.520399,54.001336
+                    -2.521027,54.000430
+                    -2.519808,54.000268
+                    -2.518296,54.000125
+                    -2.517132,53.999524
+                    -2.516784,53.999305
+                    -2.515737,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998346
+                    -2.514259,53.997717
+                    -2.514455,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996401
+                    -2.512247,53.996654
+                    -2.512128,53.995910
+                    -2.511941,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994403
+                    -2.509305,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995104
+                    -2.508646,53.995004
+                    -2.507711,53.994861
+                    -2.506199,53.994803
+                    -2.505416,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993611
+                    -2.503833,53.993192
+                    -2.504364,53.992286
+                    -2.503945,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991151
+                    -2.505954,53.990479
+                    -2.505415,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.989048
+                    -2.507711,53.988962
+                    -2.508298,53.988667
+                    -2.509223,53.988032
+                    -2.510735,53.987842
+                    -2.510886,53.987765
+                    -2.510735,53.987684
+                    -2.509223,53.987546
+                    -2.507711,53.987699
+                    -2.507046,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986568
+                    -2.508847,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985348
+                    -2.506630,53.985052
+                    -2.507711,53.984203
+                    -2.507798,53.984141
+                    -2.508176,53.983240
+                    -2.508179,53.982334
+                    -2.508656,53.981433
+                    -2.509068,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979640
+                    -2.506199,53.980145
+                    -2.504686,53.980474
+                    -2.503174,53.979697
+                    -2.503053,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979545
+                    -2.504686,53.979173
+                    -2.505547,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978543
+                    -2.507711,53.978324
+                    -2.508714,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977509
+                    -2.510079,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976150
+                    -2.509074,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975859
+                    -2.510239,53.975101
+                    -2.510114,53.974195
+                    -2.510735,53.973789
+                    -2.511539,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972850
+                    -2.513760,53.972616
+                    -2.514164,53.972383
+                    -2.515272,53.971839
+                    -2.515880,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971157
+                    -2.513760,53.971171
+                    -2.512317,53.970575
+                    -2.512247,53.970537
+                    -2.512177,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.971157
+                    -2.509895,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532120,53.972383
+                    -2.532028,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973594
+                    -2.530858,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974824
+                    -2.532288,53.975101
+                    -2.532450,53.976002
+                    -2.532220,53.976908
+                    -2.532299,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978477
+                    -2.533920,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979321
+                    -2.535560,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.980150
+                    -2.537535,53.980527
+                    -2.537955,53.980780
+                    -2.538391,53.980527
+                    -2.539467,53.980293
+                    -2.540061,53.980527
+                    -2.540104,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.982272
+                    -2.541074,53.982334
+                    -2.541396,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983893
+                    -2.543291,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984571
+                    -2.545516,53.984857
+                    -2.547028,53.984904
+                    -2.547761,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985515
+                    -2.550052,53.985548
+                    -2.550668,53.985953
+                    -2.550789,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987327
+                    -2.552340,53.986859
+                    -2.552461,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985820
+                    -2.554589,53.985724
+                    -2.556101,53.985701
+                    -2.556696,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986506
+                    -2.558665,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985648
+                    -2.559381,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986650
+                    -2.562150,53.986540
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+                    -2.563593,53.989577
+                    -2.563662,53.989716
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+                    -2.565174,53.991675
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+                    -2.563873,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.993592
+                    -2.562150,53.993492
+                    -2.561225,53.994098
+                    -2.560638,53.994269
+                    -2.560342,53.994098
+                    -2.560555,53.993192
+                    -2.560579,53.992286
+                    -2.560069,53.991385
+                    -2.559941,53.990479
+                    -2.559125,53.989992
+                    -2.557613,53.989878
+                    -2.557270,53.989577
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+                    -2.555504,53.988667
+                    -2.554589,53.988123
+                    -2.553077,53.988090
+                    -2.552111,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989348
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+                    -2.553077,53.989768
+                    -2.551603,53.990479
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+                    -2.531906,54.025154
+                    -2.530394,54.024930
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+                    -2.527293,54.024858
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+                    -2.524345,54.023585
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+                    -2.511544,54.019427
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016733
+                    -2.512166,54.017620
+                    -2.512247,54.017673
+                    -2.513760,54.017782
+                    -2.515272,54.017754
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+                    -2.515272,54.017429
+                    -2.514633,54.016719
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+                    -2.512247,54.016452
+                    -2.510735,54.016700
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014020
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+                    -2.512247,54.013796
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+                    -2.513449,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011827
+                    -2.514756,54.012194
+                    -2.515272,54.012504
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+                    -2.515867,54.011288
+                    -2.515272,54.010844
+                    -2.514832,54.010386
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+                    -2.515272,54.008737
+                    -2.515569,54.008574
+                    -2.516784,54.008017
+                    -2.517363,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007316
+                    -2.516109,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006553
+                    -2.518296,54.006510
+                    -2.519492,54.006763
+                    -2.519199,54.007668
+                    -2.519808,54.007988
+                    -2.521321,54.008265
+                    -2.522317,54.007668
+                    -2.521321,54.006791
+                    -2.520991,54.006763
+                    -2.521321,54.006686
+                    -2.522049,54.005861
+                    -2.522833,54.005265
+                    -2.523300,54.004951
+                    -2.524236,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003878
+                    -2.525018,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002509
+                    -2.522833,54.002900
+                    -2.521720,54.002242
+                    -2.521321,54.001822
+                    -2.520399,54.001336
+                    -2.521027,54.000430
+                    -2.519808,54.000268
+                    -2.518296,54.000125
+                    -2.517132,53.999524
+                    -2.516784,53.999305
+                    -2.515737,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998346
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+                    -2.514455,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996401
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+                    -2.511941,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994403
+                    -2.509305,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995104
+                    -2.508646,53.995004
+                    -2.507711,53.994861
+                    -2.506199,53.994803
+                    -2.505416,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993611
+                    -2.503833,53.993192
+                    -2.504364,53.992286
+                    -2.503945,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991151
+                    -2.505954,53.990479
+                    -2.505415,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.989048
+                    -2.507711,53.988962
+                    -2.508298,53.988667
+                    -2.509223,53.988032
+                    -2.510735,53.987842
+                    -2.510886,53.987765
+                    -2.510735,53.987684
+                    -2.509223,53.987546
+                    -2.507711,53.987699
+                    -2.507046,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986568
+                    -2.508847,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985348
+                    -2.506630,53.985052
+                    -2.507711,53.984203
+                    -2.507798,53.984141
+                    -2.508176,53.983240
+                    -2.508179,53.982334
+                    -2.508656,53.981433
+                    -2.509068,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979640
+                    -2.506199,53.980145
+                    -2.504686,53.980474
+                    -2.503174,53.979697
+                    -2.503053,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979545
+                    -2.504686,53.979173
+                    -2.505547,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978543
+                    -2.507711,53.978324
+                    -2.508714,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977509
+                    -2.510079,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976150
+                    -2.509074,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975859
+                    -2.510239,53.975101
+                    -2.510114,53.974195
+                    -2.510735,53.973789
+                    -2.511539,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972850
+                    -2.513760,53.972616
+                    -2.514164,53.972383
+                    -2.515272,53.971839
+                    -2.515880,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971157
+                    -2.513760,53.971171
+                    -2.512317,53.970575
+                    -2.512247,53.970537
+                    -2.512177,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.971157
+                    -2.509895,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
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+                    -2.534930,54.013371
+                    -2.533418,54.013133
+                    -2.533339,54.013095
+                    -2.531906,54.012446
+                    -2.530760,54.012194
+                    -2.530394,54.012151
+                    -2.530318,54.012194
+                    -2.529480,54.013095
+                    -2.528923,54.014001
+                    -2.529591,54.014907
+                    -2.530394,54.015288
+                    -2.531906,54.015493
+                    -2.533418,54.015627
+                    -2.534219,54.015813
+                    -2.533501,54.016719
+                    -2.533418,54.016895
+                    -2.532698,54.017620
+                    -2.532962,54.018526
+                    -2.531906,54.018779
+                    -2.530758,54.019427
+                    -2.530394,54.019794
+                    -2.529648,54.020333
+                    -2.530394,54.020782
+                    -2.531906,54.020934
+                    -2.532345,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.022083
+                    -2.533478,54.022145
+                    -2.534184,54.023051
+                    -2.534874,54.023952
+                    -2.534930,54.023986
+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025111
+                    -2.531906,54.025154
+                    -2.530394,54.024930
+                    -2.528882,54.024920
+                    -2.527369,54.024892
+                    -2.527293,54.024858
+                    -2.525857,54.024439
+                    -2.524990,54.023952
+                    -2.524345,54.023585
+                    -2.523211,54.023051
+                    -2.522833,54.022841
+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520682,54.022145
+                    -2.519808,54.021478
+                    -2.518296,54.021564
+                    -2.517477,54.021239
+                    -2.516784,54.020610
+                    -2.515893,54.020333
+                    -2.515272,54.020162
+                    -2.513760,54.020019
+                    -2.512247,54.019828
+                    -2.511544,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.019008
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016733
+                    -2.512166,54.017620
+                    -2.512247,54.017673
+                    -2.513760,54.017782
+                    -2.515272,54.017754
+                    -2.515522,54.017620
+                    -2.515272,54.017429
+                    -2.514633,54.016719
+                    -2.513760,54.016223
+                    -2.512247,54.016452
+                    -2.510735,54.016700
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014020
+                    -2.510962,54.014001
+                    -2.512247,54.013796
+                    -2.512670,54.013095
+                    -2.513449,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011827
+                    -2.514756,54.012194
+                    -2.515272,54.012504
+                    -2.515788,54.012194
+                    -2.515867,54.011288
+                    -2.515272,54.010844
+                    -2.514832,54.010386
+                    -2.514307,54.009476
+                    -2.515272,54.008737
+                    -2.515569,54.008574
+                    -2.516784,54.008017
+                    -2.517363,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007316
+                    -2.516109,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006553
+                    -2.518296,54.006510
+                    -2.519492,54.006763
+                    -2.519199,54.007668
+                    -2.519808,54.007988
+                    -2.521321,54.008265
+                    -2.522317,54.007668
+                    -2.521321,54.006791
+                    -2.520991,54.006763
+                    -2.521321,54.006686
+                    -2.522049,54.005861
+                    -2.522833,54.005265
+                    -2.523300,54.004951
+                    -2.524236,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003878
+                    -2.525018,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002509
+                    -2.522833,54.002900
+                    -2.521720,54.002242
+                    -2.521321,54.001822
+                    -2.520399,54.001336
+                    -2.521027,54.000430
+                    -2.519808,54.000268
+                    -2.518296,54.000125
+                    -2.517132,53.999524
+                    -2.516784,53.999305
+                    -2.515737,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998346
+                    -2.514259,53.997717
+                    -2.514455,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996401
+                    -2.512247,53.996654
+                    -2.512128,53.995910
+                    -2.511941,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994403
+                    -2.509305,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995104
+                    -2.508646,53.995004
+                    -2.507711,53.994861
+                    -2.506199,53.994803
+                    -2.505416,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993611
+                    -2.503833,53.993192
+                    -2.504364,53.992286
+                    -2.503945,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991151
+                    -2.505954,53.990479
+                    -2.505415,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.989048
+                    -2.507711,53.988962
+                    -2.508298,53.988667
+                    -2.509223,53.988032
+                    -2.510735,53.987842
+                    -2.510886,53.987765
+                    -2.510735,53.987684
+                    -2.509223,53.987546
+                    -2.507711,53.987699
+                    -2.507046,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986568
+                    -2.508847,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985348
+                    -2.506630,53.985052
+                    -2.507711,53.984203
+                    -2.507798,53.984141
+                    -2.508176,53.983240
+                    -2.508179,53.982334
+                    -2.508656,53.981433
+                    -2.509068,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979640
+                    -2.506199,53.980145
+                    -2.504686,53.980474
+                    -2.503174,53.979697
+                    -2.503053,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979545
+                    -2.504686,53.979173
+                    -2.505547,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978543
+                    -2.507711,53.978324
+                    -2.508714,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977509
+                    -2.510079,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976150
+                    -2.509074,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975859
+                    -2.510239,53.975101
+                    -2.510114,53.974195
+                    -2.510735,53.973789
+                    -2.511539,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972850
+                    -2.513760,53.972616
+                    -2.514164,53.972383
+                    -2.515272,53.971839
+                    -2.515880,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971157
+                    -2.513760,53.971171
+                    -2.512317,53.970575
+                    -2.512247,53.970537
+                    -2.512177,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.971157
+                    -2.509895,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532120,53.972383
+                    -2.532028,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973594
+                    -2.530858,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974824
+                    -2.532288,53.975101
+                    -2.532450,53.976002
+                    -2.532220,53.976908
+                    -2.532299,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978477
+                    -2.533920,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979321
+                    -2.535560,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.980150
+                    -2.537535,53.980527
+                    -2.537955,53.980780
+                    -2.538391,53.980527
+                    -2.539467,53.980293
+                    -2.540061,53.980527
+                    -2.540104,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.982272
+                    -2.541074,53.982334
+                    -2.541396,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983893
+                    -2.543291,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984571
+                    -2.545516,53.984857
+                    -2.547028,53.984904
+                    -2.547761,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985515
+                    -2.550052,53.985548
+                    -2.550668,53.985953
+                    -2.550789,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987327
+                    -2.552340,53.986859
+                    -2.552461,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985820
+                    -2.554589,53.985724
+                    -2.556101,53.985701
+                    -2.556696,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986506
+                    -2.558665,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985648
+                    -2.559381,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986650
+                    -2.562150,53.986540
+                    -2.562557,53.986859
+                    -2.563226,53.987765
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+                    -2.563593,53.989577
+                    -2.563662,53.989716
+                    -2.563896,53.990479
+                    -2.565174,53.991070
+                    -2.565419,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991675
+                    -2.564244,53.992286
+                    -2.563873,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.993592
+                    -2.562150,53.993492
+                    -2.561225,53.994098
+                    -2.560638,53.994269
+                    -2.560342,53.994098
+                    -2.560555,53.993192
+                    -2.560579,53.992286
+                    -2.560069,53.991385
+                    -2.559941,53.990479
+                    -2.559125,53.989992
+                    -2.557613,53.989878
+                    -2.557270,53.989577
+                    -2.556101,53.988948
+                    -2.555504,53.988667
+                    -2.554589,53.988123
+                    -2.553077,53.988090
+                    -2.552111,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989348
+                    -2.553780,53.989577
+                    -2.553077,53.989768
+                    -2.551603,53.990479
+                    -2.552092,53.991385
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+                    -2.550052,53.991561
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+                    -2.531906,54.025154
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+                    -2.527293,54.024858
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+                    -2.524345,54.023585
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016733
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+                    -2.512247,54.017673
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+                    -2.515272,54.017754
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+                    -2.515272,54.017429
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+                    -2.510735,54.016700
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014020
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+                    -2.512247,54.013796
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+                    -2.513760,54.011827
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+                    -2.515272,54.012504
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+                    -2.515867,54.011288
+                    -2.515272,54.010844
+                    -2.514832,54.010386
+                    -2.514307,54.009476
+                    -2.515272,54.008737
+                    -2.515569,54.008574
+                    -2.516784,54.008017
+                    -2.517363,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007316
+                    -2.516109,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006553
+                    -2.518296,54.006510
+                    -2.519492,54.006763
+                    -2.519199,54.007668
+                    -2.519808,54.007988
+                    -2.521321,54.008265
+                    -2.522317,54.007668
+                    -2.521321,54.006791
+                    -2.520991,54.006763
+                    -2.521321,54.006686
+                    -2.522049,54.005861
+                    -2.522833,54.005265
+                    -2.523300,54.004951
+                    -2.524236,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003878
+                    -2.525018,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002509
+                    -2.522833,54.002900
+                    -2.521720,54.002242
+                    -2.521321,54.001822
+                    -2.520399,54.001336
+                    -2.521027,54.000430
+                    -2.519808,54.000268
+                    -2.518296,54.000125
+                    -2.517132,53.999524
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+                    -2.515737,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998346
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+                    -2.514455,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996401
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+                    -2.509305,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995104
+                    -2.508646,53.995004
+                    -2.507711,53.994861
+                    -2.506199,53.994803
+                    -2.505416,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993611
+                    -2.503833,53.993192
+                    -2.504364,53.992286
+                    -2.503945,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991151
+                    -2.505954,53.990479
+                    -2.505415,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.989048
+                    -2.507711,53.988962
+                    -2.508298,53.988667
+                    -2.509223,53.988032
+                    -2.510735,53.987842
+                    -2.510886,53.987765
+                    -2.510735,53.987684
+                    -2.509223,53.987546
+                    -2.507711,53.987699
+                    -2.507046,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986568
+                    -2.508847,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985348
+                    -2.506630,53.985052
+                    -2.507711,53.984203
+                    -2.507798,53.984141
+                    -2.508176,53.983240
+                    -2.508179,53.982334
+                    -2.508656,53.981433
+                    -2.509068,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979640
+                    -2.506199,53.980145
+                    -2.504686,53.980474
+                    -2.503174,53.979697
+                    -2.503053,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979545
+                    -2.504686,53.979173
+                    -2.505547,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978543
+                    -2.507711,53.978324
+                    -2.508714,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977509
+                    -2.510079,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976150
+                    -2.509074,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975859
+                    -2.510239,53.975101
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+                    -2.510735,53.973789
+                    -2.511539,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972850
+                    -2.513760,53.972616
+                    -2.514164,53.972383
+                    -2.515272,53.971839
+                    -2.515880,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971157
+                    -2.513760,53.971171
+                    -2.512317,53.970575
+                    -2.512247,53.970537
+                    -2.512177,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.971157
+                    -2.509895,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532120,53.972383
+                    -2.532028,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973594
+                    -2.530858,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974824
+                    -2.532288,53.975101
+                    -2.532450,53.976002
+                    -2.532220,53.976908
+                    -2.532299,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978477
+                    -2.533920,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979321
+                    -2.535560,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.980150
+                    -2.537535,53.980527
+                    -2.537955,53.980780
+                    -2.538391,53.980527
+                    -2.539467,53.980293
+                    -2.540061,53.980527
+                    -2.540104,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.982272
+                    -2.541074,53.982334
+                    -2.541396,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983893
+                    -2.543291,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984571
+                    -2.545516,53.984857
+                    -2.547028,53.984904
+                    -2.547761,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985515
+                    -2.550052,53.985548
+                    -2.550668,53.985953
+                    -2.550789,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987327
+                    -2.552340,53.986859
+                    -2.552461,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985820
+                    -2.554589,53.985724
+                    -2.556101,53.985701
+                    -2.556696,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986506
+                    -2.558665,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985648
+                    -2.559381,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986650
+                    -2.562150,53.986540
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+                    -2.563662,53.989716
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+                    -2.565174,53.991675
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+                    -2.563662,53.993592
+                    -2.562150,53.993492
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+                    -2.560638,53.994269
+                    -2.560342,53.994098
+                    -2.560555,53.993192
+                    -2.560579,53.992286
+                    -2.560069,53.991385
+                    -2.559941,53.990479
+                    -2.559125,53.989992
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+                    -2.557270,53.989577
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+                    -2.555504,53.988667
+                    -2.554589,53.988123
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+                    -2.552111,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989348
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+                    -2.553077,53.989768
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+                    -2.550052,53.991561
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016733
+                    -2.512166,54.017620
+                    -2.512247,54.017673
+                    -2.513760,54.017782
+                    -2.515272,54.017754
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+                    -2.515272,54.017429
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+                    -2.513760,54.016223
+                    -2.512247,54.016452
+                    -2.510735,54.016700
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014020
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+                    -2.512247,54.013796
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+                    -2.513760,54.011827
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+                    -2.515867,54.011288
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+                    -2.515272,54.008737
+                    -2.515569,54.008574
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+                    -2.517363,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007316
+                    -2.516109,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006553
+                    -2.518296,54.006510
+                    -2.519492,54.006763
+                    -2.519199,54.007668
+                    -2.519808,54.007988
+                    -2.521321,54.008265
+                    -2.522317,54.007668
+                    -2.521321,54.006791
+                    -2.520991,54.006763
+                    -2.521321,54.006686
+                    -2.522049,54.005861
+                    -2.522833,54.005265
+                    -2.523300,54.004951
+                    -2.524236,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003878
+                    -2.525018,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002509
+                    -2.522833,54.002900
+                    -2.521720,54.002242
+                    -2.521321,54.001822
+                    -2.520399,54.001336
+                    -2.521027,54.000430
+                    -2.519808,54.000268
+                    -2.518296,54.000125
+                    -2.517132,53.999524
+                    -2.516784,53.999305
+                    -2.515737,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998346
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+                    -2.514455,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996401
+                    -2.512247,53.996654
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+                    -2.509305,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995104
+                    -2.508646,53.995004
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+                    -2.506199,53.994803
+                    -2.505416,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993611
+                    -2.503833,53.993192
+                    -2.504364,53.992286
+                    -2.503945,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991151
+                    -2.505954,53.990479
+                    -2.505415,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.989048
+                    -2.507711,53.988962
+                    -2.508298,53.988667
+                    -2.509223,53.988032
+                    -2.510735,53.987842
+                    -2.510886,53.987765
+                    -2.510735,53.987684
+                    -2.509223,53.987546
+                    -2.507711,53.987699
+                    -2.507046,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986568
+                    -2.508847,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985348
+                    -2.506630,53.985052
+                    -2.507711,53.984203
+                    -2.507798,53.984141
+                    -2.508176,53.983240
+                    -2.508179,53.982334
+                    -2.508656,53.981433
+                    -2.509068,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979640
+                    -2.506199,53.980145
+                    -2.504686,53.980474
+                    -2.503174,53.979697
+                    -2.503053,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979545
+                    -2.504686,53.979173
+                    -2.505547,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978543
+                    -2.507711,53.978324
+                    -2.508714,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977509
+                    -2.510079,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976150
+                    -2.509074,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975859
+                    -2.510239,53.975101
+                    -2.510114,53.974195
+                    -2.510735,53.973789
+                    -2.511539,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972850
+                    -2.513760,53.972616
+                    -2.514164,53.972383
+                    -2.515272,53.971839
+                    -2.515880,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971157
+                    -2.513760,53.971171
+                    -2.512317,53.970575
+                    -2.512247,53.970537
+                    -2.512177,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.971157
+                    -2.509895,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532120,53.972383
+                    -2.532028,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973594
+                    -2.530858,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974824
+                    -2.532288,53.975101
+                    -2.532450,53.976002
+                    -2.532220,53.976908
+                    -2.532299,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978477
+                    -2.533920,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979321
+                    -2.535560,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.980150
+                    -2.537535,53.980527
+                    -2.537955,53.980780
+                    -2.538391,53.980527
+                    -2.539467,53.980293
+                    -2.540061,53.980527
+                    -2.540104,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.982272
+                    -2.541074,53.982334
+                    -2.541396,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983893
+                    -2.543291,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984571
+                    -2.545516,53.984857
+                    -2.547028,53.984904
+                    -2.547761,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985515
+                    -2.550052,53.985548
+                    -2.550668,53.985953
+                    -2.550789,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987327
+                    -2.552340,53.986859
+                    -2.552461,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985820
+                    -2.554589,53.985724
+                    -2.556101,53.985701
+                    -2.556696,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986506
+                    -2.558665,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985648
+                    -2.559381,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986650
+                    -2.562150,53.986540
+                    -2.562557,53.986859
+                    -2.563226,53.987765
+                    -2.563652,53.988667
+                    -2.563593,53.989577
+                    -2.563662,53.989716
+                    -2.563896,53.990479
+                    -2.565174,53.991070
+                    -2.565419,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991675
+                    -2.564244,53.992286
+                    -2.563873,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.993592
+                    -2.562150,53.993492
+                    -2.561225,53.994098
+                    -2.560638,53.994269
+                    -2.560342,53.994098
+                    -2.560555,53.993192
+                    -2.560579,53.992286
+                    -2.560069,53.991385
+                    -2.559941,53.990479
+                    -2.559125,53.989992
+                    -2.557613,53.989878
+                    -2.557270,53.989577
+                    -2.556101,53.988948
+                    -2.555504,53.988667
+                    -2.554589,53.988123
+                    -2.553077,53.988090
+                    -2.552111,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989348
+                    -2.553780,53.989577
+                    -2.553077,53.989768
+                    -2.551603,53.990479
+                    -2.552092,53.991385
+                    -2.551564,53.991408
+                    -2.550052,53.991561
+                    -2.549431,53.991385
+                    -2.549721,53.990479
+                    -2.548540,53.990216
+                    -2.547655,53.990479
+                    -2.547028,53.990607
+                    -2.545516,53.991127
+                    -2.544003,53.991041
+                    -2.542491,53.990765
+                    -2.541804,53.991385
+                    -2.541728,53.992286
+                    -2.540979,53.992438
+                    -2.540032,53.992286
+                    -2.539467,53.991404
+                    -2.539448,53.991385
+                    -2.537955,53.991122
+                    -2.537551,53.991385
+                    -2.537955,53.991995
+                    -2.538621,53.992286
+                    -2.537955,53.992844
+                    -2.536443,53.992982
+                    -2.536077,53.993192
+                    -2.536115,53.994098
+                    -2.536443,53.994784
+                    -2.536925,53.995004
+                    -2.536443,53.995242
+                    -2.536140,53.995910
+                    -2.535879,53.996811
+                    -2.534930,53.997455
+                    -2.533532,53.997717
+                    -2.534930,53.998008
+                    -2.535604,53.998618
+                    -2.536443,53.999133
+                    -2.537185,53.999524
+                    -2.537236,54.000430
+                    -2.536443,54.000659
+                    -2.535281,54.001336
+                    -2.535004,54.002242
+                    -2.534930,54.002280
+                    -2.534775,54.002242
+                    -2.533418,54.002028
+                    -2.533036,54.002242
+                    -2.532935,54.003143
+                    -2.533418,54.004021
+                    -2.533576,54.004049
+                    -2.534930,54.004126
+                    -2.536443,54.004374
+                    -2.537955,54.004331
+                    -2.538513,54.004049
+                    -2.539013,54.003143
+                    -2.539467,54.002995
+                    -2.539936,54.003143
+                    -2.540011,54.004049
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+                    -2.507711,53.987699
+                    -2.507046,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986568
+                    -2.508847,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985348
+                    -2.506630,53.985052
+                    -2.507711,53.984203
+                    -2.507798,53.984141
+                    -2.508176,53.983240
+                    -2.508179,53.982334
+                    -2.508656,53.981433
+                    -2.509068,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979640
+                    -2.506199,53.980145
+                    -2.504686,53.980474
+                    -2.503174,53.979697
+                    -2.503053,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979545
+                    -2.504686,53.979173
+                    -2.505547,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978543
+                    -2.507711,53.978324
+                    -2.508714,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977509
+                    -2.510079,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976150
+                    -2.509074,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975859
+                    -2.510239,53.975101
+                    -2.510114,53.974195
+                    -2.510735,53.973789
+                    -2.511539,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972850
+                    -2.513760,53.972616
+                    -2.514164,53.972383
+                    -2.515272,53.971839
+                    -2.515880,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971157
+                    -2.513760,53.971171
+                    -2.512317,53.970575
+                    -2.512247,53.970537
+                    -2.512177,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.971157
+                    -2.509895,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532120,53.972383
+                    -2.532028,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973594
+                    -2.530858,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974824
+                    -2.532288,53.975101
+                    -2.532450,53.976002
+                    -2.532220,53.976908
+                    -2.532299,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978477
+                    -2.533920,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979321
+                    -2.535560,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.980150
+                    -2.537535,53.980527
+                    -2.537955,53.980780
+                    -2.538391,53.980527
+                    -2.539467,53.980293
+                    -2.540061,53.980527
+                    -2.540104,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.982272
+                    -2.541074,53.982334
+                    -2.541396,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983893
+                    -2.543291,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984571
+                    -2.545516,53.984857
+                    -2.547028,53.984904
+                    -2.547761,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985515
+                    -2.550052,53.985548
+                    -2.550668,53.985953
+                    -2.550789,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987327
+                    -2.552340,53.986859
+                    -2.552461,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985820
+                    -2.554589,53.985724
+                    -2.556101,53.985701
+                    -2.556696,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986506
+                    -2.558665,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985648
+                    -2.559381,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986650
+                    -2.562150,53.986540
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+                    -2.563593,53.989577
+                    -2.563662,53.989716
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+                    -2.563662,53.993592
+                    -2.562150,53.993492
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+                    -2.560342,53.994098
+                    -2.560555,53.993192
+                    -2.560579,53.992286
+                    -2.560069,53.991385
+                    -2.559941,53.990479
+                    -2.559125,53.989992
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+                    -2.557270,53.989577
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+                    -2.555504,53.988667
+                    -2.554589,53.988123
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+                    -2.552111,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989348
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+                    -2.553077,53.989768
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+                    -2.550052,53.991561
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016733
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+                    -2.512247,54.017673
+                    -2.513760,54.017782
+                    -2.515272,54.017754
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+                    -2.515272,54.017429
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+                    -2.513760,54.016223
+                    -2.512247,54.016452
+                    -2.510735,54.016700
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014020
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+                    -2.512247,54.013796
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+                    -2.513760,54.011827
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+                    -2.515867,54.011288
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+                    -2.515272,54.008737
+                    -2.515569,54.008574
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+                    -2.517363,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007316
+                    -2.516109,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006553
+                    -2.518296,54.006510
+                    -2.519492,54.006763
+                    -2.519199,54.007668
+                    -2.519808,54.007988
+                    -2.521321,54.008265
+                    -2.522317,54.007668
+                    -2.521321,54.006791
+                    -2.520991,54.006763
+                    -2.521321,54.006686
+                    -2.522049,54.005861
+                    -2.522833,54.005265
+                    -2.523300,54.004951
+                    -2.524236,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003878
+                    -2.525018,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002509
+                    -2.522833,54.002900
+                    -2.521720,54.002242
+                    -2.521321,54.001822
+                    -2.520399,54.001336
+                    -2.521027,54.000430
+                    -2.519808,54.000268
+                    -2.518296,54.000125
+                    -2.517132,53.999524
+                    -2.516784,53.999305
+                    -2.515737,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998346
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+                    -2.514455,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996401
+                    -2.512247,53.996654
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+                    -2.510735,53.994403
+                    -2.509305,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995104
+                    -2.508646,53.995004
+                    -2.507711,53.994861
+                    -2.506199,53.994803
+                    -2.505416,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993611
+                    -2.503833,53.993192
+                    -2.504364,53.992286
+                    -2.503945,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991151
+                    -2.505954,53.990479
+                    -2.505415,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.989048
+                    -2.507711,53.988962
+                    -2.508298,53.988667
+                    -2.509223,53.988032
+                    -2.510735,53.987842
+                    -2.510886,53.987765
+                    -2.510735,53.987684
+                    -2.509223,53.987546
+                    -2.507711,53.987699
+                    -2.507046,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986568
+                    -2.508847,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985348
+                    -2.506630,53.985052
+                    -2.507711,53.984203
+                    -2.507798,53.984141
+                    -2.508176,53.983240
+                    -2.508179,53.982334
+                    -2.508656,53.981433
+                    -2.509068,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979640
+                    -2.506199,53.980145
+                    -2.504686,53.980474
+                    -2.503174,53.979697
+                    -2.503053,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979545
+                    -2.504686,53.979173
+                    -2.505547,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978543
+                    -2.507711,53.978324
+                    -2.508714,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977509
+                    -2.510079,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976150
+                    -2.509074,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975859
+                    -2.510239,53.975101
+                    -2.510114,53.974195
+                    -2.510735,53.973789
+                    -2.511539,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972850
+                    -2.513760,53.972616
+                    -2.514164,53.972383
+                    -2.515272,53.971839
+                    -2.515880,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971157
+                    -2.513760,53.971171
+                    -2.512317,53.970575
+                    -2.512247,53.970537
+                    -2.512177,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.971157
+                    -2.509895,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532120,53.972383
+                    -2.532028,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973594
+                    -2.530858,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974824
+                    -2.532288,53.975101
+                    -2.532450,53.976002
+                    -2.532220,53.976908
+                    -2.532299,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978477
+                    -2.533920,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979321
+                    -2.535560,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.980150
+                    -2.537535,53.980527
+                    -2.537955,53.980780
+                    -2.538391,53.980527
+                    -2.539467,53.980293
+                    -2.540061,53.980527
+                    -2.540104,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.982272
+                    -2.541074,53.982334
+                    -2.541396,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983893
+                    -2.543291,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984571
+                    -2.545516,53.984857
+                    -2.547028,53.984904
+                    -2.547761,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985515
+                    -2.550052,53.985548
+                    -2.550668,53.985953
+                    -2.550789,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987327
+                    -2.552340,53.986859
+                    -2.552461,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985820
+                    -2.554589,53.985724
+                    -2.556101,53.985701
+                    -2.556696,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986506
+                    -2.558665,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985648
+                    -2.559381,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986650
+                    -2.562150,53.986540
+                    -2.562557,53.986859
+                    -2.563226,53.987765
+                    -2.563652,53.988667
+                    -2.563593,53.989577
+                    -2.563662,53.989716
+                    -2.563896,53.990479
+                    -2.565174,53.991070
+                    -2.565419,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991675
+                    -2.564244,53.992286
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+                    -2.563662,53.993592
+                    -2.562150,53.993492
+                    -2.561225,53.994098
+                    -2.560638,53.994269
+                    -2.560342,53.994098
+                    -2.560555,53.993192
+                    -2.560579,53.992286
+                    -2.560069,53.991385
+                    -2.559941,53.990479
+                    -2.559125,53.989992
+                    -2.557613,53.989878
+                    -2.557270,53.989577
+                    -2.556101,53.988948
+                    -2.555504,53.988667
+                    -2.554589,53.988123
+                    -2.553077,53.988090
+                    -2.552111,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989348
+                    -2.553780,53.989577
+                    -2.553077,53.989768
+                    -2.551603,53.990479
+                    -2.552092,53.991385
+                    -2.551564,53.991408
+                    -2.550052,53.991561
+                    -2.549431,53.991385
+                    -2.549721,53.990479
+                    -2.548540,53.990216
+                    -2.547655,53.990479
+                    -2.547028,53.990607
+                    -2.545516,53.991127
+                    -2.544003,53.991041
+                    -2.542491,53.990765
+                    -2.541804,53.991385
+                    -2.541728,53.992286
+                    -2.540979,53.992438
+                    -2.540032,53.992286
+                    -2.539467,53.991404
+                    -2.539448,53.991385
+                    -2.537955,53.991122
+                    -2.537551,53.991385
+                    -2.537955,53.991995
+                    -2.538621,53.992286
+                    -2.537955,53.992844
+                    -2.536443,53.992982
+                    -2.536077,53.993192
+                    -2.536115,53.994098
+                    -2.536443,53.994784
+                    -2.536925,53.995004
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+                    -2.514455,53.996811
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+                    -2.511941,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994403
+                    -2.509305,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995104
+                    -2.508646,53.995004
+                    -2.507711,53.994861
+                    -2.506199,53.994803
+                    -2.505416,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993611
+                    -2.503833,53.993192
+                    -2.504364,53.992286
+                    -2.503945,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991151
+                    -2.505954,53.990479
+                    -2.505415,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.989048
+                    -2.507711,53.988962
+                    -2.508298,53.988667
+                    -2.509223,53.988032
+                    -2.510735,53.987842
+                    -2.510886,53.987765
+                    -2.510735,53.987684
+                    -2.509223,53.987546
+                    -2.507711,53.987699
+                    -2.507046,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986568
+                    -2.508847,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985348
+                    -2.506630,53.985052
+                    -2.507711,53.984203
+                    -2.507798,53.984141
+                    -2.508176,53.983240
+                    -2.508179,53.982334
+                    -2.508656,53.981433
+                    -2.509068,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979640
+                    -2.506199,53.980145
+                    -2.504686,53.980474
+                    -2.503174,53.979697
+                    -2.503053,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979545
+                    -2.504686,53.979173
+                    -2.505547,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978543
+                    -2.507711,53.978324
+                    -2.508714,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977509
+                    -2.510079,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976150
+                    -2.509074,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975859
+                    -2.510239,53.975101
+                    -2.510114,53.974195
+                    -2.510735,53.973789
+                    -2.511539,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972850
+                    -2.513760,53.972616
+                    -2.514164,53.972383
+                    -2.515272,53.971839
+                    -2.515880,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971157
+                    -2.513760,53.971171
+                    -2.512317,53.970575
+                    -2.512247,53.970537
+                    -2.512177,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.971157
+                    -2.509895,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532120,53.972383
+                    -2.532028,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973594
+                    -2.530858,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974824
+                    -2.532288,53.975101
+                    -2.532450,53.976002
+                    -2.532220,53.976908
+                    -2.532299,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978477
+                    -2.533920,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979321
+                    -2.535560,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.980150
+                    -2.537535,53.980527
+                    -2.537955,53.980780
+                    -2.538391,53.980527
+                    -2.539467,53.980293
+                    -2.540061,53.980527
+                    -2.540104,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.982272
+                    -2.541074,53.982334
+                    -2.541396,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983893
+                    -2.543291,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984571
+                    -2.545516,53.984857
+                    -2.547028,53.984904
+                    -2.547761,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985515
+                    -2.550052,53.985548
+                    -2.550668,53.985953
+                    -2.550789,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987327
+                    -2.552340,53.986859
+                    -2.552461,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985820
+                    -2.554589,53.985724
+                    -2.556101,53.985701
+                    -2.556696,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986506
+                    -2.558665,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985648
+                    -2.559381,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986650
+                    -2.562150,53.986540
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+                    -2.563662,53.989716
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+                    -2.563662,53.993592
+                    -2.562150,53.993492
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+                    -2.560342,53.994098
+                    -2.560555,53.993192
+                    -2.560579,53.992286
+                    -2.560069,53.991385
+                    -2.559941,53.990479
+                    -2.559125,53.989992
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+                    -2.552111,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989348
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+                    -2.553077,53.989768
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016733
+                    -2.512166,54.017620
+                    -2.512247,54.017673
+                    -2.513760,54.017782
+                    -2.515272,54.017754
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+                    -2.515272,54.017429
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+                    -2.513760,54.016223
+                    -2.512247,54.016452
+                    -2.510735,54.016700
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014020
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+                    -2.512247,54.013796
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+                    -2.513760,54.011827
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+                    -2.515867,54.011288
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+                    -2.514307,54.009476
+                    -2.515272,54.008737
+                    -2.515569,54.008574
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+                    -2.517363,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007316
+                    -2.516109,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006553
+                    -2.518296,54.006510
+                    -2.519492,54.006763
+                    -2.519199,54.007668
+                    -2.519808,54.007988
+                    -2.521321,54.008265
+                    -2.522317,54.007668
+                    -2.521321,54.006791
+                    -2.520991,54.006763
+                    -2.521321,54.006686
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+                    -2.522833,54.005265
+                    -2.523300,54.004951
+                    -2.524236,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003878
+                    -2.525018,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002509
+                    -2.522833,54.002900
+                    -2.521720,54.002242
+                    -2.521321,54.001822
+                    -2.520399,54.001336
+                    -2.521027,54.000430
+                    -2.519808,54.000268
+                    -2.518296,54.000125
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+                    -2.515272,53.998346
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+                    -2.514455,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996401
+                    -2.512247,53.996654
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+                    -2.509305,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995104
+                    -2.508646,53.995004
+                    -2.507711,53.994861
+                    -2.506199,53.994803
+                    -2.505416,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993611
+                    -2.503833,53.993192
+                    -2.504364,53.992286
+                    -2.503945,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991151
+                    -2.505954,53.990479
+                    -2.505415,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.989048
+                    -2.507711,53.988962
+                    -2.508298,53.988667
+                    -2.509223,53.988032
+                    -2.510735,53.987842
+                    -2.510886,53.987765
+                    -2.510735,53.987684
+                    -2.509223,53.987546
+                    -2.507711,53.987699
+                    -2.507046,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986568
+                    -2.508847,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985348
+                    -2.506630,53.985052
+                    -2.507711,53.984203
+                    -2.507798,53.984141
+                    -2.508176,53.983240
+                    -2.508179,53.982334
+                    -2.508656,53.981433
+                    -2.509068,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979640
+                    -2.506199,53.980145
+                    -2.504686,53.980474
+                    -2.503174,53.979697
+                    -2.503053,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979545
+                    -2.504686,53.979173
+                    -2.505547,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978543
+                    -2.507711,53.978324
+                    -2.508714,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977509
+                    -2.510079,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976150
+                    -2.509074,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975859
+                    -2.510239,53.975101
+                    -2.510114,53.974195
+                    -2.510735,53.973789
+                    -2.511539,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972850
+                    -2.513760,53.972616
+                    -2.514164,53.972383
+                    -2.515272,53.971839
+                    -2.515880,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971157
+                    -2.513760,53.971171
+                    -2.512317,53.970575
+                    -2.512247,53.970537
+                    -2.512177,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.971157
+                    -2.509895,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532120,53.972383
+                    -2.532028,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973594
+                    -2.530858,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974824
+                    -2.532288,53.975101
+                    -2.532450,53.976002
+                    -2.532220,53.976908
+                    -2.532299,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978477
+                    -2.533920,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979321
+                    -2.535560,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.980150
+                    -2.537535,53.980527
+                    -2.537955,53.980780
+                    -2.538391,53.980527
+                    -2.539467,53.980293
+                    -2.540061,53.980527
+                    -2.540104,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.982272
+                    -2.541074,53.982334
+                    -2.541396,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983893
+                    -2.543291,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984571
+                    -2.545516,53.984857
+                    -2.547028,53.984904
+                    -2.547761,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985515
+                    -2.550052,53.985548
+                    -2.550668,53.985953
+                    -2.550789,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987327
+                    -2.552340,53.986859
+                    -2.552461,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985820
+                    -2.554589,53.985724
+                    -2.556101,53.985701
+                    -2.556696,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986506
+                    -2.558665,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985648
+                    -2.559381,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986650
+                    -2.562150,53.986540
+                    -2.562557,53.986859
+                    -2.563226,53.987765
+                    -2.563652,53.988667
+                    -2.563593,53.989577
+                    -2.563662,53.989716
+                    -2.563896,53.990479
+                    -2.565174,53.991070
+                    -2.565419,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991675
+                    -2.564244,53.992286
+                    -2.563873,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.993592
+                    -2.562150,53.993492
+                    -2.561225,53.994098
+                    -2.560638,53.994269
+                    -2.560342,53.994098
+                    -2.560555,53.993192
+                    -2.560579,53.992286
+                    -2.560069,53.991385
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+                    -2.559125,53.989992
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+                    -2.557270,53.989577
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+                    -2.555504,53.988667
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+                    -2.552111,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989348
+                    -2.553780,53.989577
+                    -2.553077,53.989768
+                    -2.551603,53.990479
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+                    -2.516784,54.006553
+                    -2.518296,54.006510
+                    -2.519492,54.006763
+                    -2.519199,54.007668
+                    -2.519808,54.007988
+                    -2.521321,54.008265
+                    -2.522317,54.007668
+                    -2.521321,54.006791
+                    -2.520991,54.006763
+                    -2.521321,54.006686
+                    -2.522049,54.005861
+                    -2.522833,54.005265
+                    -2.523300,54.004951
+                    -2.524236,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003878
+                    -2.525018,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002509
+                    -2.522833,54.002900
+                    -2.521720,54.002242
+                    -2.521321,54.001822
+                    -2.520399,54.001336
+                    -2.521027,54.000430
+                    -2.519808,54.000268
+                    -2.518296,54.000125
+                    -2.517132,53.999524
+                    -2.516784,53.999305
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+                    -2.515272,53.998346
+                    -2.514259,53.997717
+                    -2.514455,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996401
+                    -2.512247,53.996654
+                    -2.512128,53.995910
+                    -2.511941,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994403
+                    -2.509305,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995104
+                    -2.508646,53.995004
+                    -2.507711,53.994861
+                    -2.506199,53.994803
+                    -2.505416,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993611
+                    -2.503833,53.993192
+                    -2.504364,53.992286
+                    -2.503945,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991151
+                    -2.505954,53.990479
+                    -2.505415,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.989048
+                    -2.507711,53.988962
+                    -2.508298,53.988667
+                    -2.509223,53.988032
+                    -2.510735,53.987842
+                    -2.510886,53.987765
+                    -2.510735,53.987684
+                    -2.509223,53.987546
+                    -2.507711,53.987699
+                    -2.507046,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986568
+                    -2.508847,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985348
+                    -2.506630,53.985052
+                    -2.507711,53.984203
+                    -2.507798,53.984141
+                    -2.508176,53.983240
+                    -2.508179,53.982334
+                    -2.508656,53.981433
+                    -2.509068,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979640
+                    -2.506199,53.980145
+                    -2.504686,53.980474
+                    -2.503174,53.979697
+                    -2.503053,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979545
+                    -2.504686,53.979173
+                    -2.505547,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978543
+                    -2.507711,53.978324
+                    -2.508714,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977509
+                    -2.510079,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976150
+                    -2.509074,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975859
+                    -2.510239,53.975101
+                    -2.510114,53.974195
+                    -2.510735,53.973789
+                    -2.511539,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972850
+                    -2.513760,53.972616
+                    -2.514164,53.972383
+                    -2.515272,53.971839
+                    -2.515880,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971157
+                    -2.513760,53.971171
+                    -2.512317,53.970575
+                    -2.512247,53.970537
+                    -2.512177,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.971157
+                    -2.509895,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532120,53.972383
+                    -2.532028,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973594
+                    -2.530858,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974824
+                    -2.532288,53.975101
+                    -2.532450,53.976002
+                    -2.532220,53.976908
+                    -2.532299,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978477
+                    -2.533920,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979321
+                    -2.535560,53.979621
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+                    -2.537955,53.980780
+                    -2.538391,53.980527
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+                    -2.540061,53.980527
+                    -2.540104,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.982272
+                    -2.541074,53.982334
+                    -2.541396,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983893
+                    -2.543291,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984571
+                    -2.545516,53.984857
+                    -2.547028,53.984904
+                    -2.547761,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985515
+                    -2.550052,53.985548
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+                    -2.552340,53.986859
+                    -2.552461,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985820
+                    -2.554589,53.985724
+                    -2.556101,53.985701
+                    -2.556696,53.985953
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+                    -2.558665,53.985953
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+                    -2.559381,53.985953
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+                    -2.553077,53.989348
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+                    -2.553077,53.989768
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016733
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+                    -2.512247,54.017673
+                    -2.513760,54.017782
+                    -2.515272,54.017754
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+                    -2.515272,54.017429
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+                    -2.510735,54.016700
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014020
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+                    -2.516784,54.007316
+                    -2.516109,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006553
+                    -2.518296,54.006510
+                    -2.519492,54.006763
+                    -2.519199,54.007668
+                    -2.519808,54.007988
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+                    -2.521321,54.006791
+                    -2.520991,54.006763
+                    -2.521321,54.006686
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+                    -2.522833,54.005265
+                    -2.523300,54.004951
+                    -2.524236,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003878
+                    -2.525018,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002509
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+                    -2.521321,54.001822
+                    -2.520399,54.001336
+                    -2.521027,54.000430
+                    -2.519808,54.000268
+                    -2.518296,54.000125
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+                    -2.515272,53.998346
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+                    -2.509305,53.995004
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+                    -2.508646,53.995004
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+                    -2.506199,53.994803
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+                    -2.504686,53.993611
+                    -2.503833,53.993192
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+                    -2.503945,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991151
+                    -2.505954,53.990479
+                    -2.505415,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.989048
+                    -2.507711,53.988962
+                    -2.508298,53.988667
+                    -2.509223,53.988032
+                    -2.510735,53.987842
+                    -2.510886,53.987765
+                    -2.510735,53.987684
+                    -2.509223,53.987546
+                    -2.507711,53.987699
+                    -2.507046,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986568
+                    -2.508847,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985348
+                    -2.506630,53.985052
+                    -2.507711,53.984203
+                    -2.507798,53.984141
+                    -2.508176,53.983240
+                    -2.508179,53.982334
+                    -2.508656,53.981433
+                    -2.509068,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979640
+                    -2.506199,53.980145
+                    -2.504686,53.980474
+                    -2.503174,53.979697
+                    -2.503053,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979545
+                    -2.504686,53.979173
+                    -2.505547,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978543
+                    -2.507711,53.978324
+                    -2.508714,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977509
+                    -2.510079,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976150
+                    -2.509074,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975859
+                    -2.510239,53.975101
+                    -2.510114,53.974195
+                    -2.510735,53.973789
+                    -2.511539,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972850
+                    -2.513760,53.972616
+                    -2.514164,53.972383
+                    -2.515272,53.971839
+                    -2.515880,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971157
+                    -2.513760,53.971171
+                    -2.512317,53.970575
+                    -2.512247,53.970537
+                    -2.512177,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.971157
+                    -2.509895,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532120,53.972383
+                    -2.532028,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973594
+                    -2.530858,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974824
+                    -2.532288,53.975101
+                    -2.532450,53.976002
+                    -2.532220,53.976908
+                    -2.532299,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978477
+                    -2.533920,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979321
+                    -2.535560,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.980150
+                    -2.537535,53.980527
+                    -2.537955,53.980780
+                    -2.538391,53.980527
+                    -2.539467,53.980293
+                    -2.540061,53.980527
+                    -2.540104,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.982272
+                    -2.541074,53.982334
+                    -2.541396,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983893
+                    -2.543291,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984571
+                    -2.545516,53.984857
+                    -2.547028,53.984904
+                    -2.547761,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985515
+                    -2.550052,53.985548
+                    -2.550668,53.985953
+                    -2.550789,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987327
+                    -2.552340,53.986859
+                    -2.552461,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985820
+                    -2.554589,53.985724
+                    -2.556101,53.985701
+                    -2.556696,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986506
+                    -2.558665,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985648
+                    -2.559381,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986650
+                    -2.562150,53.986540
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+                    -2.515272,54.017754
+                    -2.515522,54.017620
+                    -2.515272,54.017429
+                    -2.514633,54.016719
+                    -2.513760,54.016223
+                    -2.512247,54.016452
+                    -2.510735,54.016700
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014020
+                    -2.510962,54.014001
+                    -2.512247,54.013796
+                    -2.512670,54.013095
+                    -2.513449,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011827
+                    -2.514756,54.012194
+                    -2.515272,54.012504
+                    -2.515788,54.012194
+                    -2.515867,54.011288
+                    -2.515272,54.010844
+                    -2.514832,54.010386
+                    -2.514307,54.009476
+                    -2.515272,54.008737
+                    -2.515569,54.008574
+                    -2.516784,54.008017
+                    -2.517363,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007316
+                    -2.516109,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006553
+                    -2.518296,54.006510
+                    -2.519492,54.006763
+                    -2.519199,54.007668
+                    -2.519808,54.007988
+                    -2.521321,54.008265
+                    -2.522317,54.007668
+                    -2.521321,54.006791
+                    -2.520991,54.006763
+                    -2.521321,54.006686
+                    -2.522049,54.005861
+                    -2.522833,54.005265
+                    -2.523300,54.004951
+                    -2.524236,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003878
+                    -2.525018,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002509
+                    -2.522833,54.002900
+                    -2.521720,54.002242
+                    -2.521321,54.001822
+                    -2.520399,54.001336
+                    -2.521027,54.000430
+                    -2.519808,54.000268
+                    -2.518296,54.000125
+                    -2.517132,53.999524
+                    -2.516784,53.999305
+                    -2.515737,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998346
+                    -2.514259,53.997717
+                    -2.514455,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996401
+                    -2.512247,53.996654
+                    -2.512128,53.995910
+                    -2.511941,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994403
+                    -2.509305,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995104
+                    -2.508646,53.995004
+                    -2.507711,53.994861
+                    -2.506199,53.994803
+                    -2.505416,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993611
+                    -2.503833,53.993192
+                    -2.504364,53.992286
+                    -2.503945,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991151
+                    -2.505954,53.990479
+                    -2.505415,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.989048
+                    -2.507711,53.988962
+                    -2.508298,53.988667
+                    -2.509223,53.988032
+                    -2.510735,53.987842
+                    -2.510886,53.987765
+                    -2.510735,53.987684
+                    -2.509223,53.987546
+                    -2.507711,53.987699
+                    -2.507046,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986568
+                    -2.508847,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985348
+                    -2.506630,53.985052
+                    -2.507711,53.984203
+                    -2.507798,53.984141
+                    -2.508176,53.983240
+                    -2.508179,53.982334
+                    -2.508656,53.981433
+                    -2.509068,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979640
+                    -2.506199,53.980145
+                    -2.504686,53.980474
+                    -2.503174,53.979697
+                    -2.503053,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979545
+                    -2.504686,53.979173
+                    -2.505547,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978543
+                    -2.507711,53.978324
+                    -2.508714,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977509
+                    -2.510079,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976150
+                    -2.509074,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975859
+                    -2.510239,53.975101
+                    -2.510114,53.974195
+                    -2.510735,53.973789
+                    -2.511539,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972850
+                    -2.513760,53.972616
+                    -2.514164,53.972383
+                    -2.515272,53.971839
+                    -2.515880,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971157
+                    -2.513760,53.971171
+                    -2.512317,53.970575
+                    -2.512247,53.970537
+                    -2.512177,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.971157
+                    -2.509895,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532120,53.972383
+                    -2.532028,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973594
+                    -2.530858,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974824
+                    -2.532288,53.975101
+                    -2.532450,53.976002
+                    -2.532220,53.976908
+                    -2.532299,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978477
+                    -2.533920,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979321
+                    -2.535560,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.980150
+                    -2.537535,53.980527
+                    -2.537955,53.980780
+                    -2.538391,53.980527
+                    -2.539467,53.980293
+                    -2.540061,53.980527
+                    -2.540104,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.982272
+                    -2.541074,53.982334
+                    -2.541396,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983893
+                    -2.543291,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984571
+                    -2.545516,53.984857
+                    -2.547028,53.984904
+                    -2.547761,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985515
+                    -2.550052,53.985548
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+                    -2.552340,53.986859
+                    -2.552461,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985820
+                    -2.554589,53.985724
+                    -2.556101,53.985701
+                    -2.556696,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986506
+                    -2.558665,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985648
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+                    -2.563662,53.993592
+                    -2.562150,53.993492
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+                    -2.560342,53.994098
+                    -2.560555,53.993192
+                    -2.560579,53.992286
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+                    -2.554589,53.988123
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+                    -2.553077,53.989348
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+                    -2.553077,53.989768
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016733
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+                    -2.512247,54.017673
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+                    -2.515272,54.017754
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+                    -2.515272,54.017429
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+                    -2.512247,54.016452
+                    -2.510735,54.016700
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014020
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+                    -2.512247,54.013796
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+                    -2.513760,54.011827
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+                    -2.515272,54.010844
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+                    -2.515569,54.008574
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+                    -2.517363,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007316
+                    -2.516109,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006553
+                    -2.518296,54.006510
+                    -2.519492,54.006763
+                    -2.519199,54.007668
+                    -2.519808,54.007988
+                    -2.521321,54.008265
+                    -2.522317,54.007668
+                    -2.521321,54.006791
+                    -2.520991,54.006763
+                    -2.521321,54.006686
+                    -2.522049,54.005861
+                    -2.522833,54.005265
+                    -2.523300,54.004951
+                    -2.524236,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003878
+                    -2.525018,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002509
+                    -2.522833,54.002900
+                    -2.521720,54.002242
+                    -2.521321,54.001822
+                    -2.520399,54.001336
+                    -2.521027,54.000430
+                    -2.519808,54.000268
+                    -2.518296,54.000125
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+                    -2.515737,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998346
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+                    -2.514455,53.996811
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+                    -2.509305,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995104
+                    -2.508646,53.995004
+                    -2.507711,53.994861
+                    -2.506199,53.994803
+                    -2.505416,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993611
+                    -2.503833,53.993192
+                    -2.504364,53.992286
+                    -2.503945,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991151
+                    -2.505954,53.990479
+                    -2.505415,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.989048
+                    -2.507711,53.988962
+                    -2.508298,53.988667
+                    -2.509223,53.988032
+                    -2.510735,53.987842
+                    -2.510886,53.987765
+                    -2.510735,53.987684
+                    -2.509223,53.987546
+                    -2.507711,53.987699
+                    -2.507046,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986568
+                    -2.508847,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985348
+                    -2.506630,53.985052
+                    -2.507711,53.984203
+                    -2.507798,53.984141
+                    -2.508176,53.983240
+                    -2.508179,53.982334
+                    -2.508656,53.981433
+                    -2.509068,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979640
+                    -2.506199,53.980145
+                    -2.504686,53.980474
+                    -2.503174,53.979697
+                    -2.503053,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979545
+                    -2.504686,53.979173
+                    -2.505547,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978543
+                    -2.507711,53.978324
+                    -2.508714,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977509
+                    -2.510079,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976150
+                    -2.509074,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975859
+                    -2.510239,53.975101
+                    -2.510114,53.974195
+                    -2.510735,53.973789
+                    -2.511539,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972850
+                    -2.513760,53.972616
+                    -2.514164,53.972383
+                    -2.515272,53.971839
+                    -2.515880,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971157
+                    -2.513760,53.971171
+                    -2.512317,53.970575
+                    -2.512247,53.970537
+                    -2.512177,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.971157
+                    -2.509895,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532120,53.972383
+                    -2.532028,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973594
+                    -2.530858,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974824
+                    -2.532288,53.975101
+                    -2.532450,53.976002
+                    -2.532220,53.976908
+                    -2.532299,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978477
+                    -2.533920,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979321
+                    -2.535560,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.980150
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+                    -2.538391,53.980527
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+                    -2.540104,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.982272
+                    -2.541074,53.982334
+                    -2.541396,53.983240
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+                    -2.533418,54.025111
+                    -2.531906,54.025154
+                    -2.530394,54.024930
+                    -2.528882,54.024920
+                    -2.527369,54.024892
+                    -2.527293,54.024858
+                    -2.525857,54.024439
+                    -2.524990,54.023952
+                    -2.524345,54.023585
+                    -2.523211,54.023051
+                    -2.522833,54.022841
+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520682,54.022145
+                    -2.519808,54.021478
+                    -2.518296,54.021564
+                    -2.517477,54.021239
+                    -2.516784,54.020610
+                    -2.515893,54.020333
+                    -2.515272,54.020162
+                    -2.513760,54.020019
+                    -2.512247,54.019828
+                    -2.511544,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.019008
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016733
+                    -2.512166,54.017620
+                    -2.512247,54.017673
+                    -2.513760,54.017782
+                    -2.515272,54.017754
+                    -2.515522,54.017620
+                    -2.515272,54.017429
+                    -2.514633,54.016719
+                    -2.513760,54.016223
+                    -2.512247,54.016452
+                    -2.510735,54.016700
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014020
+                    -2.510962,54.014001
+                    -2.512247,54.013796
+                    -2.512670,54.013095
+                    -2.513449,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011827
+                    -2.514756,54.012194
+                    -2.515272,54.012504
+                    -2.515788,54.012194
+                    -2.515867,54.011288
+                    -2.515272,54.010844
+                    -2.514832,54.010386
+                    -2.514307,54.009476
+                    -2.515272,54.008737
+                    -2.515569,54.008574
+                    -2.516784,54.008017
+                    -2.517363,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007316
+                    -2.516109,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006553
+                    -2.518296,54.006510
+                    -2.519492,54.006763
+                    -2.519199,54.007668
+                    -2.519808,54.007988
+                    -2.521321,54.008265
+                    -2.522317,54.007668
+                    -2.521321,54.006791
+                    -2.520991,54.006763
+                    -2.521321,54.006686
+                    -2.522049,54.005861
+                    -2.522833,54.005265
+                    -2.523300,54.004951
+                    -2.524236,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003878
+                    -2.525018,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002509
+                    -2.522833,54.002900
+                    -2.521720,54.002242
+                    -2.521321,54.001822
+                    -2.520399,54.001336
+                    -2.521027,54.000430
+                    -2.519808,54.000268
+                    -2.518296,54.000125
+                    -2.517132,53.999524
+                    -2.516784,53.999305
+                    -2.515737,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998346
+                    -2.514259,53.997717
+                    -2.514455,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996401
+                    -2.512247,53.996654
+                    -2.512128,53.995910
+                    -2.511941,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994403
+                    -2.509305,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995104
+                    -2.508646,53.995004
+                    -2.507711,53.994861
+                    -2.506199,53.994803
+                    -2.505416,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993611
+                    -2.503833,53.993192
+                    -2.504364,53.992286
+                    -2.503945,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991151
+                    -2.505954,53.990479
+                    -2.505415,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.989048
+                    -2.507711,53.988962
+                    -2.508298,53.988667
+                    -2.509223,53.988032
+                    -2.510735,53.987842
+                    -2.510886,53.987765
+                    -2.510735,53.987684
+                    -2.509223,53.987546
+                    -2.507711,53.987699
+                    -2.507046,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986568
+                    -2.508847,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985348
+                    -2.506630,53.985052
+                    -2.507711,53.984203
+                    -2.507798,53.984141
+                    -2.508176,53.983240
+                    -2.508179,53.982334
+                    -2.508656,53.981433
+                    -2.509068,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979640
+                    -2.506199,53.980145
+                    -2.504686,53.980474
+                    -2.503174,53.979697
+                    -2.503053,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979545
+                    -2.504686,53.979173
+                    -2.505547,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978543
+                    -2.507711,53.978324
+                    -2.508714,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977509
+                    -2.510079,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976150
+                    -2.509074,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975859
+                    -2.510239,53.975101
+                    -2.510114,53.974195
+                    -2.510735,53.973789
+                    -2.511539,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972850
+                    -2.513760,53.972616
+                    -2.514164,53.972383
+                    -2.515272,53.971839
+                    -2.515880,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971157
+                    -2.513760,53.971171
+                    -2.512317,53.970575
+                    -2.512247,53.970537
+                    -2.512177,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.971157
+                    -2.509895,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532120,53.972383
+                    -2.532028,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973594
+                    -2.530858,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974824
+                    -2.532288,53.975101
+                    -2.532450,53.976002
+                    -2.532220,53.976908
+                    -2.532299,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978477
+                    -2.533920,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979321
+                    -2.535560,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.980150
+                    -2.537535,53.980527
+                    -2.537955,53.980780
+                    -2.538391,53.980527
+                    -2.539467,53.980293
+                    -2.540061,53.980527
+                    -2.540104,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.982272
+                    -2.541074,53.982334
+                    -2.541396,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983893
+                    -2.543291,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984571
+                    -2.545516,53.984857
+                    -2.547028,53.984904
+                    -2.547761,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985515
+                    -2.550052,53.985548
+                    -2.550668,53.985953
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+                    -2.551564,53.987327
+                    -2.552340,53.986859
+                    -2.552461,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985820
+                    -2.554589,53.985724
+                    -2.556101,53.985701
+                    -2.556696,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986506
+                    -2.558665,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985648
+                    -2.559381,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986650
+                    -2.562150,53.986540
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+                    -2.563593,53.989577
+                    -2.563662,53.989716
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+                    -2.563662,53.993592
+                    -2.562150,53.993492
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+                    -2.560638,53.994269
+                    -2.560342,53.994098
+                    -2.560555,53.993192
+                    -2.560579,53.992286
+                    -2.560069,53.991385
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+                    -2.559125,53.989992
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+                    -2.555504,53.988667
+                    -2.554589,53.988123
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+                    -2.552111,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989348
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+                    -2.553077,53.989768
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+                    -2.531906,54.025154
+                    -2.530394,54.024930
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+                    -2.527293,54.024858
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+                    -2.524345,54.023585
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016733
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+                    -2.512247,54.017673
+                    -2.513760,54.017782
+                    -2.515272,54.017754
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+                    -2.515272,54.017429
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+                    -2.512247,54.016452
+                    -2.510735,54.016700
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014020
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+                    -2.512247,54.013796
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+                    -2.513760,54.011827
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+                    -2.515272,54.012504
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+                    -2.515867,54.011288
+                    -2.515272,54.010844
+                    -2.514832,54.010386
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+                    -2.515272,54.008737
+                    -2.515569,54.008574
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+                    -2.517363,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007316
+                    -2.516109,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006553
+                    -2.518296,54.006510
+                    -2.519492,54.006763
+                    -2.519199,54.007668
+                    -2.519808,54.007988
+                    -2.521321,54.008265
+                    -2.522317,54.007668
+                    -2.521321,54.006791
+                    -2.520991,54.006763
+                    -2.521321,54.006686
+                    -2.522049,54.005861
+                    -2.522833,54.005265
+                    -2.523300,54.004951
+                    -2.524236,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003878
+                    -2.525018,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002509
+                    -2.522833,54.002900
+                    -2.521720,54.002242
+                    -2.521321,54.001822
+                    -2.520399,54.001336
+                    -2.521027,54.000430
+                    -2.519808,54.000268
+                    -2.518296,54.000125
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+                    -2.516784,53.999305
+                    -2.515737,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998346
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+                    -2.514455,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996401
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+                    -2.509305,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995104
+                    -2.508646,53.995004
+                    -2.507711,53.994861
+                    -2.506199,53.994803
+                    -2.505416,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993611
+                    -2.503833,53.993192
+                    -2.504364,53.992286
+                    -2.503945,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991151
+                    -2.505954,53.990479
+                    -2.505415,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.989048
+                    -2.507711,53.988962
+                    -2.508298,53.988667
+                    -2.509223,53.988032
+                    -2.510735,53.987842
+                    -2.510886,53.987765
+                    -2.510735,53.987684
+                    -2.509223,53.987546
+                    -2.507711,53.987699
+                    -2.507046,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986568
+                    -2.508847,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985348
+                    -2.506630,53.985052
+                    -2.507711,53.984203
+                    -2.507798,53.984141
+                    -2.508176,53.983240
+                    -2.508179,53.982334
+                    -2.508656,53.981433
+                    -2.509068,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979640
+                    -2.506199,53.980145
+                    -2.504686,53.980474
+                    -2.503174,53.979697
+                    -2.503053,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979545
+                    -2.504686,53.979173
+                    -2.505547,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978543
+                    -2.507711,53.978324
+                    -2.508714,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977509
+                    -2.510079,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976150
+                    -2.509074,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975859
+                    -2.510239,53.975101
+                    -2.510114,53.974195
+                    -2.510735,53.973789
+                    -2.511539,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972850
+                    -2.513760,53.972616
+                    -2.514164,53.972383
+                    -2.515272,53.971839
+                    -2.515880,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971157
+                    -2.513760,53.971171
+                    -2.512317,53.970575
+                    -2.512247,53.970537
+                    -2.512177,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.971157
+                    -2.509895,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
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+                    -2.531906,54.012446
+                    -2.530760,54.012194
+                    -2.530394,54.012151
+                    -2.530318,54.012194
+                    -2.529480,54.013095
+                    -2.528923,54.014001
+                    -2.529591,54.014907
+                    -2.530394,54.015288
+                    -2.531906,54.015493
+                    -2.533418,54.015627
+                    -2.534219,54.015813
+                    -2.533501,54.016719
+                    -2.533418,54.016895
+                    -2.532698,54.017620
+                    -2.532962,54.018526
+                    -2.531906,54.018779
+                    -2.530758,54.019427
+                    -2.530394,54.019794
+                    -2.529648,54.020333
+                    -2.530394,54.020782
+                    -2.531906,54.020934
+                    -2.532345,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.022083
+                    -2.533478,54.022145
+                    -2.534184,54.023051
+                    -2.534874,54.023952
+                    -2.534930,54.023986
+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025111
+                    -2.531906,54.025154
+                    -2.530394,54.024930
+                    -2.528882,54.024920
+                    -2.527369,54.024892
+                    -2.527293,54.024858
+                    -2.525857,54.024439
+                    -2.524990,54.023952
+                    -2.524345,54.023585
+                    -2.523211,54.023051
+                    -2.522833,54.022841
+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520682,54.022145
+                    -2.519808,54.021478
+                    -2.518296,54.021564
+                    -2.517477,54.021239
+                    -2.516784,54.020610
+                    -2.515893,54.020333
+                    -2.515272,54.020162
+                    -2.513760,54.020019
+                    -2.512247,54.019828
+                    -2.511544,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.019008
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016733
+                    -2.512166,54.017620
+                    -2.512247,54.017673
+                    -2.513760,54.017782
+                    -2.515272,54.017754
+                    -2.515522,54.017620
+                    -2.515272,54.017429
+                    -2.514633,54.016719
+                    -2.513760,54.016223
+                    -2.512247,54.016452
+                    -2.510735,54.016700
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014020
+                    -2.510962,54.014001
+                    -2.512247,54.013796
+                    -2.512670,54.013095
+                    -2.513449,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011827
+                    -2.514756,54.012194
+                    -2.515272,54.012504
+                    -2.515788,54.012194
+                    -2.515867,54.011288
+                    -2.515272,54.010844
+                    -2.514832,54.010386
+                    -2.514307,54.009476
+                    -2.515272,54.008737
+                    -2.515569,54.008574
+                    -2.516784,54.008017
+                    -2.517363,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007316
+                    -2.516109,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006553
+                    -2.518296,54.006510
+                    -2.519492,54.006763
+                    -2.519199,54.007668
+                    -2.519808,54.007988
+                    -2.521321,54.008265
+                    -2.522317,54.007668
+                    -2.521321,54.006791
+                    -2.520991,54.006763
+                    -2.521321,54.006686
+                    -2.522049,54.005861
+                    -2.522833,54.005265
+                    -2.523300,54.004951
+                    -2.524236,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003878
+                    -2.525018,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002509
+                    -2.522833,54.002900
+                    -2.521720,54.002242
+                    -2.521321,54.001822
+                    -2.520399,54.001336
+                    -2.521027,54.000430
+                    -2.519808,54.000268
+                    -2.518296,54.000125
+                    -2.517132,53.999524
+                    -2.516784,53.999305
+                    -2.515737,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998346
+                    -2.514259,53.997717
+                    -2.514455,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996401
+                    -2.512247,53.996654
+                    -2.512128,53.995910
+                    -2.511941,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994403
+                    -2.509305,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995104
+                    -2.508646,53.995004
+                    -2.507711,53.994861
+                    -2.506199,53.994803
+                    -2.505416,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993611
+                    -2.503833,53.993192
+                    -2.504364,53.992286
+                    -2.503945,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991151
+                    -2.505954,53.990479
+                    -2.505415,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.989048
+                    -2.507711,53.988962
+                    -2.508298,53.988667
+                    -2.509223,53.988032
+                    -2.510735,53.987842
+                    -2.510886,53.987765
+                    -2.510735,53.987684
+                    -2.509223,53.987546
+                    -2.507711,53.987699
+                    -2.507046,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986568
+                    -2.508847,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985348
+                    -2.506630,53.985052
+                    -2.507711,53.984203
+                    -2.507798,53.984141
+                    -2.508176,53.983240
+                    -2.508179,53.982334
+                    -2.508656,53.981433
+                    -2.509068,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979640
+                    -2.506199,53.980145
+                    -2.504686,53.980474
+                    -2.503174,53.979697
+                    -2.503053,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979545
+                    -2.504686,53.979173
+                    -2.505547,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978543
+                    -2.507711,53.978324
+                    -2.508714,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977509
+                    -2.510079,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976150
+                    -2.509074,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975859
+                    -2.510239,53.975101
+                    -2.510114,53.974195
+                    -2.510735,53.973789
+                    -2.511539,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972850
+                    -2.513760,53.972616
+                    -2.514164,53.972383
+                    -2.515272,53.971839
+                    -2.515880,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971157
+                    -2.513760,53.971171
+                    -2.512317,53.970575
+                    -2.512247,53.970537
+                    -2.512177,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.971157
+                    -2.509895,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532120,53.972383
+                    -2.532028,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973594
+                    -2.530858,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974824
+                    -2.532288,53.975101
+                    -2.532450,53.976002
+                    -2.532220,53.976908
+                    -2.532299,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978477
+                    -2.533920,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979321
+                    -2.535560,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.980150
+                    -2.537535,53.980527
+                    -2.537955,53.980780
+                    -2.538391,53.980527
+                    -2.539467,53.980293
+                    -2.540061,53.980527
+                    -2.540104,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.982272
+                    -2.541074,53.982334
+                    -2.541396,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983893
+                    -2.543291,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984571
+                    -2.545516,53.984857
+                    -2.547028,53.984904
+                    -2.547761,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985515
+                    -2.550052,53.985548
+                    -2.550668,53.985953
+                    -2.550789,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987327
+                    -2.552340,53.986859
+                    -2.552461,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985820
+                    -2.554589,53.985724
+                    -2.556101,53.985701
+                    -2.556696,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986506
+                    -2.558665,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985648
+                    -2.559381,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986650
+                    -2.562150,53.986540
+                    -2.562557,53.986859
+                    -2.563226,53.987765
+                    -2.563652,53.988667
+                    -2.563593,53.989577
+                    -2.563662,53.989716
+                    -2.563896,53.990479
+                    -2.565174,53.991070
+                    -2.565419,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991675
+                    -2.564244,53.992286
+                    -2.563873,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.993592
+                    -2.562150,53.993492
+                    -2.561225,53.994098
+                    -2.560638,53.994269
+                    -2.560342,53.994098
+                    -2.560555,53.993192
+                    -2.560579,53.992286
+                    -2.560069,53.991385
+                    -2.559941,53.990479
+                    -2.559125,53.989992
+                    -2.557613,53.989878
+                    -2.557270,53.989577
+                    -2.556101,53.988948
+                    -2.555504,53.988667
+                    -2.554589,53.988123
+                    -2.553077,53.988090
+                    -2.552111,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989348
+                    -2.553780,53.989577
+                    -2.553077,53.989768
+                    -2.551603,53.990479
+                    -2.552092,53.991385
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+                    -2.550052,53.991561
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+                    -2.531906,54.025154
+                    -2.530394,54.024930
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+                    -2.527293,54.024858
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+                    -2.524345,54.023585
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016733
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+                    -2.512247,54.017673
+                    -2.513760,54.017782
+                    -2.515272,54.017754
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+                    -2.515272,54.017429
+                    -2.514633,54.016719
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+                    -2.510735,54.016700
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014020
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+                    -2.512247,54.013796
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+                    -2.513760,54.011827
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+                    -2.515272,54.012504
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+                    -2.515867,54.011288
+                    -2.515272,54.010844
+                    -2.514832,54.010386
+                    -2.514307,54.009476
+                    -2.515272,54.008737
+                    -2.515569,54.008574
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+                    -2.517363,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007316
+                    -2.516109,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006553
+                    -2.518296,54.006510
+                    -2.519492,54.006763
+                    -2.519199,54.007668
+                    -2.519808,54.007988
+                    -2.521321,54.008265
+                    -2.522317,54.007668
+                    -2.521321,54.006791
+                    -2.520991,54.006763
+                    -2.521321,54.006686
+                    -2.522049,54.005861
+                    -2.522833,54.005265
+                    -2.523300,54.004951
+                    -2.524236,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003878
+                    -2.525018,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002509
+                    -2.522833,54.002900
+                    -2.521720,54.002242
+                    -2.521321,54.001822
+                    -2.520399,54.001336
+                    -2.521027,54.000430
+                    -2.519808,54.000268
+                    -2.518296,54.000125
+                    -2.517132,53.999524
+                    -2.516784,53.999305
+                    -2.515737,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998346
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+                    -2.514455,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996401
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+                    -2.509305,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995104
+                    -2.508646,53.995004
+                    -2.507711,53.994861
+                    -2.506199,53.994803
+                    -2.505416,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993611
+                    -2.503833,53.993192
+                    -2.504364,53.992286
+                    -2.503945,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991151
+                    -2.505954,53.990479
+                    -2.505415,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.989048
+                    -2.507711,53.988962
+                    -2.508298,53.988667
+                    -2.509223,53.988032
+                    -2.510735,53.987842
+                    -2.510886,53.987765
+                    -2.510735,53.987684
+                    -2.509223,53.987546
+                    -2.507711,53.987699
+                    -2.507046,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986568
+                    -2.508847,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985348
+                    -2.506630,53.985052
+                    -2.507711,53.984203
+                    -2.507798,53.984141
+                    -2.508176,53.983240
+                    -2.508179,53.982334
+                    -2.508656,53.981433
+                    -2.509068,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979640
+                    -2.506199,53.980145
+                    -2.504686,53.980474
+                    -2.503174,53.979697
+                    -2.503053,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979545
+                    -2.504686,53.979173
+                    -2.505547,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978543
+                    -2.507711,53.978324
+                    -2.508714,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977509
+                    -2.510079,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976150
+                    -2.509074,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975859
+                    -2.510239,53.975101
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+                    -2.513760,53.972616
+                    -2.514164,53.972383
+                    -2.515272,53.971839
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+                    -2.515272,53.971157
+                    -2.513760,53.971171
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+                    -2.512247,53.970537
+                    -2.512177,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.971157
+                    -2.509895,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532120,53.972383
+                    -2.532028,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973594
+                    -2.530858,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974824
+                    -2.532288,53.975101
+                    -2.532450,53.976002
+                    -2.532220,53.976908
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+                    -2.533418,53.978477
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+                    -2.538391,53.980527
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+                    -2.540061,53.980527
+                    -2.540104,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.982272
+                    -2.541074,53.982334
+                    -2.541396,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983893
+                    -2.543291,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984571
+                    -2.545516,53.984857
+                    -2.547028,53.984904
+                    -2.547761,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985515
+                    -2.550052,53.985548
+                    -2.550668,53.985953
+                    -2.550789,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987327
+                    -2.552340,53.986859
+                    -2.552461,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985820
+                    -2.554589,53.985724
+                    -2.556101,53.985701
+                    -2.556696,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986506
+                    -2.558665,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985648
+                    -2.559381,53.985953
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+                    -2.562150,53.986540
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+                    -2.563662,53.993592
+                    -2.562150,53.993492
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+                    -2.559125,53.989992
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+                    -2.557270,53.989577
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+                    -2.555504,53.988667
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+                    -2.552111,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989348
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+                    -2.553077,53.989768
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016733
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+                    -2.512247,54.017673
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+                    -2.515272,54.017429
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+                    -2.513760,54.016223
+                    -2.512247,54.016452
+                    -2.510735,54.016700
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014020
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+                    -2.513760,54.011827
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+                    -2.516784,54.007316
+                    -2.516109,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006553
+                    -2.518296,54.006510
+                    -2.519492,54.006763
+                    -2.519199,54.007668
+                    -2.519808,54.007988
+                    -2.521321,54.008265
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+                    -2.521321,54.006791
+                    -2.520991,54.006763
+                    -2.521321,54.006686
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+                    -2.522833,54.005265
+                    -2.523300,54.004951
+                    -2.524236,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003878
+                    -2.525018,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002509
+                    -2.522833,54.002900
+                    -2.521720,54.002242
+                    -2.521321,54.001822
+                    -2.520399,54.001336
+                    -2.521027,54.000430
+                    -2.519808,54.000268
+                    -2.518296,54.000125
+                    -2.517132,53.999524
+                    -2.516784,53.999305
+                    -2.515737,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998346
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+                    -2.508646,53.995004
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+                    -2.506199,53.994803
+                    -2.505416,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993611
+                    -2.503833,53.993192
+                    -2.504364,53.992286
+                    -2.503945,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991151
+                    -2.505954,53.990479
+                    -2.505415,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.989048
+                    -2.507711,53.988962
+                    -2.508298,53.988667
+                    -2.509223,53.988032
+                    -2.510735,53.987842
+                    -2.510886,53.987765
+                    -2.510735,53.987684
+                    -2.509223,53.987546
+                    -2.507711,53.987699
+                    -2.507046,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986568
+                    -2.508847,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985348
+                    -2.506630,53.985052
+                    -2.507711,53.984203
+                    -2.507798,53.984141
+                    -2.508176,53.983240
+                    -2.508179,53.982334
+                    -2.508656,53.981433
+                    -2.509068,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979640
+                    -2.506199,53.980145
+                    -2.504686,53.980474
+                    -2.503174,53.979697
+                    -2.503053,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979545
+                    -2.504686,53.979173
+                    -2.505547,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978543
+                    -2.507711,53.978324
+                    -2.508714,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977509
+                    -2.510079,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976150
+                    -2.509074,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975859
+                    -2.510239,53.975101
+                    -2.510114,53.974195
+                    -2.510735,53.973789
+                    -2.511539,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972850
+                    -2.513760,53.972616
+                    -2.514164,53.972383
+                    -2.515272,53.971839
+                    -2.515880,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971157
+                    -2.513760,53.971171
+                    -2.512317,53.970575
+                    -2.512247,53.970537
+                    -2.512177,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.971157
+                    -2.509895,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532120,53.972383
+                    -2.532028,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973594
+                    -2.530858,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974824
+                    -2.532288,53.975101
+                    -2.532450,53.976002
+                    -2.532220,53.976908
+                    -2.532299,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978477
+                    -2.533920,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979321
+                    -2.535560,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.980150
+                    -2.537535,53.980527
+                    -2.537955,53.980780
+                    -2.538391,53.980527
+                    -2.539467,53.980293
+                    -2.540061,53.980527
+                    -2.540104,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.982272
+                    -2.541074,53.982334
+                    -2.541396,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983893
+                    -2.543291,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984571
+                    -2.545516,53.984857
+                    -2.547028,53.984904
+                    -2.547761,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985515
+                    -2.550052,53.985548
+                    -2.550668,53.985953
+                    -2.550789,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987327
+                    -2.552340,53.986859
+                    -2.552461,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985820
+                    -2.554589,53.985724
+                    -2.556101,53.985701
+                    -2.556696,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986506
+                    -2.558665,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985648
+                    -2.559381,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986650
+                    -2.562150,53.986540
+                    -2.562557,53.986859
+                    -2.563226,53.987765
+                    -2.563652,53.988667
+                    -2.563593,53.989577
+                    -2.563662,53.989716
+                    -2.563896,53.990479
+                    -2.565174,53.991070
+                    -2.565419,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991675
+                    -2.564244,53.992286
+                    -2.563873,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.993592
+                    -2.562150,53.993492
+                    -2.561225,53.994098
+                    -2.560638,53.994269
+                    -2.560342,53.994098
+                    -2.560555,53.993192
+                    -2.560579,53.992286
+                    -2.560069,53.991385
+                    -2.559941,53.990479
+                    -2.559125,53.989992
+                    -2.557613,53.989878
+                    -2.557270,53.989577
+                    -2.556101,53.988948
+                    -2.555504,53.988667
+                    -2.554589,53.988123
+                    -2.553077,53.988090
+                    -2.552111,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989348
+                    -2.553780,53.989577
+                    -2.553077,53.989768
+                    -2.551603,53.990479
+                    -2.552092,53.991385
+                    -2.551564,53.991408
+                    -2.550052,53.991561
+                    -2.549431,53.991385
+                    -2.549721,53.990479
+                    -2.548540,53.990216
+                    -2.547655,53.990479
+                    -2.547028,53.990607
+                    -2.545516,53.991127
+                    -2.544003,53.991041
+                    -2.542491,53.990765
+                    -2.541804,53.991385
+                    -2.541728,53.992286
+                    -2.540979,53.992438
+                    -2.540032,53.992286
+                    -2.539467,53.991404
+                    -2.539448,53.991385
+                    -2.537955,53.991122
+                    -2.537551,53.991385
+                    -2.537955,53.991995
+                    -2.538621,53.992286
+                    -2.537955,53.992844
+                    -2.536443,53.992982
+                    -2.536077,53.993192
+                    -2.536115,53.994098
+                    -2.536443,53.994784
+                    -2.536925,53.995004
+                    -2.536443,53.995242
+                    -2.536140,53.995910
+                    -2.535879,53.996811
+                    -2.534930,53.997455
+                    -2.533532,53.997717
+                    -2.534930,53.998008
+                    -2.535604,53.998618
+                    -2.536443,53.999133
+                    -2.537185,53.999524
+                    -2.537236,54.000430
+                    -2.536443,54.000659
+                    -2.535281,54.001336
+                    -2.535004,54.002242
+                    -2.534930,54.002280
+                    -2.534775,54.002242
+                    -2.533418,54.002028
+                    -2.533036,54.002242
+                    -2.532935,54.003143
+                    -2.533418,54.004021
+                    -2.533576,54.004049
+                    -2.534930,54.004126
+                    -2.536443,54.004374
+                    -2.537955,54.004331
+                    -2.538513,54.004049
+                    -2.539013,54.003143
+                    -2.539467,54.002995
+                    -2.539936,54.003143
+                    -2.540011,54.004049
+                    -2.539467,54.004378
+                    -2.538604,54.004951
+                    -2.539467,54.005651
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+                    -2.508847,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985348
+                    -2.506630,53.985052
+                    -2.507711,53.984203
+                    -2.507798,53.984141
+                    -2.508176,53.983240
+                    -2.508179,53.982334
+                    -2.508656,53.981433
+                    -2.509068,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979640
+                    -2.506199,53.980145
+                    -2.504686,53.980474
+                    -2.503174,53.979697
+                    -2.503053,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979545
+                    -2.504686,53.979173
+                    -2.505547,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978543
+                    -2.507711,53.978324
+                    -2.508714,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977509
+                    -2.510079,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976150
+                    -2.509074,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975859
+                    -2.510239,53.975101
+                    -2.510114,53.974195
+                    -2.510735,53.973789
+                    -2.511539,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972850
+                    -2.513760,53.972616
+                    -2.514164,53.972383
+                    -2.515272,53.971839
+                    -2.515880,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971157
+                    -2.513760,53.971171
+                    -2.512317,53.970575
+                    -2.512247,53.970537
+                    -2.512177,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.971157
+                    -2.509895,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532120,53.972383
+                    -2.532028,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973594
+                    -2.530858,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974824
+                    -2.532288,53.975101
+                    -2.532450,53.976002
+                    -2.532220,53.976908
+                    -2.532299,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978477
+                    -2.533920,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979321
+                    -2.535560,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.980150
+                    -2.537535,53.980527
+                    -2.537955,53.980780
+                    -2.538391,53.980527
+                    -2.539467,53.980293
+                    -2.540061,53.980527
+                    -2.540104,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.982272
+                    -2.541074,53.982334
+                    -2.541396,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983893
+                    -2.543291,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984571
+                    -2.545516,53.984857
+                    -2.547028,53.984904
+                    -2.547761,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985515
+                    -2.550052,53.985548
+                    -2.550668,53.985953
+                    -2.550789,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987327
+                    -2.552340,53.986859
+                    -2.552461,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985820
+                    -2.554589,53.985724
+                    -2.556101,53.985701
+                    -2.556696,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986506
+                    -2.558665,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985648
+                    -2.559381,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986650
+                    -2.562150,53.986540
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+                    -2.563593,53.989577
+                    -2.563662,53.989716
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+                    -2.563662,53.993592
+                    -2.562150,53.993492
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+                    -2.560342,53.994098
+                    -2.560555,53.993192
+                    -2.560579,53.992286
+                    -2.560069,53.991385
+                    -2.559941,53.990479
+                    -2.559125,53.989992
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+                    -2.557270,53.989577
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+                    -2.555504,53.988667
+                    -2.554589,53.988123
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+                    -2.552111,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989348
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+                    -2.553077,53.989768
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+                    -2.550052,53.991561
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016733
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+                    -2.512247,54.017673
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+                    -2.515272,54.017754
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+                    -2.515272,54.017429
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+                    -2.513760,54.016223
+                    -2.512247,54.016452
+                    -2.510735,54.016700
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014020
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+                    -2.512247,54.013796
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+                    -2.513760,54.011827
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+                    -2.515569,54.008574
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+                    -2.516784,54.007316
+                    -2.516109,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006553
+                    -2.518296,54.006510
+                    -2.519492,54.006763
+                    -2.519199,54.007668
+                    -2.519808,54.007988
+                    -2.521321,54.008265
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+                    -2.521321,54.006791
+                    -2.520991,54.006763
+                    -2.521321,54.006686
+                    -2.522049,54.005861
+                    -2.522833,54.005265
+                    -2.523300,54.004951
+                    -2.524236,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003878
+                    -2.525018,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002509
+                    -2.522833,54.002900
+                    -2.521720,54.002242
+                    -2.521321,54.001822
+                    -2.520399,54.001336
+                    -2.521027,54.000430
+                    -2.519808,54.000268
+                    -2.518296,54.000125
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+                    -2.515737,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998346
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+                    -2.514455,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996401
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+                    -2.510735,53.994403
+                    -2.509305,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995104
+                    -2.508646,53.995004
+                    -2.507711,53.994861
+                    -2.506199,53.994803
+                    -2.505416,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993611
+                    -2.503833,53.993192
+                    -2.504364,53.992286
+                    -2.503945,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991151
+                    -2.505954,53.990479
+                    -2.505415,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.989048
+                    -2.507711,53.988962
+                    -2.508298,53.988667
+                    -2.509223,53.988032
+                    -2.510735,53.987842
+                    -2.510886,53.987765
+                    -2.510735,53.987684
+                    -2.509223,53.987546
+                    -2.507711,53.987699
+                    -2.507046,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986568
+                    -2.508847,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985348
+                    -2.506630,53.985052
+                    -2.507711,53.984203
+                    -2.507798,53.984141
+                    -2.508176,53.983240
+                    -2.508179,53.982334
+                    -2.508656,53.981433
+                    -2.509068,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979640
+                    -2.506199,53.980145
+                    -2.504686,53.980474
+                    -2.503174,53.979697
+                    -2.503053,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979545
+                    -2.504686,53.979173
+                    -2.505547,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978543
+                    -2.507711,53.978324
+                    -2.508714,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977509
+                    -2.510079,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976150
+                    -2.509074,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975859
+                    -2.510239,53.975101
+                    -2.510114,53.974195
+                    -2.510735,53.973789
+                    -2.511539,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972850
+                    -2.513760,53.972616
+                    -2.514164,53.972383
+                    -2.515272,53.971839
+                    -2.515880,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971157
+                    -2.513760,53.971171
+                    -2.512317,53.970575
+                    -2.512247,53.970537
+                    -2.512177,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.971157
+                    -2.509895,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532120,53.972383
+                    -2.532028,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973594
+                    -2.530858,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974824
+                    -2.532288,53.975101
+                    -2.532450,53.976002
+                    -2.532220,53.976908
+                    -2.532299,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978477
+                    -2.533920,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979321
+                    -2.535560,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.980150
+                    -2.537535,53.980527
+                    -2.537955,53.980780
+                    -2.538391,53.980527
+                    -2.539467,53.980293
+                    -2.540061,53.980527
+                    -2.540104,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.982272
+                    -2.541074,53.982334
+                    -2.541396,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983893
+                    -2.543291,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984571
+                    -2.545516,53.984857
+                    -2.547028,53.984904
+                    -2.547761,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985515
+                    -2.550052,53.985548
+                    -2.550668,53.985953
+                    -2.550789,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987327
+                    -2.552340,53.986859
+                    -2.552461,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985820
+                    -2.554589,53.985724
+                    -2.556101,53.985701
+                    -2.556696,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986506
+                    -2.558665,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985648
+                    -2.559381,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986650
+                    -2.562150,53.986540
+                    -2.562557,53.986859
+                    -2.563226,53.987765
+                    -2.563652,53.988667
+                    -2.563593,53.989577
+                    -2.563662,53.989716
+                    -2.563896,53.990479
+                    -2.565174,53.991070
+                    -2.565419,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991675
+                    -2.564244,53.992286
+                    -2.563873,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.993592
+                    -2.562150,53.993492
+                    -2.561225,53.994098
+                    -2.560638,53.994269
+                    -2.560342,53.994098
+                    -2.560555,53.993192
+                    -2.560579,53.992286
+                    -2.560069,53.991385
+                    -2.559941,53.990479
+                    -2.559125,53.989992
+                    -2.557613,53.989878
+                    -2.557270,53.989577
+                    -2.556101,53.988948
+                    -2.555504,53.988667
+                    -2.554589,53.988123
+                    -2.553077,53.988090
+                    -2.552111,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989348
+                    -2.553780,53.989577
+                    -2.553077,53.989768
+                    -2.551603,53.990479
+                    -2.552092,53.991385
+                    -2.551564,53.991408
+                    -2.550052,53.991561
+                    -2.549431,53.991385
+                    -2.549721,53.990479
+                    -2.548540,53.990216
+                    -2.547655,53.990479
+                    -2.547028,53.990607
+                    -2.545516,53.991127
+                    -2.544003,53.991041
+                    -2.542491,53.990765
+                    -2.541804,53.991385
+                    -2.541728,53.992286
+                    -2.540979,53.992438
+                    -2.540032,53.992286
+                    -2.539467,53.991404
+                    -2.539448,53.991385
+                    -2.537955,53.991122
+                    -2.537551,53.991385
+                    -2.537955,53.991995
+                    -2.538621,53.992286
+                    -2.537955,53.992844
+                    -2.536443,53.992982
+                    -2.536077,53.993192
+                    -2.536115,53.994098
+                    -2.536443,53.994784
+                    -2.536925,53.995004
+                    -2.536443,53.995242
+                    -2.536140,53.995910
+                    -2.535879,53.996811
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+                    -2.512128,53.995910
+                    -2.511941,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994403
+                    -2.509305,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995104
+                    -2.508646,53.995004
+                    -2.507711,53.994861
+                    -2.506199,53.994803
+                    -2.505416,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993611
+                    -2.503833,53.993192
+                    -2.504364,53.992286
+                    -2.503945,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991151
+                    -2.505954,53.990479
+                    -2.505415,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.989048
+                    -2.507711,53.988962
+                    -2.508298,53.988667
+                    -2.509223,53.988032
+                    -2.510735,53.987842
+                    -2.510886,53.987765
+                    -2.510735,53.987684
+                    -2.509223,53.987546
+                    -2.507711,53.987699
+                    -2.507046,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986568
+                    -2.508847,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985348
+                    -2.506630,53.985052
+                    -2.507711,53.984203
+                    -2.507798,53.984141
+                    -2.508176,53.983240
+                    -2.508179,53.982334
+                    -2.508656,53.981433
+                    -2.509068,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979640
+                    -2.506199,53.980145
+                    -2.504686,53.980474
+                    -2.503174,53.979697
+                    -2.503053,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979545
+                    -2.504686,53.979173
+                    -2.505547,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978543
+                    -2.507711,53.978324
+                    -2.508714,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977509
+                    -2.510079,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976150
+                    -2.509074,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975859
+                    -2.510239,53.975101
+                    -2.510114,53.974195
+                    -2.510735,53.973789
+                    -2.511539,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972850
+                    -2.513760,53.972616
+                    -2.514164,53.972383
+                    -2.515272,53.971839
+                    -2.515880,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971157
+                    -2.513760,53.971171
+                    -2.512317,53.970575
+                    -2.512247,53.970537
+                    -2.512177,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.971157
+                    -2.509895,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532120,53.972383
+                    -2.532028,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973594
+                    -2.530858,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974824
+                    -2.532288,53.975101
+                    -2.532450,53.976002
+                    -2.532220,53.976908
+                    -2.532299,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978477
+                    -2.533920,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979321
+                    -2.535560,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.980150
+                    -2.537535,53.980527
+                    -2.537955,53.980780
+                    -2.538391,53.980527
+                    -2.539467,53.980293
+                    -2.540061,53.980527
+                    -2.540104,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.982272
+                    -2.541074,53.982334
+                    -2.541396,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983893
+                    -2.543291,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984571
+                    -2.545516,53.984857
+                    -2.547028,53.984904
+                    -2.547761,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985515
+                    -2.550052,53.985548
+                    -2.550668,53.985953
+                    -2.550789,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987327
+                    -2.552340,53.986859
+                    -2.552461,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985820
+                    -2.554589,53.985724
+                    -2.556101,53.985701
+                    -2.556696,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986506
+                    -2.558665,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985648
+                    -2.559381,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986650
+                    -2.562150,53.986540
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+                    -2.563226,53.987765
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+                    -2.563593,53.989577
+                    -2.563662,53.989716
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+                    -2.565174,53.991675
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+                    -2.563662,53.993592
+                    -2.562150,53.993492
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+                    -2.560342,53.994098
+                    -2.560555,53.993192
+                    -2.560579,53.992286
+                    -2.560069,53.991385
+                    -2.559941,53.990479
+                    -2.559125,53.989992
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+                    -2.557270,53.989577
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+                    -2.554589,53.988123
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+                    -2.552111,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989348
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+                    -2.553077,53.989768
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016733
+                    -2.512166,54.017620
+                    -2.512247,54.017673
+                    -2.513760,54.017782
+                    -2.515272,54.017754
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+                    -2.515272,54.017429
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+                    -2.513760,54.016223
+                    -2.512247,54.016452
+                    -2.510735,54.016700
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014020
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+                    -2.512247,54.013796
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+                    -2.513760,54.011827
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+                    -2.515272,54.008737
+                    -2.515569,54.008574
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+                    -2.517363,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007316
+                    -2.516109,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006553
+                    -2.518296,54.006510
+                    -2.519492,54.006763
+                    -2.519199,54.007668
+                    -2.519808,54.007988
+                    -2.521321,54.008265
+                    -2.522317,54.007668
+                    -2.521321,54.006791
+                    -2.520991,54.006763
+                    -2.521321,54.006686
+                    -2.522049,54.005861
+                    -2.522833,54.005265
+                    -2.523300,54.004951
+                    -2.524236,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003878
+                    -2.525018,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002509
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+                    -2.521720,54.002242
+                    -2.521321,54.001822
+                    -2.520399,54.001336
+                    -2.521027,54.000430
+                    -2.519808,54.000268
+                    -2.518296,54.000125
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+                    -2.515272,53.998346
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+                    -2.514455,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996401
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+                    -2.509305,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995104
+                    -2.508646,53.995004
+                    -2.507711,53.994861
+                    -2.506199,53.994803
+                    -2.505416,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993611
+                    -2.503833,53.993192
+                    -2.504364,53.992286
+                    -2.503945,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991151
+                    -2.505954,53.990479
+                    -2.505415,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.989048
+                    -2.507711,53.988962
+                    -2.508298,53.988667
+                    -2.509223,53.988032
+                    -2.510735,53.987842
+                    -2.510886,53.987765
+                    -2.510735,53.987684
+                    -2.509223,53.987546
+                    -2.507711,53.987699
+                    -2.507046,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986568
+                    -2.508847,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985348
+                    -2.506630,53.985052
+                    -2.507711,53.984203
+                    -2.507798,53.984141
+                    -2.508176,53.983240
+                    -2.508179,53.982334
+                    -2.508656,53.981433
+                    -2.509068,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979640
+                    -2.506199,53.980145
+                    -2.504686,53.980474
+                    -2.503174,53.979697
+                    -2.503053,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979545
+                    -2.504686,53.979173
+                    -2.505547,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978543
+                    -2.507711,53.978324
+                    -2.508714,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977509
+                    -2.510079,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976150
+                    -2.509074,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975859
+                    -2.510239,53.975101
+                    -2.510114,53.974195
+                    -2.510735,53.973789
+                    -2.511539,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972850
+                    -2.513760,53.972616
+                    -2.514164,53.972383
+                    -2.515272,53.971839
+                    -2.515880,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971157
+                    -2.513760,53.971171
+                    -2.512317,53.970575
+                    -2.512247,53.970537
+                    -2.512177,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.971157
+                    -2.509895,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532120,53.972383
+                    -2.532028,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973594
+                    -2.530858,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974824
+                    -2.532288,53.975101
+                    -2.532450,53.976002
+                    -2.532220,53.976908
+                    -2.532299,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978477
+                    -2.533920,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979321
+                    -2.535560,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.980150
+                    -2.537535,53.980527
+                    -2.537955,53.980780
+                    -2.538391,53.980527
+                    -2.539467,53.980293
+                    -2.540061,53.980527
+                    -2.540104,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.982272
+                    -2.541074,53.982334
+                    -2.541396,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983893
+                    -2.543291,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984571
+                    -2.545516,53.984857
+                    -2.547028,53.984904
+                    -2.547761,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985515
+                    -2.550052,53.985548
+                    -2.550668,53.985953
+                    -2.550789,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987327
+                    -2.552340,53.986859
+                    -2.552461,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985820
+                    -2.554589,53.985724
+                    -2.556101,53.985701
+                    -2.556696,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986506
+                    -2.558665,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985648
+                    -2.559381,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986650
+                    -2.562150,53.986540
+                    -2.562557,53.986859
+                    -2.563226,53.987765
+                    -2.563652,53.988667
+                    -2.563593,53.989577
+                    -2.563662,53.989716
+                    -2.563896,53.990479
+                    -2.565174,53.991070
+                    -2.565419,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991675
+                    -2.564244,53.992286
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+                    -2.563662,53.993592
+                    -2.562150,53.993492
+                    -2.561225,53.994098
+                    -2.560638,53.994269
+                    -2.560342,53.994098
+                    -2.560555,53.993192
+                    -2.560579,53.992286
+                    -2.560069,53.991385
+                    -2.559941,53.990479
+                    -2.559125,53.989992
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+                    -2.557270,53.989577
+                    -2.556101,53.988948
+                    -2.555504,53.988667
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+                    -2.553077,53.988090
+                    -2.552111,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989348
+                    -2.553780,53.989577
+                    -2.553077,53.989768
+                    -2.551603,53.990479
+                    -2.552092,53.991385
+                    -2.551564,53.991408
+                    -2.550052,53.991561
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+                    -2.519808,54.007988
+                    -2.521321,54.008265
+                    -2.522317,54.007668
+                    -2.521321,54.006791
+                    -2.520991,54.006763
+                    -2.521321,54.006686
+                    -2.522049,54.005861
+                    -2.522833,54.005265
+                    -2.523300,54.004951
+                    -2.524236,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003878
+                    -2.525018,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002509
+                    -2.522833,54.002900
+                    -2.521720,54.002242
+                    -2.521321,54.001822
+                    -2.520399,54.001336
+                    -2.521027,54.000430
+                    -2.519808,54.000268
+                    -2.518296,54.000125
+                    -2.517132,53.999524
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+                    -2.515737,53.998618
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+                    -2.514259,53.997717
+                    -2.514455,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996401
+                    -2.512247,53.996654
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+                    -2.511941,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994403
+                    -2.509305,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995104
+                    -2.508646,53.995004
+                    -2.507711,53.994861
+                    -2.506199,53.994803
+                    -2.505416,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993611
+                    -2.503833,53.993192
+                    -2.504364,53.992286
+                    -2.503945,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991151
+                    -2.505954,53.990479
+                    -2.505415,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.989048
+                    -2.507711,53.988962
+                    -2.508298,53.988667
+                    -2.509223,53.988032
+                    -2.510735,53.987842
+                    -2.510886,53.987765
+                    -2.510735,53.987684
+                    -2.509223,53.987546
+                    -2.507711,53.987699
+                    -2.507046,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986568
+                    -2.508847,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985348
+                    -2.506630,53.985052
+                    -2.507711,53.984203
+                    -2.507798,53.984141
+                    -2.508176,53.983240
+                    -2.508179,53.982334
+                    -2.508656,53.981433
+                    -2.509068,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979640
+                    -2.506199,53.980145
+                    -2.504686,53.980474
+                    -2.503174,53.979697
+                    -2.503053,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979545
+                    -2.504686,53.979173
+                    -2.505547,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978543
+                    -2.507711,53.978324
+                    -2.508714,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977509
+                    -2.510079,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976150
+                    -2.509074,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975859
+                    -2.510239,53.975101
+                    -2.510114,53.974195
+                    -2.510735,53.973789
+                    -2.511539,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972850
+                    -2.513760,53.972616
+                    -2.514164,53.972383
+                    -2.515272,53.971839
+                    -2.515880,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971157
+                    -2.513760,53.971171
+                    -2.512317,53.970575
+                    -2.512247,53.970537
+                    -2.512177,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.971157
+                    -2.509895,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532120,53.972383
+                    -2.532028,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973594
+                    -2.530858,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974824
+                    -2.532288,53.975101
+                    -2.532450,53.976002
+                    -2.532220,53.976908
+                    -2.532299,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978477
+                    -2.533920,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979321
+                    -2.535560,53.979621
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+                    -2.537955,53.980780
+                    -2.538391,53.980527
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+                    -2.540061,53.980527
+                    -2.540104,53.981433
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+                    -2.541074,53.982334
+                    -2.541396,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983893
+                    -2.543291,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984571
+                    -2.545516,53.984857
+                    -2.547028,53.984904
+                    -2.547761,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985515
+                    -2.550052,53.985548
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+                    -2.552340,53.986859
+                    -2.552461,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985820
+                    -2.554589,53.985724
+                    -2.556101,53.985701
+                    -2.556696,53.985953
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+                    -2.558665,53.985953
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+                    -2.559381,53.985953
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+                    -2.553077,53.989348
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016733
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+                    -2.512247,54.017673
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+                    -2.515272,54.017429
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+                    -2.512247,54.016452
+                    -2.510735,54.016700
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014020
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+                    -2.516784,54.007316
+                    -2.516109,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006553
+                    -2.518296,54.006510
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+                    -2.519199,54.007668
+                    -2.519808,54.007988
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+                    -2.521321,54.006791
+                    -2.520991,54.006763
+                    -2.521321,54.006686
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+                    -2.522833,54.005265
+                    -2.523300,54.004951
+                    -2.524236,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003878
+                    -2.525018,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002509
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+                    -2.521321,54.001822
+                    -2.520399,54.001336
+                    -2.521027,54.000430
+                    -2.519808,54.000268
+                    -2.518296,54.000125
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+                    -2.515272,53.998346
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+                    -2.514455,53.996811
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+                    -2.509223,53.995104
+                    -2.508646,53.995004
+                    -2.507711,53.994861
+                    -2.506199,53.994803
+                    -2.505416,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993611
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+                    -2.504364,53.992286
+                    -2.503945,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991151
+                    -2.505954,53.990479
+                    -2.505415,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.989048
+                    -2.507711,53.988962
+                    -2.508298,53.988667
+                    -2.509223,53.988032
+                    -2.510735,53.987842
+                    -2.510886,53.987765
+                    -2.510735,53.987684
+                    -2.509223,53.987546
+                    -2.507711,53.987699
+                    -2.507046,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986568
+                    -2.508847,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985348
+                    -2.506630,53.985052
+                    -2.507711,53.984203
+                    -2.507798,53.984141
+                    -2.508176,53.983240
+                    -2.508179,53.982334
+                    -2.508656,53.981433
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+                    -2.507711,53.979640
+                    -2.506199,53.980145
+                    -2.504686,53.980474
+                    -2.503174,53.979697
+                    -2.503053,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979545
+                    -2.504686,53.979173
+                    -2.505547,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978543
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+                    -2.508714,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977509
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+                    -2.509223,53.976150
+                    -2.509074,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975859
+                    -2.510239,53.975101
+                    -2.510114,53.974195
+                    -2.510735,53.973789
+                    -2.511539,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972850
+                    -2.513760,53.972616
+                    -2.514164,53.972383
+                    -2.515272,53.971839
+                    -2.515880,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971157
+                    -2.513760,53.971171
+                    -2.512317,53.970575
+                    -2.512247,53.970537
+                    -2.512177,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.971157
+                    -2.509895,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532120,53.972383
+                    -2.532028,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973594
+                    -2.530858,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974824
+                    -2.532288,53.975101
+                    -2.532450,53.976002
+                    -2.532220,53.976908
+                    -2.532299,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978477
+                    -2.533920,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979321
+                    -2.535560,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.980150
+                    -2.537535,53.980527
+                    -2.537955,53.980780
+                    -2.538391,53.980527
+                    -2.539467,53.980293
+                    -2.540061,53.980527
+                    -2.540104,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.982272
+                    -2.541074,53.982334
+                    -2.541396,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983893
+                    -2.543291,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984571
+                    -2.545516,53.984857
+                    -2.547028,53.984904
+                    -2.547761,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985515
+                    -2.550052,53.985548
+                    -2.550668,53.985953
+                    -2.550789,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987327
+                    -2.552340,53.986859
+                    -2.552461,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985820
+                    -2.554589,53.985724
+                    -2.556101,53.985701
+                    -2.556696,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986506
+                    -2.558665,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985648
+                    -2.559381,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986650
+                    -2.562150,53.986540
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+                    -2.513760,54.016223
+                    -2.512247,54.016452
+                    -2.510735,54.016700
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014020
+                    -2.510962,54.014001
+                    -2.512247,54.013796
+                    -2.512670,54.013095
+                    -2.513449,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011827
+                    -2.514756,54.012194
+                    -2.515272,54.012504
+                    -2.515788,54.012194
+                    -2.515867,54.011288
+                    -2.515272,54.010844
+                    -2.514832,54.010386
+                    -2.514307,54.009476
+                    -2.515272,54.008737
+                    -2.515569,54.008574
+                    -2.516784,54.008017
+                    -2.517363,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007316
+                    -2.516109,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006553
+                    -2.518296,54.006510
+                    -2.519492,54.006763
+                    -2.519199,54.007668
+                    -2.519808,54.007988
+                    -2.521321,54.008265
+                    -2.522317,54.007668
+                    -2.521321,54.006791
+                    -2.520991,54.006763
+                    -2.521321,54.006686
+                    -2.522049,54.005861
+                    -2.522833,54.005265
+                    -2.523300,54.004951
+                    -2.524236,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003878
+                    -2.525018,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002509
+                    -2.522833,54.002900
+                    -2.521720,54.002242
+                    -2.521321,54.001822
+                    -2.520399,54.001336
+                    -2.521027,54.000430
+                    -2.519808,54.000268
+                    -2.518296,54.000125
+                    -2.517132,53.999524
+                    -2.516784,53.999305
+                    -2.515737,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998346
+                    -2.514259,53.997717
+                    -2.514455,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996401
+                    -2.512247,53.996654
+                    -2.512128,53.995910
+                    -2.511941,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994403
+                    -2.509305,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995104
+                    -2.508646,53.995004
+                    -2.507711,53.994861
+                    -2.506199,53.994803
+                    -2.505416,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993611
+                    -2.503833,53.993192
+                    -2.504364,53.992286
+                    -2.503945,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991151
+                    -2.505954,53.990479
+                    -2.505415,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.989048
+                    -2.507711,53.988962
+                    -2.508298,53.988667
+                    -2.509223,53.988032
+                    -2.510735,53.987842
+                    -2.510886,53.987765
+                    -2.510735,53.987684
+                    -2.509223,53.987546
+                    -2.507711,53.987699
+                    -2.507046,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986568
+                    -2.508847,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985348
+                    -2.506630,53.985052
+                    -2.507711,53.984203
+                    -2.507798,53.984141
+                    -2.508176,53.983240
+                    -2.508179,53.982334
+                    -2.508656,53.981433
+                    -2.509068,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979640
+                    -2.506199,53.980145
+                    -2.504686,53.980474
+                    -2.503174,53.979697
+                    -2.503053,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979545
+                    -2.504686,53.979173
+                    -2.505547,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978543
+                    -2.507711,53.978324
+                    -2.508714,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977509
+                    -2.510079,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976150
+                    -2.509074,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975859
+                    -2.510239,53.975101
+                    -2.510114,53.974195
+                    -2.510735,53.973789
+                    -2.511539,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972850
+                    -2.513760,53.972616
+                    -2.514164,53.972383
+                    -2.515272,53.971839
+                    -2.515880,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971157
+                    -2.513760,53.971171
+                    -2.512317,53.970575
+                    -2.512247,53.970537
+                    -2.512177,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.971157
+                    -2.509895,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532120,53.972383
+                    -2.532028,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973594
+                    -2.530858,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974824
+                    -2.532288,53.975101
+                    -2.532450,53.976002
+                    -2.532220,53.976908
+                    -2.532299,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978477
+                    -2.533920,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979321
+                    -2.535560,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.980150
+                    -2.537535,53.980527
+                    -2.537955,53.980780
+                    -2.538391,53.980527
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+                    -2.540061,53.980527
+                    -2.540104,53.981433
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+                    -2.541074,53.982334
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+                    -2.542491,53.983893
+                    -2.543291,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984571
+                    -2.545516,53.984857
+                    -2.547028,53.984904
+                    -2.547761,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985515
+                    -2.550052,53.985548
+                    -2.550668,53.985953
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+                    -2.551564,53.987327
+                    -2.552340,53.986859
+                    -2.552461,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985820
+                    -2.554589,53.985724
+                    -2.556101,53.985701
+                    -2.556696,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986506
+                    -2.558665,53.985953
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+                    -2.560638,53.986650
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+                    -2.563662,53.993592
+                    -2.562150,53.993492
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+                    -2.560555,53.993192
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+                    -2.554589,53.988123
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+                    -2.553077,53.989348
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+                    -2.553077,53.989768
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016733
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+                    -2.512247,54.017673
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+                    -2.515272,54.017754
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+                    -2.515272,54.017429
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+                    -2.512247,54.016452
+                    -2.510735,54.016700
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014020
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+                    -2.512247,54.013796
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+                    -2.513760,54.011827
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+                    -2.515272,54.012504
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+                    -2.515867,54.011288
+                    -2.515272,54.010844
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+                    -2.517363,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007316
+                    -2.516109,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006553
+                    -2.518296,54.006510
+                    -2.519492,54.006763
+                    -2.519199,54.007668
+                    -2.519808,54.007988
+                    -2.521321,54.008265
+                    -2.522317,54.007668
+                    -2.521321,54.006791
+                    -2.520991,54.006763
+                    -2.521321,54.006686
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+                    -2.522833,54.005265
+                    -2.523300,54.004951
+                    -2.524236,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003878
+                    -2.525018,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002509
+                    -2.522833,54.002900
+                    -2.521720,54.002242
+                    -2.521321,54.001822
+                    -2.520399,54.001336
+                    -2.521027,54.000430
+                    -2.519808,54.000268
+                    -2.518296,54.000125
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+                    -2.516784,53.999305
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+                    -2.515272,53.998346
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+                    -2.514455,53.996811
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+                    -2.509305,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995104
+                    -2.508646,53.995004
+                    -2.507711,53.994861
+                    -2.506199,53.994803
+                    -2.505416,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993611
+                    -2.503833,53.993192
+                    -2.504364,53.992286
+                    -2.503945,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991151
+                    -2.505954,53.990479
+                    -2.505415,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.989048
+                    -2.507711,53.988962
+                    -2.508298,53.988667
+                    -2.509223,53.988032
+                    -2.510735,53.987842
+                    -2.510886,53.987765
+                    -2.510735,53.987684
+                    -2.509223,53.987546
+                    -2.507711,53.987699
+                    -2.507046,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986568
+                    -2.508847,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985348
+                    -2.506630,53.985052
+                    -2.507711,53.984203
+                    -2.507798,53.984141
+                    -2.508176,53.983240
+                    -2.508179,53.982334
+                    -2.508656,53.981433
+                    -2.509068,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979640
+                    -2.506199,53.980145
+                    -2.504686,53.980474
+                    -2.503174,53.979697
+                    -2.503053,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979545
+                    -2.504686,53.979173
+                    -2.505547,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978543
+                    -2.507711,53.978324
+                    -2.508714,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977509
+                    -2.510079,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976150
+                    -2.509074,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975859
+                    -2.510239,53.975101
+                    -2.510114,53.974195
+                    -2.510735,53.973789
+                    -2.511539,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972850
+                    -2.513760,53.972616
+                    -2.514164,53.972383
+                    -2.515272,53.971839
+                    -2.515880,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971157
+                    -2.513760,53.971171
+                    -2.512317,53.970575
+                    -2.512247,53.970537
+                    -2.512177,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.971157
+                    -2.509895,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532120,53.972383
+                    -2.532028,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973594
+                    -2.530858,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974824
+                    -2.532288,53.975101
+                    -2.532450,53.976002
+                    -2.532220,53.976908
+                    -2.532299,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978477
+                    -2.533920,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979321
+                    -2.535560,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.980150
+                    -2.537535,53.980527
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+                    -2.538391,53.980527
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+                    -2.540104,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.982272
+                    -2.541074,53.982334
+                    -2.541396,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983893
+                    -2.543291,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984571
+                    -2.545516,53.984857
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+                    -2.527293,54.024858
+                    -2.525857,54.024439
+                    -2.524990,54.023952
+                    -2.524345,54.023585
+                    -2.523211,54.023051
+                    -2.522833,54.022841
+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520682,54.022145
+                    -2.519808,54.021478
+                    -2.518296,54.021564
+                    -2.517477,54.021239
+                    -2.516784,54.020610
+                    -2.515893,54.020333
+                    -2.515272,54.020162
+                    -2.513760,54.020019
+                    -2.512247,54.019828
+                    -2.511544,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.019008
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016733
+                    -2.512166,54.017620
+                    -2.512247,54.017673
+                    -2.513760,54.017782
+                    -2.515272,54.017754
+                    -2.515522,54.017620
+                    -2.515272,54.017429
+                    -2.514633,54.016719
+                    -2.513760,54.016223
+                    -2.512247,54.016452
+                    -2.510735,54.016700
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014020
+                    -2.510962,54.014001
+                    -2.512247,54.013796
+                    -2.512670,54.013095
+                    -2.513449,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011827
+                    -2.514756,54.012194
+                    -2.515272,54.012504
+                    -2.515788,54.012194
+                    -2.515867,54.011288
+                    -2.515272,54.010844
+                    -2.514832,54.010386
+                    -2.514307,54.009476
+                    -2.515272,54.008737
+                    -2.515569,54.008574
+                    -2.516784,54.008017
+                    -2.517363,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007316
+                    -2.516109,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006553
+                    -2.518296,54.006510
+                    -2.519492,54.006763
+                    -2.519199,54.007668
+                    -2.519808,54.007988
+                    -2.521321,54.008265
+                    -2.522317,54.007668
+                    -2.521321,54.006791
+                    -2.520991,54.006763
+                    -2.521321,54.006686
+                    -2.522049,54.005861
+                    -2.522833,54.005265
+                    -2.523300,54.004951
+                    -2.524236,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003878
+                    -2.525018,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002509
+                    -2.522833,54.002900
+                    -2.521720,54.002242
+                    -2.521321,54.001822
+                    -2.520399,54.001336
+                    -2.521027,54.000430
+                    -2.519808,54.000268
+                    -2.518296,54.000125
+                    -2.517132,53.999524
+                    -2.516784,53.999305
+                    -2.515737,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998346
+                    -2.514259,53.997717
+                    -2.514455,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996401
+                    -2.512247,53.996654
+                    -2.512128,53.995910
+                    -2.511941,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994403
+                    -2.509305,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995104
+                    -2.508646,53.995004
+                    -2.507711,53.994861
+                    -2.506199,53.994803
+                    -2.505416,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993611
+                    -2.503833,53.993192
+                    -2.504364,53.992286
+                    -2.503945,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991151
+                    -2.505954,53.990479
+                    -2.505415,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.989048
+                    -2.507711,53.988962
+                    -2.508298,53.988667
+                    -2.509223,53.988032
+                    -2.510735,53.987842
+                    -2.510886,53.987765
+                    -2.510735,53.987684
+                    -2.509223,53.987546
+                    -2.507711,53.987699
+                    -2.507046,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986568
+                    -2.508847,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985348
+                    -2.506630,53.985052
+                    -2.507711,53.984203
+                    -2.507798,53.984141
+                    -2.508176,53.983240
+                    -2.508179,53.982334
+                    -2.508656,53.981433
+                    -2.509068,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979640
+                    -2.506199,53.980145
+                    -2.504686,53.980474
+                    -2.503174,53.979697
+                    -2.503053,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979545
+                    -2.504686,53.979173
+                    -2.505547,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978543
+                    -2.507711,53.978324
+                    -2.508714,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977509
+                    -2.510079,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976150
+                    -2.509074,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975859
+                    -2.510239,53.975101
+                    -2.510114,53.974195
+                    -2.510735,53.973789
+                    -2.511539,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972850
+                    -2.513760,53.972616
+                    -2.514164,53.972383
+                    -2.515272,53.971839
+                    -2.515880,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971157
+                    -2.513760,53.971171
+                    -2.512317,53.970575
+                    -2.512247,53.970537
+                    -2.512177,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.971157
+                    -2.509895,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532120,53.972383
+                    -2.532028,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973594
+                    -2.530858,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974824
+                    -2.532288,53.975101
+                    -2.532450,53.976002
+                    -2.532220,53.976908
+                    -2.532299,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978477
+                    -2.533920,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979321
+                    -2.535560,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.980150
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+                    -2.537955,53.980780
+                    -2.538391,53.980527
+                    -2.539467,53.980293
+                    -2.540061,53.980527
+                    -2.540104,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.982272
+                    -2.541074,53.982334
+                    -2.541396,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983893
+                    -2.543291,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984571
+                    -2.545516,53.984857
+                    -2.547028,53.984904
+                    -2.547761,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985515
+                    -2.550052,53.985548
+                    -2.550668,53.985953
+                    -2.550789,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987327
+                    -2.552340,53.986859
+                    -2.552461,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985820
+                    -2.554589,53.985724
+                    -2.556101,53.985701
+                    -2.556696,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986506
+                    -2.558665,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985648
+                    -2.559381,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986650
+                    -2.562150,53.986540
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+                    -2.563662,53.989716
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+                    -2.563662,53.993592
+                    -2.562150,53.993492
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+                    -2.560342,53.994098
+                    -2.560555,53.993192
+                    -2.560579,53.992286
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+                    -2.554589,53.988123
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+                    -2.552111,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989348
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+                    -2.553077,53.989768
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+                    -2.531906,54.025154
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+                    -2.527293,54.024858
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+                    -2.524345,54.023585
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016733
+                    -2.512166,54.017620
+                    -2.512247,54.017673
+                    -2.513760,54.017782
+                    -2.515272,54.017754
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+                    -2.515272,54.017429
+                    -2.514633,54.016719
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+                    -2.512247,54.016452
+                    -2.510735,54.016700
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014020
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+                    -2.512247,54.013796
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+                    -2.513760,54.011827
+                    -2.514756,54.012194
+                    -2.515272,54.012504
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+                    -2.515867,54.011288
+                    -2.515272,54.010844
+                    -2.514832,54.010386
+                    -2.514307,54.009476
+                    -2.515272,54.008737
+                    -2.515569,54.008574
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+                    -2.517363,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007316
+                    -2.516109,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006553
+                    -2.518296,54.006510
+                    -2.519492,54.006763
+                    -2.519199,54.007668
+                    -2.519808,54.007988
+                    -2.521321,54.008265
+                    -2.522317,54.007668
+                    -2.521321,54.006791
+                    -2.520991,54.006763
+                    -2.521321,54.006686
+                    -2.522049,54.005861
+                    -2.522833,54.005265
+                    -2.523300,54.004951
+                    -2.524236,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003878
+                    -2.525018,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002509
+                    -2.522833,54.002900
+                    -2.521720,54.002242
+                    -2.521321,54.001822
+                    -2.520399,54.001336
+                    -2.521027,54.000430
+                    -2.519808,54.000268
+                    -2.518296,54.000125
+                    -2.517132,53.999524
+                    -2.516784,53.999305
+                    -2.515737,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998346
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+                    -2.514455,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996401
+                    -2.512247,53.996654
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+                    -2.509305,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995104
+                    -2.508646,53.995004
+                    -2.507711,53.994861
+                    -2.506199,53.994803
+                    -2.505416,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993611
+                    -2.503833,53.993192
+                    -2.504364,53.992286
+                    -2.503945,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991151
+                    -2.505954,53.990479
+                    -2.505415,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.989048
+                    -2.507711,53.988962
+                    -2.508298,53.988667
+                    -2.509223,53.988032
+                    -2.510735,53.987842
+                    -2.510886,53.987765
+                    -2.510735,53.987684
+                    -2.509223,53.987546
+                    -2.507711,53.987699
+                    -2.507046,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986568
+                    -2.508847,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985348
+                    -2.506630,53.985052
+                    -2.507711,53.984203
+                    -2.507798,53.984141
+                    -2.508176,53.983240
+                    -2.508179,53.982334
+                    -2.508656,53.981433
+                    -2.509068,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979640
+                    -2.506199,53.980145
+                    -2.504686,53.980474
+                    -2.503174,53.979697
+                    -2.503053,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979545
+                    -2.504686,53.979173
+                    -2.505547,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978543
+                    -2.507711,53.978324
+                    -2.508714,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977509
+                    -2.510079,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976150
+                    -2.509074,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975859
+                    -2.510239,53.975101
+                    -2.510114,53.974195
+                    -2.510735,53.973789
+                    -2.511539,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972850
+                    -2.513760,53.972616
+                    -2.514164,53.972383
+                    -2.515272,53.971839
+                    -2.515880,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971157
+                    -2.513760,53.971171
+                    -2.512317,53.970575
+                    -2.512247,53.970537
+                    -2.512177,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.971157
+                    -2.509895,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
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+                    -2.529480,54.013095
+                    -2.528923,54.014001
+                    -2.529591,54.014907
+                    -2.530394,54.015288
+                    -2.531906,54.015493
+                    -2.533418,54.015627
+                    -2.534219,54.015813
+                    -2.533501,54.016719
+                    -2.533418,54.016895
+                    -2.532698,54.017620
+                    -2.532962,54.018526
+                    -2.531906,54.018779
+                    -2.530758,54.019427
+                    -2.530394,54.019794
+                    -2.529648,54.020333
+                    -2.530394,54.020782
+                    -2.531906,54.020934
+                    -2.532345,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.022083
+                    -2.533478,54.022145
+                    -2.534184,54.023051
+                    -2.534874,54.023952
+                    -2.534930,54.023986
+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025111
+                    -2.531906,54.025154
+                    -2.530394,54.024930
+                    -2.528882,54.024920
+                    -2.527369,54.024892
+                    -2.527293,54.024858
+                    -2.525857,54.024439
+                    -2.524990,54.023952
+                    -2.524345,54.023585
+                    -2.523211,54.023051
+                    -2.522833,54.022841
+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520682,54.022145
+                    -2.519808,54.021478
+                    -2.518296,54.021564
+                    -2.517477,54.021239
+                    -2.516784,54.020610
+                    -2.515893,54.020333
+                    -2.515272,54.020162
+                    -2.513760,54.020019
+                    -2.512247,54.019828
+                    -2.511544,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.019008
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016733
+                    -2.512166,54.017620
+                    -2.512247,54.017673
+                    -2.513760,54.017782
+                    -2.515272,54.017754
+                    -2.515522,54.017620
+                    -2.515272,54.017429
+                    -2.514633,54.016719
+                    -2.513760,54.016223
+                    -2.512247,54.016452
+                    -2.510735,54.016700
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014020
+                    -2.510962,54.014001
+                    -2.512247,54.013796
+                    -2.512670,54.013095
+                    -2.513449,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011827
+                    -2.514756,54.012194
+                    -2.515272,54.012504
+                    -2.515788,54.012194
+                    -2.515867,54.011288
+                    -2.515272,54.010844
+                    -2.514832,54.010386
+                    -2.514307,54.009476
+                    -2.515272,54.008737
+                    -2.515569,54.008574
+                    -2.516784,54.008017
+                    -2.517363,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007316
+                    -2.516109,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006553
+                    -2.518296,54.006510
+                    -2.519492,54.006763
+                    -2.519199,54.007668
+                    -2.519808,54.007988
+                    -2.521321,54.008265
+                    -2.522317,54.007668
+                    -2.521321,54.006791
+                    -2.520991,54.006763
+                    -2.521321,54.006686
+                    -2.522049,54.005861
+                    -2.522833,54.005265
+                    -2.523300,54.004951
+                    -2.524236,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003878
+                    -2.525018,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002509
+                    -2.522833,54.002900
+                    -2.521720,54.002242
+                    -2.521321,54.001822
+                    -2.520399,54.001336
+                    -2.521027,54.000430
+                    -2.519808,54.000268
+                    -2.518296,54.000125
+                    -2.517132,53.999524
+                    -2.516784,53.999305
+                    -2.515737,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998346
+                    -2.514259,53.997717
+                    -2.514455,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996401
+                    -2.512247,53.996654
+                    -2.512128,53.995910
+                    -2.511941,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994403
+                    -2.509305,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995104
+                    -2.508646,53.995004
+                    -2.507711,53.994861
+                    -2.506199,53.994803
+                    -2.505416,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993611
+                    -2.503833,53.993192
+                    -2.504364,53.992286
+                    -2.503945,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991151
+                    -2.505954,53.990479
+                    -2.505415,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.989048
+                    -2.507711,53.988962
+                    -2.508298,53.988667
+                    -2.509223,53.988032
+                    -2.510735,53.987842
+                    -2.510886,53.987765
+                    -2.510735,53.987684
+                    -2.509223,53.987546
+                    -2.507711,53.987699
+                    -2.507046,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986568
+                    -2.508847,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985348
+                    -2.506630,53.985052
+                    -2.507711,53.984203
+                    -2.507798,53.984141
+                    -2.508176,53.983240
+                    -2.508179,53.982334
+                    -2.508656,53.981433
+                    -2.509068,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979640
+                    -2.506199,53.980145
+                    -2.504686,53.980474
+                    -2.503174,53.979697
+                    -2.503053,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979545
+                    -2.504686,53.979173
+                    -2.505547,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978543
+                    -2.507711,53.978324
+                    -2.508714,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977509
+                    -2.510079,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976150
+                    -2.509074,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975859
+                    -2.510239,53.975101
+                    -2.510114,53.974195
+                    -2.510735,53.973789
+                    -2.511539,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972850
+                    -2.513760,53.972616
+                    -2.514164,53.972383
+                    -2.515272,53.971839
+                    -2.515880,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971157
+                    -2.513760,53.971171
+                    -2.512317,53.970575
+                    -2.512247,53.970537
+                    -2.512177,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.971157
+                    -2.509895,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532120,53.972383
+                    -2.532028,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973594
+                    -2.530858,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974824
+                    -2.532288,53.975101
+                    -2.532450,53.976002
+                    -2.532220,53.976908
+                    -2.532299,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978477
+                    -2.533920,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979321
+                    -2.535560,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.980150
+                    -2.537535,53.980527
+                    -2.537955,53.980780
+                    -2.538391,53.980527
+                    -2.539467,53.980293
+                    -2.540061,53.980527
+                    -2.540104,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.982272
+                    -2.541074,53.982334
+                    -2.541396,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983893
+                    -2.543291,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984571
+                    -2.545516,53.984857
+                    -2.547028,53.984904
+                    -2.547761,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985515
+                    -2.550052,53.985548
+                    -2.550668,53.985953
+                    -2.550789,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987327
+                    -2.552340,53.986859
+                    -2.552461,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985820
+                    -2.554589,53.985724
+                    -2.556101,53.985701
+                    -2.556696,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986506
+                    -2.558665,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985648
+                    -2.559381,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986650
+                    -2.562150,53.986540
+                    -2.562557,53.986859
+                    -2.563226,53.987765
+                    -2.563652,53.988667
+                    -2.563593,53.989577
+                    -2.563662,53.989716
+                    -2.563896,53.990479
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+                    -2.565419,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991675
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+                    -2.563873,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.993592
+                    -2.562150,53.993492
+                    -2.561225,53.994098
+                    -2.560638,53.994269
+                    -2.560342,53.994098
+                    -2.560555,53.993192
+                    -2.560579,53.992286
+                    -2.560069,53.991385
+                    -2.559941,53.990479
+                    -2.559125,53.989992
+                    -2.557613,53.989878
+                    -2.557270,53.989577
+                    -2.556101,53.988948
+                    -2.555504,53.988667
+                    -2.554589,53.988123
+                    -2.553077,53.988090
+                    -2.552111,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989348
+                    -2.553780,53.989577
+                    -2.553077,53.989768
+                    -2.551603,53.990479
+                    -2.552092,53.991385
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+                    -2.550052,53.991561
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+                    -2.531906,54.025154
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+                    -2.527293,54.024858
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+                    -2.524345,54.023585
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016733
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+                    -2.512247,54.017673
+                    -2.513760,54.017782
+                    -2.515272,54.017754
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+                    -2.515272,54.017429
+                    -2.514633,54.016719
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+                    -2.512247,54.016452
+                    -2.510735,54.016700
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014020
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+                    -2.512247,54.013796
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+                    -2.513760,54.011827
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+                    -2.515272,54.012504
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+                    -2.515272,54.010844
+                    -2.514832,54.010386
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+                    -2.515272,54.008737
+                    -2.515569,54.008574
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+                    -2.517363,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007316
+                    -2.516109,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006553
+                    -2.518296,54.006510
+                    -2.519492,54.006763
+                    -2.519199,54.007668
+                    -2.519808,54.007988
+                    -2.521321,54.008265
+                    -2.522317,54.007668
+                    -2.521321,54.006791
+                    -2.520991,54.006763
+                    -2.521321,54.006686
+                    -2.522049,54.005861
+                    -2.522833,54.005265
+                    -2.523300,54.004951
+                    -2.524236,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003878
+                    -2.525018,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002509
+                    -2.522833,54.002900
+                    -2.521720,54.002242
+                    -2.521321,54.001822
+                    -2.520399,54.001336
+                    -2.521027,54.000430
+                    -2.519808,54.000268
+                    -2.518296,54.000125
+                    -2.517132,53.999524
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+                    -2.515737,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998346
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+                    -2.514455,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996401
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+                    -2.509305,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995104
+                    -2.508646,53.995004
+                    -2.507711,53.994861
+                    -2.506199,53.994803
+                    -2.505416,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993611
+                    -2.503833,53.993192
+                    -2.504364,53.992286
+                    -2.503945,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991151
+                    -2.505954,53.990479
+                    -2.505415,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.989048
+                    -2.507711,53.988962
+                    -2.508298,53.988667
+                    -2.509223,53.988032
+                    -2.510735,53.987842
+                    -2.510886,53.987765
+                    -2.510735,53.987684
+                    -2.509223,53.987546
+                    -2.507711,53.987699
+                    -2.507046,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986568
+                    -2.508847,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985348
+                    -2.506630,53.985052
+                    -2.507711,53.984203
+                    -2.507798,53.984141
+                    -2.508176,53.983240
+                    -2.508179,53.982334
+                    -2.508656,53.981433
+                    -2.509068,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979640
+                    -2.506199,53.980145
+                    -2.504686,53.980474
+                    -2.503174,53.979697
+                    -2.503053,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979545
+                    -2.504686,53.979173
+                    -2.505547,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978543
+                    -2.507711,53.978324
+                    -2.508714,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977509
+                    -2.510079,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976150
+                    -2.509074,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975859
+                    -2.510239,53.975101
+                    -2.510114,53.974195
+                    -2.510735,53.973789
+                    -2.511539,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972850
+                    -2.513760,53.972616
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+                    -2.515272,53.971157
+                    -2.513760,53.971171
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+                    -2.512247,53.970537
+                    -2.512177,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.971157
+                    -2.509895,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532120,53.972383
+                    -2.532028,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973594
+                    -2.530858,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974824
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+                    -2.538391,53.980527
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+                    -2.540061,53.980527
+                    -2.540104,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.982272
+                    -2.541074,53.982334
+                    -2.541396,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983893
+                    -2.543291,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984571
+                    -2.545516,53.984857
+                    -2.547028,53.984904
+                    -2.547761,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985515
+                    -2.550052,53.985548
+                    -2.550668,53.985953
+                    -2.550789,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987327
+                    -2.552340,53.986859
+                    -2.552461,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985820
+                    -2.554589,53.985724
+                    -2.556101,53.985701
+                    -2.556696,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986506
+                    -2.558665,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985648
+                    -2.559381,53.985953
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+                    -2.563662,53.989716
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+                    -2.563662,53.993592
+                    -2.562150,53.993492
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+                    -2.560342,53.994098
+                    -2.560555,53.993192
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+                    -2.560069,53.991385
+                    -2.559941,53.990479
+                    -2.559125,53.989992
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+                    -2.557270,53.989577
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+                    -2.555504,53.988667
+                    -2.554589,53.988123
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+                    -2.552111,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989348
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+                    -2.553077,53.989768
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016733
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+                    -2.512247,54.017673
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+                    -2.515272,54.017429
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+                    -2.510735,54.016700
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014020
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+                    -2.512247,54.013796
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+                    -2.513760,54.011827
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+                    -2.515569,54.008574
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+                    -2.516784,54.007316
+                    -2.516109,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006553
+                    -2.518296,54.006510
+                    -2.519492,54.006763
+                    -2.519199,54.007668
+                    -2.519808,54.007988
+                    -2.521321,54.008265
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+                    -2.521321,54.006791
+                    -2.520991,54.006763
+                    -2.521321,54.006686
+                    -2.522049,54.005861
+                    -2.522833,54.005265
+                    -2.523300,54.004951
+                    -2.524236,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003878
+                    -2.525018,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002509
+                    -2.522833,54.002900
+                    -2.521720,54.002242
+                    -2.521321,54.001822
+                    -2.520399,54.001336
+                    -2.521027,54.000430
+                    -2.519808,54.000268
+                    -2.518296,54.000125
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+                    -2.516784,53.999305
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+                    -2.515272,53.998346
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+                    -2.514455,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996401
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+                    -2.508646,53.995004
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+                    -2.506199,53.994803
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+                    -2.504686,53.993611
+                    -2.503833,53.993192
+                    -2.504364,53.992286
+                    -2.503945,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991151
+                    -2.505954,53.990479
+                    -2.505415,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.989048
+                    -2.507711,53.988962
+                    -2.508298,53.988667
+                    -2.509223,53.988032
+                    -2.510735,53.987842
+                    -2.510886,53.987765
+                    -2.510735,53.987684
+                    -2.509223,53.987546
+                    -2.507711,53.987699
+                    -2.507046,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986568
+                    -2.508847,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985348
+                    -2.506630,53.985052
+                    -2.507711,53.984203
+                    -2.507798,53.984141
+                    -2.508176,53.983240
+                    -2.508179,53.982334
+                    -2.508656,53.981433
+                    -2.509068,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979640
+                    -2.506199,53.980145
+                    -2.504686,53.980474
+                    -2.503174,53.979697
+                    -2.503053,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979545
+                    -2.504686,53.979173
+                    -2.505547,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978543
+                    -2.507711,53.978324
+                    -2.508714,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977509
+                    -2.510079,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976150
+                    -2.509074,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975859
+                    -2.510239,53.975101
+                    -2.510114,53.974195
+                    -2.510735,53.973789
+                    -2.511539,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972850
+                    -2.513760,53.972616
+                    -2.514164,53.972383
+                    -2.515272,53.971839
+                    -2.515880,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971157
+                    -2.513760,53.971171
+                    -2.512317,53.970575
+                    -2.512247,53.970537
+                    -2.512177,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.971157
+                    -2.509895,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532120,53.972383
+                    -2.532028,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973594
+                    -2.530858,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974824
+                    -2.532288,53.975101
+                    -2.532450,53.976002
+                    -2.532220,53.976908
+                    -2.532299,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978477
+                    -2.533920,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979321
+                    -2.535560,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.980150
+                    -2.537535,53.980527
+                    -2.537955,53.980780
+                    -2.538391,53.980527
+                    -2.539467,53.980293
+                    -2.540061,53.980527
+                    -2.540104,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.982272
+                    -2.541074,53.982334
+                    -2.541396,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983893
+                    -2.543291,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984571
+                    -2.545516,53.984857
+                    -2.547028,53.984904
+                    -2.547761,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985515
+                    -2.550052,53.985548
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+                    -2.550789,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987327
+                    -2.552340,53.986859
+                    -2.552461,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985820
+                    -2.554589,53.985724
+                    -2.556101,53.985701
+                    -2.556696,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986506
+                    -2.558665,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985648
+                    -2.559381,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986650
+                    -2.562150,53.986540
+                    -2.562557,53.986859
+                    -2.563226,53.987765
+                    -2.563652,53.988667
+                    -2.563593,53.989577
+                    -2.563662,53.989716
+                    -2.563896,53.990479
+                    -2.565174,53.991070
+                    -2.565419,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991675
+                    -2.564244,53.992286
+                    -2.563873,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.993592
+                    -2.562150,53.993492
+                    -2.561225,53.994098
+                    -2.560638,53.994269
+                    -2.560342,53.994098
+                    -2.560555,53.993192
+                    -2.560579,53.992286
+                    -2.560069,53.991385
+                    -2.559941,53.990479
+                    -2.559125,53.989992
+                    -2.557613,53.989878
+                    -2.557270,53.989577
+                    -2.556101,53.988948
+                    -2.555504,53.988667
+                    -2.554589,53.988123
+                    -2.553077,53.988090
+                    -2.552111,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989348
+                    -2.553780,53.989577
+                    -2.553077,53.989768
+                    -2.551603,53.990479
+                    -2.552092,53.991385
+                    -2.551564,53.991408
+                    -2.550052,53.991561
+                    -2.549431,53.991385
+                    -2.549721,53.990479
+                    -2.548540,53.990216
+                    -2.547655,53.990479
+                    -2.547028,53.990607
+                    -2.545516,53.991127
+                    -2.544003,53.991041
+                    -2.542491,53.990765
+                    -2.541804,53.991385
+                    -2.541728,53.992286
+                    -2.540979,53.992438
+                    -2.540032,53.992286
+                    -2.539467,53.991404
+                    -2.539448,53.991385
+                    -2.537955,53.991122
+                    -2.537551,53.991385
+                    -2.537955,53.991995
+                    -2.538621,53.992286
+                    -2.537955,53.992844
+                    -2.536443,53.992982
+                    -2.536077,53.993192
+                    -2.536115,53.994098
+                    -2.536443,53.994784
+                    -2.536925,53.995004
+                    -2.536443,53.995242
+                    -2.536140,53.995910
+                    -2.535879,53.996811
+                    -2.534930,53.997455
+                    -2.533532,53.997717
+                    -2.534930,53.998008
+                    -2.535604,53.998618
+                    -2.536443,53.999133
+                    -2.537185,53.999524
+                    -2.537236,54.000430
+                    -2.536443,54.000659
+                    -2.535281,54.001336
+                    -2.535004,54.002242
+                    -2.534930,54.002280
+                    -2.534775,54.002242
+                    -2.533418,54.002028
+                    -2.533036,54.002242
+                    -2.532935,54.003143
+                    -2.533418,54.004021
+                    -2.533576,54.004049
+                    -2.534930,54.004126
+                    -2.536443,54.004374
+                    -2.537955,54.004331
+                    -2.538513,54.004049
+                    -2.539013,54.003143
+                    -2.539467,54.002995
+                    -2.539936,54.003143
+                    -2.540011,54.004049
+                    -2.539467,54.004378
+                    -2.538604,54.004951
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+                    -2.540779,54.005861
+                    -2.539467,54.006591
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+                    -2.539467,54.006972
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+                    -2.507711,53.984203
+                    -2.507798,53.984141
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+                    -2.508179,53.982334
+                    -2.508656,53.981433
+                    -2.509068,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979640
+                    -2.506199,53.980145
+                    -2.504686,53.980474
+                    -2.503174,53.979697
+                    -2.503053,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979545
+                    -2.504686,53.979173
+                    -2.505547,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978543
+                    -2.507711,53.978324
+                    -2.508714,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977509
+                    -2.510079,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976150
+                    -2.509074,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975859
+                    -2.510239,53.975101
+                    -2.510114,53.974195
+                    -2.510735,53.973789
+                    -2.511539,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972850
+                    -2.513760,53.972616
+                    -2.514164,53.972383
+                    -2.515272,53.971839
+                    -2.515880,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971157
+                    -2.513760,53.971171
+                    -2.512317,53.970575
+                    -2.512247,53.970537
+                    -2.512177,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.971157
+                    -2.509895,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532120,53.972383
+                    -2.532028,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973594
+                    -2.530858,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974824
+                    -2.532288,53.975101
+                    -2.532450,53.976002
+                    -2.532220,53.976908
+                    -2.532299,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978477
+                    -2.533920,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979321
+                    -2.535560,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.980150
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+                    -2.537955,53.980780
+                    -2.538391,53.980527
+                    -2.539467,53.980293
+                    -2.540061,53.980527
+                    -2.540104,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.982272
+                    -2.541074,53.982334
+                    -2.541396,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983893
+                    -2.543291,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984571
+                    -2.545516,53.984857
+                    -2.547028,53.984904
+                    -2.547761,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985515
+                    -2.550052,53.985548
+                    -2.550668,53.985953
+                    -2.550789,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987327
+                    -2.552340,53.986859
+                    -2.552461,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985820
+                    -2.554589,53.985724
+                    -2.556101,53.985701
+                    -2.556696,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986506
+                    -2.558665,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985648
+                    -2.559381,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986650
+                    -2.562150,53.986540
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+                    -2.563593,53.989577
+                    -2.563662,53.989716
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+                    -2.563662,53.993592
+                    -2.562150,53.993492
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+                    -2.560342,53.994098
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+                    -2.560579,53.992286
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+                    -2.559941,53.990479
+                    -2.559125,53.989992
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+                    -2.557270,53.989577
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+                    -2.555504,53.988667
+                    -2.554589,53.988123
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+                    -2.552111,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989348
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+                    -2.553077,53.989768
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016733
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+                    -2.512247,54.017673
+                    -2.513760,54.017782
+                    -2.515272,54.017754
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+                    -2.515272,54.017429
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+                    -2.513760,54.016223
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+                    -2.510735,54.016700
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014020
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+                    -2.512247,54.013796
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+                    -2.513760,54.011827
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+                    -2.515569,54.008574
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+                    -2.516784,54.007316
+                    -2.516109,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006553
+                    -2.518296,54.006510
+                    -2.519492,54.006763
+                    -2.519199,54.007668
+                    -2.519808,54.007988
+                    -2.521321,54.008265
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+                    -2.521321,54.006791
+                    -2.520991,54.006763
+                    -2.521321,54.006686
+                    -2.522049,54.005861
+                    -2.522833,54.005265
+                    -2.523300,54.004951
+                    -2.524236,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003878
+                    -2.525018,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002509
+                    -2.522833,54.002900
+                    -2.521720,54.002242
+                    -2.521321,54.001822
+                    -2.520399,54.001336
+                    -2.521027,54.000430
+                    -2.519808,54.000268
+                    -2.518296,54.000125
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+                    -2.516784,53.999305
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+                    -2.515272,53.998346
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+                    -2.514455,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996401
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+                    -2.509305,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995104
+                    -2.508646,53.995004
+                    -2.507711,53.994861
+                    -2.506199,53.994803
+                    -2.505416,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993611
+                    -2.503833,53.993192
+                    -2.504364,53.992286
+                    -2.503945,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991151
+                    -2.505954,53.990479
+                    -2.505415,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.989048
+                    -2.507711,53.988962
+                    -2.508298,53.988667
+                    -2.509223,53.988032
+                    -2.510735,53.987842
+                    -2.510886,53.987765
+                    -2.510735,53.987684
+                    -2.509223,53.987546
+                    -2.507711,53.987699
+                    -2.507046,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986568
+                    -2.508847,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985348
+                    -2.506630,53.985052
+                    -2.507711,53.984203
+                    -2.507798,53.984141
+                    -2.508176,53.983240
+                    -2.508179,53.982334
+                    -2.508656,53.981433
+                    -2.509068,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979640
+                    -2.506199,53.980145
+                    -2.504686,53.980474
+                    -2.503174,53.979697
+                    -2.503053,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979545
+                    -2.504686,53.979173
+                    -2.505547,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978543
+                    -2.507711,53.978324
+                    -2.508714,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977509
+                    -2.510079,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976150
+                    -2.509074,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975859
+                    -2.510239,53.975101
+                    -2.510114,53.974195
+                    -2.510735,53.973789
+                    -2.511539,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972850
+                    -2.513760,53.972616
+                    -2.514164,53.972383
+                    -2.515272,53.971839
+                    -2.515880,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971157
+                    -2.513760,53.971171
+                    -2.512317,53.970575
+                    -2.512247,53.970537
+                    -2.512177,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.971157
+                    -2.509895,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532120,53.972383
+                    -2.532028,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973594
+                    -2.530858,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974824
+                    -2.532288,53.975101
+                    -2.532450,53.976002
+                    -2.532220,53.976908
+                    -2.532299,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978477
+                    -2.533920,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979321
+                    -2.535560,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.980150
+                    -2.537535,53.980527
+                    -2.537955,53.980780
+                    -2.538391,53.980527
+                    -2.539467,53.980293
+                    -2.540061,53.980527
+                    -2.540104,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.982272
+                    -2.541074,53.982334
+                    -2.541396,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983893
+                    -2.543291,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984571
+                    -2.545516,53.984857
+                    -2.547028,53.984904
+                    -2.547761,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985515
+                    -2.550052,53.985548
+                    -2.550668,53.985953
+                    -2.550789,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987327
+                    -2.552340,53.986859
+                    -2.552461,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985820
+                    -2.554589,53.985724
+                    -2.556101,53.985701
+                    -2.556696,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986506
+                    -2.558665,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985648
+                    -2.559381,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986650
+                    -2.562150,53.986540
+                    -2.562557,53.986859
+                    -2.563226,53.987765
+                    -2.563652,53.988667
+                    -2.563593,53.989577
+                    -2.563662,53.989716
+                    -2.563896,53.990479
+                    -2.565174,53.991070
+                    -2.565419,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991675
+                    -2.564244,53.992286
+                    -2.563873,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.993592
+                    -2.562150,53.993492
+                    -2.561225,53.994098
+                    -2.560638,53.994269
+                    -2.560342,53.994098
+                    -2.560555,53.993192
+                    -2.560579,53.992286
+                    -2.560069,53.991385
+                    -2.559941,53.990479
+                    -2.559125,53.989992
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+                    -2.557270,53.989577
+                    -2.556101,53.988948
+                    -2.555504,53.988667
+                    -2.554589,53.988123
+                    -2.553077,53.988090
+                    -2.552111,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989348
+                    -2.553780,53.989577
+                    -2.553077,53.989768
+                    -2.551603,53.990479
+                    -2.552092,53.991385
+                    -2.551564,53.991408
+                    -2.550052,53.991561
+                    -2.549431,53.991385
+                    -2.549721,53.990479
+                    -2.548540,53.990216
+                    -2.547655,53.990479
+                    -2.547028,53.990607
+                    -2.545516,53.991127
+                    -2.544003,53.991041
+                    -2.542491,53.990765
+                    -2.541804,53.991385
+                    -2.541728,53.992286
+                    -2.540979,53.992438
+                    -2.540032,53.992286
+                    -2.539467,53.991404
+                    -2.539448,53.991385
+                    -2.537955,53.991122
+                    -2.537551,53.991385
+                    -2.537955,53.991995
+                    -2.538621,53.992286
+                    -2.537955,53.992844
+                    -2.536443,53.992982
+                    -2.536077,53.993192
+                    -2.536115,53.994098
+                    -2.536443,53.994784
+                    -2.536925,53.995004
+                    -2.536443,53.995242
+                    -2.536140,53.995910
+                    -2.535879,53.996811
+                    -2.534930,53.997455
+                    -2.533532,53.997717
+                    -2.534930,53.998008
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+                    -2.524345,54.003572
+                    -2.524738,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002771
+                    -2.523275,54.003143
+                    -2.522833,54.003220
+                    -2.522650,54.003143
+                    -2.521321,54.002352
+                    -2.519808,54.002280
+                    -2.518791,54.002242
+                    -2.519218,54.001336
+                    -2.518918,54.000430
+                    -2.518296,54.000368
+                    -2.516784,54.000163
+                    -2.516657,54.000430
+                    -2.515272,54.000802
+                    -2.513760,54.000926
+                    -2.512247,54.000912
+                    -2.512030,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,54.000287
+                    -2.513760,54.000168
+                    -2.515272,54.000053
+                    -2.516576,53.999524
+                    -2.515285,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998613
+                    -2.513828,53.997717
+                    -2.514124,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996596
+                    -2.512902,53.996811
+                    -2.512247,53.997011
+                    -2.512120,53.996811
+                    -2.511971,53.995910
+                    -2.511738,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994498
+                    -2.509546,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995390
+                    -2.507711,53.995275
+                    -2.506199,53.995147
+                    -2.506126,53.995004
+                    -2.505155,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993783
+                    -2.503481,53.993192
+                    -2.504174,53.992286
+                    -2.503622,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991051
+                    -2.505764,53.990479
+                    -2.505083,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.988824
+                    -2.507711,53.988757
+                    -2.507885,53.988667
+                    -2.507711,53.988361
+                    -2.506199,53.988190
+                    -2.505894,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987536
+                    -2.506753,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986440
+                    -2.508609,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985476
+                    -2.506199,53.985062
+                    -2.505932,53.985052
+                    -2.506199,53.985019
+                    -2.507264,53.984141
+                    -2.507711,53.983374
+                    -2.507769,53.983240
+                    -2.507780,53.982334
+                    -2.508230,53.981433
+                    -2.509016,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979673
+                    -2.506199,53.980322
+                    -2.505308,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.980742
+                    -2.504331,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.979926
+                    -2.502673,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979306
+                    -2.504686,53.979020
+                    -2.505264,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978472
+                    -2.507711,53.978190
+                    -2.508457,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977351
+                    -2.509861,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976340
+                    -2.508877,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975668
+                    -2.509983,53.975101
+                    -2.509767,53.974195
+                    -2.510735,53.973560
+                    -2.511175,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972631
+                    -2.513632,53.972383
+                    -2.513760,53.972216
+                    -2.515272,53.971620
+                    -2.515510,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971353
+                    -2.513760,53.971381
+                    -2.512247,53.971324
+                    -2.510735,53.971367
+                    -2.509591,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532192,53.972383
+                    -2.532069,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973694
+                    -2.531035,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974719
+                    -2.532435,53.975101
+                    -2.532632,53.976002
+                    -2.532325,53.976908
+                    -2.532430,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978400
+                    -2.534087,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979220
+                    -2.535770,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.980021
+                    -2.537899,53.980527
+                    -2.537955,53.980560
+                    -2.538012,53.980527
+                    -2.539467,53.980212
+                    -2.540271,53.980527
+                    -2.540317,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.982067
+                    -2.541379,53.982334
+                    -2.541536,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983812
+                    -2.543557,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984408
+                    -2.545516,53.984790
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+                    -2.552094,53.986859
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+                    -2.559507,53.985953
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+                    -2.562150,53.986430
+                    -2.562692,53.986859
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+                    -2.563725,53.988667
+                    -2.563742,53.989577
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+                    -2.565174,53.991809
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+                    -2.562150,53.993850
+                    -2.561768,53.994098
+                    -2.562150,53.994384
+                    -2.563662,53.994493
+                    -2.564169,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995681
+                    -2.565449,53.995910
+                    -2.565354,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997011
+                    -2.563662,53.996959
+                    -2.562150,53.996921
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+                    -2.561833,53.995910
+                    -2.561703,53.995004
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+                    -2.553077,53.989220
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+                    -2.554589,53.989758
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+                    -2.554871,53.991385
+                    -2.555085,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992558
+                    -2.553203,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993340
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+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520470,54.022145
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+                    -2.518296,54.021688
+                    -2.517175,54.021239
+                    -2.516784,54.020882
+                    -2.515272,54.020400
+                    -2.514747,54.020333
+                    -2.513760,54.020219
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013624
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+                    -2.512307,54.013095
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+                    -2.515272,54.011073
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+                    -2.513760,54.009128
+                    -2.512247,54.009271
+                    -2.511288,54.008574
+                    -2.512247,54.008036
+                    -2.513760,54.008217
+                    -2.515272,54.008346
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+                    -2.516949,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007568
+                    -2.515805,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006457
+                    -2.518296,54.006405
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+                    -2.518296,54.004989
+                    -2.517935,54.004951
+                    -2.518296,54.004869
+                    -2.519808,54.004879
+                    -2.521321,54.004912
+                    -2.522253,54.004951
+                    -2.522833,54.004989
+                    -2.522887,54.004951
+                    -2.524040,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003572
+                    -2.524738,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002771
+                    -2.523275,54.003143
+                    -2.522833,54.003220
+                    -2.522650,54.003143
+                    -2.521321,54.002352
+                    -2.519808,54.002280
+                    -2.518791,54.002242
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+                    -2.518918,54.000430
+                    -2.518296,54.000368
+                    -2.516784,54.000163
+                    -2.516657,54.000430
+                    -2.515272,54.000802
+                    -2.513760,54.000926
+                    -2.512247,54.000912
+                    -2.512030,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,54.000287
+                    -2.513760,54.000168
+                    -2.515272,54.000053
+                    -2.516576,53.999524
+                    -2.515285,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998613
+                    -2.513828,53.997717
+                    -2.514124,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996596
+                    -2.512902,53.996811
+                    -2.512247,53.997011
+                    -2.512120,53.996811
+                    -2.511971,53.995910
+                    -2.511738,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994498
+                    -2.509546,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995390
+                    -2.507711,53.995275
+                    -2.506199,53.995147
+                    -2.506126,53.995004
+                    -2.505155,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993783
+                    -2.503481,53.993192
+                    -2.504174,53.992286
+                    -2.503622,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991051
+                    -2.505764,53.990479
+                    -2.505083,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.988824
+                    -2.507711,53.988757
+                    -2.507885,53.988667
+                    -2.507711,53.988361
+                    -2.506199,53.988190
+                    -2.505894,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987536
+                    -2.506753,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986440
+                    -2.508609,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985476
+                    -2.506199,53.985062
+                    -2.505932,53.985052
+                    -2.506199,53.985019
+                    -2.507264,53.984141
+                    -2.507711,53.983374
+                    -2.507769,53.983240
+                    -2.507780,53.982334
+                    -2.508230,53.981433
+                    -2.509016,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979673
+                    -2.506199,53.980322
+                    -2.505308,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.980742
+                    -2.504331,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.979926
+                    -2.502673,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979306
+                    -2.504686,53.979020
+                    -2.505264,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978472
+                    -2.507711,53.978190
+                    -2.508457,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977351
+                    -2.509861,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976340
+                    -2.508877,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975668
+                    -2.509983,53.975101
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+                    -2.510735,53.973560
+                    -2.511175,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972631
+                    -2.513632,53.972383
+                    -2.513760,53.972216
+                    -2.515272,53.971620
+                    -2.515510,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971353
+                    -2.513760,53.971381
+                    -2.512247,53.971324
+                    -2.510735,53.971367
+                    -2.509591,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532192,53.972383
+                    -2.532069,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973694
+                    -2.531035,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974719
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+                    -2.532430,53.977809
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+                    -2.535770,53.979621
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+                    -2.541379,53.982334
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+                    -2.542491,53.983812
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+                    -2.544003,53.984408
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+                    -2.552094,53.986859
+                    -2.552256,53.985953
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+                    -2.559507,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986583
+                    -2.562150,53.986430
+                    -2.562692,53.986859
+                    -2.563584,53.987765
+                    -2.563662,53.987927
+                    -2.563725,53.988667
+                    -2.563742,53.989577
+                    -2.564202,53.990479
+                    -2.565174,53.990932
+                    -2.565529,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991809
+                    -2.564443,53.992286
+                    -2.563981,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.993797
+                    -2.562150,53.993850
+                    -2.561768,53.994098
+                    -2.562150,53.994384
+                    -2.563662,53.994493
+                    -2.564169,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995681
+                    -2.565449,53.995910
+                    -2.565354,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997011
+                    -2.563662,53.996959
+                    -2.562150,53.996921
+                    -2.561152,53.996811
+                    -2.561833,53.995910
+                    -2.561703,53.995004
+                    -2.560638,53.994427
+                    -2.560068,53.994098
+                    -2.560003,53.993192
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+                    -2.559858,53.991385
+                    -2.559708,53.990479
+                    -2.559125,53.990130
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+                    -2.555305,53.988667
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+                    -2.553077,53.988199
+                    -2.552293,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989220
+                    -2.554185,53.989577
+                    -2.554589,53.989758
+                    -2.555222,53.990479
+                    -2.554871,53.991385
+                    -2.555085,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992558
+                    -2.553203,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993340
+                    -2.551960,53.994098
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+                    -2.550052,53.994784
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+                    -2.551564,53.991461
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
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+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013624
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+                    -2.513760,54.009128
+                    -2.512247,54.009271
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+                    -2.512247,54.008036
+                    -2.513760,54.008217
+                    -2.515272,54.008346
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+                    -2.516949,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007568
+                    -2.515805,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006457
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+                    -2.518296,54.004989
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+                    -2.518296,54.004869
+                    -2.519808,54.004879
+                    -2.521321,54.004912
+                    -2.522253,54.004951
+                    -2.522833,54.004989
+                    -2.522887,54.004951
+                    -2.524040,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003572
+                    -2.524738,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002771
+                    -2.523275,54.003143
+                    -2.522833,54.003220
+                    -2.522650,54.003143
+                    -2.521321,54.002352
+                    -2.519808,54.002280
+                    -2.518791,54.002242
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+                    -2.518296,54.000368
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+                    -2.515272,54.000802
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+                    -2.512030,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,54.000287
+                    -2.513760,54.000168
+                    -2.515272,54.000053
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+                    -2.515285,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998613
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+                    -2.514124,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996596
+                    -2.512902,53.996811
+                    -2.512247,53.997011
+                    -2.512120,53.996811
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+                    -2.509546,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995390
+                    -2.507711,53.995275
+                    -2.506199,53.995147
+                    -2.506126,53.995004
+                    -2.505155,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993783
+                    -2.503481,53.993192
+                    -2.504174,53.992286
+                    -2.503622,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991051
+                    -2.505764,53.990479
+                    -2.505083,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.988824
+                    -2.507711,53.988757
+                    -2.507885,53.988667
+                    -2.507711,53.988361
+                    -2.506199,53.988190
+                    -2.505894,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987536
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+                    -2.507711,53.986440
+                    -2.508609,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985476
+                    -2.506199,53.985062
+                    -2.505932,53.985052
+                    -2.506199,53.985019
+                    -2.507264,53.984141
+                    -2.507711,53.983374
+                    -2.507769,53.983240
+                    -2.507780,53.982334
+                    -2.508230,53.981433
+                    -2.509016,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979673
+                    -2.506199,53.980322
+                    -2.505308,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.980742
+                    -2.504331,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.979926
+                    -2.502673,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979306
+                    -2.504686,53.979020
+                    -2.505264,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978472
+                    -2.507711,53.978190
+                    -2.508457,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977351
+                    -2.509861,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976340
+                    -2.508877,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975668
+                    -2.509983,53.975101
+                    -2.509767,53.974195
+                    -2.510735,53.973560
+                    -2.511175,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972631
+                    -2.513632,53.972383
+                    -2.513760,53.972216
+                    -2.515272,53.971620
+                    -2.515510,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971353
+                    -2.513760,53.971381
+                    -2.512247,53.971324
+                    -2.510735,53.971367
+                    -2.509591,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532192,53.972383
+                    -2.532069,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973694
+                    -2.531035,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974719
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+                    -2.532632,53.976002
+                    -2.532325,53.976908
+                    -2.532430,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978400
+                    -2.534087,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979220
+                    -2.535770,53.979621
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+                    -2.537899,53.980527
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+                    -2.538012,53.980527
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+                    -2.540271,53.980527
+                    -2.540317,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.982067
+                    -2.541379,53.982334
+                    -2.541536,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983812
+                    -2.543557,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984408
+                    -2.545516,53.984790
+                    -2.547028,53.984857
+                    -2.548005,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985372
+                    -2.550052,53.985410
+                    -2.550873,53.985953
+                    -2.551034,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987174
+                    -2.552094,53.986859
+                    -2.552256,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985777
+                    -2.554589,53.985648
+                    -2.556101,53.985610
+                    -2.556894,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986387
+                    -2.558437,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985496
+                    -2.559507,53.985953
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+                    -2.562150,53.986430
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+                    -2.563584,53.987765
+                    -2.563662,53.987927
+                    -2.563725,53.988667
+                    -2.563742,53.989577
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+                    -2.565174,53.991809
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+                    -2.562150,53.993850
+                    -2.561768,53.994098
+                    -2.562150,53.994384
+                    -2.563662,53.994493
+                    -2.564169,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995681
+                    -2.565449,53.995910
+                    -2.565354,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997011
+                    -2.563662,53.996959
+                    -2.562150,53.996921
+                    -2.561152,53.996811
+                    -2.561833,53.995910
+                    -2.561703,53.995004
+                    -2.560638,53.994427
+                    -2.560068,53.994098
+                    -2.560003,53.993192
+                    -2.559929,53.992286
+                    -2.559858,53.991385
+                    -2.559708,53.990479
+                    -2.559125,53.990130
+                    -2.557613,53.990035
+                    -2.557094,53.989577
+                    -2.556101,53.989043
+                    -2.555305,53.988667
+                    -2.554589,53.988242
+                    -2.553077,53.988199
+                    -2.552293,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989220
+                    -2.554185,53.989577
+                    -2.554589,53.989758
+                    -2.555222,53.990479
+                    -2.554871,53.991385
+                    -2.555085,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992558
+                    -2.553203,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993340
+                    -2.551960,53.994098
+                    -2.551564,53.994274
+                    -2.550052,53.994784
+                    -2.549759,53.995004
+                    -2.548540,53.995748
+                    -2.548110,53.995910
+                    -2.547028,53.996377
+                    -2.546340,53.995910
+                    -2.546838,53.995004
+                    -2.547028,53.994846
+                    -2.548540,53.994508
+                    -2.549342,53.994098
+                    -2.550052,53.993888
+                    -2.551564,53.993306
+                    -2.551875,53.993192
+                    -2.552858,53.992286
+                    -2.551564,53.991461
+                    -2.550052,53.991771
+                    -2.548700,53.991385
+                    -2.548540,53.990588
+                    -2.547028,53.990788
+                    -2.545516,53.991370
+                    -2.544003,53.991284
+                    -2.542728,53.991385
+                    -2.544003,53.991885
+                    -2.544125,53.992286
+                    -2.544003,53.992801
+                    -2.542491,53.992305
+                    -2.540979,53.992596
+                    -2.539467,53.992414
+                    -2.538264,53.993192
+                    -2.538555,53.994098
+                    -2.539467,53.994756
+                    -2.539711,53.995004
+                    -2.539467,53.995075
+                    -2.538387,53.995910
+                    -2.537955,53.996410
+                    -2.536443,53.996429
+                    -2.536317,53.996811
+                    -2.535331,53.997717
+                    -2.535974,53.998618
+                    -2.536443,53.998909
+                    -2.537621,53.999524
+                    -2.537636,54.000430
+                    -2.536443,54.000778
+                    -2.535480,54.001336
+                    -2.535831,54.002242
+                    -2.534930,54.002771
+                    -2.533418,54.002953
+                    -2.533391,54.003143
+                    -2.533418,54.003196
+                    -2.534930,54.003606
+                    -2.535737,54.004049
+                    -2.536443,54.004173
+                    -2.537828,54.004049
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+                    -2.524345,54.003572
+                    -2.524738,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002771
+                    -2.523275,54.003143
+                    -2.522833,54.003220
+                    -2.522650,54.003143
+                    -2.521321,54.002352
+                    -2.519808,54.002280
+                    -2.518791,54.002242
+                    -2.519218,54.001336
+                    -2.518918,54.000430
+                    -2.518296,54.000368
+                    -2.516784,54.000163
+                    -2.516657,54.000430
+                    -2.515272,54.000802
+                    -2.513760,54.000926
+                    -2.512247,54.000912
+                    -2.512030,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,54.000287
+                    -2.513760,54.000168
+                    -2.515272,54.000053
+                    -2.516576,53.999524
+                    -2.515285,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998613
+                    -2.513828,53.997717
+                    -2.514124,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996596
+                    -2.512902,53.996811
+                    -2.512247,53.997011
+                    -2.512120,53.996811
+                    -2.511971,53.995910
+                    -2.511738,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994498
+                    -2.509546,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995390
+                    -2.507711,53.995275
+                    -2.506199,53.995147
+                    -2.506126,53.995004
+                    -2.505155,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993783
+                    -2.503481,53.993192
+                    -2.504174,53.992286
+                    -2.503622,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991051
+                    -2.505764,53.990479
+                    -2.505083,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.988824
+                    -2.507711,53.988757
+                    -2.507885,53.988667
+                    -2.507711,53.988361
+                    -2.506199,53.988190
+                    -2.505894,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987536
+                    -2.506753,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986440
+                    -2.508609,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985476
+                    -2.506199,53.985062
+                    -2.505932,53.985052
+                    -2.506199,53.985019
+                    -2.507264,53.984141
+                    -2.507711,53.983374
+                    -2.507769,53.983240
+                    -2.507780,53.982334
+                    -2.508230,53.981433
+                    -2.509016,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979673
+                    -2.506199,53.980322
+                    -2.505308,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.980742
+                    -2.504331,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.979926
+                    -2.502673,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979306
+                    -2.504686,53.979020
+                    -2.505264,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978472
+                    -2.507711,53.978190
+                    -2.508457,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977351
+                    -2.509861,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976340
+                    -2.508877,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975668
+                    -2.509983,53.975101
+                    -2.509767,53.974195
+                    -2.510735,53.973560
+                    -2.511175,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972631
+                    -2.513632,53.972383
+                    -2.513760,53.972216
+                    -2.515272,53.971620
+                    -2.515510,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971353
+                    -2.513760,53.971381
+                    -2.512247,53.971324
+                    -2.510735,53.971367
+                    -2.509591,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532192,53.972383
+                    -2.532069,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973694
+                    -2.531035,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974719
+                    -2.532435,53.975101
+                    -2.532632,53.976002
+                    -2.532325,53.976908
+                    -2.532430,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978400
+                    -2.534087,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979220
+                    -2.535770,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.980021
+                    -2.537899,53.980527
+                    -2.537955,53.980560
+                    -2.538012,53.980527
+                    -2.539467,53.980212
+                    -2.540271,53.980527
+                    -2.540317,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.982067
+                    -2.541379,53.982334
+                    -2.541536,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983812
+                    -2.543557,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984408
+                    -2.545516,53.984790
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+                    -2.552094,53.986859
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+                    -2.559507,53.985953
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+                    -2.562150,53.986430
+                    -2.562692,53.986859
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+                    -2.563725,53.988667
+                    -2.563742,53.989577
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+                    -2.565174,53.991809
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+                    -2.562150,53.993850
+                    -2.561768,53.994098
+                    -2.562150,53.994384
+                    -2.563662,53.994493
+                    -2.564169,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995681
+                    -2.565449,53.995910
+                    -2.565354,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997011
+                    -2.563662,53.996959
+                    -2.562150,53.996921
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+                    -2.561833,53.995910
+                    -2.561703,53.995004
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+                    -2.553077,53.989220
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+                    -2.554589,53.989758
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+                    -2.554871,53.991385
+                    -2.555085,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992558
+                    -2.553203,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993340
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+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520470,54.022145
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+                    -2.518296,54.021688
+                    -2.517175,54.021239
+                    -2.516784,54.020882
+                    -2.515272,54.020400
+                    -2.514747,54.020333
+                    -2.513760,54.020219
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013624
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+                    -2.512307,54.013095
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+                    -2.515272,54.011073
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+                    -2.513760,54.009128
+                    -2.512247,54.009271
+                    -2.511288,54.008574
+                    -2.512247,54.008036
+                    -2.513760,54.008217
+                    -2.515272,54.008346
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+                    -2.516949,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007568
+                    -2.515805,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006457
+                    -2.518296,54.006405
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+                    -2.518296,54.004989
+                    -2.517935,54.004951
+                    -2.518296,54.004869
+                    -2.519808,54.004879
+                    -2.521321,54.004912
+                    -2.522253,54.004951
+                    -2.522833,54.004989
+                    -2.522887,54.004951
+                    -2.524040,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003572
+                    -2.524738,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002771
+                    -2.523275,54.003143
+                    -2.522833,54.003220
+                    -2.522650,54.003143
+                    -2.521321,54.002352
+                    -2.519808,54.002280
+                    -2.518791,54.002242
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+                    -2.518918,54.000430
+                    -2.518296,54.000368
+                    -2.516784,54.000163
+                    -2.516657,54.000430
+                    -2.515272,54.000802
+                    -2.513760,54.000926
+                    -2.512247,54.000912
+                    -2.512030,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,54.000287
+                    -2.513760,54.000168
+                    -2.515272,54.000053
+                    -2.516576,53.999524
+                    -2.515285,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998613
+                    -2.513828,53.997717
+                    -2.514124,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996596
+                    -2.512902,53.996811
+                    -2.512247,53.997011
+                    -2.512120,53.996811
+                    -2.511971,53.995910
+                    -2.511738,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994498
+                    -2.509546,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995390
+                    -2.507711,53.995275
+                    -2.506199,53.995147
+                    -2.506126,53.995004
+                    -2.505155,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993783
+                    -2.503481,53.993192
+                    -2.504174,53.992286
+                    -2.503622,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991051
+                    -2.505764,53.990479
+                    -2.505083,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.988824
+                    -2.507711,53.988757
+                    -2.507885,53.988667
+                    -2.507711,53.988361
+                    -2.506199,53.988190
+                    -2.505894,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987536
+                    -2.506753,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986440
+                    -2.508609,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985476
+                    -2.506199,53.985062
+                    -2.505932,53.985052
+                    -2.506199,53.985019
+                    -2.507264,53.984141
+                    -2.507711,53.983374
+                    -2.507769,53.983240
+                    -2.507780,53.982334
+                    -2.508230,53.981433
+                    -2.509016,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979673
+                    -2.506199,53.980322
+                    -2.505308,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.980742
+                    -2.504331,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.979926
+                    -2.502673,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979306
+                    -2.504686,53.979020
+                    -2.505264,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978472
+                    -2.507711,53.978190
+                    -2.508457,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977351
+                    -2.509861,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976340
+                    -2.508877,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975668
+                    -2.509983,53.975101
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+                    -2.510735,53.973560
+                    -2.511175,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972631
+                    -2.513632,53.972383
+                    -2.513760,53.972216
+                    -2.515272,53.971620
+                    -2.515510,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971353
+                    -2.513760,53.971381
+                    -2.512247,53.971324
+                    -2.510735,53.971367
+                    -2.509591,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532192,53.972383
+                    -2.532069,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973694
+                    -2.531035,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974719
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+                    -2.532430,53.977809
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+                    -2.535770,53.979621
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+                    -2.541379,53.982334
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+                    -2.542491,53.983812
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+                    -2.544003,53.984408
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+                    -2.552094,53.986859
+                    -2.552256,53.985953
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+                    -2.559507,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986583
+                    -2.562150,53.986430
+                    -2.562692,53.986859
+                    -2.563584,53.987765
+                    -2.563662,53.987927
+                    -2.563725,53.988667
+                    -2.563742,53.989577
+                    -2.564202,53.990479
+                    -2.565174,53.990932
+                    -2.565529,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991809
+                    -2.564443,53.992286
+                    -2.563981,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.993797
+                    -2.562150,53.993850
+                    -2.561768,53.994098
+                    -2.562150,53.994384
+                    -2.563662,53.994493
+                    -2.564169,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995681
+                    -2.565449,53.995910
+                    -2.565354,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997011
+                    -2.563662,53.996959
+                    -2.562150,53.996921
+                    -2.561152,53.996811
+                    -2.561833,53.995910
+                    -2.561703,53.995004
+                    -2.560638,53.994427
+                    -2.560068,53.994098
+                    -2.560003,53.993192
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+                    -2.559858,53.991385
+                    -2.559708,53.990479
+                    -2.559125,53.990130
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+                    -2.555305,53.988667
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+                    -2.553077,53.988199
+                    -2.552293,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989220
+                    -2.554185,53.989577
+                    -2.554589,53.989758
+                    -2.555222,53.990479
+                    -2.554871,53.991385
+                    -2.555085,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992558
+                    -2.553203,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993340
+                    -2.551960,53.994098
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+                    -2.550052,53.994784
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+                    -2.551564,53.991461
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
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+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013624
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+                    -2.513760,54.009128
+                    -2.512247,54.009271
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+                    -2.512247,54.008036
+                    -2.513760,54.008217
+                    -2.515272,54.008346
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+                    -2.516949,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007568
+                    -2.515805,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006457
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+                    -2.518296,54.004989
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+                    -2.518296,54.004869
+                    -2.519808,54.004879
+                    -2.521321,54.004912
+                    -2.522253,54.004951
+                    -2.522833,54.004989
+                    -2.522887,54.004951
+                    -2.524040,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003572
+                    -2.524738,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002771
+                    -2.523275,54.003143
+                    -2.522833,54.003220
+                    -2.522650,54.003143
+                    -2.521321,54.002352
+                    -2.519808,54.002280
+                    -2.518791,54.002242
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+                    -2.518296,54.000368
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+                    -2.515272,54.000802
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+                    -2.512030,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,54.000287
+                    -2.513760,54.000168
+                    -2.515272,54.000053
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+                    -2.515285,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998613
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+                    -2.514124,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996596
+                    -2.512902,53.996811
+                    -2.512247,53.997011
+                    -2.512120,53.996811
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+                    -2.509546,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995390
+                    -2.507711,53.995275
+                    -2.506199,53.995147
+                    -2.506126,53.995004
+                    -2.505155,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993783
+                    -2.503481,53.993192
+                    -2.504174,53.992286
+                    -2.503622,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991051
+                    -2.505764,53.990479
+                    -2.505083,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.988824
+                    -2.507711,53.988757
+                    -2.507885,53.988667
+                    -2.507711,53.988361
+                    -2.506199,53.988190
+                    -2.505894,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987536
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+                    -2.507711,53.986440
+                    -2.508609,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985476
+                    -2.506199,53.985062
+                    -2.505932,53.985052
+                    -2.506199,53.985019
+                    -2.507264,53.984141
+                    -2.507711,53.983374
+                    -2.507769,53.983240
+                    -2.507780,53.982334
+                    -2.508230,53.981433
+                    -2.509016,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979673
+                    -2.506199,53.980322
+                    -2.505308,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.980742
+                    -2.504331,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.979926
+                    -2.502673,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979306
+                    -2.504686,53.979020
+                    -2.505264,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978472
+                    -2.507711,53.978190
+                    -2.508457,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977351
+                    -2.509861,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976340
+                    -2.508877,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975668
+                    -2.509983,53.975101
+                    -2.509767,53.974195
+                    -2.510735,53.973560
+                    -2.511175,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972631
+                    -2.513632,53.972383
+                    -2.513760,53.972216
+                    -2.515272,53.971620
+                    -2.515510,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971353
+                    -2.513760,53.971381
+                    -2.512247,53.971324
+                    -2.510735,53.971367
+                    -2.509591,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532192,53.972383
+                    -2.532069,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973694
+                    -2.531035,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974719
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+                    -2.532632,53.976002
+                    -2.532325,53.976908
+                    -2.532430,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978400
+                    -2.534087,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979220
+                    -2.535770,53.979621
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+                    -2.537899,53.980527
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+                    -2.538012,53.980527
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+                    -2.540271,53.980527
+                    -2.540317,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.982067
+                    -2.541379,53.982334
+                    -2.541536,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983812
+                    -2.543557,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984408
+                    -2.545516,53.984790
+                    -2.547028,53.984857
+                    -2.548005,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985372
+                    -2.550052,53.985410
+                    -2.550873,53.985953
+                    -2.551034,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987174
+                    -2.552094,53.986859
+                    -2.552256,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985777
+                    -2.554589,53.985648
+                    -2.556101,53.985610
+                    -2.556894,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986387
+                    -2.558437,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985496
+                    -2.559507,53.985953
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+                    -2.562150,53.986430
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+                    -2.563584,53.987765
+                    -2.563662,53.987927
+                    -2.563725,53.988667
+                    -2.563742,53.989577
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+                    -2.565174,53.991809
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+                    -2.562150,53.993850
+                    -2.561768,53.994098
+                    -2.562150,53.994384
+                    -2.563662,53.994493
+                    -2.564169,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995681
+                    -2.565449,53.995910
+                    -2.565354,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997011
+                    -2.563662,53.996959
+                    -2.562150,53.996921
+                    -2.561152,53.996811
+                    -2.561833,53.995910
+                    -2.561703,53.995004
+                    -2.560638,53.994427
+                    -2.560068,53.994098
+                    -2.560003,53.993192
+                    -2.559929,53.992286
+                    -2.559858,53.991385
+                    -2.559708,53.990479
+                    -2.559125,53.990130
+                    -2.557613,53.990035
+                    -2.557094,53.989577
+                    -2.556101,53.989043
+                    -2.555305,53.988667
+                    -2.554589,53.988242
+                    -2.553077,53.988199
+                    -2.552293,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989220
+                    -2.554185,53.989577
+                    -2.554589,53.989758
+                    -2.555222,53.990479
+                    -2.554871,53.991385
+                    -2.555085,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992558
+                    -2.553203,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993340
+                    -2.551960,53.994098
+                    -2.551564,53.994274
+                    -2.550052,53.994784
+                    -2.549759,53.995004
+                    -2.548540,53.995748
+                    -2.548110,53.995910
+                    -2.547028,53.996377
+                    -2.546340,53.995910
+                    -2.546838,53.995004
+                    -2.547028,53.994846
+                    -2.548540,53.994508
+                    -2.549342,53.994098
+                    -2.550052,53.993888
+                    -2.551564,53.993306
+                    -2.551875,53.993192
+                    -2.552858,53.992286
+                    -2.551564,53.991461
+                    -2.550052,53.991771
+                    -2.548700,53.991385
+                    -2.548540,53.990588
+                    -2.547028,53.990788
+                    -2.545516,53.991370
+                    -2.544003,53.991284
+                    -2.542728,53.991385
+                    -2.544003,53.991885
+                    -2.544125,53.992286
+                    -2.544003,53.992801
+                    -2.542491,53.992305
+                    -2.540979,53.992596
+                    -2.539467,53.992414
+                    -2.538264,53.993192
+                    -2.538555,53.994098
+                    -2.539467,53.994756
+                    -2.539711,53.995004
+                    -2.539467,53.995075
+                    -2.538387,53.995910
+                    -2.537955,53.996410
+                    -2.536443,53.996429
+                    -2.536317,53.996811
+                    -2.535331,53.997717
+                    -2.535974,53.998618
+                    -2.536443,53.998909
+                    -2.537621,53.999524
+                    -2.537636,54.000430
+                    -2.536443,54.000778
+                    -2.535480,54.001336
+                    -2.535831,54.002242
+                    -2.534930,54.002771
+                    -2.533418,54.002953
+                    -2.533391,54.003143
+                    -2.533418,54.003196
+                    -2.534930,54.003606
+                    -2.535737,54.004049
+                    -2.536443,54.004173
+                    -2.537828,54.004049
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+                    -2.524345,54.003572
+                    -2.524738,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002771
+                    -2.523275,54.003143
+                    -2.522833,54.003220
+                    -2.522650,54.003143
+                    -2.521321,54.002352
+                    -2.519808,54.002280
+                    -2.518791,54.002242
+                    -2.519218,54.001336
+                    -2.518918,54.000430
+                    -2.518296,54.000368
+                    -2.516784,54.000163
+                    -2.516657,54.000430
+                    -2.515272,54.000802
+                    -2.513760,54.000926
+                    -2.512247,54.000912
+                    -2.512030,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,54.000287
+                    -2.513760,54.000168
+                    -2.515272,54.000053
+                    -2.516576,53.999524
+                    -2.515285,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998613
+                    -2.513828,53.997717
+                    -2.514124,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996596
+                    -2.512902,53.996811
+                    -2.512247,53.997011
+                    -2.512120,53.996811
+                    -2.511971,53.995910
+                    -2.511738,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994498
+                    -2.509546,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995390
+                    -2.507711,53.995275
+                    -2.506199,53.995147
+                    -2.506126,53.995004
+                    -2.505155,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993783
+                    -2.503481,53.993192
+                    -2.504174,53.992286
+                    -2.503622,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991051
+                    -2.505764,53.990479
+                    -2.505083,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.988824
+                    -2.507711,53.988757
+                    -2.507885,53.988667
+                    -2.507711,53.988361
+                    -2.506199,53.988190
+                    -2.505894,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987536
+                    -2.506753,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986440
+                    -2.508609,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985476
+                    -2.506199,53.985062
+                    -2.505932,53.985052
+                    -2.506199,53.985019
+                    -2.507264,53.984141
+                    -2.507711,53.983374
+                    -2.507769,53.983240
+                    -2.507780,53.982334
+                    -2.508230,53.981433
+                    -2.509016,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979673
+                    -2.506199,53.980322
+                    -2.505308,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.980742
+                    -2.504331,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.979926
+                    -2.502673,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979306
+                    -2.504686,53.979020
+                    -2.505264,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978472
+                    -2.507711,53.978190
+                    -2.508457,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977351
+                    -2.509861,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976340
+                    -2.508877,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975668
+                    -2.509983,53.975101
+                    -2.509767,53.974195
+                    -2.510735,53.973560
+                    -2.511175,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972631
+                    -2.513632,53.972383
+                    -2.513760,53.972216
+                    -2.515272,53.971620
+                    -2.515510,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971353
+                    -2.513760,53.971381
+                    -2.512247,53.971324
+                    -2.510735,53.971367
+                    -2.509591,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532192,53.972383
+                    -2.532069,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973694
+                    -2.531035,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974719
+                    -2.532435,53.975101
+                    -2.532632,53.976002
+                    -2.532325,53.976908
+                    -2.532430,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978400
+                    -2.534087,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979220
+                    -2.535770,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.980021
+                    -2.537899,53.980527
+                    -2.537955,53.980560
+                    -2.538012,53.980527
+                    -2.539467,53.980212
+                    -2.540271,53.980527
+                    -2.540317,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.982067
+                    -2.541379,53.982334
+                    -2.541536,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983812
+                    -2.543557,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984408
+                    -2.545516,53.984790
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+                    -2.552094,53.986859
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+                    -2.559507,53.985953
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+                    -2.562150,53.986430
+                    -2.562692,53.986859
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+                    -2.563725,53.988667
+                    -2.563742,53.989577
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+                    -2.565174,53.991809
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+                    -2.562150,53.993850
+                    -2.561768,53.994098
+                    -2.562150,53.994384
+                    -2.563662,53.994493
+                    -2.564169,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995681
+                    -2.565449,53.995910
+                    -2.565354,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997011
+                    -2.563662,53.996959
+                    -2.562150,53.996921
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+                    -2.561833,53.995910
+                    -2.561703,53.995004
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+                    -2.553077,53.989220
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+                    -2.554589,53.989758
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+                    -2.554871,53.991385
+                    -2.555085,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992558
+                    -2.553203,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993340
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+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520470,54.022145
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+                    -2.518296,54.021688
+                    -2.517175,54.021239
+                    -2.516784,54.020882
+                    -2.515272,54.020400
+                    -2.514747,54.020333
+                    -2.513760,54.020219
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013624
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+                    -2.512307,54.013095
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+                    -2.515272,54.011073
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+                    -2.513760,54.009128
+                    -2.512247,54.009271
+                    -2.511288,54.008574
+                    -2.512247,54.008036
+                    -2.513760,54.008217
+                    -2.515272,54.008346
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+                    -2.516949,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007568
+                    -2.515805,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006457
+                    -2.518296,54.006405
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+                    -2.518296,54.004989
+                    -2.517935,54.004951
+                    -2.518296,54.004869
+                    -2.519808,54.004879
+                    -2.521321,54.004912
+                    -2.522253,54.004951
+                    -2.522833,54.004989
+                    -2.522887,54.004951
+                    -2.524040,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003572
+                    -2.524738,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002771
+                    -2.523275,54.003143
+                    -2.522833,54.003220
+                    -2.522650,54.003143
+                    -2.521321,54.002352
+                    -2.519808,54.002280
+                    -2.518791,54.002242
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+                    -2.518918,54.000430
+                    -2.518296,54.000368
+                    -2.516784,54.000163
+                    -2.516657,54.000430
+                    -2.515272,54.000802
+                    -2.513760,54.000926
+                    -2.512247,54.000912
+                    -2.512030,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,54.000287
+                    -2.513760,54.000168
+                    -2.515272,54.000053
+                    -2.516576,53.999524
+                    -2.515285,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998613
+                    -2.513828,53.997717
+                    -2.514124,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996596
+                    -2.512902,53.996811
+                    -2.512247,53.997011
+                    -2.512120,53.996811
+                    -2.511971,53.995910
+                    -2.511738,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994498
+                    -2.509546,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995390
+                    -2.507711,53.995275
+                    -2.506199,53.995147
+                    -2.506126,53.995004
+                    -2.505155,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993783
+                    -2.503481,53.993192
+                    -2.504174,53.992286
+                    -2.503622,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991051
+                    -2.505764,53.990479
+                    -2.505083,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.988824
+                    -2.507711,53.988757
+                    -2.507885,53.988667
+                    -2.507711,53.988361
+                    -2.506199,53.988190
+                    -2.505894,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987536
+                    -2.506753,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986440
+                    -2.508609,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985476
+                    -2.506199,53.985062
+                    -2.505932,53.985052
+                    -2.506199,53.985019
+                    -2.507264,53.984141
+                    -2.507711,53.983374
+                    -2.507769,53.983240
+                    -2.507780,53.982334
+                    -2.508230,53.981433
+                    -2.509016,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979673
+                    -2.506199,53.980322
+                    -2.505308,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.980742
+                    -2.504331,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.979926
+                    -2.502673,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979306
+                    -2.504686,53.979020
+                    -2.505264,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978472
+                    -2.507711,53.978190
+                    -2.508457,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977351
+                    -2.509861,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976340
+                    -2.508877,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975668
+                    -2.509983,53.975101
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+                    -2.510735,53.973560
+                    -2.511175,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972631
+                    -2.513632,53.972383
+                    -2.513760,53.972216
+                    -2.515272,53.971620
+                    -2.515510,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971353
+                    -2.513760,53.971381
+                    -2.512247,53.971324
+                    -2.510735,53.971367
+                    -2.509591,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532192,53.972383
+                    -2.532069,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973694
+                    -2.531035,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974719
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+                    -2.532430,53.977809
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+                    -2.535770,53.979621
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+                    -2.541379,53.982334
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+                    -2.542491,53.983812
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+                    -2.544003,53.984408
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+                    -2.552094,53.986859
+                    -2.552256,53.985953
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+                    -2.559507,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986583
+                    -2.562150,53.986430
+                    -2.562692,53.986859
+                    -2.563584,53.987765
+                    -2.563662,53.987927
+                    -2.563725,53.988667
+                    -2.563742,53.989577
+                    -2.564202,53.990479
+                    -2.565174,53.990932
+                    -2.565529,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991809
+                    -2.564443,53.992286
+                    -2.563981,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.993797
+                    -2.562150,53.993850
+                    -2.561768,53.994098
+                    -2.562150,53.994384
+                    -2.563662,53.994493
+                    -2.564169,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995681
+                    -2.565449,53.995910
+                    -2.565354,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997011
+                    -2.563662,53.996959
+                    -2.562150,53.996921
+                    -2.561152,53.996811
+                    -2.561833,53.995910
+                    -2.561703,53.995004
+                    -2.560638,53.994427
+                    -2.560068,53.994098
+                    -2.560003,53.993192
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+                    -2.559858,53.991385
+                    -2.559708,53.990479
+                    -2.559125,53.990130
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+                    -2.555305,53.988667
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+                    -2.553077,53.988199
+                    -2.552293,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989220
+                    -2.554185,53.989577
+                    -2.554589,53.989758
+                    -2.555222,53.990479
+                    -2.554871,53.991385
+                    -2.555085,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992558
+                    -2.553203,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993340
+                    -2.551960,53.994098
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+                    -2.550052,53.994784
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+                    -2.551564,53.991461
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
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+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013624
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+                    -2.513760,54.009128
+                    -2.512247,54.009271
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+                    -2.512247,54.008036
+                    -2.513760,54.008217
+                    -2.515272,54.008346
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+                    -2.516949,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007568
+                    -2.515805,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006457
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+                    -2.518296,54.004989
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+                    -2.518296,54.004869
+                    -2.519808,54.004879
+                    -2.521321,54.004912
+                    -2.522253,54.004951
+                    -2.522833,54.004989
+                    -2.522887,54.004951
+                    -2.524040,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003572
+                    -2.524738,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002771
+                    -2.523275,54.003143
+                    -2.522833,54.003220
+                    -2.522650,54.003143
+                    -2.521321,54.002352
+                    -2.519808,54.002280
+                    -2.518791,54.002242
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+                    -2.518296,54.000368
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+                    -2.515272,54.000802
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+                    -2.512030,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,54.000287
+                    -2.513760,54.000168
+                    -2.515272,54.000053
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+                    -2.515285,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998613
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+                    -2.514124,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996596
+                    -2.512902,53.996811
+                    -2.512247,53.997011
+                    -2.512120,53.996811
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+                    -2.509546,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995390
+                    -2.507711,53.995275
+                    -2.506199,53.995147
+                    -2.506126,53.995004
+                    -2.505155,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993783
+                    -2.503481,53.993192
+                    -2.504174,53.992286
+                    -2.503622,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991051
+                    -2.505764,53.990479
+                    -2.505083,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.988824
+                    -2.507711,53.988757
+                    -2.507885,53.988667
+                    -2.507711,53.988361
+                    -2.506199,53.988190
+                    -2.505894,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987536
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+                    -2.507711,53.986440
+                    -2.508609,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985476
+                    -2.506199,53.985062
+                    -2.505932,53.985052
+                    -2.506199,53.985019
+                    -2.507264,53.984141
+                    -2.507711,53.983374
+                    -2.507769,53.983240
+                    -2.507780,53.982334
+                    -2.508230,53.981433
+                    -2.509016,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979673
+                    -2.506199,53.980322
+                    -2.505308,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.980742
+                    -2.504331,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.979926
+                    -2.502673,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979306
+                    -2.504686,53.979020
+                    -2.505264,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978472
+                    -2.507711,53.978190
+                    -2.508457,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977351
+                    -2.509861,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976340
+                    -2.508877,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975668
+                    -2.509983,53.975101
+                    -2.509767,53.974195
+                    -2.510735,53.973560
+                    -2.511175,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972631
+                    -2.513632,53.972383
+                    -2.513760,53.972216
+                    -2.515272,53.971620
+                    -2.515510,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971353
+                    -2.513760,53.971381
+                    -2.512247,53.971324
+                    -2.510735,53.971367
+                    -2.509591,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532192,53.972383
+                    -2.532069,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973694
+                    -2.531035,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974719
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+                    -2.532632,53.976002
+                    -2.532325,53.976908
+                    -2.532430,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978400
+                    -2.534087,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979220
+                    -2.535770,53.979621
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+                    -2.537899,53.980527
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+                    -2.538012,53.980527
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+                    -2.540271,53.980527
+                    -2.540317,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.982067
+                    -2.541379,53.982334
+                    -2.541536,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983812
+                    -2.543557,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984408
+                    -2.545516,53.984790
+                    -2.547028,53.984857
+                    -2.548005,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985372
+                    -2.550052,53.985410
+                    -2.550873,53.985953
+                    -2.551034,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987174
+                    -2.552094,53.986859
+                    -2.552256,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985777
+                    -2.554589,53.985648
+                    -2.556101,53.985610
+                    -2.556894,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986387
+                    -2.558437,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985496
+                    -2.559507,53.985953
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+                    -2.562150,53.986430
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+                    -2.563584,53.987765
+                    -2.563662,53.987927
+                    -2.563725,53.988667
+                    -2.563742,53.989577
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+                    -2.565174,53.991809
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+                    -2.562150,53.993850
+                    -2.561768,53.994098
+                    -2.562150,53.994384
+                    -2.563662,53.994493
+                    -2.564169,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995681
+                    -2.565449,53.995910
+                    -2.565354,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997011
+                    -2.563662,53.996959
+                    -2.562150,53.996921
+                    -2.561152,53.996811
+                    -2.561833,53.995910
+                    -2.561703,53.995004
+                    -2.560638,53.994427
+                    -2.560068,53.994098
+                    -2.560003,53.993192
+                    -2.559929,53.992286
+                    -2.559858,53.991385
+                    -2.559708,53.990479
+                    -2.559125,53.990130
+                    -2.557613,53.990035
+                    -2.557094,53.989577
+                    -2.556101,53.989043
+                    -2.555305,53.988667
+                    -2.554589,53.988242
+                    -2.553077,53.988199
+                    -2.552293,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989220
+                    -2.554185,53.989577
+                    -2.554589,53.989758
+                    -2.555222,53.990479
+                    -2.554871,53.991385
+                    -2.555085,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992558
+                    -2.553203,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993340
+                    -2.551960,53.994098
+                    -2.551564,53.994274
+                    -2.550052,53.994784
+                    -2.549759,53.995004
+                    -2.548540,53.995748
+                    -2.548110,53.995910
+                    -2.547028,53.996377
+                    -2.546340,53.995910
+                    -2.546838,53.995004
+                    -2.547028,53.994846
+                    -2.548540,53.994508
+                    -2.549342,53.994098
+                    -2.550052,53.993888
+                    -2.551564,53.993306
+                    -2.551875,53.993192
+                    -2.552858,53.992286
+                    -2.551564,53.991461
+                    -2.550052,53.991771
+                    -2.548700,53.991385
+                    -2.548540,53.990588
+                    -2.547028,53.990788
+                    -2.545516,53.991370
+                    -2.544003,53.991284
+                    -2.542728,53.991385
+                    -2.544003,53.991885
+                    -2.544125,53.992286
+                    -2.544003,53.992801
+                    -2.542491,53.992305
+                    -2.540979,53.992596
+                    -2.539467,53.992414
+                    -2.538264,53.993192
+                    -2.538555,53.994098
+                    -2.539467,53.994756
+                    -2.539711,53.995004
+                    -2.539467,53.995075
+                    -2.538387,53.995910
+                    -2.537955,53.996410
+                    -2.536443,53.996429
+                    -2.536317,53.996811
+                    -2.535331,53.997717
+                    -2.535974,53.998618
+                    -2.536443,53.998909
+                    -2.537621,53.999524
+                    -2.537636,54.000430
+                    -2.536443,54.000778
+                    -2.535480,54.001336
+                    -2.535831,54.002242
+                    -2.534930,54.002771
+                    -2.533418,54.002953
+                    -2.533391,54.003143
+                    -2.533418,54.003196
+                    -2.534930,54.003606
+                    -2.535737,54.004049
+                    -2.536443,54.004173
+                    -2.537828,54.004049
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+                    -2.524345,54.003572
+                    -2.524738,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002771
+                    -2.523275,54.003143
+                    -2.522833,54.003220
+                    -2.522650,54.003143
+                    -2.521321,54.002352
+                    -2.519808,54.002280
+                    -2.518791,54.002242
+                    -2.519218,54.001336
+                    -2.518918,54.000430
+                    -2.518296,54.000368
+                    -2.516784,54.000163
+                    -2.516657,54.000430
+                    -2.515272,54.000802
+                    -2.513760,54.000926
+                    -2.512247,54.000912
+                    -2.512030,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,54.000287
+                    -2.513760,54.000168
+                    -2.515272,54.000053
+                    -2.516576,53.999524
+                    -2.515285,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998613
+                    -2.513828,53.997717
+                    -2.514124,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996596
+                    -2.512902,53.996811
+                    -2.512247,53.997011
+                    -2.512120,53.996811
+                    -2.511971,53.995910
+                    -2.511738,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994498
+                    -2.509546,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995390
+                    -2.507711,53.995275
+                    -2.506199,53.995147
+                    -2.506126,53.995004
+                    -2.505155,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993783
+                    -2.503481,53.993192
+                    -2.504174,53.992286
+                    -2.503622,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991051
+                    -2.505764,53.990479
+                    -2.505083,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.988824
+                    -2.507711,53.988757
+                    -2.507885,53.988667
+                    -2.507711,53.988361
+                    -2.506199,53.988190
+                    -2.505894,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987536
+                    -2.506753,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986440
+                    -2.508609,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985476
+                    -2.506199,53.985062
+                    -2.505932,53.985052
+                    -2.506199,53.985019
+                    -2.507264,53.984141
+                    -2.507711,53.983374
+                    -2.507769,53.983240
+                    -2.507780,53.982334
+                    -2.508230,53.981433
+                    -2.509016,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979673
+                    -2.506199,53.980322
+                    -2.505308,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.980742
+                    -2.504331,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.979926
+                    -2.502673,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979306
+                    -2.504686,53.979020
+                    -2.505264,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978472
+                    -2.507711,53.978190
+                    -2.508457,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977351
+                    -2.509861,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976340
+                    -2.508877,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975668
+                    -2.509983,53.975101
+                    -2.509767,53.974195
+                    -2.510735,53.973560
+                    -2.511175,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972631
+                    -2.513632,53.972383
+                    -2.513760,53.972216
+                    -2.515272,53.971620
+                    -2.515510,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971353
+                    -2.513760,53.971381
+                    -2.512247,53.971324
+                    -2.510735,53.971367
+                    -2.509591,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532192,53.972383
+                    -2.532069,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973694
+                    -2.531035,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974719
+                    -2.532435,53.975101
+                    -2.532632,53.976002
+                    -2.532325,53.976908
+                    -2.532430,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978400
+                    -2.534087,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979220
+                    -2.535770,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.980021
+                    -2.537899,53.980527
+                    -2.537955,53.980560
+                    -2.538012,53.980527
+                    -2.539467,53.980212
+                    -2.540271,53.980527
+                    -2.540317,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.982067
+                    -2.541379,53.982334
+                    -2.541536,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983812
+                    -2.543557,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984408
+                    -2.545516,53.984790
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+                    -2.552094,53.986859
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+                    -2.559507,53.985953
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+                    -2.562150,53.986430
+                    -2.562692,53.986859
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+                    -2.563725,53.988667
+                    -2.563742,53.989577
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+                    -2.565174,53.991809
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+                    -2.562150,53.993850
+                    -2.561768,53.994098
+                    -2.562150,53.994384
+                    -2.563662,53.994493
+                    -2.564169,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995681
+                    -2.565449,53.995910
+                    -2.565354,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997011
+                    -2.563662,53.996959
+                    -2.562150,53.996921
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+                    -2.561833,53.995910
+                    -2.561703,53.995004
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+                    -2.553077,53.989220
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+                    -2.554589,53.989758
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+                    -2.554871,53.991385
+                    -2.555085,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992558
+                    -2.553203,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993340
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+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520470,54.022145
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+                    -2.518296,54.021688
+                    -2.517175,54.021239
+                    -2.516784,54.020882
+                    -2.515272,54.020400
+                    -2.514747,54.020333
+                    -2.513760,54.020219
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013624
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+                    -2.512307,54.013095
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+                    -2.515272,54.011073
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+                    -2.513760,54.009128
+                    -2.512247,54.009271
+                    -2.511288,54.008574
+                    -2.512247,54.008036
+                    -2.513760,54.008217
+                    -2.515272,54.008346
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+                    -2.516949,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007568
+                    -2.515805,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006457
+                    -2.518296,54.006405
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+                    -2.518296,54.004989
+                    -2.517935,54.004951
+                    -2.518296,54.004869
+                    -2.519808,54.004879
+                    -2.521321,54.004912
+                    -2.522253,54.004951
+                    -2.522833,54.004989
+                    -2.522887,54.004951
+                    -2.524040,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003572
+                    -2.524738,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002771
+                    -2.523275,54.003143
+                    -2.522833,54.003220
+                    -2.522650,54.003143
+                    -2.521321,54.002352
+                    -2.519808,54.002280
+                    -2.518791,54.002242
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+                    -2.518918,54.000430
+                    -2.518296,54.000368
+                    -2.516784,54.000163
+                    -2.516657,54.000430
+                    -2.515272,54.000802
+                    -2.513760,54.000926
+                    -2.512247,54.000912
+                    -2.512030,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,54.000287
+                    -2.513760,54.000168
+                    -2.515272,54.000053
+                    -2.516576,53.999524
+                    -2.515285,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998613
+                    -2.513828,53.997717
+                    -2.514124,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996596
+                    -2.512902,53.996811
+                    -2.512247,53.997011
+                    -2.512120,53.996811
+                    -2.511971,53.995910
+                    -2.511738,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994498
+                    -2.509546,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995390
+                    -2.507711,53.995275
+                    -2.506199,53.995147
+                    -2.506126,53.995004
+                    -2.505155,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993783
+                    -2.503481,53.993192
+                    -2.504174,53.992286
+                    -2.503622,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991051
+                    -2.505764,53.990479
+                    -2.505083,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.988824
+                    -2.507711,53.988757
+                    -2.507885,53.988667
+                    -2.507711,53.988361
+                    -2.506199,53.988190
+                    -2.505894,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987536
+                    -2.506753,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986440
+                    -2.508609,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985476
+                    -2.506199,53.985062
+                    -2.505932,53.985052
+                    -2.506199,53.985019
+                    -2.507264,53.984141
+                    -2.507711,53.983374
+                    -2.507769,53.983240
+                    -2.507780,53.982334
+                    -2.508230,53.981433
+                    -2.509016,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979673
+                    -2.506199,53.980322
+                    -2.505308,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.980742
+                    -2.504331,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.979926
+                    -2.502673,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979306
+                    -2.504686,53.979020
+                    -2.505264,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978472
+                    -2.507711,53.978190
+                    -2.508457,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977351
+                    -2.509861,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976340
+                    -2.508877,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975668
+                    -2.509983,53.975101
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+                    -2.510735,53.973560
+                    -2.511175,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972631
+                    -2.513632,53.972383
+                    -2.513760,53.972216
+                    -2.515272,53.971620
+                    -2.515510,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971353
+                    -2.513760,53.971381
+                    -2.512247,53.971324
+                    -2.510735,53.971367
+                    -2.509591,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532192,53.972383
+                    -2.532069,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973694
+                    -2.531035,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974719
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+                    -2.532430,53.977809
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+                    -2.535770,53.979621
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+                    -2.541379,53.982334
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+                    -2.542491,53.983812
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+                    -2.544003,53.984408
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+                    -2.552094,53.986859
+                    -2.552256,53.985953
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+                    -2.559507,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986583
+                    -2.562150,53.986430
+                    -2.562692,53.986859
+                    -2.563584,53.987765
+                    -2.563662,53.987927
+                    -2.563725,53.988667
+                    -2.563742,53.989577
+                    -2.564202,53.990479
+                    -2.565174,53.990932
+                    -2.565529,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991809
+                    -2.564443,53.992286
+                    -2.563981,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.993797
+                    -2.562150,53.993850
+                    -2.561768,53.994098
+                    -2.562150,53.994384
+                    -2.563662,53.994493
+                    -2.564169,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995681
+                    -2.565449,53.995910
+                    -2.565354,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997011
+                    -2.563662,53.996959
+                    -2.562150,53.996921
+                    -2.561152,53.996811
+                    -2.561833,53.995910
+                    -2.561703,53.995004
+                    -2.560638,53.994427
+                    -2.560068,53.994098
+                    -2.560003,53.993192
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+                    -2.559858,53.991385
+                    -2.559708,53.990479
+                    -2.559125,53.990130
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+                    -2.555305,53.988667
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+                    -2.553077,53.988199
+                    -2.552293,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989220
+                    -2.554185,53.989577
+                    -2.554589,53.989758
+                    -2.555222,53.990479
+                    -2.554871,53.991385
+                    -2.555085,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992558
+                    -2.553203,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993340
+                    -2.551960,53.994098
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+                    -2.550052,53.994784
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+                    -2.551564,53.991461
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
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+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013624
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+                    -2.513760,54.009128
+                    -2.512247,54.009271
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+                    -2.512247,54.008036
+                    -2.513760,54.008217
+                    -2.515272,54.008346
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+                    -2.516949,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007568
+                    -2.515805,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006457
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+                    -2.518296,54.004989
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+                    -2.518296,54.004869
+                    -2.519808,54.004879
+                    -2.521321,54.004912
+                    -2.522253,54.004951
+                    -2.522833,54.004989
+                    -2.522887,54.004951
+                    -2.524040,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003572
+                    -2.524738,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002771
+                    -2.523275,54.003143
+                    -2.522833,54.003220
+                    -2.522650,54.003143
+                    -2.521321,54.002352
+                    -2.519808,54.002280
+                    -2.518791,54.002242
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+                    -2.518296,54.000368
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+                    -2.515272,54.000802
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+                    -2.512030,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,54.000287
+                    -2.513760,54.000168
+                    -2.515272,54.000053
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+                    -2.515285,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998613
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+                    -2.514124,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996596
+                    -2.512902,53.996811
+                    -2.512247,53.997011
+                    -2.512120,53.996811
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+                    -2.509546,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995390
+                    -2.507711,53.995275
+                    -2.506199,53.995147
+                    -2.506126,53.995004
+                    -2.505155,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993783
+                    -2.503481,53.993192
+                    -2.504174,53.992286
+                    -2.503622,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991051
+                    -2.505764,53.990479
+                    -2.505083,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.988824
+                    -2.507711,53.988757
+                    -2.507885,53.988667
+                    -2.507711,53.988361
+                    -2.506199,53.988190
+                    -2.505894,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987536
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+                    -2.507711,53.986440
+                    -2.508609,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985476
+                    -2.506199,53.985062
+                    -2.505932,53.985052
+                    -2.506199,53.985019
+                    -2.507264,53.984141
+                    -2.507711,53.983374
+                    -2.507769,53.983240
+                    -2.507780,53.982334
+                    -2.508230,53.981433
+                    -2.509016,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979673
+                    -2.506199,53.980322
+                    -2.505308,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.980742
+                    -2.504331,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.979926
+                    -2.502673,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979306
+                    -2.504686,53.979020
+                    -2.505264,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978472
+                    -2.507711,53.978190
+                    -2.508457,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977351
+                    -2.509861,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976340
+                    -2.508877,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975668
+                    -2.509983,53.975101
+                    -2.509767,53.974195
+                    -2.510735,53.973560
+                    -2.511175,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972631
+                    -2.513632,53.972383
+                    -2.513760,53.972216
+                    -2.515272,53.971620
+                    -2.515510,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971353
+                    -2.513760,53.971381
+                    -2.512247,53.971324
+                    -2.510735,53.971367
+                    -2.509591,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532192,53.972383
+                    -2.532069,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973694
+                    -2.531035,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974719
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+                    -2.532632,53.976002
+                    -2.532325,53.976908
+                    -2.532430,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978400
+                    -2.534087,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979220
+                    -2.535770,53.979621
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+                    -2.537899,53.980527
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+                    -2.538012,53.980527
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+                    -2.540271,53.980527
+                    -2.540317,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.982067
+                    -2.541379,53.982334
+                    -2.541536,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983812
+                    -2.543557,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984408
+                    -2.545516,53.984790
+                    -2.547028,53.984857
+                    -2.548005,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985372
+                    -2.550052,53.985410
+                    -2.550873,53.985953
+                    -2.551034,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987174
+                    -2.552094,53.986859
+                    -2.552256,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985777
+                    -2.554589,53.985648
+                    -2.556101,53.985610
+                    -2.556894,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986387
+                    -2.558437,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985496
+                    -2.559507,53.985953
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+                    -2.562150,53.986430
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+                    -2.563584,53.987765
+                    -2.563662,53.987927
+                    -2.563725,53.988667
+                    -2.563742,53.989577
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+                    -2.565174,53.991809
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+                    -2.562150,53.993850
+                    -2.561768,53.994098
+                    -2.562150,53.994384
+                    -2.563662,53.994493
+                    -2.564169,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995681
+                    -2.565449,53.995910
+                    -2.565354,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997011
+                    -2.563662,53.996959
+                    -2.562150,53.996921
+                    -2.561152,53.996811
+                    -2.561833,53.995910
+                    -2.561703,53.995004
+                    -2.560638,53.994427
+                    -2.560068,53.994098
+                    -2.560003,53.993192
+                    -2.559929,53.992286
+                    -2.559858,53.991385
+                    -2.559708,53.990479
+                    -2.559125,53.990130
+                    -2.557613,53.990035
+                    -2.557094,53.989577
+                    -2.556101,53.989043
+                    -2.555305,53.988667
+                    -2.554589,53.988242
+                    -2.553077,53.988199
+                    -2.552293,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989220
+                    -2.554185,53.989577
+                    -2.554589,53.989758
+                    -2.555222,53.990479
+                    -2.554871,53.991385
+                    -2.555085,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992558
+                    -2.553203,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993340
+                    -2.551960,53.994098
+                    -2.551564,53.994274
+                    -2.550052,53.994784
+                    -2.549759,53.995004
+                    -2.548540,53.995748
+                    -2.548110,53.995910
+                    -2.547028,53.996377
+                    -2.546340,53.995910
+                    -2.546838,53.995004
+                    -2.547028,53.994846
+                    -2.548540,53.994508
+                    -2.549342,53.994098
+                    -2.550052,53.993888
+                    -2.551564,53.993306
+                    -2.551875,53.993192
+                    -2.552858,53.992286
+                    -2.551564,53.991461
+                    -2.550052,53.991771
+                    -2.548700,53.991385
+                    -2.548540,53.990588
+                    -2.547028,53.990788
+                    -2.545516,53.991370
+                    -2.544003,53.991284
+                    -2.542728,53.991385
+                    -2.544003,53.991885
+                    -2.544125,53.992286
+                    -2.544003,53.992801
+                    -2.542491,53.992305
+                    -2.540979,53.992596
+                    -2.539467,53.992414
+                    -2.538264,53.993192
+                    -2.538555,53.994098
+                    -2.539467,53.994756
+                    -2.539711,53.995004
+                    -2.539467,53.995075
+                    -2.538387,53.995910
+                    -2.537955,53.996410
+                    -2.536443,53.996429
+                    -2.536317,53.996811
+                    -2.535331,53.997717
+                    -2.535974,53.998618
+                    -2.536443,53.998909
+                    -2.537621,53.999524
+                    -2.537636,54.000430
+                    -2.536443,54.000778
+                    -2.535480,54.001336
+                    -2.535831,54.002242
+                    -2.534930,54.002771
+                    -2.533418,54.002953
+                    -2.533391,54.003143
+                    -2.533418,54.003196
+                    -2.534930,54.003606
+                    -2.535737,54.004049
+                    -2.536443,54.004173
+                    -2.537828,54.004049
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+                    -2.524345,54.003572
+                    -2.524738,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002771
+                    -2.523275,54.003143
+                    -2.522833,54.003220
+                    -2.522650,54.003143
+                    -2.521321,54.002352
+                    -2.519808,54.002280
+                    -2.518791,54.002242
+                    -2.519218,54.001336
+                    -2.518918,54.000430
+                    -2.518296,54.000368
+                    -2.516784,54.000163
+                    -2.516657,54.000430
+                    -2.515272,54.000802
+                    -2.513760,54.000926
+                    -2.512247,54.000912
+                    -2.512030,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,54.000287
+                    -2.513760,54.000168
+                    -2.515272,54.000053
+                    -2.516576,53.999524
+                    -2.515285,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998613
+                    -2.513828,53.997717
+                    -2.514124,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996596
+                    -2.512902,53.996811
+                    -2.512247,53.997011
+                    -2.512120,53.996811
+                    -2.511971,53.995910
+                    -2.511738,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994498
+                    -2.509546,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995390
+                    -2.507711,53.995275
+                    -2.506199,53.995147
+                    -2.506126,53.995004
+                    -2.505155,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993783
+                    -2.503481,53.993192
+                    -2.504174,53.992286
+                    -2.503622,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991051
+                    -2.505764,53.990479
+                    -2.505083,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.988824
+                    -2.507711,53.988757
+                    -2.507885,53.988667
+                    -2.507711,53.988361
+                    -2.506199,53.988190
+                    -2.505894,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987536
+                    -2.506753,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986440
+                    -2.508609,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985476
+                    -2.506199,53.985062
+                    -2.505932,53.985052
+                    -2.506199,53.985019
+                    -2.507264,53.984141
+                    -2.507711,53.983374
+                    -2.507769,53.983240
+                    -2.507780,53.982334
+                    -2.508230,53.981433
+                    -2.509016,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979673
+                    -2.506199,53.980322
+                    -2.505308,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.980742
+                    -2.504331,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.979926
+                    -2.502673,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979306
+                    -2.504686,53.979020
+                    -2.505264,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978472
+                    -2.507711,53.978190
+                    -2.508457,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977351
+                    -2.509861,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976340
+                    -2.508877,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975668
+                    -2.509983,53.975101
+                    -2.509767,53.974195
+                    -2.510735,53.973560
+                    -2.511175,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972631
+                    -2.513632,53.972383
+                    -2.513760,53.972216
+                    -2.515272,53.971620
+                    -2.515510,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971353
+                    -2.513760,53.971381
+                    -2.512247,53.971324
+                    -2.510735,53.971367
+                    -2.509591,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532192,53.972383
+                    -2.532069,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973694
+                    -2.531035,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974719
+                    -2.532435,53.975101
+                    -2.532632,53.976002
+                    -2.532325,53.976908
+                    -2.532430,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978400
+                    -2.534087,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979220
+                    -2.535770,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.980021
+                    -2.537899,53.980527
+                    -2.537955,53.980560
+                    -2.538012,53.980527
+                    -2.539467,53.980212
+                    -2.540271,53.980527
+                    -2.540317,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.982067
+                    -2.541379,53.982334
+                    -2.541536,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983812
+                    -2.543557,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984408
+                    -2.545516,53.984790
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+                    -2.552094,53.986859
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+                    -2.559507,53.985953
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+                    -2.562150,53.986430
+                    -2.562692,53.986859
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+                    -2.563725,53.988667
+                    -2.563742,53.989577
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+                    -2.565174,53.991809
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+                    -2.562150,53.993850
+                    -2.561768,53.994098
+                    -2.562150,53.994384
+                    -2.563662,53.994493
+                    -2.564169,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995681
+                    -2.565449,53.995910
+                    -2.565354,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997011
+                    -2.563662,53.996959
+                    -2.562150,53.996921
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+                    -2.561833,53.995910
+                    -2.561703,53.995004
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+                    -2.553077,53.989220
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+                    -2.554589,53.989758
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+                    -2.554871,53.991385
+                    -2.555085,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992558
+                    -2.553203,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993340
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+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520470,54.022145
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+                    -2.518296,54.021688
+                    -2.517175,54.021239
+                    -2.516784,54.020882
+                    -2.515272,54.020400
+                    -2.514747,54.020333
+                    -2.513760,54.020219
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013624
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+                    -2.512307,54.013095
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+                    -2.515272,54.011073
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+                    -2.513760,54.009128
+                    -2.512247,54.009271
+                    -2.511288,54.008574
+                    -2.512247,54.008036
+                    -2.513760,54.008217
+                    -2.515272,54.008346
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+                    -2.516949,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007568
+                    -2.515805,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006457
+                    -2.518296,54.006405
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+                    -2.518296,54.004989
+                    -2.517935,54.004951
+                    -2.518296,54.004869
+                    -2.519808,54.004879
+                    -2.521321,54.004912
+                    -2.522253,54.004951
+                    -2.522833,54.004989
+                    -2.522887,54.004951
+                    -2.524040,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003572
+                    -2.524738,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002771
+                    -2.523275,54.003143
+                    -2.522833,54.003220
+                    -2.522650,54.003143
+                    -2.521321,54.002352
+                    -2.519808,54.002280
+                    -2.518791,54.002242
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+                    -2.518918,54.000430
+                    -2.518296,54.000368
+                    -2.516784,54.000163
+                    -2.516657,54.000430
+                    -2.515272,54.000802
+                    -2.513760,54.000926
+                    -2.512247,54.000912
+                    -2.512030,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,54.000287
+                    -2.513760,54.000168
+                    -2.515272,54.000053
+                    -2.516576,53.999524
+                    -2.515285,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998613
+                    -2.513828,53.997717
+                    -2.514124,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996596
+                    -2.512902,53.996811
+                    -2.512247,53.997011
+                    -2.512120,53.996811
+                    -2.511971,53.995910
+                    -2.511738,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994498
+                    -2.509546,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995390
+                    -2.507711,53.995275
+                    -2.506199,53.995147
+                    -2.506126,53.995004
+                    -2.505155,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993783
+                    -2.503481,53.993192
+                    -2.504174,53.992286
+                    -2.503622,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991051
+                    -2.505764,53.990479
+                    -2.505083,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.988824
+                    -2.507711,53.988757
+                    -2.507885,53.988667
+                    -2.507711,53.988361
+                    -2.506199,53.988190
+                    -2.505894,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987536
+                    -2.506753,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986440
+                    -2.508609,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985476
+                    -2.506199,53.985062
+                    -2.505932,53.985052
+                    -2.506199,53.985019
+                    -2.507264,53.984141
+                    -2.507711,53.983374
+                    -2.507769,53.983240
+                    -2.507780,53.982334
+                    -2.508230,53.981433
+                    -2.509016,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979673
+                    -2.506199,53.980322
+                    -2.505308,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.980742
+                    -2.504331,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.979926
+                    -2.502673,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979306
+                    -2.504686,53.979020
+                    -2.505264,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978472
+                    -2.507711,53.978190
+                    -2.508457,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977351
+                    -2.509861,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976340
+                    -2.508877,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975668
+                    -2.509983,53.975101
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+                    -2.510735,53.973560
+                    -2.511175,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972631
+                    -2.513632,53.972383
+                    -2.513760,53.972216
+                    -2.515272,53.971620
+                    -2.515510,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971353
+                    -2.513760,53.971381
+                    -2.512247,53.971324
+                    -2.510735,53.971367
+                    -2.509591,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532192,53.972383
+                    -2.532069,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973694
+                    -2.531035,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974719
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+                    -2.532430,53.977809
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+                    -2.535770,53.979621
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+                    -2.541379,53.982334
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+                    -2.542491,53.983812
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+                    -2.544003,53.984408
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+                    -2.552094,53.986859
+                    -2.552256,53.985953
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+                    -2.559507,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986583
+                    -2.562150,53.986430
+                    -2.562692,53.986859
+                    -2.563584,53.987765
+                    -2.563662,53.987927
+                    -2.563725,53.988667
+                    -2.563742,53.989577
+                    -2.564202,53.990479
+                    -2.565174,53.990932
+                    -2.565529,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991809
+                    -2.564443,53.992286
+                    -2.563981,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.993797
+                    -2.562150,53.993850
+                    -2.561768,53.994098
+                    -2.562150,53.994384
+                    -2.563662,53.994493
+                    -2.564169,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995681
+                    -2.565449,53.995910
+                    -2.565354,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997011
+                    -2.563662,53.996959
+                    -2.562150,53.996921
+                    -2.561152,53.996811
+                    -2.561833,53.995910
+                    -2.561703,53.995004
+                    -2.560638,53.994427
+                    -2.560068,53.994098
+                    -2.560003,53.993192
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+                    -2.559858,53.991385
+                    -2.559708,53.990479
+                    -2.559125,53.990130
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+                    -2.555305,53.988667
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+                    -2.553077,53.988199
+                    -2.552293,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989220
+                    -2.554185,53.989577
+                    -2.554589,53.989758
+                    -2.555222,53.990479
+                    -2.554871,53.991385
+                    -2.555085,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992558
+                    -2.553203,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993340
+                    -2.551960,53.994098
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+                    -2.550052,53.994784
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+                    -2.551564,53.991461
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
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+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013624
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+                    -2.513760,54.009128
+                    -2.512247,54.009271
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+                    -2.512247,54.008036
+                    -2.513760,54.008217
+                    -2.515272,54.008346
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+                    -2.516949,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007568
+                    -2.515805,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006457
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+                    -2.518296,54.004989
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+                    -2.518296,54.004869
+                    -2.519808,54.004879
+                    -2.521321,54.004912
+                    -2.522253,54.004951
+                    -2.522833,54.004989
+                    -2.522887,54.004951
+                    -2.524040,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003572
+                    -2.524738,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002771
+                    -2.523275,54.003143
+                    -2.522833,54.003220
+                    -2.522650,54.003143
+                    -2.521321,54.002352
+                    -2.519808,54.002280
+                    -2.518791,54.002242
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+                    -2.518296,54.000368
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+                    -2.515272,54.000802
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+                    -2.512030,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,54.000287
+                    -2.513760,54.000168
+                    -2.515272,54.000053
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+                    -2.515285,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998613
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+                    -2.514124,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996596
+                    -2.512902,53.996811
+                    -2.512247,53.997011
+                    -2.512120,53.996811
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+                    -2.509546,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995390
+                    -2.507711,53.995275
+                    -2.506199,53.995147
+                    -2.506126,53.995004
+                    -2.505155,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993783
+                    -2.503481,53.993192
+                    -2.504174,53.992286
+                    -2.503622,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991051
+                    -2.505764,53.990479
+                    -2.505083,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.988824
+                    -2.507711,53.988757
+                    -2.507885,53.988667
+                    -2.507711,53.988361
+                    -2.506199,53.988190
+                    -2.505894,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987536
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+                    -2.507711,53.986440
+                    -2.508609,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985476
+                    -2.506199,53.985062
+                    -2.505932,53.985052
+                    -2.506199,53.985019
+                    -2.507264,53.984141
+                    -2.507711,53.983374
+                    -2.507769,53.983240
+                    -2.507780,53.982334
+                    -2.508230,53.981433
+                    -2.509016,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979673
+                    -2.506199,53.980322
+                    -2.505308,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.980742
+                    -2.504331,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.979926
+                    -2.502673,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979306
+                    -2.504686,53.979020
+                    -2.505264,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978472
+                    -2.507711,53.978190
+                    -2.508457,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977351
+                    -2.509861,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976340
+                    -2.508877,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975668
+                    -2.509983,53.975101
+                    -2.509767,53.974195
+                    -2.510735,53.973560
+                    -2.511175,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972631
+                    -2.513632,53.972383
+                    -2.513760,53.972216
+                    -2.515272,53.971620
+                    -2.515510,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971353
+                    -2.513760,53.971381
+                    -2.512247,53.971324
+                    -2.510735,53.971367
+                    -2.509591,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532192,53.972383
+                    -2.532069,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973694
+                    -2.531035,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974719
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+                    -2.532632,53.976002
+                    -2.532325,53.976908
+                    -2.532430,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978400
+                    -2.534087,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979220
+                    -2.535770,53.979621
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+                    -2.537899,53.980527
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+                    -2.538012,53.980527
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+                    -2.540271,53.980527
+                    -2.540317,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.982067
+                    -2.541379,53.982334
+                    -2.541536,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983812
+                    -2.543557,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984408
+                    -2.545516,53.984790
+                    -2.547028,53.984857
+                    -2.548005,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985372
+                    -2.550052,53.985410
+                    -2.550873,53.985953
+                    -2.551034,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987174
+                    -2.552094,53.986859
+                    -2.552256,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985777
+                    -2.554589,53.985648
+                    -2.556101,53.985610
+                    -2.556894,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986387
+                    -2.558437,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985496
+                    -2.559507,53.985953
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+                    -2.562150,53.986430
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+                    -2.563584,53.987765
+                    -2.563662,53.987927
+                    -2.563725,53.988667
+                    -2.563742,53.989577
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+                    -2.565174,53.991809
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+                    -2.562150,53.993850
+                    -2.561768,53.994098
+                    -2.562150,53.994384
+                    -2.563662,53.994493
+                    -2.564169,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995681
+                    -2.565449,53.995910
+                    -2.565354,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997011
+                    -2.563662,53.996959
+                    -2.562150,53.996921
+                    -2.561152,53.996811
+                    -2.561833,53.995910
+                    -2.561703,53.995004
+                    -2.560638,53.994427
+                    -2.560068,53.994098
+                    -2.560003,53.993192
+                    -2.559929,53.992286
+                    -2.559858,53.991385
+                    -2.559708,53.990479
+                    -2.559125,53.990130
+                    -2.557613,53.990035
+                    -2.557094,53.989577
+                    -2.556101,53.989043
+                    -2.555305,53.988667
+                    -2.554589,53.988242
+                    -2.553077,53.988199
+                    -2.552293,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989220
+                    -2.554185,53.989577
+                    -2.554589,53.989758
+                    -2.555222,53.990479
+                    -2.554871,53.991385
+                    -2.555085,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992558
+                    -2.553203,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993340
+                    -2.551960,53.994098
+                    -2.551564,53.994274
+                    -2.550052,53.994784
+                    -2.549759,53.995004
+                    -2.548540,53.995748
+                    -2.548110,53.995910
+                    -2.547028,53.996377
+                    -2.546340,53.995910
+                    -2.546838,53.995004
+                    -2.547028,53.994846
+                    -2.548540,53.994508
+                    -2.549342,53.994098
+                    -2.550052,53.993888
+                    -2.551564,53.993306
+                    -2.551875,53.993192
+                    -2.552858,53.992286
+                    -2.551564,53.991461
+                    -2.550052,53.991771
+                    -2.548700,53.991385
+                    -2.548540,53.990588
+                    -2.547028,53.990788
+                    -2.545516,53.991370
+                    -2.544003,53.991284
+                    -2.542728,53.991385
+                    -2.544003,53.991885
+                    -2.544125,53.992286
+                    -2.544003,53.992801
+                    -2.542491,53.992305
+                    -2.540979,53.992596
+                    -2.539467,53.992414
+                    -2.538264,53.993192
+                    -2.538555,53.994098
+                    -2.539467,53.994756
+                    -2.539711,53.995004
+                    -2.539467,53.995075
+                    -2.538387,53.995910
+                    -2.537955,53.996410
+                    -2.536443,53.996429
+                    -2.536317,53.996811
+                    -2.535331,53.997717
+                    -2.535974,53.998618
+                    -2.536443,53.998909
+                    -2.537621,53.999524
+                    -2.537636,54.000430
+                    -2.536443,54.000778
+                    -2.535480,54.001336
+                    -2.535831,54.002242
+                    -2.534930,54.002771
+                    -2.533418,54.002953
+                    -2.533391,54.003143
+                    -2.533418,54.003196
+                    -2.534930,54.003606
+                    -2.535737,54.004049
+                    -2.536443,54.004173
+                    -2.537828,54.004049
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+                    -2.524345,54.003572
+                    -2.524738,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002771
+                    -2.523275,54.003143
+                    -2.522833,54.003220
+                    -2.522650,54.003143
+                    -2.521321,54.002352
+                    -2.519808,54.002280
+                    -2.518791,54.002242
+                    -2.519218,54.001336
+                    -2.518918,54.000430
+                    -2.518296,54.000368
+                    -2.516784,54.000163
+                    -2.516657,54.000430
+                    -2.515272,54.000802
+                    -2.513760,54.000926
+                    -2.512247,54.000912
+                    -2.512030,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,54.000287
+                    -2.513760,54.000168
+                    -2.515272,54.000053
+                    -2.516576,53.999524
+                    -2.515285,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998613
+                    -2.513828,53.997717
+                    -2.514124,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996596
+                    -2.512902,53.996811
+                    -2.512247,53.997011
+                    -2.512120,53.996811
+                    -2.511971,53.995910
+                    -2.511738,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994498
+                    -2.509546,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995390
+                    -2.507711,53.995275
+                    -2.506199,53.995147
+                    -2.506126,53.995004
+                    -2.505155,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993783
+                    -2.503481,53.993192
+                    -2.504174,53.992286
+                    -2.503622,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991051
+                    -2.505764,53.990479
+                    -2.505083,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.988824
+                    -2.507711,53.988757
+                    -2.507885,53.988667
+                    -2.507711,53.988361
+                    -2.506199,53.988190
+                    -2.505894,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987536
+                    -2.506753,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986440
+                    -2.508609,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985476
+                    -2.506199,53.985062
+                    -2.505932,53.985052
+                    -2.506199,53.985019
+                    -2.507264,53.984141
+                    -2.507711,53.983374
+                    -2.507769,53.983240
+                    -2.507780,53.982334
+                    -2.508230,53.981433
+                    -2.509016,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979673
+                    -2.506199,53.980322
+                    -2.505308,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.980742
+                    -2.504331,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.979926
+                    -2.502673,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979306
+                    -2.504686,53.979020
+                    -2.505264,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978472
+                    -2.507711,53.978190
+                    -2.508457,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977351
+                    -2.509861,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976340
+                    -2.508877,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975668
+                    -2.509983,53.975101
+                    -2.509767,53.974195
+                    -2.510735,53.973560
+                    -2.511175,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972631
+                    -2.513632,53.972383
+                    -2.513760,53.972216
+                    -2.515272,53.971620
+                    -2.515510,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971353
+                    -2.513760,53.971381
+                    -2.512247,53.971324
+                    -2.510735,53.971367
+                    -2.509591,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532192,53.972383
+                    -2.532069,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973694
+                    -2.531035,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974719
+                    -2.532435,53.975101
+                    -2.532632,53.976002
+                    -2.532325,53.976908
+                    -2.532430,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978400
+                    -2.534087,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979220
+                    -2.535770,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.980021
+                    -2.537899,53.980527
+                    -2.537955,53.980560
+                    -2.538012,53.980527
+                    -2.539467,53.980212
+                    -2.540271,53.980527
+                    -2.540317,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.982067
+                    -2.541379,53.982334
+                    -2.541536,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983812
+                    -2.543557,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984408
+                    -2.545516,53.984790
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+                    -2.552094,53.986859
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+                    -2.559507,53.985953
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+                    -2.562150,53.986430
+                    -2.562692,53.986859
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+                    -2.563725,53.988667
+                    -2.563742,53.989577
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+                    -2.565174,53.991809
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+                    -2.562150,53.993850
+                    -2.561768,53.994098
+                    -2.562150,53.994384
+                    -2.563662,53.994493
+                    -2.564169,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995681
+                    -2.565449,53.995910
+                    -2.565354,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997011
+                    -2.563662,53.996959
+                    -2.562150,53.996921
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+                    -2.561833,53.995910
+                    -2.561703,53.995004
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+                    -2.553077,53.989220
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+                    -2.554589,53.989758
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+                    -2.554871,53.991385
+                    -2.555085,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992558
+                    -2.553203,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993340
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+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520470,54.022145
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+                    -2.518296,54.021688
+                    -2.517175,54.021239
+                    -2.516784,54.020882
+                    -2.515272,54.020400
+                    -2.514747,54.020333
+                    -2.513760,54.020219
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013624
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+                    -2.512307,54.013095
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+                    -2.515272,54.011073
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+                    -2.513760,54.009128
+                    -2.512247,54.009271
+                    -2.511288,54.008574
+                    -2.512247,54.008036
+                    -2.513760,54.008217
+                    -2.515272,54.008346
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+                    -2.516949,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007568
+                    -2.515805,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006457
+                    -2.518296,54.006405
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+                    -2.518296,54.004989
+                    -2.517935,54.004951
+                    -2.518296,54.004869
+                    -2.519808,54.004879
+                    -2.521321,54.004912
+                    -2.522253,54.004951
+                    -2.522833,54.004989
+                    -2.522887,54.004951
+                    -2.524040,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003572
+                    -2.524738,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002771
+                    -2.523275,54.003143
+                    -2.522833,54.003220
+                    -2.522650,54.003143
+                    -2.521321,54.002352
+                    -2.519808,54.002280
+                    -2.518791,54.002242
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+                    -2.518918,54.000430
+                    -2.518296,54.000368
+                    -2.516784,54.000163
+                    -2.516657,54.000430
+                    -2.515272,54.000802
+                    -2.513760,54.000926
+                    -2.512247,54.000912
+                    -2.512030,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,54.000287
+                    -2.513760,54.000168
+                    -2.515272,54.000053
+                    -2.516576,53.999524
+                    -2.515285,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998613
+                    -2.513828,53.997717
+                    -2.514124,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996596
+                    -2.512902,53.996811
+                    -2.512247,53.997011
+                    -2.512120,53.996811
+                    -2.511971,53.995910
+                    -2.511738,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994498
+                    -2.509546,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995390
+                    -2.507711,53.995275
+                    -2.506199,53.995147
+                    -2.506126,53.995004
+                    -2.505155,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993783
+                    -2.503481,53.993192
+                    -2.504174,53.992286
+                    -2.503622,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991051
+                    -2.505764,53.990479
+                    -2.505083,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.988824
+                    -2.507711,53.988757
+                    -2.507885,53.988667
+                    -2.507711,53.988361
+                    -2.506199,53.988190
+                    -2.505894,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987536
+                    -2.506753,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986440
+                    -2.508609,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985476
+                    -2.506199,53.985062
+                    -2.505932,53.985052
+                    -2.506199,53.985019
+                    -2.507264,53.984141
+                    -2.507711,53.983374
+                    -2.507769,53.983240
+                    -2.507780,53.982334
+                    -2.508230,53.981433
+                    -2.509016,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979673
+                    -2.506199,53.980322
+                    -2.505308,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.980742
+                    -2.504331,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.979926
+                    -2.502673,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979306
+                    -2.504686,53.979020
+                    -2.505264,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978472
+                    -2.507711,53.978190
+                    -2.508457,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977351
+                    -2.509861,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976340
+                    -2.508877,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975668
+                    -2.509983,53.975101
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+                    -2.510735,53.973560
+                    -2.511175,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972631
+                    -2.513632,53.972383
+                    -2.513760,53.972216
+                    -2.515272,53.971620
+                    -2.515510,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971353
+                    -2.513760,53.971381
+                    -2.512247,53.971324
+                    -2.510735,53.971367
+                    -2.509591,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532192,53.972383
+                    -2.532069,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973694
+                    -2.531035,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974719
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+                    -2.532430,53.977809
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+                    -2.535770,53.979621
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+                    -2.541379,53.982334
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+                    -2.542491,53.983812
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+                    -2.544003,53.984408
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+                    -2.552094,53.986859
+                    -2.552256,53.985953
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+                    -2.559507,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986583
+                    -2.562150,53.986430
+                    -2.562692,53.986859
+                    -2.563584,53.987765
+                    -2.563662,53.987927
+                    -2.563725,53.988667
+                    -2.563742,53.989577
+                    -2.564202,53.990479
+                    -2.565174,53.990932
+                    -2.565529,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991809
+                    -2.564443,53.992286
+                    -2.563981,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.993797
+                    -2.562150,53.993850
+                    -2.561768,53.994098
+                    -2.562150,53.994384
+                    -2.563662,53.994493
+                    -2.564169,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995681
+                    -2.565449,53.995910
+                    -2.565354,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997011
+                    -2.563662,53.996959
+                    -2.562150,53.996921
+                    -2.561152,53.996811
+                    -2.561833,53.995910
+                    -2.561703,53.995004
+                    -2.560638,53.994427
+                    -2.560068,53.994098
+                    -2.560003,53.993192
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+                    -2.559858,53.991385
+                    -2.559708,53.990479
+                    -2.559125,53.990130
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+                    -2.555305,53.988667
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+                    -2.553077,53.988199
+                    -2.552293,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989220
+                    -2.554185,53.989577
+                    -2.554589,53.989758
+                    -2.555222,53.990479
+                    -2.554871,53.991385
+                    -2.555085,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992558
+                    -2.553203,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993340
+                    -2.551960,53.994098
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+                    -2.550052,53.994784
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+                    -2.551564,53.991461
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
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+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013624
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+                    -2.513760,54.009128
+                    -2.512247,54.009271
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+                    -2.512247,54.008036
+                    -2.513760,54.008217
+                    -2.515272,54.008346
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+                    -2.516949,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007568
+                    -2.515805,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006457
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+                    -2.518296,54.004989
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+                    -2.518296,54.004869
+                    -2.519808,54.004879
+                    -2.521321,54.004912
+                    -2.522253,54.004951
+                    -2.522833,54.004989
+                    -2.522887,54.004951
+                    -2.524040,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003572
+                    -2.524738,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002771
+                    -2.523275,54.003143
+                    -2.522833,54.003220
+                    -2.522650,54.003143
+                    -2.521321,54.002352
+                    -2.519808,54.002280
+                    -2.518791,54.002242
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+                    -2.518296,54.000368
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+                    -2.515272,54.000802
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+                    -2.512030,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,54.000287
+                    -2.513760,54.000168
+                    -2.515272,54.000053
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+                    -2.515285,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998613
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+                    -2.514124,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996596
+                    -2.512902,53.996811
+                    -2.512247,53.997011
+                    -2.512120,53.996811
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+                    -2.509546,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995390
+                    -2.507711,53.995275
+                    -2.506199,53.995147
+                    -2.506126,53.995004
+                    -2.505155,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993783
+                    -2.503481,53.993192
+                    -2.504174,53.992286
+                    -2.503622,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991051
+                    -2.505764,53.990479
+                    -2.505083,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.988824
+                    -2.507711,53.988757
+                    -2.507885,53.988667
+                    -2.507711,53.988361
+                    -2.506199,53.988190
+                    -2.505894,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987536
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+                    -2.507711,53.986440
+                    -2.508609,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985476
+                    -2.506199,53.985062
+                    -2.505932,53.985052
+                    -2.506199,53.985019
+                    -2.507264,53.984141
+                    -2.507711,53.983374
+                    -2.507769,53.983240
+                    -2.507780,53.982334
+                    -2.508230,53.981433
+                    -2.509016,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979673
+                    -2.506199,53.980322
+                    -2.505308,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.980742
+                    -2.504331,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.979926
+                    -2.502673,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979306
+                    -2.504686,53.979020
+                    -2.505264,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978472
+                    -2.507711,53.978190
+                    -2.508457,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977351
+                    -2.509861,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976340
+                    -2.508877,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975668
+                    -2.509983,53.975101
+                    -2.509767,53.974195
+                    -2.510735,53.973560
+                    -2.511175,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972631
+                    -2.513632,53.972383
+                    -2.513760,53.972216
+                    -2.515272,53.971620
+                    -2.515510,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971353
+                    -2.513760,53.971381
+                    -2.512247,53.971324
+                    -2.510735,53.971367
+                    -2.509591,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532192,53.972383
+                    -2.532069,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973694
+                    -2.531035,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974719
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+                    -2.532632,53.976002
+                    -2.532325,53.976908
+                    -2.532430,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978400
+                    -2.534087,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979220
+                    -2.535770,53.979621
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+                    -2.537899,53.980527
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+                    -2.538012,53.980527
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+                    -2.540271,53.980527
+                    -2.540317,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.982067
+                    -2.541379,53.982334
+                    -2.541536,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983812
+                    -2.543557,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984408
+                    -2.545516,53.984790
+                    -2.547028,53.984857
+                    -2.548005,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985372
+                    -2.550052,53.985410
+                    -2.550873,53.985953
+                    -2.551034,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987174
+                    -2.552094,53.986859
+                    -2.552256,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985777
+                    -2.554589,53.985648
+                    -2.556101,53.985610
+                    -2.556894,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986387
+                    -2.558437,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985496
+                    -2.559507,53.985953
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+                    -2.562150,53.986430
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+                    -2.563584,53.987765
+                    -2.563662,53.987927
+                    -2.563725,53.988667
+                    -2.563742,53.989577
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+                    -2.565174,53.991809
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+                    -2.562150,53.993850
+                    -2.561768,53.994098
+                    -2.562150,53.994384
+                    -2.563662,53.994493
+                    -2.564169,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995681
+                    -2.565449,53.995910
+                    -2.565354,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997011
+                    -2.563662,53.996959
+                    -2.562150,53.996921
+                    -2.561152,53.996811
+                    -2.561833,53.995910
+                    -2.561703,53.995004
+                    -2.560638,53.994427
+                    -2.560068,53.994098
+                    -2.560003,53.993192
+                    -2.559929,53.992286
+                    -2.559858,53.991385
+                    -2.559708,53.990479
+                    -2.559125,53.990130
+                    -2.557613,53.990035
+                    -2.557094,53.989577
+                    -2.556101,53.989043
+                    -2.555305,53.988667
+                    -2.554589,53.988242
+                    -2.553077,53.988199
+                    -2.552293,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989220
+                    -2.554185,53.989577
+                    -2.554589,53.989758
+                    -2.555222,53.990479
+                    -2.554871,53.991385
+                    -2.555085,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992558
+                    -2.553203,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993340
+                    -2.551960,53.994098
+                    -2.551564,53.994274
+                    -2.550052,53.994784
+                    -2.549759,53.995004
+                    -2.548540,53.995748
+                    -2.548110,53.995910
+                    -2.547028,53.996377
+                    -2.546340,53.995910
+                    -2.546838,53.995004
+                    -2.547028,53.994846
+                    -2.548540,53.994508
+                    -2.549342,53.994098
+                    -2.550052,53.993888
+                    -2.551564,53.993306
+                    -2.551875,53.993192
+                    -2.552858,53.992286
+                    -2.551564,53.991461
+                    -2.550052,53.991771
+                    -2.548700,53.991385
+                    -2.548540,53.990588
+                    -2.547028,53.990788
+                    -2.545516,53.991370
+                    -2.544003,53.991284
+                    -2.542728,53.991385
+                    -2.544003,53.991885
+                    -2.544125,53.992286
+                    -2.544003,53.992801
+                    -2.542491,53.992305
+                    -2.540979,53.992596
+                    -2.539467,53.992414
+                    -2.538264,53.993192
+                    -2.538555,53.994098
+                    -2.539467,53.994756
+                    -2.539711,53.995004
+                    -2.539467,53.995075
+                    -2.538387,53.995910
+                    -2.537955,53.996410
+                    -2.536443,53.996429
+                    -2.536317,53.996811
+                    -2.535331,53.997717
+                    -2.535974,53.998618
+                    -2.536443,53.998909
+                    -2.537621,53.999524
+                    -2.537636,54.000430
+                    -2.536443,54.000778
+                    -2.535480,54.001336
+                    -2.535831,54.002242
+                    -2.534930,54.002771
+                    -2.533418,54.002953
+                    -2.533391,54.003143
+                    -2.533418,54.003196
+                    -2.534930,54.003606
+                    -2.535737,54.004049
+                    -2.536443,54.004173
+                    -2.537828,54.004049
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+                    -2.524345,54.003572
+                    -2.524738,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002771
+                    -2.523275,54.003143
+                    -2.522833,54.003220
+                    -2.522650,54.003143
+                    -2.521321,54.002352
+                    -2.519808,54.002280
+                    -2.518791,54.002242
+                    -2.519218,54.001336
+                    -2.518918,54.000430
+                    -2.518296,54.000368
+                    -2.516784,54.000163
+                    -2.516657,54.000430
+                    -2.515272,54.000802
+                    -2.513760,54.000926
+                    -2.512247,54.000912
+                    -2.512030,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,54.000287
+                    -2.513760,54.000168
+                    -2.515272,54.000053
+                    -2.516576,53.999524
+                    -2.515285,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998613
+                    -2.513828,53.997717
+                    -2.514124,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996596
+                    -2.512902,53.996811
+                    -2.512247,53.997011
+                    -2.512120,53.996811
+                    -2.511971,53.995910
+                    -2.511738,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994498
+                    -2.509546,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995390
+                    -2.507711,53.995275
+                    -2.506199,53.995147
+                    -2.506126,53.995004
+                    -2.505155,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993783
+                    -2.503481,53.993192
+                    -2.504174,53.992286
+                    -2.503622,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991051
+                    -2.505764,53.990479
+                    -2.505083,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.988824
+                    -2.507711,53.988757
+                    -2.507885,53.988667
+                    -2.507711,53.988361
+                    -2.506199,53.988190
+                    -2.505894,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987536
+                    -2.506753,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986440
+                    -2.508609,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985476
+                    -2.506199,53.985062
+                    -2.505932,53.985052
+                    -2.506199,53.985019
+                    -2.507264,53.984141
+                    -2.507711,53.983374
+                    -2.507769,53.983240
+                    -2.507780,53.982334
+                    -2.508230,53.981433
+                    -2.509016,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979673
+                    -2.506199,53.980322
+                    -2.505308,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.980742
+                    -2.504331,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.979926
+                    -2.502673,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979306
+                    -2.504686,53.979020
+                    -2.505264,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978472
+                    -2.507711,53.978190
+                    -2.508457,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977351
+                    -2.509861,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976340
+                    -2.508877,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975668
+                    -2.509983,53.975101
+                    -2.509767,53.974195
+                    -2.510735,53.973560
+                    -2.511175,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972631
+                    -2.513632,53.972383
+                    -2.513760,53.972216
+                    -2.515272,53.971620
+                    -2.515510,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971353
+                    -2.513760,53.971381
+                    -2.512247,53.971324
+                    -2.510735,53.971367
+                    -2.509591,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532192,53.972383
+                    -2.532069,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973694
+                    -2.531035,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974719
+                    -2.532435,53.975101
+                    -2.532632,53.976002
+                    -2.532325,53.976908
+                    -2.532430,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978400
+                    -2.534087,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979220
+                    -2.535770,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.980021
+                    -2.537899,53.980527
+                    -2.537955,53.980560
+                    -2.538012,53.980527
+                    -2.539467,53.980212
+                    -2.540271,53.980527
+                    -2.540317,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.982067
+                    -2.541379,53.982334
+                    -2.541536,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983812
+                    -2.543557,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984408
+                    -2.545516,53.984790
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+                    -2.552094,53.986859
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+                    -2.559507,53.985953
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+                    -2.562150,53.986430
+                    -2.562692,53.986859
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+                    -2.563725,53.988667
+                    -2.563742,53.989577
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+                    -2.565174,53.991809
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+                    -2.562150,53.993850
+                    -2.561768,53.994098
+                    -2.562150,53.994384
+                    -2.563662,53.994493
+                    -2.564169,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995681
+                    -2.565449,53.995910
+                    -2.565354,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997011
+                    -2.563662,53.996959
+                    -2.562150,53.996921
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+                    -2.561833,53.995910
+                    -2.561703,53.995004
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+                    -2.553077,53.989220
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+                    -2.554589,53.989758
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+                    -2.554871,53.991385
+                    -2.555085,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992558
+                    -2.553203,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993340
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+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520470,54.022145
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+                    -2.518296,54.021688
+                    -2.517175,54.021239
+                    -2.516784,54.020882
+                    -2.515272,54.020400
+                    -2.514747,54.020333
+                    -2.513760,54.020219
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013624
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+                    -2.512307,54.013095
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+                    -2.515272,54.011073
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+                    -2.513760,54.009128
+                    -2.512247,54.009271
+                    -2.511288,54.008574
+                    -2.512247,54.008036
+                    -2.513760,54.008217
+                    -2.515272,54.008346
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+                    -2.516949,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007568
+                    -2.515805,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006457
+                    -2.518296,54.006405
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+                    -2.518296,54.004989
+                    -2.517935,54.004951
+                    -2.518296,54.004869
+                    -2.519808,54.004879
+                    -2.521321,54.004912
+                    -2.522253,54.004951
+                    -2.522833,54.004989
+                    -2.522887,54.004951
+                    -2.524040,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003572
+                    -2.524738,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002771
+                    -2.523275,54.003143
+                    -2.522833,54.003220
+                    -2.522650,54.003143
+                    -2.521321,54.002352
+                    -2.519808,54.002280
+                    -2.518791,54.002242
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+                    -2.518918,54.000430
+                    -2.518296,54.000368
+                    -2.516784,54.000163
+                    -2.516657,54.000430
+                    -2.515272,54.000802
+                    -2.513760,54.000926
+                    -2.512247,54.000912
+                    -2.512030,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,54.000287
+                    -2.513760,54.000168
+                    -2.515272,54.000053
+                    -2.516576,53.999524
+                    -2.515285,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998613
+                    -2.513828,53.997717
+                    -2.514124,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996596
+                    -2.512902,53.996811
+                    -2.512247,53.997011
+                    -2.512120,53.996811
+                    -2.511971,53.995910
+                    -2.511738,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994498
+                    -2.509546,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995390
+                    -2.507711,53.995275
+                    -2.506199,53.995147
+                    -2.506126,53.995004
+                    -2.505155,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993783
+                    -2.503481,53.993192
+                    -2.504174,53.992286
+                    -2.503622,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991051
+                    -2.505764,53.990479
+                    -2.505083,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.988824
+                    -2.507711,53.988757
+                    -2.507885,53.988667
+                    -2.507711,53.988361
+                    -2.506199,53.988190
+                    -2.505894,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987536
+                    -2.506753,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986440
+                    -2.508609,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985476
+                    -2.506199,53.985062
+                    -2.505932,53.985052
+                    -2.506199,53.985019
+                    -2.507264,53.984141
+                    -2.507711,53.983374
+                    -2.507769,53.983240
+                    -2.507780,53.982334
+                    -2.508230,53.981433
+                    -2.509016,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979673
+                    -2.506199,53.980322
+                    -2.505308,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.980742
+                    -2.504331,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.979926
+                    -2.502673,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979306
+                    -2.504686,53.979020
+                    -2.505264,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978472
+                    -2.507711,53.978190
+                    -2.508457,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977351
+                    -2.509861,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976340
+                    -2.508877,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975668
+                    -2.509983,53.975101
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+                    -2.510735,53.973560
+                    -2.511175,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972631
+                    -2.513632,53.972383
+                    -2.513760,53.972216
+                    -2.515272,53.971620
+                    -2.515510,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971353
+                    -2.513760,53.971381
+                    -2.512247,53.971324
+                    -2.510735,53.971367
+                    -2.509591,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532192,53.972383
+                    -2.532069,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973694
+                    -2.531035,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974719
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+                    -2.532430,53.977809
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+                    -2.535770,53.979621
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+                    -2.541379,53.982334
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+                    -2.542491,53.983812
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+                    -2.544003,53.984408
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+                    -2.552094,53.986859
+                    -2.552256,53.985953
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+                    -2.559507,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986583
+                    -2.562150,53.986430
+                    -2.562692,53.986859
+                    -2.563584,53.987765
+                    -2.563662,53.987927
+                    -2.563725,53.988667
+                    -2.563742,53.989577
+                    -2.564202,53.990479
+                    -2.565174,53.990932
+                    -2.565529,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991809
+                    -2.564443,53.992286
+                    -2.563981,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.993797
+                    -2.562150,53.993850
+                    -2.561768,53.994098
+                    -2.562150,53.994384
+                    -2.563662,53.994493
+                    -2.564169,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995681
+                    -2.565449,53.995910
+                    -2.565354,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997011
+                    -2.563662,53.996959
+                    -2.562150,53.996921
+                    -2.561152,53.996811
+                    -2.561833,53.995910
+                    -2.561703,53.995004
+                    -2.560638,53.994427
+                    -2.560068,53.994098
+                    -2.560003,53.993192
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+                    -2.559858,53.991385
+                    -2.559708,53.990479
+                    -2.559125,53.990130
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+                    -2.555305,53.988667
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+                    -2.553077,53.988199
+                    -2.552293,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989220
+                    -2.554185,53.989577
+                    -2.554589,53.989758
+                    -2.555222,53.990479
+                    -2.554871,53.991385
+                    -2.555085,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992558
+                    -2.553203,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993340
+                    -2.551960,53.994098
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+                    -2.550052,53.994784
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+                    -2.551564,53.991461
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
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+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013624
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+                    -2.513760,54.009128
+                    -2.512247,54.009271
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+                    -2.512247,54.008036
+                    -2.513760,54.008217
+                    -2.515272,54.008346
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+                    -2.516949,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007568
+                    -2.515805,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006457
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+                    -2.518296,54.004989
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+                    -2.518296,54.004869
+                    -2.519808,54.004879
+                    -2.521321,54.004912
+                    -2.522253,54.004951
+                    -2.522833,54.004989
+                    -2.522887,54.004951
+                    -2.524040,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003572
+                    -2.524738,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002771
+                    -2.523275,54.003143
+                    -2.522833,54.003220
+                    -2.522650,54.003143
+                    -2.521321,54.002352
+                    -2.519808,54.002280
+                    -2.518791,54.002242
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+                    -2.518296,54.000368
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+                    -2.515272,54.000802
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+                    -2.512030,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,54.000287
+                    -2.513760,54.000168
+                    -2.515272,54.000053
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+                    -2.515285,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998613
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+                    -2.514124,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996596
+                    -2.512902,53.996811
+                    -2.512247,53.997011
+                    -2.512120,53.996811
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+                    -2.509546,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995390
+                    -2.507711,53.995275
+                    -2.506199,53.995147
+                    -2.506126,53.995004
+                    -2.505155,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993783
+                    -2.503481,53.993192
+                    -2.504174,53.992286
+                    -2.503622,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991051
+                    -2.505764,53.990479
+                    -2.505083,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.988824
+                    -2.507711,53.988757
+                    -2.507885,53.988667
+                    -2.507711,53.988361
+                    -2.506199,53.988190
+                    -2.505894,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987536
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+                    -2.507711,53.986440
+                    -2.508609,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985476
+                    -2.506199,53.985062
+                    -2.505932,53.985052
+                    -2.506199,53.985019
+                    -2.507264,53.984141
+                    -2.507711,53.983374
+                    -2.507769,53.983240
+                    -2.507780,53.982334
+                    -2.508230,53.981433
+                    -2.509016,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979673
+                    -2.506199,53.980322
+                    -2.505308,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.980742
+                    -2.504331,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.979926
+                    -2.502673,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979306
+                    -2.504686,53.979020
+                    -2.505264,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978472
+                    -2.507711,53.978190
+                    -2.508457,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977351
+                    -2.509861,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976340
+                    -2.508877,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975668
+                    -2.509983,53.975101
+                    -2.509767,53.974195
+                    -2.510735,53.973560
+                    -2.511175,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972631
+                    -2.513632,53.972383
+                    -2.513760,53.972216
+                    -2.515272,53.971620
+                    -2.515510,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971353
+                    -2.513760,53.971381
+                    -2.512247,53.971324
+                    -2.510735,53.971367
+                    -2.509591,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532192,53.972383
+                    -2.532069,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973694
+                    -2.531035,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974719
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+                    -2.532632,53.976002
+                    -2.532325,53.976908
+                    -2.532430,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978400
+                    -2.534087,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979220
+                    -2.535770,53.979621
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+                    -2.537899,53.980527
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+                    -2.538012,53.980527
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+                    -2.540271,53.980527
+                    -2.540317,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.982067
+                    -2.541379,53.982334
+                    -2.541536,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983812
+                    -2.543557,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984408
+                    -2.545516,53.984790
+                    -2.547028,53.984857
+                    -2.548005,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985372
+                    -2.550052,53.985410
+                    -2.550873,53.985953
+                    -2.551034,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987174
+                    -2.552094,53.986859
+                    -2.552256,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985777
+                    -2.554589,53.985648
+                    -2.556101,53.985610
+                    -2.556894,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986387
+                    -2.558437,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985496
+                    -2.559507,53.985953
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+                    -2.562150,53.986430
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+                    -2.563584,53.987765
+                    -2.563662,53.987927
+                    -2.563725,53.988667
+                    -2.563742,53.989577
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+                    -2.565174,53.991809
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+                    -2.562150,53.993850
+                    -2.561768,53.994098
+                    -2.562150,53.994384
+                    -2.563662,53.994493
+                    -2.564169,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995681
+                    -2.565449,53.995910
+                    -2.565354,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997011
+                    -2.563662,53.996959
+                    -2.562150,53.996921
+                    -2.561152,53.996811
+                    -2.561833,53.995910
+                    -2.561703,53.995004
+                    -2.560638,53.994427
+                    -2.560068,53.994098
+                    -2.560003,53.993192
+                    -2.559929,53.992286
+                    -2.559858,53.991385
+                    -2.559708,53.990479
+                    -2.559125,53.990130
+                    -2.557613,53.990035
+                    -2.557094,53.989577
+                    -2.556101,53.989043
+                    -2.555305,53.988667
+                    -2.554589,53.988242
+                    -2.553077,53.988199
+                    -2.552293,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989220
+                    -2.554185,53.989577
+                    -2.554589,53.989758
+                    -2.555222,53.990479
+                    -2.554871,53.991385
+                    -2.555085,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992558
+                    -2.553203,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993340
+                    -2.551960,53.994098
+                    -2.551564,53.994274
+                    -2.550052,53.994784
+                    -2.549759,53.995004
+                    -2.548540,53.995748
+                    -2.548110,53.995910
+                    -2.547028,53.996377
+                    -2.546340,53.995910
+                    -2.546838,53.995004
+                    -2.547028,53.994846
+                    -2.548540,53.994508
+                    -2.549342,53.994098
+                    -2.550052,53.993888
+                    -2.551564,53.993306
+                    -2.551875,53.993192
+                    -2.552858,53.992286
+                    -2.551564,53.991461
+                    -2.550052,53.991771
+                    -2.548700,53.991385
+                    -2.548540,53.990588
+                    -2.547028,53.990788
+                    -2.545516,53.991370
+                    -2.544003,53.991284
+                    -2.542728,53.991385
+                    -2.544003,53.991885
+                    -2.544125,53.992286
+                    -2.544003,53.992801
+                    -2.542491,53.992305
+                    -2.540979,53.992596
+                    -2.539467,53.992414
+                    -2.538264,53.993192
+                    -2.538555,53.994098
+                    -2.539467,53.994756
+                    -2.539711,53.995004
+                    -2.539467,53.995075
+                    -2.538387,53.995910
+                    -2.537955,53.996410
+                    -2.536443,53.996429
+                    -2.536317,53.996811
+                    -2.535331,53.997717
+                    -2.535974,53.998618
+                    -2.536443,53.998909
+                    -2.537621,53.999524
+                    -2.537636,54.000430
+                    -2.536443,54.000778
+                    -2.535480,54.001336
+                    -2.535831,54.002242
+                    -2.534930,54.002771
+                    -2.533418,54.002953
+                    -2.533391,54.003143
+                    -2.533418,54.003196
+                    -2.534930,54.003606
+                    -2.535737,54.004049
+                    -2.536443,54.004173
+                    -2.537828,54.004049
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+                    -2.524345,54.003572
+                    -2.524738,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002771
+                    -2.523275,54.003143
+                    -2.522833,54.003220
+                    -2.522650,54.003143
+                    -2.521321,54.002352
+                    -2.519808,54.002280
+                    -2.518791,54.002242
+                    -2.519218,54.001336
+                    -2.518918,54.000430
+                    -2.518296,54.000368
+                    -2.516784,54.000163
+                    -2.516657,54.000430
+                    -2.515272,54.000802
+                    -2.513760,54.000926
+                    -2.512247,54.000912
+                    -2.512030,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,54.000287
+                    -2.513760,54.000168
+                    -2.515272,54.000053
+                    -2.516576,53.999524
+                    -2.515285,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998613
+                    -2.513828,53.997717
+                    -2.514124,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996596
+                    -2.512902,53.996811
+                    -2.512247,53.997011
+                    -2.512120,53.996811
+                    -2.511971,53.995910
+                    -2.511738,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994498
+                    -2.509546,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995390
+                    -2.507711,53.995275
+                    -2.506199,53.995147
+                    -2.506126,53.995004
+                    -2.505155,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993783
+                    -2.503481,53.993192
+                    -2.504174,53.992286
+                    -2.503622,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991051
+                    -2.505764,53.990479
+                    -2.505083,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.988824
+                    -2.507711,53.988757
+                    -2.507885,53.988667
+                    -2.507711,53.988361
+                    -2.506199,53.988190
+                    -2.505894,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987536
+                    -2.506753,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986440
+                    -2.508609,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985476
+                    -2.506199,53.985062
+                    -2.505932,53.985052
+                    -2.506199,53.985019
+                    -2.507264,53.984141
+                    -2.507711,53.983374
+                    -2.507769,53.983240
+                    -2.507780,53.982334
+                    -2.508230,53.981433
+                    -2.509016,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979673
+                    -2.506199,53.980322
+                    -2.505308,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.980742
+                    -2.504331,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.979926
+                    -2.502673,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979306
+                    -2.504686,53.979020
+                    -2.505264,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978472
+                    -2.507711,53.978190
+                    -2.508457,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977351
+                    -2.509861,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976340
+                    -2.508877,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975668
+                    -2.509983,53.975101
+                    -2.509767,53.974195
+                    -2.510735,53.973560
+                    -2.511175,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972631
+                    -2.513632,53.972383
+                    -2.513760,53.972216
+                    -2.515272,53.971620
+                    -2.515510,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971353
+                    -2.513760,53.971381
+                    -2.512247,53.971324
+                    -2.510735,53.971367
+                    -2.509591,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532192,53.972383
+                    -2.532069,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973694
+                    -2.531035,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974719
+                    -2.532435,53.975101
+                    -2.532632,53.976002
+                    -2.532325,53.976908
+                    -2.532430,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978400
+                    -2.534087,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979220
+                    -2.535770,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.980021
+                    -2.537899,53.980527
+                    -2.537955,53.980560
+                    -2.538012,53.980527
+                    -2.539467,53.980212
+                    -2.540271,53.980527
+                    -2.540317,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.982067
+                    -2.541379,53.982334
+                    -2.541536,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983812
+                    -2.543557,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984408
+                    -2.545516,53.984790
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+                    -2.552094,53.986859
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+                    -2.559507,53.985953
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+                    -2.562150,53.986430
+                    -2.562692,53.986859
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+                    -2.563725,53.988667
+                    -2.563742,53.989577
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+                    -2.565174,53.991809
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+                    -2.562150,53.993850
+                    -2.561768,53.994098
+                    -2.562150,53.994384
+                    -2.563662,53.994493
+                    -2.564169,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995681
+                    -2.565449,53.995910
+                    -2.565354,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997011
+                    -2.563662,53.996959
+                    -2.562150,53.996921
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+                    -2.561833,53.995910
+                    -2.561703,53.995004
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+                    -2.553077,53.989220
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+                    -2.554589,53.989758
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+                    -2.554871,53.991385
+                    -2.555085,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992558
+                    -2.553203,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993340
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+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520470,54.022145
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+                    -2.518296,54.021688
+                    -2.517175,54.021239
+                    -2.516784,54.020882
+                    -2.515272,54.020400
+                    -2.514747,54.020333
+                    -2.513760,54.020219
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013624
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+                    -2.512307,54.013095
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+                    -2.515272,54.011073
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+                    -2.513760,54.009128
+                    -2.512247,54.009271
+                    -2.511288,54.008574
+                    -2.512247,54.008036
+                    -2.513760,54.008217
+                    -2.515272,54.008346
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+                    -2.516949,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007568
+                    -2.515805,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006457
+                    -2.518296,54.006405
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+                    -2.518296,54.004989
+                    -2.517935,54.004951
+                    -2.518296,54.004869
+                    -2.519808,54.004879
+                    -2.521321,54.004912
+                    -2.522253,54.004951
+                    -2.522833,54.004989
+                    -2.522887,54.004951
+                    -2.524040,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003572
+                    -2.524738,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002771
+                    -2.523275,54.003143
+                    -2.522833,54.003220
+                    -2.522650,54.003143
+                    -2.521321,54.002352
+                    -2.519808,54.002280
+                    -2.518791,54.002242
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+                    -2.518918,54.000430
+                    -2.518296,54.000368
+                    -2.516784,54.000163
+                    -2.516657,54.000430
+                    -2.515272,54.000802
+                    -2.513760,54.000926
+                    -2.512247,54.000912
+                    -2.512030,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,54.000287
+                    -2.513760,54.000168
+                    -2.515272,54.000053
+                    -2.516576,53.999524
+                    -2.515285,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998613
+                    -2.513828,53.997717
+                    -2.514124,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996596
+                    -2.512902,53.996811
+                    -2.512247,53.997011
+                    -2.512120,53.996811
+                    -2.511971,53.995910
+                    -2.511738,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994498
+                    -2.509546,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995390
+                    -2.507711,53.995275
+                    -2.506199,53.995147
+                    -2.506126,53.995004
+                    -2.505155,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993783
+                    -2.503481,53.993192
+                    -2.504174,53.992286
+                    -2.503622,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991051
+                    -2.505764,53.990479
+                    -2.505083,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.988824
+                    -2.507711,53.988757
+                    -2.507885,53.988667
+                    -2.507711,53.988361
+                    -2.506199,53.988190
+                    -2.505894,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987536
+                    -2.506753,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986440
+                    -2.508609,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985476
+                    -2.506199,53.985062
+                    -2.505932,53.985052
+                    -2.506199,53.985019
+                    -2.507264,53.984141
+                    -2.507711,53.983374
+                    -2.507769,53.983240
+                    -2.507780,53.982334
+                    -2.508230,53.981433
+                    -2.509016,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979673
+                    -2.506199,53.980322
+                    -2.505308,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.980742
+                    -2.504331,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.979926
+                    -2.502673,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979306
+                    -2.504686,53.979020
+                    -2.505264,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978472
+                    -2.507711,53.978190
+                    -2.508457,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977351
+                    -2.509861,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976340
+                    -2.508877,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975668
+                    -2.509983,53.975101
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+                    -2.510735,53.973560
+                    -2.511175,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972631
+                    -2.513632,53.972383
+                    -2.513760,53.972216
+                    -2.515272,53.971620
+                    -2.515510,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971353
+                    -2.513760,53.971381
+                    -2.512247,53.971324
+                    -2.510735,53.971367
+                    -2.509591,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532192,53.972383
+                    -2.532069,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973694
+                    -2.531035,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974719
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+                    -2.532430,53.977809
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+                    -2.535770,53.979621
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+                    -2.541379,53.982334
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+                    -2.542491,53.983812
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+                    -2.544003,53.984408
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+                    -2.552094,53.986859
+                    -2.552256,53.985953
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+                    -2.559507,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986583
+                    -2.562150,53.986430
+                    -2.562692,53.986859
+                    -2.563584,53.987765
+                    -2.563662,53.987927
+                    -2.563725,53.988667
+                    -2.563742,53.989577
+                    -2.564202,53.990479
+                    -2.565174,53.990932
+                    -2.565529,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991809
+                    -2.564443,53.992286
+                    -2.563981,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.993797
+                    -2.562150,53.993850
+                    -2.561768,53.994098
+                    -2.562150,53.994384
+                    -2.563662,53.994493
+                    -2.564169,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995681
+                    -2.565449,53.995910
+                    -2.565354,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997011
+                    -2.563662,53.996959
+                    -2.562150,53.996921
+                    -2.561152,53.996811
+                    -2.561833,53.995910
+                    -2.561703,53.995004
+                    -2.560638,53.994427
+                    -2.560068,53.994098
+                    -2.560003,53.993192
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+                    -2.559858,53.991385
+                    -2.559708,53.990479
+                    -2.559125,53.990130
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+                    -2.555305,53.988667
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+                    -2.553077,53.988199
+                    -2.552293,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989220
+                    -2.554185,53.989577
+                    -2.554589,53.989758
+                    -2.555222,53.990479
+                    -2.554871,53.991385
+                    -2.555085,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992558
+                    -2.553203,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993340
+                    -2.551960,53.994098
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+                    -2.550052,53.994784
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+                    -2.551564,53.991461
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
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+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013624
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+                    -2.513760,54.009128
+                    -2.512247,54.009271
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+                    -2.512247,54.008036
+                    -2.513760,54.008217
+                    -2.515272,54.008346
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+                    -2.516949,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007568
+                    -2.515805,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006457
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+                    -2.518296,54.004989
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+                    -2.518296,54.004869
+                    -2.519808,54.004879
+                    -2.521321,54.004912
+                    -2.522253,54.004951
+                    -2.522833,54.004989
+                    -2.522887,54.004951
+                    -2.524040,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003572
+                    -2.524738,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002771
+                    -2.523275,54.003143
+                    -2.522833,54.003220
+                    -2.522650,54.003143
+                    -2.521321,54.002352
+                    -2.519808,54.002280
+                    -2.518791,54.002242
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+                    -2.518296,54.000368
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+                    -2.515272,54.000802
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+                    -2.512030,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,54.000287
+                    -2.513760,54.000168
+                    -2.515272,54.000053
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+                    -2.515285,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998613
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+                    -2.514124,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996596
+                    -2.512902,53.996811
+                    -2.512247,53.997011
+                    -2.512120,53.996811
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+                    -2.509546,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995390
+                    -2.507711,53.995275
+                    -2.506199,53.995147
+                    -2.506126,53.995004
+                    -2.505155,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993783
+                    -2.503481,53.993192
+                    -2.504174,53.992286
+                    -2.503622,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991051
+                    -2.505764,53.990479
+                    -2.505083,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.988824
+                    -2.507711,53.988757
+                    -2.507885,53.988667
+                    -2.507711,53.988361
+                    -2.506199,53.988190
+                    -2.505894,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987536
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+                    -2.507711,53.986440
+                    -2.508609,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985476
+                    -2.506199,53.985062
+                    -2.505932,53.985052
+                    -2.506199,53.985019
+                    -2.507264,53.984141
+                    -2.507711,53.983374
+                    -2.507769,53.983240
+                    -2.507780,53.982334
+                    -2.508230,53.981433
+                    -2.509016,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979673
+                    -2.506199,53.980322
+                    -2.505308,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.980742
+                    -2.504331,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.979926
+                    -2.502673,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979306
+                    -2.504686,53.979020
+                    -2.505264,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978472
+                    -2.507711,53.978190
+                    -2.508457,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977351
+                    -2.509861,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976340
+                    -2.508877,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975668
+                    -2.509983,53.975101
+                    -2.509767,53.974195
+                    -2.510735,53.973560
+                    -2.511175,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972631
+                    -2.513632,53.972383
+                    -2.513760,53.972216
+                    -2.515272,53.971620
+                    -2.515510,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971353
+                    -2.513760,53.971381
+                    -2.512247,53.971324
+                    -2.510735,53.971367
+                    -2.509591,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532192,53.972383
+                    -2.532069,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973694
+                    -2.531035,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974719
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+                    -2.532632,53.976002
+                    -2.532325,53.976908
+                    -2.532430,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978400
+                    -2.534087,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979220
+                    -2.535770,53.979621
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+                    -2.537899,53.980527
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+                    -2.538012,53.980527
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+                    -2.540271,53.980527
+                    -2.540317,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.982067
+                    -2.541379,53.982334
+                    -2.541536,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983812
+                    -2.543557,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984408
+                    -2.545516,53.984790
+                    -2.547028,53.984857
+                    -2.548005,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985372
+                    -2.550052,53.985410
+                    -2.550873,53.985953
+                    -2.551034,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987174
+                    -2.552094,53.986859
+                    -2.552256,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985777
+                    -2.554589,53.985648
+                    -2.556101,53.985610
+                    -2.556894,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986387
+                    -2.558437,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985496
+                    -2.559507,53.985953
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+                    -2.562150,53.986430
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+                    -2.563584,53.987765
+                    -2.563662,53.987927
+                    -2.563725,53.988667
+                    -2.563742,53.989577
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+                    -2.565174,53.991809
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+                    -2.562150,53.993850
+                    -2.561768,53.994098
+                    -2.562150,53.994384
+                    -2.563662,53.994493
+                    -2.564169,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995681
+                    -2.565449,53.995910
+                    -2.565354,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997011
+                    -2.563662,53.996959
+                    -2.562150,53.996921
+                    -2.561152,53.996811
+                    -2.561833,53.995910
+                    -2.561703,53.995004
+                    -2.560638,53.994427
+                    -2.560068,53.994098
+                    -2.560003,53.993192
+                    -2.559929,53.992286
+                    -2.559858,53.991385
+                    -2.559708,53.990479
+                    -2.559125,53.990130
+                    -2.557613,53.990035
+                    -2.557094,53.989577
+                    -2.556101,53.989043
+                    -2.555305,53.988667
+                    -2.554589,53.988242
+                    -2.553077,53.988199
+                    -2.552293,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989220
+                    -2.554185,53.989577
+                    -2.554589,53.989758
+                    -2.555222,53.990479
+                    -2.554871,53.991385
+                    -2.555085,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992558
+                    -2.553203,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993340
+                    -2.551960,53.994098
+                    -2.551564,53.994274
+                    -2.550052,53.994784
+                    -2.549759,53.995004
+                    -2.548540,53.995748
+                    -2.548110,53.995910
+                    -2.547028,53.996377
+                    -2.546340,53.995910
+                    -2.546838,53.995004
+                    -2.547028,53.994846
+                    -2.548540,53.994508
+                    -2.549342,53.994098
+                    -2.550052,53.993888
+                    -2.551564,53.993306
+                    -2.551875,53.993192
+                    -2.552858,53.992286
+                    -2.551564,53.991461
+                    -2.550052,53.991771
+                    -2.548700,53.991385
+                    -2.548540,53.990588
+                    -2.547028,53.990788
+                    -2.545516,53.991370
+                    -2.544003,53.991284
+                    -2.542728,53.991385
+                    -2.544003,53.991885
+                    -2.544125,53.992286
+                    -2.544003,53.992801
+                    -2.542491,53.992305
+                    -2.540979,53.992596
+                    -2.539467,53.992414
+                    -2.538264,53.993192
+                    -2.538555,53.994098
+                    -2.539467,53.994756
+                    -2.539711,53.995004
+                    -2.539467,53.995075
+                    -2.538387,53.995910
+                    -2.537955,53.996410
+                    -2.536443,53.996429
+                    -2.536317,53.996811
+                    -2.535331,53.997717
+                    -2.535974,53.998618
+                    -2.536443,53.998909
+                    -2.537621,53.999524
+                    -2.537636,54.000430
+                    -2.536443,54.000778
+                    -2.535480,54.001336
+                    -2.535831,54.002242
+                    -2.534930,54.002771
+                    -2.533418,54.002953
+                    -2.533391,54.003143
+                    -2.533418,54.003196
+                    -2.534930,54.003606
+                    -2.535737,54.004049
+                    -2.536443,54.004173
+                    -2.537828,54.004049
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+                    -2.524345,54.003572
+                    -2.524738,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002771
+                    -2.523275,54.003143
+                    -2.522833,54.003220
+                    -2.522650,54.003143
+                    -2.521321,54.002352
+                    -2.519808,54.002280
+                    -2.518791,54.002242
+                    -2.519218,54.001336
+                    -2.518918,54.000430
+                    -2.518296,54.000368
+                    -2.516784,54.000163
+                    -2.516657,54.000430
+                    -2.515272,54.000802
+                    -2.513760,54.000926
+                    -2.512247,54.000912
+                    -2.512030,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,54.000287
+                    -2.513760,54.000168
+                    -2.515272,54.000053
+                    -2.516576,53.999524
+                    -2.515285,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998613
+                    -2.513828,53.997717
+                    -2.514124,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996596
+                    -2.512902,53.996811
+                    -2.512247,53.997011
+                    -2.512120,53.996811
+                    -2.511971,53.995910
+                    -2.511738,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994498
+                    -2.509546,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995390
+                    -2.507711,53.995275
+                    -2.506199,53.995147
+                    -2.506126,53.995004
+                    -2.505155,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993783
+                    -2.503481,53.993192
+                    -2.504174,53.992286
+                    -2.503622,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991051
+                    -2.505764,53.990479
+                    -2.505083,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.988824
+                    -2.507711,53.988757
+                    -2.507885,53.988667
+                    -2.507711,53.988361
+                    -2.506199,53.988190
+                    -2.505894,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987536
+                    -2.506753,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986440
+                    -2.508609,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985476
+                    -2.506199,53.985062
+                    -2.505932,53.985052
+                    -2.506199,53.985019
+                    -2.507264,53.984141
+                    -2.507711,53.983374
+                    -2.507769,53.983240
+                    -2.507780,53.982334
+                    -2.508230,53.981433
+                    -2.509016,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979673
+                    -2.506199,53.980322
+                    -2.505308,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.980742
+                    -2.504331,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.979926
+                    -2.502673,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979306
+                    -2.504686,53.979020
+                    -2.505264,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978472
+                    -2.507711,53.978190
+                    -2.508457,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977351
+                    -2.509861,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976340
+                    -2.508877,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975668
+                    -2.509983,53.975101
+                    -2.509767,53.974195
+                    -2.510735,53.973560
+                    -2.511175,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972631
+                    -2.513632,53.972383
+                    -2.513760,53.972216
+                    -2.515272,53.971620
+                    -2.515510,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971353
+                    -2.513760,53.971381
+                    -2.512247,53.971324
+                    -2.510735,53.971367
+                    -2.509591,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532192,53.972383
+                    -2.532069,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973694
+                    -2.531035,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974719
+                    -2.532435,53.975101
+                    -2.532632,53.976002
+                    -2.532325,53.976908
+                    -2.532430,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978400
+                    -2.534087,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979220
+                    -2.535770,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.980021
+                    -2.537899,53.980527
+                    -2.537955,53.980560
+                    -2.538012,53.980527
+                    -2.539467,53.980212
+                    -2.540271,53.980527
+                    -2.540317,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.982067
+                    -2.541379,53.982334
+                    -2.541536,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983812
+                    -2.543557,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984408
+                    -2.545516,53.984790
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+                    -2.552094,53.986859
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+                    -2.559507,53.985953
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+                    -2.562150,53.986430
+                    -2.562692,53.986859
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+                    -2.563725,53.988667
+                    -2.563742,53.989577
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+                    -2.565174,53.991809
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+                    -2.562150,53.993850
+                    -2.561768,53.994098
+                    -2.562150,53.994384
+                    -2.563662,53.994493
+                    -2.564169,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995681
+                    -2.565449,53.995910
+                    -2.565354,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997011
+                    -2.563662,53.996959
+                    -2.562150,53.996921
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+                    -2.561833,53.995910
+                    -2.561703,53.995004
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+                    -2.553077,53.989220
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+                    -2.554589,53.989758
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+                    -2.554871,53.991385
+                    -2.555085,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992558
+                    -2.553203,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993340
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+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520470,54.022145
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+                    -2.518296,54.021688
+                    -2.517175,54.021239
+                    -2.516784,54.020882
+                    -2.515272,54.020400
+                    -2.514747,54.020333
+                    -2.513760,54.020219
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013624
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+                    -2.512307,54.013095
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+                    -2.515272,54.011073
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+                    -2.513760,54.009128
+                    -2.512247,54.009271
+                    -2.511288,54.008574
+                    -2.512247,54.008036
+                    -2.513760,54.008217
+                    -2.515272,54.008346
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+                    -2.516949,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007568
+                    -2.515805,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006457
+                    -2.518296,54.006405
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+                    -2.518296,54.004989
+                    -2.517935,54.004951
+                    -2.518296,54.004869
+                    -2.519808,54.004879
+                    -2.521321,54.004912
+                    -2.522253,54.004951
+                    -2.522833,54.004989
+                    -2.522887,54.004951
+                    -2.524040,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003572
+                    -2.524738,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002771
+                    -2.523275,54.003143
+                    -2.522833,54.003220
+                    -2.522650,54.003143
+                    -2.521321,54.002352
+                    -2.519808,54.002280
+                    -2.518791,54.002242
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+                    -2.518918,54.000430
+                    -2.518296,54.000368
+                    -2.516784,54.000163
+                    -2.516657,54.000430
+                    -2.515272,54.000802
+                    -2.513760,54.000926
+                    -2.512247,54.000912
+                    -2.512030,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,54.000287
+                    -2.513760,54.000168
+                    -2.515272,54.000053
+                    -2.516576,53.999524
+                    -2.515285,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998613
+                    -2.513828,53.997717
+                    -2.514124,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996596
+                    -2.512902,53.996811
+                    -2.512247,53.997011
+                    -2.512120,53.996811
+                    -2.511971,53.995910
+                    -2.511738,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994498
+                    -2.509546,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995390
+                    -2.507711,53.995275
+                    -2.506199,53.995147
+                    -2.506126,53.995004
+                    -2.505155,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993783
+                    -2.503481,53.993192
+                    -2.504174,53.992286
+                    -2.503622,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991051
+                    -2.505764,53.990479
+                    -2.505083,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.988824
+                    -2.507711,53.988757
+                    -2.507885,53.988667
+                    -2.507711,53.988361
+                    -2.506199,53.988190
+                    -2.505894,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987536
+                    -2.506753,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986440
+                    -2.508609,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985476
+                    -2.506199,53.985062
+                    -2.505932,53.985052
+                    -2.506199,53.985019
+                    -2.507264,53.984141
+                    -2.507711,53.983374
+                    -2.507769,53.983240
+                    -2.507780,53.982334
+                    -2.508230,53.981433
+                    -2.509016,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979673
+                    -2.506199,53.980322
+                    -2.505308,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.980742
+                    -2.504331,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.979926
+                    -2.502673,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979306
+                    -2.504686,53.979020
+                    -2.505264,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978472
+                    -2.507711,53.978190
+                    -2.508457,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977351
+                    -2.509861,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976340
+                    -2.508877,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975668
+                    -2.509983,53.975101
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+                    -2.510735,53.973560
+                    -2.511175,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972631
+                    -2.513632,53.972383
+                    -2.513760,53.972216
+                    -2.515272,53.971620
+                    -2.515510,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971353
+                    -2.513760,53.971381
+                    -2.512247,53.971324
+                    -2.510735,53.971367
+                    -2.509591,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532192,53.972383
+                    -2.532069,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973694
+                    -2.531035,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974719
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+                    -2.532430,53.977809
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+                    -2.535770,53.979621
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+                    -2.541379,53.982334
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+                    -2.542491,53.983812
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+                    -2.544003,53.984408
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+                    -2.552094,53.986859
+                    -2.552256,53.985953
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+                    -2.559507,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986583
+                    -2.562150,53.986430
+                    -2.562692,53.986859
+                    -2.563584,53.987765
+                    -2.563662,53.987927
+                    -2.563725,53.988667
+                    -2.563742,53.989577
+                    -2.564202,53.990479
+                    -2.565174,53.990932
+                    -2.565529,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991809
+                    -2.564443,53.992286
+                    -2.563981,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.993797
+                    -2.562150,53.993850
+                    -2.561768,53.994098
+                    -2.562150,53.994384
+                    -2.563662,53.994493
+                    -2.564169,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995681
+                    -2.565449,53.995910
+                    -2.565354,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997011
+                    -2.563662,53.996959
+                    -2.562150,53.996921
+                    -2.561152,53.996811
+                    -2.561833,53.995910
+                    -2.561703,53.995004
+                    -2.560638,53.994427
+                    -2.560068,53.994098
+                    -2.560003,53.993192
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+                    -2.559858,53.991385
+                    -2.559708,53.990479
+                    -2.559125,53.990130
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+                    -2.555305,53.988667
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+                    -2.553077,53.988199
+                    -2.552293,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989220
+                    -2.554185,53.989577
+                    -2.554589,53.989758
+                    -2.555222,53.990479
+                    -2.554871,53.991385
+                    -2.555085,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992558
+                    -2.553203,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993340
+                    -2.551960,53.994098
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+                    -2.550052,53.994784
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+                    -2.551564,53.991461
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
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+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013624
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+                    -2.513760,54.009128
+                    -2.512247,54.009271
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+                    -2.512247,54.008036
+                    -2.513760,54.008217
+                    -2.515272,54.008346
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+                    -2.516949,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007568
+                    -2.515805,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006457
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+                    -2.518296,54.004989
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+                    -2.518296,54.004869
+                    -2.519808,54.004879
+                    -2.521321,54.004912
+                    -2.522253,54.004951
+                    -2.522833,54.004989
+                    -2.522887,54.004951
+                    -2.524040,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003572
+                    -2.524738,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002771
+                    -2.523275,54.003143
+                    -2.522833,54.003220
+                    -2.522650,54.003143
+                    -2.521321,54.002352
+                    -2.519808,54.002280
+                    -2.518791,54.002242
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+                    -2.518296,54.000368
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+                    -2.515272,54.000802
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+                    -2.512030,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,54.000287
+                    -2.513760,54.000168
+                    -2.515272,54.000053
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+                    -2.515285,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998613
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+                    -2.514124,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996596
+                    -2.512902,53.996811
+                    -2.512247,53.997011
+                    -2.512120,53.996811
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+                    -2.509546,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995390
+                    -2.507711,53.995275
+                    -2.506199,53.995147
+                    -2.506126,53.995004
+                    -2.505155,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993783
+                    -2.503481,53.993192
+                    -2.504174,53.992286
+                    -2.503622,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991051
+                    -2.505764,53.990479
+                    -2.505083,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.988824
+                    -2.507711,53.988757
+                    -2.507885,53.988667
+                    -2.507711,53.988361
+                    -2.506199,53.988190
+                    -2.505894,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987536
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+                    -2.507711,53.986440
+                    -2.508609,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985476
+                    -2.506199,53.985062
+                    -2.505932,53.985052
+                    -2.506199,53.985019
+                    -2.507264,53.984141
+                    -2.507711,53.983374
+                    -2.507769,53.983240
+                    -2.507780,53.982334
+                    -2.508230,53.981433
+                    -2.509016,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979673
+                    -2.506199,53.980322
+                    -2.505308,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.980742
+                    -2.504331,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.979926
+                    -2.502673,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979306
+                    -2.504686,53.979020
+                    -2.505264,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978472
+                    -2.507711,53.978190
+                    -2.508457,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977351
+                    -2.509861,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976340
+                    -2.508877,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975668
+                    -2.509983,53.975101
+                    -2.509767,53.974195
+                    -2.510735,53.973560
+                    -2.511175,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972631
+                    -2.513632,53.972383
+                    -2.513760,53.972216
+                    -2.515272,53.971620
+                    -2.515510,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971353
+                    -2.513760,53.971381
+                    -2.512247,53.971324
+                    -2.510735,53.971367
+                    -2.509591,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532192,53.972383
+                    -2.532069,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973694
+                    -2.531035,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974719
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+                    -2.532632,53.976002
+                    -2.532325,53.976908
+                    -2.532430,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978400
+                    -2.534087,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979220
+                    -2.535770,53.979621
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+                    -2.537899,53.980527
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+                    -2.538012,53.980527
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+                    -2.540271,53.980527
+                    -2.540317,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.982067
+                    -2.541379,53.982334
+                    -2.541536,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983812
+                    -2.543557,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984408
+                    -2.545516,53.984790
+                    -2.547028,53.984857
+                    -2.548005,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985372
+                    -2.550052,53.985410
+                    -2.550873,53.985953
+                    -2.551034,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987174
+                    -2.552094,53.986859
+                    -2.552256,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985777
+                    -2.554589,53.985648
+                    -2.556101,53.985610
+                    -2.556894,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986387
+                    -2.558437,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985496
+                    -2.559507,53.985953
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+                    -2.562150,53.986430
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+                    -2.563584,53.987765
+                    -2.563662,53.987927
+                    -2.563725,53.988667
+                    -2.563742,53.989577
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+                    -2.565174,53.991809
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+                    -2.562150,53.993850
+                    -2.561768,53.994098
+                    -2.562150,53.994384
+                    -2.563662,53.994493
+                    -2.564169,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995681
+                    -2.565449,53.995910
+                    -2.565354,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997011
+                    -2.563662,53.996959
+                    -2.562150,53.996921
+                    -2.561152,53.996811
+                    -2.561833,53.995910
+                    -2.561703,53.995004
+                    -2.560638,53.994427
+                    -2.560068,53.994098
+                    -2.560003,53.993192
+                    -2.559929,53.992286
+                    -2.559858,53.991385
+                    -2.559708,53.990479
+                    -2.559125,53.990130
+                    -2.557613,53.990035
+                    -2.557094,53.989577
+                    -2.556101,53.989043
+                    -2.555305,53.988667
+                    -2.554589,53.988242
+                    -2.553077,53.988199
+                    -2.552293,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989220
+                    -2.554185,53.989577
+                    -2.554589,53.989758
+                    -2.555222,53.990479
+                    -2.554871,53.991385
+                    -2.555085,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992558
+                    -2.553203,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993340
+                    -2.551960,53.994098
+                    -2.551564,53.994274
+                    -2.550052,53.994784
+                    -2.549759,53.995004
+                    -2.548540,53.995748
+                    -2.548110,53.995910
+                    -2.547028,53.996377
+                    -2.546340,53.995910
+                    -2.546838,53.995004
+                    -2.547028,53.994846
+                    -2.548540,53.994508
+                    -2.549342,53.994098
+                    -2.550052,53.993888
+                    -2.551564,53.993306
+                    -2.551875,53.993192
+                    -2.552858,53.992286
+                    -2.551564,53.991461
+                    -2.550052,53.991771
+                    -2.548700,53.991385
+                    -2.548540,53.990588
+                    -2.547028,53.990788
+                    -2.545516,53.991370
+                    -2.544003,53.991284
+                    -2.542728,53.991385
+                    -2.544003,53.991885
+                    -2.544125,53.992286
+                    -2.544003,53.992801
+                    -2.542491,53.992305
+                    -2.540979,53.992596
+                    -2.539467,53.992414
+                    -2.538264,53.993192
+                    -2.538555,53.994098
+                    -2.539467,53.994756
+                    -2.539711,53.995004
+                    -2.539467,53.995075
+                    -2.538387,53.995910
+                    -2.537955,53.996410
+                    -2.536443,53.996429
+                    -2.536317,53.996811
+                    -2.535331,53.997717
+                    -2.535974,53.998618
+                    -2.536443,53.998909
+                    -2.537621,53.999524
+                    -2.537636,54.000430
+                    -2.536443,54.000778
+                    -2.535480,54.001336
+                    -2.535831,54.002242
+                    -2.534930,54.002771
+                    -2.533418,54.002953
+                    -2.533391,54.003143
+                    -2.533418,54.003196
+                    -2.534930,54.003606
+                    -2.535737,54.004049
+                    -2.536443,54.004173
+                    -2.537828,54.004049
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+                    -2.524345,54.003572
+                    -2.524738,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002771
+                    -2.523275,54.003143
+                    -2.522833,54.003220
+                    -2.522650,54.003143
+                    -2.521321,54.002352
+                    -2.519808,54.002280
+                    -2.518791,54.002242
+                    -2.519218,54.001336
+                    -2.518918,54.000430
+                    -2.518296,54.000368
+                    -2.516784,54.000163
+                    -2.516657,54.000430
+                    -2.515272,54.000802
+                    -2.513760,54.000926
+                    -2.512247,54.000912
+                    -2.512030,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,54.000287
+                    -2.513760,54.000168
+                    -2.515272,54.000053
+                    -2.516576,53.999524
+                    -2.515285,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998613
+                    -2.513828,53.997717
+                    -2.514124,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996596
+                    -2.512902,53.996811
+                    -2.512247,53.997011
+                    -2.512120,53.996811
+                    -2.511971,53.995910
+                    -2.511738,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994498
+                    -2.509546,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995390
+                    -2.507711,53.995275
+                    -2.506199,53.995147
+                    -2.506126,53.995004
+                    -2.505155,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993783
+                    -2.503481,53.993192
+                    -2.504174,53.992286
+                    -2.503622,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991051
+                    -2.505764,53.990479
+                    -2.505083,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.988824
+                    -2.507711,53.988757
+                    -2.507885,53.988667
+                    -2.507711,53.988361
+                    -2.506199,53.988190
+                    -2.505894,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987536
+                    -2.506753,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986440
+                    -2.508609,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985476
+                    -2.506199,53.985062
+                    -2.505932,53.985052
+                    -2.506199,53.985019
+                    -2.507264,53.984141
+                    -2.507711,53.983374
+                    -2.507769,53.983240
+                    -2.507780,53.982334
+                    -2.508230,53.981433
+                    -2.509016,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979673
+                    -2.506199,53.980322
+                    -2.505308,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.980742
+                    -2.504331,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.979926
+                    -2.502673,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979306
+                    -2.504686,53.979020
+                    -2.505264,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978472
+                    -2.507711,53.978190
+                    -2.508457,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977351
+                    -2.509861,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976340
+                    -2.508877,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975668
+                    -2.509983,53.975101
+                    -2.509767,53.974195
+                    -2.510735,53.973560
+                    -2.511175,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972631
+                    -2.513632,53.972383
+                    -2.513760,53.972216
+                    -2.515272,53.971620
+                    -2.515510,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971353
+                    -2.513760,53.971381
+                    -2.512247,53.971324
+                    -2.510735,53.971367
+                    -2.509591,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532192,53.972383
+                    -2.532069,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973694
+                    -2.531035,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974719
+                    -2.532435,53.975101
+                    -2.532632,53.976002
+                    -2.532325,53.976908
+                    -2.532430,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978400
+                    -2.534087,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979220
+                    -2.535770,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.980021
+                    -2.537899,53.980527
+                    -2.537955,53.980560
+                    -2.538012,53.980527
+                    -2.539467,53.980212
+                    -2.540271,53.980527
+                    -2.540317,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.982067
+                    -2.541379,53.982334
+                    -2.541536,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983812
+                    -2.543557,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984408
+                    -2.545516,53.984790
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+                    -2.552094,53.986859
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+                    -2.559507,53.985953
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+                    -2.562150,53.986430
+                    -2.562692,53.986859
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+                    -2.563725,53.988667
+                    -2.563742,53.989577
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+                    -2.565174,53.991809
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+                    -2.562150,53.993850
+                    -2.561768,53.994098
+                    -2.562150,53.994384
+                    -2.563662,53.994493
+                    -2.564169,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995681
+                    -2.565449,53.995910
+                    -2.565354,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997011
+                    -2.563662,53.996959
+                    -2.562150,53.996921
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+                    -2.561833,53.995910
+                    -2.561703,53.995004
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+                    -2.553077,53.989220
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+                    -2.554589,53.989758
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+                    -2.554871,53.991385
+                    -2.555085,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992558
+                    -2.553203,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993340
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+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520470,54.022145
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+                    -2.518296,54.021688
+                    -2.517175,54.021239
+                    -2.516784,54.020882
+                    -2.515272,54.020400
+                    -2.514747,54.020333
+                    -2.513760,54.020219
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013624
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+                    -2.512307,54.013095
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+                    -2.515272,54.011073
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+                    -2.513760,54.009128
+                    -2.512247,54.009271
+                    -2.511288,54.008574
+                    -2.512247,54.008036
+                    -2.513760,54.008217
+                    -2.515272,54.008346
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+                    -2.516949,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007568
+                    -2.515805,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006457
+                    -2.518296,54.006405
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+                    -2.518296,54.004989
+                    -2.517935,54.004951
+                    -2.518296,54.004869
+                    -2.519808,54.004879
+                    -2.521321,54.004912
+                    -2.522253,54.004951
+                    -2.522833,54.004989
+                    -2.522887,54.004951
+                    -2.524040,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003572
+                    -2.524738,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002771
+                    -2.523275,54.003143
+                    -2.522833,54.003220
+                    -2.522650,54.003143
+                    -2.521321,54.002352
+                    -2.519808,54.002280
+                    -2.518791,54.002242
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+                    -2.518918,54.000430
+                    -2.518296,54.000368
+                    -2.516784,54.000163
+                    -2.516657,54.000430
+                    -2.515272,54.000802
+                    -2.513760,54.000926
+                    -2.512247,54.000912
+                    -2.512030,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,54.000287
+                    -2.513760,54.000168
+                    -2.515272,54.000053
+                    -2.516576,53.999524
+                    -2.515285,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998613
+                    -2.513828,53.997717
+                    -2.514124,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996596
+                    -2.512902,53.996811
+                    -2.512247,53.997011
+                    -2.512120,53.996811
+                    -2.511971,53.995910
+                    -2.511738,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994498
+                    -2.509546,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995390
+                    -2.507711,53.995275
+                    -2.506199,53.995147
+                    -2.506126,53.995004
+                    -2.505155,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993783
+                    -2.503481,53.993192
+                    -2.504174,53.992286
+                    -2.503622,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991051
+                    -2.505764,53.990479
+                    -2.505083,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.988824
+                    -2.507711,53.988757
+                    -2.507885,53.988667
+                    -2.507711,53.988361
+                    -2.506199,53.988190
+                    -2.505894,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987536
+                    -2.506753,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986440
+                    -2.508609,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985476
+                    -2.506199,53.985062
+                    -2.505932,53.985052
+                    -2.506199,53.985019
+                    -2.507264,53.984141
+                    -2.507711,53.983374
+                    -2.507769,53.983240
+                    -2.507780,53.982334
+                    -2.508230,53.981433
+                    -2.509016,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979673
+                    -2.506199,53.980322
+                    -2.505308,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.980742
+                    -2.504331,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.979926
+                    -2.502673,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979306
+                    -2.504686,53.979020
+                    -2.505264,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978472
+                    -2.507711,53.978190
+                    -2.508457,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977351
+                    -2.509861,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976340
+                    -2.508877,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975668
+                    -2.509983,53.975101
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+                    -2.510735,53.973560
+                    -2.511175,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972631
+                    -2.513632,53.972383
+                    -2.513760,53.972216
+                    -2.515272,53.971620
+                    -2.515510,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971353
+                    -2.513760,53.971381
+                    -2.512247,53.971324
+                    -2.510735,53.971367
+                    -2.509591,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532192,53.972383
+                    -2.532069,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973694
+                    -2.531035,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974719
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+                    -2.532430,53.977809
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+                    -2.535770,53.979621
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+                    -2.541379,53.982334
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+                    -2.542491,53.983812
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+                    -2.544003,53.984408
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+                    -2.552094,53.986859
+                    -2.552256,53.985953
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+                    -2.559507,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986583
+                    -2.562150,53.986430
+                    -2.562692,53.986859
+                    -2.563584,53.987765
+                    -2.563662,53.987927
+                    -2.563725,53.988667
+                    -2.563742,53.989577
+                    -2.564202,53.990479
+                    -2.565174,53.990932
+                    -2.565529,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991809
+                    -2.564443,53.992286
+                    -2.563981,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.993797
+                    -2.562150,53.993850
+                    -2.561768,53.994098
+                    -2.562150,53.994384
+                    -2.563662,53.994493
+                    -2.564169,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995681
+                    -2.565449,53.995910
+                    -2.565354,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997011
+                    -2.563662,53.996959
+                    -2.562150,53.996921
+                    -2.561152,53.996811
+                    -2.561833,53.995910
+                    -2.561703,53.995004
+                    -2.560638,53.994427
+                    -2.560068,53.994098
+                    -2.560003,53.993192
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+                    -2.559858,53.991385
+                    -2.559708,53.990479
+                    -2.559125,53.990130
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+                    -2.555305,53.988667
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+                    -2.553077,53.988199
+                    -2.552293,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989220
+                    -2.554185,53.989577
+                    -2.554589,53.989758
+                    -2.555222,53.990479
+                    -2.554871,53.991385
+                    -2.555085,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992558
+                    -2.553203,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993340
+                    -2.551960,53.994098
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+                    -2.550052,53.994784
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+                    -2.551564,53.991461
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
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+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013624
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+                    -2.513760,54.009128
+                    -2.512247,54.009271
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+                    -2.512247,54.008036
+                    -2.513760,54.008217
+                    -2.515272,54.008346
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+                    -2.516949,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007568
+                    -2.515805,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006457
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+                    -2.518296,54.004989
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+                    -2.518296,54.004869
+                    -2.519808,54.004879
+                    -2.521321,54.004912
+                    -2.522253,54.004951
+                    -2.522833,54.004989
+                    -2.522887,54.004951
+                    -2.524040,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003572
+                    -2.524738,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002771
+                    -2.523275,54.003143
+                    -2.522833,54.003220
+                    -2.522650,54.003143
+                    -2.521321,54.002352
+                    -2.519808,54.002280
+                    -2.518791,54.002242
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+                    -2.518296,54.000368
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+                    -2.515272,54.000802
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+                    -2.512030,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,54.000287
+                    -2.513760,54.000168
+                    -2.515272,54.000053
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+                    -2.515285,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998613
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+                    -2.514124,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996596
+                    -2.512902,53.996811
+                    -2.512247,53.997011
+                    -2.512120,53.996811
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+                    -2.509546,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995390
+                    -2.507711,53.995275
+                    -2.506199,53.995147
+                    -2.506126,53.995004
+                    -2.505155,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993783
+                    -2.503481,53.993192
+                    -2.504174,53.992286
+                    -2.503622,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991051
+                    -2.505764,53.990479
+                    -2.505083,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.988824
+                    -2.507711,53.988757
+                    -2.507885,53.988667
+                    -2.507711,53.988361
+                    -2.506199,53.988190
+                    -2.505894,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987536
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+                    -2.507711,53.986440
+                    -2.508609,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985476
+                    -2.506199,53.985062
+                    -2.505932,53.985052
+                    -2.506199,53.985019
+                    -2.507264,53.984141
+                    -2.507711,53.983374
+                    -2.507769,53.983240
+                    -2.507780,53.982334
+                    -2.508230,53.981433
+                    -2.509016,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979673
+                    -2.506199,53.980322
+                    -2.505308,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.980742
+                    -2.504331,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.979926
+                    -2.502673,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979306
+                    -2.504686,53.979020
+                    -2.505264,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978472
+                    -2.507711,53.978190
+                    -2.508457,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977351
+                    -2.509861,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976340
+                    -2.508877,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975668
+                    -2.509983,53.975101
+                    -2.509767,53.974195
+                    -2.510735,53.973560
+                    -2.511175,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972631
+                    -2.513632,53.972383
+                    -2.513760,53.972216
+                    -2.515272,53.971620
+                    -2.515510,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971353
+                    -2.513760,53.971381
+                    -2.512247,53.971324
+                    -2.510735,53.971367
+                    -2.509591,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532192,53.972383
+                    -2.532069,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973694
+                    -2.531035,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974719
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+                    -2.532632,53.976002
+                    -2.532325,53.976908
+                    -2.532430,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978400
+                    -2.534087,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979220
+                    -2.535770,53.979621
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+                    -2.537899,53.980527
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+                    -2.538012,53.980527
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+                    -2.540271,53.980527
+                    -2.540317,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.982067
+                    -2.541379,53.982334
+                    -2.541536,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983812
+                    -2.543557,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984408
+                    -2.545516,53.984790
+                    -2.547028,53.984857
+                    -2.548005,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985372
+                    -2.550052,53.985410
+                    -2.550873,53.985953
+                    -2.551034,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987174
+                    -2.552094,53.986859
+                    -2.552256,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985777
+                    -2.554589,53.985648
+                    -2.556101,53.985610
+                    -2.556894,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986387
+                    -2.558437,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985496
+                    -2.559507,53.985953
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+                    -2.562150,53.986430
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+                    -2.563584,53.987765
+                    -2.563662,53.987927
+                    -2.563725,53.988667
+                    -2.563742,53.989577
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+                    -2.565174,53.991809
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+                    -2.562150,53.993850
+                    -2.561768,53.994098
+                    -2.562150,53.994384
+                    -2.563662,53.994493
+                    -2.564169,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995681
+                    -2.565449,53.995910
+                    -2.565354,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997011
+                    -2.563662,53.996959
+                    -2.562150,53.996921
+                    -2.561152,53.996811
+                    -2.561833,53.995910
+                    -2.561703,53.995004
+                    -2.560638,53.994427
+                    -2.560068,53.994098
+                    -2.560003,53.993192
+                    -2.559929,53.992286
+                    -2.559858,53.991385
+                    -2.559708,53.990479
+                    -2.559125,53.990130
+                    -2.557613,53.990035
+                    -2.557094,53.989577
+                    -2.556101,53.989043
+                    -2.555305,53.988667
+                    -2.554589,53.988242
+                    -2.553077,53.988199
+                    -2.552293,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989220
+                    -2.554185,53.989577
+                    -2.554589,53.989758
+                    -2.555222,53.990479
+                    -2.554871,53.991385
+                    -2.555085,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992558
+                    -2.553203,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993340
+                    -2.551960,53.994098
+                    -2.551564,53.994274
+                    -2.550052,53.994784
+                    -2.549759,53.995004
+                    -2.548540,53.995748
+                    -2.548110,53.995910
+                    -2.547028,53.996377
+                    -2.546340,53.995910
+                    -2.546838,53.995004
+                    -2.547028,53.994846
+                    -2.548540,53.994508
+                    -2.549342,53.994098
+                    -2.550052,53.993888
+                    -2.551564,53.993306
+                    -2.551875,53.993192
+                    -2.552858,53.992286
+                    -2.551564,53.991461
+                    -2.550052,53.991771
+                    -2.548700,53.991385
+                    -2.548540,53.990588
+                    -2.547028,53.990788
+                    -2.545516,53.991370
+                    -2.544003,53.991284
+                    -2.542728,53.991385
+                    -2.544003,53.991885
+                    -2.544125,53.992286
+                    -2.544003,53.992801
+                    -2.542491,53.992305
+                    -2.540979,53.992596
+                    -2.539467,53.992414
+                    -2.538264,53.993192
+                    -2.538555,53.994098
+                    -2.539467,53.994756
+                    -2.539711,53.995004
+                    -2.539467,53.995075
+                    -2.538387,53.995910
+                    -2.537955,53.996410
+                    -2.536443,53.996429
+                    -2.536317,53.996811
+                    -2.535331,53.997717
+                    -2.535974,53.998618
+                    -2.536443,53.998909
+                    -2.537621,53.999524
+                    -2.537636,54.000430
+                    -2.536443,54.000778
+                    -2.535480,54.001336
+                    -2.535831,54.002242
+                    -2.534930,54.002771
+                    -2.533418,54.002953
+                    -2.533391,54.003143
+                    -2.533418,54.003196
+                    -2.534930,54.003606
+                    -2.535737,54.004049
+                    -2.536443,54.004173
+                    -2.537828,54.004049
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+                    -2.524345,54.003572
+                    -2.524738,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002771
+                    -2.523275,54.003143
+                    -2.522833,54.003220
+                    -2.522650,54.003143
+                    -2.521321,54.002352
+                    -2.519808,54.002280
+                    -2.518791,54.002242
+                    -2.519218,54.001336
+                    -2.518918,54.000430
+                    -2.518296,54.000368
+                    -2.516784,54.000163
+                    -2.516657,54.000430
+                    -2.515272,54.000802
+                    -2.513760,54.000926
+                    -2.512247,54.000912
+                    -2.512030,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,54.000287
+                    -2.513760,54.000168
+                    -2.515272,54.000053
+                    -2.516576,53.999524
+                    -2.515285,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998613
+                    -2.513828,53.997717
+                    -2.514124,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996596
+                    -2.512902,53.996811
+                    -2.512247,53.997011
+                    -2.512120,53.996811
+                    -2.511971,53.995910
+                    -2.511738,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994498
+                    -2.509546,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995390
+                    -2.507711,53.995275
+                    -2.506199,53.995147
+                    -2.506126,53.995004
+                    -2.505155,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993783
+                    -2.503481,53.993192
+                    -2.504174,53.992286
+                    -2.503622,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991051
+                    -2.505764,53.990479
+                    -2.505083,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.988824
+                    -2.507711,53.988757
+                    -2.507885,53.988667
+                    -2.507711,53.988361
+                    -2.506199,53.988190
+                    -2.505894,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987536
+                    -2.506753,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986440
+                    -2.508609,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985476
+                    -2.506199,53.985062
+                    -2.505932,53.985052
+                    -2.506199,53.985019
+                    -2.507264,53.984141
+                    -2.507711,53.983374
+                    -2.507769,53.983240
+                    -2.507780,53.982334
+                    -2.508230,53.981433
+                    -2.509016,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979673
+                    -2.506199,53.980322
+                    -2.505308,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.980742
+                    -2.504331,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.979926
+                    -2.502673,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979306
+                    -2.504686,53.979020
+                    -2.505264,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978472
+                    -2.507711,53.978190
+                    -2.508457,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977351
+                    -2.509861,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976340
+                    -2.508877,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975668
+                    -2.509983,53.975101
+                    -2.509767,53.974195
+                    -2.510735,53.973560
+                    -2.511175,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972631
+                    -2.513632,53.972383
+                    -2.513760,53.972216
+                    -2.515272,53.971620
+                    -2.515510,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971353
+                    -2.513760,53.971381
+                    -2.512247,53.971324
+                    -2.510735,53.971367
+                    -2.509591,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532192,53.972383
+                    -2.532069,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973694
+                    -2.531035,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974719
+                    -2.532435,53.975101
+                    -2.532632,53.976002
+                    -2.532325,53.976908
+                    -2.532430,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978400
+                    -2.534087,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979220
+                    -2.535770,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.980021
+                    -2.537899,53.980527
+                    -2.537955,53.980560
+                    -2.538012,53.980527
+                    -2.539467,53.980212
+                    -2.540271,53.980527
+                    -2.540317,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.982067
+                    -2.541379,53.982334
+                    -2.541536,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983812
+                    -2.543557,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984408
+                    -2.545516,53.984790
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+                    -2.552094,53.986859
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+                    -2.559507,53.985953
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+                    -2.562150,53.986430
+                    -2.562692,53.986859
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+                    -2.563725,53.988667
+                    -2.563742,53.989577
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+                    -2.565174,53.991809
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+                    -2.562150,53.993850
+                    -2.561768,53.994098
+                    -2.562150,53.994384
+                    -2.563662,53.994493
+                    -2.564169,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995681
+                    -2.565449,53.995910
+                    -2.565354,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997011
+                    -2.563662,53.996959
+                    -2.562150,53.996921
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+                    -2.561833,53.995910
+                    -2.561703,53.995004
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+                    -2.553077,53.989220
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+                    -2.554589,53.989758
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+                    -2.554871,53.991385
+                    -2.555085,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992558
+                    -2.553203,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993340
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+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520470,54.022145
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+                    -2.518296,54.021688
+                    -2.517175,54.021239
+                    -2.516784,54.020882
+                    -2.515272,54.020400
+                    -2.514747,54.020333
+                    -2.513760,54.020219
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013624
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+                    -2.512307,54.013095
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+                    -2.515272,54.011073
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+                    -2.513760,54.009128
+                    -2.512247,54.009271
+                    -2.511288,54.008574
+                    -2.512247,54.008036
+                    -2.513760,54.008217
+                    -2.515272,54.008346
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+                    -2.516949,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007568
+                    -2.515805,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006457
+                    -2.518296,54.006405
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+                    -2.518296,54.004989
+                    -2.517935,54.004951
+                    -2.518296,54.004869
+                    -2.519808,54.004879
+                    -2.521321,54.004912
+                    -2.522253,54.004951
+                    -2.522833,54.004989
+                    -2.522887,54.004951
+                    -2.524040,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003572
+                    -2.524738,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002771
+                    -2.523275,54.003143
+                    -2.522833,54.003220
+                    -2.522650,54.003143
+                    -2.521321,54.002352
+                    -2.519808,54.002280
+                    -2.518791,54.002242
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+                    -2.518918,54.000430
+                    -2.518296,54.000368
+                    -2.516784,54.000163
+                    -2.516657,54.000430
+                    -2.515272,54.000802
+                    -2.513760,54.000926
+                    -2.512247,54.000912
+                    -2.512030,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,54.000287
+                    -2.513760,54.000168
+                    -2.515272,54.000053
+                    -2.516576,53.999524
+                    -2.515285,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998613
+                    -2.513828,53.997717
+                    -2.514124,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996596
+                    -2.512902,53.996811
+                    -2.512247,53.997011
+                    -2.512120,53.996811
+                    -2.511971,53.995910
+                    -2.511738,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994498
+                    -2.509546,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995390
+                    -2.507711,53.995275
+                    -2.506199,53.995147
+                    -2.506126,53.995004
+                    -2.505155,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993783
+                    -2.503481,53.993192
+                    -2.504174,53.992286
+                    -2.503622,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991051
+                    -2.505764,53.990479
+                    -2.505083,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.988824
+                    -2.507711,53.988757
+                    -2.507885,53.988667
+                    -2.507711,53.988361
+                    -2.506199,53.988190
+                    -2.505894,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987536
+                    -2.506753,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986440
+                    -2.508609,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985476
+                    -2.506199,53.985062
+                    -2.505932,53.985052
+                    -2.506199,53.985019
+                    -2.507264,53.984141
+                    -2.507711,53.983374
+                    -2.507769,53.983240
+                    -2.507780,53.982334
+                    -2.508230,53.981433
+                    -2.509016,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979673
+                    -2.506199,53.980322
+                    -2.505308,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.980742
+                    -2.504331,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.979926
+                    -2.502673,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979306
+                    -2.504686,53.979020
+                    -2.505264,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978472
+                    -2.507711,53.978190
+                    -2.508457,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977351
+                    -2.509861,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976340
+                    -2.508877,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975668
+                    -2.509983,53.975101
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+                    -2.510735,53.973560
+                    -2.511175,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972631
+                    -2.513632,53.972383
+                    -2.513760,53.972216
+                    -2.515272,53.971620
+                    -2.515510,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971353
+                    -2.513760,53.971381
+                    -2.512247,53.971324
+                    -2.510735,53.971367
+                    -2.509591,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532192,53.972383
+                    -2.532069,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973694
+                    -2.531035,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974719
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+                    -2.532430,53.977809
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+                    -2.535770,53.979621
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+                    -2.541379,53.982334
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+                    -2.542491,53.983812
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+                    -2.544003,53.984408
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+                    -2.552094,53.986859
+                    -2.552256,53.985953
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+                    -2.559507,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986583
+                    -2.562150,53.986430
+                    -2.562692,53.986859
+                    -2.563584,53.987765
+                    -2.563662,53.987927
+                    -2.563725,53.988667
+                    -2.563742,53.989577
+                    -2.564202,53.990479
+                    -2.565174,53.990932
+                    -2.565529,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991809
+                    -2.564443,53.992286
+                    -2.563981,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.993797
+                    -2.562150,53.993850
+                    -2.561768,53.994098
+                    -2.562150,53.994384
+                    -2.563662,53.994493
+                    -2.564169,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995681
+                    -2.565449,53.995910
+                    -2.565354,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997011
+                    -2.563662,53.996959
+                    -2.562150,53.996921
+                    -2.561152,53.996811
+                    -2.561833,53.995910
+                    -2.561703,53.995004
+                    -2.560638,53.994427
+                    -2.560068,53.994098
+                    -2.560003,53.993192
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+                    -2.559858,53.991385
+                    -2.559708,53.990479
+                    -2.559125,53.990130
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+                    -2.555305,53.988667
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+                    -2.553077,53.988199
+                    -2.552293,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989220
+                    -2.554185,53.989577
+                    -2.554589,53.989758
+                    -2.555222,53.990479
+                    -2.554871,53.991385
+                    -2.555085,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992558
+                    -2.553203,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993340
+                    -2.551960,53.994098
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+                    -2.550052,53.994784
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+                    -2.551564,53.991461
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
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+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013624
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+                    -2.513760,54.009128
+                    -2.512247,54.009271
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+                    -2.512247,54.008036
+                    -2.513760,54.008217
+                    -2.515272,54.008346
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+                    -2.516949,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007568
+                    -2.515805,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006457
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+                    -2.518296,54.004989
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+                    -2.518296,54.004869
+                    -2.519808,54.004879
+                    -2.521321,54.004912
+                    -2.522253,54.004951
+                    -2.522833,54.004989
+                    -2.522887,54.004951
+                    -2.524040,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003572
+                    -2.524738,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002771
+                    -2.523275,54.003143
+                    -2.522833,54.003220
+                    -2.522650,54.003143
+                    -2.521321,54.002352
+                    -2.519808,54.002280
+                    -2.518791,54.002242
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+                    -2.518296,54.000368
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+                    -2.515272,54.000802
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+                    -2.512030,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,54.000287
+                    -2.513760,54.000168
+                    -2.515272,54.000053
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+                    -2.515285,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998613
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+                    -2.514124,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996596
+                    -2.512902,53.996811
+                    -2.512247,53.997011
+                    -2.512120,53.996811
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+                    -2.509546,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995390
+                    -2.507711,53.995275
+                    -2.506199,53.995147
+                    -2.506126,53.995004
+                    -2.505155,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993783
+                    -2.503481,53.993192
+                    -2.504174,53.992286
+                    -2.503622,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991051
+                    -2.505764,53.990479
+                    -2.505083,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.988824
+                    -2.507711,53.988757
+                    -2.507885,53.988667
+                    -2.507711,53.988361
+                    -2.506199,53.988190
+                    -2.505894,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987536
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+                    -2.507711,53.986440
+                    -2.508609,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985476
+                    -2.506199,53.985062
+                    -2.505932,53.985052
+                    -2.506199,53.985019
+                    -2.507264,53.984141
+                    -2.507711,53.983374
+                    -2.507769,53.983240
+                    -2.507780,53.982334
+                    -2.508230,53.981433
+                    -2.509016,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979673
+                    -2.506199,53.980322
+                    -2.505308,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.980742
+                    -2.504331,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.979926
+                    -2.502673,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979306
+                    -2.504686,53.979020
+                    -2.505264,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978472
+                    -2.507711,53.978190
+                    -2.508457,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977351
+                    -2.509861,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976340
+                    -2.508877,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975668
+                    -2.509983,53.975101
+                    -2.509767,53.974195
+                    -2.510735,53.973560
+                    -2.511175,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972631
+                    -2.513632,53.972383
+                    -2.513760,53.972216
+                    -2.515272,53.971620
+                    -2.515510,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971353
+                    -2.513760,53.971381
+                    -2.512247,53.971324
+                    -2.510735,53.971367
+                    -2.509591,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532192,53.972383
+                    -2.532069,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973694
+                    -2.531035,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974719
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+                    -2.532632,53.976002
+                    -2.532325,53.976908
+                    -2.532430,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978400
+                    -2.534087,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979220
+                    -2.535770,53.979621
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+                    -2.537899,53.980527
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+                    -2.538012,53.980527
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+                    -2.540271,53.980527
+                    -2.540317,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.982067
+                    -2.541379,53.982334
+                    -2.541536,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983812
+                    -2.543557,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984408
+                    -2.545516,53.984790
+                    -2.547028,53.984857
+                    -2.548005,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985372
+                    -2.550052,53.985410
+                    -2.550873,53.985953
+                    -2.551034,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987174
+                    -2.552094,53.986859
+                    -2.552256,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985777
+                    -2.554589,53.985648
+                    -2.556101,53.985610
+                    -2.556894,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986387
+                    -2.558437,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985496
+                    -2.559507,53.985953
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+                    -2.562150,53.986430
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+                    -2.563584,53.987765
+                    -2.563662,53.987927
+                    -2.563725,53.988667
+                    -2.563742,53.989577
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+                    -2.565174,53.991809
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+                    -2.562150,53.993850
+                    -2.561768,53.994098
+                    -2.562150,53.994384
+                    -2.563662,53.994493
+                    -2.564169,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995681
+                    -2.565449,53.995910
+                    -2.565354,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997011
+                    -2.563662,53.996959
+                    -2.562150,53.996921
+                    -2.561152,53.996811
+                    -2.561833,53.995910
+                    -2.561703,53.995004
+                    -2.560638,53.994427
+                    -2.560068,53.994098
+                    -2.560003,53.993192
+                    -2.559929,53.992286
+                    -2.559858,53.991385
+                    -2.559708,53.990479
+                    -2.559125,53.990130
+                    -2.557613,53.990035
+                    -2.557094,53.989577
+                    -2.556101,53.989043
+                    -2.555305,53.988667
+                    -2.554589,53.988242
+                    -2.553077,53.988199
+                    -2.552293,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989220
+                    -2.554185,53.989577
+                    -2.554589,53.989758
+                    -2.555222,53.990479
+                    -2.554871,53.991385
+                    -2.555085,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992558
+                    -2.553203,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993340
+                    -2.551960,53.994098
+                    -2.551564,53.994274
+                    -2.550052,53.994784
+                    -2.549759,53.995004
+                    -2.548540,53.995748
+                    -2.548110,53.995910
+                    -2.547028,53.996377
+                    -2.546340,53.995910
+                    -2.546838,53.995004
+                    -2.547028,53.994846
+                    -2.548540,53.994508
+                    -2.549342,53.994098
+                    -2.550052,53.993888
+                    -2.551564,53.993306
+                    -2.551875,53.993192
+                    -2.552858,53.992286
+                    -2.551564,53.991461
+                    -2.550052,53.991771
+                    -2.548700,53.991385
+                    -2.548540,53.990588
+                    -2.547028,53.990788
+                    -2.545516,53.991370
+                    -2.544003,53.991284
+                    -2.542728,53.991385
+                    -2.544003,53.991885
+                    -2.544125,53.992286
+                    -2.544003,53.992801
+                    -2.542491,53.992305
+                    -2.540979,53.992596
+                    -2.539467,53.992414
+                    -2.538264,53.993192
+                    -2.538555,53.994098
+                    -2.539467,53.994756
+                    -2.539711,53.995004
+                    -2.539467,53.995075
+                    -2.538387,53.995910
+                    -2.537955,53.996410
+                    -2.536443,53.996429
+                    -2.536317,53.996811
+                    -2.535331,53.997717
+                    -2.535974,53.998618
+                    -2.536443,53.998909
+                    -2.537621,53.999524
+                    -2.537636,54.000430
+                    -2.536443,54.000778
+                    -2.535480,54.001336
+                    -2.535831,54.002242
+                    -2.534930,54.002771
+                    -2.533418,54.002953
+                    -2.533391,54.003143
+                    -2.533418,54.003196
+                    -2.534930,54.003606
+                    -2.535737,54.004049
+                    -2.536443,54.004173
+                    -2.537828,54.004049
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+                    -2.524345,54.003572
+                    -2.524738,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002771
+                    -2.523275,54.003143
+                    -2.522833,54.003220
+                    -2.522650,54.003143
+                    -2.521321,54.002352
+                    -2.519808,54.002280
+                    -2.518791,54.002242
+                    -2.519218,54.001336
+                    -2.518918,54.000430
+                    -2.518296,54.000368
+                    -2.516784,54.000163
+                    -2.516657,54.000430
+                    -2.515272,54.000802
+                    -2.513760,54.000926
+                    -2.512247,54.000912
+                    -2.512030,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,54.000287
+                    -2.513760,54.000168
+                    -2.515272,54.000053
+                    -2.516576,53.999524
+                    -2.515285,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998613
+                    -2.513828,53.997717
+                    -2.514124,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996596
+                    -2.512902,53.996811
+                    -2.512247,53.997011
+                    -2.512120,53.996811
+                    -2.511971,53.995910
+                    -2.511738,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994498
+                    -2.509546,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995390
+                    -2.507711,53.995275
+                    -2.506199,53.995147
+                    -2.506126,53.995004
+                    -2.505155,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993783
+                    -2.503481,53.993192
+                    -2.504174,53.992286
+                    -2.503622,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991051
+                    -2.505764,53.990479
+                    -2.505083,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.988824
+                    -2.507711,53.988757
+                    -2.507885,53.988667
+                    -2.507711,53.988361
+                    -2.506199,53.988190
+                    -2.505894,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987536
+                    -2.506753,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986440
+                    -2.508609,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985476
+                    -2.506199,53.985062
+                    -2.505932,53.985052
+                    -2.506199,53.985019
+                    -2.507264,53.984141
+                    -2.507711,53.983374
+                    -2.507769,53.983240
+                    -2.507780,53.982334
+                    -2.508230,53.981433
+                    -2.509016,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979673
+                    -2.506199,53.980322
+                    -2.505308,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.980742
+                    -2.504331,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.979926
+                    -2.502673,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979306
+                    -2.504686,53.979020
+                    -2.505264,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978472
+                    -2.507711,53.978190
+                    -2.508457,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977351
+                    -2.509861,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976340
+                    -2.508877,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975668
+                    -2.509983,53.975101
+                    -2.509767,53.974195
+                    -2.510735,53.973560
+                    -2.511175,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972631
+                    -2.513632,53.972383
+                    -2.513760,53.972216
+                    -2.515272,53.971620
+                    -2.515510,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971353
+                    -2.513760,53.971381
+                    -2.512247,53.971324
+                    -2.510735,53.971367
+                    -2.509591,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532192,53.972383
+                    -2.532069,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973694
+                    -2.531035,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974719
+                    -2.532435,53.975101
+                    -2.532632,53.976002
+                    -2.532325,53.976908
+                    -2.532430,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978400
+                    -2.534087,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979220
+                    -2.535770,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.980021
+                    -2.537899,53.980527
+                    -2.537955,53.980560
+                    -2.538012,53.980527
+                    -2.539467,53.980212
+                    -2.540271,53.980527
+                    -2.540317,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.982067
+                    -2.541379,53.982334
+                    -2.541536,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983812
+                    -2.543557,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984408
+                    -2.545516,53.984790
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+                    -2.552094,53.986859
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+                    -2.559507,53.985953
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+                    -2.562150,53.986430
+                    -2.562692,53.986859
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+                    -2.563725,53.988667
+                    -2.563742,53.989577
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+                    -2.565174,53.991809
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+                    -2.562150,53.993850
+                    -2.561768,53.994098
+                    -2.562150,53.994384
+                    -2.563662,53.994493
+                    -2.564169,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995681
+                    -2.565449,53.995910
+                    -2.565354,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997011
+                    -2.563662,53.996959
+                    -2.562150,53.996921
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+                    -2.561833,53.995910
+                    -2.561703,53.995004
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+                    -2.553077,53.989220
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+                    -2.554589,53.989758
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+                    -2.554871,53.991385
+                    -2.555085,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992558
+                    -2.553203,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993340
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+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520470,54.022145
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+                    -2.518296,54.021688
+                    -2.517175,54.021239
+                    -2.516784,54.020882
+                    -2.515272,54.020400
+                    -2.514747,54.020333
+                    -2.513760,54.020219
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013624
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+                    -2.512307,54.013095
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+                    -2.515272,54.011073
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+                    -2.513760,54.009128
+                    -2.512247,54.009271
+                    -2.511288,54.008574
+                    -2.512247,54.008036
+                    -2.513760,54.008217
+                    -2.515272,54.008346
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+                    -2.516949,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007568
+                    -2.515805,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006457
+                    -2.518296,54.006405
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+                    -2.518296,54.004989
+                    -2.517935,54.004951
+                    -2.518296,54.004869
+                    -2.519808,54.004879
+                    -2.521321,54.004912
+                    -2.522253,54.004951
+                    -2.522833,54.004989
+                    -2.522887,54.004951
+                    -2.524040,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003572
+                    -2.524738,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002771
+                    -2.523275,54.003143
+                    -2.522833,54.003220
+                    -2.522650,54.003143
+                    -2.521321,54.002352
+                    -2.519808,54.002280
+                    -2.518791,54.002242
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+                    -2.518918,54.000430
+                    -2.518296,54.000368
+                    -2.516784,54.000163
+                    -2.516657,54.000430
+                    -2.515272,54.000802
+                    -2.513760,54.000926
+                    -2.512247,54.000912
+                    -2.512030,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,54.000287
+                    -2.513760,54.000168
+                    -2.515272,54.000053
+                    -2.516576,53.999524
+                    -2.515285,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998613
+                    -2.513828,53.997717
+                    -2.514124,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996596
+                    -2.512902,53.996811
+                    -2.512247,53.997011
+                    -2.512120,53.996811
+                    -2.511971,53.995910
+                    -2.511738,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994498
+                    -2.509546,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995390
+                    -2.507711,53.995275
+                    -2.506199,53.995147
+                    -2.506126,53.995004
+                    -2.505155,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993783
+                    -2.503481,53.993192
+                    -2.504174,53.992286
+                    -2.503622,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991051
+                    -2.505764,53.990479
+                    -2.505083,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.988824
+                    -2.507711,53.988757
+                    -2.507885,53.988667
+                    -2.507711,53.988361
+                    -2.506199,53.988190
+                    -2.505894,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987536
+                    -2.506753,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986440
+                    -2.508609,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985476
+                    -2.506199,53.985062
+                    -2.505932,53.985052
+                    -2.506199,53.985019
+                    -2.507264,53.984141
+                    -2.507711,53.983374
+                    -2.507769,53.983240
+                    -2.507780,53.982334
+                    -2.508230,53.981433
+                    -2.509016,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979673
+                    -2.506199,53.980322
+                    -2.505308,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.980742
+                    -2.504331,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.979926
+                    -2.502673,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979306
+                    -2.504686,53.979020
+                    -2.505264,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978472
+                    -2.507711,53.978190
+                    -2.508457,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977351
+                    -2.509861,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976340
+                    -2.508877,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975668
+                    -2.509983,53.975101
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+                    -2.510735,53.973560
+                    -2.511175,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972631
+                    -2.513632,53.972383
+                    -2.513760,53.972216
+                    -2.515272,53.971620
+                    -2.515510,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971353
+                    -2.513760,53.971381
+                    -2.512247,53.971324
+                    -2.510735,53.971367
+                    -2.509591,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532192,53.972383
+                    -2.532069,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973694
+                    -2.531035,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974719
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+                    -2.532430,53.977809
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+                    -2.535770,53.979621
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+                    -2.541379,53.982334
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+                    -2.542491,53.983812
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+                    -2.544003,53.984408
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+                    -2.552094,53.986859
+                    -2.552256,53.985953
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+                    -2.559507,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986583
+                    -2.562150,53.986430
+                    -2.562692,53.986859
+                    -2.563584,53.987765
+                    -2.563662,53.987927
+                    -2.563725,53.988667
+                    -2.563742,53.989577
+                    -2.564202,53.990479
+                    -2.565174,53.990932
+                    -2.565529,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991809
+                    -2.564443,53.992286
+                    -2.563981,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.993797
+                    -2.562150,53.993850
+                    -2.561768,53.994098
+                    -2.562150,53.994384
+                    -2.563662,53.994493
+                    -2.564169,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995681
+                    -2.565449,53.995910
+                    -2.565354,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997011
+                    -2.563662,53.996959
+                    -2.562150,53.996921
+                    -2.561152,53.996811
+                    -2.561833,53.995910
+                    -2.561703,53.995004
+                    -2.560638,53.994427
+                    -2.560068,53.994098
+                    -2.560003,53.993192
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+                    -2.559858,53.991385
+                    -2.559708,53.990479
+                    -2.559125,53.990130
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+                    -2.555305,53.988667
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+                    -2.553077,53.988199
+                    -2.552293,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989220
+                    -2.554185,53.989577
+                    -2.554589,53.989758
+                    -2.555222,53.990479
+                    -2.554871,53.991385
+                    -2.555085,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992558
+                    -2.553203,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993340
+                    -2.551960,53.994098
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+                    -2.550052,53.994784
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+                    -2.551564,53.991461
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
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+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013624
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+                    -2.513760,54.009128
+                    -2.512247,54.009271
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+                    -2.512247,54.008036
+                    -2.513760,54.008217
+                    -2.515272,54.008346
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+                    -2.516949,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007568
+                    -2.515805,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006457
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+                    -2.518296,54.004989
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+                    -2.518296,54.004869
+                    -2.519808,54.004879
+                    -2.521321,54.004912
+                    -2.522253,54.004951
+                    -2.522833,54.004989
+                    -2.522887,54.004951
+                    -2.524040,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003572
+                    -2.524738,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002771
+                    -2.523275,54.003143
+                    -2.522833,54.003220
+                    -2.522650,54.003143
+                    -2.521321,54.002352
+                    -2.519808,54.002280
+                    -2.518791,54.002242
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+                    -2.518296,54.000368
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+                    -2.515272,54.000802
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+                    -2.512030,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,54.000287
+                    -2.513760,54.000168
+                    -2.515272,54.000053
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+                    -2.515285,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998613
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+                    -2.514124,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996596
+                    -2.512902,53.996811
+                    -2.512247,53.997011
+                    -2.512120,53.996811
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+                    -2.509546,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995390
+                    -2.507711,53.995275
+                    -2.506199,53.995147
+                    -2.506126,53.995004
+                    -2.505155,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993783
+                    -2.503481,53.993192
+                    -2.504174,53.992286
+                    -2.503622,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991051
+                    -2.505764,53.990479
+                    -2.505083,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.988824
+                    -2.507711,53.988757
+                    -2.507885,53.988667
+                    -2.507711,53.988361
+                    -2.506199,53.988190
+                    -2.505894,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987536
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+                    -2.507711,53.986440
+                    -2.508609,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985476
+                    -2.506199,53.985062
+                    -2.505932,53.985052
+                    -2.506199,53.985019
+                    -2.507264,53.984141
+                    -2.507711,53.983374
+                    -2.507769,53.983240
+                    -2.507780,53.982334
+                    -2.508230,53.981433
+                    -2.509016,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979673
+                    -2.506199,53.980322
+                    -2.505308,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.980742
+                    -2.504331,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.979926
+                    -2.502673,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979306
+                    -2.504686,53.979020
+                    -2.505264,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978472
+                    -2.507711,53.978190
+                    -2.508457,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977351
+                    -2.509861,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976340
+                    -2.508877,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975668
+                    -2.509983,53.975101
+                    -2.509767,53.974195
+                    -2.510735,53.973560
+                    -2.511175,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972631
+                    -2.513632,53.972383
+                    -2.513760,53.972216
+                    -2.515272,53.971620
+                    -2.515510,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971353
+                    -2.513760,53.971381
+                    -2.512247,53.971324
+                    -2.510735,53.971367
+                    -2.509591,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532192,53.972383
+                    -2.532069,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973694
+                    -2.531035,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974719
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+                    -2.532632,53.976002
+                    -2.532325,53.976908
+                    -2.532430,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978400
+                    -2.534087,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979220
+                    -2.535770,53.979621
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+                    -2.537899,53.980527
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+                    -2.538012,53.980527
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+                    -2.540271,53.980527
+                    -2.540317,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.982067
+                    -2.541379,53.982334
+                    -2.541536,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983812
+                    -2.543557,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984408
+                    -2.545516,53.984790
+                    -2.547028,53.984857
+                    -2.548005,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985372
+                    -2.550052,53.985410
+                    -2.550873,53.985953
+                    -2.551034,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987174
+                    -2.552094,53.986859
+                    -2.552256,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985777
+                    -2.554589,53.985648
+                    -2.556101,53.985610
+                    -2.556894,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986387
+                    -2.558437,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985496
+                    -2.559507,53.985953
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+                    -2.562150,53.986430
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+                    -2.563584,53.987765
+                    -2.563662,53.987927
+                    -2.563725,53.988667
+                    -2.563742,53.989577
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+                    -2.565174,53.991809
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+                    -2.562150,53.993850
+                    -2.561768,53.994098
+                    -2.562150,53.994384
+                    -2.563662,53.994493
+                    -2.564169,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995681
+                    -2.565449,53.995910
+                    -2.565354,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997011
+                    -2.563662,53.996959
+                    -2.562150,53.996921
+                    -2.561152,53.996811
+                    -2.561833,53.995910
+                    -2.561703,53.995004
+                    -2.560638,53.994427
+                    -2.560068,53.994098
+                    -2.560003,53.993192
+                    -2.559929,53.992286
+                    -2.559858,53.991385
+                    -2.559708,53.990479
+                    -2.559125,53.990130
+                    -2.557613,53.990035
+                    -2.557094,53.989577
+                    -2.556101,53.989043
+                    -2.555305,53.988667
+                    -2.554589,53.988242
+                    -2.553077,53.988199
+                    -2.552293,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989220
+                    -2.554185,53.989577
+                    -2.554589,53.989758
+                    -2.555222,53.990479
+                    -2.554871,53.991385
+                    -2.555085,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992558
+                    -2.553203,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993340
+                    -2.551960,53.994098
+                    -2.551564,53.994274
+                    -2.550052,53.994784
+                    -2.549759,53.995004
+                    -2.548540,53.995748
+                    -2.548110,53.995910
+                    -2.547028,53.996377
+                    -2.546340,53.995910
+                    -2.546838,53.995004
+                    -2.547028,53.994846
+                    -2.548540,53.994508
+                    -2.549342,53.994098
+                    -2.550052,53.993888
+                    -2.551564,53.993306
+                    -2.551875,53.993192
+                    -2.552858,53.992286
+                    -2.551564,53.991461
+                    -2.550052,53.991771
+                    -2.548700,53.991385
+                    -2.548540,53.990588
+                    -2.547028,53.990788
+                    -2.545516,53.991370
+                    -2.544003,53.991284
+                    -2.542728,53.991385
+                    -2.544003,53.991885
+                    -2.544125,53.992286
+                    -2.544003,53.992801
+                    -2.542491,53.992305
+                    -2.540979,53.992596
+                    -2.539467,53.992414
+                    -2.538264,53.993192
+                    -2.538555,53.994098
+                    -2.539467,53.994756
+                    -2.539711,53.995004
+                    -2.539467,53.995075
+                    -2.538387,53.995910
+                    -2.537955,53.996410
+                    -2.536443,53.996429
+                    -2.536317,53.996811
+                    -2.535331,53.997717
+                    -2.535974,53.998618
+                    -2.536443,53.998909
+                    -2.537621,53.999524
+                    -2.537636,54.000430
+                    -2.536443,54.000778
+                    -2.535480,54.001336
+                    -2.535831,54.002242
+                    -2.534930,54.002771
+                    -2.533418,54.002953
+                    -2.533391,54.003143
+                    -2.533418,54.003196
+                    -2.534930,54.003606
+                    -2.535737,54.004049
+                    -2.536443,54.004173
+                    -2.537828,54.004049
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+                    -2.524345,54.003572
+                    -2.524738,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002771
+                    -2.523275,54.003143
+                    -2.522833,54.003220
+                    -2.522650,54.003143
+                    -2.521321,54.002352
+                    -2.519808,54.002280
+                    -2.518791,54.002242
+                    -2.519218,54.001336
+                    -2.518918,54.000430
+                    -2.518296,54.000368
+                    -2.516784,54.000163
+                    -2.516657,54.000430
+                    -2.515272,54.000802
+                    -2.513760,54.000926
+                    -2.512247,54.000912
+                    -2.512030,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,54.000287
+                    -2.513760,54.000168
+                    -2.515272,54.000053
+                    -2.516576,53.999524
+                    -2.515285,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998613
+                    -2.513828,53.997717
+                    -2.514124,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996596
+                    -2.512902,53.996811
+                    -2.512247,53.997011
+                    -2.512120,53.996811
+                    -2.511971,53.995910
+                    -2.511738,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994498
+                    -2.509546,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995390
+                    -2.507711,53.995275
+                    -2.506199,53.995147
+                    -2.506126,53.995004
+                    -2.505155,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993783
+                    -2.503481,53.993192
+                    -2.504174,53.992286
+                    -2.503622,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991051
+                    -2.505764,53.990479
+                    -2.505083,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.988824
+                    -2.507711,53.988757
+                    -2.507885,53.988667
+                    -2.507711,53.988361
+                    -2.506199,53.988190
+                    -2.505894,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987536
+                    -2.506753,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986440
+                    -2.508609,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985476
+                    -2.506199,53.985062
+                    -2.505932,53.985052
+                    -2.506199,53.985019
+                    -2.507264,53.984141
+                    -2.507711,53.983374
+                    -2.507769,53.983240
+                    -2.507780,53.982334
+                    -2.508230,53.981433
+                    -2.509016,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979673
+                    -2.506199,53.980322
+                    -2.505308,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.980742
+                    -2.504331,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.979926
+                    -2.502673,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979306
+                    -2.504686,53.979020
+                    -2.505264,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978472
+                    -2.507711,53.978190
+                    -2.508457,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977351
+                    -2.509861,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976340
+                    -2.508877,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975668
+                    -2.509983,53.975101
+                    -2.509767,53.974195
+                    -2.510735,53.973560
+                    -2.511175,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972631
+                    -2.513632,53.972383
+                    -2.513760,53.972216
+                    -2.515272,53.971620
+                    -2.515510,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971353
+                    -2.513760,53.971381
+                    -2.512247,53.971324
+                    -2.510735,53.971367
+                    -2.509591,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532192,53.972383
+                    -2.532069,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973694
+                    -2.531035,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974719
+                    -2.532435,53.975101
+                    -2.532632,53.976002
+                    -2.532325,53.976908
+                    -2.532430,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978400
+                    -2.534087,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979220
+                    -2.535770,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.980021
+                    -2.537899,53.980527
+                    -2.537955,53.980560
+                    -2.538012,53.980527
+                    -2.539467,53.980212
+                    -2.540271,53.980527
+                    -2.540317,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.982067
+                    -2.541379,53.982334
+                    -2.541536,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983812
+                    -2.543557,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984408
+                    -2.545516,53.984790
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+                    -2.552094,53.986859
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+                    -2.559507,53.985953
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+                    -2.562150,53.986430
+                    -2.562692,53.986859
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+                    -2.563725,53.988667
+                    -2.563742,53.989577
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+                    -2.565174,53.991809
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+                    -2.562150,53.993850
+                    -2.561768,53.994098
+                    -2.562150,53.994384
+                    -2.563662,53.994493
+                    -2.564169,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995681
+                    -2.565449,53.995910
+                    -2.565354,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997011
+                    -2.563662,53.996959
+                    -2.562150,53.996921
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+                    -2.561833,53.995910
+                    -2.561703,53.995004
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+                    -2.553077,53.989220
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+                    -2.554589,53.989758
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+                    -2.554871,53.991385
+                    -2.555085,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992558
+                    -2.553203,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993340
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+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520470,54.022145
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+                    -2.518296,54.021688
+                    -2.517175,54.021239
+                    -2.516784,54.020882
+                    -2.515272,54.020400
+                    -2.514747,54.020333
+                    -2.513760,54.020219
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013624
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+                    -2.512307,54.013095
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+                    -2.515272,54.011073
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+                    -2.513760,54.009128
+                    -2.512247,54.009271
+                    -2.511288,54.008574
+                    -2.512247,54.008036
+                    -2.513760,54.008217
+                    -2.515272,54.008346
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+                    -2.516949,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007568
+                    -2.515805,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006457
+                    -2.518296,54.006405
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+                    -2.518296,54.004989
+                    -2.517935,54.004951
+                    -2.518296,54.004869
+                    -2.519808,54.004879
+                    -2.521321,54.004912
+                    -2.522253,54.004951
+                    -2.522833,54.004989
+                    -2.522887,54.004951
+                    -2.524040,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003572
+                    -2.524738,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002771
+                    -2.523275,54.003143
+                    -2.522833,54.003220
+                    -2.522650,54.003143
+                    -2.521321,54.002352
+                    -2.519808,54.002280
+                    -2.518791,54.002242
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+                    -2.518918,54.000430
+                    -2.518296,54.000368
+                    -2.516784,54.000163
+                    -2.516657,54.000430
+                    -2.515272,54.000802
+                    -2.513760,54.000926
+                    -2.512247,54.000912
+                    -2.512030,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,54.000287
+                    -2.513760,54.000168
+                    -2.515272,54.000053
+                    -2.516576,53.999524
+                    -2.515285,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998613
+                    -2.513828,53.997717
+                    -2.514124,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996596
+                    -2.512902,53.996811
+                    -2.512247,53.997011
+                    -2.512120,53.996811
+                    -2.511971,53.995910
+                    -2.511738,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994498
+                    -2.509546,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995390
+                    -2.507711,53.995275
+                    -2.506199,53.995147
+                    -2.506126,53.995004
+                    -2.505155,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993783
+                    -2.503481,53.993192
+                    -2.504174,53.992286
+                    -2.503622,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991051
+                    -2.505764,53.990479
+                    -2.505083,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.988824
+                    -2.507711,53.988757
+                    -2.507885,53.988667
+                    -2.507711,53.988361
+                    -2.506199,53.988190
+                    -2.505894,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987536
+                    -2.506753,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986440
+                    -2.508609,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985476
+                    -2.506199,53.985062
+                    -2.505932,53.985052
+                    -2.506199,53.985019
+                    -2.507264,53.984141
+                    -2.507711,53.983374
+                    -2.507769,53.983240
+                    -2.507780,53.982334
+                    -2.508230,53.981433
+                    -2.509016,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979673
+                    -2.506199,53.980322
+                    -2.505308,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.980742
+                    -2.504331,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.979926
+                    -2.502673,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979306
+                    -2.504686,53.979020
+                    -2.505264,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978472
+                    -2.507711,53.978190
+                    -2.508457,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977351
+                    -2.509861,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976340
+                    -2.508877,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975668
+                    -2.509983,53.975101
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+                    -2.510735,53.973560
+                    -2.511175,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972631
+                    -2.513632,53.972383
+                    -2.513760,53.972216
+                    -2.515272,53.971620
+                    -2.515510,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971353
+                    -2.513760,53.971381
+                    -2.512247,53.971324
+                    -2.510735,53.971367
+                    -2.509591,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532192,53.972383
+                    -2.532069,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973694
+                    -2.531035,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974719
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+                    -2.532430,53.977809
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+                    -2.535770,53.979621
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+                    -2.541379,53.982334
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+                    -2.542491,53.983812
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+                    -2.544003,53.984408
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+                    -2.552094,53.986859
+                    -2.552256,53.985953
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+                    -2.559507,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986583
+                    -2.562150,53.986430
+                    -2.562692,53.986859
+                    -2.563584,53.987765
+                    -2.563662,53.987927
+                    -2.563725,53.988667
+                    -2.563742,53.989577
+                    -2.564202,53.990479
+                    -2.565174,53.990932
+                    -2.565529,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991809
+                    -2.564443,53.992286
+                    -2.563981,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.993797
+                    -2.562150,53.993850
+                    -2.561768,53.994098
+                    -2.562150,53.994384
+                    -2.563662,53.994493
+                    -2.564169,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995681
+                    -2.565449,53.995910
+                    -2.565354,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997011
+                    -2.563662,53.996959
+                    -2.562150,53.996921
+                    -2.561152,53.996811
+                    -2.561833,53.995910
+                    -2.561703,53.995004
+                    -2.560638,53.994427
+                    -2.560068,53.994098
+                    -2.560003,53.993192
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+                    -2.559858,53.991385
+                    -2.559708,53.990479
+                    -2.559125,53.990130
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+                    -2.555305,53.988667
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+                    -2.553077,53.988199
+                    -2.552293,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989220
+                    -2.554185,53.989577
+                    -2.554589,53.989758
+                    -2.555222,53.990479
+                    -2.554871,53.991385
+                    -2.555085,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992558
+                    -2.553203,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993340
+                    -2.551960,53.994098
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+                    -2.550052,53.994784
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+                    -2.551564,53.991461
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
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+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013624
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+                    -2.513760,54.009128
+                    -2.512247,54.009271
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+                    -2.512247,54.008036
+                    -2.513760,54.008217
+                    -2.515272,54.008346
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+                    -2.516949,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007568
+                    -2.515805,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006457
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+                    -2.518296,54.004989
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+                    -2.518296,54.004869
+                    -2.519808,54.004879
+                    -2.521321,54.004912
+                    -2.522253,54.004951
+                    -2.522833,54.004989
+                    -2.522887,54.004951
+                    -2.524040,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003572
+                    -2.524738,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002771
+                    -2.523275,54.003143
+                    -2.522833,54.003220
+                    -2.522650,54.003143
+                    -2.521321,54.002352
+                    -2.519808,54.002280
+                    -2.518791,54.002242
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+                    -2.518296,54.000368
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+                    -2.515272,54.000802
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+                    -2.512030,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,54.000287
+                    -2.513760,54.000168
+                    -2.515272,54.000053
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+                    -2.515285,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998613
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+                    -2.514124,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996596
+                    -2.512902,53.996811
+                    -2.512247,53.997011
+                    -2.512120,53.996811
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+                    -2.509546,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995390
+                    -2.507711,53.995275
+                    -2.506199,53.995147
+                    -2.506126,53.995004
+                    -2.505155,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993783
+                    -2.503481,53.993192
+                    -2.504174,53.992286
+                    -2.503622,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991051
+                    -2.505764,53.990479
+                    -2.505083,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.988824
+                    -2.507711,53.988757
+                    -2.507885,53.988667
+                    -2.507711,53.988361
+                    -2.506199,53.988190
+                    -2.505894,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987536
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+                    -2.507711,53.986440
+                    -2.508609,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985476
+                    -2.506199,53.985062
+                    -2.505932,53.985052
+                    -2.506199,53.985019
+                    -2.507264,53.984141
+                    -2.507711,53.983374
+                    -2.507769,53.983240
+                    -2.507780,53.982334
+                    -2.508230,53.981433
+                    -2.509016,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979673
+                    -2.506199,53.980322
+                    -2.505308,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.980742
+                    -2.504331,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.979926
+                    -2.502673,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979306
+                    -2.504686,53.979020
+                    -2.505264,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978472
+                    -2.507711,53.978190
+                    -2.508457,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977351
+                    -2.509861,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976340
+                    -2.508877,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975668
+                    -2.509983,53.975101
+                    -2.509767,53.974195
+                    -2.510735,53.973560
+                    -2.511175,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972631
+                    -2.513632,53.972383
+                    -2.513760,53.972216
+                    -2.515272,53.971620
+                    -2.515510,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971353
+                    -2.513760,53.971381
+                    -2.512247,53.971324
+                    -2.510735,53.971367
+                    -2.509591,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532192,53.972383
+                    -2.532069,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973694
+                    -2.531035,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974719
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+                    -2.532632,53.976002
+                    -2.532325,53.976908
+                    -2.532430,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978400
+                    -2.534087,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979220
+                    -2.535770,53.979621
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+                    -2.537899,53.980527
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+                    -2.538012,53.980527
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+                    -2.540271,53.980527
+                    -2.540317,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.982067
+                    -2.541379,53.982334
+                    -2.541536,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983812
+                    -2.543557,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984408
+                    -2.545516,53.984790
+                    -2.547028,53.984857
+                    -2.548005,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985372
+                    -2.550052,53.985410
+                    -2.550873,53.985953
+                    -2.551034,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987174
+                    -2.552094,53.986859
+                    -2.552256,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985777
+                    -2.554589,53.985648
+                    -2.556101,53.985610
+                    -2.556894,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986387
+                    -2.558437,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985496
+                    -2.559507,53.985953
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+                    -2.562150,53.986430
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+                    -2.563584,53.987765
+                    -2.563662,53.987927
+                    -2.563725,53.988667
+                    -2.563742,53.989577
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+                    -2.565174,53.991809
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+                    -2.562150,53.993850
+                    -2.561768,53.994098
+                    -2.562150,53.994384
+                    -2.563662,53.994493
+                    -2.564169,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995681
+                    -2.565449,53.995910
+                    -2.565354,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997011
+                    -2.563662,53.996959
+                    -2.562150,53.996921
+                    -2.561152,53.996811
+                    -2.561833,53.995910
+                    -2.561703,53.995004
+                    -2.560638,53.994427
+                    -2.560068,53.994098
+                    -2.560003,53.993192
+                    -2.559929,53.992286
+                    -2.559858,53.991385
+                    -2.559708,53.990479
+                    -2.559125,53.990130
+                    -2.557613,53.990035
+                    -2.557094,53.989577
+                    -2.556101,53.989043
+                    -2.555305,53.988667
+                    -2.554589,53.988242
+                    -2.553077,53.988199
+                    -2.552293,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989220
+                    -2.554185,53.989577
+                    -2.554589,53.989758
+                    -2.555222,53.990479
+                    -2.554871,53.991385
+                    -2.555085,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992558
+                    -2.553203,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993340
+                    -2.551960,53.994098
+                    -2.551564,53.994274
+                    -2.550052,53.994784
+                    -2.549759,53.995004
+                    -2.548540,53.995748
+                    -2.548110,53.995910
+                    -2.547028,53.996377
+                    -2.546340,53.995910
+                    -2.546838,53.995004
+                    -2.547028,53.994846
+                    -2.548540,53.994508
+                    -2.549342,53.994098
+                    -2.550052,53.993888
+                    -2.551564,53.993306
+                    -2.551875,53.993192
+                    -2.552858,53.992286
+                    -2.551564,53.991461
+                    -2.550052,53.991771
+                    -2.548700,53.991385
+                    -2.548540,53.990588
+                    -2.547028,53.990788
+                    -2.545516,53.991370
+                    -2.544003,53.991284
+                    -2.542728,53.991385
+                    -2.544003,53.991885
+                    -2.544125,53.992286
+                    -2.544003,53.992801
+                    -2.542491,53.992305
+                    -2.540979,53.992596
+                    -2.539467,53.992414
+                    -2.538264,53.993192
+                    -2.538555,53.994098
+                    -2.539467,53.994756
+                    -2.539711,53.995004
+                    -2.539467,53.995075
+                    -2.538387,53.995910
+                    -2.537955,53.996410
+                    -2.536443,53.996429
+                    -2.536317,53.996811
+                    -2.535331,53.997717
+                    -2.535974,53.998618
+                    -2.536443,53.998909
+                    -2.537621,53.999524
+                    -2.537636,54.000430
+                    -2.536443,54.000778
+                    -2.535480,54.001336
+                    -2.535831,54.002242
+                    -2.534930,54.002771
+                    -2.533418,54.002953
+                    -2.533391,54.003143
+                    -2.533418,54.003196
+                    -2.534930,54.003606
+                    -2.535737,54.004049
+                    -2.536443,54.004173
+                    -2.537828,54.004049
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+                    -2.524345,54.003572
+                    -2.524738,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002771
+                    -2.523275,54.003143
+                    -2.522833,54.003220
+                    -2.522650,54.003143
+                    -2.521321,54.002352
+                    -2.519808,54.002280
+                    -2.518791,54.002242
+                    -2.519218,54.001336
+                    -2.518918,54.000430
+                    -2.518296,54.000368
+                    -2.516784,54.000163
+                    -2.516657,54.000430
+                    -2.515272,54.000802
+                    -2.513760,54.000926
+                    -2.512247,54.000912
+                    -2.512030,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,54.000287
+                    -2.513760,54.000168
+                    -2.515272,54.000053
+                    -2.516576,53.999524
+                    -2.515285,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998613
+                    -2.513828,53.997717
+                    -2.514124,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996596
+                    -2.512902,53.996811
+                    -2.512247,53.997011
+                    -2.512120,53.996811
+                    -2.511971,53.995910
+                    -2.511738,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994498
+                    -2.509546,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995390
+                    -2.507711,53.995275
+                    -2.506199,53.995147
+                    -2.506126,53.995004
+                    -2.505155,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993783
+                    -2.503481,53.993192
+                    -2.504174,53.992286
+                    -2.503622,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991051
+                    -2.505764,53.990479
+                    -2.505083,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.988824
+                    -2.507711,53.988757
+                    -2.507885,53.988667
+                    -2.507711,53.988361
+                    -2.506199,53.988190
+                    -2.505894,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987536
+                    -2.506753,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986440
+                    -2.508609,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985476
+                    -2.506199,53.985062
+                    -2.505932,53.985052
+                    -2.506199,53.985019
+                    -2.507264,53.984141
+                    -2.507711,53.983374
+                    -2.507769,53.983240
+                    -2.507780,53.982334
+                    -2.508230,53.981433
+                    -2.509016,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979673
+                    -2.506199,53.980322
+                    -2.505308,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.980742
+                    -2.504331,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.979926
+                    -2.502673,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979306
+                    -2.504686,53.979020
+                    -2.505264,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978472
+                    -2.507711,53.978190
+                    -2.508457,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977351
+                    -2.509861,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976340
+                    -2.508877,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975668
+                    -2.509983,53.975101
+                    -2.509767,53.974195
+                    -2.510735,53.973560
+                    -2.511175,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972631
+                    -2.513632,53.972383
+                    -2.513760,53.972216
+                    -2.515272,53.971620
+                    -2.515510,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971353
+                    -2.513760,53.971381
+                    -2.512247,53.971324
+                    -2.510735,53.971367
+                    -2.509591,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532192,53.972383
+                    -2.532069,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973694
+                    -2.531035,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974719
+                    -2.532435,53.975101
+                    -2.532632,53.976002
+                    -2.532325,53.976908
+                    -2.532430,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978400
+                    -2.534087,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979220
+                    -2.535770,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.980021
+                    -2.537899,53.980527
+                    -2.537955,53.980560
+                    -2.538012,53.980527
+                    -2.539467,53.980212
+                    -2.540271,53.980527
+                    -2.540317,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.982067
+                    -2.541379,53.982334
+                    -2.541536,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983812
+                    -2.543557,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984408
+                    -2.545516,53.984790
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+                    -2.552094,53.986859
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+                    -2.559507,53.985953
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+                    -2.562150,53.986430
+                    -2.562692,53.986859
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+                    -2.563725,53.988667
+                    -2.563742,53.989577
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+                    -2.565174,53.991809
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+                    -2.562150,53.993850
+                    -2.561768,53.994098
+                    -2.562150,53.994384
+                    -2.563662,53.994493
+                    -2.564169,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995681
+                    -2.565449,53.995910
+                    -2.565354,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997011
+                    -2.563662,53.996959
+                    -2.562150,53.996921
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+                    -2.561833,53.995910
+                    -2.561703,53.995004
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+                    -2.553077,53.989220
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+                    -2.554589,53.989758
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+                    -2.554871,53.991385
+                    -2.555085,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992558
+                    -2.553203,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993340
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+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520470,54.022145
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+                    -2.518296,54.021688
+                    -2.517175,54.021239
+                    -2.516784,54.020882
+                    -2.515272,54.020400
+                    -2.514747,54.020333
+                    -2.513760,54.020219
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013624
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+                    -2.512307,54.013095
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+                    -2.515272,54.011073
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+                    -2.513760,54.009128
+                    -2.512247,54.009271
+                    -2.511288,54.008574
+                    -2.512247,54.008036
+                    -2.513760,54.008217
+                    -2.515272,54.008346
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+                    -2.516949,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007568
+                    -2.515805,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006457
+                    -2.518296,54.006405
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+                    -2.518296,54.004989
+                    -2.517935,54.004951
+                    -2.518296,54.004869
+                    -2.519808,54.004879
+                    -2.521321,54.004912
+                    -2.522253,54.004951
+                    -2.522833,54.004989
+                    -2.522887,54.004951
+                    -2.524040,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003572
+                    -2.524738,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002771
+                    -2.523275,54.003143
+                    -2.522833,54.003220
+                    -2.522650,54.003143
+                    -2.521321,54.002352
+                    -2.519808,54.002280
+                    -2.518791,54.002242
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+                    -2.518918,54.000430
+                    -2.518296,54.000368
+                    -2.516784,54.000163
+                    -2.516657,54.000430
+                    -2.515272,54.000802
+                    -2.513760,54.000926
+                    -2.512247,54.000912
+                    -2.512030,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,54.000287
+                    -2.513760,54.000168
+                    -2.515272,54.000053
+                    -2.516576,53.999524
+                    -2.515285,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998613
+                    -2.513828,53.997717
+                    -2.514124,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996596
+                    -2.512902,53.996811
+                    -2.512247,53.997011
+                    -2.512120,53.996811
+                    -2.511971,53.995910
+                    -2.511738,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994498
+                    -2.509546,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995390
+                    -2.507711,53.995275
+                    -2.506199,53.995147
+                    -2.506126,53.995004
+                    -2.505155,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993783
+                    -2.503481,53.993192
+                    -2.504174,53.992286
+                    -2.503622,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991051
+                    -2.505764,53.990479
+                    -2.505083,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.988824
+                    -2.507711,53.988757
+                    -2.507885,53.988667
+                    -2.507711,53.988361
+                    -2.506199,53.988190
+                    -2.505894,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987536
+                    -2.506753,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986440
+                    -2.508609,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985476
+                    -2.506199,53.985062
+                    -2.505932,53.985052
+                    -2.506199,53.985019
+                    -2.507264,53.984141
+                    -2.507711,53.983374
+                    -2.507769,53.983240
+                    -2.507780,53.982334
+                    -2.508230,53.981433
+                    -2.509016,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979673
+                    -2.506199,53.980322
+                    -2.505308,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.980742
+                    -2.504331,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.979926
+                    -2.502673,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979306
+                    -2.504686,53.979020
+                    -2.505264,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978472
+                    -2.507711,53.978190
+                    -2.508457,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977351
+                    -2.509861,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976340
+                    -2.508877,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975668
+                    -2.509983,53.975101
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+                    -2.510735,53.973560
+                    -2.511175,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972631
+                    -2.513632,53.972383
+                    -2.513760,53.972216
+                    -2.515272,53.971620
+                    -2.515510,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971353
+                    -2.513760,53.971381
+                    -2.512247,53.971324
+                    -2.510735,53.971367
+                    -2.509591,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532192,53.972383
+                    -2.532069,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973694
+                    -2.531035,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974719
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+                    -2.532430,53.977809
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+                    -2.535770,53.979621
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+                    -2.541379,53.982334
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+                    -2.542491,53.983812
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+                    -2.544003,53.984408
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+                    -2.552094,53.986859
+                    -2.552256,53.985953
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+                    -2.559507,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986583
+                    -2.562150,53.986430
+                    -2.562692,53.986859
+                    -2.563584,53.987765
+                    -2.563662,53.987927
+                    -2.563725,53.988667
+                    -2.563742,53.989577
+                    -2.564202,53.990479
+                    -2.565174,53.990932
+                    -2.565529,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991809
+                    -2.564443,53.992286
+                    -2.563981,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.993797
+                    -2.562150,53.993850
+                    -2.561768,53.994098
+                    -2.562150,53.994384
+                    -2.563662,53.994493
+                    -2.564169,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995681
+                    -2.565449,53.995910
+                    -2.565354,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997011
+                    -2.563662,53.996959
+                    -2.562150,53.996921
+                    -2.561152,53.996811
+                    -2.561833,53.995910
+                    -2.561703,53.995004
+                    -2.560638,53.994427
+                    -2.560068,53.994098
+                    -2.560003,53.993192
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+                    -2.559858,53.991385
+                    -2.559708,53.990479
+                    -2.559125,53.990130
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+                    -2.555305,53.988667
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+                    -2.553077,53.988199
+                    -2.552293,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989220
+                    -2.554185,53.989577
+                    -2.554589,53.989758
+                    -2.555222,53.990479
+                    -2.554871,53.991385
+                    -2.555085,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992558
+                    -2.553203,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993340
+                    -2.551960,53.994098
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+                    -2.550052,53.994784
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+                    -2.551564,53.991461
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
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+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013624
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+                    -2.513760,54.009128
+                    -2.512247,54.009271
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+                    -2.512247,54.008036
+                    -2.513760,54.008217
+                    -2.515272,54.008346
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+                    -2.516949,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007568
+                    -2.515805,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006457
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+                    -2.518296,54.004989
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+                    -2.518296,54.004869
+                    -2.519808,54.004879
+                    -2.521321,54.004912
+                    -2.522253,54.004951
+                    -2.522833,54.004989
+                    -2.522887,54.004951
+                    -2.524040,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003572
+                    -2.524738,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002771
+                    -2.523275,54.003143
+                    -2.522833,54.003220
+                    -2.522650,54.003143
+                    -2.521321,54.002352
+                    -2.519808,54.002280
+                    -2.518791,54.002242
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+                    -2.518296,54.000368
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+                    -2.515272,54.000802
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+                    -2.512030,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,54.000287
+                    -2.513760,54.000168
+                    -2.515272,54.000053
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+                    -2.515285,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998613
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+                    -2.514124,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996596
+                    -2.512902,53.996811
+                    -2.512247,53.997011
+                    -2.512120,53.996811
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+                    -2.509546,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995390
+                    -2.507711,53.995275
+                    -2.506199,53.995147
+                    -2.506126,53.995004
+                    -2.505155,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993783
+                    -2.503481,53.993192
+                    -2.504174,53.992286
+                    -2.503622,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991051
+                    -2.505764,53.990479
+                    -2.505083,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.988824
+                    -2.507711,53.988757
+                    -2.507885,53.988667
+                    -2.507711,53.988361
+                    -2.506199,53.988190
+                    -2.505894,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987536
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+                    -2.507711,53.986440
+                    -2.508609,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985476
+                    -2.506199,53.985062
+                    -2.505932,53.985052
+                    -2.506199,53.985019
+                    -2.507264,53.984141
+                    -2.507711,53.983374
+                    -2.507769,53.983240
+                    -2.507780,53.982334
+                    -2.508230,53.981433
+                    -2.509016,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979673
+                    -2.506199,53.980322
+                    -2.505308,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.980742
+                    -2.504331,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.979926
+                    -2.502673,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979306
+                    -2.504686,53.979020
+                    -2.505264,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978472
+                    -2.507711,53.978190
+                    -2.508457,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977351
+                    -2.509861,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976340
+                    -2.508877,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975668
+                    -2.509983,53.975101
+                    -2.509767,53.974195
+                    -2.510735,53.973560
+                    -2.511175,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972631
+                    -2.513632,53.972383
+                    -2.513760,53.972216
+                    -2.515272,53.971620
+                    -2.515510,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971353
+                    -2.513760,53.971381
+                    -2.512247,53.971324
+                    -2.510735,53.971367
+                    -2.509591,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532192,53.972383
+                    -2.532069,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973694
+                    -2.531035,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974719
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+                    -2.532632,53.976002
+                    -2.532325,53.976908
+                    -2.532430,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978400
+                    -2.534087,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979220
+                    -2.535770,53.979621
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+                    -2.537899,53.980527
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+                    -2.538012,53.980527
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+                    -2.540271,53.980527
+                    -2.540317,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.982067
+                    -2.541379,53.982334
+                    -2.541536,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983812
+                    -2.543557,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984408
+                    -2.545516,53.984790
+                    -2.547028,53.984857
+                    -2.548005,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985372
+                    -2.550052,53.985410
+                    -2.550873,53.985953
+                    -2.551034,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987174
+                    -2.552094,53.986859
+                    -2.552256,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985777
+                    -2.554589,53.985648
+                    -2.556101,53.985610
+                    -2.556894,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986387
+                    -2.558437,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985496
+                    -2.559507,53.985953
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+                    -2.562150,53.986430
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+                    -2.563584,53.987765
+                    -2.563662,53.987927
+                    -2.563725,53.988667
+                    -2.563742,53.989577
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+                    -2.565174,53.991809
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+                    -2.562150,53.993850
+                    -2.561768,53.994098
+                    -2.562150,53.994384
+                    -2.563662,53.994493
+                    -2.564169,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995681
+                    -2.565449,53.995910
+                    -2.565354,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997011
+                    -2.563662,53.996959
+                    -2.562150,53.996921
+                    -2.561152,53.996811
+                    -2.561833,53.995910
+                    -2.561703,53.995004
+                    -2.560638,53.994427
+                    -2.560068,53.994098
+                    -2.560003,53.993192
+                    -2.559929,53.992286
+                    -2.559858,53.991385
+                    -2.559708,53.990479
+                    -2.559125,53.990130
+                    -2.557613,53.990035
+                    -2.557094,53.989577
+                    -2.556101,53.989043
+                    -2.555305,53.988667
+                    -2.554589,53.988242
+                    -2.553077,53.988199
+                    -2.552293,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989220
+                    -2.554185,53.989577
+                    -2.554589,53.989758
+                    -2.555222,53.990479
+                    -2.554871,53.991385
+                    -2.555085,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992558
+                    -2.553203,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993340
+                    -2.551960,53.994098
+                    -2.551564,53.994274
+                    -2.550052,53.994784
+                    -2.549759,53.995004
+                    -2.548540,53.995748
+                    -2.548110,53.995910
+                    -2.547028,53.996377
+                    -2.546340,53.995910
+                    -2.546838,53.995004
+                    -2.547028,53.994846
+                    -2.548540,53.994508
+                    -2.549342,53.994098
+                    -2.550052,53.993888
+                    -2.551564,53.993306
+                    -2.551875,53.993192
+                    -2.552858,53.992286
+                    -2.551564,53.991461
+                    -2.550052,53.991771
+                    -2.548700,53.991385
+                    -2.548540,53.990588
+                    -2.547028,53.990788
+                    -2.545516,53.991370
+                    -2.544003,53.991284
+                    -2.542728,53.991385
+                    -2.544003,53.991885
+                    -2.544125,53.992286
+                    -2.544003,53.992801
+                    -2.542491,53.992305
+                    -2.540979,53.992596
+                    -2.539467,53.992414
+                    -2.538264,53.993192
+                    -2.538555,53.994098
+                    -2.539467,53.994756
+                    -2.539711,53.995004
+                    -2.539467,53.995075
+                    -2.538387,53.995910
+                    -2.537955,53.996410
+                    -2.536443,53.996429
+                    -2.536317,53.996811
+                    -2.535331,53.997717
+                    -2.535974,53.998618
+                    -2.536443,53.998909
+                    -2.537621,53.999524
+                    -2.537636,54.000430
+                    -2.536443,54.000778
+                    -2.535480,54.001336
+                    -2.535831,54.002242
+                    -2.534930,54.002771
+                    -2.533418,54.002953
+                    -2.533391,54.003143
+                    -2.533418,54.003196
+                    -2.534930,54.003606
+                    -2.535737,54.004049
+                    -2.536443,54.004173
+                    -2.537828,54.004049
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+                    -2.524345,54.003572
+                    -2.524738,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002771
+                    -2.523275,54.003143
+                    -2.522833,54.003220
+                    -2.522650,54.003143
+                    -2.521321,54.002352
+                    -2.519808,54.002280
+                    -2.518791,54.002242
+                    -2.519218,54.001336
+                    -2.518918,54.000430
+                    -2.518296,54.000368
+                    -2.516784,54.000163
+                    -2.516657,54.000430
+                    -2.515272,54.000802
+                    -2.513760,54.000926
+                    -2.512247,54.000912
+                    -2.512030,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,54.000287
+                    -2.513760,54.000168
+                    -2.515272,54.000053
+                    -2.516576,53.999524
+                    -2.515285,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998613
+                    -2.513828,53.997717
+                    -2.514124,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996596
+                    -2.512902,53.996811
+                    -2.512247,53.997011
+                    -2.512120,53.996811
+                    -2.511971,53.995910
+                    -2.511738,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994498
+                    -2.509546,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995390
+                    -2.507711,53.995275
+                    -2.506199,53.995147
+                    -2.506126,53.995004
+                    -2.505155,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993783
+                    -2.503481,53.993192
+                    -2.504174,53.992286
+                    -2.503622,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991051
+                    -2.505764,53.990479
+                    -2.505083,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.988824
+                    -2.507711,53.988757
+                    -2.507885,53.988667
+                    -2.507711,53.988361
+                    -2.506199,53.988190
+                    -2.505894,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987536
+                    -2.506753,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986440
+                    -2.508609,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985476
+                    -2.506199,53.985062
+                    -2.505932,53.985052
+                    -2.506199,53.985019
+                    -2.507264,53.984141
+                    -2.507711,53.983374
+                    -2.507769,53.983240
+                    -2.507780,53.982334
+                    -2.508230,53.981433
+                    -2.509016,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979673
+                    -2.506199,53.980322
+                    -2.505308,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.980742
+                    -2.504331,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.979926
+                    -2.502673,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979306
+                    -2.504686,53.979020
+                    -2.505264,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978472
+                    -2.507711,53.978190
+                    -2.508457,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977351
+                    -2.509861,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976340
+                    -2.508877,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975668
+                    -2.509983,53.975101
+                    -2.509767,53.974195
+                    -2.510735,53.973560
+                    -2.511175,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972631
+                    -2.513632,53.972383
+                    -2.513760,53.972216
+                    -2.515272,53.971620
+                    -2.515510,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971353
+                    -2.513760,53.971381
+                    -2.512247,53.971324
+                    -2.510735,53.971367
+                    -2.509591,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532192,53.972383
+                    -2.532069,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973694
+                    -2.531035,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974719
+                    -2.532435,53.975101
+                    -2.532632,53.976002
+                    -2.532325,53.976908
+                    -2.532430,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978400
+                    -2.534087,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979220
+                    -2.535770,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.980021
+                    -2.537899,53.980527
+                    -2.537955,53.980560
+                    -2.538012,53.980527
+                    -2.539467,53.980212
+                    -2.540271,53.980527
+                    -2.540317,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.982067
+                    -2.541379,53.982334
+                    -2.541536,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983812
+                    -2.543557,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984408
+                    -2.545516,53.984790
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+                    -2.552094,53.986859
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+                    -2.559507,53.985953
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+                    -2.562150,53.986430
+                    -2.562692,53.986859
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+                    -2.563725,53.988667
+                    -2.563742,53.989577
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+                    -2.565174,53.991809
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+                    -2.562150,53.993850
+                    -2.561768,53.994098
+                    -2.562150,53.994384
+                    -2.563662,53.994493
+                    -2.564169,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995681
+                    -2.565449,53.995910
+                    -2.565354,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997011
+                    -2.563662,53.996959
+                    -2.562150,53.996921
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+                    -2.561833,53.995910
+                    -2.561703,53.995004
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+                    -2.553077,53.989220
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+                    -2.554589,53.989758
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+                    -2.554871,53.991385
+                    -2.555085,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992558
+                    -2.553203,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993340
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+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520470,54.022145
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+                    -2.518296,54.021688
+                    -2.517175,54.021239
+                    -2.516784,54.020882
+                    -2.515272,54.020400
+                    -2.514747,54.020333
+                    -2.513760,54.020219
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013624
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+                    -2.512307,54.013095
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+                    -2.515272,54.011073
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+                    -2.513760,54.009128
+                    -2.512247,54.009271
+                    -2.511288,54.008574
+                    -2.512247,54.008036
+                    -2.513760,54.008217
+                    -2.515272,54.008346
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+                    -2.516949,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007568
+                    -2.515805,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006457
+                    -2.518296,54.006405
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+                    -2.518296,54.004989
+                    -2.517935,54.004951
+                    -2.518296,54.004869
+                    -2.519808,54.004879
+                    -2.521321,54.004912
+                    -2.522253,54.004951
+                    -2.522833,54.004989
+                    -2.522887,54.004951
+                    -2.524040,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003572
+                    -2.524738,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002771
+                    -2.523275,54.003143
+                    -2.522833,54.003220
+                    -2.522650,54.003143
+                    -2.521321,54.002352
+                    -2.519808,54.002280
+                    -2.518791,54.002242
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+                    -2.518918,54.000430
+                    -2.518296,54.000368
+                    -2.516784,54.000163
+                    -2.516657,54.000430
+                    -2.515272,54.000802
+                    -2.513760,54.000926
+                    -2.512247,54.000912
+                    -2.512030,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,54.000287
+                    -2.513760,54.000168
+                    -2.515272,54.000053
+                    -2.516576,53.999524
+                    -2.515285,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998613
+                    -2.513828,53.997717
+                    -2.514124,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996596
+                    -2.512902,53.996811
+                    -2.512247,53.997011
+                    -2.512120,53.996811
+                    -2.511971,53.995910
+                    -2.511738,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994498
+                    -2.509546,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995390
+                    -2.507711,53.995275
+                    -2.506199,53.995147
+                    -2.506126,53.995004
+                    -2.505155,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993783
+                    -2.503481,53.993192
+                    -2.504174,53.992286
+                    -2.503622,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991051
+                    -2.505764,53.990479
+                    -2.505083,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.988824
+                    -2.507711,53.988757
+                    -2.507885,53.988667
+                    -2.507711,53.988361
+                    -2.506199,53.988190
+                    -2.505894,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987536
+                    -2.506753,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986440
+                    -2.508609,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985476
+                    -2.506199,53.985062
+                    -2.505932,53.985052
+                    -2.506199,53.985019
+                    -2.507264,53.984141
+                    -2.507711,53.983374
+                    -2.507769,53.983240
+                    -2.507780,53.982334
+                    -2.508230,53.981433
+                    -2.509016,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979673
+                    -2.506199,53.980322
+                    -2.505308,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.980742
+                    -2.504331,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.979926
+                    -2.502673,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979306
+                    -2.504686,53.979020
+                    -2.505264,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978472
+                    -2.507711,53.978190
+                    -2.508457,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977351
+                    -2.509861,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976340
+                    -2.508877,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975668
+                    -2.509983,53.975101
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+                    -2.510735,53.973560
+                    -2.511175,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972631
+                    -2.513632,53.972383
+                    -2.513760,53.972216
+                    -2.515272,53.971620
+                    -2.515510,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971353
+                    -2.513760,53.971381
+                    -2.512247,53.971324
+                    -2.510735,53.971367
+                    -2.509591,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532192,53.972383
+                    -2.532069,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973694
+                    -2.531035,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974719
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+                    -2.532430,53.977809
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+                    -2.535770,53.979621
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+                    -2.541379,53.982334
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+                    -2.542491,53.983812
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+                    -2.544003,53.984408
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+                    -2.552094,53.986859
+                    -2.552256,53.985953
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+                    -2.559507,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986583
+                    -2.562150,53.986430
+                    -2.562692,53.986859
+                    -2.563584,53.987765
+                    -2.563662,53.987927
+                    -2.563725,53.988667
+                    -2.563742,53.989577
+                    -2.564202,53.990479
+                    -2.565174,53.990932
+                    -2.565529,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991809
+                    -2.564443,53.992286
+                    -2.563981,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.993797
+                    -2.562150,53.993850
+                    -2.561768,53.994098
+                    -2.562150,53.994384
+                    -2.563662,53.994493
+                    -2.564169,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995681
+                    -2.565449,53.995910
+                    -2.565354,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997011
+                    -2.563662,53.996959
+                    -2.562150,53.996921
+                    -2.561152,53.996811
+                    -2.561833,53.995910
+                    -2.561703,53.995004
+                    -2.560638,53.994427
+                    -2.560068,53.994098
+                    -2.560003,53.993192
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+                    -2.559858,53.991385
+                    -2.559708,53.990479
+                    -2.559125,53.990130
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+                    -2.555305,53.988667
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+                    -2.553077,53.988199
+                    -2.552293,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989220
+                    -2.554185,53.989577
+                    -2.554589,53.989758
+                    -2.555222,53.990479
+                    -2.554871,53.991385
+                    -2.555085,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992558
+                    -2.553203,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993340
+                    -2.551960,53.994098
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+                    -2.550052,53.994784
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+                    -2.551564,53.991461
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
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+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013624
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+                    -2.513760,54.009128
+                    -2.512247,54.009271
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+                    -2.512247,54.008036
+                    -2.513760,54.008217
+                    -2.515272,54.008346
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+                    -2.516949,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007568
+                    -2.515805,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006457
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+                    -2.518296,54.004989
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+                    -2.518296,54.004869
+                    -2.519808,54.004879
+                    -2.521321,54.004912
+                    -2.522253,54.004951
+                    -2.522833,54.004989
+                    -2.522887,54.004951
+                    -2.524040,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003572
+                    -2.524738,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002771
+                    -2.523275,54.003143
+                    -2.522833,54.003220
+                    -2.522650,54.003143
+                    -2.521321,54.002352
+                    -2.519808,54.002280
+                    -2.518791,54.002242
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+                    -2.518296,54.000368
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+                    -2.515272,54.000802
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+                    -2.512030,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,54.000287
+                    -2.513760,54.000168
+                    -2.515272,54.000053
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+                    -2.515285,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998613
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+                    -2.514124,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996596
+                    -2.512902,53.996811
+                    -2.512247,53.997011
+                    -2.512120,53.996811
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+                    -2.509546,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995390
+                    -2.507711,53.995275
+                    -2.506199,53.995147
+                    -2.506126,53.995004
+                    -2.505155,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993783
+                    -2.503481,53.993192
+                    -2.504174,53.992286
+                    -2.503622,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991051
+                    -2.505764,53.990479
+                    -2.505083,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.988824
+                    -2.507711,53.988757
+                    -2.507885,53.988667
+                    -2.507711,53.988361
+                    -2.506199,53.988190
+                    -2.505894,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987536
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+                    -2.507711,53.986440
+                    -2.508609,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985476
+                    -2.506199,53.985062
+                    -2.505932,53.985052
+                    -2.506199,53.985019
+                    -2.507264,53.984141
+                    -2.507711,53.983374
+                    -2.507769,53.983240
+                    -2.507780,53.982334
+                    -2.508230,53.981433
+                    -2.509016,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979673
+                    -2.506199,53.980322
+                    -2.505308,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.980742
+                    -2.504331,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.979926
+                    -2.502673,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979306
+                    -2.504686,53.979020
+                    -2.505264,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978472
+                    -2.507711,53.978190
+                    -2.508457,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977351
+                    -2.509861,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976340
+                    -2.508877,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975668
+                    -2.509983,53.975101
+                    -2.509767,53.974195
+                    -2.510735,53.973560
+                    -2.511175,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972631
+                    -2.513632,53.972383
+                    -2.513760,53.972216
+                    -2.515272,53.971620
+                    -2.515510,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971353
+                    -2.513760,53.971381
+                    -2.512247,53.971324
+                    -2.510735,53.971367
+                    -2.509591,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532192,53.972383
+                    -2.532069,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973694
+                    -2.531035,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974719
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+                    -2.532632,53.976002
+                    -2.532325,53.976908
+                    -2.532430,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978400
+                    -2.534087,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979220
+                    -2.535770,53.979621
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+                    -2.537899,53.980527
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+                    -2.538012,53.980527
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+                    -2.540271,53.980527
+                    -2.540317,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.982067
+                    -2.541379,53.982334
+                    -2.541536,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983812
+                    -2.543557,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984408
+                    -2.545516,53.984790
+                    -2.547028,53.984857
+                    -2.548005,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985372
+                    -2.550052,53.985410
+                    -2.550873,53.985953
+                    -2.551034,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987174
+                    -2.552094,53.986859
+                    -2.552256,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985777
+                    -2.554589,53.985648
+                    -2.556101,53.985610
+                    -2.556894,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986387
+                    -2.558437,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985496
+                    -2.559507,53.985953
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+                    -2.562150,53.986430
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+                    -2.563584,53.987765
+                    -2.563662,53.987927
+                    -2.563725,53.988667
+                    -2.563742,53.989577
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+                    -2.565174,53.991809
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+                    -2.562150,53.993850
+                    -2.561768,53.994098
+                    -2.562150,53.994384
+                    -2.563662,53.994493
+                    -2.564169,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995681
+                    -2.565449,53.995910
+                    -2.565354,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997011
+                    -2.563662,53.996959
+                    -2.562150,53.996921
+                    -2.561152,53.996811
+                    -2.561833,53.995910
+                    -2.561703,53.995004
+                    -2.560638,53.994427
+                    -2.560068,53.994098
+                    -2.560003,53.993192
+                    -2.559929,53.992286
+                    -2.559858,53.991385
+                    -2.559708,53.990479
+                    -2.559125,53.990130
+                    -2.557613,53.990035
+                    -2.557094,53.989577
+                    -2.556101,53.989043
+                    -2.555305,53.988667
+                    -2.554589,53.988242
+                    -2.553077,53.988199
+                    -2.552293,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989220
+                    -2.554185,53.989577
+                    -2.554589,53.989758
+                    -2.555222,53.990479
+                    -2.554871,53.991385
+                    -2.555085,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992558
+                    -2.553203,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993340
+                    -2.551960,53.994098
+                    -2.551564,53.994274
+                    -2.550052,53.994784
+                    -2.549759,53.995004
+                    -2.548540,53.995748
+                    -2.548110,53.995910
+                    -2.547028,53.996377
+                    -2.546340,53.995910
+                    -2.546838,53.995004
+                    -2.547028,53.994846
+                    -2.548540,53.994508
+                    -2.549342,53.994098
+                    -2.550052,53.993888
+                    -2.551564,53.993306
+                    -2.551875,53.993192
+                    -2.552858,53.992286
+                    -2.551564,53.991461
+                    -2.550052,53.991771
+                    -2.548700,53.991385
+                    -2.548540,53.990588
+                    -2.547028,53.990788
+                    -2.545516,53.991370
+                    -2.544003,53.991284
+                    -2.542728,53.991385
+                    -2.544003,53.991885
+                    -2.544125,53.992286
+                    -2.544003,53.992801
+                    -2.542491,53.992305
+                    -2.540979,53.992596
+                    -2.539467,53.992414
+                    -2.538264,53.993192
+                    -2.538555,53.994098
+                    -2.539467,53.994756
+                    -2.539711,53.995004
+                    -2.539467,53.995075
+                    -2.538387,53.995910
+                    -2.537955,53.996410
+                    -2.536443,53.996429
+                    -2.536317,53.996811
+                    -2.535331,53.997717
+                    -2.535974,53.998618
+                    -2.536443,53.998909
+                    -2.537621,53.999524
+                    -2.537636,54.000430
+                    -2.536443,54.000778
+                    -2.535480,54.001336
+                    -2.535831,54.002242
+                    -2.534930,54.002771
+                    -2.533418,54.002953
+                    -2.533391,54.003143
+                    -2.533418,54.003196
+                    -2.534930,54.003606
+                    -2.535737,54.004049
+                    -2.536443,54.004173
+                    -2.537828,54.004049
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+                    -2.524345,54.003572
+                    -2.524738,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002771
+                    -2.523275,54.003143
+                    -2.522833,54.003220
+                    -2.522650,54.003143
+                    -2.521321,54.002352
+                    -2.519808,54.002280
+                    -2.518791,54.002242
+                    -2.519218,54.001336
+                    -2.518918,54.000430
+                    -2.518296,54.000368
+                    -2.516784,54.000163
+                    -2.516657,54.000430
+                    -2.515272,54.000802
+                    -2.513760,54.000926
+                    -2.512247,54.000912
+                    -2.512030,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,54.000287
+                    -2.513760,54.000168
+                    -2.515272,54.000053
+                    -2.516576,53.999524
+                    -2.515285,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998613
+                    -2.513828,53.997717
+                    -2.514124,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996596
+                    -2.512902,53.996811
+                    -2.512247,53.997011
+                    -2.512120,53.996811
+                    -2.511971,53.995910
+                    -2.511738,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994498
+                    -2.509546,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995390
+                    -2.507711,53.995275
+                    -2.506199,53.995147
+                    -2.506126,53.995004
+                    -2.505155,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993783
+                    -2.503481,53.993192
+                    -2.504174,53.992286
+                    -2.503622,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991051
+                    -2.505764,53.990479
+                    -2.505083,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.988824
+                    -2.507711,53.988757
+                    -2.507885,53.988667
+                    -2.507711,53.988361
+                    -2.506199,53.988190
+                    -2.505894,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987536
+                    -2.506753,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986440
+                    -2.508609,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985476
+                    -2.506199,53.985062
+                    -2.505932,53.985052
+                    -2.506199,53.985019
+                    -2.507264,53.984141
+                    -2.507711,53.983374
+                    -2.507769,53.983240
+                    -2.507780,53.982334
+                    -2.508230,53.981433
+                    -2.509016,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979673
+                    -2.506199,53.980322
+                    -2.505308,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.980742
+                    -2.504331,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.979926
+                    -2.502673,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979306
+                    -2.504686,53.979020
+                    -2.505264,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978472
+                    -2.507711,53.978190
+                    -2.508457,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977351
+                    -2.509861,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976340
+                    -2.508877,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975668
+                    -2.509983,53.975101
+                    -2.509767,53.974195
+                    -2.510735,53.973560
+                    -2.511175,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972631
+                    -2.513632,53.972383
+                    -2.513760,53.972216
+                    -2.515272,53.971620
+                    -2.515510,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971353
+                    -2.513760,53.971381
+                    -2.512247,53.971324
+                    -2.510735,53.971367
+                    -2.509591,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532192,53.972383
+                    -2.532069,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973694
+                    -2.531035,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974719
+                    -2.532435,53.975101
+                    -2.532632,53.976002
+                    -2.532325,53.976908
+                    -2.532430,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978400
+                    -2.534087,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979220
+                    -2.535770,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.980021
+                    -2.537899,53.980527
+                    -2.537955,53.980560
+                    -2.538012,53.980527
+                    -2.539467,53.980212
+                    -2.540271,53.980527
+                    -2.540317,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.982067
+                    -2.541379,53.982334
+                    -2.541536,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983812
+                    -2.543557,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984408
+                    -2.545516,53.984790
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+                    -2.552094,53.986859
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+                    -2.559507,53.985953
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+                    -2.562150,53.986430
+                    -2.562692,53.986859
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+                    -2.563725,53.988667
+                    -2.563742,53.989577
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+                    -2.565174,53.991809
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+                    -2.562150,53.993850
+                    -2.561768,53.994098
+                    -2.562150,53.994384
+                    -2.563662,53.994493
+                    -2.564169,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995681
+                    -2.565449,53.995910
+                    -2.565354,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997011
+                    -2.563662,53.996959
+                    -2.562150,53.996921
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+                    -2.561833,53.995910
+                    -2.561703,53.995004
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+                    -2.553077,53.989220
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+                    -2.554589,53.989758
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+                    -2.554871,53.991385
+                    -2.555085,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992558
+                    -2.553203,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993340
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+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520470,54.022145
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+                    -2.518296,54.021688
+                    -2.517175,54.021239
+                    -2.516784,54.020882
+                    -2.515272,54.020400
+                    -2.514747,54.020333
+                    -2.513760,54.020219
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013624
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+                    -2.512307,54.013095
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+                    -2.515272,54.011073
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+                    -2.513760,54.009128
+                    -2.512247,54.009271
+                    -2.511288,54.008574
+                    -2.512247,54.008036
+                    -2.513760,54.008217
+                    -2.515272,54.008346
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+                    -2.516949,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007568
+                    -2.515805,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006457
+                    -2.518296,54.006405
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+                    -2.518296,54.004989
+                    -2.517935,54.004951
+                    -2.518296,54.004869
+                    -2.519808,54.004879
+                    -2.521321,54.004912
+                    -2.522253,54.004951
+                    -2.522833,54.004989
+                    -2.522887,54.004951
+                    -2.524040,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003572
+                    -2.524738,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002771
+                    -2.523275,54.003143
+                    -2.522833,54.003220
+                    -2.522650,54.003143
+                    -2.521321,54.002352
+                    -2.519808,54.002280
+                    -2.518791,54.002242
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+                    -2.518918,54.000430
+                    -2.518296,54.000368
+                    -2.516784,54.000163
+                    -2.516657,54.000430
+                    -2.515272,54.000802
+                    -2.513760,54.000926
+                    -2.512247,54.000912
+                    -2.512030,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,54.000287
+                    -2.513760,54.000168
+                    -2.515272,54.000053
+                    -2.516576,53.999524
+                    -2.515285,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998613
+                    -2.513828,53.997717
+                    -2.514124,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996596
+                    -2.512902,53.996811
+                    -2.512247,53.997011
+                    -2.512120,53.996811
+                    -2.511971,53.995910
+                    -2.511738,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994498
+                    -2.509546,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995390
+                    -2.507711,53.995275
+                    -2.506199,53.995147
+                    -2.506126,53.995004
+                    -2.505155,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993783
+                    -2.503481,53.993192
+                    -2.504174,53.992286
+                    -2.503622,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991051
+                    -2.505764,53.990479
+                    -2.505083,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.988824
+                    -2.507711,53.988757
+                    -2.507885,53.988667
+                    -2.507711,53.988361
+                    -2.506199,53.988190
+                    -2.505894,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987536
+                    -2.506753,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986440
+                    -2.508609,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985476
+                    -2.506199,53.985062
+                    -2.505932,53.985052
+                    -2.506199,53.985019
+                    -2.507264,53.984141
+                    -2.507711,53.983374
+                    -2.507769,53.983240
+                    -2.507780,53.982334
+                    -2.508230,53.981433
+                    -2.509016,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979673
+                    -2.506199,53.980322
+                    -2.505308,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.980742
+                    -2.504331,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.979926
+                    -2.502673,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979306
+                    -2.504686,53.979020
+                    -2.505264,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978472
+                    -2.507711,53.978190
+                    -2.508457,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977351
+                    -2.509861,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976340
+                    -2.508877,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975668
+                    -2.509983,53.975101
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+                    -2.510735,53.973560
+                    -2.511175,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972631
+                    -2.513632,53.972383
+                    -2.513760,53.972216
+                    -2.515272,53.971620
+                    -2.515510,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971353
+                    -2.513760,53.971381
+                    -2.512247,53.971324
+                    -2.510735,53.971367
+                    -2.509591,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532192,53.972383
+                    -2.532069,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973694
+                    -2.531035,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974719
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+                    -2.532430,53.977809
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+                    -2.535770,53.979621
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+                    -2.541379,53.982334
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+                    -2.542491,53.983812
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+                    -2.544003,53.984408
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+                    -2.552094,53.986859
+                    -2.552256,53.985953
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+                    -2.559507,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986583
+                    -2.562150,53.986430
+                    -2.562692,53.986859
+                    -2.563584,53.987765
+                    -2.563662,53.987927
+                    -2.563725,53.988667
+                    -2.563742,53.989577
+                    -2.564202,53.990479
+                    -2.565174,53.990932
+                    -2.565529,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991809
+                    -2.564443,53.992286
+                    -2.563981,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.993797
+                    -2.562150,53.993850
+                    -2.561768,53.994098
+                    -2.562150,53.994384
+                    -2.563662,53.994493
+                    -2.564169,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995681
+                    -2.565449,53.995910
+                    -2.565354,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997011
+                    -2.563662,53.996959
+                    -2.562150,53.996921
+                    -2.561152,53.996811
+                    -2.561833,53.995910
+                    -2.561703,53.995004
+                    -2.560638,53.994427
+                    -2.560068,53.994098
+                    -2.560003,53.993192
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+                    -2.559858,53.991385
+                    -2.559708,53.990479
+                    -2.559125,53.990130
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+                    -2.555305,53.988667
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+                    -2.553077,53.988199
+                    -2.552293,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989220
+                    -2.554185,53.989577
+                    -2.554589,53.989758
+                    -2.555222,53.990479
+                    -2.554871,53.991385
+                    -2.555085,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992558
+                    -2.553203,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993340
+                    -2.551960,53.994098
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+                    -2.550052,53.994784
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+                    -2.551564,53.991461
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
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+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013624
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+                    -2.513760,54.009128
+                    -2.512247,54.009271
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+                    -2.512247,54.008036
+                    -2.513760,54.008217
+                    -2.515272,54.008346
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+                    -2.516949,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007568
+                    -2.515805,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006457
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+                    -2.518296,54.004989
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+                    -2.518296,54.004869
+                    -2.519808,54.004879
+                    -2.521321,54.004912
+                    -2.522253,54.004951
+                    -2.522833,54.004989
+                    -2.522887,54.004951
+                    -2.524040,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003572
+                    -2.524738,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002771
+                    -2.523275,54.003143
+                    -2.522833,54.003220
+                    -2.522650,54.003143
+                    -2.521321,54.002352
+                    -2.519808,54.002280
+                    -2.518791,54.002242
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+                    -2.518296,54.000368
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+                    -2.515272,54.000802
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+                    -2.512030,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,54.000287
+                    -2.513760,54.000168
+                    -2.515272,54.000053
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+                    -2.515285,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998613
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+                    -2.514124,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996596
+                    -2.512902,53.996811
+                    -2.512247,53.997011
+                    -2.512120,53.996811
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+                    -2.509546,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995390
+                    -2.507711,53.995275
+                    -2.506199,53.995147
+                    -2.506126,53.995004
+                    -2.505155,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993783
+                    -2.503481,53.993192
+                    -2.504174,53.992286
+                    -2.503622,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991051
+                    -2.505764,53.990479
+                    -2.505083,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.988824
+                    -2.507711,53.988757
+                    -2.507885,53.988667
+                    -2.507711,53.988361
+                    -2.506199,53.988190
+                    -2.505894,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987536
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+                    -2.507711,53.986440
+                    -2.508609,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985476
+                    -2.506199,53.985062
+                    -2.505932,53.985052
+                    -2.506199,53.985019
+                    -2.507264,53.984141
+                    -2.507711,53.983374
+                    -2.507769,53.983240
+                    -2.507780,53.982334
+                    -2.508230,53.981433
+                    -2.509016,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979673
+                    -2.506199,53.980322
+                    -2.505308,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.980742
+                    -2.504331,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.979926
+                    -2.502673,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979306
+                    -2.504686,53.979020
+                    -2.505264,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978472
+                    -2.507711,53.978190
+                    -2.508457,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977351
+                    -2.509861,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976340
+                    -2.508877,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975668
+                    -2.509983,53.975101
+                    -2.509767,53.974195
+                    -2.510735,53.973560
+                    -2.511175,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972631
+                    -2.513632,53.972383
+                    -2.513760,53.972216
+                    -2.515272,53.971620
+                    -2.515510,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971353
+                    -2.513760,53.971381
+                    -2.512247,53.971324
+                    -2.510735,53.971367
+                    -2.509591,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532192,53.972383
+                    -2.532069,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973694
+                    -2.531035,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974719
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+                    -2.532632,53.976002
+                    -2.532325,53.976908
+                    -2.532430,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978400
+                    -2.534087,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979220
+                    -2.535770,53.979621
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+                    -2.537899,53.980527
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+                    -2.538012,53.980527
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+                    -2.540271,53.980527
+                    -2.540317,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.982067
+                    -2.541379,53.982334
+                    -2.541536,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983812
+                    -2.543557,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984408
+                    -2.545516,53.984790
+                    -2.547028,53.984857
+                    -2.548005,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985372
+                    -2.550052,53.985410
+                    -2.550873,53.985953
+                    -2.551034,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987174
+                    -2.552094,53.986859
+                    -2.552256,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985777
+                    -2.554589,53.985648
+                    -2.556101,53.985610
+                    -2.556894,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986387
+                    -2.558437,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985496
+                    -2.559507,53.985953
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+                    -2.562150,53.986430
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+                    -2.563584,53.987765
+                    -2.563662,53.987927
+                    -2.563725,53.988667
+                    -2.563742,53.989577
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+                    -2.565174,53.991809
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+                    -2.562150,53.993850
+                    -2.561768,53.994098
+                    -2.562150,53.994384
+                    -2.563662,53.994493
+                    -2.564169,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995681
+                    -2.565449,53.995910
+                    -2.565354,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997011
+                    -2.563662,53.996959
+                    -2.562150,53.996921
+                    -2.561152,53.996811
+                    -2.561833,53.995910
+                    -2.561703,53.995004
+                    -2.560638,53.994427
+                    -2.560068,53.994098
+                    -2.560003,53.993192
+                    -2.559929,53.992286
+                    -2.559858,53.991385
+                    -2.559708,53.990479
+                    -2.559125,53.990130
+                    -2.557613,53.990035
+                    -2.557094,53.989577
+                    -2.556101,53.989043
+                    -2.555305,53.988667
+                    -2.554589,53.988242
+                    -2.553077,53.988199
+                    -2.552293,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989220
+                    -2.554185,53.989577
+                    -2.554589,53.989758
+                    -2.555222,53.990479
+                    -2.554871,53.991385
+                    -2.555085,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992558
+                    -2.553203,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993340
+                    -2.551960,53.994098
+                    -2.551564,53.994274
+                    -2.550052,53.994784
+                    -2.549759,53.995004
+                    -2.548540,53.995748
+                    -2.548110,53.995910
+                    -2.547028,53.996377
+                    -2.546340,53.995910
+                    -2.546838,53.995004
+                    -2.547028,53.994846
+                    -2.548540,53.994508
+                    -2.549342,53.994098
+                    -2.550052,53.993888
+                    -2.551564,53.993306
+                    -2.551875,53.993192
+                    -2.552858,53.992286
+                    -2.551564,53.991461
+                    -2.550052,53.991771
+                    -2.548700,53.991385
+                    -2.548540,53.990588
+                    -2.547028,53.990788
+                    -2.545516,53.991370
+                    -2.544003,53.991284
+                    -2.542728,53.991385
+                    -2.544003,53.991885
+                    -2.544125,53.992286
+                    -2.544003,53.992801
+                    -2.542491,53.992305
+                    -2.540979,53.992596
+                    -2.539467,53.992414
+                    -2.538264,53.993192
+                    -2.538555,53.994098
+                    -2.539467,53.994756
+                    -2.539711,53.995004
+                    -2.539467,53.995075
+                    -2.538387,53.995910
+                    -2.537955,53.996410
+                    -2.536443,53.996429
+                    -2.536317,53.996811
+                    -2.535331,53.997717
+                    -2.535974,53.998618
+                    -2.536443,53.998909
+                    -2.537621,53.999524
+                    -2.537636,54.000430
+                    -2.536443,54.000778
+                    -2.535480,54.001336
+                    -2.535831,54.002242
+                    -2.534930,54.002771
+                    -2.533418,54.002953
+                    -2.533391,54.003143
+                    -2.533418,54.003196
+                    -2.534930,54.003606
+                    -2.535737,54.004049
+                    -2.536443,54.004173
+                    -2.537828,54.004049
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+                    -2.524345,54.003572
+                    -2.524738,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002771
+                    -2.523275,54.003143
+                    -2.522833,54.003220
+                    -2.522650,54.003143
+                    -2.521321,54.002352
+                    -2.519808,54.002280
+                    -2.518791,54.002242
+                    -2.519218,54.001336
+                    -2.518918,54.000430
+                    -2.518296,54.000368
+                    -2.516784,54.000163
+                    -2.516657,54.000430
+                    -2.515272,54.000802
+                    -2.513760,54.000926
+                    -2.512247,54.000912
+                    -2.512030,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,54.000287
+                    -2.513760,54.000168
+                    -2.515272,54.000053
+                    -2.516576,53.999524
+                    -2.515285,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998613
+                    -2.513828,53.997717
+                    -2.514124,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996596
+                    -2.512902,53.996811
+                    -2.512247,53.997011
+                    -2.512120,53.996811
+                    -2.511971,53.995910
+                    -2.511738,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994498
+                    -2.509546,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995390
+                    -2.507711,53.995275
+                    -2.506199,53.995147
+                    -2.506126,53.995004
+                    -2.505155,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993783
+                    -2.503481,53.993192
+                    -2.504174,53.992286
+                    -2.503622,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991051
+                    -2.505764,53.990479
+                    -2.505083,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.988824
+                    -2.507711,53.988757
+                    -2.507885,53.988667
+                    -2.507711,53.988361
+                    -2.506199,53.988190
+                    -2.505894,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987536
+                    -2.506753,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986440
+                    -2.508609,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985476
+                    -2.506199,53.985062
+                    -2.505932,53.985052
+                    -2.506199,53.985019
+                    -2.507264,53.984141
+                    -2.507711,53.983374
+                    -2.507769,53.983240
+                    -2.507780,53.982334
+                    -2.508230,53.981433
+                    -2.509016,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979673
+                    -2.506199,53.980322
+                    -2.505308,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.980742
+                    -2.504331,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.979926
+                    -2.502673,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979306
+                    -2.504686,53.979020
+                    -2.505264,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978472
+                    -2.507711,53.978190
+                    -2.508457,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977351
+                    -2.509861,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976340
+                    -2.508877,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975668
+                    -2.509983,53.975101
+                    -2.509767,53.974195
+                    -2.510735,53.973560
+                    -2.511175,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972631
+                    -2.513632,53.972383
+                    -2.513760,53.972216
+                    -2.515272,53.971620
+                    -2.515510,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971353
+                    -2.513760,53.971381
+                    -2.512247,53.971324
+                    -2.510735,53.971367
+                    -2.509591,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532192,53.972383
+                    -2.532069,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973694
+                    -2.531035,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974719
+                    -2.532435,53.975101
+                    -2.532632,53.976002
+                    -2.532325,53.976908
+                    -2.532430,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978400
+                    -2.534087,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979220
+                    -2.535770,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.980021
+                    -2.537899,53.980527
+                    -2.537955,53.980560
+                    -2.538012,53.980527
+                    -2.539467,53.980212
+                    -2.540271,53.980527
+                    -2.540317,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.982067
+                    -2.541379,53.982334
+                    -2.541536,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983812
+                    -2.543557,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984408
+                    -2.545516,53.984790
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+                    -2.552094,53.986859
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+                    -2.559507,53.985953
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+                    -2.562150,53.986430
+                    -2.562692,53.986859
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+                    -2.563725,53.988667
+                    -2.563742,53.989577
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+                    -2.565174,53.991809
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+                    -2.562150,53.993850
+                    -2.561768,53.994098
+                    -2.562150,53.994384
+                    -2.563662,53.994493
+                    -2.564169,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995681
+                    -2.565449,53.995910
+                    -2.565354,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997011
+                    -2.563662,53.996959
+                    -2.562150,53.996921
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+                    -2.561833,53.995910
+                    -2.561703,53.995004
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+                    -2.553077,53.989220
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+                    -2.554589,53.989758
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+                    -2.554871,53.991385
+                    -2.555085,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992558
+                    -2.553203,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993340
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+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520470,54.022145
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+                    -2.518296,54.021688
+                    -2.517175,54.021239
+                    -2.516784,54.020882
+                    -2.515272,54.020400
+                    -2.514747,54.020333
+                    -2.513760,54.020219
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013624
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+                    -2.512307,54.013095
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+                    -2.515272,54.011073
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+                    -2.513760,54.009128
+                    -2.512247,54.009271
+                    -2.511288,54.008574
+                    -2.512247,54.008036
+                    -2.513760,54.008217
+                    -2.515272,54.008346
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+                    -2.516949,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007568
+                    -2.515805,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006457
+                    -2.518296,54.006405
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+                    -2.518296,54.004989
+                    -2.517935,54.004951
+                    -2.518296,54.004869
+                    -2.519808,54.004879
+                    -2.521321,54.004912
+                    -2.522253,54.004951
+                    -2.522833,54.004989
+                    -2.522887,54.004951
+                    -2.524040,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003572
+                    -2.524738,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002771
+                    -2.523275,54.003143
+                    -2.522833,54.003220
+                    -2.522650,54.003143
+                    -2.521321,54.002352
+                    -2.519808,54.002280
+                    -2.518791,54.002242
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+                    -2.518918,54.000430
+                    -2.518296,54.000368
+                    -2.516784,54.000163
+                    -2.516657,54.000430
+                    -2.515272,54.000802
+                    -2.513760,54.000926
+                    -2.512247,54.000912
+                    -2.512030,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,54.000287
+                    -2.513760,54.000168
+                    -2.515272,54.000053
+                    -2.516576,53.999524
+                    -2.515285,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998613
+                    -2.513828,53.997717
+                    -2.514124,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996596
+                    -2.512902,53.996811
+                    -2.512247,53.997011
+                    -2.512120,53.996811
+                    -2.511971,53.995910
+                    -2.511738,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994498
+                    -2.509546,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995390
+                    -2.507711,53.995275
+                    -2.506199,53.995147
+                    -2.506126,53.995004
+                    -2.505155,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993783
+                    -2.503481,53.993192
+                    -2.504174,53.992286
+                    -2.503622,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991051
+                    -2.505764,53.990479
+                    -2.505083,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.988824
+                    -2.507711,53.988757
+                    -2.507885,53.988667
+                    -2.507711,53.988361
+                    -2.506199,53.988190
+                    -2.505894,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987536
+                    -2.506753,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986440
+                    -2.508609,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985476
+                    -2.506199,53.985062
+                    -2.505932,53.985052
+                    -2.506199,53.985019
+                    -2.507264,53.984141
+                    -2.507711,53.983374
+                    -2.507769,53.983240
+                    -2.507780,53.982334
+                    -2.508230,53.981433
+                    -2.509016,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979673
+                    -2.506199,53.980322
+                    -2.505308,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.980742
+                    -2.504331,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.979926
+                    -2.502673,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979306
+                    -2.504686,53.979020
+                    -2.505264,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978472
+                    -2.507711,53.978190
+                    -2.508457,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977351
+                    -2.509861,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976340
+                    -2.508877,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975668
+                    -2.509983,53.975101
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+                    -2.510735,53.973560
+                    -2.511175,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972631
+                    -2.513632,53.972383
+                    -2.513760,53.972216
+                    -2.515272,53.971620
+                    -2.515510,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971353
+                    -2.513760,53.971381
+                    -2.512247,53.971324
+                    -2.510735,53.971367
+                    -2.509591,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532192,53.972383
+                    -2.532069,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973694
+                    -2.531035,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974719
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+                    -2.532430,53.977809
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+                    -2.535770,53.979621
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+                    -2.541379,53.982334
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+                    -2.542491,53.983812
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+                    -2.544003,53.984408
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+                    -2.552094,53.986859
+                    -2.552256,53.985953
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+                    -2.559507,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986583
+                    -2.562150,53.986430
+                    -2.562692,53.986859
+                    -2.563584,53.987765
+                    -2.563662,53.987927
+                    -2.563725,53.988667
+                    -2.563742,53.989577
+                    -2.564202,53.990479
+                    -2.565174,53.990932
+                    -2.565529,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991809
+                    -2.564443,53.992286
+                    -2.563981,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.993797
+                    -2.562150,53.993850
+                    -2.561768,53.994098
+                    -2.562150,53.994384
+                    -2.563662,53.994493
+                    -2.564169,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995681
+                    -2.565449,53.995910
+                    -2.565354,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997011
+                    -2.563662,53.996959
+                    -2.562150,53.996921
+                    -2.561152,53.996811
+                    -2.561833,53.995910
+                    -2.561703,53.995004
+                    -2.560638,53.994427
+                    -2.560068,53.994098
+                    -2.560003,53.993192
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+                    -2.559858,53.991385
+                    -2.559708,53.990479
+                    -2.559125,53.990130
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+                    -2.555305,53.988667
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+                    -2.553077,53.988199
+                    -2.552293,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989220
+                    -2.554185,53.989577
+                    -2.554589,53.989758
+                    -2.555222,53.990479
+                    -2.554871,53.991385
+                    -2.555085,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992558
+                    -2.553203,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993340
+                    -2.551960,53.994098
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+                    -2.550052,53.994784
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+                    -2.551564,53.991461
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
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+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013624
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+                    -2.513760,54.009128
+                    -2.512247,54.009271
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+                    -2.512247,54.008036
+                    -2.513760,54.008217
+                    -2.515272,54.008346
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+                    -2.516949,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007568
+                    -2.515805,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006457
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+                    -2.518296,54.004989
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+                    -2.518296,54.004869
+                    -2.519808,54.004879
+                    -2.521321,54.004912
+                    -2.522253,54.004951
+                    -2.522833,54.004989
+                    -2.522887,54.004951
+                    -2.524040,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003572
+                    -2.524738,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002771
+                    -2.523275,54.003143
+                    -2.522833,54.003220
+                    -2.522650,54.003143
+                    -2.521321,54.002352
+                    -2.519808,54.002280
+                    -2.518791,54.002242
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+                    -2.518296,54.000368
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+                    -2.515272,54.000802
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+                    -2.512030,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,54.000287
+                    -2.513760,54.000168
+                    -2.515272,54.000053
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+                    -2.515285,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998613
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+                    -2.514124,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996596
+                    -2.512902,53.996811
+                    -2.512247,53.997011
+                    -2.512120,53.996811
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+                    -2.509546,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995390
+                    -2.507711,53.995275
+                    -2.506199,53.995147
+                    -2.506126,53.995004
+                    -2.505155,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993783
+                    -2.503481,53.993192
+                    -2.504174,53.992286
+                    -2.503622,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991051
+                    -2.505764,53.990479
+                    -2.505083,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.988824
+                    -2.507711,53.988757
+                    -2.507885,53.988667
+                    -2.507711,53.988361
+                    -2.506199,53.988190
+                    -2.505894,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987536
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+                    -2.507711,53.986440
+                    -2.508609,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985476
+                    -2.506199,53.985062
+                    -2.505932,53.985052
+                    -2.506199,53.985019
+                    -2.507264,53.984141
+                    -2.507711,53.983374
+                    -2.507769,53.983240
+                    -2.507780,53.982334
+                    -2.508230,53.981433
+                    -2.509016,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979673
+                    -2.506199,53.980322
+                    -2.505308,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.980742
+                    -2.504331,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.979926
+                    -2.502673,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979306
+                    -2.504686,53.979020
+                    -2.505264,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978472
+                    -2.507711,53.978190
+                    -2.508457,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977351
+                    -2.509861,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976340
+                    -2.508877,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975668
+                    -2.509983,53.975101
+                    -2.509767,53.974195
+                    -2.510735,53.973560
+                    -2.511175,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972631
+                    -2.513632,53.972383
+                    -2.513760,53.972216
+                    -2.515272,53.971620
+                    -2.515510,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971353
+                    -2.513760,53.971381
+                    -2.512247,53.971324
+                    -2.510735,53.971367
+                    -2.509591,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532192,53.972383
+                    -2.532069,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973694
+                    -2.531035,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974719
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+                    -2.532632,53.976002
+                    -2.532325,53.976908
+                    -2.532430,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978400
+                    -2.534087,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979220
+                    -2.535770,53.979621
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+                    -2.537899,53.980527
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+                    -2.538012,53.980527
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+                    -2.540271,53.980527
+                    -2.540317,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.982067
+                    -2.541379,53.982334
+                    -2.541536,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983812
+                    -2.543557,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984408
+                    -2.545516,53.984790
+                    -2.547028,53.984857
+                    -2.548005,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985372
+                    -2.550052,53.985410
+                    -2.550873,53.985953
+                    -2.551034,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987174
+                    -2.552094,53.986859
+                    -2.552256,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985777
+                    -2.554589,53.985648
+                    -2.556101,53.985610
+                    -2.556894,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986387
+                    -2.558437,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985496
+                    -2.559507,53.985953
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+                    -2.562150,53.986430
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+                    -2.563584,53.987765
+                    -2.563662,53.987927
+                    -2.563725,53.988667
+                    -2.563742,53.989577
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+                    -2.565174,53.991809
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+                    -2.562150,53.993850
+                    -2.561768,53.994098
+                    -2.562150,53.994384
+                    -2.563662,53.994493
+                    -2.564169,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995681
+                    -2.565449,53.995910
+                    -2.565354,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997011
+                    -2.563662,53.996959
+                    -2.562150,53.996921
+                    -2.561152,53.996811
+                    -2.561833,53.995910
+                    -2.561703,53.995004
+                    -2.560638,53.994427
+                    -2.560068,53.994098
+                    -2.560003,53.993192
+                    -2.559929,53.992286
+                    -2.559858,53.991385
+                    -2.559708,53.990479
+                    -2.559125,53.990130
+                    -2.557613,53.990035
+                    -2.557094,53.989577
+                    -2.556101,53.989043
+                    -2.555305,53.988667
+                    -2.554589,53.988242
+                    -2.553077,53.988199
+                    -2.552293,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989220
+                    -2.554185,53.989577
+                    -2.554589,53.989758
+                    -2.555222,53.990479
+                    -2.554871,53.991385
+                    -2.555085,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992558
+                    -2.553203,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993340
+                    -2.551960,53.994098
+                    -2.551564,53.994274
+                    -2.550052,53.994784
+                    -2.549759,53.995004
+                    -2.548540,53.995748
+                    -2.548110,53.995910
+                    -2.547028,53.996377
+                    -2.546340,53.995910
+                    -2.546838,53.995004
+                    -2.547028,53.994846
+                    -2.548540,53.994508
+                    -2.549342,53.994098
+                    -2.550052,53.993888
+                    -2.551564,53.993306
+                    -2.551875,53.993192
+                    -2.552858,53.992286
+                    -2.551564,53.991461
+                    -2.550052,53.991771
+                    -2.548700,53.991385
+                    -2.548540,53.990588
+                    -2.547028,53.990788
+                    -2.545516,53.991370
+                    -2.544003,53.991284
+                    -2.542728,53.991385
+                    -2.544003,53.991885
+                    -2.544125,53.992286
+                    -2.544003,53.992801
+                    -2.542491,53.992305
+                    -2.540979,53.992596
+                    -2.539467,53.992414
+                    -2.538264,53.993192
+                    -2.538555,53.994098
+                    -2.539467,53.994756
+                    -2.539711,53.995004
+                    -2.539467,53.995075
+                    -2.538387,53.995910
+                    -2.537955,53.996410
+                    -2.536443,53.996429
+                    -2.536317,53.996811
+                    -2.535331,53.997717
+                    -2.535974,53.998618
+                    -2.536443,53.998909
+                    -2.537621,53.999524
+                    -2.537636,54.000430
+                    -2.536443,54.000778
+                    -2.535480,54.001336
+                    -2.535831,54.002242
+                    -2.534930,54.002771
+                    -2.533418,54.002953
+                    -2.533391,54.003143
+                    -2.533418,54.003196
+                    -2.534930,54.003606
+                    -2.535737,54.004049
+                    -2.536443,54.004173
+                    -2.537828,54.004049
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+                    -2.524345,54.003572
+                    -2.524738,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002771
+                    -2.523275,54.003143
+                    -2.522833,54.003220
+                    -2.522650,54.003143
+                    -2.521321,54.002352
+                    -2.519808,54.002280
+                    -2.518791,54.002242
+                    -2.519218,54.001336
+                    -2.518918,54.000430
+                    -2.518296,54.000368
+                    -2.516784,54.000163
+                    -2.516657,54.000430
+                    -2.515272,54.000802
+                    -2.513760,54.000926
+                    -2.512247,54.000912
+                    -2.512030,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,54.000287
+                    -2.513760,54.000168
+                    -2.515272,54.000053
+                    -2.516576,53.999524
+                    -2.515285,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998613
+                    -2.513828,53.997717
+                    -2.514124,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996596
+                    -2.512902,53.996811
+                    -2.512247,53.997011
+                    -2.512120,53.996811
+                    -2.511971,53.995910
+                    -2.511738,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994498
+                    -2.509546,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995390
+                    -2.507711,53.995275
+                    -2.506199,53.995147
+                    -2.506126,53.995004
+                    -2.505155,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993783
+                    -2.503481,53.993192
+                    -2.504174,53.992286
+                    -2.503622,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991051
+                    -2.505764,53.990479
+                    -2.505083,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.988824
+                    -2.507711,53.988757
+                    -2.507885,53.988667
+                    -2.507711,53.988361
+                    -2.506199,53.988190
+                    -2.505894,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987536
+                    -2.506753,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986440
+                    -2.508609,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985476
+                    -2.506199,53.985062
+                    -2.505932,53.985052
+                    -2.506199,53.985019
+                    -2.507264,53.984141
+                    -2.507711,53.983374
+                    -2.507769,53.983240
+                    -2.507780,53.982334
+                    -2.508230,53.981433
+                    -2.509016,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979673
+                    -2.506199,53.980322
+                    -2.505308,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.980742
+                    -2.504331,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.979926
+                    -2.502673,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979306
+                    -2.504686,53.979020
+                    -2.505264,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978472
+                    -2.507711,53.978190
+                    -2.508457,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977351
+                    -2.509861,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976340
+                    -2.508877,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975668
+                    -2.509983,53.975101
+                    -2.509767,53.974195
+                    -2.510735,53.973560
+                    -2.511175,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972631
+                    -2.513632,53.972383
+                    -2.513760,53.972216
+                    -2.515272,53.971620
+                    -2.515510,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971353
+                    -2.513760,53.971381
+                    -2.512247,53.971324
+                    -2.510735,53.971367
+                    -2.509591,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532192,53.972383
+                    -2.532069,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973694
+                    -2.531035,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974719
+                    -2.532435,53.975101
+                    -2.532632,53.976002
+                    -2.532325,53.976908
+                    -2.532430,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978400
+                    -2.534087,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979220
+                    -2.535770,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.980021
+                    -2.537899,53.980527
+                    -2.537955,53.980560
+                    -2.538012,53.980527
+                    -2.539467,53.980212
+                    -2.540271,53.980527
+                    -2.540317,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.982067
+                    -2.541379,53.982334
+                    -2.541536,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983812
+                    -2.543557,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984408
+                    -2.545516,53.984790
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+                    -2.552094,53.986859
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+                    -2.559507,53.985953
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+                    -2.562150,53.986430
+                    -2.562692,53.986859
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+                    -2.563725,53.988667
+                    -2.563742,53.989577
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+                    -2.565174,53.991809
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+                    -2.562150,53.993850
+                    -2.561768,53.994098
+                    -2.562150,53.994384
+                    -2.563662,53.994493
+                    -2.564169,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995681
+                    -2.565449,53.995910
+                    -2.565354,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997011
+                    -2.563662,53.996959
+                    -2.562150,53.996921
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+                    -2.561833,53.995910
+                    -2.561703,53.995004
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+                    -2.553077,53.989220
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+                    -2.554589,53.989758
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+                    -2.554871,53.991385
+                    -2.555085,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992558
+                    -2.553203,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993340
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+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520470,54.022145
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+                    -2.518296,54.021688
+                    -2.517175,54.021239
+                    -2.516784,54.020882
+                    -2.515272,54.020400
+                    -2.514747,54.020333
+                    -2.513760,54.020219
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013624
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+                    -2.512307,54.013095
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+                    -2.515272,54.011073
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+                    -2.513760,54.009128
+                    -2.512247,54.009271
+                    -2.511288,54.008574
+                    -2.512247,54.008036
+                    -2.513760,54.008217
+                    -2.515272,54.008346
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+                    -2.516949,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007568
+                    -2.515805,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006457
+                    -2.518296,54.006405
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+                    -2.518296,54.004989
+                    -2.517935,54.004951
+                    -2.518296,54.004869
+                    -2.519808,54.004879
+                    -2.521321,54.004912
+                    -2.522253,54.004951
+                    -2.522833,54.004989
+                    -2.522887,54.004951
+                    -2.524040,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003572
+                    -2.524738,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002771
+                    -2.523275,54.003143
+                    -2.522833,54.003220
+                    -2.522650,54.003143
+                    -2.521321,54.002352
+                    -2.519808,54.002280
+                    -2.518791,54.002242
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+                    -2.518918,54.000430
+                    -2.518296,54.000368
+                    -2.516784,54.000163
+                    -2.516657,54.000430
+                    -2.515272,54.000802
+                    -2.513760,54.000926
+                    -2.512247,54.000912
+                    -2.512030,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,54.000287
+                    -2.513760,54.000168
+                    -2.515272,54.000053
+                    -2.516576,53.999524
+                    -2.515285,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998613
+                    -2.513828,53.997717
+                    -2.514124,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996596
+                    -2.512902,53.996811
+                    -2.512247,53.997011
+                    -2.512120,53.996811
+                    -2.511971,53.995910
+                    -2.511738,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994498
+                    -2.509546,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995390
+                    -2.507711,53.995275
+                    -2.506199,53.995147
+                    -2.506126,53.995004
+                    -2.505155,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993783
+                    -2.503481,53.993192
+                    -2.504174,53.992286
+                    -2.503622,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991051
+                    -2.505764,53.990479
+                    -2.505083,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.988824
+                    -2.507711,53.988757
+                    -2.507885,53.988667
+                    -2.507711,53.988361
+                    -2.506199,53.988190
+                    -2.505894,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987536
+                    -2.506753,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986440
+                    -2.508609,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985476
+                    -2.506199,53.985062
+                    -2.505932,53.985052
+                    -2.506199,53.985019
+                    -2.507264,53.984141
+                    -2.507711,53.983374
+                    -2.507769,53.983240
+                    -2.507780,53.982334
+                    -2.508230,53.981433
+                    -2.509016,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979673
+                    -2.506199,53.980322
+                    -2.505308,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.980742
+                    -2.504331,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.979926
+                    -2.502673,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979306
+                    -2.504686,53.979020
+                    -2.505264,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978472
+                    -2.507711,53.978190
+                    -2.508457,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977351
+                    -2.509861,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976340
+                    -2.508877,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975668
+                    -2.509983,53.975101
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+                    -2.510735,53.973560
+                    -2.511175,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972631
+                    -2.513632,53.972383
+                    -2.513760,53.972216
+                    -2.515272,53.971620
+                    -2.515510,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971353
+                    -2.513760,53.971381
+                    -2.512247,53.971324
+                    -2.510735,53.971367
+                    -2.509591,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532192,53.972383
+                    -2.532069,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973694
+                    -2.531035,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974719
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+                    -2.532430,53.977809
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+                    -2.535770,53.979621
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+                    -2.541379,53.982334
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+                    -2.542491,53.983812
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+                    -2.544003,53.984408
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+                    -2.552094,53.986859
+                    -2.552256,53.985953
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+                    -2.559507,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986583
+                    -2.562150,53.986430
+                    -2.562692,53.986859
+                    -2.563584,53.987765
+                    -2.563662,53.987927
+                    -2.563725,53.988667
+                    -2.563742,53.989577
+                    -2.564202,53.990479
+                    -2.565174,53.990932
+                    -2.565529,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991809
+                    -2.564443,53.992286
+                    -2.563981,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.993797
+                    -2.562150,53.993850
+                    -2.561768,53.994098
+                    -2.562150,53.994384
+                    -2.563662,53.994493
+                    -2.564169,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995681
+                    -2.565449,53.995910
+                    -2.565354,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997011
+                    -2.563662,53.996959
+                    -2.562150,53.996921
+                    -2.561152,53.996811
+                    -2.561833,53.995910
+                    -2.561703,53.995004
+                    -2.560638,53.994427
+                    -2.560068,53.994098
+                    -2.560003,53.993192
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+                    -2.559858,53.991385
+                    -2.559708,53.990479
+                    -2.559125,53.990130
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+                    -2.555305,53.988667
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+                    -2.553077,53.988199
+                    -2.552293,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989220
+                    -2.554185,53.989577
+                    -2.554589,53.989758
+                    -2.555222,53.990479
+                    -2.554871,53.991385
+                    -2.555085,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992558
+                    -2.553203,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993340
+                    -2.551960,53.994098
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+                    -2.550052,53.994784
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+                    -2.551564,53.991461
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
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+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013624
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+                    -2.513760,54.009128
+                    -2.512247,54.009271
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+                    -2.512247,54.008036
+                    -2.513760,54.008217
+                    -2.515272,54.008346
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+                    -2.516949,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007568
+                    -2.515805,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006457
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+                    -2.518296,54.004989
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+                    -2.518296,54.004869
+                    -2.519808,54.004879
+                    -2.521321,54.004912
+                    -2.522253,54.004951
+                    -2.522833,54.004989
+                    -2.522887,54.004951
+                    -2.524040,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003572
+                    -2.524738,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002771
+                    -2.523275,54.003143
+                    -2.522833,54.003220
+                    -2.522650,54.003143
+                    -2.521321,54.002352
+                    -2.519808,54.002280
+                    -2.518791,54.002242
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+                    -2.518296,54.000368
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+                    -2.515272,54.000802
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+                    -2.512030,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,54.000287
+                    -2.513760,54.000168
+                    -2.515272,54.000053
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+                    -2.515285,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998613
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+                    -2.514124,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996596
+                    -2.512902,53.996811
+                    -2.512247,53.997011
+                    -2.512120,53.996811
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+                    -2.509546,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995390
+                    -2.507711,53.995275
+                    -2.506199,53.995147
+                    -2.506126,53.995004
+                    -2.505155,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993783
+                    -2.503481,53.993192
+                    -2.504174,53.992286
+                    -2.503622,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991051
+                    -2.505764,53.990479
+                    -2.505083,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.988824
+                    -2.507711,53.988757
+                    -2.507885,53.988667
+                    -2.507711,53.988361
+                    -2.506199,53.988190
+                    -2.505894,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987536
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+                    -2.507711,53.986440
+                    -2.508609,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985476
+                    -2.506199,53.985062
+                    -2.505932,53.985052
+                    -2.506199,53.985019
+                    -2.507264,53.984141
+                    -2.507711,53.983374
+                    -2.507769,53.983240
+                    -2.507780,53.982334
+                    -2.508230,53.981433
+                    -2.509016,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979673
+                    -2.506199,53.980322
+                    -2.505308,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.980742
+                    -2.504331,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.979926
+                    -2.502673,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979306
+                    -2.504686,53.979020
+                    -2.505264,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978472
+                    -2.507711,53.978190
+                    -2.508457,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977351
+                    -2.509861,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976340
+                    -2.508877,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975668
+                    -2.509983,53.975101
+                    -2.509767,53.974195
+                    -2.510735,53.973560
+                    -2.511175,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972631
+                    -2.513632,53.972383
+                    -2.513760,53.972216
+                    -2.515272,53.971620
+                    -2.515510,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971353
+                    -2.513760,53.971381
+                    -2.512247,53.971324
+                    -2.510735,53.971367
+                    -2.509591,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532192,53.972383
+                    -2.532069,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973694
+                    -2.531035,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974719
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+                    -2.532632,53.976002
+                    -2.532325,53.976908
+                    -2.532430,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978400
+                    -2.534087,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979220
+                    -2.535770,53.979621
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+                    -2.537899,53.980527
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+                    -2.538012,53.980527
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+                    -2.540271,53.980527
+                    -2.540317,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.982067
+                    -2.541379,53.982334
+                    -2.541536,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983812
+                    -2.543557,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984408
+                    -2.545516,53.984790
+                    -2.547028,53.984857
+                    -2.548005,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985372
+                    -2.550052,53.985410
+                    -2.550873,53.985953
+                    -2.551034,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987174
+                    -2.552094,53.986859
+                    -2.552256,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985777
+                    -2.554589,53.985648
+                    -2.556101,53.985610
+                    -2.556894,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986387
+                    -2.558437,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985496
+                    -2.559507,53.985953
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+                    -2.562150,53.986430
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+                    -2.563584,53.987765
+                    -2.563662,53.987927
+                    -2.563725,53.988667
+                    -2.563742,53.989577
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+                    -2.565174,53.991809
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+                    -2.562150,53.993850
+                    -2.561768,53.994098
+                    -2.562150,53.994384
+                    -2.563662,53.994493
+                    -2.564169,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995681
+                    -2.565449,53.995910
+                    -2.565354,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997011
+                    -2.563662,53.996959
+                    -2.562150,53.996921
+                    -2.561152,53.996811
+                    -2.561833,53.995910
+                    -2.561703,53.995004
+                    -2.560638,53.994427
+                    -2.560068,53.994098
+                    -2.560003,53.993192
+                    -2.559929,53.992286
+                    -2.559858,53.991385
+                    -2.559708,53.990479
+                    -2.559125,53.990130
+                    -2.557613,53.990035
+                    -2.557094,53.989577
+                    -2.556101,53.989043
+                    -2.555305,53.988667
+                    -2.554589,53.988242
+                    -2.553077,53.988199
+                    -2.552293,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989220
+                    -2.554185,53.989577
+                    -2.554589,53.989758
+                    -2.555222,53.990479
+                    -2.554871,53.991385
+                    -2.555085,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992558
+                    -2.553203,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993340
+                    -2.551960,53.994098
+                    -2.551564,53.994274
+                    -2.550052,53.994784
+                    -2.549759,53.995004
+                    -2.548540,53.995748
+                    -2.548110,53.995910
+                    -2.547028,53.996377
+                    -2.546340,53.995910
+                    -2.546838,53.995004
+                    -2.547028,53.994846
+                    -2.548540,53.994508
+                    -2.549342,53.994098
+                    -2.550052,53.993888
+                    -2.551564,53.993306
+                    -2.551875,53.993192
+                    -2.552858,53.992286
+                    -2.551564,53.991461
+                    -2.550052,53.991771
+                    -2.548700,53.991385
+                    -2.548540,53.990588
+                    -2.547028,53.990788
+                    -2.545516,53.991370
+                    -2.544003,53.991284
+                    -2.542728,53.991385
+                    -2.544003,53.991885
+                    -2.544125,53.992286
+                    -2.544003,53.992801
+                    -2.542491,53.992305
+                    -2.540979,53.992596
+                    -2.539467,53.992414
+                    -2.538264,53.993192
+                    -2.538555,53.994098
+                    -2.539467,53.994756
+                    -2.539711,53.995004
+                    -2.539467,53.995075
+                    -2.538387,53.995910
+                    -2.537955,53.996410
+                    -2.536443,53.996429
+                    -2.536317,53.996811
+                    -2.535331,53.997717
+                    -2.535974,53.998618
+                    -2.536443,53.998909
+                    -2.537621,53.999524
+                    -2.537636,54.000430
+                    -2.536443,54.000778
+                    -2.535480,54.001336
+                    -2.535831,54.002242
+                    -2.534930,54.002771
+                    -2.533418,54.002953
+                    -2.533391,54.003143
+                    -2.533418,54.003196
+                    -2.534930,54.003606
+                    -2.535737,54.004049
+                    -2.536443,54.004173
+                    -2.537828,54.004049
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+                    -2.524345,54.003572
+                    -2.524738,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002771
+                    -2.523275,54.003143
+                    -2.522833,54.003220
+                    -2.522650,54.003143
+                    -2.521321,54.002352
+                    -2.519808,54.002280
+                    -2.518791,54.002242
+                    -2.519218,54.001336
+                    -2.518918,54.000430
+                    -2.518296,54.000368
+                    -2.516784,54.000163
+                    -2.516657,54.000430
+                    -2.515272,54.000802
+                    -2.513760,54.000926
+                    -2.512247,54.000912
+                    -2.512030,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,54.000287
+                    -2.513760,54.000168
+                    -2.515272,54.000053
+                    -2.516576,53.999524
+                    -2.515285,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998613
+                    -2.513828,53.997717
+                    -2.514124,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996596
+                    -2.512902,53.996811
+                    -2.512247,53.997011
+                    -2.512120,53.996811
+                    -2.511971,53.995910
+                    -2.511738,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994498
+                    -2.509546,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995390
+                    -2.507711,53.995275
+                    -2.506199,53.995147
+                    -2.506126,53.995004
+                    -2.505155,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993783
+                    -2.503481,53.993192
+                    -2.504174,53.992286
+                    -2.503622,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991051
+                    -2.505764,53.990479
+                    -2.505083,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.988824
+                    -2.507711,53.988757
+                    -2.507885,53.988667
+                    -2.507711,53.988361
+                    -2.506199,53.988190
+                    -2.505894,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987536
+                    -2.506753,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986440
+                    -2.508609,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985476
+                    -2.506199,53.985062
+                    -2.505932,53.985052
+                    -2.506199,53.985019
+                    -2.507264,53.984141
+                    -2.507711,53.983374
+                    -2.507769,53.983240
+                    -2.507780,53.982334
+                    -2.508230,53.981433
+                    -2.509016,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979673
+                    -2.506199,53.980322
+                    -2.505308,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.980742
+                    -2.504331,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.979926
+                    -2.502673,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979306
+                    -2.504686,53.979020
+                    -2.505264,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978472
+                    -2.507711,53.978190
+                    -2.508457,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977351
+                    -2.509861,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976340
+                    -2.508877,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975668
+                    -2.509983,53.975101
+                    -2.509767,53.974195
+                    -2.510735,53.973560
+                    -2.511175,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972631
+                    -2.513632,53.972383
+                    -2.513760,53.972216
+                    -2.515272,53.971620
+                    -2.515510,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971353
+                    -2.513760,53.971381
+                    -2.512247,53.971324
+                    -2.510735,53.971367
+                    -2.509591,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532192,53.972383
+                    -2.532069,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973694
+                    -2.531035,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974719
+                    -2.532435,53.975101
+                    -2.532632,53.976002
+                    -2.532325,53.976908
+                    -2.532430,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978400
+                    -2.534087,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979220
+                    -2.535770,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.980021
+                    -2.537899,53.980527
+                    -2.537955,53.980560
+                    -2.538012,53.980527
+                    -2.539467,53.980212
+                    -2.540271,53.980527
+                    -2.540317,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.982067
+                    -2.541379,53.982334
+                    -2.541536,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983812
+                    -2.543557,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984408
+                    -2.545516,53.984790
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+                    -2.552094,53.986859
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+                    -2.559507,53.985953
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+                    -2.562150,53.986430
+                    -2.562692,53.986859
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+                    -2.563725,53.988667
+                    -2.563742,53.989577
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+                    -2.565174,53.991809
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+                    -2.562150,53.993850
+                    -2.561768,53.994098
+                    -2.562150,53.994384
+                    -2.563662,53.994493
+                    -2.564169,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995681
+                    -2.565449,53.995910
+                    -2.565354,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997011
+                    -2.563662,53.996959
+                    -2.562150,53.996921
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+                    -2.561833,53.995910
+                    -2.561703,53.995004
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+                    -2.553077,53.989220
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+                    -2.554589,53.989758
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+                    -2.554871,53.991385
+                    -2.555085,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992558
+                    -2.553203,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993340
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+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520470,54.022145
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+                    -2.518296,54.021688
+                    -2.517175,54.021239
+                    -2.516784,54.020882
+                    -2.515272,54.020400
+                    -2.514747,54.020333
+                    -2.513760,54.020219
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013624
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+                    -2.512307,54.013095
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+                    -2.515272,54.011073
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+                    -2.513760,54.009128
+                    -2.512247,54.009271
+                    -2.511288,54.008574
+                    -2.512247,54.008036
+                    -2.513760,54.008217
+                    -2.515272,54.008346
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+                    -2.516949,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007568
+                    -2.515805,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006457
+                    -2.518296,54.006405
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+                    -2.518296,54.004989
+                    -2.517935,54.004951
+                    -2.518296,54.004869
+                    -2.519808,54.004879
+                    -2.521321,54.004912
+                    -2.522253,54.004951
+                    -2.522833,54.004989
+                    -2.522887,54.004951
+                    -2.524040,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003572
+                    -2.524738,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002771
+                    -2.523275,54.003143
+                    -2.522833,54.003220
+                    -2.522650,54.003143
+                    -2.521321,54.002352
+                    -2.519808,54.002280
+                    -2.518791,54.002242
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+                    -2.518918,54.000430
+                    -2.518296,54.000368
+                    -2.516784,54.000163
+                    -2.516657,54.000430
+                    -2.515272,54.000802
+                    -2.513760,54.000926
+                    -2.512247,54.000912
+                    -2.512030,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,54.000287
+                    -2.513760,54.000168
+                    -2.515272,54.000053
+                    -2.516576,53.999524
+                    -2.515285,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998613
+                    -2.513828,53.997717
+                    -2.514124,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996596
+                    -2.512902,53.996811
+                    -2.512247,53.997011
+                    -2.512120,53.996811
+                    -2.511971,53.995910
+                    -2.511738,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994498
+                    -2.509546,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995390
+                    -2.507711,53.995275
+                    -2.506199,53.995147
+                    -2.506126,53.995004
+                    -2.505155,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993783
+                    -2.503481,53.993192
+                    -2.504174,53.992286
+                    -2.503622,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991051
+                    -2.505764,53.990479
+                    -2.505083,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.988824
+                    -2.507711,53.988757
+                    -2.507885,53.988667
+                    -2.507711,53.988361
+                    -2.506199,53.988190
+                    -2.505894,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987536
+                    -2.506753,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986440
+                    -2.508609,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985476
+                    -2.506199,53.985062
+                    -2.505932,53.985052
+                    -2.506199,53.985019
+                    -2.507264,53.984141
+                    -2.507711,53.983374
+                    -2.507769,53.983240
+                    -2.507780,53.982334
+                    -2.508230,53.981433
+                    -2.509016,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979673
+                    -2.506199,53.980322
+                    -2.505308,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.980742
+                    -2.504331,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.979926
+                    -2.502673,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979306
+                    -2.504686,53.979020
+                    -2.505264,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978472
+                    -2.507711,53.978190
+                    -2.508457,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977351
+                    -2.509861,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976340
+                    -2.508877,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975668
+                    -2.509983,53.975101
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+                    -2.510735,53.973560
+                    -2.511175,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972631
+                    -2.513632,53.972383
+                    -2.513760,53.972216
+                    -2.515272,53.971620
+                    -2.515510,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971353
+                    -2.513760,53.971381
+                    -2.512247,53.971324
+                    -2.510735,53.971367
+                    -2.509591,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532192,53.972383
+                    -2.532069,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973694
+                    -2.531035,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974719
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+                    -2.532430,53.977809
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+                    -2.535770,53.979621
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+                    -2.541379,53.982334
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+                    -2.542491,53.983812
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+                    -2.544003,53.984408
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+                    -2.552094,53.986859
+                    -2.552256,53.985953
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+                    -2.559507,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986583
+                    -2.562150,53.986430
+                    -2.562692,53.986859
+                    -2.563584,53.987765
+                    -2.563662,53.987927
+                    -2.563725,53.988667
+                    -2.563742,53.989577
+                    -2.564202,53.990479
+                    -2.565174,53.990932
+                    -2.565529,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991809
+                    -2.564443,53.992286
+                    -2.563981,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.993797
+                    -2.562150,53.993850
+                    -2.561768,53.994098
+                    -2.562150,53.994384
+                    -2.563662,53.994493
+                    -2.564169,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995681
+                    -2.565449,53.995910
+                    -2.565354,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997011
+                    -2.563662,53.996959
+                    -2.562150,53.996921
+                    -2.561152,53.996811
+                    -2.561833,53.995910
+                    -2.561703,53.995004
+                    -2.560638,53.994427
+                    -2.560068,53.994098
+                    -2.560003,53.993192
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+                    -2.559858,53.991385
+                    -2.559708,53.990479
+                    -2.559125,53.990130
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+                    -2.555305,53.988667
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+                    -2.553077,53.988199
+                    -2.552293,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989220
+                    -2.554185,53.989577
+                    -2.554589,53.989758
+                    -2.555222,53.990479
+                    -2.554871,53.991385
+                    -2.555085,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992558
+                    -2.553203,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993340
+                    -2.551960,53.994098
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+                    -2.550052,53.994784
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+                    -2.551564,53.991461
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
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+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013624
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+                    -2.513760,54.009128
+                    -2.512247,54.009271
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+                    -2.512247,54.008036
+                    -2.513760,54.008217
+                    -2.515272,54.008346
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+                    -2.516949,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007568
+                    -2.515805,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006457
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+                    -2.518296,54.004989
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+                    -2.518296,54.004869
+                    -2.519808,54.004879
+                    -2.521321,54.004912
+                    -2.522253,54.004951
+                    -2.522833,54.004989
+                    -2.522887,54.004951
+                    -2.524040,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003572
+                    -2.524738,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002771
+                    -2.523275,54.003143
+                    -2.522833,54.003220
+                    -2.522650,54.003143
+                    -2.521321,54.002352
+                    -2.519808,54.002280
+                    -2.518791,54.002242
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+                    -2.518296,54.000368
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+                    -2.515272,54.000802
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+                    -2.512030,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,54.000287
+                    -2.513760,54.000168
+                    -2.515272,54.000053
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+                    -2.515285,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998613
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+                    -2.514124,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996596
+                    -2.512902,53.996811
+                    -2.512247,53.997011
+                    -2.512120,53.996811
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+                    -2.509546,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995390
+                    -2.507711,53.995275
+                    -2.506199,53.995147
+                    -2.506126,53.995004
+                    -2.505155,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993783
+                    -2.503481,53.993192
+                    -2.504174,53.992286
+                    -2.503622,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991051
+                    -2.505764,53.990479
+                    -2.505083,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.988824
+                    -2.507711,53.988757
+                    -2.507885,53.988667
+                    -2.507711,53.988361
+                    -2.506199,53.988190
+                    -2.505894,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987536
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+                    -2.507711,53.986440
+                    -2.508609,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985476
+                    -2.506199,53.985062
+                    -2.505932,53.985052
+                    -2.506199,53.985019
+                    -2.507264,53.984141
+                    -2.507711,53.983374
+                    -2.507769,53.983240
+                    -2.507780,53.982334
+                    -2.508230,53.981433
+                    -2.509016,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979673
+                    -2.506199,53.980322
+                    -2.505308,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.980742
+                    -2.504331,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.979926
+                    -2.502673,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979306
+                    -2.504686,53.979020
+                    -2.505264,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978472
+                    -2.507711,53.978190
+                    -2.508457,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977351
+                    -2.509861,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976340
+                    -2.508877,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975668
+                    -2.509983,53.975101
+                    -2.509767,53.974195
+                    -2.510735,53.973560
+                    -2.511175,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972631
+                    -2.513632,53.972383
+                    -2.513760,53.972216
+                    -2.515272,53.971620
+                    -2.515510,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971353
+                    -2.513760,53.971381
+                    -2.512247,53.971324
+                    -2.510735,53.971367
+                    -2.509591,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532192,53.972383
+                    -2.532069,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973694
+                    -2.531035,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974719
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+                    -2.532632,53.976002
+                    -2.532325,53.976908
+                    -2.532430,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978400
+                    -2.534087,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979220
+                    -2.535770,53.979621
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+                    -2.537899,53.980527
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+                    -2.538012,53.980527
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+                    -2.540271,53.980527
+                    -2.540317,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.982067
+                    -2.541379,53.982334
+                    -2.541536,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983812
+                    -2.543557,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984408
+                    -2.545516,53.984790
+                    -2.547028,53.984857
+                    -2.548005,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985372
+                    -2.550052,53.985410
+                    -2.550873,53.985953
+                    -2.551034,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987174
+                    -2.552094,53.986859
+                    -2.552256,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985777
+                    -2.554589,53.985648
+                    -2.556101,53.985610
+                    -2.556894,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986387
+                    -2.558437,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985496
+                    -2.559507,53.985953
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+                    -2.562150,53.986430
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+                    -2.563584,53.987765
+                    -2.563662,53.987927
+                    -2.563725,53.988667
+                    -2.563742,53.989577
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+                    -2.565174,53.991809
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+                    -2.562150,53.993850
+                    -2.561768,53.994098
+                    -2.562150,53.994384
+                    -2.563662,53.994493
+                    -2.564169,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995681
+                    -2.565449,53.995910
+                    -2.565354,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997011
+                    -2.563662,53.996959
+                    -2.562150,53.996921
+                    -2.561152,53.996811
+                    -2.561833,53.995910
+                    -2.561703,53.995004
+                    -2.560638,53.994427
+                    -2.560068,53.994098
+                    -2.560003,53.993192
+                    -2.559929,53.992286
+                    -2.559858,53.991385
+                    -2.559708,53.990479
+                    -2.559125,53.990130
+                    -2.557613,53.990035
+                    -2.557094,53.989577
+                    -2.556101,53.989043
+                    -2.555305,53.988667
+                    -2.554589,53.988242
+                    -2.553077,53.988199
+                    -2.552293,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989220
+                    -2.554185,53.989577
+                    -2.554589,53.989758
+                    -2.555222,53.990479
+                    -2.554871,53.991385
+                    -2.555085,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992558
+                    -2.553203,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993340
+                    -2.551960,53.994098
+                    -2.551564,53.994274
+                    -2.550052,53.994784
+                    -2.549759,53.995004
+                    -2.548540,53.995748
+                    -2.548110,53.995910
+                    -2.547028,53.996377
+                    -2.546340,53.995910
+                    -2.546838,53.995004
+                    -2.547028,53.994846
+                    -2.548540,53.994508
+                    -2.549342,53.994098
+                    -2.550052,53.993888
+                    -2.551564,53.993306
+                    -2.551875,53.993192
+                    -2.552858,53.992286
+                    -2.551564,53.991461
+                    -2.550052,53.991771
+                    -2.548700,53.991385
+                    -2.548540,53.990588
+                    -2.547028,53.990788
+                    -2.545516,53.991370
+                    -2.544003,53.991284
+                    -2.542728,53.991385
+                    -2.544003,53.991885
+                    -2.544125,53.992286
+                    -2.544003,53.992801
+                    -2.542491,53.992305
+                    -2.540979,53.992596
+                    -2.539467,53.992414
+                    -2.538264,53.993192
+                    -2.538555,53.994098
+                    -2.539467,53.994756
+                    -2.539711,53.995004
+                    -2.539467,53.995075
+                    -2.538387,53.995910
+                    -2.537955,53.996410
+                    -2.536443,53.996429
+                    -2.536317,53.996811
+                    -2.535331,53.997717
+                    -2.535974,53.998618
+                    -2.536443,53.998909
+                    -2.537621,53.999524
+                    -2.537636,54.000430
+                    -2.536443,54.000778
+                    -2.535480,54.001336
+                    -2.535831,54.002242
+                    -2.534930,54.002771
+                    -2.533418,54.002953
+                    -2.533391,54.003143
+                    -2.533418,54.003196
+                    -2.534930,54.003606
+                    -2.535737,54.004049
+                    -2.536443,54.004173
+                    -2.537828,54.004049
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+                    -2.524345,54.003572
+                    -2.524738,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002771
+                    -2.523275,54.003143
+                    -2.522833,54.003220
+                    -2.522650,54.003143
+                    -2.521321,54.002352
+                    -2.519808,54.002280
+                    -2.518791,54.002242
+                    -2.519218,54.001336
+                    -2.518918,54.000430
+                    -2.518296,54.000368
+                    -2.516784,54.000163
+                    -2.516657,54.000430
+                    -2.515272,54.000802
+                    -2.513760,54.000926
+                    -2.512247,54.000912
+                    -2.512030,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,54.000287
+                    -2.513760,54.000168
+                    -2.515272,54.000053
+                    -2.516576,53.999524
+                    -2.515285,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998613
+                    -2.513828,53.997717
+                    -2.514124,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996596
+                    -2.512902,53.996811
+                    -2.512247,53.997011
+                    -2.512120,53.996811
+                    -2.511971,53.995910
+                    -2.511738,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994498
+                    -2.509546,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995390
+                    -2.507711,53.995275
+                    -2.506199,53.995147
+                    -2.506126,53.995004
+                    -2.505155,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993783
+                    -2.503481,53.993192
+                    -2.504174,53.992286
+                    -2.503622,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991051
+                    -2.505764,53.990479
+                    -2.505083,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.988824
+                    -2.507711,53.988757
+                    -2.507885,53.988667
+                    -2.507711,53.988361
+                    -2.506199,53.988190
+                    -2.505894,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987536
+                    -2.506753,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986440
+                    -2.508609,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985476
+                    -2.506199,53.985062
+                    -2.505932,53.985052
+                    -2.506199,53.985019
+                    -2.507264,53.984141
+                    -2.507711,53.983374
+                    -2.507769,53.983240
+                    -2.507780,53.982334
+                    -2.508230,53.981433
+                    -2.509016,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979673
+                    -2.506199,53.980322
+                    -2.505308,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.980742
+                    -2.504331,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.979926
+                    -2.502673,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979306
+                    -2.504686,53.979020
+                    -2.505264,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978472
+                    -2.507711,53.978190
+                    -2.508457,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977351
+                    -2.509861,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976340
+                    -2.508877,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975668
+                    -2.509983,53.975101
+                    -2.509767,53.974195
+                    -2.510735,53.973560
+                    -2.511175,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972631
+                    -2.513632,53.972383
+                    -2.513760,53.972216
+                    -2.515272,53.971620
+                    -2.515510,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971353
+                    -2.513760,53.971381
+                    -2.512247,53.971324
+                    -2.510735,53.971367
+                    -2.509591,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532192,53.972383
+                    -2.532069,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973694
+                    -2.531035,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974719
+                    -2.532435,53.975101
+                    -2.532632,53.976002
+                    -2.532325,53.976908
+                    -2.532430,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978400
+                    -2.534087,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979220
+                    -2.535770,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.980021
+                    -2.537899,53.980527
+                    -2.537955,53.980560
+                    -2.538012,53.980527
+                    -2.539467,53.980212
+                    -2.540271,53.980527
+                    -2.540317,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.982067
+                    -2.541379,53.982334
+                    -2.541536,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983812
+                    -2.543557,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984408
+                    -2.545516,53.984790
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+                    -2.552094,53.986859
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+                    -2.559507,53.985953
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+                    -2.562150,53.986430
+                    -2.562692,53.986859
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+                    -2.563725,53.988667
+                    -2.563742,53.989577
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+                    -2.565174,53.991809
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+                    -2.562150,53.993850
+                    -2.561768,53.994098
+                    -2.562150,53.994384
+                    -2.563662,53.994493
+                    -2.564169,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995681
+                    -2.565449,53.995910
+                    -2.565354,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997011
+                    -2.563662,53.996959
+                    -2.562150,53.996921
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+                    -2.561833,53.995910
+                    -2.561703,53.995004
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+                    -2.553077,53.989220
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+                    -2.554589,53.989758
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+                    -2.554871,53.991385
+                    -2.555085,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992558
+                    -2.553203,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993340
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+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520470,54.022145
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+                    -2.518296,54.021688
+                    -2.517175,54.021239
+                    -2.516784,54.020882
+                    -2.515272,54.020400
+                    -2.514747,54.020333
+                    -2.513760,54.020219
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013624
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+                    -2.512307,54.013095
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+                    -2.515272,54.011073
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+                    -2.513760,54.009128
+                    -2.512247,54.009271
+                    -2.511288,54.008574
+                    -2.512247,54.008036
+                    -2.513760,54.008217
+                    -2.515272,54.008346
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+                    -2.516949,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007568
+                    -2.515805,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006457
+                    -2.518296,54.006405
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+                    -2.518296,54.004989
+                    -2.517935,54.004951
+                    -2.518296,54.004869
+                    -2.519808,54.004879
+                    -2.521321,54.004912
+                    -2.522253,54.004951
+                    -2.522833,54.004989
+                    -2.522887,54.004951
+                    -2.524040,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003572
+                    -2.524738,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002771
+                    -2.523275,54.003143
+                    -2.522833,54.003220
+                    -2.522650,54.003143
+                    -2.521321,54.002352
+                    -2.519808,54.002280
+                    -2.518791,54.002242
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+                    -2.518918,54.000430
+                    -2.518296,54.000368
+                    -2.516784,54.000163
+                    -2.516657,54.000430
+                    -2.515272,54.000802
+                    -2.513760,54.000926
+                    -2.512247,54.000912
+                    -2.512030,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,54.000287
+                    -2.513760,54.000168
+                    -2.515272,54.000053
+                    -2.516576,53.999524
+                    -2.515285,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998613
+                    -2.513828,53.997717
+                    -2.514124,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996596
+                    -2.512902,53.996811
+                    -2.512247,53.997011
+                    -2.512120,53.996811
+                    -2.511971,53.995910
+                    -2.511738,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994498
+                    -2.509546,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995390
+                    -2.507711,53.995275
+                    -2.506199,53.995147
+                    -2.506126,53.995004
+                    -2.505155,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993783
+                    -2.503481,53.993192
+                    -2.504174,53.992286
+                    -2.503622,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991051
+                    -2.505764,53.990479
+                    -2.505083,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.988824
+                    -2.507711,53.988757
+                    -2.507885,53.988667
+                    -2.507711,53.988361
+                    -2.506199,53.988190
+                    -2.505894,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987536
+                    -2.506753,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986440
+                    -2.508609,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985476
+                    -2.506199,53.985062
+                    -2.505932,53.985052
+                    -2.506199,53.985019
+                    -2.507264,53.984141
+                    -2.507711,53.983374
+                    -2.507769,53.983240
+                    -2.507780,53.982334
+                    -2.508230,53.981433
+                    -2.509016,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979673
+                    -2.506199,53.980322
+                    -2.505308,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.980742
+                    -2.504331,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.979926
+                    -2.502673,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979306
+                    -2.504686,53.979020
+                    -2.505264,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978472
+                    -2.507711,53.978190
+                    -2.508457,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977351
+                    -2.509861,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976340
+                    -2.508877,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975668
+                    -2.509983,53.975101
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+                    -2.510735,53.973560
+                    -2.511175,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972631
+                    -2.513632,53.972383
+                    -2.513760,53.972216
+                    -2.515272,53.971620
+                    -2.515510,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971353
+                    -2.513760,53.971381
+                    -2.512247,53.971324
+                    -2.510735,53.971367
+                    -2.509591,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532192,53.972383
+                    -2.532069,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973694
+                    -2.531035,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974719
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+                    -2.532430,53.977809
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+                    -2.535770,53.979621
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+                    -2.541379,53.982334
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+                    -2.542491,53.983812
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+                    -2.544003,53.984408
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+                    -2.552094,53.986859
+                    -2.552256,53.985953
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+                    -2.559507,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986583
+                    -2.562150,53.986430
+                    -2.562692,53.986859
+                    -2.563584,53.987765
+                    -2.563662,53.987927
+                    -2.563725,53.988667
+                    -2.563742,53.989577
+                    -2.564202,53.990479
+                    -2.565174,53.990932
+                    -2.565529,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991809
+                    -2.564443,53.992286
+                    -2.563981,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.993797
+                    -2.562150,53.993850
+                    -2.561768,53.994098
+                    -2.562150,53.994384
+                    -2.563662,53.994493
+                    -2.564169,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995681
+                    -2.565449,53.995910
+                    -2.565354,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997011
+                    -2.563662,53.996959
+                    -2.562150,53.996921
+                    -2.561152,53.996811
+                    -2.561833,53.995910
+                    -2.561703,53.995004
+                    -2.560638,53.994427
+                    -2.560068,53.994098
+                    -2.560003,53.993192
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+                    -2.559858,53.991385
+                    -2.559708,53.990479
+                    -2.559125,53.990130
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+                    -2.555305,53.988667
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+                    -2.553077,53.988199
+                    -2.552293,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989220
+                    -2.554185,53.989577
+                    -2.554589,53.989758
+                    -2.555222,53.990479
+                    -2.554871,53.991385
+                    -2.555085,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992558
+                    -2.553203,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993340
+                    -2.551960,53.994098
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+                    -2.550052,53.994784
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+                    -2.551564,53.991461
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
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+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013624
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+                    -2.513760,54.009128
+                    -2.512247,54.009271
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+                    -2.512247,54.008036
+                    -2.513760,54.008217
+                    -2.515272,54.008346
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+                    -2.516949,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007568
+                    -2.515805,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006457
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+                    -2.518296,54.004989
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+                    -2.518296,54.004869
+                    -2.519808,54.004879
+                    -2.521321,54.004912
+                    -2.522253,54.004951
+                    -2.522833,54.004989
+                    -2.522887,54.004951
+                    -2.524040,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003572
+                    -2.524738,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002771
+                    -2.523275,54.003143
+                    -2.522833,54.003220
+                    -2.522650,54.003143
+                    -2.521321,54.002352
+                    -2.519808,54.002280
+                    -2.518791,54.002242
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+                    -2.518296,54.000368
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+                    -2.515272,54.000802
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+                    -2.512030,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,54.000287
+                    -2.513760,54.000168
+                    -2.515272,54.000053
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+                    -2.515285,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998613
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+                    -2.514124,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996596
+                    -2.512902,53.996811
+                    -2.512247,53.997011
+                    -2.512120,53.996811
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+                    -2.509546,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995390
+                    -2.507711,53.995275
+                    -2.506199,53.995147
+                    -2.506126,53.995004
+                    -2.505155,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993783
+                    -2.503481,53.993192
+                    -2.504174,53.992286
+                    -2.503622,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991051
+                    -2.505764,53.990479
+                    -2.505083,53.989577
+                    -2.506199,53.988824
+                    -2.507711,53.988757
+                    -2.507885,53.988667
+                    -2.507711,53.988361
+                    -2.506199,53.988190
+                    -2.505894,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987536
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+                    -2.507711,53.986440
+                    -2.508609,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985476
+                    -2.506199,53.985062
+                    -2.505932,53.985052
+                    -2.506199,53.985019
+                    -2.507264,53.984141
+                    -2.507711,53.983374
+                    -2.507769,53.983240
+                    -2.507780,53.982334
+                    -2.508230,53.981433
+                    -2.509016,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979673
+                    -2.506199,53.980322
+                    -2.505308,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.980742
+                    -2.504331,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.979926
+                    -2.502673,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979306
+                    -2.504686,53.979020
+                    -2.505264,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978472
+                    -2.507711,53.978190
+                    -2.508457,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977351
+                    -2.509861,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976340
+                    -2.508877,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975668
+                    -2.509983,53.975101
+                    -2.509767,53.974195
+                    -2.510735,53.973560
+                    -2.511175,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972631
+                    -2.513632,53.972383
+                    -2.513760,53.972216
+                    -2.515272,53.971620
+                    -2.515510,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971353
+                    -2.513760,53.971381
+                    -2.512247,53.971324
+                    -2.510735,53.971367
+                    -2.509591,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532192,53.972383
+                    -2.532069,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973694
+                    -2.531035,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974719
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+                    -2.532632,53.976002
+                    -2.532325,53.976908
+                    -2.532430,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978400
+                    -2.534087,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979220
+                    -2.535770,53.979621
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+                    -2.537899,53.980527
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+                    -2.538012,53.980527
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+                    -2.540271,53.980527
+                    -2.540317,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.982067
+                    -2.541379,53.982334
+                    -2.541536,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983812
+                    -2.543557,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984408
+                    -2.545516,53.984790
+                    -2.547028,53.984857
+                    -2.548005,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985372
+                    -2.550052,53.985410
+                    -2.550873,53.985953
+                    -2.551034,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987174
+                    -2.552094,53.986859
+                    -2.552256,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985777
+                    -2.554589,53.985648
+                    -2.556101,53.985610
+                    -2.556894,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986387
+                    -2.558437,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985496
+                    -2.559507,53.985953
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+                    -2.562150,53.986430
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+                    -2.563584,53.987765
+                    -2.563662,53.987927
+                    -2.563725,53.988667
+                    -2.563742,53.989577
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+                    -2.565174,53.991809
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+                    -2.562150,53.993850
+                    -2.561768,53.994098
+                    -2.562150,53.994384
+                    -2.563662,53.994493
+                    -2.564169,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995681
+                    -2.565449,53.995910
+                    -2.565354,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997011
+                    -2.563662,53.996959
+                    -2.562150,53.996921
+                    -2.561152,53.996811
+                    -2.561833,53.995910
+                    -2.561703,53.995004
+                    -2.560638,53.994427
+                    -2.560068,53.994098
+                    -2.560003,53.993192
+                    -2.559929,53.992286
+                    -2.559858,53.991385
+                    -2.559708,53.990479
+                    -2.559125,53.990130
+                    -2.557613,53.990035
+                    -2.557094,53.989577
+                    -2.556101,53.989043
+                    -2.555305,53.988667
+                    -2.554589,53.988242
+                    -2.553077,53.988199
+                    -2.552293,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989220
+                    -2.554185,53.989577
+                    -2.554589,53.989758
+                    -2.555222,53.990479
+                    -2.554871,53.991385
+                    -2.555085,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992558
+                    -2.553203,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993340
+                    -2.551960,53.994098
+                    -2.551564,53.994274
+                    -2.550052,53.994784
+                    -2.549759,53.995004
+                    -2.548540,53.995748
+                    -2.548110,53.995910
+                    -2.547028,53.996377
+                    -2.546340,53.995910
+                    -2.546838,53.995004
+                    -2.547028,53.994846
+                    -2.548540,53.994508
+                    -2.549342,53.994098
+                    -2.550052,53.993888
+                    -2.551564,53.993306
+                    -2.551875,53.993192
+                    -2.552858,53.992286
+                    -2.551564,53.991461
+                    -2.550052,53.991771
+                    -2.548700,53.991385
+                    -2.548540,53.990588
+                    -2.547028,53.990788
+                    -2.545516,53.991370
+                    -2.544003,53.991284
+                    -2.542728,53.991385
+                    -2.544003,53.991885
+                    -2.544125,53.992286
+                    -2.544003,53.992801
+                    -2.542491,53.992305
+                    -2.540979,53.992596
+                    -2.539467,53.992414
+                    -2.538264,53.993192
+                    -2.538555,53.994098
+                    -2.539467,53.994756
+                    -2.539711,53.995004
+                    -2.539467,53.995075
+                    -2.538387,53.995910
+                    -2.537955,53.996410
+                    -2.536443,53.996429
+                    -2.536317,53.996811
+                    -2.535331,53.997717
+                    -2.535974,53.998618
+                    -2.536443,53.998909
+                    -2.537621,53.999524
+                    -2.537636,54.000430
+                    -2.536443,54.000778
+                    -2.535480,54.001336
+                    -2.535831,54.002242
+                    -2.534930,54.002771
+                    -2.533418,54.002953
+                    -2.533391,54.003143
+                    -2.533418,54.003196
+                    -2.534930,54.003606
+                    -2.535737,54.004049
+                    -2.536443,54.004173
+                    -2.537828,54.004049
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+                    -2.530159,54.020333
+                    -2.530394,54.020476
+                    -2.531906,54.020681
+                    -2.532521,54.020333
+                    -2.533418,54.019561
+                    -2.534621,54.020333
+                    -2.534930,54.020572
+                    -2.535562,54.021239
+                    -2.534930,54.021468
+                    -2.534297,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.020791
+                    -2.532704,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.021802
+                    -2.533756,54.022145
+                    -2.534694,54.023051
+                    -2.534930,54.023347
+                    -2.535730,54.023952
+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025397
+                    -2.531906,54.025459
+                    -2.530394,54.025202
+                    -2.528882,54.025354
+                    -2.527369,54.025507
+                    -2.525898,54.024858
+                    -2.525857,54.024844
+                    -2.524345,54.023952
+                    -2.522833,54.023051
+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520257,54.022145
+                    -2.519808,54.021802
+                    -2.518296,54.021807
+                    -2.516874,54.021239
+                    -2.516784,54.021158
+                    -2.515272,54.020634
+                    -2.513760,54.020495
+                    -2.512892,54.020333
+                    -2.512247,54.020262
+                    -2.510772,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.019408
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013219
+                    -2.511132,54.013095
+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010386
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
+                    -2.509223,54.007668
+                    -2.509223,54.006763
+                    -2.507711,54.005861
+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507804,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
+                    -2.512909,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.006543
+                    -2.514566,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.007621
+                    -2.513497,54.007668
+                    -2.513760,54.007697
+                    -2.515272,54.007835
+                    -2.515810,54.007668
+                    -2.515500,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006362
+                    -2.518296,54.006305
+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
+                    -2.514052,53.998618
+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
+                    -2.511967,53.996811
+                    -2.511814,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994603
+                    -2.509787,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995676
+                    -2.507711,53.995881
+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.995004
+                    -2.504894,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.994131
+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
+                    -2.503298,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.990951
+                    -2.505574,53.990479
+                    -2.504750,53.989577
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
+                    -2.503174,53.987865
+                    -2.502978,53.987765
+                    -2.502391,53.986859
+                    -2.501662,53.986278
+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507805,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979707
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977199
+                    -2.509642,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976536
+                    -2.508680,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975477
+                    -2.509727,53.975101
+                    -2.509420,53.974195
+                    -2.509223,53.973737
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
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+                    -2.532263,53.972383
+                    -2.532110,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973799
+                    -2.531213,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974609
+                    -2.532582,53.975101
+                    -2.532813,53.976002
+                    -2.532429,53.976908
+                    -2.532561,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978324
+                    -2.534255,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979120
+                    -2.535980,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.979897
+                    -2.537955,53.980460
+                    -2.539467,53.980131
+                    -2.540480,53.980527
+                    -2.540529,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.981862
+                    -2.541685,53.982334
+                    -2.541675,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983727
+                    -2.543824,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984251
+                    -2.545516,53.984723
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+                    -2.548250,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985229
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+                    -2.551564,53.987031
+                    -2.551849,53.986859
+                    -2.552051,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985734
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+                    -2.557093,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986268
+                    -2.558210,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985348
+                    -2.559633,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986511
+                    -2.562150,53.986325
+                    -2.562827,53.986859
+                    -2.563662,53.987660
+                    -2.563892,53.987765
+                    -2.563788,53.988667
+                    -2.563834,53.989577
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+                    -2.565174,53.990788
+                    -2.565639,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991938
+                    -2.564643,53.992286
+                    -2.564089,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.994002
+                    -2.562754,53.994098
+                    -2.563662,53.994217
+                    -2.564441,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995500
+                    -2.565673,53.995910
+                    -2.565434,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997097
+                    -2.563662,53.997035
+                    -2.562150,53.997006
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+                    -2.560476,53.996811
+                    -2.560638,53.996758
+                    -2.561651,53.995910
+                    -2.561408,53.995004
+                    -2.560638,53.994589
+                    -2.559794,53.994098
+                    -2.559450,53.993192
+                    -2.559278,53.992286
+                    -2.559646,53.991385
+                    -2.559476,53.990479
+                    -2.559125,53.990269
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+                    -2.554589,53.988357
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+                    -2.552475,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989096
+                    -2.554589,53.989577
+                    -2.554591,53.989577
+                    -2.555382,53.990479
+                    -2.554967,53.991385
+                    -2.555212,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992629
+                    -2.553352,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993516
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+                    -2.530394,54.020476
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+                    -2.534930,54.021468
+                    -2.534297,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.020791
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+                    -2.533418,54.021802
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+                    -2.534694,54.023051
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013219
+                    -2.511132,54.013095
+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010386
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
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+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
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+                    -2.509223,54.006763
+                    -2.507711,54.005861
+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507804,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
+                    -2.512909,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.006543
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+                    -2.513760,54.007621
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+                    -2.515500,54.006763
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+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
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+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
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+                    -2.511967,53.996811
+                    -2.511814,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994603
+                    -2.509787,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995676
+                    -2.507711,53.995881
+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.995004
+                    -2.504894,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.994131
+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
+                    -2.503298,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.990951
+                    -2.505574,53.990479
+                    -2.504750,53.989577
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
+                    -2.503174,53.987865
+                    -2.502978,53.987765
+                    -2.502391,53.986859
+                    -2.501662,53.986278
+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507805,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979707
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977199
+                    -2.509642,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976536
+                    -2.508680,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975477
+                    -2.509727,53.975101
+                    -2.509420,53.974195
+                    -2.509223,53.973737
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532263,53.972383
+                    -2.532110,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973799
+                    -2.531213,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974609
+                    -2.532582,53.975101
+                    -2.532813,53.976002
+                    -2.532429,53.976908
+                    -2.532561,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978324
+                    -2.534255,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979120
+                    -2.535980,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.979897
+                    -2.537955,53.980460
+                    -2.539467,53.980131
+                    -2.540480,53.980527
+                    -2.540529,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.981862
+                    -2.541685,53.982334
+                    -2.541675,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983727
+                    -2.543824,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984251
+                    -2.545516,53.984723
+                    -2.547028,53.984809
+                    -2.548250,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985229
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+                    -2.551280,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987031
+                    -2.551849,53.986859
+                    -2.552051,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985734
+                    -2.554589,53.985572
+                    -2.556101,53.985529
+                    -2.557093,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986268
+                    -2.558210,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985348
+                    -2.559633,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986511
+                    -2.562150,53.986325
+                    -2.562827,53.986859
+                    -2.563662,53.987660
+                    -2.563892,53.987765
+                    -2.563788,53.988667
+                    -2.563834,53.989577
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+                    -2.565174,53.990788
+                    -2.565639,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991938
+                    -2.564643,53.992286
+                    -2.564089,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.994002
+                    -2.562754,53.994098
+                    -2.563662,53.994217
+                    -2.564441,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995500
+                    -2.565673,53.995910
+                    -2.565434,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997097
+                    -2.563662,53.997035
+                    -2.562150,53.997006
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+                    -2.560476,53.996811
+                    -2.560638,53.996758
+                    -2.561651,53.995910
+                    -2.561408,53.995004
+                    -2.560638,53.994589
+                    -2.559794,53.994098
+                    -2.559450,53.993192
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+                    -2.559476,53.990479
+                    -2.559125,53.990269
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+                    -2.554589,53.988357
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+                    -2.552475,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989096
+                    -2.554589,53.989577
+                    -2.554591,53.989577
+                    -2.555382,53.990479
+                    -2.554967,53.991385
+                    -2.555212,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992629
+                    -2.553352,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993516
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+                    -2.551564,53.994389
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+                    -2.545543,54.009476
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+                    -2.537955,54.015136
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+                    -2.534930,54.017572
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+                    -2.534930,54.017830
+                    -2.534142,54.018526
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+                    -2.530394,54.020166
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+                    -2.530394,54.020476
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+                    -2.532521,54.020333
+                    -2.533418,54.019561
+                    -2.534621,54.020333
+                    -2.534930,54.020572
+                    -2.535562,54.021239
+                    -2.534930,54.021468
+                    -2.534297,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.020791
+                    -2.532704,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.021802
+                    -2.533756,54.022145
+                    -2.534694,54.023051
+                    -2.534930,54.023347
+                    -2.535730,54.023952
+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025397
+                    -2.531906,54.025459
+                    -2.530394,54.025202
+                    -2.528882,54.025354
+                    -2.527369,54.025507
+                    -2.525898,54.024858
+                    -2.525857,54.024844
+                    -2.524345,54.023952
+                    -2.522833,54.023051
+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520257,54.022145
+                    -2.519808,54.021802
+                    -2.518296,54.021807
+                    -2.516874,54.021239
+                    -2.516784,54.021158
+                    -2.515272,54.020634
+                    -2.513760,54.020495
+                    -2.512892,54.020333
+                    -2.512247,54.020262
+                    -2.510772,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.019408
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013219
+                    -2.511132,54.013095
+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010386
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
+                    -2.509223,54.007668
+                    -2.509223,54.006763
+                    -2.507711,54.005861
+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507804,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
+                    -2.512909,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.006543
+                    -2.514566,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.007621
+                    -2.513497,54.007668
+                    -2.513760,54.007697
+                    -2.515272,54.007835
+                    -2.515810,54.007668
+                    -2.515500,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006362
+                    -2.518296,54.006305
+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
+                    -2.514052,53.998618
+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
+                    -2.511967,53.996811
+                    -2.511814,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994603
+                    -2.509787,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995676
+                    -2.507711,53.995881
+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.995004
+                    -2.504894,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.994131
+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
+                    -2.503298,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.990951
+                    -2.505574,53.990479
+                    -2.504750,53.989577
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
+                    -2.503174,53.987865
+                    -2.502978,53.987765
+                    -2.502391,53.986859
+                    -2.501662,53.986278
+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507805,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979707
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977199
+                    -2.509642,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976536
+                    -2.508680,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975477
+                    -2.509727,53.975101
+                    -2.509420,53.974195
+                    -2.509223,53.973737
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
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+                    -2.532263,53.972383
+                    -2.532110,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973799
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+                    -2.532561,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978324
+                    -2.534255,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979120
+                    -2.535980,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.979897
+                    -2.537955,53.980460
+                    -2.539467,53.980131
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+                    -2.540529,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.981862
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+                    -2.541675,53.983240
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+                    -2.544003,53.984251
+                    -2.545516,53.984723
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+                    -2.551564,53.987031
+                    -2.551849,53.986859
+                    -2.552051,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985734
+                    -2.554589,53.985572
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+                    -2.557093,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986268
+                    -2.558210,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985348
+                    -2.559633,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986511
+                    -2.562150,53.986325
+                    -2.562827,53.986859
+                    -2.563662,53.987660
+                    -2.563892,53.987765
+                    -2.563788,53.988667
+                    -2.563834,53.989577
+                    -2.564508,53.990479
+                    -2.565174,53.990788
+                    -2.565639,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991938
+                    -2.564643,53.992286
+                    -2.564089,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.994002
+                    -2.562754,53.994098
+                    -2.563662,53.994217
+                    -2.564441,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995500
+                    -2.565673,53.995910
+                    -2.565434,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997097
+                    -2.563662,53.997035
+                    -2.562150,53.997006
+                    -2.560638,53.996882
+                    -2.560476,53.996811
+                    -2.560638,53.996758
+                    -2.561651,53.995910
+                    -2.561408,53.995004
+                    -2.560638,53.994589
+                    -2.559794,53.994098
+                    -2.559450,53.993192
+                    -2.559278,53.992286
+                    -2.559646,53.991385
+                    -2.559476,53.990479
+                    -2.559125,53.990269
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+                    -2.554589,53.988357
+                    -2.553077,53.988309
+                    -2.552475,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989096
+                    -2.554589,53.989577
+                    -2.554591,53.989577
+                    -2.555382,53.990479
+                    -2.554967,53.991385
+                    -2.555212,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992629
+                    -2.553352,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993516
+                    -2.552220,53.994098
+                    -2.551564,53.994389
+                    -2.550220,53.995004
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+                    -2.534930,54.021468
+                    -2.534297,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.020791
+                    -2.532704,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.021802
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+                    -2.534694,54.023051
+                    -2.534930,54.023347
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+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025397
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+                    -2.530394,54.025202
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+                    -2.512892,54.020333
+                    -2.512247,54.020262
+                    -2.510772,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.019408
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013219
+                    -2.511132,54.013095
+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010386
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
+                    -2.509223,54.007668
+                    -2.509223,54.006763
+                    -2.507711,54.005861
+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507804,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
+                    -2.512909,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.006543
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+                    -2.513760,54.007621
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+                    -2.513760,54.007697
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+                    -2.515500,54.006763
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+                    -2.518296,54.006305
+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
+                    -2.514052,53.998618
+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
+                    -2.511967,53.996811
+                    -2.511814,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994603
+                    -2.509787,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995676
+                    -2.507711,53.995881
+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.995004
+                    -2.504894,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.994131
+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
+                    -2.503298,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.990951
+                    -2.505574,53.990479
+                    -2.504750,53.989577
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
+                    -2.503174,53.987865
+                    -2.502978,53.987765
+                    -2.502391,53.986859
+                    -2.501662,53.986278
+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507805,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979707
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977199
+                    -2.509642,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976536
+                    -2.508680,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975477
+                    -2.509727,53.975101
+                    -2.509420,53.974195
+                    -2.509223,53.973737
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532263,53.972383
+                    -2.532110,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973799
+                    -2.531213,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974609
+                    -2.532582,53.975101
+                    -2.532813,53.976002
+                    -2.532429,53.976908
+                    -2.532561,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978324
+                    -2.534255,53.978715
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+                    -2.535980,53.979621
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+                    -2.537955,53.980460
+                    -2.539467,53.980131
+                    -2.540480,53.980527
+                    -2.540529,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.981862
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+                    -2.541675,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983727
+                    -2.543824,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984251
+                    -2.545516,53.984723
+                    -2.547028,53.984809
+                    -2.548250,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985229
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+                    -2.551280,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987031
+                    -2.551849,53.986859
+                    -2.552051,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985734
+                    -2.554589,53.985572
+                    -2.556101,53.985529
+                    -2.557093,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986268
+                    -2.558210,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985348
+                    -2.559633,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986511
+                    -2.562150,53.986325
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+                    -2.563834,53.989577
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+                    -2.565639,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991938
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+                    -2.564089,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.994002
+                    -2.562754,53.994098
+                    -2.563662,53.994217
+                    -2.564441,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995500
+                    -2.565673,53.995910
+                    -2.565434,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997097
+                    -2.563662,53.997035
+                    -2.562150,53.997006
+                    -2.560638,53.996882
+                    -2.560476,53.996811
+                    -2.560638,53.996758
+                    -2.561651,53.995910
+                    -2.561408,53.995004
+                    -2.560638,53.994589
+                    -2.559794,53.994098
+                    -2.559450,53.993192
+                    -2.559278,53.992286
+                    -2.559646,53.991385
+                    -2.559476,53.990479
+                    -2.559125,53.990269
+                    -2.557613,53.990188
+                    -2.556919,53.989577
+                    -2.556101,53.989139
+                    -2.555106,53.988667
+                    -2.554589,53.988357
+                    -2.553077,53.988309
+                    -2.552475,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989096
+                    -2.554589,53.989577
+                    -2.554591,53.989577
+                    -2.555382,53.990479
+                    -2.554967,53.991385
+                    -2.555212,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992629
+                    -2.553352,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993516
+                    -2.552220,53.994098
+                    -2.551564,53.994389
+                    -2.550220,53.995004
+                    -2.550052,53.995094
+                    -2.548701,53.995910
+                    -2.548540,53.996134
+                    -2.547212,53.996811
+                    -2.547028,53.996849
+                    -2.545516,53.997107
+                    -2.544523,53.997717
+                    -2.544003,53.997850
+                    -2.542532,53.998618
+                    -2.542491,53.998704
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+                    -2.533894,54.016719
+                    -2.534930,54.017572
+                    -2.535380,54.017620
+                    -2.534930,54.017830
+                    -2.534142,54.018526
+                    -2.533418,54.019046
+                    -2.531906,54.018989
+                    -2.531129,54.019427
+                    -2.530394,54.020166
+                    -2.530159,54.020333
+                    -2.530394,54.020476
+                    -2.531906,54.020681
+                    -2.532521,54.020333
+                    -2.533418,54.019561
+                    -2.534621,54.020333
+                    -2.534930,54.020572
+                    -2.535562,54.021239
+                    -2.534930,54.021468
+                    -2.534297,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.020791
+                    -2.532704,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.021802
+                    -2.533756,54.022145
+                    -2.534694,54.023051
+                    -2.534930,54.023347
+                    -2.535730,54.023952
+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025397
+                    -2.531906,54.025459
+                    -2.530394,54.025202
+                    -2.528882,54.025354
+                    -2.527369,54.025507
+                    -2.525898,54.024858
+                    -2.525857,54.024844
+                    -2.524345,54.023952
+                    -2.522833,54.023051
+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520257,54.022145
+                    -2.519808,54.021802
+                    -2.518296,54.021807
+                    -2.516874,54.021239
+                    -2.516784,54.021158
+                    -2.515272,54.020634
+                    -2.513760,54.020495
+                    -2.512892,54.020333
+                    -2.512247,54.020262
+                    -2.510772,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.019408
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013219
+                    -2.511132,54.013095
+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010386
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
+                    -2.509223,54.007668
+                    -2.509223,54.006763
+                    -2.507711,54.005861
+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507804,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
+                    -2.512909,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.006543
+                    -2.514566,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.007621
+                    -2.513497,54.007668
+                    -2.513760,54.007697
+                    -2.515272,54.007835
+                    -2.515810,54.007668
+                    -2.515500,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006362
+                    -2.518296,54.006305
+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
+                    -2.514052,53.998618
+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
+                    -2.511967,53.996811
+                    -2.511814,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994603
+                    -2.509787,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995676
+                    -2.507711,53.995881
+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.995004
+                    -2.504894,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.994131
+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
+                    -2.503298,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.990951
+                    -2.505574,53.990479
+                    -2.504750,53.989577
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
+                    -2.503174,53.987865
+                    -2.502978,53.987765
+                    -2.502391,53.986859
+                    -2.501662,53.986278
+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507805,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979707
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977199
+                    -2.509642,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976536
+                    -2.508680,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975477
+                    -2.509727,53.975101
+                    -2.509420,53.974195
+                    -2.509223,53.973737
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532263,53.972383
+                    -2.532110,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973799
+                    -2.531213,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974609
+                    -2.532582,53.975101
+                    -2.532813,53.976002
+                    -2.532429,53.976908
+                    -2.532561,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978324
+                    -2.534255,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979120
+                    -2.535980,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.979897
+                    -2.537955,53.980460
+                    -2.539467,53.980131
+                    -2.540480,53.980527
+                    -2.540529,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.981862
+                    -2.541685,53.982334
+                    -2.541675,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983727
+                    -2.543824,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984251
+                    -2.545516,53.984723
+                    -2.547028,53.984809
+                    -2.548250,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985229
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+                    -2.551280,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987031
+                    -2.551849,53.986859
+                    -2.552051,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985734
+                    -2.554589,53.985572
+                    -2.556101,53.985529
+                    -2.557093,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986268
+                    -2.558210,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985348
+                    -2.559633,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986511
+                    -2.562150,53.986325
+                    -2.562827,53.986859
+                    -2.563662,53.987660
+                    -2.563892,53.987765
+                    -2.563788,53.988667
+                    -2.563834,53.989577
+                    -2.564508,53.990479
+                    -2.565174,53.990788
+                    -2.565639,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991938
+                    -2.564643,53.992286
+                    -2.564089,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.994002
+                    -2.562754,53.994098
+                    -2.563662,53.994217
+                    -2.564441,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995500
+                    -2.565673,53.995910
+                    -2.565434,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997097
+                    -2.563662,53.997035
+                    -2.562150,53.997006
+                    -2.560638,53.996882
+                    -2.560476,53.996811
+                    -2.560638,53.996758
+                    -2.561651,53.995910
+                    -2.561408,53.995004
+                    -2.560638,53.994589
+                    -2.559794,53.994098
+                    -2.559450,53.993192
+                    -2.559278,53.992286
+                    -2.559646,53.991385
+                    -2.559476,53.990479
+                    -2.559125,53.990269
+                    -2.557613,53.990188
+                    -2.556919,53.989577
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+                    -2.554589,53.988357
+                    -2.553077,53.988309
+                    -2.552475,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989096
+                    -2.554589,53.989577
+                    -2.554591,53.989577
+                    -2.555382,53.990479
+                    -2.554967,53.991385
+                    -2.555212,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992629
+                    -2.553352,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993516
+                    -2.552220,53.994098
+                    -2.551564,53.994389
+                    -2.550220,53.995004
+                    -2.550052,53.995094
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+                    -2.545543,54.009476
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+                    -2.534930,54.017572
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+                    -2.534930,54.017830
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+                    -2.530394,54.020476
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+                    -2.532521,54.020333
+                    -2.533418,54.019561
+                    -2.534621,54.020333
+                    -2.534930,54.020572
+                    -2.535562,54.021239
+                    -2.534930,54.021468
+                    -2.534297,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.020791
+                    -2.532704,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.021802
+                    -2.533756,54.022145
+                    -2.534694,54.023051
+                    -2.534930,54.023347
+                    -2.535730,54.023952
+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025397
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+                    -2.530394,54.025202
+                    -2.528882,54.025354
+                    -2.527369,54.025507
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+                    -2.525857,54.024844
+                    -2.524345,54.023952
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+                    -2.521321,54.022145
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+                    -2.519808,54.021802
+                    -2.518296,54.021807
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+                    -2.512247,54.020262
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+                    -2.510735,54.019408
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013219
+                    -2.511132,54.013095
+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010386
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
+                    -2.509223,54.007668
+                    -2.509223,54.006763
+                    -2.507711,54.005861
+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507804,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
+                    -2.512909,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.006543
+                    -2.514566,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.007621
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+                    -2.513760,54.007697
+                    -2.515272,54.007835
+                    -2.515810,54.007668
+                    -2.515500,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006362
+                    -2.518296,54.006305
+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
+                    -2.514052,53.998618
+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
+                    -2.511967,53.996811
+                    -2.511814,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994603
+                    -2.509787,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995676
+                    -2.507711,53.995881
+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.995004
+                    -2.504894,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.994131
+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
+                    -2.503298,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.990951
+                    -2.505574,53.990479
+                    -2.504750,53.989577
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
+                    -2.503174,53.987865
+                    -2.502978,53.987765
+                    -2.502391,53.986859
+                    -2.501662,53.986278
+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507805,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979707
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977199
+                    -2.509642,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976536
+                    -2.508680,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975477
+                    -2.509727,53.975101
+                    -2.509420,53.974195
+                    -2.509223,53.973737
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532263,53.972383
+                    -2.532110,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973799
+                    -2.531213,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974609
+                    -2.532582,53.975101
+                    -2.532813,53.976002
+                    -2.532429,53.976908
+                    -2.532561,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978324
+                    -2.534255,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979120
+                    -2.535980,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.979897
+                    -2.537955,53.980460
+                    -2.539467,53.980131
+                    -2.540480,53.980527
+                    -2.540529,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.981862
+                    -2.541685,53.982334
+                    -2.541675,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983727
+                    -2.543824,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984251
+                    -2.545516,53.984723
+                    -2.547028,53.984809
+                    -2.548250,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985229
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+                    -2.551280,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987031
+                    -2.551849,53.986859
+                    -2.552051,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985734
+                    -2.554589,53.985572
+                    -2.556101,53.985529
+                    -2.557093,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986268
+                    -2.558210,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985348
+                    -2.559633,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986511
+                    -2.562150,53.986325
+                    -2.562827,53.986859
+                    -2.563662,53.987660
+                    -2.563892,53.987765
+                    -2.563788,53.988667
+                    -2.563834,53.989577
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+                    -2.565174,53.990788
+                    -2.565639,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991938
+                    -2.564643,53.992286
+                    -2.564089,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.994002
+                    -2.562754,53.994098
+                    -2.563662,53.994217
+                    -2.564441,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995500
+                    -2.565673,53.995910
+                    -2.565434,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997097
+                    -2.563662,53.997035
+                    -2.562150,53.997006
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+                    -2.560476,53.996811
+                    -2.560638,53.996758
+                    -2.561651,53.995910
+                    -2.561408,53.995004
+                    -2.560638,53.994589
+                    -2.559794,53.994098
+                    -2.559450,53.993192
+                    -2.559278,53.992286
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+                    -2.559476,53.990479
+                    -2.559125,53.990269
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+                    -2.554589,53.988357
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+                    -2.552475,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989096
+                    -2.554589,53.989577
+                    -2.554591,53.989577
+                    -2.555382,53.990479
+                    -2.554967,53.991385
+                    -2.555212,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992629
+                    -2.553352,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993516
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+                    -2.551564,53.994389
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+                    -2.545543,54.009476
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+                    -2.537955,54.015136
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+                    -2.534930,54.017572
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+                    -2.534930,54.017830
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+                    -2.530394,54.020166
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+                    -2.530394,54.020476
+                    -2.531906,54.020681
+                    -2.532521,54.020333
+                    -2.533418,54.019561
+                    -2.534621,54.020333
+                    -2.534930,54.020572
+                    -2.535562,54.021239
+                    -2.534930,54.021468
+                    -2.534297,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.020791
+                    -2.532704,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.021802
+                    -2.533756,54.022145
+                    -2.534694,54.023051
+                    -2.534930,54.023347
+                    -2.535730,54.023952
+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025397
+                    -2.531906,54.025459
+                    -2.530394,54.025202
+                    -2.528882,54.025354
+                    -2.527369,54.025507
+                    -2.525898,54.024858
+                    -2.525857,54.024844
+                    -2.524345,54.023952
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+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520257,54.022145
+                    -2.519808,54.021802
+                    -2.518296,54.021807
+                    -2.516874,54.021239
+                    -2.516784,54.021158
+                    -2.515272,54.020634
+                    -2.513760,54.020495
+                    -2.512892,54.020333
+                    -2.512247,54.020262
+                    -2.510772,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.019408
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013219
+                    -2.511132,54.013095
+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010386
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
+                    -2.509223,54.007668
+                    -2.509223,54.006763
+                    -2.507711,54.005861
+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507804,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
+                    -2.512909,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.006543
+                    -2.514566,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.007621
+                    -2.513497,54.007668
+                    -2.513760,54.007697
+                    -2.515272,54.007835
+                    -2.515810,54.007668
+                    -2.515500,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006362
+                    -2.518296,54.006305
+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
+                    -2.514052,53.998618
+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
+                    -2.511967,53.996811
+                    -2.511814,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994603
+                    -2.509787,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995676
+                    -2.507711,53.995881
+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.995004
+                    -2.504894,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.994131
+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
+                    -2.503298,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.990951
+                    -2.505574,53.990479
+                    -2.504750,53.989577
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
+                    -2.503174,53.987865
+                    -2.502978,53.987765
+                    -2.502391,53.986859
+                    -2.501662,53.986278
+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507805,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979707
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977199
+                    -2.509642,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976536
+                    -2.508680,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975477
+                    -2.509727,53.975101
+                    -2.509420,53.974195
+                    -2.509223,53.973737
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
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+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
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+                    -2.532263,53.972383
+                    -2.532110,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973799
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+                    -2.531906,53.974609
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+                    -2.532813,53.976002
+                    -2.532429,53.976908
+                    -2.532561,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978324
+                    -2.534255,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979120
+                    -2.535980,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.979897
+                    -2.537955,53.980460
+                    -2.539467,53.980131
+                    -2.540480,53.980527
+                    -2.540529,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.981862
+                    -2.541685,53.982334
+                    -2.541675,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983727
+                    -2.543824,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984251
+                    -2.545516,53.984723
+                    -2.547028,53.984809
+                    -2.548250,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985229
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+                    -2.551280,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987031
+                    -2.551849,53.986859
+                    -2.552051,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985734
+                    -2.554589,53.985572
+                    -2.556101,53.985529
+                    -2.557093,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986268
+                    -2.558210,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985348
+                    -2.559633,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986511
+                    -2.562150,53.986325
+                    -2.562827,53.986859
+                    -2.563662,53.987660
+                    -2.563892,53.987765
+                    -2.563788,53.988667
+                    -2.563834,53.989577
+                    -2.564508,53.990479
+                    -2.565174,53.990788
+                    -2.565639,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991938
+                    -2.564643,53.992286
+                    -2.564089,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.994002
+                    -2.562754,53.994098
+                    -2.563662,53.994217
+                    -2.564441,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995500
+                    -2.565673,53.995910
+                    -2.565434,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997097
+                    -2.563662,53.997035
+                    -2.562150,53.997006
+                    -2.560638,53.996882
+                    -2.560476,53.996811
+                    -2.560638,53.996758
+                    -2.561651,53.995910
+                    -2.561408,53.995004
+                    -2.560638,53.994589
+                    -2.559794,53.994098
+                    -2.559450,53.993192
+                    -2.559278,53.992286
+                    -2.559646,53.991385
+                    -2.559476,53.990479
+                    -2.559125,53.990269
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+                    -2.556919,53.989577
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+                    -2.555106,53.988667
+                    -2.554589,53.988357
+                    -2.553077,53.988309
+                    -2.552475,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989096
+                    -2.554589,53.989577
+                    -2.554591,53.989577
+                    -2.555382,53.990479
+                    -2.554967,53.991385
+                    -2.555212,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992629
+                    -2.553352,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993516
+                    -2.552220,53.994098
+                    -2.551564,53.994389
+                    -2.550220,53.995004
+                    -2.550052,53.995094
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+                    -2.534930,54.017572
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+                    -2.534930,54.017830
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+                    -2.530394,54.020476
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+                    -2.533418,54.019561
+                    -2.534621,54.020333
+                    -2.534930,54.020572
+                    -2.535562,54.021239
+                    -2.534930,54.021468
+                    -2.534297,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.020791
+                    -2.532704,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.021802
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+                    -2.534694,54.023051
+                    -2.534930,54.023347
+                    -2.535730,54.023952
+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025397
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+                    -2.530394,54.025202
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+                    -2.525857,54.024844
+                    -2.524345,54.023952
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+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520257,54.022145
+                    -2.519808,54.021802
+                    -2.518296,54.021807
+                    -2.516874,54.021239
+                    -2.516784,54.021158
+                    -2.515272,54.020634
+                    -2.513760,54.020495
+                    -2.512892,54.020333
+                    -2.512247,54.020262
+                    -2.510772,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.019408
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013219
+                    -2.511132,54.013095
+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010386
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
+                    -2.509223,54.007668
+                    -2.509223,54.006763
+                    -2.507711,54.005861
+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507804,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
+                    -2.512909,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.006543
+                    -2.514566,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.007621
+                    -2.513497,54.007668
+                    -2.513760,54.007697
+                    -2.515272,54.007835
+                    -2.515810,54.007668
+                    -2.515500,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006362
+                    -2.518296,54.006305
+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
+                    -2.514052,53.998618
+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
+                    -2.511967,53.996811
+                    -2.511814,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994603
+                    -2.509787,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995676
+                    -2.507711,53.995881
+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.995004
+                    -2.504894,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.994131
+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
+                    -2.503298,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.990951
+                    -2.505574,53.990479
+                    -2.504750,53.989577
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
+                    -2.503174,53.987865
+                    -2.502978,53.987765
+                    -2.502391,53.986859
+                    -2.501662,53.986278
+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507805,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979707
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977199
+                    -2.509642,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976536
+                    -2.508680,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975477
+                    -2.509727,53.975101
+                    -2.509420,53.974195
+                    -2.509223,53.973737
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532263,53.972383
+                    -2.532110,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973799
+                    -2.531213,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974609
+                    -2.532582,53.975101
+                    -2.532813,53.976002
+                    -2.532429,53.976908
+                    -2.532561,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978324
+                    -2.534255,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979120
+                    -2.535980,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.979897
+                    -2.537955,53.980460
+                    -2.539467,53.980131
+                    -2.540480,53.980527
+                    -2.540529,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.981862
+                    -2.541685,53.982334
+                    -2.541675,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983727
+                    -2.543824,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984251
+                    -2.545516,53.984723
+                    -2.547028,53.984809
+                    -2.548250,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985229
+                    -2.550052,53.985271
+                    -2.551078,53.985953
+                    -2.551280,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987031
+                    -2.551849,53.986859
+                    -2.552051,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985734
+                    -2.554589,53.985572
+                    -2.556101,53.985529
+                    -2.557093,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986268
+                    -2.558210,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985348
+                    -2.559633,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986511
+                    -2.562150,53.986325
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+                    -2.563892,53.987765
+                    -2.563788,53.988667
+                    -2.563834,53.989577
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+                    -2.565639,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991938
+                    -2.564643,53.992286
+                    -2.564089,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.994002
+                    -2.562754,53.994098
+                    -2.563662,53.994217
+                    -2.564441,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995500
+                    -2.565673,53.995910
+                    -2.565434,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997097
+                    -2.563662,53.997035
+                    -2.562150,53.997006
+                    -2.560638,53.996882
+                    -2.560476,53.996811
+                    -2.560638,53.996758
+                    -2.561651,53.995910
+                    -2.561408,53.995004
+                    -2.560638,53.994589
+                    -2.559794,53.994098
+                    -2.559450,53.993192
+                    -2.559278,53.992286
+                    -2.559646,53.991385
+                    -2.559476,53.990479
+                    -2.559125,53.990269
+                    -2.557613,53.990188
+                    -2.556919,53.989577
+                    -2.556101,53.989139
+                    -2.555106,53.988667
+                    -2.554589,53.988357
+                    -2.553077,53.988309
+                    -2.552475,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989096
+                    -2.554589,53.989577
+                    -2.554591,53.989577
+                    -2.555382,53.990479
+                    -2.554967,53.991385
+                    -2.555212,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992629
+                    -2.553352,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993516
+                    -2.552220,53.994098
+                    -2.551564,53.994389
+                    -2.550220,53.995004
+                    -2.550052,53.995094
+                    -2.548701,53.995910
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+                    -2.542491,54.014521
+                    -2.540979,54.014540
+                    -2.540387,54.014907
+                    -2.539467,54.015040
+                    -2.537955,54.015136
+                    -2.536443,54.015050
+                    -2.535531,54.015813
+                    -2.534930,54.015965
+                    -2.533894,54.016719
+                    -2.534930,54.017572
+                    -2.535380,54.017620
+                    -2.534930,54.017830
+                    -2.534142,54.018526
+                    -2.533418,54.019046
+                    -2.531906,54.018989
+                    -2.531129,54.019427
+                    -2.530394,54.020166
+                    -2.530159,54.020333
+                    -2.530394,54.020476
+                    -2.531906,54.020681
+                    -2.532521,54.020333
+                    -2.533418,54.019561
+                    -2.534621,54.020333
+                    -2.534930,54.020572
+                    -2.535562,54.021239
+                    -2.534930,54.021468
+                    -2.534297,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.020791
+                    -2.532704,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.021802
+                    -2.533756,54.022145
+                    -2.534694,54.023051
+                    -2.534930,54.023347
+                    -2.535730,54.023952
+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025397
+                    -2.531906,54.025459
+                    -2.530394,54.025202
+                    -2.528882,54.025354
+                    -2.527369,54.025507
+                    -2.525898,54.024858
+                    -2.525857,54.024844
+                    -2.524345,54.023952
+                    -2.522833,54.023051
+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520257,54.022145
+                    -2.519808,54.021802
+                    -2.518296,54.021807
+                    -2.516874,54.021239
+                    -2.516784,54.021158
+                    -2.515272,54.020634
+                    -2.513760,54.020495
+                    -2.512892,54.020333
+                    -2.512247,54.020262
+                    -2.510772,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.019408
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013219
+                    -2.511132,54.013095
+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010386
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
+                    -2.509223,54.007668
+                    -2.509223,54.006763
+                    -2.507711,54.005861
+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507804,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
+                    -2.512909,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.006543
+                    -2.514566,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.007621
+                    -2.513497,54.007668
+                    -2.513760,54.007697
+                    -2.515272,54.007835
+                    -2.515810,54.007668
+                    -2.515500,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006362
+                    -2.518296,54.006305
+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
+                    -2.514052,53.998618
+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
+                    -2.511967,53.996811
+                    -2.511814,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994603
+                    -2.509787,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995676
+                    -2.507711,53.995881
+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.995004
+                    -2.504894,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.994131
+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
+                    -2.503298,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.990951
+                    -2.505574,53.990479
+                    -2.504750,53.989577
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
+                    -2.503174,53.987865
+                    -2.502978,53.987765
+                    -2.502391,53.986859
+                    -2.501662,53.986278
+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507805,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979707
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977199
+                    -2.509642,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976536
+                    -2.508680,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975477
+                    -2.509727,53.975101
+                    -2.509420,53.974195
+                    -2.509223,53.973737
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532263,53.972383
+                    -2.532110,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973799
+                    -2.531213,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974609
+                    -2.532582,53.975101
+                    -2.532813,53.976002
+                    -2.532429,53.976908
+                    -2.532561,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978324
+                    -2.534255,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979120
+                    -2.535980,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.979897
+                    -2.537955,53.980460
+                    -2.539467,53.980131
+                    -2.540480,53.980527
+                    -2.540529,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.981862
+                    -2.541685,53.982334
+                    -2.541675,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983727
+                    -2.543824,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984251
+                    -2.545516,53.984723
+                    -2.547028,53.984809
+                    -2.548250,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985229
+                    -2.550052,53.985271
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+                    -2.551280,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987031
+                    -2.551849,53.986859
+                    -2.552051,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985734
+                    -2.554589,53.985572
+                    -2.556101,53.985529
+                    -2.557093,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986268
+                    -2.558210,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985348
+                    -2.559633,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986511
+                    -2.562150,53.986325
+                    -2.562827,53.986859
+                    -2.563662,53.987660
+                    -2.563892,53.987765
+                    -2.563788,53.988667
+                    -2.563834,53.989577
+                    -2.564508,53.990479
+                    -2.565174,53.990788
+                    -2.565639,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991938
+                    -2.564643,53.992286
+                    -2.564089,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.994002
+                    -2.562754,53.994098
+                    -2.563662,53.994217
+                    -2.564441,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995500
+                    -2.565673,53.995910
+                    -2.565434,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997097
+                    -2.563662,53.997035
+                    -2.562150,53.997006
+                    -2.560638,53.996882
+                    -2.560476,53.996811
+                    -2.560638,53.996758
+                    -2.561651,53.995910
+                    -2.561408,53.995004
+                    -2.560638,53.994589
+                    -2.559794,53.994098
+                    -2.559450,53.993192
+                    -2.559278,53.992286
+                    -2.559646,53.991385
+                    -2.559476,53.990479
+                    -2.559125,53.990269
+                    -2.557613,53.990188
+                    -2.556919,53.989577
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+                    -2.555106,53.988667
+                    -2.554589,53.988357
+                    -2.553077,53.988309
+                    -2.552475,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989096
+                    -2.554589,53.989577
+                    -2.554591,53.989577
+                    -2.555382,53.990479
+                    -2.554967,53.991385
+                    -2.555212,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992629
+                    -2.553352,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993516
+                    -2.552220,53.994098
+                    -2.551564,53.994389
+                    -2.550220,53.995004
+                    -2.550052,53.995094
+                    -2.548701,53.995910
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+                    -2.539470,54.000430
+                    -2.539467,54.000430
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+                    -2.540979,54.003253
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+                    -2.545543,54.009476
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+                    -2.534930,54.017572
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+                    -2.534930,54.017830
+                    -2.534142,54.018526
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+                    -2.530394,54.020476
+                    -2.531906,54.020681
+                    -2.532521,54.020333
+                    -2.533418,54.019561
+                    -2.534621,54.020333
+                    -2.534930,54.020572
+                    -2.535562,54.021239
+                    -2.534930,54.021468
+                    -2.534297,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.020791
+                    -2.532704,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.021802
+                    -2.533756,54.022145
+                    -2.534694,54.023051
+                    -2.534930,54.023347
+                    -2.535730,54.023952
+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025397
+                    -2.531906,54.025459
+                    -2.530394,54.025202
+                    -2.528882,54.025354
+                    -2.527369,54.025507
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+                    -2.525857,54.024844
+                    -2.524345,54.023952
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+                    -2.512247,54.020262
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013219
+                    -2.511132,54.013095
+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010386
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
+                    -2.509223,54.007668
+                    -2.509223,54.006763
+                    -2.507711,54.005861
+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507804,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
+                    -2.512909,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.006543
+                    -2.514566,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.007621
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+                    -2.513760,54.007697
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+                    -2.515810,54.007668
+                    -2.515500,54.006763
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+                    -2.518296,54.006305
+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
+                    -2.514052,53.998618
+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
+                    -2.511967,53.996811
+                    -2.511814,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994603
+                    -2.509787,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995676
+                    -2.507711,53.995881
+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.995004
+                    -2.504894,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.994131
+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
+                    -2.503298,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.990951
+                    -2.505574,53.990479
+                    -2.504750,53.989577
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
+                    -2.503174,53.987865
+                    -2.502978,53.987765
+                    -2.502391,53.986859
+                    -2.501662,53.986278
+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507805,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979707
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977199
+                    -2.509642,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976536
+                    -2.508680,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975477
+                    -2.509727,53.975101
+                    -2.509420,53.974195
+                    -2.509223,53.973737
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532263,53.972383
+                    -2.532110,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973799
+                    -2.531213,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974609
+                    -2.532582,53.975101
+                    -2.532813,53.976002
+                    -2.532429,53.976908
+                    -2.532561,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978324
+                    -2.534255,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979120
+                    -2.535980,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.979897
+                    -2.537955,53.980460
+                    -2.539467,53.980131
+                    -2.540480,53.980527
+                    -2.540529,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.981862
+                    -2.541685,53.982334
+                    -2.541675,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983727
+                    -2.543824,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984251
+                    -2.545516,53.984723
+                    -2.547028,53.984809
+                    -2.548250,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985229
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+                    -2.551564,53.987031
+                    -2.551849,53.986859
+                    -2.552051,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985734
+                    -2.554589,53.985572
+                    -2.556101,53.985529
+                    -2.557093,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986268
+                    -2.558210,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985348
+                    -2.559633,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986511
+                    -2.562150,53.986325
+                    -2.562827,53.986859
+                    -2.563662,53.987660
+                    -2.563892,53.987765
+                    -2.563788,53.988667
+                    -2.563834,53.989577
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+                    -2.565174,53.990788
+                    -2.565639,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991938
+                    -2.564643,53.992286
+                    -2.564089,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.994002
+                    -2.562754,53.994098
+                    -2.563662,53.994217
+                    -2.564441,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995500
+                    -2.565673,53.995910
+                    -2.565434,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997097
+                    -2.563662,53.997035
+                    -2.562150,53.997006
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+                    -2.560476,53.996811
+                    -2.560638,53.996758
+                    -2.561651,53.995910
+                    -2.561408,53.995004
+                    -2.560638,53.994589
+                    -2.559794,53.994098
+                    -2.559450,53.993192
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+                    -2.559476,53.990479
+                    -2.559125,53.990269
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+                    -2.554589,53.988357
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+                    -2.552475,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989096
+                    -2.554589,53.989577
+                    -2.554591,53.989577
+                    -2.555382,53.990479
+                    -2.554967,53.991385
+                    -2.555212,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992629
+                    -2.553352,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993516
+                    -2.552220,53.994098
+                    -2.551564,53.994389
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+                    -2.545543,54.009476
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+                    -2.537955,54.015136
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+                    -2.534930,54.017572
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+                    -2.534930,54.017830
+                    -2.534142,54.018526
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+                    -2.530394,54.020166
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+                    -2.530394,54.020476
+                    -2.531906,54.020681
+                    -2.532521,54.020333
+                    -2.533418,54.019561
+                    -2.534621,54.020333
+                    -2.534930,54.020572
+                    -2.535562,54.021239
+                    -2.534930,54.021468
+                    -2.534297,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.020791
+                    -2.532704,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.021802
+                    -2.533756,54.022145
+                    -2.534694,54.023051
+                    -2.534930,54.023347
+                    -2.535730,54.023952
+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025397
+                    -2.531906,54.025459
+                    -2.530394,54.025202
+                    -2.528882,54.025354
+                    -2.527369,54.025507
+                    -2.525898,54.024858
+                    -2.525857,54.024844
+                    -2.524345,54.023952
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+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520257,54.022145
+                    -2.519808,54.021802
+                    -2.518296,54.021807
+                    -2.516874,54.021239
+                    -2.516784,54.021158
+                    -2.515272,54.020634
+                    -2.513760,54.020495
+                    -2.512892,54.020333
+                    -2.512247,54.020262
+                    -2.510772,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.019408
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013219
+                    -2.511132,54.013095
+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010386
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
+                    -2.509223,54.007668
+                    -2.509223,54.006763
+                    -2.507711,54.005861
+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507804,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
+                    -2.512909,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.006543
+                    -2.514566,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.007621
+                    -2.513497,54.007668
+                    -2.513760,54.007697
+                    -2.515272,54.007835
+                    -2.515810,54.007668
+                    -2.515500,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006362
+                    -2.518296,54.006305
+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
+                    -2.514052,53.998618
+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
+                    -2.511967,53.996811
+                    -2.511814,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994603
+                    -2.509787,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995676
+                    -2.507711,53.995881
+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.995004
+                    -2.504894,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.994131
+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
+                    -2.503298,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.990951
+                    -2.505574,53.990479
+                    -2.504750,53.989577
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
+                    -2.503174,53.987865
+                    -2.502978,53.987765
+                    -2.502391,53.986859
+                    -2.501662,53.986278
+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507805,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979707
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977199
+                    -2.509642,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976536
+                    -2.508680,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975477
+                    -2.509727,53.975101
+                    -2.509420,53.974195
+                    -2.509223,53.973737
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
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+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532263,53.972383
+                    -2.532110,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973799
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+                    -2.531906,53.974609
+                    -2.532582,53.975101
+                    -2.532813,53.976002
+                    -2.532429,53.976908
+                    -2.532561,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978324
+                    -2.534255,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979120
+                    -2.535980,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.979897
+                    -2.537955,53.980460
+                    -2.539467,53.980131
+                    -2.540480,53.980527
+                    -2.540529,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.981862
+                    -2.541685,53.982334
+                    -2.541675,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983727
+                    -2.543824,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984251
+                    -2.545516,53.984723
+                    -2.547028,53.984809
+                    -2.548250,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985229
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+                    -2.551078,53.985953
+                    -2.551280,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987031
+                    -2.551849,53.986859
+                    -2.552051,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985734
+                    -2.554589,53.985572
+                    -2.556101,53.985529
+                    -2.557093,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986268
+                    -2.558210,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985348
+                    -2.559633,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986511
+                    -2.562150,53.986325
+                    -2.562827,53.986859
+                    -2.563662,53.987660
+                    -2.563892,53.987765
+                    -2.563788,53.988667
+                    -2.563834,53.989577
+                    -2.564508,53.990479
+                    -2.565174,53.990788
+                    -2.565639,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991938
+                    -2.564643,53.992286
+                    -2.564089,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.994002
+                    -2.562754,53.994098
+                    -2.563662,53.994217
+                    -2.564441,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995500
+                    -2.565673,53.995910
+                    -2.565434,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997097
+                    -2.563662,53.997035
+                    -2.562150,53.997006
+                    -2.560638,53.996882
+                    -2.560476,53.996811
+                    -2.560638,53.996758
+                    -2.561651,53.995910
+                    -2.561408,53.995004
+                    -2.560638,53.994589
+                    -2.559794,53.994098
+                    -2.559450,53.993192
+                    -2.559278,53.992286
+                    -2.559646,53.991385
+                    -2.559476,53.990479
+                    -2.559125,53.990269
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+                    -2.556919,53.989577
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+                    -2.555106,53.988667
+                    -2.554589,53.988357
+                    -2.553077,53.988309
+                    -2.552475,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989096
+                    -2.554589,53.989577
+                    -2.554591,53.989577
+                    -2.555382,53.990479
+                    -2.554967,53.991385
+                    -2.555212,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992629
+                    -2.553352,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993516
+                    -2.552220,53.994098
+                    -2.551564,53.994389
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+                    -2.534930,54.017572
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+                    -2.534930,54.017830
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+                    -2.530394,54.020476
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+                    -2.533418,54.019561
+                    -2.534621,54.020333
+                    -2.534930,54.020572
+                    -2.535562,54.021239
+                    -2.534930,54.021468
+                    -2.534297,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.020791
+                    -2.532704,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.021802
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+                    -2.534694,54.023051
+                    -2.534930,54.023347
+                    -2.535730,54.023952
+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025397
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+                    -2.530394,54.025202
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+                    -2.525857,54.024844
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+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520257,54.022145
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+                    -2.518296,54.021807
+                    -2.516874,54.021239
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+                    -2.515272,54.020634
+                    -2.513760,54.020495
+                    -2.512892,54.020333
+                    -2.512247,54.020262
+                    -2.510772,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.019408
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013219
+                    -2.511132,54.013095
+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010386
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
+                    -2.509223,54.007668
+                    -2.509223,54.006763
+                    -2.507711,54.005861
+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507804,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
+                    -2.512909,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.006543
+                    -2.514566,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.007621
+                    -2.513497,54.007668
+                    -2.513760,54.007697
+                    -2.515272,54.007835
+                    -2.515810,54.007668
+                    -2.515500,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006362
+                    -2.518296,54.006305
+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
+                    -2.514052,53.998618
+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
+                    -2.511967,53.996811
+                    -2.511814,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994603
+                    -2.509787,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995676
+                    -2.507711,53.995881
+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.995004
+                    -2.504894,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.994131
+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
+                    -2.503298,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.990951
+                    -2.505574,53.990479
+                    -2.504750,53.989577
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
+                    -2.503174,53.987865
+                    -2.502978,53.987765
+                    -2.502391,53.986859
+                    -2.501662,53.986278
+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507805,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979707
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977199
+                    -2.509642,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976536
+                    -2.508680,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975477
+                    -2.509727,53.975101
+                    -2.509420,53.974195
+                    -2.509223,53.973737
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532263,53.972383
+                    -2.532110,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973799
+                    -2.531213,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974609
+                    -2.532582,53.975101
+                    -2.532813,53.976002
+                    -2.532429,53.976908
+                    -2.532561,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978324
+                    -2.534255,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979120
+                    -2.535980,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.979897
+                    -2.537955,53.980460
+                    -2.539467,53.980131
+                    -2.540480,53.980527
+                    -2.540529,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.981862
+                    -2.541685,53.982334
+                    -2.541675,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983727
+                    -2.543824,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984251
+                    -2.545516,53.984723
+                    -2.547028,53.984809
+                    -2.548250,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985229
+                    -2.550052,53.985271
+                    -2.551078,53.985953
+                    -2.551280,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987031
+                    -2.551849,53.986859
+                    -2.552051,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985734
+                    -2.554589,53.985572
+                    -2.556101,53.985529
+                    -2.557093,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986268
+                    -2.558210,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985348
+                    -2.559633,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986511
+                    -2.562150,53.986325
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+                    -2.563662,53.987660
+                    -2.563892,53.987765
+                    -2.563788,53.988667
+                    -2.563834,53.989577
+                    -2.564508,53.990479
+                    -2.565174,53.990788
+                    -2.565639,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991938
+                    -2.564643,53.992286
+                    -2.564089,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.994002
+                    -2.562754,53.994098
+                    -2.563662,53.994217
+                    -2.564441,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995500
+                    -2.565673,53.995910
+                    -2.565434,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997097
+                    -2.563662,53.997035
+                    -2.562150,53.997006
+                    -2.560638,53.996882
+                    -2.560476,53.996811
+                    -2.560638,53.996758
+                    -2.561651,53.995910
+                    -2.561408,53.995004
+                    -2.560638,53.994589
+                    -2.559794,53.994098
+                    -2.559450,53.993192
+                    -2.559278,53.992286
+                    -2.559646,53.991385
+                    -2.559476,53.990479
+                    -2.559125,53.990269
+                    -2.557613,53.990188
+                    -2.556919,53.989577
+                    -2.556101,53.989139
+                    -2.555106,53.988667
+                    -2.554589,53.988357
+                    -2.553077,53.988309
+                    -2.552475,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989096
+                    -2.554589,53.989577
+                    -2.554591,53.989577
+                    -2.555382,53.990479
+                    -2.554967,53.991385
+                    -2.555212,53.992286
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+                    -2.547345,54.012194
+                    -2.547028,54.013038
+                    -2.546923,54.013095
+                    -2.545516,54.013314
+                    -2.544657,54.013095
+                    -2.544003,54.012847
+                    -2.543664,54.013095
+                    -2.543307,54.014001
+                    -2.542491,54.014521
+                    -2.540979,54.014540
+                    -2.540387,54.014907
+                    -2.539467,54.015040
+                    -2.537955,54.015136
+                    -2.536443,54.015050
+                    -2.535531,54.015813
+                    -2.534930,54.015965
+                    -2.533894,54.016719
+                    -2.534930,54.017572
+                    -2.535380,54.017620
+                    -2.534930,54.017830
+                    -2.534142,54.018526
+                    -2.533418,54.019046
+                    -2.531906,54.018989
+                    -2.531129,54.019427
+                    -2.530394,54.020166
+                    -2.530159,54.020333
+                    -2.530394,54.020476
+                    -2.531906,54.020681
+                    -2.532521,54.020333
+                    -2.533418,54.019561
+                    -2.534621,54.020333
+                    -2.534930,54.020572
+                    -2.535562,54.021239
+                    -2.534930,54.021468
+                    -2.534297,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.020791
+                    -2.532704,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.021802
+                    -2.533756,54.022145
+                    -2.534694,54.023051
+                    -2.534930,54.023347
+                    -2.535730,54.023952
+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025397
+                    -2.531906,54.025459
+                    -2.530394,54.025202
+                    -2.528882,54.025354
+                    -2.527369,54.025507
+                    -2.525898,54.024858
+                    -2.525857,54.024844
+                    -2.524345,54.023952
+                    -2.522833,54.023051
+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520257,54.022145
+                    -2.519808,54.021802
+                    -2.518296,54.021807
+                    -2.516874,54.021239
+                    -2.516784,54.021158
+                    -2.515272,54.020634
+                    -2.513760,54.020495
+                    -2.512892,54.020333
+                    -2.512247,54.020262
+                    -2.510772,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.019408
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013219
+                    -2.511132,54.013095
+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010386
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
+                    -2.509223,54.007668
+                    -2.509223,54.006763
+                    -2.507711,54.005861
+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507804,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
+                    -2.512909,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.006543
+                    -2.514566,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.007621
+                    -2.513497,54.007668
+                    -2.513760,54.007697
+                    -2.515272,54.007835
+                    -2.515810,54.007668
+                    -2.515500,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006362
+                    -2.518296,54.006305
+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
+                    -2.514052,53.998618
+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
+                    -2.511967,53.996811
+                    -2.511814,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994603
+                    -2.509787,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995676
+                    -2.507711,53.995881
+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.995004
+                    -2.504894,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.994131
+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
+                    -2.503298,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.990951
+                    -2.505574,53.990479
+                    -2.504750,53.989577
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
+                    -2.503174,53.987865
+                    -2.502978,53.987765
+                    -2.502391,53.986859
+                    -2.501662,53.986278
+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507805,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979707
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977199
+                    -2.509642,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976536
+                    -2.508680,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975477
+                    -2.509727,53.975101
+                    -2.509420,53.974195
+                    -2.509223,53.973737
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532263,53.972383
+                    -2.532110,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973799
+                    -2.531213,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974609
+                    -2.532582,53.975101
+                    -2.532813,53.976002
+                    -2.532429,53.976908
+                    -2.532561,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978324
+                    -2.534255,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979120
+                    -2.535980,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.979897
+                    -2.537955,53.980460
+                    -2.539467,53.980131
+                    -2.540480,53.980527
+                    -2.540529,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.981862
+                    -2.541685,53.982334
+                    -2.541675,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983727
+                    -2.543824,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984251
+                    -2.545516,53.984723
+                    -2.547028,53.984809
+                    -2.548250,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985229
+                    -2.550052,53.985271
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+                    -2.551280,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987031
+                    -2.551849,53.986859
+                    -2.552051,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985734
+                    -2.554589,53.985572
+                    -2.556101,53.985529
+                    -2.557093,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986268
+                    -2.558210,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985348
+                    -2.559633,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986511
+                    -2.562150,53.986325
+                    -2.562827,53.986859
+                    -2.563662,53.987660
+                    -2.563892,53.987765
+                    -2.563788,53.988667
+                    -2.563834,53.989577
+                    -2.564508,53.990479
+                    -2.565174,53.990788
+                    -2.565639,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991938
+                    -2.564643,53.992286
+                    -2.564089,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.994002
+                    -2.562754,53.994098
+                    -2.563662,53.994217
+                    -2.564441,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995500
+                    -2.565673,53.995910
+                    -2.565434,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997097
+                    -2.563662,53.997035
+                    -2.562150,53.997006
+                    -2.560638,53.996882
+                    -2.560476,53.996811
+                    -2.560638,53.996758
+                    -2.561651,53.995910
+                    -2.561408,53.995004
+                    -2.560638,53.994589
+                    -2.559794,53.994098
+                    -2.559450,53.993192
+                    -2.559278,53.992286
+                    -2.559646,53.991385
+                    -2.559476,53.990479
+                    -2.559125,53.990269
+                    -2.557613,53.990188
+                    -2.556919,53.989577
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+                    -2.555106,53.988667
+                    -2.554589,53.988357
+                    -2.553077,53.988309
+                    -2.552475,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989096
+                    -2.554589,53.989577
+                    -2.554591,53.989577
+                    -2.555382,53.990479
+                    -2.554967,53.991385
+                    -2.555212,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992629
+                    -2.553352,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993516
+                    -2.552220,53.994098
+                    -2.551564,53.994389
+                    -2.550220,53.995004
+                    -2.550052,53.995094
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+                    -2.539470,54.000430
+                    -2.539467,54.000430
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+                    -2.545543,54.009476
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+                    -2.534930,54.017572
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+                    -2.534930,54.017830
+                    -2.534142,54.018526
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+                    -2.530394,54.020476
+                    -2.531906,54.020681
+                    -2.532521,54.020333
+                    -2.533418,54.019561
+                    -2.534621,54.020333
+                    -2.534930,54.020572
+                    -2.535562,54.021239
+                    -2.534930,54.021468
+                    -2.534297,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.020791
+                    -2.532704,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.021802
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+                    -2.534694,54.023051
+                    -2.534930,54.023347
+                    -2.535730,54.023952
+                    -2.534930,54.024858
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+                    -2.530394,54.025202
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+                    -2.512247,54.020262
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013219
+                    -2.511132,54.013095
+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010386
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
+                    -2.509223,54.007668
+                    -2.509223,54.006763
+                    -2.507711,54.005861
+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507804,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
+                    -2.512909,54.006763
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+                    -2.515500,54.006763
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+                    -2.518296,54.006305
+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
+                    -2.514052,53.998618
+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
+                    -2.511967,53.996811
+                    -2.511814,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994603
+                    -2.509787,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995676
+                    -2.507711,53.995881
+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.995004
+                    -2.504894,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.994131
+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
+                    -2.503298,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.990951
+                    -2.505574,53.990479
+                    -2.504750,53.989577
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
+                    -2.503174,53.987865
+                    -2.502978,53.987765
+                    -2.502391,53.986859
+                    -2.501662,53.986278
+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507805,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979707
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977199
+                    -2.509642,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976536
+                    -2.508680,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975477
+                    -2.509727,53.975101
+                    -2.509420,53.974195
+                    -2.509223,53.973737
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532263,53.972383
+                    -2.532110,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973799
+                    -2.531213,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974609
+                    -2.532582,53.975101
+                    -2.532813,53.976002
+                    -2.532429,53.976908
+                    -2.532561,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978324
+                    -2.534255,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979120
+                    -2.535980,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.979897
+                    -2.537955,53.980460
+                    -2.539467,53.980131
+                    -2.540480,53.980527
+                    -2.540529,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.981862
+                    -2.541685,53.982334
+                    -2.541675,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983727
+                    -2.543824,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984251
+                    -2.545516,53.984723
+                    -2.547028,53.984809
+                    -2.548250,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985229
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+                    -2.551564,53.987031
+                    -2.551849,53.986859
+                    -2.552051,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985734
+                    -2.554589,53.985572
+                    -2.556101,53.985529
+                    -2.557093,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986268
+                    -2.558210,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985348
+                    -2.559633,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986511
+                    -2.562150,53.986325
+                    -2.562827,53.986859
+                    -2.563662,53.987660
+                    -2.563892,53.987765
+                    -2.563788,53.988667
+                    -2.563834,53.989577
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+                    -2.565639,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991938
+                    -2.564643,53.992286
+                    -2.564089,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.994002
+                    -2.562754,53.994098
+                    -2.563662,53.994217
+                    -2.564441,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995500
+                    -2.565673,53.995910
+                    -2.565434,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997097
+                    -2.563662,53.997035
+                    -2.562150,53.997006
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+                    -2.560476,53.996811
+                    -2.560638,53.996758
+                    -2.561651,53.995910
+                    -2.561408,53.995004
+                    -2.560638,53.994589
+                    -2.559794,53.994098
+                    -2.559450,53.993192
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+                    -2.559476,53.990479
+                    -2.559125,53.990269
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+                    -2.552475,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989096
+                    -2.554589,53.989577
+                    -2.554591,53.989577
+                    -2.555382,53.990479
+                    -2.554967,53.991385
+                    -2.555212,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992629
+                    -2.553352,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993516
+                    -2.552220,53.994098
+                    -2.551564,53.994389
+                    -2.550220,53.995004
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+                    -2.545543,54.009476
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+                    -2.537955,54.015136
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+                    -2.534930,54.017572
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+                    -2.534930,54.017830
+                    -2.534142,54.018526
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+                    -2.530394,54.020166
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+                    -2.530394,54.020476
+                    -2.531906,54.020681
+                    -2.532521,54.020333
+                    -2.533418,54.019561
+                    -2.534621,54.020333
+                    -2.534930,54.020572
+                    -2.535562,54.021239
+                    -2.534930,54.021468
+                    -2.534297,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.020791
+                    -2.532704,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.021802
+                    -2.533756,54.022145
+                    -2.534694,54.023051
+                    -2.534930,54.023347
+                    -2.535730,54.023952
+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025397
+                    -2.531906,54.025459
+                    -2.530394,54.025202
+                    -2.528882,54.025354
+                    -2.527369,54.025507
+                    -2.525898,54.024858
+                    -2.525857,54.024844
+                    -2.524345,54.023952
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+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520257,54.022145
+                    -2.519808,54.021802
+                    -2.518296,54.021807
+                    -2.516874,54.021239
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+                    -2.515272,54.020634
+                    -2.513760,54.020495
+                    -2.512892,54.020333
+                    -2.512247,54.020262
+                    -2.510772,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.019408
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013219
+                    -2.511132,54.013095
+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010386
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
+                    -2.509223,54.007668
+                    -2.509223,54.006763
+                    -2.507711,54.005861
+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507804,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
+                    -2.512909,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.006543
+                    -2.514566,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.007621
+                    -2.513497,54.007668
+                    -2.513760,54.007697
+                    -2.515272,54.007835
+                    -2.515810,54.007668
+                    -2.515500,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006362
+                    -2.518296,54.006305
+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
+                    -2.514052,53.998618
+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
+                    -2.511967,53.996811
+                    -2.511814,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994603
+                    -2.509787,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995676
+                    -2.507711,53.995881
+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.995004
+                    -2.504894,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.994131
+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
+                    -2.503298,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.990951
+                    -2.505574,53.990479
+                    -2.504750,53.989577
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
+                    -2.503174,53.987865
+                    -2.502978,53.987765
+                    -2.502391,53.986859
+                    -2.501662,53.986278
+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507805,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979707
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977199
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+                    -2.509223,53.976536
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+                    -2.509223,53.975477
+                    -2.509727,53.975101
+                    -2.509420,53.974195
+                    -2.509223,53.973737
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532263,53.972383
+                    -2.532110,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973799
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+                    -2.531906,53.974609
+                    -2.532582,53.975101
+                    -2.532813,53.976002
+                    -2.532429,53.976908
+                    -2.532561,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978324
+                    -2.534255,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979120
+                    -2.535980,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.979897
+                    -2.537955,53.980460
+                    -2.539467,53.980131
+                    -2.540480,53.980527
+                    -2.540529,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.981862
+                    -2.541685,53.982334
+                    -2.541675,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983727
+                    -2.543824,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984251
+                    -2.545516,53.984723
+                    -2.547028,53.984809
+                    -2.548250,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985229
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+                    -2.551280,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987031
+                    -2.551849,53.986859
+                    -2.552051,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985734
+                    -2.554589,53.985572
+                    -2.556101,53.985529
+                    -2.557093,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986268
+                    -2.558210,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985348
+                    -2.559633,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986511
+                    -2.562150,53.986325
+                    -2.562827,53.986859
+                    -2.563662,53.987660
+                    -2.563892,53.987765
+                    -2.563788,53.988667
+                    -2.563834,53.989577
+                    -2.564508,53.990479
+                    -2.565174,53.990788
+                    -2.565639,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991938
+                    -2.564643,53.992286
+                    -2.564089,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.994002
+                    -2.562754,53.994098
+                    -2.563662,53.994217
+                    -2.564441,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995500
+                    -2.565673,53.995910
+                    -2.565434,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997097
+                    -2.563662,53.997035
+                    -2.562150,53.997006
+                    -2.560638,53.996882
+                    -2.560476,53.996811
+                    -2.560638,53.996758
+                    -2.561651,53.995910
+                    -2.561408,53.995004
+                    -2.560638,53.994589
+                    -2.559794,53.994098
+                    -2.559450,53.993192
+                    -2.559278,53.992286
+                    -2.559646,53.991385
+                    -2.559476,53.990479
+                    -2.559125,53.990269
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+                    -2.556919,53.989577
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+                    -2.555106,53.988667
+                    -2.554589,53.988357
+                    -2.553077,53.988309
+                    -2.552475,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989096
+                    -2.554589,53.989577
+                    -2.554591,53.989577
+                    -2.555382,53.990479
+                    -2.554967,53.991385
+                    -2.555212,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992629
+                    -2.553352,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993516
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+                    -2.551564,53.994389
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+                    -2.534930,54.017572
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+                    -2.534930,54.017830
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+                    -2.533418,54.019561
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+                    -2.534930,54.020572
+                    -2.535562,54.021239
+                    -2.534930,54.021468
+                    -2.534297,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.020791
+                    -2.532704,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.021802
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+                    -2.534694,54.023051
+                    -2.534930,54.023347
+                    -2.535730,54.023952
+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025397
+                    -2.531906,54.025459
+                    -2.530394,54.025202
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+                    -2.525857,54.024844
+                    -2.524345,54.023952
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+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520257,54.022145
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+                    -2.518296,54.021807
+                    -2.516874,54.021239
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+                    -2.515272,54.020634
+                    -2.513760,54.020495
+                    -2.512892,54.020333
+                    -2.512247,54.020262
+                    -2.510772,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.019408
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013219
+                    -2.511132,54.013095
+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010386
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
+                    -2.509223,54.007668
+                    -2.509223,54.006763
+                    -2.507711,54.005861
+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507804,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
+                    -2.512909,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.006543
+                    -2.514566,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.007621
+                    -2.513497,54.007668
+                    -2.513760,54.007697
+                    -2.515272,54.007835
+                    -2.515810,54.007668
+                    -2.515500,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006362
+                    -2.518296,54.006305
+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
+                    -2.514052,53.998618
+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
+                    -2.511967,53.996811
+                    -2.511814,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994603
+                    -2.509787,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995676
+                    -2.507711,53.995881
+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.995004
+                    -2.504894,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
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+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
+                    -2.503298,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.990951
+                    -2.505574,53.990479
+                    -2.504750,53.989577
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
+                    -2.503174,53.987865
+                    -2.502978,53.987765
+                    -2.502391,53.986859
+                    -2.501662,53.986278
+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507805,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979707
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977199
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+                    -2.509223,53.976536
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+                    -2.509223,53.975477
+                    -2.509727,53.975101
+                    -2.509420,53.974195
+                    -2.509223,53.973737
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532263,53.972383
+                    -2.532110,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973799
+                    -2.531213,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974609
+                    -2.532582,53.975101
+                    -2.532813,53.976002
+                    -2.532429,53.976908
+                    -2.532561,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978324
+                    -2.534255,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979120
+                    -2.535980,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.979897
+                    -2.537955,53.980460
+                    -2.539467,53.980131
+                    -2.540480,53.980527
+                    -2.540529,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.981862
+                    -2.541685,53.982334
+                    -2.541675,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983727
+                    -2.543824,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984251
+                    -2.545516,53.984723
+                    -2.547028,53.984809
+                    -2.548250,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985229
+                    -2.550052,53.985271
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+                    -2.551280,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987031
+                    -2.551849,53.986859
+                    -2.552051,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985734
+                    -2.554589,53.985572
+                    -2.556101,53.985529
+                    -2.557093,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986268
+                    -2.558210,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985348
+                    -2.559633,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986511
+                    -2.562150,53.986325
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+                    -2.563892,53.987765
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+                    -2.563834,53.989577
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+                    -2.565639,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991938
+                    -2.564643,53.992286
+                    -2.564089,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.994002
+                    -2.562754,53.994098
+                    -2.563662,53.994217
+                    -2.564441,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995500
+                    -2.565673,53.995910
+                    -2.565434,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997097
+                    -2.563662,53.997035
+                    -2.562150,53.997006
+                    -2.560638,53.996882
+                    -2.560476,53.996811
+                    -2.560638,53.996758
+                    -2.561651,53.995910
+                    -2.561408,53.995004
+                    -2.560638,53.994589
+                    -2.559794,53.994098
+                    -2.559450,53.993192
+                    -2.559278,53.992286
+                    -2.559646,53.991385
+                    -2.559476,53.990479
+                    -2.559125,53.990269
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+                    -2.556919,53.989577
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+                    -2.554589,53.988357
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+                    -2.544784,54.010386
+                    -2.545437,54.009476
+                    -2.545276,54.008574
+                    -2.545516,54.008508
+                    -2.545647,54.008574
+                    -2.545543,54.009476
+                    -2.545887,54.010386
+                    -2.546272,54.011288
+                    -2.547028,54.011602
+                    -2.547345,54.012194
+                    -2.547028,54.013038
+                    -2.546923,54.013095
+                    -2.545516,54.013314
+                    -2.544657,54.013095
+                    -2.544003,54.012847
+                    -2.543664,54.013095
+                    -2.543307,54.014001
+                    -2.542491,54.014521
+                    -2.540979,54.014540
+                    -2.540387,54.014907
+                    -2.539467,54.015040
+                    -2.537955,54.015136
+                    -2.536443,54.015050
+                    -2.535531,54.015813
+                    -2.534930,54.015965
+                    -2.533894,54.016719
+                    -2.534930,54.017572
+                    -2.535380,54.017620
+                    -2.534930,54.017830
+                    -2.534142,54.018526
+                    -2.533418,54.019046
+                    -2.531906,54.018989
+                    -2.531129,54.019427
+                    -2.530394,54.020166
+                    -2.530159,54.020333
+                    -2.530394,54.020476
+                    -2.531906,54.020681
+                    -2.532521,54.020333
+                    -2.533418,54.019561
+                    -2.534621,54.020333
+                    -2.534930,54.020572
+                    -2.535562,54.021239
+                    -2.534930,54.021468
+                    -2.534297,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.020791
+                    -2.532704,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.021802
+                    -2.533756,54.022145
+                    -2.534694,54.023051
+                    -2.534930,54.023347
+                    -2.535730,54.023952
+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025397
+                    -2.531906,54.025459
+                    -2.530394,54.025202
+                    -2.528882,54.025354
+                    -2.527369,54.025507
+                    -2.525898,54.024858
+                    -2.525857,54.024844
+                    -2.524345,54.023952
+                    -2.522833,54.023051
+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520257,54.022145
+                    -2.519808,54.021802
+                    -2.518296,54.021807
+                    -2.516874,54.021239
+                    -2.516784,54.021158
+                    -2.515272,54.020634
+                    -2.513760,54.020495
+                    -2.512892,54.020333
+                    -2.512247,54.020262
+                    -2.510772,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.019408
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013219
+                    -2.511132,54.013095
+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010386
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
+                    -2.509223,54.007668
+                    -2.509223,54.006763
+                    -2.507711,54.005861
+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507804,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
+                    -2.512909,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.006543
+                    -2.514566,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.007621
+                    -2.513497,54.007668
+                    -2.513760,54.007697
+                    -2.515272,54.007835
+                    -2.515810,54.007668
+                    -2.515500,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006362
+                    -2.518296,54.006305
+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
+                    -2.514052,53.998618
+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
+                    -2.511967,53.996811
+                    -2.511814,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994603
+                    -2.509787,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995676
+                    -2.507711,53.995881
+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.995004
+                    -2.504894,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.994131
+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
+                    -2.503298,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.990951
+                    -2.505574,53.990479
+                    -2.504750,53.989577
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
+                    -2.503174,53.987865
+                    -2.502978,53.987765
+                    -2.502391,53.986859
+                    -2.501662,53.986278
+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507805,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979707
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977199
+                    -2.509642,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976536
+                    -2.508680,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975477
+                    -2.509727,53.975101
+                    -2.509420,53.974195
+                    -2.509223,53.973737
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532263,53.972383
+                    -2.532110,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973799
+                    -2.531213,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974609
+                    -2.532582,53.975101
+                    -2.532813,53.976002
+                    -2.532429,53.976908
+                    -2.532561,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978324
+                    -2.534255,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979120
+                    -2.535980,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.979897
+                    -2.537955,53.980460
+                    -2.539467,53.980131
+                    -2.540480,53.980527
+                    -2.540529,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.981862
+                    -2.541685,53.982334
+                    -2.541675,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983727
+                    -2.543824,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984251
+                    -2.545516,53.984723
+                    -2.547028,53.984809
+                    -2.548250,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985229
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+                    -2.551280,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987031
+                    -2.551849,53.986859
+                    -2.552051,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985734
+                    -2.554589,53.985572
+                    -2.556101,53.985529
+                    -2.557093,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986268
+                    -2.558210,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985348
+                    -2.559633,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986511
+                    -2.562150,53.986325
+                    -2.562827,53.986859
+                    -2.563662,53.987660
+                    -2.563892,53.987765
+                    -2.563788,53.988667
+                    -2.563834,53.989577
+                    -2.564508,53.990479
+                    -2.565174,53.990788
+                    -2.565639,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991938
+                    -2.564643,53.992286
+                    -2.564089,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.994002
+                    -2.562754,53.994098
+                    -2.563662,53.994217
+                    -2.564441,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995500
+                    -2.565673,53.995910
+                    -2.565434,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997097
+                    -2.563662,53.997035
+                    -2.562150,53.997006
+                    -2.560638,53.996882
+                    -2.560476,53.996811
+                    -2.560638,53.996758
+                    -2.561651,53.995910
+                    -2.561408,53.995004
+                    -2.560638,53.994589
+                    -2.559794,53.994098
+                    -2.559450,53.993192
+                    -2.559278,53.992286
+                    -2.559646,53.991385
+                    -2.559476,53.990479
+                    -2.559125,53.990269
+                    -2.557613,53.990188
+                    -2.556919,53.989577
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+                    -2.555106,53.988667
+                    -2.554589,53.988357
+                    -2.553077,53.988309
+                    -2.552475,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989096
+                    -2.554589,53.989577
+                    -2.554591,53.989577
+                    -2.555382,53.990479
+                    -2.554967,53.991385
+                    -2.555212,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992629
+                    -2.553352,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993516
+                    -2.552220,53.994098
+                    -2.551564,53.994389
+                    -2.550220,53.995004
+                    -2.550052,53.995094
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+                    -2.542491,53.998704
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+                    -2.539470,54.000430
+                    -2.539467,54.000430
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+                    -2.545543,54.009476
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+                    -2.534930,54.017572
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+                    -2.534930,54.017830
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+                    -2.530394,54.020476
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+                    -2.532521,54.020333
+                    -2.533418,54.019561
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+                    -2.534930,54.020572
+                    -2.535562,54.021239
+                    -2.534930,54.021468
+                    -2.534297,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.020791
+                    -2.532704,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.021802
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+                    -2.534694,54.023051
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+                    -2.534930,54.024858
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+                    -2.530394,54.025202
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013219
+                    -2.511132,54.013095
+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010386
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
+                    -2.509223,54.007668
+                    -2.509223,54.006763
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+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507804,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
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+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
+                    -2.512909,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.006543
+                    -2.514566,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.007621
+                    -2.513497,54.007668
+                    -2.513760,54.007697
+                    -2.515272,54.007835
+                    -2.515810,54.007668
+                    -2.515500,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006362
+                    -2.518296,54.006305
+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
+                    -2.514052,53.998618
+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
+                    -2.511967,53.996811
+                    -2.511814,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994603
+                    -2.509787,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995676
+                    -2.507711,53.995881
+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.995004
+                    -2.504894,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.994131
+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
+                    -2.503298,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.990951
+                    -2.505574,53.990479
+                    -2.504750,53.989577
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
+                    -2.503174,53.987865
+                    -2.502978,53.987765
+                    -2.502391,53.986859
+                    -2.501662,53.986278
+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507805,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979707
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977199
+                    -2.509642,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976536
+                    -2.508680,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975477
+                    -2.509727,53.975101
+                    -2.509420,53.974195
+                    -2.509223,53.973737
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532263,53.972383
+                    -2.532110,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973799
+                    -2.531213,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974609
+                    -2.532582,53.975101
+                    -2.532813,53.976002
+                    -2.532429,53.976908
+                    -2.532561,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978324
+                    -2.534255,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979120
+                    -2.535980,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.979897
+                    -2.537955,53.980460
+                    -2.539467,53.980131
+                    -2.540480,53.980527
+                    -2.540529,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.981862
+                    -2.541685,53.982334
+                    -2.541675,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983727
+                    -2.543824,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984251
+                    -2.545516,53.984723
+                    -2.547028,53.984809
+                    -2.548250,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985229
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+                    -2.551564,53.987031
+                    -2.551849,53.986859
+                    -2.552051,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985734
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+                    -2.557093,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986268
+                    -2.558210,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985348
+                    -2.559633,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986511
+                    -2.562150,53.986325
+                    -2.562827,53.986859
+                    -2.563662,53.987660
+                    -2.563892,53.987765
+                    -2.563788,53.988667
+                    -2.563834,53.989577
+                    -2.564508,53.990479
+                    -2.565174,53.990788
+                    -2.565639,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991938
+                    -2.564643,53.992286
+                    -2.564089,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.994002
+                    -2.562754,53.994098
+                    -2.563662,53.994217
+                    -2.564441,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995500
+                    -2.565673,53.995910
+                    -2.565434,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997097
+                    -2.563662,53.997035
+                    -2.562150,53.997006
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+                    -2.560476,53.996811
+                    -2.560638,53.996758
+                    -2.561651,53.995910
+                    -2.561408,53.995004
+                    -2.560638,53.994589
+                    -2.559794,53.994098
+                    -2.559450,53.993192
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+                    -2.559476,53.990479
+                    -2.559125,53.990269
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+                    -2.554589,53.988357
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+                    -2.552475,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989096
+                    -2.554589,53.989577
+                    -2.554591,53.989577
+                    -2.555382,53.990479
+                    -2.554967,53.991385
+                    -2.555212,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992629
+                    -2.553352,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993516
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+                    -2.551564,53.994389
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+                    -2.545543,54.009476
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+                    -2.537955,54.015136
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+                    -2.534930,54.017572
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+                    -2.534930,54.017830
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+                    -2.530394,54.020476
+                    -2.531906,54.020681
+                    -2.532521,54.020333
+                    -2.533418,54.019561
+                    -2.534621,54.020333
+                    -2.534930,54.020572
+                    -2.535562,54.021239
+                    -2.534930,54.021468
+                    -2.534297,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.020791
+                    -2.532704,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.021802
+                    -2.533756,54.022145
+                    -2.534694,54.023051
+                    -2.534930,54.023347
+                    -2.535730,54.023952
+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025397
+                    -2.531906,54.025459
+                    -2.530394,54.025202
+                    -2.528882,54.025354
+                    -2.527369,54.025507
+                    -2.525898,54.024858
+                    -2.525857,54.024844
+                    -2.524345,54.023952
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+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520257,54.022145
+                    -2.519808,54.021802
+                    -2.518296,54.021807
+                    -2.516874,54.021239
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+                    -2.515272,54.020634
+                    -2.513760,54.020495
+                    -2.512892,54.020333
+                    -2.512247,54.020262
+                    -2.510772,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.019408
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013219
+                    -2.511132,54.013095
+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010386
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
+                    -2.509223,54.007668
+                    -2.509223,54.006763
+                    -2.507711,54.005861
+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507804,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
+                    -2.512909,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.006543
+                    -2.514566,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.007621
+                    -2.513497,54.007668
+                    -2.513760,54.007697
+                    -2.515272,54.007835
+                    -2.515810,54.007668
+                    -2.515500,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006362
+                    -2.518296,54.006305
+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
+                    -2.514052,53.998618
+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
+                    -2.511967,53.996811
+                    -2.511814,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994603
+                    -2.509787,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995676
+                    -2.507711,53.995881
+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.995004
+                    -2.504894,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.994131
+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
+                    -2.503298,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.990951
+                    -2.505574,53.990479
+                    -2.504750,53.989577
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
+                    -2.503174,53.987865
+                    -2.502978,53.987765
+                    -2.502391,53.986859
+                    -2.501662,53.986278
+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507805,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979707
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977199
+                    -2.509642,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976536
+                    -2.508680,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975477
+                    -2.509727,53.975101
+                    -2.509420,53.974195
+                    -2.509223,53.973737
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532263,53.972383
+                    -2.532110,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973799
+                    -2.531213,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974609
+                    -2.532582,53.975101
+                    -2.532813,53.976002
+                    -2.532429,53.976908
+                    -2.532561,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978324
+                    -2.534255,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979120
+                    -2.535980,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.979897
+                    -2.537955,53.980460
+                    -2.539467,53.980131
+                    -2.540480,53.980527
+                    -2.540529,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.981862
+                    -2.541685,53.982334
+                    -2.541675,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983727
+                    -2.543824,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984251
+                    -2.545516,53.984723
+                    -2.547028,53.984809
+                    -2.548250,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985229
+                    -2.550052,53.985271
+                    -2.551078,53.985953
+                    -2.551280,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987031
+                    -2.551849,53.986859
+                    -2.552051,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985734
+                    -2.554589,53.985572
+                    -2.556101,53.985529
+                    -2.557093,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986268
+                    -2.558210,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985348
+                    -2.559633,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986511
+                    -2.562150,53.986325
+                    -2.562827,53.986859
+                    -2.563662,53.987660
+                    -2.563892,53.987765
+                    -2.563788,53.988667
+                    -2.563834,53.989577
+                    -2.564508,53.990479
+                    -2.565174,53.990788
+                    -2.565639,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991938
+                    -2.564643,53.992286
+                    -2.564089,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.994002
+                    -2.562754,53.994098
+                    -2.563662,53.994217
+                    -2.564441,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995500
+                    -2.565673,53.995910
+                    -2.565434,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997097
+                    -2.563662,53.997035
+                    -2.562150,53.997006
+                    -2.560638,53.996882
+                    -2.560476,53.996811
+                    -2.560638,53.996758
+                    -2.561651,53.995910
+                    -2.561408,53.995004
+                    -2.560638,53.994589
+                    -2.559794,53.994098
+                    -2.559450,53.993192
+                    -2.559278,53.992286
+                    -2.559646,53.991385
+                    -2.559476,53.990479
+                    -2.559125,53.990269
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+                    -2.556919,53.989577
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+                    -2.554589,53.988357
+                    -2.553077,53.988309
+                    -2.552475,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989096
+                    -2.554589,53.989577
+                    -2.554591,53.989577
+                    -2.555382,53.990479
+                    -2.554967,53.991385
+                    -2.555212,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992629
+                    -2.553352,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993516
+                    -2.552220,53.994098
+                    -2.551564,53.994389
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+                    -2.534930,54.017572
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+                    -2.534930,54.017830
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+                    -2.530394,54.020476
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+                    -2.533418,54.019561
+                    -2.534621,54.020333
+                    -2.534930,54.020572
+                    -2.535562,54.021239
+                    -2.534930,54.021468
+                    -2.534297,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.020791
+                    -2.532704,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.021802
+                    -2.533756,54.022145
+                    -2.534694,54.023051
+                    -2.534930,54.023347
+                    -2.535730,54.023952
+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025397
+                    -2.531906,54.025459
+                    -2.530394,54.025202
+                    -2.528882,54.025354
+                    -2.527369,54.025507
+                    -2.525898,54.024858
+                    -2.525857,54.024844
+                    -2.524345,54.023952
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+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520257,54.022145
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+                    -2.518296,54.021807
+                    -2.516874,54.021239
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+                    -2.515272,54.020634
+                    -2.513760,54.020495
+                    -2.512892,54.020333
+                    -2.512247,54.020262
+                    -2.510772,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.019408
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013219
+                    -2.511132,54.013095
+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010386
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
+                    -2.509223,54.007668
+                    -2.509223,54.006763
+                    -2.507711,54.005861
+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507804,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
+                    -2.512909,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.006543
+                    -2.514566,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.007621
+                    -2.513497,54.007668
+                    -2.513760,54.007697
+                    -2.515272,54.007835
+                    -2.515810,54.007668
+                    -2.515500,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006362
+                    -2.518296,54.006305
+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
+                    -2.514052,53.998618
+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
+                    -2.511967,53.996811
+                    -2.511814,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994603
+                    -2.509787,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995676
+                    -2.507711,53.995881
+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.995004
+                    -2.504894,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.994131
+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
+                    -2.503298,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.990951
+                    -2.505574,53.990479
+                    -2.504750,53.989577
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
+                    -2.503174,53.987865
+                    -2.502978,53.987765
+                    -2.502391,53.986859
+                    -2.501662,53.986278
+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507805,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979707
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977199
+                    -2.509642,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976536
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+                    -2.509223,53.975477
+                    -2.509727,53.975101
+                    -2.509420,53.974195
+                    -2.509223,53.973737
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532263,53.972383
+                    -2.532110,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973799
+                    -2.531213,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974609
+                    -2.532582,53.975101
+                    -2.532813,53.976002
+                    -2.532429,53.976908
+                    -2.532561,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978324
+                    -2.534255,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979120
+                    -2.535980,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.979897
+                    -2.537955,53.980460
+                    -2.539467,53.980131
+                    -2.540480,53.980527
+                    -2.540529,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.981862
+                    -2.541685,53.982334
+                    -2.541675,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983727
+                    -2.543824,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984251
+                    -2.545516,53.984723
+                    -2.547028,53.984809
+                    -2.548250,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985229
+                    -2.550052,53.985271
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+                    -2.551280,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987031
+                    -2.551849,53.986859
+                    -2.552051,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985734
+                    -2.554589,53.985572
+                    -2.556101,53.985529
+                    -2.557093,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986268
+                    -2.558210,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985348
+                    -2.559633,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986511
+                    -2.562150,53.986325
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+                    -2.563892,53.987765
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+                    -2.563834,53.989577
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+                    -2.565639,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991938
+                    -2.564643,53.992286
+                    -2.564089,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.994002
+                    -2.562754,53.994098
+                    -2.563662,53.994217
+                    -2.564441,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995500
+                    -2.565673,53.995910
+                    -2.565434,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997097
+                    -2.563662,53.997035
+                    -2.562150,53.997006
+                    -2.560638,53.996882
+                    -2.560476,53.996811
+                    -2.560638,53.996758
+                    -2.561651,53.995910
+                    -2.561408,53.995004
+                    -2.560638,53.994589
+                    -2.559794,53.994098
+                    -2.559450,53.993192
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+                    -2.536232,54.010386
+                    -2.536443,54.010673
+                    -2.537306,54.011288
+                    -2.537955,54.011998
+                    -2.539467,54.011998
+                    -2.540979,54.011598
+                    -2.542491,54.012117
+                    -2.544003,54.011455
+                    -2.544692,54.011288
+                    -2.544784,54.010386
+                    -2.545437,54.009476
+                    -2.545276,54.008574
+                    -2.545516,54.008508
+                    -2.545647,54.008574
+                    -2.545543,54.009476
+                    -2.545887,54.010386
+                    -2.546272,54.011288
+                    -2.547028,54.011602
+                    -2.547345,54.012194
+                    -2.547028,54.013038
+                    -2.546923,54.013095
+                    -2.545516,54.013314
+                    -2.544657,54.013095
+                    -2.544003,54.012847
+                    -2.543664,54.013095
+                    -2.543307,54.014001
+                    -2.542491,54.014521
+                    -2.540979,54.014540
+                    -2.540387,54.014907
+                    -2.539467,54.015040
+                    -2.537955,54.015136
+                    -2.536443,54.015050
+                    -2.535531,54.015813
+                    -2.534930,54.015965
+                    -2.533894,54.016719
+                    -2.534930,54.017572
+                    -2.535380,54.017620
+                    -2.534930,54.017830
+                    -2.534142,54.018526
+                    -2.533418,54.019046
+                    -2.531906,54.018989
+                    -2.531129,54.019427
+                    -2.530394,54.020166
+                    -2.530159,54.020333
+                    -2.530394,54.020476
+                    -2.531906,54.020681
+                    -2.532521,54.020333
+                    -2.533418,54.019561
+                    -2.534621,54.020333
+                    -2.534930,54.020572
+                    -2.535562,54.021239
+                    -2.534930,54.021468
+                    -2.534297,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.020791
+                    -2.532704,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.021802
+                    -2.533756,54.022145
+                    -2.534694,54.023051
+                    -2.534930,54.023347
+                    -2.535730,54.023952
+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025397
+                    -2.531906,54.025459
+                    -2.530394,54.025202
+                    -2.528882,54.025354
+                    -2.527369,54.025507
+                    -2.525898,54.024858
+                    -2.525857,54.024844
+                    -2.524345,54.023952
+                    -2.522833,54.023051
+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520257,54.022145
+                    -2.519808,54.021802
+                    -2.518296,54.021807
+                    -2.516874,54.021239
+                    -2.516784,54.021158
+                    -2.515272,54.020634
+                    -2.513760,54.020495
+                    -2.512892,54.020333
+                    -2.512247,54.020262
+                    -2.510772,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.019408
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013219
+                    -2.511132,54.013095
+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010386
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
+                    -2.509223,54.007668
+                    -2.509223,54.006763
+                    -2.507711,54.005861
+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507804,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
+                    -2.512909,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.006543
+                    -2.514566,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.007621
+                    -2.513497,54.007668
+                    -2.513760,54.007697
+                    -2.515272,54.007835
+                    -2.515810,54.007668
+                    -2.515500,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006362
+                    -2.518296,54.006305
+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
+                    -2.514052,53.998618
+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
+                    -2.511967,53.996811
+                    -2.511814,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994603
+                    -2.509787,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995676
+                    -2.507711,53.995881
+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.995004
+                    -2.504894,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.994131
+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
+                    -2.503298,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.990951
+                    -2.505574,53.990479
+                    -2.504750,53.989577
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
+                    -2.503174,53.987865
+                    -2.502978,53.987765
+                    -2.502391,53.986859
+                    -2.501662,53.986278
+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507805,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979707
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977199
+                    -2.509642,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976536
+                    -2.508680,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975477
+                    -2.509727,53.975101
+                    -2.509420,53.974195
+                    -2.509223,53.973737
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532263,53.972383
+                    -2.532110,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973799
+                    -2.531213,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974609
+                    -2.532582,53.975101
+                    -2.532813,53.976002
+                    -2.532429,53.976908
+                    -2.532561,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978324
+                    -2.534255,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979120
+                    -2.535980,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.979897
+                    -2.537955,53.980460
+                    -2.539467,53.980131
+                    -2.540480,53.980527
+                    -2.540529,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.981862
+                    -2.541685,53.982334
+                    -2.541675,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983727
+                    -2.543824,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984251
+                    -2.545516,53.984723
+                    -2.547028,53.984809
+                    -2.548250,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985229
+                    -2.550052,53.985271
+                    -2.551078,53.985953
+                    -2.551280,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987031
+                    -2.551849,53.986859
+                    -2.552051,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985734
+                    -2.554589,53.985572
+                    -2.556101,53.985529
+                    -2.557093,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986268
+                    -2.558210,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985348
+                    -2.559633,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986511
+                    -2.562150,53.986325
+                    -2.562827,53.986859
+                    -2.563662,53.987660
+                    -2.563892,53.987765
+                    -2.563788,53.988667
+                    -2.563834,53.989577
+                    -2.564508,53.990479
+                    -2.565174,53.990788
+                    -2.565639,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991938
+                    -2.564643,53.992286
+                    -2.564089,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.994002
+                    -2.562754,53.994098
+                    -2.563662,53.994217
+                    -2.564441,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995500
+                    -2.565673,53.995910
+                    -2.565434,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997097
+                    -2.563662,53.997035
+                    -2.562150,53.997006
+                    -2.560638,53.996882
+                    -2.560476,53.996811
+                    -2.560638,53.996758
+                    -2.561651,53.995910
+                    -2.561408,53.995004
+                    -2.560638,53.994589
+                    -2.559794,53.994098
+                    -2.559450,53.993192
+                    -2.559278,53.992286
+                    -2.559646,53.991385
+                    -2.559476,53.990479
+                    -2.559125,53.990269
+                    -2.557613,53.990188
+                    -2.556919,53.989577
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+                    -2.555106,53.988667
+                    -2.554589,53.988357
+                    -2.553077,53.988309
+                    -2.552475,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989096
+                    -2.554589,53.989577
+                    -2.554591,53.989577
+                    -2.555382,53.990479
+                    -2.554967,53.991385
+                    -2.555212,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992629
+                    -2.553352,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993516
+                    -2.552220,53.994098
+                    -2.551564,53.994389
+                    -2.550220,53.995004
+                    -2.550052,53.995094
+                    -2.548701,53.995910
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+                    -2.542491,53.998704
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+                    -2.539470,54.000430
+                    -2.539467,54.000430
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+                    -2.545543,54.009476
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+                    -2.545516,54.013314
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+                    -2.542491,54.014521
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+                    -2.537955,54.015136
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+                    -2.534930,54.017572
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+                    -2.534930,54.017830
+                    -2.534142,54.018526
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+                    -2.530394,54.020476
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+                    -2.532521,54.020333
+                    -2.533418,54.019561
+                    -2.534621,54.020333
+                    -2.534930,54.020572
+                    -2.535562,54.021239
+                    -2.534930,54.021468
+                    -2.534297,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.020791
+                    -2.532704,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.021802
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+                    -2.534694,54.023051
+                    -2.534930,54.023347
+                    -2.535730,54.023952
+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025397
+                    -2.531906,54.025459
+                    -2.530394,54.025202
+                    -2.528882,54.025354
+                    -2.527369,54.025507
+                    -2.525898,54.024858
+                    -2.525857,54.024844
+                    -2.524345,54.023952
+                    -2.522833,54.023051
+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520257,54.022145
+                    -2.519808,54.021802
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013219
+                    -2.511132,54.013095
+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010386
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
+                    -2.509223,54.007668
+                    -2.509223,54.006763
+                    -2.507711,54.005861
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+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507804,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
+                    -2.512909,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.006543
+                    -2.514566,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.007621
+                    -2.513497,54.007668
+                    -2.513760,54.007697
+                    -2.515272,54.007835
+                    -2.515810,54.007668
+                    -2.515500,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006362
+                    -2.518296,54.006305
+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
+                    -2.514052,53.998618
+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
+                    -2.511967,53.996811
+                    -2.511814,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994603
+                    -2.509787,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995676
+                    -2.507711,53.995881
+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.995004
+                    -2.504894,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.994131
+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
+                    -2.503298,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.990951
+                    -2.505574,53.990479
+                    -2.504750,53.989577
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
+                    -2.503174,53.987865
+                    -2.502978,53.987765
+                    -2.502391,53.986859
+                    -2.501662,53.986278
+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507805,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979707
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977199
+                    -2.509642,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976536
+                    -2.508680,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975477
+                    -2.509727,53.975101
+                    -2.509420,53.974195
+                    -2.509223,53.973737
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532263,53.972383
+                    -2.532110,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973799
+                    -2.531213,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974609
+                    -2.532582,53.975101
+                    -2.532813,53.976002
+                    -2.532429,53.976908
+                    -2.532561,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978324
+                    -2.534255,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979120
+                    -2.535980,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.979897
+                    -2.537955,53.980460
+                    -2.539467,53.980131
+                    -2.540480,53.980527
+                    -2.540529,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.981862
+                    -2.541685,53.982334
+                    -2.541675,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983727
+                    -2.543824,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984251
+                    -2.545516,53.984723
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+                    -2.548250,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985229
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+                    -2.551564,53.987031
+                    -2.551849,53.986859
+                    -2.552051,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985734
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+                    -2.557093,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986268
+                    -2.558210,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985348
+                    -2.559633,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986511
+                    -2.562150,53.986325
+                    -2.562827,53.986859
+                    -2.563662,53.987660
+                    -2.563892,53.987765
+                    -2.563788,53.988667
+                    -2.563834,53.989577
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+                    -2.565174,53.990788
+                    -2.565639,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991938
+                    -2.564643,53.992286
+                    -2.564089,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.994002
+                    -2.562754,53.994098
+                    -2.563662,53.994217
+                    -2.564441,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995500
+                    -2.565673,53.995910
+                    -2.565434,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997097
+                    -2.563662,53.997035
+                    -2.562150,53.997006
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+                    -2.560476,53.996811
+                    -2.560638,53.996758
+                    -2.561651,53.995910
+                    -2.561408,53.995004
+                    -2.560638,53.994589
+                    -2.559794,53.994098
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+                    -2.559476,53.990479
+                    -2.559125,53.990269
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+                    -2.552475,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989096
+                    -2.554589,53.989577
+                    -2.554591,53.989577
+                    -2.555382,53.990479
+                    -2.554967,53.991385
+                    -2.555212,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992629
+                    -2.553352,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993516
+                    -2.552220,53.994098
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+                    -2.545543,54.009476
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+                    -2.537955,54.015136
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+                    -2.534930,54.017572
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+                    -2.534930,54.017830
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+                    -2.530394,54.020476
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+                    -2.532521,54.020333
+                    -2.533418,54.019561
+                    -2.534621,54.020333
+                    -2.534930,54.020572
+                    -2.535562,54.021239
+                    -2.534930,54.021468
+                    -2.534297,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.020791
+                    -2.532704,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.021802
+                    -2.533756,54.022145
+                    -2.534694,54.023051
+                    -2.534930,54.023347
+                    -2.535730,54.023952
+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025397
+                    -2.531906,54.025459
+                    -2.530394,54.025202
+                    -2.528882,54.025354
+                    -2.527369,54.025507
+                    -2.525898,54.024858
+                    -2.525857,54.024844
+                    -2.524345,54.023952
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+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520257,54.022145
+                    -2.519808,54.021802
+                    -2.518296,54.021807
+                    -2.516874,54.021239
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+                    -2.515272,54.020634
+                    -2.513760,54.020495
+                    -2.512892,54.020333
+                    -2.512247,54.020262
+                    -2.510772,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.019408
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013219
+                    -2.511132,54.013095
+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010386
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
+                    -2.509223,54.007668
+                    -2.509223,54.006763
+                    -2.507711,54.005861
+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507804,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
+                    -2.512909,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.006543
+                    -2.514566,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.007621
+                    -2.513497,54.007668
+                    -2.513760,54.007697
+                    -2.515272,54.007835
+                    -2.515810,54.007668
+                    -2.515500,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006362
+                    -2.518296,54.006305
+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
+                    -2.514052,53.998618
+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
+                    -2.511967,53.996811
+                    -2.511814,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994603
+                    -2.509787,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995676
+                    -2.507711,53.995881
+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.995004
+                    -2.504894,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.994131
+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
+                    -2.503298,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.990951
+                    -2.505574,53.990479
+                    -2.504750,53.989577
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
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+                    -2.502978,53.987765
+                    -2.502391,53.986859
+                    -2.501662,53.986278
+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
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+                    -2.507805,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979707
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977199
+                    -2.509642,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976536
+                    -2.508680,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975477
+                    -2.509727,53.975101
+                    -2.509420,53.974195
+                    -2.509223,53.973737
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532263,53.972383
+                    -2.532110,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973799
+                    -2.531213,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974609
+                    -2.532582,53.975101
+                    -2.532813,53.976002
+                    -2.532429,53.976908
+                    -2.532561,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978324
+                    -2.534255,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979120
+                    -2.535980,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.979897
+                    -2.537955,53.980460
+                    -2.539467,53.980131
+                    -2.540480,53.980527
+                    -2.540529,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.981862
+                    -2.541685,53.982334
+                    -2.541675,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983727
+                    -2.543824,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984251
+                    -2.545516,53.984723
+                    -2.547028,53.984809
+                    -2.548250,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985229
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+                    -2.551280,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987031
+                    -2.551849,53.986859
+                    -2.552051,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985734
+                    -2.554589,53.985572
+                    -2.556101,53.985529
+                    -2.557093,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986268
+                    -2.558210,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985348
+                    -2.559633,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986511
+                    -2.562150,53.986325
+                    -2.562827,53.986859
+                    -2.563662,53.987660
+                    -2.563892,53.987765
+                    -2.563788,53.988667
+                    -2.563834,53.989577
+                    -2.564508,53.990479
+                    -2.565174,53.990788
+                    -2.565639,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991938
+                    -2.564643,53.992286
+                    -2.564089,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.994002
+                    -2.562754,53.994098
+                    -2.563662,53.994217
+                    -2.564441,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995500
+                    -2.565673,53.995910
+                    -2.565434,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997097
+                    -2.563662,53.997035
+                    -2.562150,53.997006
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+                    -2.560476,53.996811
+                    -2.560638,53.996758
+                    -2.561651,53.995910
+                    -2.561408,53.995004
+                    -2.560638,53.994589
+                    -2.559794,53.994098
+                    -2.559450,53.993192
+                    -2.559278,53.992286
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+                    -2.559476,53.990479
+                    -2.559125,53.990269
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+                    -2.554589,53.988357
+                    -2.553077,53.988309
+                    -2.552475,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989096
+                    -2.554589,53.989577
+                    -2.554591,53.989577
+                    -2.555382,53.990479
+                    -2.554967,53.991385
+                    -2.555212,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992629
+                    -2.553352,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993516
+                    -2.552220,53.994098
+                    -2.551564,53.994389
+                    -2.550220,53.995004
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+                    -2.534930,54.017572
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+                    -2.534930,54.017830
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+                    -2.530394,54.020476
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+                    -2.533418,54.019561
+                    -2.534621,54.020333
+                    -2.534930,54.020572
+                    -2.535562,54.021239
+                    -2.534930,54.021468
+                    -2.534297,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.020791
+                    -2.532704,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.021802
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+                    -2.534694,54.023051
+                    -2.534930,54.023347
+                    -2.535730,54.023952
+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025397
+                    -2.531906,54.025459
+                    -2.530394,54.025202
+                    -2.528882,54.025354
+                    -2.527369,54.025507
+                    -2.525898,54.024858
+                    -2.525857,54.024844
+                    -2.524345,54.023952
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+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520257,54.022145
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+                    -2.518296,54.021807
+                    -2.516874,54.021239
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+                    -2.515272,54.020634
+                    -2.513760,54.020495
+                    -2.512892,54.020333
+                    -2.512247,54.020262
+                    -2.510772,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.019408
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013219
+                    -2.511132,54.013095
+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010386
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
+                    -2.509223,54.007668
+                    -2.509223,54.006763
+                    -2.507711,54.005861
+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507804,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
+                    -2.512909,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.006543
+                    -2.514566,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.007621
+                    -2.513497,54.007668
+                    -2.513760,54.007697
+                    -2.515272,54.007835
+                    -2.515810,54.007668
+                    -2.515500,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006362
+                    -2.518296,54.006305
+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
+                    -2.514052,53.998618
+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
+                    -2.511967,53.996811
+                    -2.511814,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994603
+                    -2.509787,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995676
+                    -2.507711,53.995881
+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.995004
+                    -2.504894,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
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+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
+                    -2.503298,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.990951
+                    -2.505574,53.990479
+                    -2.504750,53.989577
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
+                    -2.503174,53.987865
+                    -2.502978,53.987765
+                    -2.502391,53.986859
+                    -2.501662,53.986278
+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507805,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979707
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977199
+                    -2.509642,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976536
+                    -2.508680,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975477
+                    -2.509727,53.975101
+                    -2.509420,53.974195
+                    -2.509223,53.973737
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532263,53.972383
+                    -2.532110,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973799
+                    -2.531213,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974609
+                    -2.532582,53.975101
+                    -2.532813,53.976002
+                    -2.532429,53.976908
+                    -2.532561,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978324
+                    -2.534255,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979120
+                    -2.535980,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.979897
+                    -2.537955,53.980460
+                    -2.539467,53.980131
+                    -2.540480,53.980527
+                    -2.540529,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.981862
+                    -2.541685,53.982334
+                    -2.541675,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983727
+                    -2.543824,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984251
+                    -2.545516,53.984723
+                    -2.547028,53.984809
+                    -2.548250,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985229
+                    -2.550052,53.985271
+                    -2.551078,53.985953
+                    -2.551280,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987031
+                    -2.551849,53.986859
+                    -2.552051,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985734
+                    -2.554589,53.985572
+                    -2.556101,53.985529
+                    -2.557093,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986268
+                    -2.558210,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985348
+                    -2.559633,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986511
+                    -2.562150,53.986325
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+                    -2.563892,53.987765
+                    -2.563788,53.988667
+                    -2.563834,53.989577
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+                    -2.565639,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991938
+                    -2.564643,53.992286
+                    -2.564089,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.994002
+                    -2.562754,53.994098
+                    -2.563662,53.994217
+                    -2.564441,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995500
+                    -2.565673,53.995910
+                    -2.565434,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997097
+                    -2.563662,53.997035
+                    -2.562150,53.997006
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+                    -2.542491,54.009075
+                    -2.541844,54.008574
+                    -2.540979,54.008212
+                    -2.539467,54.008350
+                    -2.537955,54.008026
+                    -2.536795,54.008574
+                    -2.537324,54.009476
+                    -2.536443,54.010234
+                    -2.536232,54.010386
+                    -2.536443,54.010673
+                    -2.537306,54.011288
+                    -2.537955,54.011998
+                    -2.539467,54.011998
+                    -2.540979,54.011598
+                    -2.542491,54.012117
+                    -2.544003,54.011455
+                    -2.544692,54.011288
+                    -2.544784,54.010386
+                    -2.545437,54.009476
+                    -2.545276,54.008574
+                    -2.545516,54.008508
+                    -2.545647,54.008574
+                    -2.545543,54.009476
+                    -2.545887,54.010386
+                    -2.546272,54.011288
+                    -2.547028,54.011602
+                    -2.547345,54.012194
+                    -2.547028,54.013038
+                    -2.546923,54.013095
+                    -2.545516,54.013314
+                    -2.544657,54.013095
+                    -2.544003,54.012847
+                    -2.543664,54.013095
+                    -2.543307,54.014001
+                    -2.542491,54.014521
+                    -2.540979,54.014540
+                    -2.540387,54.014907
+                    -2.539467,54.015040
+                    -2.537955,54.015136
+                    -2.536443,54.015050
+                    -2.535531,54.015813
+                    -2.534930,54.015965
+                    -2.533894,54.016719
+                    -2.534930,54.017572
+                    -2.535380,54.017620
+                    -2.534930,54.017830
+                    -2.534142,54.018526
+                    -2.533418,54.019046
+                    -2.531906,54.018989
+                    -2.531129,54.019427
+                    -2.530394,54.020166
+                    -2.530159,54.020333
+                    -2.530394,54.020476
+                    -2.531906,54.020681
+                    -2.532521,54.020333
+                    -2.533418,54.019561
+                    -2.534621,54.020333
+                    -2.534930,54.020572
+                    -2.535562,54.021239
+                    -2.534930,54.021468
+                    -2.534297,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.020791
+                    -2.532704,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.021802
+                    -2.533756,54.022145
+                    -2.534694,54.023051
+                    -2.534930,54.023347
+                    -2.535730,54.023952
+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025397
+                    -2.531906,54.025459
+                    -2.530394,54.025202
+                    -2.528882,54.025354
+                    -2.527369,54.025507
+                    -2.525898,54.024858
+                    -2.525857,54.024844
+                    -2.524345,54.023952
+                    -2.522833,54.023051
+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520257,54.022145
+                    -2.519808,54.021802
+                    -2.518296,54.021807
+                    -2.516874,54.021239
+                    -2.516784,54.021158
+                    -2.515272,54.020634
+                    -2.513760,54.020495
+                    -2.512892,54.020333
+                    -2.512247,54.020262
+                    -2.510772,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.019408
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013219
+                    -2.511132,54.013095
+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010386
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
+                    -2.509223,54.007668
+                    -2.509223,54.006763
+                    -2.507711,54.005861
+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507804,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
+                    -2.512909,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.006543
+                    -2.514566,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.007621
+                    -2.513497,54.007668
+                    -2.513760,54.007697
+                    -2.515272,54.007835
+                    -2.515810,54.007668
+                    -2.515500,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006362
+                    -2.518296,54.006305
+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
+                    -2.514052,53.998618
+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
+                    -2.511967,53.996811
+                    -2.511814,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994603
+                    -2.509787,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995676
+                    -2.507711,53.995881
+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.995004
+                    -2.504894,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.994131
+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
+                    -2.503298,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.990951
+                    -2.505574,53.990479
+                    -2.504750,53.989577
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
+                    -2.503174,53.987865
+                    -2.502978,53.987765
+                    -2.502391,53.986859
+                    -2.501662,53.986278
+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507805,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979707
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977199
+                    -2.509642,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976536
+                    -2.508680,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975477
+                    -2.509727,53.975101
+                    -2.509420,53.974195
+                    -2.509223,53.973737
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532263,53.972383
+                    -2.532110,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973799
+                    -2.531213,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974609
+                    -2.532582,53.975101
+                    -2.532813,53.976002
+                    -2.532429,53.976908
+                    -2.532561,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978324
+                    -2.534255,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979120
+                    -2.535980,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.979897
+                    -2.537955,53.980460
+                    -2.539467,53.980131
+                    -2.540480,53.980527
+                    -2.540529,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.981862
+                    -2.541685,53.982334
+                    -2.541675,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983727
+                    -2.543824,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984251
+                    -2.545516,53.984723
+                    -2.547028,53.984809
+                    -2.548250,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985229
+                    -2.550052,53.985271
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+                    -2.551280,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987031
+                    -2.551849,53.986859
+                    -2.552051,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985734
+                    -2.554589,53.985572
+                    -2.556101,53.985529
+                    -2.557093,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986268
+                    -2.558210,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985348
+                    -2.559633,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986511
+                    -2.562150,53.986325
+                    -2.562827,53.986859
+                    -2.563662,53.987660
+                    -2.563892,53.987765
+                    -2.563788,53.988667
+                    -2.563834,53.989577
+                    -2.564508,53.990479
+                    -2.565174,53.990788
+                    -2.565639,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991938
+                    -2.564643,53.992286
+                    -2.564089,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.994002
+                    -2.562754,53.994098
+                    -2.563662,53.994217
+                    -2.564441,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995500
+                    -2.565673,53.995910
+                    -2.565434,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997097
+                    -2.563662,53.997035
+                    -2.562150,53.997006
+                    -2.560638,53.996882
+                    -2.560476,53.996811
+                    -2.560638,53.996758
+                    -2.561651,53.995910
+                    -2.561408,53.995004
+                    -2.560638,53.994589
+                    -2.559794,53.994098
+                    -2.559450,53.993192
+                    -2.559278,53.992286
+                    -2.559646,53.991385
+                    -2.559476,53.990479
+                    -2.559125,53.990269
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+                    -2.556919,53.989577
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+                    -2.555106,53.988667
+                    -2.554589,53.988357
+                    -2.553077,53.988309
+                    -2.552475,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989096
+                    -2.554589,53.989577
+                    -2.554591,53.989577
+                    -2.555382,53.990479
+                    -2.554967,53.991385
+                    -2.555212,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992629
+                    -2.553352,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993516
+                    -2.552220,53.994098
+                    -2.551564,53.994389
+                    -2.550220,53.995004
+                    -2.550052,53.995094
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+                    -2.539470,54.000430
+                    -2.539467,54.000430
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+                    -2.545543,54.009476
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+                    -2.530394,54.020476
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+                    -2.533418,54.019561
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+                    -2.534930,54.020572
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+                    -2.534930,54.021468
+                    -2.534297,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.020791
+                    -2.532704,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.021802
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+                    -2.534694,54.023051
+                    -2.534930,54.023347
+                    -2.535730,54.023952
+                    -2.534930,54.024858
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+                    -2.531906,54.025459
+                    -2.530394,54.025202
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+                    -2.525857,54.024844
+                    -2.524345,54.023952
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013219
+                    -2.511132,54.013095
+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010386
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
+                    -2.509223,54.007668
+                    -2.509223,54.006763
+                    -2.507711,54.005861
+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507804,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
+                    -2.512909,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.006543
+                    -2.514566,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.007621
+                    -2.513497,54.007668
+                    -2.513760,54.007697
+                    -2.515272,54.007835
+                    -2.515810,54.007668
+                    -2.515500,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006362
+                    -2.518296,54.006305
+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
+                    -2.514052,53.998618
+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
+                    -2.511967,53.996811
+                    -2.511814,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994603
+                    -2.509787,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995676
+                    -2.507711,53.995881
+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.995004
+                    -2.504894,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.994131
+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
+                    -2.503298,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.990951
+                    -2.505574,53.990479
+                    -2.504750,53.989577
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
+                    -2.503174,53.987865
+                    -2.502978,53.987765
+                    -2.502391,53.986859
+                    -2.501662,53.986278
+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507805,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979707
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977199
+                    -2.509642,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976536
+                    -2.508680,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975477
+                    -2.509727,53.975101
+                    -2.509420,53.974195
+                    -2.509223,53.973737
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532263,53.972383
+                    -2.532110,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973799
+                    -2.531213,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974609
+                    -2.532582,53.975101
+                    -2.532813,53.976002
+                    -2.532429,53.976908
+                    -2.532561,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978324
+                    -2.534255,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979120
+                    -2.535980,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.979897
+                    -2.537955,53.980460
+                    -2.539467,53.980131
+                    -2.540480,53.980527
+                    -2.540529,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.981862
+                    -2.541685,53.982334
+                    -2.541675,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983727
+                    -2.543824,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984251
+                    -2.545516,53.984723
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+                    -2.548250,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985229
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+                    -2.551280,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987031
+                    -2.551849,53.986859
+                    -2.552051,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985734
+                    -2.554589,53.985572
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+                    -2.557093,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986268
+                    -2.558210,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985348
+                    -2.559633,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986511
+                    -2.562150,53.986325
+                    -2.562827,53.986859
+                    -2.563662,53.987660
+                    -2.563892,53.987765
+                    -2.563788,53.988667
+                    -2.563834,53.989577
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+                    -2.565639,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991938
+                    -2.564643,53.992286
+                    -2.564089,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.994002
+                    -2.562754,53.994098
+                    -2.563662,53.994217
+                    -2.564441,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995500
+                    -2.565673,53.995910
+                    -2.565434,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997097
+                    -2.563662,53.997035
+                    -2.562150,53.997006
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+                    -2.560476,53.996811
+                    -2.560638,53.996758
+                    -2.561651,53.995910
+                    -2.561408,53.995004
+                    -2.560638,53.994589
+                    -2.559794,53.994098
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+                    -2.559476,53.990479
+                    -2.559125,53.990269
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+                    -2.554589,53.988357
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+                    -2.552475,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989096
+                    -2.554589,53.989577
+                    -2.554591,53.989577
+                    -2.555382,53.990479
+                    -2.554967,53.991385
+                    -2.555212,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992629
+                    -2.553352,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993516
+                    -2.552220,53.994098
+                    -2.551564,53.994389
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+                    -2.545543,54.009476
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+                    -2.537955,54.015136
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+                    -2.534930,54.017572
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+                    -2.534930,54.017830
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+                    -2.530394,54.020476
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+                    -2.532521,54.020333
+                    -2.533418,54.019561
+                    -2.534621,54.020333
+                    -2.534930,54.020572
+                    -2.535562,54.021239
+                    -2.534930,54.021468
+                    -2.534297,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.020791
+                    -2.532704,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.021802
+                    -2.533756,54.022145
+                    -2.534694,54.023051
+                    -2.534930,54.023347
+                    -2.535730,54.023952
+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025397
+                    -2.531906,54.025459
+                    -2.530394,54.025202
+                    -2.528882,54.025354
+                    -2.527369,54.025507
+                    -2.525898,54.024858
+                    -2.525857,54.024844
+                    -2.524345,54.023952
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+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520257,54.022145
+                    -2.519808,54.021802
+                    -2.518296,54.021807
+                    -2.516874,54.021239
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+                    -2.515272,54.020634
+                    -2.513760,54.020495
+                    -2.512892,54.020333
+                    -2.512247,54.020262
+                    -2.510772,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.019408
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013219
+                    -2.511132,54.013095
+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010386
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
+                    -2.509223,54.007668
+                    -2.509223,54.006763
+                    -2.507711,54.005861
+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507804,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
+                    -2.512909,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.006543
+                    -2.514566,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.007621
+                    -2.513497,54.007668
+                    -2.513760,54.007697
+                    -2.515272,54.007835
+                    -2.515810,54.007668
+                    -2.515500,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006362
+                    -2.518296,54.006305
+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
+                    -2.514052,53.998618
+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
+                    -2.511967,53.996811
+                    -2.511814,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994603
+                    -2.509787,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995676
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+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.995004
+                    -2.504894,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.994131
+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
+                    -2.503298,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.990951
+                    -2.505574,53.990479
+                    -2.504750,53.989577
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
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+                    -2.502978,53.987765
+                    -2.502391,53.986859
+                    -2.501662,53.986278
+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507805,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979707
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977199
+                    -2.509642,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976536
+                    -2.508680,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975477
+                    -2.509727,53.975101
+                    -2.509420,53.974195
+                    -2.509223,53.973737
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532263,53.972383
+                    -2.532110,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973799
+                    -2.531213,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974609
+                    -2.532582,53.975101
+                    -2.532813,53.976002
+                    -2.532429,53.976908
+                    -2.532561,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978324
+                    -2.534255,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979120
+                    -2.535980,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.979897
+                    -2.537955,53.980460
+                    -2.539467,53.980131
+                    -2.540480,53.980527
+                    -2.540529,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.981862
+                    -2.541685,53.982334
+                    -2.541675,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983727
+                    -2.543824,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984251
+                    -2.545516,53.984723
+                    -2.547028,53.984809
+                    -2.548250,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985229
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+                    -2.551280,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987031
+                    -2.551849,53.986859
+                    -2.552051,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985734
+                    -2.554589,53.985572
+                    -2.556101,53.985529
+                    -2.557093,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986268
+                    -2.558210,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985348
+                    -2.559633,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986511
+                    -2.562150,53.986325
+                    -2.562827,53.986859
+                    -2.563662,53.987660
+                    -2.563892,53.987765
+                    -2.563788,53.988667
+                    -2.563834,53.989577
+                    -2.564508,53.990479
+                    -2.565174,53.990788
+                    -2.565639,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991938
+                    -2.564643,53.992286
+                    -2.564089,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.994002
+                    -2.562754,53.994098
+                    -2.563662,53.994217
+                    -2.564441,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995500
+                    -2.565673,53.995910
+                    -2.565434,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997097
+                    -2.563662,53.997035
+                    -2.562150,53.997006
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+                    -2.560476,53.996811
+                    -2.560638,53.996758
+                    -2.561651,53.995910
+                    -2.561408,53.995004
+                    -2.560638,53.994589
+                    -2.559794,53.994098
+                    -2.559450,53.993192
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+                    -2.559476,53.990479
+                    -2.559125,53.990269
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+                    -2.554589,53.988357
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+                    -2.552475,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989096
+                    -2.554589,53.989577
+                    -2.554591,53.989577
+                    -2.555382,53.990479
+                    -2.554967,53.991385
+                    -2.555212,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992629
+                    -2.553352,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993516
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+                    -2.534930,54.017572
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+                    -2.534930,54.017830
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+                    -2.530394,54.020476
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+                    -2.533418,54.019561
+                    -2.534621,54.020333
+                    -2.534930,54.020572
+                    -2.535562,54.021239
+                    -2.534930,54.021468
+                    -2.534297,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.020791
+                    -2.532704,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.021802
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+                    -2.534694,54.023051
+                    -2.534930,54.023347
+                    -2.535730,54.023952
+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025397
+                    -2.531906,54.025459
+                    -2.530394,54.025202
+                    -2.528882,54.025354
+                    -2.527369,54.025507
+                    -2.525898,54.024858
+                    -2.525857,54.024844
+                    -2.524345,54.023952
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+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520257,54.022145
+                    -2.519808,54.021802
+                    -2.518296,54.021807
+                    -2.516874,54.021239
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+                    -2.515272,54.020634
+                    -2.513760,54.020495
+                    -2.512892,54.020333
+                    -2.512247,54.020262
+                    -2.510772,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.019408
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013219
+                    -2.511132,54.013095
+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010386
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
+                    -2.509223,54.007668
+                    -2.509223,54.006763
+                    -2.507711,54.005861
+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507804,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
+                    -2.512909,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.006543
+                    -2.514566,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.007621
+                    -2.513497,54.007668
+                    -2.513760,54.007697
+                    -2.515272,54.007835
+                    -2.515810,54.007668
+                    -2.515500,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006362
+                    -2.518296,54.006305
+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
+                    -2.514052,53.998618
+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
+                    -2.511967,53.996811
+                    -2.511814,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994603
+                    -2.509787,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995676
+                    -2.507711,53.995881
+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.995004
+                    -2.504894,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
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+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
+                    -2.503298,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.990951
+                    -2.505574,53.990479
+                    -2.504750,53.989577
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
+                    -2.503174,53.987865
+                    -2.502978,53.987765
+                    -2.502391,53.986859
+                    -2.501662,53.986278
+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507805,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979707
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977199
+                    -2.509642,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976536
+                    -2.508680,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975477
+                    -2.509727,53.975101
+                    -2.509420,53.974195
+                    -2.509223,53.973737
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532263,53.972383
+                    -2.532110,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973799
+                    -2.531213,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974609
+                    -2.532582,53.975101
+                    -2.532813,53.976002
+                    -2.532429,53.976908
+                    -2.532561,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978324
+                    -2.534255,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979120
+                    -2.535980,53.979621
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+                    -2.537955,53.980460
+                    -2.539467,53.980131
+                    -2.540480,53.980527
+                    -2.540529,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.981862
+                    -2.541685,53.982334
+                    -2.541675,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983727
+                    -2.543824,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984251
+                    -2.545516,53.984723
+                    -2.547028,53.984809
+                    -2.548250,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985229
+                    -2.550052,53.985271
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+                    -2.551280,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987031
+                    -2.551849,53.986859
+                    -2.552051,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985734
+                    -2.554589,53.985572
+                    -2.556101,53.985529
+                    -2.557093,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986268
+                    -2.558210,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985348
+                    -2.559633,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986511
+                    -2.562150,53.986325
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+                    -2.563834,53.989577
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+                    -2.565174,53.991938
+                    -2.564643,53.992286
+                    -2.564089,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.994002
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+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010386
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
+                    -2.509223,54.007668
+                    -2.509223,54.006763
+                    -2.507711,54.005861
+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507804,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
+                    -2.512909,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.006543
+                    -2.514566,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.007621
+                    -2.513497,54.007668
+                    -2.513760,54.007697
+                    -2.515272,54.007835
+                    -2.515810,54.007668
+                    -2.515500,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006362
+                    -2.518296,54.006305
+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
+                    -2.514052,53.998618
+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
+                    -2.511967,53.996811
+                    -2.511814,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994603
+                    -2.509787,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995676
+                    -2.507711,53.995881
+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.995004
+                    -2.504894,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.994131
+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
+                    -2.503298,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.990951
+                    -2.505574,53.990479
+                    -2.504750,53.989577
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
+                    -2.503174,53.987865
+                    -2.502978,53.987765
+                    -2.502391,53.986859
+                    -2.501662,53.986278
+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507805,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979707
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977199
+                    -2.509642,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976536
+                    -2.508680,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975477
+                    -2.509727,53.975101
+                    -2.509420,53.974195
+                    -2.509223,53.973737
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532263,53.972383
+                    -2.532110,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973799
+                    -2.531213,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974609
+                    -2.532582,53.975101
+                    -2.532813,53.976002
+                    -2.532429,53.976908
+                    -2.532561,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978324
+                    -2.534255,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979120
+                    -2.535980,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.979897
+                    -2.537955,53.980460
+                    -2.539467,53.980131
+                    -2.540480,53.980527
+                    -2.540529,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.981862
+                    -2.541685,53.982334
+                    -2.541675,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983727
+                    -2.543824,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984251
+                    -2.545516,53.984723
+                    -2.547028,53.984809
+                    -2.548250,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985229
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+                    -2.551564,53.987031
+                    -2.551849,53.986859
+                    -2.552051,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985734
+                    -2.554589,53.985572
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+                    -2.557093,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986268
+                    -2.558210,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985348
+                    -2.559633,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986511
+                    -2.562150,53.986325
+                    -2.562827,53.986859
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+                    -2.563788,53.988667
+                    -2.563834,53.989577
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+                    -2.565639,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991938
+                    -2.564643,53.992286
+                    -2.564089,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.994002
+                    -2.562754,53.994098
+                    -2.563662,53.994217
+                    -2.564441,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995500
+                    -2.565673,53.995910
+                    -2.565434,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997097
+                    -2.563662,53.997035
+                    -2.562150,53.997006
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+                    -2.560638,53.996758
+                    -2.561651,53.995910
+                    -2.561408,53.995004
+                    -2.560638,53.994589
+                    -2.559794,53.994098
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+                    -2.559476,53.990479
+                    -2.559125,53.990269
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+                    -2.554589,53.988357
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+                    -2.552475,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989096
+                    -2.554589,53.989577
+                    -2.554591,53.989577
+                    -2.555382,53.990479
+                    -2.554967,53.991385
+                    -2.555212,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992629
+                    -2.553352,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993516
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+                    -2.551564,53.994389
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+                    -2.545543,54.009476
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+                    -2.534930,54.017572
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+                    -2.534930,54.017830
+                    -2.534142,54.018526
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+                    -2.530394,54.020476
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+                    -2.532521,54.020333
+                    -2.533418,54.019561
+                    -2.534621,54.020333
+                    -2.534930,54.020572
+                    -2.535562,54.021239
+                    -2.534930,54.021468
+                    -2.534297,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.020791
+                    -2.532704,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.021802
+                    -2.533756,54.022145
+                    -2.534694,54.023051
+                    -2.534930,54.023347
+                    -2.535730,54.023952
+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025397
+                    -2.531906,54.025459
+                    -2.530394,54.025202
+                    -2.528882,54.025354
+                    -2.527369,54.025507
+                    -2.525898,54.024858
+                    -2.525857,54.024844
+                    -2.524345,54.023952
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+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520257,54.022145
+                    -2.519808,54.021802
+                    -2.518296,54.021807
+                    -2.516874,54.021239
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+                    -2.515272,54.020634
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+                    -2.512892,54.020333
+                    -2.512247,54.020262
+                    -2.510772,54.019427
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013219
+                    -2.511132,54.013095
+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010386
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
+                    -2.509223,54.007668
+                    -2.509223,54.006763
+                    -2.507711,54.005861
+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507804,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
+                    -2.512909,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.006543
+                    -2.514566,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.007621
+                    -2.513497,54.007668
+                    -2.513760,54.007697
+                    -2.515272,54.007835
+                    -2.515810,54.007668
+                    -2.515500,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006362
+                    -2.518296,54.006305
+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
+                    -2.514052,53.998618
+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
+                    -2.511967,53.996811
+                    -2.511814,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994603
+                    -2.509787,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995676
+                    -2.507711,53.995881
+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.995004
+                    -2.504894,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.994131
+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
+                    -2.503298,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.990951
+                    -2.505574,53.990479
+                    -2.504750,53.989577
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
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+                    -2.502978,53.987765
+                    -2.502391,53.986859
+                    -2.501662,53.986278
+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507805,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979707
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977199
+                    -2.509642,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976536
+                    -2.508680,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975477
+                    -2.509727,53.975101
+                    -2.509420,53.974195
+                    -2.509223,53.973737
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532263,53.972383
+                    -2.532110,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973799
+                    -2.531213,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974609
+                    -2.532582,53.975101
+                    -2.532813,53.976002
+                    -2.532429,53.976908
+                    -2.532561,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978324
+                    -2.534255,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979120
+                    -2.535980,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.979897
+                    -2.537955,53.980460
+                    -2.539467,53.980131
+                    -2.540480,53.980527
+                    -2.540529,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.981862
+                    -2.541685,53.982334
+                    -2.541675,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983727
+                    -2.543824,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984251
+                    -2.545516,53.984723
+                    -2.547028,53.984809
+                    -2.548250,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985229
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+                    -2.551280,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987031
+                    -2.551849,53.986859
+                    -2.552051,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985734
+                    -2.554589,53.985572
+                    -2.556101,53.985529
+                    -2.557093,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986268
+                    -2.558210,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985348
+                    -2.559633,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986511
+                    -2.562150,53.986325
+                    -2.562827,53.986859
+                    -2.563662,53.987660
+                    -2.563892,53.987765
+                    -2.563788,53.988667
+                    -2.563834,53.989577
+                    -2.564508,53.990479
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+                    -2.565639,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991938
+                    -2.564643,53.992286
+                    -2.564089,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.994002
+                    -2.562754,53.994098
+                    -2.563662,53.994217
+                    -2.564441,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995500
+                    -2.565673,53.995910
+                    -2.565434,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997097
+                    -2.563662,53.997035
+                    -2.562150,53.997006
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+                    -2.560638,53.996758
+                    -2.561651,53.995910
+                    -2.561408,53.995004
+                    -2.560638,53.994589
+                    -2.559794,53.994098
+                    -2.559450,53.993192
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+                    -2.559476,53.990479
+                    -2.559125,53.990269
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+                    -2.554589,53.988357
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+                    -2.552475,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989096
+                    -2.554589,53.989577
+                    -2.554591,53.989577
+                    -2.555382,53.990479
+                    -2.554967,53.991385
+                    -2.555212,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992629
+                    -2.553352,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993516
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+                    -2.534930,54.017572
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+                    -2.534930,54.017830
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+                    -2.530394,54.020476
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+                    -2.532521,54.020333
+                    -2.533418,54.019561
+                    -2.534621,54.020333
+                    -2.534930,54.020572
+                    -2.535562,54.021239
+                    -2.534930,54.021468
+                    -2.534297,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.020791
+                    -2.532704,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.021802
+                    -2.533756,54.022145
+                    -2.534694,54.023051
+                    -2.534930,54.023347
+                    -2.535730,54.023952
+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025397
+                    -2.531906,54.025459
+                    -2.530394,54.025202
+                    -2.528882,54.025354
+                    -2.527369,54.025507
+                    -2.525898,54.024858
+                    -2.525857,54.024844
+                    -2.524345,54.023952
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+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520257,54.022145
+                    -2.519808,54.021802
+                    -2.518296,54.021807
+                    -2.516874,54.021239
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+                    -2.515272,54.020634
+                    -2.513760,54.020495
+                    -2.512892,54.020333
+                    -2.512247,54.020262
+                    -2.510772,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.019408
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013219
+                    -2.511132,54.013095
+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010386
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
+                    -2.509223,54.007668
+                    -2.509223,54.006763
+                    -2.507711,54.005861
+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507804,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
+                    -2.512909,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.006543
+                    -2.514566,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.007621
+                    -2.513497,54.007668
+                    -2.513760,54.007697
+                    -2.515272,54.007835
+                    -2.515810,54.007668
+                    -2.515500,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006362
+                    -2.518296,54.006305
+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
+                    -2.514052,53.998618
+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
+                    -2.511967,53.996811
+                    -2.511814,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994603
+                    -2.509787,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995676
+                    -2.507711,53.995881
+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.995004
+                    -2.504894,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.994131
+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
+                    -2.503298,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.990951
+                    -2.505574,53.990479
+                    -2.504750,53.989577
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
+                    -2.503174,53.987865
+                    -2.502978,53.987765
+                    -2.502391,53.986859
+                    -2.501662,53.986278
+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507805,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979707
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977199
+                    -2.509642,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976536
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+                    -2.509223,53.975477
+                    -2.509727,53.975101
+                    -2.509420,53.974195
+                    -2.509223,53.973737
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532263,53.972383
+                    -2.532110,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973799
+                    -2.531213,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974609
+                    -2.532582,53.975101
+                    -2.532813,53.976002
+                    -2.532429,53.976908
+                    -2.532561,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978324
+                    -2.534255,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979120
+                    -2.535980,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.979897
+                    -2.537955,53.980460
+                    -2.539467,53.980131
+                    -2.540480,53.980527
+                    -2.540529,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.981862
+                    -2.541685,53.982334
+                    -2.541675,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983727
+                    -2.543824,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984251
+                    -2.545516,53.984723
+                    -2.547028,53.984809
+                    -2.548250,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985229
+                    -2.550052,53.985271
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+                    -2.551280,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987031
+                    -2.551849,53.986859
+                    -2.552051,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985734
+                    -2.554589,53.985572
+                    -2.556101,53.985529
+                    -2.557093,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986268
+                    -2.558210,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985348
+                    -2.559633,53.985953
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+                    -2.562150,53.986325
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+                    -2.563892,53.987765
+                    -2.563788,53.988667
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+                    -2.565174,53.991938
+                    -2.564643,53.992286
+                    -2.564089,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.994002
+                    -2.562754,53.994098
+                    -2.563662,53.994217
+                    -2.564441,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995500
+                    -2.565673,53.995910
+                    -2.565434,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997097
+                    -2.563662,53.997035
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+                    -2.560476,53.996811
+                    -2.560638,53.996758
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+                    -2.561408,53.995004
+                    -2.560638,53.994589
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+                    -2.559476,53.990479
+                    -2.559125,53.990269
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+                    -2.556919,53.989577
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+                    -2.554589,53.988357
+                    -2.553077,53.988309
+                    -2.552475,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989096
+                    -2.554589,53.989577
+                    -2.554591,53.989577
+                    -2.555382,53.990479
+                    -2.554967,53.991385
+                    -2.555212,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992629
+                    -2.553352,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993516
+                    -2.552220,53.994098
+                    -2.551564,53.994389
+                    -2.550220,53.995004
+                    -2.550052,53.995094
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+                    -2.539470,54.000430
+                    -2.539467,54.000430
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+                    -2.537955,54.001899
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+                    -2.540979,54.003253
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+                    -2.539467,54.005146
+                    -2.540979,54.005017
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+                    -2.534930,54.017572
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+                    -2.534930,54.017830
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+                    -2.534930,54.020572
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+                    -2.534930,54.021468
+                    -2.534297,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.020791
+                    -2.532704,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.021802
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+                    -2.534694,54.023051
+                    -2.534930,54.023347
+                    -2.535730,54.023952
+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025397
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+                    -2.530394,54.025202
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+                    -2.525857,54.024844
+                    -2.524345,54.023952
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+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520257,54.022145
+                    -2.519808,54.021802
+                    -2.518296,54.021807
+                    -2.516874,54.021239
+                    -2.516784,54.021158
+                    -2.515272,54.020634
+                    -2.513760,54.020495
+                    -2.512892,54.020333
+                    -2.512247,54.020262
+                    -2.510772,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.019408
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013219
+                    -2.511132,54.013095
+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010386
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
+                    -2.509223,54.007668
+                    -2.509223,54.006763
+                    -2.507711,54.005861
+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507804,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
+                    -2.512909,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.006543
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+                    -2.513760,54.007621
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+                    -2.513760,54.007697
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+                    -2.515500,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006362
+                    -2.518296,54.006305
+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
+                    -2.514052,53.998618
+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
+                    -2.511967,53.996811
+                    -2.511814,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994603
+                    -2.509787,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995676
+                    -2.507711,53.995881
+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.995004
+                    -2.504894,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.994131
+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
+                    -2.503298,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.990951
+                    -2.505574,53.990479
+                    -2.504750,53.989577
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
+                    -2.503174,53.987865
+                    -2.502978,53.987765
+                    -2.502391,53.986859
+                    -2.501662,53.986278
+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507805,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979707
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977199
+                    -2.509642,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976536
+                    -2.508680,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975477
+                    -2.509727,53.975101
+                    -2.509420,53.974195
+                    -2.509223,53.973737
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532263,53.972383
+                    -2.532110,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973799
+                    -2.531213,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974609
+                    -2.532582,53.975101
+                    -2.532813,53.976002
+                    -2.532429,53.976908
+                    -2.532561,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978324
+                    -2.534255,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979120
+                    -2.535980,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.979897
+                    -2.537955,53.980460
+                    -2.539467,53.980131
+                    -2.540480,53.980527
+                    -2.540529,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.981862
+                    -2.541685,53.982334
+                    -2.541675,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983727
+                    -2.543824,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984251
+                    -2.545516,53.984723
+                    -2.547028,53.984809
+                    -2.548250,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985229
+                    -2.550052,53.985271
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+                    -2.551280,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987031
+                    -2.551849,53.986859
+                    -2.552051,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985734
+                    -2.554589,53.985572
+                    -2.556101,53.985529
+                    -2.557093,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986268
+                    -2.558210,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985348
+                    -2.559633,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986511
+                    -2.562150,53.986325
+                    -2.562827,53.986859
+                    -2.563662,53.987660
+                    -2.563892,53.987765
+                    -2.563788,53.988667
+                    -2.563834,53.989577
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+                    -2.565639,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991938
+                    -2.564643,53.992286
+                    -2.564089,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.994002
+                    -2.562754,53.994098
+                    -2.563662,53.994217
+                    -2.564441,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995500
+                    -2.565673,53.995910
+                    -2.565434,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997097
+                    -2.563662,53.997035
+                    -2.562150,53.997006
+                    -2.560638,53.996882
+                    -2.560476,53.996811
+                    -2.560638,53.996758
+                    -2.561651,53.995910
+                    -2.561408,53.995004
+                    -2.560638,53.994589
+                    -2.559794,53.994098
+                    -2.559450,53.993192
+                    -2.559278,53.992286
+                    -2.559646,53.991385
+                    -2.559476,53.990479
+                    -2.559125,53.990269
+                    -2.557613,53.990188
+                    -2.556919,53.989577
+                    -2.556101,53.989139
+                    -2.555106,53.988667
+                    -2.554589,53.988357
+                    -2.553077,53.988309
+                    -2.552475,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989096
+                    -2.554589,53.989577
+                    -2.554591,53.989577
+                    -2.555382,53.990479
+                    -2.554967,53.991385
+                    -2.555212,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992629
+                    -2.553352,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993516
+                    -2.552220,53.994098
+                    -2.551564,53.994389
+                    -2.550220,53.995004
+                    -2.550052,53.995094
+                    -2.548701,53.995910
+                    -2.548540,53.996134
+                    -2.547212,53.996811
+                    -2.547028,53.996849
+                    -2.545516,53.997107
+                    -2.544523,53.997717
+                    -2.544003,53.997850
+                    -2.542532,53.998618
+                    -2.542491,53.998704
+                    -2.540979,53.999200
+                    -2.539467,53.999133
+                    -2.538427,53.999524
+                    -2.539467,54.000416
+                    -2.539470,54.000430
+                    -2.539467,54.000430
+                    -2.537955,54.000583
+                    -2.536443,54.000893
+                    -2.535680,54.001336
+                    -2.536443,54.002185
+                    -2.537955,54.001899
+                    -2.538270,54.002242
+                    -2.539467,54.002643
+                    -2.540979,54.003100
+                    -2.541093,54.003143
+                    -2.540979,54.003253
+                    -2.540686,54.004049
+                    -2.539467,54.004793
+                    -2.539227,54.004951
+                    -2.539467,54.005146
+                    -2.540979,54.005017
+                    -2.542491,54.004955
+                    -2.542647,54.004951
+                    -2.544003,54.004884
+                    -2.545066,54.004049
+                    -2.545124,54.003143
+                    -2.545516,54.002433
+                    -2.545584,54.002242
+                    -2.545613,54.001336
+                    -2.546579,54.000430
+                    -2.546451,53.999524
+                    -2.547028,53.999329
+                    -2.547270,53.999524
+                    -2.547328,54.000430
+                    -2.547840,54.001336
+                    -2.548540,54.001989
+                    -2.549071,54.002242
+                    -2.549126,54.003143
+                    -2.549153,54.004049
+                    -2.548540,54.004254
+                    -2.547075,54.004049
+                    -2.547028,54.004045
+                    -2.546971,54.004049
+                    -2.546099,54.004951
+                    -2.546524,54.005861
+                    -2.546896,54.006763
+                    -2.547028,54.006901
+                    -2.547601,54.006763
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013219
+                    -2.511132,54.013095
+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010386
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
+                    -2.509223,54.007668
+                    -2.509223,54.006763
+                    -2.507711,54.005861
+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507804,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
+                    -2.512909,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.006543
+                    -2.514566,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.007621
+                    -2.513497,54.007668
+                    -2.513760,54.007697
+                    -2.515272,54.007835
+                    -2.515810,54.007668
+                    -2.515500,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006362
+                    -2.518296,54.006305
+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
+                    -2.514052,53.998618
+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
+                    -2.511967,53.996811
+                    -2.511814,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994603
+                    -2.509787,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995676
+                    -2.507711,53.995881
+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.995004
+                    -2.504894,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.994131
+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
+                    -2.503298,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.990951
+                    -2.505574,53.990479
+                    -2.504750,53.989577
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
+                    -2.503174,53.987865
+                    -2.502978,53.987765
+                    -2.502391,53.986859
+                    -2.501662,53.986278
+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507805,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979707
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977199
+                    -2.509642,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976536
+                    -2.508680,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975477
+                    -2.509727,53.975101
+                    -2.509420,53.974195
+                    -2.509223,53.973737
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532263,53.972383
+                    -2.532110,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973799
+                    -2.531213,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974609
+                    -2.532582,53.975101
+                    -2.532813,53.976002
+                    -2.532429,53.976908
+                    -2.532561,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978324
+                    -2.534255,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979120
+                    -2.535980,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.979897
+                    -2.537955,53.980460
+                    -2.539467,53.980131
+                    -2.540480,53.980527
+                    -2.540529,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.981862
+                    -2.541685,53.982334
+                    -2.541675,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983727
+                    -2.543824,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984251
+                    -2.545516,53.984723
+                    -2.547028,53.984809
+                    -2.548250,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985229
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+                    -2.551280,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987031
+                    -2.551849,53.986859
+                    -2.552051,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985734
+                    -2.554589,53.985572
+                    -2.556101,53.985529
+                    -2.557093,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986268
+                    -2.558210,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985348
+                    -2.559633,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986511
+                    -2.562150,53.986325
+                    -2.562827,53.986859
+                    -2.563662,53.987660
+                    -2.563892,53.987765
+                    -2.563788,53.988667
+                    -2.563834,53.989577
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+                    -2.565174,53.990788
+                    -2.565639,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991938
+                    -2.564643,53.992286
+                    -2.564089,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.994002
+                    -2.562754,53.994098
+                    -2.563662,53.994217
+                    -2.564441,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995500
+                    -2.565673,53.995910
+                    -2.565434,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997097
+                    -2.563662,53.997035
+                    -2.562150,53.997006
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+                    -2.560476,53.996811
+                    -2.560638,53.996758
+                    -2.561651,53.995910
+                    -2.561408,53.995004
+                    -2.560638,53.994589
+                    -2.559794,53.994098
+                    -2.559450,53.993192
+                    -2.559278,53.992286
+                    -2.559646,53.991385
+                    -2.559476,53.990479
+                    -2.559125,53.990269
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+                    -2.556919,53.989577
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+                    -2.554589,53.988357
+                    -2.553077,53.988309
+                    -2.552475,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989096
+                    -2.554589,53.989577
+                    -2.554591,53.989577
+                    -2.555382,53.990479
+                    -2.554967,53.991385
+                    -2.555212,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992629
+                    -2.553352,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993516
+                    -2.552220,53.994098
+                    -2.551564,53.994389
+                    -2.550220,53.995004
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+                    -2.545543,54.009476
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+                    -2.537955,54.015136
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+                    -2.534930,54.017572
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+                    -2.534930,54.017830
+                    -2.534142,54.018526
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+                    -2.530394,54.020476
+                    -2.531906,54.020681
+                    -2.532521,54.020333
+                    -2.533418,54.019561
+                    -2.534621,54.020333
+                    -2.534930,54.020572
+                    -2.535562,54.021239
+                    -2.534930,54.021468
+                    -2.534297,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.020791
+                    -2.532704,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.021802
+                    -2.533756,54.022145
+                    -2.534694,54.023051
+                    -2.534930,54.023347
+                    -2.535730,54.023952
+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025397
+                    -2.531906,54.025459
+                    -2.530394,54.025202
+                    -2.528882,54.025354
+                    -2.527369,54.025507
+                    -2.525898,54.024858
+                    -2.525857,54.024844
+                    -2.524345,54.023952
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+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520257,54.022145
+                    -2.519808,54.021802
+                    -2.518296,54.021807
+                    -2.516874,54.021239
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+                    -2.515272,54.020634
+                    -2.513760,54.020495
+                    -2.512892,54.020333
+                    -2.512247,54.020262
+                    -2.510772,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.019408
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013219
+                    -2.511132,54.013095
+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010386
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
+                    -2.509223,54.007668
+                    -2.509223,54.006763
+                    -2.507711,54.005861
+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507804,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
+                    -2.512909,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.006543
+                    -2.514566,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.007621
+                    -2.513497,54.007668
+                    -2.513760,54.007697
+                    -2.515272,54.007835
+                    -2.515810,54.007668
+                    -2.515500,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006362
+                    -2.518296,54.006305
+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
+                    -2.514052,53.998618
+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
+                    -2.511967,53.996811
+                    -2.511814,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994603
+                    -2.509787,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995676
+                    -2.507711,53.995881
+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.995004
+                    -2.504894,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.994131
+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
+                    -2.503298,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.990951
+                    -2.505574,53.990479
+                    -2.504750,53.989577
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
+                    -2.503174,53.987865
+                    -2.502978,53.987765
+                    -2.502391,53.986859
+                    -2.501662,53.986278
+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507805,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979707
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977199
+                    -2.509642,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976536
+                    -2.508680,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975477
+                    -2.509727,53.975101
+                    -2.509420,53.974195
+                    -2.509223,53.973737
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532263,53.972383
+                    -2.532110,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973799
+                    -2.531213,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974609
+                    -2.532582,53.975101
+                    -2.532813,53.976002
+                    -2.532429,53.976908
+                    -2.532561,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978324
+                    -2.534255,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979120
+                    -2.535980,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.979897
+                    -2.537955,53.980460
+                    -2.539467,53.980131
+                    -2.540480,53.980527
+                    -2.540529,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.981862
+                    -2.541685,53.982334
+                    -2.541675,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983727
+                    -2.543824,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984251
+                    -2.545516,53.984723
+                    -2.547028,53.984809
+                    -2.548250,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985229
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+                    -2.551280,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987031
+                    -2.551849,53.986859
+                    -2.552051,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985734
+                    -2.554589,53.985572
+                    -2.556101,53.985529
+                    -2.557093,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986268
+                    -2.558210,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985348
+                    -2.559633,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986511
+                    -2.562150,53.986325
+                    -2.562827,53.986859
+                    -2.563662,53.987660
+                    -2.563892,53.987765
+                    -2.563788,53.988667
+                    -2.563834,53.989577
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+                    -2.565639,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991938
+                    -2.564643,53.992286
+                    -2.564089,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.994002
+                    -2.562754,53.994098
+                    -2.563662,53.994217
+                    -2.564441,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995500
+                    -2.565673,53.995910
+                    -2.565434,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997097
+                    -2.563662,53.997035
+                    -2.562150,53.997006
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+                    -2.560638,53.996758
+                    -2.561651,53.995910
+                    -2.561408,53.995004
+                    -2.560638,53.994589
+                    -2.559794,53.994098
+                    -2.559450,53.993192
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+                    -2.559125,53.990269
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+                    -2.552475,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989096
+                    -2.554589,53.989577
+                    -2.554591,53.989577
+                    -2.555382,53.990479
+                    -2.554967,53.991385
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+                    -2.554589,53.992629
+                    -2.553352,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993516
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+                    -2.534930,54.017572
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+                    -2.534930,54.017830
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+                    -2.530394,54.020476
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+                    -2.532521,54.020333
+                    -2.533418,54.019561
+                    -2.534621,54.020333
+                    -2.534930,54.020572
+                    -2.535562,54.021239
+                    -2.534930,54.021468
+                    -2.534297,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.020791
+                    -2.532704,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.021802
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+                    -2.534694,54.023051
+                    -2.534930,54.023347
+                    -2.535730,54.023952
+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025397
+                    -2.531906,54.025459
+                    -2.530394,54.025202
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+                    -2.527369,54.025507
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+                    -2.525857,54.024844
+                    -2.524345,54.023952
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+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520257,54.022145
+                    -2.519808,54.021802
+                    -2.518296,54.021807
+                    -2.516874,54.021239
+                    -2.516784,54.021158
+                    -2.515272,54.020634
+                    -2.513760,54.020495
+                    -2.512892,54.020333
+                    -2.512247,54.020262
+                    -2.510772,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.019408
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013219
+                    -2.511132,54.013095
+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010386
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
+                    -2.509223,54.007668
+                    -2.509223,54.006763
+                    -2.507711,54.005861
+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507804,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
+                    -2.512909,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.006543
+                    -2.514566,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.007621
+                    -2.513497,54.007668
+                    -2.513760,54.007697
+                    -2.515272,54.007835
+                    -2.515810,54.007668
+                    -2.515500,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006362
+                    -2.518296,54.006305
+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
+                    -2.514052,53.998618
+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
+                    -2.511967,53.996811
+                    -2.511814,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994603
+                    -2.509787,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995676
+                    -2.507711,53.995881
+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.995004
+                    -2.504894,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.994131
+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
+                    -2.503298,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.990951
+                    -2.505574,53.990479
+                    -2.504750,53.989577
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
+                    -2.503174,53.987865
+                    -2.502978,53.987765
+                    -2.502391,53.986859
+                    -2.501662,53.986278
+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507805,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979707
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977199
+                    -2.509642,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976536
+                    -2.508680,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975477
+                    -2.509727,53.975101
+                    -2.509420,53.974195
+                    -2.509223,53.973737
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532263,53.972383
+                    -2.532110,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973799
+                    -2.531213,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974609
+                    -2.532582,53.975101
+                    -2.532813,53.976002
+                    -2.532429,53.976908
+                    -2.532561,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978324
+                    -2.534255,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979120
+                    -2.535980,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.979897
+                    -2.537955,53.980460
+                    -2.539467,53.980131
+                    -2.540480,53.980527
+                    -2.540529,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.981862
+                    -2.541685,53.982334
+                    -2.541675,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983727
+                    -2.543824,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984251
+                    -2.545516,53.984723
+                    -2.547028,53.984809
+                    -2.548250,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985229
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+                    -2.551280,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987031
+                    -2.551849,53.986859
+                    -2.552051,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985734
+                    -2.554589,53.985572
+                    -2.556101,53.985529
+                    -2.557093,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986268
+                    -2.558210,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985348
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+                    -2.563892,53.987765
+                    -2.563788,53.988667
+                    -2.563834,53.989577
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+                    -2.565174,53.990788
+                    -2.565639,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991938
+                    -2.564643,53.992286
+                    -2.564089,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.994002
+                    -2.562754,53.994098
+                    -2.563662,53.994217
+                    -2.564441,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995500
+                    -2.565673,53.995910
+                    -2.565434,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997097
+                    -2.563662,53.997035
+                    -2.562150,53.997006
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+                    -2.560476,53.996811
+                    -2.560638,53.996758
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+                    -2.561408,53.995004
+                    -2.560638,53.994589
+                    -2.559794,53.994098
+                    -2.559450,53.993192
+                    -2.559278,53.992286
+                    -2.559646,53.991385
+                    -2.559476,53.990479
+                    -2.559125,53.990269
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+                    -2.556919,53.989577
+                    -2.556101,53.989139
+                    -2.555106,53.988667
+                    -2.554589,53.988357
+                    -2.553077,53.988309
+                    -2.552475,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989096
+                    -2.554589,53.989577
+                    -2.554591,53.989577
+                    -2.555382,53.990479
+                    -2.554967,53.991385
+                    -2.555212,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992629
+                    -2.553352,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993516
+                    -2.552220,53.994098
+                    -2.551564,53.994389
+                    -2.550220,53.995004
+                    -2.550052,53.995094
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+                    -2.539467,54.000430
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+                    -2.540979,54.003253
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+                    -2.540979,54.005017
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+                    -2.534930,54.017572
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+                    -2.534930,54.017830
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+                    -2.533418,54.019561
+                    -2.534621,54.020333
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+                    -2.534930,54.021468
+                    -2.534297,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.020791
+                    -2.532704,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.021802
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+                    -2.534694,54.023051
+                    -2.534930,54.023347
+                    -2.535730,54.023952
+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025397
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+                    -2.530394,54.025202
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+                    -2.525857,54.024844
+                    -2.524345,54.023952
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+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520257,54.022145
+                    -2.519808,54.021802
+                    -2.518296,54.021807
+                    -2.516874,54.021239
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+                    -2.513760,54.020495
+                    -2.512892,54.020333
+                    -2.512247,54.020262
+                    -2.510772,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.019408
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013219
+                    -2.511132,54.013095
+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010386
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
+                    -2.509223,54.007668
+                    -2.509223,54.006763
+                    -2.507711,54.005861
+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507804,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
+                    -2.512909,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.006543
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+                    -2.513760,54.007621
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+                    -2.513760,54.007697
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+                    -2.515500,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006362
+                    -2.518296,54.006305
+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
+                    -2.514052,53.998618
+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
+                    -2.511967,53.996811
+                    -2.511814,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994603
+                    -2.509787,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995676
+                    -2.507711,53.995881
+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.995004
+                    -2.504894,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.994131
+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
+                    -2.503298,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.990951
+                    -2.505574,53.990479
+                    -2.504750,53.989577
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
+                    -2.503174,53.987865
+                    -2.502978,53.987765
+                    -2.502391,53.986859
+                    -2.501662,53.986278
+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507805,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979707
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977199
+                    -2.509642,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976536
+                    -2.508680,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975477
+                    -2.509727,53.975101
+                    -2.509420,53.974195
+                    -2.509223,53.973737
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532263,53.972383
+                    -2.532110,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973799
+                    -2.531213,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974609
+                    -2.532582,53.975101
+                    -2.532813,53.976002
+                    -2.532429,53.976908
+                    -2.532561,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978324
+                    -2.534255,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979120
+                    -2.535980,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.979897
+                    -2.537955,53.980460
+                    -2.539467,53.980131
+                    -2.540480,53.980527
+                    -2.540529,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.981862
+                    -2.541685,53.982334
+                    -2.541675,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983727
+                    -2.543824,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984251
+                    -2.545516,53.984723
+                    -2.547028,53.984809
+                    -2.548250,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985229
+                    -2.550052,53.985271
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+                    -2.551280,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987031
+                    -2.551849,53.986859
+                    -2.552051,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985734
+                    -2.554589,53.985572
+                    -2.556101,53.985529
+                    -2.557093,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986268
+                    -2.558210,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985348
+                    -2.559633,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986511
+                    -2.562150,53.986325
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+                    -2.563788,53.988667
+                    -2.563834,53.989577
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+                    -2.565639,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991938
+                    -2.564643,53.992286
+                    -2.564089,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.994002
+                    -2.562754,53.994098
+                    -2.563662,53.994217
+                    -2.564441,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995500
+                    -2.565673,53.995910
+                    -2.565434,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997097
+                    -2.563662,53.997035
+                    -2.562150,53.997006
+                    -2.560638,53.996882
+                    -2.560476,53.996811
+                    -2.560638,53.996758
+                    -2.561651,53.995910
+                    -2.561408,53.995004
+                    -2.560638,53.994589
+                    -2.559794,53.994098
+                    -2.559450,53.993192
+                    -2.559278,53.992286
+                    -2.559646,53.991385
+                    -2.559476,53.990479
+                    -2.559125,53.990269
+                    -2.557613,53.990188
+                    -2.556919,53.989577
+                    -2.556101,53.989139
+                    -2.555106,53.988667
+                    -2.554589,53.988357
+                    -2.553077,53.988309
+                    -2.552475,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989096
+                    -2.554589,53.989577
+                    -2.554591,53.989577
+                    -2.555382,53.990479
+                    -2.554967,53.991385
+                    -2.555212,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992629
+                    -2.553352,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993516
+                    -2.552220,53.994098
+                    -2.551564,53.994389
+                    -2.550220,53.995004
+                    -2.550052,53.995094
+                    -2.548701,53.995910
+                    -2.548540,53.996134
+                    -2.547212,53.996811
+                    -2.547028,53.996849
+                    -2.545516,53.997107
+                    -2.544523,53.997717
+                    -2.544003,53.997850
+                    -2.542532,53.998618
+                    -2.542491,53.998704
+                    -2.540979,53.999200
+                    -2.539467,53.999133
+                    -2.538427,53.999524
+                    -2.539467,54.000416
+                    -2.539470,54.000430
+                    -2.539467,54.000430
+                    -2.537955,54.000583
+                    -2.536443,54.000893
+                    -2.535680,54.001336
+                    -2.536443,54.002185
+                    -2.537955,54.001899
+                    -2.538270,54.002242
+                    -2.539467,54.002643
+                    -2.540979,54.003100
+                    -2.541093,54.003143
+                    -2.540979,54.003253
+                    -2.540686,54.004049
+                    -2.539467,54.004793
+                    -2.539227,54.004951
+                    -2.539467,54.005146
+                    -2.540979,54.005017
+                    -2.542491,54.004955
+                    -2.542647,54.004951
+                    -2.544003,54.004884
+                    -2.545066,54.004049
+                    -2.545124,54.003143
+                    -2.545516,54.002433
+                    -2.545584,54.002242
+                    -2.545613,54.001336
+                    -2.546579,54.000430
+                    -2.546451,53.999524
+                    -2.547028,53.999329
+                    -2.547270,53.999524
+                    -2.547328,54.000430
+                    -2.547840,54.001336
+                    -2.548540,54.001989
+                    -2.549071,54.002242
+                    -2.549126,54.003143
+                    -2.549153,54.004049
+                    -2.548540,54.004254
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+                    -2.518296,54.021807
+                    -2.516874,54.021239
+                    -2.516784,54.021158
+                    -2.515272,54.020634
+                    -2.513760,54.020495
+                    -2.512892,54.020333
+                    -2.512247,54.020262
+                    -2.510772,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.019408
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013219
+                    -2.511132,54.013095
+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010386
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
+                    -2.509223,54.007668
+                    -2.509223,54.006763
+                    -2.507711,54.005861
+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507804,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
+                    -2.512909,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.006543
+                    -2.514566,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.007621
+                    -2.513497,54.007668
+                    -2.513760,54.007697
+                    -2.515272,54.007835
+                    -2.515810,54.007668
+                    -2.515500,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006362
+                    -2.518296,54.006305
+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
+                    -2.514052,53.998618
+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
+                    -2.511967,53.996811
+                    -2.511814,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994603
+                    -2.509787,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995676
+                    -2.507711,53.995881
+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.995004
+                    -2.504894,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.994131
+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
+                    -2.503298,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.990951
+                    -2.505574,53.990479
+                    -2.504750,53.989577
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
+                    -2.503174,53.987865
+                    -2.502978,53.987765
+                    -2.502391,53.986859
+                    -2.501662,53.986278
+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507805,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979707
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977199
+                    -2.509642,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976536
+                    -2.508680,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975477
+                    -2.509727,53.975101
+                    -2.509420,53.974195
+                    -2.509223,53.973737
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532263,53.972383
+                    -2.532110,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973799
+                    -2.531213,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974609
+                    -2.532582,53.975101
+                    -2.532813,53.976002
+                    -2.532429,53.976908
+                    -2.532561,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978324
+                    -2.534255,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979120
+                    -2.535980,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.979897
+                    -2.537955,53.980460
+                    -2.539467,53.980131
+                    -2.540480,53.980527
+                    -2.540529,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.981862
+                    -2.541685,53.982334
+                    -2.541675,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983727
+                    -2.543824,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984251
+                    -2.545516,53.984723
+                    -2.547028,53.984809
+                    -2.548250,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985229
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+                    -2.551280,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987031
+                    -2.551849,53.986859
+                    -2.552051,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985734
+                    -2.554589,53.985572
+                    -2.556101,53.985529
+                    -2.557093,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986268
+                    -2.558210,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985348
+                    -2.559633,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986511
+                    -2.562150,53.986325
+                    -2.562827,53.986859
+                    -2.563662,53.987660
+                    -2.563892,53.987765
+                    -2.563788,53.988667
+                    -2.563834,53.989577
+                    -2.564508,53.990479
+                    -2.565174,53.990788
+                    -2.565639,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991938
+                    -2.564643,53.992286
+                    -2.564089,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.994002
+                    -2.562754,53.994098
+                    -2.563662,53.994217
+                    -2.564441,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995500
+                    -2.565673,53.995910
+                    -2.565434,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997097
+                    -2.563662,53.997035
+                    -2.562150,53.997006
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+                    -2.560476,53.996811
+                    -2.560638,53.996758
+                    -2.561651,53.995910
+                    -2.561408,53.995004
+                    -2.560638,53.994589
+                    -2.559794,53.994098
+                    -2.559450,53.993192
+                    -2.559278,53.992286
+                    -2.559646,53.991385
+                    -2.559476,53.990479
+                    -2.559125,53.990269
+                    -2.557613,53.990188
+                    -2.556919,53.989577
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+                    -2.554589,53.988357
+                    -2.553077,53.988309
+                    -2.552475,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989096
+                    -2.554589,53.989577
+                    -2.554591,53.989577
+                    -2.555382,53.990479
+                    -2.554967,53.991385
+                    -2.555212,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992629
+                    -2.553352,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993516
+                    -2.552220,53.994098
+                    -2.551564,53.994389
+                    -2.550220,53.995004
+                    -2.550052,53.995094
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+                    -2.545543,54.009476
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+                    -2.537955,54.015136
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+                    -2.534930,54.017572
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+                    -2.534930,54.017830
+                    -2.534142,54.018526
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+                    -2.530394,54.020476
+                    -2.531906,54.020681
+                    -2.532521,54.020333
+                    -2.533418,54.019561
+                    -2.534621,54.020333
+                    -2.534930,54.020572
+                    -2.535562,54.021239
+                    -2.534930,54.021468
+                    -2.534297,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.020791
+                    -2.532704,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.021802
+                    -2.533756,54.022145
+                    -2.534694,54.023051
+                    -2.534930,54.023347
+                    -2.535730,54.023952
+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025397
+                    -2.531906,54.025459
+                    -2.530394,54.025202
+                    -2.528882,54.025354
+                    -2.527369,54.025507
+                    -2.525898,54.024858
+                    -2.525857,54.024844
+                    -2.524345,54.023952
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+                    -2.521321,54.022145
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+                    -2.519808,54.021802
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+                    -2.516874,54.021239
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+                    -2.515272,54.020634
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+                    -2.512247,54.020262
+                    -2.510772,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.019408
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013219
+                    -2.511132,54.013095
+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010386
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
+                    -2.509223,54.007668
+                    -2.509223,54.006763
+                    -2.507711,54.005861
+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507804,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
+                    -2.512909,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.006543
+                    -2.514566,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.007621
+                    -2.513497,54.007668
+                    -2.513760,54.007697
+                    -2.515272,54.007835
+                    -2.515810,54.007668
+                    -2.515500,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006362
+                    -2.518296,54.006305
+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
+                    -2.514052,53.998618
+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
+                    -2.511967,53.996811
+                    -2.511814,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994603
+                    -2.509787,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995676
+                    -2.507711,53.995881
+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.995004
+                    -2.504894,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.994131
+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
+                    -2.503298,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.990951
+                    -2.505574,53.990479
+                    -2.504750,53.989577
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
+                    -2.503174,53.987865
+                    -2.502978,53.987765
+                    -2.502391,53.986859
+                    -2.501662,53.986278
+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507805,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979707
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977199
+                    -2.509642,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976536
+                    -2.508680,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975477
+                    -2.509727,53.975101
+                    -2.509420,53.974195
+                    -2.509223,53.973737
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532263,53.972383
+                    -2.532110,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973799
+                    -2.531213,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974609
+                    -2.532582,53.975101
+                    -2.532813,53.976002
+                    -2.532429,53.976908
+                    -2.532561,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978324
+                    -2.534255,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979120
+                    -2.535980,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.979897
+                    -2.537955,53.980460
+                    -2.539467,53.980131
+                    -2.540480,53.980527
+                    -2.540529,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.981862
+                    -2.541685,53.982334
+                    -2.541675,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983727
+                    -2.543824,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984251
+                    -2.545516,53.984723
+                    -2.547028,53.984809
+                    -2.548250,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985229
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+                    -2.551564,53.987031
+                    -2.551849,53.986859
+                    -2.552051,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985734
+                    -2.554589,53.985572
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+                    -2.557093,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986268
+                    -2.558210,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985348
+                    -2.559633,53.985953
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+                    -2.562150,53.986325
+                    -2.562827,53.986859
+                    -2.563662,53.987660
+                    -2.563892,53.987765
+                    -2.563788,53.988667
+                    -2.563834,53.989577
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+                    -2.565639,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991938
+                    -2.564643,53.992286
+                    -2.564089,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.994002
+                    -2.562754,53.994098
+                    -2.563662,53.994217
+                    -2.564441,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995500
+                    -2.565673,53.995910
+                    -2.565434,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997097
+                    -2.563662,53.997035
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+                    -2.560638,53.996758
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+                    -2.561408,53.995004
+                    -2.560638,53.994589
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+                    -2.553077,53.989096
+                    -2.554589,53.989577
+                    -2.554591,53.989577
+                    -2.555382,53.990479
+                    -2.554967,53.991385
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+                    -2.554589,53.992629
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+                    -2.553077,53.993516
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+                    -2.534930,54.017572
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+                    -2.534930,54.017830
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+                    -2.530394,54.020476
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+                    -2.533418,54.019561
+                    -2.534621,54.020333
+                    -2.534930,54.020572
+                    -2.535562,54.021239
+                    -2.534930,54.021468
+                    -2.534297,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.020791
+                    -2.532704,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.021802
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+                    -2.534694,54.023051
+                    -2.534930,54.023347
+                    -2.535730,54.023952
+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025397
+                    -2.531906,54.025459
+                    -2.530394,54.025202
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+                    -2.525857,54.024844
+                    -2.524345,54.023952
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+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520257,54.022145
+                    -2.519808,54.021802
+                    -2.518296,54.021807
+                    -2.516874,54.021239
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+                    -2.515272,54.020634
+                    -2.513760,54.020495
+                    -2.512892,54.020333
+                    -2.512247,54.020262
+                    -2.510772,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.019408
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013219
+                    -2.511132,54.013095
+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010386
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
+                    -2.509223,54.007668
+                    -2.509223,54.006763
+                    -2.507711,54.005861
+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507804,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
+                    -2.512909,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.006543
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+                    -2.513760,54.007621
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+                    -2.513760,54.007697
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+                    -2.515500,54.006763
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+                    -2.518296,54.006305
+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
+                    -2.514052,53.998618
+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
+                    -2.511967,53.996811
+                    -2.511814,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994603
+                    -2.509787,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995676
+                    -2.507711,53.995881
+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.995004
+                    -2.504894,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
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+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
+                    -2.503298,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.990951
+                    -2.505574,53.990479
+                    -2.504750,53.989577
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
+                    -2.503174,53.987865
+                    -2.502978,53.987765
+                    -2.502391,53.986859
+                    -2.501662,53.986278
+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507805,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979707
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977199
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+                    -2.509223,53.976536
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+                    -2.509223,53.975477
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+                    -2.509420,53.974195
+                    -2.509223,53.973737
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
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+                    -2.512247,53.969669
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+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532263,53.972383
+                    -2.532110,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973799
+                    -2.531213,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974609
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+                    -2.532813,53.976002
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+                    -2.532561,53.977809
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+                    -2.535980,53.979621
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+                    -2.540480,53.980527
+                    -2.540529,53.981433
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+                    -2.541685,53.982334
+                    -2.541675,53.983240
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+                    -2.543824,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984251
+                    -2.545516,53.984723
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+                    -2.548250,53.985052
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+                    -2.551280,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987031
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+                    -2.558210,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985348
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+                    -2.562150,53.986325
+                    -2.562827,53.986859
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+                    -2.563892,53.987765
+                    -2.563788,53.988667
+                    -2.563834,53.989577
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+                    -2.565174,53.990788
+                    -2.565639,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991938
+                    -2.564643,53.992286
+                    -2.564089,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.994002
+                    -2.562754,53.994098
+                    -2.563662,53.994217
+                    -2.564441,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995500
+                    -2.565673,53.995910
+                    -2.565434,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997097
+                    -2.563662,53.997035
+                    -2.562150,53.997006
+                    -2.560638,53.996882
+                    -2.560476,53.996811
+                    -2.560638,53.996758
+                    -2.561651,53.995910
+                    -2.561408,53.995004
+                    -2.560638,53.994589
+                    -2.559794,53.994098
+                    -2.559450,53.993192
+                    -2.559278,53.992286
+                    -2.559646,53.991385
+                    -2.559476,53.990479
+                    -2.559125,53.990269
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+                    -2.556919,53.989577
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+                    -2.555106,53.988667
+                    -2.554589,53.988357
+                    -2.553077,53.988309
+                    -2.552475,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989096
+                    -2.554589,53.989577
+                    -2.554591,53.989577
+                    -2.555382,53.990479
+                    -2.554967,53.991385
+                    -2.555212,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992629
+                    -2.553352,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993516
+                    -2.552220,53.994098
+                    -2.551564,53.994389
+                    -2.550220,53.995004
+                    -2.550052,53.995094
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+                    -2.539467,54.000430
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+                    -2.540979,54.003253
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+                    -2.534930,54.017572
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+                    -2.534930,54.017830
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+                    -2.533418,54.019561
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+                    -2.534930,54.020572
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+                    -2.534930,54.021468
+                    -2.534297,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.020791
+                    -2.532704,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.021802
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+                    -2.534694,54.023051
+                    -2.534930,54.023347
+                    -2.535730,54.023952
+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025397
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+                    -2.530394,54.025202
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+                    -2.525857,54.024844
+                    -2.524345,54.023952
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+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520257,54.022145
+                    -2.519808,54.021802
+                    -2.518296,54.021807
+                    -2.516874,54.021239
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+                    -2.515272,54.020634
+                    -2.513760,54.020495
+                    -2.512892,54.020333
+                    -2.512247,54.020262
+                    -2.510772,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.019408
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013219
+                    -2.511132,54.013095
+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010386
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
+                    -2.509223,54.007668
+                    -2.509223,54.006763
+                    -2.507711,54.005861
+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507804,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
+                    -2.512909,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.006543
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+                    -2.513760,54.007621
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+                    -2.513760,54.007697
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+                    -2.515500,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006362
+                    -2.518296,54.006305
+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
+                    -2.514052,53.998618
+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
+                    -2.511967,53.996811
+                    -2.511814,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994603
+                    -2.509787,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995676
+                    -2.507711,53.995881
+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.995004
+                    -2.504894,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.994131
+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
+                    -2.503298,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.990951
+                    -2.505574,53.990479
+                    -2.504750,53.989577
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
+                    -2.503174,53.987865
+                    -2.502978,53.987765
+                    -2.502391,53.986859
+                    -2.501662,53.986278
+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507805,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979707
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977199
+                    -2.509642,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976536
+                    -2.508680,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975477
+                    -2.509727,53.975101
+                    -2.509420,53.974195
+                    -2.509223,53.973737
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532263,53.972383
+                    -2.532110,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973799
+                    -2.531213,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974609
+                    -2.532582,53.975101
+                    -2.532813,53.976002
+                    -2.532429,53.976908
+                    -2.532561,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978324
+                    -2.534255,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979120
+                    -2.535980,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.979897
+                    -2.537955,53.980460
+                    -2.539467,53.980131
+                    -2.540480,53.980527
+                    -2.540529,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.981862
+                    -2.541685,53.982334
+                    -2.541675,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983727
+                    -2.543824,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984251
+                    -2.545516,53.984723
+                    -2.547028,53.984809
+                    -2.548250,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985229
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+                    -2.551280,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987031
+                    -2.551849,53.986859
+                    -2.552051,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985734
+                    -2.554589,53.985572
+                    -2.556101,53.985529
+                    -2.557093,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986268
+                    -2.558210,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985348
+                    -2.559633,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986511
+                    -2.562150,53.986325
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+                    -2.563892,53.987765
+                    -2.563788,53.988667
+                    -2.563834,53.989577
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+                    -2.565639,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991938
+                    -2.564643,53.992286
+                    -2.564089,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.994002
+                    -2.562754,53.994098
+                    -2.563662,53.994217
+                    -2.564441,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995500
+                    -2.565673,53.995910
+                    -2.565434,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997097
+                    -2.563662,53.997035
+                    -2.562150,53.997006
+                    -2.560638,53.996882
+                    -2.560476,53.996811
+                    -2.560638,53.996758
+                    -2.561651,53.995910
+                    -2.561408,53.995004
+                    -2.560638,53.994589
+                    -2.559794,53.994098
+                    -2.559450,53.993192
+                    -2.559278,53.992286
+                    -2.559646,53.991385
+                    -2.559476,53.990479
+                    -2.559125,53.990269
+                    -2.557613,53.990188
+                    -2.556919,53.989577
+                    -2.556101,53.989139
+                    -2.555106,53.988667
+                    -2.554589,53.988357
+                    -2.553077,53.988309
+                    -2.552475,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989096
+                    -2.554589,53.989577
+                    -2.554591,53.989577
+                    -2.555382,53.990479
+                    -2.554967,53.991385
+                    -2.555212,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992629
+                    -2.553352,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993516
+                    -2.552220,53.994098
+                    -2.551564,53.994389
+                    -2.550220,53.995004
+                    -2.550052,53.995094
+                    -2.548701,53.995910
+                    -2.548540,53.996134
+                    -2.547212,53.996811
+                    -2.547028,53.996849
+                    -2.545516,53.997107
+                    -2.544523,53.997717
+                    -2.544003,53.997850
+                    -2.542532,53.998618
+                    -2.542491,53.998704
+                    -2.540979,53.999200
+                    -2.539467,53.999133
+                    -2.538427,53.999524
+                    -2.539467,54.000416
+                    -2.539470,54.000430
+                    -2.539467,54.000430
+                    -2.537955,54.000583
+                    -2.536443,54.000893
+                    -2.535680,54.001336
+                    -2.536443,54.002185
+                    -2.537955,54.001899
+                    -2.538270,54.002242
+                    -2.539467,54.002643
+                    -2.540979,54.003100
+                    -2.541093,54.003143
+                    -2.540979,54.003253
+                    -2.540686,54.004049
+                    -2.539467,54.004793
+                    -2.539227,54.004951
+                    -2.539467,54.005146
+                    -2.540979,54.005017
+                    -2.542491,54.004955
+                    -2.542647,54.004951
+                    -2.544003,54.004884
+                    -2.545066,54.004049
+                    -2.545124,54.003143
+                    -2.545516,54.002433
+                    -2.545584,54.002242
+                    -2.545613,54.001336
+                    -2.546579,54.000430
+                    -2.546451,53.999524
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+                    -2.528882,54.025354
+                    -2.527369,54.025507
+                    -2.525898,54.024858
+                    -2.525857,54.024844
+                    -2.524345,54.023952
+                    -2.522833,54.023051
+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520257,54.022145
+                    -2.519808,54.021802
+                    -2.518296,54.021807
+                    -2.516874,54.021239
+                    -2.516784,54.021158
+                    -2.515272,54.020634
+                    -2.513760,54.020495
+                    -2.512892,54.020333
+                    -2.512247,54.020262
+                    -2.510772,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.019408
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013219
+                    -2.511132,54.013095
+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010386
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
+                    -2.509223,54.007668
+                    -2.509223,54.006763
+                    -2.507711,54.005861
+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507804,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
+                    -2.512909,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.006543
+                    -2.514566,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.007621
+                    -2.513497,54.007668
+                    -2.513760,54.007697
+                    -2.515272,54.007835
+                    -2.515810,54.007668
+                    -2.515500,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006362
+                    -2.518296,54.006305
+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
+                    -2.514052,53.998618
+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
+                    -2.511967,53.996811
+                    -2.511814,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994603
+                    -2.509787,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995676
+                    -2.507711,53.995881
+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.995004
+                    -2.504894,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.994131
+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
+                    -2.503298,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.990951
+                    -2.505574,53.990479
+                    -2.504750,53.989577
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
+                    -2.503174,53.987865
+                    -2.502978,53.987765
+                    -2.502391,53.986859
+                    -2.501662,53.986278
+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507805,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979707
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977199
+                    -2.509642,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976536
+                    -2.508680,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975477
+                    -2.509727,53.975101
+                    -2.509420,53.974195
+                    -2.509223,53.973737
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532263,53.972383
+                    -2.532110,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973799
+                    -2.531213,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974609
+                    -2.532582,53.975101
+                    -2.532813,53.976002
+                    -2.532429,53.976908
+                    -2.532561,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978324
+                    -2.534255,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979120
+                    -2.535980,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.979897
+                    -2.537955,53.980460
+                    -2.539467,53.980131
+                    -2.540480,53.980527
+                    -2.540529,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.981862
+                    -2.541685,53.982334
+                    -2.541675,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983727
+                    -2.543824,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984251
+                    -2.545516,53.984723
+                    -2.547028,53.984809
+                    -2.548250,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985229
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+                    -2.551280,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987031
+                    -2.551849,53.986859
+                    -2.552051,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985734
+                    -2.554589,53.985572
+                    -2.556101,53.985529
+                    -2.557093,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986268
+                    -2.558210,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985348
+                    -2.559633,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986511
+                    -2.562150,53.986325
+                    -2.562827,53.986859
+                    -2.563662,53.987660
+                    -2.563892,53.987765
+                    -2.563788,53.988667
+                    -2.563834,53.989577
+                    -2.564508,53.990479
+                    -2.565174,53.990788
+                    -2.565639,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991938
+                    -2.564643,53.992286
+                    -2.564089,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.994002
+                    -2.562754,53.994098
+                    -2.563662,53.994217
+                    -2.564441,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995500
+                    -2.565673,53.995910
+                    -2.565434,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997097
+                    -2.563662,53.997035
+                    -2.562150,53.997006
+                    -2.560638,53.996882
+                    -2.560476,53.996811
+                    -2.560638,53.996758
+                    -2.561651,53.995910
+                    -2.561408,53.995004
+                    -2.560638,53.994589
+                    -2.559794,53.994098
+                    -2.559450,53.993192
+                    -2.559278,53.992286
+                    -2.559646,53.991385
+                    -2.559476,53.990479
+                    -2.559125,53.990269
+                    -2.557613,53.990188
+                    -2.556919,53.989577
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+                    -2.555106,53.988667
+                    -2.554589,53.988357
+                    -2.553077,53.988309
+                    -2.552475,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989096
+                    -2.554589,53.989577
+                    -2.554591,53.989577
+                    -2.555382,53.990479
+                    -2.554967,53.991385
+                    -2.555212,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992629
+                    -2.553352,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993516
+                    -2.552220,53.994098
+                    -2.551564,53.994389
+                    -2.550220,53.995004
+                    -2.550052,53.995094
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+                    -2.545543,54.009476
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+                    -2.545516,54.013314
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+                    -2.537955,54.015136
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+                    -2.534930,54.017572
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+                    -2.534930,54.017830
+                    -2.534142,54.018526
+                    -2.533418,54.019046
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+                    -2.530394,54.020166
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+                    -2.530394,54.020476
+                    -2.531906,54.020681
+                    -2.532521,54.020333
+                    -2.533418,54.019561
+                    -2.534621,54.020333
+                    -2.534930,54.020572
+                    -2.535562,54.021239
+                    -2.534930,54.021468
+                    -2.534297,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.020791
+                    -2.532704,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.021802
+                    -2.533756,54.022145
+                    -2.534694,54.023051
+                    -2.534930,54.023347
+                    -2.535730,54.023952
+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025397
+                    -2.531906,54.025459
+                    -2.530394,54.025202
+                    -2.528882,54.025354
+                    -2.527369,54.025507
+                    -2.525898,54.024858
+                    -2.525857,54.024844
+                    -2.524345,54.023952
+                    -2.522833,54.023051
+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520257,54.022145
+                    -2.519808,54.021802
+                    -2.518296,54.021807
+                    -2.516874,54.021239
+                    -2.516784,54.021158
+                    -2.515272,54.020634
+                    -2.513760,54.020495
+                    -2.512892,54.020333
+                    -2.512247,54.020262
+                    -2.510772,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.019408
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013219
+                    -2.511132,54.013095
+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010386
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
+                    -2.509223,54.007668
+                    -2.509223,54.006763
+                    -2.507711,54.005861
+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507804,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
+                    -2.512909,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.006543
+                    -2.514566,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.007621
+                    -2.513497,54.007668
+                    -2.513760,54.007697
+                    -2.515272,54.007835
+                    -2.515810,54.007668
+                    -2.515500,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006362
+                    -2.518296,54.006305
+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
+                    -2.514052,53.998618
+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
+                    -2.511967,53.996811
+                    -2.511814,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994603
+                    -2.509787,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995676
+                    -2.507711,53.995881
+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.995004
+                    -2.504894,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.994131
+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
+                    -2.503298,53.991385
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+                    -2.504750,53.989577
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
+                    -2.503174,53.987865
+                    -2.502978,53.987765
+                    -2.502391,53.986859
+                    -2.501662,53.986278
+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507805,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979707
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977199
+                    -2.509642,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976536
+                    -2.508680,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975477
+                    -2.509727,53.975101
+                    -2.509420,53.974195
+                    -2.509223,53.973737
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532263,53.972383
+                    -2.532110,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973799
+                    -2.531213,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974609
+                    -2.532582,53.975101
+                    -2.532813,53.976002
+                    -2.532429,53.976908
+                    -2.532561,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978324
+                    -2.534255,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979120
+                    -2.535980,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.979897
+                    -2.537955,53.980460
+                    -2.539467,53.980131
+                    -2.540480,53.980527
+                    -2.540529,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.981862
+                    -2.541685,53.982334
+                    -2.541675,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983727
+                    -2.543824,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984251
+                    -2.545516,53.984723
+                    -2.547028,53.984809
+                    -2.548250,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985229
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+                    -2.551280,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987031
+                    -2.551849,53.986859
+                    -2.552051,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985734
+                    -2.554589,53.985572
+                    -2.556101,53.985529
+                    -2.557093,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986268
+                    -2.558210,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985348
+                    -2.559633,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986511
+                    -2.562150,53.986325
+                    -2.562827,53.986859
+                    -2.563662,53.987660
+                    -2.563892,53.987765
+                    -2.563788,53.988667
+                    -2.563834,53.989577
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+                    -2.565174,53.990788
+                    -2.565639,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991938
+                    -2.564643,53.992286
+                    -2.564089,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.994002
+                    -2.562754,53.994098
+                    -2.563662,53.994217
+                    -2.564441,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995500
+                    -2.565673,53.995910
+                    -2.565434,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997097
+                    -2.563662,53.997035
+                    -2.562150,53.997006
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+                    -2.560638,53.996758
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+                    -2.561408,53.995004
+                    -2.560638,53.994589
+                    -2.559794,53.994098
+                    -2.559450,53.993192
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+                    -2.559125,53.990269
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+                    -2.552475,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989096
+                    -2.554589,53.989577
+                    -2.554591,53.989577
+                    -2.555382,53.990479
+                    -2.554967,53.991385
+                    -2.555212,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992629
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+                    -2.553077,53.993516
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+                    -2.534930,54.017572
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+                    -2.534930,54.017830
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+                    -2.530394,54.020476
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+                    -2.532521,54.020333
+                    -2.533418,54.019561
+                    -2.534621,54.020333
+                    -2.534930,54.020572
+                    -2.535562,54.021239
+                    -2.534930,54.021468
+                    -2.534297,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.020791
+                    -2.532704,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.021802
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+                    -2.534694,54.023051
+                    -2.534930,54.023347
+                    -2.535730,54.023952
+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025397
+                    -2.531906,54.025459
+                    -2.530394,54.025202
+                    -2.528882,54.025354
+                    -2.527369,54.025507
+                    -2.525898,54.024858
+                    -2.525857,54.024844
+                    -2.524345,54.023952
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+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520257,54.022145
+                    -2.519808,54.021802
+                    -2.518296,54.021807
+                    -2.516874,54.021239
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+                    -2.515272,54.020634
+                    -2.513760,54.020495
+                    -2.512892,54.020333
+                    -2.512247,54.020262
+                    -2.510772,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.019408
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013219
+                    -2.511132,54.013095
+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010386
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
+                    -2.509223,54.007668
+                    -2.509223,54.006763
+                    -2.507711,54.005861
+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507804,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
+                    -2.512909,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.006543
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+                    -2.513760,54.007621
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+                    -2.513760,54.007697
+                    -2.515272,54.007835
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+                    -2.515500,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006362
+                    -2.518296,54.006305
+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
+                    -2.514052,53.998618
+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
+                    -2.511967,53.996811
+                    -2.511814,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994603
+                    -2.509787,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995676
+                    -2.507711,53.995881
+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.995004
+                    -2.504894,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.994131
+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
+                    -2.503298,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.990951
+                    -2.505574,53.990479
+                    -2.504750,53.989577
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
+                    -2.503174,53.987865
+                    -2.502978,53.987765
+                    -2.502391,53.986859
+                    -2.501662,53.986278
+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507805,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979707
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977199
+                    -2.509642,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976536
+                    -2.508680,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975477
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+                    -2.509420,53.974195
+                    -2.509223,53.973737
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532263,53.972383
+                    -2.532110,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973799
+                    -2.531213,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974609
+                    -2.532582,53.975101
+                    -2.532813,53.976002
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+                    -2.532561,53.977809
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+                    -2.539467,53.980131
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+                    -2.540529,53.981433
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+                    -2.541675,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983727
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+                    -2.545516,53.984723
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+                    -2.551849,53.986859
+                    -2.552051,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985734
+                    -2.554589,53.985572
+                    -2.556101,53.985529
+                    -2.557093,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986268
+                    -2.558210,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985348
+                    -2.559633,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986511
+                    -2.562150,53.986325
+                    -2.562827,53.986859
+                    -2.563662,53.987660
+                    -2.563892,53.987765
+                    -2.563788,53.988667
+                    -2.563834,53.989577
+                    -2.564508,53.990479
+                    -2.565174,53.990788
+                    -2.565639,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991938
+                    -2.564643,53.992286
+                    -2.564089,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.994002
+                    -2.562754,53.994098
+                    -2.563662,53.994217
+                    -2.564441,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995500
+                    -2.565673,53.995910
+                    -2.565434,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997097
+                    -2.563662,53.997035
+                    -2.562150,53.997006
+                    -2.560638,53.996882
+                    -2.560476,53.996811
+                    -2.560638,53.996758
+                    -2.561651,53.995910
+                    -2.561408,53.995004
+                    -2.560638,53.994589
+                    -2.559794,53.994098
+                    -2.559450,53.993192
+                    -2.559278,53.992286
+                    -2.559646,53.991385
+                    -2.559476,53.990479
+                    -2.559125,53.990269
+                    -2.557613,53.990188
+                    -2.556919,53.989577
+                    -2.556101,53.989139
+                    -2.555106,53.988667
+                    -2.554589,53.988357
+                    -2.553077,53.988309
+                    -2.552475,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989096
+                    -2.554589,53.989577
+                    -2.554591,53.989577
+                    -2.555382,53.990479
+                    -2.554967,53.991385
+                    -2.555212,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992629
+                    -2.553352,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993516
+                    -2.552220,53.994098
+                    -2.551564,53.994389
+                    -2.550220,53.995004
+                    -2.550052,53.995094
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+                    -2.539467,54.000430
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+                    -2.537955,54.001899
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+                    -2.540979,54.003253
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+                    -2.534930,54.017572
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+                    -2.534930,54.017830
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+                    -2.533418,54.019561
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+                    -2.534930,54.020572
+                    -2.535562,54.021239
+                    -2.534930,54.021468
+                    -2.534297,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.020791
+                    -2.532704,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.021802
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+                    -2.534694,54.023051
+                    -2.534930,54.023347
+                    -2.535730,54.023952
+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025397
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+                    -2.530394,54.025202
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+                    -2.525857,54.024844
+                    -2.524345,54.023952
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+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520257,54.022145
+                    -2.519808,54.021802
+                    -2.518296,54.021807
+                    -2.516874,54.021239
+                    -2.516784,54.021158
+                    -2.515272,54.020634
+                    -2.513760,54.020495
+                    -2.512892,54.020333
+                    -2.512247,54.020262
+                    -2.510772,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.019408
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013219
+                    -2.511132,54.013095
+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010386
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
+                    -2.509223,54.007668
+                    -2.509223,54.006763
+                    -2.507711,54.005861
+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507804,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
+                    -2.512909,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.006543
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+                    -2.513760,54.007621
+                    -2.513497,54.007668
+                    -2.513760,54.007697
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+                    -2.515500,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006362
+                    -2.518296,54.006305
+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
+                    -2.514052,53.998618
+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
+                    -2.511967,53.996811
+                    -2.511814,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994603
+                    -2.509787,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995676
+                    -2.507711,53.995881
+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.995004
+                    -2.504894,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.994131
+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
+                    -2.503298,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.990951
+                    -2.505574,53.990479
+                    -2.504750,53.989577
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
+                    -2.503174,53.987865
+                    -2.502978,53.987765
+                    -2.502391,53.986859
+                    -2.501662,53.986278
+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507805,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979707
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977199
+                    -2.509642,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976536
+                    -2.508680,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975477
+                    -2.509727,53.975101
+                    -2.509420,53.974195
+                    -2.509223,53.973737
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532263,53.972383
+                    -2.532110,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973799
+                    -2.531213,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974609
+                    -2.532582,53.975101
+                    -2.532813,53.976002
+                    -2.532429,53.976908
+                    -2.532561,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978324
+                    -2.534255,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979120
+                    -2.535980,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.979897
+                    -2.537955,53.980460
+                    -2.539467,53.980131
+                    -2.540480,53.980527
+                    -2.540529,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.981862
+                    -2.541685,53.982334
+                    -2.541675,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983727
+                    -2.543824,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984251
+                    -2.545516,53.984723
+                    -2.547028,53.984809
+                    -2.548250,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985229
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+                    -2.551280,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987031
+                    -2.551849,53.986859
+                    -2.552051,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985734
+                    -2.554589,53.985572
+                    -2.556101,53.985529
+                    -2.557093,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986268
+                    -2.558210,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985348
+                    -2.559633,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986511
+                    -2.562150,53.986325
+                    -2.562827,53.986859
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+                    -2.563892,53.987765
+                    -2.563788,53.988667
+                    -2.563834,53.989577
+                    -2.564508,53.990479
+                    -2.565174,53.990788
+                    -2.565639,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991938
+                    -2.564643,53.992286
+                    -2.564089,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.994002
+                    -2.562754,53.994098
+                    -2.563662,53.994217
+                    -2.564441,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995500
+                    -2.565673,53.995910
+                    -2.565434,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997097
+                    -2.563662,53.997035
+                    -2.562150,53.997006
+                    -2.560638,53.996882
+                    -2.560476,53.996811
+                    -2.560638,53.996758
+                    -2.561651,53.995910
+                    -2.561408,53.995004
+                    -2.560638,53.994589
+                    -2.559794,53.994098
+                    -2.559450,53.993192
+                    -2.559278,53.992286
+                    -2.559646,53.991385
+                    -2.559476,53.990479
+                    -2.559125,53.990269
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+                    -2.556919,53.989577
+                    -2.556101,53.989139
+                    -2.555106,53.988667
+                    -2.554589,53.988357
+                    -2.553077,53.988309
+                    -2.552475,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989096
+                    -2.554589,53.989577
+                    -2.554591,53.989577
+                    -2.555382,53.990479
+                    -2.554967,53.991385
+                    -2.555212,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992629
+                    -2.553352,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993516
+                    -2.552220,53.994098
+                    -2.551564,53.994389
+                    -2.550220,53.995004
+                    -2.550052,53.995094
+                    -2.548701,53.995910
+                    -2.548540,53.996134
+                    -2.547212,53.996811
+                    -2.547028,53.996849
+                    -2.545516,53.997107
+                    -2.544523,53.997717
+                    -2.544003,53.997850
+                    -2.542532,53.998618
+                    -2.542491,53.998704
+                    -2.540979,53.999200
+                    -2.539467,53.999133
+                    -2.538427,53.999524
+                    -2.539467,54.000416
+                    -2.539470,54.000430
+                    -2.539467,54.000430
+                    -2.537955,54.000583
+                    -2.536443,54.000893
+                    -2.535680,54.001336
+                    -2.536443,54.002185
+                    -2.537955,54.001899
+                    -2.538270,54.002242
+                    -2.539467,54.002643
+                    -2.540979,54.003100
+                    -2.541093,54.003143
+                    -2.540979,54.003253
+                    -2.540686,54.004049
+                    -2.539467,54.004793
+                    -2.539227,54.004951
+                    -2.539467,54.005146
+                    -2.540979,54.005017
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+                    -2.532704,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.021802
+                    -2.533756,54.022145
+                    -2.534694,54.023051
+                    -2.534930,54.023347
+                    -2.535730,54.023952
+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025397
+                    -2.531906,54.025459
+                    -2.530394,54.025202
+                    -2.528882,54.025354
+                    -2.527369,54.025507
+                    -2.525898,54.024858
+                    -2.525857,54.024844
+                    -2.524345,54.023952
+                    -2.522833,54.023051
+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520257,54.022145
+                    -2.519808,54.021802
+                    -2.518296,54.021807
+                    -2.516874,54.021239
+                    -2.516784,54.021158
+                    -2.515272,54.020634
+                    -2.513760,54.020495
+                    -2.512892,54.020333
+                    -2.512247,54.020262
+                    -2.510772,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.019408
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013219
+                    -2.511132,54.013095
+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010386
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
+                    -2.509223,54.007668
+                    -2.509223,54.006763
+                    -2.507711,54.005861
+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507804,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
+                    -2.512909,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.006543
+                    -2.514566,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.007621
+                    -2.513497,54.007668
+                    -2.513760,54.007697
+                    -2.515272,54.007835
+                    -2.515810,54.007668
+                    -2.515500,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006362
+                    -2.518296,54.006305
+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
+                    -2.514052,53.998618
+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
+                    -2.511967,53.996811
+                    -2.511814,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994603
+                    -2.509787,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995676
+                    -2.507711,53.995881
+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.995004
+                    -2.504894,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.994131
+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
+                    -2.503298,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.990951
+                    -2.505574,53.990479
+                    -2.504750,53.989577
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
+                    -2.503174,53.987865
+                    -2.502978,53.987765
+                    -2.502391,53.986859
+                    -2.501662,53.986278
+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507805,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979707
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977199
+                    -2.509642,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976536
+                    -2.508680,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975477
+                    -2.509727,53.975101
+                    -2.509420,53.974195
+                    -2.509223,53.973737
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532263,53.972383
+                    -2.532110,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973799
+                    -2.531213,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974609
+                    -2.532582,53.975101
+                    -2.532813,53.976002
+                    -2.532429,53.976908
+                    -2.532561,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978324
+                    -2.534255,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979120
+                    -2.535980,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.979897
+                    -2.537955,53.980460
+                    -2.539467,53.980131
+                    -2.540480,53.980527
+                    -2.540529,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.981862
+                    -2.541685,53.982334
+                    -2.541675,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983727
+                    -2.543824,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984251
+                    -2.545516,53.984723
+                    -2.547028,53.984809
+                    -2.548250,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985229
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+                    -2.551280,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987031
+                    -2.551849,53.986859
+                    -2.552051,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985734
+                    -2.554589,53.985572
+                    -2.556101,53.985529
+                    -2.557093,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986268
+                    -2.558210,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985348
+                    -2.559633,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986511
+                    -2.562150,53.986325
+                    -2.562827,53.986859
+                    -2.563662,53.987660
+                    -2.563892,53.987765
+                    -2.563788,53.988667
+                    -2.563834,53.989577
+                    -2.564508,53.990479
+                    -2.565174,53.990788
+                    -2.565639,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991938
+                    -2.564643,53.992286
+                    -2.564089,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.994002
+                    -2.562754,53.994098
+                    -2.563662,53.994217
+                    -2.564441,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995500
+                    -2.565673,53.995910
+                    -2.565434,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997097
+                    -2.563662,53.997035
+                    -2.562150,53.997006
+                    -2.560638,53.996882
+                    -2.560476,53.996811
+                    -2.560638,53.996758
+                    -2.561651,53.995910
+                    -2.561408,53.995004
+                    -2.560638,53.994589
+                    -2.559794,53.994098
+                    -2.559450,53.993192
+                    -2.559278,53.992286
+                    -2.559646,53.991385
+                    -2.559476,53.990479
+                    -2.559125,53.990269
+                    -2.557613,53.990188
+                    -2.556919,53.989577
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+                    -2.554589,53.988357
+                    -2.553077,53.988309
+                    -2.552475,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989096
+                    -2.554589,53.989577
+                    -2.554591,53.989577
+                    -2.555382,53.990479
+                    -2.554967,53.991385
+                    -2.555212,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992629
+                    -2.553352,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993516
+                    -2.552220,53.994098
+                    -2.551564,53.994389
+                    -2.550220,53.995004
+                    -2.550052,53.995094
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+                    -2.545543,54.009476
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+                    -2.537955,54.015136
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+                    -2.534930,54.017572
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+                    -2.534930,54.017830
+                    -2.534142,54.018526
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+                    -2.530394,54.020476
+                    -2.531906,54.020681
+                    -2.532521,54.020333
+                    -2.533418,54.019561
+                    -2.534621,54.020333
+                    -2.534930,54.020572
+                    -2.535562,54.021239
+                    -2.534930,54.021468
+                    -2.534297,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.020791
+                    -2.532704,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.021802
+                    -2.533756,54.022145
+                    -2.534694,54.023051
+                    -2.534930,54.023347
+                    -2.535730,54.023952
+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025397
+                    -2.531906,54.025459
+                    -2.530394,54.025202
+                    -2.528882,54.025354
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+                    -2.525898,54.024858
+                    -2.525857,54.024844
+                    -2.524345,54.023952
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+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520257,54.022145
+                    -2.519808,54.021802
+                    -2.518296,54.021807
+                    -2.516874,54.021239
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+                    -2.512247,54.020262
+                    -2.510772,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.019408
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013219
+                    -2.511132,54.013095
+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010386
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
+                    -2.509223,54.007668
+                    -2.509223,54.006763
+                    -2.507711,54.005861
+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507804,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
+                    -2.512909,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.006543
+                    -2.514566,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.007621
+                    -2.513497,54.007668
+                    -2.513760,54.007697
+                    -2.515272,54.007835
+                    -2.515810,54.007668
+                    -2.515500,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006362
+                    -2.518296,54.006305
+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
+                    -2.514052,53.998618
+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
+                    -2.511967,53.996811
+                    -2.511814,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994603
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+                    -2.507711,53.995881
+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.995004
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+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.994131
+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
+                    -2.503298,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.990951
+                    -2.505574,53.990479
+                    -2.504750,53.989577
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
+                    -2.503174,53.987865
+                    -2.502978,53.987765
+                    -2.502391,53.986859
+                    -2.501662,53.986278
+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507805,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979707
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977199
+                    -2.509642,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976536
+                    -2.508680,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975477
+                    -2.509727,53.975101
+                    -2.509420,53.974195
+                    -2.509223,53.973737
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532263,53.972383
+                    -2.532110,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973799
+                    -2.531213,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974609
+                    -2.532582,53.975101
+                    -2.532813,53.976002
+                    -2.532429,53.976908
+                    -2.532561,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978324
+                    -2.534255,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979120
+                    -2.535980,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.979897
+                    -2.537955,53.980460
+                    -2.539467,53.980131
+                    -2.540480,53.980527
+                    -2.540529,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.981862
+                    -2.541685,53.982334
+                    -2.541675,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983727
+                    -2.543824,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984251
+                    -2.545516,53.984723
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+                    -2.548250,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985229
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+                    -2.551280,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987031
+                    -2.551849,53.986859
+                    -2.552051,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985734
+                    -2.554589,53.985572
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+                    -2.557093,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986268
+                    -2.558210,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985348
+                    -2.559633,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986511
+                    -2.562150,53.986325
+                    -2.562827,53.986859
+                    -2.563662,53.987660
+                    -2.563892,53.987765
+                    -2.563788,53.988667
+                    -2.563834,53.989577
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+                    -2.565639,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991938
+                    -2.564643,53.992286
+                    -2.564089,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.994002
+                    -2.562754,53.994098
+                    -2.563662,53.994217
+                    -2.564441,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995500
+                    -2.565673,53.995910
+                    -2.565434,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997097
+                    -2.563662,53.997035
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+                    -2.560638,53.996758
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+                    -2.561408,53.995004
+                    -2.560638,53.994589
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+                    -2.559125,53.990269
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+                    -2.553077,53.989096
+                    -2.554589,53.989577
+                    -2.554591,53.989577
+                    -2.555382,53.990479
+                    -2.554967,53.991385
+                    -2.555212,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992629
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+                    -2.553077,53.993516
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+                    -2.534930,54.017572
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+                    -2.534930,54.017830
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+                    -2.530394,54.020476
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+                    -2.532521,54.020333
+                    -2.533418,54.019561
+                    -2.534621,54.020333
+                    -2.534930,54.020572
+                    -2.535562,54.021239
+                    -2.534930,54.021468
+                    -2.534297,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.020791
+                    -2.532704,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.021802
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+                    -2.534694,54.023051
+                    -2.534930,54.023347
+                    -2.535730,54.023952
+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025397
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+                    -2.530394,54.025202
+                    -2.528882,54.025354
+                    -2.527369,54.025507
+                    -2.525898,54.024858
+                    -2.525857,54.024844
+                    -2.524345,54.023952
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+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520257,54.022145
+                    -2.519808,54.021802
+                    -2.518296,54.021807
+                    -2.516874,54.021239
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+                    -2.515272,54.020634
+                    -2.513760,54.020495
+                    -2.512892,54.020333
+                    -2.512247,54.020262
+                    -2.510772,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.019408
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013219
+                    -2.511132,54.013095
+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010386
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
+                    -2.509223,54.007668
+                    -2.509223,54.006763
+                    -2.507711,54.005861
+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507804,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
+                    -2.512909,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.006543
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+                    -2.513760,54.007621
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+                    -2.513760,54.007697
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+                    -2.515500,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006362
+                    -2.518296,54.006305
+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
+                    -2.514052,53.998618
+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
+                    -2.511967,53.996811
+                    -2.511814,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994603
+                    -2.509787,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995676
+                    -2.507711,53.995881
+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.995004
+                    -2.504894,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
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+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
+                    -2.503298,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.990951
+                    -2.505574,53.990479
+                    -2.504750,53.989577
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
+                    -2.503174,53.987865
+                    -2.502978,53.987765
+                    -2.502391,53.986859
+                    -2.501662,53.986278
+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507805,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979707
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977199
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+                    -2.509223,53.976536
+                    -2.508680,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975477
+                    -2.509727,53.975101
+                    -2.509420,53.974195
+                    -2.509223,53.973737
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532263,53.972383
+                    -2.532110,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973799
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+                    -2.531906,53.974609
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+                    -2.540529,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.981862
+                    -2.541685,53.982334
+                    -2.541675,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983727
+                    -2.543824,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984251
+                    -2.545516,53.984723
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+                    -2.548250,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985229
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+                    -2.551564,53.987031
+                    -2.551849,53.986859
+                    -2.552051,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985734
+                    -2.554589,53.985572
+                    -2.556101,53.985529
+                    -2.557093,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986268
+                    -2.558210,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985348
+                    -2.559633,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986511
+                    -2.562150,53.986325
+                    -2.562827,53.986859
+                    -2.563662,53.987660
+                    -2.563892,53.987765
+                    -2.563788,53.988667
+                    -2.563834,53.989577
+                    -2.564508,53.990479
+                    -2.565174,53.990788
+                    -2.565639,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991938
+                    -2.564643,53.992286
+                    -2.564089,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.994002
+                    -2.562754,53.994098
+                    -2.563662,53.994217
+                    -2.564441,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995500
+                    -2.565673,53.995910
+                    -2.565434,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997097
+                    -2.563662,53.997035
+                    -2.562150,53.997006
+                    -2.560638,53.996882
+                    -2.560476,53.996811
+                    -2.560638,53.996758
+                    -2.561651,53.995910
+                    -2.561408,53.995004
+                    -2.560638,53.994589
+                    -2.559794,53.994098
+                    -2.559450,53.993192
+                    -2.559278,53.992286
+                    -2.559646,53.991385
+                    -2.559476,53.990479
+                    -2.559125,53.990269
+                    -2.557613,53.990188
+                    -2.556919,53.989577
+                    -2.556101,53.989139
+                    -2.555106,53.988667
+                    -2.554589,53.988357
+                    -2.553077,53.988309
+                    -2.552475,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989096
+                    -2.554589,53.989577
+                    -2.554591,53.989577
+                    -2.555382,53.990479
+                    -2.554967,53.991385
+                    -2.555212,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992629
+                    -2.553352,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993516
+                    -2.552220,53.994098
+                    -2.551564,53.994389
+                    -2.550220,53.995004
+                    -2.550052,53.995094
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+                    -2.539467,54.000430
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+                    -2.534930,54.017572
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+                    -2.534930,54.017830
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+                    -2.533418,54.019561
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+                    -2.534930,54.020572
+                    -2.535562,54.021239
+                    -2.534930,54.021468
+                    -2.534297,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.020791
+                    -2.532704,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.021802
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+                    -2.534694,54.023051
+                    -2.534930,54.023347
+                    -2.535730,54.023952
+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025397
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+                    -2.530394,54.025202
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+                    -2.525857,54.024844
+                    -2.524345,54.023952
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+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520257,54.022145
+                    -2.519808,54.021802
+                    -2.518296,54.021807
+                    -2.516874,54.021239
+                    -2.516784,54.021158
+                    -2.515272,54.020634
+                    -2.513760,54.020495
+                    -2.512892,54.020333
+                    -2.512247,54.020262
+                    -2.510772,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.019408
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013219
+                    -2.511132,54.013095
+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010386
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
+                    -2.509223,54.007668
+                    -2.509223,54.006763
+                    -2.507711,54.005861
+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507804,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
+                    -2.512909,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.006543
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+                    -2.513760,54.007621
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+                    -2.513760,54.007697
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+                    -2.515810,54.007668
+                    -2.515500,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006362
+                    -2.518296,54.006305
+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
+                    -2.514052,53.998618
+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
+                    -2.511967,53.996811
+                    -2.511814,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994603
+                    -2.509787,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995676
+                    -2.507711,53.995881
+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.995004
+                    -2.504894,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.994131
+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
+                    -2.503298,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.990951
+                    -2.505574,53.990479
+                    -2.504750,53.989577
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
+                    -2.503174,53.987865
+                    -2.502978,53.987765
+                    -2.502391,53.986859
+                    -2.501662,53.986278
+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507805,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979707
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977199
+                    -2.509642,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976536
+                    -2.508680,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975477
+                    -2.509727,53.975101
+                    -2.509420,53.974195
+                    -2.509223,53.973737
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532263,53.972383
+                    -2.532110,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973799
+                    -2.531213,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974609
+                    -2.532582,53.975101
+                    -2.532813,53.976002
+                    -2.532429,53.976908
+                    -2.532561,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978324
+                    -2.534255,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979120
+                    -2.535980,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.979897
+                    -2.537955,53.980460
+                    -2.539467,53.980131
+                    -2.540480,53.980527
+                    -2.540529,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.981862
+                    -2.541685,53.982334
+                    -2.541675,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983727
+                    -2.543824,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984251
+                    -2.545516,53.984723
+                    -2.547028,53.984809
+                    -2.548250,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985229
+                    -2.550052,53.985271
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+                    -2.551280,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987031
+                    -2.551849,53.986859
+                    -2.552051,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985734
+                    -2.554589,53.985572
+                    -2.556101,53.985529
+                    -2.557093,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986268
+                    -2.558210,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985348
+                    -2.559633,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986511
+                    -2.562150,53.986325
+                    -2.562827,53.986859
+                    -2.563662,53.987660
+                    -2.563892,53.987765
+                    -2.563788,53.988667
+                    -2.563834,53.989577
+                    -2.564508,53.990479
+                    -2.565174,53.990788
+                    -2.565639,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991938
+                    -2.564643,53.992286
+                    -2.564089,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.994002
+                    -2.562754,53.994098
+                    -2.563662,53.994217
+                    -2.564441,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995500
+                    -2.565673,53.995910
+                    -2.565434,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997097
+                    -2.563662,53.997035
+                    -2.562150,53.997006
+                    -2.560638,53.996882
+                    -2.560476,53.996811
+                    -2.560638,53.996758
+                    -2.561651,53.995910
+                    -2.561408,53.995004
+                    -2.560638,53.994589
+                    -2.559794,53.994098
+                    -2.559450,53.993192
+                    -2.559278,53.992286
+                    -2.559646,53.991385
+                    -2.559476,53.990479
+                    -2.559125,53.990269
+                    -2.557613,53.990188
+                    -2.556919,53.989577
+                    -2.556101,53.989139
+                    -2.555106,53.988667
+                    -2.554589,53.988357
+                    -2.553077,53.988309
+                    -2.552475,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989096
+                    -2.554589,53.989577
+                    -2.554591,53.989577
+                    -2.555382,53.990479
+                    -2.554967,53.991385
+                    -2.555212,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992629
+                    -2.553352,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993516
+                    -2.552220,53.994098
+                    -2.551564,53.994389
+                    -2.550220,53.995004
+                    -2.550052,53.995094
+                    -2.548701,53.995910
+                    -2.548540,53.996134
+                    -2.547212,53.996811
+                    -2.547028,53.996849
+                    -2.545516,53.997107
+                    -2.544523,53.997717
+                    -2.544003,53.997850
+                    -2.542532,53.998618
+                    -2.542491,53.998704
+                    -2.540979,53.999200
+                    -2.539467,53.999133
+                    -2.538427,53.999524
+                    -2.539467,54.000416
+                    -2.539470,54.000430
+                    -2.539467,54.000430
+                    -2.537955,54.000583
+                    -2.536443,54.000893
+                    -2.535680,54.001336
+                    -2.536443,54.002185
+                    -2.537955,54.001899
+                    -2.538270,54.002242
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+                    -2.531906,54.020681
+                    -2.532521,54.020333
+                    -2.533418,54.019561
+                    -2.534621,54.020333
+                    -2.534930,54.020572
+                    -2.535562,54.021239
+                    -2.534930,54.021468
+                    -2.534297,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.020791
+                    -2.532704,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.021802
+                    -2.533756,54.022145
+                    -2.534694,54.023051
+                    -2.534930,54.023347
+                    -2.535730,54.023952
+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025397
+                    -2.531906,54.025459
+                    -2.530394,54.025202
+                    -2.528882,54.025354
+                    -2.527369,54.025507
+                    -2.525898,54.024858
+                    -2.525857,54.024844
+                    -2.524345,54.023952
+                    -2.522833,54.023051
+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520257,54.022145
+                    -2.519808,54.021802
+                    -2.518296,54.021807
+                    -2.516874,54.021239
+                    -2.516784,54.021158
+                    -2.515272,54.020634
+                    -2.513760,54.020495
+                    -2.512892,54.020333
+                    -2.512247,54.020262
+                    -2.510772,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.019408
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013219
+                    -2.511132,54.013095
+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010386
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
+                    -2.509223,54.007668
+                    -2.509223,54.006763
+                    -2.507711,54.005861
+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507804,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
+                    -2.512909,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.006543
+                    -2.514566,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.007621
+                    -2.513497,54.007668
+                    -2.513760,54.007697
+                    -2.515272,54.007835
+                    -2.515810,54.007668
+                    -2.515500,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006362
+                    -2.518296,54.006305
+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
+                    -2.514052,53.998618
+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
+                    -2.511967,53.996811
+                    -2.511814,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994603
+                    -2.509787,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995676
+                    -2.507711,53.995881
+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.995004
+                    -2.504894,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.994131
+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
+                    -2.503298,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.990951
+                    -2.505574,53.990479
+                    -2.504750,53.989577
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
+                    -2.503174,53.987865
+                    -2.502978,53.987765
+                    -2.502391,53.986859
+                    -2.501662,53.986278
+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507805,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979707
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977199
+                    -2.509642,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976536
+                    -2.508680,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975477
+                    -2.509727,53.975101
+                    -2.509420,53.974195
+                    -2.509223,53.973737
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532263,53.972383
+                    -2.532110,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973799
+                    -2.531213,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974609
+                    -2.532582,53.975101
+                    -2.532813,53.976002
+                    -2.532429,53.976908
+                    -2.532561,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978324
+                    -2.534255,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979120
+                    -2.535980,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.979897
+                    -2.537955,53.980460
+                    -2.539467,53.980131
+                    -2.540480,53.980527
+                    -2.540529,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.981862
+                    -2.541685,53.982334
+                    -2.541675,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983727
+                    -2.543824,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984251
+                    -2.545516,53.984723
+                    -2.547028,53.984809
+                    -2.548250,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985229
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+                    -2.551280,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987031
+                    -2.551849,53.986859
+                    -2.552051,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985734
+                    -2.554589,53.985572
+                    -2.556101,53.985529
+                    -2.557093,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986268
+                    -2.558210,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985348
+                    -2.559633,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986511
+                    -2.562150,53.986325
+                    -2.562827,53.986859
+                    -2.563662,53.987660
+                    -2.563892,53.987765
+                    -2.563788,53.988667
+                    -2.563834,53.989577
+                    -2.564508,53.990479
+                    -2.565174,53.990788
+                    -2.565639,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991938
+                    -2.564643,53.992286
+                    -2.564089,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.994002
+                    -2.562754,53.994098
+                    -2.563662,53.994217
+                    -2.564441,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995500
+                    -2.565673,53.995910
+                    -2.565434,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997097
+                    -2.563662,53.997035
+                    -2.562150,53.997006
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+                    -2.560476,53.996811
+                    -2.560638,53.996758
+                    -2.561651,53.995910
+                    -2.561408,53.995004
+                    -2.560638,53.994589
+                    -2.559794,53.994098
+                    -2.559450,53.993192
+                    -2.559278,53.992286
+                    -2.559646,53.991385
+                    -2.559476,53.990479
+                    -2.559125,53.990269
+                    -2.557613,53.990188
+                    -2.556919,53.989577
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+                    -2.555106,53.988667
+                    -2.554589,53.988357
+                    -2.553077,53.988309
+                    -2.552475,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989096
+                    -2.554589,53.989577
+                    -2.554591,53.989577
+                    -2.555382,53.990479
+                    -2.554967,53.991385
+                    -2.555212,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992629
+                    -2.553352,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993516
+                    -2.552220,53.994098
+                    -2.551564,53.994389
+                    -2.550220,53.995004
+                    -2.550052,53.995094
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+                    -2.539467,54.000430
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+                    -2.545543,54.009476
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+                    -2.537955,54.015136
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+                    -2.534930,54.017572
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+                    -2.534930,54.017830
+                    -2.534142,54.018526
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+                    -2.530394,54.020476
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+                    -2.532521,54.020333
+                    -2.533418,54.019561
+                    -2.534621,54.020333
+                    -2.534930,54.020572
+                    -2.535562,54.021239
+                    -2.534930,54.021468
+                    -2.534297,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.020791
+                    -2.532704,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.021802
+                    -2.533756,54.022145
+                    -2.534694,54.023051
+                    -2.534930,54.023347
+                    -2.535730,54.023952
+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025397
+                    -2.531906,54.025459
+                    -2.530394,54.025202
+                    -2.528882,54.025354
+                    -2.527369,54.025507
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+                    -2.525857,54.024844
+                    -2.524345,54.023952
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+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520257,54.022145
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+                    -2.512247,54.020262
+                    -2.510772,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.019408
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013219
+                    -2.511132,54.013095
+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010386
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
+                    -2.509223,54.007668
+                    -2.509223,54.006763
+                    -2.507711,54.005861
+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507804,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
+                    -2.512909,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.006543
+                    -2.514566,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.007621
+                    -2.513497,54.007668
+                    -2.513760,54.007697
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+                    -2.515810,54.007668
+                    -2.515500,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006362
+                    -2.518296,54.006305
+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
+                    -2.514052,53.998618
+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
+                    -2.511967,53.996811
+                    -2.511814,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994603
+                    -2.509787,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995676
+                    -2.507711,53.995881
+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.995004
+                    -2.504894,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.994131
+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
+                    -2.503298,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.990951
+                    -2.505574,53.990479
+                    -2.504750,53.989577
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
+                    -2.503174,53.987865
+                    -2.502978,53.987765
+                    -2.502391,53.986859
+                    -2.501662,53.986278
+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507805,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979707
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977199
+                    -2.509642,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976536
+                    -2.508680,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975477
+                    -2.509727,53.975101
+                    -2.509420,53.974195
+                    -2.509223,53.973737
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532263,53.972383
+                    -2.532110,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973799
+                    -2.531213,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974609
+                    -2.532582,53.975101
+                    -2.532813,53.976002
+                    -2.532429,53.976908
+                    -2.532561,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978324
+                    -2.534255,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979120
+                    -2.535980,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.979897
+                    -2.537955,53.980460
+                    -2.539467,53.980131
+                    -2.540480,53.980527
+                    -2.540529,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.981862
+                    -2.541685,53.982334
+                    -2.541675,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983727
+                    -2.543824,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984251
+                    -2.545516,53.984723
+                    -2.547028,53.984809
+                    -2.548250,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985229
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+                    -2.551280,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987031
+                    -2.551849,53.986859
+                    -2.552051,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985734
+                    -2.554589,53.985572
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+                    -2.557093,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986268
+                    -2.558210,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985348
+                    -2.559633,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986511
+                    -2.562150,53.986325
+                    -2.562827,53.986859
+                    -2.563662,53.987660
+                    -2.563892,53.987765
+                    -2.563788,53.988667
+                    -2.563834,53.989577
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+                    -2.565639,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991938
+                    -2.564643,53.992286
+                    -2.564089,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.994002
+                    -2.562754,53.994098
+                    -2.563662,53.994217
+                    -2.564441,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995500
+                    -2.565673,53.995910
+                    -2.565434,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997097
+                    -2.563662,53.997035
+                    -2.562150,53.997006
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+                    -2.560638,53.996758
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+                    -2.561408,53.995004
+                    -2.560638,53.994589
+                    -2.559794,53.994098
+                    -2.559450,53.993192
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+                    -2.559125,53.990269
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+                    -2.552475,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989096
+                    -2.554589,53.989577
+                    -2.554591,53.989577
+                    -2.555382,53.990479
+                    -2.554967,53.991385
+                    -2.555212,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992629
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+                    -2.553077,53.993516
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+                    -2.534930,54.017572
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+                    -2.534930,54.017830
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+                    -2.530394,54.020476
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+                    -2.532521,54.020333
+                    -2.533418,54.019561
+                    -2.534621,54.020333
+                    -2.534930,54.020572
+                    -2.535562,54.021239
+                    -2.534930,54.021468
+                    -2.534297,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.020791
+                    -2.532704,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.021802
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+                    -2.534694,54.023051
+                    -2.534930,54.023347
+                    -2.535730,54.023952
+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025397
+                    -2.531906,54.025459
+                    -2.530394,54.025202
+                    -2.528882,54.025354
+                    -2.527369,54.025507
+                    -2.525898,54.024858
+                    -2.525857,54.024844
+                    -2.524345,54.023952
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+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520257,54.022145
+                    -2.519808,54.021802
+                    -2.518296,54.021807
+                    -2.516874,54.021239
+                    -2.516784,54.021158
+                    -2.515272,54.020634
+                    -2.513760,54.020495
+                    -2.512892,54.020333
+                    -2.512247,54.020262
+                    -2.510772,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.019408
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013219
+                    -2.511132,54.013095
+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010386
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
+                    -2.509223,54.007668
+                    -2.509223,54.006763
+                    -2.507711,54.005861
+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507804,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
+                    -2.512909,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.006543
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+                    -2.513760,54.007621
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+                    -2.513760,54.007697
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+                    -2.515500,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006362
+                    -2.518296,54.006305
+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
+                    -2.514052,53.998618
+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
+                    -2.511967,53.996811
+                    -2.511814,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994603
+                    -2.509787,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995676
+                    -2.507711,53.995881
+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.995004
+                    -2.504894,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.994131
+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
+                    -2.503298,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.990951
+                    -2.505574,53.990479
+                    -2.504750,53.989577
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
+                    -2.503174,53.987865
+                    -2.502978,53.987765
+                    -2.502391,53.986859
+                    -2.501662,53.986278
+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507805,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979707
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977199
+                    -2.509642,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976536
+                    -2.508680,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975477
+                    -2.509727,53.975101
+                    -2.509420,53.974195
+                    -2.509223,53.973737
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
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+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
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+                    -2.531906,53.974609
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+                    -2.534255,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979120
+                    -2.535980,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.979897
+                    -2.537955,53.980460
+                    -2.539467,53.980131
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+                    -2.540529,53.981433
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+                    -2.541675,53.983240
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+                    -2.544003,53.984251
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+                    -2.551849,53.986859
+                    -2.552051,53.985953
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+                    -2.556101,53.985529
+                    -2.557093,53.985953
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+                    -2.558210,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985348
+                    -2.559633,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986511
+                    -2.562150,53.986325
+                    -2.562827,53.986859
+                    -2.563662,53.987660
+                    -2.563892,53.987765
+                    -2.563788,53.988667
+                    -2.563834,53.989577
+                    -2.564508,53.990479
+                    -2.565174,53.990788
+                    -2.565639,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991938
+                    -2.564643,53.992286
+                    -2.564089,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.994002
+                    -2.562754,53.994098
+                    -2.563662,53.994217
+                    -2.564441,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995500
+                    -2.565673,53.995910
+                    -2.565434,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997097
+                    -2.563662,53.997035
+                    -2.562150,53.997006
+                    -2.560638,53.996882
+                    -2.560476,53.996811
+                    -2.560638,53.996758
+                    -2.561651,53.995910
+                    -2.561408,53.995004
+                    -2.560638,53.994589
+                    -2.559794,53.994098
+                    -2.559450,53.993192
+                    -2.559278,53.992286
+                    -2.559646,53.991385
+                    -2.559476,53.990479
+                    -2.559125,53.990269
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+                    -2.554589,53.988357
+                    -2.553077,53.988309
+                    -2.552475,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989096
+                    -2.554589,53.989577
+                    -2.554591,53.989577
+                    -2.555382,53.990479
+                    -2.554967,53.991385
+                    -2.555212,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992629
+                    -2.553352,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993516
+                    -2.552220,53.994098
+                    -2.551564,53.994389
+                    -2.550220,53.995004
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+                    -2.533418,54.019561
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+                    -2.534930,54.020572
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+                    -2.534930,54.021468
+                    -2.534297,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.020791
+                    -2.532704,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.021802
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+                    -2.534694,54.023051
+                    -2.534930,54.023347
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+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025397
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+                    -2.530394,54.025202
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+                    -2.525857,54.024844
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+                    -2.521321,54.022145
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+                    -2.516874,54.021239
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+                    -2.513760,54.020495
+                    -2.512892,54.020333
+                    -2.512247,54.020262
+                    -2.510772,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.019408
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013219
+                    -2.511132,54.013095
+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010386
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
+                    -2.509223,54.007668
+                    -2.509223,54.006763
+                    -2.507711,54.005861
+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507804,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
+                    -2.512909,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.006543
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+                    -2.513760,54.007621
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+                    -2.513760,54.007697
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+                    -2.515500,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006362
+                    -2.518296,54.006305
+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
+                    -2.514052,53.998618
+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
+                    -2.511967,53.996811
+                    -2.511814,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994603
+                    -2.509787,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995676
+                    -2.507711,53.995881
+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.995004
+                    -2.504894,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.994131
+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
+                    -2.503298,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.990951
+                    -2.505574,53.990479
+                    -2.504750,53.989577
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
+                    -2.503174,53.987865
+                    -2.502978,53.987765
+                    -2.502391,53.986859
+                    -2.501662,53.986278
+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507805,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979707
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977199
+                    -2.509642,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976536
+                    -2.508680,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975477
+                    -2.509727,53.975101
+                    -2.509420,53.974195
+                    -2.509223,53.973737
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532263,53.972383
+                    -2.532110,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973799
+                    -2.531213,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974609
+                    -2.532582,53.975101
+                    -2.532813,53.976002
+                    -2.532429,53.976908
+                    -2.532561,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978324
+                    -2.534255,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979120
+                    -2.535980,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.979897
+                    -2.537955,53.980460
+                    -2.539467,53.980131
+                    -2.540480,53.980527
+                    -2.540529,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.981862
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+                    -2.541675,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983727
+                    -2.543824,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984251
+                    -2.545516,53.984723
+                    -2.547028,53.984809
+                    -2.548250,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985229
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+                    -2.551280,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987031
+                    -2.551849,53.986859
+                    -2.552051,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985734
+                    -2.554589,53.985572
+                    -2.556101,53.985529
+                    -2.557093,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986268
+                    -2.558210,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985348
+                    -2.559633,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986511
+                    -2.562150,53.986325
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+                    -2.563892,53.987765
+                    -2.563788,53.988667
+                    -2.563834,53.989577
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+                    -2.565639,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991938
+                    -2.564643,53.992286
+                    -2.564089,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.994002
+                    -2.562754,53.994098
+                    -2.563662,53.994217
+                    -2.564441,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995500
+                    -2.565673,53.995910
+                    -2.565434,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997097
+                    -2.563662,53.997035
+                    -2.562150,53.997006
+                    -2.560638,53.996882
+                    -2.560476,53.996811
+                    -2.560638,53.996758
+                    -2.561651,53.995910
+                    -2.561408,53.995004
+                    -2.560638,53.994589
+                    -2.559794,53.994098
+                    -2.559450,53.993192
+                    -2.559278,53.992286
+                    -2.559646,53.991385
+                    -2.559476,53.990479
+                    -2.559125,53.990269
+                    -2.557613,53.990188
+                    -2.556919,53.989577
+                    -2.556101,53.989139
+                    -2.555106,53.988667
+                    -2.554589,53.988357
+                    -2.553077,53.988309
+                    -2.552475,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989096
+                    -2.554589,53.989577
+                    -2.554591,53.989577
+                    -2.555382,53.990479
+                    -2.554967,53.991385
+                    -2.555212,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992629
+                    -2.553352,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993516
+                    -2.552220,53.994098
+                    -2.551564,53.994389
+                    -2.550220,53.995004
+                    -2.550052,53.995094
+                    -2.548701,53.995910
+                    -2.548540,53.996134
+                    -2.547212,53.996811
+                    -2.547028,53.996849
+                    -2.545516,53.997107
+                    -2.544523,53.997717
+                    -2.544003,53.997850
+                    -2.542532,53.998618
+                    -2.542491,53.998704
+                    -2.540979,53.999200
+                    -2.539467,53.999133
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+                    -2.535380,54.017620
+                    -2.534930,54.017830
+                    -2.534142,54.018526
+                    -2.533418,54.019046
+                    -2.531906,54.018989
+                    -2.531129,54.019427
+                    -2.530394,54.020166
+                    -2.530159,54.020333
+                    -2.530394,54.020476
+                    -2.531906,54.020681
+                    -2.532521,54.020333
+                    -2.533418,54.019561
+                    -2.534621,54.020333
+                    -2.534930,54.020572
+                    -2.535562,54.021239
+                    -2.534930,54.021468
+                    -2.534297,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.020791
+                    -2.532704,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.021802
+                    -2.533756,54.022145
+                    -2.534694,54.023051
+                    -2.534930,54.023347
+                    -2.535730,54.023952
+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025397
+                    -2.531906,54.025459
+                    -2.530394,54.025202
+                    -2.528882,54.025354
+                    -2.527369,54.025507
+                    -2.525898,54.024858
+                    -2.525857,54.024844
+                    -2.524345,54.023952
+                    -2.522833,54.023051
+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520257,54.022145
+                    -2.519808,54.021802
+                    -2.518296,54.021807
+                    -2.516874,54.021239
+                    -2.516784,54.021158
+                    -2.515272,54.020634
+                    -2.513760,54.020495
+                    -2.512892,54.020333
+                    -2.512247,54.020262
+                    -2.510772,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.019408
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013219
+                    -2.511132,54.013095
+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010386
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
+                    -2.509223,54.007668
+                    -2.509223,54.006763
+                    -2.507711,54.005861
+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507804,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
+                    -2.512909,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.006543
+                    -2.514566,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.007621
+                    -2.513497,54.007668
+                    -2.513760,54.007697
+                    -2.515272,54.007835
+                    -2.515810,54.007668
+                    -2.515500,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006362
+                    -2.518296,54.006305
+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
+                    -2.514052,53.998618
+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
+                    -2.511967,53.996811
+                    -2.511814,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994603
+                    -2.509787,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995676
+                    -2.507711,53.995881
+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.995004
+                    -2.504894,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.994131
+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
+                    -2.503298,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.990951
+                    -2.505574,53.990479
+                    -2.504750,53.989577
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
+                    -2.503174,53.987865
+                    -2.502978,53.987765
+                    -2.502391,53.986859
+                    -2.501662,53.986278
+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507805,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979707
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977199
+                    -2.509642,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976536
+                    -2.508680,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975477
+                    -2.509727,53.975101
+                    -2.509420,53.974195
+                    -2.509223,53.973737
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532263,53.972383
+                    -2.532110,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973799
+                    -2.531213,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974609
+                    -2.532582,53.975101
+                    -2.532813,53.976002
+                    -2.532429,53.976908
+                    -2.532561,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978324
+                    -2.534255,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979120
+                    -2.535980,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.979897
+                    -2.537955,53.980460
+                    -2.539467,53.980131
+                    -2.540480,53.980527
+                    -2.540529,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.981862
+                    -2.541685,53.982334
+                    -2.541675,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983727
+                    -2.543824,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984251
+                    -2.545516,53.984723
+                    -2.547028,53.984809
+                    -2.548250,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985229
+                    -2.550052,53.985271
+                    -2.551078,53.985953
+                    -2.551280,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987031
+                    -2.551849,53.986859
+                    -2.552051,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985734
+                    -2.554589,53.985572
+                    -2.556101,53.985529
+                    -2.557093,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986268
+                    -2.558210,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985348
+                    -2.559633,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986511
+                    -2.562150,53.986325
+                    -2.562827,53.986859
+                    -2.563662,53.987660
+                    -2.563892,53.987765
+                    -2.563788,53.988667
+                    -2.563834,53.989577
+                    -2.564508,53.990479
+                    -2.565174,53.990788
+                    -2.565639,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991938
+                    -2.564643,53.992286
+                    -2.564089,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.994002
+                    -2.562754,53.994098
+                    -2.563662,53.994217
+                    -2.564441,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995500
+                    -2.565673,53.995910
+                    -2.565434,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997097
+                    -2.563662,53.997035
+                    -2.562150,53.997006
+                    -2.560638,53.996882
+                    -2.560476,53.996811
+                    -2.560638,53.996758
+                    -2.561651,53.995910
+                    -2.561408,53.995004
+                    -2.560638,53.994589
+                    -2.559794,53.994098
+                    -2.559450,53.993192
+                    -2.559278,53.992286
+                    -2.559646,53.991385
+                    -2.559476,53.990479
+                    -2.559125,53.990269
+                    -2.557613,53.990188
+                    -2.556919,53.989577
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+                    -2.555106,53.988667
+                    -2.554589,53.988357
+                    -2.553077,53.988309
+                    -2.552475,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989096
+                    -2.554589,53.989577
+                    -2.554591,53.989577
+                    -2.555382,53.990479
+                    -2.554967,53.991385
+                    -2.555212,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992629
+                    -2.553352,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993516
+                    -2.552220,53.994098
+                    -2.551564,53.994389
+                    -2.550220,53.995004
+                    -2.550052,53.995094
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+                    -2.539467,54.000430
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+                    -2.545543,54.009476
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+                    -2.534930,54.017572
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+                    -2.534930,54.017830
+                    -2.534142,54.018526
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+                    -2.530394,54.020476
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+                    -2.532521,54.020333
+                    -2.533418,54.019561
+                    -2.534621,54.020333
+                    -2.534930,54.020572
+                    -2.535562,54.021239
+                    -2.534930,54.021468
+                    -2.534297,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.020791
+                    -2.532704,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.021802
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+                    -2.534694,54.023051
+                    -2.534930,54.023347
+                    -2.535730,54.023952
+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025397
+                    -2.531906,54.025459
+                    -2.530394,54.025202
+                    -2.528882,54.025354
+                    -2.527369,54.025507
+                    -2.525898,54.024858
+                    -2.525857,54.024844
+                    -2.524345,54.023952
+                    -2.522833,54.023051
+                    -2.521321,54.022145
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+                    -2.519808,54.021802
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+                    -2.516874,54.021239
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+                    -2.512247,54.020262
+                    -2.510772,54.019427
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013219
+                    -2.511132,54.013095
+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010386
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
+                    -2.509223,54.007668
+                    -2.509223,54.006763
+                    -2.507711,54.005861
+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507804,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
+                    -2.512909,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.006543
+                    -2.514566,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.007621
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+                    -2.513760,54.007697
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+                    -2.515810,54.007668
+                    -2.515500,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006362
+                    -2.518296,54.006305
+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
+                    -2.514052,53.998618
+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
+                    -2.511967,53.996811
+                    -2.511814,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994603
+                    -2.509787,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995676
+                    -2.507711,53.995881
+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.995004
+                    -2.504894,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.994131
+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
+                    -2.503298,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.990951
+                    -2.505574,53.990479
+                    -2.504750,53.989577
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
+                    -2.503174,53.987865
+                    -2.502978,53.987765
+                    -2.502391,53.986859
+                    -2.501662,53.986278
+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507805,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979707
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977199
+                    -2.509642,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976536
+                    -2.508680,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975477
+                    -2.509727,53.975101
+                    -2.509420,53.974195
+                    -2.509223,53.973737
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532263,53.972383
+                    -2.532110,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973799
+                    -2.531213,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974609
+                    -2.532582,53.975101
+                    -2.532813,53.976002
+                    -2.532429,53.976908
+                    -2.532561,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978324
+                    -2.534255,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979120
+                    -2.535980,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.979897
+                    -2.537955,53.980460
+                    -2.539467,53.980131
+                    -2.540480,53.980527
+                    -2.540529,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.981862
+                    -2.541685,53.982334
+                    -2.541675,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983727
+                    -2.543824,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984251
+                    -2.545516,53.984723
+                    -2.547028,53.984809
+                    -2.548250,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985229
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+                    -2.551564,53.987031
+                    -2.551849,53.986859
+                    -2.552051,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985734
+                    -2.554589,53.985572
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+                    -2.557093,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986268
+                    -2.558210,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985348
+                    -2.559633,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986511
+                    -2.562150,53.986325
+                    -2.562827,53.986859
+                    -2.563662,53.987660
+                    -2.563892,53.987765
+                    -2.563788,53.988667
+                    -2.563834,53.989577
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+                    -2.565174,53.990788
+                    -2.565639,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991938
+                    -2.564643,53.992286
+                    -2.564089,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.994002
+                    -2.562754,53.994098
+                    -2.563662,53.994217
+                    -2.564441,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995500
+                    -2.565673,53.995910
+                    -2.565434,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997097
+                    -2.563662,53.997035
+                    -2.562150,53.997006
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+                    -2.560476,53.996811
+                    -2.560638,53.996758
+                    -2.561651,53.995910
+                    -2.561408,53.995004
+                    -2.560638,53.994589
+                    -2.559794,53.994098
+                    -2.559450,53.993192
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+                    -2.559476,53.990479
+                    -2.559125,53.990269
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+                    -2.552475,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989096
+                    -2.554589,53.989577
+                    -2.554591,53.989577
+                    -2.555382,53.990479
+                    -2.554967,53.991385
+                    -2.555212,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992629
+                    -2.553352,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993516
+                    -2.552220,53.994098
+                    -2.551564,53.994389
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+                    -2.545543,54.009476
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+                    -2.534930,54.017572
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+                    -2.534930,54.017830
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+                    -2.530394,54.020476
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+                    -2.532521,54.020333
+                    -2.533418,54.019561
+                    -2.534621,54.020333
+                    -2.534930,54.020572
+                    -2.535562,54.021239
+                    -2.534930,54.021468
+                    -2.534297,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.020791
+                    -2.532704,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.021802
+                    -2.533756,54.022145
+                    -2.534694,54.023051
+                    -2.534930,54.023347
+                    -2.535730,54.023952
+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025397
+                    -2.531906,54.025459
+                    -2.530394,54.025202
+                    -2.528882,54.025354
+                    -2.527369,54.025507
+                    -2.525898,54.024858
+                    -2.525857,54.024844
+                    -2.524345,54.023952
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+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520257,54.022145
+                    -2.519808,54.021802
+                    -2.518296,54.021807
+                    -2.516874,54.021239
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+                    -2.515272,54.020634
+                    -2.513760,54.020495
+                    -2.512892,54.020333
+                    -2.512247,54.020262
+                    -2.510772,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.019408
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013219
+                    -2.511132,54.013095
+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010386
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
+                    -2.509223,54.007668
+                    -2.509223,54.006763
+                    -2.507711,54.005861
+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507804,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
+                    -2.512909,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.006543
+                    -2.514566,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.007621
+                    -2.513497,54.007668
+                    -2.513760,54.007697
+                    -2.515272,54.007835
+                    -2.515810,54.007668
+                    -2.515500,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006362
+                    -2.518296,54.006305
+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
+                    -2.514052,53.998618
+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
+                    -2.511967,53.996811
+                    -2.511814,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994603
+                    -2.509787,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995676
+                    -2.507711,53.995881
+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.995004
+                    -2.504894,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.994131
+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
+                    -2.503298,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.990951
+                    -2.505574,53.990479
+                    -2.504750,53.989577
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
+                    -2.503174,53.987865
+                    -2.502978,53.987765
+                    -2.502391,53.986859
+                    -2.501662,53.986278
+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507805,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979707
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977199
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+                    -2.509223,53.976536
+                    -2.508680,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975477
+                    -2.509727,53.975101
+                    -2.509420,53.974195
+                    -2.509223,53.973737
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
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+                    -2.512247,53.969669
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+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
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+                    -2.531906,53.973799
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+                    -2.531906,53.974609
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+                    -2.532813,53.976002
+                    -2.532429,53.976908
+                    -2.532561,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978324
+                    -2.534255,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979120
+                    -2.535980,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.979897
+                    -2.537955,53.980460
+                    -2.539467,53.980131
+                    -2.540480,53.980527
+                    -2.540529,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.981862
+                    -2.541685,53.982334
+                    -2.541675,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983727
+                    -2.543824,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984251
+                    -2.545516,53.984723
+                    -2.547028,53.984809
+                    -2.548250,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985229
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+                    -2.551564,53.987031
+                    -2.551849,53.986859
+                    -2.552051,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985734
+                    -2.554589,53.985572
+                    -2.556101,53.985529
+                    -2.557093,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986268
+                    -2.558210,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985348
+                    -2.559633,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986511
+                    -2.562150,53.986325
+                    -2.562827,53.986859
+                    -2.563662,53.987660
+                    -2.563892,53.987765
+                    -2.563788,53.988667
+                    -2.563834,53.989577
+                    -2.564508,53.990479
+                    -2.565174,53.990788
+                    -2.565639,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991938
+                    -2.564643,53.992286
+                    -2.564089,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.994002
+                    -2.562754,53.994098
+                    -2.563662,53.994217
+                    -2.564441,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995500
+                    -2.565673,53.995910
+                    -2.565434,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997097
+                    -2.563662,53.997035
+                    -2.562150,53.997006
+                    -2.560638,53.996882
+                    -2.560476,53.996811
+                    -2.560638,53.996758
+                    -2.561651,53.995910
+                    -2.561408,53.995004
+                    -2.560638,53.994589
+                    -2.559794,53.994098
+                    -2.559450,53.993192
+                    -2.559278,53.992286
+                    -2.559646,53.991385
+                    -2.559476,53.990479
+                    -2.559125,53.990269
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+                    -2.556919,53.989577
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+                    -2.555106,53.988667
+                    -2.554589,53.988357
+                    -2.553077,53.988309
+                    -2.552475,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989096
+                    -2.554589,53.989577
+                    -2.554591,53.989577
+                    -2.555382,53.990479
+                    -2.554967,53.991385
+                    -2.555212,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992629
+                    -2.553352,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993516
+                    -2.552220,53.994098
+                    -2.551564,53.994389
+                    -2.550220,53.995004
+                    -2.550052,53.995094
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+                    -2.534930,54.017572
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+                    -2.534930,54.017830
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+                    -2.533418,54.019561
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+                    -2.534930,54.020572
+                    -2.535562,54.021239
+                    -2.534930,54.021468
+                    -2.534297,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.020791
+                    -2.532704,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.021802
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+                    -2.534694,54.023051
+                    -2.534930,54.023347
+                    -2.535730,54.023952
+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025397
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+                    -2.530394,54.025202
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+                    -2.525857,54.024844
+                    -2.524345,54.023952
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+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520257,54.022145
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+                    -2.518296,54.021807
+                    -2.516874,54.021239
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+                    -2.515272,54.020634
+                    -2.513760,54.020495
+                    -2.512892,54.020333
+                    -2.512247,54.020262
+                    -2.510772,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.019408
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013219
+                    -2.511132,54.013095
+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010386
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
+                    -2.509223,54.007668
+                    -2.509223,54.006763
+                    -2.507711,54.005861
+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507804,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
+                    -2.512909,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.006543
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+                    -2.513760,54.007621
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+                    -2.513760,54.007697
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+                    -2.515500,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006362
+                    -2.518296,54.006305
+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
+                    -2.514052,53.998618
+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
+                    -2.511967,53.996811
+                    -2.511814,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994603
+                    -2.509787,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995676
+                    -2.507711,53.995881
+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.995004
+                    -2.504894,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.994131
+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
+                    -2.503298,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.990951
+                    -2.505574,53.990479
+                    -2.504750,53.989577
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
+                    -2.503174,53.987865
+                    -2.502978,53.987765
+                    -2.502391,53.986859
+                    -2.501662,53.986278
+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507805,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979707
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977199
+                    -2.509642,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976536
+                    -2.508680,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975477
+                    -2.509727,53.975101
+                    -2.509420,53.974195
+                    -2.509223,53.973737
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532263,53.972383
+                    -2.532110,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973799
+                    -2.531213,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974609
+                    -2.532582,53.975101
+                    -2.532813,53.976002
+                    -2.532429,53.976908
+                    -2.532561,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978324
+                    -2.534255,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979120
+                    -2.535980,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.979897
+                    -2.537955,53.980460
+                    -2.539467,53.980131
+                    -2.540480,53.980527
+                    -2.540529,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.981862
+                    -2.541685,53.982334
+                    -2.541675,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983727
+                    -2.543824,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984251
+                    -2.545516,53.984723
+                    -2.547028,53.984809
+                    -2.548250,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985229
+                    -2.550052,53.985271
+                    -2.551078,53.985953
+                    -2.551280,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987031
+                    -2.551849,53.986859
+                    -2.552051,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985734
+                    -2.554589,53.985572
+                    -2.556101,53.985529
+                    -2.557093,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986268
+                    -2.558210,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985348
+                    -2.559633,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986511
+                    -2.562150,53.986325
+                    -2.562827,53.986859
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+                    -2.563892,53.987765
+                    -2.563788,53.988667
+                    -2.563834,53.989577
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+                    -2.565639,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991938
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+                    -2.564089,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.994002
+                    -2.562754,53.994098
+                    -2.563662,53.994217
+                    -2.564441,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995500
+                    -2.565673,53.995910
+                    -2.565434,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997097
+                    -2.563662,53.997035
+                    -2.562150,53.997006
+                    -2.560638,53.996882
+                    -2.560476,53.996811
+                    -2.560638,53.996758
+                    -2.561651,53.995910
+                    -2.561408,53.995004
+                    -2.560638,53.994589
+                    -2.559794,53.994098
+                    -2.559450,53.993192
+                    -2.559278,53.992286
+                    -2.559646,53.991385
+                    -2.559476,53.990479
+                    -2.559125,53.990269
+                    -2.557613,53.990188
+                    -2.556919,53.989577
+                    -2.556101,53.989139
+                    -2.555106,53.988667
+                    -2.554589,53.988357
+                    -2.553077,53.988309
+                    -2.552475,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989096
+                    -2.554589,53.989577
+                    -2.554591,53.989577
+                    -2.555382,53.990479
+                    -2.554967,53.991385
+                    -2.555212,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992629
+                    -2.553352,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993516
+                    -2.552220,53.994098
+                    -2.551564,53.994389
+                    -2.550220,53.995004
+                    -2.550052,53.995094
+                    -2.548701,53.995910
+                    -2.548540,53.996134
+                    -2.547212,53.996811
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+                    -2.540387,54.014907
+                    -2.539467,54.015040
+                    -2.537955,54.015136
+                    -2.536443,54.015050
+                    -2.535531,54.015813
+                    -2.534930,54.015965
+                    -2.533894,54.016719
+                    -2.534930,54.017572
+                    -2.535380,54.017620
+                    -2.534930,54.017830
+                    -2.534142,54.018526
+                    -2.533418,54.019046
+                    -2.531906,54.018989
+                    -2.531129,54.019427
+                    -2.530394,54.020166
+                    -2.530159,54.020333
+                    -2.530394,54.020476
+                    -2.531906,54.020681
+                    -2.532521,54.020333
+                    -2.533418,54.019561
+                    -2.534621,54.020333
+                    -2.534930,54.020572
+                    -2.535562,54.021239
+                    -2.534930,54.021468
+                    -2.534297,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.020791
+                    -2.532704,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.021802
+                    -2.533756,54.022145
+                    -2.534694,54.023051
+                    -2.534930,54.023347
+                    -2.535730,54.023952
+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025397
+                    -2.531906,54.025459
+                    -2.530394,54.025202
+                    -2.528882,54.025354
+                    -2.527369,54.025507
+                    -2.525898,54.024858
+                    -2.525857,54.024844
+                    -2.524345,54.023952
+                    -2.522833,54.023051
+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520257,54.022145
+                    -2.519808,54.021802
+                    -2.518296,54.021807
+                    -2.516874,54.021239
+                    -2.516784,54.021158
+                    -2.515272,54.020634
+                    -2.513760,54.020495
+                    -2.512892,54.020333
+                    -2.512247,54.020262
+                    -2.510772,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.019408
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013219
+                    -2.511132,54.013095
+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010386
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
+                    -2.509223,54.007668
+                    -2.509223,54.006763
+                    -2.507711,54.005861
+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507804,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
+                    -2.512909,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.006543
+                    -2.514566,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.007621
+                    -2.513497,54.007668
+                    -2.513760,54.007697
+                    -2.515272,54.007835
+                    -2.515810,54.007668
+                    -2.515500,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006362
+                    -2.518296,54.006305
+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
+                    -2.514052,53.998618
+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
+                    -2.511967,53.996811
+                    -2.511814,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994603
+                    -2.509787,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995676
+                    -2.507711,53.995881
+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.995004
+                    -2.504894,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.994131
+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
+                    -2.503298,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.990951
+                    -2.505574,53.990479
+                    -2.504750,53.989577
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
+                    -2.503174,53.987865
+                    -2.502978,53.987765
+                    -2.502391,53.986859
+                    -2.501662,53.986278
+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507805,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979707
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977199
+                    -2.509642,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976536
+                    -2.508680,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975477
+                    -2.509727,53.975101
+                    -2.509420,53.974195
+                    -2.509223,53.973737
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532263,53.972383
+                    -2.532110,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973799
+                    -2.531213,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974609
+                    -2.532582,53.975101
+                    -2.532813,53.976002
+                    -2.532429,53.976908
+                    -2.532561,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978324
+                    -2.534255,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979120
+                    -2.535980,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.979897
+                    -2.537955,53.980460
+                    -2.539467,53.980131
+                    -2.540480,53.980527
+                    -2.540529,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.981862
+                    -2.541685,53.982334
+                    -2.541675,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983727
+                    -2.543824,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984251
+                    -2.545516,53.984723
+                    -2.547028,53.984809
+                    -2.548250,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985229
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+                    -2.551280,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987031
+                    -2.551849,53.986859
+                    -2.552051,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985734
+                    -2.554589,53.985572
+                    -2.556101,53.985529
+                    -2.557093,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986268
+                    -2.558210,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985348
+                    -2.559633,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986511
+                    -2.562150,53.986325
+                    -2.562827,53.986859
+                    -2.563662,53.987660
+                    -2.563892,53.987765
+                    -2.563788,53.988667
+                    -2.563834,53.989577
+                    -2.564508,53.990479
+                    -2.565174,53.990788
+                    -2.565639,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991938
+                    -2.564643,53.992286
+                    -2.564089,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.994002
+                    -2.562754,53.994098
+                    -2.563662,53.994217
+                    -2.564441,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995500
+                    -2.565673,53.995910
+                    -2.565434,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997097
+                    -2.563662,53.997035
+                    -2.562150,53.997006
+                    -2.560638,53.996882
+                    -2.560476,53.996811
+                    -2.560638,53.996758
+                    -2.561651,53.995910
+                    -2.561408,53.995004
+                    -2.560638,53.994589
+                    -2.559794,53.994098
+                    -2.559450,53.993192
+                    -2.559278,53.992286
+                    -2.559646,53.991385
+                    -2.559476,53.990479
+                    -2.559125,53.990269
+                    -2.557613,53.990188
+                    -2.556919,53.989577
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+                    -2.555106,53.988667
+                    -2.554589,53.988357
+                    -2.553077,53.988309
+                    -2.552475,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989096
+                    -2.554589,53.989577
+                    -2.554591,53.989577
+                    -2.555382,53.990479
+                    -2.554967,53.991385
+                    -2.555212,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992629
+                    -2.553352,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993516
+                    -2.552220,53.994098
+                    -2.551564,53.994389
+                    -2.550220,53.995004
+                    -2.550052,53.995094
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+                    -2.539467,54.000430
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+                    -2.545543,54.009476
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+                    -2.534930,54.017572
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+                    -2.534930,54.017830
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+                    -2.530394,54.020476
+                    -2.531906,54.020681
+                    -2.532521,54.020333
+                    -2.533418,54.019561
+                    -2.534621,54.020333
+                    -2.534930,54.020572
+                    -2.535562,54.021239
+                    -2.534930,54.021468
+                    -2.534297,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.020791
+                    -2.532704,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.021802
+                    -2.533756,54.022145
+                    -2.534694,54.023051
+                    -2.534930,54.023347
+                    -2.535730,54.023952
+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025397
+                    -2.531906,54.025459
+                    -2.530394,54.025202
+                    -2.528882,54.025354
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+                    -2.525898,54.024858
+                    -2.525857,54.024844
+                    -2.524345,54.023952
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+                    -2.521321,54.022145
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013219
+                    -2.511132,54.013095
+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010386
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
+                    -2.509223,54.007668
+                    -2.509223,54.006763
+                    -2.507711,54.005861
+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507804,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
+                    -2.512909,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.006543
+                    -2.514566,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.007621
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+                    -2.513760,54.007697
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+                    -2.515810,54.007668
+                    -2.515500,54.006763
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+                    -2.518296,54.006305
+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
+                    -2.514052,53.998618
+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
+                    -2.511967,53.996811
+                    -2.511814,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994603
+                    -2.509787,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995676
+                    -2.507711,53.995881
+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.995004
+                    -2.504894,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.994131
+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
+                    -2.503298,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.990951
+                    -2.505574,53.990479
+                    -2.504750,53.989577
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
+                    -2.503174,53.987865
+                    -2.502978,53.987765
+                    -2.502391,53.986859
+                    -2.501662,53.986278
+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507805,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979707
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977199
+                    -2.509642,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976536
+                    -2.508680,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975477
+                    -2.509727,53.975101
+                    -2.509420,53.974195
+                    -2.509223,53.973737
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532263,53.972383
+                    -2.532110,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973799
+                    -2.531213,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974609
+                    -2.532582,53.975101
+                    -2.532813,53.976002
+                    -2.532429,53.976908
+                    -2.532561,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978324
+                    -2.534255,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979120
+                    -2.535980,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.979897
+                    -2.537955,53.980460
+                    -2.539467,53.980131
+                    -2.540480,53.980527
+                    -2.540529,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.981862
+                    -2.541685,53.982334
+                    -2.541675,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983727
+                    -2.543824,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984251
+                    -2.545516,53.984723
+                    -2.547028,53.984809
+                    -2.548250,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985229
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+                    -2.551280,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987031
+                    -2.551849,53.986859
+                    -2.552051,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985734
+                    -2.554589,53.985572
+                    -2.556101,53.985529
+                    -2.557093,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986268
+                    -2.558210,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985348
+                    -2.559633,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986511
+                    -2.562150,53.986325
+                    -2.562827,53.986859
+                    -2.563662,53.987660
+                    -2.563892,53.987765
+                    -2.563788,53.988667
+                    -2.563834,53.989577
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+                    -2.565174,53.990788
+                    -2.565639,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991938
+                    -2.564643,53.992286
+                    -2.564089,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.994002
+                    -2.562754,53.994098
+                    -2.563662,53.994217
+                    -2.564441,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995500
+                    -2.565673,53.995910
+                    -2.565434,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997097
+                    -2.563662,53.997035
+                    -2.562150,53.997006
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+                    -2.560476,53.996811
+                    -2.560638,53.996758
+                    -2.561651,53.995910
+                    -2.561408,53.995004
+                    -2.560638,53.994589
+                    -2.559794,53.994098
+                    -2.559450,53.993192
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+                    -2.559476,53.990479
+                    -2.559125,53.990269
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+                    -2.554589,53.988357
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+                    -2.552475,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989096
+                    -2.554589,53.989577
+                    -2.554591,53.989577
+                    -2.555382,53.990479
+                    -2.554967,53.991385
+                    -2.555212,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992629
+                    -2.553352,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993516
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+                    -2.551564,53.994389
+                    -2.550220,53.995004
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+                    -2.545543,54.009476
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+                    -2.537955,54.015136
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+                    -2.534930,54.017572
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+                    -2.534930,54.017830
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+                    -2.530394,54.020166
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+                    -2.530394,54.020476
+                    -2.531906,54.020681
+                    -2.532521,54.020333
+                    -2.533418,54.019561
+                    -2.534621,54.020333
+                    -2.534930,54.020572
+                    -2.535562,54.021239
+                    -2.534930,54.021468
+                    -2.534297,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.020791
+                    -2.532704,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.021802
+                    -2.533756,54.022145
+                    -2.534694,54.023051
+                    -2.534930,54.023347
+                    -2.535730,54.023952
+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025397
+                    -2.531906,54.025459
+                    -2.530394,54.025202
+                    -2.528882,54.025354
+                    -2.527369,54.025507
+                    -2.525898,54.024858
+                    -2.525857,54.024844
+                    -2.524345,54.023952
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+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520257,54.022145
+                    -2.519808,54.021802
+                    -2.518296,54.021807
+                    -2.516874,54.021239
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+                    -2.515272,54.020634
+                    -2.513760,54.020495
+                    -2.512892,54.020333
+                    -2.512247,54.020262
+                    -2.510772,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.019408
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013219
+                    -2.511132,54.013095
+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010386
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
+                    -2.509223,54.007668
+                    -2.509223,54.006763
+                    -2.507711,54.005861
+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507804,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
+                    -2.512909,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.006543
+                    -2.514566,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.007621
+                    -2.513497,54.007668
+                    -2.513760,54.007697
+                    -2.515272,54.007835
+                    -2.515810,54.007668
+                    -2.515500,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006362
+                    -2.518296,54.006305
+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
+                    -2.514052,53.998618
+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
+                    -2.511967,53.996811
+                    -2.511814,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994603
+                    -2.509787,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995676
+                    -2.507711,53.995881
+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.995004
+                    -2.504894,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.994131
+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
+                    -2.503298,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.990951
+                    -2.505574,53.990479
+                    -2.504750,53.989577
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
+                    -2.503174,53.987865
+                    -2.502978,53.987765
+                    -2.502391,53.986859
+                    -2.501662,53.986278
+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507805,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979707
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977199
+                    -2.509642,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976536
+                    -2.508680,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975477
+                    -2.509727,53.975101
+                    -2.509420,53.974195
+                    -2.509223,53.973737
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
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+                    -2.512247,53.969669
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+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
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+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532263,53.972383
+                    -2.532110,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973799
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+                    -2.531906,53.974609
+                    -2.532582,53.975101
+                    -2.532813,53.976002
+                    -2.532429,53.976908
+                    -2.532561,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978324
+                    -2.534255,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979120
+                    -2.535980,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.979897
+                    -2.537955,53.980460
+                    -2.539467,53.980131
+                    -2.540480,53.980527
+                    -2.540529,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.981862
+                    -2.541685,53.982334
+                    -2.541675,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983727
+                    -2.543824,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984251
+                    -2.545516,53.984723
+                    -2.547028,53.984809
+                    -2.548250,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985229
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+                    -2.551280,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987031
+                    -2.551849,53.986859
+                    -2.552051,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985734
+                    -2.554589,53.985572
+                    -2.556101,53.985529
+                    -2.557093,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986268
+                    -2.558210,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985348
+                    -2.559633,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986511
+                    -2.562150,53.986325
+                    -2.562827,53.986859
+                    -2.563662,53.987660
+                    -2.563892,53.987765
+                    -2.563788,53.988667
+                    -2.563834,53.989577
+                    -2.564508,53.990479
+                    -2.565174,53.990788
+                    -2.565639,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991938
+                    -2.564643,53.992286
+                    -2.564089,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.994002
+                    -2.562754,53.994098
+                    -2.563662,53.994217
+                    -2.564441,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995500
+                    -2.565673,53.995910
+                    -2.565434,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997097
+                    -2.563662,53.997035
+                    -2.562150,53.997006
+                    -2.560638,53.996882
+                    -2.560476,53.996811
+                    -2.560638,53.996758
+                    -2.561651,53.995910
+                    -2.561408,53.995004
+                    -2.560638,53.994589
+                    -2.559794,53.994098
+                    -2.559450,53.993192
+                    -2.559278,53.992286
+                    -2.559646,53.991385
+                    -2.559476,53.990479
+                    -2.559125,53.990269
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+                    -2.556919,53.989577
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+                    -2.555106,53.988667
+                    -2.554589,53.988357
+                    -2.553077,53.988309
+                    -2.552475,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989096
+                    -2.554589,53.989577
+                    -2.554591,53.989577
+                    -2.555382,53.990479
+                    -2.554967,53.991385
+                    -2.555212,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992629
+                    -2.553352,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993516
+                    -2.552220,53.994098
+                    -2.551564,53.994389
+                    -2.550220,53.995004
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+                    -2.534930,54.017572
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+                    -2.534930,54.017830
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+                    -2.530394,54.020476
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+                    -2.533418,54.019561
+                    -2.534621,54.020333
+                    -2.534930,54.020572
+                    -2.535562,54.021239
+                    -2.534930,54.021468
+                    -2.534297,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.020791
+                    -2.532704,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.021802
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+                    -2.534694,54.023051
+                    -2.534930,54.023347
+                    -2.535730,54.023952
+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025397
+                    -2.531906,54.025459
+                    -2.530394,54.025202
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+                    -2.527369,54.025507
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+                    -2.525857,54.024844
+                    -2.524345,54.023952
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+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520257,54.022145
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+                    -2.518296,54.021807
+                    -2.516874,54.021239
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+                    -2.515272,54.020634
+                    -2.513760,54.020495
+                    -2.512892,54.020333
+                    -2.512247,54.020262
+                    -2.510772,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.019408
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013219
+                    -2.511132,54.013095
+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010386
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
+                    -2.509223,54.007668
+                    -2.509223,54.006763
+                    -2.507711,54.005861
+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507804,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
+                    -2.512909,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.006543
+                    -2.514566,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.007621
+                    -2.513497,54.007668
+                    -2.513760,54.007697
+                    -2.515272,54.007835
+                    -2.515810,54.007668
+                    -2.515500,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006362
+                    -2.518296,54.006305
+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
+                    -2.514052,53.998618
+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
+                    -2.511967,53.996811
+                    -2.511814,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994603
+                    -2.509787,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995676
+                    -2.507711,53.995881
+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.995004
+                    -2.504894,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.994131
+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
+                    -2.503298,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.990951
+                    -2.505574,53.990479
+                    -2.504750,53.989577
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
+                    -2.503174,53.987865
+                    -2.502978,53.987765
+                    -2.502391,53.986859
+                    -2.501662,53.986278
+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507805,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979707
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977199
+                    -2.509642,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976536
+                    -2.508680,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975477
+                    -2.509727,53.975101
+                    -2.509420,53.974195
+                    -2.509223,53.973737
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532263,53.972383
+                    -2.532110,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973799
+                    -2.531213,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974609
+                    -2.532582,53.975101
+                    -2.532813,53.976002
+                    -2.532429,53.976908
+                    -2.532561,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978324
+                    -2.534255,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979120
+                    -2.535980,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.979897
+                    -2.537955,53.980460
+                    -2.539467,53.980131
+                    -2.540480,53.980527
+                    -2.540529,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.981862
+                    -2.541685,53.982334
+                    -2.541675,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983727
+                    -2.543824,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984251
+                    -2.545516,53.984723
+                    -2.547028,53.984809
+                    -2.548250,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985229
+                    -2.550052,53.985271
+                    -2.551078,53.985953
+                    -2.551280,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987031
+                    -2.551849,53.986859
+                    -2.552051,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985734
+                    -2.554589,53.985572
+                    -2.556101,53.985529
+                    -2.557093,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986268
+                    -2.558210,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985348
+                    -2.559633,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986511
+                    -2.562150,53.986325
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+                    -2.563788,53.988667
+                    -2.563834,53.989577
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+                    -2.565639,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991938
+                    -2.564643,53.992286
+                    -2.564089,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.994002
+                    -2.562754,53.994098
+                    -2.563662,53.994217
+                    -2.564441,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995500
+                    -2.565673,53.995910
+                    -2.565434,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997097
+                    -2.563662,53.997035
+                    -2.562150,53.997006
+                    -2.560638,53.996882
+                    -2.560476,53.996811
+                    -2.560638,53.996758
+                    -2.561651,53.995910
+                    -2.561408,53.995004
+                    -2.560638,53.994589
+                    -2.559794,53.994098
+                    -2.559450,53.993192
+                    -2.559278,53.992286
+                    -2.559646,53.991385
+                    -2.559476,53.990479
+                    -2.559125,53.990269
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+                    -2.556919,53.989577
+                    -2.556101,53.989139
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+                    -2.554589,53.988357
+                    -2.553077,53.988309
+                    -2.552475,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989096
+                    -2.554589,53.989577
+                    -2.554591,53.989577
+                    -2.555382,53.990479
+                    -2.554967,53.991385
+                    -2.555212,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992629
+                    -2.553352,53.993192
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+                    -2.546923,54.013095
+                    -2.545516,54.013314
+                    -2.544657,54.013095
+                    -2.544003,54.012847
+                    -2.543664,54.013095
+                    -2.543307,54.014001
+                    -2.542491,54.014521
+                    -2.540979,54.014540
+                    -2.540387,54.014907
+                    -2.539467,54.015040
+                    -2.537955,54.015136
+                    -2.536443,54.015050
+                    -2.535531,54.015813
+                    -2.534930,54.015965
+                    -2.533894,54.016719
+                    -2.534930,54.017572
+                    -2.535380,54.017620
+                    -2.534930,54.017830
+                    -2.534142,54.018526
+                    -2.533418,54.019046
+                    -2.531906,54.018989
+                    -2.531129,54.019427
+                    -2.530394,54.020166
+                    -2.530159,54.020333
+                    -2.530394,54.020476
+                    -2.531906,54.020681
+                    -2.532521,54.020333
+                    -2.533418,54.019561
+                    -2.534621,54.020333
+                    -2.534930,54.020572
+                    -2.535562,54.021239
+                    -2.534930,54.021468
+                    -2.534297,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.020791
+                    -2.532704,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.021802
+                    -2.533756,54.022145
+                    -2.534694,54.023051
+                    -2.534930,54.023347
+                    -2.535730,54.023952
+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025397
+                    -2.531906,54.025459
+                    -2.530394,54.025202
+                    -2.528882,54.025354
+                    -2.527369,54.025507
+                    -2.525898,54.024858
+                    -2.525857,54.024844
+                    -2.524345,54.023952
+                    -2.522833,54.023051
+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520257,54.022145
+                    -2.519808,54.021802
+                    -2.518296,54.021807
+                    -2.516874,54.021239
+                    -2.516784,54.021158
+                    -2.515272,54.020634
+                    -2.513760,54.020495
+                    -2.512892,54.020333
+                    -2.512247,54.020262
+                    -2.510772,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.019408
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013219
+                    -2.511132,54.013095
+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010386
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
+                    -2.509223,54.007668
+                    -2.509223,54.006763
+                    -2.507711,54.005861
+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507804,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
+                    -2.512909,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.006543
+                    -2.514566,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.007621
+                    -2.513497,54.007668
+                    -2.513760,54.007697
+                    -2.515272,54.007835
+                    -2.515810,54.007668
+                    -2.515500,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006362
+                    -2.518296,54.006305
+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
+                    -2.514052,53.998618
+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
+                    -2.511967,53.996811
+                    -2.511814,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994603
+                    -2.509787,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995676
+                    -2.507711,53.995881
+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.995004
+                    -2.504894,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.994131
+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
+                    -2.503298,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.990951
+                    -2.505574,53.990479
+                    -2.504750,53.989577
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
+                    -2.503174,53.987865
+                    -2.502978,53.987765
+                    -2.502391,53.986859
+                    -2.501662,53.986278
+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507805,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979707
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977199
+                    -2.509642,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976536
+                    -2.508680,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975477
+                    -2.509727,53.975101
+                    -2.509420,53.974195
+                    -2.509223,53.973737
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532263,53.972383
+                    -2.532110,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973799
+                    -2.531213,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974609
+                    -2.532582,53.975101
+                    -2.532813,53.976002
+                    -2.532429,53.976908
+                    -2.532561,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978324
+                    -2.534255,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979120
+                    -2.535980,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.979897
+                    -2.537955,53.980460
+                    -2.539467,53.980131
+                    -2.540480,53.980527
+                    -2.540529,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.981862
+                    -2.541685,53.982334
+                    -2.541675,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983727
+                    -2.543824,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984251
+                    -2.545516,53.984723
+                    -2.547028,53.984809
+                    -2.548250,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985229
+                    -2.550052,53.985271
+                    -2.551078,53.985953
+                    -2.551280,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987031
+                    -2.551849,53.986859
+                    -2.552051,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985734
+                    -2.554589,53.985572
+                    -2.556101,53.985529
+                    -2.557093,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986268
+                    -2.558210,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985348
+                    -2.559633,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986511
+                    -2.562150,53.986325
+                    -2.562827,53.986859
+                    -2.563662,53.987660
+                    -2.563892,53.987765
+                    -2.563788,53.988667
+                    -2.563834,53.989577
+                    -2.564508,53.990479
+                    -2.565174,53.990788
+                    -2.565639,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991938
+                    -2.564643,53.992286
+                    -2.564089,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.994002
+                    -2.562754,53.994098
+                    -2.563662,53.994217
+                    -2.564441,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995500
+                    -2.565673,53.995910
+                    -2.565434,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997097
+                    -2.563662,53.997035
+                    -2.562150,53.997006
+                    -2.560638,53.996882
+                    -2.560476,53.996811
+                    -2.560638,53.996758
+                    -2.561651,53.995910
+                    -2.561408,53.995004
+                    -2.560638,53.994589
+                    -2.559794,53.994098
+                    -2.559450,53.993192
+                    -2.559278,53.992286
+                    -2.559646,53.991385
+                    -2.559476,53.990479
+                    -2.559125,53.990269
+                    -2.557613,53.990188
+                    -2.556919,53.989577
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+                    -2.555106,53.988667
+                    -2.554589,53.988357
+                    -2.553077,53.988309
+                    -2.552475,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989096
+                    -2.554589,53.989577
+                    -2.554591,53.989577
+                    -2.555382,53.990479
+                    -2.554967,53.991385
+                    -2.555212,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992629
+                    -2.553352,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993516
+                    -2.552220,53.994098
+                    -2.551564,53.994389
+                    -2.550220,53.995004
+                    -2.550052,53.995094
+                    -2.548701,53.995910
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+                    -2.542491,53.998704
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+                    -2.539470,54.000430
+                    -2.539467,54.000430
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+                    -2.545543,54.009476
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+                    -2.545516,54.013314
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+                    -2.537955,54.015136
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+                    -2.534930,54.017572
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+                    -2.534930,54.017830
+                    -2.534142,54.018526
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+                    -2.530394,54.020476
+                    -2.531906,54.020681
+                    -2.532521,54.020333
+                    -2.533418,54.019561
+                    -2.534621,54.020333
+                    -2.534930,54.020572
+                    -2.535562,54.021239
+                    -2.534930,54.021468
+                    -2.534297,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.020791
+                    -2.532704,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.021802
+                    -2.533756,54.022145
+                    -2.534694,54.023051
+                    -2.534930,54.023347
+                    -2.535730,54.023952
+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025397
+                    -2.531906,54.025459
+                    -2.530394,54.025202
+                    -2.528882,54.025354
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+                    -2.525857,54.024844
+                    -2.524345,54.023952
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+                    -2.512247,54.020262
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013219
+                    -2.511132,54.013095
+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010386
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
+                    -2.509223,54.007668
+                    -2.509223,54.006763
+                    -2.507711,54.005861
+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507804,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
+                    -2.512909,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.006543
+                    -2.514566,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.007621
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+                    -2.515810,54.007668
+                    -2.515500,54.006763
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+                    -2.518296,54.006305
+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
+                    -2.514052,53.998618
+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
+                    -2.511967,53.996811
+                    -2.511814,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994603
+                    -2.509787,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995676
+                    -2.507711,53.995881
+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.995004
+                    -2.504894,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.994131
+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
+                    -2.503298,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.990951
+                    -2.505574,53.990479
+                    -2.504750,53.989577
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
+                    -2.503174,53.987865
+                    -2.502978,53.987765
+                    -2.502391,53.986859
+                    -2.501662,53.986278
+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507805,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979707
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977199
+                    -2.509642,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976536
+                    -2.508680,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975477
+                    -2.509727,53.975101
+                    -2.509420,53.974195
+                    -2.509223,53.973737
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532263,53.972383
+                    -2.532110,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973799
+                    -2.531213,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974609
+                    -2.532582,53.975101
+                    -2.532813,53.976002
+                    -2.532429,53.976908
+                    -2.532561,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978324
+                    -2.534255,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979120
+                    -2.535980,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.979897
+                    -2.537955,53.980460
+                    -2.539467,53.980131
+                    -2.540480,53.980527
+                    -2.540529,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.981862
+                    -2.541685,53.982334
+                    -2.541675,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983727
+                    -2.543824,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984251
+                    -2.545516,53.984723
+                    -2.547028,53.984809
+                    -2.548250,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985229
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+                    -2.551280,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987031
+                    -2.551849,53.986859
+                    -2.552051,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985734
+                    -2.554589,53.985572
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+                    -2.557093,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986268
+                    -2.558210,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985348
+                    -2.559633,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986511
+                    -2.562150,53.986325
+                    -2.562827,53.986859
+                    -2.563662,53.987660
+                    -2.563892,53.987765
+                    -2.563788,53.988667
+                    -2.563834,53.989577
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+                    -2.565174,53.990788
+                    -2.565639,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991938
+                    -2.564643,53.992286
+                    -2.564089,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.994002
+                    -2.562754,53.994098
+                    -2.563662,53.994217
+                    -2.564441,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995500
+                    -2.565673,53.995910
+                    -2.565434,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997097
+                    -2.563662,53.997035
+                    -2.562150,53.997006
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+                    -2.560476,53.996811
+                    -2.560638,53.996758
+                    -2.561651,53.995910
+                    -2.561408,53.995004
+                    -2.560638,53.994589
+                    -2.559794,53.994098
+                    -2.559450,53.993192
+                    -2.559278,53.992286
+                    -2.559646,53.991385
+                    -2.559476,53.990479
+                    -2.559125,53.990269
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+                    -2.554589,53.988357
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+                    -2.552475,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989096
+                    -2.554589,53.989577
+                    -2.554591,53.989577
+                    -2.555382,53.990479
+                    -2.554967,53.991385
+                    -2.555212,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992629
+                    -2.553352,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993516
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+                    -2.551564,53.994389
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+                    -2.545543,54.009476
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+                    -2.537955,54.015136
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+                    -2.534930,54.017572
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+                    -2.534930,54.017830
+                    -2.534142,54.018526
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+                    -2.530394,54.020166
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+                    -2.530394,54.020476
+                    -2.531906,54.020681
+                    -2.532521,54.020333
+                    -2.533418,54.019561
+                    -2.534621,54.020333
+                    -2.534930,54.020572
+                    -2.535562,54.021239
+                    -2.534930,54.021468
+                    -2.534297,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.020791
+                    -2.532704,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.021802
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+                    -2.534694,54.023051
+                    -2.534930,54.023347
+                    -2.535730,54.023952
+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025397
+                    -2.531906,54.025459
+                    -2.530394,54.025202
+                    -2.528882,54.025354
+                    -2.527369,54.025507
+                    -2.525898,54.024858
+                    -2.525857,54.024844
+                    -2.524345,54.023952
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+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520257,54.022145
+                    -2.519808,54.021802
+                    -2.518296,54.021807
+                    -2.516874,54.021239
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+                    -2.515272,54.020634
+                    -2.513760,54.020495
+                    -2.512892,54.020333
+                    -2.512247,54.020262
+                    -2.510772,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.019408
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013219
+                    -2.511132,54.013095
+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010386
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
+                    -2.509223,54.007668
+                    -2.509223,54.006763
+                    -2.507711,54.005861
+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507804,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
+                    -2.512909,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.006543
+                    -2.514566,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.007621
+                    -2.513497,54.007668
+                    -2.513760,54.007697
+                    -2.515272,54.007835
+                    -2.515810,54.007668
+                    -2.515500,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006362
+                    -2.518296,54.006305
+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
+                    -2.514052,53.998618
+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
+                    -2.511967,53.996811
+                    -2.511814,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994603
+                    -2.509787,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995676
+                    -2.507711,53.995881
+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.995004
+                    -2.504894,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.994131
+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
+                    -2.503298,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.990951
+                    -2.505574,53.990479
+                    -2.504750,53.989577
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
+                    -2.503174,53.987865
+                    -2.502978,53.987765
+                    -2.502391,53.986859
+                    -2.501662,53.986278
+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507805,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979707
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977199
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+                    -2.509223,53.976536
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+                    -2.509223,53.975477
+                    -2.509727,53.975101
+                    -2.509420,53.974195
+                    -2.509223,53.973737
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532263,53.972383
+                    -2.532110,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973799
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+                    -2.531906,53.974609
+                    -2.532582,53.975101
+                    -2.532813,53.976002
+                    -2.532429,53.976908
+                    -2.532561,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978324
+                    -2.534255,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979120
+                    -2.535980,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.979897
+                    -2.537955,53.980460
+                    -2.539467,53.980131
+                    -2.540480,53.980527
+                    -2.540529,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.981862
+                    -2.541685,53.982334
+                    -2.541675,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983727
+                    -2.543824,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984251
+                    -2.545516,53.984723
+                    -2.547028,53.984809
+                    -2.548250,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985229
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+                    -2.551280,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987031
+                    -2.551849,53.986859
+                    -2.552051,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985734
+                    -2.554589,53.985572
+                    -2.556101,53.985529
+                    -2.557093,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986268
+                    -2.558210,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985348
+                    -2.559633,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986511
+                    -2.562150,53.986325
+                    -2.562827,53.986859
+                    -2.563662,53.987660
+                    -2.563892,53.987765
+                    -2.563788,53.988667
+                    -2.563834,53.989577
+                    -2.564508,53.990479
+                    -2.565174,53.990788
+                    -2.565639,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991938
+                    -2.564643,53.992286
+                    -2.564089,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.994002
+                    -2.562754,53.994098
+                    -2.563662,53.994217
+                    -2.564441,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995500
+                    -2.565673,53.995910
+                    -2.565434,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997097
+                    -2.563662,53.997035
+                    -2.562150,53.997006
+                    -2.560638,53.996882
+                    -2.560476,53.996811
+                    -2.560638,53.996758
+                    -2.561651,53.995910
+                    -2.561408,53.995004
+                    -2.560638,53.994589
+                    -2.559794,53.994098
+                    -2.559450,53.993192
+                    -2.559278,53.992286
+                    -2.559646,53.991385
+                    -2.559476,53.990479
+                    -2.559125,53.990269
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+                    -2.556919,53.989577
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+                    -2.554589,53.988357
+                    -2.553077,53.988309
+                    -2.552475,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989096
+                    -2.554589,53.989577
+                    -2.554591,53.989577
+                    -2.555382,53.990479
+                    -2.554967,53.991385
+                    -2.555212,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992629
+                    -2.553352,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993516
+                    -2.552220,53.994098
+                    -2.551564,53.994389
+                    -2.550220,53.995004
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+                    -2.534930,54.017572
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+                    -2.534930,54.017830
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+                    -2.533418,54.019561
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+                    -2.534930,54.020572
+                    -2.535562,54.021239
+                    -2.534930,54.021468
+                    -2.534297,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.020791
+                    -2.532704,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.021802
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+                    -2.534694,54.023051
+                    -2.534930,54.023347
+                    -2.535730,54.023952
+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025397
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+                    -2.530394,54.025202
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+                    -2.525857,54.024844
+                    -2.524345,54.023952
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+                    -2.520257,54.022145
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+                    -2.518296,54.021807
+                    -2.516874,54.021239
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+                    -2.515272,54.020634
+                    -2.513760,54.020495
+                    -2.512892,54.020333
+                    -2.512247,54.020262
+                    -2.510772,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.019408
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013219
+                    -2.511132,54.013095
+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010386
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
+                    -2.509223,54.007668
+                    -2.509223,54.006763
+                    -2.507711,54.005861
+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507804,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
+                    -2.512909,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.006543
+                    -2.514566,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.007621
+                    -2.513497,54.007668
+                    -2.513760,54.007697
+                    -2.515272,54.007835
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+                    -2.515500,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006362
+                    -2.518296,54.006305
+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
+                    -2.514052,53.998618
+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
+                    -2.511967,53.996811
+                    -2.511814,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994603
+                    -2.509787,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995676
+                    -2.507711,53.995881
+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.995004
+                    -2.504894,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.994131
+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
+                    -2.503298,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.990951
+                    -2.505574,53.990479
+                    -2.504750,53.989577
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
+                    -2.503174,53.987865
+                    -2.502978,53.987765
+                    -2.502391,53.986859
+                    -2.501662,53.986278
+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507805,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979707
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977199
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+                    -2.509223,53.976536
+                    -2.508680,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975477
+                    -2.509727,53.975101
+                    -2.509420,53.974195
+                    -2.509223,53.973737
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532263,53.972383
+                    -2.532110,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973799
+                    -2.531213,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974609
+                    -2.532582,53.975101
+                    -2.532813,53.976002
+                    -2.532429,53.976908
+                    -2.532561,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978324
+                    -2.534255,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979120
+                    -2.535980,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.979897
+                    -2.537955,53.980460
+                    -2.539467,53.980131
+                    -2.540480,53.980527
+                    -2.540529,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.981862
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+                    -2.541675,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983727
+                    -2.543824,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984251
+                    -2.545516,53.984723
+                    -2.547028,53.984809
+                    -2.548250,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985229
+                    -2.550052,53.985271
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+                    -2.551280,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987031
+                    -2.551849,53.986859
+                    -2.552051,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985734
+                    -2.554589,53.985572
+                    -2.556101,53.985529
+                    -2.557093,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986268
+                    -2.558210,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985348
+                    -2.559633,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986511
+                    -2.562150,53.986325
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+                    -2.563892,53.987765
+                    -2.563788,53.988667
+                    -2.563834,53.989577
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+                    -2.565639,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991938
+                    -2.564643,53.992286
+                    -2.564089,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.994002
+                    -2.562754,53.994098
+                    -2.563662,53.994217
+                    -2.564441,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995500
+                    -2.565673,53.995910
+                    -2.565434,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997097
+                    -2.563662,53.997035
+                    -2.562150,53.997006
+                    -2.560638,53.996882
+                    -2.560476,53.996811
+                    -2.560638,53.996758
+                    -2.561651,53.995910
+                    -2.561408,53.995004
+                    -2.560638,53.994589
+                    -2.559794,53.994098
+                    -2.559450,53.993192
+                    -2.559278,53.992286
+                    -2.559646,53.991385
+                    -2.559476,53.990479
+                    -2.559125,53.990269
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+                    -2.556919,53.989577
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+                    -2.554589,53.988357
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+                    -2.552475,53.988667
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+                    -2.545276,54.008574
+                    -2.545516,54.008508
+                    -2.545647,54.008574
+                    -2.545543,54.009476
+                    -2.545887,54.010386
+                    -2.546272,54.011288
+                    -2.547028,54.011602
+                    -2.547345,54.012194
+                    -2.547028,54.013038
+                    -2.546923,54.013095
+                    -2.545516,54.013314
+                    -2.544657,54.013095
+                    -2.544003,54.012847
+                    -2.543664,54.013095
+                    -2.543307,54.014001
+                    -2.542491,54.014521
+                    -2.540979,54.014540
+                    -2.540387,54.014907
+                    -2.539467,54.015040
+                    -2.537955,54.015136
+                    -2.536443,54.015050
+                    -2.535531,54.015813
+                    -2.534930,54.015965
+                    -2.533894,54.016719
+                    -2.534930,54.017572
+                    -2.535380,54.017620
+                    -2.534930,54.017830
+                    -2.534142,54.018526
+                    -2.533418,54.019046
+                    -2.531906,54.018989
+                    -2.531129,54.019427
+                    -2.530394,54.020166
+                    -2.530159,54.020333
+                    -2.530394,54.020476
+                    -2.531906,54.020681
+                    -2.532521,54.020333
+                    -2.533418,54.019561
+                    -2.534621,54.020333
+                    -2.534930,54.020572
+                    -2.535562,54.021239
+                    -2.534930,54.021468
+                    -2.534297,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.020791
+                    -2.532704,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.021802
+                    -2.533756,54.022145
+                    -2.534694,54.023051
+                    -2.534930,54.023347
+                    -2.535730,54.023952
+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025397
+                    -2.531906,54.025459
+                    -2.530394,54.025202
+                    -2.528882,54.025354
+                    -2.527369,54.025507
+                    -2.525898,54.024858
+                    -2.525857,54.024844
+                    -2.524345,54.023952
+                    -2.522833,54.023051
+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520257,54.022145
+                    -2.519808,54.021802
+                    -2.518296,54.021807
+                    -2.516874,54.021239
+                    -2.516784,54.021158
+                    -2.515272,54.020634
+                    -2.513760,54.020495
+                    -2.512892,54.020333
+                    -2.512247,54.020262
+                    -2.510772,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.019408
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013219
+                    -2.511132,54.013095
+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010386
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
+                    -2.509223,54.007668
+                    -2.509223,54.006763
+                    -2.507711,54.005861
+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507804,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
+                    -2.512909,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.006543
+                    -2.514566,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.007621
+                    -2.513497,54.007668
+                    -2.513760,54.007697
+                    -2.515272,54.007835
+                    -2.515810,54.007668
+                    -2.515500,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006362
+                    -2.518296,54.006305
+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
+                    -2.514052,53.998618
+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
+                    -2.511967,53.996811
+                    -2.511814,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994603
+                    -2.509787,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995676
+                    -2.507711,53.995881
+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.995004
+                    -2.504894,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.994131
+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
+                    -2.503298,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.990951
+                    -2.505574,53.990479
+                    -2.504750,53.989577
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
+                    -2.503174,53.987865
+                    -2.502978,53.987765
+                    -2.502391,53.986859
+                    -2.501662,53.986278
+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507805,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979707
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977199
+                    -2.509642,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976536
+                    -2.508680,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975477
+                    -2.509727,53.975101
+                    -2.509420,53.974195
+                    -2.509223,53.973737
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532263,53.972383
+                    -2.532110,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973799
+                    -2.531213,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974609
+                    -2.532582,53.975101
+                    -2.532813,53.976002
+                    -2.532429,53.976908
+                    -2.532561,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978324
+                    -2.534255,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979120
+                    -2.535980,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.979897
+                    -2.537955,53.980460
+                    -2.539467,53.980131
+                    -2.540480,53.980527
+                    -2.540529,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.981862
+                    -2.541685,53.982334
+                    -2.541675,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983727
+                    -2.543824,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984251
+                    -2.545516,53.984723
+                    -2.547028,53.984809
+                    -2.548250,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985229
+                    -2.550052,53.985271
+                    -2.551078,53.985953
+                    -2.551280,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987031
+                    -2.551849,53.986859
+                    -2.552051,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985734
+                    -2.554589,53.985572
+                    -2.556101,53.985529
+                    -2.557093,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986268
+                    -2.558210,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985348
+                    -2.559633,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986511
+                    -2.562150,53.986325
+                    -2.562827,53.986859
+                    -2.563662,53.987660
+                    -2.563892,53.987765
+                    -2.563788,53.988667
+                    -2.563834,53.989577
+                    -2.564508,53.990479
+                    -2.565174,53.990788
+                    -2.565639,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991938
+                    -2.564643,53.992286
+                    -2.564089,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.994002
+                    -2.562754,53.994098
+                    -2.563662,53.994217
+                    -2.564441,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995500
+                    -2.565673,53.995910
+                    -2.565434,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997097
+                    -2.563662,53.997035
+                    -2.562150,53.997006
+                    -2.560638,53.996882
+                    -2.560476,53.996811
+                    -2.560638,53.996758
+                    -2.561651,53.995910
+                    -2.561408,53.995004
+                    -2.560638,53.994589
+                    -2.559794,53.994098
+                    -2.559450,53.993192
+                    -2.559278,53.992286
+                    -2.559646,53.991385
+                    -2.559476,53.990479
+                    -2.559125,53.990269
+                    -2.557613,53.990188
+                    -2.556919,53.989577
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+                    -2.555106,53.988667
+                    -2.554589,53.988357
+                    -2.553077,53.988309
+                    -2.552475,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989096
+                    -2.554589,53.989577
+                    -2.554591,53.989577
+                    -2.555382,53.990479
+                    -2.554967,53.991385
+                    -2.555212,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992629
+                    -2.553352,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993516
+                    -2.552220,53.994098
+                    -2.551564,53.994389
+                    -2.550220,53.995004
+                    -2.550052,53.995094
+                    -2.548701,53.995910
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+                    -2.542491,53.998704
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+                    -2.539470,54.000430
+                    -2.539467,54.000430
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+                    -2.545543,54.009476
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+                    -2.537955,54.015136
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+                    -2.534930,54.017572
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+                    -2.534930,54.017830
+                    -2.534142,54.018526
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+                    -2.530394,54.020476
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+                    -2.532521,54.020333
+                    -2.533418,54.019561
+                    -2.534621,54.020333
+                    -2.534930,54.020572
+                    -2.535562,54.021239
+                    -2.534930,54.021468
+                    -2.534297,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.020791
+                    -2.532704,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.021802
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+                    -2.534694,54.023051
+                    -2.534930,54.023347
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+                    -2.534930,54.024858
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+                    -2.530394,54.025202
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+                    -2.524345,54.023952
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+                    -2.513760,54.020495
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+                    -2.512247,54.020262
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+                    -2.510735,54.019408
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013219
+                    -2.511132,54.013095
+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010386
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
+                    -2.509223,54.007668
+                    -2.509223,54.006763
+                    -2.507711,54.005861
+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507804,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
+                    -2.512909,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.006543
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+                    -2.513760,54.007621
+                    -2.513497,54.007668
+                    -2.513760,54.007697
+                    -2.515272,54.007835
+                    -2.515810,54.007668
+                    -2.515500,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006362
+                    -2.518296,54.006305
+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
+                    -2.514052,53.998618
+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
+                    -2.511967,53.996811
+                    -2.511814,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994603
+                    -2.509787,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995676
+                    -2.507711,53.995881
+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.995004
+                    -2.504894,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.994131
+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
+                    -2.503298,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.990951
+                    -2.505574,53.990479
+                    -2.504750,53.989577
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
+                    -2.503174,53.987865
+                    -2.502978,53.987765
+                    -2.502391,53.986859
+                    -2.501662,53.986278
+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507805,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979707
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977199
+                    -2.509642,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976536
+                    -2.508680,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975477
+                    -2.509727,53.975101
+                    -2.509420,53.974195
+                    -2.509223,53.973737
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532263,53.972383
+                    -2.532110,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973799
+                    -2.531213,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974609
+                    -2.532582,53.975101
+                    -2.532813,53.976002
+                    -2.532429,53.976908
+                    -2.532561,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978324
+                    -2.534255,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979120
+                    -2.535980,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.979897
+                    -2.537955,53.980460
+                    -2.539467,53.980131
+                    -2.540480,53.980527
+                    -2.540529,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.981862
+                    -2.541685,53.982334
+                    -2.541675,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983727
+                    -2.543824,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984251
+                    -2.545516,53.984723
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+                    -2.548250,53.985052
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+                    -2.551849,53.986859
+                    -2.552051,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985734
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+                    -2.557093,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986268
+                    -2.558210,53.985953
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+                    -2.559633,53.985953
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+                    -2.562150,53.986325
+                    -2.562827,53.986859
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+                    -2.563788,53.988667
+                    -2.563834,53.989577
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+                    -2.565639,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991938
+                    -2.564643,53.992286
+                    -2.564089,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.994002
+                    -2.562754,53.994098
+                    -2.563662,53.994217
+                    -2.564441,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995500
+                    -2.565673,53.995910
+                    -2.565434,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997097
+                    -2.563662,53.997035
+                    -2.562150,53.997006
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+                    -2.560638,53.996758
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+                    -2.561408,53.995004
+                    -2.560638,53.994589
+                    -2.559794,53.994098
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+                    -2.559125,53.990269
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+                    -2.552475,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989096
+                    -2.554589,53.989577
+                    -2.554591,53.989577
+                    -2.555382,53.990479
+                    -2.554967,53.991385
+                    -2.555212,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992629
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+                    -2.553077,53.993516
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+                    -2.545543,54.009476
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+                    -2.537955,54.015136
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+                    -2.534930,54.017572
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+                    -2.534930,54.017830
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+                    -2.530394,54.020476
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+                    -2.532521,54.020333
+                    -2.533418,54.019561
+                    -2.534621,54.020333
+                    -2.534930,54.020572
+                    -2.535562,54.021239
+                    -2.534930,54.021468
+                    -2.534297,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.020791
+                    -2.532704,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.021802
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+                    -2.534694,54.023051
+                    -2.534930,54.023347
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+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025397
+                    -2.531906,54.025459
+                    -2.530394,54.025202
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+                    -2.525898,54.024858
+                    -2.525857,54.024844
+                    -2.524345,54.023952
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+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520257,54.022145
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+                    -2.518296,54.021807
+                    -2.516874,54.021239
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+                    -2.515272,54.020634
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+                    -2.512892,54.020333
+                    -2.512247,54.020262
+                    -2.510772,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.019408
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013219
+                    -2.511132,54.013095
+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010386
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
+                    -2.509223,54.007668
+                    -2.509223,54.006763
+                    -2.507711,54.005861
+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507804,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
+                    -2.512909,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.006543
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+                    -2.513760,54.007621
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+                    -2.513760,54.007697
+                    -2.515272,54.007835
+                    -2.515810,54.007668
+                    -2.515500,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006362
+                    -2.518296,54.006305
+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
+                    -2.514052,53.998618
+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
+                    -2.511967,53.996811
+                    -2.511814,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994603
+                    -2.509787,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995676
+                    -2.507711,53.995881
+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.995004
+                    -2.504894,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
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+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
+                    -2.503298,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.990951
+                    -2.505574,53.990479
+                    -2.504750,53.989577
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
+                    -2.503174,53.987865
+                    -2.502978,53.987765
+                    -2.502391,53.986859
+                    -2.501662,53.986278
+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507805,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979707
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
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+                    -2.509642,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976536
+                    -2.508680,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975477
+                    -2.509727,53.975101
+                    -2.509420,53.974195
+                    -2.509223,53.973737
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532263,53.972383
+                    -2.532110,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973799
+                    -2.531213,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974609
+                    -2.532582,53.975101
+                    -2.532813,53.976002
+                    -2.532429,53.976908
+                    -2.532561,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978324
+                    -2.534255,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979120
+                    -2.535980,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.979897
+                    -2.537955,53.980460
+                    -2.539467,53.980131
+                    -2.540480,53.980527
+                    -2.540529,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.981862
+                    -2.541685,53.982334
+                    -2.541675,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983727
+                    -2.543824,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984251
+                    -2.545516,53.984723
+                    -2.547028,53.984809
+                    -2.548250,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985229
+                    -2.550052,53.985271
+                    -2.551078,53.985953
+                    -2.551280,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987031
+                    -2.551849,53.986859
+                    -2.552051,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985734
+                    -2.554589,53.985572
+                    -2.556101,53.985529
+                    -2.557093,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986268
+                    -2.558210,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985348
+                    -2.559633,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986511
+                    -2.562150,53.986325
+                    -2.562827,53.986859
+                    -2.563662,53.987660
+                    -2.563892,53.987765
+                    -2.563788,53.988667
+                    -2.563834,53.989577
+                    -2.564508,53.990479
+                    -2.565174,53.990788
+                    -2.565639,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991938
+                    -2.564643,53.992286
+                    -2.564089,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.994002
+                    -2.562754,53.994098
+                    -2.563662,53.994217
+                    -2.564441,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995500
+                    -2.565673,53.995910
+                    -2.565434,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997097
+                    -2.563662,53.997035
+                    -2.562150,53.997006
+                    -2.560638,53.996882
+                    -2.560476,53.996811
+                    -2.560638,53.996758
+                    -2.561651,53.995910
+                    -2.561408,53.995004
+                    -2.560638,53.994589
+                    -2.559794,53.994098
+                    -2.559450,53.993192
+                    -2.559278,53.992286
+                    -2.559646,53.991385
+                    -2.559476,53.990479
+                    -2.559125,53.990269
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+                    -2.556919,53.989577
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+                    -2.554589,53.988357
+                    -2.553077,53.988309
+                    -2.552475,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989096
+                    -2.554589,53.989577
+                    -2.554591,53.989577
+                    -2.555382,53.990479
+                    -2.554967,53.991385
+                    -2.555212,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992629
+                    -2.553352,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993516
+                    -2.552220,53.994098
+                    -2.551564,53.994389
+                    -2.550220,53.995004
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+                    -2.534930,54.017572
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+                    -2.534930,54.017830
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+                    -2.530394,54.020476
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+                    -2.532521,54.020333
+                    -2.533418,54.019561
+                    -2.534621,54.020333
+                    -2.534930,54.020572
+                    -2.535562,54.021239
+                    -2.534930,54.021468
+                    -2.534297,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.020791
+                    -2.532704,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.021802
+                    -2.533756,54.022145
+                    -2.534694,54.023051
+                    -2.534930,54.023347
+                    -2.535730,54.023952
+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025397
+                    -2.531906,54.025459
+                    -2.530394,54.025202
+                    -2.528882,54.025354
+                    -2.527369,54.025507
+                    -2.525898,54.024858
+                    -2.525857,54.024844
+                    -2.524345,54.023952
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+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520257,54.022145
+                    -2.519808,54.021802
+                    -2.518296,54.021807
+                    -2.516874,54.021239
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+                    -2.515272,54.020634
+                    -2.513760,54.020495
+                    -2.512892,54.020333
+                    -2.512247,54.020262
+                    -2.510772,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.019408
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013219
+                    -2.511132,54.013095
+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010386
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
+                    -2.509223,54.007668
+                    -2.509223,54.006763
+                    -2.507711,54.005861
+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507804,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
+                    -2.512909,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.006543
+                    -2.514566,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.007621
+                    -2.513497,54.007668
+                    -2.513760,54.007697
+                    -2.515272,54.007835
+                    -2.515810,54.007668
+                    -2.515500,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006362
+                    -2.518296,54.006305
+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
+                    -2.514052,53.998618
+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
+                    -2.511967,53.996811
+                    -2.511814,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994603
+                    -2.509787,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995676
+                    -2.507711,53.995881
+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.995004
+                    -2.504894,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.994131
+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
+                    -2.503298,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.990951
+                    -2.505574,53.990479
+                    -2.504750,53.989577
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
+                    -2.503174,53.987865
+                    -2.502978,53.987765
+                    -2.502391,53.986859
+                    -2.501662,53.986278
+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507805,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979707
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977199
+                    -2.509642,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976536
+                    -2.508680,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975477
+                    -2.509727,53.975101
+                    -2.509420,53.974195
+                    -2.509223,53.973737
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532263,53.972383
+                    -2.532110,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973799
+                    -2.531213,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974609
+                    -2.532582,53.975101
+                    -2.532813,53.976002
+                    -2.532429,53.976908
+                    -2.532561,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978324
+                    -2.534255,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979120
+                    -2.535980,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.979897
+                    -2.537955,53.980460
+                    -2.539467,53.980131
+                    -2.540480,53.980527
+                    -2.540529,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.981862
+                    -2.541685,53.982334
+                    -2.541675,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983727
+                    -2.543824,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984251
+                    -2.545516,53.984723
+                    -2.547028,53.984809
+                    -2.548250,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985229
+                    -2.550052,53.985271
+                    -2.551078,53.985953
+                    -2.551280,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987031
+                    -2.551849,53.986859
+                    -2.552051,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985734
+                    -2.554589,53.985572
+                    -2.556101,53.985529
+                    -2.557093,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986268
+                    -2.558210,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985348
+                    -2.559633,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986511
+                    -2.562150,53.986325
+                    -2.562827,53.986859
+                    -2.563662,53.987660
+                    -2.563892,53.987765
+                    -2.563788,53.988667
+                    -2.563834,53.989577
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+                    -2.565639,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991938
+                    -2.564643,53.992286
+                    -2.564089,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.994002
+                    -2.562754,53.994098
+                    -2.563662,53.994217
+                    -2.564441,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995500
+                    -2.565673,53.995910
+                    -2.565434,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997097
+                    -2.563662,53.997035
+                    -2.562150,53.997006
+                    -2.560638,53.996882
+                    -2.560476,53.996811
+                    -2.560638,53.996758
+                    -2.561651,53.995910
+                    -2.561408,53.995004
+                    -2.560638,53.994589
+                    -2.559794,53.994098
+                    -2.559450,53.993192
+                    -2.559278,53.992286
+                    -2.559646,53.991385
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+                    -2.537306,54.011288
+                    -2.537955,54.011998
+                    -2.539467,54.011998
+                    -2.540979,54.011598
+                    -2.542491,54.012117
+                    -2.544003,54.011455
+                    -2.544692,54.011288
+                    -2.544784,54.010386
+                    -2.545437,54.009476
+                    -2.545276,54.008574
+                    -2.545516,54.008508
+                    -2.545647,54.008574
+                    -2.545543,54.009476
+                    -2.545887,54.010386
+                    -2.546272,54.011288
+                    -2.547028,54.011602
+                    -2.547345,54.012194
+                    -2.547028,54.013038
+                    -2.546923,54.013095
+                    -2.545516,54.013314
+                    -2.544657,54.013095
+                    -2.544003,54.012847
+                    -2.543664,54.013095
+                    -2.543307,54.014001
+                    -2.542491,54.014521
+                    -2.540979,54.014540
+                    -2.540387,54.014907
+                    -2.539467,54.015040
+                    -2.537955,54.015136
+                    -2.536443,54.015050
+                    -2.535531,54.015813
+                    -2.534930,54.015965
+                    -2.533894,54.016719
+                    -2.534930,54.017572
+                    -2.535380,54.017620
+                    -2.534930,54.017830
+                    -2.534142,54.018526
+                    -2.533418,54.019046
+                    -2.531906,54.018989
+                    -2.531129,54.019427
+                    -2.530394,54.020166
+                    -2.530159,54.020333
+                    -2.530394,54.020476
+                    -2.531906,54.020681
+                    -2.532521,54.020333
+                    -2.533418,54.019561
+                    -2.534621,54.020333
+                    -2.534930,54.020572
+                    -2.535562,54.021239
+                    -2.534930,54.021468
+                    -2.534297,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.020791
+                    -2.532704,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.021802
+                    -2.533756,54.022145
+                    -2.534694,54.023051
+                    -2.534930,54.023347
+                    -2.535730,54.023952
+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025397
+                    -2.531906,54.025459
+                    -2.530394,54.025202
+                    -2.528882,54.025354
+                    -2.527369,54.025507
+                    -2.525898,54.024858
+                    -2.525857,54.024844
+                    -2.524345,54.023952
+                    -2.522833,54.023051
+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520257,54.022145
+                    -2.519808,54.021802
+                    -2.518296,54.021807
+                    -2.516874,54.021239
+                    -2.516784,54.021158
+                    -2.515272,54.020634
+                    -2.513760,54.020495
+                    -2.512892,54.020333
+                    -2.512247,54.020262
+                    -2.510772,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.019408
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013219
+                    -2.511132,54.013095
+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010386
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
+                    -2.509223,54.007668
+                    -2.509223,54.006763
+                    -2.507711,54.005861
+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507804,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
+                    -2.512909,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.006543
+                    -2.514566,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.007621
+                    -2.513497,54.007668
+                    -2.513760,54.007697
+                    -2.515272,54.007835
+                    -2.515810,54.007668
+                    -2.515500,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006362
+                    -2.518296,54.006305
+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
+                    -2.514052,53.998618
+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
+                    -2.511967,53.996811
+                    -2.511814,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994603
+                    -2.509787,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995676
+                    -2.507711,53.995881
+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.995004
+                    -2.504894,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.994131
+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
+                    -2.503298,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.990951
+                    -2.505574,53.990479
+                    -2.504750,53.989577
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
+                    -2.503174,53.987865
+                    -2.502978,53.987765
+                    -2.502391,53.986859
+                    -2.501662,53.986278
+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507805,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979707
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977199
+                    -2.509642,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976536
+                    -2.508680,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975477
+                    -2.509727,53.975101
+                    -2.509420,53.974195
+                    -2.509223,53.973737
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532263,53.972383
+                    -2.532110,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973799
+                    -2.531213,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974609
+                    -2.532582,53.975101
+                    -2.532813,53.976002
+                    -2.532429,53.976908
+                    -2.532561,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978324
+                    -2.534255,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979120
+                    -2.535980,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.979897
+                    -2.537955,53.980460
+                    -2.539467,53.980131
+                    -2.540480,53.980527
+                    -2.540529,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.981862
+                    -2.541685,53.982334
+                    -2.541675,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983727
+                    -2.543824,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984251
+                    -2.545516,53.984723
+                    -2.547028,53.984809
+                    -2.548250,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985229
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+                    -2.551078,53.985953
+                    -2.551280,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987031
+                    -2.551849,53.986859
+                    -2.552051,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985734
+                    -2.554589,53.985572
+                    -2.556101,53.985529
+                    -2.557093,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986268
+                    -2.558210,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985348
+                    -2.559633,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986511
+                    -2.562150,53.986325
+                    -2.562827,53.986859
+                    -2.563662,53.987660
+                    -2.563892,53.987765
+                    -2.563788,53.988667
+                    -2.563834,53.989577
+                    -2.564508,53.990479
+                    -2.565174,53.990788
+                    -2.565639,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991938
+                    -2.564643,53.992286
+                    -2.564089,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.994002
+                    -2.562754,53.994098
+                    -2.563662,53.994217
+                    -2.564441,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995500
+                    -2.565673,53.995910
+                    -2.565434,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997097
+                    -2.563662,53.997035
+                    -2.562150,53.997006
+                    -2.560638,53.996882
+                    -2.560476,53.996811
+                    -2.560638,53.996758
+                    -2.561651,53.995910
+                    -2.561408,53.995004
+                    -2.560638,53.994589
+                    -2.559794,53.994098
+                    -2.559450,53.993192
+                    -2.559278,53.992286
+                    -2.559646,53.991385
+                    -2.559476,53.990479
+                    -2.559125,53.990269
+                    -2.557613,53.990188
+                    -2.556919,53.989577
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+                    -2.555106,53.988667
+                    -2.554589,53.988357
+                    -2.553077,53.988309
+                    -2.552475,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989096
+                    -2.554589,53.989577
+                    -2.554591,53.989577
+                    -2.555382,53.990479
+                    -2.554967,53.991385
+                    -2.555212,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992629
+                    -2.553352,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993516
+                    -2.552220,53.994098
+                    -2.551564,53.994389
+                    -2.550220,53.995004
+                    -2.550052,53.995094
+                    -2.548701,53.995910
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+                    -2.542491,53.998704
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+                    -2.539470,54.000430
+                    -2.539467,54.000430
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+                    -2.545543,54.009476
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+                    -2.545516,54.013314
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+                    -2.537955,54.015136
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+                    -2.534930,54.017572
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+                    -2.534930,54.017830
+                    -2.534142,54.018526
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+                    -2.530394,54.020476
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+                    -2.532521,54.020333
+                    -2.533418,54.019561
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+                    -2.534930,54.020572
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+                    -2.534930,54.021468
+                    -2.534297,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.020791
+                    -2.532704,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.021802
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+                    -2.534694,54.023051
+                    -2.534930,54.023347
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+                    -2.534930,54.024858
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+                    -2.531906,54.025459
+                    -2.530394,54.025202
+                    -2.528882,54.025354
+                    -2.527369,54.025507
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+                    -2.525857,54.024844
+                    -2.524345,54.023952
+                    -2.522833,54.023051
+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520257,54.022145
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+                    -2.512247,54.020262
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013219
+                    -2.511132,54.013095
+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010386
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
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+                    -2.509223,54.006763
+                    -2.507711,54.005861
+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507804,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
+                    -2.512909,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.006543
+                    -2.514566,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.007621
+                    -2.513497,54.007668
+                    -2.513760,54.007697
+                    -2.515272,54.007835
+                    -2.515810,54.007668
+                    -2.515500,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006362
+                    -2.518296,54.006305
+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
+                    -2.514052,53.998618
+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
+                    -2.511967,53.996811
+                    -2.511814,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994603
+                    -2.509787,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995676
+                    -2.507711,53.995881
+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.995004
+                    -2.504894,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.994131
+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
+                    -2.503298,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.990951
+                    -2.505574,53.990479
+                    -2.504750,53.989577
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
+                    -2.503174,53.987865
+                    -2.502978,53.987765
+                    -2.502391,53.986859
+                    -2.501662,53.986278
+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507805,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979707
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977199
+                    -2.509642,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976536
+                    -2.508680,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975477
+                    -2.509727,53.975101
+                    -2.509420,53.974195
+                    -2.509223,53.973737
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532263,53.972383
+                    -2.532110,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973799
+                    -2.531213,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974609
+                    -2.532582,53.975101
+                    -2.532813,53.976002
+                    -2.532429,53.976908
+                    -2.532561,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978324
+                    -2.534255,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979120
+                    -2.535980,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.979897
+                    -2.537955,53.980460
+                    -2.539467,53.980131
+                    -2.540480,53.980527
+                    -2.540529,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.981862
+                    -2.541685,53.982334
+                    -2.541675,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983727
+                    -2.543824,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984251
+                    -2.545516,53.984723
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+                    -2.548250,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985229
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+                    -2.551280,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987031
+                    -2.551849,53.986859
+                    -2.552051,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985734
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+                    -2.557093,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986268
+                    -2.558210,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985348
+                    -2.559633,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986511
+                    -2.562150,53.986325
+                    -2.562827,53.986859
+                    -2.563662,53.987660
+                    -2.563892,53.987765
+                    -2.563788,53.988667
+                    -2.563834,53.989577
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+                    -2.565639,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991938
+                    -2.564643,53.992286
+                    -2.564089,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.994002
+                    -2.562754,53.994098
+                    -2.563662,53.994217
+                    -2.564441,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995500
+                    -2.565673,53.995910
+                    -2.565434,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997097
+                    -2.563662,53.997035
+                    -2.562150,53.997006
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+                    -2.560476,53.996811
+                    -2.560638,53.996758
+                    -2.561651,53.995910
+                    -2.561408,53.995004
+                    -2.560638,53.994589
+                    -2.559794,53.994098
+                    -2.559450,53.993192
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+                    -2.559125,53.990269
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+                    -2.554589,53.988357
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+                    -2.552475,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989096
+                    -2.554589,53.989577
+                    -2.554591,53.989577
+                    -2.555382,53.990479
+                    -2.554967,53.991385
+                    -2.555212,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992629
+                    -2.553352,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993516
+                    -2.552220,53.994098
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+                    -2.545543,54.009476
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+                    -2.537955,54.015136
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+                    -2.534930,54.017572
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+                    -2.534930,54.017830
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+                    -2.530394,54.020476
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+                    -2.532521,54.020333
+                    -2.533418,54.019561
+                    -2.534621,54.020333
+                    -2.534930,54.020572
+                    -2.535562,54.021239
+                    -2.534930,54.021468
+                    -2.534297,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.020791
+                    -2.532704,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.021802
+                    -2.533756,54.022145
+                    -2.534694,54.023051
+                    -2.534930,54.023347
+                    -2.535730,54.023952
+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025397
+                    -2.531906,54.025459
+                    -2.530394,54.025202
+                    -2.528882,54.025354
+                    -2.527369,54.025507
+                    -2.525898,54.024858
+                    -2.525857,54.024844
+                    -2.524345,54.023952
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+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520257,54.022145
+                    -2.519808,54.021802
+                    -2.518296,54.021807
+                    -2.516874,54.021239
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+                    -2.515272,54.020634
+                    -2.513760,54.020495
+                    -2.512892,54.020333
+                    -2.512247,54.020262
+                    -2.510772,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.019408
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013219
+                    -2.511132,54.013095
+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010386
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
+                    -2.509223,54.007668
+                    -2.509223,54.006763
+                    -2.507711,54.005861
+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507804,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
+                    -2.512909,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.006543
+                    -2.514566,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.007621
+                    -2.513497,54.007668
+                    -2.513760,54.007697
+                    -2.515272,54.007835
+                    -2.515810,54.007668
+                    -2.515500,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006362
+                    -2.518296,54.006305
+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
+                    -2.514052,53.998618
+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
+                    -2.511967,53.996811
+                    -2.511814,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994603
+                    -2.509787,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995676
+                    -2.507711,53.995881
+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.995004
+                    -2.504894,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.994131
+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
+                    -2.503298,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.990951
+                    -2.505574,53.990479
+                    -2.504750,53.989577
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
+                    -2.503174,53.987865
+                    -2.502978,53.987765
+                    -2.502391,53.986859
+                    -2.501662,53.986278
+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507805,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979707
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977199
+                    -2.509642,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976536
+                    -2.508680,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975477
+                    -2.509727,53.975101
+                    -2.509420,53.974195
+                    -2.509223,53.973737
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532263,53.972383
+                    -2.532110,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973799
+                    -2.531213,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974609
+                    -2.532582,53.975101
+                    -2.532813,53.976002
+                    -2.532429,53.976908
+                    -2.532561,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978324
+                    -2.534255,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979120
+                    -2.535980,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.979897
+                    -2.537955,53.980460
+                    -2.539467,53.980131
+                    -2.540480,53.980527
+                    -2.540529,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.981862
+                    -2.541685,53.982334
+                    -2.541675,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983727
+                    -2.543824,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984251
+                    -2.545516,53.984723
+                    -2.547028,53.984809
+                    -2.548250,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985229
+                    -2.550052,53.985271
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+                    -2.551280,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987031
+                    -2.551849,53.986859
+                    -2.552051,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985734
+                    -2.554589,53.985572
+                    -2.556101,53.985529
+                    -2.557093,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986268
+                    -2.558210,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985348
+                    -2.559633,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986511
+                    -2.562150,53.986325
+                    -2.562827,53.986859
+                    -2.563662,53.987660
+                    -2.563892,53.987765
+                    -2.563788,53.988667
+                    -2.563834,53.989577
+                    -2.564508,53.990479
+                    -2.565174,53.990788
+                    -2.565639,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991938
+                    -2.564643,53.992286
+                    -2.564089,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.994002
+                    -2.562754,53.994098
+                    -2.563662,53.994217
+                    -2.564441,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995500
+                    -2.565673,53.995910
+                    -2.565434,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997097
+                    -2.563662,53.997035
+                    -2.562150,53.997006
+                    -2.560638,53.996882
+                    -2.560476,53.996811
+                    -2.560638,53.996758
+                    -2.561651,53.995910
+                    -2.561408,53.995004
+                    -2.560638,53.994589
+                    -2.559794,53.994098
+                    -2.559450,53.993192
+                    -2.559278,53.992286
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+                    -2.559476,53.990479
+                    -2.559125,53.990269
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+                    -2.554589,53.988357
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+                    -2.552475,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989096
+                    -2.554589,53.989577
+                    -2.554591,53.989577
+                    -2.555382,53.990479
+                    -2.554967,53.991385
+                    -2.555212,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992629
+                    -2.553352,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993516
+                    -2.552220,53.994098
+                    -2.551564,53.994389
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+                    -2.534930,54.017572
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+                    -2.534930,54.017830
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+                    -2.530394,54.020476
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+                    -2.533418,54.019561
+                    -2.534621,54.020333
+                    -2.534930,54.020572
+                    -2.535562,54.021239
+                    -2.534930,54.021468
+                    -2.534297,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.020791
+                    -2.532704,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.021802
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+                    -2.534694,54.023051
+                    -2.534930,54.023347
+                    -2.535730,54.023952
+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025397
+                    -2.531906,54.025459
+                    -2.530394,54.025202
+                    -2.528882,54.025354
+                    -2.527369,54.025507
+                    -2.525898,54.024858
+                    -2.525857,54.024844
+                    -2.524345,54.023952
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+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520257,54.022145
+                    -2.519808,54.021802
+                    -2.518296,54.021807
+                    -2.516874,54.021239
+                    -2.516784,54.021158
+                    -2.515272,54.020634
+                    -2.513760,54.020495
+                    -2.512892,54.020333
+                    -2.512247,54.020262
+                    -2.510772,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.019408
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013219
+                    -2.511132,54.013095
+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010386
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
+                    -2.509223,54.007668
+                    -2.509223,54.006763
+                    -2.507711,54.005861
+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507804,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
+                    -2.512909,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.006543
+                    -2.514566,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.007621
+                    -2.513497,54.007668
+                    -2.513760,54.007697
+                    -2.515272,54.007835
+                    -2.515810,54.007668
+                    -2.515500,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006362
+                    -2.518296,54.006305
+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
+                    -2.514052,53.998618
+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
+                    -2.511967,53.996811
+                    -2.511814,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994603
+                    -2.509787,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995676
+                    -2.507711,53.995881
+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.995004
+                    -2.504894,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.994131
+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
+                    -2.503298,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.990951
+                    -2.505574,53.990479
+                    -2.504750,53.989577
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
+                    -2.503174,53.987865
+                    -2.502978,53.987765
+                    -2.502391,53.986859
+                    -2.501662,53.986278
+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507805,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979707
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977199
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+                    -2.509223,53.976536
+                    -2.508680,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975477
+                    -2.509727,53.975101
+                    -2.509420,53.974195
+                    -2.509223,53.973737
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532263,53.972383
+                    -2.532110,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973799
+                    -2.531213,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974609
+                    -2.532582,53.975101
+                    -2.532813,53.976002
+                    -2.532429,53.976908
+                    -2.532561,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978324
+                    -2.534255,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979120
+                    -2.535980,53.979621
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+                    -2.537955,53.980460
+                    -2.539467,53.980131
+                    -2.540480,53.980527
+                    -2.540529,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.981862
+                    -2.541685,53.982334
+                    -2.541675,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983727
+                    -2.543824,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984251
+                    -2.545516,53.984723
+                    -2.547028,53.984809
+                    -2.548250,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985229
+                    -2.550052,53.985271
+                    -2.551078,53.985953
+                    -2.551280,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987031
+                    -2.551849,53.986859
+                    -2.552051,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985734
+                    -2.554589,53.985572
+                    -2.556101,53.985529
+                    -2.557093,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986268
+                    -2.558210,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985348
+                    -2.559633,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986511
+                    -2.562150,53.986325
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+                    -2.563892,53.987765
+                    -2.563788,53.988667
+                    -2.563834,53.989577
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+                    -2.565639,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991938
+                    -2.564643,53.992286
+                    -2.564089,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.994002
+                    -2.562754,53.994098
+                    -2.563662,53.994217
+                    -2.564441,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995500
+                    -2.565673,53.995910
+                    -2.565434,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997097
+                    -2.563662,53.997035
+                    -2.562150,53.997006
+                    -2.560638,53.996882
+                    -2.560476,53.996811
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+                    -2.540979,54.008212
+                    -2.539467,54.008350
+                    -2.537955,54.008026
+                    -2.536795,54.008574
+                    -2.537324,54.009476
+                    -2.536443,54.010234
+                    -2.536232,54.010386
+                    -2.536443,54.010673
+                    -2.537306,54.011288
+                    -2.537955,54.011998
+                    -2.539467,54.011998
+                    -2.540979,54.011598
+                    -2.542491,54.012117
+                    -2.544003,54.011455
+                    -2.544692,54.011288
+                    -2.544784,54.010386
+                    -2.545437,54.009476
+                    -2.545276,54.008574
+                    -2.545516,54.008508
+                    -2.545647,54.008574
+                    -2.545543,54.009476
+                    -2.545887,54.010386
+                    -2.546272,54.011288
+                    -2.547028,54.011602
+                    -2.547345,54.012194
+                    -2.547028,54.013038
+                    -2.546923,54.013095
+                    -2.545516,54.013314
+                    -2.544657,54.013095
+                    -2.544003,54.012847
+                    -2.543664,54.013095
+                    -2.543307,54.014001
+                    -2.542491,54.014521
+                    -2.540979,54.014540
+                    -2.540387,54.014907
+                    -2.539467,54.015040
+                    -2.537955,54.015136
+                    -2.536443,54.015050
+                    -2.535531,54.015813
+                    -2.534930,54.015965
+                    -2.533894,54.016719
+                    -2.534930,54.017572
+                    -2.535380,54.017620
+                    -2.534930,54.017830
+                    -2.534142,54.018526
+                    -2.533418,54.019046
+                    -2.531906,54.018989
+                    -2.531129,54.019427
+                    -2.530394,54.020166
+                    -2.530159,54.020333
+                    -2.530394,54.020476
+                    -2.531906,54.020681
+                    -2.532521,54.020333
+                    -2.533418,54.019561
+                    -2.534621,54.020333
+                    -2.534930,54.020572
+                    -2.535562,54.021239
+                    -2.534930,54.021468
+                    -2.534297,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.020791
+                    -2.532704,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.021802
+                    -2.533756,54.022145
+                    -2.534694,54.023051
+                    -2.534930,54.023347
+                    -2.535730,54.023952
+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025397
+                    -2.531906,54.025459
+                    -2.530394,54.025202
+                    -2.528882,54.025354
+                    -2.527369,54.025507
+                    -2.525898,54.024858
+                    -2.525857,54.024844
+                    -2.524345,54.023952
+                    -2.522833,54.023051
+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520257,54.022145
+                    -2.519808,54.021802
+                    -2.518296,54.021807
+                    -2.516874,54.021239
+                    -2.516784,54.021158
+                    -2.515272,54.020634
+                    -2.513760,54.020495
+                    -2.512892,54.020333
+                    -2.512247,54.020262
+                    -2.510772,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.019408
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013219
+                    -2.511132,54.013095
+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010386
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
+                    -2.509223,54.007668
+                    -2.509223,54.006763
+                    -2.507711,54.005861
+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507804,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
+                    -2.512909,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.006543
+                    -2.514566,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.007621
+                    -2.513497,54.007668
+                    -2.513760,54.007697
+                    -2.515272,54.007835
+                    -2.515810,54.007668
+                    -2.515500,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006362
+                    -2.518296,54.006305
+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
+                    -2.514052,53.998618
+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
+                    -2.511967,53.996811
+                    -2.511814,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994603
+                    -2.509787,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995676
+                    -2.507711,53.995881
+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.995004
+                    -2.504894,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.994131
+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
+                    -2.503298,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.990951
+                    -2.505574,53.990479
+                    -2.504750,53.989577
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
+                    -2.503174,53.987865
+                    -2.502978,53.987765
+                    -2.502391,53.986859
+                    -2.501662,53.986278
+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507805,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979707
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977199
+                    -2.509642,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976536
+                    -2.508680,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975477
+                    -2.509727,53.975101
+                    -2.509420,53.974195
+                    -2.509223,53.973737
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532263,53.972383
+                    -2.532110,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973799
+                    -2.531213,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974609
+                    -2.532582,53.975101
+                    -2.532813,53.976002
+                    -2.532429,53.976908
+                    -2.532561,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978324
+                    -2.534255,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979120
+                    -2.535980,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.979897
+                    -2.537955,53.980460
+                    -2.539467,53.980131
+                    -2.540480,53.980527
+                    -2.540529,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.981862
+                    -2.541685,53.982334
+                    -2.541675,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983727
+                    -2.543824,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984251
+                    -2.545516,53.984723
+                    -2.547028,53.984809
+                    -2.548250,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985229
+                    -2.550052,53.985271
+                    -2.551078,53.985953
+                    -2.551280,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987031
+                    -2.551849,53.986859
+                    -2.552051,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985734
+                    -2.554589,53.985572
+                    -2.556101,53.985529
+                    -2.557093,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986268
+                    -2.558210,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985348
+                    -2.559633,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986511
+                    -2.562150,53.986325
+                    -2.562827,53.986859
+                    -2.563662,53.987660
+                    -2.563892,53.987765
+                    -2.563788,53.988667
+                    -2.563834,53.989577
+                    -2.564508,53.990479
+                    -2.565174,53.990788
+                    -2.565639,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991938
+                    -2.564643,53.992286
+                    -2.564089,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.994002
+                    -2.562754,53.994098
+                    -2.563662,53.994217
+                    -2.564441,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995500
+                    -2.565673,53.995910
+                    -2.565434,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997097
+                    -2.563662,53.997035
+                    -2.562150,53.997006
+                    -2.560638,53.996882
+                    -2.560476,53.996811
+                    -2.560638,53.996758
+                    -2.561651,53.995910
+                    -2.561408,53.995004
+                    -2.560638,53.994589
+                    -2.559794,53.994098
+                    -2.559450,53.993192
+                    -2.559278,53.992286
+                    -2.559646,53.991385
+                    -2.559476,53.990479
+                    -2.559125,53.990269
+                    -2.557613,53.990188
+                    -2.556919,53.989577
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+                    -2.555106,53.988667
+                    -2.554589,53.988357
+                    -2.553077,53.988309
+                    -2.552475,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989096
+                    -2.554589,53.989577
+                    -2.554591,53.989577
+                    -2.555382,53.990479
+                    -2.554967,53.991385
+                    -2.555212,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992629
+                    -2.553352,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993516
+                    -2.552220,53.994098
+                    -2.551564,53.994389
+                    -2.550220,53.995004
+                    -2.550052,53.995094
+                    -2.548701,53.995910
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+                    -2.542491,53.998704
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+                    -2.539467,54.000416
+                    -2.539470,54.000430
+                    -2.539467,54.000430
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+                    -2.540979,54.003253
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+                    -2.542491,54.004955
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+                    -2.545543,54.009476
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+                    -2.537955,54.015136
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+                    -2.534930,54.017572
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+                    -2.534930,54.017830
+                    -2.534142,54.018526
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+                    -2.530394,54.020476
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+                    -2.532521,54.020333
+                    -2.533418,54.019561
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+                    -2.534930,54.020572
+                    -2.535562,54.021239
+                    -2.534930,54.021468
+                    -2.534297,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.020791
+                    -2.532704,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.021802
+                    -2.533756,54.022145
+                    -2.534694,54.023051
+                    -2.534930,54.023347
+                    -2.535730,54.023952
+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025397
+                    -2.531906,54.025459
+                    -2.530394,54.025202
+                    -2.528882,54.025354
+                    -2.527369,54.025507
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+                    -2.525857,54.024844
+                    -2.524345,54.023952
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+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520257,54.022145
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+                    -2.512247,54.020262
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013219
+                    -2.511132,54.013095
+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010386
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
+                    -2.509223,54.007668
+                    -2.509223,54.006763
+                    -2.507711,54.005861
+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507804,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
+                    -2.512909,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.006543
+                    -2.514566,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.007621
+                    -2.513497,54.007668
+                    -2.513760,54.007697
+                    -2.515272,54.007835
+                    -2.515810,54.007668
+                    -2.515500,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006362
+                    -2.518296,54.006305
+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
+                    -2.514052,53.998618
+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
+                    -2.511967,53.996811
+                    -2.511814,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994603
+                    -2.509787,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995676
+                    -2.507711,53.995881
+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.995004
+                    -2.504894,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.994131
+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
+                    -2.503298,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.990951
+                    -2.505574,53.990479
+                    -2.504750,53.989577
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
+                    -2.503174,53.987865
+                    -2.502978,53.987765
+                    -2.502391,53.986859
+                    -2.501662,53.986278
+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507805,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979707
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977199
+                    -2.509642,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976536
+                    -2.508680,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975477
+                    -2.509727,53.975101
+                    -2.509420,53.974195
+                    -2.509223,53.973737
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532263,53.972383
+                    -2.532110,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973799
+                    -2.531213,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974609
+                    -2.532582,53.975101
+                    -2.532813,53.976002
+                    -2.532429,53.976908
+                    -2.532561,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978324
+                    -2.534255,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979120
+                    -2.535980,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.979897
+                    -2.537955,53.980460
+                    -2.539467,53.980131
+                    -2.540480,53.980527
+                    -2.540529,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.981862
+                    -2.541685,53.982334
+                    -2.541675,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983727
+                    -2.543824,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984251
+                    -2.545516,53.984723
+                    -2.547028,53.984809
+                    -2.548250,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985229
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+                    -2.551280,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987031
+                    -2.551849,53.986859
+                    -2.552051,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985734
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+                    -2.557093,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986268
+                    -2.558210,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985348
+                    -2.559633,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986511
+                    -2.562150,53.986325
+                    -2.562827,53.986859
+                    -2.563662,53.987660
+                    -2.563892,53.987765
+                    -2.563788,53.988667
+                    -2.563834,53.989577
+                    -2.564508,53.990479
+                    -2.565174,53.990788
+                    -2.565639,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991938
+                    -2.564643,53.992286
+                    -2.564089,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.994002
+                    -2.562754,53.994098
+                    -2.563662,53.994217
+                    -2.564441,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995500
+                    -2.565673,53.995910
+                    -2.565434,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997097
+                    -2.563662,53.997035
+                    -2.562150,53.997006
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+                    -2.560476,53.996811
+                    -2.560638,53.996758
+                    -2.561651,53.995910
+                    -2.561408,53.995004
+                    -2.560638,53.994589
+                    -2.559794,53.994098
+                    -2.559450,53.993192
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+                    -2.559476,53.990479
+                    -2.559125,53.990269
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+                    -2.554589,53.988357
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+                    -2.552475,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989096
+                    -2.554589,53.989577
+                    -2.554591,53.989577
+                    -2.555382,53.990479
+                    -2.554967,53.991385
+                    -2.555212,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992629
+                    -2.553352,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993516
+                    -2.552220,53.994098
+                    -2.551564,53.994389
+                    -2.550220,53.995004
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+                    -2.545543,54.009476
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+                    -2.537955,54.015136
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+                    -2.534930,54.017572
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+                    -2.534930,54.017830
+                    -2.534142,54.018526
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+                    -2.530394,54.020476
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+                    -2.532521,54.020333
+                    -2.533418,54.019561
+                    -2.534621,54.020333
+                    -2.534930,54.020572
+                    -2.535562,54.021239
+                    -2.534930,54.021468
+                    -2.534297,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.020791
+                    -2.532704,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.021802
+                    -2.533756,54.022145
+                    -2.534694,54.023051
+                    -2.534930,54.023347
+                    -2.535730,54.023952
+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025397
+                    -2.531906,54.025459
+                    -2.530394,54.025202
+                    -2.528882,54.025354
+                    -2.527369,54.025507
+                    -2.525898,54.024858
+                    -2.525857,54.024844
+                    -2.524345,54.023952
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+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520257,54.022145
+                    -2.519808,54.021802
+                    -2.518296,54.021807
+                    -2.516874,54.021239
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+                    -2.515272,54.020634
+                    -2.513760,54.020495
+                    -2.512892,54.020333
+                    -2.512247,54.020262
+                    -2.510772,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.019408
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013219
+                    -2.511132,54.013095
+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010386
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
+                    -2.509223,54.007668
+                    -2.509223,54.006763
+                    -2.507711,54.005861
+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507804,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
+                    -2.512909,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.006543
+                    -2.514566,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.007621
+                    -2.513497,54.007668
+                    -2.513760,54.007697
+                    -2.515272,54.007835
+                    -2.515810,54.007668
+                    -2.515500,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006362
+                    -2.518296,54.006305
+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
+                    -2.514052,53.998618
+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
+                    -2.511967,53.996811
+                    -2.511814,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994603
+                    -2.509787,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995676
+                    -2.507711,53.995881
+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.995004
+                    -2.504894,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.994131
+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
+                    -2.503298,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.990951
+                    -2.505574,53.990479
+                    -2.504750,53.989577
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
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+                    -2.502978,53.987765
+                    -2.502391,53.986859
+                    -2.501662,53.986278
+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507805,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979707
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977199
+                    -2.509642,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976536
+                    -2.508680,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975477
+                    -2.509727,53.975101
+                    -2.509420,53.974195
+                    -2.509223,53.973737
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532263,53.972383
+                    -2.532110,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973799
+                    -2.531213,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974609
+                    -2.532582,53.975101
+                    -2.532813,53.976002
+                    -2.532429,53.976908
+                    -2.532561,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978324
+                    -2.534255,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979120
+                    -2.535980,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.979897
+                    -2.537955,53.980460
+                    -2.539467,53.980131
+                    -2.540480,53.980527
+                    -2.540529,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.981862
+                    -2.541685,53.982334
+                    -2.541675,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983727
+                    -2.543824,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984251
+                    -2.545516,53.984723
+                    -2.547028,53.984809
+                    -2.548250,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985229
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+                    -2.551280,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987031
+                    -2.551849,53.986859
+                    -2.552051,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985734
+                    -2.554589,53.985572
+                    -2.556101,53.985529
+                    -2.557093,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986268
+                    -2.558210,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985348
+                    -2.559633,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986511
+                    -2.562150,53.986325
+                    -2.562827,53.986859
+                    -2.563662,53.987660
+                    -2.563892,53.987765
+                    -2.563788,53.988667
+                    -2.563834,53.989577
+                    -2.564508,53.990479
+                    -2.565174,53.990788
+                    -2.565639,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991938
+                    -2.564643,53.992286
+                    -2.564089,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.994002
+                    -2.562754,53.994098
+                    -2.563662,53.994217
+                    -2.564441,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995500
+                    -2.565673,53.995910
+                    -2.565434,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997097
+                    -2.563662,53.997035
+                    -2.562150,53.997006
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+                    -2.560476,53.996811
+                    -2.560638,53.996758
+                    -2.561651,53.995910
+                    -2.561408,53.995004
+                    -2.560638,53.994589
+                    -2.559794,53.994098
+                    -2.559450,53.993192
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+                    -2.559476,53.990479
+                    -2.559125,53.990269
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+                    -2.554589,53.988357
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+                    -2.552475,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989096
+                    -2.554589,53.989577
+                    -2.554591,53.989577
+                    -2.555382,53.990479
+                    -2.554967,53.991385
+                    -2.555212,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992629
+                    -2.553352,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993516
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+                    -2.534930,54.017572
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+                    -2.534930,54.017830
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+                    -2.530394,54.020476
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+                    -2.533418,54.019561
+                    -2.534621,54.020333
+                    -2.534930,54.020572
+                    -2.535562,54.021239
+                    -2.534930,54.021468
+                    -2.534297,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.020791
+                    -2.532704,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.021802
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+                    -2.534694,54.023051
+                    -2.534930,54.023347
+                    -2.535730,54.023952
+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025397
+                    -2.531906,54.025459
+                    -2.530394,54.025202
+                    -2.528882,54.025354
+                    -2.527369,54.025507
+                    -2.525898,54.024858
+                    -2.525857,54.024844
+                    -2.524345,54.023952
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+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520257,54.022145
+                    -2.519808,54.021802
+                    -2.518296,54.021807
+                    -2.516874,54.021239
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+                    -2.515272,54.020634
+                    -2.513760,54.020495
+                    -2.512892,54.020333
+                    -2.512247,54.020262
+                    -2.510772,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.019408
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013219
+                    -2.511132,54.013095
+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010386
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
+                    -2.509223,54.007668
+                    -2.509223,54.006763
+                    -2.507711,54.005861
+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507804,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
+                    -2.512909,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.006543
+                    -2.514566,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.007621
+                    -2.513497,54.007668
+                    -2.513760,54.007697
+                    -2.515272,54.007835
+                    -2.515810,54.007668
+                    -2.515500,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006362
+                    -2.518296,54.006305
+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
+                    -2.514052,53.998618
+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
+                    -2.511967,53.996811
+                    -2.511814,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994603
+                    -2.509787,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995676
+                    -2.507711,53.995881
+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.995004
+                    -2.504894,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
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+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
+                    -2.503298,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.990951
+                    -2.505574,53.990479
+                    -2.504750,53.989577
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
+                    -2.503174,53.987865
+                    -2.502978,53.987765
+                    -2.502391,53.986859
+                    -2.501662,53.986278
+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507805,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979707
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977199
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+                    -2.509223,53.976536
+                    -2.508680,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975477
+                    -2.509727,53.975101
+                    -2.509420,53.974195
+                    -2.509223,53.973737
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532263,53.972383
+                    -2.532110,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973799
+                    -2.531213,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974609
+                    -2.532582,53.975101
+                    -2.532813,53.976002
+                    -2.532429,53.976908
+                    -2.532561,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978324
+                    -2.534255,53.978715
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+                    -2.535980,53.979621
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+                    -2.537955,53.980460
+                    -2.539467,53.980131
+                    -2.540480,53.980527
+                    -2.540529,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.981862
+                    -2.541685,53.982334
+                    -2.541675,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983727
+                    -2.543824,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984251
+                    -2.545516,53.984723
+                    -2.547028,53.984809
+                    -2.548250,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985229
+                    -2.550052,53.985271
+                    -2.551078,53.985953
+                    -2.551280,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987031
+                    -2.551849,53.986859
+                    -2.552051,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985734
+                    -2.554589,53.985572
+                    -2.556101,53.985529
+                    -2.557093,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986268
+                    -2.558210,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985348
+                    -2.559633,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986511
+                    -2.562150,53.986325
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+                    -2.563834,53.989577
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+                    -2.565174,53.991938
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+                    -2.563662,53.994002
+                    -2.562754,53.994098
+                    -2.563662,53.994217
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+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010386
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
+                    -2.509223,54.007668
+                    -2.509223,54.006763
+                    -2.507711,54.005861
+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507804,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
+                    -2.512909,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.006543
+                    -2.514566,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.007621
+                    -2.513497,54.007668
+                    -2.513760,54.007697
+                    -2.515272,54.007835
+                    -2.515810,54.007668
+                    -2.515500,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006362
+                    -2.518296,54.006305
+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
+                    -2.514052,53.998618
+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
+                    -2.511967,53.996811
+                    -2.511814,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994603
+                    -2.509787,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995676
+                    -2.507711,53.995881
+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.995004
+                    -2.504894,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.994131
+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
+                    -2.503298,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.990951
+                    -2.505574,53.990479
+                    -2.504750,53.989577
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
+                    -2.503174,53.987865
+                    -2.502978,53.987765
+                    -2.502391,53.986859
+                    -2.501662,53.986278
+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507805,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979707
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977199
+                    -2.509642,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976536
+                    -2.508680,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975477
+                    -2.509727,53.975101
+                    -2.509420,53.974195
+                    -2.509223,53.973737
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532263,53.972383
+                    -2.532110,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973799
+                    -2.531213,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974609
+                    -2.532582,53.975101
+                    -2.532813,53.976002
+                    -2.532429,53.976908
+                    -2.532561,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978324
+                    -2.534255,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979120
+                    -2.535980,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.979897
+                    -2.537955,53.980460
+                    -2.539467,53.980131
+                    -2.540480,53.980527
+                    -2.540529,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.981862
+                    -2.541685,53.982334
+                    -2.541675,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983727
+                    -2.543824,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984251
+                    -2.545516,53.984723
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+                    -2.548250,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985229
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+                    -2.551849,53.986859
+                    -2.552051,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985734
+                    -2.554589,53.985572
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+                    -2.557093,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986268
+                    -2.558210,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985348
+                    -2.559633,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986511
+                    -2.562150,53.986325
+                    -2.562827,53.986859
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+                    -2.563788,53.988667
+                    -2.563834,53.989577
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+                    -2.565639,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991938
+                    -2.564643,53.992286
+                    -2.564089,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.994002
+                    -2.562754,53.994098
+                    -2.563662,53.994217
+                    -2.564441,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995500
+                    -2.565673,53.995910
+                    -2.565434,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997097
+                    -2.563662,53.997035
+                    -2.562150,53.997006
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+                    -2.560638,53.996758
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+                    -2.561408,53.995004
+                    -2.560638,53.994589
+                    -2.559794,53.994098
+                    -2.559450,53.993192
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+                    -2.559476,53.990479
+                    -2.559125,53.990269
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+                    -2.552475,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989096
+                    -2.554589,53.989577
+                    -2.554591,53.989577
+                    -2.555382,53.990479
+                    -2.554967,53.991385
+                    -2.555212,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992629
+                    -2.553352,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993516
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+                    -2.551564,53.994389
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+                    -2.545543,54.009476
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+                    -2.534930,54.017572
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+                    -2.534930,54.017830
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+                    -2.530394,54.020476
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+                    -2.532521,54.020333
+                    -2.533418,54.019561
+                    -2.534621,54.020333
+                    -2.534930,54.020572
+                    -2.535562,54.021239
+                    -2.534930,54.021468
+                    -2.534297,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.020791
+                    -2.532704,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.021802
+                    -2.533756,54.022145
+                    -2.534694,54.023051
+                    -2.534930,54.023347
+                    -2.535730,54.023952
+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025397
+                    -2.531906,54.025459
+                    -2.530394,54.025202
+                    -2.528882,54.025354
+                    -2.527369,54.025507
+                    -2.525898,54.024858
+                    -2.525857,54.024844
+                    -2.524345,54.023952
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+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520257,54.022145
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+                    -2.518296,54.021807
+                    -2.516874,54.021239
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+                    -2.515272,54.020634
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+                    -2.512892,54.020333
+                    -2.512247,54.020262
+                    -2.510772,54.019427
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013219
+                    -2.511132,54.013095
+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010386
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
+                    -2.509223,54.007668
+                    -2.509223,54.006763
+                    -2.507711,54.005861
+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507804,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
+                    -2.512909,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.006543
+                    -2.514566,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.007621
+                    -2.513497,54.007668
+                    -2.513760,54.007697
+                    -2.515272,54.007835
+                    -2.515810,54.007668
+                    -2.515500,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006362
+                    -2.518296,54.006305
+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
+                    -2.514052,53.998618
+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
+                    -2.511967,53.996811
+                    -2.511814,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994603
+                    -2.509787,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995676
+                    -2.507711,53.995881
+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.995004
+                    -2.504894,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.994131
+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
+                    -2.503298,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.990951
+                    -2.505574,53.990479
+                    -2.504750,53.989577
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
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+                    -2.502978,53.987765
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+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507805,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979707
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977199
+                    -2.509642,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976536
+                    -2.508680,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975477
+                    -2.509727,53.975101
+                    -2.509420,53.974195
+                    -2.509223,53.973737
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532263,53.972383
+                    -2.532110,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973799
+                    -2.531213,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974609
+                    -2.532582,53.975101
+                    -2.532813,53.976002
+                    -2.532429,53.976908
+                    -2.532561,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978324
+                    -2.534255,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979120
+                    -2.535980,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.979897
+                    -2.537955,53.980460
+                    -2.539467,53.980131
+                    -2.540480,53.980527
+                    -2.540529,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.981862
+                    -2.541685,53.982334
+                    -2.541675,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983727
+                    -2.543824,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984251
+                    -2.545516,53.984723
+                    -2.547028,53.984809
+                    -2.548250,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985229
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+                    -2.551280,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987031
+                    -2.551849,53.986859
+                    -2.552051,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985734
+                    -2.554589,53.985572
+                    -2.556101,53.985529
+                    -2.557093,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986268
+                    -2.558210,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985348
+                    -2.559633,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986511
+                    -2.562150,53.986325
+                    -2.562827,53.986859
+                    -2.563662,53.987660
+                    -2.563892,53.987765
+                    -2.563788,53.988667
+                    -2.563834,53.989577
+                    -2.564508,53.990479
+                    -2.565174,53.990788
+                    -2.565639,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991938
+                    -2.564643,53.992286
+                    -2.564089,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.994002
+                    -2.562754,53.994098
+                    -2.563662,53.994217
+                    -2.564441,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995500
+                    -2.565673,53.995910
+                    -2.565434,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997097
+                    -2.563662,53.997035
+                    -2.562150,53.997006
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+                    -2.560476,53.996811
+                    -2.560638,53.996758
+                    -2.561651,53.995910
+                    -2.561408,53.995004
+                    -2.560638,53.994589
+                    -2.559794,53.994098
+                    -2.559450,53.993192
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+                    -2.559476,53.990479
+                    -2.559125,53.990269
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+                    -2.554589,53.988357
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+                    -2.552475,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989096
+                    -2.554589,53.989577
+                    -2.554591,53.989577
+                    -2.555382,53.990479
+                    -2.554967,53.991385
+                    -2.555212,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992629
+                    -2.553352,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993516
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+                    -2.534930,54.017572
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+                    -2.534930,54.017830
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+                    -2.530394,54.020476
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+                    -2.533418,54.019561
+                    -2.534621,54.020333
+                    -2.534930,54.020572
+                    -2.535562,54.021239
+                    -2.534930,54.021468
+                    -2.534297,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.020791
+                    -2.532704,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.021802
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+                    -2.534694,54.023051
+                    -2.534930,54.023347
+                    -2.535730,54.023952
+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025397
+                    -2.531906,54.025459
+                    -2.530394,54.025202
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+                    -2.525898,54.024858
+                    -2.525857,54.024844
+                    -2.524345,54.023952
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+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520257,54.022145
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+                    -2.518296,54.021807
+                    -2.516874,54.021239
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+                    -2.515272,54.020634
+                    -2.513760,54.020495
+                    -2.512892,54.020333
+                    -2.512247,54.020262
+                    -2.510772,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.019408
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013219
+                    -2.511132,54.013095
+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010386
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
+                    -2.509223,54.007668
+                    -2.509223,54.006763
+                    -2.507711,54.005861
+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507804,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
+                    -2.512909,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.006543
+                    -2.514566,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.007621
+                    -2.513497,54.007668
+                    -2.513760,54.007697
+                    -2.515272,54.007835
+                    -2.515810,54.007668
+                    -2.515500,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006362
+                    -2.518296,54.006305
+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
+                    -2.514052,53.998618
+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
+                    -2.511967,53.996811
+                    -2.511814,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994603
+                    -2.509787,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995676
+                    -2.507711,53.995881
+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.995004
+                    -2.504894,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
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+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
+                    -2.503298,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.990951
+                    -2.505574,53.990479
+                    -2.504750,53.989577
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
+                    -2.503174,53.987865
+                    -2.502978,53.987765
+                    -2.502391,53.986859
+                    -2.501662,53.986278
+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507805,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979707
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977199
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+                    -2.509223,53.976536
+                    -2.508680,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975477
+                    -2.509727,53.975101
+                    -2.509420,53.974195
+                    -2.509223,53.973737
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532263,53.972383
+                    -2.532110,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973799
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+                    -2.531906,53.974609
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+                    -2.532429,53.976908
+                    -2.532561,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978324
+                    -2.534255,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979120
+                    -2.535980,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.979897
+                    -2.537955,53.980460
+                    -2.539467,53.980131
+                    -2.540480,53.980527
+                    -2.540529,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.981862
+                    -2.541685,53.982334
+                    -2.541675,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983727
+                    -2.543824,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984251
+                    -2.545516,53.984723
+                    -2.547028,53.984809
+                    -2.548250,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985229
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+                    -2.551280,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987031
+                    -2.551849,53.986859
+                    -2.552051,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985734
+                    -2.554589,53.985572
+                    -2.556101,53.985529
+                    -2.557093,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986268
+                    -2.558210,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985348
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+                    -2.560638,53.986511
+                    -2.562150,53.986325
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+                    -2.563834,53.989577
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+                    -2.565174,53.991938
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+                    -2.562754,53.994098
+                    -2.563662,53.994217
+                    -2.564441,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995500
+                    -2.565673,53.995910
+                    -2.565434,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997097
+                    -2.563662,53.997035
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+                    -2.560476,53.996811
+                    -2.560638,53.996758
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+                    -2.561408,53.995004
+                    -2.560638,53.994589
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+                    -2.559476,53.990479
+                    -2.559125,53.990269
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+                    -2.554589,53.988357
+                    -2.553077,53.988309
+                    -2.552475,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989096
+                    -2.554589,53.989577
+                    -2.554591,53.989577
+                    -2.555382,53.990479
+                    -2.554967,53.991385
+                    -2.555212,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992629
+                    -2.553352,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993516
+                    -2.552220,53.994098
+                    -2.551564,53.994389
+                    -2.550220,53.995004
+                    -2.550052,53.995094
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+                    -2.539467,54.000430
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+                    -2.537955,54.001899
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+                    -2.540979,54.003253
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+                    -2.540979,54.005017
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+                    -2.534930,54.017572
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+                    -2.534930,54.017830
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+                    -2.533418,54.019561
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+                    -2.534930,54.020572
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+                    -2.534930,54.021468
+                    -2.534297,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.020791
+                    -2.532704,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.021802
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+                    -2.534694,54.023051
+                    -2.534930,54.023347
+                    -2.535730,54.023952
+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025397
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+                    -2.530394,54.025202
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+                    -2.525857,54.024844
+                    -2.524345,54.023952
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+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520257,54.022145
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+                    -2.518296,54.021807
+                    -2.516874,54.021239
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+                    -2.515272,54.020634
+                    -2.513760,54.020495
+                    -2.512892,54.020333
+                    -2.512247,54.020262
+                    -2.510772,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.019408
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013219
+                    -2.511132,54.013095
+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010386
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
+                    -2.509223,54.007668
+                    -2.509223,54.006763
+                    -2.507711,54.005861
+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507804,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
+                    -2.512909,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.006543
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+                    -2.513760,54.007621
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+                    -2.513760,54.007697
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+                    -2.515500,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006362
+                    -2.518296,54.006305
+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
+                    -2.514052,53.998618
+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
+                    -2.511967,53.996811
+                    -2.511814,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.995004
+                    -2.510735,53.994603
+                    -2.509787,53.995004
+                    -2.509223,53.995676
+                    -2.507711,53.995881
+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.995004
+                    -2.504894,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.994131
+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
+                    -2.503298,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.990951
+                    -2.505574,53.990479
+                    -2.504750,53.989577
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
+                    -2.503174,53.987865
+                    -2.502978,53.987765
+                    -2.502391,53.986859
+                    -2.501662,53.986278
+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507805,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979707
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977199
+                    -2.509642,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976536
+                    -2.508680,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975477
+                    -2.509727,53.975101
+                    -2.509420,53.974195
+                    -2.509223,53.973737
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532263,53.972383
+                    -2.532110,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973799
+                    -2.531213,53.974195
+                    -2.531906,53.974609
+                    -2.532582,53.975101
+                    -2.532813,53.976002
+                    -2.532429,53.976908
+                    -2.532561,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978324
+                    -2.534255,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979120
+                    -2.535980,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.979897
+                    -2.537955,53.980460
+                    -2.539467,53.980131
+                    -2.540480,53.980527
+                    -2.540529,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.981862
+                    -2.541685,53.982334
+                    -2.541675,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983727
+                    -2.543824,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984251
+                    -2.545516,53.984723
+                    -2.547028,53.984809
+                    -2.548250,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985229
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+                    -2.551280,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987031
+                    -2.551849,53.986859
+                    -2.552051,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985734
+                    -2.554589,53.985572
+                    -2.556101,53.985529
+                    -2.557093,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986268
+                    -2.558210,53.985953
+                    -2.559125,53.985348
+                    -2.559633,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986511
+                    -2.562150,53.986325
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+                    -2.563892,53.987765
+                    -2.563788,53.988667
+                    -2.563834,53.989577
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+                    -2.565639,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991938
+                    -2.564643,53.992286
+                    -2.564089,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.994002
+                    -2.562754,53.994098
+                    -2.563662,53.994217
+                    -2.564441,53.995004
+                    -2.565174,53.995500
+                    -2.565673,53.995910
+                    -2.565434,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997097
+                    -2.563662,53.997035
+                    -2.562150,53.997006
+                    -2.560638,53.996882
+                    -2.560476,53.996811
+                    -2.560638,53.996758
+                    -2.561651,53.995910
+                    -2.561408,53.995004
+                    -2.560638,53.994589
+                    -2.559794,53.994098
+                    -2.559450,53.993192
+                    -2.559278,53.992286
+                    -2.559646,53.991385
+                    -2.559476,53.990479
+                    -2.559125,53.990269
+                    -2.557613,53.990188
+                    -2.556919,53.989577
+                    -2.556101,53.989139
+                    -2.555106,53.988667
+                    -2.554589,53.988357
+                    -2.553077,53.988309
+                    -2.552475,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989096
+                    -2.554589,53.989577
+                    -2.554591,53.989577
+                    -2.555382,53.990479
+                    -2.554967,53.991385
+                    -2.555212,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992629
+                    -2.553352,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993516
+                    -2.552220,53.994098
+                    -2.551564,53.994389
+                    -2.550220,53.995004
+                    -2.550052,53.995094
+                    -2.548701,53.995910
+                    -2.548540,53.996134
+                    -2.547212,53.996811
+                    -2.547028,53.996849
+                    -2.545516,53.997107
+                    -2.544523,53.997717
+                    -2.544003,53.997850
+                    -2.542532,53.998618
+                    -2.542491,53.998704
+                    -2.540979,53.999200
+                    -2.539467,53.999133
+                    -2.538427,53.999524
+                    -2.539467,54.000416
+                    -2.539470,54.000430
+                    -2.539467,54.000430
+                    -2.537955,54.000583
+                    -2.536443,54.000893
+                    -2.535680,54.001336
+                    -2.536443,54.002185
+                    -2.537955,54.001899
+                    -2.538270,54.002242
+                    -2.539467,54.002643
+                    -2.540979,54.003100
+                    -2.541093,54.003143
+                    -2.540979,54.003253
+                    -2.540686,54.004049
+                    -2.539467,54.004793
+                    -2.539227,54.004951
+                    -2.539467,54.005146
+                    -2.540979,54.005017
+                    -2.542491,54.004955
+                    -2.542647,54.004951
+                    -2.544003,54.004884
+                    -2.545066,54.004049
+                    -2.545124,54.003143
+                    -2.545516,54.002433
+                    -2.545584,54.002242
+                    -2.545613,54.001336
+                    -2.546579,54.000430
+                    -2.546451,53.999524
+                    -2.547028,53.999329
+                    -2.547270,53.999524
+                    -2.547328,54.000430
+                    -2.547840,54.001336
+                    -2.548540,54.001989
+                    -2.549071,54.002242
+                    -2.549126,54.003143
+                    -2.549153,54.004049
+                    -2.548540,54.004254
+                    -2.547075,54.004049
+                    -2.547028,54.004045
+                    -2.546971,54.004049
+                    -2.546099,54.004951
+                    -2.546524,54.005861
+                    -2.546896,54.006763
+                    -2.547028,54.006901
+                    -2.547601,54.006763
+                    -2.548540,54.006677
+                    -2.550052,54.006414
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diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlContours_3.f90 b/wkml/test/test_kmlContours_3.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..80d65a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlContours_3.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+program test
+use FoX_wkml
+use m_contours_test_data_sp, only : long, lat, cdata, setup_values
+implicit none
+type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+call setup_values()
+call kmlBeginFile(xf,"test.xml", -1)
+call kmlCreateContours(xf,east=maxval(long),west=minval(long),&
+                       north=maxval(lat),south=minval(lat), & 
+                       values=cdata,name='test contours', & 
+                       contour_values=(/0.0,0.001,0.002,0.003,0.004,   &
+                                        0.005,0.006,0.007,0.01,0.02/), & 
+                       regions=.true.)
+call kmlFinishFile(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlContours_3.xml b/wkml/test/test_kmlContours_3.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cc56463
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlContours_3.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,143007 @@
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+                    -2.531906,54.009237
+                    -2.533418,54.009151
+                    -2.534746,54.008574
+                    -2.534588,54.007668
+                    -2.534930,54.007521
+                    -2.535999,54.007668
+                    -2.535026,54.008574
+                    -2.535546,54.009476
+                    -2.534930,54.010105
+                    -2.534528,54.010382
+                    -2.533535,54.011288
+                    -2.533418,54.011402
+                    -2.531906,54.011593
+                    -2.530394,54.011550
+                    -2.529187,54.012194
+                    -2.528882,54.012861
+                    -2.528620,54.013095
+                    -2.527756,54.014001
+                    -2.528749,54.014907
+                    -2.528882,54.014978
+                    -2.530394,54.015636
+                    -2.531784,54.015813
+                    -2.531021,54.016719
+                    -2.531738,54.017620
+                    -2.531906,54.017806
+                    -2.532098,54.018526
+                    -2.531906,54.018569
+                    -2.530394,54.019403
+                    -2.530348,54.019427
+                    -2.529137,54.020333
+                    -2.530394,54.021087
+                    -2.531906,54.021182
+                    -2.531985,54.021239
+                    -2.532494,54.022145
+                    -2.533418,54.022698
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+                    -2.533881,54.023952
+                    -2.534930,54.024577
+                    -2.534930,54.024858
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+                    -2.533418,54.024696
+                    -2.531906,54.024792
+                    -2.530394,54.024267
+                    -2.528882,54.024234
+                    -2.527369,54.024224
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+                    -2.524075,54.023051
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+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.521108,54.022145
+                    -2.520336,54.021239
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+                    -2.519162,54.021239
+                    -2.518296,54.021330
+                    -2.518080,54.021239
+                    -2.517541,54.020333
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+                    -2.513760,54.019618
+                    -2.512480,54.019427
+                    -2.512247,54.019289
+                    -2.510735,54.018612
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.017329
+                    -2.511205,54.017620
+                    -2.512247,54.018250
+                    -2.513760,54.018278
+                    -2.515272,54.018269
+                    -2.516479,54.017620
+                    -2.515333,54.016719
+                    -2.515272,54.016681
+                    -2.513760,54.015851
+                    -2.512247,54.015937
+                    -2.510735,54.016042
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014611
+                    -2.512247,54.014568
+                    -2.513266,54.014001
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+                    -2.513760,54.012070
+                    -2.514092,54.012194
+                    -2.515272,54.012899
+                    -2.516452,54.012194
+                    -2.516478,54.011288
+                    -2.515272,54.010386
+                    -2.515266,54.010382
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+                    -2.515272,54.009328
+                    -2.516651,54.008574
+                    -2.516784,54.008512
+                    -2.518190,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.006820
+                    -2.516719,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006743
+                    -2.518296,54.006710
+                    -2.518537,54.006763
+                    -2.518399,54.007668
+                    -2.519808,54.008412
+                    -2.521321,54.008470
+                    -2.522661,54.007668
+                    -2.522393,54.006763
+                    -2.522779,54.005861
+                    -2.522833,54.005818
+                    -2.524127,54.004951
+                    -2.524345,54.004712
+                    -2.525322,54.004049
+                    -2.525578,54.003143
+                    -2.525101,54.002242
+                    -2.524345,54.001718
+                    -2.523992,54.001336
+                    -2.522833,54.000640
+                    -2.522413,54.000430
+                    -2.521321,53.999782
+                    -2.519808,53.999729
+                    -2.518296,53.999648
+                    -2.518061,53.999524
+                    -2.516784,53.998713
+                    -2.516641,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.997808
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+                    -2.515117,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996010
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+                    -2.512247,53.994679
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+                    -2.504686,53.991828
+                    -2.504591,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991351
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+                    -2.506199,53.989491
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+                    -2.509223,53.988600
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+                    -2.512247,53.986182
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+                    -2.510735,53.987136
+                    -2.509223,53.987083
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+                    -2.507632,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986826
+                    -2.509223,53.986230
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+                    -2.509223,53.985686
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+                    -2.507711,53.984933
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+                    -2.508977,53.982334
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+                    -2.510735,53.981423
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+                    -2.510735,53.979716
+                    -2.509385,53.980527
+                    -2.509223,53.981071
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+                    -2.504124,53.979621
+                    -2.504686,53.979468
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+                    -2.510735,53.975167
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+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
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+                    -2.515272,53.970575
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+                    -2.528882,53.974881
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+                    -2.521321,53.977718
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+                    -2.522833,53.979821
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+                    -2.521623,53.981433
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
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+                    -2.510735,54.015813
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+                    -2.516784,54.006820
+                    -2.516719,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006743
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+                    -2.522393,54.006763
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+                    -2.504686,53.991828
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+                    -2.504686,53.991351
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+                    -2.506199,53.989491
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+                    -2.507711,53.984933
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+                    -2.508977,53.982334
+                    -2.509223,53.981900
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+                    -2.510735,53.981423
+                    -2.512167,53.980527
+                    -2.510735,53.979716
+                    -2.509385,53.980527
+                    -2.509223,53.981071
+                    -2.509171,53.980527
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+                    -2.507711,53.979068
+                    -2.506783,53.979621
+                    -2.506199,53.979793
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+                    -2.504124,53.979621
+                    -2.504686,53.979468
+                    -2.506113,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978691
+                    -2.507711,53.978586
+                    -2.509223,53.977828
+                    -2.509258,53.977809
+                    -2.510517,53.976908
+                    -2.510171,53.976002
+                    -2.510735,53.975167
+                    -2.510826,53.975101
+                    -2.511023,53.974190
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+                    -2.513760,53.973136
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+                    -2.515272,53.970771
+                    -2.513760,53.970747
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+                    -2.512247,53.969960
+                    -2.511135,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.970733
+                    -2.510502,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
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+                    -2.531947,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973389
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+                    -2.530394,53.974371
+                    -2.530093,53.974190
+                    -2.528882,53.973546
+                    -2.527804,53.974190
+                    -2.528882,53.974881
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+                    -2.528882,53.975239
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+                    -2.524100,53.977809
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+                    -2.522677,53.976908
+                    -2.521321,53.976092
+                    -2.519808,53.976192
+                    -2.518409,53.976908
+                    -2.519808,53.977618
+                    -2.521321,53.977718
+                    -2.521607,53.977809
+                    -2.521449,53.978715
+                    -2.522833,53.979497
+                    -2.523005,53.979621
+                    -2.522833,53.979821
+                    -2.521656,53.980527
+                    -2.521623,53.981433
+                    -2.521906,53.982334
+                    -2.521321,53.982444
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+                    -2.521321,53.984032
+                    -2.521436,53.984141
+                    -2.521321,53.984284
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+                    -2.531906,54.018569
+                    -2.530394,54.019403
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+                    -2.530394,54.021087
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+                    -2.518080,54.021239
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+                    -2.513760,54.019618
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+                    -2.512247,54.019289
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.017329
+                    -2.511205,54.017620
+                    -2.512247,54.018250
+                    -2.513760,54.018278
+                    -2.515272,54.018269
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+                    -2.515333,54.016719
+                    -2.515272,54.016681
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+                    -2.512247,54.015937
+                    -2.510735,54.016042
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014611
+                    -2.512247,54.014568
+                    -2.513266,54.014001
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+                    -2.515272,54.010386
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+                    -2.515272,54.009328
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+                    -2.518190,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.006820
+                    -2.516719,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006743
+                    -2.518296,54.006710
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+                    -2.518399,54.007668
+                    -2.519808,54.008412
+                    -2.521321,54.008470
+                    -2.522661,54.007668
+                    -2.522393,54.006763
+                    -2.522779,54.005861
+                    -2.522833,54.005818
+                    -2.524127,54.004951
+                    -2.524345,54.004712
+                    -2.525322,54.004049
+                    -2.525578,54.003143
+                    -2.525101,54.002242
+                    -2.524345,54.001718
+                    -2.523992,54.001336
+                    -2.522833,54.000640
+                    -2.522413,54.000430
+                    -2.521321,53.999782
+                    -2.519808,53.999729
+                    -2.518296,53.999648
+                    -2.518061,53.999524
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+                    -2.516641,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.997808
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+                    -2.515117,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996010
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+                    -2.512247,53.994679
+                    -2.510735,53.994193
+                    -2.509223,53.994436
+                    -2.507711,53.994350
+                    -2.506199,53.994331
+                    -2.505938,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993263
+                    -2.504536,53.993192
+                    -2.504686,53.992667
+                    -2.505067,53.992286
+                    -2.504686,53.991828
+                    -2.504591,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991351
+                    -2.506199,53.990870
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+                    -2.506199,53.989878
+                    -2.506080,53.989573
+                    -2.506199,53.989491
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+                    -2.509223,53.988600
+                    -2.510735,53.988400
+                    -2.511908,53.987765
+                    -2.512247,53.987598
+                    -2.513530,53.986859
+                    -2.512247,53.986182
+                    -2.511112,53.986859
+                    -2.510735,53.987136
+                    -2.509223,53.987083
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+                    -2.507632,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986826
+                    -2.509223,53.986230
+                    -2.509702,53.985953
+                    -2.509223,53.985686
+                    -2.507711,53.985095
+                    -2.507559,53.985052
+                    -2.507711,53.984933
+                    -2.508872,53.984141
+                    -2.508989,53.983240
+                    -2.508977,53.982334
+                    -2.509223,53.981900
+                    -2.510583,53.981433
+                    -2.510735,53.981423
+                    -2.512167,53.980527
+                    -2.510735,53.979716
+                    -2.509385,53.980527
+                    -2.509223,53.981071
+                    -2.509171,53.980527
+                    -2.508632,53.979621
+                    -2.507711,53.979068
+                    -2.506783,53.979621
+                    -2.506199,53.979793
+                    -2.504686,53.979907
+                    -2.504124,53.979621
+                    -2.504686,53.979468
+                    -2.506113,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978691
+                    -2.507711,53.978586
+                    -2.509223,53.977828
+                    -2.509258,53.977809
+                    -2.510517,53.976908
+                    -2.510171,53.976002
+                    -2.510735,53.975167
+                    -2.510826,53.975101
+                    -2.511023,53.974190
+                    -2.512247,53.973336
+                    -2.512377,53.973289
+                    -2.513760,53.973136
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+                    -2.516620,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.970771
+                    -2.513760,53.970747
+                    -2.513347,53.970575
+                    -2.512247,53.969960
+                    -2.511135,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.970733
+                    -2.510502,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
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+                    -2.531906,53.973389
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+                    -2.530394,53.974371
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+                    -2.528882,53.973546
+                    -2.527804,53.974190
+                    -2.528882,53.974881
+                    -2.529245,53.975101
+                    -2.528882,53.975239
+                    -2.527369,53.975477
+                    -2.526489,53.976002
+                    -2.526036,53.976908
+                    -2.525857,53.977098
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+                    -2.524345,53.977923
+                    -2.524100,53.977809
+                    -2.522833,53.977079
+                    -2.522677,53.976908
+                    -2.521321,53.976092
+                    -2.519808,53.976192
+                    -2.518409,53.976908
+                    -2.519808,53.977618
+                    -2.521321,53.977718
+                    -2.521607,53.977809
+                    -2.521449,53.978715
+                    -2.522833,53.979497
+                    -2.523005,53.979621
+                    -2.522833,53.979821
+                    -2.521656,53.980527
+                    -2.521623,53.981433
+                    -2.521906,53.982334
+                    -2.521321,53.982444
+                    -2.519994,53.983240
+                    -2.521321,53.984032
+                    -2.521436,53.984141
+                    -2.521321,53.984284
+                    -2.519808,53.984370
+                    -2.518671,53.985052
+                    -2.519808,53.985729
+                    -2.519926,53.985953
+                    -2.519808,53.986220
+                    -2.518746,53.986859
+                    -2.519808,53.987546
+                    -2.520031,53.987765
+                    -2.519808,53.987899
+                    -2.518590,53.988667
+                    -2.518491,53.989573
+                    -2.518296,53.989644
+                    -2.516784,53.989673
+                    -2.515272,53.989687
+                    -2.513760,53.989797
+                    -2.512620,53.990479
+                    -2.512247,53.990564
+                    -2.510735,53.990631
+                    -2.509231,53.991385
+                    -2.510735,53.992133
+                    -2.512247,53.992205
+                    -2.513622,53.991385
+                    -2.513760,53.991160
+                    -2.515272,53.991275
+                    -2.516784,53.991280
+                    -2.518296,53.991313
+                    -2.519808,53.991370
+                    -2.521321,53.991342
+                    -2.521651,53.991385
+                    -2.522833,53.992090
+                    -2.523139,53.992286
+                    -2.523551,53.993192
+                    -2.523041,53.994098
+                    -2.522833,53.994269
+                    -2.521321,53.994284
+                    -2.519808,53.994393
+                    -2.518843,53.994999
+                    -2.518602,53.995910
+                    -2.519808,53.996630
+                    -2.521321,53.996644
+                    -2.522553,53.995910
+                    -2.522833,53.995709
+                    -2.524345,53.995762
+                    -2.525857,53.995819
+                    -2.525998,53.995910
+                    -2.526083,53.996811
+                    -2.525857,53.997054
+                    -2.524860,53.997717
+                    -2.525857,53.998313
+                    -2.526419,53.998618
+                    -2.527369,53.999190
+                    -2.527884,53.999524
+                    -2.528882,54.000125
+                    -2.529962,53.999524
+                    -2.530394,53.999386
+                    -2.530460,53.999524
+                    -2.530490,54.000430
+                    -2.530394,54.000506
+                    -2.529009,54.001336
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+                    -2.525322,54.004049
+                    -2.525578,54.003143
+                    -2.525101,54.002242
+                    -2.524345,54.001718
+                    -2.523992,54.001336
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+                    -2.522413,54.000430
+                    -2.521321,53.999782
+                    -2.519808,53.999729
+                    -2.518296,53.999648
+                    -2.518061,53.999524
+                    -2.516784,53.998713
+                    -2.516641,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.997808
+                    -2.515122,53.997717
+                    -2.515117,53.996811
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+                    -2.512247,53.994679
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+                    -2.506199,53.994331
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+                    -2.504686,53.992667
+                    -2.505067,53.992286
+                    -2.504686,53.991828
+                    -2.504591,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991351
+                    -2.506199,53.990870
+                    -2.506870,53.990479
+                    -2.506199,53.989878
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+                    -2.506199,53.989491
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+                    -2.509123,53.988667
+                    -2.509223,53.988600
+                    -2.510735,53.988400
+                    -2.511908,53.987765
+                    -2.512247,53.987598
+                    -2.513530,53.986859
+                    -2.512247,53.986182
+                    -2.511112,53.986859
+                    -2.510735,53.987136
+                    -2.509223,53.987083
+                    -2.507711,53.986959
+                    -2.507632,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986826
+                    -2.509223,53.986230
+                    -2.509702,53.985953
+                    -2.509223,53.985686
+                    -2.507711,53.985095
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+                    -2.507711,53.984933
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+                    -2.508989,53.983240
+                    -2.508977,53.982334
+                    -2.509223,53.981900
+                    -2.510583,53.981433
+                    -2.510735,53.981423
+                    -2.512167,53.980527
+                    -2.510735,53.979716
+                    -2.509385,53.980527
+                    -2.509223,53.981071
+                    -2.509171,53.980527
+                    -2.508632,53.979621
+                    -2.507711,53.979068
+                    -2.506783,53.979621
+                    -2.506199,53.979793
+                    -2.504686,53.979907
+                    -2.504124,53.979621
+                    -2.504686,53.979468
+                    -2.506113,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978691
+                    -2.507711,53.978586
+                    -2.509223,53.977828
+                    -2.509258,53.977809
+                    -2.510517,53.976908
+                    -2.510171,53.976002
+                    -2.510735,53.975167
+                    -2.510826,53.975101
+                    -2.511023,53.974190
+                    -2.512247,53.973336
+                    -2.512377,53.973289
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+                    -2.515272,53.970771
+                    -2.513760,53.970747
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+                    -2.512247,53.969960
+                    -2.511135,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.970733
+                    -2.510502,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
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+                    -2.528882,53.972383
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+                    -2.531906,53.973389
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+                    -2.530394,53.974371
+                    -2.530093,53.974190
+                    -2.528882,53.973546
+                    -2.527804,53.974190
+                    -2.528882,53.974881
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+                    -2.528882,53.975239
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+                    -2.524100,53.977809
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+                    -2.521321,53.976092
+                    -2.519808,53.976192
+                    -2.518409,53.976908
+                    -2.519808,53.977618
+                    -2.521321,53.977718
+                    -2.521607,53.977809
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+                    -2.522833,53.979821
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+                    -2.521623,53.981433
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+                    -2.521321,53.982444
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+                    -2.521321,53.984032
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+                    -2.532098,54.018526
+                    -2.531906,54.018569
+                    -2.530394,54.019403
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+                    -2.530394,54.021087
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+                    -2.524075,54.023051
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+                    -2.518080,54.021239
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+                    -2.513760,54.019618
+                    -2.512480,54.019427
+                    -2.512247,54.019289
+                    -2.510735,54.018612
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.017329
+                    -2.511205,54.017620
+                    -2.512247,54.018250
+                    -2.513760,54.018278
+                    -2.515272,54.018269
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+                    -2.515333,54.016719
+                    -2.515272,54.016681
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+                    -2.512247,54.015937
+                    -2.510735,54.016042
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014611
+                    -2.512247,54.014568
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+                    -2.514092,54.012194
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+                    -2.515272,54.009328
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+                    -2.518190,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.006820
+                    -2.516719,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006743
+                    -2.518296,54.006710
+                    -2.518537,54.006763
+                    -2.518399,54.007668
+                    -2.519808,54.008412
+                    -2.521321,54.008470
+                    -2.522661,54.007668
+                    -2.522393,54.006763
+                    -2.522779,54.005861
+                    -2.522833,54.005818
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+                    -2.524345,54.004712
+                    -2.525322,54.004049
+                    -2.525578,54.003143
+                    -2.525101,54.002242
+                    -2.524345,54.001718
+                    -2.523992,54.001336
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+                    -2.522413,54.000430
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+                    -2.518296,53.999648
+                    -2.518061,53.999524
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+                    -2.516641,53.998618
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+                    -2.512247,53.994679
+                    -2.510735,53.994193
+                    -2.509223,53.994436
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+                    -2.506199,53.994331
+                    -2.505938,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993263
+                    -2.504536,53.993192
+                    -2.504686,53.992667
+                    -2.505067,53.992286
+                    -2.504686,53.991828
+                    -2.504591,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991351
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+                    -2.506199,53.989878
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+                    -2.506199,53.989491
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+                    -2.509223,53.988600
+                    -2.510735,53.988400
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+                    -2.512247,53.987598
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+                    -2.512247,53.986182
+                    -2.511112,53.986859
+                    -2.510735,53.987136
+                    -2.509223,53.987083
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+                    -2.507632,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986826
+                    -2.509223,53.986230
+                    -2.509702,53.985953
+                    -2.509223,53.985686
+                    -2.507711,53.985095
+                    -2.507559,53.985052
+                    -2.507711,53.984933
+                    -2.508872,53.984141
+                    -2.508989,53.983240
+                    -2.508977,53.982334
+                    -2.509223,53.981900
+                    -2.510583,53.981433
+                    -2.510735,53.981423
+                    -2.512167,53.980527
+                    -2.510735,53.979716
+                    -2.509385,53.980527
+                    -2.509223,53.981071
+                    -2.509171,53.980527
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+                    -2.507711,53.979068
+                    -2.506783,53.979621
+                    -2.506199,53.979793
+                    -2.504686,53.979907
+                    -2.504124,53.979621
+                    -2.504686,53.979468
+                    -2.506113,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978691
+                    -2.507711,53.978586
+                    -2.509223,53.977828
+                    -2.509258,53.977809
+                    -2.510517,53.976908
+                    -2.510171,53.976002
+                    -2.510735,53.975167
+                    -2.510826,53.975101
+                    -2.511023,53.974190
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+                    -2.516620,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.970771
+                    -2.513760,53.970747
+                    -2.513347,53.970575
+                    -2.512247,53.969960
+                    -2.511135,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.970733
+                    -2.510502,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
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+                    -2.531906,53.973389
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+                    -2.530394,53.974371
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+                    -2.527804,53.974190
+                    -2.528882,53.974881
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+                    -2.528882,53.975239
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+                    -2.525857,53.977098
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+                    -2.524345,53.977923
+                    -2.524100,53.977809
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+                    -2.521321,53.976092
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+                    -2.518409,53.976908
+                    -2.519808,53.977618
+                    -2.521321,53.977718
+                    -2.521607,53.977809
+                    -2.521449,53.978715
+                    -2.522833,53.979497
+                    -2.523005,53.979621
+                    -2.522833,53.979821
+                    -2.521656,53.980527
+                    -2.521623,53.981433
+                    -2.521906,53.982334
+                    -2.521321,53.982444
+                    -2.519994,53.983240
+                    -2.521321,53.984032
+                    -2.521436,53.984141
+                    -2.521321,53.984284
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+                    -2.519808,53.986220
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+                    -2.515272,54.019675
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+                    -2.512247,54.019289
+                    -2.510735,54.018612
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.017329
+                    -2.511205,54.017620
+                    -2.512247,54.018250
+                    -2.513760,54.018278
+                    -2.515272,54.018269
+                    -2.516479,54.017620
+                    -2.515333,54.016719
+                    -2.515272,54.016681
+                    -2.513760,54.015851
+                    -2.512247,54.015937
+                    -2.510735,54.016042
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014611
+                    -2.512247,54.014568
+                    -2.513266,54.014001
+                    -2.513397,54.013095
+                    -2.513656,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.012070
+                    -2.514092,54.012194
+                    -2.515272,54.012899
+                    -2.516452,54.012194
+                    -2.516478,54.011288
+                    -2.515272,54.010386
+                    -2.515266,54.010382
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+                    -2.515272,54.009328
+                    -2.516651,54.008574
+                    -2.516784,54.008512
+                    -2.518190,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.006820
+                    -2.516719,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006743
+                    -2.518296,54.006710
+                    -2.518537,54.006763
+                    -2.518399,54.007668
+                    -2.519808,54.008412
+                    -2.521321,54.008470
+                    -2.522661,54.007668
+                    -2.522393,54.006763
+                    -2.522779,54.005861
+                    -2.522833,54.005818
+                    -2.524127,54.004951
+                    -2.524345,54.004712
+                    -2.525322,54.004049
+                    -2.525578,54.003143
+                    -2.525101,54.002242
+                    -2.524345,54.001718
+                    -2.523992,54.001336
+                    -2.522833,54.000640
+                    -2.522413,54.000430
+                    -2.521321,53.999782
+                    -2.519808,53.999729
+                    -2.518296,53.999648
+                    -2.518061,53.999524
+                    -2.516784,53.998713
+                    -2.516641,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.997808
+                    -2.515122,53.997717
+                    -2.515117,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996010
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+                    -2.512247,53.994679
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+                    -2.506199,53.994331
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+                    -2.504686,53.992667
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+                    -2.504686,53.991828
+                    -2.504591,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991351
+                    -2.506199,53.990870
+                    -2.506870,53.990479
+                    -2.506199,53.989878
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+                    -2.506199,53.989491
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+                    -2.509223,53.988600
+                    -2.510735,53.988400
+                    -2.511908,53.987765
+                    -2.512247,53.987598
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+                    -2.512247,53.986182
+                    -2.511112,53.986859
+                    -2.510735,53.987136
+                    -2.509223,53.987083
+                    -2.507711,53.986959
+                    -2.507632,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986826
+                    -2.509223,53.986230
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+                    -2.509223,53.985686
+                    -2.507711,53.985095
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+                    -2.507711,53.984933
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+                    -2.508989,53.983240
+                    -2.508977,53.982334
+                    -2.509223,53.981900
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+                    -2.510735,53.981423
+                    -2.512167,53.980527
+                    -2.510735,53.979716
+                    -2.509385,53.980527
+                    -2.509223,53.981071
+                    -2.509171,53.980527
+                    -2.508632,53.979621
+                    -2.507711,53.979068
+                    -2.506783,53.979621
+                    -2.506199,53.979793
+                    -2.504686,53.979907
+                    -2.504124,53.979621
+                    -2.504686,53.979468
+                    -2.506113,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978691
+                    -2.507711,53.978586
+                    -2.509223,53.977828
+                    -2.509258,53.977809
+                    -2.510517,53.976908
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+                    -2.510735,53.975167
+                    -2.510826,53.975101
+                    -2.511023,53.974190
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+                    -2.515272,53.970771
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+                    -2.512247,53.969960
+                    -2.511135,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.970733
+                    -2.510502,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
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+                    -2.518296,53.971477
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+                    -2.528882,53.974881
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+                    -2.521321,53.977718
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+                    -2.522833,53.979821
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+                    -2.521623,53.981433
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+                    -2.528620,54.013095
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+                    -2.531906,54.018569
+                    -2.530394,54.019403
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+                    -2.530394,54.021087
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
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+                    -2.515333,54.016719
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+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014611
+                    -2.512247,54.014568
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+                    -2.515272,54.009328
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+                    -2.516784,54.006820
+                    -2.516719,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006743
+                    -2.518296,54.006710
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+                    -2.518399,54.007668
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+                    -2.521321,54.008470
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+                    -2.522393,54.006763
+                    -2.522779,54.005861
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+                    -2.524345,54.004712
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+                    -2.525101,54.002242
+                    -2.524345,54.001718
+                    -2.523992,54.001336
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+                    -2.518296,53.999648
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+                    -2.509223,53.994436
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+                    -2.506199,53.994331
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+                    -2.504686,53.993263
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+                    -2.504686,53.992667
+                    -2.505067,53.992286
+                    -2.504686,53.991828
+                    -2.504591,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991351
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+                    -2.506199,53.989491
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+                    -2.509223,53.988600
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+                    -2.512247,53.986182
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+                    -2.510735,53.987136
+                    -2.509223,53.987083
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+                    -2.507711,53.986826
+                    -2.509223,53.986230
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+                    -2.509223,53.985686
+                    -2.507711,53.985095
+                    -2.507559,53.985052
+                    -2.507711,53.984933
+                    -2.508872,53.984141
+                    -2.508989,53.983240
+                    -2.508977,53.982334
+                    -2.509223,53.981900
+                    -2.510583,53.981433
+                    -2.510735,53.981423
+                    -2.512167,53.980527
+                    -2.510735,53.979716
+                    -2.509385,53.980527
+                    -2.509223,53.981071
+                    -2.509171,53.980527
+                    -2.508632,53.979621
+                    -2.507711,53.979068
+                    -2.506783,53.979621
+                    -2.506199,53.979793
+                    -2.504686,53.979907
+                    -2.504124,53.979621
+                    -2.504686,53.979468
+                    -2.506113,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978691
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+                    -2.509223,53.977828
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+                    -2.510826,53.975101
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+                    -2.515272,53.970771
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+                    -2.511135,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.970733
+                    -2.510502,53.970575
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+                    -2.515272,53.970575
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+                    -2.535999,54.007668
+                    -2.535026,54.008574
+                    -2.535546,54.009476
+                    -2.534930,54.010105
+                    -2.534528,54.010382
+                    -2.533535,54.011288
+                    -2.533418,54.011402
+                    -2.531906,54.011593
+                    -2.530394,54.011550
+                    -2.529187,54.012194
+                    -2.528882,54.012861
+                    -2.528620,54.013095
+                    -2.527756,54.014001
+                    -2.528749,54.014907
+                    -2.528882,54.014978
+                    -2.530394,54.015636
+                    -2.531784,54.015813
+                    -2.531021,54.016719
+                    -2.531738,54.017620
+                    -2.531906,54.017806
+                    -2.532098,54.018526
+                    -2.531906,54.018569
+                    -2.530394,54.019403
+                    -2.530348,54.019427
+                    -2.529137,54.020333
+                    -2.530394,54.021087
+                    -2.531906,54.021182
+                    -2.531985,54.021239
+                    -2.532494,54.022145
+                    -2.533418,54.022698
+                    -2.533673,54.023051
+                    -2.533881,54.023952
+                    -2.534930,54.024577
+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533683,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.024696
+                    -2.531906,54.024792
+                    -2.530394,54.024267
+                    -2.528882,54.024234
+                    -2.527369,54.024224
+                    -2.525857,54.024029
+                    -2.525717,54.023952
+                    -2.524345,54.023180
+                    -2.524075,54.023051
+                    -2.522833,54.022369
+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.521108,54.022145
+                    -2.520336,54.021239
+                    -2.519808,54.020915
+                    -2.519162,54.021239
+                    -2.518296,54.021330
+                    -2.518080,54.021239
+                    -2.517541,54.020333
+                    -2.516784,54.019885
+                    -2.515272,54.019675
+                    -2.513760,54.019618
+                    -2.512480,54.019427
+                    -2.512247,54.019289
+                    -2.510735,54.018612
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.017329
+                    -2.511205,54.017620
+                    -2.512247,54.018250
+                    -2.513760,54.018278
+                    -2.515272,54.018269
+                    -2.516479,54.017620
+                    -2.515333,54.016719
+                    -2.515272,54.016681
+                    -2.513760,54.015851
+                    -2.512247,54.015937
+                    -2.510735,54.016042
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014611
+                    -2.512247,54.014568
+                    -2.513266,54.014001
+                    -2.513397,54.013095
+                    -2.513656,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.012070
+                    -2.514092,54.012194
+                    -2.515272,54.012899
+                    -2.516452,54.012194
+                    -2.516478,54.011288
+                    -2.515272,54.010386
+                    -2.515266,54.010382
+                    -2.515077,54.009476
+                    -2.515272,54.009328
+                    -2.516651,54.008574
+                    -2.516784,54.008512
+                    -2.518190,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.006820
+                    -2.516719,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006743
+                    -2.518296,54.006710
+                    -2.518537,54.006763
+                    -2.518399,54.007668
+                    -2.519808,54.008412
+                    -2.521321,54.008470
+                    -2.522661,54.007668
+                    -2.522393,54.006763
+                    -2.522779,54.005861
+                    -2.522833,54.005818
+                    -2.524127,54.004951
+                    -2.524345,54.004712
+                    -2.525322,54.004049
+                    -2.525578,54.003143
+                    -2.525101,54.002242
+                    -2.524345,54.001718
+                    -2.523992,54.001336
+                    -2.522833,54.000640
+                    -2.522413,54.000430
+                    -2.521321,53.999782
+                    -2.519808,53.999729
+                    -2.518296,53.999648
+                    -2.518061,53.999524
+                    -2.516784,53.998713
+                    -2.516641,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.997808
+                    -2.515122,53.997717
+                    -2.515117,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996010
+                    -2.513308,53.995910
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+                    -2.512247,53.994679
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+                    -2.509223,53.994436
+                    -2.507711,53.994350
+                    -2.506199,53.994331
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+                    -2.504686,53.993263
+                    -2.504536,53.993192
+                    -2.504686,53.992667
+                    -2.505067,53.992286
+                    -2.504686,53.991828
+                    -2.504591,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991351
+                    -2.506199,53.990870
+                    -2.506870,53.990479
+                    -2.506199,53.989878
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+                    -2.506199,53.989491
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+                    -2.509123,53.988667
+                    -2.509223,53.988600
+                    -2.510735,53.988400
+                    -2.511908,53.987765
+                    -2.512247,53.987598
+                    -2.513530,53.986859
+                    -2.512247,53.986182
+                    -2.511112,53.986859
+                    -2.510735,53.987136
+                    -2.509223,53.987083
+                    -2.507711,53.986959
+                    -2.507632,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986826
+                    -2.509223,53.986230
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+                    -2.509223,53.985686
+                    -2.507711,53.985095
+                    -2.507559,53.985052
+                    -2.507711,53.984933
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+                    -2.508989,53.983240
+                    -2.508977,53.982334
+                    -2.509223,53.981900
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+                    -2.510735,53.981423
+                    -2.512167,53.980527
+                    -2.510735,53.979716
+                    -2.509385,53.980527
+                    -2.509223,53.981071
+                    -2.509171,53.980527
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+                    -2.507711,53.979068
+                    -2.506783,53.979621
+                    -2.506199,53.979793
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+                    -2.504124,53.979621
+                    -2.504686,53.979468
+                    -2.506113,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978691
+                    -2.507711,53.978586
+                    -2.509223,53.977828
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+                    -2.510171,53.976002
+                    -2.510735,53.975167
+                    -2.510826,53.975101
+                    -2.511023,53.974190
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+                    -2.515272,53.970771
+                    -2.513760,53.970747
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+                    -2.512247,53.969960
+                    -2.511135,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.970733
+                    -2.510502,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
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+                    -2.518296,53.971477
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+                    -2.531906,53.973389
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+                    -2.528882,53.974881
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+                    -2.528882,53.975239
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+                    -2.521321,53.977718
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+                    -2.522833,53.979821
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+                    -2.521623,53.981433
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+                    -2.521321,53.982444
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+                    -2.531906,54.018569
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
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+                    -2.515272,54.018269
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+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014611
+                    -2.512247,54.014568
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+                    -2.515272,54.009328
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+                    -2.516784,54.006820
+                    -2.516719,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006743
+                    -2.518296,54.006710
+                    -2.518537,54.006763
+                    -2.518399,54.007668
+                    -2.519808,54.008412
+                    -2.521321,54.008470
+                    -2.522661,54.007668
+                    -2.522393,54.006763
+                    -2.522779,54.005861
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+                    -2.524345,54.004712
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+                    -2.525101,54.002242
+                    -2.524345,54.001718
+                    -2.523992,54.001336
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+                    -2.518296,53.999648
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+                    -2.512247,53.994679
+                    -2.510735,53.994193
+                    -2.509223,53.994436
+                    -2.507711,53.994350
+                    -2.506199,53.994331
+                    -2.505938,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993263
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+                    -2.504686,53.992667
+                    -2.505067,53.992286
+                    -2.504686,53.991828
+                    -2.504591,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991351
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+                    -2.506199,53.989878
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+                    -2.506199,53.989491
+                    -2.507711,53.989367
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+                    -2.509223,53.988600
+                    -2.510735,53.988400
+                    -2.511908,53.987765
+                    -2.512247,53.987598
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+                    -2.512247,53.986182
+                    -2.511112,53.986859
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+                    -2.507711,53.986826
+                    -2.509223,53.986230
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+                    -2.509223,53.985686
+                    -2.507711,53.985095
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+                    -2.522413,54.000430
+                    -2.521321,53.999782
+                    -2.519808,53.999729
+                    -2.518296,53.999648
+                    -2.518061,53.999524
+                    -2.516784,53.998713
+                    -2.516641,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.997808
+                    -2.515122,53.997717
+                    -2.515117,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996010
+                    -2.513308,53.995910
+                    -2.512763,53.994999
+                    -2.512247,53.994679
+                    -2.510735,53.994193
+                    -2.509223,53.994436
+                    -2.507711,53.994350
+                    -2.506199,53.994331
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+                    -2.504686,53.993263
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+                    -2.504686,53.992667
+                    -2.505067,53.992286
+                    -2.504686,53.991828
+                    -2.504591,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991351
+                    -2.506199,53.990870
+                    -2.506870,53.990479
+                    -2.506199,53.989878
+                    -2.506080,53.989573
+                    -2.506199,53.989491
+                    -2.507711,53.989367
+                    -2.509123,53.988667
+                    -2.509223,53.988600
+                    -2.510735,53.988400
+                    -2.511908,53.987765
+                    -2.512247,53.987598
+                    -2.513530,53.986859
+                    -2.512247,53.986182
+                    -2.511112,53.986859
+                    -2.510735,53.987136
+                    -2.509223,53.987083
+                    -2.507711,53.986959
+                    -2.507632,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986826
+                    -2.509223,53.986230
+                    -2.509702,53.985953
+                    -2.509223,53.985686
+                    -2.507711,53.985095
+                    -2.507559,53.985052
+                    -2.507711,53.984933
+                    -2.508872,53.984141
+                    -2.508989,53.983240
+                    -2.508977,53.982334
+                    -2.509223,53.981900
+                    -2.510583,53.981433
+                    -2.510735,53.981423
+                    -2.512167,53.980527
+                    -2.510735,53.979716
+                    -2.509385,53.980527
+                    -2.509223,53.981071
+                    -2.509171,53.980527
+                    -2.508632,53.979621
+                    -2.507711,53.979068
+                    -2.506783,53.979621
+                    -2.506199,53.979793
+                    -2.504686,53.979907
+                    -2.504124,53.979621
+                    -2.504686,53.979468
+                    -2.506113,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978691
+                    -2.507711,53.978586
+                    -2.509223,53.977828
+                    -2.509258,53.977809
+                    -2.510517,53.976908
+                    -2.510171,53.976002
+                    -2.510735,53.975167
+                    -2.510826,53.975101
+                    -2.511023,53.974190
+                    -2.512247,53.973336
+                    -2.512377,53.973289
+                    -2.513760,53.973136
+                    -2.515066,53.972383
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+                    -2.515272,53.970771
+                    -2.513760,53.970747
+                    -2.513347,53.970575
+                    -2.512247,53.969960
+                    -2.511135,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.970733
+                    -2.510502,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
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+                    -2.531906,53.973389
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+                    -2.530394,53.974371
+                    -2.530093,53.974190
+                    -2.528882,53.973546
+                    -2.527804,53.974190
+                    -2.528882,53.974881
+                    -2.529245,53.975101
+                    -2.528882,53.975239
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+                    -2.525857,53.977098
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+                    -2.524100,53.977809
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+                    -2.522677,53.976908
+                    -2.521321,53.976092
+                    -2.519808,53.976192
+                    -2.518409,53.976908
+                    -2.519808,53.977618
+                    -2.521321,53.977718
+                    -2.521607,53.977809
+                    -2.521449,53.978715
+                    -2.522833,53.979497
+                    -2.523005,53.979621
+                    -2.522833,53.979821
+                    -2.521656,53.980527
+                    -2.521623,53.981433
+                    -2.521906,53.982334
+                    -2.521321,53.982444
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+                    -2.521321,53.984032
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+                    -2.532098,54.018526
+                    -2.531906,54.018569
+                    -2.530394,54.019403
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+                    -2.530394,54.021087
+                    -2.531906,54.021182
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+                    -2.524075,54.023051
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+                    -2.518080,54.021239
+                    -2.517541,54.020333
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+                    -2.515272,54.019675
+                    -2.513760,54.019618
+                    -2.512480,54.019427
+                    -2.512247,54.019289
+                    -2.510735,54.018612
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.017329
+                    -2.511205,54.017620
+                    -2.512247,54.018250
+                    -2.513760,54.018278
+                    -2.515272,54.018269
+                    -2.516479,54.017620
+                    -2.515333,54.016719
+                    -2.515272,54.016681
+                    -2.513760,54.015851
+                    -2.512247,54.015937
+                    -2.510735,54.016042
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014611
+                    -2.512247,54.014568
+                    -2.513266,54.014001
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+                    -2.513760,54.012070
+                    -2.514092,54.012194
+                    -2.515272,54.012899
+                    -2.516452,54.012194
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+                    -2.515272,54.010386
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+                    -2.515272,54.009328
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+                    -2.516784,54.008512
+                    -2.518190,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.006820
+                    -2.516719,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006743
+                    -2.518296,54.006710
+                    -2.518537,54.006763
+                    -2.518399,54.007668
+                    -2.519808,54.008412
+                    -2.521321,54.008470
+                    -2.522661,54.007668
+                    -2.522393,54.006763
+                    -2.522779,54.005861
+                    -2.522833,54.005818
+                    -2.524127,54.004951
+                    -2.524345,54.004712
+                    -2.525322,54.004049
+                    -2.525578,54.003143
+                    -2.525101,54.002242
+                    -2.524345,54.001718
+                    -2.523992,54.001336
+                    -2.522833,54.000640
+                    -2.522413,54.000430
+                    -2.521321,53.999782
+                    -2.519808,53.999729
+                    -2.518296,53.999648
+                    -2.518061,53.999524
+                    -2.516784,53.998713
+                    -2.516641,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.997808
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+                    -2.515117,53.996811
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+                    -2.512247,53.994679
+                    -2.510735,53.994193
+                    -2.509223,53.994436
+                    -2.507711,53.994350
+                    -2.506199,53.994331
+                    -2.505938,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993263
+                    -2.504536,53.993192
+                    -2.504686,53.992667
+                    -2.505067,53.992286
+                    -2.504686,53.991828
+                    -2.504591,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991351
+                    -2.506199,53.990870
+                    -2.506870,53.990479
+                    -2.506199,53.989878
+                    -2.506080,53.989573
+                    -2.506199,53.989491
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+                    -2.509123,53.988667
+                    -2.509223,53.988600
+                    -2.510735,53.988400
+                    -2.511908,53.987765
+                    -2.512247,53.987598
+                    -2.513530,53.986859
+                    -2.512247,53.986182
+                    -2.511112,53.986859
+                    -2.510735,53.987136
+                    -2.509223,53.987083
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+                    -2.507632,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986826
+                    -2.509223,53.986230
+                    -2.509702,53.985953
+                    -2.509223,53.985686
+                    -2.507711,53.985095
+                    -2.507559,53.985052
+                    -2.507711,53.984933
+                    -2.508872,53.984141
+                    -2.508989,53.983240
+                    -2.508977,53.982334
+                    -2.509223,53.981900
+                    -2.510583,53.981433
+                    -2.510735,53.981423
+                    -2.512167,53.980527
+                    -2.510735,53.979716
+                    -2.509385,53.980527
+                    -2.509223,53.981071
+                    -2.509171,53.980527
+                    -2.508632,53.979621
+                    -2.507711,53.979068
+                    -2.506783,53.979621
+                    -2.506199,53.979793
+                    -2.504686,53.979907
+                    -2.504124,53.979621
+                    -2.504686,53.979468
+                    -2.506113,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978691
+                    -2.507711,53.978586
+                    -2.509223,53.977828
+                    -2.509258,53.977809
+                    -2.510517,53.976908
+                    -2.510171,53.976002
+                    -2.510735,53.975167
+                    -2.510826,53.975101
+                    -2.511023,53.974190
+                    -2.512247,53.973336
+                    -2.512377,53.973289
+                    -2.513760,53.973136
+                    -2.515066,53.972383
+                    -2.515272,53.972282
+                    -2.516620,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.970771
+                    -2.513760,53.970747
+                    -2.513347,53.970575
+                    -2.512247,53.969960
+                    -2.511135,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.970733
+                    -2.510502,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
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+                    -2.531906,53.973389
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+                    -2.530394,53.974371
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+                    -2.527804,53.974190
+                    -2.528882,53.974881
+                    -2.529245,53.975101
+                    -2.528882,53.975239
+                    -2.527369,53.975477
+                    -2.526489,53.976002
+                    -2.526036,53.976908
+                    -2.525857,53.977098
+                    -2.524621,53.977809
+                    -2.524345,53.977923
+                    -2.524100,53.977809
+                    -2.522833,53.977079
+                    -2.522677,53.976908
+                    -2.521321,53.976092
+                    -2.519808,53.976192
+                    -2.518409,53.976908
+                    -2.519808,53.977618
+                    -2.521321,53.977718
+                    -2.521607,53.977809
+                    -2.521449,53.978715
+                    -2.522833,53.979497
+                    -2.523005,53.979621
+                    -2.522833,53.979821
+                    -2.521656,53.980527
+                    -2.521623,53.981433
+                    -2.521906,53.982334
+                    -2.521321,53.982444
+                    -2.519994,53.983240
+                    -2.521321,53.984032
+                    -2.521436,53.984141
+                    -2.521321,53.984284
+                    -2.519808,53.984370
+                    -2.518671,53.985052
+                    -2.519808,53.985729
+                    -2.519926,53.985953
+                    -2.519808,53.986220
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+                    -2.519808,53.987546
+                    -2.520031,53.987765
+                    -2.519808,53.987899
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+                    -2.518491,53.989573
+                    -2.518296,53.989644
+                    -2.516784,53.989673
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+                    -2.516784,54.020333
+                    -2.516782,54.020333
+                    -2.515272,54.019918
+                    -2.513760,54.019823
+                    -2.512247,54.019608
+                    -2.511929,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.018812
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.017029
+                    -2.511685,54.017620
+                    -2.512247,54.017959
+                    -2.513760,54.018030
+                    -2.515272,54.018011
+                    -2.516001,54.017620
+                    -2.515272,54.017067
+                    -2.514959,54.016719
+                    -2.513760,54.016032
+                    -2.512247,54.016199
+                    -2.510735,54.016376
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014316
+                    -2.512247,54.014225
+                    -2.512650,54.014001
+                    -2.513033,54.013095
+                    -2.513552,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011950
+                    -2.514424,54.012194
+                    -2.515272,54.012699
+                    -2.516120,54.012194
+                    -2.516173,54.011288
+                    -2.515272,54.010615
+                    -2.515049,54.010382
+                    -2.514692,54.009476
+                    -2.515272,54.009032
+                    -2.516110,54.008574
+                    -2.516784,54.008265
+                    -2.517776,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007068
+                    -2.516414,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006648
+                    -2.518296,54.006610
+                    -2.519015,54.006763
+                    -2.518799,54.007668
+                    -2.519808,54.008203
+                    -2.521321,54.008365
+                    -2.522489,54.007668
+                    -2.521802,54.006763
+                    -2.522414,54.005861
+                    -2.522833,54.005542
+                    -2.523714,54.004951
+                    -2.524345,54.004250
+                    -2.524645,54.004049
+                    -2.525298,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002242
+                    -2.524345,54.002242
+                    -2.524343,54.002242
+                    -2.522833,54.002314
+                    -2.522709,54.002242
+                    -2.522833,54.002166
+                    -2.523511,54.001336
+                    -2.522833,54.000926
+                    -2.521824,54.000430
+                    -2.521321,54.000134
+                    -2.519808,54.000001
+                    -2.518296,53.999887
+                    -2.517596,53.999524
+                    -2.516784,53.999009
+                    -2.516189,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998079
+                    -2.514691,53.997717
+                    -2.514786,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996205
+                    -2.512451,53.995910
+                    -2.512247,53.995619
+                    -2.512144,53.994999
+                    -2.510735,53.994298
+                    -2.509223,53.994775
+                    -2.507711,53.994603
+                    -2.506199,53.994565
+                    -2.505677,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993440
+                    -2.504184,53.993192
+                    -2.504555,53.992286
+                    -2.504268,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991256
+                    -2.506143,53.990479
+                    -2.505748,53.989573
+                    -2.506199,53.989272
+                    -2.507711,53.989167
+                    -2.508711,53.988667
+                    -2.509223,53.988314
+                    -2.510735,53.988123
+                    -2.511397,53.987765
+                    -2.510735,53.987408
+                    -2.509223,53.987317
+                    -2.507711,53.987327
+                    -2.507339,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986697
+                    -2.509085,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985219
+                    -2.507094,53.985052
+                    -2.507711,53.984566
+                    -2.508335,53.984141
+                    -2.508582,53.983240
+                    -2.508578,53.982334
+                    -2.509081,53.981433
+                    -2.509120,53.980527
+                    -2.508042,53.979621
+                    -2.507711,53.979421
+                    -2.507378,53.979621
+                    -2.506199,53.979969
+                    -2.504686,53.980188
+                    -2.503559,53.979621
+                    -2.504686,53.979321
+                    -2.505830,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978620
+                    -2.507711,53.978457
+                    -2.508972,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977661
+                    -2.510298,53.976908
+                    -2.509410,53.976002
+                    -2.510495,53.975101
+                    -2.510462,53.974190
+                    -2.510735,53.974013
+                    -2.511903,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.973079
+                    -2.513760,53.972878
+                    -2.514615,53.972383
+                    -2.515272,53.972063
+                    -2.516250,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.970962
+                    -2.513760,53.970957
+                    -2.512832,53.970575
+                    -2.512247,53.970246
+                    -2.511656,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.970942
+                    -2.510199,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
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+                    -2.532049,53.972383
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+                    -2.531906,53.973489
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+                    -2.528882,53.975415
+                    -2.527369,53.975854
+                    -2.527121,53.976002
+                    -2.526215,53.976908
+                    -2.525857,53.977294
+                    -2.524955,53.977809
+                    -2.524345,53.978052
+                    -2.523803,53.977809
+                    -2.522833,53.977251
+                    -2.522521,53.976908
+                    -2.521321,53.976188
+                    -2.519808,53.976383
+                    -2.518785,53.976908
+                    -2.519808,53.977427
+                    -2.521321,53.977623
+                    -2.521894,53.977809
+                    -2.521667,53.978715
+                    -2.522833,53.979373
+                    -2.523176,53.979621
+                    -2.522833,53.980021
+                    -2.521991,53.980527
+                    -2.521926,53.981433
+                    -2.522491,53.982334
+                    -2.521321,53.982558
+                    -2.520180,53.983240
+                    -2.521321,53.983922
+                    -2.521553,53.984141
+                    -2.521321,53.984427
+                    -2.519808,53.984594
+                    -2.519046,53.985052
+                    -2.519808,53.985510
+                    -2.520043,53.985953
+                    -2.519808,53.986492
+                    -2.519196,53.986859
+                    -2.519808,53.987255
+                    -2.520327,53.987765
+                    -2.519808,53.988090
+                    -2.518884,53.988667
+                    -2.518685,53.989573
+                    -2.518296,53.989716
+                    -2.516784,53.989778
+                    -2.515272,53.989797
+                    -2.513760,53.990016
+                    -2.512992,53.990479
+                    -2.512247,53.990645
+                    -2.510735,53.990784
+                    -2.509536,53.991385
+                    -2.510735,53.991981
+                    -2.512247,53.992124
+                    -2.513484,53.991385
+                    -2.513760,53.990936
+                    -2.515272,53.991160
+                    -2.516784,53.991179
+                    -2.518296,53.991237
+                    -2.519808,53.991332
+                    -2.521321,53.991294
+                    -2.521983,53.991385
+                    -2.522833,53.991890
+                    -2.523445,53.992286
+                    -2.524270,53.993192
+                    -2.523284,53.994098
+                    -2.522833,53.994474
+                    -2.521321,53.994489
+                    -2.519808,53.994737
+                    -2.519390,53.994999
+                    -2.518909,53.995910
+                    -2.519808,53.996444
+                    -2.521321,53.996477
+                    -2.522273,53.995910
+                    -2.522833,53.995509
+                    -2.524345,53.995624
+                    -2.525857,53.995733
+                    -2.526139,53.995910
+                    -2.526402,53.996811
+                    -2.525857,53.997397
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+                    -2.525857,53.998003
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+                    -2.528882,53.999815
+                    -2.529405,53.999524
+                    -2.530394,53.999209
+                    -2.530545,53.999524
+                    -2.530586,54.000430
+                    -2.530394,54.000583
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+                    -2.529066,54.003143
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
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+                    -2.510735,54.017029
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+                    -2.515272,54.018011
+                    -2.516001,54.017620
+                    -2.515272,54.017067
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+                    -2.510735,54.015813
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+                    -2.510735,54.014316
+                    -2.512247,54.014225
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+                    -2.515272,54.010615
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+                    -2.519808,54.008203
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+                    -2.521802,54.006763
+                    -2.522414,54.005861
+                    -2.522833,54.005542
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+                    -2.524345,54.004250
+                    -2.524645,54.004049
+                    -2.525298,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002242
+                    -2.524345,54.002242
+                    -2.524343,54.002242
+                    -2.522833,54.002314
+                    -2.522709,54.002242
+                    -2.522833,54.002166
+                    -2.523511,54.001336
+                    -2.522833,54.000926
+                    -2.521824,54.000430
+                    -2.521321,54.000134
+                    -2.519808,54.000001
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+                    -2.504268,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991256
+                    -2.506143,53.990479
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+                    -2.506199,53.989272
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+                    -2.509223,53.988314
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+                    -2.510735,53.987408
+                    -2.509223,53.987317
+                    -2.507711,53.987327
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+                    -2.507711,53.986697
+                    -2.509085,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985219
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+                    -2.507711,53.984566
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+                    -2.508578,53.982334
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+                    -2.511903,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.973079
+                    -2.513760,53.972878
+                    -2.514615,53.972383
+                    -2.515272,53.972063
+                    -2.516250,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.970962
+                    -2.513760,53.970957
+                    -2.512832,53.970575
+                    -2.512247,53.970246
+                    -2.511656,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.970942
+                    -2.510199,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532049,53.972383
+                    -2.531988,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973489
+                    -2.530681,53.974190
+                    -2.530394,53.974662
+                    -2.529709,53.975101
+                    -2.528882,53.975415
+                    -2.527369,53.975854
+                    -2.527121,53.976002
+                    -2.526215,53.976908
+                    -2.525857,53.977294
+                    -2.524955,53.977809
+                    -2.524345,53.978052
+                    -2.523803,53.977809
+                    -2.522833,53.977251
+                    -2.522521,53.976908
+                    -2.521321,53.976188
+                    -2.519808,53.976383
+                    -2.518785,53.976908
+                    -2.519808,53.977427
+                    -2.521321,53.977623
+                    -2.521894,53.977809
+                    -2.521667,53.978715
+                    -2.522833,53.979373
+                    -2.523176,53.979621
+                    -2.522833,53.980021
+                    -2.521991,53.980527
+                    -2.521926,53.981433
+                    -2.522491,53.982334
+                    -2.521321,53.982558
+                    -2.520180,53.983240
+                    -2.521321,53.983922
+                    -2.521553,53.984141
+                    -2.521321,53.984427
+                    -2.519808,53.984594
+                    -2.519046,53.985052
+                    -2.519808,53.985510
+                    -2.520043,53.985953
+                    -2.519808,53.986492
+                    -2.519196,53.986859
+                    -2.519808,53.987255
+                    -2.520327,53.987765
+                    -2.519808,53.988090
+                    -2.518884,53.988667
+                    -2.518685,53.989573
+                    -2.518296,53.989716
+                    -2.516784,53.989778
+                    -2.515272,53.989797
+                    -2.513760,53.990016
+                    -2.512992,53.990479
+                    -2.512247,53.990645
+                    -2.510735,53.990784
+                    -2.509536,53.991385
+                    -2.510735,53.991981
+                    -2.512247,53.992124
+                    -2.513484,53.991385
+                    -2.513760,53.990936
+                    -2.515272,53.991160
+                    -2.516784,53.991179
+                    -2.518296,53.991237
+                    -2.519808,53.991332
+                    -2.521321,53.991294
+                    -2.521983,53.991385
+                    -2.522833,53.991890
+                    -2.523445,53.992286
+                    -2.524270,53.993192
+                    -2.523284,53.994098
+                    -2.522833,53.994474
+                    -2.521321,53.994489
+                    -2.519808,53.994737
+                    -2.519390,53.994999
+                    -2.518909,53.995910
+                    -2.519808,53.996444
+                    -2.521321,53.996477
+                    -2.522273,53.995910
+                    -2.522833,53.995509
+                    -2.524345,53.995624
+                    -2.525857,53.995733
+                    -2.526139,53.995910
+                    -2.526402,53.996811
+                    -2.525857,53.997397
+                    -2.525376,53.997717
+                    -2.525857,53.998003
+                    -2.526980,53.998618
+                    -2.527369,53.998852
+                    -2.528398,53.999524
+                    -2.528882,53.999815
+                    -2.529405,53.999524
+                    -2.530394,53.999209
+                    -2.530545,53.999524
+                    -2.530586,54.000430
+                    -2.530394,54.000583
+                    -2.529136,54.001336
+                    -2.529063,54.002242
+                    -2.529066,54.003143
+                    -2.529091,54.004049
+                    -2.528882,54.004226
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+                    -2.527727,54.005861
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+                    -2.525857,54.007835
+                    -2.524345,54.007988
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+                    -2.518296,54.021449
+                    -2.517778,54.021239
+                    -2.516784,54.020333
+                    -2.516782,54.020333
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+                    -2.512247,54.019608
+                    -2.511929,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.018812
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.017029
+                    -2.511685,54.017620
+                    -2.512247,54.017959
+                    -2.513760,54.018030
+                    -2.515272,54.018011
+                    -2.516001,54.017620
+                    -2.515272,54.017067
+                    -2.514959,54.016719
+                    -2.513760,54.016032
+                    -2.512247,54.016199
+                    -2.510735,54.016376
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014316
+                    -2.512247,54.014225
+                    -2.512650,54.014001
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+                    -2.513760,54.011950
+                    -2.514424,54.012194
+                    -2.515272,54.012699
+                    -2.516120,54.012194
+                    -2.516173,54.011288
+                    -2.515272,54.010615
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+                    -2.515272,54.009032
+                    -2.516110,54.008574
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+                    -2.517776,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007068
+                    -2.516414,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006648
+                    -2.518296,54.006610
+                    -2.519015,54.006763
+                    -2.518799,54.007668
+                    -2.519808,54.008203
+                    -2.521321,54.008365
+                    -2.522489,54.007668
+                    -2.521802,54.006763
+                    -2.522414,54.005861
+                    -2.522833,54.005542
+                    -2.523714,54.004951
+                    -2.524345,54.004250
+                    -2.524645,54.004049
+                    -2.525298,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002242
+                    -2.524345,54.002242
+                    -2.524343,54.002242
+                    -2.522833,54.002314
+                    -2.522709,54.002242
+                    -2.522833,54.002166
+                    -2.523511,54.001336
+                    -2.522833,54.000926
+                    -2.521824,54.000430
+                    -2.521321,54.000134
+                    -2.519808,54.000001
+                    -2.518296,53.999887
+                    -2.517596,53.999524
+                    -2.516784,53.999009
+                    -2.516189,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998079
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+                    -2.513760,53.996205
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+                    -2.512247,53.995619
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+                    -2.506199,53.994565
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+                    -2.504686,53.993440
+                    -2.504184,53.993192
+                    -2.504555,53.992286
+                    -2.504268,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991256
+                    -2.506143,53.990479
+                    -2.505748,53.989573
+                    -2.506199,53.989272
+                    -2.507711,53.989167
+                    -2.508711,53.988667
+                    -2.509223,53.988314
+                    -2.510735,53.988123
+                    -2.511397,53.987765
+                    -2.510735,53.987408
+                    -2.509223,53.987317
+                    -2.507711,53.987327
+                    -2.507339,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986697
+                    -2.509085,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985219
+                    -2.507094,53.985052
+                    -2.507711,53.984566
+                    -2.508335,53.984141
+                    -2.508582,53.983240
+                    -2.508578,53.982334
+                    -2.509081,53.981433
+                    -2.509120,53.980527
+                    -2.508042,53.979621
+                    -2.507711,53.979421
+                    -2.507378,53.979621
+                    -2.506199,53.979969
+                    -2.504686,53.980188
+                    -2.503559,53.979621
+                    -2.504686,53.979321
+                    -2.505830,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978620
+                    -2.507711,53.978457
+                    -2.508972,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977661
+                    -2.510298,53.976908
+                    -2.509410,53.976002
+                    -2.510495,53.975101
+                    -2.510462,53.974190
+                    -2.510735,53.974013
+                    -2.511903,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.973079
+                    -2.513760,53.972878
+                    -2.514615,53.972383
+                    -2.515272,53.972063
+                    -2.516250,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.970962
+                    -2.513760,53.970957
+                    -2.512832,53.970575
+                    -2.512247,53.970246
+                    -2.511656,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.970942
+                    -2.510199,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532049,53.972383
+                    -2.531988,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973489
+                    -2.530681,53.974190
+                    -2.530394,53.974662
+                    -2.529709,53.975101
+                    -2.528882,53.975415
+                    -2.527369,53.975854
+                    -2.527121,53.976002
+                    -2.526215,53.976908
+                    -2.525857,53.977294
+                    -2.524955,53.977809
+                    -2.524345,53.978052
+                    -2.523803,53.977809
+                    -2.522833,53.977251
+                    -2.522521,53.976908
+                    -2.521321,53.976188
+                    -2.519808,53.976383
+                    -2.518785,53.976908
+                    -2.519808,53.977427
+                    -2.521321,53.977623
+                    -2.521894,53.977809
+                    -2.521667,53.978715
+                    -2.522833,53.979373
+                    -2.523176,53.979621
+                    -2.522833,53.980021
+                    -2.521991,53.980527
+                    -2.521926,53.981433
+                    -2.522491,53.982334
+                    -2.521321,53.982558
+                    -2.520180,53.983240
+                    -2.521321,53.983922
+                    -2.521553,53.984141
+                    -2.521321,53.984427
+                    -2.519808,53.984594
+                    -2.519046,53.985052
+                    -2.519808,53.985510
+                    -2.520043,53.985953
+                    -2.519808,53.986492
+                    -2.519196,53.986859
+                    -2.519808,53.987255
+                    -2.520327,53.987765
+                    -2.519808,53.988090
+                    -2.518884,53.988667
+                    -2.518685,53.989573
+                    -2.518296,53.989716
+                    -2.516784,53.989778
+                    -2.515272,53.989797
+                    -2.513760,53.990016
+                    -2.512992,53.990479
+                    -2.512247,53.990645
+                    -2.510735,53.990784
+                    -2.509536,53.991385
+                    -2.510735,53.991981
+                    -2.512247,53.992124
+                    -2.513484,53.991385
+                    -2.513760,53.990936
+                    -2.515272,53.991160
+                    -2.516784,53.991179
+                    -2.518296,53.991237
+                    -2.519808,53.991332
+                    -2.521321,53.991294
+                    -2.521983,53.991385
+                    -2.522833,53.991890
+                    -2.523445,53.992286
+                    -2.524270,53.993192
+                    -2.523284,53.994098
+                    -2.522833,53.994474
+                    -2.521321,53.994489
+                    -2.519808,53.994737
+                    -2.519390,53.994999
+                    -2.518909,53.995910
+                    -2.519808,53.996444
+                    -2.521321,53.996477
+                    -2.522273,53.995910
+                    -2.522833,53.995509
+                    -2.524345,53.995624
+                    -2.525857,53.995733
+                    -2.526139,53.995910
+                    -2.526402,53.996811
+                    -2.525857,53.997397
+                    -2.525376,53.997717
+                    -2.525857,53.998003
+                    -2.526980,53.998618
+                    -2.527369,53.998852
+                    -2.528398,53.999524
+                    -2.528882,53.999815
+                    -2.529405,53.999524
+                    -2.530394,53.999209
+                    -2.530545,53.999524
+                    -2.530586,54.000430
+                    -2.530394,54.000583
+                    -2.529136,54.001336
+                    -2.529063,54.002242
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+                    -2.533418,54.015803
+                    -2.533451,54.015813
+                    -2.533418,54.015875
+                    -2.531906,54.016438
+                    -2.531649,54.016719
+                    -2.531906,54.017005
+                    -2.532278,54.017620
+                    -2.532530,54.018526
+                    -2.531906,54.018679
+                    -2.530573,54.019427
+                    -2.530394,54.019608
+                    -2.529393,54.020333
+                    -2.530394,54.020934
+                    -2.531906,54.021058
+                    -2.532165,54.021239
+                    -2.533081,54.022145
+                    -2.533418,54.022346
+                    -2.533928,54.023051
+                    -2.534378,54.023952
+                    -2.534930,54.024282
+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.024973
+                    -2.531906,54.024997
+                    -2.530906,54.024858
+                    -2.530394,54.024668
+                    -2.528882,54.024601
+                    -2.527369,54.024558
+                    -2.525857,54.024234
+                    -2.525354,54.023952
+                    -2.524345,54.023385
+                    -2.523643,54.023051
+                    -2.522833,54.022608
+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520895,54.022145
+                    -2.519808,54.021316
+                    -2.518296,54.021449
+                    -2.517778,54.021239
+                    -2.516784,54.020333
+                    -2.516782,54.020333
+                    -2.515272,54.019918
+                    -2.513760,54.019823
+                    -2.512247,54.019608
+                    -2.511929,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.018812
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.017029
+                    -2.511685,54.017620
+                    -2.512247,54.017959
+                    -2.513760,54.018030
+                    -2.515272,54.018011
+                    -2.516001,54.017620
+                    -2.515272,54.017067
+                    -2.514959,54.016719
+                    -2.513760,54.016032
+                    -2.512247,54.016199
+                    -2.510735,54.016376
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014316
+                    -2.512247,54.014225
+                    -2.512650,54.014001
+                    -2.513033,54.013095
+                    -2.513552,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011950
+                    -2.514424,54.012194
+                    -2.515272,54.012699
+                    -2.516120,54.012194
+                    -2.516173,54.011288
+                    -2.515272,54.010615
+                    -2.515049,54.010382
+                    -2.514692,54.009476
+                    -2.515272,54.009032
+                    -2.516110,54.008574
+                    -2.516784,54.008265
+                    -2.517776,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007068
+                    -2.516414,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006648
+                    -2.518296,54.006610
+                    -2.519015,54.006763
+                    -2.518799,54.007668
+                    -2.519808,54.008203
+                    -2.521321,54.008365
+                    -2.522489,54.007668
+                    -2.521802,54.006763
+                    -2.522414,54.005861
+                    -2.522833,54.005542
+                    -2.523714,54.004951
+                    -2.524345,54.004250
+                    -2.524645,54.004049
+                    -2.525298,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002242
+                    -2.524345,54.002242
+                    -2.524343,54.002242
+                    -2.522833,54.002314
+                    -2.522709,54.002242
+                    -2.522833,54.002166
+                    -2.523511,54.001336
+                    -2.522833,54.000926
+                    -2.521824,54.000430
+                    -2.521321,54.000134
+                    -2.519808,54.000001
+                    -2.518296,53.999887
+                    -2.517596,53.999524
+                    -2.516784,53.999009
+                    -2.516189,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998079
+                    -2.514691,53.997717
+                    -2.514786,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996205
+                    -2.512451,53.995910
+                    -2.512247,53.995619
+                    -2.512144,53.994999
+                    -2.510735,53.994298
+                    -2.509223,53.994775
+                    -2.507711,53.994603
+                    -2.506199,53.994565
+                    -2.505677,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993440
+                    -2.504184,53.993192
+                    -2.504555,53.992286
+                    -2.504268,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991256
+                    -2.506143,53.990479
+                    -2.505748,53.989573
+                    -2.506199,53.989272
+                    -2.507711,53.989167
+                    -2.508711,53.988667
+                    -2.509223,53.988314
+                    -2.510735,53.988123
+                    -2.511397,53.987765
+                    -2.510735,53.987408
+                    -2.509223,53.987317
+                    -2.507711,53.987327
+                    -2.507339,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986697
+                    -2.509085,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985219
+                    -2.507094,53.985052
+                    -2.507711,53.984566
+                    -2.508335,53.984141
+                    -2.508582,53.983240
+                    -2.508578,53.982334
+                    -2.509081,53.981433
+                    -2.509120,53.980527
+                    -2.508042,53.979621
+                    -2.507711,53.979421
+                    -2.507378,53.979621
+                    -2.506199,53.979969
+                    -2.504686,53.980188
+                    -2.503559,53.979621
+                    -2.504686,53.979321
+                    -2.505830,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978620
+                    -2.507711,53.978457
+                    -2.508972,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977661
+                    -2.510298,53.976908
+                    -2.509410,53.976002
+                    -2.510495,53.975101
+                    -2.510462,53.974190
+                    -2.510735,53.974013
+                    -2.511903,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.973079
+                    -2.513760,53.972878
+                    -2.514615,53.972383
+                    -2.515272,53.972063
+                    -2.516250,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.970962
+                    -2.513760,53.970957
+                    -2.512832,53.970575
+                    -2.512247,53.970246
+                    -2.511656,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.970942
+                    -2.510199,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532049,53.972383
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+                    -2.531906,53.973489
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+                    -2.530394,53.974662
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+                    -2.528882,53.975415
+                    -2.527369,53.975854
+                    -2.527121,53.976002
+                    -2.526215,53.976908
+                    -2.525857,53.977294
+                    -2.524955,53.977809
+                    -2.524345,53.978052
+                    -2.523803,53.977809
+                    -2.522833,53.977251
+                    -2.522521,53.976908
+                    -2.521321,53.976188
+                    -2.519808,53.976383
+                    -2.518785,53.976908
+                    -2.519808,53.977427
+                    -2.521321,53.977623
+                    -2.521894,53.977809
+                    -2.521667,53.978715
+                    -2.522833,53.979373
+                    -2.523176,53.979621
+                    -2.522833,53.980021
+                    -2.521991,53.980527
+                    -2.521926,53.981433
+                    -2.522491,53.982334
+                    -2.521321,53.982558
+                    -2.520180,53.983240
+                    -2.521321,53.983922
+                    -2.521553,53.984141
+                    -2.521321,53.984427
+                    -2.519808,53.984594
+                    -2.519046,53.985052
+                    -2.519808,53.985510
+                    -2.520043,53.985953
+                    -2.519808,53.986492
+                    -2.519196,53.986859
+                    -2.519808,53.987255
+                    -2.520327,53.987765
+                    -2.519808,53.988090
+                    -2.518884,53.988667
+                    -2.518685,53.989573
+                    -2.518296,53.989716
+                    -2.516784,53.989778
+                    -2.515272,53.989797
+                    -2.513760,53.990016
+                    -2.512992,53.990479
+                    -2.512247,53.990645
+                    -2.510735,53.990784
+                    -2.509536,53.991385
+                    -2.510735,53.991981
+                    -2.512247,53.992124
+                    -2.513484,53.991385
+                    -2.513760,53.990936
+                    -2.515272,53.991160
+                    -2.516784,53.991179
+                    -2.518296,53.991237
+                    -2.519808,53.991332
+                    -2.521321,53.991294
+                    -2.521983,53.991385
+                    -2.522833,53.991890
+                    -2.523445,53.992286
+                    -2.524270,53.993192
+                    -2.523284,53.994098
+                    -2.522833,53.994474
+                    -2.521321,53.994489
+                    -2.519808,53.994737
+                    -2.519390,53.994999
+                    -2.518909,53.995910
+                    -2.519808,53.996444
+                    -2.521321,53.996477
+                    -2.522273,53.995910
+                    -2.522833,53.995509
+                    -2.524345,53.995624
+                    -2.525857,53.995733
+                    -2.526139,53.995910
+                    -2.526402,53.996811
+                    -2.525857,53.997397
+                    -2.525376,53.997717
+                    -2.525857,53.998003
+                    -2.526980,53.998618
+                    -2.527369,53.998852
+                    -2.528398,53.999524
+                    -2.528882,53.999815
+                    -2.529405,53.999524
+                    -2.530394,53.999209
+                    -2.530545,53.999524
+                    -2.530586,54.000430
+                    -2.530394,54.000583
+                    -2.529136,54.001336
+                    -2.529063,54.002242
+                    -2.529066,54.003143
+                    -2.529091,54.004049
+                    -2.528882,54.004226
+                    -2.527669,54.004951
+                    -2.527727,54.005861
+                    -2.527369,54.006314
+                    -2.526613,54.006763
+                    -2.526042,54.007668
+                    -2.525857,54.007835
+                    -2.524345,54.007988
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+                    -2.524345,54.009833
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+                    -2.524345,54.010558
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+                    -2.524345,54.012637
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+                    -2.524746,54.015813
+                    -2.525857,54.016476
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+                    -2.528882,54.016848
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+                    -2.528509,54.015813
+                    -2.527369,54.015121
+                    -2.527262,54.014907
+                    -2.527104,54.014001
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+                    -2.525857,54.012113
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+                    -2.531784,54.003143
+                    -2.531783,54.002242
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+                    -2.533418,54.001746
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.017029
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+                    -2.513760,54.018030
+                    -2.515272,54.018011
+                    -2.516001,54.017620
+                    -2.515272,54.017067
+                    -2.514959,54.016719
+                    -2.513760,54.016032
+                    -2.512247,54.016199
+                    -2.510735,54.016376
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014316
+                    -2.512247,54.014225
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+                    -2.513033,54.013095
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+                    -2.513760,54.011950
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+                    -2.515272,54.010615
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+                    -2.519015,54.006763
+                    -2.518799,54.007668
+                    -2.519808,54.008203
+                    -2.521321,54.008365
+                    -2.522489,54.007668
+                    -2.521802,54.006763
+                    -2.522414,54.005861
+                    -2.522833,54.005542
+                    -2.523714,54.004951
+                    -2.524345,54.004250
+                    -2.524645,54.004049
+                    -2.525298,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002242
+                    -2.524345,54.002242
+                    -2.524343,54.002242
+                    -2.522833,54.002314
+                    -2.522709,54.002242
+                    -2.522833,54.002166
+                    -2.523511,54.001336
+                    -2.522833,54.000926
+                    -2.521824,54.000430
+                    -2.521321,54.000134
+                    -2.519808,54.000001
+                    -2.518296,53.999887
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+                    -2.516784,53.999009
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+                    -2.515272,53.998079
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+                    -2.504268,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991256
+                    -2.506143,53.990479
+                    -2.505748,53.989573
+                    -2.506199,53.989272
+                    -2.507711,53.989167
+                    -2.508711,53.988667
+                    -2.509223,53.988314
+                    -2.510735,53.988123
+                    -2.511397,53.987765
+                    -2.510735,53.987408
+                    -2.509223,53.987317
+                    -2.507711,53.987327
+                    -2.507339,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986697
+                    -2.509085,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985219
+                    -2.507094,53.985052
+                    -2.507711,53.984566
+                    -2.508335,53.984141
+                    -2.508582,53.983240
+                    -2.508578,53.982334
+                    -2.509081,53.981433
+                    -2.509120,53.980527
+                    -2.508042,53.979621
+                    -2.507711,53.979421
+                    -2.507378,53.979621
+                    -2.506199,53.979969
+                    -2.504686,53.980188
+                    -2.503559,53.979621
+                    -2.504686,53.979321
+                    -2.505830,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978620
+                    -2.507711,53.978457
+                    -2.508972,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977661
+                    -2.510298,53.976908
+                    -2.509410,53.976002
+                    -2.510495,53.975101
+                    -2.510462,53.974190
+                    -2.510735,53.974013
+                    -2.511903,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.973079
+                    -2.513760,53.972878
+                    -2.514615,53.972383
+                    -2.515272,53.972063
+                    -2.516250,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.970962
+                    -2.513760,53.970957
+                    -2.512832,53.970575
+                    -2.512247,53.970246
+                    -2.511656,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.970942
+                    -2.510199,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532049,53.972383
+                    -2.531988,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973489
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+                    -2.530394,53.974662
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+                    -2.528882,53.975415
+                    -2.527369,53.975854
+                    -2.527121,53.976002
+                    -2.526215,53.976908
+                    -2.525857,53.977294
+                    -2.524955,53.977809
+                    -2.524345,53.978052
+                    -2.523803,53.977809
+                    -2.522833,53.977251
+                    -2.522521,53.976908
+                    -2.521321,53.976188
+                    -2.519808,53.976383
+                    -2.518785,53.976908
+                    -2.519808,53.977427
+                    -2.521321,53.977623
+                    -2.521894,53.977809
+                    -2.521667,53.978715
+                    -2.522833,53.979373
+                    -2.523176,53.979621
+                    -2.522833,53.980021
+                    -2.521991,53.980527
+                    -2.521926,53.981433
+                    -2.522491,53.982334
+                    -2.521321,53.982558
+                    -2.520180,53.983240
+                    -2.521321,53.983922
+                    -2.521553,53.984141
+                    -2.521321,53.984427
+                    -2.519808,53.984594
+                    -2.519046,53.985052
+                    -2.519808,53.985510
+                    -2.520043,53.985953
+                    -2.519808,53.986492
+                    -2.519196,53.986859
+                    -2.519808,53.987255
+                    -2.520327,53.987765
+                    -2.519808,53.988090
+                    -2.518884,53.988667
+                    -2.518685,53.989573
+                    -2.518296,53.989716
+                    -2.516784,53.989778
+                    -2.515272,53.989797
+                    -2.513760,53.990016
+                    -2.512992,53.990479
+                    -2.512247,53.990645
+                    -2.510735,53.990784
+                    -2.509536,53.991385
+                    -2.510735,53.991981
+                    -2.512247,53.992124
+                    -2.513484,53.991385
+                    -2.513760,53.990936
+                    -2.515272,53.991160
+                    -2.516784,53.991179
+                    -2.518296,53.991237
+                    -2.519808,53.991332
+                    -2.521321,53.991294
+                    -2.521983,53.991385
+                    -2.522833,53.991890
+                    -2.523445,53.992286
+                    -2.524270,53.993192
+                    -2.523284,53.994098
+                    -2.522833,53.994474
+                    -2.521321,53.994489
+                    -2.519808,53.994737
+                    -2.519390,53.994999
+                    -2.518909,53.995910
+                    -2.519808,53.996444
+                    -2.521321,53.996477
+                    -2.522273,53.995910
+                    -2.522833,53.995509
+                    -2.524345,53.995624
+                    -2.525857,53.995733
+                    -2.526139,53.995910
+                    -2.526402,53.996811
+                    -2.525857,53.997397
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+                    -2.525857,53.998003
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+                    -2.527369,53.998852
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+                    -2.528882,53.999815
+                    -2.529405,53.999524
+                    -2.530394,53.999209
+                    -2.530545,53.999524
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+                    -2.530394,54.000583
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+                    -2.518296,54.021449
+                    -2.517778,54.021239
+                    -2.516784,54.020333
+                    -2.516782,54.020333
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.017029
+                    -2.511685,54.017620
+                    -2.512247,54.017959
+                    -2.513760,54.018030
+                    -2.515272,54.018011
+                    -2.516001,54.017620
+                    -2.515272,54.017067
+                    -2.514959,54.016719
+                    -2.513760,54.016032
+                    -2.512247,54.016199
+                    -2.510735,54.016376
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014316
+                    -2.512247,54.014225
+                    -2.512650,54.014001
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+                    -2.513760,54.011950
+                    -2.514424,54.012194
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+                    -2.516120,54.012194
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+                    -2.515272,54.010615
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+                    -2.515272,54.009032
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+                    -2.516784,54.007068
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+                    -2.516784,54.006648
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+                    -2.519015,54.006763
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+                    -2.519808,54.008203
+                    -2.521321,54.008365
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+                    -2.521802,54.006763
+                    -2.522414,54.005861
+                    -2.522833,54.005542
+                    -2.523714,54.004951
+                    -2.524345,54.004250
+                    -2.524645,54.004049
+                    -2.525298,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002242
+                    -2.524345,54.002242
+                    -2.524343,54.002242
+                    -2.522833,54.002314
+                    -2.522709,54.002242
+                    -2.522833,54.002166
+                    -2.523511,54.001336
+                    -2.522833,54.000926
+                    -2.521824,54.000430
+                    -2.521321,54.000134
+                    -2.519808,54.000001
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+                    -2.517596,53.999524
+                    -2.516784,53.999009
+                    -2.516189,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998079
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+                    -2.504686,53.993440
+                    -2.504184,53.993192
+                    -2.504555,53.992286
+                    -2.504268,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991256
+                    -2.506143,53.990479
+                    -2.505748,53.989573
+                    -2.506199,53.989272
+                    -2.507711,53.989167
+                    -2.508711,53.988667
+                    -2.509223,53.988314
+                    -2.510735,53.988123
+                    -2.511397,53.987765
+                    -2.510735,53.987408
+                    -2.509223,53.987317
+                    -2.507711,53.987327
+                    -2.507339,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986697
+                    -2.509085,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985219
+                    -2.507094,53.985052
+                    -2.507711,53.984566
+                    -2.508335,53.984141
+                    -2.508582,53.983240
+                    -2.508578,53.982334
+                    -2.509081,53.981433
+                    -2.509120,53.980527
+                    -2.508042,53.979621
+                    -2.507711,53.979421
+                    -2.507378,53.979621
+                    -2.506199,53.979969
+                    -2.504686,53.980188
+                    -2.503559,53.979621
+                    -2.504686,53.979321
+                    -2.505830,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978620
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+                    -2.508972,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977661
+                    -2.510298,53.976908
+                    -2.509410,53.976002
+                    -2.510495,53.975101
+                    -2.510462,53.974190
+                    -2.510735,53.974013
+                    -2.511903,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.973079
+                    -2.513760,53.972878
+                    -2.514615,53.972383
+                    -2.515272,53.972063
+                    -2.516250,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.970962
+                    -2.513760,53.970957
+                    -2.512832,53.970575
+                    -2.512247,53.970246
+                    -2.511656,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.970942
+                    -2.510199,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532049,53.972383
+                    -2.531988,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973489
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+                    -2.530394,53.974662
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+                    -2.528882,53.975415
+                    -2.527369,53.975854
+                    -2.527121,53.976002
+                    -2.526215,53.976908
+                    -2.525857,53.977294
+                    -2.524955,53.977809
+                    -2.524345,53.978052
+                    -2.523803,53.977809
+                    -2.522833,53.977251
+                    -2.522521,53.976908
+                    -2.521321,53.976188
+                    -2.519808,53.976383
+                    -2.518785,53.976908
+                    -2.519808,53.977427
+                    -2.521321,53.977623
+                    -2.521894,53.977809
+                    -2.521667,53.978715
+                    -2.522833,53.979373
+                    -2.523176,53.979621
+                    -2.522833,53.980021
+                    -2.521991,53.980527
+                    -2.521926,53.981433
+                    -2.522491,53.982334
+                    -2.521321,53.982558
+                    -2.520180,53.983240
+                    -2.521321,53.983922
+                    -2.521553,53.984141
+                    -2.521321,53.984427
+                    -2.519808,53.984594
+                    -2.519046,53.985052
+                    -2.519808,53.985510
+                    -2.520043,53.985953
+                    -2.519808,53.986492
+                    -2.519196,53.986859
+                    -2.519808,53.987255
+                    -2.520327,53.987765
+                    -2.519808,53.988090
+                    -2.518884,53.988667
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+                    -2.518296,53.989716
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+                    -2.512247,53.990645
+                    -2.510735,53.990784
+                    -2.509536,53.991385
+                    -2.510735,53.991981
+                    -2.512247,53.992124
+                    -2.513484,53.991385
+                    -2.513760,53.990936
+                    -2.515272,53.991160
+                    -2.516784,53.991179
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+                    -2.521321,53.991294
+                    -2.521983,53.991385
+                    -2.522833,53.991890
+                    -2.523445,53.992286
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+                    -2.523284,53.994098
+                    -2.522833,53.994474
+                    -2.521321,53.994489
+                    -2.519808,53.994737
+                    -2.519390,53.994999
+                    -2.518909,53.995910
+                    -2.519808,53.996444
+                    -2.521321,53.996477
+                    -2.522273,53.995910
+                    -2.522833,53.995509
+                    -2.524345,53.995624
+                    -2.525857,53.995733
+                    -2.526139,53.995910
+                    -2.526402,53.996811
+                    -2.525857,53.997397
+                    -2.525376,53.997717
+                    -2.525857,53.998003
+                    -2.526980,53.998618
+                    -2.527369,53.998852
+                    -2.528398,53.999524
+                    -2.528882,53.999815
+                    -2.529405,53.999524
+                    -2.530394,53.999209
+                    -2.530545,53.999524
+                    -2.530586,54.000430
+                    -2.530394,54.000583
+                    -2.529136,54.001336
+                    -2.529063,54.002242
+                    -2.529066,54.003143
+                    -2.529091,54.004049
+                    -2.528882,54.004226
+                    -2.527669,54.004951
+                    -2.527727,54.005861
+                    -2.527369,54.006314
+                    -2.526613,54.006763
+                    -2.526042,54.007668
+                    -2.525857,54.007835
+                    -2.524345,54.007988
+                    -2.523368,54.008574
+                    -2.523753,54.009476
+                    -2.524345,54.009833
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+                    -2.524345,54.010558
+                    -2.523130,54.011288
+                    -2.523603,54.012194
+                    -2.524345,54.012637
+                    -2.524615,54.013095
+                    -2.524662,54.014001
+                    -2.524457,54.014907
+                    -2.524746,54.015813
+                    -2.525857,54.016476
+                    -2.526302,54.016719
+                    -2.526218,54.017620
+                    -2.527369,54.018307
+                    -2.527739,54.018526
+                    -2.528882,54.019208
+                    -2.530030,54.018526
+                    -2.530181,54.017620
+                    -2.528882,54.016848
+                    -2.528437,54.016719
+                    -2.528509,54.015813
+                    -2.527369,54.015121
+                    -2.527262,54.014907
+                    -2.527104,54.014001
+                    -2.527109,54.013095
+                    -2.525857,54.012351
+                    -2.525087,54.012194
+                    -2.525857,54.012113
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+                    -2.526992,54.010382
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+                    -2.531784,54.003143
+                    -2.531783,54.002242
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+                    -2.534930,54.000387
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+                    -2.533418,53.998017
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+                    -2.533418,54.001746
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+                    -2.518296,54.021449
+                    -2.517778,54.021239
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+                    -2.516782,54.020333
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.017029
+                    -2.511685,54.017620
+                    -2.512247,54.017959
+                    -2.513760,54.018030
+                    -2.515272,54.018011
+                    -2.516001,54.017620
+                    -2.515272,54.017067
+                    -2.514959,54.016719
+                    -2.513760,54.016032
+                    -2.512247,54.016199
+                    -2.510735,54.016376
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014316
+                    -2.512247,54.014225
+                    -2.512650,54.014001
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+                    -2.513760,54.011950
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+                    -2.515272,54.012699
+                    -2.516120,54.012194
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+                    -2.515272,54.010615
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+                    -2.516784,54.007068
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+                    -2.516784,54.006648
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+                    -2.519808,54.008203
+                    -2.521321,54.008365
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+                    -2.521802,54.006763
+                    -2.522414,54.005861
+                    -2.522833,54.005542
+                    -2.523714,54.004951
+                    -2.524345,54.004250
+                    -2.524645,54.004049
+                    -2.525298,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002242
+                    -2.524345,54.002242
+                    -2.524343,54.002242
+                    -2.522833,54.002314
+                    -2.522709,54.002242
+                    -2.522833,54.002166
+                    -2.523511,54.001336
+                    -2.522833,54.000926
+                    -2.521824,54.000430
+                    -2.521321,54.000134
+                    -2.519808,54.000001
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+                    -2.517596,53.999524
+                    -2.516784,53.999009
+                    -2.516189,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998079
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+                    -2.504184,53.993192
+                    -2.504555,53.992286
+                    -2.504268,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991256
+                    -2.506143,53.990479
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+                    -2.506199,53.989272
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+                    -2.509223,53.988314
+                    -2.510735,53.988123
+                    -2.511397,53.987765
+                    -2.510735,53.987408
+                    -2.509223,53.987317
+                    -2.507711,53.987327
+                    -2.507339,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986697
+                    -2.509085,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985219
+                    -2.507094,53.985052
+                    -2.507711,53.984566
+                    -2.508335,53.984141
+                    -2.508582,53.983240
+                    -2.508578,53.982334
+                    -2.509081,53.981433
+                    -2.509120,53.980527
+                    -2.508042,53.979621
+                    -2.507711,53.979421
+                    -2.507378,53.979621
+                    -2.506199,53.979969
+                    -2.504686,53.980188
+                    -2.503559,53.979621
+                    -2.504686,53.979321
+                    -2.505830,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978620
+                    -2.507711,53.978457
+                    -2.508972,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977661
+                    -2.510298,53.976908
+                    -2.509410,53.976002
+                    -2.510495,53.975101
+                    -2.510462,53.974190
+                    -2.510735,53.974013
+                    -2.511903,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.973079
+                    -2.513760,53.972878
+                    -2.514615,53.972383
+                    -2.515272,53.972063
+                    -2.516250,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.970962
+                    -2.513760,53.970957
+                    -2.512832,53.970575
+                    -2.512247,53.970246
+                    -2.511656,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.970942
+                    -2.510199,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532049,53.972383
+                    -2.531988,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973489
+                    -2.530681,53.974190
+                    -2.530394,53.974662
+                    -2.529709,53.975101
+                    -2.528882,53.975415
+                    -2.527369,53.975854
+                    -2.527121,53.976002
+                    -2.526215,53.976908
+                    -2.525857,53.977294
+                    -2.524955,53.977809
+                    -2.524345,53.978052
+                    -2.523803,53.977809
+                    -2.522833,53.977251
+                    -2.522521,53.976908
+                    -2.521321,53.976188
+                    -2.519808,53.976383
+                    -2.518785,53.976908
+                    -2.519808,53.977427
+                    -2.521321,53.977623
+                    -2.521894,53.977809
+                    -2.521667,53.978715
+                    -2.522833,53.979373
+                    -2.523176,53.979621
+                    -2.522833,53.980021
+                    -2.521991,53.980527
+                    -2.521926,53.981433
+                    -2.522491,53.982334
+                    -2.521321,53.982558
+                    -2.520180,53.983240
+                    -2.521321,53.983922
+                    -2.521553,53.984141
+                    -2.521321,53.984427
+                    -2.519808,53.984594
+                    -2.519046,53.985052
+                    -2.519808,53.985510
+                    -2.520043,53.985953
+                    -2.519808,53.986492
+                    -2.519196,53.986859
+                    -2.519808,53.987255
+                    -2.520327,53.987765
+                    -2.519808,53.988090
+                    -2.518884,53.988667
+                    -2.518685,53.989573
+                    -2.518296,53.989716
+                    -2.516784,53.989778
+                    -2.515272,53.989797
+                    -2.513760,53.990016
+                    -2.512992,53.990479
+                    -2.512247,53.990645
+                    -2.510735,53.990784
+                    -2.509536,53.991385
+                    -2.510735,53.991981
+                    -2.512247,53.992124
+                    -2.513484,53.991385
+                    -2.513760,53.990936
+                    -2.515272,53.991160
+                    -2.516784,53.991179
+                    -2.518296,53.991237
+                    -2.519808,53.991332
+                    -2.521321,53.991294
+                    -2.521983,53.991385
+                    -2.522833,53.991890
+                    -2.523445,53.992286
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+                    -2.522833,53.994474
+                    -2.521321,53.994489
+                    -2.519808,53.994737
+                    -2.519390,53.994999
+                    -2.518909,53.995910
+                    -2.519808,53.996444
+                    -2.521321,53.996477
+                    -2.522273,53.995910
+                    -2.522833,53.995509
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+                    -2.526139,53.995910
+                    -2.526402,53.996811
+                    -2.525857,53.997397
+                    -2.525376,53.997717
+                    -2.525857,53.998003
+                    -2.526980,53.998618
+                    -2.527369,53.998852
+                    -2.528398,53.999524
+                    -2.528882,53.999815
+                    -2.529405,53.999524
+                    -2.530394,53.999209
+                    -2.530545,53.999524
+                    -2.530586,54.000430
+                    -2.530394,54.000583
+                    -2.529136,54.001336
+                    -2.529063,54.002242
+                    -2.529066,54.003143
+                    -2.529091,54.004049
+                    -2.528882,54.004226
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+                    -2.527727,54.005861
+                    -2.527369,54.006314
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+                    -2.526042,54.007668
+                    -2.525857,54.007835
+                    -2.524345,54.007988
+                    -2.523368,54.008574
+                    -2.523753,54.009476
+                    -2.524345,54.009833
+                    -2.524723,54.010382
+                    -2.524345,54.010558
+                    -2.523130,54.011288
+                    -2.523603,54.012194
+                    -2.524345,54.012637
+                    -2.524615,54.013095
+                    -2.524662,54.014001
+                    -2.524457,54.014907
+                    -2.524746,54.015813
+                    -2.525857,54.016476
+                    -2.526302,54.016719
+                    -2.526218,54.017620
+                    -2.527369,54.018307
+                    -2.527739,54.018526
+                    -2.528882,54.019208
+                    -2.530030,54.018526
+                    -2.530181,54.017620
+                    -2.528882,54.016848
+                    -2.528437,54.016719
+                    -2.528509,54.015813
+                    -2.527369,54.015121
+                    -2.527262,54.014907
+                    -2.527104,54.014001
+                    -2.527109,54.013095
+                    -2.525857,54.012351
+                    -2.525087,54.012194
+                    -2.525857,54.012113
+                    -2.527236,54.011288
+                    -2.526992,54.010382
+                    -2.527369,54.010086
+                    -2.528434,54.009476
+                    -2.528882,54.008861
+                    -2.529454,54.008574
+                    -2.529939,54.007668
+                    -2.530369,54.006763
+                    -2.530037,54.005861
+                    -2.530394,54.005389
+                    -2.531195,54.004951
+                    -2.531741,54.004049
+                    -2.531784,54.003143
+                    -2.531783,54.002242
+                    -2.531657,54.001336
+                    -2.531906,54.001226
+                    -2.533418,54.001002
+                    -2.534930,54.000540
+                    -2.535070,54.000430
+                    -2.534930,54.000387
+                    -2.533418,53.999696
+                    -2.533363,53.999524
+                    -2.533262,53.998618
+                    -2.533418,53.998017
+                    -2.534930,53.998346
+                    -2.535234,53.998618
+                    -2.536443,53.999362
+                    -2.536750,53.999524
+                    -2.536836,54.000430
+                    -2.536443,54.000545
+                    -2.535082,54.001336
+                    -2.534930,54.001746
+                    -2.533418,54.001746
+                    -2.532543,54.002242
+                    -2.532480,54.003143
+                    -2.532830,54.004049
+                    -2.533004,54.004951
+                    -2.532934,54.005861
+                    -2.531906,54.006047
+                    -2.530512,54.006763
+                    -2.531906,54.007525
+                    -2.532440,54.007668
+                    -2.531906,54.008040
+                    -2.531053,54.008574
+                    -2.531906,54.008994
+                    -2.533418,54.008822
+                    -2.533994,54.008574
+                    -2.534227,54.007668
+                    -2.534930,54.007363
+                    -2.535949,54.006763
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+                    -2.524645,54.004049
+                    -2.525298,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002242
+                    -2.524345,54.002242
+                    -2.524343,54.002242
+                    -2.522833,54.002314
+                    -2.522709,54.002242
+                    -2.522833,54.002166
+                    -2.523511,54.001336
+                    -2.522833,54.000926
+                    -2.521824,54.000430
+                    -2.521321,54.000134
+                    -2.519808,54.000001
+                    -2.518296,53.999887
+                    -2.517596,53.999524
+                    -2.516784,53.999009
+                    -2.516189,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998079
+                    -2.514691,53.997717
+                    -2.514786,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996205
+                    -2.512451,53.995910
+                    -2.512247,53.995619
+                    -2.512144,53.994999
+                    -2.510735,53.994298
+                    -2.509223,53.994775
+                    -2.507711,53.994603
+                    -2.506199,53.994565
+                    -2.505677,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993440
+                    -2.504184,53.993192
+                    -2.504555,53.992286
+                    -2.504268,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991256
+                    -2.506143,53.990479
+                    -2.505748,53.989573
+                    -2.506199,53.989272
+                    -2.507711,53.989167
+                    -2.508711,53.988667
+                    -2.509223,53.988314
+                    -2.510735,53.988123
+                    -2.511397,53.987765
+                    -2.510735,53.987408
+                    -2.509223,53.987317
+                    -2.507711,53.987327
+                    -2.507339,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986697
+                    -2.509085,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985219
+                    -2.507094,53.985052
+                    -2.507711,53.984566
+                    -2.508335,53.984141
+                    -2.508582,53.983240
+                    -2.508578,53.982334
+                    -2.509081,53.981433
+                    -2.509120,53.980527
+                    -2.508042,53.979621
+                    -2.507711,53.979421
+                    -2.507378,53.979621
+                    -2.506199,53.979969
+                    -2.504686,53.980188
+                    -2.503559,53.979621
+                    -2.504686,53.979321
+                    -2.505830,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978620
+                    -2.507711,53.978457
+                    -2.508972,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977661
+                    -2.510298,53.976908
+                    -2.509410,53.976002
+                    -2.510495,53.975101
+                    -2.510462,53.974190
+                    -2.510735,53.974013
+                    -2.511903,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.973079
+                    -2.513760,53.972878
+                    -2.514615,53.972383
+                    -2.515272,53.972063
+                    -2.516250,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.970962
+                    -2.513760,53.970957
+                    -2.512832,53.970575
+                    -2.512247,53.970246
+                    -2.511656,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.970942
+                    -2.510199,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532049,53.972383
+                    -2.531988,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973489
+                    -2.530681,53.974190
+                    -2.530394,53.974662
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+                    -2.528882,53.975415
+                    -2.527369,53.975854
+                    -2.527121,53.976002
+                    -2.526215,53.976908
+                    -2.525857,53.977294
+                    -2.524955,53.977809
+                    -2.524345,53.978052
+                    -2.523803,53.977809
+                    -2.522833,53.977251
+                    -2.522521,53.976908
+                    -2.521321,53.976188
+                    -2.519808,53.976383
+                    -2.518785,53.976908
+                    -2.519808,53.977427
+                    -2.521321,53.977623
+                    -2.521894,53.977809
+                    -2.521667,53.978715
+                    -2.522833,53.979373
+                    -2.523176,53.979621
+                    -2.522833,53.980021
+                    -2.521991,53.980527
+                    -2.521926,53.981433
+                    -2.522491,53.982334
+                    -2.521321,53.982558
+                    -2.520180,53.983240
+                    -2.521321,53.983922
+                    -2.521553,53.984141
+                    -2.521321,53.984427
+                    -2.519808,53.984594
+                    -2.519046,53.985052
+                    -2.519808,53.985510
+                    -2.520043,53.985953
+                    -2.519808,53.986492
+                    -2.519196,53.986859
+                    -2.519808,53.987255
+                    -2.520327,53.987765
+                    -2.519808,53.988090
+                    -2.518884,53.988667
+                    -2.518685,53.989573
+                    -2.518296,53.989716
+                    -2.516784,53.989778
+                    -2.515272,53.989797
+                    -2.513760,53.990016
+                    -2.512992,53.990479
+                    -2.512247,53.990645
+                    -2.510735,53.990784
+                    -2.509536,53.991385
+                    -2.510735,53.991981
+                    -2.512247,53.992124
+                    -2.513484,53.991385
+                    -2.513760,53.990936
+                    -2.515272,53.991160
+                    -2.516784,53.991179
+                    -2.518296,53.991237
+                    -2.519808,53.991332
+                    -2.521321,53.991294
+                    -2.521983,53.991385
+                    -2.522833,53.991890
+                    -2.523445,53.992286
+                    -2.524270,53.993192
+                    -2.523284,53.994098
+                    -2.522833,53.994474
+                    -2.521321,53.994489
+                    -2.519808,53.994737
+                    -2.519390,53.994999
+                    -2.518909,53.995910
+                    -2.519808,53.996444
+                    -2.521321,53.996477
+                    -2.522273,53.995910
+                    -2.522833,53.995509
+                    -2.524345,53.995624
+                    -2.525857,53.995733
+                    -2.526139,53.995910
+                    -2.526402,53.996811
+                    -2.525857,53.997397
+                    -2.525376,53.997717
+                    -2.525857,53.998003
+                    -2.526980,53.998618
+                    -2.527369,53.998852
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+                    -2.528882,53.999815
+                    -2.529405,53.999524
+                    -2.530394,53.999209
+                    -2.530545,53.999524
+                    -2.530586,54.000430
+                    -2.530394,54.000583
+                    -2.529136,54.001336
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+                    -2.529066,54.003143
+                    -2.529091,54.004049
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+                    -2.516784,54.020333
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.017029
+                    -2.511685,54.017620
+                    -2.512247,54.017959
+                    -2.513760,54.018030
+                    -2.515272,54.018011
+                    -2.516001,54.017620
+                    -2.515272,54.017067
+                    -2.514959,54.016719
+                    -2.513760,54.016032
+                    -2.512247,54.016199
+                    -2.510735,54.016376
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014316
+                    -2.512247,54.014225
+                    -2.512650,54.014001
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+                    -2.513760,54.011950
+                    -2.514424,54.012194
+                    -2.515272,54.012699
+                    -2.516120,54.012194
+                    -2.516173,54.011288
+                    -2.515272,54.010615
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+                    -2.515272,54.009032
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+                    -2.516784,54.007068
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+                    -2.516784,54.006648
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+                    -2.519015,54.006763
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+                    -2.519808,54.008203
+                    -2.521321,54.008365
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+                    -2.521802,54.006763
+                    -2.522414,54.005861
+                    -2.522833,54.005542
+                    -2.523714,54.004951
+                    -2.524345,54.004250
+                    -2.524645,54.004049
+                    -2.525298,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002242
+                    -2.524345,54.002242
+                    -2.524343,54.002242
+                    -2.522833,54.002314
+                    -2.522709,54.002242
+                    -2.522833,54.002166
+                    -2.523511,54.001336
+                    -2.522833,54.000926
+                    -2.521824,54.000430
+                    -2.521321,54.000134
+                    -2.519808,54.000001
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+                    -2.517596,53.999524
+                    -2.516784,53.999009
+                    -2.516189,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998079
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+                    -2.505677,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993440
+                    -2.504184,53.993192
+                    -2.504555,53.992286
+                    -2.504268,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991256
+                    -2.506143,53.990479
+                    -2.505748,53.989573
+                    -2.506199,53.989272
+                    -2.507711,53.989167
+                    -2.508711,53.988667
+                    -2.509223,53.988314
+                    -2.510735,53.988123
+                    -2.511397,53.987765
+                    -2.510735,53.987408
+                    -2.509223,53.987317
+                    -2.507711,53.987327
+                    -2.507339,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986697
+                    -2.509085,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985219
+                    -2.507094,53.985052
+                    -2.507711,53.984566
+                    -2.508335,53.984141
+                    -2.508582,53.983240
+                    -2.508578,53.982334
+                    -2.509081,53.981433
+                    -2.509120,53.980527
+                    -2.508042,53.979621
+                    -2.507711,53.979421
+                    -2.507378,53.979621
+                    -2.506199,53.979969
+                    -2.504686,53.980188
+                    -2.503559,53.979621
+                    -2.504686,53.979321
+                    -2.505830,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978620
+                    -2.507711,53.978457
+                    -2.508972,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977661
+                    -2.510298,53.976908
+                    -2.509410,53.976002
+                    -2.510495,53.975101
+                    -2.510462,53.974190
+                    -2.510735,53.974013
+                    -2.511903,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.973079
+                    -2.513760,53.972878
+                    -2.514615,53.972383
+                    -2.515272,53.972063
+                    -2.516250,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.970962
+                    -2.513760,53.970957
+                    -2.512832,53.970575
+                    -2.512247,53.970246
+                    -2.511656,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.970942
+                    -2.510199,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532049,53.972383
+                    -2.531988,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973489
+                    -2.530681,53.974190
+                    -2.530394,53.974662
+                    -2.529709,53.975101
+                    -2.528882,53.975415
+                    -2.527369,53.975854
+                    -2.527121,53.976002
+                    -2.526215,53.976908
+                    -2.525857,53.977294
+                    -2.524955,53.977809
+                    -2.524345,53.978052
+                    -2.523803,53.977809
+                    -2.522833,53.977251
+                    -2.522521,53.976908
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+                    -2.519808,53.976383
+                    -2.518785,53.976908
+                    -2.519808,53.977427
+                    -2.521321,53.977623
+                    -2.521894,53.977809
+                    -2.521667,53.978715
+                    -2.522833,53.979373
+                    -2.523176,53.979621
+                    -2.522833,53.980021
+                    -2.521991,53.980527
+                    -2.521926,53.981433
+                    -2.522491,53.982334
+                    -2.521321,53.982558
+                    -2.520180,53.983240
+                    -2.521321,53.983922
+                    -2.521553,53.984141
+                    -2.521321,53.984427
+                    -2.519808,53.984594
+                    -2.519046,53.985052
+                    -2.519808,53.985510
+                    -2.520043,53.985953
+                    -2.519808,53.986492
+                    -2.519196,53.986859
+                    -2.519808,53.987255
+                    -2.520327,53.987765
+                    -2.519808,53.988090
+                    -2.518884,53.988667
+                    -2.518685,53.989573
+                    -2.518296,53.989716
+                    -2.516784,53.989778
+                    -2.515272,53.989797
+                    -2.513760,53.990016
+                    -2.512992,53.990479
+                    -2.512247,53.990645
+                    -2.510735,53.990784
+                    -2.509536,53.991385
+                    -2.510735,53.991981
+                    -2.512247,53.992124
+                    -2.513484,53.991385
+                    -2.513760,53.990936
+                    -2.515272,53.991160
+                    -2.516784,53.991179
+                    -2.518296,53.991237
+                    -2.519808,53.991332
+                    -2.521321,53.991294
+                    -2.521983,53.991385
+                    -2.522833,53.991890
+                    -2.523445,53.992286
+                    -2.524270,53.993192
+                    -2.523284,53.994098
+                    -2.522833,53.994474
+                    -2.521321,53.994489
+                    -2.519808,53.994737
+                    -2.519390,53.994999
+                    -2.518909,53.995910
+                    -2.519808,53.996444
+                    -2.521321,53.996477
+                    -2.522273,53.995910
+                    -2.522833,53.995509
+                    -2.524345,53.995624
+                    -2.525857,53.995733
+                    -2.526139,53.995910
+                    -2.526402,53.996811
+                    -2.525857,53.997397
+                    -2.525376,53.997717
+                    -2.525857,53.998003
+                    -2.526980,53.998618
+                    -2.527369,53.998852
+                    -2.528398,53.999524
+                    -2.528882,53.999815
+                    -2.529405,53.999524
+                    -2.530394,53.999209
+                    -2.530545,53.999524
+                    -2.530586,54.000430
+                    -2.530394,54.000583
+                    -2.529136,54.001336
+                    -2.529063,54.002242
+                    -2.529066,54.003143
+                    -2.529091,54.004049
+                    -2.528882,54.004226
+                    -2.527669,54.004951
+                    -2.527727,54.005861
+                    -2.527369,54.006314
+                    -2.526613,54.006763
+                    -2.526042,54.007668
+                    -2.525857,54.007835
+                    -2.524345,54.007988
+                    -2.523368,54.008574
+                    -2.523753,54.009476
+                    -2.524345,54.009833
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+                    -2.524345,54.010558
+                    -2.523130,54.011288
+                    -2.523603,54.012194
+                    -2.524345,54.012637
+                    -2.524615,54.013095
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+                    -2.524746,54.015813
+                    -2.525857,54.016476
+                    -2.526302,54.016719
+                    -2.526218,54.017620
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+                    -2.527739,54.018526
+                    -2.528882,54.019208
+                    -2.530030,54.018526
+                    -2.530181,54.017620
+                    -2.528882,54.016848
+                    -2.528437,54.016719
+                    -2.528509,54.015813
+                    -2.527369,54.015121
+                    -2.527262,54.014907
+                    -2.527104,54.014001
+                    -2.527109,54.013095
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+                    -2.525857,54.012113
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+                    -2.531784,54.003143
+                    -2.531783,54.002242
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+                    -2.518296,54.021449
+                    -2.517778,54.021239
+                    -2.516784,54.020333
+                    -2.516782,54.020333
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+                    -2.511929,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.018812
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.017029
+                    -2.511685,54.017620
+                    -2.512247,54.017959
+                    -2.513760,54.018030
+                    -2.515272,54.018011
+                    -2.516001,54.017620
+                    -2.515272,54.017067
+                    -2.514959,54.016719
+                    -2.513760,54.016032
+                    -2.512247,54.016199
+                    -2.510735,54.016376
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014316
+                    -2.512247,54.014225
+                    -2.512650,54.014001
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+                    -2.513760,54.011950
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+                    -2.515272,54.012699
+                    -2.516120,54.012194
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+                    -2.515272,54.010615
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+                    -2.515272,54.009032
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+                    -2.516784,54.007068
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+                    -2.516784,54.006648
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+                    -2.519015,54.006763
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+                    -2.519808,54.008203
+                    -2.521321,54.008365
+                    -2.522489,54.007668
+                    -2.521802,54.006763
+                    -2.522414,54.005861
+                    -2.522833,54.005542
+                    -2.523714,54.004951
+                    -2.524345,54.004250
+                    -2.524645,54.004049
+                    -2.525298,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002242
+                    -2.524345,54.002242
+                    -2.524343,54.002242
+                    -2.522833,54.002314
+                    -2.522709,54.002242
+                    -2.522833,54.002166
+                    -2.523511,54.001336
+                    -2.522833,54.000926
+                    -2.521824,54.000430
+                    -2.521321,54.000134
+                    -2.519808,54.000001
+                    -2.518296,53.999887
+                    -2.517596,53.999524
+                    -2.516784,53.999009
+                    -2.516189,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998079
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+                    -2.513760,53.996205
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+                    -2.504686,53.993440
+                    -2.504184,53.993192
+                    -2.504555,53.992286
+                    -2.504268,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991256
+                    -2.506143,53.990479
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+                    -2.506199,53.989272
+                    -2.507711,53.989167
+                    -2.508711,53.988667
+                    -2.509223,53.988314
+                    -2.510735,53.988123
+                    -2.511397,53.987765
+                    -2.510735,53.987408
+                    -2.509223,53.987317
+                    -2.507711,53.987327
+                    -2.507339,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986697
+                    -2.509085,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985219
+                    -2.507094,53.985052
+                    -2.507711,53.984566
+                    -2.508335,53.984141
+                    -2.508582,53.983240
+                    -2.508578,53.982334
+                    -2.509081,53.981433
+                    -2.509120,53.980527
+                    -2.508042,53.979621
+                    -2.507711,53.979421
+                    -2.507378,53.979621
+                    -2.506199,53.979969
+                    -2.504686,53.980188
+                    -2.503559,53.979621
+                    -2.504686,53.979321
+                    -2.505830,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978620
+                    -2.507711,53.978457
+                    -2.508972,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977661
+                    -2.510298,53.976908
+                    -2.509410,53.976002
+                    -2.510495,53.975101
+                    -2.510462,53.974190
+                    -2.510735,53.974013
+                    -2.511903,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.973079
+                    -2.513760,53.972878
+                    -2.514615,53.972383
+                    -2.515272,53.972063
+                    -2.516250,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.970962
+                    -2.513760,53.970957
+                    -2.512832,53.970575
+                    -2.512247,53.970246
+                    -2.511656,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.970942
+                    -2.510199,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532049,53.972383
+                    -2.531988,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973489
+                    -2.530681,53.974190
+                    -2.530394,53.974662
+                    -2.529709,53.975101
+                    -2.528882,53.975415
+                    -2.527369,53.975854
+                    -2.527121,53.976002
+                    -2.526215,53.976908
+                    -2.525857,53.977294
+                    -2.524955,53.977809
+                    -2.524345,53.978052
+                    -2.523803,53.977809
+                    -2.522833,53.977251
+                    -2.522521,53.976908
+                    -2.521321,53.976188
+                    -2.519808,53.976383
+                    -2.518785,53.976908
+                    -2.519808,53.977427
+                    -2.521321,53.977623
+                    -2.521894,53.977809
+                    -2.521667,53.978715
+                    -2.522833,53.979373
+                    -2.523176,53.979621
+                    -2.522833,53.980021
+                    -2.521991,53.980527
+                    -2.521926,53.981433
+                    -2.522491,53.982334
+                    -2.521321,53.982558
+                    -2.520180,53.983240
+                    -2.521321,53.983922
+                    -2.521553,53.984141
+                    -2.521321,53.984427
+                    -2.519808,53.984594
+                    -2.519046,53.985052
+                    -2.519808,53.985510
+                    -2.520043,53.985953
+                    -2.519808,53.986492
+                    -2.519196,53.986859
+                    -2.519808,53.987255
+                    -2.520327,53.987765
+                    -2.519808,53.988090
+                    -2.518884,53.988667
+                    -2.518685,53.989573
+                    -2.518296,53.989716
+                    -2.516784,53.989778
+                    -2.515272,53.989797
+                    -2.513760,53.990016
+                    -2.512992,53.990479
+                    -2.512247,53.990645
+                    -2.510735,53.990784
+                    -2.509536,53.991385
+                    -2.510735,53.991981
+                    -2.512247,53.992124
+                    -2.513484,53.991385
+                    -2.513760,53.990936
+                    -2.515272,53.991160
+                    -2.516784,53.991179
+                    -2.518296,53.991237
+                    -2.519808,53.991332
+                    -2.521321,53.991294
+                    -2.521983,53.991385
+                    -2.522833,53.991890
+                    -2.523445,53.992286
+                    -2.524270,53.993192
+                    -2.523284,53.994098
+                    -2.522833,53.994474
+                    -2.521321,53.994489
+                    -2.519808,53.994737
+                    -2.519390,53.994999
+                    -2.518909,53.995910
+                    -2.519808,53.996444
+                    -2.521321,53.996477
+                    -2.522273,53.995910
+                    -2.522833,53.995509
+                    -2.524345,53.995624
+                    -2.525857,53.995733
+                    -2.526139,53.995910
+                    -2.526402,53.996811
+                    -2.525857,53.997397
+                    -2.525376,53.997717
+                    -2.525857,53.998003
+                    -2.526980,53.998618
+                    -2.527369,53.998852
+                    -2.528398,53.999524
+                    -2.528882,53.999815
+                    -2.529405,53.999524
+                    -2.530394,53.999209
+                    -2.530545,53.999524
+                    -2.530586,54.000430
+                    -2.530394,54.000583
+                    -2.529136,54.001336
+                    -2.529063,54.002242
+                    -2.529066,54.003143
+                    -2.529091,54.004049
+                    -2.528882,54.004226
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+                    -2.527727,54.005861
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+                    -2.525857,54.007835
+                    -2.524345,54.007988
+                    -2.523368,54.008574
+                    -2.523753,54.009476
+                    -2.524345,54.009833
+                    -2.524723,54.010382
+                    -2.524345,54.010558
+                    -2.523130,54.011288
+                    -2.523603,54.012194
+                    -2.524345,54.012637
+                    -2.524615,54.013095
+                    -2.524662,54.014001
+                    -2.524457,54.014907
+                    -2.524746,54.015813
+                    -2.525857,54.016476
+                    -2.526302,54.016719
+                    -2.526218,54.017620
+                    -2.527369,54.018307
+                    -2.527739,54.018526
+                    -2.528882,54.019208
+                    -2.530030,54.018526
+                    -2.530181,54.017620
+                    -2.528882,54.016848
+                    -2.528437,54.016719
+                    -2.528509,54.015813
+                    -2.527369,54.015121
+                    -2.527262,54.014907
+                    -2.527104,54.014001
+                    -2.527109,54.013095
+                    -2.525857,54.012351
+                    -2.525087,54.012194
+                    -2.525857,54.012113
+                    -2.527236,54.011288
+                    -2.526992,54.010382
+                    -2.527369,54.010086
+                    -2.528434,54.009476
+                    -2.528882,54.008861
+                    -2.529454,54.008574
+                    -2.529939,54.007668
+                    -2.530369,54.006763
+                    -2.530037,54.005861
+                    -2.530394,54.005389
+                    -2.531195,54.004951
+                    -2.531741,54.004049
+                    -2.531784,54.003143
+                    -2.531783,54.002242
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+                    -2.514959,54.016719
+                    -2.513760,54.016032
+                    -2.512247,54.016199
+                    -2.510735,54.016376
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014316
+                    -2.512247,54.014225
+                    -2.512650,54.014001
+                    -2.513033,54.013095
+                    -2.513552,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011950
+                    -2.514424,54.012194
+                    -2.515272,54.012699
+                    -2.516120,54.012194
+                    -2.516173,54.011288
+                    -2.515272,54.010615
+                    -2.515049,54.010382
+                    -2.514692,54.009476
+                    -2.515272,54.009032
+                    -2.516110,54.008574
+                    -2.516784,54.008265
+                    -2.517776,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007068
+                    -2.516414,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006648
+                    -2.518296,54.006610
+                    -2.519015,54.006763
+                    -2.518799,54.007668
+                    -2.519808,54.008203
+                    -2.521321,54.008365
+                    -2.522489,54.007668
+                    -2.521802,54.006763
+                    -2.522414,54.005861
+                    -2.522833,54.005542
+                    -2.523714,54.004951
+                    -2.524345,54.004250
+                    -2.524645,54.004049
+                    -2.525298,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002242
+                    -2.524345,54.002242
+                    -2.524343,54.002242
+                    -2.522833,54.002314
+                    -2.522709,54.002242
+                    -2.522833,54.002166
+                    -2.523511,54.001336
+                    -2.522833,54.000926
+                    -2.521824,54.000430
+                    -2.521321,54.000134
+                    -2.519808,54.000001
+                    -2.518296,53.999887
+                    -2.517596,53.999524
+                    -2.516784,53.999009
+                    -2.516189,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998079
+                    -2.514691,53.997717
+                    -2.514786,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996205
+                    -2.512451,53.995910
+                    -2.512247,53.995619
+                    -2.512144,53.994999
+                    -2.510735,53.994298
+                    -2.509223,53.994775
+                    -2.507711,53.994603
+                    -2.506199,53.994565
+                    -2.505677,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993440
+                    -2.504184,53.993192
+                    -2.504555,53.992286
+                    -2.504268,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991256
+                    -2.506143,53.990479
+                    -2.505748,53.989573
+                    -2.506199,53.989272
+                    -2.507711,53.989167
+                    -2.508711,53.988667
+                    -2.509223,53.988314
+                    -2.510735,53.988123
+                    -2.511397,53.987765
+                    -2.510735,53.987408
+                    -2.509223,53.987317
+                    -2.507711,53.987327
+                    -2.507339,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986697
+                    -2.509085,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985219
+                    -2.507094,53.985052
+                    -2.507711,53.984566
+                    -2.508335,53.984141
+                    -2.508582,53.983240
+                    -2.508578,53.982334
+                    -2.509081,53.981433
+                    -2.509120,53.980527
+                    -2.508042,53.979621
+                    -2.507711,53.979421
+                    -2.507378,53.979621
+                    -2.506199,53.979969
+                    -2.504686,53.980188
+                    -2.503559,53.979621
+                    -2.504686,53.979321
+                    -2.505830,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978620
+                    -2.507711,53.978457
+                    -2.508972,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977661
+                    -2.510298,53.976908
+                    -2.509410,53.976002
+                    -2.510495,53.975101
+                    -2.510462,53.974190
+                    -2.510735,53.974013
+                    -2.511903,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.973079
+                    -2.513760,53.972878
+                    -2.514615,53.972383
+                    -2.515272,53.972063
+                    -2.516250,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.970962
+                    -2.513760,53.970957
+                    -2.512832,53.970575
+                    -2.512247,53.970246
+                    -2.511656,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.970942
+                    -2.510199,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532049,53.972383
+                    -2.531988,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973489
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+                    -2.530394,53.974662
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+                    -2.528882,53.975415
+                    -2.527369,53.975854
+                    -2.527121,53.976002
+                    -2.526215,53.976908
+                    -2.525857,53.977294
+                    -2.524955,53.977809
+                    -2.524345,53.978052
+                    -2.523803,53.977809
+                    -2.522833,53.977251
+                    -2.522521,53.976908
+                    -2.521321,53.976188
+                    -2.519808,53.976383
+                    -2.518785,53.976908
+                    -2.519808,53.977427
+                    -2.521321,53.977623
+                    -2.521894,53.977809
+                    -2.521667,53.978715
+                    -2.522833,53.979373
+                    -2.523176,53.979621
+                    -2.522833,53.980021
+                    -2.521991,53.980527
+                    -2.521926,53.981433
+                    -2.522491,53.982334
+                    -2.521321,53.982558
+                    -2.520180,53.983240
+                    -2.521321,53.983922
+                    -2.521553,53.984141
+                    -2.521321,53.984427
+                    -2.519808,53.984594
+                    -2.519046,53.985052
+                    -2.519808,53.985510
+                    -2.520043,53.985953
+                    -2.519808,53.986492
+                    -2.519196,53.986859
+                    -2.519808,53.987255
+                    -2.520327,53.987765
+                    -2.519808,53.988090
+                    -2.518884,53.988667
+                    -2.518685,53.989573
+                    -2.518296,53.989716
+                    -2.516784,53.989778
+                    -2.515272,53.989797
+                    -2.513760,53.990016
+                    -2.512992,53.990479
+                    -2.512247,53.990645
+                    -2.510735,53.990784
+                    -2.509536,53.991385
+                    -2.510735,53.991981
+                    -2.512247,53.992124
+                    -2.513484,53.991385
+                    -2.513760,53.990936
+                    -2.515272,53.991160
+                    -2.516784,53.991179
+                    -2.518296,53.991237
+                    -2.519808,53.991332
+                    -2.521321,53.991294
+                    -2.521983,53.991385
+                    -2.522833,53.991890
+                    -2.523445,53.992286
+                    -2.524270,53.993192
+                    -2.523284,53.994098
+                    -2.522833,53.994474
+                    -2.521321,53.994489
+                    -2.519808,53.994737
+                    -2.519390,53.994999
+                    -2.518909,53.995910
+                    -2.519808,53.996444
+                    -2.521321,53.996477
+                    -2.522273,53.995910
+                    -2.522833,53.995509
+                    -2.524345,53.995624
+                    -2.525857,53.995733
+                    -2.526139,53.995910
+                    -2.526402,53.996811
+                    -2.525857,53.997397
+                    -2.525376,53.997717
+                    -2.525857,53.998003
+                    -2.526980,53.998618
+                    -2.527369,53.998852
+                    -2.528398,53.999524
+                    -2.528882,53.999815
+                    -2.529405,53.999524
+                    -2.530394,53.999209
+                    -2.530545,53.999524
+                    -2.530586,54.000430
+                    -2.530394,54.000583
+                    -2.529136,54.001336
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+                    -2.529066,54.003143
+                    -2.529091,54.004049
+                    -2.528882,54.004226
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+                    -2.525857,54.007835
+                    -2.524345,54.007988
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+                    -2.524345,54.010558
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+                    -2.525857,54.012113
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.017029
+                    -2.511685,54.017620
+                    -2.512247,54.017959
+                    -2.513760,54.018030
+                    -2.515272,54.018011
+                    -2.516001,54.017620
+                    -2.515272,54.017067
+                    -2.514959,54.016719
+                    -2.513760,54.016032
+                    -2.512247,54.016199
+                    -2.510735,54.016376
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014316
+                    -2.512247,54.014225
+                    -2.512650,54.014001
+                    -2.513033,54.013095
+                    -2.513552,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011950
+                    -2.514424,54.012194
+                    -2.515272,54.012699
+                    -2.516120,54.012194
+                    -2.516173,54.011288
+                    -2.515272,54.010615
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+                    -2.516784,54.007068
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+                    -2.516784,54.006648
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+                    -2.519015,54.006763
+                    -2.518799,54.007668
+                    -2.519808,54.008203
+                    -2.521321,54.008365
+                    -2.522489,54.007668
+                    -2.521802,54.006763
+                    -2.522414,54.005861
+                    -2.522833,54.005542
+                    -2.523714,54.004951
+                    -2.524345,54.004250
+                    -2.524645,54.004049
+                    -2.525298,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002242
+                    -2.524345,54.002242
+                    -2.524343,54.002242
+                    -2.522833,54.002314
+                    -2.522709,54.002242
+                    -2.522833,54.002166
+                    -2.523511,54.001336
+                    -2.522833,54.000926
+                    -2.521824,54.000430
+                    -2.521321,54.000134
+                    -2.519808,54.000001
+                    -2.518296,53.999887
+                    -2.517596,53.999524
+                    -2.516784,53.999009
+                    -2.516189,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998079
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+                    -2.505677,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993440
+                    -2.504184,53.993192
+                    -2.504555,53.992286
+                    -2.504268,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991256
+                    -2.506143,53.990479
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+                    -2.506199,53.989272
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+                    -2.508711,53.988667
+                    -2.509223,53.988314
+                    -2.510735,53.988123
+                    -2.511397,53.987765
+                    -2.510735,53.987408
+                    -2.509223,53.987317
+                    -2.507711,53.987327
+                    -2.507339,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986697
+                    -2.509085,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985219
+                    -2.507094,53.985052
+                    -2.507711,53.984566
+                    -2.508335,53.984141
+                    -2.508582,53.983240
+                    -2.508578,53.982334
+                    -2.509081,53.981433
+                    -2.509120,53.980527
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+                    -2.507711,53.979421
+                    -2.507378,53.979621
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+                    -2.504686,53.980188
+                    -2.503559,53.979621
+                    -2.504686,53.979321
+                    -2.505830,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978620
+                    -2.507711,53.978457
+                    -2.508972,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977661
+                    -2.510298,53.976908
+                    -2.509410,53.976002
+                    -2.510495,53.975101
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+                    -2.513760,53.972878
+                    -2.514615,53.972383
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+                    -2.516250,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.970962
+                    -2.513760,53.970957
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+                    -2.512247,53.970246
+                    -2.511656,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.970942
+                    -2.510199,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532049,53.972383
+                    -2.531988,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973489
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+                    -2.530394,53.974662
+                    -2.529709,53.975101
+                    -2.528882,53.975415
+                    -2.527369,53.975854
+                    -2.527121,53.976002
+                    -2.526215,53.976908
+                    -2.525857,53.977294
+                    -2.524955,53.977809
+                    -2.524345,53.978052
+                    -2.523803,53.977809
+                    -2.522833,53.977251
+                    -2.522521,53.976908
+                    -2.521321,53.976188
+                    -2.519808,53.976383
+                    -2.518785,53.976908
+                    -2.519808,53.977427
+                    -2.521321,53.977623
+                    -2.521894,53.977809
+                    -2.521667,53.978715
+                    -2.522833,53.979373
+                    -2.523176,53.979621
+                    -2.522833,53.980021
+                    -2.521991,53.980527
+                    -2.521926,53.981433
+                    -2.522491,53.982334
+                    -2.521321,53.982558
+                    -2.520180,53.983240
+                    -2.521321,53.983922
+                    -2.521553,53.984141
+                    -2.521321,53.984427
+                    -2.519808,53.984594
+                    -2.519046,53.985052
+                    -2.519808,53.985510
+                    -2.520043,53.985953
+                    -2.519808,53.986492
+                    -2.519196,53.986859
+                    -2.519808,53.987255
+                    -2.520327,53.987765
+                    -2.519808,53.988090
+                    -2.518884,53.988667
+                    -2.518685,53.989573
+                    -2.518296,53.989716
+                    -2.516784,53.989778
+                    -2.515272,53.989797
+                    -2.513760,53.990016
+                    -2.512992,53.990479
+                    -2.512247,53.990645
+                    -2.510735,53.990784
+                    -2.509536,53.991385
+                    -2.510735,53.991981
+                    -2.512247,53.992124
+                    -2.513484,53.991385
+                    -2.513760,53.990936
+                    -2.515272,53.991160
+                    -2.516784,53.991179
+                    -2.518296,53.991237
+                    -2.519808,53.991332
+                    -2.521321,53.991294
+                    -2.521983,53.991385
+                    -2.522833,53.991890
+                    -2.523445,53.992286
+                    -2.524270,53.993192
+                    -2.523284,53.994098
+                    -2.522833,53.994474
+                    -2.521321,53.994489
+                    -2.519808,53.994737
+                    -2.519390,53.994999
+                    -2.518909,53.995910
+                    -2.519808,53.996444
+                    -2.521321,53.996477
+                    -2.522273,53.995910
+                    -2.522833,53.995509
+                    -2.524345,53.995624
+                    -2.525857,53.995733
+                    -2.526139,53.995910
+                    -2.526402,53.996811
+                    -2.525857,53.997397
+                    -2.525376,53.997717
+                    -2.525857,53.998003
+                    -2.526980,53.998618
+                    -2.527369,53.998852
+                    -2.528398,53.999524
+                    -2.528882,53.999815
+                    -2.529405,53.999524
+                    -2.530394,53.999209
+                    -2.530545,53.999524
+                    -2.530586,54.000430
+                    -2.530394,54.000583
+                    -2.529136,54.001336
+                    -2.529063,54.002242
+                    -2.529066,54.003143
+                    -2.529091,54.004049
+                    -2.528882,54.004226
+                    -2.527669,54.004951
+                    -2.527727,54.005861
+                    -2.527369,54.006314
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+                    -2.525857,54.007835
+                    -2.524345,54.007988
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+                    -2.524345,54.009833
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+                    -2.524345,54.010558
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+                    -2.517778,54.021239
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+                    -2.516782,54.020333
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.017029
+                    -2.511685,54.017620
+                    -2.512247,54.017959
+                    -2.513760,54.018030
+                    -2.515272,54.018011
+                    -2.516001,54.017620
+                    -2.515272,54.017067
+                    -2.514959,54.016719
+                    -2.513760,54.016032
+                    -2.512247,54.016199
+                    -2.510735,54.016376
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014316
+                    -2.512247,54.014225
+                    -2.512650,54.014001
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+                    -2.513760,54.011950
+                    -2.514424,54.012194
+                    -2.515272,54.012699
+                    -2.516120,54.012194
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+                    -2.515272,54.010615
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+                    -2.515272,54.009032
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+                    -2.516784,54.007068
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+                    -2.516784,54.006648
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+                    -2.519015,54.006763
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+                    -2.519808,54.008203
+                    -2.521321,54.008365
+                    -2.522489,54.007668
+                    -2.521802,54.006763
+                    -2.522414,54.005861
+                    -2.522833,54.005542
+                    -2.523714,54.004951
+                    -2.524345,54.004250
+                    -2.524645,54.004049
+                    -2.525298,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002242
+                    -2.524345,54.002242
+                    -2.524343,54.002242
+                    -2.522833,54.002314
+                    -2.522709,54.002242
+                    -2.522833,54.002166
+                    -2.523511,54.001336
+                    -2.522833,54.000926
+                    -2.521824,54.000430
+                    -2.521321,54.000134
+                    -2.519808,54.000001
+                    -2.518296,53.999887
+                    -2.517596,53.999524
+                    -2.516784,53.999009
+                    -2.516189,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998079
+                    -2.514691,53.997717
+                    -2.514786,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996205
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+                    -2.512247,53.995619
+                    -2.512144,53.994999
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+                    -2.505677,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993440
+                    -2.504184,53.993192
+                    -2.504555,53.992286
+                    -2.504268,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991256
+                    -2.506143,53.990479
+                    -2.505748,53.989573
+                    -2.506199,53.989272
+                    -2.507711,53.989167
+                    -2.508711,53.988667
+                    -2.509223,53.988314
+                    -2.510735,53.988123
+                    -2.511397,53.987765
+                    -2.510735,53.987408
+                    -2.509223,53.987317
+                    -2.507711,53.987327
+                    -2.507339,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986697
+                    -2.509085,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985219
+                    -2.507094,53.985052
+                    -2.507711,53.984566
+                    -2.508335,53.984141
+                    -2.508582,53.983240
+                    -2.508578,53.982334
+                    -2.509081,53.981433
+                    -2.509120,53.980527
+                    -2.508042,53.979621
+                    -2.507711,53.979421
+                    -2.507378,53.979621
+                    -2.506199,53.979969
+                    -2.504686,53.980188
+                    -2.503559,53.979621
+                    -2.504686,53.979321
+                    -2.505830,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978620
+                    -2.507711,53.978457
+                    -2.508972,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977661
+                    -2.510298,53.976908
+                    -2.509410,53.976002
+                    -2.510495,53.975101
+                    -2.510462,53.974190
+                    -2.510735,53.974013
+                    -2.511903,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.973079
+                    -2.513760,53.972878
+                    -2.514615,53.972383
+                    -2.515272,53.972063
+                    -2.516250,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.970962
+                    -2.513760,53.970957
+                    -2.512832,53.970575
+                    -2.512247,53.970246
+                    -2.511656,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.970942
+                    -2.510199,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532049,53.972383
+                    -2.531988,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973489
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+                    -2.530394,53.974662
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+                    -2.528882,53.975415
+                    -2.527369,53.975854
+                    -2.527121,53.976002
+                    -2.526215,53.976908
+                    -2.525857,53.977294
+                    -2.524955,53.977809
+                    -2.524345,53.978052
+                    -2.523803,53.977809
+                    -2.522833,53.977251
+                    -2.522521,53.976908
+                    -2.521321,53.976188
+                    -2.519808,53.976383
+                    -2.518785,53.976908
+                    -2.519808,53.977427
+                    -2.521321,53.977623
+                    -2.521894,53.977809
+                    -2.521667,53.978715
+                    -2.522833,53.979373
+                    -2.523176,53.979621
+                    -2.522833,53.980021
+                    -2.521991,53.980527
+                    -2.521926,53.981433
+                    -2.522491,53.982334
+                    -2.521321,53.982558
+                    -2.520180,53.983240
+                    -2.521321,53.983922
+                    -2.521553,53.984141
+                    -2.521321,53.984427
+                    -2.519808,53.984594
+                    -2.519046,53.985052
+                    -2.519808,53.985510
+                    -2.520043,53.985953
+                    -2.519808,53.986492
+                    -2.519196,53.986859
+                    -2.519808,53.987255
+                    -2.520327,53.987765
+                    -2.519808,53.988090
+                    -2.518884,53.988667
+                    -2.518685,53.989573
+                    -2.518296,53.989716
+                    -2.516784,53.989778
+                    -2.515272,53.989797
+                    -2.513760,53.990016
+                    -2.512992,53.990479
+                    -2.512247,53.990645
+                    -2.510735,53.990784
+                    -2.509536,53.991385
+                    -2.510735,53.991981
+                    -2.512247,53.992124
+                    -2.513484,53.991385
+                    -2.513760,53.990936
+                    -2.515272,53.991160
+                    -2.516784,53.991179
+                    -2.518296,53.991237
+                    -2.519808,53.991332
+                    -2.521321,53.991294
+                    -2.521983,53.991385
+                    -2.522833,53.991890
+                    -2.523445,53.992286
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+                    -2.523284,53.994098
+                    -2.522833,53.994474
+                    -2.521321,53.994489
+                    -2.519808,53.994737
+                    -2.519390,53.994999
+                    -2.518909,53.995910
+                    -2.519808,53.996444
+                    -2.521321,53.996477
+                    -2.522273,53.995910
+                    -2.522833,53.995509
+                    -2.524345,53.995624
+                    -2.525857,53.995733
+                    -2.526139,53.995910
+                    -2.526402,53.996811
+                    -2.525857,53.997397
+                    -2.525376,53.997717
+                    -2.525857,53.998003
+                    -2.526980,53.998618
+                    -2.527369,53.998852
+                    -2.528398,53.999524
+                    -2.528882,53.999815
+                    -2.529405,53.999524
+                    -2.530394,53.999209
+                    -2.530545,53.999524
+                    -2.530586,54.000430
+                    -2.530394,54.000583
+                    -2.529136,54.001336
+                    -2.529063,54.002242
+                    -2.529066,54.003143
+                    -2.529091,54.004049
+                    -2.528882,54.004226
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+                    -2.523368,54.008574
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+                    -2.524345,54.009833
+                    -2.524723,54.010382
+                    -2.524345,54.010558
+                    -2.523130,54.011288
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+                    -2.533418,54.022346
+                    -2.533928,54.023051
+                    -2.534378,54.023952
+                    -2.534930,54.024282
+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.024973
+                    -2.531906,54.024997
+                    -2.530906,54.024858
+                    -2.530394,54.024668
+                    -2.528882,54.024601
+                    -2.527369,54.024558
+                    -2.525857,54.024234
+                    -2.525354,54.023952
+                    -2.524345,54.023385
+                    -2.523643,54.023051
+                    -2.522833,54.022608
+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520895,54.022145
+                    -2.519808,54.021316
+                    -2.518296,54.021449
+                    -2.517778,54.021239
+                    -2.516784,54.020333
+                    -2.516782,54.020333
+                    -2.515272,54.019918
+                    -2.513760,54.019823
+                    -2.512247,54.019608
+                    -2.511929,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.018812
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.017029
+                    -2.511685,54.017620
+                    -2.512247,54.017959
+                    -2.513760,54.018030
+                    -2.515272,54.018011
+                    -2.516001,54.017620
+                    -2.515272,54.017067
+                    -2.514959,54.016719
+                    -2.513760,54.016032
+                    -2.512247,54.016199
+                    -2.510735,54.016376
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014316
+                    -2.512247,54.014225
+                    -2.512650,54.014001
+                    -2.513033,54.013095
+                    -2.513552,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011950
+                    -2.514424,54.012194
+                    -2.515272,54.012699
+                    -2.516120,54.012194
+                    -2.516173,54.011288
+                    -2.515272,54.010615
+                    -2.515049,54.010382
+                    -2.514692,54.009476
+                    -2.515272,54.009032
+                    -2.516110,54.008574
+                    -2.516784,54.008265
+                    -2.517776,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007068
+                    -2.516414,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006648
+                    -2.518296,54.006610
+                    -2.519015,54.006763
+                    -2.518799,54.007668
+                    -2.519808,54.008203
+                    -2.521321,54.008365
+                    -2.522489,54.007668
+                    -2.521802,54.006763
+                    -2.522414,54.005861
+                    -2.522833,54.005542
+                    -2.523714,54.004951
+                    -2.524345,54.004250
+                    -2.524645,54.004049
+                    -2.525298,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002242
+                    -2.524345,54.002242
+                    -2.524343,54.002242
+                    -2.522833,54.002314
+                    -2.522709,54.002242
+                    -2.522833,54.002166
+                    -2.523511,54.001336
+                    -2.522833,54.000926
+                    -2.521824,54.000430
+                    -2.521321,54.000134
+                    -2.519808,54.000001
+                    -2.518296,53.999887
+                    -2.517596,53.999524
+                    -2.516784,53.999009
+                    -2.516189,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998079
+                    -2.514691,53.997717
+                    -2.514786,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996205
+                    -2.512451,53.995910
+                    -2.512247,53.995619
+                    -2.512144,53.994999
+                    -2.510735,53.994298
+                    -2.509223,53.994775
+                    -2.507711,53.994603
+                    -2.506199,53.994565
+                    -2.505677,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993440
+                    -2.504184,53.993192
+                    -2.504555,53.992286
+                    -2.504268,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991256
+                    -2.506143,53.990479
+                    -2.505748,53.989573
+                    -2.506199,53.989272
+                    -2.507711,53.989167
+                    -2.508711,53.988667
+                    -2.509223,53.988314
+                    -2.510735,53.988123
+                    -2.511397,53.987765
+                    -2.510735,53.987408
+                    -2.509223,53.987317
+                    -2.507711,53.987327
+                    -2.507339,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986697
+                    -2.509085,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985219
+                    -2.507094,53.985052
+                    -2.507711,53.984566
+                    -2.508335,53.984141
+                    -2.508582,53.983240
+                    -2.508578,53.982334
+                    -2.509081,53.981433
+                    -2.509120,53.980527
+                    -2.508042,53.979621
+                    -2.507711,53.979421
+                    -2.507378,53.979621
+                    -2.506199,53.979969
+                    -2.504686,53.980188
+                    -2.503559,53.979621
+                    -2.504686,53.979321
+                    -2.505830,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978620
+                    -2.507711,53.978457
+                    -2.508972,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977661
+                    -2.510298,53.976908
+                    -2.509410,53.976002
+                    -2.510495,53.975101
+                    -2.510462,53.974190
+                    -2.510735,53.974013
+                    -2.511903,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.973079
+                    -2.513760,53.972878
+                    -2.514615,53.972383
+                    -2.515272,53.972063
+                    -2.516250,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.970962
+                    -2.513760,53.970957
+                    -2.512832,53.970575
+                    -2.512247,53.970246
+                    -2.511656,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.970942
+                    -2.510199,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532049,53.972383
+                    -2.531988,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973489
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+                    -2.530394,53.974662
+                    -2.529709,53.975101
+                    -2.528882,53.975415
+                    -2.527369,53.975854
+                    -2.527121,53.976002
+                    -2.526215,53.976908
+                    -2.525857,53.977294
+                    -2.524955,53.977809
+                    -2.524345,53.978052
+                    -2.523803,53.977809
+                    -2.522833,53.977251
+                    -2.522521,53.976908
+                    -2.521321,53.976188
+                    -2.519808,53.976383
+                    -2.518785,53.976908
+                    -2.519808,53.977427
+                    -2.521321,53.977623
+                    -2.521894,53.977809
+                    -2.521667,53.978715
+                    -2.522833,53.979373
+                    -2.523176,53.979621
+                    -2.522833,53.980021
+                    -2.521991,53.980527
+                    -2.521926,53.981433
+                    -2.522491,53.982334
+                    -2.521321,53.982558
+                    -2.520180,53.983240
+                    -2.521321,53.983922
+                    -2.521553,53.984141
+                    -2.521321,53.984427
+                    -2.519808,53.984594
+                    -2.519046,53.985052
+                    -2.519808,53.985510
+                    -2.520043,53.985953
+                    -2.519808,53.986492
+                    -2.519196,53.986859
+                    -2.519808,53.987255
+                    -2.520327,53.987765
+                    -2.519808,53.988090
+                    -2.518884,53.988667
+                    -2.518685,53.989573
+                    -2.518296,53.989716
+                    -2.516784,53.989778
+                    -2.515272,53.989797
+                    -2.513760,53.990016
+                    -2.512992,53.990479
+                    -2.512247,53.990645
+                    -2.510735,53.990784
+                    -2.509536,53.991385
+                    -2.510735,53.991981
+                    -2.512247,53.992124
+                    -2.513484,53.991385
+                    -2.513760,53.990936
+                    -2.515272,53.991160
+                    -2.516784,53.991179
+                    -2.518296,53.991237
+                    -2.519808,53.991332
+                    -2.521321,53.991294
+                    -2.521983,53.991385
+                    -2.522833,53.991890
+                    -2.523445,53.992286
+                    -2.524270,53.993192
+                    -2.523284,53.994098
+                    -2.522833,53.994474
+                    -2.521321,53.994489
+                    -2.519808,53.994737
+                    -2.519390,53.994999
+                    -2.518909,53.995910
+                    -2.519808,53.996444
+                    -2.521321,53.996477
+                    -2.522273,53.995910
+                    -2.522833,53.995509
+                    -2.524345,53.995624
+                    -2.525857,53.995733
+                    -2.526139,53.995910
+                    -2.526402,53.996811
+                    -2.525857,53.997397
+                    -2.525376,53.997717
+                    -2.525857,53.998003
+                    -2.526980,53.998618
+                    -2.527369,53.998852
+                    -2.528398,53.999524
+                    -2.528882,53.999815
+                    -2.529405,53.999524
+                    -2.530394,53.999209
+                    -2.530545,53.999524
+                    -2.530586,54.000430
+                    -2.530394,54.000583
+                    -2.529136,54.001336
+                    -2.529063,54.002242
+                    -2.529066,54.003143
+                    -2.529091,54.004049
+                    -2.528882,54.004226
+                    -2.527669,54.004951
+                    -2.527727,54.005861
+                    -2.527369,54.006314
+                    -2.526613,54.006763
+                    -2.526042,54.007668
+                    -2.525857,54.007835
+                    -2.524345,54.007988
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+                    -2.524345,54.009833
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+                    -2.524345,54.010558
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+                    -2.524345,54.012637
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+                    -2.524746,54.015813
+                    -2.525857,54.016476
+                    -2.526302,54.016719
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+                    -2.527739,54.018526
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+                    -2.528882,54.016848
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+                    -2.528509,54.015813
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+                    -2.527262,54.014907
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+                    -2.525857,54.012113
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+                    -2.531784,54.003143
+                    -2.531783,54.002242
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+                    -2.533418,54.001746
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.017029
+                    -2.511685,54.017620
+                    -2.512247,54.017959
+                    -2.513760,54.018030
+                    -2.515272,54.018011
+                    -2.516001,54.017620
+                    -2.515272,54.017067
+                    -2.514959,54.016719
+                    -2.513760,54.016032
+                    -2.512247,54.016199
+                    -2.510735,54.016376
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014316
+                    -2.512247,54.014225
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+                    -2.513033,54.013095
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+                    -2.513760,54.011950
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+                    -2.515272,54.012699
+                    -2.516120,54.012194
+                    -2.516173,54.011288
+                    -2.515272,54.010615
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+                    -2.515272,54.009032
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+                    -2.516784,54.007068
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+                    -2.516784,54.006648
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+                    -2.519015,54.006763
+                    -2.518799,54.007668
+                    -2.519808,54.008203
+                    -2.521321,54.008365
+                    -2.522489,54.007668
+                    -2.521802,54.006763
+                    -2.522414,54.005861
+                    -2.522833,54.005542
+                    -2.523714,54.004951
+                    -2.524345,54.004250
+                    -2.524645,54.004049
+                    -2.525298,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002242
+                    -2.524345,54.002242
+                    -2.524343,54.002242
+                    -2.522833,54.002314
+                    -2.522709,54.002242
+                    -2.522833,54.002166
+                    -2.523511,54.001336
+                    -2.522833,54.000926
+                    -2.521824,54.000430
+                    -2.521321,54.000134
+                    -2.519808,54.000001
+                    -2.518296,53.999887
+                    -2.517596,53.999524
+                    -2.516784,53.999009
+                    -2.516189,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998079
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+                    -2.505677,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993440
+                    -2.504184,53.993192
+                    -2.504555,53.992286
+                    -2.504268,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991256
+                    -2.506143,53.990479
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+                    -2.509223,53.988314
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+                    -2.510735,53.987408
+                    -2.509223,53.987317
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+                    -2.507711,53.986697
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+                    -2.507711,53.985219
+                    -2.507094,53.985052
+                    -2.507711,53.984566
+                    -2.508335,53.984141
+                    -2.508582,53.983240
+                    -2.508578,53.982334
+                    -2.509081,53.981433
+                    -2.509120,53.980527
+                    -2.508042,53.979621
+                    -2.507711,53.979421
+                    -2.507378,53.979621
+                    -2.506199,53.979969
+                    -2.504686,53.980188
+                    -2.503559,53.979621
+                    -2.504686,53.979321
+                    -2.505830,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978620
+                    -2.507711,53.978457
+                    -2.508972,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977661
+                    -2.510298,53.976908
+                    -2.509410,53.976002
+                    -2.510495,53.975101
+                    -2.510462,53.974190
+                    -2.510735,53.974013
+                    -2.511903,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.973079
+                    -2.513760,53.972878
+                    -2.514615,53.972383
+                    -2.515272,53.972063
+                    -2.516250,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.970962
+                    -2.513760,53.970957
+                    -2.512832,53.970575
+                    -2.512247,53.970246
+                    -2.511656,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.970942
+                    -2.510199,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532049,53.972383
+                    -2.531988,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973489
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+                    -2.530394,53.974662
+                    -2.529709,53.975101
+                    -2.528882,53.975415
+                    -2.527369,53.975854
+                    -2.527121,53.976002
+                    -2.526215,53.976908
+                    -2.525857,53.977294
+                    -2.524955,53.977809
+                    -2.524345,53.978052
+                    -2.523803,53.977809
+                    -2.522833,53.977251
+                    -2.522521,53.976908
+                    -2.521321,53.976188
+                    -2.519808,53.976383
+                    -2.518785,53.976908
+                    -2.519808,53.977427
+                    -2.521321,53.977623
+                    -2.521894,53.977809
+                    -2.521667,53.978715
+                    -2.522833,53.979373
+                    -2.523176,53.979621
+                    -2.522833,53.980021
+                    -2.521991,53.980527
+                    -2.521926,53.981433
+                    -2.522491,53.982334
+                    -2.521321,53.982558
+                    -2.520180,53.983240
+                    -2.521321,53.983922
+                    -2.521553,53.984141
+                    -2.521321,53.984427
+                    -2.519808,53.984594
+                    -2.519046,53.985052
+                    -2.519808,53.985510
+                    -2.520043,53.985953
+                    -2.519808,53.986492
+                    -2.519196,53.986859
+                    -2.519808,53.987255
+                    -2.520327,53.987765
+                    -2.519808,53.988090
+                    -2.518884,53.988667
+                    -2.518685,53.989573
+                    -2.518296,53.989716
+                    -2.516784,53.989778
+                    -2.515272,53.989797
+                    -2.513760,53.990016
+                    -2.512992,53.990479
+                    -2.512247,53.990645
+                    -2.510735,53.990784
+                    -2.509536,53.991385
+                    -2.510735,53.991981
+                    -2.512247,53.992124
+                    -2.513484,53.991385
+                    -2.513760,53.990936
+                    -2.515272,53.991160
+                    -2.516784,53.991179
+                    -2.518296,53.991237
+                    -2.519808,53.991332
+                    -2.521321,53.991294
+                    -2.521983,53.991385
+                    -2.522833,53.991890
+                    -2.523445,53.992286
+                    -2.524270,53.993192
+                    -2.523284,53.994098
+                    -2.522833,53.994474
+                    -2.521321,53.994489
+                    -2.519808,53.994737
+                    -2.519390,53.994999
+                    -2.518909,53.995910
+                    -2.519808,53.996444
+                    -2.521321,53.996477
+                    -2.522273,53.995910
+                    -2.522833,53.995509
+                    -2.524345,53.995624
+                    -2.525857,53.995733
+                    -2.526139,53.995910
+                    -2.526402,53.996811
+                    -2.525857,53.997397
+                    -2.525376,53.997717
+                    -2.525857,53.998003
+                    -2.526980,53.998618
+                    -2.527369,53.998852
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+                    -2.528882,53.999815
+                    -2.529405,53.999524
+                    -2.530394,53.999209
+                    -2.530545,53.999524
+                    -2.530586,54.000430
+                    -2.530394,54.000583
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+                    -2.529066,54.003143
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.017029
+                    -2.511685,54.017620
+                    -2.512247,54.017959
+                    -2.513760,54.018030
+                    -2.515272,54.018011
+                    -2.516001,54.017620
+                    -2.515272,54.017067
+                    -2.514959,54.016719
+                    -2.513760,54.016032
+                    -2.512247,54.016199
+                    -2.510735,54.016376
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014316
+                    -2.512247,54.014225
+                    -2.512650,54.014001
+                    -2.513033,54.013095
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+                    -2.513760,54.011950
+                    -2.514424,54.012194
+                    -2.515272,54.012699
+                    -2.516120,54.012194
+                    -2.516173,54.011288
+                    -2.515272,54.010615
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+                    -2.515272,54.009032
+                    -2.516110,54.008574
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+                    -2.517776,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007068
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+                    -2.516784,54.006648
+                    -2.518296,54.006610
+                    -2.519015,54.006763
+                    -2.518799,54.007668
+                    -2.519808,54.008203
+                    -2.521321,54.008365
+                    -2.522489,54.007668
+                    -2.521802,54.006763
+                    -2.522414,54.005861
+                    -2.522833,54.005542
+                    -2.523714,54.004951
+                    -2.524345,54.004250
+                    -2.524645,54.004049
+                    -2.525298,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002242
+                    -2.524345,54.002242
+                    -2.524343,54.002242
+                    -2.522833,54.002314
+                    -2.522709,54.002242
+                    -2.522833,54.002166
+                    -2.523511,54.001336
+                    -2.522833,54.000926
+                    -2.521824,54.000430
+                    -2.521321,54.000134
+                    -2.519808,54.000001
+                    -2.518296,53.999887
+                    -2.517596,53.999524
+                    -2.516784,53.999009
+                    -2.516189,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998079
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+                    -2.513760,53.996205
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+                    -2.506199,53.994565
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+                    -2.504686,53.993440
+                    -2.504184,53.993192
+                    -2.504555,53.992286
+                    -2.504268,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991256
+                    -2.506143,53.990479
+                    -2.505748,53.989573
+                    -2.506199,53.989272
+                    -2.507711,53.989167
+                    -2.508711,53.988667
+                    -2.509223,53.988314
+                    -2.510735,53.988123
+                    -2.511397,53.987765
+                    -2.510735,53.987408
+                    -2.509223,53.987317
+                    -2.507711,53.987327
+                    -2.507339,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986697
+                    -2.509085,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985219
+                    -2.507094,53.985052
+                    -2.507711,53.984566
+                    -2.508335,53.984141
+                    -2.508582,53.983240
+                    -2.508578,53.982334
+                    -2.509081,53.981433
+                    -2.509120,53.980527
+                    -2.508042,53.979621
+                    -2.507711,53.979421
+                    -2.507378,53.979621
+                    -2.506199,53.979969
+                    -2.504686,53.980188
+                    -2.503559,53.979621
+                    -2.504686,53.979321
+                    -2.505830,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978620
+                    -2.507711,53.978457
+                    -2.508972,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977661
+                    -2.510298,53.976908
+                    -2.509410,53.976002
+                    -2.510495,53.975101
+                    -2.510462,53.974190
+                    -2.510735,53.974013
+                    -2.511903,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.973079
+                    -2.513760,53.972878
+                    -2.514615,53.972383
+                    -2.515272,53.972063
+                    -2.516250,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.970962
+                    -2.513760,53.970957
+                    -2.512832,53.970575
+                    -2.512247,53.970246
+                    -2.511656,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.970942
+                    -2.510199,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532049,53.972383
+                    -2.531988,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973489
+                    -2.530681,53.974190
+                    -2.530394,53.974662
+                    -2.529709,53.975101
+                    -2.528882,53.975415
+                    -2.527369,53.975854
+                    -2.527121,53.976002
+                    -2.526215,53.976908
+                    -2.525857,53.977294
+                    -2.524955,53.977809
+                    -2.524345,53.978052
+                    -2.523803,53.977809
+                    -2.522833,53.977251
+                    -2.522521,53.976908
+                    -2.521321,53.976188
+                    -2.519808,53.976383
+                    -2.518785,53.976908
+                    -2.519808,53.977427
+                    -2.521321,53.977623
+                    -2.521894,53.977809
+                    -2.521667,53.978715
+                    -2.522833,53.979373
+                    -2.523176,53.979621
+                    -2.522833,53.980021
+                    -2.521991,53.980527
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+                    -2.522491,53.982334
+                    -2.521321,53.982558
+                    -2.520180,53.983240
+                    -2.521321,53.983922
+                    -2.521553,53.984141
+                    -2.521321,53.984427
+                    -2.519808,53.984594
+                    -2.519046,53.985052
+                    -2.519808,53.985510
+                    -2.520043,53.985953
+                    -2.519808,53.986492
+                    -2.519196,53.986859
+                    -2.519808,53.987255
+                    -2.520327,53.987765
+                    -2.519808,53.988090
+                    -2.518884,53.988667
+                    -2.518685,53.989573
+                    -2.518296,53.989716
+                    -2.516784,53.989778
+                    -2.515272,53.989797
+                    -2.513760,53.990016
+                    -2.512992,53.990479
+                    -2.512247,53.990645
+                    -2.510735,53.990784
+                    -2.509536,53.991385
+                    -2.510735,53.991981
+                    -2.512247,53.992124
+                    -2.513484,53.991385
+                    -2.513760,53.990936
+                    -2.515272,53.991160
+                    -2.516784,53.991179
+                    -2.518296,53.991237
+                    -2.519808,53.991332
+                    -2.521321,53.991294
+                    -2.521983,53.991385
+                    -2.522833,53.991890
+                    -2.523445,53.992286
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+                    -2.522833,53.994474
+                    -2.521321,53.994489
+                    -2.519808,53.994737
+                    -2.519390,53.994999
+                    -2.518909,53.995910
+                    -2.519808,53.996444
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+                    -2.515272,53.998079
+                    -2.514691,53.997717
+                    -2.514786,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996205
+                    -2.512451,53.995910
+                    -2.512247,53.995619
+                    -2.512144,53.994999
+                    -2.510735,53.994298
+                    -2.509223,53.994775
+                    -2.507711,53.994603
+                    -2.506199,53.994565
+                    -2.505677,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993440
+                    -2.504184,53.993192
+                    -2.504555,53.992286
+                    -2.504268,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991256
+                    -2.506143,53.990479
+                    -2.505748,53.989573
+                    -2.506199,53.989272
+                    -2.507711,53.989167
+                    -2.508711,53.988667
+                    -2.509223,53.988314
+                    -2.510735,53.988123
+                    -2.511397,53.987765
+                    -2.510735,53.987408
+                    -2.509223,53.987317
+                    -2.507711,53.987327
+                    -2.507339,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986697
+                    -2.509085,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985219
+                    -2.507094,53.985052
+                    -2.507711,53.984566
+                    -2.508335,53.984141
+                    -2.508582,53.983240
+                    -2.508578,53.982334
+                    -2.509081,53.981433
+                    -2.509120,53.980527
+                    -2.508042,53.979621
+                    -2.507711,53.979421
+                    -2.507378,53.979621
+                    -2.506199,53.979969
+                    -2.504686,53.980188
+                    -2.503559,53.979621
+                    -2.504686,53.979321
+                    -2.505830,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978620
+                    -2.507711,53.978457
+                    -2.508972,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977661
+                    -2.510298,53.976908
+                    -2.509410,53.976002
+                    -2.510495,53.975101
+                    -2.510462,53.974190
+                    -2.510735,53.974013
+                    -2.511903,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.973079
+                    -2.513760,53.972878
+                    -2.514615,53.972383
+                    -2.515272,53.972063
+                    -2.516250,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.970962
+                    -2.513760,53.970957
+                    -2.512832,53.970575
+                    -2.512247,53.970246
+                    -2.511656,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.970942
+                    -2.510199,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532049,53.972383
+                    -2.531988,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973489
+                    -2.530681,53.974190
+                    -2.530394,53.974662
+                    -2.529709,53.975101
+                    -2.528882,53.975415
+                    -2.527369,53.975854
+                    -2.527121,53.976002
+                    -2.526215,53.976908
+                    -2.525857,53.977294
+                    -2.524955,53.977809
+                    -2.524345,53.978052
+                    -2.523803,53.977809
+                    -2.522833,53.977251
+                    -2.522521,53.976908
+                    -2.521321,53.976188
+                    -2.519808,53.976383
+                    -2.518785,53.976908
+                    -2.519808,53.977427
+                    -2.521321,53.977623
+                    -2.521894,53.977809
+                    -2.521667,53.978715
+                    -2.522833,53.979373
+                    -2.523176,53.979621
+                    -2.522833,53.980021
+                    -2.521991,53.980527
+                    -2.521926,53.981433
+                    -2.522491,53.982334
+                    -2.521321,53.982558
+                    -2.520180,53.983240
+                    -2.521321,53.983922
+                    -2.521553,53.984141
+                    -2.521321,53.984427
+                    -2.519808,53.984594
+                    -2.519046,53.985052
+                    -2.519808,53.985510
+                    -2.520043,53.985953
+                    -2.519808,53.986492
+                    -2.519196,53.986859
+                    -2.519808,53.987255
+                    -2.520327,53.987765
+                    -2.519808,53.988090
+                    -2.518884,53.988667
+                    -2.518685,53.989573
+                    -2.518296,53.989716
+                    -2.516784,53.989778
+                    -2.515272,53.989797
+                    -2.513760,53.990016
+                    -2.512992,53.990479
+                    -2.512247,53.990645
+                    -2.510735,53.990784
+                    -2.509536,53.991385
+                    -2.510735,53.991981
+                    -2.512247,53.992124
+                    -2.513484,53.991385
+                    -2.513760,53.990936
+                    -2.515272,53.991160
+                    -2.516784,53.991179
+                    -2.518296,53.991237
+                    -2.519808,53.991332
+                    -2.521321,53.991294
+                    -2.521983,53.991385
+                    -2.522833,53.991890
+                    -2.523445,53.992286
+                    -2.524270,53.993192
+                    -2.523284,53.994098
+                    -2.522833,53.994474
+                    -2.521321,53.994489
+                    -2.519808,53.994737
+                    -2.519390,53.994999
+                    -2.518909,53.995910
+                    -2.519808,53.996444
+                    -2.521321,53.996477
+                    -2.522273,53.995910
+                    -2.522833,53.995509
+                    -2.524345,53.995624
+                    -2.525857,53.995733
+                    -2.526139,53.995910
+                    -2.526402,53.996811
+                    -2.525857,53.997397
+                    -2.525376,53.997717
+                    -2.525857,53.998003
+                    -2.526980,53.998618
+                    -2.527369,53.998852
+                    -2.528398,53.999524
+                    -2.528882,53.999815
+                    -2.529405,53.999524
+                    -2.530394,53.999209
+                    -2.530545,53.999524
+                    -2.530586,54.000430
+                    -2.530394,54.000583
+                    -2.529136,54.001336
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+                    -2.529066,54.003143
+                    -2.529091,54.004049
+                    -2.528882,54.004226
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+                    -2.527727,54.005861
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+                    -2.518296,54.021449
+                    -2.517778,54.021239
+                    -2.516784,54.020333
+                    -2.516782,54.020333
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+                    -2.512247,54.019608
+                    -2.511929,54.019427
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.017029
+                    -2.511685,54.017620
+                    -2.512247,54.017959
+                    -2.513760,54.018030
+                    -2.515272,54.018011
+                    -2.516001,54.017620
+                    -2.515272,54.017067
+                    -2.514959,54.016719
+                    -2.513760,54.016032
+                    -2.512247,54.016199
+                    -2.510735,54.016376
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014316
+                    -2.512247,54.014225
+                    -2.512650,54.014001
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+                    -2.513760,54.011950
+                    -2.514424,54.012194
+                    -2.515272,54.012699
+                    -2.516120,54.012194
+                    -2.516173,54.011288
+                    -2.515272,54.010615
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+                    -2.515272,54.009032
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+                    -2.517776,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007068
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+                    -2.516784,54.006648
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+                    -2.519015,54.006763
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+                    -2.519808,54.008203
+                    -2.521321,54.008365
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+                    -2.521802,54.006763
+                    -2.522414,54.005861
+                    -2.522833,54.005542
+                    -2.523714,54.004951
+                    -2.524345,54.004250
+                    -2.524645,54.004049
+                    -2.525298,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002242
+                    -2.524345,54.002242
+                    -2.524343,54.002242
+                    -2.522833,54.002314
+                    -2.522709,54.002242
+                    -2.522833,54.002166
+                    -2.523511,54.001336
+                    -2.522833,54.000926
+                    -2.521824,54.000430
+                    -2.521321,54.000134
+                    -2.519808,54.000001
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+                    -2.517596,53.999524
+                    -2.516784,53.999009
+                    -2.516189,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998079
+                    -2.514691,53.997717
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+                    -2.512247,53.995619
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+                    -2.506199,53.994565
+                    -2.505677,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993440
+                    -2.504184,53.993192
+                    -2.504555,53.992286
+                    -2.504268,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991256
+                    -2.506143,53.990479
+                    -2.505748,53.989573
+                    -2.506199,53.989272
+                    -2.507711,53.989167
+                    -2.508711,53.988667
+                    -2.509223,53.988314
+                    -2.510735,53.988123
+                    -2.511397,53.987765
+                    -2.510735,53.987408
+                    -2.509223,53.987317
+                    -2.507711,53.987327
+                    -2.507339,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986697
+                    -2.509085,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985219
+                    -2.507094,53.985052
+                    -2.507711,53.984566
+                    -2.508335,53.984141
+                    -2.508582,53.983240
+                    -2.508578,53.982334
+                    -2.509081,53.981433
+                    -2.509120,53.980527
+                    -2.508042,53.979621
+                    -2.507711,53.979421
+                    -2.507378,53.979621
+                    -2.506199,53.979969
+                    -2.504686,53.980188
+                    -2.503559,53.979621
+                    -2.504686,53.979321
+                    -2.505830,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978620
+                    -2.507711,53.978457
+                    -2.508972,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977661
+                    -2.510298,53.976908
+                    -2.509410,53.976002
+                    -2.510495,53.975101
+                    -2.510462,53.974190
+                    -2.510735,53.974013
+                    -2.511903,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.973079
+                    -2.513760,53.972878
+                    -2.514615,53.972383
+                    -2.515272,53.972063
+                    -2.516250,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.970962
+                    -2.513760,53.970957
+                    -2.512832,53.970575
+                    -2.512247,53.970246
+                    -2.511656,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.970942
+                    -2.510199,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532049,53.972383
+                    -2.531988,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973489
+                    -2.530681,53.974190
+                    -2.530394,53.974662
+                    -2.529709,53.975101
+                    -2.528882,53.975415
+                    -2.527369,53.975854
+                    -2.527121,53.976002
+                    -2.526215,53.976908
+                    -2.525857,53.977294
+                    -2.524955,53.977809
+                    -2.524345,53.978052
+                    -2.523803,53.977809
+                    -2.522833,53.977251
+                    -2.522521,53.976908
+                    -2.521321,53.976188
+                    -2.519808,53.976383
+                    -2.518785,53.976908
+                    -2.519808,53.977427
+                    -2.521321,53.977623
+                    -2.521894,53.977809
+                    -2.521667,53.978715
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+                    -2.523176,53.979621
+                    -2.522833,53.980021
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+                    -2.521321,53.982558
+                    -2.520180,53.983240
+                    -2.521321,53.983922
+                    -2.521553,53.984141
+                    -2.521321,53.984427
+                    -2.519808,53.984594
+                    -2.519046,53.985052
+                    -2.519808,53.985510
+                    -2.520043,53.985953
+                    -2.519808,53.986492
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+                    -2.519808,53.987255
+                    -2.520327,53.987765
+                    -2.519808,53.988090
+                    -2.518884,53.988667
+                    -2.518685,53.989573
+                    -2.518296,53.989716
+                    -2.516784,53.989778
+                    -2.515272,53.989797
+                    -2.513760,53.990016
+                    -2.512992,53.990479
+                    -2.512247,53.990645
+                    -2.510735,53.990784
+                    -2.509536,53.991385
+                    -2.510735,53.991981
+                    -2.512247,53.992124
+                    -2.513484,53.991385
+                    -2.513760,53.990936
+                    -2.515272,53.991160
+                    -2.516784,53.991179
+                    -2.518296,53.991237
+                    -2.519808,53.991332
+                    -2.521321,53.991294
+                    -2.521983,53.991385
+                    -2.522833,53.991890
+                    -2.523445,53.992286
+                    -2.524270,53.993192
+                    -2.523284,53.994098
+                    -2.522833,53.994474
+                    -2.521321,53.994489
+                    -2.519808,53.994737
+                    -2.519390,53.994999
+                    -2.518909,53.995910
+                    -2.519808,53.996444
+                    -2.521321,53.996477
+                    -2.522273,53.995910
+                    -2.522833,53.995509
+                    -2.524345,53.995624
+                    -2.525857,53.995733
+                    -2.526139,53.995910
+                    -2.526402,53.996811
+                    -2.525857,53.997397
+                    -2.525376,53.997717
+                    -2.525857,53.998003
+                    -2.526980,53.998618
+                    -2.527369,53.998852
+                    -2.528398,53.999524
+                    -2.528882,53.999815
+                    -2.529405,53.999524
+                    -2.530394,53.999209
+                    -2.530545,53.999524
+                    -2.530586,54.000430
+                    -2.530394,54.000583
+                    -2.529136,54.001336
+                    -2.529063,54.002242
+                    -2.529066,54.003143
+                    -2.529091,54.004049
+                    -2.528882,54.004226
+                    -2.527669,54.004951
+                    -2.527727,54.005861
+                    -2.527369,54.006314
+                    -2.526613,54.006763
+                    -2.526042,54.007668
+                    -2.525857,54.007835
+                    -2.524345,54.007988
+                    -2.523368,54.008574
+                    -2.523753,54.009476
+                    -2.524345,54.009833
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+                    -2.524345,54.010558
+                    -2.523130,54.011288
+                    -2.523603,54.012194
+                    -2.524345,54.012637
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+                    -2.524746,54.015813
+                    -2.525857,54.016476
+                    -2.526302,54.016719
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+                    -2.528882,54.019208
+                    -2.530030,54.018526
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+                    -2.528882,54.016848
+                    -2.528437,54.016719
+                    -2.528509,54.015813
+                    -2.527369,54.015121
+                    -2.527262,54.014907
+                    -2.527104,54.014001
+                    -2.527109,54.013095
+                    -2.525857,54.012351
+                    -2.525087,54.012194
+                    -2.525857,54.012113
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+                    -2.526992,54.010382
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+                    -2.531784,54.003143
+                    -2.531783,54.002242
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.017029
+                    -2.511685,54.017620
+                    -2.512247,54.017959
+                    -2.513760,54.018030
+                    -2.515272,54.018011
+                    -2.516001,54.017620
+                    -2.515272,54.017067
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+                    -2.513760,54.016032
+                    -2.512247,54.016199
+                    -2.510735,54.016376
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014316
+                    -2.512247,54.014225
+                    -2.512650,54.014001
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+                    -2.513760,54.011950
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+                    -2.515272,54.010615
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+                    -2.516784,54.007068
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+                    -2.516784,54.006648
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+                    -2.519808,54.008203
+                    -2.521321,54.008365
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+                    -2.521802,54.006763
+                    -2.522414,54.005861
+                    -2.522833,54.005542
+                    -2.523714,54.004951
+                    -2.524345,54.004250
+                    -2.524645,54.004049
+                    -2.525298,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002242
+                    -2.524345,54.002242
+                    -2.524343,54.002242
+                    -2.522833,54.002314
+                    -2.522709,54.002242
+                    -2.522833,54.002166
+                    -2.523511,54.001336
+                    -2.522833,54.000926
+                    -2.521824,54.000430
+                    -2.521321,54.000134
+                    -2.519808,54.000001
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+                    -2.517596,53.999524
+                    -2.516784,53.999009
+                    -2.516189,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998079
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+                    -2.513760,53.996205
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+                    -2.504184,53.993192
+                    -2.504555,53.992286
+                    -2.504268,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991256
+                    -2.506143,53.990479
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+                    -2.506199,53.989272
+                    -2.507711,53.989167
+                    -2.508711,53.988667
+                    -2.509223,53.988314
+                    -2.510735,53.988123
+                    -2.511397,53.987765
+                    -2.510735,53.987408
+                    -2.509223,53.987317
+                    -2.507711,53.987327
+                    -2.507339,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986697
+                    -2.509085,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985219
+                    -2.507094,53.985052
+                    -2.507711,53.984566
+                    -2.508335,53.984141
+                    -2.508582,53.983240
+                    -2.508578,53.982334
+                    -2.509081,53.981433
+                    -2.509120,53.980527
+                    -2.508042,53.979621
+                    -2.507711,53.979421
+                    -2.507378,53.979621
+                    -2.506199,53.979969
+                    -2.504686,53.980188
+                    -2.503559,53.979621
+                    -2.504686,53.979321
+                    -2.505830,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978620
+                    -2.507711,53.978457
+                    -2.508972,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977661
+                    -2.510298,53.976908
+                    -2.509410,53.976002
+                    -2.510495,53.975101
+                    -2.510462,53.974190
+                    -2.510735,53.974013
+                    -2.511903,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.973079
+                    -2.513760,53.972878
+                    -2.514615,53.972383
+                    -2.515272,53.972063
+                    -2.516250,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.970962
+                    -2.513760,53.970957
+                    -2.512832,53.970575
+                    -2.512247,53.970246
+                    -2.511656,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.970942
+                    -2.510199,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532049,53.972383
+                    -2.531988,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973489
+                    -2.530681,53.974190
+                    -2.530394,53.974662
+                    -2.529709,53.975101
+                    -2.528882,53.975415
+                    -2.527369,53.975854
+                    -2.527121,53.976002
+                    -2.526215,53.976908
+                    -2.525857,53.977294
+                    -2.524955,53.977809
+                    -2.524345,53.978052
+                    -2.523803,53.977809
+                    -2.522833,53.977251
+                    -2.522521,53.976908
+                    -2.521321,53.976188
+                    -2.519808,53.976383
+                    -2.518785,53.976908
+                    -2.519808,53.977427
+                    -2.521321,53.977623
+                    -2.521894,53.977809
+                    -2.521667,53.978715
+                    -2.522833,53.979373
+                    -2.523176,53.979621
+                    -2.522833,53.980021
+                    -2.521991,53.980527
+                    -2.521926,53.981433
+                    -2.522491,53.982334
+                    -2.521321,53.982558
+                    -2.520180,53.983240
+                    -2.521321,53.983922
+                    -2.521553,53.984141
+                    -2.521321,53.984427
+                    -2.519808,53.984594
+                    -2.519046,53.985052
+                    -2.519808,53.985510
+                    -2.520043,53.985953
+                    -2.519808,53.986492
+                    -2.519196,53.986859
+                    -2.519808,53.987255
+                    -2.520327,53.987765
+                    -2.519808,53.988090
+                    -2.518884,53.988667
+                    -2.518685,53.989573
+                    -2.518296,53.989716
+                    -2.516784,53.989778
+                    -2.515272,53.989797
+                    -2.513760,53.990016
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+                    -2.512247,53.990645
+                    -2.510735,53.990784
+                    -2.509536,53.991385
+                    -2.510735,53.991981
+                    -2.512247,53.992124
+                    -2.513484,53.991385
+                    -2.513760,53.990936
+                    -2.515272,53.991160
+                    -2.516784,53.991179
+                    -2.518296,53.991237
+                    -2.519808,53.991332
+                    -2.521321,53.991294
+                    -2.521983,53.991385
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+                    -2.523445,53.992286
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+                    -2.522833,53.994474
+                    -2.521321,53.994489
+                    -2.519808,53.994737
+                    -2.519390,53.994999
+                    -2.518909,53.995910
+                    -2.519808,53.996444
+                    -2.521321,53.996477
+                    -2.522273,53.995910
+                    -2.522833,53.995509
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+                    -2.525857,53.995733
+                    -2.526139,53.995910
+                    -2.526402,53.996811
+                    -2.525857,53.997397
+                    -2.525376,53.997717
+                    -2.525857,53.998003
+                    -2.526980,53.998618
+                    -2.527369,53.998852
+                    -2.528398,53.999524
+                    -2.528882,53.999815
+                    -2.529405,53.999524
+                    -2.530394,53.999209
+                    -2.530545,53.999524
+                    -2.530586,54.000430
+                    -2.530394,54.000583
+                    -2.529136,54.001336
+                    -2.529063,54.002242
+                    -2.529066,54.003143
+                    -2.529091,54.004049
+                    -2.528882,54.004226
+                    -2.527669,54.004951
+                    -2.527727,54.005861
+                    -2.527369,54.006314
+                    -2.526613,54.006763
+                    -2.526042,54.007668
+                    -2.525857,54.007835
+                    -2.524345,54.007988
+                    -2.523368,54.008574
+                    -2.523753,54.009476
+                    -2.524345,54.009833
+                    -2.524723,54.010382
+                    -2.524345,54.010558
+                    -2.523130,54.011288
+                    -2.523603,54.012194
+                    -2.524345,54.012637
+                    -2.524615,54.013095
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+                    -2.524457,54.014907
+                    -2.524746,54.015813
+                    -2.525857,54.016476
+                    -2.526302,54.016719
+                    -2.526218,54.017620
+                    -2.527369,54.018307
+                    -2.527739,54.018526
+                    -2.528882,54.019208
+                    -2.530030,54.018526
+                    -2.530181,54.017620
+                    -2.528882,54.016848
+                    -2.528437,54.016719
+                    -2.528509,54.015813
+                    -2.527369,54.015121
+                    -2.527262,54.014907
+                    -2.527104,54.014001
+                    -2.527109,54.013095
+                    -2.525857,54.012351
+                    -2.525087,54.012194
+                    -2.525857,54.012113
+                    -2.527236,54.011288
+                    -2.526992,54.010382
+                    -2.527369,54.010086
+                    -2.528434,54.009476
+                    -2.528882,54.008861
+                    -2.529454,54.008574
+                    -2.529939,54.007668
+                    -2.530369,54.006763
+                    -2.530037,54.005861
+                    -2.530394,54.005389
+                    -2.531195,54.004951
+                    -2.531741,54.004049
+                    -2.531784,54.003143
+                    -2.531783,54.002242
+                    -2.531657,54.001336
+                    -2.531906,54.001226
+                    -2.533418,54.001002
+                    -2.534930,54.000540
+                    -2.535070,54.000430
+                    -2.534930,54.000387
+                    -2.533418,53.999696
+                    -2.533363,53.999524
+                    -2.533262,53.998618
+                    -2.533418,53.998017
+                    -2.534930,53.998346
+                    -2.535234,53.998618
+                    -2.536443,53.999362
+                    -2.536750,53.999524
+                    -2.536836,54.000430
+                    -2.536443,54.000545
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+                    -2.515272,54.010615
+                    -2.515049,54.010382
+                    -2.514692,54.009476
+                    -2.515272,54.009032
+                    -2.516110,54.008574
+                    -2.516784,54.008265
+                    -2.517776,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007068
+                    -2.516414,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006648
+                    -2.518296,54.006610
+                    -2.519015,54.006763
+                    -2.518799,54.007668
+                    -2.519808,54.008203
+                    -2.521321,54.008365
+                    -2.522489,54.007668
+                    -2.521802,54.006763
+                    -2.522414,54.005861
+                    -2.522833,54.005542
+                    -2.523714,54.004951
+                    -2.524345,54.004250
+                    -2.524645,54.004049
+                    -2.525298,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002242
+                    -2.524345,54.002242
+                    -2.524343,54.002242
+                    -2.522833,54.002314
+                    -2.522709,54.002242
+                    -2.522833,54.002166
+                    -2.523511,54.001336
+                    -2.522833,54.000926
+                    -2.521824,54.000430
+                    -2.521321,54.000134
+                    -2.519808,54.000001
+                    -2.518296,53.999887
+                    -2.517596,53.999524
+                    -2.516784,53.999009
+                    -2.516189,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998079
+                    -2.514691,53.997717
+                    -2.514786,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996205
+                    -2.512451,53.995910
+                    -2.512247,53.995619
+                    -2.512144,53.994999
+                    -2.510735,53.994298
+                    -2.509223,53.994775
+                    -2.507711,53.994603
+                    -2.506199,53.994565
+                    -2.505677,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993440
+                    -2.504184,53.993192
+                    -2.504555,53.992286
+                    -2.504268,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991256
+                    -2.506143,53.990479
+                    -2.505748,53.989573
+                    -2.506199,53.989272
+                    -2.507711,53.989167
+                    -2.508711,53.988667
+                    -2.509223,53.988314
+                    -2.510735,53.988123
+                    -2.511397,53.987765
+                    -2.510735,53.987408
+                    -2.509223,53.987317
+                    -2.507711,53.987327
+                    -2.507339,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986697
+                    -2.509085,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985219
+                    -2.507094,53.985052
+                    -2.507711,53.984566
+                    -2.508335,53.984141
+                    -2.508582,53.983240
+                    -2.508578,53.982334
+                    -2.509081,53.981433
+                    -2.509120,53.980527
+                    -2.508042,53.979621
+                    -2.507711,53.979421
+                    -2.507378,53.979621
+                    -2.506199,53.979969
+                    -2.504686,53.980188
+                    -2.503559,53.979621
+                    -2.504686,53.979321
+                    -2.505830,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978620
+                    -2.507711,53.978457
+                    -2.508972,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977661
+                    -2.510298,53.976908
+                    -2.509410,53.976002
+                    -2.510495,53.975101
+                    -2.510462,53.974190
+                    -2.510735,53.974013
+                    -2.511903,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.973079
+                    -2.513760,53.972878
+                    -2.514615,53.972383
+                    -2.515272,53.972063
+                    -2.516250,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.970962
+                    -2.513760,53.970957
+                    -2.512832,53.970575
+                    -2.512247,53.970246
+                    -2.511656,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.970942
+                    -2.510199,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532049,53.972383
+                    -2.531988,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973489
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+                    -2.530394,53.974662
+                    -2.529709,53.975101
+                    -2.528882,53.975415
+                    -2.527369,53.975854
+                    -2.527121,53.976002
+                    -2.526215,53.976908
+                    -2.525857,53.977294
+                    -2.524955,53.977809
+                    -2.524345,53.978052
+                    -2.523803,53.977809
+                    -2.522833,53.977251
+                    -2.522521,53.976908
+                    -2.521321,53.976188
+                    -2.519808,53.976383
+                    -2.518785,53.976908
+                    -2.519808,53.977427
+                    -2.521321,53.977623
+                    -2.521894,53.977809
+                    -2.521667,53.978715
+                    -2.522833,53.979373
+                    -2.523176,53.979621
+                    -2.522833,53.980021
+                    -2.521991,53.980527
+                    -2.521926,53.981433
+                    -2.522491,53.982334
+                    -2.521321,53.982558
+                    -2.520180,53.983240
+                    -2.521321,53.983922
+                    -2.521553,53.984141
+                    -2.521321,53.984427
+                    -2.519808,53.984594
+                    -2.519046,53.985052
+                    -2.519808,53.985510
+                    -2.520043,53.985953
+                    -2.519808,53.986492
+                    -2.519196,53.986859
+                    -2.519808,53.987255
+                    -2.520327,53.987765
+                    -2.519808,53.988090
+                    -2.518884,53.988667
+                    -2.518685,53.989573
+                    -2.518296,53.989716
+                    -2.516784,53.989778
+                    -2.515272,53.989797
+                    -2.513760,53.990016
+                    -2.512992,53.990479
+                    -2.512247,53.990645
+                    -2.510735,53.990784
+                    -2.509536,53.991385
+                    -2.510735,53.991981
+                    -2.512247,53.992124
+                    -2.513484,53.991385
+                    -2.513760,53.990936
+                    -2.515272,53.991160
+                    -2.516784,53.991179
+                    -2.518296,53.991237
+                    -2.519808,53.991332
+                    -2.521321,53.991294
+                    -2.521983,53.991385
+                    -2.522833,53.991890
+                    -2.523445,53.992286
+                    -2.524270,53.993192
+                    -2.523284,53.994098
+                    -2.522833,53.994474
+                    -2.521321,53.994489
+                    -2.519808,53.994737
+                    -2.519390,53.994999
+                    -2.518909,53.995910
+                    -2.519808,53.996444
+                    -2.521321,53.996477
+                    -2.522273,53.995910
+                    -2.522833,53.995509
+                    -2.524345,53.995624
+                    -2.525857,53.995733
+                    -2.526139,53.995910
+                    -2.526402,53.996811
+                    -2.525857,53.997397
+                    -2.525376,53.997717
+                    -2.525857,53.998003
+                    -2.526980,53.998618
+                    -2.527369,53.998852
+                    -2.528398,53.999524
+                    -2.528882,53.999815
+                    -2.529405,53.999524
+                    -2.530394,53.999209
+                    -2.530545,53.999524
+                    -2.530586,54.000430
+                    -2.530394,54.000583
+                    -2.529136,54.001336
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+                    -2.529066,54.003143
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+                    -2.524345,54.007988
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.017029
+                    -2.511685,54.017620
+                    -2.512247,54.017959
+                    -2.513760,54.018030
+                    -2.515272,54.018011
+                    -2.516001,54.017620
+                    -2.515272,54.017067
+                    -2.514959,54.016719
+                    -2.513760,54.016032
+                    -2.512247,54.016199
+                    -2.510735,54.016376
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014316
+                    -2.512247,54.014225
+                    -2.512650,54.014001
+                    -2.513033,54.013095
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+                    -2.513760,54.011950
+                    -2.514424,54.012194
+                    -2.515272,54.012699
+                    -2.516120,54.012194
+                    -2.516173,54.011288
+                    -2.515272,54.010615
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+                    -2.515272,54.009032
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+                    -2.516784,54.007068
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+                    -2.516784,54.006648
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+                    -2.519015,54.006763
+                    -2.518799,54.007668
+                    -2.519808,54.008203
+                    -2.521321,54.008365
+                    -2.522489,54.007668
+                    -2.521802,54.006763
+                    -2.522414,54.005861
+                    -2.522833,54.005542
+                    -2.523714,54.004951
+                    -2.524345,54.004250
+                    -2.524645,54.004049
+                    -2.525298,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002242
+                    -2.524345,54.002242
+                    -2.524343,54.002242
+                    -2.522833,54.002314
+                    -2.522709,54.002242
+                    -2.522833,54.002166
+                    -2.523511,54.001336
+                    -2.522833,54.000926
+                    -2.521824,54.000430
+                    -2.521321,54.000134
+                    -2.519808,54.000001
+                    -2.518296,53.999887
+                    -2.517596,53.999524
+                    -2.516784,53.999009
+                    -2.516189,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998079
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+                    -2.506199,53.994565
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+                    -2.504686,53.993440
+                    -2.504184,53.993192
+                    -2.504555,53.992286
+                    -2.504268,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991256
+                    -2.506143,53.990479
+                    -2.505748,53.989573
+                    -2.506199,53.989272
+                    -2.507711,53.989167
+                    -2.508711,53.988667
+                    -2.509223,53.988314
+                    -2.510735,53.988123
+                    -2.511397,53.987765
+                    -2.510735,53.987408
+                    -2.509223,53.987317
+                    -2.507711,53.987327
+                    -2.507339,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986697
+                    -2.509085,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985219
+                    -2.507094,53.985052
+                    -2.507711,53.984566
+                    -2.508335,53.984141
+                    -2.508582,53.983240
+                    -2.508578,53.982334
+                    -2.509081,53.981433
+                    -2.509120,53.980527
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+                    -2.507711,53.979421
+                    -2.507378,53.979621
+                    -2.506199,53.979969
+                    -2.504686,53.980188
+                    -2.503559,53.979621
+                    -2.504686,53.979321
+                    -2.505830,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978620
+                    -2.507711,53.978457
+                    -2.508972,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977661
+                    -2.510298,53.976908
+                    -2.509410,53.976002
+                    -2.510495,53.975101
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+                    -2.510735,53.974013
+                    -2.511903,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.973079
+                    -2.513760,53.972878
+                    -2.514615,53.972383
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+                    -2.516250,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.970962
+                    -2.513760,53.970957
+                    -2.512832,53.970575
+                    -2.512247,53.970246
+                    -2.511656,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.970942
+                    -2.510199,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
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+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532049,53.972383
+                    -2.531988,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973489
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+                    -2.528882,53.975415
+                    -2.527369,53.975854
+                    -2.527121,53.976002
+                    -2.526215,53.976908
+                    -2.525857,53.977294
+                    -2.524955,53.977809
+                    -2.524345,53.978052
+                    -2.523803,53.977809
+                    -2.522833,53.977251
+                    -2.522521,53.976908
+                    -2.521321,53.976188
+                    -2.519808,53.976383
+                    -2.518785,53.976908
+                    -2.519808,53.977427
+                    -2.521321,53.977623
+                    -2.521894,53.977809
+                    -2.521667,53.978715
+                    -2.522833,53.979373
+                    -2.523176,53.979621
+                    -2.522833,53.980021
+                    -2.521991,53.980527
+                    -2.521926,53.981433
+                    -2.522491,53.982334
+                    -2.521321,53.982558
+                    -2.520180,53.983240
+                    -2.521321,53.983922
+                    -2.521553,53.984141
+                    -2.521321,53.984427
+                    -2.519808,53.984594
+                    -2.519046,53.985052
+                    -2.519808,53.985510
+                    -2.520043,53.985953
+                    -2.519808,53.986492
+                    -2.519196,53.986859
+                    -2.519808,53.987255
+                    -2.520327,53.987765
+                    -2.519808,53.988090
+                    -2.518884,53.988667
+                    -2.518685,53.989573
+                    -2.518296,53.989716
+                    -2.516784,53.989778
+                    -2.515272,53.989797
+                    -2.513760,53.990016
+                    -2.512992,53.990479
+                    -2.512247,53.990645
+                    -2.510735,53.990784
+                    -2.509536,53.991385
+                    -2.510735,53.991981
+                    -2.512247,53.992124
+                    -2.513484,53.991385
+                    -2.513760,53.990936
+                    -2.515272,53.991160
+                    -2.516784,53.991179
+                    -2.518296,53.991237
+                    -2.519808,53.991332
+                    -2.521321,53.991294
+                    -2.521983,53.991385
+                    -2.522833,53.991890
+                    -2.523445,53.992286
+                    -2.524270,53.993192
+                    -2.523284,53.994098
+                    -2.522833,53.994474
+                    -2.521321,53.994489
+                    -2.519808,53.994737
+                    -2.519390,53.994999
+                    -2.518909,53.995910
+                    -2.519808,53.996444
+                    -2.521321,53.996477
+                    -2.522273,53.995910
+                    -2.522833,53.995509
+                    -2.524345,53.995624
+                    -2.525857,53.995733
+                    -2.526139,53.995910
+                    -2.526402,53.996811
+                    -2.525857,53.997397
+                    -2.525376,53.997717
+                    -2.525857,53.998003
+                    -2.526980,53.998618
+                    -2.527369,53.998852
+                    -2.528398,53.999524
+                    -2.528882,53.999815
+                    -2.529405,53.999524
+                    -2.530394,53.999209
+                    -2.530545,53.999524
+                    -2.530586,54.000430
+                    -2.530394,54.000583
+                    -2.529136,54.001336
+                    -2.529063,54.002242
+                    -2.529066,54.003143
+                    -2.529091,54.004049
+                    -2.528882,54.004226
+                    -2.527669,54.004951
+                    -2.527727,54.005861
+                    -2.527369,54.006314
+                    -2.526613,54.006763
+                    -2.526042,54.007668
+                    -2.525857,54.007835
+                    -2.524345,54.007988
+                    -2.523368,54.008574
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+                    -2.524345,54.009833
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+                    -2.524345,54.010558
+                    -2.523130,54.011288
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+                    -2.524345,54.012637
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+                    -2.524746,54.015813
+                    -2.525857,54.016476
+                    -2.526302,54.016719
+                    -2.526218,54.017620
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+                    -2.528882,54.019208
+                    -2.530030,54.018526
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+                    -2.528882,54.016848
+                    -2.528437,54.016719
+                    -2.528509,54.015813
+                    -2.527369,54.015121
+                    -2.527262,54.014907
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+                    -2.525857,54.012113
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+                    -2.518296,54.021449
+                    -2.517778,54.021239
+                    -2.516784,54.020333
+                    -2.516782,54.020333
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+                    -2.513760,54.019823
+                    -2.512247,54.019608
+                    -2.511929,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.018812
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.017029
+                    -2.511685,54.017620
+                    -2.512247,54.017959
+                    -2.513760,54.018030
+                    -2.515272,54.018011
+                    -2.516001,54.017620
+                    -2.515272,54.017067
+                    -2.514959,54.016719
+                    -2.513760,54.016032
+                    -2.512247,54.016199
+                    -2.510735,54.016376
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014316
+                    -2.512247,54.014225
+                    -2.512650,54.014001
+                    -2.513033,54.013095
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+                    -2.513760,54.011950
+                    -2.514424,54.012194
+                    -2.515272,54.012699
+                    -2.516120,54.012194
+                    -2.516173,54.011288
+                    -2.515272,54.010615
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+                    -2.515272,54.009032
+                    -2.516110,54.008574
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+                    -2.516784,54.007068
+                    -2.516414,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006648
+                    -2.518296,54.006610
+                    -2.519015,54.006763
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+                    -2.519808,54.008203
+                    -2.521321,54.008365
+                    -2.522489,54.007668
+                    -2.521802,54.006763
+                    -2.522414,54.005861
+                    -2.522833,54.005542
+                    -2.523714,54.004951
+                    -2.524345,54.004250
+                    -2.524645,54.004049
+                    -2.525298,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002242
+                    -2.524345,54.002242
+                    -2.524343,54.002242
+                    -2.522833,54.002314
+                    -2.522709,54.002242
+                    -2.522833,54.002166
+                    -2.523511,54.001336
+                    -2.522833,54.000926
+                    -2.521824,54.000430
+                    -2.521321,54.000134
+                    -2.519808,54.000001
+                    -2.518296,53.999887
+                    -2.517596,53.999524
+                    -2.516784,53.999009
+                    -2.516189,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998079
+                    -2.514691,53.997717
+                    -2.514786,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996205
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+                    -2.512247,53.995619
+                    -2.512144,53.994999
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+                    -2.506199,53.994565
+                    -2.505677,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993440
+                    -2.504184,53.993192
+                    -2.504555,53.992286
+                    -2.504268,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991256
+                    -2.506143,53.990479
+                    -2.505748,53.989573
+                    -2.506199,53.989272
+                    -2.507711,53.989167
+                    -2.508711,53.988667
+                    -2.509223,53.988314
+                    -2.510735,53.988123
+                    -2.511397,53.987765
+                    -2.510735,53.987408
+                    -2.509223,53.987317
+                    -2.507711,53.987327
+                    -2.507339,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986697
+                    -2.509085,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985219
+                    -2.507094,53.985052
+                    -2.507711,53.984566
+                    -2.508335,53.984141
+                    -2.508582,53.983240
+                    -2.508578,53.982334
+                    -2.509081,53.981433
+                    -2.509120,53.980527
+                    -2.508042,53.979621
+                    -2.507711,53.979421
+                    -2.507378,53.979621
+                    -2.506199,53.979969
+                    -2.504686,53.980188
+                    -2.503559,53.979621
+                    -2.504686,53.979321
+                    -2.505830,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978620
+                    -2.507711,53.978457
+                    -2.508972,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977661
+                    -2.510298,53.976908
+                    -2.509410,53.976002
+                    -2.510495,53.975101
+                    -2.510462,53.974190
+                    -2.510735,53.974013
+                    -2.511903,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.973079
+                    -2.513760,53.972878
+                    -2.514615,53.972383
+                    -2.515272,53.972063
+                    -2.516250,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.970962
+                    -2.513760,53.970957
+                    -2.512832,53.970575
+                    -2.512247,53.970246
+                    -2.511656,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.970942
+                    -2.510199,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532049,53.972383
+                    -2.531988,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973489
+                    -2.530681,53.974190
+                    -2.530394,53.974662
+                    -2.529709,53.975101
+                    -2.528882,53.975415
+                    -2.527369,53.975854
+                    -2.527121,53.976002
+                    -2.526215,53.976908
+                    -2.525857,53.977294
+                    -2.524955,53.977809
+                    -2.524345,53.978052
+                    -2.523803,53.977809
+                    -2.522833,53.977251
+                    -2.522521,53.976908
+                    -2.521321,53.976188
+                    -2.519808,53.976383
+                    -2.518785,53.976908
+                    -2.519808,53.977427
+                    -2.521321,53.977623
+                    -2.521894,53.977809
+                    -2.521667,53.978715
+                    -2.522833,53.979373
+                    -2.523176,53.979621
+                    -2.522833,53.980021
+                    -2.521991,53.980527
+                    -2.521926,53.981433
+                    -2.522491,53.982334
+                    -2.521321,53.982558
+                    -2.520180,53.983240
+                    -2.521321,53.983922
+                    -2.521553,53.984141
+                    -2.521321,53.984427
+                    -2.519808,53.984594
+                    -2.519046,53.985052
+                    -2.519808,53.985510
+                    -2.520043,53.985953
+                    -2.519808,53.986492
+                    -2.519196,53.986859
+                    -2.519808,53.987255
+                    -2.520327,53.987765
+                    -2.519808,53.988090
+                    -2.518884,53.988667
+                    -2.518685,53.989573
+                    -2.518296,53.989716
+                    -2.516784,53.989778
+                    -2.515272,53.989797
+                    -2.513760,53.990016
+                    -2.512992,53.990479
+                    -2.512247,53.990645
+                    -2.510735,53.990784
+                    -2.509536,53.991385
+                    -2.510735,53.991981
+                    -2.512247,53.992124
+                    -2.513484,53.991385
+                    -2.513760,53.990936
+                    -2.515272,53.991160
+                    -2.516784,53.991179
+                    -2.518296,53.991237
+                    -2.519808,53.991332
+                    -2.521321,53.991294
+                    -2.521983,53.991385
+                    -2.522833,53.991890
+                    -2.523445,53.992286
+                    -2.524270,53.993192
+                    -2.523284,53.994098
+                    -2.522833,53.994474
+                    -2.521321,53.994489
+                    -2.519808,53.994737
+                    -2.519390,53.994999
+                    -2.518909,53.995910
+                    -2.519808,53.996444
+                    -2.521321,53.996477
+                    -2.522273,53.995910
+                    -2.522833,53.995509
+                    -2.524345,53.995624
+                    -2.525857,53.995733
+                    -2.526139,53.995910
+                    -2.526402,53.996811
+                    -2.525857,53.997397
+                    -2.525376,53.997717
+                    -2.525857,53.998003
+                    -2.526980,53.998618
+                    -2.527369,53.998852
+                    -2.528398,53.999524
+                    -2.528882,53.999815
+                    -2.529405,53.999524
+                    -2.530394,53.999209
+                    -2.530545,53.999524
+                    -2.530586,54.000430
+                    -2.530394,54.000583
+                    -2.529136,54.001336
+                    -2.529063,54.002242
+                    -2.529066,54.003143
+                    -2.529091,54.004049
+                    -2.528882,54.004226
+                    -2.527669,54.004951
+                    -2.527727,54.005861
+                    -2.527369,54.006314
+                    -2.526613,54.006763
+                    -2.526042,54.007668
+                    -2.525857,54.007835
+                    -2.524345,54.007988
+                    -2.523368,54.008574
+                    -2.523753,54.009476
+                    -2.524345,54.009833
+                    -2.524723,54.010382
+                    -2.524345,54.010558
+                    -2.523130,54.011288
+                    -2.523603,54.012194
+                    -2.524345,54.012637
+                    -2.524615,54.013095
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+                    -2.524457,54.014907
+                    -2.524746,54.015813
+                    -2.525857,54.016476
+                    -2.526302,54.016719
+                    -2.526218,54.017620
+                    -2.527369,54.018307
+                    -2.527739,54.018526
+                    -2.528882,54.019208
+                    -2.530030,54.018526
+                    -2.530181,54.017620
+                    -2.528882,54.016848
+                    -2.528437,54.016719
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+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520895,54.022145
+                    -2.519808,54.021316
+                    -2.518296,54.021449
+                    -2.517778,54.021239
+                    -2.516784,54.020333
+                    -2.516782,54.020333
+                    -2.515272,54.019918
+                    -2.513760,54.019823
+                    -2.512247,54.019608
+                    -2.511929,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.018812
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.017029
+                    -2.511685,54.017620
+                    -2.512247,54.017959
+                    -2.513760,54.018030
+                    -2.515272,54.018011
+                    -2.516001,54.017620
+                    -2.515272,54.017067
+                    -2.514959,54.016719
+                    -2.513760,54.016032
+                    -2.512247,54.016199
+                    -2.510735,54.016376
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014316
+                    -2.512247,54.014225
+                    -2.512650,54.014001
+                    -2.513033,54.013095
+                    -2.513552,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011950
+                    -2.514424,54.012194
+                    -2.515272,54.012699
+                    -2.516120,54.012194
+                    -2.516173,54.011288
+                    -2.515272,54.010615
+                    -2.515049,54.010382
+                    -2.514692,54.009476
+                    -2.515272,54.009032
+                    -2.516110,54.008574
+                    -2.516784,54.008265
+                    -2.517776,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007068
+                    -2.516414,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006648
+                    -2.518296,54.006610
+                    -2.519015,54.006763
+                    -2.518799,54.007668
+                    -2.519808,54.008203
+                    -2.521321,54.008365
+                    -2.522489,54.007668
+                    -2.521802,54.006763
+                    -2.522414,54.005861
+                    -2.522833,54.005542
+                    -2.523714,54.004951
+                    -2.524345,54.004250
+                    -2.524645,54.004049
+                    -2.525298,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002242
+                    -2.524345,54.002242
+                    -2.524343,54.002242
+                    -2.522833,54.002314
+                    -2.522709,54.002242
+                    -2.522833,54.002166
+                    -2.523511,54.001336
+                    -2.522833,54.000926
+                    -2.521824,54.000430
+                    -2.521321,54.000134
+                    -2.519808,54.000001
+                    -2.518296,53.999887
+                    -2.517596,53.999524
+                    -2.516784,53.999009
+                    -2.516189,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998079
+                    -2.514691,53.997717
+                    -2.514786,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996205
+                    -2.512451,53.995910
+                    -2.512247,53.995619
+                    -2.512144,53.994999
+                    -2.510735,53.994298
+                    -2.509223,53.994775
+                    -2.507711,53.994603
+                    -2.506199,53.994565
+                    -2.505677,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993440
+                    -2.504184,53.993192
+                    -2.504555,53.992286
+                    -2.504268,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991256
+                    -2.506143,53.990479
+                    -2.505748,53.989573
+                    -2.506199,53.989272
+                    -2.507711,53.989167
+                    -2.508711,53.988667
+                    -2.509223,53.988314
+                    -2.510735,53.988123
+                    -2.511397,53.987765
+                    -2.510735,53.987408
+                    -2.509223,53.987317
+                    -2.507711,53.987327
+                    -2.507339,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986697
+                    -2.509085,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985219
+                    -2.507094,53.985052
+                    -2.507711,53.984566
+                    -2.508335,53.984141
+                    -2.508582,53.983240
+                    -2.508578,53.982334
+                    -2.509081,53.981433
+                    -2.509120,53.980527
+                    -2.508042,53.979621
+                    -2.507711,53.979421
+                    -2.507378,53.979621
+                    -2.506199,53.979969
+                    -2.504686,53.980188
+                    -2.503559,53.979621
+                    -2.504686,53.979321
+                    -2.505830,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978620
+                    -2.507711,53.978457
+                    -2.508972,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977661
+                    -2.510298,53.976908
+                    -2.509410,53.976002
+                    -2.510495,53.975101
+                    -2.510462,53.974190
+                    -2.510735,53.974013
+                    -2.511903,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.973079
+                    -2.513760,53.972878
+                    -2.514615,53.972383
+                    -2.515272,53.972063
+                    -2.516250,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.970962
+                    -2.513760,53.970957
+                    -2.512832,53.970575
+                    -2.512247,53.970246
+                    -2.511656,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.970942
+                    -2.510199,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532049,53.972383
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+                    -2.531906,53.973489
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+                    -2.530394,53.974662
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+                    -2.528882,53.975415
+                    -2.527369,53.975854
+                    -2.527121,53.976002
+                    -2.526215,53.976908
+                    -2.525857,53.977294
+                    -2.524955,53.977809
+                    -2.524345,53.978052
+                    -2.523803,53.977809
+                    -2.522833,53.977251
+                    -2.522521,53.976908
+                    -2.521321,53.976188
+                    -2.519808,53.976383
+                    -2.518785,53.976908
+                    -2.519808,53.977427
+                    -2.521321,53.977623
+                    -2.521894,53.977809
+                    -2.521667,53.978715
+                    -2.522833,53.979373
+                    -2.523176,53.979621
+                    -2.522833,53.980021
+                    -2.521991,53.980527
+                    -2.521926,53.981433
+                    -2.522491,53.982334
+                    -2.521321,53.982558
+                    -2.520180,53.983240
+                    -2.521321,53.983922
+                    -2.521553,53.984141
+                    -2.521321,53.984427
+                    -2.519808,53.984594
+                    -2.519046,53.985052
+                    -2.519808,53.985510
+                    -2.520043,53.985953
+                    -2.519808,53.986492
+                    -2.519196,53.986859
+                    -2.519808,53.987255
+                    -2.520327,53.987765
+                    -2.519808,53.988090
+                    -2.518884,53.988667
+                    -2.518685,53.989573
+                    -2.518296,53.989716
+                    -2.516784,53.989778
+                    -2.515272,53.989797
+                    -2.513760,53.990016
+                    -2.512992,53.990479
+                    -2.512247,53.990645
+                    -2.510735,53.990784
+                    -2.509536,53.991385
+                    -2.510735,53.991981
+                    -2.512247,53.992124
+                    -2.513484,53.991385
+                    -2.513760,53.990936
+                    -2.515272,53.991160
+                    -2.516784,53.991179
+                    -2.518296,53.991237
+                    -2.519808,53.991332
+                    -2.521321,53.991294
+                    -2.521983,53.991385
+                    -2.522833,53.991890
+                    -2.523445,53.992286
+                    -2.524270,53.993192
+                    -2.523284,53.994098
+                    -2.522833,53.994474
+                    -2.521321,53.994489
+                    -2.519808,53.994737
+                    -2.519390,53.994999
+                    -2.518909,53.995910
+                    -2.519808,53.996444
+                    -2.521321,53.996477
+                    -2.522273,53.995910
+                    -2.522833,53.995509
+                    -2.524345,53.995624
+                    -2.525857,53.995733
+                    -2.526139,53.995910
+                    -2.526402,53.996811
+                    -2.525857,53.997397
+                    -2.525376,53.997717
+                    -2.525857,53.998003
+                    -2.526980,53.998618
+                    -2.527369,53.998852
+                    -2.528398,53.999524
+                    -2.528882,53.999815
+                    -2.529405,53.999524
+                    -2.530394,53.999209
+                    -2.530545,53.999524
+                    -2.530586,54.000430
+                    -2.530394,54.000583
+                    -2.529136,54.001336
+                    -2.529063,54.002242
+                    -2.529066,54.003143
+                    -2.529091,54.004049
+                    -2.528882,54.004226
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+                    -2.527727,54.005861
+                    -2.527369,54.006314
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+                    -2.525857,54.007835
+                    -2.524345,54.007988
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+                    -2.524345,54.010558
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+                    -2.525857,54.012113
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+                    -2.531784,54.003143
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.017029
+                    -2.511685,54.017620
+                    -2.512247,54.017959
+                    -2.513760,54.018030
+                    -2.515272,54.018011
+                    -2.516001,54.017620
+                    -2.515272,54.017067
+                    -2.514959,54.016719
+                    -2.513760,54.016032
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+                    -2.510735,54.016376
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014316
+                    -2.512247,54.014225
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+                    -2.513033,54.013095
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+                    -2.513760,54.011950
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+                    -2.515272,54.012699
+                    -2.516120,54.012194
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+                    -2.515272,54.010615
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+                    -2.515272,54.009032
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+                    -2.516784,54.007068
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+                    -2.516784,54.006648
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+                    -2.519015,54.006763
+                    -2.518799,54.007668
+                    -2.519808,54.008203
+                    -2.521321,54.008365
+                    -2.522489,54.007668
+                    -2.521802,54.006763
+                    -2.522414,54.005861
+                    -2.522833,54.005542
+                    -2.523714,54.004951
+                    -2.524345,54.004250
+                    -2.524645,54.004049
+                    -2.525298,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002242
+                    -2.524345,54.002242
+                    -2.524343,54.002242
+                    -2.522833,54.002314
+                    -2.522709,54.002242
+                    -2.522833,54.002166
+                    -2.523511,54.001336
+                    -2.522833,54.000926
+                    -2.521824,54.000430
+                    -2.521321,54.000134
+                    -2.519808,54.000001
+                    -2.518296,53.999887
+                    -2.517596,53.999524
+                    -2.516784,53.999009
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+                    -2.515272,53.998079
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+                    -2.507711,53.994603
+                    -2.506199,53.994565
+                    -2.505677,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993440
+                    -2.504184,53.993192
+                    -2.504555,53.992286
+                    -2.504268,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991256
+                    -2.506143,53.990479
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+                    -2.506199,53.989272
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+                    -2.508711,53.988667
+                    -2.509223,53.988314
+                    -2.510735,53.988123
+                    -2.511397,53.987765
+                    -2.510735,53.987408
+                    -2.509223,53.987317
+                    -2.507711,53.987327
+                    -2.507339,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986697
+                    -2.509085,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985219
+                    -2.507094,53.985052
+                    -2.507711,53.984566
+                    -2.508335,53.984141
+                    -2.508582,53.983240
+                    -2.508578,53.982334
+                    -2.509081,53.981433
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+                    -2.504686,53.979321
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+                    -2.506199,53.978620
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+                    -2.510298,53.976908
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+                    -2.510735,53.974013
+                    -2.511903,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.973079
+                    -2.513760,53.972878
+                    -2.514615,53.972383
+                    -2.515272,53.972063
+                    -2.516250,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.970962
+                    -2.513760,53.970957
+                    -2.512832,53.970575
+                    -2.512247,53.970246
+                    -2.511656,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.970942
+                    -2.510199,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532049,53.972383
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+                    -2.531906,53.973489
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+                    -2.530394,53.974662
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+                    -2.528882,53.975415
+                    -2.527369,53.975854
+                    -2.527121,53.976002
+                    -2.526215,53.976908
+                    -2.525857,53.977294
+                    -2.524955,53.977809
+                    -2.524345,53.978052
+                    -2.523803,53.977809
+                    -2.522833,53.977251
+                    -2.522521,53.976908
+                    -2.521321,53.976188
+                    -2.519808,53.976383
+                    -2.518785,53.976908
+                    -2.519808,53.977427
+                    -2.521321,53.977623
+                    -2.521894,53.977809
+                    -2.521667,53.978715
+                    -2.522833,53.979373
+                    -2.523176,53.979621
+                    -2.522833,53.980021
+                    -2.521991,53.980527
+                    -2.521926,53.981433
+                    -2.522491,53.982334
+                    -2.521321,53.982558
+                    -2.520180,53.983240
+                    -2.521321,53.983922
+                    -2.521553,53.984141
+                    -2.521321,53.984427
+                    -2.519808,53.984594
+                    -2.519046,53.985052
+                    -2.519808,53.985510
+                    -2.520043,53.985953
+                    -2.519808,53.986492
+                    -2.519196,53.986859
+                    -2.519808,53.987255
+                    -2.520327,53.987765
+                    -2.519808,53.988090
+                    -2.518884,53.988667
+                    -2.518685,53.989573
+                    -2.518296,53.989716
+                    -2.516784,53.989778
+                    -2.515272,53.989797
+                    -2.513760,53.990016
+                    -2.512992,53.990479
+                    -2.512247,53.990645
+                    -2.510735,53.990784
+                    -2.509536,53.991385
+                    -2.510735,53.991981
+                    -2.512247,53.992124
+                    -2.513484,53.991385
+                    -2.513760,53.990936
+                    -2.515272,53.991160
+                    -2.516784,53.991179
+                    -2.518296,53.991237
+                    -2.519808,53.991332
+                    -2.521321,53.991294
+                    -2.521983,53.991385
+                    -2.522833,53.991890
+                    -2.523445,53.992286
+                    -2.524270,53.993192
+                    -2.523284,53.994098
+                    -2.522833,53.994474
+                    -2.521321,53.994489
+                    -2.519808,53.994737
+                    -2.519390,53.994999
+                    -2.518909,53.995910
+                    -2.519808,53.996444
+                    -2.521321,53.996477
+                    -2.522273,53.995910
+                    -2.522833,53.995509
+                    -2.524345,53.995624
+                    -2.525857,53.995733
+                    -2.526139,53.995910
+                    -2.526402,53.996811
+                    -2.525857,53.997397
+                    -2.525376,53.997717
+                    -2.525857,53.998003
+                    -2.526980,53.998618
+                    -2.527369,53.998852
+                    -2.528398,53.999524
+                    -2.528882,53.999815
+                    -2.529405,53.999524
+                    -2.530394,53.999209
+                    -2.530545,53.999524
+                    -2.530586,54.000430
+                    -2.530394,54.000583
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+                    -2.529066,54.003143
+                    -2.529091,54.004049
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+                    -2.518296,54.021449
+                    -2.517778,54.021239
+                    -2.516784,54.020333
+                    -2.516782,54.020333
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+                    -2.511929,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.018812
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.017029
+                    -2.511685,54.017620
+                    -2.512247,54.017959
+                    -2.513760,54.018030
+                    -2.515272,54.018011
+                    -2.516001,54.017620
+                    -2.515272,54.017067
+                    -2.514959,54.016719
+                    -2.513760,54.016032
+                    -2.512247,54.016199
+                    -2.510735,54.016376
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014316
+                    -2.512247,54.014225
+                    -2.512650,54.014001
+                    -2.513033,54.013095
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+                    -2.513760,54.011950
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+                    -2.515272,54.012699
+                    -2.516120,54.012194
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+                    -2.515272,54.010615
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+                    -2.515272,54.009032
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+                    -2.516784,54.007068
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+                    -2.516784,54.006648
+                    -2.518296,54.006610
+                    -2.519015,54.006763
+                    -2.518799,54.007668
+                    -2.519808,54.008203
+                    -2.521321,54.008365
+                    -2.522489,54.007668
+                    -2.521802,54.006763
+                    -2.522414,54.005861
+                    -2.522833,54.005542
+                    -2.523714,54.004951
+                    -2.524345,54.004250
+                    -2.524645,54.004049
+                    -2.525298,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002242
+                    -2.524345,54.002242
+                    -2.524343,54.002242
+                    -2.522833,54.002314
+                    -2.522709,54.002242
+                    -2.522833,54.002166
+                    -2.523511,54.001336
+                    -2.522833,54.000926
+                    -2.521824,54.000430
+                    -2.521321,54.000134
+                    -2.519808,54.000001
+                    -2.518296,53.999887
+                    -2.517596,53.999524
+                    -2.516784,53.999009
+                    -2.516189,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998079
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+                    -2.513760,53.996205
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+                    -2.512247,53.995619
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+                    -2.504686,53.993440
+                    -2.504184,53.993192
+                    -2.504555,53.992286
+                    -2.504268,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991256
+                    -2.506143,53.990479
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+                    -2.506199,53.989272
+                    -2.507711,53.989167
+                    -2.508711,53.988667
+                    -2.509223,53.988314
+                    -2.510735,53.988123
+                    -2.511397,53.987765
+                    -2.510735,53.987408
+                    -2.509223,53.987317
+                    -2.507711,53.987327
+                    -2.507339,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986697
+                    -2.509085,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985219
+                    -2.507094,53.985052
+                    -2.507711,53.984566
+                    -2.508335,53.984141
+                    -2.508582,53.983240
+                    -2.508578,53.982334
+                    -2.509081,53.981433
+                    -2.509120,53.980527
+                    -2.508042,53.979621
+                    -2.507711,53.979421
+                    -2.507378,53.979621
+                    -2.506199,53.979969
+                    -2.504686,53.980188
+                    -2.503559,53.979621
+                    -2.504686,53.979321
+                    -2.505830,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978620
+                    -2.507711,53.978457
+                    -2.508972,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977661
+                    -2.510298,53.976908
+                    -2.509410,53.976002
+                    -2.510495,53.975101
+                    -2.510462,53.974190
+                    -2.510735,53.974013
+                    -2.511903,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.973079
+                    -2.513760,53.972878
+                    -2.514615,53.972383
+                    -2.515272,53.972063
+                    -2.516250,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.970962
+                    -2.513760,53.970957
+                    -2.512832,53.970575
+                    -2.512247,53.970246
+                    -2.511656,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.970942
+                    -2.510199,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532049,53.972383
+                    -2.531988,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973489
+                    -2.530681,53.974190
+                    -2.530394,53.974662
+                    -2.529709,53.975101
+                    -2.528882,53.975415
+                    -2.527369,53.975854
+                    -2.527121,53.976002
+                    -2.526215,53.976908
+                    -2.525857,53.977294
+                    -2.524955,53.977809
+                    -2.524345,53.978052
+                    -2.523803,53.977809
+                    -2.522833,53.977251
+                    -2.522521,53.976908
+                    -2.521321,53.976188
+                    -2.519808,53.976383
+                    -2.518785,53.976908
+                    -2.519808,53.977427
+                    -2.521321,53.977623
+                    -2.521894,53.977809
+                    -2.521667,53.978715
+                    -2.522833,53.979373
+                    -2.523176,53.979621
+                    -2.522833,53.980021
+                    -2.521991,53.980527
+                    -2.521926,53.981433
+                    -2.522491,53.982334
+                    -2.521321,53.982558
+                    -2.520180,53.983240
+                    -2.521321,53.983922
+                    -2.521553,53.984141
+                    -2.521321,53.984427
+                    -2.519808,53.984594
+                    -2.519046,53.985052
+                    -2.519808,53.985510
+                    -2.520043,53.985953
+                    -2.519808,53.986492
+                    -2.519196,53.986859
+                    -2.519808,53.987255
+                    -2.520327,53.987765
+                    -2.519808,53.988090
+                    -2.518884,53.988667
+                    -2.518685,53.989573
+                    -2.518296,53.989716
+                    -2.516784,53.989778
+                    -2.515272,53.989797
+                    -2.513760,53.990016
+                    -2.512992,53.990479
+                    -2.512247,53.990645
+                    -2.510735,53.990784
+                    -2.509536,53.991385
+                    -2.510735,53.991981
+                    -2.512247,53.992124
+                    -2.513484,53.991385
+                    -2.513760,53.990936
+                    -2.515272,53.991160
+                    -2.516784,53.991179
+                    -2.518296,53.991237
+                    -2.519808,53.991332
+                    -2.521321,53.991294
+                    -2.521983,53.991385
+                    -2.522833,53.991890
+                    -2.523445,53.992286
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+                    -2.522833,53.994474
+                    -2.521321,53.994489
+                    -2.519808,53.994737
+                    -2.519390,53.994999
+                    -2.518909,53.995910
+                    -2.519808,53.996444
+                    -2.521321,53.996477
+                    -2.522273,53.995910
+                    -2.522833,53.995509
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+                    -2.525857,53.995733
+                    -2.526139,53.995910
+                    -2.526402,53.996811
+                    -2.525857,53.997397
+                    -2.525376,53.997717
+                    -2.525857,53.998003
+                    -2.526980,53.998618
+                    -2.527369,53.998852
+                    -2.528398,53.999524
+                    -2.528882,53.999815
+                    -2.529405,53.999524
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+                    -2.528882,54.013557
+                    -2.528390,54.014001
+                    -2.528882,54.014416
+                    -2.529220,54.014907
+                    -2.530394,54.015460
+                    -2.531906,54.015660
+                    -2.533418,54.015803
+                    -2.533451,54.015813
+                    -2.533418,54.015875
+                    -2.531906,54.016438
+                    -2.531649,54.016719
+                    -2.531906,54.017005
+                    -2.532278,54.017620
+                    -2.532530,54.018526
+                    -2.531906,54.018679
+                    -2.530573,54.019427
+                    -2.530394,54.019608
+                    -2.529393,54.020333
+                    -2.530394,54.020934
+                    -2.531906,54.021058
+                    -2.532165,54.021239
+                    -2.533081,54.022145
+                    -2.533418,54.022346
+                    -2.533928,54.023051
+                    -2.534378,54.023952
+                    -2.534930,54.024282
+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.024973
+                    -2.531906,54.024997
+                    -2.530906,54.024858
+                    -2.530394,54.024668
+                    -2.528882,54.024601
+                    -2.527369,54.024558
+                    -2.525857,54.024234
+                    -2.525354,54.023952
+                    -2.524345,54.023385
+                    -2.523643,54.023051
+                    -2.522833,54.022608
+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520895,54.022145
+                    -2.519808,54.021316
+                    -2.518296,54.021449
+                    -2.517778,54.021239
+                    -2.516784,54.020333
+                    -2.516782,54.020333
+                    -2.515272,54.019918
+                    -2.513760,54.019823
+                    -2.512247,54.019608
+                    -2.511929,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.018812
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.017029
+                    -2.511685,54.017620
+                    -2.512247,54.017959
+                    -2.513760,54.018030
+                    -2.515272,54.018011
+                    -2.516001,54.017620
+                    -2.515272,54.017067
+                    -2.514959,54.016719
+                    -2.513760,54.016032
+                    -2.512247,54.016199
+                    -2.510735,54.016376
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014316
+                    -2.512247,54.014225
+                    -2.512650,54.014001
+                    -2.513033,54.013095
+                    -2.513552,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011950
+                    -2.514424,54.012194
+                    -2.515272,54.012699
+                    -2.516120,54.012194
+                    -2.516173,54.011288
+                    -2.515272,54.010615
+                    -2.515049,54.010382
+                    -2.514692,54.009476
+                    -2.515272,54.009032
+                    -2.516110,54.008574
+                    -2.516784,54.008265
+                    -2.517776,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007068
+                    -2.516414,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006648
+                    -2.518296,54.006610
+                    -2.519015,54.006763
+                    -2.518799,54.007668
+                    -2.519808,54.008203
+                    -2.521321,54.008365
+                    -2.522489,54.007668
+                    -2.521802,54.006763
+                    -2.522414,54.005861
+                    -2.522833,54.005542
+                    -2.523714,54.004951
+                    -2.524345,54.004250
+                    -2.524645,54.004049
+                    -2.525298,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002242
+                    -2.524345,54.002242
+                    -2.524343,54.002242
+                    -2.522833,54.002314
+                    -2.522709,54.002242
+                    -2.522833,54.002166
+                    -2.523511,54.001336
+                    -2.522833,54.000926
+                    -2.521824,54.000430
+                    -2.521321,54.000134
+                    -2.519808,54.000001
+                    -2.518296,53.999887
+                    -2.517596,53.999524
+                    -2.516784,53.999009
+                    -2.516189,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998079
+                    -2.514691,53.997717
+                    -2.514786,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996205
+                    -2.512451,53.995910
+                    -2.512247,53.995619
+                    -2.512144,53.994999
+                    -2.510735,53.994298
+                    -2.509223,53.994775
+                    -2.507711,53.994603
+                    -2.506199,53.994565
+                    -2.505677,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993440
+                    -2.504184,53.993192
+                    -2.504555,53.992286
+                    -2.504268,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991256
+                    -2.506143,53.990479
+                    -2.505748,53.989573
+                    -2.506199,53.989272
+                    -2.507711,53.989167
+                    -2.508711,53.988667
+                    -2.509223,53.988314
+                    -2.510735,53.988123
+                    -2.511397,53.987765
+                    -2.510735,53.987408
+                    -2.509223,53.987317
+                    -2.507711,53.987327
+                    -2.507339,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986697
+                    -2.509085,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985219
+                    -2.507094,53.985052
+                    -2.507711,53.984566
+                    -2.508335,53.984141
+                    -2.508582,53.983240
+                    -2.508578,53.982334
+                    -2.509081,53.981433
+                    -2.509120,53.980527
+                    -2.508042,53.979621
+                    -2.507711,53.979421
+                    -2.507378,53.979621
+                    -2.506199,53.979969
+                    -2.504686,53.980188
+                    -2.503559,53.979621
+                    -2.504686,53.979321
+                    -2.505830,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978620
+                    -2.507711,53.978457
+                    -2.508972,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977661
+                    -2.510298,53.976908
+                    -2.509410,53.976002
+                    -2.510495,53.975101
+                    -2.510462,53.974190
+                    -2.510735,53.974013
+                    -2.511903,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.973079
+                    -2.513760,53.972878
+                    -2.514615,53.972383
+                    -2.515272,53.972063
+                    -2.516250,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.970962
+                    -2.513760,53.970957
+                    -2.512832,53.970575
+                    -2.512247,53.970246
+                    -2.511656,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.970942
+                    -2.510199,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532049,53.972383
+                    -2.531988,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973489
+                    -2.530681,53.974190
+                    -2.530394,53.974662
+                    -2.529709,53.975101
+                    -2.528882,53.975415
+                    -2.527369,53.975854
+                    -2.527121,53.976002
+                    -2.526215,53.976908
+                    -2.525857,53.977294
+                    -2.524955,53.977809
+                    -2.524345,53.978052
+                    -2.523803,53.977809
+                    -2.522833,53.977251
+                    -2.522521,53.976908
+                    -2.521321,53.976188
+                    -2.519808,53.976383
+                    -2.518785,53.976908
+                    -2.519808,53.977427
+                    -2.521321,53.977623
+                    -2.521894,53.977809
+                    -2.521667,53.978715
+                    -2.522833,53.979373
+                    -2.523176,53.979621
+                    -2.522833,53.980021
+                    -2.521991,53.980527
+                    -2.521926,53.981433
+                    -2.522491,53.982334
+                    -2.521321,53.982558
+                    -2.520180,53.983240
+                    -2.521321,53.983922
+                    -2.521553,53.984141
+                    -2.521321,53.984427
+                    -2.519808,53.984594
+                    -2.519046,53.985052
+                    -2.519808,53.985510
+                    -2.520043,53.985953
+                    -2.519808,53.986492
+                    -2.519196,53.986859
+                    -2.519808,53.987255
+                    -2.520327,53.987765
+                    -2.519808,53.988090
+                    -2.518884,53.988667
+                    -2.518685,53.989573
+                    -2.518296,53.989716
+                    -2.516784,53.989778
+                    -2.515272,53.989797
+                    -2.513760,53.990016
+                    -2.512992,53.990479
+                    -2.512247,53.990645
+                    -2.510735,53.990784
+                    -2.509536,53.991385
+                    -2.510735,53.991981
+                    -2.512247,53.992124
+                    -2.513484,53.991385
+                    -2.513760,53.990936
+                    -2.515272,53.991160
+                    -2.516784,53.991179
+                    -2.518296,53.991237
+                    -2.519808,53.991332
+                    -2.521321,53.991294
+                    -2.521983,53.991385
+                    -2.522833,53.991890
+                    -2.523445,53.992286
+                    -2.524270,53.993192
+                    -2.523284,53.994098
+                    -2.522833,53.994474
+                    -2.521321,53.994489
+                    -2.519808,53.994737
+                    -2.519390,53.994999
+                    -2.518909,53.995910
+                    -2.519808,53.996444
+                    -2.521321,53.996477
+                    -2.522273,53.995910
+                    -2.522833,53.995509
+                    -2.524345,53.995624
+                    -2.525857,53.995733
+                    -2.526139,53.995910
+                    -2.526402,53.996811
+                    -2.525857,53.997397
+                    -2.525376,53.997717
+                    -2.525857,53.998003
+                    -2.526980,53.998618
+                    -2.527369,53.998852
+                    -2.528398,53.999524
+                    -2.528882,53.999815
+                    -2.529405,53.999524
+                    -2.530394,53.999209
+                    -2.530545,53.999524
+                    -2.530586,54.000430
+                    -2.530394,54.000583
+                    -2.529136,54.001336
+                    -2.529063,54.002242
+                    -2.529066,54.003143
+                    -2.529091,54.004049
+                    -2.528882,54.004226
+                    -2.527669,54.004951
+                    -2.527727,54.005861
+                    -2.527369,54.006314
+                    -2.526613,54.006763
+                    -2.526042,54.007668
+                    -2.525857,54.007835
+                    -2.524345,54.007988
+                    -2.523368,54.008574
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+                    -2.524345,54.009833
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+                    -2.524345,54.010558
+                    -2.523130,54.011288
+                    -2.523603,54.012194
+                    -2.524345,54.012637
+                    -2.524615,54.013095
+                    -2.524662,54.014001
+                    -2.524457,54.014907
+                    -2.524746,54.015813
+                    -2.525857,54.016476
+                    -2.526302,54.016719
+                    -2.526218,54.017620
+                    -2.527369,54.018307
+                    -2.527739,54.018526
+                    -2.528882,54.019208
+                    -2.530030,54.018526
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+                    -2.528882,54.016848
+                    -2.528437,54.016719
+                    -2.528509,54.015813
+                    -2.527369,54.015121
+                    -2.527262,54.014907
+                    -2.527104,54.014001
+                    -2.527109,54.013095
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+                    -2.525857,54.012113
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+                    -2.531784,54.003143
+                    -2.531783,54.002242
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+                    -2.531906,54.001226
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+                    -2.535070,54.000430
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+                    -2.533418,54.001746
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.017029
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+                    -2.512247,54.017959
+                    -2.513760,54.018030
+                    -2.515272,54.018011
+                    -2.516001,54.017620
+                    -2.515272,54.017067
+                    -2.514959,54.016719
+                    -2.513760,54.016032
+                    -2.512247,54.016199
+                    -2.510735,54.016376
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014316
+                    -2.512247,54.014225
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+                    -2.513033,54.013095
+                    -2.513552,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011950
+                    -2.514424,54.012194
+                    -2.515272,54.012699
+                    -2.516120,54.012194
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+                    -2.515272,54.010615
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+                    -2.516784,54.007068
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+                    -2.516784,54.006648
+                    -2.518296,54.006610
+                    -2.519015,54.006763
+                    -2.518799,54.007668
+                    -2.519808,54.008203
+                    -2.521321,54.008365
+                    -2.522489,54.007668
+                    -2.521802,54.006763
+                    -2.522414,54.005861
+                    -2.522833,54.005542
+                    -2.523714,54.004951
+                    -2.524345,54.004250
+                    -2.524645,54.004049
+                    -2.525298,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002242
+                    -2.524345,54.002242
+                    -2.524343,54.002242
+                    -2.522833,54.002314
+                    -2.522709,54.002242
+                    -2.522833,54.002166
+                    -2.523511,54.001336
+                    -2.522833,54.000926
+                    -2.521824,54.000430
+                    -2.521321,54.000134
+                    -2.519808,54.000001
+                    -2.518296,53.999887
+                    -2.517596,53.999524
+                    -2.516784,53.999009
+                    -2.516189,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998079
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+                    -2.505677,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993440
+                    -2.504184,53.993192
+                    -2.504555,53.992286
+                    -2.504268,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991256
+                    -2.506143,53.990479
+                    -2.505748,53.989573
+                    -2.506199,53.989272
+                    -2.507711,53.989167
+                    -2.508711,53.988667
+                    -2.509223,53.988314
+                    -2.510735,53.988123
+                    -2.511397,53.987765
+                    -2.510735,53.987408
+                    -2.509223,53.987317
+                    -2.507711,53.987327
+                    -2.507339,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986697
+                    -2.509085,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985219
+                    -2.507094,53.985052
+                    -2.507711,53.984566
+                    -2.508335,53.984141
+                    -2.508582,53.983240
+                    -2.508578,53.982334
+                    -2.509081,53.981433
+                    -2.509120,53.980527
+                    -2.508042,53.979621
+                    -2.507711,53.979421
+                    -2.507378,53.979621
+                    -2.506199,53.979969
+                    -2.504686,53.980188
+                    -2.503559,53.979621
+                    -2.504686,53.979321
+                    -2.505830,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978620
+                    -2.507711,53.978457
+                    -2.508972,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977661
+                    -2.510298,53.976908
+                    -2.509410,53.976002
+                    -2.510495,53.975101
+                    -2.510462,53.974190
+                    -2.510735,53.974013
+                    -2.511903,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.973079
+                    -2.513760,53.972878
+                    -2.514615,53.972383
+                    -2.515272,53.972063
+                    -2.516250,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.970962
+                    -2.513760,53.970957
+                    -2.512832,53.970575
+                    -2.512247,53.970246
+                    -2.511656,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.970942
+                    -2.510199,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532049,53.972383
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+                    -2.531906,53.973489
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+                    -2.530394,53.974662
+                    -2.529709,53.975101
+                    -2.528882,53.975415
+                    -2.527369,53.975854
+                    -2.527121,53.976002
+                    -2.526215,53.976908
+                    -2.525857,53.977294
+                    -2.524955,53.977809
+                    -2.524345,53.978052
+                    -2.523803,53.977809
+                    -2.522833,53.977251
+                    -2.522521,53.976908
+                    -2.521321,53.976188
+                    -2.519808,53.976383
+                    -2.518785,53.976908
+                    -2.519808,53.977427
+                    -2.521321,53.977623
+                    -2.521894,53.977809
+                    -2.521667,53.978715
+                    -2.522833,53.979373
+                    -2.523176,53.979621
+                    -2.522833,53.980021
+                    -2.521991,53.980527
+                    -2.521926,53.981433
+                    -2.522491,53.982334
+                    -2.521321,53.982558
+                    -2.520180,53.983240
+                    -2.521321,53.983922
+                    -2.521553,53.984141
+                    -2.521321,53.984427
+                    -2.519808,53.984594
+                    -2.519046,53.985052
+                    -2.519808,53.985510
+                    -2.520043,53.985953
+                    -2.519808,53.986492
+                    -2.519196,53.986859
+                    -2.519808,53.987255
+                    -2.520327,53.987765
+                    -2.519808,53.988090
+                    -2.518884,53.988667
+                    -2.518685,53.989573
+                    -2.518296,53.989716
+                    -2.516784,53.989778
+                    -2.515272,53.989797
+                    -2.513760,53.990016
+                    -2.512992,53.990479
+                    -2.512247,53.990645
+                    -2.510735,53.990784
+                    -2.509536,53.991385
+                    -2.510735,53.991981
+                    -2.512247,53.992124
+                    -2.513484,53.991385
+                    -2.513760,53.990936
+                    -2.515272,53.991160
+                    -2.516784,53.991179
+                    -2.518296,53.991237
+                    -2.519808,53.991332
+                    -2.521321,53.991294
+                    -2.521983,53.991385
+                    -2.522833,53.991890
+                    -2.523445,53.992286
+                    -2.524270,53.993192
+                    -2.523284,53.994098
+                    -2.522833,53.994474
+                    -2.521321,53.994489
+                    -2.519808,53.994737
+                    -2.519390,53.994999
+                    -2.518909,53.995910
+                    -2.519808,53.996444
+                    -2.521321,53.996477
+                    -2.522273,53.995910
+                    -2.522833,53.995509
+                    -2.524345,53.995624
+                    -2.525857,53.995733
+                    -2.526139,53.995910
+                    -2.526402,53.996811
+                    -2.525857,53.997397
+                    -2.525376,53.997717
+                    -2.525857,53.998003
+                    -2.526980,53.998618
+                    -2.527369,53.998852
+                    -2.528398,53.999524
+                    -2.528882,53.999815
+                    -2.529405,53.999524
+                    -2.530394,53.999209
+                    -2.530545,53.999524
+                    -2.530586,54.000430
+                    -2.530394,54.000583
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+                    -2.529066,54.003143
+                    -2.529091,54.004049
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+                    -2.518296,54.021449
+                    -2.517778,54.021239
+                    -2.516784,54.020333
+                    -2.516782,54.020333
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+                    -2.512247,54.019608
+                    -2.511929,54.019427
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.017029
+                    -2.511685,54.017620
+                    -2.512247,54.017959
+                    -2.513760,54.018030
+                    -2.515272,54.018011
+                    -2.516001,54.017620
+                    -2.515272,54.017067
+                    -2.514959,54.016719
+                    -2.513760,54.016032
+                    -2.512247,54.016199
+                    -2.510735,54.016376
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014316
+                    -2.512247,54.014225
+                    -2.512650,54.014001
+                    -2.513033,54.013095
+                    -2.513552,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011950
+                    -2.514424,54.012194
+                    -2.515272,54.012699
+                    -2.516120,54.012194
+                    -2.516173,54.011288
+                    -2.515272,54.010615
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+                    -2.515272,54.009032
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+                    -2.516784,54.007068
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+                    -2.516784,54.006648
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+                    -2.519015,54.006763
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+                    -2.519808,54.008203
+                    -2.521321,54.008365
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+                    -2.521802,54.006763
+                    -2.522414,54.005861
+                    -2.522833,54.005542
+                    -2.523714,54.004951
+                    -2.524345,54.004250
+                    -2.524645,54.004049
+                    -2.525298,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002242
+                    -2.524345,54.002242
+                    -2.524343,54.002242
+                    -2.522833,54.002314
+                    -2.522709,54.002242
+                    -2.522833,54.002166
+                    -2.523511,54.001336
+                    -2.522833,54.000926
+                    -2.521824,54.000430
+                    -2.521321,54.000134
+                    -2.519808,54.000001
+                    -2.518296,53.999887
+                    -2.517596,53.999524
+                    -2.516784,53.999009
+                    -2.516189,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998079
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+                    -2.505677,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993440
+                    -2.504184,53.993192
+                    -2.504555,53.992286
+                    -2.504268,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991256
+                    -2.506143,53.990479
+                    -2.505748,53.989573
+                    -2.506199,53.989272
+                    -2.507711,53.989167
+                    -2.508711,53.988667
+                    -2.509223,53.988314
+                    -2.510735,53.988123
+                    -2.511397,53.987765
+                    -2.510735,53.987408
+                    -2.509223,53.987317
+                    -2.507711,53.987327
+                    -2.507339,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986697
+                    -2.509085,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985219
+                    -2.507094,53.985052
+                    -2.507711,53.984566
+                    -2.508335,53.984141
+                    -2.508582,53.983240
+                    -2.508578,53.982334
+                    -2.509081,53.981433
+                    -2.509120,53.980527
+                    -2.508042,53.979621
+                    -2.507711,53.979421
+                    -2.507378,53.979621
+                    -2.506199,53.979969
+                    -2.504686,53.980188
+                    -2.503559,53.979621
+                    -2.504686,53.979321
+                    -2.505830,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978620
+                    -2.507711,53.978457
+                    -2.508972,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977661
+                    -2.510298,53.976908
+                    -2.509410,53.976002
+                    -2.510495,53.975101
+                    -2.510462,53.974190
+                    -2.510735,53.974013
+                    -2.511903,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.973079
+                    -2.513760,53.972878
+                    -2.514615,53.972383
+                    -2.515272,53.972063
+                    -2.516250,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.970962
+                    -2.513760,53.970957
+                    -2.512832,53.970575
+                    -2.512247,53.970246
+                    -2.511656,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.970942
+                    -2.510199,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532049,53.972383
+                    -2.531988,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973489
+                    -2.530681,53.974190
+                    -2.530394,53.974662
+                    -2.529709,53.975101
+                    -2.528882,53.975415
+                    -2.527369,53.975854
+                    -2.527121,53.976002
+                    -2.526215,53.976908
+                    -2.525857,53.977294
+                    -2.524955,53.977809
+                    -2.524345,53.978052
+                    -2.523803,53.977809
+                    -2.522833,53.977251
+                    -2.522521,53.976908
+                    -2.521321,53.976188
+                    -2.519808,53.976383
+                    -2.518785,53.976908
+                    -2.519808,53.977427
+                    -2.521321,53.977623
+                    -2.521894,53.977809
+                    -2.521667,53.978715
+                    -2.522833,53.979373
+                    -2.523176,53.979621
+                    -2.522833,53.980021
+                    -2.521991,53.980527
+                    -2.521926,53.981433
+                    -2.522491,53.982334
+                    -2.521321,53.982558
+                    -2.520180,53.983240
+                    -2.521321,53.983922
+                    -2.521553,53.984141
+                    -2.521321,53.984427
+                    -2.519808,53.984594
+                    -2.519046,53.985052
+                    -2.519808,53.985510
+                    -2.520043,53.985953
+                    -2.519808,53.986492
+                    -2.519196,53.986859
+                    -2.519808,53.987255
+                    -2.520327,53.987765
+                    -2.519808,53.988090
+                    -2.518884,53.988667
+                    -2.518685,53.989573
+                    -2.518296,53.989716
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+                    -2.513760,53.990016
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+                    -2.512247,53.990645
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+                    -2.509223,53.995099
+                    -2.508646,53.994999
+                    -2.507711,53.994861
+                    -2.506199,53.994803
+                    -2.505416,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993611
+                    -2.503833,53.993192
+                    -2.504364,53.992286
+                    -2.503945,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991151
+                    -2.505954,53.990479
+                    -2.505415,53.989573
+                    -2.506199,53.989043
+                    -2.507711,53.988962
+                    -2.508298,53.988667
+                    -2.509223,53.988032
+                    -2.510735,53.987842
+                    -2.510886,53.987765
+                    -2.510735,53.987684
+                    -2.509223,53.987546
+                    -2.507711,53.987699
+                    -2.507046,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986568
+                    -2.508847,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985348
+                    -2.506630,53.985052
+                    -2.507711,53.984203
+                    -2.507798,53.984141
+                    -2.508176,53.983240
+                    -2.508179,53.982334
+                    -2.508656,53.981433
+                    -2.509068,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979635
+                    -2.506199,53.980145
+                    -2.504686,53.980474
+                    -2.503174,53.979692
+                    -2.503053,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979545
+                    -2.504686,53.979168
+                    -2.505547,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978543
+                    -2.507711,53.978324
+                    -2.508714,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977509
+                    -2.510080,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976150
+                    -2.509074,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975859
+                    -2.510239,53.975101
+                    -2.510114,53.974190
+                    -2.510735,53.973784
+                    -2.511539,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972850
+                    -2.513760,53.972616
+                    -2.514164,53.972383
+                    -2.515272,53.971839
+                    -2.515880,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971157
+                    -2.513760,53.971171
+                    -2.512317,53.970575
+                    -2.512247,53.970537
+                    -2.512177,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.971157
+                    -2.509895,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532120,53.972383
+                    -2.532028,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973594
+                    -2.530858,53.974190
+                    -2.531906,53.974819
+                    -2.532288,53.975101
+                    -2.532450,53.976002
+                    -2.532220,53.976908
+                    -2.532299,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978477
+                    -2.533920,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979316
+                    -2.535560,53.979621
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+                    -2.537955,53.980780
+                    -2.538391,53.980527
+                    -2.539467,53.980289
+                    -2.540061,53.980527
+                    -2.540104,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.982272
+                    -2.541074,53.982334
+                    -2.541396,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983893
+                    -2.543291,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984571
+                    -2.545516,53.984857
+                    -2.547028,53.984904
+                    -2.547761,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985515
+                    -2.550052,53.985548
+                    -2.550668,53.985953
+                    -2.550789,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987327
+                    -2.552340,53.986859
+                    -2.552461,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985820
+                    -2.554589,53.985724
+                    -2.556101,53.985701
+                    -2.556696,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986506
+                    -2.558665,53.985953
+                    -2.559126,53.985648
+                    -2.559381,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986650
+                    -2.562150,53.986540
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+                    -2.563593,53.989573
+                    -2.563662,53.989716
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+                    -2.565174,53.991675
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+                    -2.563662,53.993592
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+                    -2.560342,53.994098
+                    -2.560555,53.993192
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+                    -2.559126,53.989992
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+                    -2.555504,53.988667
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+                    -2.553077,53.989348
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016733
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+                    -2.515272,54.017429
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+                    -2.510735,54.016700
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
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+                    -2.510735,54.014020
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+                    -2.516784,54.007316
+                    -2.516109,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006553
+                    -2.518296,54.006510
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+                    -2.519808,54.007988
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+                    -2.521321,54.006791
+                    -2.520991,54.006763
+                    -2.521321,54.006686
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+                    -2.522833,54.005265
+                    -2.523301,54.004951
+                    -2.524236,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003878
+                    -2.525018,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002509
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+                    -2.521321,54.001822
+                    -2.520399,54.001336
+                    -2.521027,54.000430
+                    -2.519808,54.000268
+                    -2.518296,54.000125
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+                    -2.509305,53.994999
+                    -2.509223,53.995099
+                    -2.508646,53.994999
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+                    -2.506199,53.994803
+                    -2.505416,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993611
+                    -2.503833,53.993192
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+                    -2.503945,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991151
+                    -2.505954,53.990479
+                    -2.505415,53.989573
+                    -2.506199,53.989043
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+                    -2.508298,53.988667
+                    -2.509223,53.988032
+                    -2.510735,53.987842
+                    -2.510886,53.987765
+                    -2.510735,53.987684
+                    -2.509223,53.987546
+                    -2.507711,53.987699
+                    -2.507046,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986568
+                    -2.508847,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985348
+                    -2.506630,53.985052
+                    -2.507711,53.984203
+                    -2.507798,53.984141
+                    -2.508176,53.983240
+                    -2.508179,53.982334
+                    -2.508656,53.981433
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+                    -2.506199,53.980145
+                    -2.504686,53.980474
+                    -2.503174,53.979692
+                    -2.503053,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979545
+                    -2.504686,53.979168
+                    -2.505547,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978543
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+                    -2.508714,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977509
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+                    -2.509223,53.976150
+                    -2.509074,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975859
+                    -2.510239,53.975101
+                    -2.510114,53.974190
+                    -2.510735,53.973784
+                    -2.511539,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972850
+                    -2.513760,53.972616
+                    -2.514164,53.972383
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+                    -2.515880,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971157
+                    -2.513760,53.971171
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+                    -2.512247,53.970537
+                    -2.512177,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.971157
+                    -2.509895,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532120,53.972383
+                    -2.532028,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973594
+                    -2.530858,53.974190
+                    -2.531906,53.974819
+                    -2.532288,53.975101
+                    -2.532450,53.976002
+                    -2.532220,53.976908
+                    -2.532299,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978477
+                    -2.533920,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979316
+                    -2.535560,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.980150
+                    -2.537535,53.980527
+                    -2.537955,53.980780
+                    -2.538391,53.980527
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+                    -2.540061,53.980527
+                    -2.540104,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.982272
+                    -2.541074,53.982334
+                    -2.541396,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983893
+                    -2.543291,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984571
+                    -2.545516,53.984857
+                    -2.547028,53.984904
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+                    -2.550052,53.985548
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+                    -2.552340,53.986859
+                    -2.552461,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985820
+                    -2.554589,53.985724
+                    -2.556101,53.985701
+                    -2.556696,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986506
+                    -2.558665,53.985953
+                    -2.559126,53.985648
+                    -2.559381,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986650
+                    -2.562150,53.986540
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+                    -2.563226,53.987765
+                    -2.563652,53.988667
+                    -2.563593,53.989573
+                    -2.563662,53.989716
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+                    -2.565419,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991675
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+                    -2.563662,53.993592
+                    -2.562150,53.993492
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+                    -2.560342,53.994098
+                    -2.560555,53.993192
+                    -2.560579,53.992286
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+                    -2.552111,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989348
+                    -2.553780,53.989573
+                    -2.553077,53.989763
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+                    -2.550052,53.991561
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+                    -2.547655,53.990479
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+                    -2.520991,54.006763
+                    -2.521321,54.006686
+                    -2.522049,54.005861
+                    -2.522833,54.005265
+                    -2.523301,54.004951
+                    -2.524236,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003878
+                    -2.525018,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002509
+                    -2.522833,54.002900
+                    -2.521720,54.002242
+                    -2.521321,54.001822
+                    -2.520399,54.001336
+                    -2.521027,54.000430
+                    -2.519808,54.000268
+                    -2.518296,54.000125
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+                    -2.515272,53.998346
+                    -2.514259,53.997717
+                    -2.514455,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996401
+                    -2.512247,53.996654
+                    -2.512128,53.995910
+                    -2.511941,53.994999
+                    -2.510735,53.994398
+                    -2.509305,53.994999
+                    -2.509223,53.995099
+                    -2.508646,53.994999
+                    -2.507711,53.994861
+                    -2.506199,53.994803
+                    -2.505416,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993611
+                    -2.503833,53.993192
+                    -2.504364,53.992286
+                    -2.503945,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991151
+                    -2.505954,53.990479
+                    -2.505415,53.989573
+                    -2.506199,53.989043
+                    -2.507711,53.988962
+                    -2.508298,53.988667
+                    -2.509223,53.988032
+                    -2.510735,53.987842
+                    -2.510886,53.987765
+                    -2.510735,53.987684
+                    -2.509223,53.987546
+                    -2.507711,53.987699
+                    -2.507046,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986568
+                    -2.508847,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985348
+                    -2.506630,53.985052
+                    -2.507711,53.984203
+                    -2.507798,53.984141
+                    -2.508176,53.983240
+                    -2.508179,53.982334
+                    -2.508656,53.981433
+                    -2.509068,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979635
+                    -2.506199,53.980145
+                    -2.504686,53.980474
+                    -2.503174,53.979692
+                    -2.503053,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979545
+                    -2.504686,53.979168
+                    -2.505547,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978543
+                    -2.507711,53.978324
+                    -2.508714,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977509
+                    -2.510080,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976150
+                    -2.509074,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975859
+                    -2.510239,53.975101
+                    -2.510114,53.974190
+                    -2.510735,53.973784
+                    -2.511539,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972850
+                    -2.513760,53.972616
+                    -2.514164,53.972383
+                    -2.515272,53.971839
+                    -2.515880,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971157
+                    -2.513760,53.971171
+                    -2.512317,53.970575
+                    -2.512247,53.970537
+                    -2.512177,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.971157
+                    -2.509895,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532120,53.972383
+                    -2.532028,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973594
+                    -2.530858,53.974190
+                    -2.531906,53.974819
+                    -2.532288,53.975101
+                    -2.532450,53.976002
+                    -2.532220,53.976908
+                    -2.532299,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978477
+                    -2.533920,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979316
+                    -2.535560,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.980150
+                    -2.537535,53.980527
+                    -2.537955,53.980780
+                    -2.538391,53.980527
+                    -2.539467,53.980289
+                    -2.540061,53.980527
+                    -2.540104,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.982272
+                    -2.541074,53.982334
+                    -2.541396,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983893
+                    -2.543291,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984571
+                    -2.545516,53.984857
+                    -2.547028,53.984904
+                    -2.547761,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985515
+                    -2.550052,53.985548
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+                    -2.550789,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987327
+                    -2.552340,53.986859
+                    -2.552461,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985820
+                    -2.554589,53.985724
+                    -2.556101,53.985701
+                    -2.556696,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986506
+                    -2.558665,53.985953
+                    -2.559126,53.985648
+                    -2.559381,53.985953
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+                    -2.563662,53.989716
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+                    -2.563662,53.993592
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+                    -2.560555,53.993192
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016733
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+                    -2.512247,54.017673
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+                    -2.515272,54.017754
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+                    -2.515272,54.017429
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+                    -2.510735,54.016700
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014020
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+                    -2.513760,54.011827
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+                    -2.516784,54.007316
+                    -2.516109,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006553
+                    -2.518296,54.006510
+                    -2.519492,54.006763
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+                    -2.521321,54.006791
+                    -2.520991,54.006763
+                    -2.521321,54.006686
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+                    -2.522833,54.005265
+                    -2.523301,54.004951
+                    -2.524236,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003878
+                    -2.525018,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002509
+                    -2.522833,54.002900
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+                    -2.521321,54.001822
+                    -2.520399,54.001336
+                    -2.521027,54.000430
+                    -2.519808,54.000268
+                    -2.518296,54.000125
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+                    -2.515272,53.998346
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+                    -2.514455,53.996811
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+                    -2.509305,53.994999
+                    -2.509223,53.995099
+                    -2.508646,53.994999
+                    -2.507711,53.994861
+                    -2.506199,53.994803
+                    -2.505416,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993611
+                    -2.503833,53.993192
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+                    -2.503945,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991151
+                    -2.505954,53.990479
+                    -2.505415,53.989573
+                    -2.506199,53.989043
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+                    -2.508298,53.988667
+                    -2.509223,53.988032
+                    -2.510735,53.987842
+                    -2.510886,53.987765
+                    -2.510735,53.987684
+                    -2.509223,53.987546
+                    -2.507711,53.987699
+                    -2.507046,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986568
+                    -2.508847,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985348
+                    -2.506630,53.985052
+                    -2.507711,53.984203
+                    -2.507798,53.984141
+                    -2.508176,53.983240
+                    -2.508179,53.982334
+                    -2.508656,53.981433
+                    -2.509068,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979635
+                    -2.506199,53.980145
+                    -2.504686,53.980474
+                    -2.503174,53.979692
+                    -2.503053,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979545
+                    -2.504686,53.979168
+                    -2.505547,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978543
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+                    -2.508714,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977509
+                    -2.510080,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976150
+                    -2.509074,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975859
+                    -2.510239,53.975101
+                    -2.510114,53.974190
+                    -2.510735,53.973784
+                    -2.511539,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972850
+                    -2.513760,53.972616
+                    -2.514164,53.972383
+                    -2.515272,53.971839
+                    -2.515880,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971157
+                    -2.513760,53.971171
+                    -2.512317,53.970575
+                    -2.512247,53.970537
+                    -2.512177,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.971157
+                    -2.509895,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532120,53.972383
+                    -2.532028,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973594
+                    -2.530858,53.974190
+                    -2.531906,53.974819
+                    -2.532288,53.975101
+                    -2.532450,53.976002
+                    -2.532220,53.976908
+                    -2.532299,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978477
+                    -2.533920,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979316
+                    -2.535560,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.980150
+                    -2.537535,53.980527
+                    -2.537955,53.980780
+                    -2.538391,53.980527
+                    -2.539467,53.980289
+                    -2.540061,53.980527
+                    -2.540104,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.982272
+                    -2.541074,53.982334
+                    -2.541396,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983893
+                    -2.543291,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984571
+                    -2.545516,53.984857
+                    -2.547028,53.984904
+                    -2.547761,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985515
+                    -2.550052,53.985548
+                    -2.550668,53.985953
+                    -2.550789,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987327
+                    -2.552340,53.986859
+                    -2.552461,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985820
+                    -2.554589,53.985724
+                    -2.556101,53.985701
+                    -2.556696,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986506
+                    -2.558665,53.985953
+                    -2.559126,53.985648
+                    -2.559381,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986650
+                    -2.562150,53.986540
+                    -2.562557,53.986859
+                    -2.563226,53.987765
+                    -2.563652,53.988667
+                    -2.563593,53.989573
+                    -2.563662,53.989716
+                    -2.563896,53.990479
+                    -2.565174,53.991070
+                    -2.565419,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991675
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+                    -2.563662,53.993592
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+                    -2.510735,54.014020
+                    -2.510962,54.014001
+                    -2.512247,54.013796
+                    -2.512670,54.013095
+                    -2.513449,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011827
+                    -2.514756,54.012194
+                    -2.515272,54.012504
+                    -2.515788,54.012194
+                    -2.515867,54.011288
+                    -2.515272,54.010844
+                    -2.514832,54.010382
+                    -2.514307,54.009476
+                    -2.515272,54.008737
+                    -2.515569,54.008574
+                    -2.516784,54.008017
+                    -2.517363,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007316
+                    -2.516109,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006553
+                    -2.518296,54.006510
+                    -2.519492,54.006763
+                    -2.519199,54.007668
+                    -2.519808,54.007988
+                    -2.521321,54.008265
+                    -2.522317,54.007668
+                    -2.521321,54.006791
+                    -2.520991,54.006763
+                    -2.521321,54.006686
+                    -2.522049,54.005861
+                    -2.522833,54.005265
+                    -2.523301,54.004951
+                    -2.524236,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003878
+                    -2.525018,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002509
+                    -2.522833,54.002900
+                    -2.521720,54.002242
+                    -2.521321,54.001822
+                    -2.520399,54.001336
+                    -2.521027,54.000430
+                    -2.519808,54.000268
+                    -2.518296,54.000125
+                    -2.517132,53.999524
+                    -2.516784,53.999305
+                    -2.515737,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998346
+                    -2.514259,53.997717
+                    -2.514455,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996401
+                    -2.512247,53.996654
+                    -2.512128,53.995910
+                    -2.511941,53.994999
+                    -2.510735,53.994398
+                    -2.509305,53.994999
+                    -2.509223,53.995099
+                    -2.508646,53.994999
+                    -2.507711,53.994861
+                    -2.506199,53.994803
+                    -2.505416,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993611
+                    -2.503833,53.993192
+                    -2.504364,53.992286
+                    -2.503945,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991151
+                    -2.505954,53.990479
+                    -2.505415,53.989573
+                    -2.506199,53.989043
+                    -2.507711,53.988962
+                    -2.508298,53.988667
+                    -2.509223,53.988032
+                    -2.510735,53.987842
+                    -2.510886,53.987765
+                    -2.510735,53.987684
+                    -2.509223,53.987546
+                    -2.507711,53.987699
+                    -2.507046,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986568
+                    -2.508847,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985348
+                    -2.506630,53.985052
+                    -2.507711,53.984203
+                    -2.507798,53.984141
+                    -2.508176,53.983240
+                    -2.508179,53.982334
+                    -2.508656,53.981433
+                    -2.509068,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979635
+                    -2.506199,53.980145
+                    -2.504686,53.980474
+                    -2.503174,53.979692
+                    -2.503053,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979545
+                    -2.504686,53.979168
+                    -2.505547,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978543
+                    -2.507711,53.978324
+                    -2.508714,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977509
+                    -2.510080,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976150
+                    -2.509074,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975859
+                    -2.510239,53.975101
+                    -2.510114,53.974190
+                    -2.510735,53.973784
+                    -2.511539,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972850
+                    -2.513760,53.972616
+                    -2.514164,53.972383
+                    -2.515272,53.971839
+                    -2.515880,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971157
+                    -2.513760,53.971171
+                    -2.512317,53.970575
+                    -2.512247,53.970537
+                    -2.512177,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.971157
+                    -2.509895,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532120,53.972383
+                    -2.532028,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973594
+                    -2.530858,53.974190
+                    -2.531906,53.974819
+                    -2.532288,53.975101
+                    -2.532450,53.976002
+                    -2.532220,53.976908
+                    -2.532299,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978477
+                    -2.533920,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979316
+                    -2.535560,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.980150
+                    -2.537535,53.980527
+                    -2.537955,53.980780
+                    -2.538391,53.980527
+                    -2.539467,53.980289
+                    -2.540061,53.980527
+                    -2.540104,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.982272
+                    -2.541074,53.982334
+                    -2.541396,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983893
+                    -2.543291,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984571
+                    -2.545516,53.984857
+                    -2.547028,53.984904
+                    -2.547761,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985515
+                    -2.550052,53.985548
+                    -2.550668,53.985953
+                    -2.550789,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987327
+                    -2.552340,53.986859
+                    -2.552461,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985820
+                    -2.554589,53.985724
+                    -2.556101,53.985701
+                    -2.556696,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986506
+                    -2.558665,53.985953
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+                    -2.559381,53.985953
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+                    -2.562150,53.986540
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+                    -2.563662,53.989716
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+                    -2.563662,53.993592
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+                    -2.560342,53.994098
+                    -2.560555,53.993192
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+                    -2.555504,53.988667
+                    -2.554589,53.988123
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+                    -2.552111,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989348
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+                    -2.553077,53.989763
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016733
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+                    -2.512247,54.017673
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+                    -2.515272,54.017754
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+                    -2.515272,54.017429
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+                    -2.510735,54.016700
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014020
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+                    -2.513760,54.011827
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+                    -2.515272,54.012504
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+                    -2.515272,54.010844
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+                    -2.515272,54.008737
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+                    -2.517363,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007316
+                    -2.516109,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006553
+                    -2.518296,54.006510
+                    -2.519492,54.006763
+                    -2.519199,54.007668
+                    -2.519808,54.007988
+                    -2.521321,54.008265
+                    -2.522317,54.007668
+                    -2.521321,54.006791
+                    -2.520991,54.006763
+                    -2.521321,54.006686
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+                    -2.522833,54.005265
+                    -2.523301,54.004951
+                    -2.524236,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003878
+                    -2.525018,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002509
+                    -2.522833,54.002900
+                    -2.521720,54.002242
+                    -2.521321,54.001822
+                    -2.520399,54.001336
+                    -2.521027,54.000430
+                    -2.519808,54.000268
+                    -2.518296,54.000125
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+                    -2.515737,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998346
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+                    -2.514455,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996401
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+                    -2.510735,53.994398
+                    -2.509305,53.994999
+                    -2.509223,53.995099
+                    -2.508646,53.994999
+                    -2.507711,53.994861
+                    -2.506199,53.994803
+                    -2.505416,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993611
+                    -2.503833,53.993192
+                    -2.504364,53.992286
+                    -2.503945,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991151
+                    -2.505954,53.990479
+                    -2.505415,53.989573
+                    -2.506199,53.989043
+                    -2.507711,53.988962
+                    -2.508298,53.988667
+                    -2.509223,53.988032
+                    -2.510735,53.987842
+                    -2.510886,53.987765
+                    -2.510735,53.987684
+                    -2.509223,53.987546
+                    -2.507711,53.987699
+                    -2.507046,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986568
+                    -2.508847,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985348
+                    -2.506630,53.985052
+                    -2.507711,53.984203
+                    -2.507798,53.984141
+                    -2.508176,53.983240
+                    -2.508179,53.982334
+                    -2.508656,53.981433
+                    -2.509068,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979635
+                    -2.506199,53.980145
+                    -2.504686,53.980474
+                    -2.503174,53.979692
+                    -2.503053,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979545
+                    -2.504686,53.979168
+                    -2.505547,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978543
+                    -2.507711,53.978324
+                    -2.508714,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977509
+                    -2.510080,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976150
+                    -2.509074,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975859
+                    -2.510239,53.975101
+                    -2.510114,53.974190
+                    -2.510735,53.973784
+                    -2.511539,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972850
+                    -2.513760,53.972616
+                    -2.514164,53.972383
+                    -2.515272,53.971839
+                    -2.515880,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971157
+                    -2.513760,53.971171
+                    -2.512317,53.970575
+                    -2.512247,53.970537
+                    -2.512177,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.971157
+                    -2.509895,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532120,53.972383
+                    -2.532028,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973594
+                    -2.530858,53.974190
+                    -2.531906,53.974819
+                    -2.532288,53.975101
+                    -2.532450,53.976002
+                    -2.532220,53.976908
+                    -2.532299,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978477
+                    -2.533920,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979316
+                    -2.535560,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.980150
+                    -2.537535,53.980527
+                    -2.537955,53.980780
+                    -2.538391,53.980527
+                    -2.539467,53.980289
+                    -2.540061,53.980527
+                    -2.540104,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.982272
+                    -2.541074,53.982334
+                    -2.541396,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983893
+                    -2.543291,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984571
+                    -2.545516,53.984857
+                    -2.547028,53.984904
+                    -2.547761,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985515
+                    -2.550052,53.985548
+                    -2.550668,53.985953
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+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520682,54.022145
+                    -2.519808,54.021478
+                    -2.518296,54.021564
+                    -2.517477,54.021239
+                    -2.516784,54.020610
+                    -2.515893,54.020333
+                    -2.515272,54.020162
+                    -2.513760,54.020019
+                    -2.512247,54.019828
+                    -2.511544,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.019008
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016733
+                    -2.512166,54.017620
+                    -2.512247,54.017673
+                    -2.513760,54.017782
+                    -2.515272,54.017754
+                    -2.515522,54.017620
+                    -2.515272,54.017429
+                    -2.514633,54.016719
+                    -2.513760,54.016223
+                    -2.512247,54.016452
+                    -2.510735,54.016700
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014020
+                    -2.510962,54.014001
+                    -2.512247,54.013796
+                    -2.512670,54.013095
+                    -2.513449,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011827
+                    -2.514756,54.012194
+                    -2.515272,54.012504
+                    -2.515788,54.012194
+                    -2.515867,54.011288
+                    -2.515272,54.010844
+                    -2.514832,54.010382
+                    -2.514307,54.009476
+                    -2.515272,54.008737
+                    -2.515569,54.008574
+                    -2.516784,54.008017
+                    -2.517363,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007316
+                    -2.516109,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006553
+                    -2.518296,54.006510
+                    -2.519492,54.006763
+                    -2.519199,54.007668
+                    -2.519808,54.007988
+                    -2.521321,54.008265
+                    -2.522317,54.007668
+                    -2.521321,54.006791
+                    -2.520991,54.006763
+                    -2.521321,54.006686
+                    -2.522049,54.005861
+                    -2.522833,54.005265
+                    -2.523301,54.004951
+                    -2.524236,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003878
+                    -2.525018,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002509
+                    -2.522833,54.002900
+                    -2.521720,54.002242
+                    -2.521321,54.001822
+                    -2.520399,54.001336
+                    -2.521027,54.000430
+                    -2.519808,54.000268
+                    -2.518296,54.000125
+                    -2.517132,53.999524
+                    -2.516784,53.999305
+                    -2.515737,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998346
+                    -2.514259,53.997717
+                    -2.514455,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996401
+                    -2.512247,53.996654
+                    -2.512128,53.995910
+                    -2.511941,53.994999
+                    -2.510735,53.994398
+                    -2.509305,53.994999
+                    -2.509223,53.995099
+                    -2.508646,53.994999
+                    -2.507711,53.994861
+                    -2.506199,53.994803
+                    -2.505416,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993611
+                    -2.503833,53.993192
+                    -2.504364,53.992286
+                    -2.503945,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991151
+                    -2.505954,53.990479
+                    -2.505415,53.989573
+                    -2.506199,53.989043
+                    -2.507711,53.988962
+                    -2.508298,53.988667
+                    -2.509223,53.988032
+                    -2.510735,53.987842
+                    -2.510886,53.987765
+                    -2.510735,53.987684
+                    -2.509223,53.987546
+                    -2.507711,53.987699
+                    -2.507046,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986568
+                    -2.508847,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985348
+                    -2.506630,53.985052
+                    -2.507711,53.984203
+                    -2.507798,53.984141
+                    -2.508176,53.983240
+                    -2.508179,53.982334
+                    -2.508656,53.981433
+                    -2.509068,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979635
+                    -2.506199,53.980145
+                    -2.504686,53.980474
+                    -2.503174,53.979692
+                    -2.503053,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979545
+                    -2.504686,53.979168
+                    -2.505547,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978543
+                    -2.507711,53.978324
+                    -2.508714,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977509
+                    -2.510080,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976150
+                    -2.509074,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975859
+                    -2.510239,53.975101
+                    -2.510114,53.974190
+                    -2.510735,53.973784
+                    -2.511539,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972850
+                    -2.513760,53.972616
+                    -2.514164,53.972383
+                    -2.515272,53.971839
+                    -2.515880,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971157
+                    -2.513760,53.971171
+                    -2.512317,53.970575
+                    -2.512247,53.970537
+                    -2.512177,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.971157
+                    -2.509895,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532120,53.972383
+                    -2.532028,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973594
+                    -2.530858,53.974190
+                    -2.531906,53.974819
+                    -2.532288,53.975101
+                    -2.532450,53.976002
+                    -2.532220,53.976908
+                    -2.532299,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978477
+                    -2.533920,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979316
+                    -2.535560,53.979621
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+                    -2.538391,53.980527
+                    -2.539467,53.980289
+                    -2.540061,53.980527
+                    -2.540104,53.981433
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+                    -2.541074,53.982334
+                    -2.541396,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983893
+                    -2.543291,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984571
+                    -2.545516,53.984857
+                    -2.547028,53.984904
+                    -2.547761,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985515
+                    -2.550052,53.985548
+                    -2.550668,53.985953
+                    -2.550789,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987327
+                    -2.552340,53.986859
+                    -2.552461,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985820
+                    -2.554589,53.985724
+                    -2.556101,53.985701
+                    -2.556696,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986506
+                    -2.558665,53.985953
+                    -2.559126,53.985648
+                    -2.559381,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986650
+                    -2.562150,53.986540
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+                    -2.563662,53.989716
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+                    -2.563662,53.993592
+                    -2.562150,53.993492
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+                    -2.560342,53.994098
+                    -2.560555,53.993192
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+                    -2.554589,53.988123
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+                    -2.552111,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989348
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+                    -2.553077,53.989763
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016733
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+                    -2.512247,54.017673
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+                    -2.515272,54.017754
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+                    -2.515272,54.017429
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+                    -2.510735,54.016700
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014020
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+                    -2.512247,54.013796
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+                    -2.513760,54.011827
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+                    -2.515272,54.010844
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+                    -2.515272,54.008737
+                    -2.515569,54.008574
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+                    -2.517363,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007316
+                    -2.516109,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006553
+                    -2.518296,54.006510
+                    -2.519492,54.006763
+                    -2.519199,54.007668
+                    -2.519808,54.007988
+                    -2.521321,54.008265
+                    -2.522317,54.007668
+                    -2.521321,54.006791
+                    -2.520991,54.006763
+                    -2.521321,54.006686
+                    -2.522049,54.005861
+                    -2.522833,54.005265
+                    -2.523301,54.004951
+                    -2.524236,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003878
+                    -2.525018,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002509
+                    -2.522833,54.002900
+                    -2.521720,54.002242
+                    -2.521321,54.001822
+                    -2.520399,54.001336
+                    -2.521027,54.000430
+                    -2.519808,54.000268
+                    -2.518296,54.000125
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+                    -2.515737,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998346
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+                    -2.514455,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996401
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+                    -2.509305,53.994999
+                    -2.509223,53.995099
+                    -2.508646,53.994999
+                    -2.507711,53.994861
+                    -2.506199,53.994803
+                    -2.505416,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993611
+                    -2.503833,53.993192
+                    -2.504364,53.992286
+                    -2.503945,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991151
+                    -2.505954,53.990479
+                    -2.505415,53.989573
+                    -2.506199,53.989043
+                    -2.507711,53.988962
+                    -2.508298,53.988667
+                    -2.509223,53.988032
+                    -2.510735,53.987842
+                    -2.510886,53.987765
+                    -2.510735,53.987684
+                    -2.509223,53.987546
+                    -2.507711,53.987699
+                    -2.507046,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986568
+                    -2.508847,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985348
+                    -2.506630,53.985052
+                    -2.507711,53.984203
+                    -2.507798,53.984141
+                    -2.508176,53.983240
+                    -2.508179,53.982334
+                    -2.508656,53.981433
+                    -2.509068,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979635
+                    -2.506199,53.980145
+                    -2.504686,53.980474
+                    -2.503174,53.979692
+                    -2.503053,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979545
+                    -2.504686,53.979168
+                    -2.505547,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978543
+                    -2.507711,53.978324
+                    -2.508714,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977509
+                    -2.510080,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976150
+                    -2.509074,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975859
+                    -2.510239,53.975101
+                    -2.510114,53.974190
+                    -2.510735,53.973784
+                    -2.511539,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972850
+                    -2.513760,53.972616
+                    -2.514164,53.972383
+                    -2.515272,53.971839
+                    -2.515880,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971157
+                    -2.513760,53.971171
+                    -2.512317,53.970575
+                    -2.512247,53.970537
+                    -2.512177,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.971157
+                    -2.509895,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532120,53.972383
+                    -2.532028,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973594
+                    -2.530858,53.974190
+                    -2.531906,53.974819
+                    -2.532288,53.975101
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+                    -2.533501,54.016719
+                    -2.533418,54.016895
+                    -2.532698,54.017620
+                    -2.532962,54.018526
+                    -2.531906,54.018779
+                    -2.530758,54.019427
+                    -2.530394,54.019794
+                    -2.529648,54.020333
+                    -2.530394,54.020782
+                    -2.531906,54.020934
+                    -2.532345,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.022083
+                    -2.533478,54.022145
+                    -2.534184,54.023051
+                    -2.534874,54.023952
+                    -2.534930,54.023986
+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025111
+                    -2.531906,54.025154
+                    -2.530394,54.024930
+                    -2.528882,54.024920
+                    -2.527369,54.024892
+                    -2.527293,54.024858
+                    -2.525857,54.024439
+                    -2.524990,54.023952
+                    -2.524345,54.023585
+                    -2.523211,54.023051
+                    -2.522833,54.022841
+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520682,54.022145
+                    -2.519808,54.021478
+                    -2.518296,54.021564
+                    -2.517477,54.021239
+                    -2.516784,54.020610
+                    -2.515893,54.020333
+                    -2.515272,54.020162
+                    -2.513760,54.020019
+                    -2.512247,54.019828
+                    -2.511544,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.019008
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016733
+                    -2.512166,54.017620
+                    -2.512247,54.017673
+                    -2.513760,54.017782
+                    -2.515272,54.017754
+                    -2.515522,54.017620
+                    -2.515272,54.017429
+                    -2.514633,54.016719
+                    -2.513760,54.016223
+                    -2.512247,54.016452
+                    -2.510735,54.016700
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014020
+                    -2.510962,54.014001
+                    -2.512247,54.013796
+                    -2.512670,54.013095
+                    -2.513449,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011827
+                    -2.514756,54.012194
+                    -2.515272,54.012504
+                    -2.515788,54.012194
+                    -2.515867,54.011288
+                    -2.515272,54.010844
+                    -2.514832,54.010382
+                    -2.514307,54.009476
+                    -2.515272,54.008737
+                    -2.515569,54.008574
+                    -2.516784,54.008017
+                    -2.517363,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007316
+                    -2.516109,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006553
+                    -2.518296,54.006510
+                    -2.519492,54.006763
+                    -2.519199,54.007668
+                    -2.519808,54.007988
+                    -2.521321,54.008265
+                    -2.522317,54.007668
+                    -2.521321,54.006791
+                    -2.520991,54.006763
+                    -2.521321,54.006686
+                    -2.522049,54.005861
+                    -2.522833,54.005265
+                    -2.523301,54.004951
+                    -2.524236,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003878
+                    -2.525018,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002509
+                    -2.522833,54.002900
+                    -2.521720,54.002242
+                    -2.521321,54.001822
+                    -2.520399,54.001336
+                    -2.521027,54.000430
+                    -2.519808,54.000268
+                    -2.518296,54.000125
+                    -2.517132,53.999524
+                    -2.516784,53.999305
+                    -2.515737,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998346
+                    -2.514259,53.997717
+                    -2.514455,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996401
+                    -2.512247,53.996654
+                    -2.512128,53.995910
+                    -2.511941,53.994999
+                    -2.510735,53.994398
+                    -2.509305,53.994999
+                    -2.509223,53.995099
+                    -2.508646,53.994999
+                    -2.507711,53.994861
+                    -2.506199,53.994803
+                    -2.505416,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993611
+                    -2.503833,53.993192
+                    -2.504364,53.992286
+                    -2.503945,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991151
+                    -2.505954,53.990479
+                    -2.505415,53.989573
+                    -2.506199,53.989043
+                    -2.507711,53.988962
+                    -2.508298,53.988667
+                    -2.509223,53.988032
+                    -2.510735,53.987842
+                    -2.510886,53.987765
+                    -2.510735,53.987684
+                    -2.509223,53.987546
+                    -2.507711,53.987699
+                    -2.507046,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986568
+                    -2.508847,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985348
+                    -2.506630,53.985052
+                    -2.507711,53.984203
+                    -2.507798,53.984141
+                    -2.508176,53.983240
+                    -2.508179,53.982334
+                    -2.508656,53.981433
+                    -2.509068,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979635
+                    -2.506199,53.980145
+                    -2.504686,53.980474
+                    -2.503174,53.979692
+                    -2.503053,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979545
+                    -2.504686,53.979168
+                    -2.505547,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978543
+                    -2.507711,53.978324
+                    -2.508714,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977509
+                    -2.510080,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976150
+                    -2.509074,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975859
+                    -2.510239,53.975101
+                    -2.510114,53.974190
+                    -2.510735,53.973784
+                    -2.511539,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972850
+                    -2.513760,53.972616
+                    -2.514164,53.972383
+                    -2.515272,53.971839
+                    -2.515880,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971157
+                    -2.513760,53.971171
+                    -2.512317,53.970575
+                    -2.512247,53.970537
+                    -2.512177,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.971157
+                    -2.509895,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532120,53.972383
+                    -2.532028,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973594
+                    -2.530858,53.974190
+                    -2.531906,53.974819
+                    -2.532288,53.975101
+                    -2.532450,53.976002
+                    -2.532220,53.976908
+                    -2.532299,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978477
+                    -2.533920,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979316
+                    -2.535560,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.980150
+                    -2.537535,53.980527
+                    -2.537955,53.980780
+                    -2.538391,53.980527
+                    -2.539467,53.980289
+                    -2.540061,53.980527
+                    -2.540104,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.982272
+                    -2.541074,53.982334
+                    -2.541396,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983893
+                    -2.543291,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984571
+                    -2.545516,53.984857
+                    -2.547028,53.984904
+                    -2.547761,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985515
+                    -2.550052,53.985548
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+                    -2.550789,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987327
+                    -2.552340,53.986859
+                    -2.552461,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985820
+                    -2.554589,53.985724
+                    -2.556101,53.985701
+                    -2.556696,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986506
+                    -2.558665,53.985953
+                    -2.559126,53.985648
+                    -2.559381,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986650
+                    -2.562150,53.986540
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+                    -2.563662,53.989716
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+                    -2.565174,53.991675
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+                    -2.563873,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.993592
+                    -2.562150,53.993492
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+                    -2.560638,53.994269
+                    -2.560342,53.994098
+                    -2.560555,53.993192
+                    -2.560579,53.992286
+                    -2.560069,53.991385
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+                    -2.556101,53.988948
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+                    -2.554589,53.988123
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+                    -2.552111,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989348
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+                    -2.553077,53.989763
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016733
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+                    -2.512247,54.017673
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+                    -2.515272,54.017754
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+                    -2.515272,54.017429
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+                    -2.510735,54.015813
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+                    -2.510735,54.014020
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+                    -2.512247,54.013796
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+                    -2.513760,54.011827
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+                    -2.515272,54.010844
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+                    -2.516784,54.007316
+                    -2.516109,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006553
+                    -2.518296,54.006510
+                    -2.519492,54.006763
+                    -2.519199,54.007668
+                    -2.519808,54.007988
+                    -2.521321,54.008265
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+                    -2.521321,54.006791
+                    -2.520991,54.006763
+                    -2.521321,54.006686
+                    -2.522049,54.005861
+                    -2.522833,54.005265
+                    -2.523301,54.004951
+                    -2.524236,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003878
+                    -2.525018,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002509
+                    -2.522833,54.002900
+                    -2.521720,54.002242
+                    -2.521321,54.001822
+                    -2.520399,54.001336
+                    -2.521027,54.000430
+                    -2.519808,54.000268
+                    -2.518296,54.000125
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+                    -2.515272,53.998346
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+                    -2.514455,53.996811
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+                    -2.509305,53.994999
+                    -2.509223,53.995099
+                    -2.508646,53.994999
+                    -2.507711,53.994861
+                    -2.506199,53.994803
+                    -2.505416,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993611
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+                    -2.503945,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991151
+                    -2.505954,53.990479
+                    -2.505415,53.989573
+                    -2.506199,53.989043
+                    -2.507711,53.988962
+                    -2.508298,53.988667
+                    -2.509223,53.988032
+                    -2.510735,53.987842
+                    -2.510886,53.987765
+                    -2.510735,53.987684
+                    -2.509223,53.987546
+                    -2.507711,53.987699
+                    -2.507046,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986568
+                    -2.508847,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985348
+                    -2.506630,53.985052
+                    -2.507711,53.984203
+                    -2.507798,53.984141
+                    -2.508176,53.983240
+                    -2.508179,53.982334
+                    -2.508656,53.981433
+                    -2.509068,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979635
+                    -2.506199,53.980145
+                    -2.504686,53.980474
+                    -2.503174,53.979692
+                    -2.503053,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979545
+                    -2.504686,53.979168
+                    -2.505547,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978543
+                    -2.507711,53.978324
+                    -2.508714,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977509
+                    -2.510080,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976150
+                    -2.509074,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975859
+                    -2.510239,53.975101
+                    -2.510114,53.974190
+                    -2.510735,53.973784
+                    -2.511539,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972850
+                    -2.513760,53.972616
+                    -2.514164,53.972383
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+                    -2.515880,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971157
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+                    -2.538924,54.007668
+                    -2.537955,54.007359
+                    -2.537306,54.007668
+                    -2.536443,54.008117
+                    -2.535806,54.008574
+                    -2.536443,54.009147
+                    -2.536723,54.009476
+                    -2.536443,54.009719
+                    -2.535525,54.010382
+                    -2.534930,54.010978
+                    -2.534501,54.011288
+                    -2.533925,54.012194
+                    -2.534930,54.012694
+                    -2.536010,54.013095
+                    -2.534930,54.013371
+                    -2.533418,54.013133
+                    -2.533339,54.013095
+                    -2.531906,54.012446
+                    -2.530760,54.012194
+                    -2.530394,54.012151
+                    -2.530318,54.012194
+                    -2.529480,54.013095
+                    -2.528923,54.014001
+                    -2.529591,54.014907
+                    -2.530394,54.015288
+                    -2.531906,54.015493
+                    -2.533418,54.015627
+                    -2.534219,54.015813
+                    -2.533501,54.016719
+                    -2.533418,54.016895
+                    -2.532698,54.017620
+                    -2.532962,54.018526
+                    -2.531906,54.018779
+                    -2.530758,54.019427
+                    -2.530394,54.019794
+                    -2.529648,54.020333
+                    -2.530394,54.020782
+                    -2.531906,54.020934
+                    -2.532345,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.022083
+                    -2.533478,54.022145
+                    -2.534184,54.023051
+                    -2.534874,54.023952
+                    -2.534930,54.023986
+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025111
+                    -2.531906,54.025154
+                    -2.530394,54.024930
+                    -2.528882,54.024920
+                    -2.527369,54.024892
+                    -2.527293,54.024858
+                    -2.525857,54.024439
+                    -2.524990,54.023952
+                    -2.524345,54.023585
+                    -2.523211,54.023051
+                    -2.522833,54.022841
+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520682,54.022145
+                    -2.519808,54.021478
+                    -2.518296,54.021564
+                    -2.517477,54.021239
+                    -2.516784,54.020610
+                    -2.515893,54.020333
+                    -2.515272,54.020162
+                    -2.513760,54.020019
+                    -2.512247,54.019828
+                    -2.511544,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.019008
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016733
+                    -2.512166,54.017620
+                    -2.512247,54.017673
+                    -2.513760,54.017782
+                    -2.515272,54.017754
+                    -2.515522,54.017620
+                    -2.515272,54.017429
+                    -2.514633,54.016719
+                    -2.513760,54.016223
+                    -2.512247,54.016452
+                    -2.510735,54.016700
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014020
+                    -2.510962,54.014001
+                    -2.512247,54.013796
+                    -2.512670,54.013095
+                    -2.513449,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011827
+                    -2.514756,54.012194
+                    -2.515272,54.012504
+                    -2.515788,54.012194
+                    -2.515867,54.011288
+                    -2.515272,54.010844
+                    -2.514832,54.010382
+                    -2.514307,54.009476
+                    -2.515272,54.008737
+                    -2.515569,54.008574
+                    -2.516784,54.008017
+                    -2.517363,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007316
+                    -2.516109,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006553
+                    -2.518296,54.006510
+                    -2.519492,54.006763
+                    -2.519199,54.007668
+                    -2.519808,54.007988
+                    -2.521321,54.008265
+                    -2.522317,54.007668
+                    -2.521321,54.006791
+                    -2.520991,54.006763
+                    -2.521321,54.006686
+                    -2.522049,54.005861
+                    -2.522833,54.005265
+                    -2.523301,54.004951
+                    -2.524236,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003878
+                    -2.525018,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002509
+                    -2.522833,54.002900
+                    -2.521720,54.002242
+                    -2.521321,54.001822
+                    -2.520399,54.001336
+                    -2.521027,54.000430
+                    -2.519808,54.000268
+                    -2.518296,54.000125
+                    -2.517132,53.999524
+                    -2.516784,53.999305
+                    -2.515737,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998346
+                    -2.514259,53.997717
+                    -2.514455,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996401
+                    -2.512247,53.996654
+                    -2.512128,53.995910
+                    -2.511941,53.994999
+                    -2.510735,53.994398
+                    -2.509305,53.994999
+                    -2.509223,53.995099
+                    -2.508646,53.994999
+                    -2.507711,53.994861
+                    -2.506199,53.994803
+                    -2.505416,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993611
+                    -2.503833,53.993192
+                    -2.504364,53.992286
+                    -2.503945,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991151
+                    -2.505954,53.990479
+                    -2.505415,53.989573
+                    -2.506199,53.989043
+                    -2.507711,53.988962
+                    -2.508298,53.988667
+                    -2.509223,53.988032
+                    -2.510735,53.987842
+                    -2.510886,53.987765
+                    -2.510735,53.987684
+                    -2.509223,53.987546
+                    -2.507711,53.987699
+                    -2.507046,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986568
+                    -2.508847,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985348
+                    -2.506630,53.985052
+                    -2.507711,53.984203
+                    -2.507798,53.984141
+                    -2.508176,53.983240
+                    -2.508179,53.982334
+                    -2.508656,53.981433
+                    -2.509068,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979635
+                    -2.506199,53.980145
+                    -2.504686,53.980474
+                    -2.503174,53.979692
+                    -2.503053,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979545
+                    -2.504686,53.979168
+                    -2.505547,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978543
+                    -2.507711,53.978324
+                    -2.508714,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977509
+                    -2.510080,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976150
+                    -2.509074,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975859
+                    -2.510239,53.975101
+                    -2.510114,53.974190
+                    -2.510735,53.973784
+                    -2.511539,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972850
+                    -2.513760,53.972616
+                    -2.514164,53.972383
+                    -2.515272,53.971839
+                    -2.515880,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971157
+                    -2.513760,53.971171
+                    -2.512317,53.970575
+                    -2.512247,53.970537
+                    -2.512177,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.971157
+                    -2.509895,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532120,53.972383
+                    -2.532028,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973594
+                    -2.530858,53.974190
+                    -2.531906,53.974819
+                    -2.532288,53.975101
+                    -2.532450,53.976002
+                    -2.532220,53.976908
+                    -2.532299,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978477
+                    -2.533920,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979316
+                    -2.535560,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.980150
+                    -2.537535,53.980527
+                    -2.537955,53.980780
+                    -2.538391,53.980527
+                    -2.539467,53.980289
+                    -2.540061,53.980527
+                    -2.540104,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.982272
+                    -2.541074,53.982334
+                    -2.541396,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983893
+                    -2.543291,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984571
+                    -2.545516,53.984857
+                    -2.547028,53.984904
+                    -2.547761,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985515
+                    -2.550052,53.985548
+                    -2.550668,53.985953
+                    -2.550789,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987327
+                    -2.552340,53.986859
+                    -2.552461,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985820
+                    -2.554589,53.985724
+                    -2.556101,53.985701
+                    -2.556696,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986506
+                    -2.558665,53.985953
+                    -2.559126,53.985648
+                    -2.559381,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986650
+                    -2.562150,53.986540
+                    -2.562557,53.986859
+                    -2.563226,53.987765
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+                    -2.563593,53.989573
+                    -2.563662,53.989716
+                    -2.563896,53.990479
+                    -2.565174,53.991070
+                    -2.565419,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991675
+                    -2.564244,53.992286
+                    -2.563873,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.993592
+                    -2.562150,53.993492
+                    -2.561225,53.994098
+                    -2.560638,53.994269
+                    -2.560342,53.994098
+                    -2.560555,53.993192
+                    -2.560579,53.992286
+                    -2.560069,53.991385
+                    -2.559941,53.990479
+                    -2.559126,53.989992
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+                    -2.557270,53.989573
+                    -2.556101,53.988948
+                    -2.555504,53.988667
+                    -2.554589,53.988123
+                    -2.553077,53.988090
+                    -2.552111,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989348
+                    -2.553780,53.989573
+                    -2.553077,53.989763
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+                    -2.527293,54.024858
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016733
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+                    -2.515272,54.017429
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+                    -2.510735,54.016700
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
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+                    -2.510735,54.014020
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+                    -2.512247,54.013796
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+                    -2.513760,54.011827
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+                    -2.515272,54.012504
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+                    -2.515272,54.010844
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+                    -2.515569,54.008574
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+                    -2.517363,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007316
+                    -2.516109,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006553
+                    -2.518296,54.006510
+                    -2.519492,54.006763
+                    -2.519199,54.007668
+                    -2.519808,54.007988
+                    -2.521321,54.008265
+                    -2.522317,54.007668
+                    -2.521321,54.006791
+                    -2.520991,54.006763
+                    -2.521321,54.006686
+                    -2.522049,54.005861
+                    -2.522833,54.005265
+                    -2.523301,54.004951
+                    -2.524236,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003878
+                    -2.525018,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002509
+                    -2.522833,54.002900
+                    -2.521720,54.002242
+                    -2.521321,54.001822
+                    -2.520399,54.001336
+                    -2.521027,54.000430
+                    -2.519808,54.000268
+                    -2.518296,54.000125
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+                    -2.515737,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998346
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+                    -2.514455,53.996811
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+                    -2.512247,53.996654
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+                    -2.510735,53.994398
+                    -2.509305,53.994999
+                    -2.509223,53.995099
+                    -2.508646,53.994999
+                    -2.507711,53.994861
+                    -2.506199,53.994803
+                    -2.505416,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993611
+                    -2.503833,53.993192
+                    -2.504364,53.992286
+                    -2.503945,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991151
+                    -2.505954,53.990479
+                    -2.505415,53.989573
+                    -2.506199,53.989043
+                    -2.507711,53.988962
+                    -2.508298,53.988667
+                    -2.509223,53.988032
+                    -2.510735,53.987842
+                    -2.510886,53.987765
+                    -2.510735,53.987684
+                    -2.509223,53.987546
+                    -2.507711,53.987699
+                    -2.507046,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986568
+                    -2.508847,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985348
+                    -2.506630,53.985052
+                    -2.507711,53.984203
+                    -2.507798,53.984141
+                    -2.508176,53.983240
+                    -2.508179,53.982334
+                    -2.508656,53.981433
+                    -2.509068,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979635
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+                    -2.503174,53.979545
+                    -2.504686,53.979168
+                    -2.505547,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978543
+                    -2.507711,53.978324
+                    -2.508714,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977509
+                    -2.510080,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976150
+                    -2.509074,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975859
+                    -2.510239,53.975101
+                    -2.510114,53.974190
+                    -2.510735,53.973784
+                    -2.511539,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972850
+                    -2.513760,53.972616
+                    -2.514164,53.972383
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+                    -2.515272,53.971157
+                    -2.513760,53.971171
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+                    -2.512247,53.970537
+                    -2.512177,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.971157
+                    -2.509895,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532120,53.972383
+                    -2.532028,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973594
+                    -2.530858,53.974190
+                    -2.531906,53.974819
+                    -2.532288,53.975101
+                    -2.532450,53.976002
+                    -2.532220,53.976908
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+                    -2.533418,53.978477
+                    -2.533920,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979316
+                    -2.535560,53.979621
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+                    -2.537535,53.980527
+                    -2.537955,53.980780
+                    -2.538391,53.980527
+                    -2.539467,53.980289
+                    -2.540061,53.980527
+                    -2.540104,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.982272
+                    -2.541074,53.982334
+                    -2.541396,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983893
+                    -2.543291,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984571
+                    -2.545516,53.984857
+                    -2.547028,53.984904
+                    -2.547761,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985515
+                    -2.550052,53.985548
+                    -2.550668,53.985953
+                    -2.550789,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987327
+                    -2.552340,53.986859
+                    -2.552461,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985820
+                    -2.554589,53.985724
+                    -2.556101,53.985701
+                    -2.556696,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986506
+                    -2.558665,53.985953
+                    -2.559126,53.985648
+                    -2.559381,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986650
+                    -2.562150,53.986540
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+                    -2.563593,53.989573
+                    -2.563662,53.989716
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+                    -2.565174,53.991675
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+                    -2.563662,53.993592
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+                    -2.560342,53.994098
+                    -2.560555,53.993192
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+                    -2.559126,53.989992
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+                    -2.557270,53.989573
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+                    -2.555504,53.988667
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+                    -2.552111,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989348
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+                    -2.553077,53.989763
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016733
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+                    -2.512247,54.017673
+                    -2.513760,54.017782
+                    -2.515272,54.017754
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+                    -2.515272,54.017429
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+                    -2.513760,54.016223
+                    -2.512247,54.016452
+                    -2.510735,54.016700
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014020
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+                    -2.513760,54.011827
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+                    -2.515569,54.008574
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+                    -2.516784,54.007316
+                    -2.516109,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006553
+                    -2.518296,54.006510
+                    -2.519492,54.006763
+                    -2.519199,54.007668
+                    -2.519808,54.007988
+                    -2.521321,54.008265
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+                    -2.521321,54.006791
+                    -2.520991,54.006763
+                    -2.521321,54.006686
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+                    -2.522833,54.005265
+                    -2.523301,54.004951
+                    -2.524236,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003878
+                    -2.525018,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002509
+                    -2.522833,54.002900
+                    -2.521720,54.002242
+                    -2.521321,54.001822
+                    -2.520399,54.001336
+                    -2.521027,54.000430
+                    -2.519808,54.000268
+                    -2.518296,54.000125
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+                    -2.515737,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998346
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+                    -2.514455,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996401
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+                    -2.509305,53.994999
+                    -2.509223,53.995099
+                    -2.508646,53.994999
+                    -2.507711,53.994861
+                    -2.506199,53.994803
+                    -2.505416,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993611
+                    -2.503833,53.993192
+                    -2.504364,53.992286
+                    -2.503945,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991151
+                    -2.505954,53.990479
+                    -2.505415,53.989573
+                    -2.506199,53.989043
+                    -2.507711,53.988962
+                    -2.508298,53.988667
+                    -2.509223,53.988032
+                    -2.510735,53.987842
+                    -2.510886,53.987765
+                    -2.510735,53.987684
+                    -2.509223,53.987546
+                    -2.507711,53.987699
+                    -2.507046,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986568
+                    -2.508847,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985348
+                    -2.506630,53.985052
+                    -2.507711,53.984203
+                    -2.507798,53.984141
+                    -2.508176,53.983240
+                    -2.508179,53.982334
+                    -2.508656,53.981433
+                    -2.509068,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979635
+                    -2.506199,53.980145
+                    -2.504686,53.980474
+                    -2.503174,53.979692
+                    -2.503053,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979545
+                    -2.504686,53.979168
+                    -2.505547,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978543
+                    -2.507711,53.978324
+                    -2.508714,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977509
+                    -2.510080,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976150
+                    -2.509074,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975859
+                    -2.510239,53.975101
+                    -2.510114,53.974190
+                    -2.510735,53.973784
+                    -2.511539,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972850
+                    -2.513760,53.972616
+                    -2.514164,53.972383
+                    -2.515272,53.971839
+                    -2.515880,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971157
+                    -2.513760,53.971171
+                    -2.512317,53.970575
+                    -2.512247,53.970537
+                    -2.512177,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.971157
+                    -2.509895,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532120,53.972383
+                    -2.532028,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973594
+                    -2.530858,53.974190
+                    -2.531906,53.974819
+                    -2.532288,53.975101
+                    -2.532450,53.976002
+                    -2.532220,53.976908
+                    -2.532299,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978477
+                    -2.533920,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979316
+                    -2.535560,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.980150
+                    -2.537535,53.980527
+                    -2.537955,53.980780
+                    -2.538391,53.980527
+                    -2.539467,53.980289
+                    -2.540061,53.980527
+                    -2.540104,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.982272
+                    -2.541074,53.982334
+                    -2.541396,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983893
+                    -2.543291,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984571
+                    -2.545516,53.984857
+                    -2.547028,53.984904
+                    -2.547761,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985515
+                    -2.550052,53.985548
+                    -2.550668,53.985953
+                    -2.550789,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987327
+                    -2.552340,53.986859
+                    -2.552461,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985820
+                    -2.554589,53.985724
+                    -2.556101,53.985701
+                    -2.556696,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986506
+                    -2.558665,53.985953
+                    -2.559126,53.985648
+                    -2.559381,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986650
+                    -2.562150,53.986540
+                    -2.562557,53.986859
+                    -2.563226,53.987765
+                    -2.563652,53.988667
+                    -2.563593,53.989573
+                    -2.563662,53.989716
+                    -2.563896,53.990479
+                    -2.565174,53.991070
+                    -2.565419,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991675
+                    -2.564244,53.992286
+                    -2.563873,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.993592
+                    -2.562150,53.993492
+                    -2.561225,53.994098
+                    -2.560638,53.994269
+                    -2.560342,53.994098
+                    -2.560555,53.993192
+                    -2.560579,53.992286
+                    -2.560069,53.991385
+                    -2.559941,53.990479
+                    -2.559126,53.989992
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+                    -2.557270,53.989573
+                    -2.556101,53.988948
+                    -2.555504,53.988667
+                    -2.554589,53.988123
+                    -2.553077,53.988090
+                    -2.552111,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989348
+                    -2.553780,53.989573
+                    -2.553077,53.989763
+                    -2.551603,53.990479
+                    -2.552092,53.991385
+                    -2.551564,53.991408
+                    -2.550052,53.991561
+                    -2.549431,53.991385
+                    -2.549721,53.990479
+                    -2.548540,53.990216
+                    -2.547655,53.990479
+                    -2.547028,53.990607
+                    -2.545516,53.991127
+                    -2.544003,53.991041
+                    -2.542491,53.990765
+                    -2.541804,53.991385
+                    -2.541728,53.992286
+                    -2.540979,53.992438
+                    -2.540032,53.992286
+                    -2.539467,53.991404
+                    -2.539448,53.991385
+                    -2.537955,53.991122
+                    -2.537551,53.991385
+                    -2.537955,53.991995
+                    -2.538621,53.992286
+                    -2.537955,53.992844
+                    -2.536443,53.992982
+                    -2.536077,53.993192
+                    -2.536115,53.994098
+                    -2.536443,53.994784
+                    -2.536925,53.994999
+                    -2.536443,53.995242
+                    -2.536140,53.995910
+                    -2.535879,53.996811
+                    -2.534930,53.997455
+                    -2.533532,53.997717
+                    -2.534930,53.998008
+                    -2.535604,53.998618
+                    -2.536443,53.999133
+                    -2.537185,53.999524
+                    -2.537236,54.000430
+                    -2.536443,54.000659
+                    -2.535281,54.001336
+                    -2.535004,54.002242
+                    -2.534930,54.002280
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+                    -2.504364,53.992286
+                    -2.503945,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991151
+                    -2.505954,53.990479
+                    -2.505415,53.989573
+                    -2.506199,53.989043
+                    -2.507711,53.988962
+                    -2.508298,53.988667
+                    -2.509223,53.988032
+                    -2.510735,53.987842
+                    -2.510886,53.987765
+                    -2.510735,53.987684
+                    -2.509223,53.987546
+                    -2.507711,53.987699
+                    -2.507046,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986568
+                    -2.508847,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985348
+                    -2.506630,53.985052
+                    -2.507711,53.984203
+                    -2.507798,53.984141
+                    -2.508176,53.983240
+                    -2.508179,53.982334
+                    -2.508656,53.981433
+                    -2.509068,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979635
+                    -2.506199,53.980145
+                    -2.504686,53.980474
+                    -2.503174,53.979692
+                    -2.503053,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979545
+                    -2.504686,53.979168
+                    -2.505547,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978543
+                    -2.507711,53.978324
+                    -2.508714,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977509
+                    -2.510080,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976150
+                    -2.509074,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975859
+                    -2.510239,53.975101
+                    -2.510114,53.974190
+                    -2.510735,53.973784
+                    -2.511539,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972850
+                    -2.513760,53.972616
+                    -2.514164,53.972383
+                    -2.515272,53.971839
+                    -2.515880,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971157
+                    -2.513760,53.971171
+                    -2.512317,53.970575
+                    -2.512247,53.970537
+                    -2.512177,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.971157
+                    -2.509895,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532120,53.972383
+                    -2.532028,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973594
+                    -2.530858,53.974190
+                    -2.531906,53.974819
+                    -2.532288,53.975101
+                    -2.532450,53.976002
+                    -2.532220,53.976908
+                    -2.532299,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978477
+                    -2.533920,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979316
+                    -2.535560,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.980150
+                    -2.537535,53.980527
+                    -2.537955,53.980780
+                    -2.538391,53.980527
+                    -2.539467,53.980289
+                    -2.540061,53.980527
+                    -2.540104,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.982272
+                    -2.541074,53.982334
+                    -2.541396,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983893
+                    -2.543291,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984571
+                    -2.545516,53.984857
+                    -2.547028,53.984904
+                    -2.547761,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985515
+                    -2.550052,53.985548
+                    -2.550668,53.985953
+                    -2.550789,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987327
+                    -2.552340,53.986859
+                    -2.552461,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985820
+                    -2.554589,53.985724
+                    -2.556101,53.985701
+                    -2.556696,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986506
+                    -2.558665,53.985953
+                    -2.559126,53.985648
+                    -2.559381,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986650
+                    -2.562150,53.986540
+                    -2.562557,53.986859
+                    -2.563226,53.987765
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+                    -2.563593,53.989573
+                    -2.563662,53.989716
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+                    -2.565174,53.991675
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+                    -2.563662,53.993592
+                    -2.562150,53.993492
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+                    -2.560638,53.994269
+                    -2.560342,53.994098
+                    -2.560555,53.993192
+                    -2.560579,53.992286
+                    -2.560069,53.991385
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+                    -2.559126,53.989992
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+                    -2.557270,53.989573
+                    -2.556101,53.988948
+                    -2.555504,53.988667
+                    -2.554589,53.988123
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+                    -2.552111,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989348
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+                    -2.553077,53.989763
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016733
+                    -2.512166,54.017620
+                    -2.512247,54.017673
+                    -2.513760,54.017782
+                    -2.515272,54.017754
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+                    -2.515272,54.017429
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+                    -2.513760,54.016223
+                    -2.512247,54.016452
+                    -2.510735,54.016700
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014020
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+                    -2.512247,54.013796
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+                    -2.513760,54.011827
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+                    -2.515272,54.008737
+                    -2.515569,54.008574
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+                    -2.517363,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007316
+                    -2.516109,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006553
+                    -2.518296,54.006510
+                    -2.519492,54.006763
+                    -2.519199,54.007668
+                    -2.519808,54.007988
+                    -2.521321,54.008265
+                    -2.522317,54.007668
+                    -2.521321,54.006791
+                    -2.520991,54.006763
+                    -2.521321,54.006686
+                    -2.522049,54.005861
+                    -2.522833,54.005265
+                    -2.523301,54.004951
+                    -2.524236,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003878
+                    -2.525018,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002509
+                    -2.522833,54.002900
+                    -2.521720,54.002242
+                    -2.521321,54.001822
+                    -2.520399,54.001336
+                    -2.521027,54.000430
+                    -2.519808,54.000268
+                    -2.518296,54.000125
+                    -2.517132,53.999524
+                    -2.516784,53.999305
+                    -2.515737,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998346
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+                    -2.514455,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996401
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+                    -2.509305,53.994999
+                    -2.509223,53.995099
+                    -2.508646,53.994999
+                    -2.507711,53.994861
+                    -2.506199,53.994803
+                    -2.505416,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993611
+                    -2.503833,53.993192
+                    -2.504364,53.992286
+                    -2.503945,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991151
+                    -2.505954,53.990479
+                    -2.505415,53.989573
+                    -2.506199,53.989043
+                    -2.507711,53.988962
+                    -2.508298,53.988667
+                    -2.509223,53.988032
+                    -2.510735,53.987842
+                    -2.510886,53.987765
+                    -2.510735,53.987684
+                    -2.509223,53.987546
+                    -2.507711,53.987699
+                    -2.507046,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986568
+                    -2.508847,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985348
+                    -2.506630,53.985052
+                    -2.507711,53.984203
+                    -2.507798,53.984141
+                    -2.508176,53.983240
+                    -2.508179,53.982334
+                    -2.508656,53.981433
+                    -2.509068,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979635
+                    -2.506199,53.980145
+                    -2.504686,53.980474
+                    -2.503174,53.979692
+                    -2.503053,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979545
+                    -2.504686,53.979168
+                    -2.505547,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978543
+                    -2.507711,53.978324
+                    -2.508714,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977509
+                    -2.510080,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976150
+                    -2.509074,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975859
+                    -2.510239,53.975101
+                    -2.510114,53.974190
+                    -2.510735,53.973784
+                    -2.511539,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972850
+                    -2.513760,53.972616
+                    -2.514164,53.972383
+                    -2.515272,53.971839
+                    -2.515880,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971157
+                    -2.513760,53.971171
+                    -2.512317,53.970575
+                    -2.512247,53.970537
+                    -2.512177,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.971157
+                    -2.509895,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532120,53.972383
+                    -2.532028,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973594
+                    -2.530858,53.974190
+                    -2.531906,53.974819
+                    -2.532288,53.975101
+                    -2.532450,53.976002
+                    -2.532220,53.976908
+                    -2.532299,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978477
+                    -2.533920,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979316
+                    -2.535560,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.980150
+                    -2.537535,53.980527
+                    -2.537955,53.980780
+                    -2.538391,53.980527
+                    -2.539467,53.980289
+                    -2.540061,53.980527
+                    -2.540104,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.982272
+                    -2.541074,53.982334
+                    -2.541396,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983893
+                    -2.543291,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984571
+                    -2.545516,53.984857
+                    -2.547028,53.984904
+                    -2.547761,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985515
+                    -2.550052,53.985548
+                    -2.550668,53.985953
+                    -2.550789,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987327
+                    -2.552340,53.986859
+                    -2.552461,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985820
+                    -2.554589,53.985724
+                    -2.556101,53.985701
+                    -2.556696,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986506
+                    -2.558665,53.985953
+                    -2.559126,53.985648
+                    -2.559381,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986650
+                    -2.562150,53.986540
+                    -2.562557,53.986859
+                    -2.563226,53.987765
+                    -2.563652,53.988667
+                    -2.563593,53.989573
+                    -2.563662,53.989716
+                    -2.563896,53.990479
+                    -2.565174,53.991070
+                    -2.565419,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991675
+                    -2.564244,53.992286
+                    -2.563873,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.993592
+                    -2.562150,53.993492
+                    -2.561225,53.994098
+                    -2.560638,53.994269
+                    -2.560342,53.994098
+                    -2.560555,53.993192
+                    -2.560579,53.992286
+                    -2.560069,53.991385
+                    -2.559941,53.990479
+                    -2.559126,53.989992
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+                    -2.557270,53.989573
+                    -2.556101,53.988948
+                    -2.555504,53.988667
+                    -2.554589,53.988123
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+                    -2.552111,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989348
+                    -2.553780,53.989573
+                    -2.553077,53.989763
+                    -2.551603,53.990479
+                    -2.552092,53.991385
+                    -2.551564,53.991408
+                    -2.550052,53.991561
+                    -2.549431,53.991385
+                    -2.549721,53.990479
+                    -2.548540,53.990216
+                    -2.547655,53.990479
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+                    -2.545516,53.991127
+                    -2.544003,53.991041
+                    -2.542491,53.990765
+                    -2.541804,53.991385
+                    -2.541728,53.992286
+                    -2.540979,53.992438
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+                    -2.525018,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002509
+                    -2.522833,54.002900
+                    -2.521720,54.002242
+                    -2.521321,54.001822
+                    -2.520399,54.001336
+                    -2.521027,54.000430
+                    -2.519808,54.000268
+                    -2.518296,54.000125
+                    -2.517132,53.999524
+                    -2.516784,53.999305
+                    -2.515737,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998346
+                    -2.514259,53.997717
+                    -2.514455,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996401
+                    -2.512247,53.996654
+                    -2.512128,53.995910
+                    -2.511941,53.994999
+                    -2.510735,53.994398
+                    -2.509305,53.994999
+                    -2.509223,53.995099
+                    -2.508646,53.994999
+                    -2.507711,53.994861
+                    -2.506199,53.994803
+                    -2.505416,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993611
+                    -2.503833,53.993192
+                    -2.504364,53.992286
+                    -2.503945,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991151
+                    -2.505954,53.990479
+                    -2.505415,53.989573
+                    -2.506199,53.989043
+                    -2.507711,53.988962
+                    -2.508298,53.988667
+                    -2.509223,53.988032
+                    -2.510735,53.987842
+                    -2.510886,53.987765
+                    -2.510735,53.987684
+                    -2.509223,53.987546
+                    -2.507711,53.987699
+                    -2.507046,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986568
+                    -2.508847,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985348
+                    -2.506630,53.985052
+                    -2.507711,53.984203
+                    -2.507798,53.984141
+                    -2.508176,53.983240
+                    -2.508179,53.982334
+                    -2.508656,53.981433
+                    -2.509068,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979635
+                    -2.506199,53.980145
+                    -2.504686,53.980474
+                    -2.503174,53.979692
+                    -2.503053,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979545
+                    -2.504686,53.979168
+                    -2.505547,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978543
+                    -2.507711,53.978324
+                    -2.508714,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977509
+                    -2.510080,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976150
+                    -2.509074,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975859
+                    -2.510239,53.975101
+                    -2.510114,53.974190
+                    -2.510735,53.973784
+                    -2.511539,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972850
+                    -2.513760,53.972616
+                    -2.514164,53.972383
+                    -2.515272,53.971839
+                    -2.515880,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971157
+                    -2.513760,53.971171
+                    -2.512317,53.970575
+                    -2.512247,53.970537
+                    -2.512177,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.971157
+                    -2.509895,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532120,53.972383
+                    -2.532028,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973594
+                    -2.530858,53.974190
+                    -2.531906,53.974819
+                    -2.532288,53.975101
+                    -2.532450,53.976002
+                    -2.532220,53.976908
+                    -2.532299,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978477
+                    -2.533920,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979316
+                    -2.535560,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.980150
+                    -2.537535,53.980527
+                    -2.537955,53.980780
+                    -2.538391,53.980527
+                    -2.539467,53.980289
+                    -2.540061,53.980527
+                    -2.540104,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.982272
+                    -2.541074,53.982334
+                    -2.541396,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983893
+                    -2.543291,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984571
+                    -2.545516,53.984857
+                    -2.547028,53.984904
+                    -2.547761,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985515
+                    -2.550052,53.985548
+                    -2.550668,53.985953
+                    -2.550789,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987327
+                    -2.552340,53.986859
+                    -2.552461,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985820
+                    -2.554589,53.985724
+                    -2.556101,53.985701
+                    -2.556696,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986506
+                    -2.558665,53.985953
+                    -2.559126,53.985648
+                    -2.559381,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986650
+                    -2.562150,53.986540
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+                    -2.563662,53.989716
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+                    -2.563662,53.993592
+                    -2.562150,53.993492
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+                    -2.560342,53.994098
+                    -2.560555,53.993192
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+                    -2.553077,53.989348
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+                    -2.553077,53.989763
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016733
+                    -2.512166,54.017620
+                    -2.512247,54.017673
+                    -2.513760,54.017782
+                    -2.515272,54.017754
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+                    -2.515272,54.017429
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+                    -2.513760,54.016223
+                    -2.512247,54.016452
+                    -2.510735,54.016700
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014020
+                    -2.510962,54.014001
+                    -2.512247,54.013796
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+                    -2.513760,54.011827
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+                    -2.515272,54.012504
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+                    -2.514832,54.010382
+                    -2.514307,54.009476
+                    -2.515272,54.008737
+                    -2.515569,54.008574
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+                    -2.517363,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007316
+                    -2.516109,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006553
+                    -2.518296,54.006510
+                    -2.519492,54.006763
+                    -2.519199,54.007668
+                    -2.519808,54.007988
+                    -2.521321,54.008265
+                    -2.522317,54.007668
+                    -2.521321,54.006791
+                    -2.520991,54.006763
+                    -2.521321,54.006686
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+                    -2.522833,54.005265
+                    -2.523301,54.004951
+                    -2.524236,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003878
+                    -2.525018,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002509
+                    -2.522833,54.002900
+                    -2.521720,54.002242
+                    -2.521321,54.001822
+                    -2.520399,54.001336
+                    -2.521027,54.000430
+                    -2.519808,54.000268
+                    -2.518296,54.000125
+                    -2.517132,53.999524
+                    -2.516784,53.999305
+                    -2.515737,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998346
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+                    -2.514455,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996401
+                    -2.512247,53.996654
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+                    -2.510735,53.994398
+                    -2.509305,53.994999
+                    -2.509223,53.995099
+                    -2.508646,53.994999
+                    -2.507711,53.994861
+                    -2.506199,53.994803
+                    -2.505416,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993611
+                    -2.503833,53.993192
+                    -2.504364,53.992286
+                    -2.503945,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991151
+                    -2.505954,53.990479
+                    -2.505415,53.989573
+                    -2.506199,53.989043
+                    -2.507711,53.988962
+                    -2.508298,53.988667
+                    -2.509223,53.988032
+                    -2.510735,53.987842
+                    -2.510886,53.987765
+                    -2.510735,53.987684
+                    -2.509223,53.987546
+                    -2.507711,53.987699
+                    -2.507046,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986568
+                    -2.508847,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985348
+                    -2.506630,53.985052
+                    -2.507711,53.984203
+                    -2.507798,53.984141
+                    -2.508176,53.983240
+                    -2.508179,53.982334
+                    -2.508656,53.981433
+                    -2.509068,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979635
+                    -2.506199,53.980145
+                    -2.504686,53.980474
+                    -2.503174,53.979692
+                    -2.503053,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979545
+                    -2.504686,53.979168
+                    -2.505547,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978543
+                    -2.507711,53.978324
+                    -2.508714,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977509
+                    -2.510080,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976150
+                    -2.509074,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975859
+                    -2.510239,53.975101
+                    -2.510114,53.974190
+                    -2.510735,53.973784
+                    -2.511539,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972850
+                    -2.513760,53.972616
+                    -2.514164,53.972383
+                    -2.515272,53.971839
+                    -2.515880,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971157
+                    -2.513760,53.971171
+                    -2.512317,53.970575
+                    -2.512247,53.970537
+                    -2.512177,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.971157
+                    -2.509895,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532120,53.972383
+                    -2.532028,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973594
+                    -2.530858,53.974190
+                    -2.531906,53.974819
+                    -2.532288,53.975101
+                    -2.532450,53.976002
+                    -2.532220,53.976908
+                    -2.532299,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978477
+                    -2.533920,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979316
+                    -2.535560,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.980150
+                    -2.537535,53.980527
+                    -2.537955,53.980780
+                    -2.538391,53.980527
+                    -2.539467,53.980289
+                    -2.540061,53.980527
+                    -2.540104,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.982272
+                    -2.541074,53.982334
+                    -2.541396,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983893
+                    -2.543291,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984571
+                    -2.545516,53.984857
+                    -2.547028,53.984904
+                    -2.547761,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985515
+                    -2.550052,53.985548
+                    -2.550668,53.985953
+                    -2.550789,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987327
+                    -2.552340,53.986859
+                    -2.552461,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985820
+                    -2.554589,53.985724
+                    -2.556101,53.985701
+                    -2.556696,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986506
+                    -2.558665,53.985953
+                    -2.559126,53.985648
+                    -2.559381,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986650
+                    -2.562150,53.986540
+                    -2.562557,53.986859
+                    -2.563226,53.987765
+                    -2.563652,53.988667
+                    -2.563593,53.989573
+                    -2.563662,53.989716
+                    -2.563896,53.990479
+                    -2.565174,53.991070
+                    -2.565419,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991675
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+                    -2.563662,53.993592
+                    -2.562150,53.993492
+                    -2.561225,53.994098
+                    -2.560638,53.994269
+                    -2.560342,53.994098
+                    -2.560555,53.993192
+                    -2.560579,53.992286
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+                    -2.514756,54.012194
+                    -2.515272,54.012504
+                    -2.515788,54.012194
+                    -2.515867,54.011288
+                    -2.515272,54.010844
+                    -2.514832,54.010382
+                    -2.514307,54.009476
+                    -2.515272,54.008737
+                    -2.515569,54.008574
+                    -2.516784,54.008017
+                    -2.517363,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007316
+                    -2.516109,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006553
+                    -2.518296,54.006510
+                    -2.519492,54.006763
+                    -2.519199,54.007668
+                    -2.519808,54.007988
+                    -2.521321,54.008265
+                    -2.522317,54.007668
+                    -2.521321,54.006791
+                    -2.520991,54.006763
+                    -2.521321,54.006686
+                    -2.522049,54.005861
+                    -2.522833,54.005265
+                    -2.523301,54.004951
+                    -2.524236,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003878
+                    -2.525018,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002509
+                    -2.522833,54.002900
+                    -2.521720,54.002242
+                    -2.521321,54.001822
+                    -2.520399,54.001336
+                    -2.521027,54.000430
+                    -2.519808,54.000268
+                    -2.518296,54.000125
+                    -2.517132,53.999524
+                    -2.516784,53.999305
+                    -2.515737,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998346
+                    -2.514259,53.997717
+                    -2.514455,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996401
+                    -2.512247,53.996654
+                    -2.512128,53.995910
+                    -2.511941,53.994999
+                    -2.510735,53.994398
+                    -2.509305,53.994999
+                    -2.509223,53.995099
+                    -2.508646,53.994999
+                    -2.507711,53.994861
+                    -2.506199,53.994803
+                    -2.505416,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993611
+                    -2.503833,53.993192
+                    -2.504364,53.992286
+                    -2.503945,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991151
+                    -2.505954,53.990479
+                    -2.505415,53.989573
+                    -2.506199,53.989043
+                    -2.507711,53.988962
+                    -2.508298,53.988667
+                    -2.509223,53.988032
+                    -2.510735,53.987842
+                    -2.510886,53.987765
+                    -2.510735,53.987684
+                    -2.509223,53.987546
+                    -2.507711,53.987699
+                    -2.507046,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986568
+                    -2.508847,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985348
+                    -2.506630,53.985052
+                    -2.507711,53.984203
+                    -2.507798,53.984141
+                    -2.508176,53.983240
+                    -2.508179,53.982334
+                    -2.508656,53.981433
+                    -2.509068,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979635
+                    -2.506199,53.980145
+                    -2.504686,53.980474
+                    -2.503174,53.979692
+                    -2.503053,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979545
+                    -2.504686,53.979168
+                    -2.505547,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978543
+                    -2.507711,53.978324
+                    -2.508714,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977509
+                    -2.510080,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976150
+                    -2.509074,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975859
+                    -2.510239,53.975101
+                    -2.510114,53.974190
+                    -2.510735,53.973784
+                    -2.511539,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972850
+                    -2.513760,53.972616
+                    -2.514164,53.972383
+                    -2.515272,53.971839
+                    -2.515880,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971157
+                    -2.513760,53.971171
+                    -2.512317,53.970575
+                    -2.512247,53.970537
+                    -2.512177,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.971157
+                    -2.509895,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532120,53.972383
+                    -2.532028,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973594
+                    -2.530858,53.974190
+                    -2.531906,53.974819
+                    -2.532288,53.975101
+                    -2.532450,53.976002
+                    -2.532220,53.976908
+                    -2.532299,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978477
+                    -2.533920,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979316
+                    -2.535560,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.980150
+                    -2.537535,53.980527
+                    -2.537955,53.980780
+                    -2.538391,53.980527
+                    -2.539467,53.980289
+                    -2.540061,53.980527
+                    -2.540104,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.982272
+                    -2.541074,53.982334
+                    -2.541396,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983893
+                    -2.543291,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984571
+                    -2.545516,53.984857
+                    -2.547028,53.984904
+                    -2.547761,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985515
+                    -2.550052,53.985548
+                    -2.550668,53.985953
+                    -2.550789,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987327
+                    -2.552340,53.986859
+                    -2.552461,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985820
+                    -2.554589,53.985724
+                    -2.556101,53.985701
+                    -2.556696,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986506
+                    -2.558665,53.985953
+                    -2.559126,53.985648
+                    -2.559381,53.985953
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+                    -2.563662,53.989716
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+                    -2.563662,53.993592
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+                    -2.560342,53.994098
+                    -2.560555,53.993192
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+                    -2.556101,53.988948
+                    -2.555504,53.988667
+                    -2.554589,53.988123
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+                    -2.552111,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989348
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+                    -2.553077,53.989763
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+                    -2.515893,54.020333
+                    -2.515272,54.020162
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+                    -2.512247,54.019828
+                    -2.511544,54.019427
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016733
+                    -2.512166,54.017620
+                    -2.512247,54.017673
+                    -2.513760,54.017782
+                    -2.515272,54.017754
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+                    -2.515272,54.017429
+                    -2.514633,54.016719
+                    -2.513760,54.016223
+                    -2.512247,54.016452
+                    -2.510735,54.016700
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014020
+                    -2.510962,54.014001
+                    -2.512247,54.013796
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+                    -2.513760,54.011827
+                    -2.514756,54.012194
+                    -2.515272,54.012504
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+                    -2.515867,54.011288
+                    -2.515272,54.010844
+                    -2.514832,54.010382
+                    -2.514307,54.009476
+                    -2.515272,54.008737
+                    -2.515569,54.008574
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+                    -2.517363,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007316
+                    -2.516109,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006553
+                    -2.518296,54.006510
+                    -2.519492,54.006763
+                    -2.519199,54.007668
+                    -2.519808,54.007988
+                    -2.521321,54.008265
+                    -2.522317,54.007668
+                    -2.521321,54.006791
+                    -2.520991,54.006763
+                    -2.521321,54.006686
+                    -2.522049,54.005861
+                    -2.522833,54.005265
+                    -2.523301,54.004951
+                    -2.524236,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003878
+                    -2.525018,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002509
+                    -2.522833,54.002900
+                    -2.521720,54.002242
+                    -2.521321,54.001822
+                    -2.520399,54.001336
+                    -2.521027,54.000430
+                    -2.519808,54.000268
+                    -2.518296,54.000125
+                    -2.517132,53.999524
+                    -2.516784,53.999305
+                    -2.515737,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998346
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+                    -2.514455,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996401
+                    -2.512247,53.996654
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+                    -2.510735,53.994398
+                    -2.509305,53.994999
+                    -2.509223,53.995099
+                    -2.508646,53.994999
+                    -2.507711,53.994861
+                    -2.506199,53.994803
+                    -2.505416,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993611
+                    -2.503833,53.993192
+                    -2.504364,53.992286
+                    -2.503945,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991151
+                    -2.505954,53.990479
+                    -2.505415,53.989573
+                    -2.506199,53.989043
+                    -2.507711,53.988962
+                    -2.508298,53.988667
+                    -2.509223,53.988032
+                    -2.510735,53.987842
+                    -2.510886,53.987765
+                    -2.510735,53.987684
+                    -2.509223,53.987546
+                    -2.507711,53.987699
+                    -2.507046,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986568
+                    -2.508847,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985348
+                    -2.506630,53.985052
+                    -2.507711,53.984203
+                    -2.507798,53.984141
+                    -2.508176,53.983240
+                    -2.508179,53.982334
+                    -2.508656,53.981433
+                    -2.509068,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979635
+                    -2.506199,53.980145
+                    -2.504686,53.980474
+                    -2.503174,53.979692
+                    -2.503053,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979545
+                    -2.504686,53.979168
+                    -2.505547,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978543
+                    -2.507711,53.978324
+                    -2.508714,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977509
+                    -2.510080,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976150
+                    -2.509074,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975859
+                    -2.510239,53.975101
+                    -2.510114,53.974190
+                    -2.510735,53.973784
+                    -2.511539,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972850
+                    -2.513760,53.972616
+                    -2.514164,53.972383
+                    -2.515272,53.971839
+                    -2.515880,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971157
+                    -2.513760,53.971171
+                    -2.512317,53.970575
+                    -2.512247,53.970537
+                    -2.512177,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.971157
+                    -2.509895,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532120,53.972383
+                    -2.532028,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973594
+                    -2.530858,53.974190
+                    -2.531906,53.974819
+                    -2.532288,53.975101
+                    -2.532450,53.976002
+                    -2.532220,53.976908
+                    -2.532299,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978477
+                    -2.533920,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979316
+                    -2.535560,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.980150
+                    -2.537535,53.980527
+                    -2.537955,53.980780
+                    -2.538391,53.980527
+                    -2.539467,53.980289
+                    -2.540061,53.980527
+                    -2.540104,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.982272
+                    -2.541074,53.982334
+                    -2.541396,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983893
+                    -2.543291,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984571
+                    -2.545516,53.984857
+                    -2.547028,53.984904
+                    -2.547761,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985515
+                    -2.550052,53.985548
+                    -2.550668,53.985953
+                    -2.550789,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987327
+                    -2.552340,53.986859
+                    -2.552461,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985820
+                    -2.554589,53.985724
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+                    -2.515893,54.020333
+                    -2.515272,54.020162
+                    -2.513760,54.020019
+                    -2.512247,54.019828
+                    -2.511544,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.019008
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016733
+                    -2.512166,54.017620
+                    -2.512247,54.017673
+                    -2.513760,54.017782
+                    -2.515272,54.017754
+                    -2.515522,54.017620
+                    -2.515272,54.017429
+                    -2.514633,54.016719
+                    -2.513760,54.016223
+                    -2.512247,54.016452
+                    -2.510735,54.016700
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014020
+                    -2.510962,54.014001
+                    -2.512247,54.013796
+                    -2.512670,54.013095
+                    -2.513449,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011827
+                    -2.514756,54.012194
+                    -2.515272,54.012504
+                    -2.515788,54.012194
+                    -2.515867,54.011288
+                    -2.515272,54.010844
+                    -2.514832,54.010382
+                    -2.514307,54.009476
+                    -2.515272,54.008737
+                    -2.515569,54.008574
+                    -2.516784,54.008017
+                    -2.517363,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007316
+                    -2.516109,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006553
+                    -2.518296,54.006510
+                    -2.519492,54.006763
+                    -2.519199,54.007668
+                    -2.519808,54.007988
+                    -2.521321,54.008265
+                    -2.522317,54.007668
+                    -2.521321,54.006791
+                    -2.520991,54.006763
+                    -2.521321,54.006686
+                    -2.522049,54.005861
+                    -2.522833,54.005265
+                    -2.523301,54.004951
+                    -2.524236,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003878
+                    -2.525018,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002509
+                    -2.522833,54.002900
+                    -2.521720,54.002242
+                    -2.521321,54.001822
+                    -2.520399,54.001336
+                    -2.521027,54.000430
+                    -2.519808,54.000268
+                    -2.518296,54.000125
+                    -2.517132,53.999524
+                    -2.516784,53.999305
+                    -2.515737,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998346
+                    -2.514259,53.997717
+                    -2.514455,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996401
+                    -2.512247,53.996654
+                    -2.512128,53.995910
+                    -2.511941,53.994999
+                    -2.510735,53.994398
+                    -2.509305,53.994999
+                    -2.509223,53.995099
+                    -2.508646,53.994999
+                    -2.507711,53.994861
+                    -2.506199,53.994803
+                    -2.505416,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993611
+                    -2.503833,53.993192
+                    -2.504364,53.992286
+                    -2.503945,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991151
+                    -2.505954,53.990479
+                    -2.505415,53.989573
+                    -2.506199,53.989043
+                    -2.507711,53.988962
+                    -2.508298,53.988667
+                    -2.509223,53.988032
+                    -2.510735,53.987842
+                    -2.510886,53.987765
+                    -2.510735,53.987684
+                    -2.509223,53.987546
+                    -2.507711,53.987699
+                    -2.507046,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986568
+                    -2.508847,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985348
+                    -2.506630,53.985052
+                    -2.507711,53.984203
+                    -2.507798,53.984141
+                    -2.508176,53.983240
+                    -2.508179,53.982334
+                    -2.508656,53.981433
+                    -2.509068,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979635
+                    -2.506199,53.980145
+                    -2.504686,53.980474
+                    -2.503174,53.979692
+                    -2.503053,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979545
+                    -2.504686,53.979168
+                    -2.505547,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978543
+                    -2.507711,53.978324
+                    -2.508714,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977509
+                    -2.510080,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976150
+                    -2.509074,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975859
+                    -2.510239,53.975101
+                    -2.510114,53.974190
+                    -2.510735,53.973784
+                    -2.511539,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972850
+                    -2.513760,53.972616
+                    -2.514164,53.972383
+                    -2.515272,53.971839
+                    -2.515880,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971157
+                    -2.513760,53.971171
+                    -2.512317,53.970575
+                    -2.512247,53.970537
+                    -2.512177,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.971157
+                    -2.509895,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532120,53.972383
+                    -2.532028,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973594
+                    -2.530858,53.974190
+                    -2.531906,53.974819
+                    -2.532288,53.975101
+                    -2.532450,53.976002
+                    -2.532220,53.976908
+                    -2.532299,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978477
+                    -2.533920,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979316
+                    -2.535560,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.980150
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+                    -2.537955,53.980780
+                    -2.538391,53.980527
+                    -2.539467,53.980289
+                    -2.540061,53.980527
+                    -2.540104,53.981433
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+                    -2.541074,53.982334
+                    -2.541396,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983893
+                    -2.543291,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984571
+                    -2.545516,53.984857
+                    -2.547028,53.984904
+                    -2.547761,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985515
+                    -2.550052,53.985548
+                    -2.550668,53.985953
+                    -2.550789,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987327
+                    -2.552340,53.986859
+                    -2.552461,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985820
+                    -2.554589,53.985724
+                    -2.556101,53.985701
+                    -2.556696,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986506
+                    -2.558665,53.985953
+                    -2.559126,53.985648
+                    -2.559381,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986650
+                    -2.562150,53.986540
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+                    -2.563593,53.989573
+                    -2.563662,53.989716
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+                    -2.563662,53.993592
+                    -2.562150,53.993492
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+                    -2.560342,53.994098
+                    -2.560555,53.993192
+                    -2.560579,53.992286
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+                    -2.556101,53.988948
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+                    -2.554589,53.988123
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+                    -2.552111,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989348
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+                    -2.553077,53.989763
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016733
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+                    -2.512247,54.017673
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+                    -2.515272,54.017754
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+                    -2.515272,54.017429
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+                    -2.512247,54.016452
+                    -2.510735,54.016700
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014020
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+                    -2.512247,54.013796
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+                    -2.513760,54.011827
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+                    -2.515867,54.011288
+                    -2.515272,54.010844
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+                    -2.515272,54.008737
+                    -2.515569,54.008574
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+                    -2.517363,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007316
+                    -2.516109,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006553
+                    -2.518296,54.006510
+                    -2.519492,54.006763
+                    -2.519199,54.007668
+                    -2.519808,54.007988
+                    -2.521321,54.008265
+                    -2.522317,54.007668
+                    -2.521321,54.006791
+                    -2.520991,54.006763
+                    -2.521321,54.006686
+                    -2.522049,54.005861
+                    -2.522833,54.005265
+                    -2.523301,54.004951
+                    -2.524236,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003878
+                    -2.525018,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002509
+                    -2.522833,54.002900
+                    -2.521720,54.002242
+                    -2.521321,54.001822
+                    -2.520399,54.001336
+                    -2.521027,54.000430
+                    -2.519808,54.000268
+                    -2.518296,54.000125
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+                    -2.515737,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998346
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+                    -2.514455,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996401
+                    -2.512247,53.996654
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+                    -2.510735,53.994398
+                    -2.509305,53.994999
+                    -2.509223,53.995099
+                    -2.508646,53.994999
+                    -2.507711,53.994861
+                    -2.506199,53.994803
+                    -2.505416,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993611
+                    -2.503833,53.993192
+                    -2.504364,53.992286
+                    -2.503945,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991151
+                    -2.505954,53.990479
+                    -2.505415,53.989573
+                    -2.506199,53.989043
+                    -2.507711,53.988962
+                    -2.508298,53.988667
+                    -2.509223,53.988032
+                    -2.510735,53.987842
+                    -2.510886,53.987765
+                    -2.510735,53.987684
+                    -2.509223,53.987546
+                    -2.507711,53.987699
+                    -2.507046,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986568
+                    -2.508847,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985348
+                    -2.506630,53.985052
+                    -2.507711,53.984203
+                    -2.507798,53.984141
+                    -2.508176,53.983240
+                    -2.508179,53.982334
+                    -2.508656,53.981433
+                    -2.509068,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979635
+                    -2.506199,53.980145
+                    -2.504686,53.980474
+                    -2.503174,53.979692
+                    -2.503053,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979545
+                    -2.504686,53.979168
+                    -2.505547,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978543
+                    -2.507711,53.978324
+                    -2.508714,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977509
+                    -2.510080,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976150
+                    -2.509074,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975859
+                    -2.510239,53.975101
+                    -2.510114,53.974190
+                    -2.510735,53.973784
+                    -2.511539,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972850
+                    -2.513760,53.972616
+                    -2.514164,53.972383
+                    -2.515272,53.971839
+                    -2.515880,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971157
+                    -2.513760,53.971171
+                    -2.512317,53.970575
+                    -2.512247,53.970537
+                    -2.512177,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.971157
+                    -2.509895,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532120,53.972383
+                    -2.532028,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973594
+                    -2.530858,53.974190
+                    -2.531906,53.974819
+                    -2.532288,53.975101
+                    -2.532450,53.976002
+                    -2.532220,53.976908
+                    -2.532299,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978477
+                    -2.533920,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979316
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+                    -2.530394,54.019794
+                    -2.529648,54.020333
+                    -2.530394,54.020782
+                    -2.531906,54.020934
+                    -2.532345,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.022083
+                    -2.533478,54.022145
+                    -2.534184,54.023051
+                    -2.534874,54.023952
+                    -2.534930,54.023986
+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025111
+                    -2.531906,54.025154
+                    -2.530394,54.024930
+                    -2.528882,54.024920
+                    -2.527369,54.024892
+                    -2.527293,54.024858
+                    -2.525857,54.024439
+                    -2.524990,54.023952
+                    -2.524345,54.023585
+                    -2.523211,54.023051
+                    -2.522833,54.022841
+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520682,54.022145
+                    -2.519808,54.021478
+                    -2.518296,54.021564
+                    -2.517477,54.021239
+                    -2.516784,54.020610
+                    -2.515893,54.020333
+                    -2.515272,54.020162
+                    -2.513760,54.020019
+                    -2.512247,54.019828
+                    -2.511544,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.019008
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016733
+                    -2.512166,54.017620
+                    -2.512247,54.017673
+                    -2.513760,54.017782
+                    -2.515272,54.017754
+                    -2.515522,54.017620
+                    -2.515272,54.017429
+                    -2.514633,54.016719
+                    -2.513760,54.016223
+                    -2.512247,54.016452
+                    -2.510735,54.016700
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014020
+                    -2.510962,54.014001
+                    -2.512247,54.013796
+                    -2.512670,54.013095
+                    -2.513449,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011827
+                    -2.514756,54.012194
+                    -2.515272,54.012504
+                    -2.515788,54.012194
+                    -2.515867,54.011288
+                    -2.515272,54.010844
+                    -2.514832,54.010382
+                    -2.514307,54.009476
+                    -2.515272,54.008737
+                    -2.515569,54.008574
+                    -2.516784,54.008017
+                    -2.517363,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007316
+                    -2.516109,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006553
+                    -2.518296,54.006510
+                    -2.519492,54.006763
+                    -2.519199,54.007668
+                    -2.519808,54.007988
+                    -2.521321,54.008265
+                    -2.522317,54.007668
+                    -2.521321,54.006791
+                    -2.520991,54.006763
+                    -2.521321,54.006686
+                    -2.522049,54.005861
+                    -2.522833,54.005265
+                    -2.523301,54.004951
+                    -2.524236,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003878
+                    -2.525018,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002509
+                    -2.522833,54.002900
+                    -2.521720,54.002242
+                    -2.521321,54.001822
+                    -2.520399,54.001336
+                    -2.521027,54.000430
+                    -2.519808,54.000268
+                    -2.518296,54.000125
+                    -2.517132,53.999524
+                    -2.516784,53.999305
+                    -2.515737,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998346
+                    -2.514259,53.997717
+                    -2.514455,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996401
+                    -2.512247,53.996654
+                    -2.512128,53.995910
+                    -2.511941,53.994999
+                    -2.510735,53.994398
+                    -2.509305,53.994999
+                    -2.509223,53.995099
+                    -2.508646,53.994999
+                    -2.507711,53.994861
+                    -2.506199,53.994803
+                    -2.505416,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993611
+                    -2.503833,53.993192
+                    -2.504364,53.992286
+                    -2.503945,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991151
+                    -2.505954,53.990479
+                    -2.505415,53.989573
+                    -2.506199,53.989043
+                    -2.507711,53.988962
+                    -2.508298,53.988667
+                    -2.509223,53.988032
+                    -2.510735,53.987842
+                    -2.510886,53.987765
+                    -2.510735,53.987684
+                    -2.509223,53.987546
+                    -2.507711,53.987699
+                    -2.507046,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986568
+                    -2.508847,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985348
+                    -2.506630,53.985052
+                    -2.507711,53.984203
+                    -2.507798,53.984141
+                    -2.508176,53.983240
+                    -2.508179,53.982334
+                    -2.508656,53.981433
+                    -2.509068,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979635
+                    -2.506199,53.980145
+                    -2.504686,53.980474
+                    -2.503174,53.979692
+                    -2.503053,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979545
+                    -2.504686,53.979168
+                    -2.505547,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978543
+                    -2.507711,53.978324
+                    -2.508714,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977509
+                    -2.510080,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976150
+                    -2.509074,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975859
+                    -2.510239,53.975101
+                    -2.510114,53.974190
+                    -2.510735,53.973784
+                    -2.511539,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972850
+                    -2.513760,53.972616
+                    -2.514164,53.972383
+                    -2.515272,53.971839
+                    -2.515880,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971157
+                    -2.513760,53.971171
+                    -2.512317,53.970575
+                    -2.512247,53.970537
+                    -2.512177,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.971157
+                    -2.509895,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532120,53.972383
+                    -2.532028,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973594
+                    -2.530858,53.974190
+                    -2.531906,53.974819
+                    -2.532288,53.975101
+                    -2.532450,53.976002
+                    -2.532220,53.976908
+                    -2.532299,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978477
+                    -2.533920,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979316
+                    -2.535560,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.980150
+                    -2.537535,53.980527
+                    -2.537955,53.980780
+                    -2.538391,53.980527
+                    -2.539467,53.980289
+                    -2.540061,53.980527
+                    -2.540104,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.982272
+                    -2.541074,53.982334
+                    -2.541396,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983893
+                    -2.543291,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984571
+                    -2.545516,53.984857
+                    -2.547028,53.984904
+                    -2.547761,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985515
+                    -2.550052,53.985548
+                    -2.550668,53.985953
+                    -2.550789,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987327
+                    -2.552340,53.986859
+                    -2.552461,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985820
+                    -2.554589,53.985724
+                    -2.556101,53.985701
+                    -2.556696,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986506
+                    -2.558665,53.985953
+                    -2.559126,53.985648
+                    -2.559381,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986650
+                    -2.562150,53.986540
+                    -2.562557,53.986859
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+                    -2.563593,53.989573
+                    -2.563662,53.989716
+                    -2.563896,53.990479
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+                    -2.565419,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991675
+                    -2.564244,53.992286
+                    -2.563873,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.993592
+                    -2.562150,53.993492
+                    -2.561225,53.994098
+                    -2.560638,53.994269
+                    -2.560342,53.994098
+                    -2.560555,53.993192
+                    -2.560579,53.992286
+                    -2.560069,53.991385
+                    -2.559941,53.990479
+                    -2.559126,53.989992
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+                    -2.557270,53.989573
+                    -2.556101,53.988948
+                    -2.555504,53.988667
+                    -2.554589,53.988123
+                    -2.553077,53.988090
+                    -2.552111,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989348
+                    -2.553780,53.989573
+                    -2.553077,53.989763
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+                    -2.531906,54.025154
+                    -2.530394,54.024930
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+                    -2.527293,54.024858
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+                    -2.524345,54.023585
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+                    -2.511544,54.019427
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016733
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+                    -2.512247,54.017673
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+                    -2.515272,54.017754
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+                    -2.515272,54.017429
+                    -2.514633,54.016719
+                    -2.513760,54.016223
+                    -2.512247,54.016452
+                    -2.510735,54.016700
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014020
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+                    -2.512247,54.013796
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+                    -2.513760,54.011827
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+                    -2.515272,54.012504
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+                    -2.515867,54.011288
+                    -2.515272,54.010844
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+                    -2.515569,54.008574
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+                    -2.517363,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007316
+                    -2.516109,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006553
+                    -2.518296,54.006510
+                    -2.519492,54.006763
+                    -2.519199,54.007668
+                    -2.519808,54.007988
+                    -2.521321,54.008265
+                    -2.522317,54.007668
+                    -2.521321,54.006791
+                    -2.520991,54.006763
+                    -2.521321,54.006686
+                    -2.522049,54.005861
+                    -2.522833,54.005265
+                    -2.523301,54.004951
+                    -2.524236,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003878
+                    -2.525018,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002509
+                    -2.522833,54.002900
+                    -2.521720,54.002242
+                    -2.521321,54.001822
+                    -2.520399,54.001336
+                    -2.521027,54.000430
+                    -2.519808,54.000268
+                    -2.518296,54.000125
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+                    -2.516784,53.999305
+                    -2.515737,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998346
+                    -2.514259,53.997717
+                    -2.514455,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996401
+                    -2.512247,53.996654
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+                    -2.511941,53.994999
+                    -2.510735,53.994398
+                    -2.509305,53.994999
+                    -2.509223,53.995099
+                    -2.508646,53.994999
+                    -2.507711,53.994861
+                    -2.506199,53.994803
+                    -2.505416,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993611
+                    -2.503833,53.993192
+                    -2.504364,53.992286
+                    -2.503945,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991151
+                    -2.505954,53.990479
+                    -2.505415,53.989573
+                    -2.506199,53.989043
+                    -2.507711,53.988962
+                    -2.508298,53.988667
+                    -2.509223,53.988032
+                    -2.510735,53.987842
+                    -2.510886,53.987765
+                    -2.510735,53.987684
+                    -2.509223,53.987546
+                    -2.507711,53.987699
+                    -2.507046,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986568
+                    -2.508847,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985348
+                    -2.506630,53.985052
+                    -2.507711,53.984203
+                    -2.507798,53.984141
+                    -2.508176,53.983240
+                    -2.508179,53.982334
+                    -2.508656,53.981433
+                    -2.509068,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979635
+                    -2.506199,53.980145
+                    -2.504686,53.980474
+                    -2.503174,53.979692
+                    -2.503053,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979545
+                    -2.504686,53.979168
+                    -2.505547,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978543
+                    -2.507711,53.978324
+                    -2.508714,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977509
+                    -2.510080,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976150
+                    -2.509074,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975859
+                    -2.510239,53.975101
+                    -2.510114,53.974190
+                    -2.510735,53.973784
+                    -2.511539,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972850
+                    -2.513760,53.972616
+                    -2.514164,53.972383
+                    -2.515272,53.971839
+                    -2.515880,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971157
+                    -2.513760,53.971171
+                    -2.512317,53.970575
+                    -2.512247,53.970537
+                    -2.512177,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.971157
+                    -2.509895,53.970575
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+                    -2.536443,54.009719
+                    -2.535525,54.010382
+                    -2.534930,54.010978
+                    -2.534501,54.011288
+                    -2.533925,54.012194
+                    -2.534930,54.012694
+                    -2.536010,54.013095
+                    -2.534930,54.013371
+                    -2.533418,54.013133
+                    -2.533339,54.013095
+                    -2.531906,54.012446
+                    -2.530760,54.012194
+                    -2.530394,54.012151
+                    -2.530318,54.012194
+                    -2.529480,54.013095
+                    -2.528923,54.014001
+                    -2.529591,54.014907
+                    -2.530394,54.015288
+                    -2.531906,54.015493
+                    -2.533418,54.015627
+                    -2.534219,54.015813
+                    -2.533501,54.016719
+                    -2.533418,54.016895
+                    -2.532698,54.017620
+                    -2.532962,54.018526
+                    -2.531906,54.018779
+                    -2.530758,54.019427
+                    -2.530394,54.019794
+                    -2.529648,54.020333
+                    -2.530394,54.020782
+                    -2.531906,54.020934
+                    -2.532345,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.022083
+                    -2.533478,54.022145
+                    -2.534184,54.023051
+                    -2.534874,54.023952
+                    -2.534930,54.023986
+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025111
+                    -2.531906,54.025154
+                    -2.530394,54.024930
+                    -2.528882,54.024920
+                    -2.527369,54.024892
+                    -2.527293,54.024858
+                    -2.525857,54.024439
+                    -2.524990,54.023952
+                    -2.524345,54.023585
+                    -2.523211,54.023051
+                    -2.522833,54.022841
+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520682,54.022145
+                    -2.519808,54.021478
+                    -2.518296,54.021564
+                    -2.517477,54.021239
+                    -2.516784,54.020610
+                    -2.515893,54.020333
+                    -2.515272,54.020162
+                    -2.513760,54.020019
+                    -2.512247,54.019828
+                    -2.511544,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.019008
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016733
+                    -2.512166,54.017620
+                    -2.512247,54.017673
+                    -2.513760,54.017782
+                    -2.515272,54.017754
+                    -2.515522,54.017620
+                    -2.515272,54.017429
+                    -2.514633,54.016719
+                    -2.513760,54.016223
+                    -2.512247,54.016452
+                    -2.510735,54.016700
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014020
+                    -2.510962,54.014001
+                    -2.512247,54.013796
+                    -2.512670,54.013095
+                    -2.513449,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011827
+                    -2.514756,54.012194
+                    -2.515272,54.012504
+                    -2.515788,54.012194
+                    -2.515867,54.011288
+                    -2.515272,54.010844
+                    -2.514832,54.010382
+                    -2.514307,54.009476
+                    -2.515272,54.008737
+                    -2.515569,54.008574
+                    -2.516784,54.008017
+                    -2.517363,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007316
+                    -2.516109,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006553
+                    -2.518296,54.006510
+                    -2.519492,54.006763
+                    -2.519199,54.007668
+                    -2.519808,54.007988
+                    -2.521321,54.008265
+                    -2.522317,54.007668
+                    -2.521321,54.006791
+                    -2.520991,54.006763
+                    -2.521321,54.006686
+                    -2.522049,54.005861
+                    -2.522833,54.005265
+                    -2.523301,54.004951
+                    -2.524236,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003878
+                    -2.525018,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002509
+                    -2.522833,54.002900
+                    -2.521720,54.002242
+                    -2.521321,54.001822
+                    -2.520399,54.001336
+                    -2.521027,54.000430
+                    -2.519808,54.000268
+                    -2.518296,54.000125
+                    -2.517132,53.999524
+                    -2.516784,53.999305
+                    -2.515737,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998346
+                    -2.514259,53.997717
+                    -2.514455,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996401
+                    -2.512247,53.996654
+                    -2.512128,53.995910
+                    -2.511941,53.994999
+                    -2.510735,53.994398
+                    -2.509305,53.994999
+                    -2.509223,53.995099
+                    -2.508646,53.994999
+                    -2.507711,53.994861
+                    -2.506199,53.994803
+                    -2.505416,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993611
+                    -2.503833,53.993192
+                    -2.504364,53.992286
+                    -2.503945,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991151
+                    -2.505954,53.990479
+                    -2.505415,53.989573
+                    -2.506199,53.989043
+                    -2.507711,53.988962
+                    -2.508298,53.988667
+                    -2.509223,53.988032
+                    -2.510735,53.987842
+                    -2.510886,53.987765
+                    -2.510735,53.987684
+                    -2.509223,53.987546
+                    -2.507711,53.987699
+                    -2.507046,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986568
+                    -2.508847,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985348
+                    -2.506630,53.985052
+                    -2.507711,53.984203
+                    -2.507798,53.984141
+                    -2.508176,53.983240
+                    -2.508179,53.982334
+                    -2.508656,53.981433
+                    -2.509068,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979635
+                    -2.506199,53.980145
+                    -2.504686,53.980474
+                    -2.503174,53.979692
+                    -2.503053,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979545
+                    -2.504686,53.979168
+                    -2.505547,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978543
+                    -2.507711,53.978324
+                    -2.508714,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977509
+                    -2.510080,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976150
+                    -2.509074,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975859
+                    -2.510239,53.975101
+                    -2.510114,53.974190
+                    -2.510735,53.973784
+                    -2.511539,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972850
+                    -2.513760,53.972616
+                    -2.514164,53.972383
+                    -2.515272,53.971839
+                    -2.515880,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971157
+                    -2.513760,53.971171
+                    -2.512317,53.970575
+                    -2.512247,53.970537
+                    -2.512177,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.971157
+                    -2.509895,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532120,53.972383
+                    -2.532028,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973594
+                    -2.530858,53.974190
+                    -2.531906,53.974819
+                    -2.532288,53.975101
+                    -2.532450,53.976002
+                    -2.532220,53.976908
+                    -2.532299,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978477
+                    -2.533920,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979316
+                    -2.535560,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.980150
+                    -2.537535,53.980527
+                    -2.537955,53.980780
+                    -2.538391,53.980527
+                    -2.539467,53.980289
+                    -2.540061,53.980527
+                    -2.540104,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.982272
+                    -2.541074,53.982334
+                    -2.541396,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983893
+                    -2.543291,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984571
+                    -2.545516,53.984857
+                    -2.547028,53.984904
+                    -2.547761,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985515
+                    -2.550052,53.985548
+                    -2.550668,53.985953
+                    -2.550789,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987327
+                    -2.552340,53.986859
+                    -2.552461,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985820
+                    -2.554589,53.985724
+                    -2.556101,53.985701
+                    -2.556696,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986506
+                    -2.558665,53.985953
+                    -2.559126,53.985648
+                    -2.559381,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986650
+                    -2.562150,53.986540
+                    -2.562557,53.986859
+                    -2.563226,53.987765
+                    -2.563652,53.988667
+                    -2.563593,53.989573
+                    -2.563662,53.989716
+                    -2.563896,53.990479
+                    -2.565174,53.991070
+                    -2.565419,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991675
+                    -2.564244,53.992286
+                    -2.563873,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.993592
+                    -2.562150,53.993492
+                    -2.561225,53.994098
+                    -2.560638,53.994269
+                    -2.560342,53.994098
+                    -2.560555,53.993192
+                    -2.560579,53.992286
+                    -2.560069,53.991385
+                    -2.559941,53.990479
+                    -2.559126,53.989992
+                    -2.557613,53.989878
+                    -2.557270,53.989573
+                    -2.556101,53.988948
+                    -2.555504,53.988667
+                    -2.554589,53.988123
+                    -2.553077,53.988090
+                    -2.552111,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989348
+                    -2.553780,53.989573
+                    -2.553077,53.989763
+                    -2.551603,53.990479
+                    -2.552092,53.991385
+                    -2.551564,53.991408
+                    -2.550052,53.991561
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+                    -2.531906,54.025154
+                    -2.530394,54.024930
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+                    -2.527293,54.024858
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+                    -2.524990,54.023952
+                    -2.524345,54.023585
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+                    -2.511544,54.019427
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016733
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+                    -2.512247,54.017673
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+                    -2.515272,54.017754
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+                    -2.515272,54.017429
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+                    -2.513760,54.016223
+                    -2.512247,54.016452
+                    -2.510735,54.016700
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014020
+                    -2.510962,54.014001
+                    -2.512247,54.013796
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+                    -2.513449,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011827
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+                    -2.515272,54.012504
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+                    -2.515867,54.011288
+                    -2.515272,54.010844
+                    -2.514832,54.010382
+                    -2.514307,54.009476
+                    -2.515272,54.008737
+                    -2.515569,54.008574
+                    -2.516784,54.008017
+                    -2.517363,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007316
+                    -2.516109,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006553
+                    -2.518296,54.006510
+                    -2.519492,54.006763
+                    -2.519199,54.007668
+                    -2.519808,54.007988
+                    -2.521321,54.008265
+                    -2.522317,54.007668
+                    -2.521321,54.006791
+                    -2.520991,54.006763
+                    -2.521321,54.006686
+                    -2.522049,54.005861
+                    -2.522833,54.005265
+                    -2.523301,54.004951
+                    -2.524236,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003878
+                    -2.525018,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002509
+                    -2.522833,54.002900
+                    -2.521720,54.002242
+                    -2.521321,54.001822
+                    -2.520399,54.001336
+                    -2.521027,54.000430
+                    -2.519808,54.000268
+                    -2.518296,54.000125
+                    -2.517132,53.999524
+                    -2.516784,53.999305
+                    -2.515737,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998346
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+                    -2.514455,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996401
+                    -2.512247,53.996654
+                    -2.512128,53.995910
+                    -2.511941,53.994999
+                    -2.510735,53.994398
+                    -2.509305,53.994999
+                    -2.509223,53.995099
+                    -2.508646,53.994999
+                    -2.507711,53.994861
+                    -2.506199,53.994803
+                    -2.505416,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993611
+                    -2.503833,53.993192
+                    -2.504364,53.992286
+                    -2.503945,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991151
+                    -2.505954,53.990479
+                    -2.505415,53.989573
+                    -2.506199,53.989043
+                    -2.507711,53.988962
+                    -2.508298,53.988667
+                    -2.509223,53.988032
+                    -2.510735,53.987842
+                    -2.510886,53.987765
+                    -2.510735,53.987684
+                    -2.509223,53.987546
+                    -2.507711,53.987699
+                    -2.507046,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986568
+                    -2.508847,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985348
+                    -2.506630,53.985052
+                    -2.507711,53.984203
+                    -2.507798,53.984141
+                    -2.508176,53.983240
+                    -2.508179,53.982334
+                    -2.508656,53.981433
+                    -2.509068,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979635
+                    -2.506199,53.980145
+                    -2.504686,53.980474
+                    -2.503174,53.979692
+                    -2.503053,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979545
+                    -2.504686,53.979168
+                    -2.505547,53.978715
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+                    -2.508714,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977509
+                    -2.510080,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976150
+                    -2.509074,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975859
+                    -2.510239,53.975101
+                    -2.510114,53.974190
+                    -2.510735,53.973784
+                    -2.511539,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972850
+                    -2.513760,53.972616
+                    -2.514164,53.972383
+                    -2.515272,53.971839
+                    -2.515880,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971157
+                    -2.513760,53.971171
+                    -2.512317,53.970575
+                    -2.512247,53.970537
+                    -2.512177,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.971157
+                    -2.509895,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532120,53.972383
+                    -2.532028,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973594
+                    -2.530858,53.974190
+                    -2.531906,53.974819
+                    -2.532288,53.975101
+                    -2.532450,53.976002
+                    -2.532220,53.976908
+                    -2.532299,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978477
+                    -2.533920,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979316
+                    -2.535560,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.980150
+                    -2.537535,53.980527
+                    -2.537955,53.980780
+                    -2.538391,53.980527
+                    -2.539467,53.980289
+                    -2.540061,53.980527
+                    -2.540104,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.982272
+                    -2.541074,53.982334
+                    -2.541396,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983893
+                    -2.543291,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984571
+                    -2.545516,53.984857
+                    -2.547028,53.984904
+                    -2.547761,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985515
+                    -2.550052,53.985548
+                    -2.550668,53.985953
+                    -2.550789,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987327
+                    -2.552340,53.986859
+                    -2.552461,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985820
+                    -2.554589,53.985724
+                    -2.556101,53.985701
+                    -2.556696,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986506
+                    -2.558665,53.985953
+                    -2.559126,53.985648
+                    -2.559381,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986650
+                    -2.562150,53.986540
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+                    -2.563226,53.987765
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+                    -2.563593,53.989573
+                    -2.563662,53.989716
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+                    -2.565174,53.991675
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+                    -2.563662,53.993592
+                    -2.562150,53.993492
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+                    -2.560342,53.994098
+                    -2.560555,53.993192
+                    -2.560579,53.992286
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+                    -2.559126,53.989992
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+                    -2.557270,53.989573
+                    -2.556101,53.988948
+                    -2.555504,53.988667
+                    -2.554589,53.988123
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+                    -2.552111,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989348
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+                    -2.553077,53.989763
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+                    -2.550052,53.991561
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016733
+                    -2.512166,54.017620
+                    -2.512247,54.017673
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+                    -2.515272,54.017754
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+                    -2.515272,54.017429
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+                    -2.513760,54.016223
+                    -2.512247,54.016452
+                    -2.510735,54.016700
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014020
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+                    -2.512247,54.013796
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+                    -2.513760,54.011827
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+                    -2.515272,54.008737
+                    -2.515569,54.008574
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+                    -2.517363,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007316
+                    -2.516109,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006553
+                    -2.518296,54.006510
+                    -2.519492,54.006763
+                    -2.519199,54.007668
+                    -2.519808,54.007988
+                    -2.521321,54.008265
+                    -2.522317,54.007668
+                    -2.521321,54.006791
+                    -2.520991,54.006763
+                    -2.521321,54.006686
+                    -2.522049,54.005861
+                    -2.522833,54.005265
+                    -2.523301,54.004951
+                    -2.524236,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003878
+                    -2.525018,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002509
+                    -2.522833,54.002900
+                    -2.521720,54.002242
+                    -2.521321,54.001822
+                    -2.520399,54.001336
+                    -2.521027,54.000430
+                    -2.519808,54.000268
+                    -2.518296,54.000125
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+                    -2.516784,53.999305
+                    -2.515737,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998346
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+                    -2.514455,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996401
+                    -2.512247,53.996654
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+                    -2.510735,53.994398
+                    -2.509305,53.994999
+                    -2.509223,53.995099
+                    -2.508646,53.994999
+                    -2.507711,53.994861
+                    -2.506199,53.994803
+                    -2.505416,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993611
+                    -2.503833,53.993192
+                    -2.504364,53.992286
+                    -2.503945,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991151
+                    -2.505954,53.990479
+                    -2.505415,53.989573
+                    -2.506199,53.989043
+                    -2.507711,53.988962
+                    -2.508298,53.988667
+                    -2.509223,53.988032
+                    -2.510735,53.987842
+                    -2.510886,53.987765
+                    -2.510735,53.987684
+                    -2.509223,53.987546
+                    -2.507711,53.987699
+                    -2.507046,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986568
+                    -2.508847,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985348
+                    -2.506630,53.985052
+                    -2.507711,53.984203
+                    -2.507798,53.984141
+                    -2.508176,53.983240
+                    -2.508179,53.982334
+                    -2.508656,53.981433
+                    -2.509068,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979635
+                    -2.506199,53.980145
+                    -2.504686,53.980474
+                    -2.503174,53.979692
+                    -2.503053,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979545
+                    -2.504686,53.979168
+                    -2.505547,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978543
+                    -2.507711,53.978324
+                    -2.508714,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977509
+                    -2.510080,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976150
+                    -2.509074,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975859
+                    -2.510239,53.975101
+                    -2.510114,53.974190
+                    -2.510735,53.973784
+                    -2.511539,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972850
+                    -2.513760,53.972616
+                    -2.514164,53.972383
+                    -2.515272,53.971839
+                    -2.515880,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971157
+                    -2.513760,53.971171
+                    -2.512317,53.970575
+                    -2.512247,53.970537
+                    -2.512177,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.971157
+                    -2.509895,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532120,53.972383
+                    -2.532028,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973594
+                    -2.530858,53.974190
+                    -2.531906,53.974819
+                    -2.532288,53.975101
+                    -2.532450,53.976002
+                    -2.532220,53.976908
+                    -2.532299,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978477
+                    -2.533920,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979316
+                    -2.535560,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.980150
+                    -2.537535,53.980527
+                    -2.537955,53.980780
+                    -2.538391,53.980527
+                    -2.539467,53.980289
+                    -2.540061,53.980527
+                    -2.540104,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.982272
+                    -2.541074,53.982334
+                    -2.541396,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983893
+                    -2.543291,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984571
+                    -2.545516,53.984857
+                    -2.547028,53.984904
+                    -2.547761,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985515
+                    -2.550052,53.985548
+                    -2.550668,53.985953
+                    -2.550789,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987327
+                    -2.552340,53.986859
+                    -2.552461,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985820
+                    -2.554589,53.985724
+                    -2.556101,53.985701
+                    -2.556696,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986506
+                    -2.558665,53.985953
+                    -2.559126,53.985648
+                    -2.559381,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986650
+                    -2.562150,53.986540
+                    -2.562557,53.986859
+                    -2.563226,53.987765
+                    -2.563652,53.988667
+                    -2.563593,53.989573
+                    -2.563662,53.989716
+                    -2.563896,53.990479
+                    -2.565174,53.991070
+                    -2.565419,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991675
+                    -2.564244,53.992286
+                    -2.563873,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.993592
+                    -2.562150,53.993492
+                    -2.561225,53.994098
+                    -2.560638,53.994269
+                    -2.560342,53.994098
+                    -2.560555,53.993192
+                    -2.560579,53.992286
+                    -2.560069,53.991385
+                    -2.559941,53.990479
+                    -2.559126,53.989992
+                    -2.557613,53.989878
+                    -2.557270,53.989573
+                    -2.556101,53.988948
+                    -2.555504,53.988667
+                    -2.554589,53.988123
+                    -2.553077,53.988090
+                    -2.552111,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989348
+                    -2.553780,53.989573
+                    -2.553077,53.989763
+                    -2.551603,53.990479
+                    -2.552092,53.991385
+                    -2.551564,53.991408
+                    -2.550052,53.991561
+                    -2.549431,53.991385
+                    -2.549721,53.990479
+                    -2.548540,53.990216
+                    -2.547655,53.990479
+                    -2.547028,53.990607
+                    -2.545516,53.991127
+                    -2.544003,53.991041
+                    -2.542491,53.990765
+                    -2.541804,53.991385
+                    -2.541728,53.992286
+                    -2.540979,53.992438
+                    -2.540032,53.992286
+                    -2.539467,53.991404
+                    -2.539448,53.991385
+                    -2.537955,53.991122
+                    -2.537551,53.991385
+                    -2.537955,53.991995
+                    -2.538621,53.992286
+                    -2.537955,53.992844
+                    -2.536443,53.992982
+                    -2.536077,53.993192
+                    -2.536115,53.994098
+                    -2.536443,53.994784
+                    -2.536925,53.994999
+                    -2.536443,53.995242
+                    -2.536140,53.995910
+                    -2.535879,53.996811
+                    -2.534930,53.997455
+                    -2.533532,53.997717
+                    -2.534930,53.998008
+                    -2.535604,53.998618
+                    -2.536443,53.999133
+                    -2.537185,53.999524
+                    -2.537236,54.000430
+                    -2.536443,54.000659
+                    -2.535281,54.001336
+                    -2.535004,54.002242
+                    -2.534930,54.002280
+                    -2.534775,54.002242
+                    -2.533418,54.002028
+                    -2.533036,54.002242
+                    -2.532935,54.003143
+                    -2.533418,54.004021
+                    -2.533576,54.004049
+                    -2.534930,54.004126
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+                    -2.507711,53.988962
+                    -2.508298,53.988667
+                    -2.509223,53.988032
+                    -2.510735,53.987842
+                    -2.510886,53.987765
+                    -2.510735,53.987684
+                    -2.509223,53.987546
+                    -2.507711,53.987699
+                    -2.507046,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986568
+                    -2.508847,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985348
+                    -2.506630,53.985052
+                    -2.507711,53.984203
+                    -2.507798,53.984141
+                    -2.508176,53.983240
+                    -2.508179,53.982334
+                    -2.508656,53.981433
+                    -2.509068,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979635
+                    -2.506199,53.980145
+                    -2.504686,53.980474
+                    -2.503174,53.979692
+                    -2.503053,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979545
+                    -2.504686,53.979168
+                    -2.505547,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978543
+                    -2.507711,53.978324
+                    -2.508714,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977509
+                    -2.510080,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976150
+                    -2.509074,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975859
+                    -2.510239,53.975101
+                    -2.510114,53.974190
+                    -2.510735,53.973784
+                    -2.511539,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972850
+                    -2.513760,53.972616
+                    -2.514164,53.972383
+                    -2.515272,53.971839
+                    -2.515880,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971157
+                    -2.513760,53.971171
+                    -2.512317,53.970575
+                    -2.512247,53.970537
+                    -2.512177,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.971157
+                    -2.509895,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532120,53.972383
+                    -2.532028,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973594
+                    -2.530858,53.974190
+                    -2.531906,53.974819
+                    -2.532288,53.975101
+                    -2.532450,53.976002
+                    -2.532220,53.976908
+                    -2.532299,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978477
+                    -2.533920,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979316
+                    -2.535560,53.979621
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+                    -2.537535,53.980527
+                    -2.537955,53.980780
+                    -2.538391,53.980527
+                    -2.539467,53.980289
+                    -2.540061,53.980527
+                    -2.540104,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.982272
+                    -2.541074,53.982334
+                    -2.541396,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983893
+                    -2.543291,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984571
+                    -2.545516,53.984857
+                    -2.547028,53.984904
+                    -2.547761,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985515
+                    -2.550052,53.985548
+                    -2.550668,53.985953
+                    -2.550789,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987327
+                    -2.552340,53.986859
+                    -2.552461,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985820
+                    -2.554589,53.985724
+                    -2.556101,53.985701
+                    -2.556696,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986506
+                    -2.558665,53.985953
+                    -2.559126,53.985648
+                    -2.559381,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986650
+                    -2.562150,53.986540
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+                    -2.563226,53.987765
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+                    -2.563593,53.989573
+                    -2.563662,53.989716
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+                    -2.565174,53.991675
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+                    -2.563662,53.993592
+                    -2.562150,53.993492
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+                    -2.560342,53.994098
+                    -2.560555,53.993192
+                    -2.560579,53.992286
+                    -2.560069,53.991385
+                    -2.559941,53.990479
+                    -2.559126,53.989992
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+                    -2.557270,53.989573
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+                    -2.555504,53.988667
+                    -2.554589,53.988123
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+                    -2.552111,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989348
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+                    -2.553077,53.989763
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016733
+                    -2.512166,54.017620
+                    -2.512247,54.017673
+                    -2.513760,54.017782
+                    -2.515272,54.017754
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+                    -2.515272,54.017429
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+                    -2.513760,54.016223
+                    -2.512247,54.016452
+                    -2.510735,54.016700
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014020
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+                    -2.512247,54.013796
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+                    -2.513760,54.011827
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+                    -2.515569,54.008574
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+                    -2.516784,54.007316
+                    -2.516109,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006553
+                    -2.518296,54.006510
+                    -2.519492,54.006763
+                    -2.519199,54.007668
+                    -2.519808,54.007988
+                    -2.521321,54.008265
+                    -2.522317,54.007668
+                    -2.521321,54.006791
+                    -2.520991,54.006763
+                    -2.521321,54.006686
+                    -2.522049,54.005861
+                    -2.522833,54.005265
+                    -2.523301,54.004951
+                    -2.524236,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003878
+                    -2.525018,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002509
+                    -2.522833,54.002900
+                    -2.521720,54.002242
+                    -2.521321,54.001822
+                    -2.520399,54.001336
+                    -2.521027,54.000430
+                    -2.519808,54.000268
+                    -2.518296,54.000125
+                    -2.517132,53.999524
+                    -2.516784,53.999305
+                    -2.515737,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998346
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+                    -2.514455,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996401
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+                    -2.509305,53.994999
+                    -2.509223,53.995099
+                    -2.508646,53.994999
+                    -2.507711,53.994861
+                    -2.506199,53.994803
+                    -2.505416,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993611
+                    -2.503833,53.993192
+                    -2.504364,53.992286
+                    -2.503945,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991151
+                    -2.505954,53.990479
+                    -2.505415,53.989573
+                    -2.506199,53.989043
+                    -2.507711,53.988962
+                    -2.508298,53.988667
+                    -2.509223,53.988032
+                    -2.510735,53.987842
+                    -2.510886,53.987765
+                    -2.510735,53.987684
+                    -2.509223,53.987546
+                    -2.507711,53.987699
+                    -2.507046,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986568
+                    -2.508847,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985348
+                    -2.506630,53.985052
+                    -2.507711,53.984203
+                    -2.507798,53.984141
+                    -2.508176,53.983240
+                    -2.508179,53.982334
+                    -2.508656,53.981433
+                    -2.509068,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979635
+                    -2.506199,53.980145
+                    -2.504686,53.980474
+                    -2.503174,53.979692
+                    -2.503053,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979545
+                    -2.504686,53.979168
+                    -2.505547,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978543
+                    -2.507711,53.978324
+                    -2.508714,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977509
+                    -2.510080,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976150
+                    -2.509074,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975859
+                    -2.510239,53.975101
+                    -2.510114,53.974190
+                    -2.510735,53.973784
+                    -2.511539,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972850
+                    -2.513760,53.972616
+                    -2.514164,53.972383
+                    -2.515272,53.971839
+                    -2.515880,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971157
+                    -2.513760,53.971171
+                    -2.512317,53.970575
+                    -2.512247,53.970537
+                    -2.512177,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.971157
+                    -2.509895,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532120,53.972383
+                    -2.532028,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973594
+                    -2.530858,53.974190
+                    -2.531906,53.974819
+                    -2.532288,53.975101
+                    -2.532450,53.976002
+                    -2.532220,53.976908
+                    -2.532299,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978477
+                    -2.533920,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979316
+                    -2.535560,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.980150
+                    -2.537535,53.980527
+                    -2.537955,53.980780
+                    -2.538391,53.980527
+                    -2.539467,53.980289
+                    -2.540061,53.980527
+                    -2.540104,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.982272
+                    -2.541074,53.982334
+                    -2.541396,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983893
+                    -2.543291,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984571
+                    -2.545516,53.984857
+                    -2.547028,53.984904
+                    -2.547761,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985515
+                    -2.550052,53.985548
+                    -2.550668,53.985953
+                    -2.550789,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987327
+                    -2.552340,53.986859
+                    -2.552461,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985820
+                    -2.554589,53.985724
+                    -2.556101,53.985701
+                    -2.556696,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986506
+                    -2.558665,53.985953
+                    -2.559126,53.985648
+                    -2.559381,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986650
+                    -2.562150,53.986540
+                    -2.562557,53.986859
+                    -2.563226,53.987765
+                    -2.563652,53.988667
+                    -2.563593,53.989573
+                    -2.563662,53.989716
+                    -2.563896,53.990479
+                    -2.565174,53.991070
+                    -2.565419,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991675
+                    -2.564244,53.992286
+                    -2.563873,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.993592
+                    -2.562150,53.993492
+                    -2.561225,53.994098
+                    -2.560638,53.994269
+                    -2.560342,53.994098
+                    -2.560555,53.993192
+                    -2.560579,53.992286
+                    -2.560069,53.991385
+                    -2.559941,53.990479
+                    -2.559126,53.989992
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+                    -2.557270,53.989573
+                    -2.556101,53.988948
+                    -2.555504,53.988667
+                    -2.554589,53.988123
+                    -2.553077,53.988090
+                    -2.552111,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989348
+                    -2.553780,53.989573
+                    -2.553077,53.989763
+                    -2.551603,53.990479
+                    -2.552092,53.991385
+                    -2.551564,53.991408
+                    -2.550052,53.991561
+                    -2.549431,53.991385
+                    -2.549721,53.990479
+                    -2.548540,53.990216
+                    -2.547655,53.990479
+                    -2.547028,53.990607
+                    -2.545516,53.991127
+                    -2.544003,53.991041
+                    -2.542491,53.990765
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+                    -2.541728,53.992286
+                    -2.540979,53.992438
+                    -2.540032,53.992286
+                    -2.539467,53.991404
+                    -2.539448,53.991385
+                    -2.537955,53.991122
+                    -2.537551,53.991385
+                    -2.537955,53.991995
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+                    -2.521027,54.000430
+                    -2.519808,54.000268
+                    -2.518296,54.000125
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+                    -2.515272,53.998346
+                    -2.514259,53.997717
+                    -2.514455,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996401
+                    -2.512247,53.996654
+                    -2.512128,53.995910
+                    -2.511941,53.994999
+                    -2.510735,53.994398
+                    -2.509305,53.994999
+                    -2.509223,53.995099
+                    -2.508646,53.994999
+                    -2.507711,53.994861
+                    -2.506199,53.994803
+                    -2.505416,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993611
+                    -2.503833,53.993192
+                    -2.504364,53.992286
+                    -2.503945,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991151
+                    -2.505954,53.990479
+                    -2.505415,53.989573
+                    -2.506199,53.989043
+                    -2.507711,53.988962
+                    -2.508298,53.988667
+                    -2.509223,53.988032
+                    -2.510735,53.987842
+                    -2.510886,53.987765
+                    -2.510735,53.987684
+                    -2.509223,53.987546
+                    -2.507711,53.987699
+                    -2.507046,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986568
+                    -2.508847,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985348
+                    -2.506630,53.985052
+                    -2.507711,53.984203
+                    -2.507798,53.984141
+                    -2.508176,53.983240
+                    -2.508179,53.982334
+                    -2.508656,53.981433
+                    -2.509068,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979635
+                    -2.506199,53.980145
+                    -2.504686,53.980474
+                    -2.503174,53.979692
+                    -2.503053,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979545
+                    -2.504686,53.979168
+                    -2.505547,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978543
+                    -2.507711,53.978324
+                    -2.508714,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977509
+                    -2.510080,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976150
+                    -2.509074,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975859
+                    -2.510239,53.975101
+                    -2.510114,53.974190
+                    -2.510735,53.973784
+                    -2.511539,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972850
+                    -2.513760,53.972616
+                    -2.514164,53.972383
+                    -2.515272,53.971839
+                    -2.515880,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971157
+                    -2.513760,53.971171
+                    -2.512317,53.970575
+                    -2.512247,53.970537
+                    -2.512177,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.971157
+                    -2.509895,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532120,53.972383
+                    -2.532028,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973594
+                    -2.530858,53.974190
+                    -2.531906,53.974819
+                    -2.532288,53.975101
+                    -2.532450,53.976002
+                    -2.532220,53.976908
+                    -2.532299,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978477
+                    -2.533920,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979316
+                    -2.535560,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.980150
+                    -2.537535,53.980527
+                    -2.537955,53.980780
+                    -2.538391,53.980527
+                    -2.539467,53.980289
+                    -2.540061,53.980527
+                    -2.540104,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.982272
+                    -2.541074,53.982334
+                    -2.541396,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983893
+                    -2.543291,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984571
+                    -2.545516,53.984857
+                    -2.547028,53.984904
+                    -2.547761,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985515
+                    -2.550052,53.985548
+                    -2.550668,53.985953
+                    -2.550789,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987327
+                    -2.552340,53.986859
+                    -2.552461,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985820
+                    -2.554589,53.985724
+                    -2.556101,53.985701
+                    -2.556696,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986506
+                    -2.558665,53.985953
+                    -2.559126,53.985648
+                    -2.559381,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986650
+                    -2.562150,53.986540
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+                    -2.563593,53.989573
+                    -2.563662,53.989716
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+                    -2.565174,53.991675
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+                    -2.563662,53.993592
+                    -2.562150,53.993492
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+                    -2.560342,53.994098
+                    -2.560555,53.993192
+                    -2.560579,53.992286
+                    -2.560069,53.991385
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+                    -2.559126,53.989992
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+                    -2.557270,53.989573
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+                    -2.555504,53.988667
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+                    -2.552111,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989348
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+                    -2.553077,53.989763
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016733
+                    -2.512166,54.017620
+                    -2.512247,54.017673
+                    -2.513760,54.017782
+                    -2.515272,54.017754
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+                    -2.515272,54.017429
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+                    -2.513760,54.016223
+                    -2.512247,54.016452
+                    -2.510735,54.016700
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014020
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+                    -2.512247,54.013796
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+                    -2.513760,54.011827
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+                    -2.514307,54.009476
+                    -2.515272,54.008737
+                    -2.515569,54.008574
+                    -2.516784,54.008017
+                    -2.517363,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007316
+                    -2.516109,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006553
+                    -2.518296,54.006510
+                    -2.519492,54.006763
+                    -2.519199,54.007668
+                    -2.519808,54.007988
+                    -2.521321,54.008265
+                    -2.522317,54.007668
+                    -2.521321,54.006791
+                    -2.520991,54.006763
+                    -2.521321,54.006686
+                    -2.522049,54.005861
+                    -2.522833,54.005265
+                    -2.523301,54.004951
+                    -2.524236,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003878
+                    -2.525018,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002509
+                    -2.522833,54.002900
+                    -2.521720,54.002242
+                    -2.521321,54.001822
+                    -2.520399,54.001336
+                    -2.521027,54.000430
+                    -2.519808,54.000268
+                    -2.518296,54.000125
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+                    -2.516784,53.999305
+                    -2.515737,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998346
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+                    -2.514455,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996401
+                    -2.512247,53.996654
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+                    -2.510735,53.994398
+                    -2.509305,53.994999
+                    -2.509223,53.995099
+                    -2.508646,53.994999
+                    -2.507711,53.994861
+                    -2.506199,53.994803
+                    -2.505416,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993611
+                    -2.503833,53.993192
+                    -2.504364,53.992286
+                    -2.503945,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991151
+                    -2.505954,53.990479
+                    -2.505415,53.989573
+                    -2.506199,53.989043
+                    -2.507711,53.988962
+                    -2.508298,53.988667
+                    -2.509223,53.988032
+                    -2.510735,53.987842
+                    -2.510886,53.987765
+                    -2.510735,53.987684
+                    -2.509223,53.987546
+                    -2.507711,53.987699
+                    -2.507046,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986568
+                    -2.508847,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985348
+                    -2.506630,53.985052
+                    -2.507711,53.984203
+                    -2.507798,53.984141
+                    -2.508176,53.983240
+                    -2.508179,53.982334
+                    -2.508656,53.981433
+                    -2.509068,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979635
+                    -2.506199,53.980145
+                    -2.504686,53.980474
+                    -2.503174,53.979692
+                    -2.503053,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979545
+                    -2.504686,53.979168
+                    -2.505547,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978543
+                    -2.507711,53.978324
+                    -2.508714,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977509
+                    -2.510080,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976150
+                    -2.509074,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975859
+                    -2.510239,53.975101
+                    -2.510114,53.974190
+                    -2.510735,53.973784
+                    -2.511539,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972850
+                    -2.513760,53.972616
+                    -2.514164,53.972383
+                    -2.515272,53.971839
+                    -2.515880,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971157
+                    -2.513760,53.971171
+                    -2.512317,53.970575
+                    -2.512247,53.970537
+                    -2.512177,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.971157
+                    -2.509895,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532120,53.972383
+                    -2.532028,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973594
+                    -2.530858,53.974190
+                    -2.531906,53.974819
+                    -2.532288,53.975101
+                    -2.532450,53.976002
+                    -2.532220,53.976908
+                    -2.532299,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978477
+                    -2.533920,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979316
+                    -2.535560,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.980150
+                    -2.537535,53.980527
+                    -2.537955,53.980780
+                    -2.538391,53.980527
+                    -2.539467,53.980289
+                    -2.540061,53.980527
+                    -2.540104,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.982272
+                    -2.541074,53.982334
+                    -2.541396,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983893
+                    -2.543291,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984571
+                    -2.545516,53.984857
+                    -2.547028,53.984904
+                    -2.547761,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985515
+                    -2.550052,53.985548
+                    -2.550668,53.985953
+                    -2.550789,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987327
+                    -2.552340,53.986859
+                    -2.552461,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985820
+                    -2.554589,53.985724
+                    -2.556101,53.985701
+                    -2.556696,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986506
+                    -2.558665,53.985953
+                    -2.559126,53.985648
+                    -2.559381,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986650
+                    -2.562150,53.986540
+                    -2.562557,53.986859
+                    -2.563226,53.987765
+                    -2.563652,53.988667
+                    -2.563593,53.989573
+                    -2.563662,53.989716
+                    -2.563896,53.990479
+                    -2.565174,53.991070
+                    -2.565419,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991675
+                    -2.564244,53.992286
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+                    -2.563662,53.993592
+                    -2.562150,53.993492
+                    -2.561225,53.994098
+                    -2.560638,53.994269
+                    -2.560342,53.994098
+                    -2.560555,53.993192
+                    -2.560579,53.992286
+                    -2.560069,53.991385
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+                    -2.514307,54.009476
+                    -2.515272,54.008737
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+                    -2.516784,54.008017
+                    -2.517363,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007316
+                    -2.516109,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006553
+                    -2.518296,54.006510
+                    -2.519492,54.006763
+                    -2.519199,54.007668
+                    -2.519808,54.007988
+                    -2.521321,54.008265
+                    -2.522317,54.007668
+                    -2.521321,54.006791
+                    -2.520991,54.006763
+                    -2.521321,54.006686
+                    -2.522049,54.005861
+                    -2.522833,54.005265
+                    -2.523301,54.004951
+                    -2.524236,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003878
+                    -2.525018,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002509
+                    -2.522833,54.002900
+                    -2.521720,54.002242
+                    -2.521321,54.001822
+                    -2.520399,54.001336
+                    -2.521027,54.000430
+                    -2.519808,54.000268
+                    -2.518296,54.000125
+                    -2.517132,53.999524
+                    -2.516784,53.999305
+                    -2.515737,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998346
+                    -2.514259,53.997717
+                    -2.514455,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996401
+                    -2.512247,53.996654
+                    -2.512128,53.995910
+                    -2.511941,53.994999
+                    -2.510735,53.994398
+                    -2.509305,53.994999
+                    -2.509223,53.995099
+                    -2.508646,53.994999
+                    -2.507711,53.994861
+                    -2.506199,53.994803
+                    -2.505416,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993611
+                    -2.503833,53.993192
+                    -2.504364,53.992286
+                    -2.503945,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991151
+                    -2.505954,53.990479
+                    -2.505415,53.989573
+                    -2.506199,53.989043
+                    -2.507711,53.988962
+                    -2.508298,53.988667
+                    -2.509223,53.988032
+                    -2.510735,53.987842
+                    -2.510886,53.987765
+                    -2.510735,53.987684
+                    -2.509223,53.987546
+                    -2.507711,53.987699
+                    -2.507046,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986568
+                    -2.508847,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985348
+                    -2.506630,53.985052
+                    -2.507711,53.984203
+                    -2.507798,53.984141
+                    -2.508176,53.983240
+                    -2.508179,53.982334
+                    -2.508656,53.981433
+                    -2.509068,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979635
+                    -2.506199,53.980145
+                    -2.504686,53.980474
+                    -2.503174,53.979692
+                    -2.503053,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979545
+                    -2.504686,53.979168
+                    -2.505547,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978543
+                    -2.507711,53.978324
+                    -2.508714,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977509
+                    -2.510080,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976150
+                    -2.509074,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975859
+                    -2.510239,53.975101
+                    -2.510114,53.974190
+                    -2.510735,53.973784
+                    -2.511539,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972850
+                    -2.513760,53.972616
+                    -2.514164,53.972383
+                    -2.515272,53.971839
+                    -2.515880,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971157
+                    -2.513760,53.971171
+                    -2.512317,53.970575
+                    -2.512247,53.970537
+                    -2.512177,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.971157
+                    -2.509895,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532120,53.972383
+                    -2.532028,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973594
+                    -2.530858,53.974190
+                    -2.531906,53.974819
+                    -2.532288,53.975101
+                    -2.532450,53.976002
+                    -2.532220,53.976908
+                    -2.532299,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978477
+                    -2.533920,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979316
+                    -2.535560,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.980150
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+                    -2.537955,53.980780
+                    -2.538391,53.980527
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+                    -2.540061,53.980527
+                    -2.540104,53.981433
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+                    -2.541074,53.982334
+                    -2.541396,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983893
+                    -2.543291,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984571
+                    -2.545516,53.984857
+                    -2.547028,53.984904
+                    -2.547761,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985515
+                    -2.550052,53.985548
+                    -2.550668,53.985953
+                    -2.550789,53.986859
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+                    -2.552340,53.986859
+                    -2.552461,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985820
+                    -2.554589,53.985724
+                    -2.556101,53.985701
+                    -2.556696,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986506
+                    -2.558665,53.985953
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+                    -2.559381,53.985953
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+                    -2.563662,53.993592
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+                    -2.560555,53.993192
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+                    -2.554589,53.988123
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+                    -2.553077,53.989348
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+                    -2.553077,53.989763
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016733
+                    -2.512166,54.017620
+                    -2.512247,54.017673
+                    -2.513760,54.017782
+                    -2.515272,54.017754
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+                    -2.515272,54.017429
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+                    -2.513760,54.016223
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+                    -2.510735,54.016700
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014020
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+                    -2.512247,54.013796
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+                    -2.513760,54.011827
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+                    -2.515272,54.010844
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+                    -2.515272,54.008737
+                    -2.515569,54.008574
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+                    -2.517363,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007316
+                    -2.516109,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006553
+                    -2.518296,54.006510
+                    -2.519492,54.006763
+                    -2.519199,54.007668
+                    -2.519808,54.007988
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+                    -2.522317,54.007668
+                    -2.521321,54.006791
+                    -2.520991,54.006763
+                    -2.521321,54.006686
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+                    -2.522833,54.005265
+                    -2.523301,54.004951
+                    -2.524236,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003878
+                    -2.525018,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002509
+                    -2.522833,54.002900
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+                    -2.521321,54.001822
+                    -2.520399,54.001336
+                    -2.521027,54.000430
+                    -2.519808,54.000268
+                    -2.518296,54.000125
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+                    -2.515737,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998346
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+                    -2.514455,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996401
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+                    -2.509305,53.994999
+                    -2.509223,53.995099
+                    -2.508646,53.994999
+                    -2.507711,53.994861
+                    -2.506199,53.994803
+                    -2.505416,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993611
+                    -2.503833,53.993192
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+                    -2.503945,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991151
+                    -2.505954,53.990479
+                    -2.505415,53.989573
+                    -2.506199,53.989043
+                    -2.507711,53.988962
+                    -2.508298,53.988667
+                    -2.509223,53.988032
+                    -2.510735,53.987842
+                    -2.510886,53.987765
+                    -2.510735,53.987684
+                    -2.509223,53.987546
+                    -2.507711,53.987699
+                    -2.507046,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986568
+                    -2.508847,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985348
+                    -2.506630,53.985052
+                    -2.507711,53.984203
+                    -2.507798,53.984141
+                    -2.508176,53.983240
+                    -2.508179,53.982334
+                    -2.508656,53.981433
+                    -2.509068,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979635
+                    -2.506199,53.980145
+                    -2.504686,53.980474
+                    -2.503174,53.979692
+                    -2.503053,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979545
+                    -2.504686,53.979168
+                    -2.505547,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978543
+                    -2.507711,53.978324
+                    -2.508714,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977509
+                    -2.510080,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976150
+                    -2.509074,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975859
+                    -2.510239,53.975101
+                    -2.510114,53.974190
+                    -2.510735,53.973784
+                    -2.511539,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972850
+                    -2.513760,53.972616
+                    -2.514164,53.972383
+                    -2.515272,53.971839
+                    -2.515880,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971157
+                    -2.513760,53.971171
+                    -2.512317,53.970575
+                    -2.512247,53.970537
+                    -2.512177,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.971157
+                    -2.509895,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532120,53.972383
+                    -2.532028,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973594
+                    -2.530858,53.974190
+                    -2.531906,53.974819
+                    -2.532288,53.975101
+                    -2.532450,53.976002
+                    -2.532220,53.976908
+                    -2.532299,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978477
+                    -2.533920,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979316
+                    -2.535560,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.980150
+                    -2.537535,53.980527
+                    -2.537955,53.980780
+                    -2.538391,53.980527
+                    -2.539467,53.980289
+                    -2.540061,53.980527
+                    -2.540104,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.982272
+                    -2.541074,53.982334
+                    -2.541396,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983893
+                    -2.543291,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984571
+                    -2.545516,53.984857
+                    -2.547028,53.984904
+                    -2.547761,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985515
+                    -2.550052,53.985548
+                    -2.550668,53.985953
+                    -2.550789,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987327
+                    -2.552340,53.986859
+                    -2.552461,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985820
+                    -2.554589,53.985724
+                    -2.556101,53.985701
+                    -2.556696,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986506
+                    -2.558665,53.985953
+                    -2.559126,53.985648
+                    -2.559381,53.985953
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016733
+                    -2.512166,54.017620
+                    -2.512247,54.017673
+                    -2.513760,54.017782
+                    -2.515272,54.017754
+                    -2.515522,54.017620
+                    -2.515272,54.017429
+                    -2.514633,54.016719
+                    -2.513760,54.016223
+                    -2.512247,54.016452
+                    -2.510735,54.016700
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014020
+                    -2.510962,54.014001
+                    -2.512247,54.013796
+                    -2.512670,54.013095
+                    -2.513449,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011827
+                    -2.514756,54.012194
+                    -2.515272,54.012504
+                    -2.515788,54.012194
+                    -2.515867,54.011288
+                    -2.515272,54.010844
+                    -2.514832,54.010382
+                    -2.514307,54.009476
+                    -2.515272,54.008737
+                    -2.515569,54.008574
+                    -2.516784,54.008017
+                    -2.517363,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007316
+                    -2.516109,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006553
+                    -2.518296,54.006510
+                    -2.519492,54.006763
+                    -2.519199,54.007668
+                    -2.519808,54.007988
+                    -2.521321,54.008265
+                    -2.522317,54.007668
+                    -2.521321,54.006791
+                    -2.520991,54.006763
+                    -2.521321,54.006686
+                    -2.522049,54.005861
+                    -2.522833,54.005265
+                    -2.523301,54.004951
+                    -2.524236,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003878
+                    -2.525018,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002509
+                    -2.522833,54.002900
+                    -2.521720,54.002242
+                    -2.521321,54.001822
+                    -2.520399,54.001336
+                    -2.521027,54.000430
+                    -2.519808,54.000268
+                    -2.518296,54.000125
+                    -2.517132,53.999524
+                    -2.516784,53.999305
+                    -2.515737,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998346
+                    -2.514259,53.997717
+                    -2.514455,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996401
+                    -2.512247,53.996654
+                    -2.512128,53.995910
+                    -2.511941,53.994999
+                    -2.510735,53.994398
+                    -2.509305,53.994999
+                    -2.509223,53.995099
+                    -2.508646,53.994999
+                    -2.507711,53.994861
+                    -2.506199,53.994803
+                    -2.505416,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993611
+                    -2.503833,53.993192
+                    -2.504364,53.992286
+                    -2.503945,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991151
+                    -2.505954,53.990479
+                    -2.505415,53.989573
+                    -2.506199,53.989043
+                    -2.507711,53.988962
+                    -2.508298,53.988667
+                    -2.509223,53.988032
+                    -2.510735,53.987842
+                    -2.510886,53.987765
+                    -2.510735,53.987684
+                    -2.509223,53.987546
+                    -2.507711,53.987699
+                    -2.507046,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986568
+                    -2.508847,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985348
+                    -2.506630,53.985052
+                    -2.507711,53.984203
+                    -2.507798,53.984141
+                    -2.508176,53.983240
+                    -2.508179,53.982334
+                    -2.508656,53.981433
+                    -2.509068,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979635
+                    -2.506199,53.980145
+                    -2.504686,53.980474
+                    -2.503174,53.979692
+                    -2.503053,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979545
+                    -2.504686,53.979168
+                    -2.505547,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978543
+                    -2.507711,53.978324
+                    -2.508714,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977509
+                    -2.510080,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976150
+                    -2.509074,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975859
+                    -2.510239,53.975101
+                    -2.510114,53.974190
+                    -2.510735,53.973784
+                    -2.511539,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972850
+                    -2.513760,53.972616
+                    -2.514164,53.972383
+                    -2.515272,53.971839
+                    -2.515880,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971157
+                    -2.513760,53.971171
+                    -2.512317,53.970575
+                    -2.512247,53.970537
+                    -2.512177,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.971157
+                    -2.509895,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532120,53.972383
+                    -2.532028,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973594
+                    -2.530858,53.974190
+                    -2.531906,53.974819
+                    -2.532288,53.975101
+                    -2.532450,53.976002
+                    -2.532220,53.976908
+                    -2.532299,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978477
+                    -2.533920,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979316
+                    -2.535560,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.980150
+                    -2.537535,53.980527
+                    -2.537955,53.980780
+                    -2.538391,53.980527
+                    -2.539467,53.980289
+                    -2.540061,53.980527
+                    -2.540104,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.982272
+                    -2.541074,53.982334
+                    -2.541396,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983893
+                    -2.543291,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984571
+                    -2.545516,53.984857
+                    -2.547028,53.984904
+                    -2.547761,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985515
+                    -2.550052,53.985548
+                    -2.550668,53.985953
+                    -2.550789,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987327
+                    -2.552340,53.986859
+                    -2.552461,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985820
+                    -2.554589,53.985724
+                    -2.556101,53.985701
+                    -2.556696,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986506
+                    -2.558665,53.985953
+                    -2.559126,53.985648
+                    -2.559381,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986650
+                    -2.562150,53.986540
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+                    -2.563593,53.989573
+                    -2.563662,53.989716
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+                    -2.565174,53.991675
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+                    -2.563662,53.993592
+                    -2.562150,53.993492
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+                    -2.560638,53.994269
+                    -2.560342,53.994098
+                    -2.560555,53.993192
+                    -2.560579,53.992286
+                    -2.560069,53.991385
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+                    -2.559126,53.989992
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+                    -2.555504,53.988667
+                    -2.554589,53.988123
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+                    -2.552111,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989348
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+                    -2.553077,53.989763
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016733
+                    -2.512166,54.017620
+                    -2.512247,54.017673
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+                    -2.515272,54.017754
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+                    -2.515272,54.017429
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+                    -2.512247,54.016452
+                    -2.510735,54.016700
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014020
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+                    -2.512247,54.013796
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+                    -2.513760,54.011827
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+                    -2.515272,54.012504
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+                    -2.515272,54.010844
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+                    -2.514307,54.009476
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+                    -2.515569,54.008574
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+                    -2.517363,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007316
+                    -2.516109,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006553
+                    -2.518296,54.006510
+                    -2.519492,54.006763
+                    -2.519199,54.007668
+                    -2.519808,54.007988
+                    -2.521321,54.008265
+                    -2.522317,54.007668
+                    -2.521321,54.006791
+                    -2.520991,54.006763
+                    -2.521321,54.006686
+                    -2.522049,54.005861
+                    -2.522833,54.005265
+                    -2.523301,54.004951
+                    -2.524236,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003878
+                    -2.525018,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002509
+                    -2.522833,54.002900
+                    -2.521720,54.002242
+                    -2.521321,54.001822
+                    -2.520399,54.001336
+                    -2.521027,54.000430
+                    -2.519808,54.000268
+                    -2.518296,54.000125
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+                    -2.515737,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998346
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+                    -2.514455,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996401
+                    -2.512247,53.996654
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+                    -2.510735,53.994398
+                    -2.509305,53.994999
+                    -2.509223,53.995099
+                    -2.508646,53.994999
+                    -2.507711,53.994861
+                    -2.506199,53.994803
+                    -2.505416,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993611
+                    -2.503833,53.993192
+                    -2.504364,53.992286
+                    -2.503945,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991151
+                    -2.505954,53.990479
+                    -2.505415,53.989573
+                    -2.506199,53.989043
+                    -2.507711,53.988962
+                    -2.508298,53.988667
+                    -2.509223,53.988032
+                    -2.510735,53.987842
+                    -2.510886,53.987765
+                    -2.510735,53.987684
+                    -2.509223,53.987546
+                    -2.507711,53.987699
+                    -2.507046,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986568
+                    -2.508847,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985348
+                    -2.506630,53.985052
+                    -2.507711,53.984203
+                    -2.507798,53.984141
+                    -2.508176,53.983240
+                    -2.508179,53.982334
+                    -2.508656,53.981433
+                    -2.509068,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979635
+                    -2.506199,53.980145
+                    -2.504686,53.980474
+                    -2.503174,53.979692
+                    -2.503053,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979545
+                    -2.504686,53.979168
+                    -2.505547,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978543
+                    -2.507711,53.978324
+                    -2.508714,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977509
+                    -2.510080,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976150
+                    -2.509074,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975859
+                    -2.510239,53.975101
+                    -2.510114,53.974190
+                    -2.510735,53.973784
+                    -2.511539,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972850
+                    -2.513760,53.972616
+                    -2.514164,53.972383
+                    -2.515272,53.971839
+                    -2.515880,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971157
+                    -2.513760,53.971171
+                    -2.512317,53.970575
+                    -2.512247,53.970537
+                    -2.512177,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.971157
+                    -2.509895,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532120,53.972383
+                    -2.532028,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973594
+                    -2.530858,53.974190
+                    -2.531906,53.974819
+                    -2.532288,53.975101
+                    -2.532450,53.976002
+                    -2.532220,53.976908
+                    -2.532299,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978477
+                    -2.533920,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979316
+                    -2.535560,53.979621
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+                    -2.538391,53.980527
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+                    -2.533478,54.022145
+                    -2.534184,54.023051
+                    -2.534874,54.023952
+                    -2.534930,54.023986
+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025111
+                    -2.531906,54.025154
+                    -2.530394,54.024930
+                    -2.528882,54.024920
+                    -2.527369,54.024892
+                    -2.527293,54.024858
+                    -2.525857,54.024439
+                    -2.524990,54.023952
+                    -2.524345,54.023585
+                    -2.523211,54.023051
+                    -2.522833,54.022841
+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520682,54.022145
+                    -2.519808,54.021478
+                    -2.518296,54.021564
+                    -2.517477,54.021239
+                    -2.516784,54.020610
+                    -2.515893,54.020333
+                    -2.515272,54.020162
+                    -2.513760,54.020019
+                    -2.512247,54.019828
+                    -2.511544,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.019008
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016733
+                    -2.512166,54.017620
+                    -2.512247,54.017673
+                    -2.513760,54.017782
+                    -2.515272,54.017754
+                    -2.515522,54.017620
+                    -2.515272,54.017429
+                    -2.514633,54.016719
+                    -2.513760,54.016223
+                    -2.512247,54.016452
+                    -2.510735,54.016700
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014020
+                    -2.510962,54.014001
+                    -2.512247,54.013796
+                    -2.512670,54.013095
+                    -2.513449,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011827
+                    -2.514756,54.012194
+                    -2.515272,54.012504
+                    -2.515788,54.012194
+                    -2.515867,54.011288
+                    -2.515272,54.010844
+                    -2.514832,54.010382
+                    -2.514307,54.009476
+                    -2.515272,54.008737
+                    -2.515569,54.008574
+                    -2.516784,54.008017
+                    -2.517363,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007316
+                    -2.516109,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006553
+                    -2.518296,54.006510
+                    -2.519492,54.006763
+                    -2.519199,54.007668
+                    -2.519808,54.007988
+                    -2.521321,54.008265
+                    -2.522317,54.007668
+                    -2.521321,54.006791
+                    -2.520991,54.006763
+                    -2.521321,54.006686
+                    -2.522049,54.005861
+                    -2.522833,54.005265
+                    -2.523301,54.004951
+                    -2.524236,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003878
+                    -2.525018,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002509
+                    -2.522833,54.002900
+                    -2.521720,54.002242
+                    -2.521321,54.001822
+                    -2.520399,54.001336
+                    -2.521027,54.000430
+                    -2.519808,54.000268
+                    -2.518296,54.000125
+                    -2.517132,53.999524
+                    -2.516784,53.999305
+                    -2.515737,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998346
+                    -2.514259,53.997717
+                    -2.514455,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996401
+                    -2.512247,53.996654
+                    -2.512128,53.995910
+                    -2.511941,53.994999
+                    -2.510735,53.994398
+                    -2.509305,53.994999
+                    -2.509223,53.995099
+                    -2.508646,53.994999
+                    -2.507711,53.994861
+                    -2.506199,53.994803
+                    -2.505416,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993611
+                    -2.503833,53.993192
+                    -2.504364,53.992286
+                    -2.503945,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991151
+                    -2.505954,53.990479
+                    -2.505415,53.989573
+                    -2.506199,53.989043
+                    -2.507711,53.988962
+                    -2.508298,53.988667
+                    -2.509223,53.988032
+                    -2.510735,53.987842
+                    -2.510886,53.987765
+                    -2.510735,53.987684
+                    -2.509223,53.987546
+                    -2.507711,53.987699
+                    -2.507046,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986568
+                    -2.508847,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985348
+                    -2.506630,53.985052
+                    -2.507711,53.984203
+                    -2.507798,53.984141
+                    -2.508176,53.983240
+                    -2.508179,53.982334
+                    -2.508656,53.981433
+                    -2.509068,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979635
+                    -2.506199,53.980145
+                    -2.504686,53.980474
+                    -2.503174,53.979692
+                    -2.503053,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979545
+                    -2.504686,53.979168
+                    -2.505547,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978543
+                    -2.507711,53.978324
+                    -2.508714,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977509
+                    -2.510080,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976150
+                    -2.509074,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975859
+                    -2.510239,53.975101
+                    -2.510114,53.974190
+                    -2.510735,53.973784
+                    -2.511539,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972850
+                    -2.513760,53.972616
+                    -2.514164,53.972383
+                    -2.515272,53.971839
+                    -2.515880,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971157
+                    -2.513760,53.971171
+                    -2.512317,53.970575
+                    -2.512247,53.970537
+                    -2.512177,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.971157
+                    -2.509895,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532120,53.972383
+                    -2.532028,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973594
+                    -2.530858,53.974190
+                    -2.531906,53.974819
+                    -2.532288,53.975101
+                    -2.532450,53.976002
+                    -2.532220,53.976908
+                    -2.532299,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978477
+                    -2.533920,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979316
+                    -2.535560,53.979621
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+                    -2.537535,53.980527
+                    -2.537955,53.980780
+                    -2.538391,53.980527
+                    -2.539467,53.980289
+                    -2.540061,53.980527
+                    -2.540104,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.982272
+                    -2.541074,53.982334
+                    -2.541396,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983893
+                    -2.543291,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984571
+                    -2.545516,53.984857
+                    -2.547028,53.984904
+                    -2.547761,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985515
+                    -2.550052,53.985548
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+                    -2.550789,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987327
+                    -2.552340,53.986859
+                    -2.552461,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985820
+                    -2.554589,53.985724
+                    -2.556101,53.985701
+                    -2.556696,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986506
+                    -2.558665,53.985953
+                    -2.559126,53.985648
+                    -2.559381,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986650
+                    -2.562150,53.986540
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+                    -2.563593,53.989573
+                    -2.563662,53.989716
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+                    -2.563873,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.993592
+                    -2.562150,53.993492
+                    -2.561225,53.994098
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+                    -2.560342,53.994098
+                    -2.560555,53.993192
+                    -2.560579,53.992286
+                    -2.560069,53.991385
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+                    -2.557270,53.989573
+                    -2.556101,53.988948
+                    -2.555504,53.988667
+                    -2.554589,53.988123
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+                    -2.552111,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989348
+                    -2.553780,53.989573
+                    -2.553077,53.989763
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+                    -2.531906,54.025154
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+                    -2.527293,54.024858
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016733
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+                    -2.512247,54.017673
+                    -2.513760,54.017782
+                    -2.515272,54.017754
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+                    -2.515272,54.017429
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+                    -2.512247,54.016452
+                    -2.510735,54.016700
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014020
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+                    -2.512247,54.013796
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+                    -2.513449,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011827
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+                    -2.515272,54.012504
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+                    -2.515272,54.010844
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+                    -2.515569,54.008574
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+                    -2.517363,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007316
+                    -2.516109,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006553
+                    -2.518296,54.006510
+                    -2.519492,54.006763
+                    -2.519199,54.007668
+                    -2.519808,54.007988
+                    -2.521321,54.008265
+                    -2.522317,54.007668
+                    -2.521321,54.006791
+                    -2.520991,54.006763
+                    -2.521321,54.006686
+                    -2.522049,54.005861
+                    -2.522833,54.005265
+                    -2.523301,54.004951
+                    -2.524236,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003878
+                    -2.525018,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002509
+                    -2.522833,54.002900
+                    -2.521720,54.002242
+                    -2.521321,54.001822
+                    -2.520399,54.001336
+                    -2.521027,54.000430
+                    -2.519808,54.000268
+                    -2.518296,54.000125
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+                    -2.516784,53.999305
+                    -2.515737,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998346
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+                    -2.514455,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996401
+                    -2.512247,53.996654
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+                    -2.510735,53.994398
+                    -2.509305,53.994999
+                    -2.509223,53.995099
+                    -2.508646,53.994999
+                    -2.507711,53.994861
+                    -2.506199,53.994803
+                    -2.505416,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993611
+                    -2.503833,53.993192
+                    -2.504364,53.992286
+                    -2.503945,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991151
+                    -2.505954,53.990479
+                    -2.505415,53.989573
+                    -2.506199,53.989043
+                    -2.507711,53.988962
+                    -2.508298,53.988667
+                    -2.509223,53.988032
+                    -2.510735,53.987842
+                    -2.510886,53.987765
+                    -2.510735,53.987684
+                    -2.509223,53.987546
+                    -2.507711,53.987699
+                    -2.507046,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986568
+                    -2.508847,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985348
+                    -2.506630,53.985052
+                    -2.507711,53.984203
+                    -2.507798,53.984141
+                    -2.508176,53.983240
+                    -2.508179,53.982334
+                    -2.508656,53.981433
+                    -2.509068,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979635
+                    -2.506199,53.980145
+                    -2.504686,53.980474
+                    -2.503174,53.979692
+                    -2.503053,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979545
+                    -2.504686,53.979168
+                    -2.505547,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978543
+                    -2.507711,53.978324
+                    -2.508714,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977509
+                    -2.510080,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976150
+                    -2.509074,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975859
+                    -2.510239,53.975101
+                    -2.510114,53.974190
+                    -2.510735,53.973784
+                    -2.511539,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972850
+                    -2.513760,53.972616
+                    -2.514164,53.972383
+                    -2.515272,53.971839
+                    -2.515880,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971157
+                    -2.513760,53.971171
+                    -2.512317,53.970575
+                    -2.512247,53.970537
+                    -2.512177,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.971157
+                    -2.509895,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
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+                    -2.534930,54.012694
+                    -2.536010,54.013095
+                    -2.534930,54.013371
+                    -2.533418,54.013133
+                    -2.533339,54.013095
+                    -2.531906,54.012446
+                    -2.530760,54.012194
+                    -2.530394,54.012151
+                    -2.530318,54.012194
+                    -2.529480,54.013095
+                    -2.528923,54.014001
+                    -2.529591,54.014907
+                    -2.530394,54.015288
+                    -2.531906,54.015493
+                    -2.533418,54.015627
+                    -2.534219,54.015813
+                    -2.533501,54.016719
+                    -2.533418,54.016895
+                    -2.532698,54.017620
+                    -2.532962,54.018526
+                    -2.531906,54.018779
+                    -2.530758,54.019427
+                    -2.530394,54.019794
+                    -2.529648,54.020333
+                    -2.530394,54.020782
+                    -2.531906,54.020934
+                    -2.532345,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.022083
+                    -2.533478,54.022145
+                    -2.534184,54.023051
+                    -2.534874,54.023952
+                    -2.534930,54.023986
+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025111
+                    -2.531906,54.025154
+                    -2.530394,54.024930
+                    -2.528882,54.024920
+                    -2.527369,54.024892
+                    -2.527293,54.024858
+                    -2.525857,54.024439
+                    -2.524990,54.023952
+                    -2.524345,54.023585
+                    -2.523211,54.023051
+                    -2.522833,54.022841
+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520682,54.022145
+                    -2.519808,54.021478
+                    -2.518296,54.021564
+                    -2.517477,54.021239
+                    -2.516784,54.020610
+                    -2.515893,54.020333
+                    -2.515272,54.020162
+                    -2.513760,54.020019
+                    -2.512247,54.019828
+                    -2.511544,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.019008
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016733
+                    -2.512166,54.017620
+                    -2.512247,54.017673
+                    -2.513760,54.017782
+                    -2.515272,54.017754
+                    -2.515522,54.017620
+                    -2.515272,54.017429
+                    -2.514633,54.016719
+                    -2.513760,54.016223
+                    -2.512247,54.016452
+                    -2.510735,54.016700
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014020
+                    -2.510962,54.014001
+                    -2.512247,54.013796
+                    -2.512670,54.013095
+                    -2.513449,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011827
+                    -2.514756,54.012194
+                    -2.515272,54.012504
+                    -2.515788,54.012194
+                    -2.515867,54.011288
+                    -2.515272,54.010844
+                    -2.514832,54.010382
+                    -2.514307,54.009476
+                    -2.515272,54.008737
+                    -2.515569,54.008574
+                    -2.516784,54.008017
+                    -2.517363,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007316
+                    -2.516109,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006553
+                    -2.518296,54.006510
+                    -2.519492,54.006763
+                    -2.519199,54.007668
+                    -2.519808,54.007988
+                    -2.521321,54.008265
+                    -2.522317,54.007668
+                    -2.521321,54.006791
+                    -2.520991,54.006763
+                    -2.521321,54.006686
+                    -2.522049,54.005861
+                    -2.522833,54.005265
+                    -2.523301,54.004951
+                    -2.524236,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003878
+                    -2.525018,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002509
+                    -2.522833,54.002900
+                    -2.521720,54.002242
+                    -2.521321,54.001822
+                    -2.520399,54.001336
+                    -2.521027,54.000430
+                    -2.519808,54.000268
+                    -2.518296,54.000125
+                    -2.517132,53.999524
+                    -2.516784,53.999305
+                    -2.515737,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998346
+                    -2.514259,53.997717
+                    -2.514455,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996401
+                    -2.512247,53.996654
+                    -2.512128,53.995910
+                    -2.511941,53.994999
+                    -2.510735,53.994398
+                    -2.509305,53.994999
+                    -2.509223,53.995099
+                    -2.508646,53.994999
+                    -2.507711,53.994861
+                    -2.506199,53.994803
+                    -2.505416,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993611
+                    -2.503833,53.993192
+                    -2.504364,53.992286
+                    -2.503945,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991151
+                    -2.505954,53.990479
+                    -2.505415,53.989573
+                    -2.506199,53.989043
+                    -2.507711,53.988962
+                    -2.508298,53.988667
+                    -2.509223,53.988032
+                    -2.510735,53.987842
+                    -2.510886,53.987765
+                    -2.510735,53.987684
+                    -2.509223,53.987546
+                    -2.507711,53.987699
+                    -2.507046,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986568
+                    -2.508847,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985348
+                    -2.506630,53.985052
+                    -2.507711,53.984203
+                    -2.507798,53.984141
+                    -2.508176,53.983240
+                    -2.508179,53.982334
+                    -2.508656,53.981433
+                    -2.509068,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979635
+                    -2.506199,53.980145
+                    -2.504686,53.980474
+                    -2.503174,53.979692
+                    -2.503053,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979545
+                    -2.504686,53.979168
+                    -2.505547,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978543
+                    -2.507711,53.978324
+                    -2.508714,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977509
+                    -2.510080,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976150
+                    -2.509074,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975859
+                    -2.510239,53.975101
+                    -2.510114,53.974190
+                    -2.510735,53.973784
+                    -2.511539,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972850
+                    -2.513760,53.972616
+                    -2.514164,53.972383
+                    -2.515272,53.971839
+                    -2.515880,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971157
+                    -2.513760,53.971171
+                    -2.512317,53.970575
+                    -2.512247,53.970537
+                    -2.512177,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.971157
+                    -2.509895,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532120,53.972383
+                    -2.532028,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973594
+                    -2.530858,53.974190
+                    -2.531906,53.974819
+                    -2.532288,53.975101
+                    -2.532450,53.976002
+                    -2.532220,53.976908
+                    -2.532299,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978477
+                    -2.533920,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979316
+                    -2.535560,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.980150
+                    -2.537535,53.980527
+                    -2.537955,53.980780
+                    -2.538391,53.980527
+                    -2.539467,53.980289
+                    -2.540061,53.980527
+                    -2.540104,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.982272
+                    -2.541074,53.982334
+                    -2.541396,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983893
+                    -2.543291,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984571
+                    -2.545516,53.984857
+                    -2.547028,53.984904
+                    -2.547761,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985515
+                    -2.550052,53.985548
+                    -2.550668,53.985953
+                    -2.550789,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987327
+                    -2.552340,53.986859
+                    -2.552461,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985820
+                    -2.554589,53.985724
+                    -2.556101,53.985701
+                    -2.556696,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986506
+                    -2.558665,53.985953
+                    -2.559126,53.985648
+                    -2.559381,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986650
+                    -2.562150,53.986540
+                    -2.562557,53.986859
+                    -2.563226,53.987765
+                    -2.563652,53.988667
+                    -2.563593,53.989573
+                    -2.563662,53.989716
+                    -2.563896,53.990479
+                    -2.565174,53.991070
+                    -2.565419,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991675
+                    -2.564244,53.992286
+                    -2.563873,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.993592
+                    -2.562150,53.993492
+                    -2.561225,53.994098
+                    -2.560638,53.994269
+                    -2.560342,53.994098
+                    -2.560555,53.993192
+                    -2.560579,53.992286
+                    -2.560069,53.991385
+                    -2.559941,53.990479
+                    -2.559126,53.989992
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+                    -2.557270,53.989573
+                    -2.556101,53.988948
+                    -2.555504,53.988667
+                    -2.554589,53.988123
+                    -2.553077,53.988090
+                    -2.552111,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989348
+                    -2.553780,53.989573
+                    -2.553077,53.989763
+                    -2.551603,53.990479
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+                    -2.550052,53.991561
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+                    -2.531906,54.025154
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+                    -2.527293,54.024858
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016733
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+                    -2.512247,54.017673
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+                    -2.515272,54.017754
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+                    -2.515272,54.017429
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+                    -2.510735,54.016700
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014020
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+                    -2.512247,54.013796
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+                    -2.513760,54.011827
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+                    -2.515272,54.012504
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+                    -2.515867,54.011288
+                    -2.515272,54.010844
+                    -2.514832,54.010382
+                    -2.514307,54.009476
+                    -2.515272,54.008737
+                    -2.515569,54.008574
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+                    -2.517363,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007316
+                    -2.516109,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006553
+                    -2.518296,54.006510
+                    -2.519492,54.006763
+                    -2.519199,54.007668
+                    -2.519808,54.007988
+                    -2.521321,54.008265
+                    -2.522317,54.007668
+                    -2.521321,54.006791
+                    -2.520991,54.006763
+                    -2.521321,54.006686
+                    -2.522049,54.005861
+                    -2.522833,54.005265
+                    -2.523301,54.004951
+                    -2.524236,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003878
+                    -2.525018,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002509
+                    -2.522833,54.002900
+                    -2.521720,54.002242
+                    -2.521321,54.001822
+                    -2.520399,54.001336
+                    -2.521027,54.000430
+                    -2.519808,54.000268
+                    -2.518296,54.000125
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+                    -2.516784,53.999305
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+                    -2.515272,53.998346
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+                    -2.514455,53.996811
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+                    -2.510735,53.994398
+                    -2.509305,53.994999
+                    -2.509223,53.995099
+                    -2.508646,53.994999
+                    -2.507711,53.994861
+                    -2.506199,53.994803
+                    -2.505416,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993611
+                    -2.503833,53.993192
+                    -2.504364,53.992286
+                    -2.503945,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991151
+                    -2.505954,53.990479
+                    -2.505415,53.989573
+                    -2.506199,53.989043
+                    -2.507711,53.988962
+                    -2.508298,53.988667
+                    -2.509223,53.988032
+                    -2.510735,53.987842
+                    -2.510886,53.987765
+                    -2.510735,53.987684
+                    -2.509223,53.987546
+                    -2.507711,53.987699
+                    -2.507046,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986568
+                    -2.508847,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985348
+                    -2.506630,53.985052
+                    -2.507711,53.984203
+                    -2.507798,53.984141
+                    -2.508176,53.983240
+                    -2.508179,53.982334
+                    -2.508656,53.981433
+                    -2.509068,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979635
+                    -2.506199,53.980145
+                    -2.504686,53.980474
+                    -2.503174,53.979692
+                    -2.503053,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979545
+                    -2.504686,53.979168
+                    -2.505547,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978543
+                    -2.507711,53.978324
+                    -2.508714,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977509
+                    -2.510080,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976150
+                    -2.509074,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975859
+                    -2.510239,53.975101
+                    -2.510114,53.974190
+                    -2.510735,53.973784
+                    -2.511539,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972850
+                    -2.513760,53.972616
+                    -2.514164,53.972383
+                    -2.515272,53.971839
+                    -2.515880,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971157
+                    -2.513760,53.971171
+                    -2.512317,53.970575
+                    -2.512247,53.970537
+                    -2.512177,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.971157
+                    -2.509895,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532120,53.972383
+                    -2.532028,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973594
+                    -2.530858,53.974190
+                    -2.531906,53.974819
+                    -2.532288,53.975101
+                    -2.532450,53.976002
+                    -2.532220,53.976908
+                    -2.532299,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978477
+                    -2.533920,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979316
+                    -2.535560,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.980150
+                    -2.537535,53.980527
+                    -2.537955,53.980780
+                    -2.538391,53.980527
+                    -2.539467,53.980289
+                    -2.540061,53.980527
+                    -2.540104,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.982272
+                    -2.541074,53.982334
+                    -2.541396,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983893
+                    -2.543291,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984571
+                    -2.545516,53.984857
+                    -2.547028,53.984904
+                    -2.547761,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985515
+                    -2.550052,53.985548
+                    -2.550668,53.985953
+                    -2.550789,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987327
+                    -2.552340,53.986859
+                    -2.552461,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985820
+                    -2.554589,53.985724
+                    -2.556101,53.985701
+                    -2.556696,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986506
+                    -2.558665,53.985953
+                    -2.559126,53.985648
+                    -2.559381,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986650
+                    -2.562150,53.986540
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+                    -2.563226,53.987765
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+                    -2.563593,53.989573
+                    -2.563662,53.989716
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+                    -2.565174,53.991675
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+                    -2.563662,53.993592
+                    -2.562150,53.993492
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+                    -2.560342,53.994098
+                    -2.560555,53.993192
+                    -2.560579,53.992286
+                    -2.560069,53.991385
+                    -2.559941,53.990479
+                    -2.559126,53.989992
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+                    -2.557270,53.989573
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+                    -2.555504,53.988667
+                    -2.554589,53.988123
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+                    -2.552111,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989348
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+                    -2.553077,53.989763
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016733
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+                    -2.512247,54.017673
+                    -2.513760,54.017782
+                    -2.515272,54.017754
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+                    -2.515272,54.017429
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+                    -2.513760,54.016223
+                    -2.512247,54.016452
+                    -2.510735,54.016700
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014020
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+                    -2.512247,54.013796
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+                    -2.513760,54.011827
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+                    -2.515569,54.008574
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+                    -2.516784,54.007316
+                    -2.516109,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006553
+                    -2.518296,54.006510
+                    -2.519492,54.006763
+                    -2.519199,54.007668
+                    -2.519808,54.007988
+                    -2.521321,54.008265
+                    -2.522317,54.007668
+                    -2.521321,54.006791
+                    -2.520991,54.006763
+                    -2.521321,54.006686
+                    -2.522049,54.005861
+                    -2.522833,54.005265
+                    -2.523301,54.004951
+                    -2.524236,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003878
+                    -2.525018,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002509
+                    -2.522833,54.002900
+                    -2.521720,54.002242
+                    -2.521321,54.001822
+                    -2.520399,54.001336
+                    -2.521027,54.000430
+                    -2.519808,54.000268
+                    -2.518296,54.000125
+                    -2.517132,53.999524
+                    -2.516784,53.999305
+                    -2.515737,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998346
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+                    -2.514455,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996401
+                    -2.512247,53.996654
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+                    -2.509305,53.994999
+                    -2.509223,53.995099
+                    -2.508646,53.994999
+                    -2.507711,53.994861
+                    -2.506199,53.994803
+                    -2.505416,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993611
+                    -2.503833,53.993192
+                    -2.504364,53.992286
+                    -2.503945,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991151
+                    -2.505954,53.990479
+                    -2.505415,53.989573
+                    -2.506199,53.989043
+                    -2.507711,53.988962
+                    -2.508298,53.988667
+                    -2.509223,53.988032
+                    -2.510735,53.987842
+                    -2.510886,53.987765
+                    -2.510735,53.987684
+                    -2.509223,53.987546
+                    -2.507711,53.987699
+                    -2.507046,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986568
+                    -2.508847,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985348
+                    -2.506630,53.985052
+                    -2.507711,53.984203
+                    -2.507798,53.984141
+                    -2.508176,53.983240
+                    -2.508179,53.982334
+                    -2.508656,53.981433
+                    -2.509068,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979635
+                    -2.506199,53.980145
+                    -2.504686,53.980474
+                    -2.503174,53.979692
+                    -2.503053,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979545
+                    -2.504686,53.979168
+                    -2.505547,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978543
+                    -2.507711,53.978324
+                    -2.508714,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977509
+                    -2.510080,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976150
+                    -2.509074,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975859
+                    -2.510239,53.975101
+                    -2.510114,53.974190
+                    -2.510735,53.973784
+                    -2.511539,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972850
+                    -2.513760,53.972616
+                    -2.514164,53.972383
+                    -2.515272,53.971839
+                    -2.515880,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971157
+                    -2.513760,53.971171
+                    -2.512317,53.970575
+                    -2.512247,53.970537
+                    -2.512177,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.971157
+                    -2.509895,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532120,53.972383
+                    -2.532028,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973594
+                    -2.530858,53.974190
+                    -2.531906,53.974819
+                    -2.532288,53.975101
+                    -2.532450,53.976002
+                    -2.532220,53.976908
+                    -2.532299,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978477
+                    -2.533920,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979316
+                    -2.535560,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.980150
+                    -2.537535,53.980527
+                    -2.537955,53.980780
+                    -2.538391,53.980527
+                    -2.539467,53.980289
+                    -2.540061,53.980527
+                    -2.540104,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.982272
+                    -2.541074,53.982334
+                    -2.541396,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983893
+                    -2.543291,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984571
+                    -2.545516,53.984857
+                    -2.547028,53.984904
+                    -2.547761,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985515
+                    -2.550052,53.985548
+                    -2.550668,53.985953
+                    -2.550789,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987327
+                    -2.552340,53.986859
+                    -2.552461,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985820
+                    -2.554589,53.985724
+                    -2.556101,53.985701
+                    -2.556696,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986506
+                    -2.558665,53.985953
+                    -2.559126,53.985648
+                    -2.559381,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986650
+                    -2.562150,53.986540
+                    -2.562557,53.986859
+                    -2.563226,53.987765
+                    -2.563652,53.988667
+                    -2.563593,53.989573
+                    -2.563662,53.989716
+                    -2.563896,53.990479
+                    -2.565174,53.991070
+                    -2.565419,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991675
+                    -2.564244,53.992286
+                    -2.563873,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.993592
+                    -2.562150,53.993492
+                    -2.561225,53.994098
+                    -2.560638,53.994269
+                    -2.560342,53.994098
+                    -2.560555,53.993192
+                    -2.560579,53.992286
+                    -2.560069,53.991385
+                    -2.559941,53.990479
+                    -2.559126,53.989992
+                    -2.557613,53.989878
+                    -2.557270,53.989573
+                    -2.556101,53.988948
+                    -2.555504,53.988667
+                    -2.554589,53.988123
+                    -2.553077,53.988090
+                    -2.552111,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989348
+                    -2.553780,53.989573
+                    -2.553077,53.989763
+                    -2.551603,53.990479
+                    -2.552092,53.991385
+                    -2.551564,53.991408
+                    -2.550052,53.991561
+                    -2.549431,53.991385
+                    -2.549721,53.990479
+                    -2.548540,53.990216
+                    -2.547655,53.990479
+                    -2.547028,53.990607
+                    -2.545516,53.991127
+                    -2.544003,53.991041
+                    -2.542491,53.990765
+                    -2.541804,53.991385
+                    -2.541728,53.992286
+                    -2.540979,53.992438
+                    -2.540032,53.992286
+                    -2.539467,53.991404
+                    -2.539448,53.991385
+                    -2.537955,53.991122
+                    -2.537551,53.991385
+                    -2.537955,53.991995
+                    -2.538621,53.992286
+                    -2.537955,53.992844
+                    -2.536443,53.992982
+                    -2.536077,53.993192
+                    -2.536115,53.994098
+                    -2.536443,53.994784
+                    -2.536925,53.994999
+                    -2.536443,53.995242
+                    -2.536140,53.995910
+                    -2.535879,53.996811
+                    -2.534930,53.997455
+                    -2.533532,53.997717
+                    -2.534930,53.998008
+                    -2.535604,53.998618
+                    -2.536443,53.999133
+                    -2.537185,53.999524
+                    -2.537236,54.000430
+                    -2.536443,54.000659
+                    -2.535281,54.001336
+                    -2.535004,54.002242
+                    -2.534930,54.002280
+                    -2.534775,54.002242
+                    -2.533418,54.002028
+                    -2.533036,54.002242
+                    -2.532935,54.003143
+                    -2.533418,54.004021
+                    -2.533576,54.004049
+                    -2.534930,54.004126
+                    -2.536443,54.004374
+                    -2.537955,54.004331
+                    -2.538513,54.004049
+                    -2.539013,54.003143
+                    -2.539467,54.002995
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+                    -2.510735,53.987684
+                    -2.509223,53.987546
+                    -2.507711,53.987699
+                    -2.507046,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986568
+                    -2.508847,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985348
+                    -2.506630,53.985052
+                    -2.507711,53.984203
+                    -2.507798,53.984141
+                    -2.508176,53.983240
+                    -2.508179,53.982334
+                    -2.508656,53.981433
+                    -2.509068,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979635
+                    -2.506199,53.980145
+                    -2.504686,53.980474
+                    -2.503174,53.979692
+                    -2.503053,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979545
+                    -2.504686,53.979168
+                    -2.505547,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978543
+                    -2.507711,53.978324
+                    -2.508714,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977509
+                    -2.510080,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976150
+                    -2.509074,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975859
+                    -2.510239,53.975101
+                    -2.510114,53.974190
+                    -2.510735,53.973784
+                    -2.511539,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972850
+                    -2.513760,53.972616
+                    -2.514164,53.972383
+                    -2.515272,53.971839
+                    -2.515880,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971157
+                    -2.513760,53.971171
+                    -2.512317,53.970575
+                    -2.512247,53.970537
+                    -2.512177,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.971157
+                    -2.509895,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532120,53.972383
+                    -2.532028,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973594
+                    -2.530858,53.974190
+                    -2.531906,53.974819
+                    -2.532288,53.975101
+                    -2.532450,53.976002
+                    -2.532220,53.976908
+                    -2.532299,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978477
+                    -2.533920,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979316
+                    -2.535560,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.980150
+                    -2.537535,53.980527
+                    -2.537955,53.980780
+                    -2.538391,53.980527
+                    -2.539467,53.980289
+                    -2.540061,53.980527
+                    -2.540104,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.982272
+                    -2.541074,53.982334
+                    -2.541396,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983893
+                    -2.543291,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984571
+                    -2.545516,53.984857
+                    -2.547028,53.984904
+                    -2.547761,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985515
+                    -2.550052,53.985548
+                    -2.550668,53.985953
+                    -2.550789,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987327
+                    -2.552340,53.986859
+                    -2.552461,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985820
+                    -2.554589,53.985724
+                    -2.556101,53.985701
+                    -2.556696,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986506
+                    -2.558665,53.985953
+                    -2.559126,53.985648
+                    -2.559381,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986650
+                    -2.562150,53.986540
+                    -2.562557,53.986859
+                    -2.563226,53.987765
+                    -2.563652,53.988667
+                    -2.563593,53.989573
+                    -2.563662,53.989716
+                    -2.563896,53.990479
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+                    -2.565174,53.991675
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+                    -2.563662,53.993592
+                    -2.562150,53.993492
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+                    -2.560342,53.994098
+                    -2.560555,53.993192
+                    -2.560579,53.992286
+                    -2.560069,53.991385
+                    -2.559941,53.990479
+                    -2.559126,53.989992
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+                    -2.557270,53.989573
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+                    -2.555504,53.988667
+                    -2.554589,53.988123
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+                    -2.552111,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989348
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+                    -2.553077,53.989763
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016733
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+                    -2.512247,54.017673
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+                    -2.515272,54.017754
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+                    -2.515272,54.017429
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+                    -2.513760,54.016223
+                    -2.512247,54.016452
+                    -2.510735,54.016700
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014020
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+                    -2.512247,54.013796
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+                    -2.513760,54.011827
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+                    -2.515272,54.008737
+                    -2.515569,54.008574
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+                    -2.516784,54.007316
+                    -2.516109,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006553
+                    -2.518296,54.006510
+                    -2.519492,54.006763
+                    -2.519199,54.007668
+                    -2.519808,54.007988
+                    -2.521321,54.008265
+                    -2.522317,54.007668
+                    -2.521321,54.006791
+                    -2.520991,54.006763
+                    -2.521321,54.006686
+                    -2.522049,54.005861
+                    -2.522833,54.005265
+                    -2.523301,54.004951
+                    -2.524236,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003878
+                    -2.525018,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002509
+                    -2.522833,54.002900
+                    -2.521720,54.002242
+                    -2.521321,54.001822
+                    -2.520399,54.001336
+                    -2.521027,54.000430
+                    -2.519808,54.000268
+                    -2.518296,54.000125
+                    -2.517132,53.999524
+                    -2.516784,53.999305
+                    -2.515737,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998346
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+                    -2.514455,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996401
+                    -2.512247,53.996654
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+                    -2.510735,53.994398
+                    -2.509305,53.994999
+                    -2.509223,53.995099
+                    -2.508646,53.994999
+                    -2.507711,53.994861
+                    -2.506199,53.994803
+                    -2.505416,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993611
+                    -2.503833,53.993192
+                    -2.504364,53.992286
+                    -2.503945,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991151
+                    -2.505954,53.990479
+                    -2.505415,53.989573
+                    -2.506199,53.989043
+                    -2.507711,53.988962
+                    -2.508298,53.988667
+                    -2.509223,53.988032
+                    -2.510735,53.987842
+                    -2.510886,53.987765
+                    -2.510735,53.987684
+                    -2.509223,53.987546
+                    -2.507711,53.987699
+                    -2.507046,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986568
+                    -2.508847,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985348
+                    -2.506630,53.985052
+                    -2.507711,53.984203
+                    -2.507798,53.984141
+                    -2.508176,53.983240
+                    -2.508179,53.982334
+                    -2.508656,53.981433
+                    -2.509068,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979635
+                    -2.506199,53.980145
+                    -2.504686,53.980474
+                    -2.503174,53.979692
+                    -2.503053,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979545
+                    -2.504686,53.979168
+                    -2.505547,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978543
+                    -2.507711,53.978324
+                    -2.508714,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977509
+                    -2.510080,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976150
+                    -2.509074,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975859
+                    -2.510239,53.975101
+                    -2.510114,53.974190
+                    -2.510735,53.973784
+                    -2.511539,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972850
+                    -2.513760,53.972616
+                    -2.514164,53.972383
+                    -2.515272,53.971839
+                    -2.515880,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971157
+                    -2.513760,53.971171
+                    -2.512317,53.970575
+                    -2.512247,53.970537
+                    -2.512177,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.971157
+                    -2.509895,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532120,53.972383
+                    -2.532028,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973594
+                    -2.530858,53.974190
+                    -2.531906,53.974819
+                    -2.532288,53.975101
+                    -2.532450,53.976002
+                    -2.532220,53.976908
+                    -2.532299,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978477
+                    -2.533920,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979316
+                    -2.535560,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.980150
+                    -2.537535,53.980527
+                    -2.537955,53.980780
+                    -2.538391,53.980527
+                    -2.539467,53.980289
+                    -2.540061,53.980527
+                    -2.540104,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.982272
+                    -2.541074,53.982334
+                    -2.541396,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983893
+                    -2.543291,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984571
+                    -2.545516,53.984857
+                    -2.547028,53.984904
+                    -2.547761,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985515
+                    -2.550052,53.985548
+                    -2.550668,53.985953
+                    -2.550789,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987327
+                    -2.552340,53.986859
+                    -2.552461,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985820
+                    -2.554589,53.985724
+                    -2.556101,53.985701
+                    -2.556696,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986506
+                    -2.558665,53.985953
+                    -2.559126,53.985648
+                    -2.559381,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986650
+                    -2.562150,53.986540
+                    -2.562557,53.986859
+                    -2.563226,53.987765
+                    -2.563652,53.988667
+                    -2.563593,53.989573
+                    -2.563662,53.989716
+                    -2.563896,53.990479
+                    -2.565174,53.991070
+                    -2.565419,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991675
+                    -2.564244,53.992286
+                    -2.563873,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.993592
+                    -2.562150,53.993492
+                    -2.561225,53.994098
+                    -2.560638,53.994269
+                    -2.560342,53.994098
+                    -2.560555,53.993192
+                    -2.560579,53.992286
+                    -2.560069,53.991385
+                    -2.559941,53.990479
+                    -2.559126,53.989992
+                    -2.557613,53.989878
+                    -2.557270,53.989573
+                    -2.556101,53.988948
+                    -2.555504,53.988667
+                    -2.554589,53.988123
+                    -2.553077,53.988090
+                    -2.552111,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989348
+                    -2.553780,53.989573
+                    -2.553077,53.989763
+                    -2.551603,53.990479
+                    -2.552092,53.991385
+                    -2.551564,53.991408
+                    -2.550052,53.991561
+                    -2.549431,53.991385
+                    -2.549721,53.990479
+                    -2.548540,53.990216
+                    -2.547655,53.990479
+                    -2.547028,53.990607
+                    -2.545516,53.991127
+                    -2.544003,53.991041
+                    -2.542491,53.990765
+                    -2.541804,53.991385
+                    -2.541728,53.992286
+                    -2.540979,53.992438
+                    -2.540032,53.992286
+                    -2.539467,53.991404
+                    -2.539448,53.991385
+                    -2.537955,53.991122
+                    -2.537551,53.991385
+                    -2.537955,53.991995
+                    -2.538621,53.992286
+                    -2.537955,53.992844
+                    -2.536443,53.992982
+                    -2.536077,53.993192
+                    -2.536115,53.994098
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+                    -2.514259,53.997717
+                    -2.514455,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996401
+                    -2.512247,53.996654
+                    -2.512128,53.995910
+                    -2.511941,53.994999
+                    -2.510735,53.994398
+                    -2.509305,53.994999
+                    -2.509223,53.995099
+                    -2.508646,53.994999
+                    -2.507711,53.994861
+                    -2.506199,53.994803
+                    -2.505416,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993611
+                    -2.503833,53.993192
+                    -2.504364,53.992286
+                    -2.503945,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991151
+                    -2.505954,53.990479
+                    -2.505415,53.989573
+                    -2.506199,53.989043
+                    -2.507711,53.988962
+                    -2.508298,53.988667
+                    -2.509223,53.988032
+                    -2.510735,53.987842
+                    -2.510886,53.987765
+                    -2.510735,53.987684
+                    -2.509223,53.987546
+                    -2.507711,53.987699
+                    -2.507046,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986568
+                    -2.508847,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985348
+                    -2.506630,53.985052
+                    -2.507711,53.984203
+                    -2.507798,53.984141
+                    -2.508176,53.983240
+                    -2.508179,53.982334
+                    -2.508656,53.981433
+                    -2.509068,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979635
+                    -2.506199,53.980145
+                    -2.504686,53.980474
+                    -2.503174,53.979692
+                    -2.503053,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979545
+                    -2.504686,53.979168
+                    -2.505547,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978543
+                    -2.507711,53.978324
+                    -2.508714,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977509
+                    -2.510080,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976150
+                    -2.509074,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975859
+                    -2.510239,53.975101
+                    -2.510114,53.974190
+                    -2.510735,53.973784
+                    -2.511539,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972850
+                    -2.513760,53.972616
+                    -2.514164,53.972383
+                    -2.515272,53.971839
+                    -2.515880,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971157
+                    -2.513760,53.971171
+                    -2.512317,53.970575
+                    -2.512247,53.970537
+                    -2.512177,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.971157
+                    -2.509895,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532120,53.972383
+                    -2.532028,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973594
+                    -2.530858,53.974190
+                    -2.531906,53.974819
+                    -2.532288,53.975101
+                    -2.532450,53.976002
+                    -2.532220,53.976908
+                    -2.532299,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978477
+                    -2.533920,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979316
+                    -2.535560,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.980150
+                    -2.537535,53.980527
+                    -2.537955,53.980780
+                    -2.538391,53.980527
+                    -2.539467,53.980289
+                    -2.540061,53.980527
+                    -2.540104,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.982272
+                    -2.541074,53.982334
+                    -2.541396,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983893
+                    -2.543291,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984571
+                    -2.545516,53.984857
+                    -2.547028,53.984904
+                    -2.547761,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985515
+                    -2.550052,53.985548
+                    -2.550668,53.985953
+                    -2.550789,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987327
+                    -2.552340,53.986859
+                    -2.552461,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985820
+                    -2.554589,53.985724
+                    -2.556101,53.985701
+                    -2.556696,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986506
+                    -2.558665,53.985953
+                    -2.559126,53.985648
+                    -2.559381,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986650
+                    -2.562150,53.986540
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+                    -2.563662,53.989716
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+                    -2.563662,53.993592
+                    -2.562150,53.993492
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+                    -2.560342,53.994098
+                    -2.560555,53.993192
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+                    -2.559126,53.989992
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+                    -2.555504,53.988667
+                    -2.554589,53.988123
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+                    -2.552111,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989348
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016733
+                    -2.512166,54.017620
+                    -2.512247,54.017673
+                    -2.513760,54.017782
+                    -2.515272,54.017754
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+                    -2.515272,54.017429
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+                    -2.513760,54.016223
+                    -2.512247,54.016452
+                    -2.510735,54.016700
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014020
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+                    -2.512247,54.013796
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+                    -2.513760,54.011827
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+                    -2.514832,54.010382
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+                    -2.515569,54.008574
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+                    -2.517363,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007316
+                    -2.516109,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006553
+                    -2.518296,54.006510
+                    -2.519492,54.006763
+                    -2.519199,54.007668
+                    -2.519808,54.007988
+                    -2.521321,54.008265
+                    -2.522317,54.007668
+                    -2.521321,54.006791
+                    -2.520991,54.006763
+                    -2.521321,54.006686
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+                    -2.522833,54.005265
+                    -2.523301,54.004951
+                    -2.524236,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003878
+                    -2.525018,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002509
+                    -2.522833,54.002900
+                    -2.521720,54.002242
+                    -2.521321,54.001822
+                    -2.520399,54.001336
+                    -2.521027,54.000430
+                    -2.519808,54.000268
+                    -2.518296,54.000125
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+                    -2.516784,53.999305
+                    -2.515737,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998346
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+                    -2.514455,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996401
+                    -2.512247,53.996654
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+                    -2.510735,53.994398
+                    -2.509305,53.994999
+                    -2.509223,53.995099
+                    -2.508646,53.994999
+                    -2.507711,53.994861
+                    -2.506199,53.994803
+                    -2.505416,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993611
+                    -2.503833,53.993192
+                    -2.504364,53.992286
+                    -2.503945,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991151
+                    -2.505954,53.990479
+                    -2.505415,53.989573
+                    -2.506199,53.989043
+                    -2.507711,53.988962
+                    -2.508298,53.988667
+                    -2.509223,53.988032
+                    -2.510735,53.987842
+                    -2.510886,53.987765
+                    -2.510735,53.987684
+                    -2.509223,53.987546
+                    -2.507711,53.987699
+                    -2.507046,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986568
+                    -2.508847,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985348
+                    -2.506630,53.985052
+                    -2.507711,53.984203
+                    -2.507798,53.984141
+                    -2.508176,53.983240
+                    -2.508179,53.982334
+                    -2.508656,53.981433
+                    -2.509068,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979635
+                    -2.506199,53.980145
+                    -2.504686,53.980474
+                    -2.503174,53.979692
+                    -2.503053,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979545
+                    -2.504686,53.979168
+                    -2.505547,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978543
+                    -2.507711,53.978324
+                    -2.508714,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977509
+                    -2.510080,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976150
+                    -2.509074,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975859
+                    -2.510239,53.975101
+                    -2.510114,53.974190
+                    -2.510735,53.973784
+                    -2.511539,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972850
+                    -2.513760,53.972616
+                    -2.514164,53.972383
+                    -2.515272,53.971839
+                    -2.515880,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971157
+                    -2.513760,53.971171
+                    -2.512317,53.970575
+                    -2.512247,53.970537
+                    -2.512177,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.971157
+                    -2.509895,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532120,53.972383
+                    -2.532028,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973594
+                    -2.530858,53.974190
+                    -2.531906,53.974819
+                    -2.532288,53.975101
+                    -2.532450,53.976002
+                    -2.532220,53.976908
+                    -2.532299,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978477
+                    -2.533920,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979316
+                    -2.535560,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.980150
+                    -2.537535,53.980527
+                    -2.537955,53.980780
+                    -2.538391,53.980527
+                    -2.539467,53.980289
+                    -2.540061,53.980527
+                    -2.540104,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.982272
+                    -2.541074,53.982334
+                    -2.541396,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983893
+                    -2.543291,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984571
+                    -2.545516,53.984857
+                    -2.547028,53.984904
+                    -2.547761,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985515
+                    -2.550052,53.985548
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+                    -2.551564,53.987327
+                    -2.552340,53.986859
+                    -2.552461,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985820
+                    -2.554589,53.985724
+                    -2.556101,53.985701
+                    -2.556696,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986506
+                    -2.558665,53.985953
+                    -2.559126,53.985648
+                    -2.559381,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986650
+                    -2.562150,53.986540
+                    -2.562557,53.986859
+                    -2.563226,53.987765
+                    -2.563652,53.988667
+                    -2.563593,53.989573
+                    -2.563662,53.989716
+                    -2.563896,53.990479
+                    -2.565174,53.991070
+                    -2.565419,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991675
+                    -2.564244,53.992286
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+                    -2.563662,53.993592
+                    -2.562150,53.993492
+                    -2.561225,53.994098
+                    -2.560638,53.994269
+                    -2.560342,53.994098
+                    -2.560555,53.993192
+                    -2.560579,53.992286
+                    -2.560069,53.991385
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+                    -2.552111,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989348
+                    -2.553780,53.989573
+                    -2.553077,53.989763
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+                    -2.516109,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006553
+                    -2.518296,54.006510
+                    -2.519492,54.006763
+                    -2.519199,54.007668
+                    -2.519808,54.007988
+                    -2.521321,54.008265
+                    -2.522317,54.007668
+                    -2.521321,54.006791
+                    -2.520991,54.006763
+                    -2.521321,54.006686
+                    -2.522049,54.005861
+                    -2.522833,54.005265
+                    -2.523301,54.004951
+                    -2.524236,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003878
+                    -2.525018,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002509
+                    -2.522833,54.002900
+                    -2.521720,54.002242
+                    -2.521321,54.001822
+                    -2.520399,54.001336
+                    -2.521027,54.000430
+                    -2.519808,54.000268
+                    -2.518296,54.000125
+                    -2.517132,53.999524
+                    -2.516784,53.999305
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+                    -2.515272,53.998346
+                    -2.514259,53.997717
+                    -2.514455,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996401
+                    -2.512247,53.996654
+                    -2.512128,53.995910
+                    -2.511941,53.994999
+                    -2.510735,53.994398
+                    -2.509305,53.994999
+                    -2.509223,53.995099
+                    -2.508646,53.994999
+                    -2.507711,53.994861
+                    -2.506199,53.994803
+                    -2.505416,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993611
+                    -2.503833,53.993192
+                    -2.504364,53.992286
+                    -2.503945,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991151
+                    -2.505954,53.990479
+                    -2.505415,53.989573
+                    -2.506199,53.989043
+                    -2.507711,53.988962
+                    -2.508298,53.988667
+                    -2.509223,53.988032
+                    -2.510735,53.987842
+                    -2.510886,53.987765
+                    -2.510735,53.987684
+                    -2.509223,53.987546
+                    -2.507711,53.987699
+                    -2.507046,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986568
+                    -2.508847,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985348
+                    -2.506630,53.985052
+                    -2.507711,53.984203
+                    -2.507798,53.984141
+                    -2.508176,53.983240
+                    -2.508179,53.982334
+                    -2.508656,53.981433
+                    -2.509068,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979635
+                    -2.506199,53.980145
+                    -2.504686,53.980474
+                    -2.503174,53.979692
+                    -2.503053,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979545
+                    -2.504686,53.979168
+                    -2.505547,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978543
+                    -2.507711,53.978324
+                    -2.508714,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977509
+                    -2.510080,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976150
+                    -2.509074,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975859
+                    -2.510239,53.975101
+                    -2.510114,53.974190
+                    -2.510735,53.973784
+                    -2.511539,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972850
+                    -2.513760,53.972616
+                    -2.514164,53.972383
+                    -2.515272,53.971839
+                    -2.515880,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971157
+                    -2.513760,53.971171
+                    -2.512317,53.970575
+                    -2.512247,53.970537
+                    -2.512177,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.971157
+                    -2.509895,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532120,53.972383
+                    -2.532028,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973594
+                    -2.530858,53.974190
+                    -2.531906,53.974819
+                    -2.532288,53.975101
+                    -2.532450,53.976002
+                    -2.532220,53.976908
+                    -2.532299,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978477
+                    -2.533920,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979316
+                    -2.535560,53.979621
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+                    -2.537955,53.980780
+                    -2.538391,53.980527
+                    -2.539467,53.980289
+                    -2.540061,53.980527
+                    -2.540104,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.982272
+                    -2.541074,53.982334
+                    -2.541396,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983893
+                    -2.543291,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984571
+                    -2.545516,53.984857
+                    -2.547028,53.984904
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+                    -2.548540,53.985515
+                    -2.550052,53.985548
+                    -2.550668,53.985953
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+                    -2.552340,53.986859
+                    -2.552461,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985820
+                    -2.554589,53.985724
+                    -2.556101,53.985701
+                    -2.556696,53.985953
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+                    -2.558665,53.985953
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+                    -2.559381,53.985953
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+                    -2.563662,53.993592
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016733
+                    -2.512166,54.017620
+                    -2.512247,54.017673
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+                    -2.515272,54.017754
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+                    -2.515272,54.017429
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+                    -2.510735,54.016700
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014020
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+                    -2.516784,54.007316
+                    -2.516109,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006553
+                    -2.518296,54.006510
+                    -2.519492,54.006763
+                    -2.519199,54.007668
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+                    -2.521321,54.006791
+                    -2.520991,54.006763
+                    -2.521321,54.006686
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+                    -2.522833,54.005265
+                    -2.523301,54.004951
+                    -2.524236,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003878
+                    -2.525018,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002509
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+                    -2.521321,54.001822
+                    -2.520399,54.001336
+                    -2.521027,54.000430
+                    -2.519808,54.000268
+                    -2.518296,54.000125
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+                    -2.515272,53.998346
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+                    -2.509223,53.995099
+                    -2.508646,53.994999
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+                    -2.506199,53.994803
+                    -2.505416,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993611
+                    -2.503833,53.993192
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+                    -2.503945,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991151
+                    -2.505954,53.990479
+                    -2.505415,53.989573
+                    -2.506199,53.989043
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+                    -2.508298,53.988667
+                    -2.509223,53.988032
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+                    -2.510886,53.987765
+                    -2.510735,53.987684
+                    -2.509223,53.987546
+                    -2.507711,53.987699
+                    -2.507046,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986568
+                    -2.508847,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985348
+                    -2.506630,53.985052
+                    -2.507711,53.984203
+                    -2.507798,53.984141
+                    -2.508176,53.983240
+                    -2.508179,53.982334
+                    -2.508656,53.981433
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+                    -2.506199,53.980145
+                    -2.504686,53.980474
+                    -2.503174,53.979692
+                    -2.503053,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979545
+                    -2.504686,53.979168
+                    -2.505547,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978543
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+                    -2.508714,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977509
+                    -2.510080,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976150
+                    -2.509074,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975859
+                    -2.510239,53.975101
+                    -2.510114,53.974190
+                    -2.510735,53.973784
+                    -2.511539,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972850
+                    -2.513760,53.972616
+                    -2.514164,53.972383
+                    -2.515272,53.971839
+                    -2.515880,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971157
+                    -2.513760,53.971171
+                    -2.512317,53.970575
+                    -2.512247,53.970537
+                    -2.512177,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.971157
+                    -2.509895,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532120,53.972383
+                    -2.532028,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973594
+                    -2.530858,53.974190
+                    -2.531906,53.974819
+                    -2.532288,53.975101
+                    -2.532450,53.976002
+                    -2.532220,53.976908
+                    -2.532299,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978477
+                    -2.533920,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979316
+                    -2.535560,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.980150
+                    -2.537535,53.980527
+                    -2.537955,53.980780
+                    -2.538391,53.980527
+                    -2.539467,53.980289
+                    -2.540061,53.980527
+                    -2.540104,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.982272
+                    -2.541074,53.982334
+                    -2.541396,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983893
+                    -2.543291,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984571
+                    -2.545516,53.984857
+                    -2.547028,53.984904
+                    -2.547761,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985515
+                    -2.550052,53.985548
+                    -2.550668,53.985953
+                    -2.550789,53.986859
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+                    -2.552340,53.986859
+                    -2.552461,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985820
+                    -2.554589,53.985724
+                    -2.556101,53.985701
+                    -2.556696,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986506
+                    -2.558665,53.985953
+                    -2.559126,53.985648
+                    -2.559381,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986650
+                    -2.562150,53.986540
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+                    -2.504686,53.991051
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+                    -2.506199,53.988824
+                    -2.507711,53.988757
+                    -2.507885,53.988667
+                    -2.507711,53.988361
+                    -2.506199,53.988190
+                    -2.505894,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987536
+                    -2.506753,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986440
+                    -2.508609,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985476
+                    -2.506199,53.985062
+                    -2.505932,53.985052
+                    -2.506199,53.985019
+                    -2.507264,53.984141
+                    -2.507711,53.983374
+                    -2.507770,53.983240
+                    -2.507780,53.982334
+                    -2.508231,53.981433
+                    -2.509016,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979669
+                    -2.506199,53.980322
+                    -2.505308,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.980742
+                    -2.504331,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.979921
+                    -2.502673,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979301
+                    -2.504686,53.979020
+                    -2.505264,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978472
+                    -2.507711,53.978190
+                    -2.508457,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977351
+                    -2.509861,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976340
+                    -2.508877,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975668
+                    -2.509983,53.975101
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+                    -2.510735,53.973560
+                    -2.511175,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972631
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+                    -2.513760,53.972216
+                    -2.515272,53.971620
+                    -2.515510,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971353
+                    -2.513760,53.971381
+                    -2.512247,53.971324
+                    -2.510735,53.971367
+                    -2.509591,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
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+                    -2.532192,53.972383
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+                    -2.531906,53.973689
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+                    -2.531906,53.974714
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+                    -2.532325,53.976908
+                    -2.532430,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978400
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+                    -2.537955,53.980560
+                    -2.538012,53.980527
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+                    -2.540271,53.980527
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+                    -2.540979,53.982067
+                    -2.541379,53.982334
+                    -2.541536,53.983240
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+                    -2.544003,53.984408
+                    -2.545516,53.984790
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+                    -2.552094,53.986859
+                    -2.552256,53.985953
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+                    -2.558437,53.985953
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+                    -2.559507,53.985953
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+                    -2.562150,53.986430
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+                    -2.563725,53.988667
+                    -2.563742,53.989573
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+                    -2.565174,53.991809
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+                    -2.562150,53.993850
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+                    -2.562150,53.994384
+                    -2.563662,53.994489
+                    -2.564169,53.994999
+                    -2.565174,53.995681
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+                    -2.565354,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997011
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+                    -2.562150,53.996921
+                    -2.561152,53.996811
+                    -2.561833,53.995910
+                    -2.561703,53.994999
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+                    -2.554589,53.992558
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
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+                    -2.510735,54.014001
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+                    -2.513760,54.009128
+                    -2.512247,54.009271
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+                    -2.512247,54.008036
+                    -2.513760,54.008217
+                    -2.515272,54.008346
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+                    -2.516949,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007568
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+                    -2.516784,54.006457
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+                    -2.518296,54.004989
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+                    -2.518296,54.004869
+                    -2.519808,54.004879
+                    -2.521321,54.004912
+                    -2.522253,54.004951
+                    -2.522833,54.004989
+                    -2.522887,54.004951
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+                    -2.524345,54.002771
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+                    -2.519808,54.002280
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+                    -2.512247,54.000287
+                    -2.513760,54.000168
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+                    -2.515272,53.998613
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+                    -2.513760,53.996596
+                    -2.512902,53.996811
+                    -2.512247,53.997011
+                    -2.512120,53.996811
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+                    -2.509546,53.994999
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+                    -2.506126,53.994999
+                    -2.505155,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993783
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+                    -2.504686,53.991051
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+                    -2.507885,53.988667
+                    -2.507711,53.988361
+                    -2.506199,53.988190
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+                    -2.507711,53.986440
+                    -2.508609,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985476
+                    -2.506199,53.985062
+                    -2.505932,53.985052
+                    -2.506199,53.985019
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+                    -2.507711,53.983374
+                    -2.507770,53.983240
+                    -2.507780,53.982334
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+                    -2.507711,53.979669
+                    -2.506199,53.980322
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+                    -2.504331,53.980527
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+                    -2.503174,53.979301
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+                    -2.509223,53.976340
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+                    -2.513760,53.972216
+                    -2.515272,53.971620
+                    -2.515510,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971353
+                    -2.513760,53.971381
+                    -2.512247,53.971324
+                    -2.510735,53.971367
+                    -2.509591,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
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+                    -2.532192,53.972383
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+                    -2.531906,53.973689
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+                    -2.531906,53.974714
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+                    -2.542491,53.983812
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+                    -2.544003,53.984408
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+                    -2.537955,54.012494
+                    -2.538462,54.013095
+                    -2.537955,54.013925
+                    -2.536443,54.013577
+                    -2.534930,54.013963
+                    -2.533418,54.013715
+                    -2.532026,54.013095
+                    -2.531906,54.013042
+                    -2.530394,54.012489
+                    -2.529811,54.013095
+                    -2.529105,54.014001
+                    -2.529961,54.014907
+                    -2.530394,54.015112
+                    -2.531906,54.015322
+                    -2.533418,54.015446
+                    -2.534930,54.015694
+                    -2.534971,54.015813
+                    -2.534930,54.015822
+                    -2.533698,54.016719
+                    -2.533418,54.017320
+                    -2.533119,54.017620
+                    -2.533394,54.018526
+                    -2.531906,54.018884
+                    -2.530943,54.019427
+                    -2.530394,54.019980
+                    -2.529904,54.020333
+                    -2.530394,54.020629
+                    -2.531906,54.020805
+                    -2.532524,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.021945
+                    -2.533617,54.022145
+                    -2.534439,54.023051
+                    -2.534930,54.023666
+                    -2.535306,54.023952
+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025254
+                    -2.531906,54.025307
+                    -2.530394,54.025064
+                    -2.528882,54.025140
+                    -2.527369,54.025197
+                    -2.526595,54.024858
+                    -2.525857,54.024644
+                    -2.524626,54.023952
+                    -2.524345,54.023795
+                    -2.522833,54.023051
+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520470,54.022145
+                    -2.519808,54.021640
+                    -2.518296,54.021688
+                    -2.517175,54.021239
+                    -2.516784,54.020882
+                    -2.515272,54.020400
+                    -2.514747,54.020333
+                    -2.513760,54.020219
+                    -2.512247,54.020042
+                    -2.511158,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.019213
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013624
+                    -2.512247,54.013195
+                    -2.512307,54.013095
+                    -2.513345,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011703
+                    -2.515088,54.012194
+                    -2.515272,54.012303
+                    -2.515455,54.012194
+                    -2.515562,54.011288
+                    -2.515272,54.011073
+                    -2.514615,54.010382
+                    -2.513923,54.009476
+                    -2.513760,54.009128
+                    -2.512247,54.009271
+                    -2.511288,54.008574
+                    -2.512247,54.008036
+                    -2.513760,54.008217
+                    -2.515272,54.008346
+                    -2.516784,54.007769
+                    -2.516949,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007568
+                    -2.515805,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006457
+                    -2.518296,54.006405
+                    -2.519572,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.004989
+                    -2.517935,54.004951
+                    -2.518296,54.004869
+                    -2.519808,54.004879
+                    -2.521321,54.004912
+                    -2.522253,54.004951
+                    -2.522833,54.004989
+                    -2.522887,54.004951
+                    -2.524040,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003572
+                    -2.524738,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002771
+                    -2.523275,54.003143
+                    -2.522833,54.003220
+                    -2.522650,54.003143
+                    -2.521321,54.002352
+                    -2.519808,54.002280
+                    -2.518791,54.002242
+                    -2.519218,54.001336
+                    -2.518918,54.000430
+                    -2.518296,54.000368
+                    -2.516784,54.000163
+                    -2.516657,54.000430
+                    -2.515272,54.000802
+                    -2.513760,54.000926
+                    -2.512247,54.000912
+                    -2.512030,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,54.000287
+                    -2.513760,54.000168
+                    -2.515272,54.000053
+                    -2.516577,53.999524
+                    -2.515285,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998613
+                    -2.513828,53.997717
+                    -2.514124,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996596
+                    -2.512902,53.996811
+                    -2.512247,53.997011
+                    -2.512120,53.996811
+                    -2.511971,53.995910
+                    -2.511738,53.994999
+                    -2.510735,53.994498
+                    -2.509546,53.994999
+                    -2.509223,53.995385
+                    -2.507711,53.995271
+                    -2.506199,53.995147
+                    -2.506126,53.994999
+                    -2.505155,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993783
+                    -2.503481,53.993192
+                    -2.504174,53.992286
+                    -2.503622,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991051
+                    -2.505764,53.990479
+                    -2.505083,53.989573
+                    -2.506199,53.988824
+                    -2.507711,53.988757
+                    -2.507885,53.988667
+                    -2.507711,53.988361
+                    -2.506199,53.988190
+                    -2.505894,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987536
+                    -2.506753,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986440
+                    -2.508609,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985476
+                    -2.506199,53.985062
+                    -2.505932,53.985052
+                    -2.506199,53.985019
+                    -2.507264,53.984141
+                    -2.507711,53.983374
+                    -2.507770,53.983240
+                    -2.507780,53.982334
+                    -2.508231,53.981433
+                    -2.509016,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979669
+                    -2.506199,53.980322
+                    -2.505308,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.980742
+                    -2.504331,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.979921
+                    -2.502673,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979301
+                    -2.504686,53.979020
+                    -2.505264,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978472
+                    -2.507711,53.978190
+                    -2.508457,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977351
+                    -2.509861,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976340
+                    -2.508877,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975668
+                    -2.509983,53.975101
+                    -2.509767,53.974190
+                    -2.510735,53.973560
+                    -2.511175,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972631
+                    -2.513632,53.972383
+                    -2.513760,53.972216
+                    -2.515272,53.971620
+                    -2.515510,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971353
+                    -2.513760,53.971381
+                    -2.512247,53.971324
+                    -2.510735,53.971367
+                    -2.509591,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532192,53.972383
+                    -2.532069,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973689
+                    -2.531035,53.974190
+                    -2.531906,53.974714
+                    -2.532435,53.975101
+                    -2.532632,53.976002
+                    -2.532325,53.976908
+                    -2.532430,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978400
+                    -2.534087,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979220
+                    -2.535770,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.980021
+                    -2.537899,53.980527
+                    -2.537955,53.980560
+                    -2.538012,53.980527
+                    -2.539467,53.980212
+                    -2.540271,53.980527
+                    -2.540317,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.982067
+                    -2.541379,53.982334
+                    -2.541536,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983812
+                    -2.543557,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984408
+                    -2.545516,53.984790
+                    -2.547028,53.984857
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+                    -2.548540,53.985372
+                    -2.550052,53.985410
+                    -2.550873,53.985953
+                    -2.551034,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987174
+                    -2.552094,53.986859
+                    -2.552256,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985777
+                    -2.554589,53.985648
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+                    -2.556894,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986387
+                    -2.558437,53.985953
+                    -2.559126,53.985496
+                    -2.559507,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986583
+                    -2.562150,53.986430
+                    -2.562692,53.986859
+                    -2.563584,53.987765
+                    -2.563662,53.987927
+                    -2.563725,53.988667
+                    -2.563742,53.989573
+                    -2.564202,53.990479
+                    -2.565174,53.990932
+                    -2.565529,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991809
+                    -2.564443,53.992286
+                    -2.563981,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.993797
+                    -2.562150,53.993850
+                    -2.561768,53.994098
+                    -2.562150,53.994384
+                    -2.563662,53.994489
+                    -2.564169,53.994999
+                    -2.565174,53.995681
+                    -2.565449,53.995910
+                    -2.565354,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997011
+                    -2.563662,53.996959
+                    -2.562150,53.996921
+                    -2.561152,53.996811
+                    -2.561833,53.995910
+                    -2.561703,53.994999
+                    -2.560638,53.994427
+                    -2.560068,53.994098
+                    -2.560003,53.993192
+                    -2.559929,53.992286
+                    -2.559858,53.991385
+                    -2.559709,53.990479
+                    -2.559126,53.990130
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+                    -2.555305,53.988667
+                    -2.554589,53.988242
+                    -2.553077,53.988199
+                    -2.552293,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989220
+                    -2.554185,53.989573
+                    -2.554589,53.989754
+                    -2.555222,53.990479
+                    -2.554871,53.991385
+                    -2.555085,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992558
+                    -2.553203,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993340
+                    -2.551960,53.994098
+                    -2.551564,53.994269
+                    -2.550052,53.994780
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+                    -2.548110,53.995910
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+                    -2.547028,53.994842
+                    -2.548540,53.994508
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+                    -2.551564,53.991461
+                    -2.550052,53.991771
+                    -2.548700,53.991385
+                    -2.548540,53.990588
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+                    -2.530394,54.020629
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+                    -2.533418,54.021945
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+                    -2.525857,54.024644
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+                    -2.522833,54.023051
+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520470,54.022145
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+                    -2.518296,54.021688
+                    -2.517175,54.021239
+                    -2.516784,54.020882
+                    -2.515272,54.020400
+                    -2.514747,54.020333
+                    -2.513760,54.020219
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013624
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+                    -2.512307,54.013095
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+                    -2.515272,54.011073
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+                    -2.513760,54.009128
+                    -2.512247,54.009271
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+                    -2.512247,54.008036
+                    -2.513760,54.008217
+                    -2.515272,54.008346
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+                    -2.516949,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007568
+                    -2.515805,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006457
+                    -2.518296,54.006405
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+                    -2.518296,54.004989
+                    -2.517935,54.004951
+                    -2.518296,54.004869
+                    -2.519808,54.004879
+                    -2.521321,54.004912
+                    -2.522253,54.004951
+                    -2.522833,54.004989
+                    -2.522887,54.004951
+                    -2.524040,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003572
+                    -2.524738,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002771
+                    -2.523275,54.003143
+                    -2.522833,54.003220
+                    -2.522650,54.003143
+                    -2.521321,54.002352
+                    -2.519808,54.002280
+                    -2.518791,54.002242
+                    -2.519218,54.001336
+                    -2.518918,54.000430
+                    -2.518296,54.000368
+                    -2.516784,54.000163
+                    -2.516657,54.000430
+                    -2.515272,54.000802
+                    -2.513760,54.000926
+                    -2.512247,54.000912
+                    -2.512030,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,54.000287
+                    -2.513760,54.000168
+                    -2.515272,54.000053
+                    -2.516577,53.999524
+                    -2.515285,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998613
+                    -2.513828,53.997717
+                    -2.514124,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996596
+                    -2.512902,53.996811
+                    -2.512247,53.997011
+                    -2.512120,53.996811
+                    -2.511971,53.995910
+                    -2.511738,53.994999
+                    -2.510735,53.994498
+                    -2.509546,53.994999
+                    -2.509223,53.995385
+                    -2.507711,53.995271
+                    -2.506199,53.995147
+                    -2.506126,53.994999
+                    -2.505155,53.994098
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+                    -2.503622,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991051
+                    -2.505764,53.990479
+                    -2.505083,53.989573
+                    -2.506199,53.988824
+                    -2.507711,53.988757
+                    -2.507885,53.988667
+                    -2.507711,53.988361
+                    -2.506199,53.988190
+                    -2.505894,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987536
+                    -2.506753,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986440
+                    -2.508609,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985476
+                    -2.506199,53.985062
+                    -2.505932,53.985052
+                    -2.506199,53.985019
+                    -2.507264,53.984141
+                    -2.507711,53.983374
+                    -2.507770,53.983240
+                    -2.507780,53.982334
+                    -2.508231,53.981433
+                    -2.509016,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979669
+                    -2.506199,53.980322
+                    -2.505308,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.980742
+                    -2.504331,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.979921
+                    -2.502673,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979301
+                    -2.504686,53.979020
+                    -2.505264,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978472
+                    -2.507711,53.978190
+                    -2.508457,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977351
+                    -2.509861,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976340
+                    -2.508877,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975668
+                    -2.509983,53.975101
+                    -2.509767,53.974190
+                    -2.510735,53.973560
+                    -2.511175,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972631
+                    -2.513632,53.972383
+                    -2.513760,53.972216
+                    -2.515272,53.971620
+                    -2.515510,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971353
+                    -2.513760,53.971381
+                    -2.512247,53.971324
+                    -2.510735,53.971367
+                    -2.509591,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532192,53.972383
+                    -2.532069,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973689
+                    -2.531035,53.974190
+                    -2.531906,53.974714
+                    -2.532435,53.975101
+                    -2.532632,53.976002
+                    -2.532325,53.976908
+                    -2.532430,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978400
+                    -2.534087,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979220
+                    -2.535770,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.980021
+                    -2.537899,53.980527
+                    -2.537955,53.980560
+                    -2.538012,53.980527
+                    -2.539467,53.980212
+                    -2.540271,53.980527
+                    -2.540317,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.982067
+                    -2.541379,53.982334
+                    -2.541536,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983812
+                    -2.543557,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984408
+                    -2.545516,53.984790
+                    -2.547028,53.984857
+                    -2.548005,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985372
+                    -2.550052,53.985410
+                    -2.550873,53.985953
+                    -2.551034,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987174
+                    -2.552094,53.986859
+                    -2.552256,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985777
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+                    -2.556101,53.985610
+                    -2.556894,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986387
+                    -2.558437,53.985953
+                    -2.559126,53.985496
+                    -2.559507,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986583
+                    -2.562150,53.986430
+                    -2.562692,53.986859
+                    -2.563584,53.987765
+                    -2.563662,53.987927
+                    -2.563725,53.988667
+                    -2.563742,53.989573
+                    -2.564202,53.990479
+                    -2.565174,53.990932
+                    -2.565529,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991809
+                    -2.564443,53.992286
+                    -2.563981,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.993797
+                    -2.562150,53.993850
+                    -2.561768,53.994098
+                    -2.562150,53.994384
+                    -2.563662,53.994489
+                    -2.564169,53.994999
+                    -2.565174,53.995681
+                    -2.565449,53.995910
+                    -2.565354,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997011
+                    -2.563662,53.996959
+                    -2.562150,53.996921
+                    -2.561152,53.996811
+                    -2.561833,53.995910
+                    -2.561703,53.994999
+                    -2.560638,53.994427
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+                    -2.560003,53.993192
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+                    -2.553077,53.989220
+                    -2.554185,53.989573
+                    -2.554589,53.989754
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+                    -2.555085,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992558
+                    -2.553203,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993340
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+                    -2.518296,54.021688
+                    -2.517175,54.021239
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+                    -2.515272,54.020400
+                    -2.514747,54.020333
+                    -2.513760,54.020219
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013624
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+                    -2.512307,54.013095
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+                    -2.513760,54.011703
+                    -2.515088,54.012194
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+                    -2.515272,54.011073
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+                    -2.513760,54.009128
+                    -2.512247,54.009271
+                    -2.511288,54.008574
+                    -2.512247,54.008036
+                    -2.513760,54.008217
+                    -2.515272,54.008346
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+                    -2.516949,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007568
+                    -2.515805,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006457
+                    -2.518296,54.006405
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+                    -2.518296,54.004989
+                    -2.517935,54.004951
+                    -2.518296,54.004869
+                    -2.519808,54.004879
+                    -2.521321,54.004912
+                    -2.522253,54.004951
+                    -2.522833,54.004989
+                    -2.522887,54.004951
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+                    -2.524345,54.003572
+                    -2.524738,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002771
+                    -2.523275,54.003143
+                    -2.522833,54.003220
+                    -2.522650,54.003143
+                    -2.521321,54.002352
+                    -2.519808,54.002280
+                    -2.518791,54.002242
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+                    -2.518918,54.000430
+                    -2.518296,54.000368
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+                    -2.516657,54.000430
+                    -2.515272,54.000802
+                    -2.513760,54.000926
+                    -2.512247,54.000912
+                    -2.512030,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,54.000287
+                    -2.513760,54.000168
+                    -2.515272,54.000053
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+                    -2.515285,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998613
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+                    -2.514124,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996596
+                    -2.512902,53.996811
+                    -2.512247,53.997011
+                    -2.512120,53.996811
+                    -2.511971,53.995910
+                    -2.511738,53.994999
+                    -2.510735,53.994498
+                    -2.509546,53.994999
+                    -2.509223,53.995385
+                    -2.507711,53.995271
+                    -2.506199,53.995147
+                    -2.506126,53.994999
+                    -2.505155,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993783
+                    -2.503481,53.993192
+                    -2.504174,53.992286
+                    -2.503622,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991051
+                    -2.505764,53.990479
+                    -2.505083,53.989573
+                    -2.506199,53.988824
+                    -2.507711,53.988757
+                    -2.507885,53.988667
+                    -2.507711,53.988361
+                    -2.506199,53.988190
+                    -2.505894,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987536
+                    -2.506753,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986440
+                    -2.508609,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985476
+                    -2.506199,53.985062
+                    -2.505932,53.985052
+                    -2.506199,53.985019
+                    -2.507264,53.984141
+                    -2.507711,53.983374
+                    -2.507770,53.983240
+                    -2.507780,53.982334
+                    -2.508231,53.981433
+                    -2.509016,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979669
+                    -2.506199,53.980322
+                    -2.505308,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.980742
+                    -2.504331,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.979921
+                    -2.502673,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979301
+                    -2.504686,53.979020
+                    -2.505264,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978472
+                    -2.507711,53.978190
+                    -2.508457,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977351
+                    -2.509861,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976340
+                    -2.508877,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975668
+                    -2.509983,53.975101
+                    -2.509767,53.974190
+                    -2.510735,53.973560
+                    -2.511175,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972631
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+                    -2.513760,53.972216
+                    -2.515272,53.971620
+                    -2.515510,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971353
+                    -2.513760,53.971381
+                    -2.512247,53.971324
+                    -2.510735,53.971367
+                    -2.509591,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532192,53.972383
+                    -2.532069,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973689
+                    -2.531035,53.974190
+                    -2.531906,53.974714
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+                    -2.532325,53.976908
+                    -2.532430,53.977809
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+                    -2.534930,53.979220
+                    -2.535770,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.980021
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+                    -2.538012,53.980527
+                    -2.539467,53.980212
+                    -2.540271,53.980527
+                    -2.540317,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.982067
+                    -2.541379,53.982334
+                    -2.541536,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983812
+                    -2.543557,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984408
+                    -2.545516,53.984790
+                    -2.547028,53.984857
+                    -2.548005,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985372
+                    -2.550052,53.985410
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+                    -2.552094,53.986859
+                    -2.552256,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985777
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+                    -2.556894,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986387
+                    -2.558437,53.985953
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+                    -2.559507,53.985953
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+                    -2.563662,53.987927
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+                    -2.563742,53.989573
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+                    -2.537955,54.013925
+                    -2.536443,54.013577
+                    -2.534930,54.013963
+                    -2.533418,54.013715
+                    -2.532026,54.013095
+                    -2.531906,54.013042
+                    -2.530394,54.012489
+                    -2.529811,54.013095
+                    -2.529105,54.014001
+                    -2.529961,54.014907
+                    -2.530394,54.015112
+                    -2.531906,54.015322
+                    -2.533418,54.015446
+                    -2.534930,54.015694
+                    -2.534971,54.015813
+                    -2.534930,54.015822
+                    -2.533698,54.016719
+                    -2.533418,54.017320
+                    -2.533119,54.017620
+                    -2.533394,54.018526
+                    -2.531906,54.018884
+                    -2.530943,54.019427
+                    -2.530394,54.019980
+                    -2.529904,54.020333
+                    -2.530394,54.020629
+                    -2.531906,54.020805
+                    -2.532524,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.021945
+                    -2.533617,54.022145
+                    -2.534439,54.023051
+                    -2.534930,54.023666
+                    -2.535306,54.023952
+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025254
+                    -2.531906,54.025307
+                    -2.530394,54.025064
+                    -2.528882,54.025140
+                    -2.527369,54.025197
+                    -2.526595,54.024858
+                    -2.525857,54.024644
+                    -2.524626,54.023952
+                    -2.524345,54.023795
+                    -2.522833,54.023051
+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520470,54.022145
+                    -2.519808,54.021640
+                    -2.518296,54.021688
+                    -2.517175,54.021239
+                    -2.516784,54.020882
+                    -2.515272,54.020400
+                    -2.514747,54.020333
+                    -2.513760,54.020219
+                    -2.512247,54.020042
+                    -2.511158,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.019213
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013624
+                    -2.512247,54.013195
+                    -2.512307,54.013095
+                    -2.513345,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011703
+                    -2.515088,54.012194
+                    -2.515272,54.012303
+                    -2.515455,54.012194
+                    -2.515562,54.011288
+                    -2.515272,54.011073
+                    -2.514615,54.010382
+                    -2.513923,54.009476
+                    -2.513760,54.009128
+                    -2.512247,54.009271
+                    -2.511288,54.008574
+                    -2.512247,54.008036
+                    -2.513760,54.008217
+                    -2.515272,54.008346
+                    -2.516784,54.007769
+                    -2.516949,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007568
+                    -2.515805,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006457
+                    -2.518296,54.006405
+                    -2.519572,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.004989
+                    -2.517935,54.004951
+                    -2.518296,54.004869
+                    -2.519808,54.004879
+                    -2.521321,54.004912
+                    -2.522253,54.004951
+                    -2.522833,54.004989
+                    -2.522887,54.004951
+                    -2.524040,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003572
+                    -2.524738,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002771
+                    -2.523275,54.003143
+                    -2.522833,54.003220
+                    -2.522650,54.003143
+                    -2.521321,54.002352
+                    -2.519808,54.002280
+                    -2.518791,54.002242
+                    -2.519218,54.001336
+                    -2.518918,54.000430
+                    -2.518296,54.000368
+                    -2.516784,54.000163
+                    -2.516657,54.000430
+                    -2.515272,54.000802
+                    -2.513760,54.000926
+                    -2.512247,54.000912
+                    -2.512030,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,54.000287
+                    -2.513760,54.000168
+                    -2.515272,54.000053
+                    -2.516577,53.999524
+                    -2.515285,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998613
+                    -2.513828,53.997717
+                    -2.514124,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996596
+                    -2.512902,53.996811
+                    -2.512247,53.997011
+                    -2.512120,53.996811
+                    -2.511971,53.995910
+                    -2.511738,53.994999
+                    -2.510735,53.994498
+                    -2.509546,53.994999
+                    -2.509223,53.995385
+                    -2.507711,53.995271
+                    -2.506199,53.995147
+                    -2.506126,53.994999
+                    -2.505155,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993783
+                    -2.503481,53.993192
+                    -2.504174,53.992286
+                    -2.503622,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991051
+                    -2.505764,53.990479
+                    -2.505083,53.989573
+                    -2.506199,53.988824
+                    -2.507711,53.988757
+                    -2.507885,53.988667
+                    -2.507711,53.988361
+                    -2.506199,53.988190
+                    -2.505894,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987536
+                    -2.506753,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986440
+                    -2.508609,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985476
+                    -2.506199,53.985062
+                    -2.505932,53.985052
+                    -2.506199,53.985019
+                    -2.507264,53.984141
+                    -2.507711,53.983374
+                    -2.507770,53.983240
+                    -2.507780,53.982334
+                    -2.508231,53.981433
+                    -2.509016,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979669
+                    -2.506199,53.980322
+                    -2.505308,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.980742
+                    -2.504331,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.979921
+                    -2.502673,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979301
+                    -2.504686,53.979020
+                    -2.505264,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978472
+                    -2.507711,53.978190
+                    -2.508457,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977351
+                    -2.509861,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976340
+                    -2.508877,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975668
+                    -2.509983,53.975101
+                    -2.509767,53.974190
+                    -2.510735,53.973560
+                    -2.511175,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972631
+                    -2.513632,53.972383
+                    -2.513760,53.972216
+                    -2.515272,53.971620
+                    -2.515510,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971353
+                    -2.513760,53.971381
+                    -2.512247,53.971324
+                    -2.510735,53.971367
+                    -2.509591,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532192,53.972383
+                    -2.532069,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973689
+                    -2.531035,53.974190
+                    -2.531906,53.974714
+                    -2.532435,53.975101
+                    -2.532632,53.976002
+                    -2.532325,53.976908
+                    -2.532430,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978400
+                    -2.534087,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979220
+                    -2.535770,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.980021
+                    -2.537899,53.980527
+                    -2.537955,53.980560
+                    -2.538012,53.980527
+                    -2.539467,53.980212
+                    -2.540271,53.980527
+                    -2.540317,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.982067
+                    -2.541379,53.982334
+                    -2.541536,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983812
+                    -2.543557,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984408
+                    -2.545516,53.984790
+                    -2.547028,53.984857
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+                    -2.548540,53.985372
+                    -2.550052,53.985410
+                    -2.550873,53.985953
+                    -2.551034,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987174
+                    -2.552094,53.986859
+                    -2.552256,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985777
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+                    -2.556894,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986387
+                    -2.558437,53.985953
+                    -2.559126,53.985496
+                    -2.559507,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986583
+                    -2.562150,53.986430
+                    -2.562692,53.986859
+                    -2.563584,53.987765
+                    -2.563662,53.987927
+                    -2.563725,53.988667
+                    -2.563742,53.989573
+                    -2.564202,53.990479
+                    -2.565174,53.990932
+                    -2.565529,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991809
+                    -2.564443,53.992286
+                    -2.563981,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.993797
+                    -2.562150,53.993850
+                    -2.561768,53.994098
+                    -2.562150,53.994384
+                    -2.563662,53.994489
+                    -2.564169,53.994999
+                    -2.565174,53.995681
+                    -2.565449,53.995910
+                    -2.565354,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997011
+                    -2.563662,53.996959
+                    -2.562150,53.996921
+                    -2.561152,53.996811
+                    -2.561833,53.995910
+                    -2.561703,53.994999
+                    -2.560638,53.994427
+                    -2.560068,53.994098
+                    -2.560003,53.993192
+                    -2.559929,53.992286
+                    -2.559858,53.991385
+                    -2.559709,53.990479
+                    -2.559126,53.990130
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+                    -2.555305,53.988667
+                    -2.554589,53.988242
+                    -2.553077,53.988199
+                    -2.552293,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989220
+                    -2.554185,53.989573
+                    -2.554589,53.989754
+                    -2.555222,53.990479
+                    -2.554871,53.991385
+                    -2.555085,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992558
+                    -2.553203,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993340
+                    -2.551960,53.994098
+                    -2.551564,53.994269
+                    -2.550052,53.994780
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+                    -2.548110,53.995910
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+                    -2.547028,53.994842
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+                    -2.551564,53.991461
+                    -2.550052,53.991771
+                    -2.548700,53.991385
+                    -2.548540,53.990588
+                    -2.547028,53.990788
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+                    -2.530394,54.019980
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+                    -2.530394,54.020629
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+                    -2.534930,54.024858
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+                    -2.525857,54.024644
+                    -2.524626,54.023952
+                    -2.524345,54.023795
+                    -2.522833,54.023051
+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520470,54.022145
+                    -2.519808,54.021640
+                    -2.518296,54.021688
+                    -2.517175,54.021239
+                    -2.516784,54.020882
+                    -2.515272,54.020400
+                    -2.514747,54.020333
+                    -2.513760,54.020219
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+                    -2.510735,54.019213
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013624
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+                    -2.512307,54.013095
+                    -2.513345,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011703
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+                    -2.515272,54.012303
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+                    -2.515272,54.011073
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+                    -2.513760,54.009128
+                    -2.512247,54.009271
+                    -2.511288,54.008574
+                    -2.512247,54.008036
+                    -2.513760,54.008217
+                    -2.515272,54.008346
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+                    -2.516949,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007568
+                    -2.515805,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006457
+                    -2.518296,54.006405
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+                    -2.518296,54.004989
+                    -2.517935,54.004951
+                    -2.518296,54.004869
+                    -2.519808,54.004879
+                    -2.521321,54.004912
+                    -2.522253,54.004951
+                    -2.522833,54.004989
+                    -2.522887,54.004951
+                    -2.524040,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003572
+                    -2.524738,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002771
+                    -2.523275,54.003143
+                    -2.522833,54.003220
+                    -2.522650,54.003143
+                    -2.521321,54.002352
+                    -2.519808,54.002280
+                    -2.518791,54.002242
+                    -2.519218,54.001336
+                    -2.518918,54.000430
+                    -2.518296,54.000368
+                    -2.516784,54.000163
+                    -2.516657,54.000430
+                    -2.515272,54.000802
+                    -2.513760,54.000926
+                    -2.512247,54.000912
+                    -2.512030,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,54.000287
+                    -2.513760,54.000168
+                    -2.515272,54.000053
+                    -2.516577,53.999524
+                    -2.515285,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998613
+                    -2.513828,53.997717
+                    -2.514124,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996596
+                    -2.512902,53.996811
+                    -2.512247,53.997011
+                    -2.512120,53.996811
+                    -2.511971,53.995910
+                    -2.511738,53.994999
+                    -2.510735,53.994498
+                    -2.509546,53.994999
+                    -2.509223,53.995385
+                    -2.507711,53.995271
+                    -2.506199,53.995147
+                    -2.506126,53.994999
+                    -2.505155,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993783
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+                    -2.504686,53.991051
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+                    -2.505083,53.989573
+                    -2.506199,53.988824
+                    -2.507711,53.988757
+                    -2.507885,53.988667
+                    -2.507711,53.988361
+                    -2.506199,53.988190
+                    -2.505894,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987536
+                    -2.506753,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986440
+                    -2.508609,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985476
+                    -2.506199,53.985062
+                    -2.505932,53.985052
+                    -2.506199,53.985019
+                    -2.507264,53.984141
+                    -2.507711,53.983374
+                    -2.507770,53.983240
+                    -2.507780,53.982334
+                    -2.508231,53.981433
+                    -2.509016,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979669
+                    -2.506199,53.980322
+                    -2.505308,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.980742
+                    -2.504331,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.979921
+                    -2.502673,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979301
+                    -2.504686,53.979020
+                    -2.505264,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978472
+                    -2.507711,53.978190
+                    -2.508457,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977351
+                    -2.509861,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976340
+                    -2.508877,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975668
+                    -2.509983,53.975101
+                    -2.509767,53.974190
+                    -2.510735,53.973560
+                    -2.511175,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972631
+                    -2.513632,53.972383
+                    -2.513760,53.972216
+                    -2.515272,53.971620
+                    -2.515510,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971353
+                    -2.513760,53.971381
+                    -2.512247,53.971324
+                    -2.510735,53.971367
+                    -2.509591,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532192,53.972383
+                    -2.532069,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973689
+                    -2.531035,53.974190
+                    -2.531906,53.974714
+                    -2.532435,53.975101
+                    -2.532632,53.976002
+                    -2.532325,53.976908
+                    -2.532430,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978400
+                    -2.534087,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979220
+                    -2.535770,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.980021
+                    -2.537899,53.980527
+                    -2.537955,53.980560
+                    -2.538012,53.980527
+                    -2.539467,53.980212
+                    -2.540271,53.980527
+                    -2.540317,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.982067
+                    -2.541379,53.982334
+                    -2.541536,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983812
+                    -2.543557,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984408
+                    -2.545516,53.984790
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+                    -2.548005,53.985052
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+                    -2.550052,53.985410
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+                    -2.551564,53.987174
+                    -2.552094,53.986859
+                    -2.552256,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985777
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+                    -2.556894,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986387
+                    -2.558437,53.985953
+                    -2.559126,53.985496
+                    -2.559507,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986583
+                    -2.562150,53.986430
+                    -2.562692,53.986859
+                    -2.563584,53.987765
+                    -2.563662,53.987927
+                    -2.563725,53.988667
+                    -2.563742,53.989573
+                    -2.564202,53.990479
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+                    -2.565529,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991809
+                    -2.564443,53.992286
+                    -2.563981,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.993797
+                    -2.562150,53.993850
+                    -2.561768,53.994098
+                    -2.562150,53.994384
+                    -2.563662,53.994489
+                    -2.564169,53.994999
+                    -2.565174,53.995681
+                    -2.565449,53.995910
+                    -2.565354,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997011
+                    -2.563662,53.996959
+                    -2.562150,53.996921
+                    -2.561152,53.996811
+                    -2.561833,53.995910
+                    -2.561703,53.994999
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+                    -2.560003,53.993192
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+                    -2.553077,53.989220
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+                    -2.555085,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992558
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+                    -2.553077,53.993340
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+                    -2.518296,54.021688
+                    -2.517175,54.021239
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+                    -2.514747,54.020333
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013624
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+                    -2.515272,54.011073
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+                    -2.513760,54.009128
+                    -2.512247,54.009271
+                    -2.511288,54.008574
+                    -2.512247,54.008036
+                    -2.513760,54.008217
+                    -2.515272,54.008346
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+                    -2.516949,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007568
+                    -2.515805,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006457
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+                    -2.518296,54.004989
+                    -2.517935,54.004951
+                    -2.518296,54.004869
+                    -2.519808,54.004879
+                    -2.521321,54.004912
+                    -2.522253,54.004951
+                    -2.522833,54.004989
+                    -2.522887,54.004951
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+                    -2.524345,54.003572
+                    -2.524738,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002771
+                    -2.523275,54.003143
+                    -2.522833,54.003220
+                    -2.522650,54.003143
+                    -2.521321,54.002352
+                    -2.519808,54.002280
+                    -2.518791,54.002242
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+                    -2.518296,54.000368
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+                    -2.515272,54.000802
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+                    -2.512247,54.000912
+                    -2.512030,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,54.000287
+                    -2.513760,54.000168
+                    -2.515272,54.000053
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+                    -2.515285,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998613
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+                    -2.514124,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996596
+                    -2.512902,53.996811
+                    -2.512247,53.997011
+                    -2.512120,53.996811
+                    -2.511971,53.995910
+                    -2.511738,53.994999
+                    -2.510735,53.994498
+                    -2.509546,53.994999
+                    -2.509223,53.995385
+                    -2.507711,53.995271
+                    -2.506199,53.995147
+                    -2.506126,53.994999
+                    -2.505155,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993783
+                    -2.503481,53.993192
+                    -2.504174,53.992286
+                    -2.503622,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991051
+                    -2.505764,53.990479
+                    -2.505083,53.989573
+                    -2.506199,53.988824
+                    -2.507711,53.988757
+                    -2.507885,53.988667
+                    -2.507711,53.988361
+                    -2.506199,53.988190
+                    -2.505894,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987536
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+                    -2.507711,53.986440
+                    -2.508609,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985476
+                    -2.506199,53.985062
+                    -2.505932,53.985052
+                    -2.506199,53.985019
+                    -2.507264,53.984141
+                    -2.507711,53.983374
+                    -2.507770,53.983240
+                    -2.507780,53.982334
+                    -2.508231,53.981433
+                    -2.509016,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979669
+                    -2.506199,53.980322
+                    -2.505308,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.980742
+                    -2.504331,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.979921
+                    -2.502673,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979301
+                    -2.504686,53.979020
+                    -2.505264,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978472
+                    -2.507711,53.978190
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+                    -2.509223,53.977351
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+                    -2.509223,53.976340
+                    -2.508877,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975668
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+                    -2.510735,53.973560
+                    -2.511175,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972631
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+                    -2.513760,53.972216
+                    -2.515272,53.971620
+                    -2.515510,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971353
+                    -2.513760,53.971381
+                    -2.512247,53.971324
+                    -2.510735,53.971367
+                    -2.509591,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
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+                    -2.532192,53.972383
+                    -2.532069,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973689
+                    -2.531035,53.974190
+                    -2.531906,53.974714
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+                    -2.532430,53.977809
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+                    -2.538012,53.980527
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+                    -2.540271,53.980527
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+                    -2.540979,53.982067
+                    -2.541379,53.982334
+                    -2.541536,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983812
+                    -2.543557,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984408
+                    -2.545516,53.984790
+                    -2.547028,53.984857
+                    -2.548005,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985372
+                    -2.550052,53.985410
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+                    -2.552094,53.986859
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+                    -2.553077,53.985777
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+                    -2.556894,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986387
+                    -2.558437,53.985953
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+                    -2.563742,53.989573
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+                    -2.534930,54.013963
+                    -2.533418,54.013715
+                    -2.532026,54.013095
+                    -2.531906,54.013042
+                    -2.530394,54.012489
+                    -2.529811,54.013095
+                    -2.529105,54.014001
+                    -2.529961,54.014907
+                    -2.530394,54.015112
+                    -2.531906,54.015322
+                    -2.533418,54.015446
+                    -2.534930,54.015694
+                    -2.534971,54.015813
+                    -2.534930,54.015822
+                    -2.533698,54.016719
+                    -2.533418,54.017320
+                    -2.533119,54.017620
+                    -2.533394,54.018526
+                    -2.531906,54.018884
+                    -2.530943,54.019427
+                    -2.530394,54.019980
+                    -2.529904,54.020333
+                    -2.530394,54.020629
+                    -2.531906,54.020805
+                    -2.532524,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.021945
+                    -2.533617,54.022145
+                    -2.534439,54.023051
+                    -2.534930,54.023666
+                    -2.535306,54.023952
+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025254
+                    -2.531906,54.025307
+                    -2.530394,54.025064
+                    -2.528882,54.025140
+                    -2.527369,54.025197
+                    -2.526595,54.024858
+                    -2.525857,54.024644
+                    -2.524626,54.023952
+                    -2.524345,54.023795
+                    -2.522833,54.023051
+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520470,54.022145
+                    -2.519808,54.021640
+                    -2.518296,54.021688
+                    -2.517175,54.021239
+                    -2.516784,54.020882
+                    -2.515272,54.020400
+                    -2.514747,54.020333
+                    -2.513760,54.020219
+                    -2.512247,54.020042
+                    -2.511158,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.019213
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013624
+                    -2.512247,54.013195
+                    -2.512307,54.013095
+                    -2.513345,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011703
+                    -2.515088,54.012194
+                    -2.515272,54.012303
+                    -2.515455,54.012194
+                    -2.515562,54.011288
+                    -2.515272,54.011073
+                    -2.514615,54.010382
+                    -2.513923,54.009476
+                    -2.513760,54.009128
+                    -2.512247,54.009271
+                    -2.511288,54.008574
+                    -2.512247,54.008036
+                    -2.513760,54.008217
+                    -2.515272,54.008346
+                    -2.516784,54.007769
+                    -2.516949,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007568
+                    -2.515805,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006457
+                    -2.518296,54.006405
+                    -2.519572,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.004989
+                    -2.517935,54.004951
+                    -2.518296,54.004869
+                    -2.519808,54.004879
+                    -2.521321,54.004912
+                    -2.522253,54.004951
+                    -2.522833,54.004989
+                    -2.522887,54.004951
+                    -2.524040,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003572
+                    -2.524738,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002771
+                    -2.523275,54.003143
+                    -2.522833,54.003220
+                    -2.522650,54.003143
+                    -2.521321,54.002352
+                    -2.519808,54.002280
+                    -2.518791,54.002242
+                    -2.519218,54.001336
+                    -2.518918,54.000430
+                    -2.518296,54.000368
+                    -2.516784,54.000163
+                    -2.516657,54.000430
+                    -2.515272,54.000802
+                    -2.513760,54.000926
+                    -2.512247,54.000912
+                    -2.512030,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,54.000287
+                    -2.513760,54.000168
+                    -2.515272,54.000053
+                    -2.516577,53.999524
+                    -2.515285,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998613
+                    -2.513828,53.997717
+                    -2.514124,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996596
+                    -2.512902,53.996811
+                    -2.512247,53.997011
+                    -2.512120,53.996811
+                    -2.511971,53.995910
+                    -2.511738,53.994999
+                    -2.510735,53.994498
+                    -2.509546,53.994999
+                    -2.509223,53.995385
+                    -2.507711,53.995271
+                    -2.506199,53.995147
+                    -2.506126,53.994999
+                    -2.505155,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993783
+                    -2.503481,53.993192
+                    -2.504174,53.992286
+                    -2.503622,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991051
+                    -2.505764,53.990479
+                    -2.505083,53.989573
+                    -2.506199,53.988824
+                    -2.507711,53.988757
+                    -2.507885,53.988667
+                    -2.507711,53.988361
+                    -2.506199,53.988190
+                    -2.505894,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987536
+                    -2.506753,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986440
+                    -2.508609,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985476
+                    -2.506199,53.985062
+                    -2.505932,53.985052
+                    -2.506199,53.985019
+                    -2.507264,53.984141
+                    -2.507711,53.983374
+                    -2.507770,53.983240
+                    -2.507780,53.982334
+                    -2.508231,53.981433
+                    -2.509016,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979669
+                    -2.506199,53.980322
+                    -2.505308,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.980742
+                    -2.504331,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.979921
+                    -2.502673,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979301
+                    -2.504686,53.979020
+                    -2.505264,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978472
+                    -2.507711,53.978190
+                    -2.508457,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977351
+                    -2.509861,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976340
+                    -2.508877,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975668
+                    -2.509983,53.975101
+                    -2.509767,53.974190
+                    -2.510735,53.973560
+                    -2.511175,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972631
+                    -2.513632,53.972383
+                    -2.513760,53.972216
+                    -2.515272,53.971620
+                    -2.515510,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971353
+                    -2.513760,53.971381
+                    -2.512247,53.971324
+                    -2.510735,53.971367
+                    -2.509591,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
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+                    -2.532192,53.972383
+                    -2.532069,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973689
+                    -2.531035,53.974190
+                    -2.531906,53.974714
+                    -2.532435,53.975101
+                    -2.532632,53.976002
+                    -2.532325,53.976908
+                    -2.532430,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978400
+                    -2.534087,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979220
+                    -2.535770,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.980021
+                    -2.537899,53.980527
+                    -2.537955,53.980560
+                    -2.538012,53.980527
+                    -2.539467,53.980212
+                    -2.540271,53.980527
+                    -2.540317,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.982067
+                    -2.541379,53.982334
+                    -2.541536,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983812
+                    -2.543557,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984408
+                    -2.545516,53.984790
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+                    -2.548540,53.985372
+                    -2.550052,53.985410
+                    -2.550873,53.985953
+                    -2.551034,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987174
+                    -2.552094,53.986859
+                    -2.552256,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985777
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+                    -2.556894,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986387
+                    -2.558437,53.985953
+                    -2.559126,53.985496
+                    -2.559507,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986583
+                    -2.562150,53.986430
+                    -2.562692,53.986859
+                    -2.563584,53.987765
+                    -2.563662,53.987927
+                    -2.563725,53.988667
+                    -2.563742,53.989573
+                    -2.564202,53.990479
+                    -2.565174,53.990932
+                    -2.565529,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991809
+                    -2.564443,53.992286
+                    -2.563981,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.993797
+                    -2.562150,53.993850
+                    -2.561768,53.994098
+                    -2.562150,53.994384
+                    -2.563662,53.994489
+                    -2.564169,53.994999
+                    -2.565174,53.995681
+                    -2.565449,53.995910
+                    -2.565354,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997011
+                    -2.563662,53.996959
+                    -2.562150,53.996921
+                    -2.561152,53.996811
+                    -2.561833,53.995910
+                    -2.561703,53.994999
+                    -2.560638,53.994427
+                    -2.560068,53.994098
+                    -2.560003,53.993192
+                    -2.559929,53.992286
+                    -2.559858,53.991385
+                    -2.559709,53.990479
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+                    -2.555305,53.988667
+                    -2.554589,53.988242
+                    -2.553077,53.988199
+                    -2.552293,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989220
+                    -2.554185,53.989573
+                    -2.554589,53.989754
+                    -2.555222,53.990479
+                    -2.554871,53.991385
+                    -2.555085,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992558
+                    -2.553203,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993340
+                    -2.551960,53.994098
+                    -2.551564,53.994269
+                    -2.550052,53.994780
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+                    -2.548110,53.995910
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+                    -2.547028,53.994842
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+                    -2.551564,53.991461
+                    -2.550052,53.991771
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+                    -2.548540,53.990588
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+                    -2.530394,54.020629
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+                    -2.533418,54.021945
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+                    -2.534930,54.024858
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+                    -2.522833,54.023051
+                    -2.521321,54.022145
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+                    -2.518296,54.021688
+                    -2.517175,54.021239
+                    -2.516784,54.020882
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+                    -2.514747,54.020333
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013624
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+                    -2.512307,54.013095
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+                    -2.515272,54.011073
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+                    -2.513760,54.009128
+                    -2.512247,54.009271
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+                    -2.512247,54.008036
+                    -2.513760,54.008217
+                    -2.515272,54.008346
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+                    -2.516949,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007568
+                    -2.515805,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006457
+                    -2.518296,54.006405
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+                    -2.518296,54.004989
+                    -2.517935,54.004951
+                    -2.518296,54.004869
+                    -2.519808,54.004879
+                    -2.521321,54.004912
+                    -2.522253,54.004951
+                    -2.522833,54.004989
+                    -2.522887,54.004951
+                    -2.524040,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003572
+                    -2.524738,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002771
+                    -2.523275,54.003143
+                    -2.522833,54.003220
+                    -2.522650,54.003143
+                    -2.521321,54.002352
+                    -2.519808,54.002280
+                    -2.518791,54.002242
+                    -2.519218,54.001336
+                    -2.518918,54.000430
+                    -2.518296,54.000368
+                    -2.516784,54.000163
+                    -2.516657,54.000430
+                    -2.515272,54.000802
+                    -2.513760,54.000926
+                    -2.512247,54.000912
+                    -2.512030,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,54.000287
+                    -2.513760,54.000168
+                    -2.515272,54.000053
+                    -2.516577,53.999524
+                    -2.515285,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998613
+                    -2.513828,53.997717
+                    -2.514124,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996596
+                    -2.512902,53.996811
+                    -2.512247,53.997011
+                    -2.512120,53.996811
+                    -2.511971,53.995910
+                    -2.511738,53.994999
+                    -2.510735,53.994498
+                    -2.509546,53.994999
+                    -2.509223,53.995385
+                    -2.507711,53.995271
+                    -2.506199,53.995147
+                    -2.506126,53.994999
+                    -2.505155,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993783
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+                    -2.506199,53.988824
+                    -2.507711,53.988757
+                    -2.507885,53.988667
+                    -2.507711,53.988361
+                    -2.506199,53.988190
+                    -2.505894,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987536
+                    -2.506753,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986440
+                    -2.508609,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985476
+                    -2.506199,53.985062
+                    -2.505932,53.985052
+                    -2.506199,53.985019
+                    -2.507264,53.984141
+                    -2.507711,53.983374
+                    -2.507770,53.983240
+                    -2.507780,53.982334
+                    -2.508231,53.981433
+                    -2.509016,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979669
+                    -2.506199,53.980322
+                    -2.505308,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.980742
+                    -2.504331,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.979921
+                    -2.502673,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979301
+                    -2.504686,53.979020
+                    -2.505264,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978472
+                    -2.507711,53.978190
+                    -2.508457,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977351
+                    -2.509861,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976340
+                    -2.508877,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975668
+                    -2.509983,53.975101
+                    -2.509767,53.974190
+                    -2.510735,53.973560
+                    -2.511175,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972631
+                    -2.513632,53.972383
+                    -2.513760,53.972216
+                    -2.515272,53.971620
+                    -2.515510,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971353
+                    -2.513760,53.971381
+                    -2.512247,53.971324
+                    -2.510735,53.971367
+                    -2.509591,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532192,53.972383
+                    -2.532069,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973689
+                    -2.531035,53.974190
+                    -2.531906,53.974714
+                    -2.532435,53.975101
+                    -2.532632,53.976002
+                    -2.532325,53.976908
+                    -2.532430,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978400
+                    -2.534087,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979220
+                    -2.535770,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.980021
+                    -2.537899,53.980527
+                    -2.537955,53.980560
+                    -2.538012,53.980527
+                    -2.539467,53.980212
+                    -2.540271,53.980527
+                    -2.540317,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.982067
+                    -2.541379,53.982334
+                    -2.541536,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983812
+                    -2.543557,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984408
+                    -2.545516,53.984790
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+                    -2.548005,53.985052
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+                    -2.550052,53.985410
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+                    -2.551564,53.987174
+                    -2.552094,53.986859
+                    -2.552256,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985777
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+                    -2.556894,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986387
+                    -2.558437,53.985953
+                    -2.559126,53.985496
+                    -2.559507,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986583
+                    -2.562150,53.986430
+                    -2.562692,53.986859
+                    -2.563584,53.987765
+                    -2.563662,53.987927
+                    -2.563725,53.988667
+                    -2.563742,53.989573
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+                    -2.565529,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991809
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+                    -2.563981,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.993797
+                    -2.562150,53.993850
+                    -2.561768,53.994098
+                    -2.562150,53.994384
+                    -2.563662,53.994489
+                    -2.564169,53.994999
+                    -2.565174,53.995681
+                    -2.565449,53.995910
+                    -2.565354,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997011
+                    -2.563662,53.996959
+                    -2.562150,53.996921
+                    -2.561152,53.996811
+                    -2.561833,53.995910
+                    -2.561703,53.994999
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+                    -2.553077,53.989220
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+                    -2.555085,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992558
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+                    -2.553077,53.993340
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+                    -2.514747,54.020333
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013624
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+                    -2.515272,54.011073
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+                    -2.513760,54.009128
+                    -2.512247,54.009271
+                    -2.511288,54.008574
+                    -2.512247,54.008036
+                    -2.513760,54.008217
+                    -2.515272,54.008346
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+                    -2.516949,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007568
+                    -2.515805,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006457
+                    -2.518296,54.006405
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+                    -2.518296,54.004989
+                    -2.517935,54.004951
+                    -2.518296,54.004869
+                    -2.519808,54.004879
+                    -2.521321,54.004912
+                    -2.522253,54.004951
+                    -2.522833,54.004989
+                    -2.522887,54.004951
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+                    -2.524345,54.003572
+                    -2.524738,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002771
+                    -2.523275,54.003143
+                    -2.522833,54.003220
+                    -2.522650,54.003143
+                    -2.521321,54.002352
+                    -2.519808,54.002280
+                    -2.518791,54.002242
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+                    -2.518296,54.000368
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+                    -2.515272,54.000802
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+                    -2.512247,54.000912
+                    -2.512030,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,54.000287
+                    -2.513760,54.000168
+                    -2.515272,54.000053
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+                    -2.515285,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998613
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+                    -2.514124,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996596
+                    -2.512902,53.996811
+                    -2.512247,53.997011
+                    -2.512120,53.996811
+                    -2.511971,53.995910
+                    -2.511738,53.994999
+                    -2.510735,53.994498
+                    -2.509546,53.994999
+                    -2.509223,53.995385
+                    -2.507711,53.995271
+                    -2.506199,53.995147
+                    -2.506126,53.994999
+                    -2.505155,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993783
+                    -2.503481,53.993192
+                    -2.504174,53.992286
+                    -2.503622,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991051
+                    -2.505764,53.990479
+                    -2.505083,53.989573
+                    -2.506199,53.988824
+                    -2.507711,53.988757
+                    -2.507885,53.988667
+                    -2.507711,53.988361
+                    -2.506199,53.988190
+                    -2.505894,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987536
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+                    -2.507711,53.986440
+                    -2.508609,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985476
+                    -2.506199,53.985062
+                    -2.505932,53.985052
+                    -2.506199,53.985019
+                    -2.507264,53.984141
+                    -2.507711,53.983374
+                    -2.507770,53.983240
+                    -2.507780,53.982334
+                    -2.508231,53.981433
+                    -2.509016,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979669
+                    -2.506199,53.980322
+                    -2.505308,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.980742
+                    -2.504331,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.979921
+                    -2.502673,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979301
+                    -2.504686,53.979020
+                    -2.505264,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978472
+                    -2.507711,53.978190
+                    -2.508457,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977351
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+                    -2.509223,53.976340
+                    -2.508877,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975668
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+                    -2.511175,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972631
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+                    -2.513760,53.972216
+                    -2.515272,53.971620
+                    -2.515510,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971353
+                    -2.513760,53.971381
+                    -2.512247,53.971324
+                    -2.510735,53.971367
+                    -2.509591,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532192,53.972383
+                    -2.532069,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973689
+                    -2.531035,53.974190
+                    -2.531906,53.974714
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+                    -2.532430,53.977809
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+                    -2.538012,53.980527
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+                    -2.540271,53.980527
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+                    -2.540979,53.982067
+                    -2.541379,53.982334
+                    -2.541536,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983812
+                    -2.543557,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984408
+                    -2.545516,53.984790
+                    -2.547028,53.984857
+                    -2.548005,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985372
+                    -2.550052,53.985410
+                    -2.550873,53.985953
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+                    -2.552094,53.986859
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+                    -2.553077,53.985777
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+                    -2.556894,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986387
+                    -2.558437,53.985953
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+                    -2.559507,53.985953
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+                    -2.563662,53.987927
+                    -2.563725,53.988667
+                    -2.563742,53.989573
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+                    -2.532026,54.013095
+                    -2.531906,54.013042
+                    -2.530394,54.012489
+                    -2.529811,54.013095
+                    -2.529105,54.014001
+                    -2.529961,54.014907
+                    -2.530394,54.015112
+                    -2.531906,54.015322
+                    -2.533418,54.015446
+                    -2.534930,54.015694
+                    -2.534971,54.015813
+                    -2.534930,54.015822
+                    -2.533698,54.016719
+                    -2.533418,54.017320
+                    -2.533119,54.017620
+                    -2.533394,54.018526
+                    -2.531906,54.018884
+                    -2.530943,54.019427
+                    -2.530394,54.019980
+                    -2.529904,54.020333
+                    -2.530394,54.020629
+                    -2.531906,54.020805
+                    -2.532524,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.021945
+                    -2.533617,54.022145
+                    -2.534439,54.023051
+                    -2.534930,54.023666
+                    -2.535306,54.023952
+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025254
+                    -2.531906,54.025307
+                    -2.530394,54.025064
+                    -2.528882,54.025140
+                    -2.527369,54.025197
+                    -2.526595,54.024858
+                    -2.525857,54.024644
+                    -2.524626,54.023952
+                    -2.524345,54.023795
+                    -2.522833,54.023051
+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520470,54.022145
+                    -2.519808,54.021640
+                    -2.518296,54.021688
+                    -2.517175,54.021239
+                    -2.516784,54.020882
+                    -2.515272,54.020400
+                    -2.514747,54.020333
+                    -2.513760,54.020219
+                    -2.512247,54.020042
+                    -2.511158,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.019213
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013624
+                    -2.512247,54.013195
+                    -2.512307,54.013095
+                    -2.513345,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011703
+                    -2.515088,54.012194
+                    -2.515272,54.012303
+                    -2.515455,54.012194
+                    -2.515562,54.011288
+                    -2.515272,54.011073
+                    -2.514615,54.010382
+                    -2.513923,54.009476
+                    -2.513760,54.009128
+                    -2.512247,54.009271
+                    -2.511288,54.008574
+                    -2.512247,54.008036
+                    -2.513760,54.008217
+                    -2.515272,54.008346
+                    -2.516784,54.007769
+                    -2.516949,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007568
+                    -2.515805,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006457
+                    -2.518296,54.006405
+                    -2.519572,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.004989
+                    -2.517935,54.004951
+                    -2.518296,54.004869
+                    -2.519808,54.004879
+                    -2.521321,54.004912
+                    -2.522253,54.004951
+                    -2.522833,54.004989
+                    -2.522887,54.004951
+                    -2.524040,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003572
+                    -2.524738,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002771
+                    -2.523275,54.003143
+                    -2.522833,54.003220
+                    -2.522650,54.003143
+                    -2.521321,54.002352
+                    -2.519808,54.002280
+                    -2.518791,54.002242
+                    -2.519218,54.001336
+                    -2.518918,54.000430
+                    -2.518296,54.000368
+                    -2.516784,54.000163
+                    -2.516657,54.000430
+                    -2.515272,54.000802
+                    -2.513760,54.000926
+                    -2.512247,54.000912
+                    -2.512030,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,54.000287
+                    -2.513760,54.000168
+                    -2.515272,54.000053
+                    -2.516577,53.999524
+                    -2.515285,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998613
+                    -2.513828,53.997717
+                    -2.514124,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996596
+                    -2.512902,53.996811
+                    -2.512247,53.997011
+                    -2.512120,53.996811
+                    -2.511971,53.995910
+                    -2.511738,53.994999
+                    -2.510735,53.994498
+                    -2.509546,53.994999
+                    -2.509223,53.995385
+                    -2.507711,53.995271
+                    -2.506199,53.995147
+                    -2.506126,53.994999
+                    -2.505155,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993783
+                    -2.503481,53.993192
+                    -2.504174,53.992286
+                    -2.503622,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991051
+                    -2.505764,53.990479
+                    -2.505083,53.989573
+                    -2.506199,53.988824
+                    -2.507711,53.988757
+                    -2.507885,53.988667
+                    -2.507711,53.988361
+                    -2.506199,53.988190
+                    -2.505894,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987536
+                    -2.506753,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986440
+                    -2.508609,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985476
+                    -2.506199,53.985062
+                    -2.505932,53.985052
+                    -2.506199,53.985019
+                    -2.507264,53.984141
+                    -2.507711,53.983374
+                    -2.507770,53.983240
+                    -2.507780,53.982334
+                    -2.508231,53.981433
+                    -2.509016,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979669
+                    -2.506199,53.980322
+                    -2.505308,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.980742
+                    -2.504331,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.979921
+                    -2.502673,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979301
+                    -2.504686,53.979020
+                    -2.505264,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978472
+                    -2.507711,53.978190
+                    -2.508457,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977351
+                    -2.509861,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976340
+                    -2.508877,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975668
+                    -2.509983,53.975101
+                    -2.509767,53.974190
+                    -2.510735,53.973560
+                    -2.511175,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972631
+                    -2.513632,53.972383
+                    -2.513760,53.972216
+                    -2.515272,53.971620
+                    -2.515510,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971353
+                    -2.513760,53.971381
+                    -2.512247,53.971324
+                    -2.510735,53.971367
+                    -2.509591,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532192,53.972383
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+                    -2.531906,53.973689
+                    -2.531035,53.974190
+                    -2.531906,53.974714
+                    -2.532435,53.975101
+                    -2.532632,53.976002
+                    -2.532325,53.976908
+                    -2.532430,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978400
+                    -2.534087,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979220
+                    -2.535770,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.980021
+                    -2.537899,53.980527
+                    -2.537955,53.980560
+                    -2.538012,53.980527
+                    -2.539467,53.980212
+                    -2.540271,53.980527
+                    -2.540317,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.982067
+                    -2.541379,53.982334
+                    -2.541536,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983812
+                    -2.543557,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984408
+                    -2.545516,53.984790
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+                    -2.551564,53.987174
+                    -2.552094,53.986859
+                    -2.552256,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985777
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+                    -2.556894,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986387
+                    -2.558437,53.985953
+                    -2.559126,53.985496
+                    -2.559507,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986583
+                    -2.562150,53.986430
+                    -2.562692,53.986859
+                    -2.563584,53.987765
+                    -2.563662,53.987927
+                    -2.563725,53.988667
+                    -2.563742,53.989573
+                    -2.564202,53.990479
+                    -2.565174,53.990932
+                    -2.565529,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991809
+                    -2.564443,53.992286
+                    -2.563981,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.993797
+                    -2.562150,53.993850
+                    -2.561768,53.994098
+                    -2.562150,53.994384
+                    -2.563662,53.994489
+                    -2.564169,53.994999
+                    -2.565174,53.995681
+                    -2.565449,53.995910
+                    -2.565354,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997011
+                    -2.563662,53.996959
+                    -2.562150,53.996921
+                    -2.561152,53.996811
+                    -2.561833,53.995910
+                    -2.561703,53.994999
+                    -2.560638,53.994427
+                    -2.560068,53.994098
+                    -2.560003,53.993192
+                    -2.559929,53.992286
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+                    -2.553077,53.988199
+                    -2.552293,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989220
+                    -2.554185,53.989573
+                    -2.554589,53.989754
+                    -2.555222,53.990479
+                    -2.554871,53.991385
+                    -2.555085,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992558
+                    -2.553203,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993340
+                    -2.551960,53.994098
+                    -2.551564,53.994269
+                    -2.550052,53.994780
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+                    -2.551564,53.991461
+                    -2.550052,53.991771
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+                    -2.530394,54.020629
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+                    -2.522833,54.023051
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+                    -2.517175,54.021239
+                    -2.516784,54.020882
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013624
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+                    -2.512307,54.013095
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+                    -2.515272,54.011073
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+                    -2.513760,54.009128
+                    -2.512247,54.009271
+                    -2.511288,54.008574
+                    -2.512247,54.008036
+                    -2.513760,54.008217
+                    -2.515272,54.008346
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+                    -2.516949,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007568
+                    -2.515805,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006457
+                    -2.518296,54.006405
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+                    -2.518296,54.004989
+                    -2.517935,54.004951
+                    -2.518296,54.004869
+                    -2.519808,54.004879
+                    -2.521321,54.004912
+                    -2.522253,54.004951
+                    -2.522833,54.004989
+                    -2.522887,54.004951
+                    -2.524040,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003572
+                    -2.524738,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002771
+                    -2.523275,54.003143
+                    -2.522833,54.003220
+                    -2.522650,54.003143
+                    -2.521321,54.002352
+                    -2.519808,54.002280
+                    -2.518791,54.002242
+                    -2.519218,54.001336
+                    -2.518918,54.000430
+                    -2.518296,54.000368
+                    -2.516784,54.000163
+                    -2.516657,54.000430
+                    -2.515272,54.000802
+                    -2.513760,54.000926
+                    -2.512247,54.000912
+                    -2.512030,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,54.000287
+                    -2.513760,54.000168
+                    -2.515272,54.000053
+                    -2.516577,53.999524
+                    -2.515285,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998613
+                    -2.513828,53.997717
+                    -2.514124,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996596
+                    -2.512902,53.996811
+                    -2.512247,53.997011
+                    -2.512120,53.996811
+                    -2.511971,53.995910
+                    -2.511738,53.994999
+                    -2.510735,53.994498
+                    -2.509546,53.994999
+                    -2.509223,53.995385
+                    -2.507711,53.995271
+                    -2.506199,53.995147
+                    -2.506126,53.994999
+                    -2.505155,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993783
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+                    -2.504686,53.991051
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+                    -2.507885,53.988667
+                    -2.507711,53.988361
+                    -2.506199,53.988190
+                    -2.505894,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987536
+                    -2.506753,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986440
+                    -2.508609,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985476
+                    -2.506199,53.985062
+                    -2.505932,53.985052
+                    -2.506199,53.985019
+                    -2.507264,53.984141
+                    -2.507711,53.983374
+                    -2.507770,53.983240
+                    -2.507780,53.982334
+                    -2.508231,53.981433
+                    -2.509016,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979669
+                    -2.506199,53.980322
+                    -2.505308,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.980742
+                    -2.504331,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.979921
+                    -2.502673,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979301
+                    -2.504686,53.979020
+                    -2.505264,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978472
+                    -2.507711,53.978190
+                    -2.508457,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977351
+                    -2.509861,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976340
+                    -2.508877,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975668
+                    -2.509983,53.975101
+                    -2.509767,53.974190
+                    -2.510735,53.973560
+                    -2.511175,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972631
+                    -2.513632,53.972383
+                    -2.513760,53.972216
+                    -2.515272,53.971620
+                    -2.515510,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971353
+                    -2.513760,53.971381
+                    -2.512247,53.971324
+                    -2.510735,53.971367
+                    -2.509591,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532192,53.972383
+                    -2.532069,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973689
+                    -2.531035,53.974190
+                    -2.531906,53.974714
+                    -2.532435,53.975101
+                    -2.532632,53.976002
+                    -2.532325,53.976908
+                    -2.532430,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978400
+                    -2.534087,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979220
+                    -2.535770,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.980021
+                    -2.537899,53.980527
+                    -2.537955,53.980560
+                    -2.538012,53.980527
+                    -2.539467,53.980212
+                    -2.540271,53.980527
+                    -2.540317,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.982067
+                    -2.541379,53.982334
+                    -2.541536,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983812
+                    -2.543557,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984408
+                    -2.545516,53.984790
+                    -2.547028,53.984857
+                    -2.548005,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985372
+                    -2.550052,53.985410
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+                    -2.551564,53.987174
+                    -2.552094,53.986859
+                    -2.552256,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985777
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+                    -2.556894,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986387
+                    -2.558437,53.985953
+                    -2.559126,53.985496
+                    -2.559507,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986583
+                    -2.562150,53.986430
+                    -2.562692,53.986859
+                    -2.563584,53.987765
+                    -2.563662,53.987927
+                    -2.563725,53.988667
+                    -2.563742,53.989573
+                    -2.564202,53.990479
+                    -2.565174,53.990932
+                    -2.565529,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991809
+                    -2.564443,53.992286
+                    -2.563981,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.993797
+                    -2.562150,53.993850
+                    -2.561768,53.994098
+                    -2.562150,53.994384
+                    -2.563662,53.994489
+                    -2.564169,53.994999
+                    -2.565174,53.995681
+                    -2.565449,53.995910
+                    -2.565354,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997011
+                    -2.563662,53.996959
+                    -2.562150,53.996921
+                    -2.561152,53.996811
+                    -2.561833,53.995910
+                    -2.561703,53.994999
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+                    -2.553077,53.989220
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+                    -2.555085,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992558
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+                    -2.553077,53.993340
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+                    -2.518296,54.021688
+                    -2.517175,54.021239
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013624
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+                    -2.512307,54.013095
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+                    -2.513760,54.011703
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+                    -2.515272,54.011073
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+                    -2.513760,54.009128
+                    -2.512247,54.009271
+                    -2.511288,54.008574
+                    -2.512247,54.008036
+                    -2.513760,54.008217
+                    -2.515272,54.008346
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+                    -2.516949,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007568
+                    -2.515805,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006457
+                    -2.518296,54.006405
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+                    -2.518296,54.004989
+                    -2.517935,54.004951
+                    -2.518296,54.004869
+                    -2.519808,54.004879
+                    -2.521321,54.004912
+                    -2.522253,54.004951
+                    -2.522833,54.004989
+                    -2.522887,54.004951
+                    -2.524040,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003572
+                    -2.524738,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002771
+                    -2.523275,54.003143
+                    -2.522833,54.003220
+                    -2.522650,54.003143
+                    -2.521321,54.002352
+                    -2.519808,54.002280
+                    -2.518791,54.002242
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+                    -2.518296,54.000368
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+                    -2.516657,54.000430
+                    -2.515272,54.000802
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+                    -2.512247,54.000912
+                    -2.512030,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,54.000287
+                    -2.513760,54.000168
+                    -2.515272,54.000053
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+                    -2.515285,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998613
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+                    -2.514124,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996596
+                    -2.512902,53.996811
+                    -2.512247,53.997011
+                    -2.512120,53.996811
+                    -2.511971,53.995910
+                    -2.511738,53.994999
+                    -2.510735,53.994498
+                    -2.509546,53.994999
+                    -2.509223,53.995385
+                    -2.507711,53.995271
+                    -2.506199,53.995147
+                    -2.506126,53.994999
+                    -2.505155,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993783
+                    -2.503481,53.993192
+                    -2.504174,53.992286
+                    -2.503622,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991051
+                    -2.505764,53.990479
+                    -2.505083,53.989573
+                    -2.506199,53.988824
+                    -2.507711,53.988757
+                    -2.507885,53.988667
+                    -2.507711,53.988361
+                    -2.506199,53.988190
+                    -2.505894,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987536
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+                    -2.507711,53.986440
+                    -2.508609,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985476
+                    -2.506199,53.985062
+                    -2.505932,53.985052
+                    -2.506199,53.985019
+                    -2.507264,53.984141
+                    -2.507711,53.983374
+                    -2.507770,53.983240
+                    -2.507780,53.982334
+                    -2.508231,53.981433
+                    -2.509016,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979669
+                    -2.506199,53.980322
+                    -2.505308,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.980742
+                    -2.504331,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.979921
+                    -2.502673,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979301
+                    -2.504686,53.979020
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+                    -2.507711,53.978190
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+                    -2.509223,53.976340
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+                    -2.509223,53.975668
+                    -2.509983,53.975101
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+                    -2.510735,53.973560
+                    -2.511175,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972631
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+                    -2.513760,53.972216
+                    -2.515272,53.971620
+                    -2.515510,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971353
+                    -2.513760,53.971381
+                    -2.512247,53.971324
+                    -2.510735,53.971367
+                    -2.509591,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532192,53.972383
+                    -2.532069,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973689
+                    -2.531035,53.974190
+                    -2.531906,53.974714
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+                    -2.532632,53.976002
+                    -2.532325,53.976908
+                    -2.532430,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978400
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+                    -2.535770,53.979621
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+                    -2.538012,53.980527
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+                    -2.540271,53.980527
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+                    -2.540979,53.982067
+                    -2.541379,53.982334
+                    -2.541536,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983812
+                    -2.543557,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984408
+                    -2.545516,53.984790
+                    -2.547028,53.984857
+                    -2.548005,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985372
+                    -2.550052,53.985410
+                    -2.550873,53.985953
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+                    -2.551564,53.987174
+                    -2.552094,53.986859
+                    -2.552256,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985777
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+                    -2.556894,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986387
+                    -2.558437,53.985953
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+                    -2.559507,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986583
+                    -2.562150,53.986430
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+                    -2.563584,53.987765
+                    -2.563662,53.987927
+                    -2.563725,53.988667
+                    -2.563742,53.989573
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+                    -2.563662,53.994489
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+                    -2.530394,54.012489
+                    -2.529811,54.013095
+                    -2.529105,54.014001
+                    -2.529961,54.014907
+                    -2.530394,54.015112
+                    -2.531906,54.015322
+                    -2.533418,54.015446
+                    -2.534930,54.015694
+                    -2.534971,54.015813
+                    -2.534930,54.015822
+                    -2.533698,54.016719
+                    -2.533418,54.017320
+                    -2.533119,54.017620
+                    -2.533394,54.018526
+                    -2.531906,54.018884
+                    -2.530943,54.019427
+                    -2.530394,54.019980
+                    -2.529904,54.020333
+                    -2.530394,54.020629
+                    -2.531906,54.020805
+                    -2.532524,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.021945
+                    -2.533617,54.022145
+                    -2.534439,54.023051
+                    -2.534930,54.023666
+                    -2.535306,54.023952
+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025254
+                    -2.531906,54.025307
+                    -2.530394,54.025064
+                    -2.528882,54.025140
+                    -2.527369,54.025197
+                    -2.526595,54.024858
+                    -2.525857,54.024644
+                    -2.524626,54.023952
+                    -2.524345,54.023795
+                    -2.522833,54.023051
+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520470,54.022145
+                    -2.519808,54.021640
+                    -2.518296,54.021688
+                    -2.517175,54.021239
+                    -2.516784,54.020882
+                    -2.515272,54.020400
+                    -2.514747,54.020333
+                    -2.513760,54.020219
+                    -2.512247,54.020042
+                    -2.511158,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.019213
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013624
+                    -2.512247,54.013195
+                    -2.512307,54.013095
+                    -2.513345,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011703
+                    -2.515088,54.012194
+                    -2.515272,54.012303
+                    -2.515455,54.012194
+                    -2.515562,54.011288
+                    -2.515272,54.011073
+                    -2.514615,54.010382
+                    -2.513923,54.009476
+                    -2.513760,54.009128
+                    -2.512247,54.009271
+                    -2.511288,54.008574
+                    -2.512247,54.008036
+                    -2.513760,54.008217
+                    -2.515272,54.008346
+                    -2.516784,54.007769
+                    -2.516949,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007568
+                    -2.515805,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006457
+                    -2.518296,54.006405
+                    -2.519572,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.004989
+                    -2.517935,54.004951
+                    -2.518296,54.004869
+                    -2.519808,54.004879
+                    -2.521321,54.004912
+                    -2.522253,54.004951
+                    -2.522833,54.004989
+                    -2.522887,54.004951
+                    -2.524040,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003572
+                    -2.524738,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002771
+                    -2.523275,54.003143
+                    -2.522833,54.003220
+                    -2.522650,54.003143
+                    -2.521321,54.002352
+                    -2.519808,54.002280
+                    -2.518791,54.002242
+                    -2.519218,54.001336
+                    -2.518918,54.000430
+                    -2.518296,54.000368
+                    -2.516784,54.000163
+                    -2.516657,54.000430
+                    -2.515272,54.000802
+                    -2.513760,54.000926
+                    -2.512247,54.000912
+                    -2.512030,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,54.000287
+                    -2.513760,54.000168
+                    -2.515272,54.000053
+                    -2.516577,53.999524
+                    -2.515285,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998613
+                    -2.513828,53.997717
+                    -2.514124,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996596
+                    -2.512902,53.996811
+                    -2.512247,53.997011
+                    -2.512120,53.996811
+                    -2.511971,53.995910
+                    -2.511738,53.994999
+                    -2.510735,53.994498
+                    -2.509546,53.994999
+                    -2.509223,53.995385
+                    -2.507711,53.995271
+                    -2.506199,53.995147
+                    -2.506126,53.994999
+                    -2.505155,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993783
+                    -2.503481,53.993192
+                    -2.504174,53.992286
+                    -2.503622,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991051
+                    -2.505764,53.990479
+                    -2.505083,53.989573
+                    -2.506199,53.988824
+                    -2.507711,53.988757
+                    -2.507885,53.988667
+                    -2.507711,53.988361
+                    -2.506199,53.988190
+                    -2.505894,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987536
+                    -2.506753,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986440
+                    -2.508609,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985476
+                    -2.506199,53.985062
+                    -2.505932,53.985052
+                    -2.506199,53.985019
+                    -2.507264,53.984141
+                    -2.507711,53.983374
+                    -2.507770,53.983240
+                    -2.507780,53.982334
+                    -2.508231,53.981433
+                    -2.509016,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979669
+                    -2.506199,53.980322
+                    -2.505308,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.980742
+                    -2.504331,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.979921
+                    -2.502673,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979301
+                    -2.504686,53.979020
+                    -2.505264,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978472
+                    -2.507711,53.978190
+                    -2.508457,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977351
+                    -2.509861,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976340
+                    -2.508877,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975668
+                    -2.509983,53.975101
+                    -2.509767,53.974190
+                    -2.510735,53.973560
+                    -2.511175,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972631
+                    -2.513632,53.972383
+                    -2.513760,53.972216
+                    -2.515272,53.971620
+                    -2.515510,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971353
+                    -2.513760,53.971381
+                    -2.512247,53.971324
+                    -2.510735,53.971367
+                    -2.509591,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532192,53.972383
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+                    -2.531906,53.973689
+                    -2.531035,53.974190
+                    -2.531906,53.974714
+                    -2.532435,53.975101
+                    -2.532632,53.976002
+                    -2.532325,53.976908
+                    -2.532430,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978400
+                    -2.534087,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979220
+                    -2.535770,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.980021
+                    -2.537899,53.980527
+                    -2.537955,53.980560
+                    -2.538012,53.980527
+                    -2.539467,53.980212
+                    -2.540271,53.980527
+                    -2.540317,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.982067
+                    -2.541379,53.982334
+                    -2.541536,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983812
+                    -2.543557,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984408
+                    -2.545516,53.984790
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+                    -2.551564,53.987174
+                    -2.552094,53.986859
+                    -2.552256,53.985953
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+                    -2.556894,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986387
+                    -2.558437,53.985953
+                    -2.559126,53.985496
+                    -2.559507,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986583
+                    -2.562150,53.986430
+                    -2.562692,53.986859
+                    -2.563584,53.987765
+                    -2.563662,53.987927
+                    -2.563725,53.988667
+                    -2.563742,53.989573
+                    -2.564202,53.990479
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+                    -2.565529,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991809
+                    -2.564443,53.992286
+                    -2.563981,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.993797
+                    -2.562150,53.993850
+                    -2.561768,53.994098
+                    -2.562150,53.994384
+                    -2.563662,53.994489
+                    -2.564169,53.994999
+                    -2.565174,53.995681
+                    -2.565449,53.995910
+                    -2.565354,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997011
+                    -2.563662,53.996959
+                    -2.562150,53.996921
+                    -2.561152,53.996811
+                    -2.561833,53.995910
+                    -2.561703,53.994999
+                    -2.560638,53.994427
+                    -2.560068,53.994098
+                    -2.560003,53.993192
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+                    -2.553077,53.988199
+                    -2.552293,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989220
+                    -2.554185,53.989573
+                    -2.554589,53.989754
+                    -2.555222,53.990479
+                    -2.554871,53.991385
+                    -2.555085,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992558
+                    -2.553203,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993340
+                    -2.551960,53.994098
+                    -2.551564,53.994269
+                    -2.550052,53.994780
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+                    -2.551564,53.991461
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+                    -2.530394,54.020629
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+                    -2.534930,54.024858
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+                    -2.518296,54.021688
+                    -2.517175,54.021239
+                    -2.516784,54.020882
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013624
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+                    -2.512307,54.013095
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+                    -2.513760,54.009128
+                    -2.512247,54.009271
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+                    -2.512247,54.008036
+                    -2.513760,54.008217
+                    -2.515272,54.008346
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+                    -2.516949,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007568
+                    -2.515805,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006457
+                    -2.518296,54.006405
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+                    -2.518296,54.004989
+                    -2.517935,54.004951
+                    -2.518296,54.004869
+                    -2.519808,54.004879
+                    -2.521321,54.004912
+                    -2.522253,54.004951
+                    -2.522833,54.004989
+                    -2.522887,54.004951
+                    -2.524040,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003572
+                    -2.524738,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002771
+                    -2.523275,54.003143
+                    -2.522833,54.003220
+                    -2.522650,54.003143
+                    -2.521321,54.002352
+                    -2.519808,54.002280
+                    -2.518791,54.002242
+                    -2.519218,54.001336
+                    -2.518918,54.000430
+                    -2.518296,54.000368
+                    -2.516784,54.000163
+                    -2.516657,54.000430
+                    -2.515272,54.000802
+                    -2.513760,54.000926
+                    -2.512247,54.000912
+                    -2.512030,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,54.000287
+                    -2.513760,54.000168
+                    -2.515272,54.000053
+                    -2.516577,53.999524
+                    -2.515285,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998613
+                    -2.513828,53.997717
+                    -2.514124,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996596
+                    -2.512902,53.996811
+                    -2.512247,53.997011
+                    -2.512120,53.996811
+                    -2.511971,53.995910
+                    -2.511738,53.994999
+                    -2.510735,53.994498
+                    -2.509546,53.994999
+                    -2.509223,53.995385
+                    -2.507711,53.995271
+                    -2.506199,53.995147
+                    -2.506126,53.994999
+                    -2.505155,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993783
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+                    -2.504686,53.991051
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+                    -2.506199,53.988824
+                    -2.507711,53.988757
+                    -2.507885,53.988667
+                    -2.507711,53.988361
+                    -2.506199,53.988190
+                    -2.505894,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987536
+                    -2.506753,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986440
+                    -2.508609,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985476
+                    -2.506199,53.985062
+                    -2.505932,53.985052
+                    -2.506199,53.985019
+                    -2.507264,53.984141
+                    -2.507711,53.983374
+                    -2.507770,53.983240
+                    -2.507780,53.982334
+                    -2.508231,53.981433
+                    -2.509016,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979669
+                    -2.506199,53.980322
+                    -2.505308,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.980742
+                    -2.504331,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.979921
+                    -2.502673,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979301
+                    -2.504686,53.979020
+                    -2.505264,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978472
+                    -2.507711,53.978190
+                    -2.508457,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977351
+                    -2.509861,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976340
+                    -2.508877,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975668
+                    -2.509983,53.975101
+                    -2.509767,53.974190
+                    -2.510735,53.973560
+                    -2.511175,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972631
+                    -2.513632,53.972383
+                    -2.513760,53.972216
+                    -2.515272,53.971620
+                    -2.515510,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971353
+                    -2.513760,53.971381
+                    -2.512247,53.971324
+                    -2.510735,53.971367
+                    -2.509591,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532192,53.972383
+                    -2.532069,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973689
+                    -2.531035,53.974190
+                    -2.531906,53.974714
+                    -2.532435,53.975101
+                    -2.532632,53.976002
+                    -2.532325,53.976908
+                    -2.532430,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978400
+                    -2.534087,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979220
+                    -2.535770,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.980021
+                    -2.537899,53.980527
+                    -2.537955,53.980560
+                    -2.538012,53.980527
+                    -2.539467,53.980212
+                    -2.540271,53.980527
+                    -2.540317,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.982067
+                    -2.541379,53.982334
+                    -2.541536,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983812
+                    -2.543557,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984408
+                    -2.545516,53.984790
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+                    -2.548005,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985372
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+                    -2.552094,53.986859
+                    -2.552256,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985777
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+                    -2.556894,53.985953
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+                    -2.558437,53.985953
+                    -2.559126,53.985496
+                    -2.559507,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986583
+                    -2.562150,53.986430
+                    -2.562692,53.986859
+                    -2.563584,53.987765
+                    -2.563662,53.987927
+                    -2.563725,53.988667
+                    -2.563742,53.989573
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+                    -2.565174,53.990932
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+                    -2.565174,53.991809
+                    -2.564443,53.992286
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+                    -2.563662,53.993797
+                    -2.562150,53.993850
+                    -2.561768,53.994098
+                    -2.562150,53.994384
+                    -2.563662,53.994489
+                    -2.564169,53.994999
+                    -2.565174,53.995681
+                    -2.565449,53.995910
+                    -2.565354,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997011
+                    -2.563662,53.996959
+                    -2.562150,53.996921
+                    -2.561152,53.996811
+                    -2.561833,53.995910
+                    -2.561703,53.994999
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+                    -2.553077,53.989220
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+                    -2.555085,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992558
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+                    -2.517175,54.021239
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013624
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+                    -2.515272,54.011073
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+                    -2.513760,54.009128
+                    -2.512247,54.009271
+                    -2.511288,54.008574
+                    -2.512247,54.008036
+                    -2.513760,54.008217
+                    -2.515272,54.008346
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+                    -2.516949,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007568
+                    -2.515805,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006457
+                    -2.518296,54.006405
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+                    -2.518296,54.004989
+                    -2.517935,54.004951
+                    -2.518296,54.004869
+                    -2.519808,54.004879
+                    -2.521321,54.004912
+                    -2.522253,54.004951
+                    -2.522833,54.004989
+                    -2.522887,54.004951
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+                    -2.524345,54.003572
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+                    -2.524345,54.002771
+                    -2.523275,54.003143
+                    -2.522833,54.003220
+                    -2.522650,54.003143
+                    -2.521321,54.002352
+                    -2.519808,54.002280
+                    -2.518791,54.002242
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+                    -2.518296,54.000368
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+                    -2.515272,54.000802
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+                    -2.512030,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,54.000287
+                    -2.513760,54.000168
+                    -2.515272,54.000053
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+                    -2.515285,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998613
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+                    -2.514124,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996596
+                    -2.512902,53.996811
+                    -2.512247,53.997011
+                    -2.512120,53.996811
+                    -2.511971,53.995910
+                    -2.511738,53.994999
+                    -2.510735,53.994498
+                    -2.509546,53.994999
+                    -2.509223,53.995385
+                    -2.507711,53.995271
+                    -2.506199,53.995147
+                    -2.506126,53.994999
+                    -2.505155,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993783
+                    -2.503481,53.993192
+                    -2.504174,53.992286
+                    -2.503622,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991051
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+                    -2.505083,53.989573
+                    -2.506199,53.988824
+                    -2.507711,53.988757
+                    -2.507885,53.988667
+                    -2.507711,53.988361
+                    -2.506199,53.988190
+                    -2.505894,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987536
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+                    -2.507711,53.986440
+                    -2.508609,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985476
+                    -2.506199,53.985062
+                    -2.505932,53.985052
+                    -2.506199,53.985019
+                    -2.507264,53.984141
+                    -2.507711,53.983374
+                    -2.507770,53.983240
+                    -2.507780,53.982334
+                    -2.508231,53.981433
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+                    -2.507711,53.979669
+                    -2.506199,53.980322
+                    -2.505308,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.980742
+                    -2.504331,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.979921
+                    -2.502673,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979301
+                    -2.504686,53.979020
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+                    -2.507711,53.978190
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+                    -2.509223,53.976340
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+                    -2.509223,53.975668
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+                    -2.511175,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972631
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+                    -2.513760,53.972216
+                    -2.515272,53.971620
+                    -2.515510,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971353
+                    -2.513760,53.971381
+                    -2.512247,53.971324
+                    -2.510735,53.971367
+                    -2.509591,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
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+                    -2.532192,53.972383
+                    -2.532069,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973689
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+                    -2.531906,53.974714
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+                    -2.532430,53.977809
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+                    -2.540271,53.980527
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+                    -2.540979,53.982067
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+                    -2.541536,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983812
+                    -2.543557,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984408
+                    -2.545516,53.984790
+                    -2.547028,53.984857
+                    -2.548005,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985372
+                    -2.550052,53.985410
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+                    -2.552094,53.986859
+                    -2.552256,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985777
+                    -2.554589,53.985648
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+                    -2.556894,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986387
+                    -2.558437,53.985953
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+                    -2.562150,53.986430
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+                    -2.563584,53.987765
+                    -2.563662,53.987927
+                    -2.563725,53.988667
+                    -2.563742,53.989573
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+                    -2.562150,53.993850
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+                    -2.563662,53.994489
+                    -2.564169,53.994999
+                    -2.565174,53.995681
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+                    -2.529105,54.014001
+                    -2.529961,54.014907
+                    -2.530394,54.015112
+                    -2.531906,54.015322
+                    -2.533418,54.015446
+                    -2.534930,54.015694
+                    -2.534971,54.015813
+                    -2.534930,54.015822
+                    -2.533698,54.016719
+                    -2.533418,54.017320
+                    -2.533119,54.017620
+                    -2.533394,54.018526
+                    -2.531906,54.018884
+                    -2.530943,54.019427
+                    -2.530394,54.019980
+                    -2.529904,54.020333
+                    -2.530394,54.020629
+                    -2.531906,54.020805
+                    -2.532524,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.021945
+                    -2.533617,54.022145
+                    -2.534439,54.023051
+                    -2.534930,54.023666
+                    -2.535306,54.023952
+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025254
+                    -2.531906,54.025307
+                    -2.530394,54.025064
+                    -2.528882,54.025140
+                    -2.527369,54.025197
+                    -2.526595,54.024858
+                    -2.525857,54.024644
+                    -2.524626,54.023952
+                    -2.524345,54.023795
+                    -2.522833,54.023051
+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520470,54.022145
+                    -2.519808,54.021640
+                    -2.518296,54.021688
+                    -2.517175,54.021239
+                    -2.516784,54.020882
+                    -2.515272,54.020400
+                    -2.514747,54.020333
+                    -2.513760,54.020219
+                    -2.512247,54.020042
+                    -2.511158,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.019213
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013624
+                    -2.512247,54.013195
+                    -2.512307,54.013095
+                    -2.513345,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011703
+                    -2.515088,54.012194
+                    -2.515272,54.012303
+                    -2.515455,54.012194
+                    -2.515562,54.011288
+                    -2.515272,54.011073
+                    -2.514615,54.010382
+                    -2.513923,54.009476
+                    -2.513760,54.009128
+                    -2.512247,54.009271
+                    -2.511288,54.008574
+                    -2.512247,54.008036
+                    -2.513760,54.008217
+                    -2.515272,54.008346
+                    -2.516784,54.007769
+                    -2.516949,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007568
+                    -2.515805,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006457
+                    -2.518296,54.006405
+                    -2.519572,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.004989
+                    -2.517935,54.004951
+                    -2.518296,54.004869
+                    -2.519808,54.004879
+                    -2.521321,54.004912
+                    -2.522253,54.004951
+                    -2.522833,54.004989
+                    -2.522887,54.004951
+                    -2.524040,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003572
+                    -2.524738,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002771
+                    -2.523275,54.003143
+                    -2.522833,54.003220
+                    -2.522650,54.003143
+                    -2.521321,54.002352
+                    -2.519808,54.002280
+                    -2.518791,54.002242
+                    -2.519218,54.001336
+                    -2.518918,54.000430
+                    -2.518296,54.000368
+                    -2.516784,54.000163
+                    -2.516657,54.000430
+                    -2.515272,54.000802
+                    -2.513760,54.000926
+                    -2.512247,54.000912
+                    -2.512030,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,54.000287
+                    -2.513760,54.000168
+                    -2.515272,54.000053
+                    -2.516577,53.999524
+                    -2.515285,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998613
+                    -2.513828,53.997717
+                    -2.514124,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996596
+                    -2.512902,53.996811
+                    -2.512247,53.997011
+                    -2.512120,53.996811
+                    -2.511971,53.995910
+                    -2.511738,53.994999
+                    -2.510735,53.994498
+                    -2.509546,53.994999
+                    -2.509223,53.995385
+                    -2.507711,53.995271
+                    -2.506199,53.995147
+                    -2.506126,53.994999
+                    -2.505155,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993783
+                    -2.503481,53.993192
+                    -2.504174,53.992286
+                    -2.503622,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991051
+                    -2.505764,53.990479
+                    -2.505083,53.989573
+                    -2.506199,53.988824
+                    -2.507711,53.988757
+                    -2.507885,53.988667
+                    -2.507711,53.988361
+                    -2.506199,53.988190
+                    -2.505894,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987536
+                    -2.506753,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986440
+                    -2.508609,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985476
+                    -2.506199,53.985062
+                    -2.505932,53.985052
+                    -2.506199,53.985019
+                    -2.507264,53.984141
+                    -2.507711,53.983374
+                    -2.507770,53.983240
+                    -2.507780,53.982334
+                    -2.508231,53.981433
+                    -2.509016,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979669
+                    -2.506199,53.980322
+                    -2.505308,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.980742
+                    -2.504331,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.979921
+                    -2.502673,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979301
+                    -2.504686,53.979020
+                    -2.505264,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978472
+                    -2.507711,53.978190
+                    -2.508457,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977351
+                    -2.509861,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976340
+                    -2.508877,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975668
+                    -2.509983,53.975101
+                    -2.509767,53.974190
+                    -2.510735,53.973560
+                    -2.511175,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972631
+                    -2.513632,53.972383
+                    -2.513760,53.972216
+                    -2.515272,53.971620
+                    -2.515510,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971353
+                    -2.513760,53.971381
+                    -2.512247,53.971324
+                    -2.510735,53.971367
+                    -2.509591,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
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+                    -2.532192,53.972383
+                    -2.532069,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973689
+                    -2.531035,53.974190
+                    -2.531906,53.974714
+                    -2.532435,53.975101
+                    -2.532632,53.976002
+                    -2.532325,53.976908
+                    -2.532430,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978400
+                    -2.534087,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979220
+                    -2.535770,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.980021
+                    -2.537899,53.980527
+                    -2.537955,53.980560
+                    -2.538012,53.980527
+                    -2.539467,53.980212
+                    -2.540271,53.980527
+                    -2.540317,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.982067
+                    -2.541379,53.982334
+                    -2.541536,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983812
+                    -2.543557,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984408
+                    -2.545516,53.984790
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+                    -2.551564,53.987174
+                    -2.552094,53.986859
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+                    -2.556894,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986387
+                    -2.558437,53.985953
+                    -2.559126,53.985496
+                    -2.559507,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986583
+                    -2.562150,53.986430
+                    -2.562692,53.986859
+                    -2.563584,53.987765
+                    -2.563662,53.987927
+                    -2.563725,53.988667
+                    -2.563742,53.989573
+                    -2.564202,53.990479
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+                    -2.565529,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991809
+                    -2.564443,53.992286
+                    -2.563981,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.993797
+                    -2.562150,53.993850
+                    -2.561768,53.994098
+                    -2.562150,53.994384
+                    -2.563662,53.994489
+                    -2.564169,53.994999
+                    -2.565174,53.995681
+                    -2.565449,53.995910
+                    -2.565354,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997011
+                    -2.563662,53.996959
+                    -2.562150,53.996921
+                    -2.561152,53.996811
+                    -2.561833,53.995910
+                    -2.561703,53.994999
+                    -2.560638,53.994427
+                    -2.560068,53.994098
+                    -2.560003,53.993192
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+                    -2.553077,53.988199
+                    -2.552293,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989220
+                    -2.554185,53.989573
+                    -2.554589,53.989754
+                    -2.555222,53.990479
+                    -2.554871,53.991385
+                    -2.555085,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992558
+                    -2.553203,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993340
+                    -2.551960,53.994098
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+                    -2.550052,53.994780
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+                    -2.551564,53.991461
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+                    -2.530394,54.020629
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+                    -2.517175,54.021239
+                    -2.516784,54.020882
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013624
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+                    -2.515272,54.011073
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+                    -2.513760,54.009128
+                    -2.512247,54.009271
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+                    -2.512247,54.008036
+                    -2.513760,54.008217
+                    -2.515272,54.008346
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+                    -2.516949,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007568
+                    -2.515805,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006457
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+                    -2.518296,54.004989
+                    -2.517935,54.004951
+                    -2.518296,54.004869
+                    -2.519808,54.004879
+                    -2.521321,54.004912
+                    -2.522253,54.004951
+                    -2.522833,54.004989
+                    -2.522887,54.004951
+                    -2.524040,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003572
+                    -2.524738,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002771
+                    -2.523275,54.003143
+                    -2.522833,54.003220
+                    -2.522650,54.003143
+                    -2.521321,54.002352
+                    -2.519808,54.002280
+                    -2.518791,54.002242
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+                    -2.518918,54.000430
+                    -2.518296,54.000368
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+                    -2.516657,54.000430
+                    -2.515272,54.000802
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+                    -2.512247,54.000912
+                    -2.512030,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,54.000287
+                    -2.513760,54.000168
+                    -2.515272,54.000053
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+                    -2.515285,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998613
+                    -2.513828,53.997717
+                    -2.514124,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996596
+                    -2.512902,53.996811
+                    -2.512247,53.997011
+                    -2.512120,53.996811
+                    -2.511971,53.995910
+                    -2.511738,53.994999
+                    -2.510735,53.994498
+                    -2.509546,53.994999
+                    -2.509223,53.995385
+                    -2.507711,53.995271
+                    -2.506199,53.995147
+                    -2.506126,53.994999
+                    -2.505155,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993783
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+                    -2.504686,53.991051
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+                    -2.507711,53.988757
+                    -2.507885,53.988667
+                    -2.507711,53.988361
+                    -2.506199,53.988190
+                    -2.505894,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987536
+                    -2.506753,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986440
+                    -2.508609,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985476
+                    -2.506199,53.985062
+                    -2.505932,53.985052
+                    -2.506199,53.985019
+                    -2.507264,53.984141
+                    -2.507711,53.983374
+                    -2.507770,53.983240
+                    -2.507780,53.982334
+                    -2.508231,53.981433
+                    -2.509016,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979669
+                    -2.506199,53.980322
+                    -2.505308,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.980742
+                    -2.504331,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.979921
+                    -2.502673,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979301
+                    -2.504686,53.979020
+                    -2.505264,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978472
+                    -2.507711,53.978190
+                    -2.508457,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977351
+                    -2.509861,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976340
+                    -2.508877,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975668
+                    -2.509983,53.975101
+                    -2.509767,53.974190
+                    -2.510735,53.973560
+                    -2.511175,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972631
+                    -2.513632,53.972383
+                    -2.513760,53.972216
+                    -2.515272,53.971620
+                    -2.515510,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971353
+                    -2.513760,53.971381
+                    -2.512247,53.971324
+                    -2.510735,53.971367
+                    -2.509591,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532192,53.972383
+                    -2.532069,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973689
+                    -2.531035,53.974190
+                    -2.531906,53.974714
+                    -2.532435,53.975101
+                    -2.532632,53.976002
+                    -2.532325,53.976908
+                    -2.532430,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978400
+                    -2.534087,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979220
+                    -2.535770,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.980021
+                    -2.537899,53.980527
+                    -2.537955,53.980560
+                    -2.538012,53.980527
+                    -2.539467,53.980212
+                    -2.540271,53.980527
+                    -2.540317,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.982067
+                    -2.541379,53.982334
+                    -2.541536,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983812
+                    -2.543557,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984408
+                    -2.545516,53.984790
+                    -2.547028,53.984857
+                    -2.548005,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985372
+                    -2.550052,53.985410
+                    -2.550873,53.985953
+                    -2.551034,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987174
+                    -2.552094,53.986859
+                    -2.552256,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985777
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+                    -2.556894,53.985953
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+                    -2.558437,53.985953
+                    -2.559126,53.985496
+                    -2.559507,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986583
+                    -2.562150,53.986430
+                    -2.562692,53.986859
+                    -2.563584,53.987765
+                    -2.563662,53.987927
+                    -2.563725,53.988667
+                    -2.563742,53.989573
+                    -2.564202,53.990479
+                    -2.565174,53.990932
+                    -2.565529,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991809
+                    -2.564443,53.992286
+                    -2.563981,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.993797
+                    -2.562150,53.993850
+                    -2.561768,53.994098
+                    -2.562150,53.994384
+                    -2.563662,53.994489
+                    -2.564169,53.994999
+                    -2.565174,53.995681
+                    -2.565449,53.995910
+                    -2.565354,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997011
+                    -2.563662,53.996959
+                    -2.562150,53.996921
+                    -2.561152,53.996811
+                    -2.561833,53.995910
+                    -2.561703,53.994999
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+                    -2.553077,53.989220
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+                    -2.554589,53.989754
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+                    -2.555085,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992558
+                    -2.553203,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993340
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+                    -2.518296,54.021688
+                    -2.517175,54.021239
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+                    -2.514747,54.020333
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013624
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+                    -2.513760,54.011703
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+                    -2.515272,54.011073
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+                    -2.513760,54.009128
+                    -2.512247,54.009271
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+                    -2.512247,54.008036
+                    -2.513760,54.008217
+                    -2.515272,54.008346
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+                    -2.516949,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007568
+                    -2.515805,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006457
+                    -2.518296,54.006405
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+                    -2.518296,54.004989
+                    -2.517935,54.004951
+                    -2.518296,54.004869
+                    -2.519808,54.004879
+                    -2.521321,54.004912
+                    -2.522253,54.004951
+                    -2.522833,54.004989
+                    -2.522887,54.004951
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+                    -2.524345,54.003572
+                    -2.524738,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002771
+                    -2.523275,54.003143
+                    -2.522833,54.003220
+                    -2.522650,54.003143
+                    -2.521321,54.002352
+                    -2.519808,54.002280
+                    -2.518791,54.002242
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+                    -2.518296,54.000368
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+                    -2.515272,54.000802
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+                    -2.512030,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,54.000287
+                    -2.513760,54.000168
+                    -2.515272,54.000053
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+                    -2.515285,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998613
+                    -2.513828,53.997717
+                    -2.514124,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996596
+                    -2.512902,53.996811
+                    -2.512247,53.997011
+                    -2.512120,53.996811
+                    -2.511971,53.995910
+                    -2.511738,53.994999
+                    -2.510735,53.994498
+                    -2.509546,53.994999
+                    -2.509223,53.995385
+                    -2.507711,53.995271
+                    -2.506199,53.995147
+                    -2.506126,53.994999
+                    -2.505155,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993783
+                    -2.503481,53.993192
+                    -2.504174,53.992286
+                    -2.503622,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991051
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+                    -2.505083,53.989573
+                    -2.506199,53.988824
+                    -2.507711,53.988757
+                    -2.507885,53.988667
+                    -2.507711,53.988361
+                    -2.506199,53.988190
+                    -2.505894,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987536
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+                    -2.507711,53.986440
+                    -2.508609,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985476
+                    -2.506199,53.985062
+                    -2.505932,53.985052
+                    -2.506199,53.985019
+                    -2.507264,53.984141
+                    -2.507711,53.983374
+                    -2.507770,53.983240
+                    -2.507780,53.982334
+                    -2.508231,53.981433
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+                    -2.507711,53.979669
+                    -2.506199,53.980322
+                    -2.505308,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.980742
+                    -2.504331,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.979921
+                    -2.502673,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979301
+                    -2.504686,53.979020
+                    -2.505264,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978472
+                    -2.507711,53.978190
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+                    -2.509223,53.976340
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+                    -2.509223,53.975668
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+                    -2.510735,53.973560
+                    -2.511175,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972631
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+                    -2.513760,53.972216
+                    -2.515272,53.971620
+                    -2.515510,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971353
+                    -2.513760,53.971381
+                    -2.512247,53.971324
+                    -2.510735,53.971367
+                    -2.509591,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
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+                    -2.532192,53.972383
+                    -2.532069,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973689
+                    -2.531035,53.974190
+                    -2.531906,53.974714
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+                    -2.532430,53.977809
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+                    -2.536443,53.980021
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+                    -2.538012,53.980527
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+                    -2.540271,53.980527
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+                    -2.540979,53.982067
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+                    -2.541536,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983812
+                    -2.543557,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984408
+                    -2.545516,53.984790
+                    -2.547028,53.984857
+                    -2.548005,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985372
+                    -2.550052,53.985410
+                    -2.550873,53.985953
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+                    -2.551564,53.987174
+                    -2.552094,53.986859
+                    -2.552256,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985777
+                    -2.554589,53.985648
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+                    -2.556894,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986387
+                    -2.558437,53.985953
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+                    -2.559507,53.985953
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+                    -2.562150,53.986430
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+                    -2.563584,53.987765
+                    -2.563662,53.987927
+                    -2.563725,53.988667
+                    -2.563742,53.989573
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+                    -2.565174,53.991809
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+                    -2.562150,53.993850
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+                    -2.562150,53.994384
+                    -2.563662,53.994489
+                    -2.564169,53.994999
+                    -2.565174,53.995681
+                    -2.565449,53.995910
+                    -2.565354,53.996811
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+                    -2.530394,54.015112
+                    -2.531906,54.015322
+                    -2.533418,54.015446
+                    -2.534930,54.015694
+                    -2.534971,54.015813
+                    -2.534930,54.015822
+                    -2.533698,54.016719
+                    -2.533418,54.017320
+                    -2.533119,54.017620
+                    -2.533394,54.018526
+                    -2.531906,54.018884
+                    -2.530943,54.019427
+                    -2.530394,54.019980
+                    -2.529904,54.020333
+                    -2.530394,54.020629
+                    -2.531906,54.020805
+                    -2.532524,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.021945
+                    -2.533617,54.022145
+                    -2.534439,54.023051
+                    -2.534930,54.023666
+                    -2.535306,54.023952
+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025254
+                    -2.531906,54.025307
+                    -2.530394,54.025064
+                    -2.528882,54.025140
+                    -2.527369,54.025197
+                    -2.526595,54.024858
+                    -2.525857,54.024644
+                    -2.524626,54.023952
+                    -2.524345,54.023795
+                    -2.522833,54.023051
+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520470,54.022145
+                    -2.519808,54.021640
+                    -2.518296,54.021688
+                    -2.517175,54.021239
+                    -2.516784,54.020882
+                    -2.515272,54.020400
+                    -2.514747,54.020333
+                    -2.513760,54.020219
+                    -2.512247,54.020042
+                    -2.511158,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.019213
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013624
+                    -2.512247,54.013195
+                    -2.512307,54.013095
+                    -2.513345,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011703
+                    -2.515088,54.012194
+                    -2.515272,54.012303
+                    -2.515455,54.012194
+                    -2.515562,54.011288
+                    -2.515272,54.011073
+                    -2.514615,54.010382
+                    -2.513923,54.009476
+                    -2.513760,54.009128
+                    -2.512247,54.009271
+                    -2.511288,54.008574
+                    -2.512247,54.008036
+                    -2.513760,54.008217
+                    -2.515272,54.008346
+                    -2.516784,54.007769
+                    -2.516949,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007568
+                    -2.515805,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006457
+                    -2.518296,54.006405
+                    -2.519572,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.004989
+                    -2.517935,54.004951
+                    -2.518296,54.004869
+                    -2.519808,54.004879
+                    -2.521321,54.004912
+                    -2.522253,54.004951
+                    -2.522833,54.004989
+                    -2.522887,54.004951
+                    -2.524040,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003572
+                    -2.524738,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002771
+                    -2.523275,54.003143
+                    -2.522833,54.003220
+                    -2.522650,54.003143
+                    -2.521321,54.002352
+                    -2.519808,54.002280
+                    -2.518791,54.002242
+                    -2.519218,54.001336
+                    -2.518918,54.000430
+                    -2.518296,54.000368
+                    -2.516784,54.000163
+                    -2.516657,54.000430
+                    -2.515272,54.000802
+                    -2.513760,54.000926
+                    -2.512247,54.000912
+                    -2.512030,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,54.000287
+                    -2.513760,54.000168
+                    -2.515272,54.000053
+                    -2.516577,53.999524
+                    -2.515285,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998613
+                    -2.513828,53.997717
+                    -2.514124,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996596
+                    -2.512902,53.996811
+                    -2.512247,53.997011
+                    -2.512120,53.996811
+                    -2.511971,53.995910
+                    -2.511738,53.994999
+                    -2.510735,53.994498
+                    -2.509546,53.994999
+                    -2.509223,53.995385
+                    -2.507711,53.995271
+                    -2.506199,53.995147
+                    -2.506126,53.994999
+                    -2.505155,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993783
+                    -2.503481,53.993192
+                    -2.504174,53.992286
+                    -2.503622,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991051
+                    -2.505764,53.990479
+                    -2.505083,53.989573
+                    -2.506199,53.988824
+                    -2.507711,53.988757
+                    -2.507885,53.988667
+                    -2.507711,53.988361
+                    -2.506199,53.988190
+                    -2.505894,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987536
+                    -2.506753,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986440
+                    -2.508609,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985476
+                    -2.506199,53.985062
+                    -2.505932,53.985052
+                    -2.506199,53.985019
+                    -2.507264,53.984141
+                    -2.507711,53.983374
+                    -2.507770,53.983240
+                    -2.507780,53.982334
+                    -2.508231,53.981433
+                    -2.509016,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979669
+                    -2.506199,53.980322
+                    -2.505308,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.980742
+                    -2.504331,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.979921
+                    -2.502673,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979301
+                    -2.504686,53.979020
+                    -2.505264,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978472
+                    -2.507711,53.978190
+                    -2.508457,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977351
+                    -2.509861,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976340
+                    -2.508877,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975668
+                    -2.509983,53.975101
+                    -2.509767,53.974190
+                    -2.510735,53.973560
+                    -2.511175,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972631
+                    -2.513632,53.972383
+                    -2.513760,53.972216
+                    -2.515272,53.971620
+                    -2.515510,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971353
+                    -2.513760,53.971381
+                    -2.512247,53.971324
+                    -2.510735,53.971367
+                    -2.509591,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532192,53.972383
+                    -2.532069,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973689
+                    -2.531035,53.974190
+                    -2.531906,53.974714
+                    -2.532435,53.975101
+                    -2.532632,53.976002
+                    -2.532325,53.976908
+                    -2.532430,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978400
+                    -2.534087,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979220
+                    -2.535770,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.980021
+                    -2.537899,53.980527
+                    -2.537955,53.980560
+                    -2.538012,53.980527
+                    -2.539467,53.980212
+                    -2.540271,53.980527
+                    -2.540317,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.982067
+                    -2.541379,53.982334
+                    -2.541536,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983812
+                    -2.543557,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984408
+                    -2.545516,53.984790
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+                    -2.551564,53.987174
+                    -2.552094,53.986859
+                    -2.552256,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985777
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+                    -2.556894,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986387
+                    -2.558437,53.985953
+                    -2.559126,53.985496
+                    -2.559507,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986583
+                    -2.562150,53.986430
+                    -2.562692,53.986859
+                    -2.563584,53.987765
+                    -2.563662,53.987927
+                    -2.563725,53.988667
+                    -2.563742,53.989573
+                    -2.564202,53.990479
+                    -2.565174,53.990932
+                    -2.565529,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991809
+                    -2.564443,53.992286
+                    -2.563981,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.993797
+                    -2.562150,53.993850
+                    -2.561768,53.994098
+                    -2.562150,53.994384
+                    -2.563662,53.994489
+                    -2.564169,53.994999
+                    -2.565174,53.995681
+                    -2.565449,53.995910
+                    -2.565354,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997011
+                    -2.563662,53.996959
+                    -2.562150,53.996921
+                    -2.561152,53.996811
+                    -2.561833,53.995910
+                    -2.561703,53.994999
+                    -2.560638,53.994427
+                    -2.560068,53.994098
+                    -2.560003,53.993192
+                    -2.559929,53.992286
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+                    -2.553077,53.988199
+                    -2.552293,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989220
+                    -2.554185,53.989573
+                    -2.554589,53.989754
+                    -2.555222,53.990479
+                    -2.554871,53.991385
+                    -2.555085,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992558
+                    -2.553203,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993340
+                    -2.551960,53.994098
+                    -2.551564,53.994269
+                    -2.550052,53.994780
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+                    -2.551564,53.991461
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+                    -2.548540,53.990588
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+                    -2.530394,54.019980
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+                    -2.530394,54.020629
+                    -2.531906,54.020805
+                    -2.532524,54.021239
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+                    -2.534930,54.024858
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+                    -2.530394,54.025064
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+                    -2.525857,54.024644
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+                    -2.522833,54.023051
+                    -2.521321,54.022145
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+                    -2.518296,54.021688
+                    -2.517175,54.021239
+                    -2.516784,54.020882
+                    -2.515272,54.020400
+                    -2.514747,54.020333
+                    -2.513760,54.020219
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+                    -2.511158,54.019427
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013624
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+                    -2.512307,54.013095
+                    -2.513345,54.012194
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+                    -2.515272,54.011073
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+                    -2.513760,54.009128
+                    -2.512247,54.009271
+                    -2.511288,54.008574
+                    -2.512247,54.008036
+                    -2.513760,54.008217
+                    -2.515272,54.008346
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+                    -2.516949,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007568
+                    -2.515805,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006457
+                    -2.518296,54.006405
+                    -2.519572,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.004989
+                    -2.517935,54.004951
+                    -2.518296,54.004869
+                    -2.519808,54.004879
+                    -2.521321,54.004912
+                    -2.522253,54.004951
+                    -2.522833,54.004989
+                    -2.522887,54.004951
+                    -2.524040,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003572
+                    -2.524738,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002771
+                    -2.523275,54.003143
+                    -2.522833,54.003220
+                    -2.522650,54.003143
+                    -2.521321,54.002352
+                    -2.519808,54.002280
+                    -2.518791,54.002242
+                    -2.519218,54.001336
+                    -2.518918,54.000430
+                    -2.518296,54.000368
+                    -2.516784,54.000163
+                    -2.516657,54.000430
+                    -2.515272,54.000802
+                    -2.513760,54.000926
+                    -2.512247,54.000912
+                    -2.512030,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,54.000287
+                    -2.513760,54.000168
+                    -2.515272,54.000053
+                    -2.516577,53.999524
+                    -2.515285,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998613
+                    -2.513828,53.997717
+                    -2.514124,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996596
+                    -2.512902,53.996811
+                    -2.512247,53.997011
+                    -2.512120,53.996811
+                    -2.511971,53.995910
+                    -2.511738,53.994999
+                    -2.510735,53.994498
+                    -2.509546,53.994999
+                    -2.509223,53.995385
+                    -2.507711,53.995271
+                    -2.506199,53.995147
+                    -2.506126,53.994999
+                    -2.505155,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993783
+                    -2.503481,53.993192
+                    -2.504174,53.992286
+                    -2.503622,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991051
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+                    -2.506199,53.988824
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+                    -2.507885,53.988667
+                    -2.507711,53.988361
+                    -2.506199,53.988190
+                    -2.505894,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987536
+                    -2.506753,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986440
+                    -2.508609,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985476
+                    -2.506199,53.985062
+                    -2.505932,53.985052
+                    -2.506199,53.985019
+                    -2.507264,53.984141
+                    -2.507711,53.983374
+                    -2.507770,53.983240
+                    -2.507780,53.982334
+                    -2.508231,53.981433
+                    -2.509016,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979669
+                    -2.506199,53.980322
+                    -2.505308,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.980742
+                    -2.504331,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.979921
+                    -2.502673,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979301
+                    -2.504686,53.979020
+                    -2.505264,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978472
+                    -2.507711,53.978190
+                    -2.508457,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977351
+                    -2.509861,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976340
+                    -2.508877,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975668
+                    -2.509983,53.975101
+                    -2.509767,53.974190
+                    -2.510735,53.973560
+                    -2.511175,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972631
+                    -2.513632,53.972383
+                    -2.513760,53.972216
+                    -2.515272,53.971620
+                    -2.515510,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971353
+                    -2.513760,53.971381
+                    -2.512247,53.971324
+                    -2.510735,53.971367
+                    -2.509591,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532192,53.972383
+                    -2.532069,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973689
+                    -2.531035,53.974190
+                    -2.531906,53.974714
+                    -2.532435,53.975101
+                    -2.532632,53.976002
+                    -2.532325,53.976908
+                    -2.532430,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978400
+                    -2.534087,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979220
+                    -2.535770,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.980021
+                    -2.537899,53.980527
+                    -2.537955,53.980560
+                    -2.538012,53.980527
+                    -2.539467,53.980212
+                    -2.540271,53.980527
+                    -2.540317,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.982067
+                    -2.541379,53.982334
+                    -2.541536,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983812
+                    -2.543557,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984408
+                    -2.545516,53.984790
+                    -2.547028,53.984857
+                    -2.548005,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985372
+                    -2.550052,53.985410
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+                    -2.551564,53.987174
+                    -2.552094,53.986859
+                    -2.552256,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985777
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+                    -2.556894,53.985953
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+                    -2.558437,53.985953
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+                    -2.559507,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986583
+                    -2.562150,53.986430
+                    -2.562692,53.986859
+                    -2.563584,53.987765
+                    -2.563662,53.987927
+                    -2.563725,53.988667
+                    -2.563742,53.989573
+                    -2.564202,53.990479
+                    -2.565174,53.990932
+                    -2.565529,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991809
+                    -2.564443,53.992286
+                    -2.563981,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.993797
+                    -2.562150,53.993850
+                    -2.561768,53.994098
+                    -2.562150,53.994384
+                    -2.563662,53.994489
+                    -2.564169,53.994999
+                    -2.565174,53.995681
+                    -2.565449,53.995910
+                    -2.565354,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997011
+                    -2.563662,53.996959
+                    -2.562150,53.996921
+                    -2.561152,53.996811
+                    -2.561833,53.995910
+                    -2.561703,53.994999
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+                    -2.553077,53.989220
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+                    -2.554589,53.992558
+                    -2.553203,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993340
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+                    -2.518296,54.021688
+                    -2.517175,54.021239
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013624
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+                    -2.515272,54.011073
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+                    -2.513760,54.009128
+                    -2.512247,54.009271
+                    -2.511288,54.008574
+                    -2.512247,54.008036
+                    -2.513760,54.008217
+                    -2.515272,54.008346
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+                    -2.516949,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007568
+                    -2.515805,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006457
+                    -2.518296,54.006405
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+                    -2.518296,54.004989
+                    -2.517935,54.004951
+                    -2.518296,54.004869
+                    -2.519808,54.004879
+                    -2.521321,54.004912
+                    -2.522253,54.004951
+                    -2.522833,54.004989
+                    -2.522887,54.004951
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+                    -2.524345,54.003572
+                    -2.524738,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002771
+                    -2.523275,54.003143
+                    -2.522833,54.003220
+                    -2.522650,54.003143
+                    -2.521321,54.002352
+                    -2.519808,54.002280
+                    -2.518791,54.002242
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+                    -2.518296,54.000368
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+                    -2.515272,54.000802
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+                    -2.512030,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,54.000287
+                    -2.513760,54.000168
+                    -2.515272,54.000053
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+                    -2.515285,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998613
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+                    -2.514124,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996596
+                    -2.512902,53.996811
+                    -2.512247,53.997011
+                    -2.512120,53.996811
+                    -2.511971,53.995910
+                    -2.511738,53.994999
+                    -2.510735,53.994498
+                    -2.509546,53.994999
+                    -2.509223,53.995385
+                    -2.507711,53.995271
+                    -2.506199,53.995147
+                    -2.506126,53.994999
+                    -2.505155,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993783
+                    -2.503481,53.993192
+                    -2.504174,53.992286
+                    -2.503622,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991051
+                    -2.505764,53.990479
+                    -2.505083,53.989573
+                    -2.506199,53.988824
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+                    -2.507885,53.988667
+                    -2.507711,53.988361
+                    -2.506199,53.988190
+                    -2.505894,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987536
+                    -2.506753,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986440
+                    -2.508609,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985476
+                    -2.506199,53.985062
+                    -2.505932,53.985052
+                    -2.506199,53.985019
+                    -2.507264,53.984141
+                    -2.507711,53.983374
+                    -2.507770,53.983240
+                    -2.507780,53.982334
+                    -2.508231,53.981433
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+                    -2.507711,53.979669
+                    -2.506199,53.980322
+                    -2.505308,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.980742
+                    -2.504331,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.979921
+                    -2.502673,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979301
+                    -2.504686,53.979020
+                    -2.505264,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978472
+                    -2.507711,53.978190
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+                    -2.509223,53.976340
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+                    -2.509223,53.975668
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+                    -2.511175,53.973289
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+                    -2.513760,53.972216
+                    -2.515272,53.971620
+                    -2.515510,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971353
+                    -2.513760,53.971381
+                    -2.512247,53.971324
+                    -2.510735,53.971367
+                    -2.509591,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
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+                    -2.532192,53.972383
+                    -2.532069,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973689
+                    -2.531035,53.974190
+                    -2.531906,53.974714
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+                    -2.532325,53.976908
+                    -2.532430,53.977809
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+                    -2.535770,53.979621
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+                    -2.538012,53.980527
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+                    -2.540271,53.980527
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+                    -2.540979,53.982067
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+                    -2.541536,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983812
+                    -2.543557,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984408
+                    -2.545516,53.984790
+                    -2.547028,53.984857
+                    -2.548005,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985372
+                    -2.550052,53.985410
+                    -2.550873,53.985953
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+                    -2.551564,53.987174
+                    -2.552094,53.986859
+                    -2.552256,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985777
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+                    -2.556894,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986387
+                    -2.558437,53.985953
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+                    -2.559507,53.985953
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+                    -2.563584,53.987765
+                    -2.563662,53.987927
+                    -2.563725,53.988667
+                    -2.563742,53.989573
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+                    -2.565174,53.991809
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+                    -2.562150,53.993850
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+                    -2.562150,53.994384
+                    -2.563662,53.994489
+                    -2.564169,53.994999
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+                    -2.565449,53.995910
+                    -2.565354,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997011
+                    -2.563662,53.996959
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+                    -2.533418,54.015446
+                    -2.534930,54.015694
+                    -2.534971,54.015813
+                    -2.534930,54.015822
+                    -2.533698,54.016719
+                    -2.533418,54.017320
+                    -2.533119,54.017620
+                    -2.533394,54.018526
+                    -2.531906,54.018884
+                    -2.530943,54.019427
+                    -2.530394,54.019980
+                    -2.529904,54.020333
+                    -2.530394,54.020629
+                    -2.531906,54.020805
+                    -2.532524,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.021945
+                    -2.533617,54.022145
+                    -2.534439,54.023051
+                    -2.534930,54.023666
+                    -2.535306,54.023952
+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025254
+                    -2.531906,54.025307
+                    -2.530394,54.025064
+                    -2.528882,54.025140
+                    -2.527369,54.025197
+                    -2.526595,54.024858
+                    -2.525857,54.024644
+                    -2.524626,54.023952
+                    -2.524345,54.023795
+                    -2.522833,54.023051
+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520470,54.022145
+                    -2.519808,54.021640
+                    -2.518296,54.021688
+                    -2.517175,54.021239
+                    -2.516784,54.020882
+                    -2.515272,54.020400
+                    -2.514747,54.020333
+                    -2.513760,54.020219
+                    -2.512247,54.020042
+                    -2.511158,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.019213
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013624
+                    -2.512247,54.013195
+                    -2.512307,54.013095
+                    -2.513345,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011703
+                    -2.515088,54.012194
+                    -2.515272,54.012303
+                    -2.515455,54.012194
+                    -2.515562,54.011288
+                    -2.515272,54.011073
+                    -2.514615,54.010382
+                    -2.513923,54.009476
+                    -2.513760,54.009128
+                    -2.512247,54.009271
+                    -2.511288,54.008574
+                    -2.512247,54.008036
+                    -2.513760,54.008217
+                    -2.515272,54.008346
+                    -2.516784,54.007769
+                    -2.516949,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007568
+                    -2.515805,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006457
+                    -2.518296,54.006405
+                    -2.519572,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.004989
+                    -2.517935,54.004951
+                    -2.518296,54.004869
+                    -2.519808,54.004879
+                    -2.521321,54.004912
+                    -2.522253,54.004951
+                    -2.522833,54.004989
+                    -2.522887,54.004951
+                    -2.524040,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003572
+                    -2.524738,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002771
+                    -2.523275,54.003143
+                    -2.522833,54.003220
+                    -2.522650,54.003143
+                    -2.521321,54.002352
+                    -2.519808,54.002280
+                    -2.518791,54.002242
+                    -2.519218,54.001336
+                    -2.518918,54.000430
+                    -2.518296,54.000368
+                    -2.516784,54.000163
+                    -2.516657,54.000430
+                    -2.515272,54.000802
+                    -2.513760,54.000926
+                    -2.512247,54.000912
+                    -2.512030,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,54.000287
+                    -2.513760,54.000168
+                    -2.515272,54.000053
+                    -2.516577,53.999524
+                    -2.515285,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998613
+                    -2.513828,53.997717
+                    -2.514124,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996596
+                    -2.512902,53.996811
+                    -2.512247,53.997011
+                    -2.512120,53.996811
+                    -2.511971,53.995910
+                    -2.511738,53.994999
+                    -2.510735,53.994498
+                    -2.509546,53.994999
+                    -2.509223,53.995385
+                    -2.507711,53.995271
+                    -2.506199,53.995147
+                    -2.506126,53.994999
+                    -2.505155,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993783
+                    -2.503481,53.993192
+                    -2.504174,53.992286
+                    -2.503622,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991051
+                    -2.505764,53.990479
+                    -2.505083,53.989573
+                    -2.506199,53.988824
+                    -2.507711,53.988757
+                    -2.507885,53.988667
+                    -2.507711,53.988361
+                    -2.506199,53.988190
+                    -2.505894,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987536
+                    -2.506753,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986440
+                    -2.508609,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985476
+                    -2.506199,53.985062
+                    -2.505932,53.985052
+                    -2.506199,53.985019
+                    -2.507264,53.984141
+                    -2.507711,53.983374
+                    -2.507770,53.983240
+                    -2.507780,53.982334
+                    -2.508231,53.981433
+                    -2.509016,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979669
+                    -2.506199,53.980322
+                    -2.505308,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.980742
+                    -2.504331,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.979921
+                    -2.502673,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979301
+                    -2.504686,53.979020
+                    -2.505264,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978472
+                    -2.507711,53.978190
+                    -2.508457,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977351
+                    -2.509861,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976340
+                    -2.508877,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975668
+                    -2.509983,53.975101
+                    -2.509767,53.974190
+                    -2.510735,53.973560
+                    -2.511175,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972631
+                    -2.513632,53.972383
+                    -2.513760,53.972216
+                    -2.515272,53.971620
+                    -2.515510,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971353
+                    -2.513760,53.971381
+                    -2.512247,53.971324
+                    -2.510735,53.971367
+                    -2.509591,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
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+                    -2.532192,53.972383
+                    -2.532069,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973689
+                    -2.531035,53.974190
+                    -2.531906,53.974714
+                    -2.532435,53.975101
+                    -2.532632,53.976002
+                    -2.532325,53.976908
+                    -2.532430,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978400
+                    -2.534087,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979220
+                    -2.535770,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.980021
+                    -2.537899,53.980527
+                    -2.537955,53.980560
+                    -2.538012,53.980527
+                    -2.539467,53.980212
+                    -2.540271,53.980527
+                    -2.540317,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.982067
+                    -2.541379,53.982334
+                    -2.541536,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983812
+                    -2.543557,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984408
+                    -2.545516,53.984790
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+                    -2.551564,53.987174
+                    -2.552094,53.986859
+                    -2.552256,53.985953
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+                    -2.558437,53.985953
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+                    -2.559507,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986583
+                    -2.562150,53.986430
+                    -2.562692,53.986859
+                    -2.563584,53.987765
+                    -2.563662,53.987927
+                    -2.563725,53.988667
+                    -2.563742,53.989573
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+                    -2.565529,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991809
+                    -2.564443,53.992286
+                    -2.563981,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.993797
+                    -2.562150,53.993850
+                    -2.561768,53.994098
+                    -2.562150,53.994384
+                    -2.563662,53.994489
+                    -2.564169,53.994999
+                    -2.565174,53.995681
+                    -2.565449,53.995910
+                    -2.565354,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997011
+                    -2.563662,53.996959
+                    -2.562150,53.996921
+                    -2.561152,53.996811
+                    -2.561833,53.995910
+                    -2.561703,53.994999
+                    -2.560638,53.994427
+                    -2.560068,53.994098
+                    -2.560003,53.993192
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+                    -2.553077,53.988199
+                    -2.552293,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989220
+                    -2.554185,53.989573
+                    -2.554589,53.989754
+                    -2.555222,53.990479
+                    -2.554871,53.991385
+                    -2.555085,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992558
+                    -2.553203,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993340
+                    -2.551960,53.994098
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+                    -2.550052,53.994780
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+                    -2.551564,53.991461
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+                    -2.530394,54.020629
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+                    -2.517175,54.021239
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
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+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013624
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+                    -2.513760,54.009128
+                    -2.512247,54.009271
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+                    -2.512247,54.008036
+                    -2.513760,54.008217
+                    -2.515272,54.008346
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+                    -2.516949,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007568
+                    -2.515805,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006457
+                    -2.518296,54.006405
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+                    -2.518296,54.004989
+                    -2.517935,54.004951
+                    -2.518296,54.004869
+                    -2.519808,54.004879
+                    -2.521321,54.004912
+                    -2.522253,54.004951
+                    -2.522833,54.004989
+                    -2.522887,54.004951
+                    -2.524040,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003572
+                    -2.524738,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002771
+                    -2.523275,54.003143
+                    -2.522833,54.003220
+                    -2.522650,54.003143
+                    -2.521321,54.002352
+                    -2.519808,54.002280
+                    -2.518791,54.002242
+                    -2.519218,54.001336
+                    -2.518918,54.000430
+                    -2.518296,54.000368
+                    -2.516784,54.000163
+                    -2.516657,54.000430
+                    -2.515272,54.000802
+                    -2.513760,54.000926
+                    -2.512247,54.000912
+                    -2.512030,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,54.000287
+                    -2.513760,54.000168
+                    -2.515272,54.000053
+                    -2.516577,53.999524
+                    -2.515285,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998613
+                    -2.513828,53.997717
+                    -2.514124,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996596
+                    -2.512902,53.996811
+                    -2.512247,53.997011
+                    -2.512120,53.996811
+                    -2.511971,53.995910
+                    -2.511738,53.994999
+                    -2.510735,53.994498
+                    -2.509546,53.994999
+                    -2.509223,53.995385
+                    -2.507711,53.995271
+                    -2.506199,53.995147
+                    -2.506126,53.994999
+                    -2.505155,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993783
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+                    -2.504686,53.991051
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+                    -2.507711,53.988361
+                    -2.506199,53.988190
+                    -2.505894,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987536
+                    -2.506753,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986440
+                    -2.508609,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985476
+                    -2.506199,53.985062
+                    -2.505932,53.985052
+                    -2.506199,53.985019
+                    -2.507264,53.984141
+                    -2.507711,53.983374
+                    -2.507770,53.983240
+                    -2.507780,53.982334
+                    -2.508231,53.981433
+                    -2.509016,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979669
+                    -2.506199,53.980322
+                    -2.505308,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.980742
+                    -2.504331,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.979921
+                    -2.502673,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979301
+                    -2.504686,53.979020
+                    -2.505264,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978472
+                    -2.507711,53.978190
+                    -2.508457,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977351
+                    -2.509861,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976340
+                    -2.508877,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975668
+                    -2.509983,53.975101
+                    -2.509767,53.974190
+                    -2.510735,53.973560
+                    -2.511175,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972631
+                    -2.513632,53.972383
+                    -2.513760,53.972216
+                    -2.515272,53.971620
+                    -2.515510,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971353
+                    -2.513760,53.971381
+                    -2.512247,53.971324
+                    -2.510735,53.971367
+                    -2.509591,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532192,53.972383
+                    -2.532069,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973689
+                    -2.531035,53.974190
+                    -2.531906,53.974714
+                    -2.532435,53.975101
+                    -2.532632,53.976002
+                    -2.532325,53.976908
+                    -2.532430,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978400
+                    -2.534087,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979220
+                    -2.535770,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.980021
+                    -2.537899,53.980527
+                    -2.537955,53.980560
+                    -2.538012,53.980527
+                    -2.539467,53.980212
+                    -2.540271,53.980527
+                    -2.540317,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.982067
+                    -2.541379,53.982334
+                    -2.541536,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983812
+                    -2.543557,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984408
+                    -2.545516,53.984790
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+                    -2.548005,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985372
+                    -2.550052,53.985410
+                    -2.550873,53.985953
+                    -2.551034,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987174
+                    -2.552094,53.986859
+                    -2.552256,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985777
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+                    -2.556894,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986387
+                    -2.558437,53.985953
+                    -2.559126,53.985496
+                    -2.559507,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986583
+                    -2.562150,53.986430
+                    -2.562692,53.986859
+                    -2.563584,53.987765
+                    -2.563662,53.987927
+                    -2.563725,53.988667
+                    -2.563742,53.989573
+                    -2.564202,53.990479
+                    -2.565174,53.990932
+                    -2.565529,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991809
+                    -2.564443,53.992286
+                    -2.563981,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.993797
+                    -2.562150,53.993850
+                    -2.561768,53.994098
+                    -2.562150,53.994384
+                    -2.563662,53.994489
+                    -2.564169,53.994999
+                    -2.565174,53.995681
+                    -2.565449,53.995910
+                    -2.565354,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997011
+                    -2.563662,53.996959
+                    -2.562150,53.996921
+                    -2.561152,53.996811
+                    -2.561833,53.995910
+                    -2.561703,53.994999
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+                    -2.554589,53.992558
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+                    -2.517175,54.021239
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013624
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+                    -2.513760,54.009128
+                    -2.512247,54.009271
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+                    -2.512247,54.008036
+                    -2.513760,54.008217
+                    -2.515272,54.008346
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+                    -2.516949,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007568
+                    -2.515805,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006457
+                    -2.518296,54.006405
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+                    -2.518296,54.004989
+                    -2.517935,54.004951
+                    -2.518296,54.004869
+                    -2.519808,54.004879
+                    -2.521321,54.004912
+                    -2.522253,54.004951
+                    -2.522833,54.004989
+                    -2.522887,54.004951
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+                    -2.524345,54.003572
+                    -2.524738,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002771
+                    -2.523275,54.003143
+                    -2.522833,54.003220
+                    -2.522650,54.003143
+                    -2.521321,54.002352
+                    -2.519808,54.002280
+                    -2.518791,54.002242
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+                    -2.518296,54.000368
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+                    -2.515272,54.000802
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+                    -2.512247,54.000912
+                    -2.512030,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,54.000287
+                    -2.513760,54.000168
+                    -2.515272,54.000053
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+                    -2.515285,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998613
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+                    -2.514124,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996596
+                    -2.512902,53.996811
+                    -2.512247,53.997011
+                    -2.512120,53.996811
+                    -2.511971,53.995910
+                    -2.511738,53.994999
+                    -2.510735,53.994498
+                    -2.509546,53.994999
+                    -2.509223,53.995385
+                    -2.507711,53.995271
+                    -2.506199,53.995147
+                    -2.506126,53.994999
+                    -2.505155,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993783
+                    -2.503481,53.993192
+                    -2.504174,53.992286
+                    -2.503622,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991051
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+                    -2.505083,53.989573
+                    -2.506199,53.988824
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+                    -2.507885,53.988667
+                    -2.507711,53.988361
+                    -2.506199,53.988190
+                    -2.505894,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987536
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+                    -2.507711,53.986440
+                    -2.508609,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985476
+                    -2.506199,53.985062
+                    -2.505932,53.985052
+                    -2.506199,53.985019
+                    -2.507264,53.984141
+                    -2.507711,53.983374
+                    -2.507770,53.983240
+                    -2.507780,53.982334
+                    -2.508231,53.981433
+                    -2.509016,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979669
+                    -2.506199,53.980322
+                    -2.505308,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.980742
+                    -2.504331,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.979921
+                    -2.502673,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979301
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+                    -2.505264,53.978715
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+                    -2.507711,53.978190
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+                    -2.509223,53.976340
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+                    -2.509223,53.975668
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+                    -2.513760,53.972216
+                    -2.515272,53.971620
+                    -2.515510,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971353
+                    -2.513760,53.971381
+                    -2.512247,53.971324
+                    -2.510735,53.971367
+                    -2.509591,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532192,53.972383
+                    -2.532069,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973689
+                    -2.531035,53.974190
+                    -2.531906,53.974714
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+                    -2.532632,53.976002
+                    -2.532325,53.976908
+                    -2.532430,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978400
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+                    -2.535770,53.979621
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+                    -2.538012,53.980527
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+                    -2.540271,53.980527
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+                    -2.540979,53.982067
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+                    -2.541536,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983812
+                    -2.543557,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984408
+                    -2.545516,53.984790
+                    -2.547028,53.984857
+                    -2.548005,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985372
+                    -2.550052,53.985410
+                    -2.550873,53.985953
+                    -2.551034,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987174
+                    -2.552094,53.986859
+                    -2.552256,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985777
+                    -2.554589,53.985648
+                    -2.556101,53.985610
+                    -2.556894,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986387
+                    -2.558437,53.985953
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+                    -2.559507,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986583
+                    -2.562150,53.986430
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+                    -2.563584,53.987765
+                    -2.563662,53.987927
+                    -2.563725,53.988667
+                    -2.563742,53.989573
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+                    -2.565174,53.991809
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+                    -2.562150,53.993850
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+                    -2.562150,53.994384
+                    -2.563662,53.994489
+                    -2.564169,53.994999
+                    -2.565174,53.995681
+                    -2.565449,53.995910
+                    -2.565354,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997011
+                    -2.563662,53.996959
+                    -2.562150,53.996921
+                    -2.561152,53.996811
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+                    -2.534971,54.015813
+                    -2.534930,54.015822
+                    -2.533698,54.016719
+                    -2.533418,54.017320
+                    -2.533119,54.017620
+                    -2.533394,54.018526
+                    -2.531906,54.018884
+                    -2.530943,54.019427
+                    -2.530394,54.019980
+                    -2.529904,54.020333
+                    -2.530394,54.020629
+                    -2.531906,54.020805
+                    -2.532524,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.021945
+                    -2.533617,54.022145
+                    -2.534439,54.023051
+                    -2.534930,54.023666
+                    -2.535306,54.023952
+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025254
+                    -2.531906,54.025307
+                    -2.530394,54.025064
+                    -2.528882,54.025140
+                    -2.527369,54.025197
+                    -2.526595,54.024858
+                    -2.525857,54.024644
+                    -2.524626,54.023952
+                    -2.524345,54.023795
+                    -2.522833,54.023051
+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520470,54.022145
+                    -2.519808,54.021640
+                    -2.518296,54.021688
+                    -2.517175,54.021239
+                    -2.516784,54.020882
+                    -2.515272,54.020400
+                    -2.514747,54.020333
+                    -2.513760,54.020219
+                    -2.512247,54.020042
+                    -2.511158,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.019213
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013624
+                    -2.512247,54.013195
+                    -2.512307,54.013095
+                    -2.513345,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011703
+                    -2.515088,54.012194
+                    -2.515272,54.012303
+                    -2.515455,54.012194
+                    -2.515562,54.011288
+                    -2.515272,54.011073
+                    -2.514615,54.010382
+                    -2.513923,54.009476
+                    -2.513760,54.009128
+                    -2.512247,54.009271
+                    -2.511288,54.008574
+                    -2.512247,54.008036
+                    -2.513760,54.008217
+                    -2.515272,54.008346
+                    -2.516784,54.007769
+                    -2.516949,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007568
+                    -2.515805,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006457
+                    -2.518296,54.006405
+                    -2.519572,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.004989
+                    -2.517935,54.004951
+                    -2.518296,54.004869
+                    -2.519808,54.004879
+                    -2.521321,54.004912
+                    -2.522253,54.004951
+                    -2.522833,54.004989
+                    -2.522887,54.004951
+                    -2.524040,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003572
+                    -2.524738,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002771
+                    -2.523275,54.003143
+                    -2.522833,54.003220
+                    -2.522650,54.003143
+                    -2.521321,54.002352
+                    -2.519808,54.002280
+                    -2.518791,54.002242
+                    -2.519218,54.001336
+                    -2.518918,54.000430
+                    -2.518296,54.000368
+                    -2.516784,54.000163
+                    -2.516657,54.000430
+                    -2.515272,54.000802
+                    -2.513760,54.000926
+                    -2.512247,54.000912
+                    -2.512030,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,54.000287
+                    -2.513760,54.000168
+                    -2.515272,54.000053
+                    -2.516577,53.999524
+                    -2.515285,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998613
+                    -2.513828,53.997717
+                    -2.514124,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996596
+                    -2.512902,53.996811
+                    -2.512247,53.997011
+                    -2.512120,53.996811
+                    -2.511971,53.995910
+                    -2.511738,53.994999
+                    -2.510735,53.994498
+                    -2.509546,53.994999
+                    -2.509223,53.995385
+                    -2.507711,53.995271
+                    -2.506199,53.995147
+                    -2.506126,53.994999
+                    -2.505155,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993783
+                    -2.503481,53.993192
+                    -2.504174,53.992286
+                    -2.503622,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991051
+                    -2.505764,53.990479
+                    -2.505083,53.989573
+                    -2.506199,53.988824
+                    -2.507711,53.988757
+                    -2.507885,53.988667
+                    -2.507711,53.988361
+                    -2.506199,53.988190
+                    -2.505894,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987536
+                    -2.506753,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986440
+                    -2.508609,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985476
+                    -2.506199,53.985062
+                    -2.505932,53.985052
+                    -2.506199,53.985019
+                    -2.507264,53.984141
+                    -2.507711,53.983374
+                    -2.507770,53.983240
+                    -2.507780,53.982334
+                    -2.508231,53.981433
+                    -2.509016,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979669
+                    -2.506199,53.980322
+                    -2.505308,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.980742
+                    -2.504331,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.979921
+                    -2.502673,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979301
+                    -2.504686,53.979020
+                    -2.505264,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978472
+                    -2.507711,53.978190
+                    -2.508457,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977351
+                    -2.509861,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976340
+                    -2.508877,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975668
+                    -2.509983,53.975101
+                    -2.509767,53.974190
+                    -2.510735,53.973560
+                    -2.511175,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972631
+                    -2.513632,53.972383
+                    -2.513760,53.972216
+                    -2.515272,53.971620
+                    -2.515510,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971353
+                    -2.513760,53.971381
+                    -2.512247,53.971324
+                    -2.510735,53.971367
+                    -2.509591,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
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+                    -2.532192,53.972383
+                    -2.532069,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973689
+                    -2.531035,53.974190
+                    -2.531906,53.974714
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+                    -2.532632,53.976002
+                    -2.532325,53.976908
+                    -2.532430,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978400
+                    -2.534087,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979220
+                    -2.535770,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.980021
+                    -2.537899,53.980527
+                    -2.537955,53.980560
+                    -2.538012,53.980527
+                    -2.539467,53.980212
+                    -2.540271,53.980527
+                    -2.540317,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.982067
+                    -2.541379,53.982334
+                    -2.541536,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983812
+                    -2.543557,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984408
+                    -2.545516,53.984790
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+                    -2.551564,53.987174
+                    -2.552094,53.986859
+                    -2.552256,53.985953
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+                    -2.558437,53.985953
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+                    -2.559507,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986583
+                    -2.562150,53.986430
+                    -2.562692,53.986859
+                    -2.563584,53.987765
+                    -2.563662,53.987927
+                    -2.563725,53.988667
+                    -2.563742,53.989573
+                    -2.564202,53.990479
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+                    -2.565529,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991809
+                    -2.564443,53.992286
+                    -2.563981,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.993797
+                    -2.562150,53.993850
+                    -2.561768,53.994098
+                    -2.562150,53.994384
+                    -2.563662,53.994489
+                    -2.564169,53.994999
+                    -2.565174,53.995681
+                    -2.565449,53.995910
+                    -2.565354,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997011
+                    -2.563662,53.996959
+                    -2.562150,53.996921
+                    -2.561152,53.996811
+                    -2.561833,53.995910
+                    -2.561703,53.994999
+                    -2.560638,53.994427
+                    -2.560068,53.994098
+                    -2.560003,53.993192
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+                    -2.553077,53.988199
+                    -2.552293,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989220
+                    -2.554185,53.989573
+                    -2.554589,53.989754
+                    -2.555222,53.990479
+                    -2.554871,53.991385
+                    -2.555085,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992558
+                    -2.553203,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993340
+                    -2.551960,53.994098
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+                    -2.550052,53.994780
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+                    -2.551564,53.991461
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+                    -2.530394,54.020629
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+                    -2.534930,54.024858
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+                    -2.522833,54.023051
+                    -2.521321,54.022145
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+                    -2.517175,54.021239
+                    -2.516784,54.020882
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013624
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+                    -2.513760,54.009128
+                    -2.512247,54.009271
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+                    -2.512247,54.008036
+                    -2.513760,54.008217
+                    -2.515272,54.008346
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+                    -2.516949,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007568
+                    -2.515805,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006457
+                    -2.518296,54.006405
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+                    -2.518296,54.004989
+                    -2.517935,54.004951
+                    -2.518296,54.004869
+                    -2.519808,54.004879
+                    -2.521321,54.004912
+                    -2.522253,54.004951
+                    -2.522833,54.004989
+                    -2.522887,54.004951
+                    -2.524040,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003572
+                    -2.524738,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002771
+                    -2.523275,54.003143
+                    -2.522833,54.003220
+                    -2.522650,54.003143
+                    -2.521321,54.002352
+                    -2.519808,54.002280
+                    -2.518791,54.002242
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+                    -2.518918,54.000430
+                    -2.518296,54.000368
+                    -2.516784,54.000163
+                    -2.516657,54.000430
+                    -2.515272,54.000802
+                    -2.513760,54.000926
+                    -2.512247,54.000912
+                    -2.512030,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,54.000287
+                    -2.513760,54.000168
+                    -2.515272,54.000053
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+                    -2.515285,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998613
+                    -2.513828,53.997717
+                    -2.514124,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996596
+                    -2.512902,53.996811
+                    -2.512247,53.997011
+                    -2.512120,53.996811
+                    -2.511971,53.995910
+                    -2.511738,53.994999
+                    -2.510735,53.994498
+                    -2.509546,53.994999
+                    -2.509223,53.995385
+                    -2.507711,53.995271
+                    -2.506199,53.995147
+                    -2.506126,53.994999
+                    -2.505155,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993783
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+                    -2.504686,53.991051
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+                    -2.507711,53.988361
+                    -2.506199,53.988190
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+                    -2.506199,53.987536
+                    -2.506753,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986440
+                    -2.508609,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985476
+                    -2.506199,53.985062
+                    -2.505932,53.985052
+                    -2.506199,53.985019
+                    -2.507264,53.984141
+                    -2.507711,53.983374
+                    -2.507770,53.983240
+                    -2.507780,53.982334
+                    -2.508231,53.981433
+                    -2.509016,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979669
+                    -2.506199,53.980322
+                    -2.505308,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.980742
+                    -2.504331,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.979921
+                    -2.502673,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979301
+                    -2.504686,53.979020
+                    -2.505264,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978472
+                    -2.507711,53.978190
+                    -2.508457,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977351
+                    -2.509861,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976340
+                    -2.508877,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975668
+                    -2.509983,53.975101
+                    -2.509767,53.974190
+                    -2.510735,53.973560
+                    -2.511175,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972631
+                    -2.513632,53.972383
+                    -2.513760,53.972216
+                    -2.515272,53.971620
+                    -2.515510,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971353
+                    -2.513760,53.971381
+                    -2.512247,53.971324
+                    -2.510735,53.971367
+                    -2.509591,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532192,53.972383
+                    -2.532069,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973689
+                    -2.531035,53.974190
+                    -2.531906,53.974714
+                    -2.532435,53.975101
+                    -2.532632,53.976002
+                    -2.532325,53.976908
+                    -2.532430,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978400
+                    -2.534087,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979220
+                    -2.535770,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.980021
+                    -2.537899,53.980527
+                    -2.537955,53.980560
+                    -2.538012,53.980527
+                    -2.539467,53.980212
+                    -2.540271,53.980527
+                    -2.540317,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.982067
+                    -2.541379,53.982334
+                    -2.541536,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983812
+                    -2.543557,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984408
+                    -2.545516,53.984790
+                    -2.547028,53.984857
+                    -2.548005,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985372
+                    -2.550052,53.985410
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+                    -2.551034,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987174
+                    -2.552094,53.986859
+                    -2.552256,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985777
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+                    -2.556894,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986387
+                    -2.558437,53.985953
+                    -2.559126,53.985496
+                    -2.559507,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986583
+                    -2.562150,53.986430
+                    -2.562692,53.986859
+                    -2.563584,53.987765
+                    -2.563662,53.987927
+                    -2.563725,53.988667
+                    -2.563742,53.989573
+                    -2.564202,53.990479
+                    -2.565174,53.990932
+                    -2.565529,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991809
+                    -2.564443,53.992286
+                    -2.563981,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.993797
+                    -2.562150,53.993850
+                    -2.561768,53.994098
+                    -2.562150,53.994384
+                    -2.563662,53.994489
+                    -2.564169,53.994999
+                    -2.565174,53.995681
+                    -2.565449,53.995910
+                    -2.565354,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997011
+                    -2.563662,53.996959
+                    -2.562150,53.996921
+                    -2.561152,53.996811
+                    -2.561833,53.995910
+                    -2.561703,53.994999
+                    -2.560638,53.994427
+                    -2.560068,53.994098
+                    -2.560003,53.993192
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+                    -2.553077,53.989220
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+                    -2.554589,53.989754
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+                    -2.555085,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992558
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+                    -2.553077,53.993340
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+                    -2.518296,54.021688
+                    -2.517175,54.021239
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+                    -2.515272,54.020400
+                    -2.514747,54.020333
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013624
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+                    -2.512307,54.013095
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+                    -2.513760,54.011703
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+                    -2.515272,54.011073
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+                    -2.513760,54.009128
+                    -2.512247,54.009271
+                    -2.511288,54.008574
+                    -2.512247,54.008036
+                    -2.513760,54.008217
+                    -2.515272,54.008346
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+                    -2.516949,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007568
+                    -2.515805,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006457
+                    -2.518296,54.006405
+                    -2.519572,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.004989
+                    -2.517935,54.004951
+                    -2.518296,54.004869
+                    -2.519808,54.004879
+                    -2.521321,54.004912
+                    -2.522253,54.004951
+                    -2.522833,54.004989
+                    -2.522887,54.004951
+                    -2.524040,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003572
+                    -2.524738,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002771
+                    -2.523275,54.003143
+                    -2.522833,54.003220
+                    -2.522650,54.003143
+                    -2.521321,54.002352
+                    -2.519808,54.002280
+                    -2.518791,54.002242
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+                    -2.518918,54.000430
+                    -2.518296,54.000368
+                    -2.516784,54.000163
+                    -2.516657,54.000430
+                    -2.515272,54.000802
+                    -2.513760,54.000926
+                    -2.512247,54.000912
+                    -2.512030,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,54.000287
+                    -2.513760,54.000168
+                    -2.515272,54.000053
+                    -2.516577,53.999524
+                    -2.515285,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998613
+                    -2.513828,53.997717
+                    -2.514124,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996596
+                    -2.512902,53.996811
+                    -2.512247,53.997011
+                    -2.512120,53.996811
+                    -2.511971,53.995910
+                    -2.511738,53.994999
+                    -2.510735,53.994498
+                    -2.509546,53.994999
+                    -2.509223,53.995385
+                    -2.507711,53.995271
+                    -2.506199,53.995147
+                    -2.506126,53.994999
+                    -2.505155,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993783
+                    -2.503481,53.993192
+                    -2.504174,53.992286
+                    -2.503622,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991051
+                    -2.505764,53.990479
+                    -2.505083,53.989573
+                    -2.506199,53.988824
+                    -2.507711,53.988757
+                    -2.507885,53.988667
+                    -2.507711,53.988361
+                    -2.506199,53.988190
+                    -2.505894,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987536
+                    -2.506753,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986440
+                    -2.508609,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985476
+                    -2.506199,53.985062
+                    -2.505932,53.985052
+                    -2.506199,53.985019
+                    -2.507264,53.984141
+                    -2.507711,53.983374
+                    -2.507770,53.983240
+                    -2.507780,53.982334
+                    -2.508231,53.981433
+                    -2.509016,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979669
+                    -2.506199,53.980322
+                    -2.505308,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.980742
+                    -2.504331,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.979921
+                    -2.502673,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979301
+                    -2.504686,53.979020
+                    -2.505264,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978472
+                    -2.507711,53.978190
+                    -2.508457,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977351
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+                    -2.509223,53.976340
+                    -2.508877,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975668
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+                    -2.510735,53.973560
+                    -2.511175,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972631
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+                    -2.513760,53.972216
+                    -2.515272,53.971620
+                    -2.515510,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971353
+                    -2.513760,53.971381
+                    -2.512247,53.971324
+                    -2.510735,53.971367
+                    -2.509591,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532192,53.972383
+                    -2.532069,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973689
+                    -2.531035,53.974190
+                    -2.531906,53.974714
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+                    -2.532632,53.976002
+                    -2.532325,53.976908
+                    -2.532430,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978400
+                    -2.534087,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979220
+                    -2.535770,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.980021
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+                    -2.537955,53.980560
+                    -2.538012,53.980527
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+                    -2.540271,53.980527
+                    -2.540317,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.982067
+                    -2.541379,53.982334
+                    -2.541536,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983812
+                    -2.543557,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984408
+                    -2.545516,53.984790
+                    -2.547028,53.984857
+                    -2.548005,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985372
+                    -2.550052,53.985410
+                    -2.550873,53.985953
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+                    -2.551564,53.987174
+                    -2.552094,53.986859
+                    -2.552256,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985777
+                    -2.554589,53.985648
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+                    -2.556894,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986387
+                    -2.558437,53.985953
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+                    -2.559507,53.985953
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+                    -2.562150,53.986430
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+                    -2.563584,53.987765
+                    -2.563662,53.987927
+                    -2.563725,53.988667
+                    -2.563742,53.989573
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+                    -2.565174,53.991809
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+                    -2.562150,53.993850
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+                    -2.562150,53.994384
+                    -2.563662,53.994489
+                    -2.564169,53.994999
+                    -2.565174,53.995681
+                    -2.565449,53.995910
+                    -2.565354,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997011
+                    -2.563662,53.996959
+                    -2.562150,53.996921
+                    -2.561152,53.996811
+                    -2.561833,53.995910
+                    -2.561703,53.994999
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+                    -2.533698,54.016719
+                    -2.533418,54.017320
+                    -2.533119,54.017620
+                    -2.533394,54.018526
+                    -2.531906,54.018884
+                    -2.530943,54.019427
+                    -2.530394,54.019980
+                    -2.529904,54.020333
+                    -2.530394,54.020629
+                    -2.531906,54.020805
+                    -2.532524,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.021945
+                    -2.533617,54.022145
+                    -2.534439,54.023051
+                    -2.534930,54.023666
+                    -2.535306,54.023952
+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025254
+                    -2.531906,54.025307
+                    -2.530394,54.025064
+                    -2.528882,54.025140
+                    -2.527369,54.025197
+                    -2.526595,54.024858
+                    -2.525857,54.024644
+                    -2.524626,54.023952
+                    -2.524345,54.023795
+                    -2.522833,54.023051
+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520470,54.022145
+                    -2.519808,54.021640
+                    -2.518296,54.021688
+                    -2.517175,54.021239
+                    -2.516784,54.020882
+                    -2.515272,54.020400
+                    -2.514747,54.020333
+                    -2.513760,54.020219
+                    -2.512247,54.020042
+                    -2.511158,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.019213
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013624
+                    -2.512247,54.013195
+                    -2.512307,54.013095
+                    -2.513345,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011703
+                    -2.515088,54.012194
+                    -2.515272,54.012303
+                    -2.515455,54.012194
+                    -2.515562,54.011288
+                    -2.515272,54.011073
+                    -2.514615,54.010382
+                    -2.513923,54.009476
+                    -2.513760,54.009128
+                    -2.512247,54.009271
+                    -2.511288,54.008574
+                    -2.512247,54.008036
+                    -2.513760,54.008217
+                    -2.515272,54.008346
+                    -2.516784,54.007769
+                    -2.516949,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007568
+                    -2.515805,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006457
+                    -2.518296,54.006405
+                    -2.519572,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.004989
+                    -2.517935,54.004951
+                    -2.518296,54.004869
+                    -2.519808,54.004879
+                    -2.521321,54.004912
+                    -2.522253,54.004951
+                    -2.522833,54.004989
+                    -2.522887,54.004951
+                    -2.524040,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003572
+                    -2.524738,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002771
+                    -2.523275,54.003143
+                    -2.522833,54.003220
+                    -2.522650,54.003143
+                    -2.521321,54.002352
+                    -2.519808,54.002280
+                    -2.518791,54.002242
+                    -2.519218,54.001336
+                    -2.518918,54.000430
+                    -2.518296,54.000368
+                    -2.516784,54.000163
+                    -2.516657,54.000430
+                    -2.515272,54.000802
+                    -2.513760,54.000926
+                    -2.512247,54.000912
+                    -2.512030,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,54.000287
+                    -2.513760,54.000168
+                    -2.515272,54.000053
+                    -2.516577,53.999524
+                    -2.515285,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998613
+                    -2.513828,53.997717
+                    -2.514124,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996596
+                    -2.512902,53.996811
+                    -2.512247,53.997011
+                    -2.512120,53.996811
+                    -2.511971,53.995910
+                    -2.511738,53.994999
+                    -2.510735,53.994498
+                    -2.509546,53.994999
+                    -2.509223,53.995385
+                    -2.507711,53.995271
+                    -2.506199,53.995147
+                    -2.506126,53.994999
+                    -2.505155,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993783
+                    -2.503481,53.993192
+                    -2.504174,53.992286
+                    -2.503622,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991051
+                    -2.505764,53.990479
+                    -2.505083,53.989573
+                    -2.506199,53.988824
+                    -2.507711,53.988757
+                    -2.507885,53.988667
+                    -2.507711,53.988361
+                    -2.506199,53.988190
+                    -2.505894,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987536
+                    -2.506753,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986440
+                    -2.508609,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985476
+                    -2.506199,53.985062
+                    -2.505932,53.985052
+                    -2.506199,53.985019
+                    -2.507264,53.984141
+                    -2.507711,53.983374
+                    -2.507770,53.983240
+                    -2.507780,53.982334
+                    -2.508231,53.981433
+                    -2.509016,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979669
+                    -2.506199,53.980322
+                    -2.505308,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.980742
+                    -2.504331,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.979921
+                    -2.502673,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979301
+                    -2.504686,53.979020
+                    -2.505264,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978472
+                    -2.507711,53.978190
+                    -2.508457,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977351
+                    -2.509861,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976340
+                    -2.508877,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975668
+                    -2.509983,53.975101
+                    -2.509767,53.974190
+                    -2.510735,53.973560
+                    -2.511175,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972631
+                    -2.513632,53.972383
+                    -2.513760,53.972216
+                    -2.515272,53.971620
+                    -2.515510,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971353
+                    -2.513760,53.971381
+                    -2.512247,53.971324
+                    -2.510735,53.971367
+                    -2.509591,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
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+                    -2.532192,53.972383
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+                    -2.531906,53.973689
+                    -2.531035,53.974190
+                    -2.531906,53.974714
+                    -2.532435,53.975101
+                    -2.532632,53.976002
+                    -2.532325,53.976908
+                    -2.532430,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978400
+                    -2.534087,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979220
+                    -2.535770,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.980021
+                    -2.537899,53.980527
+                    -2.537955,53.980560
+                    -2.538012,53.980527
+                    -2.539467,53.980212
+                    -2.540271,53.980527
+                    -2.540317,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.982067
+                    -2.541379,53.982334
+                    -2.541536,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983812
+                    -2.543557,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984408
+                    -2.545516,53.984790
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+                    -2.551564,53.987174
+                    -2.552094,53.986859
+                    -2.552256,53.985953
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+                    -2.556894,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986387
+                    -2.558437,53.985953
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+                    -2.559507,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986583
+                    -2.562150,53.986430
+                    -2.562692,53.986859
+                    -2.563584,53.987765
+                    -2.563662,53.987927
+                    -2.563725,53.988667
+                    -2.563742,53.989573
+                    -2.564202,53.990479
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+                    -2.565529,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991809
+                    -2.564443,53.992286
+                    -2.563981,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.993797
+                    -2.562150,53.993850
+                    -2.561768,53.994098
+                    -2.562150,53.994384
+                    -2.563662,53.994489
+                    -2.564169,53.994999
+                    -2.565174,53.995681
+                    -2.565449,53.995910
+                    -2.565354,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997011
+                    -2.563662,53.996959
+                    -2.562150,53.996921
+                    -2.561152,53.996811
+                    -2.561833,53.995910
+                    -2.561703,53.994999
+                    -2.560638,53.994427
+                    -2.560068,53.994098
+                    -2.560003,53.993192
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+                    -2.553077,53.988199
+                    -2.552293,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989220
+                    -2.554185,53.989573
+                    -2.554589,53.989754
+                    -2.555222,53.990479
+                    -2.554871,53.991385
+                    -2.555085,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992558
+                    -2.553203,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993340
+                    -2.551960,53.994098
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+                    -2.550052,53.994780
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+                    -2.551564,53.991461
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+                    -2.530394,54.020629
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+                    -2.534930,54.024858
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+                    -2.522833,54.023051
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+                    -2.517175,54.021239
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013624
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+                    -2.515272,54.011073
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+                    -2.513760,54.009128
+                    -2.512247,54.009271
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+                    -2.512247,54.008036
+                    -2.513760,54.008217
+                    -2.515272,54.008346
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+                    -2.516949,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007568
+                    -2.515805,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006457
+                    -2.518296,54.006405
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+                    -2.518296,54.004989
+                    -2.517935,54.004951
+                    -2.518296,54.004869
+                    -2.519808,54.004879
+                    -2.521321,54.004912
+                    -2.522253,54.004951
+                    -2.522833,54.004989
+                    -2.522887,54.004951
+                    -2.524040,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003572
+                    -2.524738,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002771
+                    -2.523275,54.003143
+                    -2.522833,54.003220
+                    -2.522650,54.003143
+                    -2.521321,54.002352
+                    -2.519808,54.002280
+                    -2.518791,54.002242
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+                    -2.518918,54.000430
+                    -2.518296,54.000368
+                    -2.516784,54.000163
+                    -2.516657,54.000430
+                    -2.515272,54.000802
+                    -2.513760,54.000926
+                    -2.512247,54.000912
+                    -2.512030,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,54.000287
+                    -2.513760,54.000168
+                    -2.515272,54.000053
+                    -2.516577,53.999524
+                    -2.515285,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998613
+                    -2.513828,53.997717
+                    -2.514124,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996596
+                    -2.512902,53.996811
+                    -2.512247,53.997011
+                    -2.512120,53.996811
+                    -2.511971,53.995910
+                    -2.511738,53.994999
+                    -2.510735,53.994498
+                    -2.509546,53.994999
+                    -2.509223,53.995385
+                    -2.507711,53.995271
+                    -2.506199,53.995147
+                    -2.506126,53.994999
+                    -2.505155,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993783
+                    -2.503481,53.993192
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+                    -2.504686,53.991051
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+                    -2.507885,53.988667
+                    -2.507711,53.988361
+                    -2.506199,53.988190
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+                    -2.506199,53.987536
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+                    -2.508609,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985476
+                    -2.506199,53.985062
+                    -2.505932,53.985052
+                    -2.506199,53.985019
+                    -2.507264,53.984141
+                    -2.507711,53.983374
+                    -2.507770,53.983240
+                    -2.507780,53.982334
+                    -2.508231,53.981433
+                    -2.509016,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979669
+                    -2.506199,53.980322
+                    -2.505308,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.980742
+                    -2.504331,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.979921
+                    -2.502673,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979301
+                    -2.504686,53.979020
+                    -2.505264,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978472
+                    -2.507711,53.978190
+                    -2.508457,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977351
+                    -2.509861,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976340
+                    -2.508877,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975668
+                    -2.509983,53.975101
+                    -2.509767,53.974190
+                    -2.510735,53.973560
+                    -2.511175,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972631
+                    -2.513632,53.972383
+                    -2.513760,53.972216
+                    -2.515272,53.971620
+                    -2.515510,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971353
+                    -2.513760,53.971381
+                    -2.512247,53.971324
+                    -2.510735,53.971367
+                    -2.509591,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532192,53.972383
+                    -2.532069,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973689
+                    -2.531035,53.974190
+                    -2.531906,53.974714
+                    -2.532435,53.975101
+                    -2.532632,53.976002
+                    -2.532325,53.976908
+                    -2.532430,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978400
+                    -2.534087,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979220
+                    -2.535770,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.980021
+                    -2.537899,53.980527
+                    -2.537955,53.980560
+                    -2.538012,53.980527
+                    -2.539467,53.980212
+                    -2.540271,53.980527
+                    -2.540317,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.982067
+                    -2.541379,53.982334
+                    -2.541536,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983812
+                    -2.543557,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984408
+                    -2.545516,53.984790
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+                    -2.548005,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985372
+                    -2.550052,53.985410
+                    -2.550873,53.985953
+                    -2.551034,53.986859
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+                    -2.552094,53.986859
+                    -2.552256,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985777
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+                    -2.556894,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986387
+                    -2.558437,53.985953
+                    -2.559126,53.985496
+                    -2.559507,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986583
+                    -2.562150,53.986430
+                    -2.562692,53.986859
+                    -2.563584,53.987765
+                    -2.563662,53.987927
+                    -2.563725,53.988667
+                    -2.563742,53.989573
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+                    -2.565529,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991809
+                    -2.564443,53.992286
+                    -2.563981,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.993797
+                    -2.562150,53.993850
+                    -2.561768,53.994098
+                    -2.562150,53.994384
+                    -2.563662,53.994489
+                    -2.564169,53.994999
+                    -2.565174,53.995681
+                    -2.565449,53.995910
+                    -2.565354,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997011
+                    -2.563662,53.996959
+                    -2.562150,53.996921
+                    -2.561152,53.996811
+                    -2.561833,53.995910
+                    -2.561703,53.994999
+                    -2.560638,53.994427
+                    -2.560068,53.994098
+                    -2.560003,53.993192
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+                    -2.553077,53.989220
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+                    -2.554589,53.992558
+                    -2.553203,53.993192
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+                    -2.518296,54.021688
+                    -2.517175,54.021239
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+                    -2.514747,54.020333
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013624
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+                    -2.515272,54.011073
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+                    -2.513760,54.009128
+                    -2.512247,54.009271
+                    -2.511288,54.008574
+                    -2.512247,54.008036
+                    -2.513760,54.008217
+                    -2.515272,54.008346
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+                    -2.516949,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007568
+                    -2.515805,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006457
+                    -2.518296,54.006405
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+                    -2.518296,54.004989
+                    -2.517935,54.004951
+                    -2.518296,54.004869
+                    -2.519808,54.004879
+                    -2.521321,54.004912
+                    -2.522253,54.004951
+                    -2.522833,54.004989
+                    -2.522887,54.004951
+                    -2.524040,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003572
+                    -2.524738,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002771
+                    -2.523275,54.003143
+                    -2.522833,54.003220
+                    -2.522650,54.003143
+                    -2.521321,54.002352
+                    -2.519808,54.002280
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+                    -2.518296,54.000368
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+                    -2.512030,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,54.000287
+                    -2.513760,54.000168
+                    -2.515272,54.000053
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+                    -2.515285,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998613
+                    -2.513828,53.997717
+                    -2.514124,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996596
+                    -2.512902,53.996811
+                    -2.512247,53.997011
+                    -2.512120,53.996811
+                    -2.511971,53.995910
+                    -2.511738,53.994999
+                    -2.510735,53.994498
+                    -2.509546,53.994999
+                    -2.509223,53.995385
+                    -2.507711,53.995271
+                    -2.506199,53.995147
+                    -2.506126,53.994999
+                    -2.505155,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993783
+                    -2.503481,53.993192
+                    -2.504174,53.992286
+                    -2.503622,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991051
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+                    -2.505083,53.989573
+                    -2.506199,53.988824
+                    -2.507711,53.988757
+                    -2.507885,53.988667
+                    -2.507711,53.988361
+                    -2.506199,53.988190
+                    -2.505894,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987536
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+                    -2.507711,53.986440
+                    -2.508609,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985476
+                    -2.506199,53.985062
+                    -2.505932,53.985052
+                    -2.506199,53.985019
+                    -2.507264,53.984141
+                    -2.507711,53.983374
+                    -2.507770,53.983240
+                    -2.507780,53.982334
+                    -2.508231,53.981433
+                    -2.509016,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979669
+                    -2.506199,53.980322
+                    -2.505308,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.980742
+                    -2.504331,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.979921
+                    -2.502673,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979301
+                    -2.504686,53.979020
+                    -2.505264,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978472
+                    -2.507711,53.978190
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+                    -2.509223,53.976340
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+                    -2.509223,53.975668
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+                    -2.513760,53.972216
+                    -2.515272,53.971620
+                    -2.515510,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971353
+                    -2.513760,53.971381
+                    -2.512247,53.971324
+                    -2.510735,53.971367
+                    -2.509591,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
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+                    -2.532192,53.972383
+                    -2.532069,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973689
+                    -2.531035,53.974190
+                    -2.531906,53.974714
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+                    -2.532632,53.976002
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+                    -2.532430,53.977809
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+                    -2.535770,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.980021
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+                    -2.537955,53.980560
+                    -2.538012,53.980527
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+                    -2.540271,53.980527
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+                    -2.540979,53.982067
+                    -2.541379,53.982334
+                    -2.541536,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983812
+                    -2.543557,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984408
+                    -2.545516,53.984790
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+                    -2.548005,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985372
+                    -2.550052,53.985410
+                    -2.550873,53.985953
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+                    -2.551564,53.987174
+                    -2.552094,53.986859
+                    -2.552256,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985777
+                    -2.554589,53.985648
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+                    -2.556894,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986387
+                    -2.558437,53.985953
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+                    -2.559507,53.985953
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+                    -2.562150,53.986430
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+                    -2.563584,53.987765
+                    -2.563662,53.987927
+                    -2.563725,53.988667
+                    -2.563742,53.989573
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+                    -2.565174,53.991809
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+                    -2.562150,53.993850
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+                    -2.562150,53.994384
+                    -2.563662,53.994489
+                    -2.564169,53.994999
+                    -2.565174,53.995681
+                    -2.565449,53.995910
+                    -2.565354,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997011
+                    -2.563662,53.996959
+                    -2.562150,53.996921
+                    -2.561152,53.996811
+                    -2.561833,53.995910
+                    -2.561703,53.994999
+                    -2.560638,53.994427
+                    -2.560068,53.994098
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+                    -2.533119,54.017620
+                    -2.533394,54.018526
+                    -2.531906,54.018884
+                    -2.530943,54.019427
+                    -2.530394,54.019980
+                    -2.529904,54.020333
+                    -2.530394,54.020629
+                    -2.531906,54.020805
+                    -2.532524,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.021945
+                    -2.533617,54.022145
+                    -2.534439,54.023051
+                    -2.534930,54.023666
+                    -2.535306,54.023952
+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025254
+                    -2.531906,54.025307
+                    -2.530394,54.025064
+                    -2.528882,54.025140
+                    -2.527369,54.025197
+                    -2.526595,54.024858
+                    -2.525857,54.024644
+                    -2.524626,54.023952
+                    -2.524345,54.023795
+                    -2.522833,54.023051
+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520470,54.022145
+                    -2.519808,54.021640
+                    -2.518296,54.021688
+                    -2.517175,54.021239
+                    -2.516784,54.020882
+                    -2.515272,54.020400
+                    -2.514747,54.020333
+                    -2.513760,54.020219
+                    -2.512247,54.020042
+                    -2.511158,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.019213
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013624
+                    -2.512247,54.013195
+                    -2.512307,54.013095
+                    -2.513345,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011703
+                    -2.515088,54.012194
+                    -2.515272,54.012303
+                    -2.515455,54.012194
+                    -2.515562,54.011288
+                    -2.515272,54.011073
+                    -2.514615,54.010382
+                    -2.513923,54.009476
+                    -2.513760,54.009128
+                    -2.512247,54.009271
+                    -2.511288,54.008574
+                    -2.512247,54.008036
+                    -2.513760,54.008217
+                    -2.515272,54.008346
+                    -2.516784,54.007769
+                    -2.516949,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007568
+                    -2.515805,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006457
+                    -2.518296,54.006405
+                    -2.519572,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.004989
+                    -2.517935,54.004951
+                    -2.518296,54.004869
+                    -2.519808,54.004879
+                    -2.521321,54.004912
+                    -2.522253,54.004951
+                    -2.522833,54.004989
+                    -2.522887,54.004951
+                    -2.524040,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003572
+                    -2.524738,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002771
+                    -2.523275,54.003143
+                    -2.522833,54.003220
+                    -2.522650,54.003143
+                    -2.521321,54.002352
+                    -2.519808,54.002280
+                    -2.518791,54.002242
+                    -2.519218,54.001336
+                    -2.518918,54.000430
+                    -2.518296,54.000368
+                    -2.516784,54.000163
+                    -2.516657,54.000430
+                    -2.515272,54.000802
+                    -2.513760,54.000926
+                    -2.512247,54.000912
+                    -2.512030,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,54.000287
+                    -2.513760,54.000168
+                    -2.515272,54.000053
+                    -2.516577,53.999524
+                    -2.515285,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998613
+                    -2.513828,53.997717
+                    -2.514124,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996596
+                    -2.512902,53.996811
+                    -2.512247,53.997011
+                    -2.512120,53.996811
+                    -2.511971,53.995910
+                    -2.511738,53.994999
+                    -2.510735,53.994498
+                    -2.509546,53.994999
+                    -2.509223,53.995385
+                    -2.507711,53.995271
+                    -2.506199,53.995147
+                    -2.506126,53.994999
+                    -2.505155,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993783
+                    -2.503481,53.993192
+                    -2.504174,53.992286
+                    -2.503622,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991051
+                    -2.505764,53.990479
+                    -2.505083,53.989573
+                    -2.506199,53.988824
+                    -2.507711,53.988757
+                    -2.507885,53.988667
+                    -2.507711,53.988361
+                    -2.506199,53.988190
+                    -2.505894,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987536
+                    -2.506753,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986440
+                    -2.508609,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985476
+                    -2.506199,53.985062
+                    -2.505932,53.985052
+                    -2.506199,53.985019
+                    -2.507264,53.984141
+                    -2.507711,53.983374
+                    -2.507770,53.983240
+                    -2.507780,53.982334
+                    -2.508231,53.981433
+                    -2.509016,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979669
+                    -2.506199,53.980322
+                    -2.505308,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.980742
+                    -2.504331,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.979921
+                    -2.502673,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979301
+                    -2.504686,53.979020
+                    -2.505264,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978472
+                    -2.507711,53.978190
+                    -2.508457,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977351
+                    -2.509861,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976340
+                    -2.508877,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975668
+                    -2.509983,53.975101
+                    -2.509767,53.974190
+                    -2.510735,53.973560
+                    -2.511175,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972631
+                    -2.513632,53.972383
+                    -2.513760,53.972216
+                    -2.515272,53.971620
+                    -2.515510,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971353
+                    -2.513760,53.971381
+                    -2.512247,53.971324
+                    -2.510735,53.971367
+                    -2.509591,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532192,53.972383
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+                    -2.531906,53.973689
+                    -2.531035,53.974190
+                    -2.531906,53.974714
+                    -2.532435,53.975101
+                    -2.532632,53.976002
+                    -2.532325,53.976908
+                    -2.532430,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978400
+                    -2.534087,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979220
+                    -2.535770,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.980021
+                    -2.537899,53.980527
+                    -2.537955,53.980560
+                    -2.538012,53.980527
+                    -2.539467,53.980212
+                    -2.540271,53.980527
+                    -2.540317,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.982067
+                    -2.541379,53.982334
+                    -2.541536,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983812
+                    -2.543557,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984408
+                    -2.545516,53.984790
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+                    -2.551564,53.987174
+                    -2.552094,53.986859
+                    -2.552256,53.985953
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+                    -2.556894,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986387
+                    -2.558437,53.985953
+                    -2.559126,53.985496
+                    -2.559507,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986583
+                    -2.562150,53.986430
+                    -2.562692,53.986859
+                    -2.563584,53.987765
+                    -2.563662,53.987927
+                    -2.563725,53.988667
+                    -2.563742,53.989573
+                    -2.564202,53.990479
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+                    -2.565529,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991809
+                    -2.564443,53.992286
+                    -2.563981,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.993797
+                    -2.562150,53.993850
+                    -2.561768,53.994098
+                    -2.562150,53.994384
+                    -2.563662,53.994489
+                    -2.564169,53.994999
+                    -2.565174,53.995681
+                    -2.565449,53.995910
+                    -2.565354,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997011
+                    -2.563662,53.996959
+                    -2.562150,53.996921
+                    -2.561152,53.996811
+                    -2.561833,53.995910
+                    -2.561703,53.994999
+                    -2.560638,53.994427
+                    -2.560068,53.994098
+                    -2.560003,53.993192
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+                    -2.553077,53.988199
+                    -2.552293,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989220
+                    -2.554185,53.989573
+                    -2.554589,53.989754
+                    -2.555222,53.990479
+                    -2.554871,53.991385
+                    -2.555085,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992558
+                    -2.553203,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993340
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+                    -2.550052,53.994780
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+                    -2.551564,53.991461
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+                    -2.530394,54.020629
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+                    -2.534930,54.024858
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+                    -2.525857,54.024644
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+                    -2.522833,54.023051
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+                    -2.517175,54.021239
+                    -2.516784,54.020882
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013624
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+                    -2.513760,54.009128
+                    -2.512247,54.009271
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+                    -2.512247,54.008036
+                    -2.513760,54.008217
+                    -2.515272,54.008346
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+                    -2.516949,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007568
+                    -2.515805,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006457
+                    -2.518296,54.006405
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+                    -2.518296,54.004989
+                    -2.517935,54.004951
+                    -2.518296,54.004869
+                    -2.519808,54.004879
+                    -2.521321,54.004912
+                    -2.522253,54.004951
+                    -2.522833,54.004989
+                    -2.522887,54.004951
+                    -2.524040,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003572
+                    -2.524738,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002771
+                    -2.523275,54.003143
+                    -2.522833,54.003220
+                    -2.522650,54.003143
+                    -2.521321,54.002352
+                    -2.519808,54.002280
+                    -2.518791,54.002242
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+                    -2.518296,54.000368
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+                    -2.516657,54.000430
+                    -2.515272,54.000802
+                    -2.513760,54.000926
+                    -2.512247,54.000912
+                    -2.512030,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,54.000287
+                    -2.513760,54.000168
+                    -2.515272,54.000053
+                    -2.516577,53.999524
+                    -2.515285,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998613
+                    -2.513828,53.997717
+                    -2.514124,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996596
+                    -2.512902,53.996811
+                    -2.512247,53.997011
+                    -2.512120,53.996811
+                    -2.511971,53.995910
+                    -2.511738,53.994999
+                    -2.510735,53.994498
+                    -2.509546,53.994999
+                    -2.509223,53.995385
+                    -2.507711,53.995271
+                    -2.506199,53.995147
+                    -2.506126,53.994999
+                    -2.505155,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993783
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+                    -2.504686,53.991051
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+                    -2.507711,53.988361
+                    -2.506199,53.988190
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+                    -2.507711,53.986440
+                    -2.508609,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985476
+                    -2.506199,53.985062
+                    -2.505932,53.985052
+                    -2.506199,53.985019
+                    -2.507264,53.984141
+                    -2.507711,53.983374
+                    -2.507770,53.983240
+                    -2.507780,53.982334
+                    -2.508231,53.981433
+                    -2.509016,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979669
+                    -2.506199,53.980322
+                    -2.505308,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.980742
+                    -2.504331,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.979921
+                    -2.502673,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979301
+                    -2.504686,53.979020
+                    -2.505264,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978472
+                    -2.507711,53.978190
+                    -2.508457,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977351
+                    -2.509861,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976340
+                    -2.508877,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975668
+                    -2.509983,53.975101
+                    -2.509767,53.974190
+                    -2.510735,53.973560
+                    -2.511175,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972631
+                    -2.513632,53.972383
+                    -2.513760,53.972216
+                    -2.515272,53.971620
+                    -2.515510,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971353
+                    -2.513760,53.971381
+                    -2.512247,53.971324
+                    -2.510735,53.971367
+                    -2.509591,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532192,53.972383
+                    -2.532069,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973689
+                    -2.531035,53.974190
+                    -2.531906,53.974714
+                    -2.532435,53.975101
+                    -2.532632,53.976002
+                    -2.532325,53.976908
+                    -2.532430,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978400
+                    -2.534087,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979220
+                    -2.535770,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.980021
+                    -2.537899,53.980527
+                    -2.537955,53.980560
+                    -2.538012,53.980527
+                    -2.539467,53.980212
+                    -2.540271,53.980527
+                    -2.540317,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.982067
+                    -2.541379,53.982334
+                    -2.541536,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983812
+                    -2.543557,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984408
+                    -2.545516,53.984790
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+                    -2.548005,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985372
+                    -2.550052,53.985410
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+                    -2.551034,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987174
+                    -2.552094,53.986859
+                    -2.552256,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985777
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+                    -2.556894,53.985953
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+                    -2.558437,53.985953
+                    -2.559126,53.985496
+                    -2.559507,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986583
+                    -2.562150,53.986430
+                    -2.562692,53.986859
+                    -2.563584,53.987765
+                    -2.563662,53.987927
+                    -2.563725,53.988667
+                    -2.563742,53.989573
+                    -2.564202,53.990479
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+                    -2.565529,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991809
+                    -2.564443,53.992286
+                    -2.563981,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.993797
+                    -2.562150,53.993850
+                    -2.561768,53.994098
+                    -2.562150,53.994384
+                    -2.563662,53.994489
+                    -2.564169,53.994999
+                    -2.565174,53.995681
+                    -2.565449,53.995910
+                    -2.565354,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997011
+                    -2.563662,53.996959
+                    -2.562150,53.996921
+                    -2.561152,53.996811
+                    -2.561833,53.995910
+                    -2.561703,53.994999
+                    -2.560638,53.994427
+                    -2.560068,53.994098
+                    -2.560003,53.993192
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+                    -2.553077,53.989220
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+                    -2.555085,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992558
+                    -2.553203,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993340
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+                    -2.518296,54.021688
+                    -2.517175,54.021239
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+                    -2.514747,54.020333
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013624
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+                    -2.513760,54.009128
+                    -2.512247,54.009271
+                    -2.511288,54.008574
+                    -2.512247,54.008036
+                    -2.513760,54.008217
+                    -2.515272,54.008346
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+                    -2.516949,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007568
+                    -2.515805,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006457
+                    -2.518296,54.006405
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+                    -2.518296,54.004989
+                    -2.517935,54.004951
+                    -2.518296,54.004869
+                    -2.519808,54.004879
+                    -2.521321,54.004912
+                    -2.522253,54.004951
+                    -2.522833,54.004989
+                    -2.522887,54.004951
+                    -2.524040,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003572
+                    -2.524738,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002771
+                    -2.523275,54.003143
+                    -2.522833,54.003220
+                    -2.522650,54.003143
+                    -2.521321,54.002352
+                    -2.519808,54.002280
+                    -2.518791,54.002242
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+                    -2.518296,54.000368
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+                    -2.515272,54.000802
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+                    -2.512247,54.000912
+                    -2.512030,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,54.000287
+                    -2.513760,54.000168
+                    -2.515272,54.000053
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+                    -2.515285,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998613
+                    -2.513828,53.997717
+                    -2.514124,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996596
+                    -2.512902,53.996811
+                    -2.512247,53.997011
+                    -2.512120,53.996811
+                    -2.511971,53.995910
+                    -2.511738,53.994999
+                    -2.510735,53.994498
+                    -2.509546,53.994999
+                    -2.509223,53.995385
+                    -2.507711,53.995271
+                    -2.506199,53.995147
+                    -2.506126,53.994999
+                    -2.505155,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993783
+                    -2.503481,53.993192
+                    -2.504174,53.992286
+                    -2.503622,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991051
+                    -2.505764,53.990479
+                    -2.505083,53.989573
+                    -2.506199,53.988824
+                    -2.507711,53.988757
+                    -2.507885,53.988667
+                    -2.507711,53.988361
+                    -2.506199,53.988190
+                    -2.505894,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987536
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+                    -2.507711,53.986440
+                    -2.508609,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985476
+                    -2.506199,53.985062
+                    -2.505932,53.985052
+                    -2.506199,53.985019
+                    -2.507264,53.984141
+                    -2.507711,53.983374
+                    -2.507770,53.983240
+                    -2.507780,53.982334
+                    -2.508231,53.981433
+                    -2.509016,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979669
+                    -2.506199,53.980322
+                    -2.505308,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.980742
+                    -2.504331,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.979921
+                    -2.502673,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979301
+                    -2.504686,53.979020
+                    -2.505264,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978472
+                    -2.507711,53.978190
+                    -2.508457,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977351
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+                    -2.509223,53.976340
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+                    -2.509223,53.975668
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+                    -2.511175,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972631
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+                    -2.513760,53.972216
+                    -2.515272,53.971620
+                    -2.515510,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971353
+                    -2.513760,53.971381
+                    -2.512247,53.971324
+                    -2.510735,53.971367
+                    -2.509591,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
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+                    -2.532192,53.972383
+                    -2.532069,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973689
+                    -2.531035,53.974190
+                    -2.531906,53.974714
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+                    -2.532325,53.976908
+                    -2.532430,53.977809
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+                    -2.534087,53.978715
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+                    -2.535770,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.980021
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+                    -2.538012,53.980527
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+                    -2.540271,53.980527
+                    -2.540317,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.982067
+                    -2.541379,53.982334
+                    -2.541536,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983812
+                    -2.543557,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984408
+                    -2.545516,53.984790
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+                    -2.548005,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985372
+                    -2.550052,53.985410
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+                    -2.551564,53.987174
+                    -2.552094,53.986859
+                    -2.552256,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985777
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+                    -2.556894,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986387
+                    -2.558437,53.985953
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+                    -2.559507,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986583
+                    -2.562150,53.986430
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+                    -2.563584,53.987765
+                    -2.563662,53.987927
+                    -2.563725,53.988667
+                    -2.563742,53.989573
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+                    -2.565174,53.991809
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+                    -2.562150,53.993850
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+                    -2.562150,53.994384
+                    -2.563662,53.994489
+                    -2.564169,53.994999
+                    -2.565174,53.995681
+                    -2.565449,53.995910
+                    -2.565354,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997011
+                    -2.563662,53.996959
+                    -2.562150,53.996921
+                    -2.561152,53.996811
+                    -2.561833,53.995910
+                    -2.561703,53.994999
+                    -2.560638,53.994427
+                    -2.560068,53.994098
+                    -2.560003,53.993192
+                    -2.559929,53.992286
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+                    -2.531906,54.018884
+                    -2.530943,54.019427
+                    -2.530394,54.019980
+                    -2.529904,54.020333
+                    -2.530394,54.020629
+                    -2.531906,54.020805
+                    -2.532524,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.021945
+                    -2.533617,54.022145
+                    -2.534439,54.023051
+                    -2.534930,54.023666
+                    -2.535306,54.023952
+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025254
+                    -2.531906,54.025307
+                    -2.530394,54.025064
+                    -2.528882,54.025140
+                    -2.527369,54.025197
+                    -2.526595,54.024858
+                    -2.525857,54.024644
+                    -2.524626,54.023952
+                    -2.524345,54.023795
+                    -2.522833,54.023051
+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520470,54.022145
+                    -2.519808,54.021640
+                    -2.518296,54.021688
+                    -2.517175,54.021239
+                    -2.516784,54.020882
+                    -2.515272,54.020400
+                    -2.514747,54.020333
+                    -2.513760,54.020219
+                    -2.512247,54.020042
+                    -2.511158,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.019213
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013624
+                    -2.512247,54.013195
+                    -2.512307,54.013095
+                    -2.513345,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011703
+                    -2.515088,54.012194
+                    -2.515272,54.012303
+                    -2.515455,54.012194
+                    -2.515562,54.011288
+                    -2.515272,54.011073
+                    -2.514615,54.010382
+                    -2.513923,54.009476
+                    -2.513760,54.009128
+                    -2.512247,54.009271
+                    -2.511288,54.008574
+                    -2.512247,54.008036
+                    -2.513760,54.008217
+                    -2.515272,54.008346
+                    -2.516784,54.007769
+                    -2.516949,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007568
+                    -2.515805,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006457
+                    -2.518296,54.006405
+                    -2.519572,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.004989
+                    -2.517935,54.004951
+                    -2.518296,54.004869
+                    -2.519808,54.004879
+                    -2.521321,54.004912
+                    -2.522253,54.004951
+                    -2.522833,54.004989
+                    -2.522887,54.004951
+                    -2.524040,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003572
+                    -2.524738,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002771
+                    -2.523275,54.003143
+                    -2.522833,54.003220
+                    -2.522650,54.003143
+                    -2.521321,54.002352
+                    -2.519808,54.002280
+                    -2.518791,54.002242
+                    -2.519218,54.001336
+                    -2.518918,54.000430
+                    -2.518296,54.000368
+                    -2.516784,54.000163
+                    -2.516657,54.000430
+                    -2.515272,54.000802
+                    -2.513760,54.000926
+                    -2.512247,54.000912
+                    -2.512030,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,54.000287
+                    -2.513760,54.000168
+                    -2.515272,54.000053
+                    -2.516577,53.999524
+                    -2.515285,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998613
+                    -2.513828,53.997717
+                    -2.514124,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996596
+                    -2.512902,53.996811
+                    -2.512247,53.997011
+                    -2.512120,53.996811
+                    -2.511971,53.995910
+                    -2.511738,53.994999
+                    -2.510735,53.994498
+                    -2.509546,53.994999
+                    -2.509223,53.995385
+                    -2.507711,53.995271
+                    -2.506199,53.995147
+                    -2.506126,53.994999
+                    -2.505155,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993783
+                    -2.503481,53.993192
+                    -2.504174,53.992286
+                    -2.503622,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991051
+                    -2.505764,53.990479
+                    -2.505083,53.989573
+                    -2.506199,53.988824
+                    -2.507711,53.988757
+                    -2.507885,53.988667
+                    -2.507711,53.988361
+                    -2.506199,53.988190
+                    -2.505894,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987536
+                    -2.506753,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986440
+                    -2.508609,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985476
+                    -2.506199,53.985062
+                    -2.505932,53.985052
+                    -2.506199,53.985019
+                    -2.507264,53.984141
+                    -2.507711,53.983374
+                    -2.507770,53.983240
+                    -2.507780,53.982334
+                    -2.508231,53.981433
+                    -2.509016,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979669
+                    -2.506199,53.980322
+                    -2.505308,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.980742
+                    -2.504331,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.979921
+                    -2.502673,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979301
+                    -2.504686,53.979020
+                    -2.505264,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978472
+                    -2.507711,53.978190
+                    -2.508457,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977351
+                    -2.509861,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976340
+                    -2.508877,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975668
+                    -2.509983,53.975101
+                    -2.509767,53.974190
+                    -2.510735,53.973560
+                    -2.511175,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972631
+                    -2.513632,53.972383
+                    -2.513760,53.972216
+                    -2.515272,53.971620
+                    -2.515510,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971353
+                    -2.513760,53.971381
+                    -2.512247,53.971324
+                    -2.510735,53.971367
+                    -2.509591,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532192,53.972383
+                    -2.532069,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973689
+                    -2.531035,53.974190
+                    -2.531906,53.974714
+                    -2.532435,53.975101
+                    -2.532632,53.976002
+                    -2.532325,53.976908
+                    -2.532430,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978400
+                    -2.534087,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979220
+                    -2.535770,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.980021
+                    -2.537899,53.980527
+                    -2.537955,53.980560
+                    -2.538012,53.980527
+                    -2.539467,53.980212
+                    -2.540271,53.980527
+                    -2.540317,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.982067
+                    -2.541379,53.982334
+                    -2.541536,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983812
+                    -2.543557,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984408
+                    -2.545516,53.984790
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+                    -2.551564,53.987174
+                    -2.552094,53.986859
+                    -2.552256,53.985953
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+                    -2.556894,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986387
+                    -2.558437,53.985953
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+                    -2.559507,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986583
+                    -2.562150,53.986430
+                    -2.562692,53.986859
+                    -2.563584,53.987765
+                    -2.563662,53.987927
+                    -2.563725,53.988667
+                    -2.563742,53.989573
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+                    -2.565529,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991809
+                    -2.564443,53.992286
+                    -2.563981,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.993797
+                    -2.562150,53.993850
+                    -2.561768,53.994098
+                    -2.562150,53.994384
+                    -2.563662,53.994489
+                    -2.564169,53.994999
+                    -2.565174,53.995681
+                    -2.565449,53.995910
+                    -2.565354,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997011
+                    -2.563662,53.996959
+                    -2.562150,53.996921
+                    -2.561152,53.996811
+                    -2.561833,53.995910
+                    -2.561703,53.994999
+                    -2.560638,53.994427
+                    -2.560068,53.994098
+                    -2.560003,53.993192
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+                    -2.559858,53.991385
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+                    -2.553077,53.988199
+                    -2.552293,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989220
+                    -2.554185,53.989573
+                    -2.554589,53.989754
+                    -2.555222,53.990479
+                    -2.554871,53.991385
+                    -2.555085,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992558
+                    -2.553203,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993340
+                    -2.551960,53.994098
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+                    -2.550052,53.994780
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+                    -2.551564,53.991461
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+                    -2.530394,54.020629
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+                    -2.534930,54.024858
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+                    -2.530394,54.025064
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+                    -2.525857,54.024644
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+                    -2.522833,54.023051
+                    -2.521321,54.022145
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+                    -2.518296,54.021688
+                    -2.517175,54.021239
+                    -2.516784,54.020882
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+                    -2.514747,54.020333
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013624
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+                    -2.512307,54.013095
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+                    -2.515272,54.011073
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+                    -2.513760,54.009128
+                    -2.512247,54.009271
+                    -2.511288,54.008574
+                    -2.512247,54.008036
+                    -2.513760,54.008217
+                    -2.515272,54.008346
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+                    -2.516949,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007568
+                    -2.515805,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006457
+                    -2.518296,54.006405
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+                    -2.518296,54.004989
+                    -2.517935,54.004951
+                    -2.518296,54.004869
+                    -2.519808,54.004879
+                    -2.521321,54.004912
+                    -2.522253,54.004951
+                    -2.522833,54.004989
+                    -2.522887,54.004951
+                    -2.524040,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003572
+                    -2.524738,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002771
+                    -2.523275,54.003143
+                    -2.522833,54.003220
+                    -2.522650,54.003143
+                    -2.521321,54.002352
+                    -2.519808,54.002280
+                    -2.518791,54.002242
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+                    -2.518918,54.000430
+                    -2.518296,54.000368
+                    -2.516784,54.000163
+                    -2.516657,54.000430
+                    -2.515272,54.000802
+                    -2.513760,54.000926
+                    -2.512247,54.000912
+                    -2.512030,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,54.000287
+                    -2.513760,54.000168
+                    -2.515272,54.000053
+                    -2.516577,53.999524
+                    -2.515285,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998613
+                    -2.513828,53.997717
+                    -2.514124,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996596
+                    -2.512902,53.996811
+                    -2.512247,53.997011
+                    -2.512120,53.996811
+                    -2.511971,53.995910
+                    -2.511738,53.994999
+                    -2.510735,53.994498
+                    -2.509546,53.994999
+                    -2.509223,53.995385
+                    -2.507711,53.995271
+                    -2.506199,53.995147
+                    -2.506126,53.994999
+                    -2.505155,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993783
+                    -2.503481,53.993192
+                    -2.504174,53.992286
+                    -2.503622,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991051
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+                    -2.507885,53.988667
+                    -2.507711,53.988361
+                    -2.506199,53.988190
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+                    -2.507711,53.986440
+                    -2.508609,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985476
+                    -2.506199,53.985062
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+                    -2.506199,53.985019
+                    -2.507264,53.984141
+                    -2.507711,53.983374
+                    -2.507770,53.983240
+                    -2.507780,53.982334
+                    -2.508231,53.981433
+                    -2.509016,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979669
+                    -2.506199,53.980322
+                    -2.505308,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.980742
+                    -2.504331,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.979921
+                    -2.502673,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979301
+                    -2.504686,53.979020
+                    -2.505264,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978472
+                    -2.507711,53.978190
+                    -2.508457,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977351
+                    -2.509861,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976340
+                    -2.508877,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975668
+                    -2.509983,53.975101
+                    -2.509767,53.974190
+                    -2.510735,53.973560
+                    -2.511175,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972631
+                    -2.513632,53.972383
+                    -2.513760,53.972216
+                    -2.515272,53.971620
+                    -2.515510,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971353
+                    -2.513760,53.971381
+                    -2.512247,53.971324
+                    -2.510735,53.971367
+                    -2.509591,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532192,53.972383
+                    -2.532069,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973689
+                    -2.531035,53.974190
+                    -2.531906,53.974714
+                    -2.532435,53.975101
+                    -2.532632,53.976002
+                    -2.532325,53.976908
+                    -2.532430,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978400
+                    -2.534087,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979220
+                    -2.535770,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.980021
+                    -2.537899,53.980527
+                    -2.537955,53.980560
+                    -2.538012,53.980527
+                    -2.539467,53.980212
+                    -2.540271,53.980527
+                    -2.540317,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.982067
+                    -2.541379,53.982334
+                    -2.541536,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983812
+                    -2.543557,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984408
+                    -2.545516,53.984790
+                    -2.547028,53.984857
+                    -2.548005,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985372
+                    -2.550052,53.985410
+                    -2.550873,53.985953
+                    -2.551034,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987174
+                    -2.552094,53.986859
+                    -2.552256,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985777
+                    -2.554589,53.985648
+                    -2.556101,53.985610
+                    -2.556894,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986387
+                    -2.558437,53.985953
+                    -2.559126,53.985496
+                    -2.559507,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986583
+                    -2.562150,53.986430
+                    -2.562692,53.986859
+                    -2.563584,53.987765
+                    -2.563662,53.987927
+                    -2.563725,53.988667
+                    -2.563742,53.989573
+                    -2.564202,53.990479
+                    -2.565174,53.990932
+                    -2.565529,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991809
+                    -2.564443,53.992286
+                    -2.563981,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.993797
+                    -2.562150,53.993850
+                    -2.561768,53.994098
+                    -2.562150,53.994384
+                    -2.563662,53.994489
+                    -2.564169,53.994999
+                    -2.565174,53.995681
+                    -2.565449,53.995910
+                    -2.565354,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997011
+                    -2.563662,53.996959
+                    -2.562150,53.996921
+                    -2.561152,53.996811
+                    -2.561833,53.995910
+                    -2.561703,53.994999
+                    -2.560638,53.994427
+                    -2.560068,53.994098
+                    -2.560003,53.993192
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+                    -2.553077,53.989220
+                    -2.554185,53.989573
+                    -2.554589,53.989754
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+                    -2.555085,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992558
+                    -2.553203,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993340
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+                    -2.518296,54.021688
+                    -2.517175,54.021239
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+                    -2.514747,54.020333
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013624
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+                    -2.512307,54.013095
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+                    -2.515272,54.011073
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+                    -2.513760,54.009128
+                    -2.512247,54.009271
+                    -2.511288,54.008574
+                    -2.512247,54.008036
+                    -2.513760,54.008217
+                    -2.515272,54.008346
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+                    -2.516949,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007568
+                    -2.515805,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006457
+                    -2.518296,54.006405
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+                    -2.518296,54.004989
+                    -2.517935,54.004951
+                    -2.518296,54.004869
+                    -2.519808,54.004879
+                    -2.521321,54.004912
+                    -2.522253,54.004951
+                    -2.522833,54.004989
+                    -2.522887,54.004951
+                    -2.524040,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003572
+                    -2.524738,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002771
+                    -2.523275,54.003143
+                    -2.522833,54.003220
+                    -2.522650,54.003143
+                    -2.521321,54.002352
+                    -2.519808,54.002280
+                    -2.518791,54.002242
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+                    -2.518296,54.000368
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+                    -2.516657,54.000430
+                    -2.515272,54.000802
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+                    -2.512247,54.000912
+                    -2.512030,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,54.000287
+                    -2.513760,54.000168
+                    -2.515272,54.000053
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+                    -2.515285,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998613
+                    -2.513828,53.997717
+                    -2.514124,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996596
+                    -2.512902,53.996811
+                    -2.512247,53.997011
+                    -2.512120,53.996811
+                    -2.511971,53.995910
+                    -2.511738,53.994999
+                    -2.510735,53.994498
+                    -2.509546,53.994999
+                    -2.509223,53.995385
+                    -2.507711,53.995271
+                    -2.506199,53.995147
+                    -2.506126,53.994999
+                    -2.505155,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993783
+                    -2.503481,53.993192
+                    -2.504174,53.992286
+                    -2.503622,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991051
+                    -2.505764,53.990479
+                    -2.505083,53.989573
+                    -2.506199,53.988824
+                    -2.507711,53.988757
+                    -2.507885,53.988667
+                    -2.507711,53.988361
+                    -2.506199,53.988190
+                    -2.505894,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987536
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+                    -2.507711,53.986440
+                    -2.508609,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985476
+                    -2.506199,53.985062
+                    -2.505932,53.985052
+                    -2.506199,53.985019
+                    -2.507264,53.984141
+                    -2.507711,53.983374
+                    -2.507770,53.983240
+                    -2.507780,53.982334
+                    -2.508231,53.981433
+                    -2.509016,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979669
+                    -2.506199,53.980322
+                    -2.505308,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.980742
+                    -2.504331,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.979921
+                    -2.502673,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979301
+                    -2.504686,53.979020
+                    -2.505264,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978472
+                    -2.507711,53.978190
+                    -2.508457,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977351
+                    -2.509861,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976340
+                    -2.508877,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975668
+                    -2.509983,53.975101
+                    -2.509767,53.974190
+                    -2.510735,53.973560
+                    -2.511175,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972631
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+                    -2.513760,53.972216
+                    -2.515272,53.971620
+                    -2.515510,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971353
+                    -2.513760,53.971381
+                    -2.512247,53.971324
+                    -2.510735,53.971367
+                    -2.509591,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532192,53.972383
+                    -2.532069,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973689
+                    -2.531035,53.974190
+                    -2.531906,53.974714
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+                    -2.532632,53.976002
+                    -2.532325,53.976908
+                    -2.532430,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978400
+                    -2.534087,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979220
+                    -2.535770,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.980021
+                    -2.537899,53.980527
+                    -2.537955,53.980560
+                    -2.538012,53.980527
+                    -2.539467,53.980212
+                    -2.540271,53.980527
+                    -2.540317,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.982067
+                    -2.541379,53.982334
+                    -2.541536,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983812
+                    -2.543557,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984408
+                    -2.545516,53.984790
+                    -2.547028,53.984857
+                    -2.548005,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985372
+                    -2.550052,53.985410
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+                    -2.551034,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987174
+                    -2.552094,53.986859
+                    -2.552256,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985777
+                    -2.554589,53.985648
+                    -2.556101,53.985610
+                    -2.556894,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986387
+                    -2.558437,53.985953
+                    -2.559126,53.985496
+                    -2.559507,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986583
+                    -2.562150,53.986430
+                    -2.562692,53.986859
+                    -2.563584,53.987765
+                    -2.563662,53.987927
+                    -2.563725,53.988667
+                    -2.563742,53.989573
+                    -2.564202,53.990479
+                    -2.565174,53.990932
+                    -2.565529,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991809
+                    -2.564443,53.992286
+                    -2.563981,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.993797
+                    -2.562150,53.993850
+                    -2.561768,53.994098
+                    -2.562150,53.994384
+                    -2.563662,53.994489
+                    -2.564169,53.994999
+                    -2.565174,53.995681
+                    -2.565449,53.995910
+                    -2.565354,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997011
+                    -2.563662,53.996959
+                    -2.562150,53.996921
+                    -2.561152,53.996811
+                    -2.561833,53.995910
+                    -2.561703,53.994999
+                    -2.560638,53.994427
+                    -2.560068,53.994098
+                    -2.560003,53.993192
+                    -2.559929,53.992286
+                    -2.559858,53.991385
+                    -2.559709,53.990479
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+                    -2.530394,54.019980
+                    -2.529904,54.020333
+                    -2.530394,54.020629
+                    -2.531906,54.020805
+                    -2.532524,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.021945
+                    -2.533617,54.022145
+                    -2.534439,54.023051
+                    -2.534930,54.023666
+                    -2.535306,54.023952
+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025254
+                    -2.531906,54.025307
+                    -2.530394,54.025064
+                    -2.528882,54.025140
+                    -2.527369,54.025197
+                    -2.526595,54.024858
+                    -2.525857,54.024644
+                    -2.524626,54.023952
+                    -2.524345,54.023795
+                    -2.522833,54.023051
+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520470,54.022145
+                    -2.519808,54.021640
+                    -2.518296,54.021688
+                    -2.517175,54.021239
+                    -2.516784,54.020882
+                    -2.515272,54.020400
+                    -2.514747,54.020333
+                    -2.513760,54.020219
+                    -2.512247,54.020042
+                    -2.511158,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.019213
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013624
+                    -2.512247,54.013195
+                    -2.512307,54.013095
+                    -2.513345,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011703
+                    -2.515088,54.012194
+                    -2.515272,54.012303
+                    -2.515455,54.012194
+                    -2.515562,54.011288
+                    -2.515272,54.011073
+                    -2.514615,54.010382
+                    -2.513923,54.009476
+                    -2.513760,54.009128
+                    -2.512247,54.009271
+                    -2.511288,54.008574
+                    -2.512247,54.008036
+                    -2.513760,54.008217
+                    -2.515272,54.008346
+                    -2.516784,54.007769
+                    -2.516949,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007568
+                    -2.515805,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006457
+                    -2.518296,54.006405
+                    -2.519572,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.004989
+                    -2.517935,54.004951
+                    -2.518296,54.004869
+                    -2.519808,54.004879
+                    -2.521321,54.004912
+                    -2.522253,54.004951
+                    -2.522833,54.004989
+                    -2.522887,54.004951
+                    -2.524040,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003572
+                    -2.524738,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002771
+                    -2.523275,54.003143
+                    -2.522833,54.003220
+                    -2.522650,54.003143
+                    -2.521321,54.002352
+                    -2.519808,54.002280
+                    -2.518791,54.002242
+                    -2.519218,54.001336
+                    -2.518918,54.000430
+                    -2.518296,54.000368
+                    -2.516784,54.000163
+                    -2.516657,54.000430
+                    -2.515272,54.000802
+                    -2.513760,54.000926
+                    -2.512247,54.000912
+                    -2.512030,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,54.000287
+                    -2.513760,54.000168
+                    -2.515272,54.000053
+                    -2.516577,53.999524
+                    -2.515285,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998613
+                    -2.513828,53.997717
+                    -2.514124,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996596
+                    -2.512902,53.996811
+                    -2.512247,53.997011
+                    -2.512120,53.996811
+                    -2.511971,53.995910
+                    -2.511738,53.994999
+                    -2.510735,53.994498
+                    -2.509546,53.994999
+                    -2.509223,53.995385
+                    -2.507711,53.995271
+                    -2.506199,53.995147
+                    -2.506126,53.994999
+                    -2.505155,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993783
+                    -2.503481,53.993192
+                    -2.504174,53.992286
+                    -2.503622,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991051
+                    -2.505764,53.990479
+                    -2.505083,53.989573
+                    -2.506199,53.988824
+                    -2.507711,53.988757
+                    -2.507885,53.988667
+                    -2.507711,53.988361
+                    -2.506199,53.988190
+                    -2.505894,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987536
+                    -2.506753,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986440
+                    -2.508609,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985476
+                    -2.506199,53.985062
+                    -2.505932,53.985052
+                    -2.506199,53.985019
+                    -2.507264,53.984141
+                    -2.507711,53.983374
+                    -2.507770,53.983240
+                    -2.507780,53.982334
+                    -2.508231,53.981433
+                    -2.509016,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979669
+                    -2.506199,53.980322
+                    -2.505308,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.980742
+                    -2.504331,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.979921
+                    -2.502673,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979301
+                    -2.504686,53.979020
+                    -2.505264,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978472
+                    -2.507711,53.978190
+                    -2.508457,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977351
+                    -2.509861,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976340
+                    -2.508877,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975668
+                    -2.509983,53.975101
+                    -2.509767,53.974190
+                    -2.510735,53.973560
+                    -2.511175,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972631
+                    -2.513632,53.972383
+                    -2.513760,53.972216
+                    -2.515272,53.971620
+                    -2.515510,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971353
+                    -2.513760,53.971381
+                    -2.512247,53.971324
+                    -2.510735,53.971367
+                    -2.509591,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
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+                    -2.532192,53.972383
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+                    -2.531906,53.973689
+                    -2.531035,53.974190
+                    -2.531906,53.974714
+                    -2.532435,53.975101
+                    -2.532632,53.976002
+                    -2.532325,53.976908
+                    -2.532430,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978400
+                    -2.534087,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979220
+                    -2.535770,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.980021
+                    -2.537899,53.980527
+                    -2.537955,53.980560
+                    -2.538012,53.980527
+                    -2.539467,53.980212
+                    -2.540271,53.980527
+                    -2.540317,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.982067
+                    -2.541379,53.982334
+                    -2.541536,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983812
+                    -2.543557,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984408
+                    -2.545516,53.984790
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+                    -2.551564,53.987174
+                    -2.552094,53.986859
+                    -2.552256,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985777
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+                    -2.556894,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986387
+                    -2.558437,53.985953
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+                    -2.559507,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986583
+                    -2.562150,53.986430
+                    -2.562692,53.986859
+                    -2.563584,53.987765
+                    -2.563662,53.987927
+                    -2.563725,53.988667
+                    -2.563742,53.989573
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+                    -2.565529,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991809
+                    -2.564443,53.992286
+                    -2.563981,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.993797
+                    -2.562150,53.993850
+                    -2.561768,53.994098
+                    -2.562150,53.994384
+                    -2.563662,53.994489
+                    -2.564169,53.994999
+                    -2.565174,53.995681
+                    -2.565449,53.995910
+                    -2.565354,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997011
+                    -2.563662,53.996959
+                    -2.562150,53.996921
+                    -2.561152,53.996811
+                    -2.561833,53.995910
+                    -2.561703,53.994999
+                    -2.560638,53.994427
+                    -2.560068,53.994098
+                    -2.560003,53.993192
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+                    -2.553077,53.988199
+                    -2.552293,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989220
+                    -2.554185,53.989573
+                    -2.554589,53.989754
+                    -2.555222,53.990479
+                    -2.554871,53.991385
+                    -2.555085,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992558
+                    -2.553203,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993340
+                    -2.551960,53.994098
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+                    -2.550052,53.994780
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+                    -2.551564,53.991461
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+                    -2.530394,54.020629
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+                    -2.534930,54.024858
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+                    -2.525857,54.024644
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+                    -2.522833,54.023051
+                    -2.521321,54.022145
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+                    -2.517175,54.021239
+                    -2.516784,54.020882
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013624
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+                    -2.515272,54.011073
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+                    -2.513760,54.009128
+                    -2.512247,54.009271
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+                    -2.512247,54.008036
+                    -2.513760,54.008217
+                    -2.515272,54.008346
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+                    -2.516949,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007568
+                    -2.515805,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006457
+                    -2.518296,54.006405
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+                    -2.518296,54.004989
+                    -2.517935,54.004951
+                    -2.518296,54.004869
+                    -2.519808,54.004879
+                    -2.521321,54.004912
+                    -2.522253,54.004951
+                    -2.522833,54.004989
+                    -2.522887,54.004951
+                    -2.524040,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003572
+                    -2.524738,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002771
+                    -2.523275,54.003143
+                    -2.522833,54.003220
+                    -2.522650,54.003143
+                    -2.521321,54.002352
+                    -2.519808,54.002280
+                    -2.518791,54.002242
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+                    -2.518296,54.000368
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+                    -2.516657,54.000430
+                    -2.515272,54.000802
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+                    -2.512247,54.000912
+                    -2.512030,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,54.000287
+                    -2.513760,54.000168
+                    -2.515272,54.000053
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+                    -2.515285,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998613
+                    -2.513828,53.997717
+                    -2.514124,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996596
+                    -2.512902,53.996811
+                    -2.512247,53.997011
+                    -2.512120,53.996811
+                    -2.511971,53.995910
+                    -2.511738,53.994999
+                    -2.510735,53.994498
+                    -2.509546,53.994999
+                    -2.509223,53.995385
+                    -2.507711,53.995271
+                    -2.506199,53.995147
+                    -2.506126,53.994999
+                    -2.505155,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993783
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+                    -2.504686,53.991051
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+                    -2.507885,53.988667
+                    -2.507711,53.988361
+                    -2.506199,53.988190
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+                    -2.508609,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985476
+                    -2.506199,53.985062
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+                    -2.506199,53.985019
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+                    -2.507711,53.983374
+                    -2.507770,53.983240
+                    -2.507780,53.982334
+                    -2.508231,53.981433
+                    -2.509016,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979669
+                    -2.506199,53.980322
+                    -2.505308,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.980742
+                    -2.504331,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.979921
+                    -2.502673,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979301
+                    -2.504686,53.979020
+                    -2.505264,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978472
+                    -2.507711,53.978190
+                    -2.508457,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977351
+                    -2.509861,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976340
+                    -2.508877,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975668
+                    -2.509983,53.975101
+                    -2.509767,53.974190
+                    -2.510735,53.973560
+                    -2.511175,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972631
+                    -2.513632,53.972383
+                    -2.513760,53.972216
+                    -2.515272,53.971620
+                    -2.515510,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971353
+                    -2.513760,53.971381
+                    -2.512247,53.971324
+                    -2.510735,53.971367
+                    -2.509591,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532192,53.972383
+                    -2.532069,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973689
+                    -2.531035,53.974190
+                    -2.531906,53.974714
+                    -2.532435,53.975101
+                    -2.532632,53.976002
+                    -2.532325,53.976908
+                    -2.532430,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978400
+                    -2.534087,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979220
+                    -2.535770,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.980021
+                    -2.537899,53.980527
+                    -2.537955,53.980560
+                    -2.538012,53.980527
+                    -2.539467,53.980212
+                    -2.540271,53.980527
+                    -2.540317,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.982067
+                    -2.541379,53.982334
+                    -2.541536,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983812
+                    -2.543557,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984408
+                    -2.545516,53.984790
+                    -2.547028,53.984857
+                    -2.548005,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985372
+                    -2.550052,53.985410
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+                    -2.551564,53.987174
+                    -2.552094,53.986859
+                    -2.552256,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985777
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+                    -2.556101,53.985610
+                    -2.556894,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986387
+                    -2.558437,53.985953
+                    -2.559126,53.985496
+                    -2.559507,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986583
+                    -2.562150,53.986430
+                    -2.562692,53.986859
+                    -2.563584,53.987765
+                    -2.563662,53.987927
+                    -2.563725,53.988667
+                    -2.563742,53.989573
+                    -2.564202,53.990479
+                    -2.565174,53.990932
+                    -2.565529,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991809
+                    -2.564443,53.992286
+                    -2.563981,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.993797
+                    -2.562150,53.993850
+                    -2.561768,53.994098
+                    -2.562150,53.994384
+                    -2.563662,53.994489
+                    -2.564169,53.994999
+                    -2.565174,53.995681
+                    -2.565449,53.995910
+                    -2.565354,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997011
+                    -2.563662,53.996959
+                    -2.562150,53.996921
+                    -2.561152,53.996811
+                    -2.561833,53.995910
+                    -2.561703,53.994999
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+                    -2.560068,53.994098
+                    -2.560003,53.993192
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+                    -2.553077,53.989220
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+                    -2.554589,53.992558
+                    -2.553203,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993340
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013624
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+                    -2.515272,54.011073
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+                    -2.513760,54.009128
+                    -2.512247,54.009271
+                    -2.511288,54.008574
+                    -2.512247,54.008036
+                    -2.513760,54.008217
+                    -2.515272,54.008346
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+                    -2.516949,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007568
+                    -2.515805,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006457
+                    -2.518296,54.006405
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+                    -2.518296,54.004989
+                    -2.517935,54.004951
+                    -2.518296,54.004869
+                    -2.519808,54.004879
+                    -2.521321,54.004912
+                    -2.522253,54.004951
+                    -2.522833,54.004989
+                    -2.522887,54.004951
+                    -2.524040,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003572
+                    -2.524738,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002771
+                    -2.523275,54.003143
+                    -2.522833,54.003220
+                    -2.522650,54.003143
+                    -2.521321,54.002352
+                    -2.519808,54.002280
+                    -2.518791,54.002242
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+                    -2.518296,54.000368
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+                    -2.512030,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,54.000287
+                    -2.513760,54.000168
+                    -2.515272,54.000053
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+                    -2.515285,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998613
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+                    -2.514124,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996596
+                    -2.512902,53.996811
+                    -2.512247,53.997011
+                    -2.512120,53.996811
+                    -2.511971,53.995910
+                    -2.511738,53.994999
+                    -2.510735,53.994498
+                    -2.509546,53.994999
+                    -2.509223,53.995385
+                    -2.507711,53.995271
+                    -2.506199,53.995147
+                    -2.506126,53.994999
+                    -2.505155,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993783
+                    -2.503481,53.993192
+                    -2.504174,53.992286
+                    -2.503622,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991051
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+                    -2.505083,53.989573
+                    -2.506199,53.988824
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+                    -2.507885,53.988667
+                    -2.507711,53.988361
+                    -2.506199,53.988190
+                    -2.505894,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987536
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+                    -2.507711,53.986440
+                    -2.508609,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985476
+                    -2.506199,53.985062
+                    -2.505932,53.985052
+                    -2.506199,53.985019
+                    -2.507264,53.984141
+                    -2.507711,53.983374
+                    -2.507770,53.983240
+                    -2.507780,53.982334
+                    -2.508231,53.981433
+                    -2.509016,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979669
+                    -2.506199,53.980322
+                    -2.505308,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.980742
+                    -2.504331,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.979921
+                    -2.502673,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979301
+                    -2.504686,53.979020
+                    -2.505264,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978472
+                    -2.507711,53.978190
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+                    -2.509223,53.976340
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+                    -2.509223,53.975668
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+                    -2.511175,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972631
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+                    -2.513760,53.972216
+                    -2.515272,53.971620
+                    -2.515510,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971353
+                    -2.513760,53.971381
+                    -2.512247,53.971324
+                    -2.510735,53.971367
+                    -2.509591,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
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+                    -2.532192,53.972383
+                    -2.532069,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973689
+                    -2.531035,53.974190
+                    -2.531906,53.974714
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+                    -2.532325,53.976908
+                    -2.532430,53.977809
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+                    -2.535770,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.980021
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+                    -2.538012,53.980527
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+                    -2.540271,53.980527
+                    -2.540317,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.982067
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+                    -2.541536,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983812
+                    -2.543557,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984408
+                    -2.545516,53.984790
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+                    -2.548005,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985372
+                    -2.550052,53.985410
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+                    -2.552094,53.986859
+                    -2.552256,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985777
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+                    -2.556894,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986387
+                    -2.558437,53.985953
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+                    -2.559507,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986583
+                    -2.562150,53.986430
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+                    -2.563584,53.987765
+                    -2.563662,53.987927
+                    -2.563725,53.988667
+                    -2.563742,53.989573
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+                    -2.565174,53.991809
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+                    -2.562150,53.993850
+                    -2.561768,53.994098
+                    -2.562150,53.994384
+                    -2.563662,53.994489
+                    -2.564169,53.994999
+                    -2.565174,53.995681
+                    -2.565449,53.995910
+                    -2.565354,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997011
+                    -2.563662,53.996959
+                    -2.562150,53.996921
+                    -2.561152,53.996811
+                    -2.561833,53.995910
+                    -2.561703,53.994999
+                    -2.560638,53.994427
+                    -2.560068,53.994098
+                    -2.560003,53.993192
+                    -2.559929,53.992286
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+                    -2.559126,53.990130
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+                    -2.530394,54.020629
+                    -2.531906,54.020805
+                    -2.532524,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.021945
+                    -2.533617,54.022145
+                    -2.534439,54.023051
+                    -2.534930,54.023666
+                    -2.535306,54.023952
+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025254
+                    -2.531906,54.025307
+                    -2.530394,54.025064
+                    -2.528882,54.025140
+                    -2.527369,54.025197
+                    -2.526595,54.024858
+                    -2.525857,54.024644
+                    -2.524626,54.023952
+                    -2.524345,54.023795
+                    -2.522833,54.023051
+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520470,54.022145
+                    -2.519808,54.021640
+                    -2.518296,54.021688
+                    -2.517175,54.021239
+                    -2.516784,54.020882
+                    -2.515272,54.020400
+                    -2.514747,54.020333
+                    -2.513760,54.020219
+                    -2.512247,54.020042
+                    -2.511158,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.019213
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013624
+                    -2.512247,54.013195
+                    -2.512307,54.013095
+                    -2.513345,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011703
+                    -2.515088,54.012194
+                    -2.515272,54.012303
+                    -2.515455,54.012194
+                    -2.515562,54.011288
+                    -2.515272,54.011073
+                    -2.514615,54.010382
+                    -2.513923,54.009476
+                    -2.513760,54.009128
+                    -2.512247,54.009271
+                    -2.511288,54.008574
+                    -2.512247,54.008036
+                    -2.513760,54.008217
+                    -2.515272,54.008346
+                    -2.516784,54.007769
+                    -2.516949,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007568
+                    -2.515805,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006457
+                    -2.518296,54.006405
+                    -2.519572,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.004989
+                    -2.517935,54.004951
+                    -2.518296,54.004869
+                    -2.519808,54.004879
+                    -2.521321,54.004912
+                    -2.522253,54.004951
+                    -2.522833,54.004989
+                    -2.522887,54.004951
+                    -2.524040,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003572
+                    -2.524738,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002771
+                    -2.523275,54.003143
+                    -2.522833,54.003220
+                    -2.522650,54.003143
+                    -2.521321,54.002352
+                    -2.519808,54.002280
+                    -2.518791,54.002242
+                    -2.519218,54.001336
+                    -2.518918,54.000430
+                    -2.518296,54.000368
+                    -2.516784,54.000163
+                    -2.516657,54.000430
+                    -2.515272,54.000802
+                    -2.513760,54.000926
+                    -2.512247,54.000912
+                    -2.512030,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,54.000287
+                    -2.513760,54.000168
+                    -2.515272,54.000053
+                    -2.516577,53.999524
+                    -2.515285,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998613
+                    -2.513828,53.997717
+                    -2.514124,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996596
+                    -2.512902,53.996811
+                    -2.512247,53.997011
+                    -2.512120,53.996811
+                    -2.511971,53.995910
+                    -2.511738,53.994999
+                    -2.510735,53.994498
+                    -2.509546,53.994999
+                    -2.509223,53.995385
+                    -2.507711,53.995271
+                    -2.506199,53.995147
+                    -2.506126,53.994999
+                    -2.505155,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993783
+                    -2.503481,53.993192
+                    -2.504174,53.992286
+                    -2.503622,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991051
+                    -2.505764,53.990479
+                    -2.505083,53.989573
+                    -2.506199,53.988824
+                    -2.507711,53.988757
+                    -2.507885,53.988667
+                    -2.507711,53.988361
+                    -2.506199,53.988190
+                    -2.505894,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987536
+                    -2.506753,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986440
+                    -2.508609,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985476
+                    -2.506199,53.985062
+                    -2.505932,53.985052
+                    -2.506199,53.985019
+                    -2.507264,53.984141
+                    -2.507711,53.983374
+                    -2.507770,53.983240
+                    -2.507780,53.982334
+                    -2.508231,53.981433
+                    -2.509016,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979669
+                    -2.506199,53.980322
+                    -2.505308,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.980742
+                    -2.504331,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.979921
+                    -2.502673,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979301
+                    -2.504686,53.979020
+                    -2.505264,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978472
+                    -2.507711,53.978190
+                    -2.508457,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977351
+                    -2.509861,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976340
+                    -2.508877,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975668
+                    -2.509983,53.975101
+                    -2.509767,53.974190
+                    -2.510735,53.973560
+                    -2.511175,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972631
+                    -2.513632,53.972383
+                    -2.513760,53.972216
+                    -2.515272,53.971620
+                    -2.515510,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971353
+                    -2.513760,53.971381
+                    -2.512247,53.971324
+                    -2.510735,53.971367
+                    -2.509591,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532192,53.972383
+                    -2.532069,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973689
+                    -2.531035,53.974190
+                    -2.531906,53.974714
+                    -2.532435,53.975101
+                    -2.532632,53.976002
+                    -2.532325,53.976908
+                    -2.532430,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978400
+                    -2.534087,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979220
+                    -2.535770,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.980021
+                    -2.537899,53.980527
+                    -2.537955,53.980560
+                    -2.538012,53.980527
+                    -2.539467,53.980212
+                    -2.540271,53.980527
+                    -2.540317,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.982067
+                    -2.541379,53.982334
+                    -2.541536,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983812
+                    -2.543557,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984408
+                    -2.545516,53.984790
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+                    -2.551564,53.987174
+                    -2.552094,53.986859
+                    -2.552256,53.985953
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+                    -2.556894,53.985953
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+                    -2.558437,53.985953
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+                    -2.559507,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986583
+                    -2.562150,53.986430
+                    -2.562692,53.986859
+                    -2.563584,53.987765
+                    -2.563662,53.987927
+                    -2.563725,53.988667
+                    -2.563742,53.989573
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+                    -2.565529,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991809
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+                    -2.563981,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.993797
+                    -2.562150,53.993850
+                    -2.561768,53.994098
+                    -2.562150,53.994384
+                    -2.563662,53.994489
+                    -2.564169,53.994999
+                    -2.565174,53.995681
+                    -2.565449,53.995910
+                    -2.565354,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997011
+                    -2.563662,53.996959
+                    -2.562150,53.996921
+                    -2.561152,53.996811
+                    -2.561833,53.995910
+                    -2.561703,53.994999
+                    -2.560638,53.994427
+                    -2.560068,53.994098
+                    -2.560003,53.993192
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+                    -2.553077,53.988199
+                    -2.552293,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989220
+                    -2.554185,53.989573
+                    -2.554589,53.989754
+                    -2.555222,53.990479
+                    -2.554871,53.991385
+                    -2.555085,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992558
+                    -2.553203,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993340
+                    -2.551960,53.994098
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+                    -2.550052,53.994780
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+                    -2.551564,53.991461
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+                    -2.530394,54.020629
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+                    -2.534930,54.024858
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+                    -2.522833,54.023051
+                    -2.521321,54.022145
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+                    -2.518296,54.021688
+                    -2.517175,54.021239
+                    -2.516784,54.020882
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013624
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+                    -2.515272,54.011073
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+                    -2.513760,54.009128
+                    -2.512247,54.009271
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+                    -2.512247,54.008036
+                    -2.513760,54.008217
+                    -2.515272,54.008346
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+                    -2.516949,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007568
+                    -2.515805,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006457
+                    -2.518296,54.006405
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+                    -2.518296,54.004989
+                    -2.517935,54.004951
+                    -2.518296,54.004869
+                    -2.519808,54.004879
+                    -2.521321,54.004912
+                    -2.522253,54.004951
+                    -2.522833,54.004989
+                    -2.522887,54.004951
+                    -2.524040,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003572
+                    -2.524738,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002771
+                    -2.523275,54.003143
+                    -2.522833,54.003220
+                    -2.522650,54.003143
+                    -2.521321,54.002352
+                    -2.519808,54.002280
+                    -2.518791,54.002242
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+                    -2.518296,54.000368
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+                    -2.515272,54.000802
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+                    -2.512247,54.000912
+                    -2.512030,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,54.000287
+                    -2.513760,54.000168
+                    -2.515272,54.000053
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+                    -2.515285,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998613
+                    -2.513828,53.997717
+                    -2.514124,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996596
+                    -2.512902,53.996811
+                    -2.512247,53.997011
+                    -2.512120,53.996811
+                    -2.511971,53.995910
+                    -2.511738,53.994999
+                    -2.510735,53.994498
+                    -2.509546,53.994999
+                    -2.509223,53.995385
+                    -2.507711,53.995271
+                    -2.506199,53.995147
+                    -2.506126,53.994999
+                    -2.505155,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993783
+                    -2.503481,53.993192
+                    -2.504174,53.992286
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+                    -2.504686,53.991051
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+                    -2.507885,53.988667
+                    -2.507711,53.988361
+                    -2.506199,53.988190
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+                    -2.508609,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985476
+                    -2.506199,53.985062
+                    -2.505932,53.985052
+                    -2.506199,53.985019
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+                    -2.507711,53.983374
+                    -2.507770,53.983240
+                    -2.507780,53.982334
+                    -2.508231,53.981433
+                    -2.509016,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979669
+                    -2.506199,53.980322
+                    -2.505308,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.980742
+                    -2.504331,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.979921
+                    -2.502673,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979301
+                    -2.504686,53.979020
+                    -2.505264,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978472
+                    -2.507711,53.978190
+                    -2.508457,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977351
+                    -2.509861,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976340
+                    -2.508877,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975668
+                    -2.509983,53.975101
+                    -2.509767,53.974190
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+                    -2.511175,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972631
+                    -2.513632,53.972383
+                    -2.513760,53.972216
+                    -2.515272,53.971620
+                    -2.515510,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971353
+                    -2.513760,53.971381
+                    -2.512247,53.971324
+                    -2.510735,53.971367
+                    -2.509591,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532192,53.972383
+                    -2.532069,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973689
+                    -2.531035,53.974190
+                    -2.531906,53.974714
+                    -2.532435,53.975101
+                    -2.532632,53.976002
+                    -2.532325,53.976908
+                    -2.532430,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978400
+                    -2.534087,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979220
+                    -2.535770,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.980021
+                    -2.537899,53.980527
+                    -2.537955,53.980560
+                    -2.538012,53.980527
+                    -2.539467,53.980212
+                    -2.540271,53.980527
+                    -2.540317,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.982067
+                    -2.541379,53.982334
+                    -2.541536,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983812
+                    -2.543557,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984408
+                    -2.545516,53.984790
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+                    -2.548005,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985372
+                    -2.550052,53.985410
+                    -2.550873,53.985953
+                    -2.551034,53.986859
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+                    -2.552094,53.986859
+                    -2.552256,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985777
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+                    -2.556101,53.985610
+                    -2.556894,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986387
+                    -2.558437,53.985953
+                    -2.559126,53.985496
+                    -2.559507,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986583
+                    -2.562150,53.986430
+                    -2.562692,53.986859
+                    -2.563584,53.987765
+                    -2.563662,53.987927
+                    -2.563725,53.988667
+                    -2.563742,53.989573
+                    -2.564202,53.990479
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+                    -2.565529,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991809
+                    -2.564443,53.992286
+                    -2.563981,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.993797
+                    -2.562150,53.993850
+                    -2.561768,53.994098
+                    -2.562150,53.994384
+                    -2.563662,53.994489
+                    -2.564169,53.994999
+                    -2.565174,53.995681
+                    -2.565449,53.995910
+                    -2.565354,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997011
+                    -2.563662,53.996959
+                    -2.562150,53.996921
+                    -2.561152,53.996811
+                    -2.561833,53.995910
+                    -2.561703,53.994999
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+                    -2.560068,53.994098
+                    -2.560003,53.993192
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+                    -2.553077,53.989220
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+                    -2.554589,53.989754
+                    -2.555222,53.990479
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+                    -2.554589,53.992558
+                    -2.553203,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993340
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013624
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+                    -2.513760,54.009128
+                    -2.512247,54.009271
+                    -2.511288,54.008574
+                    -2.512247,54.008036
+                    -2.513760,54.008217
+                    -2.515272,54.008346
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+                    -2.516949,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007568
+                    -2.515805,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006457
+                    -2.518296,54.006405
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+                    -2.518296,54.004989
+                    -2.517935,54.004951
+                    -2.518296,54.004869
+                    -2.519808,54.004879
+                    -2.521321,54.004912
+                    -2.522253,54.004951
+                    -2.522833,54.004989
+                    -2.522887,54.004951
+                    -2.524040,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003572
+                    -2.524738,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002771
+                    -2.523275,54.003143
+                    -2.522833,54.003220
+                    -2.522650,54.003143
+                    -2.521321,54.002352
+                    -2.519808,54.002280
+                    -2.518791,54.002242
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+                    -2.518296,54.000368
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+                    -2.515272,54.000802
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+                    -2.512030,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,54.000287
+                    -2.513760,54.000168
+                    -2.515272,54.000053
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+                    -2.515285,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998613
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+                    -2.514124,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996596
+                    -2.512902,53.996811
+                    -2.512247,53.997011
+                    -2.512120,53.996811
+                    -2.511971,53.995910
+                    -2.511738,53.994999
+                    -2.510735,53.994498
+                    -2.509546,53.994999
+                    -2.509223,53.995385
+                    -2.507711,53.995271
+                    -2.506199,53.995147
+                    -2.506126,53.994999
+                    -2.505155,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993783
+                    -2.503481,53.993192
+                    -2.504174,53.992286
+                    -2.503622,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991051
+                    -2.505764,53.990479
+                    -2.505083,53.989573
+                    -2.506199,53.988824
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+                    -2.507885,53.988667
+                    -2.507711,53.988361
+                    -2.506199,53.988190
+                    -2.505894,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987536
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+                    -2.507711,53.986440
+                    -2.508609,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985476
+                    -2.506199,53.985062
+                    -2.505932,53.985052
+                    -2.506199,53.985019
+                    -2.507264,53.984141
+                    -2.507711,53.983374
+                    -2.507770,53.983240
+                    -2.507780,53.982334
+                    -2.508231,53.981433
+                    -2.509016,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979669
+                    -2.506199,53.980322
+                    -2.505308,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.980742
+                    -2.504331,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.979921
+                    -2.502673,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979301
+                    -2.504686,53.979020
+                    -2.505264,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978472
+                    -2.507711,53.978190
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+                    -2.509223,53.977351
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+                    -2.509223,53.976340
+                    -2.508877,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975668
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+                    -2.512247,53.972631
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+                    -2.513760,53.972216
+                    -2.515272,53.971620
+                    -2.515510,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971353
+                    -2.513760,53.971381
+                    -2.512247,53.971324
+                    -2.510735,53.971367
+                    -2.509591,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
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+                    -2.532192,53.972383
+                    -2.532069,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973689
+                    -2.531035,53.974190
+                    -2.531906,53.974714
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+                    -2.532430,53.977809
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+                    -2.535770,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.980021
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+                    -2.537955,53.980560
+                    -2.538012,53.980527
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+                    -2.540271,53.980527
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+                    -2.540979,53.982067
+                    -2.541379,53.982334
+                    -2.541536,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983812
+                    -2.543557,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984408
+                    -2.545516,53.984790
+                    -2.547028,53.984857
+                    -2.548005,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985372
+                    -2.550052,53.985410
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+                    -2.552094,53.986859
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+                    -2.553077,53.985777
+                    -2.554589,53.985648
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+                    -2.556894,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986387
+                    -2.558437,53.985953
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+                    -2.559507,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986583
+                    -2.562150,53.986430
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+                    -2.563584,53.987765
+                    -2.563662,53.987927
+                    -2.563725,53.988667
+                    -2.563742,53.989573
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+                    -2.565174,53.991809
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+                    -2.562150,53.993850
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+                    -2.562150,53.994384
+                    -2.563662,53.994489
+                    -2.564169,53.994999
+                    -2.565174,53.995681
+                    -2.565449,53.995910
+                    -2.565354,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997011
+                    -2.563662,53.996959
+                    -2.562150,53.996921
+                    -2.561152,53.996811
+                    -2.561833,53.995910
+                    -2.561703,53.994999
+                    -2.560638,53.994427
+                    -2.560068,53.994098
+                    -2.560003,53.993192
+                    -2.559929,53.992286
+                    -2.559858,53.991385
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+                    -2.532524,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.021945
+                    -2.533617,54.022145
+                    -2.534439,54.023051
+                    -2.534930,54.023666
+                    -2.535306,54.023952
+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025254
+                    -2.531906,54.025307
+                    -2.530394,54.025064
+                    -2.528882,54.025140
+                    -2.527369,54.025197
+                    -2.526595,54.024858
+                    -2.525857,54.024644
+                    -2.524626,54.023952
+                    -2.524345,54.023795
+                    -2.522833,54.023051
+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520470,54.022145
+                    -2.519808,54.021640
+                    -2.518296,54.021688
+                    -2.517175,54.021239
+                    -2.516784,54.020882
+                    -2.515272,54.020400
+                    -2.514747,54.020333
+                    -2.513760,54.020219
+                    -2.512247,54.020042
+                    -2.511158,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.019213
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013624
+                    -2.512247,54.013195
+                    -2.512307,54.013095
+                    -2.513345,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011703
+                    -2.515088,54.012194
+                    -2.515272,54.012303
+                    -2.515455,54.012194
+                    -2.515562,54.011288
+                    -2.515272,54.011073
+                    -2.514615,54.010382
+                    -2.513923,54.009476
+                    -2.513760,54.009128
+                    -2.512247,54.009271
+                    -2.511288,54.008574
+                    -2.512247,54.008036
+                    -2.513760,54.008217
+                    -2.515272,54.008346
+                    -2.516784,54.007769
+                    -2.516949,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007568
+                    -2.515805,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006457
+                    -2.518296,54.006405
+                    -2.519572,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.004989
+                    -2.517935,54.004951
+                    -2.518296,54.004869
+                    -2.519808,54.004879
+                    -2.521321,54.004912
+                    -2.522253,54.004951
+                    -2.522833,54.004989
+                    -2.522887,54.004951
+                    -2.524040,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003572
+                    -2.524738,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002771
+                    -2.523275,54.003143
+                    -2.522833,54.003220
+                    -2.522650,54.003143
+                    -2.521321,54.002352
+                    -2.519808,54.002280
+                    -2.518791,54.002242
+                    -2.519218,54.001336
+                    -2.518918,54.000430
+                    -2.518296,54.000368
+                    -2.516784,54.000163
+                    -2.516657,54.000430
+                    -2.515272,54.000802
+                    -2.513760,54.000926
+                    -2.512247,54.000912
+                    -2.512030,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,54.000287
+                    -2.513760,54.000168
+                    -2.515272,54.000053
+                    -2.516577,53.999524
+                    -2.515285,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998613
+                    -2.513828,53.997717
+                    -2.514124,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996596
+                    -2.512902,53.996811
+                    -2.512247,53.997011
+                    -2.512120,53.996811
+                    -2.511971,53.995910
+                    -2.511738,53.994999
+                    -2.510735,53.994498
+                    -2.509546,53.994999
+                    -2.509223,53.995385
+                    -2.507711,53.995271
+                    -2.506199,53.995147
+                    -2.506126,53.994999
+                    -2.505155,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993783
+                    -2.503481,53.993192
+                    -2.504174,53.992286
+                    -2.503622,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991051
+                    -2.505764,53.990479
+                    -2.505083,53.989573
+                    -2.506199,53.988824
+                    -2.507711,53.988757
+                    -2.507885,53.988667
+                    -2.507711,53.988361
+                    -2.506199,53.988190
+                    -2.505894,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987536
+                    -2.506753,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986440
+                    -2.508609,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985476
+                    -2.506199,53.985062
+                    -2.505932,53.985052
+                    -2.506199,53.985019
+                    -2.507264,53.984141
+                    -2.507711,53.983374
+                    -2.507770,53.983240
+                    -2.507780,53.982334
+                    -2.508231,53.981433
+                    -2.509016,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979669
+                    -2.506199,53.980322
+                    -2.505308,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.980742
+                    -2.504331,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.979921
+                    -2.502673,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979301
+                    -2.504686,53.979020
+                    -2.505264,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978472
+                    -2.507711,53.978190
+                    -2.508457,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977351
+                    -2.509861,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976340
+                    -2.508877,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975668
+                    -2.509983,53.975101
+                    -2.509767,53.974190
+                    -2.510735,53.973560
+                    -2.511175,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972631
+                    -2.513632,53.972383
+                    -2.513760,53.972216
+                    -2.515272,53.971620
+                    -2.515510,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971353
+                    -2.513760,53.971381
+                    -2.512247,53.971324
+                    -2.510735,53.971367
+                    -2.509591,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532192,53.972383
+                    -2.532069,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973689
+                    -2.531035,53.974190
+                    -2.531906,53.974714
+                    -2.532435,53.975101
+                    -2.532632,53.976002
+                    -2.532325,53.976908
+                    -2.532430,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978400
+                    -2.534087,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979220
+                    -2.535770,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.980021
+                    -2.537899,53.980527
+                    -2.537955,53.980560
+                    -2.538012,53.980527
+                    -2.539467,53.980212
+                    -2.540271,53.980527
+                    -2.540317,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.982067
+                    -2.541379,53.982334
+                    -2.541536,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983812
+                    -2.543557,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984408
+                    -2.545516,53.984790
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+                    -2.551564,53.987174
+                    -2.552094,53.986859
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+                    -2.558437,53.985953
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+                    -2.559507,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986583
+                    -2.562150,53.986430
+                    -2.562692,53.986859
+                    -2.563584,53.987765
+                    -2.563662,53.987927
+                    -2.563725,53.988667
+                    -2.563742,53.989573
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+                    -2.565529,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991809
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+                    -2.563981,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.993797
+                    -2.562150,53.993850
+                    -2.561768,53.994098
+                    -2.562150,53.994384
+                    -2.563662,53.994489
+                    -2.564169,53.994999
+                    -2.565174,53.995681
+                    -2.565449,53.995910
+                    -2.565354,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997011
+                    -2.563662,53.996959
+                    -2.562150,53.996921
+                    -2.561152,53.996811
+                    -2.561833,53.995910
+                    -2.561703,53.994999
+                    -2.560638,53.994427
+                    -2.560068,53.994098
+                    -2.560003,53.993192
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+                    -2.553077,53.988199
+                    -2.552293,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989220
+                    -2.554185,53.989573
+                    -2.554589,53.989754
+                    -2.555222,53.990479
+                    -2.554871,53.991385
+                    -2.555085,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992558
+                    -2.553203,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993340
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+                    -2.550052,53.994780
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+                    -2.551564,53.991461
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+                    -2.530394,54.020629
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+                    -2.534930,54.024858
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+                    -2.522833,54.023051
+                    -2.521321,54.022145
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+                    -2.518296,54.021688
+                    -2.517175,54.021239
+                    -2.516784,54.020882
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+                    -2.514747,54.020333
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013624
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+                    -2.515272,54.011073
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+                    -2.513760,54.009128
+                    -2.512247,54.009271
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+                    -2.512247,54.008036
+                    -2.513760,54.008217
+                    -2.515272,54.008346
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+                    -2.516949,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007568
+                    -2.515805,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006457
+                    -2.518296,54.006405
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+                    -2.518296,54.004989
+                    -2.517935,54.004951
+                    -2.518296,54.004869
+                    -2.519808,54.004879
+                    -2.521321,54.004912
+                    -2.522253,54.004951
+                    -2.522833,54.004989
+                    -2.522887,54.004951
+                    -2.524040,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003572
+                    -2.524738,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002771
+                    -2.523275,54.003143
+                    -2.522833,54.003220
+                    -2.522650,54.003143
+                    -2.521321,54.002352
+                    -2.519808,54.002280
+                    -2.518791,54.002242
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+                    -2.518296,54.000368
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+                    -2.515272,54.000802
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+                    -2.512247,54.000912
+                    -2.512030,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,54.000287
+                    -2.513760,54.000168
+                    -2.515272,54.000053
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+                    -2.515285,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998613
+                    -2.513828,53.997717
+                    -2.514124,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996596
+                    -2.512902,53.996811
+                    -2.512247,53.997011
+                    -2.512120,53.996811
+                    -2.511971,53.995910
+                    -2.511738,53.994999
+                    -2.510735,53.994498
+                    -2.509546,53.994999
+                    -2.509223,53.995385
+                    -2.507711,53.995271
+                    -2.506199,53.995147
+                    -2.506126,53.994999
+                    -2.505155,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993783
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+                    -2.504686,53.991051
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+                    -2.507885,53.988667
+                    -2.507711,53.988361
+                    -2.506199,53.988190
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+                    -2.507711,53.986440
+                    -2.508609,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985476
+                    -2.506199,53.985062
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+                    -2.506199,53.985019
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+                    -2.507711,53.983374
+                    -2.507770,53.983240
+                    -2.507780,53.982334
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+                    -2.509016,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979669
+                    -2.506199,53.980322
+                    -2.505308,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.980742
+                    -2.504331,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.979921
+                    -2.502673,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979301
+                    -2.504686,53.979020
+                    -2.505264,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978472
+                    -2.507711,53.978190
+                    -2.508457,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977351
+                    -2.509861,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976340
+                    -2.508877,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975668
+                    -2.509983,53.975101
+                    -2.509767,53.974190
+                    -2.510735,53.973560
+                    -2.511175,53.973289
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+                    -2.513760,53.972216
+                    -2.515272,53.971620
+                    -2.515510,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971353
+                    -2.513760,53.971381
+                    -2.512247,53.971324
+                    -2.510735,53.971367
+                    -2.509591,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532192,53.972383
+                    -2.532069,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973689
+                    -2.531035,53.974190
+                    -2.531906,53.974714
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+                    -2.532632,53.976002
+                    -2.532325,53.976908
+                    -2.532430,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978400
+                    -2.534087,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979220
+                    -2.535770,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.980021
+                    -2.537899,53.980527
+                    -2.537955,53.980560
+                    -2.538012,53.980527
+                    -2.539467,53.980212
+                    -2.540271,53.980527
+                    -2.540317,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.982067
+                    -2.541379,53.982334
+                    -2.541536,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983812
+                    -2.543557,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984408
+                    -2.545516,53.984790
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+                    -2.548005,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985372
+                    -2.550052,53.985410
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+                    -2.552094,53.986859
+                    -2.552256,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985777
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+                    -2.556894,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986387
+                    -2.558437,53.985953
+                    -2.559126,53.985496
+                    -2.559507,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986583
+                    -2.562150,53.986430
+                    -2.562692,53.986859
+                    -2.563584,53.987765
+                    -2.563662,53.987927
+                    -2.563725,53.988667
+                    -2.563742,53.989573
+                    -2.564202,53.990479
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+                    -2.565529,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991809
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+                    -2.563981,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.993797
+                    -2.562150,53.993850
+                    -2.561768,53.994098
+                    -2.562150,53.994384
+                    -2.563662,53.994489
+                    -2.564169,53.994999
+                    -2.565174,53.995681
+                    -2.565449,53.995910
+                    -2.565354,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997011
+                    -2.563662,53.996959
+                    -2.562150,53.996921
+                    -2.561152,53.996811
+                    -2.561833,53.995910
+                    -2.561703,53.994999
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+                    -2.560068,53.994098
+                    -2.560003,53.993192
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+                    -2.553077,53.989220
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+                    -2.554589,53.992558
+                    -2.553203,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993340
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013624
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+                    -2.513760,54.009128
+                    -2.512247,54.009271
+                    -2.511288,54.008574
+                    -2.512247,54.008036
+                    -2.513760,54.008217
+                    -2.515272,54.008346
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+                    -2.516949,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007568
+                    -2.515805,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006457
+                    -2.518296,54.006405
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+                    -2.518296,54.004989
+                    -2.517935,54.004951
+                    -2.518296,54.004869
+                    -2.519808,54.004879
+                    -2.521321,54.004912
+                    -2.522253,54.004951
+                    -2.522833,54.004989
+                    -2.522887,54.004951
+                    -2.524040,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003572
+                    -2.524738,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002771
+                    -2.523275,54.003143
+                    -2.522833,54.003220
+                    -2.522650,54.003143
+                    -2.521321,54.002352
+                    -2.519808,54.002280
+                    -2.518791,54.002242
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+                    -2.518296,54.000368
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+                    -2.515272,54.000802
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+                    -2.512247,54.000912
+                    -2.512030,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,54.000287
+                    -2.513760,54.000168
+                    -2.515272,54.000053
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+                    -2.515285,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998613
+                    -2.513828,53.997717
+                    -2.514124,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996596
+                    -2.512902,53.996811
+                    -2.512247,53.997011
+                    -2.512120,53.996811
+                    -2.511971,53.995910
+                    -2.511738,53.994999
+                    -2.510735,53.994498
+                    -2.509546,53.994999
+                    -2.509223,53.995385
+                    -2.507711,53.995271
+                    -2.506199,53.995147
+                    -2.506126,53.994999
+                    -2.505155,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993783
+                    -2.503481,53.993192
+                    -2.504174,53.992286
+                    -2.503622,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991051
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+                    -2.505083,53.989573
+                    -2.506199,53.988824
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+                    -2.507885,53.988667
+                    -2.507711,53.988361
+                    -2.506199,53.988190
+                    -2.505894,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987536
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+                    -2.507711,53.986440
+                    -2.508609,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985476
+                    -2.506199,53.985062
+                    -2.505932,53.985052
+                    -2.506199,53.985019
+                    -2.507264,53.984141
+                    -2.507711,53.983374
+                    -2.507770,53.983240
+                    -2.507780,53.982334
+                    -2.508231,53.981433
+                    -2.509016,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979669
+                    -2.506199,53.980322
+                    -2.505308,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.980742
+                    -2.504331,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.979921
+                    -2.502673,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979301
+                    -2.504686,53.979020
+                    -2.505264,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978472
+                    -2.507711,53.978190
+                    -2.508457,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977351
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+                    -2.509223,53.976340
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+                    -2.509223,53.975668
+                    -2.509983,53.975101
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+                    -2.513760,53.972216
+                    -2.515272,53.971620
+                    -2.515510,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971353
+                    -2.513760,53.971381
+                    -2.512247,53.971324
+                    -2.510735,53.971367
+                    -2.509591,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
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+                    -2.532192,53.972383
+                    -2.532069,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973689
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+                    -2.531906,53.974714
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+                    -2.532325,53.976908
+                    -2.532430,53.977809
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+                    -2.535770,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.980021
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+                    -2.538012,53.980527
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+                    -2.540271,53.980527
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+                    -2.540979,53.982067
+                    -2.541379,53.982334
+                    -2.541536,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983812
+                    -2.543557,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984408
+                    -2.545516,53.984790
+                    -2.547028,53.984857
+                    -2.548005,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985372
+                    -2.550052,53.985410
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+                    -2.552094,53.986859
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+                    -2.553077,53.985777
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+                    -2.556894,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986387
+                    -2.558437,53.985953
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+                    -2.559507,53.985953
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+                    -2.562150,53.986430
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+                    -2.563584,53.987765
+                    -2.563662,53.987927
+                    -2.563725,53.988667
+                    -2.563742,53.989573
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+                    -2.565174,53.991809
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+                    -2.562150,53.993850
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+                    -2.562150,53.994384
+                    -2.563662,53.994489
+                    -2.564169,53.994999
+                    -2.565174,53.995681
+                    -2.565449,53.995910
+                    -2.565354,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997011
+                    -2.563662,53.996959
+                    -2.562150,53.996921
+                    -2.561152,53.996811
+                    -2.561833,53.995910
+                    -2.561703,53.994999
+                    -2.560638,53.994427
+                    -2.560068,53.994098
+                    -2.560003,53.993192
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+                    -2.559858,53.991385
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+                    -2.533617,54.022145
+                    -2.534439,54.023051
+                    -2.534930,54.023666
+                    -2.535306,54.023952
+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025254
+                    -2.531906,54.025307
+                    -2.530394,54.025064
+                    -2.528882,54.025140
+                    -2.527369,54.025197
+                    -2.526595,54.024858
+                    -2.525857,54.024644
+                    -2.524626,54.023952
+                    -2.524345,54.023795
+                    -2.522833,54.023051
+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520470,54.022145
+                    -2.519808,54.021640
+                    -2.518296,54.021688
+                    -2.517175,54.021239
+                    -2.516784,54.020882
+                    -2.515272,54.020400
+                    -2.514747,54.020333
+                    -2.513760,54.020219
+                    -2.512247,54.020042
+                    -2.511158,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.019213
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013624
+                    -2.512247,54.013195
+                    -2.512307,54.013095
+                    -2.513345,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011703
+                    -2.515088,54.012194
+                    -2.515272,54.012303
+                    -2.515455,54.012194
+                    -2.515562,54.011288
+                    -2.515272,54.011073
+                    -2.514615,54.010382
+                    -2.513923,54.009476
+                    -2.513760,54.009128
+                    -2.512247,54.009271
+                    -2.511288,54.008574
+                    -2.512247,54.008036
+                    -2.513760,54.008217
+                    -2.515272,54.008346
+                    -2.516784,54.007769
+                    -2.516949,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007568
+                    -2.515805,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006457
+                    -2.518296,54.006405
+                    -2.519572,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.004989
+                    -2.517935,54.004951
+                    -2.518296,54.004869
+                    -2.519808,54.004879
+                    -2.521321,54.004912
+                    -2.522253,54.004951
+                    -2.522833,54.004989
+                    -2.522887,54.004951
+                    -2.524040,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003572
+                    -2.524738,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002771
+                    -2.523275,54.003143
+                    -2.522833,54.003220
+                    -2.522650,54.003143
+                    -2.521321,54.002352
+                    -2.519808,54.002280
+                    -2.518791,54.002242
+                    -2.519218,54.001336
+                    -2.518918,54.000430
+                    -2.518296,54.000368
+                    -2.516784,54.000163
+                    -2.516657,54.000430
+                    -2.515272,54.000802
+                    -2.513760,54.000926
+                    -2.512247,54.000912
+                    -2.512030,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,54.000287
+                    -2.513760,54.000168
+                    -2.515272,54.000053
+                    -2.516577,53.999524
+                    -2.515285,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998613
+                    -2.513828,53.997717
+                    -2.514124,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996596
+                    -2.512902,53.996811
+                    -2.512247,53.997011
+                    -2.512120,53.996811
+                    -2.511971,53.995910
+                    -2.511738,53.994999
+                    -2.510735,53.994498
+                    -2.509546,53.994999
+                    -2.509223,53.995385
+                    -2.507711,53.995271
+                    -2.506199,53.995147
+                    -2.506126,53.994999
+                    -2.505155,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993783
+                    -2.503481,53.993192
+                    -2.504174,53.992286
+                    -2.503622,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991051
+                    -2.505764,53.990479
+                    -2.505083,53.989573
+                    -2.506199,53.988824
+                    -2.507711,53.988757
+                    -2.507885,53.988667
+                    -2.507711,53.988361
+                    -2.506199,53.988190
+                    -2.505894,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987536
+                    -2.506753,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986440
+                    -2.508609,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985476
+                    -2.506199,53.985062
+                    -2.505932,53.985052
+                    -2.506199,53.985019
+                    -2.507264,53.984141
+                    -2.507711,53.983374
+                    -2.507770,53.983240
+                    -2.507780,53.982334
+                    -2.508231,53.981433
+                    -2.509016,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979669
+                    -2.506199,53.980322
+                    -2.505308,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.980742
+                    -2.504331,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.979921
+                    -2.502673,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979301
+                    -2.504686,53.979020
+                    -2.505264,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978472
+                    -2.507711,53.978190
+                    -2.508457,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977351
+                    -2.509861,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976340
+                    -2.508877,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975668
+                    -2.509983,53.975101
+                    -2.509767,53.974190
+                    -2.510735,53.973560
+                    -2.511175,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972631
+                    -2.513632,53.972383
+                    -2.513760,53.972216
+                    -2.515272,53.971620
+                    -2.515510,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971353
+                    -2.513760,53.971381
+                    -2.512247,53.971324
+                    -2.510735,53.971367
+                    -2.509591,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
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+                    -2.532192,53.972383
+                    -2.532069,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973689
+                    -2.531035,53.974190
+                    -2.531906,53.974714
+                    -2.532435,53.975101
+                    -2.532632,53.976002
+                    -2.532325,53.976908
+                    -2.532430,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978400
+                    -2.534087,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979220
+                    -2.535770,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.980021
+                    -2.537899,53.980527
+                    -2.537955,53.980560
+                    -2.538012,53.980527
+                    -2.539467,53.980212
+                    -2.540271,53.980527
+                    -2.540317,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.982067
+                    -2.541379,53.982334
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+                    -2.542491,53.983812
+                    -2.543557,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984408
+                    -2.545516,53.984790
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+                    -2.551564,53.987174
+                    -2.552094,53.986859
+                    -2.552256,53.985953
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+                    -2.556894,53.985953
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+                    -2.558437,53.985953
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+                    -2.559507,53.985953
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+                    -2.562150,53.986430
+                    -2.562692,53.986859
+                    -2.563584,53.987765
+                    -2.563662,53.987927
+                    -2.563725,53.988667
+                    -2.563742,53.989573
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+                    -2.565529,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991809
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+                    -2.563981,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.993797
+                    -2.562150,53.993850
+                    -2.561768,53.994098
+                    -2.562150,53.994384
+                    -2.563662,53.994489
+                    -2.564169,53.994999
+                    -2.565174,53.995681
+                    -2.565449,53.995910
+                    -2.565354,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997011
+                    -2.563662,53.996959
+                    -2.562150,53.996921
+                    -2.561152,53.996811
+                    -2.561833,53.995910
+                    -2.561703,53.994999
+                    -2.560638,53.994427
+                    -2.560068,53.994098
+                    -2.560003,53.993192
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+                    -2.553077,53.988199
+                    -2.552293,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989220
+                    -2.554185,53.989573
+                    -2.554589,53.989754
+                    -2.555222,53.990479
+                    -2.554871,53.991385
+                    -2.555085,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992558
+                    -2.553203,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993340
+                    -2.551960,53.994098
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+                    -2.550052,53.994780
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+                    -2.551564,53.991461
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+                    -2.530394,54.020629
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+                    -2.534930,54.024858
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+                    -2.522833,54.023051
+                    -2.521321,54.022145
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+                    -2.517175,54.021239
+                    -2.516784,54.020882
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013624
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+                    -2.513760,54.009128
+                    -2.512247,54.009271
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+                    -2.512247,54.008036
+                    -2.513760,54.008217
+                    -2.515272,54.008346
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+                    -2.516949,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007568
+                    -2.515805,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006457
+                    -2.518296,54.006405
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+                    -2.518296,54.004989
+                    -2.517935,54.004951
+                    -2.518296,54.004869
+                    -2.519808,54.004879
+                    -2.521321,54.004912
+                    -2.522253,54.004951
+                    -2.522833,54.004989
+                    -2.522887,54.004951
+                    -2.524040,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003572
+                    -2.524738,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002771
+                    -2.523275,54.003143
+                    -2.522833,54.003220
+                    -2.522650,54.003143
+                    -2.521321,54.002352
+                    -2.519808,54.002280
+                    -2.518791,54.002242
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+                    -2.518296,54.000368
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+                    -2.515272,54.000802
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+                    -2.512247,54.000912
+                    -2.512030,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,54.000287
+                    -2.513760,54.000168
+                    -2.515272,54.000053
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+                    -2.515285,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998613
+                    -2.513828,53.997717
+                    -2.514124,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996596
+                    -2.512902,53.996811
+                    -2.512247,53.997011
+                    -2.512120,53.996811
+                    -2.511971,53.995910
+                    -2.511738,53.994999
+                    -2.510735,53.994498
+                    -2.509546,53.994999
+                    -2.509223,53.995385
+                    -2.507711,53.995271
+                    -2.506199,53.995147
+                    -2.506126,53.994999
+                    -2.505155,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993783
+                    -2.503481,53.993192
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+                    -2.504686,53.991051
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+                    -2.507885,53.988667
+                    -2.507711,53.988361
+                    -2.506199,53.988190
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+                    -2.507711,53.986440
+                    -2.508609,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985476
+                    -2.506199,53.985062
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+                    -2.506199,53.985019
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+                    -2.507711,53.983374
+                    -2.507770,53.983240
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+                    -2.506199,53.980322
+                    -2.505308,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.980742
+                    -2.504331,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.979921
+                    -2.502673,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979301
+                    -2.504686,53.979020
+                    -2.505264,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978472
+                    -2.507711,53.978190
+                    -2.508457,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977351
+                    -2.509861,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976340
+                    -2.508877,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975668
+                    -2.509983,53.975101
+                    -2.509767,53.974190
+                    -2.510735,53.973560
+                    -2.511175,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972631
+                    -2.513632,53.972383
+                    -2.513760,53.972216
+                    -2.515272,53.971620
+                    -2.515510,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971353
+                    -2.513760,53.971381
+                    -2.512247,53.971324
+                    -2.510735,53.971367
+                    -2.509591,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532192,53.972383
+                    -2.532069,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973689
+                    -2.531035,53.974190
+                    -2.531906,53.974714
+                    -2.532435,53.975101
+                    -2.532632,53.976002
+                    -2.532325,53.976908
+                    -2.532430,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978400
+                    -2.534087,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979220
+                    -2.535770,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.980021
+                    -2.537899,53.980527
+                    -2.537955,53.980560
+                    -2.538012,53.980527
+                    -2.539467,53.980212
+                    -2.540271,53.980527
+                    -2.540317,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.982067
+                    -2.541379,53.982334
+                    -2.541536,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983812
+                    -2.543557,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984408
+                    -2.545516,53.984790
+                    -2.547028,53.984857
+                    -2.548005,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985372
+                    -2.550052,53.985410
+                    -2.550873,53.985953
+                    -2.551034,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987174
+                    -2.552094,53.986859
+                    -2.552256,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985777
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+                    -2.556101,53.985610
+                    -2.556894,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986387
+                    -2.558437,53.985953
+                    -2.559126,53.985496
+                    -2.559507,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986583
+                    -2.562150,53.986430
+                    -2.562692,53.986859
+                    -2.563584,53.987765
+                    -2.563662,53.987927
+                    -2.563725,53.988667
+                    -2.563742,53.989573
+                    -2.564202,53.990479
+                    -2.565174,53.990932
+                    -2.565529,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991809
+                    -2.564443,53.992286
+                    -2.563981,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.993797
+                    -2.562150,53.993850
+                    -2.561768,53.994098
+                    -2.562150,53.994384
+                    -2.563662,53.994489
+                    -2.564169,53.994999
+                    -2.565174,53.995681
+                    -2.565449,53.995910
+                    -2.565354,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997011
+                    -2.563662,53.996959
+                    -2.562150,53.996921
+                    -2.561152,53.996811
+                    -2.561833,53.995910
+                    -2.561703,53.994999
+                    -2.560638,53.994427
+                    -2.560068,53.994098
+                    -2.560003,53.993192
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+                    -2.553077,53.988199
+                    -2.552293,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989220
+                    -2.554185,53.989573
+                    -2.554589,53.989754
+                    -2.555222,53.990479
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+                    -2.555085,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992558
+                    -2.553203,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993340
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+                    -2.518296,54.021688
+                    -2.517175,54.021239
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+                    -2.515272,54.020400
+                    -2.514747,54.020333
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013624
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+                    -2.515272,54.011073
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+                    -2.513760,54.009128
+                    -2.512247,54.009271
+                    -2.511288,54.008574
+                    -2.512247,54.008036
+                    -2.513760,54.008217
+                    -2.515272,54.008346
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+                    -2.516949,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007568
+                    -2.515805,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006457
+                    -2.518296,54.006405
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+                    -2.518296,54.004989
+                    -2.517935,54.004951
+                    -2.518296,54.004869
+                    -2.519808,54.004879
+                    -2.521321,54.004912
+                    -2.522253,54.004951
+                    -2.522833,54.004989
+                    -2.522887,54.004951
+                    -2.524040,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003572
+                    -2.524738,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002771
+                    -2.523275,54.003143
+                    -2.522833,54.003220
+                    -2.522650,54.003143
+                    -2.521321,54.002352
+                    -2.519808,54.002280
+                    -2.518791,54.002242
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+                    -2.518918,54.000430
+                    -2.518296,54.000368
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+                    -2.516657,54.000430
+                    -2.515272,54.000802
+                    -2.513760,54.000926
+                    -2.512247,54.000912
+                    -2.512030,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,54.000287
+                    -2.513760,54.000168
+                    -2.515272,54.000053
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+                    -2.515285,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998613
+                    -2.513828,53.997717
+                    -2.514124,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996596
+                    -2.512902,53.996811
+                    -2.512247,53.997011
+                    -2.512120,53.996811
+                    -2.511971,53.995910
+                    -2.511738,53.994999
+                    -2.510735,53.994498
+                    -2.509546,53.994999
+                    -2.509223,53.995385
+                    -2.507711,53.995271
+                    -2.506199,53.995147
+                    -2.506126,53.994999
+                    -2.505155,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993783
+                    -2.503481,53.993192
+                    -2.504174,53.992286
+                    -2.503622,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991051
+                    -2.505764,53.990479
+                    -2.505083,53.989573
+                    -2.506199,53.988824
+                    -2.507711,53.988757
+                    -2.507885,53.988667
+                    -2.507711,53.988361
+                    -2.506199,53.988190
+                    -2.505894,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987536
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+                    -2.507711,53.986440
+                    -2.508609,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985476
+                    -2.506199,53.985062
+                    -2.505932,53.985052
+                    -2.506199,53.985019
+                    -2.507264,53.984141
+                    -2.507711,53.983374
+                    -2.507770,53.983240
+                    -2.507780,53.982334
+                    -2.508231,53.981433
+                    -2.509016,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979669
+                    -2.506199,53.980322
+                    -2.505308,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.980742
+                    -2.504331,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.979921
+                    -2.502673,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979301
+                    -2.504686,53.979020
+                    -2.505264,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978472
+                    -2.507711,53.978190
+                    -2.508457,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977351
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+                    -2.509223,53.976340
+                    -2.508877,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975668
+                    -2.509983,53.975101
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+                    -2.510735,53.973560
+                    -2.511175,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972631
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+                    -2.513760,53.972216
+                    -2.515272,53.971620
+                    -2.515510,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971353
+                    -2.513760,53.971381
+                    -2.512247,53.971324
+                    -2.510735,53.971367
+                    -2.509591,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532192,53.972383
+                    -2.532069,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973689
+                    -2.531035,53.974190
+                    -2.531906,53.974714
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+                    -2.532325,53.976908
+                    -2.532430,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978400
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+                    -2.535770,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.980021
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+                    -2.537955,53.980560
+                    -2.538012,53.980527
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+                    -2.540271,53.980527
+                    -2.540317,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.982067
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+                    -2.541536,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983812
+                    -2.543557,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984408
+                    -2.545516,53.984790
+                    -2.547028,53.984857
+                    -2.548005,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985372
+                    -2.550052,53.985410
+                    -2.550873,53.985953
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+                    -2.552094,53.986859
+                    -2.552256,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985777
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+                    -2.556894,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986387
+                    -2.558437,53.985953
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+                    -2.559507,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986583
+                    -2.562150,53.986430
+                    -2.562692,53.986859
+                    -2.563584,53.987765
+                    -2.563662,53.987927
+                    -2.563725,53.988667
+                    -2.563742,53.989573
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+                    -2.565174,53.991809
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+                    -2.562150,53.993850
+                    -2.561768,53.994098
+                    -2.562150,53.994384
+                    -2.563662,53.994489
+                    -2.564169,53.994999
+                    -2.565174,53.995681
+                    -2.565449,53.995910
+                    -2.565354,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997011
+                    -2.563662,53.996959
+                    -2.562150,53.996921
+                    -2.561152,53.996811
+                    -2.561833,53.995910
+                    -2.561703,53.994999
+                    -2.560638,53.994427
+                    -2.560068,53.994098
+                    -2.560003,53.993192
+                    -2.559929,53.992286
+                    -2.559858,53.991385
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+                    -2.553077,53.988199
+                    -2.552293,53.988667
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+                    -2.534930,54.023666
+                    -2.535306,54.023952
+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025254
+                    -2.531906,54.025307
+                    -2.530394,54.025064
+                    -2.528882,54.025140
+                    -2.527369,54.025197
+                    -2.526595,54.024858
+                    -2.525857,54.024644
+                    -2.524626,54.023952
+                    -2.524345,54.023795
+                    -2.522833,54.023051
+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520470,54.022145
+                    -2.519808,54.021640
+                    -2.518296,54.021688
+                    -2.517175,54.021239
+                    -2.516784,54.020882
+                    -2.515272,54.020400
+                    -2.514747,54.020333
+                    -2.513760,54.020219
+                    -2.512247,54.020042
+                    -2.511158,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.019213
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013624
+                    -2.512247,54.013195
+                    -2.512307,54.013095
+                    -2.513345,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011703
+                    -2.515088,54.012194
+                    -2.515272,54.012303
+                    -2.515455,54.012194
+                    -2.515562,54.011288
+                    -2.515272,54.011073
+                    -2.514615,54.010382
+                    -2.513923,54.009476
+                    -2.513760,54.009128
+                    -2.512247,54.009271
+                    -2.511288,54.008574
+                    -2.512247,54.008036
+                    -2.513760,54.008217
+                    -2.515272,54.008346
+                    -2.516784,54.007769
+                    -2.516949,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007568
+                    -2.515805,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006457
+                    -2.518296,54.006405
+                    -2.519572,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.004989
+                    -2.517935,54.004951
+                    -2.518296,54.004869
+                    -2.519808,54.004879
+                    -2.521321,54.004912
+                    -2.522253,54.004951
+                    -2.522833,54.004989
+                    -2.522887,54.004951
+                    -2.524040,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003572
+                    -2.524738,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002771
+                    -2.523275,54.003143
+                    -2.522833,54.003220
+                    -2.522650,54.003143
+                    -2.521321,54.002352
+                    -2.519808,54.002280
+                    -2.518791,54.002242
+                    -2.519218,54.001336
+                    -2.518918,54.000430
+                    -2.518296,54.000368
+                    -2.516784,54.000163
+                    -2.516657,54.000430
+                    -2.515272,54.000802
+                    -2.513760,54.000926
+                    -2.512247,54.000912
+                    -2.512030,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,54.000287
+                    -2.513760,54.000168
+                    -2.515272,54.000053
+                    -2.516577,53.999524
+                    -2.515285,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998613
+                    -2.513828,53.997717
+                    -2.514124,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996596
+                    -2.512902,53.996811
+                    -2.512247,53.997011
+                    -2.512120,53.996811
+                    -2.511971,53.995910
+                    -2.511738,53.994999
+                    -2.510735,53.994498
+                    -2.509546,53.994999
+                    -2.509223,53.995385
+                    -2.507711,53.995271
+                    -2.506199,53.995147
+                    -2.506126,53.994999
+                    -2.505155,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993783
+                    -2.503481,53.993192
+                    -2.504174,53.992286
+                    -2.503622,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991051
+                    -2.505764,53.990479
+                    -2.505083,53.989573
+                    -2.506199,53.988824
+                    -2.507711,53.988757
+                    -2.507885,53.988667
+                    -2.507711,53.988361
+                    -2.506199,53.988190
+                    -2.505894,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987536
+                    -2.506753,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986440
+                    -2.508609,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985476
+                    -2.506199,53.985062
+                    -2.505932,53.985052
+                    -2.506199,53.985019
+                    -2.507264,53.984141
+                    -2.507711,53.983374
+                    -2.507770,53.983240
+                    -2.507780,53.982334
+                    -2.508231,53.981433
+                    -2.509016,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979669
+                    -2.506199,53.980322
+                    -2.505308,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.980742
+                    -2.504331,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.979921
+                    -2.502673,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979301
+                    -2.504686,53.979020
+                    -2.505264,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978472
+                    -2.507711,53.978190
+                    -2.508457,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977351
+                    -2.509861,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976340
+                    -2.508877,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975668
+                    -2.509983,53.975101
+                    -2.509767,53.974190
+                    -2.510735,53.973560
+                    -2.511175,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972631
+                    -2.513632,53.972383
+                    -2.513760,53.972216
+                    -2.515272,53.971620
+                    -2.515510,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971353
+                    -2.513760,53.971381
+                    -2.512247,53.971324
+                    -2.510735,53.971367
+                    -2.509591,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532192,53.972383
+                    -2.532069,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973689
+                    -2.531035,53.974190
+                    -2.531906,53.974714
+                    -2.532435,53.975101
+                    -2.532632,53.976002
+                    -2.532325,53.976908
+                    -2.532430,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978400
+                    -2.534087,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979220
+                    -2.535770,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.980021
+                    -2.537899,53.980527
+                    -2.537955,53.980560
+                    -2.538012,53.980527
+                    -2.539467,53.980212
+                    -2.540271,53.980527
+                    -2.540317,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.982067
+                    -2.541379,53.982334
+                    -2.541536,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983812
+                    -2.543557,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984408
+                    -2.545516,53.984790
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+                    -2.548005,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985372
+                    -2.550052,53.985410
+                    -2.550873,53.985953
+                    -2.551034,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987174
+                    -2.552094,53.986859
+                    -2.552256,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985777
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+                    -2.556894,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986387
+                    -2.558437,53.985953
+                    -2.559126,53.985496
+                    -2.559507,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986583
+                    -2.562150,53.986430
+                    -2.562692,53.986859
+                    -2.563584,53.987765
+                    -2.563662,53.987927
+                    -2.563725,53.988667
+                    -2.563742,53.989573
+                    -2.564202,53.990479
+                    -2.565174,53.990932
+                    -2.565529,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991809
+                    -2.564443,53.992286
+                    -2.563981,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.993797
+                    -2.562150,53.993850
+                    -2.561768,53.994098
+                    -2.562150,53.994384
+                    -2.563662,53.994489
+                    -2.564169,53.994999
+                    -2.565174,53.995681
+                    -2.565449,53.995910
+                    -2.565354,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997011
+                    -2.563662,53.996959
+                    -2.562150,53.996921
+                    -2.561152,53.996811
+                    -2.561833,53.995910
+                    -2.561703,53.994999
+                    -2.560638,53.994427
+                    -2.560068,53.994098
+                    -2.560003,53.993192
+                    -2.559929,53.992286
+                    -2.559858,53.991385
+                    -2.559709,53.990479
+                    -2.559126,53.990130
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+                    -2.555305,53.988667
+                    -2.554589,53.988242
+                    -2.553077,53.988199
+                    -2.552293,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989220
+                    -2.554185,53.989573
+                    -2.554589,53.989754
+                    -2.555222,53.990479
+                    -2.554871,53.991385
+                    -2.555085,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992558
+                    -2.553203,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993340
+                    -2.551960,53.994098
+                    -2.551564,53.994269
+                    -2.550052,53.994780
+                    -2.549759,53.994999
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+                    -2.548110,53.995910
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+                    -2.547028,53.994842
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+                    -2.551564,53.993306
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+                    -2.551564,53.991461
+                    -2.550052,53.991771
+                    -2.548700,53.991385
+                    -2.548540,53.990588
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+                    -2.530394,54.019980
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+                    -2.530394,54.020629
+                    -2.531906,54.020805
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+                    -2.533418,54.021945
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+                    -2.534930,54.023666
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+                    -2.534930,54.024858
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+                    -2.531906,54.025307
+                    -2.530394,54.025064
+                    -2.528882,54.025140
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+                    -2.525857,54.024644
+                    -2.524626,54.023952
+                    -2.524345,54.023795
+                    -2.522833,54.023051
+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520470,54.022145
+                    -2.519808,54.021640
+                    -2.518296,54.021688
+                    -2.517175,54.021239
+                    -2.516784,54.020882
+                    -2.515272,54.020400
+                    -2.514747,54.020333
+                    -2.513760,54.020219
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+                    -2.511158,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.019213
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013624
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+                    -2.512307,54.013095
+                    -2.513345,54.012194
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+                    -2.515272,54.011073
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+                    -2.513760,54.009128
+                    -2.512247,54.009271
+                    -2.511288,54.008574
+                    -2.512247,54.008036
+                    -2.513760,54.008217
+                    -2.515272,54.008346
+                    -2.516784,54.007769
+                    -2.516949,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007568
+                    -2.515805,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006457
+                    -2.518296,54.006405
+                    -2.519572,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.004989
+                    -2.517935,54.004951
+                    -2.518296,54.004869
+                    -2.519808,54.004879
+                    -2.521321,54.004912
+                    -2.522253,54.004951
+                    -2.522833,54.004989
+                    -2.522887,54.004951
+                    -2.524040,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003572
+                    -2.524738,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002771
+                    -2.523275,54.003143
+                    -2.522833,54.003220
+                    -2.522650,54.003143
+                    -2.521321,54.002352
+                    -2.519808,54.002280
+                    -2.518791,54.002242
+                    -2.519218,54.001336
+                    -2.518918,54.000430
+                    -2.518296,54.000368
+                    -2.516784,54.000163
+                    -2.516657,54.000430
+                    -2.515272,54.000802
+                    -2.513760,54.000926
+                    -2.512247,54.000912
+                    -2.512030,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,54.000287
+                    -2.513760,54.000168
+                    -2.515272,54.000053
+                    -2.516577,53.999524
+                    -2.515285,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998613
+                    -2.513828,53.997717
+                    -2.514124,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996596
+                    -2.512902,53.996811
+                    -2.512247,53.997011
+                    -2.512120,53.996811
+                    -2.511971,53.995910
+                    -2.511738,53.994999
+                    -2.510735,53.994498
+                    -2.509546,53.994999
+                    -2.509223,53.995385
+                    -2.507711,53.995271
+                    -2.506199,53.995147
+                    -2.506126,53.994999
+                    -2.505155,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993783
+                    -2.503481,53.993192
+                    -2.504174,53.992286
+                    -2.503622,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991051
+                    -2.505764,53.990479
+                    -2.505083,53.989573
+                    -2.506199,53.988824
+                    -2.507711,53.988757
+                    -2.507885,53.988667
+                    -2.507711,53.988361
+                    -2.506199,53.988190
+                    -2.505894,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987536
+                    -2.506753,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986440
+                    -2.508609,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985476
+                    -2.506199,53.985062
+                    -2.505932,53.985052
+                    -2.506199,53.985019
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+                    -2.507711,53.983374
+                    -2.507770,53.983240
+                    -2.507780,53.982334
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+                    -2.507711,53.979669
+                    -2.506199,53.980322
+                    -2.505308,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.980742
+                    -2.504331,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.979921
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+                    -2.503174,53.979301
+                    -2.504686,53.979020
+                    -2.505264,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978472
+                    -2.507711,53.978190
+                    -2.508457,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977351
+                    -2.509861,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976340
+                    -2.508877,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975668
+                    -2.509983,53.975101
+                    -2.509767,53.974190
+                    -2.510735,53.973560
+                    -2.511175,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972631
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+                    -2.513760,53.972216
+                    -2.515272,53.971620
+                    -2.515510,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971353
+                    -2.513760,53.971381
+                    -2.512247,53.971324
+                    -2.510735,53.971367
+                    -2.509591,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532192,53.972383
+                    -2.532069,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973689
+                    -2.531035,53.974190
+                    -2.531906,53.974714
+                    -2.532435,53.975101
+                    -2.532632,53.976002
+                    -2.532325,53.976908
+                    -2.532430,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978400
+                    -2.534087,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979220
+                    -2.535770,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.980021
+                    -2.537899,53.980527
+                    -2.537955,53.980560
+                    -2.538012,53.980527
+                    -2.539467,53.980212
+                    -2.540271,53.980527
+                    -2.540317,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.982067
+                    -2.541379,53.982334
+                    -2.541536,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983812
+                    -2.543557,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984408
+                    -2.545516,53.984790
+                    -2.547028,53.984857
+                    -2.548005,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985372
+                    -2.550052,53.985410
+                    -2.550873,53.985953
+                    -2.551034,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987174
+                    -2.552094,53.986859
+                    -2.552256,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985777
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+                    -2.556894,53.985953
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+                    -2.558437,53.985953
+                    -2.559126,53.985496
+                    -2.559507,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986583
+                    -2.562150,53.986430
+                    -2.562692,53.986859
+                    -2.563584,53.987765
+                    -2.563662,53.987927
+                    -2.563725,53.988667
+                    -2.563742,53.989573
+                    -2.564202,53.990479
+                    -2.565174,53.990932
+                    -2.565529,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991809
+                    -2.564443,53.992286
+                    -2.563981,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.993797
+                    -2.562150,53.993850
+                    -2.561768,53.994098
+                    -2.562150,53.994384
+                    -2.563662,53.994489
+                    -2.564169,53.994999
+                    -2.565174,53.995681
+                    -2.565449,53.995910
+                    -2.565354,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997011
+                    -2.563662,53.996959
+                    -2.562150,53.996921
+                    -2.561152,53.996811
+                    -2.561833,53.995910
+                    -2.561703,53.994999
+                    -2.560638,53.994427
+                    -2.560068,53.994098
+                    -2.560003,53.993192
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+                    -2.552293,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989220
+                    -2.554185,53.989573
+                    -2.554589,53.989754
+                    -2.555222,53.990479
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+                    -2.555085,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992558
+                    -2.553203,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993340
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+                    -2.517175,54.021239
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013624
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+                    -2.515272,54.011073
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+                    -2.513760,54.009128
+                    -2.512247,54.009271
+                    -2.511288,54.008574
+                    -2.512247,54.008036
+                    -2.513760,54.008217
+                    -2.515272,54.008346
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+                    -2.516949,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007568
+                    -2.515805,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006457
+                    -2.518296,54.006405
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+                    -2.518296,54.004989
+                    -2.517935,54.004951
+                    -2.518296,54.004869
+                    -2.519808,54.004879
+                    -2.521321,54.004912
+                    -2.522253,54.004951
+                    -2.522833,54.004989
+                    -2.522887,54.004951
+                    -2.524040,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003572
+                    -2.524738,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002771
+                    -2.523275,54.003143
+                    -2.522833,54.003220
+                    -2.522650,54.003143
+                    -2.521321,54.002352
+                    -2.519808,54.002280
+                    -2.518791,54.002242
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+                    -2.518296,54.000368
+                    -2.516784,54.000163
+                    -2.516657,54.000430
+                    -2.515272,54.000802
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+                    -2.512247,54.000912
+                    -2.512030,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,54.000287
+                    -2.513760,54.000168
+                    -2.515272,54.000053
+                    -2.516577,53.999524
+                    -2.515285,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998613
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+                    -2.514124,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996596
+                    -2.512902,53.996811
+                    -2.512247,53.997011
+                    -2.512120,53.996811
+                    -2.511971,53.995910
+                    -2.511738,53.994999
+                    -2.510735,53.994498
+                    -2.509546,53.994999
+                    -2.509223,53.995385
+                    -2.507711,53.995271
+                    -2.506199,53.995147
+                    -2.506126,53.994999
+                    -2.505155,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993783
+                    -2.503481,53.993192
+                    -2.504174,53.992286
+                    -2.503622,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991051
+                    -2.505764,53.990479
+                    -2.505083,53.989573
+                    -2.506199,53.988824
+                    -2.507711,53.988757
+                    -2.507885,53.988667
+                    -2.507711,53.988361
+                    -2.506199,53.988190
+                    -2.505894,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987536
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+                    -2.507711,53.986440
+                    -2.508609,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985476
+                    -2.506199,53.985062
+                    -2.505932,53.985052
+                    -2.506199,53.985019
+                    -2.507264,53.984141
+                    -2.507711,53.983374
+                    -2.507770,53.983240
+                    -2.507780,53.982334
+                    -2.508231,53.981433
+                    -2.509016,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979669
+                    -2.506199,53.980322
+                    -2.505308,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.980742
+                    -2.504331,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.979921
+                    -2.502673,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979301
+                    -2.504686,53.979020
+                    -2.505264,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978472
+                    -2.507711,53.978190
+                    -2.508457,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977351
+                    -2.509861,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976340
+                    -2.508877,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975668
+                    -2.509983,53.975101
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+                    -2.510735,53.973560
+                    -2.511175,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972631
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+                    -2.513760,53.972216
+                    -2.515272,53.971620
+                    -2.515510,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971353
+                    -2.513760,53.971381
+                    -2.512247,53.971324
+                    -2.510735,53.971367
+                    -2.509591,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
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+                    -2.532192,53.972383
+                    -2.532069,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973689
+                    -2.531035,53.974190
+                    -2.531906,53.974714
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+                    -2.532632,53.976002
+                    -2.532325,53.976908
+                    -2.532430,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978400
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+                    -2.534930,53.979220
+                    -2.535770,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.980021
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+                    -2.538012,53.980527
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+                    -2.540271,53.980527
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+                    -2.540979,53.982067
+                    -2.541379,53.982334
+                    -2.541536,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983812
+                    -2.543557,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984408
+                    -2.545516,53.984790
+                    -2.547028,53.984857
+                    -2.548005,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985372
+                    -2.550052,53.985410
+                    -2.550873,53.985953
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+                    -2.552094,53.986859
+                    -2.552256,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985777
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+                    -2.556894,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986387
+                    -2.558437,53.985953
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+                    -2.559507,53.985953
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+                    -2.562150,53.986430
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+                    -2.563584,53.987765
+                    -2.563662,53.987927
+                    -2.563725,53.988667
+                    -2.563742,53.989573
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+                    -2.565174,53.991809
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+                    -2.562150,53.993850
+                    -2.561768,53.994098
+                    -2.562150,53.994384
+                    -2.563662,53.994489
+                    -2.564169,53.994999
+                    -2.565174,53.995681
+                    -2.565449,53.995910
+                    -2.565354,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997011
+                    -2.563662,53.996959
+                    -2.562150,53.996921
+                    -2.561152,53.996811
+                    -2.561833,53.995910
+                    -2.561703,53.994999
+                    -2.560638,53.994427
+                    -2.560068,53.994098
+                    -2.560003,53.993192
+                    -2.559929,53.992286
+                    -2.559858,53.991385
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+                    -2.552293,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989220
+                    -2.554185,53.989573
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+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025254
+                    -2.531906,54.025307
+                    -2.530394,54.025064
+                    -2.528882,54.025140
+                    -2.527369,54.025197
+                    -2.526595,54.024858
+                    -2.525857,54.024644
+                    -2.524626,54.023952
+                    -2.524345,54.023795
+                    -2.522833,54.023051
+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520470,54.022145
+                    -2.519808,54.021640
+                    -2.518296,54.021688
+                    -2.517175,54.021239
+                    -2.516784,54.020882
+                    -2.515272,54.020400
+                    -2.514747,54.020333
+                    -2.513760,54.020219
+                    -2.512247,54.020042
+                    -2.511158,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.019213
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013624
+                    -2.512247,54.013195
+                    -2.512307,54.013095
+                    -2.513345,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011703
+                    -2.515088,54.012194
+                    -2.515272,54.012303
+                    -2.515455,54.012194
+                    -2.515562,54.011288
+                    -2.515272,54.011073
+                    -2.514615,54.010382
+                    -2.513923,54.009476
+                    -2.513760,54.009128
+                    -2.512247,54.009271
+                    -2.511288,54.008574
+                    -2.512247,54.008036
+                    -2.513760,54.008217
+                    -2.515272,54.008346
+                    -2.516784,54.007769
+                    -2.516949,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007568
+                    -2.515805,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006457
+                    -2.518296,54.006405
+                    -2.519572,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.004989
+                    -2.517935,54.004951
+                    -2.518296,54.004869
+                    -2.519808,54.004879
+                    -2.521321,54.004912
+                    -2.522253,54.004951
+                    -2.522833,54.004989
+                    -2.522887,54.004951
+                    -2.524040,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003572
+                    -2.524738,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002771
+                    -2.523275,54.003143
+                    -2.522833,54.003220
+                    -2.522650,54.003143
+                    -2.521321,54.002352
+                    -2.519808,54.002280
+                    -2.518791,54.002242
+                    -2.519218,54.001336
+                    -2.518918,54.000430
+                    -2.518296,54.000368
+                    -2.516784,54.000163
+                    -2.516657,54.000430
+                    -2.515272,54.000802
+                    -2.513760,54.000926
+                    -2.512247,54.000912
+                    -2.512030,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,54.000287
+                    -2.513760,54.000168
+                    -2.515272,54.000053
+                    -2.516577,53.999524
+                    -2.515285,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998613
+                    -2.513828,53.997717
+                    -2.514124,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996596
+                    -2.512902,53.996811
+                    -2.512247,53.997011
+                    -2.512120,53.996811
+                    -2.511971,53.995910
+                    -2.511738,53.994999
+                    -2.510735,53.994498
+                    -2.509546,53.994999
+                    -2.509223,53.995385
+                    -2.507711,53.995271
+                    -2.506199,53.995147
+                    -2.506126,53.994999
+                    -2.505155,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993783
+                    -2.503481,53.993192
+                    -2.504174,53.992286
+                    -2.503622,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991051
+                    -2.505764,53.990479
+                    -2.505083,53.989573
+                    -2.506199,53.988824
+                    -2.507711,53.988757
+                    -2.507885,53.988667
+                    -2.507711,53.988361
+                    -2.506199,53.988190
+                    -2.505894,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987536
+                    -2.506753,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986440
+                    -2.508609,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985476
+                    -2.506199,53.985062
+                    -2.505932,53.985052
+                    -2.506199,53.985019
+                    -2.507264,53.984141
+                    -2.507711,53.983374
+                    -2.507770,53.983240
+                    -2.507780,53.982334
+                    -2.508231,53.981433
+                    -2.509016,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979669
+                    -2.506199,53.980322
+                    -2.505308,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.980742
+                    -2.504331,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.979921
+                    -2.502673,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979301
+                    -2.504686,53.979020
+                    -2.505264,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978472
+                    -2.507711,53.978190
+                    -2.508457,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977351
+                    -2.509861,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976340
+                    -2.508877,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975668
+                    -2.509983,53.975101
+                    -2.509767,53.974190
+                    -2.510735,53.973560
+                    -2.511175,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972631
+                    -2.513632,53.972383
+                    -2.513760,53.972216
+                    -2.515272,53.971620
+                    -2.515510,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971353
+                    -2.513760,53.971381
+                    -2.512247,53.971324
+                    -2.510735,53.971367
+                    -2.509591,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532192,53.972383
+                    -2.532069,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973689
+                    -2.531035,53.974190
+                    -2.531906,53.974714
+                    -2.532435,53.975101
+                    -2.532632,53.976002
+                    -2.532325,53.976908
+                    -2.532430,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978400
+                    -2.534087,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979220
+                    -2.535770,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.980021
+                    -2.537899,53.980527
+                    -2.537955,53.980560
+                    -2.538012,53.980527
+                    -2.539467,53.980212
+                    -2.540271,53.980527
+                    -2.540317,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.982067
+                    -2.541379,53.982334
+                    -2.541536,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983812
+                    -2.543557,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984408
+                    -2.545516,53.984790
+                    -2.547028,53.984857
+                    -2.548005,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985372
+                    -2.550052,53.985410
+                    -2.550873,53.985953
+                    -2.551034,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987174
+                    -2.552094,53.986859
+                    -2.552256,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985777
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+                    -2.556894,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986387
+                    -2.558437,53.985953
+                    -2.559126,53.985496
+                    -2.559507,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986583
+                    -2.562150,53.986430
+                    -2.562692,53.986859
+                    -2.563584,53.987765
+                    -2.563662,53.987927
+                    -2.563725,53.988667
+                    -2.563742,53.989573
+                    -2.564202,53.990479
+                    -2.565174,53.990932
+                    -2.565529,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991809
+                    -2.564443,53.992286
+                    -2.563981,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.993797
+                    -2.562150,53.993850
+                    -2.561768,53.994098
+                    -2.562150,53.994384
+                    -2.563662,53.994489
+                    -2.564169,53.994999
+                    -2.565174,53.995681
+                    -2.565449,53.995910
+                    -2.565354,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997011
+                    -2.563662,53.996959
+                    -2.562150,53.996921
+                    -2.561152,53.996811
+                    -2.561833,53.995910
+                    -2.561703,53.994999
+                    -2.560638,53.994427
+                    -2.560068,53.994098
+                    -2.560003,53.993192
+                    -2.559929,53.992286
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+                    -2.559709,53.990479
+                    -2.559126,53.990130
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+                    -2.555305,53.988667
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+                    -2.553077,53.988199
+                    -2.552293,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989220
+                    -2.554185,53.989573
+                    -2.554589,53.989754
+                    -2.555222,53.990479
+                    -2.554871,53.991385
+                    -2.555085,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992558
+                    -2.553203,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993340
+                    -2.551960,53.994098
+                    -2.551564,53.994269
+                    -2.550052,53.994780
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+                    -2.548110,53.995910
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+                    -2.547028,53.994842
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+                    -2.551564,53.991461
+                    -2.550052,53.991771
+                    -2.548700,53.991385
+                    -2.548540,53.990588
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+                    -2.530394,54.019980
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+                    -2.530394,54.020629
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+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025254
+                    -2.531906,54.025307
+                    -2.530394,54.025064
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+                    -2.525857,54.024644
+                    -2.524626,54.023952
+                    -2.524345,54.023795
+                    -2.522833,54.023051
+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520470,54.022145
+                    -2.519808,54.021640
+                    -2.518296,54.021688
+                    -2.517175,54.021239
+                    -2.516784,54.020882
+                    -2.515272,54.020400
+                    -2.514747,54.020333
+                    -2.513760,54.020219
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013624
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+                    -2.512307,54.013095
+                    -2.513345,54.012194
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+                    -2.515272,54.012303
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+                    -2.515272,54.011073
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+                    -2.513760,54.009128
+                    -2.512247,54.009271
+                    -2.511288,54.008574
+                    -2.512247,54.008036
+                    -2.513760,54.008217
+                    -2.515272,54.008346
+                    -2.516784,54.007769
+                    -2.516949,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007568
+                    -2.515805,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006457
+                    -2.518296,54.006405
+                    -2.519572,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.004989
+                    -2.517935,54.004951
+                    -2.518296,54.004869
+                    -2.519808,54.004879
+                    -2.521321,54.004912
+                    -2.522253,54.004951
+                    -2.522833,54.004989
+                    -2.522887,54.004951
+                    -2.524040,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003572
+                    -2.524738,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002771
+                    -2.523275,54.003143
+                    -2.522833,54.003220
+                    -2.522650,54.003143
+                    -2.521321,54.002352
+                    -2.519808,54.002280
+                    -2.518791,54.002242
+                    -2.519218,54.001336
+                    -2.518918,54.000430
+                    -2.518296,54.000368
+                    -2.516784,54.000163
+                    -2.516657,54.000430
+                    -2.515272,54.000802
+                    -2.513760,54.000926
+                    -2.512247,54.000912
+                    -2.512030,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,54.000287
+                    -2.513760,54.000168
+                    -2.515272,54.000053
+                    -2.516577,53.999524
+                    -2.515285,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998613
+                    -2.513828,53.997717
+                    -2.514124,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996596
+                    -2.512902,53.996811
+                    -2.512247,53.997011
+                    -2.512120,53.996811
+                    -2.511971,53.995910
+                    -2.511738,53.994999
+                    -2.510735,53.994498
+                    -2.509546,53.994999
+                    -2.509223,53.995385
+                    -2.507711,53.995271
+                    -2.506199,53.995147
+                    -2.506126,53.994999
+                    -2.505155,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993783
+                    -2.503481,53.993192
+                    -2.504174,53.992286
+                    -2.503622,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991051
+                    -2.505764,53.990479
+                    -2.505083,53.989573
+                    -2.506199,53.988824
+                    -2.507711,53.988757
+                    -2.507885,53.988667
+                    -2.507711,53.988361
+                    -2.506199,53.988190
+                    -2.505894,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987536
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+                    -2.507711,53.986440
+                    -2.508609,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985476
+                    -2.506199,53.985062
+                    -2.505932,53.985052
+                    -2.506199,53.985019
+                    -2.507264,53.984141
+                    -2.507711,53.983374
+                    -2.507770,53.983240
+                    -2.507780,53.982334
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+                    -2.507711,53.979669
+                    -2.506199,53.980322
+                    -2.505308,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.980742
+                    -2.504331,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.979921
+                    -2.502673,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979301
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+                    -2.505264,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978472
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+                    -2.508457,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977351
+                    -2.509861,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976340
+                    -2.508877,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975668
+                    -2.509983,53.975101
+                    -2.509767,53.974190
+                    -2.510735,53.973560
+                    -2.511175,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972631
+                    -2.513632,53.972383
+                    -2.513760,53.972216
+                    -2.515272,53.971620
+                    -2.515510,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971353
+                    -2.513760,53.971381
+                    -2.512247,53.971324
+                    -2.510735,53.971367
+                    -2.509591,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532192,53.972383
+                    -2.532069,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973689
+                    -2.531035,53.974190
+                    -2.531906,53.974714
+                    -2.532435,53.975101
+                    -2.532632,53.976002
+                    -2.532325,53.976908
+                    -2.532430,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978400
+                    -2.534087,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979220
+                    -2.535770,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.980021
+                    -2.537899,53.980527
+                    -2.537955,53.980560
+                    -2.538012,53.980527
+                    -2.539467,53.980212
+                    -2.540271,53.980527
+                    -2.540317,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.982067
+                    -2.541379,53.982334
+                    -2.541536,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983812
+                    -2.543557,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984408
+                    -2.545516,53.984790
+                    -2.547028,53.984857
+                    -2.548005,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985372
+                    -2.550052,53.985410
+                    -2.550873,53.985953
+                    -2.551034,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987174
+                    -2.552094,53.986859
+                    -2.552256,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985777
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+                    -2.556101,53.985610
+                    -2.556894,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986387
+                    -2.558437,53.985953
+                    -2.559126,53.985496
+                    -2.559507,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986583
+                    -2.562150,53.986430
+                    -2.562692,53.986859
+                    -2.563584,53.987765
+                    -2.563662,53.987927
+                    -2.563725,53.988667
+                    -2.563742,53.989573
+                    -2.564202,53.990479
+                    -2.565174,53.990932
+                    -2.565529,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991809
+                    -2.564443,53.992286
+                    -2.563981,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.993797
+                    -2.562150,53.993850
+                    -2.561768,53.994098
+                    -2.562150,53.994384
+                    -2.563662,53.994489
+                    -2.564169,53.994999
+                    -2.565174,53.995681
+                    -2.565449,53.995910
+                    -2.565354,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997011
+                    -2.563662,53.996959
+                    -2.562150,53.996921
+                    -2.561152,53.996811
+                    -2.561833,53.995910
+                    -2.561703,53.994999
+                    -2.560638,53.994427
+                    -2.560068,53.994098
+                    -2.560003,53.993192
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+                    -2.553077,53.988199
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+                    -2.553077,53.989220
+                    -2.554185,53.989573
+                    -2.554589,53.989754
+                    -2.555222,53.990479
+                    -2.554871,53.991385
+                    -2.555085,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992558
+                    -2.553203,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993340
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+                    -2.517175,54.021239
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+                    -2.514747,54.020333
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013624
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+                    -2.515272,54.011073
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+                    -2.513760,54.009128
+                    -2.512247,54.009271
+                    -2.511288,54.008574
+                    -2.512247,54.008036
+                    -2.513760,54.008217
+                    -2.515272,54.008346
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+                    -2.516949,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007568
+                    -2.515805,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006457
+                    -2.518296,54.006405
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+                    -2.518296,54.004989
+                    -2.517935,54.004951
+                    -2.518296,54.004869
+                    -2.519808,54.004879
+                    -2.521321,54.004912
+                    -2.522253,54.004951
+                    -2.522833,54.004989
+                    -2.522887,54.004951
+                    -2.524040,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003572
+                    -2.524738,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002771
+                    -2.523275,54.003143
+                    -2.522833,54.003220
+                    -2.522650,54.003143
+                    -2.521321,54.002352
+                    -2.519808,54.002280
+                    -2.518791,54.002242
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+                    -2.518296,54.000368
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+                    -2.516657,54.000430
+                    -2.515272,54.000802
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+                    -2.512247,54.000912
+                    -2.512030,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,54.000287
+                    -2.513760,54.000168
+                    -2.515272,54.000053
+                    -2.516577,53.999524
+                    -2.515285,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998613
+                    -2.513828,53.997717
+                    -2.514124,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996596
+                    -2.512902,53.996811
+                    -2.512247,53.997011
+                    -2.512120,53.996811
+                    -2.511971,53.995910
+                    -2.511738,53.994999
+                    -2.510735,53.994498
+                    -2.509546,53.994999
+                    -2.509223,53.995385
+                    -2.507711,53.995271
+                    -2.506199,53.995147
+                    -2.506126,53.994999
+                    -2.505155,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993783
+                    -2.503481,53.993192
+                    -2.504174,53.992286
+                    -2.503622,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991051
+                    -2.505764,53.990479
+                    -2.505083,53.989573
+                    -2.506199,53.988824
+                    -2.507711,53.988757
+                    -2.507885,53.988667
+                    -2.507711,53.988361
+                    -2.506199,53.988190
+                    -2.505894,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987536
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+                    -2.507711,53.986440
+                    -2.508609,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985476
+                    -2.506199,53.985062
+                    -2.505932,53.985052
+                    -2.506199,53.985019
+                    -2.507264,53.984141
+                    -2.507711,53.983374
+                    -2.507770,53.983240
+                    -2.507780,53.982334
+                    -2.508231,53.981433
+                    -2.509016,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979669
+                    -2.506199,53.980322
+                    -2.505308,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.980742
+                    -2.504331,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.979921
+                    -2.502673,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979301
+                    -2.504686,53.979020
+                    -2.505264,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978472
+                    -2.507711,53.978190
+                    -2.508457,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977351
+                    -2.509861,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976340
+                    -2.508877,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975668
+                    -2.509983,53.975101
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+                    -2.510735,53.973560
+                    -2.511175,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972631
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+                    -2.513760,53.972216
+                    -2.515272,53.971620
+                    -2.515510,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971353
+                    -2.513760,53.971381
+                    -2.512247,53.971324
+                    -2.510735,53.971367
+                    -2.509591,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
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+                    -2.532192,53.972383
+                    -2.532069,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973689
+                    -2.531035,53.974190
+                    -2.531906,53.974714
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+                    -2.532325,53.976908
+                    -2.532430,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978400
+                    -2.534087,53.978715
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+                    -2.535770,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.980021
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+                    -2.538012,53.980527
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+                    -2.540271,53.980527
+                    -2.540317,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.982067
+                    -2.541379,53.982334
+                    -2.541536,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983812
+                    -2.543557,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984408
+                    -2.545516,53.984790
+                    -2.547028,53.984857
+                    -2.548005,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985372
+                    -2.550052,53.985410
+                    -2.550873,53.985953
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+                    -2.551564,53.987174
+                    -2.552094,53.986859
+                    -2.552256,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985777
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+                    -2.556894,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986387
+                    -2.558437,53.985953
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+                    -2.559507,53.985953
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+                    -2.562150,53.986430
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+                    -2.563584,53.987765
+                    -2.563662,53.987927
+                    -2.563725,53.988667
+                    -2.563742,53.989573
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+                    -2.565174,53.991809
+                    -2.564443,53.992286
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+                    -2.562150,53.993850
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+                    -2.562150,53.994384
+                    -2.563662,53.994489
+                    -2.564169,53.994999
+                    -2.565174,53.995681
+                    -2.565449,53.995910
+                    -2.565354,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997011
+                    -2.563662,53.996959
+                    -2.562150,53.996921
+                    -2.561152,53.996811
+                    -2.561833,53.995910
+                    -2.561703,53.994999
+                    -2.560638,53.994427
+                    -2.560068,53.994098
+                    -2.560003,53.993192
+                    -2.559929,53.992286
+                    -2.559858,53.991385
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+                    -2.554589,53.988242
+                    -2.553077,53.988199
+                    -2.552293,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989220
+                    -2.554185,53.989573
+                    -2.554589,53.989754
+                    -2.555222,53.990479
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+                    -2.531906,54.025307
+                    -2.530394,54.025064
+                    -2.528882,54.025140
+                    -2.527369,54.025197
+                    -2.526595,54.024858
+                    -2.525857,54.024644
+                    -2.524626,54.023952
+                    -2.524345,54.023795
+                    -2.522833,54.023051
+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520470,54.022145
+                    -2.519808,54.021640
+                    -2.518296,54.021688
+                    -2.517175,54.021239
+                    -2.516784,54.020882
+                    -2.515272,54.020400
+                    -2.514747,54.020333
+                    -2.513760,54.020219
+                    -2.512247,54.020042
+                    -2.511158,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.019213
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013624
+                    -2.512247,54.013195
+                    -2.512307,54.013095
+                    -2.513345,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011703
+                    -2.515088,54.012194
+                    -2.515272,54.012303
+                    -2.515455,54.012194
+                    -2.515562,54.011288
+                    -2.515272,54.011073
+                    -2.514615,54.010382
+                    -2.513923,54.009476
+                    -2.513760,54.009128
+                    -2.512247,54.009271
+                    -2.511288,54.008574
+                    -2.512247,54.008036
+                    -2.513760,54.008217
+                    -2.515272,54.008346
+                    -2.516784,54.007769
+                    -2.516949,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007568
+                    -2.515805,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006457
+                    -2.518296,54.006405
+                    -2.519572,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.004989
+                    -2.517935,54.004951
+                    -2.518296,54.004869
+                    -2.519808,54.004879
+                    -2.521321,54.004912
+                    -2.522253,54.004951
+                    -2.522833,54.004989
+                    -2.522887,54.004951
+                    -2.524040,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003572
+                    -2.524738,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002771
+                    -2.523275,54.003143
+                    -2.522833,54.003220
+                    -2.522650,54.003143
+                    -2.521321,54.002352
+                    -2.519808,54.002280
+                    -2.518791,54.002242
+                    -2.519218,54.001336
+                    -2.518918,54.000430
+                    -2.518296,54.000368
+                    -2.516784,54.000163
+                    -2.516657,54.000430
+                    -2.515272,54.000802
+                    -2.513760,54.000926
+                    -2.512247,54.000912
+                    -2.512030,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,54.000287
+                    -2.513760,54.000168
+                    -2.515272,54.000053
+                    -2.516577,53.999524
+                    -2.515285,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998613
+                    -2.513828,53.997717
+                    -2.514124,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996596
+                    -2.512902,53.996811
+                    -2.512247,53.997011
+                    -2.512120,53.996811
+                    -2.511971,53.995910
+                    -2.511738,53.994999
+                    -2.510735,53.994498
+                    -2.509546,53.994999
+                    -2.509223,53.995385
+                    -2.507711,53.995271
+                    -2.506199,53.995147
+                    -2.506126,53.994999
+                    -2.505155,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993783
+                    -2.503481,53.993192
+                    -2.504174,53.992286
+                    -2.503622,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991051
+                    -2.505764,53.990479
+                    -2.505083,53.989573
+                    -2.506199,53.988824
+                    -2.507711,53.988757
+                    -2.507885,53.988667
+                    -2.507711,53.988361
+                    -2.506199,53.988190
+                    -2.505894,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987536
+                    -2.506753,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986440
+                    -2.508609,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985476
+                    -2.506199,53.985062
+                    -2.505932,53.985052
+                    -2.506199,53.985019
+                    -2.507264,53.984141
+                    -2.507711,53.983374
+                    -2.507770,53.983240
+                    -2.507780,53.982334
+                    -2.508231,53.981433
+                    -2.509016,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979669
+                    -2.506199,53.980322
+                    -2.505308,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.980742
+                    -2.504331,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.979921
+                    -2.502673,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979301
+                    -2.504686,53.979020
+                    -2.505264,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978472
+                    -2.507711,53.978190
+                    -2.508457,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977351
+                    -2.509861,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976340
+                    -2.508877,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975668
+                    -2.509983,53.975101
+                    -2.509767,53.974190
+                    -2.510735,53.973560
+                    -2.511175,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972631
+                    -2.513632,53.972383
+                    -2.513760,53.972216
+                    -2.515272,53.971620
+                    -2.515510,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971353
+                    -2.513760,53.971381
+                    -2.512247,53.971324
+                    -2.510735,53.971367
+                    -2.509591,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532192,53.972383
+                    -2.532069,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973689
+                    -2.531035,53.974190
+                    -2.531906,53.974714
+                    -2.532435,53.975101
+                    -2.532632,53.976002
+                    -2.532325,53.976908
+                    -2.532430,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978400
+                    -2.534087,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979220
+                    -2.535770,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.980021
+                    -2.537899,53.980527
+                    -2.537955,53.980560
+                    -2.538012,53.980527
+                    -2.539467,53.980212
+                    -2.540271,53.980527
+                    -2.540317,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.982067
+                    -2.541379,53.982334
+                    -2.541536,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983812
+                    -2.543557,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984408
+                    -2.545516,53.984790
+                    -2.547028,53.984857
+                    -2.548005,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985372
+                    -2.550052,53.985410
+                    -2.550873,53.985953
+                    -2.551034,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987174
+                    -2.552094,53.986859
+                    -2.552256,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985777
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+                    -2.556894,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986387
+                    -2.558437,53.985953
+                    -2.559126,53.985496
+                    -2.559507,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986583
+                    -2.562150,53.986430
+                    -2.562692,53.986859
+                    -2.563584,53.987765
+                    -2.563662,53.987927
+                    -2.563725,53.988667
+                    -2.563742,53.989573
+                    -2.564202,53.990479
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+                    -2.565529,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991809
+                    -2.564443,53.992286
+                    -2.563981,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.993797
+                    -2.562150,53.993850
+                    -2.561768,53.994098
+                    -2.562150,53.994384
+                    -2.563662,53.994489
+                    -2.564169,53.994999
+                    -2.565174,53.995681
+                    -2.565449,53.995910
+                    -2.565354,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997011
+                    -2.563662,53.996959
+                    -2.562150,53.996921
+                    -2.561152,53.996811
+                    -2.561833,53.995910
+                    -2.561703,53.994999
+                    -2.560638,53.994427
+                    -2.560068,53.994098
+                    -2.560003,53.993192
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+                    -2.555305,53.988667
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+                    -2.553077,53.988199
+                    -2.552293,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989220
+                    -2.554185,53.989573
+                    -2.554589,53.989754
+                    -2.555222,53.990479
+                    -2.554871,53.991385
+                    -2.555085,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992558
+                    -2.553203,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993340
+                    -2.551960,53.994098
+                    -2.551564,53.994269
+                    -2.550052,53.994780
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+                    -2.548110,53.995910
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+                    -2.551564,53.991461
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+                    -2.530394,54.020629
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+                    -2.534930,54.024858
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+                    -2.530394,54.025064
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+                    -2.525857,54.024644
+                    -2.524626,54.023952
+                    -2.524345,54.023795
+                    -2.522833,54.023051
+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520470,54.022145
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+                    -2.518296,54.021688
+                    -2.517175,54.021239
+                    -2.516784,54.020882
+                    -2.515272,54.020400
+                    -2.514747,54.020333
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013624
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+                    -2.512307,54.013095
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+                    -2.515272,54.011073
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+                    -2.513760,54.009128
+                    -2.512247,54.009271
+                    -2.511288,54.008574
+                    -2.512247,54.008036
+                    -2.513760,54.008217
+                    -2.515272,54.008346
+                    -2.516784,54.007769
+                    -2.516949,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007568
+                    -2.515805,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006457
+                    -2.518296,54.006405
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+                    -2.518296,54.004989
+                    -2.517935,54.004951
+                    -2.518296,54.004869
+                    -2.519808,54.004879
+                    -2.521321,54.004912
+                    -2.522253,54.004951
+                    -2.522833,54.004989
+                    -2.522887,54.004951
+                    -2.524040,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003572
+                    -2.524738,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002771
+                    -2.523275,54.003143
+                    -2.522833,54.003220
+                    -2.522650,54.003143
+                    -2.521321,54.002352
+                    -2.519808,54.002280
+                    -2.518791,54.002242
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+                    -2.518918,54.000430
+                    -2.518296,54.000368
+                    -2.516784,54.000163
+                    -2.516657,54.000430
+                    -2.515272,54.000802
+                    -2.513760,54.000926
+                    -2.512247,54.000912
+                    -2.512030,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,54.000287
+                    -2.513760,54.000168
+                    -2.515272,54.000053
+                    -2.516577,53.999524
+                    -2.515285,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998613
+                    -2.513828,53.997717
+                    -2.514124,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996596
+                    -2.512902,53.996811
+                    -2.512247,53.997011
+                    -2.512120,53.996811
+                    -2.511971,53.995910
+                    -2.511738,53.994999
+                    -2.510735,53.994498
+                    -2.509546,53.994999
+                    -2.509223,53.995385
+                    -2.507711,53.995271
+                    -2.506199,53.995147
+                    -2.506126,53.994999
+                    -2.505155,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993783
+                    -2.503481,53.993192
+                    -2.504174,53.992286
+                    -2.503622,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991051
+                    -2.505764,53.990479
+                    -2.505083,53.989573
+                    -2.506199,53.988824
+                    -2.507711,53.988757
+                    -2.507885,53.988667
+                    -2.507711,53.988361
+                    -2.506199,53.988190
+                    -2.505894,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987536
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+                    -2.507711,53.986440
+                    -2.508609,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985476
+                    -2.506199,53.985062
+                    -2.505932,53.985052
+                    -2.506199,53.985019
+                    -2.507264,53.984141
+                    -2.507711,53.983374
+                    -2.507770,53.983240
+                    -2.507780,53.982334
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+                    -2.507711,53.979669
+                    -2.506199,53.980322
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+                    -2.504331,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.979921
+                    -2.502673,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979301
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+                    -2.508457,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977351
+                    -2.509861,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976340
+                    -2.508877,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975668
+                    -2.509983,53.975101
+                    -2.509767,53.974190
+                    -2.510735,53.973560
+                    -2.511175,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972631
+                    -2.513632,53.972383
+                    -2.513760,53.972216
+                    -2.515272,53.971620
+                    -2.515510,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971353
+                    -2.513760,53.971381
+                    -2.512247,53.971324
+                    -2.510735,53.971367
+                    -2.509591,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532192,53.972383
+                    -2.532069,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973689
+                    -2.531035,53.974190
+                    -2.531906,53.974714
+                    -2.532435,53.975101
+                    -2.532632,53.976002
+                    -2.532325,53.976908
+                    -2.532430,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978400
+                    -2.534087,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979220
+                    -2.535770,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.980021
+                    -2.537899,53.980527
+                    -2.537955,53.980560
+                    -2.538012,53.980527
+                    -2.539467,53.980212
+                    -2.540271,53.980527
+                    -2.540317,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.982067
+                    -2.541379,53.982334
+                    -2.541536,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983812
+                    -2.543557,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984408
+                    -2.545516,53.984790
+                    -2.547028,53.984857
+                    -2.548005,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985372
+                    -2.550052,53.985410
+                    -2.550873,53.985953
+                    -2.551034,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987174
+                    -2.552094,53.986859
+                    -2.552256,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985777
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+                    -2.556101,53.985610
+                    -2.556894,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986387
+                    -2.558437,53.985953
+                    -2.559126,53.985496
+                    -2.559507,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986583
+                    -2.562150,53.986430
+                    -2.562692,53.986859
+                    -2.563584,53.987765
+                    -2.563662,53.987927
+                    -2.563725,53.988667
+                    -2.563742,53.989573
+                    -2.564202,53.990479
+                    -2.565174,53.990932
+                    -2.565529,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991809
+                    -2.564443,53.992286
+                    -2.563981,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.993797
+                    -2.562150,53.993850
+                    -2.561768,53.994098
+                    -2.562150,53.994384
+                    -2.563662,53.994489
+                    -2.564169,53.994999
+                    -2.565174,53.995681
+                    -2.565449,53.995910
+                    -2.565354,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997011
+                    -2.563662,53.996959
+                    -2.562150,53.996921
+                    -2.561152,53.996811
+                    -2.561833,53.995910
+                    -2.561703,53.994999
+                    -2.560638,53.994427
+                    -2.560068,53.994098
+                    -2.560003,53.993192
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+                    -2.553077,53.988199
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+                    -2.553077,53.989220
+                    -2.554185,53.989573
+                    -2.554589,53.989754
+                    -2.555222,53.990479
+                    -2.554871,53.991385
+                    -2.555085,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992558
+                    -2.553203,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993340
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+                    -2.550052,53.994780
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+                    -2.518296,54.021688
+                    -2.517175,54.021239
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+                    -2.514747,54.020333
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013624
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+                    -2.515272,54.011073
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+                    -2.513760,54.009128
+                    -2.512247,54.009271
+                    -2.511288,54.008574
+                    -2.512247,54.008036
+                    -2.513760,54.008217
+                    -2.515272,54.008346
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+                    -2.516949,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007568
+                    -2.515805,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006457
+                    -2.518296,54.006405
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+                    -2.518296,54.004989
+                    -2.517935,54.004951
+                    -2.518296,54.004869
+                    -2.519808,54.004879
+                    -2.521321,54.004912
+                    -2.522253,54.004951
+                    -2.522833,54.004989
+                    -2.522887,54.004951
+                    -2.524040,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003572
+                    -2.524738,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002771
+                    -2.523275,54.003143
+                    -2.522833,54.003220
+                    -2.522650,54.003143
+                    -2.521321,54.002352
+                    -2.519808,54.002280
+                    -2.518791,54.002242
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+                    -2.518918,54.000430
+                    -2.518296,54.000368
+                    -2.516784,54.000163
+                    -2.516657,54.000430
+                    -2.515272,54.000802
+                    -2.513760,54.000926
+                    -2.512247,54.000912
+                    -2.512030,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,54.000287
+                    -2.513760,54.000168
+                    -2.515272,54.000053
+                    -2.516577,53.999524
+                    -2.515285,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998613
+                    -2.513828,53.997717
+                    -2.514124,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996596
+                    -2.512902,53.996811
+                    -2.512247,53.997011
+                    -2.512120,53.996811
+                    -2.511971,53.995910
+                    -2.511738,53.994999
+                    -2.510735,53.994498
+                    -2.509546,53.994999
+                    -2.509223,53.995385
+                    -2.507711,53.995271
+                    -2.506199,53.995147
+                    -2.506126,53.994999
+                    -2.505155,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993783
+                    -2.503481,53.993192
+                    -2.504174,53.992286
+                    -2.503622,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991051
+                    -2.505764,53.990479
+                    -2.505083,53.989573
+                    -2.506199,53.988824
+                    -2.507711,53.988757
+                    -2.507885,53.988667
+                    -2.507711,53.988361
+                    -2.506199,53.988190
+                    -2.505894,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987536
+                    -2.506753,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986440
+                    -2.508609,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985476
+                    -2.506199,53.985062
+                    -2.505932,53.985052
+                    -2.506199,53.985019
+                    -2.507264,53.984141
+                    -2.507711,53.983374
+                    -2.507770,53.983240
+                    -2.507780,53.982334
+                    -2.508231,53.981433
+                    -2.509016,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979669
+                    -2.506199,53.980322
+                    -2.505308,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.980742
+                    -2.504331,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.979921
+                    -2.502673,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979301
+                    -2.504686,53.979020
+                    -2.505264,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978472
+                    -2.507711,53.978190
+                    -2.508457,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977351
+                    -2.509861,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976340
+                    -2.508877,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975668
+                    -2.509983,53.975101
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+                    -2.510735,53.973560
+                    -2.511175,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972631
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+                    -2.513760,53.972216
+                    -2.515272,53.971620
+                    -2.515510,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971353
+                    -2.513760,53.971381
+                    -2.512247,53.971324
+                    -2.510735,53.971367
+                    -2.509591,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
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+                    -2.532192,53.972383
+                    -2.532069,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973689
+                    -2.531035,53.974190
+                    -2.531906,53.974714
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+                    -2.532632,53.976002
+                    -2.532325,53.976908
+                    -2.532430,53.977809
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+                    -2.535770,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.980021
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+                    -2.537955,53.980560
+                    -2.538012,53.980527
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+                    -2.540271,53.980527
+                    -2.540317,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.982067
+                    -2.541379,53.982334
+                    -2.541536,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983812
+                    -2.543557,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984408
+                    -2.545516,53.984790
+                    -2.547028,53.984857
+                    -2.548005,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985372
+                    -2.550052,53.985410
+                    -2.550873,53.985953
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+                    -2.551564,53.987174
+                    -2.552094,53.986859
+                    -2.552256,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985777
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+                    -2.556101,53.985610
+                    -2.556894,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986387
+                    -2.558437,53.985953
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+                    -2.559507,53.985953
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+                    -2.562150,53.986430
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+                    -2.563584,53.987765
+                    -2.563662,53.987927
+                    -2.563725,53.988667
+                    -2.563742,53.989573
+                    -2.564202,53.990479
+                    -2.565174,53.990932
+                    -2.565529,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991809
+                    -2.564443,53.992286
+                    -2.563981,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.993797
+                    -2.562150,53.993850
+                    -2.561768,53.994098
+                    -2.562150,53.994384
+                    -2.563662,53.994489
+                    -2.564169,53.994999
+                    -2.565174,53.995681
+                    -2.565449,53.995910
+                    -2.565354,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997011
+                    -2.563662,53.996959
+                    -2.562150,53.996921
+                    -2.561152,53.996811
+                    -2.561833,53.995910
+                    -2.561703,53.994999
+                    -2.560638,53.994427
+                    -2.560068,53.994098
+                    -2.560003,53.993192
+                    -2.559929,53.992286
+                    -2.559858,53.991385
+                    -2.559709,53.990479
+                    -2.559126,53.990130
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+                    -2.554589,53.988242
+                    -2.553077,53.988199
+                    -2.552293,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989220
+                    -2.554185,53.989573
+                    -2.554589,53.989754
+                    -2.555222,53.990479
+                    -2.554871,53.991385
+                    -2.555085,53.992286
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+                    -2.528882,54.025140
+                    -2.527369,54.025197
+                    -2.526595,54.024858
+                    -2.525857,54.024644
+                    -2.524626,54.023952
+                    -2.524345,54.023795
+                    -2.522833,54.023051
+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520470,54.022145
+                    -2.519808,54.021640
+                    -2.518296,54.021688
+                    -2.517175,54.021239
+                    -2.516784,54.020882
+                    -2.515272,54.020400
+                    -2.514747,54.020333
+                    -2.513760,54.020219
+                    -2.512247,54.020042
+                    -2.511158,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.019213
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013624
+                    -2.512247,54.013195
+                    -2.512307,54.013095
+                    -2.513345,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011703
+                    -2.515088,54.012194
+                    -2.515272,54.012303
+                    -2.515455,54.012194
+                    -2.515562,54.011288
+                    -2.515272,54.011073
+                    -2.514615,54.010382
+                    -2.513923,54.009476
+                    -2.513760,54.009128
+                    -2.512247,54.009271
+                    -2.511288,54.008574
+                    -2.512247,54.008036
+                    -2.513760,54.008217
+                    -2.515272,54.008346
+                    -2.516784,54.007769
+                    -2.516949,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007568
+                    -2.515805,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006457
+                    -2.518296,54.006405
+                    -2.519572,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.004989
+                    -2.517935,54.004951
+                    -2.518296,54.004869
+                    -2.519808,54.004879
+                    -2.521321,54.004912
+                    -2.522253,54.004951
+                    -2.522833,54.004989
+                    -2.522887,54.004951
+                    -2.524040,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003572
+                    -2.524738,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002771
+                    -2.523275,54.003143
+                    -2.522833,54.003220
+                    -2.522650,54.003143
+                    -2.521321,54.002352
+                    -2.519808,54.002280
+                    -2.518791,54.002242
+                    -2.519218,54.001336
+                    -2.518918,54.000430
+                    -2.518296,54.000368
+                    -2.516784,54.000163
+                    -2.516657,54.000430
+                    -2.515272,54.000802
+                    -2.513760,54.000926
+                    -2.512247,54.000912
+                    -2.512030,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,54.000287
+                    -2.513760,54.000168
+                    -2.515272,54.000053
+                    -2.516577,53.999524
+                    -2.515285,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998613
+                    -2.513828,53.997717
+                    -2.514124,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996596
+                    -2.512902,53.996811
+                    -2.512247,53.997011
+                    -2.512120,53.996811
+                    -2.511971,53.995910
+                    -2.511738,53.994999
+                    -2.510735,53.994498
+                    -2.509546,53.994999
+                    -2.509223,53.995385
+                    -2.507711,53.995271
+                    -2.506199,53.995147
+                    -2.506126,53.994999
+                    -2.505155,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993783
+                    -2.503481,53.993192
+                    -2.504174,53.992286
+                    -2.503622,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991051
+                    -2.505764,53.990479
+                    -2.505083,53.989573
+                    -2.506199,53.988824
+                    -2.507711,53.988757
+                    -2.507885,53.988667
+                    -2.507711,53.988361
+                    -2.506199,53.988190
+                    -2.505894,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987536
+                    -2.506753,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986440
+                    -2.508609,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985476
+                    -2.506199,53.985062
+                    -2.505932,53.985052
+                    -2.506199,53.985019
+                    -2.507264,53.984141
+                    -2.507711,53.983374
+                    -2.507770,53.983240
+                    -2.507780,53.982334
+                    -2.508231,53.981433
+                    -2.509016,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979669
+                    -2.506199,53.980322
+                    -2.505308,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.980742
+                    -2.504331,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.979921
+                    -2.502673,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979301
+                    -2.504686,53.979020
+                    -2.505264,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978472
+                    -2.507711,53.978190
+                    -2.508457,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977351
+                    -2.509861,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976340
+                    -2.508877,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975668
+                    -2.509983,53.975101
+                    -2.509767,53.974190
+                    -2.510735,53.973560
+                    -2.511175,53.973289
+                    -2.512247,53.972631
+                    -2.513632,53.972383
+                    -2.513760,53.972216
+                    -2.515272,53.971620
+                    -2.515510,53.971477
+                    -2.515272,53.971353
+                    -2.513760,53.971381
+                    -2.512247,53.971324
+                    -2.510735,53.971367
+                    -2.509591,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532192,53.972383
+                    -2.532069,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973689
+                    -2.531035,53.974190
+                    -2.531906,53.974714
+                    -2.532435,53.975101
+                    -2.532632,53.976002
+                    -2.532325,53.976908
+                    -2.532430,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978400
+                    -2.534087,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979220
+                    -2.535770,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.980021
+                    -2.537899,53.980527
+                    -2.537955,53.980560
+                    -2.538012,53.980527
+                    -2.539467,53.980212
+                    -2.540271,53.980527
+                    -2.540317,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.982067
+                    -2.541379,53.982334
+                    -2.541536,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983812
+                    -2.543557,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984408
+                    -2.545516,53.984790
+                    -2.547028,53.984857
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+                    -2.548540,53.985372
+                    -2.550052,53.985410
+                    -2.550873,53.985953
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+                    -2.551564,53.987174
+                    -2.552094,53.986859
+                    -2.552256,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985777
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+                    -2.556894,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986387
+                    -2.558437,53.985953
+                    -2.559126,53.985496
+                    -2.559507,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986583
+                    -2.562150,53.986430
+                    -2.562692,53.986859
+                    -2.563584,53.987765
+                    -2.563662,53.987927
+                    -2.563725,53.988667
+                    -2.563742,53.989573
+                    -2.564202,53.990479
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+                    -2.565529,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991809
+                    -2.564443,53.992286
+                    -2.563981,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.993797
+                    -2.562150,53.993850
+                    -2.561768,53.994098
+                    -2.562150,53.994384
+                    -2.563662,53.994489
+                    -2.564169,53.994999
+                    -2.565174,53.995681
+                    -2.565449,53.995910
+                    -2.565354,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997011
+                    -2.563662,53.996959
+                    -2.562150,53.996921
+                    -2.561152,53.996811
+                    -2.561833,53.995910
+                    -2.561703,53.994999
+                    -2.560638,53.994427
+                    -2.560068,53.994098
+                    -2.560003,53.993192
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+                    -2.553077,53.988199
+                    -2.552293,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989220
+                    -2.554185,53.989573
+                    -2.554589,53.989754
+                    -2.555222,53.990479
+                    -2.554871,53.991385
+                    -2.555085,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992558
+                    -2.553203,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993340
+                    -2.551960,53.994098
+                    -2.551564,53.994269
+                    -2.550052,53.994780
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+                    -2.551564,53.991461
+                    -2.550052,53.991771
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+                    -2.530394,54.019980
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+                    -2.530394,54.020629
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+                    -2.534930,54.024858
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+                    -2.530394,54.025064
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+                    -2.525857,54.024644
+                    -2.524626,54.023952
+                    -2.524345,54.023795
+                    -2.522833,54.023051
+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520470,54.022145
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+                    -2.518296,54.021688
+                    -2.517175,54.021239
+                    -2.516784,54.020882
+                    -2.515272,54.020400
+                    -2.514747,54.020333
+                    -2.513760,54.020219
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013624
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+                    -2.512307,54.013095
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+                    -2.515272,54.012303
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+                    -2.515272,54.011073
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+                    -2.513760,54.009128
+                    -2.512247,54.009271
+                    -2.511288,54.008574
+                    -2.512247,54.008036
+                    -2.513760,54.008217
+                    -2.515272,54.008346
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+                    -2.516949,54.007668
+                    -2.516784,54.007568
+                    -2.515805,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006457
+                    -2.518296,54.006405
+                    -2.519572,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.004989
+                    -2.517935,54.004951
+                    -2.518296,54.004869
+                    -2.519808,54.004879
+                    -2.521321,54.004912
+                    -2.522253,54.004951
+                    -2.522833,54.004989
+                    -2.522887,54.004951
+                    -2.524040,54.004049
+                    -2.524345,54.003572
+                    -2.524738,54.003143
+                    -2.524345,54.002771
+                    -2.523275,54.003143
+                    -2.522833,54.003220
+                    -2.522650,54.003143
+                    -2.521321,54.002352
+                    -2.519808,54.002280
+                    -2.518791,54.002242
+                    -2.519218,54.001336
+                    -2.518918,54.000430
+                    -2.518296,54.000368
+                    -2.516784,54.000163
+                    -2.516657,54.000430
+                    -2.515272,54.000802
+                    -2.513760,54.000926
+                    -2.512247,54.000912
+                    -2.512030,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,54.000287
+                    -2.513760,54.000168
+                    -2.515272,54.000053
+                    -2.516577,53.999524
+                    -2.515285,53.998618
+                    -2.515272,53.998613
+                    -2.513828,53.997717
+                    -2.514124,53.996811
+                    -2.513760,53.996596
+                    -2.512902,53.996811
+                    -2.512247,53.997011
+                    -2.512120,53.996811
+                    -2.511971,53.995910
+                    -2.511738,53.994999
+                    -2.510735,53.994498
+                    -2.509546,53.994999
+                    -2.509223,53.995385
+                    -2.507711,53.995271
+                    -2.506199,53.995147
+                    -2.506126,53.994999
+                    -2.505155,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993783
+                    -2.503481,53.993192
+                    -2.504174,53.992286
+                    -2.503622,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.991051
+                    -2.505764,53.990479
+                    -2.505083,53.989573
+                    -2.506199,53.988824
+                    -2.507711,53.988757
+                    -2.507885,53.988667
+                    -2.507711,53.988361
+                    -2.506199,53.988190
+                    -2.505894,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987536
+                    -2.506753,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986440
+                    -2.508609,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985476
+                    -2.506199,53.985062
+                    -2.505932,53.985052
+                    -2.506199,53.985019
+                    -2.507264,53.984141
+                    -2.507711,53.983374
+                    -2.507770,53.983240
+                    -2.507780,53.982334
+                    -2.508231,53.981433
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+                    -2.507711,53.979669
+                    -2.506199,53.980322
+                    -2.505308,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.980742
+                    -2.504331,53.980527
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+                    -2.502673,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979301
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+                    -2.530394,54.025202
+                    -2.528882,54.025354
+                    -2.527369,54.025507
+                    -2.525898,54.024858
+                    -2.525857,54.024844
+                    -2.524345,54.023952
+                    -2.522833,54.023051
+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520257,54.022145
+                    -2.519808,54.021802
+                    -2.518296,54.021807
+                    -2.516874,54.021239
+                    -2.516784,54.021158
+                    -2.515272,54.020634
+                    -2.513760,54.020495
+                    -2.512892,54.020333
+                    -2.512247,54.020262
+                    -2.510772,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.019408
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013219
+                    -2.511133,54.013095
+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010382
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
+                    -2.509223,54.007668
+                    -2.509223,54.006763
+                    -2.507711,54.005861
+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507805,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
+                    -2.512909,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.006543
+                    -2.514566,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.007621
+                    -2.513497,54.007668
+                    -2.513760,54.007697
+                    -2.515272,54.007835
+                    -2.515810,54.007668
+                    -2.515500,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006362
+                    -2.518296,54.006305
+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
+                    -2.514052,53.998618
+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
+                    -2.511967,53.996811
+                    -2.511815,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.994999
+                    -2.510735,53.994598
+                    -2.509787,53.994999
+                    -2.509223,53.995676
+                    -2.507711,53.995881
+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.994999
+                    -2.504894,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.994131
+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
+                    -2.503299,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.990951
+                    -2.505574,53.990479
+                    -2.504750,53.989573
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
+                    -2.503174,53.987865
+                    -2.502978,53.987765
+                    -2.502391,53.986859
+                    -2.501662,53.986278
+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507806,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979702
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977199
+                    -2.509642,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976536
+                    -2.508680,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975477
+                    -2.509727,53.975101
+                    -2.509420,53.974190
+                    -2.509223,53.973732
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532263,53.972383
+                    -2.532110,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973794
+                    -2.531213,53.974190
+                    -2.531906,53.974605
+                    -2.532582,53.975101
+                    -2.532813,53.976002
+                    -2.532429,53.976908
+                    -2.532561,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978324
+                    -2.534255,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979120
+                    -2.535980,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.979897
+                    -2.537955,53.980460
+                    -2.539467,53.980126
+                    -2.540480,53.980527
+                    -2.540529,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.981862
+                    -2.541685,53.982334
+                    -2.541675,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983727
+                    -2.543824,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984251
+                    -2.545516,53.984723
+                    -2.547028,53.984809
+                    -2.548250,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985229
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+                    -2.551280,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987031
+                    -2.551849,53.986859
+                    -2.552051,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985734
+                    -2.554589,53.985572
+                    -2.556101,53.985529
+                    -2.557093,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986268
+                    -2.558210,53.985953
+                    -2.559126,53.985348
+                    -2.559633,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986511
+                    -2.562150,53.986325
+                    -2.562827,53.986859
+                    -2.563662,53.987660
+                    -2.563892,53.987765
+                    -2.563788,53.988667
+                    -2.563834,53.989573
+                    -2.564508,53.990479
+                    -2.565174,53.990788
+                    -2.565639,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991938
+                    -2.564643,53.992286
+                    -2.564089,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.994002
+                    -2.562754,53.994098
+                    -2.563662,53.994217
+                    -2.564441,53.994999
+                    -2.565174,53.995500
+                    -2.565673,53.995910
+                    -2.565434,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997097
+                    -2.563662,53.997035
+                    -2.562150,53.997006
+                    -2.560638,53.996882
+                    -2.560476,53.996811
+                    -2.560638,53.996758
+                    -2.561651,53.995910
+                    -2.561408,53.994999
+                    -2.560638,53.994584
+                    -2.559794,53.994098
+                    -2.559450,53.993192
+                    -2.559278,53.992286
+                    -2.559647,53.991385
+                    -2.559476,53.990479
+                    -2.559126,53.990269
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+                    -2.556919,53.989573
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+                    -2.555106,53.988667
+                    -2.554589,53.988357
+                    -2.553077,53.988309
+                    -2.552475,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989091
+                    -2.554589,53.989573
+                    -2.554591,53.989573
+                    -2.555382,53.990479
+                    -2.554967,53.991385
+                    -2.555212,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992629
+                    -2.553352,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993516
+                    -2.552220,53.994098
+                    -2.551564,53.994389
+                    -2.550220,53.994999
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+                    -2.545543,54.009476
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+                    -2.545516,54.013314
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+                    -2.537955,54.015136
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+                    -2.534930,54.017572
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+                    -2.534930,54.017830
+                    -2.534142,54.018526
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+                    -2.530394,54.020476
+                    -2.531906,54.020681
+                    -2.532521,54.020333
+                    -2.533418,54.019561
+                    -2.534621,54.020333
+                    -2.534930,54.020572
+                    -2.535562,54.021239
+                    -2.534930,54.021468
+                    -2.534297,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.020791
+                    -2.532704,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.021802
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+                    -2.534694,54.023051
+                    -2.534930,54.023347
+                    -2.535731,54.023952
+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025397
+                    -2.531906,54.025459
+                    -2.530394,54.025202
+                    -2.528882,54.025354
+                    -2.527369,54.025507
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+                    -2.525857,54.024844
+                    -2.524345,54.023952
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+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520257,54.022145
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+                    -2.518296,54.021807
+                    -2.516874,54.021239
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+                    -2.512892,54.020333
+                    -2.512247,54.020262
+                    -2.510772,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.019408
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013219
+                    -2.511133,54.013095
+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010382
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
+                    -2.509223,54.007668
+                    -2.509223,54.006763
+                    -2.507711,54.005861
+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507805,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
+                    -2.512909,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.006543
+                    -2.514566,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.007621
+                    -2.513497,54.007668
+                    -2.513760,54.007697
+                    -2.515272,54.007835
+                    -2.515810,54.007668
+                    -2.515500,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006362
+                    -2.518296,54.006305
+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
+                    -2.514052,53.998618
+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
+                    -2.511967,53.996811
+                    -2.511815,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.994999
+                    -2.510735,53.994598
+                    -2.509787,53.994999
+                    -2.509223,53.995676
+                    -2.507711,53.995881
+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.994999
+                    -2.504894,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
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+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
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+                    -2.504750,53.989573
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
+                    -2.503174,53.987865
+                    -2.502978,53.987765
+                    -2.502391,53.986859
+                    -2.501662,53.986278
+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507806,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979702
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977199
+                    -2.509642,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976536
+                    -2.508680,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975477
+                    -2.509727,53.975101
+                    -2.509420,53.974190
+                    -2.509223,53.973732
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532263,53.972383
+                    -2.532110,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973794
+                    -2.531213,53.974190
+                    -2.531906,53.974605
+                    -2.532582,53.975101
+                    -2.532813,53.976002
+                    -2.532429,53.976908
+                    -2.532561,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978324
+                    -2.534255,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979120
+                    -2.535980,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.979897
+                    -2.537955,53.980460
+                    -2.539467,53.980126
+                    -2.540480,53.980527
+                    -2.540529,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.981862
+                    -2.541685,53.982334
+                    -2.541675,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983727
+                    -2.543824,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984251
+                    -2.545516,53.984723
+                    -2.547028,53.984809
+                    -2.548250,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985229
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+                    -2.551280,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987031
+                    -2.551849,53.986859
+                    -2.552051,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985734
+                    -2.554589,53.985572
+                    -2.556101,53.985529
+                    -2.557093,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986268
+                    -2.558210,53.985953
+                    -2.559126,53.985348
+                    -2.559633,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986511
+                    -2.562150,53.986325
+                    -2.562827,53.986859
+                    -2.563662,53.987660
+                    -2.563892,53.987765
+                    -2.563788,53.988667
+                    -2.563834,53.989573
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+                    -2.565174,53.990788
+                    -2.565639,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991938
+                    -2.564643,53.992286
+                    -2.564089,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.994002
+                    -2.562754,53.994098
+                    -2.563662,53.994217
+                    -2.564441,53.994999
+                    -2.565174,53.995500
+                    -2.565673,53.995910
+                    -2.565434,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997097
+                    -2.563662,53.997035
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+                    -2.560476,53.996811
+                    -2.560638,53.996758
+                    -2.561651,53.995910
+                    -2.561408,53.994999
+                    -2.560638,53.994584
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+                    -2.559450,53.993192
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+                    -2.552475,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989091
+                    -2.554589,53.989573
+                    -2.554591,53.989573
+                    -2.555382,53.990479
+                    -2.554967,53.991385
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+                    -2.554589,53.992629
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+                    -2.553077,53.993516
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+                    -2.534930,54.017572
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+                    -2.534930,54.017830
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+                    -2.530394,54.020476
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+                    -2.532521,54.020333
+                    -2.533418,54.019561
+                    -2.534621,54.020333
+                    -2.534930,54.020572
+                    -2.535562,54.021239
+                    -2.534930,54.021468
+                    -2.534297,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.020791
+                    -2.532704,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.021802
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+                    -2.534694,54.023051
+                    -2.534930,54.023347
+                    -2.535731,54.023952
+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025397
+                    -2.531906,54.025459
+                    -2.530394,54.025202
+                    -2.528882,54.025354
+                    -2.527369,54.025507
+                    -2.525898,54.024858
+                    -2.525857,54.024844
+                    -2.524345,54.023952
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+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520257,54.022145
+                    -2.519808,54.021802
+                    -2.518296,54.021807
+                    -2.516874,54.021239
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+                    -2.515272,54.020634
+                    -2.513760,54.020495
+                    -2.512892,54.020333
+                    -2.512247,54.020262
+                    -2.510772,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.019408
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013219
+                    -2.511133,54.013095
+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010382
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
+                    -2.509223,54.007668
+                    -2.509223,54.006763
+                    -2.507711,54.005861
+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507805,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
+                    -2.512909,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.006543
+                    -2.514566,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.007621
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+                    -2.513760,54.007697
+                    -2.515272,54.007835
+                    -2.515810,54.007668
+                    -2.515500,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006362
+                    -2.518296,54.006305
+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
+                    -2.514052,53.998618
+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
+                    -2.511967,53.996811
+                    -2.511815,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.994999
+                    -2.510735,53.994598
+                    -2.509787,53.994999
+                    -2.509223,53.995676
+                    -2.507711,53.995881
+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.994999
+                    -2.504894,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
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+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
+                    -2.503299,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.990951
+                    -2.505574,53.990479
+                    -2.504750,53.989573
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
+                    -2.503174,53.987865
+                    -2.502978,53.987765
+                    -2.502391,53.986859
+                    -2.501662,53.986278
+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507806,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979702
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977199
+                    -2.509642,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976536
+                    -2.508680,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975477
+                    -2.509727,53.975101
+                    -2.509420,53.974190
+                    -2.509223,53.973732
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532263,53.972383
+                    -2.532110,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973794
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+                    -2.531906,53.974605
+                    -2.532582,53.975101
+                    -2.532813,53.976002
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+                    -2.532561,53.977809
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+                    -2.537955,53.980460
+                    -2.539467,53.980126
+                    -2.540480,53.980527
+                    -2.540529,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.981862
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+                    -2.541675,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983727
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+                    -2.544003,53.984251
+                    -2.545516,53.984723
+                    -2.547028,53.984809
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+                    -2.551849,53.986859
+                    -2.552051,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985734
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+                    -2.556101,53.985529
+                    -2.557093,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986268
+                    -2.558210,53.985953
+                    -2.559126,53.985348
+                    -2.559633,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986511
+                    -2.562150,53.986325
+                    -2.562827,53.986859
+                    -2.563662,53.987660
+                    -2.563892,53.987765
+                    -2.563788,53.988667
+                    -2.563834,53.989573
+                    -2.564508,53.990479
+                    -2.565174,53.990788
+                    -2.565639,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991938
+                    -2.564643,53.992286
+                    -2.564089,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.994002
+                    -2.562754,53.994098
+                    -2.563662,53.994217
+                    -2.564441,53.994999
+                    -2.565174,53.995500
+                    -2.565673,53.995910
+                    -2.565434,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997097
+                    -2.563662,53.997035
+                    -2.562150,53.997006
+                    -2.560638,53.996882
+                    -2.560476,53.996811
+                    -2.560638,53.996758
+                    -2.561651,53.995910
+                    -2.561408,53.994999
+                    -2.560638,53.994584
+                    -2.559794,53.994098
+                    -2.559450,53.993192
+                    -2.559278,53.992286
+                    -2.559647,53.991385
+                    -2.559476,53.990479
+                    -2.559126,53.990269
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+                    -2.556919,53.989573
+                    -2.556101,53.989139
+                    -2.555106,53.988667
+                    -2.554589,53.988357
+                    -2.553077,53.988309
+                    -2.552475,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989091
+                    -2.554589,53.989573
+                    -2.554591,53.989573
+                    -2.555382,53.990479
+                    -2.554967,53.991385
+                    -2.555212,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992629
+                    -2.553352,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993516
+                    -2.552220,53.994098
+                    -2.551564,53.994389
+                    -2.550220,53.994999
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+                    -2.539467,54.000430
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+                    -2.540979,54.003253
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+                    -2.534930,54.017572
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+                    -2.534930,54.017830
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+                    -2.534930,54.021468
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+                    -2.533418,54.020791
+                    -2.532704,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.021802
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+                    -2.534694,54.023051
+                    -2.534930,54.023347
+                    -2.535731,54.023952
+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025397
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+                    -2.530394,54.025202
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+                    -2.525857,54.024844
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+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520257,54.022145
+                    -2.519808,54.021802
+                    -2.518296,54.021807
+                    -2.516874,54.021239
+                    -2.516784,54.021158
+                    -2.515272,54.020634
+                    -2.513760,54.020495
+                    -2.512892,54.020333
+                    -2.512247,54.020262
+                    -2.510772,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.019408
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013219
+                    -2.511133,54.013095
+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010382
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
+                    -2.509223,54.007668
+                    -2.509223,54.006763
+                    -2.507711,54.005861
+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507805,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
+                    -2.512909,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.006543
+                    -2.514566,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.007621
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+                    -2.513760,54.007697
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+                    -2.515500,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006362
+                    -2.518296,54.006305
+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
+                    -2.514052,53.998618
+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
+                    -2.511967,53.996811
+                    -2.511815,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.994999
+                    -2.510735,53.994598
+                    -2.509787,53.994999
+                    -2.509223,53.995676
+                    -2.507711,53.995881
+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.994999
+                    -2.504894,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.994131
+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
+                    -2.503299,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.990951
+                    -2.505574,53.990479
+                    -2.504750,53.989573
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
+                    -2.503174,53.987865
+                    -2.502978,53.987765
+                    -2.502391,53.986859
+                    -2.501662,53.986278
+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507806,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979702
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977199
+                    -2.509642,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976536
+                    -2.508680,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975477
+                    -2.509727,53.975101
+                    -2.509420,53.974190
+                    -2.509223,53.973732
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532263,53.972383
+                    -2.532110,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973794
+                    -2.531213,53.974190
+                    -2.531906,53.974605
+                    -2.532582,53.975101
+                    -2.532813,53.976002
+                    -2.532429,53.976908
+                    -2.532561,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978324
+                    -2.534255,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979120
+                    -2.535980,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.979897
+                    -2.537955,53.980460
+                    -2.539467,53.980126
+                    -2.540480,53.980527
+                    -2.540529,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.981862
+                    -2.541685,53.982334
+                    -2.541675,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983727
+                    -2.543824,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984251
+                    -2.545516,53.984723
+                    -2.547028,53.984809
+                    -2.548250,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985229
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+                    -2.551280,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987031
+                    -2.551849,53.986859
+                    -2.552051,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985734
+                    -2.554589,53.985572
+                    -2.556101,53.985529
+                    -2.557093,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986268
+                    -2.558210,53.985953
+                    -2.559126,53.985348
+                    -2.559633,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986511
+                    -2.562150,53.986325
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+                    -2.563662,53.987660
+                    -2.563892,53.987765
+                    -2.563788,53.988667
+                    -2.563834,53.989573
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+                    -2.565174,53.990788
+                    -2.565639,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991938
+                    -2.564643,53.992286
+                    -2.564089,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.994002
+                    -2.562754,53.994098
+                    -2.563662,53.994217
+                    -2.564441,53.994999
+                    -2.565174,53.995500
+                    -2.565673,53.995910
+                    -2.565434,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997097
+                    -2.563662,53.997035
+                    -2.562150,53.997006
+                    -2.560638,53.996882
+                    -2.560476,53.996811
+                    -2.560638,53.996758
+                    -2.561651,53.995910
+                    -2.561408,53.994999
+                    -2.560638,53.994584
+                    -2.559794,53.994098
+                    -2.559450,53.993192
+                    -2.559278,53.992286
+                    -2.559647,53.991385
+                    -2.559476,53.990479
+                    -2.559126,53.990269
+                    -2.557613,53.990188
+                    -2.556919,53.989573
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+                    -2.555106,53.988667
+                    -2.554589,53.988357
+                    -2.553077,53.988309
+                    -2.552475,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989091
+                    -2.554589,53.989573
+                    -2.554591,53.989573
+                    -2.555382,53.990479
+                    -2.554967,53.991385
+                    -2.555212,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992629
+                    -2.553352,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993516
+                    -2.552220,53.994098
+                    -2.551564,53.994389
+                    -2.550220,53.994999
+                    -2.550052,53.995090
+                    -2.548701,53.995910
+                    -2.548540,53.996134
+                    -2.547212,53.996811
+                    -2.547028,53.996849
+                    -2.545516,53.997107
+                    -2.544523,53.997717
+                    -2.544003,53.997850
+                    -2.542532,53.998618
+                    -2.542491,53.998704
+                    -2.540979,53.999200
+                    -2.539467,53.999133
+                    -2.538427,53.999524
+                    -2.539467,54.000416
+                    -2.539470,54.000430
+                    -2.539467,54.000430
+                    -2.537955,54.000583
+                    -2.536443,54.000893
+                    -2.535680,54.001336
+                    -2.536443,54.002185
+                    -2.537955,54.001899
+                    -2.538270,54.002242
+                    -2.539467,54.002643
+                    -2.540979,54.003100
+                    -2.541093,54.003143
+                    -2.540979,54.003253
+                    -2.540686,54.004049
+                    -2.539467,54.004793
+                    -2.539227,54.004951
+                    -2.539467,54.005146
+                    -2.540979,54.005017
+                    -2.542491,54.004955
+                    -2.542647,54.004951
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+                    -2.534694,54.023051
+                    -2.534930,54.023347
+                    -2.535731,54.023952
+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025397
+                    -2.531906,54.025459
+                    -2.530394,54.025202
+                    -2.528882,54.025354
+                    -2.527369,54.025507
+                    -2.525898,54.024858
+                    -2.525857,54.024844
+                    -2.524345,54.023952
+                    -2.522833,54.023051
+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520257,54.022145
+                    -2.519808,54.021802
+                    -2.518296,54.021807
+                    -2.516874,54.021239
+                    -2.516784,54.021158
+                    -2.515272,54.020634
+                    -2.513760,54.020495
+                    -2.512892,54.020333
+                    -2.512247,54.020262
+                    -2.510772,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.019408
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013219
+                    -2.511133,54.013095
+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010382
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
+                    -2.509223,54.007668
+                    -2.509223,54.006763
+                    -2.507711,54.005861
+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507805,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
+                    -2.512909,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.006543
+                    -2.514566,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.007621
+                    -2.513497,54.007668
+                    -2.513760,54.007697
+                    -2.515272,54.007835
+                    -2.515810,54.007668
+                    -2.515500,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006362
+                    -2.518296,54.006305
+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
+                    -2.514052,53.998618
+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
+                    -2.511967,53.996811
+                    -2.511815,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.994999
+                    -2.510735,53.994598
+                    -2.509787,53.994999
+                    -2.509223,53.995676
+                    -2.507711,53.995881
+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.994999
+                    -2.504894,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.994131
+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
+                    -2.503299,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.990951
+                    -2.505574,53.990479
+                    -2.504750,53.989573
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
+                    -2.503174,53.987865
+                    -2.502978,53.987765
+                    -2.502391,53.986859
+                    -2.501662,53.986278
+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507806,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979702
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977199
+                    -2.509642,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976536
+                    -2.508680,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975477
+                    -2.509727,53.975101
+                    -2.509420,53.974190
+                    -2.509223,53.973732
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532263,53.972383
+                    -2.532110,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973794
+                    -2.531213,53.974190
+                    -2.531906,53.974605
+                    -2.532582,53.975101
+                    -2.532813,53.976002
+                    -2.532429,53.976908
+                    -2.532561,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978324
+                    -2.534255,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979120
+                    -2.535980,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.979897
+                    -2.537955,53.980460
+                    -2.539467,53.980126
+                    -2.540480,53.980527
+                    -2.540529,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.981862
+                    -2.541685,53.982334
+                    -2.541675,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983727
+                    -2.543824,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984251
+                    -2.545516,53.984723
+                    -2.547028,53.984809
+                    -2.548250,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985229
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+                    -2.551280,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987031
+                    -2.551849,53.986859
+                    -2.552051,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985734
+                    -2.554589,53.985572
+                    -2.556101,53.985529
+                    -2.557093,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986268
+                    -2.558210,53.985953
+                    -2.559126,53.985348
+                    -2.559633,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986511
+                    -2.562150,53.986325
+                    -2.562827,53.986859
+                    -2.563662,53.987660
+                    -2.563892,53.987765
+                    -2.563788,53.988667
+                    -2.563834,53.989573
+                    -2.564508,53.990479
+                    -2.565174,53.990788
+                    -2.565639,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991938
+                    -2.564643,53.992286
+                    -2.564089,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.994002
+                    -2.562754,53.994098
+                    -2.563662,53.994217
+                    -2.564441,53.994999
+                    -2.565174,53.995500
+                    -2.565673,53.995910
+                    -2.565434,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997097
+                    -2.563662,53.997035
+                    -2.562150,53.997006
+                    -2.560638,53.996882
+                    -2.560476,53.996811
+                    -2.560638,53.996758
+                    -2.561651,53.995910
+                    -2.561408,53.994999
+                    -2.560638,53.994584
+                    -2.559794,53.994098
+                    -2.559450,53.993192
+                    -2.559278,53.992286
+                    -2.559647,53.991385
+                    -2.559476,53.990479
+                    -2.559126,53.990269
+                    -2.557613,53.990188
+                    -2.556919,53.989573
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+                    -2.555106,53.988667
+                    -2.554589,53.988357
+                    -2.553077,53.988309
+                    -2.552475,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989091
+                    -2.554589,53.989573
+                    -2.554591,53.989573
+                    -2.555382,53.990479
+                    -2.554967,53.991385
+                    -2.555212,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992629
+                    -2.553352,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993516
+                    -2.552220,53.994098
+                    -2.551564,53.994389
+                    -2.550220,53.994999
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+                    -2.540979,54.003253
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+                    -2.545543,54.009476
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+                    -2.537955,54.015136
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+                    -2.534930,54.017572
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+                    -2.534930,54.017830
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+                    -2.530394,54.020476
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+                    -2.532521,54.020333
+                    -2.533418,54.019561
+                    -2.534621,54.020333
+                    -2.534930,54.020572
+                    -2.535562,54.021239
+                    -2.534930,54.021468
+                    -2.534297,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.020791
+                    -2.532704,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.021802
+                    -2.533756,54.022145
+                    -2.534694,54.023051
+                    -2.534930,54.023347
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+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025397
+                    -2.531906,54.025459
+                    -2.530394,54.025202
+                    -2.528882,54.025354
+                    -2.527369,54.025507
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+                    -2.525857,54.024844
+                    -2.524345,54.023952
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+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520257,54.022145
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+                    -2.512247,54.020262
+                    -2.510772,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.019408
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013219
+                    -2.511133,54.013095
+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010382
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
+                    -2.509223,54.007668
+                    -2.509223,54.006763
+                    -2.507711,54.005861
+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507805,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
+                    -2.512909,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.006543
+                    -2.514566,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.007621
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+                    -2.513760,54.007697
+                    -2.515272,54.007835
+                    -2.515810,54.007668
+                    -2.515500,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006362
+                    -2.518296,54.006305
+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
+                    -2.514052,53.998618
+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
+                    -2.511967,53.996811
+                    -2.511815,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.994999
+                    -2.510735,53.994598
+                    -2.509787,53.994999
+                    -2.509223,53.995676
+                    -2.507711,53.995881
+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.994999
+                    -2.504894,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.994131
+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
+                    -2.503299,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.990951
+                    -2.505574,53.990479
+                    -2.504750,53.989573
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
+                    -2.503174,53.987865
+                    -2.502978,53.987765
+                    -2.502391,53.986859
+                    -2.501662,53.986278
+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507806,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979702
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977199
+                    -2.509642,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976536
+                    -2.508680,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975477
+                    -2.509727,53.975101
+                    -2.509420,53.974190
+                    -2.509223,53.973732
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532263,53.972383
+                    -2.532110,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973794
+                    -2.531213,53.974190
+                    -2.531906,53.974605
+                    -2.532582,53.975101
+                    -2.532813,53.976002
+                    -2.532429,53.976908
+                    -2.532561,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978324
+                    -2.534255,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979120
+                    -2.535980,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.979897
+                    -2.537955,53.980460
+                    -2.539467,53.980126
+                    -2.540480,53.980527
+                    -2.540529,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.981862
+                    -2.541685,53.982334
+                    -2.541675,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983727
+                    -2.543824,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984251
+                    -2.545516,53.984723
+                    -2.547028,53.984809
+                    -2.548250,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985229
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+                    -2.551280,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987031
+                    -2.551849,53.986859
+                    -2.552051,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985734
+                    -2.554589,53.985572
+                    -2.556101,53.985529
+                    -2.557093,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986268
+                    -2.558210,53.985953
+                    -2.559126,53.985348
+                    -2.559633,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986511
+                    -2.562150,53.986325
+                    -2.562827,53.986859
+                    -2.563662,53.987660
+                    -2.563892,53.987765
+                    -2.563788,53.988667
+                    -2.563834,53.989573
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+                    -2.565639,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991938
+                    -2.564643,53.992286
+                    -2.564089,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.994002
+                    -2.562754,53.994098
+                    -2.563662,53.994217
+                    -2.564441,53.994999
+                    -2.565174,53.995500
+                    -2.565673,53.995910
+                    -2.565434,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997097
+                    -2.563662,53.997035
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+                    -2.560476,53.996811
+                    -2.560638,53.996758
+                    -2.561651,53.995910
+                    -2.561408,53.994999
+                    -2.560638,53.994584
+                    -2.559794,53.994098
+                    -2.559450,53.993192
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+                    -2.559126,53.990269
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+                    -2.552475,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989091
+                    -2.554589,53.989573
+                    -2.554591,53.989573
+                    -2.555382,53.990479
+                    -2.554967,53.991385
+                    -2.555212,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992629
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+                    -2.553077,53.993516
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+                    -2.551564,53.994389
+                    -2.550220,53.994999
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+                    -2.537955,54.015136
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+                    -2.534930,54.017572
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+                    -2.534930,54.017830
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+                    -2.530394,54.020476
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+                    -2.532521,54.020333
+                    -2.533418,54.019561
+                    -2.534621,54.020333
+                    -2.534930,54.020572
+                    -2.535562,54.021239
+                    -2.534930,54.021468
+                    -2.534297,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.020791
+                    -2.532704,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.021802
+                    -2.533756,54.022145
+                    -2.534694,54.023051
+                    -2.534930,54.023347
+                    -2.535731,54.023952
+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025397
+                    -2.531906,54.025459
+                    -2.530394,54.025202
+                    -2.528882,54.025354
+                    -2.527369,54.025507
+                    -2.525898,54.024858
+                    -2.525857,54.024844
+                    -2.524345,54.023952
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+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520257,54.022145
+                    -2.519808,54.021802
+                    -2.518296,54.021807
+                    -2.516874,54.021239
+                    -2.516784,54.021158
+                    -2.515272,54.020634
+                    -2.513760,54.020495
+                    -2.512892,54.020333
+                    -2.512247,54.020262
+                    -2.510772,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.019408
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013219
+                    -2.511133,54.013095
+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010382
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
+                    -2.509223,54.007668
+                    -2.509223,54.006763
+                    -2.507711,54.005861
+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507805,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
+                    -2.512909,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.006543
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+                    -2.513760,54.007621
+                    -2.513497,54.007668
+                    -2.513760,54.007697
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+                    -2.515810,54.007668
+                    -2.515500,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006362
+                    -2.518296,54.006305
+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
+                    -2.514052,53.998618
+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
+                    -2.511967,53.996811
+                    -2.511815,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.994999
+                    -2.510735,53.994598
+                    -2.509787,53.994999
+                    -2.509223,53.995676
+                    -2.507711,53.995881
+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.994999
+                    -2.504894,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.994131
+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
+                    -2.503299,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.990951
+                    -2.505574,53.990479
+                    -2.504750,53.989573
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
+                    -2.503174,53.987865
+                    -2.502978,53.987765
+                    -2.502391,53.986859
+                    -2.501662,53.986278
+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507806,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979702
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977199
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+                    -2.509223,53.976536
+                    -2.508680,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975477
+                    -2.509727,53.975101
+                    -2.509420,53.974190
+                    -2.509223,53.973732
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532263,53.972383
+                    -2.532110,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973794
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+                    -2.531906,53.974605
+                    -2.532582,53.975101
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+                    -2.532561,53.977809
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+                    -2.539467,53.980126
+                    -2.540480,53.980527
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+                    -2.544003,53.984251
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+                    -2.551849,53.986859
+                    -2.552051,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985734
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+                    -2.557093,53.985953
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+                    -2.558210,53.985953
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+                    -2.559633,53.985953
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+                    -2.562150,53.986325
+                    -2.562827,53.986859
+                    -2.563662,53.987660
+                    -2.563892,53.987765
+                    -2.563788,53.988667
+                    -2.563834,53.989573
+                    -2.564508,53.990479
+                    -2.565174,53.990788
+                    -2.565639,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991938
+                    -2.564643,53.992286
+                    -2.564089,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.994002
+                    -2.562754,53.994098
+                    -2.563662,53.994217
+                    -2.564441,53.994999
+                    -2.565174,53.995500
+                    -2.565673,53.995910
+                    -2.565434,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997097
+                    -2.563662,53.997035
+                    -2.562150,53.997006
+                    -2.560638,53.996882
+                    -2.560476,53.996811
+                    -2.560638,53.996758
+                    -2.561651,53.995910
+                    -2.561408,53.994999
+                    -2.560638,53.994584
+                    -2.559794,53.994098
+                    -2.559450,53.993192
+                    -2.559278,53.992286
+                    -2.559647,53.991385
+                    -2.559476,53.990479
+                    -2.559126,53.990269
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+                    -2.554589,53.988357
+                    -2.553077,53.988309
+                    -2.552475,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989091
+                    -2.554589,53.989573
+                    -2.554591,53.989573
+                    -2.555382,53.990479
+                    -2.554967,53.991385
+                    -2.555212,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992629
+                    -2.553352,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993516
+                    -2.552220,53.994098
+                    -2.551564,53.994389
+                    -2.550220,53.994999
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+                    -2.539467,54.000430
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+                    -2.534930,54.021468
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+                    -2.532704,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.021802
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+                    -2.534694,54.023051
+                    -2.534930,54.023347
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+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025397
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+                    -2.530394,54.025202
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+                    -2.520257,54.022145
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+                    -2.518296,54.021807
+                    -2.516874,54.021239
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+                    -2.513760,54.020495
+                    -2.512892,54.020333
+                    -2.512247,54.020262
+                    -2.510772,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.019408
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013219
+                    -2.511133,54.013095
+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010382
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
+                    -2.509223,54.007668
+                    -2.509223,54.006763
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+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507805,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
+                    -2.512909,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.006543
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+                    -2.513760,54.007621
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+                    -2.513760,54.007697
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+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
+                    -2.514052,53.998618
+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
+                    -2.511967,53.996811
+                    -2.511815,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.994999
+                    -2.510735,53.994598
+                    -2.509787,53.994999
+                    -2.509223,53.995676
+                    -2.507711,53.995881
+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.994999
+                    -2.504894,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.994131
+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
+                    -2.503299,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.990951
+                    -2.505574,53.990479
+                    -2.504750,53.989573
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
+                    -2.503174,53.987865
+                    -2.502978,53.987765
+                    -2.502391,53.986859
+                    -2.501662,53.986278
+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507806,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979702
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977199
+                    -2.509642,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976536
+                    -2.508680,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975477
+                    -2.509727,53.975101
+                    -2.509420,53.974190
+                    -2.509223,53.973732
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532263,53.972383
+                    -2.532110,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973794
+                    -2.531213,53.974190
+                    -2.531906,53.974605
+                    -2.532582,53.975101
+                    -2.532813,53.976002
+                    -2.532429,53.976908
+                    -2.532561,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978324
+                    -2.534255,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979120
+                    -2.535980,53.979621
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+                    -2.537955,53.980460
+                    -2.539467,53.980126
+                    -2.540480,53.980527
+                    -2.540529,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.981862
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+                    -2.541675,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983727
+                    -2.543824,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984251
+                    -2.545516,53.984723
+                    -2.547028,53.984809
+                    -2.548250,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985229
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+                    -2.551564,53.987031
+                    -2.551849,53.986859
+                    -2.552051,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985734
+                    -2.554589,53.985572
+                    -2.556101,53.985529
+                    -2.557093,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986268
+                    -2.558210,53.985953
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+                    -2.559633,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986511
+                    -2.562150,53.986325
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+                    -2.563892,53.987765
+                    -2.563788,53.988667
+                    -2.563834,53.989573
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+                    -2.565639,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991938
+                    -2.564643,53.992286
+                    -2.564089,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.994002
+                    -2.562754,53.994098
+                    -2.563662,53.994217
+                    -2.564441,53.994999
+                    -2.565174,53.995500
+                    -2.565673,53.995910
+                    -2.565434,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997097
+                    -2.563662,53.997035
+                    -2.562150,53.997006
+                    -2.560638,53.996882
+                    -2.560476,53.996811
+                    -2.560638,53.996758
+                    -2.561651,53.995910
+                    -2.561408,53.994999
+                    -2.560638,53.994584
+                    -2.559794,53.994098
+                    -2.559450,53.993192
+                    -2.559278,53.992286
+                    -2.559647,53.991385
+                    -2.559476,53.990479
+                    -2.559126,53.990269
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+                    -2.556919,53.989573
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+                    -2.554589,53.988357
+                    -2.553077,53.988309
+                    -2.552475,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989091
+                    -2.554589,53.989573
+                    -2.554591,53.989573
+                    -2.555382,53.990479
+                    -2.554967,53.991385
+                    -2.555212,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992629
+                    -2.553352,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993516
+                    -2.552220,53.994098
+                    -2.551564,53.994389
+                    -2.550220,53.994999
+                    -2.550052,53.995090
+                    -2.548701,53.995910
+                    -2.548540,53.996134
+                    -2.547212,53.996811
+                    -2.547028,53.996849
+                    -2.545516,53.997107
+                    -2.544523,53.997717
+                    -2.544003,53.997850
+                    -2.542532,53.998618
+                    -2.542491,53.998704
+                    -2.540979,53.999200
+                    -2.539467,53.999133
+                    -2.538427,53.999524
+                    -2.539467,54.000416
+                    -2.539470,54.000430
+                    -2.539467,54.000430
+                    -2.537955,54.000583
+                    -2.536443,54.000893
+                    -2.535680,54.001336
+                    -2.536443,54.002185
+                    -2.537955,54.001899
+                    -2.538270,54.002242
+                    -2.539467,54.002643
+                    -2.540979,54.003100
+                    -2.541093,54.003143
+                    -2.540979,54.003253
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+                    -2.535562,54.021239
+                    -2.534930,54.021468
+                    -2.534297,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.020791
+                    -2.532704,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.021802
+                    -2.533756,54.022145
+                    -2.534694,54.023051
+                    -2.534930,54.023347
+                    -2.535731,54.023952
+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025397
+                    -2.531906,54.025459
+                    -2.530394,54.025202
+                    -2.528882,54.025354
+                    -2.527369,54.025507
+                    -2.525898,54.024858
+                    -2.525857,54.024844
+                    -2.524345,54.023952
+                    -2.522833,54.023051
+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520257,54.022145
+                    -2.519808,54.021802
+                    -2.518296,54.021807
+                    -2.516874,54.021239
+                    -2.516784,54.021158
+                    -2.515272,54.020634
+                    -2.513760,54.020495
+                    -2.512892,54.020333
+                    -2.512247,54.020262
+                    -2.510772,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.019408
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013219
+                    -2.511133,54.013095
+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010382
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
+                    -2.509223,54.007668
+                    -2.509223,54.006763
+                    -2.507711,54.005861
+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507805,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
+                    -2.512909,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.006543
+                    -2.514566,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.007621
+                    -2.513497,54.007668
+                    -2.513760,54.007697
+                    -2.515272,54.007835
+                    -2.515810,54.007668
+                    -2.515500,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006362
+                    -2.518296,54.006305
+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
+                    -2.514052,53.998618
+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
+                    -2.511967,53.996811
+                    -2.511815,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.994999
+                    -2.510735,53.994598
+                    -2.509787,53.994999
+                    -2.509223,53.995676
+                    -2.507711,53.995881
+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.994999
+                    -2.504894,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.994131
+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
+                    -2.503299,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.990951
+                    -2.505574,53.990479
+                    -2.504750,53.989573
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
+                    -2.503174,53.987865
+                    -2.502978,53.987765
+                    -2.502391,53.986859
+                    -2.501662,53.986278
+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507806,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979702
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977199
+                    -2.509642,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976536
+                    -2.508680,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975477
+                    -2.509727,53.975101
+                    -2.509420,53.974190
+                    -2.509223,53.973732
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532263,53.972383
+                    -2.532110,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973794
+                    -2.531213,53.974190
+                    -2.531906,53.974605
+                    -2.532582,53.975101
+                    -2.532813,53.976002
+                    -2.532429,53.976908
+                    -2.532561,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978324
+                    -2.534255,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979120
+                    -2.535980,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.979897
+                    -2.537955,53.980460
+                    -2.539467,53.980126
+                    -2.540480,53.980527
+                    -2.540529,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.981862
+                    -2.541685,53.982334
+                    -2.541675,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983727
+                    -2.543824,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984251
+                    -2.545516,53.984723
+                    -2.547028,53.984809
+                    -2.548250,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985229
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+                    -2.551280,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987031
+                    -2.551849,53.986859
+                    -2.552051,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985734
+                    -2.554589,53.985572
+                    -2.556101,53.985529
+                    -2.557093,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986268
+                    -2.558210,53.985953
+                    -2.559126,53.985348
+                    -2.559633,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986511
+                    -2.562150,53.986325
+                    -2.562827,53.986859
+                    -2.563662,53.987660
+                    -2.563892,53.987765
+                    -2.563788,53.988667
+                    -2.563834,53.989573
+                    -2.564508,53.990479
+                    -2.565174,53.990788
+                    -2.565639,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991938
+                    -2.564643,53.992286
+                    -2.564089,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.994002
+                    -2.562754,53.994098
+                    -2.563662,53.994217
+                    -2.564441,53.994999
+                    -2.565174,53.995500
+                    -2.565673,53.995910
+                    -2.565434,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997097
+                    -2.563662,53.997035
+                    -2.562150,53.997006
+                    -2.560638,53.996882
+                    -2.560476,53.996811
+                    -2.560638,53.996758
+                    -2.561651,53.995910
+                    -2.561408,53.994999
+                    -2.560638,53.994584
+                    -2.559794,53.994098
+                    -2.559450,53.993192
+                    -2.559278,53.992286
+                    -2.559647,53.991385
+                    -2.559476,53.990479
+                    -2.559126,53.990269
+                    -2.557613,53.990188
+                    -2.556919,53.989573
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+                    -2.555106,53.988667
+                    -2.554589,53.988357
+                    -2.553077,53.988309
+                    -2.552475,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989091
+                    -2.554589,53.989573
+                    -2.554591,53.989573
+                    -2.555382,53.990479
+                    -2.554967,53.991385
+                    -2.555212,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992629
+                    -2.553352,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993516
+                    -2.552220,53.994098
+                    -2.551564,53.994389
+                    -2.550220,53.994999
+                    -2.550052,53.995090
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+                    -2.545543,54.009476
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+                    -2.537955,54.015136
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+                    -2.534930,54.017572
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+                    -2.534930,54.017830
+                    -2.534142,54.018526
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+                    -2.530394,54.020476
+                    -2.531906,54.020681
+                    -2.532521,54.020333
+                    -2.533418,54.019561
+                    -2.534621,54.020333
+                    -2.534930,54.020572
+                    -2.535562,54.021239
+                    -2.534930,54.021468
+                    -2.534297,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.020791
+                    -2.532704,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.021802
+                    -2.533756,54.022145
+                    -2.534694,54.023051
+                    -2.534930,54.023347
+                    -2.535731,54.023952
+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025397
+                    -2.531906,54.025459
+                    -2.530394,54.025202
+                    -2.528882,54.025354
+                    -2.527369,54.025507
+                    -2.525898,54.024858
+                    -2.525857,54.024844
+                    -2.524345,54.023952
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+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520257,54.022145
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+                    -2.512247,54.020262
+                    -2.510772,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.019408
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013219
+                    -2.511133,54.013095
+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010382
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
+                    -2.509223,54.007668
+                    -2.509223,54.006763
+                    -2.507711,54.005861
+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507805,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
+                    -2.512909,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.006543
+                    -2.514566,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.007621
+                    -2.513497,54.007668
+                    -2.513760,54.007697
+                    -2.515272,54.007835
+                    -2.515810,54.007668
+                    -2.515500,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006362
+                    -2.518296,54.006305
+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
+                    -2.514052,53.998618
+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
+                    -2.511967,53.996811
+                    -2.511815,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.994999
+                    -2.510735,53.994598
+                    -2.509787,53.994999
+                    -2.509223,53.995676
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+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.994999
+                    -2.504894,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.994131
+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
+                    -2.503299,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.990951
+                    -2.505574,53.990479
+                    -2.504750,53.989573
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
+                    -2.503174,53.987865
+                    -2.502978,53.987765
+                    -2.502391,53.986859
+                    -2.501662,53.986278
+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507806,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979702
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977199
+                    -2.509642,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976536
+                    -2.508680,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975477
+                    -2.509727,53.975101
+                    -2.509420,53.974190
+                    -2.509223,53.973732
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532263,53.972383
+                    -2.532110,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973794
+                    -2.531213,53.974190
+                    -2.531906,53.974605
+                    -2.532582,53.975101
+                    -2.532813,53.976002
+                    -2.532429,53.976908
+                    -2.532561,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978324
+                    -2.534255,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979120
+                    -2.535980,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.979897
+                    -2.537955,53.980460
+                    -2.539467,53.980126
+                    -2.540480,53.980527
+                    -2.540529,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.981862
+                    -2.541685,53.982334
+                    -2.541675,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983727
+                    -2.543824,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984251
+                    -2.545516,53.984723
+                    -2.547028,53.984809
+                    -2.548250,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985229
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+                    -2.551280,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987031
+                    -2.551849,53.986859
+                    -2.552051,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985734
+                    -2.554589,53.985572
+                    -2.556101,53.985529
+                    -2.557093,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986268
+                    -2.558210,53.985953
+                    -2.559126,53.985348
+                    -2.559633,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986511
+                    -2.562150,53.986325
+                    -2.562827,53.986859
+                    -2.563662,53.987660
+                    -2.563892,53.987765
+                    -2.563788,53.988667
+                    -2.563834,53.989573
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+                    -2.565174,53.990788
+                    -2.565639,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991938
+                    -2.564643,53.992286
+                    -2.564089,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.994002
+                    -2.562754,53.994098
+                    -2.563662,53.994217
+                    -2.564441,53.994999
+                    -2.565174,53.995500
+                    -2.565673,53.995910
+                    -2.565434,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997097
+                    -2.563662,53.997035
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+                    -2.560476,53.996811
+                    -2.560638,53.996758
+                    -2.561651,53.995910
+                    -2.561408,53.994999
+                    -2.560638,53.994584
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+                    -2.559450,53.993192
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+                    -2.553077,53.989091
+                    -2.554589,53.989573
+                    -2.554591,53.989573
+                    -2.555382,53.990479
+                    -2.554967,53.991385
+                    -2.555212,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992629
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+                    -2.553077,53.993516
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+                    -2.550220,53.994999
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+                    -2.534930,54.017572
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+                    -2.534930,54.017830
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+                    -2.530394,54.020476
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+                    -2.532521,54.020333
+                    -2.533418,54.019561
+                    -2.534621,54.020333
+                    -2.534930,54.020572
+                    -2.535562,54.021239
+                    -2.534930,54.021468
+                    -2.534297,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.020791
+                    -2.532704,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.021802
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+                    -2.534694,54.023051
+                    -2.534930,54.023347
+                    -2.535731,54.023952
+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025397
+                    -2.531906,54.025459
+                    -2.530394,54.025202
+                    -2.528882,54.025354
+                    -2.527369,54.025507
+                    -2.525898,54.024858
+                    -2.525857,54.024844
+                    -2.524345,54.023952
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+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520257,54.022145
+                    -2.519808,54.021802
+                    -2.518296,54.021807
+                    -2.516874,54.021239
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+                    -2.515272,54.020634
+                    -2.513760,54.020495
+                    -2.512892,54.020333
+                    -2.512247,54.020262
+                    -2.510772,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.019408
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013219
+                    -2.511133,54.013095
+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010382
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
+                    -2.509223,54.007668
+                    -2.509223,54.006763
+                    -2.507711,54.005861
+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507805,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
+                    -2.512909,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.006543
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+                    -2.513760,54.007621
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+                    -2.513760,54.007697
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+                    -2.515810,54.007668
+                    -2.515500,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006362
+                    -2.518296,54.006305
+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
+                    -2.514052,53.998618
+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
+                    -2.511967,53.996811
+                    -2.511815,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.994999
+                    -2.510735,53.994598
+                    -2.509787,53.994999
+                    -2.509223,53.995676
+                    -2.507711,53.995881
+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.994999
+                    -2.504894,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.994131
+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
+                    -2.503299,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.990951
+                    -2.505574,53.990479
+                    -2.504750,53.989573
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
+                    -2.503174,53.987865
+                    -2.502978,53.987765
+                    -2.502391,53.986859
+                    -2.501662,53.986278
+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507806,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979702
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977199
+                    -2.509642,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976536
+                    -2.508680,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975477
+                    -2.509727,53.975101
+                    -2.509420,53.974190
+                    -2.509223,53.973732
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
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+                    -2.532263,53.972383
+                    -2.532110,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973794
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+                    -2.531906,53.974605
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+                    -2.532561,53.977809
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+                    -2.534930,53.979120
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+                    -2.536443,53.979897
+                    -2.537955,53.980460
+                    -2.539467,53.980126
+                    -2.540480,53.980527
+                    -2.540529,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.981862
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+                    -2.541675,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983727
+                    -2.543824,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984251
+                    -2.545516,53.984723
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+                    -2.548250,53.985052
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+                    -2.551564,53.987031
+                    -2.551849,53.986859
+                    -2.552051,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985734
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+                    -2.556101,53.985529
+                    -2.557093,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986268
+                    -2.558210,53.985953
+                    -2.559126,53.985348
+                    -2.559633,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986511
+                    -2.562150,53.986325
+                    -2.562827,53.986859
+                    -2.563662,53.987660
+                    -2.563892,53.987765
+                    -2.563788,53.988667
+                    -2.563834,53.989573
+                    -2.564508,53.990479
+                    -2.565174,53.990788
+                    -2.565639,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991938
+                    -2.564643,53.992286
+                    -2.564089,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.994002
+                    -2.562754,53.994098
+                    -2.563662,53.994217
+                    -2.564441,53.994999
+                    -2.565174,53.995500
+                    -2.565673,53.995910
+                    -2.565434,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997097
+                    -2.563662,53.997035
+                    -2.562150,53.997006
+                    -2.560638,53.996882
+                    -2.560476,53.996811
+                    -2.560638,53.996758
+                    -2.561651,53.995910
+                    -2.561408,53.994999
+                    -2.560638,53.994584
+                    -2.559794,53.994098
+                    -2.559450,53.993192
+                    -2.559278,53.992286
+                    -2.559647,53.991385
+                    -2.559476,53.990479
+                    -2.559126,53.990269
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+                    -2.556919,53.989573
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+                    -2.554589,53.988357
+                    -2.553077,53.988309
+                    -2.552475,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989091
+                    -2.554589,53.989573
+                    -2.554591,53.989573
+                    -2.555382,53.990479
+                    -2.554967,53.991385
+                    -2.555212,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992629
+                    -2.553352,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993516
+                    -2.552220,53.994098
+                    -2.551564,53.994389
+                    -2.550220,53.994999
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+                    -2.534930,54.021468
+                    -2.534297,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.020791
+                    -2.532704,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.021802
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+                    -2.534694,54.023051
+                    -2.534930,54.023347
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+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025397
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+                    -2.530394,54.025202
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+                    -2.525857,54.024844
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+                    -2.520257,54.022145
+                    -2.519808,54.021802
+                    -2.518296,54.021807
+                    -2.516874,54.021239
+                    -2.516784,54.021158
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+                    -2.513760,54.020495
+                    -2.512892,54.020333
+                    -2.512247,54.020262
+                    -2.510772,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.019408
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013219
+                    -2.511133,54.013095
+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010382
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
+                    -2.509223,54.007668
+                    -2.509223,54.006763
+                    -2.507711,54.005861
+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507805,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
+                    -2.512909,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.006543
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+                    -2.513760,54.007621
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+                    -2.513760,54.007697
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+                    -2.515500,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006362
+                    -2.518296,54.006305
+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
+                    -2.514052,53.998618
+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
+                    -2.511967,53.996811
+                    -2.511815,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.994999
+                    -2.510735,53.994598
+                    -2.509787,53.994999
+                    -2.509223,53.995676
+                    -2.507711,53.995881
+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.994999
+                    -2.504894,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.994131
+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
+                    -2.503299,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.990951
+                    -2.505574,53.990479
+                    -2.504750,53.989573
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
+                    -2.503174,53.987865
+                    -2.502978,53.987765
+                    -2.502391,53.986859
+                    -2.501662,53.986278
+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507806,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979702
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977199
+                    -2.509642,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976536
+                    -2.508680,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975477
+                    -2.509727,53.975101
+                    -2.509420,53.974190
+                    -2.509223,53.973732
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532263,53.972383
+                    -2.532110,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973794
+                    -2.531213,53.974190
+                    -2.531906,53.974605
+                    -2.532582,53.975101
+                    -2.532813,53.976002
+                    -2.532429,53.976908
+                    -2.532561,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978324
+                    -2.534255,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979120
+                    -2.535980,53.979621
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+                    -2.537955,53.980460
+                    -2.539467,53.980126
+                    -2.540480,53.980527
+                    -2.540529,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.981862
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+                    -2.541675,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983727
+                    -2.543824,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984251
+                    -2.545516,53.984723
+                    -2.547028,53.984809
+                    -2.548250,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985229
+                    -2.550052,53.985271
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+                    -2.551280,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987031
+                    -2.551849,53.986859
+                    -2.552051,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985734
+                    -2.554589,53.985572
+                    -2.556101,53.985529
+                    -2.557093,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986268
+                    -2.558210,53.985953
+                    -2.559126,53.985348
+                    -2.559633,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986511
+                    -2.562150,53.986325
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+                    -2.563892,53.987765
+                    -2.563788,53.988667
+                    -2.563834,53.989573
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+                    -2.565174,53.990788
+                    -2.565639,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991938
+                    -2.564643,53.992286
+                    -2.564089,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.994002
+                    -2.562754,53.994098
+                    -2.563662,53.994217
+                    -2.564441,53.994999
+                    -2.565174,53.995500
+                    -2.565673,53.995910
+                    -2.565434,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997097
+                    -2.563662,53.997035
+                    -2.562150,53.997006
+                    -2.560638,53.996882
+                    -2.560476,53.996811
+                    -2.560638,53.996758
+                    -2.561651,53.995910
+                    -2.561408,53.994999
+                    -2.560638,53.994584
+                    -2.559794,53.994098
+                    -2.559450,53.993192
+                    -2.559278,53.992286
+                    -2.559647,53.991385
+                    -2.559476,53.990479
+                    -2.559126,53.990269
+                    -2.557613,53.990188
+                    -2.556919,53.989573
+                    -2.556101,53.989139
+                    -2.555106,53.988667
+                    -2.554589,53.988357
+                    -2.553077,53.988309
+                    -2.552475,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989091
+                    -2.554589,53.989573
+                    -2.554591,53.989573
+                    -2.555382,53.990479
+                    -2.554967,53.991385
+                    -2.555212,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992629
+                    -2.553352,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993516
+                    -2.552220,53.994098
+                    -2.551564,53.994389
+                    -2.550220,53.994999
+                    -2.550052,53.995090
+                    -2.548701,53.995910
+                    -2.548540,53.996134
+                    -2.547212,53.996811
+                    -2.547028,53.996849
+                    -2.545516,53.997107
+                    -2.544523,53.997717
+                    -2.544003,53.997850
+                    -2.542532,53.998618
+                    -2.542491,53.998704
+                    -2.540979,53.999200
+                    -2.539467,53.999133
+                    -2.538427,53.999524
+                    -2.539467,54.000416
+                    -2.539470,54.000430
+                    -2.539467,54.000430
+                    -2.537955,54.000583
+                    -2.536443,54.000893
+                    -2.535680,54.001336
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+                    -2.530159,54.020333
+                    -2.530394,54.020476
+                    -2.531906,54.020681
+                    -2.532521,54.020333
+                    -2.533418,54.019561
+                    -2.534621,54.020333
+                    -2.534930,54.020572
+                    -2.535562,54.021239
+                    -2.534930,54.021468
+                    -2.534297,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.020791
+                    -2.532704,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.021802
+                    -2.533756,54.022145
+                    -2.534694,54.023051
+                    -2.534930,54.023347
+                    -2.535731,54.023952
+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025397
+                    -2.531906,54.025459
+                    -2.530394,54.025202
+                    -2.528882,54.025354
+                    -2.527369,54.025507
+                    -2.525898,54.024858
+                    -2.525857,54.024844
+                    -2.524345,54.023952
+                    -2.522833,54.023051
+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520257,54.022145
+                    -2.519808,54.021802
+                    -2.518296,54.021807
+                    -2.516874,54.021239
+                    -2.516784,54.021158
+                    -2.515272,54.020634
+                    -2.513760,54.020495
+                    -2.512892,54.020333
+                    -2.512247,54.020262
+                    -2.510772,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.019408
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013219
+                    -2.511133,54.013095
+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010382
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
+                    -2.509223,54.007668
+                    -2.509223,54.006763
+                    -2.507711,54.005861
+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507805,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
+                    -2.512909,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.006543
+                    -2.514566,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.007621
+                    -2.513497,54.007668
+                    -2.513760,54.007697
+                    -2.515272,54.007835
+                    -2.515810,54.007668
+                    -2.515500,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006362
+                    -2.518296,54.006305
+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
+                    -2.514052,53.998618
+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
+                    -2.511967,53.996811
+                    -2.511815,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.994999
+                    -2.510735,53.994598
+                    -2.509787,53.994999
+                    -2.509223,53.995676
+                    -2.507711,53.995881
+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.994999
+                    -2.504894,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.994131
+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
+                    -2.503299,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.990951
+                    -2.505574,53.990479
+                    -2.504750,53.989573
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
+                    -2.503174,53.987865
+                    -2.502978,53.987765
+                    -2.502391,53.986859
+                    -2.501662,53.986278
+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507806,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979702
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977199
+                    -2.509642,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976536
+                    -2.508680,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975477
+                    -2.509727,53.975101
+                    -2.509420,53.974190
+                    -2.509223,53.973732
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532263,53.972383
+                    -2.532110,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973794
+                    -2.531213,53.974190
+                    -2.531906,53.974605
+                    -2.532582,53.975101
+                    -2.532813,53.976002
+                    -2.532429,53.976908
+                    -2.532561,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978324
+                    -2.534255,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979120
+                    -2.535980,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.979897
+                    -2.537955,53.980460
+                    -2.539467,53.980126
+                    -2.540480,53.980527
+                    -2.540529,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.981862
+                    -2.541685,53.982334
+                    -2.541675,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983727
+                    -2.543824,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984251
+                    -2.545516,53.984723
+                    -2.547028,53.984809
+                    -2.548250,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985229
+                    -2.550052,53.985271
+                    -2.551078,53.985953
+                    -2.551280,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987031
+                    -2.551849,53.986859
+                    -2.552051,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985734
+                    -2.554589,53.985572
+                    -2.556101,53.985529
+                    -2.557093,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986268
+                    -2.558210,53.985953
+                    -2.559126,53.985348
+                    -2.559633,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986511
+                    -2.562150,53.986325
+                    -2.562827,53.986859
+                    -2.563662,53.987660
+                    -2.563892,53.987765
+                    -2.563788,53.988667
+                    -2.563834,53.989573
+                    -2.564508,53.990479
+                    -2.565174,53.990788
+                    -2.565639,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991938
+                    -2.564643,53.992286
+                    -2.564089,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.994002
+                    -2.562754,53.994098
+                    -2.563662,53.994217
+                    -2.564441,53.994999
+                    -2.565174,53.995500
+                    -2.565673,53.995910
+                    -2.565434,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997097
+                    -2.563662,53.997035
+                    -2.562150,53.997006
+                    -2.560638,53.996882
+                    -2.560476,53.996811
+                    -2.560638,53.996758
+                    -2.561651,53.995910
+                    -2.561408,53.994999
+                    -2.560638,53.994584
+                    -2.559794,53.994098
+                    -2.559450,53.993192
+                    -2.559278,53.992286
+                    -2.559647,53.991385
+                    -2.559476,53.990479
+                    -2.559126,53.990269
+                    -2.557613,53.990188
+                    -2.556919,53.989573
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+                    -2.555106,53.988667
+                    -2.554589,53.988357
+                    -2.553077,53.988309
+                    -2.552475,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989091
+                    -2.554589,53.989573
+                    -2.554591,53.989573
+                    -2.555382,53.990479
+                    -2.554967,53.991385
+                    -2.555212,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992629
+                    -2.553352,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993516
+                    -2.552220,53.994098
+                    -2.551564,53.994389
+                    -2.550220,53.994999
+                    -2.550052,53.995090
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+                    -2.545543,54.009476
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+                    -2.537955,54.015136
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+                    -2.534930,54.017572
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+                    -2.534930,54.017830
+                    -2.534142,54.018526
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+                    -2.530394,54.020476
+                    -2.531906,54.020681
+                    -2.532521,54.020333
+                    -2.533418,54.019561
+                    -2.534621,54.020333
+                    -2.534930,54.020572
+                    -2.535562,54.021239
+                    -2.534930,54.021468
+                    -2.534297,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.020791
+                    -2.532704,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.021802
+                    -2.533756,54.022145
+                    -2.534694,54.023051
+                    -2.534930,54.023347
+                    -2.535731,54.023952
+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025397
+                    -2.531906,54.025459
+                    -2.530394,54.025202
+                    -2.528882,54.025354
+                    -2.527369,54.025507
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+                    -2.525857,54.024844
+                    -2.524345,54.023952
+                    -2.522833,54.023051
+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520257,54.022145
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+                    -2.518296,54.021807
+                    -2.516874,54.021239
+                    -2.516784,54.021158
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+                    -2.513760,54.020495
+                    -2.512892,54.020333
+                    -2.512247,54.020262
+                    -2.510772,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.019408
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013219
+                    -2.511133,54.013095
+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010382
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
+                    -2.509223,54.007668
+                    -2.509223,54.006763
+                    -2.507711,54.005861
+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507805,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
+                    -2.512909,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.006543
+                    -2.514566,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.007621
+                    -2.513497,54.007668
+                    -2.513760,54.007697
+                    -2.515272,54.007835
+                    -2.515810,54.007668
+                    -2.515500,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006362
+                    -2.518296,54.006305
+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
+                    -2.514052,53.998618
+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
+                    -2.511967,53.996811
+                    -2.511815,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.994999
+                    -2.510735,53.994598
+                    -2.509787,53.994999
+                    -2.509223,53.995676
+                    -2.507711,53.995881
+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.994999
+                    -2.504894,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.994131
+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
+                    -2.503299,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.990951
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+                    -2.504750,53.989573
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
+                    -2.503174,53.987865
+                    -2.502978,53.987765
+                    -2.502391,53.986859
+                    -2.501662,53.986278
+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507806,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979702
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977199
+                    -2.509642,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976536
+                    -2.508680,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975477
+                    -2.509727,53.975101
+                    -2.509420,53.974190
+                    -2.509223,53.973732
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532263,53.972383
+                    -2.532110,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973794
+                    -2.531213,53.974190
+                    -2.531906,53.974605
+                    -2.532582,53.975101
+                    -2.532813,53.976002
+                    -2.532429,53.976908
+                    -2.532561,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978324
+                    -2.534255,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979120
+                    -2.535980,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.979897
+                    -2.537955,53.980460
+                    -2.539467,53.980126
+                    -2.540480,53.980527
+                    -2.540529,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.981862
+                    -2.541685,53.982334
+                    -2.541675,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983727
+                    -2.543824,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984251
+                    -2.545516,53.984723
+                    -2.547028,53.984809
+                    -2.548250,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985229
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+                    -2.551280,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987031
+                    -2.551849,53.986859
+                    -2.552051,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985734
+                    -2.554589,53.985572
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+                    -2.557093,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986268
+                    -2.558210,53.985953
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+                    -2.559633,53.985953
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+                    -2.562150,53.986325
+                    -2.562827,53.986859
+                    -2.563662,53.987660
+                    -2.563892,53.987765
+                    -2.563788,53.988667
+                    -2.563834,53.989573
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+                    -2.565639,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991938
+                    -2.564643,53.992286
+                    -2.564089,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.994002
+                    -2.562754,53.994098
+                    -2.563662,53.994217
+                    -2.564441,53.994999
+                    -2.565174,53.995500
+                    -2.565673,53.995910
+                    -2.565434,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997097
+                    -2.563662,53.997035
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+                    -2.560476,53.996811
+                    -2.560638,53.996758
+                    -2.561651,53.995910
+                    -2.561408,53.994999
+                    -2.560638,53.994584
+                    -2.559794,53.994098
+                    -2.559450,53.993192
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+                    -2.552475,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989091
+                    -2.554589,53.989573
+                    -2.554591,53.989573
+                    -2.555382,53.990479
+                    -2.554967,53.991385
+                    -2.555212,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992629
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+                    -2.553077,53.993516
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+                    -2.534930,54.017572
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+                    -2.534930,54.017830
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+                    -2.530394,54.020476
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+                    -2.532521,54.020333
+                    -2.533418,54.019561
+                    -2.534621,54.020333
+                    -2.534930,54.020572
+                    -2.535562,54.021239
+                    -2.534930,54.021468
+                    -2.534297,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.020791
+                    -2.532704,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.021802
+                    -2.533756,54.022145
+                    -2.534694,54.023051
+                    -2.534930,54.023347
+                    -2.535731,54.023952
+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025397
+                    -2.531906,54.025459
+                    -2.530394,54.025202
+                    -2.528882,54.025354
+                    -2.527369,54.025507
+                    -2.525898,54.024858
+                    -2.525857,54.024844
+                    -2.524345,54.023952
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+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520257,54.022145
+                    -2.519808,54.021802
+                    -2.518296,54.021807
+                    -2.516874,54.021239
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+                    -2.515272,54.020634
+                    -2.513760,54.020495
+                    -2.512892,54.020333
+                    -2.512247,54.020262
+                    -2.510772,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.019408
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013219
+                    -2.511133,54.013095
+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010382
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
+                    -2.509223,54.007668
+                    -2.509223,54.006763
+                    -2.507711,54.005861
+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507805,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
+                    -2.512909,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.006543
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+                    -2.513760,54.007621
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+                    -2.513760,54.007697
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+                    -2.515500,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006362
+                    -2.518296,54.006305
+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
+                    -2.514052,53.998618
+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
+                    -2.511967,53.996811
+                    -2.511815,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.994999
+                    -2.510735,53.994598
+                    -2.509787,53.994999
+                    -2.509223,53.995676
+                    -2.507711,53.995881
+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.994999
+                    -2.504894,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
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+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
+                    -2.503299,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.990951
+                    -2.505574,53.990479
+                    -2.504750,53.989573
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
+                    -2.503174,53.987865
+                    -2.502978,53.987765
+                    -2.502391,53.986859
+                    -2.501662,53.986278
+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507806,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979702
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977199
+                    -2.509642,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976536
+                    -2.508680,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975477
+                    -2.509727,53.975101
+                    -2.509420,53.974190
+                    -2.509223,53.973732
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
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+                    -2.532263,53.972383
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+                    -2.531906,53.973794
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+                    -2.531906,53.974605
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+                    -2.534255,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979120
+                    -2.535980,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.979897
+                    -2.537955,53.980460
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+                    -2.540529,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.981862
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+                    -2.541675,53.983240
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+                    -2.543824,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984251
+                    -2.545516,53.984723
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+                    -2.548250,53.985052
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+                    -2.551849,53.986859
+                    -2.552051,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985734
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+                    -2.557093,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986268
+                    -2.558210,53.985953
+                    -2.559126,53.985348
+                    -2.559633,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986511
+                    -2.562150,53.986325
+                    -2.562827,53.986859
+                    -2.563662,53.987660
+                    -2.563892,53.987765
+                    -2.563788,53.988667
+                    -2.563834,53.989573
+                    -2.564508,53.990479
+                    -2.565174,53.990788
+                    -2.565639,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991938
+                    -2.564643,53.992286
+                    -2.564089,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.994002
+                    -2.562754,53.994098
+                    -2.563662,53.994217
+                    -2.564441,53.994999
+                    -2.565174,53.995500
+                    -2.565673,53.995910
+                    -2.565434,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997097
+                    -2.563662,53.997035
+                    -2.562150,53.997006
+                    -2.560638,53.996882
+                    -2.560476,53.996811
+                    -2.560638,53.996758
+                    -2.561651,53.995910
+                    -2.561408,53.994999
+                    -2.560638,53.994584
+                    -2.559794,53.994098
+                    -2.559450,53.993192
+                    -2.559278,53.992286
+                    -2.559647,53.991385
+                    -2.559476,53.990479
+                    -2.559126,53.990269
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+                    -2.554589,53.988357
+                    -2.553077,53.988309
+                    -2.552475,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989091
+                    -2.554589,53.989573
+                    -2.554591,53.989573
+                    -2.555382,53.990479
+                    -2.554967,53.991385
+                    -2.555212,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992629
+                    -2.553352,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993516
+                    -2.552220,53.994098
+                    -2.551564,53.994389
+                    -2.550220,53.994999
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+                    -2.533418,54.019561
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+                    -2.534930,54.021468
+                    -2.534297,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.020791
+                    -2.532704,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.021802
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+                    -2.534694,54.023051
+                    -2.534930,54.023347
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+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025397
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+                    -2.530394,54.025202
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+                    -2.525857,54.024844
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+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520257,54.022145
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+                    -2.518296,54.021807
+                    -2.516874,54.021239
+                    -2.516784,54.021158
+                    -2.515272,54.020634
+                    -2.513760,54.020495
+                    -2.512892,54.020333
+                    -2.512247,54.020262
+                    -2.510772,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.019408
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013219
+                    -2.511133,54.013095
+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010382
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
+                    -2.509223,54.007668
+                    -2.509223,54.006763
+                    -2.507711,54.005861
+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507805,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
+                    -2.512909,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.006543
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+                    -2.513760,54.007621
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+                    -2.513760,54.007697
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+                    -2.515500,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006362
+                    -2.518296,54.006305
+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
+                    -2.514052,53.998618
+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
+                    -2.511967,53.996811
+                    -2.511815,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.994999
+                    -2.510735,53.994598
+                    -2.509787,53.994999
+                    -2.509223,53.995676
+                    -2.507711,53.995881
+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.994999
+                    -2.504894,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.994131
+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
+                    -2.503299,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.990951
+                    -2.505574,53.990479
+                    -2.504750,53.989573
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
+                    -2.503174,53.987865
+                    -2.502978,53.987765
+                    -2.502391,53.986859
+                    -2.501662,53.986278
+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507806,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979702
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977199
+                    -2.509642,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976536
+                    -2.508680,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975477
+                    -2.509727,53.975101
+                    -2.509420,53.974190
+                    -2.509223,53.973732
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532263,53.972383
+                    -2.532110,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973794
+                    -2.531213,53.974190
+                    -2.531906,53.974605
+                    -2.532582,53.975101
+                    -2.532813,53.976002
+                    -2.532429,53.976908
+                    -2.532561,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978324
+                    -2.534255,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979120
+                    -2.535980,53.979621
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+                    -2.537955,53.980460
+                    -2.539467,53.980126
+                    -2.540480,53.980527
+                    -2.540529,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.981862
+                    -2.541685,53.982334
+                    -2.541675,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983727
+                    -2.543824,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984251
+                    -2.545516,53.984723
+                    -2.547028,53.984809
+                    -2.548250,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985229
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+                    -2.551078,53.985953
+                    -2.551280,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987031
+                    -2.551849,53.986859
+                    -2.552051,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985734
+                    -2.554589,53.985572
+                    -2.556101,53.985529
+                    -2.557093,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986268
+                    -2.558210,53.985953
+                    -2.559126,53.985348
+                    -2.559633,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986511
+                    -2.562150,53.986325
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+                    -2.563662,53.987660
+                    -2.563892,53.987765
+                    -2.563788,53.988667
+                    -2.563834,53.989573
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+                    -2.565639,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991938
+                    -2.564643,53.992286
+                    -2.564089,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.994002
+                    -2.562754,53.994098
+                    -2.563662,53.994217
+                    -2.564441,53.994999
+                    -2.565174,53.995500
+                    -2.565673,53.995910
+                    -2.565434,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997097
+                    -2.563662,53.997035
+                    -2.562150,53.997006
+                    -2.560638,53.996882
+                    -2.560476,53.996811
+                    -2.560638,53.996758
+                    -2.561651,53.995910
+                    -2.561408,53.994999
+                    -2.560638,53.994584
+                    -2.559794,53.994098
+                    -2.559450,53.993192
+                    -2.559278,53.992286
+                    -2.559647,53.991385
+                    -2.559476,53.990479
+                    -2.559126,53.990269
+                    -2.557613,53.990188
+                    -2.556919,53.989573
+                    -2.556101,53.989139
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+                    -2.554589,53.988357
+                    -2.553077,53.988309
+                    -2.552475,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989091
+                    -2.554589,53.989573
+                    -2.554591,53.989573
+                    -2.555382,53.990479
+                    -2.554967,53.991385
+                    -2.555212,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992629
+                    -2.553352,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993516
+                    -2.552220,53.994098
+                    -2.551564,53.994389
+                    -2.550220,53.994999
+                    -2.550052,53.995090
+                    -2.548701,53.995910
+                    -2.548540,53.996134
+                    -2.547212,53.996811
+                    -2.547028,53.996849
+                    -2.545516,53.997107
+                    -2.544523,53.997717
+                    -2.544003,53.997850
+                    -2.542532,53.998618
+                    -2.542491,53.998704
+                    -2.540979,53.999200
+                    -2.539467,53.999133
+                    -2.538427,53.999524
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+                    -2.534930,54.017830
+                    -2.534142,54.018526
+                    -2.533418,54.019046
+                    -2.531906,54.018989
+                    -2.531129,54.019427
+                    -2.530394,54.020166
+                    -2.530159,54.020333
+                    -2.530394,54.020476
+                    -2.531906,54.020681
+                    -2.532521,54.020333
+                    -2.533418,54.019561
+                    -2.534621,54.020333
+                    -2.534930,54.020572
+                    -2.535562,54.021239
+                    -2.534930,54.021468
+                    -2.534297,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.020791
+                    -2.532704,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.021802
+                    -2.533756,54.022145
+                    -2.534694,54.023051
+                    -2.534930,54.023347
+                    -2.535731,54.023952
+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025397
+                    -2.531906,54.025459
+                    -2.530394,54.025202
+                    -2.528882,54.025354
+                    -2.527369,54.025507
+                    -2.525898,54.024858
+                    -2.525857,54.024844
+                    -2.524345,54.023952
+                    -2.522833,54.023051
+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520257,54.022145
+                    -2.519808,54.021802
+                    -2.518296,54.021807
+                    -2.516874,54.021239
+                    -2.516784,54.021158
+                    -2.515272,54.020634
+                    -2.513760,54.020495
+                    -2.512892,54.020333
+                    -2.512247,54.020262
+                    -2.510772,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.019408
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013219
+                    -2.511133,54.013095
+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010382
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
+                    -2.509223,54.007668
+                    -2.509223,54.006763
+                    -2.507711,54.005861
+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507805,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
+                    -2.512909,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.006543
+                    -2.514566,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.007621
+                    -2.513497,54.007668
+                    -2.513760,54.007697
+                    -2.515272,54.007835
+                    -2.515810,54.007668
+                    -2.515500,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006362
+                    -2.518296,54.006305
+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
+                    -2.514052,53.998618
+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
+                    -2.511967,53.996811
+                    -2.511815,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.994999
+                    -2.510735,53.994598
+                    -2.509787,53.994999
+                    -2.509223,53.995676
+                    -2.507711,53.995881
+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.994999
+                    -2.504894,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.994131
+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
+                    -2.503299,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.990951
+                    -2.505574,53.990479
+                    -2.504750,53.989573
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
+                    -2.503174,53.987865
+                    -2.502978,53.987765
+                    -2.502391,53.986859
+                    -2.501662,53.986278
+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507806,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979702
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977199
+                    -2.509642,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976536
+                    -2.508680,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975477
+                    -2.509727,53.975101
+                    -2.509420,53.974190
+                    -2.509223,53.973732
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532263,53.972383
+                    -2.532110,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973794
+                    -2.531213,53.974190
+                    -2.531906,53.974605
+                    -2.532582,53.975101
+                    -2.532813,53.976002
+                    -2.532429,53.976908
+                    -2.532561,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978324
+                    -2.534255,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979120
+                    -2.535980,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.979897
+                    -2.537955,53.980460
+                    -2.539467,53.980126
+                    -2.540480,53.980527
+                    -2.540529,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.981862
+                    -2.541685,53.982334
+                    -2.541675,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983727
+                    -2.543824,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984251
+                    -2.545516,53.984723
+                    -2.547028,53.984809
+                    -2.548250,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985229
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+                    -2.551280,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987031
+                    -2.551849,53.986859
+                    -2.552051,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985734
+                    -2.554589,53.985572
+                    -2.556101,53.985529
+                    -2.557093,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986268
+                    -2.558210,53.985953
+                    -2.559126,53.985348
+                    -2.559633,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986511
+                    -2.562150,53.986325
+                    -2.562827,53.986859
+                    -2.563662,53.987660
+                    -2.563892,53.987765
+                    -2.563788,53.988667
+                    -2.563834,53.989573
+                    -2.564508,53.990479
+                    -2.565174,53.990788
+                    -2.565639,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991938
+                    -2.564643,53.992286
+                    -2.564089,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.994002
+                    -2.562754,53.994098
+                    -2.563662,53.994217
+                    -2.564441,53.994999
+                    -2.565174,53.995500
+                    -2.565673,53.995910
+                    -2.565434,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997097
+                    -2.563662,53.997035
+                    -2.562150,53.997006
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+                    -2.560476,53.996811
+                    -2.560638,53.996758
+                    -2.561651,53.995910
+                    -2.561408,53.994999
+                    -2.560638,53.994584
+                    -2.559794,53.994098
+                    -2.559450,53.993192
+                    -2.559278,53.992286
+                    -2.559647,53.991385
+                    -2.559476,53.990479
+                    -2.559126,53.990269
+                    -2.557613,53.990188
+                    -2.556919,53.989573
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+                    -2.554589,53.988357
+                    -2.553077,53.988309
+                    -2.552475,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989091
+                    -2.554589,53.989573
+                    -2.554591,53.989573
+                    -2.555382,53.990479
+                    -2.554967,53.991385
+                    -2.555212,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992629
+                    -2.553352,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993516
+                    -2.552220,53.994098
+                    -2.551564,53.994389
+                    -2.550220,53.994999
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+                    -2.545543,54.009476
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+                    -2.530394,54.020476
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+                    -2.533418,54.019561
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+                    -2.534930,54.020572
+                    -2.535562,54.021239
+                    -2.534930,54.021468
+                    -2.534297,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.020791
+                    -2.532704,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.021802
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+                    -2.534694,54.023051
+                    -2.534930,54.023347
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+                    -2.534930,54.024858
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+                    -2.530394,54.025202
+                    -2.528882,54.025354
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+                    -2.525857,54.024844
+                    -2.524345,54.023952
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+                    -2.512247,54.020262
+                    -2.510772,54.019427
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013219
+                    -2.511133,54.013095
+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010382
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
+                    -2.509223,54.007668
+                    -2.509223,54.006763
+                    -2.507711,54.005861
+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507805,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
+                    -2.512909,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.006543
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+                    -2.513760,54.007621
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+                    -2.513760,54.007697
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+                    -2.515810,54.007668
+                    -2.515500,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006362
+                    -2.518296,54.006305
+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
+                    -2.514052,53.998618
+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
+                    -2.511967,53.996811
+                    -2.511815,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.994999
+                    -2.510735,53.994598
+                    -2.509787,53.994999
+                    -2.509223,53.995676
+                    -2.507711,53.995881
+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.994999
+                    -2.504894,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.994131
+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
+                    -2.503299,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.990951
+                    -2.505574,53.990479
+                    -2.504750,53.989573
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
+                    -2.503174,53.987865
+                    -2.502978,53.987765
+                    -2.502391,53.986859
+                    -2.501662,53.986278
+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507806,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979702
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977199
+                    -2.509642,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976536
+                    -2.508680,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975477
+                    -2.509727,53.975101
+                    -2.509420,53.974190
+                    -2.509223,53.973732
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532263,53.972383
+                    -2.532110,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973794
+                    -2.531213,53.974190
+                    -2.531906,53.974605
+                    -2.532582,53.975101
+                    -2.532813,53.976002
+                    -2.532429,53.976908
+                    -2.532561,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978324
+                    -2.534255,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979120
+                    -2.535980,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.979897
+                    -2.537955,53.980460
+                    -2.539467,53.980126
+                    -2.540480,53.980527
+                    -2.540529,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.981862
+                    -2.541685,53.982334
+                    -2.541675,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983727
+                    -2.543824,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984251
+                    -2.545516,53.984723
+                    -2.547028,53.984809
+                    -2.548250,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985229
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+                    -2.551280,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987031
+                    -2.551849,53.986859
+                    -2.552051,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985734
+                    -2.554589,53.985572
+                    -2.556101,53.985529
+                    -2.557093,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986268
+                    -2.558210,53.985953
+                    -2.559126,53.985348
+                    -2.559633,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986511
+                    -2.562150,53.986325
+                    -2.562827,53.986859
+                    -2.563662,53.987660
+                    -2.563892,53.987765
+                    -2.563788,53.988667
+                    -2.563834,53.989573
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+                    -2.565174,53.990788
+                    -2.565639,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991938
+                    -2.564643,53.992286
+                    -2.564089,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.994002
+                    -2.562754,53.994098
+                    -2.563662,53.994217
+                    -2.564441,53.994999
+                    -2.565174,53.995500
+                    -2.565673,53.995910
+                    -2.565434,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997097
+                    -2.563662,53.997035
+                    -2.562150,53.997006
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+                    -2.560476,53.996811
+                    -2.560638,53.996758
+                    -2.561651,53.995910
+                    -2.561408,53.994999
+                    -2.560638,53.994584
+                    -2.559794,53.994098
+                    -2.559450,53.993192
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+                    -2.559476,53.990479
+                    -2.559126,53.990269
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+                    -2.552475,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989091
+                    -2.554589,53.989573
+                    -2.554591,53.989573
+                    -2.555382,53.990479
+                    -2.554967,53.991385
+                    -2.555212,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992629
+                    -2.553352,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993516
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+                    -2.551564,53.994389
+                    -2.550220,53.994999
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+                    -2.545543,54.009476
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+                    -2.537955,54.015136
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+                    -2.534930,54.017572
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+                    -2.534930,54.017830
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+                    -2.530394,54.020476
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+                    -2.532521,54.020333
+                    -2.533418,54.019561
+                    -2.534621,54.020333
+                    -2.534930,54.020572
+                    -2.535562,54.021239
+                    -2.534930,54.021468
+                    -2.534297,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.020791
+                    -2.532704,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.021802
+                    -2.533756,54.022145
+                    -2.534694,54.023051
+                    -2.534930,54.023347
+                    -2.535731,54.023952
+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025397
+                    -2.531906,54.025459
+                    -2.530394,54.025202
+                    -2.528882,54.025354
+                    -2.527369,54.025507
+                    -2.525898,54.024858
+                    -2.525857,54.024844
+                    -2.524345,54.023952
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+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520257,54.022145
+                    -2.519808,54.021802
+                    -2.518296,54.021807
+                    -2.516874,54.021239
+                    -2.516784,54.021158
+                    -2.515272,54.020634
+                    -2.513760,54.020495
+                    -2.512892,54.020333
+                    -2.512247,54.020262
+                    -2.510772,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.019408
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013219
+                    -2.511133,54.013095
+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010382
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
+                    -2.509223,54.007668
+                    -2.509223,54.006763
+                    -2.507711,54.005861
+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507805,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
+                    -2.512909,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.006543
+                    -2.514566,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.007621
+                    -2.513497,54.007668
+                    -2.513760,54.007697
+                    -2.515272,54.007835
+                    -2.515810,54.007668
+                    -2.515500,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006362
+                    -2.518296,54.006305
+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
+                    -2.514052,53.998618
+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
+                    -2.511967,53.996811
+                    -2.511815,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.994999
+                    -2.510735,53.994598
+                    -2.509787,53.994999
+                    -2.509223,53.995676
+                    -2.507711,53.995881
+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.994999
+                    -2.504894,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.994131
+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
+                    -2.503299,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.990951
+                    -2.505574,53.990479
+                    -2.504750,53.989573
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
+                    -2.503174,53.987865
+                    -2.502978,53.987765
+                    -2.502391,53.986859
+                    -2.501662,53.986278
+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507806,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979702
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977199
+                    -2.509642,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976536
+                    -2.508680,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975477
+                    -2.509727,53.975101
+                    -2.509420,53.974190
+                    -2.509223,53.973732
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
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+                    -2.532263,53.972383
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+                    -2.531906,53.974605
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+                    -2.532813,53.976002
+                    -2.532429,53.976908
+                    -2.532561,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978324
+                    -2.534255,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979120
+                    -2.535980,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.979897
+                    -2.537955,53.980460
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+                    -2.540529,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.981862
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+                    -2.541675,53.983240
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+                    -2.543824,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984251
+                    -2.545516,53.984723
+                    -2.547028,53.984809
+                    -2.548250,53.985052
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+                    -2.551849,53.986859
+                    -2.552051,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985734
+                    -2.554589,53.985572
+                    -2.556101,53.985529
+                    -2.557093,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986268
+                    -2.558210,53.985953
+                    -2.559126,53.985348
+                    -2.559633,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986511
+                    -2.562150,53.986325
+                    -2.562827,53.986859
+                    -2.563662,53.987660
+                    -2.563892,53.987765
+                    -2.563788,53.988667
+                    -2.563834,53.989573
+                    -2.564508,53.990479
+                    -2.565174,53.990788
+                    -2.565639,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991938
+                    -2.564643,53.992286
+                    -2.564089,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.994002
+                    -2.562754,53.994098
+                    -2.563662,53.994217
+                    -2.564441,53.994999
+                    -2.565174,53.995500
+                    -2.565673,53.995910
+                    -2.565434,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997097
+                    -2.563662,53.997035
+                    -2.562150,53.997006
+                    -2.560638,53.996882
+                    -2.560476,53.996811
+                    -2.560638,53.996758
+                    -2.561651,53.995910
+                    -2.561408,53.994999
+                    -2.560638,53.994584
+                    -2.559794,53.994098
+                    -2.559450,53.993192
+                    -2.559278,53.992286
+                    -2.559647,53.991385
+                    -2.559476,53.990479
+                    -2.559126,53.990269
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+                    -2.554589,53.988357
+                    -2.553077,53.988309
+                    -2.552475,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989091
+                    -2.554589,53.989573
+                    -2.554591,53.989573
+                    -2.555382,53.990479
+                    -2.554967,53.991385
+                    -2.555212,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992629
+                    -2.553352,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993516
+                    -2.552220,53.994098
+                    -2.551564,53.994389
+                    -2.550220,53.994999
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+                    -2.534930,54.017572
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+                    -2.533418,54.019561
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+                    -2.534930,54.021468
+                    -2.534297,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.020791
+                    -2.532704,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.021802
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+                    -2.534694,54.023051
+                    -2.534930,54.023347
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+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025397
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+                    -2.530394,54.025202
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+                    -2.516874,54.021239
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+                    -2.513760,54.020495
+                    -2.512892,54.020333
+                    -2.512247,54.020262
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+                    -2.510735,54.019408
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013219
+                    -2.511133,54.013095
+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010382
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
+                    -2.509223,54.007668
+                    -2.509223,54.006763
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+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507805,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
+                    -2.512909,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.006543
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+                    -2.513760,54.007621
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+                    -2.513760,54.007697
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+                    -2.515500,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006362
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+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
+                    -2.514052,53.998618
+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
+                    -2.511967,53.996811
+                    -2.511815,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.994999
+                    -2.510735,53.994598
+                    -2.509787,53.994999
+                    -2.509223,53.995676
+                    -2.507711,53.995881
+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.994999
+                    -2.504894,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.994131
+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
+                    -2.503299,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.990951
+                    -2.505574,53.990479
+                    -2.504750,53.989573
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
+                    -2.503174,53.987865
+                    -2.502978,53.987765
+                    -2.502391,53.986859
+                    -2.501662,53.986278
+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507806,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979702
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977199
+                    -2.509642,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976536
+                    -2.508680,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975477
+                    -2.509727,53.975101
+                    -2.509420,53.974190
+                    -2.509223,53.973732
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532263,53.972383
+                    -2.532110,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973794
+                    -2.531213,53.974190
+                    -2.531906,53.974605
+                    -2.532582,53.975101
+                    -2.532813,53.976002
+                    -2.532429,53.976908
+                    -2.532561,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978324
+                    -2.534255,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979120
+                    -2.535980,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.979897
+                    -2.537955,53.980460
+                    -2.539467,53.980126
+                    -2.540480,53.980527
+                    -2.540529,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.981862
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+                    -2.541675,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983727
+                    -2.543824,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984251
+                    -2.545516,53.984723
+                    -2.547028,53.984809
+                    -2.548250,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985229
+                    -2.550052,53.985271
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+                    -2.551280,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987031
+                    -2.551849,53.986859
+                    -2.552051,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985734
+                    -2.554589,53.985572
+                    -2.556101,53.985529
+                    -2.557093,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986268
+                    -2.558210,53.985953
+                    -2.559126,53.985348
+                    -2.559633,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986511
+                    -2.562150,53.986325
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+                    -2.563892,53.987765
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+                    -2.563834,53.989573
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+                    -2.565639,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991938
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+                    -2.563662,53.994002
+                    -2.562754,53.994098
+                    -2.563662,53.994217
+                    -2.564441,53.994999
+                    -2.565174,53.995500
+                    -2.565673,53.995910
+                    -2.565434,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997097
+                    -2.563662,53.997035
+                    -2.562150,53.997006
+                    -2.560638,53.996882
+                    -2.560476,53.996811
+                    -2.560638,53.996758
+                    -2.561651,53.995910
+                    -2.561408,53.994999
+                    -2.560638,53.994584
+                    -2.559794,53.994098
+                    -2.559450,53.993192
+                    -2.559278,53.992286
+                    -2.559647,53.991385
+                    -2.559476,53.990479
+                    -2.559126,53.990269
+                    -2.557613,53.990188
+                    -2.556919,53.989573
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+                    -2.554589,53.988357
+                    -2.553077,53.988309
+                    -2.552475,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989091
+                    -2.554589,53.989573
+                    -2.554591,53.989573
+                    -2.555382,53.990479
+                    -2.554967,53.991385
+                    -2.555212,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992629
+                    -2.553352,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993516
+                    -2.552220,53.994098
+                    -2.551564,53.994389
+                    -2.550220,53.994999
+                    -2.550052,53.995090
+                    -2.548701,53.995910
+                    -2.548540,53.996134
+                    -2.547212,53.996811
+                    -2.547028,53.996849
+                    -2.545516,53.997107
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+                    -2.537955,54.015136
+                    -2.536443,54.015050
+                    -2.535531,54.015813
+                    -2.534930,54.015965
+                    -2.533894,54.016719
+                    -2.534930,54.017572
+                    -2.535380,54.017620
+                    -2.534930,54.017830
+                    -2.534142,54.018526
+                    -2.533418,54.019046
+                    -2.531906,54.018989
+                    -2.531129,54.019427
+                    -2.530394,54.020166
+                    -2.530159,54.020333
+                    -2.530394,54.020476
+                    -2.531906,54.020681
+                    -2.532521,54.020333
+                    -2.533418,54.019561
+                    -2.534621,54.020333
+                    -2.534930,54.020572
+                    -2.535562,54.021239
+                    -2.534930,54.021468
+                    -2.534297,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.020791
+                    -2.532704,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.021802
+                    -2.533756,54.022145
+                    -2.534694,54.023051
+                    -2.534930,54.023347
+                    -2.535731,54.023952
+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025397
+                    -2.531906,54.025459
+                    -2.530394,54.025202
+                    -2.528882,54.025354
+                    -2.527369,54.025507
+                    -2.525898,54.024858
+                    -2.525857,54.024844
+                    -2.524345,54.023952
+                    -2.522833,54.023051
+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520257,54.022145
+                    -2.519808,54.021802
+                    -2.518296,54.021807
+                    -2.516874,54.021239
+                    -2.516784,54.021158
+                    -2.515272,54.020634
+                    -2.513760,54.020495
+                    -2.512892,54.020333
+                    -2.512247,54.020262
+                    -2.510772,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.019408
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013219
+                    -2.511133,54.013095
+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010382
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
+                    -2.509223,54.007668
+                    -2.509223,54.006763
+                    -2.507711,54.005861
+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507805,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
+                    -2.512909,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.006543
+                    -2.514566,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.007621
+                    -2.513497,54.007668
+                    -2.513760,54.007697
+                    -2.515272,54.007835
+                    -2.515810,54.007668
+                    -2.515500,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006362
+                    -2.518296,54.006305
+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
+                    -2.514052,53.998618
+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
+                    -2.511967,53.996811
+                    -2.511815,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.994999
+                    -2.510735,53.994598
+                    -2.509787,53.994999
+                    -2.509223,53.995676
+                    -2.507711,53.995881
+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.994999
+                    -2.504894,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.994131
+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
+                    -2.503299,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.990951
+                    -2.505574,53.990479
+                    -2.504750,53.989573
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
+                    -2.503174,53.987865
+                    -2.502978,53.987765
+                    -2.502391,53.986859
+                    -2.501662,53.986278
+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507806,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979702
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977199
+                    -2.509642,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976536
+                    -2.508680,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975477
+                    -2.509727,53.975101
+                    -2.509420,53.974190
+                    -2.509223,53.973732
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532263,53.972383
+                    -2.532110,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973794
+                    -2.531213,53.974190
+                    -2.531906,53.974605
+                    -2.532582,53.975101
+                    -2.532813,53.976002
+                    -2.532429,53.976908
+                    -2.532561,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978324
+                    -2.534255,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979120
+                    -2.535980,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.979897
+                    -2.537955,53.980460
+                    -2.539467,53.980126
+                    -2.540480,53.980527
+                    -2.540529,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.981862
+                    -2.541685,53.982334
+                    -2.541675,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983727
+                    -2.543824,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984251
+                    -2.545516,53.984723
+                    -2.547028,53.984809
+                    -2.548250,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985229
+                    -2.550052,53.985271
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+                    -2.551280,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987031
+                    -2.551849,53.986859
+                    -2.552051,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985734
+                    -2.554589,53.985572
+                    -2.556101,53.985529
+                    -2.557093,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986268
+                    -2.558210,53.985953
+                    -2.559126,53.985348
+                    -2.559633,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986511
+                    -2.562150,53.986325
+                    -2.562827,53.986859
+                    -2.563662,53.987660
+                    -2.563892,53.987765
+                    -2.563788,53.988667
+                    -2.563834,53.989573
+                    -2.564508,53.990479
+                    -2.565174,53.990788
+                    -2.565639,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991938
+                    -2.564643,53.992286
+                    -2.564089,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.994002
+                    -2.562754,53.994098
+                    -2.563662,53.994217
+                    -2.564441,53.994999
+                    -2.565174,53.995500
+                    -2.565673,53.995910
+                    -2.565434,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997097
+                    -2.563662,53.997035
+                    -2.562150,53.997006
+                    -2.560638,53.996882
+                    -2.560476,53.996811
+                    -2.560638,53.996758
+                    -2.561651,53.995910
+                    -2.561408,53.994999
+                    -2.560638,53.994584
+                    -2.559794,53.994098
+                    -2.559450,53.993192
+                    -2.559278,53.992286
+                    -2.559647,53.991385
+                    -2.559476,53.990479
+                    -2.559126,53.990269
+                    -2.557613,53.990188
+                    -2.556919,53.989573
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+                    -2.555106,53.988667
+                    -2.554589,53.988357
+                    -2.553077,53.988309
+                    -2.552475,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989091
+                    -2.554589,53.989573
+                    -2.554591,53.989573
+                    -2.555382,53.990479
+                    -2.554967,53.991385
+                    -2.555212,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992629
+                    -2.553352,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993516
+                    -2.552220,53.994098
+                    -2.551564,53.994389
+                    -2.550220,53.994999
+                    -2.550052,53.995090
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+                    -2.539467,54.000430
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+                    -2.545543,54.009476
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+                    -2.534930,54.017572
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+                    -2.534930,54.017830
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+                    -2.530394,54.020476
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+                    -2.533418,54.019561
+                    -2.534621,54.020333
+                    -2.534930,54.020572
+                    -2.535562,54.021239
+                    -2.534930,54.021468
+                    -2.534297,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.020791
+                    -2.532704,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.021802
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+                    -2.534694,54.023051
+                    -2.534930,54.023347
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+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025397
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+                    -2.530394,54.025202
+                    -2.528882,54.025354
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+                    -2.525857,54.024844
+                    -2.524345,54.023952
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013219
+                    -2.511133,54.013095
+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010382
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
+                    -2.509223,54.007668
+                    -2.509223,54.006763
+                    -2.507711,54.005861
+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507805,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
+                    -2.512909,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.006543
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+                    -2.513760,54.007621
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+                    -2.513760,54.007697
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+                    -2.515500,54.006763
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+                    -2.518296,54.006305
+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
+                    -2.514052,53.998618
+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
+                    -2.511967,53.996811
+                    -2.511815,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.994999
+                    -2.510735,53.994598
+                    -2.509787,53.994999
+                    -2.509223,53.995676
+                    -2.507711,53.995881
+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.994999
+                    -2.504894,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.994131
+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
+                    -2.503299,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.990951
+                    -2.505574,53.990479
+                    -2.504750,53.989573
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
+                    -2.503174,53.987865
+                    -2.502978,53.987765
+                    -2.502391,53.986859
+                    -2.501662,53.986278
+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507806,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979702
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977199
+                    -2.509642,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976536
+                    -2.508680,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975477
+                    -2.509727,53.975101
+                    -2.509420,53.974190
+                    -2.509223,53.973732
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532263,53.972383
+                    -2.532110,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973794
+                    -2.531213,53.974190
+                    -2.531906,53.974605
+                    -2.532582,53.975101
+                    -2.532813,53.976002
+                    -2.532429,53.976908
+                    -2.532561,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978324
+                    -2.534255,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979120
+                    -2.535980,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.979897
+                    -2.537955,53.980460
+                    -2.539467,53.980126
+                    -2.540480,53.980527
+                    -2.540529,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.981862
+                    -2.541685,53.982334
+                    -2.541675,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983727
+                    -2.543824,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984251
+                    -2.545516,53.984723
+                    -2.547028,53.984809
+                    -2.548250,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985229
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+                    -2.551280,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987031
+                    -2.551849,53.986859
+                    -2.552051,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985734
+                    -2.554589,53.985572
+                    -2.556101,53.985529
+                    -2.557093,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986268
+                    -2.558210,53.985953
+                    -2.559126,53.985348
+                    -2.559633,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986511
+                    -2.562150,53.986325
+                    -2.562827,53.986859
+                    -2.563662,53.987660
+                    -2.563892,53.987765
+                    -2.563788,53.988667
+                    -2.563834,53.989573
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+                    -2.565174,53.990788
+                    -2.565639,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991938
+                    -2.564643,53.992286
+                    -2.564089,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.994002
+                    -2.562754,53.994098
+                    -2.563662,53.994217
+                    -2.564441,53.994999
+                    -2.565174,53.995500
+                    -2.565673,53.995910
+                    -2.565434,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997097
+                    -2.563662,53.997035
+                    -2.562150,53.997006
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+                    -2.560476,53.996811
+                    -2.560638,53.996758
+                    -2.561651,53.995910
+                    -2.561408,53.994999
+                    -2.560638,53.994584
+                    -2.559794,53.994098
+                    -2.559450,53.993192
+                    -2.559278,53.992286
+                    -2.559647,53.991385
+                    -2.559476,53.990479
+                    -2.559126,53.990269
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+                    -2.554589,53.988357
+                    -2.553077,53.988309
+                    -2.552475,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989091
+                    -2.554589,53.989573
+                    -2.554591,53.989573
+                    -2.555382,53.990479
+                    -2.554967,53.991385
+                    -2.555212,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992629
+                    -2.553352,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993516
+                    -2.552220,53.994098
+                    -2.551564,53.994389
+                    -2.550220,53.994999
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+                    -2.545543,54.009476
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+                    -2.537955,54.015136
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+                    -2.534930,54.017572
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+                    -2.534930,54.017830
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+                    -2.530394,54.020166
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+                    -2.530394,54.020476
+                    -2.531906,54.020681
+                    -2.532521,54.020333
+                    -2.533418,54.019561
+                    -2.534621,54.020333
+                    -2.534930,54.020572
+                    -2.535562,54.021239
+                    -2.534930,54.021468
+                    -2.534297,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.020791
+                    -2.532704,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.021802
+                    -2.533756,54.022145
+                    -2.534694,54.023051
+                    -2.534930,54.023347
+                    -2.535731,54.023952
+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025397
+                    -2.531906,54.025459
+                    -2.530394,54.025202
+                    -2.528882,54.025354
+                    -2.527369,54.025507
+                    -2.525898,54.024858
+                    -2.525857,54.024844
+                    -2.524345,54.023952
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+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520257,54.022145
+                    -2.519808,54.021802
+                    -2.518296,54.021807
+                    -2.516874,54.021239
+                    -2.516784,54.021158
+                    -2.515272,54.020634
+                    -2.513760,54.020495
+                    -2.512892,54.020333
+                    -2.512247,54.020262
+                    -2.510772,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.019408
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013219
+                    -2.511133,54.013095
+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010382
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
+                    -2.509223,54.007668
+                    -2.509223,54.006763
+                    -2.507711,54.005861
+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507805,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
+                    -2.512909,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.006543
+                    -2.514566,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.007621
+                    -2.513497,54.007668
+                    -2.513760,54.007697
+                    -2.515272,54.007835
+                    -2.515810,54.007668
+                    -2.515500,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006362
+                    -2.518296,54.006305
+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
+                    -2.514052,53.998618
+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
+                    -2.511967,53.996811
+                    -2.511815,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.994999
+                    -2.510735,53.994598
+                    -2.509787,53.994999
+                    -2.509223,53.995676
+                    -2.507711,53.995881
+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.994999
+                    -2.504894,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.994131
+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
+                    -2.503299,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.990951
+                    -2.505574,53.990479
+                    -2.504750,53.989573
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
+                    -2.503174,53.987865
+                    -2.502978,53.987765
+                    -2.502391,53.986859
+                    -2.501662,53.986278
+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507806,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979702
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977199
+                    -2.509642,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976536
+                    -2.508680,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975477
+                    -2.509727,53.975101
+                    -2.509420,53.974190
+                    -2.509223,53.973732
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532263,53.972383
+                    -2.532110,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973794
+                    -2.531213,53.974190
+                    -2.531906,53.974605
+                    -2.532582,53.975101
+                    -2.532813,53.976002
+                    -2.532429,53.976908
+                    -2.532561,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978324
+                    -2.534255,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979120
+                    -2.535980,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.979897
+                    -2.537955,53.980460
+                    -2.539467,53.980126
+                    -2.540480,53.980527
+                    -2.540529,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.981862
+                    -2.541685,53.982334
+                    -2.541675,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983727
+                    -2.543824,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984251
+                    -2.545516,53.984723
+                    -2.547028,53.984809
+                    -2.548250,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985229
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+                    -2.551280,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987031
+                    -2.551849,53.986859
+                    -2.552051,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985734
+                    -2.554589,53.985572
+                    -2.556101,53.985529
+                    -2.557093,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986268
+                    -2.558210,53.985953
+                    -2.559126,53.985348
+                    -2.559633,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986511
+                    -2.562150,53.986325
+                    -2.562827,53.986859
+                    -2.563662,53.987660
+                    -2.563892,53.987765
+                    -2.563788,53.988667
+                    -2.563834,53.989573
+                    -2.564508,53.990479
+                    -2.565174,53.990788
+                    -2.565639,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991938
+                    -2.564643,53.992286
+                    -2.564089,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.994002
+                    -2.562754,53.994098
+                    -2.563662,53.994217
+                    -2.564441,53.994999
+                    -2.565174,53.995500
+                    -2.565673,53.995910
+                    -2.565434,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997097
+                    -2.563662,53.997035
+                    -2.562150,53.997006
+                    -2.560638,53.996882
+                    -2.560476,53.996811
+                    -2.560638,53.996758
+                    -2.561651,53.995910
+                    -2.561408,53.994999
+                    -2.560638,53.994584
+                    -2.559794,53.994098
+                    -2.559450,53.993192
+                    -2.559278,53.992286
+                    -2.559647,53.991385
+                    -2.559476,53.990479
+                    -2.559126,53.990269
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+                    -2.556919,53.989573
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+                    -2.555106,53.988667
+                    -2.554589,53.988357
+                    -2.553077,53.988309
+                    -2.552475,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989091
+                    -2.554589,53.989573
+                    -2.554591,53.989573
+                    -2.555382,53.990479
+                    -2.554967,53.991385
+                    -2.555212,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992629
+                    -2.553352,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993516
+                    -2.552220,53.994098
+                    -2.551564,53.994389
+                    -2.550220,53.994999
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+                    -2.534930,54.017572
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+                    -2.534930,54.017830
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+                    -2.530394,54.020476
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+                    -2.533418,54.019561
+                    -2.534621,54.020333
+                    -2.534930,54.020572
+                    -2.535562,54.021239
+                    -2.534930,54.021468
+                    -2.534297,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.020791
+                    -2.532704,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.021802
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+                    -2.534694,54.023051
+                    -2.534930,54.023347
+                    -2.535731,54.023952
+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025397
+                    -2.531906,54.025459
+                    -2.530394,54.025202
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+                    -2.525857,54.024844
+                    -2.524345,54.023952
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+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520257,54.022145
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+                    -2.518296,54.021807
+                    -2.516874,54.021239
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+                    -2.515272,54.020634
+                    -2.513760,54.020495
+                    -2.512892,54.020333
+                    -2.512247,54.020262
+                    -2.510772,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.019408
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013219
+                    -2.511133,54.013095
+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010382
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
+                    -2.509223,54.007668
+                    -2.509223,54.006763
+                    -2.507711,54.005861
+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507805,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
+                    -2.512909,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.006543
+                    -2.514566,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.007621
+                    -2.513497,54.007668
+                    -2.513760,54.007697
+                    -2.515272,54.007835
+                    -2.515810,54.007668
+                    -2.515500,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006362
+                    -2.518296,54.006305
+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
+                    -2.514052,53.998618
+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
+                    -2.511967,53.996811
+                    -2.511815,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.994999
+                    -2.510735,53.994598
+                    -2.509787,53.994999
+                    -2.509223,53.995676
+                    -2.507711,53.995881
+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.994999
+                    -2.504894,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.994131
+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
+                    -2.503299,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.990951
+                    -2.505574,53.990479
+                    -2.504750,53.989573
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
+                    -2.503174,53.987865
+                    -2.502978,53.987765
+                    -2.502391,53.986859
+                    -2.501662,53.986278
+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507806,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979702
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977199
+                    -2.509642,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976536
+                    -2.508680,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975477
+                    -2.509727,53.975101
+                    -2.509420,53.974190
+                    -2.509223,53.973732
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532263,53.972383
+                    -2.532110,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973794
+                    -2.531213,53.974190
+                    -2.531906,53.974605
+                    -2.532582,53.975101
+                    -2.532813,53.976002
+                    -2.532429,53.976908
+                    -2.532561,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978324
+                    -2.534255,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979120
+                    -2.535980,53.979621
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+                    -2.537955,53.980460
+                    -2.539467,53.980126
+                    -2.540480,53.980527
+                    -2.540529,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.981862
+                    -2.541685,53.982334
+                    -2.541675,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983727
+                    -2.543824,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984251
+                    -2.545516,53.984723
+                    -2.547028,53.984809
+                    -2.548250,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985229
+                    -2.550052,53.985271
+                    -2.551078,53.985953
+                    -2.551280,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987031
+                    -2.551849,53.986859
+                    -2.552051,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985734
+                    -2.554589,53.985572
+                    -2.556101,53.985529
+                    -2.557093,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986268
+                    -2.558210,53.985953
+                    -2.559126,53.985348
+                    -2.559633,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986511
+                    -2.562150,53.986325
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+                    -2.563892,53.987765
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+                    -2.563834,53.989573
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+                    -2.565639,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991938
+                    -2.564643,53.992286
+                    -2.564089,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.994002
+                    -2.562754,53.994098
+                    -2.563662,53.994217
+                    -2.564441,53.994999
+                    -2.565174,53.995500
+                    -2.565673,53.995910
+                    -2.565434,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997097
+                    -2.563662,53.997035
+                    -2.562150,53.997006
+                    -2.560638,53.996882
+                    -2.560476,53.996811
+                    -2.560638,53.996758
+                    -2.561651,53.995910
+                    -2.561408,53.994999
+                    -2.560638,53.994584
+                    -2.559794,53.994098
+                    -2.559450,53.993192
+                    -2.559278,53.992286
+                    -2.559647,53.991385
+                    -2.559476,53.990479
+                    -2.559126,53.990269
+                    -2.557613,53.990188
+                    -2.556919,53.989573
+                    -2.556101,53.989139
+                    -2.555106,53.988667
+                    -2.554589,53.988357
+                    -2.553077,53.988309
+                    -2.552475,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989091
+                    -2.554589,53.989573
+                    -2.554591,53.989573
+                    -2.555382,53.990479
+                    -2.554967,53.991385
+                    -2.555212,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992629
+                    -2.553352,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993516
+                    -2.552220,53.994098
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+                    -2.544657,54.013095
+                    -2.544003,54.012847
+                    -2.543664,54.013095
+                    -2.543307,54.014001
+                    -2.542491,54.014521
+                    -2.540979,54.014540
+                    -2.540387,54.014907
+                    -2.539467,54.015040
+                    -2.537955,54.015136
+                    -2.536443,54.015050
+                    -2.535531,54.015813
+                    -2.534930,54.015965
+                    -2.533894,54.016719
+                    -2.534930,54.017572
+                    -2.535380,54.017620
+                    -2.534930,54.017830
+                    -2.534142,54.018526
+                    -2.533418,54.019046
+                    -2.531906,54.018989
+                    -2.531129,54.019427
+                    -2.530394,54.020166
+                    -2.530159,54.020333
+                    -2.530394,54.020476
+                    -2.531906,54.020681
+                    -2.532521,54.020333
+                    -2.533418,54.019561
+                    -2.534621,54.020333
+                    -2.534930,54.020572
+                    -2.535562,54.021239
+                    -2.534930,54.021468
+                    -2.534297,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.020791
+                    -2.532704,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.021802
+                    -2.533756,54.022145
+                    -2.534694,54.023051
+                    -2.534930,54.023347
+                    -2.535731,54.023952
+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025397
+                    -2.531906,54.025459
+                    -2.530394,54.025202
+                    -2.528882,54.025354
+                    -2.527369,54.025507
+                    -2.525898,54.024858
+                    -2.525857,54.024844
+                    -2.524345,54.023952
+                    -2.522833,54.023051
+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520257,54.022145
+                    -2.519808,54.021802
+                    -2.518296,54.021807
+                    -2.516874,54.021239
+                    -2.516784,54.021158
+                    -2.515272,54.020634
+                    -2.513760,54.020495
+                    -2.512892,54.020333
+                    -2.512247,54.020262
+                    -2.510772,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.019408
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013219
+                    -2.511133,54.013095
+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010382
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
+                    -2.509223,54.007668
+                    -2.509223,54.006763
+                    -2.507711,54.005861
+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507805,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
+                    -2.512909,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.006543
+                    -2.514566,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.007621
+                    -2.513497,54.007668
+                    -2.513760,54.007697
+                    -2.515272,54.007835
+                    -2.515810,54.007668
+                    -2.515500,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006362
+                    -2.518296,54.006305
+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
+                    -2.514052,53.998618
+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
+                    -2.511967,53.996811
+                    -2.511815,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.994999
+                    -2.510735,53.994598
+                    -2.509787,53.994999
+                    -2.509223,53.995676
+                    -2.507711,53.995881
+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.994999
+                    -2.504894,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.994131
+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
+                    -2.503299,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.990951
+                    -2.505574,53.990479
+                    -2.504750,53.989573
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
+                    -2.503174,53.987865
+                    -2.502978,53.987765
+                    -2.502391,53.986859
+                    -2.501662,53.986278
+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507806,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979702
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977199
+                    -2.509642,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976536
+                    -2.508680,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975477
+                    -2.509727,53.975101
+                    -2.509420,53.974190
+                    -2.509223,53.973732
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532263,53.972383
+                    -2.532110,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973794
+                    -2.531213,53.974190
+                    -2.531906,53.974605
+                    -2.532582,53.975101
+                    -2.532813,53.976002
+                    -2.532429,53.976908
+                    -2.532561,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978324
+                    -2.534255,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979120
+                    -2.535980,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.979897
+                    -2.537955,53.980460
+                    -2.539467,53.980126
+                    -2.540480,53.980527
+                    -2.540529,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.981862
+                    -2.541685,53.982334
+                    -2.541675,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983727
+                    -2.543824,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984251
+                    -2.545516,53.984723
+                    -2.547028,53.984809
+                    -2.548250,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985229
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+                    -2.551280,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987031
+                    -2.551849,53.986859
+                    -2.552051,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985734
+                    -2.554589,53.985572
+                    -2.556101,53.985529
+                    -2.557093,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986268
+                    -2.558210,53.985953
+                    -2.559126,53.985348
+                    -2.559633,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986511
+                    -2.562150,53.986325
+                    -2.562827,53.986859
+                    -2.563662,53.987660
+                    -2.563892,53.987765
+                    -2.563788,53.988667
+                    -2.563834,53.989573
+                    -2.564508,53.990479
+                    -2.565174,53.990788
+                    -2.565639,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991938
+                    -2.564643,53.992286
+                    -2.564089,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.994002
+                    -2.562754,53.994098
+                    -2.563662,53.994217
+                    -2.564441,53.994999
+                    -2.565174,53.995500
+                    -2.565673,53.995910
+                    -2.565434,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997097
+                    -2.563662,53.997035
+                    -2.562150,53.997006
+                    -2.560638,53.996882
+                    -2.560476,53.996811
+                    -2.560638,53.996758
+                    -2.561651,53.995910
+                    -2.561408,53.994999
+                    -2.560638,53.994584
+                    -2.559794,53.994098
+                    -2.559450,53.993192
+                    -2.559278,53.992286
+                    -2.559647,53.991385
+                    -2.559476,53.990479
+                    -2.559126,53.990269
+                    -2.557613,53.990188
+                    -2.556919,53.989573
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+                    -2.554589,53.988357
+                    -2.553077,53.988309
+                    -2.552475,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989091
+                    -2.554589,53.989573
+                    -2.554591,53.989573
+                    -2.555382,53.990479
+                    -2.554967,53.991385
+                    -2.555212,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992629
+                    -2.553352,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993516
+                    -2.552220,53.994098
+                    -2.551564,53.994389
+                    -2.550220,53.994999
+                    -2.550052,53.995090
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+                    -2.539467,54.000430
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+                    -2.540979,54.003253
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+                    -2.545543,54.009476
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+                    -2.534930,54.017572
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+                    -2.534930,54.017830
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+                    -2.530394,54.020476
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+                    -2.532521,54.020333
+                    -2.533418,54.019561
+                    -2.534621,54.020333
+                    -2.534930,54.020572
+                    -2.535562,54.021239
+                    -2.534930,54.021468
+                    -2.534297,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.020791
+                    -2.532704,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.021802
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+                    -2.534694,54.023051
+                    -2.534930,54.023347
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+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025397
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+                    -2.530394,54.025202
+                    -2.528882,54.025354
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013219
+                    -2.511133,54.013095
+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010382
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
+                    -2.509223,54.007668
+                    -2.509223,54.006763
+                    -2.507711,54.005861
+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507805,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
+                    -2.512909,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.006543
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+                    -2.513760,54.007621
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+                    -2.515500,54.006763
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+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
+                    -2.514052,53.998618
+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
+                    -2.511967,53.996811
+                    -2.511815,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.994999
+                    -2.510735,53.994598
+                    -2.509787,53.994999
+                    -2.509223,53.995676
+                    -2.507711,53.995881
+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.994999
+                    -2.504894,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.994131
+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
+                    -2.503299,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.990951
+                    -2.505574,53.990479
+                    -2.504750,53.989573
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
+                    -2.503174,53.987865
+                    -2.502978,53.987765
+                    -2.502391,53.986859
+                    -2.501662,53.986278
+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507806,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979702
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977199
+                    -2.509642,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976536
+                    -2.508680,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975477
+                    -2.509727,53.975101
+                    -2.509420,53.974190
+                    -2.509223,53.973732
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532263,53.972383
+                    -2.532110,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973794
+                    -2.531213,53.974190
+                    -2.531906,53.974605
+                    -2.532582,53.975101
+                    -2.532813,53.976002
+                    -2.532429,53.976908
+                    -2.532561,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978324
+                    -2.534255,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979120
+                    -2.535980,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.979897
+                    -2.537955,53.980460
+                    -2.539467,53.980126
+                    -2.540480,53.980527
+                    -2.540529,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.981862
+                    -2.541685,53.982334
+                    -2.541675,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983727
+                    -2.543824,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984251
+                    -2.545516,53.984723
+                    -2.547028,53.984809
+                    -2.548250,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985229
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+                    -2.551564,53.987031
+                    -2.551849,53.986859
+                    -2.552051,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985734
+                    -2.554589,53.985572
+                    -2.556101,53.985529
+                    -2.557093,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986268
+                    -2.558210,53.985953
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+                    -2.559633,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986511
+                    -2.562150,53.986325
+                    -2.562827,53.986859
+                    -2.563662,53.987660
+                    -2.563892,53.987765
+                    -2.563788,53.988667
+                    -2.563834,53.989573
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+                    -2.565639,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991938
+                    -2.564643,53.992286
+                    -2.564089,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.994002
+                    -2.562754,53.994098
+                    -2.563662,53.994217
+                    -2.564441,53.994999
+                    -2.565174,53.995500
+                    -2.565673,53.995910
+                    -2.565434,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997097
+                    -2.563662,53.997035
+                    -2.562150,53.997006
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+                    -2.560476,53.996811
+                    -2.560638,53.996758
+                    -2.561651,53.995910
+                    -2.561408,53.994999
+                    -2.560638,53.994584
+                    -2.559794,53.994098
+                    -2.559450,53.993192
+                    -2.559278,53.992286
+                    -2.559647,53.991385
+                    -2.559476,53.990479
+                    -2.559126,53.990269
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+                    -2.553077,53.988309
+                    -2.552475,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989091
+                    -2.554589,53.989573
+                    -2.554591,53.989573
+                    -2.555382,53.990479
+                    -2.554967,53.991385
+                    -2.555212,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992629
+                    -2.553352,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993516
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+                    -2.551564,53.994389
+                    -2.550220,53.994999
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+                    -2.545543,54.009476
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+                    -2.537955,54.015136
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+                    -2.534930,54.017572
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+                    -2.534930,54.017830
+                    -2.534142,54.018526
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+                    -2.530394,54.020476
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+                    -2.532521,54.020333
+                    -2.533418,54.019561
+                    -2.534621,54.020333
+                    -2.534930,54.020572
+                    -2.535562,54.021239
+                    -2.534930,54.021468
+                    -2.534297,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.020791
+                    -2.532704,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.021802
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+                    -2.534694,54.023051
+                    -2.534930,54.023347
+                    -2.535731,54.023952
+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025397
+                    -2.531906,54.025459
+                    -2.530394,54.025202
+                    -2.528882,54.025354
+                    -2.527369,54.025507
+                    -2.525898,54.024858
+                    -2.525857,54.024844
+                    -2.524345,54.023952
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+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520257,54.022145
+                    -2.519808,54.021802
+                    -2.518296,54.021807
+                    -2.516874,54.021239
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+                    -2.515272,54.020634
+                    -2.513760,54.020495
+                    -2.512892,54.020333
+                    -2.512247,54.020262
+                    -2.510772,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.019408
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013219
+                    -2.511133,54.013095
+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010382
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
+                    -2.509223,54.007668
+                    -2.509223,54.006763
+                    -2.507711,54.005861
+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507805,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
+                    -2.512909,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.006543
+                    -2.514566,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.007621
+                    -2.513497,54.007668
+                    -2.513760,54.007697
+                    -2.515272,54.007835
+                    -2.515810,54.007668
+                    -2.515500,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006362
+                    -2.518296,54.006305
+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
+                    -2.514052,53.998618
+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
+                    -2.511967,53.996811
+                    -2.511815,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.994999
+                    -2.510735,53.994598
+                    -2.509787,53.994999
+                    -2.509223,53.995676
+                    -2.507711,53.995881
+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.994999
+                    -2.504894,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.994131
+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
+                    -2.503299,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.990951
+                    -2.505574,53.990479
+                    -2.504750,53.989573
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
+                    -2.503174,53.987865
+                    -2.502978,53.987765
+                    -2.502391,53.986859
+                    -2.501662,53.986278
+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507806,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979702
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977199
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+                    -2.509223,53.976536
+                    -2.508680,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975477
+                    -2.509727,53.975101
+                    -2.509420,53.974190
+                    -2.509223,53.973732
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532263,53.972383
+                    -2.532110,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973794
+                    -2.531213,53.974190
+                    -2.531906,53.974605
+                    -2.532582,53.975101
+                    -2.532813,53.976002
+                    -2.532429,53.976908
+                    -2.532561,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978324
+                    -2.534255,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979120
+                    -2.535980,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.979897
+                    -2.537955,53.980460
+                    -2.539467,53.980126
+                    -2.540480,53.980527
+                    -2.540529,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.981862
+                    -2.541685,53.982334
+                    -2.541675,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983727
+                    -2.543824,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984251
+                    -2.545516,53.984723
+                    -2.547028,53.984809
+                    -2.548250,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985229
+                    -2.550052,53.985271
+                    -2.551078,53.985953
+                    -2.551280,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987031
+                    -2.551849,53.986859
+                    -2.552051,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985734
+                    -2.554589,53.985572
+                    -2.556101,53.985529
+                    -2.557093,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986268
+                    -2.558210,53.985953
+                    -2.559126,53.985348
+                    -2.559633,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986511
+                    -2.562150,53.986325
+                    -2.562827,53.986859
+                    -2.563662,53.987660
+                    -2.563892,53.987765
+                    -2.563788,53.988667
+                    -2.563834,53.989573
+                    -2.564508,53.990479
+                    -2.565174,53.990788
+                    -2.565639,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991938
+                    -2.564643,53.992286
+                    -2.564089,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.994002
+                    -2.562754,53.994098
+                    -2.563662,53.994217
+                    -2.564441,53.994999
+                    -2.565174,53.995500
+                    -2.565673,53.995910
+                    -2.565434,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997097
+                    -2.563662,53.997035
+                    -2.562150,53.997006
+                    -2.560638,53.996882
+                    -2.560476,53.996811
+                    -2.560638,53.996758
+                    -2.561651,53.995910
+                    -2.561408,53.994999
+                    -2.560638,53.994584
+                    -2.559794,53.994098
+                    -2.559450,53.993192
+                    -2.559278,53.992286
+                    -2.559647,53.991385
+                    -2.559476,53.990479
+                    -2.559126,53.990269
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+                    -2.554589,53.988357
+                    -2.553077,53.988309
+                    -2.552475,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989091
+                    -2.554589,53.989573
+                    -2.554591,53.989573
+                    -2.555382,53.990479
+                    -2.554967,53.991385
+                    -2.555212,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992629
+                    -2.553352,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993516
+                    -2.552220,53.994098
+                    -2.551564,53.994389
+                    -2.550220,53.994999
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+                    -2.534930,54.017572
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+                    -2.534930,54.017830
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+                    -2.530394,54.020476
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+                    -2.533418,54.019561
+                    -2.534621,54.020333
+                    -2.534930,54.020572
+                    -2.535562,54.021239
+                    -2.534930,54.021468
+                    -2.534297,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.020791
+                    -2.532704,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.021802
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+                    -2.534694,54.023051
+                    -2.534930,54.023347
+                    -2.535731,54.023952
+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025397
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+                    -2.530394,54.025202
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+                    -2.525857,54.024844
+                    -2.524345,54.023952
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+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520257,54.022145
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+                    -2.518296,54.021807
+                    -2.516874,54.021239
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+                    -2.515272,54.020634
+                    -2.513760,54.020495
+                    -2.512892,54.020333
+                    -2.512247,54.020262
+                    -2.510772,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.019408
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013219
+                    -2.511133,54.013095
+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010382
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
+                    -2.509223,54.007668
+                    -2.509223,54.006763
+                    -2.507711,54.005861
+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507805,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
+                    -2.512909,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.006543
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+                    -2.513760,54.007621
+                    -2.513497,54.007668
+                    -2.513760,54.007697
+                    -2.515272,54.007835
+                    -2.515810,54.007668
+                    -2.515500,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006362
+                    -2.518296,54.006305
+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
+                    -2.514052,53.998618
+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
+                    -2.511967,53.996811
+                    -2.511815,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.994999
+                    -2.510735,53.994598
+                    -2.509787,53.994999
+                    -2.509223,53.995676
+                    -2.507711,53.995881
+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.994999
+                    -2.504894,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.994131
+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
+                    -2.503299,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.990951
+                    -2.505574,53.990479
+                    -2.504750,53.989573
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
+                    -2.503174,53.987865
+                    -2.502978,53.987765
+                    -2.502391,53.986859
+                    -2.501662,53.986278
+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507806,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979702
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977199
+                    -2.509642,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976536
+                    -2.508680,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975477
+                    -2.509727,53.975101
+                    -2.509420,53.974190
+                    -2.509223,53.973732
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532263,53.972383
+                    -2.532110,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973794
+                    -2.531213,53.974190
+                    -2.531906,53.974605
+                    -2.532582,53.975101
+                    -2.532813,53.976002
+                    -2.532429,53.976908
+                    -2.532561,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978324
+                    -2.534255,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979120
+                    -2.535980,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.979897
+                    -2.537955,53.980460
+                    -2.539467,53.980126
+                    -2.540480,53.980527
+                    -2.540529,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.981862
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+                    -2.541675,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983727
+                    -2.543824,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984251
+                    -2.545516,53.984723
+                    -2.547028,53.984809
+                    -2.548250,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985229
+                    -2.550052,53.985271
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+                    -2.551280,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987031
+                    -2.551849,53.986859
+                    -2.552051,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985734
+                    -2.554589,53.985572
+                    -2.556101,53.985529
+                    -2.557093,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986268
+                    -2.558210,53.985953
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+                    -2.559633,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986511
+                    -2.562150,53.986325
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+                    -2.563892,53.987765
+                    -2.563788,53.988667
+                    -2.563834,53.989573
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+                    -2.565639,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991938
+                    -2.564643,53.992286
+                    -2.564089,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.994002
+                    -2.562754,53.994098
+                    -2.563662,53.994217
+                    -2.564441,53.994999
+                    -2.565174,53.995500
+                    -2.565673,53.995910
+                    -2.565434,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997097
+                    -2.563662,53.997035
+                    -2.562150,53.997006
+                    -2.560638,53.996882
+                    -2.560476,53.996811
+                    -2.560638,53.996758
+                    -2.561651,53.995910
+                    -2.561408,53.994999
+                    -2.560638,53.994584
+                    -2.559794,53.994098
+                    -2.559450,53.993192
+                    -2.559278,53.992286
+                    -2.559647,53.991385
+                    -2.559476,53.990479
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+                    -2.554589,53.988357
+                    -2.553077,53.988309
+                    -2.552475,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989091
+                    -2.554589,53.989573
+                    -2.554591,53.989573
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+                    -2.545887,54.010382
+                    -2.546272,54.011288
+                    -2.547028,54.011602
+                    -2.547345,54.012194
+                    -2.547028,54.013038
+                    -2.546923,54.013095
+                    -2.545516,54.013314
+                    -2.544657,54.013095
+                    -2.544003,54.012847
+                    -2.543664,54.013095
+                    -2.543307,54.014001
+                    -2.542491,54.014521
+                    -2.540979,54.014540
+                    -2.540387,54.014907
+                    -2.539467,54.015040
+                    -2.537955,54.015136
+                    -2.536443,54.015050
+                    -2.535531,54.015813
+                    -2.534930,54.015965
+                    -2.533894,54.016719
+                    -2.534930,54.017572
+                    -2.535380,54.017620
+                    -2.534930,54.017830
+                    -2.534142,54.018526
+                    -2.533418,54.019046
+                    -2.531906,54.018989
+                    -2.531129,54.019427
+                    -2.530394,54.020166
+                    -2.530159,54.020333
+                    -2.530394,54.020476
+                    -2.531906,54.020681
+                    -2.532521,54.020333
+                    -2.533418,54.019561
+                    -2.534621,54.020333
+                    -2.534930,54.020572
+                    -2.535562,54.021239
+                    -2.534930,54.021468
+                    -2.534297,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.020791
+                    -2.532704,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.021802
+                    -2.533756,54.022145
+                    -2.534694,54.023051
+                    -2.534930,54.023347
+                    -2.535731,54.023952
+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025397
+                    -2.531906,54.025459
+                    -2.530394,54.025202
+                    -2.528882,54.025354
+                    -2.527369,54.025507
+                    -2.525898,54.024858
+                    -2.525857,54.024844
+                    -2.524345,54.023952
+                    -2.522833,54.023051
+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520257,54.022145
+                    -2.519808,54.021802
+                    -2.518296,54.021807
+                    -2.516874,54.021239
+                    -2.516784,54.021158
+                    -2.515272,54.020634
+                    -2.513760,54.020495
+                    -2.512892,54.020333
+                    -2.512247,54.020262
+                    -2.510772,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.019408
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013219
+                    -2.511133,54.013095
+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010382
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
+                    -2.509223,54.007668
+                    -2.509223,54.006763
+                    -2.507711,54.005861
+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507805,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
+                    -2.512909,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.006543
+                    -2.514566,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.007621
+                    -2.513497,54.007668
+                    -2.513760,54.007697
+                    -2.515272,54.007835
+                    -2.515810,54.007668
+                    -2.515500,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006362
+                    -2.518296,54.006305
+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
+                    -2.514052,53.998618
+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
+                    -2.511967,53.996811
+                    -2.511815,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.994999
+                    -2.510735,53.994598
+                    -2.509787,53.994999
+                    -2.509223,53.995676
+                    -2.507711,53.995881
+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.994999
+                    -2.504894,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.994131
+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
+                    -2.503299,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.990951
+                    -2.505574,53.990479
+                    -2.504750,53.989573
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
+                    -2.503174,53.987865
+                    -2.502978,53.987765
+                    -2.502391,53.986859
+                    -2.501662,53.986278
+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507806,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979702
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977199
+                    -2.509642,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976536
+                    -2.508680,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975477
+                    -2.509727,53.975101
+                    -2.509420,53.974190
+                    -2.509223,53.973732
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532263,53.972383
+                    -2.532110,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973794
+                    -2.531213,53.974190
+                    -2.531906,53.974605
+                    -2.532582,53.975101
+                    -2.532813,53.976002
+                    -2.532429,53.976908
+                    -2.532561,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978324
+                    -2.534255,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979120
+                    -2.535980,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.979897
+                    -2.537955,53.980460
+                    -2.539467,53.980126
+                    -2.540480,53.980527
+                    -2.540529,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.981862
+                    -2.541685,53.982334
+                    -2.541675,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983727
+                    -2.543824,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984251
+                    -2.545516,53.984723
+                    -2.547028,53.984809
+                    -2.548250,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985229
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+                    -2.551078,53.985953
+                    -2.551280,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987031
+                    -2.551849,53.986859
+                    -2.552051,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985734
+                    -2.554589,53.985572
+                    -2.556101,53.985529
+                    -2.557093,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986268
+                    -2.558210,53.985953
+                    -2.559126,53.985348
+                    -2.559633,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986511
+                    -2.562150,53.986325
+                    -2.562827,53.986859
+                    -2.563662,53.987660
+                    -2.563892,53.987765
+                    -2.563788,53.988667
+                    -2.563834,53.989573
+                    -2.564508,53.990479
+                    -2.565174,53.990788
+                    -2.565639,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991938
+                    -2.564643,53.992286
+                    -2.564089,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.994002
+                    -2.562754,53.994098
+                    -2.563662,53.994217
+                    -2.564441,53.994999
+                    -2.565174,53.995500
+                    -2.565673,53.995910
+                    -2.565434,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997097
+                    -2.563662,53.997035
+                    -2.562150,53.997006
+                    -2.560638,53.996882
+                    -2.560476,53.996811
+                    -2.560638,53.996758
+                    -2.561651,53.995910
+                    -2.561408,53.994999
+                    -2.560638,53.994584
+                    -2.559794,53.994098
+                    -2.559450,53.993192
+                    -2.559278,53.992286
+                    -2.559647,53.991385
+                    -2.559476,53.990479
+                    -2.559126,53.990269
+                    -2.557613,53.990188
+                    -2.556919,53.989573
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+                    -2.554589,53.988357
+                    -2.553077,53.988309
+                    -2.552475,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989091
+                    -2.554589,53.989573
+                    -2.554591,53.989573
+                    -2.555382,53.990479
+                    -2.554967,53.991385
+                    -2.555212,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992629
+                    -2.553352,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993516
+                    -2.552220,53.994098
+                    -2.551564,53.994389
+                    -2.550220,53.994999
+                    -2.550052,53.995090
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+                    -2.539467,54.000430
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+                    -2.545543,54.009476
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+                    -2.534930,54.017830
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+                    -2.530394,54.020476
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+                    -2.532521,54.020333
+                    -2.533418,54.019561
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+                    -2.534930,54.020572
+                    -2.535562,54.021239
+                    -2.534930,54.021468
+                    -2.534297,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.020791
+                    -2.532704,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.021802
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+                    -2.534694,54.023051
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+                    -2.534930,54.024858
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+                    -2.530394,54.025202
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+                    -2.512247,54.020262
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013219
+                    -2.511133,54.013095
+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010382
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
+                    -2.509223,54.007668
+                    -2.509223,54.006763
+                    -2.507711,54.005861
+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507805,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
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+                    -2.513760,54.007621
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+                    -2.515500,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006362
+                    -2.518296,54.006305
+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
+                    -2.514052,53.998618
+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
+                    -2.511967,53.996811
+                    -2.511815,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.994999
+                    -2.510735,53.994598
+                    -2.509787,53.994999
+                    -2.509223,53.995676
+                    -2.507711,53.995881
+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.994999
+                    -2.504894,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.994131
+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
+                    -2.503299,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.990951
+                    -2.505574,53.990479
+                    -2.504750,53.989573
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
+                    -2.503174,53.987865
+                    -2.502978,53.987765
+                    -2.502391,53.986859
+                    -2.501662,53.986278
+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507806,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979702
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977199
+                    -2.509642,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976536
+                    -2.508680,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975477
+                    -2.509727,53.975101
+                    -2.509420,53.974190
+                    -2.509223,53.973732
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532263,53.972383
+                    -2.532110,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973794
+                    -2.531213,53.974190
+                    -2.531906,53.974605
+                    -2.532582,53.975101
+                    -2.532813,53.976002
+                    -2.532429,53.976908
+                    -2.532561,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978324
+                    -2.534255,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979120
+                    -2.535980,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.979897
+                    -2.537955,53.980460
+                    -2.539467,53.980126
+                    -2.540480,53.980527
+                    -2.540529,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.981862
+                    -2.541685,53.982334
+                    -2.541675,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983727
+                    -2.543824,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984251
+                    -2.545516,53.984723
+                    -2.547028,53.984809
+                    -2.548250,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985229
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+                    -2.551280,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987031
+                    -2.551849,53.986859
+                    -2.552051,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985734
+                    -2.554589,53.985572
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+                    -2.557093,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986268
+                    -2.558210,53.985953
+                    -2.559126,53.985348
+                    -2.559633,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986511
+                    -2.562150,53.986325
+                    -2.562827,53.986859
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+                    -2.563892,53.987765
+                    -2.563788,53.988667
+                    -2.563834,53.989573
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+                    -2.565639,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991938
+                    -2.564643,53.992286
+                    -2.564089,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.994002
+                    -2.562754,53.994098
+                    -2.563662,53.994217
+                    -2.564441,53.994999
+                    -2.565174,53.995500
+                    -2.565673,53.995910
+                    -2.565434,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997097
+                    -2.563662,53.997035
+                    -2.562150,53.997006
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+                    -2.560476,53.996811
+                    -2.560638,53.996758
+                    -2.561651,53.995910
+                    -2.561408,53.994999
+                    -2.560638,53.994584
+                    -2.559794,53.994098
+                    -2.559450,53.993192
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+                    -2.559476,53.990479
+                    -2.559126,53.990269
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+                    -2.552475,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989091
+                    -2.554589,53.989573
+                    -2.554591,53.989573
+                    -2.555382,53.990479
+                    -2.554967,53.991385
+                    -2.555212,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992629
+                    -2.553352,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993516
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+                    -2.550220,53.994999
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+                    -2.545543,54.009476
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+                    -2.537955,54.015136
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+                    -2.534930,54.017572
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+                    -2.534930,54.017830
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+                    -2.530394,54.020476
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+                    -2.532521,54.020333
+                    -2.533418,54.019561
+                    -2.534621,54.020333
+                    -2.534930,54.020572
+                    -2.535562,54.021239
+                    -2.534930,54.021468
+                    -2.534297,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.020791
+                    -2.532704,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.021802
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+                    -2.534694,54.023051
+                    -2.534930,54.023347
+                    -2.535731,54.023952
+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025397
+                    -2.531906,54.025459
+                    -2.530394,54.025202
+                    -2.528882,54.025354
+                    -2.527369,54.025507
+                    -2.525898,54.024858
+                    -2.525857,54.024844
+                    -2.524345,54.023952
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+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520257,54.022145
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+                    -2.518296,54.021807
+                    -2.516874,54.021239
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+                    -2.515272,54.020634
+                    -2.513760,54.020495
+                    -2.512892,54.020333
+                    -2.512247,54.020262
+                    -2.510772,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.019408
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013219
+                    -2.511133,54.013095
+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010382
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
+                    -2.509223,54.007668
+                    -2.509223,54.006763
+                    -2.507711,54.005861
+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507805,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
+                    -2.512909,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.006543
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+                    -2.513760,54.007621
+                    -2.513497,54.007668
+                    -2.513760,54.007697
+                    -2.515272,54.007835
+                    -2.515810,54.007668
+                    -2.515500,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006362
+                    -2.518296,54.006305
+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
+                    -2.514052,53.998618
+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
+                    -2.511967,53.996811
+                    -2.511815,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.994999
+                    -2.510735,53.994598
+                    -2.509787,53.994999
+                    -2.509223,53.995676
+                    -2.507711,53.995881
+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.994999
+                    -2.504894,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.994131
+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
+                    -2.503299,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.990951
+                    -2.505574,53.990479
+                    -2.504750,53.989573
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
+                    -2.503174,53.987865
+                    -2.502978,53.987765
+                    -2.502391,53.986859
+                    -2.501662,53.986278
+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507806,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979702
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
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+                    -2.509223,53.976536
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+                    -2.509223,53.975477
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+                    -2.509420,53.974190
+                    -2.509223,53.973732
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532263,53.972383
+                    -2.532110,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973794
+                    -2.531213,53.974190
+                    -2.531906,53.974605
+                    -2.532582,53.975101
+                    -2.532813,53.976002
+                    -2.532429,53.976908
+                    -2.532561,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978324
+                    -2.534255,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979120
+                    -2.535980,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.979897
+                    -2.537955,53.980460
+                    -2.539467,53.980126
+                    -2.540480,53.980527
+                    -2.540529,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.981862
+                    -2.541685,53.982334
+                    -2.541675,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983727
+                    -2.543824,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984251
+                    -2.545516,53.984723
+                    -2.547028,53.984809
+                    -2.548250,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985229
+                    -2.550052,53.985271
+                    -2.551078,53.985953
+                    -2.551280,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987031
+                    -2.551849,53.986859
+                    -2.552051,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985734
+                    -2.554589,53.985572
+                    -2.556101,53.985529
+                    -2.557093,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986268
+                    -2.558210,53.985953
+                    -2.559126,53.985348
+                    -2.559633,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986511
+                    -2.562150,53.986325
+                    -2.562827,53.986859
+                    -2.563662,53.987660
+                    -2.563892,53.987765
+                    -2.563788,53.988667
+                    -2.563834,53.989573
+                    -2.564508,53.990479
+                    -2.565174,53.990788
+                    -2.565639,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991938
+                    -2.564643,53.992286
+                    -2.564089,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.994002
+                    -2.562754,53.994098
+                    -2.563662,53.994217
+                    -2.564441,53.994999
+                    -2.565174,53.995500
+                    -2.565673,53.995910
+                    -2.565434,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997097
+                    -2.563662,53.997035
+                    -2.562150,53.997006
+                    -2.560638,53.996882
+                    -2.560476,53.996811
+                    -2.560638,53.996758
+                    -2.561651,53.995910
+                    -2.561408,53.994999
+                    -2.560638,53.994584
+                    -2.559794,53.994098
+                    -2.559450,53.993192
+                    -2.559278,53.992286
+                    -2.559647,53.991385
+                    -2.559476,53.990479
+                    -2.559126,53.990269
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+                    -2.556919,53.989573
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+                    -2.555106,53.988667
+                    -2.554589,53.988357
+                    -2.553077,53.988309
+                    -2.552475,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989091
+                    -2.554589,53.989573
+                    -2.554591,53.989573
+                    -2.555382,53.990479
+                    -2.554967,53.991385
+                    -2.555212,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992629
+                    -2.553352,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993516
+                    -2.552220,53.994098
+                    -2.551564,53.994389
+                    -2.550220,53.994999
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+                    -2.534930,54.017572
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+                    -2.534930,54.017830
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+                    -2.530394,54.020476
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+                    -2.533418,54.019561
+                    -2.534621,54.020333
+                    -2.534930,54.020572
+                    -2.535562,54.021239
+                    -2.534930,54.021468
+                    -2.534297,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.020791
+                    -2.532704,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.021802
+                    -2.533756,54.022145
+                    -2.534694,54.023051
+                    -2.534930,54.023347
+                    -2.535731,54.023952
+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025397
+                    -2.531906,54.025459
+                    -2.530394,54.025202
+                    -2.528882,54.025354
+                    -2.527369,54.025507
+                    -2.525898,54.024858
+                    -2.525857,54.024844
+                    -2.524345,54.023952
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+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520257,54.022145
+                    -2.519808,54.021802
+                    -2.518296,54.021807
+                    -2.516874,54.021239
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+                    -2.515272,54.020634
+                    -2.513760,54.020495
+                    -2.512892,54.020333
+                    -2.512247,54.020262
+                    -2.510772,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.019408
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013219
+                    -2.511133,54.013095
+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010382
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
+                    -2.509223,54.007668
+                    -2.509223,54.006763
+                    -2.507711,54.005861
+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507805,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
+                    -2.512909,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.006543
+                    -2.514566,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.007621
+                    -2.513497,54.007668
+                    -2.513760,54.007697
+                    -2.515272,54.007835
+                    -2.515810,54.007668
+                    -2.515500,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006362
+                    -2.518296,54.006305
+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
+                    -2.514052,53.998618
+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
+                    -2.511967,53.996811
+                    -2.511815,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.994999
+                    -2.510735,53.994598
+                    -2.509787,53.994999
+                    -2.509223,53.995676
+                    -2.507711,53.995881
+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.994999
+                    -2.504894,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.994131
+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
+                    -2.503299,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.990951
+                    -2.505574,53.990479
+                    -2.504750,53.989573
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
+                    -2.503174,53.987865
+                    -2.502978,53.987765
+                    -2.502391,53.986859
+                    -2.501662,53.986278
+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507806,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979702
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977199
+                    -2.509642,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976536
+                    -2.508680,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975477
+                    -2.509727,53.975101
+                    -2.509420,53.974190
+                    -2.509223,53.973732
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532263,53.972383
+                    -2.532110,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973794
+                    -2.531213,53.974190
+                    -2.531906,53.974605
+                    -2.532582,53.975101
+                    -2.532813,53.976002
+                    -2.532429,53.976908
+                    -2.532561,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978324
+                    -2.534255,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979120
+                    -2.535980,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.979897
+                    -2.537955,53.980460
+                    -2.539467,53.980126
+                    -2.540480,53.980527
+                    -2.540529,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.981862
+                    -2.541685,53.982334
+                    -2.541675,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983727
+                    -2.543824,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984251
+                    -2.545516,53.984723
+                    -2.547028,53.984809
+                    -2.548250,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985229
+                    -2.550052,53.985271
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+                    -2.551280,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987031
+                    -2.551849,53.986859
+                    -2.552051,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985734
+                    -2.554589,53.985572
+                    -2.556101,53.985529
+                    -2.557093,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986268
+                    -2.558210,53.985953
+                    -2.559126,53.985348
+                    -2.559633,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986511
+                    -2.562150,53.986325
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+                    -2.563662,53.987660
+                    -2.563892,53.987765
+                    -2.563788,53.988667
+                    -2.563834,53.989573
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+                    -2.565174,53.990788
+                    -2.565639,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991938
+                    -2.564643,53.992286
+                    -2.564089,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.994002
+                    -2.562754,53.994098
+                    -2.563662,53.994217
+                    -2.564441,53.994999
+                    -2.565174,53.995500
+                    -2.565673,53.995910
+                    -2.565434,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997097
+                    -2.563662,53.997035
+                    -2.562150,53.997006
+                    -2.560638,53.996882
+                    -2.560476,53.996811
+                    -2.560638,53.996758
+                    -2.561651,53.995910
+                    -2.561408,53.994999
+                    -2.560638,53.994584
+                    -2.559794,53.994098
+                    -2.559450,53.993192
+                    -2.559278,53.992286
+                    -2.559647,53.991385
+                    -2.559476,53.990479
+                    -2.559126,53.990269
+                    -2.557613,53.990188
+                    -2.556919,53.989573
+                    -2.556101,53.989139
+                    -2.555106,53.988667
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+                    -2.544784,54.010382
+                    -2.545437,54.009476
+                    -2.545276,54.008574
+                    -2.545516,54.008508
+                    -2.545647,54.008574
+                    -2.545543,54.009476
+                    -2.545887,54.010382
+                    -2.546272,54.011288
+                    -2.547028,54.011602
+                    -2.547345,54.012194
+                    -2.547028,54.013038
+                    -2.546923,54.013095
+                    -2.545516,54.013314
+                    -2.544657,54.013095
+                    -2.544003,54.012847
+                    -2.543664,54.013095
+                    -2.543307,54.014001
+                    -2.542491,54.014521
+                    -2.540979,54.014540
+                    -2.540387,54.014907
+                    -2.539467,54.015040
+                    -2.537955,54.015136
+                    -2.536443,54.015050
+                    -2.535531,54.015813
+                    -2.534930,54.015965
+                    -2.533894,54.016719
+                    -2.534930,54.017572
+                    -2.535380,54.017620
+                    -2.534930,54.017830
+                    -2.534142,54.018526
+                    -2.533418,54.019046
+                    -2.531906,54.018989
+                    -2.531129,54.019427
+                    -2.530394,54.020166
+                    -2.530159,54.020333
+                    -2.530394,54.020476
+                    -2.531906,54.020681
+                    -2.532521,54.020333
+                    -2.533418,54.019561
+                    -2.534621,54.020333
+                    -2.534930,54.020572
+                    -2.535562,54.021239
+                    -2.534930,54.021468
+                    -2.534297,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.020791
+                    -2.532704,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.021802
+                    -2.533756,54.022145
+                    -2.534694,54.023051
+                    -2.534930,54.023347
+                    -2.535731,54.023952
+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025397
+                    -2.531906,54.025459
+                    -2.530394,54.025202
+                    -2.528882,54.025354
+                    -2.527369,54.025507
+                    -2.525898,54.024858
+                    -2.525857,54.024844
+                    -2.524345,54.023952
+                    -2.522833,54.023051
+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520257,54.022145
+                    -2.519808,54.021802
+                    -2.518296,54.021807
+                    -2.516874,54.021239
+                    -2.516784,54.021158
+                    -2.515272,54.020634
+                    -2.513760,54.020495
+                    -2.512892,54.020333
+                    -2.512247,54.020262
+                    -2.510772,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.019408
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013219
+                    -2.511133,54.013095
+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010382
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
+                    -2.509223,54.007668
+                    -2.509223,54.006763
+                    -2.507711,54.005861
+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507805,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
+                    -2.512909,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.006543
+                    -2.514566,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.007621
+                    -2.513497,54.007668
+                    -2.513760,54.007697
+                    -2.515272,54.007835
+                    -2.515810,54.007668
+                    -2.515500,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006362
+                    -2.518296,54.006305
+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
+                    -2.514052,53.998618
+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
+                    -2.511967,53.996811
+                    -2.511815,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.994999
+                    -2.510735,53.994598
+                    -2.509787,53.994999
+                    -2.509223,53.995676
+                    -2.507711,53.995881
+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.994999
+                    -2.504894,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.994131
+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
+                    -2.503299,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.990951
+                    -2.505574,53.990479
+                    -2.504750,53.989573
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
+                    -2.503174,53.987865
+                    -2.502978,53.987765
+                    -2.502391,53.986859
+                    -2.501662,53.986278
+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507806,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979702
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977199
+                    -2.509642,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976536
+                    -2.508680,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975477
+                    -2.509727,53.975101
+                    -2.509420,53.974190
+                    -2.509223,53.973732
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532263,53.972383
+                    -2.532110,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973794
+                    -2.531213,53.974190
+                    -2.531906,53.974605
+                    -2.532582,53.975101
+                    -2.532813,53.976002
+                    -2.532429,53.976908
+                    -2.532561,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978324
+                    -2.534255,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979120
+                    -2.535980,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.979897
+                    -2.537955,53.980460
+                    -2.539467,53.980126
+                    -2.540480,53.980527
+                    -2.540529,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.981862
+                    -2.541685,53.982334
+                    -2.541675,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983727
+                    -2.543824,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984251
+                    -2.545516,53.984723
+                    -2.547028,53.984809
+                    -2.548250,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985229
+                    -2.550052,53.985271
+                    -2.551078,53.985953
+                    -2.551280,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987031
+                    -2.551849,53.986859
+                    -2.552051,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985734
+                    -2.554589,53.985572
+                    -2.556101,53.985529
+                    -2.557093,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986268
+                    -2.558210,53.985953
+                    -2.559126,53.985348
+                    -2.559633,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986511
+                    -2.562150,53.986325
+                    -2.562827,53.986859
+                    -2.563662,53.987660
+                    -2.563892,53.987765
+                    -2.563788,53.988667
+                    -2.563834,53.989573
+                    -2.564508,53.990479
+                    -2.565174,53.990788
+                    -2.565639,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991938
+                    -2.564643,53.992286
+                    -2.564089,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.994002
+                    -2.562754,53.994098
+                    -2.563662,53.994217
+                    -2.564441,53.994999
+                    -2.565174,53.995500
+                    -2.565673,53.995910
+                    -2.565434,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997097
+                    -2.563662,53.997035
+                    -2.562150,53.997006
+                    -2.560638,53.996882
+                    -2.560476,53.996811
+                    -2.560638,53.996758
+                    -2.561651,53.995910
+                    -2.561408,53.994999
+                    -2.560638,53.994584
+                    -2.559794,53.994098
+                    -2.559450,53.993192
+                    -2.559278,53.992286
+                    -2.559647,53.991385
+                    -2.559476,53.990479
+                    -2.559126,53.990269
+                    -2.557613,53.990188
+                    -2.556919,53.989573
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+                    -2.554589,53.988357
+                    -2.553077,53.988309
+                    -2.552475,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989091
+                    -2.554589,53.989573
+                    -2.554591,53.989573
+                    -2.555382,53.990479
+                    -2.554967,53.991385
+                    -2.555212,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992629
+                    -2.553352,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993516
+                    -2.552220,53.994098
+                    -2.551564,53.994389
+                    -2.550220,53.994999
+                    -2.550052,53.995090
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+                    -2.539467,54.000430
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+                    -2.545543,54.009476
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+                    -2.534930,54.017572
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+                    -2.534930,54.017830
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+                    -2.530394,54.020476
+                    -2.531906,54.020681
+                    -2.532521,54.020333
+                    -2.533418,54.019561
+                    -2.534621,54.020333
+                    -2.534930,54.020572
+                    -2.535562,54.021239
+                    -2.534930,54.021468
+                    -2.534297,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.020791
+                    -2.532704,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.021802
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+                    -2.534694,54.023051
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+                    -2.534930,54.024858
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+                    -2.530394,54.025202
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+                    -2.512247,54.020262
+                    -2.510772,54.019427
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013219
+                    -2.511133,54.013095
+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010382
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
+                    -2.509223,54.007668
+                    -2.509223,54.006763
+                    -2.507711,54.005861
+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507805,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
+                    -2.512909,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.006543
+                    -2.514566,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.007621
+                    -2.513497,54.007668
+                    -2.513760,54.007697
+                    -2.515272,54.007835
+                    -2.515810,54.007668
+                    -2.515500,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006362
+                    -2.518296,54.006305
+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
+                    -2.514052,53.998618
+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
+                    -2.511967,53.996811
+                    -2.511815,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.994999
+                    -2.510735,53.994598
+                    -2.509787,53.994999
+                    -2.509223,53.995676
+                    -2.507711,53.995881
+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.994999
+                    -2.504894,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.994131
+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
+                    -2.503299,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.990951
+                    -2.505574,53.990479
+                    -2.504750,53.989573
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
+                    -2.503174,53.987865
+                    -2.502978,53.987765
+                    -2.502391,53.986859
+                    -2.501662,53.986278
+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507806,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979702
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977199
+                    -2.509642,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976536
+                    -2.508680,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975477
+                    -2.509727,53.975101
+                    -2.509420,53.974190
+                    -2.509223,53.973732
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532263,53.972383
+                    -2.532110,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973794
+                    -2.531213,53.974190
+                    -2.531906,53.974605
+                    -2.532582,53.975101
+                    -2.532813,53.976002
+                    -2.532429,53.976908
+                    -2.532561,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978324
+                    -2.534255,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979120
+                    -2.535980,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.979897
+                    -2.537955,53.980460
+                    -2.539467,53.980126
+                    -2.540480,53.980527
+                    -2.540529,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.981862
+                    -2.541685,53.982334
+                    -2.541675,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983727
+                    -2.543824,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984251
+                    -2.545516,53.984723
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+                    -2.548250,53.985052
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+                    -2.551849,53.986859
+                    -2.552051,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985734
+                    -2.554589,53.985572
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+                    -2.557093,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986268
+                    -2.558210,53.985953
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+                    -2.559633,53.985953
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+                    -2.562150,53.986325
+                    -2.562827,53.986859
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+                    -2.563892,53.987765
+                    -2.563788,53.988667
+                    -2.563834,53.989573
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+                    -2.565639,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991938
+                    -2.564643,53.992286
+                    -2.564089,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.994002
+                    -2.562754,53.994098
+                    -2.563662,53.994217
+                    -2.564441,53.994999
+                    -2.565174,53.995500
+                    -2.565673,53.995910
+                    -2.565434,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997097
+                    -2.563662,53.997035
+                    -2.562150,53.997006
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+                    -2.560476,53.996811
+                    -2.560638,53.996758
+                    -2.561651,53.995910
+                    -2.561408,53.994999
+                    -2.560638,53.994584
+                    -2.559794,53.994098
+                    -2.559450,53.993192
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+                    -2.559126,53.990269
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+                    -2.552475,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989091
+                    -2.554589,53.989573
+                    -2.554591,53.989573
+                    -2.555382,53.990479
+                    -2.554967,53.991385
+                    -2.555212,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992629
+                    -2.553352,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993516
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+                    -2.545543,54.009476
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+                    -2.537955,54.015136
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+                    -2.534930,54.017572
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+                    -2.534930,54.017830
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+                    -2.530394,54.020476
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+                    -2.532521,54.020333
+                    -2.533418,54.019561
+                    -2.534621,54.020333
+                    -2.534930,54.020572
+                    -2.535562,54.021239
+                    -2.534930,54.021468
+                    -2.534297,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.020791
+                    -2.532704,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.021802
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+                    -2.534694,54.023051
+                    -2.534930,54.023347
+                    -2.535731,54.023952
+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025397
+                    -2.531906,54.025459
+                    -2.530394,54.025202
+                    -2.528882,54.025354
+                    -2.527369,54.025507
+                    -2.525898,54.024858
+                    -2.525857,54.024844
+                    -2.524345,54.023952
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+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520257,54.022145
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+                    -2.518296,54.021807
+                    -2.516874,54.021239
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+                    -2.515272,54.020634
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+                    -2.512892,54.020333
+                    -2.512247,54.020262
+                    -2.510772,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.019408
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013219
+                    -2.511133,54.013095
+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010382
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
+                    -2.509223,54.007668
+                    -2.509223,54.006763
+                    -2.507711,54.005861
+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507805,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
+                    -2.512909,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.006543
+                    -2.514566,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.007621
+                    -2.513497,54.007668
+                    -2.513760,54.007697
+                    -2.515272,54.007835
+                    -2.515810,54.007668
+                    -2.515500,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006362
+                    -2.518296,54.006305
+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
+                    -2.514052,53.998618
+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
+                    -2.511967,53.996811
+                    -2.511815,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.994999
+                    -2.510735,53.994598
+                    -2.509787,53.994999
+                    -2.509223,53.995676
+                    -2.507711,53.995881
+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.994999
+                    -2.504894,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
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+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
+                    -2.503299,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.990951
+                    -2.505574,53.990479
+                    -2.504750,53.989573
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
+                    -2.503174,53.987865
+                    -2.502978,53.987765
+                    -2.502391,53.986859
+                    -2.501662,53.986278
+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507806,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979702
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977199
+                    -2.509642,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976536
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+                    -2.509223,53.975477
+                    -2.509727,53.975101
+                    -2.509420,53.974190
+                    -2.509223,53.973732
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532263,53.972383
+                    -2.532110,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973794
+                    -2.531213,53.974190
+                    -2.531906,53.974605
+                    -2.532582,53.975101
+                    -2.532813,53.976002
+                    -2.532429,53.976908
+                    -2.532561,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978324
+                    -2.534255,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979120
+                    -2.535980,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.979897
+                    -2.537955,53.980460
+                    -2.539467,53.980126
+                    -2.540480,53.980527
+                    -2.540529,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.981862
+                    -2.541685,53.982334
+                    -2.541675,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983727
+                    -2.543824,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984251
+                    -2.545516,53.984723
+                    -2.547028,53.984809
+                    -2.548250,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985229
+                    -2.550052,53.985271
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+                    -2.551280,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987031
+                    -2.551849,53.986859
+                    -2.552051,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985734
+                    -2.554589,53.985572
+                    -2.556101,53.985529
+                    -2.557093,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986268
+                    -2.558210,53.985953
+                    -2.559126,53.985348
+                    -2.559633,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986511
+                    -2.562150,53.986325
+                    -2.562827,53.986859
+                    -2.563662,53.987660
+                    -2.563892,53.987765
+                    -2.563788,53.988667
+                    -2.563834,53.989573
+                    -2.564508,53.990479
+                    -2.565174,53.990788
+                    -2.565639,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991938
+                    -2.564643,53.992286
+                    -2.564089,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.994002
+                    -2.562754,53.994098
+                    -2.563662,53.994217
+                    -2.564441,53.994999
+                    -2.565174,53.995500
+                    -2.565673,53.995910
+                    -2.565434,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997097
+                    -2.563662,53.997035
+                    -2.562150,53.997006
+                    -2.560638,53.996882
+                    -2.560476,53.996811
+                    -2.560638,53.996758
+                    -2.561651,53.995910
+                    -2.561408,53.994999
+                    -2.560638,53.994584
+                    -2.559794,53.994098
+                    -2.559450,53.993192
+                    -2.559278,53.992286
+                    -2.559647,53.991385
+                    -2.559476,53.990479
+                    -2.559126,53.990269
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+                    -2.554589,53.988357
+                    -2.553077,53.988309
+                    -2.552475,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989091
+                    -2.554589,53.989573
+                    -2.554591,53.989573
+                    -2.555382,53.990479
+                    -2.554967,53.991385
+                    -2.555212,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992629
+                    -2.553352,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993516
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+                    -2.551564,53.994389
+                    -2.550220,53.994999
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+                    -2.534930,54.017572
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+                    -2.534930,54.017830
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+                    -2.530394,54.020476
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+                    -2.533418,54.019561
+                    -2.534621,54.020333
+                    -2.534930,54.020572
+                    -2.535562,54.021239
+                    -2.534930,54.021468
+                    -2.534297,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.020791
+                    -2.532704,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.021802
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+                    -2.534694,54.023051
+                    -2.534930,54.023347
+                    -2.535731,54.023952
+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025397
+                    -2.531906,54.025459
+                    -2.530394,54.025202
+                    -2.528882,54.025354
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+                    -2.525898,54.024858
+                    -2.525857,54.024844
+                    -2.524345,54.023952
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+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520257,54.022145
+                    -2.519808,54.021802
+                    -2.518296,54.021807
+                    -2.516874,54.021239
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+                    -2.515272,54.020634
+                    -2.513760,54.020495
+                    -2.512892,54.020333
+                    -2.512247,54.020262
+                    -2.510772,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.019408
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013219
+                    -2.511133,54.013095
+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010382
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
+                    -2.509223,54.007668
+                    -2.509223,54.006763
+                    -2.507711,54.005861
+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507805,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
+                    -2.512909,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.006543
+                    -2.514566,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.007621
+                    -2.513497,54.007668
+                    -2.513760,54.007697
+                    -2.515272,54.007835
+                    -2.515810,54.007668
+                    -2.515500,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006362
+                    -2.518296,54.006305
+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
+                    -2.514052,53.998618
+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
+                    -2.511967,53.996811
+                    -2.511815,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.994999
+                    -2.510735,53.994598
+                    -2.509787,53.994999
+                    -2.509223,53.995676
+                    -2.507711,53.995881
+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.994999
+                    -2.504894,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.994131
+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
+                    -2.503299,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.990951
+                    -2.505574,53.990479
+                    -2.504750,53.989573
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
+                    -2.503174,53.987865
+                    -2.502978,53.987765
+                    -2.502391,53.986859
+                    -2.501662,53.986278
+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507806,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979702
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977199
+                    -2.509642,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976536
+                    -2.508680,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975477
+                    -2.509727,53.975101
+                    -2.509420,53.974190
+                    -2.509223,53.973732
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532263,53.972383
+                    -2.532110,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973794
+                    -2.531213,53.974190
+                    -2.531906,53.974605
+                    -2.532582,53.975101
+                    -2.532813,53.976002
+                    -2.532429,53.976908
+                    -2.532561,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978324
+                    -2.534255,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979120
+                    -2.535980,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.979897
+                    -2.537955,53.980460
+                    -2.539467,53.980126
+                    -2.540480,53.980527
+                    -2.540529,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.981862
+                    -2.541685,53.982334
+                    -2.541675,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983727
+                    -2.543824,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984251
+                    -2.545516,53.984723
+                    -2.547028,53.984809
+                    -2.548250,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985229
+                    -2.550052,53.985271
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+                    -2.551280,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987031
+                    -2.551849,53.986859
+                    -2.552051,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985734
+                    -2.554589,53.985572
+                    -2.556101,53.985529
+                    -2.557093,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986268
+                    -2.558210,53.985953
+                    -2.559126,53.985348
+                    -2.559633,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986511
+                    -2.562150,53.986325
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+                    -2.563892,53.987765
+                    -2.563788,53.988667
+                    -2.563834,53.989573
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+                    -2.565639,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991938
+                    -2.564643,53.992286
+                    -2.564089,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.994002
+                    -2.562754,53.994098
+                    -2.563662,53.994217
+                    -2.564441,53.994999
+                    -2.565174,53.995500
+                    -2.565673,53.995910
+                    -2.565434,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997097
+                    -2.563662,53.997035
+                    -2.562150,53.997006
+                    -2.560638,53.996882
+                    -2.560476,53.996811
+                    -2.560638,53.996758
+                    -2.561651,53.995910
+                    -2.561408,53.994999
+                    -2.560638,53.994584
+                    -2.559794,53.994098
+                    -2.559450,53.993192
+                    -2.559278,53.992286
+                    -2.559647,53.991385
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+                    -2.537306,54.011288
+                    -2.537955,54.011998
+                    -2.539467,54.011998
+                    -2.540979,54.011598
+                    -2.542491,54.012117
+                    -2.544003,54.011455
+                    -2.544692,54.011288
+                    -2.544784,54.010382
+                    -2.545437,54.009476
+                    -2.545276,54.008574
+                    -2.545516,54.008508
+                    -2.545647,54.008574
+                    -2.545543,54.009476
+                    -2.545887,54.010382
+                    -2.546272,54.011288
+                    -2.547028,54.011602
+                    -2.547345,54.012194
+                    -2.547028,54.013038
+                    -2.546923,54.013095
+                    -2.545516,54.013314
+                    -2.544657,54.013095
+                    -2.544003,54.012847
+                    -2.543664,54.013095
+                    -2.543307,54.014001
+                    -2.542491,54.014521
+                    -2.540979,54.014540
+                    -2.540387,54.014907
+                    -2.539467,54.015040
+                    -2.537955,54.015136
+                    -2.536443,54.015050
+                    -2.535531,54.015813
+                    -2.534930,54.015965
+                    -2.533894,54.016719
+                    -2.534930,54.017572
+                    -2.535380,54.017620
+                    -2.534930,54.017830
+                    -2.534142,54.018526
+                    -2.533418,54.019046
+                    -2.531906,54.018989
+                    -2.531129,54.019427
+                    -2.530394,54.020166
+                    -2.530159,54.020333
+                    -2.530394,54.020476
+                    -2.531906,54.020681
+                    -2.532521,54.020333
+                    -2.533418,54.019561
+                    -2.534621,54.020333
+                    -2.534930,54.020572
+                    -2.535562,54.021239
+                    -2.534930,54.021468
+                    -2.534297,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.020791
+                    -2.532704,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.021802
+                    -2.533756,54.022145
+                    -2.534694,54.023051
+                    -2.534930,54.023347
+                    -2.535731,54.023952
+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025397
+                    -2.531906,54.025459
+                    -2.530394,54.025202
+                    -2.528882,54.025354
+                    -2.527369,54.025507
+                    -2.525898,54.024858
+                    -2.525857,54.024844
+                    -2.524345,54.023952
+                    -2.522833,54.023051
+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520257,54.022145
+                    -2.519808,54.021802
+                    -2.518296,54.021807
+                    -2.516874,54.021239
+                    -2.516784,54.021158
+                    -2.515272,54.020634
+                    -2.513760,54.020495
+                    -2.512892,54.020333
+                    -2.512247,54.020262
+                    -2.510772,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.019408
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013219
+                    -2.511133,54.013095
+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010382
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
+                    -2.509223,54.007668
+                    -2.509223,54.006763
+                    -2.507711,54.005861
+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507805,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
+                    -2.512909,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.006543
+                    -2.514566,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.007621
+                    -2.513497,54.007668
+                    -2.513760,54.007697
+                    -2.515272,54.007835
+                    -2.515810,54.007668
+                    -2.515500,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006362
+                    -2.518296,54.006305
+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
+                    -2.514052,53.998618
+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
+                    -2.511967,53.996811
+                    -2.511815,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.994999
+                    -2.510735,53.994598
+                    -2.509787,53.994999
+                    -2.509223,53.995676
+                    -2.507711,53.995881
+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.994999
+                    -2.504894,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.994131
+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
+                    -2.503299,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.990951
+                    -2.505574,53.990479
+                    -2.504750,53.989573
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
+                    -2.503174,53.987865
+                    -2.502978,53.987765
+                    -2.502391,53.986859
+                    -2.501662,53.986278
+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507806,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979702
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977199
+                    -2.509642,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976536
+                    -2.508680,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975477
+                    -2.509727,53.975101
+                    -2.509420,53.974190
+                    -2.509223,53.973732
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532263,53.972383
+                    -2.532110,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973794
+                    -2.531213,53.974190
+                    -2.531906,53.974605
+                    -2.532582,53.975101
+                    -2.532813,53.976002
+                    -2.532429,53.976908
+                    -2.532561,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978324
+                    -2.534255,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979120
+                    -2.535980,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.979897
+                    -2.537955,53.980460
+                    -2.539467,53.980126
+                    -2.540480,53.980527
+                    -2.540529,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.981862
+                    -2.541685,53.982334
+                    -2.541675,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983727
+                    -2.543824,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984251
+                    -2.545516,53.984723
+                    -2.547028,53.984809
+                    -2.548250,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985229
+                    -2.550052,53.985271
+                    -2.551078,53.985953
+                    -2.551280,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987031
+                    -2.551849,53.986859
+                    -2.552051,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985734
+                    -2.554589,53.985572
+                    -2.556101,53.985529
+                    -2.557093,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986268
+                    -2.558210,53.985953
+                    -2.559126,53.985348
+                    -2.559633,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986511
+                    -2.562150,53.986325
+                    -2.562827,53.986859
+                    -2.563662,53.987660
+                    -2.563892,53.987765
+                    -2.563788,53.988667
+                    -2.563834,53.989573
+                    -2.564508,53.990479
+                    -2.565174,53.990788
+                    -2.565639,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991938
+                    -2.564643,53.992286
+                    -2.564089,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.994002
+                    -2.562754,53.994098
+                    -2.563662,53.994217
+                    -2.564441,53.994999
+                    -2.565174,53.995500
+                    -2.565673,53.995910
+                    -2.565434,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997097
+                    -2.563662,53.997035
+                    -2.562150,53.997006
+                    -2.560638,53.996882
+                    -2.560476,53.996811
+                    -2.560638,53.996758
+                    -2.561651,53.995910
+                    -2.561408,53.994999
+                    -2.560638,53.994584
+                    -2.559794,53.994098
+                    -2.559450,53.993192
+                    -2.559278,53.992286
+                    -2.559647,53.991385
+                    -2.559476,53.990479
+                    -2.559126,53.990269
+                    -2.557613,53.990188
+                    -2.556919,53.989573
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+                    -2.555106,53.988667
+                    -2.554589,53.988357
+                    -2.553077,53.988309
+                    -2.552475,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989091
+                    -2.554589,53.989573
+                    -2.554591,53.989573
+                    -2.555382,53.990479
+                    -2.554967,53.991385
+                    -2.555212,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992629
+                    -2.553352,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993516
+                    -2.552220,53.994098
+                    -2.551564,53.994389
+                    -2.550220,53.994999
+                    -2.550052,53.995090
+                    -2.548701,53.995910
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+                    -2.542491,53.998704
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+                    -2.539470,54.000430
+                    -2.539467,54.000430
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+                    -2.540979,54.003253
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+                    -2.545543,54.009476
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+                    -2.545516,54.013314
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+                    -2.534930,54.017572
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+                    -2.534930,54.017830
+                    -2.534142,54.018526
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+                    -2.530394,54.020476
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+                    -2.533418,54.019561
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+                    -2.534930,54.020572
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+                    -2.534930,54.021468
+                    -2.534297,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.020791
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+                    -2.533418,54.021802
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+                    -2.534694,54.023051
+                    -2.534930,54.023347
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+                    -2.534930,54.024858
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+                    -2.531906,54.025459
+                    -2.530394,54.025202
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+                    -2.527369,54.025507
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+                    -2.525857,54.024844
+                    -2.524345,54.023952
+                    -2.522833,54.023051
+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520257,54.022145
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+                    -2.512247,54.020262
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013219
+                    -2.511133,54.013095
+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010382
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
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+                    -2.509223,54.006763
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+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507805,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
+                    -2.512909,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.006543
+                    -2.514566,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.007621
+                    -2.513497,54.007668
+                    -2.513760,54.007697
+                    -2.515272,54.007835
+                    -2.515810,54.007668
+                    -2.515500,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006362
+                    -2.518296,54.006305
+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
+                    -2.514052,53.998618
+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
+                    -2.511967,53.996811
+                    -2.511815,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.994999
+                    -2.510735,53.994598
+                    -2.509787,53.994999
+                    -2.509223,53.995676
+                    -2.507711,53.995881
+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.994999
+                    -2.504894,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.994131
+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
+                    -2.503299,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.990951
+                    -2.505574,53.990479
+                    -2.504750,53.989573
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
+                    -2.503174,53.987865
+                    -2.502978,53.987765
+                    -2.502391,53.986859
+                    -2.501662,53.986278
+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507806,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979702
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977199
+                    -2.509642,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976536
+                    -2.508680,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975477
+                    -2.509727,53.975101
+                    -2.509420,53.974190
+                    -2.509223,53.973732
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532263,53.972383
+                    -2.532110,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973794
+                    -2.531213,53.974190
+                    -2.531906,53.974605
+                    -2.532582,53.975101
+                    -2.532813,53.976002
+                    -2.532429,53.976908
+                    -2.532561,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978324
+                    -2.534255,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979120
+                    -2.535980,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.979897
+                    -2.537955,53.980460
+                    -2.539467,53.980126
+                    -2.540480,53.980527
+                    -2.540529,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.981862
+                    -2.541685,53.982334
+                    -2.541675,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983727
+                    -2.543824,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984251
+                    -2.545516,53.984723
+                    -2.547028,53.984809
+                    -2.548250,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985229
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+                    -2.551280,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987031
+                    -2.551849,53.986859
+                    -2.552051,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985734
+                    -2.554589,53.985572
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+                    -2.557093,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986268
+                    -2.558210,53.985953
+                    -2.559126,53.985348
+                    -2.559633,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986511
+                    -2.562150,53.986325
+                    -2.562827,53.986859
+                    -2.563662,53.987660
+                    -2.563892,53.987765
+                    -2.563788,53.988667
+                    -2.563834,53.989573
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+                    -2.565639,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991938
+                    -2.564643,53.992286
+                    -2.564089,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.994002
+                    -2.562754,53.994098
+                    -2.563662,53.994217
+                    -2.564441,53.994999
+                    -2.565174,53.995500
+                    -2.565673,53.995910
+                    -2.565434,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997097
+                    -2.563662,53.997035
+                    -2.562150,53.997006
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+                    -2.560476,53.996811
+                    -2.560638,53.996758
+                    -2.561651,53.995910
+                    -2.561408,53.994999
+                    -2.560638,53.994584
+                    -2.559794,53.994098
+                    -2.559450,53.993192
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+                    -2.559476,53.990479
+                    -2.559126,53.990269
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+                    -2.552475,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989091
+                    -2.554589,53.989573
+                    -2.554591,53.989573
+                    -2.555382,53.990479
+                    -2.554967,53.991385
+                    -2.555212,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992629
+                    -2.553352,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993516
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+                    -2.551564,53.994389
+                    -2.550220,53.994999
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+                    -2.545543,54.009476
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+                    -2.537955,54.015136
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+                    -2.534930,54.017572
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+                    -2.534930,54.017830
+                    -2.534142,54.018526
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+                    -2.530394,54.020476
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+                    -2.532521,54.020333
+                    -2.533418,54.019561
+                    -2.534621,54.020333
+                    -2.534930,54.020572
+                    -2.535562,54.021239
+                    -2.534930,54.021468
+                    -2.534297,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.020791
+                    -2.532704,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.021802
+                    -2.533756,54.022145
+                    -2.534694,54.023051
+                    -2.534930,54.023347
+                    -2.535731,54.023952
+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025397
+                    -2.531906,54.025459
+                    -2.530394,54.025202
+                    -2.528882,54.025354
+                    -2.527369,54.025507
+                    -2.525898,54.024858
+                    -2.525857,54.024844
+                    -2.524345,54.023952
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+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520257,54.022145
+                    -2.519808,54.021802
+                    -2.518296,54.021807
+                    -2.516874,54.021239
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+                    -2.515272,54.020634
+                    -2.513760,54.020495
+                    -2.512892,54.020333
+                    -2.512247,54.020262
+                    -2.510772,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.019408
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013219
+                    -2.511133,54.013095
+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010382
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
+                    -2.509223,54.007668
+                    -2.509223,54.006763
+                    -2.507711,54.005861
+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507805,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
+                    -2.512909,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.006543
+                    -2.514566,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.007621
+                    -2.513497,54.007668
+                    -2.513760,54.007697
+                    -2.515272,54.007835
+                    -2.515810,54.007668
+                    -2.515500,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006362
+                    -2.518296,54.006305
+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
+                    -2.514052,53.998618
+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
+                    -2.511967,53.996811
+                    -2.511815,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.994999
+                    -2.510735,53.994598
+                    -2.509787,53.994999
+                    -2.509223,53.995676
+                    -2.507711,53.995881
+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.994999
+                    -2.504894,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.994131
+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
+                    -2.503299,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.990951
+                    -2.505574,53.990479
+                    -2.504750,53.989573
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
+                    -2.503174,53.987865
+                    -2.502978,53.987765
+                    -2.502391,53.986859
+                    -2.501662,53.986278
+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507806,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979702
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977199
+                    -2.509642,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976536
+                    -2.508680,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975477
+                    -2.509727,53.975101
+                    -2.509420,53.974190
+                    -2.509223,53.973732
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532263,53.972383
+                    -2.532110,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973794
+                    -2.531213,53.974190
+                    -2.531906,53.974605
+                    -2.532582,53.975101
+                    -2.532813,53.976002
+                    -2.532429,53.976908
+                    -2.532561,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978324
+                    -2.534255,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979120
+                    -2.535980,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.979897
+                    -2.537955,53.980460
+                    -2.539467,53.980126
+                    -2.540480,53.980527
+                    -2.540529,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.981862
+                    -2.541685,53.982334
+                    -2.541675,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983727
+                    -2.543824,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984251
+                    -2.545516,53.984723
+                    -2.547028,53.984809
+                    -2.548250,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985229
+                    -2.550052,53.985271
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+                    -2.551280,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987031
+                    -2.551849,53.986859
+                    -2.552051,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985734
+                    -2.554589,53.985572
+                    -2.556101,53.985529
+                    -2.557093,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986268
+                    -2.558210,53.985953
+                    -2.559126,53.985348
+                    -2.559633,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986511
+                    -2.562150,53.986325
+                    -2.562827,53.986859
+                    -2.563662,53.987660
+                    -2.563892,53.987765
+                    -2.563788,53.988667
+                    -2.563834,53.989573
+                    -2.564508,53.990479
+                    -2.565174,53.990788
+                    -2.565639,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991938
+                    -2.564643,53.992286
+                    -2.564089,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.994002
+                    -2.562754,53.994098
+                    -2.563662,53.994217
+                    -2.564441,53.994999
+                    -2.565174,53.995500
+                    -2.565673,53.995910
+                    -2.565434,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997097
+                    -2.563662,53.997035
+                    -2.562150,53.997006
+                    -2.560638,53.996882
+                    -2.560476,53.996811
+                    -2.560638,53.996758
+                    -2.561651,53.995910
+                    -2.561408,53.994999
+                    -2.560638,53.994584
+                    -2.559794,53.994098
+                    -2.559450,53.993192
+                    -2.559278,53.992286
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+                    -2.559476,53.990479
+                    -2.559126,53.990269
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+                    -2.554589,53.988357
+                    -2.553077,53.988309
+                    -2.552475,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989091
+                    -2.554589,53.989573
+                    -2.554591,53.989573
+                    -2.555382,53.990479
+                    -2.554967,53.991385
+                    -2.555212,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992629
+                    -2.553352,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993516
+                    -2.552220,53.994098
+                    -2.551564,53.994389
+                    -2.550220,53.994999
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+                    -2.534930,54.017572
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+                    -2.534930,54.017830
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+                    -2.530394,54.020476
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+                    -2.533418,54.019561
+                    -2.534621,54.020333
+                    -2.534930,54.020572
+                    -2.535562,54.021239
+                    -2.534930,54.021468
+                    -2.534297,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.020791
+                    -2.532704,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.021802
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+                    -2.534694,54.023051
+                    -2.534930,54.023347
+                    -2.535731,54.023952
+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025397
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+                    -2.530394,54.025202
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+                    -2.527369,54.025507
+                    -2.525898,54.024858
+                    -2.525857,54.024844
+                    -2.524345,54.023952
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+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520257,54.022145
+                    -2.519808,54.021802
+                    -2.518296,54.021807
+                    -2.516874,54.021239
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+                    -2.515272,54.020634
+                    -2.513760,54.020495
+                    -2.512892,54.020333
+                    -2.512247,54.020262
+                    -2.510772,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.019408
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013219
+                    -2.511133,54.013095
+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010382
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
+                    -2.509223,54.007668
+                    -2.509223,54.006763
+                    -2.507711,54.005861
+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507805,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
+                    -2.512909,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.006543
+                    -2.514566,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.007621
+                    -2.513497,54.007668
+                    -2.513760,54.007697
+                    -2.515272,54.007835
+                    -2.515810,54.007668
+                    -2.515500,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006362
+                    -2.518296,54.006305
+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
+                    -2.514052,53.998618
+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
+                    -2.511967,53.996811
+                    -2.511815,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.994999
+                    -2.510735,53.994598
+                    -2.509787,53.994999
+                    -2.509223,53.995676
+                    -2.507711,53.995881
+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.994999
+                    -2.504894,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.994131
+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
+                    -2.503299,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.990951
+                    -2.505574,53.990479
+                    -2.504750,53.989573
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
+                    -2.503174,53.987865
+                    -2.502978,53.987765
+                    -2.502391,53.986859
+                    -2.501662,53.986278
+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507806,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979702
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977199
+                    -2.509642,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976536
+                    -2.508680,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975477
+                    -2.509727,53.975101
+                    -2.509420,53.974190
+                    -2.509223,53.973732
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532263,53.972383
+                    -2.532110,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973794
+                    -2.531213,53.974190
+                    -2.531906,53.974605
+                    -2.532582,53.975101
+                    -2.532813,53.976002
+                    -2.532429,53.976908
+                    -2.532561,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978324
+                    -2.534255,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979120
+                    -2.535980,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.979897
+                    -2.537955,53.980460
+                    -2.539467,53.980126
+                    -2.540480,53.980527
+                    -2.540529,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.981862
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+                    -2.541675,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983727
+                    -2.543824,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984251
+                    -2.545516,53.984723
+                    -2.547028,53.984809
+                    -2.548250,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985229
+                    -2.550052,53.985271
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+                    -2.551280,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987031
+                    -2.551849,53.986859
+                    -2.552051,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985734
+                    -2.554589,53.985572
+                    -2.556101,53.985529
+                    -2.557093,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986268
+                    -2.558210,53.985953
+                    -2.559126,53.985348
+                    -2.559633,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986511
+                    -2.562150,53.986325
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+                    -2.563892,53.987765
+                    -2.563788,53.988667
+                    -2.563834,53.989573
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+                    -2.565639,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991938
+                    -2.564643,53.992286
+                    -2.564089,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.994002
+                    -2.562754,53.994098
+                    -2.563662,53.994217
+                    -2.564441,53.994999
+                    -2.565174,53.995500
+                    -2.565673,53.995910
+                    -2.565434,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997097
+                    -2.563662,53.997035
+                    -2.562150,53.997006
+                    -2.560638,53.996882
+                    -2.560476,53.996811
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+                    -2.540979,54.008212
+                    -2.539467,54.008350
+                    -2.537955,54.008026
+                    -2.536795,54.008574
+                    -2.537324,54.009476
+                    -2.536443,54.010229
+                    -2.536232,54.010382
+                    -2.536443,54.010673
+                    -2.537306,54.011288
+                    -2.537955,54.011998
+                    -2.539467,54.011998
+                    -2.540979,54.011598
+                    -2.542491,54.012117
+                    -2.544003,54.011455
+                    -2.544692,54.011288
+                    -2.544784,54.010382
+                    -2.545437,54.009476
+                    -2.545276,54.008574
+                    -2.545516,54.008508
+                    -2.545647,54.008574
+                    -2.545543,54.009476
+                    -2.545887,54.010382
+                    -2.546272,54.011288
+                    -2.547028,54.011602
+                    -2.547345,54.012194
+                    -2.547028,54.013038
+                    -2.546923,54.013095
+                    -2.545516,54.013314
+                    -2.544657,54.013095
+                    -2.544003,54.012847
+                    -2.543664,54.013095
+                    -2.543307,54.014001
+                    -2.542491,54.014521
+                    -2.540979,54.014540
+                    -2.540387,54.014907
+                    -2.539467,54.015040
+                    -2.537955,54.015136
+                    -2.536443,54.015050
+                    -2.535531,54.015813
+                    -2.534930,54.015965
+                    -2.533894,54.016719
+                    -2.534930,54.017572
+                    -2.535380,54.017620
+                    -2.534930,54.017830
+                    -2.534142,54.018526
+                    -2.533418,54.019046
+                    -2.531906,54.018989
+                    -2.531129,54.019427
+                    -2.530394,54.020166
+                    -2.530159,54.020333
+                    -2.530394,54.020476
+                    -2.531906,54.020681
+                    -2.532521,54.020333
+                    -2.533418,54.019561
+                    -2.534621,54.020333
+                    -2.534930,54.020572
+                    -2.535562,54.021239
+                    -2.534930,54.021468
+                    -2.534297,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.020791
+                    -2.532704,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.021802
+                    -2.533756,54.022145
+                    -2.534694,54.023051
+                    -2.534930,54.023347
+                    -2.535731,54.023952
+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025397
+                    -2.531906,54.025459
+                    -2.530394,54.025202
+                    -2.528882,54.025354
+                    -2.527369,54.025507
+                    -2.525898,54.024858
+                    -2.525857,54.024844
+                    -2.524345,54.023952
+                    -2.522833,54.023051
+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520257,54.022145
+                    -2.519808,54.021802
+                    -2.518296,54.021807
+                    -2.516874,54.021239
+                    -2.516784,54.021158
+                    -2.515272,54.020634
+                    -2.513760,54.020495
+                    -2.512892,54.020333
+                    -2.512247,54.020262
+                    -2.510772,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.019408
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013219
+                    -2.511133,54.013095
+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010382
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
+                    -2.509223,54.007668
+                    -2.509223,54.006763
+                    -2.507711,54.005861
+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507805,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
+                    -2.512909,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.006543
+                    -2.514566,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.007621
+                    -2.513497,54.007668
+                    -2.513760,54.007697
+                    -2.515272,54.007835
+                    -2.515810,54.007668
+                    -2.515500,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006362
+                    -2.518296,54.006305
+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
+                    -2.514052,53.998618
+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
+                    -2.511967,53.996811
+                    -2.511815,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.994999
+                    -2.510735,53.994598
+                    -2.509787,53.994999
+                    -2.509223,53.995676
+                    -2.507711,53.995881
+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.994999
+                    -2.504894,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.994131
+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
+                    -2.503299,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.990951
+                    -2.505574,53.990479
+                    -2.504750,53.989573
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
+                    -2.503174,53.987865
+                    -2.502978,53.987765
+                    -2.502391,53.986859
+                    -2.501662,53.986278
+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507806,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979702
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977199
+                    -2.509642,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976536
+                    -2.508680,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975477
+                    -2.509727,53.975101
+                    -2.509420,53.974190
+                    -2.509223,53.973732
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532263,53.972383
+                    -2.532110,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973794
+                    -2.531213,53.974190
+                    -2.531906,53.974605
+                    -2.532582,53.975101
+                    -2.532813,53.976002
+                    -2.532429,53.976908
+                    -2.532561,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978324
+                    -2.534255,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979120
+                    -2.535980,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.979897
+                    -2.537955,53.980460
+                    -2.539467,53.980126
+                    -2.540480,53.980527
+                    -2.540529,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.981862
+                    -2.541685,53.982334
+                    -2.541675,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983727
+                    -2.543824,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984251
+                    -2.545516,53.984723
+                    -2.547028,53.984809
+                    -2.548250,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985229
+                    -2.550052,53.985271
+                    -2.551078,53.985953
+                    -2.551280,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987031
+                    -2.551849,53.986859
+                    -2.552051,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985734
+                    -2.554589,53.985572
+                    -2.556101,53.985529
+                    -2.557093,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986268
+                    -2.558210,53.985953
+                    -2.559126,53.985348
+                    -2.559633,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986511
+                    -2.562150,53.986325
+                    -2.562827,53.986859
+                    -2.563662,53.987660
+                    -2.563892,53.987765
+                    -2.563788,53.988667
+                    -2.563834,53.989573
+                    -2.564508,53.990479
+                    -2.565174,53.990788
+                    -2.565639,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991938
+                    -2.564643,53.992286
+                    -2.564089,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.994002
+                    -2.562754,53.994098
+                    -2.563662,53.994217
+                    -2.564441,53.994999
+                    -2.565174,53.995500
+                    -2.565673,53.995910
+                    -2.565434,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997097
+                    -2.563662,53.997035
+                    -2.562150,53.997006
+                    -2.560638,53.996882
+                    -2.560476,53.996811
+                    -2.560638,53.996758
+                    -2.561651,53.995910
+                    -2.561408,53.994999
+                    -2.560638,53.994584
+                    -2.559794,53.994098
+                    -2.559450,53.993192
+                    -2.559278,53.992286
+                    -2.559647,53.991385
+                    -2.559476,53.990479
+                    -2.559126,53.990269
+                    -2.557613,53.990188
+                    -2.556919,53.989573
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+                    -2.555106,53.988667
+                    -2.554589,53.988357
+                    -2.553077,53.988309
+                    -2.552475,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989091
+                    -2.554589,53.989573
+                    -2.554591,53.989573
+                    -2.555382,53.990479
+                    -2.554967,53.991385
+                    -2.555212,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992629
+                    -2.553352,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993516
+                    -2.552220,53.994098
+                    -2.551564,53.994389
+                    -2.550220,53.994999
+                    -2.550052,53.995090
+                    -2.548701,53.995910
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+                    -2.544523,53.997717
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+                    -2.542491,53.998704
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+                    -2.539470,54.000430
+                    -2.539467,54.000430
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+                    -2.540979,54.003253
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+                    -2.542491,54.004955
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+                    -2.545543,54.009476
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+                    -2.537955,54.015136
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+                    -2.534930,54.017572
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+                    -2.534930,54.017830
+                    -2.534142,54.018526
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+                    -2.530394,54.020476
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+                    -2.533418,54.019561
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+                    -2.534930,54.020572
+                    -2.535562,54.021239
+                    -2.534930,54.021468
+                    -2.534297,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.020791
+                    -2.532704,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.021802
+                    -2.533756,54.022145
+                    -2.534694,54.023051
+                    -2.534930,54.023347
+                    -2.535731,54.023952
+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025397
+                    -2.531906,54.025459
+                    -2.530394,54.025202
+                    -2.528882,54.025354
+                    -2.527369,54.025507
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+                    -2.525857,54.024844
+                    -2.524345,54.023952
+                    -2.522833,54.023051
+                    -2.521321,54.022145
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+                    -2.512247,54.020262
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013219
+                    -2.511133,54.013095
+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010382
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
+                    -2.509223,54.007668
+                    -2.509223,54.006763
+                    -2.507711,54.005861
+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507805,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
+                    -2.512909,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.006543
+                    -2.514566,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.007621
+                    -2.513497,54.007668
+                    -2.513760,54.007697
+                    -2.515272,54.007835
+                    -2.515810,54.007668
+                    -2.515500,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006362
+                    -2.518296,54.006305
+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
+                    -2.514052,53.998618
+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
+                    -2.511967,53.996811
+                    -2.511815,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.994999
+                    -2.510735,53.994598
+                    -2.509787,53.994999
+                    -2.509223,53.995676
+                    -2.507711,53.995881
+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.994999
+                    -2.504894,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.994131
+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
+                    -2.503299,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.990951
+                    -2.505574,53.990479
+                    -2.504750,53.989573
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
+                    -2.503174,53.987865
+                    -2.502978,53.987765
+                    -2.502391,53.986859
+                    -2.501662,53.986278
+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507806,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979702
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977199
+                    -2.509642,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976536
+                    -2.508680,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975477
+                    -2.509727,53.975101
+                    -2.509420,53.974190
+                    -2.509223,53.973732
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532263,53.972383
+                    -2.532110,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973794
+                    -2.531213,53.974190
+                    -2.531906,53.974605
+                    -2.532582,53.975101
+                    -2.532813,53.976002
+                    -2.532429,53.976908
+                    -2.532561,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978324
+                    -2.534255,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979120
+                    -2.535980,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.979897
+                    -2.537955,53.980460
+                    -2.539467,53.980126
+                    -2.540480,53.980527
+                    -2.540529,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.981862
+                    -2.541685,53.982334
+                    -2.541675,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983727
+                    -2.543824,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984251
+                    -2.545516,53.984723
+                    -2.547028,53.984809
+                    -2.548250,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985229
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+                    -2.551564,53.987031
+                    -2.551849,53.986859
+                    -2.552051,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985734
+                    -2.554589,53.985572
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+                    -2.557093,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986268
+                    -2.558210,53.985953
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+                    -2.559633,53.985953
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+                    -2.562150,53.986325
+                    -2.562827,53.986859
+                    -2.563662,53.987660
+                    -2.563892,53.987765
+                    -2.563788,53.988667
+                    -2.563834,53.989573
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+                    -2.565639,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991938
+                    -2.564643,53.992286
+                    -2.564089,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.994002
+                    -2.562754,53.994098
+                    -2.563662,53.994217
+                    -2.564441,53.994999
+                    -2.565174,53.995500
+                    -2.565673,53.995910
+                    -2.565434,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997097
+                    -2.563662,53.997035
+                    -2.562150,53.997006
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+                    -2.560476,53.996811
+                    -2.560638,53.996758
+                    -2.561651,53.995910
+                    -2.561408,53.994999
+                    -2.560638,53.994584
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+                    -2.552475,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989091
+                    -2.554589,53.989573
+                    -2.554591,53.989573
+                    -2.555382,53.990479
+                    -2.554967,53.991385
+                    -2.555212,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992629
+                    -2.553352,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993516
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+                    -2.545543,54.009476
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+                    -2.537955,54.015136
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+                    -2.534930,54.017572
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+                    -2.534930,54.017830
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+                    -2.530394,54.020476
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+                    -2.532521,54.020333
+                    -2.533418,54.019561
+                    -2.534621,54.020333
+                    -2.534930,54.020572
+                    -2.535562,54.021239
+                    -2.534930,54.021468
+                    -2.534297,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.020791
+                    -2.532704,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.021802
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+                    -2.534694,54.023051
+                    -2.534930,54.023347
+                    -2.535731,54.023952
+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025397
+                    -2.531906,54.025459
+                    -2.530394,54.025202
+                    -2.528882,54.025354
+                    -2.527369,54.025507
+                    -2.525898,54.024858
+                    -2.525857,54.024844
+                    -2.524345,54.023952
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+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520257,54.022145
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+                    -2.518296,54.021807
+                    -2.516874,54.021239
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+                    -2.512892,54.020333
+                    -2.512247,54.020262
+                    -2.510772,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.019408
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013219
+                    -2.511133,54.013095
+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010382
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
+                    -2.509223,54.007668
+                    -2.509223,54.006763
+                    -2.507711,54.005861
+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507805,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
+                    -2.512909,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.006543
+                    -2.514566,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.007621
+                    -2.513497,54.007668
+                    -2.513760,54.007697
+                    -2.515272,54.007835
+                    -2.515810,54.007668
+                    -2.515500,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006362
+                    -2.518296,54.006305
+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
+                    -2.514052,53.998618
+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
+                    -2.511967,53.996811
+                    -2.511815,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.994999
+                    -2.510735,53.994598
+                    -2.509787,53.994999
+                    -2.509223,53.995676
+                    -2.507711,53.995881
+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.994999
+                    -2.504894,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.994131
+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
+                    -2.503299,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.990951
+                    -2.505574,53.990479
+                    -2.504750,53.989573
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
+                    -2.503174,53.987865
+                    -2.502978,53.987765
+                    -2.502391,53.986859
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+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507806,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979702
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977199
+                    -2.509642,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976536
+                    -2.508680,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975477
+                    -2.509727,53.975101
+                    -2.509420,53.974190
+                    -2.509223,53.973732
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532263,53.972383
+                    -2.532110,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973794
+                    -2.531213,53.974190
+                    -2.531906,53.974605
+                    -2.532582,53.975101
+                    -2.532813,53.976002
+                    -2.532429,53.976908
+                    -2.532561,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978324
+                    -2.534255,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979120
+                    -2.535980,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.979897
+                    -2.537955,53.980460
+                    -2.539467,53.980126
+                    -2.540480,53.980527
+                    -2.540529,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.981862
+                    -2.541685,53.982334
+                    -2.541675,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983727
+                    -2.543824,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984251
+                    -2.545516,53.984723
+                    -2.547028,53.984809
+                    -2.548250,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985229
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+                    -2.551280,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987031
+                    -2.551849,53.986859
+                    -2.552051,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985734
+                    -2.554589,53.985572
+                    -2.556101,53.985529
+                    -2.557093,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986268
+                    -2.558210,53.985953
+                    -2.559126,53.985348
+                    -2.559633,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986511
+                    -2.562150,53.986325
+                    -2.562827,53.986859
+                    -2.563662,53.987660
+                    -2.563892,53.987765
+                    -2.563788,53.988667
+                    -2.563834,53.989573
+                    -2.564508,53.990479
+                    -2.565174,53.990788
+                    -2.565639,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991938
+                    -2.564643,53.992286
+                    -2.564089,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.994002
+                    -2.562754,53.994098
+                    -2.563662,53.994217
+                    -2.564441,53.994999
+                    -2.565174,53.995500
+                    -2.565673,53.995910
+                    -2.565434,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997097
+                    -2.563662,53.997035
+                    -2.562150,53.997006
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+                    -2.560476,53.996811
+                    -2.560638,53.996758
+                    -2.561651,53.995910
+                    -2.561408,53.994999
+                    -2.560638,53.994584
+                    -2.559794,53.994098
+                    -2.559450,53.993192
+                    -2.559278,53.992286
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+                    -2.559476,53.990479
+                    -2.559126,53.990269
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+                    -2.554589,53.988357
+                    -2.553077,53.988309
+                    -2.552475,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989091
+                    -2.554589,53.989573
+                    -2.554591,53.989573
+                    -2.555382,53.990479
+                    -2.554967,53.991385
+                    -2.555212,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992629
+                    -2.553352,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993516
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+                    -2.551564,53.994389
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+                    -2.534930,54.017572
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+                    -2.534930,54.017830
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+                    -2.530394,54.020476
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+                    -2.532521,54.020333
+                    -2.533418,54.019561
+                    -2.534621,54.020333
+                    -2.534930,54.020572
+                    -2.535562,54.021239
+                    -2.534930,54.021468
+                    -2.534297,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.020791
+                    -2.532704,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.021802
+                    -2.533756,54.022145
+                    -2.534694,54.023051
+                    -2.534930,54.023347
+                    -2.535731,54.023952
+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025397
+                    -2.531906,54.025459
+                    -2.530394,54.025202
+                    -2.528882,54.025354
+                    -2.527369,54.025507
+                    -2.525898,54.024858
+                    -2.525857,54.024844
+                    -2.524345,54.023952
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+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520257,54.022145
+                    -2.519808,54.021802
+                    -2.518296,54.021807
+                    -2.516874,54.021239
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+                    -2.515272,54.020634
+                    -2.513760,54.020495
+                    -2.512892,54.020333
+                    -2.512247,54.020262
+                    -2.510772,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.019408
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013219
+                    -2.511133,54.013095
+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010382
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
+                    -2.509223,54.007668
+                    -2.509223,54.006763
+                    -2.507711,54.005861
+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507805,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
+                    -2.512909,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.006543
+                    -2.514566,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.007621
+                    -2.513497,54.007668
+                    -2.513760,54.007697
+                    -2.515272,54.007835
+                    -2.515810,54.007668
+                    -2.515500,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006362
+                    -2.518296,54.006305
+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
+                    -2.514052,53.998618
+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
+                    -2.511967,53.996811
+                    -2.511815,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.994999
+                    -2.510735,53.994598
+                    -2.509787,53.994999
+                    -2.509223,53.995676
+                    -2.507711,53.995881
+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.994999
+                    -2.504894,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.994131
+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
+                    -2.503299,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.990951
+                    -2.505574,53.990479
+                    -2.504750,53.989573
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
+                    -2.503174,53.987865
+                    -2.502978,53.987765
+                    -2.502391,53.986859
+                    -2.501662,53.986278
+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507806,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979702
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977199
+                    -2.509642,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976536
+                    -2.508680,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975477
+                    -2.509727,53.975101
+                    -2.509420,53.974190
+                    -2.509223,53.973732
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532263,53.972383
+                    -2.532110,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973794
+                    -2.531213,53.974190
+                    -2.531906,53.974605
+                    -2.532582,53.975101
+                    -2.532813,53.976002
+                    -2.532429,53.976908
+                    -2.532561,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978324
+                    -2.534255,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979120
+                    -2.535980,53.979621
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+                    -2.537955,53.980460
+                    -2.539467,53.980126
+                    -2.540480,53.980527
+                    -2.540529,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.981862
+                    -2.541685,53.982334
+                    -2.541675,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983727
+                    -2.543824,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984251
+                    -2.545516,53.984723
+                    -2.547028,53.984809
+                    -2.548250,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985229
+                    -2.550052,53.985271
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+                    -2.551280,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987031
+                    -2.551849,53.986859
+                    -2.552051,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985734
+                    -2.554589,53.985572
+                    -2.556101,53.985529
+                    -2.557093,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986268
+                    -2.558210,53.985953
+                    -2.559126,53.985348
+                    -2.559633,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986511
+                    -2.562150,53.986325
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+                    -2.563834,53.989573
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+                    -2.565639,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991938
+                    -2.564643,53.992286
+                    -2.564089,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.994002
+                    -2.562754,53.994098
+                    -2.563662,53.994217
+                    -2.564441,53.994999
+                    -2.565174,53.995500
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+                    -2.546742,54.007668
+                    -2.545516,54.007039
+                    -2.544003,54.006896
+                    -2.542771,54.007668
+                    -2.543027,54.008574
+                    -2.542491,54.009075
+                    -2.541844,54.008574
+                    -2.540979,54.008212
+                    -2.539467,54.008350
+                    -2.537955,54.008026
+                    -2.536795,54.008574
+                    -2.537324,54.009476
+                    -2.536443,54.010229
+                    -2.536232,54.010382
+                    -2.536443,54.010673
+                    -2.537306,54.011288
+                    -2.537955,54.011998
+                    -2.539467,54.011998
+                    -2.540979,54.011598
+                    -2.542491,54.012117
+                    -2.544003,54.011455
+                    -2.544692,54.011288
+                    -2.544784,54.010382
+                    -2.545437,54.009476
+                    -2.545276,54.008574
+                    -2.545516,54.008508
+                    -2.545647,54.008574
+                    -2.545543,54.009476
+                    -2.545887,54.010382
+                    -2.546272,54.011288
+                    -2.547028,54.011602
+                    -2.547345,54.012194
+                    -2.547028,54.013038
+                    -2.546923,54.013095
+                    -2.545516,54.013314
+                    -2.544657,54.013095
+                    -2.544003,54.012847
+                    -2.543664,54.013095
+                    -2.543307,54.014001
+                    -2.542491,54.014521
+                    -2.540979,54.014540
+                    -2.540387,54.014907
+                    -2.539467,54.015040
+                    -2.537955,54.015136
+                    -2.536443,54.015050
+                    -2.535531,54.015813
+                    -2.534930,54.015965
+                    -2.533894,54.016719
+                    -2.534930,54.017572
+                    -2.535380,54.017620
+                    -2.534930,54.017830
+                    -2.534142,54.018526
+                    -2.533418,54.019046
+                    -2.531906,54.018989
+                    -2.531129,54.019427
+                    -2.530394,54.020166
+                    -2.530159,54.020333
+                    -2.530394,54.020476
+                    -2.531906,54.020681
+                    -2.532521,54.020333
+                    -2.533418,54.019561
+                    -2.534621,54.020333
+                    -2.534930,54.020572
+                    -2.535562,54.021239
+                    -2.534930,54.021468
+                    -2.534297,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.020791
+                    -2.532704,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.021802
+                    -2.533756,54.022145
+                    -2.534694,54.023051
+                    -2.534930,54.023347
+                    -2.535731,54.023952
+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025397
+                    -2.531906,54.025459
+                    -2.530394,54.025202
+                    -2.528882,54.025354
+                    -2.527369,54.025507
+                    -2.525898,54.024858
+                    -2.525857,54.024844
+                    -2.524345,54.023952
+                    -2.522833,54.023051
+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520257,54.022145
+                    -2.519808,54.021802
+                    -2.518296,54.021807
+                    -2.516874,54.021239
+                    -2.516784,54.021158
+                    -2.515272,54.020634
+                    -2.513760,54.020495
+                    -2.512892,54.020333
+                    -2.512247,54.020262
+                    -2.510772,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.019408
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013219
+                    -2.511133,54.013095
+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010382
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
+                    -2.509223,54.007668
+                    -2.509223,54.006763
+                    -2.507711,54.005861
+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507805,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
+                    -2.512909,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.006543
+                    -2.514566,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.007621
+                    -2.513497,54.007668
+                    -2.513760,54.007697
+                    -2.515272,54.007835
+                    -2.515810,54.007668
+                    -2.515500,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006362
+                    -2.518296,54.006305
+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
+                    -2.514052,53.998618
+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
+                    -2.511967,53.996811
+                    -2.511815,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.994999
+                    -2.510735,53.994598
+                    -2.509787,53.994999
+                    -2.509223,53.995676
+                    -2.507711,53.995881
+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.994999
+                    -2.504894,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.994131
+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
+                    -2.503299,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.990951
+                    -2.505574,53.990479
+                    -2.504750,53.989573
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
+                    -2.503174,53.987865
+                    -2.502978,53.987765
+                    -2.502391,53.986859
+                    -2.501662,53.986278
+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507806,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979702
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977199
+                    -2.509642,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976536
+                    -2.508680,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975477
+                    -2.509727,53.975101
+                    -2.509420,53.974190
+                    -2.509223,53.973732
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532263,53.972383
+                    -2.532110,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973794
+                    -2.531213,53.974190
+                    -2.531906,53.974605
+                    -2.532582,53.975101
+                    -2.532813,53.976002
+                    -2.532429,53.976908
+                    -2.532561,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978324
+                    -2.534255,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979120
+                    -2.535980,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.979897
+                    -2.537955,53.980460
+                    -2.539467,53.980126
+                    -2.540480,53.980527
+                    -2.540529,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.981862
+                    -2.541685,53.982334
+                    -2.541675,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983727
+                    -2.543824,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984251
+                    -2.545516,53.984723
+                    -2.547028,53.984809
+                    -2.548250,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985229
+                    -2.550052,53.985271
+                    -2.551078,53.985953
+                    -2.551280,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987031
+                    -2.551849,53.986859
+                    -2.552051,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985734
+                    -2.554589,53.985572
+                    -2.556101,53.985529
+                    -2.557093,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986268
+                    -2.558210,53.985953
+                    -2.559126,53.985348
+                    -2.559633,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986511
+                    -2.562150,53.986325
+                    -2.562827,53.986859
+                    -2.563662,53.987660
+                    -2.563892,53.987765
+                    -2.563788,53.988667
+                    -2.563834,53.989573
+                    -2.564508,53.990479
+                    -2.565174,53.990788
+                    -2.565639,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991938
+                    -2.564643,53.992286
+                    -2.564089,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.994002
+                    -2.562754,53.994098
+                    -2.563662,53.994217
+                    -2.564441,53.994999
+                    -2.565174,53.995500
+                    -2.565673,53.995910
+                    -2.565434,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997097
+                    -2.563662,53.997035
+                    -2.562150,53.997006
+                    -2.560638,53.996882
+                    -2.560476,53.996811
+                    -2.560638,53.996758
+                    -2.561651,53.995910
+                    -2.561408,53.994999
+                    -2.560638,53.994584
+                    -2.559794,53.994098
+                    -2.559450,53.993192
+                    -2.559278,53.992286
+                    -2.559647,53.991385
+                    -2.559476,53.990479
+                    -2.559126,53.990269
+                    -2.557613,53.990188
+                    -2.556919,53.989573
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+                    -2.555106,53.988667
+                    -2.554589,53.988357
+                    -2.553077,53.988309
+                    -2.552475,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989091
+                    -2.554589,53.989573
+                    -2.554591,53.989573
+                    -2.555382,53.990479
+                    -2.554967,53.991385
+                    -2.555212,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992629
+                    -2.553352,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993516
+                    -2.552220,53.994098
+                    -2.551564,53.994389
+                    -2.550220,53.994999
+                    -2.550052,53.995090
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+                    -2.539470,54.000430
+                    -2.539467,54.000430
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+                    -2.540979,54.003253
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+                    -2.545543,54.009476
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+                    -2.530394,54.020476
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+                    -2.533418,54.019561
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+                    -2.534930,54.020572
+                    -2.535562,54.021239
+                    -2.534930,54.021468
+                    -2.534297,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.020791
+                    -2.532704,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.021802
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+                    -2.534694,54.023051
+                    -2.534930,54.023347
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+                    -2.534930,54.024858
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+                    -2.530394,54.025202
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+                    -2.525857,54.024844
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013219
+                    -2.511133,54.013095
+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010382
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
+                    -2.509223,54.007668
+                    -2.509223,54.006763
+                    -2.507711,54.005861
+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507805,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
+                    -2.512909,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.006543
+                    -2.514566,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.007621
+                    -2.513497,54.007668
+                    -2.513760,54.007697
+                    -2.515272,54.007835
+                    -2.515810,54.007668
+                    -2.515500,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006362
+                    -2.518296,54.006305
+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
+                    -2.514052,53.998618
+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
+                    -2.511967,53.996811
+                    -2.511815,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.994999
+                    -2.510735,53.994598
+                    -2.509787,53.994999
+                    -2.509223,53.995676
+                    -2.507711,53.995881
+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.994999
+                    -2.504894,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.994131
+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
+                    -2.503299,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.990951
+                    -2.505574,53.990479
+                    -2.504750,53.989573
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
+                    -2.503174,53.987865
+                    -2.502978,53.987765
+                    -2.502391,53.986859
+                    -2.501662,53.986278
+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507806,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979702
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977199
+                    -2.509642,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976536
+                    -2.508680,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975477
+                    -2.509727,53.975101
+                    -2.509420,53.974190
+                    -2.509223,53.973732
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532263,53.972383
+                    -2.532110,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973794
+                    -2.531213,53.974190
+                    -2.531906,53.974605
+                    -2.532582,53.975101
+                    -2.532813,53.976002
+                    -2.532429,53.976908
+                    -2.532561,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978324
+                    -2.534255,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979120
+                    -2.535980,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.979897
+                    -2.537955,53.980460
+                    -2.539467,53.980126
+                    -2.540480,53.980527
+                    -2.540529,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.981862
+                    -2.541685,53.982334
+                    -2.541675,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983727
+                    -2.543824,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984251
+                    -2.545516,53.984723
+                    -2.547028,53.984809
+                    -2.548250,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985229
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+                    -2.551280,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987031
+                    -2.551849,53.986859
+                    -2.552051,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985734
+                    -2.554589,53.985572
+                    -2.556101,53.985529
+                    -2.557093,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986268
+                    -2.558210,53.985953
+                    -2.559126,53.985348
+                    -2.559633,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986511
+                    -2.562150,53.986325
+                    -2.562827,53.986859
+                    -2.563662,53.987660
+                    -2.563892,53.987765
+                    -2.563788,53.988667
+                    -2.563834,53.989573
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+                    -2.565174,53.990788
+                    -2.565639,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991938
+                    -2.564643,53.992286
+                    -2.564089,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.994002
+                    -2.562754,53.994098
+                    -2.563662,53.994217
+                    -2.564441,53.994999
+                    -2.565174,53.995500
+                    -2.565673,53.995910
+                    -2.565434,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997097
+                    -2.563662,53.997035
+                    -2.562150,53.997006
+                    -2.560638,53.996882
+                    -2.560476,53.996811
+                    -2.560638,53.996758
+                    -2.561651,53.995910
+                    -2.561408,53.994999
+                    -2.560638,53.994584
+                    -2.559794,53.994098
+                    -2.559450,53.993192
+                    -2.559278,53.992286
+                    -2.559647,53.991385
+                    -2.559476,53.990479
+                    -2.559126,53.990269
+                    -2.557613,53.990188
+                    -2.556919,53.989573
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+                    -2.554589,53.988357
+                    -2.553077,53.988309
+                    -2.552475,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989091
+                    -2.554589,53.989573
+                    -2.554591,53.989573
+                    -2.555382,53.990479
+                    -2.554967,53.991385
+                    -2.555212,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992629
+                    -2.553352,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993516
+                    -2.552220,53.994098
+                    -2.551564,53.994389
+                    -2.550220,53.994999
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+                    -2.545543,54.009476
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+                    -2.545516,54.013314
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+                    -2.537955,54.015136
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+                    -2.534930,54.017572
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+                    -2.534930,54.017830
+                    -2.534142,54.018526
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+                    -2.530394,54.020476
+                    -2.531906,54.020681
+                    -2.532521,54.020333
+                    -2.533418,54.019561
+                    -2.534621,54.020333
+                    -2.534930,54.020572
+                    -2.535562,54.021239
+                    -2.534930,54.021468
+                    -2.534297,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.020791
+                    -2.532704,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.021802
+                    -2.533756,54.022145
+                    -2.534694,54.023051
+                    -2.534930,54.023347
+                    -2.535731,54.023952
+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025397
+                    -2.531906,54.025459
+                    -2.530394,54.025202
+                    -2.528882,54.025354
+                    -2.527369,54.025507
+                    -2.525898,54.024858
+                    -2.525857,54.024844
+                    -2.524345,54.023952
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+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520257,54.022145
+                    -2.519808,54.021802
+                    -2.518296,54.021807
+                    -2.516874,54.021239
+                    -2.516784,54.021158
+                    -2.515272,54.020634
+                    -2.513760,54.020495
+                    -2.512892,54.020333
+                    -2.512247,54.020262
+                    -2.510772,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.019408
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013219
+                    -2.511133,54.013095
+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010382
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
+                    -2.509223,54.007668
+                    -2.509223,54.006763
+                    -2.507711,54.005861
+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507805,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
+                    -2.512909,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.006543
+                    -2.514566,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.007621
+                    -2.513497,54.007668
+                    -2.513760,54.007697
+                    -2.515272,54.007835
+                    -2.515810,54.007668
+                    -2.515500,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006362
+                    -2.518296,54.006305
+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
+                    -2.514052,53.998618
+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
+                    -2.511967,53.996811
+                    -2.511815,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.994999
+                    -2.510735,53.994598
+                    -2.509787,53.994999
+                    -2.509223,53.995676
+                    -2.507711,53.995881
+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.994999
+                    -2.504894,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.994131
+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
+                    -2.503299,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.990951
+                    -2.505574,53.990479
+                    -2.504750,53.989573
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
+                    -2.503174,53.987865
+                    -2.502978,53.987765
+                    -2.502391,53.986859
+                    -2.501662,53.986278
+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507806,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979702
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977199
+                    -2.509642,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976536
+                    -2.508680,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975477
+                    -2.509727,53.975101
+                    -2.509420,53.974190
+                    -2.509223,53.973732
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532263,53.972383
+                    -2.532110,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973794
+                    -2.531213,53.974190
+                    -2.531906,53.974605
+                    -2.532582,53.975101
+                    -2.532813,53.976002
+                    -2.532429,53.976908
+                    -2.532561,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978324
+                    -2.534255,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979120
+                    -2.535980,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.979897
+                    -2.537955,53.980460
+                    -2.539467,53.980126
+                    -2.540480,53.980527
+                    -2.540529,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.981862
+                    -2.541685,53.982334
+                    -2.541675,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983727
+                    -2.543824,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984251
+                    -2.545516,53.984723
+                    -2.547028,53.984809
+                    -2.548250,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985229
+                    -2.550052,53.985271
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+                    -2.551280,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987031
+                    -2.551849,53.986859
+                    -2.552051,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985734
+                    -2.554589,53.985572
+                    -2.556101,53.985529
+                    -2.557093,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986268
+                    -2.558210,53.985953
+                    -2.559126,53.985348
+                    -2.559633,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986511
+                    -2.562150,53.986325
+                    -2.562827,53.986859
+                    -2.563662,53.987660
+                    -2.563892,53.987765
+                    -2.563788,53.988667
+                    -2.563834,53.989573
+                    -2.564508,53.990479
+                    -2.565174,53.990788
+                    -2.565639,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991938
+                    -2.564643,53.992286
+                    -2.564089,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.994002
+                    -2.562754,53.994098
+                    -2.563662,53.994217
+                    -2.564441,53.994999
+                    -2.565174,53.995500
+                    -2.565673,53.995910
+                    -2.565434,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997097
+                    -2.563662,53.997035
+                    -2.562150,53.997006
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+                    -2.560476,53.996811
+                    -2.560638,53.996758
+                    -2.561651,53.995910
+                    -2.561408,53.994999
+                    -2.560638,53.994584
+                    -2.559794,53.994098
+                    -2.559450,53.993192
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+                    -2.559476,53.990479
+                    -2.559126,53.990269
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+                    -2.554589,53.988357
+                    -2.553077,53.988309
+                    -2.552475,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989091
+                    -2.554589,53.989573
+                    -2.554591,53.989573
+                    -2.555382,53.990479
+                    -2.554967,53.991385
+                    -2.555212,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992629
+                    -2.553352,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993516
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+                    -2.550220,53.994999
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+                    -2.534930,54.017572
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+                    -2.534930,54.017830
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+                    -2.530394,54.020476
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+                    -2.533418,54.019561
+                    -2.534621,54.020333
+                    -2.534930,54.020572
+                    -2.535562,54.021239
+                    -2.534930,54.021468
+                    -2.534297,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.020791
+                    -2.532704,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.021802
+                    -2.533756,54.022145
+                    -2.534694,54.023051
+                    -2.534930,54.023347
+                    -2.535731,54.023952
+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025397
+                    -2.531906,54.025459
+                    -2.530394,54.025202
+                    -2.528882,54.025354
+                    -2.527369,54.025507
+                    -2.525898,54.024858
+                    -2.525857,54.024844
+                    -2.524345,54.023952
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+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520257,54.022145
+                    -2.519808,54.021802
+                    -2.518296,54.021807
+                    -2.516874,54.021239
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+                    -2.515272,54.020634
+                    -2.513760,54.020495
+                    -2.512892,54.020333
+                    -2.512247,54.020262
+                    -2.510772,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.019408
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013219
+                    -2.511133,54.013095
+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010382
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
+                    -2.509223,54.007668
+                    -2.509223,54.006763
+                    -2.507711,54.005861
+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507805,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
+                    -2.512909,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.006543
+                    -2.514566,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.007621
+                    -2.513497,54.007668
+                    -2.513760,54.007697
+                    -2.515272,54.007835
+                    -2.515810,54.007668
+                    -2.515500,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006362
+                    -2.518296,54.006305
+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
+                    -2.514052,53.998618
+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
+                    -2.511967,53.996811
+                    -2.511815,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.994999
+                    -2.510735,53.994598
+                    -2.509787,53.994999
+                    -2.509223,53.995676
+                    -2.507711,53.995881
+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.994999
+                    -2.504894,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.994131
+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
+                    -2.503299,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.990951
+                    -2.505574,53.990479
+                    -2.504750,53.989573
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
+                    -2.503174,53.987865
+                    -2.502978,53.987765
+                    -2.502391,53.986859
+                    -2.501662,53.986278
+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507806,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979702
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977199
+                    -2.509642,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976536
+                    -2.508680,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975477
+                    -2.509727,53.975101
+                    -2.509420,53.974190
+                    -2.509223,53.973732
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532263,53.972383
+                    -2.532110,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973794
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+                    -2.531906,53.974605
+                    -2.532582,53.975101
+                    -2.532813,53.976002
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+                    -2.532561,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978324
+                    -2.534255,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979120
+                    -2.535980,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.979897
+                    -2.537955,53.980460
+                    -2.539467,53.980126
+                    -2.540480,53.980527
+                    -2.540529,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.981862
+                    -2.541685,53.982334
+                    -2.541675,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983727
+                    -2.543824,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984251
+                    -2.545516,53.984723
+                    -2.547028,53.984809
+                    -2.548250,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985229
+                    -2.550052,53.985271
+                    -2.551078,53.985953
+                    -2.551280,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987031
+                    -2.551849,53.986859
+                    -2.552051,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985734
+                    -2.554589,53.985572
+                    -2.556101,53.985529
+                    -2.557093,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986268
+                    -2.558210,53.985953
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+                    -2.559633,53.985953
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+                    -2.562150,53.986325
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+                    -2.565639,53.991385
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+                    -2.563662,53.994217
+                    -2.564441,53.994999
+                    -2.565174,53.995500
+                    -2.565673,53.995910
+                    -2.565434,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997097
+                    -2.563662,53.997035
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+                    -2.560638,53.996758
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+                    -2.560638,53.994584
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+                    -2.553077,53.989091
+                    -2.554589,53.989573
+                    -2.554591,53.989573
+                    -2.555382,53.990479
+                    -2.554967,53.991385
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+                    -2.554589,53.992629
+                    -2.553352,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993516
+                    -2.552220,53.994098
+                    -2.551564,53.994389
+                    -2.550220,53.994999
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+                    -2.539467,54.000430
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+                    -2.540979,54.003253
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+                    -2.534930,54.021468
+                    -2.534297,54.021239
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+                    -2.532704,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.021802
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+                    -2.534694,54.023051
+                    -2.534930,54.023347
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+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025397
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+                    -2.530394,54.025202
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+                    -2.525857,54.024844
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+                    -2.520257,54.022145
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+                    -2.518296,54.021807
+                    -2.516874,54.021239
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+                    -2.513760,54.020495
+                    -2.512892,54.020333
+                    -2.512247,54.020262
+                    -2.510772,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.019408
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013219
+                    -2.511133,54.013095
+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010382
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
+                    -2.509223,54.007668
+                    -2.509223,54.006763
+                    -2.507711,54.005861
+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507805,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
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+                    -2.513760,54.006543
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+                    -2.513760,54.007621
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+                    -2.513760,54.007697
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+                    -2.518296,54.006305
+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
+                    -2.514052,53.998618
+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
+                    -2.511967,53.996811
+                    -2.511815,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.994999
+                    -2.510735,53.994598
+                    -2.509787,53.994999
+                    -2.509223,53.995676
+                    -2.507711,53.995881
+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.994999
+                    -2.504894,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.994131
+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
+                    -2.503299,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.990951
+                    -2.505574,53.990479
+                    -2.504750,53.989573
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
+                    -2.503174,53.987865
+                    -2.502978,53.987765
+                    -2.502391,53.986859
+                    -2.501662,53.986278
+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507806,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979702
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977199
+                    -2.509642,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976536
+                    -2.508680,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975477
+                    -2.509727,53.975101
+                    -2.509420,53.974190
+                    -2.509223,53.973732
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532263,53.972383
+                    -2.532110,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973794
+                    -2.531213,53.974190
+                    -2.531906,53.974605
+                    -2.532582,53.975101
+                    -2.532813,53.976002
+                    -2.532429,53.976908
+                    -2.532561,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978324
+                    -2.534255,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979120
+                    -2.535980,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.979897
+                    -2.537955,53.980460
+                    -2.539467,53.980126
+                    -2.540480,53.980527
+                    -2.540529,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.981862
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+                    -2.541675,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983727
+                    -2.543824,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984251
+                    -2.545516,53.984723
+                    -2.547028,53.984809
+                    -2.548250,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985229
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+                    -2.551280,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987031
+                    -2.551849,53.986859
+                    -2.552051,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985734
+                    -2.554589,53.985572
+                    -2.556101,53.985529
+                    -2.557093,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986268
+                    -2.558210,53.985953
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+                    -2.559633,53.985953
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+                    -2.562150,53.986325
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+                    -2.563788,53.988667
+                    -2.563834,53.989573
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+                    -2.565639,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991938
+                    -2.564643,53.992286
+                    -2.564089,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.994002
+                    -2.562754,53.994098
+                    -2.563662,53.994217
+                    -2.564441,53.994999
+                    -2.565174,53.995500
+                    -2.565673,53.995910
+                    -2.565434,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997097
+                    -2.563662,53.997035
+                    -2.562150,53.997006
+                    -2.560638,53.996882
+                    -2.560476,53.996811
+                    -2.560638,53.996758
+                    -2.561651,53.995910
+                    -2.561408,53.994999
+                    -2.560638,53.994584
+                    -2.559794,53.994098
+                    -2.559450,53.993192
+                    -2.559278,53.992286
+                    -2.559647,53.991385
+                    -2.559476,53.990479
+                    -2.559126,53.990269
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+                    -2.556919,53.989573
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+                    -2.554589,53.988357
+                    -2.553077,53.988309
+                    -2.552475,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989091
+                    -2.554589,53.989573
+                    -2.554591,53.989573
+                    -2.555382,53.990479
+                    -2.554967,53.991385
+                    -2.555212,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992629
+                    -2.553352,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993516
+                    -2.552220,53.994098
+                    -2.551564,53.994389
+                    -2.550220,53.994999
+                    -2.550052,53.995090
+                    -2.548701,53.995910
+                    -2.548540,53.996134
+                    -2.547212,53.996811
+                    -2.547028,53.996849
+                    -2.545516,53.997107
+                    -2.544523,53.997717
+                    -2.544003,53.997850
+                    -2.542532,53.998618
+                    -2.542491,53.998704
+                    -2.540979,53.999200
+                    -2.539467,53.999133
+                    -2.538427,53.999524
+                    -2.539467,54.000416
+                    -2.539470,54.000430
+                    -2.539467,54.000430
+                    -2.537955,54.000583
+                    -2.536443,54.000893
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+                    -2.536443,54.002185
+                    -2.537955,54.001899
+                    -2.538270,54.002242
+                    -2.539467,54.002643
+                    -2.540979,54.003100
+                    -2.541093,54.003143
+                    -2.540979,54.003253
+                    -2.540686,54.004049
+                    -2.539467,54.004793
+                    -2.539227,54.004951
+                    -2.539467,54.005146
+                    -2.540979,54.005017
+                    -2.542491,54.004955
+                    -2.542647,54.004951
+                    -2.544003,54.004884
+                    -2.545066,54.004049
+                    -2.545124,54.003143
+                    -2.545516,54.002433
+                    -2.545584,54.002242
+                    -2.545613,54.001336
+                    -2.546579,54.000430
+                    -2.546452,53.999524
+                    -2.547028,53.999329
+                    -2.547270,53.999524
+                    -2.547328,54.000430
+                    -2.547840,54.001336
+                    -2.548540,54.001989
+                    -2.549071,54.002242
+                    -2.549126,54.003143
+                    -2.549153,54.004049
+                    -2.548540,54.004254
+                    -2.547076,54.004049
+                    -2.547028,54.004045
+                    -2.546972,54.004049
+                    -2.546099,54.004951
+                    -2.546525,54.005861
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+                    -2.547028,54.006901
+                    -2.547601,54.006763
+                    -2.548540,54.006677
+                    -2.550052,54.006414
+                    -2.550281,54.006763
+                    -2.550052,54.006877
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+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013219
+                    -2.511133,54.013095
+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010382
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
+                    -2.509223,54.007668
+                    -2.509223,54.006763
+                    -2.507711,54.005861
+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507805,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
+                    -2.512909,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.006543
+                    -2.514566,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.007621
+                    -2.513497,54.007668
+                    -2.513760,54.007697
+                    -2.515272,54.007835
+                    -2.515810,54.007668
+                    -2.515500,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006362
+                    -2.518296,54.006305
+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
+                    -2.514052,53.998618
+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
+                    -2.511967,53.996811
+                    -2.511815,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.994999
+                    -2.510735,53.994598
+                    -2.509787,53.994999
+                    -2.509223,53.995676
+                    -2.507711,53.995881
+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.994999
+                    -2.504894,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.994131
+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
+                    -2.503299,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.990951
+                    -2.505574,53.990479
+                    -2.504750,53.989573
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
+                    -2.503174,53.987865
+                    -2.502978,53.987765
+                    -2.502391,53.986859
+                    -2.501662,53.986278
+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507806,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979702
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977199
+                    -2.509642,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976536
+                    -2.508680,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975477
+                    -2.509727,53.975101
+                    -2.509420,53.974190
+                    -2.509223,53.973732
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532263,53.972383
+                    -2.532110,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973794
+                    -2.531213,53.974190
+                    -2.531906,53.974605
+                    -2.532582,53.975101
+                    -2.532813,53.976002
+                    -2.532429,53.976908
+                    -2.532561,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978324
+                    -2.534255,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979120
+                    -2.535980,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.979897
+                    -2.537955,53.980460
+                    -2.539467,53.980126
+                    -2.540480,53.980527
+                    -2.540529,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.981862
+                    -2.541685,53.982334
+                    -2.541675,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983727
+                    -2.543824,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984251
+                    -2.545516,53.984723
+                    -2.547028,53.984809
+                    -2.548250,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985229
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+                    -2.551280,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987031
+                    -2.551849,53.986859
+                    -2.552051,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985734
+                    -2.554589,53.985572
+                    -2.556101,53.985529
+                    -2.557093,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986268
+                    -2.558210,53.985953
+                    -2.559126,53.985348
+                    -2.559633,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986511
+                    -2.562150,53.986325
+                    -2.562827,53.986859
+                    -2.563662,53.987660
+                    -2.563892,53.987765
+                    -2.563788,53.988667
+                    -2.563834,53.989573
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+                    -2.565174,53.990788
+                    -2.565639,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991938
+                    -2.564643,53.992286
+                    -2.564089,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.994002
+                    -2.562754,53.994098
+                    -2.563662,53.994217
+                    -2.564441,53.994999
+                    -2.565174,53.995500
+                    -2.565673,53.995910
+                    -2.565434,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997097
+                    -2.563662,53.997035
+                    -2.562150,53.997006
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+                    -2.560476,53.996811
+                    -2.560638,53.996758
+                    -2.561651,53.995910
+                    -2.561408,53.994999
+                    -2.560638,53.994584
+                    -2.559794,53.994098
+                    -2.559450,53.993192
+                    -2.559278,53.992286
+                    -2.559647,53.991385
+                    -2.559476,53.990479
+                    -2.559126,53.990269
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+                    -2.556919,53.989573
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+                    -2.554589,53.988357
+                    -2.553077,53.988309
+                    -2.552475,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989091
+                    -2.554589,53.989573
+                    -2.554591,53.989573
+                    -2.555382,53.990479
+                    -2.554967,53.991385
+                    -2.555212,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992629
+                    -2.553352,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993516
+                    -2.552220,53.994098
+                    -2.551564,53.994389
+                    -2.550220,53.994999
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+                    -2.545543,54.009476
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+                    -2.537955,54.015136
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+                    -2.534930,54.017572
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+                    -2.534930,54.017830
+                    -2.534142,54.018526
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+                    -2.530394,54.020476
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+                    -2.532521,54.020333
+                    -2.533418,54.019561
+                    -2.534621,54.020333
+                    -2.534930,54.020572
+                    -2.535562,54.021239
+                    -2.534930,54.021468
+                    -2.534297,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.020791
+                    -2.532704,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.021802
+                    -2.533756,54.022145
+                    -2.534694,54.023051
+                    -2.534930,54.023347
+                    -2.535731,54.023952
+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025397
+                    -2.531906,54.025459
+                    -2.530394,54.025202
+                    -2.528882,54.025354
+                    -2.527369,54.025507
+                    -2.525898,54.024858
+                    -2.525857,54.024844
+                    -2.524345,54.023952
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+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520257,54.022145
+                    -2.519808,54.021802
+                    -2.518296,54.021807
+                    -2.516874,54.021239
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+                    -2.515272,54.020634
+                    -2.513760,54.020495
+                    -2.512892,54.020333
+                    -2.512247,54.020262
+                    -2.510772,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.019408
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013219
+                    -2.511133,54.013095
+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010382
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
+                    -2.509223,54.007668
+                    -2.509223,54.006763
+                    -2.507711,54.005861
+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507805,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
+                    -2.512909,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.006543
+                    -2.514566,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.007621
+                    -2.513497,54.007668
+                    -2.513760,54.007697
+                    -2.515272,54.007835
+                    -2.515810,54.007668
+                    -2.515500,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006362
+                    -2.518296,54.006305
+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
+                    -2.514052,53.998618
+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
+                    -2.511967,53.996811
+                    -2.511815,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.994999
+                    -2.510735,53.994598
+                    -2.509787,53.994999
+                    -2.509223,53.995676
+                    -2.507711,53.995881
+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.994999
+                    -2.504894,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.994131
+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
+                    -2.503299,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.990951
+                    -2.505574,53.990479
+                    -2.504750,53.989573
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
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+                    -2.502978,53.987765
+                    -2.502391,53.986859
+                    -2.501662,53.986278
+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507806,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979702
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977199
+                    -2.509642,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976536
+                    -2.508680,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975477
+                    -2.509727,53.975101
+                    -2.509420,53.974190
+                    -2.509223,53.973732
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532263,53.972383
+                    -2.532110,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973794
+                    -2.531213,53.974190
+                    -2.531906,53.974605
+                    -2.532582,53.975101
+                    -2.532813,53.976002
+                    -2.532429,53.976908
+                    -2.532561,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978324
+                    -2.534255,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979120
+                    -2.535980,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.979897
+                    -2.537955,53.980460
+                    -2.539467,53.980126
+                    -2.540480,53.980527
+                    -2.540529,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.981862
+                    -2.541685,53.982334
+                    -2.541675,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983727
+                    -2.543824,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984251
+                    -2.545516,53.984723
+                    -2.547028,53.984809
+                    -2.548250,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985229
+                    -2.550052,53.985271
+                    -2.551078,53.985953
+                    -2.551280,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987031
+                    -2.551849,53.986859
+                    -2.552051,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985734
+                    -2.554589,53.985572
+                    -2.556101,53.985529
+                    -2.557093,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986268
+                    -2.558210,53.985953
+                    -2.559126,53.985348
+                    -2.559633,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986511
+                    -2.562150,53.986325
+                    -2.562827,53.986859
+                    -2.563662,53.987660
+                    -2.563892,53.987765
+                    -2.563788,53.988667
+                    -2.563834,53.989573
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+                    -2.565639,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991938
+                    -2.564643,53.992286
+                    -2.564089,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.994002
+                    -2.562754,53.994098
+                    -2.563662,53.994217
+                    -2.564441,53.994999
+                    -2.565174,53.995500
+                    -2.565673,53.995910
+                    -2.565434,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997097
+                    -2.563662,53.997035
+                    -2.562150,53.997006
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+                    -2.560476,53.996811
+                    -2.560638,53.996758
+                    -2.561651,53.995910
+                    -2.561408,53.994999
+                    -2.560638,53.994584
+                    -2.559794,53.994098
+                    -2.559450,53.993192
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+                    -2.559476,53.990479
+                    -2.559126,53.990269
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+                    -2.552475,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989091
+                    -2.554589,53.989573
+                    -2.554591,53.989573
+                    -2.555382,53.990479
+                    -2.554967,53.991385
+                    -2.555212,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992629
+                    -2.553352,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993516
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+                    -2.534930,54.017572
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+                    -2.534930,54.017830
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+                    -2.530394,54.020476
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+                    -2.532521,54.020333
+                    -2.533418,54.019561
+                    -2.534621,54.020333
+                    -2.534930,54.020572
+                    -2.535562,54.021239
+                    -2.534930,54.021468
+                    -2.534297,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.020791
+                    -2.532704,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.021802
+                    -2.533756,54.022145
+                    -2.534694,54.023051
+                    -2.534930,54.023347
+                    -2.535731,54.023952
+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025397
+                    -2.531906,54.025459
+                    -2.530394,54.025202
+                    -2.528882,54.025354
+                    -2.527369,54.025507
+                    -2.525898,54.024858
+                    -2.525857,54.024844
+                    -2.524345,54.023952
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+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520257,54.022145
+                    -2.519808,54.021802
+                    -2.518296,54.021807
+                    -2.516874,54.021239
+                    -2.516784,54.021158
+                    -2.515272,54.020634
+                    -2.513760,54.020495
+                    -2.512892,54.020333
+                    -2.512247,54.020262
+                    -2.510772,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.019408
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013219
+                    -2.511133,54.013095
+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010382
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
+                    -2.509223,54.007668
+                    -2.509223,54.006763
+                    -2.507711,54.005861
+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507805,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
+                    -2.512909,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.006543
+                    -2.514566,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.007621
+                    -2.513497,54.007668
+                    -2.513760,54.007697
+                    -2.515272,54.007835
+                    -2.515810,54.007668
+                    -2.515500,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006362
+                    -2.518296,54.006305
+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
+                    -2.514052,53.998618
+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
+                    -2.511967,53.996811
+                    -2.511815,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.994999
+                    -2.510735,53.994598
+                    -2.509787,53.994999
+                    -2.509223,53.995676
+                    -2.507711,53.995881
+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.994999
+                    -2.504894,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.994131
+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
+                    -2.503299,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.990951
+                    -2.505574,53.990479
+                    -2.504750,53.989573
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
+                    -2.503174,53.987865
+                    -2.502978,53.987765
+                    -2.502391,53.986859
+                    -2.501662,53.986278
+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507806,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979702
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977199
+                    -2.509642,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976536
+                    -2.508680,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975477
+                    -2.509727,53.975101
+                    -2.509420,53.974190
+                    -2.509223,53.973732
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532263,53.972383
+                    -2.532110,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973794
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+                    -2.531906,53.974605
+                    -2.532582,53.975101
+                    -2.532813,53.976002
+                    -2.532429,53.976908
+                    -2.532561,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978324
+                    -2.534255,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979120
+                    -2.535980,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.979897
+                    -2.537955,53.980460
+                    -2.539467,53.980126
+                    -2.540480,53.980527
+                    -2.540529,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.981862
+                    -2.541685,53.982334
+                    -2.541675,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983727
+                    -2.543824,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984251
+                    -2.545516,53.984723
+                    -2.547028,53.984809
+                    -2.548250,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985229
+                    -2.550052,53.985271
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+                    -2.551280,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987031
+                    -2.551849,53.986859
+                    -2.552051,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985734
+                    -2.554589,53.985572
+                    -2.556101,53.985529
+                    -2.557093,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986268
+                    -2.558210,53.985953
+                    -2.559126,53.985348
+                    -2.559633,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986511
+                    -2.562150,53.986325
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+                    -2.563834,53.989573
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+                    -2.565639,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991938
+                    -2.564643,53.992286
+                    -2.564089,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.994002
+                    -2.562754,53.994098
+                    -2.563662,53.994217
+                    -2.564441,53.994999
+                    -2.565174,53.995500
+                    -2.565673,53.995910
+                    -2.565434,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997097
+                    -2.563662,53.997035
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+                    -2.560476,53.996811
+                    -2.560638,53.996758
+                    -2.561651,53.995910
+                    -2.561408,53.994999
+                    -2.560638,53.994584
+                    -2.559794,53.994098
+                    -2.559450,53.993192
+                    -2.559278,53.992286
+                    -2.559647,53.991385
+                    -2.559476,53.990479
+                    -2.559126,53.990269
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+                    -2.556919,53.989573
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+                    -2.555106,53.988667
+                    -2.554589,53.988357
+                    -2.553077,53.988309
+                    -2.552475,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989091
+                    -2.554589,53.989573
+                    -2.554591,53.989573
+                    -2.555382,53.990479
+                    -2.554967,53.991385
+                    -2.555212,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992629
+                    -2.553352,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993516
+                    -2.552220,53.994098
+                    -2.551564,53.994389
+                    -2.550220,53.994999
+                    -2.550052,53.995090
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+                    -2.539467,54.000430
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+                    -2.540979,54.003253
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+                    -2.540979,54.005017
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+                    -2.534930,54.017572
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+                    -2.534930,54.021468
+                    -2.534297,54.021239
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+                    -2.532704,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.021802
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+                    -2.534694,54.023051
+                    -2.534930,54.023347
+                    -2.535731,54.023952
+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025397
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+                    -2.530394,54.025202
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+                    -2.525857,54.024844
+                    -2.524345,54.023952
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+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520257,54.022145
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+                    -2.518296,54.021807
+                    -2.516874,54.021239
+                    -2.516784,54.021158
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+                    -2.513760,54.020495
+                    -2.512892,54.020333
+                    -2.512247,54.020262
+                    -2.510772,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.019408
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013219
+                    -2.511133,54.013095
+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010382
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
+                    -2.509223,54.007668
+                    -2.509223,54.006763
+                    -2.507711,54.005861
+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507805,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
+                    -2.512909,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.006543
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+                    -2.513760,54.007621
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+                    -2.513760,54.007697
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+                    -2.515500,54.006763
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+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
+                    -2.514052,53.998618
+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
+                    -2.511967,53.996811
+                    -2.511815,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.994999
+                    -2.510735,53.994598
+                    -2.509787,53.994999
+                    -2.509223,53.995676
+                    -2.507711,53.995881
+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.994999
+                    -2.504894,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.994131
+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
+                    -2.503299,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.990951
+                    -2.505574,53.990479
+                    -2.504750,53.989573
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
+                    -2.503174,53.987865
+                    -2.502978,53.987765
+                    -2.502391,53.986859
+                    -2.501662,53.986278
+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507806,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979702
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977199
+                    -2.509642,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976536
+                    -2.508680,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975477
+                    -2.509727,53.975101
+                    -2.509420,53.974190
+                    -2.509223,53.973732
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532263,53.972383
+                    -2.532110,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973794
+                    -2.531213,53.974190
+                    -2.531906,53.974605
+                    -2.532582,53.975101
+                    -2.532813,53.976002
+                    -2.532429,53.976908
+                    -2.532561,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978324
+                    -2.534255,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979120
+                    -2.535980,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.979897
+                    -2.537955,53.980460
+                    -2.539467,53.980126
+                    -2.540480,53.980527
+                    -2.540529,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.981862
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+                    -2.541675,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983727
+                    -2.543824,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984251
+                    -2.545516,53.984723
+                    -2.547028,53.984809
+                    -2.548250,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985229
+                    -2.550052,53.985271
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+                    -2.551280,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987031
+                    -2.551849,53.986859
+                    -2.552051,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985734
+                    -2.554589,53.985572
+                    -2.556101,53.985529
+                    -2.557093,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986268
+                    -2.558210,53.985953
+                    -2.559126,53.985348
+                    -2.559633,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986511
+                    -2.562150,53.986325
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+                    -2.563788,53.988667
+                    -2.563834,53.989573
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+                    -2.565639,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991938
+                    -2.564643,53.992286
+                    -2.564089,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.994002
+                    -2.562754,53.994098
+                    -2.563662,53.994217
+                    -2.564441,53.994999
+                    -2.565174,53.995500
+                    -2.565673,53.995910
+                    -2.565434,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997097
+                    -2.563662,53.997035
+                    -2.562150,53.997006
+                    -2.560638,53.996882
+                    -2.560476,53.996811
+                    -2.560638,53.996758
+                    -2.561651,53.995910
+                    -2.561408,53.994999
+                    -2.560638,53.994584
+                    -2.559794,53.994098
+                    -2.559450,53.993192
+                    -2.559278,53.992286
+                    -2.559647,53.991385
+                    -2.559476,53.990479
+                    -2.559126,53.990269
+                    -2.557613,53.990188
+                    -2.556919,53.989573
+                    -2.556101,53.989139
+                    -2.555106,53.988667
+                    -2.554589,53.988357
+                    -2.553077,53.988309
+                    -2.552475,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989091
+                    -2.554589,53.989573
+                    -2.554591,53.989573
+                    -2.555382,53.990479
+                    -2.554967,53.991385
+                    -2.555212,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992629
+                    -2.553352,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993516
+                    -2.552220,53.994098
+                    -2.551564,53.994389
+                    -2.550220,53.994999
+                    -2.550052,53.995090
+                    -2.548701,53.995910
+                    -2.548540,53.996134
+                    -2.547212,53.996811
+                    -2.547028,53.996849
+                    -2.545516,53.997107
+                    -2.544523,53.997717
+                    -2.544003,53.997850
+                    -2.542532,53.998618
+                    -2.542491,53.998704
+                    -2.540979,53.999200
+                    -2.539467,53.999133
+                    -2.538427,53.999524
+                    -2.539467,54.000416
+                    -2.539470,54.000430
+                    -2.539467,54.000430
+                    -2.537955,54.000583
+                    -2.536443,54.000893
+                    -2.535680,54.001336
+                    -2.536443,54.002185
+                    -2.537955,54.001899
+                    -2.538270,54.002242
+                    -2.539467,54.002643
+                    -2.540979,54.003100
+                    -2.541093,54.003143
+                    -2.540979,54.003253
+                    -2.540686,54.004049
+                    -2.539467,54.004793
+                    -2.539227,54.004951
+                    -2.539467,54.005146
+                    -2.540979,54.005017
+                    -2.542491,54.004955
+                    -2.542647,54.004951
+                    -2.544003,54.004884
+                    -2.545066,54.004049
+                    -2.545124,54.003143
+                    -2.545516,54.002433
+                    -2.545584,54.002242
+                    -2.545613,54.001336
+                    -2.546579,54.000430
+                    -2.546452,53.999524
+                    -2.547028,53.999329
+                    -2.547270,53.999524
+                    -2.547328,54.000430
+                    -2.547840,54.001336
+                    -2.548540,54.001989
+                    -2.549071,54.002242
+                    -2.549126,54.003143
+                    -2.549153,54.004049
+                    -2.548540,54.004254
+                    -2.547076,54.004049
+                    -2.547028,54.004045
+                    -2.546972,54.004049
+                    -2.546099,54.004951
+                    -2.546525,54.005861
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+                    -2.512247,54.020262
+                    -2.510772,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.019408
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013219
+                    -2.511133,54.013095
+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010382
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
+                    -2.509223,54.007668
+                    -2.509223,54.006763
+                    -2.507711,54.005861
+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507805,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
+                    -2.512909,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.006543
+                    -2.514566,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.007621
+                    -2.513497,54.007668
+                    -2.513760,54.007697
+                    -2.515272,54.007835
+                    -2.515810,54.007668
+                    -2.515500,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006362
+                    -2.518296,54.006305
+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
+                    -2.514052,53.998618
+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
+                    -2.511967,53.996811
+                    -2.511815,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.994999
+                    -2.510735,53.994598
+                    -2.509787,53.994999
+                    -2.509223,53.995676
+                    -2.507711,53.995881
+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.994999
+                    -2.504894,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.994131
+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
+                    -2.503299,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.990951
+                    -2.505574,53.990479
+                    -2.504750,53.989573
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
+                    -2.503174,53.987865
+                    -2.502978,53.987765
+                    -2.502391,53.986859
+                    -2.501662,53.986278
+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507806,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979702
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977199
+                    -2.509642,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976536
+                    -2.508680,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975477
+                    -2.509727,53.975101
+                    -2.509420,53.974190
+                    -2.509223,53.973732
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532263,53.972383
+                    -2.532110,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973794
+                    -2.531213,53.974190
+                    -2.531906,53.974605
+                    -2.532582,53.975101
+                    -2.532813,53.976002
+                    -2.532429,53.976908
+                    -2.532561,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978324
+                    -2.534255,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979120
+                    -2.535980,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.979897
+                    -2.537955,53.980460
+                    -2.539467,53.980126
+                    -2.540480,53.980527
+                    -2.540529,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.981862
+                    -2.541685,53.982334
+                    -2.541675,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983727
+                    -2.543824,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984251
+                    -2.545516,53.984723
+                    -2.547028,53.984809
+                    -2.548250,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985229
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+                    -2.551280,53.986859
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+                    -2.551849,53.986859
+                    -2.552051,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985734
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+                    -2.557093,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986268
+                    -2.558210,53.985953
+                    -2.559126,53.985348
+                    -2.559633,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986511
+                    -2.562150,53.986325
+                    -2.562827,53.986859
+                    -2.563662,53.987660
+                    -2.563892,53.987765
+                    -2.563788,53.988667
+                    -2.563834,53.989573
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+                    -2.565639,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991938
+                    -2.564643,53.992286
+                    -2.564089,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.994002
+                    -2.562754,53.994098
+                    -2.563662,53.994217
+                    -2.564441,53.994999
+                    -2.565174,53.995500
+                    -2.565673,53.995910
+                    -2.565434,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997097
+                    -2.563662,53.997035
+                    -2.562150,53.997006
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+                    -2.560476,53.996811
+                    -2.560638,53.996758
+                    -2.561651,53.995910
+                    -2.561408,53.994999
+                    -2.560638,53.994584
+                    -2.559794,53.994098
+                    -2.559450,53.993192
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+                    -2.559647,53.991385
+                    -2.559476,53.990479
+                    -2.559126,53.990269
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+                    -2.554589,53.988357
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+                    -2.552475,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989091
+                    -2.554589,53.989573
+                    -2.554591,53.989573
+                    -2.555382,53.990479
+                    -2.554967,53.991385
+                    -2.555212,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992629
+                    -2.553352,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993516
+                    -2.552220,53.994098
+                    -2.551564,53.994389
+                    -2.550220,53.994999
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+                    -2.545543,54.009476
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+                    -2.537955,54.015136
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+                    -2.534930,54.017572
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+                    -2.534930,54.017830
+                    -2.534142,54.018526
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+                    -2.530394,54.020476
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+                    -2.532521,54.020333
+                    -2.533418,54.019561
+                    -2.534621,54.020333
+                    -2.534930,54.020572
+                    -2.535562,54.021239
+                    -2.534930,54.021468
+                    -2.534297,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.020791
+                    -2.532704,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.021802
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+                    -2.534694,54.023051
+                    -2.534930,54.023347
+                    -2.535731,54.023952
+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025397
+                    -2.531906,54.025459
+                    -2.530394,54.025202
+                    -2.528882,54.025354
+                    -2.527369,54.025507
+                    -2.525898,54.024858
+                    -2.525857,54.024844
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+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520257,54.022145
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+                    -2.518296,54.021807
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+                    -2.512892,54.020333
+                    -2.512247,54.020262
+                    -2.510772,54.019427
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013219
+                    -2.511133,54.013095
+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010382
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
+                    -2.509223,54.007668
+                    -2.509223,54.006763
+                    -2.507711,54.005861
+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507805,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
+                    -2.512909,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.006543
+                    -2.514566,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.007621
+                    -2.513497,54.007668
+                    -2.513760,54.007697
+                    -2.515272,54.007835
+                    -2.515810,54.007668
+                    -2.515500,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006362
+                    -2.518296,54.006305
+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
+                    -2.514052,53.998618
+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
+                    -2.511967,53.996811
+                    -2.511815,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.994999
+                    -2.510735,53.994598
+                    -2.509787,53.994999
+                    -2.509223,53.995676
+                    -2.507711,53.995881
+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.994999
+                    -2.504894,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.994131
+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
+                    -2.503299,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.990951
+                    -2.505574,53.990479
+                    -2.504750,53.989573
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
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+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
+                    -2.503174,53.987865
+                    -2.502978,53.987765
+                    -2.502391,53.986859
+                    -2.501662,53.986278
+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507806,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979702
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977199
+                    -2.509642,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976536
+                    -2.508680,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975477
+                    -2.509727,53.975101
+                    -2.509420,53.974190
+                    -2.509223,53.973732
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532263,53.972383
+                    -2.532110,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973794
+                    -2.531213,53.974190
+                    -2.531906,53.974605
+                    -2.532582,53.975101
+                    -2.532813,53.976002
+                    -2.532429,53.976908
+                    -2.532561,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978324
+                    -2.534255,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979120
+                    -2.535980,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.979897
+                    -2.537955,53.980460
+                    -2.539467,53.980126
+                    -2.540480,53.980527
+                    -2.540529,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.981862
+                    -2.541685,53.982334
+                    -2.541675,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983727
+                    -2.543824,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984251
+                    -2.545516,53.984723
+                    -2.547028,53.984809
+                    -2.548250,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985229
+                    -2.550052,53.985271
+                    -2.551078,53.985953
+                    -2.551280,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987031
+                    -2.551849,53.986859
+                    -2.552051,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985734
+                    -2.554589,53.985572
+                    -2.556101,53.985529
+                    -2.557093,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986268
+                    -2.558210,53.985953
+                    -2.559126,53.985348
+                    -2.559633,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986511
+                    -2.562150,53.986325
+                    -2.562827,53.986859
+                    -2.563662,53.987660
+                    -2.563892,53.987765
+                    -2.563788,53.988667
+                    -2.563834,53.989573
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+                    -2.565639,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991938
+                    -2.564643,53.992286
+                    -2.564089,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.994002
+                    -2.562754,53.994098
+                    -2.563662,53.994217
+                    -2.564441,53.994999
+                    -2.565174,53.995500
+                    -2.565673,53.995910
+                    -2.565434,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997097
+                    -2.563662,53.997035
+                    -2.562150,53.997006
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+                    -2.560476,53.996811
+                    -2.560638,53.996758
+                    -2.561651,53.995910
+                    -2.561408,53.994999
+                    -2.560638,53.994584
+                    -2.559794,53.994098
+                    -2.559450,53.993192
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+                    -2.552475,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989091
+                    -2.554589,53.989573
+                    -2.554591,53.989573
+                    -2.555382,53.990479
+                    -2.554967,53.991385
+                    -2.555212,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992629
+                    -2.553352,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993516
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+                    -2.534930,54.017572
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+                    -2.534930,54.017830
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+                    -2.530394,54.020166
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+                    -2.530394,54.020476
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+                    -2.532521,54.020333
+                    -2.533418,54.019561
+                    -2.534621,54.020333
+                    -2.534930,54.020572
+                    -2.535562,54.021239
+                    -2.534930,54.021468
+                    -2.534297,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.020791
+                    -2.532704,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.021802
+                    -2.533756,54.022145
+                    -2.534694,54.023051
+                    -2.534930,54.023347
+                    -2.535731,54.023952
+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025397
+                    -2.531906,54.025459
+                    -2.530394,54.025202
+                    -2.528882,54.025354
+                    -2.527369,54.025507
+                    -2.525898,54.024858
+                    -2.525857,54.024844
+                    -2.524345,54.023952
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+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520257,54.022145
+                    -2.519808,54.021802
+                    -2.518296,54.021807
+                    -2.516874,54.021239
+                    -2.516784,54.021158
+                    -2.515272,54.020634
+                    -2.513760,54.020495
+                    -2.512892,54.020333
+                    -2.512247,54.020262
+                    -2.510772,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.019408
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013219
+                    -2.511133,54.013095
+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010382
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
+                    -2.509223,54.007668
+                    -2.509223,54.006763
+                    -2.507711,54.005861
+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507805,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
+                    -2.512909,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.006543
+                    -2.514566,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.007621
+                    -2.513497,54.007668
+                    -2.513760,54.007697
+                    -2.515272,54.007835
+                    -2.515810,54.007668
+                    -2.515500,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006362
+                    -2.518296,54.006305
+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
+                    -2.514052,53.998618
+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
+                    -2.511967,53.996811
+                    -2.511815,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.994999
+                    -2.510735,53.994598
+                    -2.509787,53.994999
+                    -2.509223,53.995676
+                    -2.507711,53.995881
+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.994999
+                    -2.504894,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.994131
+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
+                    -2.503299,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.990951
+                    -2.505574,53.990479
+                    -2.504750,53.989573
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
+                    -2.503174,53.987865
+                    -2.502978,53.987765
+                    -2.502391,53.986859
+                    -2.501662,53.986278
+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507806,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979702
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977199
+                    -2.509642,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976536
+                    -2.508680,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975477
+                    -2.509727,53.975101
+                    -2.509420,53.974190
+                    -2.509223,53.973732
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532263,53.972383
+                    -2.532110,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973794
+                    -2.531213,53.974190
+                    -2.531906,53.974605
+                    -2.532582,53.975101
+                    -2.532813,53.976002
+                    -2.532429,53.976908
+                    -2.532561,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978324
+                    -2.534255,53.978715
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+                    -2.535980,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.979897
+                    -2.537955,53.980460
+                    -2.539467,53.980126
+                    -2.540480,53.980527
+                    -2.540529,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.981862
+                    -2.541685,53.982334
+                    -2.541675,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983727
+                    -2.543824,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984251
+                    -2.545516,53.984723
+                    -2.547028,53.984809
+                    -2.548250,53.985052
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+                    -2.550052,53.985271
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+                    -2.551280,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987031
+                    -2.551849,53.986859
+                    -2.552051,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985734
+                    -2.554589,53.985572
+                    -2.556101,53.985529
+                    -2.557093,53.985953
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+                    -2.558210,53.985953
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+                    -2.562150,53.986325
+                    -2.562827,53.986859
+                    -2.563662,53.987660
+                    -2.563892,53.987765
+                    -2.563788,53.988667
+                    -2.563834,53.989573
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+                    -2.565639,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991938
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+                    -2.564089,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.994002
+                    -2.562754,53.994098
+                    -2.563662,53.994217
+                    -2.564441,53.994999
+                    -2.565174,53.995500
+                    -2.565673,53.995910
+                    -2.565434,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997097
+                    -2.563662,53.997035
+                    -2.562150,53.997006
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+                    -2.560476,53.996811
+                    -2.560638,53.996758
+                    -2.561651,53.995910
+                    -2.561408,53.994999
+                    -2.560638,53.994584
+                    -2.559794,53.994098
+                    -2.559450,53.993192
+                    -2.559278,53.992286
+                    -2.559647,53.991385
+                    -2.559476,53.990479
+                    -2.559126,53.990269
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+                    -2.556919,53.989573
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+                    -2.555106,53.988667
+                    -2.554589,53.988357
+                    -2.553077,53.988309
+                    -2.552475,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989091
+                    -2.554589,53.989573
+                    -2.554591,53.989573
+                    -2.555382,53.990479
+                    -2.554967,53.991385
+                    -2.555212,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992629
+                    -2.553352,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993516
+                    -2.552220,53.994098
+                    -2.551564,53.994389
+                    -2.550220,53.994999
+                    -2.550052,53.995090
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+                    -2.539467,54.000430
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+                    -2.537955,54.001899
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+                    -2.540979,54.003253
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+                    -2.534930,54.021468
+                    -2.534297,54.021239
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+                    -2.532704,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.021802
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+                    -2.534694,54.023051
+                    -2.534930,54.023347
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+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025397
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+                    -2.530394,54.025202
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+                    -2.525857,54.024844
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+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520257,54.022145
+                    -2.519808,54.021802
+                    -2.518296,54.021807
+                    -2.516874,54.021239
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+                    -2.515272,54.020634
+                    -2.513760,54.020495
+                    -2.512892,54.020333
+                    -2.512247,54.020262
+                    -2.510772,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.019408
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013219
+                    -2.511133,54.013095
+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010382
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
+                    -2.509223,54.007668
+                    -2.509223,54.006763
+                    -2.507711,54.005861
+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507805,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
+                    -2.512909,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.006543
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+                    -2.513760,54.007621
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+                    -2.513760,54.007697
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+                    -2.515500,54.006763
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+                    -2.518296,54.006305
+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
+                    -2.514052,53.998618
+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
+                    -2.511967,53.996811
+                    -2.511815,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.994999
+                    -2.510735,53.994598
+                    -2.509787,53.994999
+                    -2.509223,53.995676
+                    -2.507711,53.995881
+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.994999
+                    -2.504894,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.994131
+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
+                    -2.503299,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.990951
+                    -2.505574,53.990479
+                    -2.504750,53.989573
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
+                    -2.503174,53.987865
+                    -2.502978,53.987765
+                    -2.502391,53.986859
+                    -2.501662,53.986278
+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507806,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979702
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977199
+                    -2.509642,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976536
+                    -2.508680,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975477
+                    -2.509727,53.975101
+                    -2.509420,53.974190
+                    -2.509223,53.973732
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532263,53.972383
+                    -2.532110,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973794
+                    -2.531213,53.974190
+                    -2.531906,53.974605
+                    -2.532582,53.975101
+                    -2.532813,53.976002
+                    -2.532429,53.976908
+                    -2.532561,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978324
+                    -2.534255,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979120
+                    -2.535980,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.979897
+                    -2.537955,53.980460
+                    -2.539467,53.980126
+                    -2.540480,53.980527
+                    -2.540529,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.981862
+                    -2.541685,53.982334
+                    -2.541675,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983727
+                    -2.543824,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984251
+                    -2.545516,53.984723
+                    -2.547028,53.984809
+                    -2.548250,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985229
+                    -2.550052,53.985271
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+                    -2.551280,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987031
+                    -2.551849,53.986859
+                    -2.552051,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985734
+                    -2.554589,53.985572
+                    -2.556101,53.985529
+                    -2.557093,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986268
+                    -2.558210,53.985953
+                    -2.559126,53.985348
+                    -2.559633,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986511
+                    -2.562150,53.986325
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+                    -2.563892,53.987765
+                    -2.563788,53.988667
+                    -2.563834,53.989573
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+                    -2.565174,53.990788
+                    -2.565639,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991938
+                    -2.564643,53.992286
+                    -2.564089,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.994002
+                    -2.562754,53.994098
+                    -2.563662,53.994217
+                    -2.564441,53.994999
+                    -2.565174,53.995500
+                    -2.565673,53.995910
+                    -2.565434,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997097
+                    -2.563662,53.997035
+                    -2.562150,53.997006
+                    -2.560638,53.996882
+                    -2.560476,53.996811
+                    -2.560638,53.996758
+                    -2.561651,53.995910
+                    -2.561408,53.994999
+                    -2.560638,53.994584
+                    -2.559794,53.994098
+                    -2.559450,53.993192
+                    -2.559278,53.992286
+                    -2.559647,53.991385
+                    -2.559476,53.990479
+                    -2.559126,53.990269
+                    -2.557613,53.990188
+                    -2.556919,53.989573
+                    -2.556101,53.989139
+                    -2.555106,53.988667
+                    -2.554589,53.988357
+                    -2.553077,53.988309
+                    -2.552475,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989091
+                    -2.554589,53.989573
+                    -2.554591,53.989573
+                    -2.555382,53.990479
+                    -2.554967,53.991385
+                    -2.555212,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992629
+                    -2.553352,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993516
+                    -2.552220,53.994098
+                    -2.551564,53.994389
+                    -2.550220,53.994999
+                    -2.550052,53.995090
+                    -2.548701,53.995910
+                    -2.548540,53.996134
+                    -2.547212,53.996811
+                    -2.547028,53.996849
+                    -2.545516,53.997107
+                    -2.544523,53.997717
+                    -2.544003,53.997850
+                    -2.542532,53.998618
+                    -2.542491,53.998704
+                    -2.540979,53.999200
+                    -2.539467,53.999133
+                    -2.538427,53.999524
+                    -2.539467,54.000416
+                    -2.539470,54.000430
+                    -2.539467,54.000430
+                    -2.537955,54.000583
+                    -2.536443,54.000893
+                    -2.535680,54.001336
+                    -2.536443,54.002185
+                    -2.537955,54.001899
+                    -2.538270,54.002242
+                    -2.539467,54.002643
+                    -2.540979,54.003100
+                    -2.541093,54.003143
+                    -2.540979,54.003253
+                    -2.540686,54.004049
+                    -2.539467,54.004793
+                    -2.539227,54.004951
+                    -2.539467,54.005146
+                    -2.540979,54.005017
+                    -2.542491,54.004955
+                    -2.542647,54.004951
+                    -2.544003,54.004884
+                    -2.545066,54.004049
+                    -2.545124,54.003143
+                    -2.545516,54.002433
+                    -2.545584,54.002242
+                    -2.545613,54.001336
+                    -2.546579,54.000430
+                    -2.546452,53.999524
+                    -2.547028,53.999329
+                    -2.547270,53.999524
+                    -2.547328,54.000430
+                    -2.547840,54.001336
+                    -2.548540,54.001989
+                    -2.549071,54.002242
+                    -2.549126,54.003143
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+                    -2.519808,54.021802
+                    -2.518296,54.021807
+                    -2.516874,54.021239
+                    -2.516784,54.021158
+                    -2.515272,54.020634
+                    -2.513760,54.020495
+                    -2.512892,54.020333
+                    -2.512247,54.020262
+                    -2.510772,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.019408
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013219
+                    -2.511133,54.013095
+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010382
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
+                    -2.509223,54.007668
+                    -2.509223,54.006763
+                    -2.507711,54.005861
+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507805,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
+                    -2.512909,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.006543
+                    -2.514566,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.007621
+                    -2.513497,54.007668
+                    -2.513760,54.007697
+                    -2.515272,54.007835
+                    -2.515810,54.007668
+                    -2.515500,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006362
+                    -2.518296,54.006305
+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
+                    -2.514052,53.998618
+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
+                    -2.511967,53.996811
+                    -2.511815,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.994999
+                    -2.510735,53.994598
+                    -2.509787,53.994999
+                    -2.509223,53.995676
+                    -2.507711,53.995881
+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.994999
+                    -2.504894,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.994131
+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
+                    -2.503299,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.990951
+                    -2.505574,53.990479
+                    -2.504750,53.989573
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
+                    -2.503174,53.987865
+                    -2.502978,53.987765
+                    -2.502391,53.986859
+                    -2.501662,53.986278
+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507806,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979702
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977199
+                    -2.509642,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976536
+                    -2.508680,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975477
+                    -2.509727,53.975101
+                    -2.509420,53.974190
+                    -2.509223,53.973732
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532263,53.972383
+                    -2.532110,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973794
+                    -2.531213,53.974190
+                    -2.531906,53.974605
+                    -2.532582,53.975101
+                    -2.532813,53.976002
+                    -2.532429,53.976908
+                    -2.532561,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978324
+                    -2.534255,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979120
+                    -2.535980,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.979897
+                    -2.537955,53.980460
+                    -2.539467,53.980126
+                    -2.540480,53.980527
+                    -2.540529,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.981862
+                    -2.541685,53.982334
+                    -2.541675,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983727
+                    -2.543824,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984251
+                    -2.545516,53.984723
+                    -2.547028,53.984809
+                    -2.548250,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985229
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+                    -2.551280,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987031
+                    -2.551849,53.986859
+                    -2.552051,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985734
+                    -2.554589,53.985572
+                    -2.556101,53.985529
+                    -2.557093,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986268
+                    -2.558210,53.985953
+                    -2.559126,53.985348
+                    -2.559633,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986511
+                    -2.562150,53.986325
+                    -2.562827,53.986859
+                    -2.563662,53.987660
+                    -2.563892,53.987765
+                    -2.563788,53.988667
+                    -2.563834,53.989573
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+                    -2.565639,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991938
+                    -2.564643,53.992286
+                    -2.564089,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.994002
+                    -2.562754,53.994098
+                    -2.563662,53.994217
+                    -2.564441,53.994999
+                    -2.565174,53.995500
+                    -2.565673,53.995910
+                    -2.565434,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997097
+                    -2.563662,53.997035
+                    -2.562150,53.997006
+                    -2.560638,53.996882
+                    -2.560476,53.996811
+                    -2.560638,53.996758
+                    -2.561651,53.995910
+                    -2.561408,53.994999
+                    -2.560638,53.994584
+                    -2.559794,53.994098
+                    -2.559450,53.993192
+                    -2.559278,53.992286
+                    -2.559647,53.991385
+                    -2.559476,53.990479
+                    -2.559126,53.990269
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+                    -2.556919,53.989573
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+                    -2.554589,53.988357
+                    -2.553077,53.988309
+                    -2.552475,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989091
+                    -2.554589,53.989573
+                    -2.554591,53.989573
+                    -2.555382,53.990479
+                    -2.554967,53.991385
+                    -2.555212,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992629
+                    -2.553352,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993516
+                    -2.552220,53.994098
+                    -2.551564,53.994389
+                    -2.550220,53.994999
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+                    -2.545543,54.009476
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+                    -2.537955,54.015136
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+                    -2.534930,54.017572
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+                    -2.534930,54.017830
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+                    -2.530394,54.020476
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+                    -2.532521,54.020333
+                    -2.533418,54.019561
+                    -2.534621,54.020333
+                    -2.534930,54.020572
+                    -2.535562,54.021239
+                    -2.534930,54.021468
+                    -2.534297,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.020791
+                    -2.532704,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.021802
+                    -2.533756,54.022145
+                    -2.534694,54.023051
+                    -2.534930,54.023347
+                    -2.535731,54.023952
+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025397
+                    -2.531906,54.025459
+                    -2.530394,54.025202
+                    -2.528882,54.025354
+                    -2.527369,54.025507
+                    -2.525898,54.024858
+                    -2.525857,54.024844
+                    -2.524345,54.023952
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+                    -2.521321,54.022145
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+                    -2.512247,54.020262
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+                    -2.510735,54.019408
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013219
+                    -2.511133,54.013095
+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010382
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
+                    -2.509223,54.007668
+                    -2.509223,54.006763
+                    -2.507711,54.005861
+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507805,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
+                    -2.512909,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.006543
+                    -2.514566,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.007621
+                    -2.513497,54.007668
+                    -2.513760,54.007697
+                    -2.515272,54.007835
+                    -2.515810,54.007668
+                    -2.515500,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006362
+                    -2.518296,54.006305
+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
+                    -2.514052,53.998618
+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
+                    -2.511967,53.996811
+                    -2.511815,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.994999
+                    -2.510735,53.994598
+                    -2.509787,53.994999
+                    -2.509223,53.995676
+                    -2.507711,53.995881
+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.994999
+                    -2.504894,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.994131
+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
+                    -2.503299,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.990951
+                    -2.505574,53.990479
+                    -2.504750,53.989573
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
+                    -2.503174,53.987865
+                    -2.502978,53.987765
+                    -2.502391,53.986859
+                    -2.501662,53.986278
+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507806,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979702
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977199
+                    -2.509642,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976536
+                    -2.508680,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975477
+                    -2.509727,53.975101
+                    -2.509420,53.974190
+                    -2.509223,53.973732
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532263,53.972383
+                    -2.532110,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973794
+                    -2.531213,53.974190
+                    -2.531906,53.974605
+                    -2.532582,53.975101
+                    -2.532813,53.976002
+                    -2.532429,53.976908
+                    -2.532561,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978324
+                    -2.534255,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979120
+                    -2.535980,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.979897
+                    -2.537955,53.980460
+                    -2.539467,53.980126
+                    -2.540480,53.980527
+                    -2.540529,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.981862
+                    -2.541685,53.982334
+                    -2.541675,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983727
+                    -2.543824,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984251
+                    -2.545516,53.984723
+                    -2.547028,53.984809
+                    -2.548250,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985229
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+                    -2.551280,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987031
+                    -2.551849,53.986859
+                    -2.552051,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985734
+                    -2.554589,53.985572
+                    -2.556101,53.985529
+                    -2.557093,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986268
+                    -2.558210,53.985953
+                    -2.559126,53.985348
+                    -2.559633,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986511
+                    -2.562150,53.986325
+                    -2.562827,53.986859
+                    -2.563662,53.987660
+                    -2.563892,53.987765
+                    -2.563788,53.988667
+                    -2.563834,53.989573
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+                    -2.565174,53.990788
+                    -2.565639,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991938
+                    -2.564643,53.992286
+                    -2.564089,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.994002
+                    -2.562754,53.994098
+                    -2.563662,53.994217
+                    -2.564441,53.994999
+                    -2.565174,53.995500
+                    -2.565673,53.995910
+                    -2.565434,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997097
+                    -2.563662,53.997035
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+                    -2.560476,53.996811
+                    -2.560638,53.996758
+                    -2.561651,53.995910
+                    -2.561408,53.994999
+                    -2.560638,53.994584
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+                    -2.553077,53.989091
+                    -2.554589,53.989573
+                    -2.554591,53.989573
+                    -2.555382,53.990479
+                    -2.554967,53.991385
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+                    -2.554589,53.992629
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+                    -2.553077,53.993516
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+                    -2.534930,54.017572
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+                    -2.534930,54.017830
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+                    -2.530394,54.020476
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+                    -2.532521,54.020333
+                    -2.533418,54.019561
+                    -2.534621,54.020333
+                    -2.534930,54.020572
+                    -2.535562,54.021239
+                    -2.534930,54.021468
+                    -2.534297,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.020791
+                    -2.532704,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.021802
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+                    -2.534694,54.023051
+                    -2.534930,54.023347
+                    -2.535731,54.023952
+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025397
+                    -2.531906,54.025459
+                    -2.530394,54.025202
+                    -2.528882,54.025354
+                    -2.527369,54.025507
+                    -2.525898,54.024858
+                    -2.525857,54.024844
+                    -2.524345,54.023952
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+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520257,54.022145
+                    -2.519808,54.021802
+                    -2.518296,54.021807
+                    -2.516874,54.021239
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+                    -2.515272,54.020634
+                    -2.513760,54.020495
+                    -2.512892,54.020333
+                    -2.512247,54.020262
+                    -2.510772,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.019408
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013219
+                    -2.511133,54.013095
+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010382
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
+                    -2.509223,54.007668
+                    -2.509223,54.006763
+                    -2.507711,54.005861
+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507805,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
+                    -2.512909,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.006543
+                    -2.514566,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.007621
+                    -2.513497,54.007668
+                    -2.513760,54.007697
+                    -2.515272,54.007835
+                    -2.515810,54.007668
+                    -2.515500,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006362
+                    -2.518296,54.006305
+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
+                    -2.514052,53.998618
+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
+                    -2.511967,53.996811
+                    -2.511815,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.994999
+                    -2.510735,53.994598
+                    -2.509787,53.994999
+                    -2.509223,53.995676
+                    -2.507711,53.995881
+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.994999
+                    -2.504894,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
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+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
+                    -2.503299,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.990951
+                    -2.505574,53.990479
+                    -2.504750,53.989573
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
+                    -2.503174,53.987865
+                    -2.502978,53.987765
+                    -2.502391,53.986859
+                    -2.501662,53.986278
+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507806,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979702
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977199
+                    -2.509642,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976536
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+                    -2.509223,53.975477
+                    -2.509727,53.975101
+                    -2.509420,53.974190
+                    -2.509223,53.973732
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532263,53.972383
+                    -2.532110,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973794
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+                    -2.531906,53.974605
+                    -2.532582,53.975101
+                    -2.532813,53.976002
+                    -2.532429,53.976908
+                    -2.532561,53.977809
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+                    -2.534255,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979120
+                    -2.535980,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.979897
+                    -2.537955,53.980460
+                    -2.539467,53.980126
+                    -2.540480,53.980527
+                    -2.540529,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.981862
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+                    -2.541675,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983727
+                    -2.543824,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984251
+                    -2.545516,53.984723
+                    -2.547028,53.984809
+                    -2.548250,53.985052
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+                    -2.550052,53.985271
+                    -2.551078,53.985953
+                    -2.551280,53.986859
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+                    -2.557093,53.985953
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+                    -2.558210,53.985953
+                    -2.559126,53.985348
+                    -2.559633,53.985953
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+                    -2.562150,53.986325
+                    -2.562827,53.986859
+                    -2.563662,53.987660
+                    -2.563892,53.987765
+                    -2.563788,53.988667
+                    -2.563834,53.989573
+                    -2.564508,53.990479
+                    -2.565174,53.990788
+                    -2.565639,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991938
+                    -2.564643,53.992286
+                    -2.564089,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.994002
+                    -2.562754,53.994098
+                    -2.563662,53.994217
+                    -2.564441,53.994999
+                    -2.565174,53.995500
+                    -2.565673,53.995910
+                    -2.565434,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997097
+                    -2.563662,53.997035
+                    -2.562150,53.997006
+                    -2.560638,53.996882
+                    -2.560476,53.996811
+                    -2.560638,53.996758
+                    -2.561651,53.995910
+                    -2.561408,53.994999
+                    -2.560638,53.994584
+                    -2.559794,53.994098
+                    -2.559450,53.993192
+                    -2.559278,53.992286
+                    -2.559647,53.991385
+                    -2.559476,53.990479
+                    -2.559126,53.990269
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+                    -2.556919,53.989573
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+                    -2.555106,53.988667
+                    -2.554589,53.988357
+                    -2.553077,53.988309
+                    -2.552475,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989091
+                    -2.554589,53.989573
+                    -2.554591,53.989573
+                    -2.555382,53.990479
+                    -2.554967,53.991385
+                    -2.555212,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992629
+                    -2.553352,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993516
+                    -2.552220,53.994098
+                    -2.551564,53.994389
+                    -2.550220,53.994999
+                    -2.550052,53.995090
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+                    -2.539467,54.000430
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+                    -2.540979,54.003253
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+                    -2.534930,54.021468
+                    -2.534297,54.021239
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+                    -2.532704,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.021802
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+                    -2.534694,54.023051
+                    -2.534930,54.023347
+                    -2.535731,54.023952
+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025397
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+                    -2.530394,54.025202
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+                    -2.525857,54.024844
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+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520257,54.022145
+                    -2.519808,54.021802
+                    -2.518296,54.021807
+                    -2.516874,54.021239
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+                    -2.513760,54.020495
+                    -2.512892,54.020333
+                    -2.512247,54.020262
+                    -2.510772,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.019408
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013219
+                    -2.511133,54.013095
+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010382
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
+                    -2.509223,54.007668
+                    -2.509223,54.006763
+                    -2.507711,54.005861
+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507805,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
+                    -2.512909,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.006543
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+                    -2.513760,54.007621
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+                    -2.513760,54.007697
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+                    -2.515500,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006362
+                    -2.518296,54.006305
+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
+                    -2.514052,53.998618
+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
+                    -2.511967,53.996811
+                    -2.511815,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.994999
+                    -2.510735,53.994598
+                    -2.509787,53.994999
+                    -2.509223,53.995676
+                    -2.507711,53.995881
+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.994999
+                    -2.504894,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
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+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
+                    -2.503299,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.990951
+                    -2.505574,53.990479
+                    -2.504750,53.989573
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
+                    -2.503174,53.987865
+                    -2.502978,53.987765
+                    -2.502391,53.986859
+                    -2.501662,53.986278
+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507806,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979702
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977199
+                    -2.509642,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976536
+                    -2.508680,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975477
+                    -2.509727,53.975101
+                    -2.509420,53.974190
+                    -2.509223,53.973732
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532263,53.972383
+                    -2.532110,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973794
+                    -2.531213,53.974190
+                    -2.531906,53.974605
+                    -2.532582,53.975101
+                    -2.532813,53.976002
+                    -2.532429,53.976908
+                    -2.532561,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978324
+                    -2.534255,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979120
+                    -2.535980,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.979897
+                    -2.537955,53.980460
+                    -2.539467,53.980126
+                    -2.540480,53.980527
+                    -2.540529,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.981862
+                    -2.541685,53.982334
+                    -2.541675,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983727
+                    -2.543824,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984251
+                    -2.545516,53.984723
+                    -2.547028,53.984809
+                    -2.548250,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985229
+                    -2.550052,53.985271
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+                    -2.551280,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987031
+                    -2.551849,53.986859
+                    -2.552051,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985734
+                    -2.554589,53.985572
+                    -2.556101,53.985529
+                    -2.557093,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986268
+                    -2.558210,53.985953
+                    -2.559126,53.985348
+                    -2.559633,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986511
+                    -2.562150,53.986325
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+                    -2.563892,53.987765
+                    -2.563788,53.988667
+                    -2.563834,53.989573
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+                    -2.565639,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991938
+                    -2.564643,53.992286
+                    -2.564089,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.994002
+                    -2.562754,53.994098
+                    -2.563662,53.994217
+                    -2.564441,53.994999
+                    -2.565174,53.995500
+                    -2.565673,53.995910
+                    -2.565434,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997097
+                    -2.563662,53.997035
+                    -2.562150,53.997006
+                    -2.560638,53.996882
+                    -2.560476,53.996811
+                    -2.560638,53.996758
+                    -2.561651,53.995910
+                    -2.561408,53.994999
+                    -2.560638,53.994584
+                    -2.559794,53.994098
+                    -2.559450,53.993192
+                    -2.559278,53.992286
+                    -2.559647,53.991385
+                    -2.559476,53.990479
+                    -2.559126,53.990269
+                    -2.557613,53.990188
+                    -2.556919,53.989573
+                    -2.556101,53.989139
+                    -2.555106,53.988667
+                    -2.554589,53.988357
+                    -2.553077,53.988309
+                    -2.552475,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989091
+                    -2.554589,53.989573
+                    -2.554591,53.989573
+                    -2.555382,53.990479
+                    -2.554967,53.991385
+                    -2.555212,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992629
+                    -2.553352,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993516
+                    -2.552220,53.994098
+                    -2.551564,53.994389
+                    -2.550220,53.994999
+                    -2.550052,53.995090
+                    -2.548701,53.995910
+                    -2.548540,53.996134
+                    -2.547212,53.996811
+                    -2.547028,53.996849
+                    -2.545516,53.997107
+                    -2.544523,53.997717
+                    -2.544003,53.997850
+                    -2.542532,53.998618
+                    -2.542491,53.998704
+                    -2.540979,53.999200
+                    -2.539467,53.999133
+                    -2.538427,53.999524
+                    -2.539467,54.000416
+                    -2.539470,54.000430
+                    -2.539467,54.000430
+                    -2.537955,54.000583
+                    -2.536443,54.000893
+                    -2.535680,54.001336
+                    -2.536443,54.002185
+                    -2.537955,54.001899
+                    -2.538270,54.002242
+                    -2.539467,54.002643
+                    -2.540979,54.003100
+                    -2.541093,54.003143
+                    -2.540979,54.003253
+                    -2.540686,54.004049
+                    -2.539467,54.004793
+                    -2.539227,54.004951
+                    -2.539467,54.005146
+                    -2.540979,54.005017
+                    -2.542491,54.004955
+                    -2.542647,54.004951
+                    -2.544003,54.004884
+                    -2.545066,54.004049
+                    -2.545124,54.003143
+                    -2.545516,54.002433
+                    -2.545584,54.002242
+                    -2.545613,54.001336
+                    -2.546579,54.000430
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+                    -2.530394,54.025202
+                    -2.528882,54.025354
+                    -2.527369,54.025507
+                    -2.525898,54.024858
+                    -2.525857,54.024844
+                    -2.524345,54.023952
+                    -2.522833,54.023051
+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520257,54.022145
+                    -2.519808,54.021802
+                    -2.518296,54.021807
+                    -2.516874,54.021239
+                    -2.516784,54.021158
+                    -2.515272,54.020634
+                    -2.513760,54.020495
+                    -2.512892,54.020333
+                    -2.512247,54.020262
+                    -2.510772,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.019408
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013219
+                    -2.511133,54.013095
+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010382
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
+                    -2.509223,54.007668
+                    -2.509223,54.006763
+                    -2.507711,54.005861
+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507805,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
+                    -2.512909,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.006543
+                    -2.514566,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.007621
+                    -2.513497,54.007668
+                    -2.513760,54.007697
+                    -2.515272,54.007835
+                    -2.515810,54.007668
+                    -2.515500,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006362
+                    -2.518296,54.006305
+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
+                    -2.514052,53.998618
+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
+                    -2.511967,53.996811
+                    -2.511815,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.994999
+                    -2.510735,53.994598
+                    -2.509787,53.994999
+                    -2.509223,53.995676
+                    -2.507711,53.995881
+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.994999
+                    -2.504894,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.994131
+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
+                    -2.503299,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.990951
+                    -2.505574,53.990479
+                    -2.504750,53.989573
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
+                    -2.503174,53.987865
+                    -2.502978,53.987765
+                    -2.502391,53.986859
+                    -2.501662,53.986278
+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507806,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979702
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977199
+                    -2.509642,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976536
+                    -2.508680,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975477
+                    -2.509727,53.975101
+                    -2.509420,53.974190
+                    -2.509223,53.973732
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532263,53.972383
+                    -2.532110,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973794
+                    -2.531213,53.974190
+                    -2.531906,53.974605
+                    -2.532582,53.975101
+                    -2.532813,53.976002
+                    -2.532429,53.976908
+                    -2.532561,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978324
+                    -2.534255,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979120
+                    -2.535980,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.979897
+                    -2.537955,53.980460
+                    -2.539467,53.980126
+                    -2.540480,53.980527
+                    -2.540529,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.981862
+                    -2.541685,53.982334
+                    -2.541675,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983727
+                    -2.543824,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984251
+                    -2.545516,53.984723
+                    -2.547028,53.984809
+                    -2.548250,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985229
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+                    -2.551280,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987031
+                    -2.551849,53.986859
+                    -2.552051,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985734
+                    -2.554589,53.985572
+                    -2.556101,53.985529
+                    -2.557093,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986268
+                    -2.558210,53.985953
+                    -2.559126,53.985348
+                    -2.559633,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986511
+                    -2.562150,53.986325
+                    -2.562827,53.986859
+                    -2.563662,53.987660
+                    -2.563892,53.987765
+                    -2.563788,53.988667
+                    -2.563834,53.989573
+                    -2.564508,53.990479
+                    -2.565174,53.990788
+                    -2.565639,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991938
+                    -2.564643,53.992286
+                    -2.564089,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.994002
+                    -2.562754,53.994098
+                    -2.563662,53.994217
+                    -2.564441,53.994999
+                    -2.565174,53.995500
+                    -2.565673,53.995910
+                    -2.565434,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997097
+                    -2.563662,53.997035
+                    -2.562150,53.997006
+                    -2.560638,53.996882
+                    -2.560476,53.996811
+                    -2.560638,53.996758
+                    -2.561651,53.995910
+                    -2.561408,53.994999
+                    -2.560638,53.994584
+                    -2.559794,53.994098
+                    -2.559450,53.993192
+                    -2.559278,53.992286
+                    -2.559647,53.991385
+                    -2.559476,53.990479
+                    -2.559126,53.990269
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+                    -2.556919,53.989573
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+                    -2.555106,53.988667
+                    -2.554589,53.988357
+                    -2.553077,53.988309
+                    -2.552475,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989091
+                    -2.554589,53.989573
+                    -2.554591,53.989573
+                    -2.555382,53.990479
+                    -2.554967,53.991385
+                    -2.555212,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992629
+                    -2.553352,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993516
+                    -2.552220,53.994098
+                    -2.551564,53.994389
+                    -2.550220,53.994999
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+                    -2.545543,54.009476
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+                    -2.545516,54.013314
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+                    -2.537955,54.015136
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+                    -2.534930,54.017572
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+                    -2.534930,54.017830
+                    -2.534142,54.018526
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+                    -2.530394,54.020476
+                    -2.531906,54.020681
+                    -2.532521,54.020333
+                    -2.533418,54.019561
+                    -2.534621,54.020333
+                    -2.534930,54.020572
+                    -2.535562,54.021239
+                    -2.534930,54.021468
+                    -2.534297,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.020791
+                    -2.532704,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.021802
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+                    -2.534694,54.023051
+                    -2.534930,54.023347
+                    -2.535731,54.023952
+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025397
+                    -2.531906,54.025459
+                    -2.530394,54.025202
+                    -2.528882,54.025354
+                    -2.527369,54.025507
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+                    -2.525857,54.024844
+                    -2.524345,54.023952
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+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520257,54.022145
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+                    -2.518296,54.021807
+                    -2.516874,54.021239
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+                    -2.512892,54.020333
+                    -2.512247,54.020262
+                    -2.510772,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.019408
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013219
+                    -2.511133,54.013095
+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010382
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
+                    -2.509223,54.007668
+                    -2.509223,54.006763
+                    -2.507711,54.005861
+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507805,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
+                    -2.512909,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.006543
+                    -2.514566,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.007621
+                    -2.513497,54.007668
+                    -2.513760,54.007697
+                    -2.515272,54.007835
+                    -2.515810,54.007668
+                    -2.515500,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006362
+                    -2.518296,54.006305
+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
+                    -2.514052,53.998618
+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
+                    -2.511967,53.996811
+                    -2.511815,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.994999
+                    -2.510735,53.994598
+                    -2.509787,53.994999
+                    -2.509223,53.995676
+                    -2.507711,53.995881
+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.994999
+                    -2.504894,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
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+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
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+                    -2.504750,53.989573
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
+                    -2.503174,53.987865
+                    -2.502978,53.987765
+                    -2.502391,53.986859
+                    -2.501662,53.986278
+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507806,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979702
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977199
+                    -2.509642,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976536
+                    -2.508680,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975477
+                    -2.509727,53.975101
+                    -2.509420,53.974190
+                    -2.509223,53.973732
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532263,53.972383
+                    -2.532110,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973794
+                    -2.531213,53.974190
+                    -2.531906,53.974605
+                    -2.532582,53.975101
+                    -2.532813,53.976002
+                    -2.532429,53.976908
+                    -2.532561,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978324
+                    -2.534255,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979120
+                    -2.535980,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.979897
+                    -2.537955,53.980460
+                    -2.539467,53.980126
+                    -2.540480,53.980527
+                    -2.540529,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.981862
+                    -2.541685,53.982334
+                    -2.541675,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983727
+                    -2.543824,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984251
+                    -2.545516,53.984723
+                    -2.547028,53.984809
+                    -2.548250,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985229
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+                    -2.551280,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987031
+                    -2.551849,53.986859
+                    -2.552051,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985734
+                    -2.554589,53.985572
+                    -2.556101,53.985529
+                    -2.557093,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986268
+                    -2.558210,53.985953
+                    -2.559126,53.985348
+                    -2.559633,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986511
+                    -2.562150,53.986325
+                    -2.562827,53.986859
+                    -2.563662,53.987660
+                    -2.563892,53.987765
+                    -2.563788,53.988667
+                    -2.563834,53.989573
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+                    -2.565174,53.990788
+                    -2.565639,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991938
+                    -2.564643,53.992286
+                    -2.564089,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.994002
+                    -2.562754,53.994098
+                    -2.563662,53.994217
+                    -2.564441,53.994999
+                    -2.565174,53.995500
+                    -2.565673,53.995910
+                    -2.565434,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997097
+                    -2.563662,53.997035
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+                    -2.560476,53.996811
+                    -2.560638,53.996758
+                    -2.561651,53.995910
+                    -2.561408,53.994999
+                    -2.560638,53.994584
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+                    -2.559450,53.993192
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+                    -2.552475,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989091
+                    -2.554589,53.989573
+                    -2.554591,53.989573
+                    -2.555382,53.990479
+                    -2.554967,53.991385
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+                    -2.554589,53.992629
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+                    -2.553077,53.993516
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+                    -2.534930,54.017572
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+                    -2.534930,54.017830
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+                    -2.530394,54.020476
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+                    -2.532521,54.020333
+                    -2.533418,54.019561
+                    -2.534621,54.020333
+                    -2.534930,54.020572
+                    -2.535562,54.021239
+                    -2.534930,54.021468
+                    -2.534297,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.020791
+                    -2.532704,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.021802
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+                    -2.534694,54.023051
+                    -2.534930,54.023347
+                    -2.535731,54.023952
+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025397
+                    -2.531906,54.025459
+                    -2.530394,54.025202
+                    -2.528882,54.025354
+                    -2.527369,54.025507
+                    -2.525898,54.024858
+                    -2.525857,54.024844
+                    -2.524345,54.023952
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+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520257,54.022145
+                    -2.519808,54.021802
+                    -2.518296,54.021807
+                    -2.516874,54.021239
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+                    -2.515272,54.020634
+                    -2.513760,54.020495
+                    -2.512892,54.020333
+                    -2.512247,54.020262
+                    -2.510772,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.019408
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013219
+                    -2.511133,54.013095
+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010382
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
+                    -2.509223,54.007668
+                    -2.509223,54.006763
+                    -2.507711,54.005861
+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507805,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
+                    -2.512909,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.006543
+                    -2.514566,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.007621
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+                    -2.513760,54.007697
+                    -2.515272,54.007835
+                    -2.515810,54.007668
+                    -2.515500,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006362
+                    -2.518296,54.006305
+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
+                    -2.514052,53.998618
+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
+                    -2.511967,53.996811
+                    -2.511815,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.994999
+                    -2.510735,53.994598
+                    -2.509787,53.994999
+                    -2.509223,53.995676
+                    -2.507711,53.995881
+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.994999
+                    -2.504894,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
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+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
+                    -2.503299,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.990951
+                    -2.505574,53.990479
+                    -2.504750,53.989573
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
+                    -2.503174,53.987865
+                    -2.502978,53.987765
+                    -2.502391,53.986859
+                    -2.501662,53.986278
+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507806,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979702
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977199
+                    -2.509642,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976536
+                    -2.508680,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975477
+                    -2.509727,53.975101
+                    -2.509420,53.974190
+                    -2.509223,53.973732
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532263,53.972383
+                    -2.532110,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973794
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+                    -2.531906,53.974605
+                    -2.532582,53.975101
+                    -2.532813,53.976002
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+                    -2.532561,53.977809
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+                    -2.537955,53.980460
+                    -2.539467,53.980126
+                    -2.540480,53.980527
+                    -2.540529,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.981862
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+                    -2.541675,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983727
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+                    -2.544003,53.984251
+                    -2.545516,53.984723
+                    -2.547028,53.984809
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+                    -2.551849,53.986859
+                    -2.552051,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985734
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+                    -2.556101,53.985529
+                    -2.557093,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986268
+                    -2.558210,53.985953
+                    -2.559126,53.985348
+                    -2.559633,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986511
+                    -2.562150,53.986325
+                    -2.562827,53.986859
+                    -2.563662,53.987660
+                    -2.563892,53.987765
+                    -2.563788,53.988667
+                    -2.563834,53.989573
+                    -2.564508,53.990479
+                    -2.565174,53.990788
+                    -2.565639,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991938
+                    -2.564643,53.992286
+                    -2.564089,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.994002
+                    -2.562754,53.994098
+                    -2.563662,53.994217
+                    -2.564441,53.994999
+                    -2.565174,53.995500
+                    -2.565673,53.995910
+                    -2.565434,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997097
+                    -2.563662,53.997035
+                    -2.562150,53.997006
+                    -2.560638,53.996882
+                    -2.560476,53.996811
+                    -2.560638,53.996758
+                    -2.561651,53.995910
+                    -2.561408,53.994999
+                    -2.560638,53.994584
+                    -2.559794,53.994098
+                    -2.559450,53.993192
+                    -2.559278,53.992286
+                    -2.559647,53.991385
+                    -2.559476,53.990479
+                    -2.559126,53.990269
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+                    -2.556919,53.989573
+                    -2.556101,53.989139
+                    -2.555106,53.988667
+                    -2.554589,53.988357
+                    -2.553077,53.988309
+                    -2.552475,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989091
+                    -2.554589,53.989573
+                    -2.554591,53.989573
+                    -2.555382,53.990479
+                    -2.554967,53.991385
+                    -2.555212,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992629
+                    -2.553352,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993516
+                    -2.552220,53.994098
+                    -2.551564,53.994389
+                    -2.550220,53.994999
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+                    -2.539467,54.000430
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+                    -2.540979,54.003253
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+                    -2.534930,54.017572
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+                    -2.534930,54.017830
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+                    -2.534930,54.021468
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+                    -2.533418,54.020791
+                    -2.532704,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.021802
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+                    -2.534694,54.023051
+                    -2.534930,54.023347
+                    -2.535731,54.023952
+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025397
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+                    -2.530394,54.025202
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+                    -2.525857,54.024844
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+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520257,54.022145
+                    -2.519808,54.021802
+                    -2.518296,54.021807
+                    -2.516874,54.021239
+                    -2.516784,54.021158
+                    -2.515272,54.020634
+                    -2.513760,54.020495
+                    -2.512892,54.020333
+                    -2.512247,54.020262
+                    -2.510772,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.019408
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013219
+                    -2.511133,54.013095
+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010382
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
+                    -2.509223,54.007668
+                    -2.509223,54.006763
+                    -2.507711,54.005861
+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507805,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
+                    -2.512909,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.006543
+                    -2.514566,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.007621
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+                    -2.513760,54.007697
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+                    -2.515500,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006362
+                    -2.518296,54.006305
+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
+                    -2.514052,53.998618
+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
+                    -2.511967,53.996811
+                    -2.511815,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.994999
+                    -2.510735,53.994598
+                    -2.509787,53.994999
+                    -2.509223,53.995676
+                    -2.507711,53.995881
+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.994999
+                    -2.504894,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.994131
+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
+                    -2.503299,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.990951
+                    -2.505574,53.990479
+                    -2.504750,53.989573
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
+                    -2.503174,53.987865
+                    -2.502978,53.987765
+                    -2.502391,53.986859
+                    -2.501662,53.986278
+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507806,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979702
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977199
+                    -2.509642,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976536
+                    -2.508680,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975477
+                    -2.509727,53.975101
+                    -2.509420,53.974190
+                    -2.509223,53.973732
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532263,53.972383
+                    -2.532110,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973794
+                    -2.531213,53.974190
+                    -2.531906,53.974605
+                    -2.532582,53.975101
+                    -2.532813,53.976002
+                    -2.532429,53.976908
+                    -2.532561,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978324
+                    -2.534255,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979120
+                    -2.535980,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.979897
+                    -2.537955,53.980460
+                    -2.539467,53.980126
+                    -2.540480,53.980527
+                    -2.540529,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.981862
+                    -2.541685,53.982334
+                    -2.541675,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983727
+                    -2.543824,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984251
+                    -2.545516,53.984723
+                    -2.547028,53.984809
+                    -2.548250,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985229
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+                    -2.551280,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987031
+                    -2.551849,53.986859
+                    -2.552051,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985734
+                    -2.554589,53.985572
+                    -2.556101,53.985529
+                    -2.557093,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986268
+                    -2.558210,53.985953
+                    -2.559126,53.985348
+                    -2.559633,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986511
+                    -2.562150,53.986325
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+                    -2.563662,53.987660
+                    -2.563892,53.987765
+                    -2.563788,53.988667
+                    -2.563834,53.989573
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+                    -2.565174,53.990788
+                    -2.565639,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991938
+                    -2.564643,53.992286
+                    -2.564089,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.994002
+                    -2.562754,53.994098
+                    -2.563662,53.994217
+                    -2.564441,53.994999
+                    -2.565174,53.995500
+                    -2.565673,53.995910
+                    -2.565434,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997097
+                    -2.563662,53.997035
+                    -2.562150,53.997006
+                    -2.560638,53.996882
+                    -2.560476,53.996811
+                    -2.560638,53.996758
+                    -2.561651,53.995910
+                    -2.561408,53.994999
+                    -2.560638,53.994584
+                    -2.559794,53.994098
+                    -2.559450,53.993192
+                    -2.559278,53.992286
+                    -2.559647,53.991385
+                    -2.559476,53.990479
+                    -2.559126,53.990269
+                    -2.557613,53.990188
+                    -2.556919,53.989573
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+                    -2.555106,53.988667
+                    -2.554589,53.988357
+                    -2.553077,53.988309
+                    -2.552475,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989091
+                    -2.554589,53.989573
+                    -2.554591,53.989573
+                    -2.555382,53.990479
+                    -2.554967,53.991385
+                    -2.555212,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992629
+                    -2.553352,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993516
+                    -2.552220,53.994098
+                    -2.551564,53.994389
+                    -2.550220,53.994999
+                    -2.550052,53.995090
+                    -2.548701,53.995910
+                    -2.548540,53.996134
+                    -2.547212,53.996811
+                    -2.547028,53.996849
+                    -2.545516,53.997107
+                    -2.544523,53.997717
+                    -2.544003,53.997850
+                    -2.542532,53.998618
+                    -2.542491,53.998704
+                    -2.540979,53.999200
+                    -2.539467,53.999133
+                    -2.538427,53.999524
+                    -2.539467,54.000416
+                    -2.539470,54.000430
+                    -2.539467,54.000430
+                    -2.537955,54.000583
+                    -2.536443,54.000893
+                    -2.535680,54.001336
+                    -2.536443,54.002185
+                    -2.537955,54.001899
+                    -2.538270,54.002242
+                    -2.539467,54.002643
+                    -2.540979,54.003100
+                    -2.541093,54.003143
+                    -2.540979,54.003253
+                    -2.540686,54.004049
+                    -2.539467,54.004793
+                    -2.539227,54.004951
+                    -2.539467,54.005146
+                    -2.540979,54.005017
+                    -2.542491,54.004955
+                    -2.542647,54.004951
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+                    -2.534694,54.023051
+                    -2.534930,54.023347
+                    -2.535731,54.023952
+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025397
+                    -2.531906,54.025459
+                    -2.530394,54.025202
+                    -2.528882,54.025354
+                    -2.527369,54.025507
+                    -2.525898,54.024858
+                    -2.525857,54.024844
+                    -2.524345,54.023952
+                    -2.522833,54.023051
+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520257,54.022145
+                    -2.519808,54.021802
+                    -2.518296,54.021807
+                    -2.516874,54.021239
+                    -2.516784,54.021158
+                    -2.515272,54.020634
+                    -2.513760,54.020495
+                    -2.512892,54.020333
+                    -2.512247,54.020262
+                    -2.510772,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.019408
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013219
+                    -2.511133,54.013095
+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010382
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
+                    -2.509223,54.007668
+                    -2.509223,54.006763
+                    -2.507711,54.005861
+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507805,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
+                    -2.512909,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.006543
+                    -2.514566,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.007621
+                    -2.513497,54.007668
+                    -2.513760,54.007697
+                    -2.515272,54.007835
+                    -2.515810,54.007668
+                    -2.515500,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006362
+                    -2.518296,54.006305
+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
+                    -2.514052,53.998618
+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
+                    -2.511967,53.996811
+                    -2.511815,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.994999
+                    -2.510735,53.994598
+                    -2.509787,53.994999
+                    -2.509223,53.995676
+                    -2.507711,53.995881
+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.994999
+                    -2.504894,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.994131
+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
+                    -2.503299,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.990951
+                    -2.505574,53.990479
+                    -2.504750,53.989573
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
+                    -2.503174,53.987865
+                    -2.502978,53.987765
+                    -2.502391,53.986859
+                    -2.501662,53.986278
+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507806,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979702
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977199
+                    -2.509642,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976536
+                    -2.508680,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975477
+                    -2.509727,53.975101
+                    -2.509420,53.974190
+                    -2.509223,53.973732
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532263,53.972383
+                    -2.532110,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973794
+                    -2.531213,53.974190
+                    -2.531906,53.974605
+                    -2.532582,53.975101
+                    -2.532813,53.976002
+                    -2.532429,53.976908
+                    -2.532561,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978324
+                    -2.534255,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979120
+                    -2.535980,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.979897
+                    -2.537955,53.980460
+                    -2.539467,53.980126
+                    -2.540480,53.980527
+                    -2.540529,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.981862
+                    -2.541685,53.982334
+                    -2.541675,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983727
+                    -2.543824,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984251
+                    -2.545516,53.984723
+                    -2.547028,53.984809
+                    -2.548250,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985229
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+                    -2.551280,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987031
+                    -2.551849,53.986859
+                    -2.552051,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985734
+                    -2.554589,53.985572
+                    -2.556101,53.985529
+                    -2.557093,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986268
+                    -2.558210,53.985953
+                    -2.559126,53.985348
+                    -2.559633,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986511
+                    -2.562150,53.986325
+                    -2.562827,53.986859
+                    -2.563662,53.987660
+                    -2.563892,53.987765
+                    -2.563788,53.988667
+                    -2.563834,53.989573
+                    -2.564508,53.990479
+                    -2.565174,53.990788
+                    -2.565639,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991938
+                    -2.564643,53.992286
+                    -2.564089,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.994002
+                    -2.562754,53.994098
+                    -2.563662,53.994217
+                    -2.564441,53.994999
+                    -2.565174,53.995500
+                    -2.565673,53.995910
+                    -2.565434,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997097
+                    -2.563662,53.997035
+                    -2.562150,53.997006
+                    -2.560638,53.996882
+                    -2.560476,53.996811
+                    -2.560638,53.996758
+                    -2.561651,53.995910
+                    -2.561408,53.994999
+                    -2.560638,53.994584
+                    -2.559794,53.994098
+                    -2.559450,53.993192
+                    -2.559278,53.992286
+                    -2.559647,53.991385
+                    -2.559476,53.990479
+                    -2.559126,53.990269
+                    -2.557613,53.990188
+                    -2.556919,53.989573
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+                    -2.555106,53.988667
+                    -2.554589,53.988357
+                    -2.553077,53.988309
+                    -2.552475,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989091
+                    -2.554589,53.989573
+                    -2.554591,53.989573
+                    -2.555382,53.990479
+                    -2.554967,53.991385
+                    -2.555212,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992629
+                    -2.553352,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993516
+                    -2.552220,53.994098
+                    -2.551564,53.994389
+                    -2.550220,53.994999
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+                    -2.540979,54.003253
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+                    -2.545543,54.009476
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+                    -2.537955,54.015136
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+                    -2.534930,54.017572
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+                    -2.534930,54.017830
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+                    -2.530394,54.020476
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+                    -2.532521,54.020333
+                    -2.533418,54.019561
+                    -2.534621,54.020333
+                    -2.534930,54.020572
+                    -2.535562,54.021239
+                    -2.534930,54.021468
+                    -2.534297,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.020791
+                    -2.532704,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.021802
+                    -2.533756,54.022145
+                    -2.534694,54.023051
+                    -2.534930,54.023347
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+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025397
+                    -2.531906,54.025459
+                    -2.530394,54.025202
+                    -2.528882,54.025354
+                    -2.527369,54.025507
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+                    -2.525857,54.024844
+                    -2.524345,54.023952
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+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520257,54.022145
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+                    -2.512247,54.020262
+                    -2.510772,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.019408
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013219
+                    -2.511133,54.013095
+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010382
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
+                    -2.509223,54.007668
+                    -2.509223,54.006763
+                    -2.507711,54.005861
+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507805,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
+                    -2.512909,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.006543
+                    -2.514566,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.007621
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+                    -2.513760,54.007697
+                    -2.515272,54.007835
+                    -2.515810,54.007668
+                    -2.515500,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006362
+                    -2.518296,54.006305
+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
+                    -2.514052,53.998618
+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
+                    -2.511967,53.996811
+                    -2.511815,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.994999
+                    -2.510735,53.994598
+                    -2.509787,53.994999
+                    -2.509223,53.995676
+                    -2.507711,53.995881
+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.994999
+                    -2.504894,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.994131
+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
+                    -2.503299,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.990951
+                    -2.505574,53.990479
+                    -2.504750,53.989573
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
+                    -2.503174,53.987865
+                    -2.502978,53.987765
+                    -2.502391,53.986859
+                    -2.501662,53.986278
+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507806,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979702
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977199
+                    -2.509642,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976536
+                    -2.508680,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975477
+                    -2.509727,53.975101
+                    -2.509420,53.974190
+                    -2.509223,53.973732
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532263,53.972383
+                    -2.532110,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973794
+                    -2.531213,53.974190
+                    -2.531906,53.974605
+                    -2.532582,53.975101
+                    -2.532813,53.976002
+                    -2.532429,53.976908
+                    -2.532561,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978324
+                    -2.534255,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979120
+                    -2.535980,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.979897
+                    -2.537955,53.980460
+                    -2.539467,53.980126
+                    -2.540480,53.980527
+                    -2.540529,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.981862
+                    -2.541685,53.982334
+                    -2.541675,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983727
+                    -2.543824,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984251
+                    -2.545516,53.984723
+                    -2.547028,53.984809
+                    -2.548250,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985229
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+                    -2.551280,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987031
+                    -2.551849,53.986859
+                    -2.552051,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985734
+                    -2.554589,53.985572
+                    -2.556101,53.985529
+                    -2.557093,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986268
+                    -2.558210,53.985953
+                    -2.559126,53.985348
+                    -2.559633,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986511
+                    -2.562150,53.986325
+                    -2.562827,53.986859
+                    -2.563662,53.987660
+                    -2.563892,53.987765
+                    -2.563788,53.988667
+                    -2.563834,53.989573
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+                    -2.565639,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991938
+                    -2.564643,53.992286
+                    -2.564089,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.994002
+                    -2.562754,53.994098
+                    -2.563662,53.994217
+                    -2.564441,53.994999
+                    -2.565174,53.995500
+                    -2.565673,53.995910
+                    -2.565434,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997097
+                    -2.563662,53.997035
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+                    -2.560476,53.996811
+                    -2.560638,53.996758
+                    -2.561651,53.995910
+                    -2.561408,53.994999
+                    -2.560638,53.994584
+                    -2.559794,53.994098
+                    -2.559450,53.993192
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+                    -2.559126,53.990269
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+                    -2.552475,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989091
+                    -2.554589,53.989573
+                    -2.554591,53.989573
+                    -2.555382,53.990479
+                    -2.554967,53.991385
+                    -2.555212,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992629
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+                    -2.553077,53.993516
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+                    -2.551564,53.994389
+                    -2.550220,53.994999
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+                    -2.537955,54.015136
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+                    -2.534930,54.017572
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+                    -2.534930,54.017830
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+                    -2.530394,54.020476
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+                    -2.532521,54.020333
+                    -2.533418,54.019561
+                    -2.534621,54.020333
+                    -2.534930,54.020572
+                    -2.535562,54.021239
+                    -2.534930,54.021468
+                    -2.534297,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.020791
+                    -2.532704,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.021802
+                    -2.533756,54.022145
+                    -2.534694,54.023051
+                    -2.534930,54.023347
+                    -2.535731,54.023952
+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025397
+                    -2.531906,54.025459
+                    -2.530394,54.025202
+                    -2.528882,54.025354
+                    -2.527369,54.025507
+                    -2.525898,54.024858
+                    -2.525857,54.024844
+                    -2.524345,54.023952
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+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520257,54.022145
+                    -2.519808,54.021802
+                    -2.518296,54.021807
+                    -2.516874,54.021239
+                    -2.516784,54.021158
+                    -2.515272,54.020634
+                    -2.513760,54.020495
+                    -2.512892,54.020333
+                    -2.512247,54.020262
+                    -2.510772,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.019408
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013219
+                    -2.511133,54.013095
+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010382
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
+                    -2.509223,54.007668
+                    -2.509223,54.006763
+                    -2.507711,54.005861
+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507805,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
+                    -2.512909,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.006543
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+                    -2.513760,54.007621
+                    -2.513497,54.007668
+                    -2.513760,54.007697
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+                    -2.515810,54.007668
+                    -2.515500,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006362
+                    -2.518296,54.006305
+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
+                    -2.514052,53.998618
+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
+                    -2.511967,53.996811
+                    -2.511815,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.994999
+                    -2.510735,53.994598
+                    -2.509787,53.994999
+                    -2.509223,53.995676
+                    -2.507711,53.995881
+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.994999
+                    -2.504894,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.994131
+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
+                    -2.503299,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.990951
+                    -2.505574,53.990479
+                    -2.504750,53.989573
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
+                    -2.503174,53.987865
+                    -2.502978,53.987765
+                    -2.502391,53.986859
+                    -2.501662,53.986278
+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507806,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979702
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977199
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+                    -2.509223,53.976536
+                    -2.508680,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975477
+                    -2.509727,53.975101
+                    -2.509420,53.974190
+                    -2.509223,53.973732
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532263,53.972383
+                    -2.532110,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973794
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+                    -2.531906,53.974605
+                    -2.532582,53.975101
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+                    -2.532561,53.977809
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+                    -2.539467,53.980126
+                    -2.540480,53.980527
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+                    -2.544003,53.984251
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+                    -2.551849,53.986859
+                    -2.552051,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985734
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+                    -2.557093,53.985953
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+                    -2.558210,53.985953
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+                    -2.559633,53.985953
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+                    -2.562150,53.986325
+                    -2.562827,53.986859
+                    -2.563662,53.987660
+                    -2.563892,53.987765
+                    -2.563788,53.988667
+                    -2.563834,53.989573
+                    -2.564508,53.990479
+                    -2.565174,53.990788
+                    -2.565639,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991938
+                    -2.564643,53.992286
+                    -2.564089,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.994002
+                    -2.562754,53.994098
+                    -2.563662,53.994217
+                    -2.564441,53.994999
+                    -2.565174,53.995500
+                    -2.565673,53.995910
+                    -2.565434,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997097
+                    -2.563662,53.997035
+                    -2.562150,53.997006
+                    -2.560638,53.996882
+                    -2.560476,53.996811
+                    -2.560638,53.996758
+                    -2.561651,53.995910
+                    -2.561408,53.994999
+                    -2.560638,53.994584
+                    -2.559794,53.994098
+                    -2.559450,53.993192
+                    -2.559278,53.992286
+                    -2.559647,53.991385
+                    -2.559476,53.990479
+                    -2.559126,53.990269
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+                    -2.554589,53.988357
+                    -2.553077,53.988309
+                    -2.552475,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989091
+                    -2.554589,53.989573
+                    -2.554591,53.989573
+                    -2.555382,53.990479
+                    -2.554967,53.991385
+                    -2.555212,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992629
+                    -2.553352,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993516
+                    -2.552220,53.994098
+                    -2.551564,53.994389
+                    -2.550220,53.994999
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+                    -2.539467,54.000430
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+                    -2.534930,54.021468
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+                    -2.532704,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.021802
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+                    -2.534694,54.023051
+                    -2.534930,54.023347
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+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025397
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+                    -2.530394,54.025202
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+                    -2.520257,54.022145
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+                    -2.518296,54.021807
+                    -2.516874,54.021239
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+                    -2.513760,54.020495
+                    -2.512892,54.020333
+                    -2.512247,54.020262
+                    -2.510772,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.019408
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013219
+                    -2.511133,54.013095
+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010382
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
+                    -2.509223,54.007668
+                    -2.509223,54.006763
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+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507805,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
+                    -2.512909,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.006543
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+                    -2.513760,54.007621
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+                    -2.513760,54.007697
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+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
+                    -2.514052,53.998618
+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
+                    -2.511967,53.996811
+                    -2.511815,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.994999
+                    -2.510735,53.994598
+                    -2.509787,53.994999
+                    -2.509223,53.995676
+                    -2.507711,53.995881
+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.994999
+                    -2.504894,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.994131
+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
+                    -2.503299,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.990951
+                    -2.505574,53.990479
+                    -2.504750,53.989573
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
+                    -2.503174,53.987865
+                    -2.502978,53.987765
+                    -2.502391,53.986859
+                    -2.501662,53.986278
+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507806,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979702
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977199
+                    -2.509642,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976536
+                    -2.508680,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975477
+                    -2.509727,53.975101
+                    -2.509420,53.974190
+                    -2.509223,53.973732
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532263,53.972383
+                    -2.532110,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973794
+                    -2.531213,53.974190
+                    -2.531906,53.974605
+                    -2.532582,53.975101
+                    -2.532813,53.976002
+                    -2.532429,53.976908
+                    -2.532561,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978324
+                    -2.534255,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979120
+                    -2.535980,53.979621
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+                    -2.537955,53.980460
+                    -2.539467,53.980126
+                    -2.540480,53.980527
+                    -2.540529,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.981862
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+                    -2.541675,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983727
+                    -2.543824,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984251
+                    -2.545516,53.984723
+                    -2.547028,53.984809
+                    -2.548250,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985229
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+                    -2.551564,53.987031
+                    -2.551849,53.986859
+                    -2.552051,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985734
+                    -2.554589,53.985572
+                    -2.556101,53.985529
+                    -2.557093,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986268
+                    -2.558210,53.985953
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+                    -2.559633,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986511
+                    -2.562150,53.986325
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+                    -2.563892,53.987765
+                    -2.563788,53.988667
+                    -2.563834,53.989573
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+                    -2.565639,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991938
+                    -2.564643,53.992286
+                    -2.564089,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.994002
+                    -2.562754,53.994098
+                    -2.563662,53.994217
+                    -2.564441,53.994999
+                    -2.565174,53.995500
+                    -2.565673,53.995910
+                    -2.565434,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997097
+                    -2.563662,53.997035
+                    -2.562150,53.997006
+                    -2.560638,53.996882
+                    -2.560476,53.996811
+                    -2.560638,53.996758
+                    -2.561651,53.995910
+                    -2.561408,53.994999
+                    -2.560638,53.994584
+                    -2.559794,53.994098
+                    -2.559450,53.993192
+                    -2.559278,53.992286
+                    -2.559647,53.991385
+                    -2.559476,53.990479
+                    -2.559126,53.990269
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+                    -2.556919,53.989573
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+                    -2.554589,53.988357
+                    -2.553077,53.988309
+                    -2.552475,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989091
+                    -2.554589,53.989573
+                    -2.554591,53.989573
+                    -2.555382,53.990479
+                    -2.554967,53.991385
+                    -2.555212,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992629
+                    -2.553352,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993516
+                    -2.552220,53.994098
+                    -2.551564,53.994389
+                    -2.550220,53.994999
+                    -2.550052,53.995090
+                    -2.548701,53.995910
+                    -2.548540,53.996134
+                    -2.547212,53.996811
+                    -2.547028,53.996849
+                    -2.545516,53.997107
+                    -2.544523,53.997717
+                    -2.544003,53.997850
+                    -2.542532,53.998618
+                    -2.542491,53.998704
+                    -2.540979,53.999200
+                    -2.539467,53.999133
+                    -2.538427,53.999524
+                    -2.539467,54.000416
+                    -2.539470,54.000430
+                    -2.539467,54.000430
+                    -2.537955,54.000583
+                    -2.536443,54.000893
+                    -2.535680,54.001336
+                    -2.536443,54.002185
+                    -2.537955,54.001899
+                    -2.538270,54.002242
+                    -2.539467,54.002643
+                    -2.540979,54.003100
+                    -2.541093,54.003143
+                    -2.540979,54.003253
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+                    -2.535562,54.021239
+                    -2.534930,54.021468
+                    -2.534297,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.020791
+                    -2.532704,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.021802
+                    -2.533756,54.022145
+                    -2.534694,54.023051
+                    -2.534930,54.023347
+                    -2.535731,54.023952
+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025397
+                    -2.531906,54.025459
+                    -2.530394,54.025202
+                    -2.528882,54.025354
+                    -2.527369,54.025507
+                    -2.525898,54.024858
+                    -2.525857,54.024844
+                    -2.524345,54.023952
+                    -2.522833,54.023051
+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520257,54.022145
+                    -2.519808,54.021802
+                    -2.518296,54.021807
+                    -2.516874,54.021239
+                    -2.516784,54.021158
+                    -2.515272,54.020634
+                    -2.513760,54.020495
+                    -2.512892,54.020333
+                    -2.512247,54.020262
+                    -2.510772,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.019408
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013219
+                    -2.511133,54.013095
+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010382
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
+                    -2.509223,54.007668
+                    -2.509223,54.006763
+                    -2.507711,54.005861
+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507805,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
+                    -2.512909,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.006543
+                    -2.514566,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.007621
+                    -2.513497,54.007668
+                    -2.513760,54.007697
+                    -2.515272,54.007835
+                    -2.515810,54.007668
+                    -2.515500,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006362
+                    -2.518296,54.006305
+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
+                    -2.514052,53.998618
+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
+                    -2.511967,53.996811
+                    -2.511815,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.994999
+                    -2.510735,53.994598
+                    -2.509787,53.994999
+                    -2.509223,53.995676
+                    -2.507711,53.995881
+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.994999
+                    -2.504894,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.994131
+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
+                    -2.503299,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.990951
+                    -2.505574,53.990479
+                    -2.504750,53.989573
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
+                    -2.503174,53.987865
+                    -2.502978,53.987765
+                    -2.502391,53.986859
+                    -2.501662,53.986278
+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507806,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979702
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977199
+                    -2.509642,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976536
+                    -2.508680,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975477
+                    -2.509727,53.975101
+                    -2.509420,53.974190
+                    -2.509223,53.973732
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532263,53.972383
+                    -2.532110,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973794
+                    -2.531213,53.974190
+                    -2.531906,53.974605
+                    -2.532582,53.975101
+                    -2.532813,53.976002
+                    -2.532429,53.976908
+                    -2.532561,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978324
+                    -2.534255,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979120
+                    -2.535980,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.979897
+                    -2.537955,53.980460
+                    -2.539467,53.980126
+                    -2.540480,53.980527
+                    -2.540529,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.981862
+                    -2.541685,53.982334
+                    -2.541675,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983727
+                    -2.543824,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984251
+                    -2.545516,53.984723
+                    -2.547028,53.984809
+                    -2.548250,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985229
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+                    -2.551280,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987031
+                    -2.551849,53.986859
+                    -2.552051,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985734
+                    -2.554589,53.985572
+                    -2.556101,53.985529
+                    -2.557093,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986268
+                    -2.558210,53.985953
+                    -2.559126,53.985348
+                    -2.559633,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986511
+                    -2.562150,53.986325
+                    -2.562827,53.986859
+                    -2.563662,53.987660
+                    -2.563892,53.987765
+                    -2.563788,53.988667
+                    -2.563834,53.989573
+                    -2.564508,53.990479
+                    -2.565174,53.990788
+                    -2.565639,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991938
+                    -2.564643,53.992286
+                    -2.564089,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.994002
+                    -2.562754,53.994098
+                    -2.563662,53.994217
+                    -2.564441,53.994999
+                    -2.565174,53.995500
+                    -2.565673,53.995910
+                    -2.565434,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997097
+                    -2.563662,53.997035
+                    -2.562150,53.997006
+                    -2.560638,53.996882
+                    -2.560476,53.996811
+                    -2.560638,53.996758
+                    -2.561651,53.995910
+                    -2.561408,53.994999
+                    -2.560638,53.994584
+                    -2.559794,53.994098
+                    -2.559450,53.993192
+                    -2.559278,53.992286
+                    -2.559647,53.991385
+                    -2.559476,53.990479
+                    -2.559126,53.990269
+                    -2.557613,53.990188
+                    -2.556919,53.989573
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+                    -2.555106,53.988667
+                    -2.554589,53.988357
+                    -2.553077,53.988309
+                    -2.552475,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989091
+                    -2.554589,53.989573
+                    -2.554591,53.989573
+                    -2.555382,53.990479
+                    -2.554967,53.991385
+                    -2.555212,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992629
+                    -2.553352,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993516
+                    -2.552220,53.994098
+                    -2.551564,53.994389
+                    -2.550220,53.994999
+                    -2.550052,53.995090
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+                    -2.545543,54.009476
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+                    -2.537955,54.015136
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+                    -2.534930,54.017572
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+                    -2.534930,54.017830
+                    -2.534142,54.018526
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+                    -2.530394,54.020476
+                    -2.531906,54.020681
+                    -2.532521,54.020333
+                    -2.533418,54.019561
+                    -2.534621,54.020333
+                    -2.534930,54.020572
+                    -2.535562,54.021239
+                    -2.534930,54.021468
+                    -2.534297,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.020791
+                    -2.532704,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.021802
+                    -2.533756,54.022145
+                    -2.534694,54.023051
+                    -2.534930,54.023347
+                    -2.535731,54.023952
+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025397
+                    -2.531906,54.025459
+                    -2.530394,54.025202
+                    -2.528882,54.025354
+                    -2.527369,54.025507
+                    -2.525898,54.024858
+                    -2.525857,54.024844
+                    -2.524345,54.023952
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+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520257,54.022145
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+                    -2.512247,54.020262
+                    -2.510772,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.019408
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013219
+                    -2.511133,54.013095
+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010382
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
+                    -2.509223,54.007668
+                    -2.509223,54.006763
+                    -2.507711,54.005861
+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507805,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
+                    -2.512909,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.006543
+                    -2.514566,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.007621
+                    -2.513497,54.007668
+                    -2.513760,54.007697
+                    -2.515272,54.007835
+                    -2.515810,54.007668
+                    -2.515500,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006362
+                    -2.518296,54.006305
+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
+                    -2.514052,53.998618
+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
+                    -2.511967,53.996811
+                    -2.511815,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.994999
+                    -2.510735,53.994598
+                    -2.509787,53.994999
+                    -2.509223,53.995676
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+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.994999
+                    -2.504894,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.994131
+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
+                    -2.503299,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.990951
+                    -2.505574,53.990479
+                    -2.504750,53.989573
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
+                    -2.503174,53.987865
+                    -2.502978,53.987765
+                    -2.502391,53.986859
+                    -2.501662,53.986278
+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507806,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979702
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977199
+                    -2.509642,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976536
+                    -2.508680,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975477
+                    -2.509727,53.975101
+                    -2.509420,53.974190
+                    -2.509223,53.973732
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532263,53.972383
+                    -2.532110,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973794
+                    -2.531213,53.974190
+                    -2.531906,53.974605
+                    -2.532582,53.975101
+                    -2.532813,53.976002
+                    -2.532429,53.976908
+                    -2.532561,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978324
+                    -2.534255,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979120
+                    -2.535980,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.979897
+                    -2.537955,53.980460
+                    -2.539467,53.980126
+                    -2.540480,53.980527
+                    -2.540529,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.981862
+                    -2.541685,53.982334
+                    -2.541675,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983727
+                    -2.543824,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984251
+                    -2.545516,53.984723
+                    -2.547028,53.984809
+                    -2.548250,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985229
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+                    -2.551280,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987031
+                    -2.551849,53.986859
+                    -2.552051,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985734
+                    -2.554589,53.985572
+                    -2.556101,53.985529
+                    -2.557093,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986268
+                    -2.558210,53.985953
+                    -2.559126,53.985348
+                    -2.559633,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986511
+                    -2.562150,53.986325
+                    -2.562827,53.986859
+                    -2.563662,53.987660
+                    -2.563892,53.987765
+                    -2.563788,53.988667
+                    -2.563834,53.989573
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+                    -2.565174,53.990788
+                    -2.565639,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991938
+                    -2.564643,53.992286
+                    -2.564089,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.994002
+                    -2.562754,53.994098
+                    -2.563662,53.994217
+                    -2.564441,53.994999
+                    -2.565174,53.995500
+                    -2.565673,53.995910
+                    -2.565434,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997097
+                    -2.563662,53.997035
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+                    -2.560476,53.996811
+                    -2.560638,53.996758
+                    -2.561651,53.995910
+                    -2.561408,53.994999
+                    -2.560638,53.994584
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+                    -2.559450,53.993192
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+                    -2.553077,53.989091
+                    -2.554589,53.989573
+                    -2.554591,53.989573
+                    -2.555382,53.990479
+                    -2.554967,53.991385
+                    -2.555212,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992629
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+                    -2.553077,53.993516
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+                    -2.550220,53.994999
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+                    -2.534930,54.017572
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+                    -2.534930,54.017830
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+                    -2.530394,54.020476
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+                    -2.532521,54.020333
+                    -2.533418,54.019561
+                    -2.534621,54.020333
+                    -2.534930,54.020572
+                    -2.535562,54.021239
+                    -2.534930,54.021468
+                    -2.534297,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.020791
+                    -2.532704,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.021802
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+                    -2.534694,54.023051
+                    -2.534930,54.023347
+                    -2.535731,54.023952
+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025397
+                    -2.531906,54.025459
+                    -2.530394,54.025202
+                    -2.528882,54.025354
+                    -2.527369,54.025507
+                    -2.525898,54.024858
+                    -2.525857,54.024844
+                    -2.524345,54.023952
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+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520257,54.022145
+                    -2.519808,54.021802
+                    -2.518296,54.021807
+                    -2.516874,54.021239
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+                    -2.515272,54.020634
+                    -2.513760,54.020495
+                    -2.512892,54.020333
+                    -2.512247,54.020262
+                    -2.510772,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.019408
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013219
+                    -2.511133,54.013095
+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010382
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
+                    -2.509223,54.007668
+                    -2.509223,54.006763
+                    -2.507711,54.005861
+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507805,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
+                    -2.512909,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.006543
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+                    -2.513760,54.007621
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+                    -2.513760,54.007697
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+                    -2.515810,54.007668
+                    -2.515500,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006362
+                    -2.518296,54.006305
+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
+                    -2.514052,53.998618
+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
+                    -2.511967,53.996811
+                    -2.511815,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.994999
+                    -2.510735,53.994598
+                    -2.509787,53.994999
+                    -2.509223,53.995676
+                    -2.507711,53.995881
+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.994999
+                    -2.504894,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.994131
+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
+                    -2.503299,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.990951
+                    -2.505574,53.990479
+                    -2.504750,53.989573
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
+                    -2.503174,53.987865
+                    -2.502978,53.987765
+                    -2.502391,53.986859
+                    -2.501662,53.986278
+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507806,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979702
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977199
+                    -2.509642,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976536
+                    -2.508680,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975477
+                    -2.509727,53.975101
+                    -2.509420,53.974190
+                    -2.509223,53.973732
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
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+                    -2.532263,53.972383
+                    -2.532110,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973794
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+                    -2.531906,53.974605
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+                    -2.532561,53.977809
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+                    -2.534930,53.979120
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+                    -2.536443,53.979897
+                    -2.537955,53.980460
+                    -2.539467,53.980126
+                    -2.540480,53.980527
+                    -2.540529,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.981862
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+                    -2.541675,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983727
+                    -2.543824,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984251
+                    -2.545516,53.984723
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+                    -2.548250,53.985052
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+                    -2.551564,53.987031
+                    -2.551849,53.986859
+                    -2.552051,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985734
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+                    -2.556101,53.985529
+                    -2.557093,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986268
+                    -2.558210,53.985953
+                    -2.559126,53.985348
+                    -2.559633,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986511
+                    -2.562150,53.986325
+                    -2.562827,53.986859
+                    -2.563662,53.987660
+                    -2.563892,53.987765
+                    -2.563788,53.988667
+                    -2.563834,53.989573
+                    -2.564508,53.990479
+                    -2.565174,53.990788
+                    -2.565639,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991938
+                    -2.564643,53.992286
+                    -2.564089,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.994002
+                    -2.562754,53.994098
+                    -2.563662,53.994217
+                    -2.564441,53.994999
+                    -2.565174,53.995500
+                    -2.565673,53.995910
+                    -2.565434,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997097
+                    -2.563662,53.997035
+                    -2.562150,53.997006
+                    -2.560638,53.996882
+                    -2.560476,53.996811
+                    -2.560638,53.996758
+                    -2.561651,53.995910
+                    -2.561408,53.994999
+                    -2.560638,53.994584
+                    -2.559794,53.994098
+                    -2.559450,53.993192
+                    -2.559278,53.992286
+                    -2.559647,53.991385
+                    -2.559476,53.990479
+                    -2.559126,53.990269
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+                    -2.556919,53.989573
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+                    -2.554589,53.988357
+                    -2.553077,53.988309
+                    -2.552475,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989091
+                    -2.554589,53.989573
+                    -2.554591,53.989573
+                    -2.555382,53.990479
+                    -2.554967,53.991385
+                    -2.555212,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992629
+                    -2.553352,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993516
+                    -2.552220,53.994098
+                    -2.551564,53.994389
+                    -2.550220,53.994999
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+                    -2.534930,54.021468
+                    -2.534297,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.020791
+                    -2.532704,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.021802
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+                    -2.534694,54.023051
+                    -2.534930,54.023347
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+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025397
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+                    -2.530394,54.025202
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+                    -2.525857,54.024844
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+                    -2.520257,54.022145
+                    -2.519808,54.021802
+                    -2.518296,54.021807
+                    -2.516874,54.021239
+                    -2.516784,54.021158
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+                    -2.513760,54.020495
+                    -2.512892,54.020333
+                    -2.512247,54.020262
+                    -2.510772,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.019408
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013219
+                    -2.511133,54.013095
+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010382
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
+                    -2.509223,54.007668
+                    -2.509223,54.006763
+                    -2.507711,54.005861
+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507805,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
+                    -2.512909,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.006543
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+                    -2.513760,54.007621
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+                    -2.513760,54.007697
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+                    -2.515500,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006362
+                    -2.518296,54.006305
+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
+                    -2.514052,53.998618
+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
+                    -2.511967,53.996811
+                    -2.511815,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.994999
+                    -2.510735,53.994598
+                    -2.509787,53.994999
+                    -2.509223,53.995676
+                    -2.507711,53.995881
+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.994999
+                    -2.504894,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.994131
+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
+                    -2.503299,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.990951
+                    -2.505574,53.990479
+                    -2.504750,53.989573
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
+                    -2.503174,53.987865
+                    -2.502978,53.987765
+                    -2.502391,53.986859
+                    -2.501662,53.986278
+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507806,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979702
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977199
+                    -2.509642,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976536
+                    -2.508680,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975477
+                    -2.509727,53.975101
+                    -2.509420,53.974190
+                    -2.509223,53.973732
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532263,53.972383
+                    -2.532110,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973794
+                    -2.531213,53.974190
+                    -2.531906,53.974605
+                    -2.532582,53.975101
+                    -2.532813,53.976002
+                    -2.532429,53.976908
+                    -2.532561,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978324
+                    -2.534255,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979120
+                    -2.535980,53.979621
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+                    -2.537955,53.980460
+                    -2.539467,53.980126
+                    -2.540480,53.980527
+                    -2.540529,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.981862
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+                    -2.541675,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983727
+                    -2.543824,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984251
+                    -2.545516,53.984723
+                    -2.547028,53.984809
+                    -2.548250,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985229
+                    -2.550052,53.985271
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+                    -2.551280,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987031
+                    -2.551849,53.986859
+                    -2.552051,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985734
+                    -2.554589,53.985572
+                    -2.556101,53.985529
+                    -2.557093,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986268
+                    -2.558210,53.985953
+                    -2.559126,53.985348
+                    -2.559633,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986511
+                    -2.562150,53.986325
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+                    -2.563892,53.987765
+                    -2.563788,53.988667
+                    -2.563834,53.989573
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+                    -2.565174,53.990788
+                    -2.565639,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991938
+                    -2.564643,53.992286
+                    -2.564089,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.994002
+                    -2.562754,53.994098
+                    -2.563662,53.994217
+                    -2.564441,53.994999
+                    -2.565174,53.995500
+                    -2.565673,53.995910
+                    -2.565434,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997097
+                    -2.563662,53.997035
+                    -2.562150,53.997006
+                    -2.560638,53.996882
+                    -2.560476,53.996811
+                    -2.560638,53.996758
+                    -2.561651,53.995910
+                    -2.561408,53.994999
+                    -2.560638,53.994584
+                    -2.559794,53.994098
+                    -2.559450,53.993192
+                    -2.559278,53.992286
+                    -2.559647,53.991385
+                    -2.559476,53.990479
+                    -2.559126,53.990269
+                    -2.557613,53.990188
+                    -2.556919,53.989573
+                    -2.556101,53.989139
+                    -2.555106,53.988667
+                    -2.554589,53.988357
+                    -2.553077,53.988309
+                    -2.552475,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989091
+                    -2.554589,53.989573
+                    -2.554591,53.989573
+                    -2.555382,53.990479
+                    -2.554967,53.991385
+                    -2.555212,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992629
+                    -2.553352,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993516
+                    -2.552220,53.994098
+                    -2.551564,53.994389
+                    -2.550220,53.994999
+                    -2.550052,53.995090
+                    -2.548701,53.995910
+                    -2.548540,53.996134
+                    -2.547212,53.996811
+                    -2.547028,53.996849
+                    -2.545516,53.997107
+                    -2.544523,53.997717
+                    -2.544003,53.997850
+                    -2.542532,53.998618
+                    -2.542491,53.998704
+                    -2.540979,53.999200
+                    -2.539467,53.999133
+                    -2.538427,53.999524
+                    -2.539467,54.000416
+                    -2.539470,54.000430
+                    -2.539467,54.000430
+                    -2.537955,54.000583
+                    -2.536443,54.000893
+                    -2.535680,54.001336
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+                    -2.530159,54.020333
+                    -2.530394,54.020476
+                    -2.531906,54.020681
+                    -2.532521,54.020333
+                    -2.533418,54.019561
+                    -2.534621,54.020333
+                    -2.534930,54.020572
+                    -2.535562,54.021239
+                    -2.534930,54.021468
+                    -2.534297,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.020791
+                    -2.532704,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.021802
+                    -2.533756,54.022145
+                    -2.534694,54.023051
+                    -2.534930,54.023347
+                    -2.535731,54.023952
+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025397
+                    -2.531906,54.025459
+                    -2.530394,54.025202
+                    -2.528882,54.025354
+                    -2.527369,54.025507
+                    -2.525898,54.024858
+                    -2.525857,54.024844
+                    -2.524345,54.023952
+                    -2.522833,54.023051
+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520257,54.022145
+                    -2.519808,54.021802
+                    -2.518296,54.021807
+                    -2.516874,54.021239
+                    -2.516784,54.021158
+                    -2.515272,54.020634
+                    -2.513760,54.020495
+                    -2.512892,54.020333
+                    -2.512247,54.020262
+                    -2.510772,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.019408
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013219
+                    -2.511133,54.013095
+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010382
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
+                    -2.509223,54.007668
+                    -2.509223,54.006763
+                    -2.507711,54.005861
+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507805,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
+                    -2.512909,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.006543
+                    -2.514566,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.007621
+                    -2.513497,54.007668
+                    -2.513760,54.007697
+                    -2.515272,54.007835
+                    -2.515810,54.007668
+                    -2.515500,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006362
+                    -2.518296,54.006305
+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
+                    -2.514052,53.998618
+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
+                    -2.511967,53.996811
+                    -2.511815,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.994999
+                    -2.510735,53.994598
+                    -2.509787,53.994999
+                    -2.509223,53.995676
+                    -2.507711,53.995881
+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.994999
+                    -2.504894,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.994131
+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
+                    -2.503299,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.990951
+                    -2.505574,53.990479
+                    -2.504750,53.989573
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
+                    -2.503174,53.987865
+                    -2.502978,53.987765
+                    -2.502391,53.986859
+                    -2.501662,53.986278
+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507806,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979702
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977199
+                    -2.509642,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976536
+                    -2.508680,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975477
+                    -2.509727,53.975101
+                    -2.509420,53.974190
+                    -2.509223,53.973732
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532263,53.972383
+                    -2.532110,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973794
+                    -2.531213,53.974190
+                    -2.531906,53.974605
+                    -2.532582,53.975101
+                    -2.532813,53.976002
+                    -2.532429,53.976908
+                    -2.532561,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978324
+                    -2.534255,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979120
+                    -2.535980,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.979897
+                    -2.537955,53.980460
+                    -2.539467,53.980126
+                    -2.540480,53.980527
+                    -2.540529,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.981862
+                    -2.541685,53.982334
+                    -2.541675,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983727
+                    -2.543824,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984251
+                    -2.545516,53.984723
+                    -2.547028,53.984809
+                    -2.548250,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985229
+                    -2.550052,53.985271
+                    -2.551078,53.985953
+                    -2.551280,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987031
+                    -2.551849,53.986859
+                    -2.552051,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985734
+                    -2.554589,53.985572
+                    -2.556101,53.985529
+                    -2.557093,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986268
+                    -2.558210,53.985953
+                    -2.559126,53.985348
+                    -2.559633,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986511
+                    -2.562150,53.986325
+                    -2.562827,53.986859
+                    -2.563662,53.987660
+                    -2.563892,53.987765
+                    -2.563788,53.988667
+                    -2.563834,53.989573
+                    -2.564508,53.990479
+                    -2.565174,53.990788
+                    -2.565639,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991938
+                    -2.564643,53.992286
+                    -2.564089,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.994002
+                    -2.562754,53.994098
+                    -2.563662,53.994217
+                    -2.564441,53.994999
+                    -2.565174,53.995500
+                    -2.565673,53.995910
+                    -2.565434,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997097
+                    -2.563662,53.997035
+                    -2.562150,53.997006
+                    -2.560638,53.996882
+                    -2.560476,53.996811
+                    -2.560638,53.996758
+                    -2.561651,53.995910
+                    -2.561408,53.994999
+                    -2.560638,53.994584
+                    -2.559794,53.994098
+                    -2.559450,53.993192
+                    -2.559278,53.992286
+                    -2.559647,53.991385
+                    -2.559476,53.990479
+                    -2.559126,53.990269
+                    -2.557613,53.990188
+                    -2.556919,53.989573
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+                    -2.555106,53.988667
+                    -2.554589,53.988357
+                    -2.553077,53.988309
+                    -2.552475,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989091
+                    -2.554589,53.989573
+                    -2.554591,53.989573
+                    -2.555382,53.990479
+                    -2.554967,53.991385
+                    -2.555212,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992629
+                    -2.553352,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993516
+                    -2.552220,53.994098
+                    -2.551564,53.994389
+                    -2.550220,53.994999
+                    -2.550052,53.995090
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+                    -2.545543,54.009476
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+                    -2.537955,54.015136
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+                    -2.534930,54.017572
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+                    -2.534930,54.017830
+                    -2.534142,54.018526
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+                    -2.530394,54.020476
+                    -2.531906,54.020681
+                    -2.532521,54.020333
+                    -2.533418,54.019561
+                    -2.534621,54.020333
+                    -2.534930,54.020572
+                    -2.535562,54.021239
+                    -2.534930,54.021468
+                    -2.534297,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.020791
+                    -2.532704,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.021802
+                    -2.533756,54.022145
+                    -2.534694,54.023051
+                    -2.534930,54.023347
+                    -2.535731,54.023952
+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025397
+                    -2.531906,54.025459
+                    -2.530394,54.025202
+                    -2.528882,54.025354
+                    -2.527369,54.025507
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+                    -2.525857,54.024844
+                    -2.524345,54.023952
+                    -2.522833,54.023051
+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520257,54.022145
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+                    -2.518296,54.021807
+                    -2.516874,54.021239
+                    -2.516784,54.021158
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+                    -2.513760,54.020495
+                    -2.512892,54.020333
+                    -2.512247,54.020262
+                    -2.510772,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.019408
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013219
+                    -2.511133,54.013095
+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010382
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
+                    -2.509223,54.007668
+                    -2.509223,54.006763
+                    -2.507711,54.005861
+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507805,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
+                    -2.512909,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.006543
+                    -2.514566,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.007621
+                    -2.513497,54.007668
+                    -2.513760,54.007697
+                    -2.515272,54.007835
+                    -2.515810,54.007668
+                    -2.515500,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006362
+                    -2.518296,54.006305
+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
+                    -2.514052,53.998618
+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
+                    -2.511967,53.996811
+                    -2.511815,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.994999
+                    -2.510735,53.994598
+                    -2.509787,53.994999
+                    -2.509223,53.995676
+                    -2.507711,53.995881
+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.994999
+                    -2.504894,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.994131
+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
+                    -2.503299,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.990951
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+                    -2.504750,53.989573
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
+                    -2.503174,53.987865
+                    -2.502978,53.987765
+                    -2.502391,53.986859
+                    -2.501662,53.986278
+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507806,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979702
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977199
+                    -2.509642,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976536
+                    -2.508680,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975477
+                    -2.509727,53.975101
+                    -2.509420,53.974190
+                    -2.509223,53.973732
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532263,53.972383
+                    -2.532110,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973794
+                    -2.531213,53.974190
+                    -2.531906,53.974605
+                    -2.532582,53.975101
+                    -2.532813,53.976002
+                    -2.532429,53.976908
+                    -2.532561,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978324
+                    -2.534255,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979120
+                    -2.535980,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.979897
+                    -2.537955,53.980460
+                    -2.539467,53.980126
+                    -2.540480,53.980527
+                    -2.540529,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.981862
+                    -2.541685,53.982334
+                    -2.541675,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983727
+                    -2.543824,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984251
+                    -2.545516,53.984723
+                    -2.547028,53.984809
+                    -2.548250,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985229
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+                    -2.551280,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987031
+                    -2.551849,53.986859
+                    -2.552051,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985734
+                    -2.554589,53.985572
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+                    -2.557093,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986268
+                    -2.558210,53.985953
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+                    -2.559633,53.985953
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+                    -2.562150,53.986325
+                    -2.562827,53.986859
+                    -2.563662,53.987660
+                    -2.563892,53.987765
+                    -2.563788,53.988667
+                    -2.563834,53.989573
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+                    -2.565639,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991938
+                    -2.564643,53.992286
+                    -2.564089,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.994002
+                    -2.562754,53.994098
+                    -2.563662,53.994217
+                    -2.564441,53.994999
+                    -2.565174,53.995500
+                    -2.565673,53.995910
+                    -2.565434,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997097
+                    -2.563662,53.997035
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+                    -2.560476,53.996811
+                    -2.560638,53.996758
+                    -2.561651,53.995910
+                    -2.561408,53.994999
+                    -2.560638,53.994584
+                    -2.559794,53.994098
+                    -2.559450,53.993192
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+                    -2.552475,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989091
+                    -2.554589,53.989573
+                    -2.554591,53.989573
+                    -2.555382,53.990479
+                    -2.554967,53.991385
+                    -2.555212,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992629
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+                    -2.553077,53.993516
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+                    -2.534930,54.017572
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+                    -2.534930,54.017830
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+                    -2.530394,54.020476
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+                    -2.532521,54.020333
+                    -2.533418,54.019561
+                    -2.534621,54.020333
+                    -2.534930,54.020572
+                    -2.535562,54.021239
+                    -2.534930,54.021468
+                    -2.534297,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.020791
+                    -2.532704,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.021802
+                    -2.533756,54.022145
+                    -2.534694,54.023051
+                    -2.534930,54.023347
+                    -2.535731,54.023952
+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025397
+                    -2.531906,54.025459
+                    -2.530394,54.025202
+                    -2.528882,54.025354
+                    -2.527369,54.025507
+                    -2.525898,54.024858
+                    -2.525857,54.024844
+                    -2.524345,54.023952
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+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520257,54.022145
+                    -2.519808,54.021802
+                    -2.518296,54.021807
+                    -2.516874,54.021239
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+                    -2.515272,54.020634
+                    -2.513760,54.020495
+                    -2.512892,54.020333
+                    -2.512247,54.020262
+                    -2.510772,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.019408
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013219
+                    -2.511133,54.013095
+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010382
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
+                    -2.509223,54.007668
+                    -2.509223,54.006763
+                    -2.507711,54.005861
+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507805,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
+                    -2.512909,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.006543
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+                    -2.513760,54.007621
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+                    -2.513760,54.007697
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+                    -2.515500,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006362
+                    -2.518296,54.006305
+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
+                    -2.514052,53.998618
+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
+                    -2.511967,53.996811
+                    -2.511815,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.994999
+                    -2.510735,53.994598
+                    -2.509787,53.994999
+                    -2.509223,53.995676
+                    -2.507711,53.995881
+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.994999
+                    -2.504894,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
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+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
+                    -2.503299,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.990951
+                    -2.505574,53.990479
+                    -2.504750,53.989573
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
+                    -2.503174,53.987865
+                    -2.502978,53.987765
+                    -2.502391,53.986859
+                    -2.501662,53.986278
+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507806,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979702
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977199
+                    -2.509642,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976536
+                    -2.508680,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975477
+                    -2.509727,53.975101
+                    -2.509420,53.974190
+                    -2.509223,53.973732
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
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+                    -2.532263,53.972383
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+                    -2.531906,53.973794
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+                    -2.531906,53.974605
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+                    -2.534255,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979120
+                    -2.535980,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.979897
+                    -2.537955,53.980460
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+                    -2.540529,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.981862
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+                    -2.541675,53.983240
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+                    -2.543824,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984251
+                    -2.545516,53.984723
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+                    -2.548250,53.985052
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+                    -2.551849,53.986859
+                    -2.552051,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985734
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+                    -2.557093,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986268
+                    -2.558210,53.985953
+                    -2.559126,53.985348
+                    -2.559633,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986511
+                    -2.562150,53.986325
+                    -2.562827,53.986859
+                    -2.563662,53.987660
+                    -2.563892,53.987765
+                    -2.563788,53.988667
+                    -2.563834,53.989573
+                    -2.564508,53.990479
+                    -2.565174,53.990788
+                    -2.565639,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991938
+                    -2.564643,53.992286
+                    -2.564089,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.994002
+                    -2.562754,53.994098
+                    -2.563662,53.994217
+                    -2.564441,53.994999
+                    -2.565174,53.995500
+                    -2.565673,53.995910
+                    -2.565434,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997097
+                    -2.563662,53.997035
+                    -2.562150,53.997006
+                    -2.560638,53.996882
+                    -2.560476,53.996811
+                    -2.560638,53.996758
+                    -2.561651,53.995910
+                    -2.561408,53.994999
+                    -2.560638,53.994584
+                    -2.559794,53.994098
+                    -2.559450,53.993192
+                    -2.559278,53.992286
+                    -2.559647,53.991385
+                    -2.559476,53.990479
+                    -2.559126,53.990269
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+                    -2.554589,53.988357
+                    -2.553077,53.988309
+                    -2.552475,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989091
+                    -2.554589,53.989573
+                    -2.554591,53.989573
+                    -2.555382,53.990479
+                    -2.554967,53.991385
+                    -2.555212,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992629
+                    -2.553352,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993516
+                    -2.552220,53.994098
+                    -2.551564,53.994389
+                    -2.550220,53.994999
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+                    -2.533418,54.019561
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+                    -2.534930,54.021468
+                    -2.534297,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.020791
+                    -2.532704,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.021802
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+                    -2.534694,54.023051
+                    -2.534930,54.023347
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+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025397
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+                    -2.530394,54.025202
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+                    -2.525857,54.024844
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+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520257,54.022145
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+                    -2.518296,54.021807
+                    -2.516874,54.021239
+                    -2.516784,54.021158
+                    -2.515272,54.020634
+                    -2.513760,54.020495
+                    -2.512892,54.020333
+                    -2.512247,54.020262
+                    -2.510772,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.019408
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013219
+                    -2.511133,54.013095
+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010382
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
+                    -2.509223,54.007668
+                    -2.509223,54.006763
+                    -2.507711,54.005861
+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507805,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
+                    -2.512909,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.006543
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+                    -2.513760,54.007621
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+                    -2.513760,54.007697
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+                    -2.515500,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006362
+                    -2.518296,54.006305
+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
+                    -2.514052,53.998618
+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
+                    -2.511967,53.996811
+                    -2.511815,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.994999
+                    -2.510735,53.994598
+                    -2.509787,53.994999
+                    -2.509223,53.995676
+                    -2.507711,53.995881
+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.994999
+                    -2.504894,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.994131
+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
+                    -2.503299,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.990951
+                    -2.505574,53.990479
+                    -2.504750,53.989573
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
+                    -2.503174,53.987865
+                    -2.502978,53.987765
+                    -2.502391,53.986859
+                    -2.501662,53.986278
+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507806,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979702
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977199
+                    -2.509642,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976536
+                    -2.508680,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975477
+                    -2.509727,53.975101
+                    -2.509420,53.974190
+                    -2.509223,53.973732
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532263,53.972383
+                    -2.532110,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973794
+                    -2.531213,53.974190
+                    -2.531906,53.974605
+                    -2.532582,53.975101
+                    -2.532813,53.976002
+                    -2.532429,53.976908
+                    -2.532561,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978324
+                    -2.534255,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979120
+                    -2.535980,53.979621
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+                    -2.537955,53.980460
+                    -2.539467,53.980126
+                    -2.540480,53.980527
+                    -2.540529,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.981862
+                    -2.541685,53.982334
+                    -2.541675,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983727
+                    -2.543824,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984251
+                    -2.545516,53.984723
+                    -2.547028,53.984809
+                    -2.548250,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985229
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+                    -2.551078,53.985953
+                    -2.551280,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987031
+                    -2.551849,53.986859
+                    -2.552051,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985734
+                    -2.554589,53.985572
+                    -2.556101,53.985529
+                    -2.557093,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986268
+                    -2.558210,53.985953
+                    -2.559126,53.985348
+                    -2.559633,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986511
+                    -2.562150,53.986325
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+                    -2.563662,53.987660
+                    -2.563892,53.987765
+                    -2.563788,53.988667
+                    -2.563834,53.989573
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+                    -2.565639,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991938
+                    -2.564643,53.992286
+                    -2.564089,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.994002
+                    -2.562754,53.994098
+                    -2.563662,53.994217
+                    -2.564441,53.994999
+                    -2.565174,53.995500
+                    -2.565673,53.995910
+                    -2.565434,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997097
+                    -2.563662,53.997035
+                    -2.562150,53.997006
+                    -2.560638,53.996882
+                    -2.560476,53.996811
+                    -2.560638,53.996758
+                    -2.561651,53.995910
+                    -2.561408,53.994999
+                    -2.560638,53.994584
+                    -2.559794,53.994098
+                    -2.559450,53.993192
+                    -2.559278,53.992286
+                    -2.559647,53.991385
+                    -2.559476,53.990479
+                    -2.559126,53.990269
+                    -2.557613,53.990188
+                    -2.556919,53.989573
+                    -2.556101,53.989139
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+                    -2.554589,53.988357
+                    -2.553077,53.988309
+                    -2.552475,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989091
+                    -2.554589,53.989573
+                    -2.554591,53.989573
+                    -2.555382,53.990479
+                    -2.554967,53.991385
+                    -2.555212,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992629
+                    -2.553352,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993516
+                    -2.552220,53.994098
+                    -2.551564,53.994389
+                    -2.550220,53.994999
+                    -2.550052,53.995090
+                    -2.548701,53.995910
+                    -2.548540,53.996134
+                    -2.547212,53.996811
+                    -2.547028,53.996849
+                    -2.545516,53.997107
+                    -2.544523,53.997717
+                    -2.544003,53.997850
+                    -2.542532,53.998618
+                    -2.542491,53.998704
+                    -2.540979,53.999200
+                    -2.539467,53.999133
+                    -2.538427,53.999524
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+                    -2.534930,54.017830
+                    -2.534142,54.018526
+                    -2.533418,54.019046
+                    -2.531906,54.018989
+                    -2.531129,54.019427
+                    -2.530394,54.020166
+                    -2.530159,54.020333
+                    -2.530394,54.020476
+                    -2.531906,54.020681
+                    -2.532521,54.020333
+                    -2.533418,54.019561
+                    -2.534621,54.020333
+                    -2.534930,54.020572
+                    -2.535562,54.021239
+                    -2.534930,54.021468
+                    -2.534297,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.020791
+                    -2.532704,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.021802
+                    -2.533756,54.022145
+                    -2.534694,54.023051
+                    -2.534930,54.023347
+                    -2.535731,54.023952
+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025397
+                    -2.531906,54.025459
+                    -2.530394,54.025202
+                    -2.528882,54.025354
+                    -2.527369,54.025507
+                    -2.525898,54.024858
+                    -2.525857,54.024844
+                    -2.524345,54.023952
+                    -2.522833,54.023051
+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520257,54.022145
+                    -2.519808,54.021802
+                    -2.518296,54.021807
+                    -2.516874,54.021239
+                    -2.516784,54.021158
+                    -2.515272,54.020634
+                    -2.513760,54.020495
+                    -2.512892,54.020333
+                    -2.512247,54.020262
+                    -2.510772,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.019408
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013219
+                    -2.511133,54.013095
+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010382
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
+                    -2.509223,54.007668
+                    -2.509223,54.006763
+                    -2.507711,54.005861
+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507805,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
+                    -2.512909,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.006543
+                    -2.514566,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.007621
+                    -2.513497,54.007668
+                    -2.513760,54.007697
+                    -2.515272,54.007835
+                    -2.515810,54.007668
+                    -2.515500,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006362
+                    -2.518296,54.006305
+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
+                    -2.514052,53.998618
+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
+                    -2.511967,53.996811
+                    -2.511815,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.994999
+                    -2.510735,53.994598
+                    -2.509787,53.994999
+                    -2.509223,53.995676
+                    -2.507711,53.995881
+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.994999
+                    -2.504894,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.994131
+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
+                    -2.503299,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.990951
+                    -2.505574,53.990479
+                    -2.504750,53.989573
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
+                    -2.503174,53.987865
+                    -2.502978,53.987765
+                    -2.502391,53.986859
+                    -2.501662,53.986278
+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507806,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979702
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977199
+                    -2.509642,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976536
+                    -2.508680,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975477
+                    -2.509727,53.975101
+                    -2.509420,53.974190
+                    -2.509223,53.973732
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532263,53.972383
+                    -2.532110,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973794
+                    -2.531213,53.974190
+                    -2.531906,53.974605
+                    -2.532582,53.975101
+                    -2.532813,53.976002
+                    -2.532429,53.976908
+                    -2.532561,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978324
+                    -2.534255,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979120
+                    -2.535980,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.979897
+                    -2.537955,53.980460
+                    -2.539467,53.980126
+                    -2.540480,53.980527
+                    -2.540529,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.981862
+                    -2.541685,53.982334
+                    -2.541675,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983727
+                    -2.543824,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984251
+                    -2.545516,53.984723
+                    -2.547028,53.984809
+                    -2.548250,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985229
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+                    -2.551280,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987031
+                    -2.551849,53.986859
+                    -2.552051,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985734
+                    -2.554589,53.985572
+                    -2.556101,53.985529
+                    -2.557093,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986268
+                    -2.558210,53.985953
+                    -2.559126,53.985348
+                    -2.559633,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986511
+                    -2.562150,53.986325
+                    -2.562827,53.986859
+                    -2.563662,53.987660
+                    -2.563892,53.987765
+                    -2.563788,53.988667
+                    -2.563834,53.989573
+                    -2.564508,53.990479
+                    -2.565174,53.990788
+                    -2.565639,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991938
+                    -2.564643,53.992286
+                    -2.564089,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.994002
+                    -2.562754,53.994098
+                    -2.563662,53.994217
+                    -2.564441,53.994999
+                    -2.565174,53.995500
+                    -2.565673,53.995910
+                    -2.565434,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997097
+                    -2.563662,53.997035
+                    -2.562150,53.997006
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+                    -2.560476,53.996811
+                    -2.560638,53.996758
+                    -2.561651,53.995910
+                    -2.561408,53.994999
+                    -2.560638,53.994584
+                    -2.559794,53.994098
+                    -2.559450,53.993192
+                    -2.559278,53.992286
+                    -2.559647,53.991385
+                    -2.559476,53.990479
+                    -2.559126,53.990269
+                    -2.557613,53.990188
+                    -2.556919,53.989573
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+                    -2.554589,53.988357
+                    -2.553077,53.988309
+                    -2.552475,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989091
+                    -2.554589,53.989573
+                    -2.554591,53.989573
+                    -2.555382,53.990479
+                    -2.554967,53.991385
+                    -2.555212,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992629
+                    -2.553352,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993516
+                    -2.552220,53.994098
+                    -2.551564,53.994389
+                    -2.550220,53.994999
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+                    -2.545543,54.009476
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+                    -2.530394,54.020476
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+                    -2.533418,54.019561
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+                    -2.534930,54.020572
+                    -2.535562,54.021239
+                    -2.534930,54.021468
+                    -2.534297,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.020791
+                    -2.532704,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.021802
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+                    -2.534694,54.023051
+                    -2.534930,54.023347
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+                    -2.534930,54.024858
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+                    -2.530394,54.025202
+                    -2.528882,54.025354
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+                    -2.525857,54.024844
+                    -2.524345,54.023952
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+                    -2.512247,54.020262
+                    -2.510772,54.019427
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+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013219
+                    -2.511133,54.013095
+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010382
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
+                    -2.509223,54.007668
+                    -2.509223,54.006763
+                    -2.507711,54.005861
+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507805,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
+                    -2.512909,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.006543
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+                    -2.513760,54.007621
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+                    -2.513760,54.007697
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+                    -2.515810,54.007668
+                    -2.515500,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006362
+                    -2.518296,54.006305
+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
+                    -2.514052,53.998618
+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
+                    -2.511967,53.996811
+                    -2.511815,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.994999
+                    -2.510735,53.994598
+                    -2.509787,53.994999
+                    -2.509223,53.995676
+                    -2.507711,53.995881
+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.994999
+                    -2.504894,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.994131
+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
+                    -2.503299,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.990951
+                    -2.505574,53.990479
+                    -2.504750,53.989573
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
+                    -2.503174,53.987865
+                    -2.502978,53.987765
+                    -2.502391,53.986859
+                    -2.501662,53.986278
+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507806,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979702
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977199
+                    -2.509642,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976536
+                    -2.508680,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975477
+                    -2.509727,53.975101
+                    -2.509420,53.974190
+                    -2.509223,53.973732
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
+                    -2.531906,53.972383
+                    -2.532263,53.972383
+                    -2.532110,53.973289
+                    -2.531906,53.973794
+                    -2.531213,53.974190
+                    -2.531906,53.974605
+                    -2.532582,53.975101
+                    -2.532813,53.976002
+                    -2.532429,53.976908
+                    -2.532561,53.977809
+                    -2.533418,53.978324
+                    -2.534255,53.978715
+                    -2.534930,53.979120
+                    -2.535980,53.979621
+                    -2.536443,53.979897
+                    -2.537955,53.980460
+                    -2.539467,53.980126
+                    -2.540480,53.980527
+                    -2.540529,53.981433
+                    -2.540979,53.981862
+                    -2.541685,53.982334
+                    -2.541675,53.983240
+                    -2.542491,53.983727
+                    -2.543824,53.984141
+                    -2.544003,53.984251
+                    -2.545516,53.984723
+                    -2.547028,53.984809
+                    -2.548250,53.985052
+                    -2.548540,53.985229
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+                    -2.551280,53.986859
+                    -2.551564,53.987031
+                    -2.551849,53.986859
+                    -2.552051,53.985953
+                    -2.553077,53.985734
+                    -2.554589,53.985572
+                    -2.556101,53.985529
+                    -2.557093,53.985953
+                    -2.557613,53.986268
+                    -2.558210,53.985953
+                    -2.559126,53.985348
+                    -2.559633,53.985953
+                    -2.560638,53.986511
+                    -2.562150,53.986325
+                    -2.562827,53.986859
+                    -2.563662,53.987660
+                    -2.563892,53.987765
+                    -2.563788,53.988667
+                    -2.563834,53.989573
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+                    -2.565174,53.990788
+                    -2.565639,53.991385
+                    -2.565174,53.991938
+                    -2.564643,53.992286
+                    -2.564089,53.993192
+                    -2.563662,53.994002
+                    -2.562754,53.994098
+                    -2.563662,53.994217
+                    -2.564441,53.994999
+                    -2.565174,53.995500
+                    -2.565673,53.995910
+                    -2.565434,53.996811
+                    -2.565174,53.997097
+                    -2.563662,53.997035
+                    -2.562150,53.997006
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+                    -2.560476,53.996811
+                    -2.560638,53.996758
+                    -2.561651,53.995910
+                    -2.561408,53.994999
+                    -2.560638,53.994584
+                    -2.559794,53.994098
+                    -2.559450,53.993192
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+                    -2.559476,53.990479
+                    -2.559126,53.990269
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+                    -2.552475,53.988667
+                    -2.553077,53.989091
+                    -2.554589,53.989573
+                    -2.554591,53.989573
+                    -2.555382,53.990479
+                    -2.554967,53.991385
+                    -2.555212,53.992286
+                    -2.554589,53.992629
+                    -2.553352,53.993192
+                    -2.553077,53.993516
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+                    -2.551564,53.994389
+                    -2.550220,53.994999
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+                    -2.545543,54.009476
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+                    -2.537955,54.015136
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+                    -2.534930,54.017572
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+                    -2.534930,54.017830
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+                    -2.530394,54.020476
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+                    -2.532521,54.020333
+                    -2.533418,54.019561
+                    -2.534621,54.020333
+                    -2.534930,54.020572
+                    -2.535562,54.021239
+                    -2.534930,54.021468
+                    -2.534297,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.020791
+                    -2.532704,54.021239
+                    -2.533418,54.021802
+                    -2.533756,54.022145
+                    -2.534694,54.023051
+                    -2.534930,54.023347
+                    -2.535731,54.023952
+                    -2.534930,54.024858
+                    -2.533418,54.025397
+                    -2.531906,54.025459
+                    -2.530394,54.025202
+                    -2.528882,54.025354
+                    -2.527369,54.025507
+                    -2.525898,54.024858
+                    -2.525857,54.024844
+                    -2.524345,54.023952
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+                    -2.521321,54.022145
+                    -2.520257,54.022145
+                    -2.519808,54.021802
+                    -2.518296,54.021807
+                    -2.516874,54.021239
+                    -2.516784,54.021158
+                    -2.515272,54.020634
+                    -2.513760,54.020495
+                    -2.512892,54.020333
+                    -2.512247,54.020262
+                    -2.510772,54.019427
+                    -2.510735,54.019408
+                    -2.510735,54.018526
+                    -2.510735,54.017620
+                    -2.510735,54.016719
+                    -2.510735,54.015813
+                    -2.510735,54.014907
+                    -2.510735,54.014001
+                    -2.510735,54.013219
+                    -2.511133,54.013095
+                    -2.512247,54.013023
+                    -2.513241,54.012194
+                    -2.513760,54.011583
+                    -2.515240,54.011288
+                    -2.514399,54.010382
+                    -2.513760,54.009624
+                    -2.512247,54.009619
+                    -2.510735,54.009504
+                    -2.510735,54.009476
+                    -2.510735,54.008574
+                    -2.509223,54.007668
+                    -2.509223,54.006763
+                    -2.507711,54.005861
+                    -2.506199,54.004951
+                    -2.506199,54.004674
+                    -2.507711,54.004903
+                    -2.507805,54.004951
+                    -2.509223,54.005666
+                    -2.509905,54.005861
+                    -2.510735,54.006476
+                    -2.511471,54.006763
+                    -2.512247,54.007430
+                    -2.512909,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.006543
+                    -2.514566,54.006763
+                    -2.513760,54.007621
+                    -2.513497,54.007668
+                    -2.513760,54.007697
+                    -2.515272,54.007835
+                    -2.515810,54.007668
+                    -2.515500,54.006763
+                    -2.516784,54.006362
+                    -2.518296,54.006305
+                    -2.519334,54.005861
+                    -2.518296,54.005151
+                    -2.516784,54.004998
+                    -2.515272,54.005065
+                    -2.513760,54.005065
+                    -2.513708,54.004951
+                    -2.512247,54.004178
+                    -2.510735,54.004126
+                    -2.510484,54.004049
+                    -2.509223,54.003363
+                    -2.509031,54.003143
+                    -2.509112,54.002242
+                    -2.509223,54.001956
+                    -2.509916,54.001336
+                    -2.510735,54.000907
+                    -2.511537,54.000430
+                    -2.512247,53.999958
+                    -2.513760,53.999887
+                    -2.515272,53.999720
+                    -2.515755,53.999524
+                    -2.515272,53.999186
+                    -2.514052,53.998618
+                    -2.513760,53.998427
+                    -2.513310,53.997717
+                    -2.512247,53.997245
+                    -2.511967,53.996811
+                    -2.511815,53.995910
+                    -2.511535,53.994999
+                    -2.510735,53.994598
+                    -2.509787,53.994999
+                    -2.509223,53.995676
+                    -2.507711,53.995881
+                    -2.507415,53.995910
+                    -2.506732,53.996811
+                    -2.506199,53.997560
+                    -2.505854,53.996811
+                    -2.506110,53.995910
+                    -2.505663,53.994999
+                    -2.504894,53.994098
+                    -2.504686,53.993959
+                    -2.503174,53.993311
+                    -2.501881,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.994131
+                    -2.501662,53.994098
+                    -2.501662,53.993192
+                    -2.501662,53.992462
+                    -2.503174,53.993163
+                    -2.503984,53.992286
+                    -2.503299,53.991385
+                    -2.504686,53.990951
+                    -2.505574,53.990479
+                    -2.504750,53.989573
+                    -2.505983,53.988667
+                    -2.505407,53.987765
+                    -2.506199,53.987179
+                    -2.506461,53.986859
+                    -2.507711,53.986311
+                    -2.508371,53.985953
+                    -2.507711,53.985600
+                    -2.506199,53.985224
+                    -2.504905,53.985953
+                    -2.504686,53.986292
+                    -2.503896,53.986859
+                    -2.503334,53.987765
+                    -2.503174,53.987865
+                    -2.502978,53.987765
+                    -2.502391,53.986859
+                    -2.501662,53.986278
+                    -2.501278,53.985953
+                    -2.501662,53.985419
+                    -2.501942,53.985052
+                    -2.502569,53.984141
+                    -2.503174,53.983722
+                    -2.503725,53.984141
+                    -2.504686,53.984566
+                    -2.506199,53.984580
+                    -2.506730,53.984141
+                    -2.506949,53.983240
+                    -2.506199,53.982878
+                    -2.505754,53.982334
+                    -2.506199,53.982139
+                    -2.507711,53.981624
+                    -2.507806,53.981433
+                    -2.508964,53.980527
+                    -2.507711,53.979702
+                    -2.506199,53.980498
+                    -2.506070,53.980527
+                    -2.504686,53.981004
+                    -2.503895,53.980527
+                    -2.503174,53.980150
+                    -2.502292,53.979621
+                    -2.503174,53.979063
+                    -2.504686,53.978872
+                    -2.504981,53.978715
+                    -2.506199,53.978400
+                    -2.507711,53.978057
+                    -2.508200,53.977809
+                    -2.509223,53.977199
+                    -2.509642,53.976908
+                    -2.509223,53.976536
+                    -2.508680,53.976002
+                    -2.509223,53.975477
+                    -2.509727,53.975101
+                    -2.509420,53.974190
+                    -2.509223,53.973732
+                    -2.507795,53.973289
+                    -2.507711,53.973255
+                    -2.507711,53.972383
+                    -2.509223,53.971477
+                    -2.509223,53.970919
+                    -2.509287,53.970575
+                    -2.510735,53.969669
+                    -2.512247,53.969669
+                    -2.513760,53.969669
+                    -2.515272,53.970575
+                    -2.516784,53.970575
+                    -2.518296,53.971477
+                    -2.519808,53.971477
+                    -2.521321,53.972383
+                    -2.522833,53.972383
+                    -2.524345,53.972383
+                    -2.525857,53.972383
+                    -2.527369,53.972383
+                    -2.528882,53.972383
+                    -2.530394,53.972383
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+  TEST=${t%.f90}
+  ./test.sh $TEST
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlCreateLineStyle_0.f90 b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreateLineStyle_0.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b722be5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreateLineStyle_0.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wkml
+  implicit none
+  type(xmlf_t) :: myfile
+  call kmlCreateLineStyle(myfile, id='myid')
+  call kmlFinishFile(myfile)
+end program test
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlCreateLineStyle_0.out b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreateLineStyle_0.out
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..91de3dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreateLineStyle_0.out
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Tried to manipulate an XML File which is not open
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlCreateLineStyle_1.f90 b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreateLineStyle_1.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f8b39d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreateLineStyle_1.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wkml
+  implicit none
+  type(xmlf_t) :: myfile
+  call kmlBeginFile(myfile, "test.xml", -1)
+  call kmlCreateLineStyle(myfile, id='myid')
+  call kmlFinishFile(myfile)
+end program test
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlCreateLineStyle_1.xml b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreateLineStyle_1.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ec609e2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreateLineStyle_1.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<kml xmlns="http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2">
+  <Document>
+    <name>WKML output</name>
+    <Style id="myid">
+      <LineStyle/>
+    </Style>
+  </Document>
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlCreateLineStyle_10.f90 b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreateLineStyle_10.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..02a2270
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreateLineStyle_10.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wkml
+  implicit none
+  type(xmlf_t) :: myfile
+  type(color_t) :: mycolor
+  call kmlSetCustomColor(mycolor, 'F90000FF')
+  call kmlBeginFile(myfile, "test.xml", -1)
+  call kmlCreateLineStyle(myfile, id='myid', width=1, colorname='red')
+  call kmlFinishFile(myfile)
+end program test
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlCreateLineStyle_10.xml b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreateLineStyle_10.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ea54d53
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreateLineStyle_10.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<kml xmlns="http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2">
+  <Document>
+    <name>WKML output</name>
+    <Style id="myid">
+      <LineStyle>
+        <color>f90000ff</color>
+        <width>1</width>
+      </LineStyle>
+    </Style>
+  </Document>
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlCreateLineStyle_11.f90 b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreateLineStyle_11.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2dfcec3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreateLineStyle_11.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wkml
+  implicit none
+  type(xmlf_t) :: myfile
+  type(color_t) :: mycolor
+  call kmlSetCustomColor(mycolor, 'F90000FF')
+  call kmlBeginFile(myfile, "test.xml", -1)
+  call kmlCreateLineStyle(myfile, id='myid', width=1, color=mycolor)
+  call kmlFinishFile(myfile)
+end program test
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlCreateLineStyle_11.xml b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreateLineStyle_11.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3a02250
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreateLineStyle_11.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<kml xmlns="http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2">
+  <Document>
+    <name>WKML output</name>
+    <Style id="myid">
+      <LineStyle>
+        <color>F90000FF</color>
+        <width>1</width>
+      </LineStyle>
+    </Style>
+  </Document>
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlCreateLineStyle_12.f90 b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreateLineStyle_12.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f38c75a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreateLineStyle_12.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wkml
+  implicit none
+  type(xmlf_t) :: myfile
+  type(color_t) :: mycolor
+  call kmlSetCustomColor(mycolor, 'F90000FF')
+  call kmlBeginFile(myfile, "test.xml", -1)
+  call kmlCreateLineStyle(myfile, id='myid', width=1, colorhex='f90000ff')
+  call kmlFinishFile(myfile)
+end program test
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlCreateLineStyle_12.xml b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreateLineStyle_12.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ea54d53
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreateLineStyle_12.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<kml xmlns="http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2">
+  <Document>
+    <name>WKML output</name>
+    <Style id="myid">
+      <LineStyle>
+        <color>f90000ff</color>
+        <width>1</width>
+      </LineStyle>
+    </Style>
+  </Document>
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlCreateLineStyle_2.f90 b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreateLineStyle_2.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..702f5d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreateLineStyle_2.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wkml
+  implicit none
+  type(xmlf_t) :: myfile
+  call kmlBeginFile(myfile, "test.xml", -1)
+  call kmlCreateLineStyle(myfile, id='myid', width=1)
+  call kmlFinishFile(myfile)
+end program test
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlCreateLineStyle_2.xml b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreateLineStyle_2.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..47b6024
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreateLineStyle_2.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<kml xmlns="http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2">
+  <Document>
+    <name>WKML output</name>
+    <Style id="myid">
+      <LineStyle>
+        <width>1</width>
+      </LineStyle>
+    </Style>
+  </Document>
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlCreateLineStyle_3.f90 b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreateLineStyle_3.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6d25c05
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreateLineStyle_3.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wkml
+  implicit none
+  type(xmlf_t) :: myfile
+  call kmlBeginFile(myfile, "test.xml", -1)
+  call kmlCreateLineStyle(myfile, id='myid', width=100)
+  call kmlFinishFile(myfile)
+end program test
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlCreateLineStyle_3.xml b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreateLineStyle_3.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..894fe2d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreateLineStyle_3.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<kml xmlns="http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2">
+  <Document>
+    <name>WKML output</name>
+    <Style id="myid">
+      <LineStyle>
+        <width>100</width>
+      </LineStyle>
+    </Style>
+  </Document>
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlCreateLineStyle_4.f90 b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreateLineStyle_4.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0b38fd8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreateLineStyle_4.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wkml
+  implicit none
+  type(xmlf_t) :: myfile
+  call kmlBeginFile(myfile, "test.xml", -1)
+  call kmlCreateLineStyle(myfile, id='myid', width=0)
+  call kmlFinishFile(myfile)
+end program test
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlCreateLineStyle_4.xml b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreateLineStyle_4.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7bac8a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreateLineStyle_4.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<kml xmlns="http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2">
+  <Document>
+    <name>WKML output</name>
+    <Style id="myid">
+      <LineStyle>
+        <width>0</width>
+      </LineStyle>
+    </Style>
+  </Document>
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlCreateLineStyle_5.f90 b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreateLineStyle_5.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..807352f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreateLineStyle_5.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wkml
+  implicit none
+  type(xmlf_t) :: myfile
+  call kmlBeginFile(myfile, "test.xml", -1)
+  call kmlCreateLineStyle(myfile, id='myid', width=-1)
+  call kmlFinishFile(myfile)
+end program test
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlCreateLineStyle_5.xml b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreateLineStyle_5.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..84158ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreateLineStyle_5.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<kml xmlns="http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2">
+  <Document>
+    <name>WKML output</name>
+    <Style id="myid">
+      <LineStyle>
+        <width>-1</width>
+      </LineStyle>
+    </Style>
+  </Document>
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlCreateLineStyle_6.f90 b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreateLineStyle_6.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f2ca4cd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreateLineStyle_6.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wkml
+  implicit none
+  type(xmlf_t) :: myfile
+  type(color_t) :: mycolor
+  call kmlSetCustomColor(mycolor, 'F90000FF')
+  call kmlBeginFile(myfile, "test.xml", -1)
+  call kmlCreateLineStyle(myfile, id='myid', width=1, colorname='red', color=mycolor, colorhex='f90000ff')
+  call kmlFinishFile(myfile)
+end program test
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlCreateLineStyle_6.out b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreateLineStyle_6.out
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..00c9694
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreateLineStyle_6.out
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ Cannot specify more than one of color, colorhex, and colorname
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlCreateLineStyle_7.f90 b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreateLineStyle_7.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..61642cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreateLineStyle_7.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wkml
+  implicit none
+  type(xmlf_t) :: myfile
+  type(color_t) :: mycolor
+  call kmlSetCustomColor(mycolor, 'F90000FF')
+  call kmlBeginFile(myfile, "test.xml", -1)
+  call kmlCreateLineStyle(myfile, id='myid', width=1, colorname='red', color=mycolor)
+  call kmlFinishFile(myfile)
+end program test
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlCreateLineStyle_7.out b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreateLineStyle_7.out
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..00c9694
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreateLineStyle_7.out
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ Cannot specify more than one of color, colorhex, and colorname
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlCreateLineStyle_8.f90 b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreateLineStyle_8.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..abb610e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreateLineStyle_8.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wkml
+  implicit none
+  type(xmlf_t) :: myfile
+  type(color_t) :: mycolor
+  call kmlSetCustomColor(mycolor, 'F90000FF')
+  call kmlBeginFile(myfile, "test.xml", -1)
+  call kmlCreateLineStyle(myfile, id='myid', width=1, colorname='red', colorhex='f90000ff')
+  call kmlFinishFile(myfile)
+end program test
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlCreateLineStyle_8.out b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreateLineStyle_8.out
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..00c9694
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreateLineStyle_8.out
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ Cannot specify more than one of color, colorhex, and colorname
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlCreateLineStyle_9.f90 b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreateLineStyle_9.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b0dc4cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreateLineStyle_9.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wkml
+  implicit none
+  type(xmlf_t) :: myfile
+  type(color_t) :: mycolor
+  call kmlSetCustomColor(mycolor, 'F90000FF')
+  call kmlBeginFile(myfile, "test.xml", -1)
+  call kmlCreateLineStyle(myfile, id='myid', width=1, color=mycolor, colorhex='f90000ff')
+  call kmlFinishFile(myfile)
+end program test
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlCreateLineStyle_9.out b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreateLineStyle_9.out
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..00c9694
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreateLineStyle_9.out
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ Cannot specify more than one of color, colorhex, and colorname
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlCreateLine_1.f90 b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreateLine_1.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7a450e2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreateLine_1.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wkml
+  implicit none
+  type(xmlf_t) :: myfile
+  call kmlBeginFile(myfile, "test.xml", -1)
+  call kmlCreateLine(myfile, (/10.0, 11.0, 12.0/), (/10.0, 11.0, 12.0/))
+  call kmlFinishFile(myfile)
+end program test
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlCreateLine_1.xml b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreateLine_1.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..26b1d8a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreateLine_1.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<kml xmlns="http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2">
+  <Document>
+    <name>WKML output</name>
+    <Placemark>
+      <LineString>
+        <coordinates>
+          10.000000,10.000000
+          11.000000,11.000000
+          12.000000,12.000000
+          </coordinates>
+      </LineString>
+    </Placemark>
+  </Document>
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlCreateLine_10.f90 b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreateLine_10.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7a0c8fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreateLine_10.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wkml
+  implicit none
+  type(xmlf_t) :: myfile
+  call kmlBeginFile(myfile, "test.xml", -1)
+  call kmlCreateLine(myfile, reshape((/10.0D0, 10.0D0, 1.0D0, 11.0D0, 11.0D0, 2.0D0, 12.0D0, 12.0D0, 3.0D0/),(/3,3/)))
+  call kmlFinishFile(myfile)
+end program test
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlCreateLine_10.xml b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreateLine_10.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..815b7d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreateLine_10.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<kml xmlns="http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2">
+  <Document>
+    <name>WKML output</name>
+    <Placemark>
+      <LineString>
+        <coordinates>
+          10.000000,10.000000,1.000000
+          11.000000,11.000000,2.000000
+          12.000000,12.000000,3.000000
+          </coordinates>
+      </LineString>
+    </Placemark>
+  </Document>
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlCreateLine_11.f90 b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreateLine_11.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bbf857a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreateLine_11.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wkml
+  implicit none
+  type(xmlf_t) :: myfile
+  call kmlBeginFile(myfile, "test.xml", -1)
+  call kmlCreateLine(myfile, reshape((/10.0, 10.0, 1.0, 11.0, 11.0, 2.0, 12.0, 12.0, 3.0/),(/3,3/)), &
+                       altitude=(/1.0, 2.0, 3.0/))
+  call kmlFinishFile(myfile)
+end program test
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlCreateLine_11.out b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreateLine_11.out
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cac77ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreateLine_11.out
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Cannot specify 3-dimensional coords with separate altitude in kmlCreateLine
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlCreateLine_12.f90 b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreateLine_12.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1dc284a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreateLine_12.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wkml
+  implicit none
+  type(xmlf_t) :: myfile
+  call kmlBeginFile(myfile, "test.xml", -1)
+  call kmlCreateLine(myfile, reshape((/10.0D0, 10.0D0, 1.0D0, 11.0D0, 11.0D0, 2.0D0, 12.0D0, 12.0D0, 3.0D0/),(/3,3/)), &
+                      altitude=(/1.0D0, 2.0D0, 3.0D0/))
+  call kmlFinishFile(myfile)
+end program test
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlCreateLine_12.out b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreateLine_12.out
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cac77ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreateLine_12.out
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Cannot specify 3-dimensional coords with separate altitude in kmlCreateLine
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlCreateLine_13.f90 b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreateLine_13.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4990c83
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreateLine_13.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wkml
+  implicit none
+  type(xmlf_t) :: myfile
+  call kmlBeginFile(myfile, "test.xml", -1)
+  call kmlCreateLine(myfile, reshape((/10.0, 10.0, 11.0, 11.0, 12.0, 12.0/),(/2,3/)), &
+                       altitude=(/1.0, 2.0, 3.0/))
+  call kmlFinishFile(myfile)
+end program test
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlCreateLine_13.xml b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreateLine_13.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..815b7d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreateLine_13.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<kml xmlns="http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2">
+  <Document>
+    <name>WKML output</name>
+    <Placemark>
+      <LineString>
+        <coordinates>
+          10.000000,10.000000,1.000000
+          11.000000,11.000000,2.000000
+          12.000000,12.000000,3.000000
+          </coordinates>
+      </LineString>
+    </Placemark>
+  </Document>
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlCreateLine_14.f90 b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreateLine_14.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5d1d4a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreateLine_14.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wkml
+  implicit none
+  type(xmlf_t) :: myfile
+  call kmlBeginFile(myfile, "test.xml", -1)
+  call kmlCreateLine(myfile, reshape((/10.0D0, 10.0D0, 11.0D0, 11.0D0, 12.0D0, 12.0D0/),(/2,3/)), &
+                      altitude=(/1.0D0, 2.0D0, 3.0D0/))
+  call kmlFinishFile(myfile)
+end program test
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlCreateLine_14.xml b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreateLine_14.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..815b7d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreateLine_14.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<kml xmlns="http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2">
+  <Document>
+    <name>WKML output</name>
+    <Placemark>
+      <LineString>
+        <coordinates>
+          10.000000,10.000000,1.000000
+          11.000000,11.000000,2.000000
+          12.000000,12.000000,3.000000
+          </coordinates>
+      </LineString>
+    </Placemark>
+  </Document>
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlCreateLine_15.f90 b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreateLine_15.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..07e6fef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreateLine_15.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wkml
+  implicit none
+  type(xmlf_t) :: myfile
+  call kmlBeginFile(myfile, "test.xml", -1)
+  call kmlCreateLine(myfile, reshape((/10.0, 10.0, 11.0, 11.0, 12.0, 12.0/),(/2,3/)), &
+                       altitude=(/1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0/))
+  call kmlFinishFile(myfile)
+end program test
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlCreateLine_15.out b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreateLine_15.out
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..828b3bf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreateLine_15.out
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Incommensurate sizes for longitude and altitude arrays in kmlCreateLine
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlCreateLine_16.f90 b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreateLine_16.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8f0fb80
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreateLine_16.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wkml
+  implicit none
+  type(xmlf_t) :: myfile
+  call kmlBeginFile(myfile, "test.xml", -1)
+  call kmlCreateLine(myfile, reshape((/10.0D0, 10.0D0, 11.0D0, 11.0D0, 12.0D0, 12.0D0/),(/2,3/)), &
+                      altitude=(/1.0D0, 2.0D0, 3.0D0, 3.0D0/))
+  call kmlFinishFile(myfile)
+end program test
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlCreateLine_16.out b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreateLine_16.out
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..828b3bf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreateLine_16.out
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Incommensurate sizes for longitude and altitude arrays in kmlCreateLine
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlCreateLine_17.f90 b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreateLine_17.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a16ae9b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreateLine_17.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wkml
+  implicit none
+  type(xmlf_t) :: myfile
+  call kmlBeginFile(myfile, "test.xml", -1)
+  call kmlCreateLine(myfile, (/10.0, 11.0, 12.0/), (/10.0, 11.0/))
+  call kmlFinishFile(myfile)
+end program test
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlCreateLine_17.out b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreateLine_17.out
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8d83936
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreateLine_17.out
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Incommensurate sizes for longitude and latitude arrays in kmlCreateLine
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlCreateLine_18.f90 b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreateLine_18.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a4b09c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreateLine_18.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wkml
+  implicit none
+  type(xmlf_t) :: myfile
+  call kmlBeginFile(myfile, "test.xml", -1)
+  call kmlCreateLine(myfile, (/10.0D0, 11.0D0, 12.0D0, 13.0D0/), (/10.0D0, 11.0D0, 12.0D0/))
+  call kmlFinishFile(myfile)
+end program test
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlCreateLine_18.out b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreateLine_18.out
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8d83936
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreateLine_18.out
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Incommensurate sizes for longitude and latitude arrays in kmlCreateLine
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlCreateLine_19.f90 b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreateLine_19.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6be4a9f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreateLine_19.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wkml
+  implicit none
+  type(xmlf_t) :: myfile
+  call kmlBeginFile(myfile, "test.xml", -1)
+  call kmlCreateLine(myfile, (/10.0, 11.0/), (/10.0, 11.0/))
+  call kmlFinishFile(myfile)
+end program test
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlCreateLine_19.xml b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreateLine_19.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..85115d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreateLine_19.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<kml xmlns="http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2">
+  <Document>
+    <name>WKML output</name>
+    <Placemark>
+      <LineString>
+        <coordinates>
+          10.000000,10.000000
+          11.000000,11.000000
+          </coordinates>
+      </LineString>
+    </Placemark>
+  </Document>
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlCreateLine_2.f90 b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreateLine_2.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4e757d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreateLine_2.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wkml
+  implicit none
+  type(xmlf_t) :: myfile
+  call kmlBeginFile(myfile, "test.xml", -1)
+  call kmlCreateLine(myfile, (/10.0D0, 11.0D0, 12.0D0, 13.0D0/), (/10.0D0, 11.0D0, 12.0D0, 13.0D0/))
+  call kmlFinishFile(myfile)
+end program test
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlCreateLine_2.xml b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreateLine_2.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5287081
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreateLine_2.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<kml xmlns="http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2">
+  <Document>
+    <name>WKML output</name>
+    <Placemark>
+      <LineString>
+        <coordinates>
+          10.000000,10.000000
+          11.000000,11.000000
+          12.000000,12.000000
+          13.000000,13.000000
+          </coordinates>
+      </LineString>
+    </Placemark>
+  </Document>
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlCreateLine_20.f90 b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreateLine_20.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..550209d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreateLine_20.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wkml
+  implicit none
+  type(xmlf_t) :: myfile
+  call kmlBeginFile(myfile, "test.xml", -1)
+  call kmlCreateLine(myfile, (/10.0D0, 11.0D0/), (/10.0D0, 11.0D0/))
+  call kmlFinishFile(myfile)
+end program test
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlCreateLine_20.xml b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreateLine_20.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..85115d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreateLine_20.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<kml xmlns="http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2">
+  <Document>
+    <name>WKML output</name>
+    <Placemark>
+      <LineString>
+        <coordinates>
+          10.000000,10.000000
+          11.000000,11.000000
+          </coordinates>
+      </LineString>
+    </Placemark>
+  </Document>
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlCreateLine_3.f90 b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreateLine_3.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4a29209
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreateLine_3.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wkml
+  implicit none
+  type(xmlf_t) :: myfile
+  call kmlBeginFile(myfile, "test.xml", -1)
+  call kmlCreateLine(myfile, reshape((/10.0, 10.0, 11.0, 11.0, 12.0, 12.0/),(/2,3/)))
+  call kmlFinishFile(myfile)
+end program test
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlCreateLine_3.xml b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreateLine_3.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..26b1d8a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreateLine_3.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<kml xmlns="http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2">
+  <Document>
+    <name>WKML output</name>
+    <Placemark>
+      <LineString>
+        <coordinates>
+          10.000000,10.000000
+          11.000000,11.000000
+          12.000000,12.000000
+          </coordinates>
+      </LineString>
+    </Placemark>
+  </Document>
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlCreateLine_4.f90 b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreateLine_4.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..be17d43
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreateLine_4.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wkml
+  implicit none
+  type(xmlf_t) :: myfile
+  call kmlBeginFile(myfile, "test.xml", -1)
+  call kmlCreateLine(myfile, reshape((/10.0D0, 10.0D0, 11.0D0, 11.0D0, 12.0D0, 12.0D0/),(/2,3/)))
+  call kmlFinishFile(myfile)
+end program test
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlCreateLine_4.xml b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreateLine_4.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..26b1d8a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreateLine_4.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<kml xmlns="http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2">
+  <Document>
+    <name>WKML output</name>
+    <Placemark>
+      <LineString>
+        <coordinates>
+          10.000000,10.000000
+          11.000000,11.000000
+          12.000000,12.000000
+          </coordinates>
+      </LineString>
+    </Placemark>
+  </Document>
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlCreateLine_5.f90 b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreateLine_5.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a16ae9b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreateLine_5.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wkml
+  implicit none
+  type(xmlf_t) :: myfile
+  call kmlBeginFile(myfile, "test.xml", -1)
+  call kmlCreateLine(myfile, (/10.0, 11.0, 12.0/), (/10.0, 11.0/))
+  call kmlFinishFile(myfile)
+end program test
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlCreateLine_5.out b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreateLine_5.out
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8d83936
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreateLine_5.out
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Incommensurate sizes for longitude and latitude arrays in kmlCreateLine
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlCreateLine_6.f90 b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreateLine_6.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a4b09c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreateLine_6.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wkml
+  implicit none
+  type(xmlf_t) :: myfile
+  call kmlBeginFile(myfile, "test.xml", -1)
+  call kmlCreateLine(myfile, (/10.0D0, 11.0D0, 12.0D0, 13.0D0/), (/10.0D0, 11.0D0, 12.0D0/))
+  call kmlFinishFile(myfile)
+end program test
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlCreateLine_6.out b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreateLine_6.out
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8d83936
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreateLine_6.out
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Incommensurate sizes for longitude and latitude arrays in kmlCreateLine
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlCreateLine_7.f90 b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreateLine_7.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0c5b68f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreateLine_7.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wkml
+  implicit none
+  type(xmlf_t) :: myfile
+  call kmlBeginFile(myfile, "test.xml", -1)
+  call kmlCreateLine(myfile, (/10.0, 11.0, 12.0/), (/10.0, 11.0, 12.0/), altitude=(/1.0, 2.0, 3.0/))
+  call kmlFinishFile(myfile)
+end program test
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlCreateLine_7.xml b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreateLine_7.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..815b7d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreateLine_7.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<kml xmlns="http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2">
+  <Document>
+    <name>WKML output</name>
+    <Placemark>
+      <LineString>
+        <coordinates>
+          10.000000,10.000000,1.000000
+          11.000000,11.000000,2.000000
+          12.000000,12.000000,3.000000
+          </coordinates>
+      </LineString>
+    </Placemark>
+  </Document>
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlCreateLine_8.f90 b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreateLine_8.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..775b9e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreateLine_8.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wkml
+  implicit none
+  type(xmlf_t) :: myfile
+  call kmlBeginFile(myfile, "test.xml", -1)
+  call kmlCreateLine(myfile, (/10.0D0, 11.0D0, 12.0D0, 13.0D0/), (/10.0D0, 11.0D0, 12.0D0, 13.0D0/), & 
+                      altitude=(/1.0D0, 2.0D0, 3.0D0, 4.0D0/))
+  call kmlFinishFile(myfile)
+end program test
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlCreateLine_8.xml b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreateLine_8.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..13df268
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreateLine_8.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<kml xmlns="http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2">
+  <Document>
+    <name>WKML output</name>
+    <Placemark>
+      <LineString>
+        <coordinates>
+          10.000000,10.000000,1.000000
+          11.000000,11.000000,2.000000
+          12.000000,12.000000,3.000000
+          13.000000,13.000000,4.000000
+          </coordinates>
+      </LineString>
+    </Placemark>
+  </Document>
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlCreateLine_9.f90 b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreateLine_9.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0c997e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreateLine_9.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wkml
+  implicit none
+  type(xmlf_t) :: myfile
+  call kmlBeginFile(myfile, "test.xml", -1)
+  call kmlCreateLine(myfile, reshape((/10.0, 10.0, 1.0, 11.0, 11.0, 2.0, 12.0, 12.0, 3.0/),(/3,3/)))
+  call kmlFinishFile(myfile)
+end program test
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlCreateLine_9.xml b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreateLine_9.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..815b7d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreateLine_9.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<kml xmlns="http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2">
+  <Document>
+    <name>WKML output</name>
+    <Placemark>
+      <LineString>
+        <coordinates>
+          10.000000,10.000000,1.000000
+          11.000000,11.000000,2.000000
+          12.000000,12.000000,3.000000
+          </coordinates>
+      </LineString>
+    </Placemark>
+  </Document>
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePointStyle.sh b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePointStyle.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..e521c92
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePointStyle.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+#!/bin/sh -e
+for t in ${0%.sh}_*.f90
+  TEST=${t%.f90}
+  ./test.sh $TEST
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePointStyle_0.f90 b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePointStyle_0.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8e2eb1f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePointStyle_0.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wkml
+  implicit none
+  type(xmlf_t) :: myfile
+  call kmlCreatePointStyle(myfile, id='myid')
+  call kmlFinishFile(myfile)
+end program test
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePointStyle_0.out b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePointStyle_0.out
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..91de3dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePointStyle_0.out
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Tried to manipulate an XML File which is not open
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePointStyle_1.f90 b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePointStyle_1.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2c615c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePointStyle_1.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wkml
+  implicit none
+  type(xmlf_t) :: myfile
+  call kmlBeginFile(myfile, "test.xml", -1)
+  call kmlCreatePointStyle(myfile, id='myid')
+  call kmlFinishFile(myfile)
+end program test
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePointStyle_1.xml b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePointStyle_1.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..65da36f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePointStyle_1.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<kml xmlns="http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2">
+  <Document>
+    <name>WKML output</name>
+    <Style id="myid">
+      <IconStyle/>
+    </Style>
+  </Document>
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePointStyle_10.f90 b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePointStyle_10.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fcc2e78
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePointStyle_10.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wkml
+  implicit none
+  type(xmlf_t) :: myfile
+  call kmlBeginFile(myfile, "test.xml", -1)
+  call kmlCreatePointStyle(myfile, id='myid', heading=360.0)
+  call kmlFinishFile(myfile)
+end program test
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePointStyle_10.xml b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePointStyle_10.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f216e53
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePointStyle_10.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<kml xmlns="http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2">
+  <Document>
+    <name>WKML output</name>
+    <Style id="myid">
+      <IconStyle>
+        <heading>360.0000000000</heading>
+      </IconStyle>
+    </Style>
+  </Document>
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePointStyle_11.f90 b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePointStyle_11.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9d6117c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePointStyle_11.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wkml
+  implicit none
+  type(xmlf_t) :: myfile
+  call kmlBeginFile(myfile, "test.xml", -1)
+  call kmlCreatePointStyle(myfile, id='myid', heading=-361.0)
+  call kmlFinishFile(myfile)
+end program test
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePointStyle_11.out b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePointStyle_11.out
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6152af3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePointStyle_11.out
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+invalid value for heading
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePointStyle_12.f90 b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePointStyle_12.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1b7736a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePointStyle_12.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wkml
+  implicit none
+  type(xmlf_t) :: myfile
+  call kmlBeginFile(myfile, "test.xml", -1)
+  call kmlCreatePointStyle(myfile, id='myid', colorhex='F90000FF', colormode='normal')
+  call kmlFinishFile(myfile)
+end program test
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePointStyle_12.xml b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePointStyle_12.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0212958
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePointStyle_12.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<kml xmlns="http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2">
+  <Document>
+    <name>WKML output</name>
+    <Style id="myid">
+      <IconStyle>
+        <color>F90000FF</color>
+        <colorMode>normal</colorMode>
+      </IconStyle>
+    </Style>
+  </Document>
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePointStyle_13.f90 b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePointStyle_13.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..890c9dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePointStyle_13.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wkml
+  implicit none
+  type(xmlf_t) :: myfile
+  call kmlBeginFile(myfile, "test.xml", -1)
+  call kmlCreatePointStyle(myfile, id='myid', colorhex='F90000FF', colormode='random')
+  call kmlFinishFile(myfile)
+end program test
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePointStyle_13.xml b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePointStyle_13.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..363c892
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePointStyle_13.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<kml xmlns="http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2">
+  <Document>
+    <name>WKML output</name>
+    <Style id="myid">
+      <IconStyle>
+        <color>F90000FF</color>
+        <colorMode>random</colorMode>
+      </IconStyle>
+    </Style>
+  </Document>
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePointStyle_14.f90 b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePointStyle_14.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b9b864e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePointStyle_14.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wkml
+  implicit none
+  type(xmlf_t) :: myfile
+  call kmlBeginFile(myfile, "test.xml", -1)
+  call kmlCreatePointStyle(myfile, id='myid', colorhex='F90000FF', colormode='modnar')
+  call kmlFinishFile(myfile)
+end program test
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePointStyle_14.out b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePointStyle_14.out
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5f80770
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePointStyle_14.out
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Invalid value for colormode in kmlAddColorMode
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePointStyle_15.f90 b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePointStyle_15.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1921aa2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePointStyle_15.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wkml
+  implicit none
+  type(xmlf_t) :: myfile
+  call kmlBeginFile(myfile, "test.xml", -1)
+  call kmlCreatePointStyle(myfile, id='myid', colormode='random')
+  call kmlFinishFile(myfile)
+end program test
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePointStyle_15.xml b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePointStyle_15.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2d70def
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePointStyle_15.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<kml xmlns="http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2">
+  <Document>
+    <name>WKML output</name>
+    <Style id="myid">
+      <IconStyle>
+        <colorMode>random</colorMode>
+      </IconStyle>
+    </Style>
+  </Document>
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePointStyle_16.f90 b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePointStyle_16.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..213cd34
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePointStyle_16.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wkml
+  implicit none
+  type(xmlf_t) :: myfile
+  call kmlBeginFile(myfile, "test.xml", -1)
+  call kmlCreatePointStyle(myfile, id='myid', iconhref='http://www.example.com')
+  call kmlFinishFile(myfile)
+end program test
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePointStyle_16.xml b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePointStyle_16.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ec7daef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePointStyle_16.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<kml xmlns="http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2">
+  <Document>
+    <name>WKML output</name>
+    <Style id="myid">
+      <IconStyle>
+        <Icon>
+          <href>http://www.example.com</href>
+        </Icon>
+      </IconStyle>
+    </Style>
+  </Document>
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePointStyle_17.f90 b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePointStyle_17.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4edbefd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePointStyle_17.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wkml
+  implicit none
+  type(xmlf_t) :: myfile
+  call kmlBeginFile(myfile, "test.xml", -1)
+  call kmlCreatePointStyle(myfile, id='myid', iconhref='http://www.e x a m p l e.com/')
+  call kmlFinishFile(myfile)
+end program test
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePointStyle_17.out b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePointStyle_17.out
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e650d7c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePointStyle_17.out
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Invalid URI
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePointStyle_18.f90 b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePointStyle_18.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..72f73de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePointStyle_18.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wkml
+  implicit none
+  type(xmlf_t) :: myfile
+  type(color_t) :: mycolor
+  call kmlSetCustomColor(mycolor, 'F90000FF')
+  call kmlBeginFile(myfile, "test.xml", -1)
+  call kmlCreatePointStyle(myfile, id='myid', color=mycolor)
+  call kmlFinishFile(myfile)
+end program test
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePointStyle_18.xml b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePointStyle_18.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a11e794
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePointStyle_18.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<kml xmlns="http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2">
+  <Document>
+    <name>WKML output</name>
+    <Style id="myid">
+      <IconStyle>
+        <color>F90000FF</color>
+      </IconStyle>
+    </Style>
+  </Document>
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePointStyle_19.f90 b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePointStyle_19.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e7f99de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePointStyle_19.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wkml
+  implicit none
+  type(xmlf_t) :: myfile
+  type(color_t) :: mycolor
+  call kmlSetCustomColor(mycolor, 'F90000FF')
+  call kmlBeginFile(myfile, "test.xml", -1)
+  call kmlCreatePointStyle(myfile, id='myid', color=mycolor, colorname='red', colorhex='f90000ff')
+  call kmlFinishFile(myfile)
+end program test
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePointStyle_19.out b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePointStyle_19.out
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..00c9694
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePointStyle_19.out
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ Cannot specify more than one of color, colorhex, and colorname
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePointStyle_2.f90 b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePointStyle_2.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e7dceb7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePointStyle_2.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wkml
+  implicit none
+  type(xmlf_t) :: myfile
+  call kmlBeginFile(myfile, "test.xml", -1)
+  call kmlCreatePointStyle(myfile, id='myid', scale=10.0)
+  call kmlFinishFile(myfile)
+end program test
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePointStyle_2.xml b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePointStyle_2.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..575f22c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePointStyle_2.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<kml xmlns="http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2">
+  <Document>
+    <name>WKML output</name>
+    <Style id="myid">
+      <IconStyle>
+        <scale>10.0000</scale>
+      </IconStyle>
+    </Style>
+  </Document>
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePointStyle_20.f90 b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePointStyle_20.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e83c562
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePointStyle_20.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wkml
+  implicit none
+  type(xmlf_t) :: myfile
+  type(color_t) :: mycolor
+  call kmlSetCustomColor(mycolor, 'F90000FF')
+  call kmlBeginFile(myfile, "test.xml", -1)
+  call kmlCreatePointStyle(myfile, id='myid', color=mycolor, colorhex='f90000ff')
+  call kmlFinishFile(myfile)
+end program test
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePointStyle_20.out b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePointStyle_20.out
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..00c9694
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePointStyle_20.out
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ Cannot specify more than one of color, colorhex, and colorname
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePointStyle_21.f90 b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePointStyle_21.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c1795f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePointStyle_21.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wkml
+  implicit none
+  type(xmlf_t) :: myfile
+  type(color_t) :: mycolor
+  call kmlSetCustomColor(mycolor, 'F90000FF')
+  call kmlBeginFile(myfile, "test.xml", -1)
+  call kmlCreatePointStyle(myfile, id='myid', color=mycolor, colorname='red')
+  call kmlFinishFile(myfile)
+end program test
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePointStyle_21.out b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePointStyle_21.out
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..00c9694
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePointStyle_21.out
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ Cannot specify more than one of color, colorhex, and colorname
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePointStyle_3.f90 b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePointStyle_3.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a7d0445
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePointStyle_3.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wkml
+  implicit none
+  type(xmlf_t) :: myfile
+  call kmlBeginFile(myfile, "test.xml", -1)
+  call kmlCreatePointStyle(myfile, id='myid', scale=10.0, colorname='red')
+  call kmlFinishFile(myfile)
+end program test
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePointStyle_3.xml b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePointStyle_3.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9730567
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePointStyle_3.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<kml xmlns="http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2">
+  <Document>
+    <name>WKML output</name>
+    <Style id="myid">
+      <IconStyle>
+        <color>f90000ff</color>
+        <scale>10.0000</scale>
+      </IconStyle>
+    </Style>
+  </Document>
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePointStyle_4.f90 b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePointStyle_4.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d21709a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePointStyle_4.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wkml
+  implicit none
+  type(xmlf_t) :: myfile
+  call kmlBeginFile(myfile, "test.xml", -1)
+  call kmlCreatePointStyle(myfile, id='myid', scale=10.0, colorname='red', colorhex='f90000ff')
+  call kmlFinishFile(myfile)
+end program test
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePointStyle_4.out b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePointStyle_4.out
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..00c9694
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePointStyle_4.out
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ Cannot specify more than one of color, colorhex, and colorname
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePointStyle_5.f90 b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePointStyle_5.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9d5ef25
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePointStyle_5.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wkml
+  implicit none
+  type(xmlf_t) :: myfile
+  call kmlBeginFile(myfile, "test.xml", -1)
+  call kmlCreatePointStyle(myfile, id='myid', scale=10.0, colorhex='f90000ff')
+  call kmlFinishFile(myfile)
+end program test
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePointStyle_5.xml b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePointStyle_5.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9730567
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePointStyle_5.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<kml xmlns="http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2">
+  <Document>
+    <name>WKML output</name>
+    <Style id="myid">
+      <IconStyle>
+        <color>f90000ff</color>
+        <scale>10.0000</scale>
+      </IconStyle>
+    </Style>
+  </Document>
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePointStyle_6.f90 b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePointStyle_6.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..86f36b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePointStyle_6.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wkml
+  implicit none
+  type(xmlf_t) :: myfile
+  call kmlBeginFile(myfile, "test.xml", -1)
+  call kmlCreatePointStyle(myfile, id='myid', scale=10.0, colorhex='F90000FF')
+  call kmlFinishFile(myfile)
+end program test
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePointStyle_6.xml b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePointStyle_6.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a6e1fab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePointStyle_6.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<kml xmlns="http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2">
+  <Document>
+    <name>WKML output</name>
+    <Style id="myid">
+      <IconStyle>
+        <color>F90000FF</color>
+        <scale>10.0000</scale>
+      </IconStyle>
+    </Style>
+  </Document>
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePointStyle_7.f90 b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePointStyle_7.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..afd6578
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePointStyle_7.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wkml
+  implicit none
+  type(xmlf_t) :: myfile
+  call kmlBeginFile(myfile, "test.xml", -1)
+  call kmlCreatePointStyle(myfile, id='myid', scale=10.0, colorhex='Z90000FF')
+  call kmlFinishFile(myfile)
+end program test
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePointStyle_7.out b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePointStyle_7.out
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..51e4a57
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePointStyle_7.out
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+ Z90000FF
+           1
+ Invalid color value
+           0
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePointStyle_8.f90 b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePointStyle_8.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3dd0fb0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePointStyle_8.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wkml
+  implicit none
+  type(xmlf_t) :: myfile
+  call kmlBeginFile(myfile, "test.xml", -1)
+  call kmlCreatePointStyle(myfile, id='myid', heading=10.0)
+  call kmlFinishFile(myfile)
+end program test
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePointStyle_8.xml b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePointStyle_8.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e7f2f98
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePointStyle_8.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<kml xmlns="http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2">
+  <Document>
+    <name>WKML output</name>
+    <Style id="myid">
+      <IconStyle>
+        <heading>10.0000000000</heading>
+      </IconStyle>
+    </Style>
+  </Document>
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePointStyle_9.f90 b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePointStyle_9.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6ad4bca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePointStyle_9.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wkml
+  implicit none
+  type(xmlf_t) :: myfile
+  call kmlBeginFile(myfile, "test.xml", -1)
+  call kmlCreatePointStyle(myfile, id='myid', heading=-180.0)
+  call kmlFinishFile(myfile)
+end program test
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePointStyle_9.xml b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePointStyle_9.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..759deeb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePointStyle_9.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<kml xmlns="http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2">
+  <Document>
+    <name>WKML output</name>
+    <Style id="myid">
+      <IconStyle>
+        <heading>-180.0000000000</heading>
+      </IconStyle>
+    </Style>
+  </Document>
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePoints.sh b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePoints.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..e521c92
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePoints.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+#!/bin/sh -e
+for t in ${0%.sh}_*.f90
+  TEST=${t%.f90}
+  ./test.sh $TEST
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePoints_1.f90 b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePoints_1.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2fe50db
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePoints_1.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wkml
+  implicit none
+  type(xmlf_t) :: myfile
+  call kmlBeginFile(myfile, "test.xml", -1)
+  call kmlCreatePoints(myfile, 1.0, 1.0)
+  call kmlFinishFile(myfile)
+end program test
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePoints_1.xml b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePoints_1.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..279966b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePoints_1.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<kml xmlns="http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2">
+  <Document>
+    <name>WKML output</name>
+    <Folder>
+      <Placemark>
+        <Point>
+          <coordinates>1.000000,1.000000</coordinates>
+        </Point>
+      </Placemark>
+    </Folder>
+  </Document>
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePoints_10.f90 b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePoints_10.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8214c6f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePoints_10.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wkml
+  implicit none
+  type(xmlf_t) :: myfile
+  call kmlBeginFile(myfile, "test.xml", -1)
+  call kmlCreatePoints(myfile, 1.0, 1.0, colorname="red")
+  call kmlFinishFile(myfile)
+end program test
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePoints_10.xml b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePoints_10.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e4243d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePoints_10.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<kml xmlns="http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2">
+  <Document>
+    <name>WKML output</name>
+    <Folder>
+      <Placemark>
+        <Style>
+          <IconStyle>
+            <color>f90000ff</color>
+          </IconStyle>
+        </Style>
+        <Point>
+          <coordinates>1.000000,1.000000</coordinates>
+        </Point>
+      </Placemark>
+    </Folder>
+  </Document>
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePoints_11.f90 b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePoints_11.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3d73d6d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePoints_11.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wkml
+  implicit none
+  type(xmlf_t) :: myfile
+  call kmlBeginFile(myfile, "test.xml", -1)
+  call kmlCreatePoints(myfile, 1.0, 1.0, colorname="purple", scale=2.0)
+  call kmlFinishFile(myfile)
+end program test
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePoints_11.xml b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePoints_11.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1c62148
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePoints_11.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<kml xmlns="http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2">
+  <Document>
+    <name>WKML output</name>
+    <Folder>
+      <Placemark>
+        <Style>
+          <IconStyle>
+            <color>f9f020a0</color>
+            <scale>2.00000</scale>
+          </IconStyle>
+        </Style>
+        <Point>
+          <coordinates>1.000000,1.000000</coordinates>
+        </Point>
+      </Placemark>
+    </Folder>
+  </Document>
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePoints_12.f90 b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePoints_12.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e615e1e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePoints_12.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wkml
+  implicit none
+  type(xmlf_t) :: myfile
+  call kmlBeginFile(myfile, "test.xml", -1)
+  call kmlCreatePoints(myfile, 1.0, 1.0, scale=2.0)
+  call kmlFinishFile(myfile)
+end program test
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePoints_12.xml b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePoints_12.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d55ff77
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePoints_12.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<kml xmlns="http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2">
+  <Document>
+    <name>WKML output</name>
+    <Folder>
+      <Placemark>
+        <Style>
+          <IconStyle>
+            <scale>2.00000</scale>
+          </IconStyle>
+        </Style>
+        <Point>
+          <coordinates>1.000000,1.000000</coordinates>
+        </Point>
+      </Placemark>
+    </Folder>
+  </Document>
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePoints_2.f90 b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePoints_2.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7bb4e93
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePoints_2.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wkml
+  implicit none
+  type(xmlf_t) :: myfile
+  call kmlBeginFile(myfile, "test.xml", -1)
+  call kmlCreatePoints(myfile, 1.0, 1.0, 500.0)
+  call kmlFinishFile(myfile)
+end program test
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePoints_2.xml b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePoints_2.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f9a11fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePoints_2.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<kml xmlns="http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2">
+  <Document>
+    <name>WKML output</name>
+    <Folder>
+      <Placemark>
+        <Point>
+          <coordinates>1.000000,1.000000,500.000000</coordinates>
+        </Point>
+      </Placemark>
+    </Folder>
+  </Document>
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePoints_3.f90 b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePoints_3.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e3a7fc9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePoints_3.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wkml
+  implicit none
+  type(xmlf_t) :: myfile
+  call kmlBeginFile(myfile, "test.xml", -1)
+  call kmlCreatePoints(myfile, (/1.0, 2.0/), (/1.0, 2.0/))
+  call kmlFinishFile(myfile)
+end program test
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePoints_3.xml b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePoints_3.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ef10a8d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePoints_3.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<kml xmlns="http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2">
+  <Document>
+    <name>WKML output</name>
+    <Folder>
+      <Placemark>
+        <Point>
+          <coordinates>1.000000,1.000000</coordinates>
+        </Point>
+      </Placemark>
+      <Placemark>
+        <Point>
+          <coordinates>2.000000,2.000000</coordinates>
+        </Point>
+      </Placemark>
+    </Folder>
+  </Document>
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePoints_4.f90 b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePoints_4.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..052adae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePoints_4.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wkml
+  implicit none
+  type(xmlf_t) :: myfile
+  call kmlBeginFile(myfile, "test.xml", -1)
+  call kmlCreatePoints(myfile, (/1.0, 2.0/), (/1.0, 2.0/), (/500.0, 1000.0/), extrude=.true.)
+  call kmlFinishFile(myfile)
+end program test
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePoints_4.xml b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePoints_4.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..248cbff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePoints_4.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<kml xmlns="http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2">
+  <Document>
+    <name>WKML output</name>
+    <Folder>
+      <Placemark>
+        <Point>
+          <extrude>1</extrude>
+          <coordinates>1.000000,1.000000,500.000000</coordinates>
+        </Point>
+      </Placemark>
+      <Placemark>
+        <Point>
+          <extrude>1</extrude>
+          <coordinates>2.000000,2.000000,1000.000000</coordinates>
+        </Point>
+      </Placemark>
+    </Folder>
+  </Document>
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePoints_5.f90 b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePoints_5.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a6b1dfc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePoints_5.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wkml
+  implicit none
+  type(xmlf_t) :: myfile
+  real :: coords(2, 2)
+  coords(1,:) = (/1.0, 2.0/)
+  coords(2,:) = (/1.0, 2.0/)
+  call kmlBeginFile(myfile, "test.xml", -1)
+  call kmlCreatePoints(myfile, coords)
+  call kmlFinishFile(myfile)
+end program test
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePoints_5.xml b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePoints_5.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ef10a8d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePoints_5.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<kml xmlns="http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2">
+  <Document>
+    <name>WKML output</name>
+    <Folder>
+      <Placemark>
+        <Point>
+          <coordinates>1.000000,1.000000</coordinates>
+        </Point>
+      </Placemark>
+      <Placemark>
+        <Point>
+          <coordinates>2.000000,2.000000</coordinates>
+        </Point>
+      </Placemark>
+    </Folder>
+  </Document>
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePoints_6.f90 b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePoints_6.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5e8f8e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePoints_6.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wkml
+  implicit none
+  type(xmlf_t) :: myfile
+  real :: coords(2, 2)
+  coords(1,:) = (/1.0, 2.0/)
+  coords(2,:) = (/1.0, 2.0/)
+  call kmlBeginFile(myfile, "test.xml", -1)
+  call kmlCreatePoints(myfile, coords, (/1000.0, 2000.0/))
+  call kmlFinishFile(myfile)
+end program test
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePoints_6.xml b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePoints_6.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bb1cf9c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePoints_6.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<kml xmlns="http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2">
+  <Document>
+    <name>WKML output</name>
+    <Folder>
+      <Placemark>
+        <Point>
+          <coordinates>1.000000,1.000000,1000.000000</coordinates>
+        </Point>
+      </Placemark>
+      <Placemark>
+        <Point>
+          <coordinates>2.000000,2.000000,2000.000000</coordinates>
+        </Point>
+      </Placemark>
+    </Folder>
+  </Document>
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePoints_7.f90 b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePoints_7.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f8deb98
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePoints_7.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wkml
+  implicit none
+  type(xmlf_t) :: myfile
+  real :: coords(3, 2)
+  coords(1,:) = (/1.0, 2.0/)
+  coords(2,:) = (/1.0, 2.0/)
+  coords(3,:) = (/1000.0, 2000.0/)
+  call kmlBeginFile(myfile, "test.xml", -1)
+  call kmlCreatePoints(myfile, coords)
+  call kmlFinishFile(myfile)
+end program test
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePoints_7.xml b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePoints_7.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bb1cf9c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePoints_7.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<kml xmlns="http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2">
+  <Document>
+    <name>WKML output</name>
+    <Folder>
+      <Placemark>
+        <Point>
+          <coordinates>1.000000,1.000000,1000.000000</coordinates>
+        </Point>
+      </Placemark>
+      <Placemark>
+        <Point>
+          <coordinates>2.000000,2.000000,2000.000000</coordinates>
+        </Point>
+      </Placemark>
+    </Folder>
+  </Document>
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePolygonStyle.sh b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePolygonStyle.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..e521c92
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePolygonStyle.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+#!/bin/sh -e
+for t in ${0%.sh}_*.f90
+  TEST=${t%.f90}
+  ./test.sh $TEST
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePolygonStyle_1.f90 b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePolygonStyle_1.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..232bf85
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePolygonStyle_1.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wkml
+  implicit none
+  type(xmlf_t) :: myfile
+  call kmlBeginFile(myfile, "test.xml", -1)
+  call kmlCreatePolygonStyle(myfile, id='myid')
+  call kmlFinishFile(myfile)
+end program test
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePolygonStyle_1.xml b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePolygonStyle_1.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c191b32
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePolygonStyle_1.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<kml xmlns="http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2">
+  <Document>
+    <name>WKML output</name>
+    <Style id="myid">
+      <PolyStyle/>
+    </Style>
+  </Document>
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePolygonStyle_10.f90 b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePolygonStyle_10.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ceb3c1b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePolygonStyle_10.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wkml
+  implicit none
+  type(xmlf_t) :: myfile
+  type(color_t) :: mycolor
+  call kmlSetCustomColor(mycolor, 'F90000FF')
+  call kmlBeginFile(myfile, "test.xml", -1)
+  call kmlCreatePolygonStyle(myfile, id='myid', colorhex='f90000ff', fill=.true.)
+  call kmlFinishFile(myfile)
+end program test
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePolygonStyle_10.xml b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePolygonStyle_10.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c8ec0a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePolygonStyle_10.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<kml xmlns="http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2">
+  <Document>
+    <name>WKML output</name>
+    <Style id="myid">
+      <PolyStyle>
+        <color>f90000ff</color>
+        <fill>1</fill>
+      </PolyStyle>
+    </Style>
+  </Document>
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePolygonStyle_11.f90 b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePolygonStyle_11.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b0967eb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePolygonStyle_11.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wkml
+  implicit none
+  type(xmlf_t) :: myfile
+  type(color_t) :: mycolor
+  call kmlSetCustomColor(mycolor, 'F90000FF')
+  call kmlBeginFile(myfile, "test.xml", -1)
+  call kmlCreatePolygonStyle(myfile, id='myid', colorhex='f90000ff', outline=.true.)
+  call kmlFinishFile(myfile)
+end program test
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePolygonStyle_11.xml b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePolygonStyle_11.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a96d171
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePolygonStyle_11.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<kml xmlns="http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2">
+  <Document>
+    <name>WKML output</name>
+    <Style id="myid">
+      <PolyStyle>
+        <color>f90000ff</color>
+        <outline>true</outline>
+      </PolyStyle>
+    </Style>
+  </Document>
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePolygonStyle_12.f90 b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePolygonStyle_12.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..290d156
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePolygonStyle_12.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wkml
+  implicit none
+  type(xmlf_t) :: myfile
+  type(color_t) :: mycolor
+  call kmlSetCustomColor(mycolor, 'F90000FF')
+  call kmlBeginFile(myfile, "test.xml", -1)
+  call kmlCreatePolygonStyle(myfile, id='myid', colorhex='f90000ff', outline=.false.)
+  call kmlFinishFile(myfile)
+end program test
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePolygonStyle_12.xml b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePolygonStyle_12.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..558a19e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePolygonStyle_12.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<kml xmlns="http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2">
+  <Document>
+    <name>WKML output</name>
+    <Style id="myid">
+      <PolyStyle>
+        <color>f90000ff</color>
+        <outline>false</outline>
+      </PolyStyle>
+    </Style>
+  </Document>
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePolygonStyle_2.f90 b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePolygonStyle_2.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..32266d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePolygonStyle_2.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wkml
+  implicit none
+  type(xmlf_t) :: myfile
+  type(color_t) :: mycolor
+  call kmlSetCustomColor(mycolor, 'F90000FF')
+  call kmlBeginFile(myfile, "test.xml", -1)
+  call kmlCreatePolygonStyle(myfile, id='myid', colorname='red', color=mycolor, colorhex='f90000ff')
+  call kmlFinishFile(myfile)
+end program test
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePolygonStyle_2.out b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePolygonStyle_2.out
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..00c9694
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePolygonStyle_2.out
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ Cannot specify more than one of color, colorhex, and colorname
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePolygonStyle_3.f90 b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePolygonStyle_3.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..abbc9f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePolygonStyle_3.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wkml
+  implicit none
+  type(xmlf_t) :: myfile
+  type(color_t) :: mycolor
+  call kmlSetCustomColor(mycolor, 'F90000FF')
+  call kmlBeginFile(myfile, "test.xml", -1)
+  call kmlCreatePolygonStyle(myfile, id='myid', color=mycolor, colorhex='f90000ff')
+  call kmlFinishFile(myfile)
+end program test
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePolygonStyle_3.out b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePolygonStyle_3.out
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..00c9694
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePolygonStyle_3.out
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ Cannot specify more than one of color, colorhex, and colorname
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePolygonStyle_4.f90 b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePolygonStyle_4.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8926f0c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePolygonStyle_4.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wkml
+  implicit none
+  type(xmlf_t) :: myfile
+  type(color_t) :: mycolor
+  call kmlSetCustomColor(mycolor, 'F90000FF')
+  call kmlBeginFile(myfile, "test.xml", -1)
+  call kmlCreatePolygonStyle(myfile, id='myid', colorname='red', colorhex='f90000ff')
+  call kmlFinishFile(myfile)
+end program test
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePolygonStyle_4.out b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePolygonStyle_4.out
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..00c9694
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePolygonStyle_4.out
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ Cannot specify more than one of color, colorhex, and colorname
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePolygonStyle_5.f90 b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePolygonStyle_5.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7e4f044
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePolygonStyle_5.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wkml
+  implicit none
+  type(xmlf_t) :: myfile
+  type(color_t) :: mycolor
+  call kmlSetCustomColor(mycolor, 'F90000FF')
+  call kmlBeginFile(myfile, "test.xml", -1)
+  call kmlCreatePolygonStyle(myfile, id='myid', colorname='red', color=mycolor)
+  call kmlFinishFile(myfile)
+end program test
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePolygonStyle_5.out b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePolygonStyle_5.out
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..00c9694
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePolygonStyle_5.out
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ Cannot specify more than one of color, colorhex, and colorname
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePolygonStyle_6.f90 b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePolygonStyle_6.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7cae41b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePolygonStyle_6.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wkml
+  implicit none
+  type(xmlf_t) :: myfile
+  type(color_t) :: mycolor
+  call kmlSetCustomColor(mycolor, 'F90000FF')
+  call kmlBeginFile(myfile, "test.xml", -1)
+  call kmlCreatePolygonStyle(myfile, id='myid', colorname='red')
+  call kmlFinishFile(myfile)
+end program test
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePolygonStyle_6.xml b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePolygonStyle_6.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..90a4010
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePolygonStyle_6.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<kml xmlns="http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2">
+  <Document>
+    <name>WKML output</name>
+    <Style id="myid">
+      <PolyStyle>
+        <color>f90000ff</color>
+      </PolyStyle>
+    </Style>
+  </Document>
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePolygonStyle_7.f90 b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePolygonStyle_7.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0365db6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePolygonStyle_7.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wkml
+  implicit none
+  type(xmlf_t) :: myfile
+  type(color_t) :: mycolor
+  call kmlSetCustomColor(mycolor, 'F90000FF')
+  call kmlBeginFile(myfile, "test.xml", -1)
+  call kmlCreatePolygonStyle(myfile, id='myid', color=mycolor)
+  call kmlFinishFile(myfile)
+end program test
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePolygonStyle_7.xml b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePolygonStyle_7.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a196e7f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePolygonStyle_7.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<kml xmlns="http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2">
+  <Document>
+    <name>WKML output</name>
+    <Style id="myid">
+      <PolyStyle>
+        <color>F90000FF</color>
+      </PolyStyle>
+    </Style>
+  </Document>
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePolygonStyle_8.f90 b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePolygonStyle_8.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ef8d8e2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePolygonStyle_8.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wkml
+  implicit none
+  type(xmlf_t) :: myfile
+  type(color_t) :: mycolor
+  call kmlSetCustomColor(mycolor, 'F90000FF')
+  call kmlBeginFile(myfile, "test.xml", -1)
+  call kmlCreatePolygonStyle(myfile, id='myid', colorhex='f90000ff')
+  call kmlFinishFile(myfile)
+end program test
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePolygonStyle_8.xml b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePolygonStyle_8.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..90a4010
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePolygonStyle_8.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<kml xmlns="http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2">
+  <Document>
+    <name>WKML output</name>
+    <Style id="myid">
+      <PolyStyle>
+        <color>f90000ff</color>
+      </PolyStyle>
+    </Style>
+  </Document>
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePolygonStyle_9.f90 b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePolygonStyle_9.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..484af22
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePolygonStyle_9.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wkml
+  implicit none
+  type(xmlf_t) :: myfile
+  type(color_t) :: mycolor
+  call kmlSetCustomColor(mycolor, 'F90000FF')
+  call kmlBeginFile(myfile, "test.xml", -1)
+  call kmlCreatePolygonStyle(myfile, id='myid', colorhex='f90000ff', fill=.false.)
+  call kmlFinishFile(myfile)
+end program test
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePolygonStyle_9.xml b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePolygonStyle_9.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..726f73c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlCreatePolygonStyle_9.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<kml xmlns="http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2">
+  <Document>
+    <name>WKML output</name>
+    <Style id="myid">
+      <PolyStyle>
+        <color>f90000ff</color>
+        <fill>0</fill>
+      </PolyStyle>
+    </Style>
+  </Document>
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlOpenCloseDocument.sh b/wkml/test/test_kmlOpenCloseDocument.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..e521c92
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlOpenCloseDocument.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+#!/bin/sh -e
+for t in ${0%.sh}_*.f90
+  TEST=${t%.f90}
+  ./test.sh $TEST
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlOpenCloseDocument_1.f90 b/wkml/test/test_kmlOpenCloseDocument_1.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f07e51e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlOpenCloseDocument_1.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wkml
+  implicit none
+  type(xmlf_t) :: myfile
+  call kmlBeginFile(myfile, "test.xml", -1)
+  call kmlFinishFile(myfile)
+end program test
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlOpenCloseDocument_1.xml b/wkml/test/test_kmlOpenCloseDocument_1.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..482fe67
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlOpenCloseDocument_1.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<kml xmlns="http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2">
+  <Document>
+    <name>WKML output</name>
+  </Document>
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlOpenCloseDocument_2.f90 b/wkml/test/test_kmlOpenCloseDocument_2.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a7f6ddc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlOpenCloseDocument_2.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wkml
+  implicit none
+  type(xmlf_t) :: myfile
+  call kmlBeginFile(myfile, "test.xml", -1, docname='testdoc')
+  call kmlFinishFile(myfile)
+end program test
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlOpenCloseDocument_2.xml b/wkml/test/test_kmlOpenCloseDocument_2.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..122c4b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlOpenCloseDocument_2.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<kml xmlns="http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2">
+  <Document>
+    <name>testdoc</name>
+  </Document>
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlOpenCloseDocument_3.f90 b/wkml/test/test_kmlOpenCloseDocument_3.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9d81a6a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlOpenCloseDocument_3.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wkml
+  implicit none
+  type(xmlf_t) :: myfile
+  call kmlBeginFile(myfile, "test.xml", -1, .true., 'testdoc')
+  call kmlFinishFile(myfile)
+end program test
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlOpenCloseDocument_3.xml b/wkml/test/test_kmlOpenCloseDocument_3.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..122c4b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlOpenCloseDocument_3.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<kml xmlns="http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2">
+  <Document>
+    <name>testdoc</name>
+  </Document>
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlOpenCloseDocument_4.f90 b/wkml/test/test_kmlOpenCloseDocument_4.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5009067
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlOpenCloseDocument_4.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wkml
+  implicit none
+  type(xmlf_t) :: myfile
+  call kmlBeginFile(myfile, "test.xml", -1, .true., 'testdoc')
+  call kmlOpenDocument(myfile, "NewName", "anId")
+  call kmlCloseDocument(myfile)
+  call kmlFinishFile(myfile)
+end program test
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlOpenCloseDocument_4.xml b/wkml/test/test_kmlOpenCloseDocument_4.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b30f3d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlOpenCloseDocument_4.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<kml xmlns="http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2">
+  <Document>
+    <name>testdoc</name>
+    <Document id="anId">
+      <name>NewName</name>
+    </Document>
+  </Document>
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlOpenCloseDocument_5.f90 b/wkml/test/test_kmlOpenCloseDocument_5.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6eac71e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlOpenCloseDocument_5.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wkml
+  implicit none
+  type(xmlf_t) :: myfile
+  call kmlBeginFile(myfile, "test.xml", -1, .true., 'testdoc')
+  call kmlOpenDocument(myfile, "NewName")
+  call kmlCloseDocument(myfile)
+  call kmlFinishFile(myfile)
+end program test
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlOpenCloseDocument_5.xml b/wkml/test/test_kmlOpenCloseDocument_5.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7727027
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlOpenCloseDocument_5.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<kml xmlns="http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2">
+  <Document>
+    <name>testdoc</name>
+    <Document>
+      <name>NewName</name>
+    </Document>
+  </Document>
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlOpenCloseFolder.sh b/wkml/test/test_kmlOpenCloseFolder.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..e521c92
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlOpenCloseFolder.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+#!/bin/sh -e
+for t in ${0%.sh}_*.f90
+  TEST=${t%.f90}
+  ./test.sh $TEST
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlOpenCloseFolder_0.f90 b/wkml/test/test_kmlOpenCloseFolder_0.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..591f453
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlOpenCloseFolder_0.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wkml
+  implicit none
+  type(xmlf_t) :: myfile
+  call kmlBeginFile(myfile, "test.xml", -1)
+  call kmlCloseFolder(myfile)
+  call kmlFinishFile(myfile)
+end program test
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlOpenCloseFolder_0.out b/wkml/test/test_kmlOpenCloseFolder_0.out
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bf63265
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlOpenCloseFolder_0.out
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+ERROR(wxml) in writing to file 
+Trying to close Folder but Document is open. Either you have failed to open Folder or you have failed to close Document.
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlOpenCloseFolder_1.f90 b/wkml/test/test_kmlOpenCloseFolder_1.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5c643a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlOpenCloseFolder_1.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wkml
+  implicit none
+  type(xmlf_t) :: myfile
+  call kmlBeginFile(myfile, "test.xml", -1)
+  call kmlOpenFolder(myfile)
+  call kmlCloseFolder(myfile)
+  call kmlFinishFile(myfile)
+end program test
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlOpenCloseFolder_1.xml b/wkml/test/test_kmlOpenCloseFolder_1.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..854a378
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlOpenCloseFolder_1.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<kml xmlns="http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2">
+  <Document>
+    <name>WKML output</name>
+    <Folder/>
+  </Document>
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlOpenCloseFolder_2.f90 b/wkml/test/test_kmlOpenCloseFolder_2.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..706deec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlOpenCloseFolder_2.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wkml
+  implicit none
+  type(xmlf_t) :: myfile
+  call kmlBeginFile(myfile, "test.xml", -1)
+  call kmlOpenFolder(myfile, name='folderName')
+  call kmlCloseFolder(myfile)
+  call kmlFinishFile(myfile)
+end program test
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlOpenCloseFolder_2.xml b/wkml/test/test_kmlOpenCloseFolder_2.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e9d1ede
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlOpenCloseFolder_2.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<kml xmlns="http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2">
+  <Document>
+    <name>WKML output</name>
+    <Folder>
+      <name>folderName</name>
+    </Folder>
+  </Document>
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlOpenCloseFolder_3.f90 b/wkml/test/test_kmlOpenCloseFolder_3.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2033580
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlOpenCloseFolder_3.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wkml
+  implicit none
+  type(xmlf_t) :: myfile
+  call kmlBeginFile(myfile, "test.xml", -1)
+  call kmlOpenFolder(myfile, id='folderID')
+  call kmlCloseFolder(myfile)
+  call kmlFinishFile(myfile)
+end program test
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlOpenCloseFolder_3.xml b/wkml/test/test_kmlOpenCloseFolder_3.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..42922f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlOpenCloseFolder_3.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<kml xmlns="http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2">
+  <Document>
+    <name>WKML output</name>
+    <Folder id="folderID"/>
+  </Document>
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlOpenCloseFolder_4.f90 b/wkml/test/test_kmlOpenCloseFolder_4.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a1b33b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlOpenCloseFolder_4.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wkml
+  implicit none
+  type(xmlf_t) :: myfile
+  call kmlBeginFile(myfile, "test.xml", -1)
+  call kmlOpenFolder(myfile, name='folderName', id='folderID')
+  call kmlCloseFolder(myfile)
+  call kmlFinishFile(myfile)
+end program test
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlOpenCloseFolder_4.xml b/wkml/test/test_kmlOpenCloseFolder_4.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0553e37
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlOpenCloseFolder_4.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<kml xmlns="http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2">
+  <Document>
+    <name>WKML output</name>
+    <Folder id="folderID">
+      <name>folderName</name>
+    </Folder>
+  </Document>
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlOpenCloseFolder_5.f90 b/wkml/test/test_kmlOpenCloseFolder_5.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..69971f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlOpenCloseFolder_5.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wkml
+  implicit none
+  type(xmlf_t) :: myfile
+  call kmlBeginFile(myfile, "test.xml", -1)
+  call kmlOpenFolder(myfile)
+  call kmlFinishFile(myfile)
+end program test
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlOpenCloseFolder_5.out b/wkml/test/test_kmlOpenCloseFolder_5.out
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..530c96d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlOpenCloseFolder_5.out
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+ERROR(wxml) in writing to file 
+Trying to close Document but Folder is open. Either you have failed to open Document or you have failed to close Folder.
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlStartEndRegion.sh b/wkml/test/test_kmlStartEndRegion.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..e521c92
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlStartEndRegion.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+#!/bin/sh -e
+for t in ${0%.sh}_*.f90
+  TEST=${t%.f90}
+  ./test.sh $TEST
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlStartEndRegion_0.f90 b/wkml/test/test_kmlStartEndRegion_0.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bdec24f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlStartEndRegion_0.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wkml
+  implicit none
+  type(xmlf_t) :: myfile
+  call kmlStartRegion(myfile, (/10.0, 11.0, 12.0/), (/10.0, 11.0, 12.0/))
+  call kmlEndRegion(myfile)
+  call kmlFinishFile(myfile)
+end program test
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlStartEndRegion_0.out b/wkml/test/test_kmlStartEndRegion_0.out
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..91de3dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlStartEndRegion_0.out
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Tried to manipulate an XML File which is not open
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlStartEndRegion_1.f90 b/wkml/test/test_kmlStartEndRegion_1.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4195bb4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlStartEndRegion_1.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wkml
+  implicit none
+  type(xmlf_t) :: myfile
+  call kmlBeginFile(myfile, "test.xml", -1)
+  call kmlStartRegion(myfile, (/10.0, 11.0, 12.0/), (/10.0, 11.0, 12.0/))
+  call kmlEndRegion(myfile)
+  call kmlFinishFile(myfile)
+end program test
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlStartEndRegion_1.xml b/wkml/test/test_kmlStartEndRegion_1.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d7d307b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlStartEndRegion_1.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<kml xmlns="http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2">
+  <Document>
+    <name>WKML output</name>
+    <Placemark>
+      <Polygon>
+        <outerBoundaryIs>
+          <LinearRing>
+            <coordinates>
+              10.000000,10.000000
+              11.000000,11.000000
+              12.000000,12.000000
+              10.000000,10.000000
+              </coordinates>
+          </LinearRing>
+        </outerBoundaryIs>
+      </Polygon>
+    </Placemark>
+  </Document>
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlStartEndRegion_10.f90 b/wkml/test/test_kmlStartEndRegion_10.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..da4e9f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlStartEndRegion_10.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wkml
+  implicit none
+  type(xmlf_t) :: myfile
+  call kmlBeginFile(myfile, "test.xml", -1)
+  call kmlStartRegion(myfile, (/10.0D0, 11.0D0, 12.0D0/), (/11.0D0, 12.0D0/))
+  call kmlEndRegion(myfile)
+  call kmlFinishFile(myfile)
+end program test
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlStartEndRegion_10.out b/wkml/test/test_kmlStartEndRegion_10.out
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8d83936
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlStartEndRegion_10.out
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Incommensurate sizes for longitude and latitude arrays in kmlCreateLine
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlStartEndRegion_11.f90 b/wkml/test/test_kmlStartEndRegion_11.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fd81d9a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlStartEndRegion_11.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wkml
+  implicit none
+  type(xmlf_t) :: myfile
+  call kmlBeginFile(myfile, "test.xml", -1)
+  call kmlStartRegion(myfile, reshape((/10.0, 10.0, 250.0, 11.0, 11.0, 350.0, 12.0, 12.0, 300.0/),(/3,3/)))
+  call kmlEndRegion(myfile)
+  call kmlFinishFile(myfile)
+end program test
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlStartEndRegion_11.xml b/wkml/test/test_kmlStartEndRegion_11.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5fe1518
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlStartEndRegion_11.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<kml xmlns="http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2">
+  <Document>
+    <name>WKML output</name>
+    <Placemark>
+      <Polygon>
+        <outerBoundaryIs>
+          <LinearRing>
+            <coordinates>
+              10.000000,10.000000,250.000000
+              11.000000,11.000000,350.000000
+              12.000000,12.000000,300.000000
+              10.000000,10.000000,250.000000
+              </coordinates>
+          </LinearRing>
+        </outerBoundaryIs>
+      </Polygon>
+    </Placemark>
+  </Document>
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlStartEndRegion_12.f90 b/wkml/test/test_kmlStartEndRegion_12.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4e39b6a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlStartEndRegion_12.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wkml
+  implicit none
+  type(xmlf_t) :: myfile
+  call kmlBeginFile(myfile, "test.xml", -1)
+  call kmlStartRegion(myfile, reshape((/10.0D0, 10.0D0, 250.0D0, 11.0D0, 11.0D0, 350.0D0, 12.0D0, 12.0D0, 300.0D0/),(/3,3/)))
+  call kmlEndRegion(myfile)
+  call kmlFinishFile(myfile)
+end program test
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlStartEndRegion_12.xml b/wkml/test/test_kmlStartEndRegion_12.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5fe1518
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlStartEndRegion_12.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<kml xmlns="http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2">
+  <Document>
+    <name>WKML output</name>
+    <Placemark>
+      <Polygon>
+        <outerBoundaryIs>
+          <LinearRing>
+            <coordinates>
+              10.000000,10.000000,250.000000
+              11.000000,11.000000,350.000000
+              12.000000,12.000000,300.000000
+              10.000000,10.000000,250.000000
+              </coordinates>
+          </LinearRing>
+        </outerBoundaryIs>
+      </Polygon>
+    </Placemark>
+  </Document>
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlStartEndRegion_13.f90 b/wkml/test/test_kmlStartEndRegion_13.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..90e2243
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlStartEndRegion_13.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wkml
+  implicit none
+  type(xmlf_t) :: myfile
+  call kmlBeginFile(myfile, "test.xml", -1)
+  call kmlStartRegion(myfile, (/10.0, 11.0, 12.0/), (/10.0, 11.0, 12.0/), &
+           altitude=(/350.0, 200.0/))
+  call kmlEndRegion(myfile)
+  call kmlFinishFile(myfile)
+end program test
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlStartEndRegion_13.out b/wkml/test/test_kmlStartEndRegion_13.out
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..828b3bf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlStartEndRegion_13.out
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Incommensurate sizes for longitude and altitude arrays in kmlCreateLine
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlStartEndRegion_14.f90 b/wkml/test/test_kmlStartEndRegion_14.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2ee69d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlStartEndRegion_14.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wkml
+  implicit none
+  type(xmlf_t) :: myfile
+  call kmlBeginFile(myfile, "test.xml", -1)
+  call kmlStartRegion(myfile, (/10.0D0, 11.0D0, 12.0D0/), (/10.0D0, 11.0D0, 12.0D0/), &
+           altitude=(/350.0D0, 200.0D0/))
+  call kmlEndRegion(myfile)
+  call kmlFinishFile(myfile)
+end program test
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlStartEndRegion_14.out b/wkml/test/test_kmlStartEndRegion_14.out
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..828b3bf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlStartEndRegion_14.out
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Incommensurate sizes for longitude and altitude arrays in kmlCreateLine
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlStartEndRegion_15.f90 b/wkml/test/test_kmlStartEndRegion_15.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6fa760e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlStartEndRegion_15.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wkml
+  implicit none
+  type(xmlf_t) :: myfile
+  call kmlBeginFile(myfile, "test.xml", -1)
+  call kmlStartRegion(myfile, reshape((/10.0, 10.0, 11.0, 11.0, 12.0, 12.0/),(/2,3/)), &
+           altitude=(/350.0, 200.0/))
+  call kmlEndRegion(myfile)
+  call kmlFinishFile(myfile)
+end program test
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlStartEndRegion_15.out b/wkml/test/test_kmlStartEndRegion_15.out
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..828b3bf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlStartEndRegion_15.out
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Incommensurate sizes for longitude and altitude arrays in kmlCreateLine
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlStartEndRegion_16.f90 b/wkml/test/test_kmlStartEndRegion_16.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5b2d119
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlStartEndRegion_16.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wkml
+  implicit none
+  type(xmlf_t) :: myfile
+  call kmlBeginFile(myfile, "test.xml", -1)
+  call kmlStartRegion(myfile, reshape((/10.0D0, 10.0D0, 11.0D0, 11.0D0, 12.0D0, 12.0D0/),(/2,3/)), &
+           altitude=(/350.0D0, 200.0D0/))
+  call kmlEndRegion(myfile)
+  call kmlFinishFile(myfile)
+end program test
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlStartEndRegion_16.out b/wkml/test/test_kmlStartEndRegion_16.out
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..828b3bf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlStartEndRegion_16.out
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Incommensurate sizes for longitude and altitude arrays in kmlCreateLine
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlStartEndRegion_2.f90 b/wkml/test/test_kmlStartEndRegion_2.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..abd8bd0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlStartEndRegion_2.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wkml
+  implicit none
+  type(xmlf_t) :: myfile
+  call kmlBeginFile(myfile, "test.xml", -1)
+  call kmlStartRegion(myfile, (/10.0D0, 11.0D0, 12.0D0/), (/10.0D0, 11.0D0, 12.0D0/))
+  call kmlEndRegion(myfile)
+  call kmlFinishFile(myfile)
+end program test
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlStartEndRegion_2.xml b/wkml/test/test_kmlStartEndRegion_2.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d7d307b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlStartEndRegion_2.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<kml xmlns="http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2">
+  <Document>
+    <name>WKML output</name>
+    <Placemark>
+      <Polygon>
+        <outerBoundaryIs>
+          <LinearRing>
+            <coordinates>
+              10.000000,10.000000
+              11.000000,11.000000
+              12.000000,12.000000
+              10.000000,10.000000
+              </coordinates>
+          </LinearRing>
+        </outerBoundaryIs>
+      </Polygon>
+    </Placemark>
+  </Document>
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlStartEndRegion_3.f90 b/wkml/test/test_kmlStartEndRegion_3.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ec05596
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlStartEndRegion_3.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wkml
+  implicit none
+  type(xmlf_t) :: myfile
+  call kmlBeginFile(myfile, "test.xml", -1)
+  call kmlStartRegion(myfile, reshape((/10.0, 10.0, 11.0, 11.0, 12.0, 12.0/),(/2,3/)))
+  call kmlEndRegion(myfile)
+  call kmlFinishFile(myfile)
+end program test
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlStartEndRegion_3.xml b/wkml/test/test_kmlStartEndRegion_3.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d7d307b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlStartEndRegion_3.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<kml xmlns="http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2">
+  <Document>
+    <name>WKML output</name>
+    <Placemark>
+      <Polygon>
+        <outerBoundaryIs>
+          <LinearRing>
+            <coordinates>
+              10.000000,10.000000
+              11.000000,11.000000
+              12.000000,12.000000
+              10.000000,10.000000
+              </coordinates>
+          </LinearRing>
+        </outerBoundaryIs>
+      </Polygon>
+    </Placemark>
+  </Document>
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlStartEndRegion_4.f90 b/wkml/test/test_kmlStartEndRegion_4.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6163419
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlStartEndRegion_4.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wkml
+  implicit none
+  type(xmlf_t) :: myfile
+  call kmlBeginFile(myfile, "test.xml", -1)
+  call kmlStartRegion(myfile, reshape((/10.0D0, 10.0D0, 11.0D0, 11.0D0, 12.0D0, 12.0D0/),(/2,3/)))
+  call kmlEndRegion(myfile)
+  call kmlFinishFile(myfile)
+end program test
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlStartEndRegion_4.xml b/wkml/test/test_kmlStartEndRegion_4.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d7d307b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlStartEndRegion_4.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<kml xmlns="http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2">
+  <Document>
+    <name>WKML output</name>
+    <Placemark>
+      <Polygon>
+        <outerBoundaryIs>
+          <LinearRing>
+            <coordinates>
+              10.000000,10.000000
+              11.000000,11.000000
+              12.000000,12.000000
+              10.000000,10.000000
+              </coordinates>
+          </LinearRing>
+        </outerBoundaryIs>
+      </Polygon>
+    </Placemark>
+  </Document>
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlStartEndRegion_5.f90 b/wkml/test/test_kmlStartEndRegion_5.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7af1ac3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlStartEndRegion_5.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wkml
+  implicit none
+  type(xmlf_t) :: myfile
+  call kmlBeginFile(myfile, "test.xml", -1)
+  call kmlStartRegion(myfile, (/10.0, 11.0, 12.0/), (/10.0, 11.0, 12.0/), &
+           altitude=(/250.0, 350.0, 200.0/))
+  call kmlEndRegion(myfile)
+  call kmlFinishFile(myfile)
+end program test
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlStartEndRegion_5.xml b/wkml/test/test_kmlStartEndRegion_5.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7a3dccc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlStartEndRegion_5.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<kml xmlns="http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2">
+  <Document>
+    <name>WKML output</name>
+    <Placemark>
+      <Polygon>
+        <outerBoundaryIs>
+          <LinearRing>
+            <coordinates>
+              10.000000,10.000000,250.000000
+              11.000000,11.000000,350.000000
+              12.000000,12.000000,200.000000
+              10.000000,10.000000,250.000000
+              </coordinates>
+          </LinearRing>
+        </outerBoundaryIs>
+      </Polygon>
+    </Placemark>
+  </Document>
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlStartEndRegion_6.f90 b/wkml/test/test_kmlStartEndRegion_6.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..48ed1ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlStartEndRegion_6.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wkml
+  implicit none
+  type(xmlf_t) :: myfile
+  call kmlBeginFile(myfile, "test.xml", -1)
+  call kmlStartRegion(myfile, (/10.0D0, 11.0D0, 12.0D0/), (/10.0D0, 11.0D0, 12.0D0/), &
+           altitude=(/250.0D0, 350.0D0, 200.0D0/))
+  call kmlEndRegion(myfile)
+  call kmlFinishFile(myfile)
+end program test
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlStartEndRegion_6.xml b/wkml/test/test_kmlStartEndRegion_6.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7a3dccc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlStartEndRegion_6.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<kml xmlns="http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2">
+  <Document>
+    <name>WKML output</name>
+    <Placemark>
+      <Polygon>
+        <outerBoundaryIs>
+          <LinearRing>
+            <coordinates>
+              10.000000,10.000000,250.000000
+              11.000000,11.000000,350.000000
+              12.000000,12.000000,200.000000
+              10.000000,10.000000,250.000000
+              </coordinates>
+          </LinearRing>
+        </outerBoundaryIs>
+      </Polygon>
+    </Placemark>
+  </Document>
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlStartEndRegion_7.f90 b/wkml/test/test_kmlStartEndRegion_7.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6502c7d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlStartEndRegion_7.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wkml
+  implicit none
+  type(xmlf_t) :: myfile
+  call kmlBeginFile(myfile, "test.xml", -1)
+  call kmlStartRegion(myfile, reshape((/10.0, 10.0, 11.0, 11.0, 12.0, 12.0/),(/2,3/)), &
+           altitude=(/250.0, 350.0, 200.0/))
+  call kmlEndRegion(myfile)
+  call kmlFinishFile(myfile)
+end program test
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlStartEndRegion_7.xml b/wkml/test/test_kmlStartEndRegion_7.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7a3dccc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlStartEndRegion_7.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<kml xmlns="http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2">
+  <Document>
+    <name>WKML output</name>
+    <Placemark>
+      <Polygon>
+        <outerBoundaryIs>
+          <LinearRing>
+            <coordinates>
+              10.000000,10.000000,250.000000
+              11.000000,11.000000,350.000000
+              12.000000,12.000000,200.000000
+              10.000000,10.000000,250.000000
+              </coordinates>
+          </LinearRing>
+        </outerBoundaryIs>
+      </Polygon>
+    </Placemark>
+  </Document>
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlStartEndRegion_8.f90 b/wkml/test/test_kmlStartEndRegion_8.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..311d999
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlStartEndRegion_8.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wkml
+  implicit none
+  type(xmlf_t) :: myfile
+  call kmlBeginFile(myfile, "test.xml", -1)
+  call kmlStartRegion(myfile, reshape((/10.0D0, 10.0D0, 11.0D0, 11.0D0, 12.0D0, 12.0D0/),(/2,3/)), &
+           altitude=(/250.0D0, 350.0D0, 200.0D0/))
+  call kmlEndRegion(myfile)
+  call kmlFinishFile(myfile)
+end program test
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlStartEndRegion_8.xml b/wkml/test/test_kmlStartEndRegion_8.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7a3dccc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlStartEndRegion_8.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<kml xmlns="http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2">
+  <Document>
+    <name>WKML output</name>
+    <Placemark>
+      <Polygon>
+        <outerBoundaryIs>
+          <LinearRing>
+            <coordinates>
+              10.000000,10.000000,250.000000
+              11.000000,11.000000,350.000000
+              12.000000,12.000000,200.000000
+              10.000000,10.000000,250.000000
+              </coordinates>
+          </LinearRing>
+        </outerBoundaryIs>
+      </Polygon>
+    </Placemark>
+  </Document>
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlStartEndRegion_9.f90 b/wkml/test/test_kmlStartEndRegion_9.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cad9051
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlStartEndRegion_9.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wkml
+  implicit none
+  type(xmlf_t) :: myfile
+  call kmlBeginFile(myfile, "test.xml", -1)
+  call kmlStartRegion(myfile, (/10.0, 11.0, 12.0/), (/11.0, 12.0/))
+  call kmlEndRegion(myfile)
+  call kmlFinishFile(myfile)
+end program test
diff --git a/wkml/test/test_kmlStartEndRegion_9.out b/wkml/test/test_kmlStartEndRegion_9.out
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8d83936
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wkml/test/test_kmlStartEndRegion_9.out
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Incommensurate sizes for longitude and latitude arrays in kmlCreateLine
diff --git a/wxml/CMakeLists.txt b/wxml/CMakeLists.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dfa9cfa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+# m_wxml_overloads.F90: m_wxml_overloads.m4
+#         m4 -I ../m4 $< > $@
+    OUTPUT ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/m_wxml_overloads.F90
+    COMMAND ${M4_PROGRAM} -I ../m4 ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/m_wxml_overloads.m4 > ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/m_wxml_overloads.F90
+    DEPENDS m_wxml_overloads.m4
+  )
+  FoX_wxml.f90
+  m_wxml_core.F90
+  m_wxml_escape.F90
+  m_wxml_overloads.F90
+  fox_wxml STATIC
+  ${fox_wxml_srcs}
+  ${fox_wxml_srcs_pp}
+  fox_wxml
+  fox_common
+  fox_fsys
+  ${fox_BINARY_DIR}/fsys
+  ${fox_BINARY_DIR}/common
+  ${fox_BINARY_DIR}/utils
diff --git a/wxml/FoX_wxml.f90 b/wxml/FoX_wxml.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..41c1e56
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/FoX_wxml.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+module FoX_wxml
+  use m_wxml_core
+  use m_wxml_overloads
+  implicit none
+  private
+  public :: xmlf_t
+  public :: xml_OpenFile
+  public :: xml_Close
+  public :: xml_NewElement
+  public :: xml_EndElement
+  public :: xml_AddXMLDeclaration
+  public :: xml_AddXMLStylesheet
+  public :: xml_AddXMLPI
+  public :: xml_AddComment
+  public :: xml_AddEntityReference
+  public :: xml_AddCharacters
+  public :: xml_AddNewline
+  public :: xml_AddAttribute
+  public :: xml_AddPseudoAttribute
+  public :: xml_DeclareNamespace
+  public :: xml_UndeclareNamespace
+  public :: xml_AddDOCTYPE
+  public :: xml_AddParameterEntity
+  public :: xml_AddInternalEntity
+  public :: xml_AddExternalEntity
+  public :: xml_AddNotation
+  public :: xml_AddElementToDTD
+  public :: xml_AddAttlistToDTD
+  public :: xml_AddPEreferenceToDTD
+  public :: xmlf_GetPretty_print
+  public :: xmlf_SetPretty_print
+  public :: xmlf_Name
+  public :: xmlf_OpenTag
+end module FoX_wxml
diff --git a/wxml/m_wxml_core.F90 b/wxml/m_wxml_core.F90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2afd30b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/m_wxml_core.F90
@@ -0,0 +1,1848 @@
+module m_wxml_core
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+  use fox_m_fsys_abort_flush, only: pxfabort
+  use fox_m_fsys_array_str, only: vs_str, str_vs, vs_str_alloc
+  use fox_m_fsys_string, only: toLower
+  use fox_m_utils_uri, only: URI, parseURI, destroyURI
+  use m_common_attrs, only: dictionary_t, getLength, get_key, get_value, &
+    hasKey, add_item_to_dict, init_dict, reset_dict, destroy_dict, &
+    getWhitespaceHandling, sortAttrs
+  use m_common_buffer, only: buffer_t, len, add_to_buffer, reset_buffer, &
+    dump_buffer
+  use m_common_charset, only: XML1_0, XML1_1, checkChars
+  use m_common_element, only: parse_dtd_element, parse_dtd_attlist
+  use m_common_elstack, only: elstack_t, len, get_top_elstack, pop_elstack, &
+    is_empty, init_elstack, push_elstack, destroy_elstack
+  use m_common_entities, only: existing_entity, is_unparsed_entity
+  use m_common_error, only: FoX_warning_base, FoX_error_base, FoX_fatal_base, &
+    error_stack, in_error, FoX_get_fatal_errors, FoX_get_fatal_warnings
+  use m_common_io, only: get_unit
+  use m_common_namecheck, only: checkEncName, checkName, checkQName, &
+    checkCharacterEntityReference, checkPublicId, prefixOfQName, &
+    localpartofQName, checkPEDef, checkPseudoAttValue, checkAttValue, checkNCName, &
+    likeCharacterEntityReference, checkCharacterEntityReference
+  use m_common_namespaces, only: namespaceDictionary, getnamespaceURI, &
+  initnamespaceDictionary, addDefaultNS, destroyNamespaceDictionary, &
+  addPrefixedNS, isPrefixInForce, checkNamespacesWriting, checkEndNamespaces
+  use m_common_notations, only: add_notation, notation_exists
+  use m_common_struct, only: xml_doc_state, init_xml_doc_state, destroy_xml_doc_state, &
+    register_internal_PE, register_external_PE, register_internal_GE, register_external_GE
+  use m_wxml_escape, only: escape_string
+#ifdef PGF90
+  use m_common_element, only : element_t
+  implicit none
+  private
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+  integer, parameter :: indent_inc = 2
+  ! TOHW should we let this be set?
+  !Output State Machines
+  ! status wrt root element:
+  integer, parameter :: WXML_STATE_1_JUST_OPENED = 0 
+  !File is just opened, nothing written to it yet. 
+  integer, parameter :: WXML_STATE_1_BEFORE_ROOT = 1
+  !File has been opened, something has been written, but no root element yet.
+  integer, parameter :: WXML_STATE_1_DURING_ROOT = 2
+  !The root element has been opened but not closed
+  integer, parameter :: WXML_STATE_1_AFTER_ROOT = 3
+  !The root element has been opened but not closed
+  ! status wrt tags:
+  integer, parameter :: WXML_STATE_2_OUTSIDE_TAG = 0
+  !We are not within a tag.
+  integer, parameter :: WXML_STATE_2_INSIDE_PI = 1
+  !We are inside a Processing Instruction tag
+  integer, parameter :: WXML_STATE_2_INSIDE_ELEMENT = 2
+  !We are inside an element tag.
+  integer, parameter :: WXML_STATE_2_IN_CHARDATA = 3
+  !We are inside deliberately-constructed text. (this is only necessary for preserve_whitespace)
+  ! status wrt DTD
+  integer, parameter :: WXML_STATE_3_BEFORE_DTD = 0
+  ! No DTD has been encountered yet.
+  integer, parameter :: WXML_STATE_3_DURING_DTD = 1
+  ! Halfway throught outputting a DTD
+  integer, parameter :: WXML_STATE_3_INSIDE_INTSUBSET = 2
+  !We are inside the internal subset definition
+  integer, parameter :: WXML_STATE_3_AFTER_DTD = 3
+  ! Finished outputting a DTD
+  type xmlf_t
+    private
+#ifdef DUMMYLIB
+    integer :: i = 0
+    type(xml_doc_state) :: xds
+    integer                   :: lun = -1
+    type(buffer_t)            :: buffer
+    type(elstack_t)           :: stack
+    type(dictionary_t)        :: dict
+    integer                   :: state_1 = -1
+    integer                   :: state_2 = -1
+    integer                   :: state_3 = -1
+    logical                   :: minimize_overrun = .true.
+    logical                   :: pretty_print = .false.
+    logical                   :: canonical = .false.
+    integer                   :: indent = 0
+    character, pointer        :: name(:)
+    logical                   :: namespace = .true.
+    type(namespaceDictionary) :: nsDict
+  end type xmlf_t
+  public :: xmlf_t
+  public :: xml_OpenFile
+  public :: xml_NewElement
+  public :: xml_EndElement
+  public :: xml_Close
+  public :: xml_AddXMLDeclaration
+  public :: xml_AddXMLStylesheet
+  public :: xml_AddXMLPI
+  public :: xml_AddComment
+  public :: xml_AddCharacters
+  public :: xml_AddNewline
+  public :: xml_AddEntityReference
+  public :: xml_AddAttribute
+  public :: xml_AddPseudoAttribute
+  public :: xml_DeclareNamespace
+  public :: xml_UnDeclareNamespace
+  public :: xml_AddDOCTYPE
+  public :: xml_AddParameterEntity
+  public :: xml_AddInternalEntity
+  public :: xml_AddExternalEntity
+  public :: xml_AddNotation
+  public :: xml_AddElementToDTD
+  public :: xml_AddAttlistToDTD
+  public :: xml_AddPEreferenceToDTD
+  public :: xmlf_Name
+  public :: xmlf_OpenTag
+  public :: xmlf_SetPretty_print
+  public :: xmlf_GetPretty_print
+  interface xml_AddCharacters
+    module procedure xml_AddCharacters_Ch
+  end interface
+  interface xml_AddAttribute
+    module procedure xml_AddAttribute_Ch
+  end interface
+  interface xml_AddPseudoAttribute
+    module procedure xml_AddPseudoAttribute_Ch
+  end interface
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+  !overload error handlers to allow file info
+  interface wxml_warning
+    module procedure wxml_warning_xf, FoX_warning_base
+  end interface
+  interface wxml_error
+    module procedure wxml_error_xf, FoX_error_base
+  end interface
+  interface wxml_fatal
+    module procedure wxml_fatal_xf, FoX_fatal_base
+  end interface
+  ! Heuristic (approximate) target for justification of output
+  ! only gets used for outputting attributes
+  integer, parameter  :: COLUMNS = 80
+  ! TOHW - This is the longest string that may be output without
+  ! a newline. The buffer must not be larger than this, but its size 
+  ! can be tuned for performance.
+  !lowest value found so far is 4096, for NAG. We use 1024 just in case.
+  integer, parameter  :: xml_recl = 1024
+  subroutine xml_OpenFile(filename, xf, unit, iostat, preserve_whitespace, &
+    pretty_print, minimize_overrun, canonical, replace, addDecl, warning, &
+    validate, namespace)
+    character(len=*), intent(in)  :: filename
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout)   :: xf
+    integer, intent(in), optional :: unit
+    integer, intent(out), optional :: iostat
+    logical, intent(in), optional :: preserve_whitespace
+    logical, intent(in), optional :: pretty_print
+    logical, intent(in), optional :: minimize_overrun
+    logical, intent(in), optional :: canonical
+    logical, intent(in), optional :: replace
+    logical, intent(in), optional :: addDecl
+    logical, intent(in), optional :: warning
+    logical, intent(in), optional :: validate
+    logical, intent(in), optional :: namespace
+#ifdef DUMMYLIB
+    if (present(iostat)) iostat = 0
+    logical :: repl, decl
+    integer :: iostat_
+    if (xf%lun /= -1) &
+      call wxml_fatal("Trying to reopen an already-open XML file")
+    if (present(replace)) then
+      repl = replace
+    else
+      repl = .true.
+    endif
+    if (present(addDecl)) then
+      decl = addDecl
+    else
+      decl = .true.
+    endif
+    if (present(iostat)) iostat = 0
+    allocate(xf%name(0))
+    if (present(unit)) then
+      if (unit==-1) then
+        call get_unit(xf%lun,iostat_)
+        if (iostat_ /= 0) then
+          if (present(iostat)) iostat = iostat_
+          return
+        endif
+      else
+        xf%lun = unit
+      endif
+    else
+      call get_unit(xf%lun,iostat_)
+      if (iostat_ /= 0) then
+        if (present(iostat)) iostat = iostat_
+        return
+      endif
+    endif
+    ! Use large I/O buffer in case the O.S./Compiler combination
+    ! has hard-limits by default (i.e., NAGWare f95's 1024 byte limit)
+    ! This is related to the maximum size of the buffer.
+    ! TOHW - This is the longest string that may be output without
+    ! a newline. The buffer must not be larger than this, but its size 
+    ! can be tuned for performance.
+    if (repl) then
+      ! NAG insists on unnecessary duplication of iostat etc here
+      if (present(iostat)) then
+        open(unit=xf%lun, file=filename, form="formatted", status="replace", &
+          action="write", recl=xml_recl, iostat=iostat)
+      else
+        open(unit=xf%lun, file=filename, form="formatted", status="replace", &
+          action="write", recl=xml_recl)
+      endif
+    else 
+      if (present(iostat)) then
+        open(unit=xf%lun, file=filename, form="formatted", status="new", &
+          action="write", recl=xml_recl, iostat=iostat)
+      else
+        open(unit=xf%lun, file=filename, form="formatted", status="new", &
+          action="write", recl=xml_recl)
+      endif
+    endif
+    call init_elstack(xf%stack)
+    call init_dict(xf%dict)
+    !NB it can make no difference which XML version we are using
+    !until after we output the XML declaration. So we set it to
+    !1.0 for the moment & reset below.
+    ! Actually, this is done automatically in initializing xf%xds
+    call init_xml_doc_state(xf%xds)
+    xf%xds%documentURI => vs_str_alloc(filename)
+    if (present(warning)) then
+      xf%xds%warning = warning
+    else
+      xf%xds%warning = .false.
+    endif
+    if (present(validate)) then
+      xf%xds%valid = validate
+    else
+      xf%xds%valid = .false.
+    endif
+    xf%state_1 = WXML_STATE_1_JUST_OPENED
+    xf%state_2 = WXML_STATE_2_OUTSIDE_TAG
+    xf%state_3 = WXML_STATE_3_BEFORE_DTD
+    if (present(pretty_print)) then
+      xf%pretty_print = pretty_print
+    else
+      xf%pretty_print = .true.
+    endif
+    if (present(minimize_overrun)) then
+      xf%minimize_overrun = minimize_overrun
+    else
+      xf%minimize_overrun = .false.
+    endif
+    if (present(preserve_whitespace)) then
+      xf%pretty_print = .not.preserve_whitespace
+      xf%minimize_overrun = preserve_whitespace
+    endif
+    if (present(canonical)) then
+      xf%canonical = canonical
+    else
+      xf%canonical = .false.
+    endif
+! FIXME interplay of above options
+    xf%indent = 0
+    if (decl) then
+      call xml_AddXMLDeclaration(xf,encoding='UTF-8')
+      ! which will reset the buffer itself
+    else
+      call reset_buffer(xf%buffer, xf%lun, xf%xds%xml_version)
+    endif
+    if (present(namespace)) then
+      xf%namespace = namespace
+    else
+      xf%namespace = .true.
+    endif
+    if (xf%namespace) &
+      call initNamespaceDictionary(xf%nsDict)
+  end subroutine xml_OpenFile
+  subroutine xml_AddXMLDeclaration(xf, version, encoding, standalone)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout)   :: xf
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: version
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: encoding
+    logical, intent(in), optional :: standalone
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    call check_xf(xf)
+    ! Don't need to call checkChars on args, everything is checked
+    ! fully below anyway.
+    if (xf%state_1 /= WXML_STATE_1_JUST_OPENED) &
+      call wxml_error("Tried to put XML declaration in wrong place")
+    call reset_buffer(xf%buffer, xf%lun, xf%xds%xml_version)
+    call xml_AddXMLPI(xf, "xml", xml=.true.)
+    if (present(version)) then
+      if (version =="1.0") then
+        xf%xds%xml_version = XML1_0
+        call xml_AddPseudoAttribute(xf, "version", version)
+      elseif (version=="1.1") then
+        xf%xds%xml_version = XML1_1
+        call xml_AddPseudoAttribute(xf, "version", version)
+      else
+        call wxml_error("Invalid XML version.")
+      endif
+    else
+      call xml_AddPseudoAttribute(xf, "version", "1.0")
+      xf%xds%xml_version = XML1_0
+    endif
+    if (present(encoding)) then
+      if (.not.checkEncName(encoding)) &
+        call wxml_error("Invalid encoding name: "//encoding)
+      if (encoding /= 'UTF-8' .and. encoding /= 'utf-8') &
+        call wxml_warning(xf, "Non-default encoding specified: "//encoding)
+      call xml_AddPseudoAttribute(xf, "encoding", encoding)
+    endif
+    if (present(standalone)) then
+      xf%xds%standalone_declared = .true.
+      xf%xds%standalone = standalone
+      if (standalone) then
+        call xml_AddPseudoAttribute(xf, "standalone", "yes")
+      else
+        call xml_AddPseudoAttribute(xf, "standalone", "no")
+      endif
+    endif
+    call close_start_tag(xf)
+    ! We have to close explicitly here to ensure nothing gets tied
+    ! up in the XML declaration
+    xf%state_1 = WXML_STATE_1_BEFORE_ROOT
+  end subroutine xml_AddXMLDeclaration
+  subroutine xml_AddDOCTYPE(xf, name, system, public)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: system, public
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    type(URI), pointer :: URIref
+    call check_xf(xf)
+    if (xf%namespace) then
+      if (.not.checkQName(name, xf%xds%xml_version)) &
+        call wxml_error("Invalid Name in DTD "//name)
+    else
+      if (.not.checkName(name, xf%xds%xml_version)) &
+        call wxml_error("Invalid Name in DTD "//name)
+    endif
+    if (present(system)) then
+      URIref => parseURI(system)
+      if (.not.associated(URIref)) call wxml_error("xml_AddDOCTYPE: Invalid SYSTEM URI")
+      call destroyURI(URIref)
+    endif
+    if (present(public)) then
+      if (.not.checkPublicId(public)) call wxml_error("xml_AddDOCTYPE: Invalid PUBLIC ID")
+    endif
+    if (present(public).and..not.present(system)) &
+      call wxml_error('xml_AddDOCTYPE: PUBLIC supplied without SYSTEM for: '//name)
+    ! By having an external ID we probably render this non-standalone (unless we've said that it is in the declaration)
+    if (present(system).and..not.xf%xds%standalone_declared) &
+      xf%xds%standalone=.false.
+    call close_start_tag(xf)
+    if (xf%state_1 /= WXML_STATE_1_BEFORE_ROOT) &
+      call wxml_error("Tried to put XML DOCTYPE in wrong place: "//name)
+    if (xf%state_3 /= WXML_STATE_3_BEFORE_DTD) then
+      call wxml_error("Tried to output more than one DOCTYPE declaration: "//name)
+    else
+      xf%state_3 = WXML_STATE_3_DURING_DTD
+    endif
+    call add_eol(xf)
+    call add_to_buffer("<!DOCTYPE "//name, xf%buffer, .false.)
+    deallocate(xf%name)
+    allocate(xf%name(len(name)))
+    xf%name = vs_str(name)
+    if (present(system)) then
+      if (present(public)) then
+        call add_to_buffer(" PUBLIC", xf%buffer, .false.)
+        call add_to_buffer(" """//public//"""", xf%buffer, .true.)
+      else
+        call add_to_buffer(" SYSTEM", xf%buffer, .false.)
+      endif
+      if (scan(system, """")/=0) then
+        call add_to_buffer(" '"//system//"'", xf%buffer, .true.)
+      else
+        call add_to_buffer(" """//system//"""", xf%buffer, .true.)
+      endif
+    endif
+  end subroutine xml_AddDOCTYPE
+  subroutine xml_AddParameterEntity(xf, name, PEdef, system, public)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: PEDef
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: system
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: public
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    type(URI), pointer :: URIref
+#ifdef PGF90
+    type(URI), pointer :: nullURIref
+    call check_xf(xf)
+#ifdef PGF90
+    nullURIref => null()
+    if (xf%namespace) then
+      if (.not.checkNCName(name, xf%xds%xml_version)) &
+         call wxml_error("Invalid Name in DTD "//name)
+    else
+      if (.not.checkName(name, xf%xds%xml_version)) &
+        call wxml_error("Invalid Name in DTD "//name)
+    endif
+    if (present(PEDef)) then
+      if (.not.checkChars(PEDef,xf%xds%xml_version)) call wxml_error("xml_AddParameterEntity: Invalid character in PEDef")
+    endif
+    if (present(system)) then
+      URIref => parseURI(system)
+      if (.not.associated(URIref)) call wxml_error("xml_AddParameterEntity: Invalid SYSTEM URI")
+      call destroyURI(URIref)
+    endif
+    if (present(public)) then
+      if (.not.checkPublicId(public)) call wxml_error("xml_AddParameterEntity: Invalid PUBLIC ID")
+    endif
+    ! By adding a parameter entity (internal or external) we make this
+    ! a non-standalone document.
+    if (.not.xf%xds%standalone_declared) &
+      xf%xds%standalone = .false.
+    if (xf%state_3 == WXML_STATE_3_DURING_DTD) then
+      call add_to_buffer(" [", xf%buffer, .false.)
+      xf%state_3 = WXML_STATE_3_INSIDE_INTSUBSET
+    endif
+    if (xf%state_3 /= WXML_STATE_3_INSIDE_INTSUBSET) &
+      call wxml_fatal("Cannot define Parameter Entity here: "//name)
+    if (xf%state_2 == WXML_STATE_2_INSIDE_PI) then
+      call close_start_tag(xf)
+      xf%state_2 = WXML_STATE_2_OUTSIDE_TAG
+    endif
+    if (present(PEdef)) then
+      if (present(system) .or. present(public)) &
+        call wxml_fatal("Parameter entity "//name//" cannot have both a PEdef and an External ID")
+    else
+      if (.not.present(system)) &
+        call wxml_fatal("Parameter entity "//name//" must have either a PEdef or an External ID")
+    endif
+    if (present(PEdef)) then
+      if (.not.checkPEDef(PEDef, xf%xds%xml_version)) &
+        call wxml_fatal("Parameter entity definition is invalid: "//PEDef)
+      if (xf%xds%standalone) then
+        if (.not.checkExistingRefs()) &
+          call wxml_error("Tried to reference unregistered parameter entity")
+      else
+        if (.not.checkExistingRefs()) &
+          call wxml_warning(xf, "Reference to unknown parameter entity")
+      endif
+#ifdef PGF90
+      call register_internal_PE(xf%xds, name=name, text=PEdef, baseURI=nullURIref, wfc=.false.)
+      call register_internal_PE(xf%xds, name=name, text=PEdef, baseURI=null(), wfc=.false.)
+    else
+#ifdef PGF90
+      call register_external_PE(xf%xds, name=name, systemId=system, &
+        publicId=public, baseURI=nullURIref, wfc=.false.)
+      call register_external_PE(xf%xds, name=name, systemId=system, &
+        publicId=public, baseURI=null(), wfc=.false.)
+    endif
+    call add_eol(xf)
+    call add_to_buffer("<!ENTITY % "//name, xf%buffer, .false.) ! name can never contain whitespace
+    if (present(PEdef)) then
+      if (index(PEdef, """") > 0) then ! FIXME what if PEdef has both " and ' in it
+        call add_to_buffer(" '"//PEdef//"'", xf%buffer, .true.)
+      else
+        call add_to_buffer(" """//PEdef//"""", xf%buffer, .true.)
+      endif
+        call add_to_buffer(">", xf%buffer, .false.)
+    else
+      if (present(public)) then
+        call add_to_buffer(" PUBLIC", xf%buffer, .false.)
+        call add_to_buffer(" """//public//"""", xf%buffer, .true.)
+      else
+        call add_to_buffer(" SYSTEM", xf%buffer, .false.)
+      endif
+      if (scan(system, """")/=0) then
+        call add_to_buffer(" '"//system//"'", xf%buffer, .true.)
+      else
+        call add_to_buffer(" """//system//"""", xf%buffer, .true.)
+      endif
+      call add_to_buffer(">", xf%buffer)
+    endif
+  contains
+    function checkExistingRefs() result(p)
+      logical :: p
+      integer :: i1, i2
+      ! Here we assume we have syntactic well-formedness as
+      ! checked by checkPEDef.
+      p = .false.
+      i1 = index(PEDef, '%')
+      i2 = 0 
+      do while (i1 > 0)
+        i1 = i2 + i1
+        i2 = index(PEDef(i1+1:),';')
+        if (i2 == 0) return
+        i2 = i1 + i2
+        if (.not.existing_entity(xf%xds%PEList, PEDef(i1+1:i2-1))) &
+          return
+        i1 = index(PEDef(i2+1:), '%')
+      enddo
+      p = .true.
+    end function checkExistingRefs
+  end subroutine xml_AddParameterEntity
+  subroutine xml_AddInternalEntity(xf, name, value)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: value
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+#ifdef PGF90
+    type(URI), pointer :: nullURI
+    nullURI => null()
+    call check_xf(xf)
+    if (xf%namespace) then
+      if (.not.checkNCName(name, xf%xds%xml_version)) &
+         call wxml_error("Invalid Name in DTD "//name)
+    else
+      if (.not.checkName(name, xf%xds%xml_version)) &
+        call wxml_error("Invalid Name in DTD "//name)
+    endif
+    if (.not.checkChars(value, xf%xds%xml_version)) call wxml_error("xml_AddInternalEntity: Invalid character in value")
+    if (xf%state_3 == WXML_STATE_3_DURING_DTD) then
+      call add_to_buffer(" [", xf%buffer)
+      xf%state_3 = WXML_STATE_3_INSIDE_INTSUBSET
+    endif
+    if (xf%state_3 /= WXML_STATE_3_INSIDE_INTSUBSET) &
+      call wxml_fatal("Cannot define Entity here: "//name)
+    if (xf%state_2 == WXML_STATE_2_INSIDE_PI) then
+      call close_start_tag(xf)
+      xf%state_2 = WXML_STATE_2_OUTSIDE_TAG
+    endif
+    if (.not.checkName(name, xf%xds%xml_version)) &
+      call wxml_error("xml_AddInternalEntity: Invalid Name: "//name)
+#ifdef PGF90
+    call register_internal_GE(xf%xds, name=name, text=value, baseURI=nullURI, wfc=.false.)
+    call register_internal_GE(xf%xds, name=name, text=value, baseURI=null(), wfc=.false.)
+    call add_eol(xf)
+    !FIXME - valid entity values?
+    call add_to_buffer("<!ENTITY "//name//" ", xf%buffer, .false.) ! name cannot contain whitespace
+    if (index(value, """") > 0) then
+      call add_to_buffer("'"//value//"'>", xf%buffer, .true.)
+    else
+      call add_to_buffer(""""//value//""">", xf%buffer, .true.)
+    endif
+  end subroutine xml_AddInternalEntity
+  subroutine xml_AddExternalEntity(xf, name, system, public, notation)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: system
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: public
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: notation
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    type(URI), pointer :: URIref
+#ifdef PGF90
+    type(URI), pointer :: nullURI
+    nullURI => null()
+    call check_xf(xf)
+    if (xf%namespace) then
+      if (.not.checkNCName(name, xf%xds%xml_version)) &
+         call wxml_error("Invalid Name in DTD "//name)
+    else
+      if (.not.checkName(name, xf%xds%xml_version)) &
+        call wxml_error("Invalid Name in DTD "//name)
+    endif
+    URIref => parseURI(system)
+    if (.not.associated(URIref)) call wxml_error("xml_AddExternalEntity: Invalid SYSTEM URI")
+    call destroyURI(URIref)
+    if (present(public)) then
+      if (.not.checkPublicId(public)) call wxml_error("xml_AddExternalEntity: Invalid PUBLIC ID")
+    endif
+    if (present(notation)) then
+      if (xf%namespace) then
+        if (.not.checkNCName(notation, xf%xds%xml_version)) &
+          call wxml_error("Invalid Name in DTD "//name)
+      else
+        if (.not.checkName(notation, xf%xds%xml_version)) &
+          call wxml_error("Invalid Name in DTD "//name)
+      endif
+    endif
+    if (xf%namespace) then
+      if (.not.checkNCName(name, xf%xds%xml_version)) &
+         call wxml_error("Invalid Name in DTD "//name)
+    else
+      if (.not.checkName(name, xf%xds%xml_version)) &
+        call wxml_error("Invalid Name in DTD "//name)
+    endif
+    if (xf%state_3 == WXML_STATE_3_DURING_DTD) then
+      call add_to_buffer(" [", xf%buffer, .false.)
+      xf%state_3 = WXML_STATE_3_INSIDE_INTSUBSET
+    endif
+    if (xf%state_3 /= WXML_STATE_3_INSIDE_INTSUBSET) &
+      call wxml_fatal("Cannot define Entity here: "//name)
+    if (xf%state_2 == WXML_STATE_2_INSIDE_PI) then
+      call close_start_tag(xf)
+      xf%state_2 = WXML_STATE_2_OUTSIDE_TAG
+    endif
+    ! Notation only needs checked if not already registered - done above.
+#ifdef PGF90
+    call register_external_GE(xf%xds, name=name, &
+      systemID=system, publicId=public, notation=notation, &
+      baseURI=nullURI, wfc=.false.)
+    call register_external_GE(xf%xds, name=name, &
+      systemID=system, publicId=public, notation=notation, &
+      baseURI=null(), wfc=.false.)
+    call add_eol(xf)
+    call add_to_buffer("<!ENTITY "//name, xf%buffer, .false.)
+    if (present(public)) then
+      call add_to_buffer(" PUBLIC", xf%buffer, .false.)
+      call add_to_buffer(" """//public//"""", xf%buffer, .true.)
+    else
+      call add_to_buffer(" SYSTEM", xf%buffer, .false.)
+    endif
+    if (scan(system, """")/=0) then
+      call add_to_buffer(" '"//system//"'", xf%buffer, .true.)
+    else
+      call add_to_buffer(" """//system//"""", xf%buffer, .true.)
+    endif
+    if (present(notation)) then
+      call add_to_buffer(" NDATA "//notation, xf%buffer, .false.)
+    endif
+    call add_to_buffer(">", xf%buffer, .false.)
+  end subroutine xml_AddExternalEntity
+  subroutine xml_AddNotation(xf, name, system, public)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: system
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: public
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    type(URI), pointer :: URIref
+    call check_xf(xf)
+    if (xf%namespace) then
+      if (.not.checkNCName(name, xf%xds%xml_version)) &
+         call wxml_error("Invalid Name in DTD "//name)
+    else
+      if (.not.checkName(name, xf%xds%xml_version)) &
+        call wxml_error("Invalid Name in DTD "//name)
+    endif
+    if (present(system)) then
+      URIref => parseURI(system)
+      if (.not.associated(URIref)) call wxml_error("xml_AddNotation: Invalid SYSTEM URI")
+      call destroyURI(URIref)
+    endif
+    if (present(public)) then
+      if (.not.checkPublicId(public)) call wxml_error("xml_AddNotation: Invalid PUBLIC ID")
+    endif
+    if (xf%state_3 == WXML_STATE_3_DURING_DTD) then
+      call add_to_buffer(" [", xf%buffer, .false.)
+      xf%state_3 = WXML_STATE_3_INSIDE_INTSUBSET
+    endif
+    if (xf%state_3 /= WXML_STATE_3_INSIDE_INTSUBSET) &
+      call wxml_fatal("Cannot define Notation here: "//name)
+    if (xf%state_2 == WXML_STATE_2_INSIDE_PI) then
+      call close_start_tag(xf)
+      xf%state_2 = WXML_STATE_2_OUTSIDE_TAG
+    endif
+    if (notation_exists(xf%xds%nList, name)) &
+      call wxml_error("Tried to create duplicate notation: "//name)
+    call add_eol(xf)
+    call add_notation(xf%xds%nList, name, system, public)
+    call add_to_buffer("<!NOTATION "//name, xf%buffer, .false.)
+    if (present(public)) then
+      call add_to_buffer(" PUBLIC", xf%buffer, .false.)
+      call add_to_buffer(" """//public//"""", xf%buffer, .true.)
+    elseif (present(system)) then
+      call add_to_buffer(" SYSTEM", xf%buffer, .false.)
+    endif
+    if (present(system)) then
+      if (index(system, """") > 0) then
+        call add_to_buffer(" '"//system//"'", xf%buffer, .true.)
+      else
+        call add_to_buffer(" """//system//"""", xf%buffer, .true.)
+      endif
+    endif
+    call add_to_buffer(">", xf%buffer, .false.)
+  end subroutine xml_AddNotation
+  subroutine xml_AddElementToDTD(xf, name, declaration)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: declaration
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    type(error_stack) :: stack
+#ifdef PGF90
+    type (element_t), pointer :: nullElement
+    nullElement => null()
+    call check_xf(xf)
+    if (.not.checkChars(declaration,xf%xds%xml_version)) call wxml_error("xml_AddElementToDTD: Invalid character in declaration")
+    if (xf%namespace) then
+      if (.not.checkQName(name, xf%xds%xml_version)) &
+        call wxml_error("Invalid Element Name in DTD "//name)
+    else
+      if (.not.checkName(name, xf%xds%xml_version)) &
+        call wxml_error("Invalid Element Name in DTD "//name)
+    endif
+#ifdef PGF90
+    call parse_dtd_element(declaration, xf%xds%xml_version, stack, nullElement, .true.)
+    call parse_dtd_element(declaration, xf%xds%xml_version, stack, null(), .true.)
+    if (in_error(stack)) call wxml_error(xf, "Invalid ELEMENT declaration")
+    if (xf%state_3 == WXML_STATE_3_DURING_DTD) then
+      call add_to_buffer(" [", xf%buffer, .false.)
+      xf%state_3 = WXML_STATE_3_INSIDE_INTSUBSET
+    endif
+    if (xf%state_3 /= WXML_STATE_3_INSIDE_INTSUBSET) &
+      call wxml_fatal("Cannot write to DTD here: xml_AddElementToDTD")
+    if (xf%state_2 == WXML_STATE_2_INSIDE_PI) then
+      call close_start_tag(xf)
+      xf%state_2 = WXML_STATE_2_OUTSIDE_TAG
+    endif
+    call add_eol(xf)
+    call add_to_buffer("<!ELEMENT "//name//" "//declaration//">", xf%buffer, .false.)
+  end subroutine xml_AddElementToDTD
+  subroutine xml_AddAttlistToDTD(xf, name, declaration)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: declaration
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    type(error_stack) :: stack
+#ifdef PGF90
+    type (element_t), pointer :: nullElement
+    nullElement => null()
+    call check_xf(xf)
+    if (.not.checkChars(declaration,xf%xds%xml_version)) call wxml_error("xml_AddAttListToDTD: Invalid character in declaration")
+    if (xf%namespace) then
+      if (.not.checkQName(name, xf%xds%xml_version)) &
+        call wxml_error("Invalid Attribute Name in DTD "//name)
+    else
+      if (.not.checkName(name, xf%xds%xml_version)) &
+        call wxml_error("Invalid Attribute Name in DTD "//name)
+    endif
+#ifdef PGF90
+    call parse_dtd_attlist(declaration, xf%xds%xml_version, &
+      validCheck=.false., namespaces=xf%namespace, stack=stack, &
+      elem=nullElement, internal=.true.)
+    call parse_dtd_attlist(declaration, xf%xds%xml_version, &
+      validCheck=.false., namespaces=xf%namespace, stack=stack, &
+      elem=null(), internal=.true.)
+    if (in_error(stack)) call wxml_error(xf, "Invalid ATTLIST declaration")
+    if (xf%state_3 == WXML_STATE_3_DURING_DTD) then
+      call add_to_buffer(" [", xf%buffer, .false.)
+      xf%state_3 = WXML_STATE_3_INSIDE_INTSUBSET
+    endif
+    if (xf%state_3 /= WXML_STATE_3_INSIDE_INTSUBSET) &
+      call wxml_fatal("Cannot write to DTD here: xml_AddAttlistToDTD")
+    if (xf%state_2 == WXML_STATE_2_INSIDE_PI) then
+      call close_start_tag(xf)
+      xf%state_2 = WXML_STATE_2_OUTSIDE_TAG
+    endif
+    call add_eol(xf)
+    call add_to_buffer("<!ATTLIST "//name//" "//declaration//">", xf%buffer, .false.)
+  end subroutine xml_AddAttlistToDTD
+  subroutine xml_AddPEReferenceToDTD(xf, name)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    call check_xf(xf)
+    if (xf%namespace) then
+      if (.not.checkNCName(name, xf%xds%xml_version)) &
+        call wxml_error("Invalid PE Name in DTD "//name)
+    else
+      if (.not.checkName(name, xf%xds%xml_version)) &
+        call wxml_error("Invalid PE Name in DTD "//name)
+    endif
+    call wxml_warning(xf, "Adding PEReference to DTD. Cannot guarantee well-formedness")
+    if (.not.existing_entity(xf%xds%PEList, name)) then
+      if (.not.xf%xds%standalone) then
+        call wxml_warning(xf, "Tried to reference possibly unregistered parameter entity in DTD: "//name)
+      else
+        call wxml_error("Tried to reference unregistered parameter entity in DTD "//name)
+      endif
+    else
+      if (is_unparsed_entity(xf%xds%PEList, name)) &
+        call wxml_error("Tried to reference unparsed parameter entity in DTD "//name)
+    endif
+    if (xf%state_3 == WXML_STATE_3_DURING_DTD) then
+      call add_to_buffer(" [", xf%buffer, .false.)
+      xf%state_3 = WXML_STATE_3_INSIDE_INTSUBSET
+    endif
+    if (xf%state_3 /= WXML_STATE_3_INSIDE_INTSUBSET) &
+      call wxml_fatal("Cannot write to DTD here: xml_AddPEReferenceToDTD")
+    if (xf%state_2 == WXML_STATE_2_INSIDE_PI) then
+      call close_start_tag(xf)
+      xf%state_2 = WXML_STATE_2_OUTSIDE_TAG
+    endif
+    call add_eol(xf)
+    call add_to_buffer("%"//name//";", xf%buffer, .false.)
+  end subroutine xml_AddPEReferenceToDTD
+  subroutine xml_AddXMLStylesheet(xf, href, type, title, media, charset, alternate)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout)   :: xf
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: href
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: type
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: title
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: media
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: charset
+    logical,          intent(in), optional :: alternate
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    call check_xf(xf)
+    ! Don't bother checking name - all pseudoatts get checked anyway.
+    if (xf%state_1 /= WXML_STATE_1_JUST_OPENED &
+         .and. xf%state_1 /= WXML_STATE_1_BEFORE_ROOT) &
+      call wxml_error("Cannot add stylesheet here: "//href)
+    call close_start_tag(xf)
+    call xml_AddXMLPI(xf, 'xml-stylesheet', xml=.true.)
+    call xml_AddPseudoAttribute(xf, 'href', href)
+    call xml_AddPseudoAttribute(xf, 'type', type)
+    if (present(title)) call xml_AddPseudoAttribute(xf, 'title', title)
+    if (present(media)) call xml_AddPseudoAttribute(xf, 'media', media)
+    if (present(charset)) call xml_AddPseudoAttribute(xf, 'charset', charset)
+    if (present(alternate)) then
+      if (alternate) then
+        call xml_AddPseudoAttribute(xf, 'alternate', 'yes')
+      else
+        call xml_AddPseudoAttribute(xf, 'alternate', 'no')
+      endif
+    endif
+    if (xf%state_1 == WXML_STATE_1_JUST_OPENED) &
+         xf%state_1 = WXML_STATE_1_BEFORE_ROOT 
+    xf%state_2 = WXML_STATE_2_INSIDE_PI
+  end subroutine xml_AddXMLStylesheet
+  subroutine xml_AddXMLPI(xf, name, data, xml, ws_significant)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout)            :: xf
+    character(len=*), intent(in)           :: name
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: data
+    logical, intent(in), optional :: xml
+    logical, intent(in), optional :: ws_significant
+    logical :: xml_
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    call check_xf(xf)
+    if (present(xml)) then
+      xml_ = xml
+    else
+      xml_ = .false.
+    endif
+    if (xf%namespace) then
+      if (.not.checkNCName(name, xf%xds%xml_version)) &
+        call wxml_error("Invalid PI target "//name)
+    else
+      if (.not.checkName(name, xf%xds%xml_version)) &
+        call wxml_error("Invalid PI target "//name)
+    endif
+    if (.not.xml_) then
+      if (len(name)==3.and.(toLower(name)=="xml")) &
+        call wxml_error("Invalid PI target "//name)
+    endif
+    if (present(data)) then
+      if (.not.checkChars(data,xf%xds%xml_version)) &
+        call wxml_error("xml_AddXMLPI: Invalid character in data")
+    endif
+    select case (xf%state_1)
+      xf%state_1 = WXML_STATE_1_BEFORE_ROOT
+      call close_start_tag(xf)
+      if (xf%pretty_print) call add_eol(xf)
+    case default
+      call close_start_tag(xf)
+      call add_eol(xf)
+    end select
+    call add_to_buffer("<?" // name, xf%buffer, .false.)
+    if (present(data)) then
+      if (len(data)>0) then
+        if (index(data, '?>') > 0) &
+          call wxml_error(xf, "Tried to output invalid PI data "//data)
+        call add_to_buffer(' ', xf%buffer, .false.)
+        call add_to_buffer(data//'?>', xf%buffer, ws_significant)
+        ! state_2 is now OUTSIDE_TAG from close_start_tag
+      else
+        xf%state_2 = WXML_STATE_2_INSIDE_PI
+        call reset_dict(xf%dict)
+      endif
+    else
+      xf%state_2 = WXML_STATE_2_INSIDE_PI
+      call reset_dict(xf%dict)
+    endif
+  end subroutine xml_AddXMLPI
+  subroutine xml_AddComment(xf, comment, ws_significant)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout)   :: xf
+    character(len=*), intent(in)  :: comment
+    logical, intent(in), optional :: ws_significant
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    call check_xf(xf)
+    if (.not.checkChars(comment,xf%xds%xml_version)) call wxml_error("xml_AddComment: Invalid character in comment")
+    select case (xf%state_1)
+      xf%state_1 = WXML_STATE_1_BEFORE_ROOT
+      call close_start_tag(xf)
+      if (xf%pretty_print.and.xf%state_2 == WXML_STATE_2_OUTSIDE_TAG) call add_eol(xf)
+    case default
+      call close_start_tag(xf)
+      call add_eol(xf)
+    end select
+    if (index(comment,'--') > 0 .or. comment(len(comment):) == '-') &
+         call wxml_error("Tried to output invalid comment "//comment)
+    call add_to_buffer("<!--", xf%buffer, .false.)
+    call add_to_buffer(comment, xf%buffer, ws_significant)
+    call add_to_buffer("-->", xf%buffer, .false.)
+  end subroutine xml_AddComment
+  subroutine xml_NewElement(xf, name)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout)   :: xf
+    character(len=*), intent(in)  :: name
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    call check_xf(xf)
+    if (xf%namespace) then
+      if (.not.checkQName(name, xf%xds%xml_version)) &
+        call wxml_error("Invalid Element Name "//name)
+    else
+      if (.not.checkName(name, xf%xds%xml_version)) &
+        call wxml_error("Invalid Element Name "//name)
+    endif
+    select case (xf%state_1)
+      if (xf%xds%valid) then
+        if (size(xf%name)==0) then
+          call wxml_error(xf, "No DTD specified for document")
+        elseif (str_vs(xf%name) /= name) then
+          call wxml_error(xf, "Root element name does not match DTD")
+        endif
+      endif
+      call close_start_tag(xf)
+      if (xf%state_3 /= WXML_STATE_3_BEFORE_DTD) then
+        select case (xf%state_3)
+        case (WXML_STATE_3_DURING_DTD)
+          call add_to_buffer('>', xf%buffer, .false.)
+          xf%state_3 = WXML_STATE_3_AFTER_DTD
+          xf%state_3 = WXML_STATE_3_AFTER_DTD
+          call add_eol(xf)
+          call add_to_buffer(']>', xf%buffer, .false.)
+        end select
+      endif
+      call add_eol(xf)
+      call close_start_tag(xf)
+      if (xf%pretty_print) call add_eol(xf)
+      call wxml_error(xf, "Two root elements: "//name)
+    end select
+    if (xf%namespace) then
+      if (len(prefixOfQName(name)) > 0) then
+        if (.not.isPrefixInForce(xf%nsDict, prefixOfQName(name))) &
+          call wxml_error(xf, "Namespace prefix not registered: "//prefixOfQName(name))
+      endif
+    endif
+    call push_elstack(xf%stack, name)
+    call add_to_buffer("<"//name, xf%buffer, .false.)
+    xf%state_2 = WXML_STATE_2_INSIDE_ELEMENT
+    call reset_dict(xf%dict)
+    xf%indent = xf%indent + indent_inc
+    xf%state_1 = WXML_STATE_1_DURING_ROOT
+  end subroutine xml_NewElement
+  subroutine xml_AddCharacters_ch(xf, chars, parsed, ws_significant)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout)   :: xf
+    character(len=*), intent(in)  :: chars
+    logical, intent(in), optional :: parsed
+    logical, intent(in), optional :: ws_significant
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    logical :: pc
+    call check_xf(xf)
+    if (.not.checkChars(chars, xf%xds%xml_version)) call wxml_error("xml_AddCharacters: Invalid character in chars")
+    if (xf%state_1 /= WXML_STATE_1_DURING_ROOT) &
+         call wxml_fatal("Tried to add text section in wrong place: "//chars)
+    if (present(parsed)) then
+      pc = parsed
+    else
+      pc = .true.
+    endif
+    call close_start_tag(xf)
+    if (pc) then
+      call add_to_buffer(escape_string(chars, xf%xds%xml_version), xf%buffer, ws_significant)
+    else
+      ! FIXME what if we try and output two separate character events?
+      ! need to keep track of this ...
+      if (index(chars,']]>') > 0) &
+           call wxml_fatal("Tried to output invalid CDATA: "//chars)
+      call add_to_buffer("<![CDATA["//chars//"]]>", xf%buffer, ws_significant)
+    endif
+    xf%state_2 = WXML_STATE_2_IN_CHARDATA
+  end subroutine xml_AddCharacters_Ch
+  subroutine xml_AddNewline(xf)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    call xml_AddCharacters(xf, "") ! To ensure we are in a text section
+    call add_eol(xf)
+  end subroutine xml_AddNewline
+  subroutine xml_AddEntityReference(xf, name)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    call check_xf(xf)
+    if (likeCharacterEntityReference(name)) then
+      if (.not.checkCharacterEntityReference(name, xf%xds%xml_version)) &
+        call wxml_error("Invalid Character Entity Reference "//name)
+    elseif (xf%namespace) then
+      if (.not.checkNCName(name, xf%xds%xml_version)) &
+        call wxml_error("Invalid Entity Name "//name)
+    else
+      if (.not.checkName(name, xf%xds%xml_version)) &
+        call wxml_error("Invalid Entity Name "//name)
+    endif
+    call close_start_tag(xf)
+    if (xf%state_2 /= WXML_STATE_2_OUTSIDE_TAG .and. &
+      xf%state_2 /= WXML_STATE_2_IN_CHARDATA)         &
+      call wxml_fatal("Tried to add entity reference in wrong place: "//name)
+    if (.not.checkCharacterEntityReference(name, xf%xds%xml_version)) then
+      !it's not just a unicode entity
+      call wxml_warning(xf, "Entity reference added - document may not be well-formed")
+      if (.not.existing_entity(xf%xds%entityList, name)) then
+        if (xf%xds%standalone) then
+          call wxml_error("Tried to reference unregistered entity")
+        else
+          call wxml_warning(xf, "Tried to reference unregistered entity")
+        endif
+      else
+        if (is_unparsed_entity(xf%xds%entityList, name)) &
+          call wxml_error("Tried to reference unparsed entity")
+      endif
+    endif
+    call add_to_buffer('&'//name//';', xf%buffer, .false.)
+    xf%state_2 = WXML_STATE_2_IN_CHARDATA
+  end subroutine xml_AddEntityReference
+  subroutine xml_AddAttribute_Ch(xf, name, value, escape, type, ws_significant)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout)             :: xf
+    character(len=*), intent(in)            :: name
+    character(len=*), intent(in)            :: value
+    logical, intent(in), optional           :: escape
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional  :: type
+    logical, intent(in), optional           :: ws_significant
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    logical :: esc
+    character, pointer :: type_(:)
+    if (present(type)) then
+      if (type/='CDATA'.and.type/='ID'.and.type/='IDREF'.and.type/='IDREFS'.and.type/='NMTOKEN'.and.type/='NMTOKENS' &
+        .and.type/='ENTITY'.and.type/='ENTITIES'.and.type/='NOTATION') then
+        call wxml_fatal("Invalid type in xml_AddAttribute: "//type)
+      endif
+      type_ => vs_str_alloc(type)
+    else
+      ! We assume CDATA, but need to worry about whether the caller cares about whitespace ...
+      if (present(ws_significant)) then
+        if (ws_significant) then
+          type_ => vs_str_alloc('CDATA')
+        else
+          type_ => vs_str_alloc('CDANO') ! CDAta, whitespace Not significant
+        endif
+      else
+        type_ => vs_str_alloc('CDAMB')   ! CDAta, whitespace MayBe significant
+      endif
+    endif
+    call check_xf(xf)
+    if (.not.checkChars(value, xf%xds%xml_version)) call wxml_error("xml_AddAttribute: Invalid character in value")
+    if (xf%namespace) then
+      if (.not.checkQName(name, xf%xds%xml_version)) &
+        call wxml_error("Invalid Attribute Name "//name)
+    else
+      if (.not.checkName(name, xf%xds%xml_version)) &
+        call wxml_error("Invalid Attribute Name "//name)
+    endif
+    if (present(escape)) then
+      esc = escape
+    else
+      esc = .true.
+    endif
+    if (name=="xml:space") then
+      ! The value can only be "default" or "preserve", by 2.10
+      if (.not.esc) then
+        if (value/="default".and.value/="preserve") & 
+          call wxml_fatal("Invalid value for xml:space attrbute")
+      endif
+    endif
+    ! FIXME when escape is false we should still do full verification
+    ! where possible.
+    ! Currently - minimal check: only extra allowed is character entity references.
+    ! We check they exist, and are not unparsed.
+    ! Ideally we would fully expand all entity references (at least for
+    ! a standalone document where we can) and then
+    ! match the resultant production against [XML]-3.3.1. This is
+    ! initially too much work though, so we just check simple
+    ! syntactic constraint.
+    if (.not.esc) then
+      if (.not.checkAttValue(value, xf%xds%xml_version)) &
+        call wxml_error(xf, "Invalid attribute value: "//value)
+      if (index(value, '&') > 0) then
+        ! There are entity references
+        ! They should exist (unless we are not standalone) and they must not be unparsed.
+        if (.not.checkExistingRefsInAttValue()) then
+          if (xf%xds%standalone) then
+            call wxml_error(xf, "outputting unknown entity. Cannot guarantee validity.")
+          else
+            call wxml_warning(xf, "Warning: outputting unknown entity. Cannot guarantee validity.")
+          endif
+        endif
+        if (.not.checkParsedRefsInAttValue()) &
+          call wxml_error(xf, "Warning: outputting unknown entity. Cannot guarantee validity.")
+      endif
+    endif
+    if (xf%state_2 /= WXML_STATE_2_INSIDE_ELEMENT) &
+         call wxml_error(xf, "attributes outside element content: "//name)
+    if (hasKey(xf%dict,name)) then
+      call wxml_error(xf, "duplicate att name: "//name)
+    elseif (xf%namespace) then
+      if (hasKey(xf%dict, &
+        getnamespaceURI(xf%nsDict,prefixOfQname(name)), localpartofQname(name))) then
+        call wxml_error(xf, "duplicate att after namespace processing: "//name)
+      endif
+    endif
+    if (xf%namespace) then
+      if (len(prefixOfQName(name))>0) then
+        if (prefixOfQName(name)/="xml".and.prefixOfQName(name)/="xmlns") then
+          if (.not.isPrefixInForce(xf%nsDict, prefixOfQName(name))) &
+            call wxml_error(xf, "namespace prefix not registered: "//prefixOfQName(name))
+        endif
+        if (esc) then
+          call add_item_to_dict(xf%dict, localpartofQname(name), escape_string(value, xf%xds%xml_version), prefixOfQName(name), &
+            getnamespaceURI(xf%nsDict,prefixOfQname(name)), type=str_vs(type_))
+        else
+          call add_item_to_dict(xf%dict, localpartofQname(name), value, prefixOfQName(name), &
+            getnamespaceURI(xf%nsDict,prefixOfQName(name)), type=str_vs(type_))
+        endif
+      else
+        if (esc) then
+          call add_item_to_dict(xf%dict, name, escape_string(value, xf%xds%xml_version), type=str_vs(type_))
+        else
+          call add_item_to_dict(xf%dict, name, value, type=str_vs(type_))
+        endif
+      endif
+    else
+      if (esc) then
+        call add_item_to_dict(xf%dict, name, escape_string(value, xf%xds%xml_version), type=str_vs(type_))
+      else
+        call add_item_to_dict(xf%dict, name, value, type=str_vs(type_))
+      endif
+    endif
+    !FIXME need to deallocate this when we move to better error handling
+    deallocate(type_)
+  contains
+    function checkExistingRefsInAttValue() result(p)
+      logical :: p
+      integer :: i1, i2
+      ! Here we assume we have syntactic well-formedness as
+      ! checked by checkAttValue.
+      ! We also assume we do not have simply one entity as
+      ! the contents - that is checked by checkAttValueEntity
+      p = .false.
+      i1 = index(value, '&')
+      i2 = 0 
+      do while (i1 > 0)
+        i1 = i2 + i1
+        i2 = index(value(i1+1:),';')
+        if (i2 == 0) return
+        i2 = i1 + i2
+        if (.not.existing_entity(xf%xds%entityList, value(i1+1:i2-1)) .and. &
+          .not.checkCharacterEntityReference(value(i1+1:i2-1), xf%xds%xml_version)) &
+          return
+        i1 = index(value(i2+1:), '&')
+      enddo
+      p = .true.
+    end function checkExistingRefsInAttValue
+    function checkParsedRefsInAttValue() result(p)
+      logical :: p
+      integer :: i1, i2
+      ! Here we assume we have syntactic well-formedness as
+      ! checked by checkAttValue.
+      p = .false.
+      i1 = index(value, '&')
+      i2 = 0
+      do while (i1 > 0)
+        i1 = i1 + i2
+        i2 = index(value(i1+1:),';')
+        if (i2 == 0) return
+        i2  = i1 + i2
+        if (is_unparsed_entity(xf%xds%entityList, value(i1+1:i2-1))) &
+          return
+        i1 = index(value(i2+1:), '&')
+      enddo
+      p = .true.
+    end function checkParsedRefsInAttValue
+  end subroutine xml_AddAttribute_Ch
+  subroutine xml_AddPseudoAttribute_Ch(xf, name, value, escape, ws_significant)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout)   :: xf
+    character(len=*), intent(in)  :: name
+    character(len=*), intent(in)  :: value
+    logical, intent(in), optional :: escape
+    logical, intent(in), optional :: ws_significant
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    logical :: esc
+    character(len=5) :: type
+    call check_xf(xf)
+    if (.not.checkChars(name, xf%xds%xml_version)) call wxml_error("xml_AddPseudoAttribute: Invalid character in name")
+    if (.not.checkChars(value, xf%xds%xml_version)) call wxml_error("xml_AddPseudoAttribute: Invalid character in value")
+    if (present(escape)) then
+      esc = escape
+    else
+      esc = .true.
+    endif
+    if (present(ws_significant)) then
+      if (ws_significant) then
+        type='CDATA'
+      else
+        type='CDANO' ! CDAta, whitespace Not significant
+      endif
+    else
+      type='CDAMB'   ! CDAta, whitespace MayBe significant
+    endif
+    if (index(value, '?>') > 0) &
+        call wxml_error(xf, "Invalid pseudo-attribute value: "//value)
+    if (.not.esc) then
+      if (.not.checkPseudoAttValue(value, xf%xds%xml_version)) &
+        call wxml_error(xf, "Invalid pseudo-attribute value: "//value)
+    endif
+    if (xf%state_2 /= WXML_STATE_2_INSIDE_PI) &
+         call wxml_error("PI pseudo-attribute outside PI: "//name)
+    ! This is mostly ad-hoc, pseudo-attribute names are not defined anywhere.
+    if (.not.checkName(name, xf%xds%xml_version)) &
+         call wxml_error("Invalid pseudo-attribute name: "//name)
+    if (hasKey(xf%dict,name)) &
+         call wxml_error(xf, "duplicate pseudo-attribute name: "//name)
+    if (index(value, '?>') > 0) &
+         call wxml_error(xf, "Invalid pseudo-attribute data: "//value)
+    if (esc) then
+      call add_item_to_dict(xf%dict, name, escape_string(value, xf%xds%xml_version), type=type)
+    else
+      call add_item_to_dict(xf%dict, name, value, type=type)
+    endif
+  end subroutine xml_AddPseudoAttribute_Ch
+  subroutine xml_EndElement(xf, name)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout)             :: xf
+    character(len=*), intent(in)            :: name
+    character :: dummy
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    call check_xf(xf)
+    ! No point in doing checkChars, name is compared to stack anyway.
+    if (len(xf%stack) == 0) &
+      call wxml_fatal(xf,'Trying to close '//name//' but no tags are open.')
+    if (get_top_elstack(xf%stack) /= name) &
+      call wxml_fatal(xf, 'Trying to close '//name//' but '//get_top_elstack(xf%stack)// &
+      ' is open. Either you have failed to open '//name//&
+      ' or you have failed to close '//get_top_elstack(xf%stack)//'.') 
+    xf%indent = xf%indent - indent_inc
+    if (xf%state_2==WXML_STATE_2_INSIDE_ELEMENT) then
+      if (xf%namespace) call checkNamespacesWriting(xf%dict, xf%nsDict, len(xf%stack))
+      if (getLength(xf%dict) > 0) call write_attributes(xf)
+      if (xf%minimize_overrun) call add_eol(xf)
+    endif
+    if (xf%state_2==WXML_STATE_2_INSIDE_ELEMENT.and..not.xf%canonical) then
+      call add_to_buffer("/>", xf%buffer, .false.)
+    else
+      if (xf%state_2==WXML_STATE_2_INSIDE_ELEMENT) &
+        call add_to_buffer('>', xf%buffer, .false.)
+      if (xf%state_2==WXML_STATE_2_INSIDE_PI) &
+        call close_start_tag(xf)
+      if (xf%state_2==WXML_STATE_2_OUTSIDE_TAG.and.xf%pretty_print) &
+        call add_eol(xf)
+! XLF does a weird thing here, and if pop_elstack is called as an 
+! argument to the add_to_buffer, it gets called twice. So we have to separate
+! out get_top_... from pop_...
+      call add_to_buffer("</" //get_top_elstack(xf%stack), xf%buffer, .false.)
+      if (xf%minimize_overrun) call add_eol(xf)
+      call add_to_buffer(">", xf%buffer, .false.)
+    endif
+    dummy = pop_elstack(xf%stack)
+    if (xf%namespace) call checkEndNamespaces(xf%nsDict, len(xf%stack)+1)
+    if (is_empty(xf%stack)) then
+      xf%state_1 = WXML_STATE_1_AFTER_ROOT
+    endif
+    xf%state_2 = WXML_STATE_2_OUTSIDE_TAG
+  end subroutine xml_EndElement
+  subroutine xml_DeclareNamespace(xf, nsURI, prefix, xml)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout)   :: xf
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: nsURI
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: prefix
+    logical, intent(in), optional :: xml
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    call check_xf(xf)
+    if (.not.xf%namespace) call wxml_error("Cannot declare a namespace in a non-namespaced document")
+    !if (.not.checkNCName(nsURI, xf%xds%xml_version)) call wxml_error("xml_DeclareNamespace: Invalid nsURI")
+    if (present(prefix)) then
+      if (.not.checkNCName(prefix, xf%xds%xml_version)) call wxml_error("xml_DeclareNamespace: Invalid prefix")
+    endif
+    if (xf%state_1 == WXML_STATE_1_AFTER_ROOT) &
+      call wxml_error(xf, "adding namespace outside element content")
+    if (len(nsURI) == 0) then
+      if (present(prefix).and.xf%xds%xml_version==XML1_0) &
+        call wxml_error(xf, "prefixed namespace with empty URI forbidden in XML 1.0")
+    endif
+    if (present(prefix)) then
+      call addPrefixedNS(xf%nsDict, prefix, nsURI, len(xf%stack)+1, xf%xds, xml)
+    else
+      call addDefaultNS(xf%nsDict, nsURI, len(xf%stack)+1)
+    endif
+  end subroutine xml_DeclareNamespace
+  subroutine xml_UndeclareNamespace(xf, prefix)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout)   :: xf
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: prefix
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    call check_xf(xf)
+    !No need to checkChars, prefix is checked against stack
+    if (.not.xf%namespace) call wxml_error("Cannot declare a namespace in a non-namespaced document")
+    if (present(prefix).and.xf%xds%xml_version==XML1_0) &
+      call wxml_error("cannot undeclare prefixed namespaces in XML 1.0")
+    if (xf%state_1 == WXML_STATE_1_AFTER_ROOT) &
+      call wxml_error(xf, "Undeclaring namespace outside element content")
+    if (present(prefix)) then
+      call addPrefixedNS(xf%nsDict, prefix, "", len(xf%stack)+1, xf%xds)
+    else
+      call addDefaultNS(xf%nsDict, "", len(xf%stack)+1)
+    endif
+  end subroutine xml_UndeclareNamespace
+  subroutine xml_Close(xf, empty)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout)   :: xf
+    logical, optional :: empty
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    logical :: empty_
+    if (present(empty)) then
+      empty_ = empty
+    else
+      empty_ = .false.
+    endif
+    if (xf%lun == -1) &
+      call wxml_fatal('Tried to close XML file which is not open')
+    if (xf%state_2 == WXML_STATE_2_INSIDE_PI) &
+      call close_start_tag(xf)
+    if (xf%state_3 /= WXML_STATE_3_BEFORE_DTD &
+      .and. xf%state_3 /= WXML_STATE_3_AFTER_DTD) then
+      select case (xf%state_3)
+      case (WXML_STATE_3_DURING_DTD)
+        call add_to_buffer('>', xf%buffer, .false.)
+        call add_eol(xf)
+        call add_to_buffer(']>', xf%buffer, .false.)
+      end select
+      xf%state_3 = WXML_STATE_3_AFTER_DTD
+    endif
+    do while (xf%state_1 == WXML_STATE_1_DURING_ROOT)
+      call xml_EndElement(xf, get_top_elstack(xf%stack))
+    enddo
+    if (xf%state_1 /= WXML_STATE_1_AFTER_ROOT) then
+      if (empty_) then
+        call wxml_warning(xf, 'Invalid XML document produced: No root element')
+      else
+        call wxml_error(xf, 'Invalid XML document produced: No root element')
+      endif
+    endif
+    call dump_buffer(xf%buffer)
+    close(unit=xf%lun)
+    xf%lun = -1
+    call destroy_dict(xf%dict)
+    call destroy_elstack(xf%stack)
+    if (xf%namespace) &
+      call destroyNamespaceDictionary(xf%nsDict)
+    call destroy_xml_doc_state(xf%xds)
+    deallocate(xf%name)
+  end subroutine xml_Close
+  subroutine xmlf_SetPretty_print(xf, new_value)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    logical, intent(in)         :: new_value
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    xf%pretty_print = new_value
+  end subroutine xmlf_SetPretty_print
+  pure function xmlf_GetPretty_print(xf) result(value)
+    logical :: value
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(in) :: xf
+#ifdef DUMMYLIB
+    value = .false.
+    value = xf%pretty_print
+  end function xmlf_GetPretty_print
+  pure function xmlf_name(xf) result(fn)
+    type (xmlf_t), intent(in) :: xf
+#ifdef DUMMYLIB
+    character(len=1) :: fn
+    fn = " "
+    character(len=size(xf%xds%documentURI)) :: fn
+    fn = str_vs(xf%xds%documentURI)
+  end function xmlf_name
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+  pure function xmlf_opentag_len(xf) result(n)
+    type (xmlf_t), intent(in) :: xf
+    integer :: n
+    if (xf%lun == -1) then
+      n = 0
+    elseif (is_empty(xf%stack)) then
+      n = 0
+    else
+      n = len(get_top_elstack(xf%stack))
+    endif
+  end function xmlf_opentag_len
+  function xmlf_opentag(xf) result(fn)
+    type (xmlf_t), intent(in) :: xf
+#ifdef DUMMYLIB
+    character(len=1) :: fn
+    fn = " "
+    character(len=xmlf_opentag_len(xf)) :: fn
+    if (xf%lun == -1) then
+      fn = ''
+    elseif (is_empty(xf%stack)) then
+      fn = ''
+    else
+      fn = get_top_elstack(xf%stack)
+    endif
+  end function xmlf_opentag
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+  subroutine check_xf(xf)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout)   :: xf
+    if (xf%lun == -1) &
+      call wxml_fatal("Tried to manipulate an XML File which is not open")
+  end subroutine check_xf
+  subroutine add_eol(xf)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout)   :: xf
+    integer :: indent_level
+    ! In case we still have a zero-length stack, we must make
+    ! sure indent_level is not less than zero.
+    if (xf%state_3 == WXML_STATE_3_INSIDE_INTSUBSET) then
+      indent_level = indent_inc
+    else
+      indent_level = xf%indent
+    endif
+    !We must flush here (rather than just adding an eol character)
+    !since we don't know what the eol character is on this system.
+    !Flushing with a linefeed will get it automatically, though.
+    call dump_buffer(xf%buffer, lf=.true.)
+    call reset_buffer(xf%buffer, xf%lun, xf%xds%xml_version)
+    if (xf%pretty_print) &
+      call add_to_buffer(repeat(' ',indent_level),xf%buffer, .false.)
+  end subroutine add_eol
+  subroutine close_start_tag(xf)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout)   :: xf
+    select case (xf%state_2)
+      if (xf%namespace) call checkNamespacesWriting(xf%dict, xf%nsDict, len(xf%stack))
+      if (getLength(xf%dict) > 0) call write_attributes(xf)
+      if (xf%minimize_overrun) call add_eol(xf)
+      call add_to_buffer('>', xf%buffer, .false.)
+      xf%state_2 = WXML_STATE_2_OUTSIDE_TAG
+    case (WXML_STATE_2_INSIDE_PI)
+      if (getLength(xf%dict) > 0) call write_attributes(xf)
+      call add_to_buffer('?>', xf%buffer, .false.)
+      if (xf%pretty_print.and.xf%state_3/=WXML_STATE_3_INSIDE_INTSUBSET) call add_eol(xf)
+      xf%state_2 = WXML_STATE_2_OUTSIDE_TAG
+      continue
+      continue
+    end select
+  end subroutine close_start_tag
+  subroutine write_attributes(xf)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout)   :: xf
+    integer  :: i, j, size
+    if (xf%state_2 /= WXML_STATE_2_INSIDE_PI .and. &
+      xf%state_2 /= WXML_STATE_2_INSIDE_ELEMENT) &
+      call wxml_fatal("Internal library error")
+    if (xf%canonical) call sortAttrs(xf%dict)
+    do i = 1, getLength(xf%dict)
+      size = len(get_key(xf%dict, i)) + len(get_value(xf%dict, i)) + 4
+      if (xf%minimize_overrun.and.(len(xf%buffer) + size) > COLUMNS) then
+        call add_eol(xf)
+      else
+        call add_to_buffer(" ", xf%buffer, .false.)
+      endif
+      call add_to_buffer(get_key(xf%dict, i), xf%buffer, .false.)
+      call add_to_buffer("=", xf%buffer, .false.)
+      call add_to_buffer('"',xf%buffer, .false.)
+      j = getWhiteSpaceHandling(xf%dict, i)
+      if (j==0) then
+        call add_to_buffer(get_value(xf%dict, i), xf%buffer, .true.)
+      elseif (j==1) then
+        call add_to_buffer(get_value(xf%dict, i), xf%buffer)
+      else
+        call add_to_buffer(get_value(xf%dict, i), xf%buffer, .false.)
+      endif
+      call add_to_buffer('"', xf%buffer, .false.)
+    enddo
+  end subroutine write_attributes
+  subroutine wxml_warning_xf(xf, msg)
+    ! Emit warning, but carry on.
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(in) :: xf
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: msg
+    if (FoX_get_fatal_warnings()) then
+        write(6,'(a)') 'FoX warning made fatal'
+        call wxml_fatal_xf(xf, msg)
+    endif
+    if (xf%xds%warning) then
+      write(6,'(a)') 'WARNING(wxml) in writing to file ', xmlf_name(xf)
+      write(6,'(a)')  msg
+    endif
+  end subroutine wxml_warning_xf
+  subroutine wxml_error_xf(xf, msg)
+    ! Emit error message, clean up file and stop.
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: msg
+    if (FoX_get_fatal_errors()) then
+        write(6,'(a)') 'FoX error made fatal'
+        call wxml_fatal_xf(xf, msg)
+    endif
+    write(6,'(a)') 'ERROR(wxml) in writing to file ', xmlf_name(xf)
+    write(6,'(a)')  msg
+    !call xml_Close(xf)
+    stop
+  end subroutine wxml_error_xf
+  subroutine wxml_fatal_xf(xf, msg)
+    !Emit error message and abort with coredump. Does not try to
+    !close file, so should be used from anything xml_Close might
+    !itself call (to avoid infinite recursion!)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(in) :: xf
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: msg
+    write(6,'(a)') 'ERROR(wxml) in writing to file ', xmlf_name(xf)
+    write(6,'(a)')  msg
+    call pxfabort()
+    stop
+  end subroutine wxml_fatal_xf
+end module m_wxml_core
diff --git a/wxml/m_wxml_escape.F90 b/wxml/m_wxml_escape.F90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..99bfcda
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/m_wxml_escape.F90
@@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
+module m_wxml_escape
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+  !Ensure all characters are safe to go out into XML file.
+  use fox_m_fsys_format, only: str
+  use m_common_charset, only: XML1_0
+  use m_common_error, only: FoX_error, FoX_warning
+  implicit none
+  private
+  integer, parameter :: AMP = iachar('&')
+  integer, parameter :: LT = iachar('<')
+  integer, parameter :: GT = iachar('>')
+  integer, parameter :: QUOT = iachar('"')
+  integer, parameter :: APOS = iachar("'")
+  public :: escape_string
+  public :: escape_string_len
+  pure function escape_string_len(s) result(c)
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: s
+    integer :: c
+    integer :: i 
+    c = len(s)
+    do i = 1, len(s)
+      select case(iachar(s(i:i)))
+      case (AMP)
+        c = c + 4
+      case (LT)
+        c = c + 3
+      case (GT)
+        c = c + 3
+      case (QUOT)
+        c = c + 5
+      case (APOS)
+        c = c + 5
+      case (1:8)
+        c = c + 3
+      case (11:12)
+        c = c + 4
+      case (14:31)
+        c = c + 4
+      case (127:)
+        c = c + 5
+        ! a char can never contain more than 8 bits = 256 characters, so
+        ! we never need more than 3 chars to represent the int.
+      end select
+    enddo 
+  end function escape_string_len
+  function escape_string(s, version) result (s2)
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: s
+    integer, intent(in) :: version
+    character(len=escape_string_len(s)) :: s2
+    integer :: c, i, ic
+    ! We have to do it this way (with achar etc) in case the native
+    ! platform encoding is not ASCII
+    c = 1
+    do i = 1, len(s)
+      ic = iachar(s(i:i))
+      select case (ic)
+      case (0)
+        call FoX_error("Tried to output a NUL character")
+      case (1:8)
+        if (version==XML1_0) then
+          call FoX_error("Tried to output a character invalid under XML 1.0")
+        else
+          s2(c:c+3) = "&#"//str(ic)//";"
+          c = c + 4
+        endif
+      case(9:10)
+        s2(c:c) = achar(ic)
+        c = c + 1
+      case(11:12)
+        if (version==XML1_0) then
+          call FoX_error("Tried to output a character invalid under XML 1.0")
+        else
+          s2(c:c+5) = "&#"//str(ic)//";"
+          c = c + 5
+        endif
+      case(13)
+        s2(c:c) = achar(13)
+        c = c + 1
+      case (14:31)
+        if (version==XML1_0) then
+          call FoX_error("Tried to output a character invalid under XML 1.0")
+        else
+          s2(c:c+5) = "&#"//str(ic)//";"
+          c = c + 5
+        endif
+      case (32:126)
+        select case (iachar(s(i:i)))
+        case (AMP)
+          s2(c:c+4) = "&"
+          c = c + 5
+        case (LT)
+          s2(c:c+3) = "<"
+          c = c + 4
+        case (GT)
+          s2(c:c+3) = ">"
+          c = c + 4
+        case (QUOT)
+          s2(c:c+5) = """
+          c = c + 6
+        case (APOS)
+          s2(c:c+5) = "'"
+          c = c + 6
+        case default
+          s2(c:c) = achar(ic)
+          c = c + 1
+        end select
+      case (127)
+        s2(c:c+5) = ""
+        c = c + 6
+      case default
+        !TOHW we should maybe just disallow this ...
+        call FoX_warning("emitting non-ASCII character. Platform-dependent result!")
+        s2(c:c+6) = "&#"//str(ic)//";"
+        c = c + 6
+        ! a char can never contain more than 8 bits = 256 characters, so
+        ! we never need more than 3 chars to represent the int.
+        ! We have to encode it though, because UTF-8 x7F-x9F must be 
+        ! encoded, and if they are in the native charset they'll be > 128
+      end select
+    enddo 
+  end function escape_string
+end module m_wxml_escape
diff --git a/wxml/m_wxml_overloads.F90 b/wxml/m_wxml_overloads.F90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5f6281d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/m_wxml_overloads.F90
@@ -0,0 +1,1028 @@
+! This file is AUTOGENERATED!!!!
+! Do not edit this file; edit m_wxml_overloads.m4 and regenerate.
+module m_wxml_overloads
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+  use fox_m_fsys_format, only: str
+  use fox_m_fsys_realtypes, only: sp, dp
+  use m_wxml_core, only: xmlf_t
+  use m_wxml_core, only: xml_AddCharacters
+  use m_wxml_core, only: xml_AddAttribute
+  use m_wxml_core, only: xml_AddPseudoAttribute
+  implicit none
+  private
+  interface xml_AddCharacters
+    module procedure CharactersScalarCmplxDp
+    module procedure CharactersScalarCmplxSp
+    module procedure CharactersScalarRealDp
+    module procedure CharactersScalarRealSp
+    module procedure CharactersScalarInt
+    module procedure CharactersScalarLg
+    module procedure CharactersArrayCmplxDp
+    module procedure CharactersArrayCmplxSp
+    module procedure CharactersArrayRealDp
+    module procedure CharactersArrayRealSp
+    module procedure CharactersArrayInt
+    module procedure CharactersArrayLg
+    module procedure CharactersArrayCh
+    module procedure CharactersMatrixCmplxDp
+    module procedure CharactersMatrixCmplxSp
+    module procedure CharactersMatrixRealDp
+    module procedure CharactersMatrixRealSp
+    module procedure CharactersMatrixInt
+    module procedure CharactersMatrixLg
+    module procedure CharactersMatrixCh
+ end interface
+  interface xml_AddAttribute
+    module procedure AttributeScalarCmplxDp
+    module procedure AttributeScalarCmplxSp
+    module procedure AttributeScalarRealDp
+    module procedure AttributeScalarRealSp
+    module procedure AttributeScalarInt
+    module procedure AttributeScalarLg
+    module procedure AttributeArrayCmplxDp
+    module procedure AttributeArrayCmplxSp
+    module procedure AttributeArrayRealDp
+    module procedure AttributeArrayRealSp
+    module procedure AttributeArrayInt
+    module procedure AttributeArrayLg
+    module procedure AttributeArrayCh
+    module procedure AttributeMatrixCmplxDp
+    module procedure AttributeMatrixCmplxSp
+    module procedure AttributeMatrixRealDp
+    module procedure AttributeMatrixRealSp
+    module procedure AttributeMatrixInt
+    module procedure AttributeMatrixLg
+    module procedure AttributeMatrixCh
+ end interface
+  interface xml_AddPseudoAttribute
+    module procedure PseudoAttributeScalarCmplxDp
+    module procedure PseudoAttributeScalarCmplxSp
+    module procedure PseudoAttributeScalarRealDp
+    module procedure PseudoAttributeScalarRealSp
+    module procedure PseudoAttributeScalarInt
+    module procedure PseudoAttributeScalarLg
+    module procedure PseudoAttributeArrayCmplxDp
+    module procedure PseudoAttributeArrayCmplxSp
+    module procedure PseudoAttributeArrayRealDp
+    module procedure PseudoAttributeArrayRealSp
+    module procedure PseudoAttributeArrayInt
+    module procedure PseudoAttributeArrayLg
+    module procedure PseudoAttributeArrayCh
+    module procedure PseudoAttributeMatrixCmplxDp
+    module procedure PseudoAttributeMatrixCmplxSp
+    module procedure PseudoAttributeMatrixRealDp
+    module procedure PseudoAttributeMatrixRealSp
+    module procedure PseudoAttributeMatrixInt
+    module procedure PseudoAttributeMatrixLg
+    module procedure PseudoAttributeMatrixCh
+ end interface
+  public :: xml_AddCharacters
+  public :: xml_AddAttribute
+  public :: xml_AddPseudoAttribute
+  subroutine CharactersScalarCmplxDp &
+    (xf, chars, fmt)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    complex(dp), intent(in)   :: chars
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: fmt
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    if (present(fmt)) then
+      call xml_AddCharacters(xf=xf, chars=str(chars, fmt))
+    else
+      ! Add empty optional fmt arg to str to avoid PGI bug: 
+      call xml_AddCharacters(xf=xf, chars=str(chars, ""))
+    endif
+  end subroutine CharactersScalarCmplxDp
+  subroutine CharactersScalarCmplxSp &
+    (xf, chars, fmt)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    complex(sp), intent(in)   :: chars
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: fmt
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    if (present(fmt)) then
+      call xml_AddCharacters(xf=xf, chars=str(chars, fmt))
+    else
+      ! Add empty optional fmt arg to str to avoid PGI bug: 
+      call xml_AddCharacters(xf=xf, chars=str(chars, ""))
+    endif
+  end subroutine CharactersScalarCmplxSp
+  subroutine CharactersScalarRealDp &
+    (xf, chars, fmt)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    real(dp), intent(in)   :: chars
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: fmt
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    if (present(fmt)) then
+      call xml_AddCharacters(xf=xf, chars=str(chars, fmt))
+    else
+      call xml_AddCharacters(xf=xf, chars=str(chars))
+    endif
+  end subroutine CharactersScalarRealDp
+  subroutine CharactersScalarRealSp &
+    (xf, chars, fmt)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    real(sp), intent(in)   :: chars
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: fmt
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    if (present(fmt)) then
+      call xml_AddCharacters(xf=xf, chars=str(chars, fmt))
+    else
+      call xml_AddCharacters(xf=xf, chars=str(chars))
+    endif
+  end subroutine CharactersScalarRealSp
+  subroutine CharactersScalarInt &
+    (xf, chars)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    integer, intent(in)   :: chars
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    call xml_AddCharacters(xf=xf, chars=str(chars))
+  end subroutine CharactersScalarInt
+  subroutine CharactersScalarLg &
+    (xf, chars)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    logical, intent(in)   :: chars
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    call xml_AddCharacters(xf=xf, chars=str(chars))
+  end subroutine CharactersScalarLg
+  subroutine CharactersArrayCmplxDp &
+    (xf, chars, fmt)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    complex(dp), intent(in) , dimension(:)  :: chars
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: fmt
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    if (present(fmt)) then
+      call xml_AddCharacters(xf=xf, chars=str(chars, fmt), ws_significant=.false.)
+    else
+      ! Add empty optional fmt arg to str to avoid PGI bug: 
+      call xml_AddCharacters(xf=xf, chars=str(chars, ""), ws_significant=.false.)
+    endif
+  end subroutine CharactersArrayCmplxDp
+  subroutine CharactersArrayCmplxSp &
+    (xf, chars, fmt)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    complex(sp), intent(in) , dimension(:)  :: chars
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: fmt
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    if (present(fmt)) then
+      call xml_AddCharacters(xf=xf, chars=str(chars, fmt), ws_significant=.false.)
+    else
+      ! Add empty optional fmt arg to str to avoid PGI bug: 
+      call xml_AddCharacters(xf=xf, chars=str(chars, ""), ws_significant=.false.)
+    endif
+  end subroutine CharactersArrayCmplxSp
+  subroutine CharactersArrayRealDp &
+    (xf, chars, fmt)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    real(dp), intent(in) , dimension(:)  :: chars
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: fmt
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    if (present(fmt)) then
+      call xml_AddCharacters(xf=xf, chars=str(chars, fmt), ws_significant=.false.)
+    else
+      call xml_AddCharacters(xf=xf, chars=str(chars), ws_significant=.false.)
+    endif
+  end subroutine CharactersArrayRealDp
+  subroutine CharactersArrayRealSp &
+    (xf, chars, fmt)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    real(sp), intent(in) , dimension(:)  :: chars
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: fmt
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    if (present(fmt)) then
+      call xml_AddCharacters(xf=xf, chars=str(chars, fmt), ws_significant=.false.)
+    else
+      call xml_AddCharacters(xf=xf, chars=str(chars), ws_significant=.false.)
+    endif
+  end subroutine CharactersArrayRealSp
+  subroutine CharactersArrayInt &
+    (xf, chars)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    integer, intent(in) , dimension(:)  :: chars
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    call xml_AddCharacters(xf=xf, chars=str(chars), ws_significant=.false.)
+  end subroutine CharactersArrayInt
+  subroutine CharactersArrayLg &
+    (xf, chars)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    logical, intent(in) , dimension(:)  :: chars
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    call xml_AddCharacters(xf=xf, chars=str(chars), ws_significant=.false.)
+  end subroutine CharactersArrayLg
+  subroutine CharactersArrayCh &
+    (xf, chars, delimiter)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    character(len=*), intent(in) , dimension(:)  :: chars
+    character(len=1), intent(in), optional :: delimiter
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    call xml_AddCharacters(xf=xf, chars=str(chars, delimiter), ws_significant=.false.)
+  end subroutine CharactersArrayCh
+  subroutine CharactersMatrixCmplxDp &
+    (xf, chars, fmt)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    complex(dp), intent(in) , dimension(:,:)  :: chars
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: fmt
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    if (present(fmt)) then
+      call xml_AddCharacters(xf=xf, chars=str(chars, fmt), ws_significant=.false.)
+    else
+      ! Add empty optional fmt arg to str to avoid PGI bug: 
+      call xml_AddCharacters(xf=xf, chars=str(chars, ""), ws_significant=.false.)
+    endif
+  end subroutine CharactersMatrixCmplxDp
+  subroutine CharactersMatrixCmplxSp &
+    (xf, chars, fmt)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    complex(sp), intent(in) , dimension(:,:)  :: chars
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: fmt
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    if (present(fmt)) then
+      call xml_AddCharacters(xf=xf, chars=str(chars, fmt), ws_significant=.false.)
+    else
+      ! Add empty optional fmt arg to str to avoid PGI bug: 
+      call xml_AddCharacters(xf=xf, chars=str(chars, ""), ws_significant=.false.)
+    endif
+  end subroutine CharactersMatrixCmplxSp
+  subroutine CharactersMatrixRealDp &
+    (xf, chars, fmt)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    real(dp), intent(in) , dimension(:,:)  :: chars
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: fmt
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    if (present(fmt)) then
+      call xml_AddCharacters(xf=xf, chars=str(chars, fmt), ws_significant=.false.)
+    else
+      call xml_AddCharacters(xf=xf, chars=str(chars), ws_significant=.false.)
+    endif
+  end subroutine CharactersMatrixRealDp
+  subroutine CharactersMatrixRealSp &
+    (xf, chars, fmt)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    real(sp), intent(in) , dimension(:,:)  :: chars
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: fmt
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    if (present(fmt)) then
+      call xml_AddCharacters(xf=xf, chars=str(chars, fmt), ws_significant=.false.)
+    else
+      call xml_AddCharacters(xf=xf, chars=str(chars), ws_significant=.false.)
+    endif
+  end subroutine CharactersMatrixRealSp
+  subroutine CharactersMatrixInt &
+    (xf, chars)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    integer, intent(in) , dimension(:,:)  :: chars
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    call xml_AddCharacters(xf=xf, chars=str(chars), ws_significant=.false.)
+  end subroutine CharactersMatrixInt
+  subroutine CharactersMatrixLg &
+    (xf, chars)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    logical, intent(in) , dimension(:,:)  :: chars
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    call xml_AddCharacters(xf=xf, chars=str(chars), ws_significant=.false.)
+  end subroutine CharactersMatrixLg
+  subroutine CharactersMatrixCh &
+    (xf, chars, delimiter)
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    character(len=*), intent(in) , dimension(:,:)  :: chars
+    character(len=1), intent(in), optional :: delimiter
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    call xml_AddCharacters(xf=xf, chars=str(chars, delimiter), ws_significant=.false.)
+  end subroutine CharactersMatrixCh
+  subroutine AttributeScalarCmplxDp &
+    (xf, name, value, fmt) 
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
+    complex(dp), intent(in)   :: value
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: fmt
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    if (present(fmt)) then
+      call xml_AddAttribute(xf=xf, name=name, value=str(value, fmt))
+    else
+      ! Add empty optional fmt arg to str to avoid PGI bug: 
+      call xml_AddAttribute(xf=xf, name=name, value=str(value, ""))
+    endif
+  end subroutine AttributeScalarCmplxDp
+  subroutine AttributeScalarCmplxSp &
+    (xf, name, value, fmt) 
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
+    complex(sp), intent(in)   :: value
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: fmt
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    if (present(fmt)) then
+      call xml_AddAttribute(xf=xf, name=name, value=str(value, fmt))
+    else
+      ! Add empty optional fmt arg to str to avoid PGI bug: 
+      call xml_AddAttribute(xf=xf, name=name, value=str(value, ""))
+    endif
+  end subroutine AttributeScalarCmplxSp
+  subroutine AttributeScalarRealDp &
+    (xf, name, value, fmt) 
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
+    real(dp), intent(in)   :: value
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: fmt
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    if (present(fmt)) then
+      call xml_AddAttribute(xf=xf, name=name, value=str(value, fmt))
+    else
+      call xml_AddAttribute(xf=xf, name=name, value=str(value))
+    endif
+  end subroutine AttributeScalarRealDp
+  subroutine AttributeScalarRealSp &
+    (xf, name, value, fmt) 
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
+    real(sp), intent(in)   :: value
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: fmt
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    if (present(fmt)) then
+      call xml_AddAttribute(xf=xf, name=name, value=str(value, fmt))
+    else
+      call xml_AddAttribute(xf=xf, name=name, value=str(value))
+    endif
+  end subroutine AttributeScalarRealSp
+  subroutine AttributeScalarInt &
+    (xf, name, value) 
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
+    integer, intent(in)   :: value
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    call xml_AddAttribute(xf=xf, name=name, value=str(value))
+  end subroutine AttributeScalarInt
+  subroutine AttributeScalarLg &
+    (xf, name, value) 
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
+    logical, intent(in)   :: value
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    call xml_AddAttribute(xf=xf, name=name, value=str(value))
+  end subroutine AttributeScalarLg
+  subroutine AttributeArrayCmplxDp &
+    (xf, name, value, fmt) 
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
+    complex(dp), intent(in) , dimension(:)  :: value
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: fmt
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    if (present(fmt)) then
+      call xml_AddAttribute(xf=xf, name=name, value=str(value, fmt), ws_significant=.false.)
+    else
+      ! Add empty optional fmt arg to str to avoid PGI bug: 
+      call xml_AddAttribute(xf=xf, name=name, value=str(value, ""), ws_significant=.false.)
+    endif
+  end subroutine AttributeArrayCmplxDp
+  subroutine AttributeArrayCmplxSp &
+    (xf, name, value, fmt) 
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
+    complex(sp), intent(in) , dimension(:)  :: value
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: fmt
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    if (present(fmt)) then
+      call xml_AddAttribute(xf=xf, name=name, value=str(value, fmt), ws_significant=.false.)
+    else
+      ! Add empty optional fmt arg to str to avoid PGI bug: 
+      call xml_AddAttribute(xf=xf, name=name, value=str(value, ""), ws_significant=.false.)
+    endif
+  end subroutine AttributeArrayCmplxSp
+  subroutine AttributeArrayRealDp &
+    (xf, name, value, fmt) 
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
+    real(dp), intent(in) , dimension(:)  :: value
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: fmt
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    if (present(fmt)) then
+      call xml_AddAttribute(xf=xf, name=name, value=str(value, fmt), ws_significant=.false.)
+    else
+      call xml_AddAttribute(xf=xf, name=name, value=str(value), ws_significant=.false.)
+    endif
+  end subroutine AttributeArrayRealDp
+  subroutine AttributeArrayRealSp &
+    (xf, name, value, fmt) 
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
+    real(sp), intent(in) , dimension(:)  :: value
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: fmt
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    if (present(fmt)) then
+      call xml_AddAttribute(xf=xf, name=name, value=str(value, fmt), ws_significant=.false.)
+    else
+      call xml_AddAttribute(xf=xf, name=name, value=str(value), ws_significant=.false.)
+    endif
+  end subroutine AttributeArrayRealSp
+  subroutine AttributeArrayInt &
+    (xf, name, value) 
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
+    integer, intent(in) , dimension(:)  :: value
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    call xml_AddAttribute(xf=xf, name=name, value=str(value), ws_significant=.false.)
+  end subroutine AttributeArrayInt
+  subroutine AttributeArrayLg &
+    (xf, name, value) 
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
+    logical, intent(in) , dimension(:)  :: value
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    call xml_AddAttribute(xf=xf, name=name, value=str(value), ws_significant=.false.)
+  end subroutine AttributeArrayLg
+  subroutine AttributeArrayCh &
+    (xf, name, value, delimiter) 
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
+    character(len=*), intent(in) , dimension(:)  :: value
+    character(len=1), intent(in), optional :: delimiter
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    call xml_AddAttribute(xf=xf, name=name, value=str(value, delimiter), ws_significant=.false.)
+  end subroutine AttributeArrayCh
+  subroutine AttributeMatrixCmplxDp &
+    (xf, name, value, fmt) 
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
+    complex(dp), intent(in) , dimension(:,:)  :: value
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: fmt
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    if (present(fmt)) then
+      call xml_AddAttribute(xf=xf, name=name, value=str(value, fmt), ws_significant=.false.)
+    else
+      ! Add empty optional fmt arg to str to avoid PGI bug: 
+      call xml_AddAttribute(xf=xf, name=name, value=str(value, ""), ws_significant=.false.)
+    endif
+  end subroutine AttributeMatrixCmplxDp
+  subroutine AttributeMatrixCmplxSp &
+    (xf, name, value, fmt) 
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
+    complex(sp), intent(in) , dimension(:,:)  :: value
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: fmt
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    if (present(fmt)) then
+      call xml_AddAttribute(xf=xf, name=name, value=str(value, fmt), ws_significant=.false.)
+    else
+      ! Add empty optional fmt arg to str to avoid PGI bug: 
+      call xml_AddAttribute(xf=xf, name=name, value=str(value, ""), ws_significant=.false.)
+    endif
+  end subroutine AttributeMatrixCmplxSp
+  subroutine AttributeMatrixRealDp &
+    (xf, name, value, fmt) 
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
+    real(dp), intent(in) , dimension(:,:)  :: value
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: fmt
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    if (present(fmt)) then
+      call xml_AddAttribute(xf=xf, name=name, value=str(value, fmt), ws_significant=.false.)
+    else
+      call xml_AddAttribute(xf=xf, name=name, value=str(value), ws_significant=.false.)
+    endif
+  end subroutine AttributeMatrixRealDp
+  subroutine AttributeMatrixRealSp &
+    (xf, name, value, fmt) 
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
+    real(sp), intent(in) , dimension(:,:)  :: value
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: fmt
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    if (present(fmt)) then
+      call xml_AddAttribute(xf=xf, name=name, value=str(value, fmt), ws_significant=.false.)
+    else
+      call xml_AddAttribute(xf=xf, name=name, value=str(value), ws_significant=.false.)
+    endif
+  end subroutine AttributeMatrixRealSp
+  subroutine AttributeMatrixInt &
+    (xf, name, value) 
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
+    integer, intent(in) , dimension(:,:)  :: value
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    call xml_AddAttribute(xf=xf, name=name, value=str(value), ws_significant=.false.)
+  end subroutine AttributeMatrixInt
+  subroutine AttributeMatrixLg &
+    (xf, name, value) 
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
+    logical, intent(in) , dimension(:,:)  :: value
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    call xml_AddAttribute(xf=xf, name=name, value=str(value), ws_significant=.false.)
+  end subroutine AttributeMatrixLg
+  subroutine AttributeMatrixCh &
+    (xf, name, value, delimiter) 
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
+    character(len=*), intent(in) , dimension(:,:)  :: value
+    character(len=1), intent(in), optional :: delimiter
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    call xml_AddAttribute(xf=xf, name=name, value=str(value, delimiter), ws_significant=.false.)
+  end subroutine AttributeMatrixCh
+  subroutine PseudoAttributeScalarCmplxDp &
+    (xf, name, value, fmt) 
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
+    complex(dp), intent(in)   :: value
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: fmt
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    if (present(fmt)) then
+      call xml_AddPseudoAttribute(xf=xf, name=name, value=str(value, fmt))
+    else
+      ! Add empty optional fmt arg to str to avoid PGI bug: 
+      call xml_AddPseudoAttribute(xf=xf, name=name, value=str(value, ""))
+    endif
+  end subroutine PseudoAttributeScalarCmplxDp
+  subroutine PseudoAttributeScalarCmplxSp &
+    (xf, name, value, fmt) 
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
+    complex(sp), intent(in)   :: value
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: fmt
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    if (present(fmt)) then
+      call xml_AddPseudoAttribute(xf=xf, name=name, value=str(value, fmt))
+    else
+      ! Add empty optional fmt arg to str to avoid PGI bug: 
+      call xml_AddPseudoAttribute(xf=xf, name=name, value=str(value, ""))
+    endif
+  end subroutine PseudoAttributeScalarCmplxSp
+  subroutine PseudoAttributeScalarRealDp &
+    (xf, name, value, fmt) 
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
+    real(dp), intent(in)   :: value
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: fmt
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    if (present(fmt)) then
+      call xml_AddPseudoAttribute(xf=xf, name=name, value=str(value, fmt))
+    else
+      call xml_AddPseudoAttribute(xf=xf, name=name, value=str(value))
+    endif
+  end subroutine PseudoAttributeScalarRealDp
+  subroutine PseudoAttributeScalarRealSp &
+    (xf, name, value, fmt) 
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
+    real(sp), intent(in)   :: value
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: fmt
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    if (present(fmt)) then
+      call xml_AddPseudoAttribute(xf=xf, name=name, value=str(value, fmt))
+    else
+      call xml_AddPseudoAttribute(xf=xf, name=name, value=str(value))
+    endif
+  end subroutine PseudoAttributeScalarRealSp
+  subroutine PseudoAttributeScalarInt &
+    (xf, name, value) 
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
+    integer, intent(in)   :: value
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    call xml_AddPseudoAttribute(xf=xf, name=name, value=str(value))
+  end subroutine PseudoAttributeScalarInt
+  subroutine PseudoAttributeScalarLg &
+    (xf, name, value) 
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
+    logical, intent(in)   :: value
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    call xml_AddPseudoAttribute(xf=xf, name=name, value=str(value))
+  end subroutine PseudoAttributeScalarLg
+  subroutine PseudoAttributeArrayCmplxDp &
+    (xf, name, value, fmt) 
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
+    complex(dp), intent(in) , dimension(:)  :: value
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: fmt
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    if (present(fmt)) then
+      call xml_AddPseudoAttribute(xf=xf, name=name, value=str(value, fmt), ws_significant=.false.)
+    else
+      ! Add empty optional fmt arg to str to avoid PGI bug: 
+      call xml_AddPseudoAttribute(xf=xf, name=name, value=str(value, ""), ws_significant=.false.)
+    endif
+  end subroutine PseudoAttributeArrayCmplxDp
+  subroutine PseudoAttributeArrayCmplxSp &
+    (xf, name, value, fmt) 
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
+    complex(sp), intent(in) , dimension(:)  :: value
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: fmt
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    if (present(fmt)) then
+      call xml_AddPseudoAttribute(xf=xf, name=name, value=str(value, fmt), ws_significant=.false.)
+    else
+      ! Add empty optional fmt arg to str to avoid PGI bug: 
+      call xml_AddPseudoAttribute(xf=xf, name=name, value=str(value, ""), ws_significant=.false.)
+    endif
+  end subroutine PseudoAttributeArrayCmplxSp
+  subroutine PseudoAttributeArrayRealDp &
+    (xf, name, value, fmt) 
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
+    real(dp), intent(in) , dimension(:)  :: value
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: fmt
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    if (present(fmt)) then
+      call xml_AddPseudoAttribute(xf=xf, name=name, value=str(value, fmt), ws_significant=.false.)
+    else
+      call xml_AddPseudoAttribute(xf=xf, name=name, value=str(value), ws_significant=.false.)
+    endif
+  end subroutine PseudoAttributeArrayRealDp
+  subroutine PseudoAttributeArrayRealSp &
+    (xf, name, value, fmt) 
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
+    real(sp), intent(in) , dimension(:)  :: value
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: fmt
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    if (present(fmt)) then
+      call xml_AddPseudoAttribute(xf=xf, name=name, value=str(value, fmt), ws_significant=.false.)
+    else
+      call xml_AddPseudoAttribute(xf=xf, name=name, value=str(value), ws_significant=.false.)
+    endif
+  end subroutine PseudoAttributeArrayRealSp
+  subroutine PseudoAttributeArrayInt &
+    (xf, name, value) 
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
+    integer, intent(in) , dimension(:)  :: value
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    call xml_AddPseudoAttribute(xf=xf, name=name, value=str(value), ws_significant=.false.)
+  end subroutine PseudoAttributeArrayInt
+  subroutine PseudoAttributeArrayLg &
+    (xf, name, value) 
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
+    logical, intent(in) , dimension(:)  :: value
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    call xml_AddPseudoAttribute(xf=xf, name=name, value=str(value), ws_significant=.false.)
+  end subroutine PseudoAttributeArrayLg
+  subroutine PseudoAttributeArrayCh &
+    (xf, name, value, delimiter) 
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
+    character(len=*), intent(in) , dimension(:)  :: value
+    character(len=1), intent(in), optional :: delimiter
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    call xml_AddPseudoAttribute(xf=xf, name=name, value=str(value, delimiter), ws_significant=.false.)
+  end subroutine PseudoAttributeArrayCh
+  subroutine PseudoAttributeMatrixCmplxDp &
+    (xf, name, value, fmt) 
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
+    complex(dp), intent(in) , dimension(:,:)  :: value
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: fmt
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    if (present(fmt)) then
+      call xml_AddPseudoAttribute(xf=xf, name=name, value=str(value, fmt), ws_significant=.false.)
+    else
+      ! Add empty optional fmt arg to str to avoid PGI bug: 
+      call xml_AddPseudoAttribute(xf=xf, name=name, value=str(value, ""), ws_significant=.false.)
+    endif
+  end subroutine PseudoAttributeMatrixCmplxDp
+  subroutine PseudoAttributeMatrixCmplxSp &
+    (xf, name, value, fmt) 
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
+    complex(sp), intent(in) , dimension(:,:)  :: value
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: fmt
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    if (present(fmt)) then
+      call xml_AddPseudoAttribute(xf=xf, name=name, value=str(value, fmt), ws_significant=.false.)
+    else
+      ! Add empty optional fmt arg to str to avoid PGI bug: 
+      call xml_AddPseudoAttribute(xf=xf, name=name, value=str(value, ""), ws_significant=.false.)
+    endif
+  end subroutine PseudoAttributeMatrixCmplxSp
+  subroutine PseudoAttributeMatrixRealDp &
+    (xf, name, value, fmt) 
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
+    real(dp), intent(in) , dimension(:,:)  :: value
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: fmt
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    if (present(fmt)) then
+      call xml_AddPseudoAttribute(xf=xf, name=name, value=str(value, fmt), ws_significant=.false.)
+    else
+      call xml_AddPseudoAttribute(xf=xf, name=name, value=str(value), ws_significant=.false.)
+    endif
+  end subroutine PseudoAttributeMatrixRealDp
+  subroutine PseudoAttributeMatrixRealSp &
+    (xf, name, value, fmt) 
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
+    real(sp), intent(in) , dimension(:,:)  :: value
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: fmt
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    if (present(fmt)) then
+      call xml_AddPseudoAttribute(xf=xf, name=name, value=str(value, fmt), ws_significant=.false.)
+    else
+      call xml_AddPseudoAttribute(xf=xf, name=name, value=str(value), ws_significant=.false.)
+    endif
+  end subroutine PseudoAttributeMatrixRealSp
+  subroutine PseudoAttributeMatrixInt &
+    (xf, name, value) 
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
+    integer, intent(in) , dimension(:,:)  :: value
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    call xml_AddPseudoAttribute(xf=xf, name=name, value=str(value), ws_significant=.false.)
+  end subroutine PseudoAttributeMatrixInt
+  subroutine PseudoAttributeMatrixLg &
+    (xf, name, value) 
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
+    logical, intent(in) , dimension(:,:)  :: value
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    call xml_AddPseudoAttribute(xf=xf, name=name, value=str(value), ws_significant=.false.)
+  end subroutine PseudoAttributeMatrixLg
+  subroutine PseudoAttributeMatrixCh &
+    (xf, name, value, delimiter) 
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
+    character(len=*), intent(in) , dimension(:,:)  :: value
+    character(len=1), intent(in), optional :: delimiter
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    call xml_AddPseudoAttribute(xf=xf, name=name, value=str(value, delimiter), ws_significant=.false.)
+  end subroutine PseudoAttributeMatrixCh
+end module m_wxml_overloads
diff --git a/wxml/m_wxml_overloads.m4 b/wxml/m_wxml_overloads.m4
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3168301
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/m_wxml_overloads.m4
@@ -0,0 +1,191 @@
+dnl Note that, irritatingly, we have to exclude the possibility of
+dnl a scalar character subroutine in order to not overlap with the
+dnl basic one to which we are calling through.
+define(`TOHWM4_subroutinename', `dnl
+ifelse(`$2$3', `ScalarCh', `', `dnl
+module procedure $1$2$3')`'dnl
+dnl First arg is name of quantity (Character, Attribute, PseudoAttribute)
+dnl Second arg is whether this is scalar, array, or matrix.
+dnl Third arg is type of property(character/logical etc.)
+ifelse(`$2$3', `ScalarCh', `', `dnl
+  subroutine $1$2$3 &
+    (xf, chars`'dnl
+ifelse(substr($3,0,4),`Real',`, fmt', substr($3,0,5), `Cmplx', `, fmt', `$2$3', `ScalarCh', `', `$3', `Ch', `, delimiter'))
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    TOHWM4_declarationtype(`$3'), intent(in) dnl
+ifelse(`$2', `Array', `, dimension(:)', `$2', `Matrix',`, dimension(:,:)') dnl
+ :: chars
+ifelse(substr($3,0,4), `Real', `dnl 
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: fmt
+', substr($3,0,5), `Cmplx', `dnl
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: fmt
+', `$2$3', `ScalarCh', `', `$3', `Ch', `dnl
+    character(len=1), intent(in), optional :: delimiter
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+ifelse(substr($3,0,4), `Real', `dnl 
+    if (present(fmt)) then
+      call xml_Add$1(xf=xf, chars=str(chars, fmt)`'dnl
+ifelse(`$2', `Array', `, ws_significant=.false.')`'dnl
+ifelse(`$2', `Matrix', `, ws_significant=.false.'))
+    else
+  ', substr($3,0,5), `Cmplx', `dnl
+    if (present(fmt)) then
+      call xml_Add$1(xf=xf, chars=str(chars, fmt)`'dnl
+ifelse(`$2', `Array', `, ws_significant=.false.')`'dnl
+ifelse(`$2', `Matrix', `, ws_significant=.false.'))
+    else
+  ')dnl
+ifelse(substr($3,0,5), `Cmplx', `    ! Add empty optional fmt arg to str to avoid PGI bug: 
+  ')dnl
+    call xml_Add$1(xf=xf, chars=str(chars`'dnl
+ifelse(`$2$3', `ScalarCh', `', `$3', `Ch', `, delimiter', substr($3,0,5), `Cmplx', `, ""'))`'dnl
+ifelse(`$2', `Array', `, ws_significant=.false.')`'dnl
+ifelse(`$2', `Matrix', `, ws_significant=.false.')`'dnl
+ifelse(substr($3,0,4), `Real', `dnl
+    endif
+', substr($3,0,5), `Cmplx', `dnl
+    endif
+  end subroutine $1$2$3
+ifelse(`$2$3', `ScalarCh', `', `dnl
+  subroutine $1$2$3 &
+    (xf, name, value`'dnl
+ifelse(substr($3,0,4),`Real',`, fmt', substr($3,0,5), `Cmplx', `, fmt', `$2$3', `ScalarCh', `', `$3', `Ch', `, delimiter')) 
+    type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
+    TOHWM4_declarationtype(`$3'), intent(in) dnl
+ifelse(`$2', `Array', `, dimension(:)', `$2', `Matrix',`, dimension(:,:)') dnl
+ :: value
+ifelse(substr($3,0,4), `Real', `dnl 
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: fmt
+', substr($3,0,5), `Cmplx',`dnl
+    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: fmt
+', `$2$3', `ScalarCh', `', `$3', `Ch', `dnl
+    character(len=1), intent(in), optional :: delimiter
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+    if (present(fmt)) then
+      call xml_Add$1(xf=xf, name=name, value=str(value, fmt)`'dnl
+ifelse(`$2', `Array', `, ws_significant=.false.')`'dnl
+ifelse(`$2', `Matrix', `, ws_significant=.false.'))
+    else
+  ', substr($3,0,5), `Cmplx', `dnl
+    if (present(fmt)) then
+      call xml_Add$1(xf=xf, name=name, value=str(value, fmt)`'dnl
+ifelse(`$2', `Array', `, ws_significant=.false.')`'dnl
+ifelse(`$2', `Matrix', `, ws_significant=.false.'))
+    else
+  ')dnl
+ifelse(substr($3,0,5), `Cmplx', `    ! Add empty optional fmt arg to str to avoid PGI bug: 
+  ')dnl
+    call xml_Add$1(xf=xf, name=name, value=str(value`'dnl
+ifelse(`$2$3', `ScalarCh', `', `$3', `Ch', `, delimiter', substr($3,0,5), `Cmplx', `, ""'))`'dnl
+ifelse(`$2', `Array', `, ws_significant=.false.')`'dnl
+ifelse(`$2', `Matrix', `, ws_significant=.false.'))
+ifelse(substr($3,0,4), `Real', `dnl
+    endif
+', substr($3,0,5), `Cmplx', `dnl
+    endif
+  end subroutine $1$2$3
+! This file is AUTOGENERATED!!!!
+! Do not edit this file; edit m_wxml_overloads.m4 and regenerate.
+module m_wxml_overloads
+#ifndef DUMMYLIB
+  use fox_m_fsys_format, only: str
+  use fox_m_fsys_realtypes, only: sp, dp
+  use m_wxml_core, only: xmlf_t
+  use m_wxml_core, only: xml_AddCharacters
+  use m_wxml_core, only: xml_AddAttribute
+  use m_wxml_core, only: xml_AddPseudoAttribute
+  implicit none
+  private
+  interface xml_AddCharacters
+m4_foreach(`type', `(Scalar, Array, Matrix)', `dnl
+m4_foreach(`x', TOHWM4_types, `dnl
+    TOHWM4_subroutinename(`Characters', type, x)
+ end interface
+  interface xml_AddAttribute
+m4_foreach(`type', `(Scalar, Array, Matrix)', `dnl
+m4_foreach(`x', TOHWM4_types, `dnl
+    TOHWM4_subroutinename(`Attribute', type, x)
+ end interface
+  interface xml_AddPseudoAttribute
+m4_foreach(`type', `(Scalar, Array, Matrix)', `dnl
+m4_foreach(`x', TOHWM4_types, `dnl
+    TOHWM4_subroutinename(`PseudoAttribute', type, x)
+ end interface
+  public :: xml_AddCharacters
+  public :: xml_AddAttribute
+  public :: xml_AddPseudoAttribute
+m4_foreach(`ArrayType', `(Scalar, Array, Matrix)', `dnl
+m4_foreach(`x', TOHWM4_types, `dnl
+TOHWM4_CharacterSub(`Characters', ArrayType, x)
+m4_foreach(`ArrayType', `(Scalar, Array, Matrix)', `dnl
+m4_foreach(`x', TOHWM4_types, `dnl
+TOHWM4_AttributeSub(`Attribute', ArrayType, x)
+m4_foreach(`ArrayType', `(Scalar, Array, Matrix)', `dnl
+m4_foreach(`x', TOHWM4_types, `dnl
+TOHWM4_AttributeSub(`PseudoAttribute', ArrayType, x)
+end module m_wxml_overloads
diff --git a/wxml/makefile b/wxml/makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..409368a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+default: install
+OBJFILES= m_wxml_escape.$(OBJEXT) m_wxml_core.$(OBJEXT) \
+          m_wxml_overloads.$(OBJEXT) FoX_wxml.$(OBJEXT)
+	m4 -I ../m4 $< > $@
+include ../arch.make
+CP=cp -p
+install: $(OBJFILES)
+	@echo "==> Creating $(LIBRARY) with $(OBJFILES)"
+	for i in *.$(MOD_EXT); do \
+	  $(CP) $$i $(MOD_DIR); done
+	(cd test; make) | tee -a ../wxml_lib_check.out
+	rm -f *.$(OBJEXT) *.$(MOD_EXT) $(LIBRARY)
+m_wxml_overloads.F90: m_wxml_overloads.m4
+# DO NOT DELETE THIS LINE - used by make depend
+FoX_wxml.$(OBJEXT): m_wxml_core.$(OBJEXT) m_wxml_overloads.$(OBJEXT)
+m_wxml_core.$(OBJEXT): m_wxml_escape.$(OBJEXT)
+m_wxml_overloads.$(OBJEXT): m_wxml_core.$(OBJEXT)
diff --git a/wxml/test/Makefile b/wxml/test/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dd5c611
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+include ../../arch.make
+INCFLAGS=`../../FoX-config --fcflags`
+	$(FC) $(FFLAGS) $(INCFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) $(FCFLAGS_free_f90) $(LINK_O_FLAG) $@ $< `../../FoX-config --libs --wxml`
+check: clean
+	./run_tests.sh
+	rm -f *.$(OBJEXT) *.exe
diff --git a/wxml/test/passed.sh b/wxml/test/passed.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..105bcfc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/passed.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+if [ $1 = yes ]; then
+  echo 'PASSED: ' $2
+  echo 'PASSED: ' $2 >> tests.out
+  echo 'FAILED: ' $2
+  echo 'FAILED: ' $2 >> tests.out
diff --git a/wxml/test/run_tests.sh b/wxml/test/run_tests.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..e3f1a4c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/run_tests.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+INCFLAGS=`../../FoX-config --fcflags`
+export INCFLAGS
+rm -f passed.score failed.score
+rm -f tests.out failed.out
+touch passed.score failed.score
+for t in test_xml_*.sh
+  ./$t
+echo RESULT wxml/ Test Results:
+echo RESULT wxml/ Passed: `grep -c PASSED tests.out`
+echo RESULT wxml/ Failed: `grep -c FAILED tests.out`
+echo RESULT wxml/ See wxml/test/failed.out for details of failed tests.
diff --git a/wxml/test/test.sh b/wxml/test/test.sh
new file mode 120000
index 0000000..58f5e3f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test.sh
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml.sh b/wxml/test/test_xml.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..e521c92
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+#!/bin/sh -e
+for t in ${0%.sh}_*.f90
+  TEST=${t%.f90}
+  ./test.sh $TEST
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddAttribute.sh b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddAttribute.sh
new file mode 120000
index 0000000..eeaed3f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddAttribute.sh
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddAttribute_0.f90 b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddAttribute_0.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c6e6cc4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddAttribute_0.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xmlf_t
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xml_AddAttribute
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "att", "value")
+end program test
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddAttribute_0.out b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddAttribute_0.out
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..91de3dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddAttribute_0.out
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Tried to manipulate an XML File which is not open
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddAttribute_1.f90 b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddAttribute_1.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f480e1b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddAttribute_1.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xmlf_t, xml_OpenFile, xml_Close
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xml_NewElement, xml_AddAttribute
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call xml_OpenFile(filename, xf)
+  call xml_NewElement(xf, "root")
+  call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "att", "value")
+  call xml_Close(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddAttribute_1.xml b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddAttribute_1.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6f0e86f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddAttribute_1.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<root att="value"/>
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddAttribute_2.f90 b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddAttribute_2.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..322dca7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddAttribute_2.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xmlf_t, xml_OpenFile, xml_Close
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xml_AddAttribute
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call xml_OpenFile(filename, xf)
+  call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "att", "value")
+  call xml_Close(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddAttribute_2.out b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddAttribute_2.out
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e3dc1db
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddAttribute_2.out
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+ERROR(wxml) in writing to file 
+attributes outside element content: att
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddAttribute_3.f90 b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddAttribute_3.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cb9da49
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddAttribute_3.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xmlf_t, xml_OpenFile, xml_Close
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xml_NewElement, xml_AddAttribute
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call xml_OpenFile(filename, xf)
+  call xml_NewElement(xf, "root")
+  call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "att", "value")
+  call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "att", "value")
+  call xml_Close(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddAttribute_3.out b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddAttribute_3.out
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..67ced8c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddAttribute_3.out
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+ERROR(wxml) in writing to file 
+duplicate att name: att
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddAttribute_4.f90 b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddAttribute_4.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e4ef30c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddAttribute_4.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xmlf_t, xml_OpenFile, xml_Close
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xml_NewElement, xml_AddAttribute
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call xml_OpenFile(filename, xf)
+  call xml_NewElement(xf, "root")
+  call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "!att", "value")
+  call xml_Close(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddAttribute_4.out b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddAttribute_4.out
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..72e9a3d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddAttribute_4.out
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Invalid Attribute Name !att
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddAttribute_5.f90 b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddAttribute_5.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0219f11
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddAttribute_5.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xmlf_t, xml_OpenFile, xml_Close
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xml_NewElement, xml_AddAttribute
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call xml_OpenFile(filename, xf)
+  call xml_NewElement(xf, "root")
+  call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "toby:att", "value")
+  call xml_Close(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddAttribute_5.out b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddAttribute_5.out
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0909661
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddAttribute_5.out
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+ERROR(wxml) in writing to file 
+namespace prefix not registered: toby
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddAttribute_6.f90 b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddAttribute_6.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d079c1e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddAttribute_6.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xmlf_t, xml_OpenFile, xml_Close
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xml_NewElement, xml_AddAttribute
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call xml_OpenFile(filename, xf)
+  call xml_NewElement(xf, "root")
+  call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "att", "escape chars &<")
+  call xml_Close(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddAttribute_6.xml b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddAttribute_6.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..20caeff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddAttribute_6.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<root att="escape chars &<"/>
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddAttribute_7.f90 b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddAttribute_7.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1dcc3db
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddAttribute_7.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xmlf_t, xml_OpenFile, xml_Close
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xml_NewElement, xml_AddAttribute
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call xml_OpenFile(filename, xf)
+  call xml_NewElement(xf, "root")
+  call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "att", "escape chars &#x2A9;", escape=.false.)
+  call xml_Close(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddAttribute_7.xml b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddAttribute_7.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f93749b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddAttribute_7.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<root att="escape chars &#x2A9;"/>
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddAttribute_8.f90 b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddAttribute_8.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ecf146b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddAttribute_8.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xmlf_t, xml_OpenFile, xml_Close
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xml_NewElement, xml_AddAttribute
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call xml_OpenFile(filename, xf)
+  call xml_NewElement(xf, "root")
+  call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "att1", "value")
+  call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "att2", "value")
+  call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "att3", "value")
+  call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "att4", "value")
+  call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "att5", "value")
+  call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "att6", "value")
+  call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "att7", "value")
+  call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "att8", "value")
+  call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "att9", "value")
+  call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "att10", "value")
+  call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "att11", "value")
+  call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "att12", "value")
+  call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "att13", "value")
+  call xml_Close(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddAttribute_8.xml b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddAttribute_8.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6253aa2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddAttribute_8.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<root att1="value" att2="value" att3="value" att4="value" att5="value" att6="value" att7="value" att8="value" att9="value" att10="value" att11="value" att12="value" att13="value"/>
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddAttribute_overload_1.f90 b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddAttribute_overload_1.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e61f068
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddAttribute_overload_1.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xmlf_t, xml_OpenFile, xml_Close
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xml_NewElement, xml_AddAttribute
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call xml_OpenFile(filename, xf)
+  call xml_NewElement(xf, "root")
+  call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "att", (10.0D0,-23.1D0))
+  call xml_Close(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddAttribute_overload_1.xml b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddAttribute_overload_1.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3187704
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddAttribute_overload_1.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<root att="(1.000000000000e1)+i(-2.310000000000e1)"/>
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddAttribute_overload_10.f90 b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddAttribute_overload_10.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6a12b06
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddAttribute_overload_10.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xmlf_t, xml_OpenFile, xml_Close
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xml_NewElement, xml_AddAttribute
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call xml_OpenFile(filename, xf)
+  call xml_NewElement(xf, "root")
+  call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "att", (/10.0,11.1/))
+  call xml_Close(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddAttribute_overload_10.xml b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddAttribute_overload_10.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a13da99
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddAttribute_overload_10.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<root att="1.00000e1 1.11000e1"/>
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddAttribute_overload_11.f90 b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddAttribute_overload_11.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c839ced
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddAttribute_overload_11.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xmlf_t, xml_OpenFile, xml_Close
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xml_NewElement, xml_AddAttribute
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call xml_OpenFile(filename, xf)
+  call xml_NewElement(xf, "root")
+  call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "att", (/10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1,0/))
+  call xml_Close(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddAttribute_overload_11.xml b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddAttribute_overload_11.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a5682e2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddAttribute_overload_11.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<root att="10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0"/>
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddAttribute_overload_12.f90 b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddAttribute_overload_12.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..81462a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddAttribute_overload_12.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xmlf_t, xml_OpenFile, xml_Close
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xml_NewElement, xml_AddAttribute
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call xml_OpenFile(filename, xf)
+  call xml_NewElement(xf, "root")
+  call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "att", (/.true.,.false./))
+  call xml_Close(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddAttribute_overload_12.xml b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddAttribute_overload_12.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1730996
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddAttribute_overload_12.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<root att="true false"/>
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddAttribute_overload_13.f90 b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddAttribute_overload_13.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0905044
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddAttribute_overload_13.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xmlf_t, xml_OpenFile, xml_Close
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xml_NewElement, xml_AddAttribute
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call xml_OpenFile(filename, xf)
+  call xml_NewElement(xf, "root")
+  call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "att", (/'a','b','c'/))
+  call xml_Close(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddAttribute_overload_13.xml b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddAttribute_overload_13.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7561d1c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddAttribute_overload_13.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<root att="a b c"/>
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddAttribute_overload_14.f90 b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddAttribute_overload_14.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c406272
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddAttribute_overload_14.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xmlf_t, xml_OpenFile, xml_Close
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xml_NewElement, xml_AddAttribute
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call xml_OpenFile(filename, xf)
+  call xml_NewElement(xf, "root")
+  call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "att", (reshape(    &
+     (/(10.0D0, -1.2D1),(10.0D0,-1.2D1),  &
+       (10.0D0, -1.2D1),(10.0D0,-1.2D1)/),&
+     (/2,2/))))
+  call xml_Close(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddAttribute_overload_14.xml b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddAttribute_overload_14.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..11b25e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddAttribute_overload_14.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<root att="(1.000000000000e1)+i(-1.200000000000e1) (1.000000000000e1)+i(-1.200000000000e1) (1.000000000000e1)+i(-1.200000000000e1) (1.000000000000e1)+i(-1.200000000000e1)"/>
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddAttribute_overload_15.f90 b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddAttribute_overload_15.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..366f7a3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddAttribute_overload_15.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xmlf_t, xml_OpenFile, xml_Close
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xml_NewElement, xml_AddAttribute
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call xml_OpenFile(filename, xf)
+  call xml_NewElement(xf, "root")
+  call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "att", (reshape(    &
+     (/(10.0, -1.2),(10.0,-1.2),  &
+       (10.0, -1.2),(10.0,-1.2)/),&
+     (/2,2/))))
+  call xml_Close(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddAttribute_overload_15.xml b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddAttribute_overload_15.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0a56428
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddAttribute_overload_15.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<root att="(1.00000e1)+i(-1.20000e0) (1.00000e1)+i(-1.20000e0) (1.00000e1)+i(-1.20000e0) (1.00000e1)+i(-1.20000e0)"/>
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddAttribute_overload_16.f90 b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddAttribute_overload_16.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..55390d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddAttribute_overload_16.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xmlf_t, xml_OpenFile, xml_Close
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xml_NewElement, xml_AddAttribute
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call xml_OpenFile(filename, xf)
+  call xml_NewElement(xf, "root")
+  call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "att", (reshape(    &
+     (/10.0D0,10.0D0,10.0D0,10.0D0/),&
+     (/2,2/))))
+  call xml_Close(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddAttribute_overload_16.xml b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddAttribute_overload_16.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..176b219
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddAttribute_overload_16.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<root att="1.000000000000e1 1.000000000000e1 1.000000000000e1 1.000000000000e1"/>
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddAttribute_overload_17.f90 b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddAttribute_overload_17.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1b25059
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddAttribute_overload_17.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xmlf_t, xml_OpenFile, xml_Close
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xml_NewElement, xml_AddAttribute
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call xml_OpenFile(filename, xf)
+  call xml_NewElement(xf, "root")
+  call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "att", (reshape(    &
+     (/10.0,10.0,10.0,10.0/),&
+     (/2,2/))))
+  call xml_Close(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddAttribute_overload_17.xml b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddAttribute_overload_17.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bf7509b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddAttribute_overload_17.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<root att="1.00000e1 1.00000e1 1.00000e1 1.00000e1"/>
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddAttribute_overload_18.f90 b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddAttribute_overload_18.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a3b072a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddAttribute_overload_18.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xmlf_t, xml_OpenFile, xml_Close
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xml_NewElement, xml_AddAttribute
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call xml_OpenFile(filename, xf)
+  call xml_NewElement(xf, "root")
+  call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "att", (reshape(    &
+     (/10,10,10,10/),&
+     (/2,2/))))
+  call xml_Close(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddAttribute_overload_18.xml b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddAttribute_overload_18.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a834505
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddAttribute_overload_18.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<root att="10 10 10 10"/>
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddAttribute_overload_19.f90 b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddAttribute_overload_19.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e0565c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddAttribute_overload_19.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xmlf_t, xml_OpenFile, xml_Close
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xml_NewElement, xml_AddAttribute
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call xml_OpenFile(filename, xf)
+  call xml_NewElement(xf, "root")
+  call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "att", (reshape(    &
+     (/.true.,.false.,.true.,.false./),&
+     (/2,2/))))
+  call xml_Close(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddAttribute_overload_19.xml b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddAttribute_overload_19.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d311240
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddAttribute_overload_19.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<root att="true false true false"/>
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddAttribute_overload_2.f90 b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddAttribute_overload_2.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d2410ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddAttribute_overload_2.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xmlf_t, xml_OpenFile, xml_Close
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xml_NewElement, xml_AddAttribute
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call xml_OpenFile(filename, xf)
+  call xml_NewElement(xf, "root")
+  call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "att", (10.0,-23.1))
+  call xml_Close(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddAttribute_overload_2.xml b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddAttribute_overload_2.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..27134fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddAttribute_overload_2.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<root att="(1.00000e1)+i(-2.31000e1)"/>
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddAttribute_overload_20.f90 b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddAttribute_overload_20.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..77b77fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddAttribute_overload_20.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xmlf_t, xml_OpenFile, xml_Close
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xml_NewElement, xml_AddAttribute
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call xml_OpenFile(filename, xf)
+  call xml_NewElement(xf, "root")
+  call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "att", (reshape(    &
+     (/'a','b','c','d'/),&
+     (/2,2/))))
+  call xml_Close(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddAttribute_overload_20.xml b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddAttribute_overload_20.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..311a804
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddAttribute_overload_20.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<root att="a b c d"/>
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddAttribute_overload_3.f90 b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddAttribute_overload_3.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7a526de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddAttribute_overload_3.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xmlf_t, xml_OpenFile, xml_Close
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xml_NewElement, xml_AddAttribute
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call xml_OpenFile(filename, xf)
+  call xml_NewElement(xf, "root")
+  call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "att", 10.0D0)
+  call xml_Close(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddAttribute_overload_3.xml b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddAttribute_overload_3.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cece9dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddAttribute_overload_3.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<root att="1.000000000000e1"/>
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddAttribute_overload_4.f90 b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddAttribute_overload_4.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b7e0c6b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddAttribute_overload_4.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xmlf_t, xml_OpenFile, xml_Close
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xml_NewElement, xml_AddAttribute
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call xml_OpenFile(filename, xf)
+  call xml_NewElement(xf, "root")
+  call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "att", 10.0)
+  call xml_Close(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddAttribute_overload_4.xml b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddAttribute_overload_4.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..05a9fb5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddAttribute_overload_4.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<root att="1.00000e1"/>
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddAttribute_overload_5.f90 b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddAttribute_overload_5.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c54a61a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddAttribute_overload_5.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xmlf_t, xml_OpenFile, xml_Close
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xml_NewElement, xml_AddAttribute
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call xml_OpenFile(filename, xf)
+  call xml_NewElement(xf, "root")
+  call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "att", 10)
+  call xml_Close(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddAttribute_overload_5.xml b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddAttribute_overload_5.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d82f191
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddAttribute_overload_5.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<root att="10"/>
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddAttribute_overload_6.f90 b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddAttribute_overload_6.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4c7b920
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddAttribute_overload_6.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xmlf_t, xml_OpenFile, xml_Close
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xml_NewElement, xml_AddAttribute
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call xml_OpenFile(filename, xf)
+  call xml_NewElement(xf, "root")
+  call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "att", .true.)
+  call xml_Close(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddAttribute_overload_6.xml b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddAttribute_overload_6.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3e03c33
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddAttribute_overload_6.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<root att="true"/>
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddAttribute_overload_7.f90 b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddAttribute_overload_7.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f8733d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddAttribute_overload_7.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xmlf_t, xml_OpenFile, xml_Close
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xml_NewElement, xml_AddAttribute
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call xml_OpenFile(filename, xf)
+  call xml_NewElement(xf, "root")
+  call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "att", (/(10.0D0,-23.1D0),(10.0D0,-23.1D0)/))
+  call xml_Close(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddAttribute_overload_7.xml b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddAttribute_overload_7.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1023c52
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddAttribute_overload_7.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<root att="(1.000000000000e1)+i(-2.310000000000e1) (1.000000000000e1)+i(-2.310000000000e1)"/>
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddAttribute_overload_8.f90 b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddAttribute_overload_8.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d6508c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddAttribute_overload_8.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xmlf_t, xml_OpenFile, xml_Close
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xml_NewElement, xml_AddAttribute
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call xml_OpenFile(filename, xf)
+  call xml_NewElement(xf, "root")
+  call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "att", (/(10.0,-23.1),(10.0,-23.1)/))
+  call xml_Close(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddAttribute_overload_8.xml b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddAttribute_overload_8.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e53d306
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddAttribute_overload_8.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<root att="(1.00000e1)+i(-2.31000e1) (1.00000e1)+i(-2.31000e1)"/>
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddAttribute_overload_9.f90 b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddAttribute_overload_9.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9f33c90
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddAttribute_overload_9.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xmlf_t, xml_OpenFile, xml_Close
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xml_NewElement, xml_AddAttribute
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call xml_OpenFile(filename, xf)
+  call xml_NewElement(xf, "root")
+  call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "att", (/10.0D0,12.1D0/))
+  call xml_Close(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddAttribute_overload_9.xml b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddAttribute_overload_9.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dff7442
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddAttribute_overload_9.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<root att="1.000000000000e1 1.210000000000e1"/>
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddCharacters.sh b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddCharacters.sh
new file mode 120000
index 0000000..eeaed3f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddCharacters.sh
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddCharacters_0.f90 b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddCharacters_0.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..789528c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddCharacters_0.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xmlf_t
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xml_AddCharacters
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call xml_AddCharacters(xf, "characters")
+end program test
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddCharacters_0.out b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddCharacters_0.out
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..91de3dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddCharacters_0.out
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Tried to manipulate an XML File which is not open
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddCharacters_1.f90 b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddCharacters_1.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1033ca3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddCharacters_1.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xmlf_t, xml_OpenFile, xml_Close
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xml_NewElement, xml_AddCharacters
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call xml_OpenFile(filename, xf)
+  call xml_NewElement(xf, "root")
+  call xml_AddCharacters(xf, "characters")
+  call xml_Close(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddCharacters_1.xml b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddCharacters_1.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..02004b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddCharacters_1.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddCharacters_2.f90 b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddCharacters_2.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ea9b0ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddCharacters_2.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xmlf_t, xml_OpenFile, xml_Close
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xml_NewElement, xml_AddCharacters
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call xml_OpenFile(filename, xf)
+  call xml_NewElement(xf, "root")
+  call xml_AddCharacters(xf, "escaped characters&<")
+  call xml_Close(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddCharacters_2.xml b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddCharacters_2.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cfb5c50
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddCharacters_2.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<root>escaped characters&<</root>
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddCharacters_3.f90 b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddCharacters_3.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8eaa6f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddCharacters_3.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xmlf_t, xml_OpenFile, xml_Close
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xml_NewElement, xml_AddCharacters
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call xml_OpenFile(filename, xf)
+  call xml_NewElement(xf, "root")
+  call xml_AddCharacters(xf, "escaped characters&<", parsed=.false.)
+  call xml_Close(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddCharacters_3.xml b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddCharacters_3.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e92c3a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddCharacters_3.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<root><![CDATA[escaped characters&<]]></root>
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddCharacters_4.f90 b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddCharacters_4.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..af8636c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddCharacters_4.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xmlf_t, xml_OpenFile, xml_Close
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xml_AddCharacters
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call xml_OpenFile(filename, xf)
+  call xml_AddCharacters(xf, "characters")
+  call xml_Close(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddCharacters_4.out b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddCharacters_4.out
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fb56157
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddCharacters_4.out
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Tried to add text section in wrong place: characters
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddCharacters_5.f90 b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddCharacters_5.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9daf486
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddCharacters_5.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xmlf_t, xml_OpenFile, xml_Close
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xml_NewElement, xml_AddCharacters
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call xml_OpenFile(filename, xf)
+  call xml_NewElement(xf, "root")
+  call xml_AddCharacters(xf, "characters]]>", parsed=.false.)
+  call xml_Close(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddCharacters_5.out b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddCharacters_5.out
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dd88217
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddCharacters_5.out
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Tried to output invalid CDATA: characters]]>
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddCharacters_overload_1.f90 b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddCharacters_overload_1.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..feab559
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddCharacters_overload_1.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xmlf_t, xml_OpenFile, xml_Close
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xml_NewElement, xml_AddCharacters
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call xml_OpenFile(filename, xf)
+  call xml_NewElement(xf, "root")
+  call xml_AddCharacters(xf, (10.0D0, -1.2D1))
+  call xml_Close(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddCharacters_overload_1.xml b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddCharacters_overload_1.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b275679
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddCharacters_overload_1.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddCharacters_overload_10.f90 b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddCharacters_overload_10.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a1ff3ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddCharacters_overload_10.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xmlf_t, xml_OpenFile, xml_Close
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xml_NewElement, xml_AddCharacters
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call xml_OpenFile(filename, xf)
+  call xml_NewElement(xf, "root")
+  call xml_AddCharacters(xf, (/10.0,1.0/))
+  call xml_Close(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddCharacters_overload_10.xml b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddCharacters_overload_10.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3245316
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddCharacters_overload_10.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<root>1.00000e1 1.00000e0</root>
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddCharacters_overload_11.f90 b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddCharacters_overload_11.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..faf0eb4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddCharacters_overload_11.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xmlf_t, xml_OpenFile, xml_Close
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xml_NewElement, xml_AddCharacters
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call xml_OpenFile(filename, xf)
+  call xml_NewElement(xf, "root")
+  call xml_AddCharacters(xf, (/10,2/))
+  call xml_Close(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddCharacters_overload_11.xml b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddCharacters_overload_11.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..23fbd76
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddCharacters_overload_11.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<root>10 2</root>
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddCharacters_overload_12.f90 b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddCharacters_overload_12.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ad40361
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddCharacters_overload_12.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xmlf_t, xml_OpenFile, xml_Close
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xml_NewElement, xml_AddCharacters
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call xml_OpenFile(filename, xf)
+  call xml_NewElement(xf, "root")
+  call xml_AddCharacters(xf, (/.true.,.false./))
+  call xml_Close(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddCharacters_overload_12.xml b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddCharacters_overload_12.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bcc6472
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddCharacters_overload_12.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<root>true false</root>
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddCharacters_overload_13.f90 b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddCharacters_overload_13.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..79fa618
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddCharacters_overload_13.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xmlf_t, xml_OpenFile, xml_Close
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xml_NewElement, xml_AddCharacters
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call xml_OpenFile(filename, xf)
+  call xml_NewElement(xf, "root")
+  call xml_AddCharacters(xf, (/"some","char"/))
+  call xml_Close(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddCharacters_overload_13.xml b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddCharacters_overload_13.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..93c7589
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddCharacters_overload_13.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<root>some char</root>
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddCharacters_overload_14.f90 b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddCharacters_overload_14.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1fe6c9c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddCharacters_overload_14.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xmlf_t, xml_OpenFile, xml_Close
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xml_NewElement, xml_AddCharacters
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call xml_OpenFile(filename, xf)
+  call xml_NewElement(xf, "root")
+  call xml_AddCharacters(xf, (reshape(    &
+     (/(10.0D0, -1.2D1),(10.0D0,-1.2D1),  &
+       (10.0D0, -1.2D1),(10.0D0,-1.2D1)/),&
+     (/2,2/))))
+  call xml_Close(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddCharacters_overload_14.xml b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddCharacters_overload_14.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6db6a4d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddCharacters_overload_14.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<root>(1.000000000000e1)+i(-1.200000000000e1) (1.000000000000e1)+i(-1.200000000000e1) (1.000000000000e1)+i(-1.200000000000e1) (1.000000000000e1)+i(-1.200000000000e1)</root>
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddCharacters_overload_15.f90 b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddCharacters_overload_15.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..61d99c9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddCharacters_overload_15.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xmlf_t, xml_OpenFile, xml_Close
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xml_NewElement, xml_AddCharacters
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call xml_OpenFile(filename, xf)
+  call xml_NewElement(xf, "root")
+  call xml_AddCharacters(xf, (reshape(    &
+     (/(10.0, -1.2),(10.0,-1.2),  &
+       (10.0, -1.2),(10.0,-1.2)/),&
+     (/2,2/))))
+  call xml_Close(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddCharacters_overload_15.xml b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddCharacters_overload_15.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5e73223
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddCharacters_overload_15.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<root>(1.00000e1)+i(-1.20000e0) (1.00000e1)+i(-1.20000e0) (1.00000e1)+i(-1.20000e0) (1.00000e1)+i(-1.20000e0)</root>
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddCharacters_overload_16.f90 b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddCharacters_overload_16.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cc1368f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddCharacters_overload_16.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xmlf_t, xml_OpenFile, xml_Close
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xml_NewElement, xml_AddCharacters
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call xml_OpenFile(filename, xf)
+  call xml_NewElement(xf, "root")
+  call xml_AddCharacters(xf, (reshape(    &
+     (/10.0D0,-1.2D1,10.0D0,-1.2D1, &
+       10.0D0,-1.2D1,10.0D0,-1.2D1/),&
+     (/4,2/))))
+  call xml_Close(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddCharacters_overload_16.xml b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddCharacters_overload_16.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3fe8752
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddCharacters_overload_16.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<root>1.000000000000e1 -1.200000000000e1 1.000000000000e1 -1.200000000000e1 1.000000000000e1 -1.200000000000e1 1.000000000000e1 -1.200000000000e1</root>
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddCharacters_overload_17.f90 b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddCharacters_overload_17.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..49dc21a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddCharacters_overload_17.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xmlf_t, xml_OpenFile, xml_Close
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xml_NewElement, xml_AddCharacters
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call xml_OpenFile(filename, xf)
+  call xml_NewElement(xf, "root")
+  call xml_AddCharacters(xf, (reshape(    &
+     (/10.0,-1.2,10.0,-1.2, &
+       10.0,-1.2,10.0,-1.2/),&
+     (/4,2/))))
+  call xml_Close(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddCharacters_overload_17.xml b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddCharacters_overload_17.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d7a0884
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddCharacters_overload_17.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<root>1.00000e1 -1.20000e0 1.00000e1 -1.20000e0 1.00000e1 -1.20000e0 1.00000e1 -1.20000e0</root>
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddCharacters_overload_18.f90 b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddCharacters_overload_18.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b5ba09b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddCharacters_overload_18.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xmlf_t, xml_OpenFile, xml_Close
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xml_NewElement, xml_AddCharacters
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call xml_OpenFile(filename, xf)
+  call xml_NewElement(xf, "root")
+  call xml_AddCharacters(xf, (reshape(    &
+     (/10,-1,10,-1, &
+       10,-1,10,-1/),&
+     (/4,2/))))
+  call xml_Close(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddCharacters_overload_18.xml b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddCharacters_overload_18.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7bd6927
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddCharacters_overload_18.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<root>10 -1 10 -1 10 -1 10 -1</root>
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddCharacters_overload_19.f90 b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddCharacters_overload_19.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..14258fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddCharacters_overload_19.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xmlf_t, xml_OpenFile, xml_Close
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xml_NewElement, xml_AddCharacters
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call xml_OpenFile(filename, xf)
+  call xml_NewElement(xf, "root")
+  call xml_AddCharacters(xf, (reshape(    &
+     (/.true.,.false.,.false.,.true., &
+       .false.,.false.,.true.,.true./),&
+     (/4,2/))))
+  call xml_Close(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddCharacters_overload_19.xml b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddCharacters_overload_19.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5f65dac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddCharacters_overload_19.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<root>true false false true false false true true</root>
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddCharacters_overload_2.f90 b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddCharacters_overload_2.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5e57c31
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddCharacters_overload_2.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xmlf_t, xml_OpenFile, xml_Close
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xml_NewElement, xml_AddCharacters
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call xml_OpenFile(filename, xf)
+  call xml_NewElement(xf, "root")
+  call xml_AddCharacters(xf, (10.0, -1.2))
+  call xml_Close(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddCharacters_overload_2.xml b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddCharacters_overload_2.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..acad21f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddCharacters_overload_2.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddCharacters_overload_20.f90 b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddCharacters_overload_20.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..379fd82
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddCharacters_overload_20.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xmlf_t, xml_OpenFile, xml_Close
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xml_NewElement, xml_AddCharacters
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call xml_OpenFile(filename, xf)
+  call xml_NewElement(xf, "root")
+  call xml_AddCharacters(xf, (reshape(    &
+     (/"a","b","c","d", &
+       "'","&","<",">"/),&
+     (/4,2/))))
+  call xml_Close(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddCharacters_overload_20.xml b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddCharacters_overload_20.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..278f87e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddCharacters_overload_20.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<root>a b c d ' & < ></root>
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddCharacters_overload_3.f90 b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddCharacters_overload_3.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c25a211
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddCharacters_overload_3.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xmlf_t, xml_OpenFile, xml_Close
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xml_NewElement, xml_AddCharacters
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call xml_OpenFile(filename, xf)
+  call xml_NewElement(xf, "root")
+  call xml_AddCharacters(xf, 10.0D0)
+  call xml_Close(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddCharacters_overload_3.xml b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddCharacters_overload_3.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6e26db3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddCharacters_overload_3.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddCharacters_overload_4.f90 b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddCharacters_overload_4.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4d0bf02
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddCharacters_overload_4.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xmlf_t, xml_OpenFile, xml_Close
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xml_NewElement, xml_AddCharacters
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call xml_OpenFile(filename, xf)
+  call xml_NewElement(xf, "root")
+  call xml_AddCharacters(xf, 10.0)
+  call xml_Close(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddCharacters_overload_4.xml b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddCharacters_overload_4.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1e8b6f3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddCharacters_overload_4.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddCharacters_overload_5.f90 b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddCharacters_overload_5.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e5f8e43
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddCharacters_overload_5.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xmlf_t, xml_OpenFile, xml_Close
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xml_NewElement, xml_AddCharacters
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call xml_OpenFile(filename, xf)
+  call xml_NewElement(xf, "root")
+  call xml_AddCharacters(xf, 10)
+  call xml_Close(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddCharacters_overload_5.xml b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddCharacters_overload_5.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f48e416
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddCharacters_overload_5.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddCharacters_overload_6.f90 b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddCharacters_overload_6.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..50b5bbd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddCharacters_overload_6.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xmlf_t, xml_OpenFile, xml_Close
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xml_NewElement, xml_AddCharacters
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call xml_OpenFile(filename, xf)
+  call xml_NewElement(xf, "root")
+  call xml_AddCharacters(xf, .true.)
+  call xml_Close(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddCharacters_overload_6.xml b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddCharacters_overload_6.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6a09c83
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddCharacters_overload_6.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddCharacters_overload_7.f90 b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddCharacters_overload_7.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d3d1680
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddCharacters_overload_7.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xmlf_t, xml_OpenFile, xml_Close
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xml_NewElement, xml_AddCharacters
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call xml_OpenFile(filename, xf)
+  call xml_NewElement(xf, "root")
+  call xml_AddCharacters(xf, (/(10.0D0, -1.2D1),(10.0D0,-1.2D1)/))
+  call xml_Close(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddCharacters_overload_7.xml b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddCharacters_overload_7.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cf59c22
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddCharacters_overload_7.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<root>(1.000000000000e1)+i(-1.200000000000e1) (1.000000000000e1)+i(-1.200000000000e1)</root>
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddCharacters_overload_8.f90 b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddCharacters_overload_8.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5e5e927
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddCharacters_overload_8.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xmlf_t, xml_OpenFile, xml_Close
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xml_NewElement, xml_AddCharacters
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call xml_OpenFile(filename, xf)
+  call xml_NewElement(xf, "root")
+  call xml_AddCharacters(xf, (/(10.0, -1.2),(-23.0, 100.33)/))
+  call xml_Close(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddCharacters_overload_8.xml b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddCharacters_overload_8.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ae03772
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddCharacters_overload_8.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<root>(1.00000e1)+i(-1.20000e0) (-2.30000e1)+i(1.00330e2)</root>
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddCharacters_overload_9.f90 b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddCharacters_overload_9.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e3c6322
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddCharacters_overload_9.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xmlf_t, xml_OpenFile, xml_Close
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xml_NewElement, xml_AddCharacters
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call xml_OpenFile(filename, xf)
+  call xml_NewElement(xf, "root")
+  call xml_AddCharacters(xf, (/10.0D0,1.1D0/))
+  call xml_Close(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddCharacters_overload_9.xml b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddCharacters_overload_9.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..91c14aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddCharacters_overload_9.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<root>1.000000000000e1 1.100000000000e0</root>
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddComment.sh b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddComment.sh
new file mode 120000
index 0000000..eeaed3f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddComment.sh
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddComment_0.f90 b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddComment_0.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5b3f268
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddComment_0.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xmlf_t
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xml_AddComment
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call xml_AddComment(xf, "comment")
+end program test
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddComment_0.out b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddComment_0.out
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..91de3dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddComment_0.out
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Tried to manipulate an XML File which is not open
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddComment_1.f90 b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddComment_1.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ea36bfd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddComment_1.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wxml
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call xml_OpenFile(filename, xf)
+  call xml_AddComment(xf, "comment")
+  call xml_NewElement(xf, "a")
+  call xml_Close(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddComment_1.xml b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddComment_1.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9208e5f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddComment_1.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddComment_2.f90 b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddComment_2.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dca736e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddComment_2.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xmlf_t, xml_OpenFile, xml_Close
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xml_AddComment
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call xml_OpenFile(filename, xf)
+  call xml_AddComment(xf, "invalid -- comment")
+  call xml_Close(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddComment_2.out b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddComment_2.out
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..feab131
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddComment_2.out
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Tried to output invalid comment invalid -- comment
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddComment_3.f90 b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddComment_3.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c5eff85
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddComment_3.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xmlf_t, xml_OpenFile, xml_Close
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xml_AddComment
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call xml_OpenFile(filename, xf)
+  call xml_AddComment(xf, "invalid comment -")
+  call xml_Close(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddComment_3.out b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddComment_3.out
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..965fcbb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddComment_3.out
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Tried to output invalid comment invalid comment -
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddDOCTYPE.sh b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddDOCTYPE.sh
new file mode 120000
index 0000000..eeaed3f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddDOCTYPE.sh
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddDOCTYPE_0.f90 b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddDOCTYPE_0.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1da1d33
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddDOCTYPE_0.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xmlf_t, xml_OpenFile, xml_Close
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xml_NewElement, xml_AddDOCTYPE
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call xml_AddDOCTYPE(xf, 'html', public='-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN', &
+                      system='http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd')
+  call xml_OpenFile(filename, xf)
+  call xml_NewElement(xf, 'html')
+  call xml_Close(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddDOCTYPE_0.out b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddDOCTYPE_0.out
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..91de3dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddDOCTYPE_0.out
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Tried to manipulate an XML File which is not open
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddDOCTYPE_1.f90 b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddDOCTYPE_1.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8b06d4a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddDOCTYPE_1.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wxml
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call xml_OpenFile(filename, xf)
+  call xml_AddDOCTYPE(xf, 'html', public='-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN', &
+                      system='http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd')
+  call xml_NewElement(xf, 'html')
+  call xml_Close(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddDOCTYPE_1.xml b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddDOCTYPE_1.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f77c64b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddDOCTYPE_1.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddDOCTYPE_2.f90 b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddDOCTYPE_2.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..af97278
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddDOCTYPE_2.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xmlf_t, xml_OpenFile, xml_Close
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xml_NewElement, xml_AddDOCTYPE
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call xml_OpenFile(filename, xf)
+  call xml_AddDOCTYPE(xf, 'html', &
+                      system='http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd')
+  call xml_NewElement(xf, 'html')
+  call xml_Close(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddDOCTYPE_2.xml b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddDOCTYPE_2.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5973738
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddDOCTYPE_2.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<!DOCTYPE html SYSTEM "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddDOCTYPE_3.f90 b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddDOCTYPE_3.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..af07843
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddDOCTYPE_3.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xmlf_t, xml_OpenFile, xml_Close
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xml_NewElement, xml_AddDOCTYPE
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call xml_OpenFile(filename, xf)
+  call xml_AddDOCTYPE(xf, 'html', public='-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN')
+  call xml_NewElement(xf, 'html')
+  call xml_Close(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddDOCTYPE_3.out b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddDOCTYPE_3.out
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f725e74
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddDOCTYPE_3.out
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+xml_AddDOCTYPE: PUBLIC supplied without SYSTEM for: html
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddDOCTYPE_4.f90 b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddDOCTYPE_4.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..07f33e6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddDOCTYPE_4.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xmlf_t, xml_OpenFile, xml_Close
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xml_NewElement, xml_AddDOCTYPE
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call xml_OpenFile(filename, xf)
+  call xml_AddDOCTYPE(xf, 'html')
+  call xml_NewElement(xf, 'html')
+  call xml_Close(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddDOCTYPE_4.xml b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddDOCTYPE_4.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9ffa0d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddDOCTYPE_4.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<!DOCTYPE html>
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddDOCTYPE_5.f90 b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddDOCTYPE_5.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..af58412
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddDOCTYPE_5.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xmlf_t, xml_OpenFile, xml_Close
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xml_NewElement, xml_AddDOCTYPE
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call xml_OpenFile(filename, xf)
+  call xml_NewElement(xf, 'html')
+  call xml_AddDOCTYPE(xf, 'html', public='-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN', &
+                      system='http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd')
+  call xml_Close(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddDOCTYPE_5.out b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddDOCTYPE_5.out
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7d489bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddDOCTYPE_5.out
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Tried to put XML DOCTYPE in wrong place: html
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddExternalEntity.sh b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddExternalEntity.sh
new file mode 120000
index 0000000..eeaed3f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddExternalEntity.sh
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddExternalEntity_0.f90 b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddExternalEntity_0.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..888a3d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddExternalEntity_0.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xmlf_t, xml_OpenFile, xml_Close
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xml_NewElement, xml_AddExternalEntity
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call xml_AddExternalEntity(xf, 'copy', '©')
+  call xml_OpenFile(filename, xf)
+  call xml_NewElement(xf, 'html')
+  call xml_Close(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddExternalEntity_0.out b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddExternalEntity_0.out
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..91de3dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddExternalEntity_0.out
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Tried to manipulate an XML File which is not open
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddExternalEntity_1.f90 b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddExternalEntity_1.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d58f1c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddExternalEntity_1.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xmlf_t, xml_OpenFile, xml_Close
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xml_NewElement, xml_AddDOCTYPE, xml_AddExternalEntity
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call xml_OpenFile(filename, xf)
+  call xml_AddDOCTYPE(xf, 'html')
+  call xml_AddExternalEntity(xf, 'ENT', 'http://www.uszla.me.uk/entities')
+  call xml_NewElement(xf, 'html')
+  call xml_Close(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddExternalEntity_1.xml b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddExternalEntity_1.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4023beb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddExternalEntity_1.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<!DOCTYPE html [
+  <!ENTITY ENT SYSTEM "http://www.uszla.me.uk/entities">
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddExternalEntity_2.f90 b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddExternalEntity_2.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..018ccda
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddExternalEntity_2.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xmlf_t, xml_OpenFile, xml_Close
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xml_NewElement, xml_AddDOCTYPE, xml_AddExternalEntity
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call xml_OpenFile(filename, xf)
+  call xml_AddDOCTYPE(xf, 'html')
+  call xml_AddExternalEntity(xf, 'ENT', 'http://www.uszla.me.uk/entities', &
+                             "//PUBLICID/")
+  call xml_NewElement(xf, 'html')
+  call xml_Close(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddExternalEntity_2.xml b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddExternalEntity_2.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b5c5dac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddExternalEntity_2.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<!DOCTYPE html [
+  <!ENTITY ENT PUBLIC "//PUBLICID/" "http://www.uszla.me.uk/entities">
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddExternalEntity_3.f90 b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddExternalEntity_3.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0675209
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddExternalEntity_3.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xmlf_t, xml_OpenFile, xml_Close
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xml_NewElement, xml_AddDOCTYPE, xml_AddExternalEntity
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call xml_OpenFile(filename, xf)
+  call xml_AddDOCTYPE(xf, 'html')
+  call xml_AddExternalEntity(xf, 'ENT', 'http://www.uszla.me.uk/entities', &
+                             "//PUBLICID/", 'GIF')
+  call xml_NewElement(xf, 'html')
+  call xml_Close(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddExternalEntity_3.xml b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddExternalEntity_3.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..df02606
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddExternalEntity_3.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<!DOCTYPE html [
+  <!ENTITY ENT PUBLIC "//PUBLICID/" "http://www.uszla.me.uk/entities" NDATA GIF>
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddExternalEntity_4.f90 b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddExternalEntity_4.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..acf14ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddExternalEntity_4.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xmlf_t, xml_OpenFile, xml_Close
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xml_NewElement, xml_AddDOCTYPE, xml_AddExternalEntity
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xml_AddNotation
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call xml_OpenFile(filename, xf)
+  call xml_AddDOCTYPE(xf, 'html')
+  call xml_AddNotation(xf, 'GIF', 'http://www.uszla.me.uk/notations/GIF')
+  call xml_AddExternalEntity(xf, 'ENT', 'http://www.uszla.me.uk/entities', &
+                             "//PUBLICID/", 'GIF')
+  call xml_NewElement(xf, 'html')
+  call xml_Close(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddExternalEntity_4.xml b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddExternalEntity_4.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..41daef3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddExternalEntity_4.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<!DOCTYPE html [
+  <!NOTATION GIF SYSTEM "http://www.uszla.me.uk/notations/GIF">
+  <!ENTITY ENT PUBLIC "//PUBLICID/" "http://www.uszla.me.uk/entities" NDATA GIF>
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddInternalEntity.sh b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddInternalEntity.sh
new file mode 120000
index 0000000..eeaed3f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddInternalEntity.sh
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddInternalEntity_0.f90 b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddInternalEntity_0.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9e99a55
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddInternalEntity_0.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xmlf_t, xml_OpenFile, xml_Close
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xml_NewElement, xml_AddInternalEntity
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call xml_AddInternalEntity(xf, 'copy', '©')
+  call xml_OpenFile(filename, xf)
+  call xml_NewElement(xf, 'html')
+  call xml_Close(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddInternalEntity_0.out b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddInternalEntity_0.out
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..91de3dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddInternalEntity_0.out
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Tried to manipulate an XML File which is not open
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddInternalEntity_1.f90 b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddInternalEntity_1.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e9f9ae5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddInternalEntity_1.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xmlf_t, xml_OpenFile, xml_Close
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xml_NewElement, xml_AddDOCTYPE, xml_AddInternalEntity
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call xml_OpenFile(filename, xf)
+  call xml_AddDOCTYPE(xf, 'html')
+  call xml_AddInternalEntity(xf, 'copy', 'Copyright Toby White 2006')
+  call xml_NewElement(xf, 'html')
+  call xml_Close(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddInternalEntity_1.xml b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddInternalEntity_1.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b4a37d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddInternalEntity_1.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<!DOCTYPE html [
+  <!ENTITY copy "Copyright Toby White 2006">
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddInternalEntity_2.f90 b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddInternalEntity_2.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8532082
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddInternalEntity_2.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xmlf_t, xml_OpenFile, xml_Close
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xml_NewElement, xml_AddDOCTYPE, xml_AddInternalEntity
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call xml_OpenFile(filename, xf)
+  call xml_AddInternalEntity(xf, 'copy', 'Copyright Toby White 2006')
+  call xml_AddDOCTYPE(xf, 'html')
+  call xml_NewElement(xf, 'html')
+  call xml_Close(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddInternalEntity_2.out b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddInternalEntity_2.out
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c518af7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddInternalEntity_2.out
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Cannot define Entity here: copy
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddInternalEntity_3.f90 b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddInternalEntity_3.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c8d6bae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddInternalEntity_3.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xmlf_t, xml_OpenFile, xml_Close
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xml_NewElement, xml_AddDOCTYPE, xml_AddInternalEntity
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call xml_OpenFile(filename, xf)
+  call xml_AddDOCTYPE(xf, 'html')
+  call xml_NewElement(xf, 'html')
+  call xml_AddInternalEntity(xf, 'copy', 'Copyright Toby White 2006')
+  call xml_Close(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddInternalEntity_3.out b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddInternalEntity_3.out
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c518af7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddInternalEntity_3.out
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Cannot define Entity here: copy
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddInternalEntity_4.f90 b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddInternalEntity_4.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c1c2a0f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddInternalEntity_4.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xmlf_t, xml_OpenFile, xml_Close
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xml_NewElement, xml_AddDOCTYPE, xml_AddInternalEntity
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call xml_OpenFile(filename, xf)
+  call xml_AddDOCTYPE(xf, 'html')
+  call xml_AddInternalEntity(xf, 'copy', 'Copyright &169; Toby White 2006')
+  call xml_NewElement(xf, 'html')
+  call xml_Close(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddInternalEntity_4.xml b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddInternalEntity_4.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..37774dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddInternalEntity_4.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<!DOCTYPE html [
+  <!ENTITY copy "Copyright &169; Toby White 2006">
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddNewline_1.f90 b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddNewline_1.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eeb09e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddNewline_1.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xmlf_t, xml_OpenFile, xml_Close
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xml_NewElement, xml_AddCharacters, xml_AddNewline
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call xml_OpenFile(filename, xf)
+  call xml_NewElement(xf, "root")
+  call xml_AddCharacters(xf, "characters")
+  call xml_AddNewline(xf)
+  call xml_AddCharacters(xf, "characters")
+  call xml_Close(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddNewline_1.xml b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddNewline_1.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0f6dadd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddNewline_1.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddNotation.sh b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddNotation.sh
new file mode 120000
index 0000000..eeaed3f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddNotation.sh
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddNotation_0.f90 b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddNotation_0.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..708a20e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddNotation_0.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xmlf_t, xml_OpenFile, xml_Close
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xml_NewElement, xml_AddNotation
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call xml_AddNotation(xf, 'GIF', "http://www.uszla.me.uk/noation/gif")
+  call xml_OpenFile(filename, xf)
+  call xml_NewElement(xf, 'html')
+  call xml_Close(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddNotation_0.out b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddNotation_0.out
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..91de3dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddNotation_0.out
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Tried to manipulate an XML File which is not open
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddNotation_1.f90 b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddNotation_1.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4781f8b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddNotation_1.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xmlf_t, xml_OpenFile, xml_Close
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xml_NewElement, xml_AddNotation, xml_AddDOCTYPE
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call xml_OpenFile(filename, xf)
+  call xml_AddDOCTYPE(xf, 'html')
+  call xml_AddNotation(xf, 'GIF', "http://www.uszla.me.uk/noation/gif")
+  call xml_NewElement(xf, 'html')
+  call xml_Close(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddNotation_1.xml b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddNotation_1.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d789302
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddNotation_1.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<!DOCTYPE html [
+  <!NOTATION GIF SYSTEM "http://www.uszla.me.uk/noation/gif">
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddNotation_2.f90 b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddNotation_2.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7319c70
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddNotation_2.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xmlf_t, xml_OpenFile, xml_Close
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xml_NewElement, xml_AddNotation, xml_AddDOCTYPE
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call xml_OpenFile(filename, xf)
+  call xml_AddDOCTYPE(xf, 'html')
+  call xml_AddNotation(xf, 'GIF', "http://www.uszla.me.uk/noation/gif", "//PUBLICID/")
+  call xml_NewElement(xf, 'html')
+  call xml_Close(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddNotation_2.xml b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddNotation_2.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..11de90a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddNotation_2.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<!DOCTYPE html [
+  <!NOTATION GIF PUBLIC "//PUBLICID/" "http://www.uszla.me.uk/noation/gif">
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddNotation_3.f90 b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddNotation_3.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cb5256e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddNotation_3.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xmlf_t, xml_OpenFile, xml_Close
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xml_NewElement, xml_AddNotation, xml_AddDOCTYPE
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call xml_OpenFile(filename, xf)
+  call xml_AddDOCTYPE(xf, 'html')
+  call xml_AddNotation(xf, 'GIF', public="http://www.uszla.me.uk/noation/gif")
+  call xml_NewElement(xf, 'html')
+  call xml_Close(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddNotation_3.xml b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddNotation_3.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b79fe6a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddNotation_3.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<!DOCTYPE html [
+  <!NOTATION GIF PUBLIC "http://www.uszla.me.uk/noation/gif">
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddParameterEntity.sh b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddParameterEntity.sh
new file mode 120000
index 0000000..eeaed3f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddParameterEntity.sh
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddParameterEntity_0.f90 b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddParameterEntity_0.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1bd58d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddParameterEntity_0.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xmlf_t, xml_OpenFile, xml_Close
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xml_NewElement, xml_AddParameterEntity
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call xml_AddParameterEntity(xf, 'copy', "<!ENTITY copy 'COPY'>")
+  call xml_OpenFile(filename, xf)
+  call xml_NewElement(xf, 'html')
+  call xml_Close(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddParameterEntity_0.out b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddParameterEntity_0.out
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..91de3dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddParameterEntity_0.out
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Tried to manipulate an XML File which is not open
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddParameterEntity_1.f90 b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddParameterEntity_1.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c2fa935
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddParameterEntity_1.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xmlf_t, xml_OpenFile, xml_Close
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xml_NewElement, xml_AddParameterEntity, xml_AddDOCTYPE
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call xml_OpenFile(filename, xf)
+  call xml_AddDOCTYPE(xf, 'html')
+  call xml_AddParameterEntity(xf, 'copy', "<!ENTITY copy 'COPY'>")
+  call xml_NewElement(xf, 'html')
+  call xml_Close(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddParameterEntity_1.xml b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddParameterEntity_1.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..309fe2c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddParameterEntity_1.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<!DOCTYPE html [
+  <!ENTITY % copy "<!ENTITY copy 'COPY'>">
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddParameterEntity_2.f90 b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddParameterEntity_2.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..51df7d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddParameterEntity_2.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xmlf_t, xml_OpenFile, xml_Close
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xml_NewElement, xml_AddDOCTYPE, xml_AddParameterEntity
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call xml_OpenFile(filename, xf)
+  call xml_AddParameterEntity(xf, 'copy', PEdef='Copyright Toby White 2006')
+  call xml_AddDOCTYPE(xf, 'html')
+  call xml_NewElement(xf, 'html')
+  call xml_Close(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddParameterEntity_2.out b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddParameterEntity_2.out
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eac56c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddParameterEntity_2.out
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Cannot define Parameter Entity here: copy
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddParameterEntity_3.f90 b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddParameterEntity_3.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f5d5c7c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddParameterEntity_3.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xmlf_t, xml_OpenFile, xml_Close
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xml_NewElement, xml_AddDOCTYPE, xml_AddParameterEntity
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call xml_OpenFile(filename, xf)
+  call xml_AddDOCTYPE(xf, 'html')
+  call xml_NewElement(xf, 'html')
+  call xml_AddParameterEntity(xf, 'copy', 'Copyright Toby White 2006')
+  call xml_Close(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddParameterEntity_3.out b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddParameterEntity_3.out
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eac56c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddParameterEntity_3.out
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Cannot define Parameter Entity here: copy
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddParameterEntity_4.f90 b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddParameterEntity_4.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a1ba17b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddParameterEntity_4.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xmlf_t, xml_OpenFile, xml_Close
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xml_NewElement, xml_AddDOCTYPE, xml_AddParameterEntity
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call xml_OpenFile(filename, xf)
+  call xml_AddDOCTYPE(xf, 'html')
+  call xml_AddParameterEntity(xf, 'copy', public="http://www.uszla.me.uk/entities")
+  call xml_NewElement(xf, 'html')
+  call xml_Close(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddParameterEntity_4.out b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddParameterEntity_4.out
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f827c75
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddParameterEntity_4.out
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Parameter entity copy must have either a PEdef or an External ID
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddParameterEntity_5.f90 b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddParameterEntity_5.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9ac6fac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddParameterEntity_5.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xmlf_t, xml_OpenFile, xml_Close
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xml_NewElement, xml_AddDOCTYPE, xml_AddParameterEntity
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call xml_OpenFile(filename, xf)
+  call xml_AddDOCTYPE(xf, 'html')
+  call xml_AddParameterEntity(xf, 'copy', pedef="copyright", public="http://www.uszla.me.uk/entities")
+  call xml_NewElement(xf, 'html')
+  call xml_Close(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddParameterEntity_5.out b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddParameterEntity_5.out
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..43310ee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddParameterEntity_5.out
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Parameter entity copy cannot have both a PEdef and an External ID
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddParameterEntity_6.f90 b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddParameterEntity_6.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..52ed377
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddParameterEntity_6.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xmlf_t, xml_OpenFile, xml_Close
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xml_NewElement, xml_AddDOCTYPE, xml_AddParameterEntity
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call xml_OpenFile(filename, xf)
+  call xml_AddDOCTYPE(xf, 'html')
+  call xml_AddParameterEntity(xf, 'copy', system="http://www.uszla.me.uk/entities")
+  call xml_NewElement(xf, 'html')
+  call xml_Close(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddParameterEntity_6.xml b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddParameterEntity_6.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7c3f2fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddParameterEntity_6.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<!DOCTYPE html [
+  <!ENTITY % copy SYSTEM "http://www.uszla.me.uk/entities">
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddParameterEntity_7.f90 b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddParameterEntity_7.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cfcd20d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddParameterEntity_7.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xmlf_t, xml_OpenFile, xml_Close
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xml_NewElement, xml_AddDOCTYPE, xml_AddParameterEntity
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call xml_OpenFile(filename, xf)
+  call xml_AddDOCTYPE(xf, 'html')
+  call xml_AddParameterEntity(xf, 'copy', public="//PUBLICID/", system="http://www.uszla.me.uk/entities")
+  call xml_NewElement(xf, 'html')
+  call xml_Close(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddParameterEntity_7.xml b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddParameterEntity_7.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ea2a629
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddParameterEntity_7.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<!DOCTYPE html [
+  <!ENTITY % copy PUBLIC "//PUBLICID/" "http://www.uszla.me.uk/entities">
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddPseudoAttribute.sh b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddPseudoAttribute.sh
new file mode 120000
index 0000000..eeaed3f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddPseudoAttribute.sh
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddPseudoAttribute_0.f90 b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddPseudoAttribute_0.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d12e9da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddPseudoAttribute_0.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xmlf_t
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xml_AddPseudoAttribute
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call xml_AddPseudoAttribute(xf, "att", "value")
+end program test
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddPseudoAttribute_0.out b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddPseudoAttribute_0.out
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..91de3dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddPseudoAttribute_0.out
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Tried to manipulate an XML File which is not open
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddPseudoAttribute_1.f90 b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddPseudoAttribute_1.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..343d891
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddPseudoAttribute_1.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wxml
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call xml_OpenFile(filename, xf)
+  call xml_AddXMLPI(xf, "root")
+  call xml_AddPseudoAttribute(xf, "att", "value")
+  call xml_NewElement(xf, "a")
+  call xml_Close(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddPseudoAttribute_1.xml b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddPseudoAttribute_1.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..104eaf4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddPseudoAttribute_1.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<?root att="value"?>
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddPseudoAttribute_2.f90 b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddPseudoAttribute_2.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..63e81a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddPseudoAttribute_2.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xmlf_t, xml_OpenFile, xml_Close
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xml_AddPseudoAttribute
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call xml_OpenFile(filename, xf)
+  call xml_AddPseudoAttribute(xf, "att", "value")
+  call xml_Close(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddPseudoAttribute_2.out b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddPseudoAttribute_2.out
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..223f6df
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddPseudoAttribute_2.out
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+PI pseudo-attribute outside PI: att
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddPseudoAttribute_3.f90 b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddPseudoAttribute_3.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cec7124
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddPseudoAttribute_3.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xmlf_t, xml_OpenFile, xml_Close
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xml_AddXMLPI, xml_AddPseudoAttribute
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call xml_OpenFile(filename, xf)
+  call xml_AddXMLPI(xf, "root")
+  call xml_AddPseudoAttribute(xf, "att", "value")
+  call xml_AddPseudoAttribute(xf, "att", "value")
+  call xml_Close(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddPseudoAttribute_3.out b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddPseudoAttribute_3.out
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f6ef646
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddPseudoAttribute_3.out
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+ERROR(wxml) in writing to file 
+duplicate pseudo-attribute name: att
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddPseudoAttribute_4.f90 b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddPseudoAttribute_4.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..719b060
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddPseudoAttribute_4.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xmlf_t, xml_OpenFile, xml_Close
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xml_AddXMLPI, xml_AddPseudoAttribute
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call xml_OpenFile(filename, xf)
+  call xml_AddXMLPI(xf, "root")
+  call xml_AddPseudoAttribute(xf, "!att", "value")
+  call xml_Close(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddPseudoAttribute_4.out b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddPseudoAttribute_4.out
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b91292b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddPseudoAttribute_4.out
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Invalid pseudo-attribute name: !att
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddPseudoAttribute_5.f90 b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddPseudoAttribute_5.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e07e9b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddPseudoAttribute_5.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xmlf_t, xml_OpenFile, xml_Close
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xml_AddXMLPI, xml_AddPseudoAttribute
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call xml_OpenFile(filename, xf)
+  call xml_AddXMLPI(xf, "root")
+  call xml_AddPseudoAttribute(xf, "att", "value?>")
+  call xml_Close(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddPseudoAttribute_5.out b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddPseudoAttribute_5.out
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ab44a68
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddPseudoAttribute_5.out
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+ERROR(wxml) in writing to file 
+Invalid pseudo-attribute value: value?>
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddPseudoAttribute_overload_1.f90 b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddPseudoAttribute_overload_1.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..85bca77
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddPseudoAttribute_overload_1.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wxml
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call xml_OpenFile(filename, xf)
+  call xml_AddXMLPI(xf, "root")
+  call xml_AddPseudoAttribute(xf, "att", (1.0D0,-2.3D0))
+  call xml_NewElement(xf, "a")
+  call xml_Close(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddPseudoAttribute_overload_1.xml b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddPseudoAttribute_overload_1.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4e05174
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddPseudoAttribute_overload_1.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<?root att="(1.000000000000e0)+i(-2.300000000000e0)"?>
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddPseudoAttribute_overload_10.f90 b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddPseudoAttribute_overload_10.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..337a06e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddPseudoAttribute_overload_10.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wxml
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call xml_OpenFile(filename, xf)
+  call xml_AddXMLPI(xf, "root")
+  call xml_AddPseudoAttribute(xf, "att", (/1.0,1.0/))
+  call xml_NewElement(xf, "a")
+  call xml_Close(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddPseudoAttribute_overload_10.xml b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddPseudoAttribute_overload_10.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f097035
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddPseudoAttribute_overload_10.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<?root att="1.00000e0 1.00000e0"?>
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddPseudoAttribute_overload_11.f90 b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddPseudoAttribute_overload_11.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4baa300
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddPseudoAttribute_overload_11.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wxml
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call xml_OpenFile(filename, xf)
+  call xml_AddXMLPI(xf, "root")
+  call xml_AddPseudoAttribute(xf, "att", (/1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10/))
+  call xml_NewElement(xf, "a")
+  call xml_Close(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddPseudoAttribute_overload_11.xml b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddPseudoAttribute_overload_11.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1ad5763
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddPseudoAttribute_overload_11.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<?root att="1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10"?>
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddPseudoAttribute_overload_12.f90 b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddPseudoAttribute_overload_12.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8d0d3d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddPseudoAttribute_overload_12.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wxml
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call xml_OpenFile(filename, xf)
+  call xml_AddXMLPI(xf, "root")
+  call xml_AddPseudoAttribute(xf, "att", (/.true.,.false./))
+  call xml_NewElement(xf, "a")
+  call xml_Close(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddPseudoAttribute_overload_12.xml b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddPseudoAttribute_overload_12.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..45d15ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddPseudoAttribute_overload_12.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<?root att="true false"?>
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddPseudoAttribute_overload_13.f90 b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddPseudoAttribute_overload_13.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a8e79fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddPseudoAttribute_overload_13.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wxml
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call xml_OpenFile(filename, xf)
+  call xml_AddXMLPI(xf, "root")
+  call xml_AddPseudoAttribute(xf, "att", (/'a','z'/))
+  call xml_NewElement(xf, "a")
+  call xml_Close(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddPseudoAttribute_overload_13.xml b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddPseudoAttribute_overload_13.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2cfabfa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddPseudoAttribute_overload_13.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<?root att="a z"?>
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddPseudoAttribute_overload_14.f90 b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddPseudoAttribute_overload_14.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ccd77cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddPseudoAttribute_overload_14.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wxml
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call xml_OpenFile(filename, xf)
+  call xml_AddXMLPI(xf, "root")
+  call xml_AddPseudoAttribute(xf, "att", (reshape(    &
+     (/(10.0D0, -1.2D1),(10.0D0,-1.2D1),  &
+       (10.0D0, -1.2D1),(10.0D0,-1.2D1)/),&
+     (/2,2/))))
+  call xml_NewElement(xf, "a")
+  call xml_Close(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddPseudoAttribute_overload_14.xml b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddPseudoAttribute_overload_14.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cf79bfc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddPseudoAttribute_overload_14.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<?root att="(1.000000000000e1)+i(-1.200000000000e1) (1.000000000000e1)+i(-1.200000000000e1) (1.000000000000e1)+i(-1.200000000000e1) (1.000000000000e1)+i(-1.200000000000e1)"?>
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddPseudoAttribute_overload_15.f90 b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddPseudoAttribute_overload_15.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2924cde
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddPseudoAttribute_overload_15.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wxml
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call xml_OpenFile(filename, xf)
+  call xml_AddXMLPI(xf, "root")
+  call xml_AddPseudoAttribute(xf, "att", (reshape(    &
+     (/(10.0, -1.2),(10.0,-1.2),  &
+       (10.0, -1.2),(10.0,-1.2)/),&
+     (/2,2/))))
+  call xml_NewElement(xf, "a")
+  call xml_Close(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddPseudoAttribute_overload_15.xml b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddPseudoAttribute_overload_15.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..10f1a4f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddPseudoAttribute_overload_15.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<?root att="(1.00000e1)+i(-1.20000e0) (1.00000e1)+i(-1.20000e0) (1.00000e1)+i(-1.20000e0) (1.00000e1)+i(-1.20000e0)"?>
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddPseudoAttribute_overload_16.f90 b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddPseudoAttribute_overload_16.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..03c2d42
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddPseudoAttribute_overload_16.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wxml
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call xml_OpenFile(filename, xf)
+  call xml_AddXMLPI(xf, "root")
+  call xml_AddPseudoAttribute(xf, "att", (reshape(    &
+     (/10.0D0,10.0D0,  &
+       10.0D0,10.0D0/),&
+     (/2,2/))))
+  call xml_NewElement(xf, "a")
+  call xml_Close(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddPseudoAttribute_overload_16.xml b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddPseudoAttribute_overload_16.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7a782b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddPseudoAttribute_overload_16.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<?root att="1.000000000000e1 1.000000000000e1 1.000000000000e1 1.000000000000e1"?>
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddPseudoAttribute_overload_17.f90 b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddPseudoAttribute_overload_17.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bd5e0af
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddPseudoAttribute_overload_17.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wxml
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call xml_OpenFile(filename, xf)
+  call xml_AddXMLPI(xf, "root")
+  call xml_AddPseudoAttribute(xf, "att", (reshape(    &
+     (/10.0,10.0,  &
+       10.0,10.0/),&
+     (/2,2/))))
+  call xml_NewElement(xf, "a")
+  call xml_Close(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddPseudoAttribute_overload_17.xml b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddPseudoAttribute_overload_17.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b63655c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddPseudoAttribute_overload_17.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<?root att="1.00000e1 1.00000e1 1.00000e1 1.00000e1"?>
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddPseudoAttribute_overload_18.f90 b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddPseudoAttribute_overload_18.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..49681db
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddPseudoAttribute_overload_18.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wxml
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call xml_OpenFile(filename, xf)
+  call xml_AddXMLPI(xf, "root")
+  call xml_AddPseudoAttribute(xf, "att", (reshape(    &
+     (/10,10,  &
+       10,10/),&
+     (/2,2/))))
+  call xml_NewElement(xf, "a")
+  call xml_Close(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddPseudoAttribute_overload_18.xml b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddPseudoAttribute_overload_18.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c2667e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddPseudoAttribute_overload_18.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<?root att="10 10 10 10"?>
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddPseudoAttribute_overload_19.f90 b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddPseudoAttribute_overload_19.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..247e915
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddPseudoAttribute_overload_19.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wxml
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call xml_OpenFile(filename, xf)
+  call xml_AddXMLPI(xf, "root")
+  call xml_AddPseudoAttribute(xf, "att", (reshape(    &
+     (/.true.,.false.,  &
+       .false.,.true./),&
+     (/2,2/))))
+  call xml_NewElement(xf, "a")
+  call xml_Close(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddPseudoAttribute_overload_19.xml b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddPseudoAttribute_overload_19.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d28017b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddPseudoAttribute_overload_19.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<?root att="true false false true"?>
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddPseudoAttribute_overload_2.f90 b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddPseudoAttribute_overload_2.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b0353d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddPseudoAttribute_overload_2.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wxml
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call xml_OpenFile(filename, xf)
+  call xml_AddXMLPI(xf, "root")
+  call xml_AddPseudoAttribute(xf, "att", (1.0,-2.3))
+  call xml_NewElement(xf, "a")
+  call xml_Close(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddPseudoAttribute_overload_2.xml b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddPseudoAttribute_overload_2.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..df6c15c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddPseudoAttribute_overload_2.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<?root att="(1.00000e0)+i(-2.30000e0)"?>
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddPseudoAttribute_overload_20.f90 b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddPseudoAttribute_overload_20.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..81d6070
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddPseudoAttribute_overload_20.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wxml
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call xml_OpenFile(filename, xf)
+  call xml_AddXMLPI(xf, "root")
+  call xml_AddPseudoAttribute(xf, "att", (reshape(    &
+     (/'a','e',  &
+       'i','o'/),&
+     (/2,2/))))
+  call xml_NewElement(xf, "a")
+  call xml_Close(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddPseudoAttribute_overload_20.xml b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddPseudoAttribute_overload_20.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f423a7c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddPseudoAttribute_overload_20.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<?root att="a e i o"?>
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddPseudoAttribute_overload_3.f90 b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddPseudoAttribute_overload_3.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0a4ca1f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddPseudoAttribute_overload_3.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wxml
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call xml_OpenFile(filename, xf)
+  call xml_AddXMLPI(xf, "root")
+  call xml_AddPseudoAttribute(xf, "att", 1.0D0)
+  call xml_NewElement(xf, "a")
+  call xml_Close(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddPseudoAttribute_overload_3.xml b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddPseudoAttribute_overload_3.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4c62e4d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddPseudoAttribute_overload_3.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<?root att="1.000000000000e0"?>
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddPseudoAttribute_overload_4.f90 b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddPseudoAttribute_overload_4.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8703875
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddPseudoAttribute_overload_4.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wxml
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call xml_OpenFile(filename, xf)
+  call xml_AddXMLPI(xf, "root")
+  call xml_AddPseudoAttribute(xf, "att", 1.0)
+  call xml_NewElement(xf, "a")
+  call xml_Close(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddPseudoAttribute_overload_4.xml b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddPseudoAttribute_overload_4.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4ded6ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddPseudoAttribute_overload_4.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<?root att="1.00000e0"?>
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddPseudoAttribute_overload_5.f90 b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddPseudoAttribute_overload_5.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1b591cd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddPseudoAttribute_overload_5.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wxml
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call xml_OpenFile(filename, xf)
+  call xml_AddXMLPI(xf, "root")
+  call xml_AddPseudoAttribute(xf, "att", 1)
+  call xml_NewElement(xf, "a")
+  call xml_Close(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddPseudoAttribute_overload_5.xml b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddPseudoAttribute_overload_5.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c169a1b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddPseudoAttribute_overload_5.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<?root att="1"?>
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddPseudoAttribute_overload_6.f90 b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddPseudoAttribute_overload_6.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c30ff92
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddPseudoAttribute_overload_6.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wxml
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call xml_OpenFile(filename, xf)
+  call xml_AddXMLPI(xf, "root")
+  call xml_AddPseudoAttribute(xf, "att", .true.)
+  call xml_NewElement(xf, "a")
+  call xml_Close(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddPseudoAttribute_overload_6.xml b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddPseudoAttribute_overload_6.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..079dfa9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddPseudoAttribute_overload_6.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<?root att="true"?>
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddPseudoAttribute_overload_7.f90 b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddPseudoAttribute_overload_7.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..399f417
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddPseudoAttribute_overload_7.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wxml
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call xml_OpenFile(filename, xf)
+  call xml_AddXMLPI(xf, "root")
+  call xml_AddPseudoAttribute(xf, "att", (/(1.0D0,-2.3D0),(1.0D0,-2.3D0)/))
+  call xml_NewElement(xf, "a")
+  call xml_Close(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddPseudoAttribute_overload_7.xml b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddPseudoAttribute_overload_7.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7f540f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddPseudoAttribute_overload_7.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<?root att="(1.000000000000e0)+i(-2.300000000000e0) (1.000000000000e0)+i(-2.300000000000e0)"?>
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddPseudoAttribute_overload_8.f90 b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddPseudoAttribute_overload_8.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..28760b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddPseudoAttribute_overload_8.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wxml
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call xml_OpenFile(filename, xf)
+  call xml_AddXMLPI(xf, "root")
+  call xml_AddPseudoAttribute(xf, "att", (/(1.0,-2.3),(1.0,-2.3)/))
+  call xml_NewElement(xf, "a")
+  call xml_Close(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddPseudoAttribute_overload_8.xml b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddPseudoAttribute_overload_8.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e4c63f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddPseudoAttribute_overload_8.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<?root att="(1.00000e0)+i(-2.30000e0) (1.00000e0)+i(-2.30000e0)"?>
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddPseudoAttribute_overload_9.f90 b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddPseudoAttribute_overload_9.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2c6d808
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddPseudoAttribute_overload_9.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wxml
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call xml_OpenFile(filename, xf)
+  call xml_AddXMLPI(xf, "root")
+  call xml_AddPseudoAttribute(xf, "att", (/1.0D0,1.0D0/))
+  call xml_NewElement(xf, "a")
+  call xml_Close(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddPseudoAttribute_overload_9.xml b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddPseudoAttribute_overload_9.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4f289a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddPseudoAttribute_overload_9.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<?root att="1.000000000000e0 1.000000000000e0"?>
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddXMLDeclaration.sh b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddXMLDeclaration.sh
new file mode 120000
index 0000000..eeaed3f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddXMLDeclaration.sh
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddXMLDeclaration_0.f90 b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddXMLDeclaration_0.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7668d24
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddXMLDeclaration_0.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wxml
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call xml_AddXMLDeclaration(xf)
+  call xml_NewElement(xf, "a")
+end program test
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddXMLDeclaration_0.out b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddXMLDeclaration_0.out
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..91de3dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddXMLDeclaration_0.out
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Tried to manipulate an XML File which is not open
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddXMLDeclaration_1.f90 b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddXMLDeclaration_1.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..da958d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddXMLDeclaration_1.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wxml
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call xml_OpenFile(filename, xf, addDecl=.false.)
+  call xml_AddXMLDeclaration(xf)
+  call xml_NewElement(xf, "a")
+  call xml_Close(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddXMLDeclaration_1.xml b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddXMLDeclaration_1.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1a500c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddXMLDeclaration_1.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddXMLDeclaration_2.f90 b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddXMLDeclaration_2.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..58b915d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddXMLDeclaration_2.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wxml
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call xml_OpenFile(filename, xf, addDecl=.false.)
+  call xml_AddXMLDeclaration(xf, encoding='UTF-8')
+  call xml_NewElement(xf, "a")
+  call xml_Close(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddXMLDeclaration_2.xml b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddXMLDeclaration_2.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bb59f58
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddXMLDeclaration_2.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddXMLDeclaration_3.f90 b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddXMLDeclaration_3.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5e1b3f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddXMLDeclaration_3.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wxml
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call xml_OpenFile(filename, xf, addDecl=.false.)
+  call xml_AddXMLDeclaration(xf, standalone=.true.)
+  call xml_NewElement(xf, "a")
+  call xml_Close(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddXMLDeclaration_3.xml b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddXMLDeclaration_3.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dc510cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddXMLDeclaration_3.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes"?>
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddXMLDeclaration_4.f90 b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddXMLDeclaration_4.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..16771b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddXMLDeclaration_4.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wxml
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call xml_OpenFile(filename, xf, addDecl=.false.)
+  call xml_AddXMLDeclaration(xf, encoding='UTF-8', standalone=.true.)
+  call xml_NewElement(xf, "a")
+  call xml_Close(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddXMLDeclaration_4.xml b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddXMLDeclaration_4.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f42c9bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddXMLDeclaration_4.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddXMLDeclaration_5.f90 b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddXMLDeclaration_5.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..068e3ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddXMLDeclaration_5.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wxml
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call xml_OpenFile(filename, xf, addDecl=.false.)
+  call xml_AddXMLDeclaration(xf, encoding='***')
+  call xml_NewElement(xf, "a")
+  call xml_Close(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddXMLDeclaration_5.out b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddXMLDeclaration_5.out
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fffadd6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddXMLDeclaration_5.out
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Invalid encoding name: ***
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddXMLPI.sh b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddXMLPI.sh
new file mode 120000
index 0000000..eeaed3f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddXMLPI.sh
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddXMLPI_0.f90 b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddXMLPI_0.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7966ea0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddXMLPI_0.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wxml
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call xml_AddXMLPI(xf, "PItarget")
+end program test
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddXMLPI_0.out b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddXMLPI_0.out
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..91de3dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddXMLPI_0.out
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Tried to manipulate an XML File which is not open
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddXMLPI_1.f90 b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddXMLPI_1.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e68a2d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddXMLPI_1.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wxml
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call xml_OpenFile(filename, xf)
+  call xml_AddXMLPI(xf, "PItarget")
+  call xml_NewElement(xf, "a")
+  call xml_Close(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddXMLPI_1.xml b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddXMLPI_1.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d01a013
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddXMLPI_1.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddXMLPI_2.f90 b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddXMLPI_2.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ee028f3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddXMLPI_2.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wxml
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call xml_OpenFile(filename, xf)
+  call xml_AddXMLPI(xf, "testPIwithattrs")
+  call xml_AddPseudoAttribute(xf, "attr", "value")
+  call xml_NewElement(xf, "a")
+  call xml_Close(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddXMLPI_2.xml b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddXMLPI_2.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..05dbbcb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddXMLPI_2.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<?testPIwithattrs attr="value"?>
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddXMLPI_3.f90 b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddXMLPI_3.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ec2e9eb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddXMLPI_3.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wxml
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call xml_OpenFile(filename, xf)
+  call xml_AddXMLPI(xf, "testPIwithdata", data="lalala")
+  call xml_NewElement(xf, "a")
+  call xml_Close(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddXMLPI_3.xml b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddXMLPI_3.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f34754e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddXMLPI_3.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<?testPIwithdata lalala?>
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddXMLPI_4.f90 b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddXMLPI_4.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..503df4b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddXMLPI_4.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wxml
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call xml_OpenFile(filename, xf)
+  call xml_AddXMLPI(xf, "testPIwithdata", data="lalala?>")
+  call xml_Close(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddXMLPI_4.out b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddXMLPI_4.out
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b072aa3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddXMLPI_4.out
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+ERROR(wxml) in writing to file 
+Tried to output invalid PI data lalala?>
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddXMLPI_5.f90 b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddXMLPI_5.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..54b6ddc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddXMLPI_5.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wxml
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call xml_OpenFile(filename, xf)
+  call xml_AddXMLPI(xf, "xml-pi")
+  call xml_Close(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddXMLPI_5.out b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddXMLPI_5.out
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..69d83be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddXMLPI_5.out
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+ERROR(wxml) in writing to file 
+Invalid XML document produced: No root element
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddXMLStylesheet.sh b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddXMLStylesheet.sh
new file mode 120000
index 0000000..eeaed3f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddXMLStylesheet.sh
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddXMLStylesheet_0.f90 b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddXMLStylesheet_0.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c308c61
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddXMLStylesheet_0.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wxml
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call xml_AddXMLStylesheet(xf, "display.xsl", "text/stylesheet")
+end program test
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddXMLStylesheet_0.out b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddXMLStylesheet_0.out
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..91de3dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddXMLStylesheet_0.out
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Tried to manipulate an XML File which is not open
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddXMLStylesheet_1.f90 b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddXMLStylesheet_1.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6f788d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddXMLStylesheet_1.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wxml
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call xml_OpenFile(filename, xf)
+  call xml_AddXMLStylesheet(xf, "display.xsl", "text/stylesheet")
+  call xml_NewElement(xf, "a")
+  call xml_Close(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddXMLStylesheet_1.xml b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddXMLStylesheet_1.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ea7d192
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddXMLStylesheet_1.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<?xml-stylesheet href="display.xsl" type="text/stylesheet"?>
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddXMLStylesheet_2.f90 b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddXMLStylesheet_2.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8c12952
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddXMLStylesheet_2.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wxml
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call xml_OpenFile(filename, xf)
+  call xml_AddXMLStylesheet(xf, "display.xsl", "text/stylesheet", title="Title")
+  call xml_NewElement(xf, "a")
+  call xml_Close(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddXMLStylesheet_2.xml b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddXMLStylesheet_2.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8e16245
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddXMLStylesheet_2.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<?xml-stylesheet href="display.xsl" type="text/stylesheet" title="Title"?>
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddXMLStylesheet_3.f90 b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddXMLStylesheet_3.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b587d6d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddXMLStylesheet_3.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wxml
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call xml_OpenFile(filename, xf)
+  call xml_AddXMLStylesheet(xf, "display.xsl", "text/stylesheet", media="screen")
+  call xml_NewElement(xf, "a")
+  call xml_Close(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddXMLStylesheet_3.xml b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddXMLStylesheet_3.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8ac41a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddXMLStylesheet_3.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<?xml-stylesheet href="display.xsl" type="text/stylesheet" media="screen"?>
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddXMLStylesheet_4.f90 b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddXMLStylesheet_4.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5199f04
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddXMLStylesheet_4.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wxml
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call xml_OpenFile(filename, xf)
+  call xml_AddXMLStylesheet(xf, "display.xsl", "text/stylesheet", charset="UTF-8")
+  call xml_NewElement(xf, "a")
+  call xml_Close(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddXMLStylesheet_4.xml b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddXMLStylesheet_4.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5ba1f13
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddXMLStylesheet_4.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<?xml-stylesheet href="display.xsl" type="text/stylesheet" charset="UTF-8"?>
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddXMLStylesheet_5.f90 b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddXMLStylesheet_5.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4c811b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddXMLStylesheet_5.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wxml
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call xml_OpenFile(filename, xf)
+  call xml_AddXMLStylesheet(xf, "display.xsl", "text/stylesheet", alternate=.True.)
+  call xml_NewElement(xf, "a")
+  call xml_Close(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_AddXMLStylesheet_5.xml b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddXMLStylesheet_5.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..36279f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_AddXMLStylesheet_5.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<?xml-stylesheet href="display.xsl" type="text/stylesheet" alternate="yes"?>
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_Close.sh b/wxml/test/test_xml_Close.sh
new file mode 120000
index 0000000..eeaed3f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_Close.sh
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_Close_1.f90 b/wxml/test/test_xml_Close_1.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7cc2296
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_Close_1.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xmlf_t, xml_OpenFile, xml_Close
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call xml_OpenFile(filename, xf)
+  call xml_Close(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_Close_1.out b/wxml/test/test_xml_Close_1.out
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..69d83be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_Close_1.out
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+ERROR(wxml) in writing to file 
+Invalid XML document produced: No root element
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_Close_2.f90 b/wxml/test/test_xml_Close_2.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5542a5a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_Close_2.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xmlf_t, xml_OpenFile, xml_Close, xml_NewElement
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call xml_OpenFile(filename, xf)
+  call xml_NewElement(xf, 'a')
+  call xml_Close(xf)
+  call xml_Close(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_Close_2.out b/wxml/test/test_xml_Close_2.out
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1a8c037
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_Close_2.out
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Tried to close XML file which is not open
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_Close_3.f90 b/wxml/test/test_xml_Close_3.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..39ceeeb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_Close_3.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xmlf_t, xml_Close
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call xml_Close(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_Close_3.out b/wxml/test/test_xml_Close_3.out
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1a8c037
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_Close_3.out
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Tried to close XML file which is not open
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_Close_4.f90 b/wxml/test/test_xml_Close_4.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9fdcdde
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_Close_4.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xmlf_t, xml_OpenFile, xml_Close
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xml_AddDOCTYPE
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call xml_OpenFile(filename, xf)
+  call xml_AddDOCTYPE(xf, "html")
+  call xml_Close(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_Close_4.out b/wxml/test/test_xml_Close_4.out
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..69d83be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_Close_4.out
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+ERROR(wxml) in writing to file 
+Invalid XML document produced: No root element
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_Close_5.f90 b/wxml/test/test_xml_Close_5.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e088fe2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_Close_5.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xmlf_t, xml_OpenFile, xml_Close
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xml_NewElement
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call xml_OpenFile(filename, xf)
+  call xml_NewElement(xf, "one")
+  call xml_NewElement(xf, "two")
+  call xml_NewElement(xf, "three")
+  call xml_Close(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_Close_5.xml b/wxml/test/test_xml_Close_5.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..58fc6f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_Close_5.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+  <two>
+    <three/>
+  </two>
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_EndElement.sh b/wxml/test/test_xml_EndElement.sh
new file mode 120000
index 0000000..eeaed3f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_EndElement.sh
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_EndElement_0.f90 b/wxml/test/test_xml_EndElement_0.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4d1f765
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_EndElement_0.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xmlf_t
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xml_EndElement
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call xml_EndElement(xf, "root")
+end program test
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_EndElement_0.out b/wxml/test/test_xml_EndElement_0.out
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..91de3dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_EndElement_0.out
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Tried to manipulate an XML File which is not open
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_EndElement_1.f90 b/wxml/test/test_xml_EndElement_1.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..db0487a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_EndElement_1.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xmlf_t, xml_OpenFile, xml_Close
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xml_EndElement
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call xml_OpenFile(filename, xf)
+  call xml_EndElement(xf, "root")
+  call xml_Close(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_EndElement_1.out b/wxml/test/test_xml_EndElement_1.out
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..24024e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_EndElement_1.out
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+ERROR(wxml) in writing to file 
+Trying to close root but no tags are open.
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_EndElement_2.f90 b/wxml/test/test_xml_EndElement_2.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..475fab5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_EndElement_2.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xmlf_t, xml_OpenFile, xml_Close
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xml_NewElement, xml_EndElement
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call xml_OpenFile(filename, xf)
+  call xml_NewElement(xf, "root")
+  call xml_EndElement(xf, "root")
+  call xml_Close(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_EndElement_2.xml b/wxml/test/test_xml_EndElement_2.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dfa8d65
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_EndElement_2.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_EndElement_3.f90 b/wxml/test/test_xml_EndElement_3.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..367e906
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_EndElement_3.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xmlf_t, xml_OpenFile, xml_Close
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xml_NewElement, xml_EndElement
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call xml_OpenFile(filename, xf)
+  call xml_NewElement(xf, "root")
+  call xml_EndElement(xf, "root2")
+  call xml_Close(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_EndElement_3.out b/wxml/test/test_xml_EndElement_3.out
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e44c6db
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_EndElement_3.out
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+ERROR(wxml) in writing to file 
+Trying to close root2 but root is open. Either you have failed to open root2 or you have failed to close root.
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_EndElement_4.f90 b/wxml/test/test_xml_EndElement_4.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e48720a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_EndElement_4.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xmlf_t, xml_OpenFile, xml_Close
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xml_NewElement, xml_EndElement, xml_AddXMLPI
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call xml_OpenFile(filename, xf)
+  call xml_NewElement(xf, "root")
+  call xml_AddXMLPI(xf, "lalal")
+  call xml_EndElement(xf, "root")
+  call xml_Close(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_EndElement_4.xml b/wxml/test/test_xml_EndElement_4.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1f71ce7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_EndElement_4.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+  <?lalal?>
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_EndElement_5.f90 b/wxml/test/test_xml_EndElement_5.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e14138f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_EndElement_5.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xmlf_t, xml_OpenFile, xml_Close
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xml_NewElement, xml_EndElement, xml_AddComment
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call xml_OpenFile(filename, xf)
+  call xml_NewElement(xf, "root")
+  call xml_AddComment(xf, "comment")
+  call xml_EndElement(xf, "root")
+  call xml_Close(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_EndElement_5.xml b/wxml/test/test_xml_EndElement_5.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..82107cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_EndElement_5.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+  <!--comment-->
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_Namespaces.sh b/wxml/test/test_xml_Namespaces.sh
new file mode 120000
index 0000000..eeaed3f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_Namespaces.sh
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_Namespaces_0.f90 b/wxml/test/test_xml_Namespaces_0.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..92f9df3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_Namespaces_0.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xmlf_t
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xml_DeclareNamespace
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call xml_DeclareNamespace(xf, "http://www.xml-cml.org/schema")
+end program test
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_Namespaces_0.out b/wxml/test/test_xml_Namespaces_0.out
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..91de3dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_Namespaces_0.out
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Tried to manipulate an XML File which is not open
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_Namespaces_1.f90 b/wxml/test/test_xml_Namespaces_1.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..80889e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_Namespaces_1.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xmlf_t, xml_OpenFile, xml_Close
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xml_NewElement, xml_DeclareNamespace
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call xml_OpenFile(filename, xf)
+  call xml_DeclareNamespace(xf, "http://www.xml-cml.org/schema")
+  call xml_NewElement(xf, "cml")
+  call xml_Close(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_Namespaces_1.xml b/wxml/test/test_xml_Namespaces_1.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f2f4bee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_Namespaces_1.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<cml xmlns="http://www.xml-cml.org/schema"/>
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_Namespaces_10.f90 b/wxml/test/test_xml_Namespaces_10.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dc9e209
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_Namespaces_10.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xmlf_t, xml_OpenFile, xml_Close
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xml_NewElement, xml_DeclareNamespace
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call xml_OpenFile(filename, xf)
+  call xml_DeclareNamespace(xf, "http://www.xml-cml.org/schema", "cml:")
+  call xml_NewElement(xf, "cml:cml")
+  call xml_DeclareNamespace(xf, "http://www.w3.org/1999/svg", "svg")
+  call xml_NewElement(xf, "svg:svg")
+  call xml_DeclareNamespace(xf, "http://www.toby.org", "cml")
+  call xml_NewElement(xf, "cml:toby")
+  call xml_Close(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_Namespaces_10.out b/wxml/test/test_xml_Namespaces_10.out
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cfc4413
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_Namespaces_10.out
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+xml_DeclareNamespace: Invalid prefix
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_Namespaces_11.f90 b/wxml/test/test_xml_Namespaces_11.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..43cc761
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_Namespaces_11.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xmlf_t, xml_OpenFile, xml_Close, xml_AddXMLDeclaration
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xml_NewElement, xml_DeclareNamespace, xml_UndeclareNamespace
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call xml_OpenFile(filename, xf, addDecl=.false.)
+  call xml_AddXMLDeclaration(xf, version="1.1")
+  call xml_DeclareNamespace(xf, "http://www.xml-cml.org/schema", "cml")
+  call xml_NewElement(xf, "cml:cml")
+  call xml_DeclareNamespace(xf, "http://www.w3.org/1999/svg", "svg")
+  call xml_NewElement(xf, "svg:svg")
+  call xml_UndeclareNamespace(xf, "cml")
+  call xml_NewElement(xf, "svg:toby")
+  call xml_NewElement(xf, "cml:toby")
+  call xml_Close(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_Namespaces_11.out b/wxml/test/test_xml_Namespaces_11.out
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0e680c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_Namespaces_11.out
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+ERROR(wxml) in writing to file 
+Namespace prefix not registered: cml
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_Namespaces_12.f90 b/wxml/test/test_xml_Namespaces_12.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d4fa032
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_Namespaces_12.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xmlf_t, xml_OpenFile, xml_Close
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xml_NewElement, xml_DeclareNamespace, xml_UndeclareNamespace
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call xml_OpenFile(filename, xf)
+  call xml_DeclareNamespace(xf, "http://www.xml-cml.org/schema", "cml")
+  call xml_NewElement(xf, "cml:cml")
+  call xml_DeclareNamespace(xf, "http://www.w3.org/1999/svg", "svg")
+  call xml_NewElement(xf, "svg:svg")
+  call xml_UndeclareNamespace(xf, "cml")
+  call xml_NewElement(xf, "svg:toby")
+  call xml_NewElement(xf, "cml:toby")
+  call xml_Close(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_Namespaces_12.out b/wxml/test/test_xml_Namespaces_12.out
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eb633e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_Namespaces_12.out
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+cannot undeclare prefixed namespaces in XML 1.0
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_Namespaces_13.f90 b/wxml/test/test_xml_Namespaces_13.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c565789
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_Namespaces_13.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xmlf_t, xml_OpenFile, xml_Close
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xml_NewElement, xml_DeclareNamespace
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call xml_OpenFile(filename, xf)
+  call xml_DeclareNamespace(xf, "ns1", "ns1")
+  call xml_NewElement(xf, "ns1:svg")
+  call xml_DeclareNamespace(xf, "ns2", "ns2")
+  call xml_NewElement(xf, "ns2:svg")
+  call xml_DeclareNamespace(xf, "ns3", "ns3")
+  call xml_NewElement(xf, "ns3:svg")
+  call xml_DeclareNamespace(xf, "ns4", "ns4")
+  call xml_NewElement(xf, "ns4:svg")
+  call xml_DeclareNamespace(xf, "ns5", "ns5")
+  call xml_NewElement(xf, "ns5:svg")
+  call xml_DeclareNamespace(xf, "ns6", "ns6")
+  call xml_NewElement(xf, "ns6:svg")
+  call xml_DeclareNamespace(xf, "ns7", "ns7")
+  call xml_NewElement(xf, "ns7:svg")
+  call xml_DeclareNamespace(xf, "ns8", "ns8")
+  call xml_NewElement(xf, "ns8:svg")
+  call xml_DeclareNamespace(xf, "ns9", "ns9")
+  call xml_NewElement(xf, "ns9:svg")
+  call xml_DeclareNamespace(xf, "ns10", "ns10")
+  call xml_NewElement(xf, "ns10:svg")
+  call xml_DeclareNamespace(xf, "ns11", "ns11")
+  call xml_NewElement(xf, "ns11:svg")
+  call xml_Close(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_Namespaces_13.xml b/wxml/test/test_xml_Namespaces_13.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7815349
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_Namespaces_13.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<ns1:svg xmlns:ns1="ns1">
+  <ns2:svg xmlns:ns2="ns2">
+    <ns3:svg xmlns:ns3="ns3">
+      <ns4:svg xmlns:ns4="ns4">
+        <ns5:svg xmlns:ns5="ns5">
+          <ns6:svg xmlns:ns6="ns6">
+            <ns7:svg xmlns:ns7="ns7">
+              <ns8:svg xmlns:ns8="ns8">
+                <ns9:svg xmlns:ns9="ns9">
+                  <ns10:svg xmlns:ns10="ns10">
+                    <ns11:svg xmlns:ns11="ns11"/>
+                  </ns10:svg>
+                </ns9:svg>
+              </ns8:svg>
+            </ns7:svg>
+          </ns6:svg>
+        </ns5:svg>
+      </ns4:svg>
+    </ns3:svg>
+  </ns2:svg>
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_Namespaces_2.f90 b/wxml/test/test_xml_Namespaces_2.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..177b75a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_Namespaces_2.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xmlf_t, xml_OpenFile, xml_Close
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xml_NewElement, xml_DeclareNamespace
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call xml_OpenFile(filename, xf)
+  call xml_DeclareNamespace(xf, "http://www.xml-cml.org/schema", "cml")
+  call xml_NewElement(xf, "cml:cml")
+  call xml_Close(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_Namespaces_2.xml b/wxml/test/test_xml_Namespaces_2.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..748c2c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_Namespaces_2.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<cml:cml xmlns:cml="http://www.xml-cml.org/schema"/>
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_Namespaces_3.f90 b/wxml/test/test_xml_Namespaces_3.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a8e3b62
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_Namespaces_3.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xmlf_t, xml_OpenFile, xml_Close
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xml_NewElement, xml_DeclareNamespace, xml_AddAttribute
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call xml_OpenFile(filename, xf)
+  call xml_DeclareNamespace(xf, "http://www.xml-cml.org/schema")
+  call xml_NewElement(xf, "cml")
+  call xml_DeclareNamespace(xf, "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml", "html")
+  call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "html:class", "emin")
+  call xml_Close(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_Namespaces_3.xml b/wxml/test/test_xml_Namespaces_3.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3ee3564
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_Namespaces_3.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<cml html:class="emin" xmlns="http://www.xml-cml.org/schema" xmlns:html="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"/>
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_Namespaces_4.f90 b/wxml/test/test_xml_Namespaces_4.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..38d025f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_Namespaces_4.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xmlf_t, xml_OpenFile, xml_Close
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xml_NewElement, xml_DeclareNamespace, xml_AddAttribute, xml_EndElement
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call xml_OpenFile(filename, xf)
+  call xml_NewElement(xf, "cml")
+  call xml_DeclareNamespace(xf, "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml", "html")
+  call xml_AddAttribute(xf, "html:class", "emin")
+  call xml_DeclareNamespace(xf, "http://www.w3.org/1999/svg", "svg")
+  call xml_NewElement(xf, "svg:svg")
+  call xml_EndElement(xf, "svg:svg")
+  call xml_NewElement(xf, "svg:svg")
+  call xml_Close(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_Namespaces_4.out b/wxml/test/test_xml_Namespaces_4.out
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..289b239
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_Namespaces_4.out
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+ERROR(wxml) in writing to file 
+Namespace prefix not registered: svg
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_Namespaces_5.f90 b/wxml/test/test_xml_Namespaces_5.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fd9d20d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_Namespaces_5.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xmlf_t, xml_OpenFile, xml_Close
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xml_NewElement, xml_DeclareNamespace, xml_EndElement
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call xml_OpenFile(filename, xf)
+  call xml_NewElement(xf, "cml")
+  call xml_DeclareNamespace(xf, "http://www.w3.org/1999/svg", "svg")
+  call xml_NewElement(xf, "svg:svg")
+  call xml_EndElement(xf, "svg:svg")
+  call xml_EndElement(xf, "cml")
+  call xml_DeclareNamespace(xf, "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml", "html")
+  call xml_Close(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_Namespaces_5.out b/wxml/test/test_xml_Namespaces_5.out
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7cdd4b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_Namespaces_5.out
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+ERROR(wxml) in writing to file 
+adding namespace outside element content
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_Namespaces_6.f90 b/wxml/test/test_xml_Namespaces_6.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d054212
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_Namespaces_6.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xmlf_t, xml_OpenFile, xml_Close
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xml_NewElement, xml_DeclareNamespace
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call xml_OpenFile(filename, xf)
+  call xml_DeclareNamespace(xf, "http://www.xml-cml.org/schema", "cml")
+  call xml_NewElement(xf, "cml")
+  call xml_DeclareNamespace(xf, "http://www.w3.org/1999/svg", "svg")
+  call xml_NewElement(xf, "svg:svg")
+  call xml_Close(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_Namespaces_6.xml b/wxml/test/test_xml_Namespaces_6.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cf0059b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_Namespaces_6.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<cml xmlns:cml="http://www.xml-cml.org/schema">
+  <svg:svg xmlns:svg="http://www.w3.org/1999/svg"/>
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_Namespaces_7.f90 b/wxml/test/test_xml_Namespaces_7.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4ddc11e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_Namespaces_7.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xmlf_t, xml_OpenFile, xml_Close
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xml_NewElement, xml_DeclareNamespace
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call xml_OpenFile(filename, xf)
+  call xml_DeclareNamespace(xf, "http://www.xml-cml.org/schema", "cml")
+  call xml_NewElement(xf, "cml:cml")
+  call xml_DeclareNamespace(xf, "http://www.w3.org/1999/svg", "svg")
+  call xml_NewElement(xf, "svg:svg")
+  call xml_DeclareNamespace(xf, "http://www.toby.org", "cml")
+  call xml_NewElement(xf, "cml:toby")
+  call xml_Close(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_Namespaces_7.xml b/wxml/test/test_xml_Namespaces_7.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6ebbd9b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_Namespaces_7.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<cml:cml xmlns:cml="http://www.xml-cml.org/schema">
+  <svg:svg xmlns:svg="http://www.w3.org/1999/svg">
+    <cml:toby xmlns:cml="http://www.toby.org"/>
+  </svg:svg>
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_Namespaces_8.f90 b/wxml/test/test_xml_Namespaces_8.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d5c3554
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_Namespaces_8.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xmlf_t, xml_OpenFile, xml_Close
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xml_NewElement, xml_DeclareNamespace
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call xml_OpenFile(filename, xf)
+  call xml_DeclareNamespace(xf, "http://www.xml-cml.org/schema", "cml")
+  call xml_DeclareNamespace(xf, "http://www.xml-cml.org/schema", "xml")
+  call xml_NewElement(xf, "cml:cml")
+  call xml_DeclareNamespace(xf, "http://www.w3.org/1999/svg", "svg")
+  call xml_NewElement(xf, "svg:svg")
+  call xml_DeclareNamespace(xf, "http://www.toby.org", "cml")
+  call xml_NewElement(xf, "cml:toby")
+  call xml_Close(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_Namespaces_8.out b/wxml/test/test_xml_Namespaces_8.out
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bb697cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_Namespaces_8.out
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Attempt to assign incorrect URI to prefix 'xml'
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_Namespaces_9.f90 b/wxml/test/test_xml_Namespaces_9.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9ab9524
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_Namespaces_9.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xmlf_t, xml_OpenFile, xml_Close
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xml_NewElement, xml_DeclareNamespace
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call xml_OpenFile(filename, xf)
+  call xml_DeclareNamespace(xf, "http://www.xml-cml.org/schema", "xmlns")
+  call xml_NewElement(xf, "cml:cml")
+  call xml_DeclareNamespace(xf, "http://www.w3.org/1999/svg", "svg")
+  call xml_NewElement(xf, "svg:svg")
+  call xml_DeclareNamespace(xf, "http://www.toby.org", "cml")
+  call xml_NewElement(xf, "cml:toby")
+  call xml_Close(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_Namespaces_9.out b/wxml/test/test_xml_Namespaces_9.out
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..30df27a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_Namespaces_9.out
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Attempt to declare 'xmlns' prefix
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_NewElement.sh b/wxml/test/test_xml_NewElement.sh
new file mode 120000
index 0000000..eeaed3f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_NewElement.sh
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_NewElement_0.f90 b/wxml/test/test_xml_NewElement_0.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1e16ba1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_NewElement_0.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xmlf_t
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xml_NewElement
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call xml_NewElement(xf, "root")
+end program test
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_NewElement_0.out b/wxml/test/test_xml_NewElement_0.out
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..91de3dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_NewElement_0.out
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Tried to manipulate an XML File which is not open
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_NewElement_1.f90 b/wxml/test/test_xml_NewElement_1.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a4f2a99
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_NewElement_1.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xmlf_t, xml_OpenFile, xml_Close
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xml_NewElement
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call xml_OpenFile(filename, xf)
+  call xml_NewElement(xf, "root")
+  call xml_Close(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_NewElement_1.xml b/wxml/test/test_xml_NewElement_1.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dfa8d65
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_NewElement_1.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_NewElement_2.f90 b/wxml/test/test_xml_NewElement_2.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a0eddbe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_NewElement_2.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xmlf_t, xml_OpenFile, xml_Close
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xml_NewElement
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call xml_OpenFile(filename, xf)
+  call xml_NewElement(xf, "!root")
+  call xml_Close(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_NewElement_2.out b/wxml/test/test_xml_NewElement_2.out
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..83f211b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_NewElement_2.out
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Invalid Element Name !root
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_NewElement_3.f90 b/wxml/test/test_xml_NewElement_3.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3b4eff2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_NewElement_3.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xmlf_t, xml_OpenFile, xml_Close
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xml_NewElement, xml_EndElement
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call xml_OpenFile(filename, xf)
+  call xml_NewElement(xf, "root")
+  call xml_EndElement(xf, "root")
+  call xml_NewElement(xf, "root2")
+  call xml_Close(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_NewElement_3.out b/wxml/test/test_xml_NewElement_3.out
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7e96bf4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_NewElement_3.out
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+ERROR(wxml) in writing to file 
+Two root elements: root2
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_NewElement_4.f90 b/wxml/test/test_xml_NewElement_4.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3d13aa3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_NewElement_4.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xmlf_t, xml_OpenFile, xml_Close
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xml_NewElement
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call xml_OpenFile(filename, xf)
+  call xml_NewElement(xf, "toby:root")
+  call xml_Close(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_NewElement_4.out b/wxml/test/test_xml_NewElement_4.out
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..28c61d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_NewElement_4.out
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+ERROR(wxml) in writing to file 
+Namespace prefix not registered: toby
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_NewElement_5.f90 b/wxml/test/test_xml_NewElement_5.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..27090b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_NewElement_5.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xmlf_t, xml_OpenFile, xml_Close
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xml_NewElement, xml_AddDOCTYPE
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call xml_OpenFile(filename, xf, validate=.true.)
+  call xml_AddDOCTYPE(xf, "html", "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml")
+  call xml_NewElement(xf, "root")
+  call xml_Close(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_NewElement_5.out b/wxml/test/test_xml_NewElement_5.out
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..99d2b62
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_NewElement_5.out
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+ERROR(wxml) in writing to file 
+Root element name does not match DTD
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_NewElement_6.f90 b/wxml/test/test_xml_NewElement_6.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8af2258
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_NewElement_6.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xmlf_t, xml_OpenFile, xml_Close
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xml_NewElement
+  use FoX_common, only : FoX_set_fatal_errors
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call FoX_set_fatal_errors(.true.)
+  call xml_OpenFile(filename, xf)
+  call xml_NewElement(xf, "!root")
+  call xml_Close(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_NewElement_6.out b/wxml/test/test_xml_NewElement_6.out
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2e6dc0a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_NewElement_6.out
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+FoX error made fatal
+Invalid Element Name !root
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_NewElement_7.f90 b/wxml/test/test_xml_NewElement_7.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bb8be36
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_NewElement_7.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+program test
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xmlf_t, xml_OpenFile, xml_Close
+  use FoX_wxml, only : xml_NewElement, xml_EndElement
+  use FoX_common, only : FoX_set_fatal_errors
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf
+  call FoX_set_fatal_errors(.true.)
+  call xml_OpenFile(filename, xf)
+  call xml_NewElement(xf, "root")
+  call xml_EndElement(xf, "root")
+  call xml_NewElement(xf, "root2")
+  call xml_Close(xf)
+end program test
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_NewElement_7.out b/wxml/test/test_xml_NewElement_7.out
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e4c27ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_NewElement_7.out
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+FoX error made fatal
+ERROR(wxml) in writing to file 
+Two root elements: root2
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_Openfile.sh b/wxml/test/test_xml_Openfile.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..4106aff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_Openfile.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+INCFLAGS=`../../FoX-config --fcflags --wxml`
+rm -f test.xml
+make test_xml_Openfile_1.exe
+./test_xml_Openfile_1.exe > /dev/null 2>&1
+if [ -f test.xml ]; then
+   echo we passed
+   PASSED=yes
+   echo we failed
+   PASSED=no
+./passed.sh $PASSED "file creation with default unit number"
+rm -f test.xml
+# check for creation with non-default file handle.
+make test_xml_Openfile_2.exe
+./test_xml_Openfile_2.exe> /dev/null 2>&1
+if [ -f test.xml ]; then
+   PASSED=yes
+   PASSED=no
+./passed.sh $PASSED "file creation with non-default unit number"
+rm -f test.xml
+# check that we replace existing file by default
+echo TESTINPUT > test.xml
+make test_xml_Openfile_1.exe
+./test_xml_Openfile_1.exe> /dev/null 2>&1
+if grep -v TESTINPUT test.xml >/dev/null; then
+   PASSED=yes
+   PASSED=no
+./passed.sh $PASSED "file creation replacement by default"
+rm -f test.xml
+# check that we create a new file when we ask to.
+# This should fail ...
+echo TESTINPUT > test.xml
+make test_xml_Openfile_3.exe
+./test_xml_Openfile_3.exe >/dev/null 2>&1
+if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+   PASSED=yes
+   PASSED=no
+./passed.sh $PASSED "file creation without replacement"
+rm -f test.xml
+echo TESTINPUT > test.xml
+make test_xml_Openfile_1.exe
+./test_xml_Openfile_1.exe> /dev/null 2>&1
+if grep -v TESTINPUT test.xml >/dev/null; then
+   PASSED=yes
+   PASSED=no
+./passed.sh $PASSED "file creation specifying REPLACE"
+rm -f test.xml
+make test_xml_Openfile_4.exe
+rm -f test.xml
+./test_xml_Openfile_4.exe> test.out 2>&1
+if diff test.out test_xml_Openfile_4.out | grep "^>" > /dev/null; then
+   PASSED=no
+   PASSED=yes
+./passed.sh $PASSED "Trying to create file twice"
+rm -f test.xml
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_Openfile_1.f90 b/wxml/test/test_xml_Openfile_1.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4140cc1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_Openfile_1.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+program test_xml_Openfile
+  use FoX_wxml
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf1
+  call xml_OpenFile(filename, xf1)
+  call xml_Close(xf1, empty=.true.)
+end program test_xml_Openfile
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_Openfile_2.f90 b/wxml/test/test_xml_Openfile_2.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b597d96
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_Openfile_2.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+program test_xml_Openfile
+  use FoX_wxml
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf1
+  call xml_OpenFile(filename, xf1, unit=20)
+  !TOHW FIXME use check 20 is open and attached to filename
+end program test_xml_Openfile
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_Openfile_3.f90 b/wxml/test/test_xml_Openfile_3.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cf5047b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_Openfile_3.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+program test_xml_Openfile
+  use FoX_wxml
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf1
+  call xml_OpenFile(filename, xf1, replace=.false.)
+end program test_xml_Openfile
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_Openfile_4.f90 b/wxml/test/test_xml_Openfile_4.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9f52152
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_Openfile_4.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+program test_xml_Openfile
+  use FoX_wxml
+  implicit none
+  character(len=*), parameter :: filename = 'test.xml'
+  type(xmlf_t) :: xf1
+  call xml_OpenFile(filename, xf1)
+  call xml_OpenFile(filename, xf1)
+end program test_xml_Openfile
diff --git a/wxml/test/test_xml_Openfile_4.out b/wxml/test/test_xml_Openfile_4.out
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aa20968
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wxml/test/test_xml_Openfile_4.out
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Trying to reopen an already-open XML file

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/debian-science/packages/libfox95.git

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